0^^[^S30C=Z=)| [0l[0l[0l|g=30^^|^^30J^^I°] M o D D o D CONFEDERATE GRAY BOOK 1912 o |c=z=30i=iD l lc===ioi===J (o1loiro]r^^^o^===>llc==noi===3 RaphaelSemmesCampNo. 1 1 United Confederate Veterans Mobile, Alabama M ol[^^^OE rn^^[o|[o|[G'' |c=ioi::^3llc=iioi=z=Di [o] h^^ C!TY iREALESTATE Bell Phone I Notary Public 436 l^^^^^H^ C Clark, Wm. Cotlin, John J. Cowley, .lohn F. Canovan, .las. Clasby, John. Connors, Wm. F. Crivilari, Thos. Caraway, 1j. T. Cicaiola, J. B. Clarke, John I. Clarke, M. J. ROSTER OF CAMP. Cox, Wm. Coleman, J. C. Coleman, L. F. W. Banner, A. C. Denby, Chae. Dennis, Thos. Hodgson, Wm. Dorman, Thos. T. ;)uti', Jthn .A Davison, P. M. 5f Davis, D, ^ Davis, S. W. )^ Davis, J. W. Davenport, Horace. Daniels, Jasper. Delacrox, J. D. Deakle, John, Dunivan, M, S. Daly. R, E„ Sr. Dreisbach, Chas, Eastment, W. A. Everett, T. J. Foster, W. G. Field, S. S. Faith, L. H. Field, C. P. Farmer, Henry. Farris, W. J. French, Geo. W. French, H. W. Gibson, Levi D. Goodloe. Henry T. Greenwood, W. H. H. Grove, J. J. Gordon, Thos. B. Green Jno. G. Gwinn, C. B. Gazzam, Chas. W. Gerald, C, F. George, Wm. H. Gussman. A. V. Goff, J. E. Harris, J. L, Hodgson, Jas. Hagerman, John. Hanly, F. H. Hearn, R. M. )(^Hood, I. Hamburger, M, Hamilton, W, T. IIeri)in, A. L. Hubbard, A. J. Ilud.^ins, A. Hays, A. 11. Hutchison, W. P. Ilasselventer, Adam. Hiiies, Jno, G. Hinckey, Geo. H. Hood, L. A. y Hopkins, C. F. Irwin, Lee T. Ingalls, W, W, V Jennette, Frank R, Johnston, Ellitt W, Jones, Harvey E, Jordan, R, B. Judge, M. T, Jackson, J, W, Johnson, A, H. Jones, Geo, H, Jones, E, S„ Sr, Johnson, C. L. Knassen, Frank. Kelly, W. H, Kerr, A. M. Levy, A. G. Lyman, E, B, Labuzan, J, C. Lambert, R. A. Lockwood, H. A. y Lyndall, Geo. T. ^ Lake, T. H. Lambard, J, S. Lining, J, D. Loving, H, W. Lloyd, Thos, B. Lundy, J, M, Labuzan, C, Sr. Malone, H. R. Mickle, Wm. E. Monk, Wm. H„ Sr, Marston, J, W. Mathews, Fletcher. Moore, Rittenhouse. Marston, S. J. March, G. W. Murphree, Jas. W. McRae, L. W. McBride, Thos. C. McCarron, Neil. Nicholas, Jerome. Nettles, C. C. Niolon, J. M. Noel, Benj. O'Rourke, T. F. X Osborne, Wm, E, Pistole, A. B, Powers, John F. Pidal, J, B, Preston, F. S. Primo, Aug. Prima, M. Parker, Marsene, Pierce, J, Cato, Wm., Sr. \, HenJrix, J, B. .^ Priester, R, P. THOSE MARKED X-DECEASB© Sj Pittard, Eugene. ^ Powell, Wm. M. Ronwick, John. R:nauld, N. Ray field, L. E. Rondeau, E. T. Reid, Jas. T. Rickart, C. C. Rodregus, J. L. Semmes, O. J. Simpson, Jno. R. Spotswood, Thos. E. X Spratley, J. W. ■ Savage, R. A. Schlobohm, W. Seifert, F. i Smallwood, V/m. Sygalas, C. Saxon, W. B. )s Dumas, R. X Sutton, J. E. Stapleton, E. M. Savage, J. T. S'kelly, F. y Stone, A. J. Spear, A. B. Sefert, M. Sheridan, T. J. Sachoff, C. F. Shaw, J. Y. Taylor, Albert. Tlirower E. T. n OUR HONORED DEAD. Taylor, E. S. Todd, C. A. Taggert, J. A. Touart, Stephen. Tate, Clarence. Thrasher, W. W. VVerbeck, E. Whiting, .J. W. Williams, Price, .Ir. X Wright, Thos. A. Worthington, C. M. Woods, T. M. Warner, Theo. A. Williams, Chas. M. Yuille, R. L., Sr. Allen, W. P Co. 1, 21st Ala. Aubert, F. H Co. K, 21st Ala. Addington, D. D Co. F, 4th Ala. Abrams, W. T Co. D, 4th Ala. Andrews, W. H Co. A, 13th Ala. Anderson, Warren A.. .Co. D, 11th Ala. Barnes, Thos. Q C. S. N. Barney, W^m. H Batchelor, Wm. L A. S. A. Beylle, J. J Fenner's La. Bat. Boulmet, Aug Co. K, 21st Ala. Brown. Ross 21st Ala. Buch, E. H Co. F, 42nd Ala. Burgess. Robt Co. F, 8th Ala. Cav. Bennett, J. M Co. D, 5th Miss. Blalack, C. R Co. A, 4th Ala. Bonifay, M. (Q. M.)..Co. C, 15th Cav. Boone, T. A . .Co. A, 1st R., 5th Div. Mo. S. G. Bradley, F. M Co. C, 40th Ala. Brutton, Thos Bledsoe's Battery Bryant, — . — 3rd Ala. Cav. Burgess, — . — . . . .Croshon's Dragoons Baird, Henry C Co. E, 3rd Ala. Barnett, John W Co. H, 21st Ala. Boulo, Paul Co. E, 21st Ala. Byrnes, Jas Co. I, 21st Ala. Brazier, Wm. H., . .Co. K, 9th G. S. T. Bestor, D. P Co. D, 37th Miss. Bickley, F. O Co. D, 3rd Ala. Byrd, S. A Co. E, 36th Ala. Bray, Jno. W. ..Co. C, Ala. Lt. Arty. Bennett, Wm Brunt, Jas Cary, M. V. B Chandler, John L. (Jno. N.), A. of P. Crawley, J. J Canny, John Charpenter, S. . .Charpenter's Battery Coggin, J. M Talliferro's Brigade Colston, Peter Z., Co. K, 4th La. Vols. Connelly, Thos Lee Life Guards Copley, W. S Co. C, 40th Ala. Covington. A. W Co. C, 8th Ala. Cox, Geo. W Co. D, 38th Ala. Crawford, R. C Co. D, 8th Ala. Crichton, Hugh R., Co. F. 47th N. C. i. Cuthbert, John C Co. G, 24th Ala. Cahal, Frank B Co. B, Gages' Bat. Carney, M. O Co. G, 24th Ala. Carney, Peter P Champenois, Jno. F., Co. E, 3d Ala Cav Cravey, M. M..Co. F, 3rd Ga. Reserves Cleveland, N. K.. .Co. H, 15th Con. Cav Cox, Frank H., Co. B, 1st Bat. Ala Cdts Cuthbert, Van L Co. B, 3rd Ala. Chambers, Jas. E Co. C, 17th Miss. Christian, Jno. M Co. C, 21st Ala. Cole, J. W Co. F, 46th Miss. Crowley, J. J Co. H, 21st Ala. Cortright, Jerome S., Co. A, 21st Ala. Carson, T. A Co. K, 5th Ala. Carter, J. A Gage's Battery Campbell, Wm. B...W. L. I., 21st Ala. Cunningham, S. A... Co. L, 27th Miss. Cherry, Geo. A Co. A, Continentals Cothran, Jno. J Co. A, 21st Ala. Oc ^^^i/jtr ^^'^ ^ ^^ ^ Dane, R 15th Ala. Cav. Davenport, Follin, ...Co. E, 21st Ala. Duval, W. R Co. G, 15th Miss. Delabar, E. T., Co. A, 1st Bat Ala. Cdts Diard, Chas Dodge, S. C Co. A, Norman's Bat. Douglas, Leroy E Eng. Service. Dunlap, G. H., Jr Mobile Rifles. Dunlap, Geo. R Durant, N. E., Co. I, Wirt Adams Cav. Dumy, Jno. W Co. C, 8th Ala. Doran, Myles, Co. A, 1st Bat. Ala. Cdts Douglas, W. T Mobile Dragoons Depou, Thos C. S. N. Davis. D. W Co. A, A. S. A. Dennis, F. H Co. D, 14th Miss. Dykes, Rudolph. .Co. A, 9th Miss. Cav. Denman. Isaac Co. A, A. S. A. Eastbura, C. A 8th Ala. Ea.stbiirn, Harold 40th Ala. Enirich, .Jno. P 8th Ala. Eastburn. Eugene A... Co. A, 24th Ala. Enholm, J. B Co. A, 24th Ala. Eddington, D Co. B, 21st Ala. Felder, Rich'd. . . .3rd Ala. True Blues Festorazzi, S Co. G, 21st Ala. Fitzpatrick, J. B Co. C, 31st Miss. Flannagan. .1 Co. I, 8th Ala. Fitzgerald, J. M. . .Co. E, 3rJ Ala. Cav. Fowler, Geo. H. . .Wirt Adams' Cav. Frazier, .Joseph, Co. C, 11th S. C. Infty. French. David Co. E, 10th Miss. Foster, Thos. B., Crochon Lt. Dragoons Howard, A. T Co. H, 38th Ala. Hale, Henry. Co. C, 1st Bat. Heavy Art Henderson, Mathew D..Co. C, 8th Ala. Hennesy, .J. D Co. C, 1st La. Cav. Hansen, Michael Co. A, La. Harwell, Jesse G Co. G, 38th Ala. Hodgson, .Jos Co. K, 18th Ala. Hansen, J. M Co. A, La. Ireland. .Jas. D. ..Co. E, 20th N. C. T. Ingate, F Co. A, 13th La. .Jackson, B. F Co. A, A. S. A. Johnston, John La. Guards Art. Jones, A. B Co. D, 4th Ala. Jackson, A. J Co. D, 6th Ala. Jackson, J. M., Co. A, Charpenter's Bat Jackson, Jno. U Ketcham's Baty. Jenette, Albert H., Co. E, 3rd Ala. Cav. Johnson, Edw'd Co. I, 42nd Ala. Johnson, Jos E. (c) . .Charpenter's Bat. Johnston, Wm. H 5th Ark. Gaillard, Thos. . George, J. H. . . Gibson, J. C. . . Goodall. Wm. S Green, L. H. . . Griffin, H. L. . Gunnison, V. P. Goode, Burton . Gattrix, Joe . . . , Greenwood, Joe. Grey, C. B Golden, Patrick Grace, T. I.. .Co. Gray, S. P Gurganus, J. D. Gerrard, Robt. . Gardner, M. R. ..Mobile Lt. Dragoons Co. K, 11th Ala. Co. E, 36th Ala. Co. E, 21st Ala. Co. C, 32nd Ala. Co. B, 3rd Ala. Co. A, 3rd Ala. Co. G, 5th Ala. Co. G, 8th Ala. .Co. C, 15th Con. Cav. Co. F, 21st Ala. Co. F, 8th Ala. A, Hamilton's Batry. Co. F, 15th Con. Cav. Gillis, Cav. Co. F, 40th Ala. Huger, Chas. L Haas, A. A Co. E, 8th Ala. Hagan. Jas Mobile Dragoons. Hamilton, J. P Co. F, 40th Ala. Harris. W. \V Co. H, 3rd Ga. Baty. Harrison, T. L C. S. Navy. Hart, Jos Co. I, 8th Ala. Hartwell, T. C Co. A, 56th Ala. Harwell, C. R 3rd Ala. Henderson, Jas. M.Co. K, 1st Miss. Art Hodges, H. L Co. E, 21st Ala. Holmes, Jno. S Co. B, 3rd Ala. H ugar, Chas. H Co. R, Dreaux Bat. La Infty. Hutchinson, M. W Co. D, Ala. Res. Harris, S. L Co. C, 15th Con. Cav. Hall, Fred Cockrell's Co. Harris. I'.. I Co. I, 35th Ala. Halton, T. J Co. I?, 21st Ala. Kearns, H. G Co. A, A. S. A. Keenan, W. J Co. B. 1st Ala. Cdts Kendall, E. F Co. B, 8th Miss. Kennerly, L. H 1st Mo. Con. Reg. Kermey, D. H., Supt. R. R. Ala. & Miss. Ketchum, W. H Ketchum's Baty. Klosky, Simon C. S. Navy. XKerr, A. M Co. H, Con. Cav. King, Anting Co. I, 8th Ala. Kuhn, C. G. . .Artificer Jeff Davis Bat. Kimball, Chas. S Pelham Cadets. Langdon, Dan'l W Lea, W. J Charpenter's Baty. Ludlow, N. K Ledyard, Irwin Co. H, 3rd Ala. Little, W. G 22nd Ala. Lott, E. B Co. E, 36th Ala. Long, J. \V 1st Bat. Ala. Cadets. Litford, John.. Co. F, 15th Con. Baty. Litchfield, Geo. T Co. L, S. C. Vol. Logan, Dan W W. L. 1. Hampton's Legion. Lord, John ....Co. H, 15th Con. Cav. Livingston, E Co. A, 3rd Ala. Leary, Patrick Co. I, 8th Ala. Lott, J. P Co. I. 42nd Ala. Lundy, G. \V Co. I, 21st Ala. jjiimsden, Frank A Co. H, 15th Con. Cav. Ludlow. H. W Middlcton, Robt Co. E, 21st Ala. Malone. M. A Co. H, 8th Ala. March, \V. G 2nd Ala. Martin. Edw'd Guards Lafayette. Mickle, J. T Minare, E Houston Co. La. Mooiiey, J. R Co. A, 24th Ala. Mayrant, R. W Co. K, Srd Ala. Maguire, John Co. A, 5th Ala. INIeegan, A. F Co. I, 2nd Ala. Cav. .Meuiiuce, W. R Co. G, 14th Miss. Mittenight, C. C Co. I, 12th Ala. Miller, Chris Co. A, 21st La. Mulden, W. H Co. A, A. S. A. Munnell, .Jno. \V., Co. H, 15th Con. Cav. Muths, A Co. H, 21st Ala. Martin, A Co. A, 23rd Ala. Miller, B. T. Mc Co. F. Wirt Adams Cav. Marshall, J. L Co. F, 36th Infty. Musk, Phil Co. C. 21st Ala. Mickle, R. A 19th Ga., Baily's Reg. Minge, W. H. H Mobile Dragoons. Metzger, Geo Co. A, 21st Ala. Mann, J. W Co. B, 26th Ala. Miller, J. W., Co. E, 2nd Baty Ala. Art. Martin, C. B 1st Bat. Ga. Vol. Mclnnis, B. L...Co. K, 11th Ala. Infty. McKeon, Thos Co. B. 1st Bat. Ala. Cadets. McLean, J. M. M Co. a, A. S. A. McNeill, W. S 3rd Ala. McBride, .J as. ..Co. A. Ketchum's Bat. McConnell, C. E. .. .Corps Adams' Cav. McGregor, Antrico McLean .... Ashland Grays, 3rd Mo. S. G. McKinstry, Jas. R...Co. D, 42nd Ala. McDavid, W. H. H., Co. C, 2nd Ala. Vol Mclnnis, McM Co. E. 21st Ala. McAdory, .Jno. M Co. B, 24th Ala. McLeary, Robt S. C. Navy. MoGuire, .John Co. B, Ga. Vol. Newman, Aaron. . . .Co. B, 4th E. Tenn. Norton, Wm Co. B, 13th Miss. Oliver, Stark H Co. A, 3rd Ala. Overby, J. T . . . .Thomasville Guards, 2nd N. C. Owens, Geo. W Co. K, 21st Ala. O'Connor, D Co. A, Charpenter's Baty. Parker, Francis S College Cadets, S. C. Vol. Baton, Wm Co. A, 3rd Ala. Penny, F. T Eng. Dept. Peters, Curston A. S.A. Petty, Dan W., Co. B, 1st Bat. Ala. Cdts Phelan, N Co. C, 12th Ala. Pollard, John 1st Bat Ala. Cdts. Pendergrast, Jas Co. I, 8th Ala. Prichard, Cleve Co. A, 3rd Ala. Parker, Jaby J Co. B, 3rd Ala. Cav. Partridge, Thad Co. K, 21st Ala. Poole, W. K., ...Co. E, 44th Va. Infty. Porter, W. H Commissary Dept. Price, H. D. . .Co. A, 1st Bat. Ala. Cdts IfPrimo, M Co. A, 3rd Ala. Pickens, A. C. . .Co. C, Ala. Corps Cdts Pistole, G. W. ..Co. F, 15th Con. Cav. Patrick, Orinoco Co. I, 36th Ala. Philyaw, S. D Co. F, 5th Ala. Powell, Wm. H Co. E, 46th Ala. Price, R. H Co. K, 8th Con. Cav. Quattlebaum, E. R 4th Ga. Vol. Roper, Dick . . . . Rabby, Peter . . Rayford, A. R. . Reading, R. G. . Roberts, J. A. . . Robinson, G W., Roche, Thos. T.. Ryan, Wm. A. . Reafield, Wm. W Rain, Benton C. Reeder, R. C. . . . Rabby, D. C. ... Rea, Geo. H. . . . Rondeau, J. L. . . Russell, Jno. W. Ruff, W. E Russell, E. L. . . Russell, S. J. . . . Rapier, Jno. L. . Ryan, S. J. . .Co. Rasberrv, R. M . . 21st Ala. Co. E, 21st Ala. Co. A, A. S. A. Co. C, 9th La. Co. A, 3rd Ala. Co. I, Wirt Adams Cav Co. K, 16th IVIiss. Co. E, Sth Ala. Co. A, A. S. A. .Co. K, 15th Con. Cav. . .. Co. I, 42nd Ala. . . .Bellamy's Bat. Art. Co. B, 3rd Ala. Gage's Battery. Roussell) Co. I, 49th N. C. Co. F, 41st Miss Co. H, Sth Ala. St. Paul Co. G, 4th Ala. Reserves. 40th Ala. Sands, R. M Co. A, 3rd Ala. Sangruber, Edw'd Sheffield, F. A Co. B, 3rd Ala. Sheffield, Wm. H Co. K, 21st Ala. Sheridan, R., Jr Co. E, 36th Ala. Shoemaker, G. W.. .Co. I, 1st Va. Infty. Slatter, H. H Co. E, 21st Ala. Sloan, Matt S. S. Baltic. Smith, Dan 41st Miss. Spotswood, Geo. W. .Co. A, 2nd Fla Vol Stapleton, J. B. . .Co. C, 15th Cou. Cav. Stone, S. G Schooner Morgan. Stone, Thos. D Co. F, 21st Ala. Strauss, L Co. A, A. S. A. Stuardi, J. E Co. D, 24th Ala. Summersell, Jno. F. ..Co. A, 24th Ala. Schlatter, Jno. R.. .Co. C, 2nd Lt. Arty. Sibley, A. C Wirt Adams' Cav. Sims, F. M Co. G, 6th Tex. Infty. Smith, J. L Co. I, 12th Ala. Smith, Julius A Marion Art. ^nith, L Co. B, 1st Bat. Ala. Cdts. Sossiman, B Co. E, 21 Ala. Stanton, F. N Co. A, 21st Ala. Stirling, Jno. M Co. A, 12 Ala. Vol. Stevenson, M. L.. .Co. G. 18th N. C. Vol Stillo, F. E Co. D, 4th Ala. Scullv, Simon Co. B, 24th Ala. Southworth, C. E Co. K, 21st Ala. Siblev, O Co. A, 3rd Ala. Smith, G. W Co. E, 21st Ala. Stirling, Dan'l Co. A, 21st Ala. Schwamle, Chas Co. A, 23rd Ala. Stith, P. Eps Smith. A. B Co. B, 12th Ga. Bat. Sneider, J. B Co. G, 38th Ala. Smith, 3Iike Shoemaker, Geo. Wm Co. I, 1st Va.Intty. Taylor L. M Gen"l Polk's Escort. Tew, Chas. E 9th Miss Cav. Thomas, J. Grey ..Fort Macon, N. C. Thomas, J. Wesley.. Co. B, 12th Ala. Townsend, Geo. J Co. B, 1st Bat. Ala Cdts. Tucker, Jos. L 6th Ky. Tardy, .John A.. .Independent Rangers. Tucker, Mosely F Co. C, A. S. A. Tillinghast, J. W Co. B, A. S. A. Turner, Chas. L. .Co. K, 15th Con. Cav. Turner, Wm. H Co. A, 22nd Ala. Tuttle, Wm. H Charpenter's Baty Taggert, Jacob A Co. I, 24th Ala. Tompkins, Jno. R Van Antwerp, Garret.. Co. A, 21st Ala. Vaughan, E. B Co. G, 1st Ala. Bat. Vuscocich, Paul Vuscovich, Paul Vinas, John S. S. Morgan, C. S. N. Vass, Douglas Co. A, 3rd Ala. Verneuille, J. L Co. B, A. S. A. Ward, A. G Greensboro Guards. Williams, Dan Co. K, 1st Fla. Williams, Jas. M.. .Co. A, W. L. I No. 2. Williams, Jno. P Co. E, W. L. I, Grade's Co. Williams, Peter G. B. Morgan Walker, Chas. W Co. A, 21st Ala. Welch, Geo. W. . .Mobile Cdts, 3rd Ala. Whitaker, Benj. A Todd's Battery. Willis, B. C Co. E, 9th Va. Cav. Wolff, W. T Co. K, 21st Ala. Wood, Jas. M Co. A, 24th Ala. Williams, Jno. R Co. A, 12th Ala. Walker, W. B Co. A, 14th Mo. Woulard, B. F Co. B, 13th Miss. Wykoff, A. C. .Co. A, Mo. State Troops Wagoner, L. P. . .Co. A, 15th Con. Cav. Yuille, Jno. C Ketchum's Baty. Yukers, J. M Co. C, 12th Ala. Ziegler, G. G 1st Reg. Rifles, Malitia S. C. "i-jLtneist,i9'2.(o June 1st, Officers Raphael Semmes Camp No. 11, V. C. V., for the term June 1st, 1912, to June 1st, 1913: Dr. T. J. Savage Commander M. J. Clark, First Lieutenant Commander Jnf). I. Clark Second Lieutenant Commander L. A. liood Third Lieutenant Commander It. E. Daly, Sr Adjutant .fuo. M. Nlolon Treasurer Will. I f. P.aiKToft Sergeant Major and Custodian I., n. Gilison Color Sergeant .(no. .\. Diifl' First Color Guard .riH). (;. Iliiu'K Second Color Guard Dr. W. T. Ilaiiiilloii Surgeon II. A. Lnckwo.Kl Chaplain C. 8. A. (By Father Ryan.) Do we weep for the heroes who died for us? Who living were true and tried for us, And dying sleep side by side for us — The Martyr-band That hallowed our land With the blood they shed in a tide for us. Ah! fearless on many a day for us They stood in the front of the fray for us. And held the foeman at bay for us. And tears should fall Fore'er o'er all Who fell while wearing the gray for us. How many a glorious name for us, How many a story of fame for us. They left, — would it not be blame for us. If their memories part From our land and heart, And a wrong to them, and shame for us? No, no, no, they were brave for us, And bright the lives they gave for us, — The land they struggled to save for us Will not forget Its warriors yet Who sleep in so many graves for us. On many and many a plain for us Their blood poured down all in vain for us, Rich, red and pure, — like a rain for us, They bleed, — we weep. We live, — they sleep — "All Lost" — the only refrain for us. But their memories e'er shall remain for us, And their names, bright names, without strain for us, The glory they won shall not wane for us, In legend and lay Our heroes in gray S'hall forever live over again for us. Purity Drug Store The Be^ Only Canal and Conception Streets R. Chrisman EAerything the very best in Staple and Fancy Groceries 113 North Joachim Street Mobile Fish & Oyster Co. Wholesalers and Retailers Distributors to all Points in the United States Mobile, Ala. Clothes Hospital Peerless Pressing Parlor (Dr.) R. M. Sheridan, Specialist Modern Sanitary, Hygienic Methods Consultation and Diagnosis Free OFFICE HOURS AMBULANCE CALL 7 a. m. to 7 p. m. Bell 2244 Office at Kaiserhoff, S. Conception St. Southern Fuel & Material Co. Building Material Lime, Cement, Sand, Gravel, Plasler, Laths, Shingles Both Phones 2064 Office and Docks Foot Palmetto St. ADAMS ADVERTISING BUREAU ADVERTISING COUNSELLORS Home Phone 1170 70 St. Micflxel St. The Whitehead & Hoag Company Badges, Advcrtisui}^ Novelties, (jold cuid i'liuuucl But- tons cnid Society E}uble)us. Loviii}^ Cups tj/u/ 'i"ro])/iic'.s /!.■// i'/K.Mc i(>n IIII.ODOR KUOail A/Ur., A/.W.il.- linuuli 211 S(. /.oius S(., MO/n/.K, .\/..\. CONFEDERATE MONUMENT In Park Extention, Savannah, Ga. CONFRDKKATK MONUiMKNT Third Aveiua-, LouisvilK', Ky. We Lead Others Follow PETER SMITH Dealer In FRESH VEGETABLES Steamboats and Ships Sup- plied. Stall No. 10 Southern Market. Bell Phone 797 Home Phone 1646 MOBILE, ALA. THE OFFICE ASSISTANT STENOGRAPHERS and MULTIGRAPHISTS All work .^rid:ly confiden- tial and guaranteed Wc arc the Pioneers— Establish- ed 7 Years. I. V. LEBEAU, Manager Room 2, Bank of Mobile Building BELL PHONE 2904 GOOD MEATS Mobile Auto Tire Works ORLO GLEASO^, Prop. Reduced Prices on Repair Work. Agent for Fisk Tires Olde^ and mo^t reliable up-to-date shop in Mobile. FREE AIR HAAS BROS. Southern Market BEEF PORK MUTTON 257 SI. \Iichacl SI. Bell Phone 2518 GEO. LAUBER Manuf;icturer of Light Carriages, Fine Delivery U agons Buggies, Etc. Automobile and Carriage Repairing Painting anil 1 rimming a Specally Rubber lires Tut on 103-10.1 Theatre Street Mobil.', Ahi McGraw's Shoe Store Men's and Women's Shoes All Grades Mobile. Ala. M. J. VICKERS & SON .i7 sr. 1-R.\NCIS .STREET Real Estite, Morlgnge Loans and Fire Insurance R.'iit Collections a Specialty No. 6() Government St. B. GUP Merchant Tailor Agency for Reading Standard ^VV/'m Vm' '!?., Bicycles 'All Work Guaranteed. Bell Ph. .(2SI SCHEUERMANN & CO. E. W. SCHEUERMANN, PROP. MOTORCYCLES, BICYCLES SUNDRIES AND STENCILS Second Hand Bicycles Bought, Sold and Repaired ,i07 Dauphin Street .Mobile, Ala. 19 N. Conception St. Mobile, .\la. A. S T R E B Bakery and Confectionery Dealer in Staple and Fancy Groceries Home Phone 2')0 Henderson Iron Works Company IRON AND BRASS POUNDERS MACHINIST.S & BLACKSMITHS 311 South Water Street Bell Telepone .UOb-Long Distance Connetlions 271 N. Royal St. M BUCKLEY, V. Pres M. V. YEEND, Pres. A. CARROLL M- McCOSKER O'Conneirs Millinery Co. Dealers in hnported Millinery 2.iS Dau|)liin Street Mobile. Ala. Staub's Up-to-date Shop Souvenir Po^l Cards Novelty Stationery and Dennison Crepe Paper 22.5 Dauphin Street BADGETT'S RELIGIOUS AND NOVELTY HOUSE 1. ]. BADGKTI RELIGIOUS ARTICLES, TOYS, NOTIONS, PICTURE FRAMING AND SCHOOL SUPPLIES MOBILE, .\LA. Nm(.i)iies, <'arri:iges, I'.uggies, Wagons, Bicycles, .Saddlery and Harness THOS. WAGNER 209 .ST. FRANCIS STREET .MiOVK NFiW C.AWTHON HOTKL MOBILE. ALABAMA \,,s. 'I .ind 11 \ N\ ■1, \!..l.il.. \li F. M. BALL WEG THE SHOE REP.\IR M.\N .\11 Work Guaranteed Ko Dauphin St.. Bet. Hamilton .«< Lawerence Sis. Mor.ll 1 . ALABAMA W. p. ROBERTS HI \1. ESI A IK .\M) LO,\NS l<,„„n 112 M. >i' lemple Mol'.ll 1 . \1 \. SAM DAVIS OF TENNESSEE Monument on Grounds of Tennessee State Copitol, Nashville, Tenn. This monument is erected by contri- butions from citizens of every State in the American Union, on the site author- ized by the Fifty-first General Assembly of the State of Tennessee, 1909. MONUMENT In Confederate Circle, Mt. Olivet Ceme- tery, over 1,492 soldiers, killed or died in the Confederate Army. Erected by the citizens of Davidson County, Tennessee. CONFEDERATE MONUMENT JUNCTION Ol MUI.HKKRY AND SECOND STKKKTS, MACON, GEORC.IA ERECTED TO THE MEMORY Ol IHE WOMEN OF THE SOUTH BY THEIR HUSBANDS, FATHERS, SONS AND DAUGHTERS MACON, GA. 36 YEARS IN ACTIVE PRACTICE VETERINARIAN ASSISTANCE Office and Hospital 258 St. Michael St. OFFICE PHONES: Home 2b8 Bei.l 330 RESIDENCE PHONES: Home 1872 Bell 334 Rohmer Creamery Company DEALERS IN DAIRY PRODUCTS 667 DAUPHIN ST., MOBILE, ALA. Phone us your order; We deliver promptly all over town Creamery Phone : Dairy Phone : Bell 3302 Bell 1438-J Rolf Seeberg Ship Chandlery Co. wholesale GROCERIES, DECK AND ENGINE SUPPLIES <][ Cotton Canvas in all widths suit- able for Wagon Covers, Tar- paulins, etc. <][ Supplies for Launches, Yachts and Sail Boats. ^'---f; TTi/-...-ii riimnr*; Dvsoeosia, Aif^nt Losses, j^i\ti i_^i»».ii3v..t, Troubles slTe^ial and Ne'^rvous Diseases of Women and Men, \\ omb Trouble, Catarrh, Stricture, Discharges. m Cutting No Pain No Delay Irom Business Ol 1 ICK Hours: ') a. m. to S p. m. Sundays from 10 a. m. to 2 p. m. (Jraduate of one of the leading Universities. Successfully passed Medi- cal examination of Alabama. Lousiana and 1 exas. 210 DAUPHIN ST.. Ovf.r Kf-nny's Tea Store MOBILE, ALABAMA J. T. ATKINSON M. J. LAWLEK, SR. LAWLER & ATKINSON PRACTICAL DEALERS IN HIGH GRADE MONUMENTS MARBLE. STONE. GRANITE-BUILDING AND CEMETERY ^VORK Bell Plioiic -3168 OUiceand Yard: 159 N. ROYAL ST TROY STEAM LAUNDRY H. V. BACHELDF.R, Proprietor. 56 St. Emanuel St. MOBILE, ALA. FIRST-CLASS WORK AND PROMPT DELIVERY. Both Phones Dealer in Gasoline Engines, Marine, Stationary, Tractors and Hoisters .See our 1912 •'Perfeolion;' Runs in Wa.or nn i.l. U.-ir new isinilor. No Batteries, Coil or S\s H* 1'. 1 '.>ul. les ended, (luaranlced perferl. 8 and 10 ContI St. and 21 and 23 S Water St. ll.,me fhone .VM MOl'-lLK, ALA. GENERAL JOHN A. WAGENER Born July 21, 1810; Died August 27, 1878 Monument in German Cemetery, Charleston, South Carolina. CONl-EDKKATK MONUMKN f IN MAGNOLIA CKMKTERY, ( HARI.KSTON, SOl'IH CAROLINA D. N. Browne & Co. REAL ESTATE, STOCKS AND BONDS 61 St. Francis St., Mobile, Ala. SOUTHERN HAT CO. PRACTICAL HATTERS 211 ST. FRAXCISST. Ladies' and Men's Hats Refinished, and made over from old shapes to Latest Styles THOMAS MARTIN THE CHRISTIAN-MOERLEIN BREWING CO.'S CELEBRATED CINCINNATI LAGER BEER TURNER-HARTWELL DOCKS CO. MOBILE, ALABAMA Bell Phone 1330 Esilablished 1895 My INIottO: Come once and you ^vill come again Latest Styles in Photos Brown's Art Studio JOHN F. BROWN, Prop. Fine Post Cards Kodak Finishing 254 Dauphin St. Between Joachim and Jackson Streets STAR DRUG STORE COMBEL & PEREZ, Props. APPRECIATES YOUR TRADE S. W. Cor. .Madison and Conception Streets .MOBILE, ALA. Bell Phone 285 Home Phone 544 GU STAVE GASS DKAI.ER IN PICTURE FRAMES AND MOULD- INGS, PICTURE FRAMES MADE TO ORDER 5.i7 DALPHL\ STREET. MOBILE, AL.\. ROYAL THEATRE 106 DAUPHIN ST. HIGH GRADE MOVING PICTURES Campbell & Patron Cleaning and Pressing Alterations of all Kinds Ladies Tailoring a Specialty 269>^ Dauphin St. Mobile Galveston Pensacola A good Shoe Shop in three good towns GUS. SEIPLE Hardware and Expert Lock- smith 406 Dauphin St. Iron Safe Work a Specialty When in a Hurry Phone Us Your Order. Mattel & Lynch Dealers in Family and Fancy Groceries. Fruits and Delicatessen Smith's Bread and Cakes N. W. ROYAL AND ESLAVA STS. The Grocery With the Service. Bell Phone 90 Home Phone 1660 Kunz, Cowles & Frisbie Phones: Home 1534 Bell 2471 10 N. COMMERCE ST. Mobile, Ala. Grocers and Ship Chandlers Wire Rope, Paints, Oils, Cotton Duck, Cordage and Pro- visions. Ships Disbursed. Consignments Solicited Typewriter Sales Co. Dealers In All Makes o f Standard Typewriters Sales Agents 57 St. Francis St. L. C. Smith & Bros., .,^o„ n- at a Typewriters MOBILE, ALA. Machines Repaired and Rebuilt "AT HOME"— ''Down Mobile" All Repair Work Guaranteed. Bell I'hone l.^S(j J. C Hensch Merchant Tailor No. 3 N. Water Street. MOBILE, -:- ALABAMA Bell I'honc 1066 Home I'hone 1.UI6 James Gibboney & Company MOBILE, ALA. Steamship Agents and Brokers BUNKER AND EXPORT COAL AGENTS: Munson Steamship Line and Atlantic & Mexican Gulf Steamship Co. Chas. Baumhauer Jos. Espalla, Jr., & Co. sta£i£^£id^^£nc^^!2££±^ Heal i'.stale, iMir.mcial and lusiii.mce .\;;ents KIMS \ si-l-.ClAl.l 't' 62 N. Kovai St. MOi'.ll.i:, .\LA. Home Phone 221 P'ell Phone 175^ S. W. Cor. Daupiiin and Scott Sis. MOBILE, ALA. BENJAMIN HARVEY HILL Monument in Georgia State Capitol at Atlanta, Ga. CONFRDRRATK MONUMENT In West View Comotery, Atlanta, Ga. PATRONIZE The Crown Theatre IT 'ILL BE APPRECIATED NORVILLE BROS. THE SPIRIT OK THE NEW SOUTH PROGRESSIVE, AGGRESSIVE, HONEST Real Estate, Insurance, Rents PLUMBING AND HEATING L. J. LEAHY 1 04 N. Royal St., Mobile, Ala. Marine Supply Co. Gasoline Engines, Marine Hardware Mortor Boat Supplies Bell Phone 301 Water and St. iNIichael Sts. We give our personal attention to all our customers and absolutely guar- antee the quality of every- thing we sell Mobile Delicatessen AND GROCERY iM. SCHNEIDER, Prop. Jackson, Corner St. Michael Street Bell Phone 378 Mobile, Ala. Klosky's New Italian Garden and Buffet In a class by itself for every- thing good to eat and drink. Up-to-date inusicand singing from 12to2:30and6to 11p.m. A. E. STILES, Proprietor JNO. J. DAMRICH SHOES Sole Agents for "SOROSIS" and WiCHERT & GARDINER The Leading Shoes for Women, also STACY, ADAMS & CO.'S Men's Fine Shoes, and "AMERICAN" Be^ $4.00 Men's Shoe on Earth 105 DAUPHIN ST. MOBILE, ALA. Uwanta Pressing Club Cleaners and Dyers Main office 8 N. Royal Street Mobile, Ala. Stonewall Insurance Co. 56 St. Michael Street MOBILE, ALABAMA Capital $150,000.00 Net Assets for Protection of Policy Holders $305,000.00 GRISSWELL THE Cleaner and Dyer HOME PHONE 1868 267 St. Michael St. MOBILE -:- ALA. J. POLLOCK & CO, Manufacturers, Importers, p:xporters Dry Goods and Notions Hosiery and Furnishing Goods. 6, 8, 10 and 12 South Water St. and 59 and 61 Dauphin St. Mobile, Ala. Taylor, Loweiistein & Co. Naval Stores Factors and Exporters MOBILE, ALA. BUSH & RECK Ladies' and Gents' Tailors 116C0NTI STREET Mobile, Ala. Hobart- xMclntosh Co. garage: Accessories Repairs BOTH PHONES 6 Government and Jackson St. CODES: Western Union, Watkins', Scott's and A. B. C. Anglo-American Ship Chandlery Co. Groceries, Deck and Engine Supplies Conti and Commerce Sts. Mobile, Ala. Harris & Finch Grocery Co. Grocers and Feed Dealers 450-152 Dauphin Street Bell Phone 900 Home Phone 501 GEORGIA STATE MONUMENT On Chickamauga, Ga., Battlefield MARYLAND STATE MONUMENT In Chickamauga Park, Ga. DICK DOWLING MONUMENT KRECTKD K) THK MEMORY OF THE HEROIC DEED OF DICK DOWLING AND FORTY -TWOOTHER IRISHMEN WHO DEFEATED 15,000 AT SABINE I'ASS, TEXAS. This l)nivo little band of Irishmen, with two cannon, in a battle lasting about thirty minutes disabled the Federal gunboats Clifton and Sachem and crippled another gunboat. Over one hundred Federals were killed and 429 prisoners, together with the two disabled gunboats, were captured, while the Confederates did not lose a man. Thus end- i-(l tin- attc-nipl nv.KJr by l.S,000 Federals to land on Texas soil. let Us MaM YourSut We guarantee fit and qual- ity. Give us a call and be convinced. C. C. Williams Clothing" Co. 401 DAUPHIN ST. Marinello Shop Marie E. Patterson 57 ST. JOSEPH STREET Bell Phone 2937 Marinello Preparations for Sale Facial Massage. Bleaching, Wrinkle and .\strin- gent Masks, Melhine Treatments, Electrolysis, .Manicuring, Shampooing. Hair Dressing, Scalp Treatments a Specialty. Prismatic Ray and An- tiseptic Hot Oil Treatments, Hair Work. Junger & Gass Co. Pianos, Organs and Music Mandolins, Violins, Guitars, Etc. Special Agents for the LEADING PIANOS AND ORGANS of the United States S. E. Cor. Dauphin and Joachim Sts. Eugene Thoss, Jr, Bicycles and Bicycle Supplies BASE BALL GOODS 402 Dauphin Street. Repairing of all kinds done Correctly and on Short ISotice. Bell Phone 9 1 4 Home Phone 940 Provost FarrowCoalCo. Dealers in all kinds of Wood and Coal Phones: Home 206, Bell 49 YARDS: ROYAL STREET, between Canal and Madison Streets With Be^ Wishes From The City Bank & Trust Company Mobile's Progressive Bank Elmer Maddox Importer and .Manufacturer of ARTISTIC MEMORIALS Office and Salesroom St. Louis and Royal Streets BELL PHONE 1930 Mobile, Ala. Alabama F\$\\ & Oys- ter Company Shippers ot Fine Fish and Oysters P. 0. Box 344 115 S. WATER STREET Mobile, Ala. | McDonald Cigars Co. Dealers in Foreign and Dome^ic Cigars and Tobacco ALLEGRETTI CANDY J. X. WILLIAMS, PROPRIETOR FOR LADIES AND GENTLEMEN The Panama Hotel and Cafe E. HUBAND, Proprietor FIRST-CLASS MEALS 25 CENTS FURNISHED ROOMS 75 CTS. UP Good Service Short Orders 205 St. Francis Street Mobile, Ala. We are in Business for your Health Our Anti-Bilious Capsule takes the place of Calomel, 19c. Roe Drug Store The Rexall Store Government and Roval Streets Hickey & Lyons Clothing and Gent's Furnishings lOS Dauphin Street, Mobile, Ala. JNO. W. PHELAN Copper, Tin and Sheetiron Worker Slating, Metal Roofing and Guttering of all Descriptions. Galvanized Iron Cornice Work a Specialty 701 Dauphin St., S. W. Cor. Wilkinson St. HOMF. PhonkS: Office 1735, Residence OS.VV Michael & Lyons Grocery Co. Wholesale Grocers 101-103-105 N. Commerce Street Mobile, Alabama BATTLE HOUSE MOBILE, ALABAMA European Plan Rates $1.50 up New Battle House Co., Props. JOHN J. M()NA(;HAN, M\na(,er TACON The Cleaner New System Dry Cleaning I)>eing and Tailoring OlK 1 I \l)l Ks 1 :iiu\ \'ests 35c. .Ml (Jloxes 5c, V,v\\ rhoiu- 3616 613 Daupiiin Si. MoblK. Ala. CONFEDERATE MONUMENT Portsmouth, \'irginia l<:rocti.'d lo the Memory of GENERAL JOHN B. (JORDON On the Grounds of the (Jeorgia State Capitol at Atlanta, Ga. Turner Supply Company Morris M. Meyer Jobbers of Railw^ay, Mill Supplies and Machinery Wholesale Liquors "We are Headquarters" 15 and 17 Commerce St. Long Distance Phone 2236 MOBILE, ALA. N. W. Cor. St. Louis and Commerce Sts. Phones: MOBILE, ALA. Bell 2571 Home 1251 Florida Fish Muscat & Lott Company Produce Co. J. C. M.\NGELDORl- General Manager Wholesale Fish of All Kinds Fruit, Produce, Satisfaction P. O. Box 111 MOBILE, -ALA. MOBILE, - - - - ALA. ^., . LIBRfiRY OF CONGRESS 013 701 529 8 C. C. MECHEM 80 ST. MICHAEL STREET BANK OF MOBILE BUILDING SELLS Farm Lands, Suburban Property and Cemeter}' Lots on Easy Terms, no Intere^, no Taxes SEE ME Acme Cornice Works S. S. KING, PROPRIETOR Manufacturers of all kinds Copper and (jlalvanized Cornice, Skylights, Ventilators, etc.