v'^' o > -^^0^ .0-7' 1 ' 4 O » V-^^ ,f' ^•^l^Y 0^ . - • , "^ "^m X fuiiiilifs canif from tlic fiiiiious mining; town of C^ovniwli, lOnj^ihuul, luil il ditl in>l it'ccivc llic luinif until it whs ^rantrd in \7iVA. A cainp, liowcvcf, hud ])icviously hccn csIhI)- lislu'd in (lif town lu'ar t he livcr, wliicli lias v\vv since been known an "Muh( ('amp " llfiT the ollicrrs ol I lie ( 'row ii with their worlvMu^n were sent to select and cnt choice timher lor the Hoyul .NaA>. This was cut in the wilder and haided to the river, and in tln> folhtwiiig spring when the water was hi^h, it was lloaled down stream to some ]>oinl w h«'re it was \o hv \ist>d for shij)- buihhng. 'I hei'c is no known record of how nuich tind)er had boen thus nsed, or when the lirst white man came her*' \n (inest of it, l>\d the forests were suhsetpu-id ly fonnd to coidain mncl\ timber s\iitahle for such use. A point in tin- ( 'omu'cticnt l\i\fr, at low-water mark, o])])t)sito tht^ ('enter oi the town, is said to in' 212 feet ahove sea-U'Vel. On leaving the river and ^oin^; east, this altitude is rai)idly in- oreas(>d hy I he successive t>levations of lantl. The surface is diver- sified with meadows and hills, thus j;;radually rising tt) the siun- uiit of CroyiKui and (irantham mountains on the east. Tht^ soil is enxuilly diversitied, and in places rocky, but taken as a whole> juilii;inj^ by its appearance, or the record of its production, Cornish compares favorably with the best towns of the state. These elevations in the surface are favorable to good drainage. But little stagmmt water is to be fcnind. Miasuui is unknowii. The brooks, two of which are of considerable size, tind tlu'ir source in the mountain sides on the east, tlow westward anil empty into the Connecticut Kiver. Of this beautiful river which frniges our entire western Inu-der, a poet has well said: "Nor drinks the sea a lovelier wave than thine." This river renders no small contribution to the pleasure of the tourist while journeying along its beautitul btuiks. Its valley is celebrated for its beautiful and variegated scenery. On either side of the river are wooded heights sonu'tiuu^s pro- jecting aiui almost overhanging its banks luul sometimes reced- ing, leaving the beautiful metulows and fertile farms spread GENERAL DESCRIPTION. 3 out in full view of the tourist. In the near distance on the west stands in silent majesty the stately Ascutney ever in view, and the beautiful and historic village of Windsor lying between. The town has no lakes to add their charms to the beauty of the landscape, neither are there deep ravines or gorges and water- falls to thrill the beholder; but otherwise. Nature in her lovely garb is here in manifold combinations. Cultured taste seems to admire the scenery of Cornish, as the variety of its scenery seems inexhaustible. Verdant hills, rich pastures, and smiling meadows and pure streams of water, all combine to render it the seat of ideal homes. The hillsides and valleys, too, abound in springs of purest water, while beautiful forests crown the summit of most of the hills, and pure air breezes over all. "I love thy rocks and rills, Thy vales and templed hills." CHAPTER II. Charter — Grants, Etc. The charter for Cornish was granted June 21, 1763, to Rev. Samuel McClintock of Greenland, N. H., and sixty -nine others. The charter was renewed December 21, 1768. The following is a copy of the charter of the township of Cornish as granted by King George the Third to the original proprietors of the town: Province of New Hampshire. [L. S.] George the Third, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith &c. To all Persons to whom these Presents shall come. Greeting: Know ye that We of our special Grace, certain Knowledge and meer motion, for the due Encouragement of settling a New Plantation within our said Province, by and with the advice of our Trusty & Well Beloved Benning Wentworth Esqr. Our Governor and Commander in Chief of our said Province of New Hampshire in New England, and of our Council of said Province, Have, upon the Conditions and Reservations here- inafter made, given and granted, and by these Presents, for us, our Heirs and Successors, do give, and grant in equal Shares unto our loving Subjects, Inhabitants of our said Province of New Hampshire and our other Governments and to their Heirs and Assigns forever whose names are entered on this Grant to be divided to, and amongst them into Seventy Six Equal Shares all that Tract or Parcel of Land Situate, lying and being within our said Provience of New Hampshire con- taining by Admeasurement, 23040 acres, which Tract is to Con- tain Six miles square and no more: out of which an allowance is to be made for High- Ways and unimprovable Lands by Rocks, Ponds, Mountains and Rivers. One Thousand and Forty Acres free according to a Plan and Survey thereof made by our said Governors orders, and returned into the Secretary's Office and ^^ ^ ^/^ r ^ v> o o ^ tr i^ ^ \ Fold-out Placeholder This fold-out is being digitized, and will be inserted a future date. "i-J-i ■« ■*«*v>- ka>4*«r -vtwM T^ Fold-out Placeholder This fold-out is being digitized, and will be inserted at future date. CHARTER— GRANTS, ETC. 5 hereunto annexed, butted and bounded as follows: Viz: Begin- ning at A Tree marked with the Figures 2 & 3. Standing on the Bank of the easterly side of the Connecticut River,which is the South Westerly Corner Bounds of the Town of Plainfield, from thence running South, Seventy Six degrees East by Plainfield to- a stake and Stones which is the South Westerly Corner of Gran tham and North Westerly Corner of Croydon, thence South fif~ teen Degrees West by Croydon Aforesaid, Six Miles to the North Westerly Corner of Newport, thence turning off and running North 77 deg. West. Six Miles to a Tree Standing on the Easterly Bank of Connecticut River, marked with the Figures 1 & 2, then up the river as that Trends, to the Bounds begun at, and that the same be and hereby is Incorporated into a Township by the name of Cornish, and the Inhabitants that do, or shall hereafter in- habit the said Township are hereby declared to be Enfranchised with, and Entitled to all and every the Privileges and Immunities that other Towns within our Province by Law Exercise and enjoy : — and further, that the Said Town, as soon as there shall be Fifty Families resident and Settled thereon, shall have the Liberty of holding two Fairs, one of which shall be held on the and the other on the annually, which Fairs are not to continue longer than the respective following the said and that as soon as the said Town shall consist of Fifty Families, a market may be opened and Kept one or more Days in each Week, as may be thought most advantageous to the Inhabitants. Also that the first Meeting for the choice of Town Officers agreeable to the Laws of our Said Province, Shall be held on the Second Monday of July next which said meeting shall be notified by Clement March Esqr. who is hereby also appointed the moder- ator of the said first Meeting, which he is to notify and Govern agreeable to the Laws and Customs of our Said Province; and that the Annual Meeting forever hereafter, for the Choice of such Officers for the said Town, shall be on the Second Tuesday of March annually. — To Have and to Hold the said Tract of Land as above expressed, together with ail Privileges and Appur- tenances to them and their respective Heirs and Assigns forever upon the following Conditions: (Viz.) I. That every Grantee, his Heirs or Assigns shall plant and cultivate five Acres of Land within the Term of five years for every fifty acres contained in his or their Share or Proportion 6 HISTORY OF CORNISH. of Land in said Township, and continue to improve and settle the same by Additional Cultivations, on Penalty of the For- feiture of his Grant or Share in the said Township, and of its reverting to Us, our Heirs and Successors, to be by us or them Re-granted to such of our Subjects as shall effectually settle and cultivate the same. II. That all White and other Pine Trees within the said Town- ship fit for Masting our Royal Navy, be carefully preserved for that use, and none to be cut or felled without our Special License for so doing, first had and obtained, upon the Penalty of the For- feiture of the Right of such Grantee, his Heirs and Assigns, to us, our Heirs and Successors, as well as being subject to the Penalty of any Act or Acts of Parliament that now are, or hereafter shall be Enacted. III. That before any Division of the Land be made to and among the Grantees, a Tract of Land, as near the Center of the said Township as the Land will admit of, Shall be reserved and marked out for Town Lots, one of which shall be allotted to each Grantee of the Contents of one Acre. IV. Yielding and paying therefor to us, our Heirs and Successors for the space of ten years, to be computed from the date hereof, the Rent of one Ear of Indian Corn only, on the twenty fifth day of December annually, if Lawfully demanded, the first Pay- ment to be made on the twentj^ fifth day of December 1763. V. Every Proprietor, Settler or Inhabitant, shall yield and pay unto Us, our Heirs and Successors yearly, and every year forever from and after the Expiration of ten Years from the above said twenty fifth Day of December, namely, on the twenty fifth day of December which will be in the year of our Lord 1773, one Shilling Proclamation money for every Hundred Acres he so o"wtis. Settles or Possesses, and so in Proportion for a greater or lesser Tract of the Said Land; which money shall be paid by the respec- tive Persons abovesaid, their Heirs or Assigns in our Council Chamber in Portsmouth, or to such Officer or Officers as shall be appointed to receive the same; and this is to be in Lieu of all other Rents and Service whatever. In testimony whereof we have caused the Seal of our Said Province to be hereunto Affixed. Witness Penning Wentworth Esqr; our Governor and Com- mander in Chief of Our Said Province; the Twenty first Day of CHARTER— GRANTS, ETC. June,, in the Year of Our Lord Christ, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Sixty three, and in the Third Year of our Reign. B. Wentworth 1 ProVof NewHamp"- Octobe"" 1. By His Excellency's Command I '^'^^^- Recorded according to . , , , . , ^ ., y the original Charter, under with Advice of Council. ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^^ Theodr Atkinson Jun'' Sec''^ J T. Atkinson Jun'' Sec''". Names of the Grantees of Cornish: Rev. Samii McChntock Ensign John Whidden Samuel Ayers Cap* Philip Johnson Josiah Clark Will'" Wallis Jun^ Thomas Berry Cap^ George Frost Noah Emery John Hill Jon'' Barker Hunking Wentworth Esq. Nathan Goss John Grow Wyseman Claggett Esq. Nathii March Thomas March Capt George March Lieut Paul March William Blazo Will'" MC. Clane The Hon'^i*' John Temple"] Theod'" Atkinson W" Temple Mark Hun^ Wentworth J Joshua Haines Eleaz"" Gate Thomas Sherburne Enoch Clark Will'" Jenkins Jun^ lEsq-" Josiah Foss Will'" Berry Benj^ Philbrook Nath^^ Huggins Jun"^. Cap* John Dudley Thomas Johnson John Weeks Dea" Ebenezer Gate Philip Babb Jun'" Lieut Ebenezer Clark Daniel Pierce Esq Mr Jon'' Greely George Bracket Stephen March Clem* March Esq Docf John Hall John Fisher W'" Gate Jun"- Samuel Whidden Walter Bryant Esq. Greenleaf Clark Simeon Dearborn Cap* James Neal Nathan Marston Sam'^ Haines John Huggins Bracket Johnson Lieut. Nathan Johnson Cap* William Weeks Will™ Pottle Jun"- 8 HISTORY OF CORNISH. Samuel Dearborn Joseph Jackson Esq. Boston Daniel Gate Joseph Stores Esq. Maj"" Jon'' Moulton Leveret Hubbard Cap*. Nathii Bracket Nath^' Dowse Doctor Hall Jackson Sam'^ Fabion Reservations and Conditions of the Grant: Executed and recorded in due form. (It is not kno\\Ti why this part of the document was deferred so long after the main part was executed — over three months.) His Excellency Benning Wentworth Esqr. A Tract to Contain five Hundred acres as Marked B. W. in the Plan which is to be Accounted two of the within Shares, — one whole Share for the Incorporated Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in For- eign Parts — One Share for A Glebe for the Church of England as by Law Established — One Share for the first Settled Minister of the Gospel & one Share for the Benefit of a School in S*^ Town. Province of New Hampshire — Octo — 1 — 1763. Recorded according to the Original on the Back of the Original Charter of Cornish. T. Atkinson Jun"" SeC^ Prove. New Hampshire. Oct. P* 1763. Recorded from the Back of the Original Charter of Cornish, Under the Prov*' Seal. T. Atkinson Jun"" Sec''^ Comparatively, but few of the Grantees ever settled in town, as their names have never appeared on the town records as landholders after the settlement of the town. They, however, employed every available method to promote the early and rapid settlement of the town by offering flattering inducements to in- fluence emigration thither. Several of the grantees deeded their shares to others who were more hopeful in the venture and desired to settle in town. The proprietors held meetings and continued to legislate upon the affairs of the grant until the tovm. had a population sufficient to manage them itself. The first proprietors' meeting was held in Greenland, N. H., August 15, 1763, nearly two months after the CHARTER— GRANTS, ETC. 9 grant was made, and, in the absence of recorded authority, we have reason to believe meetings were held at such times and places as became necessary to meet the requirements of the landowners; but records of these have not been obtained. The British workmen at "Mast Camp" were not settlers, and made no attempt at settlement. It is claimed, however, that Daniel Putnam who soon afterwards became one of the first settlers of Cornish, spent the winter of 1764-65 at the camp, also a Mr. Dike and family were staying there to assist, perhaps, in boarding the mast-cutters. It cannot be expected the historian of today will antedate the times already named, or even to record all events that occurred during the time of the settlement of the town. Much, indeed^ lies buried in the centuries preceding and during the time these known eveats took place that would be of great interest to record; but th3 revolving ages have forever hidden them from the present generation, and no power can recover them. Fanciful tradition might be employed to some extent to gratify the curious reader, but it is thought better to record only authentic facts,even though the record be fragmentary and less entertaining. The first provincial governor of New Hampshire, Benning Wentworth, was appointed by the Crown and served from 1741 to 1767, a period of nearly twenty-six years. It was during his administration that the township grants of Cornish and adjoining towns were made. He was succeeded by his nephew, Sir John Wentworth, who served until 1775, at which time all British rule ceased among her New England colonies. These were the only governors New Hampshire ever had that received their appoint- ment from Great Britain. It may not be amiss to mention for the benefit of the general reader, that our ancestors were, previous to 1775, all supposed to be loyal and loving subjects of England, our mother country; but, for reasons hereafter given, this rela- tionship ceased to exist about that time. It was the custom of Gov. Benning Wentworth to make reser- vations of five hundred acres of land in a single body in each of the townships granted by him. These were usually selected with reference to their situation and value. On all the early to^vTiship maps these reservations were designated by his initials, B. W, The motives prompting him to make these reservations are mat- ters of conjecture. It is evident that he believed their proprie- 10 HISTORY OF CORNISH. torrthip would \h' t'lituilecl upon his successor in office. In this he was mistaken, for it was foinicl that his successor, Sir John Wentworth, possessed no right in said reservations, and therefore tht^ywere still ungranted lands, and subject to the same modes of disposal as tlu^ rest of the towns had been at the first. In Cor- nish such reservation was a very desirable tract situated near the northwest part of the town, and bordering on the Connecticut River. In order to make this land available for settlement, put- ting it on a par with the rest of the town, it must needs be granted to the town or to some individual. A petition was issued by Moses Chase, then a prominent citizen of the town, to Sir John Wentworth, and the following grant was made by him to Moses Chase, Esq. Grant to Moses Chase, 1772. Province of New Hampshire George the Third, by the Grace n g I of God, of Great Britain, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Moses Chase's p^i^ii &c. To all to whom these Grant Presents shall come, Greeting: Know Ye that we of our special grace, certain Knowledge and m?re Motion for the due encouragement of settling and culti- vating our Lands within our Province aforesaid, by and with the advice of our Trusty and well beloved John Wentworth Esq', our Governor and Commander in Chief of our owa said Province of New Hampshire & of our Council of the same. Have (upon the Conditions and Reservations herein particularly recited and expressed.) given and granted & by these Presents for us our Heirs and Successors do give & grant unto our leige and loving Subject Moses Chase of Cornish in the County of Cheshire and Province aforesaid Esq'', and to his Heirs & Assigns forever, a certain Tract or parcel of Land containing by Admeasurement Five Hundred Acres, situate lying and being in our Said Province as by a plan or Survey thereof (exhibited by our Surveyor General of Lands for our Said Province by our said Governor's order and returned into the Secretary's office of our Said Province; a Copy whereof is hereuntg annexed) may more fully and at large appear; Butted & Bounded as follows Viz. Beginning at a Stake and Stones standing on the bank of Con- necticut River on the north side of Blow-me-down Brook (so CHARTER— GRANTS, ETC. 11 •called) from thence running south 76 degrees East 288 Rods to a Stake and Stones, from thence running South 15 Degrees West 283 Rods to a Stake and Stones, from thence running North 76 Degrees West 283 Rods to a Stake and Stones standing on the bank of Connecticut River aforesaid, from thence up said River to the Bounds first mentioned. To Have and to Hold the said Tract of Land as above expressed to him the said Moses Chase and to his Heirs and Assigns for Ever upon the following Terms Conditions and Reservations Viz: First that the said Grantee shall cut, clear and make passable for Carriages &c. a Road of three Rods wide thro' the said Tract as shall at any Time hereafter be directed or Ordered by the Gov- ernor & Council aforesaid, which Road Shall be Completed in Two years from the date of Such order or direction of the Govn^ & Council aforesaid on penalty of the forfeiture of this Grant & of its reverting to us, our Heirs and Successors. Second. That the said Grantee shall settle or Cause to be set- tled Two Families in Three Years from the date of this Grant, in failure whereoff the Premises to revert to us our Heirs and Successors to be by us or them entered upon & regranted to such of our Subjects as shall effectually settle and cultivate the same. Third. That all white and other Pine Trees fit for Masting our Royal Navy be carefully preserved for that use; & none be cut or felled without our special License for so doing first had and obtained on penalty of the forfeiture of the Right of the Grantee in the Premises his Heirs and Assigns to Us our Heirs and Suc- cessors as well as being subject to the penalties prescribed by any present as well as future Act or Acts of Parliament. Fourth, Yielding and paying therefore to us our Heirs and Suc- cessors on or before the 24*'' day of January 1774, the Rent of one Ear of Indian Corn only if lawfully demanded. Fifth That the said Grantee his Heirs & Assigns shall yield & pay unto us our Heirs and Successors yearly and every year for ever from and after the expiration of Two Years from the date of this Grant; one Shilling Proclamation Money, for every Hun- dred Acres he so owns settles or possesses, and so in proportion for a greater or lesser Tract of the Land aforesaid, which money shall be paid by the respective Proprietor Owner or Settler in our Council Chamber in Portsmouth, or to Officer or Officers as shall 12 HISTORY OF CORNISH. be appointed to receive the same: And these to be in lieu of all other Rents and Services whatsoever. In Testimony whereof we have Caused the Seal of our said Province to be hereunto affixed. Witness: John Wentworth Esqr. our aforesaid Governor & Commander-in-Chief, the 24*^ day of January in the 12'*' year of oar Reign Annoque Domini 1772. J. Wentworth. By His Excellency's Command ) With advice of Council ) The words "money for every Hundred acres" being interhned previous to signing & Seahng. Theodore Atkinson, Secretary. Province of New Hampshire 25*^. Jan^'y 1772. Recorded according to the Original Patent under the Province Seal. The Surveyor's Certificate of this grant to Moses Chase was as follows: Province of New Hampshire, Portsmouth 22^. January 1772. These may Certify that this Plan Beginning at a Stake & Stones standing on the bank of Connecticut River, &c. (according to terms of the aforesaid grant) Contains 500 acres of land, and is a true copy of an Original Plan or Survey of said Tract as taken and returned to me by Capf. Jonath''. Chase Dept. Surveyor. Attest. Is*. Ringe, Surv^ Gen^ The French and Indian war (1754-1763), had just closed and many of the troops who had served in it were from Massachusetts and Connecticut. These on going to, and returning from, Can- ada passed through the Connecticut River Valley. They saw it was indeed a "goodly land," and brought flattering accounts of it home. These reports had a marvelous effect upon many, especially upon those who were anxious to try their fortunes in a new country. Applications to the proper authorities were soon made, and two tiers of towns on each side of the river were surveyed and severally granted and many of them were incor- porated as early as 1761. CHARTER— GRANTS, ETC. 13 Nearly two years elapsed after the town was granted before any active measures were adopted regarding the settlement of the town. But in the spring and summer of 1765, the first actual settlement began. Previous to this time the onlj^ item of Corn- ish history known was the establishing of a station called "Mast Camp " not far south of the present site of Windsor Bridge. This was established by order of British authority for the parpose of selecting trees suitable for the British navy. How long this had existed there is no record to show. In 1765, two years after the grant was made. Judge Samuel Chase of Sutton, Mass., and others of his family and relatives who had become enamored by the descriptions of the beautiful scen- ery, the tall forests and rich lands of the Connecticut River Valley resolved to make the venture. It was a long and tedious journey of 140 miles, first reaching the river by going in a westerly direction, and then ascending the river into the then unknown wilderness. They ascended the river until they reached Walpole, N. H., the extreme uppermost known settlement at that time on the river, unless we except that of Charlestown where a fort had been es- tablished several years before. At Walpole a part of the family tarried nearly two years. Judge Chase had meanwhile made extensive purchases of land of the proprietors of Cornish. At this time he was nearly sixty years of age and decided to stay at Walpole until the following year. His son, Dudley Chase, and son-in-law, Daniel Putnam, and Dyer Spalding, with their work- men, were the first men who came up the river in a canoe for the purpose of making a settlement in the virgin forests of Cornish. They landed on the river meadow near the mouth of Blow- me-down Brook in the northwest part of the town, on land now (1906) belonging to the estate of C. C. Beaman, Esq. Here they began to make a clearing, the first made in town. There is an absence of recorded authority; tradition says it was in the early days of June, when Nature was at her loveliest and the "leaves were green," that the woodman's axe first resounded through those forests. At this season they scarcely thought of a shelter except of the rudest kind, so intent were they upon clear- ing and preparing ground for the season's crops. During the season now before them, until the season's crops could be grown, 14 HISTORY OF CORNISH. they were wholly dependent for their supplies of provision upon Fort No. 4 at Charlestown, sixteen miles away, down the river. It was at this fort that the family of Dea. Dudley Chase had been left for safety while on their journey up the river, as the hus- band and father with his associates went on to prepare for them thsir future home in the "township of land" just across the river from what is now. Windsor, Vt., in full sight of the dome of Ascut- ney. This family consisted of his wife and seven small children. It appears to have been a sore trial to her to be thus compelled to remain within the prison-like walls of the fort with no con- genial associate except her little children. These circumstances, and those that followed, with thsir interesting outcome, are best described by herself as quoted by her youngest son. Bishop Philander Chase: "Days seemed weeks and weeks seemed months, and scarcely did a sun rise without witnessing my wandering on the bank of the flowing stream where I had parted with your father and his company of Cornish workmen. It was in one of these walks with my children by my side, that I saw at sunset a canoe coming round a point of the river bank, towards me. At first I thought of the approach of savages, but I soon recognized the well-known canoe of your father, and in it our trusty neighbor Dyer Spalding. My heart leaped with joy, and no sooner did the canoe reach the shore than the children were in it, and on his knees; nor did they allow him to stir till they told him that I was resolved that we should all return with him to their father in the woods. 'Do you know, dear Madam,' said he, 'that our anxiety to put in a crop and plant the ground for the coming summer has been such that we have had no time to build even the semblance of a house? 1 am come to tell you that your husband is well and to learn of your safety and health and to carry back a supply of provisions. We have all slept upon the uncovered ground, and as yet have no shelter for ourselves — much less for you, and your little ones. — Will you venture with them into the woods before you are sure of a refuge?' "To this I replied: '/ will go, and with all my children endure any storm if you will give me but a safe and steady conveyance to my husband. If there be no shelter, nor fence, nor fort, his faithful arm will guard me, and his trusty men will aid him, and their God, who is above all, will provide.' " Fold-out Placeholder This fold-out is being digitized, and will be inserted o future date. Fold-out Placeholder This fold-out is being digitized, and will be inserted future date. CHARTER— GRANTS, ETC. 15 A much smaller degree of sagacity than Dyer Spalding possessed would have convinced him that Mistress Ahce was mistress of the situation. The question decided, all the resources of his mind were called into action to make things ready for the journey up the river. "Such goods as we needed least were secured in the fort; and such as the boat would carry and were needed most, with ample pro- visions, were put on board and the morning sun was scarcely risen, ere by Spalding's help and that of the older boys, all things were ready for the voyage. "Spalding was a good canoe-man, and with the boys to lend a hand we made good progress, slow but unceasing. It was in time of Indian warfare, in a frail Indian canoe, and going up a rapid stream, yet we reached the httle opening among the tower- ing trees before nightfall. 'There they are' cried the children. 'There are father and his .men; I hear his voice and the sound of their axes.' For a moment all was hidden from our view by the tall forest trees; this gave me time to utter a prayer of faith and benediction; 'May the God of our fathers bless your father and me, your helpless mother, and you, my dear children, now, even now, as we shall take possession of this, our dwelling-place in the wild woods; and though like Jacob of old, we have but a stone for a pillow and the canopy of Heaven for a covering, we may find God in this place, and may it be to as as the House of God and the Gate of Heaven." How the prayer of this faithful woman was answered, time has told. "Pilot Spalding made fast the canoe to the willows and asked us to await his return. Your father could get no direct answer to his inquiries: 'Is all well? and have you brought us a supply of food?' &c. 'Come and see,' replied Spalding and as they stood upon the bank, he saw the frail bark in which were his wife and children. The emotion of the moment was almost too much. I sprang forward, the little ones following. He re- ceived us with joy mixed with agony. 'Are you come here to die,' he exclaimed, 'before your time? We have no house to shelter you, and you will perish before we can build one.' " 'Cheer up, my faithful,' I replied. 'Let the smiles and the rosy cheeks of your children, and the health and cheerfulness of your wife make you joyful! If you have no house, you have strength and hands to make one. The God we worship will 16 HISTORY OF CORNISH. bless us and help us to obtain a shelter. Cheer up! Cheer up! my faithful!' "The sunshine of joy and hope began to beam from his counte- nance, and the news was soon told to the company of workmen, and the woods rang with their shouts in honor of the first white woman and her children, on the banks of the Connecticut River above the Fort No. 4. ''All hands assembled to w^elcome the strangers. Trees were felled and peeled, and the bark in large sheets was spread for a floor. Other sheets were fastened by thongs of twisted twigs to stakes driven into the ground and were raised for walls or laid on cross-pieces for a roof, and a cheerful fire soon made glad our little dwelling. The space of three hours was not consumed in doing all this, and never were men more happy than those men who contributed so speedily to our wants. Beds were brought from the canoe to the rustic pavihon, and on them we rested sweetly fearless of danger, though the thick foliage was wet with the dew, and the wild creatures of the woods howled around us. The next day all hands were called to build a cabin which served us for the following winter, and in which, cheered by the rising prospects of the family, and the mutual affection of all around us, my enjoyments were more exquisite than at any other period of my life." One cannot but admire the spirit of this pure and high-minded woman; far from all the comforts of ordinary life; so full of courage and possessing such a perfect trust in God. She was, indeed, a woman fitted by nature and grace to become the mother of such men and women as Cornish can gladly boast. On the 17th of October following, she gave birth to the first child born in Cornish, — a daughter who received her mother's name. It may be of interest to mention that this first family in town, soon after this, settled three miles further south on "Cornish Plain," on the farm now (1907) owned and occupied by WiUiam E. Chadbourne. Here they spent the remainder of their lives, each living to be more than fourscore years of age. (See Dudley Chase.) Other settlements soon followed by other famihes com- ing to town. In 1766 Judge Samuel Chase came with others of his family, who mostly settled in town. Prominent among these besides Dudley were Samuel, Jr., Solomon Chase, the first CHARTER— GRANTS, ETC. 17 physician in the town; Jonathan who afterwards attained mili- tary distinction during the Revolutionary War. Moses Chase, a younger brother of Judge Samuel, with his family also came and settled in town within a year from the date of the first settle- ment. His name appears as one of the selectmen at the first meeting of the town in 1767. Many of his descendants re- mained in town for two or three generations following. Caleb Chase, another brother of Moses and Samuel, with a portion of his family came soon after. The children of these families of Chases were generally quite numerous; so those named Chase in town, for years, exceeded in number that of any other, or all other names combined. The name Bellows was as strong numerically in Walpole, N. H., as the name Chase was in Cornish. The families intermarrying brought them into very friendly relations. A member of the Cornish family was one day boasting to one of the Walpole families that "there were Chases enough in Cornish to chase all others from out the town into Walpole. " The other replied, that "there were Bellows enough in Walpole to blow them all back again." Besides the Chase families, there were at the first Dyer Spalding and Daniel Putnam. These were soon followed by the Cadys, Wellmans, Richardsons, Bartletts and many others. All these very naturally selected desirable situations, chiefly at first along the banks of the Connecticut River. These estates have all "passed out" of their family names except that of Daniel Putnam whose estate is still retained by his descendants of the same name. Possibly there are remote descendants of those early families still living Avho retain interesting traditions of the settle- ment by their ancestors, including many facts of interest, but unhappily these are mainly beyond our reach and knowledge. The number of settlers were few during the years 1765-66, but all worked for the general good of the whole. Of course, there were diverse opinions regarding religious and political matters, but the time had not yet arrived for any organization to mate- rialize. Probably they did not feel the need of any during this time. Hard work and happiness joined hand in hand and as a result harmony prevailed. A general spirit of helpfulness and interest in each other's welfare existed on every hand. The two years of which we have no authentic record msiy be 3 18 HISTORY OF CORNISH. termed "assembling years" for the colony. Their numbers the first year were too few to cooperate in a formal way, but in the autumn of 1766, the people had so increased in numbers that they became anxious to try the experiment of self-government on the following year. Accordingly they presented a petition to Judge Samuel Chase (he having become authorized to receive such petition), for a meeting of the town to be holden on the 10th of March following. Their petition was granted; therefore he, on the 28th day of February, 1767, issued a call for the first meeting to be holden as above. The following is a copy of the original call which is presented in its original form, etc.: } Province of New Hampshear Pursuant to a Request of y'' Inhabitance & Free holders of y^ Town of Cornish To me directed one of his majestys Justices of y^ Peace for y^ Province of New Hampshere for calling a Town meeting In sd Town of Cornish. These are to notify and warn the free holders and other In- habitance of y^ Town of Cornish, To meet at y^ Dwelling House of ]VP. Jonathan Chase In s'' Cornish on Tuesday y^ tenth day of March Next at Ten of y^ Clock In Y« forenoon. Then & There To act upon the following artichels (Viz.) : V^ To chuse a moderator To regulate s'^ meeting. 2>y To chuse a Town Clark. 3^y To chuse Selectmen 4^y To chuse a Constable or Constables. 5^^ To chuse any other Town officer as y^ Law Directs. Dated at Cornish Feb. 28*'^ A. D. 1767. Samuel Chase Justice of y® Peace Recorded by Daniel Putnam — Towti Clark. The foUoAving is the response to the above call, — the first re- corded meeting of the free-holders of the toAvn: Province of ) New Hampshear i At a meeting of y^ free-holders & Inhabitance of y^ Town of Cornish & Province afores'* Held (Pursuant to a Notification) at the Dwelling House of Mr. Jonathan Chase In s^. Cornish on CHARTER— GRANTS, ETC. 19 Tuesday y^ tenth day of March anno Domini 1767 at ten o'clock in y^ forenoon, The following votes were passed (Viz.) : V^ Voted and Chose Sam^i Chase Esq. Moderator for s^ meeting. 2^y Voted and Chose Daniel Putnam Town Clark. 3^^ Voted and Chose five Selectmen Viz: Sam^^ Chase Esq. Mr. EHjah Cady, Mr. Jonathan Chase, Mr. Dudley Chase, & Mr. Moses Chase. 4^y Voted and Chose Mr. Tisdale Dean Constable. 5^^ Voted and Chose Sam^^ Chase Esq. Town Treasurer. 6'y Voted that swine should Run at Large this Present year Being Yoaked & Ringed according to law. 7^y Voted and Chose Mr. Joseph Tinsur P*. Haward. 8^^ Voted and Chose Phinehas Powers 2'^. Haward. 9'y Voted and Chose Mr. Elijah Cady Leather-Sealer. Sam'-'' Chase Esq''. Moderator. Recorded by Dan^^ Putnam, Town Clark. In the charter, already mentioned, the date of the town meetings had been fixed for the second Tuesday of March of each year. Every year since the above-mentioned meeting, the annual meetings have been called for this date. CHAPTER III. Pioneer Life — Early Customs, Etc. TiiK early customs, maimer and means of living in all the towns of New England were so similar that a record of them in any one toAvn would not be unlike that of other towns in the same section. Recognizing this, the writer takes the liberty of quoting somewhat from contemporaneous writers on the subject, being careful to mention only such things as have often been verified by tradition and observation. The histories of Charlestown, Keene, Richmond, Washington, Bristol, Plymouth, Warren and others have contributed their aid to this department; for which the writer hereby renders his grateful acknowledgment. When the pioneer settlers first started for their new home m the unbroken wilderness, they generally left their families behind them in comfortable homes in the older settlement. They usually went in small parties of two, three or more. This they did for protection and mutual aid, as wild beasts and Indians might be encountered at any time. Each man took his trusty gun with a supply of ammunition, an axe, knife and tinder-box, and such other articles as might be most needed, together with a hberal supply of provision. This was the outfit of the first party who came up the Connec- ticut River from Walpole in the spring of 1765 and landed on the meadows now owned by the heirs of the late C. C. Beaman, Esq. (See Settlement.) It is said by historians of other towns that a liberal supply of rum and tobacco was counted among the necessaries or essentials brought into the new settlements or towns; but no such tradition is known to exist regarding the first settlers of this town, although those articles were subse- quently used quite extensively. After the arrival of the settlers upon their lot, one of the first things was to provide a shelter for themselves and their effects. The spring was the most favorable time of year for them to make a beginning. At this time hemlock would readily peel. After feUing and peeling a tree or two, the bark was placed on PIONEER LIFE— EARLY CUSTOMS, ETC. 21 opposite sides of a pole which was supported at each end by crotched stakes six or eight feet long. In this way a very good temporary shelter was quickly prepared. From this same pole their kettle was suspended for cooking purposes. Excepting a few dishes and utensils brought with them, the dishes at the first were of the rudest kind,^ — all wooden; plates, bowls, platters, etc., being split from small logs, and then hollowed and curved as best they could with the axe and knife. At first they slept upon the ground or on beds of leaves in their rude shanties, using such scant covering as they had. These extreme conditions generally lasted only while land was being cleared, prepared and seeded for the season's crop. This being done, their next thought was the building of a log- house. Abundance of timber of the right kind was ever near at hand. The houses were built of straight, smooth logs, hewed on upper and lower sides and locked together at the corners so as to bring the logs into close contact. The unavoidable cracks between the logs were filled with mud or clay. Some- times, when they could afford it, the logs were hewn smooth inside, but generally they were left round. One opening was left for a door and one for a window. Each of these were to be closed by shutters made of slabs split from logs, as there were no boards or sawmills at first. The roofs were covered with bark supported by poles. After the first season many of the roofs were thatched with rye straw. The earth still formed the floor, which was rendered hard and smooth by use. Gener- ally there was but one room, sometimes two, partitioned by logs like the walls. The chimney was the hardest problem to solve; sometimes, none at all, with simply a hole in the roof for the escape of smoke; sometimes, with stone, topped out with short logs, built like the walls and plastered inside with clay, and generally built outside the cabin at one end of it. At other times, when the weather would permit, the open fire was used wholly outside the house. In this case a pole was supported on crotched posts from which the kettles were suspended by wooden hooks with the fire beneath. Poles were laid across overhead, in the cabin, for storing articles. Sometimes the loft was made a sleeping apartment for children or hired man. This was reached by a ladder. For a cellar, an excavation was generally made outside of 22 iii;ii<»i(\ <)!■ ( oKNisii. HUflicii^lil ili'|illi niiil r.,\iHc| uilli Id^rH iiimI dirt, Mo I IihI. iillJclcH HI'OI'ImI hlHilllil linl h I I ,M rill 111. I IniiiiiiiK lt»t>l,i I'l llif cnily HctllniH w<'rJtdt*H, nmlliMiivH, loikn, viv. Tiu'. fi;rtMiiid nl Ihi.s I iinc cduld liiil III- pliiwi'd, iirilhri' wcro Micir Icmiiih al lii.sl lo do it. (tin nl llir lil'ril. ('lt»|>H m;I(I\VII I>\ llir Nil lltT WllH Vyv, tllO HCHhI llMVillg IhmijI ohtnillt'd lloin ■iniiir iildrr ,scl I IriiM'liI . This WHH "wrrulcht'd in" lln' In I iuilnnin, ii.iii^', n |iii)iif;ri| hoc Tor the p\lVpt>H»<. I'i'in wiiiild iil->i> |ir |ilniilri| I he Itillowiii^ Spring;, hy o)i(MiiMp; I hn holl uilh ii hur or Npitdr .iiid pidltii^ in a "hill" VvhtM'rv'iM' I h(*rr wan lomn hir il atnon^ I hr loclvs and .slumps. I'linipKiiir., pi'as, Ix'ans and V('^;^'lal>l('S wnr plaiilcd in liko uiannt'i'. ( 'I'ops ol all Iht'sc vvrn* ji;('nt'rally satisl'ai'lory. 'I'lu^ Hitil was n«'W and Irililc, \ iridium; almndanlly. The cullivHlion ol' (he (MdpS wan ImiI llillllifi,, ar. Ilirir Wrif no wcfd pfsls tit lil'sl to prinrnl lllll dt^ rlopinrnl ol Ihr flops. l'o(at»>t'S W'CVC sinirt't'lv Known and l>nt litllr iistd al Ihr liini- the town was sott It'll 111 I wo ol (hiiT Ni-ais I lie laiiiuT would ha\(' v;'"!'^^^ **li his phu't» and tlu^i'c whs alwa>s l>rt)wsin^ and sonic native ^rass on the lowlands, so hn »ii»iild kvvp ii row, which adttrd (iuitt> a hltlr lo llu' support »»l the lainily. Mt^ coidd soon haxc youn^' (nvtth^ and a yoUt^ ol' stt-crs and a I't^w slu>c]). Iloj^s and poultry h»* i-onld have l'ri»ni near the tirst, hut the horse was a luxury that usually otviu*^ lattM-. Set'ds would l>e hroiight at the lirst, uiul one ol" his fust aets was to plant u nursery ol" I'ruit trt>es, aud a l"t*w yt^ivs wiudd laini^ him an al>\uulani'e ot" ai>ples, plums, and o(her rniits; anil the women ne\ »»r forgot to l>rini; a t"t>w st^tnls oi tlunr favorite lU>wers, also lmll>s aud roots lor tht> gaidtMi. Kyory unUher kiu^w iUo luediemal qualities ol" mau> herbs ami plaits aiu I was thus quahliiHl to l>eeouu' her ow n tanul\ ph> sioiau. "rht> *'swt>etuiuji;" of tlu> pioutH>rs was wholly made from the sjip oi the su^nr u\apU\ eaui^ht in trouu;hs luaile from small loi:;s. split iu htUvos aiul hollowed out. At the elost> of the sap season tht^s^^ trouiihs wtM'e mvtnttHl \uuU>r the trees, niul so wt>re roaily fi>r use tlu^ folUnviuji; yt^ar. Sueh trouiiihs were still used for that purpose within tht> memory of some pev>ple still liviun. The sap was boiltnl dowu iu kettlos susptMuled from poles, vner an v>peu luv, iU\d whtMi redueevl to a syrup, was earrunl to the kiteheiv PIONEER LIFE— EARLY CUSTOMS, ETC. 23 to be further boiled and clarified by the good wife. This furnished the only kind of sugar used by the families during all the earliest years. Later in the spring came soap-making. The waste grease was tried out and boiled with lye, and a sufficient amount of soft soap was made to last the family a year. Mechanics of all kinds were very important members of the community; for all tools and implements had to be made by hand. Scarcel}^ any ready-made article could be bought. Coopers were much relied upon for making all sorts of wooden vessels. They not only made casks, tubs, barrels, buckets, but also the keeler, piggin, noggin, and all other wooden vessels in common use. Farming tools of all kinds were made by hand, and were generally of a clumsy make, and hard to obtain at first as no manufactories were convenient. Nearly everything had to be made at home from necessity. Even the entire clothing of the family was made within its own home. The cloth was made of wool and flax, spmi and woven at home and made up by some good tailoress who came and spent several days in the family, doing up the family sewing for a year. The shoemaker, too, with his kit of tools and bench made his annual visits to each family, usually in the fall of the year and made up the necessary foot-wear for the entire family. The good housewife, aided perhaps by one or more of her daughters, was expected to do all the knitting for the family. Each woman, too, was always expected to be her owoi milliner and dressmaker. Few were the ornaments worn in those early days, except the beautiful ornaments of self-reliance and independence, coupled with con- tentment. When the settler first built his house he took care that it should be located near a fine spring, or by a running brook of pure water. The supply of water was brought from the spring or brook in buckets or pails. To furnish a more constant supply, and more even temperature, a well was dug, and the water drawn by a bucket fastened to the end of a long, slender pole with a spring. Later the "well-sweep" was erected, and the ''oaken bucket" attached. As time progressed, the carpenter and brick-maker appeared in the settlement, so that framed or brick houses could be built 24 HISTORY OF CORNISH. when desired; but the log-cabin remained for many years. The entrance to these cabins was secured by a heavy latch on the inside, to be raised from the outside by a raw-hide string running through the door. To fasten against intruders the string was pulled in, but this was seldom done, even at night, except in time of hostile Indians. The phrase, "The latch string out," is still used as an expression of hospitahty. During the first season of the settlement, while the men were "roughing it," their -waves and children usually remained at home in the old settlement where they could enjoy better privileges and remain in safety. Very seldom did the wife and children accompany the husband and father during his "shanty life"; but after the log house appeared and provision secured for their support, they rejoined him in the wild, and their real life as a pioneer family began. All the food at this time was the product of the farm, forests and waters of the vicinity. No fancy dishes of food adorned their rude table at the first, but only plain, substantial food such as the farm produced. Pork was the usual meat, varied occasionally by poultry or mutton or wild game. Wheat and corn bread, hot rye cakes with maple syrup, bean porridge — made of the broth of meat and vegetables, thickened with beans — "good hot or cold, but best when nine days old," were the first staple articles of food. After the advent of the cow, their diet was more varied and bread with milk, butter and cheese and pumpkin pie were then the daily articles of food the year around. Rude as were the habitations of our forefathers and apparently devoid of what we term luxuries, and even necessaries, they were, nevertheless, the abodes of contentment and happiness to a degree as great as is enjoyed in the more luxurious homes of the present. These homes all had huge fireplaces, in which, during the long winter evenings there was kept up a blazing fire that threw a ruddy glow over the healthful countenances of the happy group seated around. There were fire-sides then, and influences going out from them that are lost since the gloomy stove has taken their place. There may be centers of attraction in our homes now, but there are none equal to the "fire upon the hearth." "The fire upon the hearth is the center and symbol of the family PIONEER LIFE— EARLY CUSTOMS, ETC. 25 life. When the fire in the house goes out, it is because the life has gone out. Somewhere in every house it burns in constant service, and every chimney that sends its incense heavenward speaks of an altar inscribed to Love and Home." The social gatherings during winter evenings in these rude homes, in which the young men and maidens met, clad in their homespun attire and engaged in their innocent sports, were seasons of enjoyment and mutual interest in each other not less true and pure than similar gatherings now, in which there is more display and more tyranny of fashion. Simplicity of dress, manners and equipage continued to be a characteristic of our forefathers until after the Revolutionary War. As wealth increased, the home-made garments, vehicles, etc., gave place to those of a more modern type. There were but few ornaments that adorned those cabin walls or shelves. The day of bric-a-brac had not arrived. The trusty gun and powder horn seemed to occupy the post of honor above the fire-place, while around the walls of the cabin hung crook- necked squashes, festoons of red peppers and medicinal herbs, and apples on strings, "quartered and cored," while on poles overhead were rings cut from the yellow pumpkin, all drying for winter use. Practical articles like these constituted the chief ornaments of these homes. The fireplaces were at first the only sources of heat for the entire household. If the house had other apartments than the kitchen, the sleeping rooms in the winter would be like the frigid zone, and the children sleeping in such rooms would often feel the snow sifting in their faces during violent storms, and find their beds covered with it in the morning, and have to wade through small drifts with bare feet to get to the kitchen; and as the family gathered around the rousing fire, their faces would be nearly scorched while they shivered with the cold from the rear. But as wood was plenty, the householder took care that the fires were liberally supplied, and an air of comfort soon pervaded the kitchen, or "living room." Warming pans were sometimes used to warm beds situated in rooms remote from the fire. These consisted of a covered brass pan with a long handle attached. Coals of fire were put in and then it was inserted and slid about in the bed by the good housewife until the bed 26 HISTORY OF CORNISH. became warm and comfortable,when it was ready for its occupant. But this was a luxury too expensive to be afforded by ail. The fireplace was also the principal source of light for the family at night. This was generally ample for the "living room," so that the family could see to read and sew, and perform nearly all of their household labors. Pine knots were much used to obtain an increased light by throwing one or more of them upon the fire in the fire-place. But if a member of the family had occasion to go to some other room or to the cellar, some other light was needed. The tallow-dip or candle was the light generally used for this purpose. These were made by suspending wicks at proper distances apart on slender rods which were dipped in melted tallow in cold weather when the tallow would adhere and quickly cool. These were suspended between two poles. After repeated immersions the tallow dips would grow to a proper size and be ready for use. These candles were the main light aside from the fire-place. Oil and lamps did not come into general use for several years. The wearing apparel of our ancestors was likewise all home- made, and the materials were home-grown. Every farmer kept, at least, a few sheep and raised his own wool for family use. The sheep were sheared at the proper time and the wool stored. When the women were ready for the work, the wool was sorted, scoured and carded into rolls and spun into yarn, all by hand. Wool was spun on a large wheel turned by hand, the spinner walking back and forth to draw and renew her thread. The yarn thus made was knitted into stockings and mittens, and woven into cloth for the clothing and bed clothing of the family. Some of the woolen yarn was dyed, and the indigo blue dye pot stood in the chimney corner always ready for use, potent with its vile odors whenever it was stirred. Other dyes were used for other colors, as the butternut, sumac and golden rod. These with other combinations furnished all the varieties of color the artistic housewife needed for the family. Cotton goods were almost an unknown article. Many years elapsed after the settlement of the to\ATi before cotton fabrics were generally used in it. Flax was raised for the family linen. This is a plant grown like wheat or oats. When matured it was pulled up by the roots and, after threshing, was laid in gavels to "rot," so that the woody part of the stalk would separate from the j&ber. PIONEER LIFE— EARLY CUSTOMS, ETC. 27 Then it was gathered and stored. The winter's work of the farmer was to break his flax with a break, swingling it on a swingling board so as to remove the woody part. This latter work must be done on a clear, cold day. It was then hatchelled and ready for spinning. This Avas done on a foot-wheel, the spinner sitting, furnishing the power by the foot. The flax was wound on a distaff and carefully fed to a spindle. From the spindle, the yarn was reeled off into knots and skeins and was then ready for weaving. All farmers' daughters learned to spin and weave and they usually made their own marriage outfit. The following lines by Ebenezer Morse, in the history of Walpole, N. H., have a significance here: "The boys dressed the flax, the girls spun the tow And the music of mother's foot-wheel was not slow. The flax on the bended pine distaff was spread With the squash shell of water to moisten the thread. Such were the pianos our mothers would keep Which they played on while spinning their children to sleep. My mother, I'm sure, must have borne off the medal, For she always was placing her foot on the pedal. The warp and the filling were piled in the room, . '■ Till the web was completed and fit for the loom. Then labor was pleasure and industry smiled While the wheel and the loom every trouble beguiled. And here at the distaff the good wives were made. Where Solomon's precepts were fully obeyed." Leather breeches of deer or sheep-skin were much worn by men for heavy work, also leather aprons. The women also used the strong, coarse cloth made of tow, or the combings of flax. The Scotch-Irish brought with them the art of making striped frocking, and it became an article of universal wear for farmers and laboring men, and was made in nearly every family. In the early days the woman's work was not only spinning, weaving, making butter and cheese and doing general housework, but they milked the cows and fed the hogs and poultry and gathered the vegetables for the table. During the Revolutionary War the women took almost the whole care of the farm and stock and performed the labor of the field during the absence of their husbands and brothers. It must not be inferred that the men 28 HISTORY OF CORNISH. were idle. Far from it. The farm needed and received the incessant and vigorous labor of the men to cut, clear, fence and prepare land for the future crops, and then to care for the same. The farmer had but little food-stuff to buy. Nearly every thing needed in the family was raised on the farm. He soon began to raise a surplus from his fresh and unworn soil, and this sold for good prices. Every thriftj' farmer was supposed to make at least one trip annually to Boston to dispose of the surplus products of his farm. In winter there might be seen, almost any week-day one-horse pungs and two-horse box sleighs winding their course to Boston. The body of the load consisted of dressed poultry, butter, cheese, beans, peas, grain, dried apple on strings, woolen mittens and stockings, woolen j-arn and sometimes woolen and linen cloth made by the thrifty women. Sometimes there were pelts, furs and skins of various animals. Frequently such loads were "topped out" with one or more dressed frozen hogs. Frequently a number of neighbors started at the same time and kept company on the road. They carried their food with them — bread, cheese, cooked sausage, and frozen bean- porridge. Sometimes they trudged along on foot and sometimes on the circular step in the rear of their pung. When night came they paid ten cents or so for the privilege of warming their porridge b}^ the tavern fire and sleeping on the bar-room floor. The return freight would be salt, molasses, a few gallons of the indispensable rum, a little salt fish, tobacco, a few spices, a little tea and a few yards of dress goods and ribbons for the wife and daughters. The arrival home of the thrifty farmer at these times brought joy to the whole household. In this way the goods and luxuries of the city came to be known and appreciated by those living in the wilderness. Cooking was mostly done bj* the open fire and the brick oven. Cakes were often baked on the hot stones of the hearth, and potatoes roasted in the ashes. Meat was roasted by being hung before the fire and kept constantly turning. In every good fire-place a large iron crane was hung which supported all kettles hung upon it. It was constructed on hinges, so that pots and kettles suspended from it could be swung backwards over the fire, or forw^ard w^henever desired. By this means all boiling of food, clothes washing, etc., was readily done. Stoves did not come into general use until near the middle of PIONEER LIFE— EARLY CUSTOMS, ETC. 29 the nineteenth century. The brick oven was also a great aid to the housewife, which turned out its great loaves of brown bread, its pots of beans and pork, its roasts of beef, fowl and mutton, its delicious mince and pumpkin pies — all put in at night, and taken out steaming hot in the morning, the materials of which were all produced on the farm except the salt and spices. The modern butcher and baker were yet unknown. A little later they began to raise wheat, but that was a luxury, and the econom- ical housekeeper would make the upper crust of her pies of wheat flour and the under crust of rye. From that custom came the term "upper crust" as applied to aristocratic society. As before stated the fire on the hearth was seldom allowed to go out. To prevent this, a large brand was buried in the embens each night for a bed of coals the next morning. If by any chance the fire was lost, coals had to be brought from a neighbor's, perhaps over long distances; or by flashing powder with a flint- lock gun. Friction matches were then unknown, and were not used until about 1880. Clocks and watches were not generally owned, but the hour-glass, sun-dial or noon-mark were used, and when an evening meeting was announced, it was called at "early candle-hghting." The kitchen was the sleeping apartment of the farmer and his wife, the bed standing in one corner, with the wheel or loom in the opposite corner. The children slept in the loft above, or in a trundle-bed drawn from beneath their parents' bed. The only brooms the good housewife had, were made of hemlock brush tied in a bundle around a handle, or one of "birch-peel." These were made by cutting a yellow birch about three inches in diameter, and four or five feet long, taking off the bark of about a foot of the upper end, then peeling that end into thin narrow strips for the brush, and using the other end, shaved down, for a handle. The Bible and an almanac constituted about all the literature found in their homes. — No libraries, no newspapers. The sports of today were unknown a hundred, or more, years ago. Then it was working bees, raisings, wrestling matches, corn-huskings, etc. Women visited, but worked, taking their work with them. Quilting and carding bees were much their employment during the daytime. In the evening, both sexes came in for a jolly good time, the occasion often ending up with 30 HISTORY OF CORNISH. a dance in the big kitchen. The huskings were dehghtful fes- tivities, closing with a supper of pumpkin pie, "nut-cakes," cheese, apples and cider. A red ear of corn husked by a j^oung man entitled him to go the rounds with kisses, and one husked by a girl gave her the right to kiss the lad of her choice, or, if her courage failed, to be kissed by every lad present. The only light furnished for these occasions was a tallow dip in a perforated tin lantern, which gave only a feeble light. Later in the season came the paring bees, where the apples were pared, quartered and strung to dry. After the feast came the social hour, usually devoted to playing of games; all games having fines and all fines being paid with a kiss. After these jolly frolics each j^oung man was expected to "beau" his "best girl" home. Postal facilities were very limited in those days, even to the close of the eighteenth century. Mail was at first carried on horseback, once in two weeks or so; and this only along the principal routes. These routes were very few, and but few post offices were established at first. Farmers living away from these routes often had to travel many miles to obtain their mail. The condition of the roads, too, was very unfavorable. In the earliest days oftentimes a bridle-road afforded the only means of communication between neighbors. After highways were laid out the roads were made in better condition, so that carriages became more common, and travel more rapid. In those times, church and state were united. The church was sustained by the whole community under the management of the political machinery of the state and town; a tax for its support being laid on every propertyholder. This action was required by Great Britain in all her colonies, and therefore one of the conditions of the township grants was that a certain part of said grant should be set apart for the propagation of the gospel, etc. This practice continued even after British rule had ceased in our colonies. The emancipation of the church from political authority was largely due to the Baptists, whose tenets forbid magisterial authority or interference in religious affairs. (See Baptist Church.) All other churches soon after followed in their wake. The first meeting houses in town were plain buildings, but little better than barns, without much finish. The men sat on one side, and the women on the other. There were no means PIONEER LIFE— EARLY CUSTOMS, ETC. 31 of warming them in winter ; and yet everyone was required to go to meeting, even though thinly clad and poorly shod, and remain through two long services, each sermon being at least an hoar long, besides two prayers and psalm-singing to each service. Between the two services there was an hour's intermission. It was a common custom on Sunday morning in winter to yoke the oxen to a sled, put on a few boards, put on a chair for "mother" or "grandpa," take blankets in which the children cuddled down, and drive, in some cases, miles to meeting, stay through both services and intermission with no fire in the meeting house, and then drive home through the snow to a cold house. Women sometimes carried heated stones for their hands and feet; and later foot-stoves were used. These were filled with live coals at the start, and sometimes replenished for the return ride home, at the house of a friend near the meeting house. It was thought essential that a child should be baptized soon after birth, and it is said that babies were sometimes taken to those cold houses for baptism before they were a week old. In summer most of the people walked to meeting. If a horse was owned, the man would take his wife on the horse with her youngest child on a piUion behind him, and the children walked barefooted, the older girls carrying their shoes and stockings and putting them on just before they arrived at church. The mother of the writer has often avouched the truth of this custom, as she was one of the many big girls who practiced it. The minister was regarded as a superior and sanctified being and entitled to great reverence and respect. At the close of the services the congregation would rise and stand while he passed out through the central isle. The early ministers preached morality as an essential element of true religion, and practiced it in their lives. Children were taught to show them great respect. If they met the minister on the highway, the boys would remove their hats and bow their heads, and the girls would make a low courtesy. Their visits in the family were not always relished by the children. The restraint on these occasions was irksome, and the fear of being catechised so great that they were glad to see him take his departure. Deacons' seats were built at the base of the high pulpit, facing the congregation. Here those officials sat each Sabbath adding much to the apparent sanctity of the services. 32 HISTORY OF CORNISH. Tithingmen, chosen by the town and sworn to the faithful performance of their duties, armed with a long staff, took position overlooking the congregation, or walked the aisle, to preserve order and keep all the drowsy ones awake. The singing was performed by the reading of a line of a hymn by the minister or leader, who gave the key-note with his pitch- pipe or tuning fork, the choir singing it after him, and then taking the next line in the same way. The observance of the Sabbath was very strict; its hours begun at sunset on Saturday, and ended at sunset on Sunday night. All customary lal)ors were suspended. All things savor- ing of levity or even mirthfulness were to be repressed, and all must go to meeting whatever the distance or the weather. Almost the only public and secular intercourse the people had on Sunday was during the hour intervening between the two solemn services of the sanctuary, when they caught a few moments for gossip. The less devout men of the congregation had their weekly chat in the horse-sheds at the rear of the church. Puritan morals frowned upon amusements generally. Card- playing, theater-going and dancing were considered abominations by all good church-goers. The free use of ardent spirits was not tabooed as at present. Ordinations and dedications, and even funerals were made occasions of feasting, and great freedom in those indulgences, and excess did not then seem to incur any disgrace. The first schools were primitive affairs. Owing to the lack of text-books and competent teachers, but little could be learned beside the "three R's:" (Reading, "Riting" and "Rithmetic") Schoolhouses were rude and uncomfortable. In winter the teachers were men, and the schools were effective and practical so far as they went. (See Educational Department.) "As a rule, the pioneers heretofore described, and their wives and the large families of girls and boys reared in those primitive homes, were among the purest and noblest of men and women. Though parents were austere and apparently unsympathetic, their hearts were warm under a stern exterior. Their Puritan principles were of the highest, and their industry, frugaUty and integrity made them the best of citizens; and most of those homes were pure fountains whence flowed the streams that formed the mighty rivers of the states and the nation. From PIONEER LIFE— EARLY CUSTOMS, ETC. 33 such homes came the men, always nobly seconded by the women, who beat back the savages, subdued the forests; carried on the affairs of each little independent government, the to^vn; organized the states; won their separation from Great Britain, and laid the foundation of this grand republic." The early settlers of these towns were a hardy and vigorous people, inured to hardship and danger. They were generally the young, energetic and enterprising members of the older com- munities. Respect for the authority of the church and state were striking features in the character of our forefathers. While not highly educated in the schools, they became liberally educated in the arts and methods of pioneer life. The rugged hfe they were compelled to lead developed new energies and made them the heroes of their own success. With all their devotion to law and authority they possessed a love for freedom from restraints of society which is fascinating to many men and women. Their own lives as pioneers were divested of all such restraints and so they were at liberty to devote all their energies to the founding and growth of their homes in the wild. Their lives were a repetition of that of their ancestors nearer the coast who had fought and driven the Indians back and established homes the century before; the account of which stimulated these, their descendants, to a similar work and expe- rience. The ragged experiences of the first settlers served to develop them in every way and fit them for still greater achievements. It made them a class of men and women of a type apparently superior to those who were never called to such experiences. The following incident is a specimen of multitudes of similar experiences by early settlers: It is related by Levi N. Barn- ard, Esq., of Springfield, Vt.: "Nathaniel Gowing, who was born in Sutton, Mass., in 1734, came to Chester, Vt., soon after the settlement of that towm in 1763. The summer of 1765 was a barren one and the following winter was very cold with deep snows. Provisions were scarce, and Mr. Gowing, who lived in the north part of that tovni on a high hill, was forced to travel on snowshoes to Cornish, N. H., where the only grist-mill within many miles was located. He tramped across Weathersfield and reached the river (there were no highways then), went up the river on ice to Cornish and 34 HISTORY OF CORNISH. secured sixty pounds of Indian meal, he then retraced his steps. The load proved heavy and he became nearly exhausted. In this condition he was tempted to lie down in despair, but the thought of his wife and children famishing at home kept him going, and after a long and weary tramp he reached home with his meal on his back, and on that they managed to worry out the balance of the winter." Mr. Barnard, now (1908) in his 99th year, has often heard Mr. Gowing relate this incident among other experiences of his early life. Many a like incident has been told where our ances- tors, when driven to straits, have performed heroic deeds and conquered difficulties that would seem well-nigh impossible in our day. To the masterful deeds of our forefathers, we owe the comfortable conditions of the present. Their heroic achievements paved the way for the generations that have since followed them. In all the early settlements of New England a vigilant system of self-defense was the only safeguard for the settlers. The dangers of the forests from Indians and wild beasts developed this spirit and made the hardy pioneers brave and warlike. Thrilling feats of bravery and valor were often displayed by individuals and by organized forces. The necessity of organized force was realized by all. The French and Indian War had been precipitated. French and English were rival claimants for vast tracts of the territory of North America. The French, joined by Indian allies, sought to drive the English settlers from their just claims. The English very naturally resented all these attempts, and a war lasting nine years ensued, resulting in a vic- tory for the English colonists. This was called the "French and Indian War." It ended in 1763, — two years before the settlement of the town. Cornish, therefore, as a town, played no part in this strife. Hostile forces may have marched through the solitude of her forests, but they left no record there. The principal, if not the only hero of that memorable strife, who afterwards made Cornish his home, was Capt. Joseph Taylor, whose interesting experiences are recorded in the genealogy of the Taylor family. (Which see.) Wild Beasts, Etc. The forests of Cornish, like those of other towns in this section, at first abounded with wild game of all kinds common to the PIONEER LIFE— EARLY CUSTOMS, ETC. 35 latitude and climate. The most dangerous and most dreaded animals were the black bear, wolf and catamount. The wolves often made the night hideous by their howling, two or three making sounds as if there were a dozen or more of them. But these seldom attacked men unless pinched by extreme hunger. Children, however, were in much greater danger from them. Bears and wolves especially were counted a terror and a scourge, as they were ever ready when opportunity presented, to prey upon such domestic animals as might come Avithin their reach. The raising of sheep was next to an impossibility by reason of their depredations. The state therefore offered and paid bounties for their destruction. We can realize that it was a pressing necessity that prompted the offering of liberal bounties for their extermina- tion. For several years it was necessary that all domestic animals be secured by corralling them at night to render them as secure as possible. It was no uncommon thing for the weary oAvner to be aroused from his slumbers at midnight by the dismal wail of his affrighted animals, caused by the stealthy approach of vora- cious beasts. Incessant war, therefore, was waged against them. Trapping the bear was a common method resorted to. Shoot- ing was considered less safe than trapping them, as a wounded bear becomes a terrible foe unless the hunter has made a fortunate shot, which he is not always sure to accomplish. The traps were made of iron and steel with long sharp teeth in- side the jaws which closed with a savage and relentless grip upon its victim which could in no way extricate itself. When caught in this way the bear or other animal could easily and safely be dispatched. Doubtless many a thrilling adventure with these animals occurred during the earlier years, which, had they been recorded would furnish an interesting chapter ; but unfortunately not many of these are left on record, or even handed down by tradition. Col. Jonathan Chase was the owner of a bear-trap. He oftentimes loaned it among his neighbors on condition that he should have the hide of all animals caught in it, while the trappers could have the carcass, and all the fun and satisfaction of the capture. The story has often been told of his loaning his trap to Ben- jamin Dorr and other parties in the east part of the town. The trap was set on the hill of the farm of Stephen Child near the line 36 HISTORY OF CORNISH. of the adjoining farm of ]Mr. Dorr, The land was but partially cleared, being covered with underbrush, fallen trees, etc. They set the trap by the side of a huge log or fallen tree. The follo\nng day !Mr. Dorr and his companion sought the place to ascertain if they had caught any game. Evidently they had mistaken its locality. Mr. Dorr mounted a log and pointed to another log a httle way off, saving to his companion, "There is the place where we set the trap," and suiting the action to the word he stepped off the log, intending to go to the other log, and stepped directly into the trap which closed upon him, piercing his ankle and holding him fast. His companion seeing his con- dition, at first endeavored to liberate him, but soon found that it required, at least, another man to aid in mastering the sturdy jaws of the trap. The next thought was to go to the nearest neighbor for help. Meanwhile INIr. Dorr was suffering severely from the lacerations of the cruel spikes of the trap, which held him firmly in their grip. His companion ran to the house of Mr. Child for help, and hurriedly told him the circumstances, urging him to come at once to the aid of j\Ir. Dorr. They went to the place where the unfortunate man was pinioned, and ^vith considerable effort they extricated him from his unen^^able predicament. His leg had received severe injuries, from which he never fully recov- ered, and, though he afterwards lived to a good age, was always lame in consequence of this event. But the joke came in on the settlement for the loan of the trap according to the terms then specified. Tradition does not say how the matter was adjusted, but it is hardly supposable that Colonel Chase claimed the ''hide," for in this case the "game" lived mitil nearly 79 years of age. The writer well remembers, when a little boy, of seeing !Mr. Dorr, as an aged and lame man. The event of the "capture " of Mr. Dorr gave occasion for many jocular remarks, doubtless enjoyed by all better than by himself. The locality where this event took place was said to be a favorite resort for bears. A clearing was made on the hill and a field of corn planted as a decoy for them. The rows or ridges made at that time are plainly visible at this day. One morning ;Mr. Child saw a bear leisurely sauntering about the barn e^ddently in search of a breakfast. Seeing the bear was disposed to leave, he seized a lever near at hand, and followed PIONEER LIFE— EARLY CUSTOMS, ETC. 37 the bear towards the woods on the east, until the bear was crossing a shallow pond on a log, when Mr. Child sprang forward and struck the bear a vigorous blow, breaking his back, after which he was easily dispatched. This little incident has often been told the writer, also the place designated where it took place. Ezra Stowell, who lived on the mountain in the edge of Gran- tham (now Cornish), during the early part of the last century had one year an unusually fine piece of corn. He not only took great pride in it, but it was to be the chief dependence of the family for food during the coming winter. So it was with great concern that he discovered that the bears had also got their eyes on it, and were helping themselves to it freely. His wife sympathized with him in the loss, but when he declared his intention of going out that night to shoot the bear, she brought all her powers of persuasion to bear to dissuade him. She argued that if he failed to kill the bear, the bear might kill or injure him, and such a loss would be greater than any amount of corn. She finally wrung from him a reluctant promise to let the bear alone, and she retired to rest with a mind free from anxiety. But there appears to have been a mental reservation in the promise made by Ezra for he loaded his gun that night with a large charge of shot, adding two good bullets. He stood the gun in the hall near the door of the sleeping room, covering it with his coat; and when the regular breathing of his wife convinced him that there was no likelihood of argument being renewed that night, he softly arose, and taking the gun started for the cornfield. It was bright moonlight. As he crept along he heard the bear at work, and soon could see him as plainly as by da}^, going along between the rows, and every now and then reaching for a par- ticularly juicy ear, which he would twist from the stalk, munch with great relish, and then pass on for another morsel. As the bear approached he presented a fine target, and taking good aim, Mr. Stowell fired. The bear went down in a heap, and in a moment lay still. He seemed to be dead, but Mr. Stowell, vdth. the caution of a frontiersman, would not risk a nearer approach without better evidence of death. He prepared to put another charge in the gun, but after the powder was down the muzzle he found that in his haste he had forgotten to bring the shot- pouch. He would not risk a return to the house, where his wife might already be awake; he dare not leave the bear without a 38 HISTORY OF CORNISH. complete settlement. He finally slid the long iron ramrod down the barrel, and fired that into the bear. There was no respon- sive movement, and he was fully satisfied that his first shot had killed the bear. He returned to the house, where he found his wife peacefully sleeping. She knew nothing of the adventure until he confessed to her. The morning came, a complete examination was made. It was found that one of the bullets had passed through the bear's heart and must have caused instant death. The other bullet had severed a corn-stalk as neatly as a knife could have done it. The ox team was brought into play and the bear's carcass drawn down to the house. He was a big fellow. His meat was a welcome addition to the homely fare of the day, and the thick, warm bearskin did duty for many years. These dangerous animals have long since disappeared except an occasional straggler, lured by the "Blue Mountain Game Preserve," may have been seen within a few years. Beside the dangerous animals was the beaver, once numerous, judging by the remains of their dams on meadows through which flow large streams of water. These are now entirely extinct, but the fox, mink, muskrat and raccoon still exist, despite the wary hunter's skill, also the woodchuck, rabbit, hedgehog and skunk. Of the feathered tribe the hawk, owl and crow are still plentiful, causing more or less trouble to those who raise poultry. The sparrow, ro])in, bobolink, swallow, oriole, blackbird, bluejay and many other kinds still exist, charming us with their beauty and filling our forests and meadows with their cheerful songs. Occasionally the whip-poor-wills' plaintive note may be heard on a summer evening. Forests. When the first settlers came to Cornish they found the country an almost unbroken wilderness. The land was covered with a heavy growth of wood and timber, all in its original stateliness and grandeur. The settlers were attracted by these conditions of the forests, as they furnished abundant evidence of the fertil- ity of the soil. Many of the trees were of immense size, especially the white pine. At first these were reserved for "His Majesty's masts," according to the terms in the original grants. This PIONEER LIFE— EARLY CUSTOMS, ETC. 39 reservation continued only during the continuance of British rule in the grants. After this all timber remaining belonged to the o^vners of their tracts. Other varieties of trees common to the latitude abounded in all their primeval grandeur. The evergreens, hemlock and spruce, the former occupying a conspicuous share in the general forest, while the latter crowned the mountain's top and sides. Of the deciduous trees, the different varieties of beech, birch and maple, seem to have formed a large percentage of the bulk of the forest in many places. To these were added the oak, poplar and basswood, while the stately elm and ash were to be found on the meadowlands, or beside the streams of water. The above-named varieties have constituted the chief bulk of all the forests of the town, while many other varieties of less importance were found interspersed among them. The forests, at the first, were comparatively continuous and uniform; covering all the land except swale bogs and craggy heights, or where a tornado may have partially denuded it. With such a growth of wood and timber covering the land one may easily imagine what a task our forefathers had to prepare for the raising of the first crop of provisions. Yet they faltered not, and the forests rang with the sound of the merry woodman's axe mingled with his cheerful song. Legislation to protect the forests was not needed in those days. The significance of the modern title "forester" was then unknown. But on the other hand, the most effective means were employed whereby large tracts of land could be cleared as speedily as pos- sible of its immense growth of trees. Oftentimes the best wooded and timbered tracts were the fields chosen for crop-growing, especially if near the building, and so the fine growth of wood and timber had to be sacrificed. A very common way of beginning a clearing was to cut several adjacent trees two thirds or more off at the stump and then to fall one large tree against the one nearest it, causing it to fall in turn against others, and so the whole would be carried to the ground. This was called "driving a piece." The trees were allowed to lie one season to dry, after which they were cut, piled and burned. Another way was to girdle all the large trees and then remove all the smaller growth by grubbing and burning. The large 40 HISTORY OF CORNISH. trees dying, their shade was not sufficient to materially affect any growing crop. These might stand for years before they fell. Millions of feet of the finest timber, and wood beyond all estimate, were destroyed by these methods. There seemed to be no other alternative as they had no market value at that time, and so the chief aim of the settler was to destroy, which was chiefly done by burning. The clearing involved much hard labor. A portion of the logs were used to build a fence around the tract, and some of the finest were used for building the house, which was generally constructed of logs; and the remainder, the main portion, were cut, piled and burned. These methods were the common experiences of all pioneers who attempted settlement in the primeval forests. Sometimes the settlers would exchange work with each other, and at other times join in "bees" to hasten the work. It is said that some secret tact in planning and preparing log- piles for burning, gave rise to the satirical term of log-rolling. So hardy and physically powerful were many of these settlers and so skilled in the use of the axe, it is said that many a man "felled" his acre of timber in a day, and that some of them would drink a quart of rum, and chew a "hand" of tobacco while doing it. To the present generation, the destruction of those beautiful and valuable forests, seem little short of vandalism; but the exigencies of the times required it, as man must subsist on the products of the soil, and these could not be obtained until after the removal of the trees. Sawmills, however, soon began to be erected, and in this way some of the best timber came to be of great use to the settlers, enabling them to build better houses and materially adding to the comforts of life. Flora. Not unlike the record of other towns of central New England, is Cornish, in regard to the wild flowers of the forest and the field. The history of man cannot antedate their existence in great profusion and variety. Our Savior evidently alludes to the wild flowers when he speaks of the lilies of the field whose beauty and glory outrivaled that of King Solomon. In all the centuries following until our forefathers opened up PIONEER LIFE— EARLY CUSTOMS, ETC. 41 their settlements, have the forests and fields been decked with wild flowers. "God might have made the earth bring forth enough for great and small, The oak-tree and the cedar-tree without a flower at all, "We might have had enough, enough for every want of ours, For luxury, medicine and toil and yet have had no flowers. " The clouds might give abundant rain, the nightly dews might fall. And the herb that keepeth life in man, might yet have drunk them all. "Then wherefore, wherefore were they made, all dyed with crim- son light — • All fashioned with supremest grace, upspringing day and night — "Springing in valleys green and low, and on the mountain high, And in the silent wilderness, where no man passes by? "Our outward life requires them not, then wherefore had they birth? To minister delight to man, to beautify the earth." ■ — Mary Howitt. An observant mind, instructed in the love of the beautiful discovers that Nature has bestowed with unstinted measure the wild flower upon our hills and through our valleys. "Everj^- where about us they are glowing." In great variety, each in its own season, from early spring until the severe frosts of autumn these lovely messengers are sent for the pleasure and inspiration of man. Their varieties are almost numberless, and even un- named. They would teach us wisdom and incite to praise. "Were I in churchless solitude remaining. Far from all voice of teachers or divines, My soul would find in flowers of God's ordaining, Priests, sermons, shrines." — Horace Smith. The wild flowers of our primeval forests possessed charms hardly excelled by those of the present day. Ages before man 42 HISTORY OF CORNISH. saw them, they annually sprung up, flourished in their beauty, performed their mission, and then lay down awaiting the resur- rection of the following year. After the removal of the forests, the flora of the field under- went a change. The soil of the cultivated fields was now open to the reception of any foreign seeds which might be brought to it, and in place of the wild flower were the cultivated grasses with their flowers. So in the open field have the clovers and daisies, with their sweet flowers, in part supplanted the many varieties of the wild flower; while in their wild retreats, the latter still maintain their pristine excellence and beauty. A corresponding change of the flora has taken place in the gardens of cultivated flowers. Our grandmothers were content with a few Hlacs, hollyhocks, poppies and moss pinks, and a few medicinal and fragrant herbs, but the modern housewife now revels among a great profusion of cultivated flowers of almost endless variety. CHAPTER IV. The New Hampshire Grants. The tract of country situated west of the Connecticut River, and now known by the name of Vermont was originally claimed by both New Hampshire and New York. In 1741, Benning Wentworth became governor of New Hampshire, receiving his commission from the king. He continued in office until 1767. In 1749, he received a commission giving him power to issue grants of the unimproved lands, including those l^ing west of the Connecticut River. He and his successor continued doing so until the year 1764, when the king and council, revoking their former action, decided in favor of New York by declaring the eastern limits of their state to be the western bank of the Connec- ticut River, and that said line should be the western boundary of New Hampshire. The grants which Governor Wentworth had made during this period of fifteen years, of lands west of the river, was 138 toAvns. At this point begins the celebrated conflict of jurisdiction, which lasted twenty-six years, over the "New Hampshire Grants, " now known as the State of Vermont. Cornish, owing to its location in such close proximity to the territory in dispute, became a party in the bitter political strife of those years. Its inhabitants became such active participants in the controversy, that it is deemed proper to here record the leading features of that eventful period. Cornish, too, at that time, had her share of men of mental stature and influence that could not be defeated by any trifling opposition. Their inten- tions were doubtless in favor of the public good, even if in the heat of the controversy they have been charged with ambitious designs. The grants issued by Governor Wentworth of lands west of the Connecticut River, the government of New York now declared to be void and called upon the settlers to surrender their charters and purchase new titles to their lands of the government of New York at exorbitant prices. Some of the toAms complied AA-ith 44 HISTORY OF CORNISH. this unjust requisition, but the larger portion of them refused to do so. These lands, or towns, which the settlers refused to repurchase were granted to others by the governor of New York, and actions of ejectment brought and judgment obtained against the settlers in the courts at Albany. The settlers, seeing no hope through the law, determined on resistance to the arbitrary and cruel decisions of the court. Having fairly purchased their lands of one royal governor, they were determined not to submit and repurchase them of another. The attempts of the New York executive officers to enforce their governor's decrees were met with avowed opposition and they were not suffered to proceed in the execution of offices. The settlers who so resisted were indicted as rioters, but the court at Albany found it impracticable to carry their decisions against the settlers into execution. This opposition soon became organized under the lead of Ethan Allen, Seth Warner and others, who stirred up the minds of the people, who met in their several to'VMis and appointed "committees of safety, " and concerted measures for the common welfare. Their principal object, at first, was resistance to the high claims of New York. In 1774, the government of New York passed an act declaring that unless the offenders surrendered themselves to their authority \vithin seventy days they should, if indicted, be convicted and suffer death without the benefit of clergy. At the same time a reward of fifty pounds was offered for the appre- hension of eight of the principal leaders who had become dis- tinguished in the opposition. This threatening state of affairs continued without abatement until the war commenced between Great Britain and her colonies, which event was close at hand. This probably prevented the parties from proceeding to open hostilities. During these years of strife and conflict of claims, another sentiment found birth in the minds of the settlers of these grants. They owed no allegiance to the State of New York, neither regarded any of her claims, save that of contempt. They began to regard it as no violation of compact, or of good feeling with New Hampshire, their mother state, should they become a sepa- rate and independent people. The sentiment rapidly developed in intensity and force that they, the inhabitants of the New Hampshire Grants ought, for certain reasons which they set forth, THE NEW HAMPSHIRE GRANTS. 45 to be an independent state by themselves. Accordingl}', conven- tions were held at Dorset, Vt., in July, 1776, and also September 25th of the same year, and at AVestminster, Vt., January 15, 1777. At this last convention it was resolved that the New Hampshire Grants be anew and separate state. This convention adjourned to meet at Windsor, Vt., July 2, 1777, when a constitution was adopted. It adjourned again to meet on December 24 following at Windsor, when the constitution was revised, and the day set for election of officers March 1, 1778, and the Legislature of the new state to be held at Windsor on the second Thursday of the same month. For months, previous to this the Province of New Hampshire had been taking steps to formally sever its connection with Great Britain and set up an independent state government. A series of provincial congresses had been holden at Exeter, N. H. The fifth and last of these was held December 28, 1775, when a committee was appointed to draft a new constitution for the government of the colony. This committee completed their work and reported the draft of the new constitution January 15, 1776. The convention adopted and voted to be governed by it. These acts virtually changed the Province of New Hampshire, politically, into the State of New Hampshire. This seems to have been a transition period, more so than was realized at the time, for the government of the province and of the towns passed almost imperceptibl}^ from the government of a king to a government of the people, and yet the records of those years hardly showed the change which had actually occurred. The severing of the relations between Great Britain and the Province of New Hampshire gave rise to this peculiar idea: that as the Crown had given towns charters, thej' were, by virtue of said charters, independent corporations of themselves, and that after their allegiance to the Crown was dissolved, they had a right to form confederations of their own, or to ally themselves with other federations as thej' saw fit or deemed best. This idea of independence became developed, especially in that portion of New Hampshire lying west of ''Mason's Line" (so called). The Province of New Hampshire was originally granted to John Mason on November 7, 1629. The hmits of his grant ex- tended "sixty miles west of the sea." The region between this line and the Connecticut River had subsequently been 46 HISTORY OF CORNISH. annexed to the Province of New Hampshire by royal authority. This authority now being annulled, the people beheved they were under no obligation to continue under the government of New Hampshire, but had the privilege of choosing for them- selves the jurisdiction to which they should belong. Vermont having just organized as a state, was holding a session of its assembly at Windsor, in March, 1778. This seemed a favorable time for those towns east of Connecticut River in New Hampshire to take some concerted action to be admitted into the State of Vermont. By reason of kinship and similarity of habits they preferred to unite "udth Vermont, rather than remain with the people of eastern New Hampshire. A committee from sixteen towns east of the river presented this petition to the Vermont Legislature in their first session at Windsor on the second Thursday of March, 1778. They rep- resented that they were not under the jurisdiction of any state, and asked that they might be admitted to, and consti- tute a part of, the new State of Vermont. The towns east of the river represented at Windsor at this time were: Cornish, Lebanon, Hanover (then Dresden), Lyme, Orford, Piermont, Haverhill, Bath, Lyman, Littleton (then Apthorp), Dalton, Enfield, Canaan, Orange (then Cardigan), Landaff, Lisbon (then Granthwaite) , Franconia (then Morris- town). The town of Cornish was especially active in this movement. February 9, 1778, they chose a committee con- sisting of William Ripley and Moses Chase to meet a general committee assembled at Lebanon on May, 1778, which committee voted to join the State of Vermont. So the town, at a meeting on June 2, 1778, Hkewise passed the same vote. Another town meeting was holden on August 11, 1778, to choose a justice of the peace, agreeable to an act of the Vermont Assembly and William Ripley was chosen. The Legislature of Vermont was undecided at first as to what to do with the petition. Members of the assembly from towns of Vermont on and near the river were inclined to favor the petition and even threatened to withdraw from the state, unless the peti- tion of their friends across the river was granted. This induced the Vermont Assembly to accede to the union, provided the assent of the several towns of Vermont could be obtained, and the matter be acted upon at the next meeting of the assembly. This con- THE NEW HAMPSHIRE GRANTS. 47 vened in June, 1778, and it was found that thirty-seven out of forty-nine towns represented were in favor of a union with the New Hampshire towns. An act was passed at this time enabhng the sixteen towns to elect and send representatives to their Legis- lature, and also that other towns east of the river might by a ma- jority vote be admitted to the imion. But the controversy did not end here. It was found that many of the inhabitants of those towns were strongly opposed to their union with Vermont. New Hampshire, too, also put in a vigorous protest. Mesheck Weare, the governor of New Hampshire, wrote the gov- ernor of Vermont, protesting against the course she had taken in admitting those towns to a union with herself. This evidently unsettled the minds of many of the leaders of public opinion in Vermont, who had been looking forward to a union with the thir- teen original states. Therefore the governor and council of Vermont sent a messenger to Congress to see how the new state was viewed by them, and the course they had pursued in receiving the sixteen towns across the river. The messenger soon learned that Congress was unanimously opposed to the union of the sixteen towns with Vermont, but had no objection to the independence of the new state — the represen- tatives from New York alone dissenting. This information produced a radical change of sentiment throughout Vermont. At the next session of the Vermont Assembly at Windsor, in October, 1778, the members from the sixteen towns east of the river, having taken their seats, demanded that they be attached to some county or counties in the state. But this request was denied them. This plainly indicated a change from their for- mer opinions, and that they would doubtless seek to undo what they had already done. The members from the sixteen towns in New Hampshire indignantly protested against the action of the assembly and promptly withdrew. They were followed by many members in sympathj^ with them, from the towTis in Vermont west of the Connecticut River. These seceding members from both sides of the river immediately (October, 1778) resolved them- selves into a convention, and after conference decided to call a convention of delegates from towns both sides of the river to take measures to form a new state independent of either Vermont or New Hampshire. This convention was called to meet at the "Cornish meeting-house on December 9, 1778." The convention 48 HISTORY OF CORNISH. met at the time and place designated and twenty-two towns from both sides of the river were represented by their delegates. They agreed to act together and disregard the limits established by the king in 1764. Anticipating the action of the Vermont Assembly, they now decided to make proposals to New Hampshire in sub- stance as follows: "Since Vermont has taken us and then dis- courteously rejected us we will now unite with you (New Hamp- shire) and give you our aid and influence in laying claim to all the New Hampshire Grants lying west of the Connecticut River, thus making one entire state subject to the approval of Congress." Until this be consummated they proposed to trust in God and defend themselves. While these schemes concerning New Hampshire and Vermont were under consideration, the State of New York was pressing her claims of jurisdiction over the territory of Vermont and tak- ing active measures to enforce her authorit3^ Massachusetts, too, at this time was claiming a portion of the southern part of Vermont. These circumstances, together with the vigorous policy of New Hampshire and New York, induced Vermont to gracefully recede from her former position, so that at her next assembly in February 1779, a majority of the members were in favor of an- nulling their union with the sixteen towns east of the river. An act was then passed dissolving their union with those towns. This action of Vermont ought to have ended the whole con- troversy, but instead it afforded a fresh cause for dissatisfaction especially with the inhabitants of the sixteen towns that had recently been in union with Vermont. The convention in Cornish of December 9, 1778 (already alluded to) consisted of determined men, not easily deterred from carrying out am^ policj^ in which they engaged. Most of the prominent men of Cornish were strong advocates of the action of this convention. They voted in Cornish town meeting the follow- ing April (1779) that they were desirous the New Hampshire Assembly ''should extend their jurisdiction over all the New Hampshire grants." The petition of the Cornish Convention of December 9, 1778, was presented to the New Hampshire Legislature April 2, 1779, by Jacob Bailey and Davenport Phelps. A committee was ap- pointed on the petition, who reported to the Legislature June 24, THE NEW HAMPSHIRE GRANTS. 49 1779. The House of Representatives took it into consideration and adopted it in substance, thus laying claim to all of Vermont, with this provision: ''Unless Congress should choose to allow the grants west of the river to be a separate state by the narne of Vermont," in which case they (New Hampshire) would relinquish its claim to said territory. Congress, at this time, was appealed to by delegates from both Vermont and New Hampshire, each state representing its own case. Congress sent a committee to inquire into the merits of the controversy. Upon the report of this com- mittee, Congress recommended that New Hampshire, New York and Massachusetts each pass acts giving Congress power to settle all boundaries and adjust all conflicting claims between these three states, thus ignoring Vermont, the most interested party of them all. Congress had postponed any decided action, trusting the excite- ment would subside, and that they might adjust the difficulties among themselves. But this could hardly be possible owing to the diversity of schemes and opinions regarding the grants. These may be summarized in part as follows: New York claimed all of Vermont. Massachusetts also claimed a part of the southern portion of it. New Hampshire also desired to extend her claim west to the eastern boundary of New York, while, on the other hand, Vermont desired her independence as a state with her east- ern boundary still "unsettled; and the grants of New Hampshire between "Mason's Line," and the Connecticut River clamoring either for independence as a state with many of its inhabitants desiring union with Vermont on the west or with New Hampshire on the east. Each of these schemes had its able advocates possessing but little spirit of concession, which fact rendered the solution of the difficulties hard to reach. A convention met at Walpole, N. H., November 16, 1780. Col. Jonathan Chase had been chosen delegate from Cornish. They appointed a committee of representative men to formulate some plan of action in regard to boundaries and jurisdiction. They called another convention on January 16, 1781, at Charlestown, N. H., and caused one or more delegates to be appointed from each town in the grants to unite if possible on measures needful for the times. The convention met. Hon. Samuel Chase of Cornish was chosen chairman. Delegates from forty-three towns from both sides of the river were present. The convention adopted a set of resolutions claiming a right to join Vermont or submit to 5 50 HISTORY OF CORNISH. the jurisdiction of New Hampshire. An able and numerous com- mittee was chosen to confer with the assembly of Vermont on the subject of union with that state. The convention adjourned to meet at Cornish meeting house on February 10, 1781. They met agreeable to call, chose Hon. Samuel Chase chairman. Col. Ira Allen from Sunderland, Vt., told the members of the convention that the governor and council and leading men of Vermont were in favor of extending their claim in New Hampshire to ''Mason's Line," sixty miles west of the sea. The effect of this communication was very marked. The convention therefore Reported that all the territory of New Hampshire west of "Mason's Line" to the Connecticut River be united to the State of Vermont. This report was adopted by a great majority of the convention. The assembly of Vermont, now in session at Windsor, gave a hearing to the action of the Cornish convention, and a mutual agreement followed, subject to a certain provision, namely: that the question of union should be referred to towns exceeding twenty miles from the river, and if two thirds of such towns were in favor it should be considered settled. On the 22d of Febru- ary, 1781, the terms of union were confirmed between the Vermont Assembly and the convention at Cornish. The two bodies adjourned to meet in their respective places on Apri 15, 1781. They met according to adjournment, the Vermont Assembly at Windsor and the convention at Cornish. The committee of the convention reported thirty-four towns east of the river favored the union and none opposed it. The Vermont Assembly from the west side reported thirty-six towns favoring and seven opposed to the union. The assembly informed the Cornish Convention that the union was agreed upon bj' a major part of the towns of the state, and that they would receive members re- turned, to sit in the assembly. This was accordingly done, each taking the necessary oaths of office. The member from Cornish was William Ripley, Esq. Thus the sixteen towns which united with Vermont a few years before, so soon to be dropped, were again brought in union with Vermont and as many more towns with them. The necessary political machinery of government was put in motion in the towns now united, agreeably to the constitution and laws of the State of Vermont. The government of New THE NEW HAMPSHIRE GRANTS. 51 Hampshire energetically opposed this action of the towns east of the river, as well as the aggressive movement of Vermont. Through its delegates to the Continental Congress, New Hamp- shire made a strong appeal for Congress, in some way, to settle the controvers5^ New troubles now arose to add to the already serious complica- tion, a large minority of the inhabitants of the towns now united to Vermont still rejected the union with much opposition, con- sequently the laws and the civil officers frequently came into collision. Disputes and contention prevailed and party spirit run high. Both Vermont and New Hampshire found it very difficult to extend their complete jurisdiction over those towais. Finallj' Congress appointed a committee to investigate the merits of the case, and hear both sides of the controversy through delegates from both parties. The State of Vermont at this time was seeking admission to the Federal union of the thirteen states, but on account of the claims of New Hampshire and New York to her territory, her request was denied. Finally Congress moved in the matter and sent an ultimatum to Vermont by a commissioner appointed for the purpose, viz.: that Vermont, before being admitted to the union, must confine her limits on the east to the west bank of the Connecticut River and give up to New York all the to"wais for a breadth of twenty miles east of the Hudson River, adopting a line from the northwest corner of Massachusetts to the south end of Lake Champlain. Accompanjdng this recommendation was a threat, in substance as follows: that in case of the refusal of Ver- mont to comply with those terms, all lands west of the Green Mountain range, running through the state, should be placed under the jurisdiction of New York, and all lands east of this line should be under the jurisdiction of New Hampshire; and that if Vermont neglects or refuses compliance with these terms, it would be deemed a hostile act, and that the forces of the state should be employed against them, unless these orders are carried into execution. The assembly of Vermont considered these resolves of Congress and firmly declined to accede to them, and resolved that they would not submit the question of their independence to any power. A period of excitement bordering on anarch}^ or civil war now 52 HISTORY OF CORNISH. reigned among the people. The majorities midertook to control the minorities, and the latter were not willing to submit to them. Both states appointed civil officers throughout all the towns that had united with Vermont. As a consequence, sheriffs, justices and courts came into collision in attempting to perform their duties as officers of their respective states. Many cases of injustice are left on record as occurring during this "reign of terror," orders were issued by the New Hampshire Legislature for three regiments of militia to be mustered, armed and provi- sioned and gotten in readiness to march into western New Hamp- shire to establish and maintain its authority to the Connecticut River. The governor and council of Vermont issued counter orders, and instructions were sent to General Payne to call out any or all of the militia east of the Green Mountains to assist the civil officers in the execution of the laws of Vermont, and, in case that New Hampshire makes an attack by force, to repel by force. Three regiments of Vermont troops were notified to be in readiness to act under the authority of Vermont. One of these regiments was Col. Jonathan Chase's Regiment containing the Cornish men. But they were never called to this service. Events at this time seemed approaching a fearful and bloody crisis. Men of cooler and more considerate minds now came to the front, anxious to avoid, if possible, the bloodshed that seemed inevitable. Governor Chittenden of Vermont wrote to General Washington, defending the right of his state to independence, but disdaining the right of New York or New Hampshire over any of her territory, and humbly asked his interposition in behalf of Vermont. General Washington replied (January 1, 1782) so wisely and pacifically as to put a better and brighter aspect upon the affairs in dispute. General Washington plainly told Governor Chitten- den that Congress would admit Vermont into the Federal union upon the condition that she must relinquish all claims to lands east of the Connecticut River and that said river be her eastern boundary, and that she must also relinquish to New York all lands lying twenty or more miles east from the Hudson River, and their eastern limit be the western boundary of Vermont. Upon the acceptance of these terms, Congress would doubtless receive Vermont into the union as an independent state, and thus guarantee her limits. THE NEW HAMPSHIRE GRANTS. 53 The Vermont Assembly met at Bennington Februarj^ 11, 1782. The letter of General Washington was laid before it. Its effect was immediate, and favorable to a settlement of the difficulty upon the terms it suggested, and a disposition to settle the matters in dispute pervaded the entire assembly. A resolution was soon passed, in substance, that Congress had determined and guaranteed the boundaries of New York and New Hampshire, and by so doing had determined the boundaries of Vermont. Accordingly on February 23, 1782, an act was passed estab- lishing the west bank of the Connecticut River as the east line of the state, and that the State of Vermont relinquish all claim or jurisdiction over all territory east of said line. This act dis- solved the union and excluded the members of the assembly from all towns east of the river. It is said that they withdrew from the assembly with some spirit of bitterness and chagrin. The inhabitants of these towns also shared in the disappointment, and it took several years for the animosity engendered by this long and bitter controversy to subside. Probably no town east of the Connecticut River carried greater influence, or was more deeply interested in the strife than was Cornish. For these, and other reasons, the ''New Hampshire Grants" have received the generous mention here bestowed. It was a matter of regret that, following the political trans- actions just recorded, a small yet influential minority of Cornish, under the leadership of Judge Samuel Chase and others, would not yield to the will of the majority. Possessing a strong aversion to the government of New Hampshire, he, with others, seemed to possess the forlorn hope of independence, or of a union with any other government than New Hampshire. They called town meetings and elected their full boards of officers and undertook the management of town affairs. These doings, however, were met by the firm yet peaceful spirit of protest from the majority and after a few years this spirit of opposition slowly and reluc- tantly died away, and gave place to a better order of things. CHAPTER V. Revolutionary War. "The land is holy where they fought, And holy where they fell, For by their blood that land was bought. The land thej^ loved so well. Then glory to that valiant band, The honored saviors of the land." — MacLellan. New Hampshire was first organized into a separate province in January, 1680. The first General Assembly met on the 16th of March following, and at once enacted laws organizing the mil- itia of the state, for the exigencies of the times seemed to demand the safeguard of an effective militia. The conflicting claims of France and England were liable at any time to devastate New England. So the colonists were not only interested witnesses of the strife, but they vigoroush' par- ticipated to sustain the claims of England whose colonies they were. The Indians, too, were a constant menace to the settlers, being liable to make murderous raids upon them at any time. They joined hands vdih the French, and the French and Indian War was precipitated, 1754-63. During this latter year, after the war had closed and all the clouds of war had disappeared, the militia of the state was found to consist of but nine regiments of infantr}' and one of cavalr3\ The colonists now enjoyed a few years of immunity from mihtary strife and had the privilege of returning to their homes, cultivating their farms and enjojdng the comforts of domestic life. During this period, however, the colonists con- tinued to increase and strengthen their military forces. In 1773 there were twelve regiments in the state. Little did they dream that their mother country, the home of their birth, and of the graves of their ancestors, would be the power against which their military force would be employed! REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 55 At first the most amicable feelings existed between the colonies and their mother country. These friendly relations, however, were soon disturbed by various causes: Tjo-annical gov- ernors were sometimes appointed over the colonies, from whose decision there was no appeal. Criminals from England were transported to America. "Navigation Laws" compelled the colonists to do their trading with England. The arbitrary collection of duties by custom house officers appointed by Par- liament — these were some of the first causes that finally led to the separation of the colonies from England. In 1764, the famous, or infamous. Stamp Act was introduced into Parliament. This was regarded by the colonists as an assumption of power on the part of England to oppress her subjects in America. Petitions, remonstrances, and protests from the people were presented to the king and his Parliament to prevent if possible the proposed enactment. But, in the words of Patrick Henry a little later: "Our petitions have been slighted; our remonstrances have produced additional violence and insult; our supplications have been disregarded, and we have been spurned with contempt from the foot of the throne." The Stamp Act passed both houses of Parliament on March 22, 1765, by a majority of. five to one in the House of Commons, while every member of the House of Lords voted in favor of it, and the royal assent was likewise given. This action seemed to destroy all love and confidence here- tofore existing between England and her American colonies and a storm of opposition arose on every hand. This was wide- spread and apparently universal. In many places it assumed very demonstrative forms, so much as to interfere with the royal authority, which, until now, had existed. British troops were therefore sent to Boston and other points to assist the royalists in maintaining the authority due the officers of the Crown. This, instead of quieting the opposition, inflamed the colonists all the more. Parliament seeing they had made a mis- take in the passage of the Stamp Act, formally repealed it March 18, 1766, but while doing this they would not relinquish their right to tax the colonies. Repealing of the act, therefore, had but little effect in quelling the opposition which had been so thoroughly aroused. While the popular clamor of the people was apparently unani- 56 HISTORY OF CORNISH. mous in opposition to the policy pursued by England, there were those who still remained loyal to the Crown and to their kindred and ancestors in England, and regretted to see the breach widen- ing that separated them from their kindred. They were not in sympathy with the prevailing spirit of the times, but rather with their mother country. These were by some called ''Roj^alists," and by others " Tories. " As a matter of course as well as a mat- ter of history, these tories were an offense to all those aggrieved at the course pursued bj^ Parliament, and were considered ene- mies to the common cause. This element, though not large, had its representatives all over the country, and even in many of the toAMis of New Hampshire; but neither record nor tradition shows that any of the citizens of Cornish entertained those sentiments. The spirit and attitude that England manifested towards the colonists was anything but conciliatory but, rather, was well calculated to beget increased bitterness, and the people in all parts of the country were becoming seriously in earnest. Civil officers found it very difficult to maintain their authority, and many of them threw up their commissions under the king. The courts of justice were suspended, and the laws relating to civil affairs were but partially executed. By the militia law then in force, the execution of which was in the hands of the "Committee of Safety" and the Provincial Congress, every male citizen from sixteen to sixty years of age was required to provide himself with a musket and bayonet, knapsack, cartridge box, one pound of powder, twenty bullets and twelve flints. Every town was required to keep constantly on hand one barrel of powder, two hundred pounds of lead and three hundred flints for every sixty men enrolled. Even the old men, and those unable to do full military duty, were required to keep on hand the same supplj^ of arms and ammunition as the active militia-men. During the few j^ears of peace prior to 1765, no thought of another war had entered the minds of the colonists until now the people were rudely awakened to the fact that there was less than half the required amount of military stores in the country, and also that the veterans of the Indian wars Avere fast passing away, and their young men were learning nothing of military arts. Attention was called to these facts by the committees of safety and other prominent men. Accordingly, existing military REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 57 organizations were strengthened, and voluntary associations were formed for the purpose of learning military tactics. Drills and trainings became frequent. Companies of minute men were organized and instructed to move at a minute's warning, and the manufacture of arms, equipments and ammunition was stim- ulated. Subsequent events proved the wisdom of these pre- cautionary measures. "Committees of Safety" were appointed in all the towns. They had the oversight and management of all affairs relating to movements of any militia; and exercised a general watch — care against any threatened danger. The com- mittee of each town were to apprize the committee of their neigh- boring towns, should necessity require, and thus they would be enabled to act together when any crisis should come. Expresses were kept in readiness to speed the intelligence to the country around and, in some cases, preparations were made to flash the news by signal lights. The culmination of such a series of events seemed imminent at any time, but the "dogs of war" were not let loose until 1775. On June 29, 1767, Parliament imposed a tax on lead, glass, paper, tea and several other commodities. This added fresh fuel to the flames. Newspapers became more outspoken than before in their denunciation of Parliament and the king. It soon became evident that the Crown was fast losing all patience with her colonies, and that it was about time she should show some intimations of chastisement. With a view of fright- ening the colonies into submission. General Gage, commander of the British forces in America, was ordered to take a regiment of soldiers from Halifax to Boston and quarter them on the citizens. This order being known, its effect was to intensify the bitterness already existing. It was sternly denounced by Samuel Adams and many others, and the press reechoed the sentiment. Never- theless, on September 28, 1767, the troops came fully equipped, with colors fijdng and paraded on Boston Common. Collisions between the troops and citizens were liable to occur at any time, and on March 5, 1770, occurred the so-called "Boston Massacre," in which five citizens were killed and six wounded, by British soldiers. This event caused such an upris- ing of the people that the troops were sent away. During nearly three years following this event, historians record but few striking events that were calculated to precipitate the 58 HISTORY OF CORNISH. Revolution. It seems a little marvelous that at such high tide in the passions of men as was exhibited in 1770, that so few historic developments occurred during this time. There can be no doubt, however, that affairs were ripening for the great events to follow. Were they not years of gestation? Liberty had been conceived, but was not yet born. Perhaps this comparative quietude was needed for the full growth and development of the new principle of Liberty which has since actually revolutionized the world. On December 16, 1773, occurred the famous "Boston Tea Party" when 340 chests of tea were broken open and their con- tents thrown overboard into Boston Harbor. The news of this transaction was received in England on Jan- uary 27, 1774. This threw her into a flame of wrath. Thereupon the charter of Massachusetts was declared annulled, and the people, rebels. She also passed the famous "Boston Port Bill," closing the port to all trade, said act to take effect June 18, 1774. On September 5, 1774, the Continental Congress met at Phila- delphia. All the states were represented except Georgia. It was at this session that Patrick Henry in a burst of oratory uttered those immortal words that fired every heart by their patriotic elo- quence, saying in part that there was "no peace, but the war has actually begun." The British troops stationed in or near Boston were becoming more bold and began acting on the offensive. This being reported, continued to further arouse the people to a determination to resist the further assumption of power by England. This spirit extended to towTis far remote, and men from those to^\ais hur- riedly left their homes for the threatened theater of strife. It was now evident the "clash of resounding arms" was near at hand. The battle of Lexington soon followed, April 19, 1775. News of the battle spread like wild-fire throughout all the colonies. "It was the shot that was heard around the world." After this, there was no need of conscripting or even urging men to the opening conflict. No bounties were needed to induce men to enlist, but they voluntarily rushed forward to the "ranks of war" induced only by a love for liberty and home. Nearly every town in the Province of New Hampshire sent volunteers, so that by the 23d of April, 1775, 2,000 New Hampshire men were on the ground at Cambridge and Medford, Mass., REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 59 while the whole force of men from Massachusetts, Connecticut and Rhode Island numbered nearly 20,000. They were entirely ununiformed, and many of them without equipments. Boston, with the British army, was now entirely enclosed on the land side. The patriots began throwing up entrenchments all along the lines, and the city was in a state of siege. At this time there was no staff organization from New Hamp- shire on the ground, and no rations, ammunitions or supplies of any kind provided by the authority of New Hampshire. The New Hampshire men were advised to enlist for the time being in the service of Massachusetts in order to draw rations and quarters. An arrangement to that effect was made by a com- mittee of the New Hampshire Provincial Congress with one from that of Massachusetts — the men to be accounted on New Hampshire's quota, and supplies were issued to some New Hamp- shire troops by the commissaries of Massachusetts. Even the commissions of colonel to Stark and Reed were issued April 26, by the Massachusetts Committee of Safety. These were accepted, to continue until New Hampshire acted. (McClintock's "History of New Hampshire," p. 332.) Most of the men who had gathered in such haste were farmers, impatient to strike a blow for their country, or to be at home to plant their crops and attend to their affairs. Seeing no prospect of immediate action at the front, large numbers of them returned to their homes, many with the consent of their officers, others without asking consent. There was no power to hold them because they had not yet signed enlisting papers in any regular service; and in some cases they were advised by their commanders to go home and prepare for a war of indefinite length. (Keene History, p. 177.) These facts account for the limited number of names of soldiers on the Revolutionary rolls of the year 1775. That a considerable number of men from upper Cheshire County (now Sullivan County) went to Massachusetts at that time to render military assistance has been accounted a matter of fact, but only a portion of their names appear on the rolls. Perhaps, however, family tradition in some instances has preserved the names of some of them. On the pay-roll of Capt. John Marcy's Company, Col. James Reed's Regiment, August 1, 1775, is the name of WiHiam Richardson and other Cornish men. 60 HISTORY OF CORNISH. Joseph Taylor (then of Cornish) is found enrolled in Capt. Henry Elkins' Company, Col. Enoch Poor's Regiment, on July 7, 1775, August 1, 1775, and also on October 10, 1775. On the 17th of June, 1775, the battle of Bunker Hill was fought. The whole number of Americans in that memorable battle did not exceed 1,700 men. Of these 1,230 men were from New Hamp- shire, and were largely from Cheshire County. The troops were under the command of Colonels Stark and Reed, both New Hampshire men. Of this battle it is said that "it was the bloodiest fight that could be called a battle, in proportion to the numbers engaged, that has ever been fought on American soil." The loss to the British army was not less than eleven hundred, killed and wounded, or more than one third of the English army engaged. The loss on the American side was about four hundred and fifty men, or about thirty per cent, of those engaged. The roar of cannon at the battle of Bunker Hill is said to have been heard by inhabitants of several towns along the Connecticut River. Citizens of Cornish declared they heard it, and, whether true or not, it has generally been so beheved. Among the events of 1775, it is of interest to record that John Wentworth, the last governor appointed by the Crowai for New Hampshire, after several ineffectual attempts to convene the Legislature during the summer of 1775, finally in September, abdicated and went away in a British frigate for Nova Scotia. To the last he urged upon the Legislature, but without avail, a restoration of harmony with Great Britain. This ended the last vestige of British rule in New Hampshire. The early hesi- tating measures of resistance and defence on the part of the colo- nies, now assume the gravity and dignity of war. The British government no longer oppressed a dependent, but engaged in grim war with a nation. On May 17, 1775, the Provincial Congress or Assembly met at Exeter, New Hampshire. Samuel Chase, Esq., attended it from Cornish. It was there recommended that "the selectmen of the several tov^ms, parishes, and other places in the Colony, take an exact number of the Inhabitants of their respective Districts in classes, with the number of fire-arms and pounds of powder on hand, and the number of fire-arms needed, and that an account REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 61 of the whole made under oath, be returned to the Committee of Safety for this Colon}^" Agreeable to the foregoing recommendation the census of Cornish for the year 1775 was taken, which was as follows: Males under 16 years of age 83 Males from 16 to 50 not in the army 77 Males above 50 years of age 9 Females (all) 136 Negroes & slaves for life Persons in army 4 All .... 309 Fire-arms in Cornish fit for use 53 Number of fire-arms wanted to complete one for every person capable of using them 33 No powder in town but private property and that is 20 lbs. Cornish Oct. y« 30th 1775. Personally appeared Samuel Chase Esqr. and made solemn oath that he had acted faithfully and impartially in taking the above numbers according to the best of his discretion before me. Daniel Putnam — Town Clerk. The records of Cornish, before 1776, are silent about every- thing that relates to the Revolutionary War. While a record of a deep interest in the war would afford gratification to later generations, yet the fact of such omission reflects nothing upon the loyalty of the entire town. It seems that, at this time, the good people of Cornish were all engaged in the erection of a house of worship that enlisted their interests, means, and energies to their utmost. To them, religious rights and privi- leges were second to no other, as manifestly shown in this. After the British rule in New Hampshire was ended, the to"v\Tis became aware of the fact that there was no general gov- ernment. No courts were held in Cheshire County from 1774 to 1778, but each town instituted governments of its own and enacted laws for the management of its own affairs. Warrants for town-meetings were headed, simply "Cheshire 62 HISTORY OF CORNISH. S. S." and were called by the town clerk upon the order of the selectmen. A similar state of affairs existed among all the colonies. It is not to be wondered if strange local laws were sometimes enacted. The Provincial Congress on the 5th of January, 1776, adopted a temporary constitution. By the terms of this instrument a distinct and coordinate branch of the Legislature was created which was then called the Council. In later times this body has been styled the senate. During the Revolutionary War, and the period of this temporary constitution, there was no governor. The council and the house performed these functions during sessions, and the committee of safety during the recesses of the Legislature. For the year 1776, the councillors were elected by the house of representatives, and in subsequent years by the people. Early in March, 1776, General Washington seized Dorchester Heights and thus compelled the British to evacuate Boston, and on the 18th he started for New York with five of his best regiments, including General Stark with all his New Hampshire men as one, and on the 27th General Sullivan followed with the remainder of his brigade, but the latter was soon afterwards sent with his New Hampshire regiments from New York to reinforce the army of the North which was now slowly retreating from Quebec under General Gates. The smallpox had broken out in the Northern army and General Thomas had fallen a victim to it, so General Sullivan succeeded to the command. The Northern army slowly retreating before a powerful British army under Burgoyne, from the north, naturally caused great alarm throughout New England, particularly as bands of Indians at this time were hovering on our frontiers, threatening to repeat their former atrocities. Because of this, the government raised two additional regiments to reinforce the Northern army. These were commanded by Colonels Wyman and Wingate. In the enrollment of Colonel Wyman's Regiment, August 20, 1776, are found the names of Peter Labere, J. Nathaniel Holden and Joel Rice, all of Cornish. (P. 324, Vol. 1, Rev. Rolls.) On the 12th of April, 1776, the committee of safety for the state, sent to the selectmen of each town the ''Association Test, " which in form was as follows: REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 63 "To THE Selectmen of — "Colony of New Hampshire "In Committee of Safety, "April 12, 1776. "In order to carry the underwritten i^esoZwe of the Hon'ble Con- gress into Execution, You are requested to desire all males above Twenty-One Years of Age, (Lunatics, Idiots, and Negroes ex- cepted) to sign to the Declaration on this paper; and when so done to make return hereof, together with the Name or Names of all who shall refuse to sign the same, to the General Assembly, or Committee of Safety of this Colony. "M. We are, Chairman. "In Congress March 14th 1776. "Resolved, that it be recommended to the several assemblies, Conventions and Councils or Committees of Safety of the United Colonies, immediately to cause all persons to be disarmed, within their respective Colonies, who are notoriously disaffected to the cause of America, or who have not associated, and refuse to asso- ciate to defend by Arms the United Colonies against the Hostile attempts of the British Fleets and Armies. "Extract from the Minutes. "Charles Thompson, Secretary. "In consequence of the aboveResolutionofthe Hon. Continental Congress, and to show our Determination in joining our American Brethren in defending the Lives, Liberties, and Properties of the Inhabitants of the United Colonies: "We the Subscribers, do hereby solemnly engage, and promise, that we will, to the utmost of our Power, at the Risque of our Lives and Fortunes, with Arms oppose the Hostile Proceeding of the British Fleets and Armies against the United American Colonies." Copies of the above Association Test were sent to all of the colonies including the towns of New Hampshire. Returns from nearly a hundred of these towns have been preserved. No re- turn from Cornish has been preserved, and if the paper was cir- culated and signed by the men of Cornish, it has been lost. The province of New Hampshire then numbered about 80,000 inhabit- 64 HISTORY OF CORNISH. ants. Only 773 persons in the state refused to sign. In most cases these were the wealthy and influential men. The application of the foregoing test revealed the true attitude of the American people, and furnished assurance of success in the bold venture of July 4th when their independence was declared. The new nation now felt her increased responsibility and she re- solved to bend her every energy that the venture should prove a triumphant success. The Declaration of Independence was published by beat of drums in all the shire towns of New Hamp- shire. (Belknap's "History of New Hampshire," Vol. 2, p. 405.) "It was received by the army, the legislatures and the people with great rejoicing. That declaration brought great encouragement to the patriots, gave them a more definite object for carrying on the war, and united them in a common cause. That object had now come to be the establishment of a nation of their own under democratic rule; the dreaded alternative was the fate of conquered rebels. There could be no more powerful incentive to fight; no sharper spur to endure hardship and privation." Because of the continued threatening attitude of the enemy and the exposed condition of Ticonderoga, the assembly this year voted that 2,000 additional men be raised to recruit the forces already in service. At this time there were seventeen territorial regiments in the state. Col. Jonathan Chase's regiment was the seventeenth in number. The quota of men to be raised from his regiment was sixty-one. The full enrollment of his regiment was 492 men, from which to enlist the quota. These enlisted Sep- tember 24, 1776, and were mustered in October 14, following. Colonel Chase marched with two companies, and Colonels Ashley, Bellows and Hale with several companies each,, all for Ticonde- roga and vicinity. The record of their movements has not been found, but they received hearty commendation for prompt service, etc., from General Gates and were dismissed by him with honor November 9, 1776. Enrolled among the two companies under command of Colonel Chase were the following Cornish men: Capt. Josiah Russell's Companj^ — Lieut. Daniel Chase, Ensign Josiah Stone, William Paine, Benj. Comings, Zebadiah Fitch, James Cate, Samuel Fitch, David Huggins, Thomas Hall, Jr., John Chase, Abijah Hall, Robert Dunlap, James Hall, Joseph Vinsen, Elias Gates, Stephen Cady, John Weld, James Wellman, Jr., beside several others Gen. Jonathan Chase house as it appeared in 1870 REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 65 who may have been of Cornish but whose identification is uncertain. In Capt. John House's Company, Colonel Baldwin's Regiment, in September, 1776, were enrolled the names of Briant Brown, Curtis Cady and Ebenezer Brewer, all Cornish men. (Rev. Rolls, pp. 422-23, Vol. 1.) On December 12, 1776, Capt. Joshua Haywood's Company was paid off by Col. Jonathan Chase. John Weld, Eleazer Jackson and possibly other Cornish men were of the com- pany. (Rev. Rolls, pp. 444-45, Vol. 1.) As the year 1776 was drawing near its close the outlook of public affairs was so gloomy that Congress recommended ah the states to appoint "a Day of Solemn Fasting and Humihation." The New Hampshire Legislature adopted the recommendation, and, on the 13th of December it dissolved wath the invocation: "God save the United States of America." The three New Hampshire regiments, Stark's, Poor's and Scammell's, had left the Northern army on the 16th of November and had marched down the Hudson River and joined General Washington on the 20th of December in time to take a leading part in the battles of Trenton and Princeton. Though worn by fatigue, and almost destitute of clothing at that inclement season, these New Hampshire regiments were counted by General Wash- ington among the best troops of his army, and their arrival gave him great satisfaction. At Trenton, the main column of attack was led by Colonel Stark with his New Hampshire men, and the battle was saved; the same troops, with Gilman's added, saved the day at Princeton. The battle of Trenton was fought December 26, 1776, and that of Princeton on the 3d of January following. These victories gave the colonists fresh courage, yet the winter of 1776-77 was, to the inhabitants of New England, a season of gloom and fearful apprehension, the regiments of New Hamp- shire troops having been withdrawn. This left their frontier exposed to the mercy of the British army, and the incursions of Indians. But a kind Providence seemed to intervene and the rest of the winter of 1776-77 passed without serious events happening to them. The following Cornish incident found among the "Chase Papers" illustrates the spirit that animated our fathers during those days: "The house of Col. Jonathan Chase was for a time 66 HISTORY OF CORNISH. used as a station for collecting supplies for the government, and there was a guard left or stationed there in charge — a sergeant and a few men, as sentinels. These were detailed from a company of minute men that were enrolled in the town. On one occasion the guard was on duty when he saw something passing along near the river, which he hailed, but not being answered, he fired his gun at the object. This brought out the sergeant and guard. They decided to give the signal to call the minute men together; this signal was the firing of three minute guns. Before morning, without any other notice, fifty men rallied to headquarters, armed and equipped for service." Early in the spring of 1777, the colonists felt the necessity of vigorous action. Pressing appeals from Generals Schuyler and Wayne came to the Committee of Safety of New Hampshire. On the 3d of May the state committee sent orders to the three colonels of militia in Cheshire County, "entreating you by all that is sacred, to raise as many of your Militia as possible and march them to Ticonderoga. " In response to this call, Colonel Ashley raised, and marched from Keene with 109 men, Colonel Bellows from Walpole with 112 men, and Colonel Chase of Cor- nish with 159 men. These men were all enhsted in four days. This ready response revealed the active and determined spirit of the times. In Revolutionary Rolls, volume 2, pages 14-19 is the full list of Colonel Chase's men. Nearly thirty of these men were soldiers of Cornish. The other men from outside, came to town and together they marched on May 7, 1777, for Ticonderoga, ninety miles distant. On reaching their destination they found the alarm had subsided, and the men were discharged on June 18, after serving one month and twelve days. It is not clear why the alarm should subside so easily, while General Burgoyne -wdth his forces were still hovering so dangerously near; yet such is the record. The three New Hampshire regiments, Colonels (now Brigadier- Generals) Stark, Poor and Scammell who had rendered such val- uable service at Trenton and Princeton were called north, and joined the Northern army in early summer. General Burgoyne now commanded the British army of the North, 10,000 strong. Seven thousand of these were choice troops sent from England, with the finest train of brass artillery (forty-two pieces) that had ever been seen in America; besides REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 67 thousands of Indians employed as allies "to use as instrument of terror" (Bancroft's History, Vol. 5, pp. 579, 587). Exaggerated reports of the strength of his army and the rapidity of his advance reached the states again causing great alarm throughout New Eng- land. Again the militia was ordered to the front, and turned out in greater numbers than before, Colonel Ashley having about 400 men and Colonel Chase 186. These latter left Cornish June, 27, 1777. Revolutionary Rolls, volume 2, pages 38-45, contains the full list of Colonel Chase's men. Thirty-three of these are recognized as Cornish men. While on their march they met troops returning home who informed them that Ticonderoga had capitulated with 3,000 men, on July 1st, to General Burgoyne. The men with their officers returned home disheartened and were soon discharged, after having rendered a brief servico'^of from four to fifteen days. Hardly had these men returned, when another alarm rang through the state. The evacuation of Ticon- deroga and advance of General Burgoyne were threatening the subjugation of New England. This was perhaps the darkest hour in the history of the war for the New England States. The situation was so alarming that the Committee of Safety of New Hampshire issued a call July 14, 1777, for the Legislature to convene on the 17th. A most depressing state of affairs existed. The treasury was empty. The state had no money, and no means of obtaining any. Here- tofore there had been such a draught on the state for men and money, that it seemed nothing more could be done. And yet Burgoyne must be stopped, or his army would overrun their territory, and their homes and property be sacrificed. When the gloom of the situation had been portrayed. Col. John Langdon, speaker of the House, arose and made one of the most telling speeches of the Revolution, when he said : " I have one thousand dollars in hard money. I mil pledge my plate for three thousand more; I have seventy hogsheads of Tobago rum which I will sell for the most it will bring. They are at the service of the state. If we succeed in defending our firesides and our homes, I may be remunerated; if we do not, then the property will be of no value to me. Our friend Stark, who so nobly defended the honor of our state at Bunker Hill, may safely be entrusted with the honor of the enterprise, and we will check the advance of Bur- gojTie. " * * * 68 HISTORY OF CORNISH. The effect of such patriotism and eloquence was magical. The offer was accepted with enthusiasm. The next day the Legisla- ture promptly voted ways and means for the immediate increase of the army. The patriotism of Colonel Langdon was contagious. No draft was necessary. Swift couriers carried the news to the remotest towns in the state and 1,500 men sprung to arms. The troops rendezvoused at Charlestown and General Stark took command. About the first of August General Burgoyne detached Colonel Baum with about 700 men, veteran soldiers, two pieces of artillery and 150 Indians for a raid through the New Hampshire Grants. He was also joined by several hundred tories. He had received orders to collect cattle and horses, and to destroy all such stores as they were obliged to leave behind. Information was received by General Stark that the enemy designed to capture the stores at Bennington, Vt. Pressing forward with his troops he arrived at Bennington on the 9th of August. Baum's advance reached Cambridge, twelve miles northwest of Bennington on the 13th. On the 14th the two armies came in sight of each other, and General Stark invited attack, but Baum was cautious and en- trenched. It being near night, Stark drew back about a mile, where his men lay on their arms that night. On the 15th it rained hard all day, and both parties remained in position. Gen- eral Stark now had about 1,600 men. On the morning of the 16th of August, General Stark, having decided to attack the enemy, sent Colonel Nichols with 300 men to his left, and Colonel Hendricks with 300 men to the right. Taking command of the main body in front of the enemy's breast- works, when all was ready, he, pointing to the enemy, made the short but immortal speech: ''There are the Redcoats, they are ours, or Molhe Stark sleeps a widow tonight." Prompted by the same determined spirit his men entered the action, and the result was a complete defeat of Colonel Baum, who was mortally wounded, and a decisive victory on the part of General Stark. The result of this victory was far-reaching. It wonderfully cheered the spirits of the colonists, and was largely instrumental in the sur- render of General Burgoyne at Saratoga two months later. On the 23d of September, having received another requisition from General Gates, Colonel Chase again mustered the men of his regiment, then numbering 142 men, and marched from Cornish REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 69 to Saratoga, September 26, 1777, a distance of 110 miles, to reinforce the army of General Gates, which was purposing to check the movements of General Burgoyne, and, if possible, to effect his overthrow. Two or three additional companies of men were subsequently placed under the command of Colonel Chase, so that when ready for action, his regiment numbered 235 men. After he had left Cornish, Colonel Morey with a company of thirty men marched to Cornish, reaching it October 1 . He intended to turn over his men to Colonel Chase but, finding him gone, he sent the men forward under Captain Chandler, with orders to place them- selves under Colonel Chase, and then he returned to enlist more men. The first battle of Saratoga had been fought September 19. It being a drawn battle, the forces lay confronting each other for eighteen days following. Meanwhile Colonel Chase, with his men had joined the army of General Gates. On the 7th of October an- other battle was fought and a decisive victory over Burgoyne was the result. The regiment of Colonel Chase was engaged in this battle, though not seriously, and ten days later they witnessed the surrender of Burgoyne. After the battle of October 7 the situation of General Burgoyne become desperate. He was almost surrounded by the American troops; his supply of pro- visions were becoming exhausted; his men deserting; reinforce- ments for the patriots were constantly arriving. Burgoyne called a council of war, and it was unanimously agreed "to enter into a Convention with General Gates." On the forenoon of October 17, 1777, General Burgoyne surren- dered his entire army to General Gates. Nearlj^ 6,000 officers and men thus became prisoners of war, among whom were six members of the British Parliament. The trophies consisted of a splendid train of brass artillery consisting of forty-two pieces, 5,000 stand of arms and an enormous quantity of ammu- nition and stores. The terms of capitulation were very favorable for the British : The troops to be conducted to Boston, and from thence returned to England; and the officers to retain all their horses, carriages and equipments. The surrender of General Burgoyne was the most complete triumph thus far gained by the patriots in their struggle for inde- pendence. The joy it brought to all their homes was unbounded. It inspired the army with confidence, so that it became invin- 70 HISTORY OF CORNISH. cible and final victory was assured. The cause of the tantalizing alarm that had so long harrassed the patriots of New England was now removed, and the seat of war was transferred further south. Many of the troops who had been called into service for this special emergency were discharged. The men who formed the regiment of Colonel Chase in this campaign were chiefly farmers, who had hurriedly left their farms, leaving their crops unhar vested. These were now anxious to return home and secure their crops, and make preparation for the coming winter. On the day following the surrender, the following certificate of service and order was issued: "H. Q. Saratoga. October. 18, 1777. These may certify that Col° Chase with a regiment of vol- unteers have faithfully served until this date in the Northern Army and are now Discharged with Honor. "By order of General Gates. "Jacob Baoley, Brig'' Gen'" On pages 373-376, volume 2, Revolutionary Rolls, is a list of 140 men of Colonel Chase's regiment who were discharged by the above order. The following named Cornish men were discharged the date named: Lieut. Abel Spaulding Caleb Plaistridge Sergt. Samuel Chase James Cate " Joseph Spaulding John Chase Corp. Stephen Child Solm" Chase Jos. Vinsen John Morse Jabez Spicer Simeon Chase Solm° Wellman Dyer Spaulding Jonth'' Huggins Eb"" Brewer James Wellman Daniel Waldron and possibly others who cannot be identified. In the campaign to repel the invasion of Burgoyne, the little State of New Hampshire, then almost a wilderness, furnished more than 6,000 men, and contributed very largely to the grand results attained. (Keene History, p. 230.) It has never been the purpose of the writer to attempt to pre- pare a history of the Revolutionary War only so far as to record REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 71 some of the principal events in which the soldiery of Cornish played an important part. As long as the principal theater of the war was in, and on the borders of New England, the New Hampshire troops were always available and cheerfully responded to every urgent call. While the greater number of these, since the surrender of Burgoyne, had returned to their homes, it is pleasant to record that there were quite a number of Cornish men left remaining in the service in other New Hampshire regiments which had now gone further south. Some of these men followed the fortunes of war to its close in 1783. During the terrible winter of 1777-78, at Valley Forge; at the battle of Monmouth, June 28, 1778; at the unfor- tunate battle of Camden, S. C, August 16, 1780; and in several other memorable engagements of the war, including the surrender of Cornwallis, October 17, 1786, the New Hampshire regiments were in active service. In several companies of each of these regiments are found the names of Cornish men. It would indeed be very gratifying to know the exact number and names of men that Cornish furnished to aid in establishing our national independence; but from lack of certainty of identification, it is impossible to determine accu- rately in every case, as their names appear on the rolls. The names of soldiers on these whose identity is comparatively certain are given below. Some of their names appear twice, or more, but occurring at different dates; presumably, having served out their former term of enlistment, they enlisted again, sometimes in the same regiment and sometimes in another. In Capt. Wm. Scott's company. Col. John Stark's regiment, are the names of Jonathan Currier, William Richardson, Moses Chase, Loring Thompson, John Bartlett, Peter Spicer, Moses Brown and Nathaniel Bartlett. (Rev. Rolls, p. 614, Vol. 1, May 6, 1777.) In Captain Wait's company, Col. John Stark's regiment, is the name of Nathaniel Curtis. (Rev. Rolls, p. 596, Vol. 1, May, 1778.) On the muster roll of Capt. John House's company, Col. Bald- win's regiment, is the name of Daniel Putnam, aged thirty-seven. (No date.) (Rev. Rolls, p. 608, Vol. 1.) In Capt. Joshua Hendee's company, Col. David Hol)art's regiment, is the name of Lieut. Daniel Chase of Cornish. (No date.) (Rev. Rolls, p. 157, Vol. 2.) Daniel Putnam's name is also found in Capt. Moody Dustin's 72 HISTORY OF CORNISH. company, 1st regiment, February 13, 1781. (Rev. Rolls, p. 223, Vol. 3.) In the "Record of Town Returns" are the names of David Haskell, Joseph Spaulding and Daniel Putnam, soldiers, under date of May 10, 1782. (Rev. Rolls, p. 502, Vol. 3.) A pay-roll of men of Colonel Chase's regiment, raised October 28, 1776, and discharged November 18, 1776, contains the fol- lowing names: Col. J. Chase, Solomon Chase, Reuben Jirould, Samuel Chase, Nathaniel Goodspeed, Elias Cady, William Richardson, Isaac Wellman, Simeon Chase and Moses Hall. (Rev. Rolls, pp. 108-9, Vol. 4.) In Capt. Davenport Phelps' company. Colonel Bedell's regi- ment, whose services ended March 31, 1778, were the following names: Luther Hilliard, Briant Brown and Judah Benjamin, all credited to Cornish. (Rev. Rolls, p. 120, Vol. 4.) "We the Subscribers Being a Draft from the Militia of the Regt. of Col. Jono. Chase, Do Acnolege we have Rec'd of him, four pounds & ten shillings each, as one months Advanced pay agreeable to a Vote of the Council & Assembly of the State of New Hampshire: — Will"". Ripley, Samuel Hilliard, Samuel Fitch, Lieut. Daniel Chase, Nicholas Cady, Ebenezer Brewer, Benf. Comings, John Whitten." (Rev. Rolls, p. 143, Vol. 4.) In Col. Joseph Cilley's regiment at Valley Forge, January 10, 1778, continued the names of Peter Spicer, Daniel Putnam, Curtis Cady. (Rev. Rolls, p. 434, Vol. 2.) Revolutionary Rolls, pages 602-4, volume 2, contains a list of men raised in Colonel Chase's regiment February 17, 1779, all from Cornish: Curtis Cady, Nathaniel Curtis, Daniel Putnam, Moses Brown, Peter Spicer, Nathaniel Bartlett, John Bartlett, Moses Chase, Jr., Jonathan Currier, Loring Thompson, William Richardson, David Currier, Gale Cole. Kidder's history of the first New Hampshire regiment also makes mention of the continued service of several Cornish men as follows: Curtis Cady entered Feb. 1777, disch. Apr. 4, 1778. Daniel Putnam entered Feb. 12, 1777, disch. Dec. — 1781. Peter Spicer entered May 1, 1777, disch. Mar. 20, 1778. Loring Thompson entered May 1, 1777, disch. May 1, 1780. David Haskell entered Jan. 1, 1782, disch. Dec. 31, 1783. Daniel Putnam entered Jan. 1, 1782, disch. 1783. REVOLUTIONARY W.\R. 73 The following list of Cornish men marched May 7, 1777, from Cornish in Col. Jonathan Chase's Regiment for Ticonderoga. Time of service, one month, twelve days: Jonathan Chase, Col. Solomon Chase, Capt. Dyer Spaulding, Q. M. Stephen Cady, Sergt. Samuel Chase, 3*^ Sergt. William Payn, Private Briant Browii, Private Solomon Chase, Private William Richardson, Private Moses Currier, Private Isaac Wellman, Private John Chase, Private Nathaniel Hall, Sergt. Stephen Child, Corp. Benj. Cummins, Corp. Gideon Smith, Corp. Benj. Chapman, Drum. John Whitten, Private Joseph Vinsen, Private James W^ellman, Private Moses Hall, Private Andrew Spaulding, Private Eben'r Brewer, Private John Weld, Private The following is the list of Cornish men who marched June 27, 1777, in Colonel Chase's Regiment for Ticonderoga. Time of service, from four to fifteen days: Jonathan Chase, Col. Moses Chase, Capt. William Ripley, Adj. Moses Chase, Jr., Private Abel Stevens, Private William Ripley, Private Elijah Cady, Private Eliphalet Kimball, Private Gideon Smith, Private Jabez Spicer, Private Josiah Stone, Private Jedediah Hibbard, Private Joseph Vincent, Private Moses Currier, Private Thomas Hall, Jr., Private Zebadiah Fitch, Private William Richardson, Private Nathan'l Dustin, Private Abel Spaulding, Jr., Private Abel Spaulding, Lieut. Reuben Jerald, Lieut. Elias Cady, Lieut. Nicholas Cady, Private Simeon Chase, Private Isaac Wellman, Private Moody Hall, Private Samuel Fitch, Private Ebenezer Brewer, Private Salmon Chase, Private David Huggins, Private James Cate, Private Samuel Chase, Jr., Private Dudley Chase, Private Caleb Plastridge, Private Hezekiah French, Private Benj. S-v\annerton, Private James Wellman, Private 74 HISTORY OF CORNISH. The following is the list of Cornish men, not included in the foregoing organizations, who served more or less during the war. Great efforts have been made to make this list as complete and accurate as possible. Lieut. Eleazer Jackson Samuel Comings Ebenezer Dresser Frank Cobb James Ripley Samuel Paine Joshua Page Ezra Spaulding Peter Chase Nahum Chase Caleb Chase William Chase Thomas Chase Nath'l Huggins Robert Wilson Amos Chase Daniel Roberts Thomas Chamberlain David Davis Timothy Spaulding Moses Vinson Francis Dana Hezekiah Fitch James Wellman, Jr. Andrew Spaulding, Jr. Joseph Bartlett Richard Hawley Elijah Carpenter William Darling Peter Labere, Jr. Joel Rice, Jr. Nathaniel Holden Deliverance Woodward On June 24, 1779, the state voted that General Folsom shall forthwith issue orders to the several Colonels of regiments of this state for raising men to fill up the Continental Battalion belonging to the state and the regiment for Rhode Island, according to the order of the General Court recently passed, and the proportion of officers and privates to be raised in each regiment. The number of men thus called for was 280. Colonel Chase's regiment was to receive eight. (Rev. Rolls, p. 655, Vol. 2.) Dr. Solomon Chase of Cornish was a very efficient and useful man in the entire Revolutionary service. At one time he com- manded a companj^ in Colonel Chase's Regiment; but chiefly his duties were confined to the hospital as a physician and surgeon. The following order is on record (Rev. Rolls, p. 144, Vol 4): REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 75 Ge7i. Stark to Doctor Chase. H Quar'- C: Town, Aug. 3, 1777. Doc' Solomon Chase — Sir — You are ordered and Required to take under your Care all the sick that is, or may be sent here- after from my Brigade of Militia to this place — And you are to Receive medicines out of the State Chest for the purpose afore- said. What medicines you use of your own private property, you'r to keep an exact account of — You'r also from time to time desired to send me an account of the State & Condition of the Sick under your Care, & this shall be your sufficient order — John Stark, B. D. G. To Dr. Solomon Chase — Chirurgeon to Colo.Hobarts Regiment. On the 16th of June, 1780, the Legislature passed an act ordering 600 men to be raised to recruit the three regiments in the Continental army in the state. The Committee of Safety gave orders to the regimental commanders to raise their several quotas, and 23 men was the quota of Colonel Chase. The men were to furnish their own Clothing, Knapsack & Blankets and serve till the last day of December next, or be liable to a fine of 500 dollars. "They were to be paid forty shillings per month in Money, equal to Indian Corn at Four Shillings a Bushel, Grass- fed Beef at Three Pence per-Pound, or Sole-Leather at Eighteen Pence a Pound." They were also to have five pounds each for clothing money, two dollars in paper currency per mile for travel and money for rations till they could draw Continental rations. (Rev. Rolls, p. 58, Vol. 3.) N. H. troops did service this year (1780) at West Point and in New Jersey. In the latter part of June (1780) the Legislature voted to raise 945 men for a term of three months to reinforce the army at West Point. These were to form two regiments. The men were apportioned to be drawn from the other regiments. Colonel Chase was to raise thirty-six privates and two officers. The men were enlisted early in July, and marched via Springfield, Mass., to West Point, where the vanguard arrived August 4. These were discharged the latter part of October, 1780. (Rev. Rolls, p. 104, Vol. 3.) The burning of Royalton, Vt., October 16, 1780, was a lament- able affair. It was not done by an organized military body, but by Indian marauders accompanied by one lieutenant, one French- 76 HISTORY OF CORNISH. man and one Tory. They burned over twenty houses, and nearly as many barns, and slaughtered cattle, sheep and swine. They murdered two men and carried away about twenty-five captives. The attack was sudden and unexpected. The news of this event was quickly carried from town to town arousing the entire region and several companies of mihtia were soon marching to the relief of their brethren in Vermont. The companies were so hastily formed that the rolls, if there were any, have not been preserved. The records of several towns, including Cornish, testify to a re- markable and spontaneous muster of men about that time. But the enemy had escaped, and the soldiers soon returned to their homes. (Plymouth History, p. 130.) A law was passed by the Legislature, November 8, 1780, that the state reimburse all military expenses incurred by officers of the army during any emergency campaign. The following bill was presented. (No date given): To Sergeant & 8 men 6 months in Vermont 152-18 To 4 men 1 month Scouting & ammunition 25-14 To Capt. Solomon Chase, Roll to Royalton, Vt. . . 60-15-9 To Capt. Solomon Chase, Roll to Newbury, Vt. in 1781 16-0-5 To Dudley Chase for supplies 3 To Moses Chase for supplies 17-2 From the third item above, one might infer a good number of Cornish men went to Royalton at the time of the alarm, under command of Capt. Solomon Chase. (Rev. Rolls, p. 537, Vol. 3.) April 5, 1781, the Legislature voted to raise two companies of sixty-five men each, by June 1st to rendezvous at Haverhill. They were to be raised from the military regiments of Colonels Ellis of Keene, Chase of Cornish, Morey of Orford, Webster of Plymouth, and the regiment of the late Colonel Bellows of Wal- pole, and were to serve six months. (Rev. Rolls, p. 249, Vol. 3.) On February 1, 1786, Daniel Putnam of Cornish petitioned the Honorable General Court of New Hampshire, then convened at Portsmouth, as follows: The petition showeth that he (Putnam) was engaged as a soldier, in the year 1776, in Capt. Esterbrooks company in Col. Bedell's regiment; that he marched with the troops to Quebec, when he was taken sick, and had the misfortune REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 77 to lose all his clothes to the amount of 14 pounds & two shillings, and being left by the troops with no care, incurred the expense of 16 pounds for doctoring, which sum your petitioner was obliged to pay. Wherefore he prays your Honors to take his case and grant him the said sum, with interest, if you in your wisdom shall think proper. (Rev. Rolls, pp. 431-32, Vol. 3.) Daniel Putnam. During the Revolutionary War the people suffered much in- convenience from the depreciation of the currency. It continued to depreciate, and the price of the necessaries of life continued to advance until the people became greatly alarmed. Legisla- tion was sought to check the evil, but, whatever it may have done, proved of no avail. In 1780 it seemed to reach its climax. During this year Cornish voted to raise 800 pounds for schooling in town, also 2,000 pounds for mending highways, and the price of labor on highways in some towns was fifteen dollars per day; and wages and articles of commerce were correspondingly high. Without special active cause, this state of things slowly sub- sided and normal conditions and prices again prevailed. The cause of this inflation (as ever) was primarily due to the scarcity of gold and silver. Money must be had to equip soldiers for the service, and to pay them for their services. This led to the issuance of an undue amount of paper money whose value was uncertain. By resorting largely to a barter trade, or an ex- change of commodities, using them as mediums of circulation at prices agreed upon by the authorities, the trouble gradually disappeared. The condition of our troops on January 1, 1781, is thus described by Frederic Kidder in his History of the First Regiment: "The new year opened with a deep gloom. The whole army, North as well as South, was suffering severely, both for clothing and provisions. The winter was unusually severe. The soldiers were often on the point of starvation, and for days without meat and nearly all the time. on short allowance, while most of them had received no pay for almost a year. As for clothing, they were often so destitute that many of them could not do guard duty without borrowing from their comrades, while for shoes they were still more deficient, and parties who were on fatigue duty for 78 HISTORY OF CORNISH. firewood and forage, could often be tracked by the blood from their bruised feet. It was at this period that General Washington addressed a pressing letter to President Weare of New Hampshire, earnestly urging the state to make some further exertion to re- lieve the distresses of the army. He said: 'I give it decidedly as my opinion, that it is vain to think that an army can be kept together much longer under such a variety of sufferings as ours has experienced, and that, unless some immediate and spirited measures are adopted to furnish, at least three months pay to the troops in money that will be of some value to them, and at the same time provide means to clothe and feed them better than they have been, the worst that can befall us may be expected.' " The Legislature of the state nobly responded, and voted a gra- tuity of twenty-four dollars in hard money to each of the non-com- missioned officers and soldiers belonging to the state who were engaged to serve for the war." With the surrender of Lord Cornwallis and his army at York- towm, October 19, 1781, the war was practically ended. The re- maining part of the story of Cornish in the Revolution relates mainly to the defence of the frontiers, and in coping with the various financial problems touching the soldiers and their families. The treaty of peace was concluded between the United States and Great Britain, September 3, 1783. In revie'U'ing the immense sacrifices of our forefathers, it is becoming us, their descendants, to render them the meed of praise that is rightfully theirs, and that to these we are indebted for the blessings of civil liberty we enjoy today. CHAPTER VI. Military History, 1783-1861. After the war of the Revolution was ended and peace again restored, it was thought best that the mihtary force of the country be maintained and that existing mihtary laws be so amended and enforced that an effective army might be in con- stant readiness to meet any emergency that might arise. In 1792, the general government passed an act establishing a system of uniform militia laws throughout the United States. This required the enrollment of all free, able-bodied, white, male citizens between the ages of eighteen and forty-five. New Hampshire being then a state, yielded a willing obedience to the law and took active measures to carry out all its provisions. The mihtary officers who had served during the war, retained their rank and honors, and resumed their official functions, enroll- ing and drilling their men in their own to^vns or districts. In June, 1808, the State of New Hampshire was divided into thirty-eight military districts. Each district was required to enroll and equip all its eligible men, and these constituted a regiment. Each of these regiments was composed of one company of artillery and about ten other companies — chiefly of infantry. The fifteenth district embraced Cornish, Clare- mont, Plainfield and "the west company in Grantham." The troops of this district were called "the 15th Regiment of New Hampshire Militia." This regiment with six others, namely the 6th, 12th, 16th, 20th, 28th and 31st constituted the 5th brigade and 3d divi- sion of New Hampshire troops. Various acts relating to the mihtia were passed from time to time by the Legislature, while parades and drills were kept up throughout the state. On December 22, 1820, a full and satisfac- tory code of laws was adopted, that, in the main remained in force until the militia laws of New Hampshire were repealed in June, 1850. Cornish furnished three companies of troops for the 15th 80 HISTORY OF CORNISH. Regiment; one of artillery and two of infantry. One of the latter bore the name of "Stubtoe" or "Floodwood," by way of derision. All of these companies with their officers were required, on parade day, to be ''uniformed and armed as the law directs." The general features of their dress were : The artillery were attired in red frocks trimmed with white, with dark caps and pants. The infantry were attired with dark blue or black coats, white pants. One of these companies wore high, bell-crowned caps with tall red plumes, tipped with white. The state furnished all the arms needed for these two com- panies of infantry, and also the field-piece or cannon for the artillery. The days of parade and drill during the year were usually three: 1st. The second Tuesday in May, called the "May training." 2d. A certain day usually in September. This was a day for a special drill preparatory to a general muster and parade of the whole regiment which occurred a day or two later. 3d. The general muster day. This was not only for parade but for the review and inspection of the entire regiment by military and civic officers of higher rank. Muster day furnished the acme of interest to all. Early in the day each orderly sergeant marshalled his company, which soon after received its commissioned officers in martial form. About eight o'clock, the companies about ten in number, each headed by fife and drums, united in line upon the field, thus forming the regiment. After a period of united drill and march, the troops were placed in form to receive their superior officers. The colonel, major, inspecting brigade general and other officers of note, with fiery, mettlesome steeds now rode upon the field with great pomp and the whole regiment was soon in obedience to the orders of the colonel for the day's parade. The pen poorly depicts the grandeur of those scenes as they appeared to the eyes of the ordinary country boy seventy years ago; the immense gathering of the people of both sexes and all ages, with peddlers and fakirs in abundance at every street corner; the air filled with martial music; the uniformed com- panies of marching soldiery, were all matters of acute interest, especially to the young. Sometimes, too, the interest was inten- sified by occasional discharges of cannon by the artillery and later in the day by a sham fight. MILITARY HISTORY, 1783-1861. 81 All these scenes and experiences passed away upon the repeal of the law m 1850. The writer well remembers several occasions of this character, and the enthusiasm attending them. Several fields in Cornish have been used for these muster parades. Three different fields at the Flat, two on ''Cornish Plain," south of Trinity Church, have been used for this purpose, and perhaps several others. A level tract of dry ground of suitable area is all the condition needful for such a field. Some years the 15th regiment mustered in other towns of the district. The time and place for each annual muster was appointed by the colonel of the regiment with the advice of his subalterns. The period of our national history folloAving the Revolution was a constructive period and generally a peaceful one. The first note of war heard within our national realm was the war with Tripoli, 1803-05; when the American fleet under Commodore Decatur administered a chastisement upon that barbarous nation thereby conquering a peace instead of purchasing one. It sent a thrill of satisfaction throughout our nation to know that a stop was put to their preying upon our commerce as here- tofore. This over, the country generally enjoyed a few years of peace and prosperit}^ until the war with England occurred, 1812-15. A brief account of the causes, progress, and outcome of this war is here given: In the treaty of peace between the United States and Great Britain at the close of the Revolutionary War, were several pro- visions. Some of these. Great Britain had failed to fulfill, notably that of the evacuation of posts along the northern frontiers. This was a perpetual annoyance to the inhabitants of those sections, who continued to be fearfully apprehensive of further trouble. The unfriendly attitude of England towards France, too, was also unfortunate for the United States ; for by an order in Council the British government had declared that all vessels trading with France were liable to seizure, and that all vessels clearing from hostile ports must touch at a British port and pay custom duties. Because of this order, British naval officers claimed and exercised in the most arrogant and offensive manner, the right to search American vessels, and oftentimes to impress their seaman into the British navy, despite all the strong pro- testation of American officers and men. 82 HISTORY OF CORNISH. President Madison urgently requested the withdrawal of this order in Council, and the discontinuance of this oppressive and unjust practice, but his requests were insultingly denied. In November, 1811, the President called an extra session of Congress and laid these grievances before it, and recommended preparation for war. On April 10, 1812, Congress authorized the president to detach 100,000 militia to be organized and held in readiness to serve six months after entering service. Congress was becoming con- vinced there was no hope of a change of policy on the part of Great Britain, and that a resort to arms was the only alternative to protect the persons and property of American subjects and maintain the honor of the nation, and so war was declared June 18, 1812. A month previous, in May, 1812, New Hampshire was called upon for 3,500 men. At the first, the declaration of war was not a popular measure in New Hampshire, or in New England. For this reason enlist- ments were a little tardy, and a draft was enforced. The records of the town show that on November 2, 1812, an attempt was made in Cornish to raise the wages of men drafted for the army, but the project was voted down. During the continuance of this war which lasted nearly three years it is stated that finally every requisition of the government was met with promptness on the part of New Hampshire, and that Cornish did her full duty and furnished her just proportion of men for the army. It is a matter of regret that no rolls of enlistments or of drafted men have been preserved. Search has been made in the archives of the state, and none has been found. On recent application to the War Department at Washington for the needful information, the following reply was received: "Adjutant General's Office, "Washington, D. C, May 11, 1908. " The War Department has no list of the soldiers from the town of Cornish who served in the War of 1812, and has no records from which such a list can be compiled. "F. C. AiNSWORTH, "The Adjutant General." MILITARY HISTORY, 1783-1861. 83 During the summer of 1814, British war vessels lay off the coast of New Hampshire, and captured and burned several of our coasting vessels. A considerable force of New Hampshire men were therefore stationed at Portsmouth to be in readiness to repel any attack from the British. But fortunately no engage- ment took place. It is stated on good authority that several men from Cornish were among those stationed in Portsmouth. In August of this same year a British squadron sailed up the Ches- apeake Bay and landed a force of 5,000 troops, which advanced on Washington, burned the public buildings, including many of the government archives, and without meeting any resistance they retired as they came. This dastardly act roused the people, stimulated enlistments and unified public sentiment. It is possible and even probable that the paucity of war rolls may in part be due to the destruction of the public buildings with their contents at the time the British invaded Washington. On the 24th of December, 1814, a treaty of peace was concluded at Ghent, and the War of 1812-14, was supposed to be at an end. It is a remarkable fact, however, that the greatest engagement of the war took place at New Orleans after the treaty of peace was concluded. The British had evidently planned the capture of New Orleans and were so intent on accomplishing it, that the news of the treaty, if received at all, did not deter them from their purpose. The matter came to a final crisis on January 8, 1815, when General Jackson gained a decisive victory over the British army, which ended all strife of arms between the two nations. The names and numbers of men who served in this war from Cornish cannot all be given. This is a matter of deep regret but all other towns have suffered a like experience. A few names can be gleaned from the traditional records of their families. These we append: Benjamin Edminster, Clark Kendrick, Capt. Andrew Dodge, Capt. Eben Comings, Daniel Jackson, Walter Weld (died in service), Eben Weld (killed at Williamsburg, Can.), Samuel Bernum, Ebenezer Deming, Jr., Everett Robinson, Andrew Comings (son of Benj.), Capt. Eben Comings, Edward Kimball, Daniel F. Spaulding, and Jacob Newell. After the war with England was over, thirty years of 84 HISTORY OF CORNISH. peace and prosperity followed. The state made her appropri- ations and active military drill was maintained throughout the country. The Southern States increased in population and power. The slavery system also increased and sought fresh avenues for increasing and strengthening its power. In 1846, the war with Mexico was ushered in. This lasted from April, 1846, until September, 1847. It was plainly a war of unjust aggression on a weaker power with the object of acquiring more territory for new slave states. As a matter of course the citizens of Cornish, with divided opinions, watched with great interest the opening, progress and termination of this war; but it is not known that they furnished any men for the service. After the war with Mexico was ended, all appearances of war with any foreign power, entirely disappeared, Another season of apparent peace and prosperity now followed. The warlike propensities, especially of the North seemed fading away. A generation had arisen which tried to believe that war was a relic of barbarism and that it never would again be employed for the settlement of disputes between enlightened parties or nations; that our people were too highly civilized to engage ever again in the destruction of their fellowmen on the battlefield. Military drill, especiallj^ in the North, had become unpopular. The glamour of military display presented fewer attractions than formerly. As a result of these causes, the existing militia laws of New Hampshire were repealed in 1850. From about that time military drill ceased in most if not all of the New England states, and no military organizations existed there except an occasional company in cities, whose duties chiefly were in aiding the authorities in preserving order and performing escort duty. While the military power was suffering this decline in the North, it seems strange that poHtical party strife was increasing in intensity, especially during the years just preceding the rebellion, and among the states of the South. The legions of pro-slavery advocates were aggressive and determined, while the anti-slavery element of the country stood firm, unmoved and unsupported by any military power. But after the Civil War began, when they saw the nation's life imperilled, and heard the call for troops, thousands sprang to arms in her defence. The raw recruits of the North, who had scarcely dreamed of war, were soon transmuted into disciplined soldiers. CHAPTER VII. Cornish in the Civil War. It is not necessary to recount the causes which led to the fearful fratricidal strife which deluged our nation in blood, neither the immense sacrifice of lives and treasures required to preserve our national honor and unity. These are all recorded in the archives of the nation's history as a heritage for us, and for millions j^et unborn. But the part that the citizens of Cornish took in that eventful period is the work now in hand. It has never been said that Cornish did not bear her just pro- portion of the sacrifices and burdens of that crisis, or that she was lacking in true patriotism. Of the eighteen regiments sent from New Hampshire, fourteen of them contained more or less Cornish men, aggregating, including those serving in other organ- izations connected with the war, men, most of whom served with honor. Thus it will be observed that Cornish sent a very large percentage of her citizen soldiery into the field, beside enlisting many of foreign birth and others to serve in her regiments when they became depleted and reduced by the casualties of war. The first call of President Lincoln was for 75,000 three months' men, and New Hampshire was required to furnish one regiment of these. This regiment was filled so quickly, that those first enlisting in town, could not find admission to its ranks, therefore, this regiment contained none from Cornish, but those who had enlisted for three months soon had the opportunity of reenlisting for three years in the second regiment soon to follow. The first regiment under command of Col. Mason W. Tappan left the state May 27, 1861, for the seat of war. This regiment had no serious engagement but did guard duty in and around Washington until the expiration of the time of its enlistment, and it was mustered out August 2, 1861. Second Regiment. This was the first regiment of three years' men. It was organ- ized at Portsmouth, N. H., in May, 1861, with Oilman Marston 86 HISTORY OF CORNISH. as colonel. It was mustered into service early in June, and on the 20th of the same month, with 1,022 officers and men, left Portsmouth for Washington, via Boston and New York. Gov- ernor Berry and staff, Ex-Governor Goodwin and many leading men of the state accompanied them to Boston, where they were received with enthusiastic demonstrations. An organization of 1,400 ''Sons of New Hampshire" with Governor Andrew and staff, with prominent citizens and military bands escorted the regiment to a banquet prepared for them in Music Hall, where a patriotic address was given by Hon. Marshall P. Wilder. After being reviewed by Governor Andrew on the Common, they left for New York, where they were received by a similar ovation. They reached Washington on the 23d of June. On the 21st of July following, this regiment received its first baptism of blood at Bull Run, Va., the first great battle of the war. Here the regiment had nine killed, thirty-five wounded, four mortally, and sixty-three taken prisoners. Among the latter were two men from Cornish, John L. Rice and Albert L. Hall (See Rolls). Rice was also seriously wounded, left on the field and reported dead, and his funeral obsequies were accordingly held at home. But afterwards he was found to be alive, much to the rejoicing of his many friends. This regiment saw much hard service and sustained many heavy losses, especially at Williamsburg, Va., and later at Gettysburg, Pa., besides being engaged in many other battles of note, where in every case it reflected honor upon itself and the state. The rigor of its service and other causes, finally reduced it to about one fourth of its original numbers, and it was mustered out of service early in December, 1865, at City Point, Va., and discharged in Concord, N. H., December 26, 1865. Here they again met a hearty and generous reception. In the rolls of this, and all regiments hereafter given, it is to be understood that the men were privates and were residents of, or were born in Cornish, unless otherwise mentioned. All trans- fers and promotions will be noted in connection with the first mention of their names. Below are given, directly as recorded upon the mihtary rolls of the state, the names and brief records of the men of Cornish in the 2d regiment, in all, 25 names: CORNISH IN THE CIVIL WAR. 87 Asa M. Benway. Age 26, enl. Apr. 24, 61, disch. disab. June 8, 61, enl. 2d, Sept. 1, 64, in Vt. Cav., killed. Mar. 2, 65, at Waynesboro, Va. Before the engagement he remarked that he should be killed in the first fight in which he engaged. It proved true. He was the only one killed. John H. Barry, Co. I, b. Plattsburg, N. Y. Age 26, enl. Apr. 28, 61, not must., re-enl. May 21, 61. Captd. July 21, 61, at Bull Run, Va., paroled June 2, 62, disch. July 2, 62. James A. Cook. Age 47, enl. June 18, 61, from Claremont. Serg. non. com. staff., prom. 2d Q. M. June 9, 62, app. Capt. Com. of Substance July 2, 63, disch. disab. Sept. 8, 64. John Carroll (sub.) b. Ireland, Co. C. Age 21, enl. Dec. 6, 64, disch. disab. Apr. 7, 65, at Fort Munro, Va. Edward W. Collins, Jr., Co. I. Age 22, enl. Apr. 27, 61, not must., re-enl. May 21, 61, disch. disab. Aug. 16, 61. Edward Davis, Co. G, b. N. Y. Age 23, enl. Dec. 1, 63, con- fined at Camp Hamilton May 9, 64, released July 28, 64, and sent to Bermuda Hundred. No further report. WiUiam Gaines, Co. G, b. N. Y. Age 18, enl. Dec. 1, 63. Fur- loughed from Hospital Point of Rocks, Va. Failed to return. Albert L. Hall, Co. I, Age 21, enl. Apr. 28, 61, not must., re-enl. May 21, 61. Captd. July 21, 61, at Bull Run, Va., paroled May 21, 62, disch. July 2, 62. Burleigh R. Jones. Age 21, enl. Aug. 2, 61, from Hopkmton, Co. B. wd. June 25, 62, at Oak Grove, Va., d. July 1, 62, on Hospital Ship at Hampton Roads, Va. John Kennison, Co. H, b. Concord, Vt. Age 28, enl. Dec. 1, 63, disch. disab. May 12, 64, at Williamsburg, Va. Joseph Lumbeck, Co. K, b. Sweden. Age 21, enl. Dec. 4, 63, wd. at Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 64, app. Corp. Nov. 1, 64, disch. Dec. 19, 65. Lewis Laurd, Co. K, b. Canada. Age 33, enl. Dec. 4, 63, disch. Dec. 19, 65. James Lee, Co. H, b. Philadelphia, Pa. Age 18, enl. Dec. 1, 63, disch. Dec. 19, 65. Timothy Malone, Co. H. b. Ireland. Age 27, enl. Dec. 1, 63, disch. Dec. 19, 65. Peter Mareau, Co. H, b. N. Y., enl. Dec. 2, 63, deserted Sept. 8, 65, from Fredericksburg, Va. 88 HISTORY OF CORNISH. Stephen Nichols, Co. K, b. 111. Age 20, enl. Dec. 4, 63, entered 18th Army Corps and Point of Rocks, Va., Feb. 15, 65, No further record appears. Thomas Perkins, Co. H, b. Wisconsin. Age 19, enl. Dec. 2, 63, disch. June 20, 65, at Fort Munroe, Va. Andrew Pinder, Co. K, b. Ireland. Age 18, enl. Dec. 4, 63, disch. Dec. 19, 65. Clark Allen, Co. K, b. N. Y. Age 18, enl. Dec. 4, 63, wd. severely July 5, 64, at Petersburg, Va., disch. May 25, 65. John L. Rice. Age 21, enl. Apr. 28, 61, not must., re-enl. May 21, 61, Co. A, wd. and captd. July 21, 61, at Bull Run, Va., paroled Jan. 3, 62, exch. and disch. Nov. 18, 62, for promotion, app. Capt. Co. H, 16th N. H. vols., Nov. 4, 62, must. Dec. 2, 62, volunteered for storming party at Port Hudson, La., under G. O. No. 49, headqrs. dept. of the Gulf June 15, 63, app. Lieut. Col. Oct. 1, 63, disch. Nov. 25, 65, at New Orleans, La. Charles M. Smith, Co. H, b. Hartford, Conn. Age 19, enl. Dec. 1, 63, d. of dis. Oct. 27, 64, at Fort Munroe, Va. George E. Tyler. Age 20, enl. Apr. 27, 61, not must., re-enl. May 21, 61, in Co. I, d. Mar. 6, 63, of dis. at Boston, Mass. Thomas Welch, Co. H, b. Ireland. Age 27, enl. Dec. 1, 63, deserted in face of enemy May 19, 64, at Bermuda Hundred, Va. WilHam F. Wright. Age 19, enl. Apr. 28, 61, re-enl. May 21, 61, must, in Aug. 13, 61, in Co. I, wd. Aug. 29, 62, at Bull Run, Va., d. from wounds Sept. 27, 62, at Washington, D. C. John B. Wright. Age 18, enl. Apr. 28, 61, re-enl. May 21, 61, must, in Aug. 21, 61, in Co. I, disch. Aug. 23, 64, near Peters- burg, Va. Third Regiment. This was organized in August 1861, and left the state for Wash- ington on the September following, 1 ,035 strong. It was soon sent to and stationed at Hilton Head, S. C, until April, 1862. In June following it was sent to James Island. Its first sharp engagement was at Secessionville, S. C, where it lost 105 men. Returning to Hilton Head it remained there until April, 1863. On July 18,1863, it was fiercely engaged in the siege of Fort Wagner, where it lost heavily, as did the 7th New Hampshire. During 1864 it was in several serious engagements, and at one time "well-nigh anni- CORNISH IN THE CIVIL WAR. 89 hilated." With thinned ranks it was finally mustered out, July 20, 1865. Cornish had, at different times, fourteen men in this regiment. Quite a proportion of these were not citizens of the town but were foreign born and hired substitutes. William Arnie (sub.), Co. B, b. England. Age 21, enl. Oct. 14, 63. No further record obtained. Elbridge G. Beers, 2d Co. K. Age 18, enl. Aug. 12, 61, d. July 20, 62, in Beaufort, S. C. Joseph Brady (sub.), Co. I, b. England. Age 29, enl. Oct. 10, 63, sev. wd. May 13, 64, at DreAvrys Bluff, Va., disch. disab. July 20, 65. Dudley Colby, Co. K. Age 27, enl. from Franklin N. H., July 26, 61, disch. Aug. 23, 64. James A. Douglass (sub.), Co. K, b. Edinburgh, Scotland. Age 20, enl. Oct. 8, 63, wd. Aug. 16, 64, at Deep Bottom, Va., disch. disab. July 20, 65. Joseph E. Horton, Co. B, b. Taunton, Mass. Age 18, enl. Aug. 19, 62, sev. wd. May 13, 64, at Drewrys Bluff, Va., dis. June 26, 65, at Goldsboro, N. C. Thomas Langdon (sub.), Co. B, b. N. Y. Age 19, enl. Oct. 14, 63, sev. wd. and d. of wounds May 13, 64, at Drewrys Bluff, Va. Alcide Lallance (sub.), Co. K, b. France. Age 22, enl. Oct. 10, 63, sev. wd. May 18, 64, at Bermuda Hundred, Va., disch. Aug. 4, 64, at Newark, N. J. Edward Mitchell (sub.), Co. K, b. Bridgewater, Mass. Age 20, enl. Oct. 10, 63, disch. Nov. 7, 64, at Staten Island, N. Y. Lewis Maier (sub.), Co. K, b. Germany. Age 22, enl. Dec. 17, 64, disch. July 20, 65. Thomas Murphy (sub.), Co. C, b. Liverpool, Eng. Age 22, enl. Oct. 10, 63, disch. July 20, 65. James Reagan (sub.), Co. K, b. Ireland. Age 25, enl. Dec. 27, 64, disch. Apr. 2, 65, at Wilmington, N. C. Henry Squires, Co. A. Age 25, enl. Aug. 30, 62, disch. disab, Feb. 7, 63, at Hilton Head, S. C. Sumner B. Tewksbury, Co. K, b. Milford, N. H. Age 21, enl. Aug. 6, 61, disch. disab. Mar. 11, 62, drafted, Oct. 19, 63, and assigned to 5th N. H., disch. from 5th June 28, 65. 90 HISTORY OF CORNISH. Fourth Regiment. This regiment was organized in August and September, 1861, and started for the seat of war about the 17th of September. Its services during the first two years were whollj^ in the South, in Florida and the Carolinas. It joined the army of the Potomac in 1864, and assisted at the siege of Petersburg. It was mustered out at Concord, August 23, 1865. Cornish was represented in this regiment by four men: Moses Bohannon, Co. I, b. Danbury, N. H. Age 44, enl. Aug. 23, 64, disch. disab. June 27, 65, at Concord, N. H. Michael Cane, Co. C, b. Ireland. Age 21, enl. Dec. 21, 64, disch. Mar. 17, 65, at Wilmington, N. C. David L. M. Comings, enl. Aug. 13, 62, from W. Swansy, N. H., assistant surgeon, d. of dis. at Swansy, Aug. 1, 63. Lucius Little (sub.), Co. K, b. Lenoxville, Canada. Age 20, enl. Jan. 17, 65, disch. Aug. 23, 65. Fifth Regiment. This was organized at Concord September and October, 1861, with Edward E. Cross as colonel. It left the state October 29, and was assigned to a division of the army of the Potomac until the following March and was then transferred to another division. Second Army Corps. It was at the siege of Yorktown and through the peninsular campaign, suffering heavy losses at Fair Oaks, Savage Station, White Oak Swamp and Malvern. A little later it lost one-third of its members at Antietam. At Fredericksburg December 13, 1862, it suffered severely. Of 303 officers and men present, it lost 193, or more than sixty per cent. It was also engaged in the battle of Chancellorville May 1-5, 1863, and also hotly engaged at Gettysburg, Pa., where Colonel Cross was mortally wounded, and where the regiment lost one-half of its numbers then present. After this, the regiment was sent home to recruit until Novem- ber, 1863. It then returned to the seat of war, and rejoined the army of the Potomac. It was engaged at Cold Harbor, Va., where it met with great loss. It was also at the siege of Peters- burg, at Deep Bottom, Reams Station and others, until April 9, 1865, when Lee surrendered. CORNISH IN THE CIVIL WAR. 91 It returned to Washington and took part in the final grand re- view and was mustered out at Alexandria, June 28, 1865. This regiment won the name of the "New Hampshire fighting fifth." Its record was brilliant, its losses great, its courage never daunted. It had its full share of the stern realities of the bloody field, as well as of the victor's triumph. Cornish was represented in this regiment by a dozen men: Edward Avery (sub.), Co. B, b. England. Age 22, enl. Oct. 13, 63, deserted, Oct. 18, 63, at Concord, N. H. Nathaniel E. Beers, Co. G, b. Hartland, Vt. Age 40, enl. Sept. 27, 61, disch. for disab. Sept. 1, 62, re-enl. Mar. 23, 64, in Co. A, 1st N. H. Cav., captd. June 30, 64, on Wilson's raid, paroled Dec. 15, 64, app. farrier, disch. from Cav. Co. July 15, 65. Robert H. Chase, Co. G. Age 18, enl. Sept. 27, 61, from Clare- mont, transf. to Co. C, Mar. 1, 62, captd. at Fair Oaks, Va., June 1, 62, released and afterwards re-enl. Jan. 1, 64, app. Sergt. and Com. 2d Lieut. Co. K, July 1, 64, killed at Reams Sta., Va., Aug. 25, 64. John Hart (sub.), Co. E, b. Ireland. Age 21, enl. Oct. 13, 63, transf. to U. S. Navy, Apr. 19, 64, as landsman, served on U. S. S. S. Matthew, Vassar, Primrose and Princess, disch. Aug. 21, 65. JohnH. Hunter, Co. E. Age 21, enl. Sept. 7, 61, from Newport, N. H., wd. June 1, 62, at Fair Oaks, disch. disab. Jan. 8, 63, at Fort Munroe. Artemus M. Le^ds, Co. G. Age 44, enl. Aug. 24, 62, from Clare- mont, disch. Mar. 3, 63. Nathaniel Smith, Co. G. Age 18, enl. Sept. 29, 61, app. Corp., wd. July 1, 62, at Malvern Hill, Va., at Hill, Va., Sept. 16, 62, at Antietam, wd. and captd. June 3, 64, at Cold Harbor, Va., released Feb. 28, 65, disch. Apr. 8, 65, at Concord, N. H. Stephen L. Stearns, Co. G. Age. 36, enl. Sept. 27, 61, disch. disab. Nov. 2, 63. Joseph Stevens, Co. G. Age 45 enl. Sept. 27, 61, disch. disab. Jan. 8, 62, near Alexandria, Va. William Sturtevant, Co. F. Age 36, draf. at Claremont, Oct. 10, 63, disch. June 28, 65. 92 HISTORY OF CORNISH. Cornelius H. Stone, Co. F. Age 18, enl. Feb. 12, 62, at Man- chester, N. H., captd. July 26, 63, paroled, and exch., re-enl., Mar. 29, 64, sev. wd. June 3, 64, at Cold Harbor, Va., disch., at N. Y. City, June 8, 65. William S. White, Co. G. Age 21, enl. Sept. 2, 61, disch. disab. Mar. 26, 63, at Fort Munroe, Va., re-enl. Dec. 29, 63, in 57th, Mass., disch. July 30, 65. Sixth Regiment. The sixth regiment was mustered into service November 30, 1861, with Nelson Converse colonel. It was stationed at Keene until Christmas morning when it left the state for Washington. It was assigned to Burnside's expedition to North CaroHna. In March, 1862, Colonel Converse resigned and Lieut.-Col. S. G. Griffin was promoted as colonel, and retained this position until he was promoted May 11, 1864. The military records of the services and achievements of this regiment compare favorably with those of the other New Hamp- shire regiments. It was engaged in several prominent battles of the war and finally was present at the surrender of General Lee. It also took part in the grand review at Washington, May 23, 1865. It was mustered out of service July 17, 1865. Cornish had nine men in this regiment. Soldiers of the 6th regiment representing Cornish : Patrick O'Conner, Co. D, b. Ireland. Age 22, enl. Dec. 4, 63., disch. July 17, 65. Richard Craig, Co. H, b. Louisville, Ky. Age 28, enl. Oct. 28, 61, app. Corp. Feb. 1, 64, disch. July 22, 64, at Concord, N. H. Timothy C. Eastman, Co. G. Age 33, enl. Dec. 5, 61, from Suna- pee, N. H., d. of dis. Mar. 24, 62, at Roanoke Island, N. C. Ebenezer Mitchell, Co. G, b. Corinth, Vt. Age 43, enl. Oct. 7, 61, disch. for disab. Aug. 11, 62, at Newbern, N. C. Alvah S. Rawson, Co. G. Age 18, enl. Nov. 20, 61, re-enl. Jan. 2, 64, in the same reg. and Co., app. Serg., killed July 3, 64, at Petersburg, Va., while looking over breastworks, bullet entering at eye. John Smith, Co. F, b. Ireland. Age 20, enl. Dec. 4, 63, deserted Feb. 10, 64, at Camp Nelson, Ky. CORNISH IN THE CIVIL WAR. 93 Thomas Toole, Co. K, b. Ireland. Age 20, enl. Dec. 4, 63, captd. Oct. 1 , 64, at Poplar Springs Church, Va. , released and afterwards app. Corp. July 1, 65, disch. July 17, 65. Russell Tyler, Co. G. Age 18, enl. Nov. 22, 61, wd. Dec. 13, 62, at Fredericksburg, Va., re-enl. Dec. 21, 63, in same reg. and Co., wd. at Spottsylvania June 22, 64, and at Petersburg, Va., Apr. 2, 65, app. Corp. Dec. 24, 62, Serg. Dec. 21, 63, 1st Lieut. Mar. 4, 65, disch. July 17, 65. Henry P. Whittaker, Co. G. Age 18, enl. Oct. 10, 61, from Goshen, N. H., re-enl. Dec. 27, 63, in same reg. and Co., app. Corp., wd. May 6, 64, at Wilderness, Va., app. Sergt. Aug. 1, 64, 2d Lieut, of Co. I, June 1, 65. Seventh Regiment. This regiment was organized in the fall of 1861, in Manchester, N. H., and left the state January 14, 1862. It was mustered out at Concord, N. H., July 30, 1865. It contained fifteen men from Cornish : Charles C. Bartlett, Co. C. Age 32, enl. Sept. 30, 61, disch. for disab. Jan. 4, 63, at St. Augustine, Fla., re-enl. Sept. 3, 64, in Co. B, 24th V. R. Corps, disch. for disab. June 27, 65, at Washington, D. C. Thomas Bowen (sub.), b. Ireland, Co. F. Age 43, enl. Oct. 13, 63, wd. and captd. June 16, 64, at Ware Bottom Church, Va., d. June 18, 64, at Richmond, Va. George M. Chase, Co. C. Age 28, enl. Sept. 24, 61, app. Corp. Nov. 15, 61, Sergt. July 18, 62, wd. and captd. July 18, 63, at Fort Wagner, S. C, rejoined reg. July 23, 63, app. 2d Lieut. Co. K, to date July 20, 63, disch. Dec. 24, 64. Nathaniel B. Dodge, Co. C, b. Barre, Vt. Age 22, enl. Oct. 9, 61, disch. for disab. Apr. 7, 63, at Hilton Head, S. C. Newton C. Dodge, Co. C, b. Barre, Vt. Age 33, enl. Dec. 12, 61, disch. for disab. Nov. 12, 62, at Davis Island, N. Y. Harbor. Edward A. Downs, Co. I. Age 23, drafted Sept. 20, 63, from Merrimack, wd. and captd. Feb. 20, 64, at Olustee, Fla., d. of dis. May 25, 64, at Andersonville, Ga. Marcellus Judkins, Co. C. Age 21, enl. Sept. 30, 61, d. of dis. Dec. 23, 61, at Manchester, N. H. The first soldier that d. from Cornish. \)\ iiisrom oi' coHMsii. CIimtU's N('V(M1s, (\). (\ 1). Hiadlnnl, N. II. Auc IS, ciil. S(>])t. 22, ()I, cuptd. .luly IS, (i:i. a( Fori. Wm.^iut, S. ('., d. .luly II.'tldiiuMiul S. I'uliKun. Apic 25, ;i nuWi of \\'cst Point, hrov. 2(1 I,i('ut. 'r()p(>j2;r;i])lu('nl Ku^i. ,Iuh' I, fu, np]). 2(1 I.icut. Apr. I, ()1, Isl I,i(Mil. Aiit^. '.\ (II, :uh1 ('apt. (>ii,i!,iiuM'rs Mar. ."•?, (53, was Hicv. Major. luly I. (11, loi' gallant and ni('rilori(nis services ill Manassas ( \Mni])ai,iin, Hrcv. l-i(Mi( .-Col. .Inly 10, (IS, Tor ,ii;al- lant scrvit'cs on Morris lsl;ind, S. ('., Hr(>v. (\)l..liily IS, {V.\. for jiallant scrxicc at the assault of I'\>rt NNauincr, wIkm'c lie was inort ally w d. .lul\ I S, (>;>. Piuid l\. K'iplcy, ('o. ( '. I), riyiiioutli. Mass. .\<;'o I I, cnl. S(>])t. 21, (II, (I. of (lis. Sept. ',), (■)2. at Hilton Il(>ad, S. (\ William Scott, Co. (\ b. \. ^^ ("i(y. .\,U(> IS. cnl. Oct.2, (U, \vd. Sept. 7, (>;>. at M.Miis Isl.aiid, S. (\. d. i^i wds. Oct. o, (lii. I'ort Schuyler, N. ^ . Hcnjaniin (\ Stearns. Co. II. Ai;;,. ;rj. ,.nl. Oct. 21. (il, discii. disali. Sept. 20, (>;>, d. in ('oniisli, Aut^. ll>, 0."). I'Mwartl I., rasker. Co. C. .\.<;(> 2(1, enl. S(>pt. 23. (II, from 1,(>1>- .anoii. \. II., d. of (lis. at H(>aufort . S. C., .Vuii,. D, (12. Orin >\ alkiiis, Co. II. h. rownslieiid, \l. .\,iie SS. eiil. Oct. I, ()l,r(>-(Md. I'\4). 27. (1 1, ill same rcii. and Co., destMi(Ml May 1.(11, while on furlounh. .\iidrew r. Wright. (\^. C, 1>. I.eUanoii, N. 11. .V,>;(> IS, enl. Oct. IS, (II, kill.Ml at Oluste.'. Kla., \'v\k 20, (11. Hl(]hlh lutiinirnl. This regiment was tiatlu>r(>d chietl\ from (>astern and soutluM'n portions o( [\w state, and its s(M'vice was wluWly in the South, clii(>tly in Louisiana. Cornisji had but (nuM'(^]>r(\s(Mitative in it : Josi>ph I'.dmunds, Co. V. \->. in (.^uelu-c. Can. .\,iit> 2l), cnl. N(n\ 3, (13, tr.-msf. to Co. H. !Mh \'ols.. res. Cordis. Oih'. 20, (11, disch. .lul\ I I, ti:>, at >\'ashini:,ton. P. C. Xinth lutjimcnl. This r(\i:;inuMit was orL!;ani/(>d in .Vugust. 1S(>2 with Mnoch Q. l'\>llows, colonel and llerluM't H. Titus. li(Hitenant-C(>l(>n(>l. It left the state on the 2,">th of the same mouth for W'ashinsiton. 1). C. CORNISH IN THE CIVIL WAK. 95 It was assigned to the first brigade, 9th Army Corps of the Army of the Potomac. On September 14, it had its first engagement of note at South Mountain and on the 17th following at Antietam, and at Freder- icksburg on December 13, 1862. Early in 1863, it went south and west as far as A'icksburg, ]\liss.. and was ]>vesent at the surrender of that city. The climate of the South seriously affected this regiment, and it soon ri>t\n-ned and did service in Kentucky, and after- wards rejoined the 9th Army Corps on the Potomac, where, under Gen. S. d. Griffin it joinetl with the other New Ham]ishire regiments, in those grand and stirring events that culminated in the capt\ire of Petersburg and the surrender of General Lee. Soon after this, this regiment was mustered out of service. Cornish was represented by fifteen men in this regiment: Henry P. Blood, Co. E. Age 18, enl. Aug. 4, 62, app. Corp., wd. Sept. 30, 64, at Poplar Springs Church, Va., d. of wds. Nov. 8, 64, at Beverly, N. J. Daniel C. Buswell, b. Lebanon. Age 26, app. Capt. of Co. E, Aug. 10, 62, must, in Aug. 23, 62, as Capt. Had previously, from Apr. 29, 61, served in Co. B. 1st Minnesota Regt. and was disch. to accept promotion. Albert B. Cressy, Co. G. Age 20. enl. .hdy 23, 62. from Clare- mont (credited to Newbury), app. Corp., d. of chs. Sept. 14, 64. at Whitehall, Pa. Charles F. Day, Co. E. Age 18. enl. Aug. 8, 62., app. Corp. was taken prisoner Sept. 30, 64, at Poplar Springs Church, Va., d. at Salisbury Stockade, S. C, or at Libbey, Va., Dec. 25, 64. Edwin W. Downs, Co. E, b. Enfield, N. H. Age 18, enl. Aug. 8, 62, d. of dis. Aug. 26, 63, at Covington, Ky. Luman Dudley, Co. G. b. IMailboro. N. H. Age 18, enl. July 25, 62, d. of dis. Jan. 19, 63, near Falmouth, Va. Dennis C. Hibbard, Co. A. Age 18, enl. Aug. 27, 64, disch. Feb. 3, 65, at Fort Alexander Hayes. George A. Hutchinson, Co. K. Age 18, enl. from Newport, Aug. 11, 62, d. of dis. Mar. 21, 64, at Camp Nelson, Ky. James N. Edminster, Co. E. Age 22, enl. Aug. 1, 62, must, in as 2d Lieut. Aug. 23, 62, resigned Oct. 27, 62. 96 HISTORY OF CORNISH. Hollis Knights, Co. E. Age 23, enl. Aug. 8, 62, disch. for disab. Jan. 25, 64, at Camp Dennison, Ohio. Oscar D. Robinson, Co. E. Age 23, enl. July 25, 62, must, in as Sergt., app. 2d. Lieut. Jan. 1, 64, 1st Lieut. Mar. 1, 65, Capt. of Co. E, May 1, 65, disch. June 10, 65. Sidney C. Spaulding, Co. E. Age 18, b. Plainfield, enl. Aug. 8, 62, d. of dis. Oct. 4, 63, at Paris, Ky. George B. Tracy. Co. E. Age 36, enl. from Lebanon Aug. 8, 62, as Corp., ajjp. Sergt., wd. May 12, 64, at Spottsjdvania, Va., d. of wds. June 6, 64, at Washington, D. C. Ithiel I. White, Co. K. Age 24, enl. July 31, 62, killed May 12, 64, at Spottsylvania, Va. Tenth Regiment. The 10th Regiment had no one in it from Cornish. Eleventh Regiment. The 11th Regiment had but two Cornish men, brothers, both born in Cornish, bat residing elsewhere: Edwin Thrasher, Co. H. Age 21, enl. Aug. 13, 62, from Lyme, N. H., disch. for disab. Dec. 15, 62, at N. Y. City, enl. 2d. Sept. 13, 64, in Co. B, 18th N.H., from Lyme, disch. June 10, 65. Henry H. Thrasher, Co. C. Age 21, enl. July 7, 62, des. Dec. 8, 62, at Falmouth, Va., enl. 2d May 3, 64, at New York as a landsman, served on the vessels, Potomac, M. A. Wood and U. S. S. S. North Carolina, honorably disch. Jan. 24, 65, from the North Carolina. Twelfth Regiment. The 12th Regiment contained no Cornish men. Thirteenth Regiment. The 13th Regiment contained but one man who Avas born in Cornish but enlisting from elsewhere : Amasa Huggins, Co. H. Age 43, enl. Mar. 31, 65, from Pittsburg, Pa., transf. to Co. B June 21, 65, disch. Dec. 19, 65. Fourteenth Regiment. This regiment was organized at Concord in August and Sep- tember, 1862 with Robert Wilson, colonel. It left the state in CORNISH IN THE CIVIL WAR. 97 October for Washington and vicinity where it did guard duty gen- erally until March 63. It then, after a furlough of two weeks, sailed and joined the department of the Gulf at New Orleans. In July it was ordered north and became a part of General Sheridan's Army of the Shenandoah. Here it participated in the fierce battles of Deep Bottom, Winchester, Opequan, Fisher's Hill, Cedar Creek and several others. After this campaign in the Shenandoah Valley, it was again sent to the department of the South, where, in Georgia, it performed provost duty. It was finally mustered out of service at Hilton Head, July 7, 1865. Cornish was especially interested in this regiment, as it contained twenty-one of her business citizens among its ranks. These all belonged to Co. I. Following is the Hst: Reuben T. Benway, b. Plainfield. Age 19, enl. Aug. 20, 62, d. of dis. Nov. 12, 63, at Washington, D. C. Sylvester M. Bugbee, b. Hartland, Vt. Age 39, enl. Aug. 21, 62, as private, app. Capt. Co. I, Oct. 9, 62, must, in as such, dating Oct. 7, 62, resigned Dec. 17, 62. Versel E. Burr. Age 34, enl. Sept. 21, 62, d. of dis. Aug. 25, 64, at Fort Munroe. James H. Chapman, b. Unity. Age 40, enl. Aug. 26, 62, disch. July 8, 65. Charles B. Comings. Age 21, enl. Aug. 22, 62, app. Corp. July 1, 64, and Sergt. Jan. 2, 65, disch. July 8, 65. Edward W. Colhns, b. Paris, France. Age 44, enl. Aug. 22, 62, disch. for disab. Oct. 5, 63, at Washington, D. C. Thomas B. Edminster. Age 22, enl. Aug. 21, 62, d. of dis. Dec. 27, 64, at Springfield, Mass. Walter H. Foss. Age 43, enl. Jan. 4, 64, from Hanover, N. H., disch. disab. Feb. 24, 65, at Washington, D. C. John B. Hibbard, b. Bethel, Vt. Age 21, enl. Aug. 23, 62, disch. disab. May 28, 63, at Providence, R. I. Waldo L. Howard. Age 21, enl. Aug. 21, 62, disch. July 8, 65. Wilbur F. Howard. Age 22, enl. Aug. 21, 62, wd. Sept. 19, 64, at Opequan, lost a leg, disch. Jan. 27, 65. Harlan P. Hunter. Age 17, enl. Aug. 25, 62, disch. disab. May 2, 65, at Concord, N. H. Marcus M. Lane. Age 22, enl. Aug. 22, 62, from Plainfield, wd. Sept. 19, 64, at Opequan Creek, disch. June 2, 65. 98 HISTORY OF CORNISH. Alonzo Knights, b. Sharon, Vt. Age 26, enl. Aug. 21, 62. Cap- tured Sept. 19, 64, at Opequan, Va., paroled Oct. 2, 64, disch. July 8, 65. William S. Le^\1s, b. Hartford, Vt. Age 29, enl. Aug. 23, 62, d. of dis. Jan. 21, 64, at Washington, D. C. Theodore Miller, b. Troy, N. Y. Age 16, enl. Sept. 4, 63, musi- cian, disch. June 8, 65, at Hilton Head, S. C. Asa W. Richardson, b. Moretown, Vti Age 39, enl. Aug. 21, 62, as Orderly Sergt., app. 2d Lieut. Co. E, May 27, 64, 1st Lieut. Co. F, Jan. 4, 65, disch. July 27, 65. Hiram H. Stone, b. Berwick, Me. Age 38, enl. Aug. 22, 62, d. of dis. Oct. 6, 64, at Washington, D. C. George Tasker. Age 20, enl. Aug. 20, 62, from Croydon. Cap- tured at Opequan, Va., Sept. 19, 64, paroled Oct. 8, 64, disch. June 8, 05. Sylvester Tasker. Age 21, enl. Aug. 20, 62, Corp., killed Sept. 19, 64, at Opequan, Va. Charles Woodard. b. Plainfield. Age 20. enl. Aug. 28, 62, disch. July 8, 65. Fifteenth Regitnetit. This regiment contained but one Cornish man: Simon C. Kelley, Co. K. Age 24, enl. Sept. 13, 62. from Salem, disch. Aug. 13, 63. Sixteenth Regiment. This regiment (as also the 15th and 17th) was a nine months' regiment, organized late in the fall of 1862. It contained nine Cornish men as follows: Norman D. Comings, Co. A. Age 20, enl. Sept. 2, 62, d. Aug. 14, 63, in JMound City, 111. George W. Elhs, Co. A, b. Brandon. Vt. Age 18 enl. Sept. 3, 62, disch. Aug. 20, 63, enl. Dec. 5, 63, in Co. G, 7th Vt. Inf., disch. from 7th Vt. iMar. 20, 63, at Brattleboro, Vt. Seneca Ellis. Co. A, b. at sea. Age 45. enl. Sept. 2, 62, disch. Aug. 20, 63, and d. Aug. 26, 63, in Xovm. Henry Leavitt, Co. A. Age 22, enl. Sept. 2. 62, disch. Aug. 20, 63. Joseph Newell. Co. A, b. Ripton. Vt. Age 18. enl. Sept. 2, 62, disch. Aug. 20, 63. CORNISH IN THE CIVIL WAR. 99 Lucian Spaulding, Co. A. Age 18, enl. Aug. 13, 62, disch. Aug. 20, 63. Silas Spaulding, Co. A, b. Peru, Mass. Age 38, enl. Sept. 2, 62, disch. Aug. 20, 63, d. Sept. 20, 63, at Cornish. John M. Vinton, Co. A. Age 23, enl. Sept. 10, 62 , from Plainfield, d. of dis. June 16, 63, at New Orleans, La. Horace B. Wellman, Co. A. Age 21, enl. Aug. 30, 62, Sergeant, disch. Aug. 20, 63. Seventeenth Regiment. The 17th Regiment contained no Cornish men. Eighteenth Regiment. The 18th Regiment contained but one man from Cornish: - David B. Hill, Co. E. Age 34, enl. Sept. 22, 64, from Conway, disch. June 10, 65. This regiment was raised for twelve months' service. Other Branches of Military Service. Besides the eighteen regiments heretofore mentioned, there were other branches of the military service to which Cornish contributed her share of men. Of the first cavalry furnished for the service from New England, New Hampshire sent in 1861, four companies: I, K, L, and M. These were called the "New Hampshire Battalion of the First New England Cavalry." Company L, contained two men credited to Cornish: Michael Trodden, b. Ireland. Age 32, enl. Dec. 19, 61. Capt. and paro. Oct. 31, 62, at Mountsville, Va., exch. Dec. 16, 62, des. Dec. 16, 62, at Camp Parole, Annapolis, Md. James P. Wheeler, b. Newport. Age 18, enl. Oct. 19, 61. Capt. June 18, 63. near Middleburg, Va., released July 23, 63, enl. 2d from Newport June 2, 64. Capt. Aug. 17, 64, at Winchester, Va., d. of dis. Nov. 19, 1864, at Danville, Va. These four companies of the New Hampshire Battalion returned to Concord in February, 1864, and recruited for a regi- ment to be called the 100 HISTORY OF CORNISH. First "New Hampshire Cavalry." Cornish furnished for this regiment nineteen men. A few of these were good and true, but the greater portion being foreigners were "bounty-jumpers," and having httle regard for the cause they professed to espouse, rendered but httle important service, and after receiving their bounty, deserted on the first opportunity. Following is the list and record: Alden Barker, b. in N. H. Age 21, enl. June 29, 64, Co. E, des. at Concord, Aug. 6, 64. Owen Barker, Co. E, b. Pomfret, Vt. Age 21, enl. June 29, 64, d. of dis. Nov. 4, 1864, at Camp Stoneman, D. C. John Burke, b. N. H. Age 27, enl. Aug. 10, 64, des. Aug. 29, 64, at Camp Stoneman, D. C. Ezra D. Clark, Co. A, b. N. H. Age 28, enl. Mar. 19, 64, disch. July 15, 65. John Conley, Co. F, b. Ireland. Age 31, enl. Aug. 16, 64, des. Sept. 4, 64, at Camp Stoneman, D. C. Patrick Conlor, b. Ireland. Age 22, enl. Aug. 10, 64, des. en route to regiment. John Dolan, b. Canada. Age 21, enl. Aug. 1 1, 64, des. Aug. 27, 64, at Camp Stoneman, D. C. Horace Dow, Co. A, b. Vt. Age 28, enl. Mar. 19, 64, disch. June 10, 65, at Washington, D. C. Alphonso N. Dunbar, Co. C, b. N. H. Age 18, enl. Mar. 31, 64, des. Apr. 25, 65, at Concord, N. H. Thomas I. Holbrook, Co. A. Age 26, enl. Mar. 23, 64, disch. July 15, 65. George W. Johnson, Co. A, b. Rockingham, Vt. Age 18, enl. Mar. 9, 64. Captd. June 30, 64, at Wilson's raid on Welden R. R., Va., escaped same day, disch. July 15, 65. James B. Kidder, Co. C. Age 19, enl. Mar. 31, 64, d. of dis. July 7, 64, on transport near City Point. Isaac H. Kingsbury, Co. A, b. Danville, Vt. Age 28, enl. 1st from Littleton, N. H., in Co. H, 3d N. H. Vols. July 30, 61, wd. June 16, 62, at Secessionville, S. C. app. Corp. Nov. 1, 62, disch. disab. Aug. 20, 63, at Botany Bay Island, S. C, enl. 2d Mar. 19, 64, and was credited to Cornish, app. Sergt. Captd. June 30, 64, at Wilson's raid on Welden R. R., and d. of dis. and starvation at Andersonville prison, Ga., Nov. 13, 64. CORNISH IN THE CIVIL WAR. 101 James McBride, b. Ireland. Age 21, enl. Aug. 11, 64, des. same day at Camp Stoneman, D. C. Edward Mitchell, b. Ireland. Age 21, enl. Aug. 10, 64, des. Aug. 29, 64, at Camp Stoneman, D. C. Patrick Munroe, Co. H, b. New York. Age 22, enl. Aug. 18, 64, des. Sept. 4, 64, at Camp Stoneman, D. C. Oliver P. Smith, b. N. H. Age 19, enl. 1st Dec. 27, 61 from • in Co. F, 5th N. H. Vols., disch. disab. June 30, 62, enl. 2d Oct. 18, 62, in Co. A, 16th N. H. Vols., transf. to Co. A, 2d N. H. Vols. Apr. 16, 63, disch. Oct. 9, 63, enl. 3d Mar. 19, 64, in Co. A, N. H. Cav., app. Corp. May 1, 64, wd. June 13, 64, at White Oak Swamp, Va., disch. July 15, 65. Credited to Cornish. Thomas Smith, b. Ireland. Age 22, enl. Aug. 10, 64, des. Aug. 29, 64, at Camp Stoneman, D. C. George T. Wentworth, Co. K, b. Great Falls. Age 21, enl. Mar. 19, 64, disch. July 15, 65. Heavy Artillery. Two companies of this branch were organized in New Hamp- shire in 1863, serving at Fort Constitution and Kittery Point. In 1864 a regiment of twelve companies was raised in the state of which these two companies became a part. It was employed chiefly in the defence of Washington, and was mustered out June 15, 1865. Eleven Cornish men served in its ranks: Daniel E. Carroll, Co. A. Age 18, enl. Aug. 20, 64, disch. Aug. 19, 65. John B. Chase, Co. A. Age 30, enl. Sept. 6, 64, transf. to Cos. B and L, disch. Sept. 11, 65. Barker B. Churchill, Co. L. Age 43, enl. Aug. 29, 64, transf. to Co. B, Artificer, disch. Sept. 11, 65. Edgar A. Churchill, Co. L. Age 18, enl. Aug. 29, 64, transf. to Co. B, June 10, 65, disch. Sept. 11, 65. Edmund H. Cobb, Co. B. Age 42, enl. Mar. 18, 65, disch. disab. Dec. 5, 64. Erastus 0. Cole, Co. B, b. Barnard, Vt. Age 34, enl. ISIar. 18, 64. disch. Sept. 11, 65. Josiah Davis, Co. B, b. Springfield, N. H. Age 34, enl. Aug. 31, 63, app. Sergt, disch. Sept. 11, 65, as Orderly Sergt. 102 HISTORY OF CORNISH. Charles R. Leslie, Co. B. Age 19, enl. Mar. 18, 64, disch. Sept. 11,65. Samuel Merrill, Co. A, b. Hudson, N. H. Age 43, enl. Aug. 31, 64. disch. Sept. 11, 65. Sydney K. Richardson, Co. A. Age 18, enl. Aug. 31, 64, disch. Sept. 11, 65. Eli B. Stearns, Co. A, b. Highgate, Vt. Age 36, enl. Aug. 8, 64, disch. Sept. 11, 65. Sharpshooters. There was but one man who enlisted in this service from Cornish, while some residents and natives enhsted in it elsewhere as shown later: Oliver M. Fletcher, Co. F, 2d. Age 23, enl. Oct. 9, 61, disch. for disability, June 21, 62. United States Navy. Clement Antoine, b. Western Islands. Age 30, enl. Jan. 26, 65, rank, seaman, served on U. S. S. S. Ohio, d. Feb. 8, 65, in hospital at Boston. Patrick Dawson, b. Ireland. Age 38, enl. Jan. 24, 65, rank, coal heaver, served on U. S. S. S. Ohio and Connecticut, des. from receiving ship Sept. 9, 65. Daniel Driscoll, b. Ireland. Age 22, enl. Jan. 27, 65, rank, sea- man, served on U. S. S. S. Ohio and Wachusett, des. from latter Mar. 4, 65. John Hayes, b. Philadelphia. Age 32, enl. Jan. 24, 65, rank, seaman, served on U. S. S. S. Ohio, Wachusett and Hartford, disch. as Coxswain from the latter Aug. 14, 68. Charles A. Jackson. Age 20, enl. Aug. 23, 62, rank, landsman, served on U. S. S. S. Ohio, Princeton and Augusta, disch. Aug, 4,63. Robert H. Jackson, b. N. Y. City. Age 30, enl. Jan. 24, 65, rank, landsman, served on U. S. S. S. Ohio, Sea Foam and Winnipec, d. of dis. on the latter Mar. 18, 66. David Lambert, b. New Brunswick, Age 24, enl, Feb. 7, 65, rank, seaman, served on U. S, S. S. Ohio, Kearsarge, Tahoma and Yucca, disch. disab. from receiving ship at N. Y., May 30, 67. CORNISH IN THE CIVIL WAR. 103 James H. Mitchell, b. Kittery, Me. Age 28, enl. Jan. 24, 65, rank, ordinary seaman, served on U. S. S. S. Ohio and Wachu- sett, disch. as sail-maker's mate Jan. 8, 68. Thomas Rodgers, b. Denmark. Age 29, enl. Feb. 6, 65, rank, seaman. Served on U. S. S. S. Ohio, Kearsarge and Frolic, disch. as quartermaster from the latter Sept. 25, 68. WiUiam H. Smith. Age 19, enl. Mar. 4, 64. Served on U. S. S. S. Ohio and Cherokee, disch. from receiving ship at Philadelphia, Mar. 12, 65. WiUiam Thomas, b. Barnstable. Age 25, enl. Jan. 26, 65, rank, seaman. Served on U. S. S. S. Ohio, Wachusett and Hartford, disch. Aug. 14, 68. The folloA^ng additional list of men were residents or natives of Cornish, who enlisted elsewhere and were credited to the towns where they enlisted. The names and records of a few such have already been given in connection with the branch of service named, and will be counted there in the summary. Edward F. Chapman, b. Cornish. Age 21, enl. Aug. 22, 61, from Plainfield, 1st U. S. S. S., rank, bugler, disch. chsab. Feb. 2, 62, at Washington, D. C, d. Oct. 16, 63, at Plainfield. Levi L. Chapman, b. Cornish. Age 26, enl. Aug. 22, 61, from Plainfield, 1st U. S. S. S., rank, private, disch. Sept. 8, 64. Beniah Colby, b. Hill, N. H. Age 55, res. Cornish, enl. Aug. 23, 61, from Frankhn, wagoner, Co. H, 3d N. H., disch. disab. May 7, 62 at Edisto, S. C, enl. 2d Aug. 29, .64 Co. C, 24 V. R. C, rank, private, disch. for disab. Aug. 2, 65, at Washington, D. C. Newell J. Elhs, b. Brandon, Vt. Age 24, res. Cornish, enl. Aug. 15, 64, in Co. G, 7th Vt., private, disch. July 14, 65. William H. Ellis, b. Brandon, Vt. Age 30, res. Cornish, enl. Aug. 29, 62, in Co. C, 16th Vt., private, disch. Aug. 10, 63, enl. 2d Dec. 1, 63, in Co. G, 7th Vt., at Cavendish, Vt., disch. Mar. 20, 66, at Brattleboro, Vt. Jason K. Ellis, b. Brandon, Vt. Age 21, res. Cornish, enl. Dec. 28, 63, in Co. G, 7th Vt., private. Lost at explosion of steamer N. America, Dec. 22, 64. Warren H. Fletcher, b. Cornish. Age 23, enl. Oct. 8, 61, from Claremont in Co. G, 2d U. S. S. S., private enl. 2d Dec. 104 HISTORY OF CORNISH. 21, 63, from Nashua, N. H., app. Corp., Jan. 1, 62., Sergt. Apr. 12, 64, 2d Lieut. Nov. 21, 64, transf. to 5th N. H. Jan. 30, 65, app. 1st Lieut Co. F, May 1, 65, assigned to Co. G, June 12, 65, diseh. June 28, 65, as 2d Lieut. Edmund Hardy, b. Cornish. Age 28, enl. from rank, d. at May 30, 63. Lewis S. Hoyt, b. Cornish. Age 32, enl. Dec. 6, 61, from Nashua, N. H., in Co. G, 2d U. S. S. S., private, disch. disab. Mar. 24, 62 at Washington, D. C. John H. Humphrey, b. Benson, Vt. Age 25, enl. Aug. 1, 62, from Plainfield in Co. E, 9th N. H., private, disch. disab. Nov. 21, 62, at Washington, D. C, enl. 2d Aug. 31, 64, from Cornish in Co. A, 24th V. R. C, app. Commissary Sergt., July 1, 65, disch. Nov. 14, 65, at Washington, D. C. Oliver Jackson, b. Cornish. Age 25, enl. Oct. 2, 61, from Man- chester, N. H. in Co. F, 2d U. S. S. S., private, enl. 2d Dec. 21, 63, in same reg. and Co., transf. to 5th N. H. Jan. 30, 65, assigned to Co. H, June 17, 65, disch. June 28, 65. John S. Kenyon, b. Cornish. Age 26, res. Cornish, enl. May 31, 62, in Co. D, 9th Vt., private. Captd. and paroled Sept. 15, 62, disch. disab. Apr. 16, 63. Charles B. Sisson, b. Fall River, Mass. Age 18, res. Cornish, enl. Oct. 11, 61, in Co. E, 1st Vt. Cav., rank, saddler. Captd. May — 62, near Winchester, Va., paroled Sept. 62, enl. 2d Dec. 28, 63, in Co. 3, 1st Vt. Cav., wd. June 13, 64, at White Oak Swamp Bridge, Va., transf. to Co. A, June 21, 65, disch. Aug. 9, 65. William H. Sisson, b. Fall River, Mass. Age 22, res. Cornish, enl. Aug. 11, 62, in Co. F, 1st Mass. Cav., private, wd. Sept. 14, 63, at Rapidan Sta., Va., disch. Nov. 7, 64, at Boston, Mass. David Squires, b. Cornish. Age 20, res. Cornish, enl. May 31, 62, in Co. D, 9th Vt., private. Caj^td. and paroled Sept. 15, 62, disch. disab. May 26, 63. William H. Smith, b. Cornish. Age 24, res. Cornish, enl. Aug. 5, 61, in 16th Mass., musician, disch. Aug. 9, 62. Charles Tasker, b. Sullivan, N. H. Age 18, res. Cornish, enl. Sept. 3, 61, in Co. K, 4th Vt., private, transf. to Co. A, 6th U. S. Cav., Oct. 30, 62. Captd. July 3, 63, at Fairfield, Va., paroled Aug. 2, 63, disch. Sept. 7, 65, at Frederick, Md. CORNISH IN THE CIVIL WAR. 105 During the summer and fall of 1863, the demand for recruits exceeded the supply. More men were needed than had volun- teered for the service; so the government ordered a draft to be enforced in certain military districts in several states. The third congressional and military district of New Hamp- shire, with headquarters at West Lebanon, was ordered to furnish a certain number of men as her quota. Capt. Chester Pike was the Provost Marshal of the district during the war. Acting under the orders of Gov. J. A. Gilmore, he, with his aids, quietly enforced a draft on September 3, 1863, upon all the to^\ais in his district. The following is the list of men who were drafted from Cornish, in all thirty-seven names, between the ages of eighteen and forty- five: Newell I. Comings John M. Deming George B. Walker Samuel F. Ayers Sumner P. Tewksbury Albert Penniman Frank S. Edminster Henry C. Freeman Frank B, Deming Lewis Dorman John B. Chase William D. Lear Edwin T. Ayers S. W. Bryant Henry Ayers Eli W. White Wm. H. Stickney Lucian 0. Williams Albert Weld John B. Stevens Samuel F. Bartlett Horace L. Bugbee Ed^\an H. Smith Philander W. Smith Marvin J. Deming Geo. W. Richardson Newell J. Ellis Charles N. Kenyon Edward Bryant Julius Dorman William E. Westgate Manson Stevens Frank B. Chapman Lewis F. Knights Adolphus G. Vinton Francis E. Freeman Martin M. WiUiams A part of these men were exempt from service by reason of physical or mental infirmities, while several others purchased a release by the payment of three hundred dollars, or by furnish- ing a substitute. The balance entered the service. The foregoing fists probably lack completeness, yet they 106 HISTORY OF CORNISH. conform to the records as received from the state department, with a few additional names derived from other authentic sources. The aggregate of all the foregoing lists is 202 men. Of this number 161 were credited to the town of Cornish and forty-one were credited to the towns where they enlisted. Of the 161 men credited to Cornish, several were of foreign birth and were hired as substitutes or otherwise, to replenish the ranks. A part of these proved to be "bounty-jumpers" for, after receiving their bounty, they deserted upon the first convenient opportunity, as shown by their records. The town during this crisis was always liberal in the payment of additional bounties and in providing for the wants of families of needy soldiers. As a result the town was obliged to hire money wherever obtainable to meet the requirements of the times. With a surplus in the treasury of $340 in 1861, the indebt- edness of the town in 1865 reached the sum of $37,000, then the war closed, so this proved to be the maximum amount of the indebtedness of the to\\Ti. This was gradually liquidated during the years that followed. CHAPTER YIII. Churches. A PROMINENT feature in tlie character of our forefathers was, they were men and women of prayer. In every emergency the mercy-seat was their first and last resort. " I hear the pilgrims' peaceful prayer Swelling along the silent air Amid the forest wild." Their expectation was from God alone. They hung helpless on his arm, and poured out their fervent believing desires into his ear. Nor did they plead in vain. They had power with God. Eternity alone will fully disclose the influence of their supplica- tions. They observed the Sabbath with great seriousness. They prepared for its approach by a seasonable adjustment of their temporal affairs. They welcomed its arrival with joy, and spent its hours in the public and private duties of religion. A sacred stillness reigned in their habitations and neighborhoods, well be- fitting the day of God, and wtU calculated to raise their affections and thoughts to the eternal rest of Heaven. The Puritan element and their principles were found in all of the New England Colonies, wherever they settled, and from diaries, letters and other records still in existence, it is evident that the pioneers of Cornish thus recognized their dependence upon a Sovereign power and intelligence. They were sterling men and women, inured to toil for their daily sustenance, training their oftentimes large families as the wise man directs. Few, indeed, were the homes in which the children were not taught the Lord's Prayer, "Now I lay me," and other similar lessons as soon as their infantile lips could lisp the words. Thus was Cornish settled under very favorable auspices, so far as regards its moral and religious status. Coming, however, from different communities and from churches of different shades of behef, it could hardly be expected 108 HISTORY OF CORNISH. that entire harmony would continue to exist, for, as the popula- tion increased, each class or church sought to strengthen its own interests. These conditions served to separate the varying creeds, each from the other, causing more or less acrimony to exist between them. This state of affairs had a tendency to increase the number of churches and worshiping assemblies of the town. The re- lations between these different churches, especially at the first, seemed void of that Christian fellowship, so highly commended in the sacred word. Differences of opinion, too, on doctrinal points between different members of the same church, fre- quently led to bitter disputes and withdrawals. This condi- tion of religious affairs was odious to the feelings of a large numl^er of the citizens of the town. Their better sense sought to prevail, as is shown by the following action of the town: On May 17, 1790, a call for a meeting of the town was issued, the chief business being to promote the religious unity of the town. The petition was as follows: "We, whose names are hereunder written, inhabitants of the town of Cornish, do most ardently wish that some plan that is general. Catholic and Charitable may be adopted by the different Churches and the inhabitants at large to unite and form one worshiping assembly and settle the gospel ministry and ordi- nances among us for mutual good and special benefit of our fam- ilies and rising generation, and being sensible of the inabilitj^ of the inhabitants of this town to support several ministers and several different Avorshipping assemblies, and that we are now losing all the pleasures and advantages of religious society and public worship, and depriving our dear children, and the rising age of those opportunities to cultivate morals & religion which a good and Gracious God has most evidently provided both for us and them, while we are contending, disputing, indulging and promoting separation among us, that some kind, conciliating, effectual measures may be adopted by the inhabitants of this town to unite in the call and settlement of some wise, judicious and prudent gentleman in the ministry. We do unite in a petition to the gentlemen Selectmen to warn a meeting of the inhabitants of this town, to be holden on Wednesday the second day of June (1790) at the old meeting house in this town at one o'clock P. M. then and there to act on this article : CHURCHES. 109 "To take into consideration the general matters mentioned in our petition, and see whether the inhabitants of this town will consent to propose, consider and finally to adopt any measure that may be advisable to effect as general a union in town as may be in supporting publick worship, and hereafter in calling and settling a gospel mmister among us, such as that be entertaining and agreeable to the gospel in general. (Signed) Daniel Putnam Samuel Putnam William Deming Joseph Taylor John Vinton Stephen Child Eleazer Jackson Benj. Comings Abijah Tucker Seth Deming William Chase Nath^ Carpenter John Morse Benj°. Jackson Ebenezer Deming Cornish, May 17, 1790. "The town met agreeably to the above call and chose a com- mittee to reduce the petition into articles suitable for the town to act upon. The committee were: — Ithamar Chase, Caleb Chase & Lieut. Eleazer Jackson. The meeting was adjourned to June 16*^ inst. at which time the town again met and consid- ered the petition, and adopted measures well calculated to restore harmony among them. The committee advised, 1^', That the town recommend to the different churches to choose a committee of conference to settle the unhappy disputes existing and agree to submit, in case they do not agree, to mutual arbitration. "2^^ That a 'Union Society' be formed whose purpose shall be to promote as general a union as possible among the churches and the inhabitants of the town; and that a committee be chosen to carry out these plans. "The report of the committee was accepted, and a committee was chosen consisting of Ebenezer Deming, Lt. Eleazer Jackson and Caleb Chase, for the purpose above mentioned." As the above record is all that can be found relative to the "Union Society," it is to be inferred that it did not become a success, well intentioned though it may have been. As years and decades have since passed by, the different denom- 110 HISTORY OF CORNISH. inations have assumed a iiKire frientUy attitude towards one another and not infrequently unite their efforts in a common cause. Congregational dnirch. The first settlers of the town were largely of the Congregational persuasion. As subjects of the Crown, the grantees of the town were required to lay out two hundred acres for the church of England; two hundred acres for the propagation of the gosi^el, and two hundred acres for the first settled minister. The pro- prietors n\ade ample provision in grants of land for the support of the gospel ministry dissenting ivom th(> church of England. At their first meeting after the survey and division of the town into lots, they voted that "there be at least one hundred & fifty acres of good land laid out in Cornish and set apart towards supporting a dissenting minister of the gospel in said town." The}^ also voted at a subse(]uent meeting "to give one thousand acres of as good land as then remained undivided, to settle and maintain a dissenting gospel minister among them." In 1767, two years after the settlement of the town (which now numliered thirteen families), measures were first taken to settle a minister. The reader need remember that at that early })eriod church and state had not been divorced. The towns regarded it as their, right to manage all the prudential concerns of the church; to raise the necessary funds for their support, and employ their ministers and pay them for their services. So then a minister was pastor not only of the church, but of the town. On April 28, 1768, the town met to take action upon settling its first minister. The proposition was enthusiastically enter- tained, as the town voted unanimously to extend a call to Rev. James Wellman, of Sutton, Mass., to become its minister. Sev- eral of the families were from the same place and belonged to his congregation in Sutton. These, therefore, desired that he should become their pastor in their new settlement. After the terms regarding his salary had been adjusted, Mr. Wellman, with his family, moved to Cornish. The citizens of Windsor, Vt., united with Cornish in this project, with the un- derstanding that he should preach in Windsor one third of the time, and that one third of his salarv for the first five vears 1 A y V -^ '^ ./ >. ^. '-^ - \- "^ r N >. >. •v^ V 1 c- --^ ^ H <: o Pi o ^; o Q :2 J O H O > o 2 H 55 ^ ^^ Y '<- '-^ IM n ■i nf 1 ^ 1 1' ,. 2: ::-."■ a. ._ .1' UJ — 1' y- 1 — • ti-i ■ ^ 1 CHURCHES. Ill should be raised there. A council of churches met September 29^ 1768, and organized a church, called the "Congregational Church of Cornish and Windsor. " At this time it consisted of ten mem- bers — six of Cornish and four of Windsor; and Mr. Wellman was installed as minister and pastor of the church and towns of Cornish and Windsor. The church was formed under a covenant which consisted of the ''confession of guilt and inability to do that which is acceptable to God, — the profession of their belief in the Christian religion as revealed in the scriptures, — the scriptures as the Word of God, — the acknowledgment of their obligations to glorify God by a holy and righteous life, — the consecration of themselves and their children to God, — the engagement to walk in love together, — to maintain discipline, — to keep the Lord's Day holy, and attend upon the public worship of God, — to maintain family worship, and to train up all under their care in the paths of holiness and virtue." Public worship was held in barns in summer, and in dwelling^ houses in winter, until the fall of 1773 when a meeting house was erected on the banks of the Connecticut River. The people met for public worship clad in garments of home-made cloth, — men and boj^s with coarse woolen hats and caps, and striped blue woolen or linen frocks and pantaloons. The women were dressed in woolen or linen gowns and checkered blue aprons. In a few instances men gathered for worship on the Sabbath with guns in their hands from fear of the attack of Indians. Troubles of various kinds soon beset them. It was with dif- ficulty that the pastor's salary was raised. Money was very scarce. The land set apart for ministerial purposes was sold,, and the avails expended at the expiration of two years. Dis- satisfaction also sprung up in the church respecting the receiving to membership those of doubtful doctrine and practice. On account of this, six brethren mthdrew from the communion^ and presented to the church their reasons for so doing November, 1778. Much controversy followed, which resulted in the with- dra\\ang brethren setting up public worship by themselves in 1779. In the fall and ^^^nter of 1780-81, a Reverend Mr. Powers labored among the people in word and doctrine. A revival was the result. Most of the families in the eastern and northern part 112 HISTORY OF CORNISH. of the town were affected by the revival, and many were converted, yet the dissatisfied brethren did not resume their allegiance to the church. Reverend Mr. Wellman and church were much tried by this sep- arate worship and the sanction given it by neighboring ministers. So the church asked the advice of the Council, December 18, 1780. The Council approved the action, and sustained the com- plaint of the church. The withdrawing brethren became more than ever dissatisfied with the condition and character of the church; and invited a convention of churches in April, 1781, to examine their grounds of complaint. The convention met and appointed another session at Lebanon in June, 1781, and sent a summons to Reverend Mr. Wellman, to appear before them. The summons was treated with a measure of contempt by Mr. Wellman and his church. He, however, sent a message to the convention, denying its jurisdiction and refusing to appear before them, giving six reasons therefor. This evidently preju- diced the convention against Mr. Wellman and his church, as results afterwards showed. The convention proceeded, and in its report severely censured the pastor and church for their action, and ''openly declared that they could not recognize said church as a church of Christ, and that they felt themselves in duty bound to withdraw com- munion and renounce fellowship with them in the special ordinances of the Gospel until they shall be restored to our char- ity by visible repentance." This church was never again received to the fellowship of the other churches. Reverend Mr. Wellman continued to preach un- til October, 1785, when the churches of Claremont and Charles- town convened in council at Cornish and dissolved the pastoral relation of Reverend Mr. Wellman to the church and town. Thus terminated the existence of the First Congregational Church in Cornish. Her light went out in darkness after a brief existence of seventeen years and six months. The number of members received to full communion during this time was sixty- four. To half-way communion, forty-two. The town had been divided (in June, 1781), into east and west parishes by an act of the Legislature upon petition of the citizens of Cornish to that effect. Attempts were afterwards made to establish two separate churches, — one in each parish. The CHURCHES. 113 Windsor association at first recommended this plan, but after- wards, October 14, 1800, retracted their former decision. A church was partially erected in the northwestern part of the town in 1787, but was never fully completed. Another was erected near the center of the town in 1788. The former was located on or near the farm of Nathaniel Johnson, and the latter on the John Morse farm, situated south, and several rods below the site where the Center Church was afterwards built. This latter was styled the "East Church." On December 1, 1790, a council was convened at the North- west Meeting house, and Rev. Benjamin Bell was installed for the term of five years as pastor of the two churches in Cornish, beside preaching in Windsor. His services in Cornish were to be ren- dered at the Northwest Meeting house. The brethren of the East Church remonstrated and would not unite with their brethren of the Northwest Church. These two branches or churches soon began to realize the reproach they were bringing upon the Gospel of Christ by their visible estrangement from each other. Reverend Mr. Bell closed his labors in Cornish in April, 1795; and the two divisions or churches began to meet in conference, and proposals for reunion were made by each and reasonably considered. Such confession and acknowledgments were rendered by individuals of both sections that a mutual agreement was made to unite in one body. This was publicly done December 13, 1795. Although thus formally united, they were 7iot all of one heart and one mind. In the fall of 1797 and the winter following. Rev. Siloam Short, a faithful and earnest minister of the Gospel, labored among them. The Holy Spirit descended in great power upon the church and community. This brought the church together, and also to its right mind, doing the very thing that brethren, ministers, councils, and associations had failed to accomplish. When "God spake it ivas done." The church came up from its dark state "beautiful as Tirzah." The brethren were humbled in their own sight. They came together of one accord. Four successive days they spent in prayer, in confession one to another and to the church, and in asking and receiving forgiveness of one another and the church. Converts unto righteousness were multiplied, and seventy-six were added to the church as the result of this gracious visitation of the Holy Spirit. 114 HISTORY OF CORNISH. The following year (1799), the church, now apparently united, and harmonious, erected a large and commodious house of worship upon the hill near the center of the town. It was the general place for worship for the greater part of the inhabitants of the town, with an average congregation of nearly eight hundred, and in some instances nearly or quite a thousand souls. On September 24, 1800, Rev. Joseph Rowell was ordained and installed pastor of the church, which relation he maintained until April 1, 1828, when he was dismissed. The church enjoyed three precious seasons of revival during his ministry, and 157 individuals were converted and added to the church. (See Rowell.) November 29, 1828, Rev. Joseph W. Clary was installed pastor of the church for five years. He was born in Rowe, Mass., in 1786; graduated at Middlebury College in 1808; studied theology at Andover, Mass., and was installed pastor of the Congregational Church in Dover from 1812 to 1828. His ministry in Cornish was blessed by two revivals, one in 1829 and the other in 1831, and seventy -six were gathered into the church. He was dismissed in October, 1834. On October 1, 1835, Rev. Alvah Spaulding was installed pastor of the church, which relation he maintained until February 7, 1865, when he was dismissed. Several seasons of revival were enjoyed during his pastorate. (See Spaulding Gen.) During his pastorate, the peace and harmony of the church was again disturbed. The meeting house on the hill was becoming old and uncomfortable, especially for the winter season, and the subject of locating and building a new house of worship absorbed the minds of the people. The church did not, and would not, agree upon the location of the new house of worship. Some wanted it built southwest of the church hill, while the larger number chose the interval lying north of the same. The majority prevailed, and the new meeting house, the present building, was built in 1841. This action resulted in a division of the church, and the withdrawal of the minority from its fellowship. This included several famiUes of influence and caused a sore loss to the church. After a while the church seemed to recover from the effects of this trial; and her history since then has afforded few striking events, but rather a prolonged chapter of blessings. Soon after the close of Reverend Mr. Spaulding 's pastorate, CHURCHES. 115 Rev. Philander Bates became "acting pastor," serving the church nearly five years, or until December 28, 1870. He was born September 26, 1810, and died April 19, 1873. He was a graduate of Amherst College. In May, 1871, Rev. Charles M. Palmer, from Harrisville, be- came pastor of the church. His connection with it ended in March, 1873, when he received a call from the church in Meriden, which he accepted. (See Palmer Gen.) On December 17, 1874, Rev. James T, Jackson of Danbury, was ordained and installed pastor. In this capacity he served the church nearly twenty-two years, until failing health induced him to ask for a dismission. This was granted, and he removed to Merrimac, Mass., March 12, 1896. (See Jackson Gen.) His union with the church was a very happy and pleasant one both for pastor and people. Social and kind-hearted, he, with his equally gifted wife, endeared themselves to the people of their charge, as well as to all others by their kindly minis- trations. The Old People's Visit (which see), since so famous and popular, was originated by this worthy couple in August, 1877. Since the close of Reverend Mr. Jackson's pastorate the church has had no settled pastor, but only short terms of service, by "acting pastors." Chief among these were the Reverends Silas G. Tucker, Maurice J. Duncklee, Perley Grant, J. E. Heath, A. J. Bailey of Meriden and D. T. Davies. It was on November 6, 1781, in the midst of solemn services in- cident to such occasions, that men of God, having due authority therefor, pronounced this "East Church of Cornish," a "Church of Jesus Christ." On November 9, 1881 (the sixth, being on Sunday), in the midst of Rev. James T. Jackson's pastorate, the church again assembled and celebrated its centennial with thank- fulness and joy. Invitations had been extended to all former pastors, officers and members then living, and a very gener- ous response was manifested. The season was a very enjoyable one, — a real home-gathering occupying the day and evening. The history of the church was given by the pastor and also by Rev. Joshua W. Wellman. Letters were read, and remi- niscences of great interest were given, interspersed by religious exercises and choice selections of music appropriate to the occasion. 116 HISTORY Of^ CORXISH. The Second Division. The outcome of the minority that withdrew from the parent Congregational Church furnishes an interesting, though brief and sad chapter. After the location of the present meeting house had been set- tled upon in 1841, and active measures adopted for building the same, a large and important portion of the church in the southern and western parts of the toA\qi felt aggrieved, and decided they could no longer remain in fellowship •with the other portion. The "high hills" of separation arose between them. It was a grief to each portion, and especially so to the minority, but the " die had been cast," the new house was being erected and these, feeling themselves ostracised from the main body, took counsel and agreed to associate themselves together and set up worship by themselves. Accordingly they called a meeting on June 4, 1841, and chose a committee to prepare articles of association. These were soon reported, and also a code of by-laws, all of which were adopted, and the new organization assumed the name of "The First Congregational Societj'^ of Cornish." PubUc-spirited men among them, at their own expense, erected a parsonage with vestry attached, during the first year. This they located near the junction of the two roads leading towards Windsor. This is the church parsonage building of the present day. On the September following they took united action about building a new meeting house ( 42 x 56 )on ground in the rear of the new parsonage, to be completed on or before November 1, 1842, and chose the necessary committee to carry out their plans. The house was completed within the specified time. The pews were all engaged or sold and the horse sheds erected during the year. The avails from the sale of the pews were insufficient to meet the expenses incurred, thus leaving them considerably in debt. This they were never able to fully liquidate. In 1843, they imdted Rev. Rufus A. Putnam of Epsom to preach for them. Opposition from outside was soon manifested, but he was employed nevertheless, and preached for them until October 18, 1846, when he was dismissed. The Sullivan County Association, having jurisdiction over all the Congregational churches in the county, had never looked with favor upon this offshoot from the main bodj'. It was their CHURCHES. 117 mind that the members who A\ithdrew in 18-41 should have acquiesced with the will of the majority, hence their opposition to another and separate church in Cornish. On the other hand, the new organization felt its cause to be just, and so moved vigorously forward, as if there was no opposi- tion. October 15, 1845, they met for the purpose of organizing a church to be connected with their society. This was affirmed by an unanimous vote and committees were appointed to perfect all necessary arrangements; they afterwards appointed November 11, 1845, as the day for convening a council and organizing the church. The numbers of the council present were not sufficient, therefore the event was postponed until December 10, 1845, when the council was present, and the church was organized and pronounced a religious church of Christ, and in fellowship with the churches of Christ. The first called meeting of the church was on January 29, 1846, when thej' voted that their name should be: "The Evangelical Congregational Church in Cornish." The second meeting of the church was ]\Iarch 20, 1846, when it was voted that, under existing circumstances, it was advisable that the church receive to its membership all those having no letters of dismission from the parent church, as that body had refused to acknowledge them as a separate body. About this time the Sullivan County Association assumed a more determined attitude against them. In the Congregational Journal of May 12, 1846, an account Mas published of the Association's proceedings against them stating that they refused to acknowledge this new church as one of their body. Its doom, as a church, was now sealed. It was compelled to die. This action of the Association called forth a lengthy and vig- orous protest from the church, in which they set forth in a very able manner their grievances and claims; but all to no use. The powers were against them. The following October, Rev- erend Mr. Putnam and viiie were dismissed from the church, and no other preacher succeeded him, only as an occasional one may have chanced to render a service. "Loving the Gates of Zion, " the people often assembled in their new and beloved house of worship, sometimes having the benefit of preaching, but oftener otherwise. In this way matters continued until the 26th of December, 1850, when they voted "to 118 HISTORY OF CORNISH. give letters of recommendation to any and all of their members, desiring to unite with any other Evangelical Church. This was the last meeting of the "Evangelical Congregational Church of Cornish." "The First Congregational Society of Cornish," associated with said church, continued to exist (only in name) a little longer. Its last recorded meeting was held March 7, 1853, and signed by Jesse 0. Wyman, clerk. The house was then closed. Baptist Church. Among those who first came to Cornish were individuals who believed in the principles and practice of the Baptist denomina- tion. These principles or tenets briefly stated, are: (1) "Liberty of conscience. (2) That civil magistrates have no authority from God to regulate or control religion. (3) Bap- tism by immersion." Reverends Jedediah Hibbard, Job Seamans, Abiel Ledoyt and several other missionary preachers of this persuasion occasionally visited the town, and aided in laying the foundation of a church of this order. The church was duly organized July, 1789, in a barn owned by Moses Barrows, situated about forty rods southwest of the summit of "Furnald Hill" and about one mile northwest from where the church now stands. There were but nine mem- bers, Jonas and Zilpha Richardson, Moses and Elizabeth Barrows, Samuel and Rebecca Meekers, Nathaniel Dustin, Ehzabeth Thompson and Charity Barrows. An addition of six members was made during the following year. It was organized by Rev. Jedediah Hibbard, who became its first pastor. He held this position until 1796, preaching but a part of the time in Cornish, as his duties as a missionary preacher often called him abroad. No records of the church have been preserved earlier than June 24, 1791. On this date the following votes were passed: "1st That Bro. Richardson act as moderator to govern s^. meeting. "2d Chose Moses Weld, standing Clerk. "3d Chose Samuel Hibbard, Deacon. "4th Chose Elder Hibbard, standing moderator. CHURCHES. 119 "5th Voted that Deacon Hilhard act as moderator in the absence of Elder Hibbard. "6th Voted to Commune the third Sunday in every second month." On the 17th of September, 1791, the following record was made: "1st Voted to join the Woodstock Vt. Association, with their consent. "2d Chose Elder Hibbard, Deacon Hilhard, John Weld and Moses Weld messengers to said association. "3d Chose Moses Weld to write a letter to the association from the church." Their union with the Woodstock Association was effected, and they remained connected with it until 1828. "On Sunday ye 2^^ of October, 1791, the church pas'^. the following vote: Chose Elder Hibbard, Dea. Samuel Hilhard and Bro. Moses Weld to sit in Council at Croydon on the 12th of October inst. for the purpose of installing Elder Abiel Ledoyt as pastor of the Baptist Church in Croydon." July 3, 1792, the church expressed their "approbation that Dea. Samuel Hilliard should improve his gift in public." "On Sept. 20, 1792, John Weld was chosen deacon and Moses Weld as leader in singing. At the same time a committee was chosen to confer with the Plainfield Baptist Church in regard to supporting preaching together." "May 3*^, 1794, voted to raise twenty pounds for preaching, each man paying according to his property." "December 19, 1794, voted that the meetings be held at the center meetinghouse during the pleasure of the church." During several of the first years, the church held its meetings in various places, generally in the families of its mem- bers; sometimes in the Center Church, and sometimes, in warm weather, in barns and groves. A building of one roof, standing near Arunah Burnap's house on the Flat, and bearing the unpoet- ical name of "Salt Box" was used for a considerable time as a house of worship. March 4, 1797, a committee was appointed to confer with the Newport Baptist Church about joining it as a branch of said church. This project failed of success. 120 HISTORY OF CORNISH. After the close of Elder Hibbard's labors with the church, Dea. Samuel Hilliard performed the duties of a preacher, rendering acceptable service for some time, at one time receiving forty dollars compensation therefor. In the year 1798 there was a great spiritual awakening in Cornish and Plainfield through the ministry of Rev. Siloam Short, an evangelist. Many were added to both Congregational and Baptist churches during this season. On the 26th of December, 1798, the church voted to provide the first utensils for communion service at the expense of the church and chose Dea. John Weld to procure them. February 13, 1799, the church voted "that it is the opinion of the church that we are not able to support preaching statedly the ensuing year." A vote on February 27, 1799, was passed to attempt to unite with the Congregationalists in joint worship, each paying their proportion for preaching. After careful con- sideration, this project was abandoned and the vote was recon- sidered July 11, 1799. Differences of opinion on this matter caused some alienation of feeling but on June 9, 1800, it was voted "to bury all unkind feeUngs and walk together in fellow- ship and brotherly love." Thus every attempt to unite with other religious bodies failed. In the year 1801, when numbering about thirty members, the church invited Elder Ariel Kendrick, who was about closing a pastorate in Sahsbury, to become their pastor. He accepted their invitation and came and continued as pastor for nearly twenty years. After this, still remaining in town, he supplied the pulpit in the interim between two or three succeeding pas- torates. He was a humble and unpretentious preacher, but well versed in Scripture and sound on the tenets of the sect. During his pastorate, the church enjoyed three seasons of revival, — thus strengthening her graces and adding many to her numbers. (See Kendrick Gen.) In the year 1803, during the second year of Elder Kendrick's ministry, the church erected a new meeting house on the hill at the Center of the town, in close proximity to the Congrega- tional Church (already erected there in 1799). It remained there until the summer of 1818 when, for various reasons, it was taken down and removed to its present location on Cornish Flat. The dedication sermon of 1803 and the re-dedication sermon of CHURCHES. 121 1818 were both preached by Rev. Aaron Leland of Chester, Vt., from the same text: Gen. 28: 17. Following the erection of the church in 1803, the records show a term of prosperity and peace. Officers were chosen and measures adopted that promoted the welfare of the church. In June, 1805, it was voted "to provide clothing for the poor, so they could all attend meeting." After due consideration about introducing a bass viol into the church choir, it was voted to do so March 19, 1810. September 2, 1810, "it was voted the duty of every family to maintain the worship of God in their families." In 1811 an unpleasantness occurred involving both pastor and people. It was due to the pastor's interference in the domes- tic affairs of some of his parishioners. Although well intended, it wrought some bitterness, but it afforded a good lesson of wisdom for future guidance. From this time until the autumn of 1816, the church seemed to gain but little either in numbers or spiritu- ality. But after the disastrous season of 1816, when Nature failed to reward the husbandman for his toil, the minds of the people were disposed to receive blessings from beyond the reach of frost and drought. Under such conditions, a work of grace began which lasted several months. During this time large numbers were converted, thus showing that "man's extremity is God's opportunity." During this revival about forty souls were added to the church. In the year 1819 a still greater work was wTOught, and the records show a list of sixty-four names added during the year. On January 6, 1821, the church dismissed several of its mem- bers to assist in organizing a Baptist Church in Claremont. Sometime during the year 1821 (date not definite). Elder Kendrick resigned the pastoral care of the church. From this time until June 29, 1826, the church had no pastor. Several different preachers came but evidently none of them were chosen. On this last-named date, the church invited Elder Simeon W. Beckwith to become their pastor. He came and rendered very acceptable service, endearing himself to all the church and community, but death claimed him the following year on May 22, 1827. His remains rest in the cemetery at the Flat. A tablet was inscribed to his memory by the Free Masons of which fraternitv he was a beloved member. 122 HISTORY OF COI^XISH. On Auiiust 30, 1827, tho "First Baptist Socioty" of Cornish was ori!;aniz(>(l antl in('or])orato(l. This continiKxl in existence, exercising its functions inUil February 15, 1904, wlien, as laws had been passed enipowerint>; churches to become corporate l)odies, and to nianap;(^ their own tinancial affairs that formerly had devolved upon the society, the society was of no further use, and on this ihite ceased to exist. Early in the year 1828 Rev. Gibbon Williams, who was born ISlarch 13, 1797, in Monmouthshire, Eng., became pastor of the elnirch. A solenm and im]iressive jireacher and of agreeable manners, he ]>roved an exc(>llent pastor and the attachment between him and \\\c church was verj^ strong. The Woodstock Association, of which the church was a member, was divided about this time, and a new oni^ formed on the east side of the Connecticut River calhnl the "Newport Baptist Association," and the Cornish chmch ])ecame a member of this body in Se])temb(M-, 1828. During this year a ])arsonage was ]irovided, in which was a room furnished for a vestry for social meetings. This b\iilding still remains standing at the Avest of the cemetery on the Plat. In .\])ril, 1829, a donation oi \\\c hundred dollars was received from l)ea. John Wi>ld. the income of which was to be annually exjiended for iireaching. Elder Williams closed his labors in Cornish, Janmu-y 1, 1833, aftcM- a succ(\ssf\d ministry of five years. During l^ilder Williams' jiastorate, a great revival occurred which is thus descrilxnl by Mrs. ]\Iarcia L. Fletcher, an eye- witness, and also "one of them." It had its beginning in the old red schoolhouse at the "City." so called. She says: "The few isolated disciples there realized that a very large class of young peopli^ there were giving their (\u"ly years to worldly pleasures and felt something must be done to save them. ' With fervent prayers they felt that works must \mite with faith. So they requested EldiM- Williams to hold a nnH>ting at the schoolhouse on a Sabbath evening at "early candle light.' The appointment was given, although the ])asti)r's faith at first Avas weak, thinking the effort would prove abortive. But to his happy surprise, the house was filUnl with a very attentive^ audience com])osed largely of young people. This strengthened his faith, so he ajipointed another meeting. This was in the autumn of 1830. The Wood- stock Baptist Association Avas holding its anniv(M-sary with the CHURCHES. 128 Windsor Baptist Church of which Elder Lohmd Howard was pastor. It was customary to send some of the ministers assem- bled to hold meetings in the neighboring districts in the evening of the first day of the session. So Elder Packard of Mt. Holly, Vt., was sent over the river to preach in the 'city' schoolhouse. The house was filled to its utmost capacity and a powerful sermon delivered from Gen. 24: 58. On returning to Windsor, he said to Elder Howard: 'There is going to be a revival over in Cornish and you had better go over and hold meetings there.' 'I will Avhen there is a moon,' said Elder Howard. 'Don't wait for a moon,' replied Elder Packard, 'the Holy Spirit is there.' From that time meetings were held two and three times a week by Elders Williams and Howard through the winter of 1830-31. Young people would walk several miles even on dark nights to -attend the meetings. The climax was reached on a certain ev(niing at a dwelling house, when, aided by brethren from Clarc- mont, the Holy Spirit came in power. Old and young, strong men in the meridian of life, yielded to the sweet influences of the Spirit and it was estimated that nearly three hundred were con- verted during that revival. 'Those happy hours. How sweet their memory still!' It was a marked feature that very few of those professing conversion at this revival ever returned to the transitory pleasures of the world, thus evidencing a genuine work of grace in their hearts." In the autumn of 1833 Oliver Barron became pastor. He was a good man of strong mind and convictions and of great energy, possessing that independence which led him sometimes to unneces- sarily attack the opinions of others. His labors, however, were blessed by the addition of nearly one hundred souls. Among the years of these great revivals, there arose a class styling them- selves " Universalists " that advocated tenets quite at variance with those of the other churches of the town. It is not kno^vn that they ever formed any organization in town, although they employed preachers and held many meetings. By consent they often used the meeting houses for their services. Reverend Mr. Barron strenuously denounced them, giving them no quarter. On a certain Sabbath during his pastorate, these Universalists and the Baptists each claimed the use of the Baptist meeting house for the same hour of service. It became under- stood that the party first taking possession of the pulpit, after 124 HISTORY OF CORNISH. the unlocking of the doors, should occupy it for their service. After the doors were opened a rush was made for the pulpit by two strong men, representatives of each party, the Universalist leading. Just as they reached the "deacons' seats" at the foot of the pulpit, the hindmost man pushed the other into these seats, and, passing on, took possession of the pulpit. So that day they had Baptist services, but how profitable they were spiritually, the writer cannot say. In 1837, after a pastorate of four years, Elder Barron closed his labors in Cornish. He was succeeded the same year by Rev. David Burroughs, who was born in Lyndeborough, N. H., August 10^ 1810. He was a man of acknowledged ability and was greatly beloved by many. About this time the anti-slavery movement was deeply agi- tating the people of the North, and the majority of the church, with their pastor, was in sympathy with it, while some enter- tained opposite opinions. For this cause a bitterness arose between brethren, resulting in the withdrawal of some from the church. The pastor's strong denunciation of slavery begat opposition in the community outside, as well as inside the church. Even the air was at times polluted with the ungracious epithets of "nigger," "black abolitionist," etc., but the pastor never failed to calmly express his humane convictions. Some mischievous individuals bedaubed the white doors of the church with black paint, and on a certain Sabbath morning the pastor ascended the high pulpit stairs and found the pulpit already occupied by a black ram. He retraced his steps down the stairs and occupied the deacons' station as a pulpit for that forenoon. He made no allusion to the matter in his discourse, but the black occupant above, occasionally responded during the service, beside occasionally rising and standing on his hind legs, looking over the pulpit at the audience and causing much amusement for the children and the less seriously disposed part of the congregation. In the summer of 1897 the writer enjoyed a pleasant corre- spondence with Elder Burroughs, who was then eighty-seven years of age. He wrote that near the beginning of his pas- torate in Cornish, the weekly prayer-meeting became so reduced that often only two beside himself were present, namely : Arunah Burnap and Alvin Comings. " These brethren had faithfully CHURCHES. 125 remembered their covenant vows and so mutually agreed, if possible, ever to be present. Thus they 'held on' until they saw a grand awakening and nearly a hundred souls added to the church." Elder Burroughs' pastorate in Cornish ended in the winter of 1841-42. He died August 30, 1898, aged eighty-eight, having spent sixty-five years of active labor in the ministry. August 22, 1843, the church called Nahum P. Foster to preach for them. He accepted the call and was ordained May 29, 1844. His pastorate in Cornish continued until December 9, 1854, over ten years. He was a man of fine talents, pleasing personality and an agreeable preacher. His union with the church was a pleas- ant one. About thirtj'- members were added to the church during his term of service. He was also a physician of skill, prac- ticing medicine in connection with his ministerial labors. He was born in Fitzwilliam, N. H., February 10, 1814, and died in New London, Conn., May 6, 1876. In 1845-46 the meeting house was remodeled. The old-time galleries, square pews, high pulpit and sounding board were removed. These gave place to the present audience room on the second floor with a vestry underneath. In 1846 a new parsonage lot was secured near the meeting house and the present set of buildings were erected. In January and February, 1856, revival meetings were held, conducted by Rev. John Peacock, evangelist, and about twenty united with the church as the result; sixteen of these were bap- tized February 17, 1856. Rev. Phinehas Bond was the next pastor beginning in Febru- ary, 1856. His pastorate closed in May, 1858. "He was an earnest, devoted man." In December, 1858, Rev. D. P. Deming was secured as pastor. His term of service lasted seven years. His motto was, ''owe no man anything but to love one another." Reducing this to prac- tice, with the cooperation of the brethren a long-standing debt against the society was liquidated. The services of Elder Deming were very acceptable to the church and community. He was strictly evangelical and always in sympathy with those needing sympathy. This was his mother church. (See Deming Gen.) His services to the church ended December, 1865. The Sunday school, which hitherto had been active only during 126 HISTORY OF CORNISH. the warm seasons, decided in 1860 that hereafter it should be active at all seasons of the year. This decision has ever since been complied with. During the fall of 1866 and winter and spring following, Rev. John A. Baskwell preached for the church, but did not settle as pastor. He, however, rendered acceptable service. November 17, 1867, Rev. Halsey C. Leavitt of Swanton, Vt., became pastor of the church. He was born in Gouverneur, N. Y., September 27, 1827, and died in West Rutland, Vt., January 2, 1885. He was an earnest and energetic preacher and worker. As a leader in social meetings he had few equals. His biographer says he was "judicious and careful" and as a preacher he was "scriptural, spiritual and faithful." During his ministry of five years in Cornish the church enjoyed the presence of the revival spirit in good degree much of the time. Two or three seasons of revival resulted in numerous conversions. His memorandum makes mention of eighty additions to the church, sixty-six bap- tisms, six hundred and nine sermons, twenty-five communion services, thirty-five marriages, fifty funerals and conducted over one thousand prayer meetings; all of these services rendered within the five years. His union with the church was a great blessing to it. On January 6, 1872, the church, through the efforts of Elder Leavitt, procured a new bell. It was suspended in the church tower February 17, 1872. The old bell, procured in 1818, had become cracked and unfit for use. The inscription on the new bell, as furnished by the pastor was, "Praise God in His Holi- ness." Elder Leavitt left Cornish Church for Newport Baptist Church in December, 1872. Rev. Gideon S. Smith succeeded Elder Leavitt, beginning his labors in February, 1873. He continued with the church until February, 1875. He was a conscientious and faithful preacher, but ill health rendered it advisable for him to resign. Prior to 1875 all of the pastors of the church preached sermons in both forenoon and afternoon on each Sabbath. Beginning in May of that year, they have since rendered but one sermon on each Lord's Day, except at an occasional evening service. In May, 1875, Rev. George A. Glines came from Hudson and was pastor of the church until May, 1880. In 1890 he was recalled and served the church another five years, ending in 1895. Owing CHURCHES. 127 to failing health he then retired from the ministry. He was born in Moultonborough, September 17, 1827, and died in Claremont, July 6, 1907. As a preacher he rendered very acceptable service. Between his two terms of service Rev. J. K. Chase from Rowley, Mass., preached one year ending September 1, 1882. Also Rev. Dennis Donovan preached two and one-half years, ending in June, 1886. After the close of Rev. G. A. Ghnes' second pastor- ate in 1895, Rev. Charles E. Gould came and preached three years, closing in September, 1898. On July 30, 1899, Rev. Charles V. French became pastor until October, 1901. After this the pastor of Meriden Church, Rev. Thomas Adams, supplied the pulpit nearly two years. His services were followed by those of Rev. James Nobbs, who remained pastor a little over a year. He was followed by the present incumbent. Rev. T. C. Russell, who came in June, 1906. At the present writing (1909), the church, at the age of one hundred and twenty years, presents a great contrast to that of former years. Death has continued to remove her strong pil- lars of spirituality and of finance, mitil few are left to bear the burden. Few, too, have been the numbers that for many years past have been added to her membership. We will glance back- ward and present a portion of her history of more cheerful aspect. The decade showing the greatest degree of prosperity of the church was from 1830 to 1840. We present a few items: 1830. Church numbered at opening of year. 111. Baptized 124, 74 of whom united with the church in Cornish and the rest in Windsor. 1831. Church numbered 180. Raised for benevolence, $160. 1832. Church numbered 184. Raised for benevolence, $195. 1833. Several gold rings contributed. 1834. Sunday school, 200. Volumes in Hbrary, 300. 1835. Baptized into church, 87. Church now numbered 257. Sunday school large. Home missions, $37.06. 1836. Church numbered 251. Library, 400 volumes. Sunday school, 200, with 20 teachers. 1837. Church numbered 229. 1838. Sunday school, 250. Teachers, 30. Volumes in hbrary, 400. Donations liberal for all purposes. I'2S IIIS'I'OHV Ol" COKMSIl. IS:?'), ('liurcli iniiuhcrcd '.V2(). Suii(la_\' school, 275. 'rcaclici's, ;>(). X'oiuincs in library, 100. IS 10. ("Iiiiicli iiiiiiili('iT(l '277. Altout scNcn liiiiidicd liaxc liccii l)ai)li/('(l into (lie cinn'ch, while many have Incn icccivccl by IcKcr, niakiiif;" aWout ci^ht hundird dilVcrcnl lucinhcrs since the ort>;anizalion of the ciuirch, 'The pi'esent nuniher is t hii'ty-t wo resident and nine non-resident. I']\;ini;('lists at dilTeicnt times liaxc lahor'ed in ttie church. Prominent amont; these \\<'re l\e\s. Siloam Short, John j'eacock, Mdward A. \\ hittiei- and Otis L. Leonard. 'Their elTorts always seemed to proxc a l)lt>ssin^ lothe church. Sometimes the revival s])iril would he m.-inifest (hroutih the earnest, ])rayerrul labors of the ))as(or aided by the railhl'ul members of his char,u;e, aiul also liy neighboring minislei's. It is nolew oil hy Ih.at two of the church cleiks sei'\'ed each I w cnly-sex'en years in succession, Dea. .\runah nurnap from ISol Ic) ISoSand Dea. Henry K. Kich from ISASto ISS"). Ten men ha\c ,u;one out from the church as ])r(>achers of Iho {j;osi)el: ( ieorti(> II. Hou^h. Thadeus (ia.n'e, Sanfoi'd (lust in, Reuol Lotluop, ("al\in Haker, Daniel, Slillmanand Horace* Richardson, Charles H. (ireen and D. V. Deminii;. Tiiese were all ni(*n of (idelily and de\otion to I heir callini;. 'rhe>' ha\'e all ])asse(l away. Stillman Hichardson died when just rea(l>' to enter the ministry, but the othei-s tilled the measure iii us(>ful lives in the work. Mr. Ilou^h went ;is a missionary to India, becominii; a coiu- ])aiuou of the inunortal .ludsoii ill his sulferin to Christ and his word, he wiou.!j;hl well, was of be.auliful spii'it, and lea\'es to church and family the l(\ii;.acy of an unsullied charactt>r." 'V\\c biontit)n of "high scholarly atlainments; of several successful ])astorates; of his release from a jnilsy just before his death, and his rapturous joy as he then crowned the Savior, fiord of all." Of Charles H. Green a writer says: ''Of pun* and aniiabU< character whose daily walk with Cod, r(Mid(M-ed his society like rays of sunshine, and his labors were bl(>st." llis last words were, ''lie whom 1 have preached as the sinners' hope is nttw my own." (See Green Gen.) It is inltM-eslinii; io notice that durinti; the early history of the church its nuMubiM's wen* raitiircd to attend divine service, and CHURCHES. 129 be severely called to account for any absence therefrom. The modern sentiment hardly sustains this policy. But who shall declare the right? The Newport Baptist Association, of which this church is a member, has met with the church in annual session nine different years: 1833, 1837, 1846, 1849, 1857, 1860, 1869, 1885 and 1896. The New Hampshire State Convention has met there but once, June, 1844. The church and society have received the following legacies: 1834. Dea. John Weld, $500, the income only to be used for preaching. 1835. Ebenezer Weld, $1,200, the income only to be used for preaching. 1885. ]\Ir. and j\Irs. Henry Gould, new pulpit, with chairs, Bible and all furnishings complete. 1886. A library association, 168 volumes for adult readers. 1887. Daniel G. Deming, one half of the yearly income from his estate after his decease in 1887. 1899. Miss Sarah A. Bryant, about $300, the income only to be used for preaching. 1901. Henry Gould, $2,200, under the trusteeship of the New Hampshire Baptist State Convention, the income of which shall annually be expended for Baptist preach- ing on the Flat. With this he also bequeathed and devised that his present home, with all its furnishings, should at his decease become the home of the pastor of the church and his family, during his pastorate. 1902. Mrs. Sarah Gould, about $300, the income only to be used for preaching. In 1883 the old-time open belfry was changed to the closed tower of the present day. This was slated as was the entire roof of the church. There never has been a baptistry in the church, but on all occasions requiring it, ponds or brooks have been resorted to. August 25, 1889, a committee was chosen to make arrangements for a centennial meeting of the church. Accordingly centennial exercises were held in the church in September, 1889; a sermon was preached by Rev. N. F. Tilden of Lebanon. A history of the church was prepared and read by Rev. George N. Green, who 130 HISTORY OF CORNISH. was then a resident supply for the pulpit. A poetic " Reminis- cence of Cornish Flat Forty and Fifty Years Ago," by Mrs. Susan (Baker) Kenerson was read. The occasion was of great interest to all present. By virtue of a law previously enacted, the church was incor- porated February 1, 1904. Episcopal Church. The existence of the First Congregational Church had termi- nated. Its remaining members were not of one heart and mind. Thej^ had apparently abandoned the jurisdiction of the old church and were absorbed in building up two separate places of worship further north and east. (For record of these see Cong. Hist.) The southern and western parts of the town therefore were left unsupplied with religious services. The old meeting house formerly occupied by Mr. Wellman's Church now stood empty. That section had become missionary ground, and open to embrace the doctrines and services of any evangelical church. During Reverend Mr. Bell's pastorate over the North Church in the fall of 1791, Philander Chase, the youngest son of Dea. Dudley Chase, entered Dartmouth College. While there he acci- dentally came across a "Book of Common Prayer," — a rare book in those days. Instead of carelessly looking the book over and throwing it aside, he carefully and prayerfully studied it, and compared its forms and ordinances with the Word of God. The more he examined it, the more forcibly it appealed to his sense of what constituted the true way of worship. These ideas he communicated to his parents, relatives and friends. To these, truth was the great desire of their hearts. They desired something stable and sure in worship and belief. This prayer book seemed to them as a new light to guide them towards a more satisfactory form of worship than they had here- tofore experienced or witnessed. These considerations, joined to well-authenticated claims to apostolic successions in the ministry, were the principal reasons that induced the parents, relatives and neighbors of Philander Chase, to conform to the doctrine and practices of the Episcopal Church. Then again, these in- dividuals had been, in a measure, instructed in the new forms of worship, by distinguished clergymen of the Episcopal order CHURCHES. 131 who occasionally had visited Cornish and other towns along the river. Prominent among these gospel preachers was Rev. John C. Ogden, afterwards their first pastor or rector, and Rev. Bethuel Chittenden, brother of a governor of Vermont. The visits of this latter gentleman were especially prized by these earnest seekers after the truth. Their numbers increased until they deemed it advisable to meet and organize as a society. This was done, and they held their first meeting on December 16, 1793, in the old Congregational Church. They drew up the following "Instrument of Associa- tion": "We the subscribers, inhabitants of the town and Neighborhood of Cornish in the state of New Hampshire, wishing to enjoy the Benefit of public religious worship and instruction for ourselves and families, do hereby associate ourselves together for that purpose as members and friends of the Protestant Episcopal Church, Agreeing with each other to conform to such future rules and regulations as in the circumstances of this society, parish, or church we shall agree upon — from time to time in Legal regular meetings, by a majority of votes, for the purpose of the same. — "And we further agree to attend upon the public offices of religion, for the present under the ministry of the Rev'^. John Cozens Ogden as frequently as he can officiate among us at the old meetinghouse in said Cornish. — ' In witness whereof we have set our hands this sixteenth day of December 1793." At the same meeting it was "Voted by a majority of the sub- scribers to this parish, that M^ Ithamar Chase and Jonathan Chase, J. P. be appointed as Wardens until Easter next. — "Be it known that the above votes were passed and that four- teen persons also signed this subscription, paper or Instrument of Association in our presence on the day above mentioned, tesf^. by John Cozens Ogden, Presbytere the Episcopal Church and missionary in New Hampshire. "Voted that this meeting be adjourned unto Monday the 21st day of April next. Ith. Chase T r^ T Ti 1 Wardens.'^ JoNA Chase J. P. 132 HISTORY OF CORNISH. The Monday after Easter Sabbath has ever since been observed by the church as the date of their annual business meeting. On their second meeting April 21, 1794, a committee was chosen to petition the General Court of New Hampshire for an act of incorporation under the name of Christ's Church. For some reason the committee failed in the discharge of their duty, and so the matter was postponed until the following year, when the committee was again instructed to renew their petition and forward their project to completion. The General Court was in session at Hanover on the first Wednesday of June, 1795. The committee then presented their petition. On the 16th of June it came before the court, which ordered a time for hearing later, when, if no objections appeared, their prayer would be granted. The bill passed both the House and Senate December 24, 1795, and the church was incorporated under the name of Trinity Church, which name it has since borne. John Prentiss at this time was speaker of the House, Ebenezer Smith, president of the Senate, and J. Taylor Oilman was gov- ernor. The incorporation of the church was recorded April 9, 1796, by Nathaniel Hall, registrar. This same year the clerk and wardens were directed to request Gen. Jonathan Chase to give a deed of the common land where the old meeting house now stands. On August 10, 1801, the church took measures in conjunction with other Episcopal churches of New Hampshire for the for- mation of a district or diocese embracing this church. Delegates were appointed and sent to Claremont to a convention assembled there for said purpose and also to another convention at Con- cord. On May 25, 1802, the diocese was formed and a constitu- tion prepared to be adopted by its several churches. This was unanimously adopted by Trinity Church on November 1, 1802. By the terms of the grant of Cornish lands, the minister who first settled in town, had the benefit of two hundred acres of land, the first Congregational Church receiving this benefit by reason of their priority. The Episcopal Society, however, had its glebe lands; but coming a little later, found them mainly occupied, and in some cases improved by those occupyng them and who were reluctant to relinquish them. This gave rise to disputes concerning titles, and even lawsuits occurred before they could be recovered. But proper measures were taken and satisfaction finally obtained. CHURCHES. 133 The old meeting house, built in 1773, was needing repairs, and it did not fully meet the wants of those now worshiping there. Something must be done; either to make extensive repairs or to pull down the old house and build a new and larger one. The latter policy was unanimously adopted. A plan for a new house had been drafted and submitted by Philip Tabor, a carpen- ter and builder. With this plan all were well pleased. Accord- ingly a meeting was convened on November 2, 1801 , to take action on the matter. A committee was appointed "to sell the pews of the old house and appropriate the avails for building s^. house. " A committee to purchase lumber, and solicit and collect donations was also appointed. The donations of timber and other material were liberal. The work was delayed, however, and the old house stood until after the business meeting of the society on April 2, 1804. It was, however, taken down during that year. An article appeared in the town warrant of April 15, 1805, which was "to see how much money the society would raise to complete the house," but for some reason the article was "passed over." During the years 1806-07 the records are silent regarding the progress of the work, or the raising of means to carry it for- ward. It is supposable, however, that the work was progressing during those years, for in the spring of 1808, the society "warned" its first business meeting to be held in Trinity Church, which is the edifice of today. Probably the reason why so much time was spent in building was the scarcity of funds needful to speedily accomplish the work. The income from their lands at this time came in slowly, being jeopardized in litigation and the society was awaiting the outcome. The new house was located upon the site of the old one, and it "was to be 36 x 44 feet, with two porches and a belfry, with a steeple, and of a suitable heighth." It has numbered among its worshipers a class of noble and gifted men and women whose influence has been potent in all the affairs of the town. The attendance has never been of the fitful and overflowing kind, but rather of a steady, quiet order that is befitting and favorable to the worship and service of the Highest. The church has not at all times supported a rector of her own, but has received the ministrations of those from Windsor and Claremont and other churches near at hand. Rev. George 134 HISTORY OF CORNISH. Leonard is the most notable exception as he was a resident of the town, and officiated as rector eighteen years. The records make mention in their order of Reverends Ogden, Chittenden, Barber, Montague, Felch, Leonard, Smith, Staples, Wright, Flanders, Randolph, Jones, Douglas, Goddard, Ticknor and perhaps others. The services rendered by these worthy men, beside the visits of the Bishop and others, have enabled them to maintain services a large part of the time. In 1816 the church made an appeal to Bishop Alexander V. Griswold for aid, on the plea that their predecessors had disposed of lands rightfully belonging to them, and now wished these lands might be redeemed by subscription. Following this, the same year, the church was successful in securing donations, and deci- sions in law against those holding glebe lands, which gave them much encouragement. June 4, 1822, the clerk of the society, Capt. Bela Chase was voted as disqualified to hold office, or even membership in the church owing to his joining the Catholic Communion with his family. He was accordingly dismissed. According to the records, the society has held its annual meet- ings from 1793 to the present time, a period of 116 years, with the exception of the years from 1875 to 1895. The causes given for these omissions are the same as those applying to all the other churches in town, viz. : 1st, the decline in population being accompanied by a corresponding decline in church membership; 2d, the present generation, as a rule, do not attach the importance to the service of God that their fathers and grandfathers did. In closing we append the interesting event of the consecration of Trinity Church in the language of the record. "To the Rt. Revd Carlton Chase D. D. Bishop of the Diocese of New Hampshire, Rt. Rev^ Sir. "We the undersigned, Wardens of Trinity Church Cornish respectfully request you to consecrate our house of worship to the service of Almighty God. "Cornish, Jan. 11, 1846. "John L. Putnam ,_ __ . Wardens. Israel Hall ) 'A true record, Attest, John L. Putnam Reg' " CHURCHES. 135 "Diocese of New Hampshire, "In the name of God, Amen. "Whereas, it hath pleased Ahnighty God to put it into the hearts of His servants, the people of the Parish of Trinity Church in the town of Cornish in said Diocese to erect and devote a house to His great and glorious name, and whereas the officers of said Parish have moved and requested that the same may be publicly consecrated to Him according to the usages of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States:— Now therefore be it known that I, Carlton Chase, by the grace of God, Bishop of said Diocese in virtue of my holy office, do this day dedicate and solemnly consecrate to God, and to the sacred purposes of the Gospel, this the aforesaid house under the name of Trinity Church, forever separating it from all unhallowed, worldly and common uses, and requiring and enjoining that henceforth it shall be wholly and exclusively devoted to the solemn uses and services of the blessed refigion of Jesus Christ, according to the Doctrine, Discipline and worship of the Protestant Episcopal Church. "In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this eleventh day of January, in the year of our Lord, one thou- sand eight hundred and forty six. "Carlton Chase [Seal] "A true Record, Attest, John L. Putnam, Reg'" Methodist Episcopal Church. This church was organized November 5, 1838. There were but few members during the first years of its existence, as it was at a time when the other churches seemed to "cover the ground." The doctrines of the Wesleys, however, presented a charm for those who valued an earnest and aggressive, rather than a steady and formal mode of worship. Rev. John G. Bennett was the first stationed preacher m 1840. As he was a man of earnest piety, joined to other gifts of no mean order, he was enabled to give quite an impetus to the new sect in town. Rev. Amos Kidder, appointed in 1843, was the next preacher. The additions at first were slow and prospects not very encour- aging. Meetings were held in schoolhouses and in private resi- 136 HISTORY OF CORNISH. dences. The old brick schoolhouse on the Flat was used several seasons as a house of worship. Here the first and second meetings of the quarterly conference were held, July 1 and September 21, 1843. Jared Perkins was the presiding elder. During a space of six years, from April 24, 1844, to July 10, 1850, no record of the church is found. The "Evangelical Congregational Church and Society" had built their neat and commodious meeting house, but they had been frowned out of existence as a church, thus leaving their meeting house and parsonage without an occupant. It was in some respects a blessing to the Methodist Society to have the privilege of occupying the meeting house and pay rent therefor. Another fortunate thing for the Methodists was this: Many of the members of the former church that were anxious to affiliate with some earnest religious body, united themselves with the new order and became a very important factor with them. More than half of the members of the former church were thus absorbed in the Methodist Church. All were thus greatly encouraged and regarded it as an interposition of Divine Prov- idence in behalf of all concerned. From this time the church took fair rank with her sister churches in the district, and most of the time supported a local preacher of her own. Her members increased, and in various ways the Good Providence seemed to overshadow them. The preachers assigned were men of God and wrought good works, as several revivals evidenced. Up to 1860, the meeting house in which the IVIethodists wor- shiped belonged to the former pew owners. On April 22 of this year, a committee was appointed "to negotiate for the mortgage on the church and parsonage, for the benefit of the Methodist Church." On February 5, 1861, the committee rendered a partial report, sufficient, however, to encourage them to persevere in the undertaking. April 27, 1866, a meeting "to excite an interest in favor of a transfer of the property to the Methodist Church" was called, and further committees were appointed and instructed. On March 25, 1867, the committees announced that they had secured a "good and sufficient deed of the church and parsonage property within the last quarter" (the date of the deed being February 21, 1867), on condition that $200 should be ex- pended for the repairs of the meeting house. These terms were CHURCHES. 137 mutually agreed upon. Having thus acquired possession, they immediately appointed a committee for the performance of the necessary repairs on the church. In less than three months the committee reported the repairs completed, and on the 27th of June, 1867, the dedicatory services were held. The trustees formally presented the house for dedication in the following words: "We present this building to be dedicated to the service and worship of Almighty God." Rev. W. H. Clark, presiding elder of the Claremont district, had charge of the services and preached the sermon. The dedicatory prayer was offered by Reverend Mr. Dearborn of Vermont, followed by a voluntary, the doxology, and benediction. The years 1868-69 were years of gracious outpouring of the spirit and blessing upon the church; perhaps they were the best of all the years of the past. The records of these years are as follows : Members already belonging 63 Added by baptism during year 18 81 Church property valued at Si, 500 Parsonage property valued at 500 S2,000 These were years of apparent prosperity. In 1872 the church reported many and extensive repairs, and also the purchase of an organ at a cost of $106. After the Methodist Camp Meeting had been established at Claremont Junction, this church took a lively interest in it, and, owing to its nearness, most of the members attended its annual meetings. In August, 1873, a committee was appointed to select a location among many others, for a tent or building on the camp grounds. A site was selected, agreeable to the minds of all, north of, and near, the preacher's stand. A building committee was at once appointed. Mr. Benjamin S. Lewis, of the committee, had charge of the work, while many ready and willing hands were there to aid, and the house was ready for occupancy in season for the meeting near the close of the month, and was filled to overflowing night 138 HISTORY OF CORNISH. and day throughout the meetings much to the satisfaction and apparent blessing of all who attended. These seasons of interest at the camp ground meetings continued several years, until, the church, through decline failed to pay its camp ground rent, and thus forfeited its right there and the building was removed. In April, 1875, the society rented its vestry to Cornish Grange, who, wishing it enlarged for their use, agreed to pay the church fifty dollars towards enlarging it, and five dollars per year for the rent of the same. They have occupied it ever since. The following is the list of preachers, in their order, that have been sent to Cornish, and have mainly resided here during the term of their appointment: John G. Bennett, Amos Kidder, Lorenzo Draper, John Clough, Richard Newhall, N. S. Bentley, P. Walhngford, John H. Griffin, George F. Wells, B. P. Spaulding, John S. Parker, C. F. Merrill, C. H. Leet, Edward Francis, Josiah Hooper, in all, fifteen. Of these Richard Newhall received a second appointment, and Lorenzo Draper received three appointments to the church. Besides these, several others, chiefly from Claremont, have supplied the pulpit. Thirteen presiding elders have had the watch care of this church. These, in their order, were: Jared Perkins, Silas Quimby, C. N. Smith, Newell Culver, A. C. Manson, Elisha Adams, John Thurston, W. H. Clark, James Pike, M. T. Cilley, G. J. Judkins, 0. H. Jasper, and Robbins. Since August, 1891, there is no record of any business meeting of either the church or society. Occasional services may have been held, but no record of them is found. In looking over the history of this church for sixty years, and beholding it, from its small beginning grow to a healthy, happy and prosperous church, and then see it suffering a slow decline, almost to the stage of extinction of name and being, we behold a picture not pleasant to contemplate. Various causes have contributed to this. The death and removal of many of the principal members, and the age and infirmity of the few remaining, and the fact that, as in all other churches of the town, very few of the young are falling into the ranks, to fill the places thus made vacant, are the chief causes of the deca- dence of all of our churches. Yet they have all wrought well in their day, and perhaps all have fulfilled their mission. CHURCHES. 139 Perfectionists, Millerites, etc. In the early forties of the last century a revolution among the moral, political and rehgious questions then existing, seemed to be the order of the day. Old doctrines that had heretofore been received with moderation were reexamined and received Avith fresh inspiration, and became subjects of absorbing interest to the many who embraced them. The minds of the people were inclined as never before, to entertain intense views, on many subjects. Especially did this apply to the doctrines of Sancti- fication and the Second Advent. A number of young men from Claremont, having become deeply impressed by the Scriptural requirements regarding heart-purity, came to Cornish and held meetings in the homes of those whose doors were open to receive them. These styled themselves "Perfectionists," claiming Scriptural authority both in doctrine and name. This doctrine was received with avidity by many of the good citizens of the town. Soon after this, the doctrine of the Second Advent of Christ as preached by William Miller, swept over New England. This, too, received many adherents in our town, and of necessity gave an increased impetus to the former movement. Mr. Miller believed and preached that the world's history would end in 1843; great excitement prevailed among many, believers in his doctrine were thereby incited to liberality and self-sacrifice. Means were readily secured, and a house of worship was erected by the Perfectionists on a tract of land deeded them by Hiram C. Fletcher, said deed bearing date, August 12, 1840. After Mr. Miller's prophecy regarding the end of the world in 1843 had proved a failure, and "the end was not yet," many, who were ardent believers in both doctrines, were disheartened. Services dwindled and finally ceased; the house of worship became unused and finally closed. The town, at this juncture being in need of a house in which to hold its meetings, came into possession of said meeting house of the Perfectionists, and have since used it for all its public meetings. Whatever the result of these extreme views may have been, we are bound to credit those entertaining them with honesty and sincerity. Possibly the results may be greater, grander, 140 HISTORY OF CORNISH. and more far-reaching than human judgment can determine. At any rate, they led to a more prayerful and considerate study of the Bible, especially in regard to the Second Advent. Thus we see that every body of Christ's disciples that have lived and associated in Cornish, have had its joyful, hopeful and happy rise; its seasons of substantial prosperity in accomplishing its mission, followed by periods of decline, ending, in some cases, in its death. These monuments of perished hopes lie all around us. The historian would willingly, yet mournfully, inscribe to their memory the foregoing records of the former churches of Cornish. Independent Parish. Soon after the opening of the present century, it was found that the Methodist Episcopal Society of Cornish had become nearly extinct, and the church edifice was partly in ruins. A commendable desire prevailed among the citizens of that section to revive religious services, and to repair the house of worship. Rev. P. J. Robinson, pastor of the Unitarian Church in Windsor, was invited to hold services there in 1902. This movement was attended with a good degree of success. The ladies of the vicinity organized a society called the "Woman's Alliance," and accom- plished much for the benefit of the parish. The organization of a church there was effected March 30, 1905, under the name of "The Independent Parish." A constitution and by-laws were adopted; a full quota of officers was chosen from a membership of nearly fifty members, and Rev. P. J. Robinson was chosen as pastor, who served until December, 1905. A petition asking fel- lowship with the "American Unitarian Association" was presented and was duly granted. The committee of the parish now nego- tiated with the remaining trustees of the former Methodist Episcopal Church, for a lease of the church building for a term of twenty years, with the condition that they make certain necessary repairs on the church. This was accordingly done, and the church edifice was thoroughly refitted. Contributions for this purpose had been generously made: By the Unitarian Association, $200; F. A. Kennedy, $200; Woman's Alliance, $180; and other gifts, aggregating $700 in all; besides special gifts of value for furnishing the interior of the house by Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Houston and Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lang. CHURCHES. 141 In its new order and dress, the church was again dedicated, December 3, 1906. Rev. Sidney Snow preached the dedicatory sermon. He had served the church from December, 1905, until the spring of 1906, when Rev. J. E. Locke came and preached until August, 1907. He was followed by a year's service from Rev. H. L. Buzzell, who was succeeded by the present pastor, Rev. R. S. Barrow, who began his services in the fall of 1909. "The Independent Parish of Cornish is dedicated to the wor- ship of God, and to the cultivation of that spirit which was in Jesus Christ; and it has no other creed. It is now affihated with the Unitarian Church at Windsor, whose pastor serves both parishes." Pentecostal Nazarene. During the season of 1908, a few members of the Baptist Church at the Flat became desirous of establishing meetings by themselves at South Cornish. Obtaining letters of dismission from the parent church, they organized a church at that place, and Benjamin F. Lindsay was ordained as its pastor. It was first organized as a Freewill Baptist Church. While earnestly seeking after the most acceptable forms of worship and spiritual development, Brother Lindsay came in contact with the sect of "the Pentecostal Nazarene." Its doctrines and practices appealed forcibly to his convictions, and the little church, through his influence, readily espoused the doctrines of the sect. It became identified with the denomination, and Rev. Mr. Lindsay was solemnly ordained as pastor, October 25, 1908. Meetings have been sustained there ever since with a good measure of satisfaction on the part of all concerned. The meetings have been held chiefly in the schoolroom of School Division 10. It needs the prophetic eye to determine the final results of this movement. It is to be hoped, however, that the moral and religious influences emanating from this little church, will be a potent factor for the uplifting and spiritualizing of many. CHAPTER IX. Schools. The early settlers of Cornish were generally educated men and women according to the standard of their times. They came from towns where they had enjoyed the privileges of established schools and, therefore, well appreciated their value. According to well-authenticated tradition the first schools of the town were assembled around the firesides and under the supervision of intelligent and painstaking parents. Next in importance to the preaching of the Gospel, they regarded the education of their children; therefore, as soon as possible after the pioneers had organized a town, they assembled in town meet- ing and adopted such measures as they deemed best and voted to raise money for the support of schools. The reservations in favor of schools, provided by the grants, proved an insufficient source of revenue; therefore additional means were soon needed. Then again, the meager income from these lands was, at first, necessarily So slow in coming, that some children might die in ignorance before getting any benefit from it. For many years after its settlement, the town, like many others, was supreme in authority on all matters relating to schools. This was due to the absence of all state law re- garding it. So the early schools of Cornish were not the creation of legislation, but were of spontaneous growth. The town's records for the years 1785-90 show its action on the subject as follows: On March 22, 1785, the town voted to divide the town into school districts, and raised £30 for schooling. Previous to this time there were no district limits and parents could send their children to school wherever they chose. On March 14, 1786, the town voted to raise £100 for schooling. At this time there were but two school districts in town. March 13, 1787, voted to raise £80 for schoohng purposes. March 12, 1788, voted to raise £100. March 24, 1789, voted to raise £30. SCHOOLS. 143 March 24, 1790, voted the subject of dividing the town into school districts be referred to the selectmen, who should also select sites for the locations and erection of schoolhouses. The history of the schools of a town in New Hampshire is divided into three epochs. During the first, or voluntary period, which ended in 1827, the schools, as we have shown, were estab- blished and maintained, and schoolhouses were erected by the town. During all this time there were but few and imperfect statutes. The proceedings of the several towns were so constant and uniform that a system was formulated and established with- out the regulation and compulsory influence of law. It was preeminently a town system. By the statute of 1827, and subsequent amendments, school districts became corporations with authority to choose their own officers, to own school lots, to build schoolhouses and to have a general control of their schools. The towns were instructed to raise money for school purposes, and to choose a committee for supervision. This, the second epoch, extended from 1827, until the abolishment of school districts in 1885. During this second epoch, the town attained its highest point in population, — over 1,700. Also the number of school districts in town reached their maximum, — sixteen in all. These had been numbered in the order of their need and organization. Numbers 1, 2 and 3 extended the entire length of the town, on the Connecticut River where settlements first took place. Numbers 4 and 5 on the hills east and north of the last, where hardy pioneers had decided to settle. No. 6 on an interval in the northeast part of the town where a mountain stream spread, that invited manu- facturers. Numbers 7, 8, 9 and 10 following the intervale south and southwest with the adjacent hillsides, reaching to the north line of Claremont. No. 11, west of these last, embracing the territory east of the river districts and No. 4. The whole town was now embraced within the eleven districts already organized. The five other districts were afterwards formed by the division of districts already established. This was done to better accommodate the children of settlers re- mote from school privileges. No. 12, formerly embraced in No. 6, was formed by those who settled farther up the mountain stream east of the Flat. It bore the unpoetical name of "Poppy Squash." No. 13 was formed in 1828 from the southern por- 144 HISTORY OF CORNISH. tions of districts 9 and 11, and bordered on the north line of Claremont. No. 14 embraced the southeast corner of the town, large in territory, but sparse in population, except a portion of it called the " Hemp yard. " No. 15 was a small, sparsely settled district, lying east of No. 1, on "Root Hill," not conveniently accessible either to Nos. 1, 11, or 13, which lay contiguous. No. 16 embraced the northeast corner of the town. It formerly belonged mainly to Grantham and was annexed to Cornish in 1844. This district was thereafter called "Texas." After 1840, the population of the town began slowly to decline, and this decline continued steadily throughout the remainder of this epoch for forty-five years, or until 1885. During this time the town lost about seven hundred of its former inhabitants, so that its population at this date was only about one thousand. There were fewer families and these had become smaller, and the number of school children was correspondingly less. Some of the hill farms had become abandoned; dwellings had been torn down and re- moved; and the general trend of the remaining population had been to the village, or to more accessible lowland farms. It is easy to see what the effect of these changes would be upon school districts located on the hills and mountain sides remote from the more populous centers. The districts in town that first suffered from the lack of pat- ronage were the last ones formed, namely: Numbers 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16. In some of these a single short term of school was taught during the year, and sometimes none at all. The scholars were so few that it was not always deemed advisable to open a school during the year, as the expense yer capita would be so much. The number of scholars in most of the other schools was much less than formerly. To illustrate: The enrollment of the scholars in town in 1851 was 385 between four and sixteen years of age; 80 attended school over sixteen years of age; 465 in all attending school. In 1886 the enrollment was 165 in all, according to the report of these two years. The causes that have contributed to this change are many. While the population of the country has steadily increased, many of the earlier settled towns of New England have shown a great decline. The increasing tendency of the young men and women of recent years to avoid the severe manual labor of their ancestors; the attractions of the great West with its labor-saving machinery; SCHOOLS. 145 the innumerable professions and trades which offer better wages at a less expense of muscle, oftentimes coupled with the charms of city life, — all these and many other causes have been, and are still, at work luring the young men from the rugged hillsides to lives of fancied enjoyment elsewhere; and meanwhile several schools of Cornish had become extinct, and those that remained were but the skeletons of once active and populous schools. Similar results were manifest in many other towns of our state, some exhibiting even a greater falling off than Cornish. These conditions invited discussion among the leading educa- tors of the state. The people generally had become attached to the district system, and had enjoyed the benefit and pleasure of district rivalry and of local control, and although the system had become imperfect in that it denied equal privilege to all scholars ; still they were unwilling to admit of any change. They deemed it a sacri- lege for any lawmaker to meddle with an institution so dear to them as the district school system. But the time had come for a change. A more elastic system was needed. The districts would never have voted it. The leading educators in the state must take the matter in hand, or the district system with its inequality of privilege would continue with a tendency towards worse conditions. The town system seemed to be the only solution of the problem. Therefore, it was duly presented to the legislature; its claims as a panacea for the existing evils fully demonstrated, and the law was adopted in March, 1885. This closed the second epoch of the history of schools in New Hampshire. With the town system, was inaugurated a new era in the his- tory of the schools of New Hampshire. The little petty republics or districts of the town were all abolished and fused into one dis- trict. The several district officers heretofore chosen by them were needed no longer. The control of all affairs, both prudential and educational, was vested in three well-selected individuals called a "school board," or "board of education." These had power to temporarily locate and maintain schools wherever, in their united judgment, it was thought best; to hire teachers and provide all the needful requirements of the schools; and to super- intend the same. Scholars living remote from the established schools were provided with means of conveyance to the nearest 146 HISTORY OF CORNISH. suitable school, and the new law provided for the raising of addi- tional funds for this purpose. In this way equality of school privileges could be secured for all the scholars of the town better than was possible under the former system. The term district as applied to the small local schools, was abandoned, and that of division, substituted therefor, as they were now but divisions of the one town district. Notwithstanding all the advantages the new law offered, it was at the first stubbornly opposed by the majority of the voters of the town, who even instructed their representative in 1886, to use his utmost influence to have the new law repealed, but all efforts in that direction failed, as a matter of course. It was now the aim of the school board during this storm of opposition to exemplify the merits of the law to the best advantage, by judi- cious management. Their plans in this respect were to a large extent successful, and so the unfriendly feeling in opposition to the new law gradually subsided. The general verdict of public opinion a few years later was that the system is an advance step in the cause of education. Schoolhouses. There have been sixteen schoolhouses; one for each of the old districts in town. Each of these, in their years of prosperity were filled with interesting and intelligent children. As before stated, after the decline in population, the houses, especially in the back districts or divisions, began to suffer from need of repairs; notably those in divisions 12, 14, 15 and 16. Limited repairs from time to time had been bestowed upon these houses, but they had gradually grown more unfit for use, and extensive repairs were really impracticable. The new system was prepared to solve this problem. The scholars in these divisions were so few that the school board decided to convey them to other and more central schools, and the houses in those four divisions were removed or sold. In nearly all of the old districts, the original houses have given place to houses of newer and improved pattern. The old brick schoolhouse at the Flat, which so many years served the village school of sometimes nearly a hundred scholars, was, in 1878, superseded by one of more imposing and modern type, on another site. Several of the other districts had a similar experience a few SCHOOLS. 147 years before under the old sj^stem. After the town system was adopted, a new house on a different site was built in division 10; and also one soon after, south of the last, near the Claremont Une. This last has received the number 12, as the former house of this number had been torn down. At the present time (1909) there are thirteen schoolhouses in town in which schools are kept. Owing to the limited number of scholars, schools are not maintained in all of them at the same time, but w^hen there is no school in a division, those scholars are to receive the benefit of another school in an adjoining divi- sion, thus increasing their school privileges. Under this head the following suggestions are pertinent: Schoolhouses are in themselves educative. It is a law largely governing our existence that we are what we have been made by our environments. It is not alone the spoken precept, neither is it the printed page, but both of these, in conjunction with the object lessons of life with which w^e come in contact, that mould the character of men and women. This is emphatically true while young. The knowl- edge that children obtain of life, at first, is principally obtained through their visual organs. The objects they then come in contact with are continually shaping the future of their lives. A large portion of their early life is spent in the schoolroom. Every object within and without, contributes its mite to the characters forming there. Thus the schoolhouse is a silent yet eloquent preacher. If the schoolhouse and its environments are unsightly from any cause, or constructed out of proportion, cheerless and uncomfort- able, the effect in embryo is stamped on the young mind that is ever seeking to adapt itself to its surroundings. It finally succeeds by becoming of like character. For such a house, a pupil edu- cated there, has no affectionate regard or even respect in after years. On the other hand, let the schoolhouse and all its surroundings be neat and orderly; let an air of comfort pervade the room and everything around, within, without, give evidence of good taste and refinement; introduce the child into such environments and note results. Its attractiveness is winning. He delights in his surroundings. Thej^ become a part of his nature. His character is forming with a love for all that is desirable and good, and in 148 HISTORY OF CORNISH. after years, next to the parental home of his childhood, will he remember the old schoolhouse with unspeakable affection. The value of proper educational privileges and surroundings cannot be overestimated, as they have to do with the choicest elements that enter into the trifold organism of man, as the im- mortal Daniel Webster has well said: "If we work on marble, it will perish; if we work on brass, time will efface it. If we rear temples, they will crumble into dust; but if we work on immortal minds; if we imbue them with prin- ciples, and with the just fear of God and love of our fellowmen, we engrave on these tablets something which will brighten to all eternity. " High Schools. Not until near the close of the nineteenth century has Corn- ish been favored by any legacy or fund for the establishment of a high school within her borders, or in any way made appropria- tions to favor those desiring high school privileges. The need of a school supplementary to the district or division school has always been recognized by all progressive students. Hence from time to time private funds have been contributed for the establishment of brief terms of school in town for advanced scholars. These have been a great aid to many, especially to those whose finances were limited. After receiving these addi- tional school privileges many have left the schoolrooms for the activities of business. The advantages of such additional school- ing needs no proof. Such schools have usually been held in the most ehgible school- rooms of the town, principally at the Flat; and in some instances in suitable private dwellings. Usaally, these terms have been sandwiched between the summer and winter terms when the dis- trict schools were not in session. Teachers of advanced qualifi- cations have been employed. These have generally been selected from some academy or college. The last terms of high school in Cornish before the town system was adopted were held in district No. 7, in 1880-81, conducted by Miss Emily Leavitt (now Mrs. C. F. Huggins), a teacher of large experience, assisted by Rev. James T. Jackson. These were very successful terms. In addition to the local privileges already named, the advanced scholars of the town have, since 1813, been favored by the near WILLIAM W. MERCER. SCHOOLS. 149 presence of an academy at Meriden. This academy has been a great boon to several scores of students from Cornish who have attended there, and have been fitted for college and otherwise prepared for the business of life. (See Kimball Union Academy.) As adjuncts of the high school as well as of the district school, singing schools, writing schools, and even spelling schools, have played an important part in the education of our youth. All these occasions are remembered as seasons of pleasure and profit. By the provisions of a will made by William W. Mercer of Cornish, who died September 19, 1895, a sum of nearly seven thousand dollars was left to the town on certain condi- tions. The income from this fund is to be devoted to the aid of worthy students of both sexes from Cornish, who, having passed the town schools, desire an academic or high school education. The town warrant of March 10, 1896, contained this article: "To see if the town will vote to accept the provisions of the will of William W. Mercer, and take action in regard to said legacy. " At the meeting, the town voted to accept the legacy and to comply with the conditions of the will. The income has been expended agreeably to said will. Through this means a large number of worthy students from Cornish, who have attended Kimball Union Academy have received more or less aid from said income. Several students have been enabled thereby to pursue their studies longer, much to their advantage. School Supervision. From the settlement of the town until 1809, the selectmen were the sole guardians of the schools of the town. Upon them devolved the locating of the schools, the hiring of teachers and providing for schools and superintending the same. As the population increased, and also the number of schools, it became evident that another set of officers should be chosen to have the entire charge of the schools, and thus relieve the se- lectmen of this duty. These were usually to be chosen bj^ the people and were styled "Inspectors of Schools." This title was continued until 1827 when a law was passed defining their duties, and changing their title to that of "Superintendents of Schools. " This title continued until 1885, when it was again changed to that of "School Board." 150 HISTORY OF CORNISH. The law of 1827 also provided that each district should be inde- pendent in all its local affairs, and that a prudential committee be chosen bj^ each district, whose duties would be the hiring of teachers, the maintaining of schools and having a general care of them. In this way, the superintending committee was relieved of all the financial concerns of each and every district in town, their only province being that of determining the quali- fications of the teachers employed, and a general supervision of their schools while they were in session. This was under the district school system which ended in 1885. Since this date the supervision of schools, together with the duties of the pruden- tial committees have devolved upon the school board. The following is a list of the supervisory officers of the schools of the town as far as can be gathered from the records. For the list previous to 1809, the reader is referred to the list of the selectmen of that period. Then a record begins as follows : Inspectors oj Schools. 1809 1810 1811 1812 1813 1814 1815 1816 1817 Harvey Chase. 1818 Rev. Joseph Rowell. Rev. Ariel Kendrick. Rev. Joseph Rowell. 1819 Timothy W. Hall. Newton Whittlesey. Rev. Ariel Kendrick. 1820 Rev. Joseph Rowell. Wm. Whittlesey. 1821 No record. Rev. Joseph Rowell. 1822 Eleazer Jackson, Jr. Hon. Ithamar Chase. One person for each school, 1823 name not given. 1824 Rev. Joseph Rowell. 1825 Rev. Ariel Kendrick. Eleazer Jackson, Jr. Rev. Joseph Rowell. 1826 Rev. Ariel Kendrick. Wm. Whittlesey. Wm. Deming. 1827 Rev. Joseph Rowell. Rev. Ariel Kendrick. Eleazer Jackson, Jr. Rev. Joseph Rowell. Rev. Ariel Kendrick. Newton Whittlesey. Rev. Joseph Rowell. Rev. Ariel Kendrick. Eleven persons, one from each district; names not given. Twelve persons, one from each district, names not given. Newton Whittlesey. Rev. Ariel Kendrick. Rev. Joseph Rowell. No record. No record. Eleazer Jackson. Arunah Burnap. Benj. Chapman. Newton Whittlesey. Rev. George Leonard. Rev. Joseph Rowell. Newton Wliittlesey. Rev. George Leonard. Rev. Joseph Rowell. SCHOOLS. 151 After 1827 no record of these officers appears on the records of the town until 1843. During a part of these years, superin- tendents were probably chosen, but their names and the records of their doings have not been found. During several of these years votes were passed showing that the people desired to dis- pense with the services of the superintendents. Superintendents of Schools, 1843-85. 1843 1844 1845 1846 1847 1848 1849 1850 1851 1852 1853 1854 1855 1856 Harvey Chase. 1856 Rev. Alvah Spaulding. Elijah Boardman. 1857 Rev. Ohver H. Staples. 1858 Rev. Alvah Spaulding. 1859 Elijah Boardman. I860 Rev. Alvah Spaulding. 1861 Rev. N. P. Foster. 1862 Eleazer Jackson, Jr. 1863 Rev. N. P. Foster. 1864 Rev. Alvah Spaulding. 1865 Rufus A. Putnam. 1866 Ehjah Boardman. 1867 Lyman Hall. 1868 Harrison Leslie. 1869 LjTnan Hall. 1870 Elijah Boardman. 1871 Chauncey P. Jenney. 1872 Chauncey P. Jenney. 1873 Eleazer Jackson. 1874 WUliam Balloch. • 1875 Eleazer Jackson. 1876 Chaimcey P. Jenney. 1877 WilUam Balloch. 1878 Lyman Hall. .1879 Ehjah Boardman. 1880 Carlos F. Huggins. 1881 Rev. Alvah Spaulding. 1882 Rev. Alvah Spaulding. Rev. Alvah Spaulding. 1883 Rev. Alvah Spaulding. 1884 Rev. Alvah Spaulding. 1885 William Balloch. Lyman Hall. William Balloch. William Balloch. Adophus G. Vinton. Adolphus G. Vinton. Elihu H. Pike. Rev. D. P. Deming. Rev. D. P. Deming. Henry Ayers. George W. Hunt. George W. Hunt. George W. Hunt. Geoi'ge W. Hunt. George W. Hunt. Henry M. Day. Henry M. Day. Rev. Charles M. Palmer. Rev. Benj. P. Spaulding. Rev. Benj; P. Spaulding. Rev. James T. Jackson. Rev. James T. Jackson. Rev. James T. Jackson. Rev. James T. Jackson. Emily Leavitt. Emily Leavitt. Martha W. Day. Martha W. Day. Herbert Deming. Herbert Deming. George L. Deming. George L. Deming. Members of the School Board. The following is a list of members of the school board since the town district system was adopted. The law was passed in 1885. On the March following (1886), the first members were 152 HISTORY OF CORNISH. elected. The law provided that one of the members of the board should be elected for three years, one for two years, and one for one year, and that thereafter, ordinarily, one member was to be elected annually to supply the place of a retiring senior member : 1886 1887 1888 1889 1890 1891 1892 1893 1894 1895 1896 1897 1898 Chester Pike. 1898 Maurice J. Duncklee. Herbert Deming. Frank J. Chadbourne. W. H. Child. 1899 Frank J. Chadbourne. Chester Pike. Ella I. Richardson (Mrs.S.K.), Herbert Deming. Maurice J. Duncklee. W. H. Child. 1900 Frank J. Chadbourne, Chester Pike. Ella I. Richardson. W. H. Child. Jennie L. Lear (resigned). Herbert Deming. 1901 Ella I. Richardson. W. H. Child. George L. Deming. Herbert Deming. Josiah Davis. Stephen A. Tracy (resi igned). 1902 George L. Deming. Herbert Deming. Josiah Davis. George L, Deming. Amy I. Hilliard. W. H. Child. 1903 Josiah Davis. George L. Deming. Amy I. HiUiard. W. H. Child. Rebecca Bartlett. Albert E. Wellman. 1904 Fred C. Pardy (appointed). W. H. Child. Ahce 0. F. Young (Mrs. W. E.). James W. Fitch (appointed). George L. Deming. Samuel Putnam. 1905 Alice 0. F. Young. James W. Fitch. George L. Deming. Samuel Putnam (resigned). Fred C. Pardy. Herbert Deming. 1906 George L. Deming. Frank J. Chadbome (ap- Fred C. Pardy. pointed) . Herbert Deming. Herbert Deming. 1907 Fred C. Pardy. W. H. Child. Herbert Deming. Herbert Deming. George L. Deming. W. H. Child. 1908 Herbert Deming. Frank J. Chadbourne. George L. Deming. W. H. Child. Margaret Beaman. Frank J. Chadbourne. 1909 Elwyn W, Quimby (ap- Rebecca Bartlett (Mrs. '. D.D.). pointed). Frank J. Chadbourne. Fred C. Pardy (appointed). Rebecca Bartlett. Herbert Deming. Nellie F. Gould (Mrs. Chas. 1910 Fred C. Pardy. E.) (resigned). Herbert Deming. Rebecca Bartlett. Eben M. Johnson. SCHOOLS. 153 In concluding the subject of the schools of Cornish, we would say that a chapter might well be devoted to the teachers of the schools during the several epochs of the town's history, but it would be a colossal undertaking to obtain a full list of those who have taught in town. Over seven hundred different teachers have had charge of the schools in Cornish since 1850. Prior to this date, extending back to the settlement of the town, a space of nearly eighty-five years, probably there were as many more. In passing this great number, it is proper to say, that among their ranks have been enrolled many who were eminently adapted to their calling, and who have given abundant evidence of their fitness by being repeatedly employed in the work. Some of these completed nearly a half century of teaching service here in town. It is also a matter of justice to make honorable allusion to a large number who were natives of Cornish, who have gone out and taken high rank as teachers and have spent, and are spending, their lives in educational work. Of such, Cornish may well be proud. A partial list of these may be found in the following article prepared from the records of Kimball Union Academy by Mrs. Marion W. Palmer. Kimball Union Academy. An important factor in the educational history of Cornish is its proximity to Kimball Union Academy. To this school, dis- tinguished during its existence for thorough mental training and high moral standards, Cornish has sent many of her sons and daughters. Indeed, the school itself may be said to be a child of Cornish, for Mrs. Kimball, the wife of the founder was a daughter of Moses Chase, one of the pioneers of Cornish, and was in full sympathy with her husband in the founding of the school, and, according to tradition, advised him in making it his residuary legatee. She gave freely of her counsel and her means to the school, enabling the board of trust to open the Female Depart- ment in 1839, which proved an important extension to the original design. From the year 1816 when we find the name of Levi Cobb, a farmer, upon the rolls until 1880 we may count up ninety-eight from Cornish who graduated or nearly completed the full course at Meriden. Of these sixteen became ministers, six physicians, four lawyers and a large proportion of the ninety-eight, both men and 154 HISTORY OF CORNISH. women, were teachers for a longer or shorter time. Beside these there is a still larger number who attended this school for a few terms, and from it received a touch of blessing which enabled them to do a better work in the world than could otherwise have been theirs. This work may be as important and count for as much in the great day of reckoning as that of those who went to higher schools and thence into professional life. We cannot overestimate the worth of education and religious culture in the home, nor can we bring together for review these homes, scattered as they are, far and wide, but we are thankful that Cornish has had these households and that she has sent her children forth to reproduce them through our own and other lands. It would be a labor of love to give a history of these ninety- eight mentioned, and recount the work they have done; but that would require volumes and the hand of a master. It is, indeed, a delicate task to select any names from so many that have done well, but we cannot refrain from mentioning a few individuals and families who have received especial benefit from the insti- tution: Rev. Levi H. Cohh, D. D., winning as a preacher and teacher and efficient in his work for the Church Building Society. The Leavitts, who went out from their Cornish Flat home and for two generations have been eminent and successful preachers of the gospel. The Wellmans, through the influence of this institution have sent out one, eminent as a preacher, another as a physician and several teachers of rare merit. The Rowells, a brother and sister going as missionaries to the Hawaiian Islands, and another brother, a clergyman promi- nent in religious work. The Tracys, one of whom published four arithmetics and be- came professor of mathematics in Lansing, Mich., and teacher in several other places. The Wyvians, one becoming much noted for his musical gifts, while others of the name excelled as teachers. The Spauldijigs, one of whom, the son of one who for thirty-six years was pastor at the " Center, " became a distinguished preacher of the gospel. The Harringtons, one of whom became a clergyman and was a power in all religious work. SCHOOLS. 155 Champion S. Chase, whom the great West knew as the mayor of Omaha and very eminent in political and social circles. The Powers, a name almost synonymous with good teachers, while others have adorned the legal profession, and the halls of Congress have listened to the voice of one of this name well known as a devoted alumni of K. U. A. Nor would we omit to mention the apostles of healing: Ford, Jackson, Comings, Fletcher, and others who have attained high standing in their profession. Others might be particularly mentioned as the Halls, the Comings, the Chases, the Richardsons, the Stones, the Fletchers, the Robinsons, and scores of others might be named upon whom Kimball Union Academy has set her seal of honor and influence. The following is a list of the Cornish graduates of K. U. A. from the opening of the school in 1813 to 1880: CLASS. Jonathan Leavitt 1818 Thomas Hall 1819 Jeffries Hall 1824 Moody Chase 1825 Moody Harrington 1827 Daniel F. Richardson 1827 ■Calvin Tracy 1827 Levi N.Tracy 1830 Daniel C. Rowell 1833 Ceorge R. Rowell 1833 Horace Richardson 1833 John D.Ford 18.35 Horace Hall 1835 George C. Chase 1836 Benjamin N. Comings 1837 George P. Comings 1838 Truman Rickart 1838 Jonathan Wyman 1838 Francis B. Chase 1839 Albert Chase 1840 James C. Jackson 1840 William A. Stone 1840 Benjamin C. Chase 1842 Joshua W. Wellman 1842 Dudley T. Chase 1844 Joseph Rowell 1844 CLASS. Samuel W. Rowell 1845 Levi Henry Cobb 1850 William K. Fletcher 1852 Abbie B. Cobb 1853 Emily S. Leavitt 1854 William H. Child 1856 Frances L. Wyman 1856 Lysander T. Spaulding 1857 Marcia L. Kelley 1857 Cordelia I. Richardson 1857 Horace B. Wellman 1859 Carohne M. Powers 1859 Marion W. Powers 1859 D. Story Fletcher 1860 Erastus B. Powers 1860 Sarah J. Walker 1860 Ellen M. Spaulding 1861 Oscar D. Robinson 1862 James N. Edminster 1862 Flora M.Clark 1866 Alice V. Powers 1867 Samuel L. Powers 1870 David L. Spaulding 1871 Martha W. Day 1872 Albert K. Smith 1873 Wallace L. Bugbee 1880 156 HISTORY OF CORNISH. List of Gradvntes from Cornish after 1880 to -present, omitting dates. Carrie M. Deming. Edmund B. Chadbourne. Lizzie S. Chadbourne. Emily N. Tracy. Nettie G. Williams. Edmund B. Hunt. Arbella A. Johnson. Ada P. Wellman. Nellie J. Johnson. George D. Austin. Henry S. Richardson. Ida L. Child. Charles Alden Tracy. Clarence C. Walker. Mary Ellen Goward. Nellie Lucy Wyman. Ina Eliza Hilliard. Perley L. Barton. Cora May Andrews. Claude H. Deming. Clyde Leroy Deming. Leroy Harlow. Charles S. Richardson. Herman L. Walker. Harry D. Wither ell. Hubert I. Deming. Harold A. Fitch. Charlotte A. Davies. Annie Rena Howard. Mildred Lucile Hunt. George E. Hunt. Time would fail us to mention all who have attained distinction nor would we place the work of those named above others who are not mentioned. In humble spheres and quiet homes the real work of the world is done. In the schools of Cornish, and in the lyceums of the olden day, many by the hands of others received blessing from Kimball Union, who had never been within her walls. All good is not in the past. Cornish since 1880 has sent her usual quota to Meriden, graduating thirty. As the years go by, these also will come to places of influence and, even now, some are worthj^ to be remembered with the illustrious of the past. CHAPTER X. Town Officers. During the first twenty years after the organization of the town, ending with the election of 1787, the town annually elected five selectmen. Ever after this year, beginning with 1788, the number of select- men annually elected has been three. SELECTMEN. YEARS OF THEIR SERVICE. Samuel Chase 1767, 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, 1773, 1774, 1775, 1785. Elijah Cady 1767, 1769. Jonathan Chase 1767, 1768, 1769, 1775, 1777, 1779, 1780, 1787. Dudley Chase 1767. Moses Chase 1767, 1768, 1771, 1772, 1773, 1777, 1778, 1782, 1784. Dyer Spaulding 1768, 1769, 1770, 1771, 1772, 1773, 1777, 1788. Daniel Putnam 1768. William Richardson 1769, 1770, 1771. Nathaniel Walker 1770. John March 1770. Elias Cady 1771, 1773, 1774, 1778, 1782. Samuel Chase, Jr 1772. Jonathan Huggins 1772, 1774. Joseph Vinton 1773, 1774. Daniel Waldo 1774. Samuel Comings 1775, 1776, 1781. Thomas Hall 1776, 1778, 1781. William Ripley 1776, 1777, 1778, 1780, 1782, 1783, 1784, 1786, 1787. Thomas Chase 1777, 1789. Stephen Cady 1778. Eleazer Jackson 1778, 1781, 1783, 1795, 1800, 1804, 1817, 1818, 1819. Abel Spaulding 1779, 1780. Ebenezer Doming 1779. Stephen Child 1779, 1780, 1784. William Paine 1779, 1780. John Huggins 1781. Daniel Chase 1781, 1783. Reuben Jirauld 1782, 1783. Benjamin Comings 1782, 1789. Caleb Chase 1783, 1799. 158 HISTORY OF CORNISH. SELECTMEN. YEARS OF THEIR SERVICE. John Weld 1784, 1791, 1792, 1793, 1794, 1807, 1809. William Deming 1784, 1788, 1796, 1797. Ichabod Smith 1785, 1786. Ebenezer Brewer 1785. Samuel Chase, 3d 1785, 1787. John Morse 1785, 1786. EUas Bingham 1787, 1788, 1807, 1808, 1811. Andrew Tracy 1787. Moody HaU 1789, 1790, 1791, 1792, 1793, 1794, 1796, 1798, 1799, 1801. Benjamin Dorr 1790, 1796, 1797, 1799. Ithamar Chase 1789, 1798, 1799, 1800, 1801, 1802. David Reed 1791, 1792, 1795, 1802, 1803. James Ripley 1793, 1794, 1800, 1801, 1802, 1803, 1804, 1805, 1808, 1809, 1810, 1816, 1817, 1818. Joseph Chapman 1795, 1797, 1798, 1799, 1804, 1805, 1806. Moses Weld 1799, 1805, 1806. Joshua Wyman 1803, 1811, 1812, 1813, 1814, 1815. Samuel Putnam 1806, 1817. John Lovell Kimball 1809, 1810, 1818. Newton Whittlesey 1810, 1812, 1813, 1814, 1815. George Cook 1811, 1812, 1813, 1814, 1815, 1816. Timothy W. Hall 1816. Jonathan Wyman 1817, 1820, 1822, 1823, 1824, 1828. Solomon Wellman, Jr 1819, 1820, 1821, 1822, 1823, 1824. Eleazer Jackson, Jr 1820, 1821, 1825, 1826, 1829, 1830, 1831, 1832, 1839, 1840, 1842, 1843, 1844. Benjamin Chapman 1821, 1822, 1823, 1825, 1826. John Weld 1821. Joseph Huggins 1824, 1846. Arunah Burnap 1825, 1826, 1841. Seth Johnson 1827. John L. Putnam 1827, 1829, 1830, 1833, 1836, 1839. Sylvanus Bryant 1833. Benjamin Comings, Jr.. . .1828, 1837, 1840, 1842. Obed Powers 1834, 1835. Leonard Comings 1828. Israel Hall 1834, 1835, 1837, 1838, 1841, 1843, 1844, 1845, 1846, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852, 1855. Rufus Day 1829, 1830. Wilham S. Deming 1836, 1840, 1842, 1845. Simon Coburn 1831, 1832. William F. Comings 1831, 1832. Amos Richardson 1833, 1834, 1835, 1839. Stillman Jackson 1837, 1838. Reuben Davis 1838. Ebenezer Cole 1845, 1847, 1853. TOWN OFFICERS. 159 SELECTMEN. YEARS OF THEIR SERVICE. Joshua B. Wellman 1842, 1843. John Johnson 1846. James W. Bradley 1847, 1849, 1850. John T. Freeman 1847. Hiram Little 1844, 1848, 1849, 1850, 1853, 1854. Joseph B. Comings 1836, 1848, 1855, 1856, 1857. George W. Weld 1850, 1852, 1854. James M. Davidson 1851, 1852, 18.56, 1857, 1858, 1873, 1874, 1875. Gilbert HilHard 1851. Joshua B. Wyman 1853, 1854. Willard He>Tvood 1855, 1856. Chester Pike 1857, 1858, 1859. Lemuel Martindale 1858, 1859, 1860, 1866. George D. Kenyon 1859, 1860, 1861. WilHam Balloch 1860, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1865. Hiram A. Day 1861, 1862. Norman A. Deming 1862, 1863, 1864, 1875, 1876, 1877, 1881, 1882, 1883. Benjamin S. Fletcher 1863, 1864. Henry Gould 1864, 1865. Jonas Hastings 1865, 1866, 1867. Stephen A. Tracy 1866, 1867, 1868, 1871, 1872. Louis T. Chase 1867, 1868, 1869. Norman E. Hebard 1868, 1869, 1870. Dana N. Morgan 1869. Charles E. Jackson 1870, 1871, 1872, 1873, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889. SethCoIe 1870. Wilham C. Hart 1871, 1874, 1875, 1876. Edward 0. Day 1872, 1873, 1874, 1876, 1877, 1879, 1880, 1882. Orville B. WllUams 1877, 1884. Carlos F. Huggins 1878. EKas S. Leavitt 1878, 1879. Chauncey P. Jenney 1878, 1879, 1884. Benjamin T. Harlow 1880, 1881, 1882. Philander W. Smith 1880, 1881. WilHam Tandy 1883, 1889. Edward T. Ayers 1883. WiUiam E. Westgate 1884, 1885, 1886. Albert E. Wellman 1885, 1886, 1887. Jacob Beal 1887. Charles H. Andrews 1888. James W. Fitch 1888, 1889, 1890. George L. Deming 1890, 1891. William W. Balloch 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901. Charles H. Deming 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894. Clayton B. Hilliard 1892. Edgar A. Churchill 1893, 1894, 1895, 1896, 1901, 1902, 1904. 160 HISTORY OF CORNISH. SELECTMEN. YEARS OF THEIR SERVICE. Edwin G. Kenyon 1895. Frank C. Jackson 1895, 1896, 1897. Levi R. Dole 1897, 1898, 1899. Edwin O. Goward 1898, 1899, 1900. Eben M. Johnson 1900, 1901, 1902, 1903. Fenno B. Comings 1902, 1903. James B. Cliadboume. . . .1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908. Erwin W. Quimby 1904, 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908, 1909. Robert A. Austin 1905, 1906, 1907, 1908. Fred N. Weld 1909, 1910, 1911. Norman C. Penniman. . . , 1909, 1910, 1911. Charles S. Lear 1910, 1911. YEAR. TOWN CLERKS. YEAR. TOWN CLERKS 1767.. . .Daniel Putnam. 1798.. . . Moses Weld. 1768.. . .Jonathan Chase. 1799.. . .Moses Weld. 1769.. . . Daniel Putnam, 1800.. . .Samuel Putnam. 1770.. . . Daniel Putnam. 1801 . . . .Samuel Putnam. 1771.. . .Daniel Putnam. 1802.. . .Samuel Putnam. 1772.. . . Daniel Putnam. 1803.. . .Samuel Putnam. 1773.. . .Daniel Putnam. 1804.. . .Samuel Putnam. 1774.. . .Daniel Putnam. 1805.. . .Samuel Putnam. 1775.. . .Daniel Putnam. 1806.. . .Samuel Putnam. 1776.. . .William Ripley. 1807 . . . . Samuel Putnam. 1777.. . .William Ripley. 1808.. . .Samuel Putnam. 1778.. . .William Ripley. 1809.. . . Newton Whittlesey. 1779 . . . .John Morse and WilHam 1810.. . .Newton Whittlesey. Ripley. 1811.. . . Newton Whittlesey. 1780.. . .John Morse. 1812.. . . Newton Whittlesey. 1781.. . .John Morse. 1813.. . . Newton Whittlesey. 1782.. . .Thomas Chase. 1814. . . . Newton Whittlesey. 1783.. . .Thomas Chase. 1815.. . . Newton Whittlesey. 1784.. . . Caleb Chase. 1816.. . . Newton Whittlesey. 1785.. . . Caleb Chase. 1817.. . . Newton Whittlesey. 1786.. . .Caleb Chase. 1818.. . . Newton Whittlesey. 1787.. . .Caleb Chase. 1819.. . . Newton Whittlesey. 1788. . . .Caleb Chase. 1820.. . . Newton Whittlesey. 1789.. . . Caleb Chase. 1821 . . . .Stephen Cole. 1790.. . . Moses Weld. 1822.. . . Stephen Cole. 1791.. . . Moses Weld. 1823.. . . Stephen Cole. 1792.. . .Moses Weld. 1824.. . . Stephen Cole. 1793.. . . Moses Weld. 1825.. . .WiUiam Whittlesey. 1794.. . .Moses Weld. 1826.. . .William Whittlesey. 1795.. . . Moses Weld. 1827.. . .William Whittlesey. 1796.. . .Moses Weld. 1828.. . . William Whittlesey. 1797.. . . Moses Weld. 1829.. . .William Whittlesey. TOWN OFFICERS. 161 YEAR. 1830.. 1831.. 1832 . . 1833 . . 1834.. 1835.. 1836. . 1837. . 1838 . . 1839 . . 1840.. 1841 . . 1842 . . 1843.. 1844.. 1845.. 1846.. 1847.. 1848 . . 1849 . . 1850. . 1851 . . 1852.. 1853 . . 1854.. 1855.., 1856... 1857.., 1858 . . . 1859.., I860.., 1861 . . . 1862 . . . 1863 . . . 1864... 1865... 1866... 1867... 1868... 1869... 1870... YEAR. 1767. 1768. 1769. TOWN CLERKS. . .John S. Blanchard. . .John S. Blanchard. . .John S. Blanchard. . .Eleazer Jackson. . .John T. Freeman. . .John T. Freeman. . .John T. Freeman. . .John T. Freeman. . .John T. Freeman. . .Orlando Powers. . .John T. Freeman. . .John T. Freeman. . .Orlando Powers. . .Elijah Boardman. . .John T. Freeman. . .John T. Freeman. . .John T. Freeman. . .John T. Freeman. . -John T. Freeman. , .Orlando Powers. , .Orlando Powers. .Orlando Powers. , .Orlando Powers. . .Orlando Powers. .John T. Breck. .John T. Breck. .John T. Breck. .John T. Breck. .John T. Breck. .John T. Breck. .John T. Breck. .John T. Breck. .John T. Breck. .John T. Breck. .John T. Breck. . .John T. Breck. .John T. Breck. .Arunah Burnap. .Daniel Chase. . Daniel Chase. .Daniel Chase and T. A. Gleason. MODERATORS. .Samuel Chase. . Moses Chase. .Samuel Chase. YEAR. TOWN CLERKS. 1871.. . .Timothy A. Gleason. 1872.. . .Timothy A. Gleason. 1873.. . .Timothy A. Gleason. 1874.. . . Timothy A. Gleason. 1875.. . .Timothy A. Gleason. 1876.. . .Timothy A. Gleason. 1877.. . .Timothy A. Gleason. 1878.. . .Samuel M. Green. 1879.. . .Orlando Powers. 1880.. . .Samuel M. Green. 1881 . . . .Samuel M. Green. 1882 . . . .Samuel M. Green. 1883.. . .Samuel M. Green and John C. Boynton. 1884.. . .John C. Boynton. 1885 . . . .John C. Boynton. 1886.. . .John C. Boynton. 1887 . . . .John C. Boynton. 1888.. . .John C. Boynton. 1889.. . .Wilham H. Sisson. 1890.. . .Wilham H. Sisson. 1891.. . .William H. Sisson. 1892.. . .William H. Sisson. 1893.. . . Paul Davidson. 1894.. . .Paul Davidson. 1895 . . . .Paul Davidson. 1896.. . .Paul Davidson. 1897 . . . .Paul Davidson. 1898.. . .Paul Davidson. 1899.. . .Paul Davidson. 1900 . . . . Paul Davidson. 1901 . . . .Paul Davidson. 1902.. . .Paul Davidson. 1903 . . . .Paul Davidson. 1904 . . . .Paul Davidson. 1905.. . .Paul Davidson. 1906 . . . .Paul Davidson. 1907 . . . .Paul Davidson. 1908.. . .Paul Davidson. 1909.. . .Paul Davidson. 1910.. . . Paul Davidson. YEAR. MODERATORS. 1770.. . .Samuel Chase. 1771.. , . Samuel Chase. 1772.. . . Moses Chase. 162 HISTORY OF CORNISH. YEAR. MODERATORS. YEAR. MODERATORS. 1773.. . . Samuel Chase. 1820.. . .William Whittlesey. 1774. . . . Samuel Chase. 1821 . . . . Harvey Chase. 1775.. . .Samuel Chase. 1822.. . .Wilham Whittlesey. 1776.. . . Samuel Comings. 1823.. . .Eleazer Jackson, Jr. 1777.. . . Moses Chase. 1824.. . . Eleazer Jackson, Jr. 1778.. . . Moses Chase. 1825.. . .Eleazer Jackson, Jr. 1779.. . . Moses Chase, Esq. 1826.. . . Eleazer Jackson, Jr. 1780.. . .William Ripley. 1827.. . .Eleazer Jackson, Jr. 1781.. . .Samuel Chase. 1828.. . .William Whittlesey. 1782.. . . Moses Chase. 1829.. . .Newton Whittlesey. 1783.. . .William Ripley. 1830.. . .Eleazer Jackson, Jr. 1784. . . . William Ripley. 1831 . . . . Eleazer Jackson, Jr. 1785.. . . Samuel Chase. 1832 . . . .Eleazer Jackson, Jr. 1786.. . .Samuel Chase. 1833.. . .John L. Putnam. 1787.. . .Samuel Chase. 1834.. . .Sylvanus Bryant. 1788.. . . Moses Chase. 1835.. . . Eleazer Jackson, Jr. 1789.. . .Jonathan Chase. 1836.. . .John L. Putnam. 1790. . . .Jonathan Chase. 1837.. . . Newton Whittlesey. 1791.. . .William Ripley. 1838.. . . Eleazer Jackson, Jr. 1792.. . .Wilham Ripley. 1839.. . .Eleazer Jackson, Jr. 1793.. . .Jonathan Chase. 1840.. . .Eleazer Jackson, Jr. 1794.. . .Jonathan Chase. 1841.. . .Harvey Chase. 1795.. . .Dea. Reuben Jirauld. 1842.. . .Harvey Chase. 1796. . . .William Deming. 1843.. . . Eleazer Jackson, Jr. 1797.. . . Capt. Caleb Chase. 1844.. . .Eleazer Jackson, Jr. 1798.. . . Capt. Caleb Chase. 1845.. . .Israel Hall. 1799.. . .Capt. Caleb Chase. 1846.. . .Eleazer Jackson, Jr. 1800.. . . William Deming. 1847.. . .William R. Kimball. 1801.. . . Ithamar Chase. 1848.. ..William R. Kimball. 1802.. . .Ithamar Chase. 1849.. . .Sylvanus Bryant. 1803.. . . Ithamar Chase. 1850.. . .Sylvanus Brj'ant. 1804.. . . Ithamar Chase. 1851.. . . Sylvanus Bryant. 1805.. . . Ithamar Chase. 1852.. . .Sylvanus Bryant. 1806.. . . Ithamar Chase. 1853.. . . Samuel P. Thrasher. 1807.. . .Ithamar Chase. 1854.. . .Edward D. Baker. 1808.. . . Ithamar Chase. 1855.. . .Ebenezer Cole. 1809.. . . Ithamar Chase. 1856.. ..William R. Kimball. 1810. . . . Ithamar Chase. 1857.. . . Sylvanus Brj^ant. 1811.. . . Ithamar Chase. 1858.. . . Bradley Burr. 1812.. . . Thomas Chase. 1859.. . .Bradley Burr. 1813.. . . Harvey Chase. 1860. . . .William Balloch. 1814.. . . Ithamar Chase. 1861.. . .William Balloch. 1815.. . . Harvey Chase. 1862.. . .William Balloch. 1816.. . . Caleb Chase. 1863.. ..Chester Pike. 1817.. . .Harvey Chase. 1864.. . .Chester Pike. 1818.. . . Caleb Chase. 1865.. . . Chester Pike. 1819.. . .Harvey Chase. 1866.. . . Chester Pike. TOWN OFFICERS. 163 TEAR. MODERATORS. 1867.... Chester Pike. 1868 Chester Pike. 1869.... Chester Pike. 1870.... Chester Pike. 1871 Chester Pike. 1872 Chester Pike. 1873 Chester Pike. 1874.... Chester Pike. 1875 Chester Pike. 1876 Chester Pike. 1877 Chester Pike. 1878 .... Lemuel Martindale. 1879 Chester Pike. 1880 Chester Pike. 1881 Chester Pike. 1882.... Chester Pike. 1883 Chester Pike. 1884 Chester Pike. YEAR. MODERATORS. 1885.... Chester Pike. 1886.... Chester Pike. 1887 Chester Pike. 1888 Chester Pike. 1889....WilhamBalIoch. 1890 .... George L. Deming. . 1891 .... George L. Deming. 1892-94.. Chester Pike.i 1894-96.. Chester Pike. 1 1896-98.. Chester Pike. 1 1898-00. .George E. Fairbanks.! 1900-02. .George E. Fairbanks.i 1902-04. .George E. Fairbanks.i 1904-06. .George E. Fairbanks.i 1906-08. .George L. Deming.i 1908-10. .George L. Deming.i 1910-12. .Wilham W. Balloch.i While a province under the dominion of Great Britain the colonists could assert no self-governing rights, hence no repre- sentatives were chosen until after the Declaration of Independ- ence. Even after this event the records show no representa- tion to the General Court of New Hampshire until 1782. There had, however, been a Provincial Congress organized at Exeter, July 21, 1774. This held several sessions, and on December 21, 1775, it assumed the prerogatives of a legislature and adopted a temporary constitution. Under this, from 1776 to 1783, inclu- sive, the members of the legislature were elected for the term of one year, and convened on the third Wednesday of December following. The town of Cornish did not choose to be represented there until 1782. On this and the following year, she chose and sent her representatives. In 1782 Cornish was classed with Plainfield and Grantham, and sent one representative. In 1783-84 she was classed with Grantham alone and sent two representatives each of these years. Under the state constitution, which became operative in June, 1784, the legislature was elected on the second Tuesday of March for the term of one year, and convened on the first Wednesday in June. Cornish had chosen her representatives on the March preceding, and these were there. 1 Elected for two years. 164 HISTORY OF CORNISH. For reasons not now known, the representative for 1785 was recalled. Cornish remained classified with Grantham until and including the session of 1787. After this, to the present time, she has been represented by but one person. From 1784 to 1878, inclusive, the legislature was elected on the second Tuesday in March of each year and convened on the June following. Beginning with the session of 1879, the members of the leg- islature were elected on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November for the term of two years, and convened bien- nially on the first Wednesday in June following, until and includ- ing the session of 1889. Since, and including the session of 1891, the legislature has convened biennially on the first Wednes- day in January, the members having been elected on the previous November. Thus the elections occur on the even years, and the sessions are convened on the odd years. The town has l^een represented by the following men: REPRESENTATIVES. . . Ithamar Chase. . . Ithamar Chase. . . Ithamar Chase. . . Ithamar Chase. . .James Ripley. . .Ithamar Chase. . . Ithamar Chase. . .James Ripley. . .James Ripley. 2 . .Capt. Daniel Chase. 2 . .Capt. Daniel Chase. 2 ..Caleb Chase, 2d.3 . .Caleb Chase, 2d.3 ..Caleb Chase, 2d.3 . .Newton Whittlesey.' . .Newton Whittlesey.' . .NeA'ton Whittlesey. 3 . .Newton Wliittlesey.' . .Eleazer Jackson, Jr.' . .Eleazer Jackson, Jr.' . .Eleazer Jackson, Jr.' . . Eleazer Jackson, Jr. ' 1 Classed with towns. 2 Elected March; convened December. 'Elected in March for one year, until and including 1878; convened in June for one year, until and including 1878. YEAR. REPRESENTATIVES. YE.\R. 1782. . . .Abel Stevens.' 1802.. 1783. . . .Moses Chase.' 1803.. William Ripley.' 1804.. 1784. . . .Moses Chase. 1805 . . William Ripley.' 1806 . . 1785.. . .Rep. recalled.' 1807.. 1786 . . . Dudley Chase.' 1808.. 1787. . . .Moses Chase.' 1809.. 1788.. . .Gen. Jonathan Chase. 1810. . 1789. . . .James Wellman. 1811.. 1790. . . .James Wellman. 1812 . . 1791. . . .James Wellman. 1813.. 1792 . . . .James Wellman. 1814.. 1793 . . . .James Wellman. 1815.. 1794.. . .Capt. Daniel Chase. 1816.. 1795.. . Capt. Daniel Chase. 1817.. 1796.. . .Capt. Daniel Chase. 1818.. 1797.. . . Ithamar Chase. 1819.. 1798. . . .Ithamar Chase. 1820.. 1799.. . . Ithamar Chase. 1821. . 1800. . . . Ithamar Chase. 1822 . . 1801.. . . Ithamar Chase. 1823.. TOWN OFFICERS. 16,^ YEAR. REPRESENTATIVES. YEAH :. REPRESENTATIVE.S. 1824. , . .Eleazer Jackson, Jr.> 1865.. . .Joshua B. Wellman. 1825.. . .Eleazer Jackson, Jr.' 1866.. . .Seth Johnson. 1826.. . .Benjamin Chapman. i 1867.. . .Seth Johnson. 1827.. . .John L. Putnam.' 1868.. . .Jo.seph B. Comings. 1828 . . . .Benjamin Chapman.' 1869. , . .Joseph B. Comings. 1829 . . . .Benjamin Chapman.' 1870. . . .James M. Davidson. 1830.. . .Jolm L. Putnam.' 1871 . . . James M. Davidson. 1831.. . .John L. Putnam.' 1872.. . .Sylvanus W. Bryant. 1832.. . .John L. Putnam.' 1873. . George D. Kenyon. 1833 . . . .John L. Putnam.' 1874.. . . George D. Kenyon. 1834 . . . .Sylvanus Bryant.' 1875.. . .Stephen A. Tracy. 1835 . . . .Sylvanus Bryant.' 1876 . . . .Stephen A. Tracy. 1836.. . . Could not elect, did not send . 1877.. . Charles E. Jackson. 1837.. . .William S. Deming.' 1878.. . . No election in March. 1838 . . . .William S. Deming.' Philander W. Smith elected 1839.. . .Reuben Davis.' in November. 1840.. . .Henry Breck. 1879.. . .Session.' 1841 . . . .Henry Breck. 1880. ., .Dr. Geo. W. Hunt.= 1842 . . . .Reuben Davis. 1881 . . . , .Session. 3 1843 . . 1882. .. .Hiram A. Day.^ 1844.. . . Orlando Powers. 1883 . . . .Se.ssion.' 1845.. 1884... .William Tandy. ^ 1846 . . . .Benjamin Chapman. 1885. .. .Session. 3 1847.. . .Amos Richardson. 1886 . . . .Chester Pike. 2 1848 . . . . Ebenezer Cole. 1887... .Session. 3 1849 . . . . Ebenezer Cole. 1888... Albert E. Wellman. = 1850. . . .Ebenezer Cole. 1889 . . , .Ses.sion.3 1851 . . . . Ebenezer Cole. 1890... .William H. Sisson.2 1852 . . . .Joseph Wood. 1891 . . . Session.' 1853 . . . .Joseph Wood. 1892 . , . Edward 0. Day.^ 1854.. . .Elijah Boardman. 1893.. . .Session.' 1855.. . .Elijah Boardman. 1894 . . . .William E. Westgate.-' 1856.. ..Israel Hall. 1895. . . .Se.s.sion.' 1857.. . Israel Hall. 1896... .William W. Balloch.^ 1858 . . . .Alvin Comings. 1897 . . . .Session.' 1859.. . .Alvin Comings. 1898. . . Frank C. Jackson. ^ 1860. . . .Ai-unah Burnap. 1899... . Session. < 1861. . . . Arunah Burnap. 1900... .Jo.siah Davis. 2 1862 . . . . . Chester Pike. 1901... .Session.* 1863... .Chester Pike. 1902.. . .Winston Churchill. - 1864... .Joshua B. Wellman. 1903. .. Session.' 'Elected in March for one year, luitil and including 1S78; convened in June for one year, until and including 1878. = Elected in November. 3 Convened biennially in June. ■> Convened biennially in January. 166 HISTORY OF CORNISH. YEAR. KEPRESENTATIVES. 1904 Winston Chiirchill.i 1905 Session.2 1906 Herbert Deming.» 1907 Session.* » Elected in November. 2 Convened biennially in January. YEAR. REPRESENTATIVES. 1908 Erwin W. Quimby.' 1909 Session. 2 1910 Fenno B. Comings." 1911 Session.2 CHAPTER XI. Societies. Grand Army of the Republic. This society was organized during the winter of 1865-66 at Springfield, 111. The first post was established in Decatur, 111., in 1866. Its ritual is secret. All soldiers and sailors of the United States army and navy who served in the Civil War between April 12, 1861, and April 9, 1865, are eligible for membership, pro- vided they have had an honorable discharge from said service. Its object and purpose is fraternal association and fellowship, as well as the perpetuation of the memories of that fearful struggle by those who were engaged in it, and also to exercise a kind guardianship and care of the widows and orphans of their deceased comrades. The movement became immensely popular and nearly all the veterans of the North joined it. Its membership increased, so that in 1893 it numbered 407,781. Posts were estabhshed in most of the towns in the North wherever there was a sufficient number of the veterans to warrant it. The veterans of Cornish and Plainfield established the "William H. Bryant" Post No. 63, which holds its meetings alternately at each place. It was organized June 21, 1887, and was named in honor of WilUam H. Bryant, adjutant of the Fourteenth New Hampshire Regiment of volunteers, who died in the service. Their principal public exercises, aside from the burial of deceased comrades, are associated with the beautiful and impressive ceremonies of "Memorial Day," on May 30 of each year, when they meet to decorate the graves of their former comrades with national emblems and flowers. Forty years have so deci- mated their numbers that but a handful now remain. These are still faithful to the memory of their heroic dead. Of the great majority who have passed on it may be said: "On fame's eternal camping ground Their silent tents are spread, While glory guards with solemn round The bivouac of the dead." 168 HISTORY OF CORNISH. Soldiers' Aid Society. Among the noblest and most humane institutions ever founded were those of the Sanitary and Christian Commission, organized during the War of the Rebellion. The horrors of war, in all their detail, had been precipitated upon our nation. This national crisis demanded the immediate presence of troops in large num- bers to preserve the life of the nation. These were hurried for- ward to the theater of strife wholly unprepared to meet the fearful conditions that were sure to be their portion. The government at this period had made no provision for the amelioration of the condition of her soldiery beyond their blankets, uniform and rations. The new recruits from homes of comfort and plenty were forced to endure hardships that soon told upon their physical as well as their moral constitutions. Sickness became prevalent in camp. Sanitary laws were few and poorly administered and suffering increased. To these conditions were added the victims of strife on the battlefield. These could not receive the kindly attention they needed, for aside from the surgeon's services, there were none to minister to them as they needed. The government at first seemed blind to these conditions owing, perhaps, to its anxiety to swell the number of its defenders. When this state of things became known, a wail of sympathy arose from the entire North. This soon took forms of organiza- tion called the Sanitary Commission and the Christian Commis- sion; the one having special reference to the health and physical welfare of the soldiers, and the other providing as well for their moral and religious needs. Hand in hand these two agencies of love and mercy followed the fortunes of our soldiery throughout the entire war. The women of the North, without exception, espoused the cause of their fathers, husbands and brothers, and were first and foremost in all plans and labors to relieve their necessities and mitigate their sufferings. Nearly every village and hamlet of the North had its organization, and meetings were often held to raise funds and prepare articles for the comfort of their dear ones in the army. Beside the preparation of bandages and scraping of lint, the ladies prepared articles for sale and at times held fairs or festivals when these articles were sold, oftentimes realizing considerable sums to aid them in their benevolent work. SOCIETIES. 169 Cornish was wide awake on the subject and was well organized with a large band of faithful, sympathetic and efficient workers. They sent a good many packages to the "boys in blue" whose hearts were cheered thereby; and none watched with deeper interest the fortunes of the war than did the good women of Cor- nish. Just previous to the close of the war they held one of their festivals for the benefit of the soldiers. The event was successful and a goodly sum was raised. As the boys soon ''came marching home" this money was not needed and so was never sent them. A portion of it was afterwards expended for a chandelier for the Baptist Church, and the balance of it, with other money remain- ing in their treasury, amounting in all to $176.80, was devoted to the purchase of the soldiers' monument in 1889. (See Soldiers' Monument.) "Cornish Colonization Society." Early woven into the fabric of our national life was the insti- tution of slavery. It began with the importation of a cargo of slaves into Virginia in 1619, and it was gradually introduced into the other colonies. It seemed to flourish at its best in the south- ern colonies or states and soon became an important factor in the society of those states. Meantime a sentiment unfavorable to it began to develop in the colonies, especially in the North. The Revolution, as a move- ment for liberty, declaring all men free and equal, joined with this humanitarian spirit, helped to increase the anti-slavery sentiment. The northern states soon abolished slavery, or pro- vided for its gradual extinction. Abolition societies were formed, but these accomplished but little more then to intensify the senti- ment already aroused. In 1816, an organization entitled the National Colonization Society was formed at Princeton, N. J., and immediately reorganized at Washington, D. C, its principal object being to encourage the emancipation of slaves and to obtain for them a place outside of the United States to which they might emi- grate. Branches of the society were soon established in almost every state. About 1830 the agitation against slavery took on a more ardent phase, and henceforth for tliirty years, slavery was the most absorbing of political themes. 170 HISTORY OF CORNISH. On February 7, 1840, a branch of the Colonization Society was organized in Cornish, and the following preamble was adopted: "The deplorable condition of the African race, whether bond or free, calls for the sympathy of the philanthropist, and the prayers of the Christian. To these we rejoice to learn has been added a portion of active benevolence. To this charity we de- sire to lend our feeble aid, and to promote and encourage the object, we hereby associate ourselves together under the name of Cornish Colonization Society, and adopt as the basis of our operation the following. "Constitution.'' This constitution consists of seven articles, drawn up much after the common form and somewhat lengthy: Article 1st explains more definitely the object of the society and as being auxiliary to the National or American Society, and that funds by them collected should be paid over to the State Society, which was also auxiliary to the National. Article 2d tells who are eligible and how to join the society. Article 3d prescribes the officers and their duties. Article 4th relates to the meetings of the society. Article 5th relates to funds and manner of raising them. Article 6th relates to specific duties of the treasurer. Article 7th relates to alterations and amendments. The above preamble, together with the constitution, was adopted on the last-mentioned date, and was signed by the follow- ing individuals: James Ripley James R. Wellman J. L. Putnam Joshua Wyman Alvah Spaulding John Hall Eleazer Jackson Harvey Chase Amos Richardson Harvey Smith H. H. Comings Israel Hall Reuben Davis Ebenezer Cole Nathan S. Luther George D. Kenyon Edwin Leslie John Johnson Sophia Richardson This organization was evidently effected at the home of Dea. Amos Richardson, as the foregoing record was found among his SOCIETIES. 171 papers. We have been unable to find further records of the doings of this branch of the society, or when it ceased to exist. It was evidently begotten in the spirit of true philanthropy and perhaps accomplished its humble part in the praiseworthy work of its mission. Temperance. "Oh, that men should put an enemy in Their mouth to steal away their brains! that we Should with joy, pleasure, revel and applause Transform ourselves to beasts." — Shakespeare. During the first half century after the town was settled the use of ardent spirits was well-nigh universal. Every famil}- kept it on hand the entire year as a beverage or as a treat for occa- sional guests. It was especially indispensable in the field during the haying and harvesting seasons. Marriages, and even funerals, were occasions that called forth liberal potations of the stimulating draught. Liquors in those days were purer and contained less alcohol than at the present time; else such free use would have wrought more direful results. Delirium tremens was then unknown, yet the drink habit had baneful results. Then, as now, its use begat idleness and deprived a man of his reason, and led him to spend his time and money with convivial friends at taverns or elsewhere. In this way many a man lost his farm because his earnings largely went for strong drink. In process of time adulteration of liquors began to be prac- ticed, producing a cheaper but more poisonous drink, the use of which produced effects more dreadful than formerly. Dehrium tremens then began to appear and the mad-house opened its doors more frequently as the result of its use. During the entire period previous to about 1825, temperance societies and temper- ance advocates were unknown. It is true, however, that germs of temperance principles were apparent from time to time, as shown on the records of the town, by certain votes passed, exclud- ing the sale of liquors in the vicinity of the house on town meeting days and other such occasions. About the time of the date above named, the effects and ex- tent of the use of ardent spirits, as then manufactured, were becoming fearful and alarming. Their use was increasing, with 172 HISTORY OF CORNISH. a corresponding increase of drunkenness and crime. These con- ditions received the attention of thoughtful and considerate men, who began to devise ways and means to check the growth of the evil. No legislation of importance, as yet, had interposed to ward it off. The voice and arguments of eloquent public speakers were now called into requisition. In this way a healthy sentiment was created in opposition to the general use of intoxicating beverages. Minor and local organizations were formed and pledges were passed through the community, receiving many sig- natures of men, women and children. In this way the minds of the people were prepared to embrace the Washingtonian move- ment which swept over the North in the early forties. This was a total abstinence society, organized at Washington, D. C, — hence its name. It was formed solely in the interests of temper- ance and good order. It is said that a branch of this organiza- tion was formed in Cornish, but the records of it have not been found. It was during this period that the lines became definitely drawn Ijetween the temperance forces and those who still favored a free manufacture and sale of liquors, and these lines have been maintained ever since. In 1855-58 and 1877 laws were passed by the state pro- hibiting the manufacture and sale of spirituous liquors except for medicinal and mechanical purposes. These laws were not allowed to lie still, but have been modified more or less by nearly every Legislature since. The distinctive feature of prohibition, however, has been retained. In 1903 a local option amendment was attached to the law. This was a system of "high license" granting certain individuals the right to sell under certain restrictions, the rates being reg- ulated by a commission, according to the circumstances in each case. In order to render the amendment operative, it required a majority vote of the town to render it so. The supporters of high license won each year initil November 3, 1908, when, by a bare majority, the promoters of temperance won the day, and, at this writing (1910), the town still remains "dry." Diversity of opinion has ever existed among the so-called temperance people in regard to the manner of suppressing the evil. Some advocate absolute prohibition by stringent legis- ation. Others would allow a limited manufacture and sale, SOCIETIES. 173 having it strictly limited by law to medicinal and mechanical purposes, meanwhile endeavoring to educate the public mind against its excessive use. The only temperance organization in Cornish, of wdiich any record can be found, was a branch of the "Sons of Temperance" that was organized on Cornish Flat, November 20, 1866. The distinctive features of this order were secrecy and absolute prohibition. It was instituted by the deputy of the "State Grand Division," aided by a large delegation from the Claremont Division. About thirty members were initiated at the first meeting, and the new division started off under very favorable auspices. Its membership subsequently increased until about eighty members were enrolled. They fitted up a hall for their use in the basement of the Bap- tist Church at an expense of nearly two hundred dollars. Meet- ings were regularly held. Literary exercises bearing on the subject of temperance constituted a prominent feature of each meeting which doubtless contributed in establishing a healthier one in favor of the cause of temperance. This organization, however, had but a brief term of existence — only about two years. The by-laws of the order requiring total abstinence applied as rigidly to the use of new cider as to the fermented article. This was an unforeseen temptation, and several members, unwittingly or otherwise, were found to have violated their pledge and were thereby amenable to the laws and were subjects for discipline. This proved a bombshell to the division, causing discipline and disaffection, and led to a decline of interest from which it never rallied. Its furniture and fittings, together with a small debt, were all surrendered to the Baptist Society, since which time the hall has been used as a church vestry. Patrons of Husbandry — The Grange. This is a secret association devoted to the promotion of agri- cultural interests. It was first organized in Washington, D. C, December 4, 1867. A sentiment was beginning to be enter- tained by the agricultural masses that their rights and privileges and voice in legislation were somewhat restricted as compared with those of other vocations. They began to realize, too, that they fed the world, and that they were entitled to reason- 174 HISTORY OF CORNISH. able consideration in governmental affairs. No organization had heretofore existed among them having Siny such end in view. Its purpose, therefore, was to arouse the farmers to a sense of their privileges and to restore dignity to their occupation by placing it at once on a level with the other callings and professions. So jealous were its first promoters that none were admitted to the privileges of the order but farmers and their families. Pro- fessedly it was non-partisan, yet it has exerted great political influence on many important questions of the day. With such an end in view, the order became quite popular, so that in 1875 it numbered 1,500,000 members. Local organiza- tions of the order were formed in nearly every section of the country. Unlike some other secret societies, the Grange bids the female sex welcome to all its meetings, and confers equal rights and honors upon them in all its deliberations. On March 25, 1874, the Cornish Grange was organized at the Methodist vestry by Dudley T. Chase, then master of the New Hampshire State Grange. There were twenty-five charter members. A large number of the farmers and their wives joined them in the seasons following. They continued to hold their meetings in the vestry until the following summer when the Grange took possession of the commodious quarters then used by the Methodist Church. The charter members of the Grange were: Samuel Putnam, Nettie L. Putnam, Dana N. Morgan, Julia A. jMorgan, Henry A. Weld, Ehza A. Weld, Albert Weld, Lucy C. Weld, Lemuel Martindale, Rebecca W. Martindale, George D. Kenj'on, Lizzie Q. Kenj'on, Charles E. Jackson, Judith C. Jackson, Amos Richardson, Jane S. Richardson, Philander W. Smith, Almina S. Smith, Charles B. Comings, Lucretia B. Comings, James M. Davidson, E. D. Austin, Charles Williams, Charles D' Nevens, Curtis H. Blake. The first officers of the Cornish Grange were : Samuel Putnam, master; Lemuel Alartindale, overseer; Dana N. Morgan, lec- turer; Charles D. Nevens, steward; Charles E. Jackson, assistant steward; George D. Kenyon, chaplain; Henry A. Weld, treasurer; Charles B. Comings, secretary; Philander W. Smith, gatekeeper; Nettie L. Putnam, Ceres; Eliza A. Weld, SOCIETIES. 175 Pomona; Julia A. Morgan, Flora; Lucy C. Weld, lady assistant steward. July 6, 1874, the National Grange granted its charter, which was received and recorded by the New Hampshire State Grange July 15 following. Dudley T. Chase, Master. Christopher C. Shaw, Secretary. During the first few years of Cornish Grange the interest in the order was sustained, and its membership increased. This was largely due to the financial and social advantages it offered. As in other Granges it voted to purchase and make sale of staple groceries especially for the benefit of its members. This proved in some instances quite a saving to those who patronized this mode. Its social features were highly prized; affording, as it did, an opportunity for farmers and their wives to meet twice each month and enjoy an hour or two of pleasant social inter- course. But however prosperous or promising a social, political, or even religious organization may be at first, a law in nature seems to order a change and it is permitted to suffer a decline. Cornish Grange afforded no exception to this. After a brief period of prosperity the interest decreased and the attendance of its mem- bers grew less. In this condition, though slightly varied, it remained about fifteen years, or until 1895, when it apparently received a fresh impetus and new members were added to the order. As many of the new members and also some of the old ones resided nearer Cornish Flat than to the hall of Cornish Grange, the idea of a new grange being organized at the Flat seemed to meet with much enthusiasm. Accordingly, a pe- tition for a new grange was presented to the State Grange. The petition was favorably received and James W. Fitch, then deputy of the district, w^as instructed to organize a grange at the Flat. This took place on the evening of August 29, 1896, in schoolhouse hall. The name of the new grange was Park Grange No. 249. For several months the meetings were held in the room where organized, but during the season of 1897 the Grange purchased the "Bachelor" house across the street just above the cemetery. This building was entirely remodeled by removing all inside 176 HISTORY OF CORNISH. partitions and reducing all the rooms into one, which was refitted into the present commodious hall. The list of the charter members of Park Grange was as follows: John S. Andrews, Willis J. Coburn, Rev. Charles E. Gould, Mrs. Charles E. Gould, Dr. George W. Hunt, Miss Martha A. Harring- ton, Edmund B. Hunt, Mrs. Edmund B. Hunt, William H. Harlow, Mrs. William H. Harlow, Frank C. Jackson, Mrs. Frank C. Jackson, John B. Moore, Mrs. John B. Moore, Norman C. Penniman, Mrs. Norman C. Penniman, William H. Sisson, Mrs. William H. Sisson, Alfred S. Sisson, Mrs. Alfred S. Sisson, Arthur P. Thrasher, Mrs. Arthur P. Thrasher, Mrs. Minnie Spaulding; twenty- three in all. These were organized by electing John S. Andrews, master;* Frank C. Jackson, overseer, and Willis J. Coburn, lecturer, beside a full list of other required officers. On the 17th of September following, eight members of Cornish Grange received demits, and at the next meeting of Park Grange were received into its membership. From its start to the present (1908) this Grange has enjoyed a fair degree of prosperity and continued growth. Its present numbers are 110. In addition to its social features it has made a specialty of choice literary exercises with music which have been for the enjoyment and edification of its members, and the Grange is reputed to enjoy a good standing among others of its kind, as evinced l)y many testimonials for excellence of work and literary accomplishment from state officials. Cheshire Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons. Cheshire Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons was first organ- ized in Plainfield. Daniel Cole, David Read and others of Plainfield petitioned the Grand Lodge on October 26, 1814, for a new lodge to be called "Mt. Moriah Lodge." On the following day the grand master, Edward J. Long, considered the petition and ordered that the prayer of the petitioners be granted, and empowered them to assemble and perfect themselves in the several duties of Masonry, make choice of officers, make reg- ulations and by-laws . . . according to the ancient cus- toms of the order; but inasmuch as there was a lodge at * Deceased March 2, 1898, while master. SOCIETIES. 177 Canaan already named "Mt. Moriah Lodge," that the lodge at Plainfield be called "Cheshire Lodge No. 23," and that the privileges thus granted be and remain in full force until the next meeting of the Grand Lodge. On January 25, 18L5, the Grand Lodge assembled at Portsmouth and confirmed its former action and the grand master appointed William H. Woodward a deputy to go to Plainfield and install the first officers and present them their charter, which was fiirJly done on the 24th of May, 1815. Thus propitiously started, the lodge increased in numbers and its members, for a time at least, were quite constant in their attendance, the lodge took fair rank among the other lodges of the state, and favorable mention of it was generally made by Grand Lodge deputies up to 1832, a period of seventeen years. The lodge had ever labored under one serious incon- venience that contributed much to the ill-fortune that befell it. The members of the lodge chiefly lived at opposite ends of the town, nearl}^ six miles apart and the place of meeting was at the west end. The members at the east end began to think their privileges were not equal to those of their brethren of the west part, and desired some change. They, however, tried to compromise the matter by meeting alternately at each end of the town. This action of the lodge did not meet the approval of the Grand Lodge, and so the practice was abandoned. After 1832 the interest in the lodge seemed to decline. They failed to be represented in the Grand Lodge. They also ceased to work, and soon after, ceased to meet. On June 9, 1840, the Grand Lodge, then in session, declared the charters of twenty-six lodges forfeited, including that of Cheshire Lodge, and ordered them to be recalled, which was accordingly done. The Grand Lodge, unwilling, however, to thus lose its subordinates, sent a committee to the jurisdiction of Cheshire Lodge on June 8, 1841, to see if any hopes remained of the revival of the lodge. But so far as known the committee accomplished nothing. For nearly twenty-two years the lodge remained dormant, its charter being surrendered; consequently, there was no gather- ing of its members. The opening of the Civil War seemed to create a fresh interest in the order which was quite general throughout the northern states. The former members of Cheshire Lodge who were then 13 178 HISTORY OF CORNISH. living, still retained their love for the order and desired to see the lodge again revived. A petition from these brethren was sent to the Grand Lodge asking for a renewal of the charter and that the lodge might be restored to the rights and privileges belonging to a lodge of Masons. The Grand Lodge saw fit to grant their petition, and on the seventh of May, 1862, they convened at the dwelling house of Dr. Charles C. Beckley in Plainfield, when officers of the lodge were elected and installed. A good degree of enthusiasm prevailed, giving promise of the productive results which appeared in the succeeding years. After the revival of the lodge in Plainfield it soon became apparent that a change in its location would promote the interests of the lodge by accommodating a larger number of its present and prospective members. During the summer of 1862 the lodge held all its meetings in Plainfield, but on the eighth day of September following, it was voted to remove the lodge to Cornish Flat, and that its next meeting, in October, be holden there. Permission for this removal had been previously obtained of the Grand Lodge through its deputy, and on October 13, 1862, Cheshire Lodge held its first meeting on Cornish Flat in Union Hall (since called Hampshire Hall). Here it convened at all of its stated communications until July 25, 1863, inclusive. Meanwhile the lodge had previously engaged and fitted apartments for its use in the upper story of the store of John T. Breck, and on the latter date it was voted to occupy the new hall at the next regular meeting. This was accordingly done on August 22, 1863. Since this date the lodge has held all of its com- munications in this hall. Like all kindred organizations, the lodge has had its seasons of prosperity and its periods of decline of interest; but it has ever since maintained its rank and standing among other lodges of its order. Its jurisdiction embraces the towns of Cornish and Plainfield. Its membership has ever been composed of representatives of most of the good families of these two towns. CHAPTER XII. Manufacturing Industries. Not unlike every other New England town, Cornish has had her quota of domestic industries and her share of men to carry them on. Nature here has not been as favorable to the manufacturing of goods on a large scale as in some towns favored with greater water privileges. Yet such privileges as have been afforded have been utilized to the best advantage. During those years when the people were dependent upon goods manufactured in their own homes, workmen of every trade were at hand preparing the same for use. Coopers, tailors, shoe- makers, weavers and spinners and other workman were then in demand in every home. Now all these are among the things of the past, and the people have but little use for them, as the goods once manufactured by them can be obtained "ready-made" in the markets and at cheaper rates, and, perchance, of better quahty than formerly. For the same reason carding and fulling mills have gone out of business. Two prominent ones formerly did a good business in town : one in the west part of the town operated by Walter Mercer, and one near the Flat operated by Eldad Coburn. Each of these were active many years, greatly to the advantage of the community, and bringing profit to then- owners. When every family made its own shoes, it was necessary that tanners should prepare the leather for the shoemaker. So with the departure of the shoemaker goes the tanner, both to the larger central places where at their trade they may find more steady employment and greater profit. There were several tanneries in town some of whose sites can scarcely be located. The last one to abide in use was at the Flat, owned and operated many years by Alvin Comings. The Weld families also carried on this industry to considerable extent, also the Comingses, in the early days of the town. 180 HISTORY OF CORNISH. Blacksmiths, carpenters and wheelwrights still remain, although many of the articles heretofore made by them are procured from the larger factories and at a better advantage. A larger percent- age of the labor of these artisans now is that of repairing. For many years carriage building was a large item of industry at the Flat. Hiram Little, a skilled workman, employed a few men and for many years produced carriages that were second to none then in use; some of these are in use at the present time- Henry Gould also carried on a similar business there. Each of these men had successors in their shops who continued the busi- ness for a longer or shorter period; but these industries have de- parted, and even the buildings then used by them have been torn down and the sites almost obliterated. Brick has been made in several places and several houses have been erected in town from the product of the kilns. Four of these kilns are known to have been in use. Brick was formerly made on the Henry Bartlett farm not far from the site of his present house. A limited amount was made on the Joshua Wj^man farm and the Wjanan houses were built from the brick made there. On the mountain farm of Capt. William Atwood brick was made. In the southwest part of the town on the farm owned by Leonard Har- low, brick has been made in large quantities. This kiln is still used occasionally. Other places for making brick have probably existed, but they are slumbering in the memories of the past. Gristmills were counted of prime importance. The first of these erected in town was by Jonathan Chase on a brook on his allotment. This constituted a center for many miles around for farmers to bring their grain to have it ground for use in their families. This mill was built during the fall of 1765, soon after the town was settled. It was operated by Mr. Chase until 1773 when it came into the possession of Samuel Comings. He and his children, and others of the same name and their successors, continued to successfully operate this mill and other mills adjoin- ing it for more than a century. This was long known as ''Com- ings' mills." It was burned in 1894, but was succeeded by another doing a moderate amount of business. Dea. John Chase had for many years a gristmill in connec- tion with his sawmill which accommodated several families in that neighborhood. A gristmill east of the Flat, for two or three generations, MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES. 181 did a large amount of business. Beside ordinary grinding like Comings' mill, it was fully equipped for the bolting of wheat flour. This mill recently became disused and now (1907) is in a state of ruin and decay. B. S. Lewis built a gristmill about 1850 but operated it only a few years; also Bryant's mill, in the west part of the town, was for many years successfully operated as a gTistmill until it burned. The last gristmill erected in town is on the estate of the late C. C. Beaman, Esq. This is still active, doing the needful work for the estate and some for the neighborhood. It is the only gristmill now doing any business in town. The sites of some of these already named can scarcely be located; others may have existed, but none are left to tell their story. The decadence of gristmills is mainly due to a great change that has taken place in the commercial world. The great West is, to a large extent, now feeding the East with wheat and corn. These are raised and manufactured in the West and come to us ready for our consumption, so that many farmers think they can buy cheaper than they can raise the grain and get it ground near home, and so as a result, the eastern mills have been suffered to decay. The sawmills of Cornish are interesting to consider. The great necessity for lumber for building purposes incident to the rapid settlement of the town, and the difficulties of removing large logs long distances, induced many to utilize every sufficient stream of water, by building a dam and erecting a mill as near their home as possible; consequently, the number of sawmills was greater than that of other mills. The first sawmill in town was a companion to the first grist- mill, both built and owned by Col. Jonathan Chase. This, like the gristmill, passed into the possession of the Comingses who carried it on through their lives. A succession of owners have since operated it, and it is still active and doing a good amount of busi- ness. Below this mill, nearer the river, was another sawmill also built and used by Colonel Chase. This was used consider- ably in its day, but it has long since disappeared. At the Flat have been two sawmills. The lower one near the head of the street was rebuilt in 1832 by Abel Jackson, who operated the same a number of years, but it was in turn succeeded by others. This mill has recently been taken down and the site 182 HISTORY OF CORNISH. has nearly reverted to its natural state. The upper mill, now standing, was built and operated by Jonathan Wyman who came from Pelham, N. H., to Cornish in 1794. This mill is partially active, doing a moderate amount of business, but it is evidently doomed to destruction like all of the adjoining buildings whose industries were formerly active but have now passed away. This mill has passed through the hands of several owners, chief among whom was Henry Gould who built a fine dam of granite and otherwise substantially repaired the mill, as well as the gristmill which he also owned. An important sawmill was that of Dea. John Chase which was built about the first of the last century. It was burned in March, 1847, but rebuilt that season. It has done a large amount of business, but is now dismantled and ready for destruction. A sawmill, not long since, stood on the brook in "Slab City," owned and operated during its last years by James F. Tasker. Nothing of this mill is now left but huge walls of stone. The same may be said of a sawmill once standing on the Ichabod Smith farm, which did a good amount of business. On the mountain streams farthest east were three mills: one in the "Hempyard," and one in the ''Poppy Squash" neighborhood, having long since ceased to exist. The other in school district No. 8, belonging to Edward O. Day, is still standing, but not used as a mill. The kind of saw used in all the old mills was the upright kind, attached to a pitman shaft that was fastened to the crank of the water-wheel beneath. There were two sawmills in town that had the circular saw substituted in place of the upright saw. Portable sawmills, run by steam or gasoline, with circular saw, have recently been established in several places for brief periods, doing a large amount of business. These have contrib- uted to the decline and decay of stationary mills that are de- pendent upon water power alone. Remains of other sawmills, and also of various other kinds of mills, comparatively unimportant, are pointed out by the "say- so" of men; but if they have a history it has become buried in the past, and of no use to the present generation. Slight evidences there are in some of these cases, but we can record nothing re- liable concerning them. Abel Jackson, a millwright, said, during the last years of Ms life, that he had built and assisted in building nineteen mills in MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES. 183 town, and that Cornish had had thirty different mills. We are unable to locate as many as that, but are sure that the principal ones have been mentioned. Another industry of considerable interest to some and of credit to the town, was the gun manufactory of David H. HiUiard. As a manufacturer of rifles he had no superior. His reputation for making a first-class shooting piece went far and wide, and orders came to him from the Far West. He employed several expert workmen for years and tested with accuracy every piece himself, so that his reputation was thoroughly sustained. But age came on and he was obliged to relinquish the business which soon after declined, and has never been revived. He died in 1877, aged 71. Creameries. About the year 1878 the art of separating the cream from milk was discovered and brought into practice. It has proved to be an invention or discovery of immense value to the farmer, his wife and to the world at large. The slow and tedious process of making butter by hand has prevailed from time immemorial. This old process involved a large expenditure of muscle and time, both of the husbandman and of his good wife, who was usually regarded as the butter-maker of the family. By the new inven- tion this burden is mainly lifted from her shoulders; and on a larger scale, with greater results, the work is performed by machinery. It was a new and novel idea that milk subjected to rapid rotation should have a tendency to separate, throwing the cream into one mass, and leaving the impoverished milk by itself. This is accomplished by means of a large circular bowl containing the milk that is caused to revolve at a high rate of speed. The De Laval Separator was the first in use, but was soon followed by others. This invention or discovery spread Hke wildfire and separating stations and creameries were soon estabUshed throughout the chief dairy sections of the country. In 1888 a cooperative creamery company was organized at the Flat under the name of the ''Cornish Creamery. " A build- ing was erected near the Flat which was opened for business September 3, 1888. This plant has prospered ever since, dis- CuitNisH Creamery. Bert E. Huggins, Superintendent, 1910. Hillside Creamery. MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES. 185 tributing annually between ten and fifteen thousand dollars among its several patrons. On the following year the ''Hillside Creamery" was organized, and a building erected in Cornish near Windsor Bridge. This creamery immediately went into operation and has done a thriv- ing business ever since. Its locahty is very favorable, as it re- ceives much patronage from the farmers of Vermont living in the vicinity of Windsor. The power employed to operate each of these creameries is supplied by an engine. These are immense labor savers. Hand separators, or separators on a smaller scale, are used by some individual farmers in preference to using the cooperative plant, as they save the farmer the time and trouble required in carrying milk to and from the creamery. Blacksmiths. This class of artisans, to a limited extent, have found employ- ment in town ever since its settlement. As elsewhere stated the manufacture of iron goods has largely been assumed by factories, so the labor of the blacksmiths now is chiefly that of repairing and fitting. This, together with the shoeing of horses, renders him one of the most indispensable members of the commimity. A great number of these have lived and worked in different parts of the town. It would be impossible to recall all of them. A brief mention of a few of the most prominent must suffice. Daniel Putnam, whose services in the Revolutionary War also included that of blacksmithing, came back to town and worked at this trade more or less during his life. Charles Chase worked at this trade most of his life, serving the citizens of the town, especially those living along the river. John Fellows, near the south central part of the town, was also one of these serviceable men for many years. At the Flat was Capt. William Atwood. He came from Pelham, N. H., to Cornish in 1811. He built the brick shop that is still used as a blacksmith shop. He did a large business in this line, employing several different young men who became skilled workmen in the trade. He continued at this until age and infirmity compelled him to retire. This shop has since been used by scores of men of this trade, and the property has changed owners several times. Prominent among those who have each 186 HISTORY OF CORNISH. spent years of service in this shop are : Stillman Coburn, Samuel Sherburne and Charles T. Sturtevant. At, or near each of the mills east of the Flat, shops have been located, but these have recently disappeared with the decay of the mills. William Atwood, Jr., worked at this trade on the hill east of the Flat, and afterwards built a shop on the site now occupied by Cornish creamery. This shop was used many years and then was torn down. Several blacksmiths who have wrought as such in town might be named as: Daniel Hamblett, Henry Gould, Ariel K. Spaulding, John Watson and others. Harness Making. Harness making has never been driven from the town by the competition of larger manufactories. With first-class workmen at this business, the idea has always prevailed among the people, that a better and more durable article may be obtained by em- ploying home skill, than from the markets of the ready-made goods, hence these home harness makers have generally found steady employment at their trade. So far as known, the principal of these in town have been located at Cornish Flat. Walter Stone, when a young man, built a shop and w^ent into the business in the same building now used by Mrs. Louis Peaslee as a millinery shop. He continued many years in the business until in advanced life he left town for Webster, Mass. He was succeeded soon after by John M. Couch who came from Plainfield in 1845. He remained here nine years and then removed to Holyoke, Mass. His oldest son (by a second marriage), John L. Couch, con- tinued in town doing a thriving business for a number of years. He left town in 1864, and later removed to St. Johnsbury, Vt. Mervin G. Day, one of Mr. Couch's workmen, succeeded him, and carried on the business a few years. After Mr. Day had left town, William H. Sisson established himself in the busi- ness. With characteristic energy and thorough workmanship, he has built up a thriving trade in this line. First-class work- manship always commands patronage, and Mr. Sisson, in his business, affords no exception to this rule. CHAPTER XIII. Census Data of Cornish. During the administration of Gov. Benning Wentworth, the British government made efforts to have a census of the Province of New Hampshire taken, but they proved of but httle account by reason of ineffective laws and insufficient funds. In 1767, under the supervision of the selectmen of the towns, the first census was taken. This is presumed to be nearly correct. The following is the report given by the selectmen of Cornish: Men unmarried from 16 to 60 17 Men married from 16 to 60 21 Boys 16 and under 36 Men over 60 Females unmarried 37 Females married 22 Population of Cornish in 1767 133 The second census of the Province of New Hampshire was taken in 1773. The record of it was for many years lost, but afterwards was found by Senator A. H. Cragin of New Hamp- shire in the Congressional Library. It was then copied and sent to the New Hampshire Historical Society. The order for this census came from Gov. John Wentworth to the selectmen of Cornish, under date of October 15, 1773, and resulted in the following enumeration: Umnarried men in town 16 to 60 28 Married men 16 to 60 36 Boys 16 and under 52 Men over 60 1 Females unmarried 60 Females married 35 Widows ■ 1 Total in 1773 213 Sam"" Chase, \ Jon™ Chase, > Selectmen. Eli AS Cady, ) 188 HISTORY OF CORNISH. The third census was taken in obedience to an order from the Provincial Congress of New Hampshire, under date of August 25, 1775. At this time it had ceased to be a province of Great Britain and was about to become an independent state. The following is the Cornish record: Males under 16 years of age 83 Males from 16 to 50 not in army 77 Males above 50 years of age 9 Persons gone into the army 4 All females 136 Total 309 Firearms in town fit for use 53 No. of lbs. of powder in town 20 And this last is "privit" property. Cornish, October ye 30th, 1775. Personally appeared Sam''. Chase Esqr. and made solemn oath that he had acted faithfully and impartially in taking the above numbers according to the best of his discretion, before me, Daniel Putnam, Town Clerk. The fourth census of New Hampshire was taken after it had become a state, through an act of the Legislature in the year 1786. The following are the returns from Cornish: Males of all ages 312 Females 293 Total 605 To L. E. Thompson, Secretary to the State of New Hampshire. Wm. Ripley, ) IcHABOD Smith, > Selectmen. John Morse, ) No other census was taken until an act of Congress approved March 1, 1790, came into effect. This act provided for a more extensive and elaborate enumer- ation than those preceding it. CENSUS DATA OF CORNISH. 189 The constitution of 1787 required that the representation of each state in Congress should be in proportion to its population, and therefore it was necessary to provide for enumerations, and that such enumerations be made decennially. The first was made in 1790, and in each decade since the enumeration has been increasingly elaborate. In 1790 the enumeration for Cornish was as follows: Heads of families in town 161 Males under 16 years of age 258 Males 16 years or over 238 All males (white) 496 All females (white) 484 Colored ' 2 Total population of Cornish in 1790 982 The following shows the definite list of the population of Cornish at this time : Heads of Cornish Families in the Census of 1790, also Number in Each Family. a)T3 O » Aplin, Oliver 2 Ayers, Thomas 1 Backus, Simon 1 Barrows, Moses, Jr 2 Bartlett, John 3 Bartlett, Joseph .... Bartlett, Nathaniel. Bingham, Ehas Bingham, EUsha W. Bingham, Jonathan. Bryant, Israel Bryant, Sylvanus. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Cady, Ehas 2 1 1 1 1 1 Cady, Nicholas Carpenter, Nathaniel . Cate, Eleazer Cate, James Chase, Caleb C M ^ -^ M "^^ « -I 2 3 5 2 3 1 3 2 1 1 1 2 5 3 3 1 1 6 Chase, Chase, Chase, Chase, Chase, Chase, Chase, Chase, Chase, Chase, Chase, Chase, Chase, Chase, Chase, Chase, Chase, Child, S M aj s M co::3 " m — m == ^ — == =3 9 =3 en Caleb, 2d 1 4 Daniel 2 1 4 Dudley 2 14 John 2 1 2 Jonathan 4 2 7 Joseph 1 1 3 Joshua 1 1 1 Moses 4 2 4 Moses, Jr 1 2 2 Nahum 1 1 4 Peter 2 2 5 Samuel 1 1 Samuel, Jr 4 3 10 Simeon 2 1 3 Solomon 3 3 4 Stephen 1 3 Wilham 1 1 1 Stephen 2 2 6 190 HISTORY OF CORNISH. (U-^ > C3 bO e3 o ;^ ej (U 9m ^ -SM I §2 §•" § Tracy, Andrew 3 Tucker, Abijah 3 Tucker, Chester 1 Vial, Abraham 1 Vincent, Richard 1 Vinton, John 2 Weld, John 3 Weld, Moses . . . . ' 1 Weld, Walter 1 Wellman, James 2 Wellman, James, Jr 3 Wellman, Solomon 1 Wliiting, Nathan 1 Whitten, John 2 Wickwire, Samuel 1 Williams, Benjamin 2 Wilson, Robert 1 Woodward, Joshua 1 Wyman, Jesse 2 Young, Thomas 1 Ba )-^ t 4 3 1 1 1 4 5 6 3 2 3 1 3 9 4 4 3 3 3 4 In addition to the above were two colored people; one in the family of Oliver Aplin, and the other in the family of Dudley Chase. The following shows the population of Cornish and that of four adjoining towns on each decennial census since and including that of 1790 — in all, twelve censuses: Census Cornish Plainfield Claremont Croydon Newport 1790 982 1024 1423 536 779 1800 1268 1435 1889 984 1266 1810 1606 1463 2094 682 1427 1820 1701 1460 2290 1060 1679 1830 1687 1581 2526 1057 1913 1840 1726 1552 3217 956 1958 1850 1606 1392 3606 861 2020 1860 1520 1620 4026 755 2077 1870 1334 1589 1372 4053 4704 652 608 2163 1880 1156 2612 1890 934 1173 5565 512 2623 1900 962 1114 6498 372 3126 192 HISTORY OF CORNISH. The following shows the growth of territory, and increase of population of the United States since 1790: 1790 17 states, beside territories 3,929,214 1800 21 states, beside territories 5,308,483 1810 25 states, beside territories 7,239,881 1820 27 states, beside territories 9,638,453 1830 28 states, beside territories 12,866,020 1840 30 states, beside territories 17,069,453 1850 36 states, beside territories 23,191,876 1860 42 states, beside territories 31,443,321 1870 47 states, beside territories 38,558,371 1880 47 states, beside territories 50,155,783 1890 49 states, beside territories 62,622,250 1900 52 states, beside territories 76,303,387 The center of the population in 1900 was near Columbus, Ind. Following is the population of New Hampshire at each census beginning with 1790; also her representation in Congress at these periods. Before 1790, it was three. Year Population Representation 1790 141,885 4 1800 183,858 5 1810 214,460 6 1820 244,161 6 1830 269,328 5 1840 284,574 4 1850 317,976 3 1860 326,073 3 1870 318,300 3 1880 346,991 2 1890 376,530 2 1900 411,588 2 CHAPTER XIV. Cemeteries of Cornish — Casualties. Cemeteries of Cornish. It has been said that a contemplation of the soul's immortality cannot be exercised too much or too often. Amid the busy events of life this subject receives little thought. Reminders that our bodies are mortal are on every hand. In no place will our minds be brought to these contemplations more than at the graves of our friends. It behooves us, then, to turn aside and often visit the hallowed ground where they repose and to beautify and make attractive the places of their sepulture. The consciousness, too, that we are not to be forgotten and that our surviving friends will erect over our remains tokens expressive of their love, will rob the grave of many of its terrors. It was customary during the early years of the town for many oi the people to bury their dead upon their own farms and in many cases to erect no tablet to their memory, save, however, placing a common stone at each end of the grave. In .process of time the mounds and stones would disappear. The hands and aching hearts that tenderly laid their dear ones to rest, they, too, have mouldered away. In this way the records of many have doubtless been lost. The expediency of having common burial lots set apart b}- the town was soon recognized and practiced. There are eleven cemeteries in town, which have been used as common burial places. Three of these have been aban- doned as out of the way and counted unsuitable for the purpose, being far from present traveled highways, and in pastures almost inaccessible. A few j'ears since the town, recognizing the re- quirements of the law regarding the care of cemeteries, enclosed each of these with a wire fence. These are some of the oldest burial places in town and of great interest to the geneal- ogist. They are (1) on "Kenyon Hill" containing five grave- ■stones and twelv^e graves unmarked. (2) On farm of Charles W. Comings. This was once a popular burying place, but has 14 194 HISTORY OF CORNISH. long since been disused. It contains thirty-seven tablets, and at least fifteen mounds unmarked. Several persons of note in the town's history lie buried there. (3) On the Daniel Weld farm, now owned by Freeman A. Johnson. This contained at least twelve gravestones and about twenty-five mounds unmarked. But the vandal propensity of some lawless scamps has destroyed or broken all the gravestones in the lot except one, thus affording a strong argument supporting "total depravity," at least in this case. The other eight cemeteries are as follows: (1) At Trinity Church. This contains the earliest dates of burial in town. Twin sons of Col. Jonathan Chase were bur- ied there in August, 1768, followed by their mother who died November 25, 1768. These are the first recorded burials in town. In this yard there are 213 well-marked graves, and at least a dozen mounds unmarked. (2) "Mercer" burial ground up the river. This contains dates of burial nearly as early as the last. It contains 264 well- marked graveS; and about fifty mounds, at least, that have no headstones. (3) Cornish Flat. The most numerous of all; containing 320 well-marked graves and about forty mounds that are unmarked. (4) South Cornish. Contains 247 headstones and thirty-eight mounds unmarked. (5) "New Cemetery" (Childs')- This w'as first opened in November, 1870; yet it contains 147 well-marked graves, and sixteen mounds unmarked. (6) Huggins' Cemetery. On the hills in north part of the town. It contains 116 well-marked graves and eight mounds unmarked. (7) Comings Mills' Cemetery. Contains 215 marked graves and about fifteen mounds unmarked. (8) Center Cemetery: back of Congregational Church. This contains 60 well-marked graves and six unmarked. The above figures were correct in 1898. Some changes have occurred in them since, as a matter of course. Those above termed "unmarked" refers to well-defined mounds, evidently graves. It is not claimed that these mounds indicate all that are buried in those yards, for many may have been buried there, and CEMETERIES OF CORNISH— CASUALTIES. 195 their graves become wholly obliterated, but though unknown to us, God remembers them all, and none will be lost. The eight principal burying grounds of the town are usually kept in good order. Sextons are appointed for each yard who perform the labors of sepulture and also have a general care of the grounds. Five of these yards have been enlarged beyond their original limits, to meet the requirements of the town. And the ''New Cemetery" was rendered necessary chiefly by the crowded condition of the Flat Cemetery. There are also a few private or family burial lots in town, well known and generally well cared for. The aggregate of decedents in all these burial lots in town are nearly as follows: about 1,700 well-marked graves, and over 250 nameless mounds, making nearly 2,000 whom it is known have been buried in the soil of Cornish. The writer has personally visited every known grave in town and copied every inscription with date of death and also copied many of the epitaphs. (These latter were much more in vogue a cen- tury ago and more voluminous than at the present time.) He has also visited burial lots in towns adjoining for the same purpose — the obtaining of needful data. The full list of all heretofore mentioned, amounts to 2,140 names. Most of these names and dates appear in the genealogical records of the several families of Cornish. This thought has often occurred to the writer when contem- plating this army of the dead. What a vast amount of mental anguish and suffering is represented here in "God's Acre" especially on the part of surviving friends! How many hearts have bled in sorrow^! How many tears have been shed on this hallowed ground when dear ones have been torn from families and the earth has hidden them forever from view! It is the "wailing place" for all living, and hence a sacred place, and a profitable place for reflection. Here we may learn that: "We are the same our fathers have been; We see the same sights our fathers have seen; We drink the same stream and view the same sun, And run the same course our fathers have run. " The thoughts we are thinking, our fathers would think; From the death we are shrinking our fathers would shrink; 196 HISTORY OF CORNISH. To the life we are clinging, they also would cling; But it speeds for us all like a bird on the wing. "They died! Aye! they died; and we things that are now, Who walk on the turf that lies over their brow, Who make in their dwellings a transient abode, Meet the things that they met on their pilgrimage road." Casualties. The following list may not be a complete one, but it includes all the names gleaned from the various sources at hand. It does not, however, include any fataUties of war or of sudden attack of disease, but simply of those whose lives have suddenly terminated by some accident. 1767. First recorded accidental death in town was Tisdale Dean of Claremont, who was killed at the Chase (or Comings) mill. No particulars ascertained. He had previously married Lucy Spaulding of Cornish. Was buried on the banks of Connecticut River. This death is also said to be the first in town from any cause. 1773. Daniel Chase Putnam, son of Daniel and Anna (Chase) Putnam, was drowned in the Connecticut River. 1785. Benjamin Swinnerton of Cornish was drowned in the Connecticut River while attempting to swim it in com- pany with an Indian. 1798. May 27, Harvey S. Deming, two years of age, son of Alpheus and Hannah (Taylor) Deming, was drowned in a water cistern. The household cat coming in very wet caused search for the missing boy and he was found as stated. It was supposed that in attempting to throw the cat into the water he lost his balance and together they fell into it. 1801. June 3, John Bulkley Paine, aged thirteen, son of Capt. Samuel and Lucy (Hall) Paine, and living with Gen. Jonathan Chase, was drowned in the Connecticut River. 1812. June 10, Daniel Atwood, son of Wilham and Elizabeth (Hall) Atwood, aged four years, was instantly crushed to death by falling in front of a cart, the wheel passing over him. CEMETERIES OF CORNISH— CASUALTIES. 197 1814. April 4, Lucinda Hilliard, aged five, daughter of Amos and Sarah (Huggins) Hilliard, while playing with some beans, accidently inhaled one, causing almost instant death. 1823. February 5, Lucy (Hilliard) York, wife of William York, went on foot visiting a neighbor. A heavy snowstorm came on. Not returning at a seasonable hour her fam- ily started for her and found her dead and partially buried in the snow. She was sixty years of age. 1837. March 4, Rebecca M. Tasker, aged thirty-four, was drowTied in Cold River on her way to town, by the up- setting of the stage while crossing the river at Walpole. A sister, Hannah (Tasker) Chesley, was drowned at the same time and place. 1842. June 25, Edwin H. Lothrop, aged eighteen, son of Francis and Sarah (Huggins) Lothrop, fell from the roof of Dea. Ripley Wellman's house, striking on his head, killing hini instantly. 1846. June 25, Henry , a colored boy, aged seventeen, in the employ of Dea. Benjamin Comings, was killed on the highway by being run over by a team he was driving. 1847. Savory Gile, living at the "Hempj^ard," fell upon his scj^the, cutting his knee so badly that he soon after died of blood poisoning. Age not known. 1848. July 27, four members of the family of Dea. Andrew Dodge were killed by the blowing down of a house during a fearful storm of wind and rain. (For further particulars see Dodge Gen.) It was the greatest calam- ity that ever happened in town. 1853. December 11, Hiram Coburn of Cornish was drowmed in New York, aged twenty-nine. 1854. March 26, Jonathan E. Tasker, aged thirty, fell from a building near Windsor bridge, receiving injuries ter- minating fatally. 1856. July 4, Edna L. Weld, aged three, daughter of John and Anna (Bartlett) Weld, fell through a hole in a bridge in the "City," striking oil the rocks below, fracturing 1 er skull. She died on the following day. 198 HISTORY OF CORNISH. 1856. July 26, Carter 0. Strong, aged nineteen, was drowned while bathing in mill-pond at the ''City" in the even- ing; probably was taken ^\'ith the cramps. Was a mem- ber of the family of the Kenyon brothers. 1857. July 19, a little daughter of Israel Foster Weld, aged two years, was killed by a cart body falling upon and crush- ing her. 1858. February 5, Arthur M. Wyman, aged thirteen, son of Milton Wyman, was sliding in the field near his school- house, when his sled struck a pile of frozen manure, breaking it, and a portion of it was driven into his body several inches. From the effects of this he died after a few hours of extreme suffering. 1865. March 18, John C. Shedd, a boy of fourteen years, was drowaied in a freshet. 1866. October 22, Mary Treat, only child of Edward Kimball, aged two years and six months, fell into a pail of scald- ing water, from the effects of which she soon died. Sorrow stricken, the parents left town. 1869. December 16, Lizzie M. Deming, aged two years, only child of Marvin J. Deming, inhaled a beechnut into her lungs, causing instant death. 1870. February 17, WiUie H. Chase, aged eight years, son of Henry S. Chase, while at play in the barnyard, was accidentally hit on the head by a piece of frozen manure, which soon caused his death. 1871. April 11, a little daughter of Martin M. and Sarah A. (Bugbee) Williams, aged three years, fell backward into a pail of hot water, soon causing death. 1872. August 31, Henry W. Sturtevant of this town, aged twenty-one, son of Nahum C, was killed on the Boston and Albany Railroad. 1872. October 7, the house of Abner Lull was burned to the ground, and Mrs. Lull, aged seventy-eight, perished in the flames. Mr. and Mrs. Lull came to town in 1860, settled on the Oilman Chase farm, where they remained until her death. 1874. February 21, Mrs. Jennie E. (Sisson) Raymond, aged twenty-one, daughter of John F. and Emily A. (Smith) Sisson, accidentally shot herself fatally, while toying CEMETERIES OF CORNISH— CASUALTIES. 199 with a loaded pistol, while on a visit to South Wood- stock, Vt. Some have entertained suspicions of suicide, but proof is wanted to establish it. 1874. August 5, Frederic L. Wood, aged nearly seven, son of Lyman D. and Susan A. (Flowers) Wood, fell from a loft in the barn, striking on his head, breaking his neck. 1875. March 23, Peter Coult, aged twenty-six years, a wood- chopper in the employ of George Jackson, was killed by a falling tree. 1875. September 4, Bertie E. Shedd, aged five years, son of Reed and Electa Shedd, was drowned in the Connec- ticut River. 1875. December 15, Jedediah Huntington, aged fifty-six, while dra\\-ing wood, was instantly killed b^^ falling in front of his load of wood, the sled passing over him. 1878. January 27, George F. Badger, aged twenty-five, son of Rufus and Clarissa Badger, having frozen his feet a day or two previously, died of lockjaw. 1878. April 18, Asa Jenney of Meriden, aged sixty-eight, was instantly killed on Cornish Flat by being thrown from his carriage, his head striking a stone. The horse had become frightened and suddenly turned around. 1878. May 8, Nettie H. Read, aged thirteen, daughter of Har- vey S. Read, was terribly burned by her clothes taking fire, so that she died in a few hours. She was looking over the ruins of a building just burned. 1879. November 28, Levi F. Stone, aged fifty-one, a painter, died. He was previously found in his barn partially uncon- scious with a broken skull, from the effects of which he died. Foul play suspected, but nothing conclusive has ever been obtained. 1882. September 20, Henry Allen Bugbee, son of Benjamin FrankUn and Almira (Wilhams) Bugbee of Cornish, was killed at Lebanon on the railroad. 1885. April 25, Orville B. Williams, aged fifty-four, while plow- ing in his field, was kicked in the head by a horse. He lived but a few hours. 1885. September 10, Caleb B. Wilhamson, aged sixty-seven, was instantly killed by being thrown from his carriage 200 HISTORY OF CORNISH. against a wall just north of the residence of Dea. P. C. Hardy, formerly the Daniel Chase, Esq., residence. 1887. March 22, Lyman H. Hunter, formerly of Cornish, aged thirty-four, died from injuries received in Claremont from a stick of wood hurled by a circular saw. Was then living in Claremont. 1888. June 23, Frankhn H. Curtis, aged ten years, son of Hart- ley K. Curtis, was fatally kicked by a horse that he was attempting to feed in the stall. He lived but a short time after the injury. 1891. June 26, Alfred C. Chadbourne, aged fifty-nine, died from the effects of a severe cut from a scythe received a few days previous, terminating in blood poisoning. 1897. April 13, Peter Emery, aged sixty-nine, died from the effects of a severe cut in the foot received March 25, followed by blood poisoning. He lived on the Stearns place south of George Jackson's. 1905. December 3, William Harvey Harlow, aged fifty-two, died from the effects of a fearful fall the day previous. The buildings of Wilbur Quimby being on fire, efforts were made to arrest the fire by tearing one building away. Mr. Harlow, with axe in hand, ascended a ladder to mount the roof, and when about fifteen feet from the ground the ladder broke, precipitating him backward to the frozen ground. He struck upon his head and shoulders breaking his back, while the axe followed cutting him severely in the face. Injured beyond all medical aid, he sank away and died early in the follow- ing morning. His loss was deeply deplored. 1910. July 24, Leonard Smith of Cornish was drowned in the Connecticut River, while bathing. While no murder has ever stained the records of the town, events have transpired that have given rise to divisions of opin- ion regarding the possibility of such guilt. The case of Levi F. Stone, November 28, 1879, affords one of these. Another is concerning the tradition of a travehng man with a grip-sack of unknown contents and value, who spent a few days in the home of John Morse. On a certain night, it is said, he left the Morse home, intending going to the home of Antipas Marble. CEMETERIES OF CORNISH— CASUALTIES. 201 Afterwards it was learned that he never arrived at the Marble home, and that he had entirely disappeared from among men. The facts becoming known, aroused suspicions, and gave rise to much unhappy conjecture and excitement among the good people of Cornish. A public hearing on the case was held, but no further facts were brought to light than above stated, and so the case was dismissed. The public, however, was hardly willing to abandon its suspicions. So it is said that buildings were searched, ground dug over, etc., but nothing further was found imphcating any one in the case. The traveler was never seen again and his disappearance has ever been shrouded in mystery. The above comes to the writer from various sources as a dateless tradition, except that it occurred during the first quarter of the nineteenth century. CHAPTER XV. Pauperism — County Affairs. Pauperism. "For the poor shall never cease out of the land; therefore I command thee, saying : Thou shalt open thy hand wide unto thy brother, to thy poor, and to thy needy in thy land." — Deut. 15: 11. The settlements upon the frontiers of New England towns were peopled by rugged, self-supporting families. The prevail- ing conditions did not invite the aged and infirm, therefore, these at first, seldom removed from the older towns unless attended by relatives who were able to provide for them a com- fortable support. For these reasons, with few exceptions, only the industrious, able-bodied husbandman, the mechanic and a few professional and business men were found among these early settlers. A commendable sentiment of good fellowship prevailed in all the towns and between the families. The interest of each family was the interest of the whole community, and the interest of the whole community seemed to embrace the welfare and comfort of every family, so that the people con- sidered any poor or unfortunate individual among them as one of themselves, and therefore were inspired to alleviate their wants. Every misfortune or accident was followed by some substantial expression of sympathy. If a farmer was sick at seed-time, his fields were prepared and planted by generous hands, and if he failed to recover until the close of harvest, he found his crops secured and his granaries rejoicing wdth the products of -v^dlling labor. These neighborly offerings were a school of charity. Under this beautiful system, few public laws were needed to regulate the expressions of charitj^ to the needy, and in such a community there were but few, if any, who were reckoned as paupers. This state of affairs could not and did not continue unchanged a great many years. As the population increased the number of PAUPERISM— COUNTY AFFAIRS. 203 those needing help increased in a somewhat larger ratio, and consequently methods of rendering aid have undergone some change. The private, humane methods of the earlier years, to some extent, gave place to those of pubhc expression through the select- men. These, however, at the first, generally treated each case considerately according to the circumstances and necessities of the needy. The methods of relief were as numerous as were the poor. Sometimes their taxes were abated; sometimes their rent was paid by the town; sometimes a cow was bought by the town and loaned to the needy family; sometimes the firewood, or a stipulated amount of clothing or provision were provided. While private charities were not debarred, the town was careful each year to adopt some system and to make appropria- tions for the support of its poor. In some cases the town would render a partial support to some not wholly dependent. Con- tracts were often made with families to keep certain of the poor at a stipulated price. This method soon degenerated into the inhuman practice of "selling the poor at auction," or consigning them to homes at the lowest possible price; in this way, some of the poor might fare well, while in other cases it might be otherwise. Cornish has passed through the experience of each of the fore- named methods. Tradition is replete with praises of the "good old times" when neighbors loved each other, but times have changed. It might seem to some that charity had lost its hold upon the human affections, and that individuals and communi- ties were more selfish than formerly and not as regardful of the needs of the unfortunate. Then, too, it is not easy to dis- possess the mind that poverty in itself is in a greater or less degree criminal. Those entertaining this impression seem to be forgetful of the words of the Master, who said: "Ye have the poor with you always, and whensoever ye will, ye may do them good." It is often unfortunately the case that the friends and near relatives of dependent ones are removed by death and then those who have been lovingly and tenderly cared for are left to the care of those who have little interest in them. All these things have had weight in the molding of methods for providing for those needing help. Instead of their receiving the kindly ministra- tions at home as in the early years, many of the poor are collected 204 HISTORY OF CORNISH. in homes with overseers employed over them whose duties are to provide for their chief necessities and furnish employment for such as are able to work. On April 11, 1780, is a record of the selectmen furnishing homes for certain poor persons. This is the first recorded action of the town upon the subject. The next record speaks of the town voting to ''sink" all taxes against certain poor persons; and also provided for the care of Miriam Roberts, a poor woman. On March 8, 1791, the town voted to "abait" the town tax of sundry individuals who were unable to pay them. August 25, 1794, the case of poor Miriam Roberts again came before the town, when it was voted that "the selectmen take care of her till winter, and then convey her Kilhngly" the cheapest way they can! What was meant by this vote is not clear. Perhaps the recorder intended to write Killingly, Conn., biit the record is as here given. At any rate her case does not appear again in the records. October 10, 1805, the town voted that the selectmen provide a "house of correction" for the poor of the town. We can hardly believe the town intended to provide a home of the character as implied by the modern interpretation of the above term. But if so intended, one may infer that the class of paupers alluded to were a set of "toughs" that needed "correction." March 10, 1807, the town voted the selectmen take care of the poor of the town "to the best advantage." Inasmuch as this had been their duty, it would imply that they provide homes for the poor chiefly with reference to its cheapness. The town also voted March 14, 1809, that the selectmen post notices on the several meeting houses of the town, regarding any pauper in order to receive proposals for their support. March 11, 1817, the subject of building a house for the poor was considered and referred to a committee who were to report at the next annual meeting. There is no evidence on record of any report being made on the following year, and the records are silent upon the subject until March 12, 1822. Then it was voted "that the selectmen be a committee to enquire into the expediency of purchasing a farm for the support of the poor of the town and report at the next annual meeting." Again the town records are silent as to the action of the aforesaid com- mittee for a full decade, or until March 13, 1832. At this time PAUPERISM— COUNTY AFFAIRS. 205 the town accepted a report of a committee respecting purchasing the real estate then occupied by Rebecca Tasker and Betsey Huggins, for such purpose. This plan for some reason not given failed to materialize. The example of many neighboring towns had in the meantime been adopted by Cornish : That of constituting and denominating the selectmen as "overseers of the poor." On March 11, 1834, it was voted that the overseers of the poor contract with one or more persons on such terms as might Residence of Freeman A. Johnson. Formerly the Home of the Town's Poor. be consistent with the interests of the town and humane treat- ment, and requiring bonds as to the latter clause ensuring humane treatment. A selectman moved a recommittal of plan to a special committee for later report, which was accordingly done. The following year, March 10, 1835, the committee on pauper- ism reported that the selectmen take into their special consider- ation the subject of the support of the town's poor; and that in their judgment a farm be purchased for the caring of said poor. On March 8, 1836, the town voted to choose a special com- mittee to look out for a farm and buildings suitable for the care of the poor of the town. John L. Putnam, William S. Deming 206 HISTORY OF CORNISH. and Joseph B. Comings were chosen as said committee. During this year, it is gratifying to notice these benefactions of the town, viz: (1) Voted the town furnish Thomas Lewis with a cow or its equivalent in money. (2) Voted the town loan twenty-five dollars to Peletiah Martindale to enable him to visit the eye infirmary in New York. There is no record of any action of this special committee during this, or the following year, but doubtless their efforts resulted in the action of the town the next year. On March 13, 1838, an agent was chosen to contract for a suitable farm and buildings for the purpose, and Benjamin Comings w^as chosen as said agent. He contracted for and purchased the farm and buildings of the Dea. John Weld estate, more recently owned and occupied by his son, Horace Weld. Mr. Comings reported the expense of the farm, terms of payment and the town fully endorsed the action of its agent in this purchase, and then voted to choose a committee to prepare a code of rules, rates and regu- lations for the management of the town farm and its occupants. Said committee were Benjamin Comings, Benjamin Chapman and Simon Coburn. This committee on the following year (1839) submitted an exhaustive and elaborate code consisting of eighteen articles. These were readily adopted by the town, and the name of "Cornish Alms House" was given to the paupers' new home. Jonathan Wakefield and wife were the first superin- tendents chosen by the town to have charge of it. They were succeeded by others who served in the care of the unfortunate poor of Cornish. They were required annually to report their doings in full to the town, even the daily condition of each inmate, amount of labor performed by them, etc. This excellent and careful supervision was a source of mutual gratification both to the citizens of the town and to its unfortunate poor. This method of management continued for nearly thirty years when a change of the pauper laws of New Hampshire took place, enabhng towns, so choosing, to place the burden of pauper support upon the counties to which they belonged. Accordingly a test vote was called for in Cornish on March 12, 1867. The question was, "Is it expedient to abolish pauper settlements in town and throw their entire support upon counties?" The result of the vote in Cornish, as elsewhere, was in favor of this measure. PAUPERISM— COUNTY AFFAIRS. 207 A county farm for Sullivan County was established at Unity and most of the paupers of Cornish were removed to it during the year. This institution, under the care and management of the county commissioners, provides a home for the county paupers similar to that the towns afforded. The town continues a temporary or partial support to those who need assistance for a season, but those whose necessities demand permanent assistance are humanely supported at the county farm. The abandonment of the town farm property for pauper use necessitated its sale. This took place on December 1, 1868. The proceeds of this sale amounted to $6,358.26, which was reported to the town on the following March. A fund of two thousand dollars for the worthy poor of Cornish was left by the will of Jacob Foss of Charlestown, Mass., who died June 22, 1866. (See sketch.) The town received the legacy on the following September, less a revenue tax. This fund is to be securely invested and its income to be annually devoted to the partial support of any worthy poor in town. On June 14, 1889, Edward D. Kiml^all of Mt. Auburn, Mass., a native of Cornish, gave the town the sum of three thousand dollars for the same object and on the same terms as did Jacob Foss. The interest from these two funds has proved a great blessing in ameliorating the condition and circumstances of many worthy individuals and families at home, who might otherwise have been conveyed to the county farm. The following is a list of paupers from Cornish who have died at the county farm since its establishment: Benjamin Edminister, 73 years old, died January 8, 1862; Charles Luey, 45 ye'ars old, died November 3, 1877; John Bell, 69 years old, died May 5, 1877; Wilham Lane, 78 j^ears old, died December 25, 1878; Eliza Forehand, 57 years old, died May 15,1883; George Babcock, 72 years old, died June 1, 1884; Cath- erine Chase, 73 years old, died June 13, 1896; Caroline Jackson, 68 years old, died INIarch 20, 1897; Elihu Russell, 87 years old, died March 22, 1897; Albert Kelley, 79 years old, died March 22, 1899; Frank Newman, 84 years old, died January 28, 1900; Albert Spaulding, 45 years old, died July 22, 1901; Edgar Geer, 27 years old, died September 8, 1907. A peculiar, though rare type of pauperism, that once existed was the traveling mendicant. Their sustenance they begged 208 HISTORY OF CORNISH. from door to door. No laws, as now, at that time restrained them. They were dependent wayfarers, not from choice but from accident. Not tramps, in our modern sense of the word, neither thiefs, "hobos" nor "yeggs," but creatures of fortune, or rather of misfortune. To perpetuate the memory of one of this type, we would refer to a familiar personage called "Old Haines," or "Crazy Haines," who from the twenties to the seven- ties of the last century, wandered through many of the towns of New England, and always included Cornish in his trips. Some, doubtless today, will remember his tall, grim figure, clothed in tattered black garments, originally shaped for judicial or eccle- siastical dignitaries, with corresponding stove-pipe hat, or hats telescoped together. In memory of this man. Prof. David H. Lamberton of Morrisville, Vt., has inscribed the following touching memorial: "Old Haines.'' 'Tis not of a Cornish man at all, these words of remembrance bear, That is, he neither was born nor bred, around here anywhere. He only straggled through the town, as seasons came and went, If not in spring, why then in fall, while fifty years were spent. His name was "Haines," or just "Old Haines," as boys, now men, recall. And these same boys remember, too, that, when they were young and small. The mother's threat to have "Old Haines" carry them off in his pack — Would bring more good from a mischief-brew, than a switch or sHpper's whack. He begged his way and clubbed the dogs, that barked up and down liis path, Or angered sore by taunting gibe, he'd swear in a mighty wrath, Yet country folk along the roads, wherever his wanderings led, Rarely denied his spoken need for food or a shake-down bed. 'Old Haines" in stature was tall and thin, and erect in the red man's mold And despite the mark of a vagabond, there was a hint of a lineage old — A sign of blood that never had begged, a glint of a spirit in strife — And a remnant of youth that had promised more than a useless waste of hfe. His story, however, no man can repeat, as his silence upon it was strict, But the older folk who had known him long, declared liim a sad derelict On the Sea of Love, where a woman's guile had left him adrift and astray, A bourneless, masterless, rudderless craft, where currents unchartered have sway. PAUPERISM— COUNTY AFFAIRS. 209 Full many a year since the vagrant "Haines" roamed over these Cornish hills Has sped its way down the flight of time, leaving measure of good and of ills, And not only he, but his class, no more begs at doors of the dwellings of men, For Charity's kinder to plajd^hings of Fate nowadays than her habit was then. Somewhere in a mendicant's grave his frame has crumbled away into dust The same as others 'neath marble shafts, who in life only threw him a crust, But the Reaper of all has garnered his soul, however benighted it trod Companionless ways in an unfriendly world, unwelcomed till lastly with God. A vagrant was "Haines," yet alas, it is true, he was scarcely more vagrant than we. Who chase our own phantoms and dream our own dreams, of successes that never can be, The difference is really far less than it seems, when gauged by Eternity's span, For of all that is gained and of all that is lost, there's a balance Divine in the plan. County Affairs. Previous to March 8, 1769, there were no county divisions in New Hampshire. The sessions of the Legislature and the courts for the adjustment of all legal matters were held at Portsmouth. At that time the state or province was divided by act of the Legislature, into five counties, that were named by the governor : Rockingham, Hillsborough, Cheshire, Strafford and Grafton. The three counties first named were organized in 1771 and their officers appointed. The organization of Strafford and Grafton counties was not long delayed. A message from the governor under date of May 28, 1772, to the council and assembly, recom- mended the establishing and organizing of these two counties, which took place about eight months later. These five counties embraced the entire limits of the state. Subsequently, from time to time, other counties were created and their boundaries defined by the Legislature. Cheshire County extended north from the line of the state of Massachusetts about sixty-five miles to the south fine of Grafton County, and east from the west bank of the Connecticut River about twenty miles to the west fines of Hillsborough and Merrimack Counties, making an area three times as long as it was broad. It contained thirty-eight towns. The county courts were held alternately at Keene and Charlestown. At each of these places a jail and other necessary buildings were erected. 15 210 HISTORY OF CORNISH. To better accommodate the business of the northern part of the county, on December 8, 1824, the Legislature passed an act that the May term of the supreme court should be removed from Charlestown to Newport. This was only a partial relief. The inconveniences for the transaction of the business of the county were so great that it became apparent the only remedy was the erection of a new county. In June, 1826, the question of a division of Cheshire County came before the Legislature. On the twenty-third, by an appropriate act, the question of division was to be submitted to the several towns of Cheshire County; and also the question whether Newport or Claremont should become the shire town of the new county. A good deal of dis- cussion followed, but the result of the election was : first, a vote to divide the county, and second, that Newport be the county seat of the new county. The trial vote on the subject in Cornish took place on March 13, 1827, when, by calling for the yeas and nays, the vote stood: 128 yeas and 10 nays. On July 5, 1827, the county was incor- porated, to take effect on the following September. The county was named in honor of John Sullivan, one of New Hampshire's most distinguished patriotic soldiers, whose name was reverenced by the people of the state. The new county comprised the towns of Acworth, Charlestown^ Claremont, Cornish, Croydon, Grantham, Goshen, Langdon,^ Lempster, Newport, Plainfield, Sunapee, Springfield, Unity and Washington — in all, fifteen towns. Sullivan County is about thirty miles long from north to souths and about twenty miles wide from the somewhat irregular line of Merrimack County on the east to the Connecticut River as its western boundary. The general inclination of its surface is towards the west, thus furnishing a water-shed for the Connecti- cut River. The highest point of land in the county is that of Croydon Mountain which has an elevation of 2,789 feet above sea-level. From its summit a large portion of the county can be seen. The scenery of Sullivan County is picturesque and delightful^ though less imposing than that of the northern portions of the state. Along the Connecticut River are some of the best farms of the state. PAUPERISM— COUNTY AFFAIRS. 211 The population of Sullivan County in 1890 was 17,304. In 1900 it was 18,009, having made a gain of 705 during the decade. The removal of the courts from Charlestown to Newport necessitated the erection of new buildings at the latter place. The old jail at Charlestown continued to be used, however, by the county until April 1, 1842, when it was burned by Hicks, a notorious robber who was then confined there. A new jail was then erected at Newport at a cost of $3,300. A meeting of the town of Newport was held January 13, 1825, when it was voted to raise the sum of $2,000 to assist in building a new court house, the balance of the funds needed for the purpose were to be furnished by individual subscription. By the eleventh of February, 1826, the building was ready for occupancy. This building continued to be used as a court house until 1873. The increasing population and consequent increase of court matters, had awakened the citizens to the fact that the old building was insufficient to meet its present and increasing requirements; so steps were taken in 1872 towards the erection of the pres- ent commodious town hall and court house. This was soon erected at a cost of nearly $40,000. A county safe building was erected in 1843, which still continues to be used. 212 HISTORY OF CORNISH. r^Hv ^9 1 HHn^'' ^^5 *^^^K^^^^^^H %: p jB B j L i ^ IBH m 1 M:'itJ^KM HiHHI CHAPTER XVI. Cornish Bridge — Blue Mountain Park. The Cornish Bridge. By concurrent acts of the Legislatures of New Hampshire and Vermont, the former passed in January, 1795, and the latter a little later, the toll-bridge company which maintains the bridge across the Connecticut, known to the people of Cornish as ''the Windsor Bridge," was chartered under the corporate title of "The Proprietors of the Cornish Bridge." The charter was granted to Jonathan Chase, to whom had been granted in the year 1784 by the New Hampshire Legislature, a charter for a ferry across the Connecticut between Cornish and Windsor near the point where the bridge now stands. The original subscription agree- ment for shares of stock in the bridge company bears the date of the thirteenth day of April, 1796, and is signed by Jonathan Chase and by the following other subscribers: Nathaniel Hall, Ithamar Chase and Dudley Chase of Cornish, Nathaniel Leonard, Amasa Paine, Stephen Jacob, Isaac Green, Nathan CooUdge, Caleb Stone, Zebina Curtis, Allen Hayes, Samuel Shuttlesworth, Stephen Conant, Jonathan H. Hubbard, Freeman Hopkins, Ebenezer W. Judd, Nahum Trask, Abiel Leonard, WilUam Leverett, Wil- liam Sweetser, Abner Forbes and John Leverett of Windsor, Benjamin Page of Hartland, Vt., and by the firms of Jones & Tuttle and George Bull & Company, both of Hartford, Conn. These subscribers, together with Benjamin Sumner of Boston, who did not sign, became the first proprietors. The subscrip- tion list also bears the signature of E. Brewer, but he does not appear to have become a stockholder. Jonathan Chase was by far the largest stockholder and Benjamin Sumner the next. Most of Jonathan Chase's conveyances of stock to his fellow- proprietors were witnessed by Nathan Smith and Philander Chase and acknowledged before Dudley Chase, justice of the peace. From the foregoing it appears that the promoters of 214 HISTORY OF CORNISH. the enterprise included in their number, in addition to the influ- ential Chase family of Cornish, the leading professional men and merchants of Windsor. The first meeting of the proprietors was held at the house of Nathaniel Hall, innholder, in Cornish, on May 4, 1796, pursuant to a notice dated April 14, 1796, pubhshed in the New Ham'pshire and Vermont Journal oj Walpole, and signed by Jonathan Chase, Esq. At this meeting Jonathan Chase was moderator and was elected the first president of the company. The proprietors also chose at the same meeting the following other officers: Abiel Leonard, clerk; WilHam Leverett, treasurer; and the following board of directors: Jonathan Chase, Esq., Nathaniel Hall, Nathaniel Leonard, Perez Jones, Caleb Stone, Ithamar Chase and Jonathan H. Hubbard. The first bridge constructed by the company was built in 1796 at a cost of $17,099.27, a sum wliich, as the proprietors admitted, "in consequence of the unexpected rise of labor, pro- visions and the materials necessary for such a work," was "far beyond their expectations." This bridge was probably un- covered and supported by three piers between the abutments. It lasted until the spring freshet of 1824, which carried it away. The second bridge was presumably of similar design and was built in 1824. Some of the old toll-house journals, kept during the life of the second bridge, throw much light on the times. For instance, the records from December, 1824, to about 1840, which were kept in great detail, show to what a vast extent sheep- raising was carried on. This was before the railroad had touched Cornish. Then the Cornish Bridge was a truly great artery for commerce. Sheep and cattle in great numbers passed over the bridge from the North and West on their way to market. On the Sabbath day, October 23, 1825, there crossed the bridge, 450 sheep; on the 24th, 838 sheep and 259 cattle; on the Sabbath day, October 30, 328 sheep; on the 31st, 200 sheep and 108 cattle; on November 7, 920 sheep and 236 cattle; on December 4, 470 cattle. The record for that year was about 9,500 sheep and 2,600 cattle. The droves went to market chiefly in the autumn and early winter. The records for the years 1837 to 1841 show the total numbers of sheep and cattle as follows: CORNISH BRIDGE— BLUE MOUNTAIN PARK. 215 YEAE. SHEEP. CATTLE 1837 13,233 2,420 1838 14,084 2,208 1839 12,229 1,705 1840 11,451 2,657 1841 11,513 2,988 The largest drove in one day which the writer has found recorded was on September 30, 1833, when 1,000 sheep crossed. In the years 1825 to 1836 Skinner's stage, Pettes' stage and the Concord and Lebanon stages were regular patrons of the bridge. Colonel Nettleton's Boston stage was using the bridge in 1826. Charles Bell, Jeremiah Hubbard and Joel Nettleton were stage drivers in the early thirties and in 1836 Paran Stevens' stage was crossing. The toll-gatherer of the period from 1825 to 1836, one Colonel Brown, found time to record in the journal his com- ments on the weather and to mention events of interest. In the year 1825 there seems to have been a great drought. Among the toll-gatherer's repeated and sad observations on dry weather, smoky air and no rain, we find on August 12: ''Many fields Corn dried up and Cut up for Cattle." On September 23 he recorded: ''Mill Brook so low the Mills have stood still for 3 months." On October 7: "In many places in Mill Brook there is no water." But a "powerful" rain came on October 27, so that on October 29 he could record: "Rafts and Boats run on the Connecticut." Earlier in the same year, February 16, there was a "Convention for navigating the Vally of the Connecticut River," which, with the help of the October rain, may have caused the appearance of the rafts and boats. But historically the most interesting item of the year was noted on Tuesday, June 28, when " Marquis Fayette passed with his Suit." On September 14, 1826, there was a '' Muster at Cornish." On September 13, 1831, there was a "Wolf Hunt," followed the next day by " Calvenistick Convention." In 1849 the second bridge was lost by flood and that year a third bridge was contracted for. This bridge had but one pier and was a covered lattice bridge of the same type as the present, and stood until the night of March 3 and 4, 1866, when its turn came to be carried away. The contract for the erection of the present bridge, "to be constructed after the plan and in all respects equal to the late one built by Brown and others," bears date, April 3, 1866, and is signed by James F. Tasker of Cornish 216 HISTORY OF CORNISH. and Bela J. Fletcher of Claremont as builders, and on the part of the proprietors by Allen Wardner, Alfred Hall and Henry Wardner. The bridge was framed on the meadow to the north of Bridge Street in Windsor village and put in place before the end of the year. The length of the bridge is upwards of 470 feet, and each span about 220 feet between supports. Besides the names of members of the Chase and Hall families, some of the other familiar Cornish names to appear upon the bridge company's books are Davis, Wood, Balloch, Fitch and Weld. While toll-gates have never been popular institutions with the pubhc at large, it may fairly be said that this particular bridge company has served the public well and has furnished, at not unreasonable rates, adequate means of communication between Cornish and Windsor for about one hundred and thirteen years. During that period no part of the cost of building or maintain- ing any of the company's several bridges has fallen on the towns, counties or states. On the contrary the company has borne all of such costs and has been a large taxpayer in Cornish and Windsor besides. Of late there has been much talk of a free bridge and a good deal of claptrap has been written and spoken on the antiquated system of supporting bridges and roads by tolls. It is true that the system is old, but it is obviously fair; and the appeals for its abolition derive their greatest vitality from that instinct in human nature which desires to get some- thing for nothing. If Cornish, in having a toll-bridge, is old- fashioned and behind the times, her people can bear in mind that in New York City the great Brooklyn and Williamsburgh bridges are toll-bridges, that four toll-bridges cross the Ohio at Cincinnati, that the Mississippi is spanned by a toll-bridge at St. Louis and by another at Hannibal; that there is a toll-ferry across the Potomac at Washington, and that every one of the fourteen ferries from New York City to New Jersey is operated only for tolls and by private capital. H. S. Wardner. Blue Mountain Park. This is a large tract of land situated on either side of and including Croydon and Grantham mountains. It embraces portions of Croydon, Cornish, Plainfield, Grantham and Newport. It contains about 24,000 acres, being in size equivalent to a primitive township. The town of Croydon contributes a larger CORNISH BRIDGE— BLUE MOUNTAIN PARK. 217 MAP OF BLUE MOUNTAIN PARK Scale: percentage of its territory to the park than any other town, while Cornish contributes a strip along her entire eastern boundary amounting to about 2,800 acres. Before the park was established, the land all belonged to indi- vidual owners and consisted of a large number of upland farms, 218 HISTORY OF CORNISH. while higher up above them were timber lots belonging to indi- viduals generally more remote, who used their lots each year to obtain their supply of lumber. Mr. Austin Corbin, the prime promoter of the enterprise, conceived the idea of purchasing these farms and woodlands, and by fencing, converting them into a forest game preserve. He had become aware that the noble buffalo of the country were fast becoming extinct, and that other animals of note were about to share the same fate, which aroused him to the sublime project of preparing an asylum wherein a few at least of these valuable animals might be preserved from the avarice, cruelty and greed of man. It was perfectly charac- teristic of the man to do this. Few others would or could dare embark in an enterprise of such dimensions, but Mr. Corbin enjoyed the satisfaction a little later, of having it said that he had the largest and best appointed fenced game preserve in the United States. Under Mr. Corbin's direction, Mr. Sidney A. Stockwell began the purchase of the farms and timber lots in 1886. The pur- chases were completed sometime during the following year. A wire fence was erected enclosing the entire purchases excepting irregular portions of some farms that could not well be embraced within it. The length of the fence is a little less than thirty miles and it is about eleven feet high. The fence is strengthened at the base by a lining of wire netting, and also by iron stays midway between the wooden posts. A telephone wire passes around the entire length of, and above the fence, for the convenience and cooperation of those having the care of the park. An association was formed and incorporated in 1888, with Mr. Corbin at its head. In 1890 Mr. Corbin began to intro- duce game into the park. This at the first consisted of about thirty buffalo, one hundred and forty deer, embracing four varieties, thirty^five moose, one hundred and thirty-five elk, and fourteen wild boar, a few Himalayan goats and six antelope. All the game, but the moose, has done well, except during one severe winter, when there was a great loss among the elk and deer. Since that time they have been fed in winter by cutting browse for the deer and elk, and feeding the boar with corn. To avoid being overstocked, large numbers of the animals CORNISH BRIDGE— BLUE MOUNTAIN PARK. 219 have been sold to zoological parks and gardens and to other parties. At present (1908) there are about one hundred and sixty-five buffalo, five hundred deer, fifty elk, and four hundred to five hundred boar, also a few moose and red deer. A proprietary game club was started in 1899 with a lease of five years. The members, men from New York, Boston and Wash- ington, were allowed certain shooting privileges. The club was successful and they propose soon to start another. The sudden death of Mr. Corbin in 1896 very naturally effected a greater or less change in the management of the affairs of the park. This is especially shown in the sale and removal of im- mense quantities of lumber from it. This action on the part of the association possibly gives rise to emotions of regret among those who admire Nature as seen in the full-fledged forest. Nevertheless, the association maintain that their action is un- der the direction and sanction of the Forestry Bureau at Washington. The present directors (1908) are Mrs. H. M. Corbin, Mrs. Isabella C. Edgell, George S. Edgell, Austin Corbin, Jr., William E. Chandler, A. N. Parhn, Wilham Dunton and A. C. Cham- polUon. CHAPTER XVII. "City Folks" in Cornish. You have long called them the "City Folks" of "Little New York," these strangers who have bought land in Cornish. For a time the phrase "City Folks" set up a barrier that surely no right-hearted man could approve, whether he were from the country or from a town. But that antagonism is passing and the words, now too old to be displaced, carry with them only good-humored reference to the origin of the possessors. The coming of the "City Folks" began over a quarter of a century ago in as much to be expected a fashion as any immigra- tion could possibly have been conceived. Mr. William M. Evarts of New York married Miss Helen M. Wardner of Wind- sor, Vt., and eventually made his home in her town in 1843. Their oldest daughter, Miss Hettie Evarts, became the wife of a rising young New York lawyer, Mr. C. C. Beaman. So in 1884 it was quite natural that the young people should cross the river to Cornish, where they bought land of Mr. Chester Pike for a permanent country home, adding to their property from time to time until now the Beaman family owns almost two thousand acres hereabouts. Shortly after his arrival, Mr. Beaman, in turn, tendered what had been the William W. Mercer place, with its old brick house, "Huggins' Folly," to his New York friend, the sculptor, Mr. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. For the first few years the latter preferred to rent the land, but eventually in 1891 Mr. Beaman's offer to sell was accepted, and from then to the time of his death the sculptor spent untold energy in beautifying his home. Through these two men came all the others attracted to our town. During these early years it required a nine-hour train ride to reach Cornish from New York; and nine hours seemed infi- nitely further then than now. So, probably, despite the influence of the two "founders" the "colony" would have failed to make its beginning when it did had not the peace and dreamlike ripe- "CITY FOLKS" IN CORNISH. 221 ness of the hills, with their dark clumps of trees and their river winding south before the mountain, called strongly to these artists who desired a simple living. No country at a distance can compare with Cornish. No country near at hand can equal it. Go north toward Hanover^t is flat. Go east over the Corbin Game Preserve — it is covered with scrubby bushes. Go south toward Claremont — it is sandy, with a dearth of intimate detail. Go west behind Ascutney — the barren pas- tures are but scantily shaded by trees. Yet sadly enough through Residence of Mrs. C. C. Beaman. their very coming, the beauty of out-rolHng pasture slopes, dotted with round-topped maples and quartz out-crops, is begin- ning to lose its charm. For as the "City Folks" have bought the mowings and the pastures and have no longer tilled them or allowed stock to graze upon them, the land which they admired, through their own neglect, is rapidly reverting to that unshorn appearance from which they fled. Those who bought first were simple in their tastes. Mr. Saint-Gaudens worked upon his commissions in a dilapidated barn, hastily provided with a north light; Mr. George deForest 222 HISTORY OF CORNISH. Brush of New York, the painter, spent a summer in an Indian tepee at the foot of Mr. Saint-Gaudens' mowing, and later returned for several years to rent from Mr. Beaman the modest house on the old "Big Tree Farm" just over the Plainfield line, north of what was then Mr. John Freeman's property; while Mr. Thomas W. Dewing, another charming painter of New York, in 1885 bought a portion of the one-time Mercer farm from Mr. Beaman and lived there in the midst of a rambling Mrs. C. C. Beaman's Casino. Said to be the First Framed House Constructed in Cornish. confusion of small buildings. These were the original "City Folks." In 1889 came Mr. Dewing's great friend, the mural decorator, Mr. Henry Oliver Walker of New York, who bought land from Mr. Chester Pike on the Plainfield stage road. Mr. Walker's modest house, wholly hidden from the highway, is perched bird- like on the edge of a fascinating ravine. His recognition as an artist, which he gained for himself at about the time he painted his "Lyric Poetry" in the library of Congress, has continued in such other compositions as "The Pilgrims on the Mayflower," in the Massachusetts State House. 'CITY FOLKS" IN CORNISH. 223 Very shortly after Mr. Walker, came his intimate friend, Mr. Charles A. Piatt, who settled just south of him, also on some of the Chester Pike land. From his house Mr. Piatt may see the blue silhouette of Ascutney rising above his grove of tall pines, with such a singular composition of lines as to suggest Italy. During those early years Mr. Piatt was a landscape painter and an etcher. But later, when he took up the career of an architect, this view gave him his cue to decorate Cornish slopes with pseudo- " High Court," Residence of Mr. Norman Hapgood. Italian buildings and to crop the heads of our native white pines that they might pathetically imitate the fashion of the trees in southern Europe. In 1892 Mr. Piatt in turn brought his friend, Mr. Stephen Parrish of Philadelphia, who, strangely enough, has been the only man to build a house on the north slope of a hill, out of sight of the much-prized mountain, purchasing his property from Mr. S. A. Tracy. Mr. Parrish is a man who was able to take up painting at the age of thirty and make a success of it; for certainly success includes creating delicate landscape paintings mostly for one's own pleasure. 224 HISTORY OF CORNISH. At about this time, too, in 1890, Mr. Dewing's friend. Miss Emma Lazarus of New York, set up her home, "High Court," on the western edge of the Austin farm. While the next year Mr. Wilham C. Houston of Boston bought from Mr. Beaman what had been part of the WiUiams place, above the old Mercer mill, and Mr. Henry Prellwitz, a landscape painter from New York, and Mr. Arthur Whiting, a musician from the same city, took portions of the southern slope of Mr. Edward Bryant's land. Meantime, while these newcomers had followed in the foot- steps of Mr. Augustus Saint-Gaudens, the Beaman family in turn had brought their allotment, for Mr. Alfred Bullard of Roxbury, Mass., in 1886, leased Mr. Beaman's farm, "Chase- holme." Miss Charlotte Arnold and Mrs. Clendenen Graydon of New York began to rent "The Butternuts," formerly belong- ing to Mr. William Mercer, from Mr. Beaman. Mr. and Mrs. Eraser Campbell of New York since 1890 have occupied the cottage next to it, which belongs to the Beaman estate, and Mr. Frederick Todd and his family from Roxbury, Mass., in 1895 established themselves in a new house belonging to Mr. Beaman near at hand. Thus was formed the group of the first period of ten years, a sociable, unsophisticated group, whose chief entertainment centered in Mr. Beaman's Saturday night balls in his "Casino," an old building which he had moved to close by his residence. From 1895 on, however, the Cornish "Little New York" began to assume a more fashionable atmosphere, with somewhat pretentious elements creeping in, until close to 1907 when the "boom" reached its final height. Of course Cornish could never have attained the elaborate limits of the country around Lenox, Mass., or Dublin, N. H. Those regions are controlled by bankers or business men, who back their original purchases by large fortunes. While here, with scarcely an exception, most of the residents, after the fashion of artists, live to the extent of their incomes. It is strange, indeed, that this gen- uinely rich element has never crept in, yet such is the fact, with the exception of the late Dr. George Hayward of Boston, who in 1901 bought the old Eggleston place, just over the Plain- field line, and of Mr. Albion E. Lang of Toledo, Ohio, who in 1905 bought land of Mr. Frank J. Chadbourne, just north of Doctor Hayward's. Rather, the newcomers have given the CITY FOLKS" IN CORNISH. 225 region a literary turn which is supplanting the artistic one, for the only painters and sculptors here now are Mr. and Mrs. Kenyon Cox, Mr. Stephen Parrish, Mr. Henry C. Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Saint-Gaudens, Mr. WiUiam H. Hyde, Mrs. Homer Saint-Gaudens, with, across the Plainfield hne, Mr. Herbert Adams, Mr. Maxfield Parrish and Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Fuller, with a welcome summer transient or two such as Mr. James Wall Finn. Mr. and Mrs. Kenyon Cox of New York, in 1896 bought land "AspET," Residence of Mrs. Augustus Saint-Gaudens. from Mr. John Freeman and set up their house in a picturesque spot between woods and fields where the ground falls away toward a creek brawling beneath the antiquated dam of the one-time ''Freeman's Mill." Mr. Cox is a mm-al decorator of scholarly and earnest workmanship, a leading American in his craft. Perhaps the most popular of his canvases, and the one so fre- quently seen reproduced, is his painting of "Hope and Memory." In it is represented a tall dark-clad figure, whose step lingers as she turns her face backward to the visions of the past, sharply contrasted to the lightly garbed, joyous-faced companion whose 16 226 HISTORY OF CORNISH. hand she holds. Mrs. Louise Cox, the painter's wife, is best known by her intimate pictures of children. Mr. Louis Saint-Gaudens came directly through his brother, Mr. Augustus Saint-Gaudens, when in 1903 he bought a few acres of land from Mr, William E. Westgate. Shortly after this he purchased in Enfield, N. H., an old hip-roofed Shaker Meeting House, which he had moved to its present site and wherein he now lives. Mr. Saint-Gaudens has long been a sculptor of thorough and consistent work, in which he is greatly helped by his wife. Mr. William H. Hyde of New York bought the larger part of Mr. Dewing's place in 1905, since, unfortunately, the latter artist became disgruntled with Cornish at the end of that first period and, as he expressed it, "trekked North" in search of pastures "new" where picture hats would no longer spoil his keen enjoyment of unsophisticated landscape. Mr. Hyde is a portrait painter of some reputation in New York City. Mrs. Homer Saint-Gaudens, like Mrs. Fuller, is a miniature painter. Mrs. Saint-Gaudens and her husband lived for a time on a tiny lot of land purchased of Mrs. C. C. Beaman, just to the east of the home of Mr. Augustus Saint-Gaudens and are now established in the old home of Mr. Frank Johnson. Mr. Herbert Adams, Mr. Frederick Maxfield Parrish and Mr. and Mrs. Henry B. Fuller have not really resided to any extent in Cornish, though the town may well claim them as a part of the community. Mr. Adams came here through the influence of Mr. Augustus Saint-Gaudens, whose faithful admirer he has always been, following Mr. Brush at Mr. Beaman's "Big Tree Farm" in 1894, and remaining there until 1904, when he built upon some land which he had purchased from Mr. Elmer DeGoosh in Plainfield. Mr. Frederick Maxfield Parrish, son of Mr. Stephen Parrish, in 1898 bought land from Mr. Charles Wllhams and thereon erected for himself "The Oaks," his charming home. His delightful magazine illustrations and his recent decorations need no further mention here. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Brown Fuller of Boston built upon land which they had bought from Mr. Solomon Stone. Mr. Fuller has established himself as a painter of much poetic imagination, while Mrs. Fuller is generally accorded the position of the first miniature painter in America. The change of the center of interest of this peculiar community "CITY FOLKS" IN CORNISH. 227 from painting to literature, developed most naturally through two of its artists, Mr. Charles A. Piatt and Mr. Kenyon Cox. Mr. Piatt became interested by writing a book upon Italian Gardens, wherein he shows his perspicuity and good taste. But with Mr. Cox literature was a much more serious business. For besides being a decorator of recognized power, he has long proved his merit as an art critic, holding an established place on The Nation, and publishing occasional books. His thorough and learned essays combine an understanding of his subject "Harlakenden House," Residence of Winston Churchill. with an excellence of style that could only be equalled by one other man in the country, the late Mr. John LaFarge. Mr. Cox and Mr. Piatt then formed a connecting link between the older artists and the more recent apostles of writing for the sake of literature alone. The first of this latter class, Mr. Louis Evan Shipman, and Mr. Herbert D. Croly, both men of New York, came to Cornish in 1893. For that and the following summer they and their families hired the square, wooden, white-painted, century-old farmhouse set about with elm trees, then belonging to Mr. 228 HISTORY OF CORNISH. Frank L. Johnson, and now the home of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Saint-Gaudens. But at the end of that period they had become sufficiently enamored witli the beauties of the landscape to establish themselves permanently. Mr. Shipman in 1902 bought the John Gilkie farm in Plainfield. In the past he has staged, among other plays, "D'Arcy of the Guards," a comedy of delicious and healthy temper, and dramatizations of Mr. Winston Churchill's novel, "The Crisis." Mr. Croly, however, remained near to where he originally spent his summers, buying some pasture land in 1897 from Mr. Edward Bryant. There, with the help of Mr. Piatt, he set up his white dwelling among the tumbling hillocks and blue-green clusters of pine trees. And there he has spent the past seven years producing his most scholarly work on American sociology, called "The Promise of American Life." The next author to come to Cornish, brought by Mr. Shipman, was Mr. Winston Churchill of St. Louis. He decided to buy at once, and in 1898 purchased from Mr. Leonard Spaulding and Mr. John Freeman some five hundred acres of woodland and valley mowings. From here Mr. Churchill has taken close in- terest in local affairs, and written a large part of "The Crisis," '■The Crossing," "Coniston," and "A Modern Chronicle." After Mr. Churchill, there appeared in the vicinity a man laboring in quite a different department of the literary world, that of journalism, Mr. Norman Hapgood, biographer, and editorial writer of Collier^s Weekly, who purchased from Miss Emma Lazarus in 1902, "High Court," her dwelling designed by Mr. Piatt in the Italian manner and situated on the crest of one of the foothills that line the valley. Mr. Hapgood is well known for his unbiased and unprejudiced attacks on what seems bad in American politics and American customs. Following him came an author of still other literary tastes, the poet and chamatist, Mr. Percy MacKaye of New York, who in 1904 leased a little brown-colored house, "The Snuff Box," tucked into a corner of the estate of Admiral William M. Folger, who had bought his land from Mr. Charles Gilkie in 1898. Mr. MacKaye remained in "The Snuff Box" until 1906 when he rented what has been the old "Wells" house, now on the estate of the late Dr. George Hayward. Mr. MacKaye hopes some day to make this place his permanent dwelling. Mr. MacKaye displays a "CITY FOLKS" IN CORNISH. 229 fertile sense of poetry and wealth of imagination, which he devotes his days to expressing in dramatic form. His "Scare- crow" produced by Mr. Henry B. Harris, has been probably his most successful drama. Previous to this Mr. MacKaye has produced "Jean D'Arc," played by E. H. Sothern and Julia Marlowe; "Sappho and Phaon," performed by Bertha Kalish under the direction of Harrison Grey Fiske, and the comedy "Mater" also produced by this same manager. On the heels of Mr. MacKaye there arrived in "The Snuff Residence of Mr. C. A. Platt. Box" Mr. Langdon Mitchell of Philadelphia, a dramatist of established reputation, who had been living for a time in Mrs. Elizabeth Perkins' house in Windsor, Vt. Mr. Mitchell appeared before the public about ten years ago with his produc- tion of "Becky Sharpe," a dramatization of Thackeray's novel, "Vanity Fair." Others of Mr. Mitchell's best plays are his extraordinarily clever translation of "The Kreutzer Sonata," and a piece produced by Mrs. Fiske a few years ago known as "The New York Idea," a satire on divorce. A third dramatist in this community, Mr. Philip Littell, lived 230 HISTORY OF CORNISH. for four years in what is known as the Beaman "Turnpike House," where he finished a charming adaptation of William J. Locke's novel, "Simple Septimus," played for a time by Mr. George Arliss. Mr. Littell has returned tliis year to live in Mr. Church- ill's "Farm House." Two other writers of younger years remain, Miss Frances Duncan, an essayist on horticultural subjects who has installed herself in the old "Cherry Hill" farm leased from Mrs. C. C. Beaman; and myself. Finally, to complete the list of Cornish "City Folks," mention should be made of Mr. George Rublee of New York City, who in 1907 bought the Houston place; Misses Elizabeth and Frances Slade, who in 1903 built a house upon the pasture land purchased from Mr. William E. Westgate; the Misses Emily and Augusta Slade, who also in 1903 made their home upon land obtained from Mr. Lyman Bartlett; Miss Frances Arnold of New York, who has leased the old Mercer cottage from Mrs. Beaman; and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert ^C. Lakin of New York, who now live in "Chaseholme," belonging to Mrs. Beaman. So much for the actual Cornish colony. But there still remain a few others in Plainfield who are so closely connected with the "City Folks" in this town that their names should not be overlooked. They are Mr. William Howard Hart of New York, who in 1907 bought land of Mr. G. F. Lewin; Mrs. Geohegan, who built a house upon land once belonging to the Eggleston farm; Mr. and Mrs. John Elliott of Boston, who bought land from Mr. John DeGoosh and Mr. Walter Williams; Miss Edith Lawrence and Mrs. Grace Lawrence Taylor, who in 1899 went to live upon land purchased from Mr. William W. Taylor; Mrs. M. C. Davidge of New York, who purchased the "Old Kings- bury Tavern" just outside of Plainfield from Mr. Charles Empey; Miss M. E. Wood, who now occupies the "Big Tree Farm" which she leased from Mrs. Beaman in 1903; and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Treat Paine, now living in the E. S. Shinn house on the old Westgate farm. Such is the extent to which the "City Folks" have grown, adding by the money they have brought with them to the pros- perity of the community. Moreover, as time passes, it is pleas- ant to reaUze that a kindly spirit has sprung up between those CITY FOLKS" IN CORNISH. 231 who have bought in Cornish and those who have sold, a spirit which did not exist ten years ago. For though, since the begin- ning, a desire to be friendly has lain dormant in farmers and "City Folks," yet the difference of inherited ideas has made it hard for the two groups to recognize the good qualities in one another and to tolerate their quite unconscious stepping on one another's toes. This maturing friendship should be all the more prized, since despite the fact that ^'Little New York" has reached its growth, yet the persons who have come, unlike the ResideiNce of Dr. A. H. Nichols. residents in many other summer places, have come to stay. Year by year their dread of frozen water pipes, the lack of proper heating, or hired help has dwindled, and year by year the "City Folks" remain later in the fall and venture back earlier in the spring. Already there are eight of these men who vote in this town and who remain here for the greater part of the year. They are Mr. William E. Beaman, Mr. Winston Churchill, Mr. George Rublee, Mr. Stephen Parrish, Mr. Herbert D. Croly, Mr. Percy MacKaye, Mr. Louis Saint-Gaudens and myself. And, as time goes by, more of those who come and go, and who, 232 HISTORY OF CORNISH. therefore, are careless of the needs of the town, will join the ranks of those who stay and who are vitally anxious for the good of the community. The remaining shyness which exists in both groups will surely wear away in the near future. Many of the "City Folks" would be only too glad to lend their best efforts in town and school meetings or in the Grange, if they had the chance which they are somewhat too diffident to ask for. Many of those who have always been here, while glad to welcome the "City Folks" into their circles, dread risking the snub which they feel might follow the offer. And year by year the barriers are falHng. The fire of 1909 on the edge of Mr. James Bryant's pasture did infinitely more good than harm; for the burned portion was of small consequence, whereas the acquaintance bred by sitting all night in the rain together guarding the smouldering embers, taught both farmers and "City Folks" that men are just men. No one wishes another fire, yet when a few more good reasons have appeared to throw the "City Folks" in spite of themselves into the arms of those who belong here, the chang'e for the increased happiness of the town of Cornish would be immeasurable. Homer Saint-Gaudens. CHAPTER XVIII. Town Buildings— Soldiers' Monument — Libraries. Town Buildings. During the earlier years the town seemed to claim juris- diction over all the religious interests within its limits. The town built the houses of worship. The town employed the preachers to minister in them. The liabilities of the town included the settlement and support of the minister, as well as all church buildings and repairs on the same. At first there seemed to be no diversity of opinion regarding this matter. Church and state were "at one." A wonderful harmony existed, as nearly all of the early settlers were in habitual attendance upon divine worship. In process of time differences of opinion arose on doctrinal tenets. Then divisions followed. Loyalty to a common cause weakened. Each faction became more independent of the other. The town, too, gradually rehnquished her responsibility of the churches and separation between town and church authorities became final, and the church or churches became independent of all town action. The intelligent interpretation of the Constitution of the United States also contributed to this latter state of things. As the town had enjoyed the privilege of using the houses of worship for her pubhc business, under restrictions, the practice still continued. Oftentimes meetings for town business were called at dwelling houses, but ordinarily were "warned" to meet at the meeting houses. The meeting house "on the river," and later the old Congregational Church "on the hill" near the center of the town were the places where the town usually met for the transaction of its public business. A building especially for this purpose was much needed. The old Congregational house on the hill continued to be used by the town a few years after divine worship in it had ceased, but it was becoming unsuit- able even for that, and so about 1844 it was taken down. About 1840-41 the people of Cornish, as elsewhere, were stirred by a wave of religious enthusiasm. During this time 234 HISTORY OF CORNISH. TOWN BUILDINGS— SOLDIERS' MONUMENT— LIBRARIES. 235 the "Perfectionists" (which see) built a house of worship which after a few years became disused. At this opportune time the town purchased this building and suitably fitted it up for the use of the town. Since that time it has been used for the hold- ing of annual and other town meetings. All such meetings are now "warned" to meet at the "Town-House." Its location is nearly central, and is readily accessible, and is generally counted as suitable for the needs of the town. While the town was generally well satisfied with the town house as a place for a full meeting of the town, there existed a pressing need of a place to safely deposit the accumulating records, books, papers, etc., belonging to the town. With every change of town clerk these valuables were shifted to a new home, incurring more or less risk of damage and loss. A large safe was provided by the town for the most valuable portion of its documents; but this afforded only a partial solu- tion of the difficulty, as its capacity was insufficient for its requirements, and this cumbrous article had to migrate to the home of the newly elected clerk, there to remain until his suc- cessor was chosen. Then, again, a convenient room for the selectmen to meet in for the transaction of the town's business was much needed. It had been their custom from the first to meet at hotels or private dwelling houses for this purpose. Realizing this state of affairs the town felt justified in inserting in the warrant for town meeting March 9, 1886, the following article: "To see what sum of money, if any, the town will vote to raise and appropriate for the building of a suitable place for the safe keeping of the town-records agreeable to Chap- ter 74 of the General Laws." The article was favorably considered by the town at this meeting and it was then voted to raise the sum of $800 for the erection and finishing of a small brick building, containing all needful safety vaults, library cases, etc., with a commodious selectmen's room in front, with all necessary furnishings. Labor soon commenced, and during the season the building was made ready for occupancy. The records, books, etc., were then lodged there in safety. The safe, before named, also found a permanent resting place in the selectmen's room. This safe had been pur- chased for the town by virtue of a vote passed March 12, 1872, when the town voted to raise $300 for the purchase of a safe. 236 HISTORY OF CORNISH. It was bought of the American Steel Safe Co. for said sum. It may be of interest to record that while the safe stood in the store of Boynton Brothers (George H. Boynton being then town clerk) that an attempt was made by some burglars to force it open. They drilled through the outer door of the safe and attempted blowing it open with explosives, but fortune did not favor their designs so they abandoned the job and got nothing. An annex to the rear of the Record Building was made in 1895, at an expense of about $450, furnishing the only "lock-up" belong- ing to the town. Its chief use has been to accommodate certain moneyless traveling gentry, called tramps, with cheap lodgings, crackers and cheese moistened with "Adam's Ale," all at the expense of the town. Sometimes this institution receives its share of patronage, but has no constant boarders. Soldiers' Monument. The town warrant of February 22, 1889, for the meeting to be holden on March 12 following, contained the following article: "To see what action the town will take in relation to a soldiers' monument, and raise money therefor." The same article in substance had appeared in previous war- rants, but had been set aside through the indifference and oppo- sition of a majority of the town. A goodly number of the minority, however, were in hearty sympathy with the project, and were intent that something should be done. Prominent among these were Joseph B. Comings, Hiram A. Day and Wil- liam H. Sisson, — the latter a soldier of the Rebellion, and the other two, fathers who had each given to their country's cause, a son who had been buried in graves far from kindred and home. These men continued to agitate the subject, making investi- gation as to resources, etc., and received such measures of encouragement as to induce them to cause the above article to be again inserted in the warrant. At this meeting the article obtained a favorable hearing, and the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars was voted by the town for the purpose, and a com- mittee of three men w^as chosen to take the matter in charge, secure further pledges, obtain a suitable design, and make a TOWN BUILDINGS— SOLDIERS' MONUMENT— LIBRARIES. 237 contract for the construction and erection of the monument. The doings of this committee appear in their report in the town report of March 13, 1890, which is as follows: "Your committee appointed to raise funds and take charge of all things pertaining to a soldiers' monument, would report as follows: Having a sufficient sum pledged outside of the 'Soldiers' Aid Society' money, and the amount voted by the town which in our opinion warranted the making a contract, due, after receiving and carefully considering the proposals and designs of bronze, marble and granite companies, decided to accept the proposals of the Sunapee Granite Co. to erect a monument made of cut granite according to a design furnished by us, to be surmounted by a statue of a soldier at 'Parade Rest,' said statue to be cut from granite and to be six feet in height above base, model furnished by them. The name, com- pany and regiment of all the soldiers who died in 'The War of the Rebellion,' who were counted on the quota of the town, to be inscribed on the polished die, and a suitable inscription on the base, and contracted with said company to furnish the monument complete above the foundation for $900.00. The foundation was furnished by the committee, the labor and all expense of said foundation, except the cement used, were furnished by contribution. After considering the different places proposed for location, we decided to accept a plot of ground sixteen feet square and approaches thereto offered by the Baptist Church and Society in the south end of their park on Cornish Flat, and a lease was taken of said plot in the name of the town for ninety- nine years. "We would at this time acknowledge the obligations we are under to Hon. William M. Evarts of New York, who so gener- ously contributed toward the expense; and to C. C. Beaman, Esq., of New York, who so kindly furnished the design (except the statue), for the monument, and contributed largely towards the expense, and to both of them and their friends for their valuable advice and suggestions in regard to material, plans and location, and to the citizens generally who have given of their time and money so liberally, and helped your committee make the monument a success." 238 HISTORY OF CORNISH. Soldiers' Monument, Cornish Fk-vt. TOWN BUILDINGS— SOLDIERS' MONUMENT— LIBRARIES. 239 statement: The committee acknowledge the receipt of the following sums of money for the monument: From Town Treasurer $250 . 00 Soldiers' Aid Society 176 . 80 Hiram A. Day 100 . 00 Joseph B. Comings 100.00 Hon. Wm. M. Evarts 50 . 00 C. C. Beaman, Esq 50.00 Henry Gould 50 . 00 All other persons 1 12 . 25 Deficit afterwards voted by town 19.85 $908.90 Total expenses were: For monument $900 . 00 Cement for same 8 . 90 $908.90 William H. Sisson, ] Stephen A. Tracy, )■ Committee. Albert E. Wellman, J The monument stands in the south end of the park on Cornish Flat, placed due north and south, surmounted by statue facing south. On upper base, below the die is inscribed: "Erected by the town and grateful friends in memory of the sons of Cornish who fell in defense of the Union. "A. D. 1861-1865." Upon the four equal sides of the die of the monument the following names of soldiers are inscribed, who died in the service: NORTH side. Henry P. Blood, Co. E, 9th N. H. Inf. David K. Ripley, Co. I, 7th N. H. Inf. Edwin W. Downs, Co. E, 9th N. H. Inf. Luman B. Dudley, Co. G, 9th N. H. Inf. William S. Lewis, Co. I, 14th N. H. Inf. William Scott, Co. G, 7th N. H. Inf. Versal E. Burr, Co. I, 14th N. H. Inf. 240 HISTORY OF CORNISH. SOUTH SIDE. Marcellus Judkins, Co. G, 7th X. H. Inf. Charles F. Day, Co. E, 9th N. H. Inf. Charles Nevens, Co. G, 7th N. H. Inf. John Gilbert, Co. F, 3d N. H. Inf. Edmund B. Chadbourn, Co. G, 5th N. H. Inf. Ithiel J. White, Co. K, 9th N. H. Inf. James P. Wheeler, Co. L, 1st N. H. Cav. EAST SIDE. Col. Haldimand S. Putnam, Col. 7th N. H. Inf. George E. Tyler, Co. I, 2d N. H. Inf. Andrew P. Wright, Co. C, 7th N. H. Inf. William Wright, Co. I, 2d N. H. Inf. Hiram Stone, Co. I, 14th X. H. Inf. Sylvester Tasker, Co. I, 14th X. H. Inf. Alvah S. Rawson, Co. G, 6th X. H. Inf. WEST SIDE. Thomas B. Edminster, Co. I, 14th X^. H. Inf. Xorman D. Comings, Co. A, 16th X. H. Inf. James B. Kidder, Co. G, 1st X^. H. Cav. Asa M. Benway, Co. E, 1st Vt. Cav. Reuben T. Benway, Co. I, 14th X. H. Inf. Sidney C. Spaulding, Co. E, 9th X. H. Inf. Elbridge G. Beers, Co. K, 3d X. H. Inf. Libraries. The town has ever manifested a willingness to supply its inhabitants with what reading matter the times could afford. The churches invariably supplied their Sunday school libraries with religious reading, as far as their means would allow. Such libraries began their existence nearly coeval with religious service in the churches and have been maintained ever since as an important factor of church service. During a part of the thirties and until nearly the middle of the nineteenth century, a circulating library for adults called the ''Cornish Social Library," was maintained in town, much to the pleasure and edification of the people. The records of this TOWN BUILDINGS— SOLDIERS' MONUMENT— LIBRARIES. 241 library have not been found, and whatever of such there was, is doubtless lost. In 1861 a Sabbath school library association was formed on the Flat. It was especially to purchase and preserve religious books for adult reading for which there seemed to be a strong demand. The number of its volumes was about one hundred sixty. This association, with its original plan, was maintained twenty-five years, when all restrictions were removed, and its books were all donated to the church library and placed under the same restrictions as the juvenile Sunday school library of the Baptist Church. A law was passed by the Legislature of 1891, providing for the establishing of libraries in each of the towns of New Hampshire where they did not already exist. Section 23, chapter 8 on Free Public Libraries, Laws of 1891, is as follows: "The board is hereby authorized and directed to expend, upon the application of any town having no public library owned and controlled by the town, a sum, not exceeding one hundred dollars for books, for such town entitled to the benefits of these provisions, such books to be used by the town for the purpose of estabhshing a free public library and the commissioners shall select and purchase all books to be provided." The above board of commissioners consisted of four persons of the state appointed by the governor. No town was entitled to the benefit of the law until such town had accepted its provi- sions at a regularly called meeting of the town. The law also provided that a board of library trustees, three in number, should be elected by each town, one for three years, one for two years and one for one year, whose duties should be to provide for the care and circulation of the books and to judi- ciously expend all appropriations made for books. The law also required of each town making application for the library, an appropriation by such towai of a certain sum of money additional, to be expended for books and maintenance of the library. After the enactment of the law in 1891 the town appeared comparatively indifferent regarding it. An article, however, appeared in the town warrant of March 8, 1892, as follows: ''To see if the town will elect a board of library trustees, and appropri- 17 242 HISTORY OF CORNISH. The Stowell Free Library at Cornish Flat. A Gift to the Town from Hon. George H. Stowell. Erected 1910-11. TOWN BUILDINGS— SOLDIERS' MONUMENT— LIBRARIES. 243 ate the money necessary to receive the gift of one hundred dollars worth of books from the state." The article was postponed at this meeting, but it appeared again on the warrant of 1893. At this meeting the article shared the same fate as on the preceding year. At the meeting on March 13, 1894, the town voted to accept the proposition of the state agreeably to the foregoing law. Dur- ing this year the necessary money was raised ; the hundred dollars worth of books were received from the state, and the new free library began its life. It was thought best to divide the library for the convenience of its patrons, leaving half at the Flat and half nearer Windsor, with privilege of exchanging the same at any time. The library has been in successful operation ever since. During the season of 1909, Hon. Geo. H. Stowell of Claremont, who was a native of Cornish, made known his intentions of erect- ing a valuable library building in his native town and, when com- pleted, of presenting the same to the town under the name of "Stowell Free PubHc Library." Mr. Stowell's preference for a site for said building favored Cornish Flat, as it was the center of his activities when young. He is proposing to expend the sum of six thousand dollars on said building and its furniture. The town unanimously voted (March 8, 1910) to accept the proposed legacy, and to furnish a site whereon to build; and the work began in early spring and was carried on during the season, and, excepting the interior, was nearly completed before the close of the year 1910, the date this record closes. CHAPTER XIX. Miscellaneous — Climatic Extremes — Hotels — Stores — Centennial— Post Offices — -Town Reports — Indians — Shows — Ascutney Mountain — President's Visit — Old People's Association. climatic extremes. The Cold Winter of 1779-80. The winter of 1779-80 was the most severe that had ever been known in this country. It is said that the cold extended south so that Chesapeake Bay was covered with soHd ice from its head to the mouth of the Potomac. At AnnapoHs the ice was five to seven inches thick, so that loaded teams passed over it. Snow was so deep in all New England that nearly all roads were closed for several weeks. People traveled only on snow shoes. Travel had not been so much obstructed for forty years. — Boston Chronicle, Jan. 28, 1780. The Dark Day of 1780. The nineteenth day of May was remarkable for its uncommon darkness. The morning was cloudy, attended with a little rain. Between ten and eleven o'clock the darkness increased and began to assume the appearance of evening. Fowls went to roost, and cattle collected around the barnyards, as at the ap- proach of night. Before noon it became so dark as to be difficult to read without a candle; and lights were necessary at dinner and to transact the ordinary work of a family through the after- noon. The evening was enveloped in total darkness. The sky could not be distinguished from the ground. All these circum- stances caused much consternation throughout New England. A little before midnight the clouds began to separate and the vapors to disperse and some glimmerings of fight appeared. The next morning was cloudy but not unusually dark. The theory generally accepted as to the cause of this phe- nomenon was this: For several weeks previous there had been MISCELLANEOUS. 245 extensive fires in the woods, and the westerly Avinds had driven the smoke and cinders, with which the air was charged, all over this part of the country. On the morning of the nineteenth, the wind came in various directions but principally from the eastward, and brought with it a thick fog. These opposite currents meeting, stopped the progress of the clouds and formed several different strata of them. Owing to their number, breadth and density they became almost impervious to the light of the sun. The atmosphere was likewise filled with clouds of smoke and cinders, as well as wath vapors which gave it a dirty, yellowish hue. Pieces of burned leaves were continually falhng. The darkness extended throughout New England and was ob- served several leagues at sea. The traditions of this day have often been repeated within the memory of the writer, and these also state that the phe- nomenon gave rise to fears in the minds of many that the end of the world had come, and that these fears were not fully allayed until Nature had resumed her wonted appearance on the follow- ing day. The Year 1816. But few, if any, now living retain any remembrance of the year 1816. But the hardships of that year were by those immediately concerned forcibly impressed upon the succeeding generation. The year is designated as "the year without a summer." In New England it went by the phrase, "eighteen hundred and starve-to-death " and also as "the cold summer of 1816." It was phenomenal in every sense, being unlike any other year of modern, or even of any known ancient record. The sun's rays seemed to be destitute of heat, and all Nature was clad in a sable hue. Men and women became frightened and imagined the "fire in the sun" was being extinguished, and that the world was about to come to an end. Ministers took the phenomenon as a text for their sermons. The winter of 1815-16 was not unlike that of other years, and did not indicate the character of the weather that subsequently prevailed. January w^as mild, so much so that artificial heat was but little needed for comfort. This continued until near the middle of February, when a "cold snap" occurred, followed by more mild 246 HISTORY OF CORNISH. weather. There was nothing unusual in the climatic conditions of March. April was the first manifestation of this strange freak in tem- perature. The early days of April were warm and bright; but as the month drew to a close, the cold increased, until it ended in ice and snow with a very low temperature. May was a month of bitter disappointment to those Avho de- lighted in balmy days, opening spring and budding flowers. Almost every attempt of the husbandmen to start the usual crops, was attended by frosts and a blackened waste. Corn was killed, and the fields again made ready for a second planting; but the people's disappointment was complete when they found ice formed to the thickness of half an inch in the pools. June, usually the month of roses and other bloom, was this year a month of desolation. Frost and snow were common. A few intervening warm days permitted some crops to partially develop a growth, and then be followed by a frost or snow. Various kinds of fruit were nearly all destroyed. One day this month, snow fell to the depth of ten inches in New Hampshire and Vermont. Matters were beginning to assume a serious aspect. July was accompanied by frost and ice and it is said that those who celebrated the "glorious Fourth" found an al)undance of ice handy for immediate use on the next morning. This caused the good people to look grave. This month, Indian corn was finally destroyed in all but the most favored locations, and but a small quantity escaped. August came, and with it the expectation and hope that the cold weather would end, but in this they were disappointed. Ice formed even thicker than during the previous month and almost every green plant was frozen. The scanty corn was cut for fodder. The little that was ripened in sheltered localities and states was worth almost its weight in silver, and farmers were compelled to obtain corn grown in 1815 for seed used in the spring of 1817, at a cost of five dollars per bushel. The next month was ushered in, bright and warm, and for a week or two the almost frozen people began to thaw out. It was the mildest weather of the year, and just as the people got ready to appreciate it, the cold winds with Jack Frost came, MISCELLANEOUS. 247 and hardened and whitened everything in their path. On the sixteenth of September, ice formed one fourth of an '"''h tl,«^k, and winter clothing was In-ought forth and wrapped around shiv- ering humanity. By this time people had given up all hopes of *eeing flowers bloom or hearing the birds sing, and so they began to prepare for a hard winter. October kept up the marvelous record of its P.-leeeBsors^ Scarcely a day did the thermometer register higher than 30 degrees. November was also extremely cold. Sleighing was good nearly all the month, but when December came, he spell seemed broken, and, strange to say, this month was the mildest and most comfortable month of the year. As a matter of course, breadstuffs were the highest ever known and it was impossible to obtain many of the common vegetables at any price. The writer has often heard the circumstances of that year mentioned by those who experienced them, and therefore be- lieves the foregoing account is no exaggeration. Tornadoes or Cycloms—lS^l, ISiS. Cornish has been slightly visited by two, at least, of these troublesome events. The first one, in 1821 was *>« '^'^SJ; ^ f^ the most destructive generally. It seemed to t"™ "»'''; "^^ and west of Cornish, passing over the north part of the town n r southeast direction, striking Croydon Mountain^ Here destroyed nearly every tree on hundreds o ae e^ ^'^"'i27v the mountain, it finally spent its force about Wendell Haibor (now Sunapee) where it did considerable damage. The cyclone of 1848 was of less dimensions. It staited and followed nearly the same course as the °«-. --P";«^<^;;;. through "Dodge Hollow," overturnmg many trees and destroy ing one house w-ith disastrous results. (See Dodge Record.) Snow-Crust of 1862. During the winter of 1861-62 a large amount of snow fell, som^hat larger than usual. Slight thaws, followed by ree.mS ha in ISOO. llo led ;i quiet lifo in town, dividing his time bt^twetni tlu> duties of liis profession :md those of atiiieultural pursuits. He lived in C'ornisli near Windsor. \'erniont, where he ohtaininl eonsiderahle patronaii;e in his leiial business. He married I'amiee l">ana and b>' lier had four children. (,See his lie nea logy. "i He died February IS. KS")7. .Vlon/.o H. Williamson was born Oeeember '20, ISlo, in Wood- stoek. \'erniont. He studied law in (.'laremont with V. C Free- man. Ksq.. and was admitteil to the bar in KS;>7. He tirst prac- tii'ed law in Claremont a few years. He then eame to Cornish Flat wiiere he establishetl himself for about two years in the praetiee of his professiim. 'These years were 1848 and 1844. Not tinding the [\c\d as hu'rative and promising as he had hoped, and having rtH'eived an appointment as postmaster at dareniout, he returnt>d to Claremont where he spet\t the remainder of his life. Here he was ]H>st master, county solicitor, state senator, etc. He was a person o( good ability, a res[HH'table advocate, and ipiite a politician. Habits of intiMuperance somewhat iii- terfertnl with his business diu'ing his later years. He married Sarah Ann Ulakt> o( Bellows Falls. A'ermont. and had three children. He died March 19. 18t>0. VMward nimit'k Iviker was born in Merideit. April Jl, 18'J7. He a\ ailed himsi>lf of several years of study at Kimball Union Academy. He was a very successful teacher until he gave his attention to the study oi law. He read in Fntield and Concord and was admitted to the bar in Sullivan County in July. 1851. Soon after this he opened a law otlice on <.\>ri\ish Flat, where he continued in i>ractice until October. 18oo. when he removed to Claremont. where he spent the rest of his life. Soon after his settlemei\t in Cornish, !\e married. November 12, 1851. Klizabeth Ticknor of Plaintield. who after this was his life-long con\panion. They had no children. In social and legal standing, in pi\v>pering in his pix>fessiou. and in sivuring an ample com{ietence. he seemed to have made his life a success. He died February I. I8l>5. at the age of nearly sixty-eight. Puring his four years of practice at Cornish Flat, his business was I'ompar.atively light. 'Phis was due to several causes: a sparse popvdation; the dislike oi cases of litigation, by the LAWYERS— PHYSICIANS. 205 staid people of the town, and tlie habit of patronizing petty- justices on ordinary matters, thereby saving expense. These circumstances were not in harmony with the aspirations of the young, ambitious lawyer, so he decided to leave the town and go to Claremont, where his life record was chiefly made. Physicians. The following is a list of 'all the physicians who have practiced in town since its settlement. The list may not include a few, who, for a brief period, liave made a trial settlement and then left the town. Quacks of all kinds are excluded, but only men of principle and honor are included. Neither does the list include natives of Cornish, who having chosen the profession, have gone forth and made a name and fame elsewhere. The larger portion of those named have a family record in the genealogical department, to which the reader is referred for additional information. Repetition has been avoided as much as possible. Still, in order to do justice to each department, some repetition has been tolerated. ISAAC ALDEN. Dr. Isaac Alden for a few years was a practicing physician in Cornish and Plainfield, but was never prominent in his profes- sion. Of a modest and retiring disposition, he never won his way to great distinction. He was, withal, a man of many virtues, a safe counsellor and had many friends both in and outside of his profession. He was established as a physician in Orange and Chelsea, Vermont, before coming to town, but never acquired an extensive practice. As a lover of nature, he took great pleas- ure in farming and gardening pursuits, so that he, in his later years, gradually let his medical practice subside and gave his attention more to the cultivation of the soil. (See Alden Gen.) He was born February 11, 1770, and died August 25, 1845. 266 HISTORY OF CORNISH. DR. JOHN S. BLANCHARD. Dr. John S. Blanchard was born August 10, 1805, in Canaan, New Hampshire. He attended medical lectures at Dartmouth College, afterwards studying with Doctors Smith and Muzzey, the latter granting him his diploma. He located and first began to practice at Cornish Flat in 1829, immediately succeeding Dr. Aaron Pierce. He continued here in practice until about 1843 (?) when he removed to Meriden that his children might receive the benefit of the academy there. He still continued in practice at Meriden several years, as his health would permit, until his death in 1861. Of the old school of medicine, he was counted a successful practitioner, and well skilled in his profession. He was much interested in all educational enterprises, and assisted several young men to obtain an education. He was a kind and indulgent parent and very anxious that his children should always be under Christian influence. Politically he was a Democrat, and was postmaster while at the Flat. In 1832 he married Louisa Jackson of Cornish who survived him several years. (See Blanchard Gen.) ELIJAH BOARDMAN. Dr. Elijah Boardman graduated at Dartmouth College in 1818 and from the medical department in 1831. While pursuing his studies (he taught school many terms with excellent success, several of them being in Cornish) he formed pleasant associations that led him to choose it as his life home. He had previously studied medicine with Doctor Cole of Cornish, and later com- menced practicing in the same town. Doctor Boardman was a man of fine scholarly attainments, modest and reserved, con- scientious and distrustful of his own abilities, even though possessed of a mind richly stored with a knowledge of men and things. This lack of self-confidence probably was no aid to him in attaining those higher ranks of eminence in his profession to which he was justly entitled. But he had the full confi- dence of all who knew him and was reckoned a safe counsellor and an excellent family physician. He was a friend to every- LAWYERS— PHYSICIANS. 267 body and everybody was his friend. It was a common saying regarding him, that he was never heard to speak disparagingly of any one. He was born in Norwich, Vermont, July 24, 1794, and died in Cornish, January 27, 1880. (See Boardman Gen.) Dr. Elijah Boardman. JOSEPH CHAPMAN. Dr. Joseph Chapman is said to have been one of the first doctors in town. He was born in 1757, and died in 1810. Records concerning him are somewhat meager, but the tradi- tions preserved by his descendants evidence him as a man of influence and culture for those times. Of his medical equip- ment little can be gleaned, but his success in the profession is confirmed by the united testimony of his posterity. Being settled upon a large farm, it is to be inferred that farming supplemented the practice of his profession, and that in both branches of his calling he was successful. 268 HISTORY OF CORNISH. EBENEZER BREWER CHASE. Dr. E. Brewer Chase, son of Lebbeus Chase, was born Novem- ber 30, 1815. The preparation for his profession is not known, but he was accounted quite skillful in his profession, and had a fair share of patronage, especially in his neighborhood along the river. Although strictly moral, he possessed a spirit of inde- pendence that rendered him somewhat indifferent to the criti- cisms of others. This led him to be careless as to his speaking, manners and dress. These circumstances did not contribute to the popularity of which he was really deserving. He died Jan- uary 21, 1855. (See Lebbeus Chase Gen.) SOLOMON CHASE. Dr. Solomon Chase was born in Sutton, Massachusetts, Sep- tember 1, 1742. He left Sutton when of age, came to Walpole, New Hampshire, where he studied medicine and after receiving his diploma, practiced there until 1773 when he rejoined his rela- tives and settled in Cornish. He was the first physician known to settle in town; and his entire life was devoted to his profes- sion, unless we except an appointment as captain over a com- pany of militia, but in this case he soon changed the sword for the medical saddle-bags. During the Revolution, he received appointments from head- quarters and was made surgeon-general in the Continental Army for several years. Sometimes he had the charge of the sick and wounded of three regiments (another account says two brigades), which duties he faithfully rendered, reporting satisfactorily to Ms commanders. These commissions are matters of national history. On his return home he resumed his practice and so continued until extreme age. His descendants refer to him with pride and pleasure. He was, without doubt, a physician and surgeon that met every need the community required. He died November 1, 1828. (See Chase Gen.) STEPHEN COLE. Dr. Stephen Cole studied medicine with Drs. Roswell Leavitt of Cornish and E. E. Phelps of Windsor, Vermont, they granting him a license to practice. Afterwards he received an honorary LAWYERS— PHYSICIANS. 269 degree from Dartmouth College. After his preparation was complete he made his first trial settlement at Huntsburg, Ver- mont. This place he soon left, returning to Cornish in 1813, where he remained seventeen years, or until 1830. After leaving Cornish he continued practice, and finally settled in Peru, New York, where he died in 1876, at the advanced age of 89 years. While a resident of Cornish, he acquired a host of friends. He was accounted a physician of skill and judgment, and enjoyed a good patronage. (For family record, see Cole Gen.) ISAAC DOTON. Dr. Isaac Doton was born August 18, 1790. He studied medicine first with Dr. Asa Crosby of Sandwich; attended lectures at Hanover in 1814 and began practice in 1815. He set- tled in several places; came to Cornish in 1839 and remained here four years. Leaving town in 1843, he settled in Bradford, New Hampshire, and Lowell, Massachusetts, and Manchester, New Hampshire, where he died August 18, 1865. He was a physician commanding the respect and confidence of the people of Cornish, and had a good practice while here. (See Doton Gen.) NAHUM PARKER FOSTER. The introduction of this noble man into Cornish was brought about by his accepting a call to preach in the Baptist Church in 1843. He came as a candidate for the ministry and was ordained on the Flat, May 29, 1844. His medical training had been previously obtained, and also consid- erable practice. He had attended lectures at Dartmouth College, and from it received his diploma in 1834. During the entire time of his pastorate in town he was also actively engaged in medical i3ractice, — "healing the bodies as well as the souls of his fellowmen." This, of course, gave rise to some criticism resulting in diverse opinions, but Doctor Foster was a man of uncommon gifts, and seemed able to be a master in both branches of his calling. As a preacher he was eloquent and entertaining. As a doctor of medicine he seemed not a whit behind his fellows. He had many warm friends and admirers in both professions, and among the general public. His pastorate in town as also his medical practice ended in 1855, when he left for other fields of labor, chiefly in Massachusetts and Connecticut. 270 HISTORY OF CORNISH. Near the close of his Hfe he made an extensive tour of Egypt and Palestine. On his return he gave many addresses relating to those countries. He was born February 10, 1814, and died in New London, Connecticut, May 6, 1876. LYMAN HALL. Dr. Lyman Hall was born in Croydon, December 9, 1805^ and died in Cornish, May 24, 1862. He studied medicine and Dr. Lyman Hall. graduated from the medical department of Dartmouth College in 1832. After two brief settlements, first at Mt. Desert, Maine, and also at Blue Hill, Maine, he came to Cornish in November,^ 1844, and spent the rest of his hfe here. As a physician, he had a good practice, was always genial and mirthful and therefore beloved and highly respected. As a citizen he was well informed, reliable and ranked well among his townsmen. He took much interest in the schools of the town and was repeatedly chosen as school superintendent. At his decease a far-reaching community mourned his loss. (See Hall Gen.) LAWYERS— PHYSICIANS. 271 GEORGE W. HUNT. Dr. George W. Hunt had the honor of rendering the longest term of service in town of any of his profession. For nearly forty-five years he was the "beloved physician" of Cornish and adjacent towns. He came to town in August, 1862, and his public services ended with his death, March 3, 1907. Doctor Hunt was born in Georgia, Vermont, May 20, 1828. He was Dr. George W. Hunt. a graduate of Castleton Medical College. Afterwards, in 1868, he received the honorary degree of M. D. from Dartmouth Col- lege. He enjoyed a fine standing, not only among his fellow physicians, but among all classes of society to whom he ren- dered professional services. His skill was acknowledged by all and, to a large extent, he enjoyed the confidence and re- spect of the community. He had been in town but a few months when he decided to make it his life-home, and built for himself a fine residence on the Flat. He contributed much to the social and intellectual status of 272 HISTORY OF CORNISH. the town. Deeply interested in all educational subjects, he has been superintendent of schools and a zealous promoter of all up-to-date methods. He was a man of broad views, large under- standing and intensely optimistic in all his beliefs. As a politi- cian, he was a Republican, and as such represented the town in the Legislature of 1880. (See Hunt Gen.) HENRY KETCHUM. Dr. Henry Ketchum came to Cornish Flat in 1899 and stayed about two years, and then settled elsewhere. He appeared to be well skilled in his profession, but lack of patronage, and the loss of his only child, apparently discouraged his remaining longer in town. ROSWELL LEAVITT. Just previous to the opening of the nineteenth century-, in 1799, Doctor Leavitt with his young and accomplished bride came from Residence of D. J. Spaulding. Built by Dr. Roswell Leavitt, 1804-05. Charlemont, Massachusetts, to Cornish. They both came on horseback. Here they had purposed to establish their home, but the reason of their choice is not now known. The prepara- tion for his life-work, too, is not found on record, but he came to LAWYERS— PHYSICIANS 273 Cornish thoroughly equipped to take liigh rank among those of his profession. He soon found himself in the midst of a lucrative practice, and enjoying the society of many friends. Prosperity seemed to attend him and his good wife who contributed not a little to his good fortune. He built the capacious and imposing brick house near the Flat, now (1908) owned and occupied by Darwin J. Spaulding — but earthly good fortunes are liable to reverses and so with Doctor Leavitt. A severe fit of sickness nearly wrecked him. Occasional fits of insanity seized him, and in one of these he terminated his heretofore useful life by hanging himself while yet in the prime of life, at the age of forty-two years and ten months. He left an enviable name, a host of friends and a posterity who have taken high rank. (See family record.) C. W. MANCHESTER. Dr. Constant Wood Manchester was the son of Dr. John and Susan (Wood) Manchester. He was born in Plainfield, New Hampshire, April 20, 1831. When a small boy, his father moved to Morristown, Vermont. He lived there a few years, then moved to Royalton, Vermont, where he grew to manhood. Choosing the medical profession, he studied medicine with his father, also with Dr. H. H. Whitcomb of the same town. He attended lectures at Dartmouth Medical College, also at Bur- lington, Vermont, where in June, 1858, he graduated. In August of the same year he commenced the practice of medicine at Cornish Flat. He lived there until August, 1860, then moved to Meriden, where he successfully practiced his profession until February, 1874. He then moved to Lebanon, where he resided and practiced until he died August 4, 1892. While residing in Cornish in May, 1859, he married Miss Amelia Chamberlain of Royalton, Vermont. In March, 1861, a son was born to them, an only child, Dr. Frank Constant Manchester, now a prac- ticing physician in Grafton, New Hampshire. AARON PIERCE. Dr. Aaron Pierce was born in Barnard, Vermont, November 23, 1787. Choosing the medical profession attended lectures at Dartmouth College, where he obtained his diploma. After com- pleting his course he married Sarah Hough of Lebanon. He 19 274 HISTORY OF CORNISH. chose Cornish as his first field of labor. So with his new bride he settled on Cornish Flat in 1819. He remained here ten years or until 1829, when he left town, and was succeeded by Dr. John S. Blanchard. While here Doctor Pierce was adjudged a good family physician, and won the confidence and good will of the people in a large degree. For reasons unknown to the writer, Doctor Pierce saw fit to close his services here and go to other fields of labor. He established himself first at Weathersfield, then at Irasburg, and finally at Barton, Vermont. In this latter place he lost his wife, Sarah, in 1842, and in 1844 he married Mary Billings of Lebanon who survived him nearly twenty years. Doctor Pierce was tall and of commanding presence, with strong convictions and forceful manners. It is said that after leaving Cornish he was licensed to preach, which he did with great success in connection with his medical practice. He died in Barton, Vermont, June 1, 1860. (See Pierce Gen.) S. T. SHAW. Dr. S. T. Shaw came to town from Claremont and settled on a farm for a few years, dividing his attention between his pro- fession and his farm. He was accounted a fair practitioner and had a measure of success. NATHAN SMITH. The record of Doctor Smith sounds like a romance. Fortune, coupled with Ms own exertions, seemed to open to him paths that led to distinction and renown. How well he walked them, the results of his life-work show. While Rehoboth, Massachusetts, may claim the honor of his birth, Cornish claims the honor of discovering his worth. He never left the plow until twenty-eight years of age. He then began laying the foundation for his future usefulness. After four years of initiatory practice in Cornish as one of the best of physicians, his record, as copied from Dartmouth College records, is as follows: "Nathan Smith, M. B. Harvard, 1790; A. M. 1798; M. D. 1801; also Harvard, 1811. B. 13 Sept., 1762, Rehoboth, Mass. Prof. Theos. and Pract. Med., 1798-1813; also Anat. and Surg. 1798-1810; Prof. Theos. and Pract. Med. , Surg, and Obst., Yale, 1813-29. Prof. LAWYERS— PHYSICIANS. 275 Theos. and Pract. Med., Bowdoin, 1820-25. Lecturer, Med. and Surg., Univ. of Vt., 1822-25. D. 26 July, 1828, New Haven, Conn." The savor and influence of Doctor Smith's career were entailed upon his descendants and inspired them for like exalted positions in life. (See his genealogy; also the records of his two eldest sons and their children.) Dr. Nathan Smith. ROBERT THORNBURGH. Dr. Robert Thornburgh was born in New York City and studied medicine there. This was supplemented by attending several courses of lectures at Dartmouth Medical College, so that he acquired a thorough fitting for his work. He opened an office on the Flat where he practiced about two years with 276 HISTORY OF CORNISH. excellent success. Receiving an appointment from the govern- ment as a surgeon in the United States' employ, he left Cornish and has been stationed in the Marine Hospital at Manila, P. I. EBENEZER WRIGHT. But little is now known of Dr. Ebenezer Wright. He married a daughter of the Rev. James Wellman in 1781. He lived near the Cornish line in Plainfield and practiced in both towns. Tradition speaks of him as a well-qualified and successful physi- cian. He died October 28, 1798. (See Wellman Gen.) CHAPTER XXI. Sketches of Cornish Men. "Lives of great men all remind us We can make our lives sublime, And departing, leave behind us Footprints on the sands of time." CHARLES C. BEAMAN, ESQ. Few men, not natives of Cornish, have seemed more interested in its affairs, and have won the love and respect of their townsmen more than did Charles C. Beaman, Esq. He was a la's\yer by profession and practice, and as such first settled in New York City. He had become associated with the eminent Wm. M. Evarts of the same city, whose summer home was at Windsor, Vt. In his association -with this family, Mr. Beaman had become enamored, not only with the cultured and winsome daughter of Mr. Evarts, but also with the beautiful lands lying over the river in Cornish nearly opposite the village of Windsor. Here he deter- mined to locate a summer home, and to this end he purchased extensively. He revived and adopted " Blow-me-down " as the name of his new estate. Here he built in 1883 the present delight- ful residence, since occupied in summer by himself and family. During his residence in Cornish he ever had a keen eye to sub- stantial material improvements. It was through his efforts that "Hillside Creamer}^," since such a boon to many farmers, was started and carried to complete success. The arched stone bridge over Blow-me-dowm Brook on his estate, one of the finest stone structures in town, stands as a monument to the enterprise and benevolence of Messrs. Beaman and Evarts, the town, however, paying the cost of a wooden bridge. Near the bridge he erected a dam and grist-mill for the use of the general public. His benevolence embraced liberal sums for the improvement of highways in town, — for the erection of the schoolhouse in Division 10, for the beautiful Soldiers' Monument at the Flat, 278 HISTORY OF CORNISH. beside numerous other gifts, as no worthy cause ever appealed to him in vain. As a final gift, he bequeathed a thousand dollars, the interest of which is to be expended for the erection and main- tenance of guide-boards in town. The love and interest ]\Ir. Beaman had for his adopted town was contagious among his numerous friends of the city. As they visited him and his family in their Cornish home, they saw the charms of the locality — the beautiful river, the mountain view, the verdant meadows, the wood-crowned heights, the pure air and gushing springs of water. Several of these friends were induced to follow Mr. Beaman's example, and came and purchased, not primitive land, but estates that had been occupied and improved since the first settle- ment of the to-^Ti. (A more extended account of these modern settlers in town is given elsewhere. See, also, Beaman Gen.) To Mr. Beaman, therefore, belongs the honor of being the pioneer and promoter in this movement which has effected so great a change in the social status of the to"^\Ti. As was his usual custom he retired in the fall of 1900 to his city home for the winter, where he was taken sick with pneumonia and on the fifteenth day of December follo\\"ing he passed away from earth. Judge Henry E. Howland of New York, a dear friend of ]Mr. Beaman, bestowed upon him the following tribute: "Nature casts men in various forms, but rarely does she give to the world a more thoroughly finished product than Charles C. Beaman, for there were combined in him all those qualities that command the respect and win the love of men — strength and gentleness, marked abihty, a high sense of duty, kindly thoughtfulness for others, geniality of temper, brilliant wit, and unfailing generosity. With these, he won his way to distinction in a community where there is no royal road to success, and where rivalry is fierce and unceasing." The incidents in his career are like a finished romance. It is a story which every father can place before his boys and ask no better of them than to copy it. It is said that genius consists in seizing upon opportunity, and his career justifies the assertion. After graduating at Harvard in 1861, where he made a marked impression, he entered the Harvard Law School and in 1865 was awarded the first prize for his essay on the "Rights and Duties V Xv \ rA\- ^^ ^ ^-:-^.e; tV> ^