^ Biographical History OF DARKE COUNTY OHIO Compendium of National Biography ILLUSTRATED CHICAGO The Lewis Publishing Company 1900 \ Xi^ Biography is the only true History.— Emerson. A people that take no pride in the noble achievements of remote ancestors will never achieve anything worthy to be remembered with pride by remote generations. — Mac a ulay. * . ■ H 1 ^^W^^WW^"^ WW^i' GENERAL INDEX. Table of Contents, 3 Introductory, 11 Compendium of National Biography, - 13 Compendium of Local Biography, - 223 INDEX TO FART I, Compendium of National Biography. Biographical Sketches of National Celebrities. PAGE Abbott, Lyman 144 Adams, Charles Kendall 143 Adams, John. 25 Adams, John Quincy 61 Agassiz, Louis J. R 137 Alger, Russell A 173 Allison, William B..., 131 Allston, Washington..'. 190 Altgeld, John Peter 140 Andrews, Elisha B 184 Anthony, Susan B 62 Armour, Philip D 62 Arnold, Benedict 84 Arthur, Chester Allen 168 Astor, John Jacob 139 Audubon, John James 166 Bailey, James Montgomery. . . 177 Bancroft, George 74 Barnard, Frederick A. P 179 Barnum, Phineas T 41 Barrett, Lawrence 156 Barton, Clara 209 Bayard, Thomas Francis 200 Beard, William H 196 Beauregard, Pierre G. T 203 Beecher, Henry Ward 26 Bell, Alexander Graham 96 Bennett, James Gordon 206 Benton, Thomas Hart 53 Bergh, Henry 160 Bierstadt, Albert 197 Billings, Josh 166 Blaine, James Gillespie 22 Bland, Richard Parks 106 PAGE Boone, Daniel 36 Booth, Edwin 51 Booth, Junius Brutus 177 Brice, Calvin S 181 Brooks, Phillips 130 Brown, John 51 Brown, Charles Farrar 91 Brush, Charles Francis 153 Bryan, William Jennings 158 Bryant, William Cullen 44 Buchanan, Franklin 105 Buchanan, James 128 Buckner, Simon Bolivar 188 Burdette, Robert J 103 Burr, Aaron Ill Butler, Benjamin Franklin.. . . 24 Calhoun, John Caldwell 23 Cameron, James Donald 141 Cameron, Simon 141 Cammack, Addison 197 Campbell, Alexander 180 Carlisle, John G 133 Carnegie, Andrew 73 Carpenter, Matthew Hale 178 Carson, Christopher (Kit) 86 Cass, Lewis 110 Chase, Salmon Portland 65 Childs, George W 83 Choate, Rufus 207 Claflin, Horace Brigham 107 Clay, Henry 21 Clemens, Samuel Langhorne.. 86 Cleveland, Grover 174 Clews,* Henry 153 PAGE Clinton, DeWitt 110 Colfax, Schuyler 139 Conkling, Alfred 32 Conkhng, Roscoe 32 Cooley, Thomas Mclntyre. . . . 140 Cooper, James Fenimore 58 Cooper, Peter 37 Copely, John Singleton 191 Corbin, Austin 205 Corcoran, W.W 196 Cornell, Ezra 161 Cramp, William 189 Crockett, David 76 Cullom, Shelby Moore 116 Curtis, George William 144 Cushman, Charlotte 107 Custer, George A 95 Dana, Charles A 88 " Danbury News Man " 177 Davenport, Fanny 106 Davis, Jefferson 24 Debs, Eugene V 132 Decatur, Stephen 101 Deering, William 198 Depew, Chauncey Mitchell.... 209 Dickinson, Anna 103 Dickinson, Don M 139 Dingley, Nelson, Jr 215 Donnelly, Ignatius 161 Douglas, Stephen Arnold 53 Douglass, Frederick 43 Dow, Neal 108 Draper, John William 184 TABLE OF CONTENTS—PART I. PAGE Drexel, Anthony Joseph 124 Dupont, Henry 198 Edison, Thomas Alva 55 Edmunds, George F 201 Ellsworth, Oliver 168 Emerson, Ralph Waldo 57 Ericsson, John 127 Evarts, William Maxwell 89 Farragut, David Glascoe 80 Field, Cyrus West 173 Field, David Dudley 126 Field, Marshall 59 Field, Stephen Johnson 216 Fillmore, Millard 113 Foote, Andrew Hull 176 Foraker, Joseph B 143 Forrest, Edwin 92 Franklin, Benjamin 18 Fremont, John Charles 29 Fuller, Melville Weston 168 Fulton, Robert 62 Gage, Lyman J 71 Gallatin, Albert 112 Garfield, James A 163 Garrett, John Work 200 Garrison, William Lloyd 50 Gates, Horatio 70 Gatling, Richard Jordan 116 ( Jeorge, Henry _ 203 Gibbons, Cardinal James 209 Gilmore, Patrick Sarsfield 77 Girard, Stephen 137 Gough, John B 131 Goutd, Jay 52 Gordon, John B 215 Grant, Ulysses S 155 Gray, Asa 88 Gray, Elisha 149 Greeley, Adolphus W 142 Greeley, Horace 20 Greene, Nathaniel 69 Gresham, Walter Quintin 183 Hale, Edward Everett 79 Hall, Charles Francis 167 Hamilton, Alexander 31 Hamlin, Hannibal 214 Hampton, Wade 192 Hancock, Winfield Scott 146 Hanna, Marcus Alonzo 169 Harris, Isham G 214 Harrison, William Henry 87 Harrison, Benjamin 182 Harvard, John 129 Havemeyer, John Craig 182 Hawthorne, Nathaniel 135 Hayes, Rutherford Birchard. . . 157 Hendricks, Thomas Andrew. . 212 Henry, Joseph 105 Henrv, Patrick 83 Hill, David Bennett 90 Hobart, Garrett A 213 Holmes, Oliver Wendell 206 Hooker, Joseph 52 Howe, Elias 130 Howells, William Dean 104 PAGE Houston, Sam 120 Hughes, Archbishop John 157 Hughitt, Marvin 159 Hull, Isaac 169 Huntington, Collis Potter 94 Ingalls, John James 114 Ingersoll, Robert G 85 Irving, Washington 33 Jackson, Andrew 71 Jackson, " Stonewall " 67 Jackson, Thomas Jonathan 67 Jay, John 39 Jefferson, Joseph 47 Jefferson, Thomas 34 Johnson, Andrew 145 Johnson, Eastman 202 Johnston, Joseph Eccleston... . 85 Jones, James K 171 Jones, John Paul 97 Jones, Samuel Porter 115 Kane, Elisha Kent 125 Kearney, Philip 210 Kenton, Simon 188 Knox, John Jay 134 Lamar, Lucius Q. C 201 Landon, Melville D 109 Lee, Robert Edward 38 Lewis, Charles B 193 Lincoln, Abraham 135 Livermore, Mary Ashton 131 Locke, David Ross 172 Logan, John A 26 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth 37 Longstreet, James 56 Lowell, James Russell 104 Mackay, John William 148 Madison, lames 42 Marshall, John 156 Mather, Cotton 164 Mather, Increase 163 Maxim, Hiram S 194 McClellan, George Brinton.. . . 47 McCormick, Cyrus Hall 172 McDonough, Com. Thomas.. . 167 McKinley, William 217 Meade, George Gordon 75 Medill, Joseph 159 Miles, Nelson A 176 Miller, Cincinnatus Heine 218 Miller, Joaquin 218 Mills, Roger Quarles 211 Monroe, James 54 Moody, Dwight L 207 Moran, Thomas 98 Morgan, John Pierpont 208 Morgan, John T 216 Morris, Robert 165 Morse, Samuel F. B 124 Morton, Levi P 142 Morton, Oliver Perry 215 Motley, John Lathro'p 130 "Nye, Bill" 59 Nye, Edgar Wilson 59 PAGE O'Conor, Charles 187 Olney, Richard 133 Paine, Thomas 147 Palmer, John M 195 Parkhurst, Charles Henry 160 "Partington, Mrs." 202 Peabody, George 170 Peck, George W 187 Peffer, William A 164 Perkins, Eli 109 Perry, Oliver Hazard 97 Phillips, Wendell.. 30 Pierce, Franklin 122 Pingree, Hazen S 212 Plant, Henry B 192 Poe, Edgar Allen 69 Polk, James Knox 102 Porter, David Dixon 68 Porter, Noah 93 Prentice, George Denison.. . . 119 Prescott, William Hickling.... 96 Pullman, George Mortimer. . .. 121 Quad, M 193 Quay MatthewS 171 Randolph, Edmund 136 Read, Thomas Buchanan 132 Reed, Thomas Brackett 208 Reid, Whitelaw 149 Roach, John 190 Rockefeller, John Davison.... 195 Root, George Frederick 218 Rothermel, Peter F 113 Rutledge, John 57 Sage, Russell 211 Schofield, John McAllister 199 Schurz, Carl 201 Scott, Thomas Alexander 204 Scott, Winfield 79 Seward, William Henry 44 Sharon, William 165 Shaw, Henry W 166 Sheridan, Phillip Henry 40 Sherman, Charles R 87 Sherman, John 86 Shillaber, Benjamin Penhallow 202 Sherman, William Tecumseh.. 30 Smith, Edmund Kirby 114 Sousa, John Philip 60 Spreckels, Claus 159 Stanford, Leland 101 Stanton, Edwin McMasters... 179 Stanton, Elizabeth Cady 126 Stephens, Alexander Hamilton 32 Stephenson, Adlai Ewing. .. . 141 Stewart, Alexander T 58 Stewart, William Morris 213 Stowe, Harriet Elizabeth Beecher 66 Stuart, James E. B 122 Sumner, Charles 34 Talmage, Thomas DeWitt. ... 60 Taney, Roger Brooke 129 Taylor, Zachary 108 Teller, Henrv M 127 TABLE OF CONTENTS— PART I. PAGE Tesla, Nikola 193 Thomas, George H 73 Thomas, Theodore 1 72 Thurman, Allen G 90 Thurston, John M 166 Tilden, Samuel J 48 Tillman, Benjamin Ryan 119 Toombs, Robert 205 " Twain, Mark " 86 Tyler, John 93 Van Buren, Martin 78 Yanderbilt, Cornelius 35 Vail, Alfred 154 Vest, George Graham 214 PAGE Vilas, William Freeman 140 Voorhees, Daniel Wolsey 95 Waite, Morrison Remich 125 Wallace, Lewis 199 Wallack, Lester 121 Wallack, John Lester. 121 Wanamaker, John 89 Ward, "Artemus " 91 Washburne, Elihu Benjamin. . 189 Washington, George 17 Watson, Thomas E 178 Watterson, Henry 76 Weaver, James B 123 Webster, Daniel 19 PAGE Webster, Noah 49 Weed, Thurlow 91 West, Benjamin 115 Whipple, Henry Benjamin. . . . 161 White, Stephen V 162 Whitefield, George 150 Whitman, Walt 197 Whitney, Eli 120 Whitney, William Collins 92 Whittier, John Greenleaf 67 Willard, Frances E 133 Wilson, William L 180 Winchell, Alexander 175 Wmdom, William 138 PORTRAITS OF NATIONAL CELEBRITIES. PAGE Alsrer, Russell A 16 Allison, William B 99 Anthony, Susan B 63 Armour, Philip D 151 Arthur, Chester A 81 Barnum, Phineas T 117 Beecher, Henry Ward 27 Blaine, James G 151 Booth, Edwin 63 Bryan, Wm. J 63 Bryant, William Cullen 185 Buchanan, James 81 Buckner, Simon B 16 Butler Benjamin F 151 Carlisle, John G 151 Chase, Salmon P 16 Childs, George W 99 Clay, Henry 81 Cleveland, Grover 45 Cooper, Peter 99 Dana, Charles A 151 Depew.Chauncey M 117 Douglass, Fred 63 Emerson, Ralph Waldo 27 Evarts, William M 99 Farragut, Com. D. G 185 Field, Cyrus W 63 PAGE Field, Marshall... 117 Franklin, Benjamin 63 Fremont, Gen. John C 16 Gage, Lyman J 151 Garfield, James A 45 Garrison, William Lloyd 63 George, Henry 117 Gould, Jay 99 Grant, Gen. U. S 185 Greeley, Horace 81 Hampton, Wade 16 Hancock, Gen. Winfield S 185 Hanna, Mark A 117 Harrison, Benjamin 81 Hayes, R. B 45 Hendricks, Thomas A 81 Holmes, Oliver W 151 Hooker, Gen. Joseph 16 Ingersoll, Robert G 117 Irving, Washington 27 Jackson, Andrew 45 Jefferson, Thomas 45 Johnston, Gen. J. E 16 Lee, Gen. Robert E 185 Lincoln, Abraham 81 Logan, Gen. lohn A 16 Longfellow, Henry W 185 PAGE Longstreet, Gen. James 16 Lowell, James Russell 27 McKinley, William 45 Morse, S. F. B 185 Phillips, Wendell 27 Porter, Com. D. D 185 Pullman, George M 117 Quay, M. S 99 Reed, Thomas B 151 Sage, Russell 117 Scott, Gen. Winfield 185 Seward, William H 45 Sherman, John 99 Sherman, Gen. W. T 151 Stanton, Elizabeth Cady 27 Stowe, Harriet Beecher 27 Sumner, Charles 45 Talmage, T. De Witt 63 Teller, Henry M 99 Thurman, Allen G 81 Tilden, Samuel J 117 Van Buren, Martin 81 Vanderbilt, Commodore 99 Webster, Daniel 27 Whittier, John G 2^ Washington, George 45 Watterson, Henry 63 ^Tfc#»^-^^*Sr*TH)?»^^ * * * * * * * \ COMPENDIUM 1 OF- -a " & ^ v H-s- ^V LOCAL BIOGRAPHY *&* -*-* 4-SJ- ^\ *> 4 4 * 4 * 4 FART II. Biographical Compendium of Darke County. PAGE Adams, George 225 Albright, Daniel T 243 Albright, Johnson K 4^1 Albright, Peter 454 Albright, Philip 242 Alexandre, Joseph 434 Allen, Benjamin M (554 Allen, James 243 Allen, William 245 Allen, William 653 Allread, James I 382 Allread, S. William 730 Alter, Henry 355 Anderson, CM 28fi Anderson, Lewis C 702 Armacost, Christopher M 620 Armstrong, Hugh 501 Armstrong, Hugh L 469 Armstrong, Peter. 464 Arnold, George 669 Arnold, Henry 230 Arnold, Isaac N 244 Arnold, John C 414 Arnold, Mrs. S. J 230 Avery, James B 645 Bailev, John L 262 Bailey, Martin V 243 Bailey, Mrs. Samuel 554 Baker, Charles 731 Baker, Thomas 280 Beachler, Henry 583 Beam, R. K 273 Beem, Ralph U 736 Beers, Charles 320 Beers, David . nd Theodore.. . 245 Bell, Hiram 245 Benson, James M 700 Bickel, Henry M 684 Bickel, loseph M 473 Biddle, John 484 Bigler, Cyrus 261 Bireley, Harvey H 659 Bireley, William J 238 Bish, Henry J 594 Bishop, T. L 614 Bolles, Charles H 595 Booker, Isaac N 649 Bowers, Wilson S 313 Bowman, David P 245 Bowman, David W 637 Bowman, Jonathan 244 PAGE Boyd, Samuel 229 Brandon, Riley M 534 Breaden, John E., Sr 462 Breaden, John E., Jr 245, 467 Bristly, Henry C 695 Brown, Marshall A 348 Brown, Noah W 662 Brown, Reuben 305 Browne, William A 668 Bryson, Morris 619 Bryson, Joseph 328 Butcher; loseph J 697 Burns, Daniel 292 Byrd, Abraham 416 Bvrd, George S 642 Byrd.Japheth 538 Calderwood, Andrew R..237, 243-5 Calderwood, Elmer E 490 Calderwood, George 237 Calkins, Charles 245 Carnahan, John 229 Caupp, Daniel 459 Chenoweth, Charles W 629 Christopher, David 578 Clark, Arthur L 728 Clark, Hiram 567 Clark, John C '350 Clawson, Henry A 555 Clear, David A 300 Coblentz, Harrison 291 Cole, Henry M 318 Cole, Joseph 331 Compton, John A 243 Conover, Ezekiel S. 736 Coppess, Adam S 712 Coppess, Frederick 513 Coppess, Harmon C 407 Coppess. John S 517 Corwin, Joseph W 401 Cox, William 243 Cranor, Jonathan 242 Creviston, James B 248 Culbertson, Edmund ....... 478 Darke Co. Children's Home. . 362 Davison, Oscar F 357 Dean, Aaron 232 Deardoff, Isaac F 549 Denise Family, The 6<'8 Detling, Mary E 365 Devor, Elijah 232 PAGE Devor, James 232 Devor, John 229, 232 Devor, William 227 Downing, Andrew J 312 Drill, Daniel L 388 Dunkle, Charles E.... '.52 Dunn, A. L 689 Eidson, Francis M 276 Eikenberry, A. L 548 Emerson, William H 2> 6 Emrick, George 288 Erisman, Christian 251 Erisman, Henry 621 Eury, Sarah 744 Ewry, William 283 Farra, Eleanor 608 Fischbach, John G 257 Fisher, Eli A 424 Folkerth, William 231 Ford, Philip M 719 Ford, Royston 673 Foureman, David C 590 Fowler, Hanson T 406 Frampton, Adam C 506 Frank, John G 303 Frankmann, Adam 616 Fritz, John H 749 Frizell, J. W 242 Frost, James 453 Fry, Allen 661 Fry, Phebe 723 Garber, Harvey C 369 George, William E 746 Gibson, Samuel 700 Glander, Edward 436 Gordon, Frank S 432 Grillot, Benjamin L 717 Graff, Christian D 592 Grusenmeyer, Valentine 633 Guntrum, William E 591 Halderman, Jacob 302 Harlev, George W 360 Harper, William M 640 Hart, Solomon D 704 Harter, Albert 298 Harter, David F 405 Harter, Elias 244 Hartle, David 634 TABLE OF CONTENTS— PART II. PAGE Hartle, Franklin P. 447 Hartman, Samuel V 584 Hartzell, Daniel 1 529 Hartzell, Jonas W 437 Hartzell, Philip 631 Heeter, John F 397 Henne, Daniel 676 Hercules, Jacob L 322 Hershey, Emanuel 753 Hershey, John T 315 Hickox, Fli 243 Hill, George \V 513 Hill. Harvey 409 Hill, John R 505 Himes, John T 611 Hindsley, William W 675 Hoi linger, Jacob 725 Hoschouer, John 606 Housholder, L. R 417 Huddle, Levi 670 Hufnagle, John 630 Huhn, Morris 623 Hyde, A. H 244 Hyer, Jesse R 588 Irelan, Aaron A 320 Irwin, William J 576 Jacobi, Henry C 445 Jamison, Robert B 582 Jefferis, William E. G 617 Jobes, Allen L 243 Jobes, U. H. R 239 245 Jones, Alonzo L 698 Judy, Alfred H 252 Judy, Swan 246 Karn, Henry 482 Katzenberger, Charles L . . . . 457 Katzenherger, Frances 1 562 Katzenberger, Franziskus M. . 559 Katzenberger, George A 527 Kemble, Samuel R 326 Keener, Harrison A 510 Kerlin, John D 463 Kerlin, Oscar C 589 Kerlin, William K 460 Kester, Philip 290 Kiester, William H 720 Kipp, Conrad 729 Knoderer, Christian 479 Knorr, Anthony T 665 Knox, John R 246, 375 Knox, R. A ' 243 Kruckeberg, Herman F 385 Lansdowne, James M 475 Larimer, John W 507 Layer, W. A 596 Lephart, Henry 258 Litten, Cyrus 718 Livingston, William A 279 Long, Barton W 299 Longenecker, Frank 569 Longenecker, Harvey 525 Lot, L. B 245 Loy, Michael 408 Ludy, Samuel 854 Ludy, William 352 Maher, Thomas C Mansfield, Lewis Marker, George E Marker, Isaac Marker, Leonard Martin, 1). W. K Martin, Jacob B Martin, Luther Martin, Mrs. Robert Martz, George J Martz, Jacob T Matchett, C. G 243, Matchett, William H 243, Mayer, Charles H McAlpin, Alexander McCabe, lames McClure, George H McCool, James V McDonald, Joseph McDonald, Mark McEowen, Henry H McGriff, Jesse A McGnff, Price McGriff, William P McKay, John W McKibben. Hugh T McNutt, John Medford. Uriah Meeker, David L 245, Meeker, J. T Meier, Charles Meier, Frederick Menke, Bernhard iesse, Gabriel iller, Amos P iller, Daniel iller, John F iller, Lewis C iller, Thomas B. . . . iller, Thomas C . . . . ills, Catharine ills, Harrod ills, James innich, Samuel B.. . Mohler, John Monger, Thomas H . Morningstar, John H. Mote, Casville Mote, Irvin Mote, Joseph Mote, William C PAGE .. 435 .. 532 . . 573 .. 752 .. 622 .. 533 . . 884 . 727 .. 229 .. 568 .. 246 245 499 346 244 255 7o5 :;;,s 245 678 399 681 324 285 326 624 724 Toe. 626 246 7i is 707 581 240 267 557 430 353 751 605 564 244 545 281 757 361 657 450 679 571 477 Netzley, Allen 427 Net ley, Eli 427 Netzley, Jesse. 431 Newbauer, George D 438 Newkirk, J. M Niswonger, George E. Noggle, George M Northrop, C. B Nysvvanger, Alex.... 242 710 663 244 404 Ortlepp, E 493 Otwell, E. W 524 Parent, John 307 Paul in, Samuel 310 Pearson, William 244 PAGE Peters, Abdel 638 Peters. John J 393 Phillips, Monroe 709 Pierson, Jacob S 243 Pleasant, William C 665 Plowman, Mary J 864 Poe, Andrew 441 Putnam, David 542 Putnam, Edwin B 244 Kahn, George W 603 Rarick, Charles YV 308 Reed, Finley R 540 Reichard, William 389 Reichard, William J 694 Replogle, Francis iM 730 Replogle, Jacob 726 Reppeto, William H 282 Requarth, William 294 Rhoades, Abraham 602 Richardson, Ephraim C 452 Ries, John H 382 Ries, Wilham L 379 Riesley, Gotleap 449 Rike, William H 485 Roberts, D. Q 748 Robertson, William L 341 Koheson, Thomas J 440 Robeson, William 446 K ogers, Charles C 755 Rogers, Elmer C 756 Roland, Charles 691 Roland, Charles W 613 Royer, Henry J 343 Ruh, Geortie 721 Runkle, William 523 Rush, Andrew 228 Rush, Andrew W 363 Ryan, Daniel H 323 Ryan, Frank L 317 Sater, J. W 245 Schaefer, Christian 415 Schlechty, George 579 Scribner, Abraham and Azor. . 228 Scribner, Rachel (Devor) 229 Searl, Russell 370 Seitz, Anna E 744 Seitz, Enoch B 740 Shafer, Job M 520 Shelley, Thomas J 389 Shepherd, Stephen 658 Sherry, Elizabeth 269 Sherry, William H 597 Shields, Abraham 429 Shields, George £98 Shields, William 337 Shives, Thomas A 600 Shivly, Jacob W 243 Shuff, Easam 426 Sigafoos, George W 470 Sigerfoos, George W 738 Small, lohn H 492 Smith, J. W 243 Snodgrass, B. F 243 Snodgrass, Clement 243 Snyder, Daniel 344 Snyder, Elias D 311 TABLE OF CONTENTS— PART II. PAGE Snyder, James A 503 Spencer, John F 297 Stahl, Anna W 552 Stentzel, John J...... 367 Stephens, John 314 Stevenson, Walter 244 Stiles, Thomas D 235 Stocker, Jacob R 446 Stover, Daniel W 716 Straker, Henry 455 Stubbs, William V 751 Studahaker, Abraham 230 Studabaker, Uavid 231 Suter, John R 693 Swinger, David 423 Swinger, John 732 Taylor, Delia V 413 Teaford, Jonathan 578 Teaford, Norman 5S2 Teegarden, Moses 554 Teegarden, Moses S 380 Teegarden, William W 585 Thomas, Samuel S 488 Thompson, Jeremiah 690 PAGE Thompson, William S 667 Tomlinson, H. A 243 Townsend, Alfred 244 Townsend, William 714 Turner, Jacob K 641 Turner, Larkin G 301 Ullery, Leonard 243 Vail, Aaron 715 Van Mater, Cyrenius 243 Vannoy, David J 489 Walker, John 419 Wallace, John A 709 Walters, Lewis P 334 Ware, Jacob F 480 Warner, Henry 336 Warvel, Daniel 682 Warvel, Nathan S 266 Weaver, David 568 Weaver, Elihu 610 Weaver, George 687 Welbourn, George J 442 PAGE Weston, W. A 233 Wharry, John 238 Whitacre, Frank M 411 White, Elam 754 Wiley, Francis G 487 Williams, Henry 713 Wilson Children, The 227 Wilson, Mrs. Samuel 270 Wilson, W.J 391 Wilson, W. M 234 Winbigler, George H 646 Winbigler, John J 486 Winger, John 688 Winner, John L 233 Winters, Job M 650 Wise, Franklin 536 Woods, Addison J 547 Woods, Jesse 474 Workman, T. H 243 Young, Calvin M 494 Young, Jacob B 470 Yount, Henry L 584 Zeller, Cyrus 654 ^* p? •=*= ^ ^^^^ £ ^0' COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY OF Celebrated Americans ww^w &-3 (11 G |EORGE WASHINGTON, % the first president of the Unit- |l ed States, called the "Father of his Country," was one of the most celebrated characters in history. He was born Feb- ruary 22, 1732, in Washing- ton Parish, Westmoreland county, Virginia. His father, Augustine Washington, first married Jane Butler, who bore him four children, and March (5, 1730, he -married Mary Ball. Of six children by his second marriage, George was the eldest. Little is known of the early years of Washington, beyond the fact that the house in which he was born was burned during his early childhood, and that his father there- upon moved to another farm, inherited from his paternal ancestors, situated in Stafford county, on the north bank of the Rappahan- nock, and died there in 1743. From earliest childhood George developed a noble charac- ter. His education was somewhat defective, being confined to the elementary branches taught him by his mother and at a neighbor- ing school. On leaving school he resided some time at Mount Vernon with his half brother, Lawrence, who acted as his guar. dian. George's inclinations were for a sea- faring career, and a midshipman's warrant was procured for him; but through the oppo- sition of his mother the project was aban- doned, and at the age of sixteen he was appointed surveyor to the immense estates of the eccentric Lord Fairfax. Three years were passed by Washington in a rough fron- tier life, gaining experience which afterwards proved very essential to him. In 175 1, when the Virginia militia were put under training with a view to active service against France, Washington, though only nineteen years of age, was appointed adjutant, with the rank of major. In 1752 Lawrence Washington died, leaving his large property to an infant daughter. In his will George was named one of the executors and as an eventual heir to Mount Vernon, and by the death of the infant niece, soon succeeded to that estate. In 1753 George was commis- sioned adjutant-general of the Virginia militia, and performed important work at the outbreak of the French and Indian war, was rapidly promoted, and at the close of that war we find him commander-in-chief of Oopjrisht 1S97, bj Geo. A. Ogle U Co. 18 COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. all the forces raised in Virginia. A cessation of Indian hostilities on the frontier having followed the expulsion of the French from the Ohio, he resigned his commission as commander-in-chief of the Virginia forces, and then proceeded to Williamsburg to take his seat in the Virginia Assembly, of which he had been elected a member. January 17, 1759, Washington married Mrs. Martha (Dandridge) Curtis, a young and beautiful widow of great wealth, and devoted himself for the ensuing fifteen years to the quiet pursuits of agriculture, inter- rupted only by the annual attendance in winter upon the colonial legislature at Williamsburg, until summoned by his coun- try to enter upon that other arena in which his fame was to become world-wide. The war for independence called Washington into service again, and he was made com- mander-in-chief of the colonial forces, and was the most gallant and conspicuous figure in that bloody struggle, serving until Eng- land acknowledged the independence of each of the thirteen States, and negotiated with them jointly, as separate sovereignties. December 4, 1783, the great commander took leave of his officers in most affection- ate and patriotic terms, and went to An- napolis, Maryland, where the congress of the States was in session, and to that body, when peace and order prevailed everywhere, resigned his commission and retired to Mount Vernon. It was in 1789 that Washington was called to the chief magistracy of the na- tion. The inauguration took place April 30, in the presence of an immense multi- tude which had assembled to witness the new and imposing ceremony. In the manifold de- tails of his civil administration Washington proved himselffullyequal to the requirements of his position. In 1792, at the second presi- dential election, Washington was desirous to retire; but he yielded to the general wish of the country, and was again chosen presi- dent. At the third election, in 1796, he was again most urgently entreated to con- sent to remain in the executive chair. This he positively refused, and after March 4, 1797, he again retired to Mount Vernon for peace, quiet, and repose. Of the call again made on this illustrious chief to quit his repose at Mount Ver- non and take command of all the United States forces, with rank of lieutenant-gen- eral, when war was threatened with France in 1798, nothing need here be stated, ex- cept to note the fact as an unmistakable testimonial of the high regard in which he was still held by his countrymen of all shades of political opinion. He patriotic- ally accepted this trust, but a treaty of peace put a stop to all action under it. He again retired to Mount Vernon, where he died December 14, 1799, in the sixty-eighth year of his age. His remains were depos- ited in a family vault on the banks of the Potomac, at Mount Vernon, where they still lie entombed. BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, an eminent American statesman and scientist, was born of poor parentage, January 17, 1706, in Boston, Massachusetts. He was appren- ticed to his brother James to learn the print- er's trade to prevent his running away and going to sea, and also because of the numer- ous family his parents had to support (there being seventeen children, Benjamin being the fifteenth). He was a great reader, and soon developed a taste for writing, and pre- pared a number of articles and had them published in the paper without his brother's knowledge, and when the authorship be- came known it resulted in difficulty for the COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. n young apprentice, although his articles had been received with favor by the public. James was afterwards thrown into prison for political reasons, and young Benjamin con- ducted the paper alone during the time. In 1823, however, he determined to endure his bonds no longer, and ran away, going to Philadelphia, where he arrived with only three pence as his store of wealth. With these he purchased three rolls, and ate them as he walked along the streets. He soon found employment as a journeyman printer. Two years later he was sent to England by the governor of Pennsylvania, and was promised the public printing, but did not get it. On hisTeturn to Philadelphia he estab- lished the "Pennsylvania Gazette," and soon found himself a person of great popu- larity in the province, his ability as a writer, philosopher, and politician having reached the neighboring colonies. He rapidly grew in prominence, founded the Philadelphia Li- brary in 1842, and two years later the American Philosophical Society and the University of Pennsylvania. He was made Fellow of the Royal Society in London in 1775. His world-famous investigations in electricity and lightning began in 1746. He became postmaster-general of the colonies in 1753, having devised an inter-colonial postal system. He advocated the rights of the colonies at all times, and procured the repeal of the Stamp Act in 1766. He was elected to the Continental congress of 1775, and in 1776 was a signer of the Declaration of Independence, being one of the commit- tee appointed to draft that paper. He rep- resented the new nation in the courts of Europe, especially at Paris, where his simple dignity and homely wisdom won him the admiration of the court and the favor of the people. He was governor of Pennsylvania lour years; was also a member of the con- vention in 1787 that drafted the constitution of the United States. His writings upon political topics, anti- slavery, finance, and economics, stamp him as one of the greatest statesmen of his time, while his "Autobiography" and "Poor Richard's Almanac " give him precedence in the literary field. In early life he was an avowed skeptic in religious matters, but later in life his utterances on this subject were less extreme, though he never ex- pressed approval of any sect or creed. He died in Philadelphia April 17, 1790. DANIEL WEBSTER.— Of world wide reputation for statesmanship, diplo- macy, and oratory, there is perhaps no more prominent figure in the history of our coun- try in the interval between 181 5 and 1861, than Daniel Webster. He was born at Salisbury (now Franklin), New Hampshire, January 18, 1782, and was the second son of Ebenezer and Abigail (Eastman) Webster. He enjoyed but limited educational advan- tages in childhood, but spent a few months in 1797, at Phillip Exeter Academy. He completed his preparation for college in the family of Rev. Samuel Wood, at Boscawen, and entered Dartmouth College in the fall of 1797. He supported himself most of the time during these years by teaching school and graduated in 1801, having the credit of being the foremost scholar of his class. He entered the law office of Hon. Thomas W. Thompson, at Salisbury. In 1S02 he con- tinued his legal studies at Fryeburg, Maine, where he was principal of the academy and copyist in *the office of the register of deeds. In the office of Christopher Gore, at Boston, he completed his studies in 1804-5, ar, d was admitted to the bar in the latter year, and at Boscawen and at Ports- mouth soon rose to eminence in his profes- 20 COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. sion. He became known as a federalist but did not court political honors; but, at- tracting attention by his eloquence in oppos- ing the war with England, he was elected to congress in 1812. During the special session of May, 18 13, he was appointed on the committee on foreign affairs and made his maiden speech June 10, 1S13. Through- out this session (as afterwards) he showed his mastery of the great economic questions of the day. He was re-elected in 1814. In 1816 he removed to Boston and for seven years devoted himself to his profession, earning by his arguments in the celebrated "Dartmouth College Case" rank among the most distinguished jurists of the country. In 1820 Mr. Webster was chosen a member of the state convention of Massachusetts, to revise the constitution. The same year he delivered the famous discourse on the " Pil- grim fathers," which laid the foundation for his fame as an orator. Declining a nomi- nation for United States senator, in 1822 he was elected to the lower house of congress and was re-elected in 1824 and 1826, but in 1827 was transferred to the senate. He retained his seat in the latter chamber until 1 841. During this time his voice was ever lifted in defence of the national life and honor and although politically opposed to him he gave his support to the administra- tion of President Jackson in the latter's con- test with nullification. Through all these years he was ever found upon the side of right arid justice and his speeches upon all the great questions of the day have be- come household words in almost every family. In 1841 Mr. Webster was appointed secretary of state by President Harrison and was continued in the same office by President Tyler. While an incumbent of this office he showed consummate ability as a diplomat in the negotiation of the " Ash- burton treaty " of August 9, 1849, which settled many points of dispute between the United States and England. In May, 1843, he resigned his post and resumed his pro- fession, and in December, 1845, took his place again in the senate. He contributed in an unofficial way to the solution of the Oregon question with Great Britain in 1847. He was disappointed in 1848 in not receiv- ing the nomination for the presidency. He became secretary of state under President Fillmore in 1850 and in dealing with all the complicated questions of the day showed a wonderful mastery of the arts of diplomacy. Being hurt in an accident he retired to his home at Marshfield, where he died Octo- ber 24, 1S52. HORACE GREELEY. —As journalist, author, statesman and political leader, there is none more widely known than the man whose name heads this article. He was born in Amherst, New Hampshire, Feb- ruary 3, 181 1, and was reared upon a farm. At an early age he evinced a remarkable intelligence and love of learning, and at the age of ten had read every book he could borrow for miles around. About 1821 the family removed to Westhaven, Vermont, and for some years young Greeley assisted in carrying on the farm. In 1826 he entered the office of a weekly newspaper at East Poultney, Vermont, where he remained about four years. On the discontinuance of this paper he followed his father's family to Erie county, Pennsylvania, whither they had moved, and for a time worked at the printer's trade in that neigh- borhood. In 1 83 1 Horace went to New York City, and for a time found employ- ment as journeyman printer. January, 1833, in partnership with Francis Story, he published the Morning Post, the first penny COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. 21 paper ever printed. This proved a failure and was discontinued after three weeks. The business of job printing was carried on, however, until the death of Mr. Story in July following. In company with Jonas Winchester, March 22, 1834, Mr. Greeley commenced the publication of the New Yorker, a weekly paper of a high character. For financial reasons, at the same time, Greeley wrote leaders for other papers, and, in 1838, took editorial charge of the Jeffer- sonian, a Whig paper published at Albany. In 1840, on the discontinuance of that sheet, he devoted his energies to the Log Cabin, a campaign paper in the interests of the Whig party. In the fall of 1841 the latter paper was consolidated with the New Yorker, un- der the name of the Tribune, the first num- ber of which was issued April 10, 184 1. At the head of this paper Mr. Greeley remained until the day of his death. In 1848 Horace Greeley was elected to the national house of representatives to fill a vacancy, and was a member of that body until March 4, 1849. In 1851 he went to Europe and served as a juror at the World's Fair at the Crystal Palace, Lon- don. In 1855, he made a second visit to the old world. In 1859 he crossed the plains and received a public reception at San Francisco and Sacramento. He was a member of the Republican national con- vention, at Chicago in i860, and assisted in the nomination of Abraham Lincoln for President. The same year he was a presi- dential elector for the state of New York, and a delegate to the Loyalist convention at Philadelphia. At the close of the war, in 1865, Mr. Greeley became a strong advocate of uni- versal amnesty and complete pacification, and in pursuance of this consented to be- come one of the bondsmen for Jefferson Davis, who was imprisoned for treason. In 1867 he was a delegate to the New York state convention for the revision of the constitution. In 1870 he was defeated for congress in the Sixth New York district. At the Liberal convention, which met in Cincinnati, in May, 1872, on the fifth ballot Horace Greeley was nominated for presi- dent and July following was nominated for the same office by the Democratic conven- tion at Baltimore. He was defeated by a large majority. The large amount of work done by him during the campaign, together with the loss of his wife about the same time, undermined his strong constitution, and he was seized with inflammation of the brain, and died November 29, 1872. In addition to his journalistic work, Mr. Greeley was the author of several meritori- ous works, among which were: "Hints toward reform," "Glances at Europe," " History of the struggle for slavery exten sion," "Overland journey to San Francis- co," "The American conflict," and " Rec- ollections of a busy life." HENRY CLAY.— In writing of this em- inent American, Horace Greeley once said: "He was a matchless party chief, an admirable orator, a skillful legislator, wield- ing unequaled influence, not only over his friends, but even over those of his political antagonists who were subjected to the magic of his conversation and manners. " A law- yer, legislator, orator, and statesman, few men in history have wielded greater influ- ence, or occupied so prominent a place in the hearts of the generation in which they lived. Henry Clay was born near Richmond, in Hanover county, Virginia, April 12, 1777, the son of a poor Baptist preacher who died when Henry was but five years 22 COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHT. old. The mother married again about ten years later and removed to Kentucky leav- ing Henry a clerk in a store at Richmond. Soon afterward Henry Clay secured a posi- tion as copyist in the office of the clerk of the high court of chancery, and four years later entered the law office of Robert Brooke, then attorney general and later governor of his native state. In 1797 Henry Clay was licensed as a lawyer and followed his mother to Kentucky, opening an office at Lexington and soon built up a profitable practice. Soon afterward Kentucky, in separating from Virginia, called a state convention for the purpose of framing a constitution, and Clay at that time took a prominent part, publicly urging the adoption of a clause providing for the abolition of slavery, but in this he was overruled, as he was fifty years later, when in the height of his fame he again ad- vised the same course when the state con- stitution was revised in 1850. Young Clay took a very active and conspicuous part in the presidential campaign in 1S00, favoring the election of Jefferson; and in 1803 was chosen to represent Fayette county in the state 'egislature. In 1806 General John Adair, then United States senator from Kentucky, resigned and Henry Clay was elected to fill the vacancy by the legislature and served through one session in which he at once assumed a prominent place. In 1807 he was again a representative in the legislature and was elected speaker of the house. At this time originated his trouble with Humphrey Marshall. Clay proposed that each member clothe himself and family wholly in American fabrics, which Marshall characterized as the " language of a dema- gogue." This led to a duel in which both parties were slightly injured. In 1S09 Henry Clay was again elected to fill a va- cancy in the United States senate, and two years later elected representative in the low- er house of congress, being chosen speaker of the house. About this time war was de- clared against Great Britain, and Clay took a prominent public place during this strug- gle and was later one of the commissioners sent to Europe by President Madison to ne- gotiate peace, returning in September, 1815, having been re-elected speaker of the house during his absence, and was re-elect- ed unanimously. He was afterward re- elected to congress and then became secre- tary of state under John Quincy Adams. In 1 83 1 he was again elected senator from Kentucky and remained in the senate most of the time until his death. Henry Clay was three times a candidate for the presidency, and once very nearly elected. He was the unanimous choice of the Whig party in 1844 for the presidency, and a great effort was made to elect him but without success, his opponent, James K. Polk, carrying both Pennsylvania and New York by a very slender margin, while either of them alone would have elected Clay. Henry Clay died at Washington June 29, 1852. JAMES GILLESPIE BLAINE was one of the most distinguished of American statesmen and legislators. He was born January 31, 1830, in Washington county, Pennsylvania, and received a thorough edu- cation, graduating at Washington College in 1847. In early life he removed to Maine and engaged in newspaper work, becoming editor of the Portland 'Advertiser." While yet a young man he gained distinction as a debater and became a conspicuous figure in political and public affairs. In 1862 he was elected to congress on the Republican ticket in Maine and was re-elected five times. In March, 1869, he was chosen speaker of the COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRATHT. 23 house of representatives and was re-elected in 1 87 1 and again in 1 873. In 1 S76 he was a representative in the lower house of con- gress and during that year was appointed United States senator by the Governor to fill a vacancy caused by the resignation of Senator Morrill, who had been appointed secretary of the treasury. Mr. Blaine served in the senate until March 5, 1881, when President Garfield appointed him sec- retary of state, which position he resigned in December, 1881. Mr. Blaine was nom- inated for the presidency by the Republic- ans, at Chicago in June, 1884, but was de- feated by Grover Cleveland after an exciting and spirited campaign. During the later years of his life Mr. Blaine devoted most of his time to the completion of his work "Twenty Years in Congress," which had a remarkably large sale throughout the United States. Blaine was a man of great mental ability and force of character and during the latter part of his life was one of the most noted men of his time. He was the origina- tor of what is termed the " reciprocity idea" in tariff matters, and outlined the plan of carrying it into practical effect. In 1876 Robert G. Ingersoll in making a nominating speech placing Blaine's name as a candidate for president before the national Republican convention at Cincinnati, referred to Blaine as the " Plumed Knight " and this title clung to him during the remainder of his life. His death occurred at Washington, January 27, I893- JOHN CALDWELL CALHOUN, a dis- islature. He was one of the controlling spirits in the overthrow of the notorious " Tweed ring " and the reformation of the government of the city of New York. In 1874 he was elected governor of the state of New York. While in this position he assailed corruption in high places, success- fully battling with the iniquitous "canal ring " and crushed its sway over all depart- ments of the government. Recognizing his character and executive ability Mr. Tilden was nominated for president by the na- tional Democratic convention in 1876. At the election he received a much larger popu- lar vote than his opponent, and 184 uncon- tested electoral votes. There being some electoral votes contested, a commission ap- pointed by congress decided in favor of the Republican electors and Mr. Hayes, the can- didate of that party was declared elected. In 1S80, the Democratic party, feeling that Mr. Tilden had been lawfully elected to the presidency tendered the nomination for the same office to Mr. Tilden, but he declined, retiring from all public functions, owing to failing health. He died August 4, 1886. By will he bequeathed several millions of dollars toward the founding of public libra- ries in New York City, Yonkers, etc. NOAH WEBSTER.— As a scholar, law- yer, author and journalist, there is no one who stands on a higher plane, or whose reputation is better established than the honored gentleman whose name heads this sketch. He was a native of West Hartford, Connecticut, and was born October 17, 1758. He came of an old New England family, his mother being a descendant of Governor William Bradford, of the Ply- mouth colony. After acquiring a solid edu- cation in early life Dr. Webster entered Yale College, from which he graduated in 1778. For a while he taught school hn Hartford, at the same time studying law, and was admitted to the bar in 178 1. He taught a classical school at Goshen, Orange county, New York, in 1782-S3, and while there prepared his spelling book, grammar and reader, which was issued under the title- of "A Grammatical Institute of the English Language," in three parts, — so successful a work that up to 1876 something like forty million of the spelling books had been sold. In 1786 he delivered a course of lec- tures on the English language in the seaboard cities and the following year taught an academy at Philadelphia. From December 17, 17S7, until November, 1788, he edited the "American Magazine, "a periodical that proved unsuccessful. In 1789-93 he prac- ticed law in Hartford having in the former year married the daughter of William Green- leaf, of Boston. He returned to New York and November, 1793, founded a daily paper, the "Minerva," to which was soon added a semi-weekly edition under the name of the " Herald." The former is still in existence under the name of the " Commercial Adver- tiser." In this paper, over the signature of "Curtius," he published a lengthy and schol- arly defense of "John Jay's treaty." In 1798, Dr. Webster moved to New Haven and in 1807 commenced the prepar- ation of his great work, the ' ' American Dic- tionary of the English Language," which was not completed and published until 1828. He made his home in Amherst, Massachu- setts, for the ten years succeeding 1812, and was instrumental in the establishment of Amherst College, of which institution he was the first president of the board of trustees. During 1824-5 he resided in Europe, pursu- ing his philological studies in Paris. He completed his dictionary from the libraries of Cambridge University in 1825, and de- 50 COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY voted his leisure for the remainder of his life to the revision of that and his school books. Dr. Webster was a member of the legis- latures of both Connecticut and Massachu- setts, was judge of one of the courts of the former state and was identified with nearly all the literary and scientific societies in the neighborhood of Amherst College. He died in New Haven, May 28, 1843. Among the more prominent works ema- nating from the fecund pen of Dr. Noah Webster besides those mentioned above are the following: "Sketches of American Policy," " Winthrop's Journal ," "A Brief History of Epidemics," " Rights of Neutral Nations in time of War," "A Philosophical and Practical Grammar of the English Lan- guage," "Dissertations on the English Language," "A Collection of Essays," "The Revolution in France," "Political Progress of Britain," "Origin, History, and Connection of the Languages of Western Asia and of Europe," and many others. WILLIAM LLOYD GARRISON, the great anti-slavery pioneer and leader, was born in Newburyport, Massachusetts, December 12, 1804. He was apprenticed to the printing business, and in 1828 was in- duced to take charge of the "Journal of the Times" at Bennington, Vermont. While supporting John Quincy Adams for the presi- dency he took occasion in that paper to give expression of his views on slavery. These articles attracted notice, and a Quaker named Lundy, editor of the "Genius of Emancipation," published in Baltimore, in- duced him to enter a partnership with him for the conduct of his paper. It soon transpired that the views of the partners were not in harmony, Lundy favoring grad- ual emancipation, while Garrison favored immediate freedom. In 1850 Mr. Garrison was thrown into prison for libel, not being able to pay a fine of fifty dollars and costs. In his cell he wrote a number of poems which stirred the entire north, and a mer- chant, Mr. Tappan, of New York, paid his fine and liberated him, after seven weeks of confinement. He at once began a lecture tour of the northern cities, denouncing slavery as a sin before God, and demanding its immediate abolition in the name of re- ligion and humanity. He opposed the col- onization scheme of President Monroe and other leaders, and declared the right of every slave to immediate freedom. In 1 S3 1 he formed a partnership with Isaac Knapp, and began the publication of the "Liberator" at Boston. The "imme- diate abolition " idea began to gather power in the north, while the south became alarmed at the bold utterance of this jour- nal. The mayor of Boston was besought by southern influence to interfere, and upon investigation, reported upon the insignifi- cance, obscurity, and poverty of the editor and his staff, which report was widely published throughout the country. Re- wards were offered by the southern states for his arrest and conviction. Later Garri- son brought from England, where an eman- cipation measure had just been passed, some of the great advocates to work for the cause in this country. In 1835 a mob broke into his office, broke up a meeting of women, dragged Garrison through the street with a rope around his body, and his life was saved only by the interference of the police, who lodged him in jail. Garrison declined to sit in the World's Anti-Slavery convention at London in 1840, because that body had refused women representa- tion. He opposed the formation of a po- litical party with emancipation as its basis. COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. 51 He favored a dissolution of the union, and declared the constitution which bound the free states to the slave states " A covenant with death and an agreement with hell. " In 1843 he became president of the Amer- ican Anti-Slavery society, which position he held until 1865, when slavery was no more. During all this time the " Liberator " had continued to promulgate anti-slavery doc- trines, but in 1865 Garrison resigned his position, and declared his work was com- pleted. He died May 24, 1879. J mie"), a noted character in American history, wasbornatTorrington, Connecticut, May 9, 1800. In his childhood he removed to Ohio, where he learned the tanner's trade. He married there, and in 1855 set- tled in Kansas. He lived at the village of Ossawatomie in that state, and there began his fight against slavery. He advocated im- mediate emancipation, and held that the negroes of the slave states merely waited for a leader in an insurrection that would re- sult in their freedom. He attended the convention called at Chatham, Canada, in 1S59, and was the leading spirit in organiz- ing a raid upon the United States arsenal at Harper's Ferry, Virginia. His plans were well laid, and carried out in great secrecy. He rented a farm house near Harper's Ferry in the summer of 1859, and on October 1 6th of that year, with about twenty follow- ers, he surprised and captured the United States arsenal, with all its supplies and arms. To his surprise, the negroes did not come to his support, and the next day he was attacked by the Virginia state militia, wounded and captured. He was tried in the courts of the state, convicted, and was hanged at Charlestown, December 2, 1859. The raid and its results had a tremendous effect, and hastened the culmination of the troubles between the north and south. The south had the advantage in discussing this event, claiming that the sentiment which inspired this act of violence was shared by the anti-slavery element of the country. EDWIN BOOTH had no peer upon the American stage during his long career as a star actor. He was the son of a famous actor, Junius Brutus Booth, and was born in 1833 at his father's home at Belair, near Baltimore. At the age of sixteen he made his first appearance on the stage, at the Boston Museum, in a minor part in "Richard III." It was while playing in California in 1851 that an eminent critic called general atten- tion to the young actor's unusual talent. However, it was not until 1863, at the great Shakspearian revival at the Winter Garden Theatre, New York, that the brilliancy of his career began. His Hamlet held the boards for 100 nights in succession, and from that time forth Booth's reputation was established. In 1S68 he opened his own theatre (Booth's Theater) in New York. Mr. Booth never succeeded as a manager, however, but as an actor he was undoubted- ly the most popular man on the American stage, and perhaps the most eminent one in the world. In England he also won the greatest applause. Mr. Booth's work was confined mostly to Shakspearean roles, and his art was characterized by intellectual acuteness, fervor, and poetic feeling. His Hamlet, Richard II, Richard III, and Richelieu gave play to his greatest powers. In 1865, when his brother, John Wilkes Booth, enacted his great crime, Edwin Booth re- solved to retire from the stage, but waspur- suaded to reconsider that decision. The odium did not in any way attach to the 52 COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. great actor, and his popularity was not affected. In all his work Mr. Booth clung closely to the legitimate and the traditional in drama, making no experiments, and offer- ing little encouragement to new dramatic authors. His death occurred in New York, June 7, 1894. JOSEPH HOOKER, a noted American officer, was born at Hadley, Massachu- setts, November 13, 18 14. He graduated from West Point Military Academy in 1837, and was appointed lieutenant of artillery. He served in Florida in the Seminole war, and in garrison until the outbreak of the Mexican war. During the latter he saw service as a staff officer and was breveted captain, major and lieutenant-colonel for gallantry at Monterey, National Bridge and Chapultepec. Resigning his commission in 1833 he took up farming in California, which he followed until 1861. During this time he acted as superintendent of military roads in Oregon. At the outbreak of the Rebel- lion Hooker tendered his services to the government, and, May 17, 1861, was ap- pointed brigadier-general of volunteers. He served in the defence of Washington and on the lower Potomac until his appointment to the command of a division in the Third Corps, in March, 1862. For gallant con- duct at the siege of Yorktown and in the battles of Williamsburg, Fair Oaks, Fra- zier's Farm and Malvern Hill he was made major-general. At the head of his division he participated in the battles of Manassas and Chantilly. September 6, 1862, he was placed at the head of the First Corps, and in the battles of South Mountain and An- tietam acted with his usual gallantry, being wounded in the latter engagement. On re- joining the army in November he was made brigadier-general in the regular army. On General Burnside attaining the command of the Army of the Potomac General Hooker was placed in command of the center grand division, consisting of the Second and Fifth Corps. At the head of these gallant men he participated in the battle of Fred- ericksburg, December 13, 1862. In Janu- ary, 1863, General Hooker assumed com- mand of the Army of the Potomac, and in May following fought the battle of Chan- cellorsville. At the time of the invasion of Pennsylvania, owing to a dispute with Gen- eral Halleck, Hooker requested to be re- lieved of his command, and June 28 was succeeded by George G. Meade. In Sep- tember, 1863, General Hooker was given command of the Twentieth Corps and trans- ferred to the Army of the Cumberland, and distinguished himself at the battles of Look- out Mountain, Missionary Ridge, and Ring- gold. In the Atlanta campaign he saw almost daily service and merited his well- known nickname of " Fighting Joe." July 30, 1S64, at his own request, he was re- lieved of his command. He subsequently was in command of several military depart- ments in the north, and in October, 1868, was retired with the full rank of major-gen- eral. He died October 31, 1879. JAY GQULD, one of the greatest finan- ciers that the world has ever produced, was born May 27, 1836, at Roxbury, Dela- ware county, New York. He spent his early years on his father's farm and at the age of fourteen entered Hobart Academy, New York, and kept books for the village black- smith. He acquired a taste for mathematics and surveying and on leaving school found employment in making the surveyor's map of Ulster county. He surveyed very exten- sively in the state and accumulated five thou- sand dollars as the fruits of his labor. He COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. was then stricken with typhoid fever but re- covered and made the acquaintance of one Zadock Pratt, who sent him into the west- ern part of the state to locate a site for a tannery. He chose a fine hemlock grove, built a sawmill and blacksmith shop and was soon doing a large lumber business with Mr. Pratt. Mr. Gould soon secured control of the entire plant, which he sold out just before the panic of 1857 and in this year he became the largest stockholderintheStrouds- burg, Pennsylvania, bank. Shortly after the crisis he bought the bonds of the Rutland & Washington Railroad at ten cents on the dollar, and put all his money into railroad securities. For a long time he conducted this road which he consolidated with the Rensselaer & Saratoga Railroad. In 1859 he removed to New York and became a heavy investor in Erie Railroad stocks, en- tered that company and was president until its reorganization in 1872. In December, 1880, Mr. Gould was in control of ten thou- sand miles of railroad. In 1887 he pur- chased the controlling interest in the St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad Co., and was a joint owner with the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad Co. of the western portion of the Southern Pacific line. Other lines soon came under his control, aggregat- ing thousand of miles, and he soon was rec- ognized as one of the world's greatest rail- road magnates. He continued to hold his place as one of the master financiers of the century until the time of his death which occurred December 2, 1892. THOMAS HART BENTON, a very prominent United States senator and statesman, was born at Hillsborough, North Carolina, March 14, 1782. He removed to Tennessee in early life, studied law, and be- gan to practice at Nashville about 18 10. During the war of 1812-1815 he served as colonel of a Tennessee regiment under Gen- eral Andrew Jackson. In 181 5 he removed to St. Louis, Missouri, and in 1820 was chosen United States senator for that state. Having been re-elected in 1826, he sup- ported President Jackson in his opposition to the United States bank and advocated a gold and silver currency, thus gaining the name of " Old Bullion," by which he was familiarly known. For many years he was the most prominent man in Missouri, and took rank among the greatest statesmen of his day. He was a member of the senate for thirty years and opposed the extreme states' rights policy of John C. Calhoun. In 1852 he was elected to the house of rep- resentatives in which he opposed the repeal of the Missouri compromise. He was op- posed by a powerful party of States' Rights Democrats in Missouri, who defeated him as a candidate for governor of that state in 1856. Colonel Benton published a considerable work in two volumes in 1854-56, entitled " Thirty Years' View, or a History of the Working of the American Government for Thirty Years, 1S20-50." He died April 10, 1S58. STEPHEN ARNOLD DOUGLAS.— One of the most prominent figures in politic- al circles during the intensely exciting days that preceded the war, and a leader of the Union branch of the Democratic party was the gentleman whose name heads this sketch. He was born at Brandon, Rutland coun- ty, Vermont, April 23, 18 13, of poor but respectable parentage. His father, a prac- ticing physician, died while our subject was but an infant, and his mother, with two small children and but small means, could give him but the rudiments of an education. <34 COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY At the age of fifteen young Douglas engaged at work in the cabinet making business to raise funds to carry him through college. After a few years of labor he was enabled to pursue an academical course, first at Bran- don, and later at Canandaigua, New York. In the latter place he remained until 1S33, taking up the study of law. Before he was twenty, however, his funds running low, he abandoned all further attempts at educa- tion, determining to enter at once the battle of life. After some wanderings through the western states he took up his residence at Jacksonville, Illinois, where, after teaching school for three months, he was admitted to the bar, and opened an office in 1834. Within a year from that time, so rapidly had he risen in his profession, he was chosen attorney general of the state, and warmly espoused the principles of the Democratic party. He soon became one of the most popular orators in Illinois. It was at this time he gained the name of the "Little Giant." In 1835 he resigned the position of attorney general having been elected to the legislature. In 1S41 he was chosen judge of the supreme court of Illinois which he resigned two years later to take a seat in congress. It was during this period of his life, while a member of the lower house, that he established his reputation and took the side of those who contended that con- gress had no constitutional right to restrict the extension of slavery further than the agreement between the states made in 1820. This, in spite of his being opposed to slav- ery, and only on grounds which he believed to be right, favored what was called the Missouri compromise. In 1847 Mr. Doug- las was chosen United States senator for six years, and greatly distinguished himself. In 1S52 he was re-elected to the same office. During this latter term, under his leader- ship, the " Kansas-Nebraska bill " was car- ried in the senate. In 185S, nothwith- standing the fierce contest made by his able competitor for the position, Abraham Lin- coln, and with the administration of Bu- chanan arrayed against him, Mr. Douglas was re-elected senator. After the trouble in the Charleston convention, when by the withdrawal of several state delegates with- out a nomination, the Union Democrats, in convention at Baltimore, in 1S60, nomi- nated Mr. Douglas as their candidate for presidency. The results of this election are well known and the great events of 1S61 coming oh, Mr. Douglas was spared their full development, dying at Chicago, Illinois, June 3, 1 86 1, after a short illness. His last words to his children were, "to obey the laws and support the constitution of the United States." JAMES MONROE, fifth president of the United States, was born in Westmore- land county, Virginia, April 28, 1758. At the age of sixteen he entered William and Mary College, but two years later the Declaration of Independence having been adopted, he left college and hastened to New York where he joined Washington's army as a military cadet. At the battle of Trenton Monroe per- formed gallant service and received a wound in the shoulder, and was promoted to a captaincy. He acted as aide to Lord Ster- ling at the battles of Brandywine, German- town and Monmouth. Washington then sent him to Virginia to raise a new regiment of which he was to be colonel. The ex- hausted condition of Virginia made this im- possible, but he received his commission. He next entered the law office of Thomas Jefferson to study law. as there was no open- ing for him as an officer in the army. In COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. 55 1782 he was elected to the Virginia assem- bly, and the next year he was elected to the Continental congress. Realizing the inade- quacy of the old articles of confederation, he advocated the calling of a convention to consider their revision, and introduced in congress a resolution empowering congress to regulate trade, lay import duties, etc. This resolution was referred to a committee, of which he was chairman, and the report led to the Annapolis convention, which called a general convention to meet at Phila- delphia in 17S7, when the constitution was drafted. Mr. Monroe began the practice of law at Fredericksburg, Virginia, and was soon after elected to the legislature, and ap- pointed as one of the committee to pass upon the adoption of the constitution. He opposed it, as giving too much power to the central government. He was elected to the United States senate in 1789, where he allied himself with the Anti-Federalists or "Republicans," as they were sometimes called. Although his views as to neutrality between France and England were directly opposed to those of the president, yet Wash- ington appointed him minister to France. His popularity in France was so great that the antagonism of England and her friends in this country brought about his recall. He then became governor of Virginia. He was sent as envoy to France in 1802; minister to England in 1803; and envoy to Spain in 1805. The next year he returned to his estate in Virginia, and with an ample in- heritance enjoyed a few years of repose. He was again called to be governor of Virginia, and was then appointed secretary of state by President Madison. The war with Eng- land soon resulted, and when the capital was burned by the British, Mr. Monroe be- came secretary of war also, and planned the measures for the defense of New Orleans. The treasury being exhausted and credit gone, he pledged his own estate, and thereby- made possible the victory of Jackson at New Orleans. In 1817 Mr. Monroe became president of the United States, having been a candi- date of the "Republican" part}', which at that time had begun to be called the ' ' Demo- cratic" party. In 1 S20 he was re-elected, having two hundred and thirty-one electoral votes out of two hundred and thirty-two. His administration is known as the "Era of good-feeling, " and party lines were almost wiped out. The slavery question began to assume importance at this time, and the Missouri Compromise was passed. The famous "Monroe Doctrine" originated in a great state paper of President Monroe upon the rumored interference of the Holy Alli- ance to prevent the formation of free repub- lics in South America. President Monroe acknowledged their independence, and pro- mulgated his great "Doctrine," which has been held in reverence since. Mr. Monroe's death occurred in New York on July 4, 1831. THOMAS ALVA EDISON, the master wizard of electrical science and whose name is synonymous with the subjugation of electricity to the service of man, was born in 1847 a t Milan, Ohio, and it was at Port Huron, Michigan, whither his parents had moved in 1854, that his self-education began — for he never attended school for more than two months. He eagerly de- voured every book he could lay his hands on and is said to have read through an encyclo- pedia without missing a word. At thirteen he began his working life as a trainboy upon the Grand Trunk Railway between Port Huron and Detroit. Much of his time was now spent in Detroit, where he found increased facilities for reading at the public libraries. 56 COMPENDIUM OP BIOGRAPHY. He was not content to be a newsboy, so he got together three hundred pounds of type and started the issue of the " Grand Trunk Herald." It was only a small amateur weekly, printed on one side, the impression being made from the type by hand. Chemi- cal research was his next undertaking and a laboratory was added to his movable pub- lishing house, which, by the way, was an old freight car. One day, however, as he Was experimenting with some phosphorus, it ignited and the irate conductor threw the young seeker after the truth, chemicals and all, from the train. His office and laboratory Were then removed to the cellar of his fa- ther's house. As he grew to manhood he decided to become an operator. He won his opportunity by saving the life of a child, Whose father was an old operator, and out of gratitude he gave Mr. Edison lessons in teleg- raphy. Five months later he was compe- tent to fill a position in the railroad office at Port Huron. Hence he peregrinated to Stratford, Ontario, and thence successively to Adrian, Fort Wayne, Indianapolis, Cin- cinnati, Memphis, Louisville and Boston, gradually becoming an expert operator and gaining experience that enabled him to evolve many ingenious ideas for the im- provement of telegraphic appliances. At Memphis he constructed an automatic re- peater, which enabled Louisville and New Orleans to communicate direct, and received nothing more than the thanks of his em- ployers. Mr. Edison came to New York in 1870 in search of an opening more suitable to his capabilities and ambitions. He hap- pened to be in the office of the Laws Gold Reporting Company when one of the in- struments got out of order, and even the inventor of the system could not make it work. Edison requested to be allowed to attempt the task, and in a few minutes he had overcome the difficulty and secured an advantageous engagement. For several years he had a contract with the Western Union and the Gold Stock companies, whereby he received a large salary, besides a special price for all telegraphic improve- ments he could suggest. Later, as the head of the Edison General Electric com- pany, with its numerous subordinate organ- izations and connections all over the civil- ized world, he became several times a millionaire. Mr. Edison invented the pho- nograph and kinetograph which bear his name, the carbon telephone, the tasimeter, and the duplex and quadruplex systems of telegraphy. JAMES LONGSTREET, one of the most conspicuous of the Confederate generals during the Civil war, was born in 1820, in South Carolina, but was early taken by his parents to Alabama where he grew to man- hood and received his early education. He graduated at the United States military academy in 1842, entering the army as lieutenant and spent a few years in the fron- tier service. When the Mexican war broke out he was called to the front and partici- pated in all the principal battles of that war up to the storming of Chapultepec, where he received severe wounds. For gallant conduct at Contreras, Cherubusco, and Mo- lino del Rey he received the brevets of cap- tain and major. After the close of the Mexican war Longstreet served as adjutant and captain on frontier service in Texas un- til 1858 when he was transferred to the staff, as paymaster with rank of major. In June, 1 86 1, he resigned to join the Confederacy and immediately went to the front, com- manding a brigade at Bull Run the follow- ing month. Promoted to be major-general in 1862 he thereafter bore a conspicuous COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHV. 57 part and rendered valuable service to the Confederate cause. He participated in many of the most severe battles of the Civil war including Bull Run (first and second), Seven Pines, Gainer' Mill, Fraziers Farm, Malvern Hill, Antietam, Frederickburg, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Chickamauga, the Wilderness, Petersburg and most of the fighting about Richmond. When the war closed General Long- street accepted the result, renewed his alle- giance to the government, and thereafter labored earnestly to obliterate all traces of war and promote an era of good feeling be- tween all sections of the country. He took up his residence in New Orleans, and took an active interest and prominent part in public affairs, served as surveyor of that port for several years; was commissioner of engineers for Louisiana, served four years as school commissioner, etc. In 1875 he was appointed supervisor of internal revenue and settled in Georgia. After that time he served four years as United States minister to Turkey, and also for a number of years was United States marshal of Georgia, be- sides having held other important official positions. JOHN RUTLEDGE, the second chief- justice of the United States, was born at Charleston, South Carolina, in 1739. He was a son of John Rutledge, who had left Ireland for America about five years prior to the birth of our subject, and .a brother of Edward Rutledge, a signer of the Declaration of Independence. John Rut- ledge received his legal edocation at the Temple, London, after which he returned to Charleston and soon won distinction at the bar. He was elected to the old Colonial congress in 1765 to protest against the " Stamp Act," and was a member of the South Carolina convention of 1774, and of the Continental congress of that and the succeeding year. In 1776 he was chairman of the committee that draughted the con- stitution of his state, and was president of the congress of that state. He was not pleased with the state constitution, how- ever, and resigned. In 1779 he was again chosen governor of the state, and granted extraordinary powers, and he at once took the field to repel the British. He joined the army of General Gates in 1782, and the same year was elected to congress. He was a member of the constitutional con- vention which framed our present constitu- tion. In 1789 he was appointed an associate justice of the first supreme court of the United States. He resigned to accept the position of chief- justice of his own state. Upon the resignation of Judge Jay : he was appointed chief-justice of the United States in 1795. The appointment was never con- firmed, for, after presiding at one session, his mind became deranged, and he was suc- ceeded by Judge Ellsworth. He died at Charleston, July 23, 1800. RALPH WALDO EMERSON was one of the most noted literary men of his time. He was born in Boston, Massachu- setts, May 25, 1803. He had a minister for an ancestor, either on the paternal or ma- ternal side, in every generation for eight generations back. His father, Rev. Will- iam Emerson, was a native of Concord, Massachusetts, born May 6, 1769, graduated at Harvard, in 1789, became a Unitarian minister; was a fine writer and one of the best orators of his day; died in 181 1. Ralph Waldo Emerson was fitted for college at the public schools of Boston, and graduated at Harvard College in 1 82 1, win- ning about this time several prizes for es- 58 COMTEXDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. says. For five years he taught school in Boston; in 1826 was licensed to preach, and in 1829 was ordained as a colleague to Rev. Henry Ware of the Second Unitarian church in Boston. In 1832 he resigned, making the announcement in a sermon of his un- willingness longer to administer the rite of she Lord's Supper, after which he spent about a year in Europe. Upon his return he began his career as a lecturer before the Boston Mechanics Institute, his subject be- ing "Water." His early lectures on " Italy" and "Relation of Man to the Globe" also attracted considerable attention; as did also his biographical lectures on Michael Angelo, Milton, Luther, George Fox, and Edmund Burke. After that time he gave many courses of lectures in Boston and became one of the best known lecturers in America. But very few men have rendered such con- tinued service in this field. He lectured for forty successive seasons before the Salem, Massachusetts, Lyceum and also made re- peated lecturing tours in this country and in England. In 1835 Mr. Emerson took up his residence at Concord, Massachusetts, where he continued to make his home until his death which occurred April 27, 1882. Mr. Emerson's literary work covered a wide scope. He wrote and published many works, essays and poems, which rank high among the works of American literary men. A few of the many which he produced are the following: "Nature;" "The Method of Nature;" " Man Thinking;" "The Dial;" "Essays;" ."Poems;" "English Traits;" "The Conduct of Life;" "May-Day and other Poems " and " Society and Solitude;" besides many others. He was a prominent member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, of the American Philosophical Society, the Massachusetts Historical Society and other kindred associations. ALEXANDER T. STEWART, one of the famous merchant princes of New York, was born near the city of Belfast, Ire- land, in 1803, and before he was eight years of age was left an orphan without any near relatives, save an aged grandfather. The grandfather being a pious Methodist wanted to make a minister of young Stewart, and accordingly put him in a school with that end in view and he graduated at Trinity Col- lege, in Dublin. When scarcely twenty years of age he came to New York. His first employment was that of a teacher, but accident soon made him a merchant. En- tering into business relations with an ex- perienced man of his acquaintance he soon found himself with the rent of a store on his hands and alone in a new enterprise. Mr. Stewart's business grew rapidly in all directions, but its founder had executive ability sufficient for any and all emergencies, and in time his house became one of the greatest mercantile establishments of mod- ern times, and the name of Stewart famous. Mr. Stewart's death occurred April 10, 1S76. JAMES FENIMORE COOPER. — In speaking of this noted American nov- elist, William Cullen Bryant said: " He wrote for mankind at large, hence it is that he has earned a fame wider than any Amer- ican author of modern times. The crea- tions of his genius shall survive through centuries to come, and only perish with our language." Another eminent writer (Pres- cott) said of Cooper: " In his productions every American must take an honest pride; for surely no one has succeeded like Cooper in the portraiture of American character, or has given such glowing and eminently truth- ful pictures of American scenery." James Fenimore Cooper was born Sep- COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAnil'. 59 tember 15, 1789, at Burlington, New Jer- sey, and was a son of Judge William Cooper. About a year after the birth of our subject the family removed to Otsego county, New York, and founded the town called " Coop- erstown." James Fenimore Cooper spent his childhood there and in 1802 entered Yale College, and four years later became a midshipman in the United States navy. In 181 1 he was married, quit the seafaring life, and began devoting more or less time to lit- erary pursuits. His first work was " Pre- caution," a novel published in 1819, and three years later he produced "The Spy, a Tale of Neutral Ground," which met with great favor and was a universal success. This was followed by many other works, among which may be mentioned the follow- ing: " The Pioneers," "The Pilot," " Last of the Mohicans," "The Prairie," "The Red Rover," "The Manikins," "Home- ward Bound," " Home as Found," " History of the United States Navy," "The Path- finder," "Wing and Wing," "Afloat and Ashore," "The Chain-Bearer," "Oak- Openings," etc. J. Fenimore Cooper died at Cooperstown, New York, September 14, 1851. MARSHALL FIELD, one of the mer- chant princes of America, ranks among the most successful business men of the cen- tury. He was born in 1835 at Conway, Massachusetts. He spent his early life on a farm and secured a fair education in the common schools, supplementing this with a course at the Conway Academy. His natural bent ran in the channels of commer- cial life, and at the age of seventeen he was given a position in a store at Pittsfield, Massachusetts. Mr. Field remained there four years and removed to Chicago in 1856. He began his career in Chicago as a clerk in the wholesale dry goods house of Cooley, Wadsworth & Company, which later be- came Cooley, Farwell & Company, and still later John V. Farwell & Company. He remained with them four years and exhibit- ed marked ability, in recognition of which he was given a partnership. In 1865 Mr. Field and L. Z. Leiter, who was also a member of the firm, withdrew and formed the firm of Field, Palmer & Leiter, the third partner being Potter Palmer, and they continued in business until 1867, when Mr. Palmer retired and the firm became Field, Leiter & Company. They ran under the latter name until 1881, when Mr. Leiter re- tired and the house has since continued un- der the name of Marshall Field & Company. The phenomenal success accredited to the house is largely due to the marked ability of Mr. Field, the house had become one of the foremost in the west, with an annual sale of $8,000,000 in 1870. The total loss of the firm during the Chicago fire was $3,500,000 of which $2,500,000 was re- covered through the insurance companies. It rapidly recovered from the effects of this and to-day the annual sales amount to over $40,000,000. Mr. Field's real estate hold- ings amounted to $10,000,000. He was one of the heaviest subscribers to the Bap- tist University fund although he is a Presby- terian, and gave $1,000,000 for the endow- ment of the Field Columbian Museum — one of the greatest institutions of the kind in the world. EDGAR WILSON NYE, who won an im- mense popularity under the pen name of " Bill Nye," was one of the most eccen- tric humorists of his day. He was born Au- gust 25, 1850, at Shirley, Piscataqua coun- ty, Maine, "at a very early age" as he ex- presses it. He took an academic course in GO COMTEXDIUM OF BIOGRAPI/V River Falls, Wisconsin, from whence, after his graduation, he removed to Wyoming Territory. He studied law and was ad- mitted to the bar in 1876. He began when quite young to contribute humorous sketches to the newspapers, became connected with various western journals and achieved a brilliant success as a humorist. Mr. Nye settled later in New York City where he devoted his time to writing funny articles for the big newspaper syndicates. He wrote for publication in book form the following : "Bill Nye and the Boomerang," "The Forty Liars," "Baled Hay," " Bill Nye's Blossom Rock," "Remarks," etc. His death occurred February 21, 1896, at Ashe- ville, North Carolina. THOMAS DE WITT TALMAGE, one of the most celebrated American preach- ers, was born January 7, 1S32, and was the youngest of twelve children. He made his preliminary studies at the grammar school in New Brunswick, New Jersey. At the age of eighteen he joined the church and entered the University of the City of New York, and graduated in May, 1853. The exercises were held in Niblo's Garden and his speech aroused the audience to a high pitch of en- thusiasm. At the close of his college duties he imagined himself interested in the law and for three years studied law. Dr. Tal- mage then perceived his mistake and pre- pared himself for the ministry at the Reformed Dutch Church Theological Semi- nary at New Brunswick, New Jersey. Just after his ordination the young minister re- ceived two calls, one from Piermont, New York, and the other from Belleville, New Jersey. Dr. Talmage accepted the latter and for three years filled that charge, when he was called to Syracuse, New York. Here it was that his sermons first drew large crowds of people to his church, and from thence dates his popularity. Afterward he became the pastor of the Second Reformed Dutch church, of Philadelphia, remaining seven years, during which period he first entered upon the lecture platform and laid the foundation for his future reputation. At the end of this time he received three calls, one from Chicago, one from San Francisco, and one from the Central Presbyterian church of Brooklyn, which latter at that time consisted of only nineteen members with a congregation of about thirty-five. This church offered him a salary of seven thousand dollars and he accepted the call. He soon induced the trustees to sell the old church and build a new one. They did so and erected the Brooklyn Tabernacle, but it burned down shortly after it was finished. By prompt sympathy and general liberality a new church was built and formally opened in February, 1874. It contained seats for four thousand, six hundred and fifty, but if necessary seven thousand could be accom- modated. In October, 1878, his salary was raised from seven thousand dollars to twelve thousand dollars, and in the autumn of 18S9 the second tabernacle was destroyed by fire. A third tabernacle was built and it was for- mally dedicated on Easter Sunday, 1891. JOHN PHILIP SOUSA, conceded as being one of the greatest band leaders in the world, won his fame while leader of the United States Marine Band at Washing- ton, District of Columbia. He was not originally a band player but was a violinist, and at the age of seventeen he was conduc- tor of an opera company, a profession which he followed for several years, until he was offered the leadership of the Marine Band at Washington. The proposition was re- pugnant to him at first but he accepted the COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHV. 61 offer and then ensued ten years of brilliant success with that organization. When he first took the Marine Band he began to gather the national airs of all the nations that have representatives in Washington, and compiled a comprehensive volume in- cluding nearly all the national songs of the different nations. He composed a number of marches, waltzes and two-steps, promi- nent among which are the "Washington Post," "Directorate," "King Cotton," "High School Cadets," "Belle of Chica- go," "Liberty Bell March," "Manhattan Beach," "On Parade March," "Thunderer March," "Gladiator March," " El Capitan March," etc. He became a very extensive composer of this class of music. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS, sixth president of the United States, was born in Braintree, Massachusetts, July II, 1767, the son of John Adams. At the age of eleven he was sent to school at Paris, and two years later to Leyden, where he entered that great university. He returned to the United States in 1785, and graduated from Harvard in 1788. He then studied law, and was admitted to the bar in 1 791. His practice brought no income the first two years, but he won distinction in literary fields, and was appointed minister to The Hague in 1794. He married in 1797, and went as minister to Berlin the same year, serving until 1801, when Jefferson became president. He was elected to the senate in 1803 by the Federalists, but was condemned by that party for advocating the Embargo Act and other Anti-Federalist measures. He was appointed as professor of rhetoric at Harvard in 1805, and in 1809 was sent as minister to Russia. He assisted in negotiat- ing the treaty of peace with England in .1814, and became minister to that power the next year. He served during Monroe's administration two terms as secretary of state, during which time party lines were obliterated, and in 1824 four candidates for president appeared, all of whom were iden- tified to some extent with the new " Demo- cratic" party. Mr. Adams received 84 elec- toral votes, Jackson 99, Crawford 41, and Clay 37. As no candidate had a majority of all votes, the election went to the house of representatives, which elected Mr. Adams. As Clay had thrown his influence to Mr. Adams, Clay became secretary of state, and this caused bitter feeling on the part of the Jackson Democrats, who were joined by Mr. Crawford and his following, and op- posed every measure of the administration. In the election of 1S28 Jackson was elected over Mr. Adams by a great majority. Mr. Adams entered the lower house of congress in 1830, elected from the district in which he was born and continued to rep- resent it for seventeen years. He was known as " the old man eloquent," and his work in congress was independent of party. He opposed slavery extension and insisted upon presenting to congress, one at a time, the hundreds of petitions against the slave power. One of these petitions, presented in 1842, was signed by forty-five citizens of Massachusetts, and prayed congress for a peaceful dissolution of the Union. His enemies seized upon this as an opportunity to crush their powerful foe, and in a caucus meeting determined upon his expulsion from congress. Finding they would not be able to command enough votes for this, they de- cided upon a course that would bring equal disgrace. They formulated a resolution to the effect that while he merited expulsion, the house would, in great mercy, substitute its severest censure. When it was read in the house the old man, then in his seventy-fifth 62 COMPEXDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. year, arose and demanded that the first para- graph of the Declaration of Independence be read as his defense. It embraced the famous sentence, " that whenever any form of government becomes destructive to those ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it, and to institute new government, etc., etc." After eleven days of hard fight- ing his opponents were defeated. On Febru- ary 21, 1S48, he rose to address the speaker on the Oregon question, when he suddenly fell from a stroke of paralysis. He died soon after in the rotunda of the capitol, where he had been conveyed by his col- leagues. SUSAN B. ANTHONY was one of the most famous women of America. She was born at South Adams, Massachusetts, February 15, 1820, the daughter of a Quaker. She received a good education and became a school teacher, following that profession for fifteen years in New York. Beginning with about 1852 she became the active leader of the woman's rights move- ment and won a wide reputation for her zeal and ability. She also distinguished herself for her zeal and eloquence in the temperance and anti-slavery causes, and became a conspicuous figure during the war. After the close of the war she gave most of her labors to the cause of woman's suffrage. PHILIP D. ARMOUR, one of the most conspicuous figures in the mercantile history of America, was born May 16, 1S32, on a farm at Stockbridge, Madison county, New York, and received his early education in the common schools of that county. He was apprenticed to a farmer and worked faithfully and well, being very ambitious and desiring to start out for himself. At the age of twenty he secured a release from his indentures and set out overland for the gold fields of California. After a great deal of hard work he accumulated a little money and then came east and settled in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He went into the grain receiving and warehouse busi- ness and was fairly successful, and later on he formed a partnership with John Plankin- ton in the pork packing line, the style of the firm being Plankinton & Armour. Mr. Ar- mour made his first great "deal" in selling pork "short" on the New York market in the anticipation of the fall of the Confed- eracy, and Mr. Armour is said to have made through this deal a million dollars. He then established packing houses in Chicago and Kansas City, and in 1875 he removed to Chicago. He increased his business by add- ing to it the shipment of dressed beef to the European markets, and many other lines of trade and manufacturing, and it rapidly assumed vast proportions, employing an army of men in different lines of the busi- ness. Mr. Armour successfully conducted a great many speculative deals in pork and grain of immense proportions and also erected many large warehouses for the storage of grain. He became one of the representative business men of Chicago, where he became closely identified with all enterprises of a public nature, but his fame as a great busi- ness man extended to all parts of the world. He founded the "Armour Institute " at Chi- cago and also contributed largely to benevo- lent and charitable institutions. ROBERT FULTON.— Although Fulton is best known as the inventor of the first successful steamboat, yet his claims to- distinction do not rest alone upon that, for he was an inventor along other lines, a painter and an author. He was born at Little Britain, Lancaster county, Pennsyl- COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. 65 vania, in 1765, of Scotch-Irish ancestry. At the age of seventeen he removed to Phila- delphia, and there and in New York en- gaged in miniature painting with success both from a pecuniary and artistic point of view. With the results of his labors he pur- chased a farm for the support of his mother. He went to London and studied under the great painter, Benjamin West, and all through life retained his fondness for art and gave evidence of much ability in that line. While in England he was brought in contact with the Duke of Bridgewater, the father of the English canal system; Lord Stanhope, an eminent mechanician, and James Watt, the inventor of the steam en- gine. Their influence turned his mind to its true field of labor, that of mechanical in- vention. Machines for flax spinning, marble sawing, rope making, and for remov- ing earth from excavations, are among his earliest ventures. His "Treatise on the Improvement of Canal Navigation," issued in 1 796, and a series of essays on canals were soon followed by an English patent for canal improvements. In 1797 he went to Paris, where he resided until 1806, and there invented a submarine torpedo boat for maritime defense, but which was rejected by the governments of France, England and the United States. In 1 803 he offered to con- struct for the Emperor Napoleon a steam- boat that would assist in carrying out the plan of invading Great Britain then medi- tated by that great captain. In pursuance he constructed his first steamboat on the Seine, but it did not prove a full success and the idea was abandoned by the French government. By the aid of Livingston, then United States minister to France, Fulton purchased, in 1806, an engine which he brought to this country. After studying the defects of his own and other attempts in this line he built and launched in 1807 the Clermont, the first successful steamboat. This craft only attained a speed of five miles an hour while going up North river. His first patent not fully covering his in- vention, Fulton was engaged in many law suits for infringement. He constructed many steamboats, ferryboats, etc., among these being the United States steamer "Fulton the First," built in 1814, the first war steamer ever built. This craft never attained any great speed owing to some de- fects in construction and accidentally blew up in 1S29. Fulton died in New York, Feb- ruary 21, l8l 5. SALMON PORTLAND CHASE, sixth chief-justice of the United States, and one of the most eminent of American jurists, was born in Cornish, New Hampshire, Jan- uary 13, 1S08. At the age of nine he was left in poverty by the death of his father, but means were found to educate him. He was sent to his uncle, a bishop, who con- ducted an academy near Columbus, Ohio, and here young Chase worked on the farm and attended school. At the age of fifteen he returned to his native state and entered Dartmouth College, from which he gradu- ated in 1 S26. He then went to Washington, and engaged in teaching school, and study- ing law under the instruction of William Wirt. He was licensed to practice in 1S29, and went to Cincinnati, where he had a hard struggle for several years following. He had in the meantime prepared notes on the statutes of Ohio, which, when published, brought him into prominence locally. He was soon after appointed solicitor of the United States Bank. In 1837 he appeared as counsel for a fugitive slave woman, Ma- tilda, and sought by all the powers of his learning and eloquence to prevent her owner 66 COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY from reclaiming her. He acted in many other cases, and devolved the trite expres- sion, "Slavery is sectional, freedom is na- tional." He was employed to defend Van Zandt before the supreme court of the United States in 1846, which was one of the most noted cases connected with the great strug- gle against slavery. By this time Mr. Chase had become the recognized leader of that element known as " free-soilers." He was elected to the United States senate in 1849, and was chosen governor of Ohio in 1855 and re-elected in 1857. He was chosen to the United States senate from Ohio in 1861, but was made secretary of the treasury by Lincoln and accepted. He inaugurated a financial system to replenish the exhausted treasury and meet the demands of the great- est war in history and at the same time to revive the industries of the country. One of the measures which afterward called for his judicial attention was the issuance of currency notes which were made a legal tender in payment of debts. When this question came before him as chief-justice of the United States he reversed his former action and declared the measure unconstitu- tional. The national banking system, by which all notes issued were to be based on funded government bonds of equal or greater amounts, had its direct origin with Mr. Chase. Mr. Chase resigned the treasury port- folio in 1864, and was appointed the same year as chief-justice of the United States supreme court. The great questions that came up before him at this crisis in the life of the nation were no less than those which confronted the first chief-justice at the for- mation of our government. Reconstruction, private, state and national interests, the constitutionality of the acts of congress passed in times of great excitement, the -construction and interpretation to be placed upon the several amendments to the national constitution, — these were among the vital questions requiring prompt decision. He received a paralytic stroke in 1870, which impaired his health, thcugh his mental powers were not affected. He continued to preside at the opening terms for two years following and died May 7, 1873. HARRIET ELIZABETH BEECHER STOWE, a celebrated American writ- er, was born June 14, 1812, at Litchfield, Connecticut. She was a daughter of Lyman Beecherand a sister of Henry Ward Beecher, two noted divines; was carefully educated, and taught school for several years at Hart- ford, Connecticut. In 1S32 Miss Beecher married Professor Stowe, then of Lane Semi- nary, Cincinnati, Ohio, and afterwards at Bowdoin College and Andover Seminary. Mrs. Stowe published in 1849 "The May- flower, or sketches of the descendants of the Pilgrims, " and in 185 1 commenced in the " National Era "of Washington, a serial story which was published separately in 1852 under the title of " Uncle Tom's Cabin." This book attained almost unparalleled success both at home and abroad, and within ten years it had been translated in almost every lan- guage of the civilized world. Mrs. Stowe pub- lished in 1S53 a "Key to Uncle Tom's Cabin" in which the data that she used was published and its truthfulness was corroborated. In 1853 she accompanied her husband and brother to Europe, and on her return pub- lished "Sunny Memories of Foreign Lands" in 1854. Mrs. Stowe was for some time one of the editors of the ' ' Atlantic Monthly " and the " Hearth and Home," for which she had written a number of articles. Among these, also published separately, are " Dred, a tale of the Great Dismal Swamp " (later published under the title of "Nina C0MPEND1CM OF BIOGRAPHY. 67 Gordon"); " The Minister's Wooing;" "The Pearl of Orr's Island;" "Agnes of Sorrento;" "Oldtovvn Folks;" "My Wife and I;" "Bible Heroines," and "A Dog's Mission." Mrs. Stowe's death occurred July i, 1896, at Hartford, Connecticut. THOMAS JONATHAN JACKSON, bet- ter known as "Stonewall" Jackson, was one of the most noted of the Confeder- ate generals of the Civil war. He was a soldier by nature, an incomparable lieuten- ant, sure to execute any operation entrusted to him with marvellous precision, judgment and courage, and all his individual cam- paigns and combats bore the stamp of a masterly capacity for war. He was born January 21, 1S24, at Clarksburg, Harrison county, West Virginia. He was early in life imbued with the desire to be a soldier and it is said walked from the mountains of Virginia to Washington, secured the aid of his congressman, and was appointed cadet at the United States Military Academy at West Point from which he was graduated in 1846. Attached to the army as brevet sec- ond lieutenant of the First Artillery, his first service was as a subaltern with Magruder's battery of light artillery in the Mexican war. He participated at the reduction of Vera Cruz, and was noticed for gallantry in the battles of Cerro Gordo, Contreras, Moline del Rey, Chapultepec, and the capture of the city of Mexico, receiving the brevets of captain for conduct at Contreras and Cher- ubusco and of major at Chapultepec. In the meantime he had been advanced by r< gular promotion to be first lieutenant in 1S47. In 1852, the war having closed, he resigned and became professor of natural and experimental philosophy and artillery instructor at the Virginia State Military Institute at Lexington, Virginia, where he remained until Virginia declared for seces- sion, he becoming chiefly noted for intense religious sentiment coupled with personal eccentricities. Upon the breaking out of the war he was made colonel and placed in command of a force sent to sieze Harper's Ferry, which he accomplished May 3, 1861. Relieved by General J. E. Johnston, May 23, he took command of the brigade of Valley Virginians, whom he moulded into that brave corps, baptized at the first Manassas, and ever after famous as the "Stonewall Brigade." After this "Stone- wall " Jackson was made a major-general, in 1 86 1, and participated until his death in all the famous campaigns about Richmond and in Virginia, and was a conspicuous fig- ure in the memorable battles of that time. May 2, 18G3, at Chancellorsville, he was wounded severely by his own troops, two balls shattering his left arm and another passing through the palm of his right hand. The left arm was amputated, but pneumonia intervened, and, weakened by the great loss of blood, he died May 10, 1863. The more his operations in the Shenandoah valley in 1862 are studied the more striking must the merits of this great soldier appear.. JOHN GREENLEAF WHETHER.— /rM or biographt 71 year by General Schuyler. In August, 1777, however, the command of that army was restored to General Gates and Septem- ber 19 he fought the battle of Bemis Heights. October 7, the same year, he won the battle of Stillwater, or Saratoga, and October 17 received the surrender of General Burgoyne and his arm}', the pivotal point of the war. This gave him a brilliant reputation. June 13, 17S0, General Gates was appointed to the command of the southern military division, and August 16 of that year suffered defeat at the hands of Lord Cornwallis, at Camden, North Car- olina. In December following he was superseded in the command by General Nathaniel Greene. On the signing of the peace treaty Gen- eral Gates retired to his plantation in Berkeley county, Virginia, where he lived until 1790, when, emancipating all his slaves, he removed to New York City, where he resided until his death, April 10, 1806. LYMAN J. GAGE.— When President Mc- Kinley selected Lyman J. Gage as sec- retary of the treasury he chose one of the most eminent financiers of the century. Mr. Gage was born June 28, 1836, at De Ruy- ter, Madison county, New York, and was of English descent. He went to Rome, New York, with his parents when he was ten years old, and received his early education in the Rome Academy. Mr. Gage gradu- ated from the same, and his first position was that of a clerk in the post office. When he was fifteen years of age he was detailed as mail agent on the Rome & Watertown R. R. until the postmaster-general appointed regular agents for the route. In 1854, when he was in his eighteenth year, he entered the Oneida Central Bank at Rome as a junior clerk at a salary of one hundred dol- lars per year. Being unable at the end of one year and a half's service to obtain an increase in salary he determined to seek a wider field of labor. Mr. Gage set out in the fall of 1855 and arrived in Chicago, Illinois, on October 3, and soon obtained a situation in Nathan Cobb's lumber yard and planing mill. He remained there three years as a bookkeeper, teamster, etc., and left on account of change in the management. But not being able to find anything else to do he accepted the position of night watchman in the place for a period of six weeks. He then became a bookkeeper for the Mer- chants Saving, Loan and Trust Company at a salary of five hundred dollars per year. He rapidly advanced in the service of this company and in 1 868 he was made cashier. Mr. Gage was next offered the position of cashier of the First National Bank and ac- cepted the offer. He became the president of the First National Bank of Chicago Jan- uary 24, 1 89 1, and in 1897 he was appointed secretary of the treasury. His ability as a financier and the prominent part he took in the discussion of financial affairs while presi- dent of the great Chicago bank gave him a national reputation. ANDREW JACRSON, the seventh pres- ident of the United States, was born at the Waxhaw settlement, Union county, North Carolina, March 15, 1767. His parents were Scotch-Irish, natives of Carr- ickfergus, who came to this country in 1665 and settled on Twelve-Mile creek, a trib- utary of the Catawba. His father, who was a poor farm laborer, died shortly be- fore Andrew's birth, when the mother re- moved to Waxhaw, where some relatives lived. Andrew's education was very limited, he showing no aptitude for study. In 1780 when but thirteen years of age, he and his 72 C0MPEXD1UM OF BIOGRAPHY. brother Robert volunteered to serve in the American partisan troops under General Sumter, and witnessed the defeat at Hang- ing Rock. The following year the boys were both taken prisoners by the enemy and endured brutal treatment from the British officers while confined at Camden. They both took the small pox, when the mother procured their exchange but Robert died shortly after. The mother died in Charleston of ship fever, the same year. Young Jackson, now in destitute cir- cumstances, worked for about six months in a saddler's shop, and then turned school master, although but little fitted for the position. He now began to think of a pro- fession and at Salisbury, North Carolina, entered upon the study of law r , but from all accounts gave but little attention to his books, being one of the most roistering, rollicking fellows in that town, indulging in many of the vices of his time. In 1786 he was admitted to the bar and in 1788 re- moved to Nashville, then in North Carolina, with the appointment of public prosecutor, then an office of little honor or emolument, but requiring much nerve, for which young Jackson was already noted. Two years later, when Tennessee became a territory he was appointed by Washington to the position of United States attorney for that district. In 1791 he married Mrs. Rachel Robards, a daughter of Colonel John Bon- «lson, who was supposed at the time to have been divorced from her former hus- band that year by act of legislature of Vir- ginia, but two years later, on finding that this divorce was not legal, and a new bill of separation being granted by the courts of Kentucky, they were remarried in 1793. This was used as a handle by his oppo- nents in the political campaign afterwards. Jackson was untiring in his efforts as United States attorney and obtained much influence. He was chosen a member of the Constitu- tional Convention of 1796, when Tennessee became a state and was its first represent- ative in congress. In 1797 he was chosen United States senator, but resigned the fol- lowing year to accept a seat on the supreme court of Tennessee which he held until 1S04. He was elected major-general of the militia of that state in 1801. In 1804, being unsuccessful in obtaining the govern- orship of Louisiana, the new territory, he retired from public life to the Hermitage, his plantation. On the outbreak of the war with Great Britain in 1812 he tendered his services to the government and went to New Orleans with the Tennessee troops in January, 181 3. In March of that year he was ordered to disband his troops, but later marched against the Cherokee Indians, de- feating them at Talladega, Emuckfaw and Tallapoosa. Having now a national reputation, he was appointed major-general in the United States army and was sent against the British in Florida. He con- ducted the defence of Mobile and seized Pensacola. He then went with his troops to New Orleans, Louisiana, where he gained the famous victory of January S, 1815. In 18 17-18 he conducted a war against the Seminoles, and in 1821 was made governor of the new territory of Florida. In 1823 he was elected United States senator, but in 1824 was the contestant with J. Q. Adams for the presidency. Four years later he was elected president, and served two terms. In 1832 he took vigorous action against the milliners of South Carolina, and the next year removed the public money from the United States bank. During his second term the national debt was extinguished. At the close of his administration he retired to the Hermitage, where he died June 8, 1845. COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. 73 ANDREW CARNEGIE, the largest manu- facturer of pig-iron, steel rails and coke in the world, well deserves a place among America's celebrated men. He was born November 25, 1S35, at Dunfermline, Scotland, and emigrated to the United States with his father in 1845, settling in Pittsburg. Two years later Mr. Carnegie began his business career by attending a small station- ' ary engine. This work did not suit him and he became a telegraph messenger with the Atlantic and Ohio Co., and later he became an operator, and was one of the first to read telegraphic signals by sound. Mr. Carnegie was afterward sent to the Pittsburg office of the Pennsylvania Railroad Co., as clerk to the superintendent and. manager of the telegraph lines. While in this position he made the acquaintance of Mr. Woodruff, the inventor of the sleeping-car. Mr. Carnegie immediately became interested and was one of the organizers of the company for its con- struction after the railroad had adopted it, and the success of this venture gave him the nucleus of his wealth. He was promoted to the superintendency of the Pittsburg division of the Pennsylvania Railroad and about this time was one of the syndicate that purchased the Storey farm on Oil Creek which cost forty thousand dollars and in one year it yielded over one million dollars in cash dividends. Mr. Carnegie later was as- sociated with others in establishing a rolling- mill, and from this has grown the most ex- tensive and complete system of iron and steel industries ever controlled by one indi- vidual, embracing the Edgar Thomson Steel Works; Pittsburg Bessemer Steel Works; Lucy Furnaces; Union Iron Mills; Union Mill; Keystone Bridge Works; Hart- man Steel Works; Frick Coke Co.; Scotia Ore Mines. Besides directing his immense iron industries he owned eighteen English newspapers which he ran in the interest of the Radicals. He has also devoted large sums of money to benevolent and educational purposes. In 1879 he erected commodious swimming baths for the people of Dunferm- line, Scotland, and in the following year gave forty thousand dollars for a free library. Mr. Carnegie gave fifty thousand dollars to Bellevue Hospital Medical College in 1884 to found what is now called "Carnegie Lab- oratory, " and in 1885 gave five hundred thousand dollars to Pittsburg for a public library. He also gave two hundred and fifty thousand dollars for a music hall and library in Allegheny City in 18S6, and two hundred and fifty thousand dollars to Edinburgh, Scot- land, for a free library. He also established free libraries at Braddock, Pennsylvania, and other places for the benefit of his em- ployes. He also published the following works, "An American Four-in-hand in Britain;" " Round the World;" "Trium- phant Democracy; or Fifty Years' March of the Republic." GEORGE H. THOMAS, the " Rock of Chickamauga," one of the best known commanders during the late Civil war, was born in Southampton county, Virginia, July 31, 1S16, his parents being of Welsh and French origin respectively. In 1836 young Thomas was appointed a cadet at the Mili- tary Academy, at W r est Point, from which he graduated in 1840, and was promoted to the office of second lieutenant in the Third Artillery. Shortly after, with his company, he went to Florida, where he served for two years against the Seminole Indians. In 1 84 1 he was brevetted first lieutenant for gallant conduct. He remained in garrison in the south and southwest until 1845, at which date with the regiment he joined the army under General Taylor, and participat- 74 COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. ed in the defense of Fort Brown, the storm- ing of Monterey and the battle of Buena Vista. After the latter event he remained in garrison, now brevetted major, until the close of the Mexican war. After a year spent in Florida, Captain Thomas was or- dered to West Point, where he served as in- structor until 1854. He then was trans- ferred to California. In May, 1855, Thom- as was appointed major of the Second Cav- alry, with whom he spent five years in Texas. Although a southern man, and surrounded by brother officers who all were afterwards in the Confederate service, Major Thomas never swerved from his allegiance to the government. A. S. Johnston was the col- onel of the regiment, R. E. Lee the lieuten- ant-colonel, and W. J. Hardee, senior ma- jor, while among the younger officers were Hood, Fitz Hugh Lee, Van Dorn and Kirby Smith. When these officers left the regi- ment to take up arms for the Confederate cause he remained with it, and April 17th, i86t, crossed the Potomac into his native state, at its head. After taking an active part in the opening scenes of the war on the Poto- mac and Shenandoah, in August, 1861, he was promoted to be brigadier-general and transferred to the Army of the Cumberland. January 19-20, 1862, Thomas defeated Crittenden at Mill Springs, and this brought him into notice and laid the foundation of his fame. He continued in command of his division until September 20, 1862, except during the Corinth campaign when he com- manded the right wing of the Army of the Tennessee. He was in command of the latter at the battle of Perryville, also, Octo- ber 8, 1862. On the division of the Army of the Cum- berland into corps, January 9, 1863, Gen- eral Thomas was assigned to the command of the Fourteenth, and at the battle of Chick- amauga, after the retreat of Rosecrans, firmly held his own against the hosts of Gen- eral Bragg. A history of his services from that on would be a history of the war in the southwest. On September 27, 1S64, Gen- eral Thomas was given command in Ten- nessee, and after organizing his army, de- feated General Hood in the battle of Nash- ville, December 15 and 16, 1864. Much complaint was made before this on account of what they termed Thomas' slowness, and he was about to be superseded because he would not strike until he got ready, but when the blow was struck General Grant was the first to place on record this vindica- tion of Thomas judgment. He received a vote of thanks from Congress, and from the legislature of Tennessee a gold medal. Af- ter the close of the war General Thomas had command of several of the military di- visions, and died at San Francisco, Cali- fornia, March 28, 1870. GEORGE BANCROFT, one of the most eminent American historians, was a native of Massachusetts, born at Worcester, October 3, 1800, and a son of Aaron Bancroft, D. D. The father, Aaron Ban- croft, was born at Reading, Massachusetts, November 10, 1755. He graduated at Harvard in 1778, became a minister, and for half a century was rated as one of the ablest preachers in New England. He was also a prolific writer and published a number of works among which was " Life of George Washington." Aaron Bancroft died August 19, 1S39. The subject of our present biography, George Bancroft, graduated at Harvard in 18 17, and the following year entered the University of Gottingen, svhere he studied history and philology under the most emi- nent teachers, and in 1820 received the de- COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY, 75 gree of doctor of philosophy at Gottingen. Upon his return home he published a volume of poems, and later a translation of Heeren's " Reflections on the Politics of Ancient Greece." In 1834 he produced the first volume of his "History of the United States," this being followed by other vol- umes at different intervals later. This was his greatest work and ranks as the highest authority, taking its place among the great- est of American productions. George Bancroft was appointed secretary of the navy by President Polk in 1845, but resigned in 1846 and became minister pleni- potentiary to England. In 1849 he retired from public life and took up his residence at Washington, D. C. In 1S67 he was ap- pointed United States minister to the court of Berlin and negotiated the treaty by which Ger- mans coming to the United States were re- leased from their allegiance to the govern- ment of their native land. In 1871 he was minister plenipotentiary to the German em- pire and served until 1874. The death of George Bancroft occurred January 17, 1891. GEORGE GORDON MEADE, a fa- mous Union general, was born at Cadiz, Spain, December 30, 18 15, his father being United States naval agent at that port. After receiving a good education he entered the West Point Military Academy in 1 83 1. From here he was graduated June 30, 1835, and received the rank of second lieutenant of artillery. He par- ticipated in the Seminole war, but resigned from the army in October, 1836. He en- tered upon the profession of civil engineer, which he followed for several years, part of the time in the service of the government in making surveys of the mouth of the Missis- sippi river. His report and results of some experiments made by him in this service gained Meade much credit. He also was employed in surveying the boundary line of Texas and the northeastern boundary line between the United States and Canada. In 1842 he was reappointed in the army to the position of second lieutenant of engineers. During the Mexican war he served with dis- tinction on the staff of General Taylor in the battles of Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma and the storming of Monterey. He received his brevet of first lieutenant for the latter action. In 1851 he was made full first lieutenant in his corps; a captain in 1856, and major soon after. At the close of the war with Mexico he was employed in light- house construction and in geodetic surveys until the breaking out of the Rebellion, in which he gained great reputation. In August, 1 86 1, he was made brigadier-general of volunteers and placed in command of the second brigade of the Pennsylvania Reserves, a division of the First Corps in the Army of the Potomac. In the campaign of 1862, under McClellan, Meade took an active part, being present at the battles of Mechan- icsville, Gaines' Mill and Glendale, in the latter of which he was severely wounded. On rejoining his command he was given a division and distinguished himself at its head in the battles of South Mountain and Antie- tam. During the latter, on the wounding of General Hooker, Meade was placed in command of the corps and was himself slightly wounded. For services he was promoted, November, 1862, to the rank of major-general of volunteers. On the recovery of General Hooker General Meade returned to his division and in December, 1862, at Fredericksburg, led an attack which penetrated Lee's right line and swept to his rear. Being outnumbered and un- supported, he finally was driven back. The same month Meade was assigned to the 76 COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. command of the Fifth Corps, and at Chan- cellorsville in May, 1S63, his sagacity and ability so struck General Hooker that when the latter asked to be relieved of the com- mand, in June of the same year, he nomi- nated Meade as his successor. June 28, 1863, President Lincoln commissioned Gen- eral Meade commander-in-chief of the Army of the Potomac, then scattered and moving hastily through Pennsylvania to the great and decisive battlefield at Gettysburg, at which he was in full command. With the victory on those July days the name of Meade will ever be associated. From that time until the close of the war he com- manded the Army of the Potomac. In 1864 General Grant, being placed at the head of all the armies, took up his quarters with the Army of the Potomac. From that time until the surrender of Lee at Appo- matox Meade's ability shone conspicuously, and his tact in the delicate position in lead- ing his army under the eye of his superior officer commanded the respect and esteem of General Grant. Forservices Meade was promoted to the rank of major-general, and on the close of hostilities, in July, 1865, was assigned to the command of the military division of the Atlantic, with headquarters at Philadelphia. This post he held, with the exception of a short period on detached duty in Georgia, until his death, which took place November 6, 1872. DAVID CROCKETT was a noted hunter and scout, and also one of the earliest of American humorists. He was born Au- gust 17, 1786, in Tennessee, and was one of the most prominent men of his locality, serving as representative in congress from 1827 until 1 S3 1. He attracted consider- able notice while a member of congress and was closely associated with General Jack- son, of whom he was a personal friend. He went to Texas and enlisted in the Texan army at the time of the revolt of Texas against Mexico and gained a wide reputa- tion as a scout. He was one of the famous one hundred and forty men under Colonel W. B. Travis who were besieged in Fort Alamo, near San Antonio, Texas, by Gen- eral Santa Anna with some five thousand Mexicans on February 23, 1S36. The fort was defended for ten days, frequent assaults being repelled with great slaughter, over one thousand Mexicans being killed or wounded, while not a man in the fort was injured. Finally, on March 6, three as- saults were made, and in the hand-to-hand fight that followed the last, the Texans were wofully outnumbered and overpowered. They fought desperately with clubbed mus- kets till only six were left alive, including W. B. Travis, David Crockett and James Bowie. These surrendered under promise of protection; but when they were brought before Santa Anna he ordered them all to be cut to pieces. HENRY WATTERSON, one of the most conspicuous figures in the history of American journalism, was born at Wash- ington, District of Columbia, February 16, 1840. His boyhood days were mostly spent in the city of his birth, where his father, Harvey M. Watterson, was editor of the "Union," a well known journal. Owing to a weakness of the eyes, which interfered with a systematic course of study, young Watterson was educated almost en- tirely at home. A successful college career was out of the question, but he acquired a good knowledge of music, literature and art from private tutors, but the most valuable part of the training he received was by as- sociating with his father and the throng 01 COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. n public men whom he met in Washington in the stirring days immediately preceding the Civil war. He began his journalistic career at an early age as dramatic and musical critic, and in 1858, became editor of the "Democratic Review" and at the same time contributed to the "States," a journal of liberal opinions published in Washington. In this he remained until the breaking out of the war, when the "States," opposing the administration, was suppressed, and young W'atterson removed to Tennessee. He next appears as editor of the Nashville "Republican Banner," the most influential paper in the state at that time. After the occupation of Nashville by the Federal troops, Watterson served as a volunteer staff officer in the Confederate service until the close of the war, with the exception of a year spent in editing the Chattanooga "Rebel." On the close of the war he returned to Nashville and re- sumed his connection with the "Banner." After a trip to Europe he assumed control of the Louisville "Journal," which he soon combined with the "Courier" and the "Democrat" of that place, founding the well-known "Courier-Journal," the first number of which appeared November 8, 1868. Mr. Watterson also represented his district in congress for several years. PATRICK SARSFIELD GILMORE, one of the most successful and widely known bandmasters and musicians of the last half century in America, was born in Ballygar, Ireland, on Christmas day, 1829. He attended a public school until appren- ticed to a wholesale merchant at Athlone, of the brass band of which town he soon became a member. His passion for music conflicting with the duties of a mercantile life, his position as clerk was exchanged for that of musical instructor to the young sons of his employer. At the age of nineteen he sailed for America and two days after his arrival in Boston was put in charge of the band instrument department of a prominent music house. In the interests of the pub- lications of this house he organized a minstrel company known as " Ord way's Eolians," with which he first achieved success as a cornet soloist. Later on he was called the best E-flat cornetist in the United States. He became leader, successively, of the Suf- folk, Boston Brigade and Salem bands. During his connection with the latter he inaugurated the famous Fourth of July con- certs on Boston Common, since adopted as a regular programme for the celebration of Independence Day. In 1858 Mr. Gilmore founded the organization famous thereafter as Gilmore's Band. At the outbreak of the Civil war this band was attached to the Twenty-Fourth .Massachusetts Infantry. Later, when the economical policy of dis- pensing with music had proved a mistake, Gilmore was entrusted with the re-organiza- tion of state military bands, and upon his arrival at New Orleans with his own band was made bandmaster-general by General Banks. On the inauguration of Governor Hahn, later on, in Lafayette square, New Orleans, ten thousand children, mostly of Confederate parents, rose to the baton of Gilmore and, accompanied by six hundred instruments, thirty-six guns and the united fire of three regiments of infantry, sang the Star-Spangled Banner, America and other patriotic Union airs. In June, 1867, Mr. Gilmore conceived a national musical festi- val, which was denounced as a chimericsl undertaking, but he succeeded and June 15, 1869, stepped upon the stage of the Boston Colosseum, a vast structure erected for the • occasion, and in the presence of over fifty 78 COMPEXDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY thousand people lifted his baton over an orchestra of one thousand and a chorus of ten thousand. On the 17th of June, 1872, he opened a still greater festival in Boston, when, in addition to an orchestra of two thousand and a chorus of twenty thousand, were present the Band of the Grenadier Guards, of London, of the Garde Repub- licaine, of Paris, of Kaiser Franz, of Berlin, and one from Dublin, Ireland, together with Johann Strauss, Franz Abt and many other soloists, vocal and instrumental. Gilmore's death occurred September 24, 1892. MARTIN VAN BUREN was the eighth president of the United States, 1837 to 1 84 1. He was of Dutch extraction, and his ancestors were among the earliest set- tlers on the banks of the Hudson. He was born December 5, 1782, at Kinderhook, New York. Mr. Van Buren took up the study of law at the age of fourteen and took an active part in political matters before he had attained his majority. He commenced the practice of law in 1803 at his native town, and in 1809 he removed to Hudson, Columbia county, New York, where he spent seven years gaining strength and wis- dom from his contentions at the bar with some of the ablest men of the profession. Mr. Van Buren was elected to the state senate, and from 18 15 until 1S19 he was at- torney-general of the state. He was re- elected to the senate in 1 S 16, and in 18 18 he was one of the famous clique of politi- cians known as the "Albany regency." Mr. Van Buren was a member of the con- vention for the revision of the state consti- tution, in 1821. In the same year he was elected to the United States senate and served his term in a manner that caused his ce-election to that body in 1827, but re- signed the following year as he had been elected governor of New York. Mr. Van Buren was appointed by President Jackson as secretary of state in March, 1829, but resigned in 1 83 1, and during the recess of congress he was appointed minister to England. The senate, however, when it convened in December refused to ratify the appointment. In Ma)', 1S32, he was nominated by the Democrats as their candidate for vice-presi- dent on the ticket with Andrew Jackson, and he was elected in the following Novem- ber. He received the nomination to suc- ceed President Jackson in 1836, as the Democratic candidate, and in the electoral college he received one hundred and seventy votes out of two hundred and eighty-three, and was inaugurated March 4, 1837. His administration was begun at a time of great business depression, and unparalled financial distress, which caused the suspension of specie payments by the banks. Nearly every bank in the country was forced to suspend specie payment, and no less than two hundred and fifty-four business houses failed in New York in one week. The President urged the adoption of the inde- pendent treasury idea, which passed through the senate twice but each time it was de- feated in the house. However the measure ultimately became a law near the close of President Van Buren's term of office. An- other important measure that was passed was the pre-emption law that gave the act- ual settlers preference in the purchase of public lands. The question of slavery had begun to assume great preponderance dur- ing this administration, and a great conflict was tided over by the passage of a resolu- tion that prohibited petitions or papers that in any way related to slavery to be acted upon. In the Democratic convention of 1840 President Van Buren secured the nomination for re-election on that ticket COMPEXDIi'M OF BIOGRArilV. without opposition, but in the election he only received the votes of seven states, his opponent, W. H. Harrison, being elected president. In 1848 Mr. Van Buren was the candidate of the " Free-Soilers," but was unsuccessful. After this he retired from public life and spent the remainder of his life on his estate at Kinderhook, where he died July 24, 1862. W INFIELD SCOTT, a distinguished American general, was born June 13, 1786, near Petersburg, Dinwiddie county, Virginia, and was educated at the William and Mary College. He studied law and was admitted to the bar, and in 1808 he accepted an appointment as captain of light artillery, and was ordered to New Orleans. In June, 18 1 2, he was promoted to be lieutenant- colonel, and on application was sent to the frontier, and reported to General Smyth, near Buffalo. He was made adjutant-gen- eral with the rank of a colonel, in March, 1 8 1 3, and the same month attained the colo- nelcy of his regiment. He participated in the principal battles of the war and was wounded many times, and at the close of the war he was voted a gold medal by con- gress for his services. He was a writer of considerable merit on military topics, and he gave to the military science, "General Regulations of the Army " and " System of Infantry and Rifle Practice." He took a prominent part in the Black Hawk war, and at the beginning of the Mexican war he was appointed to take the command of the army. Gen. Scott immediately assembled his troops at Lobos Island from which he moved by transports to Vera Cruz, which he took March 29, 1847, and rapidly fol- lowed up his first success. He fought the battles of Cerro Gordo and Jalapa, both of which he won, and proceeded to Pueblo where he was preceded by Worth's division which had taken the town and waited for the coming of Scott. The army was forced to wait here for supplies, and August 7th, General Scott started on his victorious march to the city of Mexico with ten thou- sand, seven hundred and thirty-eight men. The battles of Contreras, Cherubusco and San Antonio were fought August 19-20, and on the 24th an armistice was agreed upon, but as the commissioners could not agree on the terms of settlement, the fight- ing was renewed at Molino Del Rey, and the Heights of Chapultepec were carried by the victorious army of General Scott. He gave the enemy no respite, however, and vigorously followed up his advantages. On September 14, he entered the City of Mexico and dictated the terms of surrender in the very heart of the Mexican Republic. General Scott was offered the presidency of the Mexican Republic, but declined. Con- gress extended him a vote of thanks and ordered a gold medal be struck in honor of his generalship and bravery. He was can- didate for the presidency on the Whig plat form but was defeated. He was honored by having the title cf lieutenant-general con- ferred upon him in 1 85 5 . At the beginning of the Civil war he was too infirm to take charge of the army, but did signal service in be- half of the government. He retired from the service November 1, 1861, and in 1864. he published his "Autobiography." Gen- eral Scott died at West Point, May 29, 1866 EDWARD EVERETT HALE for many years occupied a high place among the most honored of America's citizens. As a preacher he ranks among the foremost in the New England states, but to the gen- eral public he is best known through his writings. Born in Boston, Mass., April 3, so COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY {822, a descendant of one of the most prominent New England families, he enjoyed in his youth many of the advantages denied the majority of boys. He received his pre- paratory schooling at the Boston Latin School, after which he finished his studies at Harvard where he was graduated with high honors in 1839. Having studied theology at home, Mr. Hale embraced the ministry and in 1846 became pastor of a Unitarian church in Worcester, Massachusetts, a post which he occupied about ten years. He then, in 1856, became pastor of the South Congregational church in Boston, over which he presided many years. Mr. Hale also found time to write a great many literary works of a high class. Among many other well-known productions ?f his are " The Rosary," " Margaret Per- :ival in America," "Sketches of Christian iistory," "Kansas and Nebraska," "Let- ters on Irish Emigration," " Ninety Days' Worth of Europe," " If, Yes, and Perhaps," ; Tngham Papers," "Reformation," "Level Sest and Other Stories, " ' ' Ups and Downs, " "Christmas Eve and Christmas Day," " In His Name," "Our New Crusade," "Work- ingmen's Homes," " Boys' Heroes," etc., etc., besides many others which might be mentioned. One of his works, " In His Name," has earned itself enduring fame by the good deeds it has called forth. The numerous associations known as ' 'The King's Daughters," which has accomplished much good, owe their existence to the story men- tioned. DAVID GLASCOE FARRAGUT stands pre-eminent as one of the greatest na- val officers of the world. He was born at Campbell's Station, East Tennessee, July 5, 1801, and entered the navy of the United States as a midshipman. He had the good fortune to serve under Captain David Por- ter, who commanded the " Essex," and by whom he was taught the ideas of devotion to duty from which he never swerved dur- ing all his career. In 1823 Mr. Farragut took part in a severe fight, the result of which was the suppression of piracy in the West Indies. He then entered upon the regular duties of his profession which was only broken into by a year's residence with Charles Folsom, our consul at Tunis, who was afterwards a distinguished professor at Harvard. Mr. Farragut was one of the best linguists in the navy. He had risen through the different grades of the service until the war of 1861-65 found him a captain resid- ing at Norfolk, Virginia. He removed with his family to Hastings, on the Hudson, and hastened to offer his services to the Federal government, and as the capture of New Orleans had been resolved upon, Farragut was chosen to command the expedition. His force consisted of the West Gulf block- ading squadron and Porter's mortar flotilla. In January, 1S62, he hoisted his pennant at the mizzen peak of the "Hartford" at Hampton roads, set sail from thence on the 3rd of February and reached Ship Island on the 20th of the same month. A council of war was held on the 20th of April, in which it was decided that whatever was to be done must be done quickly. The signal was made from the flagship and accordingly the fleet weighed anchor at 1:55 on the morning of April 24th, and at 3 130 the whole force was under way. The history of this brilliant strug- gle is well known, and the glory ofit madeFar- ragut a hero and also made him rear admir- al. In the summer of 1 862 he ran the batteries at Vicksburg, and on March 14, 1863, he passed through the fearful and destructive fire from Port Hudson, and opened up com- munication with Flag-officer Porter, who COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. &n had control of the upper Mississippi. On May 24th he commenced active operations against that fort in conjunction with the army and it fell on July 9th. Mr. Farragut filled the measure of his fame on the 5th of Au- gust, 1864, by his great victory, the capture of Mobile Bay and the destruction of the Confederate fleet, including the formidable ram Tennessee. For this victory the rank of admiral was given to Mr. Farragut. He died at Portsmouth, New Hampshire, Au- gust 4, 1870. GEORGE W. CHILDS, a philanthropist whose remarkable personality stood for the best and highest type of American citizenship, and whose whole life was an object lesson in noble living, was born in 1829 at Baltimore, Maryland, of humble parents, and spent his early life in unremit- ting toil. He was a self-made man in the fullest sense of the word, and gained his great wealth by his own efforts. He was a man of very great influence, and this, in conjunction with his wealth, would have been, in the hands of other men, a means of getting them political preferment, but Mr. Childs steadily declined any suggestions that would bring him to figure prominently in public affairs. He did not choose to found a financial dynasty, but devoted all his powers to the helping of others, with the most enlightened beneficence and broadest sympathy. Mr. Childs once remarked that his greatest pleasure in life was in doing good to others. He always despised mean- ness, and one of his objects of life was to prove that a man could be liberal and suc- cessful at the same time. Upon these lines Mr. Childs made a name for himself as the director of one of the representative news- papers of America, "The Philadelphia Pub- lic Ledger," which was owned jointly by 5 himself and the Drexel estate, and which he edited for thirty years. He acquired con- trol of the paper at a time when it was be- ing published at a heavy loss, set it upon a firm basis of prosperity, and he made it more than a money- making machine — he made it respected as an exponent of the best side of journalism, and it stands as a monument to his sound judgment and up- right business principles. Mr. Childs' char- itable repute brought him many applications for assistance, and he never refused to help any one that was deserving of aid; and not only did he help those who asked, but he would by careful inquiry find those who needed aid but were too proud to solicit it. He was a considerable employer of labor and his liberality was almost unparalleled. The death of this great and good man oc- curred February 3d, 1894. PATRICK HENRY won his way to un dying fame in the annals of the early history of the United States by introducing into the house of burgesses his famous reso- lution against the Stamp Act, which he car- ried through, after a stormy debate, by a majority of one. At this time he exclaimed " Caesar had his Brutus, Charles I his Crom- well and George III " (here he was inter- rupted by cries of " treason ") " may profit by their example. If this be treason make the most of it." Patrick Henry was born at Studley, Hanover county, Virginia, May 29, 1736, and was a son of Colonel John Henry, a magistrate and school teacher of Aberdeen, Scotland, and a nephew of Robertson, the historian. He received his education from his father, and was married at the age of eighteen. He was twice bankrupted before he had reached his twenty-fourth year, when after six weeks of study he was admitted to 8-4 COMPEXDICM OF BIOGRAPHY. the bar. He worked for three years with- out a case and finally was applauded for his plea lor the people's rights and gained im- mense popularity. After his famous Stamp Act resolution he was the leader of the pa- triots in Virginia. In 1769 he was admitted to practice in the general courts and speed- ily won a fortune by his distinguished ability as a speaker. He was the first speaker of the General Congress at Philadelphia in 1774. He was for a time a colonel of militia in 1775, and from 1776 to 1779 and 1 78 1 to 1786 he was governor of Virginia. For a number of years he retired from pub- lic life and was tendered and declined a number of important political offices, and in March, 1789, he was elected state senator but aid not take his seat on account of his death which occurred at Red Hill, Charlotte county, Virginia, June 6, 1799. BENEDICT ARNOLD, an American general and traitor of the Revolution- ary war, is one of the noted characters in American history. He was born in Nor- wich, Connecticut, January 3, 1740. He ran away and enlisted in the army when young, but deserted in a short time. He then became a merchant at New Haven, Connecticut, but failed. In 1775 he was commissioned colonel in the Massachusetts militia, and in the autumn of that year was placed in command of one thousand men for the invasion of Canada. He marched his army through the forests of Maine and joined General Montgomery before Quebec. Their combined forces attacked that city on December 31, 1775, and Montgomery was killed, and Arnold, severely wounded, was compelled to retreat and endure a rigorous winter a few miles from the city, where they were at the mercy of the Canadian troops had they cared to attack them. On his re- turn he was raised to the rank of brigadier- general. He was given command of a small flotilla on Lake Champlain, with which he encountered an immense force, and though defeated, performed many deeds of valor. He resented the action of congress in pro- moting a number of his fellow officers and neglecting himself. In 1777 he was made major-general, and under General Gates at Bemis Heights fought valiantly. For some reason General Gates found fault with his conduct and ordered him under arrest, and he was kept in his tent until the battle of Stillwater was waxing hot, when Arnold mounted his horse and rode to the front of his old troop, gave command to charge, and rode like a mad man into the thickest of the fight and was not overtaken by Gates' courier until he had routed the enemy and fell wounded. Upon his recovery he was made general, and was placed in command at Philadelphia. Here he married, and his acts of rapacity soon resulted in a court- martial. He was sentenced to be repri- manded by the commander-in-chief, and though Washington performed this duty with utmost delicacy and consideration, it was never forgiven. Arnold obtained com- mand at West Point, the most important post held by the Americans, in 1780, and immediately offered to surrender it to Sir Henry Clinton, British commander at New York. Major Andre was sent to arrange details with Arnold, but on his return trip to New York he was captured by Americans, the plot was detected, and Andre suffered the death penalty as a spy. Arnold es- caped, and was paid about $40,000 by the British for his treason and was made briga- dier-general. He afterward commanded an expedition that plundered a portion of Vir- ginia, and another that burned New Lon- don, Connecticut, and captured Fort Trum- COMPEXniL'M OF BIOGRAPHY. B5 bull, the commandant of which Arnold mur- dered with the sword he had just surren- dered. He passed the latter part of his life in England, universally despised, and died in London June 14, 1S01. ROBERT G. INGERSOLL, one of the most brilliant orators that America has produced, also a lawyer of considerable merit, won most of his fame as a lecturer. Mr. Ingersoll was born August 24, 1833, at Dryden, Gates county, New York, and received hiseducation in the common schools. He went west at the age of twelve, and for a short time he attended an academy in Tennessee, and also taught school in that state. He began the practice of law in the southern part of Illinois in 1854. Colonel Ingcrsoll's principal fame was made in the lecture room by his lectures in which he ridiculed religious faith and creeds and criti- cised the Bible and the Christian religion. He was the orator of the day in the Decora- tion Day celebration in the city of New York in 1 8S2 and his oration was widely com- mended. He first attracted political notice in the convention at Cincinnati in 1876 by his brilliant eulogy on James G. Blaine. He practiced law in Peoria, Illinois, for a num- ber of ) ears, but later located in the city of New York. He published the follow- ing: "The Gods and other Lectures;" "The Ghosts;" "Some Mistakes of Moses;" '•What Shall I Do To Be Saved;" "Inter- views on Talmage and Presbyterian Cate- chism ;" The " North American Review Controversy;" "Prose Poems;" "A Vision of War ;" etc. JOSEPH ECCLESTON JOHNSTON, a noted general in the Confederate army, was born in Prince Edward county, Virginia, in 1807. He graduated from West Point and entered the army in 1829. For a num- ber of years his chief service was garrison duty. He saw active service, however, in the Seminole war in Florida, part of the time as a staff officer of General Scott. He resigned his commission in 1837, but re- turned to the army a year later, and was brevetted captain for gallant services in Florida. He was made first lieutenant of topographical engineers, and was engaged in river and harbor improvements and also in the survey of the Texas boundary and the northern boundary of the United States until the beginning of the war with Mexico. He was at the siege of Vera Cruz, and at the battle of Cerro Gordo was wounded while reconnoitering the enemy's position, after which he was brevetted major and colonel. He was in all the battles about the city of Mexico, and was again wounded in the final assault upon that city. After the Mexican war closed he returned to duty as captain of topographical engineers, but in 1855 he was made lieutenant-colonel of cavalry and did frontier duty, and was ap- pointed inspector-general of the expedition to Utah. In i860 he was appointed quar- termaster-general with rank of brigadier- general. At the outbreak of hostilities in 1 861 he resigned his commission and re- ceived the appointment of major-general of the Confederate army. He held Harper's Ferry, and later fought General Patterson about Winchester. At the battle of Bull Run he declined command in favor of Beau- regard, and acted under that general's direc- tions. He commanded the Confederates in the famous Peninsular campaign, and was severely wounded at Fair Oaks and was succeeded in command by General Lee. Upon his recovery he was made lieutenant- general and assigned to the command of the southwestern department. He attempted 5fi COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY, to raise the siege of Vicksburg, and was finally defeated at Jackson, Mississippi. Having been made a general he succeeded General Bragg in command of the army of Tennessee and was ordered to check General Sherman's advance upon Atlanta. Not daring to risk a battle with the overwhelm- ing forces of Sherman, he slowly retreated toward Atlanta, and was relieved of com- mand by Fresident Davis and succeeded by General Hood. Hood utterly destroyed his own army by three furious attacks upon Sherman. Johnston was restored to com- mand in the Carolinas, and again faced Sherman, but was defeated in several en- gagements and continued a slow retreat toward Richmond. Hearing of Lee's sur- render, he communicated with General Sherman, and finally surrendered his army at Durham, North Carolina, April 26, 1865. General Johnston was elected a member of the forty-sixth congress and was ap- pointed United States railroad commis- sioner in 1885. His death occurred March 21, 1891. SAMUEL LANGHORNE CLEMENS, known throughout the civilized world as "Mark Twain," is recognized as one of the greatest humorists America has pro- duced. He was born in Monroe county, Missouri, November 30, 1835. Hespenthis boyhood days in his native state and many of his earlier experiences are related in vari- ous forms in his later writings. One of his early acquaintances, Capt. Isaiah Sellers, at an early day furnished river news for the New Orleans " Picayune," using the noni- de-plume of "Mark Twain." Sellers died in 1863 and Clemens took up his nont-de- plume and made it famous throughout the world by his literary work. In 1862 Mr. Clemens became a journalist at Virginia, Nevada, and afterward followed the same pro- fession at San Francisco and Buffalo, New York. He accumulated a fortune from the sale of his many publications, but in later years engaged in business enterprises, partic- ularly the manufacture of a typesetting ma- chine, which dissipated his fortune and re- duced him almost to poverty, but with resolute heart he at once again took up his pen and engaged in literary work in the effort to regain his lost ground. Among the best known of his works may be mentioned the fol- lowing: ' ' The Jumping Frog, " ' ' Tom Saw- yer," " Roughingit," " Innocents Abroad," "Huckleberry Finn," "Gilded Age," "Prince and Pauper," "Million Pound Bank Note," "A Yankee in King Arthur's Court," etc. CHRISTOPHER CARSON, better known as "Kit Carson;" was an Amer- ican trapper and scout who gained a wide reputation for his frontier work. He was a native of Kentucky, born December 24th, 1809. He grew to manhood there, devel- oping a natural inclination for adventure in the pioneer experiences in his native state. When yet a young man he became quite well known on the frontier. He served as a guide to Gen. Fremont in his Rocky Mountain explorations and enlisted in the army. He was an officer in the United States service in both the Mexican war and the great Civil war, and in the latter received a brevet of brigadier-general for meritorious service. His death occurred May 23, 1868. JOHN SHERMAN.— Statesman, politi- cian, cabinet officer and senator, the name of the gentleman who heads this sketch is al- most a household word throughout this country. Identified with some of the most COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY 87 impoitant measures adopted by our Govern- ment since the close of the Civil war, he may well be called one of the leading men of his day. John Sherman was born at Lancaster, Fairfield county, Ohio, May ioth, 1823, the son of Charles R. Sherman, an emi- nent lawyer and judge of the supreme court of Ohio and who died in 1829. The subject of this article received an academic educa- tion and was admitted to the bar in 1844. In the Whig conventions of 1844 and 1848 he sat as a delegate. He was a member of the National house of representatives, from 1S55 to 1 86 1. In 1 S60 he was re- elected to the same position but was chosen United States senator before he took his scat in the lower house. He was re-elected senator in 1S66 and 1872 and was long chairman of the committee on finance and on agriculture. He took a prominent part in debates on finance and on the conduct of the war, and was one of the authors of the reconstruction measures in 1866 and 1S67, and was appointed secretary of the treas- ury March 7th, 1877. Mr. Sherman was re-elected United States senator from Ohio January iSth, 1881, and again in 1S86 and 1892, during which time he was regarded as one of the most promi- nent leaders of the Republican party, both in the senate and in the country. He was several times the favorite of his state for the nomination for president. On the formation of his cabinet in March, 1897, President McKinley tendered the posi- tion of secretary of state to Mr. Sherman, which was accepted. WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON, ninth president of the United States, was born in Charles county, Virginia, February 9: J 773. Irie son of Governor Benjamin Harrison. He took a course in Hampden- Sidney College with a view to the practice of medicine, and then went to Philadelphia to study under Dr. Rush, but in 1 79 1 he entered the army, and obtained the commis- sion of ensign, was soon promoted to the lieutenancy, and was with General Wayne in his war against the Indians. For his valuable service he was promoted to the rank of captain and given command of Fort Washington, now Cincinnati. He was ap- pointed secretary of the Northwest Territory in 1797, and in 1799 became its representa- tive in congress. In 1801 he was appointed governor of Indiana Territory, and held the position for twelve years, during which time he negotiated important treaties with the In- dians, causing them to relinquish millions of acres of land, and also won the battle of Tippecanoe in 181 1. He succeeded in obtaining a 1 change in the law which did not permit purchase of public lands in less tracts than four thousand acres, reducing the limit to three hundred and twenty acres. He became major-general of Kentucky militia and brigadier-general in the United States army in 18 12, and won great renown in the defense of Fort Meigs, and his victory over the British and Indians under Proctor and Tecumseh at the Thames river, October 5, 18 1 3. In 1 8 16 General Harrison was elected to congress from Ohio, and during the canvass was accused of corrupt methods in regard tc the commissariat of the army. He demanded an investigation after the election and was exonerated. In 1S19 he was elected to the Ohio state senate, and in 1824 he gave his vote as a presidential elector to Henry Clay. He became a member of the United States senate the same year. During the last year of Adams' administration he was sent as minister to Colombia, but was re- ^ COMPEXniUM OF BIOGRAPHY. called by President Jackson the following year. He then retired to his estate at North Bend, Ohio, a few miles below Cincinnati. In 1836 he was a candidate for the presidency, but as there were three other candidates the votes were divided, he receiving seventy- three electoral votes, a majority going to Mr. Van Buren, the Democratic candidate. Four years later General Harrison was again nominated by the Whigs, and elected by a tremendous majority. The campaign was noted for its novel features, many of which have found a permanent place in subsequent campaigns. Those peculiar to that cam- paign, however, were the " log-cabin " and "hard cider" watchwords, which produced great enthusiasm among his followers. One month after his inauguration he died from an attack of pleurisy, April 4, 1841. CHARLES A. DANA, the well-known and widely-read journalist of New York City, a native of Hinsdale, New Hampshire, was born August 8, 18 19. He received the elements of a good education in his youth and studied for two years at Harvard University. Owing to some disease of the eyes he was unable to complete his course and graduate, but was granted the degree of A. M. notwithstanding. For some time he was editor of the " Harbinger," and was a regular contributor to the Boston " Chrono- type." In 1847 he became connected with the New York ' ' Tribune, " and continued on the staff of that journal until 1858. In the latter year he edited and compiled "The Household Book of Poetry," and later, in connection with George Ripley, edited the "New American Cyclopaedia." Mr. Dana, on severing his connection with the " Tribune " in 1867, became editor of the New York "Sun," a paper with which he was identified for many years, and which he made one of the leaders of thought in the eastern part of the United States. He wielded a forceful pen and fearlessly attacked whatever was corrupt and unworthy in politics, state or national. The same year, 1867, Mr. Dana organized the New York " Sun " Company. During the troublous days of the war, when the fate of the Nation depended upon the armies in the field, Mr. Dana accepted the arduous and responsible position of assistant secretary of war, and held the position during the greater part of 1863 and 1864. He died October 17, 1897. ASA GRAY was recognized throughout the scientific world as one of the ablest and most eminent of botanists. He was born at Paris, Oneida county, New York, November 18, 18 10. He received his medi- cal degree at the Fairfield College of Physi- cians and Surgeons, in Herkimer county, New York, and studied botany with the late Professor Torrey, of New York. He was appointed botanist to the Wilkes expedition in 1834, but declined the offer and became professor of natural history in Harvard Uni- versity in 1S42. He retired from the active duties of this post in 1S73, and in 1874 he was the regent of the Smithsonian Institu- tion at Washington, District of Columbia. Dr. Gray wrote several books on the sub- ject of the many sciences of which he was master. In 1836 he published his "Ele- ments of Botany," "Manual of Botany" in 1S48; the unfinished "Flora of North America," by himself and Dr. Torrey, the publication of which commenced in 1S3S. There is another of his unfinished works called "Genera Boreaii-x^mericana, " pub- lished in 184S, and the "Botany of the United States Pacific Exploring Expedition in 1S54." He wrote many elaborate papers COM!' li.Xni I'M OF lilOGRAPlir. 89 on the botany of the west and southwest that were published in the Smithsonian Con- tributions, Memoirs, etc., of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, of which in- stitution he was president for ten years. He was also the author of many of the government reports. ' ' How Plants Grow, " "Lessons in Botany," " Structural and Sys- tematic Botany," are also works from his ready pen. Dr. Gray published in 1861 his "Free Examination of Darwin's Treatise" and his " Darwiniana," in 1876. Mr. Gray was elected July 29, 1878, to a membership in the Instituteof France, Academy of Sciences. His death occurred at Cambridge, Massa- chusetts, January 30, 1889. WILLIAM MAXWELL EVARTS was one of the greatest leaders of the American bar. He was born in Boston, Massachusetts, February 6, 1818, and grad- uated from Yale College in 1837. He took up the study of law, which he practiced in the city of New York and won great renown as an orator and advocate. He affiliated with the Republican party, which he joined soon after its organization. He was the leading counsel employed for the defense of President Johnson in his trial for impeach- ment before the senate in April and May of 1868. In July, 1868, Mr. Evarts was appointed attorney-general of the United States, and served until March 4, 1869. He was one of the three lawyers who were selected by President Grant in 1871 to defend the inter- ests of the citizens of the United States be- fore the tribunal of arbitration which met at Geneva in Switzerland to settle the con- troversy over the " Alabama Claims." He was one of the most eloquent advo- cates in the United States, and many of his public addresses have been preserved and published. He was appointed secretary of state March 7, 1S77, by President Hayes, and served during the Hayes administration. He was elected senator from the state of New York January 21, 1885, and at once took rank among the ablest statesmen in Congress, and the prominent part he took in the discussion of public questions gave him a national reputation. I OHN WANAMAKER.— The life of this kJ great merchant demonstrates . the fact that the great secret of rising from the ranks is, to-day, as in the past ages, not so much the ability to make money, as to save it, or in other words, the ability to live well within one's income. Mr. Wanamaker was born in Philadelphia in 1838. He started out in life working in a brickyard for a mere pit- tance, and left that position to work in a book store as a clerk, where he earned the sum of $5.00 per month, and later on was in the employ of a clothier where he received twenty-five cents a week more. He was only fifteen years of age at that time, but was a " money-getter" by instinct, and laid by a small sum for a possible rainy day. By strict attention to business, com- bined with natural ability, he was promoted many times, and at the age of twenty he had saved $2,000. After several months vacation in the south, he returned to Phila- delphia and became a master brick mason, but this was too tiresome to the young man, and he opened up the " Oak Hall " clothing store in April, 1861, at Philadelphia. The capital of the firm was rather limited, but finally, after many discouragements, they laid the foundations of one of the largest business houses in the world. The estab- lishment covers at the present writing some fourteen acres of floor space, and furnishes «J0 COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. employment for five thousand persons. Mr. Wanamaker was also a great church worker, and built a church that cost him $60,000, and he was superintendent of the Sunday- school, which had a membership of over three thousand children. He steadily re- fused to run for mayor or congress and the only public office that he ever held was that of postmaster-general, under the Harrison administration, and here he exhibited his extraordinary aptitude for comprehending the details of public business. DAVID BENNETT HILL, a Demo- cratic politician who gained a na- tional reputation, was born August 29, j 843, at Havana, New York. He was educated at the academy of his native town, and removed to Elmira, New York, in 1862, where he studied law. He was admitted to the bar in 1864, in which year he was ap- pointed city attorney. Mr. Hill soon gained a considerable practice, becoming prominent in his profession. He developed a taste for politics in which he began to take an active part in the different campaigns and became the recognized leader of the local Democ- racy. In 1S70 he was elected a member of the assembly and was re-elected in 1872. While a member of this assembly he formed the acquaintance of Samuel J. Tilden, after- ward governor of the state, who appointed Mr. Hill, W. M. Evarts and Judge Hand as a committee to provide a uniform charter for the different cities of the state. The pressure of professional engagements com- pelled him to decline to serve. In 1877 Mr. Hill was made chairman of the Demo- cratic state convention at Albany, his elec- tion being due to the Tilden wing of the party, and he he'd the same position again in 1SS1. He served one term as alderman in Eimira, at the expiration of which term, in 1882, he was elected mayor of Elmira, and in September of the same year was nominated for lieutenant-governor on the Democratic state ticket. He was success- ful in the campaign and two years later, when Grover Cleveland was elected to the presidency, Mr. Hill succeeded to the gov- ernorship for the unexpired term. In 1885 he was elected governor for a full term of three years, at the end of which he was re- elected, his term expiring in 1891, in which year he was elected United States senator. In the senate he became a conspicuous figure and gained a national reputation. ALLEN G. THURMAN. — " The noblest Roman of them all " was the title by which Mr. Thurman was called by his com- patriots of the Democracy. He was the greatest leader of the Democratic party in his day and held the esteem of all the people, regardless of their political creeds. Mr. Thurman was born November 13, 18 13, at Lynchburg, Virginia, where he remained until he had attained the age of six years, when he moved to Ohio. He received an academic education and after graduating, took up the study of law, was admitted to the bar in 1835, and achieved a brilliant success in that line. In political life he was very successful, and his first office was that of representative of the state of Ohio in the twenty-ninth congress. He was elected judge of the supreme court of Ohio in 1851, and was chief justice of the same from 1854 to 1856. In 1867 he was the choice of the Democratic party of his state for governor, and was elected to the United States senate in 1869 to succeed Benjamin F. Wade, and was re-elected to the same position in 1874. He was a prominent figure in the senate, until the expiration of his service in 1 88 1. Mr. Thurman was also one of the COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPI1T. 91 principal presidental possibilities in the Democratic convention held at St. Louis in 1876. In 1888 he was the Democratic nominee for vice-president on the ticket with Grover Cleveland, but was defeated. Allen Granberry Thurman died December 12, 1895, a t Columbus, Ohio. CHARLES FARRAR BROWNE, better known as " Artemus Ward," was born April 26, 1834, in the village of Waterford, Maine. He was thirteen years old at the time of his father's death, and about a year later he was apprenticed to John M. Rix, who published the "Coos County Dem- ocrat " at Lancaster, New Hampshire. Mr. Browne remained with him one year, when, hearing that his brother Cyrus was starting a paper at Norway, Maine, he left Mr. Rix and determined to get work on the new paper. He worked for his brother until the failure of the newspaper, and then went to Augusta, Maine, where he remained a few weeks and then removed to Skowhegan, and secured a position on the "Clarion." But either the climate or the work was not satisfactory to him, for one night he silently left the town and astonished his good mother by appearing unexpectedly at home. Mr. Browne then received some letters of recom- mendation to Messrs. Snow and Wilder, of Boston, at whose office Mrs. Partington's (B. P. Shillaber) " Carpet Bag " was printed, and he was engaged and remained there for three years. He then traveled westward in search of employment and got as far as Tif- fin, Ohio, where he found employment in the office of the "Advertiser," and remained there some months when he proceeded to Toledo, Ohio, where he became one of the staff of the "Commercial," which position he held until 1S57. Mr. Browne next went co Cleveland, Ohio, and became the local editor of the "Plain Dealer," and it was in the columns of this paper that he published his first articles and signed them " Artemus Ward." In i860 he went to New York and became the editor of " Vanity Fair," but the idea of lecturing here seized him, and he was fully determined to make the trial. Mr. Browne brought out his lecture, "Babes in the Woods " at Clinton Hall, December 23, 1 861, and in 1862 he published his first book entitled, " Artemus Ward; His Book." He attained great fame as a lecturer and his lectures were not confined to America, for. he went to England in 1866, and became exceedingly popular, both as a lecturer and a contributor to "Punch." Mr. Browne lectured for the last time January 23, 1867. He died in Southampton, England, March 6, 1867. THURLOW WEED, a noted journalist and politician, was born in Cairo, New York, November 15, 1797. He learned the printer's trade at the age of twelve years, and worked at this calling for several years in various villages in central New York. He served as quartermaster-sergeant during the war of 18 12. In 1818 he established the "Agriculturist," at Norwich, New York, and became editor of the "Anti-Masonic Enquirer," at Rochester, in 1826. In the same year he was elected to the legislature and re-elected in 1830, when he located in Albany, New York, and there started the " Evening Journal," and conducted it in op- position to the Jackson administration and the nullification doctrines of Calhoun. He became an adroit party manager, and was instrumental in promoting the nominations of Harrison, Taylor and Scott for the pres- idency. In 1856 and in i860 he threw his support to W. H. Seward, but when defeat- ed in his object, he gave cordial support to 92 COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. Fremont and Lincoln. Mr. Lincoln pre- veiled upon him to visit the various capitals of Europe, where he proved a valuable aid tc the administration in moulding the opin- ions of the statesmen of that continent favorable to the cause of the Union. Mr. Weed's connection with the ' ' Even- ing Journal " was severed in 1862, when he settled in New York, and for a time edited the "Commercial Advertiser." In 1868 he retired from active life. His " Letters from Europe and the West Indies," published in 1866, together with some interesting " Rem- iniscences," published in the "Atlantic Monthly," in 1870, an autobiography, and portions of an extensive correspondence will be of great value to writers of the political history of the United States. Mr. Weed died in New York, November 22, 1882. WILLIAM COLLINS WHITNEY, one of the prominent Democratic politicians of the country and ex-secretary of the navy, was born July 5th, 1841, at Con- way, Massachusetts, and received his edu- cation at Williston Seminary, East Hamp- ton, Massachusetts. Later he attended Yale College, where he graduated in 1863, and entered the Harvard Law School, which he left in 1864. Beginning practice in New York city, he soon gained a reputation as an able lawyer. He made his first appear- ance in public affairs in 1871, when he was active in organizing a young men's Demo- cratic club. In 1872 he was the recognized leader of the county Democracy and in 1875 was appointed corporation counsel for the city of New York. He resigned the office, 1882, to attend to personal interests and on March 5, 1885, he was appointed secretary of the navy by President Cleveland. Under his administration the navy of the United States rapidly rose in rank among the navies of the world. When he retired from office in 1889, the vessels of the United States navy designed and contracted for by him were five double-turreted monitors, two new armor-clads, the dynamite cruiser "Ve- suvius," and five unarmored steel and iron cruisers. Mr. Whitney was the leader of the Cleveland forces in the national Democratic convention of 1892. EDWIN FORREST, the first and great- est American tragedian, was born in Philadelphia in 1806. His father was a tradesman, and some accounts state that he had marked out a mercantile career for his son, Edwin, while others claim that he had intended him for the ministry. His wonder- ful memory, his powers of mimicry and his strong musical voice, however, attracted at- tention before he was eleven years old, and at that age he made his first appearance on the stage. The costume in which he appeared was so ridiculous that he left the stage in a fit of anger amid a roar of laughter from the audience. This did not discourage him, however, and at the age of fourteen, after some preliminary training in elocution, he appeared again, this time as Young Norvel, and gave indications of future greatness. Up to 1826 he played entirely with strolling companies through the south and west, but at that time he obtained an engagement at the Bowery Theater in New York. From that time his fortune was made. His man- ager paid him $40 per night, and it is stated that he loaned Forrest to other houses from time to time at $200 per night. His great successes were Virginius, Damon, Othello, Coriolanus, William Tell, Spartacus and Lear. He made his first appearance in London in 1836, and his success was un- questioned from the start. In 1845, on his COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. 93 second appearance in London, he became involved in a bitter rivalry with the great English actor, Macready, who had visited America two years before. The result was that Forrest was hissed from the stage, and it was charged that Macready had instigated the plot. Forrest's resentment was so bitter that he himself openly hissed Macready from his box a few nights later. In 1848 Macready again visited America at a time when American admiration and enthusiasm for Forrest had reached its height. Macready undertook to play at Astor Place Opera House in May, 1849, but was hooted off the stage. A few nights later Macready made a second attempt to play at the same house, thistime under police protection. The house was filled with Macready 's friends, but the vio- olence of the mob outside stopped the play, and the actor barely escaped with his life. Upon reading the riot act the police and troops were assaulted with stones. The troops replied, first with blank cartridges, and then a volley of lead dispersed the mob, leaving thirty men dead or seriously wounded. After this incident Forrest's popularity waned, until in 1855 he retired from the stage. He re-appeared in i860, however, and probably the most remunerative period of his life was between that date and the close of the Civil war. His last appearance on the stage was at the Globe Theatre, Boston, in Richelieu, in April, 1872, his death occurring December 12 of that year. NOAH PORTER, D. D., LL. D., was one of the most noted educators, au- thors and scientific writers of the United States. He was born December 14, 181 1, at Farmington, Connecticut, graduated at Yale College in 1 83 1 , and was master of Hopkins Grammar School at New Haven in l8 3'-33- During 1833-35 he was a tutor at Yale, and at the same time was pursuing his theological studies, and became pastor of the Congregational church at New Mil- ford, Connecticut, in April, 1836. Dr. Porter removed to Springfield, Massachu- setts, in 1843, and was chosen professor of metaphysics and moral philosophy at Yale in 1846. He spent a year in Germany in the study of modern metaphysics in 1853— 54, and in 1871 he was elected president of Yale College. He resigned the presidency in 1885, but still remained professor of met- aphysics and moral philosophy. He was the author of a number of works, among which are the following: " Historical Es- say," written in commemoration of the 200th aniversary of the settlement of the town of Farmington; " Educational System of the Jesuits Compared;" "The Human Intel- lect," with an introduction upon psychology and the soul; " Books and Reading;" 'American Colleges and the American Pub- lic;" " Elementsof Intellectual Philosophy;" " The Science of Nature versus the Science of Man;" "Science and Sentiment;" "Ele- ments of Moral Science." Dr. Porter was the principal editor of the revised edition of Webster's Dictionary in 1864, and con- tributed largely to religious reviews and periodicals. Dr. Porter's death occurred March 4, 1892, at New Haven, Connecticut. JOHN TYLER, tenth president of the United States, was born in Charles City county, Virginia, March 29, 1790, and was the son of Judge John Tyler, one of the most distinguished men of his day. When but twelve years of age young John Tyler entered William and Mary Col- lege, graduating from there in 1806. He took up the study of law and was admitted to the bar in 1809, when but nineteen years 94 COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. of age. On attaining his majority in 1 8 1 1 he was elected a member of the state legis- lature, and for five years held that position by the almost unanimous vote of his county. He was elected to congress in 1816, and served in that body for four years, after which for two years he represented his dis- trict again in the legislature of the state. While in congress, he opposed the United States bank, the protective policy and in- ternal improvements by the United States government. 1825 saw Mr. Tyler governor of Virginia, but in 1827 he was chosen member of the United States senate, and held that office for nine years. He therein opposed the administration of Adams and the tariff bill of 1828, sympathized with the nullifers of South Carolina and was the only senator who voted against the Force bill for the suppression of that state's insip- ient rebellion. He resigned his position as senator on account of a disagreement with the legislature of his state in relation to his censuring President Jackson. He retired to Williamsburg, Virginia, but being regarded as a martyr by the Whigs, whom, hereto- fore, he had always opposed, was supported by many of that party for the vice-presi- dency in 1836. He sat in the Virginia leg- islature as a Whig in 1839-40, and was a delegate to the convention of that party in i8.;9. This national convention nominated him for the second place on the ticket with General William H. H. Harrison, and he was elected vice-president in November, 1840. President Harrison dying one month after his inauguration, he was succeeded by John Tyler. He retained the cabinet chosen by his predecessor, and for a time moved in harmony with the Whig party. He finally instructed the secretary of the treasury, Thomas Ewing, to submit to congress a bill for the incorporation of a fiscal bank of the United States, which was passed by con- gress, but vetoed by the president on ac- count of some amendments he considered unconstitutional. For this and other meas- ures he was accused of treachery to his party, and deserted by his whole cabinet, except Daniel Webster. Things grew worse until he was abandoned by the Whig party formally, when Mr. Webster resigned. He was nominated at Baltimore, in May, 1844, at the Democratic convention, as their pres- idential candidate, but withdrew from the canvass, as he saw he had not succeed- ed in gaining the confidence of his old party. He then retired from politics until February, 1861, when he was made presi- dent of the abortive peace congress, which met in Washington. He shortly after re- nounced his allegiance to the United States and was elected a member of the Confeder- ate congress. He died at Richmond, Janu- ary 17, 1862. Mr. Tyler married, in 18 13, Miss Letitia Christian, who died in 1842 at Washington. June 26, 1844, he contracted a second mar- riage, with Miss Julia Gardner, of New York. COLLIS POTTER HUNTINGTON, one of the great men of his time and who has left his impress upon the history of our national development, was born October 22, 1 82 1, at Harwinton, Connecticut. He received a common-school education and at the age of fourteen his spirit of get- ting along in the world mastered his educa- tional propensities and his father's objec- tions and he left school. He went to Cali- fornia in the early days and had opportunities which he handled masterfully. Others had the same opportunities but they did not have his brains nor his energy, and it was he who overcame obstacles and reaped the reward of his genius. Transcontinental railways COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. 95 were inevitable, but the realization of this masterful achievement would have been de- layed to a much later day if there had been no Huntington. He associated himself with Messrs. Mark Hopkins, Leland Stanford, and Charles Crocker, and they furnished the money necessary for a survey across the Sierra Nevadas, secured a charter for the road, and raised, with thegovernment's aid, money enough to construct and equip that railway, which at the time of its completion was a marvel of engineering and one of the wonders of the world. Mr. Huntington be- came president of the Southern Pacific rail- road, vice-president of the Central Pacific; trustee of the Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Company, and a director of the Occidental and Oriental Steamship Company, besides being identified with many other business enterprises of vast importance. GEORGE A. CUSTER, a famous In- dian fighter, was born in Ohio in 1840. He graduated at West Point in 1 861 , an- served in the Civil war; was at Bull Run id 1861, and was in the Peninsular campaign, being one of General McClellan's aides-de, camp. He fought in the battles of South Mountain and Antietam in 1863, and was with General Stoneman on his famous cavalry raid. He was engaged in the battle of Gettysburg, and was there made brevet- major. In 1S63 was appointed brigadier- general of volunteers. General Custer was in many skirmishes in central Virginia in 1S63-64, and was present at the following battles of the Richmond campaign: Wil- derness, Todd's Tavern, Yellow Tavern, where he wasbrevetted lieutenant-colonel ; Meadow Bridge, Haw's Shop, Cold Harbor, Trevil- lian Station. In the Shenandoah Valley 1 864-65 he was brevetted colonel at Opequan Creek, and at Cedar Creek he was made brevet major-general for gallant conduct during the engagement. General Custer was in command of a cavalry division in the pursuit of Lee's army in 1865, and fought at Dinwiddie Court House, Five Forks, where he was made brevet brigadier-general ; Sailors Creek and Appomattox, where he gained additional honors and was made brevet major-general, and was given the command of the cavalry in the military division of the southwest and Gulf, in 1865. After the establishment of peace he went west on frontier duty and performed gallant and valuable service in the troubles with the Indians. He was killed in the massacre on the Little Big Horn river, South Dakota, June 25, 1876. DANIEL WOLSEY VOORHEES, cel- brated as ' ' The Tall Sycamore of the Wabash," was born September 26, 1827, in Butler county, Ohio. When he was two- months old his parents removed to Fount- ain county, Indiana. He grew to manhood on a farm, engaged in all the arduous work pertaining to rural life. In 1845 he entered the Indiana Asbury University, now the De Pauw, from which he graduated in 1849. He took up the study of law at Crawfords- ville, and in 1851 began the practice of his profession at Covington, Fountain county, Indiana. He became a law partner of United States Senator Hannegan, of Indi- ana, in 1852, and in 1856 he was an unsuc- cessful candidate for congress. In the fol- lowing year he took up his residence in Terre Haute, Indiana. He was United States district attorney for Indiana from 1857 until 1 86 1, and he had during this period been elected to congress, in i860. Mr. Voorhees was re-elected to congress in 1862 and 1S64, but he was unsuccessful in the election of 1866. However, he was returned to con- 96 COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY gress in 1868, where he remained until 1874, having been re-elected twice. In 1877 he was appointed United States senator from Indiana to fill a vacancy caused by the death of O. P. Morton, and at the end of the term .was elected for the ensuing term, being re- elected in 1885 and in 1891 to the same of- fice. He served with distinction on many of the committees, and took a very prom- inent part in the discussion of all the im- portant legislation of his time. His death occurred in August, 189 . ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL, fa- mous as one of the inventors of the tele- phone, was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, March 3rd, 1847. He received his early education in the high school and later he attended the university, and was specially trained to follow his grandfather's profes- sion, that of removing impediments of speech. He emigrated to the United States in 1872, and introduced into this country his father's invention of visible speech in the institutions for deaf-mutes. Later he was appointed professor of vocal physiology in the Boston University. He wcrked for many years during his leisure hours on his telephonic discovery, and finally perfected it and exhibited it publicly, before it had reached the high state of perfection to which he brought it. His first exhibition of it was at the Centennial Exhibition that was held in Philadelphia in 1876. Its success is now established throughout the civilized world. In 18S2 Prof. Bell received a diploma and the decoration of the Legion of Honor from the Academy of Sciences of France. WILLIAM HICKLING PRESCOTT, the justly celebrated historian and author, was a native of Salem, Massachu- setts, and was born May 4, 1796. He was the son of Judge William Prescott and the grandson of the hero of Bunker Hill, Colonel William Prescott. Our subject in 1808 removed with the family to Boston, in the schools of which city he received his early education. He entered Harvard College as a sophomore in 181 1, having been prepared at the private classical college of Rev. Dr. J. S. J. Gardi- jner. The following year he received an in- ury in his left eye which made study through life a matter of difficulty. He graduated in 1814 with high "honors in the classics and belle lettres. He spent several months on the Azores Islands, and later visited England, France and Italy, return- ing home in 1817. In June, 181S, he founded a social and literary club at Boston for which he edited "The Club Room," a periodical doomed to but a short life. May 4, 1820, he married Miss Susan Amory. He devoted several years after that event to a thorough study of ancient and modern history and literature. As the fruits of his labors he published several well written essays upon French and Italian poetry and romance in the " North American Review." January 19, 1826, he decided to take up his first great historical work, the " History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella." To this he gave the labor of ten years, publish- ing the same December 25, 1837. Although placed at the head of all American authors, so diffident was Prescott of his literary merit that although he had four copies of this work printed for his own convenience, he hesitated a long time before giving it to the public, and it was only by the solicitation of friends, especially of that talented Spanish scholar, George Ticknor, that he was in- duced to do so. Soon the volumes were translated into French, Italian, Dutch and German, and the work was recognized COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. 97 throughout the world as one of the most meritorious of historical compositions. In 1843 he published the "Conquest of Mexi- co," and in 1847 the "Conquest of Peru." Two years later there came from his pen a volume of " Biographical and Critical Mis- cellanies." Going abroad in the summer of 1850, he was received with great distinction in the literary circles of London, Edinburgh, Paris, Antwerp and Brussels. Oxford Uni- versity conferred the degree of D. C. L. upon him. In 1855 he issued two volumes of his "History of the Reign of Philip the Second," and a third in 1858. In the meantime he edited Robertson*s "Charles the Fifth," adding a history of the life of that monarch after his abdication. Death cut short his work on the remaining volumes of " Philip the Second," coming to him at Boston, Massachusetts, May 28, 1859. OLIVER HAZARD PERRY, a noted American commodore, was born in South Kingston, Rhode Island, August 23, 1785. He saw his first service as a mid- shipman in the United States navy in April, 1799. He cruised with his father, Captain Christopher Raymond Perry, in the West In- dies for about two years. In 1804. he was in the war against Tripoli, and was made lieutenant in 1 807. At the opening of hostili- ties with Great Britain in 1S12 he was given command of a fleet of gunboats on the At- lantic coast. At his request he was trans- ferred, a year later, to Lake Ontario, where he served under Commodore Chauncey, and took an active part in the attack on Fort George. He was ordered to fit out a squad- ron on Lake Erie, which he did, building most of his vessels from the forests along the shore, and by the summer of 1 8 1 3 he had a fleet of nine vessels at Presque Isle, now Erie, Pennsylvania September 10th he attacked and captured the British fleet near Put-in-Bay, thus clearing the lake of hostile ships. His famous dispatch is part of his fame, " We have met the enemy, and they are ours." He co-operated with Gen. Har- rison, and the success of the campaign in the northwest was largely due to his victory. The next year he was transferred to the Po- tomac, and assisted in the defense of Balti- more. After the war he was in constant service with the various squadrons in cruising in all parts of the world. He died of yellow fever on the Island of Trinidad, August 23, 1 8 19. His remains were conveyed to New- port, and buried there, and an imposing obelisk was erected to his memory by the State of Rhode Island. A bronze statue was also erected in his honor, the unveiling taking place in 1885. JOHN PAUL JONES, though a native of Scotland, was one of America's most noted fighters during the Revolutionary war. He was born July 6, 1747. His father was a gardener, but the young man soon be- came interested in a seafaring life and at the age of twelve he was apprenticed to a sea captain engaged in the American trade. His first voyage landed him in Virginia, where he had a brother who had settled there several years prior. The failure of the captain released young Jones from his apprenticeship bonds, and he was engaged as third mate of a vessel engaged in the slave trade. He abandoned this trade after a few years, from his own sense of disgrace. He took passage from Jamaica for Scotland in 1768, and on the voyage both the captain and the mate died and he was compelled to take command of the vessel for the re- mainder of the voyage. He soon after became master of the vessel. He returned to Virginia about 1773 to settle up the estate COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. of his brother, and at this time added the name "Jones," having previously been known as John Paul. He settled down in Virginia, but when the war broke out in 1775 he offered his services to congress and was appointed senior lieutenant of the flag- ship "Alfred," on which he hoisted the American flag with his own hands, the first vessel that had ever carried a flag of the new nation. He was afterward appointed to the command of the " Alfred," and later of the "Providence," in each of which ves- sels he did good service, as also in the "Ranger," to the command of which he was later appointed. The fight that made him famous, however, was that in which he captured the " Serapis," off the coast of Scotland. He was then in command of the "Bon Homme Richard," which had been fitted out for him by the French government and named by Jones in honor of Benjamin Franklin, or "Good Man Richard," Frank- lin being author of the publication known as " Poor Richard's Almanac." The fight between the " Richard" and the "Serapis" lasted three hours, all of which time the vessels were at close range, and most of the time in actual contact. Jones' vessel was on fire several times, and early in the en- gagement two of his guns bursted, rendering the battery useless. Also an envious officer of the Alliance, one of Jones' own fleet, opened fire upon the " Richard " at a crit- ical time, completely disabling the vessel. Jones continued the fight, in spite of coun- sels to surrender, and after dark the " Ser- apis " struck her colors, and was hastily boarded by Jones and his crew, while the "Richard" sank, bows first, after the wounded had been taken en board the "Serapis." Most of the other vessels of the fleet of which the " Serapis" was con- voy, surrendered, and were taken with the "Serapis" to France, where Jones was received with greatest honors, and the king presented him with an elegant sword and the cross of the Order of Military Merit. Congress gave him a vote of thanks and made him commander of a new ship, the "America," but the vessel was afterward given to France and Jones never saw active sea service again. He came to America again, in 1787, after the close of the war, and was voted a gold medal by congress. He went to Russia and was appointed rear-admiral and rendered service of value against the Turks, but on account of personal enmity of the fav- orites of the emperor he was retired on a pen- sion. Failing to collect this, he returned to France, where he died, July 18, 1792. THOMAS MORAN, the well-known painter of Rocky Mountain scenery, was born in Lancashire, England, in 1837. He came to America when a child, and showing artistic tastes, he was apprenticed to a wood engraver in Philadelphia. Three years later he began landscape painting, and his style soon began to exhibit signs of genius. His first works were water-colors, and though without an instructor he began the use of oils, he soon found it necessary to visit Europe, where he gave particular at- tention to the works of Turner. He joined the Yellowstone Park exploring expedition and visited the Rocky Mountains in 1871 and again in 1873, making numerous sketches of the scenery. The most note- worthy results were his "Grand Canon of the Yellowstone," and " The Chasm of the Colorado," which were purchased by con- gress at $10,000 each, the first of which is undoubtedly the finest landscape painting produced in this country. Mr. Moran has subordinated art to nature, and the subjects he has chosen leave little ground for fault COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. 101 finding on that account. "The Mountain of the Holy Cross," "The Groves Were God's First Temples," " The Cliffs of Green River," " The Children of the Mountain," "The Ripening of the Leaf," and others have given him additional fame, and while they do not equal in grandeur the first mentioned, in many respects from an artis- tic standpoint they are superior. L ELAND STANFORD was one of the greatest men of the Pacific coast and also had a national reputation. He was born March 9, 1824, in Albany county, New York, and passed his early life on his father's farm. He attended the local schools of the county and at the age of twenty began the study of law. He entered the law office of Wheaton, Doolittle and Hadley, at Albany, in 1845, an( ^ a ^ ew years later he moved to Port Washington, Wisconsin, where he practiced law four years with moderate success. In 1852 Mr. Stanford determined to push further west, and, accordingly went to California, where three of his brothers were established in business in the mining towns. They took Leland into partnership, giving him charge of a branch stcre at Michigan Bluff, in Placer county. There he developed great business ability and four years later started a mercantile house of his own in San Fran- cisco, which soon became one of the most substantial houses on the coast. On the formation of the Republican party he inter- ested himself in politics, and in i860 was sent as a delegate to the convention that nominated Abraham Lincoln. In the autumn of 1861 he was elected, by an im- mense majority, governor of California. Prior to his election as governor he had been chosen president of the newly-orga- nized Central Pacific Railroad Company, 6 and after leaving the executive chair he de- voted all of his time to the construction of the Pacific end of the transcontinental rail- way. May 10, 1869, Mr. Stanford drove the last spike of the Central Pacific road, thus completing the route across the conti- nent. He was also president of the Occi- dental and Oriental Steamship Company. He had but one son, who died of typhoid fever, and as a monument to his child he founded 'the university which bears his son's name, Leland Stanford, Junior, University. Mr. Stanford gave to this university eighty- three thousand acres of land, the estimated value of which is $8,000,000, and the entire endowment is $20,000,000. In 18S5 Mr. Stanford was elected United Stales senator as a Republican, to succeed J. T. Farley, a Democrat, and was re-elected in 1S91. His death occurred June 20, 1894, at Palo Alto, California. STEPHEN DECATUR, a famous com- modore in the United States navy, was born in Maryland in 1779. He entered the naval service in 1798. In 1804, when the American vessel Philadelphia had been run aground and captured in the harbor of Trip- oli, Decatur, at the head of a few men, boarded her and burned her in the face of the guns from the city defenses. For this daring deed he was made captain. He was given command of the frigate United States at the breaking out of the war of 18 12, and in October of that year he captured the British frigate Macedonian, and was re- warded with a gold medal by congress. Af- ter the close of the war he was sent as com- mander of a fleet of ten vessels to chastise the dey of Algiers, who was preying upon American commerce with impunity and de- manding tribute and ransom for the release of American citizens captured. Decatur 102 COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. captured a number of Algerian vessels, and compelled the dey to sue for peace. He was noted for his daring and intrepidity, and his coolness in the face of danger, and helped to bring the United States navy into favor with the people and congress as a means of defense and offense in time of war. He was killed in a duel by Commo- dore Barron, March 12, 1820. TAMES KNOX POLK, the eleventh d Mr. Bulkley was connected with the firm until 1 851, when he retired. A new firm was then formed under the name of Claflin, Mcllin & Co. This firm succeeded in founding the largest dry goods house in the world, and after weather- ing the dangers of the civil war, during which the house came very near going un- der, and was saved only by the superior business abilities of Mr. Claflin, continued to grow. The sales of the firm amounted to over $72,000,000 a year after the close of the war. Mr. Claflin died November 14, 18S5. CHARLOTTE CUSHMAN (Charlotte Saunders Cushman), one of the most celebrated American actresses, was born in Boston, July 23, 18 16. She was descended from one of the earliest Puritan families. Her first attempt at stage work was at the age of fourteen years in a charitable concert given by amateurs in Boston. From this, time her advance to the first place on the American lyric stage was steady, until, in 1835, while singing in New Orleans, she suddenly lost control of her voice so far as relates to singing, and was compelled to re- tire. She then took up the study for the dramatic stage under the direction of Mr. Barton, the tragedian. She soon after made her debut as " Lady Macbeth." She appeared in New York in September, 1S36,, and her success was immediate. Her "Romeo" was almost perfect, and she is the only woman that has ever appeared in the part of "Cardinal Wolsey." She at different times acted as support of Forrest and Macready. Her London engagement, secured in 1845, after many and great dis- couragements, proved an unqualified suc- cess. 108 COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAJ'IIV. Her farewell appearance was at Booth's theater, New York, November 7, 1874, in the part of " Lady Macbeth," and after that performance an Ode by R. H. Stoddard was read, and a body of citizens went upon the stage, and in their name the venerable poet Longfellow presented her with a wreath of laurel with an inscription to the effect that "she who merits the palm should bear it." From the time of her appearance as a modest girl in a charitable entertainment down to the time of final triumph as a tragic queen, she bore herself with as much honor to womanhood as to the profession she rep- resented. Her death occurred in Boston, February 18, 1876. By her profession she acquired a fortune of $600,000. NEAL DOW, one of the most prominent temperance reformers our country has known, was born in Portland, Me., March 20, 1804. He received his education in the Friends Seminary, at New Bedford, Massa- chusetts, his parents being members of that sect. After leaving school he pursued a mecrantile and manufacturing career for a number of years. He was active in the affairs of his native city, and in 1839 be- came chief of the fire department, and in 1851 was elected mayor. He was re-elected to the latter office in 1854. Being opposed to the liquor traffic he was a champion of the project of prohibition, first brought for- ward in 1839 by James Appleton. While ■serving his first term as mayor he drafted a bill for the "suppression of drinking houses and tippling shops," which he took to the legislature and which was passed without an alteration. In 185S Mr. Dow was elected to the legislature. On the outbreak of the Civil war he was appointed colonel of the Thirteenth Maine Infantry and accompanied General Butler's expedition to New Orleans. In 1S62 he was made brigadier-general. At the battle of Port Hudson May 27, 1863, he was twice wounded, and taken prisoner. He was confined at Libby prison and Mobile nearly a year, when, being exchanged, he resigned, his health having given way under the rigors of his captivity. He made sev- eral trips to England in the interests of temperance organization, where he addressed large audiences. He was the candidate of the National Prohibition party for the presi- dency in 1880, receiving about ten thousand votes. In 1884 he was largely instrumental in the amendment of the constitution of Maine, adopted by an overwhelming popular vote, which forever forbade the manufacture or sale of any intoxicating beverages, and commanding the legislature to enforce the prohibition. He died October 2, 1897. ZACHARY TAYLOR, twelfth president of the United States, was born in Orange county, Virginia, September 24, 17S4. His boyhood was spent on his fath- er's plantation and his education was lim- ited. In 1808 he was made lieutenant of the Seventh Infantry, and joined his regi- ment at New Orleans. He was promoted to captain in 18 10, and commanded at Fort Harrison, near the present site of Terre Haute, in 18 12, where, for his gallant de- fense, he was brevetted major, attaining full rank in 18 14. In 1815 he retired to an es- tate near Louisville. In 18 16 here-entered the army as major, and was promoted to lieutenant-colonel and then to colonel. Having for many years been Indian agent over a large portion of the western country, he was often required in Washington to give advice and counsel in matters connected with the Indian b ireau. He served through the Black Hawk T ndian war of 1832, and in 1837 was ordered to the command of the COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. 109 army in Florida, where he attacked the In- dians in the swamps and brakes, defeated them and ended the war. He wasbrevetted brigadier-general and made commander-in- chief of the army in Florida. He was as- signed to the command of the army of the southwest in 1840, but was soon after re- lieved of it at his request. He was then stationed at posts in Arkansas. In 1845 he was ordered to prepare to protect and de- fend Texas boundaries from invasion by Mexicans and Indians. On the annexation of Texas he proceeded with one thousand five hundred men to Corpus Christi, within the disputed territory. After reinforcement he was ordered by the Mexican General Am- pudia to retire beyond the Nueces river, with which order he declined to comply. The battles of Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma followed, and he crossed the Rio Grande and occupied Matamoras May iSth. He was commissioned major-general for this campaign, and in September he advanced upon the city of Monterey and captured it after a hard fight. Here he took up winter quarters, and when 'he was about to resume activity in the spring he was ordered to send the larger part of his army to reinforce General Scott at Vera Cruz. After leaving garrisons at various points his army was re- duced to about five thousand, mostly fresh recruits. He was attacked by the army of Santa Anna at Buena Vista, February 22, 1847, an d after a severe fight completely routed the Mexicans. He received the thanks of congress and a gold medal for this victory. He remained in command of the " army of occupation " until winter, when he returned to the United States. In 1848 General Taylor was nominated by the Whigs for president. He was elected over his two opponents, Cass and Van Buren. Great bitterness was developing in the struggle for and against the extension of slavery, and the newly acquired territory in the west, and the fact that the states were now equally divided on that question, tended to increase the feeling. President Taylor favored immediate admission of California with her constitution prohibiting slavery, and the admission of other states to be formed out of the new territory as they might elect as they adopted constitutions from time to time. This policy resulted in the " Omnibus Bill," which afterward passed congress, though in separate bills; not, how- ever, until after the death of the soldier- statesman, which occurred July 9, 1S50. One of his daughters became the wife of Jefferson Davis. M' ELVILLE D. LANDON, better known as " Eli Perkins, " author, lecturer and humorist, was born in Eaton, New York, September 7, 1839. He was the son of John Landon and grandson of Rufus Lan- don, a revolutionary soldier from Litchfield county, Connecticut. Melville was edu- cated at the district school and neighboring academy, where he was prepared for the sophomore class at Madison University. He passed two years at the latter, when he was admitted to Union College, and graduated in the class of 1861, receiving the degree of A. M., in 1862. He was, at once, ap- pointed to a position in the treasury depart- ment at Washington. This being about the time of the breaking out of the war, and before the appearance of any Union troops at the capital, he assisted in the organiza- tion of the " Clay Battalion," of Washing- ton. Leaving his clerkship some time later, he took up duties on the staff of General A. L. Chetlain, who was in command at Mem- phis. In 1864 he resigned from the army and engaged in cotton planting in Arkansas 110 COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY, and Louisiana. In 1867 he went abroad, making the tour of Europe, traversing Rus- sia. While in the latter country his old commander of the " Clay Battalion," Gen- eral Cassius M. Clay, then United States minister at St. Petersburg, made him secre- tary of legation. In 1 87 1, on returning to America, he published a history of the Franco-Prussian war, and followed it with numerous humorous writings for the public press under the name of "Eli Perkins," which, with his regular contributions to the " Commercial Advertiser," brought him into notice, and spread his reputation as a hu- morist throughout the country. He also pub- lished "Saratoga in 1891," "Wit, Humor and Pathos," " Wit and Humor of the Age," •' Kings of Platform and Pulpit," " Thirty YearsofWit and Humor," " Fun and Fact," and " China and Japan." LEWIS CASS, one of the most prom- inent statesman and party leaders of his daj', was born at Exeter, New Hampshire, October 9, 1782. He studied law, and hav- ing removed toZanesville, Ohio, commenced the practice of that profession in 1802. He entered the service of the American govern- ment in 1812 and was made a colonel in the army under General William Hull, and on the surrender of Fort Maiden by that officer was held as a prisoner. Being re- leased in 18 13, he was promoted to the rank of brigadier-general and in 18 14 ap- pointed governor of Michigan Territory. After he had held that office for some sixteen years, negotiating, in the meantime, many treaties with the Indians, General Cass was made secretary of war in the cabi- net of President Jackson, in 1831. He was, in 1836, appointed minister to France, which office he held for six years. In 1844 he -.as elected United States senator from Michigan. In 1846 General Cass opposed the Wilmot Proviso, which was an amend- ment to a bill for the purchase of land from Mexico, which provided that in any of the territory acquired from that power slavery should not exist. For this and other reasons he was nominated as Democratic candidate for the presidency of the United States in 1848, but was defeated by General Zachary Taylor, the Whig candidate, having but one hundred and thirty-seven electoral votes to his opponent's one hundred and sixty- three. In 1849 General Cass was re-elected to the senate of the United States, and in 1854 supported Douglas' Kansas-Nebraska bill. He became secretary of state in March, 1857, under President Buchanan, but resigned that office in December, i860. He died June 17, 1866. The published works of Lewis Cass, while not numerous, are well written and display much ability. He was one of the foremost men of his day in the political councils of the Democratic party, and left a reputation for high probity and honor behind him. DE WITT CLINTON.— Probably there were but few men who were so popular in their time, or who have had so much in- fluence in moulding events as the individual whose name honors the head of this article. De Witt Clinton was the son of General James Clinton, and a nephew of Governor George Clinton, who was the fourth vice- president of the United States. He was a native of Orange county, New York, born at Little Britain, March 2, 1769. He gradu- ated from Columbia College, in his native state, in 1796, and took up the study of law. In 1790 he became private secretary to his uncle, then governor of New York. He en- tered public life as a Republican or anti- Federalist, and was elected to the lower COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. Ill house of the state assembly in 1797, and the senate of that body in 179S. At that time he was looked on as " the most rising man in the Union." In 1S01 he was elected to the United States senate. In 1803 he was appointed by the governor and council mayor of the city of New York, then a very important and powerful office. Hav- ing been re-appointed, he held the office of mayor for nearly eleven years, and rendered great service to that city. Mr. Clinton served as lieutenant-governor of the state of New York, 1811-13, and was one of the commissioners appointed to examine and survey a route for a canal from the Hudson river to Lake Erie. Dif- fering with President Madison, in relation to the war, in 18 12, he was nominated for the presidency against that gentleman, by a coalition party called the Clintonians, many of whom were Federalists. Clinton received eight-nine electoral votes. His course at this time impaired his popularity for a time. He wis removed from the mayoralty in 1814, and retired to private life. In 1815 he wrote a powerful argument for the con- struction of the Erie canal, then a great and beneficent work of which he was the prin- cipal promoter. This was in the shape of a memorial to the legislature, which, in 18 17, passed a bill authorizing the construc- tion of that canal. The same year he was elected governor of New York, almost unani- mously, notwithstanding the opposition of a few who pronounced the scheme of the canal visionary. He was re-elected governor in 1820. He was at this time, also, presi- dent of the canal commissioners. He de- clined a re-election to the gubernatorial chair in 1822 and was removed from his place on the canal board two years later. But he was triumphantly elected to the of- fice of governor that fall, and hi^ pet project, the Erie canal, was finished the next year. He was re-elected governor in 1826, but died while holding that office, February II, 1828. AARON BURR, one of the many brilliant figures on the political stage in the early days of America, was born at Newark, New Jersey, February 6, 1756. He was the son of Aaron and Esther Burr, the former the president of the College of New Jersey, and the latter a daughter of Jonathan Edwards, who had been president of the same educa- tional institution. Young Burr graduated at Princeton in 1772. In 1775 he joined the provincial army at Cambridge, Massa- chusetts. For a time, he served as a private soldier, but later was made an aide on the staff of the unfortunate General Montgom- ery, in the Quebec expedition. Subse- quently he was on the staffs of Arnold, Put- nam and Washington, the latter of whom he disliked. He was promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel and commanded a brigade on Monmouth's bloody field. In x 779. on account of feeble health, Colonel Burr resigned from the army. He took up the practice of law in Albany, New York, but subsequently removed to New York City. In 1789 he became attorney-general of that state. In 1 791 he was chosen to represent the state of New York in the United States senate and held that position for six years. In 1800 he and Thomas Jefferson were both candidates for the presidency, and there being a tie in the electoral college, each having seventy-three votes, the choice was left to congress, who gave the first place to Jefferson and made Aaron Burr vice-presi- dent, as the method then was. In 1804 Mr. Burr and his great rival, Alexander Hamil- ton, met in a duel, which resulted in the death of the latter, Burr losing thereby con- 112 COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. siderable political and social influence. He soon embarked in a wild attempt upon Mexico, and as was asserted, upon the southwestern territories of the United States. He was tried for treason at Richmond, Virginia, in 1807, but acquitted, and to avoid importunate creditors, fled to Europe. After a time, in 1812, he returned to New York, where he practiced law, and where he died, September 14, 1836. A man of great ability, brilliant and popular talents, his influence was destroyed by his unscrupu- lous political actions and immoral private life. ALBERT GALLATIN, one of the most distinguished statesmen of the early days of the -republic, was born at Geneva, Switzerland, January 29, 1761. He was the son of Jean de Gallatin and Sophia A. Rolaz du Rosey Gallatin, representatives of an old patrician family. Albert Gallatin was left an orphan at an early age, and was educated under the care of friends of his parents. He graduated from the University of Geneva in 1779, and declining employ- ment under one of the sovereigns of Ger- many, came to the struggling colonies, land- ing in Boston July 14, 1780. Shortly after his arrival he proceeded to Maine, where he served as a volunteer under Colonel Allen. He made advances to the government for the support of the American troops, and in November, 17S0, was placed in command of a small fort at Passamaquoddy, defended by a force of militia, volunteers and Indians. In 1783 he was professor of the French language at Harvard University. A year later, having received his patrimony from Europe, he purchased large tracts of land in western Virginia, but was prevented by the Indians from forming the large settle- ment he proposed, and, in 1786, purchased a farm in Fayette county, Pennsylvania. In 1789 he was a member of the convention to amend the constitution of that state, and united himself with the Republican party, the head of which was Thomas Jefferson. The following year he was elected to the legislature of Pennsylvania, to which he was subsequently re-elected. In 1793 he was elected to the United States senate, but could not take his seat on account of not having been a citizen long enough. In 1794 Mr. Gallatin was elected to the representa- tive branch of congress, in which he served three terms. He also took an important position in the suppression of the "whiskey insurrection." In 1801, on the accession of Jefferson to the presidency, Mr. Gallatin was appointed secretary of the treasury. In 1809 Mr. Madison offered him the posi- tion of secretary of state, but he declined, and continued at the head of the treasury until 18 12, a period of twelve years. He exercised a great influence on the other de- partments and in the general administration, especially in the matter of financial reform, and recommended measures for taxation, etc. , which were passed by congress, and be- came laws May 24, 18 1 3. The same year he was sent as an envoy extraordinary to Rus- sia, which had offered to mediate between this country and Great Britain, but the lat- ter country refusing the interposition of another power, and agreeing to treat di- rectly with the United States, in 18 14, at Ghent, Mr. Gallatin, in connection with his distinguished colleagues, negotiated and signed the treaty of peace. In 1S15, in conjunction with Messrs. Adams and Clay, he signed, at London, a commercial treaty between the two countries. In 18 16, de- clining his old post at the head of the treas- ury, Mr. Gallatin was sent as minister to France, where he remained until 1823. COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. 118 After a year spent in England as envoy ex- traordinary, he took up his residence in New York, and from that time held no public office. In 1830 he was chosen president of the council of the University of New York. He was, in 183 1, made president of the National bank, which position he resigned in 1839. He died August 12, 1849. M ILLARD FILLMORE, the thirteenth president of the United States, was born of New England parentage in Summer Hill, Cayuga county, New York, January J, 1800. His school education was very lim- ited, but he occupied his leisure hours in study. He worked in youth upon his fa- ther's farm in his native county, and at the age of fifteen was apprenticed to a wool carder and cloth dresser. Four years later he was induced by Judge Wood to enter his office at Montviile, New York, and take up the study of law. This warm friend, find- ing young Fillmore destitute of means, loaned him money, but the latter, not wish- ing to incur a heavy debt, taught school during part of the time and in this and other ways helped maintain himself. In 1822 he removed to Buffalo, New York, and the year following, being admitted to the bar, he commenced the practice of his profession at East Aurora, in the same state. Here he remained until 1830, having, in the meantime, been admitted to practice in the supreme court, when he returned to Buffalo, where he became the partner of S. G. Haven and N. K. Hall. He entered poli- tics and served in the state legislature from 1829 to 1832. He was in congress in 1 833— 35 and in 1837-41, where he proved an active and useful member, favoring the views of John Quincy Adams, then battling almost alone the slave-holding party in na- tional politics, and in most of public ques- tions acted with the Whig party. While chairman of the committee of ways and means he took a leading part in draughting the tariff bill of 1842. In 1844 Mr. Fill- more was the Whig candidate for governor of New York. In 1S47 he was chosen comptroller of the state, and abandoning his practice and profession removed to Al- bany. In 1848 he was elected vice presi- dent on the ticket with General Zachary Taylor, and they were inaugurated the fol- lowing March. On the death of the presi- dent, July 9, 1850, Mr. Fillmore was in- ducted into that office. The great events of his administration were the passage of the famous compromise acts of 1850, and the sending out of the Japan expedition of 1852. March 4-, 1853, having served one term, President Fillmore retired from office, and in 1855 went to Europe, where he received marked attention. On returning home, in 1856, he was nominated for the presidency by the Native American or "Know-Noth- ing" party, but was defeated, James Buch- anan being the successful candidate. Mr. Fillmore ever afterward lived in re- tirement. During the conflict of Civil war he was mostly silent. It was generally sup- posed, however, that his sympathy was with the southern confederacy. He kept aloof from the conflict without any words of cheer to the one party or the other. For this rea- son he was forgotten by both. He died of paralysis, in Buffalo, New York, March 8, i874- PETER F. ROTHERMEL, one of Amer- ica's greatest and best-known historical painters, was born in Luzerne county, Penn- sylvania, July 8, 1817, and was of German ancestry. He received his earlier education in his native county, and in Philadelphia 114 COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHT. learned the profession of land surveying. But a strong bias toward art drew him away and he soon opened a studio where he did portrait painting. This soon gave place to historical painting, he having discovered the bent of his genius in that direction. Be- sides the two pictures in the Capitol at Washington — ' 'De Soto Discovering the Mis- sissippi" and "Patrick Henry Before the Virginia House of Burgesses" — Rothermel painted many others, chief among which are: "Columbus Before Queen Isabella," "Martyrs of the Colosseum," "Cromwell Breaking Up Service in an English Church, " and the famous picture of the "Battle of Gettysburg." The last named was painted for the state of Pennsylvania, for which Rothermel received the sum of $25,- 000, and which it took him four years to plan and to paint. It represents the portion of that historic field held by the First corps, an exclusively Pennsylvania body of men, and was selected by Rothermel for that reason. For many years most of his time was spent in Italy, only returning for short periods. He died at Philadelphia, August 16, 1895. EDMUND KIRBY SMITH, one of the distinguished leaders upon the side of the south in the late Civil war, was born at St. Augustine, Florida, in 1824. After receiv- ing the usual education he was appointed to the United States Military Academy at West Point, from which he graduated in 1845 and entered the army as second lieutenant of infantry. During the Mexican war he was made first lieutenant and captain for gallant conduct at Cerro Gordo and Contreras. From 1849 to '852 he was assistant pro- fessor of mathematics at West Point. He was transferred to the Second cavalry with the rank of captain in 1855, served on the frontier, and was wounded in a fight with Comanche Indians in Texas, May 13, 1859. In January, 1861, he became major of his regiment, but resigned April 9th to fol- low the fortunes of the southern cause. He was appointed brigadier-general in the Confederate army and served in Virginia. At the battle of Bull Run, July 21, 1861, he arrived on the field late in the day, but was soon disabled by a wound. He was made major-general in 1S62, and being trans- ferred to East Tennessee, was given com- mand of that department. Under General Braxton Bragg he led the advance in the invasion of Kentucky and defeated the Union forces at Richmond, Kentucky, August 30, 1862, and advanced to Frankfort. Pro- moted to the rank of lieutenant-general, he was engaged at the battle of Perryville, October 10, and in the battle of Murfrees- boro, December 31, 1862, and January 3, 1863. He was soon made general, the highest rank in the service, and in com- mand of the trans-Mississippi department opposed General N. P. Banks in the famous Red River expedition, taking part in the battle of Jenkins Ferry, April 30, 1864, and other engagements of that eventful cam- paign. He was the last to surrender the forces under his command, which he did May 26, 1865. After the close of the war he located in Tennessee, where he died March 28, 1893. JOHN JAMES INGALLS, a famous dy was buried at Oak Ridge cemetery, Springfield, Illinois, and a monument com- memorating his great work marks his resting place. STEPHEN GIRARD, the celebrated philanthropist, was born in Bordeaux, France, May 24, 1750. He became a sailor engaged in the American coast trade, and also made frequent trips to the West Indies. During the Revolutionary war he was a grocer and liquor seller in Philadelphia. He married in that city, and afterward separated from his wife. After the war he again engaged in the coast and West India trade, and his fortune began to accumulate from receiving goods from West Indian planters during the insurrection in Hayti, little of which was ever called for again. He became a private banker in Philadelphia in 18 1 2, and afterward was a director in the United States Bank. He made much money by leasing property in the city in times of depression, and upon the revival of industry sub-leasing at enormous profit. He became the wealthiest citizen of the United States of his time. He was eccentric, ungracious, and a freethinker. He had few, if any, friends in his lifetime. However, he was most chari- tably disposed, and gave to charitable in- stitutions and schools with a liberal hand. He did more than any one else to relieve the suffering and deprivations during the great yellow fever scourge in Philadelphia, devoting his personal attention to the sick. He endowed and made a free institution, the famous Will's Eye and Ear Infirmary of Phiiadelpha — one of the largest institu- tions of its kind in the world. At his death practically all his immense wealth was be- queathed to charitable institutions, more than two millions of dollars going to the founding of Girard College, which was to be devoted to the education and training of boys between the ages of six and ten years. Large donations were also made to institu- tions in Philadelphia and New Orleans. The principal building of Girard College is the most magnificent example of Greek architecture in America. Girard died De- cember 26, 1 83 1. LOUIS J. R. AGASSIZ, the eminent nat- uralist and geologist, was born in the parish of Motier, near Lake Neuchatel, Swit- zerland, May 28, 1807, but attained his greatest fame after becoming an American citizen. He studied the medical sciences at 138 COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. Zurich, Heidelberg and Munich. His first work was a Latin description of the fishes which Martius and Spix brought from Brazil. This was published in 1 829-3 1 . He devoted much time to the study of fossil fishes, and in 1832 was appointed professor of natural history at Neuchatel. He greatly increased his reputation by a great work in French, entitled " Researches on Fossil Fishes," in 1832-42, in which he made many important improvements in the classification of fishes. Having passed, many summers among the Alps in researches on glaciers, he propounded some new and interesting ideas on geology, and the agency of glaciers in his "Studies by the Glaciers." This was published in 1840. This latter work, with his " System of the Glaciers," published in 1847, are among his principal works. In 1S46, Professor Agassiz crossed the ocean on a scientific excursion to the United States, and soon determined to remain here. He accepted, about the beginning of 1848, the chair of zoology and geology at Harvard. He explored the natural history of the United States at different times and gave an impulse to the study of nature in this country. In 1S65 he conducted an expedi- tion to Brazil, and explored the lower Ama- zon and its tributaries. In 1868 he was made non-resident professor of natural his- tory at Cornell University. In December, 1 87 1, he accompanied the Hassler expedi- tion, under Professor Pierce, to the South Atlantic and Pacific oceans. He died at Cambridge, Massachusetts, December 14, Among other of the important works of Professor Agassiz may be mentioned the fol- lowing: "Outlines of Comparative Physi- ology," "Journey to Brazil," and "Contri- butions to the Natural History of the United States." It is said of Professor Agassiz, that, perhaps, with the exception of Hugh Miller, no one had so popularized science in his day, or trained so many young natural- ists. Many of the theories held by Agassiz are not supported by many of the natural- ists of these later days, but upon many of the speculations into the origin of species and in physics he has left the marks of his own strongly marked individuality. WILLIAM WINDOM.— As a prominent and leading lawyer of the great north- west, as a member of both houses of con- gress, and as the secretary of the treasury, the gentleman whose name heads this sketch won for himself a prominent position in the history of our country. Mr. Windom was a native of Ohio, born in Belmont county, May 10, 1827. He received a good elementary education in the schools of his native state, and took up the study of law. He was admitted to the bar, and entered upon the practice of his profession in Ohio, where he remained until 1855. In the latter year he made up his mind to move further west, and accordingly went to Minnesota, and opening an office, became identified with the interests of that state, and the northwest generally. In 1858 he took his place in the Minnesota delegation in the national house of repre- sentatives, at Washington, and continued to represent his constituency in that body for ten years. In 1871 Mr. Windom was elected United States senator from Min- nesota, and was re-elected to the same office after fulfilling the duties of the position for a full term, in 1876. On the inauguration of President Garfield, in March, 1881, Mr. Windom became secretary of the treasury in his cabinet. He resigned this office Oc- tober 27, 1 88 1, and was elected senator from the North Star state to fill the va- COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHT. 139 cancy caused by the resignation of A. J. Edgerton. Mr. Windom served in that chamber until March, 1S83. William Windom died in New York City January 29, 1891. DON M. DICKINSON, an American politician and lawyer, was born in Port Ontario, New York, January 17, 1846. He removed with his parents to Michigan when he was but two years old. He was educated in the public schools of Detroit and at the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, and was admitted to the bar at the age of twenty-one. In 1872 he was made secretary of the Democratic state central committee of Michigan, and his able man- agement of the campaign gave him a prom- inent place in the councils of his party. In 1876, during the Tilden campaign, he acted as chairman of the state central committee. He was afterward chosen to represent his state in the Democratic national committee, and in 1886 he was appointed postmaster- general by President Cleveland. After the expiration of his term of office he returned to Detroit and resumed the practice of law. In the presidential campaign of 1896, Mr. Dickinson adhered to the "gold wing "of the Democracy, and his influence was felt in the national canvass, and especially in his own state. JOHN JACOB ASTOR, the founder of the Astor family and fortunes, while not a native of this country, was one of the most noted men of his time, and as all his wealth and fame were acquired here, he may well be classed among America's great men. He v/as born near Heidelberg, Ger- many, July 17, 1763, and when twenty years old emigrated to the United States. Even at that age he exhibited remarkable business ability and foresight, and soon he was investing capital in furs which he took to London and sold at a great profit.. He next settled at New York, and engaged ex- tensively in the fur trade. He exported furs to Europe in his own vessels, which re- turned with cargoes of foreign commodities, and thus he rapidly amassed an immense fortune. In 181 1 he founded Astoria on the western coast of North America, near the mouth of the Columbia river, as a depot for the fur trade, for the promotion of which he sent a number of expeditions to the Pacific ocean. He also purchased a large amount of real estate in New York, the value of which increased enormously All through life his business ventures were a series of marvelous successes, and he ranked as one of the most sagacious and successful business men in the world. He i i: .3d March 29, 1S48, leaving a fortune es- timated at over twenty million dollars to his children, who have since increased it. John Jacob Astor left $400,000 to found a public library in New York City, and his son, William B. Astor, who died in 1875, left $300,000 to add to his father's bequest. This is known as the Astor Library, one of the largest in the United States. SCHUYLER COLFAX, an eminent American statesman, was born in New York City, March 23, 1S23, being a grand- son of General William Colfax, the com- mander of Washington's life-guards. In 1836 he removed with his mother, who was then a widow, to Indiana, settling at South Bend. Young Schuyler studied law, and in 1845 became editor of the "St. Joseph Valley Register," a Whig paper published at South Bend. He was a member of the convention which formed a new constitu- tion for Indiana in 1S50, and he opposed 140 COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. the clause that prohibited colored men from settling in that state. In 1851 he was defeated as the Whig candidate for congress but was elected in 1854, and, being repeat- edly re-elected, continued to represent that district in congress until 1869. He became one of the most prominent and influential members of the house of representatives, and served three terms a3 speaker. During the Civil war he was an active participant in all public measures of importance, and was a confidential friend and adviser of President Lincoln. In May, 1868, Mr. Colfax was nominated for vice-president on the ticket with General Grant, and was elected. After the close of his term he re- tired from office, and for the remainder of his life devoted much of his time to lectur- ing and literary pursuits. His death oc- curred January 23, 18S5. He was one of the most prominent members of the Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows in America, and that order erected a bronze statue to his memory in University Park. Indianapo- lis Indiana, which was unveiled in May, 1887. WILLIAM FREEMAN VILAS, who at- tained a national reputation as an able lawyer, statesman, and cabinet officer, was born at Chelsea, Vermont, July 9, 1840. His parents removed to Wisconsin when our subject was but eleven years of age, and there with the early settlers endured all the hardships and trials incident to pioneer life. William F. Vilas was given all the advantages found in the common schools, and supplemented this by a course of study in the Wisconsin State University, after which he studied law, was admitted to the bar and began practicing at Madison. Shortly afterward the Civil war broke out and Mr. Vilas enlisted and became colonel of the Twenty-third regiment of Wisconsin Volunteers, serving throughout the war with distinction. At the close of the war he re- turned to Wisconsin, resumed his law prac- tice, and rapidly rose to eminence in this profession. In 1S85 he was selected by President Cleveland for postmaster-general and at the close of his term again returned to Madison, Wisconsin, to resume the prac- tice of law. THOMAS McINTYRE COOLEY, anem- inent American jurist and law writer, was born in Attica, New York, January G, 1824. He was admitted to the bar in 1846, and four years later was appointed reporter of the supreme court of Michigan, which office he continued to hold for seven years. In the meantime, in 1859, he became pro- fessor of the law department of the Univer- sity of Michigan, and soon afterward was made dean of the faculty of that depart- ment. In 1864 he was elected justice of the supreme court of Michigan, in 1867 be- came chief justice of that court, and in 1869 was re-elected for a term of eight years. In 1881 he again joined the faculty of the University of Michigan, assuming the professorship of constitutional and adminis- trative law. His works on these branches have become standard, and he is recog- nized as authority on this and related sub- jects. Upon the passage of the inter-state commerce law in 1887 he became chairman of the commission and served in that capac- ity four years. JOHN PETER ALTGELD, a noted American politician and writer on social questions, was born in Germany, December 30, 1S47. He came to America with his parents and settled in Ohio when two years old. In 1 8C4 ho entered the Union army COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. in and served till the close of the war, after which he settled in Chicago, Illinois. He was elected judge of the superior court of Cook count)", Illinois, in 1886, in which capacity he served until elected governor of Illinois in 1892, as a Democrat. During the first year of his term as governor he at- tracted national attention by his pardon of the anarchists convicted of the Haymarket murder in Chicago, and again in 1894 by his denunciation of President Cleveland for calling out federal troops to suppress the rioting in connection with the great Pull- man strike in Chicago. At the national convention of the Democratic party in Chi- cago, in Jul)-, 1896, he is said to have in- spired the clause in the platform denuncia- tory of interference by federal authorities in local affairs, and "government by injunc- tion." He was gubernatorial candidate for re-election on the Democratic ticket in 1896, but was defeated by John R. Tanner, Re- publican. Mr. Altgeld published two vol- umes of essays on " Live Questions," evinc- ing radical views on social matters. ADLAI EWING STEVENSON, an Amer. ican statesman and politician, was born in Christian county, Kentucky, October 23, 1835, and removed with the family to Bloomington, Illinois, in 1852. He was admitted to the bar in 1858, and set- tled in the practice of his profession in Metamora, Illinois. In 1861 he was made master in chancery of Woodford county, and in 1864 was elected state's at- torney. In 1868 he returned to Blooming- ton and formed a law partnership with James S. Ewing. He had served as a pres- idential elector in 1864, and in 1868 was elected to congress as a Democrat, receiv- ing a majority vote from every county in his district. He became prominent in his part)-, and was a delegate to the national convention in 1S84. On the election of Cleveland to the presidency Mr. Stevenson was appointed first assistant postmaster- general. Afte 1- the expiration of his term he continued to exert a controlling influence in the politics of his state, and in 1892 was elected vice-president of the United States on the ticket with Grover Cleveland. At the expiration of his term of office he re- sumed the practice of law at Bloomington, Illinois. SIMON CAMERON, whose name is prominently identified with the history of the United States as a political leader and statesman, was born in Lancaster coun- ty, Pennsylvania, March 8, 1799. He grew to manhood in his native county, receiving good educational advantages, and develop- ing a natural inclination for political life. He rapidly rose in prominence and became the most influential Democrat in Pennsyl- vania, and in 1845 waselected by that party to the United States senate. Upon the organization of the Republican party he was one of the first to declare his allegiance to it, and in 1856 was re-elected United States senator from Pennsylvania as a Republican. In March, 1861, he was appointed secretary of war by President Lincoln, and served until early in 1862, when he was sent as minister to Russia, returning in 1863. In 1866 he was again elected United States senator and served until 1S77, when he re- signed and was succeeded by his son, James Donald Cameron. He continued to exert a powerful influence in political affairs up to the time of his death, June 26, 1889. James Donald Cameron was the eld- est son of Simon Cameron, and also attained a high rank among American statesmen. He was born at Harrisburg, 1*2, COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. Pennsylvania, May 14, 1833, and received an excellent education, graduating at Princeton College in 1852. He rapidly developed into one of the most able and successful business men of the country and was largely inter- ested in and identified with the develop- ment of the coal, iron, lumber and manu- facturing interests of his native state. He served as cashier and afterward president of the Middletown bank, and in 1S61 was made vice-president, and in 1863 president of the Northern Central railroad, holding this position until 1874, when he resigned and was succeeded by Thomas A. Scott. This road was of great service to the government duiing the war as a means of communica- tion between Pennsylvania and the national capital, via Baltimore. Mr. Cameron also took an active part in political affairs, always as a Republican. In May, 1876, he was appointed secretary of war in Pres- ident Grant's cabinet, and in 1S77 suc ~ ceeded his father in the United States senate. He was re-elected in 1885, and again in 1891, serving until 1896, and was recognized as one of the most prominent and influential members of that bodv. ADOLPHUS W. GREELEY, a famous American arctic explorer, was born at Newburyport, Massachusetts, March 27, 1844. He graduated from Brown High School at the age of sixteen, and a year later enlisted in Company B, Nineteenth Massachusetts Infantry, and was made first sergeant. In 18G3 he was promoted to second lieutenant. After the war he was assigned to the Filth United States Cavalry, and became first lieutenant in 1873. He was assigned to duly in the United States signal service shortly after the close of the war. An expedition was fitted out by the United States government in 1881, un- der auspices of the weather bureau, and Lieutenant Greeley placed in command. They set sail from St. Johns the first week in July, and after nine days landed in Green- land, where they secured the services of two natives, together with sledges, dogs, furs and equipment. They encountered an ice pack early in August, and on the 28th of that month freezing weather set in. Two of his party, Lieutenant Lockwood and Ser- geant Brainard, added to the known maps about forty miles of coast survey, and reached the highest point jet attained by man, eighty-three degrees and twenty-four minutes north, longitude, forty-four degrees and five minutes west. On their return to Fort Conger, Lieutenant Greeley set out for the south on August 9, 1S83. He reached Baird Inlet twenty days later with his entire party. Here they were compelled to abandon their boats, and drifted on an ice-floe for one month. They then went into camp at Cape Sabine, where they suf- fered untold hardships, and eighteen of the parly succumbed to cold and hunger, and had relief been delayed two days longer none would have been found alive. They were picked up by the relief expedition, under Captain Schley, June 22, 1884. The dead were taken to New York for burial. Many sensational stories were published concerning the expedition, and Lieutenant Greeley prepared an exhaustive account of his explorations and experiences. LEVI P. MORTON, the tician, was born in moat, May 16, 1824, and tion consisted of the rud obtained in the common age of fourteen, and after knowledge he gained was hard school of experience. ; millionaire poii- Shoreham, Ver- his early educa- iments which he school up to the that time what wrested from the He removed to COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. 143 Hanover, Vermont, then Concord, Vermont, and afterwards to Boston. He had worked in a store at Shoreham, his native village, and on going to Hanover he established a store and went into business for himself. In Boston he clerked in a dry goods store, and then opened a business of his own in the same line in New York. After a short career he failed, and was compelled to set- tle with his creditors at only fifty cents on the dollar. He began the struggle anew, and when the war began he ^ established a banking house in New York, with Junius Morgan as a partner. Through his firm and connections the great government war loans were floated, and it resulted in im- mense profits to his house. When he was again thoroughly established he invited his former creditors to a banquet, and under each guest's plate was found a check cover- ing the amount of loss sustained respec- tively, with interest to date. President Garfield appointed Mr. Mor- ton as minister to France, after he had de- clined the secretaryship of the navy, and in 1 888' he was nominated as candidate for vice-president, with Harrison, and elected. In 1894 he was elected governor of New York over David B. Hill, and served one term. CHARLES KENDALL ADAMS, one of the most talented and prominent educators this country has known, was born January 24, 1835, at Derby, Vermont. He received an elementary education in the common schools, and studied two terms in the Derby Academy. Mr. Adams moved with his parents to Iowa in 1856. He was very anxious to pursue a collegiate course, but this was impossible until he had attained the age of twenty-one. In the autumn of 1856 he began the study of Latin and Greek at Denmark Academy, and in September, 1857, he was admitted to the University of Michigan. Mr. Adams was wholly depend- ent upon himself for the means of his edu- cation. During his third and fourth year he became deeply interested in historical studies, was assistant librarian of the uni- versity, and determined to pursue a post- graduate course. In 1864 he was appointed instructor of history and Latin and was ad- vanced to an assistant professorship in 1865, and in 1867, on the resignation of Professoi White to accept the presidency of Cornell, he was appointed to fill the chair of profes- sor of history. This he accepted on con- dition of his being allowed to spend a year for special study in Germany, France and Italy. Mr. Adams returned in 1868, and assumed the duties of his professorship. He introduced the German system for the instruction of advanced history classes, and his lectures were largely attended. In 18S5, on the resignation of President White at Cornell, he was elected his successor and held the office for seven years, and on Jan- uary 17, 1893, he was inaugurated presi- dent of the University of Wisconsin. Pres- ident Adams was prominently connected with numerous scientific and literary organ- izations and a frequent contributor to the historical and educational data in the peri- odicals and journals of the country. He was the author of the following: " Dem- ocracy and Monarchy in France," " Manual of Historical Literature," " A Plea for Sci- entific Agriculture," " Higher Education in Germany." JOSEPH B. FORAKER, a prominent po- litical leader and ex-governor of Ohio, was born near Rainsboro, Highland county, Ohio, July 5, 1846. His parents operated a small farm, with a grist and sawmill, hav- 144 COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. ing emigrated hither from Virginia and Delaware on account of their distaste for slavery. Joseph was reared upon a farm until 1862, when he enlisted in the Eighty-ninth Ohio Infantry. Later he was made ser- geant, and in 1864 commissioned first lieu- tenant. The next year he was brevetted captain. At the age of nineteen he was mustered out of the army after a brilliant service, part of the time being on the staff of General Slocum. He participated in the battles of Missionary Ridge, Lookout Mount- ain and Kenesaw Mountain and in Sher- man's march to the sea. For two years subsequent to the war young Foraker was studying at the Ohio Wesleyan University at Delaware, but later went to Cornell University, at Unity, New York, from which he graduated July 1, 1869. He studied law and was admitted to the bar. In 1879 Mr. Foraker was elected judge of the superior court of Cincinnati and held the office for three years. In 1S83 he was defeated in the contest for the gov- ernorship with Judge Hoadly. In 1885, however, being again nominated for the same office, he was elected and served two terms. In 1889, in running for governor again, this time against James E. Camp- bell, he was defeated. Two years later his career in the United States senate began. Mr. Foraker was always a prominent figure at all national meetings of the Republican party, and a strong power, politically, in his native state. LYMAN ABBOTT, an eminent American preacher and writer on religious sub- jects, came of a noted New England family. His father, Rev. Jacob Abbott, was a prolific and popular writer, and his uncle, Rev. John S. C. Abbott, was a noted preacher and author. Lyman Abbott was born December 18, 1835, m Roxbury, Massachusetts. He graduated at the New York University, in 1853, studied law, and practiced for a time at the bar, after which he studied theology with his uncle, Rev. John S. C. Abbott, and in i860 was settled in the ministry at Terre Haute, Indiana, re- maining there until after the close of the war. He then became connected with the Freedmen's Commission, continuing this until 1868, when he accepted the pastorate of the New England Congregational church, in New York City. A few years later he re- signed, to devote his time principally to lit- erary pursuits. For a number of years he edited for the American Tract Society, its "Illustrated Christian Weekly," also the New York "Christian Union." He pro- duced many works, which had a wide circu- lation, among which may be mentioned the following: "Jesus of Nazareth, His Life and Teachings," "Old Testament Shadows of New Testament Truths," "Morning and Evening Exercises, Selected from Writings of Henry Ward Beecher," "Laicus, or the Experiences of a Layman in a Country Parish," "Popular Religious Dictionary," and "Commentaries on Matthew, Mark, Luke, John and Acts." GEORGE WILLIAM CURTIS.— The well-known author, orator and journal- ist whose name heads this sketch, was born at Providence, Rhode Island, February 24, 1824. Having laid the foundation of a most excellent education in his native land, he went to Europe and studied at the Uni- versity of Berlin. He made an extensive tour throughout the Levant, from which he returned home in 1850. At that early age literature became his field of labor, and in 1851 he published his first important work, .^ COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. 145 " Nile Notes of a Howadji." In 1852 two works issued from his facile pen, "The Howadji in Syria," and "Lotus-Eating." Later on he was the author of the well- known " Potiphar Papers," " Prue and I," and "Trumps." He greatly distinguished himself throughout this land as a lecturer on many subjects, and as an orator had but few peers. He was also well known as one of the most fluent speakers on the stump, making many political speeches in favor of the Republican party. In recognition of his valuable services, Mr. Curtis was ap- pointed by President Grant, chairman of the advisory board of the civil service. Al- though a life-long Republican, Mr. Curtis refused to support Blaine for the presidency in 1884, because of his ideas on civil ser- vice and other reforms. For his memorable and magnificent eulogy on Wendell Phillips, delivered in Boston, in 1884, that city pre- sented Mr. Curtis with a gold medal. George W. Curtis, however, is best known to the reading public of the United States by his connection with the Harper Brothers, having been editor of the " Har- per's Weekly, " and of the "Easy Chair," in " Harper's Monthly Magazine, "for many years, in fact retaining that position until the day of his death, which occurred August 31, i89 2 - ANDREW JOHNSON, the seventeenth president of the United States, served from 1865 to 1869. He was born Decem- ber 8, 1808, at Raleigh, North Carolina, and was left an orphan at the age of four years. He never attended school, and was apprenticed to a tailor. While serving his apprenticeship he suddenly acquired a pas- sion for knowledge, and learned to read. From that time on he spent all his spare time in reading, and after working for two years as a journeyman tailor at Lauren's Court House, South Carolina, he removed to Greenville, Tennessee, where he worked at his trade and was married. Under his wife's instruction he made rapid progress in his studies and manifested such an interest in local politics as to be elected as " work- ingmen's candidate " alderman in 1828, and in 1830 to the mayoralty, and was twice re-elected to each office. Mr. Johnson utilized this time in cultivating his talents as a public speaker, by taking part in a de- bating society. He was elected in 1835 to the lower house of the legislature, was re- elected in 1839 as a Democrat, and in 1 841 was elected state senator. Mr. John- son was elected representative in congress in 1843 and was re-elected four times in succession until 1S53, when he was the suc- cessful candidate for the gubernatorial chair of Tennessee. He was re-elected in 1855 and in 1857 he entered the United States senate. In i860 he was supported by the Tennessee delegation to the Democratic convention for the presidential nomination, and lent his influence to the Breckinridge wing of the party. At the election of Lin- coln, which brought about the first attempt at secession in December, i860, Mr. John- son took a firm attitude in the senate for the Union. He was the leader of the loy- alists in East Tennessee. By the course that Mr. Johnson pursued in this crisis he was brought prominently before the north- ern people, and when, in March, 1862, he was appointed military governor of Ten- nessee with the rank of brigadier-general, he increased his popularity by the vigorous manner in which he labored to restore order. In the campaign of 1S64 he was elected vice-president on the ticket with President Lincoln, and upon the assassi- nation of the latter he succeeded to the 146 COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. presidency, April 15, 1865. He retained the cabinet of President Lincoln, and at first exhibited considerable severity towards the former Confederates, but he soon inau- gurated a policy of reconstruction, pro- claimed a general amnesty to the late Con- federates, and established provisional gov- ernments in the southern states. These states claimed representation in congress in the following December, and then arose the momentous question as to what should be the policy of the victorious Union against their late enemies. The Republican ma- jority in congress had an apprehension that the President would undo the results of the war, and consequently passed two bills over the executive veto, and the two highest branches of the government were in open antagonism. The cabinet was reconstructed in July, and Messrs. Randall, Stanbury and Browning superseded Messrs. Denison, Speed and Harlan. In August, 1867, Pres- ident Johnson removed the secretary of war and replaced him with General Grant, but when congress met in December it refused to ratify the removal of Stanton, who re- sumed the functions of his office. In 1868 the president again attempted to remove Stanton, who refused to vacate his post and was sustained by the senate. Presi- dent Johnson was accused by congress of high crimes and misdemeanors, but the trial resulted in his acquittal. Later he was Uni- ted States senator from Tennessee, and died July 31, 1875. EDMUND RANDOLPH, first attorney- general of the United States, was born in Virginia, August 10, 1753. His father, John Randolph, was attorney-general of Virginia, and lived and died a royalist. Ed- mund was educated in the law, but joined the army as aide-de-camp to Washington in 1775, at Cambridge, Massachusetts. He was elected to the Virginia convention in 1776, and attorney-general of the state the same year. In 1779 he was elected to the Continental congress, and served four years in that body. He was a member of the con- vention in 1787 that framed the constitu- tion. In that convention he proposed what was known as the " Virginia plan" of con- federation, but it was rejected. He advo- cated the ratification of the constitution in the Virginia convention, although he had re- fused to sign it. He became governor of Virginia in 1788, and the next year Wash- ington appointed him to the office of at- torney-general of the United States upon the organization of the government under the constitution. He was appointed secre- tary of state to succeed Jefferson during Washington's second term, but resigned a year later on account of differences in the cabinet concerning the policy pursued to- ward the new French republic. He died September 12, 181 3. W INFIELD SCOTT HANCOCK was born in Montgomery county, Penn- sylvania, February 14, 1824. He received his early education at the Norristown Academy, in his native county, and, in 1840, was appointed a cadet in the United States Military Academy, at West Point. He was graduated from the latter in 1844, and brev- etted as second lieutenant of infantry. In 1853 he was made first lieutenant, and two years later transferred to the quartermaster's department, with the rank of captain, and in 1863 promoted to the rank of major. He served on the frontier, and in the war with Mexico, displaying conspicuous gallantry dur- ing the latter. He also took a part in the Seminole war, and in the troubles in Kan- sas, in 1857, and in California, at the out- COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHT. 147 break of the Civil war, as chief quarter- master of the Southern district, he exerted a powerful influence. In 1861 he applied for active duty in the field, and was assigned to the department of Kentucky as chief quartermaster, but before entering upon that duty, was appointed brigadier-general of volunteers. His subsequent history during the war was substantially that of the Army of the Potomac. He participated in the campaign, under McClellan, and led the gallant charge, which captured Fort Magru- der, won the day at the battle of Wil- liamsburg, and by services rendered at Savage's Station and other engagements, won several grades in the regular service, and was recommended by McClellan for major-general of volunteers. He was a con- spicuous figure at South Mountain and An- tietam. He was commissioned major-gen- eral of volunteers, November 29, 1862, and made commander of the First Division of the Second Corps, which he led at Fred- ricksburg and at Chancellorsville. He was appointed to the command of the Second Corps in June, 1863, and at the battle of Gettysburg, July I, 2 and 3, of that year, took an important part. On his arrival on the field he found part of the forces then in retreat, but stayed the retrograde movement, checked the enemy, and on the following day commanded the left center, repulsed, on the third, the grand assault of General Lee's army, and was severely wounded. For his services on that field General Hancock received the thanks of congress. On recovering from his wound, he was detailed to go north to stimulate re- cruiting and fill up the diminished corps, and was the recipient of many public receptions and ovations. In March, 1864, he returned to his command, and in the Wilderness and at Spottsylvania led large bodies of m< n successfully and conspicuously. From that on to the close of the campaign he was a prominent figure. In November, 1864, he was detailed to organize the First Veteran Reserve Corps, and at the close of hostilities was appointed to the command of the Mid- dle Military Division. In July, 1866, he was made major-general of the regular service. He was at the head of various military departments until 1872, when he wasassigned to the command of the Depart- ment of the Atlantic, which post he held until his death. In 1869 he declined the nomination for governor of Pennsylvania. He was the nominee of the Democratic party for president, in 1880, and was de- feated by General Garfield, who had a popu- lar majority of seven thousand and eighteen and an electoral majority'.of fifty-nine. Gen- eral Hancock died February 9, 1886. THOMAS PAINE, the most noted polit- ical and deistical writer of the Revolu- tionary period, was born in England, Jan- uary 29, 1737, of Quaker parents. His edu- cation was. obtained in the grammar schools of Thetford, his native town, and supple- mented by hard private study while working at his trade of stay-maker at London and other cities of England. He was for a time a dissenting preacher, although he did not relinquish his employment. He married a revenue official's daughter, and was employed in the revenue service for some time. He then became a grocer and during all this time he was reading and cultivating his literary tastes, and had developed a clear and forci- ble style of composition. He was chosen to represent the interests of the excisemen, and published a pamphlet that brought him considerable notice. He was soon after- ward introduced to Benjamin Franklin, and having been dismissed from the service on a 148 COMPEXDICM OF BIOGRAPHY. charge of smuggling, his resentment led him to accept the advice of that statesman to come to America, in 1774. He became editor of the ' ' Pennsylvania Magazine," and the next year published his "Serious Thoughts upon Slavery" in the "Penn- sylvania Journal." His greatest political work, however, was written at the sugges- tion of Dr. Rush, and entitled "Common Sense." It was the most popular pamphlet written during the period and he received two thousand five hundred dollars from the state of Pennsylvania in recognition of its value. His periodical, the "Crisis," began in 1776, and its distribution among the soldiers did a great deal to keep up the spirit of revolution. He was made secretary cf the committee of foreign affairs, but was dis- missed for revealing diplomatic secrets in one of his controversies with Silas Deane. He was originator and promoter of a sub- scription to relieve the distress of the soldiers near the close of the war, and was sent to France with Henry Laurens to negotiate the treaty with France, and was granted three thousand dollars by congress for his services there, and an estate at New Rochelle, by the state of New York. In 1787, after the close of the Revolu- tionary war, he went to France, and a few years later published his " Rights of Man," defending the French revolution, which gave him great popularity in France. He was made a citizen and elected to the na- tional convention at Calais. He favored banishment of the king to America, and opposed his execution. He was imprisoned for about ten months during 1794 by the Robespierre party, during which time he wrote the " Age of Reason," his great deis- tical work. He was in danger of the guillo- tine for several months. He took up his residence with the family of James Monroe, then minister to France and was chosen again to the convention. He returned to the United States in 1802, and was cordially received throughout the coun- try except at Trenton, where he was insulted by Federalists. He retired to his estate at New Rochelle, and his death occurred June 8, 1809. JOHN WILLIAM MACKAY was one of America's noted men, both in the de- velopment of the western coast and the building of the Mackay and Bennett cable. He was born in 1831 at Dublin, Ireland; came to New York in 1840 and his boyhood days were spent in Park Row. He went to California some time after the argonauts of 1849 and took to the primitive methods of mining — lost and won and finally drifted into Nevada about i860. The bonanza dis- coveries which were to have such a potent influence on the finance and statesmanship of the day came in 1872. Mr. Mackay founded the Nevada Bank in 1878. He is said to have taken one hundred and fifty million dollars in bullion out of the Big Bonanza mine. There were as- sociated with him in this enterprise James G. Fair, senator from Nevada; William O'Brien and James C. Flood. When vast wealth came to Mr. Mackay he be- lieved it his duty to do his country some service, and he agitated in his mind the building of an American steamship line, and while brooding over this his attention was called to' the cable relations between America and Europe. The financial man- agement of the cable was selfish and ex- travagant, and the capital was heavy with accretions of financial " water" and to pay even an apparent dividend upon the sums which represented the nominal value of the cables, it was necessary to hold the rates COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHT. 149 at an exorbitant figure. And, moreover, the cables were foreign; in one the influence of France being paramount and in the other that of England; and in the matter of intel- ligence, so necessary in case of war, we would be at the mercy of our enemies. This train of thought brought Mr. Mackay into re- lation with James Gordon Bennett, the pro- prietor of the " New York Herald." The result of their intercourse was that Mr. Mac- kay so far entered into the enthusiasm of Mr. Bennett over an independent cable, that he offered to sssist the enterprise with five hundred thousand dollars. This was the inception of the Commercial Cable Com- pany, or of what has been known for years as the Mackav-Bennett cable. ELISHA GRAY, the great inventor and electrician, was born August 2, 1835- at Barnesville, Belmont county, Ohio. He was, as a child, greatly interested in the phenomena of nature, and read with avidity all the books he could obtain, relating to this subject. He was apprenticed to various trades during his boyhood, but his insatiable thirst for knowledge dominated his life and he found time to study at odd intervals. Supporting himself by working at his trade, he found time to pursue a course at Oberlin College, where he particularly devoted him- self to the study of physicial science. Mr. Gray secured his first patent for electrical or telegraph apparatus on October 1, 1867. His attention was first attracted to tele- phonic transmission during this year and he saw in it a way of transmitting signals for telegraph purposes, and conceived the idea of electro-tones, tuned to different tones in the scale. He did not then realize the im- portance of his invention, his thoughts being employed on the capacity of the apparatus for transmitting musical tones through an electric circuit, and it was not until 1874 that he was again called to consider the re- production of electrically-transmitted vibra- tions through the medium of animal tissue. He continued experimenting with various results, which finally culminated in his taking out a patent for his speaking tele- phone on February 14, 1876. He took out fifty additional patents in the course of eleven years, among which were, telegraph switch, telegraph repeater, telegraph annun- ciator and typewriting telegraph. From 1869 until 1873 he was employed in the manufacture of telegraph apparatus in Cleve- land and Chicago, and filled the office of electrician to the Western Electric Com- pany. He was awarded the degree of D. S. , and in 1874 he went abroad to perfect himself in acoustics. Mr. Gray's latest in- vention was known as the telautograph or long distance writing machine. Mr. Gray wrote and published several works on scien- tific subjects, among which were: "Tele- graphy and Teiephony," and " Experi- mental Research in Electro-Harmonic Tele- graphy and Telephony." \\ ^HITELAW REID.— Among the many V V men who have adorned the field of journalism in the United States, few stand out with more prominence than the scholar, author and editor whose name heads this ar- ticle. Born at Xenia, Greene county, Ohio, October 27, 1837, he graduated at Miami University in 1856. For about a year he was superintendent of the graded schools of South Charleston, Ohio, after which he pur- chased the "Xenia News," which he edited for about two years. This paper was the first one outside of Illinois to advocate the nomination of Abraham Lincoln, Mr. Reid having been a Republican since the birth of that party in 1856. After taking an active 150 COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY, part in the campaign, in the winter of 1860- 61, he went to the state capital as corres- pondent of three daily papers. At the close of the session of the legislature he became city editor of the "Cincinnati Gazette," and at the breaking out of the war went to the front as a correspondent for that journal. For a time he served on the staff of General Morris in West Virginia, with the rank of captain. Shortly after he was on the staff of General Rosecrans, and, under the name of "Agate," wrote most graphic descrip- tions of the movements in the field, espe- cially that of the battle ol Pittsburg Land- ing. In the spring of 1862 Mr. Reid went to Washington and was appointed librarian to the house of representatives, and acted as correspondent of the " Cincinnati Gazette." His description of the battle of Gettysburg, written on the field, gained him added reputation. In 1865 he accompanied Chief Justice Chase on a southern tour, and pub- lished "After the War; a Southern Tour. " During the next two years he was engaged in cotton planting in Louisiana and Ala- bama, and published "Ohio in the War." In 1868 he returned to the " Cincinnati Ga- zette," becoming one of its leading editors. The same year he accepted the invitation of Horace Greeley and became one of the staff on the " New York Tribune." Upon the death of Mr. Greeley in 1872, Mr. Reid be- came editor and chief proprietor of that paper. In 1878 he was tendered the United States mission to Berlin, but declined. The offer was again made by the Garfield ad- ministration, but again he declined. In 1878 he was elected by the New York legis- lature regent of the university, to succeed General John A. Dix. Under the Harrison administration he served as United States minister to France, and in 1S92 was the Republican nominee for the vice-presidency of the United States. Among other works published by him were the " Schools of Journalism," "The Scholar in Politics," ''Some Newspaper Tendencies," and "Town-Hall Suggestions." GEORGE WHITEFIELD was one of the most powerful and effective preach- ers the world has ever produced, swaying his hearers and touching the hearts of im- mense audiences in a manner that has rarely been equalled and never surpassed. While not a native of America, yet much of his labor was spent in this country. He wielded a great influence in the United States in early days, and his death occurred here; so that he well deserves a place in this volume as one of the most celebrated men America has known. George Whitefield was born in the Bull Inn, at Gloucester, England, December 16, 1 7 14. He acquired the rudiments of learn- ing in St. Mary's grammar school. Later he attended Oxford University for a time, where he became intimate with the Oxford Methodists, and resolved to devote himself to the ministry. He was ordained in the Gloucester Cathedral June 20, 1S36, and the following day preached his first sermon in the same church. On that day there commenced a new era in Whitefield's life. He went to London and began to preach at Bishopsgate church, his fame soon spread- ing over the city, and shortly he was en- gaged four times on a single Sunday in ad- dressing audiences of enormous magnitude, and he preached in various parts of his native country, the people crowding in multitudes to hear him and hanging upon the rails and rafters of the churches and approaches there- to. He finally sailed for America, landing in Georgia, where he stirred the people to great enthusiasm. During the balance cf COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHT. 153 his life he divided his time between Great Britain and America, and it is recorded that he crossed the Atlantic thirteen times. He came to America for the seventh time in 1770. He preached every day at Boston from the 17th to the 20th of September, 1770, then traveled to Newburyport, preach- ing at Exeter, New Hampshire, September -29, on the way. That evening he went to Newburyport, where he died the next day, Sunday, September 30, 1770. ' ' Whitefield's dramatic power was amaz- ing, " says an eminent writer in describing him. " His voice was marvelously varied, and he ever had it at command — an organ, a flute, a harp, all in one. His intellectual powers were not of a high order, but he had an abundance of that ready talent and that wonderful magnetism which makes the pop- ular preacher; and beyond all natural en- dowments, there was in his ministry the power of evangelical truth, and, as his con- verts believed, the presence of the spirit of God." CHARLES FRANCIS BRUSH, one of America's prominent men in the devel- opment of electrical science, was born March 17, 1849, near Cleveland, Ohio, and spent his early life on his father's farm. From the district school at Wickliffe, Ohio, he passed to the Shaw Academy at Collamer, and then entered the high school at Cleve- land. His interest in chemistry, physics and engineering was already marked, and during his senior year he was placed in charge of the chemical and physical appar- atus. During these years he devised a plan for lighting street lamps, constructed tele- scopes, and his first electric arc lamp, also an electric motor. In September, 1867, he entered the engineering department of the University of Michigan and graduated in 9 1869, which was a year in advance of his class, with the degree of M. E. He then returned to Cleveland, and for three years was engaged as an analytical chemist and for four years in the iron business. In 1875 Mr. Brush became interested in elec- tric lighting, and in 1876, after four months' experimenting, he completed the dynamo- electric machine that has made his name famous, and in a shorter time produced the series arc lamps. These were both patent- ed in the United States in 1876, and he afterward obtained fifty patents on his later inventions, including the fundamental stor- age battery, the compound series, shunt- winding for dynamo-electric machines, and the automatic cut-out for arc lamps. His patents, two-thirds of which have already been profitable, are held by the Brush Electric Company, of Cleveland, while his foreign patents are controlled by the Anglo- American Brush Electric Light Company, of London. In 1S80 the Western Reserve University conferred upon Mr. Brush the degree of Ph. D., and in 1881 the French government decorated him as a chevalier of the Legion of Honor. HENRY CLEWS, of Wall-street fame, was one of the noted old-time opera- tors on that famous street, and was also an author of some repute. Mr. Clews was born in Staffordshire, England, August 14, 1840. His father had him educated with the intention of preparing him for the minis- try, but on a visit to the United States the young man became interested in a business life, and was allowed to engage as a clerk in the importing house of Wilson G. Hunt & Co., of New York. Here he learned the first principles of business, and when the war broke out in 1861 young Clews saw in the needs of the government an opportunity to 1S4 COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. reap a golden harvest. He identified him- self with the negotiating of loans for the government, and used his powers of pur- suasion upon the great money powers to convince them of the stability of the govern- ment and the value of its securities. By enthusiasm and patriotic arguments he in- duced capitalists to invest their money in government securities, often against their judgment, and his success was remarkable. His was one of the leading firms that aided the struggling treasury department in that critical hour, and his reward was great. In addition to the vast wealth it brought, President Lincoln and Secretary Chase both wrote important letters, acknowledging his valued service. In 1873, by the repu- diation of the bonded indebtedness of the state of Georgia, Mr. Clews lost six million dollars which he had invested in those se- curities. It is said that he is the only man, with one exception, in Wall street, who ever regained great wealth after utter dis- aster. His " Twenty-Eight Years in Wall Street " has been widely read. ALFRED VAIL was one of the men that gave to the world the electric telegraph and the names of Henry, Morse and Vail will forever remain linked as the prime fac- tors in that great achievement. Mr. Vail was born September 25, 1807, at Morris- town, New Jersey, and was a son of Stephen Vail, the proprietor of the Speedwell Iron Works, near Morristown. At the age of seventeen, after he had completed his stud- ies at the Morristown Academy, Alfred Vail went into the Speedwell Iron Works and contented himself with the duties of his position until he reached his majority. He then determined to prepare himself for the ministry, and at the age of twenty-five he entered the University of the City of New York, where he was graduated in 1836. His health becoming impaired he labored for a time under much uncertainty as to his future course. Professor S. F. B. Morse had come to the university in 1835 as professor of lit- erature and fine arts, and about this time, 1S37, Professor Gale, occupying the chair of chemistry, invited Morse to exhibit his apparatus for the benefit of the students. On Saturday, September 2, 1837, the exhi- bition took place and Vail was asked to at- tend, and with his inherited taste for me- chanics and knowledge of their construction, he saw a great future for the crude mechan- ism used by Morse in giving and recording signals. Mr. Vail interested his father in the invention, and Morse was invited to Speedwell and the elder Vail promised to help him. It was stipulated that Alfred Vail should construct the required apparatus and exhibit before a committee of congress the telegraph instrument, and was to receive a quarter interest in the invention. Morse had devised a series of ten numbered leaden types, which were to be operated in giving the signal. This was not satisfactory to Vail, so he devised an entirely new instru- ment, involving a lever, or "point," on a radically different principle, which, when' tested, produced dots and dashes, and de- vised the famous dot-and-dash alphabet, misnamed the "Morse." At last the ma- chine was in working order, on January 6, 1838. The machine was taken to Wash- ington, where it caused not only wonder, but excitement. Vail continued his experi- ments and devised the lever and roller. When the line between Baltimore and- Washington was completed, Vail was sta- tioned at the Baltimore end and received the famous first message. It is a remarka- ble fact that not a single feature of the original invention of Morse, as formulated COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY 155 by his caveat and repeated in his original patent, is to be found in Vail's apparatus. From 1S37 to 1844 it was a combination of the inventions of Morse, Henry and Vail, but the work of Morse fell gradually into desuetude, while Vail's conception of an alphabet has remained unchanged for half a century. Mr. Vail published but one work, "American Electro-Magnetic Telegraph," in 1845, and died at Morristown at the com- paratively early age of fifty-one, on January 19. i859- ULYSSES S. GRANT, the eighteenth president of the United States, was born April 27, 1822, at Point Pleasant, Cler- mont county, Ohio. At the age of seven- teen he entered the United States Military Academy at West Point, from which he graduated in June, 1S43, and was given his brevet as second lieutenant and assigned to the Fourth Infantry. He remained in the service eleven years, in which time he was engaged in the Mexican war with gal- lantry, and was thrice brevetted for conduct in the field. In 1848 he married Miss Julia Dent, and in 1854, having reached the grade of captain, he resigned and engaged in farming near St. Louis. In i860 he en- tered the leather business with his father at Galena, Illinois. On the breaking out of the war, in 1861, he commenced to drill a company at Ga- lena, and at the same time offered his serv- ices to the adjutant-general of the army, but he had few influential friends, so re- ceived no answer. He was employed by the governor of Illinois in the organization of the various volunteer regiments, and at the end of a few weeks was given the colonelcy of the Twenty- first Infantry, from that state. His military training and knowl- edge soon attracted the attention of his su- perior officers, and on reporting to General Pope in Missouri, the latter put him in the way of advancement. August 7, 1S61, he was promoted to the rank of brigadier- general of volunteers, and for a few weeks was occupied in watching the movements of partisan forces in Missouri. September 1, the same year, he was placed in command of the Department of Southeast Missouri, with headquarters at Cairo, and on the 6th of the month, without orders, seized Padu- cah, which commanded the channel of the Ohio and Tennessee rivers, by which he se- cured Kentucky for the Union. He now received orders to make a demonstration on Belmont, which he did, and with about three thousand raw recruits held his own against the Confederates some seven thousand strong, bringing back about two hundred prisoners and two guns. In February,] 1 S62, he moved up the Tennessee river with the naval fleet under Commodore Foote. The latter soon silenced Fort Henry, and Grant advanced against Fort Donelson and took their fortress and its garrison. His prize here consisted of sixty-five cannon, seventeen thousand six hundred stand of arms, and fourteen thousand six hundred and twenty-three prisoners. This was the first important success won by the Union forces. Grant was immediately made a major-general and placed in command of the district of West Tennessee. In April, 1 862, he fought the battle of Pittsburg Land- ing, and after the evacuation of Corinth by the enemy Grant became commander of the Department of the Tennessee. He now made his first demonstration toward Vicks- burg, but owing to the incapacity of subor- dinate officers, was unsuccessful. In Janu- ary, 1863, he took command of all the troops in the Mississippi Valley and devoted several months to the siege of Vicksburg, 156 COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. which was finally taken possession of by him July 4, with thirty-one thousand six hundred prisoners and one hundred and seventy-two cannon, thus throwing the Mississippi river open to the Federals. He was now raised to the rank of major-general in the regular army. October following, at the head of the Department of the Mississippi, General Grant went to Chattanooga, where he over- threw the enemy, and united with the Army of the Cumberland. The remarkable suc- cesses achieved by him pointed Grant out for an appropriate commander of all na- tional troops, and in February, 1864, the rank of lieutenant-general was made for- him by act of congress. Sending Sherman into Georgia, Sigel into the Valley of West Vir- ginia and Butler to attempt the capture of Richmond he fought his way through the Wilderness to the James and pressed the siege of the capital of the Confederacy. After the fall of the latter Grant pressed the Confederate army so hard that their commander surrendered at Appomattox Court House, April 9, 1865. This virtually ended the war. After the war the rank of general was conferred upon U. S. Grant, and in 1868 he was elected president of the United States, and re-elected his own successor in 1872. After the expiration of the latter term he made his famous tour of the world. He died at Mt. McGregor, near Saratoga, New York, July 23, 18S5, and was buried at Riverside Park, New York, where a magnificent tomb has been erected to hold the ashes of the nation's hero. JOHN MARSHALL, the fourth chief jus- acter among what might be termed as the highest grade of philanthropists Amer- ica has produced. She was born on a farm at Oxford, Massachusetts, a daughter of Captain Stephen Barton, and was educated at Clinton, New York. She engaged in teaching early in life, and founded a free school at Bordentown, the first in New Jer- sey. She opened with six pupils, but the attendance had grown to six hundred up to 1854, when she went to Washington. She was appointed clerk in the patent depart- ment, and remained there until the out- break of the Civil war, when she resigned her position and devoted herself to the al- leviation of the sufferings of the soldiers, serving, not in the hospitals, but on the bat- tle field. She was present at a number of battles, and after the war closed she origi- nated, and for some time carried on at her own expense, the search for missing soldiers. She then for several years devoted her time to lecturing on "Incidents of the War." About 1868 she went to Europe for her health, and settled in Switzerland, but on the outbreak of the Franco-German war she ac- cepted the invitation of the grand duchess of Baden to aid in the establishment of her hospitals, and Miss Barton afterward fol- lowed the German army She was deco- CARDINAL JAMES GIBBONS, one of the most eminent Catholic clergymen in America, was born in Baltimore, Mary- land, July 23, 1834. He was given a thorough education, graduated at St. Charles. College, Maryland, in 1857. and studied theology in St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, Maryland. In 1861 he became pastor of St. Bridget's church in Baltimore, and in 1868 was consecrated vicar apostolic of North Carolina. In 1872 our subject be- came bishop of Richmond, Virginia, and five years later was made archbishop of Bal- timore. On the 30th of June, 1886, he was admitted to the full degree of cardinal and primate of the American Catholic church. He was a fluent writer, and his book, "Faith of Our Fathers," had a wide circulation. /^HAUNCEY MITCHELL DEPEW.— V-> This name is, without doubt, one of the most widely known in the United States. Mr. Depew was born April 23, 1834, at Peekskill, New York, the home of the Depew family for two hundred years. He attended the common schools of his native place, where he prepared himself to enter college.' He began his collegiate course at Yale at the age of eighteen and graduated in 1856. He early took an active interest in politics and joined the Republican party at its for- mation. He then took up the study of law and went into the office of the Hon. Will- iam Nelson, of Peekskill, for that purpose, and in 1858 he was admitted to the bar. 210 COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. He was sent as a delegate by the new party to the Republican state convention of that year. He began the practice of his profes- sion in 1.859, but though he was a good worker, his attention was detracted by the campaign of i860, in which he took an act- ive part. During this campaign he gained his first laurels as a public speaker. Mr. Depew was elected assemblyman in 1862 from a Democratic district. In 1863 he se- cured the nomination for secretary of state, and gained that post by a majority of thirty thousand. In 1866 he left the field of pol- itics and entered into the active practice -of his law business as attorney for the New York & Harlem Railroad Company, and in 1869 when this road was consoli- dated with the New York Central, and called the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad, he was appointed the attor- ney for the new road. His rise in the rail- road business was rapid, and ten years after his entrance into the Vanderbilt system as attorney for a single line, he was the gen- eral counsel for one of the largest railroad systems in the world. He was also a director in the Lake Shore & Michigan Southern, Michigan Central, Chicago & Northwestern, St. Paul & Omaha, West Shore, and Nickel Plate railroad companies. In 1874 Mr. Depew was made regent of the State University, and a member of the ■commission appointed to superintend the •erection of the capitol at Albany. In 1882, ■on the resignation of W. H. Vanderbilt from the presidency of the New York Cen- tral and the accession to that office by James H. Rutter, Mr. Depew was made ^second vice-president, and held that posi- tion until the death of Mr. Rutter in 1885. In this year Mr. Depew became the execu- tive head of this great corporation. Mr. uDepew's greatest fame grew from his ability and eloquence as an orator and " after-din- ner speaker," and it has been said by emi- nent critics that this country has never pro- duced his equal in wit, fluency and eloquence. PHILIP KEARNEY.— Among the most dashing and brilliant commanders in the United States service, few have outshone the talented officer whose name heads this sketch. He was born in New York City, June 2, 1815, and was of Irish ancestry and imbued with all the dash and bravery of the Celtic race. He graduated from Columbia College and studied law, but in 1837 ac- cepted a commission as lieutenant in the First United States Dragoons, of which his uncle, Stephen W. Kearney, was then colo- nel. He was sent by the government, soon after, to Europe to examine and report upon the tactics of the French cavalry. There he attended the Polytechnic School, at Samur, and subsequently served as a vol- unteer in Algiers, winning the cross of the Legion of Honor. He returned to the United States in 1840, and on the staff of General Scott, in the Mexican war, served with great gallantry. He was made a cap- tain of dragoons in 1846 and made major for services at Contreras and Cherubusco. In the final assault on the City of Mexico at the San Antonio Gate, Kearney lost an arm. He subsequently served in California and the Pacific coast. In 185 1 he resigned his commission and went to Europe, where he resumed his military studies. In the Italian war, in 1859, he served as a volun- teer on the staff of General Maurier, of the French army, and took part in the battles of Solferino and Magenta, and for bravery was, for the second time, decorated with the cross of the Legion of Honor. On the opening of the Civil war he hastened home, and, offering his services to the general gov- COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. 211 eminent, was made brigadier-general of volunteers and placed in command of a bri- gade of New Jersey troops. In the cam- paign under McClellan he commanded a di- vision, and at Williamsburg and Fair Oaks his services were valuable and brilliant, as well as in subsequent engagements. At Harrison's Landing he was made major-gen- eral of volunteers. In the second battle of Bull Run he was conspicuous, and at the battle of Chantilly, September I, 1862, while leading in advance of his troops, Gen- eral Kearney was shot and killed. RUSSELL SAGE, one of the financial giants of the present century and for more than an average generation one of the most conspicuous and celebrated of Ameri- cans, was born in a frontier hamlet in cen- tral New York in August, 1816. While Rus- sell was still a boy an elder brother, Henry Risley Sage, established a small grocery store at Troy, New York, and here Russell found his first employment, as errand boy. He served a five-years apprenticeship, and then joined another brother, Elisha M. Sage, in a new venture in the same line, which proved profitable, at least for Russell, who soon became its sole owner. Next he formed the partnership of Sage & Bates, and greatly extended his field of operations. At twenty-five he had, by his own exertions, amassed what was, in those days, a consid- erable fortune, being worth about seventy- five thousand dollars. He had acquired an influence in local politics, and four years later his party, the Whigs, elected him to the aldermanic board of Troy and to the treasuryship of Rensselaer county. In 1848 he was a prominent member of the New York delegation to the Whig convention at Philadelphia, casting his first votes for Henry Clay, but joining the "stampede" which nominated Zachary Taylor. In 1850 the Whigs oi Troy nominated him for congress, but he was not elected— a failure which he retrieved two years later, and in 1854 he was re-elected by a sweeping majority. At Washington he ranked high in influence and ability. Fame as a speaker and as a polit- ical leader was within his grasp, when he gave up public life, declined a renomination to congress, and went back to Troy to de- vote himself to his private business. Six years later, in 1863, he removed to New York and plunged into the arena of Wall street. A man of boundless energy and tireless pertinacity, with wonderful judg- ment of men and things, he soon took his place as a king in finance, and, it is said, during the latter part of his life he con- trolled more ready money than any other single individual on this continent. ROGER QUARLES MILLS, a noted United States senator and famous as the father of the "Mills tariff bill, "was born in Todd county, Kentucky, March 30, 1832. He received a liberal education in the com- mon schools, and removed to Palestine, Texas, in 1849. He took up the study of law, and supported himself by serving as an assistant in the post-office, and in the offices of the court clerks. In 1850 he was elected engrossing clerk of the Texas house of rep- resentatives, and in 1852 was admitted to the bar, while still a minor, by special act of the legislature. He then settled at Cor- sicana, Texas, and began the active prac- tice of his profession. He was elected to the state legislature in 1859, and in 1872 he was elected to congress from the state at large, as a Democrat. After his first elec- tion he was continuously returned to con- gress until he resigned to accept the posi- tion of United States senator, to which he 212 COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY was elected March 23, 1892, to succeed Hon. Horace Chilton. He took his seat in the senate March 30, 1892; was afterward re-elected and ranked among the most use- ful and prominent members of that body. In 1S76 he opposed the creation of the elec- toral commission, and in 1887 canvassed the state of Texas against the adoption of a prohibition amendment to its constitution, which was defeated. He introduced into the house of representatives the bill that was known as the "Mills Bill," reducing duties on imports, and extending the free list. The bill passed the house on July 21, 1888, and made the name of "Mills" famous throughout the entire country. HAZEN S. PINGREE, the celebrated Michigan political leader, was born in Maine in 1842. Up to fourteen years of age he worked hard on the stony ground of his father's small farm. Attending school in the winter, he gained a fair education, and when not laboring on the farm, he found employment in the cotton mills in the vicinity. He resolved to find more steady work, and accordingly went to Hopkinton, Massachusetts, where he entered a shoe fac- tory, but on the outbreak of the war he en- listed at once and was enrolled in the First Massachusetts Heavy Artillery. He partici- pated in the battle of Bull Run, which was his initial fight, and served creditably his enrly term of service, at the expiration of which he re-enlisted. He fought in the battles of Fredricksburg, Harris Farm, Spottsylvania Court House and Cold Har- bor. In 1864 he was captured by Mosby, and spent five months at Andersonville, Georgia, as a prisoner, but escaped at the end of that time. He re-entered the service and participated in the battles of Fort Fisher, Boyden, and Sailor's Creek. He was honorably mustered out of service, and in 1866 went to Detroit, Michigan, where he made use of his former experience in a shoe factory, and found work. Later he formed a partnership with another workman and started a small factor)', which has since become a large establishment. Mr. Pin- gree made his entrance into politics in 1889, in which year he was elected by a surpris- ingly large majority as a Republican to the mayoralty of Detroit, in which office he was the incumbent during four consecutive terms. In November, 1S96, he was elected gov- ernor of the state of Michigan. While mayor of Detroit, Mr. Pingree originated and put into execution the idea of allowing the poor people of the city the use of va- cant city lands and lots for the purpose of raising potatoes. The idea was enthusiast- ically adopted by thousands of poor families, attracted wide attention, and gave its author a national reputation as "Potato-patch Pin- gree." THOMAS ANDREW HENDRICKS, an eminent American statesman and a Democratic politician of national fame, was born in Muskingum county, Ohio, Septem- ber 7, 1 8 19. In 1822 he removed, with his father, to Shelby county, . Indiana. He graduated from the South Hanover College in 1841, and two years later was admitted to the bar. In 1851 he was chosen a mem- ber of the state constitutional convention, and took a leading part in the deliberations of that body. He was elected to congress in 1 85 1, and after serving two terms was appointed commissioner of the United States general land-office. In 1863 he was elected to the United States senate, where his dis- tinguished services commanded the respect of all parties. He was elected governor of Indiana in 1872, serving four years, and in COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHV. 213 1876 was nominated by the Democrats as candidate for the vice-presidency with Til- den. The returns in a number of states were contested, and resulted in the appoint- ment of the famous electoral commission, which decided in favor of the Republican candidates. In 1884 Mr. Hendricks was again nominated as candidate for the vice- presidency, by the Democratic party, on the ticket with Grover Cleveland, was elected, and served about six months. He died at Indianapolis, November 25, 1885. He was regarded as one of the brainiest men in the party, and his integrity was never ques- tioned, even by his political opponents. GARRETT A. HOBART, one of the many able men who have held the high office of vice-president of the United States, was born June 3, 1844, in Mon- mouth county, New jersey, and in i860 en- tered the sophomore class at Rutgers Col- lege, from which he graduated in 1863 at the age of nineteen. He then taught school until he entered the law office of Socrates Tuttle, of Paterson, New Jersey, with whom he studied law. and in 1869 was admitted to the bar. He immediately began the active practice of his profession i 1 the office of the above named gentleman. He became interested in political life, and espoused t e cause of the Republican party, and in 1865 held his first office, serving as clerk for the grind jury. He was also city counsel of Paterson in 1871, and in May, 1872, was elected counsel for the board of chosen freeholders. He entered the state legislature in 1873, and was re-elected to the assembly in 1874. Mr. Hobart was made speaker of the assembly in 1876, and and in 1879 was elected to the state senate. After serving three years in the same, lie was elected president of that body in 1SS1, and the following year was re-slected to that office. He was a delegate-at large to the Republican national convention hi 1876 and 1880, and was elected a member of the national committee in 1884, which pos'tion he occupied continuously until 1896. He was then nominated for vice-president by the Republican national convention, am' was elected to that office in the fall of 1896 on the ticket with William McKinley. WILLIAM MORRIS STEWART, noted as a political leader and senator, was born in Lyons, Wayne county, New York, August 9, 1S27, and removed with his par- ents while still a small child to Mesopota- mia township, Trumbull county, Ohio. He attended the Lyons Union school and Farm- ington Academy, where he obtained his ed- ucation. Later he taught mathematics in the former school, while yet a pupil, and with the little money thus earned and the assistance of James C. Smith, one of the judges of the supreme court of New York, he entered Yale College. He remained there until the winter of 1849-50, when, at- tracted by the gold discoveries in California he wended his way thither. He arrived at San Francisco in May, 1850, and later en- gaged in mining with pick and shovel in Ne- vada county. In this way he accumulated some money, and in the spring of 1852 he took up the study of law under John R. McConnell. The following December he was appointed district attorney, to which office he was chosen at tha general election of the next year. In 1854 he was ap- pointed attorney-general of California, and in 1S60 he removed to Virginia City, Ne- vada, where he largely engaged in early mining litigation. Mr. Stewart was also in- terested in the development of the "Corn- stock lode," and in 1S61 was chosen a 214 COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. member of the territorial council. He was elected a member of the constitutional con- vention in 1863, and was elected United States senator in 1864, and re-elected in 1869. At the expiration of his term in 1875, he resumed the practice of law in Nevada, California, and the Pacific coast generally. He was thus engaged when he was elected again to the United States sen- ate as a Republican in 1887 to succeed the late James G. Fair, a Democrat, and took his seat March 4, 1887. On the expiration of his term he was again re-elected and be- came one of the leaders of his party in con- gress. His ability as an orator, and the prominent part he took in the discussion of public questions, gained him a national rep- utation. GEORGE GRAHAM VEST, for many years a prominent member of the United States senate, was born in Frank- fort, Kentucky, December 6, 1848. He graduated from Center College in 1868, and from the law department of the Transyl- vania University of Lexington, Kentucky, in 1853. In the same year he removed to Missouri and began the practice of his pro- fession. In 1 860 he was an elector on the Democratic ticket, and was a member of the lower house of the Missouri legislature in 1860-61. He was elected to the Con- federate congress, serving two years in the lower house and one in the senate. He then resumed the practice of law, and in 1 879 was elected to the senate of the United States to succeed James Shields. He was re-elected in 18S5, and again in 1891 and 1S97. His many years of service in the National congress, coupled with his ability as a speaker and the active part he took in the discussion of public questions, gave him a wide reputation. HANNIBAL HAMLIN, a noted American statesman, whose name is indissolubly connected with the history of this country, was born in Paris, Maine, August 27, 1809. He learned the printer's trade and followed that calling for several years. He then studied law, and was admitted to practice in 1833. He was elected to the legislature of the state of Maine, where he was several times chosen speaker of the lower house. He was elected to congress by the Demo- crats in 1843, and re-elected in 1845. I' 1 1848 he was chosen to the United States senate and served in that body until 1861. He was elected governor of Maine in 1857 on the Republican ticket, but resigned when re-elected to the United States senate the same year. He was elected vice-presi- dent of the United States on the ticket with Lincoln in i860, and inaugurated in March, 1 861. In 1865 he was appointed collector of the port of Boston. Beginning with 1869 he served two six-year terms in the United States senate, and was then ap- pointed by President Garfield as minister to Spain in 1881. His death occurred July 4, 1891. TSHAM G. HARRIS, famous as Confed- 1 erate war governor of Tennessee, and distinguished by his twenty years of service in the senate of the United States, was born in Franklin county, Tennessee, and educated at the Academy of Winchester. He then took up the study of law, was ad- mitted to the bar, and commenced practice at Paris, Tennessee, in 1841. He was elected to the state legislature in 1847, was a candidate for presidential elector on the Democratic ticket in 1848, and the next year was elected to congress from his dis- trict, and re-elected in 185 1. In 1853 he was renominated by the Democrats of his COMPENDIUM UF BIOGRAPHY. 215 district, but declined, and removed to Mem- phis, where he took up the practice of law. He was a presidential elector-at-large from Tennessee in 1856, and was elected gov- ernor of the state the next year, and again in 1859, and in 1861. He was driven from Nashville by the advance of the Union armies, and for the last three years of the war acted as aid upon the staff of the com- manding general of the Confederate army of Tennessee. After the war he went to Liverpool, England, where he became a merchant, but returned to Memphis in 1867, and resumed the practice of law. In 1877 he was elected to the United States senate, to which position he was successively re- elected until his death in 1897. NELSON DINGLEY, Jr., for nearly a quarter of a century one of the leaders in congress and framer of the famous "Dingley tariff bill," was born in Durham, Maine, in 1832. His father as well as all his ancestors, were farmers, merchants and mechanics and of English descent. Young Dingley was given the advantages first of the common schools and in vacations helped his father in the store and on the farm. When twelve years of age he attended high school and at seventeen was teaching in a country school district and preparing him- self for college. The following year he en- tered Waterville Academy and in 185 1 en- tered Colby University. After a year and a half in this institution he entered Dart- mouth College and was graduated in 1855 with high rank as a scholar, debater and -writer. He next studied law and was ad- mitted to the bar in 1856. But instead of practicing his profession he purchased the " Lewistown (Me.) Journal," which be- came famous throughout the New England states as a leader in the advocacy of Repub- lican principles. About the same time Mr. Dingley began his political career, although ever after continuing at the head of the newspaper. He was soon elected to the state legislature and afterward to the lower house of congress, where he became a prominent national character. He also served two terms as governor of Maine. OLIVER PERRY MORTON, a distin- guished American statesman, was born in Wayne county, Indiana, August 4, 1823. His early education was by private teaching and a course at the Wayne County Seminary. At the age of twenty years he entered the Miami University at Oxford, Ohio, and at the end of two years quit the college, began the study of law in the office of John New- man, of Centerville, Indiana, and was ad- mitted to the bar in 1847. Mr. Morton was elected judge on the Democratic ticket, in 1852, but on th*. passage of the " Kansas-Nebraska Bill " he severed his connection with that part}', and soon became a prominent leader of the Re- publicans. He was elected governor of In- diana in 1 86 1, and as war governor became well known throughout the country. He received a paralytic stroke in 1865, which partially deprived hiin of the use of his limbs. He was chosen to the United States senate from Indiana, in 1867, and wielded great influence in that body until the time of his death, November 1, 1877. JOHN B. GORDON, a brilliant Confeder- ate officer and noted senator of the United States, was born in Upson county, Georgia, February 6, 1832. He graduated from the State University, studied law, and took up the practice of his profession. At the be- ginningof the war he entered the Confederate service as captain of infantry, and rapidly 216 COMPEXDJUM OF BIOGRAPHY. rose to the rank of lieutenant-general, commanding one wing of the Confederate army at the close of the war. In 1868 he was Democratic candidate for governor of Georgia, and it is said was elected by a large majority, but his opponent was given the office. He was a delegate to the national Democratic conventions in 1868 and 1872, and a presidential elector both years. In 1873 he was elected to the United States senate. In 18S6 he was elected governor of Georgia, and re-elected in 1888. He was again elected to the United States senate in 1890, serving until 1897, when he was succeeded by A. S. Clay. He was regarded as a leader of the southern Democ- racy, and noted for his fiery eloquence. STEPHEN JOHNSON FIELD, an illus- trious associate justice of the supreme court of the United States, was born at Haddam, Connecticut, November 4, 1816, being one of the noted sons of Rev. D. D. Field. He graduated from Williams College in 1837. took up the study of law with his brother, David Dudley Field, be- coming his partner upon admission to the bar. He went to California in 1849, and at once began to take an active interest in the political affairs of that state. He was elected alcalde of Marysville, in 1850, and in the autumn of the same year was elected to the slate legislature. In 1857 he was elected judge of the supreme court of the state, and two years afterwards became its chief justice. In 1863 he was appointed by President Lincoln as associate justice of the supreme court of the United States. During his incumbency, in 1873, he was appointed by the governor of California one of a com- mission to examine the codes of the state and for the preparation of amendments to the same for submission to the legislature. In 1877 he was one of the famous electoral commission of fifteen members, and voted as one of the seven favoring the election of Tilden to the presidency. In 1880 a large portion of the Democratic party favored his nomination as candidate for the presidency. He retired in the fall of 1897, having served a greater number of years on the supreme bench than any of his associates or predecessors, Chief Justice Marshall coining next in length of service. JOHN T. MORGAN, whose services in the United States senate brought him into national prominence, was born in Athens, Tennessee, June 20, 1824. At the age of nine years he emigrated to Alabama, where he made his permanent home, and where he received an academic education. He then took up the study of law, and was admitted to the bar in 1845. He took a leading part in local politics, was a presi- dential elector in i860, casting his ballot for Breckenridge and Lane, and in 1 86 1 was a delegate to the state convention which passed the ordinance of secession. In May, of the same year, he joined the Confederate army as a private in Company I, Cahawba Rifles, and was soon after made major and then lieutenant-colonel of the Fifth Regiment. In 1862 he was commissioned colonel, and soon after made brigadier-general and as- signed to the command of a brigade in Vir- ginia. He resigned to join his old regiment whose colonel had been killed. He was soon afterward again made brigadier-gen- eral and given command of the brigade that included his regiment. After the war he returned to the prac- tice of law, and continued it up to the time of his election to the United States senate, in 1 877. He was a presidential elector in 1 876, and cast his vote for Tilden and Hendricks. COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHY. 217 He was re-elected to the senate in 18S3, and again in 1889, and 1895. His speeches and the measures he introduced, marked as they were by an intense Americanism, brought him into national prominence. WILLIAM McKINLEY.the twenty-fifth president of the United States, was born at Niles, Trumbull county, Ohio, Jan- uary 29, 1844. He was of Scotch-Irish ancestry, and received his early education in a Methodist academy in the small village of Poland, Ohio. At the outbreak of the war Mr. McKinley was teaching school, earning twenty-five dollars per month. As soon as Fort Sumter was fired upon he en- listed in a company that was formed in Poland, which was inspected and mustered in by General John C. Fremont, who at first objected to Mr. McKinley, as being too young, but upon examination he was finally accepted. Mr. McKinley was seventeen when the war broke out but did not look his age. He served in the Twenty-third Ohio Infantry throughout the war, was promoted from sergeant to captain, for good conduct on the field, and at the close of the war, for meritorious services, he was brevetted major. After leaving the army Major Mc- Kinley took up the study of law, and was admitted to the bar, and in 1869 he took his initiation into politics, being elected pros- ecuting attorney of his county as a Republi- can, although thedistrict was usually Demo- cratic. In 1 876 he was elected to congress, and in a call upon the President-elect, Mr. Hayes, to whom he went for advice upon the way he should shape his career, he was told that to achieve fame and success he must take one special line and stick to it. Mr. McKinley chose tariff legislation and he became an authority in regard to import duties. He was a member of congress for many years, became chairman of the ways and means committee, and later he advo- cated the famous tariff bill that bore his name, which was passed in 1S90. In the next election the Republican party was overwhelmingly defeated through the coun- try, and the Democrats secured more than a two thirds majority in the lower house, and also had control of the senate, Mr. McKinley being defeated in his own district by a small majority. He was elected gov- ernor of Ohio in 1891 by a plurality of twenty-one thousand, five hundred and eleven, and two years later he was re-elected by the still greater plurality of eighty thou- sand, nine hundred and ninety-five. He was a delegate-at-large to the Minneapolis Re- publican convention in 1892, and was in- structed to support the nomination of Mr. Harrison. He was chairman of the con- vention, and was the only man from Ohio to vote for Mr. Harrison upon the roll call. In November, 1892, a number of prominent politicians gathered in New York to discuss the political situation, and decided that the result of the election had put an end to Mc- Kinley and McKinleyism. But in less than four years from that date Mr. McKinley was nominated for the presidency against the combined opposition of half a dozen rival candidates. Much of the credit for his suc- cess was due to Mark A. Hanna, of Cleve- land, afterward chairman of the Republican national committee. At the election which occurred in November, 1896, Mr. McKinley was elected president of the United States by an enormous majority, on a gold stand- ard and protective tariff platform. He was inaugurated on the 4th of March, 1S97, and called a special session of congress, to which was submitted a bill for tariff reform, which was passed in the latter part of July of that vear. 218 COMPENDIUM OF BIOGRAPHT. (-MNCINNATUS HEINE MILLER, > known in the literary world as Joaquin Miller, "the poet of the Sierras," was born at Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1841. When only about thirteen years of age he ran away from home and went to the mining regions in California and along the Pacific coast. Some time afterward he was taken prisoner by the Modoc Indians and lived with them for five years. He learned their language and gained great influence with them, fight- ing in their wars, and in all modes of living became as one of them. In 1S58 he left the Indians and went to San Francisco, where he studied law, and in i860 was ad- mitted to the bar in Oregon. In 1866 he was elected a county judge in Oregon and served four years. Early in the seventies he began devoting a good deal of time to literary pursuits, and about 1874 he settled in Washington, D. C. He wrote many poems and dramas that attracted consider- able attention and won him an extended reputation. Among his productions may be mentioned " Pacific Poems," " Songs of the Sierras," "Songs of the Sun Lands," ' ' Ships in the Desert, " ' ' Adrianne, a Dream of Italy," "Danites," "Unwritten History," " First Families of the Sierras " (a novel), " One Fair Woman " (a novel), " Songs of Italy," " Shadows of Shasta," "The Gold- Seekers of the Sierras," and a number of others. GEORGE FREDERICK ROOT, a noted music publisher and composer, was born in Sheffield, Berkshire county, Massachusetts, on August 30, 1820. While working on his father's farm he found time to learn, unaided, several musical instru- ments, and in his eighteenth year he went to Boston, where he soon found employ- ment as a teacher of music. From 1839 until 184411c gave instructions in music in the public schools of that city, and was also director of music in two churches. Mr. Root then went to New York and taught music in the various educational institutions of the city. • He went to Paris in 1850 and spent one year there in study, and on his re- turn he published his first song, "Hazel Dell." It appeared as the work of " Wur- zel," which was the German equivalent of his name. He was the originator of the normal musical institutions, and when the first one was started in New York he was one of the faculty. He removed to Chicago, Illinois, in i860, and established the firm of Root & Cady, and engaged in the publication of music. He received, in [872, the degree of " Doctor of Music" from the University of Chicago. After the war the firm became George F. Root & Co., of Cincinnati and Chicago. Mr. Root did much to elevate the standard of music in this country by his compositions and work as a teacher. Besides his numerous songs he wrote a great deal of sacred music and pub- lished many collections of vocal and instru- mental music. For many years he was the most popular song writer in America, and was one of the greatest song writers of the war. He is also well-known as an author, and his work in that line comprises: " Meth- ods for the Piano and Organ," "Hand- book on Harmony Teaching, " and innumer- able articles for the musical press. Among his many and most popular songs of the war time are: " Rosalie, the Prairie-flower," " Battle Cry of Freedom," " Just Before the Battle," "Tramp, Tramp, Tramp, the Boys are Marching," " The Old Folks are Gone," "A Hundred Years Ago," "Old Potomac Shore, "and " There's Music in the Air." Mr. Root's cantatas include "The Flower Queen" and "The Haymakers." He died in 1896. PART II. A BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORY OF DARKE COUNTY, OHIO. DARKE COUNTY, OHIO. HISTORICAL SKETCH OF DECEASED CITIZENS OF DARKE COUNTY, OHIO. By Professor J. T. Martz. N preparing a biographical sketch of the prominent dead of Darke county the writer has been compelled to refer to such records books and newspaper reports as are within his reach ; also the per- sonal knowledge and statements of the friends of the deceased, and to depend upon his own recollections. These facts then have been gleaned from the most authentic sources which are associated with the early rise and progress of the county, and are continued down to the present time. But few who were contemporary with the settlement of the town or county in their earliest stages of history now live. From them might have been obtained, from per- sonal recollections, the trials and hardships, the personal suffering and endurance of the early pioneers and more recent settlers, but they have all passed to the other shore. To the writing and compilation of these events much labor has been given, and the critical reader will perhaps find many imperfections, but tedious and perplexing as the task has been in many of its details, on the whole it has proved a source of gratification to col- lect into one casket what were like "orient pearls at random strung;" and we would fain present this sketch b < its readers as a 13 variegated bouquet, culled from the many gardens that adorn and diversify the unwrit- ten pages of the history of this county, and its many absent citizens. The lives of many of our distinguished dead are intimately associated with the early history of the northwest, and particularly with the defeat of St. Clair and its mourn- ful results, which occurrence may be stated as follows : On the evening of November 3. 1 791, his army encamped on the banks of the Wabash, which location was once a part of Darke county. Indian scouts in large numbers were seen skulking through the woods during the entire march to this place. St. Clair intended to fortify his camp the next day, but before four o'clock of Novem- ber 4th, the Indians attacked the American camp with a general discharge of firearms and the most horrid yells. Favored by the darkness, they broke into the camp and con- tinued their work of death. The troops were surprised and recoiled from the sud- den shock. The artillerists were so rapidly shot down that the guns were useless. Gal- lant charges were made by Colonel Darke. after whom this county was named, but not having sufficient riflemen to support him, his troops only exposed themselves t> 1 more 224 GENEALOGICAL AXD BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. certain destruction. General Butler was killed in the early part of the engagement, and as the only hope of saving the rem- nant of the army. St. Clair "resolved upon the desperate experiment" of charging upon the flank of the Indians and gaining the road, of which the Indians had possession. The charge was led by the General in per- son and was successful. The road was gained, but not until more than six hun- dred of his brave men lay dead Upon the field. The soldiers now abandoned the artillery, threw away their arms and equipments, and never paused in their headlong flight until they reached Fort Jefferson, twenty-nine miles distant from the location of the battle. Many were killed in this bloody retreat, and forty years afterward the farmers in the northwestern part of the county would fre- quently find the remains of soldiers who gal- lantly lost their lives in this unfortunate en- counter. History informs us that Adjutant-Gen- eral Sargeant wrote in his diary that the army had been defeated and at least half had been killed and wounded, making a loss of over nine hundred men. Following the army were about one hundred women, wives of officers and men, only a few of whom es- caped. General Wilkinson, who succeeded St. Clair in the command of the army, sent a detachment from Fort Washington to the battle ground in the following February for the purpose of burying the dead. The bodies were horribly mutilated, and those who had not been killed outright during the battle had been put to death with tortures too terrible and revolting for description. There being a deep snow upon the ground at this time they failed to find many of the bodies. In September. 1794. nearly three years after the battle, General Wayne sent a de- tachment to build a fort upon the scene of the disaster, which was done, and the struct- ure was very significantly called Fort Re- covery. It is said that in order to find all the remains there unburied rewards for finding skulls were offered. The ground in places was literally covered with bones ; the detachment found more than six hundred skulls. On some the marks of the scalping knife were plainly visible. Some were hacked or marked by the tomahawk, while others again were split open by a blow of that weapon. The remains were buried, and these facts prove the correctness of General Sargeant's statement, that more than nine hundred men lost their lives in this bloody affair. Two desperate attempts were made by the Indians to obtain possession of Fort Recovery, but in each attempt they were re- pulsed with severe loss. These transactions render Fort Recovery one of the most memo- rable in the history of our country. On the 7th of July, 1851, many of the remains of these soldiers were found partly exposed, and on that and the two following days they were taken up by the citizens of Fort Re- covery, and on the 10th of the following September were reinterred at a mass meet- ing of citizens from Kentucky, Indiana, Vir- ginia and Ohio, the meeting being called ex- pressly for that purpose. Thirteen coffins were prepared, and it was intended to fill each one partly full, but the remains entire- ly filled these coffins, and also a large box prepared for this purpose. They were in- terred in the old cemetery at Fort Recovery, by the side of Samuel McDowell, one of their comrades who died and was buried there in 1842. where they now rest — a low circular mound of earth and stone marking the spot. GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 226 These soldiers lost their lives in the de- fense of their country and while in the em- ployment of the United States government. A committee appointed by congress investi- gated the facts and details of this campaign and exonerated General St. Clair from all blame. It was the result of the fortunes of war, and we can only honor our noble dead by respecting their memory in the proper way. No other place in American history is more deserving of a suitable monument to commemorate our nation's loss and to mark the spot of her fallen heroes than is Fort Recovery. Five or six acres of ground within the limits of the fort should be pro- cured suitable for a park. Let this be done and a monument worthy to commemorate these sad events be erected there ; the remains of these soldiers should be transferred to this monument as a suitable location for their last resting place. This is a matter that concerns the states of Mary- land, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Kentucky and Indiana, as well as Ohio. But these soldiers did not sacrifice their lives for the protec- tion of the citizens of these states merely. It was to protect and defend a territory be- longing to the general government from the encroachments of a savage foe instigated by the emissaries of a government glad to seek an opportunity to continue a strife, that by treaty had been settled in the independ- ence of our country years before. It is earnestly hoped that congress will soon take such action, and that a suitable monument commemorating the events herein named will be erected at Fort Recovery. In June, 1794, General Wayne com- menced his campaign against the Indians of the northwest, marching from Greenville with a force of about three thousand men. When near the northeastern line of Darke county, the Indians held a council for the purpose of settling the question as to the ex- pediency of attacking Wayne's army at once. Some of General Wayne's scouts, disguised as Indians, with their faces painted with all the hideousness of the savage on the war- path, attended this savage council, listened to all the arguments there advanced, and re- ported the same to the General. Major George Adams, who had so far recovered from wounds received five years before as to be in the service of Wayne's army, was present at this council, disguised in full In- dian rig and paint. He reported that Lit- tle Turtle strongly urged that an onslaught be made before morning. This advice was withstood by the Crane, head chief of the Wvandots, and by the Shawnee and Potta- watomie chiefs, and the head men of other tribes who were in the Indian force. The reasons given by those who opposed the Turtle's council were that they desired Wayne to be farther away from his home, as they designated Fort Greenville, and that they could better engage him when they were near their friends, as they designated a British fort and garrison on the Maumee, which had been kept up in defiance of the stipulation of the treaty of 1783 ; but the true reason of their opposition to the Turtle's ad- vice was their distrust of him excited the previous autumn at Fort Recovery. Major Adams had previously been a soldier in Gen- eral Harmar's army, again in the service as a captain of scouts under Wayne, as above intimated, and nearly twenty years later commandant of the garrison at Greenville, during the negotiations preceding the exe- cution of the treaty of 1814, and later in life was judge of the court of common pleas of Darke county. Ohio. He was five times shot and severelv wounded in one of the 226 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. three several defeats of Harmar. He sur- vived, and was carried on a litter between two horses to Cincinnati, although on the way a grave was dug for him three even- ings in succession. With his ashes in the Martin cemetery, three miles east of Green- ville, are two of the bullets of the five which he carried in his body from 1789 until his decease in 1832. On the 20th of August, 1794, the battle of Fallen Timbers was fought, which for a number of years subdued the Indians and caused them to sue for peace, which lasted until 181 2, when Tecumseh stirred up the Indians to such an extent as to bring on the war resulting in the battle of the Thames. This celebrated Shawnee chief was born at what was known as the ancient town of Piq- ua, located on the north side of Mad river, and about five miles west of Springfield. In 1805 he and his brother, Lau-le-was'-i-ka, the prophet, took a large part of his tribe to Greenville, and built an Indian town on what ij known as the Wiliam F. Bishop farm on Mud creek. One writer says that Tecum- seh and the prophet resided from 1805 to 1808 on the tongue of land between Mud creek and Greenville creek, which place is still known as Tecumseh's Point. This point was held sacred by the red men, and to such an extent did this feeling prevail among the Indians that when orders were issued in 1832 to remove them from the set- tlements at Wapakoneta to their reservation beyond the Mississippi river, the officer in charge designed taking them through Miami count}'' to Cincinnati, but they insisted on being taken through Greenville that they might once more visit the home of their chief and prophet, and their request being granted, they remained several days. The two loca- tions are about three miles apart, and there seems to be but little doubt of the brothers having resided at both places. Here they lived, and as the early settlers testify, they carried on their thieving propensities the same as they had done at "Old Piqua," from which place they had been driven because of these depredations. Nothing that the set- tlers owned was safe, and they lived in con- stant dread that they would not only lose their property, but they felt that their lives were not safe while surrounded by these savages. Shortly after coming to Green- ville the prophet announced an eclipse of the sun, and that, happening at the time he pre- dicted, increased the belief in his sacred char- acter. Hostile movements resulted in the expedition led by General Harrison, who, on the 7th day of November, 181 1, encountered the Indians at Tippecanoe, Indiana, and gained a decisive victory over them. Te- cumseh was not present at the battle, but the Indians were commanded by the prophet, who had promised them an easy victory. Not accomplishing what he as a prophet fore- told, he lost the confidence of the Indians and was never able to restore his influence over them. In 1812 Tecumseh was early in the field. He fought at Brownstown, was wounded at Magreaga and made a brigadier- general by the British. He took a part in the siege of Fort Meigs, and fell, bravely fighting, in the battle of the Thames, in the forty-fourth year of his age. His death shot is ascribed to a pistol in the hands of Colonel Richard M. Johnson, of Kentucky. We thus make brief mention of these renowned leaders of the aboriginal races to whose lands we have become heirs, and in whose biogra- phy Darke county has the honor of being so prominently connected. GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 227 MURDER OF THE WILSON CHILDREX. The early settlers of Greenville suffered many hardships, and were exposed to many dangers from 1808 to 18 16. Indians were numerous, and while they were generally considered friendly, the settlers lived in con- stant alarm, and a ceaseless dread of treach- ery and violence hung like a threatening cioud over them. There were many In- dian tribes at that time friendly to the whites, and while scouts were constantly on the move and vigilant in their efforts to give the first alarm of danger, these friendly In- dians were supplied with white flags, prop- erly marked, which permitted them to pass the outposts of the whites in safety. This feeling of dread was not produced by the acts of the Indians alone, but the whites did much to increase the anxiety and danger. At one time a party of whites discharged a volley into a body of Indians carrying one of these flags, and approaching with the ut- most confidence. Two Indians were in- stantly killed, a third was wounded, and the rest were taken prisoners and robbed. One of the settlers, Andrew Rush, was killed by the Indians, and it was reported that a trader at Fort Recovery had been killed by his partner, but the Indians were accused of the crime. Greenville was then a stock- ade, and in the summer of 1812 many of the men were away rendering military service to the government, and but few men re- mained at the fort. It is said about this time a number of white men came upon a party of Indians with their women and chil- dren. The whites treated the Indian chil- dren with cruelty, taking them by the feet and swinging them around their heads, and when the Indians remonstrated and asked them to desist, one man dashed out the brains of one of the children. An attempt would have been made to punish the mur- derer immediately, but the whites were too strong, and the Indians awaited a future time in which to obtain their revenge. This time soon came. In July, 181 2, Patsy and Anna Wilson, daughters of "Old Billy Wilson," and aged respectively fourteen and eight years, accompanied by their brother older than they, left the stockade in the afternoon to gather berries. The brother took a gun with him for safety, as it is said that some time previous he had been chased by the In- dians, and being hard pressed he took shel- ter behind a tree, then placed his hat on the muzzle of his gun, exposed the same to the fire of the Indians, and while they stopped to load their guns he made his escape. The three crossed Greenville creek near N. Kuntz's saw-mill, and were picking berries under the trees when they were attacked by three Indians. The brother had left his gun near by, and the three were some distance apart at the time of the surprise. Not being able to secure his gun, the brother escaped by swimming the stream. His cries and the screams of the girls attracted the attention of Abraham Scribner and William Devor, who immediately ran to the spot, but the Indians had fled, after killing the girls by blows on the head with the poll or back of their tomahawks and scalping one of them, they not having time to scalp the other one. When the help came the girl that had been scalped was already dead, the other gasped a few times after they reached her. The dead bodies were carried into the fort and the alarm given, but the Indians escaped. Two innocent lives were thus sacrificed in retalia- tion for the death of the Indian child. The sisters were buried under the tree near where 228 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. they were murdered, and this was the last tragedy of those perilous times. It was not safe for Indians to show themselves in this vicinity after that atrocious butchery, and the war being carried to the northwest, fol- lowed by the treaty of 1S14. left the inhab- itants of Greenville in comparative safety. About the 1st of July, 1871, the remains of these two sisters were taken up, and on the fourth of the same month, the "Nation's Birthday," they were deposited in the Green- ville cemetery with appropriate ceremonies, a large assembly of the people being in at- tendance to show their respect for the dead. On the same day a large granite boulder, weighing perhaps four tons, swung under a wagon drawn by six horses, was driven into the cemetery and placed over their grave. Here let them rest in peace, and may their monument be a constant reminder to us of the trials and dangers through which the early settlers of our peaceful city passed, and may it admonish us of the importance of properly appreciating the privileges and blessings we enjoy. ANDREW RUSH. About the 28th of April. 181 2. Andrew Rush started for a little mill which had been built on Greenville creek, a few rods above where the Beamsville road to Greenville marks a crossing. He got his grist and set out to return home. On his way home he stopped to make a call on Daniel Potter, who, with Isaac Vail, was occupying each his own end of a double log house, which stood be- tween the late residence of Moses Potter and the creek. The two settlers from some cause had become fearful of trouble, and had gone down the Miami for assistance to take back their families to their former homes. Mrs. Potter asked Mr. Rush if he were not afraid of the Indians, and he put his hand through his hair and replied jokingly, "No: I had my wife cut my hair this morning so >hort that they could not get my scalp." Some time about 4 p. m, he left for home, and had not proceeded half a mile when he was shot from his horse, tomahawked and his scalp taken. Uneasiness was felt because of his not returning home, but all the fore- noon next day rain fell steadily and it was thought he might have stayed with a settler ; but in the afternoon Mr. Hiller's oldest son and Mr. Rush's brother-in-law took a horse and set out to look for him. The boys fol- lowed the track made by Rush to Greenville creek, just above the place known as Spiece's Mill, and there found the body lying on the sack of meal, mutilated as described. The boys then visited the houses of the settlers, but found all the cabins silent and deserted. They then hastened to the cabin of Henry Rush, and it was abandoned. The truth was evident that a panic had seized upon all. and they had fled for their lives. Xext morning men from Preble county moved out on the road to the body of Andrew Rush and gave it burial. AZOR AND ABRAHAM SCRIBNER. Among the first settlers of Greenville was Azor Scribner. Late in 1806 or early in 1807, he came to Greenville with a small ] stock of Indian goods, including tobacco and whisky, and began business in a cabin built by a Frenchman who had deserted the same two years before because of the thiev- ing depredations of the Indians. He did not bring his family, consisting of a wife and two daughters, from Middletown until 1808, but what time of the year is not known. It is conceded that the first white man who, with a wife and children, emi°rated to the GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 229 county and settled in Greenville township was Samuel Boyd, who came in 1807 and bulit himself a cabin about two and one-half miles north by east of the site of Fort Green- ville on the bank of a branch that yet goes by the name of Boyd's creek. Boyd was a native of Maryland, had lived in Kentucky, and was probably married there before he emi- grated to Ohio and had, as far as we are able to learn, stopped one or two years near the Miami in Butler county, before emigrat- ing to the wilderness, that, two years after- ward, created the county of Darke. Boyd lost his wife about 181 6. and she was the first person buried in the old graveyard below the railroad bridge ; the early settlers having pre- viously used as a cemetery the lot on which the Catholic church is erected, but during the occupancy of the fort by General Wayne's army his hospital was located on the lot now ocupied by Judge George A. Jobes, while his graveyard was located upon the lot now oc- cupied by the dwelling house of R. S. Fri- zell. Boyd died in 1829 or 1830; one of his daughters, the wife of John Carnahan, had died in 1821 or 1822; and another, the wife of Robert Martin, lived until about thirteen years ago. recognized as the oldest inhabitant of the county at that time. Soon after Boyd came, Azor Scribner removed his family and, abandoning the cabin on the west side of the creek, occupied one of the buildings of the fort that had escaped the fire which in a measure destroyed the fort inside of the pickets. Azor died in 1822 and his widow, in the early part of 1825, married a Yankee adventurer, who in less than a year deserted her, and the last ever heard of him was that he was in jail in Canada, on a charge of treason, having been involved in what was there known as McKenzie's rebellion. Abraham Scribner, brother of Azor, came to Greenville in the summer or early fall of 181 1. He had previously been master of 1 • ne or more vessels engaged in the navigation of the Hudson river, from New York to Troy, or in the coasting trade from Passamma- quoddy bay to the capes of the Chesapeake, and, sometimes, as far south as Cape Hat- teras. When he came to Darke county he was about thirty years old. From exposure while commander of a vessel a year or two before he nearly lost the sense of hearing, and this infirmity in connection with some, other peculiarities made him a man singular and exceptional in character and deport- ment. Part of his time he spent in Green- ville, in the family of Mrs. Armstrong, until his death in January. 1812, and part of the time in Montgomery county in the family of John Devor, one of the proprietors of Green- ville, whose daughter Rachel he married in 1814. What he did to make a living for him- self for a year or more after he came to this county none now living knows. He appeared tc be always busy, and yet no one could tell whether he was doing anything. Being at Day ton in the spring of 1813, he enlisted in Colonel Dick Johnson's mounted regiment, and with it went to upper Canada where, in the fall of that year, he participated in the battle of the Fallen Timber, where Proctor was defeated and Tecumseh was killed. After being discharged from the service he married Miss Rachel Devor, and having en- tered the prairie quarter-section of land above the mouth of Mud creek, now owned by the estate of J. W. Sater, deceased, he erected a log house upon it ; also brought his wife from Montgomery count}', and began housekeep- ing. In about two years Scribner sold his quarter-section, on which he had paid only 230 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. his entrance money, eighty dollars, to John Compton, of Dayton, for sixteen hundred dollars, and took his pay in a stock of goods at retail price, and opened out a store. In the summer of 1821 Scribner lost his first wife, and, after an interval of a few weeks, married a second wife. Miss Jane Ireland, of the vicinity of Xew Paris, who also died in the summer of 1822. After the death of his second wife, he sold out his stock of goods, and having placed his children among friends, went to the Maumee, where he pur- chased land in Henry county, and squandered his money in half clearing some land, and having several thousand rails made, con- cerning which, five years afterward. Jacob DeLong wrote to him that "they were lying in the woods and getting no better very fast. ' In a few months he returned to Greenville and resumed the mercantile business, in which he continued the residue of his life. In January, 1825. lie married his third wife. He died in March, 1847. > n the sixty-sixth year of his age. Mr. Scribner was a pecu- liar character. During ten or twelve years of his life he was the power of the county. He was the autocrat and ruler of the Dem- ocratic party, and discharged all the func- tions of caucuses, primary elections and nominating conventions. Those he allowed to run for office ran and were elected, and those he forbade had to keep shady and hold their peace. But at last he switched off from Jackson Democracy, although he would be "right in line" now among Democrats, for he was an uncompromising adherent to the resolutions of 1798. His last wife died several years ago, as did Mrs. S. J. Arnold, who was the last of the children of his first wife, and was the wife of Henry Arnold, deceased, for many years a successful dry- goods merchant in Greenville. ABRAHAM STUDABAKER. A pioneer of Darke county, Ohio, Abra- ham Studabaker was born in Westmoreland county, Pennsylvania, about the year 1785, and died in Darke county. Ohio, March 16, 1852. He was brought with his father's fam- ily to Ohio in the year 1793, and passed his youth in Clinton count}', where his parents died. In the spring of 1808 he became one of the first settlers of Darke county, which was then a wilderness, inhabited by wild beasts and Indians. At this time there were but two habitations in the territory that now corn- pries the county. He erected a third rude log cabin, having a chimney built of sticks cemented with mud. as a home for his fam- ily, a wife and one young child. Mr. Studa- baker's experience was a good illustration of some of the difficulties that disheartened the early settlers. He brought with him a horse and cow, and after awhile his little >t< ick of domestic animals was increased by the birth of a calf. During the first year he cleared an acre or two of ground, which he planted in corn. He had just gathered his little crop when his faithful horse died of milk-sickness, and shortly afterward the calf was killed by wolves. Hoping to catch some of these ravenous beasts, he baited a wolf trap with the mangled remains of the poor calf, and the cow. in hunting for her lost baby, put her head into the trap which fell and broke her neck. Soon after the breaking out of the war of 1812, he erected a block-house in the vicinity of Gettysburg, as a protection against the Indians. All other families fled the surrounding part of the country, but he remained through the dan- gers of the struggle. He used to remark that he was too poor to get away. For about two weeks after dangers began to thicken GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 231 he was housed up in his wooden fort, himself, wife and one young child being the only oc- cupants, threatened with ail manner of bar- barities and outrages by the frenzied Indians, against which as a means of defense he had but two rifles and a small amount of ammu- nition. The second (or garret) story of this structure projected on all sides a few feet over the first or ground story, thus giving its inmates a fair chance to repel parties at- tempting to break in. or to fire the building from below. For protection against this lat- ter mode of attack on the part of the Indians, he kept constantly ready two hogsheads filled with water. After he had for about two weeks been in this isolated and danger- ous condition, the government, greatly to his relief, sent six soldiers with arms and ammu- nition for the protection of his little. family. This block-house, which Studabaker had charge of during the war. served as an inn. a port of refuge, official headquarters and other valuable purposes. Upon one occasion he captured five armed Indians and turned them over to the government officer. They, however, -subsequently escaped and killed two United States soldiers near Greenville, named Stoner and Elliott. While Abraham Studabaker and his family escaped the bar- barities of this savage conflict, his brother David was murdered by the Indians near the site of Fort Wayne, Indiana. After the war closed Mr. Studabaker was employed by the government to furnish cattle to feed the In- dians till the treaty of peace could be con- summated. Upon the organization of Darke county in 1817, he was placed on the first board of commissioners and served with it for thirteen years. He was also a captain in early day militia. He was reared and lived amid scenes of pioneer privation and hard- ships, and as a natural result his education was exceedingly meagre. He was. however, endowed with fine natural business abilities, and had a most successful financial career. He was largely instrumental in securing the first railroad through Darke county, for- merly the Greenville and Miami, now the Dayton and Union. He also advanced the money to build the first court house in the county. He was a man of excellent judg- ment, great sagacity, large hospitality, and of unquestionable integrity. He spoke his mind without reserve, and was very decided in his opinions, and in politics strongly Democratic. His first wife was Mary Town- send, daughter of William Townsend, of Clinton county, Ohio, and she bore W.ra seven children. His second wife was Eliza- beth Hardman.. of Butler county, Ohio, who bore him five children. She died in the fall of 1868. David Studabaker, .second son of his first wife, was born in the old block- house, September 17. 1814. On February 13, 1835, he married Maria, daughter of Will- iam Folkerth of Darke county, who bore him five children. Mrs. Studabaker died in April, 1846. On December 13, 1849. ne married Jane, daughter of Samuel Culbertson, of the same county. David Studabaker was one of the movers in the organization of the county agricultural society, also a prominent par- ticipant in securing the first railroad through the county, and for two years was president of the company. By occupation he was a farmer, and a very active, industrious and a good citizen. He also held the office of county commissioner, being elected on the 232 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Democratic ticket. This office he filled with honor ; no better financier, and no one more honorable and trustworthy than he, has ever filled the responsible position; he died several years ago. JOHN DEVOR. John Devor was born in Pennsylvania and came to Darke county in 1808. He died in Greenville in the year 1828. He and one Rachel Armstrong entered the first half-section of land within the present limits of the county, being the west half of section 35, township 12, range 2 east, and laid out the town of Greenville in 1810. The legis- lature of Ohio, in session at Zanesville, by their act of January 3, 1809. created the county of Darke out of the territory pre- viously forming a part of the county of Miami and, within a year afterward, a com- mission appointed by the legislature estab- lished the seat of justice of the newly formed county at Terry's, town of Greenville, north of Greenville creek ; but there being some dissatisfaction, it may be well to state that by the enactment of the legislature at its ses- sion of 1810-11 a new commission was cre- ated, to whom was confided the duty of re- locating the seat of justice of the county. This commission consisted of two members from Miami county and one from Preble, and after considering the proposition of Terry. Briggs. and that of Devor and Mrs. Armstrong, and looking to the material benefits to the county, as proffered by the parties, accepted the proposition of Devor and Mrs. Armstrong, and selected as the future county seat the town laid out at Wayne's old fort of Greenville. The ac- cepted proposition covenanted to donate to the county one-third of all the town lots then laid out, or that they or their heirs might thereafter lay out, on the adjoining lands in the west half of said section 35, in which their town plat was located. Some years after. Mrs. Armstrong having died in the meantime, Devor, for himself, and on behalf of the heirs of Mrs. Armstrong, pursuant to the order of the court of common pleas, exe- cuted their contract so far as the lots then laid off was concerned, by conveying to the commissioners of Miami county in trust for the county of Darke, when it should there- after be organized, thirty-two of the ninety- six lots then laid out. but, although addi- tional town lots on the adjacent land of the half-section have since been laid out by the heirs of Devor. and also by the heirs of Mrs. Armstrong, no further donation or convey- ance has ever been made, nor have the com- missioners of Darke county ever demanded or required any further performance of their covenant. John Devor's son, James, was born near Maysville, Kentucky, while their family were on their way from Pennsylvania, in 1795. He learned surveying from his father and for a number of years was county surveyor of Darke county. He was the first auditor of Darke county, from May, 1S44, to October, 1847, ne was county treasurer, and for a number of years was a justice of the peace; he died in October, 1855. His wife, Patience Dean, was a daughter of Aaron Dean, one of the early settlers of the county. They were married March 1, 1828, and ten children were born unto them, of whom five now survive, John and Elijah be- ing prominent attorneys of the Greenville bar, the latter being also a referee in bank- ruptcy, under the late United States bank- ruptcy law. John Devor is a prominent politician, an unswerving Republican ami a warm personal friend of Hon. John Sher- man. He was the Republican elector for the GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 283 fourth congressional district in 1888 and had the honor of casting his vote for Hon. Ben- jamin Harrison for president of the United States. JOHN LEOPOLD WINNER. Merchant, banker and legislator of Green- ville, Ohio, J. P. Winner was born in Frank- lin, Warren county, Ohio, November 19, 1816. His parents were Isaac and Mary (Powell) Winner, natives of New Jersey. They were married in Philadelphia and in 18 1 6 came to Ohio, where they passed their lives. Mrs. Winner died in April, 1832, and her husband in October, following. For about four years subsequent to his father's death our subject worked at the cooper's trade. In April, 1836. he came to Darke county and located in Greenville, where he extensively identified himself with the busi- ness of the community and also held promi- nent places in the political councils of the county and state. In November, 1837, he married Miss Charlotte Clark, daughter of John Clark, Esq., of Warren county, Ohio. For some five years Mr. Winner was in the grocery business. Eight years he kept a hotel. Four years he kept a drug store. In 1853 he engaged in banking in company with the late Colonel J. W. Frizell, and thus con- tinued till May, 1865, when he became a stockholder in the Farmers National Bank of Greenville, and in January, 1866, he was made cashier of that institution, which po- sition he held until January, 1872. In April, 1873, ne opened the Exchange Bank of Greenville and conducted the business of that flourishing institution. His wife died August 12, 1863. She possessed in a high degree those noble qualities of mind and heart so essential to a true wife, and was revered in the community for her sweet- ness of disposition and sympathizing charity for the poor and unfortunate. She left an only daughter, Hattie, who inherited the sterling qualities of her mother, but the loss of her mother so affected her that she sur- vived her but a few weeks, dying at the age of fifteen years. On April 1, 1867, Mr. Winner married Mrs. Jane Crider, of Green- ville, daughter of John W. Porter, of the same place. In 1863 Mr. Winner became a member of the firm of Moore & Winner, which for a long time was one of the leading dry-goods firms of the county. In 1846 he was appointed auditor of Darke county, and from 1857 to 1861 he represented Darke county in the legislature of the state, and from 1867 to 1 87 1 he served in the state senate. In 1874 he was elected mayor of Greenville and served two years. In politics he was a Democrat. Although his school advantages were very meager, his active mind grasped a knowledge of men and things that fully compensated the loss. During the years 1861-63 he was treasurer of the committee to secure a county fund to encourage enlist- ments in the Union army and gave the sub- ject much attention. He died several years ago. W. A. WESTOX. Washington .Mien Weston, deceased, of Greenville. Ohio, was born in Alexandria, Virginia, March 3. 18 14. and died at Green- ville, Ohio, April 24. 1876. His father, William Weston, was a sea captain and perished at sea. His mother, Rebecca Con- yers. was an English lady, and died soon after the death of her husband. When an orphan boy of fifteen he came to Ohio, and was six years a salesman in a mercantile house in Dayton, Ohio, where he made a record for fine business talent, industry and 234 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. honesty. About 1835, w ' tn a small capital, he began business in Piqua, Ohio, but the financial crisis of 1836-37 swept away every dollar he possessed. Nothing daunted, how- ever, he soon began again in Covington, Miami county, where he prospered and be- came leader in the public affairs of the com- munity. In 1847 ne was elected on the Whig ticket to the general assembly of Ohio and acquitted himself with credit. In the fall of 1848 he located in Greenville and opened the first hardware store of the place. In 1856 he purchased the Dayton Paper Mills and for seven years conducted a thriving business in that city. In 1863 he returned to Greenville, resumed the hardware trade and in January, 1866, became one of the or- ganizers of the Farmers' National Bank of Greenville and president of the same, re- maining such until his decease. He was prominently active in the local enterprises of the community and his generosity was as universal as mankind, with a heart ever open and hand ever extended to relieve the necessities of the poor and unfortunate. He possessed a fine literary and scientific taste and had a very fair education; was a good conversationalist, excelled as a writer and contributed a number of timely articles to the public press of the day. The guiding principle of his life was the golden rule and he practiced its teachings in his daily busi- ness. Ever industrious and careful, he ac- cumulated a large competency, provided well for his family and was respected by all who knew him. In his death this community suffered the loss of a good financier and a worthy citizen. W. M. WILSON". William Martin Wilson, lawyer, judge and legislator, was born near Mifflin, luniata county, Pennsylvania, March 11. 1808, and died in Greenville, Ohio, June 15, 1S64. His parents were Thomas Wilson and Jane Mar- tin and in 181 1 they came to Ohio, passed about a year in Fairfield county, and in 1812 settled in Butler county, where Mr. Wilson was raised. He was educated in Miami University, at Oxford, Ohio, studied law with the late Hon. Jesse Corwin, of Hamil- ton, Ohio, was admitted to the bar in 1832 and then began practice in that place. In the fall of 1835 he located in Greenville and at once took a leading position as a lawyer. For a number of years he served as prosecut- ing attorney of Darke county. On Septem- ber 19, 1837, ne married Miss Louise Dosey, of Greenville, Ohio. She was born in But- ler county April 23. 181 5, and died August 2, 1856. In December, 1837, he started the Darke County Advocate, which, with a change of name, is now the Greenville Jour- nal. In October, 1840, he was elected auditor of Darke county and was twice re- elected, thus serving six years. In the fall of 1846 he was elected to the Ohio senate, from the district composed of the counties of Darke, Miami and Shelby, and held the seat two years, during which time he rose to a very prominent position in that body, and came within one vote of being elected state auditor, having already gained the reputation of being one of the most efficient county auditors in the state. This one lack- ing vote he could have supplied by voting for himself, a thing which his manly modesty forbade. In the fall of 1856 he was ap- pointed by Governor Chase as common pleas judge of the first subdivision of the second judicial district of Ohio to fill a vacancy. His decisions were distinguished for great research and ability. Being too old to enter the service during the war for the Union, GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 235 he was. nevertheless, as a member of the military committee of his district, an active and earnest supporter of the government. He stood for many years at the head of the Greenville bar and was regarded as one of the best jurists in Ohio, and by his moral worth gave a higher character to the profes- sion. He was a man of unusually quiet and retiring disposition ; his words were few, but well chosen, and his sarcasm and repartee were like a flash of lightning on an op- ponent. At the same time he bore a heart of the warmest and tenderest sympathies. For a number of years he held the office of elder in the Presbyterian church of Green- ville. He lived and died an honest, upright man, in whom, as friend, neighbor and citi- zen, the community had the fullest con- fidence. THOMAS DUNCAN STILES. This gentleman, physician, surgeon and legislator, at Fort Jefferson, Darke county, Ohio, was born near Carlisle, Pennsylvania, August 6, 1809. His father was Edward James Stiles, and his mother, Ann Stiles, was a daughter of Thomas Duncan, who for many years was one of the supreme judges of the state. In his early days our subject attended school at Carlisle and was then admitted to Mount St. Mary's College, near Emmitsburg, Maryland, where he spent nearly three years. During this time Rev. Eagan McGeary and Rev. John B. Purcell were presidents. He subsequently entered a military school at Mount Airy, German- town, Pennsylvania, taught by Colonel A. L. Roumfort, where he remained until he was appointed a cadet to the military acad- emy at West Point. Remaining there for over two years, he returned to Carlisle, com- menced the study of medicine under Dr. D. N. Mahon and attended medical lectures at the University of Pennsylvania. After com- pleting his medical studies he located at Nashville, Tennessee, where he remained about eighteen months, and then went as surgeon on the whale-ship North America, df Wilmington, Delaware, which vessel, after an eight-months cruise, was lost on the coast of Australia. After the wreck of this vessel he made his way to China and engaged in the opium trade about two years, when he returned to the United States. Finding his mother dead and his home broken up, he again went on a voyage to Montivideo, in South America. On the arrival of the vessel at that port he quarreled with his captain, left the vessel and went to Buenos Ayres. Finding that country engaged in war with Montivideo he entered the army as a cap- tain, but not having received the stipulated salary he resigned, and returning to Monti- video entered the naval service of that coun- try. Finding the prospects of payment no better than before, he withdrew and returned to the United States in the sloop of war De- catur, under command of Captain, after- ward Admiral, Farragut. After spending a few months with his friends in Philadelphia he went to the Rocky mountain country, and for more than a year was engaged in trading with the Indians. Returning to the United States he resumed the practice of medicine near the mouth of Red river, in the state of Louisiana, but finding the climate injurious to his health he remained but a short time, and in 1843 cam e to Ohio, set- tling at Fort Jefferson, Darke county, where he resided until his death, which occurred several years ago, with the exception of a few years passed in Lewisburg, Preble coun- ty. While in Lewisburg he served in the capacity of mayor, and upon his return to 236 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Darke county he was elected to the Ohio as- sembly, in 1872, and served two years. Upon the opening of the civil war Dr. Stiles en- tered the three-months service in the Eleventh Ohio as a private, although his mil- itary qualifications would have secured for him a high official rank. In August, fol- lowing, he enlisted in the same capacity in the Fifth Ohio Cavalry and after one year's service was discharged on account of ill health. Upon the invasion of his native state by the rebels, in 1863, he enlisted in the heavy artillery service in the Eleventh Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers, and served one year, when he was honorably dis- charged. In 1878 he was appointed by Gov- ernor Bishop one of the trustees of the Day- ton asylum for the insane and on the or- ganization of the board was elected president. He was twice married. His first wife was Sarah Jane DeCamp, whom he married in 1846. She died in 1854, having been the mother of three children, all now deceased. In 1856 he married Mrs. Eliza, widow of Samuel Hannah, and daughter of Thomas and Mary Beatty. The result of this union were two children, a son, James Buchanan Stiles, a teacher by profession, and a daugh- ter. In politics Mr. Stiles had always been a firm and consistent Democrat. Dr. Stiles when advanced in years was remarkably hale and hearty, and buoyant and mirthful in spirit. He was a man of clear head, strong feelings, independent but conscientious in his opinion, which upon proper occasion he ex- pressed without reserve. WILLIAM HENRY EMERSON, general of militia and a banker, was born in Butler county, Ohio, May 8. 1808, and died in Greenville, Ohio, December 11, 1877. His parents were James and Eve Emerson ; the former born in Vermont, July 17, 1783, died January 31 1853; the latter born April 3, 1788, died May 13, 1847. He was a distant connection of the American author and lecturer, Ralph Waldo Emerson. When our subject was eight years of age the fam- ily settled in Darke county, Ohio. His wife, Catharine Buckingham, was born near Baltimore, Maryland, November 6, 1807, and he married her in Fort Nesbit, Preble county, Ohio, November 2, 1826. From this marriage were born one son, Martin Van Buren, and four daughters, Malinda, Sarah Ann, Mary Jane and Elizabeth. Mrs. Emerson's father was Mash Buckingham, born in Maryland, June 31, 1785. At an early day Mr. Emerson held the position of brigadier-general in the militia, and was also for a number of years justice of the peace. For several years he conducted the business of a banker in Hollansburg, Darke county, and in' 1865 moved to Greenville, where he became a director in the Farmers' National Bank of that place, of which for nearly two years he was president, holding the position at the time of his decease. He was also for several years president of the Darke County Pioneer Society. He was a man of very decided traits of character, and was conceded to be a leader in all circles in which he moved. In natural ability he was far above the average, but his early oppor- tunities were such as to afford him nothing more than a very ordinary education. He possessed unusual good sense, and was a very superior counselor. All his business transactions were characterized by the great- est particularity and caution, as also by im- partial dealing. He was plain, prompt and positive in all he did. His social qualities were attractive, and his powers of imita- tion wonderful. He would have made a GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 287 first-class comedian. His memory also was very remarkable. He is said to have been the shrewdest financier that Darke county ever had. He was exceedingly careful in his business and accumulated a handsome for- tune. ANDREW R. CALDERWOOD. Andrew Robeson Calderwood, attorney- at-law of Greenville, and one of the old settlers of Darke county, was born in Mont- gomery county, Ohio, September 14, 1818, and died at Greenville several years ago. He was a son of George and Margaret ( Robeson) Calderwood, natives of Hunt- ingdon county, Pennsylvania. They were married September 14, 1811, and in the fall of 1 817 moved to near Dayton, Ohio, going thence in 1832 to Darke county, where George Calderwood died September 7, 1849. His wife survived him until August 12, 1873, when her death occurred. George Calderwood was of Scotch parents and though uneducated was a man of sound judg- ment, great firmness and courage, of large stature and possessed of an iron constitu- tion. He was kind and generous to a fault. Margaret Robeson descended from Scotch, Welsh and Irish ancestry, and was a woman of remarkable good sense, fine natural tal- ent and great kindness. Our subject was employed in early life upon a farm, digging ditches, mauling rails, etc. His education was meager, but being called upon to serve as juror, he was so inspired by the eloquence of some of the attorneys in the case that he resolved to become a lawyer and at once commenced the study of law, being admitted to the bar and beginning practice in 185 1. He was elected probate judge in 1854 and after serving three years he entered the Union army as second lieutenant; was pro- moted to captain of Company I, Fortieth Ohio Volunteer Infantry; resigned his com- mission on account of injuries received from being thrown from a horse, and on regain- ing his health he was re-commissioned by Governor Tod, and by Colonel Cranor was assigned to the command of his old company. After six months' service in the above posi- tion, by loss of his voice and previous in- juries, he was again compelled to leave the active service of the army and acted in the capacity of recruiting officer until the close ■of the war, after which he resumed the prac- tice of law. On December 3, 1876, he as- sumed the editorial control of the Sunday Courier, a leading organ of the Republican party of Darke county. He was three times elected mayor of Greenville, and in 1868 the Republicans of Darke county presented his name in the fourth congressional district of Ohio for congress, his competitor, Mr. McClung, being nominated by a small, ma- jority over him. He always had a liberal share of the law practice in this county and enjoyed more than a local reputation as a criminal lawyer; at the forum his abilities were best known; he had an original faculty of developing a subject by a single glance of the mind, detecting as quickly the point upon which every controversy depended. There was a deep self-conviction and em- phatic earnestness in his manner, and a close logical connection in his thoughts. He wove no garlands of flowers to hang in fes- toons around a favorite argument, yet for impromptu appeals and eloquence he stood among the first of his profession, and, by his great knowledge of human nature he was acknowledged to be one of the best judges of a jury at the bar. 23S GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. WILLIAM J. BIRELEY was born in Frederick county. Maryland., in 1812, and died suddenly in Adams town- ship, Darke county, Ohio, several years ago. He was the son of John and Barbara Bire- ley. John was born in the first county above named and Barbara was born in Hagerstown, Maryland. Her maiden name was Brindle. The grandfather, John Bire- ley, was born in Saxony and emigrated to this country before the Revolutionary war. The grandmother was from Wurtemberg, Germany, and also came to this country prior to the Revolutionary war. Mr. Bire- ley's father came to Lancaster, Ohio, in the spring of 1822 and in the fall following- went to Montgomery county, where he lived until his death, which occurred in 1827. Mr. Bireley, the subject of this sketch, came to Darke county, October 15, 1830, and lo- cated in Greenville. He carried on the boot and shoe business for William Martin. Sr., and continued with him about five months, when he returned to his mother, in Montgomery county, where he remained until 1833, when, on January 24th, of the same year, he was united in marriage with Elizabeth Martin, daughter of Christopher and Elizabeth Martin. Sr. They were born at Sewickley, Pennsylvania, came to Ohio in 1814, and located in Butler county in 1815, settling about five miles east of Green- ville. After raising a large family of chil- dren they moved to Greenville, where they lived and died. Mr. Bireley. in May, 1833, came back to Greenville and entered upon the manufacture of earthenware, which occupa- tion he followed for twenty-eight years, do- ing an extensive business. He then bought a farm of one hundred and fifty acres, one mile out of the corporation of Greenville, and in 1851 he moved his family to this farm. In 1858 he sold this farm and bought another, five miles east of Greenville, upon which several quarries of limestone were lo- cated. He engaged in the manufacture of lime and continued at this business until January, 1880, when he rented the place to Martin Smith and Emanuel Hershey for five years, receiving four hundred dollars yearly, or two thousand dollars for the five years. In 1870 Mr. Bireley moved from the farm into Greenville, where he resided for a number of years, or until the expiration of the above lease, when he moved back on the farm, where he resided at the time of his death, and where his widow now resides with her daughter, Mary R. Mr. Bireley was the father of ten children, seven of whom are now living: Henry P., Elizabeth E., William W., Barbara C., Harry H, Wade G., all married and settled in life, and Mary R., the youngest, who remains at home with her mother. Mr. Bireley united with the Methodist Episcopal church in 1835, lived a consistent Christian life and the record he has left here upon the pages of time is surely a worthy example for all future generations to follow. JOHN WHARRV. John Wharry, surveyor, lawyer and judge, Greenville, Ohio, was born in what is now Juniata county, Pennsylvania, No- vember 27, 1809. His parents were James and Margaret ( Crorie ) Wharry, the former born in Juniata county, Pennsylvania, July 30, 1780, the latter in Frederick county, Maryland, February 7, 1780. They came to Ohio in 1810. and after spending two years in Butler county, settled in Columbus, in December, 1812, at which time there were only three log cabins on GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 239 the present site of that city. In the sum- mer of 1 812 he was a. member of General Findley's regiment that was sent to Detroit to assist General Hull, but he was taken sick on the march and was compelled to return home. His occupation was that of a car- penter, and he made the desks for the first state house in the city of Columbus. He died in that city March 19, 1820. His widow died in Richmond, Indiana, in May, 1848. In 1824 our subject, then a lad of fifteen years of age, came to Greenville, Ohio, and for several years was engaged as a store clerk. He obtained a very fair math- ematical education, with some knowledge of Latin. By assisting at the work of survey- ing and by personal application he obtained sufficient knowledge to become a practical surveyor, and engaged in this business from 1 83 1 to 185 1, for most of which time he filled the position of county surveyor. In the fall of 185 1 he was elected probate judge of Darke county and served three years. In the spring of 1855 he was admitted to the practice of law. having previously read un- der the late Judge John Beers, of Greenville, Ohio. April 21, 1838, he married Miss Eliza Duncan, of Warren county, Ohio, who bore him ten children. Mrs. Wharry died De- cember 6, 1868. Until the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska bill, in 1854, Judge Whar- ry was a Jacksonian Democrat, but from that time until his death he was a Republican. He was endowed with a remarkable memory and at the time of his death had, doubtless, the best recollection of early events of any man in Darke county. He was a member of the County Pioneer Association. For thirty years he had been connected with the Presbyterian denomination. He was one of the best draftsmen in the county, and an ex- cellent penman, his records in the depart- 14 ment of the interior, in Washington city, being pronounced unexcelled. He was a fine surveyor, a good legal counselor, a su- perior business man, and a much respected citizen. Two of his sons served through the late war — James Wharry as captain and Kenneth as assistant surgeon. D. H. R. JOBES. D. H. R. Jobes, lawyer, judge of pro- bate and teacher, was born in Montgomery county, Ohio, September 14, 1829, and died in Greenville, Ohio, January 13, 1877. He was a man of noble traits of character. His parents being poor he was early thrown upon his own resources, but by a faithful improvement of limited privileges obtained a good English education, and for a num- ber of years followed the occupation of a teacher. In October, 1857, he was elected probate judge of Darke county and served nine years, during which time he devoted his spare time to reading law under the di- rection of D. L. Meeker, of Greenville, Ohio, and was admitted to practice in January, 1867. He formed a partnership with his preceptor and so continued until 1872. On January 1, 1875, ' le formed a law partner- ship with C. M. Anderson, of Greenville, which was dissolved by the death of Mr. Jobes. He was cut down in the meridian of life, and in the height of the practice of his profession. His death was the occasion of an unusually cordial action on the part of the members of the GreenVille bar, in resolutions and speeches expressive of deep regret at his demise, tender sympathy for his bereaved family, and exalted apprecia- tion of his moral worth. On this occasion, among other remarks, J. R. Knox, Esquire, said : "During the nine years of service as probate judge, I had frequent occasion to ap- 240 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. pear before him and observe his conduct in that capacity, and I take pleasure in this solemn hour, as I have always done, to say that as by law recognized next friend of the widow and guardian of the orphan — the highest and most sacred trust which the law imposes upon that officer — and in the vari- ous duties of his position, he was a careful, impartial and vigilant accountant, and de- serving the honored name of a just and up- right judge. As a practitioner at the bar, none stood fairer than he. We had not among us a more diligent office lawyer, nor any safer or more thoughtful counselor or adviser than Judge Jobes; and when he ad- dressed himself to the court and jury the weight of his character for integrity and fairness made his appeals forcible and in- fluential, carrying conviction." C. M. An- derson, Esquire, a law partner of the de- ceased, as well as formerly his pupil, said : "His was a mind that did not require the light of precedents. He was a chancellor by nature, and only needed the advantages of an early education in the law to have marked him as one of the foremost and most powerful jurists of his time." Judge Will- iam Allen reverted to the fact that the in- tegrity, the honor, the moral worth and no- bility of heart which made him pre-eminent as a public officer and private citizen during his maturer years were the graces that adorned his life in his earlier years. Dur- ing the three consecutive terms he held the office of probate judge of this county no lawyer nor litigant ever called in question his integrity as an officer or doubted the honesty of his motives. David Beers, Es- quire, said : "In boyhood and manhood, he ever pursued a moral, upright, honorable course which gave him a deserved and en- viable position in society." C. G. Matchett said : "His many virtues and great worth are best expressed by the couplet, 'None knew him but to love him. None named him but to praise.' ' He left a wife and two sons. Mrs. Jobes is a lady of talent, a leader in the Christian church of Greenville, and an active worker in moral and religious enterprises. She is a daughter of Isaac and Sarah Reed, of Darke county, Ohio, and was married to Mr. Jobes May 6, 1858. Her father died Jan- uary 18, 1871, aged sixty-two. He was one of the pioneers of Darke county, kind and obliging in disposition, a good neighbor and a Christian gentleman. He was re- spected by all who knew him. GABRIEL MIESSE. Gabriel Miesse, physician and surgeon, Greenville, Ohio, was born in Berks coun- ty, Pennsylvania, March 26, 1807, and died in Greenville some time ago. His parents, Jacob and Catherine (Dundor) Miesse, were both natives of the same county. Indica- tions of superior mental energy and prac- tical talents were developed in the person of our subject at an extremely early age. His education was begun when he was a mere child and was conducted chiefly under the direct superintendence of a private teacher, Dr. Charles Ouinedon, a finely cultured physician from Prussia. This instruction was supplemented by an attendance upon lectures at the medical college in Philadel- phia. His beginning in life was very hum- ble. He left Philadelphia on foot, with a few surgical instruments, a small stock of medicines and a few dollars in money, to seek a location. On a pleasant mid-summer day he found himself about one hundred miles west of the city, and weary and dis- heartened he sat down to examine the con- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 241 tents of his purse, when to his surprise and mortification he found it contained but sev- enty-five cents. Being an entire stranger, "in a strange land," and without any pros- pect of location, he was on the verge of de- spair, but having been religiously educated he resolved to appeal to the source of in- fiinite wisdom for direction, and falling upon his knees offered a fervent prayer for guidance. To his great astonishment, on rising from his position a voice responded, "All right, sir !" His eyes rested on the per- son of an old gentleman but a few steps dis- tant, who had providentially been passing by and whose attention had been arrested by the actions and prayer of the young stranger, and through the assistance of this "friend in need," he was introduced into the community and rapidly obtained an ex- tensive practice. In the spring of 183 1 he located near Lancaster, Fairfield county, Ohio, and on August 24, 1832, married Mary Wiest, whose father, Jacob Wiest, had moved there from Pennsylvania. In 1S4S Dr. Miesse settled in Greenville, Darke county, Ohio, and by application and per- severance in the years previous to his death he acquired an enviable reputation as a good citizen, an eminent practitioner of medicine and a distinguished surgeon. Notices of his remarkable cures and delicate experi- ments in surgery frequently appeared in the public prints and in medical journals of the west. The Doctor had always been a tem- perate man, "after the strictest sect," and never used ardent spirits or tobacco. He claimed a number of important discoveries in medical science. One, in search of which he had been more or less engaged for many years, was the cause of that fatal malady known as sick stomach, or milk-sickness, and which annually resulted in the loss of thousands of valuable animals and in great sacrifice of human life. The cause of and remedy for this disease he believed he had discovered, and said that a few days atten- tion to it, if known by farmers, would be sufficient to eradicate this poison from any ordinary-sized farm. He did not live long enough to bring this matter before the public, to have his discovery of the origin of the disease and the remedy thoroughly tested. Dr. Miesse possessed a highly cultivated, esthetic taste, and his cabinet of relics, curiosities, etc., would in its size and choice selection have done credit to a university. Among the finely executed works of art that at one time adorned the walls of his parlors were some that were the handiwork of his accomplished wife, and one in particular, an oil painting, would compare favorably with the finest specimens of professional artists. His family comprised eight children. His oldest son. Dr. Gabriel Miesse, Jr., of Lan- caster, Ohio, is distinguished as a physician and surgeon, and possesses rare musical qualifications. His third son, Dr. Americus Miesse, is a prominent physician of Lima, Ohio. His youngest son, Dr. Leon Miesse, is a noted physician and surgeon of Chicago, Illinois. Three of his daughters are now widows, Priscilla, widow of John Harper, a gifted photographer; Sophia, widow of A. F. Koop, a successful hardware mer- chant, and at the time of his death cashier of the Second National Bank, of Greenville, Ohio; and Mary, widow of the late Dr. Jacob L. Sorber, who at one time represented the Ross county district in the Ohio senate. Dr. Sorber was a thorough physician, a dis- tinguished surgeon, and was by Governor Tod commissioned to serve professional^ in the late war of the Rebellion. He designed and constructed a planetarium for illustrat- 242 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. ing the movements of the various planets of the solar system, and including the peri- odical visits of certain comets. Lanassa is the wife of J. K. Turner, a dealer in real estate, and Hirondo has for a number of years been truant officer of Greenville. PHILIP ALBRIGHT. Philip Albright was born in North Caro- lina, in the year 1797, and emigrated to the state of Ohio in 1818, settling on Twin creek, in Harrison township, Preble count}'. He remained here until the year 1822, when lie removed to east Tennessee, settled in An- derson county, and cleared a farm. He remained there, following the occupation of a farmer, until the year 1835, when he re- turned to Ohio, ami settled in Twin town- ship in Darke county, in what is now known as the fertile "Painter Creek" valley, not far from the town of Arcanum. He was one of the early settlers in this locality, and having a large family of eight boys and four girls, soon had a fine farm in a good state of cultivation. Mr. Albright was a good mechanic and led all others as a builder of houses ami barns, both frame and stone. He was one of the leading stone masons of Darke and Preble counties, and lived to witness the wonderful change of the dense fi irests t< ' the fertile fields, and the mud roads to the finely graveled and macadamized pikes, and he saw the building of the rail- road, and the thriving village of Arcanum, Gordon and Pittsburg spring up in his lo- cality as if by magic. He was universally respected, and died in his eighty-fourth year. He was an extraordinary man, physi- cally large and strong, and strictly temperate in his habits, liberal to the needy, foremost in all public gatherings where physical strength and endurance were in requisition, ami by his influence and example he induced many to live sober and exemplary lives. Notwithstanding the fact that schools were poor and continued in session only a few months of the year, he had in his family among his sons three regularly ordained ministers of the gospel, and seven of his children followed, successfully, the occu- pation of teaching. One of his sons, men- tioned elsewdiere, was killed in the late Civil war. Mr. Albright was not only an advo- cate of temperance, but he lived a consistent Christian life, and died in the full hope of a blessed immortality. . MILITARY. We think it appropriate to introduce in this connection a few thoughts relative to Darke county's soldiers of the war of the Rebellion. On April 24, 1861, three volunteer companies, enlisted for three months, had left the county for the seat of war. Two of these were from Greenville, led by Captains J. W. Frizell and J. M. Newkirk, and one from Union City, led by Captain Jonathan Cranor. These were followed in quick suc- cession by many others, and all in any way familiar with Darke county know that she did her duty nobly. The enlistments in the fall of 1 86 1 were for three years. On Oc- tober 28, 1 861, the ladies of Greenville met at the court house and organized as "The La- dies' Association of Greenville for the Relief of the Darke County Volunteers." Public meetings were held at various points, and on November 6 it was reported that the coun- ty had turned out two hundred volunteers within twenty days. Letters came from men in the held, some containing the sad tidings of the death of a soldier, who fell nobly fighting for his country. Among these noble men we may mention Colonel J. W. GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 243 Frizell, who led one of the first companies into the field as its captain. He was soon made lieutenant-colonel of the Eleventh Ohio, and when the colonel of this regiment, having incautiously exposed himself, was captured, the command devolved upon Lieu- tenant-Colonel Frizell. Resigning this po- sition, he was afterward appointed colonel of the Ninety-fourth Ohio, and while gal- lantly leading his regiment in the battle of Stone river he was severely wounded and compelled to resign his position on account of his injuries. He died at his home in Green- ville, Ohio, a few years ago. Jonathan Cranor, who entered the ser- vice as captain of a company in the three- months service, afterward became colonel of the Fortieth Ohio, served in that capac- ity with distinction and died a few years ago. We note that R. A. Knox was cap- tain of a company of the Eleventh Ohio and Charles Calkins, first lieutenant in the same company, afterward captain in the Eighty- seventh Ohio, both of whom are now de- ceased. James B. Creviston served with honorable distinction as adjutant of the Fortieth Ohio. He followed the profession of teaching after the war and died a few years ago. William H. Matchett served as assistant surgeon of the Fortieth Ohio, and died at his home in Greenville, Ohio, in August, 1898. C. G. Matchett entered the service as sergeant in the three-months ser- vice ; was afterward captain of Company G, Fortieth Ohio, for awhile commanded the regiment, was honorably mustered out of service, followed the profession of law, .and died a few years ago. A. R. Calderwood entered the service as captain of Company I, Fortieth Ohio ; resigned on account of injuries received ; practiced law in Green- ville ; was a noted criminal lawyer and died at his home a few years ago. James Allen was promoted to captain while in the service, and is no longer among the living- here. Clement Snodgrass served as captain in the Fortieth, and was killed in battle July 21, 1864. B. F. Snodgrass, also a captain in the Fortieth, was killed in battle September 20, 1864. Cyrenius Van Mater, first lieutenant of Company G, Fortieth Regiment, was killed at Chickamauga. J. W. Smith, captain of Company I, For- tieth Ohio, served with honor through the campaigns of this regiment ; was honorably mustered out of service at the close of the war; carried on a livery business in Green- ville after his discharge, and died at his hi ■me a few years ago. Of the officers of the Sixty-ninth Ohio, we mention Eli Hick- ox, who went into the service with the regiment as captain. For bravery on the field of battle and meritorious conduct he was promoted to major of the regiment; was mustered out at the close of the war, and died a few years ago, universally re- spected. Color-Sergeant John A. Compton, Lieutenants Jacob S. Pierson and Martin V. Bailey, Corporal Daniel T. Albright, and privates Stopher and four others fell in the battle of Stone River. Color-Sergeant Allen L. Jobes. after whom Jobes Post, G. A. R., Greenville, Ohio, is named, and five men were killed at the battle of Jonesboro. Of the Ninty-fourth Regiment Captain T. H. Work- man and H. A. Tomlinson, second lieuten- ant of Company F. have died since the war, and Sergeant Leonard Ullery, of the Eighth Ohio Battery, was killed in the service. In addition to those already mentioned, we wish to refer to Jacob W. Shivley, second lieuten- ant of Company D, Sixty-ninth Regiment, 244. GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. who served his company gallantly as a sol- dier, was honorably discharged and died at his home in this county not long ago. Jonathan Bowman, sergeant of Company D, same regiment, was honorably discharged and died in Greenville, Ohio, some years ago. Isaac N. Arnold, sergeant of Company E, same regiment, was honorably discharged ; was candidate for probate judge on the Re- publican ticket, and died at his father's home near Jaysville, Ohio. Alexander McAlpin, captain of Company G, Eighth Ohio Cavalry, served in the army with distinction, was honorably discharged and died shortly after returning home. Of the One Hundred and Fifty-second Regiment Ohio Volunteer In- fantry, we note in addition to those men- tioned elsewhere: Edwin B. Putnam, adju- tant, practiced law after his discharge from the army and died many years ago. Elias Harter, captain, and C. B. Northrop, first lieutenant of Company B, were honorably discharged and are now deceased. A. H. 1 [yde, first lieutenant, and Harrod Mills, sec- ond lieutenant of Company H, were honor- ably discharged and are now dead. Walter Stevenson, second lieutenant, Alfred Town- send, first sergeant, and William Pearson, sergeant of Company L, were all honorably discharged and are now dead. Many others oi our noble dead deserve honorable men- tion here, but our knowledge of their per- sonal history is too limited and uncertain to enable us to do justice to their memory. We will close this chapter by inserting a paper read at the late banquet of the Green- ville bar on the subject of Our Deceased Members. "It has been said that every person de- parting this life leaves behind a record that exerts an influence upon the lives of the liv- ing to a greater or less extent, and as the subject presented to us in this 'toast' is Our Deceased Members outside of the influence of personal recollections, which you all may have, their records, if any, will be found in the epitaph or biography they have left, and to which we can refer and profit by the les- sons they teach. "A visit to our cemetery and the last resting place of many of our members dis- closed a dearth of information on this sub- ject that is remarkable. Examining twenty- six graves of our deceased members, while we found quite a number who had entered the military service of their country and had given the best days of their lives to its pro- tection and perpetuation, the company and regiment to which a few of these only be- longed are the only records engraved upon their tombstones. But is not that simple inscription as grand and enduring as any that was ever made? It tells that the mem- bers lying beneath that monument saw the tide of victory roll backward and forward, at times seeming to engulf all hopes for the preservation of the Union, yet finally sweep- ing onward in one grand, irresistible swell to victory and peace. They saw the Union preserved, the contending armies quietly re- turning to their homes and a new reign of peace and good will inaugurated. They were personal actors in that drama which was the most sublime and thrilling that human pen can relate, and which points to but one moral, that the institutions which -the}' knew were worth fighting for so nobly are worth preserving, that the Union which has cost us so much blood and treasure, which has brought us freedom and prosperity must be cherished as the most precious possession we can transmit to future generations. "On this list of our country's defenders we are proud to enroll the names of J. W. GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 245 Frizell, A. R. Calderwood, David and Theo- dore Beers C. G. Matchett, Charles Calkins and J. W. Sater. Inscribed on the monu- ment of Hiram Bell is the following: 'Died December 21, 1855.' He was a lawyer by profession, represented this district in the legislature of Ohio and in the congress of the United States and his record is on high. On the monument of D. H. R. Jobes is in- scribed, 'Died January 13. 1877. To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.' On that of Joseph McDonald, 'Died August 17, 1885. Farewell, my companions." These are the only epitaphs we could find. Twelve graves are not marked by monument, and on twenty-three no epitaph. So sleep our de- ceased brethren. Their work on earth is done. With the labors and success of many of them in the legal profession many of you are familiar, and I could add but little to that knowledge were I to make the effort. Suffice it to say that we do not think any of them were of that peculiar class of law- yers of whom the great Master said. 'Woe also unto you lawyers for ye lade men with burdens grievious to be borne, and ye your- selves touch not the burden with one of your fingers.' From the epitaphs we pass to biog- raphy and history and note extracts only con- cerning those members who have left them on record, and first that concerning David P. Bowman, who died May 30, 1878. He was entirely devoted to his chosen profession. His knowledge of the law was both accurate and profound. His preparation was thorough. ' He believed in the Bible and in the efficacy of the attonement made on Mount Calvary.' In the biography of William Allen we note : 'Mr. Allen, although he had risen from poverty to affluence by his own unaided ex- ertions, is one of the most charitable of our citizens, and his integrity has never been questioned ; his positive character, while it wins friends true as steel, also makes bitter enemies, but even his enemies conceded to him great ability and unflinching honesty of purpose. He represented this district in the thirty-sixth and thirty-seventh congress- es of the United States, being elected in the fall of 1858 and again in i860. "Of the Hon. D. L. Meeker it is said : 'He is one of the most highly respected citi- zens in Darke county and his repeated calls to the highest office in the gift of the people of this county is an index of the universal esteen in which Judge Meeker is held in this section of Ohio.' "Of J. W. Sater it is written : 'While on the bench he had the well deserved rep- utation of being one of the most able judges who ever held court in this district.' "Of A. R. Calderwood it is said: 'He is endowed with superior natural abilities, which have been developed by industrious personal application; he stands in the front ranks of his profession and is one of the best criminal and jury lawyers in the state.' "Of Charles Calkins we write: It was accorded to him unanimously by' the Green- ville liar that he was the most able, con- ceptive, decisive and successful lawyer in this section of Ohio. "Of J. E. Breaden, Jr. : He attended law school at Cincinnati and having read law was admitted in January, 1879. "L. B. Lot represented Darke county one term in the legislature. "C. G. Matchett : 'He entered the service immediately after the firing on Sumter and remained till the close of the war. In [865 he resumed the practice of law in Greenville and stands prominent in the profession.' 246 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. "J. T. Meeker, admitted to the bar in 1873, was probate judge seven years; retir- ing, he entered upon the practice of law. "Of Swan Judy it is said: 'With the natural ability, high legal education, force of character, honest and pure determination that he possesses (health permitting) he is surely destined to reach the summit of his profession within the near future.' "In the action taken by this bar relative to the death of J. R. Knox occurs the fol- lowing: 'He despised a court or jury that was not unsullied. He left the world better for having lived therein and his upright life and noble virtues will survive him for the emulation of all who knew him.' "We note on our list twenty-six de ceased members, many of whom have left us no written biography or epitaph, and our knowledge of their qualifications and success in the profession is too limited to even ven- ture a statement. Their lives are before us and we are susceptible in a greater or less degree to their influence, and we believe th? influence never dies. No thought, no word, no act of man ever dies. They are as im- mortal as his own soul. Somewhere in this world he will meet their fruits. Somewhere in the future life he will meet their gathered harvest, it may be and it may not be a pleas- ant one to look upon. Take care of your in- fluence, consecrate it tn virtue, to humanity, and our lives will be like a star o-]Jtterin°- in its own mild lustre, undimmed by the radiance of another. Earth is not man'-. only abiding place. This life is not a bubble cast upon the ocean of eternity to float an- other moment upon its surface and then sink into nothingness and darkness forever. N< >. the rainbow and clouds come over us with beauty that is not of earth, and then pass and leave us to muse on their faded loveliness. The stars which hold their festival around the midnight throne, and are set above the grasp of our limited faculties, are forever mocking us with their unapproachable glory, and our departed brethren, we trust, are now enjoying those high and glorious aspirations that are born in the human heart, but are not satisfied in this life. "Brethren, we are born for a higher des- tiny than that of earth. There is a realm where the rainbow never fades, where the stars will spread out before us like the islands that slumber on the ocean, and where the beautiful impressions that here pass before us like visions will stay in our presence f< r- ever. This is that far-away home of the soul, where hill and dale are enriched by divine liberality, the inhabitants clothed in all the beauties of moral perfection, every so- ciety cemented by the bond of friendship and brotherhood, and displaying all the virtues of angelic natures. May we not trust that our departed members are now inhabitants of that home, where the storms of this life never beat." JACOB T. MARTZ. Jacob T. Martz, lawyer and educator, Greenville, Ohio, was born in Darke county, Ohio, September 14, 1833. He is the son of John Martz, who was born in Somerset county, Pennsylvania, June I, 1798, settled in Darke county in 1829, and died at the home of his son, January 5, 1883, aged eighty-four years, seven months and four days. His wife. Barbara Hardinger, the mother of our subject, and a native of Bed- ford count)-, Pennsylvania, died in 1841. Jacob T. Martz attended the Ohio Wes- leyan University, at Delaware, at which in- stitution he was graduated in June. 1856. J c7. % JLoaXi~ GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 247 During the nine succeeding years he was en- gaged in teaching, and superintending the schools of Greenville. During part of this time, and while engaged in teaching, he also read law under Judge D. L. Meeker, and was admitted to the bar in June, i860. In March, 1865, he resigned the superintend- encv of the Greenville school and funned a law partnership with the Hon. J. R. Knox. In August, 1865, he was appointed receiver of the Cincinnati & Mackinaw Railroad Company, which work occupied his time for nearly five years. In 1871 the superintend- encv of the Greenville school was tendered to him without his solicitation. This he accepted, but at the end of that school year he asked to be relieved by the board of edu- cation from further supervision of the school, but his work had been done so well, having brought the schools out of a state of chaos, as it were, to one of order and effi- ciency, that the board prevailed upon him to continue his good work, which he did for seventeen consecutive years, and closed his labors as superintendent on the 1st of June, 188S. In this year the enumeration in the district was twelve hundred and eleven, and the enrollment in the school for the year was ten hundred and ninety-eight, showing that ninety-one per cent of the entire enumera- tion was enrolled upon the school registers, while in efficiency the school stood second to none in the state. Under his supervision he saw the school grow so steadily that the corps of teachers was increased from four to twenty-two. When he took charge of the school there was no laboratory, no ap- paratus and no geological cabinet, except a few ordinary specimens, but, in June, 1888, over six hundred dollars had been expended for educational and philosophical apparatus of various kinds, and there was a large and convenient laboratory arranged with all the modern conveniences, geographical maps and globes, and physiological charts, en- abling the teacher to illustrate and explain all the modern methods of teaching, together with a human skeleton procured, prepared and mounted by Mr. Martz and the janitor of the old school building, and which they have kindly permitted to remain in the labor- atory, for the benefit of the students in phys- iology and hygiene. The cabinet containing various specimens of value, including the bones of the mastodon found in this county, and which are in a remarkable state of preser- vation, are the result of Mr. Martz's personal purchase and labor. During all these years, modern methods of teaching and govern- ment were introduced by the superintendent and adopted by the teachers, so that tardiness was measurably controlled by the teacher, and truancy, except in a few chronic cases, was almost a thing of the past. Order, sys- tem and good government prevailed in all the rooms and in the deportment of pupils, while improper language was seldom heard on the play-grounds, and so potent was the influence of the superintendent in maintain- ing order and decorum among the pupils on the play-ground that it became the pride of all, even the most combative element among the boys, the moment they reached the school- grounds to stand upon their good behavior. The high school course of study contained no more branches than could be mastered by every pupil of ordinary intelligence in the five years given to complete the same, while the elocutionary drill and composition writ- ing, in all the grades in which they were taught, strengthened the memory and exer- cised the reasoning faculties to the great 248 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. benefit of the pupils. No partiality was shown in these exercises as all were expected to clo their part. The method of graduation from the high school was Mr. Martz's suggestion and it has been adopted by at least four union schools in this county, and the one hundred and four alumni, all graduated under his supervision, speak of good order, management and effi- ciency of the school. Superintendent Martz with two other teachers organized the Darke County Teachers' Association in 1859, and though for several years it struggled for ex- istence, yet by his untiring energy and en- thusiasm for its success it increased in num- bers and interest almost beyond expecta- tion. During the greater part of this time he presided over its deliberations. He was also a member of the board of county school examiners for about twenty-two years, and assisted greatly in advancing the qualifica- tions of the teachers in the county. He has also taken an active part in devel- oping the resources of the county, and was for six years secretary of the Darke County Agricultural Society, and was mainly in- strumental in selling the old grounds of the society and purchasing the large and com- modious grounds it now owns. For eight years he was secretary of the first building association organized in this county; having closed out the same, and he has been for more than eight years secretary of the larg- est company of the kind now doing business in the county. Mr. Martz has always mani- fested a deep interest in the moral and relig- ious influences in the county, has for a long time been identified with the Methodist Epis copal church, has been superintendent of the Sabbath school for a number of years, and for more than eight years has been record- ing steward of its official board. For the past years he has been associated with his law partner of 1865 and the mayor of the city of Greenville in the legal profession. Fie has also assisted in all the local enter- prises that were intended to advance the pub- lic good ; has been associated with the trus- tees of the Greenville cemetery as their sec- retary since 1865, and assisted in bringing about that order and system which has re- sulted in beautifying, adorning and enlarg- ing those grounds to meet the public wants. On September 19, i860, he married Miss Esther M., daughter of James H. Jamison, of Delaware, Ohio, with issue of four sons : John H., born November 8, 1861 ; Adel- bert, born September 28, 1868; James J., born May 8, 1872, and Benjamin F., born December 18, 1874. John H. is married and is engaged in farming and raising fine registered stock. Adelbert is also married and is "teller of the Greenville Bank. James J. is a teacher in the Greenville high school, and Benjamin F. is engaged in farming his father's place. WILLIAM COX. In the year 18 16 the Cox family was founded in Darke county, and through the intervening years the name has been insep- arably interwoven with the history of this locality on account of the prominent part its representatives have borne in the devel- opment and progress of this section of the state. It is therefore with pleasure that we present to our readers the record of William Cox, who is known as a successful and highly esteemed agriculturist of Washington town- ship. His grandparents, Jacob and Eve Cox, were the first of the name of whom we have authentic record. They had eight children, and in 1816 the entire family emigrated west- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 249 ward to Darke county, Ohio, from Fayette county, Pennsylvania. A settlement was first made in the northeast portion of German township, and they were among the first to take up their abode in what was then an al- most unbroken wilderness. The trip from Pennsylvania had been made with teams and wagons, and often they had to mark out a road for themselves or follow an old Indian trail. There in the midst of the woods Mr. Cox, assisted by his children, made a small clearing and erected a rude log cabin, in which they began life on the frontier in true pioneer style. Of sturdy and courageous spirit, they were well prepared to meet the hardships of such a life and in a short time they had a portion of their land under culti- vation. Year by year the cleared tracts were enlarged and improved, and when Mr. Cox passed to his final rest the home farm pre- sented every appearance of thrift and pros- perity and was regarded as one of the valu- able properties of this section of the state. The land was inherited by his son, Henry Co'x, who shortly afterward disposed of it and removed to Missouri, but when a few years had passed he returned to Ohio, taking up his abode in Miami county, near Pleasant Hill, where he spent his remaining days. The other two sons of the family, Jacob and Martin, came to Washington township, Darke county, after the death of their father, and were the first white men to enter claims in his locality. Jacob Cox, Jr.. the father of our subject, was born in Fayette count}', Pennsylvania, on the 14th of July. 1887, and, as before stated, came west with his people, living with them in German township until 1 81 7, when he and his brother removed to Washington township. They took up ad- ji lining claims, and the first cabin was erected where the home of Samuel Cole now stands. In that little home both brothers with their families lived for some time, or until a cabin could be erected on the land owned by Jacob Cox, now the property of his son, William. The little pioneer home stood on the site of the present handsome residence, and in this rude domicile, the second one to be erected in Washington township, the sturdy pioneer family began life in the midst of the forest. With characteristic energy the father con- tinued to clear away the trees and trans- formed the tract into rich and fertile fields. He was a man of undaunted energy and per- severance, and soon a valuable farm indi- cated what may be accomplished by people of determined purpose who are not afraid to meet the obstacles and difficulties in their path. At the time of his death Jacob Cox owned four hundred and eighteen acres of valuable land, and was considered one of the most prominent and successful farmers and influential citizens of Darke county. In the early days the Indians often camped in a small ravine near his home, but they were friendly and occasioned no trouble to the settlers. Jacob Cox married Elizabeth Wise, who was a native of Hardy county, Virginia, and removed to Ohio with her par- ents, who afterward went to Indiana, where they spent their last days. Twelve children were born to Mr. ami Mrs. Cox: Jesse, who was born April 24, 1817, and died Sep- tember 28, 1873; Job. who was born Feb- ruary 8, 1819, and died September 28, 1834; Hannah, who was born May 20, 1821, and became the wife of Lorenzo Dixnn, their home beino- now in Greenville township, Darke county; Samuel, who was born Octo- ber 7. 1823, and died April 16, 1840: Mar- tin, who was born June 20, 1826. and died December 14, 1876; Jacob, who was born January 2, 1829, and died on the 22. 1 of Oc- 250 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. tober of the same year ; Alary, who was born August 17, 1830, and is the wife of Philip Rodgers, of Washington township; John, born March 17, 1833; Eliza Jane, who was born February 26, 1835, and is the wife of Samuel Van Fleet, of Washington town- ship; a daughter who was born in 1S36 and died before being named: Israel, who was born June 22, 1838, and died in 1889: and William, the immedite subject of this review. Jacob Cox, the father of these children, was a stanch supporter of the Baptist church and a consistent Christian gentleman. He exercised his right of franchise in support of the men and measures of the Democracy and earnestly advocated its principles, but was never an aspirant for political honors. He died April 3, 1842, and his estimable wife, surviving him many years, passed away in 1877. Both were honored and respected 1))' all who knew them, and when they were called to the home beyond their loss was mourned not only by many relatives but throughout the entire neighborhood, for all who knew them were their friends. Upon the farm on which he settled in 181 6 Mar- tin Cox, the brother of Jacob, lived up to the time of his death, in 1856. In taking up the personal history of Will- iam Cox we present to our readers the life record of one who is widely and favorably known in Darke county. He was the youngest child in his father's family, and was born in the hewed-log house which is still standing on the farm that is yet his home, his natal day being January 2j, 1841. The old log cabin is now used for storage pur- poses, and stands as a mute reminder of pio- neer days, and the habits of life at that time. His school advantages were somewhat lim- ited, but he mastered the elementary branches of the English language in the district schools of the neighborhood, and by expe- rience and observation has added greatly to his knowledge. His training at farm labor was not meager, for as soon as old enough to handle the plow he began work in the fields, and was thus largely engaged from the time of spring planting until crops were garnered in the autumn. Upon attaining his majority he came into possession of a portion of his father's estate. He has al- ways carried on general farming, and for years has made it a practice to manufacture maple syrup and sugar on an extensive scale, disposing of this product to regular cus- tomers in Greenville. He has a large sugar camp and the excellence of the product en- ables him to secure a ready market therefor. In 1892 he erected upon his farm a fine, modern residence, and near by stands good outbuildings. The place is neat and thrifty in appearance, and the owner is recognized as one of the practical and progressive agri- culturists of his community. ' On the 22d of August, 1872, was cele- brated the marriage of Mr. Cox and Miss Margaret A. Van Fleet, daughter of John D. and Mary (Fradmore) Van Fleet. This family came from New Jersey to Ohio at an earl_\- day, locating in Washington township, Darke county. Mrs. Cox is now the only representative of the family living in the county. By her marriage she has become the mother of four children : Ory Newton, who was born January 22, 1873, was mar- ried December 20, 1898, to Miss Jennie, daughter of William Young, of Greenville, and they reside upon the old home farm ; Harriet A., born November 5, 1874, is with her parents; a son, born in 1876. died the same year unnamed; and John Jacob, born December 18, 1877, also resides at home. In his political views Mr. Cox was a sup- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 251 porter of Democratic principles for some time, but now votes the Socialist ticket. He holds membership in the Christian church. He has neither time nor inclination for po- litical office, but finds ample time to faith- fully discharge every duty of citizenship. He is a man of determined character, of sterling worth and of inflexible integrity, and among the residents of Darke county he has a host of warm friends. He resides upon one of the oldest developed farms in Washington township, and is a worthy rep- resentative of an honored pioneer family, whose connection with the history of Darke county has ever been creditable. CHRISTIAN ERISMAN. Among the pioneer familes of Darke county, Ohio, were the Erismans. Jacob Eris- man, the father, was a native of Pennsyl- vania, and at the time of his emigration from that state to Ohio, 1839, his family con- sisted of wife and fifteen children. At that time but little of the land in Adams township had been cleared and the only improvements on their claim consisted of a small clearing and a little log cabin containing one room. Not far distant was another log cabin and in these two cabins and the wagons the fam- ily slept at night. Another child was born to this pioneer couple shortly after they landed here, this being the eighteenth ; two had died in Pennsylvania. The mother died at the age of forty-six years, and the father at the age of sixty-eight, both passing away at the homestead. Of this large family only five sons and one daughter are now living. Christian Erisman, whose name heads this sketch, was the fourth child and second son, his birth occurring in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, December 24, 1820. At the time of their removal to Ohio he was nine- teen years of age. Strong and energetic, he was his father's chief assistant in the work of clearing and improving the farm and al- ways resided upon it. This farm consists of one hundred and sixty acres and is well im- proved with good buildings and fences, all of which have been placed here by the sub- ject of our sketch. Among the other pioneer families who settled in this same locality was one that bore the name of Long. Jacob Long and his wife, whose maiden name was Catherine Rinacker, were natives of Pennsylvania, and were the parents of eleven children, the third of whom was Catherine, born in Adams county, Pennsylvania, near Gettysburg, Feb- ruary 16, 1827. Her mother died in Penn- sylvania, and when she was seventeen years of age she came with her father and other members of the family to Darke county, where on the 6th of February, 1845, *' ie became the wife of Christian Erisman. Their union has been blessed with eleven children, five of whom are living, namely: Lizzie, Frank, Lewis, Cora and Arthur. The youngest, Arthur, now has charge of the farming operations at the old home place. The subject of our sketch was long affil- iated with the Republican party and during his earlier years took an active part in local affairs, serving as township trustee, school director and in other positions. For a period of forty-five years he and his good wife were consistent and respected members of the Methodist Episcopal church, to which Mrs. Erisman still belongs. He departed this life August 23, 1900, and the funeral ser- vices were held at the residence on Sunday morning, August 26. by the Rev. Jesse Carr, of Bradford, Ohio. His body was placed 252 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. in a most beautiful couch casket and laid to rest in the old family cemetery on the farm which he had owned and on which he had so long lived. CHARLES E. DUNKLE. Charles E. Dunkle, who is in the United States railway mail service, was born in the city of Dayton, Ohio, December 10, 1866, and is the eldest son of Simon P. and Mary E. (Troutrnan) Dunkle. The Dunkle fam- ily originated in Germany and the first American ancestor, Peter Dunkle, came to this country more than two hundred years ago, locating in Lancaster county, Pennsyl- vania, where he remained until his death. The father of our subject was born in Penn- sylvania, May 17, 1842. and was a son of David and Anna (Freilich) Dunkle, who also were born in the Keystone state. With their family they cam'e to Ohio when their son, Simon, was but eight years of age and in this section of the country he was reared to manhood. After obtaining his majority he married Miss Mary E. Troutrnan, who was born in Maryland, March 30, 1844, a daughter of Michael and Rebecca (Holler) Troutrnan, who were also natives of the same state and came to Ohio at an early period of its development. In 1867 the parents of our subject removed with their family to Gordon, Darke county, and later made a permanent settlement at Greenville. Charles E. Dunkle spent his boyhood clays in Gettysburg and Greenville, where he received the educational advantages afford- ed by the public schools. His preliminary course was supplemented by study in Gettys- burg, Ohio, and later he engaged in teach- ing school, for one term. He was appointed as railway postal clerk on the 12th of No- vember, 1887, his route being from Pitts- burg, Pennsylvania, to St. Louis, Missouri, over what is the Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chica- go & St. Louis Railroad. Later he was trans- ferred to the Vandalia Road, which is his present run. He has a force of eight clerks under his control and is now occupying a very important position, to which he has steadily worked his way upward from a hum- ble capacity. On the 4th of May, 1893, Mr. Dunkle was married to Miss Emma Kraus, daughter of John G. and Anna C. (Gensley) Kraus, residents of Covington, Miami county. She was born May 30, 1875, and received her education in the Greenville and Covington schools and is a very cultured lady. They now have one son, a bright boy of six years. They occupy a fine residence on Washington avenue and their pleasant home is celebrated for its gracious hospitality. Mr. Dunkle is a member of Greenville Lodge, No. 195, I. O. O. F. His long connection with the railway mail service well indicates both his fidelity and his ability, and he is certainly one of the most trusted employes in the mail department. ALFRED H. JUDY. Alfred H. Judy, of Butler township, re- sides at his home farm on section 21, and has his office and store rooms at Castine. One of the successful agriculturists of Darke ci lunty, he annually does a thirty-thousand- dollar business in farm machinery, vehicles and harness. A. H. Judy was born at Enon, Clark county, Ohio, June 8, 1861. His father, Samuel H. Judy, of Greenville, Ohio, was born near Plattsburg, Clark county, Ohio, December 23, 1821. He is a son of Jesse GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 253 and Nancy Judy, deceased, who were buried in the family graveyard on the old Judy es- tate near Plattsburg. Nancy Judy's maiden name was Johnson. She was of Irish de- scent ; small and beautiful, and famous as both a horsewoman and a weaver in her day. Jesse Judy, son of John Judy, was born in Germany, in 1753. He came to the United States landing in Virginia, and later went td Kentucky, where he met the famous Dan- iel Boone. Their friendship was lasting, but John Judy crossed the Ohio where Cincin- nati now stands and took up eighty acres of land, exchanging a horse for the settler's claim. Later he disposed of the land and settled near Plattsburg, acquiring the estate referred to. He married Phoebe Lamastrus. She was born in Scotland, in 1760, and they are buried in the grounds referred to above. Samuel H. Judy was married to Miss Lydia Wilson, May 21, 1847. She is the daughter of Isaac and Mary A. (Coffield) Wilson, who are deceased, their remains being in- terred in the cemetery at Fairfield, Ohio. Isaac Wilson was of English descent, came to Ohio from Kentucky and located on the farm east of Fairfield, Greene county. He was a clear-headed dealer, a fine judge of stock, and one of the successful fianciers of his day. At his death, in 1864, he was one of the wealthiest men in Greene county. J M. Wilson, a grandson of Isaac Wilson, and a fine type of the old Wilson stock, owns the old homestead. Mary A. Coffield was born in Ireland and emigrated to the United States about 18 16. She was famous as a weaver, and was one of the most charming conversationalists and entertaining hostesses of her day. The subject's parents resided in Clark county, Ohio, until 1867, when they pur- chased of James Knoff what is now known as the old Judy farm, east of Greenville, Ohio, and moved there the same year. This they improved from the forest to a snug home. Eleven children were born to Samuel H. and Lydia Judy. Three died in infancy, while eight grew to man and womanhood, and are known as follows : B. F. Judy, deceased, was a well-known educator of this county. He married Alice Meritt, of Miami county, who with her son, John H. Judy, a fine promis- ing young man, resides at Palestine, Ohio. Swan Judy, deceased, was a member of the Darke county bar, and a graduate of the Uni- versity of Michigan, at Ann Arbor. He married Lillie May Birch, of Darke county, who with her son, Hawes Judy, resides in Dayton, Ohio. Martha C. Judy married Henry Worley, of this county, and they have four children : Kittie and Mattie, who are married; also a son, Luan Worley, who is married ; while Clyde, the youngest, lives with his parents. Rev. DeKalb Judy, a min- ister in the Christian church, married Miss Mollie Steele, of Camden, Indiana, and they have three sons and one daughter: B. H, A. H, Paul and Vera Judy. Ada Judy was married to Michael Dwyre, one of the most thorough master builders of Ohio and Indi- ana, and they reside at Anderson, in the lat- ter state. They have one child, Zola, a very charming young lady. Justine Judy mar- ried John Weimer, of the firm of A. Weimer & Sons, millers of Greenville, Ohio. He is one of the rising business men of this county. They have one son. Hattie Judy married Stephen Bard, of this county. The subject's early days were spent as a little spindle-shanked, white-headed boy, running the woods and prairies over, with a passionate fondness for the flowers and beautiful stones or odd specimens of nature. An early comprehensiveness of what he saw 254 GEXEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. and rend made gateways for pleasure on every hand in the study of things about him. so at his little duties, at fishing, trapping, bathing, and in all the boys' pastimes of his day, the mixture of acquiring knowledge and work and play has been the means of devel- oping in him a mind broad enough to grasp the great things of the world and complete enough to enter into the joys or sorrows of the smallest child. Ambitious to excel in evervthing he undertook, he was at the head of his class in the old log schoolhouse at No. 9. Greenville township, and won the honors of graduation in 1880, at the union school, of Greenville, Ohio. After finishing his course in 1880 he secured a clerkship with Henry St. Clair in his retail house on Broad- way, in Greenville. The duties of clerk were not harmonious with his disposition and at the end of four weeks he resigned his posi- tion and engaged to teach the school at Con- cord, east of Greenville; afterward he ac- cepted the principalship of the schools at Hillgrove, Ohio, thence went to District No. 5, in Butler township ; next he became prin- cipal of the school at Castine, Ohio. His schools were successes and many of his old pupils are holding positions of honor and re- sponsibility. For fifteen years he has held the office of magistrate, and so earnest has he been in promoting the ideas of arbitration and compromise that years go by without soiling a page in his docket. He has faith- fully represented his party, the Democratic, at county, district and state conventions. In 1899 he made the canvass of the county for nomination to the office of representative. There were five candidates in the field and the best of good will abounded. The Hon. Clem Brumbaugh was the successful man, with Mr. Judy a close second. He is a bi- metalist and an anti-imperialist. While conducting the school in District Xo. 5 the subject met Miss Jeanetta E. Cob- lentz. she being one of his pupils at that school, and a daughter of Harrison and Car- oline Coblentz, whose biography will be found elsewhere in this volume. Their daughter, Jeanetta E., seems to have inher- ited from her parents an abundance of their many virtues and the sterling qualities of those old baronial ancestors at Coblentz on the Rhine. As a girl at home her bright and winning ways were the light and sunshine of the parental abode. As a scholar she was ever apt and perceptive; gifted with a talent for music, and richly endowed in language, she entertained charmingly those about her. Moreover, she has ever been a good counselor and a ready helper. A lady in the fullest sense of the term, it is not strange that she was loved by all who knew her, and quite natural that the teacher and pupil should have a kindly regard for each other and that the association should be kept up after "school was out." and as a result the subject and this charming lady were united in mar- riage at the home of the latter, by Rev. Ches- ter Briggs, February 16, 1884. The affairs of housekeeping were begun in the old log house in the center of the farm where they now live. Time has been very good to them. In 1892 they built one of the handsi imest res- idences in the county. The fire fiend con- sumed this in 1896, the family barely escap- ing unhurt. Immediately they rebuilt, but on a less pretentious scale, the home they now enjoy. Mr. and Mrs. Judy have had five children born to them: Eva. a sweet little child born September 14. 1888, died September 29. 1888. Edith Esther, born October 11. 1890, is one of the brightest pu- pils of her school, and although very young is an expert pianist. She is a lover of the GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 255 beautiful and greatly resembles her mother; Kate Caroline, born February 17, 1894, reads all newspapers, plays the piano, and is a jolly little sprite and a type of her father ; Harrison Coblentz, born February 28, 1897, is a shrewd little man, can read his primer, and is a type of his father. These little folks are polite and entertaining and favor- ites with all they chance to meet. With the advantages of these times at their hands a bright future surely awaits them. Air. Judy divides all. honors with his worthy help- mate and their home is one of the most 'pleasant to be found, both being well-in- formed people, although their lives have been crowded with cares and years of hard w ■( 'ik have been theirs, yet they have found time to keep pace with the events of the day and the developments that have gradually put f' irth, so that their stock of knowledge is such that the caller will find a very pleasing and entertaining host and hostess. They are members of the Otterbein class of the United Brethren in Christ; and to their manage- ment is due the fact that their class is able to ask to be set off from the circuit to a sta- tion. Many donations to different institu- tions for good have been made by this \v< >r- thy couple and their names will long be re- membered by the recipients of their gener- osity. The subject is a member of the order of Knights of Pythias and of the Masonic fraternity, and is in high standing with his fellows and brothers. He is quite a fluent speaker and his oratory has frequently been commented upon and complimented. Al- though reticent, when he does talk, as people say, "it is worth hearing." For several years he was a writer for the National Stock- man, of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Many of his articles were copied by the leading ag- ricultural journals of the land. And now we 15 leave them in their cozy home, one of the happiest, brightest families of this great county. JAMES McCABE. For almost sixty years this gentleman has been a resident of Darke county, Ohio, and during this long period, which covers nearly the whole span of the county's devel- opment from a primitive state to its pres- ent flourishing condition, he has been active- ly interested in its progress. His upright course in life commands the respect and commendation of every one, and he is justly entitled to prominent mention in the his- tory of his adopted county. Mr. McCabe was born near Franklin, Warren county, Ohio, October 14, 1826, and is a son of John McCabe, born August 31, 1798, a native of New Jersey and of Scotch-Irish descent. The father grew to manhood in his native state, and followed the occupations of a carpenter and farmer. About 181 7 he removed to Warren count}-, Ohio, making the journey on foot, and there he remained until 1842, when he came to Darke county, locating in Neave township, where he remained until his death, February 8, 1887, at the ripe old age of eighty-nine years. He was three times married, his first wife being Anna Yantilburgh, the mother of our subject. She was a native of Warren county, of which her parents were pioneers, and it is supposed that they were of lowland Dutch descent. James McCabe is the second child and oldest son in a family of five children, three sons and two daughters, and is the only one now living. During his boyhood he pursued his studies in a primitive log school house; and remained in his native county 256 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. until 1842. when he came with his parents to Darke county, locating on a farm in Neave township, which he helped his father to clear and improve. At the age of nine- teen he started out for himself, working by the month for nine dollars. Having ac- quired a good education he commenced teaching school, in 1845, receiving his first certificate from John Briggs, one of the pioneers of the county. As they had no printed forms at that time, the certificate was all written. At that time the school houses were all of logs, and most of them had greased-paper windows and very rude fur- nishings. His first school was in the Spring Hill district, but was then called the Ohler district. For eight years Mr. McCabe con- tinued teaching, with good success, and came to German township in 1852, having charge of the school in Palestine, where the Teaford twin boys were among his pupils. In 1854 he turned his attention to farm- ing on what is now known as the Armstrong farm, where he remained two years, and then bought the Weaver farm, now owned by Mr. Philipi, on section 11, German township. In 1863 he sold that place and moved to Pal- estine, where he bought a half interest in a mill, but sold out in 1871. He next formed a partnership with Mr. Kester and bought a saw-mill, which they conducted together until 1874, since which time Mr. McCabe has operated it alone and has met with good success in this venture. On the 10th of January, 1852, Mr. Mc- Cabe was united in marriage with Miss Eba- liah Wagoner, who was born October 26, 1823, a native of Neave township, this county, and a daughter of George and Sa- rah (Stephens) Wagoner, who were among its pioneers. Mr. Wagoner was a pioneer, and was in the war of 1812, being in the surrender of Hull. By this union four chil- dren were born, namely : Flora Bell, who died in infancy ; Orlando, who married Anna, the daughter of Dr. Stiles, of Greenville, and now lives in Dayton, Ohio; Virgil, who married Jennie Starbuck, of Dayton, and they have five children : Roscoe, Hallie M., Bepo, Emma and Mary; and Ida May, who is the wife of Eli Overman, of Dayton, and they also have five children : Omer, Frank, Mary, and Harry and Terry, twins. Con- cerning Mrs. McCabe, we should add that she lived with her parents until 1852; com- ing to German township, she resided there until her death, which took place July 26, 1899, when she had attained the age of seventy-five years and nine months. She died as she had lived, a member of the Uni- versalis! church, and a consistent Christian, believing in the fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. The funeral sermon on the occasion of her death was preached by one of her dearest friends in the blessed faith of her denomination, Rev. Thomas S. Guthrie, now of Muncie, Indiana. In early life Mr. McCabe was a Whig in politics, but he assisted in organizing the Republican party, in 1856, and has since been one of its stanch supporters. He has filled the office of township assessor and township clerk many terms, and has always taken an active and commendable interest in public affairs. In 1864, during the civil war, he enlisted in Company H, One Hun- dred and Fifty-second Ohio Volunteer In- fantry, and served one hundred days. He is now an honored member of Reed Post, No. 572, G. A. R., in which he has served as commander and is now filling the office of chaplain, and he has also been a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows for some years, and the Universalist church. GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 257 He is widely and favorably known through- out the county, and well, deserves the high regard in which he is uniformly held. JOHN G. FISCHBACH. John G. Fischbach is now living retired upon his farm of eighty acres on section 2J, Allen township, Darke county. He is num- bered among the valued residents of this lo- cality that the fatherland has furnished to the new world. He was born in Prussia, Germany, on the 17th of April, 1829, and is a son of Lawrence and Phillipina ( Metz- ker) Fischbach. The father was born in 1778, and his wife was about twelve years his junior. They were married about 1808, and became the parents of nine children, all born in Germany. The eldest child, a daughter, was born about 18 12. There are now three living children of the family : Henry, who resides in Dayton, at the age of eighty-one years; John George, of this review; and Christina, the widow of Henry Hass, of Dayton. When but eighteen years of age the fa- ther volunteered for service in the German army in the Spanish war. He was a carpen- ter and builder, and followed that pursuit Loth in Germany and in the United States. In 1832 he sailed with his family from Bremen for America, but the vessel on which they took passage was shipwrecked on a sand bar by the captain, who wished to get a heavy insurance. This was a most dia- bolical act, which resulted in the death by freezing of some thirty-nine of the emigrant passengers. Our subject was at that time a little child of only about three years. He, too, was laid with the dead piled upon the deck, but his sister saw the pulsations of his neck and he was thus snatched from the grave. He had, however, been so severely burned that skin and flesh came off, but life came back to him and he yet lives to tell the wonderful tale. After enduring many hardships, the family finally reached America, and made their way to Dayton, Ohio, where the father followed contract- ing and building and became well-to-do. He died March 21, 1857, at the age of sev- enty-nine years, and his widow passed away May 26, 1858, at the age of sixty-seven years, their remains being interred in Wood- land cemetery. They were members of the Methodist church, and were respected Christ- ian people. John George Fischbach was reared in Dayton and learned the shoemaker's trade, which he followed to a greater or less ex- tent until 1862. He was drafted for service in the army in 1864, but was not accepted. On the 3d of April, 1850, he was united in marriage to Caroline Kimmel, who was born in Germany, and their union has been blessed with nine children : George, of Dayton, who is married and has two sons and one daughter ; Louisa, who died at the age of fifteen months; Emma, who became the wife of Lewis Sink and died at the age of thirty- two years ; Edward, a resident of Horatio, Darke county, who has a wife and seven children ; Frederick Lawrence, who owns and operates a farm near his father's ; Clara, the wife of M. H. Burnhart, a farmer of Al len township, by whom she has two chil- dren; Sarah M., who died at the age of three years ; William, who operates the home farm and has a wife and three sons ; and Arthur, who is still with his father. The mother of these children was called to her final rest January 19, 1892. She was a faithful companion and helpmeet on life's journey, was a loving wife and tender 258 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. mother, and throughout the community her loss was deeply mourned. In his business Mr. Fischbach has been successful. He started out in life for him- self at the age of eighteen years, and all that he possesses has been acquired through his own efforts. His has been an energetic and industrious life, and these qualities have en- abled him to overcome all difficulties and work his way upward to a position of wealth, and he is living retired. HENRY LEPHART. Henry Lephart is one of the representa- tive German-American citizens of Darke county, and is classified among the prosper- ous farmers of Brown township. The name Lephart is of German origin, and was spelled Lepphardt or Liephardt. The father of our subject, Augustus Lephart, was born in the little duchy of Hesse-Cassel, on the 27th of December, 1818, and is now living a retired life in the city- of Greenville. He was edu- cated in his native land, where he spent the first eighteen years of his life, after which he determined to seek a home and fortune in the new world. He accordingly bade adieu to the fatherland and the friends and home of his youth and sailed for America in the year 1836, taking passage on the sailing vessel Henrietta, bound for Baltimore, Maryland. Eight weeks and four days passed ere they sighted land, for contrary winds detained the vessel, but ultimately they reached the Baltimore harbor in safety, and Mr. Lephart landed in America, a stranger among strange people, with whose language he was unfamiliar. He had a capital of only one dollar, but he possessed strong determination and resolute will, and with those essential qualifications of success he started out to make his own way. He soon secured work on a canal along the James river, and was there employed for four years. He is a thrifty and industrious man, qualities which have been inherited by his children. Establishing a home in Pennsyl- vania, he there resided for four years, and about 1849 came with his family to Darke county, Ohio, locating in German township, where he was employed as a wage worker. He remained for two years in German town- ship, then known as Washington township, after which he purchased eight}' acres of land, of which about twelve acres had been cleared and improved. His first home was a log cabin, and a log barn gave shelter to his stock. Mr. Lephart remained upon the old family homestead until 1 886, and then became a resident of Greenville. Through- out the intervening years he had carried on agricultural pursuits, and his untiring indus- try and enterprise enabled him to add to his possessions until he was the owner of a valu- able farm of one hundred and sixtv acres and a comfortable competence, which now supplies him with all the necessities and many of the luxuries of life. The thrift and frugality which are cardinal characteristics of the German race were ever manifest in his business career, and he is also known as a man of much resolution and decision of character. In politics he has always been a Democrat, save when in i860 he cast his vote for Abraham Lincoln. He has never held office, preferring to devote his time and attention to his business interests. In his religious views he is a Lutheran and has been very liberal in his contributions to church work, having aided in the erection of five different churches in Darke county. He gave material assistance to the church in GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 259 Greenville, and has withheld his support from no benevolences worthy of considera- tion. His life, honorable and upright, has commanded the respect of all. In Pennsylvania he was united in mar- riage to Miss Katherine Estella Strukoff, who was born near Hanover, Germany. Her birth occurred in 1814, and her death in 1886. Her life was one of spotless Christ- ian purity and her teachings have had marked influence upon the lives of her chil- dren, to whom her memory remains as a grateful benediction. In the family of this worthy couple were eight children, four sons and four daughters, but only three are now living, namely: Henry; Sarah, the wife of Peter Blizzard, a prosperous agriculturist of Champaign county, Illinois; and Will- iam, who is married and is a successful farmer of Washington township, Darke county. He resides near the old family homestead. Henry Lephart was born July 15, 1843, in Somerset county, Pennsylvania, and was the second child in his father's family. He was a little lad of six summers when he came with his parents to Darke county, where he was reared and educated. Throughout his life he has been identified with agricultural pursuits, and for nineteen years he also en- gaged in the manufacture of brick, the prod- ucts of its kilns being seen in many of the most beautiful homes in Brown town- ship. Several of the school-houses of the neighborhood have also been erected from brick manufactured by him, as was the Greenville Bank. He had no special advan- tages to fit him for life, receiving but a lim- ited education in the public schools. The first school he ever attended was held in a log building in Washington township, the dimensions of the structure being 16x20 teet. The building" was covered with a board roof, and was furnished with a box stove, and slab benches formed of puncheons with the flat side up, placed upon wooden pins. The writing desk used by the big boys and girls was a wide board resting upon wooden pins driven into auger holes in the wall. The discipline of the school was maintained through fear of the rod and the dunce-cap, and the old adage, '"Spare the rod and spoil the child," found exemplifica- tion in those primitive institutions of learn- ing. Mr. Lephart remained with his par- ents until he had attained his majority and gave them his wages during the greater part of the time. He received eighteen dollars per month in compensation for his services, and as one-half of this was turned over to his father he had a small capital of his own when he attained his majority, comprising fifty dollars in money and a young horse. He was, however, industrious and energetic, qualities which form an important element in a prosperous career. On the 19th of November, 1863, Mr. Lephart was united in marriage to Miss Sarah J. Moyer. She was born in Darke county, November 2, 1S43, a "d ' s t' ie sixth in a family of ten children, three sons and seven daughters, the parents being Michael and Margaret (Etter) Moyer. Of their family four daughters are yet living, three being residents of Darke county, while one sister, Margaret, is the wife of Jackson Stump, an agriculturist of Oklahoma. The parents are both deceased. The father was born in Virginia, in 1812, and died in the fall of 1865. He was of German lineage and was reared as an agriculturist. His parents entered one hundred and twenty acres from the government during Martin Van Buren's administration. His family 260 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. came to Ohio in an early day, when the In- dians were still very numerous in this sec- tion of the country, and deer and other kind of wild game could be had in abundance. Mr. Moyer was a typical Virginian, dis- playing old-time courtesy and hospitality so common in that state. He held member- ship in the German Lutheran church. His wife was born near Germantown, Ohio, about i 817, and died about 1874. She was e'ducated in the common schools, and was a consistent Christian woman, who reared her children in the faith of the church. Mrs. Lephart, a daughter of this worthy couple, has been to her husband a faithful counselor and helpmate. She has a kind disposition and affable manner, and is highly esteemed by a large circle of friends. Air. ami Airs. Lephart began their do- mestic life in Washington township upon a rented farm, for they had little of this world's goods to aid them in making a start. They removed to Brown township, where they again rented land, and after spending four years upon property belonging to others Mr. Lephart was able to purchase, in connec- tion with his sister, an eighty-acre tract that had formerly belonged to their father. Dur- ing the four years in which he rented he had saved four hundred dollars, but in order to make his purchase of land he had to in- cur an indebtedness of four hundred dol- lars. His first eighty-acre tract was forest land, upon which not a ditch had been dug nor an improvement made, save that there was a little log cabin and a log barn. With characteristic energy he began the further development of the property, and soon trans- formed the wild land into rich and fertile fields. As his financial resources have in- creased he has added to his property until he is now, in 1900, the owner of three hun- dred acres of valuable land in Brown town- ship. His farm is supplied with all mod- ern improvements and conveniences, includ- ing splendid buildings, high-class machin- ery and everything found upon a model farm. His property stands as a monument to his thrift and enterprise, and to the as- sistance of his e'stimable wife. There are two good residences upon the place, and the land is in a good state of cultivation. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Lephart has been blessed with thirteen children, eight sons and five daughters, and of this large family eleven are yet living: Margaret A., who was educated in the common schools and received instructions in music, is now the wife of Henry Foreman, a farmer of Allen township; Sarah Jane is the wife of Finley Riffle, an agriculturist of Brown township; William H. is married and lives in Greenville, Ohio; John W.. who possesses much natural mechanical ability and is a practical carpenter and joiner, is also a pros- perous farmer of Darke county; Charles A.' is married and is employed as a mechanic by the Panhandle Railroad Company; Peter I. is married and follows blacksmithing in Arcanum, Ohio ; Catherine Estella, who has been instructed in music, is now the wife of Hugh Westfall, the proprietor of a restau- rant in Ansonia, Ohio; Augustus C. is mar- ried, and follows farming in Brown town- ship; Elizabeth A., who has also been in- structed in music, has successfully passed the Boxwell examination and is now at home with her parents; Fred X., who possesses considerable musical talent, passed the Boxwell examination in 1900; and James M., the youngest living mem- ber of the family, is now a stu- dent in the eighth grade in the public schools. Mr. and Airs. Lephart have given their chil- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 261 I dren excellent educational privileges, realiz- ing the importance of learning in the prac- tical affairs of life. In his political senti- ments our subject is a Democrat, and has loyally supported the party of his choice since casting his first presidential vote for General George B. McClellan. He has fre- quently been chosen as a delegate to sena- torial and county conventions, and has ever been firm in support of his honest convic- tions. He is a public-spirited and progress- ive citizen, giving his aid and influence to all measures calculated to prove of public benefit. For six years he has served as school director, and his efforts in support of the cause of education have been very ef- fective. He and his family are all mem- bers of the Christian church — certainly a most creditable record and one well worthy of emulation. They have aided financially in the erection of seven different churches in this vicinity, which indicates their deep interest in all that pertains to the uplifting of the human race. Socially Mr. Lephart is connected with the Masonic order, Lodge No. 488. at Ansonia, and he is a worthy representative of the craft. He and his family enjoy the high regard of all who know them, and he is truly a self-made man whose advancement in life is creditable, showing what may be accomplished by de- termined purpose and unflagging industry. CYRUS BIGLER. This well-known and representative cit- izen of Darke county, Ohio, — Cyrus Bigler, whose home and farm are on section 36, Wayne township — is a native of the coun- ty and dates his birth in Adams township, August 13, 1844. Mr. Bigler traces his ancestry along the agnatic line for a hundred years back to Den-^trle^ mark. Three brothers of the name of Big- MW_- £"*s ler came together to America and here they "^ soon separated, one settling in New York, one in Pennsylvania and one in Virginia, and from these three have sprung all the Biglers in this country. Moses Bigler, the father of Cyrus, was a native of Maryland, born in 1818, and his father, David Bigler, was also born in that state. The former came to Ohio at an early day, about 1828, and was one of the first settlers of Darke county. Through his mother Mr. Bigler is related to the Millers, one of the largest and a much- respected family of Darke county, they hav- ing removed here from Kentucky about the time it was admitted as a slave state. Mrs. Bigler. the mother of our subject, was form- erly Miss Mary Miller. She was born in Adams township, this count}-, a daughter of Jacob Miller, and is still living, at the age of seventy-four. To Moses and Mary Big- ler were born five children, two sons and three daughters, Cyrus being the eldest. The others are as follows : Jacob, who is mar- ried and living on a farm in Michigan; Nancy, wife of John Long, of Adams town- ship, Darke county; Mary, wife of David Martin, also of Adams township; and Lyd- ia, wife of Charles Jackson, of Pleasant Hill, Ohio. In his youth Mr. Bigler had good edu- cational advantages, attending school in his native township, later being a student in the Greenville schools, and still later entering what was then known as Whitewater Col- lege, at Centerville, Indiana. It was at the last named institution that Henry I'. John- son was educated, and they were in schoi >1 at the same time. At the age of seventeen years Mr. Bigler began teaching school, which occupation he followed in his native 262 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. county during the winter season for several years, or up to the time of his marriage, af- ter which lie located on the farm where he in nv resides, and where he has since been engaged in agricultural pursuits. His home place comprises one hundred acres and he has seventy acres in another tract, all of which he operates. Mr. Bigler married Miss Lydia A. Lowe, a native of Palestine, German township, Darke county. Ohio, who died in 1887 leav- ing a family of eight children, namely: Lulu, who is now the wife of Noah Grove, and has four children — Mary, Estella. Mil- lard and Carl ; Charles, who married Man- Wade and has one child, Ivan; Earl, who married Ollie Brewer and has one daughter, Bernice ; Jacob, who married Ida Farmer ; Clyde, who married Carrie Robinson; Es- tella Mabel and Bessie, at home. For his second wife Mr. Bigler married Miss Ida Seifert, and by her has one son, Herman. Politically Mr. Bigler has always given his support to the Democratic party, and has at different times filled local office. In 1880 he was assessor. At this writing he is a director in the German Baptist Mutual Fire Insurance Company, of Covington, Miami county, Ohio. He is a member of the German Baptist church. . JOHX L. BAILEY. While memory remains to the American citizens the "boys in blue" who fought for the defense of the Union will ever be held in grateful remembrance, and well do they deserve all the love that can lie bestowed upon them. A man does not lightly risk life, but when in the face of great danger he bravely stands for his country and his principles he awakens the highest admira- tion of all who know aught of his gallantry. With the splendid army that marched to the south to aid in crushing the rebellion went John L. Bailey, and today he is num- bered among the veterans of the civil war, and is also regarded as one of the leading and substantial citizens of Darke county, Ohio. It was in Brown township, this count) - , that he was born, August 26, 184 1. His father, Henry Bailey, was also a native of Ohio, his birth having occurred in Perry county, on the 19th of December, 181 1. He was reared as a farmer and obtained his edu- cation in the primitive subscription schools of the early part of the nineteenth century. During his boyhood he accompanied his par- ents on their removal to Preble county, Ohio, at which time that section of the state was an unbroken wilderness. He was mar- ried in that county to Miss Nancy Runyon, whose birth occurred in Kentucky, on the joth of February, 18 18. In 1833 he came to Darke county and located in Brown town- ship, upon a tract of one hundred and twen- ty acres of dense forest land. No house had as yet been builded, and his first home was a little log cabin. Bears, wolves and deer were still killed in the neighborhood, and venison was a dish often found upon the board of the early settlers. Everything was wild and gave little promise of the wonder- ful development and progress which was soon to work a splendid transformation here. Our subject can remember when deer traveled over his father's farm as a drove of sheep passes through a field. In the midst of the forest the father hewed out a homestead. He was a man of strong decision of char- acter, well known for his reliability and trustworthiness. His fellow townsmen, GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 2G3 recognizing his ability, called him to office, and he served as trustee and in other local positions, discharging his duties with promptness and fidelity. He was a warm friend of the cause of education and of all measures calculated to contribute toward the general good.. In politics he was first an old-line Whig, supporting the party until the organization of the new Republican party, when he joined its ranks, becoming a warm advocate of the "rail-splitter" who was raised to the presidential chair. He aided in the first Christian church of the lo- cality, known as the Teegarden church, and also contributed toward the building of two other churches in this vicinity. He was a man of kind and benevolent purpose and made the Golden Rule the motto of his life. On the 6th of July, 1887, he was called to his final rest, and his remains were interred in the Teegarden cemetery. His wife still survives him. at the age of eighty-two years, and her mental faculties are still unimpaired. She makes her home with her children and is a consistent Christian woman, holding- membership in the Christian church. In the family were five sons and four daugh- ters, of whom seven are yet living, namely: Mary A.; John L., of this review; Samuel, a resident of Darke county ; Stephen, who is married and lives in Ansonia, from which place he travels as a commercial agent ; Re- becca, the wife of David Bennett, who is also a veteran of the civil war, and is now living in Woodington, Ohio ; Hannah, the wife of Wesley McKay, who served as a soldier in the Union arm}-, and is now an agriculturist of Brown township; and Adda, the wife of Oscar Strait, also a farmer of Brown township. She is the youngest member of the family. One son, William Bailev, served for three years in the civil war and was wounded at the battle of Look- out Mountain. John L. Bailey, the immediate subject of this sketch, was reared in Darke county and received such educational privileges as the common schools of the neighborhood af- lorded. His time, however, was largely oc- cupied with the work of clearing and devel- oping the home farm, and thus he early be- came familiar with the work of field and meadow. He was only twenty-one years of age when, at the president's call for troops, he enlisted, at Greenville, Ohio, on the 8th of August, 1862, as a member of Company G, Fortieth Ohio Infantry, under Captain Charles Gordon Matchett. They rendez- voused at Columbus, Ohio, and the regi- ment was ordered to report at Big Sandy river, but Mr. Bailey was taken ill with ty- phoid fever and forced to remain in the In >s- pital for three months. On the expiration of that period he rejoined his command at Big Sandy, the forces being there encamped under General James A. Garfield. From that place they went up the Ohio and Cum- berland rivers to Nashville, Tennessee, by steamer, and at the latter place the Fortieth Ohio was assigned to the Army of the Cum- berland. The Union troops proceeded to Franklin, Tennessee, and participated in the hotly-contested engagement against Gen- eral Hood. Mr. Bailey served as provost- guard in the city of Franklin, and was so close to the rebels that they could easily have shot him, but he managed to make his escape. The next battle in which he took part was the three days' engagement at Chickamauga. He was in the front of the action where the rebel lead fell thick and fast. Many of his companv were killed or wounded, and a pine tree near him was cut down by the shot and shell of the enemy 2Qi GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. aid fell among the boys who were there fighting to preserve the Union. At that battle Mr. Bailey was struck by a piece of spent shell, but was not injured. The next engagement in which he participated was at Lookout mountain, known as "the battle above the clouds." and there it was that his brother William was wounded. It was one of the most picturesque engagements of the entire war, for the field lay upon the mountain crest, and commanded a magnifi- cent view of the surrounding country. Mr. Bailey also took part in the battle of Mis- sionary Ridge, where with his regiment he was on the extreme right of the Union army. The Confederates were there signally de- feated and the Union troops were jubilant over the splendid victory. They suffered many hardships, however, often having nothing to eat save the com which had been dropped by the mules and which they picked up and parched, eating it with relish. Mr. Bailey also followed the stars and stripes on the battlefields of Chickamauga, Jones- boro, Lovejoy Station and through the cele- brated Atlanta campaign from the 3d of May until the 9th of September, during which time the troops were almost daily under fire. So constant was the action that they had scarcely any rest, and on more than one occasion he sat leaning against a tree in order to get a few moments' sleep. At other times he and his comrades would lie down between two rails and in the morn- ing would find that their bed was sur- rounded by water, so constantly did it rain during that campaign. He was present at the battles of Peach Tree Creek, Kenesaw Mountain and Resaca. — all hotly contested engagements, — Buzzards' Roost and Ring- gold. At Kenesaw Mountain while his company was marching toward the rebel works, he narrowly escaped bding killed, and a ball struck his comrade next to him. During the first day's battle at Chickamau- ga he had a narrow - escape from capture. He endured all the hardships and trials of war save imprisonment, and loyally fol- lowed the old flag where it led. After the Atlanta campaign his division of the army was ordered to pursue General Hood, and at Franklin, Tennessee, they encountered the rebel commander and participated in one of the fiercest battles that raged during the four years of warfare. Later the battle of Nashville occurred, in which General Hood was hopelessly defeated. The Union troops then followed the rebel commander to Huntsville. Alabama, and thence returned to join Grant's army, making repairs on the railroad lines as they were on the march. When in the vicinity of Greenville, Tennes- see, the joyful news reached them of the surrender of Lee and his army. The F< iurth Corps, to which Mr. Bailey belonged, was sent back to Nashville, Tennessee, and thence to Texas, but as his time had almi >st expired, he received an honorable discharge on the 27th of June. 1865, and with a happy heart returned to home and friends, having for almost three years faithfully served his country upon the battlefields of the south. Mr. Bailey has been twice married. He first wedded Elizabeth E. Teegarden. a rep- resentative of one of the well known pioneer families of the county. Their marriage oc- curred September 2, 1869, and was blessed with three children, two sons and a daugh- ter, of whom two are living. Harvey, the elder, was educated in the common schools, wedded Miss Catherine Harp, and is a farmer of Greenville township, while Henry A. is a resident of Woodington, Ohio, where he is engaged in merchandising and grain GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 2G5 dealing in partnership with Bert Teegarden. The firm are doing a large business and en- joy a creditable reputation in commercial circles. Henry A. Ba'iley married Miss Minnie Cox. One daughter, Nancy Laura, was born April 24, 1874, and was married December 24, 1892, to William H. Slick, and died of consumption May 31, 1896. She was an earnest Christian woman, great- ly beloved for her many excellencies of char- acter, and the memory of an upright life she left to her husband and her two motherless little children. The mother of these chil- dren was born on the old Teegarden farm in Brown township, in 1847, and died Au- gust 19, 1875. For his second wife Mr. Bailey chose Sarah M. Strader, the wedding taking place October 19, 1877. She was born in Darke county, December n, 1854, a daughter of John A. and Margaret L. (Weber) Strader. Her father was born in Knoxville, Tennessee, October n, 1818, and died October 12, 1899, at the age of eighty-one years and one day. He was a farmer and a devoted Christian man, es- teemed by all who knew him. His wife, who is a consistent member of the Christian church, was born October 11, 1823, and is still living. In their family were fifteen children, seven sons and eight daughters, eleven of whom yet survive. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Bailey have been born two sons and two daughters, but their son Howard died on the 1st of September. 1884, at the age of seven months. The following stanzas were written by a friend : "We loved him; yes, we loved him ; But angels loved him more. And they have sweetly called him To yonder shining shore. "The golden gates were opened, A gentle voice said Come, x\nd with farewells unspoken He calmly entered home." Ida, the eldest child, is now the wife of George Andrews, a farmer of Union City, Indiana, and they have one child living, a daughter. Their little son, John William, was born April 14, 1897, anc ' cne d August 24, 1898. He was a sweet, lovable child, and his death was a great blow to the par- ents; but the Master said, "Suffer little chil- dren to come unto Me and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of heaven," and the little one passed to the home above. Lemuel H. is living at home with his par- ents, and assists in the work of the farm. Mattie completes the family and is a stu- dent in the public schools, and is also a stu- dent of music. At the time of his marriage Mr. Bailey had a capital of about one thousand dollars, which he had accumulated through hard work. Year by year he has added to his property, and is today the owner of one hundred acres of valuable land, which is in a good state of cultivation. He has a good residence, substantial outbuildings and all the modern accessories and conveniences of a model farm. He follows progressive and practical methods, and is widely known as a leading agriculturist of his community. He votes with the Republican part)', and has been a stanch advocate of its principles since casting his first presidential vote for Abra- ham Lincoln. He has served for a number of years as a school director, and his labors have been effective in promoting the cause of education. Otherwise, however, he has never held office, preferring to devote his 266 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. time and energies to his business affairs, in which he has met with signal success. So- cially he is connected with Fifer Post, G. A. R., of Ansonia, and he and his family are consistent members of the Christian church in Woodington. He has contributed largely toward the erection of the house of worship, and has also given material assistance to other churches and to many benevolences worthy of consideration. He and his wife enjoy the warm regard of many friends and the hospitality of many of the best homes in this section of the state. Their lives have ever been upright and honorable, and their many excellencies of character have en- deared them to a large circle of acquaint- ances. NATHAN S. WARVEL. One of the gallant defenders of the Union during the dark days of the civil war and now a prominent farmer residing on section I, Greenville township, Darke count}-, is Nathan S. Warvel, who was burn in Rich- land township, the same county, April 18, 1839, and is a son of John H. and Alary (Souders) Warvel, natives of Warren and Montgomery counties, Ohio, respectively, and the founders of the family in Darke county, their home being near Beamsville, where they located in 1838. In 1839 the paternal grandparents, Christopher and Charlotta (Lilly) Warvel, natives of Rock- ingham, Virginia, also came to Darke coun- ty and located on a farm near Beamsville, in Richland township. The)- were members of the United Brethren church, and the grand- father donated the logs to construct the first church erected in Beamsville. He also gave to the town the land comprising the original cemetery at that place. The first to be buried there was Enos Hathaway, a son of Thomas Hathaway, who died in 1847. The grandfather was a soldier in the war of 1812, under the command of Colonel Methias. He died March 15, 1851, aged fifty-five years, and his wife departed this life March 14, 1855, aged fifty-six. Of their nine children five are still living, namely : George, a United Brethren preacher of Butler county, Ohio; Daniel, a resident of Richland town- ship, Darke county; Mrs. Elizabeth Beam, of Ansonia, Ohio; Mary, the widow of Daniel Hartzell, of Pikeville, Darke county ; and Mrs. Margaret Hathaway, of Washington, D. C. Those deceased were: John H., William, Sarah Ann and Adeline. After residing in this county for three years, John H. Warvel, the father of our sub- ject, returned to Montgomery county, owing to his wife's ill health, and there she died, May 15, 1842. He then located on his father's farm in Richland town- ship, Darke county, where he resided until 1847, when he removed to the farm now owned and occupied by our subject. He died here February 2/, 1898, at the age of seventy-nine years, hon- ored and respected by all who knew him. He served as infirmary director of the coun- ty two terms. He was a man of good busi- ness ability and was particularly well quali- fied for the settlement of estates and as an executor he settled many during his life time. He was one of the original members of the United Brethren church at Beamsville, and later assisted in organizing the church at Pikeville, being a man of strong religious convictions and an active worker, whose life was in accordance with the teachings of the Golden Rule. In politics he was independ- ent, voting for the man rather than the party. He was four times married, his first wife GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 267 being the mother of our subject, and to them two children were born : Nathan and Mary, the latter of whom died in infancy. His second wife was Barbara Ann Holloway, by whom he had two sons : Allen C, of Bradford, Miami county, Ohio; and Irvin, deceased. The third wife was Phcebe Hor- ney. and Phoebe, the only child of this union, died at the age of one year. For his fourth wife he married Elizabeth Beenblossom, who bore him five children : Charlotte, now the widow of Calvin Garver, of Greenville; Sa- rah Adaline, wife of Adam Johnson, of Darke county; Elizabeth, the wife of O. J. Hager, of Muncie, Indiana ; and Emeline, the wife of George Garbig, of Darke county. Our subject lived on the homestead farm in. Richland township until eight years of age, and then removed to the farm in Green- ville township, which he now owns and oc- cupies. During his youth he assisted his fa- ther in the laborious task of clearing and improving the farm, and attended the dis- trict schools when his services were not needed at home. He remained with his fa- ther until attaining his majority, and then began life upon his own responsibility. For a year after his marriage he lived near Beamsville, and then located upon his pres- ent farm, where he owns fifty acres of well improved and highly cultivated land. On the 23d of December, i860, Mr. Warvel led to the marriage altar Miss Nancy J. Royer, a daughter of David and Sarah (Grafford) Royer, of Logan county, Ohio. By this union five children were born, but two died in infancy unnamed, and Mary E., who became the wife of William H. Huber, is also now deceased. The living are : Martha L., now the widow of Riley Yonker; and Eva, the wife of G. H. Mills, of Beamsville. Mr. Warvel joined the "boys in blue" during the civil war, by enlisting on the 2d of May, 1864, in Company G, One Hundred and Fifty-second Ohio Volun- teer Infantry, and was mustered into the service as sergeant of his company. They were with Hunter on his raid through the Shenandoah valley, and for more than a month were kept constantly on the march. At Cumberland, Maryland, the company was detached from the regiment and stationed at what was called Fort Cumberland, where they performed garrison duty until their term of enlistment had expired. One en- gagement occurred between this force and a part of Colonel Mosby's regiment. Com- pany G supported the batteries while under fire, repelling the enemy. Twenty days af- ter his term of enlistment had expired Mr. Warvel was mustered out at Camp Denni- son, September 22, 1864. He had left the plow standing in the furrow when he en- tered the service, and upon his return home resumed farming. He is now a member of the Grand Army Post at Greenville, and politically is identified with the Democratic party, while he and his wife are active and consistent members of the Christian church at Beamsville. AMOS P. MILLER. The farming interests of Butler township are well represented by Amos P. Miller, who resides on section 33, where he has a fine farm under a high state of cultivation. He was born near Dayton, Ohio, September 9, 1849. His father, David T. Miller, was a native of Rockingham county, Virginia, born February 15, 1812, and in 1S22, at the age of ten years, he removed to Montgomery county, Ohio, with his parents, David and 20S GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Hannah ( Foutz) Miller, both of whom were natives of Virginia. The grandparents of our subject had five sons and one daugh- ter, all of whom reached mature years, were married and reared families of their own, namely: Michael, Joel, Solomon,David T., John and Barbara. All are now deceased. The mother of these children survived her husband about twenty years and died in 1863, in her ninety-first year. Her remains were laid by his side in the Hull cemetery in Perry township, Montgomery county. David T. Miller spent the greater part of his youth in Ohio, being reared amid the wild scenes of the frontier. After he had attained to man's estate he chose as a com- panion and helpmate on life's journey Miss Eliza Souders, by whom two children were born, one of whom died in infancy, and one, Ephraim, lived until about thirty-five years of age, leaving three children. After the death of his first wife David T. Miller married Miss Anna Shock, who was born in Montgomery county, Ohio, in 1819. They were married about 1838 and ten chil- dren graced their union, of whom nine reached mature years, as follows : John, who died in 1866; Susannah, who became the wife of Noah Comer and died about 1878, leaving five children; Hannah, who became the wife of David Grove and died in the fall of 1898, at the age of fifty-one years, leaving four sons; David I., who died in 1874, leaving two sons; Amos P. ; Rachel, who first married Noah Ulrey, by whom she had three children, and is now the wife of Cyrus Devilbiss, by whom she has four children ; Samuel, who is living on the home- stead farm west of Dayton and has seven daughters and one son; Aaron, who re- moved from Kansas to southern California in 1895 and is there living with his family of seven children; and Kate Ann, wife of Charles Millard, who resides near the home farm in Montgomery county with his wife and four children, three daughters and a son. Mrs. Miller was called to her final rest in December, 1872, and the father was afterward married again. His death oc- curred in August, 1886. He was a tanner by trade and carried on business along that line on his own account for about twenty years. He owned three hundred acres of land in Montgomery county, also land in Kansas, and liberaly aided all of his chil- dren. Both he and his wife were members of the German Baptist church, and their re- mains were interred in the Hull cemetery. Mr. Miller, of this review, received an ordinary common-school education and remained at home until his twenty-third year, when he was married, on the 26th of March, 1872, to Barbara E. Garber, whose birth occurred in Montgomery coun- ty, in 1 85 1, her parents being Jonathan and Catharine (Rife) Garber. Nine children have been born of this union : Elsie M., wife of Abram Wholsinger, of Preble coun- ty; Clement L., a farmer of Butler town- ship, who is married and has one son and one daughter; Catherine V., wife of Will- iam Petry, of Preble county, by whom she has one daughter; Olive I., wife of John Hapner, of Preble county, by whom she has one daughter; Rachel E., wife of Charles Slusher, of Preble county; David I., who aids his father in the operation of the home farm; Jonathan O., who died at the age of eight years ; and George E. and John D., who are yet under the parental roof. Mr. Miller located upon his present farm in the spring of 1882 and has here eighty acres of land. In addition to the raising of cereals he makes a specialty of the grow- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 269 ing of tobacco, and for several years has operated a threshing machine. His place is improved with fine buildings, and every- thing about the farm is neat and thrifty in appearance, indicating the careful supervis- ion of the owner. Mr. Miller is independent in politics and has not voted since casting his ballot for General Hancock, twenty years ago. His time and attention are largely given to his business affairs and in these he has met with creditable success. Activity in the affairs of life, guided by sound judgment, has brought to him a com- fortable competence and he is therefore clas- sified among the substantial farmers of his community. MRS. ELIZABETH SHERRY. Mrs. Elizabeth Sherry belongs to one of the pioneer families of Darke county, and within the borders of the Buckeye state she has spent her entire life. She was born in Versailles, August 26, 1840. and is the eld- est of a family of nine children, three sons and six daughters, whose parents were Da- vid and Mary (Conner) Grissom. Her fa- ther came to Darke county during his early boyhood, acquiring his education in the pub- lic schools and throughout his active busi- ness career carried on agricultural pursuits here. The greater part of his life was passed in York township and he has met with a fair degree of success in his undertakings. He died when about sixty-two years of age, in the faith of the United Brethren church, of which he had long been a consistent member. Of his children seven are yet liv- ing, namely: Mrs. Sherry; Alfred, a soldier in the civil war, who is now married and follows farming in Jay county, Indiana; Hiram, who also was one of the "boys in blue," and is now living with his family on the farm in Jay county ; Lucinda, the wife of Samuel Lehman, a farmer of York township; Louisa, who is a twin sister of Lucinda, and is the wife of Cornelius Bertram, of York township; Martha Ellen, the wife of Webster Ward, an agriculturist of Wayne township; and Squire Francis, who is an enterprising merchant of Miami county. Mrs. Sherry was a little girl of three summers when she removed with her parents to the farm, the home of the family being a log cabin situated in the midst of the wild country where the work of progress and improvement had as yet made little trans- formation. She has seen deer upon her fa- ther's premises and remembers the day when wild game furnished many a meal for the settles. The first schoolhouse in which she pursued her studies was built of round logs and the seats were made of split sapplings, without backs. Upon a broad board resting on wooden pins driven into the wall the larg- er boys and girls wrote their exercises, and the curriculum was hardly more than the three "R's." After she had reached wom- anhood she promised her hand in marriage to Lewis Sherry, and the marriage was cele- barted on the 4th of November, 1859. He was born in Montgomery county, Ohio, February 13, 1838, and was a lad of five summers when he came to Darke county, which was the place of his abode until he was called to his final rest. Diligence and enterprise were numbered among his chief characteristeics and in his various business pursuits he manifested untiring activity, supplemented by sound judgment. He car- ried on farming for a number of years and for some time conducted an agricultural im- plement store in Versailles and in Greenville. He carried forward to successful comple- 270 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. tion whatever he undertook and his business methods were at all times above question. His advice and counsel were often sought by his friends and neighbors and his opinions were fair and impartial and based upon prac- tical sense. With his family he occupied a farm of one hundred and twenty acres in York township, and his father's old home- stead there is still owned by his brother. Such was his upright character that naught was said against his motives or his acts and thus he left to his family an untarnished name. Mr. and Mrs. Sherry became the par- ents of four children, but one daughter died in early life. Those still living are Samuel, a merchant of Versailles, who married Min- erva J. Wilson ; William, who is represented elsewhere in this volume; Ahvilda E., the wife of Frank Oliver, who was born in Darke county, March 1 1, i860, and by whom she has one son and one daughter, Ernest and Bertha B. Mr. Sherry exercised his right of fran- chise in support of the men and meas- ures of the Democratic party from the time he cast his first presidential vote for Stephen A. Douglas. He was repeatedly elected justice of the peace of York town- ship, a fact which indicates the confidence reposed in him, as well as his fidelity and impartiality in the discharge of his duty. He was also a member of the executive com- mittee of the Versailles Farmers' Institute and took great interest in its meetings. Of the Masonc fraternity he was a valued and exemplary member and was likewise a lead- ing representative of the Evangelical Lutheran church, with which he united May 26, 1855. He died January 20, 1898, when almost sixty years of age, death coming very unexpectedly. In the early morning of that day he awakened and held some conver- sation with his wife. A little later it ap- peared that he had again fallen asleep, and, thinking it time to arise, Mrs. Sherry address- ed him. No answer came and noting his ir- regular breathing, she hastily summoned by telephone her son-in-law and his family. Before medical aid came, however, he had passed away and in his death the community mourned the loss of one of its valued and worthy citizens. Mrs. Sherry makes her home with her daughter, Mrs. Oliver, in one of the pretty frame residences of York township. She has been to her family a kind and faith- ful mother and has long been a consistent member of the Lutheran church, and in her life has exemplified its teachings. For al- most sixty years she has resided in Darke county and she has witnessed the greater part of its growth and improvement. She belongs to one of the representative pioneer families of the community, for both the Sherrys and Grissoms were long identified with the substantial growth and upbuilding of this section of the state. Her many ex- cellent qualities have gained her friends whose regard is tried and true and those who have known her longest hold her in highest esteem. MRS. SAMUEL WILSON. Mrs. Samuel Wilson has been a witness of almost the entire growth and develop- ment of Darke county. She was born in Ohio, August, 21, 1836. and is the second of a family of three daughters, whose parents were Jacob and Ann Rebecca (Staup) Eyler. Her father was born in Frederick county, Maryland, August 30, 18 14, and died Sep- tember 26, 1886. He was reared upon the GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 271 farm and acquired a good education in the schools near his home, but at an early age he was left to care for his widowed mother, and his educational advantages were meager. He came with his family to Ohio in 1836. locating in Montgomery county, where he resided for seven years. He afterward spent three years in Greene county and in 1846 came to Darke county, locating in Van Buren township, and in this county he re- mained until his death. His political sup- port was given to the Democracy, and in religious belief he was a Lutheran. His wife. who belonged to the same church, was born in Maryland, April 27, 181 2. and died on the 20th of November, 1897. She was an affectionate wife and mother and her teach- ings have had marked influence over her chil- dren, for she was an earnest Christian woman and reared her children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. Mrs. Wilson, of this review, was a little maiden of ten summers when her parents became residents of Darke county. She re- mained in Van Buren township until her seventeenth year and pursued her education in the common schools. She was then mar- ried, on the 20th of September, 1853, to Samuel Wilson. They had little capital with which to start out in life, but they possessed resolute spirits and determined purpose; and the labors of the wife supplemented the work of the husband, who devoted his energies to the tilling of the soil. The first piece of land which they owned was eighty acres in Van Buren township. Subsequently they sold it and purchased sixty-five acres in Wayne township. Their first home was a little log cabin and for six years they resided in Wayne township, Mr. Wilson being actively engaged in agricultural pursuits. He also possessed considerable natural mechanical 16 ability and was a practical carpenter and bridge-builder. Perhaps no better account of his life can be given than to copy the obit- uary which was published in the Versailles Policy, in June, 1897. five days after his death. It says : "Samuel Wilson was the son of Samuel and Mary Frances Wilson, and was born in Greenville township, February 21, 1829. His grandfather and two aunts were killed by the Indians near Greenville. The two aunts. Patsy and Anna Wilson, were mur- dered in July, 1812. They had left the stock- ade to gather berries in the afternoon when they were attacked by the Indians and killed by blows on the head with tomahawks. "The parents of the deceased died when lie was young, his father being drowned in Greenville creek and his mother died soon after the sad death of the father. After the death of his parents he was compelled to live among strangers until eighteen years of age when he apprenticed himself to Orrin Cul- bertson as a carpenter. He remaned with him until he was twenty-one, when he be- came a contractor for himself. He proved himself to be a good business man. By fru- gality he had become a well-to-do and pros- perous farmer. "In the year 1853 he was joined in holy wedlock with Mary C. Eyler, with whom he lived happily until death separated them. To them eleven children were born, eight of whom are now living, seven girls and one son. He was always kind and true to his wife and children. During his life the de- ceased proved himself a public-spirited man, serving as the treasurer of Yorktown town- ship for four years, a trustee for one and commissioner of Darke county for six years. Thus his life of usefulness in the home, in the community and the county is 272 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. ended and he has gone the way of all the earth. In the last solemn obsequies we could but manifest our tender regard for him and tenderly lay the lifeless form to sleep in mother earth, committing his spirit into the hands of the Great Giver of life. May his rest be sweet ! To his companion is due an expression of our deepest sorrow, for she, most of all, feels this sad separation. She will be most lonely. May the infinite Father comfort and abundantly bless her ! May the children profit by the counsels of their father and emulate his virtues! Remember there is one above who has promised to be a friend to the orphan and the widow. May heaven smile upon you and bless you. To the dozen grandchildren we say, mourn not that a loved one is taken away. These experiences you will meet often along life's pathway. " We shall miss thee a thousand times along life's weary track; Not a sorrow or a joy but we shall long to call thee back, — Yearn for thy true and tender heart, long thy bright smile to see, For many dear and true are left, but none quite like thee. Not upon us or ours the solemn angel has wrought; The funeral anthem is a glad evangel: the good die not; God calls our loved ones, but we lose not wholly what he has given: They live in thought and deed as truly as in heaven." Such is the account of the life and char- acter of Samuel Wilson by one who knew him long and well. He was for many years identified with agricultural pursuits in Darke county. After residing on two different farms in Wayne township, he sold his poperty there and purchased eighty acres of land in Rich- land township. Two years later he disposed of that tract and bought one hundred and thirty acres in Wayne township, but lived there for only two years, after which he sold cut and bought a quarter-section of land in York township. This was partially covered by timber and brush and the improvements on the place were a little log cabin and log stable. In his business affairs, however, Mr. Wilson prospered and year by year added to his possessions. At one time he was the owner of six hundred acres in Darke county and in Indiana. In 1876 he erected on his home farm in this county a beautiful brick residence and the following year built a large and commodious barn. He also made other substantial improvements which added to the value and attractive appearance of this place. About 1S90 he erected on section 15 a tasteful and pleasant house in which their daughter, Mrs. Gilbert, now resides. Mr. Wilson was a very successful farmer and stock-raiser, and his careful management of his business interests brought to. him a w ell deserved success. He was known far and wide as a benevolent gentleman, always just and fair in his dealings. To his family he not only left a handsome estate but also that priceless heritage which is rather to be chosen than great riches. In politics he was a Democrat and filled the office of township treasurer for four years. He was also a township trustee for two years and county commissioner for six years. In all these positions he discharged his duty with marked promptness and fidel- ity and won the high commendation of all concerned. The poor and needy ever found in Mr. and Mrs. Wilson warm friends who were willing to aid them, and to many pub- lic movements and measures which have contributed to the general good they were liberal supporters. GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 273 This worthy couple became the parents of eleven children, two sons and nine daugh- ters, of whom eight are yet living, as fol- lows : Cynthia H., who resides with her mother on the old homestead; William J., who is represented elsewhere in this volume ; Minerva J., the wife of Samuel Sherry, a merchant of Versailles, by whom she had a son and daughter; Iola Belle, the wife of Charles Ewry, who was formerly a teacher but is now engaged in the hardware business in Portland, Indiana, as a member of the firm of Yount & Ewry ; Ida May, the wife of Harry A. Gilbert, formerly a teacher but now a prosperous farmer of York township, by whom she has one son and two daugh- ters; Mary Frances, the wife of William D. Yount, who is a partner of Mr. Ewry in the hardware business, and by whom she has two sons; Edith G., wife of S. A. Over- liolzer, who was formerly a successful teach- er and is now a prominent farmer in Rich- land township, by whom she has one son ; and Minnie, the wife of William C. Hile, an agriculturist of Wayne township. They too have one son. The children were all provided with good educational privileges to fit them for life's practical and responsible duties, and their life records are a credit to the family name. Mrs. Wilson is now residing in her beautiful home, surrounded by her children and a host of warm friends, among whom she has long resided. Her beautiful Chris- tian character and her upright life have gained to her the love and esteem of many. In the Versailles cemetery stands a beautiful Scotch granite monument sacred to the memory of her husband, who so long trav- eled life's journey, sharing with his family its joys and sorrows, its adversity and pros- perity. She bravely met the hardships and trials of pioneer life in the early days and now well deserves the enjoyment which comes to her through the comforts witli which she is surrounded. R. K. BEAM. The name Beam figures conspicuously on the pages of Darke county history. The ancestry can be traced back to the father- land, and many of his sterling qualities found their origin in the Teutonic race. He was born in Darke county, December 28, 185 1, and in a family of ten children, three sons and seven daughters, was the fourth in or- der of birth. His parents were Solomon and Elizabeth (Warvel) Beam, and the father was born in Richland township, Darke county, on the 26th of February, 1823. He was one of the oldest native sons in this locality. In his early life he was a sawyer in Brown township, following that pursuit at a time when the county was large- ly covered with a heavy growth of timber. In later years he carried on agricultural pur- suits. At the time of the civil war, prompted by a spirit of patriotism, he responded to the call for aid and joined the "boys in blue" of Company G, One Hundred and Fifty- second Ohio Infantry. His regiment was assigned to the Army of the Cumberland, and he participated in a number of import- ant engagements and all of the trying ordeals which make up a soldier's life. He went with Sherman on the celebrated march to the sea, and on one occasion he had his leg broken, which necessitated his discharge. He entered the service as second lieutenant of the company, and was always known as a loyal soldier. 274 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. A man firm in support of his honest con- victions and earnest in all things, he com- manded genuine regard from all those with whom he came in contact. As his guide through life he followed the precept of the Golden Rule, and it was exemplified in his daily conduct with men. In politics he was an old-line Whig, and in ante bellufn days advocated abolition princi- ples and became a great admirer of Abraham Lincoln, becoming one of the early support- ers of the Republican party, upholding by bis ballot its men and measures. He was regarded as one of the substantial farmers of the community, and on coming to Brown township he entered eighty acres of forest land on section 1 1, where he built a log cabin and made his home until his death, which occurred on the nth of January, 1866. He was progressive and public-spirited, and gave his support to many interests which he believed would prove of benefit to the com- munity. He was interested in the construc- tion of the old Mackinac Railroad, now known as the Cincinnati & Northern Rail- road, and his material assistance was given to many other measures. His father, George Beam, came to Ohio from the state of Pennsylvania, and was one of the pio- neers of Richland township. He staked out the first lot in Beamsville and the town was named in his honor. The mother of our subject was a daugh- ter of Christopher and Charlotte (Lilly) Warvel, who were early settlers of that coun- ty. She was born May 16, 1827, and is still living in the village of Ansonia. For many years she was a member of the United Brethren church, but now holds membership in the Methodist Episcopal church, and is an earnest Christian lady, whose belief finds exemplification in her upright life. Her influence has had marked effect on the char- acter of her children, who have every reason to be grateful' for the wise teachings of a tender and loving mother. Six of her chil- dren yet survive, namely : Daniel C, who was a soldier in the civil war, is married and is now following farming in Allen township; R. K., of this review; Paulina, the wife of John Ketrow, a commercial traveler resid- ing in YanWert, Ohio; Jane, wife of A. J. Lickel, a farmer of Mercer county, Ohio; Leroy S., a farmer who is married and lives in Brown township; and Mollie A., wife of Dr. De Ford, who is a graduate of the Cin- cinnati Medical College, and is now a suc- cessful practitioner in Rossville. R. K. Beam, whose name forms the cap- tion of this sketch, is a typical Ohioan. He was reared to farm life, and throughout his active business career has carried on general farming and stock raising. The common schools afforded him his educational privi- leges, but he is largely self-educated, for when he was fifteen years of age his father died, leaving him to support his widowed mother and the other children of the family, as he was the eldest. His life has been one of industry and earnest toil, but the difficul- ties which he has met have served to develop in him a strong character. Many obstacles were in his path, and at times his boyish heart almost failed him, but he would re- new his courage and press manfully up- ward. As the years passed he worked his way steadily upward, and today he is numbered among the substan- tial farmers and stock raisers of his native county. He remained with his mother until twenty-five years of age, and at that time he married Miss Sarah C. Rue, the marriage taking place on the 15th of March, 1877. She was born November 4, GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 275 1856, a daughter of William and Lovina (Birman) Rue. In the family were ten children, of whom nine are yet living, all residents of Darke county. The father was born in Hanover, Ger- many, September 9, 183 1, and died April 16, 1896. He was brought to America by his parents when only three years of age, the family locating in Germantown, Ohio. He became a well-to-do citizen of York town- ship, and lived an honorable life. His widow still survives him and is making her home on the old farmstead in York town- ship, at the age of sixty-four years. She has been a life-long member of the Luth- eran church. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Beam have been born nine children, eight yet liv- ing, as follows : Augustus, who was edu- cated in the common schools, is associated with his father in farming and stock raising in Brown township : he is married and in his political views is a Democrat; Myrtle, who is a most estimable young lady of ex- cellent character and a favorite with her many friends, died June 13, 1897; Willie, who assists his father in the operation of the home farm ; Daisy, who is attending school and is also studying music; Ivy, Thomas, Byrell, Virgie and Thelma com- plete the family circle. Mrs. Beam is of a genial and affectionate disposition, and thus makes a model wife and mother. She and her husband have traveled life's journey to- gether for a quarter of a century, sharing to- gether its joys and sorrows, its adversity and prosperity. At the time of their marriage they be- gan housekeeping in a little log cabin upon rented land, and Mr. Beam's possessions con- sisted of two old horses and just money enough to enable him to place his land under cultivation. He continued renting for about five or six years, and then purchased forty acres of land, constituting a part of his present farm. He was materially as- siste'd by James Tynan, who had formed a strong friendship for Mr. Beam, when he was a fatherless boy, endeavoring to sup- port his widowed mother and her children. As the years passed our subject was enabled to add to his property, and is today the owner of a valuable farm of three hundred and thirty-one acres in Brown township, supplied with the best modern improvements, including a beautiful brick residence which was erected in 1890. Near by are found commodious barns and outbuildings and well fenced fields which are highly culti- vated, giving evidence of the thrift, enter- prise and perseverance of the owner. For some time he has made a specialty of stock raising, and for a number of years has raised fine hogs, having a large drove of registered Poland China hogs. He also makes a spe- cialty of registered short horn cattle, and is well known throughout the entire country as a stock raiser who has done much to im- prove the grade of stock which is raised in this section of the state. He is well in- formed in all agricultural and stock raising subjects, and the methods which he follows are progressive. For nine years he was the vice-president and superintendent of the cat- tle and other departments of the Darke County Fair Association and is also official- ly connected with the Darke County Agri- cultural Association, his labors having been very effective in promoting the interests of the farmers of western Ohio. Mr. Beam cast his first presidential vote for Samuel J. Tilden and has since been a stanch Democrat, who has frequently been selected to serve as a delegate to the county, state and congressional conventions. His 276 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. opinions always carry weight in the coun- cils of his party. He was elected as as- sessor of Brown township when twenty-two years of age, and has been a trustee of the township for two terms, discharging his duties in a most creditable manner. He is a stanch friend of the little red schoolhouse and his labors have greatly promoted the cause of education through twenty years' service as a member of the school board, of which organization he is now the president. In 1885 he was elected one of the commis- sioners of Darke county and filled the office with such marked ability that he was re- elected in 1888. Although but a young man, his fellow townsmen recognize the fact that the community was never better repre- sented on the board, for he gave his support to all progressive measures calculated to prove of public benefit and at the same time was practical in his advocacy of such. He has never failed of election when a candi- date for office, and in 1888 received thirty- seven votes in the county more than were given Grover Cleveland. He has always been fearless ami faithful in the discharge of his duty, standing by those principles and measures which he believed to be right. Prior to his election the Democrats of Darke county were divided into factions and even county commissioners were displaying marked dissimilarity of opinion concerning the erection of beautiful modern buildings which constituted the "Children's Home," but Mr. Beam's proposition to the commis- sioners and the public met the demands that were made by those officers and their con- stituents. A part s a son of James and Ruth (McCahan) Anderson, the former born in Lancaster iunty, Pennsyl- vania, in April, 1792. the latter in January, 1800. His paternal grandparents were Irish &-■&*. GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 287 and lived about twenty miles from Dublin, where all of their children except James were born. They emigrated to the new world in 1 791. The maternal grandfather of our subject was Patrick McCahan, also a native of the Emerald Isle, and his wife, who bore the maiden name of Sarah Green, was a relative of General Greene, one of the brilliant commanders of the American forces in the war of the Revolution. The parents of our subject were married in November, 1820, and lived on a farm throughout their lives. Charles M.. Anderson was a lad of ten years when, in April, 1855. he came with his parents to Ohio. Upon a farm he spent the days of his boyhood and youth and later he engaged in teaching school. During the war he served as a private soldier in Com- pany B, Seventy-first Regiment of Ohio Volunteers, and was honorably discharged January 6, 1866, the day after attaining his majority. For some months subsequent to his return from the army he attended the normal" school at Lebanon, Ohio, and also engaged in teaching. Having determined to make the practice of law his life work, he took up that study under the direction of judge D. L. Meeker, of Greenville, and was 'admitted to the bar on the 21st of May, 1868. At once he engaged in practice, open- ing an office in Greenville, where he has since risen to a position as a leader of the bar. His success has been enviable, grati- fying and creditable. He is noted for the wide research and provident care with which he prepares his cases. In no instance has his reading ever been confined to the limita- tions of the questions at issue; it has gone beyond and compassed every contingency and provided not alone for the expected, but for the unexpected. His logical grasp 17 of facts and principles and of the law ap- plicable to them has been another potent ele- ment in his success. Mr. Anderson has always been a close and discriminating student of political ques- tions, supporting his position by an intelli- gent understanding of the issues of the day, and yet for many years he refused all pro- motion in that line. In 1878, however, he made an effort to secure the nomination for congress. The convention met in Sidney, Ohio, and continued in constant session for three days and three nights, and Mr. An- derson was defeated for the nomination by only one-fourth of a vote. Again on the 7th of August, 1884, he was a candidate for nomination for congress in the Dayton dis- trict, which resulted in his securing the nom- ination on the first ballot. He was elected in the following October, and while in con- gress served upon the military committee and the committee of expenditures of the war department. He was also appointed by the speaker of the house of representatives one of the board of visitors at West Point, and served with the board ten days under that appointment. In January, 1884, Mr. Anderson was commissioned judge advocate general of Ohio, by Governor Hoadley, which position he held during the term of that chief execu- tive. During the time of the great riot in Cincinnati, by virtue of his office of briga- dier general, Mr. Anderson was on duty most of the time, being second in command of the Ohio troops. He received special com- plimentary notice from the governor for his splendid service on that occasion. In 1890 he was appointed by Governor James E. Camp- bell one of Ohio's commissioners at the World's Fair, and was chairman of the com- mittee on entertainment at the Ohio building. 288 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. having charge of that service throughout the continuance of the Fair. In 1894 he was cho- sen by a joint resolution of the two branches of congress as one of the board of managers for the National Home for Disabled Volun- teer Soldiers, which office he filled for six years, with such credit as to secure a reap- pointment by coiagress, by a unanimous vote of both its branches, in April, 1900. His investments have always been in real estate. In this way he has not only ad- vanced his individual prosperity, but has done more to improve and upbuild the city than any other one man, having erected, up to this time, more business houses than any other resident of Greenville. He with- holds his support from no movement or measure which he believes will prove of public benefit, but heartily co-operates in all that he believes will secure advancement along material, social, intellectual or moral lines. Of many fraternal organizations Mr. Anderson is a valued representative. He was a charter member of the Improved Or- der of Red Men, also the Knights of Pythias fraternity, and the Masonic order, in which he has taken all the degrees of the York and the Scottish rites, with the exception of the thirty-third. He also takes an active part in the Grand Army post at Greenville. He is an officer and the largest stockholder i.i the Greenville Law Library. He has a fine private library of over two thousand volumes, containing many rare and choice works, including the celebrated writings of the most noted authors. With the contents of the library Mr. Anderson is widely fa- miliar. He possesses a very retentive memory and "is particularly well versed in history. He has traveled extensively in European countries and is a man of partic- ularly fine descriptive powers and a most entertaining talker, as well as an instructive lecturer. His acquaintance is very extended, embracing many men of prominence in all parts of the country, and wherever known he is highly esteemed for his social qualities, his intellectual activity, his professional qualifications and his upright character. On the 7th of June, 1870, was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Anderson and Miss Ella Hart, the only daughter of Moses Hart, a builder and contractor of this city. Their marriage has been blessed with two sons. The elder, William H., is a graduate of the West Point Military Academy, and Robert T., the younger, is now a student at law. Mr. Anderson and his family are widely and favorably known in this county. His life has been a success. His entire career is illustrative of the fact that certain ac- tions are followed by certain results. As a lawyer he has few peers in this section of the state; as a soldier he displayed bravery and true patriotism ; as a public official his actions have been above reproach or criti- cism; and as a citizen he is an illustration of our highest type of American manhood. GEORGE EMRICK. George Emrick is an octogenarian, and through the long years he has ever lived so to command the respect and confidence of his fellow men. He has put aside business cares and is now enjoying a well merited rest, while from those who know him he receives the veneration and respect which should ever be accorded one who has traveled thus far on life's journey. His home is on sec- tion 34, Butler township, Darke county, and he is numbered among the native sons of GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 289 Montgomery county, Ohio, his birth having occurred in Germantown, on the 25th of November, 1818, and he is a son of Conrad Emrick, who was born in Bucks county, Pennsylvania, in 1786. At an early period, in the development of Ohio he came to this slate, establishing his home here in 18 10. The journey was made in the usual emi- grant style, the destination being reached after five weeks of travel. The parents of our subject were in limited circumstances and never owned a farm, but had a little home in Germantown, where the father en- gaged in blacksmithing. He married Eliza- beth Fie, of Schuylkill county, Pennsylvania, and they became the parents of ten children, two of whom were born in Pennsylvania, while eight were natives of Ohio. The fa- ther died in Germantown, in 1828, at the age of forty-two years and was survived by his widow for twenty-two years, her death occurring in 1842, when she had at- tained the age of sixty-two. Mr. Emrick, of this review, learned the blacksmith's trade under the direction of his elder brother, Daniel, who died about 1874, at the age of sixty-six years. He was sur- vived by his second wife and ten children. Our subject received very limited school privileges, but experience in the practical af- fairs of life has added greatly to his knowl- edge and made him a well informed man. He was married in his twenty-third year to Frances Arnold, of Montgomery county, where her birth occurred and their marriage was celebrated. Fourteen children blessed their union, of whom nine sons and three daughters reached mature years : Josiah, who reared two of his three children ; Cy- rus, who had ten children; Levi, who died at the age of seventeen years ; Barbara, who had six children; Uriah, who had eight chil- dren; Matilda, whose family numbered three children; Benjamin, who was the fa- ther of six children ; George, who had a family of four children : Solomon, who had one child, and Lizzie, who had two children. The mother died in 1885, at the age of sixty- four years, and fifteen months later Air. Emrick was again married, his second union being with Mrs. Coy, who was a widow and by her first marriage had seven children, as follows: William, a farmer of Preble coun- ty; Edward, who is living in Indiana and has one daughter ; Amila Bechtol, who has five children; Levi, of Cleveland, Ohio; Frederick and Ira, who are enterprising young men and manage the Emrick farm, making a specialty of tobacco ; and Emma Williams, who has one daughter. The farm which Mr. Emrick owns and occupies comprises one hundred and sixty acres of land, upon which he has made his home since 1865. He bought this property for nine thousand dollars, but at that time was enabled only to make a partial payment on it. He has carried on general farming, making a specialty of the raising of wheat and has harvested as high as fourteen hun- dred bushels in a season, for which crop he received one dollar and five cents per bushel. He has sold wheat as high as three dollars per bushel. In all his farming operations he has manifested a practical, progressive and enterprising spirit and has worked his way steadily upward, becoming the posses- sor of a handsome competence, which now enables him to live retired. In all his deal- ings he has been straightforward and hon- orable, enjoying the respect and confidence of his fellow men in an unusual degree. Duringf his Ions' residence in the county he has become widely known and his circle of friends is extensive. 290 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. PHILIP KESTER. One of the most progressive and success- ful agriculturists of Greenville township, Darke county, is Philip Kester, who owns a valuable farm of one hundred and thir- teen acres pleasantly located a mile and a half west of the city of Greenville. His method of farm management show deep scientific knowledge combined with sound, practical judgment, and the results show that "high-class" farming as an occupation can be made quite profitable. A native of Darke county, Mr. Kester was born near Hill Grove, in Washington township, September I, 1844. and is a son of Christian and Catherine (Burgin) Kester, who were born in Germany, but became ac- quainted after their emigration to America and were married in this county, the cere- mony being performed by Judge Armstrong, in 1838. The father was left an orphan at an early age and had to depend upon his own efforts to secure a livelihood. During his boyhood he came to the United States and first located in Baltimore, Maryland, where he found employment for a time at railroad building. From that city he came to Darke county, Ohio, in October, 1838, and purchased a farm of forty acres in Washington township, only ten acres of which had been cleared, while a small cabin had been partially erected on the place. Here he and his wife began housekeepings and it continued to be their home for forty- five years, during which time they were reasonably prosperous, accumulating a hand- some competence by years of incessant toil. The father was a man of exceptional char- acter, fully enjoyed life, and was highly re- spected by all who knew him. He took an active interest in educational affairs, and was officially connected with the schools of his district. In politics he was a Republi- can. Both he and his wife held membership in the Reformed church, though she was reared a Lutheran. He died February 2, 1882, aged seventy-five years, and she passed away December 13, 1886, aged sixty-six years. In their family were eight children, namely : Catherine, who is now the wife of George Wise, of Darke; Philip, our subject, the next in order of birth; Louisa, who is the wife of W. H. H. Martin, of Darke; Susanna, who is the wife of Eli Cook ; La- vina, who is the wife of S. S. Staudt ; ami Millie, the wife of Edward Oliver: all these are residents of Darke county; and Lewis and Henry. Lewis enlisted August 11, 1862, in Company K. Ninety- fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and was in active ser- vice until taken prisoner at Lexington, Ken- tucky, September 1, 1862, by General. Kirby Smith's forces. He was soon paroled and sent home, and after being exchanged re- joined his regiment at Christmas, 1862, but in April of the following year he was taken il! with measles and died in a hospital at Mufreesboro, Tennessee, May 10, 1863, at about the age of twenty-one years. Henry died in i860, at the age of six years. Philip Kester's educational advantages were such as the common schools of Wash- ington township afforded during his boy- hood. He remained under the parental roof until twenty-three years of age, and then be- gan life for himself as a farmer, purchas- ing forty-eight acres of land north of Green- ville in Greenville township, which he op- erated four years. On selling that place he bought eighty acres of land in Washing- ton township, where he carried on farming for seven years, and when he disposed of that property he moved to Greenville, where he GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 291 lived four years. In 1887 he located upon his present farm in Greenville township, to the cultivation and further improvement of which he has since devoted his energies with most gratifying results. In 1871 Air. Kester married Miss Fannie E. Keefawver, daughter of George and Keziah (Rahn) Keefawver, and by this union were born three children : Lewis Ulys- ses, Elmer E. and Rolla G. The second son, Elmer E., married Effie Finard and has one child, Esther, anil they reside in Jackson township, this county. Politically, Mr. Kester is a Republican, and he gives his support to every enterprise which he believes will prove of public bene- fit, being one of the most progressive and public-spirited citizens of his community. In the summer of 1900 he made a trip to Europe, visiting all the principal cities and points of interest, including the Paris Ex- position. HARRISON COBLENTZ. One of the native sons of Butler town- ship. Mr. Coblentz is still residing within its borders, his home being on section 21. where he is actively engaged in agricult- ural pursuits. He was born June 2, 1840. and is a representative of an old Maryland family. His grandfather, George Coblentz, was a farmer of that state and became one of the early settlers of Montgomery county, Ohio, where he took up his abode in 1829. He married Catherine Hemp, and they have fourteen children, of whom five sons and seven daughters reached mature years, while three are yet living. The grandfather died about a year previous to the death of his wife. They had both reached the prime of life when called to the home bevond and their remains were interred in the German- town cemetery. George Coblentz, the father of our subject, was born in Frederick county, Maryland, in November, 181 2. and married Eve Foutz, whose birth occurred in Mont- gomery county. Ohio, in December, 18 13. She was a daughter of Frederick Foutz. The 'marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Coblentz oc- curred in March, 1834, and for two years they resided near Germantown, Ohio, but in 1836 came to Butler township, Darke county, locating on eighty acres of timber land. After a year, however, they removed to another farm of fifty-five acres, on which some improvements had been made, and at other times the father added to his posses- sions until he was at one time the possessor of six hundred acres of choice land. His success was very creditable, as it came to him in return for his earnest toil, guided by sound judgment. In his family were ten chil- dren, of whom three sons and six daughters reached mature years, and one son and five daughters still living. The mother died in February, 1882, at the age of sixty-eight years, and the father passed away in May, 1896, in his eighty-second year. Harrison Coblentz, of this review, was reared to farm life, early becoming familiar with the labors of field and meadow. He was thus engaged through the summer months and in the winter season pursued his studies in the district schools. The fa- ther gave to each of his children a farm and Mr. Coblentz thus secured eighty acres of land, valued at two thousand dollars. He was married, September 18. i860, to Caro- line Hittle. of Butler township, who was born in 1843, a daughter of Nicholas and Elizabeth (Frishman) Hittle. The mother was twice married, her first husband having been a Mr. Smith. Four children have 292 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. been born to Mr. Coblentz, as follows : John C, who resides in New Madison and has two sons and a daughter; Elizabeth, who is the wife of A. H. Judy, and has three chil- dren; Kate, the wife of C. C. Brawley, of New Madison, by whom she has three chil- dren ; and Frank, a farmer, residing on land adjoining our subject's home. He married Delia Crawford. Mr. Coblentz was formerly the owner of three hundred and fifty acres of valuable land, and now has one hundred and two acres, which yields to him a golden tribute in return for the care and labor he bestows upon them. He has carried on general farming on an extensive scale and has also engaged very largely in the purchase and shipment of live stock for many years. He has made the most money through dealing in corn and hogs. In i860 he moved on the farm he now occupies. He enlarged his home in 1875. making it a very attractive country residence. His business affairs have been care full}- directed and his efforts have been crowned with a greatly merited degree of success. In politics he is a Demo- crat and for twenty years served as the township treasurer — a fact which well in- dictates his fidelity toduty and the confidence reposed in him by his fellow townsmen. He was also a justice of the peace for six years and has been a member of the board of education for fifteen years. He, his wife and some of their children are members of the United Brethren church, and the family is one of prominence and influence in the community. Mr. Coblentz inherited a strong consti- tution, and his strength and endurance have been very great, but during the past three years his health has failed him and he leaves the active care of his farm to others, simply giving it his supervision. His wife is a highly cultivated lady, hospitable and kind- ]v and generous, and few. if any, residents of Butler township are more generally or more highly esteemed than the subject of this review and his wife. They are broad- minded people, generous and benevolent, and their many estimable characteristics have gained for them the warm friendship of manv. DANIEL BURNS. Daniel Burns is a member of the manu- facturing firm of Daniel Burns & Company, of Rossville, and is a progressive, wide- awake business man, whose efforts have con- tributed in a large measure to the upbuilding and progress of the community with which he is connected. Mr. Burns was born in Mercer county, Pennsylvania, August 26, 1846, and is of Scotch lineage on his fa- ther's side, his grandparents having come from Scotland to America. He was a farmer by occupation and reared a family of two sons, one of whom, C. Burns, died soon after the death of our subject's father. The latter, Thomas Burns, was also a native of Mercer county, Pennsylvania, and was living there when called to his final rest, in 18^0. His wife bore the maiden name of Sarah Fry. and was burn in Pennsylvania, in 18 1 7. She came of old "Pennsylvania- Dutch" stock. She is still living, at the ad- vanced age of eighty-three years, and makes her home with her children. She was mar- ried in 1835 and for a half century has been a willow. Her family numbered five sons and two daughters, but she lost her young- est son, James, who died at the age of two years. The other children reached adult age. Lewis, the eldest, was a farmer, born GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 293 in 1840, and died in Crawford county, Penn- sylvania, in 1869, leaving a son and a daughter. Catherine became the wife of Alvah Long, in Erie county, Pennsyl- vania, and died leaving one son. Abi- gail is a resident of Jamestown, Pennsyl- vania. Daniel is the next of the family. Curtis was born in 1848 and IS now a farmer in Ashtabula county, Ohio, and has five children, three sons and two daughters. Thomas died at the age of twenty-two years. In taking up the personal history of Daniel Burns we present to our readers the life record of one who is widely and favor- ably known in Darke count}'. He was reared to farm life amidst the forest. His father was celebrated as a woodsman and cleared several farms, one of which he owned at the time of his death. His widow, however, was left with seven children the eldest being but twelve years of age and the youngest a babe. She carefully reared them, instil- ling into their minds lessons of industry, honesty and perseverance. She gave them the best educational advantages she could afford and her daughter, Catherine, became a school teacher. Daniel Burns pursued his education through the winter months, be- tween the ages of twelve and eighteen years, but in the summer time his services were needed on the farm and he worked in the fields from early morning until late at night. Be remained with his mother until he was twenty-six vears of age, and during that time followed the carpenter's trade to a consider- able extent. When a young man of nineteen he began making staves, which he split by hand. He purchased timber on the stump and prepared it entirely alone. Possessed of considerable mechanical ingenuity he did his work well and his patronage steadilv increased. The first mill which he owned was located in Warren county Pennsylvania. He became interested in the enterprise in icX8_\ as a member of the firm of Clark, Allen & Com- pany. In April, 1885, the business was established in Rossville under the firm name of Daniel Burns & Company, the firm own- ing the mill at this place and one at Cold- water until 1893, when the latter was sold out. The business has been a success and is constantly growing, its sales amounting annually to from twenty-five to forty thou- sand dollars. Employment is furnished to about fifteen workmen in the mill at lv iss- ville, and the carefully conducted enterprise has secured to its owners a good financial re- turn. They manufacture tight barrels, wagon spokes and other cooperage manu- factures. He is also engaged in the grain business, embarking in this line in 1894. He owns an elevator, of which his son-in- law has charge, and his business in this di- rection is extensive and constantly increas- ing. Some days he takes in as high as two thousand bushels of grain, embracing ci >rn, wheat and oats. In April, 1872, occurred the marriage of Mr. Burns and Miss Mary C. Covey, who was born in Allegany county, New York, in 1855, a daughter of Wilson and Lydia ( Sissem) Covey, both of whom were natives of the Empire state and are now deceased. They were the parents of five children, of whom three are now living, namely: Mrs. Burns; William, a resident of Michigan; and Mrs. Elizabeth Tappan, also of the Wolverine state. Their mother died at the age of thirty-two years, and by the second mar- riage the father had two children: Arietta, the wife of Dayton Johnson, and Frank, who is living in Michigan. Mrs. Burns and the other children of the first marriage were 294 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. born in New York, and she became the mother of three daughters and one son. Sarah Lottie, the eldest, was formerly a school teacher and is now the wife of Charles Haber, of Rossville, by whom she has one son. Nellie Abigail possesses con- siderable musical talent. The remaining are Olive May and Lewis Edmund. Air. Burns is a Master Mason and for the past twenty-seven years he has been a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. I lis political support is unswerv- ingly given to the Democracy and through the past six years he has served as township treasurer and as a member of the city coun- cil, discharging his duties in a most ac- ceptable manner. His wife holds member- ship in the United Brethren church and he has contributed to the building fund for the erection of two churches and two parsonages in Rossville. As a citizen he is public spirited, and his co-operation is withheld from no movement or measure that he be- lieves calculated to prove of bublic benefit. In business he is most energetic, carefully forms his plans and is determined in their execution, and his capable management and sound judgment have brought to him a creditable and desirable property. WILLIAM REQUARTH. Prominent among the leading farmers of Darke county, Ohio, is found the subject of this sketch, William Requarth, who re- sides on his farm on section 29. Greenville township. Mr. Requarth was born in Hesse. Ger- many, in the village of Exten, September 22, 1833, a son of John Henry and Catherine (Rochmeier) Requarth. natives of north- ern Germany. There is a legend that the Requarths are of French origin, but so far back as the family history can be traced, which is for many generations, they were residents of Germany. Both the father and grandfather of William Requarth were named John Henry. The younger John Henry Requarth was born January 9, 1796; grew to manhood on his father's farm in Germany and was married in his native land, living there until 1847. In 1847, with his eight children, he emigrated to America, his wife having died in 1842. Their voyage across the Atlantic was made in a small sailing vessel, the Anne, and occupied nine weeks, during which time there was much suffering on account of the heat, as the ves- sel drifted into the tropics. Landing in safety in New York, January S. 1848, Mr. Requarth and his family im- mediately set out for Dayton, Ohio, their objective point, traveling across the moun- tains of Pennsylvania by stage, via Phila- delphia and Pittsburg, and arriving at their destination that same month. The follow- ing March he bought one hundred and sixtv- nine acres of land in Clay township, Mont- gomery county, and into the cabin already erected thereon he moved his family. On that farm he was engaged in agricultural pursuits the rest of his life and there he died, January 2j, 1880, at the age of eighty- four years and eighteen days. He married his second wife in Dayton a few days after their arrival at that place. The second Mrs. Requarth was a Miss Fredericka Stock, a native of Hesse, who accompanied the Re- quarths and other families from Germany to this country. She died in 1899. Mr. Requarth's children by his first wife were named as follows : Gustena, Charlotte, Henry, Mena, William, August. Mollie and Frederick. Bv his second wife he had seven GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 295 children, one of whom died in infancy, the others being, Charles, Caroline, Henry, Sophia, John and Harmon. The senior Mr. Requarth was a man who possessed the sterling characteristics of the successful pioneer. He brought witli him to this country about eighteen hundred dol- lars in cash, and with this for a foundation he accumulated considerable property and at the same time provided for a large family. A member of the Lutheran church, he was an earnest Christian man and made it the aim of his life to follow the Golden Rule. When a young man in the old country he served for a time in the army, but was re- leased from further service on account of his being the only son of his parents. In this country he affiliated with the Democratic party. Having thus briefly referred to the life history of his worthy father, we turn now to a personal mention of the son, "William Re- quarth. At the time the Requarth family emi- grated to America, as above stated, William Requarth was fourteen years old, their de- parture from Germany being made on his birthday. He had attended school from the time he was six years until he was four- teen, according to the custom in Germany, ami had acquired a practical education in his native language. His confirmation took place at St. John's Lutheran church, Dayti >n. Ohio, under Pastor A. Hordorf, soon after their arrival in this state. He attended school in Montgomery county, where he quickly acquired the English language, and he was soon able to adapt himself to the conditions in this country. He remained on the farm with his father until reaching the age of twenty-three years. Then he went to Dayton and entered the em- ploy of Henry Kimes, a plow manufacturer, with whom he remained eleven months. At the end of this time he bought an ax and started out on his own account as a wood- chopper, in Greene county, Ohio. Subse- quently he engaged with Daniel Beckel, of Dayton, as a hostler, and was with him eight months in that capacity, after which he farmed on one of Mr. Beckel's farms. While thus occupied he was married, in Dayton, May 5, 1859, to Miss Wilhemena Ostermier, of Greenville, but who was a native of the same place where he was born, she being a daughter of August and Carolina Ostermier, who came to Darke county in 1854. Mr. Requarth remained on the Eeckel farm four years, until Mr. Beckel's death, after which he rented an adjoining farm, known as the Abraham Nichols place. He had saved up a little money meantime, which he invested in stock and farming im- plements, and on this latter farm he lived three years. In 1864 he bought one hundred and six- ty-three acres of the farm on which he now lives, which was then uncleared and mostly under water, and was known as the "wet quarter." For this land he paid twenty-six dollars an acre. His purchase was made in the fall. The following spring he settled on his land, in a small cabin built of logs and containing only one room. Also on the place was a log stable. The work of drain- ing and improving- this farm was no small undertaking, and few would have under- taken it. Mr. Requarth. however, set to work with a will. Through rain or shine, heat or cold, he could be found at his task, and he seemed never to tire. People often remarked that " Requarth was working himself to death." He cut down the forest and hauled his cord-wood to market, receiv- 296 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. ing three dollars per cord for soft wood and four dollars for hard wood, this for some time being his only source of income. Soon he got a piece of land cleared and a crop planted, which he increased each year. He spent much time and means in ditching and draining his land, and was the first man in this locality to plan and carry out a sys- tem of drainage. For a time his neighbors were not in sympathy with his plans. Fin- ally, however,' he secured the co-operation of the township trustees and the matter of drainage was made a public enterprise. In 1866 Mr. Requarth sold forty acres of his land, receiving thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents an acre. He made his home in the original log cabin already referred to until 1879. when he built his present brick resi- dence, a handsome two-story house, with an L, attractive and home-like and giving every evidence of comfort and refinement. He also from time to time erected other buildings, his barn in 1870, tobacco sheds in 187 J. In 1881 Mr. Requarth was bereaved by the death of his devoted wife, her death oc- curing on the 9th of January. For more than twenty years she had shared the joys and toils of life with him, doing nobly her part toward the making of their new home. She bore him ten children, eight of whom reached adult age, and of that number seven are now living, namely: Henry William, who died August 21, 1897; Henry F. A.; John II . F. ; Henry F. ; Louisa W. ; Wilhemena J. C ;. Caroline W. C. ; Mollie A. ; Carl H. W., who died December 17, 1880, at the age of six years, and Frederick W. A., who died Janu- ary 22, 1878 ,at the age of ten months. The members of the family now living are all well to do financially. Three are in Springfield, Illinois, — John H. F., Henry F. and Louisa W., wife of Henry Miller. Wilhemena is now Mrs. Mohr and resides in Lima, Ohio. Mollie A. makes her home with her sister in Lima. Henry F. A. and Caroline reside in Greenville, the former engaged in the gro- cery business; the latter is the wife of James Moore. January 20, 1882, Mr. Requarth married Mrs. Wilhemena Koester, whom he has known from girlhood. By her first husband, Ferdinand F. Koester, she had four chil- dren, all of whom are living: William, of Springfield, Illinois; Sophia, now Mrs. Charles Friark, also of Springfield, Illinois; Mena. the wife of Henry, the second son of Mr. Requarth, Greenville. Ohio; and Charlotte, the wife of Frank Stauffer. of Darke county. By her marriage to Mr. Requarth she also has four children, namely: Frederick H., Catherine A., Carl H. F. and Maria R. C. Mr. Requarth has long been known as one of the most enterprising men of the county. Whatever he has taken hold of he has pushed with vim and energy. He is progressive in every line of thought and ac- tion ; and that he is appreciated by his fellow citizens is evidenced by the fact that they have frequently called him to places of re- sponsibility. In this connection it may be mentioned that he has held the office of town- ship trustee five terms, and he has been a school director a number of years. He was the nominee of the Democrats of his county for the office of county commissioner in 1887, but was defeated through party de- fections arising from strife between warring factions in the party, the majority against him, however, being less than any other man on the ticket. He is one of the directors of the Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Com- pany of Darke county. For years he has been active in church and Sundav-school GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 297 work, having been prominently identified with St. John's Lutheran church since 1865, all this time serving in some official ca- pacity, at present being a trustee and the treasurer. For many years he was secretary of the Sunday school, recently having re- linquished this work on account of failing eyesight and loss of hearing. He is, how- ever, a well preserved man. He is five feet seven inches in height, weighs one hundred and thirty-five pounds, stands perfectly erect and possesses, so far as the eye can see, all the vitality of men in middle life. JOHN F. SPENCER. Upon a farm on section 16, Harrison township, John Francis Spencer resides. He is numbered among the native sons of the Barnhart farm February 6, 183 1. His father was Anderson Spencer, who was born in Greene county, Ohio, January 29. 1806, Ins parents being Francis and Sarah Spen- cer. The grandfather was born in England, about 1778, and died in Harrison township, Darke county, in 1870, at the age of ninety- two years. His wife prior to her marriage bore the family name of Spencer and was a distant relative of her husband. Both lived to an advanced age and when called to the home beyond their remains were interred, on a farm in this township, where they settled at an early pioneer day. The}' had ten chil- dren, namely: Anderson; Ludlow: William; Clark; Jackson; Mark; Elizabeth, the wife of Henry Watson; Delilah; Eliza Ann, who became the wife of David Polly and resides in Indiana, and Sarah, who is a widow liv- ing in Iowa. Anderson Spencer was reared to man- hood in the Buckeye state and married Emily Hi]], of Harrison township, Darke county, a sister of Milton Hill. Their marriage took place in 1830 and was blessed with the following children : John Francis ; Hugh, who died at the age of sixteen years; Saul, who resides in Rock Island county, Illinois; Sarah Keziah, the wife of William Alex- ander, of Harrison township: William, who served in the civil war and died soon after his return home : Lemuel of La Platte, Mis- souri ; Anderson, who died in middle life; and George W., a manufacturer of Ander- son. Indiana; and there were also two chil- dren who died in infancy. The mother of this family passed away in 1880. at the age of seventy-three years, and the father's death occurred in 1892, at the age of eighty-six years. His life was one of industry and honest toil and he was actively connected with business affairs until well advanced in years. He held a number of township of- fices, including that of township clerk. He possessed more than ordinary ability and had considerable mechanical genius. Mr. Spencer began work when very young, being employed in the fields when he was so small that he could scarcely reach the plow handles. His educational privileges were very limited, but he pursued his studies as opportunity offered in a log school house adorned with a mud and stick chimney. Through the greater part of his youth he re- mained at home and in 1855 he went to Kansas. He was married on the 26th of February, 1857. to Miss Alar}', a daughter of Lewis and Elizabeth (Brower) Ouker- man. the former a native of Preble county, Ohio, and the latter of Virginia. Her par- ents were farming people, who reared thir- teen children, seven sons and six daughters, Mrs. Spencer being the second in order of birth. The father died at the a ■ of fifty- 298 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. two years and the mother when eighty-three years of age. their remains being interred in the Palestine cemetery. Mrs. Spencer was born in Palestine, in 1832, and by her marriage has become the mother of eight children, as follows: Lewis, who is living in Anderson, Indiana; Laura Alice, the wife of Calvin Young, of Washington township, by whom she has two children and three children by her former marriage to David O. Baker, who died in February. 1887; Oliver, of Indiana, who has one son and one daughter; Minerva Jane, wife of Robert Simpson by whom she has one son ; Settie Ann. who married Newton Clapp. and has one son; Minnie, who was born and died in 1 87 1 ; Charles, who married Miss Effie White and operates the home farm ; and Phenie Elizabeth, who died at the age of six years. Mr. Spencer located upon his present farm of eighty acres in 1867 and has led a busy, useful and active life, but is now living retired. He has relegated to others the care of his land and is enjoying a rest which he has truly earned and abundantly deserves. He holds membership in Snodgrass Post, G. A. R., of Xew Madi- son, is a stanch Republican in politics and has served as school director. Both Mr. and Mrs. Spencer are members of the Univer- salist church and are people whose well spent lives make them worthy of the veneration and esteem which should ever be accorded to those who have accomplished the greater part of life's pilgrimage. ALBERT HARTER. Albert Harter is the senior member of the firm of Harter & Coblentz, dealers in farm machinery, buggies, etc., and also lead- ing shippers of stock of Xew Madison. Mr. Harter is but a recent acquisition to the goodly array of progressive business men of this thriving town, but his ability, enter- prise and upright methods have already established for him an enviable reputation. He was born in Butler township, this county, October 5, 1857, and is a son of Lewis Harter, a farmer of that township, who was born near Xew Madison about 1825, and is a son of Samuel Harter, a na- tive of Pennsylvania. Our subject was reared on his father's farm near Savona. and was given a liberal common-school educa- tion. He remained at home until he was married, April 19, 1879, to Samantha B. Crawford, of Butler township, a daughter of A. J. and Catherine (Lewis) Crawford, now residents of Greenville township. Of the seven children born of this union, the first and third, both daughters, died in in- fancy, and the second, Earl, also died in in- fancy. Ivy May died July 20, 1896, when nearly sixteen years of age. being taken in the bloom of youth. She was a most prom- ising young lady, of lovely character and be- loved by all who knew her. Erta D. has finished school and is now at home. Edna May and Virgil, aged respectively twelve and eleven years, are still in school and are very bright and studious. In July, 1899, Mr. Harter purchased a farm of eighty acres just outside the cor- poration limits of X T ew Madison, and he lo- cated thereon in the spring of 1900. He embarked in his present business on the 19th of January, 1899, and has already suc- ceeded in building up a good trade. The firm deals in all kinds of agricultural im- plements, carriages, etc., and ships cattle, sheep and hogs to different markets, averag- ing about seventy-five carloads per year. GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 299 Thev are wide-awake, progressive business men of known reliability, and have the con- fidence and respect of their fellow citizens in a marked degree. BARTON W. LONG. Among the representative farmers of Darke county distinctive recognition must needs be given to Mr. Long, whose fine homestead is located on section 16, Harrison township, his postoffice address being New Madison. Barton Webster Long was born in Hamilton county, Ohio, six miles distant from the city of Cincinnati, August 21, 1862. His father, Joseph Long, was a native of bonnie Scotland, where he was born in the year 1830, coming of stanch old Scotch- Irish stock. The latter's father was James Christopher Long, who emigrated from Scotland to the United States about the year 1840, sending for his family to join him about two years later. After a few years' residence in the east the family came to Cincinnati, where he did effective service as a clergyman of the Methodist church. He was a victim of the memorable epidemic of cholera in 1849, his wife and one son also succumbing to the dread disease within twenty-four hours. The father of our sub- ject fled from the plague-stricken city, going to Bartholomew county, Indiana, where he remained for some time. He was married in the year 1855, at the age of twenty-five years to Nancy Jessup, who was born near Cincinnati, in 183 1, the daughter of Daniel and Nancy (Stewart) Jessup, the former of whom emigrated to Ohio from New Jer- sey in the early pioneer days, being an in- spector of the Indians, many of whom were installed upon the reservation here. He was of a studious nature and through his own ef- forts acquired a good education for his day. The parents of Mr. Long owned a small farm near Cincinnati, and to brighten the little home there came to them six children, name- ly: Virginia, who died in infancy: Zendora, who is unmarried and who resides at the home of her brother; Barton \Y.. the im- mediate subject of this review ; Madallia, who is the wife of the Rev. T. J. Halstead, an itinerant clergyman of the United Breth- ren church; Genevra, wife of J. W. Miller, cf Newcastle, Indiana; and Douglass E., who died at the age of six months. The mother of our subject died in May, 1884, the father surviving her four years, and their mortal remains were laid to rest in Otter- bein cemetery, Butler township, this count}-. Barton W. Long received excellent edu- cational advantages and prepared himself for pedagogic work, having pursued his studies in New Madison and in the New Parison high school, after which he entered the normal school at Danville, Indiana, and thereafter supplemented his already thorough discipline bv a course in a commercial col- lege. Circumstances, however, led to his adopting the life of an agriculturist, and his success has been such as to leave him no re- gret that he chose this field of endeavor. The place which Mr. Long owns and culti- vates was secured by his father about twen- tv years before his death, the latter having been for many years an itinerant preacher, and the original place comprised one hun- dred and sixty acres. At his death the fa- ther left a good estate, including a life in- surance of six thousand dollars, and it be- came the duty of his son, Barton W., to finally assume the management of the prop- erty, which was somewhat encumbered. By careful management and well directed efforts lie eventually cleared the estate of indebted- 300 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. ness and put the farm into excellent condi- tion. In 1895 he sold one-half of the place, retaining his present farm of eighty acres, which is under a high state of cultivation, with permanent improvements of the best order, indicating the progressive spirit and wise methods brought to bear by Mr. Long. Though there are more pretentious homes to be found in the county, there is none which is more pleasant and attractive that that of our subject, for the home idea is evident and neatness and good taste characterize all the improvements that have been made. The buildings are most eligibly located on a natural building site, the knoll command- ing a fine view of the surrounding country and affording excellent drainage facilities. The residence grounds are rendered attract- ive by fine shade trees and shrubbery and an air of refinement and cultured taste per- vades the home, both in its exterior and in- terior appointments. Climbing about the porch at the rear of the house is a fine speci- men of the sweet-briar rose, the dainty blos- soms and fragrant leaves perfuming the house and bearing a perpetual tribute to the memory of the gentle mother of Mr. Long, v. In 1 with her own hands planted the shrub and trained it during many years. It is thus doubly dear to the family, being hallowed by the associations of the past and breathing the fragrance of the gentle life which it so happily typifies. On November 1, 1890, Mr. Long was united in marriage to Miss Dora M. Thomas, a native of this township and the daughter of J. V. Thomas, a well, known citizen of the county. Of this union one child was born, but did not long survive to brighten the home. Mr. Long's natural predilection is not for farming and though his success has been gratifying he feels that he has done his share in the line, and he contemplates turn- ing his attention to some commercial or me- chanical pursuit when favorable opportunity shall offer, and as he is in the vigor of his young manhood, is fortified with excellent education and has shown marked executive ability and business acumen, a continued success may be predicted for him in what- soever field he sees fit to turn his effort. He has carried on general farming, having made somewhat of a specialty of raising swine, and his place is one which is a credit to him and to the county. Mr. and Mrs. Long have a wide circle of acquaintances and are highly honored in the community. DAVID A. CLEAR. This well-known blacksmith of Green- ville township, is a native of Darke county, his birth occurring in German township, August 30, 1856. His father, David Clear, was born April 1, 1823, in German town- ship, but he now lives in Washington town- ship, this county, where he owns a good farm of sixty acres. He married Esther Ann Ross, born in German township, April 13, 1823, and both are now well advanced in life. They have five children, namely : Reuben ; Sophia, the wife of Abraham Haw- kins; Maggie, the wife of John Burch, who lives in Randolph county, Indiana, near the Ohio state line; David A. and Jeremiah S. With the exception of Maggie al.l make their home in Darke county. On the home farm David A. Clear grew to manhood receiving a common-school edu- cation and remaining with his parents until attaining his majority. At the age of twen- ty-two years he commenced learning the blacksmith's trade, serving an apprentice- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 301 ship of three and a half years with B. M. Bright and J. F. Lane, and mastering the trade in all its details during that time. Eighteen months of this time were spent in Coletown, Darke county, and in 1882 he em- barked in business at his present stand. He does a general blacksmithing business, and being a good mechanic and reliable man he has built up an excellent trade. September 26, 1880, Mr. Clear was united marriage with Miss Lila, a daughter of Mrs. Mary Ann Arnold, of Darke county, and to them have been born two children that are now living, Dessie and Frank, besides Bessie, deceased. For ten years Mr. and Mrs. Clear have been members of the Chris- tian church of Coletown, and take an active interest in religious work. In his political affairs he is a stanch Republican. He is a well informed man who keeps abreast of the times, and is highly respected and esteemed by all who know him. Fraternally he is a member of Greenville Lodge, K. of P. LARKIN G. TURNER. Prominent among those who have con- tributed to the agricultural advancement of this section of the Buckeye state is he whose name initiates this paragraph. He is now a valued resident of Hollandsburg, Har- rison township, Darke county, where he is living practically retired from the active duties which so long claimed his attention. Mr. Turner is a native of Wayne county, Indiana, where he was born July 19, 1831, his father, Jeptha Turner, having been the first white child born in Wayne county, the date of his nativity having been October 29, 1806. His father, John Turner, had the distinction of being the first sheriff of Wayne county. He was a native of Henry county, Kentucky, was born about the year 1785, and his death occurred in 1835. The latter married a Miss Holman, daughter of George Holman, who was one of the earliest settlers in Wayne county, Indiana, having located there in 1803. The mother of the immediate subject of this sketch bore the maiden name of Martha Gaar, and she was born in Wayne county, Indiana, on the 25th of September, 1810. Her marriage to Jep- tha Turner was solemnized January 14, 1830 and they became the parents of nine chil- dren, namely: Larkin Gaar, subject of this sketch; Levi P., a resident of Abington, Wayne county, Indiana; Abraham W., of Brazil, Clay county, Indiana, where he is a prominent merchant; Sarah Jane, wife of John Endsley, of the same county; Eliza Ann Turner, who still remains at the old home; Martin Van Buren, a resident of Lincoln, Nebraska; John Milton, of Brazil, Indiana; Martha Ellen, who died, unmar- ried, at the age of twenty-eight; and Jesse D., who remains upon the old homestead, which he operates successfully. Al.l of the married children are well established in life and have small families. The father died April 16, 1885, and his venerable widow sur- vived him until September 15, 1890, their remains being laid to rest in the cemetery at Elkhorn, Indiana. Larkin G. Turner, with whom this re- view has more specifically to do, remained on the old homestead until he had attained his majority, when he entered a machine shop at Connersville, Indiana, where he served a careful apprenticeship of four years, after which he farmed on rented land for a time, being successful in his efforts. In he made his first purchase of land, the same -comprising one hundred acres, located in Harrison township, which has ever since 802 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. been his home. He moved on to his farm within the succeeding year and there con- tinued to live and labor for the long term of eighteen years, when he removed to his present place, where his tenure has now con- tinued for twelve years, so that he is known and honored as one of the old representative farmers of this township, being held in the highest esteem for his integrity and ability. On the 15th of February, 1855, Mr. Turner was united in marriage to Miss Sarah Endsley, whose brother married a sister of our subject, as has already been noted. Mrs Turner was born March 3, 1835, and of her marriage four children have been born: Clara, wife of X. T. Irelan, of Hollansburg, is the mother of seven children; John Perry Turner, also of this township, is married and has one son and one daughter; Rose Emma, wife of Henry Wolfal, who operates the homestead farm of our subject, and has two daughters, and Charles F. Turner, who died at the age of two years. Fraternally Mr. Turner is a Master Mason, having been prominently identi- fied with this time honored order for the long period of thirty-five years, hav- ing been initiated into its mysteries July 21. 1865, an< i having served as master of Bethel Lodge, No. 250. F. & A. M., of Wayne county, Indiana, for two terms. In his political adherency he is a Democrat, and in 1859 was elected on that ticket a jus- tice of the peace of Abington township, 'Wayne county, Indiana, where he served two terms. After his removal to Darke county he was five times elected to this honorable office, in which he served with marked abil- ity and discretion, and in 1891 he was ac- corded the honor of being elected as a di- rector of the county infirmary, in which ca- pacity he served two terms. He has several times been called upon to preside over the destinies of Hollansburg, as president of its board of trustees, is at the present time the incumbent of that position and at this writing is just entering upon his third term as justice of the peace. Mr. and Mrs. Turner inherited the farm owned by her father. Her grandfather, John Endsley, came from North Carolina to Wayne county, Indiana, in 1805, the latter's father having been a native of Ireland. Our subject has a well denned genealogical record of his mother's family, the Gaar line, the same running back two hundred and seven- ty-five years. The family has been one of marked prominence in the history of Wayne county, Indiana, and in the annals of the nation, as is evident when the fact is recalled that the family had three representatives in the war of the Revolution ; fifteen in the war of 1812; sixteen in the Mexican war; while in the war of the Rebellion over one hun- dred members were enlisted in the Union armies and a practically equal number in the Confederate forces. JACOB HALDERMAN. For many years this gentleman has re- sided in Darke county and his name is in- separably connected with the agricultural and building interests of this region. Hi thoroughly American spirit and his great energy have enabled him to mount from a lowly position to one of affluence. One of his leading characteristics in business affairs is his fine sense of order and complete sys- tem and the habit of giving careful atten- tion to details, without which success in any undertaking is never assured. Mr. Halderman was born in Dayton, Ohio, October 25, 1835, and is a son of GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 303 John Halderman, a native of Pennsylvania, who settled in Dayton the year of our sub- ject's birth, and died there when his son was only three years old. At that tender age Mr. Halderman passed to the care of strang'ers and relatives, and when twelve years old went to Indiana, where he spent two years. At the end of that time he came to Darke county, Ohio, where he worked as a farm hand one year, and then served an apprenticeship to Reuben Heffner, a con- tractor, at the carpenter's trade, and re- mained with him as a journeyman after his apprenticeship was complete, being in his emplo\ r nine years. In the meantime he had attained man's estate, and at the end of that period commenced contracting and build- ing on his own account, at the same time carrying on farming on rented land. In 1861 he rented a farm of one hundred and twenty acres in Greenville township, which he subsequently purchased, and to which he has since added until he now has a valuable and well improved farm of two hundred and sixty acres. Upon his place he has erected commodious barns of the best construction, a fine residence, tobacco sheds, granaries, etc. His principal crops are wheat, corn and tobacco, and he also gives considerable attention to the raising of hogs. He is one of the most intelligent and successful farm- ers of the county. December 27, i860, Mr. Halderman was united in marriage with Miss Mary Baker, by whom he had seven children, but one died in infancy unnamed. The others are Lenta, the wife of S. E. Bishop, of Hamil- ton. Ohio; Alice, the wife of William Mc- Neil, of Columbus, this state; Ida Bird, the wife of \Y. J. Wagner, a farmer and school teacher of Darke county; Herschel V., a resident of El Paso, Texas ; Elnora, at 18 home ; and Pearl, the wife of William G. Bishop, of Greenville. The mother of these children died in 1875, aged thirty-six years. For his second wife Mr. Halderman mar- ried Miss Frances E. Helm, a native of Darke county and a daughter of Eli and Catherine (Zimmerman) Helm, and to them was born a son. Roll H. In Mr. Halderman we have a perfect illustration of a self-made man. Being left an orphan at the age of three years, he be- gan the battle of life much younger than most men, and his success has been phenom- enal, though of a steady, healthful growth. For twenty-eight years he has been con- nected with Greenville Lodge, I. O. O. F.. and is also a member of the En- campment and Patriarchs Militant. He has filled all the chairs in the subordinate lodge and encampment. He has also served as ensign and lieutenant in the Patriarchs Mil- itant. Politically he is a supporter of the Democratic party and has served as town- ship trustee and in other minor offices. To strangers he is always most cordial and enter- taining and is widely and favorably known throughout his adopted county. JOHN G. FRANK. On sections 17 and 18, Harrison town- ship, is located the fine farmstead of one hundred and twenty-six acres which is owned and cultivated by the gentleman whose name introduces this review, and we are pleased to give a resume of his career in this connection, for he stands forth as one of the leading German-American citizens of Darke county and as a representative of our best yeoman that has gained to this section its reputation as one of the most attractive 804 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. farming communities in the favored state, noted for its agricultural pre-eminence. John George Frank was born in Wur- temberg. Germany, the 26th of May, 1834, and when a young man of twenty, in 1854, emigrated to America for the purpose of trying his fortunes in the new world, where he felt better opportunities were offered to the energetic and industrious young men. He made the eventful voyage on a sailing vessel, and after leaving Bremen fifty-three days elapsed ere the boat dropped anchor in the port of New York. A stranger in a strange land. Mr. Frank at once set about making his way, being determined to suc- ceed, if success could be gained by honest and earnest endeavor. He stopped for a time on the Delaware river, fifteen miles north of Philadelphia, where he secured work as a farm hand at eight dollars per month. He had but a small amount of cash when he left home and fatherland, and when he reached America his financial reinforce- ment amounted to only ten dollars. After remaining in Pennsylvania for four and one-half months he came on to the west, being employed for about the same length of time in a wagon shop at Richmond, In- diana, after which he identified himself with the interests of Darke county, coming to Harrison township, hiring out by the month until the winter of 1857. On the 5th of December of that year Mr. Frank showed his confidence in himself and his ability to succeed by assuming a definite responsibil- ity, being then united in marriage to Miss Jemima Brown, who was born in this town- ship on the 17th of December, 1833, the daughter of Edward Brown, who is still liv- ing at the venerable age of ninety-two years, being one of the wealthy and honored farm- ers of the county. He was born in Penn- sylvania and his marriage to Miss Mary M. Blocher, who was born near York, that state, was solemnized in Harrison township, Darke county. Mrs. Brown died in Madison in 1888, at the age of seventy-eight years, hav- ing become the mother of three sons and six daughters, of whom the three sons are living and only one of the daughters, — Mrs. Frank, the estimable wife of our sub- ject. Her brothers are farmers in this town- ship and in contiguous sections of Indiana, and the venerable father now makes his home with his children, being cared for with the deepest filial solicitude and being now feeble and broken in health by reason of great age. Mr. and Mrs. Frank have become the parents of four sons and four daughters, of whom we offer the following brief rec- ord : Mary is the wife of Philip Rogers, a successful farmer of Washington town- ship, this county, and they have six children ; Sarah Jane is the wife of Newton Rogers and is the mother of seven children ; Fred- erick W. resides on the old homestead, which he operates for his father; he married Alice Miller and they have four sons and two daughters : Jonas A., who is a successful fruit grower, residing north of Greenville, this county, is married and has seven children ; Rebecca is the wife of Charles Albright and has one child; Charles Edward,' a meat dealer in Hollansburg, is married and has one daughter; John G. is a tenant fanner in an adjoining county in Indiana, and of his marriage two children were born, but both are deceased; Emma is the wife of Leonard Moore, who resides in this immediate vi- cinity, and they have one son ; and the other child of our subject and wife was a son who died at the age of seven months. In the year 1859 Mr. Frank purchased GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 805 fifty-two acres of land, the same being a portion of his present farm, and for this original tract he paid thirty dollars per acre, no permanent improvements having been made on the place, and the young man hav- ing to assume an indebtedness for a por- tion of the purchase price. He erected a small frame house, one story in height and 16x24 feet in dimensions, and also put up a log barn. The original house is now a part of his present attractive and com- modious residence and is occupied by his son. Improvements were made as rapidly as circumstances would permit, — he erected a small frame barn eventually, and in 1879 built his large and well equipped barn, 42X 52 feet in dimensions, and in 1885 the new- residence of two stories was erected. Mr. Frank has made three additions to the acreage of his farm since his original pur- chase, and he now has one hundred and twenty-six. acres under a fine state of culti- vation and devoted to mixed farming - . He makes it a point to rotate crops every three years, thus keeping up the vitality of the land. He also raises swine somewhat ex- tensively and keeps a dairy of from sixteen to twenty high-grade Jersey cows, all eligible for registration. He operates his own creamery, the products of which find ready demand in the direct family trade con- trolled in Richmond. Mr. and Mrs. Frank are members of the German Baptist church, in whose direct and collateral work they have an abiding inter- est, our subject being a deacon in the church. In politics he gives his support to the Dem- ocratic party, but he has invariably declined to accept official preferment. He and his wife continue to be actively concerned in the affairs of the homestead, though the opera- tion of the farm has been consigned to their son, who is a practical and capable young agriculturist and business man. They en- joy a marked popularity in the community and the high estimation in which they are held stands in unmistakable evidence of their sterling worth of character. The farm is one of the most attractive in this section and everything about the place gives indication of the care and attention bestowed. On the place Mr. Frank has a sorghum mill, which has brought a good revenue and has yielded much valuable fertilizing material. REUBEN BROYYX. Among the reliable and progressive citi- zens who have given their attention to the basic art of husbandry and have aided ma- terially in advancing the interests and sub- stantial development of Darke county is Reuben Brown, whose finely improved and well cultivated farm is located on section 20, Harrison township, his postoffice address be- ing Whitewater, Indiana. Mr. Brown was born on a farm one mile northeast of his present place, on the 20th day of May, 1840, his father being Edward Brown, who was born in the vicinity of Baltimore, Maryland, on the 28th of March, 1809. The latter's father, John Brown, was likewise a native of Maryland, whence he emigrated to Ohio as early as 18 17. He was twice married, his first union being with Mina Stochsiel, whom he wedded in the year 1802, and who bore him seven sons and one daughter. Her death occurred in February, 1834. Of the second marriage no children were born. Grandfather John Brown died at about the age of sixty years. He was an extensive land-owner in this section of Ohio, having entered a half-section here, and his first abiding place in the frontier wilds was a 306 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. sort of a tent, made by setting up a series of poles in conical shape and covering them with blankets. He finally erected a more substantial dwelling, of hewed logs, and also put up a large barn of the same character. He was a sturdy and energetic pioneer and cleared up his farm, making the large tract one of the most valuable in this section. Edward Brown, father of our subject, chose for his companion on life's journey Miss Mary Magdalene Blocher, who was burn in Pennsylvania, the daughter of Joseph Blocher, who was one of the early pioneers of Darke county. Edward and Mary M. Brown became the parents of nine children, of whom six lived to attain maturity, name- ly : Jemima, who is the wife of John G. Frank, to whom specific attention is di- rected on another page of this work; Mary, who became the wife of Andrew Wind- miller, was born in 1838 and died in 1884, leaving four sons and four daughters ; Reuben is the immediate subject of this sketch ; Jonas is an extensive farmer in Huntington county, Indiana; Frederick is engaged in agricultural pursuits in Wayne ci unity, Indiana ; and Malinda, the wife of Uriah Dowler, died in 1892, at the age of forty years, leaving three children. The mother of our subject entered into eternal rest October 10, 1878, but the father is still living, having attained the patriarchal age of ninety-two years, and having made his home with his children since 1892. Reuben Brown became inured to the duties of the farm at a very early age, and his educational advantages were of limited scope, but the fundamental training which he received in the primitive schools has been most effectively supplemented by that valuable learning which is the result of per- sonal application and participation in the practical activities of life. He remained on the old homestead until he had attained his majority, when he assumed connubial re- sponsibilities, being united in marriage on the 25th of April, 1861, to Miss Esther Bausman, who was born in Miami county, Ohio, the daughter of John and Esther (Weneich) Bailsman, who became the par- ents of four sons and five daughters, all of whom are living except one daughter, a brief record concerning them being here in- corporated: David, a resident of Harper county, Kansas, has eight children; Thom- as, of Wabash county, Indiana, has twelve children ; Eli, a resident of Henry county, Missouri, has five children; Daniel, a pros- perous farmer of Neave township, Darke county, has two children; Harriet, widow of Solomon Bollinger, is a resident of Wa- bash county, Indiana, and has two children : Esther, who is the wife of Mr. Brown, of this review ; Fannie, wife of Jacob Root, died in Kansas, leaving no issue ; Susanna, the wife of William Fry, has one son; and Elizabeth, wife of Elias Rogers, has four children. Mr. and Mrs. Brown lost one son ami one daughter in infancy, and of the chil- dren who attained maturity we make more detailed mention, as follows: Frances I., wife of Jacob Hollinger, has two children; Harriet Rebecca is the wife of John Hol- linger, and has five children; Lydia is the wife of Thomas Jordan; Amanda Victoria is at the parental home ; Elva L. is at home ;, John Edward, who is now a student at Dayton, Ohio, is a successful teacher; Eli Roscoe died September 27, 1889, at the age of fifteen years; Jennie Leola, Cyrus Oscar, Alpheus,, Efne Melinda and Esther Magdalene are at home. In national affairs Mr. Brown gives his GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. C07 support to the Democratic party, but in local elections he supports the man whom he considers most eligible for office, being liberal in his views. He served one term as road supervisor, but has no desire for offi- cial preferment. He farms upon an ex- tensive scale, and brings to bear a practical knowledge and a wise discrimination which have conserved his success in this import- ant field of endeavor. He owns two farms, having an aggregate area of two hundred and five acres, and by the careful rotation of crops he keeps his land in excellent pro- ductive condition, giving also considerable attention to the raising of a high grade of live stock. He has an annual product of from two to three thousand bushels of corn and ten to twelve hundred of wheat. From a fine herd of twelve Jersey cows he obtains the best of butter, for which a ready demand is always found. He purchased his fine farms in 1871, and is known as one of the representative agriculturists and able busi- ness men of the county. Mrs. Brown is a zealous member of the Dunkard church, and is a woman of many graces of character, and she is highly esteemed in the social circles of the community. JOHN PARENT. ■ The career of him whose name heads this review illustrates most forcibly the pos- sibilities that are open to a young man who possesses sterling business qualifications. It proves that ambition, perseverance, steadfast purpose and indefatigable industry, com- bined with sound business principles, will be rewarded, and that true success follows in- dividual effort only. Mr. Parent was born near New Madison, Ohio, February 17, 1830, a son of William and Hannah (Ellston) Parent, both natives of New Jersey. The father was born near Monmouth, in 1804, and at an early day came to Darke county, Ohio. In 1835 he purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land in Washington township, only three acres of which had been cleared, the other being covered with a heavy growth of tim- ber. Wild animals, such as bears and wolves, were plentiful, and Indians still roamed through the forests. While Mr. Parent and his wife were clearing their land and encoun- tering dangers incident to such a life, their family of children were increased to eight five of whom are still living, namely : George, a resident of Union City, Indiana ; Mrs. Eliz- abeth Barr, of Washington township, Darke county; Mrs. Amy J. Roe, of Jackson town- ship; William Henry Harrison, of Ander- son, Indiana; and John, our subject. As was the case with all early settlers, their educa- tional advantages were very limited. The old log schoolhouse was reached after tramping through miles of almost impene- trable undergrowth and the rod was strongly in evidence. The father died Monday, No- vember 28, 1887, on the farm where he first settled, but the place had been enlarged until it contained one hundred and ninety acres. John Parent grew to manhood on the home farm, and was married, October 6, 1852, to Miss Ann Arnold, the ceremony being performed by Aaron Hiiler, at his home near Sharpeye. The young couple be- gan their domestic life on his father's farm, but two years later Mr. Parent purchased eighty acres of wooded land five miles dis- tant, which was school property, and for which he paid four hundred and eighty dol- lars, buying it on twelve years' time. He used to walk five miles twice each day while clear- ing a space and erecting a cabin thereon. In 308 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. that primitive abode the family lived for ten years. At the end of six years Mr. Parent had succeeded in paying off the debt on his place, which was chiefly done by fattening calves for market. He would buy them in the spring at a nominal price, and allow them to run in the wild pasture until fall, when they were sold at a good profit. For seven years he operated a sawmill in connection with his farming, and at the opening of the civil war he sold his eighty-acre farm for two thousand dollars, his sawmill for the same amount, which, together with his two thousand dollars he had saved from the profis of both made six thousand dol- lars, that had been accumulated in ten years. On starting out in life for himself his father had given him a colt which he sold for seventy-five dollars, which was the capital that he had to embark in business with. Prosperity has attended his well-directed efforts, and he has been able to give his children ten thousand dollars, at different times. He still owns two hundred and fifteen acres of fine farming land, and is at the head of an extensive grain business in Union City, where he owns two elevators. While Mr. Parent and his wife were laboring and prospering six children came to biess their union, four of whom are now living: Mrs. Alice Cramer, who is the wife of a lumber dealer of New Orleans, Louis- iana, and they have two daughters; Dora, who is the wife of George A. Lambert, the latter being at the head of the extensive Buckeye Factory of Anderson, Indiana, whose products are chiefly gas engines, and they have one son and two daughters ; Addie, who is the wife of Thomas G. Warren, a machinist of Cleveland , Ohio, and they also have one son and two daughters; and W. G., who has charge of his father's grain busi- ness in Union City. One son, John, died August 1 6, 1895, aged twenty-six years, and a daughter, Mrs. Luella Edgar, died September 22, 1891, at Colorado Springs, Colorado, where she had been taken with the hopes of prolonging her life. Miss Acha Roe, a daughter of Mr. Parent's sister, has made her home with our subject and his wife since she was only four days old. In looking into the clear eye and strong countenance of Mr. Parent one would be led to suppose that every educational advan- tage had been his portion instead of early struggles and privations and a continuous life of hard labor. His estimable wife has been to him a true helpmeet and the prosper- ity that has come to them is certainly well- merited. They are both well-preserved and in good health and are now enjoying the fruits of their labors in a beautiful home near Union City, where they are surrounded by every comfort and many luxuries. CHARLES W. RARICK, A. M., M. D. Dr. Charles Wesley Rarick is numbered among the native sons of Darke county, his birth having occurred in Washington town- ship, on the 9th of December, 1843. His great-great-grandfather was born at Erbach, Wittenberg, Germany, in 1722, and in 1749 crossed the Atlantic to America arriving in Philadelphia on the 2d of September. There he spent his remaining days, passing away in 1799. He was the father of seven children, including Henry Rarick, the great-grand- father of our subject. He was born in the city which his father had chosen for his home on arriving in the new world. His birth occurred in 1755, and he died at his home west of Dayton in 1819. He had a family of seven children, one of whom was GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 309 Philip Rarick, who was born in Pennsyl- vania, in 1774, and died near Sharpeye, Darke county, Ohio, on the William Ellston farm, in 1844. Philip Rarick, Jr., the Doc- tor's father, was born in 1808, and was four times married, becoming the father of fif- teen children. He first wedded Miss Sarah Chenoweth, who was born October 2, 181 1, and by their union they became the parents of ten children. By his third wife the father had five children. Those of the first mar- riage were: Abraham C, who was born April 12, 1833. and served in the Civil war for two years with the rank of second lieutenant, is now a farmer and cattle-raiser in Clark county, Iowa; Isaac N., born April 19, 1835, is a practicing physician of Red- key, Indiana; Jacob J., born May 2, 1837, was for four years a soldier in the Civil war, rose to the rank of major, and is now a teacher and farmer in Lawrence, Kansas; David H., born February 28, 1839, died six months later; Adam C, born Juiy 5, 1841, is a stock-raiser in Clark county, Iowa, where he owns one thousand acres of land, all of which except forty-seven acres, he has ac- cumulated since the close of the Civil war, in which he served for four years in the Iowa Volunteer Infantry; Charles W. is the next of the family; Ira O., born December 23, 1845, ^ s a farmer and dairyman in Har- nsonville, Missouri ; Susanna B., born June 30, 1848, .is the wife of Charles A. More- house, a farmer of Jay county, Indiana, living near Hector ; Caroline, born July 20, 1850, is the wife of Samuel L. Roberts, and in the spring of 1900 they traded a horse ranch in western Nebraska for a farm near Dunnville. Indiana, upon which they now reside; and Catherine, born March 25, 1853, died at the age of sixteen years. The chil- dren of the third marriaire were Mrs. Elsie Green, Mrs. Rosie Tharp, Mrs. Clara Wall, Mrs. Cora Carbaugh and John, and all are living near Deerfield, Indiana. The father of these children died September 1, 1886, and the Doctor's mother passed away on the 6th of March, 1863. Dr. Rarick began his education in the country schools, which he attended about thirteen weeks during the winter season. Throughout the remainder of the year he as- sisted his father in the operation of the farm, aiding in clearing and developing two hun- dred and eighty acres of land. He was thus engaged at the time of the Civil war, when, prompted by a spirit of patriotism, he put aside all personal considerations and on the 28th of August, 1862, joined the volunteer service of the country, in Company H, One Hundredth Indiana Volunteer Infantry, re- maining at the front until peace was de- clared. He participated in thirty battles and escaped uninjured. His was a very honorable record, one of which he may well be proud. After the close of the war the Doctor en- tered Liber College, near Portland, Indiana, and there pursued his studies for fourteen months. After teaching and attending school until March 11, 1869, he matriculated in Ma- rietta College and was graduated in 1874, with the degree of bachelor of arts. Three years later his alma mater conferred upon him the degree of master of arts. Subse- quently the Doctor studied medicine and was engaged in teaching school for several years. He was the superintendent of the Ridgeville school for one year and was known as a suc- cessful educator, having the ability to im- part clearly and concisely to others the knowledge he had acquired. In 1S83 he re- ceived his diploma as a medical practitioner and has since been successfully engaged in practice, having for more than seventeen 310 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. years occupied a suite of rooms over the Farmers' National Bank in Greenville. He has been a close student of his profession, has kept abreast of the times in his work, and his knowledge of the medical science is com- prehensive and accurate. ■ On the ioth of March, 1880. was cele- brated the marriage of Dr. Rarick and Miss Ella J. Griffin, who was born in Montgomery- county Ohio, March 17, 1852. One son, Harry G, was born to them December 12, 1880. and was graduated in the public scln I' ils of Greenville, in May, 1899. The family occupy an enviable position in social circles and enjoy the hospitality of many of the best homes in the city. The Doctor has gained enviable prestige in his chosen call- ing and to-day ranks among the leading rep- resentatives of one of the most noble and humane professions to which man can devote his energies. SAMUEL PAULIN. Samuel Paulin, deceased, was born in Mahoning county, Ohio, May 15, 1822, a son of Peter Paulin, a native of Pennsylva- nia and of German origin. In Peter Pau- lin's family were eleven children, eight sons and three daughters, of whom Samuel was the fourth son. He was reared on his fa- ther's farm and was more or less interested in farming the greater part of his life. When a young man lie served an apprentice- ship to the trade of carpenter. After his marriage, which event occurred in 1844, he settled in his native county, where he con- tinued to reside for five years, coming thence in 1849 to Darke county and settling at the "Beach," which was his home six years, his time during this period being devoted to contracting and building-. He did as much work perhaps as any other contractor in the county, if not more. Country life then becoming rather monotonous for him, he moved to Greenville, where, how- ever, he resided but a year. Then purchasing a farm in Adams township, he removed with his family to it, in the year 1861, and here he passed the rest of his life in agricultural pursuits. He died October 7, 1895. Mr. Paulin was a man of many excellent traits of character. Honorable and upright in all his dealings, his word was always re- garded as good as his bond. He was inter- ested in everything he believed was for the good of the community in which he lived and he could he counted upon to support any worthy enterprise. He was a strong tem- perance advocate. Formerly a Republican, he left that party in order to cast his vote with the Prohibition party, with which he affiliated up to the time of his death. He was for fifty-one years a member of the Evangelical church, in which he was an act- ive and efficient worker, and for a period of forty-one years was a reader of the Evangeli- cal Messenger. Mrs. Paulin is also a devot- ed member of this church and continues to take and read the Messenger. Before her marriage Mrs. Paulin was Miss Lucinda Martin. She was born in Ma- honing county, Ohio, May 3, 1826. a daugh- ter of George and Susan ( Smich ) Martin, both natives of Maryland, her father by oc- cupation a farmer. She was the third born in a family of six children, the other mem- bers of the family being as follows : Aptill, who resides on the old homestead in Mahon- ing county: Neazer, deceased; Harriet, wife of Solomon Martin, of New Middleton, Ma- honing county: Lena, deceased; and Lucy, deceased. Mrs. Paulin is the only one of the family in Darke county, and she still re GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 311 sides on the farm above referred to in Adams township, a tract of ninety-two acres, which is operated by her son. She is the mother of seven children and her grandchildren and great-grandchildren now constitute a large number. Of her children six are still living, namely : Sarah, who is the wife of Benjamin Gower, a hotel man of Arcanum, Ohio, and has three children — James, Edward and Nannie ; Lucy, who is the wife of Clay Fork- ertz, of Indianapolis, and has five children — Bert, John, Harry, Samuel and Walter; Amos, who married Mary Sentman and lives in Gettysburg, Ohio, and has one son, Lew- is, who is married and has one child, Amos H. ; Nancy, deceased, was twice married, first, to John Dunn, and after his death to Phillip Albright, the children by both mar- riages being deceased ; Calvin, who married Martha Shuetce and is the father of six children, two of whom — Lula and Nettie — are living; and Tobias, who married Molly "Willis and has had five children, four of whom are living — Dora, Elsworth, James and William. Tobias Paulin resides on the home place with his mother and conducts the farming operations. ELIAS D. SNYDER, M. D. Among those who devote their time and energies to the practice of medicine and have gained a leading place in the ranks of the profession is Dr. Snyder, of Arcanum, Ohio. He is a native of Maryland, born on the old homestead in the beautiful Antietam valley August 20. 1837, and is of German descent. His grandfather, Jacob Snyder, was born near Hagerstown. Washington county, Maryland, and lived to the age of ninety- four years, while his wife reached the age of ninety-two, and her mother, who was a Miss Wyand before marriage, lived to the ad- vanced age of one hundred and two years. He was blind the last thirty years of his life. John A. Snyder, the Doctor's father, was born on the old homestead in Wash- ington county, Maryland, in 1807, and married Elizabeth Ann Benner. In 1838 they came to Ohio by wagon with several other families and stopped for a short time near Winchester. Preble county. Mr. Sny- der then purchased a farm of sixty-one acres west of Dayton in Montgomery coun- ty and subsequently removed to West Alex- andria, Preble county, where he lived retired until his death in 1892. During his long and useful career he was honored and highly esteemed by all with whom he came in con- tact, and was called upon to fill several local offices. His wife, who was born in 1810, died in 1890. Both were consistent mem- bers of the United Brethren church. Their children were Aaron \V., a resident of Preble county; Elias D., our subject; Jacob S.. who served four months in Company F, One Hundred and Thirty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry, during the civil war, and is now a resident of Preble county ; and Marietta, who married Elias Mumma and died in West Alexandria. Ohio. It was during his infancy that Dr. Sny- der was brought by his parents to this state, and during his early life, spent in Preble ci >unty, he saw much of the pioneer life of this section. He attended the country schools until twenty years of age, and dur- ing the following ten years successfully en- gaged in teaching school. Having deter- mined to enter the medical profession, he studied under Drs. Huggins & Campbell, of 312 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. West Alexandria, for three years, and then entered the Ohio Medical College, where he was graduated with the class of 1872. The same year he opened an office in Arcanum, where he has since actively engaged in prac- tice and has met with marked success. For four years he was in partnership with Dr. Donavan Robeson, but with that exception has been alone. In 1865 Dr. Snyder was united in mar- riage with Miss Elizabeth Myers, a native of Preble county and a daughter of John and Mary (Russell) Myers, and by this union was born one child, John Arthur, who married Emma Gerder and has one child. During the dark days of the civil war Dr. Snyder enlisted as a private in Com- pany C, One Hundred and Thirty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantry, for one hundred days' service, and with his regiment was located in and about Baltimore. Maryland, until dis- charged. Religiously he is an active mem- ber of the United Brethren church. The Doctor is one of the oldest practitioners in Darke county. On first coming to Arcanum he visited many of his country patients on horseback and sometimes in a light sulky, as the roads were bad, and he often had to tie his horse at some point along the road and walk the rest of the way. His skill and thorough knowledge of medicine soon won him the confidence and esteem of the people and he was not long in building up an ex- tensive and lucrative practice. A man of prudent foresight and good business capacity. he has invested in farming property, and now has a fine farm of seventy-two acres in Van Buren township, especially adapted to tobacco culture. His crop off eight acres has brought him one thousand dollars in one season, and in three years he has made three thousand dollars from the same tract. He also owns an interest in a farm in West Alexandria. ANDREW JACKSON DOWNING. For a quarter of a century this well- known and popular druggist has been promi- nently identified with the business interests of Hollansburg, and his affairs have been so managed as to win him the confidence of the public and the prosperity which should al- ways attend honorable effort. A native of Darke county, Mr. Downing was born in Harrison township, February 9, 1840, and is a son of Robert Jay and In- diana (BairdJ Downing. He traces his an- cestry back to Sergeant John Downing, a native of Ireland, who came to America in Colonial days and served for eight years in the colonial war, taking part with Francis Marion in the battle of Cowpens. He was born in 1726, anil died in South Carolina when about seventy years of age. being laid to rest three miles from the town of Ches- ter. His son, John, our subject's grandfa- ther, was born in Chester county, South Car- olina, December 7, 1776, and died in Harri- son township, Darke county, Ohio, May 17, 1870. He was a remarkable man physically and possessed his strength up to the last, dying of an acute disease of the bladder at the age of ninety-four years. From South Carolina he removed to Lexington, Ken- tucky, and in 181 7 came to New Paris. Ohio. At one time he owned about a section of land in this county, having entered the same at the land office, and paying for it one dollar and a quarter per acre. Some three hundred acres of the original tract is still in posses- sion of the family. He married Margaret Faris, a native of Ireland, and to them were GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 313 born seven children, five sons and two daughters, who reached adult age. Robert J. Downing, the father of our subject, was born in Bourbon county, Ken- tucky, and was only two years old when brought by his parents to Darke county, Ohio, locating on a tract of government land in Harrison township. About 1836 he mar- ried Indiana Baird, of Butler township, this county, a daughter of John Baird, and to them were born eleven children, of whom three sons and five daughters reached man and womanhood, and five are still fixing, namely: Andrew J., our subject; Margaret, wife of Henry Sells, of Hollansburg; Jason; Ella A., wife of Mark T. Mills, of Ennis, Ellis county, Texas ; and Amanda E., wife of A. A. Loudenslager, of Harrison township, this county. The mother died at the age of sixty-five years and was buried in New Mad- ison, and the father died at the age of seventy-three and was buried in Hollans- burg. The boyhood and youth of Andrew J. Downing was passed upon his father's farm and he was educated in the district schools of the neighborhood. On leaving the par- ental roof at the age of twenty-three years, he commenced teaching and followed that oc~ cupation for five years. In June, 1875. he opened a drug store in Hollansburg, and has since devoted his entire time and attention to that business, having built up a good trade. Besides his business property he owns a pleasant residence in the village which he has rebuilt. May 31, 1863, Mr. Downing was unit- ed in marriage with Miss Rebecca A. Gib- son, of this county, a daughter of Nathan Gibson, and to them were born three chil- dren,namely : Orville A., a farmer of German township, who is married and has five chil- dren, four sons and one daughter, Eleanora, who married George W. Skinner, of Arba, Indiana, and they have three children; and Harry H., who died at the age of two years. Mr. and Mrs. Downing are both active and faithful members of the Christian church, of which he is a trustee, and are held in high regard by all who know them. He affiliates with the Democratic party, and has most efficiently served as township clerk four years, village trustee two years, and councilman four years. In all the rela- tions of life he has been found true to every trust reposed in him, whether public or pri- vate, and is justly numbered among the useful and valued citizens of his commu- nitv. WILSON S. BOWERS. Wilson S. Bowers, a prominent contrac- tor and carpenter residing on the old home- stead farm in Mississinawa township, Darke county, Ohio, was born in Twin township, Preble county, this state, July 14, 1848. His father, John Bowers, was born in Montgom- ery county, Ohio, May 6, 18 14, a son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Emerick) Bowers, pioneers of this state. Samuel Bowers was born in Berks county, Pennsylvania, about 1785^ and died near West Alexandria, Preble county, this state, in 1869. In his fam- ily were nine children, five sons and four daughters, all of whom married and with one exception all reared families of their own. Only one is now living, George, a resident of Tippecanoe a unity, Indiana. The grandfather was a cooper by trade, and was one of the soldiers who fought against the Indians at Fort Defiance. In 1837 John Bowers, the father of our subject, married Catherine Judy, who was 314 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. born in Rockingham county, Virginia, Jan- uary 5, 1813, a daughter of Frederick and Polly (Hoover) Judy, who moved to Preble county, Ohio, in 1817. Both her parents died of milk-sickness, and were buried in one grave at Lewisburg, Ohio. She is the only one of their seven children now living. Her sister, Sarah, who was born March 13, 1807, died in November, 1898. After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Bowers lived on rented farms in Preble county until Septem- ber 24, 1857, when they moved to the farm on section 14, Mississinawa township, Darke county, now owned by their sons, Cornelius and Wilson S. In the midst of the forest they made their home. Wild game was still plentiful, and Cornelius has a fine pair of antlers from a noble buck that he and his father killed in the winter of 1866, it being the last one killed in this region. For his farm of one hundred and fifteen acres the father paid twelve hundred dollars in cash, which he made by honest toil and strict economy. Here he died October 25, 1872, honored and respected by all who knew him, but the mother is still living and retains her faculties unimpaired. They had five chil- dren, namely: Lovey, the wife of John Briner, a farmer living near the old home- stead, by whom she has six children : Will- iam, who died at the age of twenty-seven years, leaving a wife and one son, Ronert; Elizabeth, who died at the age of twenty- four years; Cornelius, who lives on the old homestead with his mother; and Wilson S., our subject. Wilson S. Bowers was reared in the usual manner of farmer boys, and received a good common school education. He remained a^ his parental home, working much of the time with his father at the cooper's trade un- til twenty-six years of age, when he em- barked in business for himself as a carpenter and contractor. He has met with success in this venture, and is today quite well-to-do. He and his brother have a good farm of eighty acres, and he also owns an adjoin- ing" tract of six acres. On the 25th of May, 1873, Mr. Bowers was united in marriage with Miss Mary A. Condon, of Warren county, Ohio, and they have eight children: John H., who is mar- ried and lives in Union City, Ohio; William C, who is working at the carpenter's trade, with his father; James A., a young widower, who is learning the carpenter's trade; and Wilson, Sylvia J., Mary O., Ernest and Addie. all at home, the youngest being nine years of age. Like the other members of his family, Mr. Bowers is a Democrat in poli- tics, and for seven years he most creditably and satisfactorily served as trustee of his township. He is one of the representative and prominent citizens of his community, and is highly respected and esteemed by all who know him. JOHN STEPHENS. The subject of this sketch, who through- out life has been identified with the indus- trial and agricultural interests of Darke county, and is now the owner of one of the best and most desirable farms of its size in Greenville township, was born in German township, Darke county, November 11, 1825, a son of David and Lydia (Wagner) Stephens, early settlers of this county. The father was a native of Berks county, Penn- sylvania, and a soldier of the war of 181 2. The paternal grandfather came to Ohio about 1818, and settled in Preble county. John Wagner, the maternal grandfather, was also a native of Pennsvlvania and an GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 315 early settler of Darke county. Our subject is the third child and second son in a family of nine children, the others being : Anna, widow of Jesse Woods, of German town- ship, Darke county; Joseph, a resident of Indiana ; Mary, the widow of John McClure, of Indiana; Catherine M., the deceased wife of Eli Armacost, of Washington township ; Noah and Levi, both deceased ; and Allen and Isaac, who died during their youth. John Stephens was reared in his native township when most of that region was still wild and unimproved, and his early rec- ollections are of seeing deer, wolves and other wild animals of the forest. lie at- tended the" subscription schools conducted in a log school-house with a puncheon floor, and at the age of nineteen commenced serv- ing an apprenticeship to the blacksmith's trade at Palestine, Ohio, faithfully putting in three years at the forge. Subsequently he spent a short time in Indiana, and on his return to Darke county located in Neave township, where he engaged in blacksmith- ing on his own account for three years. In 1853 he located on the farm in Greenville township, where he now resides, and opened a shop upon his place, which he conducted while his farm was mainly cleared and im- proved by hired help. It consists of one hundred and thirty-nine acres, now under a high state of cultivation and improved with good and substantial buildings. Mr. Stephens has been twice married. February 13, 1851, in Greenville township, he wedded Miss Maria Dininger, of Darke county, who died August 15, 1865. Of the seven children born of this union two died in infancy, and only four are now liv- ing, namely: William, who married Miss Sarah Johnson; Margaret, the wife of II. S. Bookwalter ; Lewis C, and Lydia, the wife of John Sando. For his second wife Mr. Stephens married, October 4, 1868, Ma- tilda Finfrock, widow of Jacob Risser, and to them have been born three children : Alva A., who married Hattie Gurlin; John C, who married Malinda Johnson; and Clara, who married Stephen Rose. Though nominally a Democrat, Mr. Stephens may be said to be independent in politics, voting for men and principles rather than party. Both he and his estimable wife are members of the Lutheran church, and have a wide circle of friends and acquaint- ances in the community where they reside. CAPTAIN JOHN T. HERSHEY. John T. Hershey, deceased, was born in Gettysburg, Darke county, Ohio, August. 16, 1844, and in this little town passed his life, for many years occupying a leading place among its representative citizens. He was a son of Jacob Hershey, who came with his father from Pennsylvania to Ohio at an early day and selected a location in Darke county, where they laid out the town of Gettysburg, with which they were identified during the rest of their lives. Jacob Hershey married Mary McCune, in Darke county, and John T. was the first born and only son in their family of three children. He was reared at Gettysburg. At the time the civil war broke out he was yet in his 'teens, but, young as he was, he was among those who were first to enlist. He enlisted from Darke county, state of Ohio, on September 10, 1861, and was mus- tered into the United States service at Camp Clark, state of Ohio, on September 12, 1861, as a private of Company B, Forty-fourth Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, under Captain J. C. Langston and Colonel S. A. 310 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Gilbert, to serve three years, or during the Avar. He took part in the battle of Lewis- burg, West Virginia, May 23, 1862, where he was severely wounded through the ex- plosion of a shell; Dutton's Hill, Kentuckv, and others. He was honorably discharged January 5, 1864, at Strawberry Plains, Tennessee, on account of re-enlisting as a veteran in Company B, Eighth Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Cavalry, under Captain An- son N. Thompson and Colonel A. S. Moore, to serve three years or during the war. The Eighth Cavalry was assigned to the Second Brigade, Third Division, Cavalry Corps, Army of the Potomac, and he participated in the following engagements, viz : Coving- ton and Otter Creek, Virginia; Lynchburg, Liberty, Maryland Heights, Winchester and Martinsburg, West Virginia; Fisher's Hill, Winchester, and North Shenandoah valley, or Lurayj Virginia; Cedar Creek, and Bev- erly, West Virginia, October 29, 1864, where he was captured and confined in Libby prison for about three months and a half, when he joined his regiment. He was appointed sergeant February 19, 1865, and commissary sergeant June 1, 1865. He received his final discharge July 30, 1865, at Clarksburg, West Virginia, on account of the close of the war. Afterward he recruited Company B, Third Ohio National Guards, and was made its captain, a position he filled for a period of eight years, and throughout his life he took a deep interest in military af- fairs. For a number of years he was a mem- ber of the G. A. R. In many ways he was identified with the business interests of Gettysburg. He was at one time the postmaster of the town, also at various times filled numerous other offices, and for a number of years previous to his death was engaged in general merchandis- ing, conducting a successful business. He died March 13, 1900. A man of many laud- able traits of character, generous and unsel- fish, he had man)- warm friends, and was respected by all who knew him or in any way had dealings with him. For many years he was prominently connected with the Methodist Episcopal church of Gettysburg, active in both church and Sunday school, serving as the superintendent of the latter. His political affiliations were with the Re- publican party. Mr. Hershev's widow, Mrs. Celia Jane (Hoover) Hershey, resides at the home- stead in Gettysburg, she being, like her hus- band, a native of this place. Her father, Absalom Hoover, was born, reared and mar- ried in Miami county, Ohio, and from that place came to Darke county in pioneer days and established his home in the woods, in Franklin county, southeast of Gettysburg, where he acquired the title to one hundred and sixty acres of land. Shortly after his settlement here he was killed by a falling tree. He was a member of the Christian church, and was an active and efficient worker in both the church and the Sunday school, having served as superintendent of the latter. Politically he was first a Whig and afterward a Republican. The Hoovers, originally Quakers, came to Ohio from North Carolina in the early history of the Western Reserve. Mrs. Her- shey's mother, before marriage Sarah Fatty, was born and reared in Miami county, Ohio, and her father, David Patty, like the Hoovers, came to this state from North Carolina. The Pattys also were Quakers. Absalom and Sarah Hoover were the parents of six children, three sons and three daughters, namely : Noah, a resident of Adams township, Darke GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 317 county; Bell, deceased; Celia Jane, now Mrs. Hershey; Charles; Albert, a teacher in the Union City schools; and Mary, who died in early life. Mrs. Hershey was reared in Gettysburg, where she received her edu- cation in the common schools, and in 1865, at the close of the civil war, she was united in marriage to John T. Hershey. Their union was blessed in the birth of three chil- dren, as follows: Mabel, the wife of J. L. Selby, who is the principal of the Green- ville schools; Wilbur, who died in early life; and Gertrude, a teacher, residing with her mother. Mrs. Hershey is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. FRANK L. RYAN. The subject of this sketch, a well-to-do agriculturist of Greenville township, is a typical self-made man, and in the following record of his career there is much to arouse respect and esteem. He has placed his reli- ance on industry and perseverance rather than "luck," and by making the most of cir- cumstances, however discouraging, he has made his way to a substantial success. Mr. Ryan was born March 3, 1840, in the township where he still makes his home, and is a son of Rudolph and Ellen (Hamilton) Ryan. The father was a native of Virginia, but his early life was passed in Maryland, and in the early '30s he came to Darke coun- ty, Ohio, where he died in 1847, at the age of forty-five years. By trade he was a shoe- maker and followed his occupation here. His widow was left with nine children, and with true motherly devotion she reared them in re- spectability and inculcated in them the ways of industry and usefulness. She died in May, 1886. at the age of seventy-five years. The children of the family still living are : Emily Gilliam, Mrs. Mary Thorn, Daniel and Frank L., all residents of Darke county; G. \V., of Miami county, Ohio; Mrs. Eliza J. Potter, of Reno county, Kansas; and Mrs. Amelia Griffin, of Nebraska. William en- listed during the civil war for three months' service in the One Hundred and Fifty-sec- ond Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and died in the hospital at New Creek, West Virginia; and John, who enlisted for three years in the Ninety-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, was seriously wounded and captured at Chattanooga, and it is supposed he died in Libby prison, although nothing was heard of him after being captured. During his boyhood Frank L. Ryan ob- tained a very limited education, as his mother needed his assistance in caring for the fam- ily. He, too, was one of the "boys in blue" during the Rebellion, enlisting September 6, 1 86 1, at the age of twenty-one years, in Company K, Thirty-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, for three years. He first went to Camp Piatt on the Ohio river, and soon af- terward crossed the river into Virginia, where his regiment saw much service. He participated in all of the engagements in which the regiment took part, numbering thirty-two in all, including the battles of Witheville, Virginia, Cloud Mountain, Stras- burg, and the two engagements at Cedar Creek and Winchester. At the last men- tioned place, July 24, 1864, he was captured just before his term of service expired, and lor five days he was held within the rebel lines. One morning he saw his opportunity to escape, of which he took advantage, creep- ing away in a ditch full of briars and lying all day in seclusion near the rebel camp. That night he walked twenty-one miles, and fell in with a negro who cared for him eighteen days, all the time being within gun- 318 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. shot of rebel soldiers on North mountain. He struck the Union lines at Martinsburg, Virginia. In the meantime his regiment had returned to Ohio to be mustered out, and he followed in time to be mustered out with them, being discharged at Columbus, September 13, 1864. Returning to his home in Darke county, Mr. Ryan engaged in farming on rented land for a time, but in 1870 purchased sixty- two and a half acres in Greenville township, which he has converted into one of the best improved farms of that locality. He was married, January 26, 1865, to Miss Mary Potter, a daughter of Daniel and Catherine (Cumerine) Potter, early settlers of Darke county, their home being the farm on which our subject now resides. By this union were born four children, namely : Mary C, the wife of Owen Curtner, of Hamilton, Ohio; John D., a prominent salesman of Dayton, whose wife died leaving two chil- dren, Agnes and Frankie; Cora, at home witli her parents; and Minnie, the wife of William Appenceller, of Greenville. For many years Mr. and Mrs. Ryan have been active members of the Coleville Christian church, and they are held in high regard by all who know them on account of their ster- ling worth. Politically he affiliates with the Republican party, and socially is an hon- ored member of Jobes Post, G. A. R., of Greenville, and the Horse Thief Protective Association, of Darke county. Daniel Potter, the father of Mrs. Ryan, was born January 26, 1809, and died Sep- tember 20, 1862, while his wife was born December 15, 181 7. and died April 7, 1861. The)' came to Darke county in early life and were married there. The}- took an active part in church work, and were among the oreanizers of the Christian church in this county. In their family were the follow- ing children : William, a resident of Reno county, Kansas, enlisted as a private in 1861, i:: Company G, Fortieth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and passed the grades of promo- tion to a first lieutenancy. He participated in many hard-fought battles, and was hon- orably discharged in 1865. Mrs. Phoebe Vail is a resident of Oklahoma. ■ John en- listed in 1862 in Company K, Ninety-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and was killed in the battle of Resaca, Georgia, May 14, 1863. Jonas died when small. Charlotte and Mrs. Ryan complete the family. HENRY M. COLE. While the disposition to do honor to those who have served well their race or their nation is prevalent among all enlight- ened people and is of great value everywhere and under all forms of government, it is particularly appropriate to and to be fostered in this country, where no man is born to public office or to public honor, or comes to either by inheritance, but where all men are equal before the law. where the race for distinction is over the road of public usefulness and is open to every one who chooses to enter, however humble and ob- scure he may be, and where the advantageous circumstances of family or wealth count, in the vast majority of cases, for but little or nothing. One who is now occupying an im- portant position in the system of government in Darke county, having attained thereto as the result of individual merit is Henry M. Cole, who is now serving as common pleas judge. He was born upon a farm in this county on the 17th of March, 1845, a son nf Samuel Cole, who was born in Washington town- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 319 ship, Darke county, on the old family home- stead, in 1 82 1. He represented one of the pioneer families of the locality. The Coles originally lived in Amsterdam, Holland, but in what year the family was founded in America is not definitely known. Samuel Cole, Sr., the grandfather of the Judge, was a native of New Jersey and emigrated west- ward to Darke county, Ohio, at a pioneer period in its development. He was a man of broad general information, was popular with his neighbors and was generous and kind, being always ready and willing to assist in securing a location for a new comer, while his generous hospitality was known far and wide. He wedded Mary Elston, a native of Orange county. New York, and upon their farm in Washington township their son, Samuel Cole, was reared, Having attained man's estate he married Miss Nancy C. Cox, who was born in 'Washington township in [822, a daughter of Martin Cox, a native of Pennsylvania. Henry M. Cole was also reared upon a farm, his time being largely occupied with the duties of field and meadow through the summer months. Throughout the remainder of the year he pursued his education in the district schools of the neighborhood, and under the parental roof he remained until twenty-one years of age, teaching, however, in the district schools near his home during the winter. Not content to follow the plow, his preference being for professional life, he read law under the direction of the law firm of Knox & Sater, of Greenville, and later attended the law school in Cincinnati, Ohio, in which he was graduated in the class of 1869. The same year he was admitted to the bar and at once entered upon the prac- tice of his profession. During the first eleven years of his connection with the legal fra- 19 & ternity he practiced in partnership with Judge A. R. Calderwood, of Greenville, now deceased. He rose steadily, step by step, as he demonstrated his ability to success- fully cope with the intricate problems of jurisprudence and soon won a large and dis- tinctively representative clientage. In 1879 J u dge Cole married Miss Eliza- beth Porter, of Greenville, a daughter of John W. Porter, a native of Montgomery county, Ohio, and they have always main- tained their residence in this city, where they have a large circle of friends. So- cially the Judge is connected with Greenville Lodge, No. 195, I. O. O. F. During the war of the Rebellion he manifested his loyalty to his country by enlisting in an Ohio regiment, in which he served his c< mn- try faithfully and well until the close of hos- tilities, when he was honorably discharged. He is now a member of Jobes Post, G. A. R., of Greenville. Politically he cast in his lot with the Republican party and has labored effectively in its interests. In 1897 he was nominated on that ticket as the candidate for judge of the common pleas court and was elected by a handsome majority for a term of five years, over J. C. Elliott, the Democratic candidate, the district being composed of the counties of Preble, Darke, Miami, Clark and Champaign. He possesses good legal talent, is a close student and is devoted to his pro- fession. While practicing at the bar he ap- plied himself diligently to the preparation and trial of cases and to the handling of the legal matters entrusted to his care. His industry and integrity brought him the con- fidence of the community and a large prac- tice made his professional career a success. Endowed with these qualifications, which are combined with an agreeable address and methodical and regular habit.-, promotion to 3:20 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. his present position of honor and confidence became a matter of course. Judge Cole at- tends to his judicial duties with careful at- tention to detail and a total disregard of self, seeming to be animated only by a de- sire to discharge his duty with fairness and impartiality. He is also well versed in gen- eral literature and is a polished, conscientious gentleman. CHARLES BEERS, M. D. Among the prominent and successful physicians of Darke county, Ohio, is Dr. Charles Beers, of Painter Creek! who has spent his entire life in this county, his birth occurring in Greenville, May 11. 1S72. There he grew to manhood and acquired his literary education in its public schools, which he attended until eighteen years of age. He then commenced the study of medicine, un- der Dr. J. H. Spitter, of Greenville, with whi im he remained eighteen months, and then entered the Ohio Medical College at Cincinnati, at which he was graduated with the class of 1896. Immediately after his graduation he opened an office at Painter Creek, and has met with marked success in the prosecution of his chosen profession, it being said that he has as large a practice as any physician in Darke county. He is strictly self-made as to his attainments, as he borrowed the money to pay for his tuition at college, and is deserving of the highest commendation for the success that he has achieved. He was reared in the Methodist faith and as a Democrat, but is liberal in his political views. On the 24th of November, 1898, Dr. Beers Mas united in marriage with Miss Alma, a daughter of Harvey H. and Henri- etta V. Bireley, of Painter Creek. AARON A. IRELAN. It is now our privilege to enter a brief re- view of the career of one of the venerable and honored pioneer citizens of Darke county, and the province of a compilation of this nature is most perfectly realized in offering a resume of such character. Aaron Abel Irelan. who is a resident of Hollansburg, Harrison township, is a native son of the Buckeye state, having been born in Monroe township, Preble county, on the 12th of September, 1818, the son of Moses Irelan, who removed from Cincinnati to Preble county about 18 16. He was born in Pennsyl- vania, September 15, 1790, and his death oc- curred November 22, 1872. His father was Aaron Irelan, of an old and long-lived Pennsylvania family. Ail of his brothers and sisters except one lived to advanced age, his death being the result of an accident, as he was killed by a horse, when about fifty years of age. Grandfather Irelan removed from New Jersey to Pennsylvania and thence to Cincinnati, and he died in Coleraine town- ship. His widow subsequently married a man named Robinson, and she died of par- alysis, at the age of eighty years. Moses Irelan married Hester Abel, who accompanied a family named Beten from New Jersey to Ohio when a child of seven years, in 1808. She was born in 1799 and her marriage to Mr. Irelan was c< msum- mated when she was sixteen years of age. Of their ten children we make record as fol- lows : Polly, wife of George Painter, died, leaving five children; Aaron A. is the subject of this sketch; Dorcas was three times mar- ried and she died at the age of seventy-two, leaving three children ; Ephraim died young ; Hettie and Jane have both passed away, each leaving children; and the three others of GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 821 the family died in infancy. The mother died in 1837, and the father was again married, one child being the issue of this union. He died November 22, 1872, as before noted. Aaron A. Irelan was reared in the forests of the pioneer farm and he early became in- ured to hard work, aiding in the reclaiming and cultivation of the old homestead. He re- mained with his parents until he had reached the age of twenty-five years, after which he engaged in huxtering for four years, begin- ning his independent career without cash or credit. In 1845 ne engaged in the general merchandise trade in Hollansburg, continu- ing this enterprise until 1852, when he de- termined to resume the pursuits to which he had been reared, and since then he has been very successful in his farming operations, having owned at one time six hundred and seventy-five acres, of which he still retains two hundred and forty acres of the most de- sirable and best cultivated land in the coun- ty. Though he has operated so extensively in the agricultural line he has continued to hold his mercantile interests until quite re- cently, when he disposed of the same. On the 1 8th of October, 1841, Mr. Irelan was united in marriage to Miss Phcebe Tillson, and they have had nine children, namely : The first born was a son, who died in infancy; Josephine died at the age of five years; Norman Tillson is engaged exten- sively in farming and stock-raising, utilizing his father's farm and also his own place, of one hundred and sixty acres; he is married and has seven children; James died young; Isaiah died at the age of twelve years and George at the age of five; William A., a suc- cessful teacher, died in April, 1900, at the age of thirty-nine years, leaving a wife and three children; Cora Belle is the wife of Samuel Williams, of Greenville, and has four sons; and Leona is the wife of O. S. Down- ing and has five children. The Tillson family is of good old New England stock, the orig- inal representatives having come to America in the Mayflower. Aaron Irelan, grand- father of our subject, was a son of Dayton Irelan, who came to America from England prior to the Revolution, and his brother, who came with him, was taken prisoner and taken back to England, returning to the United States after the close of the war. Dayton Irelan married Dorcas Buck, of New Jersey, and they have five sons and five daughters, all of whom attained adult age and were mar- ried in Ohio. The present generation of the Irelan family is the eighth in line from the original American progenitor. Mr. Irelan is a Master Mason, having been identified with this time-honored fra- ternity for many years, and in politics he renders allegiance to the Democratic party, having served as township trustee for the lo ig term of fifteen years and having also held the office of justice of the peace for a similar period. Mrs. Irelan is a member of the Christian church. Rev. Hosea Tillson, an uncle of Mrs. Irelan, was born November 24, 1810, and is still living, being a resident of Bethel, Indi- ana. He was the tenth child of Luther and Mehitable Tillson, who removed from Woodstock, Connecticut, to Cincinnati, in 1802, and later to Butler county, Ohio, near the present site of Somerville, and there Hosea was born. In 18 17 the family re- moved to Darke county, near the Indiana line, and here, amid the perils and vicissi- tudes of pioneer life, he grew to manhood. At the age of twenty-one years he married Jane A. Anderson, of Bethel, with whom he lived twenty-three years. They reared one son. Reuben, who was a merchant, and at 322 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. present postmaster of Hollansburg. After the death of his first wife Mr. Tillson mar- ried Margaret Harlan, of Bethel, and their married life has extended over a period of forty years. They are the parents of three daughters. The Rev. Mr. Tillson is a sound Bible student and an unswerving advocate of truth and virtue. In his patriarchal age he has the veneration of all who know him. His father was for six years a sailor on the ocean ami related many interesting tales of adven- ture and peril. Rev. Mr. Tillson has been a licensed preacher in the Christian church for sixty-two years. He settled in Bethel in 1866 and was an elder in the church for thirty-six years. He lived close to the Indi- ana line and became very popular as "the marrying parson." Though for many years Mr. Irelan has been in somewhat impaired health, he has nevertheless been a most active and energetic business man, having shown a mature judg- ment and due conservatism in the conduct of his large interests. He is animated by the most absolute integrity of purpose and de- spises intrigue and dishonesty in every form. His vig >n >us intellect would have insured him success in any field of endeavor, and though now an octogenarian he has more the appearance of a man of sixty. He is recog- nized as the leading citizen of Hollansburg, and his friends are in number as his ac- quaintances. JACOB L. HERCULES. Upon a farm on sections 25 and 26, Al- len township, Jacob Le Fevre Hercules is now successfully carrying on agricultural pursuits, and the well tilled fields indicate his progressive methods and capable man- agement. He was born in Warren county, Ohio, February 8, 18 18, a son of William Hercules, whose birth occurred in New Jer- sey, July 24, 1786, and who in 1796 became a resident of Cincinnati, Ohio. The grand- father, William Hercules, was born in Scot- land, about 1730, and after emigrating to Xew Jersey, was there married to Amy Groves. He reared two sons and five daughters, the former being William James, who was born in 1786, and lived in Darke county for many years, dying in Kokomo, Indiana, at an advanced age ; and Samuel. The grandfather died about 1828, at the age of ninety-six years. He was by trade a weaver of fine fabrics, including silks and linens. During the Revolutionary war he loyally served in the colonial army, and at the close of hostilities took his musket home with him, and the barrel and a portion of the stock are now in the possession of our subject. The grandfather never became a wealthy man, but was a farmer in comfort- able circumstances. His remains were in- terred in Muddy Creek graveyard, in War- ren count}', Ohio, and his wife, who died when about ninety years of age, was laid to rest in Ithaca cemetery, in Darke county. The father of our subject died January 21, 1868, at the age of eighty-one years. He wedded Elizabeth French, who was born March 7, 1793, and was a twin sister of Da- vid French. Their marriage took place about 1 812, soon after the close of the father's service in the war of 1812. Their first child, David Hercules, was born October 4, 18 14, was married and had four daughters and two sons, and died in York township, Darke county, in his fortieth year. Amy. the sec- ond child, born in 1816, was married in 1835 to William Bolvy, and they had four sons. Her death occurred July 1, 1898. James Hercules, born in 1817, died in 1893. GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 323 He was twice married and had six children. Jacob L. is the next of the family. Mary, born in 1820, became the wife of Abner Colby, and had two sons and four daugh- ters. Her death occurred March 2$, 1887. Catherine, born in 1822, married Arthur J. Wheeler, and died October 26, 1846. Philip, born September 17, 1823, died near Rose Hill. William Hercules, born July 3, 1825, is living in Livingston county, and has two sons and two daughters that yet survive. Christopher, born April 3, 1827, lost an arm in the war of the Rebellion, and is now serving as a deputy sheriff at Pontiac, Illi- nois. Elizabeth Jane, born in 1829, died at the age of nine years. Margaret, born in 1 83 1, died in 1836. Sarah Ann, born in 1833, is now acting as the housekeeper for a minister's family in Minnesota. Samuel died in infancy. The mother of these chil- dren passed away about 1838, and the father afterward married Mrs. Hamilton, a widow. Jacob L. Hercules, whose name intro- duces this review, was reared to farm life and received no educational privileges. He was married August 15, 1843. t0 Mary Ann Heathorn, who was born in Hamilton coun- ty, Ohio, February 11, 1832, a daughter of George and Margaret (Bonham) Heathorn. Mr. and Mrs. Hercules settled at once on their farm in a little log cabin in the midst of the forest. He secured the lease of one hundred and sixty acres, agreeing to clear forty acres and to divide the crops for five years. During that time he purchased a quarter-section, paying for it over six hun- dred dollars. The nearest houses were a mile or two distant. Mr. Hercules has cleared the heavy timber from one hundred acres of land, and is today the owner of four farms, comprising three hundred and thirtv-five acres. He resided in his cabin home from 1843 unt il 1868, when he erected and moved into his present residence. He has made excellent improvements on his land, and is an enterprising farmer. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Hercules have been born six children : Mrs. Sarah Jane Wil- liamson, a widow living in Allen township who has six children ; Mrs. Mary Ann Ber- ry, who has one son and one daughter, and whose husband is a farmer in Allen town- ship; Margaret Eliza, the wife of Mr. Mi- chael, of Allen township, by whom she has two daughters and one son ; Mrs. Frances C- Michael, whose husband is a farmer in Wa- bash township, and who has two daughters and three sons; Emma L., now the wife of Mr. Beam, of Brown township, by whom she has five sons and three daughters; and William, who died in infancy. Mr. Hercules is a Republican in his political affiliations. His has been a busy and industrious life, and all that he has achieved is the result of his own labors. DANIEL H. RYAN. Daniel H. Ryan, one of the honored vet- erans of the civil war, and a well-known farmer of Greenville township, is" a native of Darke county, born in 1843, an ^ a son of Rudolph and Ellen (Hamilton) Ryan, natives of Virginia, who came to this coun- ty at an early day and settled in Greenville township. Further mention is made of this worthy couple in the sketch of Frank L. Ryan on another page of this volume. Our subject was reared on a farm and received a common school education. On the 24th of August, 1862, he enlisted in Company F, Ninety-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, which was assigned to the Army of the Cumberland under the command of 324 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. General Grant. The regiment was drilled and equipped at Piqua, Ohio, and partici- pated in the battles of Perryville, Stone River, Resaca, Chickamauga, Louisville. Missionary Ridge and Lookout mountain ; in fact, taking part in all the engagements of that memorable campaign, numbering thirty-two. They were with Sherman on the march to the sea; were in the battles of Jonesboro and Savannah and the Can 'Una campaign, including the battles of Bentnn- ville and Averysboro ; and took part in the grand review at Washington, D. C. Mr. Ryan was twice slightly wounded, being hit in the left hand by a spent ball at Chicka- mauga. and was honorably discharged at Columbus, Ohio, in 1865. Returning to his home in Darke county, Mr. Ryan has since engaged in farming. In 1868 he married Catherine Butt, a daugh- ter of Otto Butt, and to them have been bi 'rn six children : Leonora, Ella, Omer, Lilly, Raymond and Maude. Mr. Ryan is a stanch Republican in politics, and is a mem- ber of Jobes Post, No. 152, G. A. R. PRICE McGRIFF. A wide-awake and progressive farmer actively connected with the agricultural in- terests of Darke county for many years, Mr. McGriff is now living retired, enjoving a rest which he has truly earned and richly deserves. He has reached the eightieth mile-stone of life's journey, and his record is an honorable one, well deserving mention in this volume. He was born August 18, 1820, just over the line in Preble county. His father, Patrick McGriff, was born in Vir- ginia in 1786, and died in Preble county in 1854. The grandfather, Thomas McGriff, was a native of Ireland, and was of Scotch- Irish lineage. He and his brother, together w ith two comrades, were held prisoners by the Indians for some time in the colonial epoch of our country's history, but one night while the guards were asleep all suc- ceeded in escaping with the exception of one. They suffered many trials and dan- gers trying to return to their homes, but at length reached safety in Virginia. On leaving the Old Dominion the fa- ther removed to Tennessee, and afterward to Ohio, coming to this state when the town site of Cincinnati was entirely unimproved save by a little blacksmith shop. Mr. Mc- Griff located on rented land between the big and Little Miami rivers, and in 181 1 be- gan the development of a farm in the midst of the forest in Preble county. He was mar- ried in Virginia to a Miss Atkins, and they had a large family of eleven children, five sons and six daughters, all of whom were married and all of whom had children with one exception. Richard is probably the only surviving member of this family. The grandfather died about 1828, leaving a claim consisting of a quarter-section of land. He was a survivor of his wife for several years, her death having occurred about 183 1. She was a woman of resolute and noble nature, well-fitted to brave the hardships of pioneer life. Patrick McGriff, the father of our sub- ject, paid for his grandfather's claim, and there made his home through a long period. He married Elizabeth Price, who was born in Virginia, about 1782, and in 1809, in Preble county, Ohio, became the wife of Mr. McGriff. The father of our subject served as a soldier in the war of 1812, and accu- mulated a good property, owning nearly an entire section of land in Ohio and Indiana, GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 325 besides considerable valuable personal prop- erty. He died in 1854, and bis wife passed away ten years later, their remains being interred in the churchyard near Manches- ter, Ohio, This worthy couple became the parents of six sons and three daughters, who reached mature years and with one exception were married, John having died at the age of sixteen years. Wear died at the age of thirty-three, leaving a wife and six chil- dren. Rachel became the wife of Joseph Clark and died about 1886. Price is the next of the family. Alfred, of Twin town- ship, has three living children. Patrick died of typhoid fever in 1855, leaving four children. Phcebe Guard, born about 1827, died about 1892, survived by four of her six children. Andrew Jackson resides near New Madison, and has four children. Eliz- abeth died in July, 1899, at the age of sixty- eight years. Parker C. is a farmer near Ar- canum, and has three living children. The educational privileges which Price McGriff received were very limited. He pursued his studies in a little log cabin, fit- ted up with puncheon seats, but though he did not spend much time over text-books, he has gained a practical knowledge that well fitted him for his business affairs. As a companion and helpmeet on life's journey he chose Miss Jane Mullenix, the wedding taking place on the 10th of April, 1845. She was born in Twin township, Darke county, in 1827, and is a daughter of Philbert and Mary (McDonald) Mullenix. Her parents were farming people and came from Penn- sylvania to Ohio with their respective fam- ilies at an early date. In their family were six daughters and a son, of whom four are now living: Jesse, a retired farmer of But- ler township; Mrs. McGriff; Margaret, now Mrs. Harriman, a widow of Davton; and Mary, the wife of William Price, of Darke county. Unto Mr. and Mrs. McGriff have been born seven children : John B. W., who had seven children and died in 1881, at the age of forty years; Mary Elizabeth, the wife of Wesley Mellin, of Preble county, by whom she has six children, including twin sons whose likeness to each other is very strong; Jesse A., a farmer of Butler township, who has been twice married; William P., a farmer of Butler township, who has three sons and a daughter; Phcebe Jane, the wife of Jacob Wolverton, and the mother of Dr." Wolverton, of Castine; Samantha A. Mc- Lear, of Indiana, who has a son and daugh- ter ; and Cordelia, the wife of Calvin Brad- dock, of West Manchester, by whom she has one daughter. Mr. and Mrs. McGriff began their do- mestic life empty-handed. He operated his father's farm and other lands until he was enabled to purchase property of his own. becoming the owner of eighty acres on which a few improvements had been made, includ- ing the erection of a small log house. The purchase price was one thousand and fifty dollars, and of this he paid twelve hundred dollars down. From his fa- ther's estate he received twelve hundred dol- lars, but later in life he lost through one debt twelve hundred and thirty dollars, so that all he has has been acquired by himself. He at one time was the owner of three farms, comprising altogether five hundred acres. He had three hundred and twentv acres in the old home place, and still owns two hun- dred acres of this. Pie has found greater profit in the raising of corn and hogs than in any other department of farm work, though he has also raised wheat extensively. frequently having from ten to twelve hun- 326 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. dred bushels in a season. His corn he feeds to his stock, and one year his drove of eighty head of hogs brought him sixteen hundred dollars. His farm has long been in the possession of the McGriff family, it having been the property of John McGriff, the father of the famous twins, John and Richard McGriff. It was in 1813 that he built his log cabin here, and the present home was erected by Richard McGriff, one of the twins, nearly fifty years ago. Our subject has accumulated the property for thirty-four years, and has made it a very valuable tract of land. In politics he is a Democrat, but has never been an aspirant for office, al- though he has served the township as su- pervisor and trustee. He. is now well ad- vanced in years, and is living retired, enjoy- ing a rest which he has truly earned and greatly deserves. Straightforward in all his dealings and upright in every relation of life, lie certainly deserves mention among the representative citizens of Darke county. SAMUEL ROSS KEMBLE. The journalistic interests of Darke county number among other representatives the gentleman whose name introduces this review. He is well known as the editor and proprietor of the Daily and Weekly Trib- une. The daily was founded by him in 1890, and in 1802 the weekly was begun by him. He is well fitted for his present work by practical knowledge of the "art preserva- tive," as well as by editorial ability. Mr. Kemble was bom in Salem, New Jersey, September 19, 1847, and spent his childhood in that city. In 1854 he came to Greenville, where he attended the public schools until he put aside text-books in order to learn the printing business. His knowl- edge of the newspaper business is therefore supplemented by a thorough course in the printing office. After the civil war broke out. and before completing his apprentice- ship, he enlisted and served as a soldier un- til the rebellion closed. He was employed at divers times as a compositor on a number of leading newspapers in different cities of the United States. Mr. Kemble is a writer of force and ability, clear and concise in his expressions, and presents his ideas with precision. He has an extensive acquaintance with many public met , and possesses those qualities w Inch render him popular with all circles. The Tribune was first founded in Ar- canum, Darke county, in 1880, and pub- lished there weekly for nearly ten years. The office was then moved to Greenville, and in 1890 the Daily Tribune, the first daily news- paper established in Greenville, was first is- sued. The publication of the Weekly Trib- une was resumed in 1892, and both editions have been continued ever since, growing in popularity and steadily increasing in circula- tion and patronage. In 1871 Mr. Kemble was united in mar- riage to Miss Theodosia B. Calderwood. the youngest daughter of the late Judge A. R. Calderwood, a prominent attorney of Green- ville. Four children were born to them — Charles Ross, Georgiana, Bessie and Alice — ■ the last named dying in infancy. T OHN W. McKAY. Numbered among; the honored veterans of the war of the Rebellion and as a repre- sentative of that noble rank and file which is so rapidly being decimated by the ravages of time, stands Mr. McKay, who is now living a comparatively retired life at Hoi- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 327 lanshurg, Darke county, where lie is well known and highly honored, being particu- larly deserving of representation in this vol- ume. Mr. McKay is a native of Indiana, hav- ing been born in Wayne county, on the 12th of July, 1841, the son of James W. McKay, 'who was born in Waterford, Erie county, Pennsylvania, in 181 7, and who died there in 1893, having lived to attain a venerable age and having passed away in the fullness of years and honors. His father was a na- tive of Scotland, whence he emigrated to the United States, where he reared his family of children. The maiden name of our sub- ject's mother was Rachel Reed, and she is likewise a native of the old Keystone state, having been born in Elizabethtown, Alle- gheny county, Pennsylvania, on the 1 8th of February, 1818. She is still living, being in her eighty-third year at the time of this writing, and is well preserved, having been a woman of' marked mental and physical vigor, and now resting secure in' the love and veneration of all who have come within the sphere of her influence and gentle char- acter. The family has been notable for longevity, her father. John Reed, having at- tained the age of ninety-four years and his death occurred more than half a century ago. He was one of the pioneers of this section of Ohio, whither he came from Penn- sylvania. Her grandfather, John Reed, was a soldier in the war of the Revolution, and was a cousin of the famous General Wayne, whose deeds of intrepid valor gained to hiin the title of "Mad Anthony." The parents of our subject were married about the year 1837, and they became the parents of five children, of whom the only survivors are John W., subject of this re- view, and his brother, William Roland Mc- Kay. The father was a tailor by trade, and he devoted his attention to this line of work for somewhat more than a decade in his early manhood, after which he was en- gaged in other lines of occupation. For several vears he was with the VanAmburg circus, celebrated in the old days, having been treasurer of the same and having been a man of conspicuous business and executive ability. His death occurred about the year 1802.' John W. McKay apprenticed himself at the painter's trade when thirteen years of age. his training in this line being secured at Richmond, Indiana, where he served for three years under the direction of his uncle, George W. Beard, who was an artist of re- nown, having painted the well-known pic- tures reproduced in the illustration of "Para- dise Lost" and "Pilgrim's Progress." Our subject continued to work as an artist and ac the painter's trade until ten years ago, when he practically retired from active busi- ness. When the cloud of civil war spread across the national horizon Mr. McKay was one of the first to take up arms in defense of the Union, enlisting for service at the first call, in April, 1861, for three months. His is the signal, distinction of having been the first man to enlist from this section -of the state, and his military career is one which will bear to his name a perpetual honor as one of the brave defenders of the nation. He served during practically the entire pe- riod of the war, having been out for four years and seven months, and having been in five different commands — first in Com- pany K, Eleventh Ohio Volunteer Infantry; second, in Company F, Fortieth Ohio In- fantry; third, was transferred to the Vet- eran Reserve Corps. Company H. Second Regiment, from which he was discharged 328 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. on account of physical disability ; fourth, he re-enlisted as a member of Company I, Eighty- fourth Indiana Infantry; and, fifth, was transferred to Company K, of the Fifty-seventh Indiana Infantry, being dis- charged January 15, 1866. He was twice in service as a non-commissioned officer, was always faithful and to be found at the post of duty, and while he escaped the leaden missiles of death and the horrors of the Con- federate prisons, his health was shattered by the exposures and constant duties at the front, and he was confined in the hospitals at various times. He was in numerous en- gagements and was a valiant soldier of the Republic, well meriting the recogniton which is accorded him by the government in the way of a pension. He has kept alive his interest in and association with his old com- rades in arms by identification with the Grand Army of the Republic, having per- sonally brought about the organization of Sackman Post, No. 618, at Hollansburg, of which he served as commander. To his re- gret this post was disbanded about 1895, while he was an inmate of the National Sol- diers' Home, at Dayton. In politics Mr. McKay is a Democrat, and his personal popularity has been at- tested by his having been called upon to serve in offices of public trust and respon- sibility. He has been president of the board of village trustees, and at other times has held membership in the village council, being at all times interested in all that concerns the public welfare and the legitimate im- provement of the village. Mr. and Mrs. McKay are active and devoted members of the Christian church. In the year 1893 they took up their abode in their present snug and attractive little home, and though his health is much impaired, as the result of his military service, Mr. McKay maintains a cheerful attitude, and is appreciative of the pleasures which come to him through divers sources, taking particular pleasure in his garden and among his fine poultry, of which he is a genuine fancier, and in which line he has recently engaged in breeding quite extensively, employing a well-equipped incu- bator in the business. JOSEPH BRYSOX. Joseph Bryson is a representative of one- of the oldest families of Darke county. His- father. James Bryson, deceased, was one of the pioneers of Darke county, and in the history of this section of the state no name figures more frequently or honorably than does his. His life record was so closely interwoven with the annals of this section of the state that the Ohio volume would be in- complete without his history, and it is therefore with pleasure that we present it to our readers. Mr. Bryson was born near Hagerstown, Maryland, May 21, 1786, and at the age of four years removed with his parents to Bedford county, Pennsylvania, wdiere he was reared to manhood. His ad- vantages in early life were such as were en- joyed by the sons of frontiersmen in 1816- When yet unmarried he came to Darke county, and in 1816 entered a tract of land from the government, the same upon which his son Joseph, now his only surviving son,. yet resides. In 1 81 7 James Bryson was married to Rachel ( Creviston) Rush, a representative of one of the pioneer families of Ohio, her parents being Nicholas and Cynthia Crevis- ton, who located near Chillicothe, in 1799. Her father died in Ross county, in 1801. After his marriage Mr. Bryson took up his GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 329< abode upon his farm on section 9, Green- ville township, and in 1820 he entered an- other tract of land from the government. Removing" to the new farm, he there lived throughout the remainder of his life, pass- ing away on the 20th of March, 1863. He was a self-made man, and the success which he achieved was due entirely to his own ef- forts. Hediad only three hundred dollars when he came to Darke county, but at the time of his demise was the possessor of a comfortable competence. In politics he took a very active interest, recognizing and fully meeting the duties and obligations of citi- zenship. He voted with the Whig party in early life, and on the formation of the Re- publican party in 1856 he joined its ranks. He held the office of justice of the peace, was county commissioner, served as associate judge for seven years, and in 1843-4 was a member of the state assembly. A man of strong mentality and keen discernment, he kept well informed on the issues of the day. abreast of the times in every particular, and was a representative citizen. In educa- tional matters he was particularly interested and the public schools found in him a warm friend and an earnest champion. Although not a member of any orthodox church, he lived according to the Golden Rule, observ- ing always the highest principles of life. Of his six children two survive — Joseph and Eliza — who live together upon the old homestead. The deceased are as follows : Morris, who died in Darke county, in De- cember, 1897; Mary Ann. who became the wife of Henry Teegarden, and died De- cember 16, 1854; Rachel Jane, who became the wife of Jared Poffenbarger and died March 10, 1898; and James Harvey, who resided in Osage county, Kansas, and died December 12, 1890. The mother was called to her final rest February 14, 1855, at the age of seventy-one years, her birth having occurred in Bedford county, Penn- sylvania, in 1784. When fifteen years of age she rode horseback from Pennsylvania to Chillicothe, Ohio. This was in the year 1799. She was one of the noble pioneer women, whose influence has been must marked in the development and upbuilding of the state. Of deep religious convictions, she was a member of the New Light church and did all in her power to promote the cause of Christianity among those wth whom she was associated in her daily life. Her first husband was Henry Rush, with whom she came to the county in 1810. He died within less than a decade. By that marriage she had five children, three of whom reached mature years, namely : William, who died in 1868; Lemuel, who died in April, 1880; and Thomas, who died in 1841. James died in 18 14, and the daughter, Maria, became the wife of Daniel Snell and died in Darke county, in 185 1. On the Bryson farm was located the In- dian village of Prophetstown, which also included the adjoining farms, and the coun- cil house was situated where Mr. Bryson's orchard is now planted. Of this Joseph Bryson has a boyhood recollection, having during his youth pulled from the ground some of the posts of which the council house was constructed. The burying ground was on the Bishop farm, though there were inter- ments on the Bryson farm. Blue Jacket, a Shawnee chieftain, was buried on a little knoll near where the council house stood, and along the hillside Indian bones were frequently found. On one occasion Air. Bryson's father observed a hog busy with something and on investigation found it to be a skull filled with nuts which were stored 330 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. therein by a squirrel. It is not certainly known that Tecumseh lived in this locality, but his brother, the prophet, here made his home. In 1815 Airs. Bryson, the mother of Joseph Bryson, witnessed a shocking cere- monial of the Indians who returned to visit the grave of -Blue Jacket, the noted chief- tain. The)- held very queer funeral rites according to their tribal custom. They par- ticularly requested that the plow never be run over the grave of Blue Jacket, saying, "he good Indian." It is supposed that Blue jacket was poisoned, a statement to that effect being made at Fort Rush, where an Indian in reply to a question as to what caused Blue Jacket's death made a move- ment to indicate that Blue Jacket had taken a pill and soon afterward died. Joseph Bryson is a well-known and hon- ored representative of a pioneer family and was born on the old homestead, November 30, 1 82 1, and there his boyhood days were passed amid the wild scenes of frontier life. His education was limited to such advan- tages as the subscription schools afforded. He pursued his studies for a few months each year, from 1832 until 1838. He was early inured to the arduous labors of the farm, and remained with his parents until they were carried to the home beyond. By his own efforts he prepared himself for teaching, and followed that profession dur- ing the winter months, from 1846 until 1864. Besides acquiring a knowledge of the branches taught in the common schools, he familiarized himself with a number of the sciences, including astronomy, geology and higher mathematics. In the summer of 1864 he enlisted in Company D, One Hun- dred and Fifty-second Ohio Infantry, in which he served for four months. He was at once sent to the front, and was with Gen- eral Hunter's army before Lynchburg, Vir- ginia. He passed through the renowned Shenandoah valley, witnessing the destruc- tion of Governor Letcher's home and the Washington Military Institute at Lexington, Virginia. He participated in several sharp skirmishes while guarding the supply train of the armv. At Greenbrier Gap, Virginia, they were engaged by the enemy, and Mr. Bryson was saved from instant death by his canteen and belt, a ball striking and piercing the canteen ; it sent him reeling a distance of ten feet before he could recover, but the belt stopped the bullet. On the expiration of his term of service be was honorably dis- charged and returned to his home in Septem- ber, 1864, with the rank of orderly. Since that time Mr. Bryson has remained on the old farmstead, where his entire life has been passed, and to its cultivation and im- provement he devotes his energies, having there a valuable and desirable property. His life has been a busy and useful one. In po- litical affiliations he is a stanch Republican since the organization of the party, previous 1. 1 which time he was a Whig, his first presi- dential vote being cast for Henry Clay, in 1844. In educational matters he is, and has alwavs been much interested. He is one of the best farmers and business men of the township, having a retentive memory which enables him to relate with ease and accuracy accounts of events and their dates, which occurred many years ago. He is a well-preserved man, bearing his four-score years with erectness of figure and clearness of thought and expression equal to that of many of the business men many years his junior. He is a member of Greenville Lodge, No. 143. F. & A. M., and in his life exemplifies the benevolent principles of the fraternity. Through Ions: vears he has GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 331 watched the progress of events in Darke county, has seen its growth and improve- ment, and at all times has borne his part in the work of advancement as a public-spirited citizen. JOSEPH COLE. No history of Darke county would be complete without the record of the Cole fam- ily, for, since the earliest development of this portion of the state representatives of the. name have been prominently connected with its business interests and have aided in pro- moting its material welfare. It is therefore with pleasure that we present this record to the readers of this volume. The family is of Holland Dutch lineage, belonging to a race which has done much in the develop- ment of this great country. The original American ancestors settled at New Amster- dam, now the city of New York, and were soon recognized as leading factors in that location. David Cole, the great-grandfa- ther of our subject, was born in New Am- sterdam and there married and reared a fam- ily of children, one of whom was Samuel Cole, the grandfather of our subject. He was born November 5, 175 1, in New York, and was a farmer by occupation. He took an active part in the events which contribut- ed to the upbuilding of this section of the state and remained in the east until 1819, when he retired from the active du- ties of business life and came to Darke county, Ohio, making his home in Wash- ington township with his son, Sam- uel, until 1824, when the family re- moved to Greenville township. The grand- father there spent his last days, dying Jan- uary 8, 1828. He was twice married : first to Janey Davis, who was born the 7th of July, 1755, a native of the Empire state. They had three chilidren : Sophia, who was born July 5, 1773, and became the wife of Cornelius Van Fleet, of New York; Mar- garet, who was born November 20, 1775, and married David Christy, of New York; and Janey, who was born October 11, 1778,. and married Abraham Doty, of New York. After the mother died Samuel Cole mar- ried Miss Anna Rider, who was born Oc- tober 25, 1760. They had eight children: Lorana. born July 22, 1783, died Novem- ber 13, 1803; Samuel was the father of our subject ; Phcebe, who was born July 20, 1789, became the wife of Charles Wood; David, who was born September 10, 1791, wedded Mary Brady and died in Darke coun- ty, February 14, 1854; Martha who was born August 6, 1793, and died July 23, i860, wedded Nathaniel Skidmore, of New Jersey, and in 18 19 they came to Darke county, one of their descendants, Peter Skidmore, being now a resident of Wash- ington township; Joseph, who was born February 15, 1796, and died January 17, 1882, married Anna Sweet, who was a resi- dent of Hamilton county. Ohio, and died in Washington township, Darke county, Ohio, in 1875 ; James, who was born May 6, 1798, wedded Sarah Rupel, of Darke county, and died in St. Joseph county, Indiana, July 6, 1856; and Sarah, who was born March 6, 1802, became the wife of Henry D. Will- iams and died in Darke county, April 24, 1876. Samuel Cole, the father of this fam- ily was a Baptist in his religious belief and took a prominent part in the affairs of the church. His political support was given to the Whig party. He possessed a retiring- disposition and devoted his time and ener- gies to the work of securing a comfortable and pleasant home for his family. His 332 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. sterling worth was recognized by his friends and neighbors, who gave him their warm regard. Samuel Cole. Jr., the father of our sub- ject, was hern in Xew Jersey, July 3. 1787. His early life was spent on his father's farm and he received such educational ad- vantages as were afforded by the common schools of those days. Possessing a studi- ous nature, he quickly embraced every op- portunity for mental improvement and be- came an exceptionally well educated man. He assisted his father in the operation of the home farm until 181 2, when he was married t< 1 Miss Mary Elston, of New Jer- sey. Through the following three years he remained in his native state, but on learning of the advantages to be secured in the west, he started on horseback in 181 5, reaching Montgomery county, Ohio, after a long and wearisome journey. He was, however, greatly pleased with the prospects offered in that section and returned to the east with the intention of taking up his abode in Ohio. During this time he kept a diary which is now in possession of the subject, and gives an account of his journey and of the early pioneer experiences in the west. Mr. Cole of this review also has a Spanish coin, bear- ing the date of 1774, which was found in the old pocketbook owned by his father. In 1816 Samuel Cole, Jr., again started for the Buckeye state, being accompanied this time by his family and James Brady, a brother-in-law. The journey must have seemed a long one, as it was made before the days of railroads and all travel was by private conveyance. Day after day they continued on their way, often over roads that were in poor condition. At length, however, their travels were ended and they took up their abode on the Mad river, in Montgomery county. However, they were not satisfied with that location and in March, 181 7, they came to Darke county, Mr. Cole securing a claim comprising the southeast quarter of section 2~, 'Washington township. Since that time Mr. Cole has been identified with the growth and progress of that section of Darke count}-. Mr. Cole and his sons cleared a small tract and erected a log cabin, which was the third home in the township, the other two being the property of Jacob and Martin Cox, who were brothers. In this primitive abode Mr. Cole and his fam- ilv resided for some time, but later an ad- dition was built and in this, during the winter of 1821, Mr. Cole conducted the first school ever held in Washington township. Here he resided until 1824, when he removed to Greenville township and purchased of David Williamson the southeast quarter of section 19, passing his remaining days upon that farm. His wife. Miss Mary Elston, was born in Xew Jersey. November 7, 1792, and died August 10, 1831. She was a daughter of William Elston, of Monmouth county. Xew Jersey, and a granddaughter of John Elston, who emigrated from Lon- don, England, about 1730. He was a ship carpenter by trade. Her father, William Elston, married Elizabeth Walling, who was born in New Jersey, August 26, 1766. They had twelve children, of whom Mrs, Cole was the fifth. Unto the parents of our subject were born five children : William, whose birth occurred July 25, 1813, mar- ried Mary Chenoweth, of Washington town- ship, in December, 1835, and died April 3, 1836; Asa, born July 26, 181 5, was married September 13, 1840, to Rachel Fisher and died May 29, 1857; Jane, born April 20, 181 7, the first white child born in Washing- ton township, is now living in Boston, GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 833 Wayne county, Indiana, with her daughter, Mrs. Mary C. Druly, she having been mar- ried, in December, 1834, to Leonard Win- termute, who died in Missouri, in 1839; Betsy, who was born March 23, 1819, and died February 6, 1872, was married Octo- ber 16, 1836, to George Elston, who died January 29, 1872; Samuel, who was born April 5, 182 1, and now resides in Wash- ington township, was married in March, 1844, to Miss Elizabeth Cox, their son, H. M. Cole, being the present judge of the court of appeals; Joseph, of this review, is the next of the family; Polly died in infancy; Henry, who was born June 20. 1829, now resides in Reno county, Kansas. He has been twice married, his first union being with Margaret Hoffman, his second with Matilda Tegarden. For the past fifty years he has been a well known minister of the gospel in the Christian church and the influence of his life and teachings have been most marked All of the children were residents of Darke county at the time of their marriage. The father of this family passed away Febru- ary 1, 1866. He never sought public posi- tion nor office, but was a man who was hon- ored and respected, for his life was upright and honorable and he enjoyed the confidence and regard of all who knew him. In his death Darke county lost one of its valued citizens. Joseph Cole, whose name introduces this review, was born in Washington township, December 29, 1823, and spent the first eight- een years of his life upon the old homestead assisting his father through the summer months in the work of the fields, while in the winter season he pursued his education in the schools of the neighborhood. In those days schools were held in any vacant cabin that could be secured and were conducted on the subscription plan. Mr. Cole's educational privileges were thus somwhat limited, but he improved what chances he had, and at the age of eighteen obtained a teacher's cer- tificate. From 1841 until 1857 he engaged in teaching and his different certificates, with one exception, are still in his posses- sion. In 1846, in company with his brother, Samuel, he erected a saw-mill, which they operated until 1850, when they sold the property. Up to this time Mr. Cole had always made his home with his parents, but on the 6th of April, 1850, he married Miss Sarah Ann Shively, daughter of Daniel and Christina (Heck) Shively. Her parents were natives of Pennsylvania and on com- ing to Ohio located in Montgomery county, whence they removed to Darke county in 1817. After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Cole took up their abode in Coleville, which town was laid out by our subject, and there he engaged in merchandising from 1852 until 1855, when he disposed of his interests and turned his attention to farming in Green- ville township, being thus occupied until 1865. In that year he purchased his present farm of one hundred and sixty acres in Washington township, and in addition to the cultivation of cereals best adapted to this cli- mate, he has engaged in stock dealing, both raising and buying stock for the market. His business affairs have been capably prose- cuted and have brought to him creditable success. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Cole have been born seven children, six of whom are living, name- ly : Wallace S., who was born April 6, 1853, \ was wedded to Nancy Wise, of Darke coun- tv, and now resides in Reno county, Kan- sas, where he is engaged in feeding fine cattle. They have six children : Flora A., who was born March 26, 1855, was married 334 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. September 26, 1878, to B. F. Chenoweth and resides in Greenville. They have one child, Jesse A. William Henry, who was born December 16, 1859. was married De- cember 22, t88l, i" Lucy Manuel, by whom he has three children. Their home is in Washington township. Mary C, who was born April 25, 1862, resides with her par- ents. Charles W., who was born October 12, 1866, was married. December 20, 1890, to Lucy Bickel and resides in Washington township. They also have three children: Benjamin F., who was born November 12, 1874, was married on the 12th of Decem- ber, 189(1. l " Myrtle Jeffries and resides on the old homestead. They have two chil- dren. Mrs. Cole is a prominent worker in the Christian church and Mr. Cole contnoutes to its support. In politics he was originally a Whig, casting his first presidential vote for Zachary Taylor, but since the organization of the Republican party he has loyally sup- ported its principles and L one of its m : t earnest advocates. He has had neither time nor inclination to enter the political arena, yet has filled many township offices and was once candidate for the office of probate judge. Although he has passed the age of three score years and ten, he retains his mental faculties unimpaired and keeps well informed on all the issues and topics of the day. He is blessed with an excellent mem- ory, especially for dates, and can relate many interesting incidents of frontier life in Ohio. His marked characteristics have ever been such as to commend him to the confidence and regard of his fellow towns- men and he enjoys the good will and respect of all with whom he has been brought in con- tact. So long and actively have the Cole family been identified with the interests of Darke county that no history of the com- munity would be complete without mention of its representatives. From pioneer days d< nvn to the present epoch of advancement and progress they have borne their part in the work of public progress and improve- ment and none more actively than he whose name introduces this review. LEWIS P. WALTERS. In Darke county are found many repre- sentatives of the fatherland and they form an important element in the citizenship of this locality. The enterprise and industry j so characteristic of the Teutonic nations have been an important element in the sub- I stantial progress and material develi ipment j of this section of the state and Mr. Walters is one who has never withheld his support from any movement or measure which he be- lieved would prove of public good. He was born in the little village of Schleterbach, Ger- many. October 23, 1840. His father. Lewis Walters, Sr.. was born in the same locality, November 6. 1806, was reared in the land of his nativity and obtained his education in the public schools. By trade he was a stone-mason. He spent the first forty-i me years of his life in his native land and ere he emigrated to America he was married and all of his children were born. He sailed from Havre de Grace for New Orleans, and after a voyage of sixty-three days reached his destination. During; the long trip across the Atlantic the vessel encountered heavy storms and the passengers frequently thought they would never again see land, but fate was kind and they eventually reached their destination in safety. Mr. Walters can well remember how on one occasion during a terrible storm the father planned to wrap GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 335 all of the children in a sheet that they might go down together into the depths of the sea, but an overruling providence had destined that they should reach the American harbor. After landing in New Orleans they made their way to Pittsburg bv steamer and thence came to Ohio, locating in Monroe county. where the father purchased eighty acres of land. He was an industrious man, who ac- quired a comfortable competence by the careful conduct of his business affairs. He added to his estate until he owned one hun- dred and twenty acres and upon the farm he resided until 1883, when he sold his land and with his family came to Darke county. His wife having died he made his home with his son. Lewis, until his death, which oc- curred July 9, 1 89 1. He was a good man, upright and honorable in all things and he aided in the erection of the Evangelical church, in Monroe county, laying the founda- tion of the building, as he was a practical mason. In politics he was a stalwart Dem- ocrat. He passed away at the advanced age of eighty-four years and six months, and his remains were interred in Brown town- ship. His wife, who was born in the prov- ince of Dimbach, in 1805, died in Monroe county. Ohio. February 6, 1876. She was an estimable lady, who possessed many ex- cellent characteristics, and before her chil- dren she set an example well worthy of emu- lation. She had two sons and two daugh- ter-, namely: Barbara, wife of Christian Kliner, a resident of Virginia; Jacob, who served throughout the civil war, participat- ing in many engagements, and is now resid- ing in the Soldiers' Home," in Sandusky; Louisa, widow of Daniel Lutevig, of Vir- ginia; and Lewis P. The last named was a lad of seven sum- mers, when, with his parents, he crossed 20 the Atlantic to the new world. He is a typical German-American farmer, of social disposition and kindly nature and of marked industry. He obtained his education in the common schools and was reared to the work of the farm. On the 14th of December, 1862, he married Miss Rachel Peters, whose birth occurred in Monroe county, Ohio, June' 10, 1844. Her parents were Jacob and Elizabeth (McKalla) Peters. Her father was born in Germany and came to America with his wife and children, the latter all hav- ing been born in that country, with the ex- ception of Mrs. Walters. He was a farmer by occupation and followed that pursuit throughout his business career. In his family were fourteen children, of six are yet living, namely: Elizabeth, wife of Jacob Detling. of Brown township; Sarah, widow of Harmon Hess, of St. Louis, Missouri ; Magdalene, wife of Henry Sheets, an agri- culturist living in Angola, Steuben county. Indiana; Jacob, who follows farming in Brown township; Michael, who is living in Monroe county, Ohio : and Mrs. \\ "alters. Unto our subject and his wife have been eleven children, ten sons and one daughter, and eight of this number yet survive : Will- iam, who was educated in the common schools, is now married and has four chil- dren. He is section foreman on the Cin- cinnati & Northern Railroad, resides at Lewisburg, Preble county, and is a Demo- crat in his political affiliations. Harmon is married and lives in Lewisburg, where he follows the stone-mason's trade. He, too, votes with the Democracy. Jacob, a prosper- ous farmer, married Miss Ida Lephart and has three children. Like his brothers, he gives his political support to the Democratic party. Charlie married Miss Newbower, and is a farmer living in Greenville. Theo- 336 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. dore, who lives with his parents in Green- ville, desires to be a telegraph operator, Clarence. Leonard and Ray are still under the parental roof. The parents, realizing the importance of educational privileges, have allowed their children to attend school and have also instructed them in habits of in- dustry and honesty. Mr. and Mrs. Walters began their do- mestic life upon the old home farm, and as he was the eldest in his father's family the responsibility of caring for his parents de- volved upon him. In 1880 he removed with his wife and children to Brown township and is now accounted one of the successful farm- ers of Darke county. He owns sixty-three acres of valuable land under a high state of cultivation and raises the various crops best adapted to the climate. He proudly cast his first presidential vote for General George B. McClellan and has since been a Demo- crat in his political affiliations. In 1896 he was elected trustee of Brown township and served the people faithfully while in that office. He has also been school director for nine years and has done all in his power to promote the cause of education. He and his wife are consistent members of the Luther- an church and their lives are in harmony with their professions. HENRY WARNER. Henry Warner, who is living on section 5, Greenville township, was born in Ran- dolph township, Montgomery county, Ohio, March 12, 1835. His father, John Warner, was a native of Pennsylvania and came to the Buckeye state in 181 1, taking up his residence in Montgomery county the follow- ing year. The unsettled condition of the state is indicated by the fact that there w T ere only two cabins in Dayton at that time. Henry Warner, the grandfather of our sub- ject, was born in Maryland, and during the war of 1 81 2 was drafted for service, but his brother went to the front as his substitute. He was a farmer by occupation and died in Miami county, Ohio. The mother of our subject bore the maiden name of Charity Hill, and her death occurred when her son, Henry, was only seven years of age. She had six children, all of whom reached years of maturity. After the death of his first wife, the father married Polly Booker, and they had nine children. Henry Warner is the third child and second son of the first marriage. He was reared in Montgomery county, Ohio, and the common schools of the neighborhood af- forded him his educational privileges. He remained with his parents until his marriage, which was celebrated in Miami county, Oc- tober 28, 1858, Miss Elizabeth Stager be- coming his wife. She was born in Lebanon county, Pennsylvania, July 16, 1836, a daughter of William and Katie (Ensell) Stager. Her father was born in the Key- stone state, was a tailor by trade and in 1846 came to Miami county, where he died, at the age of eighty-four years. His first wife died when Airs. Warner was only six years old. They had five children, two daughters and three sons. The father was again married, his second union being with Caroline Walters, by whom he had seven children. Mrs. Warner was the second child and eldest daughter of the first marriage, and was ten years of age when, with her parents, she removed to Mi- ami county. After their marriage, our sub- ject and his wife located on the old home- stead farm of the Warners in Montgomery county, Ohio, and in 1864 removed to GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 337 Huntington county, Indiana, where he was engaged in general farming until 1869. They then came to Darke county, locating at Baker, in Neave township, on the Jacob Baker farm, where they remained for two years. On the expiration of that period Mr. Warner purchased the farm upon which he now resides, then a tract of eighty- eight acres, which at that time was poorly improved, but is now under a high state of cultivation. Upon it are found excellent buildings, good fences, drainage and all the accessories and modern conveniences found upon the best farms of this period. The land being well cultivated, the harvests re- turn a good income to the owner. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Warner has been blessed with the following children : William H., the eldest, married Frances Ar- nett and they have two children — Elsworth and Gertie. Vallandingham married Laura Westfall, and they had three children — Ollie M., Estella E. and Alva. But the mother is now deceased. Samuel A. mar- ried Jennie Kefover, by whom he has four children — Melvin, Isaac, Nellie and Holly. German, the present surveyor of Darke county and a resident of Greenville, mar- ried Sallie Huffman. Katie is the wife of 'Burr Evans, a grocer of Greenville, and they have one child, Dorothea. Mr. and Mrs. Warner also have an adopted daughter, Emma, who has been a member of the fam- ily since three years of age. Our subject and his wife are members of the German Baptist church and he is a Dem- ocrat in politics. He has served as super- visor of roads and as school director. He and his wife are people of genial nature and kindly disposition and are very hospitable to friends and strangers. Their lives have at all times been commendable and worthy of emulation and they command the good will and esteem of all with whom they have been associated. WILLIAM SHIELDS. Among the honored veterans of the Civil war and the prosperous farmers of Van Buren township, none stand higher in pub- lic esteem than William Shields, a native of that township, who was born on the old homestead, November 9, 1840. His early educational advantages were meager as the nearest school house was four miles from his home and the path thither was mainly through swamps. The school house was built of logs, contained slab seats and other primitive furniture, and few branches were taught. His first teacher was Joseph Drew, a very able instructor for those times. When not in school he tended stock in winter and worked on the farm during the summer months, using the old-fashioned sickle and scythe. At the age of sixteen he assisted thirteen grown men in mowing a field and held his own with any of them. When the Civil war broke out Mr. Shields enlisted at Greenville, in August, 1861, in Company G, Forty- fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, under Captain Xewkirk, Colonel Wood, and later under Colonel Gil- bert. They went into camp at Camp Clarke, Springfield, Clark county, where they spent two months, and from there proceeded to Camp Piatt, West Virginia. After drilling six months they were ordered to the front and took part in the battle of Louisburg, where parts of the Thirty-sixth and Forty- fourth Ohio Infantry and the One Hun- dredth New York Cavalry, numbering nine hundred in all. met thirty-five hundred rebels with eight pieces of artillery, but captured 338 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. seven hundred prisoners, wounded five hun- dred and killed a great many. After one year spent in West Virginia, they went to Kentucky, where they served as mounted in- fantry for six months, taking part in many skirmishes in that state and Tennessee. After being dismounted they were in the breastworks siege of Knoxville for twenty days and were fed on crushed corn. After the battle of Lookout Mountain resulted vic- toriously for the Union troops, Thomas went to the assistance of the besieged at Knoxville. The rebels made a fierce on- slaught but were repulsed and moved back to Smoky Camp, followed by the Union troops. This was the last engagement in which Mr. Shields participated before re- enlisting at Strawberry Plains, in the Eighth Ohio Cavalry. Eeing granted a forty days' furlough he returned home, and at the end of that time rejoined his command at Camp Dennison. From there they proceeded to Camp Piatt, West Virginia, and were under the command of General Sheridan in the Shenandoah valley, taking part in the battle of Cedar Creek. Mr. Shields wit- nessed General Sheridan's famous ride, and saw him pull off his hat and shout to his retreating men, ''Boys, come back and we'll have everything on wheels till four o'clock." In the engagement at Winchester many of our subject's schoolmates fell. After the battle of Cedar Creek the Eighth Ohio moved back to Martinsburg and was en- gaged in skirmishing through the valley for over a week. About this time Mr. Shields was driving a team, and was at Wier's Cave, Brown's Gap, when it was shelled by the rebels. His command was scattered, but after getting together again proceeded to Stockland, setting fire to farm houses as they went, rescuing the inmates and with wagons conveying them to the railroad sta- tion when desired. They next went to Beverlv. West Virginia, where many of the regiment were captured, but Mr. Shields es- caped, as he had been sent that morning for a load of rations. On his return he got as far as Phillippi, when he heard the news and remained at that place one month. He then secured a horse and entered the ranks but his command took part in no other en- gagements. He was mustered out at Clarks- burg. Virginia, at the close of the war, and was discharged at Springheld, Ohio, July 14, 1865. Mr. Shields reached home July 15, and the fi illowing day resumed work on the farm. He remained under the parental roof until he was married, June 27, 1867, to Miss Maria Hathaway, who was born in Green- ville township, a daughter of William and Lena (Amole) Hathaway, and ten children blessed this union, namely : Edward, at home; Delia, wife of Lewis Binkley : Wiley. who married Elizabeth McNutt and lives in Van Buren township; Deo, who died April 1, 1 89 1, at the age of sixteen years; Lucy, wife of Melvin Miller, of Van Buren town- ship; Lewis. Maud. Orpha, Jennie and Treva. at home. After his marriage Mr. Shields located on a farm of eighty acres in Van Buren township, which he had purchased, but two years later returned to the old homestead, where he spent three years. In the mean- time he bought sixty acres of land in Van Buren township, adjoining his present farm, on which he located in August, 1869, and two years later removed to his present farm, consisting of two hundred acres, which he has placed under a high state of cultivation and improved with good and substantial buildings. On his return from the war he GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 839 had twelve hundred dollars, which he in- vested in land, and being industrious, enter- prising and progressive he has succeeded in accumulating a handsome property. For a tract of ninety-six acres he gave over nine thousand dollars, paying over four thousand dollars in cash. He always affiliates with the Republican party and gives his support to everp enterprise which he believes calculated to prove of public benefit. THOMAS J. SHELLEY. While memory remains to the Ameri- can people the nation will ever feel a debt of gratitude to the boys in blue who fought for the preservaton of the Union and made possible the perpetuation of the glorious na- tion over which the stars and stripes now proudly float. Among the veterans of the Civil war is Thomas J. Shelley, who, with the Ohio troops, went to the front and braved danger and death in support of his native land. He was born in Preble county, Ohio, December 19, 1844. and is a son of Ebenezer and Julia (House) Shelley. His father was a native of North Carolina, born about thirty miles from Fayetteville. in 18 12. He was educated in the common schools, learned the mason's trade and also followed farming. Emigrating westward, he took up his abode in Indiana, and joined a company for service in the Black Hawk war, under command of Captain A. E. Burnsides, but the company was not called out. In his politica. senti- ments in an early day he was an Abolition- ist, and when the Republican party was formed to prevent the further extension of slavery he joined its ranks and was one of its stanch advocates. From Indiana he re- moved to Preble county. Ohio, about 1836, and died in that county sixty years later. He was a member of the United Brethren church and a man of sterling worth. The Shelley family was of English lineage. The father of our subject married Julia House, who was born in Fairfax county, Virginia, ' and belonged to one of the "F. F. V.'s" Her birth occurred in 1813, and she died at the age of eighty years. In the family of this worthy couple were nine children, six sons and three daughters,of whom five are living, as follows : Amanda, wife of Robert Banta, a farmer of Preble county ; Richard, who served in the Fifth Ohio Cavalry in the Army of the Tennessee during the Civil war, and is now married and resides in Powers, Indiana ; Thomas J., of this review; William, a farmer, who is married and lives in Powers: and James M., who is an em- ploye of a railroad and resides in Baltimore, Preble county. Thomas J. Shelley, whose name intro- duces this record, spent his boyhood days in Preble county and acquired his education in the public schools, but his privileges were somewhat meager, as his services were need- ed on the home farm. During the Civil war he responded to the country's call for aid, en- listing in Company D, Eighty-first Ohio In- fantry, under Captain P. A. Tyler and Col- onel Thomas Morton, on the 20th of Au- gust, 1862. His regiment was assigned to the Army of the Tennessee, under command of General Grant, and he participated in the battles of Corinth, Iuka, Resaca, Kenesaw Mountain, Peach Tree Creek and the siege of Atlanta. He was also in the battles of Xew Hope Church, Flint River and Jones- boro, and went with Sherman on his cele- brated march to the sea and through the Carolinas, participating in the engagement at Bentonville. the last regular battle of the war. At the battle of Atlanta, where the 340 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. gallant McPherson fell, Mr. Shelley's com- rades immediately on the right and on the left were both killed, and at the same place he had four minie balls shot through his coat, while in another engagement a ball pierced his cap, and in the siege of Atlanta the nail from the third finger of his left hand was shot away. At Kenesaw Moun- tain, when he was on the firing line, a rebel bullet struck the edge of the United States plate on his belt and split it into two parts, one of which he still has in his possession. When the army was near Raleigh, North Carolina, the joyful news reached them of the surrender of General Lee, and it was received amidst great excitement and en- thusiasm, for the boys at the front knew that it meant the end of the war and the pos- sibility of their return to home, family and friends, but about the same time there also came the sad news of the assassination of President Lincoln. With his command Mr. Shelley marched through the Carolinas and Virginia to Washington, D. C, and there participated in the grand review, the most brilliant military pageant ever seen on the western hemisphere. He received an hon- orable discharge June 13, 1865, and with a nmst creditable military record, of which be has every reason to be proud, he returned to his home. When his company began the Atlanta campaign it numbered fifty-eight men, and at the battle of Jonesboro only seven were left to engage in active service, some being on detail duty, while others were prisoners, others were wounded and others were dead. On the uth of March, 1868, Mr. Shelley was united in marriage to Miss Josephine • Higgins, and unto them were born seven children, two sons and five daughters, name- ly : Lillian, who is successfully teaching in the schools of Tippecanoe City, Ohio ; Myr- tle, wife of Daniel Hinderer, of Greenville; Tillie, wife of Arthur Moore, a railroad man on the Pennsylvania system, residing in In- dianapolis; Josie and Bessie, at home; Ar- thur and Wilbur. Mr. Shelley was called upon to mourn the loss of his wife April 27, 1886. She was a faithful companion and helpmate to her husband, a loving mother and an active and consistent member of the Methodist church. In his political views Mr. Shelley is a stalwart Republican, supporting the party since he cast his first presidential vote for Abraham Lincoln. He was a del- egate to the state convention that nom- inated J. B. Foraker for governor of Ohio, for the first time. He has been a resident of Darke county since 1870, and was engaged in the manufacture of lumber for eleven years at Dawn, where he is still re- siding and where he is well known as a rep- resentative and reliable citizen. The cause of education finds in him a warm friend, and for fourteen years he has been officially con- nected with the school system of the county. He was strongly in favor of the erection of the beautiful brick schoolhouse in his district and has done all in his power to promote ed- ucational interests. Socially be is connected with the Masonic lodge of Ansonia, Ohio, and has contributed toward the erection of the Methodist church in Dawn. His record is that of a man who has ever been true to his duty to his neighbor, himself and his coun- try, and he enjoys the well merited regard of all with whom he has been brought in con- tact. On the 17th day of May, 1879, he met with a severe accident by getting his right foot caught in a circular saw while the mill The big toe was cut off GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 341 and a part of the inside of the foot, which made him a cripple for life. He has been en- gaged in the manufacture and sale of medi- cine since 1880. He was census enumerator in 1890 and was postmaster under Benjamin Harrison's administration. WILLIAM L. ROBERTSON. A retired blacksmith of Hollansburg, Darke county, and an honored veteran of the war of the Rebellion, is William Lane Rob- ertson, whose life has been one of signal usefulness, entitling him to consideration in a work of this nature. He was born in Monroe township. Preble county, this state, on the 25th of May, 1833, the son of Isaac VanDoran Robertson, who was born in the same township, on June 28, 1809, his death occurring on the 4th of July, 1845. The latter's father was Ephraim Robertson, a farmer of Virginia. Isaac V. Robertson was a teacher and preacher, and his zeal and determination may be understood when we revert to the fact that he secured his education through his own efforts, poring over his books by the light of a pine-knot torch, and being indefatigable in his efforts to advance himself intellectually. He de- voted himself to teaching when a young man and eventually became an able clergyman of the United Brethren church, in which he labored earnestly and effectively for the Master's cause. He was an excellent singer, and this ability gave added power to his ministerial work. He was one of a large family, and his mother survived her hus- band by many years, her death occurring in 1868, at Castine, this county, where she sleeps her last sleep, having passed away at a very venerable age. The father of our subject lies buried in the Baptist church- yard in Monroe township, Preble county. The mother of our subject bore the maiden name of Harriet Brown, and she was the daughter of Michael Brown, who was of German lineage and an early pioneer of Ohio, having settled on Twin creek, in Preble county. The marriage of Isaac V. Robertson and Harriet Brown was solem- nized on the 3d of June, 1830, and they be- came the parents of four children : Marv Jane, born March 1, 183 1, became the wife of John Coblentz, of New Paris, Preble county, and they have two sons and two daughters; William L. is the subject of this sketch ; Sarah Elizabeth, widow of C. B. Tillson, is a resident of Greensburg, Indiana, and has three children ; Rhocla Ann became the wife of John S. Starbuck, by whom she had three children, and died in Union City, Indiana. The father owned a part of the old farm of one hundred and sixty acres, but he devoted himself to the work of the church and was also a marble cutter by trade, personally chiseling the inscriptions on the tombstones for his parishioners. He was a man of distinctive genius, beinq' ex- tremely versatile, and it is recalled that he would often do a hard day's work and then preach at night. William L. Robertson, to whom this re- view is specially dedicated, had hut limited educational advantages in his youth, but was favored in having grown up under the benign influences of a home in which refine- ment and purity of life were ever in evidence. Plis opportunities were lessened by reason of the fact that his father died when he was but a lad of twelve years, and thereafter our sub- ject found his services in constant demand upon the home farm. He left home at the age of sixteen and apprenticed himself at 342 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. the blacksmith's trade, serving three years and becoming an expert artisan in his line. His mother in the meantime consummated a second marriage, being united to James J. Alexander, who survived her and who was again married. The mother of our subject died March 2. 1865, her birth having oc- curred November 12, 1810. Loyal and patriotic in his attitude, our subject was ready to go forth to protect his country when her integrity was menaced by armed rebellion, and in April, 1861. he re- sponded to the first call for seventy-five thou- sand men, deserting his forge and anvil for the stern duties of warfare. He enlisted in Company K, Eleventh Ohio Volunteer In- fantry, for the three-months service, and at the expiration of his term he veteranized and in 1862 responded to the call for three hundred thousand men for "three vears or during the war," becoming a member of Company H, One Hundred and Tenth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and being mustered in as first sergeant. He served two years, and was promoted second lieutenant of Com- pany D. Mr. Robertson was constantly on duty, participating in all the engagements and marches of his regiment, and among the more important battles in which he took part may be mentioned the following: Win- chester, the Wilderness,- the twenty-, me days' fighting in the Wilderness, Spottsyl- vania, and Cold Harbor, where he was wounded on the 3d of June, 1864, receiving a grapeshot in the left breast. He was taken by transport to the Armory Square hospital at Washington, D. C, and here his life was threatened by reason of g-an- grene having settled in his wound. He rallied, however, and in December, 1864, he was honorably discharged by reason of his disabilities, and returned to his home. With health seriously impaired. In recog- nition of his services and the sufferings he lias endured the government grants him a pension of fifteen dollars per month. Soon after his return home, on the 29th of December, 1864, Mr. Robertson was united in marriage to Miss Mary A. Hor- ney, who was horn July 10. 1835, in Fay- ette county, Ohio, the daughter of Anderson and Mary Homey. Our subject and his devoted wife have no children of their own, but their home is brightened by the pres- ence of the little daughter of their adopted daughter, who died at her birth. Mrs. Robertson's mother was born in Frederick county, Virginia, in 1803, and was brought by her parents to Ohio in 18 10. She was the daughter of Reese and Lydia Baldwin, who were farmers in Greene county, Ohio, and who became the parents of ten children, of whom five are living, namely: Caroline, a resident of Yellow Springs, Ohio; Mary A. ; Eliza, widow of James Gist, and a resi- dent of Hollanslmrg; Hester Hamilton, of Yellow Springs ; and David, of Goes Sta- tion, Greene county, Ohio. Mr. Robertson is fraternally identified with the Grand Army of the Republic, the Masonic order and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He is a stanch Republi- can in politics. He was engaged in the mercantile business for a quarter of a centu- ry — from 1865 to 1890, and has been since retired from active business, owning and at- tractive home in Hollansburg, and also a house which he rents. He and his wife are consistent members of the Christian church. In concluson we may revert to the fact that Mrs. Robertson's mother lived to the venerable age of ninety-three years, her death occurring at the home of our subject on the 25th of Fehruary, 1900. She came GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 343 to Ohio when this section was a veritable wilderness, and her memory linked the primitive past with the latter-day prosper- ity and advancement. In her religious be- lief she was a Methodist, and her years were a blessing to all who came in touch with her gentle and kindly life. HENRY J. ROYER. Henry J. Royer, who is farming on sec- tion i, Harrison township, is numbered among the native sons of German township, Darke county, his birth having occurred there on the 6th of November, 1845. His father, Henry Royer, was born in Mont- gomery county, Ohio, near Germantown, in 181 5, and died in German township, in 1892. The grandfather, George Royer, was a na- tive of Germany and became the founder of the family in America. He spent his last days in Montgomery county, Ohio, and at his death left six children, of whom Henry Royer was the fifth in order of birth. All were married, and with one exception all had children, but none of the sons or daugh- ters of that family are now living. Henry Royer was reared in the Buckeye state, and as a companion and helpmeet on life's jour- ney he chose Miss Caserine Kunkle, of German township,. Darke county, whose par- ents were born in Pennsylvania, and were of German lineage. Mr. and Mrs. Royer were married about the year 1836, and the chil- dren born to them were : Fanny, who be- came the wife of Eli Bollinger, and died in Page county, Iowa, leaving a family; John, a representative farmer of Harrison township; Jacob, who follows farming in Iowa; David, who is living in Washington township ; Henry J. ; Michael, whose home is at Camden, Illinois; George, who resides in Iowa; and Samuel, who is living in Darke county, Ohio. The mother died in 1854, and the father afterward married Nancy Bollinger, by whom he had ten children, of whom eight reached years of maturity and are still living. Five of the number had families, and the descendants of Henry Royer are now numerous. His second wife is still a resident of German township. He was a self-made man, who entered upon his business career empty-handed, but at his death each of his children received eleven hundred dollars and his widow was well pro- vided for. He accumulated his large prop- erty by unceasing endeavor and his example was well worthy of emulation. Mr. Royer, of this review, received but limited educational privileges, but his train- ing at f~rm labor was not meager and he assisted in the cultivation of his father's land until he was twenty-one years of age, when he was married. On the 3d of Janu- ary, 1867, he married Miss Malinda Hamil- ti .11, who was born in German township in 1845, twelve days after her father's death, her parents being David and Caroline Ham- ilton. Both are now deceased. The chil- dren of Mr. and Mrs. Royer are : Josiah, a grain dealer of Greenville, who is married and has one son; David, who is also living in Greenville; Ida. the wife of William Eli, of Butler township, by whom she has one son and daughter ; Sylvester, at home ; Luella, the wife of Michael McCabe, of Neave township, by whom she has two daughters ; Fanny, the wife of George Eli, by whom she has one son; an infant, who was the twin sister of Fannie, but died unnamed ; Isaac Omar, at home; and Herschel M., who died at the age of four years. The mother of these children was called to her final rest on the 6th of November, 1884, and on the 344 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 6th of September, 1890, Mr. Rover was again married, his second union being with Miss Dinah Bollinger, who was born, in Washington township and is a daughter of John Bollinger. The children of this union are: Glenmore, born August 10, 1891 ; Gracie Marie, born September 24, 1892; Nellie Elma, born May 16, 1894; and Oscar Leroy, born May 5. 1896. In 1878 Mr. Royer took up his abode upon his present farm, which comprises eighty-two acres of land. He also owns a fifty-acre tract on section 12, Harrison township. He superintends the operation of his land, the active work being done by his sons, who carry on farming on the shares. Wheat, corn and clover are the principal crops, and hogs and cattle are also raised. Much of the farm is of a black loam bottom land, and corn crops can be raised for many consecutive years. He feeds nearlv all of the farm products, with the exception of wheat, to his live stock. With the exception of the eleven hundred dollars which he in- herited from his father's estate, all that he possesses has been acquired through his own efforts; and he is today the owner of a very valuable property. Upon the home place he has erected a large, pleasant resi- dence and a large barn. All the improve- ments are modern and are kept in good re- pair, showing the owner to be an enterpris- ing, practical and progressive man. He votes with the Democracy and is a Dunk- ard in religious faith, but his wife holds membership in the Christian church. They have a v.ide acquaintance in Darke county, and their many excellent qualities have in- sured to them the friendship of all with whom they come in contact. The energy and keen discrimination of Mr. Royer have made him very prosperous in his business undertakings, and he is now accounted one of the substantial farmers of his commu- nity. DANIEL SNYDER. The fitting reward of a well-spent life is an honored retirement and a period of rest in which to enjoy the fruits of former toil. This has come to Mr. Snyder, who has put aside the more arduous duties of life and is living quietly at his pleasant home in Rose Hill. He was born in Mississinawa township, Darke county, January 20, 1842. His father, John K. Snyder, was a native of New Jersey, and when a young man came to Ohio, locating in Butler county, where, in 1835, he married Amy Hideley, whose birth occurred February 10, 1818. They had seven sons and one daughter, the latter being Sarah, the wife of F. A. Lehigh, of Illinois. They were married at her uncle's home in that state, and she died in Illinois, when about thirty-eight years of age, leaving a family. The sons are : Asa, a resident of Rockford, Ohio ; George, who is living in Springfield, Ohio; William V., a farmer of Butler county, this state ; David ; James A., who carries on farming near 'Rose Hill; Cyrus, who died in 1888, at the age of forty-six years; and John W., a painter of Darke county. In April, 1839, the par- ents came with their children to Darke county, where the father soon afterward purchased six hundred acres of land from the government, for one dollar and a quar- ter per acre. This was divided into five tracts of forty acres, three tracts of eighty acres and a farm of one hundred and sixty acres. The father was a drover" and drove his stock to Cincinnati, and was also the proprietor of a country store, and hauled GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 845- his goods from Cincinnati by way of Cas- tine, Darke county. For six generations the Snyder family, of which our subject is a representative, has been connected with American interests, but many of the sterling characteristics of their Scotch ancestry are shown in their lives. On the maternal side our subject is descended from one of the old families of Pennsylva- nia, and the grandfather, Henry Hidelev, re- moved from the Keystone state to Ohio, where he spent his remaining days, pass- ing away at the age of seventy-nine years. Mr. Snyder of this review is familiar with the story of pioneer life, having ex- perienced the usual hardships, trials and pleasures which fall to the lot of the fron- tier settlers. When the family came to this portion of the state, everything was wild and the forests stood in their primeval strength; many kinds of wild animals were found, and the cattle and hogs of the pioneer settlers quickly lost the traits of domestic ani- mals by running wild in the woods, and it required considerable strategy to capture them; but they resorted to the plan of cap- turing the leaders of the cattle and tying a handspike some eight feet long across their horns, so that they could not run through the brush, thus preventing the cattle from straying away. The parents were not in a good financial condition, and the privileges which the sons enjoyed were rather limited, but' they were early trained to'habits of in- dustry, economy and honest) - , and thus be- came practical business men, winning suc- cess in later life. The father, too, by the aid of his sons, accumulated a comfortable property, although he died in the prime of life. His widow afterward married Hugh McKibbon, who proved a kind husband and considerate stepfather. In his early youth Daniel Snyder learned the harnessmaker's trade, at Greenville, en- tering upon the business in 1858. He had before attended school to a limited extent, but in the practical affairs of life he has gained a good knowledge and is now a well informed man. He continued working at his trade until after the inauguration of the civil war, when he enlisted in the One Hun- dred and Eighty-seventh Ohio Infantry, as a member of Company C. For a year he was at the front, and returned as a non- commissioned officer. He then resumed work as a harness maker, and carried on the business for a number of years, winning an excellent trade and thereby securing a de- sirable competence. He owns two small farms in Mississinawa township, improved with good buildings and other substantial accessories of the model farm. He has in Rose Hill a four-acre lot, adorned with a comfortable residence, and there he is now making his home and living retired from the active duties of life. His fellow townsmen, recognizing his worth and ability, frequently call Mr. Sny- der to public office. He served as the town- ship treasurer for seven years, resigning that position when elected county recorder in the fall of 1886. The following January he entered upon the duties of the office, which he discharged in a most satisfactory man- ner for six years. He served for two terms as postmaster and for a long period has been a member of the school board, doing all in his power to promote the growth of the schools and make them most effective. On the 31st of October, 1869. occurred the marriage of Mr. Snyder and Miss Lydia I. Winterrowd, who was born in Mercer county, Ohio, July 8, 1850, a daughter of David and Sarah Jane ( Murphy) Winter- 346 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. rowd. Her parents are both now deceased. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Snyder has been blessed wth eight children : R. W., who is living at Redkey, Indiana, and has a wife and two daughters; J. H., who lives on the home farm with his wife and daughter; Amy, who is married, lives at Germantown, Ohio, and has one son and one daughter; Sally, the wife of Lee Williamson; Cliff C, a cigar manufacturer of Burkettsville, Ohio ; Daniel E., a cigar manufacturer, working for his brother; a son who died in infancy; and Ralph, a manly little lad of seven sum- mers, who completes the family. The daughters display considerable musical tal- ent, and the family is one of prominence in the community, its members occupying en- viable positions in social circles. Mr. Sny- der labored earnestly and untiringly in for- mer years, acquiring a comfortable compe- tence, and throughout his career his honor- able business methods commended him to the respect and unqualified confidence of his fellow men. CHARLES H. MAYER. Rev. Charles Henry Mayer, the pastor of St. John's Evangelical Lutheran church, two and one-half miles northeast of Green- ville, Ohio, is the subject of this biograph- ical outline. In the various callings of men in the activities of life none wield a higher influence in the elevation of their fellows in ethical, and Christian culture than min- isters of the gospel. That this is so is evi- denced by the tender bond that unites preacher and parishioner in the insoluble relations of love. He who administers to a spiritual need has performed the highest service one is capable of rendering to a fel- low being, and by its rendition the recipient almost unconsciously is led to shape his life to meet the requirements of that ever calling "small voice" that prompts men to strive for the attainment of higher aims and nobler purposes in life. The preacher's work must be but poorly done if by his teachings he did not inspire his people to form ideals that are higher than ordinarily emanate from minds not inculcated with highest religious truths. In this connection it may be said of Mr. Mayer that he happily is the pos- sessor of those requisites of natural endow- ment which constitute him an efficient worker in his Master's vineyard. Mr. Mayer's birth occurred in the his- toric city of Strasburg, province of Alsace, France, now a German state, one of the fruits of victory accruing to German arms in the Franco-German war of 187 1. It was on the 14th day of February, 1854, that he was born, his parents being Charles Henry and Anna (Duerringer) Mayer, na- tives of Strasburg, the former born Sep- tember 6, 1829; and the latter November 3, 1826. While yet young in years, the elder Mayer attached himself to the army of France, and, having an aptitude for mili- tary life, he quickly became informed on military tactics, and for his efficiency as a drill-master he was promoted to official po- sition. He was also an expert swordsman, an accomplishment in a European soldier that never fails to obtain recognition from his superiors. He was married in the fa- therland, and in 1858, with his wife and two children, sailed for America and set- tled in Cincinnati, where, for several years, he was engaged in manufacturing brushes. During that time he organized two compa- nies of militia, one German, the other French, of both of which he served as the captain. He now resides at Covington, GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 347 Ohio, where he carries on a brush-making business. To him and his wife were given three children, the youngest of whom, "Louis, died in France; Charles Henry, and Caro- line, now Mrs. Peter Willman, of Hartford City, Indiana. The elder Mr. Mayer and his estimable wife are members of the Evan- gelical Lutheran church, and are active workers in the -same. The Rev. Mr. Mayer was four years old when his parents crossed the ocean in quest of opportunities which they believed ex- isted in the new world that would lead to higher fortune for themselves and children than would ever be enjoyed in their beloved France. When he had arrived at a proper age he was put to study in the public schools of Cincinnati, where he made rapid progress in the elementary branches, and when suffi- ciently advanced a private tutor gave him supplementary instruction in German and music. After removing to Covington, Ohio, he attended the high school, where his final preparation for college was made. He then entered the Capital University at Col- umbus, Ohio, where he took the full course, minus mathematics, which he found expe- dient to do to accommodate his slender means, saving by so doing a whole year of time. Subsequently he took the theolog- ical course in the seminary of the same in- stitution, at which he graduated in 1876. In June, 1876, he assumed his first charge at Hartford City, Indiana, a small congregation which had been split into fac- tions by dissensions. He at once courage- ously set about restoring harmony between the discordant elements in the congregation; established a parochial school into which he gathered the children of his warring flock, making them largely the medium through which to accomplish his purpose of restor- ing tranquil relations. In the various de- partments of his work he applied himself vigorously, giving much time and labor to the preparation of sermons that would in- terest and instruct his parishioners. A Sunday school was organized, which became a powerful factor for good, and at the end oi a few years his labors were rewarded by the complete restoration of peace and the church being placed in easy financial condi- tion. December 14, 1876, he was united in marriage with Miss Margaret, a daughter of Henry and Elizabeth (Clemmens) Paff, of Columbus, Ohio. The wife's health fail- ing in 1880, at the advice of her physician to make a change of location, he tendered his resignation, which the trustees were loath to accept, and offered him a hand- some increase of salary to induce him to remain. Thisdie declined, that Mrs. Mayer might be given a much-needed change. In 1880 he received a joint call from the Evangelical Lutheran (St. John's) congre- gation, two and a half miles northeast of Greenville, and the Dininger congregation, four miles west of Greenville. At that time St. John's congregation was small and the seeds of discord had taken deep root, caus- ing much dissension among the members. There was also a heavy church debt hang- ing over them. Manfully putting his "hands to the plow again and never looking back," Mr. Mayer proved himself capable of his calling by again triumphing over warring discord in a church organization, and paying off a church debt, both of which were accomplished at the end of the first year. In 1882 he organized a congrega- tion at Versailles, Ohio, the effort at first being: directed toward restoring a society 348 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. that had divided into two factions, each lay- ing claim to the church property. The mat- ter was finally litigated in the courts and was decided against Mr. Mayer. After this he undertook and completed an organiza- tion on a new basis, erected a new church, and preached there every two weeks in the afternoon for twelve years, leaving it in a highly prosperous condition, so much so that the congregation now maintains its own pastor, who, in addition, serves a small charge at Ansonia. In 1886 he organized another church at Delvin, Ohio, which soon after passed to the charge of Rev. John Lautenschlager, wh< 1 remains its pastor to the present time. For the last twenty years Mr. Mayer has untiringly devoted himself to building up the St. John's and Dininger congregations. The handsome parsonage at St. John's was ■erected in 1884, at a cost of twenty-three hundred dollars without the labor, and in the fall of 1899 was erected the parochial school, at the expense of one thousand dollars, not counting the labor. The cemetery ground has been extended and improved, and, tak- ing all things together, St. John's is one of the handsomest church homes in the county. Its communicants number between two hun- dred and fifty and three hundred, while the Dininger congregation has about fifty com- municants. The services at St. John's are in German; at Dininger, in English. Both are practically free from debt. Mr. Mayer is a member of the Evangeli- cal Lutheran joint synod of Ohio and adja- cent states. He was the secretary of the western district of the joint synod seven years; secretary of the Auglaize conference thirteen years; president of the Auglaize conference one year; visitor of the western district three years; and secretary of the board of directors of Wernlee Orphans' Home, Richmond, Indiana, three years. In addition to regular pastoral work, Mr. Mayer has found time to contribute to both secular and religious periodicals for many years regularly. He is a forceful, trenchant writer and the emanations from his orderly, well-trained mind receive the commendation they justly merit. In all his labors Mr. Mayer has been ably seconded by his amiable wife, who has ever proven herself a helpmate in the broadest sense of the word as applied to a minister's wife. Her sunny nature, refined culture and pleasing personality have made her a telling adjunct in aiding her hus- band to carry to fruition his well-con- ceived plans. Three children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Mayer, one of whom is living, Eliza- beth, a promising young lady of nineteen years. The deceased children were named Carl H. and Theodore F., both of whom died in childhood. MARSHALL ADELBERT BROWX. The cause of popular education is rec- ognized as one of paramount importance in every community, and in furthering the same has enlisted the effective services of mam- whose co-operation has been product- ive of the maximum of good. The New Madison graded schools have reached a standard of excellence and efficiency that reflect credit not only upon the community directly, but upon those to whom particu- larly is due the admirable result attained. In reviewing the life histories of those who have contributed to the worthy annals of the county, we may thus revert with pleas- ure to the career of Mr. Brown, who has GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 349 for the past eight years been the incum- bent as principal of the schools of New Madison. Mr. Brown is a native of Harrison town- ship, where he was born on the 14th of De- cember, 1865. Here occurred also the birth of his father, George Washington Brown, on the 20th of December, 1839. The latter's father, Lloyd Brown, was born in Baltimore county, Maryland, July 27, 1807, and his death occurred at his son George's homestead, in German township, Darke county, June 5, 1885. He came to Ohio October 30, 1837, driving a team through and transporting by this means his family and their effects. His wife, whose maiden name was Rachel Miller, was born February 15, 1804, in Baltimore county, Maryland, and there their marriage was solemnized on March 7, 1830. Grand- father Brown, the honored pioneer, had sev- eral brothers, one of whom was blind, and of the family two brothers, Lloyd and Bea- son, and one sister, Honor, came to Ohio in the early days. Lloyd and Rachel (Mil- ler) Brown reared five sons and three daugh- ters, of whom the three living at the pres- ent time are as follows: .Elizabeth, widow of David Ketring; David M., one of twins, resides on the old homestead ; and Jesse, a resident of Brightwood, Indiana. Grand- father Brown died at the age of about seventy-eight years, his venerable widow having preceded him February 20, 1884, passing away at the age of eighty years and five days. It is not definitely known whether the Brown family is of German or Scotch extraction, though the subject of this review has made careful search for genealogical data of an authentic order. Grandmother Brown had several brothers, the last of whom died February 28, 1897. The mother of Marshall A. Brown bore the maiden name of Henrietta Heistand, and she was born in Manner township, Lan- caster county, Pennsylvania, on the 29th of April, 1844, her marriage to George W. Brown having been celebrated December 3, 1864. The young couple were married in this county and soon after the birth of their son, the subject of ths sketch, settled on the old homestead which continued to be their place of abode until death set its seal upon their mortal lips. They became the parents of four sons and two daughters, of whom we offer brief record, as follows : Marshall A. is the direct subject of this review; Alice L. is the wife of Jesse Woods, of Palestine, German township, this county, and has one son; Bertha E. D. is the wife of Vandalia White, of Harrison township, and has two sons and one daughter; C. H. Brown is a resident of Hollansburg, this county, and has two sons; S. V. Brown, unmarried, resides upon the old homestead, of which he is the owner; and the youngest is William H., a youth of seventeen, who is stil.l at home. He is a graduate the present year in the New Madison high school. The father of these children passed to his reward June 29, 1897, and the mother died on the 30th of August, 1898, so that in death they were not long divided. Marshall A. Brown, whose name initiates this sketch, received his preliminary educa- tional discipline in the public schools of his native county, after which he matriculated at the Ohio Normal University, at Ada, Ohio, where he graduated as a mem- ber of the class of 1892. Prior to this, however, he had put his scholastic acquire- ments to practical test, his pedagogic career having had its inception in the fall of 1883, in sub-district No. 7, German township, 350 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. being at the time in his eighteenth year, and it is worthy of note in this connection that he has ever since devoted himself to this, his chosen line of work, having taught each winter consecutively from the start, while his labors in the later years have covered the full school year. He passed the county ex- amination for a teacher's certificate on the 4th of February, 1882, receiving a twelve- months certificate. He has taught nine years in four different district schools and his work has been invariably attended with success, so that it was but a natural se- quence that when he assumed the position as principal of the New Madison schools he should make his influence felt for good from the beginning. He has now held the principalship for eight years, which fact is in itself significant, showing conclusively that the public have an appreciation of his ability as a teacher and an executive. He is thoroughly interested in his profession, and his ambition prompts him to study ways and means and to secure in every detail of the work the best results possible. He now holds a life state common-school certificate. When he took charge of the Xew Madison schools three teachers were employed and one hundred and eight pupils enrolled ; at the present time four teachers are demanded in the work, and one hundred and sixty pu- pils are enrolled. The class of 1900 is the fifth to graduate, but when Mr. Brown as- sumed the principalship there had never been a graduate. The alumni now number fifteen gentlemen and five ladies. On the 20th of November, 1890, Mr. Brown was united in marriage to Miss Sa- rah Elizabeth Teaford, of German town- ship, this county, she being the daughter of Jonathan and Sophia (Smelker) Tea- ford, well known residents of that town- ship. Mrs. Brown has three brothers and one sister living. Mr. Brown erected a tasteful and attractive residence in New Madison, taking up his abode therein No- vember 3, 1892, and this proves the center of a refined social circle, including the best people of the community, Mrs. Brown pre- siding over the home with grace and dignity and proving to her husband an able coadju- tor in his work. He has won the reputa- tion of being one of the successful and com- petent teachers of the county. JOHN C. CLARK. The subject of this review is actively connected with a profession which has im- portant bearing upon the progress and stable prosperity of any section or community, and one which has long been considered as con- serving the public welfare by furthering the ends of justice and maintaining individual rights. He seems to realize in superior measure the importance and value of the profession and the fact that justice and the higher attribute of mercy he often holds in his hands. His professional career has there- fore been one most commendable and has won for him prestige among the leading members of the legal fraternity in the west- ern section of Ohio. Mr. Clark was born in a log house in Washington township, Darke county, on the 17th of January, 1849, a son ot Benjamin H. and Mary (Martin) Clark. English, German and Irish blood is commingled in his veins, and many of the sterling traits of those nationalities find exemplification in his career. His father was of English and German extraction and his mother was of German and Irish lineage. The former was born in Lebanon county, Pennsylvania, GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 351 in September, 1821, and removed to Ohio in 1 83 1, when ten years of age, in company with his parents. After reaching man's es- tate he devoted his attention to farming in Ohio. He was married in Darke county to Miss Mary Martin, whose birth occurred in Washington township, in 1830. When our subject was eight years of age his par- ents removed to what is known as the old Clark homestead, four miles north of Green- ville. At that time the land was practically untillecl. and the father, with the aid of bis young sons, cut away the trees, fenced the property, made ditches and erected substan- tial buildings, making the farm one of the best in the county. Thus upon the family homestead John C. Clark was reared, working in the fields through the summer months, while in the winter, until eighteen years of age, he pur- sued such studies as formed the curriculum in the district schools of the neighborhood. He afterward attended the high school of Greenville for three years and was thus enabled to secure a teacher's certificate. He had 116 opportunity to pursue a college course, but while engaged in teaching he added largely to his fund of knowledge by private study in leisure hours, mastering Latin, high- er mathematics and other sciences, also studying history and English literature Early becoming imbued with a desire to make the practice of law his life work, he began reading law with Judge A. R. Calderwood and H. M. Cole, on the 6th of October, 1875, and when he had largely mastered the prin- ciples of jurisprudence he successfully passed an examination and was admitted to the bar by the district court at Greenville, in May, 1877. ^ i s sa id that he answered correctly every question put to him in that examina- tion. 21 Since that time Mr. Clark has ensraeed in practice, and his clientage has steadily increased in volume and importance until his I connection with important litigated interests is extensive. His success in a professional way affords the best evidence of his capa- bilities in this line. He is a strong advocate with the jury and concise in his appeals be- fore the court. Much of the success which has attended him in his professional career is undoubtedly due to the fact that in no instance will he permit himself to go into court with a case unless he has absolute con- fidence in the justice of his client's cause. Basing his efforts on this principle, from which there are too many lapses in profes- sional ranks, it naturally follows that he seldom loses a case in wdiose support he is enlisted. He is always painstaking and thorough in the preparation of a case, and When he enters the courtroom his position as regards the law and its application to the principles involved in his suit is well nigh incontrovertible. At the time that Mr. Clark was a student Ed Breaden was also reading law in the same office, and on the 19th of February, 1878, these two young- men commenced the practice of law to- gether, under the firm name of Breaden & Clark. The partnership was dissolved three years later, but they remained close friends until the death of Mr. Breaden. In the fall of 1885 Mr. Clark formed a law partner- ship with General Anderson and Mr. Cheno- with, and their practice was varied and re- munerative. He also held several offices in the line of his profession, having been elected prosecuting attorney for Darke county, serv- ing from the 1st of January, 1881, to the 1st of January, 1886. In the discharge of his duties he manifested marked prominence and fidelitv and won the high commenda- 352 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. tion of all interested in law and order. In May. 1893, he became one of the judges of the court of common pleas for the second judicial district. The term of Judge Meeker was at that time nearing its end and he was given the nomination and elected for a term of five years. On the bench Judge Clark was most fair and impartial in his rulings and his decisions were models of judicial soundness. He seemed to readily grasp every point presented, to know the law ap- plicable thereto, and his decisions were framed with due regard to precedent and to the equity of the case. In the summer of 1896 Judge Clark was nominated, in Colum- bus, for judge of the circuit court of the second judicial district of Ohio, competing therefor with some of the ablest lawyers of the circuit, and in the November election he carried his home county by the largest major- ity ever given to any candidate with a com- petitor, but was not elected on account of the unprecedented majorities given against his party in Franklin and Montgomery coun- ties. On the 27th of September, 1888, the Judge was united in marriage to Miss Ada J. Greene, a highly educated and cultured lady of Franklin, and their home in Green- ville is celebrated for its gracious hospital- ity. In his political views the Judge has always been a Democrat and has taken a deep and active interest in the success of his party. However, when on the bench he never allowed party politics to influence in any way his official acts. In the campaign of 1880 he displayed such ability that he at once became one of the leaders of his party, and with the exception of the time of his judicial service has since continued to exert a marked influence in its councils. He has always likened public leadership to that of the duties of a general in command of an army, and has held that the only way to win success is to make good all promises and to inspire confidence in the desirable outcome of the cause in question. These qualities, combined with an excellent knowledge of humane nature and unflagging prosecution of a campaign, will nearly always bring the desired result in a just cause. As a citizen he is public-spirited and progressive, as a friend is true and faithful and as a man is moral and upright. In manner the Judge is very modest and unpretentious, but com- mands that uniform regard which is every where given to true worth of character. He has always resided in Darke county, and the fact that many who have known him from boyhood are numbered among his warmest friends is an indication that his life has ever been honorable and upright. WILLI AM LUDY. Success is determined by one's ability to recognize opportunity and to pursue " this with a resolute and unflagging energy. It results from continued labor, and the man who thus accomplishes his purpose becomes an important factor in business circles. Mr. Ludy, through such means, has attained a leading place among the representative busi- ness men of Greenville township, and is now the proprietor and manager of a brickyard near the city of Greenville. He was born May 3, 1858, in a log cabin in Greenville township, which is still stand- ing, and is a son of Samuel Ludy, whose sketch appears on another page of this vol- ume. He obtained a good business edu- cation in the public and high schools of Greenville, and at the age of twenty-one he began his business career by taking charge GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 353 ■of his father's brickyard, which he has since successfully operated. It was established 1 y his father in 1875, and has since been in successful operation, turning out from one to one and a half million bricks annually at the present time. The product, being of a superior quality, finds a ready sale in the local markets, and is also shipped ex- tensively. Many of the principal buildings of Greenville have been constructed of these bricks, including the school houses, electric light plant and water works. Twenty men are furnished employment in the yards. In addition to the manufacture of brick Mr. Ludy is also engaged in getting out railroad ties, hard wood lumber, etc., during the winter months, and in this way manages to give his employes work all the year round. Besides his business property, he owns one hundred and forty-five acres of good land in Greenville township, and his entire pos- sessions evidence the success that has at- tended his well-directed efforts. On the 20th of April, 1880, Mr. Ludy was united in marriage with Miss Alice M. Reck, of Gettysburg, a daughter of Levi Reck, and to them have been born four children: John, in >w nineteen years of age; Maude, seventeen; Grace Alice, twelve; and Laverna, one year. The parents are both active members of the Christian church, and the family is one of prominence in the com- munity where they reside. LEWIS C. MILLER. Lewis C. Miller, one of the representa- tive and prominent agriculturists of Darke county, owns and operates a fine farm of one hundred and twenty-six acres on section 9, Greenville township. Its neat and •thrifty appearance indicates the careful su- pervision of the owner and shows him to be not only a skillful farmer, but also a man of good business and executive ability. He located where he now resides in 1873, at that time purchasing eighty acres of par- tially improved land, to which he subse- quently added another eighty-acre tract, but has since given a part of this to two of his sons. Mr. Miller was born in Fairfield county, Ohio, March 6, 1S34, and is a son of Chris- tian and Martha (Stronn) Miller, natives of Virginia and Ohio, respectively. Our sub- ject's maternal grandfather was Enos Stronn, an early settler of Ohio. In 1801, when only a year old. the father was taken to Fairfield county, this state, by his par- ents, Christian and Elizabeth Miller, also natives of the Old Dominion. This was some time before Ohio was admitted to the Union, and near where the Miller family settled was an Indian village. Upon the farm where they first located the grand- parents of our subject spent their remain- ing years, and his parents were also life- long residents of Fairfield county. The father lived to the advanced age of eighty- two years. He was a farmer and also a mechanic, manufacturing wagons, plows, etc., and making the first left-handed plow constructed in Ohio, designing the molds himself. Both he and his wife were mem- bers of the United Brethren church, taking an active interest in religious work, while their home was always the stopping place for the ministers visiting their locality. Lewis C. Miller was reared and edu- cated in Fairfield, and remained there until after his marriage, operating his father's farm and taking care of his parents until their death. As previously stated, he came to Darke county in 1873, and has since re- 354 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. sided upon his present farm. He was united i'i marriage to Miss Elizabeth Sites, and to them were born nine children, namely: Cletus, Laura, James, Charles, Fannie; Emma, deceased; Mollie, Mannel and Maude. Religiously Mr. and Mrs. Miller are active and influential members of the Grand View Union Brethren church. They have always taken a very prominent part in all church work, and assisted in organizing the churches of their denomination at Hill Grove, Coalville and Grand View. Mr. Miller has also been officially connected with his home church for many years, and has led a most exemplary life. Politically he affiliates with the Democratic party, but t;.kes only a nominal interest in political affairs, such as is exercised by our best citi- zens. He well deserves the high regard in in which he is uniformly held. SAMUEL LUDY. This gentleman, who was for a number of years a leading brick manufacturer of Darke county, is now living a retired life in the enjoyment of a rest which he has truly earned and greatly deserves by reason ot his industrious efforts of former years. He was born in Frederick county, Mary- land, May 30- 1833, but was only four years old when brought by his parents, David and Alary (Burns) Ludy, to Ohio. His father was also a native of Maryland, the mother of Pennsylvania, and their marriage was celebrated in the former state. On conting to Ohio they located in Miami county, and here they made their permanent home on a farm, where both died. When they took up their residence there their family num- bered seven children — Daniel, Sarah, Eliza- beth, John, Mahala, David and Samuel ; and in this state three others were added to the family — Eliza, Mary Ann and William. The last named was a member of the Tenth Indiana Volunteer Infantry during the civil war, and died from disease soon after the battle of Stone river. Since coming to Darke county, in 1856, Samuel Ludy has resided upon his present place. Being in limited circumstances, he worked at day labor for a time, and event- ually bought seven acres in Greenville town- ship, for which he paid fifty dollars per acre. For some years he followed farming, but about 1875 ne embarked in the manufac- ture of brick, to which he devoted his time and attention throughout the remainder of his active business life. In Greenville, in 18^6, Air. Ludy mar- ried Miss Christina Guntrum, a daughter of John Guntrum, whose family came from Pennsylvania to Ohio about 1844. By this union were born four children: William, who now has charge of the brick business, and is represented on another page of this volume; David; Rebecca, the wife of Peter Roher; and Samuel, who is engaged in ship- ping stock. Mr. Ludy has always taken an active interest in educational matters, and has provided his children with good advan- tages along that line. His son David suc- cessfully taught in the schools of Darke county for twelve or more years. In 1864 Mr. Ludy enlisted in Company D, Thirty-second Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and was one of two men chosen from ten thousand to carry returns from the regi- ment to headcjtiarters. In that capacity he frequently visited the headquarters of Grant, Sheridan, Sherman and other noted gener- als, and remained in the service until May 1 2, 1865, when honorably discharged. He GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 355 participated in some engagements and was wounded at the battle of Bowling Green, Kentucky, being knocked senseless by a bul- let in the forehead. At another time he wa's accidentally wounded by the discharge of a comrade's gun, the ball striking his right hand and disabling it. Though not strictly partisan, Mr. Ludy usually supports the Democratic party, and he takes an active interest in public affairs, having served as the trustee of Greenville township eight consecutive terms, and as in- firmary director six years. He is a man of broad and liberal views, and is willing to give the hand of Christian fellowship to all. He is widely and favorably known and it is safe to say that no man in his community is held in higher regard. For a half century he has been a consistent member of the Christian church, and socially belongs to Greenville Lodge, No. 195, I. O. O. F. HENRY ALTER. Henry Alter is well and favorably known in Darke county and the history of his life therefore cannot fail to prove of interest to our readers, many of whom are numbered among his friends. He was born in Harris- burg, Pennsylvania, March 16, 1837, and is a son of Jacob and Eliza (Tice) Alter. The former was a native of Cumberland county, Pennsylvania, and was a son of William Alter, who was born in the Keystone state and belonged to an old colonial family. The grandfather of our subject was a farmer, miller and distiller and was a man of influ- ence in his community. During the war of 1812, he was captain of a company, raised in his vicinity, that participated in the battle of North Point, Baltimore, Marvland. His brother-in-law, Joseph Ritener, was then governor of the state. William Alter held a number of official positions of prominence and for one or more terms was a member of the state senate. In his family were the fol- lowing children : William, John, David. Ben- jamin, Simon, Jacob, Eliza, Mary and Susan. The parents died in the Keystone state, the grandfather passing away in May. 1840. Jacob Alter, the father of our subject, was reared to manhood in the county of his nativity, became a farmer and later conduct- ed the Shakespeare House, then the most prominent hotel in Harrisburg. He had the honor of entertaining Charles Dickens at the time of his visit to the United States. He also entertained General W. H. Harrison at a banquet given him during the presidential campaign of 1840. The late Thaddeus Ste- vens also made his home at the Shakespeare House. Jacob Alter was married in Wash- ington county, Maryland, to Miss Eliza Tice, a native of that state. They began their do- mestic life in Pennsylvania, wdiere they re- mained for ten or more years, and then re- moved to Preston county, West Virginia, where Jacob Alter purchased a farm, making his home there for some time. He afterward spent several years in western Maryland and then returned to Washington county, that state, where he remained for a number of years. With his family he emigrated to Ohio, taking up his abode in Clark county, upon a farm which he made his place of res- idence for twelve years, after which he came to Darke county, Ohio, here remaining until his death which occurred May 24, 1875. His wife also passed away in Darke county, surviving him for some time, and both were well advanced in age when called to the home beyond. They had a family of five children, two of whom are living. Frank, 356 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. who resides in Cincinnati, where he is recog- nized as a prominent citizen, and Henry, of this review. The daughters who have passed away are Mary, Laura and Lucy. The first two died in childhood and the last named is the deceased wife of William McCaughey. Henry Alter, whose name forms the cap- tion of this article, spent his early boyhood days on the home farm in Cumberland coun- ty, Pennsylvania, and attended the "pay schools." His educational advantages how- ever, were somewhat limited. He walked from three to five miles each night and morn- ing in order to acquire an education, but as his services were needed on the home farm, he found little opportunity to remain in the school room. He assisted in the cultivation of his father's fields until twenty-one years of age, when he began life on his own account and followed farming in the Keystone state until 1854, when he accompanied his parents on their removal to Clark county, Ohio. In 1866 he came to Darke county, taking up his abode in Greenville township upon the place where he now resides. He was married in Clark county to Elizabeth Ilges, a daughter of Martin Ilges, of that locality. Their wed- ding was celebrated in April, 1864. and from 1866 until 1887 they resided upon the old homestead in Darke county. In the latter year, however, Mr. Alter and his wife went to Tennessee, in order that he might obtain relief from asthmatic troubles, and there he remained until December, 1889, when he re- turned to the farm, which has since been his place of abode. By his first wife he had two children: Mary, now the wife of Harmon Hartzell, of Greenville, and Florence, who died at the age of two years. The mother passed away in 1870, and Mr. Alter was again married. His second marriage was consummated December 18, 1874, the lady of his choice being Miss Mary M. Clew, a daughter of D. B. and Rachel (Thompson) Clew, then residents of Darke county. Her father, however, was a native of Pennsylva- nia, and her mother was born in Ohio. Her maternal grandparents were Moses and Christine (Ireland) Thompson, the former a native of Xew York, and the latter of Ohio. She was probably born in Clermont county, where her people settled at a very early epoch in the development of the state. Moses Thompson and his wife had ten children, namely : Rachel, Isaac, Annie, Daniel, Rhoda, Lvdia, Samuel, Ephraim, Malinda, and Azenia. The grandfather of Mrs. Al- ter came to Darke county at an early date, entered land from the government near New Madison, and there made his home until his death, which occurred about 1856. His wife survived him until 1859. Mr. and Mrs. Clew, the parents of Mrs. Alter, were mar- ried in Cincinnati, December 4, 1842, and located in Darke county in 1848, here spend- ing their remaining days. Her father, who was born in Philadelphia, April 6, 1813, died April 21, 1867. His wife who was born in Clermont county, Ohio, May 22, 1814, was called to her final rest December 8, 1844. They had four children, of whom three are living, namely : Christine Elizabeth, who was born in Cincinnati, February 18, 1844, and died August 29, 1849; Henry D., born in the same city, May 1, 1846; Mary M., born September 4, 1849; and William M., born December 24, 185 1. The father was auditor of Darke county for four years, and previous to that seiwice had been deputy auditor for lour years. He took an active interest in pol- itics, and was a stanch advocate of the Dem- ocracy, yet enjoyed the respect and confi- dence of people of both parties. He dis- charged his public duties with marked fidel- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. mi ity and his books were the best kept of any in the county- Mr. Alter is also an advocate of Demo- cratic principles and keeps well informed on the issues of the day, yet has never sought or desired office. He and his wife are most highly respected and their circle of friends is very extensive, embracing many of the best people of the community. OSCAR F. DAVISON. One of the well known citizens of Green- ville, Oscar F. Davison, is numbered among the native sons of Darke county, for his birth occurred on a farm in Richland township, on the 16th of October, 1837. His grandfa- ther, Edward R. Davison, was one of the pioneer settlers of Ohio, locating in Pick- away county, in 18 10. and taking up his abode in Darke county in 1822. The name of Davison has since been inseparably con- nected with the substantial growth and de- velopment of the county. The father of our subject, Robert Davison, was born in Bour- bon county, Kentucky. April 8, 1798, and having attained man's estate he wedded Miss Mary Stratton. the wedding taking place March 26, 1829. She was born May 23, 1807. Soon after their marriage they came to Darke county, locating in Richland town- ship where Mr. Davison hewed out a farm in the midst of the forest. There he engaged in raising rain and stock and was the owner of a valuable property, comprising two hundred and fifty acres in Brown township, and was an enterprising agriculturist whose well di- rected labors brought to him merited success. His wife died March 22, 1847, an d he was again married, his second union being with Mrs. Mary Brown, nee White. She died on the old homestead in 1867. Oscar F. Davison was the second son of the first marriage. The other children of the family were: Edward A., who died in 1877; Louise Olover, who is a widow and resides in Salem, Indiana; Sarah Ann, wife of Adam Coppess, of Darke county: and Amanda, wife of Isaac Deardoff, of Brown township. Under the parental roof Oscar F. Davison was reared, remaining with his parents until he had attained his twenty-third year, when he was married. It was in 1861 that this im- portant event in his life occurred, Miss Se- rena Plessinger, of Richland township, Be- coming his wife. She is a daughter of David and Louise (Johnson) Plessinger. After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Davison took up their abode in Richland township, upon a farm, where they made their home for two years, on the expiration of which period our subject entered into partnership with C. L. Pecken, under the firm name of Pecken & Davison. They opened a general store, which they conducted for a year, when they sold out. During that time Mr. Davison lost his first wife and was again married, the lady of his choice being Sarah J. Plessinger, a second cousin of his former wife. Her parents were George and Mary (Harmon) Plessinger. They took up their abode upon a farm, which Mr. Davison operated from 1877 until 1894. and during that time he also dealt quite extensively in live stock. In the fall of the latter year he was elected treasurer of Darke county, taking charge of the finances in September, 1895. for a term of two years. On the expiration of that period he was re-elected, serving in all four years. His duties were discharged in a a most prompt and commndable manner and every cent was faithfully accounted for, so that he retired from office as he entered it— with the good will and confidence of the peo- 358 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. pie. Since his retirement he has devoted his attention to the supervision of his farming- interests, being owner of two hundred and forty acres of valuable land in Allen town- ship, which he rents. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Davison has been blessed with four children, namely : Tessa II.. wife of Elijah York, of York township; Mary G., wife of Charlie Baman, of York township; Claude E.. who married Anna Medford and is now telegraph opera- tor at Ansonia; and Cora May, wife of John Armstrong, a resident of Allen township. Mr. Davison is a member of Ansonia Lodge. No. 4. E. & A. M., and enjoys the regard of bis brethren of the fraternity. In his politi- cal views he is a Democrat, is recognized as one of the leading members of the party in his locality and keeps well informed on the issues of the day. His home is a fine resi- dence located at No. 216 Harrison avenue, and there he is enabled to surround his family with all the necessities and many of the lux- uries of life, as the result of his well directed and enterprising efforts. JAMES YOUNG McCOOL. The subject of this personal narrative is one of the most successful and progressive farmers within the borders of Franklin t< iwn- ship, Darke county. Giro. He has made his special field of industry an eminent success, and is highly esteemed and respected by all who know him. Mr. McCool's paternal grandparents were fames and Charity (Chapman) Mc- Cool, who were born, reared and married in South Carolina, whence they removed to North Carolina and later to Virginia. In 1 814 they came to Ohio and located west of Milton in Miami county, where the grandfa- ther died shortly after, in 1816. His wife survived him several years, dying in Freder- ick. Miami county, about 1839. Their chil- dren were William C, father of our subject; Young Gabriel, who married Margaret Cloyd and died in Frederick: Elizabeth, who married Alexander Hoover, and died in I.ockport, Indiana; and Sally, who married Michael Roderick and died near Jonesboro, Indiana. William C. McCool, our subjects father, was born in South Carolina, December 3, 1803, and accompanied his parents on their various removals, coming to this state in [814, the journey being made by wagon. After his father's death he learned the shoe- maker's trade and became the main support of his widowed mother, with whom he re- mained until his marriage. Walter D. Jay, a friend and relative, took a great interest in the boy and gave him work until his mar- riage. It was in 1825 that Mr. McCool wedded Miss Mary, daughter of William and Jane Cloyd, natives of Tennessee. They made their home for a time on the James lav farm near Tippecanoe and on leaving there Mr. McCool bought eighty acres of land in Union township Miami county, fi ir which he went in debt, the cost of the place being four hundred and fifty dollars. Only fifteen acres of the land had been cleared and an old log house and barn con- stituted the only improvements. Being indus- trious and persevering, he soon paid off the debt and bought another farm of eighty acres near Frederick for one thousand dollars. After paying for the latter he purchased eighty acres of W. D. Jay, for which he paid thirty-three dollars per acre. In 1850 he bought two hundred and eighty acres of land south of Milton, for which he paid five thousand dollars, and made his home thereon GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 359 until 1864, when he rented the farm and with our subject as a partner engaged in general merchandising and in the grain business at De Lisle. Darke county. At the end of four years lie purchased our subject's interest in the business and continued alone until 1872, when he sold to his son John and bought a seventy-eight-acre farm in Neave township, paying for it thirty-six hundred dollars. There he lived retired for some time, but finally removed to Jaysville, where he died in 1888. honored and respected by all who knew him. Politically he was first a Whig and later a Republican, and religiously was a member of the Society of Friends. His esti- mable wife, who was born in Tennessee, in 1808, died April 20, 1853. In their family were ten children, namely : Albert married .Susan Smith and died in Union township, March 16, 1856; James Y., our subject, is next in order of birth ; Charity married Ahiga Shearer, of West Milton; Isaac mar- ried Elizabeth Siler, and died in Union town- ship, Miami county, March 16, 1862; John married Elizabeth Daniels and died in Arca- num; Harriet is the wife of D. Yount, of Union township, Miami county; Esther married William Cress and they moved to Morris county. Kansas, in 1884; William Henry Harrison married Ellen Arnold, and lives in Jaysville, Ohio ; Elizabeth married first. Harrison Voer, and secondly, Titus Shearer and lives near Spring Valley, Ten- nessee: and Mary E. died in infancy. James Y. McCool was born October 24, 1828, and being reared on his father's farm he early became familiar with all the duties which fall to the lot of the agriculturist. As a boy he was not over-fond of study, but was hard working and industrious. He attended -country schools until eighteen years of age .and was quick to learn, easily keeping up with the other scholars in his studies. For fourteen months he attended Eli Jay's select school and then passed the teachers' examina- tion at Troy. He taught school for about fourteen months in Miami and Darke coun- ties, but his early life was mostly devoted to farming until 1864. when he and his father embarked in business at De Lisle. During the war they paid as high as three dollars and five cents per bushel for wheat. After withdrawing from the business Mr. McCool located on his farm in Union township, Miami county, which he operated until 1871, and then moved to another farm which he owned in Franklin township, Darke county, consisting of two hundred and forty acres of well improved land. In 1874 he Ik night the farm of sixty-three acres on which he now resides, and took up his residence there- on the following year though he still retains the two-hundred-and-forty-acre tract which was entered by Samuel Horn. His commo- dious and pleasant residence was built in 1880, and all of the other improvements upon the place in the way of buildings have been made by him. On the 1st of April, 185S, Mr. McCool was united in marriage to Miss Man- Long, who was horn in Miami county Ohio, a daughter of William and Elizabeth Long. 1 By this union were born six children, name- ly: Amanda C who died in infancy: Emma Jane, who married Frank Reed and both died in Franklin township ; Sarah A., wife of T. W. Stoltz. of Gettysburg; Rosie B., wife of Charles Stoltz, of Franklin township; Minor, a school teacher residing at home: and Mary E., who wedded George Myers, of Franklin township and lias one child. Mary A. Mr. McCool is strictly a self-made man, as he began life without a dollar, and every thine- he owns is the fruit of his own labor, 360 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. enterprise and good management. He is to- day one of the largest land-owners of Frank- lin township, and is one of its most successful business men. He is intelligent and well in- formed, is kind, hospitable and generous, and a good friend and neighbor. He is a devout Christian and prominent member of Union Chapel Christian church, in which he has served as deacon for several years. In his political affiliations he is a Republican, and on his party ticket was elected justice of the peace, in 1895, for a term of three years. GEORGE W. HARLEY, M. D. There is no profession that demands of its votaries a more careful preliminary training than does that of the physician, and as the destinies of life and death, the alpha and. omega of our human existence, rest often in his hands, it is but natural that he should feel the grave responsibilities placed upon him and should gird himself well for the stern duties of his noble calling. Among those who lend dignity to the profession of med- icine in Darke county is he whose name in- itiates this paragraph, and we are pleased to incorporate in this work the following brief review of his personal and ancestral history. Dr. Harley is a native son of the Buck- eye state, having been born in Clark county, Ohio, on the nth of January, i860. His father, a man of sterling worth of character, is a retired blacksmith at North Hampton, Clark county. This honored citizen. John A. Harley. is of German nativity, having been born in the province of Hesse-Darm- stadt. Germany, about the year 1832. At the age of seventeen years, in 1849. the young man determined to seek his fortune in the new world and fortified only by his ster- ling integrity and his capacity for productive effort, he was confident of making his way,, though far from home and friends. He made the voyage by sailing vessel, forty-nine days elapsing ere he disembarked in New York city, where the boat finally dropped anchor. He had at the time no knowledge of the English language and was not even familiar with a trade but he was equal to the exigencies of the hour, and by indus- try and honest enterprise soon gained a foot- hold in his adopted country. Within a short time he came to Clark county, Ohio, and here he apprenticed himself to learn the black- smith trade, in which he eventually became an adept workman, continuing to devote his attention to the same for many years and gaining the confidence and esteem of all with whom he came in contact. In Clark county he was united in marriage to Miss Martha Meranda, a daughter of George Meranda, this union being- consummated about the year 1859, and to the same seven children being born, of which number five are now living, namely : George Washington, the immediate subject of this review; Hettie Harlev. who is a successful teacher; Emma Harley, a maiden lady; Eliza, who is the widow of John Brandenburg and resides in Clark coun- ty; and Charles Irvin, a prominent farmer of Clark county, who is married and has one daughter. The parents of the Doctor are both in excellent health and in temporal affairs are very comfortably situated, this being the reward of the well directed efforts, of the father, to whom his cherished wife has ever proved a true helpmeet. Doctor Harley secured his preliminary educational discipline in the district schools- and in the normal school at Lebanon, War- ren county, Ohio, after which he secured bis- more purely technical training or profes- sional training by matriculating in the well GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 361 known Eclectic Medical Institute, at Cincin- nati, where he was graduated with the de- gree of Doctor of Medicine on the 7th of June, 1892, having proved a most careful and discriminating student and having shown a peculiar fitness for the work to which he had determined to devote his life. Immediately after his graduation he located in Hollans- burg, entering upon the active practice of his profession here on the 26th of July, 1892. He has firmly established himself in the con- fidence and esteem of the people and his patronage is of a representative order. The Doctor is an enthusiast in his profession, is a close student and keeps fully abreast of the discoveries and developments in the science of medicine, while his personality is that which infuses confidence and begets cheerful- ness in the sick room — attributes essential to the successful physician. On the 12th of August, 1885, Doctor Harley was .united in marriage to Miss Mary C. Rust, daughter of Simon and Rebecca (Myers) Rust, of Clark county. Of this union four children were born, Mabel E. Harley, who was born May 10, 1886, and died April 5, 1898, of meningitis; Russell, who was born August 12, 1887, and died at the age of twenty-eight days; Howard, who was born April 25, 1889; and Norene, a lit- tle daughter, born May 11. 1891. The fam- ily occupy an attractive residence, which was erected by the Doctor in the fall of 1898, and here he finds his solace from the cares and perplexities of his active professional career; here he may usually be found when not in his office or attending his patients, and here a generous hospitality is dispensed to a large circle of loyal friends. Professionally Doctor Harley is identi- fied with both the state and county organiza- tions of the Eclectic Medical Society ; polit- ically he renders allegiance to the Democratic party, and fraternally he is identified with the Knights of Pythias. The Doctor is widely known and distinctly popular in the community, both as a physician and as a THOMAS H. MONGER. This gentleman is well known as the su- perintendent of the Darke County Orphans' Home, and is well qualified for the important position which he is filling. He is not only a man of excellent business ability, capable of directing the business affairs of the insti- tution, but is also a gentleman of broad hu- manitarian principles, of deep human sym- pathy, and his interest in children and their welfare is earnest and sincere. He does all in his power to make the institution not only a home in name but in reality, and labors to prepare the little ones for life's practical and responsible duties. Mr. Monger was born in Fayette county, Indiana, November 18. 1854. His parents were George H. and Catherine ( Holland) Monger, both natives of Fayette county, In- diana, and representatives of pioneer fam- lies of that state, but both are now deceased. T. H. Monger's boyhood days were spent in that locality, upon a farm. During the winter months he pursued Iris education in the common schools and to his parents he gave the benefit of Ins services until after he attained his majority, living with them until his removal to Darke county, on the 7th of November, 1888. At that time he took up his abode in Greenville and entered the em- ploy of L. D. Hally. a dealer in implements, with whom he remained from March, 1889,. until February, 1892, at which time he was appointed superintendent of the Home. He 362 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. has since remained in charge of this splendid institution of Darke county, and under his supervision its object has been carried for- ward in spirit, winning the approval of prac- tical business men as well as of those of a more emotional nature. Mr. Monger is a member of Champion Lodge, No. 742, I. O. O. F., and Greenville Camp, No. 90. of the encampment, and also ■of the Patriarchs Militant, the highest order of Odd Fellowship. This order inculcates an* nig its members the spirit of helpfulness, ■charity and benevolence, and Mr. Monger exemplifies in his conduct of the Orphans' Home the fraternal spirit of the order. He affiliates with the Democracy in politics, and is a prominent and faithful member of the Methodist Episcopal church. Hewas married December 21, 1876. to Estella M. Woods, and having no children of their own. they have reared his brother's son, John E. Mon- ger. This nephew came to them when six years of aee and is now a student in the Ohio Medical College at Cincinnati. Mr. Monger is a well informed man. courteous to strangers, kindly in his dealings with those with whom lie is daily thrown in con- tact and is possessed of excellent executive ability. The term of superintendent lasts but one year and that he has been re-elected each February for the past eight years is a high testimonial to his ability and fidelity. THE DARKE COUNTY CHILDREN'S HOME. The Darke County Children's Home is •situated three miles north of Greenville, Ohio. The erection of the building was be- gun in 1888 and it was occupied on the 13th ol August, 1889. The building is of brick :and is fitted throughout in modern style, the approximate cost of the improvement being about forty thousand dollars. The grounds comprise fifty-two and a half acres of land and are well improved. Children are re- ceived into the home between infancy and sixteen years. The girls are taught house- work of all kinds, while the boys are in- structed in various outdoor duties of the farm. School is held nine months in the year in a model building erected especially for the purpose. There are now fifty-three inmates of the home, thirty-six boys and twenty-seven girls. As it is deemed advis- able and requests are made, the children are put into families for thirty days' trial and the institution demands that the adopting parties should give the children good school and church privileges and kind treatment, and. if a boy. at the age of twenty-one he should re- ceive one hundred dollars. The boys are also to receive one hundred dollars in five payments of twenty dollars each, the first payment to be made at the age of sixteen, the Home remaining the custodian of the money until his majority is reached. The girls are to receive fifty dollars at the age of eighteen years, payment to be made in three equal installments. The school is conducted in the usual manner of public schools. The home is under the control of a board of trus- tees appointed by the county commissioners. There is a visiting board appointed by the common pleas judge and the superintendent and matron appointed by the board of trus- tees. The first board meeting was held July 7. 1885, the members being Samuel Wilson, H. Corwin and William Andrews, all county commissioners. These men appointed the board of trustees as follows : S. A. Hostetter, J. H. Martin and Thomas McCnvan. At the first meeting an appropriation of fifteen thousand dollars was made. Some time GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 36£ subsequently an additional appropriation was made and still later this was again increased. After the appropriations were made the com- missioners made a levy of seven-tenths of a mill, which continued until the debt was paid, or until 1894, when there was a balance of twelve hundred dollars to the credit of the school. Since that time there have been erect- ed a school building, ice house and other im- provements. During the winter of 1899- 1900 an annex was built. The building is heated by steam, and gas is used as fuel. At the opening of the institution there were thirty- Eve children, and the number has since in- creased to fifty-six. On the 2d of February, 1889, at a meeting of the board of trustees of the Orphan Childrens' Home, Thomas E. Teal was chosen superintendent and Mrs. Teal, his wife, was made matron, serving until March 1, 1892. On the 10th of Feb- ruary, of that year, the successor, Thomas H. Monger, was chosen superintendent and Mrs. Monger became managing matron. For nine years only one death has occurred in the Home, a record probably without a parallel in similar institutions of the state. The in- stitution is creditable to the county and its superintendent should ever have the patron- age and support of the worthy people of this locality. ANDREW WILSON RUSH, M. D. Dr. Rush was born in Harrison town- ship, Darke county, upon his father's farm, May 12, i860, and on both the paternal and maternal sides is descended from honored pioneer families of this locality. Harvey Rush, his father, was born in Harrison town- ship, January 30, 1827, and was a son of Asa Rush, whose birth occurred in Pennsyl- vania, April 25, 1799. In 1808, however, the latter removed with his parents. Peter and Mary Rush, to Darke county, taking up his abode in Greenville township while the In- dians were still very numerous in this section of the state and the forests st< >od in their primeval strength. He cleared and developed a farm, reared his family and was known as a citizen of great energy and force of char- acter, whose influence was very marked in public affairs, and did much to promote the substantial development and improvement of the county. Peter Rush died on what is now known as the Albright farm in Xeave town- ship in 1817. His political support was giv- en the Democracy and he was one of the first members of the L niversalist church in Darke county. In 1817 Asa Rush with his mother, brothers and sisters, moved to the farm in Flarrison township that had been entered from the government by his father just prior to his death. Asa Rush married Margaret Hill, a native of South Carolina, and they were the parents of six children that reached adult age, three boys and three girls. Mar- garet Rush died in 1856, while Asa Rush passed away in 1874. Their son, Harvey Rush, was reared to farm life and throughout his active business career carried on agricultural pursuits. He married Miss Lillie Porter Wilson, a daugh- ter of Andrew Porter Wilson, a native of Kentucky, born July 2, 1801. He married Sarah Allen, whose birth occurred in Wayne county, Indiana, near the Ohio line, August 10, 1808. From Butler county, Ohio, he re- moved to Darke county in 1834 and set- tied upon a farm which is still known as the Wilson farm and is owned by the Doct< ir's ■ mother, who is still residing in Greenville. Her great-grandfather, Andrew Wilson, a native of Ireland, who was brought to Vir- S61 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. ginia when young, was a soldier in the Rev- olutionary war and valiantly aided the colo- nies in their struggle for independence. The children of Harvey and Lillie Rush are as follows: Olive is a teacher in Wyoming, Ohio ; Alice S. is a teacher in the high school of Rock Island, Illinois; Carrie is a teacher in the Greenville schools; William Harvey, who is a graduate of the State University of Michigan, at Ann Arbor, and was graduated in Harvard College in 1894, has for the past five years been a member of the faculty of the Washington University at St. Louis, Missouri; one son died in infancy; and Ella, the eldest of the family, married Thomas J. Leinbach, of Rossville, Georgia, and died February 13, 1891. Prior to her marriage she engaged in teaching for several terms. Doctor Rush, whose name introduces this record, spent his youth upon the home farm and attended the district schools of Harrison township during the winter months until nineteen years of age, when he began teach- ing school. In the summer season, while a student and teacher, he devoted his energies .to the cultivation of the fields, but he did not find agricultural pursuits to his taste and re- solved to prepare for professional life. To this end he read medicine under the direction of Dr. C. W. Otwell, of New Madison, Ohio. He pursued his first course of lectures in the Columbus Medical College and graduated in the Miami Medical College of Cincinnati in the class of 1884. Immediately afterward he began practicing in Chattanooga, Tennes- see, where he remained until October, 1886, when he located at Greenville, where he has secured a large and constantly increasing patronage. His marked devotion to his pro- fession, his thorough preparation and his ability in successfully solving the intricate problems which come to the physician, have gained him marked prestige and he has long since left the ranks of the many to stand among the successful few. On the 28th of June, 1892, Dr. Rush married Miss Ora Porter, of Greenville, a daughter of John and Anna (Spade) Porter. • She died May 18, 1893, and her remains were interred in the Greenville cemetery. The Doctor is a member of Darke County Med- ical Society and is its honored and esteemed president. He also belongs to the Miami Valley Medical Society, the American Med- ical Association, the Ohio State Medical So- ciety and is physician to the Darke county infirmary and surgeon for the Dayton & Union Railroad. Socially he is connected with the Knights of Pythias fraternity. He is a social, genial gentleman, interested in everything that pertains to the welfare of Greenville and Darke county and has a large circle of warm friends, his friendship being best prized by those who know him best. MRS. MARY J. PLOWMAN. Mrs. Plowman, whose home is on section 21, Neave township, is a worthy representa- tive of one of the honored pioneer families of Darke county, and none of its citizens are better entitled to a place in its annals. She was born in Harrison township, April 5, 1840. and is a daughter of Andrew Porter and Sarah (Allen) Wilson, supposed to have been natives of Kentucky and Indiana, re- spectively, the latter born in 1808. Her ma- ternal grandfather, Jacob Allen, however. was born in Ohio, while her paternal grand- father, Andrew Wilson, was a native of Ire- land, but was only a year old when brought to America by his parents. He was reared in Virginia. Mrs. Plowman's father was born July 2, 1801, and during his boyhood GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD: 365 removed with his family to Butler county, Ohio, being reared on a farm near Hamilton. Throughout his business life he followed ag- ricultural pursuits, and died in Darke county, in 1852, honored and respected by all who knew him. He held local offices in his town- ship, and was an active worker and influen- tial member of the Presbyterian church, in which he served as elder. His estimable wife lived until November 19, 1885, passing away at the age of seventy-seven years. To them were born ten children, five sons and five daughters, eight of whom reached years of maturity. They were as follows : Lily, now the widow of Harvey Rush, of Green- ville, Darke county; Eleanor, who died at the ap-e of fourteen months; Nathaniel M., a res- ident of California; Augustus, who died in Kansas; Elihu C, who died in California; Mary J., our subject; Sarah Alice, wife of Milton Brown, of Spiceland, Indiana; An- drew P., who died in California; one who died in infancy; and Julia AY., wife of Ma- thias Earl}-, of Indiana. The early life of Mrs. Plowman was passed upon her father's farm in this county, and having acquired a good, practical educa- tion in its common schools, she success full v engaged in teaching for one term. On the 14th of January, i860, she gave her hand in marriage to Anion Plowman, who was born and reared in Carroll county, Maryland, and came to Darke county. Ohio, in 1858. He, too, was a farmer by occupation, and in pol- itics was first a Whig and later a Democrat. During his residence here he served as school director, and was one of the highly esteemed men of his township. He was a faithful member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and died in that faith September 26, 1881, his remains being interred in the Fort Jef- ferson ccmeterv. The children born to Mr. and Mrs. Plow- man were as follows : Helen A., a successful teacher, is a graduate of the Ohio Wesleyan University, at Delaware, this state, and is now attending the Normal School, at Val- paraiso, Indiana. Arra M. is a graduate of the Greenville high school and has also en- gaged in teaching, but is now giving her at- tention to the poultry business on the home farm. Alvar D. E., a teacher and farmer, now deceased, married Flora Kerst. and their only child died at the age of six months. Eddie P. died at the age of two months. George Wilson, who died at the age of twenty years, was also a teacher and was a student at the university in Delaware, Ohio, for three years. Anion Benton is a graduate of the Ohio Wesleyan University at Dela- ware, and is now instructor in physics in that institution. Mrs. Plowman rents her farm of one hundred acres. She has displayed excellent business and executive ability in the manage- ment of her affairs since her husband's death, and has carefully reared her children, pro- viding them with good educational advan- tages. With the exception of one year spent in Missouri and six years in Indiana, her entire life has been passed in Darke coun- ty, and she is highly respected and esteemed by all who know her. MRS. MARY E. DETLING. This esteemed resident of Darke county is one of the oldest citizens of Brown town- ship, having attained the advanced age of eighty-one years. She receives the venera- tion and respect which should ever be ac- corded those who are upon the declivity of life, and her influence has ever wrought for good. 36*3 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. She was born within sight of the grand and beautiful cathedral in Strasburg, Ger- many, February 5, 1820, and was the oldest in a family of fourteen children, four sons and ten daughters, whose parents were Jacob and Mary E. ( Michella) Peters. Six of these children are yet living, the eldest being Mrs, Detling of this review. The others are : Sarah, the widow of Mr. Hess, and a resident of St. Louis, Missouri; Lena, the wife of Henry Sheets, of Indiana; Jacob, a successful agriculturist living in Brown township, Darke county; Michael, who is living in Monroe county. Ohio; and Rachel, the wife of Louis Walters, a resident farmer of Brown township. The father of these children was born in the province of Alsace, near Strasburg, and was reared as a farmer. He not only fol- lowed agricultural pursuits but also engaged extensively in the cultivation of grapes and the manufacture of Rhenish wine, for which he found a good market in Strasburg. He was prosperous in his business career and ac- quired a comfortable competence. 'Well ed- ucated, he added to the knowledge acquired in school by extensive reading, experience and observation, and was known throughout the community as a man of scholarly tastes and acquirements. He was especially anx- ious to provide his children with good edu- cational privileges, and thus they were well fitted for life's responsible duties. When his daughter Mary E. was a young lady of nineteen years, she joined two of her friends who were coming to America. She had mastered the English language and they desired that she should act as interpreter for them. Obtaining her father's consent to the trip, he sold a little piece of land and gave her three hundred guilders, telling her that if she did not like the country he would send fi ir her to come back. The little party sailed from Havre, France, and after a voyage of thirty-two days, during which heavy storms prevailed and drove them from their course, they finaliy reached the harbor of New York, and fom the eastern metropolis Mary E. Peters made her way to Monroe county, Ohio, where she arrived in the year 1839. In 1S40, in Monroe county, she gave her hand in marriage to Jacob Detling. Her in- terests therefore centered in her adopted country, and though she still loves the land of her birth she has never wished to make it again her home. Mr. and Mrs. Detling began their domes- tic life in Monroe county, upon rented land, and when they had acquired sufficient capi- tal purchased sixty acres of timber laud. Their first home was a cabin built of round logs. Mr. Detling cut the timber from the forests, shaped the logs and erected his prim- itive residence. The floor was made of pun- cheons and the furnishings were also crude, hut happiness and contentment took up their abode in that little home and the owners thereof strove to improve their financial con- dition. They had gone in debt for a part of their land, but they possessed great energy and unfaltering determination which qual- ities enabled them to overcome all difficulties and to work their way steadily upward. Sell- ing their first farm, they removed to Brown township, Darke county, in the spring of 1847 anc l purchased one hundred and twenty acres of virgin soil in this li icality. The town of Ansonia was then known as Dallas. Not a tree had been cut nor a furrow turned upon their place, but soon they erected another cabin home, and by the light of the old- fashioned fire-place they passed many a pleasant hour. It is such pioneer settlers as Mr. and Mrs. Detlingthat have laid the form- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 367 elation for the present prosperity of the coun- ty. Thev made the ilderness blossom as the rose," and in the midst of the wild forest they developed a valuable property, which yielded to the owners a golden tribute in re- turn for the care and labor bestowed upon it. Thirteen children — seven sons and six daughters — came to bless the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Detling, and seven of the num- ber are yet living: Jacob, a successful farmer who is married and lives in Brown township ; Katie, the wife of James Earhart, of Brown township; Mary, the widow of Enos Baugh- man and a resident of Brown township ; Her- man, who is married and is a prosperous ag- riculturist of the same township; John, who i- living in Brown township: Jefferson, who resides upon the old family homestead and superintends the farm for his mother; and Charles, who also lives in the same locality. The children have all become honored and upright citizens owing to the tender care and wise teachings of the mother, whose instruc- tions will never be forgotten. Mrs. Detling is one of the grand old ladies who have care- fully moulded the characters of their chil- dren. At the time of the husband's death Mr. and Mrs. Detling had accumulated four hundred acres of valuable land, which was a merited reward of their labor. They were kind and benevolent people, had aided in the erection of different churches in this locality, have supported the different schools and have done much to promote various meas- ures calculated to prove of public good. Mr. Detling died March 14, 1896, and his re- mains were interred in the Ansonia cem- etery, where a beautiful monument has been erected sacred to his memory by his wife, lie was a kind and affectionate husband and father, a faithful friend and a considerate neighbor and enjoyed the warm regard of all 22 who knew him. Like his wife, he held mem- bership in the Christian church at Ansonia. Mrs. Detling's beautiful Christian character has endeared her to many friends and she is loved and esteemed by young and old, rich and poor. Her interest in life is yet active, and, although she has advanced far on earth's pilgrimage, she keeps in touch with the progress of the times. The love and veneration in which she is held was shown on her eightieth birthday, whenjier children and many friends gathered on her beautiful lawn to celebrate the day and wish her many happy returns thereof. She has always been a friend to the poor and needy, assisting those to whom fate had been unkind and sympa- thizes with those in distress. She is now passing the evening of life in a beautiful home which was gained through the united efforts of her husband and herself. Her children rise up and call her blessed, and when she shall have passed from this life her memory will remain as a grateful benedic- tion to all who knew her. JOHX J. STENTZEL. The gentleman whose name introduces this record is so well known that he needs no special introduction to the citizens of Brown township. He is not only regarded as one of the prosperous agriculturists of his com- munity, but is well known as a reliable and trustworthy official of his township — a citi- zen both loyal and patriotic, who in the faithful discharge of his duties has lai promoted the public welfare. Mr. Stentzel is of French and German lineage. He was born in Monroe county, Ohio, August 30, 1853, and is the sixth in order of birth in a family of ten children, four sons and six daughters, whose parent- 3-3> GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. were George F. and Barbara ( Peters ) Stentzel. The father was born near the boundary line between France and Germany on the 28th day of July, 1812, and died on the 4th of March. 1878, when in his sixty- sixth year. He possessed much natural me- chanical ability and was a cooper by trade. He acquired a liberal education, being fa- miliar with the German. French and English languages. After attaining his majority he determined to seek a home and fortune in America, and, in 1839. bidding adieu to the land of his birth, he sailed for the new world, landing in the United States with little capital, but possessed of strong de- termination to make the most of his oppor- tunities. Not long after his arrival he ti n ik up his abode in Monroe county. Ohio, where he was married. He followed his chosen vocation of coopering and was also a success- ful brewer and landlord. As his financial interests increased he extended his business to other lines and was quite successful in his various dealings. He was a man of strong determination, of decided character and resolute purpose, and these qualities largely insured him success. For a fourth of a century he owned property in Miltonsburg and its rental added largely to his in© »me. He was a stanch advocate of Democratic principles, firm in his advocacy of the meas- ures of the party. He and his wife were both members of the German Lutheran church and he was very charitable, always aiding in the various benevolent organiza- tions. His wife was born August 26, 1821, in the same neighborhood as her husband, and died July 19. 1888. Hers was an earnest Christian life and in the belief of Christian- ity she reared her family. Of the children six are yet living, namely: Elizabeth, the wife of Philip Wengert, a merchant resid- ing in Miltonsburg, Monn GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. fee or reward. For the last quarter of a century lie was the recognized leader at the bar. There was no malice in his heart and no tyranny in his nature. Refined in his tastes, he was always, in and out of court, a cultured and polite gentleman. Trained in the -schools, a lover of bocks, a great reader, a ripe scholar, he was by nature most kind and courteous, unostentatii ius and unpretentious. In his feelings he was as tender as a woman. He lived a life alu >ve reproach, and was universally esteemed when he died. He left the world better for his having lived therein. His upright life and noble virtues will survive him for the emulation of all who knew him. "What more need be said of him? What higher tribute can be paid to the memory of an}' man than to say, as we do of Mr. Knox, that he was true to every trust, 1< lyal to every obligation, faithful in the per- formance of every duty, generous and kindly in every impulse, sincere in his friendship, esteemed by his associates and beloved by his family. "He lived to enjoy the gratitude, re- spect and confidence of all. He died after .the sun of life was well set in the west, but like the great law giver of old, 'his eye was not dim, nor his natural force abated.' He died at peace with men and, doubtless, in favor with God. "Be it therefore resolved by the members of the bar of Darke county that we join with the family and immediate friends of John Reily Knox in their mourning for his death, and with the general public and all who knew him in the regret that our city has lost one of its most useful citizens. "Resolved, that we extend to the be- reaved widow and sorrowing son and daugh- ter of the deceased our deepest sympathy in this time of their great distress over the death of husband and father. "Resolved, that we will attend the funeral in a body, and that we wear the usual badge of mourning while engaged profes- sii mally in the court room and that the judge's bench be draped for thirty days. "Resolved, that the judge of the court of common pleas be requested to spread these resolutions on the journals of the court, and that the clerk of this court fur- nish a copy of the same, duly certified under the seal of the court, to the family of the deceased. "Resolved, that the editors of the sev- eral newspapers of the county be respect- fully requested to publish these resolutions ii their respective journals. And as a further mark of respect be it resolved that this court adjourn. "C. M. Anderson, Chairman. "J. T. Martz, "A. C. Robeson, "Henry M. Cole, "Martin B. Trainor. "Judge James A. Gilmore, of Eaton, Ohio, was present and made an address eulogizing the deceased. "Mr. J. T. Martz, of the firm of Knox. Martz & Rupe, read a paper, in which he spoke very highly of his late associate in the practice of law. "Short addresses were a|lso made by Hon. John Devor, now the oldest surviving member of the Darke county bar ; Judge H. M. Cole. Judge J. I. Allread, D. L. Gas- kill, L. E. Chenowith, D. W. Bowman. A. C. Robeson, Probate Judge Bickel, J. C. Elliott, Judge Clark, Hon. C. M. Anderson, M. B. Trainor and Rev. C. H. Lee, pastor of the Episcopal church of this city." GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 379' WILLIAM LESLIE RIES. William Leslie Ries was born in Green- ville township, Darke county, August 24. 1844. and is one of the four sons of Jere- miah and Catherine (Gilbert) Ries. His paternal grandfather was William Ries and his maternal grandfather was John H. Gil- bert. The latter married Miss Morning- star, who belonged to an old family of the Buckeye state. The parents of our subject were both natives of Berks county, Penu sylvania, and his mother was born in 1808, removing with her parents to Darke county in her early girlhood. After her marriage she took up her abode in Greenville, her husband being a blacksmith, which trade he followed continuously almost to the time of his death, which occurred in 1863, when he was in his fifty-second year. His wife long survived him and passed away in 1897, in her eighty-seventh year. The children of this worthy couple were: David, now de- ceased; James A., a blacksmith who is also connected with farming and banking in- terests; and John H., who is engaged in blacksmithing and is chief of the fire depart- ment of Greenville. William L. Ries, the fourth member of his father's family, acquired his education in the schools of Greenville and was graduated in the high school of this city. On putting aside his text books he learned the ma- chinist's trade under the direction of Jacob Taylor, of Greenville, serving a regular ap- prenticeship. On completing his term of service he responded to the country's call for aid, joining the One Hundred and Fifty- second Ohio Infantry, under command of Colonel David Putman. The regiment was sent to the front and took part in the Hun- ter raid and in many of the skirmishes in and around Lynchburg. Virginia, and in the Shenandoah valley. On the expiration of his four-months term Mr. Ries was In m- orably discharged in September, 1864, and returned to his home. His brother, John H., was also one of the Union soldiers dur- ing the civil war, having joined the Ninety- fourth Ohio Infantry. He took part in the battles of Stone River, Perryville, and other important engagements, and was honorably discharged in April,- 1863. In September of the same year he re-enlisted as a member of the Eighth Ohio Battery and served until the close of the war. David Ries joined the army for three years' service, but was dis- charged for disability after six months spent on the field. He died June 8, 1868. On his return from the war William L. Ries resumed work at his trade and after- ward became interested in farming in con- nection with his two brothers, operating two hundred and fort)' acres of choice land in Greenville township, pleasantly located two and a half miles from the city of that name. He has since devoted his energies to its cul- tivation and the well tilled fields indicate his careful supervision and" give promise of rich harvests. His farm is also well stocked with cattle and hogs of a high grade and in both branches of the business Mr. Ries is meeting with creditable success. He does not reside upon the farm, but makes his home with his brother in Greenville. His fellow townsmen, recognizing his worth and ability, have several times called him to public office and for two years he street commissioner, while for four years he was a member of the city council, ex- ercising his official prerogatives in support of all measures which he believes will prove of public benefit. He takes an active in- terest in local and county politics, affiliating GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. with the Republican party, for he believes that the platform of that party contains the best elements of good government. As a business man he is energetic, diligence be- ing one of his chief characteristics. His farming interests therefore are earnestly and systematically conducted and are bringing to him good financial returns. In all of his transactions he is reliable and honorable and he is enjoying the unqualified confidence of his fellow men in a high degree. MOSES S. TEEGARDEX. No student can carry his investigations far into the history of Darke county with- out finding the name of Teegarden figuring o mspicuously on its pages in connection wit" the account of its development along ma- terial, moral and intellectual lines. For more than half a century Mr. Teegarden has been a resident of that county and is numbered among the honored pioneers who have laid broad and deep the foundation for the pres- ent prosperity and advancement of this sec- tion of the state. Mr. Teegarden was born on the homestead where he now resides April 9, 1836, and is the third in a family of eight children, six sons and two daugh- ters, whose parents were Abram and Eliza- beth (Stevenson) Teegarden. Of these chil- dren six are yet living. One sister is a resi- dent of Kansas and two brothers are living in Indiana, but the others make their home in Ohio. The father was born in Butler county, this state, and died on the old homestead in Darke county November 15, 1868, at the age of seventy-two years. He was reared as an agriculturist and obtained his educa- tion in the primitive schools of the day. He started out in life for himself without capital working first by the day or month as he found opportunity, saving his money which he earned and thus acquired a sum sufficient to secure a claim and entered one hundred and sixty acres of land from the government, the deed bearing the signature of Martin Van Buren. then the president of the United States. The first home which he erected upon the place was a log cabin and in that primitive residence occurred the birth of our subject. Many Indians still roamed through the forests and to them Mr. Teegarden fre- quently sold corn meal. He killed deer upon his own place and venison was a fre- quent article of diet on the family board. The old-fashioned cradle, sickle and scythe were used in harvesting their crops and farm- ing was done without any of the improved machinery which both lightens and hastens labor at the present day. In his business affairs, however, Mr. Teegarden was very successful and at the time of his death owned a thousand acres of land in Jackson and Brown townships. He started out in life a poor boy, but by industry and frugality he worked his way steadily upward, over- coming all difficulties and obstacles in his path and attained a proud position among the substantial residents of his adopted coun- ty. His descendants are now in possession of two deeds from the government, one ex- ecuted August 1. 1838, for one hundred and sixty acres, and the other on July 11, 1837. for eighty acres, and both are signed by Martin Van Buren. Mr. Teegarden was originally an old- hue Whig and at the organization of the Republican party he became one of its stanch supporters and a great admirer of Abraham Lincoln. His fellow townsmen, realizing his worth and ability, called him to public of- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. MSI fice, and lie served as trustee and as school director at various times. He was himself particularly expert as a mathematician and always stood firm in support of his honest convictions, and his word was as good as his bond. He and his wife were consistent members of the Presbyterian church and he ■was one of the foremost builders of the first house of worship erected by that denomina- tion in Brown township, the building stand- ing upon a part of his farm. His connection with Darke county extended back to the time when his voting place was at Beamsville, underneath an apple tree. He took a deep interest in the development and progress of the county and his name should be inscribed on the pages of its pioneer history. His wife was born in Virginia and died March 27, 1864, at the age of forty-two years. She was a kind and loving mother, strict in her religious belief, and her Christian teaching have borne fruit in the upright lives of her children. Moses S. Teegarden, whose name begins this article, has spent his entire life in Darke county. He was reared in the usual manner of farmer lads of that period and received but limited educational privileges, for the schools of that day were not of the best class and his labors were needed upon the home farm. He early became familiar with the arduous task of developing new land and his life has ever been one of marked industry and enterprise. He married Miss Nancy J. Hetsler, who was born in Butler county, Ohio, March 22, 1840, a daughter of Peter and Mary M. (Wagner) Hetsler. Her par- ents had four children, — two sons and two daughters, — and all are yet living in Darke county with the exception of Katurah A., the wife of Jacob Kilmer, a carpenter and contractor. Mrs. Teegarden spent the first thirteen years of her life in Butler county and has since been a resident of Darke coun- ty. She has been to her husband a faithful companion and helpmeet and to her children a kind and loving mother. Mr. and Mrs. Teegarden have one son and one daughter, the former being J. P. Teegarden, who re- sides in Woodington. Ohio, where he is en- gaged in general merchandising and grain dealing. He was educated in the common schools and married Miss Lura Belle Men- denhall. In politics he is a Republican, is now serving as justice of the peace and is a young man who merits and receives the respect of all who know him. -The daughter, Telitha A., is the wife of William Hopper, a farmer residing in Jackson township. In his po- litical views Mr. Teegarden, of this review, was a stanch Republican and has supported the party since casting his first presidential vote for Abraham Lincoln. He is unwaver- ing in his advocacy of the party principles and does all in his power to secure their adoption. He and his wife are faithful and consistent members of the Teegarden Chris- tian church. He contributed most liberally to the erection of the house of worship and was a member of the building committee. Both he and his wife are kind and generous people and have won that good name which is rather to be chosen than great riches. They now occupy a pleasant home, which was erected in 1887. It is a tasteful brick residence and stands upon a farm of one hun- dred acres in Brown township, where are found all of the improvements and acces- sories of the model farm. The respect so freely accorded them results from their up- right lives, and throughout the community Mi-, and Mrs. Teegarden are widely and favorably known. 382 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. JOHN II. RIES. John H. Ries is chief of the fire depart- ment of Greenville, which is his native city, his birth having here occurred on the 15th of April, 1843. He ' s a son °f Jeremiah and Catherine ( Gilbert ) Ries. In Greenville he spent the greater part of his boyhood and youth, enjoying such educational advantages as the public schools afforded, and thus be- coming well prepared for life's practical duties. In 1862, prompted by a spirit of patriotism, he responded to his country's call for aid and joined the Union army as a member of Company F, Ninety-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, under Colonel J. W. Frizell. After spending some time in camp at Columbus the regiment was ordered to the front and was assigned to General Rose- crans' army. Mr. Ries took part in the battles of Perryville and Stone River, where he was severely wounded by a gunshot in the left leg. He was then taken to the hos- pital at Nashville, Tennessee, and his wounds necessitated his remaining there for three months. On the expiration of that period lie was discharged on account of his disability, but when his health was restored he re-en- listed in the Eighth Ohio Independent Bat- tery and was sent to Vicksburg, Mississippi. In the spring of 1864 he was put on detached duty as a blacksmith, having learned the trade before entering the army. He con- tinued to act in that capacity until the close nf the war, when lie was honorably dis- charged in July, 1865. His loyal service commended him to all who believe in the Union cause, and with patriotic ardor he did what he could for his country. Returning to Greenville Mr. Ries re- sumed work at his trade, which he has since followed to the present time in connection with his brother, James A. Ries, under the firm name of Ries Brothers. They have a general blacksmith and repair shop and re- ceive a liberal patronage in their line. In May. 1900, Mr. Ries was appointed chief of the fire department and is now acceptably filling that position. * Socially he is con- nected with Greenville Lodge, No. 195, I. O. O. F. He is also a member of Jobes Post, No. 157, G. A. R., of which he for- merly served as commander. He receives a pension in recognition of his services and is possessed of good property interests. His life has been one of honorable and useful activity, and he is well known among Green- ville's citizens. JAMES I. ALLREAD. The name of this gentleman figures prominently in connection with political and professional interests in Darke county and Ids reputation and acquaintance are In- no means limited by the confines of the county. He is now practicing law in Greenville, with excellent success, and his analytical power, executive ability and thorough understand- ing of tlie principles of jurisprudence have gained him a leading position in the ranks of the legal fraternity of this community. He was born upon his father's farm in Twin township, September 29, 1858. and is the eldest son of Isaac and Hannah C. ( Houk) Allread. The paternal great-grand- father was William Allread, one of the he- roes of the Revolutionary war, who. under command of General Wayne, aided the col- onists in their struggle for independence. The grandfather, Henry Allread. became one of the early settlers of Butler county, Ohio, where he located about 1820, enter- in- one hundred and sixty acres of land in GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 383 the midst of the forest. Isaac Allread, the father of our subject, was born in Butler county, in 1826, and became a farmer by occupation. He married Hannah C. Houk, daughter of James and Abigail Houk, who removed to Darke county about 1820. The latter lived to the advanced age of eighty- nine years. The mother of our subject was born in Darke county about 1830, and by her marriage had three children: James I., Stephen W. and Mary. The parents held membership in the Methodist Episcopal church, and the father, a stanch Republican in -politics, was often found in the councils of his party, where his opinions carried con- siderable weight. He died July 2, 1876, and his wife passed away in 1866. James I. Allread spent his boyhood clays upon the home farm in Twin township, and in the winter months he mastered the com- mon English branches of learning taught in the district schools. He afterward contin- ued his education in Greenville under the instruction of Professor J. T. Martz and Professor Seitz. He then returned to the farm where he remained until nineteen years of age, when he began reading law in the office and under the direction of William Allen, of Greenville, teing admitted to the bar before the supreme court, on the 6th of October, 1S80. He then established an of- fice in this city, where he has since engaged in practice up to the present time — a period of twenty consecutive years — with the ex- ception of a short interval when he served as judge of the circuit court, to which posi- tion he was appointed by Governor McKin- ley to fill, out the unexpired term of Judge Shauck, who was advanced to a seat on the supreme bench of the state. When the term was ended Mr. Allread resumed the private 23 practice of law and has been connected with important litigation in all of the courts, local, state and federal. He has tried many cases involving large interests and intricate legal problems and has been very successful in winning verdicts favorable to his clients, for lie gives careful, preparation and marshals the strong points in evidence with the skill of a general in the field of battle. On the 1st of August, 1883, Mr. All- read was united in marriage to Miss Emma S. Roland, of Greenville, the third daughter of Charles Roland, editor and proprietor of the Greenville Democrat. Unto the Judge and his wife have been born two children: Marie A., born July 1, 1886, and Charles Harold, born August 13, 1889. They have a pleasant home in Greenville, and their many friends speak in high terms of its hos- pitality. A well-known Mason, Judge Allread holds membership with Greenville Lodge, No. 143, F. & A. M.; Greenville Chapter, No. yy, R. A. M. ; Coleman Commandery, No. 17, K. T., of Troy, Ohio. He was for several years a high priest of the chapter, and in 1899 he was representative to the grand lodge and served as grand junior deacon. As every true American citizen should do, he takes a deep interest in the political questions of the day, studies closely the political aspect of the country and as the result of his mature deliberations gives his support to the Republican party. In 1898 he was a member of the Republican slate executive committee, ami his labors have been effective in promoting the success oi his party. His arguments in its defense are strong and decisive and the same earnestness marks his support of everything which tends toward the public weal. 3S4 GEXEALOGICAL AMD BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. JACOB B. MARTIN. In the records of York ti iwnship, Darke countv. the history of Jacob B. Martin well deserves a place, for he is a leading agricult- urist of the community and is now acceptably serving for his third term as township trus- tee. He is both widely and favorably known in this locality, the circle of his friends be- ing extensive. He was born in Adams town- ship, Darke county, July 30. 1S48, and is the second in a family of thirteen children, nine sons and four daughters, whose par- ents were David and Eliza (Burns) Mar- tin. Of this family two daughters and seven sons are vet living and are residents of Darke county, the sons all being farmers. One sister is the wife of a farmer, but Flora is the wife of John Kniseley, a teacher of Gettysburg. David Martin was born near the city of Dayton, in Montgomery county, in 1822, and died in October. 1844. He was reared to agricultural pursuits and pursued his studies in the common schools, but his edu- cation was somewhat limited, as he was com- pelled to aid in the development of the home farm. He was a lad of only five years when his parents came to Darke county, where his father entered one hundred and sixty acres of land in Adams township from the govern- ment. Their first home was a typical, prim- itive log cabin, with its puncheon floor and mud-and-stick chimney. This pioneer struc- ture made a deep impression upon the mind of our subject, who can also remember many incidents of pioneer life, including the friendly visits of the Indians. Deer were frequently killed on the prairies and other wild game was to be had in abundance. The farming implements of those days were the old-fashioned cradles, sickles and scythes. and with such farm machinery Mr. Martin has spent many a day in the harvest fields, working from early morn until the setting of the sun. His father was a successful agri- culturist and became the owner of a good property. In his political sentiments he was a Democrat, firm and inflexible in support of its principles. He was also a friend of the "little red school house" and advocated the education of the masses. He cared noth- ing for the honors and emoluments of pub- lic office, preferring to give his energies to his business interests. He held membership in the German Baptist church, aided in the erection of a number of churches in this lo- cality and was charitable and benevolent, withholding not the hand of assistance from the needy. His grandmother was a native of Germany and his grandfather Martin was born in Pennsylvania. His great-grand- father Martin was born in Germany and took up his abode in the Keystone state. The mother of our subject was born in Darke county about the year 1832 and is yet liv- ing in Adams township. She is a good Christian woman and her teachings have had a marked influence on the characters developed in her children. Jacob B. Martin was reared in Adams township and became a citizen of York town- ship about 1883. He worked in the fields from an early age, and, as his school priv- ileges were necessarily somewhat limited., he devoted much of his leisure time to read- ing and study and later had the advantage of instruction in the public schols of Green- ville and in the Normal Training School. He began his study, however, in the little log school house which his father had fre- quently attended. The building was about 30x24 feet and was heated by an old-time fireplace, while the writing desk for the GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. :.<> big boys and girls was formed of a rough board resting upon wooden pins driven inti the wall. The puncheon seats were without backs and the master dextrously used the birch rod in maintaining discipline. The windows were formed by sawing out a sec- tion of a log from the side of the building and inserting in the aperture panes of glass 8xio inches. The first teacher which Mr. Martin had was Dr. Lewis Lecklider, who is now deceased. Those old-time school houses are in marked contrast with the substantia] structures of the present day in which the youth now receives his educa- tional privileges. When twenty-one years of age Mr. Martin successfully passed a teachers' examination and for thirteen years followed the profession for which he was prepared, giving satisfaction to all in the localities where he taught. For his first school he received one hundred dollars in cash and with this capital he began life on his own account. On the 9th of March, 1882, Mr. Mar- tin was married to Miss Malinda Puter- baugh, who was born in Darke county March 3, 1858, a daughter of David and Annie (Parent) Puterbaugh, who were early set- tlers of the county and were familiar with its pioneer development and progress. Her father entered his farm from the govern- ment and on his land on more than one oc- casion has killed deer. In his family were twelve children and all became identified with the agricultural interests of the county. Mrs. Martin acquired her education in the common schools and was a lady of genial nature and kindly disposition, who in her every-day life won friends by her many estimable characteristics. Mr. and Mrs. Martin began their domestic life upon a rented farm in Richland township, where they lived for one year, and in 1S83 they purchased their present farm of eighty acres on section 16. York township, going in debt for a portion of the property. In his busi- ness affairs our subject has been prosperous, and the many improvements which he has placed upon his land indicates that he has successfully carried on his business. He has built a new barn and good sheds and fences and now has one of the most desirable farm- ing properties in York township. Honesty and integrity have characterized his entire business career and have gained him the re- spect and confidence of his fellow men. In his political views Mr. Martin is a Democrat, having supported the party since casting his first presidential vote for Hon. Samuel J. Tilden. He is unflinching in his advocacy of Democratic principles and has been called upon to serve as a delegate to the county conventions, which indicates his standing in the party ranks. In 189 1 he was elected township trustee and after serv- ing for a full term was appointed to fill out an unexpired term. In 1897 he was 1 elected and in 1900 he was again chosen, — a fact which well indicates his personal pop- ularity and his fidelity to duty. He ad- vocated every measure which would advance the welfare and prosperity of his township and county along material, intellectual and moral lines, and he and his wife are classed aim nig the best citizens of York township, and as such we present them to the readers of this volume. HERMAX F. KRUCKEBERG. . Among the native sons of Darke county is numbered Herman F. Kruckeberg. who is also classified among the most enterprising and progressive representatives of agricult- 386 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. ural interests in this section of the state. Washington said more than a century ago that "agriculture is the most useful as well as the most honorable occupation to which man can devote his energies," and the say- ing remains as true to-day as when uttered. The past aggregate of business along all lines depends in greater measure upon the farming interests of the world than upon any other pursuit. Continually commercial and professional ranks are recruited by those \yh< i a une from the farm, and it is no longer considered that such men occupy a higher plane of life. The farmer is a business man, actively identified with the affairs of life, the equal of his city brother in education and his associate in business affairs. He has recognized the fact that scientific principles underlie his labors and takes due cognizance of this in the operation of his land, as is shown by rotating crops, the use of fertil- izers and the adoption of many improve- ments which facilitates his work and pro- duces better results. Air. Kruckeberg is one of the wide-awake and enterprising farmers of Darke county, possessing many of the sterling characteristics of his German an- cestry. As his name indicates, his forefa- thers lived in Germany, and came to America to seek a home and fortune in the land of the free. Our subject was born in Brown town- ship, on the ioth of December, 1868, and is the fifth in a family of twelve children, six sons and six daughters, whose parents were Karl Frederick Ludwig and Hermina Char- lotte ( Bartling) Kruckeberg. The father was born in the little province of Chaun- burg [Schaumburg ?], near the beautiful river Rhine, whose vine-clad hills are adorned by many an ancient castle erected in baronial days. The date of his birth was April 17, 1832, and he died on the 13th of May, 1895. He belonged to one of the old and promi- nent families of the fatherland and acquired an excellent education in his native tongue. He was reared as an agriculturist and spent the first twenty years of his life in the coun- try of his nativity, after which he deter- mined to take up his abode in the new world, hoping to better his financial condition in this country. In company with his parents and four of their children he sailed from Bremen in a sailing vessel, the voyage continuing through seven weeks. A landing was effected at Xew York, in June, 1852, and the family made their way westward to Darke county, where three hundred and fifty acres of land in Brown township was purchased. The first home of the family was an old frame building lined with brick. In this regon, then largely wild and unimproved, the grand- father of our subject laid the foundation of his future prosperity and in the primitive home Karl Kruckeberg began life as an American citizen. He acquired a knowl- edge of the English language through con- tact with the people of his adopted country. He was a man of firm decision of character and possessed all the cardinal virtues of an upright, honorable citizen. He was highly respected, was a consistent member of the St. John's Lutheran church, of Greenville township, and contributed liberally toward the erection of the church and toward main- taining its work along its various lines of activity. He was a good man, and his liberality was well known by all. The poor and needy found in him a friend and were never turned away from his door empty- handed. He gave freely in support of all benevolent measures which he believed would benefit his fellow men and lived a life well GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 387 worthy of emulation, leaving to his family the priceless heritage of a good name. He was fond of travel and enjoyed studying the different manners and customs of different parts of the country. He did not believe that any one should live the life of a hermit, but should have accurate knowledge of his fellow men and be in close touch with them. Accompanied by his estimable wife, he made a number of journeys to distant parts of his adopted land and gained that knowledge and culture which only travel can bring. In politics he was an ardent supporter of the Democracy, believing firmly in its policy and earnestly advocating its doctrines. He was, however, not bitterly partisan and granted to others the right which he reserved for himself, of forming their own opinions. His fellow townsmen, recognizing his worth and ability, frequently called him to public office and he served for two terms as town- ship trustee of Brown township, discharg- ing his duties in a very prompt and capable manner. His co-operation was given to all movements calculated to prove of general good, and he was especially earnest in his advocacy of maintaining an excellent public school system. He believed in the German idea of educating the masses and making it compulsory that all children should attend school, for he realized fully the value and importance of education as a preparation for life's responsible duties. He served as school director for a number of years and his labors in behalf of the schools were practical and effective. In his private business affairs he was suc- cessful, becoming the owner of four hundred acres of fine land in Brown and Richland townships. In 1880 he erected upon his farm a fine two-story barn, with a basement 40x76 feet. He also built one of the best brick residences in the county, and these structures stand as monuments to his thrift and enter- prise. The home is a two-story house with an attic and basement, and is built of stone and brick, in the English style of architect- ure, and adorned with a slate roof. Nearly all of the interior finishings of this residence have been made from wood taken from the farm. The place commands a splendid view of the surrounding country and is one of the most attractive homes in Darke county. Everything about the place is neat and thrifty in appearance, outbuildings and fences being kept in good repair and the well tilled fields give promise of golden har- vests. When Mr. Kruckeberg died his town- ship lost one of its most valued citizens, his neighbors a faithful friend and his chil- dren a kind and devoted father. His re- mains were interred in the St. John's cem- etery, where a beautiful Scotch granite monument has been erected to his memory by his loving children. His wife, who was born in Fredericksburg, in the province of Oldendorf, Germany, September 15, 1839, died January 8, 1899, when in her sixtieth year. She was a devoted Christian woman, a loving and faithful wife and mother, and her teachings are treasured by her children, upon whom her influence was most marked. Her kind deeds will long be remembered by those who knew her, and her memory is enshrined in the hearts of all with whom she was brought in contact. In the family of this worthy couple were twelve children, of whom eleven are yet liv- ing, namely: Amelia, the widow of William Requarth, a resident of Greenville, Ohio; Charles, a farmer, who is married and lives in Edinburg, Illinois; Caroline, the wife of W. F. Ostemeier, an agriculturist of Wood- : 38 GENEALOGICAL AXD BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. side. Illinois: Herman F.. of this review: Sophia, the wife of H. E. Ostemeier. who follows fanning near Chatham. Illinois: Charlotte, the wife of F. J. Ostemeier, an agriculturist living near Springfield. Illi- nois: John, who is living on the old home- stead in Brown township: Mary, who makes her home with her brothers. Herman and John: Oddie, an agriculturist living in Springfield. Illinois: Emma, who is living on the old homestead : and Willie, the young- est of the family, who is yet in sch Herman F. Kruckeberg has spent his entire life in Darke county, his boyhood days being passed in the usual manner of farmer lads. He enjoyed the educational privileges afforded by the common schools of the ne § borhood, and through the summer months SS isted in the labors of held and meadow, so that he gained a practical knowledj the work to which he now devotes his en- The sturdy independence, perse- verance and industry characteristic of the German people are manifest in his life. In- dolence an idleness are utterly foreign to his nature and the labors on the home farm have resulted in securing good crops, which annually augment his income. He resides with his brothers upon the old family home- . his time being given almost exclusive- ly to the work of the farm. His methods are progressive and he and his brothers keep up in first-class condition the fine farm which their father developed. In his political views Herman F. Krucke- berg is a Democrat and cast his first presi- dential vote in 1896, for William Jennings Bryan. At the age of fourteen years he was confirmed in the German Lutheran church, with which he has since been iden- tified. His life has been an honorable and upright one. which has cast no blot upon the untarnished family name. He commands the respect and confidence of all with whom he is brought in contact and is known as a reliable business man and loyal citizen, who gives a public support to all measures which he believes will prove of general benefit. No history of Darke county would be com- plete without the record of the Kruckeberg family, and it is therefore with pleasure that wt present their history to the readc this volume. DAXIEL LAKEN DRILL. This well-known citizen of Darke coun- ty, who departed this life in 188^. was for many years actively identified with the de- velopment and upbuilding of Greenville township, where he made his home. He was born on the 14th of August. 1814. in Frederick county. Maryland, where the fam- ily was founded at an early day by two brothers, Jacob and George Drill, natives of Germany. Jacob afterward removed to Vir- ginia. So far as known all the Drills in America are descendants of these two. The first fourteen years of his life our sul spent in his native state and then came to Ohio with his parents. George and Jemima (Laken) Drill, also natives of Maryland. settled on Stillwater river, north of Dayton, in Montgomery county, where the father cleared and improved a farm and where both he and his wife died. Our subject was reared and educated in the usual manner of boys of his day and on reaching manhood he married Miss Ann Kiler. daughter of Daniel and Ellen ( Lowe) Kiler. also natives of Maryland. By this union were born six children, namely : Ellen and Urith, both deceased: Daniel K.. who is mentioned below : John H. and George M.. GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 889 both deceased; and Rebecca, who resides on the old homestead with her brother, Dan- iel K. Mr. Drill continued his residence in Montgomery county until 1853, when he purchased mie hundred and sixty acres of land in Greenville township, Darke county, to which he moved his family on the 17th of March of that year. There was a small 1( ig cabin standing on the place, but only three acres of the land hail been cleared, the remainder being timber and swamp land. It seemed a herculean task to clear and im- prove this place, but perseverance and en- ergy won, and the land was transformed into a highly cultivated and productive farm. Mr. Drill began life here with a small cap- ital, but he met with success in his farming- operations, and became one of the prosper-' OUS and substantial men of his community, as well as one of its highly respected and In mored citizens. He was somewhat re- served in manner, always attending strictly to his own business. He was conservative in his judgment and his decisions were all the result of a careful process of reasoning. Religiously he was a member of the Epis- copal church, his father being one of the founders of that church in Montgomery county, and always an active worker in the same. Mrs. Drill died in 1873, at the age of fifty-nine years. Like her husband, she had many warm friends in the community where they made their home, and was held in high regard by all who knew her. Daniel K. Drill, son of our subject, was born in Montgomery county. April 2, 1843, and was educated in the public schools. He as- sisted his father in the arduous task of clear- ing and improving the farm, and is still liv- ing on the old homestead, successfully en- gaged in agricultural pursuits. He married Miss Margaret E. Kilbourn, a daughter of Thomas F. and Margaret (Martin) Kil- bi iurn, who came to Darke county about 1830 and settled on a farm in Greenville township adjoining the Drill homestead. Her father was born in Marietta, Ohio, in 1801, but was reared in Vermont, lie died in Janu- ary, 1882, his wife in June, [890. Both were active members of the Episcopal church of Greenville, of which Mr. Kilbourn was one of the founders, and his picture, in honor of his virtues, has always ado the walls of the parsonage at that place. Of his three children, Clarissa and Martin are both deceased, so that Mrs. Drill, the young- est of the family, is the only one now living. She is a most estimable lady, and is a mem- ber of the Universalist church of Greenville. Mr. and Airs. Drill were married. May 29, 1873, and have become the parents of five children, namely: Anna M., Frank K.. Will- iam E., Daniel C. and Hazel, all of whom are living. WILLIAM REICHARD. The subject of this review was 1 me 1 if the honored and highly esteemed citizens of Twin township, Darke county. Ohio, where for several years he was successfully en- gaged in agricultural pursuits. His father, Joseph Reichard, a native of Pennsylvania, came to this state in early manhood, ac- companied by his wife and their eldest child, Elizabeth, and settled near Pyrmont, Mont- gomery county, close to the Preble county line, where he developed a farm and the remainder of his life. His children were Elizabeth; William, our subject: Joseph, who married Susan Sepp and died in Illi- nois; and Mary, who married Andrew House and died in Brookville, Ohio. 390 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. William Reichard was born October 1 1 , 1820, on the homestead farm in Montgom- ery county, where he grew to manhood and married Elizabeth Huffman. They began their domestic life upon a tract of eighty acres of land in Twin township, Darke coun- ty, given him by his father, who had en- tered the land from the government. Later his wife was taken ill and returned to her parents' home in Preble county, where she died, leaving: one child, Levi, who was born March 7, 1848, married Martha Deisher and died near Louisburg, Ohio. Air. Reichard was again married, April 22, 1852, his second union being with Miss Nancy C. Fritz, who was born in Perry township, Montgomery county, April 19, 1834, a daughter of Jacob and Lydia (Horner) Fritz, and granddaughter of John Horner, whose family came to Ohio from Lancaster county, Pennsylvania. By this union were born the following children : Elizabeth, born March 17, 1853, married Pharas Baker, of Twin township, this coun- ty; Mary, born September 2, 1854, died in infancy; Sarah, born March 9, 1856, mar- ried Levi Foreman, of Van Buren township ; Amzi, born October 19, 1857. married Mary Catherine Baker and resides in Monroe town- ship; Susan, born February 22, 1859, died at the age of six years; Ira, born October 17. i860, married Emma Niswonger and lives in Twin township ; Emma, born October 9, 1862, is the wife of Harvey Baker, of Mon- roe township; Ella, born September 5, 1864, is the wife of George W. Fryman, of Monroe township; and Joseph, born January 1, 1861, married Malinda Shumaker and died on the home farm in 1893. Mr. Reichard followed farming in Twin township until called from this life May 28, 1868, his remains being interred in Ithaca cemetery. He was a well informed man, was a stanch supporter of the Democratic party, and a loyal citizen who gave his sup- port to every enterprise which he believed calculated to prove of public benefit. He was a good husband and a kind father, and was held in hig'h regard by a large circle of friends and acquaintances on account of his strict integrity and sterling worth. Since the death of her husband Mrs. Reichard has successfully managed her busi- ness affairs, and has proven herself to be a thorough and capable business woman. She now resides in Arcanum, where she owns a comfortable home and is surrounded by many friends. Michael Fritz, the paternal grandfather cf Mrs. Reichard, was a native of Germany, and was a young man when he came to the United States. He was one of the earliest settlers of Preble county, Ohio, where he entered land and engaged in farming. There he married Nancy Repe, and both died in that county. Their children were : Mary, who wedded Michael Horner, a son of John Horner, and died in Perry township, Mont- gomery county, Ohio; Jacob, the father of Mrs. Reichard; Mrs. Lavina Kearns, of West Alexandria, Ohio; Lewis, who lives near Denver, Colorado; Sarah, the wife of George Wikel, of Darke county; John, who married Elizabeth Siler and died near West Alexandria; Michael, who married, first, An- nie Stibbs, and, secondly, Sarah Guntle, and, thirdly, Eliza Bixler, and died in Miami county, Ohio; Daniel, who married, first, Sarah Loy, and, secondly, Sarah Orebaugh and is now married to Lavina Magee; Nancy, who died in childhood ; Katy, who married John Gentner and resides on a part of the homestead farm; and Maria, who married George Lov and both are deceased. GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 391 Jacob Fritz, the father of Mrs. Reichard, was born in Preble county, in 1809, and in 1846 located in Twin township, Darke coun- ty, on a tract of land which he had entered. He married twice, his first wife being Lydia Horner, who was born in 1816 and died in 1870, leaving three children : Elizabeth, Mrs. John Sharp; Nancy C, Mrs. Reichard; and Michael, who married Nancy Brock. For his second wife the father married Saloma Holsapple. He died June 12, 1892, hon- ored and respected by all who knew him. W. J. WILSON. When the greater part of the land of Darke county was still wild and unimproved, when the few homes of the early settlers were log cabins situated on little clearings in the midst of dense forests, the Wilson family was founded in this section of the state, and since that early time representa- tives of the name have been prominent and active in promoting the welfare of the county. The subject of this review was born in Wayne township, March 20, 1856, and is the only living son in a family of eleven chil- dren, whose parents were Samuel and Mary C. (Eyler) Wilson. His father was born in Greenville township, Darke county, Feb- ruary 21, 1829, and in the common schools obtained his education. His mother died when he was two years old and his father's death occurred previous to that time, so that he was early left an orphan. In his youth, as he missed the care and protec- tion of a home, he met many adversities and hardships, but these developed in him a strong character and resolute purpose, and throughout an active business career he com- manded the respect and confidence of his fel- low men. He had considerable mechanical ability and early entered upon an apprentice- ship at the carpenter's trade under Oren Culberson, of Greenville. At the time when he attained his majority he had no cap- ital save the little he had accumulated through his own industry. He spent his en- tire life in Darke county and became cpiite successful in his undertakings. Locating in York township, about 1830. he there se- cured large landed interests and was also the owner of property in Richland, Wayne and York townships. He likewise engaged ex- tensively in stock raising, which proved a profitable source of income. At his death, which occurred June 12, 1897, he was the possessor of six hundred and forty acres of valuable land, all of which was in York township, with the exception of a tract of seventy-one acres in Richland township. All .of the improvements upon his farm were placed there by him and the property be- came one of the most attractive, desirable and valuable in his section of the county. As a citizen Mr. Wilson was public spir- ited and progressive and his fellow towns- men, recognizing his worth and ability, fre- quently called him to public office. He served as township treasurer and trustee and in the year 1877 was elected to the important office of county commissioner for a three- years term. He discharged his duties so ac- ceptably that in 1880 he was re-elected, and he gave his support to many marked and valuable improvements in the county. He appreciated the value of good roads and sup- ported all measures in the establishment of the fine pike system, and also believed in draining by ditching. Many of the bridges in the county were built during his service in office and he co-operated in every measure for the public good. He was an extremely 392 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. successful and methodical man, both in his private and public interests, and his integrity was proverbial. At his death the community lost one of its valuable citizens and the poor and needy a faithful friend, for he never withheld his support from those who were in need of aid. He contributed toward the erection of churches and did what he could to promote the material, intellectual and moral welfare of his community. Called to the home beyond, his remains were interred in the Versailles cemetery, where a beauti- ful Scotch granite monument now stands sacred to his memory. His estimable wife, who was born in 1836, is still living on the old homestead. In their family were two sons and nine daughters, and of this num- ber eight are yet living, namely : Cynthia A., who is living with her mother in York township; W. J., of this review; Jennie, the wife of Samuel Sherry, a shoe dealer in Versailles, Ohio; Belle, the wife of Charles Ewrv. who was formerly a successful teacher but is now engaged in the hardware busi- ness in Portland, Indiana, as a member of the firm of Yount & Ewry; May, the wife of Harry Gilbert a prosperous agriculturist of York township; Mary, the wife of Will- iam Yount, of the hardware firm of Yount & Ewry, of Portland; Edith, the wife of Samuel Overholzer, a prosperous farmer of Eichland township; and Minnie B., the wife of William Hill, a farmer residing in Wayne township. Mr. Wilson, whose name introduces this record, has spent his entire life in Darke county, and as he was the only son in his father's family that reached mature years the duties and labors of the farm largely de- volved upon him. He began his education in the schools of Wayne township and later pursued his education in the Lyons school in York township. This was held in a log school house 24x32 feet, of typical style in its furnishings and structure. Great changes have occurred since that time in the edu- cational privileges which are now afforded the children of the present generation, for substantial brick or frame school houses dot the country here and there, well qualified teachers are employed and excellent prepara- tion is made that the children may be well prepared for life's practical and responsible duties. Mr. Wilson continued upon the home farm until 1884, when he bought eighty acres ■ in York township. Subse- quently he disposed of this property and pur- chased the farm of one hundred and sixty- six acres where he now resides. As a companion and helpmate on life's journey he chose Miss Lucy Warvel a daughter of Daniel Warvel, a prominent citizen of Richland township. She was born May 9, i860, her parents being Daniel and Sarah (Powell) Warvel. Their marriage occurred September 5, 1880. and four sons anc' three daughters graced the union, but of t is number only four are now living — Mar Belle, Samuel C, Eliza May and Ern st Ray. The parents are giving to their children good educational privileges so that they may be well fitted to meet life's active duties. Mrs. Wilson has been to her hus- band a faithful companion and helpmate on life's journey, and her labors and counsel have proved important factors as he has en- deavored to gain a competence. When they began their domestic life they had forty acres of land, upon which rested an indebted- ness, but as the years have passed they have become the owner of one of the model farms of York township. The soil is especially adapted for the raising of corn, wheat and tobacco. The last, named is a very profit- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 393 able crop and has added not a little to Mr. Wilson's income. He is also a natural me- chanic and built and equipped a blacksmith shop, in which he does his own work, making all repairs on harness and farm machinery as well as shoeing his own horses. He has a four-horse-power engine and his mechan- ical ability is supplemented by his modern tools, enabling him to save much time and money. Politically Mr. Wilson is a Democrat and cast his first presidential vote for Samuel J. Tilden. He has twice been selected as a delegate to congressional conventions and was a delegate to the state convention in Dayton, in 1898. In 1899 he was elected the land appraiser of York township, and though he takes a deep interest in political affairs he has never been an officeseeker, preferring to devote his time and energies to his busi- ness interests, in which he has met with very creditable success. His marked ener- gy, diligence and capable management have enabled him to advance step by step until he now stands upon the plane of affluence md throughout his long and active busines • ca- reer he has ever commanded the re. lect, confidence and good will of those with w hom he has been associated. > JOHN J. PETERS. The German element in this national commonwealth has been an important one in promoting the material progress and pros- perity of the community; the enterprise, economy, thrift and perseverance so charac- teristic of the race are manifest in the sub- ject of this review, who has been a resident of Brown township, Darke county, for al- most half a century. He has been an eye- witness of the remarkable development of this section of the state, for he came here when the county was almost an unbroken wilderness and has not only seen the trans- formation that has been wrought, but has also borne his part in the work that has produced this great change. Mr. Peters was born in the little province of Alsace. Germany, near the bank of the beautiful Rhine, far-famed in story and song. Plis native place was also near the city of Strasburg, Germany, which contains the most beautiful and splendid cathedral in Europe. His natal day was March 31, 1837, and he is the tenth child and eldest son in a family of fourteen children, the last four children all being sons. His parents were John Jacob and Mary Elizabeth ( Machale) Peters. His father was born in the province of Alsace and died at the advanced age of eighty-three years, eight months and thirteen days. He was reared to the life of an agri- culturist and became an expert pomoloyist, making a specialty of the cultivation of grapes and the manufacture of a favorite brand of Rhenish wine. He found a good market for his products in the city of Stras- burg and conducted a profitable business. At one time he served his a mntry in the German army as a guard and his brother did military duty under Napoleon in Spain. He with eleven others of his company was poisoned by drinking water in which poison had been placed by the Spaniards. Mr. Peters, the father of our subject, was a man of sterling character, strict in his adherence to principle and an intelligent German citi- zen who met success in his business career. Ever honorable and upright in his dealings he left to his family the priceless heritage of a good name. He was widely known in his community and among his acquaintances 394 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. his word was considered as good as his bond. It was about 1839 when he concluded to bid adieu to the fatherland and seek a home in free America, believing that he could thus afford his children better ad- vantages. Accordingly, in the spring of that year ,at Havre, France, they took passage on a sailing vessel, which, after a voyage ct thirty-seven days, dropped anchor in the harbor of Xew York. They experienced storms which occasioned great delay and broke the main mast, rendering: it unfit for use. So great was the violence of the wind and waves that many times the passengers thought that they would never see land again, but Providence intended otherwise and at length they reached New York harbor in safety. The Peters family at once made their way eastward to Cleveland, Ohio, by way of the Erie canal, Wheeling, West Vir- ginia, to Monroe county on the Ohio river, where the father purchased eighty acres of improved land, making his home there until his death. In religious belief he was a Lutheran and never failed to perform his -Christian duty. He had acquired an excel- lent education in his native town, was char- itable and benevolent, aiding in the erection of a number of Lutheran churches. At one time he gave one hundred and fifty dollars toward the erection of one of the houses of worship of that denomination. His life day by day was upright and honorable; the poor and needy found in him a friend and those who sought his assistance were never turned •empty away. His wife was born in the province of Alsace and died at the age of seventy-seven years. She, too, led a faith- ful and consistent Christian life and reared her children in the faith of the Lutheran iwnship and has since lived upon that farm. A glance at the place indicates that the owner is one of the practical and progressive agri- culturists of his community, for everything is neat and thrifty in appearance and kept in first cla>s ci mdition. His practical training in farm work in his youth made him well fitted for the labors of manhood, and at the present time the well tilled fields yield to him a gold- en tribute for the care and labor he bestows upon them. Mr. Coppess votes with the Democracy and first upheld its banners by his ballot in j 884, when Grover Cleveland was a candi- date for the presidency. The public school system finds in him a stanch advocate, and he is at present serving as a member of the board. He belongs to the Christian church at Stelvideo and aided in its erection. He belongs to one of the best known families in Richland township, and his career is credit- able to the family history. Passing his en- tire life in the county, he has become widely known, and the fact that many of his stanch- est friends are those who have known him from boyhood is an indication that his career is one that has ever been worthy of commen- dation and respect. MICHAEL LOY. This well known and honored citizen of Jackson township, Darke county. Ohio, was born November 14. 1827. His grandfather, Jacob Loy was born in Washington county, Maryland, in 1766, of German parentage, and became a fair German scholar. He saw George Washington and Cornwallis when the latter was a prisoner. He married Bar- bara Bock and three of their eight children were born before leaving Maryland. In 1800 they moved to Cincinnati, which at that time contained only a few huts and Camp Washington. After spending a short time there they located in Preble county, where Mr. Loy entered one hundred and sixty acres of land. The country was very wild, In- dians were numerous, and the few settlers were widely scatered. Mr. Loy built a log cabin upon his farm on Twin Creek, cleared nearly all his land, ami followed the cooper's trade. He was a supporter of the Demo- cratic party and an active man of the German Lutheran church, serving as a trustee for many years. He died upon his farm January 1, 1854, aged eighty-eight years, and his wife, who was badly injured in shooting a deer, died in 1851 or 1852. aged eighty-four years. Jacob Loy, the father of our subject, was born in Maryland, in 1794, and was nearly seven years of age when the family came to Ohio. He was never able to attend school, but taught himself as well as he could, and acquired an excellent knowledge of farm work at home. In March, 1816, he married GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 409 Susanna Temple, also of Maryland, and a daughter of John Temple. He rented land in Twin creek until 1832, when he purchased one hundred and sixty acres from Christian Kuhn for five hundred dollars. At that time there were no roads or public schools in the locality, and while serving as a school direc- tor he built a schoolhouse with money from his own pocket. He improved his land and built thereon a log house and stable. He was very stout, hardy and rugged, and a good farmer and all-around man. He served as a private in the war of 1S1 2 and was stationed at Fort Nesbit for six months. Politically he was originally a Democrat, and supported Andrew Jackson for his first term, but later became a Whig and finally a Republican. Religiously he was a member of the German Reformed church. He died in 1885, and his wife departed this life in 1855. Their chil- dren were Conrad, a successful brickmaker and general contractor ; George, who died in 1846, aged twenty-eight years; Greenberry, a farmer ; David, a resident of Greene coun- ty, Ohio; Mrs. Catherine Fritz; Mrs. Mary Gettner; Michael, our subject; Lewis, a farmer; John, who died in 1864; and Jacob Harvey, a farmer. Michael Loy began his education in a hewed-log schoolhouse, and after acquiring a fair district-school education he followed farming until his marriage in 1849. when he turned his attention to brick-making. From 185 1 to 1858 he cultivated a rented farm, and after moving to his own farm of forty-five acres in the latter year he often rented other land also. He has drained his land, erected all of the buildings thereon, and has success- fully engaged in general farming. In 1849 ^ r - Loy married Miss Abigail Evans, who was born in Montgomery coun- ty, Ohio, in 1825, a daughter of John Evans, and to them were born five children, concern- ing whom we record items as follows: Isaac Newton received a good public-school'educa- tion and is now the pastor of the Reformed church at Versailles; Mary E. is the wife of Solomon Hart ; Jacob Henry, who is at home with his parents, married Catherine Null, a native of Union City, and they have two sons. David Earl and John Russell, now in School; Conrad Madison married Laura Rowe and followed farming; and Clara Belle is the wife of James M. Lea. In 1864, during the Civil war, Mr. Loy enlisted in Company D, One Hundred and Fifty-second Ohio Volunteer Infantry, under Captain Creveston, and took a wagon train to General Hunter, remaining in active serv- ice until the company was mustered out. He is now an honored member of the Mc- Pherson Post, G. A. R. He cast his first presidential vote for Zachary Taylor, and is now an ardent supporter of the Republican party, but has never cared for political pre- ferment, though he served eight years as school director. He is an advocate of temper- ance principles and is an active and consistent member of the Reformed church, in which he has served as deacon for twelve years. HARVEY HILL. A biographical record of Mississinawa township would be incomplete were there failure to mention Harvey Hill, who is an enterprising farmer living on section 20. Ohio numbers him among her native sons, for be was born in Clermont county. January 15, 1838. His father. Nathan Hill, was a native of the same locality, born August 1. 1806, and the grandfather, Thomas Hill. was born in North Carolina. He there be- came the owner of a plantation and a number 410 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. of slaves, but he left his bondsmen in North Carolina, save one old negro. Uncle Dick, who was very much attached to him and fol- lowed him to Ohio, on his removal to the Buckeye state, about 1801. Thomas Hill became one of the pioneer residents of Cler- mont county, taking up his abode in the midst of the forest. He wedded a southern lady, a wealthy planter's daughter, who knew nothing of work or of pioneer life, but she possessed a heroic spirit and became a prac- tical housewife, proving to her husband an able helpmate. She reared a large family of sons and daughters, but all are now de- ceased. One daughter, Mrs. Sarah South, removed to Danville, Indiana. The mother of these children after her husband's death made her home with her son, Nathan Hill. When called to her final rest her remains were interred in the old family burying ground by the side of Thomas Hill. The farm has now passed out of the possession of the family, but Mr. Hill has a description and deed of the old tract of two hundred and fifty acres where his grandfather settled be- fore Ohio was admitted to the Union. This was divided into four sections in 1822. The Hill ancestors were Irish, and at the time of the Revolutionary war Thomas Hill became one of the loyal Colonial soldiers who aided in establishing the independence of the nation. On the maternal side our subject is de- scended from one of the old families of Ohio. His father, Nathan Hill, on attaining man's -estate was joined in wedlock, in Clermont county, to Mary Ann Frazee, who was born in that county, December 8, 1816, a daughter of John Frazee. whose wife bore the maiden name of Miss Higbee. Their marriage oc- curred June 29, 1837, and was blessed with .seven children : Harvey, of this review ; Ja- cob, who died in infancy ; Elizabeth, who was born in 1842 and died in 1843; Albert F., who was born in January, 1844. and died the same year ; William, who was born in De- cember, 1844, and now resides with his fam- ily in Anderson, Indiana ; John F., who was born December 15, 1846, and is now living in Chicago, whither he went in 1891 and during the World's Fair made ten thousand dollars in the hotel business, so that he is now comfortably situated in life ; and the youngest child of the family, a son, died in infancy. The mother died June 1, 1849, and the father afterward wedded Elizabeth Bricker. His last days were spent upon the old homestead farm, where he died August 7, 1869. He had located thereon in 1854, purchasing a quarter-section of rich timber land, on the river bottoms, and in order to build a cabin he had to clear away the trees, for the forest was very dense. His first home was a very primitive one and the family lived in true pioneer style. Deer, turkeys and all kinds of small game were very plentiful and the subject of this review has often shot wild game, thus supplying the table with meat. Harvey Hill began his education in the old-time school-house, with its puncheon floors, slab seats, greased-paper windows and roughly made writing desks. He attended school from four to six months in a year dur- ing his early boyhood and was afterward in school only during the winter season. He was early inured to the arduous labor of de- veloping and improving land and in early life not only worked for his father but was also employed by others in preparing the land for the plow. On leaving the home farm, at the age of twenty-three, he worked out in the county until 1864, when he removed to Illi- nois, spending some time in McLean and Livingston counties, also a part of one season GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 411 in Iowa. On the expiration of that period he returned to the old homestead. On the 17th of November, 1873. Air. Hill was united in marriage, at the age of thirty- four years, to Martha Ellen Matthews, who was born in Preble county, August 5, 1854, a daughter of Robert Matthews. They lo- cated in the old home which the father had erected in 1854, and their union was blessed with two children : William Jesse, who was born November 2, 1874, and Amy Grace, who was born March 8, 1880, and is now the wife of Charles Jones, by whom she has a little son, Claudius Jones. Mrs. Hill died March 2 2, 1895. She was a woman of many excellent, characteristics, respected and es- teemed by a large circle of friends, and her loss was deeply mourned throughout the en- tire community. Mr. Hill devotes his time and energies to general farming and is the owner of eighty-five acres of rich and arable land which he keeps under a high state of cultiva- tion. Like most of the farmers of this local- ity he has given much attention to the raising of corn and hogs and also raises some cattle. His business affairs have been earnestly pros- ecuted and his diligence and careful manage- ment have secured to him a comfortable com- petence. He has followed in the political footsteps of his father, who cast his first pres- idential vote for General Jackson, and is a stanch Democrat in his political belief. In 1870 he was elected township clerk, in which office he served for thirteen consecutive years and for six years he has served as a justice of the peace, discharging his duties with marked promptness and impartiality. He was also township trustee for five years, has been a member of the board of education for six years and is now serving his third year as infirmary director. He is a citizen whose devotion to the public welfare is most marked, and his official prerogatives as well as his efforts in private life are exercised f >r the benefit of those measures which he be- lieves will contribute toward the public good. He has served for thirty years in office and has yet to meet the first political defeat. Mr. Hill has in his possession an illus- trated primer which his father studied on first attending school, and this is a much- prized heirloom. He has long been a wit- ness to the development of this section of the state and from pioneer days down to the present time the name of Hill has been asso- ciated with all that is best and most com- mendable in connection with the public affairs and progress of his part of the Buck- eye state. FRANK M. W'HITACRE. Frank M. Whitacre is a representative tanner of Mississinawa township in whom his fellow citizens have manifested their trust and confidence by electing- him to public of- fice. He resides on section 26, and was born on this farm February 15, 1858. His grand- father was Jonas Whitacre, who died in 1818, after which his widow married a Mr. Baldwin and died about 1827. By her first marriage she had four sons and two daugh- ters and by the second union had two chil- dren. After the death of the mother they were scattered, going to live with strangers, but on attaining their majority each re- ceived two hundred dollars from the old es- tate. The old Baldwin home is still owned by Benjamin Baldwin, who was a child of his father's first marriage and is now a wealthy resident of the county. Francis B. Whitacre. the father of our subject, was born in Warren county, Ohio, 412 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. in 1815. and sixty years ago came to Darke county, taking up his abode upon the farm where his son Frank now resides. It was then a wild tract on which the native timber grew so thickly that he had to cut away the trees in order to make room for a little cabin. The log house which he erected is still stand- ing, having been weatherboarded since that time, and is a mute reminder of the progress which has occurred through the passing years, making this one of the best developed sections of the entire state. Mr. Whitacre married Nancy Replogle, a daughter of Philip Replogle, who was the first settler of this locality. His descendants are still wide- ly and favorably known in this part of Ohio. The parents of our subject were married Oc- tober 8, 1837 and unto them were born five sons and five daughters: John R., who was born in Jul}-, 1838, and is living in Lights- ville; Jacob G., who was born September 21, 1840, and is living in Mississinawa t< iwnship ; Robert, who was born September 5, 1842, and is now living in Jay county, Indiana ; Nancy A., who became the wife of Reuben Barnhart and died July 17, 1873, when al- most thirty years of age; Larissa R., who married James Barnhart and died November 3, 1867, at the age of nineteen years and four months ; Frederick, who was born Sep- tember 2, 1849, an d is living on a farm ad- joining the old homestead; Sarah E., who died at the age of eighteen years; Rachel A., at home; Mary J., who died at the age of twenty-six years; and Frank, of this review. Of this family three brothers. John R., Ja- cob G. and Robert B., were soldiers in the civil war. The first named joined the Fifty-second Ohio Infantry for the one-hun- dred-day service, while Jacob and Robert were members of the One Hundred and Tenth Ohio Infantry, the former enlisting- for three years, and was wounded in the hip, the injury being quite a serious one. Robert was incarcerated in Libby prison for nearly three months and both endured many of the hardships which fall to the lot of the soldier in camp and on the field of battle. The mother of our subject was called to her final rest March 31, 1895, when seventy-six years of age. Frank M. Whitacre received his educa- tion in the common schools. He has never been away from home for any length of time, having always lived upon the old farmstead, in whose fields he has labored day after day in the cultivation of the crops, which have re- turned good harvests in the early summer and the golden autumn. He was married, January 25, 1882, to Miss Mary Ware, of Eaton, Preble county, a daughter of Kerry and Catharine ( De Land) Ware, both of whom are living in Union City. Their mar- riage has been blessed with four children : Jcsie M., Walter D., Rosa L. and Fern M. The three younger children are in school. The family is one of prominence in the com- munity and Mr. and Mrs. Whitacre enjoy the hospitality of the best homes in this sec- tion of the state. Farming has been Mr. Whitacre's life occupation. For twenty years he has culti- vated the old homestead place of one hun- dred and twenty acres, and like most of the agriculturists of the community raises corn, wheat and hay, making a specialty of the last named, for his upland meadows yield a splendid quality of hay. He also raises horses ami cattle and the sales of his stock and farm products bring him an excellent in- come. He is now regarded as one of the prosperous and progressive farmers of the community, and has a fine property whose neat and thrifty appearance indicates to every GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 418 passerby his careful supervision. In his po- litical views he is a stanch Republican and, though living in a Democratic township, has frequently been called to public office. He was the township clerk for four years, has been notary public for the past nine years, and was appointed census enumerator for his township in May, 1900. He holds member- ship in the United Brethren church, is the circuit steward and has acted as teacher and superintendent of the Sunday-schools. His life is upright an honorable, unclouded by a shadow of wrong or suspicion of evil, and his useful career is in many respects well worthy of emulation. MRS. DELIA VIOLA TAYLOR. Mrs. Taylor, a highly esteemed and hon- oner citizen of Arcanum, Darke county, Ohio, was born in Tarlton, this state, April 30, 1849, an< l is a daughter of Michael and Elizabeth (Van Tress) Bitler, both natives of Pennsylvania. Her paternal grandfather, George Bitler, was born in Lancaster, Penn- sylvania, and from there removed to Lan- caster, Ohio, where he owned and operated a large iron foundry for some time and later lived retired.- He finally moved to Missouri and located near Edina, where he owned large tracts of farming land, and there died. He was twice married. Michael Bitler, Mrs. Taylor's father, was born in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, and was only four years old when brought by his parents to Lancaster, Ohio, where he grew to manhood and married. At the age of nine- teen years he was licensed to preach in the United Brethren church, but as he afterward joined the Independent Order of Odd Fel- lows while that church was opposed to se- cret societies, he entered the Methodist Epis- copal ministry, joining the Cincinnati con- ference. He was the chaplain of the Forty- seventh Ohio Volunteer Infantry during the Civil war. He preached in Cincinnati two years and in the suburbs of that place for many years, but finally removed to Ithaca, Darke county, where he remained for a short time, and then came to Arcanum, where he practiced medicine until his death, having graduated at a medical college during his younger years. He died May 10, 1889, aged seventy years, and his wife died May 25, 1896, aged seventy-six years. They were the parents of ten children, namely : Clin- ton, who died at the age of eighteen years; Mary C, who died in infancy; Sarah, de- ceased wife of Z. H. Delapp; Samuel, a resi- dent of Gordon, Darke county; Isadore, the wife of Joseph Brown, of Columbus, Ohio; Delia Viola, our subject; John, a resident of Galveston, Indiana; Mary, the wife of Rev. J. Klingel, of Devil's Lake, North Da- kota; Emma, the wife of Professor B. F. Peters, of Indiana; and Leota, the wife of William Mummert, of Wawaka, Indiana. During her girlhood Mrs. Taylor attend- ed the public schools, completing her educa- tion at Ithaca, this county. On the 13th of September ,1863, she gave her hand in mar- riage to John Smith, a prominent merchant of Arcanum, who was born in Adams county, Pennsylvania, in 1828, a son of Jesse and Christina (Dietrich) Smith, also natives of that county. In 1835 he removed with his parents to Preble county, Ohio, where he made his home until 1850, and then came to Sampson, Darke county, where he remained about a year. In 185 1 he took up his resi- dence in Arcanum and embarked in general merchandising, opening the first store in the place. His popularity, strict integrity and honorable dealing soon won for him an ex- 414 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. cellent trade, which was second to none in the county. He died February 18. 1890, hon- ored and respected by all who knew him. In 1 85 1 he married Sophia McNutt, who died February 7, 1859, leaving three children, namely: Milton W., Leonidas H. and The- ophilus D., all living at the present time. By his second marriage he had eight children : Elmer Ellsworth,- who died in infancy; Ed- win Stanton; Bertelle; Roy; Maud C, the wife of Eldredge Faulkner; Mamie Wini- fred, who died at the age of five years ; John A. ; and Chester, who died in infancy. On the 14th of September, 1894, our subject married W. Scott Taylor, but has no chil- dren by this union. She is a lady of cult- ure, refinement and high social qualities, and has a large circle of friends and acquaint- ances in Arcanum where she makes her limine. JOHN CHAMBERS ARNOLD. \\ herever there is pioneer work to be done men of energy and ability are required and success or failure depends upon the de- gree of those qualities. In wresting the land of Darke county from its native wildness; in fitting it for the habitation of men; in de- veloping the natural resources of the com- munity in which they live, few if any have contributed more largely than Mr. Arnold, whose home is on section 13, Neave town- ship, and it is meet and proper that for the arduous and important labor he has per- formed he should receive due reward. Jn the township where he still resides, Mr. Arnold was born August 20. 1826. His father, George Arnold, was born in South Carolina, March 1, 1800, but was only eight years old when brought by his parents to this state. They located first in Clinton county, but in the spring of 181 7 came to Darke count}-, where our subject's grand- father, Moses Arnold, died at the age of eighty-seven years. He was of English de- scent and was born and reared in North Car- olina, but about the time of the Revolutionary war moved to South Carolina, and in 1807 c;.me to Ohio, as previously stated. George Arnold, father of our subject, was married in Warren county, Ohio, to Mary Dynes, a native of Kentucky, who was born No- vember 4, 1800, and was about four years old when her family moved to Warren coun- ty this state. Her father, Chambers Dynes, was born in Ireland and was four months old when brought to this country by his par- ents, being reared in Maryland. After his marriage George Arnold located on section 13, Neave township. Darke county, where he spent the remainder of his life, dying there April 9, 1882, at the age of eighty- two years. In early life he was a Jacksonian Democrat, but later supported the Whig party, voting for Harrison in 1840, and be- came a Republican on the organization of that party. He filled the office of justice of the peace for nine years, and was highly respected and esteemed by all who knew him. His estimable wife died at the age of eighty years. They had a family of five children, all of whom were born in Neave township : Amelia is now the widow of Michael Floyd, and a resident of Cowley count}-. Kansas; Lizzie died in Missouri ; Rachel died in Darke c< runty, Ohio ; and Mary died in Ran- dolph county, Indiana. John C. Arnold, the third child and only son of this family, was reared in Neave township and attended school conducted in a log building with stick chimney, rude benches and a desk made by laying a board on pins driven into the wall. As soon as & <^/L^C^ GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 415 old enough to be of any assistance he com- menced to aid his father in clearing and cul- tivating the farm, and throughout his active business life continued to engage in agri- cultural pursuits, but is now living retired. He remained on the old homestead and took care of his parents until their deaths, con- tinuing his residence there until 1885, when he built his present home on the Dayton pike three miles southeast of Greenville, where he has since lived, with the exception cf two years spent in Jackson township. His fine farm of two hundred and seven acres he now rents. On the 14th of January, 1847, Mr. Arnold married M. Elizabeth Shephard, by whom he had nine children: George W., pastor of the High Street United Brethren church at Dayton, Ohio, married Adeline Pickett, by whom he had two children, Flor- ence and Harry, and for his second wife wedded Mary Brant, by whom he has a daughter, Ruth; Mary is the wife of Will- iam Delk, of Arcanum, Darke county, and tbey have one child, Orpha ; John H. mar- ried Jane Crawford, and they have seven children, Laura, Reuben, Pearl, Clifford, Sophia, Ella and Opal ; Jane is the wife of Nelson Batten, and they have eight children, Alford, Martha, Jesse, Millie, Molly, Joseph, Cbarles and Jasper; Sophia J. is the wife of Oscar Jay and they have four children, Effie, Wilma, Carma and Otho; Winheld married Rebecca Eisley and they have six sons, Ora, Frank, John, Carl, Hugh and an infant; Amanda is the wife of Adrian Aten and has no children; Martha is the wife of Archer Pearson and they have seven chil- dren, Ethel, Ruth, A^irgie, Zella, Katie, Wal- ter and an infant daughter ; Charles married Martha Galbreth and they have two •children, Clarence and Douglass. Our subject also 25 has several, great-grandchildren. After the death of his first wife he married Mary Pickett, widow of Isaiah Pickett. His third wife was Elizabeth Clark, widow of Elisha Clark, and his present wife was Catherine (Mathews), widow of George Dynes. She was born in Warren county, Ohio, April 24, 1826, and is a daughter of Job and Catharine (White) Mathews, both natives <■! Xew Jersey, the father's birth occurring February 25, 1789, and the mother's March i/, 1799- The father died April 10, 1874, ami the mother passed away December 5, 1880. Mr. Arnold served as corporal in the Home Guards during the dark days of the Civil war, having enlisted in 1864 in the one-hundred-clay service. Politically he is a Republican, but has always supported the Prohibition party, having always been a strong temperance man. He takes a deep interest in every enterprise calculated to prove of public benefit, and is justly recog- nized as one of the valued and useful citi- zens of his community. In early life he was a friend and playmate of Professor J. T. Martz, the boys having been born and reared on farms not more than a mile apart. CHRISTIAN SCHAEFER. The subject of this sketch, Christian Schaefer, of Greenville township, Darke county, Ohio, was born in Tabbenstadt, Luebeke county, Westphalia, Germany, on September 13, 1836. He attended the com- mon schools of his country from April 1, 1844, until he was confirmed on April 1, 185 1, at which time he made a confession of the Evangelical Lutheran faith, to which he has been true up to the present day, being 416 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. affiliated with the Lutheran church now and one of the trustees of St. John's congrega- tion. He united in marriage with Miss Louisa Dorethea Homeier, in Germany, on May 17. 1S57, and emigrated to America with his wife soon after, locating at Dayton, Montgi unery county, Ohio, on July 9, of the same year. He resided there for seven years and in 1865 came to Darke county, Ohio, locating in Greenville township, upon the farm still in his possession. A large family of children, six sons and two daughters, were the fruit of the union with his wife, who are a credit to their parents and an honor to the community in which they live. The com- panion of his life preceded Mr. Schaefer and all his children to eternity, having been called away by death on August 31. 1897. Christian Schaefer is one of the influen- tial citizens of his community, of old German stock, honest, industrious, law-abiding and true. He has been and still is a successful farmer, owning the beautiful farm upon which he resides, with its handsome build- ings. He is a loyal church member and a sound old Jeffersonian Democrat in politics, reliable at all times. ABRAHAM BYRD. A farmer of York township, Abraham Byrd is numbered among the native sons of Darke county, bis birth having occurred here on the 27th of July, 1854. He is the sixth in the family of ten children, four sons and six daughters, born unto Abraham and Emma (Rodenfeldt) Byrd. A short history of his parents is given in connection with the sketch of George Byrd, the trustee of Richland township, who is represented on another page of this work. Abraham Byrd, of this review, was reared in Wayne township and was early inured to the labors of the farm, working in field and meadow through the summer months, while in the winter season he pursued his education in the district schools. In his leisure hours he devoted much atention to the perusal of good books and has thus added largely to the knowledge gained in the schoolroom. He gave his father the benefit of his services in the fields during his early years and later the care of his parents devolved entirely upon him, so that he was thus enabled to repay them for the loving attention which was be- st" 1 wed on him through his youth. He wed- ded Miss Sarah Boyer on the 23d of Novem- ber, 1848. and a little son graces their union. Grover C., who is a bright and interesting boy now pursuing the work of the eighth grade in the public schools. Mrs. Byrd was born in Wayne township, May 15, 1865, a daughter of Daniel and Elizabeth (Cable) Boyer. Her father was a native of Penn- sylvania, born in 1833, and bis death occur- red November 1, 1892. Throughout his active business life he carried on farming, and, coming to Darke county at an early day, was long a representative of the agricultural interests of this community. He was a mem- ber of the River Brethren church and in pol- itics was a Democrat. His wife, who was born in Darke county, is still living, at the age of sixty-two years, and is an earnest Christian woman whose careful teachings have had marked influence over her family. She became the mother of twelve children, five sons and seven daughters, nine of whom are yet living, as follows : Ella, the wife of J. N. Bashore. who was formerly a teacher and is now a farmer of Wayne township, Darke county; John, who is married and lives in Richland township; Mrs. Byrd; Milton, who is married and follows farming at Stelvideo, GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 41' Ohio; Maggie, the wife of J. E. Stoner, a horticulturist of Sedgwick, Kansas ; Emma, the wife of Clyde E. Morris, a salesman in a hardware store in Sedgwick, Kansas; Daniel and Mada, who are also living in Sedgwick, Kansas; and Eddie, who completes the family. Mr. and Mrs. Byrd began their domestic life upon a rented farm in Wayne township, where they resided for about seven years, after which they passed four years in Shelby county and then took up their abode on a farm near Gettysburg, in Darke county. Four years later they located in York town- ship, having charge of the Bayman estate. They enjoy the high regard of many friends in this locality and are people whose com- mendable characteristics have won for them high respect. Since casting his first presiden- tial vote for Tilden, in 1876, Mr. Byrd has been a stanch Democrat, but has never been an aspirant for office, preferring that his time and attention shall be given to his business interests, in which he is meeting with credit- able and desirable success. He and his wife attend the services of the Methodist Episco- pal church and contribute liberally to its sup- port. Socially he is connected with the Odd Fellows lodge at Versailles, in which he has passed all the chairs, and he and his wife are members of Rebekah Lodge, No. 216, Mrs. Byrd having served as chaplain in the order. In their life they exemplify the noble and be- nevolent principles of the order and are true to its humanitarian teachings. L. R. HOUSHOLDER. For sixty-three years Mr. Housholder lias been a resident of Darke county, his birth having occurred in York township, July 28, 1837. He is one of the pioneer families of the locality. His father, David Housholder, was born in Pennsylvania, near Hancock, Maryland. July 21, 181 1. and was the only son in his parents' family. He was a man of much mechanical skill and became a mill- wright. He also possessed considerable in- genuity in manufacturing machinery, espe- cially the old-time cradle. Through his active labors in this direction, as well as upon the farm, he accumulated a comfortable compe- tence. In all his business affairs he was care- ful, methodical and reliable, and his word was as good as his bond. His educational privileges were meager, but experience in the practical affairs of life added largely to his knowledge. He remained in the Keystone state until he was twenty-five years of age, and was married in Pennsylvania to Miss Rachel Stahl, on the 22d of February, 1836, this date being recorded in the old family Bible now owned by our subject. The young couple determined to seek a .home farther west and in a one-horse vehicle started for Ohio. They had little of this world's goods but were possessed of resolute spirit and determined purpose and bravely met the difficulties and hardships of pioneer life. Mr. Housholder manifested the ster- ling characteristics of his German ancestry, for he was of German lineage, being de- scended from one of two brothers who came tn America from the Fatherland and thus established the Housholder family in the new world. The date of their emigration was about 1700. It was in the fall of 1837 that the parents of our subject arrived in York township. Darke county, and for a short time they resided in a log cabin with their brother-in-law. Soon, however, they took up their abode upon a farm of one hun- dren and twenty-seven acres in York town- ship, which was entered by Mr. Housholder 413 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. at the land office in Cincinnati, the old parch- ment deed being signed by Martin Van Buren. who was then president of the United States. This gave the description of the property and the date of purchase and is still in possession of the family. Soon the plow was placed in the virgin soil, for with characteristic energy the father began to clear away the tress and develop his land. The family lived in a little log cabin, which was heated by an old-time fireplace. The meals were cooked in utensils suspended in im a crane and in an old Dutch oven, and had the relish which, it is claimed, is seldom f ( mnd at the present day when more modern methods of cooking are in use. Deer and turkey often formed a part of the meal, for these could be obtained by the skilled hunts- man who, with his rifle, went into the woods and often brought back excellent game. Mr. Housholder was prosperous in his business undertakings and before his death had accu- mulated one thousand and three acres of land, situated in Brown and York townships, in Darke county, and in Cherokee county, Kan- sas. From the time that he cast his first presidential vote, for Andrew Jackson, he was a stanch Democrat in his political affilia- tions. He held the office of township trustee and filled other positions of responsibility. As a man and a citizen he was highly es- teemed for his sterling worth ; and at his death, which occurred August 6, 1897, the community lost one of its valued citizens. His wife was born in Maryland, April 3, 1 81 5, and died July 26, 1868. In the family of this worthy couple were seven sons and three daughters, of whom eight are now living, the eldest being L. R., of this review ; Esther Anna is the wife of R. B. Kunkel, a carpenter and joiner living in Greenville; Louanna. who was educated in the Greenville high school, in Lebanon, Johnstown, Erie and Bradford, Pennsylvania, having gradu- ated in two colleges, is now an editor and authoress of merit ; Iselius is a farmer living in Brown township; Newton S. Is married and follows farming in Williamsburg, Ohio ; Moses A., a farmer residing near Columbus, Kansas, and formerly a successful attorney, is a prominent and influential citizen and is serving as a member of the state legislature; Franklin is married and follows horticultural pursuits near Guthrie, Oklahoma, where he has an orchard of one hundred and ten acres ; and Ella is the wife of Jerome Lodermilk, of Baldwin, Kansas, who was a teacher of music. Mr. Housholder. whose name introduces this ■ record, obtained his elementary educa- tion in the common schools and was for a time a pupil under the instruction of Profes- sor J. T. Martz. He successfully passed the teachers' examination at the age of twenty- two years, and has capably followed the pro- fession in Darke county for nine terms. He has the ability to impart clearly and concisely to others the knowledge he has acquired and is regarded as a most competent instructor. He also possesses considerable mechanical ability and is familiar with the carpenter and joiner's trade. He started out on his own account empty-handed. When he had at- tained his majority he had no capital and earned his first money by cutting cordwood for his father at twenty-five cents per cord. He was industrious and energetic and scorned no labor that would yield him an honest living. Through determined purpose he has steadily worked his way upward, and his position as a substantial citizen of the community has for a long time been assured. GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 419 On the 20th of June, 1867, Mr. Hous- holder was united in marriage to Miss Pearl Nevius, who was born in Huntington, Indi- ana, November 24, 1846. They became the parents of five sons and four daughters, of whom eight are yet living, as follows : Ivie Olive, the wife of J. A. Patterson, who re- sides in Washington county, Pennsylania, and is an expert oil driller; Lucy Grace, the wife of John E. Longcreek. a farmer of York township; Lot Franklin, who is living in York township; Xellie Gail, the wife of Joseph Rox, a teamster of Dayton; Minnie Alice, Carl Nevius, Harry Leo and Glen George, at home. The mother of this family was called to her final rest June 27, 1897. She was for thirty years a faithful compan- ion and helpmate to her husband along the journey of life, and her loving words and counsels are sadly missed in the household. She held membership in the Christian church in Ansonia and was ever true and loyal to its teachings. Mr. Housholder and his chil- dren still reside upon the home farm. In politics he is a Democrat and his first pres- idential ballot supported Stephen A. Doug- las. He is a stanch advocate of temperance and strongly favors the abolition of the li-quor traffic. For two terms he served as trustee of York township and was township clerk for one year. He. too, belongs to the Chris- tian church and contributed liberally toward the erection of the house of worship. To- day he is the owner of one hundred jand thirty-seven acres of land under a high state of cultivation, and all that he possesses has been acquired through his own efforts. JOHN WALKER. John Walker, deceased, was for many years one of the honored and highly es- teemed citizens of Darke county, his home being in Van Buren township. He was of Scotch-Irish descent, his ancestors having left Scotland on account of religious perse- cution and located in Ireland, of which a >un- try his paternal grandfather was a native. His father, Joseph Walker, was born in the North of Ireland, and on his emigration to the United States, when a young man, settled at Gettysburg, Adams county, Pennsylva- nia, where he spent the remainder of his life, becoming a very successful farmer. There he married Elizabeth Stewart, who was also of Scotch-Irish descent and had a brother John living near Gettysburg. By this union were born the following children : William, born in 1794. took part in the war of 181 2 at Baltimore, and died unmarried ; Jane, born in 1795, married her cousin, Andrew Stew- art, and died in Pennsylvania; Nancy, born in 1796, married David Withrow and died in Adams county, Pennsylvania; Andrew, born September 17, 1798, married Elizabeth Blakely,- and in April, 1830, moved to Mus- kingum county, Ohio; Elizabeth, born De- cember 21, 1800, married Gibson Wade and settled in Adams township, Darke county, Ohio; Joseph, born February 27, 1803, mar- ried Annie Seltzer and lived near Emmits- burg, Maryland ; John, our subject, is next in order of birth; and Mary, born July 1, 1808, married Nathaniel Patterson, a noted lawyer of Columbus, Ohio, where both died. The subject of this sketch was born on the old homestead at Gettysburg. March 31, 1805, and was reared in the midst of pleas- ant home surroundings, his parents being earnest members of the United Presbyterian church. His education was obtained in the common schools. He remained on the farm until he was married, March 9, 1830, to Miss Sarah Moore, who was born in Adams county. August 23. 1808. Ten days after 420 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. their marriage they left their old home in Pennsylvania and came by wagon to Darke county, Ohio, landing in Van Buren town- ship on the 19th of April. Mr. Walker's father had died when he was seventeen years of age, and he had but little to begin life with in the west. He purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land from John Carnihan and entered a like amount, all in one tract. A small log cabin stood on the place, and in it they made their home until the follow- ing spring, when Mr. Walker prepared brick and built a more substantial and commodious residence. In the meantime he commenced to clear and improve his land. His first wife died December 2~, 1S43, leaving four children, namely: Elizabeth Jane, deceased, born October 27, 1831, married Levi Reck; Sarah Alary, born July 22, 1834, married David Campbell and died in Adams town- ship, Darke . county, in 1859; Harriet F., born April 24, 1837, is a resident of the home farm; and Joseph S., born March 28, 1841, married Malissa Van Winkle and lives in Greenville. Air. Walker was again married, Decem- ber 4. 1845. his second union being with Miss Ann Eliza Reck, who was born in Bedford county, Pennsylvania, October 1. 1825, and is a daughter of Jacob and Mary M. (Sipes) Reck, the former a native of Adams coun- ty. Pennsylvania, the latter of Maryland. After the marriage of her parents they set- tled in Bedford county, Pennsylvania, where the father died in 1839. He was three times married, his first wife being Mary Ann Ben- ner, of Adams county, Pennsylvania, who bore him one child, Mary E., who married Rev. Thompson and went to Minnesota. His second wife was Eve Cluts, of the same county, by whom he had two children : Cath- erine and Sarah, who both died unmarried. His third wife was the mother of Mrs. Walker, and by that union were the follow- ing children : Ann Eliza, already men- tioned ; Susan, born December 21, 1826; Mary Jane, September 22, 1828; William, July 4, 1830; Jacob, July 3, 1832; and Sam- uel, June 14, 1834. The mother was left a widow with eight small children, six of whom were her own, and with her family she came to Darke county, Ohio, by wagon in 1839, locating in Adams township. She died August 30, 1868. Her father was Joseph Sipes, a native of Germany, who came to this country to es- cape military service, and hired out to pay his passage. One of his fellow passengers on the voyage was a Miss Rent, with whom he soon became acquainted, and after land- ing they were married. They located near Maryland, and he. was sta- Emmitsburg, tinned at Baltimore while serving as a sol- dier of the war of 1812. In religious belief they were strict Lutherans. Their children were John, who died in Maryland ; Mary M.. the mother of Mrs. Walker; Catherine, win 1 married George Carls and located near Bedford, Pennsylvania ; and Henry, who made his home in Bedford county, that state. Mrs. Walker's paternal grandfather was Christian Reck, who was of German descent, and married Sophia Beaker, of Adams coun- ty, Pennsylvania. Their children were as follows : John, who married for his first wife Annie Hiner, and died in Gettysburg, Ohio; Elizabeth, who married a Mr. Lichten- walter and came to Canton, Ohio, after her husband's death; Jacob, the father of Mrs. Walker, was next in order of birth; Chris- tian, who married a Miss Routzong, and lived in Canton ; Sarah, who was the wife of John Stutzler, of Pennsylvania; William, who married Christina Miller and died in GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 421 Gettysburg; Catherine, who was the wife of Samuel Routzong, a soldier of the war of 1812; Samuel, who married Sarah Chits and died in Pennsylvania ; and David, who married Maria Lightner, of Pennsylvania, and died in Van Buren township, Darke county, Ohio. By his second marriage Mr. Walker had three children, namely : Will- iam Harrison, who was born November 22, 1847, an d died March 27, 1852; Catherine Ann, born April 2j, 1853, who is with her mother; and John Newton, born January 24, 1859, married Nellie G. Keefauver, and they have five children — Mary E., Hazel H., Wil- lard Ward, Helen Gertrude and Lulu. Mr. Walker died June 23. 1895. He was a stanch Republican in politics and as one of the leading citizens of his community he was called upon to serve as township trustee and in other local offices. Reared in the United Presbyterian church he joined the Greenville Presbyterian church on coming to this coun- ty, and remained one of its faithful and con- sistent members throughout life. He was a true husband and kind father, devoted to his family, and in his death the community real- ized that they had lost one of their most valued and useful citizens. JOHNSON K. ALBRIGHT. After years of active labor as an agri- culturist, this worthy citizen of Twin town- ship, Darke county, is now living a retired life. He belongs to an honored pioneer fam- ily of this state, and traces his ancestry back to three brothers who came to America from Germany prior to the Revolutionary war. One settled in North Carolina and one in Pennsylvania, but all trace of the third has been lost. It was from the first that our subject is descended. He served all through the Revolutionary war. His son, Philip Al- bright, the grandfather of our subject, was born and reared in Orange county. North Carolina, and in early life learned the tail- or's trade. Some time previous to 1804 he and his wife Christina came to Preble coun- ty, Ohio, and he entered land on the pres- ent site of Lewisburg, where he erected a primitive log cabin and followed farming throughout the remainder of his life. He died November 20, 1820, his wife, December 29, 181 7, and both were buried at Lewis- burg. Of their children John died in Ar- kansas; Catherine, the wife of John Thomas, died in Preble county, this state ; Elizabeth, the wife of Daniel Sharp, died in Twin town- ship, Darke county; Barbara, the wife of Lewis Thomas, died in Preble county ; Phil- ip died in Twin township, Darke county; Adam died in the same township; Mary, the wife of Philip Nation, died in Eaton, Ohio; Jonas also died in Eaton ; and Simpson, the father of our subject, died in Arcanum. Simpson Albright was born in Lewis- burg, November 2, 1804, and received only a limited education. He was an excellent reader but had little knowledge of other branches of study. As his father was lame and in limited circumstances most of the farm work fell to his sons, and when he died the family were left poor. Simpson was only thirteen years of age at that time and was forced to earn his own livelihood by- working as a farm hand, being thus empL yed until his marriage. He drifted to Anderson county, Tennessee, where he met Miss Mary Snoderly. who became his wife November 9, 1828. She was born in Guilford county, North Carolina, November 1, 1808, and was a daughter of Philip and Man- (Thomas) Snoderly, who moved to Tennessee about 1816. 422 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. After his marriage Mr. Albright contin- ued to make his home in that state until August, 1832, when he returned to Ohio and located in the northeast corner of Preble county- The following spring he rented a farm in Preble county, where he resided two years, and during that time bought eighty acres of wild land in Twin township, this county. At that time no improvements had been made and there were but few- fam- ilies in the neighborhood. Philip Mullenix had squatted near the Albright farm and built a house, but William Nealeigh, of Lew- isburg, had paid him a small sum for his right to the tract and entered the land. The pn iperty Air. Albright rented until he could clear a small tract of his own land and erect a cabin thereon, which was accomplished in April, 1836. The house, which was six- teen by twenty feet, was built of round logs and contained but one room. He cleared his land and transformed it into a beautiful farm, finally selling it, after his children were grown, for one hundred dollars per acre. He then moved to Arcanum and lived retired until his death, which occurred May 17, 1886. His wife died November 7, 1883. They were leading members of the United Brethren church of Arcanum, and were very charitably disposed, their home being a refuge for the poor and needy. In early life the father was a Democrat, but in 1854 sev- ered his connection with that party and later became an ardent Republican. Our subject is the oldest in a family of eleven children, the others being as follows : Henry M., born in Anderson county, Ten- nessee, December 29, 1830, married Eliza- beth Eichelberger. He was a member of Company A, One Hundred and Fifty-second Ohio Volunteer Infantry, in the one-hun- dred-day service during the civil war. and was a farmer of Van Buren township, Darke county, Ohio, where he died August 24. 1878. Henderson L., born in Tennes- see. February 19, 1832, married Cather- ine Leecly. He was a member of the same regiment as his brother, and now resides on a farm in Neave township, this county. Daniel S., who was born in Preble county, this state. October 6, 1834, married Elizabeth Leedy. He, too, was a member of Company A, One Hundred and Fifty- second Regiment, and is now living in Arca- num, rhilip S., born in Twin township, Darke county, in 1836, married first Ma- linda Raines and secondly Nancy , and is now a farmer of Greenville township, this county. He served for three years in the One Hundred and Tenth Ohio Volun- teer Infantry, and then veteranized, remain- ing in the service until hostilities ceased. \\ illiam K., born in Twin township, March 22, 1838, married Nancy Clark, and resides in Greenville. He enlisted first for nine months in the Eighty-seventh Ohio Volun- teer Infantry, and after being discharged joined Company B, One Hundred and Tenth Regiment, serving until the close of the war. Adam C, born in Twin township, November 21, 1842, married Nancy Robeson and now lives in Adams county, Nebraska. He served through the war as a member of the Thirty-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry. Catherine S., born in Twin township, No- vember 24. 1843, married Anderson Till- man, and died in Arcanum. Sarah Ann, born in Twin township, February 13, 1845, married George F. Hapner and resides in Arcanum. Elizabeth, born in Twin town- ship, August 13. 1848, married Dr. Royal- ston Ford, of Greenville, Ohio, and died in GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 423 Arcanum. Margaret Minerva, born in Twin township, January 21, 1856, died in infancy. Johnson K. Albright was born in Ander- son county, Tennessee, June 13, 1829, and was only three years old when brought by his parents to Ohio. He received his edu- cation, as he says, "in the woods." He at- tended school when lie was not needed at home: was fond of study and spent much time with his books. He qualified himself for a teacher, received a certificate from the county examiners and taught one year. He passed through all the different phases of pioneer life. Being the oldest son the re- sponsibilities of the farm work fell upon him at an early age, as his father was not strong, and he did much of his father's business un- til leaving home. On the nth of September, 1851, at Phil- lipsburg, Montgomery county, Ohio, Mr. Albright was united in marriage with Miss Mary Ann Reichard, who was born in Pyr- mont, that county, December 8, 1834, a daughter of John and Elizabeth (Winicke) Reichard. Two children were born to them, but Edward Henry, born September 28, 1853, died April 6, 1854; and Granville Moorey, born May 15, 1859, died May 3, 1870. Mrs. Albright died September 21, 1897, and was laid to rest in Abbottsville cemetery. She was a devout member of the United Brethren church, possessed a beauti- ful disposition and was a loving wife and mother. After his marriage, Mr. Albright re- mained with his father until the following December and then moved to his present farm of eighty acres, which he purchased November 3, 185 1. His first home here was a hewed-log house, 18x20 feet, but he and his wife were very happy in their humble abode, and in 1876 he built his present beau- tiful home of red brick. When the civil war broke out he was operating a saw-mill, and was engaged in that business for three years. He also owned and operated a threshing machine for the same length of time. The first school house erected in the north precinct of Twin township was built on a corner of his farm, it being of round logs and about 12x20 feet in dimension. The first teacher was William McGriff, who taught the first year in an old log cabin which was built by Alfred Ayers and stood on what is now the Aaron Wellbau place. Mr. Albright was also one of the "boys in blue" during the war of the Rebellion, enlisting May 2, 1864, in the one-hundred- day service, as a private in Company A, One Hundred and Fifty-second Ohio Volunteer Infantry. The regiment was continually on the march, and participated in Hunter's raid. Mr. Albright was discharged at Camp Den- nison, Ohio, September 2, 1864. and is now an honored member of Rosser Post, G. A. R., at Arcanum, of which he has been the com- mander two years. He cast his first presi- dential vote for Franklin Pierce, in 1852, and is now a stanch supporter of the Repub- lican party. Quiet and unassuming, he has the confidence and respect of all who know him, and justly merits the high regard in which he is held. DAVID SWINGER. Among the enterprising, energetic and well-to-do agriculturists of Franklin town- ship, Darke county. Ohio, who thoroughly understand the vocation which they follow, and are consequently enabled to carry on their calling with profit to themselves, is the subiect of this sketch. He was born in 424 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Franklin township, October 6, 1845, and grew to manhood on the old homestead farm, assisting in the labors of the fields and attending the district schools from the age of six to twenty-one years, when his services were not needed at home. He re- mained under the parental roof until after his marriage. On the 16th of April, 186S, Mr. Swinger wedded Miss Luvena Richardson, who was born near Pittsburg, Monroe township, Darke county, June 29, 1850. and belongs to one of the pioneer families of the county, being a granddaughter of William ami Sa- rah ( Markham ) Richardson, natives of Ten- nessee, who came to Ohio at an early day and entered land near Pittsburg, Darke county. They were members of the Christian church. George Richardson, Mrs. Swinger's father, was born near Pittsburg, September 20, 1830, and died September 1. 1850, at the early age of twenty years. He married Es- ther Haworth, a daughter of John and Sa- rah (Penny) Haworth, and by that union was born only one child, Mrs. Swinger. For her second husband the mother married Aaron Wellbaum, and now lives in Dayton, Ohio. By that marriage she had eight chil- dren : Harvey, who died in infancy; Sarah, who died at the age of eight years; Chris- tian, who married Sarah Yanatta and died in Hamilton, Ohio, January 15, 1898; Hi- ram, who married first Allie Dersham, and secondly Martha Daubmyer, and resides in Greenville, Ohio ; Albert, who married Mar- garet Morrison and died in Greenville; Sampson, who married, first, Lizzie Hussey, and, secondly, Carrie Witt, and lives in Lexington, Kentucky; Dora, the wife of Ar- thur Bond, of Dayton, Ohio; and Martha, the wife of John Emerich, of Dayton, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Swinger are the parents of six children, concerning whom we make the following observations: Esther M., born June 10, 1869, is now the widow of Isaac Newton Bashore, and they have two children, Simon and Myrtle. She lives in Franklin township, Darke county. Simon,, born February 10, 187 J, married Martha Kauffman and has one child, Velma Ruth. Lucinda, born February 12, 1874. is at home. Edward T-. born October 22, 1876, is also at home. Annie M., born January 18, 1879, is the wife of Harvey Small, and they had three children: Iva Luvena, who died in her third year; Lucinda Venice and Ruby Norine. They moved to Madison county, Indiana, in 1895, but returned to Darke county in June, 1898, and are now living in Franklin township. Walter Ray, born April 27, 1890, is attending school. For three years after his marriage Mr. Swinger remained upon his father's farm, and then moved to his present place of one hundred and thirty-six acres, which was deeded him by his father. He has erected good and substantial buildings, and made many other improvements, which add great- ly to the value and attractive appearance of the farm. He is a stanch Democrat in poli- tics, and since April, 1870, has been an active member of the German Baptist church, to which his wife also belongs. They are highly esteemed on account of their sterling worth and many excellencies of character, and have a large circle of friends and ac- quaintances throughout Darke county. ELI A. FISHER, M. D. The subject of this review is one of the leading physicians and surgeons of the northern part of Darke county, being now successfully engaged in practice at York- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 425. shire. He is a native of this county, born in Mississinawa township, May 24, 1864, and is a son of Ephraim Henry Fisher, who was born near Columbus, Franklin county, Ohio, May 26, 1822. His paternal grand- father also was a native of Ohio and a farmer by occupation, while his father was of English and his mother of Spanish de- scent, the latter tracing her ancestry back to Queen Isabella. The Doctor's father was only six weeks old when his mother died, and was left an orphan at the age of four- teen years. On the 12th of August, 1847, at the home of the bride's father in Missis- sinawa township, he married Sarah Peters, who was of Pennsylvania Dutch and Welsh descent on her mother's side, and English on her father's side. Mr. and Mrs. Fisher began their domes- tic life on a farm in Mississinawa township, which the father commenced at once to clear and cultivate. He held several township offices and was a stanch Republican in poli- tics. During the civil war he was drafted three times, but, having a family of ten children depending upon him, his neighbors refused to allow him to go to the front. He died in 1878, but his wife is still living, and makes her home on the old farm of one hun- dred and sixty acres, all of which has been cleared with the exception of twenty acres. It is pleasantly located one-half mile west ot Lightsville, and consists of the eighty-acre tract given her by her father, and another eiehty acres, which Mr. Fisher purchased at one dollar and a quarter per acre. In their family were thirteen children, ten of whom reached maturity, and eight are still living, namely: Libbie O., who lives with her mother; Harrison T., a farmer of Shelby county; Elva J. Marsh, of Dayton; Mrs. Efne L. Staight, of Paulding county, Ohio ; Mrs. Harriet A. Symonds, whose husband has the old home farm; Mrs. Rachel E. Erooks, of Washington township; Eli A., our subject; and George W., an undertaker of Arcanum. Amy died in 1871, at the age of twenty-three years, and was buried in her bridal dress, and John P. died in 1893, at the age of thirty-eight. Dr. Fisher received a liberal common school education, and was granted a teach- er's certificate, but decided to devote his life to the medical profession, and entered the Ohio Medical College at Cincinnati, where he was graduated in 1888. In March of that year he opened an office at Pleasant Hill, but in September, 1889, ne removed to North Star, and in 1896 came to York- shire, where he has since successfully en- gaged in general practice. His skill and ability in his chosen profession were soon widely recognized, and it was not long be- fore he received a liberal share of the public patronage. On the 16th of June, 1888. Dr. Fisher was united in marriase with Miss Ella Irena Hance, of Shelby county, a daughter of William Hance, whose grandfather, Joseph Hance. a young Englishman, during the Revolutionary war, desiring to c<>me to America to assist the patriots, could find no means of coming except to join the British army. This he tried to do, but was too short in stature. He retired, put a deck of cards in his shoes and returned and this time came up to the standard and came over to Amer- ica, where he promptly deserted and joined the American army. After the war he lo- cated in Kentucky, where the father of Will- iam Hance was born, who in time emigrated to a point near Cass, Miami county. Ohio. Here William was born, October 2j, 1833, and he married Margaretta Wise. October 426 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 16, 1856. To them were born three daugh- ters — Florence E., Ella I. and Minnie A., and one son. Forest P. When Airs. Fisher was seventeen her mother died, at the age of forty-eight years, leaving four children, one son and three daughters. The Doctor and his wife have three children: Lloyd R., born March 24, 1889; Stanley Paul, born February 8, 1S91 ; and Amy Irena. born October 9, 1895. All are healthy and bright children. Dr. Fisher is a member of the Versailles Medical Association, and of the Masonic or- der, and politically he is identified with the Republican party. He has served as a school trustee, but has never cared for the •honors or emoluments of public office, pre- ferring to devote his undivided attention to his professional duties. He is very popular socially, and his friends are many through- out the county. EASAM SHUFF. Among the representative farmers of Darke county the record of whose lives fills an important place in this volume, it gives us pleasure to commemorate the name of this gentleman, who owns and operates a highly cultivated and well improved farm of eighty acres in Franklin township. He "was born in Montgomery county, this state, May 7, 1832, and is a son of Samuel and Delilah (Rinert) Snuff, natives of Mary- land and Pennsylvania, respectively. His maternal grandfather was a soldier of the war of 1812, and after serving out his own term of enlistment took his son's place, the latter being taken ill while in the service. ■Our subject's father was born in 1800, and was a young man when he located in Mont- gomery county. Ohio, where he purchased land near Phillipsburg and engaged in farm- ing throughout the remainder of his life, dying there in 1884. He had married in that county and his wife died about 1872. Their children were David, now a resident of Marion county, Indiana; Margaret, the wife of Joshua Weisner, of Darke county ; Rachel, who married Samuel Oldham and died in Franklin township, Darke county; Easam, our subject; Elizabeth; Nancy; and Sarah, who married Jesse R. Hyer and died at Painter Creek. The first nine years of his life our sub- ject passed on the old home farm near Phil- lipsburg, at the end of which time the fam- ily removed to a farm of eighty acres in Franklin township, Darke county, where he grew to manhood and was educated in the public schools. In 1856 he married Miss Sarah Jane Shaffer, a daughter of Freder- ick Shaffer, and to them have been born the following children : Samuel, who died at the age of two years ; John, who died at the age of four ; Francis, who married Florence Eck and lives in Franklin township; Earcy E., who married Nan Ditmer and lives in Franklin township; Molly, the wife of David Wright, of Greenville; Jesse, de- ceased; Lydia Ann, who married Henry Poock, of Franklin township; Zachariah, who married Minnie Surber and lives in Monroe township ; Irvin. who married Clara Eck and makes his home in Franklin town- ship; Sylvester, Charles, Ora and Roy, all at home. For several years after his marriage Mr. Shuff lived on his father's farm, and for ten years rented the place now owned by his sisters — Elizabeth and Nancy. At the end of that time he bought his present farm of eighty acres from his father's estate, and has since made many improvements upon the GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 427 place, which add greatly to its value and attractive appearance. Although he is en- gaged in general farming, he makes a soe- cialty of tobacco raising and is meeting with good success. He is a Republican in politics and has capably filled local offices of honor and trust. Religiously he is an earnest mem- ber of the German Baptist church. ALLEN NETZLEY. At this time the younger generation of farmers and professional men are coming to the front and taking the lead among men in their respective callings. Darke county, Ohio, has its full proportion of young farm- ers, and among them there is none more de- serving of the success that he has attained than Allen Netzley, of Monroe township. Allen Netzley is a son of George Netzley, whose wife was Catherine Kauffman, and a grandson of George Netzley, the elder, who married Elizabeth Landis. His grandfa- ther was born in Lancaster county, Penn- sylvania, and in 1836, when George Netzley, Jr., also a native of Lancaster county, Penn- sylvania, was in his fourteenth year, made the journey by wagon to Montgomery coun- ty, Ohio. From there he came to Darke county and he and his wife both died in Franklin township. Something of the his- tory of George Netzley, Jr., is given in a biographical sketch of Eli Netzley, which appears in this work. George and Cather- ine (Kauffman) Netzley had eight children, of whom Allen was the fifth in order of birth. This prominent citizen and farmer of Monroe township was born on the Netzley home farm in that township, February 10, 1857. He was educated in the common schools, where his first teacher was Lydia Paterson, and in the Greenville high school, presided over by Professor Jacob T. Martz, at Greenville, Darke county, Ohio, and in his vacations gave his best energies to help- ing about the work of the family farm. He taught his home school two winters. For his wife he married Miss Dora Jones. Feb- ruary 4, 1882. She is a daughter of H. H. and Jane (Graham) Jones, who are favor- ably known for their culture and high re- spectability. After his marriage he located on his present farm, a part of the family es- tate, which became his by purchase after his mother's death. Mr. and Mrs. Netzley have children named Hiram, Clara and Harold. They are members of the Christian church, in which Mr. Netzley is a deacon, and are active in promoting all its important interests. He is a Republican and a citizen of patriotic impulses and much public spirit. ELI NETZLEY. It is pertinent now to consider how valu- able and important a factor in our national progress and prosperity is the farmer. When it is remembered that he is indispensable to our very national existence, it may be thought that there is little more to say of and for him, but this sweeping statement does not by any means exhaust the subject and a big book, both interesting ami in- structive, might be written about the tiller of the soil and his relations to all other classes of our population, to whom he stands primarily in the relation of an essential but not too generously appreciated provider oi food, which is as necessary to existence as is the air itself. Besides, history tea that the farmer provides not only the pabu- lum essential to all time., and all conditions 428 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. of men, but in a broad and comprehensive sense the sinews of war as well,. Since its early settlement, Ohio has poured the wealth of its land out upon the tables of the nation and the revenue from the taxation of that land has gone to help make plethoric the public treasury. The farms of Darke county have contributed their share to these ends, and the farmers of Monroe township, of whom Eli Netzley is a worthy representative, have not been laggards in the work. Eli Netzley is a son of George and Cath- arine (Kauffman) Netzley and was born on the old Netzley homestead, in Monroe town- ship, January 27, 1855. George Netzley was a native of Lancaster county, Pennsyl- vania, born November 23, 1823. He was reared in his native town and received some education in the German schools. In 1836, when he was thirteen years old, his parents emigrated bv wagon to Ohio and settled in Montgomery county, where the boy grew to manhood, dividing his time between farm work and attendance at the public schools, which were kept in primitive log houses near his home. He early acquired a practical knowledge of the carpenter's trade, but did not work at it long. He came of a fam- ily of farmers and took naturally to the farm- er's life. He married in March, 1847. His wife was born in Montgomery county, Ohio, November 8, 1829, a daughter of Daniel and Mary (Stauffer) Kauffman. For three years after his marriage he remained in that county, then moved to Monroe township, Darke county, where he bought sixty acres of land, which constituted the place now owned by his daughter, Mrs. Lowery. He later added twenty acres to this farm; then by subsequent purchases eighty acres on the west of the original homestead and forty on the north ; forty acres more ; then another forty; and still later twenty acres adjoin- ing his land on the south, until he owned three hundred acres. When he moved to the spot there was on the place a one-room hewn-log house, with a lean-to log shed on one side of it. A family occupied the log hi itise proper and Mr. Netzley and his house- hold were obliged to take refuge in the shed, a fragile structure with an insufficient roof resting on poles, in which they lived for six weeks. During the first night of their habitation there, there came a heavy snow- storm and in the morning the sleepers found that they had been given an additional blanket of snow. Game was plentiful and as Mr. Netzley was an expert hunter, he drew on the surrounding wilderness for a good part of the food for his family. He pushed his work of clearing and getting his land under cultivation with much vigor and per- severance and became a prosperous farmer with productive fields and ample conven- iences long before some of his neighbors who came into the country earlier. His in- dustry and integrity gave him good stand- ing among his fellow citizens and his friend- ly and helpful disposition made him well liked by all who knew him. A lover of human liberty, he was a Whig and from the birth of Republicanism a Republican. For several years he held the office of treasurer of Monroe township and from time to time he filled other offices, with the greatest credit. He died in September, 1879; his wife, Feb- ruary 22, 1892. The children of this worthy pioneer couple were named as follows : Mar}-, born December 3, 1847, who married Jacob Lowery, June 18, 1899. Uriah, born Sep- tember, 1849, wn0 married Jane Hunt and lives in Monroe township. Joseph was born July i, 185,1, and married Sarah Minnick. He lives at Muncie, Indiana. Eli is the GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 4-2d subject of this sketch. Allen and Jesse are represented by biographical sketches in this work. Rosa Etta was born November 27, 1865, and married Levi Litton. David was born August 30, 1S61. and married Rachel Brumbaugh and lives at Greenville, Darke county. George Netzley, the grandfather of Eli Netzley and father of George Netzley, the pioneer, married Elizabeth Landis, a daughter of David and Annie (Springer) Landis. He came to Franklin township, Darke county, from Montgomery county. He bought and improved a farm and he and his wife died many years ago. Their chil- dren were: David, of Union City, Ohio; John, of Van Buren township; George, the father of Eli; Nancy, who never married. Eli Netzley received his primary educa- tion in the common schools of his day and locality, mostly taught in log school houses, and finished his studies at the Greenville normal school at the age of twenty-one. During vacations he worked on the farm. At twenty-two he went west and spent some time in Iowa and Missouri, seeing the coun- try and making his living by farm work at different places. Returning home he re- sumed work on the family homestead and after his mother's death bought sixty acres of it, cleared twenty-five acres of this por- tion and erected adequate buildings on it. He has since improved his farm in many ways and is one of the careful, industrious and successful farmers of his neighborhood. In 1890 Mr. Netzley married Annie Mann and they have children named Harry, Eva, Albert and Ray. Mr. Netzley is a Republican and believes that the principles of his party applied to our national develop- ment will produce better results than cculd be brought about by any other political party. He is a studious reader of scientific works and is well versed in the world's hisl He belongs to no church, but sets before his neighbors the example of an upright life. As a citizen he is public spirited and help- ful to all measures which in his good judg- ment promise to enhance the weal of his fel- low citizens. ABRAHAM SHIELDS. The subject of this review was for many years prominently identified with the agri- cultural interests of Van Buren township, and was one of its most substantial, as well as one of its honored and highly respected citizens. He was born on the old Shields homestead in that township, July 14, 1829, and there grew to manhood, early becoming- familiar with all the duties which fall to the lot of the agriculturist. He was industri- ous, far-sighted and progressive, and was a man of far more than ordinary business abil- ity and accordingly he acquired a handsome property, owning six hundred and eighty acres of land at the time of his death, which occurred October 14, 1887. By his ballot he supported the men and measures of the Re- publican party and he was called upon to fill several township offices. In all the relations of life he was found true to every trust reposed in him and well merited the high regard in which he was uniformly held. On the 1st of January, 1852, Mr. Shields married Miss Salina Smith, who was born in Van Buren township, April 18, 1833, and began her education under the instruction of Mr. Diler, of Covington, a heavy-set man of great strength, who used often to whip the young men attending his school To Mr. and Mrs. Shields were born the follow- ing children: Isaac W-, born February 4- 1853, wedded Mary Ann Snyder and lives in 430 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Greenville township, this county; Mary J., born January 4, 1855, is the wife of Isaac Marker, whose sketch appears on another page of this volume; George, born February 6, 1856, died June 13, 1856; John, born January 12, 1857. married Jane Kendall and lives in Van Buren township; Jamas Sam- uel, born February 11, i860, died May 12, 1891 ; Sarah E., born September 12, 1864, is the wife of Elman Townsend, of Van Buren township; Minerva Ellen, born July 28, 1867, is the wife of Chesley Yount, of Preble county, Ohio; Abbie Keziah, born July 1, 1870, died August 28, 1871 ; Marion Wiley, born December 17, 1872, died Oc- tober 22, 1892; Rhoda, born March 28, 1875, is the wife of Clarence Galbreath ; and Aman- da, born September 29, 1878. married Wil- son Goodman Rogers, who was born Sep- tember 24, 1880, a son of Martin and Mar- tha (Hutton) Rogers, of Arcanum. Mrs. Shields" paternal grandfather was Michael Smith, who spent his entire life in Pennsylvania, and had three sons — Michael John and Frederick — who all came to Darke county, Ohio, but his daughters remained in the Keystone state. Frederick Smith, the father of Mrs. Shields, was born in 1793, in Peimsvlvania, where he was reared, and when a young man came with his two brothers to Darke county, Ohio. Here he married Nancy Ann Freeman, a native of Ireland, who came to America when a young girl. She was twice married, her first hus- band being Benjamin Shrives, and by that union had five children : Benjamin, who died in infancy; John, also deceased; Polly, the wife of O. M. Eiler; Phcebe, the wife of William Westfall; and Libbie, the wife of William Thompsc n. After his marriage Mr. Smith located in Van Buren township. where he engaged in farming for mam- years. He died in Union City, Darke coun- ty, in 1865, and his wife departed this life in 1854. To them were born five children, namely : Aaron, who married Amy Riley and lives in Van Wert county, Ohio ; Amos, who married Mary Jane Hershaw and lives in Starke county, Indiana; Celina, the widow of our subject ; George W., who died in Ten- nessee while a soldier of the Union army during the Civil wa/ ; and Susannah, who died in infancy. JOHN F. MILLER. Among the representative young farmers of Monroe township, Darke county, Ohio, is. found John F. Miller, who is of German descent and who possesses many of the ex- cellent traits of character for which the Ger- man-American citizens are distinguished. Frederick Miller, the father of John F., was born in Wurtemberg, Germany. On leaving school, at the age of fourteen, he learned the trade of a stone-mason and brick- layer, and at eighteen emigrated to America, landing at New York after a voyage of six- ty-two days. From New York he at once came west to Dayton, Ohio, and here secured employment as a farm hand. He worked on a farm six months. Then he turned his at- tention to his trade, which he followed suc- cessfully for some time, after which he mar- ried, came to Darke county and settled down to farming. His first purchase of land in this county, an eighty-acre tract, he subse- quently sold, investing the proceeds in one hundred and sixty acres in Monroe township, which he improved and on which he made his home the rest of his life. He also acquired by purchase two forty-acre tracts of land in Franklin township. He died in Novem- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 431 ber, 1863. A faithful member of the Lu- theran church, a strong Democrat, a public- spirited citizen, baying served several years as trustee and treasurer of his township, be was a man who was as highly respected as be was well known. His widow, whose maiden name was Susannah Flory and whom he married at Brookville, Ohio, survives him, and at this writing is seventy-four years of age. The fruits of- their union are : Mary, now Mrs. Peter Xeswonger; Susannah, now Mrs. William Murray; Jennie, who died at the age of seven years; John F., whose name introduces this sketch ; Amelia, now Mrs. Harvey Hattsborger ; and Maria, now Mrs. Christopher Becbler. John F. Miller was born on his father's farm in Franklin township, Darke county, Ohio, October 24, 1856, and received his ed- ucation in the district schools of Franklin and Monroe townships. He spent his youth in assisting in the work on the home farm, and bas continued to reside thereon up to the present time, having acquired eighty acres of the homestead. On this land he has carried forward the work of improvement, ditching, erecting buildings, making fences, etc., until his farm is classed with the best in the locality. Air. Miller married, July 22, 1881, Miss Belle Grise, a daughter of Peter Grise, and their children are as follows : Opal, who died in infancy; Frederick P., born September 15. 1883; Jennie, September 29, 1885; Su- sannah, February 19, 1888; and Roscoe, Au- gust 19, 1890. Like his father before him, Mr. Miller is a stanch Democrat. He is also a Knight of Pythias and an Odd Fellow, maintain- ing membership in these orders at Ar- canum. 23 JESSE NETZLEY. Soldiers, statesmen and professional men, however necessary they may be in car- rying forward our work of advancement and of civilization, do not constitute the real foundation of our national prosperity. The great industrial class fills this place in our political structure, and in that class our farmers are the most important and depend- able element. The farmers of Darke county, Ohio, are up to date in all ways and are by far the most important part of the coun- ty's population from more than one point of view. Monroe township has its full propor- tion of pushing, well-to-do and reliable tillers of the soil, and one of the best known and most highly respected of them is the gentle- man whose name is the title of this brief sketch. Jesse Netzley was born on the old fam- ily homestead of the Netzleys, in Monroe township, April 12, 1861. At the age of six years he entered the public school taught by Miss Sybil Smith in the Cassel school house. He continued attending school dur- ing the winter season and assisting his fa- ther in the work of the farm during the spring, summer and fall until he was nine- teen years old, and remained with his father until 1884, when, at the age of twenty-three, he married Miss Eunice Hunt, a daughter of Richard and Rebecca (Oakes) Hunt. The marriage of the young couple was cele- brated in the month of August of the year mentioned, and they located immediately thereafter on a portion of the Netzley In 1 ne stead, which Mr. Netzley now owns, ha. bought it after the death of his moth. r. Mrs. Netzley died June 20. 1888, leaving a son, named Elmer. January 11. [892, Mr. 432 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Netzley married Miss Minnie D. Roof, a daughter of Allen G. and Jane (Anderson) Roof, who has home him children named Edward. Chester. Clark and LeRoy. In politics Mr. Netzley is a Republican, wholly committed to the policy of President McKinley and having full faith in the fu- ture of our country if its progress is sought along the lines which now open out to his view of current interests and their influence upon our national future; but he is not and never has been a seeker for office or any personal advantage that might come to him through politics or political favor. His public spirit leads him to espouse every movement tending to improve the condition of the people of his county and state. He is a Knight of Pythias. Tesse Netzley is a grandson of Georee Netzley, who was born in Lancaster coun- ty, Pennsylvania, and married Annie Springer and brought his family from Penn- sylvania out to Montgomery county, Ohio, in 1836, making the long and wearisome journey by wagon. This emigrant and his good wife ended their days in Franklin town- ship, Darke county. When they located in Ohio, their son, George, the father of Jesse Netzley, was only thirteen years old. A somewhat detailed account of the career of George Netzley, who married Catherine Kauffman and had eight children, of whom Jesse was the sixth in order of nativity, is included in the biograhpical sketch of Eli Netzley, which appears in this work. FRANK S. GORDON. Among the enterprising and progressive citizens of Greenville whose active con- nection with the affairs of the city have been an important factor in its substantial growth and development is Frank S. Gordon, who is widely known as the senior nartner in the Gordon & Alter Company. He possesses untiring energy, is quick of perception, forms his plans readily and is determined in their execution, and his close application to busi- ness and his excellent management have brought to him the high degree of prosperity which is to-day his. Mr. Gordon is of Scotch lineage and in his life exemplifies many of , the sterling traits of the Scottish race. The family was founded in America in 1684 by ancestors who came from Scotland and aided in estab- lishing the 'town of Perth Amboy, New- Jersey. .They were also instrumental in founding St. Peter's Episcopal church at that place. The original American ancestor died in 1722 and his remains were interred in the cemetery near the town which he had found- ed. The paternal- grandfather of our sub- ject, Philip Gordon, was born in Hunter- don county, New Jersey, and, emigrating westward, became a pioneer settler of Darke county, Ohio. He married a Miss Hayden, who also was born in Hunterdon county, New Jersey. He made the journey west- ward by wagon, traveling through wild dis- tricts where white man had never lived. He made his home in the town of Gor- don, which was named in honor of the family. Henry Gordon, the father of our subject, was likewise a native of New Jersey and there remained until he had attained man's estate. He arrived in Ohio in 1838, locating in Miami county, and soon afterward came to Darke county, where he was engaged in agricult- ural pursuits for a number of years and sub- sequently returned to Miami county. He married Miss Nancy Owen, who was of Welsh lineage, her ancestors having come I GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 433 to the new world from the little rock-ribbed country of Wales. They settled in Bote- tourt county, Virginia, and later represent- atives of the name removed to Knoxville, Tennessee, and thence to Darke county, Ohio, taking up their abode in Twin town- ship. Here the father of Mrs. Gordon was recognized as a leading member of the Demo- cratic party and was honored with a number of local offices. The mother of our subject died in Twin township, in 1862. Her son, Frank S. Gordon, was then only about one year old, for his birth oc- curred in that township on the 5th of March, 1 86 1. He spent his boyhood days in the town of Gordon, where he mastered the rudiments of an English education in the common schools, under the direction of Pro- fessor J. T. Martz. In his fifteenth year he entered the store of Nathaniel Webb, of Greenville, with whom he remained for some months in the capacity of clerk. He after- ward entered the employ of Wilson & Hart, dealers in dry goods, remaining with that firm until 1887, when, with the capital he had acquired through his economy and well-di- rected efforts, he engaged in merchandising on his own account, entering into partner- ship with John H. Martin, under the firm name of Martin & Gordon. That connec- tion continued for three years, on the expira- tion of which period the business was in- corporated under the name of Gordon & Grant, and later the present title of the Gor- don & Alter Company was assumed, the pres- ent officers being Franklin Alter, president ; Frank S. Gordon, vice-president and general manager, and Henry A. McCaughey, secre- tary and treasurer. They own one of the lead- ing stores of Darke county, occupying three floors and the basement of a building 40x85 feet. Each floor has its own special depart- ment, the third floor being devoted to car- pets and rugs. The company employ from fifteen to twenty-five people and carry a large and well selected stock of dry goods. Close attention is given to the needs and wishes of the patrons and their business is steadily and constantly increasing both in volume and importance. The employes recognize the fact that faithful, service means promotion as opportunity offers, and Mr. Gordon and the other members of the firm are so fair and considerate to their help that the most harmonious relation is ever main- tained between employer and employe. Mr. Gordon is a man of resourceful busi- ness ability, whose efforts have by no means been confined to one line. He is connected with various important concerns in Green- ville, including the Hollinger Fence Com- pany, of which he has served as the president since its organization. He is a man of keen discernment and his splendid executive force and resolute purpose have secured to him prosperity in every undertaking with which he has been associated. In September, 1884, occurred the mar- riage of Mr. Gordon and Miss Etta Mc- Caughey, a daughter of Rev. William Mc- Caughey, a Presbyterian clergyman of Darke county. They now have two children — Ralph F. ami Virginia E. Mr. Gordon is a member of Greenville Lodge, No. 146, F. & A. M., and of the Knights of Pythias fraternity. He and his wife hold member- ship in St. Paul's Episcopal church, of which he is the treasurer. He withholds his sup- port from no movement or measure which is calculated to secure advancement along material, social, intellectual and moral lines. His career has ever been such as to warrant the trust and confidence of the business world, for he has ever conducted all transac- 434 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. tions on the strictest principles of honor and integrity. His devotion to the public good is unquestioned and arises from a sincere interest in the welfare of his fellow men. JOSEPH ALEXANDRE. The subject of this sketch is one of the important factors in the business circles of Yorkshire. Darke county, and his life is an exemplification of the term, "the dignity of labor." He has met with many ups and downs in life, but has never become dis- couraged and is now successfully engaged in business as a wholesale dealer in eggs and poultry, which he ships principally to Xew York. He is a native of Darke county, born in York township. May 24. 1857. His father^ Andrew Alexandre, was born in Hannoville, France, May 1, 1828, and came to the United States at the age of twenty-three years, having stood his first draft for the army. He was seventeen days crossing the ocean from Havre, France, to New York city. His means were limited, but he soon found employment on the construction of the Big Four Railroad. He is a wagon-maker by trade, but since 1873 has engaged in the saw-mill business in Darke county. Here he was married, in 1854, to Miss Mary Couchot, who also was born in Hannoville, France, in May, 1834, and in 1837 was brought to America by her parents. Tln-irs was a long, tedious and hazardous voyage, which lasted two months. To Mr. and Mrs. Alexandre were born nine children, eight sons and one daughter, namely: John F., a wagonmaker, who died in February, 1886; leaving a widow and two sons; Joseph, our subject; Albert, a farmer of Wabash town- ship, this county; Alexander, a resident of North Star; Mary, the wife of Frank George, a merchant of that place; Nicholas, a blacksmith of Yersailles ; Andy, who is engaged in merchandising at Osgood for the firm of George Brothers ; August, at home with his parents in North Star, and is the clerk of Wabash township; and Frank, who died in infancy. Joseph Alexandre received a fair com- mon school education in Frenchtown. near Brock, this county, and also pursued his studies for a time in a log school house in Wabash township, attending school until eighteen years of age. He remained at his parental home until he was married, January 22, 1882, to Miss Mary Connaughton, who was born in Wabash township, July 11, 1855. Her parents were Timothy Con- naughton and Mary, nee Hill, both of whom were born in county Roscommon, Ireland, but were married after their emigration to America, in Hamilton, Ohio. They are now deceased and are buried at Frenchtown. Of sons and reached manhood or wo- manhood. Those still living are John, a farmer of Wayne township, this county; Patrick, a farmer of Wabash township; Maggie; Eddy; Timothy; and Mary, the wife of our subject. Bridget married Au- gust Ganbaux and died in middle life. Mr. and Mrs. Alexandre have no children of their own, but have given a home to Irene Smith, born in Cunel, Wyandot county, Ohio, March 1, 1891. For six years after his marriage our sub- ject followed farming, but was obliged to give up that occupation on account of fail- ing health, and for a time was interested in the breeding of horses. He purchased three thoroughbred stallions of Norman, English and French stock, for which he paid five - their eight children seven — four three daughters- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 435 thousand dollars, but this venture prove un- profitable ami for a few years he and his brother operated a threshing machine. Since 1897 he has given his time and attention to his present business and during the busy season ships a carload of eggs per week, while during the year he ships on an average of six thousand dozen per week. His sales now amount to about eight hundred dollars per week, or some forty thousand dollars per year. He is an enterprising and pro- gressive business man, and his success is cer- tainly worthily achieved. The Democratic party finds in Mr. Alex- andre a stanch supporter of its principles, and in 1899 be was elected county commis- sioner by thirteen hundred majority over Mr. Meyers, the Republican candidate. There were two other candidates in the field, and his nomination plainly indicates his personal popularity and the confidence and trust re- posed in him by his fellow citizens. Re- ligiously he and his wife are members of the Catholic church. THOMAS C. MAHER. Thomas C. Maher, son of James and Catherine (Fanning) Maher, was born Au- gust 20, 1859, in Champaign county, Ohio, and was the tenth in order of birth in a fam- ily of fifteen children. He is of Irish line- age ; his parents were both natives of Ireland, the father being burn in Tipperary county and the mother in Queens county. In 1849 they emigrated with their family to the United States, arriving at New Orleans, whence they made their way up the Missis- sippi and Ohio rivers, taking up their abode in Cincinnati, Ohio. The father was a con- tractor and in this way was engaged in the construction of public works. In 1864 he took up his abode in Darke county, Ohio, where he carried on farming ami contract- ing, having purchased a farm north of Greenville, upon which he resided until his death. He died in 1873, leaving the mother with many children to support. There was also an indebtedness on the farm, but in the face of many difficulties she bravely prose- cuted her labors, kept her children together, educated them and paid for the farm. She is still living and from her children she re- ceives the love, care and respect which is certainly due to the mother whose labors and sacrifices for them were so great in earlier years. Although now in her seven- ty-sixth year, her mental and physical fac- ulties are yet vigorous and she is a well pre- served and estimable old lady of Greenville. Thomas C. Maher, whose name intro- duces this review, removed with his parents to Darke county in 1864 and was reared upon the home farm, his educational privileges be- ing those afforded by the district schools of the neighborhood. He remained on the old homestead until reaching his twentieth year, when he entered the Greenville high school, then taught by Professor J. T. Martz. On completing his education he engaged in clerking for a time, and in 1885 he accepted the position of deputy clerk of the courts of Darke county, continuing in that position for several succeeding terms, capably filling the office for twelve and a half years. On the expiration of that period he turned his attention to the real estate, insurance and loan business, having an office in connection with that of Hon. J. C. Clark, a prominent attorney of Greenville. He now represents the Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Company and the Preferred Accident Insurance Com- pany, and writes considerable business an- nually. He also handles both city and farm 436 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. property and is well informed concerning real estate values. His knowledge enables him to capably direct the purchases and sales of his patrons. In 1898 he became asso- ciated with other leading business men of Greenville in the organization of the Citi- zens' Loan & Savings Association, of which he has since been secretary and one of its leading organizers. 'On the 6th of November, 1887, Mr. Maher married Miss Catherine Ryan, of Greenville, a daughter of Daniel Ryan, one of the early residents of Darke county. Her mother bore the maiden name of Catherine Eagan. Mr. and Mrs. Maher now have four children: Cecilia and Mary, in school; Clarence and Clara, twins. Theirs is one of the pleasant and hospitable homes of Greenville and they enjoy the kind regard' el many friends. Mr. Maher is a very pub- he-spirited citizen, who takes a deep and sincere interest in everything pertaining to the general welfare. He has served as the secretary of the Darke County Agricultmal Society since 1897. and its success is due in no small measure to his labor and influ- ence. EDWARD GLANDER. Edward Glander, who figures conspic- uously in connection with the business inter- ests of Greenville and is accounted one of the representative men of the city, was born in Preble county, on the 27th of July, i860, Ins parents being Detrick and Sena (Hudof ) Glander, both of whom were natives of Ger- many. The father was born in the year 1818, and after spending the first eighteen years of his life in the land of his nativity he determined to seek a home in the new world, believing that he might thereby better his financial condition. Accordingly, in 1836. lie bade adieu to friends and family and sailed for the United States, landing in New "X ork city. He did not remain in the eastern metropolis, however, but made his way at once to Buffalo, New York, thence to Cleve- land and Columbus, and after spending a short time in the last named place proceeded to Dayton. Subsequently he removed to Preble county, where he owned and operated a distillery, in which business he continued until 1874, when he disposed of his interests there and came to Darke county. In 1877 he took up his abode in Greenville, where he still resides. Twenty years previous to that day he had been married to Miss Sena Hudof, and unto them were born ten chil- dren, ••four sons and six daughters, all of whom are living, with the exception of one daughter, who died in infancy. Under the parental roof Edward Glander was reared and accompanied his parents on their various removals. To the public school system of the state he is indebted for the educational privileges which he enjoyed and which fitted him for life's practical duties. On putting aside his text-books he became his father's assistant and under his direction received his business training. In 1881 he purchased the wholesale and retail beer business of Chris Jenney and also purchased a three-story brick block in which is located the J. P. Wolf tobacco works. Mr. Glander occupies a part of the first floor and base- ment, while the remainder of the building is rented, bringing to him a good income. His sales of the commodities which he han- dles are extensive and are constantly increas- ing, showing that the public have confidence in his business integrity. In 1890 he built extensive ice houses and leased the artificial ponds of D. L. Meeker for ten years, and in GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. -i:J7 1900 he extended the lease for an additional ten years. From these he secures pure spring-water ice, with which he supplies his customers. In 1898 he was one of the in- corporators of the Greenville Lumber Com- pany. He was a director the first year and is now serving as vice-president. He is also a director in the Farmers' National Bank. His close application, capable management and marked energy have been important factors in winning him success. In 1884 occurred the marriage of Mr. Glander and Miss Mary J. Frank, of Kirk- wood, Illinois, a daughter of Jacob Frank. Their children are : Sadie, Alice and Clar- ence. Mr. Glander is recognized as one of the enterprising citizens of Greenville, active, progressive and reliable in his business methods, and by his well directed efforts he has acquired a very desirable competence. JONAS WELTY HARTZELL. The subject of this sketch is one of the honored veterans of the Civil war and an enterprising and progressive agriculturist of Greenville township, Darke county, Ohio. Flis grandfather, Jonas Hartzell, was a na- tive of Germany, and as a young man came to the United States, locating in Adams county, Pennsylvania, where he spent the re- mainder of his life engaged in farming. The father, who also bore the name of Jonas, was born and reared in that county, and there married Eliza Welty. With his wife and three children he came to Darke county, Ohio, 1835, an d entered forty acres of land and at the same time purchased eighty acres. In his native state he had worked at the hatter's trade, but after coming to Ohio devoted the remainder of his life to agricultural pursuits, and at one time was the owner of two hundred and forty acres of fine farming land. His first home here was a rude log cabin. He died on his farm in 1884, and his wife, who survived him several years, passed away in 1893. Both were members of the Jaysville Methodist church, and he was a Democrat in politics. Concerning the children of this worthy couple we make the following remarks : Louisa married Stanley Gower and died in Darke county; Catherine married William Howe, who was a member of the One Hun- dred and Fifty-second Ohio Volunteer In- fantry during the civil war, and she died in Darke county, in 1897; Elizabeth, twin sister of Catherine, is now the widow of William Townsend and a resident of Jaysville; Sa- rah Ann is the wife of Alfred Slade, of Jays- ville; Charles married Emily Sheppard and lives in this county; Edward married Lyra Burns and lives in this county; Jonas W., our subject, is next in order of birth ; Han- nah is the wife of John Seabring, of North Star; Loretta is the wife of Abraham Long; and James married Phoebe Blakely and lives in New Weston. Our subject was born on the home farm in Greenville township, May 2, 1841, and pursued his studies in the old log school house of that locality, but completed his edu- cation in the old church under the instruction of J. T. Martz. He manifested his patriot- ism during the civil war by enlisting at Greenville, in September, 1861, in Com- pany D, Sixty-ninth Ohio Volunteer In- fantry, commanded by Captain Hitchcock; Colonel Lewis Campbell and Colonel J. H. Brigham. He participated in twenty-one battles, and at the close of the war was hi >n- orably discharged, at Cincinnati, in June, 1865. Returning to his home. Mr. Hartzell was 438 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. married, May 2, 1867, to Miss Catherine Thomas, who was reared in Greenville, and they began their domestic life upon his pres- ent farm <~f eighty acres in Greenville town- ship. Throughout his active business life he has successfully engaged in agricultural pursuits, and his career has been such as to commend him to the confidence and respect of all with whom he has come in contact. Religiously he is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and politically is a Repub- lican. Mr. Hartzell's first wife died in 1890, leaving five children, namely : Anna C, the wife of James Thomas; Iona. the wife of Elmer Shields; Andrew, who married Alice Galbreth, and is now in Arizona ; Ira E., who was connected with the Darlington scouts under command of Roosevelt in the Cuban war, and now as a private in the First Ohio Volunteer Infantry is with the army in the Philippines; and Jennie E., who is at home. In December, 1891, Mr. Hartzell was again married, his second union being with Mary Thomas, of Hollansburg, Darke county. GEORGE D. NEYYBAUER. Occupying a representative place among the leading citizens of Darke county, Ohio, is George D. Newbauer, who owns and oc- cupies a nice farm in Adams township and who for more than three decades has been identified with the educational work of this county, devoting a portion of each year to school teaching. Mr. Newbauer is a native of Darke coun- ty. He was born on a farm March 15, 1852. and is of German descent, his parents having emigrated to this country some years previous to that time. Jacob Newbauer, his father, was a native of Alsace, Germany (at the time of his birth a French posses- sion), and was there reared and married. In the year 1836, accompanied by his fam- ily, he came to America, landing in New York city, and shortly afterward coming west to Montgomery county, Ohio, via Buf- falo and Cleveland. After a brief sojourn in Montgomery county he removed to Darke county and took up his abode in Greenville township, where he spent the rest of his life and where he died at the age of sixty-eight years, respected by all who knew him. Both, he and his wife were members of the Lutheran church, in which faith they reared their family. Mrs. Jacob Newbauer was by maiden name Miss Elizabeth Lorenz and she, too, was a native of Alsace, Ger- manv. She was born December 1813, and died January 29, 1900. They were the parents of ten children, seven of whom reached adult age. and of that number six are still living namely: Lewis P.. a farmer of Greenville. Darke county ; Jacob, a retired farmer residing in Greenville, this county, Minnie, the wife of E. Williams, a farmer of Greenville township; Elizabeth, the widow of Jacob Robey. is a resident of Hartford City, Indiana; John A., also a resident of Hartford City; and George D., whose name introduces this sketch and who is the young- est member of the family living. George D. Newbauer was reared in Greenville township and the first and only school he attended was the district school. There he laid the foundation of an education that has been broadened year by year by ob- servation, home study and a wide range of reading. So closely did he apply himself to his studies when a boy that he soon mas- tered the branches taught in the district schools, and at the early age of sixteen began his career as teacher, having success- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 489 fully passed an examination before the school board. His first school was in Van Buren township. The next year he was employed in District Xo. 6, Adams township, where he taught four successive winters. After- ward we find him in District No. 9, Green- ville township ; District No. 9, Brown town- ship; Woodington, four years; the Detling District, two years : in Allen township, and for the past four years he has been teach- ing in Greenville township. Thus for over thirty years he has been connected with the township schools of this county, has come in close touch with many of the leading people of the county, both as pupil bud patron, and is perhaps as well known as any teacher in Darke county. In connection with his school work he was also for some time interested in the publication of The School Visitor, an educational monthly, which he and John S. Rover established in 1879, and which was devoted to the study of mathe- matics and grammar. Mr. Newbauer was married, September 9, 1875, to Miss Mary E. Clapper, a native of Adams township, Darke county. Ohio, and they are the parents of seven children, as follows : Lillie May, George Edward, Emma E., John Jacob, Mary E., Clarissa M. and Georgiana, all at home except the eldest. Lillie May, who is the wife of Charles Watters and resides in Greenville. Mr. Newbauer has a valuable house and lot in Greenville, Ohio, a pleasant home and a nice farm of eighty acres on section 28 in Adams township, where he resides and carries on general farming, devoting his en- ergies to the care and management of his farm when not occupied in the school room. Politically Mr. Newbauer casts his vote and influence with the Democratic party. We add the following from the pen of J. T. Martz: "From a long personal ac- quaintance with George D. Newbauer, which gives me a good opportunity to know his in- tellectual qualifications, I wish to say that in science and literature he stands at the head of his profession, and I consider him a natural mathematician. In his youth, while engaged in his daily vocations on the farm, he would be computing numbers, making calculation and solving problems that many in advanced years and more experience than he could not master. He loved intellectual arithmetic for the mental solutions and train- ing it gave; and no matter how intricate or complex the problem his mind was never satisfied until a comprehensive solution was reached. "He attended the district school until nearly sixteen years of age, when he went be- fore the Darke county board of school exam- iners and secured the highest grade certifi- cate that the examiners were allowed to grant to any one not having experience in teaching. I might further say that he never failed, nor secured the lowest grade certificate, in all his thirty years' teaching. At the age of sixteen he began to teach school, and gave entire satisfaction to his employers. "His construction of a table giving the Easter Sundays from 1778 to 1878 was a mathematical achievement which placed him in the front rank with eminent mathemati- cians of academy and college, while his con- tributions to the various mathematical pub- lications gave him a world-wide reputation. Later he extended this table over four hun- dred years, giving ages of the moon and dates of movable feasts. "His mathematical career began in 1870. by contributing problems and solutions to the mathematical department of the Greenville Times, which department was edited by that 440 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. distinguished mathematician, Enoch B. Seitz. He next contributed to the School- dav Magazine, published in Philadelphia, until the same was discontinued in 1875. He also contributed to the following periodicals : Yates County Chronicle, National Educator, Normal [Monthly, Ohio Farmer and the Philadelphia Weekly Press, in which he en- couraged his daughter Lilly in securing the Twenty-Weeks prize; and in that paper, dated May 8, 1891, occurs the following: 'Lilly Newbauer has captured the first prize awarded for the twenty consecutive weeks' correct work. From December 17. 1890, to April 29, 1 89 1, inclusive, she lfas not missed a solution and has fairly won the promised prize, a handsome mapped and il- lustrated dictionary of the Bible, which will be forwarded at once.' "He was the prime mover in starting the School Visitor, published at Ansonia, Ohio, and had charge as editor of the department of Pract'cal Mathematxs and Notes and Queries in the same. He also made many contributions to the Wittenberger, The An- alyst and the Educational Department of the Greenville Journal of 1900. In Mr. New- bauer's thirty years' experience as a teacher, he has ever been seeking to elevate the stand- ard of qualifications for teacher and pupil in the county, and is noted for the care and thoughtfulness of his work. "He is especially distinguished for his unassuming manners, strict integrity ami upright life. In his devotion to principle he is unyielding. A man of the most unim- peachable integrity and morality, he fully vindicates in his own personal character his consistent life. Accuracy is a leading char- acteristic of his mental as well as his moral nature, and having learned by experience what the duties of a teacher are he has be- come a painstaking, indefatigable instructor. Far-seeking and thoughtful, his views of teaching are eminently practical and sensi- ble, and success has abundantly crowned his efforts." THOMAS J. ROBESON. Thomas J. Robeson, one of the highly respected citizens of Van Buren township, is a native of Darke county, his birth occurring in Butler township, February 2, 1841. His father, John Robeson, spent most of his life on a farm in Van Buren township, where he passed away September 15, 1872. He mar- ried a cousin. Margaret Robeson, and to them were born five children : Martin, who died in infancy; Thomas J., our subject; Al- len, a resident of Gladwin, Michigan; Will- iam A., deceased; and Mary E., the wife of Elias Bidwell. Our subject was only a year old when the family located in Van Buren township, and eleven years of age when they moved to the farm near Jaysville, where he grew to manhood. His education was begun in an old log school house, and his early advan- tages were limited, as he was reared in a re- gion then wild and sparsely settled. He as- sisted Ids father in clearing and improving the farm, and experienced many of the hard- ships and privations incident to pioneer life. He remained upon the home farm until his father's death, and then located upon his present place, where he owns twenty-five acres of land, which he has improved and placed under excellent cultivation. In 1864 Mr. Robeson married Miss Sa- rah Fry, a daughter of Thompson Fry, and they had four children, namely: Nancy A., the wife of Milo Perkins, of Arcanum ; Dora, the wife of L. T. Grubb, of Arcanum ; Betsey GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. -14t Jane, who died in 1893; and Opal, at home. The mother died August 4, 1899. While a boy Mr. Robeson broke his arm and this prevented him entering the service during the civil war. He has efficiently served as a constable in Van Buren town- ship one term, and is a stanch supporter of the Democratic party. Religiously he is an earnest member of the United Brethren church, and is now serving as a trustee of the same. ANDREW POE. One of the old and much respected citi- zens of Monroe township. Darke county, Ohio, is Andrew Poe, who has carried on farming operations at his present place for forty years. Mr. Poe is of French origin. His grand- father, George Poe, was a native of Fayette county, Pennsylvania ; his grandmother, whose maiden name was Elizabeth Mater, was born in France, and in her girlhood came to America on a visit, while here meet- ing and marrying George Poe. They sub- sequently came to Ohio and located in Mont- gomery county, near Salem, where he died, his death being the result of injury received by falling from a barn. He was a captain in the Revolutionary war. His son George, the father of Andrew, was also a native of Fayette county, Pennsylvania, and at the time the family removed to Ohio was eight or nine years old. He was married, near Germantown, Ohio, to Elizabeth Arnett, a daughter of Bartholomew Arnett. Mr. Ar- nett was a Hessian soldier in 1776, and de- serted and joined the American ranks to fight for independence. After bis marriage the younger George Poe removed to Darke county, where he spent the rest of his life, his chief occupation being farming-. He died at Arcanum, in 1890, at the age of eighty-eight years. His first wife's death occurred some years before his. His second wife survives him. She was Mrs. Polly Fry,, nee Townslee, and resides at the home of her daughter, Airs. Henry Besecer. Mr. Poe's children by his first wife, were named as i'< al- lows: Andrew, the direct subject of this sketch ; George and Bartholomew, deceased : Daniel, Isaac and John C., deceased. Andrew Poe was born in Salem. M >nt- gomery county, Ohio, June 14. 1826; re- ceived his education in one of the primitive log school houses of that period, and as he grew up learned all the details of pioneer farming. After his marriage, which event occurred in Phillipsburg, Ohio, Mr. Poe lo- cated near there and remained until 1840, when he moved to Monroe township. Darke ci lunty, where he has since lived. At the time of his settlement here he bought forty- two acres of land, thickly covered with forest, and the work of clearing and making a home at once occupied his energies. As soon as he cleared a little patch of ground he built a cabin, 18x22 feet, one room with a loft above it, and here he established his family, has since lived and labored, carry- ing on general farming, and has been fairly prosperous in his undertakings. Air. Poe's wife was formerly Miss Sarah Eisenbarger, and they are the parents of five children, namely: Isaac, of Arcanum, Ohio; Lewis, of Beamsville, Ohio; Simon, of Mami county, Ohio; Lafayette, of Sa- lem, Ohio; and Albert, a resident of the same township in which his father lives. Politically Mr. Poe is a Democrat. He belongs to no church. 442 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. GEORGE J. WELBOURN. George Joshua Welbourn is one of the ■leading agriculturists and stock raisers of Darke county, his home being on section 19, Mississinawa township. He follows the most advanced and progressive methods, and has one of the most highly improved farms and most desirable homes in this section of the state. He is one of Ohio's native sons, his birth having occurred in Marion county, on the 29th of April, 1841. His father. ■George Welbourn, was born in Lincolnshire, England, in 1793, and soon after attaining his majority came to America. He was a •son of Benjamin Welbourn, who was a free- holder and was worth ; t least three hundred •thousand dollars. His farm of one hundred .and sixty acres was valued at three thousand dollars per acre. A man of democratic prin- ciples and spirit, he preferred to mingle with the yeomanry of his country rather than the .aristocracy, and would often go to the mar- ket with his own farm produce, while his servants remained at home in idleness. He wedded Miss Mary Miller, and they became the parents of nine children — William, ^George, Foren, Michael, Hannah, John, Benjamin, Mary and Joseph. All came to America with the exception of Benjamin, Foren, Hannah and Joseph. Of the family William and Michael crossed the Atlantic in 1818 and took up their abode in Marion county, Ohio. They were free to take their choice of land lying between the old homestead in Marion county ^nd Lower Sandusky. Each brother se- cured a quarter-section and became well-to- •do farmers, and at their death left families. John Welbourn, of the same family, also ■came to Ohio, but later all trace of him was lost. His sister Mary reared thirteen of her fifteen children in England, and in her widowhood came to America, living with her children in Kansas, where she died at ai; advanced age. George Welbourn, the father of our sub- ject, crossed the Atlantic in 1820, landed in Philadelphia, and crossed the Alleghany mountains. He was obliged to pack his bag- gage over the mountains, for it was all his team could do to haul an empty wagon up the steep slopes. They were all day in crossing the ridge. He married Miss Jane Lawrence, who also was born in Lincoln- shire, England, March 16, 1808. She was present at the crowning of Queen Victoria. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Welbourn occurred in 1836. The lady crossed the Atlantic in 1835, with her parents, Edward and Martha (Steeper) Lawrence. Their sons, James and William, had crossed the Atlantic in 1832. In the family were eight children, of whom Mrs. Welbourn was the eldest. She was born March 16, 1808; James was born February 21, 18 10; George March 31. 1814; Ann in 1822; Richard, a Methodist minister, who was born January 17, 1 82 1, and died in Hardin county, Ohio, April 28, 1895; William Lawrence, the next of the family, was born February 19, 1812, and died in Illinois; Sarah, born February 12, 1819, died April 15, 1839; and Elizabeth, born December 27, 1816, is also deceased. The father died on the 1st of May, 1864, at the age of eighty-three years, and his wife passed away April 17, 1855, at the age of seventy-seven. Of this family James Lawrence, the eld- est son, wedded Susanna Welbourn, who was not a relative of our subject. James Lawrence died June 29. 1883, leaving three GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 44a hundred and eighty acres of very valuable land. The marriage of George Welbourn and Ann Mills was blessed with three daugh- ters — Susanna, Elizabeth and Mary. Su- sanna is the widow of James Lawrence, of Marion county, and six of her seven chil- dren are now living. Elizabeth became the wife of John Duncan, of Morrow county, Ohio, and died at the age of thirty years, leaving one child. Mary is the widow of Jonathan Denton, of Doniphan county, Kan- sas. The daughters were born in Ohio. The mother died in early life, and the father afterward married Miss Jane Lawrence, by whom he had five sons and a daughter. Will- iam, the eldest, died in 1853, at the age of twelve years; George is the second of the family; Edward is a well-known physician of Union City, Indiana; James, a practicing attorney, died in Union City, leaving four sons; Jane also died in Union City; and Ben- jamin died at the age of four years. The parents were married May 31, 1837, and took up their abode on an eighty-acre farm which Mr. Welbourn had entered from the government office in Chillicothe, walk- ing from Marion county, that state, in order to secure the title for the tract. Later he purchased eighty acres of timber land. He died on the 8th of October, 1855, leaving a widow and four of their six children, also three children by a former marriage. He was then about sixty-three years of age. Mrs. Welbourn remained a widow for over forty years, and died at the home of her son, Dr. Welbourn, in Union City, at the age of eighty-four. She was a woman of great courage, strong intellect and of reso- lute purpose, and carefully reared her chil- dren. She carefully instilled into their minds lessons of practical industry, economy and unfaltering honesty. Both Mr. and Mrs. Welbourn were members of the Meth- odist Episcopal church and were faithful Christian people. George Welbourn, whose name intro- duces this record, received but limited edu- cational privileges. He was early inured to farm labor, beginning work in the fields al- most as soon as old enough to handle the plow. He is not only familiar with the most advanced methods of agriculture but also possesses much mechanical ability and is an architect and draughtsman. He has mod- eled all of the buildings upon his place. He was married April 29, 1863, to Sarah A. Lawrence, the wedding ceremony being per- formed by his uncle, Richard Lawrence. The lady was born in Indiana, near the Ohio line, and is a daughter of George and Anna (Clough) Lawrence, the former a native of Lincolnshire, England, and the latter of New Hampshire, but both are now deceased. Mrs. Welbourn is a child of the pioneer days, liv- ing in this section of the country when it was a border settlement, upon the very out- skirts of civilization. In order to attend school she had to follow a cow path through the woods for a mile. On one occasion she came upon a drove of deer in the path and the animals stood looking at her. For a few moments she hesitated, undecided whether to approach or retreat, but concluded to throw a stick at the animals, which she did. and they fled, so that she was enabled to proceed on her way to school. This occur- rence took place just over the Indiana line, near her present home. On another occa- sion when hunting the cows in the woods she followed the sound of the cow-bells and became lost upon a farm where there was a small clearing, now their present home, and to that the cows made their way instead of o-oinp- home. She was accompanied by her to to 444 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. mother, and they concluded to remain upon a log until morning, although they heard the weird hoot of the owls and the howling of the wolves. The husband and father, how- ever, returned to his home, and, finding the loved ones missing, he realized the situation and instituted a search. Soon they were found and very quickly returned to their little cabin. Mrs. Welbourn completed her edu- cation by a collegiate course at College Cor- ner, in Jay county, Indiana. By her marriage she has become the mother of six children : Jane, now the wife of Manford Aukerman, who resides in this locality, and by her mar- riage she has four children; George E., a farmer of the same neighborhood, who has a wife, three sons and two daughters; Luella Horine, who resides near the old home and has one son and one daughter ; Lillie. the wife of William Crumrine, a farmer of Mis- sissinawa township; Ollie Ida and Mattie Isolena. They have been provided with good, educational privileges, thus fitting them for the practical and responsible duties of life. In the spring of 1863 Air. Welbourn left the old family homestead in Marion county, and with his saddle-bags mounted his horse, taking with him all his earthly possessions, valued at about two hundred dollars. It was his intention to go to Illinois, but a journey of two days brought him to the home of his future bride, and he concluded to abide in Darke county. This section of Ohio was then an almost unbroken wilderness, and his father-in-law here owned one hundred and sixty acres of land, which Mr. Welbourn af- terward inherited. After his marriage our subject began his domestic life upon an eighty-acre tract of land which now forms the northern portion of his farm. He •cleared that property, but after his father- in-law's death came to his present home and developed this tract. He owns three hun- dred and thirty-eight acres. His real es- tate possessions also include twenty-four town lots, in Union City, Ohio, and many of these are improved with substantial build- ings. When he started out in life for him- self he had only his horse and assets to the amount of two hundred dollars. Later he inherited about seven hundred dollars from his father's estate. His first home was a log cabin, 15x30 feet. His second residence was a frame, 19x30 feet, which he built in forty days, beginning on the 15th of Octo- ber, 1883. He built his barn the following winter, and in 1899 he erected his present fine home, which is a model of beauty and comfort, supplied with all the modern im- provements and conveniences of a city home. It is built in a most substantial manner and finished in beautiful quarter-sawed oak, which he took from the trees upon his own place. The farm is one of the most highly improved in this section of the country. He has his own gas well, which has been drilled to a depth of twelve hundred and four feet, and furnishes light and heat for his own home and that of his son and of his son-in- law. There are also excellent water works upon the place, operated by the Hawley & Dunn automatic system. There are three flowing wells of water, and he has several hydrants at different places about the farm, so that he can force a strong stream into the house and outbuildings in case of fire. The fields are under a very high state of cul- tivation and yield to the owner a golden tribute in return for the care and labor he 1 lestows upon them. In his political views Mr. Welbourn is a K'epublican, but has never sought public office. However, he served as a road super- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. -445 visor for several years and lias been a mem- ber of the school board. He belongs to the Rose Hill Property Protection Company, and has served as one of the pursuers, whose duty it is to capture all robbers. At the age of fifteen years he became a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and for the past twenty years has been a member of the United Brethren church. His life has in- deed been an honorable and upright one, and all who know him esteem him for his ster- ling worth, his fidelity to principle, his manly courage and fearless support of his honest convictions. HENRY C. JACOBI. This well-known and highly respected citizen of Greenville, Ohio, has throughout life been prominently identified with the business interests and public affairs of Darke county. He was born three miles east of the city, in Greenville township, March _>i, 1854, and is a son of Henry and Margaret (Knott) Jacobi, natives of Hamburg, Ger- many, the former born April 25, 1814, the latter in 1824. It was in 1853 that the par- ents emigrated to America and took up their residence in Darke county, Ohio, on the farm where our subject was born. Both died in Versailles, the father in 1894, the mother in 1882. In their family were nine children, but only two are now living: William and Henry C. William was born in 1859, and now lives in Versailles. He wedded Mary Klase, and they have three children. Our- subject spent his boyhood mostly upon a farm of one hundred and twenty acres near Versailles, and his educational ad- vantages were only such as the country schools afforded. At the age of eighteen he removed with the family to Versailles, where he became interested in the saw-mill business, and later carried on the butcher business at that place for ten yeai 3. On the 12th of June, 1877, Mr. Jacobi was united in marriage with Miss Anna Jetter, a native of Huron county, Ohio, who died January 2, 1895. By this union were born five children, namely : William, Henry. Albert, Charles and Clara. William was married in September, 1899, to Florence Gutermuth, but the others are all at home. They have been provided with good educa- tional advantages, and Henry and Albert are both graduates of the Greenville high school. The former is now a trusted employe of the Farmers' National Bank of that place. As previously stated, Mr. Jacobi has al- ways taken quite an active and prominent part in public affairs. His fellow citizens, recognizing his worth and ability, have elected him to positions of honor and trust, and it is needless to say that he proved a most competent and praiseworthy official. He served as a justice of the peace of Ver- sailles six years, and the mayor of that place two years, at the end of which time, in 1S94, he was elected sheriff, on the Democratic ticket, jmd held that office for four years. In the meantime he moved to Greenville, where he still makes his home, at 420 Mar- tin street. When he retired to private life he became the manager and secretary of the Greenville Lumber Company, in which he is an extensive stockholder, and now devotes his time and energies to that business. Be- sides his property interests in Greenville, Mr. Jacobi still owns a good farm of sixty acres near Versailles. Industrious, enterprising and progressive, he has met with a well- deserved success in life, and is numbered among the best citizens of Greenville. 440 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. JACOB R. STOCKER. Jacob R. Stacker, ex-county clerk of Darke county, Ohio, and one of the repre- sentative farmers of the county, is a native of Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, his birth having occurred near the city of Lancaster February 3, 1857. Mr. Stocker is of German descent. His father. Andrew Stocker, was born and reared in Germany, came to this country when a young man, married Miss Margaret Rader, anil settled, in 1865, near Miamisburg, in Montgomery county, Ohio, which was the family home until 1872. That year he re- nv ived to Darke county and took up his abode in Adams township, purchasing at the time fifty-two acres of land, to which he added by subsequent purchase fifty acres more. On this farm he still lives. His wife died in 1868, at the age of forty-two years. Their union was blessed in the birth of twelve children, ten of whom reached mature age, namely: John R.. of Webster, Ohio; Jacob R., the immediate subject of this sketch; Andrew R., of Miamisburg. Ohio; Lizzie, deceased; Mary, of Miamisburg; Henry P., of Darke county: Albert Frank- lin, Flora and Adam, all of Darke county; and Elmer, of La'wrencevllle, Illinois. The father has long been a consistent member of the Lutheran church. Jacob R. Stocker grew up on his father's farm, receiving his education in the com- mon schools and early became familiar with every detail of farm work. Farming has claimed the whole of his time and atten- tion since he reached man's estate excepting the term of years he served in 1 .fficial posi- tion. In August, 1 89 1. he was nominated for the office of county clerk, was duly elected at the November election and as- sumed the duties of that position in Feb- ruary, 1892. In 1894 he was renominated and elected and served a second term, at the expiration of which he moved to his present farm, located one mile south of Greenville, which he had purchased three years previously. This farm comprises one hundred and seventy acres of fine, well im- proved land and is devoted to general farm- ing and stock purposes. Mr. Stocker was married, September 20, 1877, to Miss Rhoda A. Coppess, a daughter of Daniel Coppess, of Richland township,. Darke county, anil the children of this union are seven, namely: Evan E., Orion D., Ed- ward A., Roy. Bessie, Orville and Clifford. The political affiliations of Mr. Stocker have always been with the Democratic party. He has frequently served as a delegate to county and congressional conventions, ever working for the best interests of his party, and his election to county office was a fit recognition of worth. Reared by Lutheran parents, he is identi- fied with the Lutheran church and is one of its leading supporters. Fraternally he main- tains a membership in the Improved Order of Red Men and in the Uniform Rank. WILLIAM ROBESON. After a long and useful career William Robeson is now living a retired life on his farm in Van Buren township, enjoying a well-earned rest. He comes of good Rev- olutionary stock, his paternal grandfather, Andrew Robeson, having fought for Amer- ican independence. He spent his entire life in Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania. The father, David Robeson, was born and reared in that county, and there married Mary Ann Beard, a native of Germany, who came to Jacob R. Stocker. Mrs. Jacob R. Stocker. GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 447 the United States at the age of fourteen years, with two sisters and a brother, and worked two and a half years in New York city to pay her passage. In November, 1817, David Robeson, with his family, started for Ohio in a one- horse wagon, but was taken ill on the road and was unable to continue his journey until the following spring. He first located eight miles below Dayton, in Butler county, where he made his home sixteen years, and then sold two horses and purchased eighty acres of land in Butler township, Darke county, at one dollar and a quarter per acre. Being an old man at this time, his sons cleared the farm and built a hewed-log house, eighteen by twenty feet, which was heated by an old- fashioned fire-place. He died in 1836, aged seventy-eight years, and his wife died in 1845, age about seventy years. She was an earnest member of the Presbyterian church, while he was a Baptist in religious belief. In their family were six children, namely : David, who died in Van Buren township; Daniel, who died in Brown township, this county ; Elizabeth, who married Jacob Brown, and died in Darke county ; Margaret, who married John Robeson, and died in this county ; William, our sub- ject ; and Rosamond, who married James Dungan and died in Indiana. The subject of this sketch was born in Huntingdon county, Pennsylvania, October 21, 181 7, and was only three weeks old when his parents started for Ohio, consequently he remembers nothing of the journey. He attended school but three months through: m his life, there being no free schools in his lo- cality during his boyhood; but he has ac- quired a good, practical education through lis own unaided effc irts. He was the youngest son of the family, and after the others left 27 home he remained with his parents, assisting in the arduous task of clearing the land and transforming it into highly cultivated fields. On the death of his father he inherited forty acres of land, and remained at home caring for his mother, until she, too, was called to her final rest. In 1843 he sold the place and bought his present farm of one hundred and twenty acres, to which he has since added twenty acres. When be located thereon only thirty acres had been cleared, and to its further improvement and cultivation he de- voted his energies for many years, but since 1893 has lived retired. He erected all the buildings on the farm, and met with success in its operation. In 1849 Mr. Robeson married Miss Es- ther Dungan, who died in 1874. To them the following children were born : David, who died at the age of fifteen years; Isaac, a farmer of Van Buren township ; Ann, who died in infancy; Joseph, who died young; Margaret, who also died young; Deborah, now Mrs. Curtner, who lives with our sub- ject ; Mary Ann, the wife of Cyrus F. Young, of Jaysville; Ida, the deceased wife of Craw- ford Brown ; Alfred, Oada and William, who all died young; and one who died in infancy. FRANKLIN P. HARTLE. He wdiose name initiates this sketch is a representative of one of the old and honored pioneer families of Richland township, 1 'arke county, Ohio, and as he himself is a native son of the county and has worthily upborne the honors of a worthy name, there is eminent propriety in giving a brief resume of his personal and genealogical history in this compilation. A native of this county, Mr. 1 lartle was born May 30, [852, being the eldest of the children of David and Eliza- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. beth (Shults) Hartle, concerning whom complete and detailed information is given on other pages of this work. Franklin P. Hartle received his educa- tional discipline in the district schools in the vicinity of his home, and it is needless t i say that the advantages in this line were meagre, for his youth was passed under the pioneer influences, when the march of development had but just begun, but .he has broadened his education through personal application and association with the active affairs of life, thus learning lessons which have made him a man of distinct intellectual strength and Ci imprehensive knowledge. As a youth his time was in constant demand, and his' ser- vices required in the arduous w< irk of clear- ing away the forests on the home farm and making the same ready for cultivation. Air. Hartle began life upon his own responsi- bility at the age of twenty years, when he commenced working for wages, and on at- taining his majority he had but meager capi- tal upon which to base his future career and lay the foundations of his success. Youth, confidence and energy consider no obstacle insuperable, h< wever, and the young man was confident of his own ability to face the world and win his way, and his confidence was amply justified, as the results of his well directed effort clearly show in these latter days of the century. On the 30th of October, 1873, Mr. Hartle was united in marriage to Miss Rachel Ann Martin, and of this union one son and four daughters have been born, namely : Bethey, who is the wife of Frank Smith, a pn ous agriculturist of Richland township, was educated in the common schools and is a lady of distinct popularity: Mollie L.. who il attending school, is well advanced in studies, having already passed the Box- well examination, which entitles her to ad- mission to any high school in the count}-; Charlie Earl is in school, as is also Maudie; while the youngest. Clo Hilda, lends life and brightness to the family circle. Mrs. Hartle is a native of Fountain county, Indiana, having been born near At- tica, September 15. 1858. the daughter of Silas and Maria ( Shields ) Martin. There was one other daughter in the family, but Mrs. Hartle alone survives. Her father was born in Darke county. Ohio, and de- voted his life to agricultural pursuits. He is now deceased, but his venerable widow is still living, being a resident of Versailles, Ohio. Mr. Hartle is a Republican in his political adherency. having cast his first presidential vote for General Grant, and he is at all times a zealous advocate of the principles advanced by his party. On various occa- sions he has served as delegate to the county conventions, in which he has taken active part. Socially Mr. Hartle is identified con- spicuously with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, into which he was initiated at Versailles, Ohio, on the 23d of September, 1873. while he became a charter member of the Ansonia Lodge. No. 605. on the 18th of June, 1875. He has passed all the chairs in the lodge and is a member of Encamp- ment, No. 90, while his wife and daughters, Bethey and Mollie, are members of the ad- junct organization, the Daughters of Re- bekah, retaining their membership in Lodge No. 396, at Ansonia. this county. The elder daughter, Mrs. Smith, has passed all the chairs in the lodge. The family are well km >wn and highly esteemed in Rich- land township, and their circle of friends is one oi representative character. No history touching the annals of this county could be GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 449 complete without reference to the subject of this review, and this brief sketch is sure to be read with interest. GOTLEAP RIESLEY. Among the leading young farmers of Mi mroe township, Darke county, Ohio, is in- cluded the subject of this sketch, G. Riesley, who, as his name indicates, is of German origin. Mr. Riesley's father, Frederick Riesley, was born in Wurtemberg, Germany, in the year 1828; was reared on a farm, received a common-school education, and served in the German army during the revolution. In 1854 he came to the United States, landing at New York, and from there coming direct to Darke county, Ohio, where he was employed by the month to do farm work for Frederick Stauf- fer. In this county he was married to Miss [Jacobin Kuhn. also a native of Wurtem- berg, Germany, the date of her birth being 1826. She came with relatives to this coun- try about 1845. After their marriage they set- tled on a rented farm in Franklin township, Darke county, where they lived a few years and by industry and economy accumulated sufficient means with which to buy a little farm of their own. He first purchased forty acres, to which he added subsequently another forty, and still later sixty acres more. He exchanged his eighty acres for one hun- dred and sixty-five in Monroe township to which he moved in 1882, and where he spent the close of his life, dying October 29. 1884. His wife survived him several years, her death occurring July 7. 1891. They were members of the Lutheran church, and polit- ically he was a Democrat. The children of this worthy couple are three in number, the subject .if this sketch and his two sisters Anna Mary and Lydia. Gotleap Riesley was born February 1^, 1857, in Franklin township, Darke county. Ohio, and grew up on his father's farm, wi irking on the farm in summer and attend- ing the district school during the winter months. He was married September 27. 1883. to Miss Fannie Ingloff. Mrs. Riesley was born near Trotwood, Montgomery county, Ohio. June 7, 1861 and when four years old was brought ' by her parents to Monroe township, Darke county, where she was reared. Her parents, John and Chris- tianna (Myers) Ingloff, were natives of Wurtemberg, Germany, who came to this country in 1845 m the same vessel that brought Mrs. Riesley, the mother of our sub- ject. Mr. Ingloff was a tailor by trade, working as such for a time after coming to this country, then carried on farming for a number of years, and now lives retired in Dayton, Ohio. He and his wife are mem- 1 lers 1 >f the Lutheran church. Their children are Christianna. the wife of George Alleman ; Lizzie, the wife of Alexander Mack; John, Mary, the wife of Charles Bless; and Mrs. Riesley. Mr. Riesley continued to reside at the homestead after his marriage until his fa- ther's death. The portion of the home farm which he inherited he sold and shortly after- ward purchase his present farm, one hundred and forty-seven and one-half acres, in Mon- n * ti iwnship, mi which he has made numer- ous improvements, thus materially increasing the value of his farm. Mr. and Mrs. Riesley have seven chil- dren, namely: Fred. Lawrence, John X., Eel- ward Freeman. Willis O.. Carl William. Rus- sell R. and Ira Estry. Reared in the Lutheran faith Mr. and 450 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Mrs. Riesley attend the services of the Lu- theran church. His political support he gives to the Democratic party. In the summer of 1895 Mr. Riesley paid a visit to the home of his forefathers in the old country. He sailed from New York city in July, on board the steamship Wester- land, landed at Antwerp, and spent three months in Germany. The chief place of in- terest to him was the old house in which his father was born, in the town of Redrick, now occupied by his uncle, Jacob Riesley. This house was erected in 171 7, and is of stone. CASVILLE MOTE. A resident of Pittsburg, Mr. Mote is now living retired after many years of active con- nection with agricultural interests in Darke county. He is of English descent, his ances- tors having come from the "merrie isle" in colonial days. His paternal grandfather. h Mote, was born in Georgia, and hav- ing arrived at years of maturity married Miss Mary Polly North, whose father was one of the heroes of the Revolution. Jo- seph Mote also joined the American army and aided in the overthrow of British rule in the colonies. At an early period in the development of Ohio he emigrated t < > the Buckeye state, settling in Union township, Miami county, where lie made his home for a number of years. While there he entered eighty acres of land in Monroe township, Darke county, to which he afterward re- moved, taking up his abode in a log cabin in the midst of the wilderness. lie died a year later, and his widow subsequently became the wife of Isaiah Penny, with, whom she re- moved t'> Indiana, where her last days were passed. Unto Joseph and Mary Mote were born the following named: Enoch, who married Catherine Burkett, and died in Union township, Miami county; Ezekiel, vim married Miss Vernon and afterward Rachel Jones, and died at Laura, Ohio; Si- las, who wedded Sarah Hall, and departed this life in Indiana; Epsie, who became the wife of John Markham, and died in Monroe township; Noah; Alexander, who married Rhoda Miles, and after her death wedded Mrs. Annie Peppinger, and died in Iowa; Rachel, who became the wife of John Wal- ker, and died in Indiana; and William, who died in Missouri. He, too, was twice mar- ried, his first union being with Miss Hunt, while Margaret Emery became his second wife. Noah Mote, the father of our subject, was born in Union township, Aliami county, in 18 1 J. and when ten years of age accom- panied his parents on their removal to Darke county, where he was reared to manhood. He obtained such educational advantages as were afforded in the old-time log school- houses, and was reared in the usual man- ner of farmer lads of the period. He mar- ried Catherine Sharp, whose father served his country in the war of 1812. She was born in Twin township, Darke county, and after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Aiote took up their abode upon his farm of eighty acres, west of the old homestead. There Mr. Mi >te passed the remainder of his life, his death occurring on the 29th of September, 1892. His wife passed away in 18S8. They were members of the Society of Friends and were people of the highest respectability. In tl eir family were eight children : Levi, who died in infancy; Nelson, of Monroe town- ship, who married Sarah Hansbarger, and ter her death wedded Mary Studebaker ; Casville, of this review; Mary, the wife of GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 451 Simon Limbert, of Monroe township; Bar- bara, the deceased wife of Henry Baer; George, who married Catherine Weeks, and resides in Laura ; Allen, who wedded Ella Bowers, and is living in Twin township; and Daniel, deceased. As a representative of one of the honored pioneer families of the county and as a man of sterling worth, Casville Mote well de- serves mention in this volume. He was born on his father's farm in Monroe town- ship, June 18, 1844, and was there reared to manhood. He pursued his studies in the log school-house of the neighborhood, his first teacher being Henry Richardson. In the labors of the home farm he bore his part, remaining with his parents until eighteen years of age, when, prompted by a spirit of patriotism, he responded to his country's call for aid, enlisting, at Arcanum, as a pri- vate of Company B, One Hundred and Tenth Ohio Infantry, under Captain Jason Young. The date of his enlistment was Au- gust 7, 1862, and he took part in the battles of Winchester, Cedar Creek, Petersburg, Richmond and Sailor's Creek. At the last named he was wounded by a grape shot in the right elbow and was sent to the field hos- pital and thence to City Point Hospital, at Annapolis, Maryland. Later he was in the Baltimore Hospital, where he was honorably discharged, on the 21st of June, 1865. After his return home Mr. Mote resumed work upon his father's farm, and was thus engaged until his marriage, which occurred April 3, 1869, Miss Sarah Jane Limbert be- coming his wife. The lady was born in Clay township, Montgomery county, Ohio, January 29, 1843, and when six months old was taken by her parents to Monroe town- ship, Darke county, where her girlhood days were passed. Her first teacher was Weaver Richardson. She was a daughter of Henry Limbert, who was born in Perry county, Pennsylvania, September 6, 1816, and was a son of Henry Limbert, Sr., also a native o'f Perry county. The latter married Katie Wagner, and in the spring of 1822 re- moved to Ohio, locating in Clay township, Montgomery county, where he entered land and developed a farm. There he lived until his death, which occurred when he was eighty-three years of age. His wife also passed away at the same age. Their chil- dren were : John, who died in Montgomery county, Ohio; Lewis, who died in Greenville; Henry, the father of Mrs. Mote; Barbara, who became the wife of Joseph Spitler'and died in Clay township, Montgomery county ; Polly, who married Peter Raisor; George, a resident of Indiana ; Levi, of Clay township, Montgomery county; Adam, of Dayton, Ohio; Susan, who became the wife of Henry Whistler, and died in Clay township ; Betsey, wife of Solomon Spitler; and Sarah, wife of John Baker. Henry Limbert, the father of Mrs. Mote, was a little lad of six summers when he came with his parents to Ohio. He was reared in Clay township, Montgomery county, mar- ried Betsey Spitler, and in 1844 removed to Monroe township, Darke county. He was called to his final rest September 15, 1873, and his wife departed this life September 7, 1878. In their family were the following named: Mrs. Mote; Barbara Ann, the wife of Henry Snyder; John, who died at the age of twenty-one years; Amanda C, who died in infancy; Simon Peter, of Monroe town- ship; Mary Ann, who became the wife of Andrew Linder and died in 1885; Susan, who died in infancy; Harvey, who died in Oklahoma, in 1890; Ira, of Portland, In- diana : and twins who died in infancy. 452 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Unto Mr. and Airs. Mote have been born five children: Elmer, who was born March 8, 1870, married Clara Chase, and has one child. Harold: Charles, born May 28. 1872, wedded Nettie Niswonger, and their chil- dren are: Susie, Gertrude. Paul and Lillian; Emma, born November 10. 1875. is the wife of Charles Sower and has one child, Mar- guerite: Forrest, born June 13, 1881, is at home; and Noah, born November 14. 1883. died on the 2d of March. 1884. After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Mote took up their residence upon his farm, and for many years he devoted his energies to agricultural pursuits, meeting with good suc- cess in his undertakings. Until his retire- ment he resided in Monroe township, with the exception of a period of two years passed in Franklin township. He still owns a good farm of thirty-three acres, and has a com- fi rtable competence saved from his earnings in firmer years. This enables him to live retired, enjoying a well-earned rest. In : 81 13 he removed to Pittsburg, where he now resides. He is a member of the Union Vet- eran Legion, and in politics is a stanch Re- publican. As a citizen he is today as true and loyal as when he followed the starry banner upon the battlefields of the s >uth and aided in the preservation of the Union. EPHRAIM C. RICHARDSON. Ephraim C. Richardson, a farmer and undertaker of New Weston, was born in Monroe township, Darke county, on the 15th of March. 185 1. and is a representative of one of the old families of Tennessee. His grandfather. William Richardson, was a na- tive of Claiborne county, Tennessee, and be- came one of the pioneers of Monroe town- ship, Darke county, Ohio. When he first lo- cated here the howling of the wolves at night was a familiar sound, for the region was wild and the work of improvement and prog- ress scarcely begun. He married Sarah Markham, and they became the parents of a large number of children, of whom our sub- ject remembers only six sons and one daugh- ter. Only three are now living : Weaver, a resident of Patterson township; John M. and Thomas M., both of Wabash township: and Mrs. Lovina Warner, a widow now liv- ing in Miami county. The mother of these children survived her husband for several years and was an octogenarian at the time of her demise. She now sleeps in Holsapple cemetery. Josiah M. Richardson, the father of our subject, was born in Monroe township about 1830, and after arriving at years of maturity he wedded Mary Thompson. She was born in Monroe township. October 22, 1831, and is a daughter of Israel and Nancy Thomp- son. The marriage occurred about 1850, and their union has been blessed with one son and two daughters, the first being Ephraim C, of this review. The daugh- ters are Lovina and Drusilla. The former is the wife of Michael Wick, of Patterson township, and they have nine children. Drusilla is the wife of Syl.vinas Jones, oi Miami county, and they have one son. The father was a carpenter by occupation. At the time of the civil war, however, he put aside all personal considerations and en- listed in Brown township on the 22d of Oc- tober, 1 86 1, as a private in Company D, Sixty-ninth Ohio Infantry. He died in Nashville on the 24th of August, 1864, his death resulting from a wound received at Atlanta, Georgia. He had faithfully served his ci iuntry f< ir three years, and had veteran- ized on the 2 1 st of February, 1864, at Chat- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 453 tanooga. He now sleeps in a soldier's grave in the Nashville cemetery. His widow af- terward became Mrs. Jones, and is now liv- ing in Laura, Miami county. Ephraim C. Richardson, whose name in- troduces this record, obtained his education in the district schools and resided with his mother until his marriage, which occurred October 8, 1874, Miss Almeda C. Jones, of Newton township, Miami county, becoming his wife. She is a daughter of Alvin and Mary Ann (Walker) Jones, whose family embraces six children, namely: Mrs. Rich- ardson; Sylvinas, a resident of Laura, Ohio; Elvira, the wife of William Yount; Sum- ner, who died at the age of sixteen years ; Loren, who died in infancy; and Warren, who makes his home in Newton township, Miami county. Mr. and Mrs. Richardson are also the parents of six children : Ar- mina Viola, who died at the age of twenty- two months; Melville Montro, Pearlie Iona, Osco Arlington, Forest Valeria, and the twin brother of Forest, who died in infancy. After his marriage Mr. Richardson en- gaged in the operation of a saw-mill for one year, but in 1876 located on his farm, com- prising eighty-seven acres of rich land. There he carried on agricultural pursuits with excellent success until July, 1899, and during that time he also engaged in the man- ufacture of tile. At the present time he is renting his farm, having since July, 1899, been a resident of Xew Weston, where he is engaged in the undertaking business, as a member of the firm of Richardson & Med- ford. They are the only undertakers in the town, and are doing a good business. Mr. Richardson is a man of marked energy and carries forward to successful completion whatever he undertakes, and it is this quality that has made him successful. In his political views Mr. Richardson is a Republican and on that ticket he has been elected to several local offices. He served for six years in Wabash township as a township trustee, and for seven years was a member of the board of education. He and his wife are members of the Xew Light church, and in the community where they are known they are regarded as most highly re- spected people, well worthy of the esteem and confidence of all with whom they are associated. JAMES FROST. This well-known and popular citizen of Greenville, Ohio, is today the leading florist of Darke county. In his special line of busi- ness he has met with well-deserved success, as he started out in life for himself with no capital, and by the energy and zeal which he has manifested he has won the confidence and esteem of the public. Mr. Frost was born in England, in 1853, a son of Joseph and Rose Hannah (Leach) Frost, life-long residents of that country, where the father was employed as a shep- herd. Our subject received a good common school education in his native land, where he spent the first sixteen years of his life, and in 1868 emigrated to the United States, landing in Xew York city. From there he went to Auburn, Xew York, where he se- cured work of a Mr. Ellitson, a successful florist, with whom he remained ten years, during which time he thoroughly mastered the business in every detail. The following years were spent with W. W. Green & Son, and in 1890 he came to Greenville, Ohio, and purchased the greenhouses belonging to Na- than Rasor. These he has rebuilt, added to and improved, putting in a hot-water sys- iol GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. tern for heating purposes. All of his build- ing's are in good repair, and everything about the premises indicates thrift and a careful attention to business. He has many choice and rare plants : has established a large local trade, and also ships large quantities of flow- ers and plants outside the state, sending them both east and west, doing a large wholesale business throughout the United States. His life has been one of industry and perseverance, and his success is due en- tirely to his own well-directed efforts. In February. 1SS6, Mr. Frost married Miss Mary E. Lent, of Auburn, New York. They have no children. Fraternally he is a member of Greenville Lodge. Xo. 143. F. & A. M. ; Greenville Chapter. No. 77, R. A. M. ; Champion Lodge, Xo. 742, I. O. O. F. ; Greenville Encampment, Xo. 90; and both he and his wife have been members of the Daughters of Rebekah for several years. He is also a member of Little Turtle- Tribe. Xo. 1 19, Improved Order of Red Men. PETER ALBRIGHT. Peter Albright, one of the leading citi- zens of Van Buren township, Darke county, Ohio, owns and operates a fine farm of one hundred and eleven acres, which he has placed in a high state of cultivation and im- proved with good buildings. His posses- sions have all been acquired through his own efforts, and as the result of his long sustained endeavor he has won a place among the well- to-do citizens of his community. The first of the Albright family to come to America was our subject's great-grand- father, George Albright, a native of Ger- many, who settled in Berks county, Penn- sylvania. The grandfather. Jacob Albright, spent his entire life in that county, as a farmer, and died about 1842, when over eighty years of age. The father, Peter Al- bright, was born on the old homestead in Berks county, and on reaching manhood married Catherine Heffner. a native of the same county. Later they moved to Cum- berland county, Pennsylvania, locating eighteen miles west of Harrisburg, where the father bought a farm of eighty acres, which he operated until his death in 1885. He was twice married, his first wife being Catherine Heffner, by whom lie had several children. There were two children by the second marriage: Peter, our subject; and Lucy. The mother died in 1841. She, too, was twice married, her first husband being Air. Cline, and she had children by that union. Our subject was born in Berks county, Pennsylvania. August 1. 1836. and was quite small when the family moved to Cumberland county, where he made his home until six- teen years of age. his education being ob- tained in the country schools. At the age of fi lurteen he commenced learning the cabinet maker's trade, and was to receive thirty-five dollars for three years' work, three weeks of rest and three months of schooling in winter; but he was not given the educational ad- vantages. At the age of sixteen he came to Ohio, having just enough money to bring him to Greenville, where he found work at his trade. After his marriage he rented a farm near that place, but did not remain thereon a year. The following year was spent upon a farm west of Greenville, in Van Buren township, and for seven years he rented-Dr. Gard's farm. At the end of that time he purchased fifty acres of land in Van Buren township, erected a house and other buildings, and continued the improvement and cultivation of that farm for twenty vears. GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 455 Since then his home has been on his present farm, and he has built thereon a good barn and made many other improvements, which add to the value and attractive appearance ■of the place. While a resident of Greenville, Mr. Al- bright married Miss Maria Pearson, who was born in Van Buren township, September 15. 1837, a daughter of Allen and Mary (Arnold) Pearson. Of the five children born of this union, Monta L. and Mary Es- telle died young; Allan married Annie "Weaver, and has two children, Opal and a son not named ; William, at home, married Mary Rainbarger, and has one child, Ruby; and Pearl is also at home. The family are members of the Caylor Chapel, United Brethren church, and in his political views Mr. Albright is a stanch Democrat. He is strictly a self-made man, whose success in life is due to industry, enterprise and per- severance, and he has the respect and confi- dence of all who know him. HENRY STRAKER. The subject of this sketch, whose home is on section 13, Patterson township, is the possessor of a handsome property which now enables him to spend his days in the pleasur- able enjoyment of his accumulations. The record of his early life is that of an active, enterprising, methodical and sagacious busi- ness man, who bent his energies to the hon- orable acquirement of a comfortable compe- tence for himself and family. Mr. Straker was born in Hanover, Ger- many, November 13, 1827, and is a- son of John Straker. The father, who was a labor- ing man, died in 183 1, at about the age of fifty years, leaving a widow and three sons : Harmon, who died in Hamilton, Ohio, at the age of twenty-one; Henry, our subject; and John Henry, who died at the age of four years. The mother, who was in lim- ited circumstances, brought her children to the new world in 1834, with the hope of im- proving their financial condition. Later she married Henry Connerman, who died in Baltimore, Maryland, in 1861, and she died on a farm a mile and a half west of 1 >ur sub- ject's place, in i860, at about trie age of sixty years. Mr. Straker relates a few reminiscences of early life in Darke county which ought to be preserved in print. When his father and family first arrived here, and the subject of this sketch was about ten years of age, the neighbors were Isaac Finkbone, Henry Stotsenbergh, L. Hutcher and Fred Ludacre. the distances to whose residences were re- spectively six miles south, two miles east, two miles west and ten miles north. The nearest grist-mill was eight miles distant, but it was only a "wet-weather" mill and ran but a small portion of the year. At this mill the grain had to be elevated up to t'.ie second story on an incline similar to that which is used at some saw-mills, while the meal as it was ground was delivered by the machinery in a bin below on the first floor. On one occasion the meal ceased to tl< iw down, and an investigation disclosed the fact that a woodpecker was at the hopper pick- ing up the grains from the shoe as fast as they ran down. This was one of those faith- ful old mills, as a pioneer once said, that as soon as they had completed the grinding of one grain of corn promptly "tackled" the next grain. The most reliable grist-mill in those days was the one at the falls of Greenville creek, twenty miles distant; and it required practi- cally two days to make the round trip to it, 456 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. on horseback at first and by wagon after- ward. On horseback young Henry would take two bushels of grain to be ground, be- sides a sack of feed for the horse and some provisions for himself. By wagon, after- ward, they had always to take along an ax, with which to cut new roads around mud- holes and other obstacles, and for other emergencies Henry Straker never attended school more than six months during his life, making his way each morning through the woods a distance of two miles to a rude school-house built of round logs. Among his school- mates was his present wife. It was in 1837 that he came with his mother and stepfather to Darke county and located in wdiat was then a part of Patterson township, but now' Wabash township. For half a century he has resided upon his present farm on section 13, Patterson township, first purchasing eighty acres of woodland, for which be paid two hundred and twenty-seven dollars and a half, by working for fifty cents per day. At one time he owned five hundred and fifty-six acres, and though he has given away some six pieces of this property, he still has two hundred and eighty acres, which be has placed under a high state of cultivation and improved with good and substantial build- ings. On the 1st of January. 1889, he mar- ried his present wife and soon afterward erected his fine brick residence, while his large barns were built, one in 1890, the other in 1899. On the 1st of July, 1852, Air. Straker married Miss Nancy Swallow, and to them were born ten children, eight sons and two daughters, of whom one son died in infancy. Of them we make the following observa- tions : Matilda is now a widow, a resident cf Patterson township; John operates a part of his father's farm; Ellen is the wife of Harrison Brining ; Aan .11 A. is a resident of Dayton, Ohio ; Harrison makes his home in \ ersailles; Isaiah is engaged in the grain business in Osgood ; Grant, born in Feb- ruary, 1865, is at home; William died in 1891 ; and Iven and Irvin were twins, and the former is now a grocer of Yorkshire, while the latter died at the age of four months. The mother of these children died in 1871, when the twins were only fourteen days old. For his second wife Mr. Straker married Mrs. Kate Greer, nee Swallow, who died in 1880. leaving one son by her former marriage. On the 1st of January. 1889, Mr. Straker married Mrs. Elizabeth (Mendenhall) Woods, who was born November 23. 1836, and has been three times married. Her first husband was Jacob Brining, by whom she had six children, and her second a man named Woods, by whom she had five. She has four sons ami three daughters still liv- ing. Mr. Brining died after serving seven- teen months as a soldier of the civil war, and was buried at Ashland, Kentucky. Her second and third husbands were also among the defenders of the Union during that ter- rible struggle. Richard Mendenhall, the father of Mrs. Straker, was born in North Carolina, in 1793. and brought his family to Darke county, Ohio, in January, 1837, locat- ing in Patterson township, where the year previously he had entered four hundred and ten acres of government land, and soon af- terward bought two eighty-acre tracts for- four hundred dollars. Of his ten children, three sons and four daughters reached years of maturity, and all reared large families, Joseph having ten children, Robert and Aaron both twelve, Delia eleven, Rachel six and Mrs. Straker eleven. GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 457 On the 2d of May, 1864, Mr. Straker en- listed in an independent company and was in the service four months. He is now a member of the Grand Army of the Repub- lic and a Republican in politics. He was the township treasurer seventeen years, and has also filled the offices of trustee and su- pervisor, in a most commendable and satis- factory manner. His estimable wife is a member of the Christian church. Both are still well preserved, and Mrs. Straker does all her own work, still finding time for a favor- ite recreation, that of fishing- in the mill- pond on their farm. She can relate many interesting incidents of pioneer life in this region, and well remembers, when only four years old, of seeing her husband, then a flaxen-haired boy, who had been sent to her home for some onions. Her mother lifted her into a tree gum to pick up the onions, and as she looked up at the white-haired boy it made an impression upon her mind that has always been fresh. The question that comes to the mind of the writer is, Has Cu- pid's arrow been rankling these many years, while the romance of life and love is still preserved in them? They are widely and favorably known, and it is safe to say that ii' ) ci inple in their community has a larger circle of friends. CHARLES L. KATZENBERGER. The sturdy German element in our na- tional commonwealth has been one of the most important in furthering the substantial and moral advancement of the country, for this is an element signally appreciative of practical values and also of the higher in- tellectuality which transcends all provincial confines. Well may any person take pride in tracing his lineage to such a source. Of the Teutonic race Charles L. Katzenberger is descended and in his life displays many of the sterling qualities characteristic of that people. While taking no part in public af- fairs as to officeholding, he has vet exerted a wide influence on public opinion, bavins: ever been active in the support of all meas- ures which he believes will contribute to the general good. He has long been a potent element in the mercantile circles of the city, and is a man whose sterling qualities of character have gained for him the admira- tion and respect of all with whom he has assi iciated. Mr. Katzenberger was born at Rastadt, in the grand duchy of Baden, March 14, 1834. His native city is an old historic place which had its foundation in the middle ages. It is surrounded by high walls with outer moats, and as a fort is considered of great strategic value, being near the Rhine. Ras- tadt is memorable for an important treaty of peace completed there in 171 4. when the war of the Spanish succession was ended. For many years it was the residence of the mark-grafs, or marquises, of Baden Baden, during which time Mr. Katzenberger's an- cestors, as butchers, were purveyi irs to the court Joseph C. Katzenberger, the father of our subject, was born at Rastadt, August 27, 1788, and died December i_\ 1852; while his wife, Margaretha Becker, was born at Sulzbach, in the Black Forest mountains, in 1798, and reached the age of seventy- three years. Mr. Katzenberger of this re- view highly prizes a diploma received by his father from the guild of butchers, printed by pen in colors on parchment, announcing that the elder Katzenberger had finished his apprenticeship in 1806. The certificate of mastership granted in 1770. to his grand- father, Franz Jakob Katzenberger, who was 458 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. born in 1752 and died in 1830, is even more ornate. At the time of Charles L. Katzenberger's birth, his father had acquired a hotel prop- erty known as "Zum Goldenen Schwan ;" and as he was the youngest son among eleven children he early had to begin work to pro- vide fi ir his 1 mil maintenance. After spend- ing a few years in the public schools, he was apprenticed to a tanner at Offenburg and later continued learning his trade at Gerns- bach and Lorrach, being thus engaged until called home by the death of his father. His brother Frank had emigrated to America in 1847, and his brothers, Joseph and Anthonv, bad crossed the Atlantic, after having joined the forces of Sigel, Schurz and Hecker in the .unsuccessful attempt to establish a republic h: Baden, in 1848. Wishing to obtain a foothold in the new land of hope, Mr. Kat- zenberger secured passes through French territory and sailed from Havre, in May, 1854, crossing the Atlantic in sixty-three days on the vessel Carolus Magnus. Arriving in Greenville he was employed .as a salesman by his brother Anthony, who had, in connection with a Mr. Pretzinger, established a grocery in the Potter corner of the public square, July 27, 1853. After clerking until 1861, he entered into partner- ship with his brother Joseph in the brewing business, on Water street, where he toiled seven years, during which time he also traversed Darke and surrounding counties. After being engaged in the grocery business with Anthony Weitbrecht for three years, lie entered into a partnership with his brother Anthony in 1871, and at the death of the lat- ter, in 1894, he acquired the other half of the grocery by purchase, and has since con- ducted the business so long established. In March, 1863, he married Elizabeth Ashman, a daughter of the pioneer, Peter Ashman, born in 1S01, two children being the result of this union : Mary, who died in 1873, four years after her mother's death; and George A., whose biography is included in this work. After the death of his wife and daughter, Mr. Katzenberger lived in rooms adjoining the grocery with his brother and son for about thirty years. Bound to his native land by the ties of mother tongue and the memories of child- hood, he holds that a man who does not honor his native land will not be a worthy citizen of an adopted country. He returned to his native land for a visit in December, 1857, on the sailing clipper Dorothea, re- turning in the spring of 1859 on the steamer Vanderbilt. In June, 1868, accompanied by his sister, who had been here three years, he started for Paris and his native city, and re- turned, accompanied by his nephew, who had spent three years in Rastadt, during November, 1868. Accompanied by his son George, he started across the ocean for the sixth time April 19, 1877, on the steamer Suevia, bound for Hamburg via Cherbourg, and after a tour through Germany as far south as Lake Constance they started on the return trip on the Frisia, October 24, 1877. Again in July, 1890, they left for Bremen on the Werra, visited parts of Austria, Switzerland, Italy and Alsace, and returned en the Columbia in October and November, 1 89 1. Mr. Katzenberger is particular fond of tours afoot, and has roamed in the beauti- ful Black Forest mountains and in the Vos- ges. He has traveled extensively in this country also, more particularly in the forests of the northwestern states while on hunting tours with friends. In politics he has been a consistent Re- publican, although whenever any policy was GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 45$ proposed by his party which he did not deem to be the best for the present or future inter- ests of this country, he never hesitated to express his opinion definitely. He joined the order of Odd Fellows in 1857, was a charter member of Champion Lodge, No. 742, Encampment No. 90, and was raised to the degree of Master Mason in 1868. While careful and conservative, he has always favored projects that would benefit the city without involving unreasonable ex- pense and local indebtedness, and his con- tributions to prospective railroads, diggings for gas, and the like have been liberal. While not connected with any sectarian move- ments, he has respected the views of others and has given bountifully to hospitals, fra- ternal homes and aided needy poor in the matter of house rent and groceries. For the public benefit he has been a voluntary ob- server for the weather bureau of the United States department of agriculture, his rec- ords being accurately kept. With his brother Anthony he collected a room full of aich;eological specimens of all kinds, not only displaying them gratis but also endeav- oring to interest the public in matters his- torical. Among the German-Americans Mr. Katzenberger has stood in the foremost ranks because of his intelligence, honesty, affability and kindness. He has willingly given aid and counsel to all. His life is an object lesson of the success attending hard work and plain living. DANIEL CAUPP. Daniel Caupp, who owns and operates a valuable farm on section 23, Mississinawa township, was born in Ross county, Ohio, on the 10th of August, 1844, and is of Ger- man lineage. His father, Frederick, Caupp. was a native of Stuttgart, Germany, born in 1808, and about 1824, when sixteen years of age, he crossed the Atlantic to the new world. He wedded Barbara Zim- merman, also a native of Germany, and they took up their abode on a farm of forty acres in Ross county, Ohio, where most of their children were born. There were six children by the first marriage : John," who enlisted for the service in the Fortieth Ohio Infantry during the civil war and died of typhoid fever while in service, his remains being interred at Plain City, Ohio; Susan, the wife of Andrew Horlocker; Daniel, of this review ; David, who died at the age of twenty years, of typhoid fever; Frederick, who died of the same disease and about the same time ; and Gottleib, a farmer residing near the old homestead. The par- ents of this family started out in life in lim- ited circumstances, but their united efforts enabled them to work their way steadily up- ward until they became the owners of a val- uable farm of ninety acres. The father died about 1880, at the age of sixty-five years, and was laid to rest in Pleasant Ridge cem- eterv. but the mother still survives him. Mr. Caupp, of this review, pursued his education in the district schools and remained upon the home farm through the period of his boyhood and youth. Mo event of special importance occurred during that time, yet his was a busy existence, his time being de- voted to the labors of the fields through the summer months and the mastery of the com- 111 m English branches of learning during the winter season. He was married ( )cfc iber 12, [873, to Louisa Beal, of this county.a daugh- ter of Isaac and Mary (Miller) Heal. Their union has been blessed with thirteen child of whom ten are living, as f< >11< >w s : Lemuel S. who assists in the operation of the h 400 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. farm: David, who is married and lives on a farm in this locality; William: Myrtle, the wife of George Thomas, of Mississinawa township, by whom she has one son: Daniel N., Earl, Florence Iva, Ira and Mabel. Mr. Caupp votes with the Democracy and keeps well informed on the issues of the •day, but has never sought or desired office. He carries on general farming and recently has devoted eight or ten acres to the cultiva- tion of tobacco. His sixty-acre farm was a part of his father's homestead and bis rich and fertile tract is under a high state of cul- tivation. He believes it is best to keep his I) land in good condition and to follow progres- sive methods of farming. He has upon his place a large, fine, frame residence, which be erected in 1858, and near by stand a commo- dious barn and other outbuildings, provid- ing ample shelter for the grain and stock. He has planted many fruit and shade trees around bis place, which add much to the comfort and beauty of his rural home. His work has been carried on so systematically and carefully that he is to-day the possessor of a comfortable competence and is regarded as one of the representative citizens of his community — which fact entitles him to men- tion in the history of Darke county. WILLIAM K. KERLIN. History and biography for the must part record the lives of those only who have at- tained military, political or literary distinc- tion, or who in any other career have passed through extraordinary vicissitudes of for- tune. The unostentatious routine of private life, although in the aggregate more import- ant to the welfare of the community, cannot from its nature figure in the public annals. But the names of men who have distin- guished themselves in their day and genera- tion for the possession, in an eminent degree, of those qualities of character which mainly contribute to the success of private life and to the public stability of men who without dazzling talents have been exemplary in all their personal and social relations, and en- joyed the esteem, respect and confidence of tin ise around them, ought not to be allowed to perish. Their example is more valuable to the majority of readers than that of illus- trious heroes, statesmen or writers. Few can draw rules for their own guidance from the pages of Plutarch, but all are benefited by the delineation of those traits of character which find scope and exercise in the common walks of life. Among the individuals of this class in the state of Ohio none are better entitled to rep- resentation in this work than the subject of this sketch. Hs record is the account of a life, uneventful indeed as far as stirring in- cident of startling adventure is concerned, yet distinguished by the most substantial qualities of character. His life history ex- hibits a long and virtuous career of private industry, performed with moderation and crowned with success. It is the record of a well-balanced mental and moral constitu- tion strongly marked by those traits 1 >f char- acter which are of especial value in such a state of society as exists in this country. A community depends upon business activity, its welfare is due to this, and the promoters of legitimate and extensive business enter- prises may well be termed its benefactors. William K. Kerlin was long prominent in agricultural and financial circles of Darke Ci unity, but is now living retired in Green- ville, having recently resigned the presidency of the Second National Bank. He was born in Wavne county, Indiana, March 2, GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 401 1832, and is a son of Elijah and Malinda ( Sands) Kerlin, both natives of Washington county, Tennessee. The paternal grandfa- ther was William Kerlin, a native of Norfolk, Virginia, who loyally served his country as a soldier in the war of the Revolution. He married Miss Elizabeth lies, who was born in Scotland and during her girlhood emi- grated to America. Her father fought under General Jackson at the battle of New Orleans and located in the south, but after- ward made his way northward to Winches- ter, Pennsylvania. John Kerlin, the great- grandfather of our subject, came from the north of Ireland to the new world, one hun- dred and fifty years ago ; and on the maternal side our subject is descended from one of the old families of Tennessee, his grandfather being Jacob Sands, a native of that state. His wife, however, was born in North Carolina, and bore the maiden name of Elizabeth Brown. Elijah Kerlin, the father of our subject, was born in Washington county, Tennessee, in 1809, and his wife's birth oc- curred there in 1808. Leaving the state of their nativity they emigrated to Indiana, in 183 1, locating in Wayne county, where Mrs. Kerlin died in September, 1879. William K. Kerlin, whose name intro- duces this record, was reared in the usual manner of farmer lads, early becoming an active participant in the work of field and meadow. The district schools afforded him his preliminary education, which was later supplemented by study in a select school at Richmond. Indiana. , On putting aside his text-books he returned to the farm and for a time assisted in its cultivation through the summer months, while in the winter season he engaged in teaching school. In 1853 lie was married to Miss Hannah Jeffris, of Wayne county, Indiana, and a daughter of Isaac and Eliza Jeffris. of that county. The parents, however, were natives of Chester county, Pennsylvania. After his marriage Mr. Kerlin located on a farm in Wayne county. Indiana, where he carried on general agricultural pursuits until he was thirty-eight years of age. In 1865 he moved from that county to Harrison town- ship, Darke county, where he continued farm- ing until 1870, when he took up his abode in Greenville. While residing in Harrison township he was elected justice of the peace and was also appointed deputy treasurer, fill- ing the latter position for four years. In 1874 he was elected county treasurer for the regular term of two years and being re- elected served in that position for four con- secutive years, proving a most capable and reliable official. On the expiration of his second term, he gave his attention to live stock dealing and also engaged in loaning money. This proved an introductory work to the banking business and in 1883 he be- came the leading organizer and principal stockholder of the Second National Bank of Greenville. Upon its organization he was chosen its president, which responsible posi- tii hi he filled until January, 1900, when he re- signed on account of failing health. The success of the institution was due in a large measure to his efforts his known reliability, conservative methods and honorable dealing, which have secured a liberal patronage. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Kerlin have been born eleven children, ten of whom reached years of maturity, namely, four daughters and six sons, as follows: Anna E., the wife of Professor Seitz; Emma; Mary W., the wife of D. W. Bowman; Carrie, the wife of Melville Hunt, a clothing merchant in Green- ville; Oscar, who is engaged in the practice of dentistry: John D., a physician of Green- 462 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. ville; William L., an undertaker at Fort Wayne, Indiana ; Edward J., who is in a freight office in Indianapolis, Indiana ; James R., a telegraph operator at Columbus, Ohio; and Leo E., a law student in Cincinnati. Mr. Keiiin has a good farm of eighty- four acres and also owns considerable city property, including his fine brick residence on West Fourth street. In his political views he is a gold Democrat. In seeking for the causes of his success we find them not so much in their rarity as in their harmonious union, and they may be briefly summed up by saving that he has the tastes of a scholar, the manners of a gentleman and the habits of a man of business, — a combination of qualities that are bound to produce the high- est results. It is no very rare thing for a poor boy in our country to become a pros- perous man and occupy a commanding posi- tion in the business world, but many who have fought their way from poverty to wealth, from obscurity to prominence, retain some marks and scars of the conflict. They are apt to be narrow and grasping, even if not unscrupulous. Mr. Kerlin, however, is an instance of a man who has achieved suc- cess without paying the price at which it is so often bought, for his prosperity has not removed him farther from his fellow men. but has brought him into nearer and more intimate relations to them. The more means he has had, the more he has done for those around him, and numbered among Green- ville's most honored citizens is William K. Keiiin. JOHN E. BREADEN, Sr. Among the retired farmers residing in Greenville is John E. Breaden, who is en- joying a rest which he has truly earned and richly deserves. He has won prominence through honorable business methods, close application, unflagging energy and keen dis- crimination, steadily working his way up- ward until he now occupies a position of affluence. His career has indeed been straightforward and honorable, winning him. the respect, confidence and good will of his fellowmen and his example is one well worthy of emulation. Mr. Breaden is one of Ohio's native sons, his birth having occurred on the 19th of June, 1828, on a farm near Glendale, a small village in Hamilton county, Ohio. His fa- ther, Dr. Jeremiah Breaden, was born on the Emerald Isle, but in early life came to the new world and was married in New Jersey. Flis wife bore the maiden name of Epenetus Sorter, and was a daughter of Thomas Sorter, a native of New Jersey. With her husband she came to Ohio and they took up their abode upon a farm near Glendale, where they spent the greater part of their lives, Mrs. Breaden dying in Springdale, this state. John E. Breaden, whose name introduces this review, enjoyed such educational priv- ileges as were afforded in the common .schools of Hamilton county, his tutor being Professor Ferman, a most earnest and able educator. On leaving school he entered a drug store belonging to his brother, Will- iam, in Hamilton, where he learned the druggist's business, continuing his connec- tion with that enterprise for three years. In 1850 he came to Greenville, purchased the drug store and stock of J. F. Howell and succeeding to the business he conducted his store there for three years, after which he sold out and removed to Brown township, Darke c< unity, locating on a farm which he made his home for two years. He then re- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 463 turned to Greenville and became associated in business with John Hufnagle, his father- in-law, conducting a general mercantile es- tablishment until 1865. Once more Mr. Breaden disposed of his mercantile interests in this city and resumed agricultural pur- suits, locating in Richland township, where he engaged in diversified farming. Through a period of nineteen years he devoted his time and energies to the cultivation of field and meadow and to the raising of stock. That period of his life was one of marked in- dustry, guided by sound judgment and char- acterized by careful management, and thus he yearly augmented his capital until he found himself in the possession of a hand- some competence. When almost two dec- ades had passed he removed from his farm to Greenville, Ohio. His place comprised three hundred and fifty acres of rich and arable land, which was under a high state of cultivation. In addition he raised stock in considerable number, including cattle, hogs and sheep, all of a high grade. He raised sheep for both wool and mutton and his stock brought to him a good income. After his last retro >val to Greenville he retired from active business, yet superintended his investments. On the 29th of May, 1S51, Mr. Breaden was married to Miss Anjumila Hufnagle, who was born in Dauphin county, Penn- sylvania, on the 19th of May. 1832, avd is a daughter of John Hufnagle, deceased, who was the president of the Greenville Bank and for many years a leading merchant of the city. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Breaden have been born three children: John Edward, who was born July 28, 1852. was graduated at Chickering Institute, in Cincinnati, with the class of 1873, subsequently read law in the office of the firm of Calderwood & Cole, in Greenville, was admitted to the Darke 28 county bar in 1876 and died June 9, 1897, respected by all who knew him ; Marie Eva, born February 8, 1854, and died in infancy; and Lillian Vincincia, born December 30, [861, who was educated at St. Mary's of the Springs Convent near Columbus, Ohio, and afterward became the wife of Frank T. Conkling, who is one of the enterprising- citizens of Greenville and the capable cashier of the Greenville Bank. They have one son, Pierson Breaden, born June 19, 1887. Mr. Breaden still owns his fine farm in Richland township and rents it to tenants of whom he requires that it shall be kept in a high state of cultivation. In 1899 ne be- gan the erection of one of the finest resi- dences in Darke county, probably unsur- passed by any home in this locality. It is located on North Broadway and is built of stone and brick in a late and beautiful archi- tectural design ; its exterior appearance and internal adornment, together with its splen- did modern improvements, makes it an orna- ment to the city and reflects credit upon the owner. It stands as a monument to his thrift and enterprise in former years and is a fitting abode for one who has led such an active, useful and honorable life, that he may therein spend his last years in quiet re- tirement. Mr. Breaden is a citizen of sterling worth, commanding the esteem of all with whom he has been brought in con- tact and without any special advantages of education in his youth he has advanced steadily upward step by step to a prominent place among the substantial representatives of Darke county. JOHN D. KERLIX, M. D. Careful preparation for the practice medicine and surgery, together with close attention to the duties of his profession, has 464 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. gained for Dr. Kerlin an enviable place in the ranks of the medical fraternity of Darke county, and the record of his life can- not fail to prove of interest to many of our readers, for he is widely and favorably known not only in Greenville, where he makes his home, but also throughout much of the surrounding country. He was born at Whitewater. Wayne county. Indiana, Feb- ruary 2j, 1865, and is the second son of W. K. and Hannah (Jeffries) Kerlin. His boyhood days were passed in the county of Lis nativity, and with his parents he removed to Darke county, living for a time upon a farm, after which the family took up their abode in Greenville. Here he enjoyed the educational advantages afforded by the pub- lic schools, completing the high school course by graduation in the class of 1882. De- termining to devote his life to professional labors, he soon afterward began reading medicine in the office and under the direc- tion of Dr. L. S. Kelsey, of Richmond, In- diana, a noted surgeon of that place. Sub- sequently he entered the Medical College of Ohio, at Cincinnati, and, mastering the regu- larly prescribed course in that institution, was graduated in 1886, with high honors. He won the special prize offered by the col- lege, which was a hospital appointment to the Good Samaritan Hospital, and there he served for one year, supplementing his the- oretical knowledge by practical and varied experience. On the expiration of that period Dr. Kerlin located in Stelvideo, Darke county, Ohio, where he remained for six years, and in the fall of 1893 he came to Greenville, where he has since conducted a general prac- tice, giving special attention to surgery, gaining from his faithful performance of each ''.ay's duties strength and inspiration for the labors of the following day. He keeps in close touch with the progress made by the profession through his perusal of medical journals, and carries his investiga- tions far and wide into the realms of med- ical science and research. In 1893 the Doctor was united in mar- riage with Miss Minnie Martin, a daughter of Eli and Harriet (Trump ) Martin. They have a pleasant home in Greenville and a large circle of friends, and the hospitality of many of the best homes in the city is ex- tended to them. The Doctor is now serv- ing as the health officer of Greenville. Si - cially he is connected with Greenville Lodge, F. & A. M. ; Greenville Chapter. R. A. M. : the I. O. O. F. ; Independent Order of Red Men, and Knights of Pythias, and he finds ample opportunity along professional lines to exemplify the beneficent and helpful prin- ciples which underlie these orders. PETER ARMSTRONG. It is with pleasure that the publishers of this volume are able to present the life his- b iry of the gentleman whose name appears above and to note the success which he has achieved and the honorable methods he has followed in winning prosperity. His life has been in exemplification of what ma}' be accomplished by determined purpose and un- faltering energy, and in many respects his history is well worthy of emulation. Un- deterred by the difficulties and obstacles in his path he has advanced steadily step by- step until he is now found upon the plain of affluence, enjoying the comforts and ad- vantages which have come to him as the re- ward of his well directed labors. The Armstrong family, of which he is a representative, is of sturdv Scotch origin. GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 405 James Armstrong, the grandfather, was a native of Scotland and emigrated to this country soon after the struggle in which our forefathers secured national independence. He settled in Washington county, Pennsyl- vania, which at that time was an almost un- broken wilderness, and in years of toil cleared a farm, upon which he reared his family and spent his remaining days, an honored and respected citizen of this com- munity. It was upon that farm that John Armstrong first opened his eyes to the light cf day, in the year 1793. There he remained until 1818, assisting his father in the work of cultivating and improving the land, ami attended the district schools of the neigh- borhood. In the year mentioned he determined to try his fortune in the more recently devel- oped section of the country, and after a long and tiresome journey through a wild region he arrived in Darke county, Ohio, finding a mere hamlet where now stands the beautiful and thriving city of Greenville. There he sought and found employment at his trade of carpentering, which he had learned in the east. Later he also engaged in the manufacture of brick, carrying on that pursuit in connection with contracting and building for a period of three years. He then disposed of his village interests and en- gaged in farming in Greenville township, but in a short time he again returned to Greenville, where he lived for about two years. In 1833 he purchased eighty acres of land in Jackson township. At that early day the country was covered with heavy forests and it was necessary for this hardy pioneer to cut his own road through the woods, a distance of three miles, in order to reach his land. Such obstacles as these, however, did not discourage him and serve now to illustrate the sterling character and resolute purpose of the pioneers. What would now seem to lie insurmountable ob- stacles seemed but to serve as the impetus for renewed effort on the part of those early settlers, who in the midst of the for- est hewed out their homesteads. Upon his eighty acres of land Mr. Armstrong made a small clearing and erected a log cabin in which he lived until 1856, when a frame house was built. It is still standing, and in this more modern abode the father passed away July 15, 1864. He was one of the most prominent men in Darke county, who not only ably performed the work of his farm, but also found time to devote to public duties. He was a man of strong mentality and excellent education. Soon after his arrival in Darke county he took up the study of law, which well quali- fied him to discharge the duties of justice of the peace, to which office he was elected. He was afterward chosen associate jud.°'e and for a period of six years served in that capacity, filling the position with marked ability and fidelity. On the expiration of his term he- was again elected justice and held that office up to the time of his death. He also took a prominent part in town- ship affairs and served his fellow townsmen in all its offices. In politics he was first a Whig and later a Republican. He was long a faithful and consistent member of the Christian church, contributing liberally to its support and doing all in his power to promote its wOrk, and during its early ex- istence its meetings were held at his home or in a beautiful grove on his land. Mr. Armstrong was twice married. He first wedded a Miss Vail, and by their union two children were born, one of whom. Mrs. Fanny Douglass, a resident of Jackson 46(5 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. township, is still living. For his second wife the father chose Miss Elston, a daugh- ter of Levi and Elizabeth El.ston. She was born in New Jersey and came to Washing- ton township with her people about 1820. Nine children were born of their union, eight of whom reached years of maturity : Thomas, now deceased; Peter, whose name intro- duces this record; Sarah, deceased; Hugh, who resides in German township; Eliza- beth, who married Silas Hart and is living in Darke count}- : John, who met death upon the battlefield March 26, 1865; Mary Jane, widow of Daniel. Dowler and a resident of Washington township; and Catherine, wife of Augustus Stoner, who resides on the old Armstrong homestead in Jackson township. The mother of these children survived her husband several years, passing away in April. 1884, and thus the lives of two of Darke county's honored pioneer people were ended, but the} - left behind them the priceless heritage of a good name and the memory of m ible deeds. Peter Armstrong was bom i n Green- ville township. November 21, 1831, and his early life was spent in the usual manner of farmer lads of that period. He pursued his education" in the district school when it was in session and worked upon the home farm 1 hiring the summer months. He remained with his parents until he had reached the age of sixteen years, when he began to earn his own livelihood by work in a saw-mill in Jackson township. He was there employed for nearly six years, and on the expiration of that period was married. In August, 1854. he leased some land in Washington township, living there for a year and a half, and in 1856 he purchased eighty acres — a portion of his present farm — which com- prises one hundred and thirty-one acres. The place was but partially cleared and some- what improved, a log house having been built. This was his home for some years, but as time passed he was enabled to add all the comforts of civilization, and to-day he is recognized as one of the leading, in- fluential and prosperous agriculturists of Darke county. Where once stood the forest trees in their primeval strength are now seen beautiful fields under a high state of culti- \ation, and the primitive log cabin, witli its mud-and-stick chimney, has long since been replaced by a modern and commodious residence. Good barns and other outbuild- ings provide shelter for grain and stock, and the owner for some years has been ex- tensively engaged in stock dealing. His life has been one of marked industry and great labor has been required to accomplish the changes which have been made, but his marked enterprise was one of his leading characteristics and has brought to him well merited success. The lady who has been to Mr. Arm- strong a faithful companion and helpmate on life's journey for nearly a half century was in her maidenhood Miss Catherine Henning, daughter of Jacob and Barbara Henning. Her people came to Darke coun- ty from Montgomery count} - , locating in the southeast corner of Washington township. They had five children, of whom Mrs. Arm- strong is the second. The father died in io'4i and the mother in 1881. The mar- riage of Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong occurred July 25, 1854, and has been blessed with lour children: David, a locomotive engineer on the Big Four Railroad, now residing in East St. Louis; Sarah J., the deceased wife of Andrew Bickel; Hugh S. : and Mary, the wife of William Oukst. who is living on the homestead farm. GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 467 Mr. Armstrong gave his political sup- port in early life to the Whig party and on its dissolution joined the Republican ranks. His first ballot was cast for General Winfield Scott for the presidency. He has always taken an active interest in township affairs, having served as assessor for five years, as treasurer for five years, as trustee for two years and as constable. He has also been a member of the board of education for fifteen years and has ever discharged his duties with marked promptness and fidelity. Both he and his wife are consistent members of the German Baptist church. They have now reached the evening of life, and their many friends join in the wish that they may live to celebrate their fiftieth wedding anniver- sary. They have ever been people of re- liability, honesty and worth and enjoy the respect of all with whom they have been associated. JOHN E. BREADEX, Jr. By Judge H. M. Cole. In the death of John Edward Breaden, Jr., Greenville and Darke county lost a citi- zen whom it had learned to respect and honor. At the funeral services Judge Henry M. Cole pronounced the following- eulogy upon his fellow member of the bar: "John Edward Breaden, Jr., was born in Greenville, Ohio, July 28, 1852, and was partly educated in the schools of our city and finished his educational course at Chick- ering Institute in Cincinnati, Ohio, at which institution he graduated in 1873. Soon after that he entered the law office of Calderwood & Cole, of which firm I was the junior mem- ber, and commenced the study of law. con- tinuing there until he was admitted to the bar in 1876. He soon afterward formed a partnership with Judge Clark and entered upon the active practice of his profession, which business relation continued for more than three years. He afterward formed a partnership with his former preceptor, Judge Calderwood, with whom he continued to practice his profession until Judge Calder- wood's death, June 9, 1891. From that time up until his last sickness, he continued in the active practice of his profession alone. "The deceased was kind and respectful in his intercourse with all who came in con- tact with him. As a student he was indus- trious and possessed a broad and compre- hensive mind, and when he was admitted to the bar he was well equipped to commence the following- of his chosen profession. By prompt business habits and courteous treat- ment of his clients and friends he soon ac- quired a practice of which any young lawyer might well be proud, and in a few years be- came eminently successful and prominent in his profession. By his association with his former tutor, Judge Calderwood, who was then especially prominent as a criminal law- yer, he seemed to imbibe his taste for crim- inal practice, and long before his death he had become one of the most prominent crim- inal lawyers in this county, and his reputa- tion as such extended even far beyond the limits of his own county. "In the pursuit of his calling and in his intercourse with his fellow members of the bar, he was respectful, kind and courteous and possessed without exception their respect and esteem. He was industrious and his cases were well prepared. lie was an able and eloquent advocate, ever zealous in pre- senting the cause of his client in both civil and criminal cases, and if they failed of suc- cess it was not the fault of their counsel, but the fault of their cause: in short, we 408 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. may truthfully say that at. and for a long time before, his untimely end, he stood in the front rank of his profession. The earnest- ness and zeal he manifested for his clients, the energy and ability with which he pre- sented their claims and advocated their causes before a court or jury, won for him the confidence of those who had sought his services, and by a course of fair dealing and generous treatment he retained their friend- ship, their confidence and their business. "He was modest in his intercourse with others and careful not to wound the feelings of any. Many of us have been associated with him in the preparation and trial of c;:>es and we always found in him an agree- able associate, ever willing' to make a valu- able suggestion and ever able to render valu- able assistance; and when a few years ago he was engaged with a number of us in im- portant criminal cases, involving days of labor, in our consultations I always listened anxiously for his suggestions and advice; J believe that all of us did; for he scarcelv made a suggestion but that it was concurred in and adopted by his co-counsel. I then be- came most favorably impressed with his abilities as a lawyer. Honorable in his dealings with all. straightforward in his course through life, he won a reputation worthy of imitation, not only by the young man who is just beginning his career in life. but by those of us who are older and vet to live after him. ''We have all heard his eloquent and en- ergetic appeals in our worldly courts in the behalf of the cause of his many clients. We have seen him defend and contend for their rights with a zeal and in a manner that could but excite the admiration of all, and that won for him the reputation of an able ad- vocate and jurist. Yet to-day that voice so often listened to by us, so eloquently and ably advocating the causes of his clients,. is hushed forever — forever hushed in death. Those eloquent appeals to earthly courts and earthly juries will be heard no more, that fa- miliar voice will never again reverberate throughout our halls of justice. His life is ended. His history has begun and ceased. He who was so intimately connected with us has passed from life into eternity. "Our associations, which have for many years been so intimate, are forever ended. At the time of his death he was a member of the Ohio state board of pardons, to which position he was appointed by Gov- ernor Bushnell. who- held him in high es- teem, and who in his own language said of him, 'He was an honest man ami a good officer.' "This is the fifth time within the past year that we have been called upon to per- form this sad duty ; to pay our last respects to a deceased member of our profession. These recurring events remind us not only of our duties to ourselves, but to our fellow men. and that there is an end to all earthly tilings. It reminds me that almost all of those who were practicing at the bar of this county when I entered upon the stage of pro- fessional life, which seems but a short time ago, have passed from time into eternity, and that to-day I am attending the last sad funeral rites of one who was my student, long after I had entered upon the stern duties of life. By his death a bright and shining light has gone out. By it we are reminded of the uncertainties of this life and the un- certainty of all that is mortal. His manly form, which has until so lately moved among us and with us, is forever laid low in death, and will soon return to mother earth. The high esteem in which he was held by the GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 409 members of the Greenville bar, who knew him best, are fully expressed in the resolu- tions just read. These resolutions were adopted unanimously and sincerely as evi- denced by the trembling voices of those who spoke at the meeting of our bar this after- noon. His memory will ever be held in high esteem among us all. We, as his friends and associates, now bid him a final and eter- nal farewell on earth." HUGH L. ARMSTRONG. The Armstrong family is so well known in Darke county that this representative of the name needs no special introduction to the readers of this volume. His entire life has been passed within the borders of the county and he is classified among the reliable and progressive business men. He was born on the old home farm, June 15, i860, and is a son of Peter Armstrong, a worthy pioneer, who is represented elsewhere in this volume. It was his ambition to become a lawyer, but this desire met with the objection of his parents and his attention was therefore given to farming and kindred interests. His edu- cation was pursued in the district schools, which he attended through the winter months until he had attained the age of nine- teen years. Through the summer season he assisted in the farm work, from the time of the early spring planting until the crops were harvested in the autumn. When he was seventeen years of age he joined his brother, Davis, in the purchase and opera- tion of the first traction engine ever used in that county. They continued business in that line until April, 1885, when Hugh Arm- strong became associated with the firm of Gaar, Scott & Company, of Richmond, In- diana, one of the most extensive manufactur- ing houses turning out threshing and milling machinery in the world. Mr. Armstrong began with them as local agent and so con- tinued until 1889, when he went upon the road as traveling agent, representing the firm in western Ohio. He was thus em- ployed until 1892, when he was appointed to the position of general agent and now has control of twenty counties in the western part of this state and eight ci 'initio in eastern In- diana. He has full charge of all their goods in this territory and the position is a lucra- tive one, owing to the extensive sales made in this region. Mr. Armstrong maintains his headquarters at Hillgrove, and in addi- tion to the general agency he carries 1 m farming. On his land in Washington town- ship he has a large machine repair shop, where he is prepared to repair all machines of which he is the agent. On the 1st of September, 1881, Mr. Arm- strong was married to Miss Elizabeth By- ram, a daughter of James and Elizabeth Byram, now residents of Dayton, but for- merly of Hillgrove. Their union has been blessed with three children — Jennie. Clara B. and John E. — and the family circle yet remains unbroken by the hand of death. Mr. Armstrong exercises his right of fran- chise in support of the men and measures of the Republican party and keeps well in- fi irmed on the issues of the day, but has never sought or desired office for himself. He is a member of the Masonic lodge in Greenville, in which he has attained the Master Mason degree. A man of good business ability, he is sagacious and tar- sighted in his undertakings and at all times reliable and trustworthy. Me is well known in commercial circles in western Ohio and enjoys the high regard of all with whom he lias been brought in contact. In manner 470 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. he is genial and courteous and his many excellent qualities have made him a very popular citizen in his native county. GEORGE W. SIGAFOOS. On the roster of the county officers of Darke county appears the name of George W. Sigafoos, who is holding the position O- auditor, and in the discharge of his duties is manifesting a loyalty and ability that has gained for him uniform commendation. He was born in Miami county, Ohio, June 8, 1856, a son of James and Margaret ( Bitner) Sigafoos. His paternal grandfather, Fred- erick Sigafoos, was one of the pioneers of Holmes county. Ohio, and the great-grand- father of our subject was a native of Scot- land. James Sigafoos was born in Holmes county, January 19, 1821, and spent his en- tire life in the Buckeye state. Having ar- rived at years of maturity he married Miss Bitner, who was born in the city of Phila- delphia. Pennsylvania, January 21, 1823, and was a daughter of Tobias Bitner. George \Y. Sigafoos, whose name intro- duces this record, spent the first twelve years of his life in Miami county. Ohio, and pur- sued his education in its public schools. Later he resided in Iowa, Missouri and other western states, enjoying such educa- tional privileges 'as were afforded by the common-school systems of the localities with which he was identified. In 1874 he re- turned to Gordon, Darke county, Ohio, where he engaged in school teaching, follow- ing that profession through eight winters. On the expiration of that period he engaged in the manufacture of drain tile at Bradford, Darke county, for three years, conducting a successful enterprise. He was then ap- pointed postmaster of Bradford and filled that position for two years. He has since continued in the public service and is a most reliable and competent official. In 1889 he was appointed deputy auditor under Louis C. Klipstine, acting in that capacity for six years. In the fall of 1894 he was nominated on the Democratic ticket as their candidate fi >r county auditor, being elected by a hand- some majority for a term of three years. He filled that position so acceptably that in the fall of 1898 he was re-elected, so that his service in that office will cover a period of six years. He thoroughly understands the du- ties of the position, both in principle and de- tail, and is prompt, accurate and reliable in their discharge. In September, 1880, Mr. Sigafoos was married to Miss Catherine Routzong, of Bradford, Darke county, a daughter of Sol- omon and Susan (Kendall) Routzong. They now have one interesting son, Robert S., who was born February 24. 1891. In the fall of 1899 Mr. Sigafoos made the race for auditor of state on the Demo- cratic ticket and won a large vote, but Ohio went Republican that year. He began teach- ing in his seventeenth year and since that tune has depended solely upon his own ef- fort. During the years of his active con- nection with the profession he was regarded as one of the most capable educators in that locality. Clearly defined purpose and con- secutive effort in the affairs of life have se- cured his advancement and made him one of the highly esteemed residents of his adopt- ed county. JACOB B. YOUXG. Certain qualities are indispensable to the successful conduct of a hotel. Not only must the host be a man of excellent business and GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 471 executive ability, enterprising and progres- sive, but he must also possess a genial dis- position and a cordial nature, which will lead to a sincere interest in his guests and prompt him to labor earnestly to promote their welfare and comfort. Upon such qualities depends his prosperity and in none of these regards is Air. Young lacking. Since 1897 he has been engaged in the hotel busi- ness in Pittsburg, and has become widely and favorably known to the traveling pub- lic, his genuine worth winning him the warm regard of all with whom he has come in con- tact. He is of German lineage, his grandfa- ther, Daniel Young, having been a native of Germany, whence he came to America when six years of age, in company with his parents. They landed at Philadelphia and he was reared in Berks county, Pennsylvania. Later he was engaged in farming there and was a resident of that county till his death. Kis son, Daniel Young, the father of our subject, was born in Berks county, was edu- cated in the common schools and was reared upon the old homestead. He became a farmer and butcher and died at the age of fifty-six years. He was twice married and by the first union had one child, Lavina, who died unmarried. After the death of his first wife he wedded Mary Berchle, a native of Berks county, Pennsylvania, who sur- vived her husband about twenty-six years and passed the eightieth milestone on life's journey. Albert Young, their eldest child, came to Ohio in 1855 and spent his remain- ing days in Montgomery county. He served for four years in the Sixty-ninth Ohio Cav- alry during the civil war and was a most loyal defender of the Union. Annie is now the wife of David Davidheiser, of Dayton. William, who served for four vears in the Sixty-ninth Ohio Cavalry and was sh.it through the arm and leg, is now living in the Soldiers' Home in Dayton. Jacob 1'.. is the next younger. George, who is living near Dayton, served for one hundred days as a defender of the Union. Sarah is the wife of John Moymer, of Montgomery coun- ty, Ohio. Daniel was a noted trapper and hunter, but has not been heard from for twenty-two years. Jacob B. Young, whose name begins this review, was born in Exeter, Berks coun- ty, Pennsylvania, September 26, 1838. He began work on the farm almost as soon as old enough to hold a pitchfork and since the age of twelve years has been entirely dependent upon his own efforts. He was at that time left fatherless and through the passing years his labors have brought to him the money which has supplied him with life's necessities and its comforts. He at first received only six dollars per month in compensation for his services. He remained for one year with Mr. Stoner, and at the expiration of that period was two hundred and fifty dollars in debt. He was an expert - farm hand, accomplishing more work than almost any other man of his neighborh 1. He mowed with a scythe with thirty-two other men in the field and had two swaths all day. He worked in the harvest field. with eighteen hands and received but fifty cents per day for his labor. The highest wages he ever obtained while residing in Pennsylvania was eleven dollars per month. In 1859 Mr. Young came to Ohio in company with his brother. George, and on reaching Dayton had but twenty dollars in his pocket. He began wi irk as a farm hand in that locality, receiving sixteen dollar.-, a month for his services. On the expiration of six months his aunt desired him to op- 472 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. erate her farm on the shares and when his employer learned of his decision to leave. he offered him twenty dollars a month. He, however, took charge of the farm of Mrs. John Stanffer. his aunt, remained thereon for two years, cultivating the land on the shares for eighteen months, during which time he became the owner of two good horses and a wagon. He then rented a large farm and sent for his mother and two sisters to join him in Ohio. This they did and to- gether they remained upon the rented farm for a year. Mr. Young was married, in 1863, to Miss Martha Kantner, and then located at Stringtown, Montgomery county, where he engaged in farming for a year. He after- ward spent five years on Mrs. Flory's farm, on the expiration of which period he re- moved to Dayton, where he engaged in team- irg. He was also engaged in raising to- bacco for five years, after which he again devoted his energies to farming for five years on two tracts of land. On the expira- tion of that period he came to Arcanum and rented a farm east of town, there car- rying on agricultural pursuits for nine years. Li the meantime he had purchased seventv- five acres of land in Monroe township and ai. the end of nine years took up his abode upon his property, making it his home for six years. In the spring of 1891. however, he purchased property in Pittsburg and opened a general store, which he conducted for eight years. Since 1897 he has been the proprietor of the Young Hotel. He is an enterprising business man and in the con- duct of the various interests with which he has been connected he has followed progres- sive methods and modern ideas, which have led to his advancement step by step until he has reached the plane of affluence. Mrs. Young was born May 11, 1844. i' 1 Jefferson township, Montgomery county, a daughter of William and Nancy (Carter) Kantner. Her father was a native of Lan- caster county, Pennsylvania, was educated in the common schools, was reared on a farm and when a younp man came to Ohio. He was married in Montgomery county and lo- cated on his farm in Jefferson township, where he spent his remaining days, his death occurring in 1864, when he had reached the age of fifty-eight years. His wife survived him until 1896. and passed away at the ad- vanced age of ninety-seven. They were members of the Reformed church and in politics Mr. Kantner was a stanch Demo- crat. Their children were Edward and Per- ry, now deceased; Mary, the wife of Abra- ham Toot, of Dayton ; Lizzie, the deceased wife of John Caylor ; Maria, the wife of George Anderson; and Mrs. Young. The mother of these children was born in Hagers- town, Maryland, and when a young lady came with her parents to Ohio, the journey being made in wagons. After six weeks spent upon the road they arrived in Mont- gomery county, where a location was made. Into Mr. and Mrs. Young have been born ten children: Charles, who married I>elle Eisenbarger and resides in Monroe township; William, who wedded Katie To- bias and is Living in Pittsburg; Cora, who married Allen Spiller and resides in Pitts- burg; Mollie, the wife of Charles Wolf, of Pittsburg; John, who wedded Louis Woods and is located in Missouri; Clinton, who married Blanche Fynn and resides in Idaho; Levi, who died at the age of four years; Joseph married Ethel Oakes. and Jessy and Ira, both at home. The fam- ily is widely and favorably known in Pitts- burg and in Darke county, and Mr. Young is GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 473 recognized as a public-spirited citizen, who manifests a deep and active interest in every- thing pertaining to the general welfare. He gives his political support to the Democracy, and while in Montgomery county he served in several township offices, discharging his duties with promptness and fidelity. He may truly be called a self-made man, for he started out in life empty-handed and has steadily worked his way upward, overcom- ing all difficulties and obstacles in his path by determined purpose. Thus he has ad- vanced and to-day he occupies a position among the substantial citizens of the com- munity. JOSEPH M. BICKEL. Joseph M. Bickel is now a well known and able practitioner at the Darke county bar and formerly served as probate judge. He maintains his residence in Greenville and has a large and distinctively representative patronage there. He was born upon a farm in Washington township, on the 2cl of 1 De- cember, 1852, and is of German lineage. The grandfather, Andrew Bickel, was a na- tive of Germany, whence he crossed the At- lantic to the new world. Tobias Bickel, the father of our subject, was born in Center county, Pennsylvania, May 6, 181 1, and in the same year was brought by his parents to the Buckeye state. In 1848 he became a resident of Darke county, locating in Wash- ington township, where he carried on gen- eral farming, becoming one of the thrifty agriculturists of his community. He was a Democrat in his political affiliation.'-, but never sought nor desired the honors and emoluments of public office. He married Miss Elizabeth Mc Adams, who was born in Clermont county, November ii. 1815. She is still living and occupies the old homestead in Washington township, but her late hus- band died May X. 1899, at the age of eighty- eight years. This worthy couple were the parents of eleven children, eight of whom — five sons and three daughters — reached ma- ture years, while three sons and three daugh- ters are yet living. Joseph M. Bickel, of this review, is the eight in order or birth in the family. He spent his early days upon the home farm, pursuing his education in the district schools of the neighborhood through the winter sea- son. At the time of early spring plowing and planting he took his place in the fields and assisted in their cultivation until after the crops were garnered in the autumn. Later he attended the normal school at Ada, Ohio, where he prepared for teaching. In his eighteenth year he had charge of his first school and for twelve years he con- tinued to follow that profession in Darke county. This was but a stepping stone to higher professional labors, however. He came to Greenville and read law in the office of Hon. David L. Meeker, being admitted to the bar in June, 1885. He began the practice of law in Greenville and soon after entered into partnership with lb m. M. T. Allen and Judge James I. Allread, which connection was continued until Mr. Allen's removal to California, when the firm name was changed to Allread & Bickel. That partnership was continued until the junior member was elected probate judge, in the fall of 1893, having been nominated on the Democratic ticket. He took charge of the office February 9, 1894. He was re- elected in 1896, his term of office expiring in February, 1000. J le proved a very com- petent and reliable official ami at the latter date left the position to be succeeded by 474 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. George A. Jobes. He then resumed the pri- vate practice of law in Greenville and has a large patronage whereby he is connected with much of the important litigation there in the courts of the district. In February, 1900, he entered into partnership with Guy C. 1 laker, under the firm name of Bickel & Baker, and they enjoy a liberal share of the public patronage. Mr. Bickel owns a good farm in Greenville township and also has valuable city property. On the 1st of October. 1883. was cele- brated the marriage of Mr. Bickel and Miss Mertie Clark, of Wood county. Ohio, a daughter of Silas and Mariah Clark! By their marriage were born two children: Lucile, born October 11. 1885, and Paul C, who was born September 30. 1887. Judsre Bickel is a member of Fort Black Lodge, No. 413, F. & A. M., at New Madison, Ohio. For four years he has served as a school ex- aminer by appointment, and he is recoo-nized as one of the most valuable citizens of Green- ville. As a lawver he possesses excellent ability, is a close and discriminating student and his devotion to his clients' interests in proverbial. He throws himself easily and naturally into the argument with a self-possession and de- liberation that indicates no straining after effect, but a precision and clearness is found in his statement, an accurateness and strength in his argument which speak a mind trained in the severest school of investiga- tion and to which the closest reasoning is habitual and easy. JESSE WOODS. Jesse Woods, deceased, was for many years prominently identified with the agri- cultural interests of German township, Darke county, Ohio, where his widow still owns a fine farm of one hundred and sixty acres, which she rents. He was born in Tyler county, Virginia, March 25, 1819, and was a son of James Woods, a native of London, England. The father was a silk weaver by trade, but for about twenty-two years fol- lowed the sea. He was married at the age of forty and died at the extreme old age of one hundred and two years, two months and twenty-six days. His death occurred at the home of our subject in German town- ship and at that time he was the oldest man in Darke county, where he located in 1821. Jesse Woods was about three years old when brought to this county by his parents and here be was reared to manhood. Throughout life he followed agricultural pursuits and continued to reside on the old homestead in German township, where he died September 3, 1896. He was widely and favorably known and at one time served as a county commissioner in a most credit- able and satisfactory manner. In his po- litical views he was a Democrat. January 19, 1844, Mr. Woods married Miss Anna Stephens, who was born in Ger- man township July 21. 1822, a daughter of David and Lydia (Wagner) Stephens, both natives of Pennsylvania, the former born in Washington county, the latter near Har- risburg. The father enlisted in the war of 1812 when about nineteen years of age, but had to run away to enter the army, as his parents were Dunkards and opposed to war. He was one of the boys employed in carry- ing provisions to the Kentuckians. As a young man he located in Preble count}-. Ohio, and after his marriage came to Darke coun- ty, making his home in German township throughout the remainder of his life. He died when past the age of eighty-eight years, GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 475. his wife at the age of seventy-five years. In his political views he was a Democrat. Mrs. Woods is the eldest in a family of ten children, seven sons and three daughters, but i mly four are now living. She has traveled extensively over the United States, visiting Washington, the centennial in 1876 and other places of interest, but is now liv- ing quietly at her pleasant home in Pales- tine, Darke county. She is well preserved for one of her age and is highly respected and esteemed by all who know her. Re- ligiously she is an earnest and consistent member of the Reformed church. To Mr. and Mrs. Woods were born thir- teen children three sons and ten daughters, namely : Jennie, now the wife of Dr. Squire Dickey, of German township, this county; Ella W.. the wife of Thomas J. Perry; Sarah the wife of Charles Harp; Levi, a resident of German township; Rebecca, the wife of John A. Lease, of Greenville; Ada, the wife of James Wilcox, of Palestine; Laura the wife of J. C. Turner, of Neave township; Milton, who died at the age of five years ; Malinda, who died at the age of four years ; Cordelia, who died at the age of three years; Louisa, who died at the age of nineteen years; James, who died in infancy; and Alice, who died at the age of two years. JAMES M. LANSDOWNE. No compendium such as the province of this work defines in its essential limitations will serve to offer fit memorial to the life and accomplishment of the honored subject of this memoir, a man remarkable in the breadth of his wisdom, in bis indomitable persever- ance, his strong individuality, and yet one w hose entire life had not one esoteric phase, being an open scroll, inviting the closest scrutiny. True, be accomplished much in life, and yet his entire accomplishments but represented the result of the fit utilization of the innate talent which was his, and the di- recting of his efforts along those lines where mature judgment and rare discrimination lead the way. He was indeed an important factor in the business and moral life of the community with which he was connected, and in his death Greenville and Darke county I' 'St one of its most valued citizens. James Moreton Lansdowne was a native of Clermont county, Ohio, bom on the 24th of December, 1840, his parents being Dr. Zachariah M. and Mary Gray (Hoover) Lansdowne. His father was a native of Kentucky, and in childhood removed to C iermont county, Ohio, where he was reared and married Miss Hoover, a native of that county. This worthy couple became the parents of eight children, James M. being the only son and second child. About the year 1S50 his parents took their family to Cincinnati, and in 1855 came to Greenville, where Mr. Lansdowne, of this review, made his home until his life's labors were ended. In the public schools he acquired his pre- liminary education, which was supplemented by one's years study in Antioch College ; but in 1864, when not yet eighteen years of age, lie put aside all personal considerations, and responded to his country's call for troops. Prompted by a spirit of patriotism, he en- listed as a member of the One Hundred and Fifty-second Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and served until the close of hostilities, taking part in the short but active engagements oi his regiment, and remaining faithfully at his post until the starry banner of the natii >n v, as planted in the capital of the southern federacy. After hi- return to ( heenville Mr 476 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. downe was connected with the business in- terests of the city in various clerical capaci- ties until 1869, when he accepted the posi- tion of cashier in the Greenville Exchange Eank, which position he acceptably filled un- til 1880, when the bank was closed. He ac- cepted a position with the Philadelphia Provident Life & Trust Company, which po- sition he held until the 27th of September, 1889, when he resigned in order to become the cashier of the Farmers' National Bank, in which capacity he served until his death. He contributed in no small measure to the success of both institutions* He possessed excellent business and executive ability, a discriminating mind, sound judgment and never-failing courtesy — qualities which se- cured to the banks many of their patrons. He was justly regarded as one of the ablest financiers and reliable men in western Ohio, and in business circles his reputation was un- assailable. In private life he was equally respected and honored, for he held friendship inviola- ble, was quick to note and appreciate true worth in the individual, and in his home he could not do too much to enhance the wel- fare and promote the happiness of his wife and children. On the 26th of September, 1876, in Greenville, Mr. Lansdowne was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth Knox, who was born in this city, December 21, 1851. She was educated in Cooper Seminary, in Day- ton, Ohio, and is the only daughter of John Riley Knox, a prominent lawyer of Green- ville, now deceased. She now resides with her mother, and the two ladies enjoy the warm regard of a large circle of friends in Darke county. Mrs. Lansdowne has three children — John Knox. Harry and Zachariah. As a citizen Mr. Lansdowne was public- spirited and progressive, and gave a gener- ous and earnest support to all measures which he believed would prove of public benefit. His judgment of such matters was practical and reliable, and his co-operation with any movement was an indication of its worth. For many years he was a leading and- active member of the Episcopal church, and a member of its vestry. For some years prior to his death his health grad- ually failed, and for a few months he was confined to his home by tuberculosis until the end came on the 30th of October, 1899. At a meeting of the board of directors of the Farmers' National Bank, held on the 1st of November, 1899^ the following resolu- tions were adopted : Whereas, Our honored associate, James M. Lansdowne, has passed away; be it Resolved, That by his death this board has lost a wise and attentive adviser and the community a trusted and public-spirited citi- zen. To us, as individuals, the loss is that of a companion and friend, and our sincere sympathy is extended to his widow and fam- ily in this affliction. Resolved, That these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the bank as a mark of our esteem and respect for his mem- ory, and as an expression of our apprecia- tion of his many years of valuable service as director and cashier of this bank, and that a copy hereof, signed by each member of this hoard, be presented to his widow, and that the Greenville papers be requested to publish the same. G. YV. Studabaker. William Kipp. Henry St. Clair. J. F. Henne. At a special meeting of the vestry of St. Paul's Episcopal church, of Greenville, Ohio, called together on October 31, 1899. to take suitable action in regard to the death of GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 477 our honored and beloved brother vestryman, James M. Lansdowne, upon motion a com- mittee was appointed to prepare suitable resolutions expressive of our loss. The committee reported as follows : Whereas, In the providence of God our dear friend, James M. Lansdowne, has been called home from the sphere of his earthly labors; Resolved, That we desire to express in this public way our appreciation of his worth and our sense of the loss which his death has brought to us. As a Christian he was loyal and sincere, ever responsive to duty's call and ready to answer the Master whom he followed. As a member of this vestry, his interest was shown by a self-sacrificing expenditure, of time and means and effort to promote the welfare of the church in our midst. As a citizen, in public and private, he made true manhood honored in his person. Resolved, That in the death of Mr. Lans- downe this church and this community alike have suffered a great loss. We extend our sincere sympathy to his family whose sor- row is our sorrow, and we rejoice with them in the name and example he has left behind. Resolved, That these resolutions be signed by every member of this body and spread up< in the minutes ; that a copy be sent to Mrs. Lansdowne and copies to our daily papers for publication. Charles H. Lee, Rector. H. A. Webb, John C. Turpex, Wardens. These resolutions indicate in unmistak- able terms Mr. Lansdowne's high position in the community, in business circles, in his church and in the private walks of life. The veil was lifted to gain the new glory of a true and beautiful life when death set the . seal upon his mortal lips. His was the faith that makes faithful. Any monument erected to his memory will have become dim and tar- nished by time ere the remembrance of his noble example shall cease to exercise an in- fluence upon the community in which he lived and labored to such eoodly end--. WILLIAM CALVIN MOTE. Numbered among the enterprising and energetic business men of German town- ship is the well-known assistant postmaster of Noggle, who is now successfully engaged in the grain business and in general mer- chandising. He was born n Laura, Miami county, Ohio, April 3, 1841, and on both sides is of good old English Quaker stuck. The Mote family was founded in this coun- try by two brothers, who first settled on Penn's reservation, but afterward moved to North Carolina. On account of the insti- tution of slavery then existing in the south the paternal grandparents of our subject, Joseph and Mary Mote, came from North Carolina to Ohio in 1805 and located on the banks of Stillwater river in Union town- ship, Miami county. Later they removed to Darke county and entered land in Van Buren township, the place being still known as the old Mote farm. Ezekiel Mote, our subject's father, was born in Union township, Miami county, in 1808, and there spent his entire life. He married Grace Vernon, also a native of that county. Her father, Nathaniel Vernon, was one of three brothers who came to this coun- trv from England when young men. He settled in Ohio and was the only one of the three to marry. To Ezekiel Mote and wife- were born seven children, three sons and four daughters, of whom one son died in infancy, and two daughters are now de- ceased. 478 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Of this family William C. Mote is the youngest. He was only four years old when his mother died and he was then reared by his grandmother Mote in Burlington, How- ard county, Indiana, until about ten years of age. Returning to Miami county, Ohio, he lived with a sister for a time, and was bound out for four years to work on a farm. At the age of eighteen he began life for himself by working as a farm hand by the month and was thus employed until his mar- riage. On the 25th of October, i860, Mr. Mote wedded Miss Rebecca Elleman, also a native of Miami county, where she was reared. Her parents were Enos and Margaret Elle- man, early settlers of Darke county, and the latter a daughter of David Ward, of this county. Of the seven children born to our subject and his wife only two are now liv- ing, namely: David L., who is in partner- ship with his father in the grain business, married Susie Jones, of Laura, Miami coun- tv. and they have two children, — William Clark and Charles Harvey; and Olive C. is the wife of Harvey Clemm, of Troy, Ohio, and thev have two children, — Merrill W. and Herbert. The other children of our subject all died young with the exception of Margaret, the wife of Lewis Hale, who died at the age of twenty-one years: After his marriage Mr. Mute located on a 'rented farm in his native county and worked for a man fur two bushels of corn per day, when corn was only worth sixteen cents per bushel, though when he contracted to work for that amount it was worth thirty- two cents. He continued to operate rented land until 1880, when he purchased a farm in Union township, Miami count}-, and in connection with his farming operations he followed carpentering and contracting for a time. In 1894 he came to Clark's Sta- tion, Darke county, and purchased a grain house and elevator, and the following sum- mer, when appointed assistant postmaster of that place, he established a general store there, which he has successfully carried on in connection with his grain business. He owns seventv-one acres of land north of the railroad and five acres south of it. His property has all been acquired through his own efforts, perseverance and good manage- ment, for he started out in life for himself empty-handed and has received no aid. Mr. Mote supported the Republican party until after the election of James A. Garfield and then voted the Prohibition ticket until 1896, when he cast in his lot with the Liberty party, and in June, 1898, helped organize the Union Reform party. He takes an active part in political affairs, was a delegate to the state convention held in Columbus and the national convention held in Cincinnati in 1899. Religiously he is a member of the New Light Christian churzh and at one time was an active mem- ber of the Grange. EDMUND CULBERTSON. Edmund Culbertson, one of the extensive farmers and stock raisers of Greenville t< iwn- ship. was born on the old farm August 24, 1 86 1, a son of T. W. and Elizabeth (Har- per) Culbertson. Samuel Culbertson, the grandfather of our subject, was a native of Pennsylvania, born in June, 1801. and emigrated with his family to Van Buren township, Darke county, Ohio, at an early day. He married Miss Rebecca West fall in 1823 and six children were born of their union, namely : Orin, Mary J., John, T. W., Elizabeth and James. The privations and (_£}^--<^>-^^--^^- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 479 hardships of pioneer life soon told upon the father's health and he died in 1837. His wife remained upon the homestead and sur- vived him about sixteen years, dying in 1853. His son. T. W., the father of our sub- ject, was born in Darke county, Ohio. Oc- tober 25, 1828. His educational advantages were necessarily very limited, as a pioneer's life is one of constant exertion for subsist- ence, but such opportunities as did offer in this direction were well improved. He learned the brick mason's trade when very young and afterward engaged in farming and stock raising. When a mere lad his father died and from that time until her death be was the main support of his widowed mother. After her death he went to live with his sister, Mrs. Studebaker, with whom he remained until his marriage, which was celebrated November 26, 1857, his bride being Elizabeth Harper, a daughter of Will- iam S. Harper, a native of Pennsylvania, who then lived in Darke county. Im- mediately after their marriage they removed t,i a piece of land in section 7 which toe bad previously purchased. This was timber land and he was obliged to clear off a spot on which to erect a cabin. This constituted the first home of his own and here in the midst of the dense forest they began their domestic life. By their own exertions they soon caused the golden grain to wave where once stood the mighty forest, the rich har- vests bountifully rewarding them for their industry and frugality. They became the parents of seven children : Frank, Edmund, Charlie, William H.. Harry. Cora B. and 1'urley. Edmund Culbertson, the subject of tbi> review, was reared upon his father's farm, assisting in the labors of field and meadow in the summer time and attending the coun- try schools in the winter. He studied three years in the Greenville high school anil later took a commercial course in the Greenville Business College. After completing his edu- cation he engaged in farming, which occupa- tion he has since followed and is now, in connection with his brother, Charlie, operat- ing their father's farm of two hundred and forty acres. He is also extensively engaged in stock raising. He was united in marriage July 24, 1884, to Elnora Baer, a daughter of Frederick and Mary Baer. at present resi- dents of Springfield, Missouri. Their union has been blessed with five children, namely: Muriel E., Rolla W., Hazel E., Lloyd A. and Mar-y E. In his political affiliations Mr. Culbertson is a Democrat and since reaching his ma- jority has been prominent in politics, being- often a delegate to county and congressional conventions, and in the spring of igoo he re- ceived the nomination at the hands of his party for county auditor, having a majority of four hundred and four over four com- petitors. Fraternally he is a member of Greenville Lodge, No. 195, I. O. O. F. He is a rising and popular young man, who counts his friends by the hundreds. His business integrity is established on a sound foundation and he is prosperous, capable and influential. CHRISTIAN KNODERER. A native of Germany, Christian Kno- derer was born in Baden on the 5th of Au- gust. 1820, and is a son of Samuel and Frederica ( Gerber ) Knoderer. The father was born at Ammenbengen, the county seat of that county, and became the proprietor of a hotel. Both he and his wife spent their entire lives in the land of their nativity, 480 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. the former passing away at the age of sev- entv-four years, the latter in her fifty-eighth year. In the schools of his native land Christian Knoderer acquired his education and was well fitted for life's practical duties by a thorough intellectual training. He studied German, French and Latin in addi- tion to the elementary branches that are al- ways taught in the schools, and at the age of eighteen years he was apprenticed to learn the butcher's trade, serving a two-years term. On the expiration of that period he was employed as a journeyman for four years in different countries, after which he embarked in business on his own account in Emendingers, Germany, conducting his market until 1848. He then joined the rev- olutionists and served in the war of 1848-9, being taken prisoner by the forces opposing the revolution. After two months' im- prisonment he emigrated to America, land- ing at Xew York on the 4th of July, 1850. It was quite fitting that he should reach the home of the free on the anniversary of the day on which the nation's independence was proclaimed, for he was a great lover of liberty, and this element in his character prompted him to join the revolutionists in their opposition to certain features of mon- archical rule in Germany. From Xew York city Mr. Knoderer made his way to Reading, Pennsylvania, where he had a brother living. He followed farming for two years in the Keystone state and thence emigrated westward to Illinois, where he remained for nine months. He was also employed in butcher shops in In- diana and in 1856 took up his abode in Darke county, Ohio. For six years he en- gaged in farming in Wayne township, meet- ing with a fair degree of success in his un- dertakings, and in 1862 he came to Green- ville, where he opened a butcher shop, which he has since conducted. Before removing to the farm he was engaged in the grocery business at Piqua. In the conduct of his market he met with prosperity, securing a large and liberal patronage, whereby he won a very desirable income. In 1854 Mr. Knoderer married Miss Catherine Kern, a native of Baden, Ger- many, born in 1826. For forty-five years she was to him a faithful companion and helpmeet on life's journey, but on the 9th of March. 1899, they were separated by death, Mrs. Knoderer being called to the home beyond. She was a devoted and con- sistent member of the Lutheran church and a lady whose many estimable characteristics won her the regard of all with whom she came in contact. Socially Mr. Knoderer is connected with Champion Lodge, I. O. O. 1.. of which he has been a member since 1863, and in his life he exemplifies the benevolent principles of that fraternity. He was the township treasurer of Greenville township in the year 1876, but has never taken a very active part in political affairs, preferring to give his time and energies to his business interests. He has accumulated considerable property and is now the pos- sessor of a handsome competence, which indicates his wisdom in seeking a home in America, where ambition and enterprise are not hampered by caste or class. JACOB F. WARE. Jacob F. Ware, a retired agriculturist of Palestine. Darke county, is an honored rep- resentative of the early pioneers of Ohio, and is a true type of the energetic, hardy men who have actively assisted in developing GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 481 and improving this beautiful and fertile ag- ricultural country. A native of this state, he was born in Preble county, December 13, 1820. His father, John Ware, was born in Knox county. Tennessee, in 1789, and was a son of John Paul Ware, a native of Ger- many, who, when a young man, was cap- tured and brought to America as a soldier ir. the employ of the British during the Revolutionary war, but after serving six months he deserted and joined the Con- tinental forces, with which he fought seven years. About 18 14 he came to Preble coun- ty. Ohio, where he was killed by a horse at the age of sixty-six years. His wife had died previously in Tennessee. The father of our subject grew to man- hood in his native state and in Guilford county, North Carolina, married Sarah Coble, a native of that county. Her father, Lewis Coble, was also born in Germany and came to this country when a young man. In North Carolina he married a native of Penn- sylvania. By occupation he was a farmer. It was in 1810 that John Ware and wife re- moved to Preble county, Ohio, and located in Twin township, where he lived for sixty- two years. He died at the age of eighty- five, honored and respected by all who knew him. He was a soldier of the war of 181 J. under General Harrison, and was at the treaty of Greenville in 18 14. He was a prominent member of the Lutheran church at West Alexandria, where he helped to build the house of worship. His wife died at the age of sixty-six years. In their fam- ily were fourteen children, six sons and eight daughters, all of whom grew to man- hood or womanhood, and five sons and three daughters are still living. In this family our subject is the sixth child and third son. He was reared in Twin township, Preble county, and attended school in a building constructed of round logs, with puncheon floor, greased-paper windows and a slab laid on pins driven into the wall for a desk. During his youth he assisted in the work of the home farm and learned the carpenter's trade, and after at- taining his majority engaged in contracting and building for five years, doing all the work, such as hewing the raw timber into braces, studding, rafters, etc., which was all done by hand. Two of the barns built by him in Darke county, in 1844, are still stand- ing and in a good state of preservation. He employed from four to twelve men, but at the end of five years his health failed and he came to Darke county, locating in German V unship, in the woods, where with his own hands he cleared one hundred and twenty acres of land. He made the first jumping shovel plow ever made in the countv. He raised fifty bushels of corn per acre for his first crop, and continued to successfully en- gage in farming until 1899, when he re- moved to Palestine and has since lived re- tired. At one time he owned two hundred and forty-four acres of land, but has since given his son, Joseph, eighty acres of this. In 1 87 1 his barn, 40x80 feet, and one of the best in the count)', was destroyed by fire, together with its contents, including two thousand bushels of threshed wheat, fifteen thousand bushels of corn, five hundred bushels of oats and fifteen tons of hay and all farming implements, amounting to five thou- sand dollars. He rebuilt the barn the fol- lowing year. On the 2d of April. 1898. he had the misfortune to lose his house in the same way, but this was insured and was afterward rebuilt. On the 2 1 st of October, 1S44. -Mr. Ware wedded Miss Mary C. Ritnoure. and to them 482 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. were born five children: John R.. who is married and lives in Wabash county.Indiana; Weltha Ann, the wife of William Stover, of Lightsville, Darke county. Ohio; Sarah Jane, the wife of Joshua Jeffries, of German township. Darke county; Martin A., who died at the asre of two years; and Joseph \Y.. a business man of Gordon, Mississippi. The mother of these children died February 16, 1878, ami for his second wife Mr. Ware married Mrs. Lydia (Paulus) Fry, widow of George Fry. She was born in Mont- gomery county, Ohio, April 10, 1836, hut was reared in Darke coanty from her first year. By her first marriage she had four children: Mary A , Sarah J.; Franklin L., deceased ; and Kachael Alice. Her father, Daniel Paulus, was horn in 180;, and is still l;ving. in Randolph county. Indiana, at the age of ninety-three years, and enjoys good health. He had thirteen children, four sons and nine daughters, all of whom reached years of maturity and three sons and five daughters are still living. Mrs. Ware is the sixth child and fifth daughter in this family. In his political affiliations Mr. Ware is a Democrat, and he has most efficiently filled the offices of school director and supervisor of his township. In 185 1 he was a member of the first board of education ever organized in the county, and served as school director in one district eighteen years. He has been chairman of four different old settlers' or- ganizations — the West Alexandria, Preble county; Lightsville, Spring Hill and Ger- man — and is an active and prominent mem- ber of the United Brethren church in Pales- tine, in which he served as assistant class- leader five vears. He has been a hard w< irk- ing and industrious man, and the success that he has achieved in life is due entirely to his own well directed and energetic efforts. HEXRY KARN. Henry Karn is a retired merchant and farmer living at the village of Glen-Karn. which was named in his honor, a fact which indicates his prominence as a man and citi- zen. He was born in Butler county. Ohio, .April 20, 1835. His grandfather. Henrv Karn, was a native of Pennsylvania, who followed farming as a means of livelihood and died in Butler county, Ohio. As the name indicates, the family is of German line- age. Henry Karn, the father of our sub- ject, was born in the Keystone state, in June. 1801, and was a young man of seventeen vears when he came with his parents to But- ler county. In Montgomery county he was married, in 1824, but located in Butler coun- ty, where he operated his farm, conducted a mill and distillery and also engaged in mer- chandising. He was an enterprising, pro- gressive business man, well known through- but the county, and became the possessor of a handsome competence, but lost property to the value of ten thousand dollars in a single night, caused by a flood. He built a mill on Seven Mile creek and carried on business there for many vears, or until his removal to Darke count}', in 1852. He then located in Butler township, where he was engaged in farming until his removal to Neave town- ship, where he died March 21, [878, at the age of seventy-six years and nine months. His political support was given to the Dem- ocracy, and he was a member of the Re- formed church. His wife bore the maiden name of Susan Good. She was of German descent, removed from Virginia to Ohio and was reared in Montgomery county. By her marriage she became the mother of eight children, all of whom are still living. John, the eldest, is seventy-five vears of aee, and GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 483 Amanda Judy, the youngest, is fifty-nine years of age : John, of Darke county ; Reu- ben, who is living in the same place ; Eliza- beth, the wife of John Yogt.a minister of the Reformed church, of Delaware county, Ohio; Susan, the wife of Jacob Baker, of tin's county; Henry; David, who is living in Hollansburg, Darke county; Nathan; and Amanda, the wife of Samuel Judy, who re- sides near Greenville. The mother passed away November 29, 1849, at the age of forty-six years and ten months. Henry Karn is the fifth of the family, and was about seventeen years of age when he came to Darke county. He remained with his father until his marriage, which important event in his life occurred on the nth of March, 1856, Miss Mary Jacoby be- diming his wife. She was born in Butler county, Ohio, December 25, 1835, a daugh- ter of John Jacoby. Her grandfather was John Jacoby, Sr., and was of Dutch descent. He removed from Pennsylvania to Butler county, Ohio, where he followed farming. Her maternal grandfather was John \\ ickle, and he, too, was born in Pennsylvania, and became a resident of Butler county, Ohio, at a very early age. He was of German lineage. Air. Jacoby was a native of Penn- sylvania, and became one of the pioneer set- tlers of Butler county. His wife bore the maiden name of Mary Wickle, and was also born in Pennsylvania. They had eight children who reached years of maturity, but only four are now living, as follows : Daniel, now deceased ; Sarah, the widow of Tilman Troxell and a resident of Arcanum. Ohio; Elizabeth, the deceased wife of Jonathan Fisher; Susan, the wife of Stephen Bark- halter, of Oregon; Mrs. Karn; Frank, of Nebraska; Kate, deceased wife of John Mar- ker; and Luanda, wife of David Marker, of Lucas county, Iowa. Mrs. Karn was the fifth in order of birth, and was about nine- teen years of age when she came to Darke county. After his marriage Mr. Karn located in Butler township, where he was engaged in farming until his removal to a tract of land in Twin township, which he had purchased and where he remained until 1865. He then sold his farm and returned to Butler town- ship, and afterward lived in Jacksonburg, Butler county, where he was engaged in mer- chandising, following that pursuit for seven years. On the expiration of that period he sold his store and took up his abode in Shelby county, Illinois, where he conducted a mer- cantile establishment for six months. He then returned to Darke county, Ohio, and located in Baker. He next went to Hollans- burg, where he conducted a store for six years. He also engaged in farming for a time, and was engaged in the manufacture of tiling, but at the present time he is living retired. His business career has been one of activity, enterprise and honesty, and his well-directed efforts have brought to him a handsome competence which now enables him to enjoy a rest which he has truly earned. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Karn were born three children : John Edwin, born April 17, 1859. now deceased; Celinda A., the wife of George W. Thomas, of German township, by whom she has six children. Eddie C., Myrtle, Ada, Harry H., Joyce and an infant girl: and Lewemma F., the wife of James C. Chenoweth, by whom she has seven chil- dren.— Nellie. Raymond, Bertha, Charlie, Frankie, Ernest and a boy infant. Mr. Karn has accumulated about one hundred acres of land, and has a good prop- erty in Glen-Karn. Tbere were no build- ings at that place when he located there, no 484 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. railroad and no pike, and the introduction of these improvements have been secured largely through his own efforts. He laid out the town in 1884, built the first house there, and has since sold many lots. It now contains sixteen dwellings, two stores, an ice depot, and is an enterprising little village in the midst of a rich farming district. In his political views Mr. Karn is a Democrat. He has never sought office, preferring to devote his time to his business interests. He is a member of the Reformed church, and with- holds his support from no movement or measure which he believes will prove of public good. He may truly be called a self- made man, and is the architect of his own fortune, having builded wisely and well. JOHN BIDDLE. The subject of this review is one of the representative citizens of German town- ship, Ohio, who has been actively identified with its agricultural interests for many years, and has also done a more extensive ditch- ing business than any other man within its borders. He is a native of the county, born in Xeave township June 26. 1835. and is a son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Dixon) Bid- die, natives of Maryland and Ohio, re- spectively. The Biddies are of German de- scent, but have been residents of this coun- try for several generations. Our subject's paternal grandmother, however, was a na- tive of Wales, and his maternal ancestors were of Scotch-Irish descent and early set- tlers of Darke county, Ohio. His grand- father, Baldwin Biddle, was a slaveholder of Maryland, and in coming to this state brought thirteen negroes with him, who as- sisted in clearing his farm near Fort Jeffer- son in Neave township, but he afterward set them free. Our subject's father was thir- teen years of age when brought by his par- ents to this county, and he grew to man- hood in Neave township, where he continued to make his home throughout life, dying there in 1862, at the age of fifty years. In politics he was a Democrat. John Biddle is the oldest of a family of eight children, six sons and two daughters. of whom seven are still living. He was reared in Neave township and pursued his studies in the log schoolhouse, remaining at home until after the civil war broke out. On the 2d of August, 1862, he enlisted in Company I, Ninety-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and served until the close of the war, being mustered out as corporal June 6, 1865. He participated in the engage- ment at Tate's Ferry, near Richmond, the battles of Perryville, Stone River, Chick- amauga, Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge, the Atlanta campaign and those of 1 Bentonville and Greensboro, where John- ston surrendered. Mr. Biddle being on the skirmish line that night. Although he had his clothes pierced by bullets many times and the top of his hat shot off at the battle of Chickamauga, he was never wounded. After the war Mr. Biddle returned to his home in German township, Darke county, and was married in 1866 to Miss Anna Smel- ker, a native of this county, and to them have been born three children : Nora is now the wife of Clarkson Lowdenslayer, of German township, and they have two children, Otto and Arnold; Orlando married Blanch Cable and lives in German township: and Cora is at home. Thoughout his active business life Mr. Biddle has followed farming and for thirty- five years has been a contractor in ditch dig- ging. He has made mjbst of the ditches in GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 485 German township, where lie makes his home and has also constructed many miles of ditch in Neave township and in Randolph county, Ohio. In this capacity he is widely known, and has made an enviable reputation as a business man. Mr. Biddle is a prominent member ot Reed Post, No. 572, G. A. R. ; has been the officer of the day in that post since its organi- zation ; was the major of the Darke County Battalion three years, and the president of the same one year. In his political views he is a stanch Democrat. WILLIAM H. RIKE, M. D. The thriving" little town of Versailles. Ohio, has its quota of professional men, and occupying a leading position among them we find Dr. William H. Rike, a brief review of whose life is as follows: William H. Rike was born in Newberry township, Miami county, Ohio, December 3, 1850. He is of German origin, but for sev- eral generations the Rike family have lived in this country. The Doctor's great-grand- father was born on board the vessel while his parents were en route from Germany t<> America. John Rike, the Doctor's grand- father, was a native of Maryland, who at the age of twenty-one came west to Ohio and located on a farm near Dayton, in Montgom- ery county. It was on that farm that Henry Rike, our subject's father, was born, and there he passed the first twenty years of his life. He then went to Miami county, this state, where he subsequently married and settled down to farming, and where he still resides. The Rikes have been known as a liberty-loving, patriotic family, many of them engaged in agricultural pursuits, and all oc- cupying useful positions in the respective lo- calities in which they have lived. John Rike, the Doctor's grandfather, was a pri- vate soldier in the war of 181 2. Dr. Rike's mother descended from Scotch-Irish ancestry. Her maiden name was Rebecca Dowler, and Newberry town- ship, Miami county, Ohio, the place of her nativity, where she was reared and married. Her father, William Dowler, came to this country when a child, and from that time his home was in Miami county. Ohio, where he was for many years engaged in farming and school teaching. He taught from early manhood until he was sixty-five years of age. Henry Rike and wife became the parents of nine children, seven sons and two daugh- ters. All the sons lived to adult years, and the daughters died when young. The second born and second son in this family is William H., whose name intro- duces this sketch. He was reared on his father's farm, receiving his early training in the district school and later attending the Piqua high school, of which he is a grad- uate, having completed his course with the class of 1870. In 1872 he began the study of medicine at Covington, Ohio, in the office of Dr. John Harrison and Dr. James Shel- lenberg, the latter now a physician in the Philippines. Young Rike carried forward his studies in the Ohio Medical G>liege at Cincinnati, and from this institution re- ceived his diploma March 2, 1876. On the 9th of that month he married -Miss Emma V. Fetter, a native of Miami county, and on the 29th of the same month he located in Versailles, where for nearly a quarter of a century he has been successfully engaged in the practice of his profession. He is a member of the Versailles Medical Society and the Darke County Medical Society, and at this writing is employed as a physician 486 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. for the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton Rail- road Company. Dr. and Mrs. Rike have two children, Blanch and Mary. JOHN J. WINBIGLER. This well-known resident of Versailles, Ohio, is serving as a justice of the peace in Wayne township, a position which he has filled for four terms with credit to him- self and satisfaction to his constituents. He is thoroughly impartial in meting out justice. his opinions being unbiased by either fear or favor, and his fidelity to the trust reposed in him is above question. A native of Ohio, Mr. Winbigler was born in Miami township, Montgomery coun- ty, May 2^. 1839, and on the paternal side traces his ancestry back to three brothers — Henry, John and Elias Winbigler — who were born in a province of France that n< >w forms a part of Germany, and came to this country prior to the Revolutionary war. in which they all took part. John and Elias located in Frederick county, Maryland, and Henry in Frie, Pennsylvania. John was the great-great-grandfather of our subject. His grandson, Jacob Winbigler. the grandfather of our subject, is supposed to have been a native of Pennsylvania, but he died in Mary- land. He was a soldier of the war of 1812. The father was born near Harper's Ferry, Frederick county, Maryland, in 1817. and when about fifteen years of age removed to Montgomery county. Ohio, where he was married, in 1838, to Anna Maria Weaver, who was born in Miami township, that coun- ty, in February, 1821, and died in Darke county, in 1887. Her father. John T. Weaver, was a native of Berks county, Penn- sylvania, and an early settler of Montgomery county. Ohio, where he located about 1805. There he entered a large tract of land for his children and engaged in farming, dying there at about the age of seventy years. On the 2d of November, 1844, the father of our subject came to Darke county and lo- cated in York township, where in the midst of the forest he developed a farm, devoting his attention to agricultural pursuits throughout life. He died May 4, 1876. In religious belief he was a Lutheran, and in politics a Democrat. He was widely and favorably known, and was called upon to serve as a justice of the peace and township trustee. In his family were nine children, all of whom married and are still living. John J. Winbigler, the eldest of this family, was five years old when brought by his parents to Darke county. His educa- tion was not begun until he was ten years of age, when he became a student at a log school-house in York township, and for three months he attended a select school in Jaysville. He assisted his father in clear- ing and improving the home farm until he attained his majority, and in i860 com- menced teaching school, an occupation which he successfully followed for about twenty years, in the meantime devoting some at- tention to other lines of business. He served three years as a member of Company D, Eighty-eighth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and did garrison duty most of the time. At the close of the war he was honorably dis- charged. July 3. 1865. Returning home he resumed teaching and for three years, from [867, engaged in the saw-mill business in York township. He was also employed as a traveling salesman for a time until 1880. In 1 871 he removed to Versailles, where he has since made his home with the exception of four years spent on the old homestead. In October, 1865, Mr. Winbigler mar- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 487 ried Miss Susana A. Lyons, by whom he had three children that are still living, namely : John S., Armena J. and Harry F. He was again married in October, 1888, his second union being with Leah Plessinger. Religiously Mr. Winbigler is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran church, and fraternally is a member of G. W. Larimore Post, No. 445, G. A. R., of which he was the first commander. By his ballot he supports the men and measures of the Democratic party, and he takes quite a prominent and influential part in local politics. He has served as clerk and assessor of York town- ship, assessor of Wayne township two terms, and as deputy assessor many times, having made out about twenty assessment books. He is now serving his fourth term as the justice of the peace of Wayne township, and is a notary public. He is also interested in the real estate and fire insurance business. Mr. Winbigler is regarded as one of the leading and highly respected citizens of Ver- sailles, and it is therefore consistent that he be represented in a work whose province is the portrayal of the lives of the promi- nent men of Darke county. FRANCIS G. WILEY. Francis G. Wiley is filling the position of clerk of the courts at Greenville. He was born upon a farm in Harrison township, Darke county, on the 15th of January, 1857. His father. Caleb Wiley, was a native of Vir- ginia, born October 1 3, 1799, a son of John Wiley, also a native of the Old Dominion. The latter removed to Madison county, Ohio, with his family, in 181 2, and in 181 7 the Wileys went to Preble county, this state, where the father of our subject resided until 1827. That year witnessed his arrival in Harrison township, Darke county, where he secured one hundred acres of land on sec- tions 27 and 28, much of which was cov- ered with a heavy growth of timber. He cleared away the trees and transformed the land into richly cultivated fields, also im- proving the farm with good buildings. He there devoted his attention to agricultural pursuits throughout the remainder of his life, and on the 13th of March, 1890. at the very advanced age of ninety-one vears, was called to his final rest. His wife still sur- vives him and is yet living on the old home- stead. Her maiden name was Elizabeth Sproul. and she was born in Preble county, Ohio. She became the mother of seven chil- dren, namely: Marshall J.: Mary A., the wife of John C. McKem ; Josephine, who married Andrew P. Wilson, and is now a widow living in Los Angeles. California; William H., who resides upon the home farm; George W., a dealer in hardware, boots and shoes at New Madison, Ohio; Francis G., of this review ; and A. J., who is with his brother in New Madison. Francis G. Wiley was sent to the district school when he had attained the usual age. and, applying himself closely to his studies, he gained considerable proficiency, while during the summer months he gave his time and attention to the work of cultivating the farm, following agricultural pursuits until his election to the office of clerk of the a mrts in Darke county in 1897. He entered upon the discharge of the duties of the office on the 1st of August, 1898, for a term of three years, so that he will continue as the in- cumbent until August, 1901. He soon mas- tered the duties of the position, is thorough and accurate, and has the confidence and re- spect of the bench and bar and all with whom 488 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. he has been brought in contact through his official service. In 1883 Mr. Wiley was married to Miss Anna Templeton, of Preble county, Ohio, a daughter of N. F. Templeton. They have three children, — Edith. Lizzie and Harmon E. They occupy a pleasant home in Green- ville, and have here a large circle of friends. Mr. Wiley also owns a good farm of fifty acres under a high state of cultiva- tion, which he rents. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias fraternity, and be- longs to that class of enterprising American citizens who recognize their duties to their township, county and state, and never fail in its performance. SAMUEL S. THOMAS. After a useful and well-spent life this gentleman can well afford to lay aside busi- ness cares and spend his declining days in ease and quiet at his pleasant home on section 2,2, German township, Darke county. He is a native of that township, his birth oc- curring just across the road on section 31, July 29, 1828. His father, Charles W. Thomas, was a native of Maryland and a son of Daniel Thomas, who entered the land on which our subject was born and spent his last days in German township, dying Feb- ruary 14. [847, at the age of eighty-one years. When a young man the father came to this state and first settled in Greene coun- ty, where he married Mercy Sackett. a native of North Carolina. It was in 1826 that they came to Darke county, and in the midst of the forest the father cleared and developed a farm, making it his home until some time during the '60s, when he removed to Hol- lansburg. He was taken ill while on a visit to Greene county, and died there September 1, 1872, at the age of seventy- four years. Religiously he was an active member of the Methodist Episcopal church, in which he served as a local preacher and class-leader. He was a soldier of the war of 181 2, and one of the most prominent and highly respected men of his community. In his family were nine children, namely : Mary Ann, deceased; Nancy, the widow of Jared Mutchner and a resident of Arba, Indiana; Samuel S.. our subject; Cyrus, of Winchester, Indiana; Phcebe, deceased: Sarah Jane, the wife of Samuel Slates, of Iowa ; Abner, deceased ; Absalom, of Iowa; and David, of Hollans- burg, Darke county, Ohio. Samuel S. Thomas grew to manhood <>n the farm where he was born, and being the oldest son he earlv began to assist in the arduous task of clearing and improving the wild land. His educational privileges were necessarilv limited, and he attended school only about two months during the year. The school-houses of that early day were built of logs with greased-paper windows, and slab seats with pins driven into them for legs, and the desks were made by laying a plank upon pins driven into the wall. When not writing the pupils generally sat with their backs to these desks. On leaving the home farm at the age of eighteen years Mr. Thomas went to Newport, now Fountain City, where he learned the cabinetmaker's trade, serving a two-years apprenticeship. Subsequently he worked at his trade in Rich- mond and Winchester, and then engaged in the same line of business for himself at Pal- estine for about two years. At the end of that time he located upon the farm in Ger- man township where he now resides, though he continued to work at his trade in connec- tion with farming for some years. His farm comprises two hundred and four acres, GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 489 which he has placed under a high state of cultivation, but he has now retired from active labor and is enjoying a well earned rest. On the 29th of April, 1855, Mr. Thomas married Miss Caroline Berry, who was born in Hamilton. Butler county, Ohio, January 15, 1837, and was about two years old when she first came to Darke county, but she sub- sequently spent some time in Indiana. She was educated in the district schools of Ger- man township, this county, and at Camden, Indiana, and the Randolph county (Indiana ) Seminary. Her father, Thomas Berry, was born in Virginia, in 1804, and when a young man removed to Hamilton, Butler county, Ohio, later coming to Darke county, where he died September 8, 1839, at the age of thirty- five years. In 1830 he married Betsey Ran- dolph, whci was born in Butler county, in 1814, and of the four children born to them Mrs. Thomas is the only one who reached years of maturity. For her second husband the mother married Dr. William Freeman, by whom she had two sons: Dr. Benjamin R., of Spokane, Washington; and David W. She also died at the age of thirty-five years. Of the ten children born to Mr. and Airs. Thomas six are living, concerning whom we record the following items: Elizabeth M. is the wife of George Horn, of Franklin township, this county, and they have two children — Carl and Clara. Ellen is the wife of George W. Hill, whose sketch will be found on another page of this volume. Philip B., a practicing physician of De- catur, Indiana, married Estella Hart, and they have one daughter, Carrie. Edward R. devotes his attention to the cultivation of the home farm. Bertha is the wife of Rev. James A. Jenkinson, and they have three sons and one daughter — Lawrence W., Thomas Clayton, James A. and Doro- thy Amelia. Mr. Jenkinson is the pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of West- chester, Ohio, and a member of the Cincin- nati conference. Caroline is at home. All of the children were born on the farm where our subject still resides. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas have one great-grandchild, Emel Jones, a daughter of Harry T. and Caroline Jones. In 1864, during the civil war, Mr. Thomas enlisted as a private in the Eighth Ohio Independent Battery, and was in the service eighteen months, taking part in the battles of Black River and Yazoo, Missis- sippi, and receiving his discharge at Camp Dennison, Ohio, August 7, 1805. He is now a member of Reed Post, No. 572, G. A. R., of Palestine, and is a prominent mem- ber of the Methodist Episcopal church in Hollansburg. of which he is a trustee. In his political views he is a stanch Republi- can and gives his support to every enterprise which he believes will advance the moral, social or material welfare of his township and county. DAVID J. VANNOY. David }. Vannoy, manufacturer of oak and hickory spokes and dealer in lumber at Webster, Darke county, Ohio, is one of the enterprising and successful business men of his locality. Mr. Vannoy was born in Knox county, Kentucky. August 22. 1856 His father, Jonas Vannoy, also a native of Kentucky; removed from that state to Ohio in i860 and located first in Warren county, whence he removed to Darke county in 1870, where he passed the closing years of his life and where he died in 1878. at the age of forty- 490 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. five years. He was a son of Alexander Vannoy, a Scotchman, who had emigrated when a young man to this country and settled in Kentucky, where he subsequently mar- ried a Miss Cline. He died near Coving- ton, Kentucky, and was buried in the cem- etery at that place. The mother of David J. Vannoy was before her marriage Miss Mary Barnes. She was born and reared in Mississippi. Her father, Joseph Barnes, was a contractor and was one of the sur- veyors and promoters of the Erie Canal. The Barnes family is of German origin, but many generations bearing that name have lived in America. Jonas and Mary ( Barnes) Vannoy were the parents of three children — two sons and one daughter. The daugh- ter, Alice, died at the age of twenty-eight years. The two sons, David J. and Samuel, are both residents of the same place, the former being the eldest of the family. David J. Vannoy was five years old at the time he was brought by his parents to Ohio, and in Warren. Ross and Darke coun- ties he was reared. He remained a member of his father's household until he was twenty years of age, when he started out in life on Ids own account. He was variously em- ployed, in different places, until June 21, 1 89 1, when he engaged in his present busi- ness. July 28, 1896, his mill was destroyed by fire. He immediately rebuilt, opening his mill for business on the 15th of Au- gust, less than a month after the fire. From the start he has done a constantly increasing business, for some time past has employed an average of thirty-five men, and now does an annual business of seventy-five thousand dollars. From time to time he has invested in land, and at this writing has four farms, comprising three hundred and fifty acres, which he rents. As showing the prosperity which has attended his efforts, we state that in 1890 his property was valued at six thou- sand dollars. To-day he has a rating in Dun's report of sixty to eighty thousand dollars. Mr. Vannoy married Miss M. E. Menser, a daughter of Robert Menser, who previous to her marriage was a teacher. They have no children. Politically Mr. Vannoy is a Democrat. When the town of Webster was incorporated he was elected its first mayor, a position which he has since filled, having been re- elected from time to time, now being on the eleventh year and sixth term of his service. He is a member of the K. G. E. ELMER E. C ALDER WOOD. Elmer E. Calderwood is practicing law at the bar of Darke county and has added new laurels to a name distinguished in this connection. He was born in the city of Greenville December 19. i860, and is the only living son of the second marriage of Andrew Robeson Calderwood, who was a distinguished representative of the legal fra- ternity in Greenville for many years and an early settler in Darke county. The fa- ther was born in Montgomery county, Ohio, September 14, 1818, and was a son of George and Margaret ( Robeson ) Calder- wood, both of whom were natives of Hunt- ingdon county, Pennsylvania. They were married on the 14th of September. 181 1, and in the fall of 181 7 removed to Ohio, locating near Dayton, whence they came to Darke county in 1832. Here George Calder- wood died July 9. 1849, but his wife long- survived him, passing away on the 12th of August, 1873. He was of Scotch parentage and though he did not enjoy very good ed- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 491 ucational privileges in youth lie was a man of sound judgment, practical common sense, of great firmness of character and was very courageous. He was of large stature and possessed an iron constitution, and with this a kind nature generous almost to a fault. His wife was descended from Scotch, AYelsh and Irish ancestry and was a woman of remarkahle good sense, fine natural talent and great kindliness. Andrew Robeson Calderwood, the fa- ther of our subject, spent a youth of activity upon his father's farm in digging ditches, mauling rails and performing other such labors as fell to the lot of a boy in limited circumstances in pioneer days. His edu- cation was rather meager, hut he was en flowed by nature with strong mentality and was ambitious and energetic. Being called upon to serve as a juror he was so inspired by the eloquence of some of the attorneys in the case that he resolved to hecome a lawyer, and with characteristic energy at once began to study the text books through which one hecomes familiar with the prin- ciples of jurisprudence and with the opin- ions that make precedents in the court. He was admitted to the bar and began the practice of law in 1851. and from the be- ginning met with success in his calling. In 1854 he was elected prohate judge, hut after serving for three years he entered the Union army as second lieutenant and was after- ward promoted to the rank of captain of Company I, Fortieth Ohio Volunteer In- fantry. He resigned his commission on ac- count of injuries received from being thrown from a horse, hut on regaining his health he was recommended for a captaincy by Governor Tod and by Colonel Cranor. He was then assigned to the command of his old company, hut after six months' service in that position he was again compelled to leave the field on account of the loss of his voice, which he had previously sustained. He afterward acted in the capacity of re- cruiting officer until the close of the war, ' when he resumed the private practice of law. On the 3d of December, 1876, Judge Calderwood assumed the editorial control of the Sunday Courier, a leading organ of the Republican party in Darke county. H •■ was for many years a recognized leader in the Republican ranks and was three times elected to the office of mayor of Greenville, in which position he served in a most com- mendable manner, his administration being businesslike practical, progressive and bene- ficial. In 1868 the Republicans of Darke county presented his name to the fourth congressional district of Ohio as a candidate for the nomination of congressman, but he was defeated by a small majority by Mr. McClung. For mam- vears he enjoyed a liberal share of the law practice in his county and had more than a local reputation as a criminal lawyer, being an earnest pleader, his eloquence and logic always carrying weight and seldom failing to convince. He had the ability to recognize the points in a case almost by a single glance and readily recognized the important one upon which the decision of every case finally turns. There was a deep self-conviction, an em- phatic earnestness in his manner and a close logical connection in his thoughts. He did not adorn his speech with flowers of rhetoric which often obscure the thought, but his words rang with the eloquence which arose from the occasion and prompted by a belief in the righteousness of Irs position. His ability to correctly judge human nature made his labors with the jury very effective. 49: GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. and he is regarded as one of the most dis- tinguished members that have ever practiced at the Darke county bar. He died June 9. 1891, but is survived by his wife who was 'born in Montgomery county, Ohio, near New Carlisle, and is still living in Green- ville. Elmer E. Calderwood was educated in the Greenville schools. He learned the printer's trade in the office of the Greenville Courier and continued in that line of busi- ness for ten years. He read law under the direction of the firm of Calderwood & Breaden and on the 8th of October, 1893, was admitted to the bar. He then opened an office and has since engaged in the prac- tice of law in connection with the real estate and loan business, making loans for eastern parties. He exercises his right of franchise in support of the men and measures of the Republican party and has served two term? in the city council, acting as its president for one year. Socially he is connected with the Knights of Pythias fraternity. He is regarded as one of the enterprising and representative citizens of Greenville, alive to the best interests of the community and of the county. He possesses the true western spirit of progress, and throughout an active business career he has won confidence and regard by his honorable methods. JOHN H. SMALL. John Henry Small, who is engaged in blacksmithing and carriage-painting in Pitts- burg, was born in Perry township, Mont- gomery county, Ohio, July 24, 1864. His grandfather, Henry Small, was a native of New Jersey, and the father, Robert Carlisle Small, was also born in that state, where he remained until eight years of age, when he accompanied his parents on their removal to Ohio, the family locating in Perry township, Montgomery county. There the grandfather soon died. The father was reared to man- hood in that county and enjoyed such educa- tional privileges as the common schools of that day afforded. He made farming his principal occupation throughout his business career and led a busy and useful life. He married Susan Tissel and they resided in Perry township. Montgomery county, until 1883. when they removed to Painter's Creek, where the father died in 1894, and where the mother is still living. He was a member of the German Baptist church and was a Dem- ocrat in his political affiliations. In his fam- ily were the following children: Sarah E., wife of Perry Mills; Mary: John H. ; Ste- phen D., who married Margaret Wagerman; David who wedded Annie Oswalt : Harvev, who married Annie Swigert ; William, who married Lillie Foreman: Benjamin: Rachel, who died at the age of fourteen years; and Martha, who completes the family. In taking up the personal history of our subject we present to our readers the life record of one who is widely and favorably known in this locality. He attended the dis- trict schools until sixteen years of age and spent the intervening months in work upon the home farm, early becoming familiar with the labors of field and meadow. At the age of twenty he came with his parents to Darke county and then began business on his own account, working by the month as a farm hand for fifteen dollars per month. The following summer he engaged in farm- ing for G. W. Cramer, of Gettysburg, op- erating his land on the shares. At the close of the summer of his twentieth year he went to the west, spending some time in different parts of Missouri. He worked at carpenter- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 4 ( ,)P, ing, in the winter was employed in a butcher shop in Leavenworth, Kansas, and in the spring secured employment on a farm in Brown county. Kansas. He then returned home and again entered the employ of Mr. Cramer. The following summer he pur- chased stock and diligently prosecuted his business interests, meeting with creditable success. After his marriage, in 1888, Mr. Small located in Landis and was there engaged in farming for two years. He then took up his abode on the Besecker farm in A'an Buren township and in the fall engaged in thresh- ing. He next went to Franklin township and through the fall engaged in threshing, while in the winter months he engaged in the manufacture of tobacco boxes and in carpenter work. He was employed in that way for four years, after which he conducted a blacksmith shop in Landis for three years. On the expiration of that period he sold out and on the 28th of February, 1899. opened his blacksmith shop and carriage painting establishment in Pittsburg, where he has since carried on business. He has se- cured a liberal patronage by reason of his excellent workmanship and his earnest de- sire to please, and his success is well merited. On the 23d of December, 1888. Mr. Small was married, in Franklin township, to Miss Annie Lantz, a daughter of Henry R. Lantz. Unto them have been born five children: Orville S., April 5, 1890; Carroll M., June 2, 1893; Hazel. April 2, 1894.: Roy Albert, June 13. 1898; and Robert Henry. July 15. 1900. Mr. and Mrs. Small have many warm friends in the community and enjoy the high regard of all. In politics he is quite active, stanchly advocating Dem- ocratic principles. He has served as a con- stable, was the supervisor of Franklin town- ship, and is now serving as the mayor of Pittsburg. He exercises his official prerog- atives for the advancement of all measures which he believes will prove of public good and his administration is progressive, prac- tical and commendable. Socially he is con- nected with the Knights of Pythias fra- ternity of Gettysburg and is a member of the Christian church. Through the careful prosecution of his business interests he has won success and through honorable methods has gained the confidence and good will of all with whom he has been brought in con- tact. REV. E. ORTLEPP. For eleven years Rev. E. Ortlepp has neen the beloved pastor of St. Paul's Lu- theran church of Greenville, Ohio, and has ministered faithfully to the spiritual needs of his people and has given power and ef- fective aid to all influences which work for the advancement of the community. He was born April 2^, 1867, in the city of Naumburg, Germany, in which country his parents spent their entire lives. He was reared and educated in his native land. After leaving the select school where his primary training was received he entered the university at Halle and later in Berlin. Sub- sequently he was a student at the theological seminary at Breklum, Schleswig-Holstein. In 1888 Mr. Ortlepp came to the United States, landing in New York city. He ac- cepted his first charge as the pastor of a Lutheran church at Paterson, New Jersey, where he remained one vear and on the 15th of September, 1889. came to Greenville as the pastor of St. Paul's Lutheran church. He also has charge of the church at Wake- field, Darke county, the two churches having 494 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. a membership of three hundred. The church edifice at Greenville was erected in 1891 at a cost of fifteen thousand dollars. On the 10th of November, 18S9. Mr. Ortlepp was ordained in the did Methodist Episcopal church at Greenville by Dr. Severinghaus, of Chicago, by the authority of the New York and Xew Jersev Lutheran synods, and he is now the manager and treasurer of the literary hoard of the Lutheran Wartburg and Nebraska synods of the Lutheran book department, and is its manager of religious periodicals and author of Lutheran cate- chisms, almanacs and 'other literary works. He devotes his entire time and attention to the work of the church, and under his past, irate the congregations of which he now has charge have largely increased and have been greatly strengthened spiritually. On the t8th of October, 1892. Mr. Ort- lepp married Miss Gertrude Hemic, the only daughter of the late Daniel Hemic, a prom- inent citizen and for many years a leading merchant of Greenville. Mrs. Ortlepp was born and reared in that place and was edu- cated in its high school. She is an accom- plished lady and has been of great help to her husband in his work. CALVIN M. YOUNG. During the early pioneer period in the development of Ohio the Young family were found within the borders of the Buck- eye state. The year 1805 witnessed the ar- rival of representatives of the name and since that time the Youngs have been prom- inent in promoting" the business interests which have contributed largely to the de- velopment and progress of this section of the country. Phillip Young, the great- grandfather of our subject, was a son of William Young and was born in Germany. He emigrated to this country in 1767, lo- cating in Maryland, but remained in that state for only a short period, removing to Greenbrier county, Virginia. He was both a tailor and farmer and, when the colonies attempted to throw oft the yoke of British oppression and establish an independent na- tion in the new world, he joined the Amer- ican army and loyally served as a soldier in the Revolution, doing all in his power toward making them free from the old country. Me married Elizabeth Fox, but little is known concerning her family history. It is known, however, that her people were noted for their physicial strength and that one of them could lift a barrel and drink from it. The marriage of Phillip Young and Elizabeth Fox occurred about 1790. They remained in Virginia until 1805, when they emigrated westward to Ohio, taking up their abode in Clay township, Montgomery coun- tv. where Mr. Young entered a tract of land three and a half miles west of Harrisburg and two miles north of Salem. He died about [836 and his remains were interred on the old homestead farm, the grave being now surrounded by a paling fence. His wife survived him for a few years and died on the old homestead at a ripe age. The only relic of that early pioneer day yet re- maining on the farm is a pear tree which stands a mute witness of the wonderful changes that have c< >me and the events that have occurred in the passing vears. The children of this worth}' couple were Philip, who married Miss Elizabeth Royer; Adam, who married Peggy Fox; Christian; Eliza- beth, wife of Henry Harshbarger; Polly, wife of Jacob 'Wisner; Daniel, who wedded Abbie Rinard; David, who married Eliza- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 196 beth Knee; and Joseph, who married Re- becca Stoner. Phillip Young, the grandfather of Cal- vin Young, was bom in Virginia in [791, and when a young man came with his parents to Ohio. He assisted his father in the de- velopment of the home farm until about 1810. when he married Elizabeth Royer, and began farming on his own account. Dur- ing the early part of the year 1812 he joined the American army and served under Gen- eral Brown in the second war with England. He participated in the battles of Chippewa, Lundy's Lane and the siege of Forts Meigs and Erie. He would often tell of the hor- rible scenes at the first two battles, where one could walk over acres of ground with- out touching the soil, so thick were the In idies of the British scattered there. Phillip Young was not wounded and at the close of hostilities he received an honorable dis- charge. He was a large man, five feet, eight inches in height, weighing over two hundred pounds. ■ In disposition, however, he was mild, genial and courteous and won the warm regard of all who knew him. In his later years he became a member of the Dunkard church and died in that faith. In 1845 ' 1L ' was called upon to mourn the loss of his wife and later he removed to Fulton county, Indiana, to live with his son-in- law, with whom he remained until his death in 1866. He had then attained the ripe old age of seventy-five years and his remains were interred on the bank of the Tippecanoe river. (Jnto Phillip and Elizabeth (Royer) Young had heen horn nine children: Susan, the wife of John Sherow ; Elizaheth, the wife of Jacob Baret; Polly: Catherine, the wife of John Jenkins: Sarah, wife of Wiley North; Phillip, who married Martha Mow; 30 Christian, who married Mary Ann Arnott; Daniel, who was a twin brother of Chris- tian and became the father of our subject; and Joseph, who married Mary Arnott. The mother of these children was a daughter of Henry Royer, who was of ( ler man birth and came to America in colonial clays, taking up his abode in the Keystone state, lie married Susan Swenk and about [807 joined a colony of Dunkards, who started for Ohio for the purpose of estab- lishing a location near Cincinnati. About the time the journey was begun, however, Mr. Royer was taken ill and prevented from joining the party. Later he hoped to make the trip, but about the time of the start was again taken ill and died. He had three chil- dren : Henry; George, who was born in 1776. married Miss Swenk and djed in [876; and Elizabeth, who married Phillip Young in 18 10. Daniel Young, the father of him whose* name introduces this record, was born Sep- tember 7. 1824, in Clay township, Mont- gomery county, Ohio. His school privileges were very limited, but he became a m >ted marksman and had ample opportunity for practice, for the forests of Ohio were filled with an abundance of wild game. When a young man he went to Indiana, where he spent four years in traveling and hunting in company with three companions. lb then returned to his native state and on the 31st of December, 1848, married Martha Ann Mote, who was born March jo. [834. She was of English lineage, trac- ing her ancestry back to Daniel Mote, her great-grandfather, who emigrated from England to Pennsylvania about 175 1 and later went to Georgia, where he man-: Miss Cobb. They had three children: Rachel, who became the wife of Dr. M 196 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. a celebrated physician ; Joseph, who mar- ried Mary North; and Rebecca, the wife of Thomas Mattock. The son, Joseph Mote, was married about 1800, and in 1805 emi- grated to Ohio, coming with a Quaker col- ony, who had become disgusted with the practices of slavery in Georgia and conse- quently sought a home where they might be free from the influence of that institution. A settlement was made in Miami county, Ohio, but subsequently Joseph Mote removed to Monroe township. Darke county, where lv remained until his death in 1824. He was the father of ten children : Enoch, who mar- ried Catherine Burcate ; John ; Silas, who married Sallie Hall; Ezekiel, who married Grace Vernon ; Epsy, the wife of John Mark- ham ; Rachel, the wife of John Walker; Noah, who married Catherine Sharp; Alex, who married Rhoda Miles ; William, who married Polly Hunt ; and Joseph, who died in childhood. The maternal grandfather of these chil- dren was John North. He was born in England and there married Rachel Nickel. Subsequently he emigrated with his family to Georgia, taking up his abode in the new world when the colonies along the Atlantic coast still belonged to Great Britain. He sympathized, however, with the American army during the Revolutionary war, and as many Tories lived in that section of the country he had many narrow escapes. At one time he was hidden under a puncheon floor until he could finally make his way from that region. Joining the colonial army he loyally bore his part in the struggle that brought independence to the nation. Both he and his wife lived to be more than one hundred years of age and died in Darke county, Ohio, the former on the 20th of March, 1846, and the latter on the 26th of October, 1842. Their children were: Will- iam; John, who married Tamer Mendenhall ; James, who married Tamer Vernon ; Mary, wife of Joseph Mote; Ezekiel; Thomas, who married Elizabeth Eler; Richard; Joseph, who married Elizabeth Berry ; Sarah the wife of Martin Howe; Samuel, who married Elizabeth Brooks; and Nancy, the wife of Jacob Loge. Ezekiel Mote, the grandfather of our subject and the son of Joseph and Mary (North) Mote, was born February 22, 1808 in Miami county, Ohio. He acquired a fair education and in 1828 married Grace Ver- non, who was descended from a prominent English family. Thomas Vernon was prob- ably a son of Admiral Vernon, who was an admiral of the English navy and was in charge of several voyages of exploration. Nathaniel Gideon and Thomas Vernon came to America in 1772, locating in Georgia, and when the war of the Revolution was in- augurated Gideon and Thomas started for England, but the former, died on the way. Nathaniel Vernon, however, remained in Georgia and upheld the cause of the mother country during the struggle. About 1780 he married Grace Mendenhall and for thirty- five years he was a resident of Georgia, but in 1805 came to Ohio. The mother of Grace Mendenhall was massacred by the Creek Indians about 1781, not far from where Atlanta now stands. It is supposed that Mount Vernon was named in honor of the Admiral and the family name figures conspicuously in connection with English and American history. After the marriage of Ezekiel Mote and Grace Vernon the fa- ther commenced farming and also engaged in merchandising, and became a very prom- inent and influential citizen of the commun- ity in which he resided. He was one of the GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 497 first supporters of the Abolition party in Ohio and was almost ostracised from so- ciety on account of his position " on the slavery question. He was, however, an ef- fective speaker and was firm in the support of his honest convictions. His first wife died in April, 1845, anc ^ sne was ^ ie mother of seven children : Sirena. who became the wife of Hiram Jones and lived near Laura. Miami county; Irving, a resident of Green- \ille; Martha, the wife of Daniel Young: Alpha, deceased ; Olive, the wife of Charles O'Neil; Calvin, who married Rebecca Ele- man ; and Penuel, who died in infancy. In April, 1847, ^ r - Mote married Rachel Rich- ardson and they had four children, of whom two are living, — Grace and Alvin. the for- mer now the wife of an ex-soldier liv- ing in Indiana, having had four children by a former husband, whose name was George Swab. Alvin is married and lives in the west. The second wife of Mr. Mote died March 16, 1855. and subsequently he mar- ried Mary Burns, by whom he had three children : Anson a grocer of Pickaway. Ohio; Mary and Emma. Ezekiel Mote died in 1885. For fifteen years after the marriage of Daniel Young and Martha Ann Mote they lived in Darke county, but in the fall of 1863 removed to Whitley county, Indiana, where they remained until 1870. They now re- side near Pleasant Hill, Miami county, Ohio, where they have a very comfortable home and are enjoying a hale and hearty old age, Daniel Young having passed the seventy- sixth milestone on life's journey. The mar- riage of this worthy couple has been blessed with five children : Calvin, Sylvester, Amandes. Nuel and Ida May, and with the exception of the third named all are yet living. Calvin M. Young, whose name intro- duces this record, was born May 6, 1851, in the county which is still his home, the family then being residents of Franklin township. He acquired his education in the district schools of the neighborhood and at the age of fourteen years began working as a farm hand, giving his father the benefit of his wages. He went to Indiana with his parents and there remained for seven years, but as he did not enjoy good health in the Hoosier state he returned to Ohio on the 24th of April, 1870. He ..as then employed on the brick yard in Montgomery countv until the following winter, when he entered school. In the spring he came to Wash- ington township, Darke county, securing employment in the service of Esquire Jef- fries, of German township, with whom he remained for two years. On the expiration of that period a very important event in his life occurred — his marriage to Miss Sarali Ann Houpt. the wedding being celebrated on the 9th of January, 1873. The lady is a daughter of Frederick and Sarah Houpt. For five years following their marriage Mr. Young rented land in German township be- longing to his father-in-law. On the 10th of November, 1885. he removed to his pres- ent home, which at that time was a tract of eighty-two acres, the greater part of which is under a high state of cultivation and im- proved with all modern accessories and con- veniences. He is a very enterprising and energetic agriculturist, following the most progressive methods, and his home property is one of the most desirable farms in his section of the county. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Young were born six children: Wellington, who resides in Randolph county, Indiana, operates a hack- line and is engaged in carrying the mail; 498 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Rosa Lee, who became the wife of Jesse Dove Marshall and died, leaving a daughter, Opal Marie, who resides with her grand- father. Mr. Young; Garfield, Ollie. Leona and Martha Anna, who are still at home. The mother of these children died Novem- ber 5. 1890, and on the 16th of December, 1895, Mr. Voting wedded Mrs. Laura Alice Baker, by whom he lias two children. Xellie Edith and Bessie Edna. Her people now reside in Harrison township, Darke county, her parents being John F. and Mary (An- kerman ) Spencer. , On attaining his majority Mr. Young became a supporter of the Republican party. continuing as one of its followers until 1884, when, believing the cause of temper- ance the most important issue before the people, he joined the ranks of the Prohibi- tion party. In May. 1888, he was a delegate to the ( )hio Prohibition state convention and was a visitor to the national convention of the party held in Indianapolis, Indiana, the same year. He was also a delegate to the state convention held at Cleveland in 1893 and alternate to the Columbus convention in 18941 Aeain in 1896 he was a state dele- gate and in the work of the part}' he takes a deep and active interest. He is a stanch advocate of American principles, believing that the voice of the people should be the voice of the government. The cause of ed- ucation has found in him a warm friend, who does all in his power to promote the interests of the schools. He belongs to the Farmers' Alliance of Elm Hill, and Pales- tine Lodge, No. 652, K. of P., of which he is a charter member. He visited the World's Columbian Exposition at Chicago in 1893 and the Atlanta Exposition, and has seen many of the prominent battle fields of the south. He has always been an hon- orable and patriotic citizen and in [896 he delivered the Memorial Day address at Pales- tine. He is a man of broad scholarly attain- ments, his investigations being carried far and wide into the realms of science. He has a particular love for the studies of arch- eology, geology and paleontology and has some of the finest collections in the state. Although bis time and means are limited, his researches and investigations have given him greater knowledge of these subjects and rilled his cabinets with many fine specimens of these fields. Indeed his collections are so rare and valuable-and his knowledge of the subject so extensive that he is recognized as an authority on such matters. Particular mention may be made of his archeological specimens showing the implements used by men in matters of warfare and also in times of peace. In 1882 some farm hands digging a township ditch discovered what they sup- posed to he pieces of petrified wood. Know- ing Mr. Voting's reputation, however, he was summoned and immediately recognized the supposed wood as bones of the extinct mastodon giganteus. After working several hours they unearthed the lower jaw bone, which was very much decayed and crumbled very easily, but with great care Mr. Voting proceeded in his work and had the bones exhumed, and although broken in several places the skeleton was in a fair state of preservation. This lower jaw of the masto- don was the largest specimen ever found, weighing one hundred and six pounds and measuring thirty inches between the two sides at the rear. The length of the jaw bone is three feet, six and a half inches, and its thickness near the molar teeth is about eight inches. The two molar teeth weighed seven pounds each and the four incisors GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 499 about three pounds each. The bones were later sold to Kendall & Collett, who placed them in the museum, at Terre Haute, Indi- ana where, with over twenty thousand dol- lars' worth of other valuable specimens, it was destroyed by fire. The total weight of the mastodon must have been over two hun- dred thousand pounds! Mr. Young lias also made a deep study of the "Mound-builders," and his relics that came from the mounds of Ohio form an interesting and valuable collection, of which he has every reason to be proud. The col- lection comprises everything used by the "Mound-builders" for agricultural, domestic or warlike purposes. He has some very rare pipes of beautiful workmanship. He has done more to awaken interest in this particular line of research by his con- tributions to the daily and weekly news- papers, and his articles are noteworthy for the interesting manner in which he presents his subject, doing more to popularize and make attractive to the general public these important branches of science. His ambi- tion now is to complete and classify a full collection of the archeological relics and make it the best private collection in the state. WILLIAM H. MATCHETT, M. D. Among the citizens who have contrib- uted to the development of the county and left their impress upon its history was Dr. William Hendrickson Matchett, who for sixty-eight years was a resident and for more than forty years one of the practicing physi- cians and surgeons of Darke o unity. As the river whose deep and stead}- current, wind- ing among fair landscapes, past blossoming fields and through busy towns, blessing millions of people and enhancing the wealth of nations, affords a little of that wild and romantic scenery which startles the traveler or delights the artist, so those lives which contribute most to the improvement of a state and the well-being of a people are seldom the ones which furnish the most brilliant passages for the pen of the his- torian or biographer. There is, in the anxious and laborious struggle for an honorable competence and a solid career of the business or professional man fight- ing the every-day battle of life, but little to attract the idle reader of a sensational chap- ter; but for a mind thoroughly awake to the reality and meaning of human existence, there are noble and immortal lessons in the life of a man, who, without other means than a clear head, a strong arm and a true heart, conquers adversity, and, toiling on through the workaday years of a Ling ca- reer, finds that he has won not only wealth, but also something far greater and higher — ■ the deserved respect and esteem of those with whom his years of active life have placed him in contact. Such a man, and for many years one of the leading citizens of Darke county, was Dr. Matchett. Born in Butler county, Ohio, he was of French Huguenot extrac- tion, a descendant of one Jean Machet, of Normandy, and later of John Matchett (called "The Pine" on account of his re- markable height) who distinguished himself in the battle of Trenton, and whose memory was honored by a memorial tablet, which still hangs in a church in Monmouth county, New Jersey. The sword which he carried, hav- ing wrested it from a British officer, is still in possession of the family of C. < ■■ Matchett, and did service in both the war of [812 and the civil war. having heen carried by 500 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. the Doctor's grandfather in the former and by his brother. Captain C. G. Matchett, in the latter. The Doctor's parents, Eric, of New York, and Joanna Matchett, of Mon- mouth county, New Jersey, removed to ( >hio about 1820, and in the early '30s came with their family to Darke county, settling at the cross-roads, where later there was a small neighborhood known as Matchett's Corner. The Doctor was here reared and be- came thoroughly acquainted with the most primitive features of the country and the varied experiences of pioneer life. So fa- miliar was he with the log-cabin period that he remarked to the man in charge of a fac- simile pioneer's dwelling at the World's Columbian Exposition, "Why, you have your coonskins hung wrong-side out," — meaning that the pelt should be turned to- ward the wall, as he had always seen them when cabins were usually decorated with Ci 11 inskin currency. Fi ir two years Dr. Matchett carried the mail from Greenville to Hamilton, riding through a wilderness of swamp and prairie land. He was then only fourteen years old. He was a boy of very studious habits, hav- ing great thirst for knowledge, and his earn- ings were invested in school books, which he studied before an old-fashioned fireplace by the light of the blazing logs. His school ad- vantages were meager, but he mastered the common branches and did some work in the higher, thus advancing along educational lines until he was enabled to teach, being connected with the schools of Darke and Preble counties in that way for several terms. However, the- practice of medicine was the profession which he desired to make his life work, and he early began preparation for that calling under the tutelage of Drs. Jaqua & Lineweaver, of West Alexandria, Preble county. He also attended two courses of lectures in Cleveland and Cincin- nati and graduated at the Ohio Medical College. Dr. Matchett was united in marriage to Miss Eleanora, the accomplished daughter of Dr. William Lindsay, of Richmond, In- diana, and granddaughter of Dr. Peter Smith, of the "Miami country," a graduate of Princeton and the author of the first work on Materia Medica ever published west of the Alleghany mountains, and who, said Rafinesque, was among the first to formu- late the microbe theory. ( Vide "Dr. Smith and his Medical Dispensatory," by John Uri Lloyd, Pharmaceutical Journal, Philadel- phia, 1897). Six children were born of this union, but only two are living. Dr. Matchett officiated at the entrance of life of over three thousand of the population in this section of the state. He was the loved family physi- cian in many a household, and no man in the entire community deserved in higher de- gree the confidence and respect given him. During the war of the Rebellion, the Doctor served for four years as surgeon of the One Hundred and Eighty-sixth Ohio Regiment and first assistant surgeon of the Fortieth Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He be- lieved firmly in the policy of arbitrating all national disputes. In consequence, be was dubbed a "copperhead." in i860, by those who mistook his principles for southern sym- pathy; but when the country needed loyal men, he was ready to give his aid and. if need be, his life in defense of the Union. He was a man ahead of his times, regarding ar- bitration and many other questions; and while he often assisted in breaking the ground for the propagation of some new principle, unpopular at its beginning, he lived to behold many a blossom and fruitage in the GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 501 growth of public opinion. He hid his timidity behind a cloak of reserve and oft- times seemed austere, but his intimate friends recognized his true worth and kindly nature, and, though he led a life apparently self- centered, he was in reality sympathizing with and encompassing in interest men of every station. But principle rather than popu- larity was the keynote of his character. During President Cleveland's adminis- tration Dr. Matchett was the president of the board of pension examiners. He was an enthusiastic member of the Grand Army Post, and ofttimes addressed public gather- ings on war topics and experiences. His loyalty was one of his marked characteris- tics, but he brought to bear on all public questions careful and mature judgment. In politics he was a Jeffersonian Democrat of the strictest school until 1873, when he espoused the cause of political temperance, and with the birth of the Prohibition party allied himself to that body, laboring for the the promulgation of its principles with voice and pen, and as host and helper of any of its votaries until the day of his death. His business life was one of honorable, upright dealing with all men. A common saying of Dr. Matchett's was: "1 want t<> be on good terms with myself. 1 want my own self respect." Of him it was often said, "Dr. Matchett's word is as good as his bond." In his life he might be said t>> ex- emplify the Shakesperean precept. "This above all. To thine own self be true. And it must follow as the night the day I Thou canst not then be false to any man." An early love of truth, a high sense of honor and a disposition to defend the right and condemn the wrong, instilled in him by a good, wise mother, in early boyhood, in a quiet country home, laid the foundation of that in his character which was noble and pronounced. He was greatly interested in Masonry, to the study of which he devoted much time, serving for many years as high priest in the Greenville Chapter, and o >n- tributing from time to time to the Masonic literature of the state. Dr. Matchett's deatli occurred on the 28th of August, 1898. as the result of a cerebral hemorrhage, his illness lasting only two weeks. In religious belief he was a Methodist, believing in the Wesleyan doc- trine, as evidenced bv one of his sayings: "I want always-to attend church so garbed that the poorest man there may not surfer bv contrast." His life was an uneventful one, the greatest eulogy upon which was pronounced by his pastor, Rev. C. L. Conger, of the Methodist Episcopal church of Green- ville, who said : "There have been but few men in my experience of whom it can lie said, "He has kept the faith;' hut Dr. Matchett is one of them. He was not the best edu- cated man I have known, but he was the best informed man." He thought of the "beyond" as one eternal progress and he regarded death as only a stepping nut of the old house into the new. He was ready for promotion into the higher school "where Christ himself doth rule" and when death came he welcomed his commencement day of immortality, feeling that he had en- deavored to do his best in the lower grades. HUGH ARMSTRONG The stock and farming industries oi Darke county, Ohio, have for many years had a representative in Hugh Armstrong. of German township, who is well-known as a breeder of shorthorn cattle. 502 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Mr. Armstrong was born in Jackson township, Darke county, Ohio, three miles east of Union City, July 19. 1837. His father. John Armstrong', a native of Wash- ington county, Pennsylvania, born Decem- ber 1 8. 1793, came when a young man to Darke county. Ohio, and so well pleased was he with the locality that he decided to make it his permanent home. Returning to his native state he married the girl of his choice and came back, about 18 12, and settled on a tract of government land in Greenville township, to which in due time he secured a title, and on which' they made their home for some time. Afterward- he sold out and removed to Greenville, where he engaged in the hotel business. He was an all-around man. figuring prominently in various ca- pacities. By trade he was a brick mason and he built one of the first brick houses in the town, the one formerly known as the Peilv Knox property His hotel, or "tav- ern" as it was then called, was one of the first in Greenville. Farm life, however, was his choice, and he again sought a rural home. He entered eighty acres of land in Jackson township, to which he subsequently added eighty acres more, and on this farm he spent the rest of his days and died July M>. [864, being about seventy-one years of age at the time of his death. Politically he was first a Whig and later a Republican. He gave some time to the practice of law and was for a number of years, up to the time of his death, a justice of the peace. Also he was at one time the judge of the circuit court of Greenville. He was only reasonably suc- cessful in a financial way. Of a generous nature, ever willing to help others, he not infrequently neglected his own business to give a helping hand to others. But he left to his family what was of far more value than money or land, — the heritage of a good name. Judge Armstrong's father was James Armstrong. He was born, reared and mar- ried in Scotland, and with his wife emi- grated to this Country, locating in Pennsyl- vania, where he passed the rest of his life i hi a farm and where he died. Judge John Armstrong- was married three times. His first wife, whom he mar- ried in Pennsylvania as above stated, died shortly after their settlement in Darke county. His second wife was a daughter of Isaac Vale, and by her he had two chil- dren viz. : Martin M., born January 19, [822, and is now deceased, and Frances A., born November 23, 1823. is the widow of William Douglas and resides with her son, Greer Douglas, in Jackson township, this county. His third wife, the mother of the subject of this sketch, was Jane Elston, a native of New Jersey, born March 24, 1805, who came to Darke county, Ohio, with her parents when she was a small child. The children of this marriage were nine in num- ber, as follows: Thomas, born July 31. [826 now deceased; Margaret, born Jan- uary 15, 1829, also now deceased; Peter E., born November 21. 1831, is a resident of Washington township. Darke county; Sarah, born January 31, 1835, is deceased; Hugh, the direct subject of this review; John H., horn January 12, 1840. who died while in the service of bis country during the civil war; Elizabeth, born February 14, 1843, ' s the wife of Cyrus Hart, of Darke county; Mary J., born February 6, 1846, is the widow of Daniel Dowlar, of Washington town- ship, Darke county; and Hannah C, born April 8. 1849. i s tne u ' te of Augustus Stoner, on the old home farm in Jackson township. Hugh Armstrong passed his boyhood GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 503 and early manhood on his father's farm and was there at the time of the civil war. In the spring of 1864 lie enlisted in the Union army as a member of the One Hun- dred and Fifty-second Ohio Volunteer In- fantry, for ime hundred days' service, and at the end of that time was honorably dis- charged. Returning home, he continued work mi his father's farm until 1867. That year he purchased eighty acres, cornering with his father's land. Two years later he si >ld this tract and bought one hundred and twenty-nine acres in Washington township, which was his home nine years and which he then exchanged for a farm in Franklin township. ( )n the last named place he lived two years. In r88l he .-old out and came to his present location in German township, where he has a fine farm of two hundred and five acres, nicely improved and specially fitted for stuck purposes. He has one of the finest barns in the county. The residence is just outside the corporate limits of Pales- tine. Mr. Armstrong was first married, in Oc- tober. 1867, to Miss Elizabeth J. Van Skaik, who was horn April 14, 1839, and died De- cember jo, 1880, leaving four children, namely: Ida J., born March 13, 1870. who is now the wife of \Y. M. McCartney, a Disciple minister near Worden, Ohio; Eva >C, born December 14, 1873, at home; Ret- tie A., born August 6, 1876, is the wife of Charles Wilt, of Palestine; and George, born September 16, 1879, is a farmer of Jackson township, this county. Mr. Armstrong's present wife was formerly Miss Carlesta McCabe, who was born July 4. 1865, and who is a daughter of George McCabe, of Palestine, a native of Darke county. Ohio. By this marriage there is one child, Mer- ideth. born March 23, 1894. Mr. Armstrong harmonizes with the Republican party and is a member of that popular organization, the G. A. R., holding bis membership in Reed Post, No. 572. JAMES A. SNYDER. The subject of this sketch is one of the representative farmers and stock raisers of Mississinawa township, Darke count}-, Ohio. whose success in life is due to their own well directed and energetic efforts. Mr. Snyder is the sixth child and fifth son in a family of eight children — seven sons and one daughter. The father, John K. Snyder, was born in Hunterdon county. New Jer- sey, February 10, 181 1. and was married in Butler county, Ohio, February 10, 1835, to Amy Ilidley, who was born in Hunter- don. New Jersey, February 10, 1818, their marriage being celebrated on the anniversary of both their births. The bride's trousseau consisted of a calico dress, and being in very humble circumstances they began their mar- ried life in a most primitive manner. In [838 they removed from Butler county to .Mississinawa township, Darke county, where the father died July -'8, [849, leaving his widow with eight small children to care for. On the 13th of December, 1855, she mar- ried Hugh McKibben, who died January S. [881, and her death occurred February 4, 18S8, within six days of her seventieth birthday. After his father's death James A. Snyder and the other children were put out to earn their own living. While in his ninth year he left home hurriedly to escape a whipping from his stepfather, who he thought had no right to whip him. and he well remem- bers what good time he made in climbing fences and race down the road. Me finally 504 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. reached the residence of Mahlon Peters, with whom he found a good home, living with him without wages until fifteen years of age, when he made an agreement to stay until he was twenty-one, Mr. Peters giving him a new suit of clothes and eleven dol lars and a quarter per month, hut soon after this his employer discontinued farming and Mr. Snyder found employment in the lumber woods, driving two yoke of cattle at thir- teen dollars per month and board during the winter. On the last day of December, 1867, Mr. Snyder landed in Iroquois county, Illinois, where he contracted to work for a man who had a hard name, at twenty-five dollars per month as long as they could agree. He re- mained with him [nine months and they parted good friends. Here Mr. Snyder was in his element as his employer was a drover and stock dealer, for he had become thor- oughly famil'ar with that business during his boyhood at home. The following year he worked for another farmer in Iroquois county and then decided to return to Ohio Before going west he had saved one hundred and seventy five dollars, and while there increased the amount to three hundred, but was defrauded out of one hundred dollars in a business transaction, leaving him two hundred when he returned to Ohio. Lo- cating in Darke county, he rented his pros- pective father-in-law's farm in Mississinawa, where be still resides. Mr. Snyder was married. September 10, 1869 to Miss Sarah I. Dutro, a daughter of John M. and Susan (Bechtol) Dutro. The father was born in Frederick county. Mary- land, in 1822, the mother in Berkeley coun- ty. West Virginia, in 1827, and they were married in Montgomery county, Ohio, in 1848. In [862 they came to Darke county, and in the midst of the forest Mr. Dutro purchased one hundred and three acres of land for which he paid six hundred dollars. At that time it was all wild and unimproved, but has since been transformed into a fine farm. Mr. Dutro worked at his trade of bricklaying during the summer, while through the winter months he would clear ten acres of land. He died February 17, 1893. honored anil respected by all who knew him. His widow is still living and finds a pleasant home with Mr. and Mrs. Snyder. She is still quite active both in body and mind, and enjoys household cares and work among the flowers. Of her five children only two reached maturity, Mrs. Snyder being the younger. Oliver T., the only son, is a brick mason, now serving as a foreman for a large firm in Buffalo, New Y ork, and he stands high in business circles. He is married and has three children. Mr. Snyder is now the owner of the old Dutro homestead, comprising two hundred and eighteen acres, which he has placed un- der a high state of cultivation. As a stock raiser he has been eminently successful, hav- ing made the most of his money in that way. He raises cattle, sheep and horses, and also- buys cattle, which he fattens for market and then sells. During the first few years of their married life he and his wife toiled hard, early and late, but prosperity has crowned their efforts and they can now take life easy. They have a charming home, their brick residence being surrounded by extensive grounds shaded by a fine variety of fruit and ornamental trees. Fraternally Mr. Snyder is a member of tl.e Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and political!)' is an ardent Repubbcan. During the civil war he made an effort to enter the service, but was prevented from enlisting GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. iOb- by his family on account of his youth. In civil affairs he has rendered his full share of puhlic service, having for a quarter of a century filled some office, including those of school director and supervisor. In 1872 he was elected trustee of Mississinawa town- ship, overcoming the Democratic majority of sixty, his opponent receiving only twenty votes in the caucus and twenty in the elec- tion. He most creditably filled that office for ten years, and has faithfully discharged every duty devolving upon him, whether public nr private. JOHN RUFUS HILL. German township, Darke county, Ohio, includes among its leading farmers John Rufus Hill, who is a native of this county and is a member of one of its pioneer fam- ilies. He was born in Harrison township, April 13, 1845, a son °f Hugh L. and Eliza- beth (Kunkle) Hill. Elizabeth Kunkle was the daughter of John and Susan Kunkle, was born in Bedford county, Pennsylvania, January 25. 1815, and came with her par- ents to Darke county in 1818. She was united in marriage with Hugh L. Hill March 16, 1837, and died at her home in Palestine No- vember 25, 1894. J. R. Hill is the fourth in a family of eight children, seven of whom are still liv- ing. When he was twelve years of age the family removed from Harrison township to German township, where he grew to man- hood on his father's farm, and where he has since lived. The first school he attended was held in log school house in the woods of Harrison township; later he attended dis- trict school in German township, and it may be added that the greater portion of his education has been obtained in the broad school of experience. When the civil war broke out he was too young to enter the ser- vice of his country, but before the conflict was ended he enlisted and was in active serv- ice four months. It was May 2, 1864, at the age of nineteen, and as a member of Com- pany H, One Hundred and Fifty-second Ohio Volunteer Infantry, that he entered the Union army. This was a one-hundred-day regiment, under Colonel Putnam. Mr. Hill was on some hard marches, guarding a pro- vision train, and performed faithful service, after which, September 1, 1864, he was hon- orably discharged. Returning home after his army experi- ence, Mr. Hill resumed work on the farm and remained there until after his marriage, in September of the following year, when he located on a farm of his own on the Hol- lansburg & Palestine pike, three miles south of Palestine. He lived on that farm three years. Then he sold it and bought the farm on which he has since lived, one hundred and twenty-three acres, in section 15, German township, all of which is under cultivation,, devoted to a diversity of crops. September 11, 1875, Mr. Hill married Miss Amanda Harding, a native of German township, Darke county, Ohio, and a daugh- ter of James and Polly Harding, early set- j tiers of the township. In the Harding fam- ily were six children, of whom Mrs. Hill is the eldest. She received her education in the schools near her home and for a short time previous to her marriage was engaged in teaching. Mr. and Mrs. Hill have four children — Alba, Ressie. Odlin and James- all at home. On reaching his majority Mr. Hill sup- ported the Republican party and has adhered to it ever since. He has always taken an active interest in public affairs in his lo- .-.m; GEXEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. cality and has served officially in various ca- pacities. He was land assessor in 1890, school director about six years, and at this writing is township treasurer. He is a mem- ber of Reed Post, No. ?J2. G. A. R., and a member of the Knights of Pythias. Palestine Lodge, No. 652. Mr. and Airs. Mill are mem- bers of the Universalist church at Palestine and contribute to its support and all measures calculated to advance the public welfare. An upright citizen, honorable in all his deal- ings, having at heart the development of the comity and giving his support to whatever he believes is intended to advance its best interests, he is entitled to the esteem in which he is held by his fellow citizens. ADAM C. FRAMPTON. The subject of this memoir, now de- ceased, was born in Richland township. Darke county. ( »hio, November 5, 1826, the son of Hugh and Mary (Coppess) Framp- ton, early pioneers of Darke county. Hugh Frampton was the sou of Arthur Framp- ton, ami Englishman, and was born in Penn- sylvania, from which state he came to Ohio in [824 and took up his residence in Darke county, where he soon afterward met and married Miss Coppess. She was a native of North Carolina, and when a young woman came with her father. Adam Coppess, to Darke county. Ohio. Hugh and Mary Frampton were the parents of five children, Adam C. being the eldest. The others were William, Martha. Mary Jane and Ellen. Mr. Frampton was reared on his fa- ther's frontier farm, and in his young man- hood was engaged in teaching school, teach- ing during the winter months, both before and after his marriage. He was married in 1849. From that time until 1853 he carried on farming, and in 1853, w ' tn Mrs. Framp- ton's brothers, John and Samuel Patterson, he turned his attention to the saw-mill busi- ness, in which he was engaged until 1866. That year he removed to a farm in Adams township, where he passed the rest of his lite in agricultural pursuits, and where his widow, Mrs. Mary Jane ( Patterson) Framp- ton, still resides. Plere he died, March 30, [892. He was a Democrat until the break- ing out of the Civil war in 1861, when he joined the Republican ranks, to which he ever afterward gave active support. He served as a trustee of Adams township, also filled, acceptably, other local offices, and ever ti ok a deep interest in all that pertains to the welfare of the locality. The church of his choice was the Christian church, in which he was an active and worthy member for many years. Fraternally he was for twenty-five years identified with the Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows, and uiiring that time the records show that he. never drew a benefit. He helped to organize the Farmers' Mutual Fire Association in 1877, was elected its secretary at the time of organ- ization, and continued to fill that position up to the time of his death. Mrs. Mary Jane Frampton. nee Patter- son, was born in Washington count}'. Mary- land. January 20, 1826, of Irish and German descent. Her father. Robert Patterson, a native of the north of Ireland, born in 1794, came to America at about the age of twenty years and took up his residence in Maryland, where he subsequently married Mis.-- Anna Stahl, a native of Pennsylvania, born in 1792, who had moved with her parents to Maryland in her young womanhood. The Stahls were of German origin. After their marriage Robert Patterson and wife located in Washington county. Maryland, where they GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 507 lived until 1833, and that year came to Darke county, Ohio, and settled in Rich- land township, where he engaged in farming and where he resided until his death. Sep- tember 23, 1842. His wife died January 27, 1855. The}' were the parents of five chil- dren, two daughters and three sons, as fol- lows : John, Esther. Samuel and Michael, all deceased, and Mrs. Frampton, the third born and the only living representative of the family. All had as good educational ad- vantages as the schools of the community afforded and all spent some time in teach- ing. The eldest son, John, was a great student and an author (if some note. He wrote "Conflict in Nature and Life." "Re- forms: Their Difficulties and Possibilities," and a number of other works. Mrs. Frampton is the mother of five children, one son and four daughters, name- ly : 1'obert P., born August 17, 1850, mar- ried Annua Herberger in December, 1883, and died April 8, 1898. Currie F.. born Oc- tober 8, 1854. married. May 27. 1873, Will- iam H. Burns, a farmer of Adams township, and they have seven children — Earl E, Harry D., Rossella, Mary, Adam C, Cath- erine and Minnie — and one — Stella — de- ceased. Minnie, born October 17, 1857, re- sides with her mother. Rossella, born April 16, 1861, died March 3, 1878. Lillian E., born June 20, 1863, married, June 7, 1883, W. B. Marshall, a farmer and teacher, and they have three children living — Hugh F., Robert P. and Clement H. — and twins — Maud and Minnie — that died in infancy. W. B. Marshall, who was horn in Mont- gomery county, Ohio, May 22, 1862, and came to Darke county, settled in Adams township, in 1873. His father came to Ohio from Rockingham county. Virginia. He (the father) enlisted in the Seventy- first Ohio Volunteers and was killed at Shiloh, in April, [862. His mother's -peo- ple came from Ireland. The subject of this sketch is a member of Gettysburg Lodge, I. O. O. E., a Republi- can in politics and has taught in the coun- try schools continuously since 1883. JOHN W. LARIMER. In the origination and evolution of sur- names there have been many transitions and corruptions, and this is true of the honored patronymic borne by the subject of this sketch, the name being a corruption of the old orthography, Lorimore, which as desig- nating a worthy Scottish race has been known in the annals of Scottish history from the earliest days, the name being familiar in both the highlands and lowlands of bon- nie Scotland and having been borne by many brave men and many women of most genteel breeding. In the United States are found various corruptions of this illustrious and patriarchal name, which appears so frequent- ly in Scotch song and story. In Ivanhoe and Rob Roy, the beautiful productions of Sir Walter Scott, the names of Lord and Lady Lorimore appear, and of this line our subject is clearly a representative. Tw his ancestors adopted the present orthog- raphy, which has obtained for the past cen- tury. Mr. Larimer is a native of Perry county. Ohio, having been born near Lexington, on the 24th of June. T840, the fifth in order of birth of two sons and four daughter- ol Isaac and Margaret ( Ray ) Larimer. Five of the children are yet living, namely: Ma- tilda, wife of John Rodahefer, a prosper- ous farmer of Fairfield county. Ohio: Sam- ■uel R. was a soldier in the civil war and 508 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. for the past twelve years has been a guard at the Iowa state prison, at Anamosa ; Re- becca, wife of William Rowles, a farmer of Fairfield county, Ohio ; Mary E., who is the wife of George Seitz, a carpenter and con- tractor of Effingham, Illinois, and a brother of Professor Enoch Seitz, of Greenville, Ohio, one of the most profound and emi- nent mathematicians in the world ; and John W., who is the immediate subject of this re- view. The father was born about the year 1808, and his death occurred in 1874. He was a man of great decision of character, strong intellectuality and vigorous thought, having a fine command of language and being a forcible and ready public speaker in an im- promptu way. His fountain of knowledge was not fed so much by definite scholastic training as by self-application and careful study of the best literature and of the prob- lems and questions of the day. As may be imagined he had clearly defined political convictions, which he always had the cour- age to maintain. He was a Democrat and was a strong advocate of abolition, though at variance with the majority of his party in the crucial period culminating in the war of the Rebellion. He was held in high es- timation by the people of Perry county, which he represented with signal efficiency in the state legislature, being also district member from Perry, Hocking and Fairfield counties. He advocated strenuously the cause of abolition during the Lincoln-Doug- las campaign and was a great admirer of the martyr president. The public-school sys- tem was then in its infancy and he was one of the foremost advocates of its expansion and careful maintenance. In religion his faith ■was that of the Presbyterian church. His father, who also bore the name of Isaac Larimer, was a soldier in the war of 1812, entering the service as a private and being mustered out with the rank of captain. He held this office at the time of his capture by the enemy when General Hull made his ig- nominious surrender, and he was the only officer in his regiment who was allowed to retain his side arms. When the British offi- cer approached and demanded his sword and revolver Grandfather Larimer raised his sword in the air and said : "When I took this sword I resolved to free my country or die in the attempt." The officer smiled and passed on, and the subject of this review has his grandfather's sword in his posses- sion to-day — a souvenir -to him of priceless worth. Isaac Larimer, the father of our subject, came to Darke county in 1865 and pur- chased land in Greenville township, south- east of Greenville, and there he made his home until his death. His wife, who was likewise a native of Ohio, died in Novem- ber, 1873, at the age of sixty years. She was also a member of the Presbyterian church, in whose work she took a zealous in- terest. John W. Larimer passed his youth- ful days in Perry and Fairfield counties, as- sisting in the work of the farm and attend- ing the district schools. He had entered a select school or academv, for the purpose of continuing his studies, but at this time the nation was menaced by armed rebellion and the young man showed his loyalty and patri- otic ardor by entering the Union service, putting aside all personal consideration to go forth in defense of his country. On the 23d of February, 1864, at Bremen, Fairfield county, he enlisted as a member of Company B, Seventeenth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, under Captain J. T. Weakley. The regi- ment was ordered to report at Chattanooga, GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. LOO Tennessee, and arriving there, the first night he slept on the battle ground of Mission Ridge, and at dawn of the next day Mr. Larimer was awakened by lis comrade, who said. "Wake up, comrade, and see whom you have been sleeping with ;" and as he looked around to where his head had rested he saw a half-buried human hand protruding from the ground the gruesome sight sending a shudder through his system ! He was in the command of General "Pap" Thomas and participated in every battle and skirmish in which his regiment took part, among the most prominent engagements being Resaca and the siege of Atlanta. He was present at all the battles in the Atlanta campaign, including the engagements at Kenesaw Mountain and Jonesboro, Georgia; and he participated also in the battles of Fayette- ville. North Carolina, Bentonville and Ra- leigh, North Carolina, after accompanying General Sherman on his famous march to the sea. He experienced many of the hard- ships of the soldier's life. At Savannah, Georgia, where the boys were suffering from hunger and foraging was the one topic of conversation, they were called upon to again take up the long and weary march through the Carolinas to Richmond and thence on to Washington, the aim of certain officers being to see who could reach the capital first, no matter at what suffering and sacrifice to the poor fellows in the ranks. The engagement at Bentonville, North Caro- lina, was the last of the war, and the Fed- eral army encamped near Jonesboro, where the news of Lee's surrender was learned by the second division in town, who hailed the intelligence by firing their guns and other demonstrations. The division in which Mr. Larimer was assigned was encamped about five miles distant, and when the firing in the town was heard it was thought another at- tack was being made by the Confederates and I the division made ready to take part in the i affray. On reaching the out-picket line the news of the surrender was communicated and the boys began to fire their guns, where- upon General Baird, commanding, exclaimed : "Stop that at once! If the other fellows have made d — d fools of- themselves, don't you !" The regiment finally marched on- ward to Washington, where it participated in the grand review, one of the most impos- ing military pageants of modern times. Mr. Larimer served his country faithfully and bravely for eighteen months, within which time he was never absent from his regi- ment, never in the guard house or hospital and always ready to perform the duties as- signed him. Receiving his honorable dis- charge, he returned to his home to resume the vocations of peace. On the 1 2th of November, 1872, Mr. Larimer was united in marriage to Miss Margaret C. Mowen, and to them one son and four daughters were born, the son, Isaac Wright, having died at the age of nine years. The daughters are as follows: Pearl, who . was educated in the public schools, and is a member of the Reformed church and of the Aid Society; Ethel, who has also received good educational ad- vantages, and has shown marked musical talent ; Sara has attended the public schools in her native county and also .the graded schools at Effingham, Illinois, being an earnest student; and Virgie is the youngest of the family. Mrs. Larimer was born in Darke county. January 18, 1847, a daughter of David and Sarah (Hartle) Mowen. She lias one sis- ter and one brother— Urilla, the widow of George Creager, a contractor and builder, 510 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. is a resident of Columbus, Ohio; and Frank- lin, who resides in Dayton, this state, being a successful carpenter and builder. Mrs. Larimer lias been reared and educated in this county and is a woman of high character and ideals, presiding with grace and dignity over her pleasant home. At the beginning of their married life our subject and his wife rented land in Greenville township, where they remained about a year, when they took up their abode on the old homestead of Mrs. Larimer's father, the same comprising two hundred acres, where our subject asso- ciated^ himself with' his brother-in-law in renting the place for one year, after which he decided to purchase eighty acres of the homestead, assuming an indebtedness of one thousand seven hundred and fifty dol- lars. By industry and good management, and aided by the efforts and counsel bf his devoted wife, Mr. Larimer has not only met all financial obligations but has also made many fine improvements upon his homestead, erecting a beautiful brick resilience in 1879. All the barns and other outbuildings have been built by our subject and 2,500 rods of tiling have been put in. In addi- tion to the home place Mr. and Mrs. Lari- mer have purchased another farm of seventy- three acres, which is likewise free from en- cumbrance. Their success has been notable and has been worthily achieved and in the community no family enjoys a more marked popularity and esteem. Mrs. Larimer has in her possessii >n the original deed of the farm, executed August 14, 1834, and signed ■by President Andrew Jackson. ■ Mr. Larimer has always given his sup- port to the Republican party and its princi- ples, casting his first vote for Abraham Lincoln. He was a delegate to the state convention of his party in 1896, and has also been a delegate to county and district con- ventions at various times. In 1890 he was census enumerator for Richland township and also served in that capacity for the census of 1900. Fraternally he is identified with Lodge Xo. 742, I. O. O. F., at Greenville, in which he has passed all the chairs ; and also with Jobes Post, G. A. R., at Greenville, thus keeping alive his interest in his old com- rades in arms, whose ranks are so rapidly '■ being - decimated bv the ravages of time. HARRISON A. KEPNFA It is always of interest to study the his- tory of a self-made man, to examine into the secret of his success and to determine the qualities which have led to his pros- perity. It is this understanding of the methods which have been followed and which have "led on to fortune" that have made biography, as Carlyle expresses it, "the most universally profitable and the most universally pleasant of all studies." Mr. Kepner, after long and lionorable con- nection with business affairs, is now living retired, enjoying a rest which he has truly earned. For many years he was identified with the business interests of Arcanum, and his activity- proved an important element in the commercial prosperity and progress of the community. Harrison Augustus Kepner is a repre- sentative of one of the old families of Penn- sylvania. His grandfather. Jacob Kepner, was born near Port Royal in Juniata coun- ty, and was twice married. He first wedded a Miss Gross and after her death married Sarah Eliza Dupes, who survived him for some years. He died upon his farm in Penn- sylvania about 1848. By his first marriage he had three children : John ; Catherine, ^^.eAjftM&L GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 511 who became the wife of David Suloff and died in Patterson, Pennsylvania ; and Jacob. The children of the second marriage were Elizabeth, who married Samuel Aughey and died in Juniata county, Pennsylvania, in February, 1900; Henry, who married Cath- erine Rice and died at Sandy Hill, Perry county, Pennsylvania; Sarah, who married Samuel Rice and died in Port Royal, Penn- sylvania, where her husband also departed this life; Christina, a resident of the Key- stone state, who married Jacob Hertzler, hut is now the widow of George Heikes; Ben- jamin, who wedded Margaret Frankhauser and died in July, 1900; Polly, who became the wife of George Boyer and died in May, 1900; and Samuel, who died in July, 1900. He married Barbara Kohler and after her death wedded Carrie Dukeman, who also is now deceased. Jacob Kepner, Jr., the father of our sub- ject, was born on the old homestead in Juniata county, Pennsylvania, in 1806, and received a common-school education. In his native county he was united in marriage to Miss Catherine Knawel, who was born near McAllisterville, Juniata county, in 1808. Some time after his marriage he located be- tween Millerstown and Newport, in Perry county, Pennsylvania, and thence removed across the river to the Mitchell farm. Sub- sequently he purchased one hundred acres of land near Milford, Perry county, and there engaged in farming for a number of years. Upon that farm his wife died in 1880. Some time afterward he visited his son, Harrison, in Ohio, and upon his return wedded Mary Reisinger. of Ickesburg, Perry county. He spent his last years in Milford, in retirement from active labor. and died June 16, 1888. He was a stanch Democrat in politics, and in his religious views was a Lutheran. Of his eleven chil- dren. Wilhelmina, the eldest, died in infancy ; Edward died at the age of eighteen year : William T., who married a Miss Mayer, and after her death wedded Mary Clark, of New Bloomfield, Pennsylvania, and died at his home in Lima, Ohio, in December,. 1899; Harrison A. is the next in order of birth ; Margaret became the wife of James Hostetter and died in Juniata county, Penn- sylvania; Martha died in childhood; Cath- erine is the wife of Howard Andrews, of Newport, Pennsylvania ; John is a resident of Greenville, Ohio ; Theodore makes his home in Lima, Ohio ; Samuel died at the age of ten years; and Lloyd L. is also de- ceased. Harrison A. Kepner, whose name intro- duces this review, was born May 14, 1836, in the old stone house which was the home of his parents at the time they resided in Perry county, Pennsylvania, between New- port and Millerstown. He was reared to manhood on his father's farm near Milford,. acquired a good practical education in the public schools and at the age of sixteen be- gan teaching in the Thompson Lock school During the summer he attended the high school at Markleville and completed his edu- cation in the Port Royal Academy. He taught the Thompson Lock school for one term and then accepted a position as teacher in the Gilfillen school at Pfout's valley, in Perry county, where he received forty-five dollars per month, — a much larger salary than it was customary to pay at that time, but his ability to teach both English and German gained for him the larger o impensa- tion. He afterward continued his educa- tional labors near Loysville, Perry county, and at Center. Juniata county. Having acquired some capital as the re- 31 512 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. suit of his energy and economy, Mr. Kepner traveled west and visited Chicago, Iowa City and other points. He then went to the home of his uncle, Joseph Roush, in Lima, Ohio, where he was employed in a saw-mill for a few months. During those years, through practical experience, he had gained a good knowledge of the carpenter's trade, which lie subsequently followed in Darke county through the summer months for a number of years, while in the winter season he engaged in teaching for eight years. It was in the spring o^ 1859 that he located in Neave township, Darke county, where he owned and operated a farm for three years. In 1867 he removed to Arcanum, where he engaged in hardware business with marked success for seventeen years. He also as- sisted in organizing the First National Bank of Arcanum and served as its vice-president until October 10, 1898, when he resigned, since which time he has lived retired, en- joying a well earned rest. He is a director and vice-president of the Troy Wagon Works, located at Troy, Ohio, and was one of the original incorporators. In Neave township, on the 4th of Sep- tember, 1859, Mr. Kepner was united in marriage to Miss Sarah Brumbaugh, a daughter of George Brumbaugh. She died in 1893, and on the 20th of February, 1895, Mr. Kepner wedded Miss Josephine Ivester. of Arcanum, who died in 1896, leaving one child, Helen Beatrice. There were three children born of the first marriage, but Will- amina Alverda died in infancy. Clara C. is now the wife of Nathan W. Bloom, of Fort Wayne, Indiana. Harry V. was grad- uated in the Arcanum high school and later entered Delaware College, in which he was graduated with the class of 1890. He after- ward engaged in teaching for two terms in the high school at Sidney. Ohio, was the principal of the high school at Pueblo, Col- orado, for two terms, and resigned the latter position to become a teacher in the high school at Denver, where he is at present lo- cated ; he married Miss May Fritz, of Holmes county, Ohio ; and Bertha, who died in 1891, at the age of fourteen years. Mr. Kepner, of this review, has always been a loyal and devoted American citizen, true to the best interests of the nation and unfaltering in support of its policy and its institutions. During the civil war, when one dollar in gold was worth two dollars and seventy-five cents in paper money, he con- verted one hundred dollars into greenbacks and also the amount he had received on his farm, having received payment for the prop- erty in gold. During these turbulent times he never lost faith in the government or its ability to redeem its pledges. In early life he took an active part in political affairs and during the campaign of 1856 supported Bu- chanan, delivering many campaign ad- dresses through Perry county. He lias al- ways been a stanch Democrat. For several years he served as mayor of Arcanum, was a justice of the peace in Neave township for six years, and in Arcanum was elected to the same office in 1869, serving twenty- four years. In the early '70s he became identi- fied with the Masonic fraternity, has attained the thirty-second degree of the Scottish Rite and is one of the active and exemplary mem- brs of the craft in this locality. He attended the triennial conclave at New Orleans in 1877; Chicago in 1880; San Francisco in 1883; St. Louis in 1886; Washington, D. C. in 1889; Denver in 1892; Boston in 1895, and Pittsburg in 1898. At the last named place he met with an accident. While attempting to board a street car or just after GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 518 he had stepped on, he was thrown violently to the pavement and suffered severe injuries, from which he has never- recovered. Mr. Kepner has a beautiful home in Arcanum, which was built in 1887 and is of red brick. Amid pleasant surroundings he is spending his days quietly, enjoying a rest which he has truly earned. Through an active busi- ness career, as the results of capable man- agement and straightforward dealing, he ac- quired a handsome competence, which sup- plies him with all the necessities and many of the luxuries of life. His record has ever been honorable and worthy of emulation, and he belongs to that class of straight- forward, industrious and highly respected citizens who constitute the best portion of the community. GEORGE W. HILL. A representative of one of the old fam- ilies of Darke county, Ohio, and a leading figure in the business enterprise of the little town of Glen Karn, is found in the subject of this sketch, George W. Hill, the proprietor of Glen Karn Hotel. Mr. Hill was born in Harrison town- ship, Darke county, Ohio, November 2, 1852, the seventh of the family of nine chil- dren of Hugh L. and Elizabeth (Kunkle) Hill. Hugh L. Hill has passed eighty-three continuous years in this county, he having been brought to Harrison township when he was two years old. When his son, George W., was two years old the family removed from Harrison to German township, and on a farm in this township the subject of our sketch was reared. He was engaged in ag- ricultural pursuits for a number of years. He then turned his attention to the merchan- dising business, which he followed for about five years. In 1895 he built the Glen Karn Hotel, which he has since conducted, and in connection with which he is also running a grocery and livery and feed business. November 7, 1877, Mr. Hill married Miss Ella Thomas. Mrs. Hill is a native of German township, and a daughter of S. S. and Caroline (Berry) Thomas, the former a native of Greene county, Ohio, and the lat- ter of Jay county, Indiana. She was the second born in their family of ten children, six of whom are now living. Mr. and Mrs. Hill are the parents of six children, namely: Caroline, the wife of Harry H. T. Jones, a farmer of this county, and they have one daughter, Emel; Lulu May, who died at the age of three months ; Herschel Thomas and Grace W., at home ; and two died in in- fancy. Mrs. Hill is the postmistress at Glen Karn, and is assisted in the duties of the office by her husband. Both are consistent members of the Methodist Episcopal church ac Hollansburg, in which he is a deacon and an active worker. Politically he gives his support to the Republican party. FREDERICK COPPESS. While great credit is justly due to those who have aided in the progress and magnifi- cent development of these latter days, it was upon the pioneers that the greater responsi- bility was placed ; theirs the greater obstacles to overcome; theirs to lay the foundations and to initiate the work whose results have been cumulative and have conserved the ma- terial prosperity of our nation. One of the honored pioneers of historic old Darke coun- ty is he whose name forms the caption of this article, and it is with much satisfaction that we direct attention to his career in this con- 514 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. nection. Mr. Coppess, who can well recall the period when our beautiful and prosper- ous county was almost a wilderness, has the distinction of being a native son of the coun- ty and of being a representative of a pioneer of pioneers. He was born in Richland township on the 27th of June, 1830, being the second in order of birth of the ten chil- dren — five sons and five daughters — of Peter and Mary (Hartle) Coppess. Of the chil- dren only three are living at the present time, the following brief record being con- sistently entered relative to the family : Hi- ram, who was a soldier in the civil war, is now deceased ; Catharine, the. widow of D. W. Kersner, is a resident of Dawn, this county, her husband having likewise served ii. the war of the Rebellion; Frederick, the next in order of birth, is the direct subject of this review; Benton, a resident of the city of Chicago, ranks among the oldest rail- road engineers in the Union, his record in this line having been one of much importance and interest, as he has incidentally had in- trusted to him many thousands of dollars' worth of property and the safeguarding of many lives, having been employed on the Baltimore & Ohio, the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe and other leading railway lines, and being still in the harness, as a valued engineer of the Chicago, Burlington & Ouincy Railroad ; he is married and is com- fortably placed in life, being a man of broad experience and knowledge and one who has ever been faithful to the responsible dnties ci unmitted to him. Peter Coppess was born in i8or, in North Carolina, and his death occurred in 1879. He was reared upon the farm and received his educational training in the com- mon schools of the place and period. When he was about ten years ot age his father, Adam Coppess, and his uncle, Peter Cop- pess, came through from their southern home to Cincinnati, where the two brothers sep- arated, Adam coming to Greene county and locating not far from the present city of Xenia, where he remained two years, with- in which time the Indian war of 1812 broke out and the settlers were forced to take refuge in the block houses which were erect- ed for protection from the hostile red men. The father of our subject could well remem- ber the incidents of the Indian war and the troubles and privations endured by the hardy pioneers of the Buckeye state. He was about fourteen years of age when his fa- ther came to Darke county, which was then a practical wilderness, with here and there the rude cabin of the pioneer of the frontier, and the present attractive city of Greenville, which now has a population of about eight thousand, was then marked by a fort and was known as Fort Greenville, a place of refuge tor the settlers when menaced by the crafty Indians, who were far more numerous than white men throughout this section. Here the family located on a farm in Richland township, the same being a heavily timbered tract, and when danger threatened from the Indians they took refuge in old Fort Briar, which was located on Stillwater creek, in the eastern part of the township. When a little girl the mother of our subject was on one occasion sitting on a stone in the middle of the creek, when an Indian approached in his canoe and, paddling close to her, gave her a wild duck. She was much frightened but her fears were dispelled by the friendly action of the dusky son of the forest. In her childhood she was often detailed to op- erate the old "horse fiddle," whose doleful groans were supposed to be efficacious in frightening the crows and squirrels from the GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 515 little corn patch, which was jealously guard- ed against the inroads of these pests. Fa- ther Coppess killed many deer in this lo- cality in the early days, and our subject him- self can recall that in his boyhood bears were still plentiful in this section, and on one occasion he narrowly escaped attack from a savage old she bear, having fortunately found refuge in the home of a neighbor. Father Coppess was one of those sturdy pio- neers who gave of brain and brawn to the opening of the wilderness to cultivation, and to such must ever be given a tribute of re- spect and honor for the efforts which led to the magnificent results which the present generations are permitted to enjoy. Peter Coppess was a Democrat of the true Jacksonian type, was firm in his con- victions and was always ready to defend the principles which he advocated. Though be had received but limited educational ad- vantages, he was a man of much intellect- ual vigor and mature judgment, being al- ways ready to give his support to measures looking to the public good and being a stanch friend of the cause of popular education. His wife, who was a native of Pennsylvania, was a member of the Christian church and was a woman of gentle and winning character and many noble attributes. Her memory is en- shrined in the hearts of all who knew her, for her life was filled with kindly words and deeds. Frederick Coppess. whose name intro- duces this sketch, has spent almost three- fourths of a century in this, his native coun- ty, and here he is held in the highest esteem as an influential citizen and a worthy repre- sentative of our best pioneer stock. He re- ceived his education in the primitive district schools of the early days, his third teacher being John Bidwell, who afterward was for half a century a resident of California and was nominated for president by the Pro- hibition party; and his first school days were passed in the little log school house, with its puncheon floor and slab seats and benches, light being admitted through the opening made by leaving a portion of a log out of the north end of the building, while in the winter the cheery fireplace, with its great back-log, made the little room com- paratively comfortable for the little band of students. To avoid the winter blasts the window mentioned was covered with greased paper, which served in lieu of glass. In the discipline of the school the birch or -hazel switch was brought into frequent requisi- tion — in harmony with the old aphorism: "Spare the rod and spoil the child." Air. Coppess gives a graphic and interesting ac- count of these good old days when the "young idea" was gaining the seeds of knowledge, and , the recounting brings into sharp contrast the superior advantages en- joyed by the youth of to-day. The amuse- ments provided by the pioneers included the apple-parings, corn-huskings, taffy-pulls and spelling bees, and the homely gatherings were animated by a true social spirit which made each person feel that he was among friends who were close to him in sympathy and personal interest. Mr. Coppess has known through per- sonal experience what hard work is and he has the greatest respect for the dignity of honest toil. He began as a wage-earner at the early age of sixteen, his daily stipend ranging from twenty-five to fifty cents, and many a day has he assisted in garnering the grain with the old-fashioned four- fingered cradle, and he can recall that the labor was one which was a test of endurance and strength and one in which he was able 516 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. to. make a record for himself. The transi- tion in this line, as in all other phases of in- dustrial and social life, seems almost in- credible when we consider that the memory of a living man covers the entire period from the old pioneer days to the present end- of-the-century period. Mr. Coppess has been twice married, his first wife dying without issue. On May 25, 1890, he was united in marriage to Mrs. Ella ( Hartle) Shields, and they are the par- ents of two sons — Forrest Benton, a bright and ambitious youth, now attending the pub- lic schools; and Frederick H., the youngster, who lends brightness and cheer to the home circle. Mrs. Coppess is a daughter of Solo- mon and Sarah Ann E. (Warvel) Hartle, who were the parents of two sons and two daugh- ters, all of whom are still residents of Darke county, The father was- a soldier in the civil war, being a member of Company E, Forty-fifth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and he did valiant service at the front, having been t;:ken prisoner and having experienced the horrors of the prison pens of Libby and An- dersonville, his death taking place in the for- mer, where his life was sacrificed on the al- tar of his country. He was a native of Darke county, and was numbered among the pioneers of this section of the state. He was not an ultra-partisan in his political views, and in religion was a member of the Christian church, as was also his wife. By trade he was a blacksmith. Mrs. Coppess was born in Darke county, February 14, 1854, and here received her education in the public schools. Her first husband was William V. Shields, and of this union one daughter was born, Josie El- len, wife of John Hoobler, who is an ener- getic and prosperous young farmer of the county. They have two daughters, Dora O. and Lottie. Mr. Coppess' first purchase of land com- prised sixty acres, with no improvements. He set himself vigorously to the work of clearing and improving his farm, and his long years of steady and indefatigable in- dustry have brought their reward, and he now has one of the fine farms of this favored section of the great Buckeye state. He has cleared all of his land, has put in about one thousand rods of tiling anil has erected ex- cellent buildings, including a commodious and attractive residence. He now owns one hundred and forty acres of rich and pro- ductive land, and upon this is no financial in- cumbrance of any sort, a fact which shows what may be accomplished through diligence and wisely directed industry. Mr. Coppess has been successful in life and has richly merited this success. In all the relations of life he has been honorable and upright, and his character has gained and retained to him the confidence and high regard of those among whom he has lived and labored to such goodly ends. His first presidential vote was cast for Franklin Pierce, but in later years he has given his support to the princi- ples and policies of the Republican party. But he has always been guided by his own judgment, not being bound by partisan ties, and always supporting the men who in his judgment stood for the principles that would benefit the country at large. He is well in- formed in regard to the political history of the country, and his personal recollections touch many of the critical and interesting phases. In the early days Mr. Coppess held distinction among the pioneers by reason of his prowess as a rail-splitter, and his record in the line is one to which he reverts with GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 517 peculiar satisfaction. He has endured the hardships and deprivations incidental to frontier life, has had his quota of disappoint- ments, but he has maintained an unflinching courage and has shown that true manhood which invariably makes for success and honor. He was chosen a trustee of Rich- land township at the time of Lincoln's sec- ond election, and the war caused great dis- satisfaction in this section, but he was firm in upholding the cause of abolition, casting his vote at the time for Salmon P. Chase as governor of Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Coppess are consistent members of the Christian church at Beam- ville, and he was a member of the building- committee at the time the church edifice was erected, contributing liberally of his time and means to the work. He has aided financially in the building of three churches in his lo- cality, being ever ready to encourage good works and being broad and charitable in his views. Mrs. Coppess is a woman of gentle refinement and true courtesy, presiding with grace and dignity over the home and having the love and esteem of a wide circle of friends. In this compilation, which is to leave a perpetual record of those who have lived and wrought to goodly ends in this beautiful section of the Buckeye state, it is with singular propriety that recognition be given to Mr. and Mrs. Coppess, as among our representative people, and as coming from the worthy pioneer stock which so honored and advanced the county of Darke. JOHN S. COPPESS. The sturdy pioneers of Darke county are those to whom the fullest mead of honor is to be attributed since they came here in the earlv daws and wrested from the hand of nature the treasures which she had in store, developing the sylvan wilds into rich and productive farms and opening up the high- way along which progress should later march in majesty and power. The subject of this review is one who has figured as a pioneer of historic old Darke county, which is one of the finest agricultural sections of the state, and in this specific genealogical work touching the county his name and deeds and ancestral record should find a conspicuous place. Mr. Coppess is a native son of the county in which he has lived and labored to such goodly ends, the date of his birth hav- ing been October 25, 1830, and the place being Richland township, which has been his home during all the long intervening years. He was the sixth of the twelve chil- dren of Devault and Mary (Smith) Cop- pess, there having been seven sons and five daughters, of whom only' four are now liv- ing, namely: Adam, a retired farmer and a carpenter and joiner by trade, now resides in Union City, being a widower and having one child; John S. is the immediate subject of this sketch; Catherine is the wife of Adam Brewer, a farmer of Adams township, this county; and Chipman. a farmer by occupa- tion, is a resident of Union City, Indiana. The lineage of the family in the agnatic line traces back '.o pure German origin and the name has been long identified with the annals of American history. Devault Coppess was born in North Carolina January 25. 1795, and his death occurred in 1870. When he was a mere lad his parents emigrated from their southern home to the wilds of Greene county. < locating near the present city of Xenia, where they remained until he was a young man of about twenty-two years, when the family removed to Darke county, thi- 518 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. tion of the state having at the time more Indian inhabitants than white settlers. The father of our subject purchased from the government a tract of land in Richland town- ship, and the original deed is still in the possession of the Coppess family. Our sub- ject has in his keeping a deed of one-quarter of a section of land (section 9, Richland township, then known as township 10), exe- cuted September 20, 1825, and signed by President John Ouincy Adams. The first habitation erected by Devault Coppess was the typical log cabin of the pioneer settler, the primitive edifice having been so fre- quently described as to render it unnecessary to give further details in this connection. Deer, hears and other wild game abounded, while the wolves menaced the live stock of the settlers and made the night resound with their uncanny howls. The father of our subject helped to build the first church and the first school house in the township, and was known as a leader among the early set tiers, beinp- a man of stron? mentality and sterling integrity. In politics he was a stanch Jacksonian Democrat, ever loyal t>> the principles of his party. His death oc- curred in 1870, and he passed to his reward in the fullness of years and good works. The mother of John S. Coppess was horn in' Montgomery county, this state. January 29, 1799, and her death occurred in May, 1*74. She and her husband were kind and benevolent people, full of sympathy for the afflicted and ever ready to extend tangible aid to those in need or distress. Thev are .at rest in the Coppess cemetery, located on the farm of our subject, and there beautiful monuments stand sacred to the memory of these noble pioneers. It may well be stated at this point that our subject has in his keeping the family records, which were written by one of his old teachers, who utilized a quill pen and wrote in the fine copper nlate hand so much in vogue a half- century or more since. John S. Coppess has been reared and ed- ucated in this his native county, and his life has been an honor to an honored name and to the county as well. Having a natural predilection for mechanical pursuits lie be- came a carpenter and joiner by trade and worked at the same for a number of years, though the greater part of his life has been devoted to agricultural pursuits, to which he was reared. He received his education in the common schools and can well recall the fact that his first school days were passed in one of the typical log school houses so often described in this and numberless other publications. His first teacher was named John Curtis, while Mrs. Coppess' rudi- mentary instruction was received from one Washington McKee. Our subject was able to attend school from ten to thirty days in the year, and this minute scholastic dis- cipline was as much as the average boy of the place and period received, for their serv- ices were in constant requisition in the work of clearing and improving the pioneer farms. Mr. Coppess is endowed with an alert and vigorous mentality, however, and has made good use of the "spare moments" in his life, so that he is a well informed man and has broadened his intellectuality to the utmost through personal application and the reading of good literature. He remained with his parents until he had attained his majority, and by hard work and economv had saved three hundred dollars, having earned this amount by splitting rails at thirty-five cents per hundred and doing other work at the rate of fifty cents a day. Mr. Coppess has been thrice married, his GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 519 .first union having been with Miss Susannah Studabaker, who bore him a son and daugh- ter, both of whom are deceased. For his second wife he chose Miss Rebecca Hitts, to whom lie was married December 13, 1857, and four sons and three daughters blessed this union, while four are yet living. Henry, who is a resident of Stelvidio, is a prosperous and active business man. hav- ing become associated with his father in the grain business about the year 1890. He owns one-half interest in the enterprise con- ducted bv his father and himself. He was reared on the farm and educated in the com- mon schools; in politics he is a Democrat. He married Miss Lucy Bowman and they have a pleasant and attractive home. Har- mon C, a successful farmer of Brown town- ship is married and has three children; Val- landingham is engaged in agricultural pur- suits in Randolph county, Indiana, and is also a very successful breeder of live stock. Ida became the wife of Milton Boyer and they reside on the homestead of her father and have five children. The mother of the above was summoned into eternal rest in 1873. She was a model wife and mother and her loss was deeply mourned bv a wide circle of admiring friends. On the 1 2th of October, 1873, Mr. Cop- pess wedded Mrs. Mahala (Brewer) Smith, widow of Alvin Smith, to whom she bore one son. She was born in Richland township, 011 Christmas day, 1829. a daughter of John and Elizabeth (Coppess) Brewer, who were the parents of ten children, only one of whom is deceased. Mrs. Coppess and her husband were classmates in the old pioneer school and were reared in the same township, her par- ents having been pioneers of the township. Her father was born in Pennsylvania and her another in North Carolina. Andrew Smith. the son of Mrs. Coppess by her first marriage, is a prosperous young farmer of Adams township. He married Miss Etta Rynard and they have six children. Our subject's first purchase of land was in Brown township and comprised forty acres partially improved, his finances rendering it necessarv to assume an indebtedness 1 for a part of the purchase price. At the expiration of two years he sold this place and purchased seventy-five acres on section 6 Richland township, subsequently adding fifteen acres to the farm, and here he remained a number of years. In 1 86 1 he purchased forty acres more and paid for it, and finally traded nine- ty acres for the ninety acres which was the nucleus of his present estate, to which addi- tions have been made until its area is one hundred and eighty-eight acres, in Brown and Richland townships. He has an attrac- tive and commodious brick residence and ex- cellent outbuildings, and all these permanent improvements were made by him. The en- tire estate is free from financial incumbrance, and as one of the fine places of the county is a credit to its owner, who has achieved a worthy success through his own efforts. He has been fair and upright in all his dealings and enjoys the confidence and high regard of all who know him, being classed among the representative citizens of the county. In 1899 he removed from his farm to the pleas- ant village of Stelvideo, where he has since- maintained his home, having partially retired from active work, though maintaining a per- sonal supervision of his various interests. He is a gentleman of seventy years, and has been an eye witness of the development of Darke county from a sylvan wilderness to its pres- ent status as one of the most attractive and opulent sections of the Buckeye state. As a boy he remembers the present thriving city 520 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. of Greenville as a mere hamlet, with five or six stores or shops, while not a railroad or turnpike then traversed the county. To- day fine roads, excellent railroad facilities, prosperous and beautiful villages, fine farms, the best of schools and other evidence of modern progress are to be seen on every hand, and the result must seem indeed mar- velous to the memory which can link the present to the pioneer days. Mr. Coppess is a stanch supporter of the Democratic principles and policies, having cast his first vote for Franklin Pierce. His grandfather, Adam Coppess. was a soldier in the war of 1812. Officially our subject has been called upon to serv'ein positionsof public trust and responsibility, having been trustee of Richland township for ten or twelve years, and having been a member of the board of di- rectors of the county infirmary for three years. For many years he has been a director of the school district, taking advanced views in the matter of popular education, while in religious faith Mr. and Mrs. Coppess are zealous members of the Christian church at Stelvideo. He is interested in all Christian work being charitable in his vews, and has aided financially in the erection of six differ- ent churches in this part of the county. His life has been characterized by kindness and helpfulness, and in his declining years, as the shadows lengthen in the golden west, he rests secure in the esteem of all who know him. His estimable wife has been his coadjutor in all good works and they will both be held in lasting honor and given a prominent place in the true record of Darke county. JOB M. SHAFER. The sturdy pioneer of Ohio is the im- portant personage who should be accorded marked homage and credit. The pioneers have blazed the way to civilization and have made the wilderness blossom as the rose. They came to the primeval forests of the Buckeye state in the early days and have felled the stately monarchs of the forest, cleared away the brush and broken the vir- gin soil. They have eventually erected the beautiful modern homes and developed the broad acres of waving grain while their efforts have brought to the state the vast network of railroads, which are always in the vanguard of progress. Darke county has been honored in the personnel of her pio- neers, and here the improvements have been of that advanced order that places the coun- ty among the foremost in the state. Here are the finest of villages, the most carefully cultivated farmsteads, and the most excellent roads, over one thousand miles of stone turn- pike having graced the face of the county, affording facilities for intermediate trans- portation that can not be excelled. All these improvements are due to such men as he whose name initiates this review. Mr. Shafer is a native of the picturesque Keystone state, having been born in Bedford county, Pennsylvania, within six miles of Hancock, Maryland, the section being now known as Fulton county. He was horn Sep- tember 4, 1830, being the third in order of birth of the two sons and three daughters of John and Dorothy (Mann) Shafer. and being now the only survivor of the family. John Shafer, father of our subject, was a native of Pennsylvania, but resided in Vir- ginia about eight years. He was born July 17, [802, and his death occurred January 4, [882. He was reared to the vocation of a farmer, was industrious in his habits and was animated by the deepest integrity in all the relations of life and left the invaluable heritage of an honored name. The Shafer GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 521 lineage is of pure German extraction. The father of our subject emigrated direct from Pennsylvania to Darke county, and the long journey five hundred miles, was made by the family in a three-horse wagon, the ve- hicle being one provided with the long, scoop-shaped boxes so common in the early days. This trip was made across the wilds of Ohio, the smaller streams being forded, while the entire outfit was ferried across the Ohio river at Wheeling, whence the family continued their way to their destination in Richland township, this county. The first land located by Father Shafer was one hun- dred and sixty acres on section 2j, and the subject of this review has the original deed of this land, the same having been executed April 12, 1819. over the signature of Presi- dent James Monroe. The deed is one of the oldest which the biographer has found in Darke county, and it is in an excellent state of preservation. The first habitation of the Shafer family was the primitive log cabin, the building being one and one-half stories in height, the old-fashioned fireplace, with huge brick chimney, supplying heat for the dwelling, whose roof was made of clan- boards. This modest little domicile stood on the site of the present attractive residence of our subject. The primeval forest sur- rounded the humble home, the family having settled on the banks of the Stillwater, while old Fort Briar stood about five hundred rods southwest of the present home of Mr. Shafer. He can remember some of the old palisades of the fort, which the settlers had erected as a refuge in times of Indian attacks. Mr. Shafer was a pioneer of pioneers. There was not a church building in Richland town- ship and only two or three log school houses when the family took up their abode there. The father was a stanch Democrat in politics and was a great admirer of "Old Hickory," as General Andrew Jackson was known. He and his wife were members of the Chris- tian church, the latter having been born in the same locality as her husband, on the 20th of February. 1804, while her death oc- curred April 11, 1865. Mr. Shafer. of this sketch, has one of the oldest family bibles in Darke county, there being entries dating as far back as 1761, thirty-eight years before the death of General Washington. Job M. Shafer was but a lad of seven years when he became a resident of Darke county, and here he has been an honored citizen for the long period of sixty-two years. He began h : s education in the old-fashioned subscription schools, which were held in the primitive log school houses so familiar to the pioneers of this section and so frequently de- scribe I in this and other publications. The reminiscences of the early days are full of interest and as related by Mr. Shafer are sure to bring out the striking contrasts be- tween the pioneer epoch and the present era of progress and substantial prosperity. Mr. Shafer remained on the home place with his father until he had attained the age of fifty- years, and these years were marked by peace and contentment. In the meanwhile, on the 20th of March. 185 1, he married Miss Elizabeth Brandon, and three sons and three daughters were horn to them, all being alive at the present time, namely : Dennis, who is a resident of Celina, Ohio, was formerly a school teacher, but is now a salesman having a wife and three children : Maggie A. is the wife of Cy- rus White, a farmer of Brown township, this county, and they have two children: John C. a farmer of Richland township, is married and has two children; Allen \\ .. who resides on the old homestead, is mar &22 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. ried and has two children, — Minnie and Job Ernest; Mary is the wife of E. H. Miller, formerly a teacher but now engaged in ag- ricultural pursuits, and they have two sons, —Webb B, and Dennis Raymond; and Ber- tha is the wife of V. X. Fackler, the owner of the city laundry at Versailles, Ohio, and they have one son and one daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Shafer gave their children excellent educational advantages, being fully appreciative of the value of such discipline. A matter well worthy of mention in connec- tion with the family is that the same now includes twenty-six individuals — our subject and his children and grandchildren, — and there has been but one death in the family from the time of the marriaee of Mr. and Mrs. Shafer until March 31, 1900. when the good wife and mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Shafer, passed to the home beyond this life, her remains being laid to rest in Green Lawn cemetery at Versailles. This is certainly an exceptional record. Mrs. Shafer was born in Wayne township this county, on the 10th of October, 1831, being one of the thirteen •children born to James R. and Anna fHole) Brandon. Of this large family the only survivor at the present time is Mrs. Shafer's sister, Maria, now the widow of John Teeter. Mr. and Mrs. Shafer traveled life's journey together hand in hand and sharing alike the joys and the sorrows which come to all, for half a century. Their lives together were indeed golden in kindness, sympathy and goi nl works. Mr. Shafer can well remember the time when there was not a mile of railroad in Darke county, nor even a mile of pike road. He recalls the intense excitement which pre- vailed when the first railroad entered the city of Greenville, which was then but a small hamlet. Thither he used to go to mar- ket on horseback, carrying a crock of butter in one end of a sack thrown across the sad- dle and balanced by a stone in the other end and with a basket of eggs on his arm, which produce was in due time borne over the six intervening miles to find sale or exchange in the little market town. All the modern im- provements which are now to be seen in the county have been made within the mem- ory of our subject, and he has seen plenty of deer on his own premises, as well as wild turkeys and other game. Mr. Shafer has always been a stanch supporter of the principles of the Democratic party, having cast his first presidential vote for Buchanan. He has served for many years as trustee of his township, and also as justice of the peace, being deeply interested in all that concerns the welfare of the com- munity where he has lived and labored for so many years. He and his family are mem- bers of the Christian church at Beamsville and he was an important factor in securing the erection of the present attractive church edifice. He has aided financially in the build- ing of nine different churches, — a fact that attests his liberality and his interest in all that makes for the betterment of his fellow men. Mr. Shafer is one of the honored pio- neers of the county and his long identifica- tion with the history of this section entitles him to specific mention in this work, while his life has been one of such signal worthi- ness and so devoted to all that represents the deeper and truer values, that this record cannot but offer both lesson and incentive, even when the genial shadows lengthen in the west to indicate the declining of the sun of the pioneer's life. Mr. and Mrs. Shafer were favored in retaining their family circle unbroken until the sad event of March 31. 1900. occurred, already mentioned. GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 52!} WILLIAM RUNKLE. It is seldom that men who lack spirit attain to positions of public trust, for the public is a discriminating factor and its judgment is usually accurate, and therefore when one gains the confidence of his fellow men and is honored with public office it is an indication that he is worthy of the trust reposed in him. Such is certainly the case with William Runkle, win.) is now serviiv as the sheriff of Darke county. The law- abiding citizens regard him as a bulwark of safety, and those who are not amenable to the rules which govern society have reason to regard him with fear. He was born in Harrison township, Darke county, August 28, 1858, upon his father's farm, and is the eldest son of Jerry and Isabella (Hindsley ) Runkle. His fa- ther, who is still living, was born in Fairfield county, Ohio, on the 15th of August, 1835, and during his early bovhood came with his parents to Darke county, where he was left an 1 irphan at the age of nine years. He was then bound out to work on a farm, forced to begin the battle of life unaided at that tender age. He lived in Butler township from 1844 until 1855. at which time, with the capital which he had acquired through his own well directed efforts, his enterprise and economy, he purchased a farm of forty acres in Harrison township, upon which he located and made his home until January 1, 1880, when he removed to Greenville. In the spring of 1879 he had received the nom- ination for sheriff upon the Democratic ticket and was elected in October <>f that year by a majority of six hundred and sev- enty-five. He then removed to the city in order to be more closelv in touch with the seat of justice, an 1 filled the office in an ac- ceptable manner. In 1857 he was married to Miss Isabella Hindsley, a daughter of W. H. and Anna (Butt) Hindsley, pioneer settlers of Darke county. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Runkle occurred in Harrison township and has been blessed with four children: William, Joseph E., Frances and Edith I. The father is now serving as dep- uty sheriff. William Runkle, whose name introduces this review, was reared in the usual manner of farmer lads and was sent to the district school for three months during the winter season. Throughout the remainder of the year he assisted his father in the cultivation of the fields and meadows and in the other work of farm improvements. When his father was elected sheriff William Runkle was appointed his deputy and served accept- ably in that capacity for four years. Later he filled the position of deputy sheriff under John Welker and at the close of his term he joined his father, who was engaged in the construction and repairing of pikes in Mercer and Darke counties. They followed that business for two years, after which Mr. Runkle, of this review, engaged in baling hay and straw in connection with farming, following that pursuit until 1897. when he was nominated by the Democracy for the office of sheriff of Darke county. The elec- tion returns showed that he was the success- ful candidate and he took charge of the office on the 1st of January, 1898. In the fall of 1899 he was re-elected, his term expiring in 1 901, at which time he will have filled the position for four years in addition to six years' service as deputy. He has been a competent officer, against whom no 1 plaint has been made, and throughout the community in which he resides he is held in high regard for his fidelity as a citizen and his worth as a man. 524 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. E. W. OTWELL. E. W. Otwell is the editor and proprietor of the Greenville Journal and has gained prestige as a leading representative of the newspaper interests of western Ohio. For forty years he has been connected with this paper and has placed it upon a par with the best journals published in this section of the country. Probably no man in all the com- munity exerts a greater influence on public thought and opinion than the wide-awake journalist whose paper finds its way into many homes, carrying his views upon mat- ters of public importance to its many readers, his forceful, logical and convincing writings becoming a potent element in gaining sup- port for the measures which he advocates, or in augmenting opposition to those to which he does not give his sanction. It is a widely recognized fact that Mr. Otwell has through the columns of his paper done much for the progress and development of Darke county and his life record has thus become an integral part of the history of this com- munity. A native of North Carolina, he was born in 1 83 1, and the following year was taken by his parents to Richmond. Indiana. Re- maining there a short time, they went to Williamsburg, Wayne county, Indiana, where they remained eight years, and in 1840 came to Darke county, locating at a small place which was afterward called Otwell's Mills. There the father. Curtis Otwell, operated a gristmill and also continued in the practice of medicine, having graduated at the Ohio Medical College at Cincinnati, in the class of 1846-7. In 1847 lie removed to Preble county and one year later came to Green- ville, where he continued the practice of medicine until September, 1881, when he re- moved to Independence, Kansas, his death occurring there on the 19th of January, 1894. in the eighty-eighth vear of his age. His wife, whose maiden name was Eunice Wilson, died in December, 1881, soon after their removal to the Sunflower state. E. W. Otwell, whose name introduces this record, spent the greater part of his youth at Otwell's Mills, where he acquired his early education, that was later supple- mented by study in the schools of Greenville and in the Wesleyan University at Dela- ware, Ohio. He left the latter institution on account of ill health, but subsequently en- gaged in teaching for some years in the district schools of Preble and Darke coun- ties. While engaged in teaching he pur- sued the study of law and was admitted to the bar in Greenville in 1858. He then be- gan practicing at the county seat of Preble county and at the same time continued the publication of the Greenville Journal. In 1878 he formed a law partnership with Will- iam Allen, a prominent attorney, and the connection was maintained until 1881. The Greenville Journal, of which he is the proprietor, was established in 1832 and is the oldest paper of Darke county. From the time of its establishment until i860 it passed through many hands, but in the latter year was purchased by E. W. Otwell and James M. Craig, who took possession on the 14th of March, i860. Business was carried on under the firm name of E. W. Otwell & Company. When they came into possession of the paper the list of subscrib- ers did not exceed one hundred and fifty, but under the new management numerous additional subscriptions were received and the paper rapidly extended its influence. On the 14th of December, 1865. a change oc- curred in the ownership, E. W. Otwell buy- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 525 ing Mr. Craig's interest and becoming sole owner, editor and publisher. He has since been the proprietor of the paper, which in 1873 was enlarged to a nine-column folio, making it at the time the largest newspaper published in Darke county. He continued his active connection therewith until 1878, when his son, E. C. Otwell, took charge of the paper as the managing and local editor, E. W. Otwell still continuing owner and editor thereof. On the 19th of November, 1857, Mr. Otwell w^as married to Miss Lucinda Hart- zell, of Darke county, Ohio, a native of Greenville and a daughter of John Hartzell. There were four children born of this union, two sons and two daughters: E. C, who is the managing and local editor of the Greenville Journal; Lula May and William Grant, now deceased; and Onellia B., at home. The family is widely and favorably known in Greenville, enjoying the hospital- ity of many of the best homes in the city. In 1 861 Mr. Otwell was appointed the post- master of Greenville by President Lincoln and held the position for four years. So- cially he is connected with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Probably no man in the community is more widely known or more highly esteemed than the popular and respected editor of the Greenville Journal. HARVEY LONGENECKER. Whitney, Stephenson, Morse and Edison and other great inventors have been the most valuable factors in insuring the marvelous growth and development which give basis to our magnificent commercial activities of tc-day. The utility of their inventions is such that the curtailing of manual labor has almost revolutionized the methods and being of the commercial world. Mr. Longenecker of tins review, is an inventor of useful and practical instruments which will be indis- pensible in the bank, the counting room, the office of the accountant and in the schools and commercial colleges and all places where accounts are- kept. He invented the "Du- plex" penholder and the "Special Duplex." which may cause his name to be a household word in the time to come. Mr. Longenecker is a product of Darke county, having been born March 6, 1863, one of the three sons constituting the family of John and Elizabeth (Beam) Longenecker. The eldest of the sons is Frank, who is as- sociated with his brother. Harvey, in the manufacture of the penholders and who is, likewise, of a mechanical turn of mind. He received a good common-school education, is married, is a Democrat in politics and is a member, of the Knights of Pythias. Indi- vidual reference is made to him on another page of this work, and to this we refer the reader who would trace the family history in detail. Harvey, the immediate subject of this review, was the second in order of birth, and Theodore, the youngest, is a resi- dent of Briceton, Paulding county, Ohio, where he is prominently concerned in busi- ness as a carpenter and joiner, being a prac- tical workman and also having distinctive musical ability. John Longenecker, the father of our sub- ject, is a native of the state of Pennsylvania and is still living, venerable in years. He emigrated to Darke county about 1842. He was always a mechanic, as was his father be- fore him, and his active life was devoted to his trade, that of a carpenter and builder. In his political views he is a stanch Dem- ocrat. Elizabeth B. Longenecker, the mother 526 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. of our subject, is a native of Ohio, and she is sixty-four years of age at the time of j this writing. The parents are members of the German Baptist church in Adams town- ship and are among the old and honored resi- dents of the county. Harvey Longenecker, of this review, has been reared in Darke county, and he has followed in his father's footsteps, in that he is a natural mechanic, his talent in this line being instinctive. He has devoted much of his time to the art of architecture, and in the county are many specimens which give evidence of his skill and taste as an archi- tect and builder. He has given particular attention to the building of mantels and stair- cases, in which lines the most artistic con- ceptions have been skillfully wrought out by him, his strength as a designer being equalled by that as a practical workman. The young man has found demand for his work in this line not only throughout Darke county but also in the city of Cincinnati. I le is well known in Richland and adjoining- townships by reason of his ingenious skill, and it was while he was engaged in his draft- ing that there came to him the essential idea of his present important invention, to which reference has been made. The idea was evolved within the year 1899 and within three days after the conception had come to him Mr. Longenecker had made a perfect penholder after the design he had formulated in his mind. It will be interesting to briefly recapitulate the story of this invention, which isc destined to be one of the greatest prac- tical value. One day Mr. Longenecker was in conversation with Hon. Henry McCoy, ex-clerk of the United States treasury at Cincinnati, the gentleman finally bringing up the matter of inventing a penholder of the sort, and he said : "Longenecker, if you could devise a penholder holding ink for black and red work on the books in the ac- countant's office, without changing penhold- ers, you could have a fortune." Mr. Long- enecker replied : "I think it can be accom- plished," and through his efforts the result has, indeed, been attained. The invention is a perfect and signal success and is an article for which there will be a constant demand on the market. Our subject and his brother, Frank, are the sole manufacturers of this useful article, and the demand already tests the capacity of their manufactory. The work of manufacturing- was inaugurated within the last year, and a patent has now been secured on the Spiral Duplex Holder, which is a positive improvement upon the original design. It will be but a short time before the article is known and used th ugh- out the length and breadth of our country. The holders are now manufactured at Bea' 11 -- ville and all correspondence in regard the: . should be addressed to Longenecker Broth- ers, Beamsville, Darke county, Ohio, where it will receive prompt attention. Mr. Longenecker was engaged in work at his trade until 1895, when he entered upon the general merchandise business in Beamsville, where a complete and select stock is carried, including all lines customarily found in a village store of the sort. By fair and courteous treatment of his patrons he has built up an excellent business and he is known as an alert and enterprising young- business man, ami one worthy of the most implicit confidence. January 27, 1S84, Mr. Longenecker mar- ried Miss Laura Belle York, and of this union have been born two sons and three daughters, four of the number surviving: Nellie is a student in the Beamsville public school and has shown marked musical talent ; GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 527 Nola E. and Jennie. E. are also in school; and Otto E. is the youngest in the home circle. Mrs. Longenecker was horn Octo- her 25, i860, being the daughter of Squire and Mary (Gilbert) York. She received her education in the common schools and both she and her husband are consistent member,; of the Christian church at Beams- ville. Mrs. Longenecker's father is deceased, but her mother is still living, as are also two brothers and two sisters, all of whom are residents of the county. Her grandfather. Judge York, was one of the first three judges in Darke county, the family being of English extraction, while the Longenecker family is of pure German origin. Four brothers of the name came from Germany about the opening of the sixteenth century, and from them \ive sprung the various branches of the family in the Union. Pur subject has always exercised his ;hise in support of the Democratic party, having cast his first presidential vote for Grover Cleveland. He held official pre- ferment from the time he was twenty-two years of age until the last year, having served as constable and justice of the peace, his aim in all the relations of life being to do credit to himself and to the honored name which he bears. He served with much efficiency as postmaster of Beamsville for a period of six years, having been the incumbent dur- ing the Cleveland administrate >n. GEORGE A. KATZENBERGER. George A. Katzenberger, the only son of Charles L. Katzenberger, a merchant in Greenville, was born December 11, 1867. His mother, Elizabeth nee Ashman, was a daughter of the pioneer, Peter Ashman, and departed this life in 1868, being followed a few years later by her only daughter, Mary. Our subject's early life was spent in Green- ville, his rearing having been given in charge of Mrs. Rosina Rehfuss. He attended the public schools in Greenville, completing the preparatory high-school course in May, 1884. In July of the same year he began a course in Nelson's Business College, at Cincinnati. Completing the same, he accepted the posi- tion of head bookkeeper for the firm of Gil- more & Company, bankers of Cincinnati, and from July, 1885, to January 1, 1886, was the business manager for said firm, owing to the absence abroad of its principal, Virgil Gilmore. At the close of this time the continued illness of Mr. Gilmore made the dissolution of the firm a necessity, and our subject entered the service of the Cin- cinnati News Company in the capacity of bookkeeper. In the fall of 1886, desiring to pursue a course in science, he resigned his position and entered the Ann Arbor high school, at which he graduated in June, 1888, three' weeks after his class at Greenville. After reading law in the office of Hon. John Reiley Knox he began a course in the law depart- ment of the University of Michigan and re- ceived the degree of LL. B. in June, 1890, being subsequently admitted to the liars of Michigan, Illinois and Indiana. During his. collegiate term he was honored by being ad- mitted to the leading fraternity of Phi Delta Phi, a Greek-letter secret society, founded in the law department in 1869 by Judge- Thomas M. Cooley, a very eminent jurist, subsequently the chairman of the inter-state commerce commission. During his college career he was actively interested in various organizations, namely: The Shakespeare 33 ■ >2S GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Club, Hobart Guild, Choral Union, Knowl- ton Nine and others; was also an associate editor of the Michigan Argonaut and a cor- respondent in Michigan for the Columbia Law Times. In July, 1890, he for the second time accompanied his father to the old country, where he spent a year and a half, chiefly in the grand duchy of Baden, Germany. Ar- riving in Bremen in August, he enjoyed a Rhine tour, and was at Bingen and Ruedes- heim, their famous "Laetitia Deorum." Soon thereafter he visited the castles and palaces of the late King Ludwig II, of Bavaria, and attended the Passion Tlay at Oberammer- gau. In October he entered the far-famed University of Heidelberg and spent two most enjoyable semesters, being a member of various musical, duelling and social or- ganizations. Here, while attending the lec- tures on Grecian and modern philosophy, by His Excellency, Kuno Fischer, he im- proved his knowledge of the German lan- guage, and, collaterally, acquainted himself with the literature of the land of his ances- tors. Rather than spend several years more enjoying a dolce-far-niente life, he preferred to return to his "own, his native land" ("than which none other," he said) and enter upon the duties of his profession. He there- fore, with his indulgent father, made a tour through Switzerland to Milan and the north- ern lakes of Italy and then returned to this country in November, 1891. In December of the same year he chose Chicago as the seat of his future endeavors and hung out his shingle opposite the court house. Mod- erate success soon was his and his standing in his profession was one worthy of his years. During the Columbian year he was the secretary of one of the educational commit- tees of the World's Congress Auxiliary and served during i8qv4 as an assistant attorney of the bureau of justice. At a national convention of his college fraternity in 1893 he was elected the secretary and treasurer of the governing council, to which position he has been re-elected four times at successive conventions in Washington, Chicago and Ann Arbor, Michigan. During his admin- istration nine additional chapters of the order have been placed in the leading law schools of this country and Canada, and in his ca- pacity as secretary he compiled a catalogue of the members, gathering data covering five hundred and seventy-five pages. After the death of his uncle. G. Anthony Katzenberger, he returned to Greenville, where he has since resided with his father, whom he has collaterally been assisting in his business. In the autumn of 1897 he made a fair race for representative on the Repub- lican ticket in a county overwhelmingly Democratic. As the treasurer of the vestry of St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal church, one of a board of directors and secretary of a building association, a councilor of the American Institute of Civics and as an in- terested member of the Masons and Odd Fellows, he enjoys being of some service to his fellow men. For diversion and employ- ment of spare time he indulges in collecting curios, coins and postage stamps as well as in writing for the press, more particularly for The Brief, a magazine published in New York city and of which he is one of the five editors. In June. 1899, ne married Miss Grace Miesse, a young lady of solid merit and varied accomplishments. A son, Charles Hirundo, completes a happy household. GENEALOGICAL AND- BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 529 DANIEL J- HARTZELL. The better class of citizens of the state or the nation are those to whom must be given the basic credit in considering the progress and material prosperity of such state or na- tion, and, as the history of the nation is best told in the lives of the best citizens, so is found justification for the careful compila- tion of works of this nature. Daniel J. Hartzell, the subject of this brief sketch, is a scion of one of the prom- inent pioneer families of Richland township, which was one of the first settled townships of historic Darke county. He was born on his father's homestead and this homestead still continues to be his place of abode, the date of his nativity being December 8. 1856. He is the sixth in order of birth of the ten children — three sons and seven daughters — of Daniel and Mary (Warvel) Hartzell. Of the children six are living, namely : Han- nah M. is the wife of M. F. Myers, a prom- inent attorney of Greenville, Ohio, and she was reared and educated in Darke county, where for some time she was a successful teacher; Charlotte A. is the wife of G. M. Skinner, a telegraph operator at Royal Cen- ter, Indiana ; Daniel J. is the immediate sub- ject of this review; Maggie E. is the wife of B. N. York, a representative of the prom- inent pioneer family of this township and himself a prosperous and influential agri- culturist here; John H, a prominent farmer of Pikeville, Ohio, married a Miss York ; Rosa M., the youngest of the children, is the wife of G. M. Hench, a telegraph operator at Logansporf, Indiana. Daniel Hartzell. the father of our sub- ject, was born near the historic battle field of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, on the 21st ■of February, 1819, and his death occurred March 27, 1896. He was reared to agri- cultural pursuits, but upon attaining ma- turity learned the trades of cabinetmaker and carpenter and joiner, to which lines of work he gave his attention, meeting with a due measure of success. His educational discipline was secured in the old-time sub- scription schools and his advantages in this regard were necessarily limited. He started out in life for himself as a poor boy and from the foot of the ladder worked his way up- ward to success and to a position of honor among men. As the name indicates, he was of German extraction, and being imbued with the indomitable spirit and energy of that sturdy race, he soon established for himself a reputation as a man who aimed to lay firm foundation for the future. At the age of nineteen he started for the wilder- ness of what was then considered the far west, his destination being Darke county, whither he came to join his brother, Philip. He eventually returned to Pennsylvania and soon thereafter, in company with his mother and stepfather, again set out on the weary journey to Ohio, and it is a matter of record that he actually walked the entire distance from Pennsylvania to Gettysburg, Darke county, with the exception of three miles. This statement indicates the sturdy char- acter of our honored pioneers. After lo- cating- in the primitive home in the western wilds he went to work with vigor, at first being employed by others at such work as he could secure. It is recalled that the first distinctive work he ever did in Darke county was to split one hundred rails before break- fast. He was an energetic young man and soon accumulated a tract of one hundred and thirty-seven acres in the forests of Rich- land township, which was at that time a practically unbroken wilderness, wild game 530 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. of all sorts being seen in abundance. At one time when he was working at plowing corn on bis brother's farm, east of Green- ville, be saw three or four deer playing around him in a circle. Securing his trusty gun. he concealed himself behind a tree un- til the animals were so near that he was dis- cussing with himself which one to select for his fire, when he was severely attacked with "buck fever," or "buck ague," or, as the modern vernacular would have it, was so "rattled" that he did not secure a shot at any of the deer, greatlyr to the erection of the pres- ent church edifice at Pikeville, Ohio. The mother of our subject is a native of Montgomery county, Ohio, where she was born in the year 1830, and is still living at Tikeville. Though venerable in years she still retains her mental and physical faculties t< 1 an exceptional degree, and she is held in the deepest love and veneration in the com- munity where she has lived and labored to such goodly ends. Her gentle character has ever prompted her to unostentatious works of charity and kindness, and her example and teachings are cherished and held sacred in the church of which she has so long been a devoted and zealous member. Daniel J. Hartzell, the subject of this sketch, is a native of Richland township, as has been previously noted, and in this coun- ty be has been reared and educated and has taken his place as a worthy representative of an honored name. He was afforded the advantages of the common schools and was reared to the sturdy discipline of the farm, remaining with his parents until he attained his majority, having thereafter continued to work for his father at the rate of ten T il- lars per month, so that he has a full appre- ciation of the values of honest toil. He chose for his helpmeet along life's journey Miss Amanda Weikert, their marriage be- ing solemnized February 4, 1879. Of this union four sons have been born and three of the number are living namely: Earl E., born May 6, 1882, who has completed the eight grades in the public schools and passed the Boxwell examination, which admits the i successful candidate to any of the high schools in the county, is a studious youth ; and his trends of thought and natural in- clinations seem to lead to the professional life; Ward C, born October 16, 1884. who is the practical agriculturist of the three bright and promising boys, is perfectly at home on the estate and takes an interest in all phases of its work; he is in the eighth grade of the public schools; Charlie R., born February 18, 1894, is the youngest of the home circle. Mrs. Hartzell was born near the. great battle field of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, on the 6th of June, 1859, being the second in a family of twelve children — five sons and seven daughters — born to Jacob and Matilda (Slyder) Weikert. Of this large family of children nine still survive and of these we give a brief record as follows: Henry I. is engaged in the tent and awning business at St. Paul, Minnesota; John D. is a farmer at Bbwdle. South Dakota; Emma E. is the wife of Charles Sebring, of Darke county, Ohio ; Daisv L. is the wife of Georgfe Reeves, GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 531 of St. Paul, Minnesota; Lilly M. is the wife of Eugene Cowell. of Bangor, South Dako- ta ; Rosa M. resides with her parents near Madison, Indiana, as do also Eva Pearl and Charles D. Jacob Weikert is a native of Pennsyl- vania, where he continued to reside until he reached maturity. He was present at the great battle of Gettysburg, and though not a soldier rendered effective service in caring for the wounded and assisting in the burial of the dead. He had to forsake his home, as it was on the site of this ever memorable conflict, and he was compelled to take what few effects could be picked up and to place these in the wagon and with his family make his way out in the midst of the incessant firing, which was at so close range that leaves and twigs from the trees were clipped off by the leaden bail and fell into their wagon, where they were found after a place of com- parative safety had been reached. This is an incident that will not be recorded again in this narrative of those concerned in the' history of Darke county. Though but a child of six years, Mrs. Hartzell has a faint recollection of this terrible struggle. The family came on through to Montgomery county, Ohio, and there Mrs. Hartzell's ma- ternal grandmother is yet living, at the ad- vanced age of eighty-eight years. Mrs. Hartzell has been her husband's ci iunselor in all his business transactions and her aid and advice have always been timely and valuable. When they began their mar- ried life, according to Mr. Hartzell's state- ment to the biographer, his wordly posses- sions were practically summed up in a horse and buggy. He secured the endorsement of bis father in purchasing the requisite sup- plies for carrying on his farm and he earned every dollar with. which to liquidate his in- debtedness. He began farming on shares and eventually he and his wife bought out the interests of the other heirs to the estate, and it is with a feeling of pride that they can look back over the rough road they have traveled, the obstacles overcome in order to accumulate their beautiful property, which is a just reward for their earnest efforts. Mr. and Airs. Hartzell have been peculiarly successful in life, and the success has been most worthily achieved, as in all the rela- tions of life they have been characterized by that honor and integrity which are more to be desired than gold. As Mr. Hartzell is a native of Darke county he has had the priv- ilege of witnessing its growth and develop- ment from a veritable wilderness to one of the most prosperous and attractive sections of the entire state, improved with fine pike roads, substantial and attractive residences of modern architecture and all other ele- ments which bespeak substantial prosperity. The beautiful town of Greenville, which now has a population of about eight thousand, is far different from what it was when his fa- ther located in the county, for at that time the stockades of old Fort Greenville were still standing. Mr. Hartzell is a stanch adherent of the Democratic party, his first presidential vote having been cast for General Hancock. He has maintained a lively interest in the work of his party and his personal popularity has led to bis being chosen for positions of marked preferment. He has been a dele- gate to various senatorial, congressional and countv conventions and he was the incum- bent of the important office of trustee of Richland township in 1896, and was re- elected to the office in 1899, his administra- tion having reflected great credit upon him and the township which he represents. He m-2 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. has served for about six years as director of the public schools, both he and his wife be- ing zealous advocates of the best possible educational advantages for the youth of our land. They are members of the German Reformed church at Pikeville and he is an elder in tbe same. Tbe estate of our subject comprises eighty-five acres, lying one-hall mile east of Pikeville and five miles from Greenville. The soil is a rich loam and is admirably adapted to the cultivation of corn, wheat, oats and tobacco, — the last mentioned in particular. In 1899 Mr. Hartzell realized ninety dollars per acre from two acres of to- bacco. This farm was purchased by his fa- ther in 1849 an( J bas remained in the hands of tbe family for more than half a century. Mr. and Mrs. Hartzell are well known for their many admirable traits of character and for this reason, as well as for that of their being representatives of honored pio- neer families, we are pleased to accord them this slight recognition in the genealogical record of Darke county. LEWIS MANSFIELD. The gentleman whose name introduces this sketch and who resides on section 31, German township, Darke county, Ohio, is one of the representative farmers of his lo- cality. The facts regarding his life and family history are as follows : Lewis Mansfield was born in Preble county, Ohio, November 3, 1833, son of one of the pioneers of that county. His fa- ther, Joseph Mansfield, was a native of Ken- tucky, was born in 181 1 and came with his parents to Preble county, Ohio, in 18 19, vhen he was about eight years old and who was reared and married there. About a year after his marriage, with his wife and babe, he came to Darke county and they es- tablished their home on a farm in Harrison ti iwnship, where he carried on agricultural pursuits the rest of his life and where he died at the age of forty-two years. William Mansfield, the grandfather of our subject, was a native of Delaware, from which state, when a young man, he emigrated to Ken- tucky, where he married, and whence he subsequently came up into Ohio, as above recorded. He was of English descent. The mother of Lewis Mansfield was, before her marriage. Miss Nancy Bowles. She was a native of North Carolina, born in February, 18 10, and came to Preble coun- ty, Ohio, in her girlhood, where, as already stated, she was married. She died at the age of fifty-two years. The Bowles also were of English origin. Stephen Bowles, the father of Mrs. Mansfield, was born in North Carolina and was the son of a Revo- lutionary soldier. Joseph and Nancy Mans- field were the parents of two children, one dying when three weeks old, the other being" Lewis. Lewis Mansfield was brought to Darke county in his infancy and was reared on his father's farm in Harrison township, receiv- ing his education in a log school house near his home. He remained on the homestead until after the death of his father. Early in the winter of 1859 he married and im- mediately afterward removed to the farm upon which he has since resided, and which he had purchased previous to his marriage. This farm comprises one hundred and twenty acres, all of which is cleared and under cultivation except twenty acres, the work of clearing and improving it having all been done under his supervision. Here for over forty years he has carried on general farm- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 533 ing and has been fairly successful in his op- erations. Mr. Mansfield's mother lived with him until her death, which occurred in 1862. Mr. Mansfield was married December 1, 1859, to Miss Lucretia Lanie. born in Preble county, Ohio, August 12. 1835, and which was her home until the time of her marriage. They are the parents of five children, name- ly: Eliza, the wife of C. Junes, a farmer re- siding near Madison, Ohio, and they have one son, Paul; Albert, who married Mary McClure, of German township, Darke coun- ty, and has one son, Lewis O. ; Ella, at home; Minnie, the wife of Charles Harland, of Richmond, Indiana, they having one daugh- ter, Lucretia: and one that died in infancy. Mr. Mansfield casts his franchise with the Democratic party. He is not a member of any church nor does he have any lodge affiliations. His religious creed is embodied in the golden rule. This he has tried to fol- low, and in so doing he has won the confi- dence and respect of his fellow men. D. W. K. MARTIN. D. W. K. Martin, the well-known editor and proprietor of the Versailles Policy, pub- lished at Versailles, Ohio, is a native of Darke county, born in Adams township, June 2, 1849, and ' s a son °f John B. and Rachel (Kreider) Martin, natives of Mont- gomery county, this state, the former born i:i December, 1820, the latter in 1822. On leaving Montgomery county, at the age of nineteen years, the father came to this county and settled in Adams township, where he followed his chosen occupation — that of farming — throughout life, dying in his seventy-sixth year. He was of German de- scent and a member of the Dunkard church. He was three times married, his first wife being Barbara Bigler, by whom he had one daughter. His second wife was the mother of our subject, who also was of German de- scent and died in 1872. By this union there were nine children, all of whom grew to manhood or womanhood, all married and all are still living, with one exception. For his third wife the father married Catherine Sword, by whom he had two children, both 1 if whom are living. The subject of this sketch is the second child of the second marriage. He was reared in his native township, and acquired a good practical education in the district schools, remaining at home until twenty years of age. At the age of nineteen he commenced teaching school and successfully followed that profession for twenty-one years, three years of which time he was su- perintendent of the schools at Fort Recovery, Ohio. He taught for two years in Ver- sailles, for one year in Bradford, and the re- mainder of the time in country schools. He became interested in the newspaper business in 1889, when he purchased the Versailles Policy, which he has since so successfully carried on. When he took possession of the office it was supplied with an old Washing- ton hand press, but he has added an engine and Campbell press and also job presses, and now has a well equipped office. He conducts the paper in the interests of the Democratic party, and has made it one of the best and most popular journals of Darke county. In 1870 Mr. Martin was united in mar- riage with Miss Lydia A. Apple, a natr Wayne township, Darke county, and a daughter of George and Catherine ( Rh ides I Apple. To them have been born nine chil- dren, namely: Minnie A., Cora D., tra J. and Estella M. (twins), Laura V., Marion A., Grace E., George J. and Clissie < ". 534 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. SAMUEL V. HARTMAN. Samuel V. Hartman is one of the young- est representatives of the legal fraternity in Greenville. He was born in Montgomery county, Ohio, on July 19, 1864, and is a son of C. B. and Catherine (O'Donnell) Hartman. The father was born in Lan- caster county, Pennsylania in 1816, and the mother was a native of Limerick. Ireland, whence she emigrated to the United States with her parents at the age of thirteen years. After their marriage they removed to Ohio, locating in the vicinity of Dayton, and the father engaged in teaching school for some years. He was also the school examiner of Montgomery county for a number of years. In 1866 he removed with his family to Darke county, locating in Xeave township, where he engaged in farming. He is ^till living, i.i Hill Grove, Darke county, and is a well preserved and energetic man, his vears rest- ing lightly upon him. Samuel V. Hartman, whose name intro- duces this record, spent his youth upon the farm in Xeave township and pursued his education in the public sc1i of Fort Jef- ferson until sixteen years of age, when he attended the high school in Greenville, taught by Professor J. T. Martz. Later Mr. Hartman successfully engaged in teaching for two years in Woodington and New Weston, and later, to still further perfect his own education, he entered the National Nor- mal University at Lebanon, Ohio, where he prosecuted his studies for one year. Leav- ing school he read law with Judge f. M. Eickel and Judge J. I. Allread, both of Greenville, and under their able preceptor- age was well fitted for his chosen calling. On the 4th of March, 1890, he was admitted to the Darke county bar and was soon after- ward elected prosecuting attorney, filling that position for two terms of three years each. On the expiration of that period, he retired from office and has since engaged i;i practice in the different courts, local, state and federal. The care with which he pre 1 pares his cases enables him to arrive at the strong points in his case, and these he pre- sents forcefully and logically to court and jury, thereby winning many notable forensic o mtests. Socially he is connected with the order of Knights of Pythias. RILEY M. BRANDON. All hi uii ir is due the pioneers of any section, for they blazed the way for the march of progress and laid broad and deep the foundation of the magnificent prosperity which forms the superstructure reared in later days, but with facilities which were denied to them in their sterner and more self-abnegating labors. In this favored sec- tion of the Euckeve state, now grilled with railroads and with fine pike roads, none of these improvements were in evidence when the subject of this sketch first opened his eyes to the light of day, as a native of the county, but here the pioneer settlers still disputed dominion with the crafty red men and the beasts of the forest. He has borne his part in the work of development and im- provement, and is worthy of definite con- sideration in this publication. Mr. Brandon was born in Darke county, March 18, 1849, being the second in order of birth of the eight sons and two daugh- ters of Alex B. and Anna (Shafer) Brandon. Of the ten children eight are living, namely : Riley M., the immediate subject of this sketch ; Dora B., wife of Nathaniel P. Kersh- ner. a farmer of Brown township; Eugene, GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 535 a farmer of York township; Aaron C, a prominent lawyer of Greenville; Frank, a farmer of Jefferson county, Indiana ; Noah, a salesman in a wholesale grocery at Day- ton, Ohio; and Arthur, who is a graduate of the Ohio Medical College and is a well known physician and surgeon of Ansonia, this county; Bertha B. is the wife of Clifford Thomas, of Chicago, and is the youngest of the family. Alex Brandon was born in Darke county, in 1820, and died in April, 1882. His pro- genitors came from the Old Dominion state of Virginia to Darke county, the agnatic line being of English or Scotch origin and having long been identified with the annals of American history. Grandfather Brandon was a volunteer in the war of 181 2. Inn the conflict terminated before he had been called into action. Alex Brandon passed most of his life in Darke count}', having resided for a few years in Miami county. He became a member of the Republican party upon its or- ganization and was a zealous advocate of its principles. He and his wife were devout members of the Christian church at Beams- ville, and he was one of the pillars of the organization, being one of its charter mem- bers and having aided very materially in the erection "of the first church building. His life was ordered upon a high plane of in- tegrity and he was held in uniform respect and confidence as a man of sterling worth. The mother of our subject was born in Pennsylvania, in 1826, and her death oc- curred December 17, 1881, she and her hus- band being laid to rest in the cemetery at Versailles, where a fine monument has been erected to their memory. She was a woman of gentle refinement and true Christian grace, and her influence upon the character of her children was marked and is held by them in deepest reverence. Riley M. Brandon, whose name inl duces this review, has passed his entire life in Darke county, and Richland township has been his home for the greater portion of this period. His initial educational dis- cipline was secured in the district schools and. supplemented by a course in a select school at Versailles, where he so advanced himself in his studies as to he eligible as a teacher, devoting himself to this vocation for a short time. Mr. Brandon has been twice married, his first union having been with Miss Jane Siegmund, who bore him one daughter, Irene May, who is the wife of Charles York, a farmer of Richland town- ship, and they have a little daughter. May Ethel. Mrs. Brandon was summoned into eternal rest March 21, 1874, and on the 7th of October, 1877, our subject married Miss Sarah J. Davidson. Two sons and two daughters grace this union — Edwin A., who is associated with his father in carrying on the work of the old homestead; Hattie B., who passed the Boxwell examination with a general percentage of seventy, when she was but thirteen years of age, and who is thereby entitled to admission to any high school in the county ; Charles D., who is at present in school; and Hazel May, a bright and inter- esting little maiden, now attending to her school work. Mrs. Brandon was born in Darke county, June 28, 1853, a daughter of Edwin R. and Rebecca J. (Warvell) Davidson, who were the parents of two sons and three daughters, only one of whom is deceased: Mrs. Brandon is the eldest; William II. is a farmer of Hancock county, Ohio: Robert is a farmer of York township, Darke county: May is 536 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. the wife of John Beery, of Springfield, this state. The father of Mrs. Brandon is de- ceased, his birth having taken place in Clinton county, Ohio, and it is a matter of record that her grandfather ate dinner with the Indians near the site of the village of Beamsville, pronouncing the corn bread which they prepared to have been the best he had ever eaten. The parents of Mrs. Brandon were both devoted members of the Christian church. The mother was born in Virginia, and was a maiden of twelve years when the family came to Ohio, her birth having occurred May 4, 1833. She is still living, making her home with her youngest son, in Richland township, and retaining her mental faculties unimpaired. Mrs. Brandon has endeared herself to a large circle of ac- quaintances, through her gentle refinement and consideration of the feelings of others, and she has proved a true helpmeet to her husband. Our subject purchased at the start a farm of ninety acres, being compelled to as- sume an indebtedness for a considerable por- tion of the purchase price, but his capable management and energy have made him one of the independent and influential farmers of the county, where he is held in the high- est esteem. He has witnessed the remark- able development of Darke county from the condition of a wilderness to its present era of prosperity and fine improvement, and his estate lies contiguous to the site of old Fort Briar, which was an important place in the early days. He has in his possession the original deed for the quarter-section 34, township 11, range 3, the document hav- ing been executed December 6, 1823, and bearing the signature of President Monroe. This deed is retained as a valuable historical relic. Mr. Brandon renders allegiance to the Democratic party, having cast his first vote for General Grant, and for ten years he gave active support to the cause of prohi- bition. His aim has been to support men and measures rather than to render supine al- legiance to party dictates. He has been a delegate to the convention of the Prohibition party at various times and has been a zealous worker for all that makes for the better- ment of his fellow men. He is a stanch friend of popular education and was strongly in favor of the establishment of the town- ship high .school, but this measure was de- feated. He was a member of the school board for five years. He and his wife are members of the Christian church at Beams- ville, and he has lent effective and timely aid to the cause of religion. The family is one of the representative families of the county, and we are gratified to be able to present this brief review at this time. FRANKLIN WISE. In this work there is much interest at- taching to the records, both personal and genealogical, of those wdio stand represent- ative of the worthy pioneer element in the history of Darke county, and wdio are ex- ponents of the progress and prosperity which mark the later years. To the gentleman wdiose name heads this record we must ac- cord an honorable place among the leading citizens of the county, and no publication having to do with the annals of this histor- ic section could legitimately omit such spe- cific reference to his genealogical record and individual accomplishment. Mr. Wise was born on the old homestead in Richland township, the land comprised in. GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 537 the same having been entered by his grand- father, John Wise, the entry having been made August 14, 1834. and executed over the signature of President Andrew Jack- son, this being one of the oldest deeds of the township and being cherished as an heir- loom by the Wise family. In the days to come it will be valuable as a relic of the pio- neer days. Mr. Wise was born January 12, 1853, being the sixth in order of birth of the seven sons and two daughters born to Daniel and Catharine ( Longenecker) Wise, and one of the eight who are living at the present time, namely: Benjamin L., a farmer of Patterson township, served for three years as a Union soldier in the war of the Rebellion; Iarena is the wife of Tobias Overholser, a farmer of Allen township; Samuel A. is a farmer of Eaton county, Michigan; John M. is a farmer of Missis- sinawa township, Darke county; Franklin is the immediate subject of this review; Clara A. is the wife of John Cable, a farmer of Wayne township; Harvey is engaged in agricultural pursuits in Ionia county, Mich- igan; and Daniel C, the youngest, is a farmer of Adams township, Darke county. Daniel Wise, father of our subject, was born in the old Keystone state, being "i the old Pennsylvania German stock. The date of his nativity was July 12, 1816, and he died September 18, 1869. It is presumed that he was about eighteen years of age when he became a resident of Ohio, and he was reared under the conditions prevalent at that time, receiving such meager educa- tional advantages as were afforded in the early subscription schools, which, like other farmer boys, he was permitted to attend for a brief time each year. He was early inured to the hardships of frontier life, growing to be a strong and sturdy man physically and one of marked mental vigor. Politic he was an old-line Whig until the birth of the Republican party, when he transferred his allegiance to the new party, which more clearly expressed his views in its code of principles and policies. He and his wife were members of the German Baptist church. Franklin Wise, subject of this review, is a thorough Ohioan, having been born and reared in Darke county, and he has unmis- takably embraced the dominating principles of his parents as to thrift ami honor. He has been reared to the sturdy discipline of the farm and has incidentally carried on a suc- cessful enterprise in the ma ire of brooms. He received a go nmon- school education, which has been supple- mented by personal application and practical experience in the affairs of life. Mr. Wise worked for wages until he reached his ma- jority, after which he prepared to establish his household goods upon a firm foundation. April 29, 1886, he was married to Miss Ruth A. Craig, who has borne him two daugh- ters — Ethel and Hazel — who are very bright and interesting little maidens. Mrs. Wise is a native of Darke county, having been born November 10, i860, a daughter of David and Malinda 1 Baird) Craig, who became the parents of six sons and five (laughters, nine of whom are yet living and all these are residents of Darke county except Lieu El- mer, wdio is now an express agent at Tiffin, Ohio. David Craig was born in Xew Jersey, February 5. 1S14, and died January 5. 1884. He was three years of age when his parents moved to Warren county. Ohio, and in 1857 he became a resident of Darke county, be coming a farmer by occupation. Mrs. 538 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Wise's great-grandfather in the agnatic line came from Scotland, the name Craig being of the pure Scotch origin. Malinda (Baird) Craig, mother of Mrs. Wise, was born in Warren count}", Ohio, September 16, 1825, and her death occurred July 21, 1898. She and her husband were members of the Pres- byterian church at Greenville and were very zealous in their religious work. They owned a fine farm two and one-half miles east of Greenville. Mrs. Wise was educated in the common schools, and she is of that genial and candid nature which will ever insure warm and lasting frieiwlships. She has been a true helpmeet to her husband and they are known and honored far and wide throughout the section where they have passed their lives. They began their domestic life on the old homestead of our subject's parents, renting the land at the start, and finally Mr. Wise undertook to purchase the estate, a work which he accomplished within six years, with the aid of his devoted wife, and in ad- dition to this he also cared tenderlv for his widowed mother until her death. The estate comprises one hundred and forty- nine acres and this is kept in a fine state of repair and cultivation. In politics Mr. Wise is a Republican, hav- ing cast his first presidential vote for Hayes. Socially he is a member of Lodge No. 605, I. O. O. F., at Ansonia, and also of Stelvideo Grange, No. 295, with which Mrs. Wise is also identified. He is the treasurer of the grange and Mrs. Wise is overseer. In religious adherency Mr. and Mrs. Wise maintain the faith of the Christian Scien- tists, having made a careful study of the wonderful developments and comforting promises to be noted in this line of religious thought. They are among the represent- ative people of Richland township and are well worthy of this slight tribute in the genealogical and biographical history of the county. JAPHETH BYRD. It is unmistakably true that upon the young, progressive men of the day the great- est responsibility rests. The gentleman whose name initiates this review is one who enjoys the confidence and respect of all who constitute the better class of citizens in Rich- land township, Darke county, and as a rep- resentative young man of the township it is consistent that a review of his life and gene- alogy be incorporated in this connection. Mr. Byrd is a native son of the Old Dominion state, having been born in Rock- ingham county, Virginia, on the 16th of February, 1861, being the second in order of the three sons born to Isaac and Mary (Gaines) Byrd. The brothers of our sub- ject are Rev. Rudolph Byrd, clergyman of the United Brethren church and a resident of Chewsville, Maryland; and Isaac D., who is a successful agriculturist in Rockingham county, Virginia. The father was born in Rockingham county, and his father was a soldier in the war of 181 2. The family is of English extraction and has been long identified with the an- nals of American history. One Colonel Byrd located near the famed old city of Richmond, Virginia, at a very early day, and from him the line of descent to the sub- ject of this sketch is directly traced. The father was a carpenter by trade and was in active service in the war of the Rebellion, supporting the cause in whose justice he firmly believed. He was a stanch Democrat GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 589 in politics. His death occurred Septem- ber 3, 1864. His wife, Mary (Gaines) Byrd, was likewise a native of Virginia, and in that state she is still living, venerable in years and loved by all who have felt the in- fluence of her gentle life. Japheth was a mere child at the time of his father's death, and as the family were left in moderate circumstances he was thrown upon his own resources at an early age. His first employment netted him the modest sum of three dollars per month and upon this basis he managed to clothe himself and pursue his preliminary educational work. His independent spirit was thus manifested at an early age, and by this he has always been animated, being essentially progressive and active. At the age of eighteen Mr. Byrd de- termined to seek his fortune in the west, and he accordingly came to Ohio, coming to Montgomery county about 1880, where lie remained one year, after which he located in Darke county, which has ever since been his home and field of endeavor. He came here without influential friends or financial reinforcement, began working for wages and step by step won his way to a success which is gratifying to note — a success honorably achieved through energy, economy and inde- fatigable application. On the 14th of April, 1884, Mr. Byrd was united in marriage to Miss Dora B. McFarland, and to them one son and three daughters have been born — Bessie F., Josephine, George and Mary — all being bright and attractive children, show- ing marked interest and proficiency in their educational work. Airs. Byrd was born in Darke county, upon the old homestead where she and her husband now reside, the date of her nativity having been September 28, 1866, and she being the youngest of the nine children born to James and Rachel (John) McFarland. Of the children eight are still living, namely: William, who is a resident of Dawn, this county; Newton, a resident of Greenville; Ellen, wife of Charles Beedle, of Miami county; Albert, of Greenville; Thomas, who resides at Dawn; Clark, of North Star, Ohio; Madison, who resides at Dawn, and Airs. Byrd, who is the youngest. James McFarland was born in Greene coun- ty, Ohio, on the 8th of May, 1822, and his death occurred March 25, 1893. He was a blacksmith by trade, and was a very suc- cessful business man, having become the owner of one hundred and sixty acres of fine farming land in Richland township. He secured a common school education in his youth, and lived an honest and noble life, which gives the richest of heritage to his children and children's children, who ven- erate his name and memory. In politics he was a Jacksonian Democrat, and as one of the leading men of the township he was called to positions of public trust, having served as trustee, land appraiser and in other offices of responsibility. He and his wife were zealous and devoted members of the Christian church, and he aided materially in the erection of the church edifice at Beams- ville, and also contributed liberally to the building of the Methodist church at Dawn. He was liberal and benevolent, charitable and kindly in his judgment of others, and was always ready to lend his aid and in- fluence in any good work. Fraternally he was a charter member of the lodge of Free and Accepted Masons at Versailles, and his funeral obsequies were conducted according to the impressive rites of this noble frater- nity. In his death the community mourned the loss of one of its most honored and valued citizens. 540 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Mrs. Rachel McFarland, mother of Mrs. Byrd, was born in Montgomery county, Ohio, on the 25th of November, 1823, and her death occurred March 17, 1895. She was a kind, Christian mother, and her teach- ir.gs and admonitions will be held in deep reverence by her children as long as memory remains with them. Mrs. Byrd has been reared and educated in Darke county, having received the ad- vantages of our excellent public schools. She is of that sunny nature which brightens all with which it conies in contact, and she pre- sides with grace and dignity over her happy home, being to her husband a true helpmeet and aiding him with her sympathy and ad- vice in all the temporal matters which come up for consideration, their mutual sympathy and confidence making their married life one of ideal nature. When they began life together Mr. Byrd was employed as a wage earner at Dawn, this county; later they leased land and there carried on farming, and finally, about the year 1892, they pur- chased the old homestead of Mr. McFar- land, assuming an indebtedness for a por- tion of the purchase price. They went to work earnestly, and the success which has justly attended their efforts is shown in the fact that they now own the old homestead and an additional twenty-three acres, en- tirely free from encumbrance, this being one of the finest farms in this section of the state. Mr. Byrd is a Democrat in his political proclivities, his first presidential vote hav- ing been cast for Grover Cleveland. Both he and his wife are consistent members of the Christian church at Beamsville, and they have always contributed liberally to its work and its collateral. charities and benevolences. They are cordial and genial in their attitude, having that intrinsic refinement which be- gets deep and lasting friendships, and their popularity in the community stands in evi- dence of their sterling worth of character. FINLEY R. REED. Finley R. Reed is a retired farmer liv- ing at Versailles. He was born in Wayne township, Darke county, June 17, 1828. The family name is one long and actively identified with the history of the Buckeye state. William Reed was a native of county Tyrone, Ireland, and when a young man came to America, reaching this country while it was still a province of Great Britain. At the time of the Revolutionary war he joined the Colonial army and served under Washington. In Pennsylvania he was mar- ried, afterward removed to Kentucky and thence came to Ohio, where he died at the advanced age of ninety-three years. His son, Allen Reed, the father of our subject was born in Pennsylvania, in 1782, and by his parents was taken to Kentucky when five years of age. They located at Miller's Station and became well acquainted with Daniel Boone, the noted pioneer of that state. Allen Reed was married in Ken- tucky, and there engaged in the manufac- ture of salt. In an early day, however, he removed to Clinton county, Ohio, where he followed the same pursuit and also con- ducted a distillery. He removed from Clin- ton to Darke county, and during the war of 1812 served under General William Henry Harrison, with the rank of lieutenant. He afterward became the captain of the first company of the Second Battalion and Third Regiment. In 181 5 he was the captain of the first company of the added battalion of the Second Brigade of the First Division of GMEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 541 the militia of Ohio, and in 1823 was elected the captain of the Second Company of the Second Regiment, Second Brigade and Tenth Division of the militia of the state of Ohio, being sworn in by Governor Swishe, a justice of the peace. He was thus the first captain of the militia in the northern part of Darke county. In military affairs and in business circles he was a very prominent man of the time. He served as a justice of the peace, and was a recognized leader in the Whig party until its dissolution, when he became a stanch Republican. In early life he was reared in the Presbyterian faith, but afterward became a member of the New Light church. He made farming his life work, and his well-directed labors enabled him to secure a comfortable home. He mar- ried Margaret McGrifr, who was born in Kentucky and died when our subject was about two and a half years old. -The Mc- Griff family was prominent in Ohio. Among them were twin brothers, Richard and John, who were born in Darke county, in 1804. The former lived to be ninety-five years of age, and the latter is still living at the age of ninety-seven. After the death of his first wife Allen Reed wedded Mrs. Jerome, but they had no children. By the first mar- riage, however, there were sixteen children, and with the exception of the eldest and the youngest, all reached mature years. These were: William, who died at the age of two years; John, who died at the age of fifty; Richard, who died when more than sixty years of age; Isaac, who died at the age of sixty-four; James, at the age of seventy- three; Sarah, who is the widow of Alexan- der Wilson, of Versailles; Margaret, who died at the age of eighty, and was the wife of James Greer, an early settler of Topeka, Kansas; Elizabeth, wdio became the wife of O. S. Brandon and died at Jefferson, Wis- consin; Allen, who was born July 18, [818, and is now living retired in Topeka, Kan- sas ; Thomas, who was a minister of the United Brethren church and died in Fulton county, Indiana; Matilda, who died at the age of thirteen years; Amberson, who died at the age of sixteen; William, who was a pioneer physician in Jefferson City, Wis- consin, having begun practice there about 1850, and for eleven consecutive wjinters was a member of the senate of that state, and fur fourteen years the medical examiner of the charities and reforms of the state; Huldah, wife of Solomon Young, of Union City, Indiana; Finley R., our subject; and one child wdio died in infancy. kinky R. Reed, the fifteenth in the fam- ily, was reared in Wayne township, within sight of the town of Versailles, the farm being now within the corporation limits. He obtained but primitive educational privi- leges, for there was no school-house near until after he was married. He hauled the timber for the first school-house in Ver- sailles, and saw the county when it was in its pioneer condition. He is the only man known to be living that saw the old horse- mill that ground the meal that was used in making mush in the early days. He re- mained with his father until his marriage, which occurred in October, 1852, Alice Brandon becoming his wife. She was born 111 Wayne township, May 19, 1830, a daugh- ter of James and Susannah (Sark) Bran- don. The father was a native of Virginia and was reared in Kentucky, in which state the mother was born. They were married there and became the parents of .seven chil- dren, Mrs. Reed being the fifth in order of birth, and the only surviving one. She was reared in Wayne township and ai tended the 542 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. same school of which her husband was a student. After their marriage Mr. Reed located on section 19, Wayne township, where he followed general farming until 1865, when he purchased a farm on section 23, of the same township. He then took up his abode on that place and continued to operate his land until 1900, when he sold the property and took up his abode in Versailles, where he is now living retired. On the 2d of May, 1864, he joined the boys in blue of Com- pany F, One Hundred and Fifty-second Ohio Infantry, with which he served four months, holding the rank of second lieuten- ant. He was honorably discharged on the 2d of September. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Reed have been born eleven children, of whom ten are living: Martha, the wife of Isaac Hitz, who is liv- ing in Kansas, and by whom she has eight children; Juanita A., at home; Susanna, the wife of Albertus Firestone, of Kansas, by whom she has three children; Margaret, the widow of Lewis Dobe, of .Marseilles, and the mother of seven children; Maria, the wife of Charles Mier, of Picrua, Ohio, by whom she has two children; Sarah, the wife of Ed Garris, of Union City, Indiana; A. Lincoln, who is married and resides southwest of To- peka, Kansas, with his wife and five chil- dren; Andrew J., of Versailles, who is mar- ried and has two children; Georgie at home; James A., who died at the age of two years; and Xellie, the wife of Law- rence Bachman, of Ansonia, by whom she has one child. In his political views Mr. Reed is a stal- wart Republican. He belongs to the Grand Army Post at Versailles, and has been a member of the Masonic fraternity since 1862. He holds membership in the Chris- tian church, was for many years one of its trustees and still holds a number of offices therein. He is to-day one of the most hon- ored and widely known of the pioneer set- tlers of Darke county, and has witnessed its development from the time when the greater part of its land was in its primitive condi- tion. His life has ever commended him to the confidence and respect of those with whom he has been brought in contact and his record is in many ways well worthy of emu- lation. COLONEL DAVID PUTMAN. As one of the representative and promi- nent citizens of Darke county Colonel Put- man well deserves representation in this vol- ume. He was born at Fort Black, now called Xew Madison, on the 4th of August, 1821, and his present residence is Palestine, in German township. His father, Ernestus Put- man, was a native of Xew York, born Octo- ber 27, 1776. There he was reared, re- maining at home until fourteen years of age, when he was apprenticed to learn the gun- smith and whitesmith trades. He served for a term of seven years, and on the ex- piration of that period went to Springfield, Massachusetts, where he accepted a position as foreman in the stocking department of the government armory. For two years he served in that capacity. In the meantime he returned to his native place and was mar- ried. With two companions he made his way over the mountains to Pittsburg, Penn- sylvania. These men were accompanied by their young wives, and on reaching Pitts- burg they constructed a flat-boat, on which they made their way down the Ohio river. This was in 1809. Where the city of Madi- son now stands they effected a landing. Gen- yhio, in 1800. He was one of the first set- tlers in the county and was colonel of the First Ohio Militia, Third Detachment, in the war of 1812. He left Hamilton, Ohio, February 5, 1813, in command of the First Ohio Militia, and marched to Dayton; from there to Piqua, Lpramie, St. Mary's, and finally, on the 7th of April, was ordered to Fort Meigs, where his regiment remained on guard duty till discharged from service. We find the following entry in his regimental boi ik : "Colonel Mills with a portion of his com- mand, having honorably served out the period for which they were called into the service of their country, are hereby dis- charged and permitted to return to their re- spective homes. Events not within the control of the present commander-in-chief of this arm}- or of our government have rendered it necessary that the militia of the western states should compose a considerable portion of the northwest army. Ohio stands conspic- uous for the great zeal and promptness with which her citizens have yielded the com- forts of private life for the toils and priva- tions of the camp. In the return of this de- tachment of Ohio troops to their families and homes, it is due to Ohio and her sons to record their honorable service. To Colonel Mills and his staff, and his respective com- missioned and non-commissioned officers and private^, whose term of service has expired, and to whose promotness in the discharge of every duty he has been an eye witness, the commanding general gives his sincere thanks. "By command of Gen. Greene Clay." Colonel J. Mills served in both brandies of the Ohio legislature. He died of cholera in 1833, at Fort Jefferson, and is buried on the land he first settled. His wife was a physician of much note in the early history of this county. Colonel Mark T. Mills, son of the former, was one of the early sheriffs of this county, and while serving his second term was elected a member of the legislature. 1 le was continued a member of that body for tour or five years by the suffrage of the peo- ple. He was married to Miss Lydia Burdge March 29, [821, and died in March. 1843. his wife surviving him until March. [886. Colonel Putman remained in business in Xew Madison until June, 1845, when lie ^■<\<\ out to his brother John and came to Pales- tine. Here he engaged in general merchan- dising until 1848. when he traded his stock of goods for a farm in Sugar Valley, Preble countv. Ohio. There he followed agricultural pursuits for two years, when he returned to Palestine and accepted a position as general traveling agent for the Xew York Mutual Insurance Company. He was for two years connected with that line of business, trawl- ing over Xew York and Ohio. Again he toi k up his abode in Palestine and was engaged in the hotel business for a year, when he . opened a stock of groceries, successfully con- ducting his store until the 10th of October 1861. At that date Mr. Putman was commis- sioned second lieutenant, and on the 171!! ol I lecember had raised a full company and w.\ elected captain. He was mustered mi" ser- vice as a member of the Sixty ninth Ohio Re°iment, and remained at Columbus until 546 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. the 19th of February, 1862. There they guarded rebel prisoners at Camn Chase until the 19th of April, when they started for Nashville. Captain Putman did duty with the regiment in all its engagements until June 20, 1863, when he was discharged on account of disability and returned to his home. As soon as able, however, he began the organization of the Twenty-eighth Regiment of the Ohio National Guards, and when it was formed was elected colonel. On the 2d of May, JN04, this regiment was ordered out for one hundred days' service and went direct to Camp Dennison. Two companies from Clark county were added to the eight companies of the regiment, making a full command, which was mustered into the Uni- ted States service as the One Hundred and Fifty-second Ohio Infantry. They were ordered to New Creek, Virginia, and thence to Martinsburg. They left there on the 4th of June, with a simply train of two hundred and forty-nine wagons, and orders to reach General Hunter, who was then in the neigh- borhood of Staunton, Virginia. They were joined by live companies of the One Hundred and Sixty-first Ohio Volunteer Infantrv, Second Maryland, one company of the Fif- teenth New York Cavalry and a section of Lowery's Battery, all, under command of Colonel Putman. They were annoyed each day by small bands of the enemy and lost the captain and live men of the New York Ca\ airy. They overtook the rear of Hunter's army on the 10th, at Midway, and the main body of the army next day at Lexington. Here under Hunter's command the famous mills and military institutions of Lexington were destroyed by fire. At the latter was found a life-size statue of George Washington erected in 1788, which was turned over to Colonel Putman with special instructions to deliver it to the governor of West Virginia, at Wheeling. These instruc- tions were faithfully executed. On the 17th of June General Hunter turned over his prisoners, his sick and wounded and one hundred and fifty wagons to the command of Colonel Putman and for ten days they were on the retreat, arriving at Eeverley on the 27th of June, and at Cumber- land, Maryland, on the 2d of July. They there remained until the 25th of August, were next at Camp Dennison, and on the 2d of September they were honorably dis- charged, and upon the return home the regi- ment was transferred back to the . ate ser- vice as the Twenty-eighth Ohio National Guard, so commissioned until the cl • of the war. On his return home Colonel Putman be- gan the study of law- under the direction of Judge A. R. Caldenvood, at Greenville, and was admitted to the bar in 1866. He imme- diately began practice and gave his attention to bounty pensions. In 1870 he was elected justice of the peace to serve for three years and has been a notary public for forty-seven years. He is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic, with which he has been iden- tified since its organization. He was the first commander of Reed Post, No. 572, and is the present commander. He also belongs to the Masonic fraternity. In politics he is a Re- publican, has been active in support of the party since its formation in 1854, and was a delegate to the state convention at Colum- bus, in 1856. In 1897 he was called upon to mourn the loss of his wife, who died on the 24th of January, after a long and happy mar- ried life of fifty-four years, two months and nine days. They bad celebrated their golden wedding in the In mse where the first wedding party had been held and one hundred and GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 547 seven guests were invited to the dinner. The photographs from which the pi irtraits that appear in this work were made were taken on their fiftieth anniversary. Almost eighty years Colonel Putnam has resided in Darke a mnty. He is probably the oldest native res- ident within its borders, and has been a wit- ness to its wonderful growth and devel- opment, has aided in its progress and has withheld his support from no movement or measure which he believed would prove of public good. In all life's relations he has been true and faithful, in public office has been fair and impartial, in business strictly honorable and in social life has been a trusted friend and esteemed neighbor. He certainly de- ser . mention among the honored pioneers of I arke count v. ADDISON J. WOODS. Among the highly respected and well- known citizens of German township, Darke county, Ohio, is Addison J. Woods, who has spent nearly the whole of his life on his farm. Moses Woods, the father of Addison J., was one of the pioneers of Darke county, where he spent a long and useful life, ac- tively identified with the affairs of his lo- cality. He was of Virginia birth, born June 26, 1793, and when a young man, as early as 1 8 14, came out to what was then called the Western Reserve, stopping first at Cin- cinnati. Then he came north to Darke coun- ty and became a resident of Harrison town- ship. He taught the first school in that township at Yankeetown, in 18 19, in a log school house, with paper windows, and for several years taught in winter and farmed in summer. He also worked some at house building. Politically he was a Democrat. took an active interest in the campaigns and in 1839 was elected county commissioner of Darke count} - , receiving as compensation for his services the sum of fifteen dollars per year. In 1S32 he moved to the farm on which the subject of this sketch now lives, and there Moses Woods lived until 1856, When he moved to Hollansburg. In 1858 he moved to Palestine, where he passed the rest of his life and died, being about eighty- three years of age at the time of his death. The mother of Addison J. Woods was before marriage Miss Hannah Moore, the date of their marriage being June 27, [822. She was born March 26, 1794, in Pennsyl- vania, a daughter of Matthew Moore, a native of Ireland. He served seven years in the Revolutionary war. Mr. Woods has in his possession a cone-shaped bottle which his grandfather Moore carried with him during his service in the army. Mrs. Woods outlived her worthy husband several years, passing away May 24, 1891, her age at death being ninety-eight years. They were the parents of six children that reached adult age. and three of that number are now liv- ing, namely : Addison J., Lewis and their sister, Mrs. Caroline McGrew. Addison Woods was the fourth in his father's family, born in Harrison township June 20. 1830, and was eighteen months old at the time they settled in German township, on the farm where he was reared and where he has ever since resided. This farm com- prises one hundred and sixty acres, is located on section 29 and is devoted to stock-raising and the usual crops of the vicinity. Mr. Woods was married, February 28, 1856, to Miss Hannah Steele, who was born in Butler county Ohio, March 18. 1830, and reared in Darke county. She died July 1, 1889. The children of this union were four 548 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. in number, as follows: Alice, born May 14. 1857. now the wife of Theodore Gist, who is engaged in the real-estate business in Indian- apolis. Indiana : they have one son, Addison, born March 9. 1879. Lillie, born December 27, 1870, who died in infancy; William, born January 29, 1874. who also died in infancy; Caldwell, born September 16, 1863, on the home farm with his father, married Ella Chenoweth, a native of this count}- and a daughter of Wesley Chenoweth, of Hollans- burg. In his political affiliations Mr. Woods is Democratic. His father was a member of the Christian church, but he has never identi- fied himself with any church, nor is he a member of any secret societies. He has always been known as an honorable, upright citizen, and is justly entitled to the esteem in which he is held by all who know him. A. L. EIKENBERRY. The records of the lives of our fore- lathers are of interest to modern citizens not alone for their historical value, but also for the inspiration and example they afford. Yet we need not look to the past; although surroundings may differ, the essential con- ditions of human life are ever the same and man can learn from those around him if he will heed the obvious lessons contained in their history. Turning to the life record of A. L. Eikenberry. studying carefully the plans and methods he has followed, he will learn of splendid business and executive ability. He is a man of keen perception, of great sagacity and unbounded enterprise, and in addition is an excellent manager. He is today the senior partner of the firm of Eikenberry & Christopher, the proprietors of the Mozart department store at Greenville, Ohio. A native of Darke county, he was born in the vicinity of Palestine, April 11, 1857, and is a son of Dr. R. L. Eikenberry, whose birth occurred in Preble county, Ohio, in 1837. The paternal grandfather, David Eikenberry, was a native of Virginia, and became one of the early settlers of the Buckeye state. He married Miss Hannah Cloyd, a representative of one of the pioneer families of Ohio. Dr. Eikenberry was reared to manhood under the parental roof, prepared for professional life and for many years was engaged in the practice of medi- cine in Preble count}- and western Ohio. He also practiced in Indiana for several years. In 1850 he married Catherine Gever, a na- tive of Preble county and a daughter of George Geyer, who was born in Pennsylva- nia. To this union four children were born: Oscar B., of Eaton, Ohio: William 11.. of Greenville; Albert L.. of this review, and Ida M., the wife of D. O. Christopher, of Greenville. A. L. Eikenberry, whose name introduces this record, spent his early boyhood days in Randolph count}-. Indiana, to which place his parents removed during his early boy- hood. He acquired the rudiments of a com- mon school education in the schools near his home, and completed his literary course in a select school. He then started out to make his own way in the world, and entered upon his business career in the capacity of clerk in a store in West Alexandria, Preble coun- ty, belonging to his brother, O. B. Eiken- berry. There he remained in the capacity of salesman for eight years, at the end of which time he and David O. Christopher purchased the interest in his brother's store, which was then conducted under the firm name of Eikenberry & Christopher. This relationship was maintained for five years. GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 549 on the expiration of which time they sold their interest, removing to Greenville in 1894, where they built a fine brick block, which was totally destroyed by fire June 16, 1895. They immediately built in its place a large and substantial brick block, 66x165 feet, and three stories in height, which is known as the Mozart store. The three floors and basement are all occupied by their goods, thus securing to them thirty thou- sand square feet of floor space. Their trade has steadily increased and they have con- stantly enlarged their facilities in order to meet the growing demand. They now em- ploy from twenty— five tn thirty-five persons, and not only enjoy a large local patronage but also ship their goods into all the coun- ties in this part of the state. The stock is varied and well selected, including every- thing found in a first-class department store. In 1885 occurred the marriage of Mr. Eikenberry to Miss Alice Black, of .West Alexandria, Ohio, a daughter of Joseph Black. She was born and reared in Preble county, and by her marriage has become the mother of five children, three daughters and two sons, namely : Joseph, Harley, Lorine, Juneita and Heldred. The family occupy an elegant residence, which is celebrated for its hospitality. The members of the house- hold occupy a very enviable position in social circles, and have many friends in the com- munity. Mr. Eikenberry belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and as a citizen is public-spirited and progressive, withholding his support from no measure or movement which he believes will prove of public good. He is very practical in his business meth- ods, svstematical and methodical, and at all times is perfectly reliable in his business transactions. For some years he lias de- voted his entire time, and concentrated all his energies, to the supervision of the active details of his business, and his has been the will to resolve, the understanding to direct and the hand to execute all of the various transactions. His worth as a man and citi- zen is widely acknowledged and he has con- tributed in a large measure to the commer- cial prosperity of Greenville. ISAAC F. DEARDOFF. The subject of this genealogical record is so well known throughout Darke county that he needs no introduction to the readers of this volume. He is the efficient township trustee of Brown township, having held this important office for the past two years. As the name implies, Mr. Deardoff is of pure German extraction in the agnatic line, and individually he gives full indication of those sterling traits which have made the Teu- tonic race such a power in the economies oi the world. He is a native of Warren county. Ohio, having been born in the vicinity of Franklin, July 17, 1837, being' the fourth in order of birth of the four sons and one daughter of John and Sarah ( Rush ) Dear- doff, and being now the only survivor of the family, though all of the children lived to attain maturity. It is presumed that the fa- ther was born in Xew Jersey, the date of his nativity being August 23, 1804. and he died October 6, 1861. He accompanied his parents on the long and monotonous over- land trip to the wilds of the western frontier, their destination being Warren county, where the Indians were far more in evidence than the white settlers, who were just be- ginning to open up the way for civilization. The only pathway through the forest was the Indian trail indicated by blazed tree-. .-,:,! i GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. and at this time a colony of people came in company and all aided in erecting the prim- itive log cabin home for each family in turn. The father of our subject was a cabinet- maker by trade and also a carpenter, and his services were in ready requisition at all times. He remained with his parents until he attained his majority, beginning life on his own responsibility as a poor man. but strong in courage and in capacity for con- secutive endeavor. His father showed his wisdom by entering from the government a large tract of land between Greenville and Ansonia, and it was on this tract the family located as pioneers of Darke county. The father of our subject came to Greenville and worked at his trade, and here he met and married Miss Rush, after which he returned with his wife to Warren county. In 1S40 he located permanently in Darke county and here he resided until his death. He was a man of great industry and unswerving in- tegrity, being firm in his convictions and having the courage to maintain them. He was a Jacksonian Democrat, stanchly sup- porting the principles of the party through- out his life. He never aspired to official preferment, but was a valued counselor in matters of public polity in the community, bing a strenuous advocate of the cause of papular education and of all legitimate im- provements in the locality. Mr. Deardoff, of this sketch, has in his possession one of the oldest family bibles the biographer has thus far found in the county, the entries dating back as far as 1828 and being made with the old quill pen of the early day. This volume is cherished as a valuable relic in the family. The mother of our subject was born near Chillicothe, Pickaway county. Ohio, March 1, 18 10, and she entered into- eternal rest June 3, 1892. She accompanied her parents to Darke county when a mere child, ami the settlers erected palisades about the primitive cabins for th protection of the families from the depredations of the In- dians. It is a matter of record that the mother of our subject, when a small child, was nearly enticed from her home by an In- dian squaw, who made offers of bright orna- ments to attract the child through the palisade, but she was fortunately rescued by old "Uncle Thomas" McGinnis, who thwarted the plans of the would-be abductor. Mrs. Deardoff was reared in the Baptist faith and both she and her husband are sleeping their last sleep in the Greenville cemetery, where rest many others of the honored pio- neers of the county. Isaac F. Deardoff was about three years of age when his parents removed to Darke county, and here he has maintained his home ever since, having received his education in the common schools. His educational ad- vantages were meager as compared with those afforded the youth of to-day, but he made the most of the few months which he ci add devote to his school work each year, and his natural predilection for study and the reading of good literature has made him a man of broad and exact information. So often has the pioneer school, with its pun- cheon floor, slab desk and benches and other primitive equipments, been described in this compilation that we deem it supererogatory to more than mention the fact that our sub- ject's first scholastic training was received in one of these little log school houses. He re- mained with his parents until his marriage, which was solemnized on the 12th of No- vember. 1865, when Miss Amanda F. Davi- son became his wife. To them were born three sons and three daughters, and in the GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 551 succeeding paragraph we give a brief record concerning the children, all of whom are Jiving. Hattie is a professional modiste and is located in the city of Chicago, where she conducts a successful business. She was educated in the Greenville high school, after which she learned the millinery and dress- making business, in which she was engaged for five years in Ansonia. Mary A. is the wife of George Barron, of Dayton, Ohio, and they have three sons, — Louis, Earl and Roy. Robert J., a professional miller by trade, is located at Arcanum, Ohio, and is a young man of marked business ability. He married Miss Ada Stafford. In politics he is a Democrat and fraternally is identi- fied with the I. O. O. F. Frank is at home with his parents and takes special interest in all details of the farm work, for which he seems to have a natural inclination and taste. He was educated in the Greenville public schools, as were the other children, being especiallv strong in mathematics and penmanship. He is a member of Ansonia Lodge, No. 605, I. O. O. F. Augustus has shown a marked talent as a musician, hav- ing prosecuted his studies in the Cincinnati Musical College, and he intends to devote himself to the musical art as his profession in life. Nellie E., the youngest of the chil- dren, is attending school and is making ex- cellent progress in her studies. Mrs. Deardoff was born in Richland township, this county, December 16. 1841, being the seventh of the eight children — three sons and five daughters — born to Rob- ert and Mary (Stratton) Davison, and four of the children are yet living - . The full genealogy of the Davison family is given in the record of Oscar Davison, ex-treasurer of Darke county, entered on other pages of this work. Mrs. Deardoff spent her girl- hood (lavs in Richland township, and, like her husband, she attended the primitive schools of the early days. Her father was born April 8, 1798, and his death occurred February 23, 1881. Her- mother was born May 23, 1807. and died March 22, 1847, having been a Quaker in her religious views. Mr. Deardoff is a stanch Democrat in his political allegiance, having cast his first presidential vote for Stephen A. Douglas. He has served as delegate to county, congres- sional and senatorial conventions of his party and has been an active worker in the party ranks. He was elected land appraiser in 1889 and in 1898 was chosen township trus- tee of Brown township, which office he still holds, administering its affairs to the satis- faction of his constituents and ever aiming to advance the general welfare of the county. He is conscientious in everv action and his honesty and integrity have never been brought into question in any of the relations of life. He has been a strong advocate of the cause of education and has served as a school official in his district and township. Socially he is a member of Greenville Lodge, No. 195. I. O. O. F.. in which he has passed all the chairs, as has he also in the encamp- ment of the order. Mrs. Deardoff is a mem- ber of the adjunct organ : zation the Daugh- ters of Rebekah, Lodge No. 396. at An- sonia. Our subject and bis wife are kind, benevolent and God-fearing people, believ- ing in the golden rule as a guide in the walks of life and being charitable and liberal in their views and judgment. They have aided in the erection of the Lutheran, the Meth- odist and the Christian church edifices in this township, realizing the value of all Chris- tian work. Their estate comprises eighty acres of good land, well adapted to the cul- 552 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. tivation of the cereals and other products raised in this locality, and the family are held in the hierhest esteem by all who know them. MRS. AXXA W. STAHL. The fair ladies of our state and nation play a most conspicuous part in the true record which makes the aggregate of our history, and they are becoming an important factor in all avenues of business and pro- fessional life. The lady whose name ini- tiates this review comes from one of the well-known and highly honored families of Richland township, and she conducts her own estate with thorough business acumen. Mrs. Stahl was born in Dearborn county, Indiana, near Dillsborough, on the 29th of July, i860, being the fourth in order of birth of the six children of Andrew and Mary ( Whiteford) Whiteford. Of the three sons and three daughters the only survivors are Mrs. Stahl and her younger brother, James C, who is a commercial traveler for the Piano Manufacturing Company, having his territorial assignment in the state of Ohio. He was educated in the common schools and in the public schools at Gettysburg, being a young man of fine mind and exemplary hab- its and standing high in the estimation of all who know him. He is honorable and in- dustrious, and has business faculties of a high order. Socially he is a member of the Knights of Pythias Lodge, at Greenville, this county, and he is a devoted member of the Presbyterian church in that place. Andrew Whiteford, father of Mrs. Stahl, was born near the famed old city of Glas- gow. Scotland, and in the land of heather and shaggy wood he remained until he had attained hs legal majority. He wedded his bonnie lassie in his native land, and, leaving her to the tender care of those near and dear, bade farewell to his native land and came across the Atlantic to lay the foundation of his fortunes in America. He sailed from Liverpool in a sailing vessel, and the voy- age was of seven weeks' duration. He came direct to Aurora, Indiana, where he was a stranger in a strange land and among strange people, being fortified with but little of this world's goods. He remained here about one year, as a wage earner in a saw-mill, and then sent for his wife, who came across the ocean in a steamer and joined her husband. They began as renters and it was about 1870 that they came to Greenville township, this county, where they rented land. The first purchase of land was the present estate of ninety acres, in Richland township, and here they settled and lived until the death of Mr. Whiteford, October 2$, 1893. The first home erected was a primitive log cabin, and at this time there were few improve- ments to be found in the county. There was not a mile of pike road, and quite a number of the railroads were built after they emigrated to Darke count}'. The devoted mother of our subject died September 7, 1877, in Brown township. Both she and her husband were strict Pres- byterians in their religious belief, and Mr. Whiteford aided financially in erecting the beautiful brick church in Greenville, and all benevolences were sure of the hearty interest and support of this worthy man and his gentle wife. Mr. Whiteford was a man who stood firm in all his convictions, was animated by the most inflexible integrity, and his word was as good as his bond. He and his wife lived lives that were exemplary in character, and this is a rich and valued heritage to hand down to their children — far better than riches and gold. In politics GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Out> Mr. Whiteford was a standi Republican, and always upheld the orinciples of his party. The parents of our subject sleep their last sleep in the beautiful cemetery at Greenville, and their resting place is indicated by a beau- tiful stone which was there erected by their children and which stands sacred to their memory. Mrs. Stahl was reared in her native state of Indiana till she was a maiden of ten sum- mers, having spent about three years in the schools there. The major part of her edu- cation, however, was received in the Anso- nia public schools, of which she was one of the first graduates, being a member of the class of 1877. She passed the teachers' ex- amination, after which she devpted herself to pedagogic work for two years in the An- snnia schools. She was successful in her work, but at this time her dear mother died, and she relinquished all her previous plans, giving up her chosen profession, In come home and act as her father's compan- ion and housekeeper. She made his last years as pleasant as she could, ably fulfill- ing her filial mission. She is possessed cf that kind and affectionate nature which al- ways wins lasting friendships, and the poor and needy never need go empty-handed from her door. The marriage of our subject to H. J. Stahl was celebrated May 4, 1893, and one little son graces this union, Whiteford J., who was born October 19, 1894, the sunbeam of his mother's home. Mr. Stahl was born in Adams township, Darke county. January 7. 1853, and was reared and educated here. His lineage traces back to German extrac- tion, being of the old Pennsylvania stock. He was successful in life, and all he had was accumulated through his own industry and careful methods. He was held in the highest esteem by the citizens of Darke county, living a noble and upright life, well worthy of emulation. He was first mar- ried to Miss Lottie Long, who bore him one son, Walter E., who is a young man of high standing in Richland township. He re- sides with his stepmother, and their mutual love and devotion could scarcely be greater were they, indeed, mother and son. He is a young man of marked intellectuality, being a fine mathematician, and he is bound to make for himself a place of honor and usefulness in connection with the active du- ties of life. Mrs. Lottie ( Long) Stahl died February 13. 1891, when her son was a lad of twelve years. She was a member of the Christian church at Beamsville, and was a representative of one of the pioneer fami- lies of the count}-. Air. Stahl had two brothers in the civil war, and one died from wounds received in the battle of Chattanooga. He was buried on the battlefield. Mr. Stahl was a Repub- lican in politics, and his first presidential vote was cast for Rutherford B. Hayes, in the centennial year. He was an ardent sup- porter of his part} - , and locally his influence was always cast on the side of all that made for the general welfare and the advance- ment of the interests of his fellow men. He was a stanch friend of the cause of educa- tion, and he served effectively as a director of the home schools. His life was as an open volume to the people of the commu- nity, and his memory is held in lasting In im >r by all who knew him. He believed in the Golden Rule, and lived to it day by day, and his daily admonitions to his children were ever creditable to him as a father. His was a pure and noble life, and the death of such a man leaves a void which cannot be filled. Mr. Stahl was summoned into eter- 554 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. nal rest November 20, 1898. loved and es- teemed by all, and his widow now resides on her estate with her loving children. The sacred memory of the husband and father will ever cling about the home. We are pleased to perpetuate this brief record of Mrs. Stahl and her family in this genealog- ical history of Darke count} - , and in all the days to come such a compilation will have a place of distinct and unmistakable value. MRS. SAMUEL BAILEY. Mrs. Bailey is a native of Darke county, Ohio, where she was born on the 2n\ of Oc- tober, 1852, being the second in order of birth of the eight children of Moses and Hannah D. (Mendenhall) Teegarden. Of the four sons and four daughters only two are now living — Mrs. Bailey, the immediate subject of this review, and her brother, William W. Teegarden, who is a promi- nent attorney of Greenville, this county. Moses Teegarden was a representative of one of the pioneer families of Darke county, and here his birth occurred on the 9th of December, 1827. He died in the prime of his useful manhood, his demise having taken place on May 19, 1875. He was educated in the common schools of his native county and was reared under the in- vigorating discipline of the pioneer farm, devoting bis attention to agricultural pur- suits until the end of his life. He was a man who gained and retained the uniform respect and confidence of all who knew him. In the paternal line he was of Holland Dutch lineage, as the name indicates. He com- menced his life work with only his phvsical strength, his industrious habits and his up- right character as stock in trade, but this proved adequate capital, and success at- tended his earnest and well directed efforts. His life's labors ended, he left to those near ami dear to him the priceless heritage of a good name — a name significant of good thoughts and kindly deeds. In his political proclivities Mr. Teegarden was a stanch Democrat, being a great admirer of Andrew Jackson. He was endowed with a strong mentality, and through his personal appli- cation and his contact with men had gained a broad fund of information, and was known as a man of discrimination and sound judg inent. He was a devoted member of the Christian church, and was one of the found- ers of what is known as the Teegarden church. It was through the efforts of his father that the cemetery was laid out in this township (Brown), and the land for the same was donated by this honored pioneer, William Teegarden, for whom also the church above mentioned received its title. Moses Teegarden was truly a God-fear- ing man, was imbued with those deep re- ligious convictions and principles which in- dicate the true Christian gentleman, and he was, indeed, one of the pillars of the church. He presided many times as the preacher in this vicinity, being regularly ordained as a minister of the Eastern Indiana conference, and was well known for his wisdom, integ- rity of purpose and deep piety. He was al- ways known as the friend of the poor and distressed, never turning the needy empty- handed from his door. Hannah D. Mendenhall, who became the wife of Moses Teegarden, was a native of Preble county, Ohio, where she was born March 8, 183 1, and her death occurred on the 5th of November, 1863. She was a woman of gentle character and deep religious convictions, and the careful and conscien- tious training which she gave to her chil- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 555 dren had a perpetual influence upon their lives, anil will ever be held in fond and grate- ful remembrance by the two who survive. Mr. and Airs. Teegarden are both interred in the cemetery which bears their name, and they will be long remembered in the com- munity where they lived and labored to goodly ends, their lives being consecrated to all that was true and beautiful. Mrs. Bailey, the immediate subject of this sketch, was reared and educated in this county, and here she was for some time en- gaged in teaching, meeting with success in her pedagogic work. On the 19th of March, 1873, she was united in marriage to Samuel Bailey, and of this union three sons and three daughters were born, three of the number surviving, namely : Oliver Clin- ton, who is a successful farmer of Green- ville township, married Miss Sadie Puter- baugh ; Tracey Lerton is at home, having passed the Boxwell examination, which en- titles him to admission to any high school in the county; and Cora Ethel, who is at home, and who has likewise passed the examina- tion mentioned. Samuel Bailey is a native of Darke county, where he was born February 8, 1847, a son of Henry and Nancy ( Runyon) Bailey, who were the parents of five sons and four daughters. The father died in July, 1876, having been an honored and success- ful farmer of the county. His venerable widow, who was born in the state of Ken- tucky, is now eighty-three years of age. •Samuel Bailey was reared to agricultural pursuits and has always devoted his atten- tion to this basic line of industry. In poli- tics he is a Republican, having cast his first presidential vote for General Grant. As a man and as a representative of one of the 1 >ld pioneer families of the county, he is held in the highest esteem, both he and his wife having a distinctive popularity in the social circles of this community, where practically their entire lives have been passed. They are charter members of the Christian church at Woodington, Ohio, and are active and zealous workers in the same. HEXRY A. CLAWSON. As a representative and influential farmer of Brown township, and as a scion of one of the old and honored pioneer families of Darke county, it is certainly incumbent that we accord a brief review of the life of that well-known gentleman whose name initiates this paragraph. Mr. Clawson traces his an- cestry back to English origin, but he him- self is a native son of the township in which he now lives, having been born on the old homestead which he now owns and occupies. The date of his nativity was January 5, 1862, he being the only child born to Aaron and Rachel (Fisher-Cole) Clawson. His father was a native of New Jersey, where he was born in 1813, and he was but a child of two and one-half years when he accom- panied his parents on their removal to the far west, as Ohio was then considered. Butler county was their destination, and the family figured as pioneers of the state, which they enriched by their example and earnest efforts. Aaron Clawson remained in Butler county until his marriage, when he came to Washington township, Darke county, and later came to Brown township, where he con- tinued to make his home until death released him from the labors of this world. He was reared to agricultural pursuits on the frontier farm, receiving such educational advantages -556 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. as were afforded in the common schools of the day. and lie ever gave his attention to the great basic art of agriculture. He started out for himself without capital or influential friends, but through his well directed efforts and his sterling integrity in all the relations of life he won his way unaided to a success which was worthy of the name. At the in- ception of his individual career as a farmer it is recalled that he even manufactured his own harness and other necessary equipments, this economy being enforced by his lack of means. He was a careful and hard-working man, strictly honorable and upright and one who held the respect and confidence of all with whom he came in contact. At one time he was the owner of one hundred and sixty acres of land in Brown township, this county. Mr. Clawson was a stanch Republican in politics, and he cast the first abolition vote in Washington township. He was firm in his beliefs and convictions and was not afraid to express himself upon questions of import- ance. In the later years of his life he fully endorsed the principles of the Prohibition party and was a strong advocate of temper- ance in every detail. He was a devoted and consistent member of the Christian church, holding membership in what was known as the Teegarden church, of which he was one of the founders, aiding materially in the erection of the first church edifice here. In all questions pertaining to morality and religion he stood firm, a tower of impregnable strength in the community. This hon- ored pioneer passed to his eternal rest March 31, 1888, secure in the esteem and veneration of the community where he had lived and labored to so good purpose. The mother of Henry A. Clawson, the immediate subject of this sketch, was born in Darke county, August 2, 1821, and she died March 13, 1895, at the residence of her son, on the old homestead, so hallowed to her by the associations of years. Her life was gen- tle and was filled with kind words and deeds so that her place was secure in the love and esteem of all. Henry A. Clawson was reared to agri- cultural pursuits upon the old homestead where he now resides, his educational dis- cipline being received in the common schools and effectually supplemented by discriminat- ing reading and association with men in the practical affairs of life. On the i6tli of May-, [886, he was united in marriage to Alice A. Dunham, and to them two sons and three daughters were born, of whom three are living: Mary O., a very bright and studious little maiden is now in the seventh grade in her studies; James G. Blaine Clawson has reached the third grade in his school work; and Esther Rachel, the baby of the family, lends joy and brightness to the home circle. The parents are firm believers in the work of education and will give to their children the best possible advantages in this line. Mrs. Clawson was born in Darke county on the 27th of February, 1858. the daughter of Henry and Sarah Jane (Martin) Dun- ham, who were the parents of two suns and two daughters, of whom the only survivors are Mrs. Clawson and her brother, John H., who is well known as Colonel Dunham, of Greenville, this county, being an agriculturist and tobacconist by occupation. He wedded Miss May C. Mendenhall. Mrs. Clawson's father was a native of Darke county, and here he died at the age of thirty years. Her great-grandmother was a native of bonnie Scotland, and Mrs. Clawson is able to recall GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 557 her venerable relative, the cheery old Scotch lady. Mrs. Clawson's mother was likewise a native of Darke county, and she died Feb- ruary 13, 1886 aged fifty-two years. Mrs. Clawson has been reared and educated in this county, and she has gained the love and high regard of all, through her true womanly character and generous and kindly disposi- tion. In connection with his farming Mr. Clawson has become deeply interested in the breeding of fine short-horn cattle, and to this branch of his industry he expects to devote careful attention and to conduct extensive operations as the years go by. He has at the present time nine head of the fine-bred short- horn stock, and a portion of the herd are reg- istered, as will the remainder be in due time. Mr. Clawson keeps well posted on the topics pertaining to the breeding' of stock, and he is a patron of the best literature of the day in this and general lines. In politics he gives an unwavering support to the Republican party, his first presidential vote having been cast for James G. Blaine. He has been chosen as a delegate to county conventions of his party. He lends a ready support to the causes of education and religion and to all other good works which tend to elevate the community. He gave substantial aid in the erection of the Christian church at Wood- ington, of which Mrs. Clawson is a devoted member. The fine homestead of our subject comprises seventy acres, excellently improved and located in Brown township. Mr. and Mrs. Clawson are classed among our leading citizens and for this reason, as well as for their being representatives of honored pio- neer families of the county, they are clearly entitled to consideration in this compilation. DANIEL MILLER. Daniel Miller, who follows farming on section 25. Harrison township, is a highly respected farmer, whose life has been quietly and unostentatiously passed, yet contains fea- tures that may well be emulated, for in all re- lations he has been found true to his duty to his neighbors, his family and his country. He was born near West Alexandria, Pre- bie county, November 19, 1829, and in Au- gust, 1 83 1, was brought by his parents to the farm upon which he now resides. His fa- ther. George Miller, was born in Fayette count}', Pennsylvania, about 1793, and died in Xew Madison, Ohio, in 1872, having lo- cated there the previous year. John Miller, the grandfather, was a well-to-do farmer of I ennsylvania, anil reared five children, in- cluding George Miller, who spent almost his entire life in the Buckeye state. Having ar- rived at years of maturity he married Eliza- beth Cunningham, who was born in Ireland and during her girlhood was taken to Penn- sylvania. By her marriage she became the mother of eleven children, one of whom, Nancy, died at the age of two years. Seven sens and three daughters reached adult age : Mrs. Anna Adams, a widow now living in Kansas at the age of eighty-three years; Mary, the wife of Washington Ulam, a farmer living near Winchester, Indiana; William, a farmer of Harrison township, who died at the age of seventy-eight years, leaving three children ; John, who died in the prime of life on his farm in Indiana, leaving five children ; Robert, who died in New Mad- ison, in his sixtieth year, leaving four sons; Elizabeth, the wife of John Ray, who died ai the age of seventy-three, leaving four 558 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. daughters, while four died in infancy; George, who died at the age of twenty-seven years ; David, who died at the age of twenty- four ; Samuel, who died in Harrison township about 1893, leaving three sons and a daugh- ter ; and Daniel, of this review. The mother passed away about 1852, and the father after- ward married Mrs. Hannah Gray, nee Wor- thington. She was the mother of five children, including I. P. Gray, a prominent statesman of Indiana, who served as minister to Mexico. The father of our subject was reared and married in West Virginia, and after the birth of the greater part of his chil- dren came to Ohio, where in 1830 he pre- empted eighty acres of land, taking up his abode thereon in August, 1831. Not a fur- row had been turned, a tree cut or an im- provement made upon the farm. He se- cured his land from the government for a dollar and a quarter per acre and subse- quently he made other purchases until he was the owner of a valuable tract of two hun- dred and twenty acres, together with a house and lot in New Madison. He also hail a g 1 hank account and was one of the sub- stantial residents of the community. Daniel Miller was reared upon a large farm and early took his place in the forest with an ax, aiding in clearing away the trees and preparing the land for the plow. He attended school for two or three months each year in a little frame building, sup- plied with puncheon seats. The writing desk was formed of rough boards laid upon wooden pegs driven into large auger holes bored into the wall. To his father he gave the benefit of his services until his marriage, which occurred October 15. 1871. Miss Re- becca Lawrence becoming his wife. Their acquaintance had continued from childhood, for they were reared on adjoining farms. Mrs. Miller was born October 6, 1829, a daughter of Rial and Minerva (Braffet) Lawrence. ■ Her father was a native of Pennsylvania, and at an early epoch in the pioneer history of Darke county came to Ohio, locating near the home of C. C. Walk- er. At his death, which occurred May 7, 1885, tne following obituary appeared in one of the local papers : "Death has claimed an- other of the pioneer citizens of Yankeetown. On the 7th instant died Rial Lawrence, in the eighty-fourth year of his life. He was- born in Bradford county, Pennsylvania, on January 19. 1802. and in 1825 was married to Minerva Braffet. They lived together sixty years and had six children, who with their mother survive him." Now, in 1900. the children are all living, but the venerable mother passed away at their home in Jan- uary, 1899. at the advanced age of ninety- two years. Mr. Lawrence was an indus- trious and economical husbandman, a good manager and a square man in his business dealings, his word being as good as his bond. His remains were interred in the new ceme- tery at Madison, by the side of those of his wife. Mr. Miller is the owner of three hundred and twenty-two acres of valuable land, lying in Harrison and Butler townships. He pur- chased one hundred and forty-six acres of land of his father, and the farm includes ninety acres of good timber land. He car- ries on general farming and stock-raising, making a specialty of short-horn cattle and fine sheep, having from fifty to a hundred head of the latter upon his farm most of the time. His well-tilled fields yield to him good returns, and he raises annually from two to three thousand bushels of corn and GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 559 about fourteen hundred bushels of wheat. He sowed fifty acres of wheat in the fall of 1899. and for the first time in years the crop proved a total failure. He feeds all of his corn to his stock, and in addition to his cat- tit and sheep he raises about one hundred head of hog's annually. His place is one of the best improved in this part of the county. In iSS_> he built a large red wagon house, and the foil iwing year an immense barn, 42X 72 feet, with an L .32x42 feet. There is a good two-story residence upon 'the place, which was erected in 1886. He has never moved but once, and that was when he left the old home for the new. The old frame house, however, erected by his father, in 1842, is still standing, but in 1886 he tore down the log cabin which had been built in early days of round logs with a mud-and- stick chimney. He is very thorough, sys- tematic and methodical in his work, and is at the same time progressive and enterpris- ing. His land is divided into fields of con- venient size by well kept fences. The place is well drained and everything upon the farm is neat and thrifty in appearance, indicating the careful supervison of the owner. Both Mr. and Airs. Miller are widely known in Darke county, and enjoy the warm friend- ship 1 d" a large circle of acquaintances, and their many excellencies of character have gained them high regard and esteem, and it is with pleasure that we present to our readers their life record: FRANZISKUS M. KATZENBERGER. In the formation of the American nation the German element has been an important one. The qualities of earnestness, stability and perseverance characteristic of the people of the fatherland have contributed in no 34 small degree to the substantial building of American character and among the best cit- izens of the Republic are many of German birth or of German descent. As the name indicates, Franziskus Mathi- as Katzenberger is of German lineage. He traces his ancestry back to Franz Jacob Kat- zenberger. who was born at Etlingen, in the grand duchy of Baden, Germany, and died at Rastatt, January 10, 1788. He was rathsver- wander and hof-metzger. He married Ma- rianna Stroh, of Baden Baden, and died in Rastatt, January 15, 1783. They had four children : Katharina ; Marianna, who married a Mr. Rammelmaier and died October 8, 1 793 ; Franz Jacob ; Franziska, who was born in 1766 and died March 15, 1816. She mar- ried Johann Frank. Franz Jacob Katzenberger, the second of the name, was born at Rastatt, in 1752, and died December 27, 1830, at the age of seven- ty-eight. He engaged in the butchering business in his native town. His wife, Franziska Frank, whose family owned the Hotel Krone, was born in 1756 and died on the 29th or 30th of April, 1826. She was a sister of Dr. Johann Peter Frank, born at Rastatt. Baden, March 19, 1745. He was a professor at Goettingen and Vienna, and was physician to Czar Alexander I. He died in 1 82 1, at the age of seventy-six. Franz Ja- cob and Franzisca Katzenberger had six children : Margaretha, who was born Oc- tober 11, 1779, was married September 10, 1800, to Franz Joseph Witschger ; Franzisca, born March 31, 1783, died December 23, 182 1. She was married October 26, 1804, to Franz Haver Maier, of Baden Baden, who was born November 29, 1777, and died July 8,1831. She was his second wife. Joseph Calasanz was the third of the family. Ma- rianna, who was born May 21, 1791, and 5(50 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. died February 27, 181 5, was married Jan- uary 9, 1809, to Joseph Vogel, who was born in 1781, and died February 25, 1815. Magdalena, born August 17, 1795, died Feb- ruary 27, 1849. She was the third wife of Franz Haver Maier, their marriage taking place June 17, 1822. Katrina, the youngest of the family, died September 15, 1846, at Achern, at the age of forty-nine. Joseph Calasanz, son of Franz Jacob and Franzisca Katzenberger, was born August 27, 1788, and died December 12, 1852. In early life he was a butcher, and later became the proprietor, of the Hotel Zum Goldenen Schwan. His third wife was Margaretha Becker, of Sulzbach, who was born in 1798, and died May 16, 1871. Her grandmothers were both born in 1751, and both reached the age of eighty-eight years. Her mother died at the age of seventy-five. Joseph Cal- asanz Katzenberger and his wife are buried in the cemetery at Rastatt. They had eleven children. Mariana Franzisca, born Febru- ary 20, 1 82 1, died March 9, 1821. Maria Josephine, born June 20, 1822, died Decem- ber 12, 1888. Maria Louisa, born February 10, 1824, died April 3, 1858. She was the wife of Herman Grosholz, a merchant of Baden Baden, and they were the parents of two children, namely: Hermann, who was born June 28, 1854, and died March 28, 1893, married Juka Peter, who was born April 19, 1859, and their children are Gre- tha, who was born in Baden Baden, April 24, 1885; Toni born April 13, 1887; and Hertha, born September 20, 1892; and Louisa, the younger child of Mr. and Mrs. Grosholz, who was born at Baden Baden, December 5, 1856. She is the wife of En- glehard Spitz, who was born February 5, 1844. Their children are: Albert, who was born at Freiburg, Baden, December 2, 1883; and Ernst, bom November 1, 1887, and died May 31, 1894. Franziskus Mathias Katzenberger, the fourth in the line of descent, and the imme- diate subject of this sketch, was born Tues- day, October 4, 1825, in Morgens Uhr im Zeichen des Krebs. He spent the days of his boyhood and youth in his native land, and in March, 1847, when twenty-one years of age, crossed the Atlantic to the new world. He took passage on the sailing vessel Arago, which weighed anchor in the harbor of Havre, and reached New York after a voy- age of twenty-one days. Two or three days later he went to Bucks county, Pennsylva- nia, where he worked in a boarding school for fourteen months, and then went to Phil- adelphia, where he was employed in various ways that would yield him an honorable liv- ing. After he had spent three years in America he came with his brothers, who had followed him to this land, to Ohio, and took up his abode upon a farm of fifty acres near Greenville. He began business in Union City, and was there married in 1853. Two years afterward he removed to a farm near Pikesville, belonging to his wife's fa- ther, and later took up his abode upon his present farm three miles west of Greenville, where he now owns two hundred and twenty- five acres of valuable land. On the 7th of November, 1853, Mr. Kat- zenberger was united in marriage, by Squire Jones, to Maria Magdalena Mergler, who was born Thursday, March 23. 1837. Her father, Andrew Mergler, was born at Gern- sheim on the Rhine in Hesse Darmstadt, Germany, December 18, 1807, and died Feb- ruary 21, 1877. His wife, Catherine Mar- garetha Herberger, was born in Langenkan- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 561 del, Rhenish Bavaria, Germany, February 7, 1818, and died July 23, 1894. Mr. and Mrs. Katzenberger are the parents of nine chil- dren, eight of whom are living: Joseph Andrew, born Sunday, July 9, 1854, was married November 23, 1882, by Rev. C. W. Hoeffer, to Mary Elizabeth Wolf, who was born near west Baltimore, Preble county, Ohio, July 11, 1863, a daughter of Jacob Wolf, who died September n, 1889, at the age of fifty-eight years. Her mother, ■Christina Paulus Wolf, was born August 11, 1829. The children of Joseph Andrew and Elizabeth Katzenberger are : Charles Al- pha, born September 15, 1880; Clara Cla- dola, born April 15, 1884; Etta May, born March 30, 1886; and Karl Leopold, born August 11, 1889. Catherine Margarethe, the second child of the family, was born March 16. 1856. Josephine, born October 8, 1857, was married January 13, 1880, by the Rev. C. W. Hoeffer, to Nathan Little DuBois, who was born February 28, 1845, the eldest son of Norman and Hannah (Vankirk) DuBois; the former, born in 1814, died July 26, 1883, and the latter, born February 18, 1818, died April 17, 1894. On the 22d of June, 1869, Nathan DuBois married Lucinda Jane Her- shey, daughter of Jacob and Sarah Her- shey, and her death occurred March 1, 1878. By that marriage four children were born : Clara, who was born April 3, 1871, was mar- ried December 20, 1893, by Rev. C. W. Hoeffer, to George Smith, who was born May 23, 1870, a son of Martin and Lydia (Wagner) Smith, and they have a little daughter, Lottie, born July 23, 1896; John Harrison, a resident of Montezuma, Iowa, was born March 22, 1873, an d was married June 16. 1896, to Harriet Elizabeth War- ren, who was born October 2, 1874, a daugh- ter of Charles F. and Mary E. (Hayne) Warren. Mr. and Mrs. DuBois have one son, Nathan Warren, born July 13, 1900. Jennie Clyde, the third child, was born De- cember 25, 1874, and was married Novem- ber 28, 1894, to Charles E. Furrow. They reside in Picpia, Ohio, and have a little daughter, Benrxe Mure, born January 21, 1899. Hannah Bell, the youngest child of the first marriage, was born October 2, 1876. The children of Nathan and Josephine DuBois are : Charles Otho, born Septem- ber 27, 1880; Bessie Mabel, born January 4, 1882 ; Lucinda, born January 31, 1883 ; Ben- jamin Stanley, born August 27, 1886; Maude Moiselle. born December 5, 1891 ; and George Dewey, born June 27, 1898. Mary, the fourth child of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Katzenberger, was born February 23, 1859, and was married November 27, 1878, by Rev. C. W. Hoeffer, to George Carlisle, a son of Norman and Hannah DuBois, born in Warren county, October 3, 1851. Their children are : Frank Mergler, born No- vember 29, 1879; Dorsey Darke, born March 13, 1882; Arlie Elizabeth, born November 27. 1884; Hattie Emily, born December 21, 1888; Helen, born September 15, 1894; and Harold, born July 6, 1861. Frances Isabelle, the next member of the family, is mentioned on another page of this volume. Charles Leopold, born April 21, 1865, died July 17, 1871, and Elizabeth Anna was Lorn August 30, 1867. Emily, born June 9, 1869, was married August 17, 1887, by the Rev. C. W. Hoeffer, to Henry Louis Lott, who was born April 24, 1 86 1 a son of Louis B. and Matilda E. (Wintermote) Lott, the former born Sep- tember 1, 1825, the latter May 23, 1838. The father died March 7, 1889. 5G2 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. ' Frank Mathias Katzenberger, Jr.. born October 12, 1872, was married March 9, 1893. by the Rev. Henry Louis Lott, to Cora Mills, who was born October 17, 1873, a daughter of George and Fryannah (Bar- tow ) Mills, the former born March 18, 1847, the latter March 27, 1850. Mr. and Mrs. Katzenberger, Jr., have one little child, Nellie Iona.born April 8, 1894. The personal characteristics and qualities of F. M. Katzenberger, whose name heads this sketch, are such as have endeared him to his family and gained him many friends. He had the advantages of an excellent edu- cation in his youth, and has always been of a studious nature. He is what might be termed an omnivorous reader, his field of reading embracing various subjects, history, science, fiction — everything from a light na- ture to the most solid. His aim is to gain infonnatii m, and he has a mind well stored with knowledge gained from varied sources. He never leaves home, but is of a most hos- pitable nature, and is never happier than when entertaining company at his own fire- side. Of strong domestic tastes, he regards no effort or sacrifice too great on his part if it will enhance the happiness or promote the welfare of his wife and children. He is a man of peaceable nature, and probably has nnt a single enemy. His wife is of a very practical nature and has thus been an excel- lent supplement to her husband's life and character. In the care of her children she was most wise. She endeavored to instill into their minds lessons of right and then allowed them largely to plan their own ca- reer, trusting that her precepts and example would duly influence them, and the family is one of which she has every reason to be proud. Her self-sacrifice in raising her family amounted to the heroic and in the management of her children and less prac- tical husband her skill could not well be sur- passed. In appearance she was as youth- ful as when in her maidenhood until a few years ago, when she was thrown from her carriage, which accident impaired her health. She still possesses her old-time en- ergy, however, although she is sixty-two years of age. Mr. Katzenberger has reached the age of seventy-five, and has never known illness. Surrounded by every comfort of life, they are enjoying a well- earned rest, and their daughter, Elizabeth, devotes her time to the care of the old home and of her parents. The name of Katzen- berger is an honored one in Darke county, and this volume would be incomplete with- out the family record. FRANCES I. KATZENBERGER. Miss Frances Isabelle Katzenberger, the fifth child and fourth daughter of F. M. and Mary Magdelene Katzenberger, was born near Pikeville, Darke county, Ohio, July 6, 1861. Her paternal ancestors resided for several centuries in western Germany, amid the pine-clad Black Forest mountains famed for legend and beauty. Her maternal an- cestors came from the region of. the Rhine further northwest. For further information of her ancestral history the reader is referred to the biographies of her father and Uncle Charles, which appear elsewhere in this vol- ume. Amid pastoral scenes the girlhood of Miss Katzenberger was passed, and from the influence of a rural environment bent was given to the characteristics of mind that have, in a marked degree, dominated her so- cial and literary career. By the time she had reached her "teens" her mental develop- ment had clearly presaged the course in life GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 563 ■she would take; and as the river flows in the course marked by its confining lines of em- hankment so has her life sped its course al'ing- a groove channeled by unseen forces, which, while directing, enkindled as well an enthusiasm whose constantly glowing flame has unbrokenly fed the fires that have ener- gized her to the performance of tasks that might well appall a heart less stout. The condit'ons under which her early mental training was acquired were not such as would generally be conceded advantageous to a literary career. The country schools afforded the only privilege she enjoyed dur- ing girlhood days for obtaining an educa- tion. Books were her delight. During the formation period of her characteristic mental traits she read with avidity whatever came into her hands, and so great was her passion for reading she did not hesitate to shirk doing tasks imposed by her mother, that thereby might be gratified the ruling passion of her life. Her favorite hiding place at such times was among the dense branches of a willow tree which over- hung the spring house, or in the hay mow, where she would lie with her bonk. While yet quite young bits of writing, both of prose and poetry, fell from her pen. These were of a miscellaneous character and often quite good, indicating well the trend of her mind t > literary pursuits. The originality in thought of those early emanations from her pen, and their varied styles of construction may be regarded as resulting from the per- fect freedom she enjoyed in the exercise of her mental faculties. She was never ham- pered by an enforced cultivation of style for artistic effect. She thought and wrote as one who had something to say. and who re- quired no rule either to conceive or express il. The beauty of utterance is in simplicity, not in stilted rhetorical phrases, and therein lies not one of the least charms of all her writings; As her mental horizon expanded she became cognizant of the disadvantages resulting from a limited education, and to improve her educational equipment she en- tered the National Normal University of Lebanon. Ohio, in January, 1893, taking the literary course. By vigorous work she quickly acquired a comprehensive knowledge of those branches 6f learning indispensably necessary to one engaged in literary work. It was while at college she conceived the idea Of writing her first work, "He Would Have Me Be Brave," a half of which was written during her brief collegiate career. The manuscript was completed early in 1895, and in July of that year it was issued. The story sprang into immediate favor, not only among her friends and acquaintances, but also with the reading public generally. Flattering no- tices in local papers were excelled by press reviews in larger cities. It is a well-conceived tale, pleasingly written. Her character delineations are por- trayed in a manner true to life, and in no single instance does she introduce exagger- ated Or even improbable conditions. It is achievement of the possible by man that fur- nishes the incentive to fire other men's hearts with similar aims and purposes; and to re- count in books that which will not admit of practical accomplishment serves no purpose other than to pervert the minds of those who ■read them. The wholesomeness of a book consists in the moral and spiritual influence it imparts to its readers. The mind that is fed by the impracticable is soon diverted into eddying channels on whose surface swirls the wrecked plans of minds whose concepts were 5(34 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. too often formed by reading the exaggerated dreams of absurd fiction. Her second work, "The Three Verdicts," is also charmingly written — a well-told tale depicting first the verdict of the world, sec- ond of the jury and, last, the verdict which awaits us all in the world to come. Through- out both these works the author's concep- tions are not only healthfully moral, but they breathe a spirit of practical Christianity. Encouraged by her friends, Miss Katzen- berger dramatized "He Would Have Me Be Brave," and it was successfully played in Greenv'lle by local talent upon two occa- sions to appreciative audiences. Miss Kat- zenberger's poem, "Westward, Ho," deals with the stirring scenes of pioneer life, and was read by the author at Greenville upon the occasion of celebrating the one hun- dredth anniversary of Wayne's treaty with the Indians. While it is not written in the conventional style of poems of its class^ there is in it a charm of thought and expression most pleasing to the reader, and some of her friends maintain it displays more merit and strength than her first work. In closing this sketch it may be noted that Miss Katzenberger's life has been one of incessant toil, and for the attainable she has striven with pluck and zeal, allowing no adverse circumstances orconditions to thwart her purpose. While she has encountered de- feats such as would engulf in despair the average person, her courage at such times arose to the heroic, subduing adversity. Her severest loss occurred through the failure of a large eastern publishing house with which she had contracted to bring out an edition of "The Three Verdicts," turning over to them at the time the plates of the work, and an advance payment of several hundred dol- lars, all of which she lost. This necessitated a temporary discontinuance of her literary work, as she had need of an avocation im- mediately remunerative. MRS. CATHARINE MILLS. The ladies of the good old Buckeye state have ever played a most conspicuous part in her history, from the annals which tell of the pioneer struggles and vicissitudes down to the records which bespeak the unexam- pled prosperity of the end-of-the-century pe- riod. In connection with the history of Darke county the good lady whose genealog- ical record here appears is one who is held in high regard and respect by all the citizens of Richland township, which is essentially the pioneer township of the county. She was born in Lebanon, Lebanon county, Pennsyl- vania, on the 7th of November, 1835, being the fourth in order of birth of the four sons and three daughters of John and Catharine ( Bowman) Fettery, and she is now the only survivor of the family. Her father was a native of Schuylkill county, Pennsylvania, where he was horn July 19, 1803, and his death occurred February 7, 1872. In the agnatic line he was of Scotch ancestry, and in the maternal of English extraction. John Fettery, who was educated in both the Eng- lish and German tongues, was a blacksmith by trade, and was employed for some time in the great shops at Cornwall. The parents of Mrs. Mills emigrated to Ohio, from their Pennsylvania home, in 1837, being mem- bers of a colony which comprised seven fami- lies, the journey being made by means of horses and wagons, and the objective point being old Fort Greenville. At this time the wily red men of the forest were far more GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 565 numerous than the white settlers in this sec- tion of the Union. Mr. Fettery worked at his trade to some extent in Preble county, and after a time removed to Darke county, where he established himself as a pioneer farmer. He was active and energetic, and was possessed of the most sterling attributes of character. His father was a soldier in the war of 1812, in which connection he had personally traversed some of the historic ground of Darke county. In his political adherency John Fettery was a zealous Demo- crat in his support of the cause and was act- ive for many years, but in the later years of his life he esnoused the cause' of Prohibi- tion, taking high grounds on the subject of temperance. He was a great friend of the public schools, and, in fact, of all those worthy enterprises which tend to elevate the moral or intellectual standing of the com- munity. He was a good man, and had the utmost respect of all who knew him. He and his wife were members of the Lutheran church at Wakefield, Ohio. Catharine (Bowman) Fettery the mother of Mrs. Mills, was born in Schuylkill coun- ty, Pennsylvania, September 5, 1808, and her death occurred July 18, 1862. She was of German lineage, and her life was one of signal kindness and devotion to all that is good. Her prayers and her admonitions to her children will ever live as the years roll on, such influences being cumulative in char- acter. Mrs. Mills was but a child of eighteen months when her parents removed to Ohio, and thus she has been reared and educated in this section of the state and has dignified Darke county by her life and example and as a worthy representative of a pioneer family. She was educated in the primitive schools of the early da vs. and the first school she attended was in the little log school house, with puncheon floor, slab benches, etc., which is so frequently mentioned in this compila- tion, such institutions being typical of the time and place. Mrs. Mills gives most inter- esting reminiscences of the early days and graphically describes the amusements which were in vogue among the pioneers, who as- sembled together for the apple-parings, the quilting bees and the corn huskings, while at night innocent games attracted the atten- tion of the young folks. Under the influence of these good old pioneer days she passed her girlhood, and when she was about e : ght- een years of age she consented to preside over a home of her own. On the nth of August, 1853, she wedded Marion Mills, their union being solemnized in Greenville, and they be- came the parents of two sons and three daughters, of whom four are living at the present time, namely: Sophia C. is the wife of Jasper N. Riggle, the well-known insur- ance agent in Greenville, this countv. Mrs. Riggle was educated in. the high school at Greenville and the normal college at Leb- anon, Warren county, and she was for sev- eral years successfully engaged as a teacher in Darke county. She and her husband are members of the Methodist church. Lucy B. Mills became the wife of Daniel Oliver, a successful farmer of Mount' Heron, Ohio, and they have three children — Everett, Nola Belle and Chester. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver are members of the Christian church. George H. M. C. Mills, a resident of Beamsville, Ohio, is a paperhanger and painter by trade. He wedded Miss Callie Warvel, and they are the parents of two children — Otto and Ethel. They are members of the Christian church. Lewis Alphonso, the youngest of the four living children of Mrs. Mills, resides with his mother on the old homestead. He married 566 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Miss Leona Stahl, and they have three sons and one daughter, — Orville, Melvin M., Blanche L. and Raymond V. Alphonso will conduct the farm for his mother, being well fitted for this charge as he is an able and in- dustrious young man, being a practical and advanced agriculturist, and also taking marked interest in mechanics. He was edu- cated in the public schools of the county. In politics he is a Democrat, having cast his first presidential vote for Grover Cleveland. Fra- ternally he is identified with Ansonia Lodge, Knights of Pythias. Marion .Mills, whose death occurred March 6, 1900, was born in Greene county, near Clifton. Ohio, July .28, 1831, continuing to reside in his native county until he was eleven years old, when he accompanied his parents t<> Union county, this state, where he learned the trade of wagon-maker, as an arti- san in which line he came eventually to Greenville, Darke county. He was a man who was liberally educated, having carefully disciplined his mind through well directed study. When he and his young wife started out in life together they had but little of this world's goods, but they were determined to live goodly lives and to lay a permanent foun- dation b ir the future. In both these objects success attended them in full measure. Mrs. Mills recalls the fact that the first taxes which they were called upon to pay amounted to thirty-five cents. The first realty which they purchased comprised twenty-five acres of the present estate and to secure even this much they had to assume an indebtedness. As the years passed on, by dint of economy and thrift, this worthy couple accumulated eighty-five acres of fine land, and all the nice improvements of the estate — the cosy and comfortable farm residence, the barns and outbuildings and the well kept fences — all indicate the care and thrift of Mr. and Mrs. Mills. They had resided in Beamsville for twenty-three years, and there Mr. Mills was engaged at his trade. He served for nearly twenty years as township clerk. Twenty- two years ago, in 1878, he located on the present beautiful farm now occupied by his widow. Mr. Mills was unostentatious in his man- ners, kindly and genial, and one who aimed to live a model life. He found in his home his greatest satisfaction and enjoyment, and there his hopes and affections centered. He commanded the confidence and respect of all who knew him, and in lis example and wor- thy life has given the most valuable of heri- tages to his children. Politically he was a Democrat, but for the last twenty years he advocated prohibition and labored zealously for the cause of temperance; and he and his wife always manifested their stanch friend- ship for the cause of popular education and for all other worthy instruments concerning the advancement of their fellowmen. Mr. Mills. was reared in the faith of the Methodist church, and he and Mrs. Mills have aided financially in the erection of the churches in this yicinity and have otherwise contributed hberally to all good works in the community and the poor and needy have never gone hungry from their door. Mr. Mills was suddenly called from the scene of mortal activities on March 6, 1900, entering into eternal rest with the as- surance of the rewards prepared for those w ho have lived according to the precepts of the Divine Master. To his cherished and devoted wife the bereavement was severe in the extreme, but the soft dew of consolation and compensation comes in the memory of having touched so worthy a life and through the hallowed associations of the days that are GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 507 gone. They had traveled the journey of life side by side, sharing in the joys and the sor- rows which touch the lives of us all. and after a half-century of such close and loving com- panionship the husband and father was sum- moned to the 1 letter land, leaving his devoted companion to complete the journey withi >ut him, but sustained by the filial solicitude of her children. She has nobly acted her part, and can recall with satisfaction the days that have passed and the blessed reunion in the hour when the mortal veil shall he lifted. She is surrounded by many kind friends, who are ever ready to comfort and console her in her bereavement, and as the vears come and go her life will bear its benediction to all who have come within its sphere of action. The record of such true and worthv lives is what gives the utmost justification to works of this nature, and this tribute is gladly accorded in this great genealogical history of Darke ■county; HIRAM CLARK. Among the early settlers of German township, Darke county, Ohio, was the Clark family, of whom the subject of this sketch, 'Hiram Clark, is a representative. Hiram Clark was horn on the farm join- ing on the south of where he now lives, on section 36. German township. Darke county, Ohio. March 23, 1840. His father. James Clark, was a native of Pennsylvania, who came when a boy to Darke county with a brother-in-law and first made his home in Neave township, where he subsequently mar- ried Miss Nancy Reed, and where he re- sided a short time after his marriage. He then bought the farm in German township, where his son Hiram lives, and here he spent tthe rest of his life, with the exception of his last three years, which were passed in New Madison, Ohio, where he died in his sev- enty-eighth year. He was an only son and his father had died when he was a small boy. Mrs. Nancy Clark was a native of German township- and a daughter of Donivan Reed, one of Darke county's early settlers. She died at about the age of forty-six years. They were the parents of thirteen children, seven sons and six daughters, and six of the family are still living, namely : Rufus ; Rea- son ; Nancy, the wife of John Noggle; Hi- ram; Elizabeth, the wife of Peter Roberts; and Sophronia, the wife of Frank Matchett. All are residents of Darke county except Elizaheth, who lives in Texas. On his father's farm Hiram passed his boyhood days, assisting with the farm work in summer and during the winter months at- tending school in the log school house near his home. July 12, 1863, he married Aman- da Kettring", who was born and reared on a farm near his father's, a daughter of David and Elizaheth Kettring. early settlers of the county. In the Kettring family were eight children — five sons and three daughters. After his marriage Mr. Clark took his bride to his father's farm and they began house- keeping in a log cabin he had erected, and here thev ever since lived, the log house having long since been replaced by a com- fortable frame one. He has built a good barn and made other valuable improvements, and his farm, comprising one hundred acres, is ranked with the representative ones of his locality. He now rents it to his youngest son, who has charge of the farming opera- tions, while he devotes his time and attention to dealing in stock, buy'ng and selbng. Hiram Clark and wife are the parents of four children, two sons and two daughters, as follows: Tames L.. who married Emma 568 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Garling and has five children, — Edward, Blanch, Arie, Hiram and Bertha; Ida, the wife of Ira Garling, has one daughter, Opel ; John W., who married Edna Coble, has three children, — Ruba A., Bessie M. and Charlie C. ; and Nancy, the wife of Harry Henning, has one son, Joseph. Mr. Clark is a stanch Republican and a member of the Knights of Pythias, affiliat- ing with Fort Black Lodge, No. 546, at New Madison. DAVID WEAVER. In the respect that is accorded to men who have fought their way to success through unfavorable environments we find an unconscious recognition of the intrinsic worth of a character which cannot only en- dure so rough a test, but gain new strength through the discipline. The following his- tory sets, forth briefly the steps by which our subject, now a successful merchant of Baker, Ohio, overcame the disadvantages of his early life. Mr. Weaver is a native of Darke county, born in German township November 4, 1853, and is a son of Henry and Eve (Beachler) Weaver, who were born and reared in Mont- gomery county, this state, and came to Darke county about 1852. The father, who was born February 8, 181 5. is of German descent and a carpenter by trade. His fam- ily came to Ohio from Pennsylvania. He is still living at the age of eighty-five years, and now makes his home in Neave township. The mother of our subject died Februarv 7, 1858, aged forty years, one month and two days. They had six children, three of whom reached adult age. David Weaver, the fourth child and only son of this family who grew to manhood, began life for himself at the tender age of seven years, working at first for his board and clothes. At the age of eleven he be- came a clerk in a grocery store at Clayton, Montgomery county, and later worked as a farm hand for one man for fifteen years, after which he engaged in farming on his own account for about five years. In 1894 he embarked in his present business at Baker and now carries a well selected stock of gen- eral merchandise. He has built up a large trade by fair and honorable dealing and has gained the confidence of all with whom he has come in contact, either in business or social life. Being industrious, energetic and ambitious, he has met with well deserved' success, and is now quite well-to-do. With the exception of three years spent in Mont- gomery county, he has always made his home in Darke county, and is quite widely and favorably known. He is serving as post- master of Baker and is an active member of the Reformed church. GEORGE J. MARTZ, M. D. Among those who are devoting their en- ergies to the healing art in Greenville is Dr. George J. Martz, who was born in the city which is still his home on the 21st of Au- gust, 1867. his parents being George II. and Angie E. (Jamison) Martz. His paternal grandfather, John Martz, was a native of Pennsylvania, born in Somerset county June 1. 1798, and in 1829 came to Ohio, taking up his abode in Darke county. George H. Martz. the father of the Doctor, was born upon a farm in Greenville township, Darke county, April 19, 1831. For a number of years he engaged in teaching in Greenville and Darke county. His wife was one of Ohio's native daughters, her birth having GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 509 occurred in Delaware county in February, 1837- Dr. Martz, of this review, acquired his elementary education in the public schools of Greenville and continued his studies in the high school, in which he was graduated in the class of 1887. Subsequently he en- gaged in teaching in Darke county for a time, and then took up the study of medi- cine under the direction of Dr. W. EL Matchett, of Greenville. He entered the Ohio Medical College at Cincinnati and on completing the prescribed course in that in- stitution was graduated in March, 1891. In the village of Palestine, Darke county, he began practicing, remaining there for eight years, when, wishing to seek a broader field of labor, he took up his abode in Green- ville, where he has since remained. He has gained a prestige which many an older prac- titioner might envy and excellent results have attended his care of the sick, making him a most successful young medical practitioner with a bright future before him. He has been a close and earnest student of his pro- fession, and in 1899 took a post-graduate course in the Ohio Medical College at Cin- cinnati, Ohio. He is a charter member of the Darke County Medical Society and also of the Ohio State Pediatric Society. On the 31st of October, 1898, was cele- brated the marriage of Dr. Martz and Miss Bitha Cassatt, of Greenville, a daughter of Rev. J. W. Cassatt. a minister of the Meth- odist Episcopal church. They enjoy the hospitality of the best hemes in the city and their own residence is the center of a cul- tured soc'al circle. The Doctor is a prom- inent and valued member of Greenville Lodge, No. 143, F. & A. M., and of the Knights of Pythias, and has represented the latter in the grand lodge. His profes- sional career has been one of continued ad- vancement and his future will undoubtedly be a successful one, for he is a man of strong mentality, which enables him to mas- ter the principles of medical science and practice, and at the same time he possesses that deep human sympathy without which no one ever made much advancement as a representative of the medical fraternity. FRANK LONGENECKER. Elsewhere within these pages will be found a review which takes into account the ancestral and personal history of Harvey Longenecker. who is associated with his brother, the subject of this review, under the title of Longenecker Brothers, in the manufacture of the duplex and spiral duplex penholders, with headquarters at Beams- ville, Darke county, Ohio, the unique and valuable penholders being the invention of Mr. Harvey Longenecker. In the sketch of the latter gentleman, which may be found on another page, more complete details are given in regard to the invention and the reception which has been accorded it, and to that re- view we are pleased to refer our readers,, while incidentally will be also found interest- ing data in regard to the genealogy of the family of which our subject is a worthy rep- resentative. Frank Longenecker is of pure German lineage in the agnatic line, four brothers of the name having come from Germany to the United States about the beginning of the sixteenth century, and these four being un- doubtedly the progenitors of the numerous branches of the family in the Union to-day. Our subject is a native of the county in which he now makes his home, his birth having occurred November 28, 1857, he be- 570 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. ing the eldest of the three children of John and Elizaheth (Beam) Longenecker, both of whom are living, the father being one of the honored old residents of the county, where he has had a long and active career as a car- penter and builder, being a natural mechanic and having made many ingenious devices in a mechanical line. Frank Longenecker seemed to inherit the mechanical skill and taste of his ancestors, and in Ids youth he learned the carpenter's trade under the ef- fective direction of his father. Since his marriage, however, lis has devoted his at- tention principally to agricultural pursuits, in which line of endeavor he has been very successful. He received a common-school educat'on, which has served as the basis of a broad fund of exact and valuable knowl- edge which he has acquired in his peculiarly active association with the affairs of life. On the 1 2th of January. 1881, was sol- emnized the marriage of Mr. Longenecker and Miss Ella Plessinger, and to them have been born three children, — Charles C, Arthur B. and E. Ruth, all verv bright and interesting children and an honor to their devoted parents. Mrs. Longenecker was born in Richland township, this county, May 25. 1861, being the daughter of Will- iam and Amy Jane (Byrom) Plessinger, and the onlv child of their marriage. Mrs. Longenecker was reared by her paternal grandparents. David and Elizaheth Plessin- ger. the former being of Pennsylvania Dutch stock and the latter of Welsh extraction. \\ illiam Plessinger was born in Montgomery county. Ohio. May 17. 1835, and is now- living in southern Indiana about fourteen miles from Madison, being a farmer by oc- cupation, lie is. now about sixty-five years of age. He is a Democrat in politics and within his lifetime has been a great traveler. The mother of Mrs. Longenecker passed away when the latter was a mere infant, and she knows little regarding this ancestral branch of the family. Her death occurred June 4, 1 86 1, at the age of twenty-four years, two months and twenty-six days. She was a woman of gentle character and intel- lectuality, having been a teacher for some time prior to her marriage. In his political adherency Mr. Long- enecker is an ardent Democrat, and he cast his first presidential ballot for 'General W. S. Hancock. He has been often solicited to accept offices of local trust and responsi- bility, but has invariably declined, though ap- preciative of the honor. He is a stanch friend of the public schools and is now one of the board of directors of the school dis- trict in which he lives, being in favor of main- taining the highest possible standard in all branches of the school work. Fraternally he is a member of Lodge No. 356, Knights of Pythias, at Ansonia, and he also has a mem- bership in the Darke County Horse Thief & Protective Association. He and his wife are consistent members of the Christian church at Beamsville and they have contributed of their means to the support of the church and all worthy benevolences collateral thereto. They are representatives of old and honored families and are themselves to be considered among the representative citizens of our county, peculiarly worthy of representation in this work. LEVI HUDDLE. Levi Huddle was born in Rockingham county, Virginia, on the 20th of December, 1820, and died at bis home in Adams town- ship, Darke county. Ohio, on the 7th day of February, 1881. His father, Frederick GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 571 Huddle, was born in Shenandoah county, Virginia, on the 21st of September, 1791. He married Magdalena Byrd, who was a native of the same state and county and who was born on the 25th of August, 1792. They emigrated to Ohio in 1829, locating in Fair- field county, where they remained about six months, when they removed to Montgomery county, eight miles north of Dayton. Here they resided until 1833, when they came to Darke county, locating in Wayne township, near the present site of Webster, where, on the 5th day of June, 1834, he sank peace- fully to rest in the hope of a blessed immor- tality. Magdalena, his widow, survived the storms of life until the 27th of April, 1866, when she, too, was summoned to the un- known world. They were the parents of five children, none of whom are now living. Levi Huddle, the subject of the memoir, spent his boyhood days on the farm, assist- ing his mother by clearing the land and cul- tivating the soil. He received his education in the district schools. His father died when he was fourteen years of age, which left his widowed mother with the family to care for and support, which duty she nobly per- formed. He commenced teaching school at the age of seventeen, and his first school was taught in an old log school house which stood on the farm upon which he died. He taught during the winter months and in the summer was engaged in farming and trad- ing. He followed educational work for about twenty-three years, and while teach- ing a term of eleven months in Vandalia, Montgomery county, he took lessons in higher arithmetic, algebra, penmanship and drawing of David Ecker, and by hard study and close application he acquired a good academic education. On the 9th of April, 1854, he celebrated his marriage to Miss Lucinda, daughter of Abraham and Salome Hetzler. Three children were born to them, of whom two are now living, namely : Mary L., married to R. B. Jamison, of Delaware, Ohio, and S. Jennie, wife of J. H. Martz, of Greenville, Ohio. Mary and Jennie re- ceived their collegiate education at Otterbein University, at Westerville, Ohio, at which institution Jennie was graduated in the year [881, but Mary was compelled to leave the institution before graduating, her health fail- ing. Mr. Huddle celebrated his second marriage on the 16th of September, 1872, to Mary, daughter of Anson and Lydia Aldrich. She is a native of Massachusetts, born on the 19th of September, 1825, and makes her home with the two daughters be- fi ire mentioned. Mr. Huddle was a member of the United Brethren church; his wife is a member of the Christian church and his two daughters, are active members of the Methodist Episcopal church and take a deep interest in its financial and spiritual welfare. 'Mr. Huddle was a keen financier and success- ful business man, providing bountifully for his family and leaving a safe and ample es- tate to each of his surviving daughters. JOSEPH MOTE. This well-known depot agent and gen- eral merchant at Weaver Station, Ohio, was born in Monroe township. Darke county, October 23. 1836, and is a son of Enoch Mote, a native of Georgia and a pioneer of this state. The paternal grandfather, Joseph Mote, was born near Augusta, Georgia, of English ancestry, and continued his residence in that state until 1802, when he came to Miami county, Ohio, but spent his last days in Darke county, where he died at about the age of sixty years,' The father of our sub- 57: GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. ject was only two years old at the time of the removal of the family to Ohio and he was reared near West Milton, Miami coun- ty. There he married Catherine Burket, a native of North Carolina and a daughter of Joseph Burket, who was of Holland de- scent and is supposed to have taken part in the Revolutionary war. When quite young Mrs. Mote was taken by her parents to Ken- tucky, and was only six years old when brought to Miami county. Ohio. About 1824 the parents of our subject took up their residence in Darke county and the father im- proved and, developed a farm in Monroe township. The deed for the first land he purchased was signed by John Q. Adams, the second by Andrew Jackson. He re- mained upon that farm until fifty-seven years of age and then moved to West Mil- ton, Miami county, where he died at the age of sixty-nine years. In early life he was a German Baptist, but after his removal to West Milton joined the New Light Chris- tian church and remained one of its con- sistent and faithful members. His estimable wife died at about the age of seventy years. Their children were : Mary, deceased ; Dily, widow of Levi Burket ; Epsy, who died at the age of fourteen years; Margaret, wife of Samuel Giant, of Indiana; John and Philip, both deceased; Joseph, our subject; and Noah, who died in the service of his county during the civil war in 1864. Until twenty years of age Joseph Mote assisted his father in the operation of the farm and at the same time attended the local schools. On attaining his majority he entered the Southwestern Normal School, at Lebanon, Ohio, where he pursued his studies for two terms, and for twelve years there- after he successfully engaged in school teach- ing. This occupation was interrupted, how- ever, by his service in the civil war. He enlisted September 15, 1861, in Company E, Forty-eighth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, as a private, but was later promoted corporal. Subsequent to the battle of Shiloh he was taken ill and sent to the general hospital at Evansville, Indiana, and after his recovery was placed on detached duty. After three years and two months of arduous and faith- ful service, he was honorably discharged, in December, 1864. Soon after his return home Mr. Mote went to Evansville, Indiana, where he en- gaged in truck farming and later taught school for one winter in Henderson, Ken- tucky. In the winter of 1866 he engaged in teaching at Georgetown, Miami county, Ohio, and the following year came to Fort Jefferson, Darke county, and opened a gen- eral store, which he conducted until coming to Weaver's Station in 1875. Here he has since engaged in the same line of business, and to-day is one of the oldest merchants in the county. He has also acted as freight, ticket and express agent at the same place for twenty-five years, and has served as postmaster during that period with the ex- ception of four years during President Cleve- land's administration. Mr. Mote has been twice married, first in 1858 to Emeline Simpson, of Troy, Ohio, by whom he had two sons : Lewis, deceased, and Elmer E., who is now a resident of Kan- sas City and manager of the Missouri Valley Car Service Association. On the 25th of December, 1867, Mr. Mote married Eliza- beth A. Leas, of Fort Jefferson, Darke coun- ty, a representative of one of the pioneer families of the county. By this union were born seven children, six sons and one daugh- ter, namely: Alvin J., who is employed as bill clerk bv the Vandalia Railroad Com- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 573 pany, at East St. Louis; Walter H., who is connected with his brother, Elmer E., in the car service at Kansas City; William E., a stenographer for the Missouri, Kansas & Texas Railroad at Kansas City; John H., who is a private in Company G, Twenty- third United States Infantry, and is now stationed in the Philippines; Stanley E., who is a teacher by profession and is now at- tending the normal school at Ada, Ohio; Horace G., who died August 27, 1898, at the age of eighteen years; and Mable E., who is still in school. As a Republican Mr. Mote takes an ac- tive and prominent part in local politics, was a delegate to the state convention at Colum- bus in 1900; was also a delegate when Mc- Kinley was nominated for governor of Ohio, and was assistant sergeant at arms of the national convention at St. Louis in 1896. Besides serving as postmaster he has also filled the office of school director. For about forty years he has been a member of the Odd Fellows society, first Stillwater Lodge, then Greenville Lodge, No. 190, and now a member of Champion Lodge of Greenville. He has filled several chairs in the order and is an honored member of Frizell Post, No. 257, G. A. R., of Greenville, of which he is now quartermaster. As a citizen he ever stands ready to discharge any duty devolv- ing upon him, and is certainly deserving of honorable mention among the representative citizens of his county. GEORGE E. MARKER. The bulwarks of our national prosperity have ever been found represented in the sturdy and basic art of agriculture and in every community the husbandman is a rec- ognized power and is accorded the honor which is his just due. Richland township, Darke county, is one of the opulent agricult- ural sections of the Buckeye state, although it is small in area, and one of the representa- tive and influential farmers of this town- ship is he whose name introduces this sketch, and he is a member of a family which stands high in social and educational fields as well. Mr. Marker was born in Darke county, Ohio, May 7, 1853, being the youngest in the fam- ily of five sons and three daughters born to Ezra and Catharine (Weaver) Marker. Of the children only one is deceased, and a brief record concerning the other members of the family will be appropriate at this juncture : Perry, a veteran of the civil war, is a resi- dent of Versailles, Ohio; Levi is a farmer of Montgomery county, this state; Isaac, a resident of Versailles, is a prosperous agri- culturist, having for some years been en- gaged in mercantile pursuits also, from which he has now retired; Susannah is the wife of John Nichol, a merchant of Ver- sailles ; and Sarah E. is the wife of George Hively, a contractor and builder of Dayton, Ohio. The other member of the family is a twin of our subject, Lucinda by name, and she became the wife of William Markland, a mechanic of Dayton. Ezra Marker was born in Erederick county, Maryland, April 30, 1810, and his death occurred August 27, 1893. He was apprenticed in his youth to learn the wagon- maker's trade, having received a rudimentary education in the subscription schools of the early days, .and through his alert mentality and personal application he became a man of broad information and mature judgment. He remained with his parents in the state of Maryland until he was about thirteen years of age, when the family came overland in a wagon to Montgomery county, Ohio, which 574 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. was then practically a wilderness, and there the parents were numbered among the earliest pioneer settlers. The grandfather of our subject died in that county and the death of his paternal grandmother occurred in Preble county, this state. Ezra Marker was a young married man when he came to Darke county and though his financial means were of diminutive order he was reinforced by sterling integrity of character and a capacity for hard work. He came to this county in 1839 and located on a tract of land known as the Winbigler farm in York township, the township at that time being still a portion of the primeval forest, save here and there the lonely cabin of the pioneer. The young couple settled in the forest, having had to hew a way through the woods to the place selected for the erection of their little cabin of logs, which in due time became their modest home. The Indians were their neigh- bors and deer and other wild game were plentiful, while the implements utilized in clearing up the new farm and instituting the work of cultivation were crude and primitive in the extreme. Mr. Marker's original pur- chase comprised eighty acres and through his industry and good management he eventually attained a high degree of success, owning one hundred and seventy-one acres of land, besides real estate in the city of Versailles. He was possessed of that energy and frugal- ity so characteristic of those of German lineage and in all relations of life he was honorable, gaining the esteem and confidence of all. His father, George Marker, was born in Maryland and was there married to Mar- garet Storm, who had emigrated thither from Germany, where she was a member of a wealthy farmer, whose estate in the father- land is yet to be divided among the de- scendants. Ezra Marker was a true Jack- sonian Democrat in political proclivities, his first presidential vote having been cast for "Old Hickory." He enjoyed a marked pop- ularity in his township, and held at different times almost every local office in the gift of the people of the community. His honesty ami judgment were proverbial and he was often chosen as administrator of estates and to perform other duties implying the im- plicit confidence in which he was held. He and his wife were members of the Lutheran church and aided in the erection of the church edifices in York township and in Ver- sailles, showing their liberality of spirit also by contributing to similar enterprises of other denominations. The mother of our subject was born near Miamisburg, Mont- gomery county, Ohio, February 16, 1816, and her death occurred February 17, 1898. She was a tender and devoted mother and her teachings will serve as beacon lights to brighten the lives of her children through all the days to come. George E. Marker, the immediate subject of this review, was reared in Wayne township and is distinctively a Darke county boy. He received a common-school education of a practical nature and his life has been spent as a tiller of the soil, the free and independ- ent vocation to which he was reared, though he devoted about two years of his early yi lUth to work at the cabinetmaker's trade. He remained with his parents until he at- tained the age of twenty years, giving them his labor and his wages, and when he reached his majority he was fortified by only a ster- ling caracter, an alert mentality and a de- termination to make a success of his life. For his companion in life he chose Miss Belle Kershner, whom he wedded August 16, 1874, and three sons have graced this union — Albertus, who was born August 18, GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 575 1875, and is with his parents, is one of the most highly respected young men of the township, being a successful teacher, having received his teacher's certificate at the early age of sixteen and having been engaged in pedagogic work almost every year since that time. He has passed the teacher's examina- tion in both Darke and Montgomery coun- ties and at all times keeps abreast of his pro- fession, being a close and ambitious stu- dent, and gaining his physical reinforcement by assisting in the work of the old homestead during the summer vacations. In politics he supports the Democracy. The second son, Village, born September 3, 1877, is, like his brother, a successful teacher, having secured his certificate when only fifteen years of age, and he has made his mark as a teacher of tact and discrimination. He was married, April 8, 1900, to Miss Daisy Beanblossom, of Greenville township. He and his elder brother are experts in amateur photography, and both cast their first presidential votes for William Jennings Bryan. Claude, born September 13, 1879, tne youngest of the children, is the farmer of the family, as he seems to have a natural predilection for the vocation to which he was reared. He suc- cessfully passed the Boxwell examination, which entitles him to admission into any high school in the county. He wedded Miss Grace Wolfe January 7, 1900, and they re- side in Wayne township. The young- men are all creditable to their parents and to their native county, having shown exceptional talent and having the esteem of all who have known them from their childhood days to the era of personal' accomplishment pf effect- ive order. Mrs. Marker is a native of Richland township, this county, where she was born June 16, 1853, being the second of the three 35 daughters of Daniel and Catharine (Cop- pess) Kershner. One sister is deceased and the other survivor is Cordelia, who is the wife of George Kissinger, a farmer of Rich- land township, and who is the mother of eight children. Daniel Kershner was born in Bedford county, Pennsylvania, April 12, 1830, and died March 30, 1895. He was a blacksmith by trade, having come to Darke county in 1840, when a lad of ten years, and here he made ljis home more than half a century, being one of our honored and in- fluential citizens. He was a veteran of the civil war, having been a member of the One Hundred and Fifty-second Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He was a stanch Republican in politics and was a strong advocate of abo- lition. The mother of Mrs. Marker was born in Darke county November 15, 1828, and she is yet living, retaining her mental and physical vigor to a marked degree. She is a member of the Reformed church and is a resident of Dawn. Mrs. Marker received her educational discipline in the public schools of her native county and she has been to her husband a faithful assistant and wise counselor, while! to her careful and devoted training may be ascribed much of the success and the ster- ling characteristics of her sons, who cherish her counsel and admonitions and give her the deepest filial affection. When our subject and his wife began their wedded life they were poor in all save mutual affection, am- bition and intrinsic ability, even having to secure credit for a portion of their first mea- ger supply of farming implements, while the first money they had to invest in land was secured from the sale of a cow. They be- gan as renters in Richland township and for nearly sixteen years they spared neither mind nor hands in the indefatigable efforts to se- 576 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. cure a foundation for future prosperity. Their first purchase of land was nineteen acres, to which they later added twenty acres, finally disposing of this tract and purchasing eighty acres of their present homestead, which is one of the fine estates of Richland township, improved with a beautiful and commodious brick residence and in all por- tions showing the discriminating care and attention bestowed. They have attained a marked success in temporal affairs through their own efforts and they stand high in the social circles of the community. In politics Mr. Marker gives stanch al- legiance to the Democratic party, having cast his first presidential vote for Samuel J. Tilden. Fraternally he is a member of the Odd Fellows Lodge, No. 286, located at Versailles, and in this lodge he has passed all the chairs. He and his wife are zealous members of the Christian church at Beams- ville and they have always aided liberally in church and benevolent enterprises. As rep- resentatives of that sterling citizenship which has so signally conserved the progress and prosperity of this favored section of the Buckeye state, the family is peculiarly worthy of consideration in this edition. WILLIAM J. IRWIN. William J. Irwin is engaged in taking and executing contracts for public works and in this capacity has been in control of many extensive and important public inter- ests. He was born in Cobourg, Ontario, Can- ada, February 22, 1859, his parents being Stephen and Bridget (Rooney) Irwin. His father, Stephen Irwin, was born in the coun- ty of Fermanagh, Ireland, in 1829, and with his parents crossed the Atlantic to the United States in 1847. Li 1 %5A ne l eit this country and went to Canada, where the same year he was united in marriage, in Cobourg, to Bridget Rooney, who was born in county Leitrim, Ireland, in 1835. She emigrated to Canada in 1847, an( i after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Irwin remained in that coun- try until 1861, during which time their two eldest daughters and their son, William J., were born. Their eldest child, born Novem- ber 22, 1855, was married, and their second daughter was Annie, born May 22, 1857. Their family now numbers eight children, of which l.umber three sons and three daugh- ters are yet living. In 1861 the parents removed with their three children to Mont- gomery county, Ohio, taking up their abode in Dayton, where, on the 24th of March, 1861, their son, Felix, was born. The other children are: John, born December 28, 1862 ; James, born January 2, 1865; Rose Ellen, born May 30, 1867; and Stephen Edward, born August 24, 1870. All are living at the present writing with the exception of John and James. In 1864 Stephen Irwin enlisted in Company K, Thirteenth Regiment of Ohio Cavalry, in which he served until July 4, 1865, when he was honorably dis- charged. He then returned to his home and soon afterward removed with his family to Dayton, Ohio, where he resided until 1868, when they went to West Baltimore, Ohio, where the father engaged ia farming. In 1874 the mother was called to her final rest, and five years later, in 1879, Stephen Irwin went with the rest, locating in Scott county, Minnesota, where he remained until 1885. He then returned to the Buckeye state and made his home with his son, William J., until 1898, when he went to the National Military Home, in Dayton, Ohio, where he still resides. GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 577 William J. Irwin received the ordinary country school educational privileges and as- sisted his father in the work of the home farm until 1879, when he began taking con- tracts for putting in drainage ditches upon farms. He did considerable ' work of this character in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Iowa and was frequently awarded such contracts by county commissioners. In 1881 he went to Muscatine county, Iowa, where he en- gaged in county work. In this work he was very successful and continued there until 1883, when he returned to Ohio and in part- nership with A. Gallagher continued to take public contracts for drainage in Ohio, In- diana and Illinois. In 1888, however, he dissolved rjartnership with Mr. Gallagher and continued in business alone. He also began taking contracts for sewer, street and municipal work, carrying on the business un- til 1889, when he went into partnership with M. A. Maher, of Greenville, Ohio, a con- nection that was maintained until 1892. That partnership was then dissolved and Mr. Irwin was once more alone in business un- til 1893, when on account of the extent of the contracts which he managed he was un- able to continue alone and admitted his brother, Stephen Edward, to a partnership in the business. In 1894 the Greenville Con- struction Company was formed as an incor- porated stock company, of which Mr. Ir- win was general manager. He does general contracting, making a specialty, however, of street and sewer work. In 1897 he built a system of sewers in Chihuahua, Mexico, being the first system completed in Mexico. In 1898 he entered into partnership with his two brothers, Stephen Edward and Felix, under the name of Irwin Brothers. In 1899 he began the manufacture of building brick, establishing a yard at Greenville, where he manufactured all grades of brick. In con- nection with his other interests he carries on farming, owning a valuable tract of land, which is pleasantly and conveniently located a mile south of Greenville. In the manu- facture of brick he is meeting with excellent success, finding a good market for his prod- ucts. His various business interests amount to over two hundred thousand dollars an- nually, for the different firms with which he is connected employ from five hundred to eight hundred men. In 1885 Mr. Irwin was united in mar- riage to Miss Catherine Dwyre, a daughter of Martin and Mary Dwyre. She was born and reared in Darke county and her parents were natives of Ireland, but became early settlers of this locality. The mother died March 21, 1896, and the father passed away a year later. Mr. and Mrs. Irwin now have five children: William E., Mary Beatrice, Helen, Catherine and Irene. Their home is a very substantial brick residence at No. 451 East Fourth street, and as the result of his success in business Mr. Irwin is en- abled to surround his family with all the comforts and many of the luxuries of life. He is a well informed man, possessing broad general information, and in his nature there is nothing narrow or contracted. He has a spirit that, while devoted to his residence community, is liberal, recognizing and ap- preciating advancement and progress in any other part of the world. His actions have during his life been such as to distinctively entitle him to a place in this publication, and although his career has not been filled with thrilling incidents, probably no biography published in this book can serve as a better illustration to young men of the power of honesty, integrity and enterprise in securing success. 578 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. JONATHAN TEAFORD. Prominent among the citizens of Darke comity who have witnessed the marvelous development of this section of the state in the past seventy-five years and who have, by honest toil and industry, succeeded in ac- cumulating a handsome competence, is the o-entleman whose name introduces this sketch. He was born on his present farm on section 21, German township, February 3, 1S24, a son of George and Molly (Ketring) Teaford. >The father was born in Virginia and when a young man came to Darke coun- ty, locating in German township, where they were married, and the mother was born in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, and was a repre- sentative of one of the oldest families of th's county. In German township the father of our subject took up a tract of government land and he cleared and improved many acres. He died upon his farm in German township, at the age of seventy-six years. His was an honorable and useful life, in which he se- cured the confidence and respect of all with whom he came in contact. Of the thirteen children born to him, ten reached manhood or womanhood, but only Jonathan and his twin brother, Barney, of German township, are now living. During his boyhood and youth Jonathan Teaford remained at home and on the 8th of March, 1848, he married Miss Sophia Smel- ker, who was born in Germantown, Mont- gomery county, Ohio, April 4, 1826, and is the third child and oldest daughter in a family of thirteen children. Her parents, Jacob and Christina Smelker, who were early settlers of German township, this county, were born in Germany and were married in Montgomery county. Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Teaford are the parents of ten children, but only five are now living, namely : Leander, who married Clara Jeffries and follows farm- ing in Washington township ; Mary Jane, the wife of Andy Biddle, of Randolph county, Indiana; Eli, who married Mina Teffries and lives in Neave township, Darke county ; Ephra'm, who married Dora, a daughter of Henry Mills, and resides in German town- ship, this county; and Elizabeth, the wife of Marshall A. Brown, of New Madison. For six years after his marriage Mr. Teaford lived upon a rented farm in German township, but at the end of that time he was able to purchase a tract of eighty acres on section 21. just west of where he now lives. His first home was a log house, 18x15 feet, which in 1869 he replaced by his present comfortable and substantial residence, erected at a cost of four thousand dollars. As this was soon after the close of the civil war prices were very high, and his barn, built about the same time, cost twenty-five hun- dred dollars. In business affairs he has steadily prospered, being a man of keen dis- crimination and sound judgment, and he has .given to each of his sons eighty acres and to his daughters forty acres. His success in life may be attributed to his own industry, perseverance and good management, for on starting out in life for himself he had only one hundred and thirty dollars in money. He is one of the most prominent old settlers and highly respected citizens of Darke coun- ty, and is certainly deserving of honorable mention in its history. Politically he is identified with the Democratic party. DAVID O CHRISTOPHER. No history of the business interests of Darke county would be complete without containing mention of the important enter- prises with which David O. Christopher is GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 579 connected. He is a member of the firm of Eikenberry & Christopher, proprietors of the Mozart department store, one of the largest in Darke county- A casual visit at this em- porium of trade indicates the enterprise and progressive spirit which there prevails in the arrangement of his goods. The stock has been carefully selected' and the patrons re- ceive uniform courtesy and attention, while the well-known business policy of the firm .commends them to the confidence of all who give to them their support. Mr. Christopher is a native of the neigh- boring state of Indiana, his birth having oc- curred in Randolph county in March, 1854. His parents were A.G. and Sarah A. (Lamb) Christopher, the former a native of Tennes- see and the later of Virginia. During her ■early girlhood, however, he mother accom- panied her parents to Tennessee, where she "was reared and married, and with her hus- band she removed to Indiana, a settlement being made in Randolph county, where they spent the remainder of their days. David O. Christopher was reared in the usual manner of farmer lads and with a vigor, strength and resolution so often found in those who are reared on a farm, he left home to recruit the ranks of commerce. His edu- cation was obtained in the district school near his home and in the high school of Winchester, Indiana, also taking a course in a normal school where he fitted himself for teaching, following that profession for fifteen years. In 1889 he came to Ohio and entered into partnership with A. L. Eikenberry, under the firm name of Eikenberrv & Chris- topher. They established a general store in West Alexander, Preble county, and con- tinued there for five years, doing a success- ful business. Wishing to have a broader field of labor, however, he came to Green- ville and founded the Mozart department store, which has secured a liberal patron- age that has constantly increased. He is a thorough-going business man and merchant who studies closely the needs and wishes of the public, and makes every effort to meet them. The business block which they own and occupy is a three-story brick structure, with basement, and their goods are found upon every floor They are constantly en- larging thir facilities to meet their growing trade, and from the establishment of their enterprise they have been recognized among the leading merchants of Greenville. In 1878 Mr. Christopher was united in marriage to Miss Ida Eikenberry, daughter of Dr. R. L. Eikenberry, of Trenton, In- diana. She was born in West Manchester, Preble, Ohio, and her parents removed to Randolph county, Indiana, where her edu- cation was acquired. By her marriage she has become the mother of one son, Thomas B. In Greenville Mr. Christopher is widely and favorably known. He is a man of broad capability, as his extensive business in- terests indicate. He is at all times approach- able and patiently listens to whatever his callers have to say, is always courteous and a gentleman of his word. He cares nothing for notoriety, nor is there the least shadow of mock modesty about him, and he and his wife occupy a leading position in social cir- cles — such a place as he fills in commercial circles. GEORGE SCHLECHTY. For the long period of thirty years Mr. Schlechty, who resides on section 33, has served as justice of the peace in Neave town- ship, and is still an incumbent of the office. He is thoroughly impartial in meting out 580 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. justice, and his fidelity to the trust reposed in him is above question. He is regarded as one of the leading and most highly respected citizens of his community, and it is. there- fore, consistent that he be represented in a work whose province is the portrayal of the lives of the prominent men of Darke county. Mr. Schlechty first opened his eyes to the light of day upon his present farm, Feb- ruary 27, 1824, a son of Christian and Su- sannah (Noggle) Schlechty, both natives of Pennsylvania. The father was born in Berks county, in February, 1796, and was a son of Christian Schlechty, also a native of Pennsylvania. The latter's father was born in Switzerland and came to this country at an early day, locating in the Keystone state. At the age of twenty-one years Christian Schlechty came to Darke county, Ohio, and received the patent signed by J. O. Adams, then president, on November 1, 1826, for one hundred and fifty-nine and eighty-six one hundredths acres, the northeast quarter of section 33, Neave township. He spent the remainder of his life upon this farm, now belonging to our subject, where he died Au- gust 2, i860, at the age of sixty-four years. In January, 1821, he was married to Susan- nah Noggle, who came to this county when young with her parents, and died in 1875, at the age of seventy-five years. Her fa- ther, George Noggle. was one of the pio- neers of Darke county. She had two chil- dren, but Levi, the older, is deceased, leav- ing our subject the only survivor of the family. During the boyhood of George Schlech- ty, Darke county was all wild and unim- proved, and many kinds of wild animals still roamed through the forests. He was reared in much the usual manner of farmer boys living in a frontier settlement, and pur- sued his studies in the old-time subscrip- tion schools conducted in a primitive log school-house. He attended school both near Weaver's Station and at Fort Jefferso i. His entire life has been passed on the old home- stead, comprising two hundred and fifty- four acres, which he has placed under a high state of cultivation, and has improved by the erection of good and substantial build- ings. For many years he was actively en- gaged in agricultural pursuits, but for some time has rented his farm. On the 10th of March, 1859, Mr. Schlechty was united in marriage with Miss Arebecca Winders, who was born April 13, 1840, and reared in New Castle, Indiana— the fifth in order of birth in a family of six children. Her parents. Alexander and Nancy (Miracle) Winders, were natives of Pennsylvania and Virginia, respectively, and both were of German descent. The father died when Mrs. Schlechty was quite young', and the mother passed away October 12, 1865. Mr. and Mrs. Schlechty have six sons, namely: Willis M., born September 1, i860, a resident of Chattanooga, Tennessee, married Sarah Ault, and they had seven children, Orvil, Rosa, Earl, Charlie, Becca, and two who died in infancy ;Edson V., born December 3, 1862, a resident of Fort Jeffer- son, Ohio, married Barbara Hebb, and their children are Alpha and Garnett G. ; Levi D., who was born October 12, 1865. and died June 29, 1889, married Mary Noggle and had one son, Virgil; Charles A., born June 18, 1870, a grocer of Savona, Darke county, married Minnie Hinsinger; J. New- ton, born July 2, 1872, a resident of Fort Jefferson, married Vinnie Dull, and has two children, Hershell and Loy; and John, born September 15, 1875, is attending nor- mal college, at Chattanooga, Tennessee. GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 581 Mr. Schlechty once spent six months in Tennessee, but with that exception lias passed his entire life in his native county. He has always affiliated with the Demo- cratic party, and is a member of the Ma- sonic lodge, of New Madison, and Green- ville Chapter, R. A. M., at Greenville. His course in life has ever been such as to com- mend him to the confidence and respect of all with whom he has been brought in con- tact, and his circle of friends and acquaint- ances in this section is extensive. BERNHARD MENKE. Among the worthy citizens that the fatherland has furnished to the new world is Bernhard Menke, the popular tailor of Greenville. He was born in Cloppenburg, Germany, January 16, 1845, his parents being Joseph and Frances (Hill) Menke. The father was a farmer by occuption, and both parents died in their native land. Their son Bernhard was the second in a family of six children. At the age of six years he entered school, where he pursued his studies until fourteen years of age in accordance with the laws of his native land. He then learned the tailor's trade, serving for three years. On the completion of his appren- ticeship he was employed as a journeyman in the fatherland until 1868, when he bade adieu to home and friends and sailed for the United States, landing at Baltimore, Mary- land. He made his way thence direct to Dayton, Ohio, where he worked at bis trade for one year, and in 1869 he came to Green- ville, Ohio, where he was employed by the firm of Chenoweth & Haberling, merchant tailors. Subsequently he entered the service of Moses Hughn, by whom ne has been em- ployed for the past thirty years. He is par- ticularly expert as a coat-maker and is n< w the oldest tailor engaged in active business in Greenville. As the years have passed his financal resources have been increased, and he is now the possessor of good and val- uable city property. Indolence and idle- ness are utterly foreign to his nature, but in consequence he does not wish to put aside business care and continues in the active prosecution of his trade. In his twenty-seventh year Mr. Menke was married to Miss Susannah Bashore, the eldest daughter of Jacob G. Bashore, of Webster, Ohio. Their union has been blessed with seven children: Ann, now the wife of Henry E. Mohler; Jacob, a tailor; Joseph, who occupies the position of teller in the Farmers National Bank, of Green- ville; Ida, at home; Orville, Chester and Barnard. They also lost two children in infancy. The mother of Mrs. Menke was Sarah (Miller) Bashore, and her death oc- curred in 1892, in her seventy-second year. The father, Jacob G. Bashore, was one of the early settlers of Darke county, and died within its borders in his sixty-ninth year. Mr. and Mrs. Menke are widely known in Greenville and have a large circle of friends. They occupy a pleasant residence here, and also own two or three dwellings in the city, besides some good business houses, which he rents and a forty-acre farm in Wayne township, which is under a high state of cultivation. He has never had oc- casion to regret his determination to seek a home in America, for here, where opportu- nity is unhampered, he has worked his wav steadily upward and his advancement along well defined lines of labor has secured to him merited financial reward. 582 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. NORMAN TEAFORD. Norman Teaford, one of the most prom- inent and prosperous farmers of German township, whose home is on section 21, has spent his entire life upon the farm where he was l)oi-n March 24, 1861. His father, Bar- ney Teaford, was horn in German township, February 3, 1825, and is a twin brother of Jonathan, the two being the only survivors of a family of twelve children. He was reared and educated in his na- tive township, and was there married, March 20,, 1859, to Miss Margaret E. Stapleton, who was horn in Wayne county, Indiana, November 13, 1838, and when six years of age came to Darke county, Ohio, with her parents, Thomas and Eliza- beth Stapleton. They began their domestic life in a log house on the farm in German township, where the father still lives. He has ever been devoted to his home and family, and has never been outside of Darke county a week during his life, and has been in only two states — Indiana and Ohio. In his fam- ily were seven children, six sons and one daughter, but Norman, the second child an 1 sec. Mid son, is the only one now living. Jona- than died Oct. her 29, 1862, at the age of two wears: a son died in infancy, April 15, [862; Oscar, born June 30, 1864. died September 25, 1866; Samuel, born July 20, [867, died February 28, 1889; Charles B., born Novem- ber 18. 1870, died June 25. 1871 ; and Flora A., born May 10, 1874, died December 19. 1892. The mother passed awav March 14, 1889. Our subject passed his boyhood and youth upon the home farm, where he is still living, early becoming familiar with every department of farm work, and he acquired his literary education in district" school No. 7, German township. He has a valuable and well improved farm of four hundred and seventy-five acres, which is devoted to gen- eral farming, and has an interest in sixteen hundred acres of timber land in Mississippi. He is also interested in the Greenville Lum- ber Company of Greenville, and a hardware sti ire and livery stable at Palestine, this coun- ty. He is an enterprising, progressive busi- ness man, upright and reliable, and has been uniformly successful in his investments. On the 6th of August, 1882, Mr. Teaford was united in marriage with Miss Lillie I. Brown, who was born in German township, August 18. 1865, and (lied May 30, 1897, leaving one daughter. Grace, born Decem- ber 24, 1884. Mrs. Teaford's parents, Jesse and Martha (Mansfield) Brown, were na- tives of Maryland and early settlers of Darke county. By his ballot Mr. Teaford supports the men and measures of the Democratic party, and he has efficiently served as a member of the school hoard in his district. He is also a member of German Grange and has held office in the same. He is one of the most popular and influential citizens of his community and is held in high regard by all with whom he comes in contact, either in business or social life. ROBERT B. JAMISON. Robert B. Jamison, a native of the county of Delaware, Ohio, was born September 22, 1858, his parents being James M. and Eliza- beth (High) Jamison. The father was a native of Virginia and the mother of Penn- sylvania, and they were among the early set- tlers of Delaware county. Ohio. Robert Jamison, the grandfather, was also a native of the Kevstone state, but removed to Dela- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 583 ware county. Ohio, at an early day, spending his remaining days within its borders. He married a Miss Baird, who with her hus- band came to the Buckeye state in 1812, when its lands were wild, its forests uncut and when there was little to indicate that civilization was soon to work a marvelous change in this section of the country. Robert B. Jamison spent his youth upon the farm, attending the district schools and he made rapid progress in his studies, mani- festing special aptitude in mastering the branches therein taught. A love of knowl- edge incited him to secure a college educa- tion and he entered the Wesleyan Univer- sity, at Delaware, Ohio, in which institution he was graduated with the class of 1879. He afterward engaged in teaching, follow- ing that profession in the county of his na- tivity until 1882. In that year he came to Greenville, Ohio, and entered into partner- ship with John H. Martz, under the firm name of Jamison & Martz. They purchased the hardware stock belonging to R. A. Shuffleton and continued in that business un- til 1887, when they sold this store to the firm of Foster & Son. They then turned their attention to the real estate and insur- ance business. They buy and sell real estate •on commission, loan money and are agents for the Union Central Life Insurance Com- pany, of Cincinnati. Mr. Jamison also car- ries on five farms in connection with his real estate and insurance business, the places comprising several hundred acres of land, much of which is under a high state of cul- tivation and well stocked with horses, sheep, cattle and hogs. He is thus a representative of the agricultural as well as the commercial interests of the county. On the 18th of May, 1882, Mr. Jamison was united in marriage to Miss Mary L. Huddle, of Darke county, in which place she was born and reared. She is a daughter of the late Levi Huddle and Lucinda (Hetzler) Huddle. Mr. and Mrs. Jamison have two sons, Roy H. and Walter I., who are with their parents. Their home is a large and substantial brick residence on Washington avenue and the household is noted for its hospitality. Socially Mr. Jamison is a mem- ber of Greenville Lodge, No. 143, F. & A. M.. and is a valued representative of that beneficent fraternity. HENRY BEACHLER. For many years this gentleman was one oi the prominent farmers and highly re- spected citizens of Neave township, Darke county, Ohio, his home being on section 18. He was a native of this state, born Decem- ber 20, 1 819, in Montgomery county, where he grew to manhood and married Miss Mary Weaver, who was born in the same county, about two miles from Miamisburg, June 10, 1823. The birth of her father, Henry Weaver, occurred four miles from that city, his parents being among the first settlers of Montgomery county from Pennsylvania. All were farmers. Mrs. Beachler is the young- est in a family of seven children. Her oldest brother, Henry Weaver, is living with her at the age of eighty-six years, they being now the only survivors of the family. To our subject and his wife were born six children, of whom the oldest, Louisa, and the fifth, Ambrose, are deceased. Me- lina, the second in order of birth, is now the wife of George Barnhart, and they have two children, Ambrose and Ella. Sarah Jane is the wife of Samuel Kerst, and they have six children, Henry_N., Herman, Flora, Ma- mie, Grace and Vanda. Mary Ann is the 584 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. ■wife of Hartman Plock, but they have no children. Henry is married, and lias two children, Ward and May. He lives in Mis- souri. On the 26th of February, 1S46, Mr. and Mrs. Beachler came to Darke county, and located on the farm on section 18, Neave township, where she still resides. To its further improvement and cultivation he de- voted his energies throughout life, and died there in November, 1891, at the age of seventy-two years, leaving behind him an honorable record well worthy of perpetua- tion. He was a man of the highest respect- ability, was faithful to his church, to his country and to his friends, and in his home was a most exemplary husband and father. His death occasioned the deepest regret throughout the community. He was an active and prominent member of the Re- formed church, in which be served both as deacon and elder, and his remains were in- terred in the Reformed church cemetery. Mrs. Beachler is still living on the farm which has now been her home for fifty- four years, but she rents the land. To her other business interests she gives her personal at- tention, and has met with success in the management of her affairs. She is a lady of many sterling qualities, and she and her family have a large circle of friends in the community where they reside. HENRY L. YOUNT. The name of this gentleman appears on the roster of county officials in Darke coun- tv. where he is now filling the position of deputy county clerk, discharging his duties in a most efficient, prompt and reliable man- ner. He is numbered among Ohio's na- tive sons, for his birth occurred on the banks of Stillwater creek, in Miami county, on the 6th of April, 1865. His father, Daniel Yount, died when the son was but six years of age. The mother, who bore the maiden name of Elizabeth Brumbaugh, was born in Miami county, Ohio, where she was reared and married. Mr. and Mrs. Yount began their domestic life on a farm in Miami coun- ty, and the latter died when her son Henry was fifteen years of age. Her parents were Daniel and Susan (Warner) Brumbaugh, early settlers of Miami county. Henry L. Yount has made his own way in the world since the age of fifteen years, at which time he was left an orphan. He ac- quired a good common school education and afterward worked as a farm hand for seven years, being employed by the month by dif- ferent farmers of the neighborhood. He worked early and late in the fields from the time of early planting until crops were har- vested in the autumn, and attended the dis- trict schools during the winter. By close application to his studies he prepared for teaching, and at the age of twenty years en- tered upon that profession in the district schools of Adams township, Darke county, where he was employed at intervals for seven years. During that period he pursued a special course of study in the Ohio Normal University at Ada, Ohio, from which he re- ceived the degree of bachelor of- science, in 1895, and durinp- his summer vacations con- ducted a teachers' institute. He was for four years a member of the Darke county teachers' executive committee, and for two terms president of the Teachers' Associa- tion, and at this writing, in the summer of iqoo, he is president of the board of teachers' examiners. He has filled the office of school examiner for the past six years, has labored GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 585- most earnestly and effectually for the best interests of the schools, and the cause of edu- cation has ever found in him a warm friend, who has done much to promote its welfare. In 1891 he was elected superintendent of the Bradford schools, in which capacity he served for five years. He then resigned this position to accept the office of mayor of Bradford. After serving one term he re- fused a renomination and accepted a position in the county clerk's office at Greenville. He read law with the Hon. A. C. Robeson, of Greenville, and he is now preparing for prac- tice in the courts of this district. In Au- gust, 1898, he was appointed deputy county clerk under F. G. Wiley, and is now accept- ably filling that office. In 1886 was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Yount and Miss Anna Etter, a daugh- ter of Levi and Amanda (Krunkleman) Et- ter. Thev now have three children, two sons and a daughter, Daniel E., Minnie E. and Howard L. In his political views Mr. Yount is a Democrat, and is a leading mem- ber of the party in Greenville. He keeps well informed on the issues of the day, both politically and otherwise, and as a citizen is active in support of every measure which he believes will prove of public benefit. He holds membership in Gettysburg Lodge. No. 247, F. & A. M., the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Knights of Pythias fra- ternity. He was for some time a member of the Regiment, Ohio National Guards, and was commissioned second lieutenant of Company G. He has traveled quite exten- sively throughout the central and western states, and has gained that knowledge and culture which only travel can bring. He is particularly observing, and this, combined with a retentive memory, has enabled him to store his mind with many interesting ac- counts of his travels. He is much esteemed by his numerous friends in Darke county; and is recognized as a popular citizen. WILLIAM W. TEEGARDEN. William W. Teegarden, the subject of this sketch, is a member of the Darke county bar. He was born July 17, 1862, and is a representative of one of the oldest pioneer families of Darke county. The family is of Dutch origin and its history in this county antedates the period of the American Rev- olution, the place of original settlement be- ing in southwestern Pennsylvania, where, in an early day, certain of its members took a prominent part in the disputes which arose between Pennsylvania and Virginia con- cerning the boundary line between these two- provinces. His great-grandfather. Moses Teegarden. was born in Pennsylvania in 1762. He married Mary Huston and in about the year 1795 removed with his fam- ily to Ohio, settling near Cincinnati. Subse- quently he removed to Butler county, Ohio, settling at Darrtown, where he resided un- til his death, following the occupation of farming. He reared a family of ten chil- dren and his death occurred April 20, 1844. His wife was burn in 1765 and died June 21,. 1830. William Teegarden, the grandfather of our subject, was born in Pennsylvania Feb- ruary 22, 1793, and accompanied his parents on their removal to Ohio. His early life was spent at the old home at Darrtown, where he grew to manhood, and when the war of 1 Si 2 broke out he joined the American army and served loyally in the defense of his coun- try until the end of the conflict. He then returned to his home, where he was married to Catharine Watts. While in the service ■586 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. of the United States his company marched through Darke county and lie discovered a fine spring flowing from the side of a hill on the old St. Clair trail from Greenville to Ft. Recovery and about eight and one-half miles north of Greenville. He marked the place and after the close of the war he gathered together what property he then had and with his family returned to the location of the spring, entering from the government the quarter-section of land on which it was located. Here, in 1S17, he established his In 'me. and here he resided until his death, which occurred on February 16, 1855. His wife, who was born November (>. 1792, passed away September 24, 1856. They were the parents of ten children. — five sons and five daughters. William Teegarden, the grandfather, was a farmer and engaged largely in stock rais- ing. He was very successful in his business enterprises and Tit the time of his death was possessed of more than fourteen hundred acres of land. At the time of his settlement in Brown township his was the only house, save one, between Greenville and Ft. Re- covery, a distance of twenty-two miles. For miles in all directions the country was al- most an unbroken wilderness, inhabited by wild beasts common to that region. There were still many Indians, but they were al- ways friendly, and with them a profitable trade was carried (in until they became ex- tinct. As one of the earliest pioneers of the locality in which he spent his life, he bore an active part in subduing the wilderness and of reclaiming it from the wild state of nature in which he found it, and no man was more actively identified with the work of ■development than he. Moses Teegarden, the father of the sub- ject of this review, was born on the 9th day of December, 1827, on the home farm in Brown township. With the exception of the last two years prior to his death he passed the whole of his life in the near vicinity of his birth. He was the fifth child and the third son of the family. His educational priv- ileges were limited to the advantages af- forded by the common schools of the day, imperfect as they then were. On October 7, 1849, he was united in marriage to Han- nah D. Mendenhall, a native of Preble coun- tv, Ohio. She cftne to Darke county with her parents, Marmaduke and Nancy Men- denhall, in the year 1844. Her father was horn in the state of Georgia October 4. 1797, and removed to Preble county in the year 1818. He died April 11, 1864. Her mother was Nancy Griffin. She was born April 20, 1803, and was called to her final rest Octo- ber 18, 1849. The Mendenhalls are of Eng- lish descent and came to this country and settled in Pennsylvania about the time that province was founded by William Penn. Moses Teegarden, the father of our subject, was chiefly engaged in farming as an occu- pation, but also spent considerable time in the construction of turnpikes under contract with the county, and in buying and shipping timber. He was a regularly ordained min- ister of the Christian church and labored earnestly, both through his ministry and by example, for the cause of Christianity in the community in which he lived. He was chiefly instrumental in organizing the Tee- garden Christian church, his father having donated a plot of ground as a site for a church building, and also the five acres of land comprising the Teegarden cemetery. He was a stanch advocate of the right as he conceived it, generous and hospitable in disposition and ever ready to extend the hand of sympathy to the needy and dis- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 587 tressed. As the result of his first marriage ■ eight children were born, all of whom, ex- cept three, died in early childhood. Of the three survivors Mary F., the oldest, is now the wife of Samuel Bailey, residing in Brown township ; Evangeline married Henry J. Courtner, of Winchester, Indiana, and died on March 18, 1881, at the age of twenty-six; the third and youngest is the immediate sub- ject of this sketch. On November 5, 1863, he lost his wife by death, and later he again married, his second union being with Mrs. Elizabeth Beardslee. Two children were born of this union, — Wilson L., who died July 2, 1890, and Bertha M., now the wife of Charles D. Stephens, of Oklahoma terri- tory. The mother of these children died in 187 1 and for his third wife Mr. Teegarden chose Mrs. Elizabeth Travis, by whom he had one child, Mary E., born in 1875, and now residing in Illinois. She is a popular teacher in the public schools of that state. The father died May 19, 1875, near Bryant, Jay county, Indiana, to which place he had removed with his family about two years previous. By his death the community lost one of its most valued members, whose life is well worthy of emulation. The subject of this review was born in Brown township. His mother died when he I was little more than a year old and the death of his father occurred when he had not yet reached the age of thirteen. After the death of bins father he made his home with his sis- ter, Mrs, Samuel Bailey, in Brown township, until he was eighteen years of age and as- sisted in the work of the farm. He at- tended school in the winter season, where, though in attendance not more than half of each season's term, he managed, by close ap- - plication to his studies, to keep up with his classes composed of pupils in attendance the whole of the term. At the age of eighteen he had acquired sufficient education to ob- tain a county teacher's certificate and three years later he began teaching, his first ex- perience as a teacher beinQ" in his home dis- trict at Woodington. He continued to teach in the district schools for three years and then obtained a position in the graded schools of Ansonia, which position he held for six years. During this time he worked himself rapidly to the front in the profession, spend- ing a part of two years as a student in the Northwestern Ohio Normal University, at Ada, Ohio. He held a five-years teacher's certificate, this being the highest class of certificate then granted by the county board. He was prominently connected with the County Teachers' Association and his in- fluence was always exerted for the advance- ment of the interests of the profession and the adoption of a higher standard of quali- fications among teachers. Not finding the work of teaching congenial to his ambitions, he determined to leave the profession and im- mediately began the study of law under the direction of the firm of Knox, Martz & Rupe, of Greenville, Ohio. He continued to teach, however, pursuing his legal studies of eve- nings and in the summer vacations until 1893, when in June of that year he passed a successful examination before the state board at Columbus and was admitted to the bar. He removed to Greenville in the autumn of that year and began the practice of his chosen profession in partnership with D. W. 'Youn- ker. This business connection continued un- til February, 1896, when it was dissolved and Mr. Teegarden associated himself with Judge J. I. Allread. The firm of Allread & Teegarden enjoys an enviable reputation and is one of the leading firms of the Darke county bar. ■588 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. On the 24th day of December, 1885, Mr. Teegarden was united in marriage with Catharine C. Hershey, who was born No- vember 20, 1865. in Darke county. Her par- ents, John S. and Anna "(Young) Hershey, are natives of Lancaster county, Pennsyl- vania. The former was born March 29, 1829, and the -latter February 23, 1836. They now reside in Greenville township, this county. Mr. and Mrs. Teegarden are the parents of four children, — Chester H., born January 20, 1887; Rolland E., born No- vember 22, 1888; Harold B., born May 17, 1894; and Anna L., born January 29, 1896. Mr. Teegarden is a prominent member of the Knights of Pythias fraternity and was at one time, since his removal to Green- ville, a member of the city board of school examiners. He is a Republican in politics and is always actively identified with the in- terests of his party in the conduct of its af- fairs, though never an aspirant for office. He is deeply interested in his profession and strives to elevate the ethical standard of the practice. He despises the trickery and other questionable methods too often resorted to hy members of the profession and prefers to gain whatever advantages the profession may offer by a straightforward course of deal- ing. He is regarded as one of the rising members of the bar, well versed in the science of jurisprudence, careful and accur- ate in his application of law principles to points in litigation and conscientious in the discharge of his duty to his clients. JESSE R. HYER. Jesse R. Hyer is a grain dealer and undertaker at Painter Creek, and the sterl- ing qualities of an honorable and successful business man are found in the history of his career. He is of German lineage, but his father, Absalom Hyer, is numbered among the native sons of Ohio, his birth hav- ing occurred near Dayton, Montgomery county, in August, 1814. During his early lite he followed carpentering and later be- came a miller. He was married in Mont- gomery county, in 183^ to Miss Elizabeth Hess and moved to the Solomon Wilds farm in Franklin township, Darke county, where he devoted his energies to farming for two years. In 1856 he took up his abode at' Burkett's Mill, near Ludlow Falls, and was engaged in the operation of the mill until 1865, when he removed to Crawford county, Illinois, and purchased sixty-five acres of land, continuing its cultivation until his death, in 1878. His first wife died in 1859 and he afterward married Rebecca Shearer, who died in Crawford county, about 1886. Absalom Hyer was a minister of the Ger- man Baptist church and both by precept and example led many to seek a higher life. His children were as follows : Martha Ellen, wife of Jacob Swinger, of Crawford county, Illinois, where she died in 1894, at the age of fifty-eight years; Rachel Ann, who became the wife of Daniel Langston and died in Franklin township, in January, i860; Jesse, of this review; Serena, wife of Eli Duncan, who lives near Ludlow Falls; Noah, who was twice married and died in Johnson coun- ty, Illinois; Margaret, who became the wife of Oliver Shearer and died in Illinois ; Joshua, who married Ellen Rudy and died at Gettysburg, Ohio, in 1896; Abner, who died in Crawford county, Illinois, after hav- ing been twice married, his second union being with Miss Horning; Mary, who was accidentally drowned at Burkett's Mills, in 1857; and Susannah, wife of Mortimer Sey- mour, of Crawford county, Illinois. GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 589 Jesse R. Hyer was born April i, 1840, in Madison township, Montgomery county, and in his youth enjoyed the advantages afforded by the common schools. At the age of fourteen he was brought to Darke county by his father, under whose direction he learned the miller's trade. In the spring of 1 861 he went to Painter Creek to learn the wagonmaker's trade, and was continu- ously employed at his chosen vocation until the 13th of August, 1862, when with a spirit of patriotism he responded to the country's call for troops, enlisting on the 13th of Au- gust, 1862, as a member of Company B, One Hundred and Tenth Ohio Infantry, under Captain Jason Young and Colonel J. War- ren Keifer. At the battle of Winchester he received a severe wound, a musket ball piercing his left thigh and for sixteen months he was in the hospital at that place, at Harper's Ferry, Baltimore, Columbus and Cleveland. On regaining his health he was sent on detached duty to Todd's bar- racks, in Columbus, where he remained for three months, when he rejoined his regiment which was then stationed in the vicinity of Petersburg. He took part in the battle in that locality and the engagement at Sailor's Creek, and in Washington was honorably discharged June 25, 1865, for the war was ended and the country no longer needed his services. Returning to his home at Painter Creek, Mr. Hyer completed his apprenticeship to the wagonmaker's trade, and a year later opened a shop in the town, carrying on busi- ness there until 1884. He enjoyed a good trade and met with creditable success in his undertakings. He was suffering fearfully from the wound received at Winchester and therefore could not attend longer to his busi- ness. In consequence .he rented a part of his shop, and the parties who took possession put in an engine, which set fire to the shop and destroyed it. In 1878 Mr. Hyer en- gaged in the undertaking business, continu- ing in that line up to the present time. In December, 1894, he also established a feed store, and has conducted business along both lines. He is very energetic and enterprising, and these qualities have contributed in a large measure to his success. On the 14th of March, 1869, was cele- brated the marriage of Mr. Hyer and Miss Sarah A. Snuff, daughter of Samuel and Delilah Shuff. She died July 1 1, 1881, and in 1886 he was again married, his second union being with Vina Battson, of Franklin township, daughter of James Battson. He has two children born of the first marriage : Martha L., wife of John L. Swinger, of Franklin township; and Walter S., who married Pearl Wilds ; and by his second mar- riage one son, Earl A., at home. Mr. Hyer was reared in the faith of the German Baptist church He is a member of Daniel W. Williams Post, G. A. R., of Pleasant Hill, and through that association keeps up his acquaintance with his old army comrades, delighting in the reminiscences of field and camp fires. He is a man of many sterling qualities, reliable and ener- getic in business and trustworthy in all life's relations. As a citizen he is as true today as when he followed the stars and stripes upon the battle-fields of the south. OSCAR C. KERLIN, D. D. S. One of the popular citizens and success- ful dentists of Greenville, Ohio, is Dr. Ker- lin, who was born in Wayne county, Indi- ana, in 1 86 1, and is a son of William K. and Hannah B. (Jefferis) Kerlin, also natives 590 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. of that county, the former born [March 2, 1832, and latter November 28, 1830. They were married on the 1st of December, 1853. More extended mention is made of this worthy couple on another page of this vol- ume. Dr. Kerlin spent the first four years of his life in the county of his nativity and in March, 1865, was brought by his parents to Harrison township, Darke county, Ohio, where the father was engaged in agricultural pursuits for a few years. In 1870 the fam- ily removed to Greenville, where the Doctor attended the public schools conducted by Professor J. T. Martz, and later graduated at the Greenville Commercial College. He began his business career as a bookkeeper for Rody Ryan, a railroad contractor, with whom he remained six years, and on the ex- piration of that time commenced the study of dentistry under the instruction of Dr. Little, of Greenville. Subsequently he en- tered the dental department of the Univer- sity of Michigan, at Ann Arbor, where he was graduated with the class of 1889. Im- mediately after his graduation he opened an office in Versailles, Darke county, where he remained twelve months, and then returned to Greenville and formed a partnership with his former preceptor, Dr. Little, with whom he was engaged in practice for three years. Since then he has been alone. He has a well equipped office, supplied with all the latest appliances known to the profession, for he is progressive and enterprising and keeps well informed on the latest discoveries and theories made in the science of dentistry. He has built up a large practice, which is constantly increasing, and his patronage comes from the best class of people. November 26, 1896, Dr. Kerlin married Miss Avarilla K. Fahnestock, who traces her ancestry back to Germany. Her parents were Rev. James and Rachel A. (Worley) Fahnestock, and her maternal grandparents were Rev. Caleb and Elizabeth (Adams) Worley. The Doctor and his wife have two sons: Oscar F., born November 4, 1897, and William Worley, born November 2 t 1899. Fraternally Dr. Kerlin is a member of Champion Lodge, No. 742, and Green- ville Encampment, No. 90, I. O. O. F. DAVID C. FOUREMAN. Among the well-to-do farmers and hon- ored citizens of Van Buren township, Darke county, Ohio, is the subject of this sketch. His father, Henry J. Foureman, was born in Berks count)-, Pennsylvania, October 28, 1818, a son of John and Elizabeth (Stager) Foureman. The former was born in 1797 and his wife was born in 1794. He passed away August 17, 1872, aged seventy-five years, nine months and twenty-three days, his wife having died June 10, 1870, aged seventy-six years, five months and six days. The son was educated in the common schools of his native state. At the age of sixteen he came with his parents to Darke county, Ohio, the journey being made by team and wagon, and the grandfather of our subject entered the northeast section of Van Buren township, where Henry J. Foureman grew to manhood in the midst of the wilderness. He married Susannah Baker, who was born in Brookville, Montgomery county, Ohio, January 2, 1823, a daughter of Jacob and Sarah Michael Baker. After his marriage he located on a tract of one hundred and sixty acres given him by his father, having erected thereon a two-room house 28x20 feet, built of round logs and a story and a half in height. At the time his land was all wild and <§?C2-0-Z^ /(&> ^^r^Jte^v^A^f^ GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 591 unimproved, but he placed it under a high state of cultivation, and added to his landed possessions from time to time until he had four hundred and forty acres. After a long and useful life he retired to Arcanum, where he died in 1892. and his wife passed away a year later. For over a third of a cen- tury they were active and consistent members of the N German Baptist church, and prior to his death Mr. Foureman affiliated with the Republican party. They had a family of four children, namely : Elizabeth, born De- cember 22, 1841, married Henry Baker, who died in Monroe township, this county, and she died there in 1886; Jacob B., born Feb- ruary 15, 1844, married Mary Besecker and lives in Van Buren township; David C, our subject, is next in order of birth; and An- nias, born August 1, 1852, died at the age of two years. David C. Foureman was born March 12, 1848, on the old homestead in Van Buren township, where he passed his boyhood and youth in much the usual manner of farmer boys of his day. accpiiring his education in district school No. 6, which was near his home. It was a log building, supplied with slab seats and other primitive furniture. Mr. Foureman's first teacher was Lewis Albright, under whose instruction he learned to speak English. On the 14th of October, 1866, he was united in marriage with Miss Eliza Linger, a native of Lancaster county, Penn- sylvania, and a daughter of George and Sarah (Merkley) Unger. By this union nine children were born as follows : Sarah, wife of Albert Foureman, of Van Buren township; Susannah, who married Frank Michael and died in 1898; Lydia, wife of John Judy, of Van Buren township; Delilah, wife of James Allread, of the same township; Annie, wife of Willis Davis, 36 also of Van Buren township; llarlus, Charles, Pharon and Worley, all at home. After his marriage Mr. Foureman lo- cated on eighty acres of land, one mile north of the homestead, which was given him by his father, and for fifteen years he success- fully operated that tract which he cleared and improved by the erection of good build- ings. He then traded it for the old home- stead; upon which he also made many im- provements, but in March, 1894, he removed to his present farm of one hundred and sixty acres, on which he erected a barn 72x46 feet,, in the spring of 1900. Besides this prop- erty owns an adjoining farm of one hun- dred and twenty-three acres. He is wide- awake and energetic and usually carries for- ward to successful completion whatever he undertakes. By his ballot he supports the men and measures of the Republican party. He has served as township trustee three years, and is now serving his second term as township treasurer. WILLIAM E. GUNTRUM, M. I). A man's reputation is the property of the world. The laws of nature have for- bidden isolation. Every human being sub- mits to the controlling influence of others, or as a master wields a power for good or evil on the masses of mankind. There can be no impropriety in justly scanning the acts of any man as they affect his public, social and business relations. If he be honest and successful in his chosen field of endeavor, in- vestigation will brighten his fame and point the path along which others may follow with like success. Dr. Guntrum is one who has attained enviable prestige as a representative of the medical profession and his prominence is accorded him by reason of his superior 592 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. ability, for in the science of medicine ad- vancement comes only through individual merit. Dr. Guntrum not only deserves represen- tation in this volume as one of the leading physicians of Greenville, but also because of his connection with one of the honored pio- neer families of Darke county. His paternal grandfather settled in Greenville township, Darke county, in the green woods, and clear- ing away the trees developed a good farm, which he placed under a high state of culti- vation, continuing to make his home thereon until his life's labors were ended in death in 1865. fie was born in Pennsylvania and married Martha Gingrich. One of their chil- dren was John Guntrum, the Doctor's fa- ther. His birth occurred in Darke county on the 15th of December, 1839, and after arriving at years of maturity he married Miss Rebecca Jamison, also a native of this county, where she grew to womanhood and was married. Her father, John Jamison, was also one of the early settlers of the lo- cality, having located in Greenville town- ship when it was a frontier region. John Guntrum followed farming for many years and later in life conducted a meat market in Greenville, where he was well known as a reliable and industrious business man. The Doctor was reared upon his father's farm, where he remained until eighteen years of age. The district schools afforded him his early educational privileges and his busi- ness training was received in the fields, where he assisted in planting and harvesting the crops. Not wishing to make agriculture his life work, however, he resolved to devote his energies to the alleviation of human suffer- ing, fitting himself for the practice of medi- cine as a student in the office of Dr. A. F. Markwith. He began his studies in 1887 and subsequently took a course of lectures in the Ohio Medical College, of Cincinnati. He took his second course at the Starling Medical College, at Columbus, and was grad- uated in the Ohio Medical College in the class of 1893. He began practice in Stel- video, Darke county, where he met with grat- ifying success, remaining in that town for seven years. He then removed to Green- ville, where he is now well established in general practice. He is a member of the Darke County Medical Society and is a reader and student of current medical jour- nals as well as the text books, thus keeping abreast with the progress which is contin- ually being made in the science of medicine. The Doctor was married on the 1st of May, 1894, the lady of his choice being Miss Maud Rupe, a daughter of Martin Rupe, who belonged to one of the old fam- ilies of the county. Both Dr. and Mrs. Guntrum enjoy the warm regard of a large circle of friends in Greenville and have a wide acquaintance in Darke county, within whose borders they have spent their entire lives. Socially the Doctor is connected with the Improved Order of Red Men. His man- ner is genial, his deportment courteous and kindly, and these qualities, added to profes- sional skill, have made him a popular physi- cian of his native county. CHRISTIAN D. GROFF. This worthy citizen of Painter Creek, Franklin township, is of German descent, his great-grandfather having come to this country from Germany in company with two brothers and settled in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, where he spent the remainder of his life. Our subject's father, Abraham Groff. was born in that county in 1801 and GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 593 in early life learned the trade of a fuller with his father. He married Nancy Dunkle and in 1849, w itfi his wife and family, came to Ohio in wagons, landing near Covington, Newberry township, Miami county, after twenty-eight days spent upon the road. Soon afterward he purchased eighty acres of land in Newton township, the same county, for which he paid six hundred and fifty dollars. At that time it was mostly wild land and the few buildings standing thereon were of logs. To the further improvement and cultivation of that place he devoted his energies through- out the remainder of his life, dying there about 1870. He took no active part in pub- lic affairs, was a God-fearing man, a devout Christian and a faithful member of the Ger- man Baptist church. His wife died some years later at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Mary Dunkle, of North Star, Darke county. To this worthy couple were born sixteen ■children, as follows: Daniel, born in 1826, came to Ohio prior to 1849 an d died of typhoid fever a short time after his arrival ; Abraham, born in 1828, died in 1833 > Annie, born in 1830, died in 1833; Elizabeth, born in 1 83 1, married David Murray and died in Montgomery county, Ohio, in 1850; Martha, horn in 1833, married Daniel Groff and died in Newton township, Miami county, in 1853 • Christian D., our subject, is the next in order of birth; Joseph, born in 1836, is a farmer of Newberry township, Miami county; Nancy, born in 1838, is the wife of Emory Jenkins, of North Star, Darke county; Samuel, born in 1839, married Sarah Smith and moved to Ionia county, Michigan, where he was ac- cidentally killed; John, born in 1841, died in 1859; Jacob, born in 1842, died in 1843; Mary, born in 1844, is now the wife of John Dunkle, of Piqua, Ohio; Nathaniel, born in 1846, married Emma Patterson and lives in North Star; George, born in 1848, is a quartz-mill builder in the state of Colorado ; Henry, born in 1851, died in 1856; and Susanah, born in 1853, died in 1855. Christian D. Groff was born January 20, 1835, near Lisbon, Cumberland county, Pennsylvania, in which state he was reared as a farmer boy and attended school until his fifteenth year, when he accompanied his par- ents on their removal to Ohio. He was an industrious lad, willing to work and was of great assistance to his father in clearing the land and tilling the soil. When the farm work was done he attended school during the ■ winter months and partly learned the carpen- ter's trade. On the 5th of December, 1858, Mr. Groff was united in marriage with Miss Hannah Smith, who died July 25, 1868. By that union he had four children, namely : Sarah, now the wife of William Sellers, of Paulding county, Ohio ; Ellen, wife of Moses Fry, of Perry county, Michigan ; Henry, who married Eva Fox; and Abner, who died in infancy. In 1869 Mr. Groff married Miss Margaret, daughter of John Spade, of Franklin township, Darke county. She died in October, 1894. The children born to them were: Amos, who married Mattie Rupert and lives in Missouri, near the Kan- sas line; Mary, wife of William Collins; Martha, Emma and Jesse, who all died in in- fancy; Clara, wife of Walter Pifer, of Get- tysburg, Ohio; Nancy, who died in infancy; Cora and Dora, twins, the latter deceased ; and Susie, at home. After his first marriage Mr. Groff lo- cated on a tract of twenty acres near his father's farm and continued to work at his trade until i860. In 1863 he removed to the farm of his father-in-law, Henry Smith, south of Bradford, in Newberry township, 594 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Miami county, which lie rented for three years. He then sold his twenty-acre tract and purchased a farm of forty acres on Painter creek. Franklin township, and the following spring bought eighteen and a half acres adjoining, with the buildings thereon, into which he moved. At the end of four years lie sold that property and purchased his present farm of one hundred and thirty- eight acres of land, a part of which is now within the corporate limits of Painter Creek and which has been divided into town lots. Mr. Groff has always been a hard working- man, of known reliability, and is entirely self- made, his success in life being due to his in- dustry, perseverance and good management. He cast his first presidential vote for Lincoln and has since been a stalwart supporter of the Republican party. Religiously he is a de- vout member of the old order of Dunkards, and commands the confidence and respect of all with whom he comes in contact, either in business or social life. HEXRY J. BISH. Prominent among the prosperous and in- fluential farmers of Darke county who have been the architects of their own fortunes and have builded wisely and well, is the subject of this sketch, whose home is on section 20. Neave township, — a man honored, respected and esteemed wherever known, and most of all where he is best known. Mr. Bish was born September 8. 1832, in Carroll county, Maryland, about thirty miles from Baltimore, and is a son of Will- iam and Catherine (Bixler) Bish, also na- tives of Carroll county, and of German de- scent, though their respective fathers, Adam Bish and Peter Bixler. were both born in Maryland, where they spent their entire lives as farmers. William Bish was a tailor by trade, but he also engaged in agricultural pursuits and in politics was a Democrat, tak- ing an active interest in political affairs. He died in his native county about 1874, at the age of seventy-four years, his wife Decem- ber 30. 1875, at the age of seventy-three. In their family were twelve children, of whom eleven grew to adult age and seven are still living. Of this family Henry J. Bish is the fifth in order of birth and the fourth son. He was reared and educated in his native place, where he remained until twenty years of age and then came to Ohio, arriving in Montgomery county with only one dollar and a half with which to begin life for him- self. Having previously learned the miller's trade, he soon found employment in a mill at Dayton, where he remained about two yeass. At the end of that time he located on a farm thirteen miles west of that city and engaged in agricultural pursuits on his own account. In November, 1855, Mr. Bish was mar- ried there to Catherine Clemmer, a native of Montgomery county, and five children were born to them : Phcebe died at the age of twelve years. Mar}' Frances married John- son Warner and they had two children, — Herman and Harry. She died December 12, 1892. Eva Jane is the wife of James Lam- berton, of Greenville township, Darke coun- ty. Emma is at home. Ward C. is a resi- lient of Union City, Indiana. Mr. Bish continued his residence in Montgomery county until 1873, when he came to Darke county and located on the farm where he still makes his home. He has always engaged in general farming^ and that he thoroughly understands his chosen vo- cation is evidenced by the remarkable sue-' GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 595 •cess that he has achieved. As his financial resources have increased he has added to his landed possessions from time to time and now owns four valuable farms in Darke ■county, one of two hundred and thirty-six acres on section 20, Neave township, where he now resides ; one of one hundred and six- ty-four acres in Butler township; one of one hundred and sixty-eight acres in York town- ship ; and the other of one hundred and twenty acres in Greenville township, making- six hundred and eighty-eight acres in all. He has ever made the most of his opportuni- ties, and being a man of keen discrimina- tion and sound judgment has been unusually fortunate in his investments. He is a trustee of the Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Darke county and a member of the board of the Children's Home. He has also filled the office of school director and by his ballot supports the men and measures of the Repub- lican party. He is a member of Champion Lodge, I. O. O. F., of Greenville, in which he has filled all the chairs, and is a member of the encampment, having filled all the chairs in that organization. He also belongs to the Horse Thief Detective Association. CHARLES H. BOLLES. Among the professional men of Green- ville, Ohio, none are more deserving of rep- resentation in this volume than Dr. Bolles, who has been one of the leading dentists of that place for almost thirty years. He has that true love for his work without which there can be no success, and his skill and ability are attested by the liberal patronage he enjoys. The Doctor was born near tbe city of Cleveland in Cuyahoga county. Ohio, De- cember 27, 1834, and is a son of Gurdon and Louise (Carior) Bolles, natives of Hart- ford, Connecticut, while the former was of English and the latter of Scotch descent. The father was born in 1790, and in early life learned the tanner and currier's trade, together with shoemaking, which he fol- lowed for a number of years, but later turned his attention to diversified farming. In 1 816, some time after his marriage, he and his wife started for Ohio in a wagon drawn by oxen and were seven weeks in making the trip. They experienced all the discom- forts of such a journey, as well as all the hardships and privations incident to fron- tier life after settling in Lake county, this state. In 1827 they removed to Cuyahoga county, where the father developed and im- proved a farm, upon which they spent their remaining days, living in a very modest way. During his residence there be de- voted his entire time and attention to agri- cultural pursuits. He died about the close of the Civil war, in 1865. Dr. Bolles was reared upon the home farm in Cuyahoga county, and began his education in the district schools of the neigh- borhood, but for a time be attended school in Medina, the homestead being near the county line. From the common schools he entered the Richfield Academy, where he completed his literary education, and then took up the study of dentistry with Drs. Pollock & Finch, of Cleveland, in 1859. He commenced the practice of his chosen pro- fession in Cleveland, Olv'o, in 1859, and re- mained at that place for four years. In 1 87 1 he came to Greenville, where he opened an office and has since successfully engaged in practice, being one of the oldest dentists of Darke county in point of continuous serv- ice. He keeps well abreast with tbe times, is progressive in his methods and justly 596 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. merits the liberal patronage which he re- ceives. Socially as well as professionally he is a man of prominence in the community, and is well liked by all who know him. He is a member of Ithaca Lodge, No. 245, F. & A. M., of Arcanum, Darke county. December 1, 1857, Dr. Bolles was united in marriage with Miss Arabella Finch, of Medina county, Ohio, a daughter of Lewis and Mary (Garrett) Finch. By this union were born two daughters, namely : Clara, May 21, 1858, wife of James Helm, by whom she has a little daughter, Adda Bell ; and Ina May, born May 8, 1878, now a success- ful teacher in the public schools of Green- ville. W. A. LAYER, M. D. Careful preparation for the practice of medicine and marked devotion to the duties of his profession have gained Dr. Layer en- viable prestige in the ranks of the medical fraternity in Darke county. He is now prac- ticing in Hillgrove and his patronage is large and lucrative. He was born in this county October 28, 1868, his parents being George and Elizabeth (Niswinger) Layer. His fa- ther was a native of Pennsylvania, born in Lancaster county April 1, 1837, and was a son of Peter Layer, whose birth also oc- curred in the Keystone state. In 1S40 the grandfather came to Ohio with his family, locating where the town of Painter now stands. He followed farming and made his home in Darke county for a few years, but long before the town of Bradford was laid out he removed to Miami county, where he spent his remaining days, passing away in June, 1883. He married Hannah Miller, who died in March, 1893, an( i tnev were the parents of seven sons and two daughters, who reached years of maturity, while all are still living with the exception of the eldest son. George Layer, the father of the Doc- tor, was the fifth son and was three years of age when brought by his parents to Darke county. He acquired his education in the common schools and remained at home until he had reached the age of twenty-six, when he was married. Until 1870 he continued to live in Darke county, operating rented land. In that year he lost his wife and with his eldest son he went to Miami county, spend- ing two and a half years in his father's home. On the expiration of that period he returned to this county, but after four years again went to Miami county, where he has since maintained his abode. His first wife was Elizabeth, the daughter of John and Susan Niswinger, of Darke county. Her father came to the Buckeye state from Virginia and her mother was a native of Montgomery county, Ohio, her maiden name being War- ner. By the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Layer three children were born : Harvey J., whose birth occurred Octol>er 17, 1864, is now a general merchant at Bradford, Miami coun- ty ; Susella, Avho was born October 15, 1866, and resides at Arcanum, Darke county; and W. A., who is the subject of this review. The mother died in August, 1870, and in 1873 Mr. Layer, the father, married Mrs. Stauffer, whose maiden name was Landis. She was born in Montgomery county and by her second marriage has one child, Lydia, who was born January 1, 1875, and is now the wife of William Brown, of Miami coun- ty. Mr. Layer votes with the Democracy, but has never been active in political affairs, and is a member of the German Baptist church. GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Wi After the death of his mother Dr. Layer made his home with Henry Swank, an uncle, with whom he remained until his father re- turned from Miami county, at which time he went hack to his home. He attended the district schools until sixteen years of age, when he went to Kansas, where he continued for two and a half years. On reaching home he became a student in the Bradford high school, where he pursued his studies until 1891, when he was graduated, having com- pleted the course. He next went to Lebanon, Ohio, and entered the National Normal Uni- versity, pursuing a preparatory course of eighteen months with the intention of taking up the study of medicine. On the expira- tion of that period he went to Baltimore, Maryland, and matriculated in the Baltimore Medical College, completing a full three- years course in that institution, being grad- uated in April, 1895. His studies had been directed by Professor Holbrook at Lebanon and in Baltimore by Professor Johnson, teacher of surgery, and Professor Street, teacher of medicine. Among his other in- structors were Professor Rhenling, teacher of surgery of the eye ; Professor Brinton ; Professor Merrick, who lectured on diseases and treatment of the nose, throat and chest ; Professor Samuel T. Earl, who lectured on intestinal obstruction ; and Professor Penni- men, who was a teacher of chemistry. His studies were also directed by Professor Ames ; Professor John Blake, teacher of sur- gery; A. C. Pole, teacher of anatomy; Pro- fessor H. P. Ellis, teacher of materia medica ; and Professor Charles G. Hill, whose in- struction concerned nervous and mental dis- eases. In June, 1895, after being thus care- fully prepared for practice, Dr. Layer lo- cated at Macedon, Mercer county, Ohio, and after eight months took up his abode at Hill- grove, where he has since engaged in prac- tice, meeting with creditable success. On the 20th of October, 1897, the Doc- tor was united in marriage to Miss Estella White, a daughter of Ernest and Mollie White. Her father was born in Preble coun- ty, Ohio, and for thirty years has been a resi- dent of Darke county. His wife is a daugh- ter of Jesse Cox. Dr. and Mrs. Layer reside in a beautiful home, which is noted for its hospitality and good cheer. The Doctor is a Democrat and belongs to Invincible Lodge, No. 84, K. of P.. of Union City, Indiana. His wife is a member of the German Re- formed church of Hillgrove. Dr. Layer finds in the faithful discharge of each day's duties inspiration and encour- agement for the labors of the next, and has already gained in his profession a standing that many an older practitioner might well envy. WILLIAM II. SHERRY. William H. Sherry was horn in York township, Darke county, December 12, 1864, and has always been connected with the ag- ricultural interests of his community. His father, Lewis Sherry, was a native of Mont- gomery county, Ohio, born near German- town, and throughout his active life was connected with farming, save for two years passed in Versailles as a grain merchant. He obtained a good education and met suc- cess in his business endeavors. About 1850 he came to Darke county and per- formed a prominent part in the work of re- claiming its wild lands. His life was well spent and honorable, and commended him to the uniform regard of those with whom Ik- was associated. His political support was given the Democracy, and upon its ticket 598 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. he was frequently elected justice of the peace, holding the position for many years. So- cially he was connected with the Masonic fraternity at Versailles and was buried with Masonic honors. He was lung a devoted member of the Evangelical Lutheran church, and when his life's labors were ended on the .20th of January, i8y8. when he was fifty- nine years of aee, his remains were interred in the Lutheran cemeterv in York township. There a beautiful monument has been erect- ed to his memory. His widow still sur- vives him, and is living in this county with her daughter, Mrs. Oliver. She is a lady ol high Christian character, and in the minds of her children instilled lessons of upright- ness, honesty and industry. In her family were three children: Alwilda. the wife of Frank Oliver, a farmer of York township; William; and Samuel, who is a merchant of Versailles. He married Minerva Wilson, and resides in that city. William H. Sherry remained with his parents until he had attained his majority, and the public school system afforded him his educational privileges. He has always been a tiller of the soil, and is a practical and enterprising agriculturist, whose well-di- rected efforts have brought to him good financial returns. He now owns eighty acres of land, the greater part of which is under a high state of cultivation. The soil is rich and is especially adapted to the rais- ing of corn, wheat and tobacco, of which Mr. Sherry obtains good crops and thus an- nually adds to his income. He has excel- lent buildings and other improvements upon his place, and everything about the farm is neat and thrifty in appearance. On the 29th of August, 1886, Mr. Sherry was married to Miss Ellen L. Longcreek, whose birth occurred in -German town, Mont- gomery county, November 13. 1864, her par- ents being Lewis and Susan (Zechar) Long- creek, and during her early girlhood she came with them to Darke county, where she has spent the greater part of her life. By her marriage she became the mother of five children, four sons and one daughter, name- ly : Rilla May, Russell R., Homer, Law- rence and Chelcie O. It is the intention of the parents to give their children good edu- cational privileges and thus lay the founda- tion for successful careers in later life. Po- litically Mi". Sherry is a Democrat, and has warmly advocated the party principles since casting his first vote for President Cleveland. He has been elected a delegate to the county conventions, and has served as township treasurer of York township, filling the posi- tion in an acceptable and creditable manner. He has also served for seven years as school director and does all in his power to pro- mote the educational interests of his com- munity. He and his wife hold member- ship in the Christian church at Brock, and have contributed liberally to its support, also aiding largely in the erection of the house of worship. Well known in Darke county, they have a large circle of friends and are classed among the representative farming people of their locality. GEORGE SHIELDS. George Shields, a practical and enter- prising agriculturist of Van Buren town- ship, owns and cultivates two hundred and ninety-five acres of land, constituting one of the valuable and highly improved farms of the locality. He was born upon this place. June 1. 1838. and on the paternal side is of Irish descent. His grandfather, Pat- rick Shields, was horn in Ireland about 1776, GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 509 and was a boy of five years when lie came to the United States with his parents, landing in Xew York. Later the family settled in Kentucky, where his parents are supposed to have died. When a young man he came to Preble county, Ohio, where he entered land, and in the midst of the wilderness made for himself a home. He enlisted in the war of 1812 under General Harrison, and carried important dispatches, passing through Cincinnati when that place con- tained but two log cabins. He married, and his first wife died in Preble county, and he later wedded Salina Smith. While living in Preble county he purchased land in Van Buren township, Darke county, on which he located after his second marriage, and for six years conducted a tavern at what was called Sampson. Later he moved to De Lisle, where he died, and his wife died at the home of a daughter in Darke county. Their children were : Isaac, the father of our subject; Rachel, who married William Neely and died in Arcanum ; Abraham, who married Nancy Price and died in Greenville; Sarah, who married John Dyninger and died in Preble county ; a daughter, who married Tice Sailor and died in Preble county; Pat- rick, who married Elizabeth Guilder and died in the same county; and Samuel, who mar- ried and also died in Preble count}-. Isaac Shields was born in Preble coun- ty, in 181 5, and there he grew to manhood and married Elizabeth Rusk, also a native of Preble county, where they continued to make their home until after the birth of two of their children. They then came to Darke county, Mr. Shields purchasing eighty acres of land in Van Buren township from his father, only two acres of which had been cleared and a rough log cabin and stable erected thereon. To the further improve- ment and cultivation of his place he at once turned his attention, and as his financial re- sources increased he added to his landed possessions until he had five hundred acres. As a citizen he always took an active and commendable interest in public affairs, and supported first the Whig and later the Re- publican parties. He died upon his farm in 1880, at the age of sixty-five years, his wife in 1887, at the age of sixty-seven. In the family of this worthy couple were thir- teen children, concerning whom we make the following observations: Abraham married Salina Smith and died in Van Bu- ren township ; Patrick married Jane Brown, and lives in Greenville; Mary is the wife of Alfred Townsend, of Van Buren township; Matilda is the wife of John Roll, of the same township ; George, our subject, is next in order of birth; William is represented on another page of this volume; Isaac, a vet- eran of the civil war, married Ellen Weaver and lives in Van Buren township; Sarah Jane is the wife of Jesse Smith, of Dayton, Ohio; Isabelle is the wife of Isaac Allread, of Van Buren township; Alfred married Amanda Jobes and died in that township; Elizabeth died young; and two died in in- fancy. George Shields did not have the advan- tages of an education, much of his early life being devoted to the arduous labors of the farm. He assisted his father in clearing the land, and continued to aid in its operation un- til he entered the army during the dark days of the Rebellion. At Greenville, in Au- gust, 1 86 1, he enlisted in Company G, Forty- fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and was under the command of Captain Xewkirk, Colonel Wood and Colonel Gilbert. He drove a team a part of the time, handled trains and hunted forage. At Beverly, 600 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. West Virginia, he was captured and held a prisoner in the Pemherton House, Rich- mond, for thirty-three days, at the end of which time lie was paroled and came home on a furlough. He had re-enlisted at Straw- berry Plains as a veteran in the Eighth Ohio Cavalry, and remained in the service until the close of the war, being honorably dis- charged in June, 1865. For fifteen years Mr. Shields rented the old home farm .and after the death of his father purchased it. He has added to his property from time to time until he now has two hundred and ninety-five acres of land in Van Buren township, and has made great improvements upon his place. He is one of the most skillful and thorough farmers of his community, and is a man of good busi- ness ability and sound judgment, and to these characteristics may be attributed his success in life. In his political views he is a Republican. On the 4th of March, 1850, Mr. Shields was united in marriage with Miss Mary Taylor, daughter of the late William Tay- lor, of Franklin township, and to them were born three daughters, namely: Eleanora, wife of John Jobes, of Van Buren township; Susan, wife of Joshua Poe, of the same township; and one who died in infancy. THOMAS A. SHIVES. • The subject of this sketch is one of the progressive agriculturists of Brown town- ship, and his is also the distinction of being an honored veteran of the war of the Rebel- lion. All praise and gratitude is due the brave men who offered their services, and lives, if need be, in defense of their glo- rious land of united thought and liberty. Mr. Shives traces his lineage to the sturdy old Pennsylvania German stock, so notable for integrity, industry and frugality. Mr. Shives was born in Bedford county, of the Keystone state, on the 25th of April, 1836, being the only child born to John Shives, who was likewise a Pennsylvanian by birth, the latter's father having been a native of Maryland, where he was educated. The subject of this review has in his possession an old letter which was written with a quill pen, before envelopes were invented, the letter being folded up for mailing like an old-fashioned thumb-paper such as the boys- and girls used to make in the old-time spell- ing books to avoid soiling the same. He has also one of the finest collections of In- dian relics that the historian has seen in Darke county, the display including stone- darts, arrow-heads, knives, etc. These in- teresting specimens have been found on his estate, and it is supposed that an Indian bat- tle occurred on the grounds — possibly at the time when "Mad Anthony" Wayne passed over the old Fort Recovery road, which was about one mile west of Mr. Shives' residence. He also has a picture of William Henry Harrison, painted on glass, the work being done during the campaign of 1840. Mr. Shives was but two years of age- when he was brought by his mother and grandfather to Perry county, Ohio, the jour- ney being made overland with team and wagon, which were ferried across the Ohio river at Wheeling. On March 20, 1851, our subject made his advent in Darke coun- ty, locating in York township, where he re- mained until the fall of 1854, when he came- to Brown township, where he has made his home for nearly half a century, engaged in farming and known as one of the representa- tive citizens of the community. He was GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 601 reared to the trade of a carpenter and joiner, to which line of occupation he gave his at- tention for the period of sixteen years, hav- ing received a liberal education for the day in the schools of his native state, the first institution of learning which he attended having been a subscription school, so com- mon in the early days. The first school he attended in Darke county was in York town- ship, and a description of the same will be appropriate in this connection. The building was about twenty feet square, constructed of unhewed logs, the floor being of punch- eon and the seats of split logs, with wooden pins for legs, while the desk for the "big" boys and girls was a broad board supported by wooden pins inserted in the side wall, the boys being placed upon the large, high seats, which had no backs. The mode of punishment was chastisement with the birch or hickory rod, which was wielded vigor- ously, as occasion demanded, and our sub- ject can personally testify as to the adequacy of this primitive method of correction, while for minor offenses the old-fashioned dunce- block was brought into requisition. Under these primitive advantages Mr. Shives ac- quired such knowledge as to make him eligi- ble for pedagogic work, and he taught for three terms in the schools of the county. Mr. Shives is the architect of his own fortune, having won for himself a marked success in temporal affairs, through his own industry and effective methods. He started out in life upon his own responsibility as soon as he attained his majority, and soon es- tablished for himself a home, by choosing a companion for life's journey. March 12, 1863, he was united in marriage to Miss Dona M. Clawson, and four sons and seven daughters blessed this union. Of the seven who are living at the oresent time we offer the following brief data : Phcebe Ellen, who was a successful teacher, became the wife of Augustus Huddle, who is a successful farmer of Brown township; Charles, who is also a farmer of this township, married Miss Gertrude Poling; Emma is the wife of J. C. Poling, of Allen township, who is a successful teacher, being a graduate of the college at Ada, Ohio, while she herself is a graduate of the Ansonia high school, and did effective work as a teacher for eight year; Etta is the wife of Enos Sipple, a farmer of Brown township; Iva R., who is at home with her parents, passed the Boxwell examination seven years ago, which entitles her to admission to any high school in the county; Estella, who attended the Ansonia high school, is at home ; and Lowell Clawson, the youngest, is in school and making ex- cellent progress in his work. Mr. Shives was born in Darke county, August 24, 1845, being the daughter of Aaron and Deziah (Vail) Clawson, the for- mer of whom was born in Boundbrook, Mid- dlesex county, New Jersey, August 23, 181 2. Mr. Clawson moved to Washington town- ship, Darke county, in 1837. Politically he was a Whig, but of strong anti-slavery sen- timent, leading off with the Free-soil party and casting the first Free-soil vote in the tcwnship. He was also among the first to engage in the cause of temperance, begin- ning with the Washingtonians, advancing with the Sons of Temperance, and lastly was a firm Prohibitionist. For a half cent- ury he was prominently identified with the history of Darke county, and here he died on the 31st of March, 1888. Of his ten children only three are now living — Mrs. Shives; Phcebe, a resident of Jay county, Indiana, is the widow of Benjamin Miller, who served in the civil war, as a member of 602 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Company G, Eighth Ohio Cavalry; and Eli- liu is a prosperous agriculturist of Brown township, this county. Mr. Sliives did valiant service in the war of the Rebellion, enlisting- in Company K. Eleventh Ohio Volunteer Infantry, under Captain Newkirk. At President Lincoln's lirst call for volunteers he proffered his ser- >, enlisting for the three-months ser- vice at Greenville, this county, and heino- sent with his regiment to Camp Dennison. He received his discharge August 17. 1861, and forthwith re-enlisted in the one hundred- days service, Its a member of the Ohio Na- tional Guards, while on the 2d of May. 1864, he again volunteered in the United States service and received his honorable and final discharge September 2, 1864. He partici- pated in the Lynchburg raid, and was always at the post of duty, ready to respond to any service required of him as a true soldier of the republic. In politics our subject is a stanch Re- publican, having cast his first presidential vote for Abraham Lincoln. He has fre- quently represented his township in the county conventions of his party. He is a member of Ansonia Lodge. No. 48S. A. F. & A. M.. and of the G. A. R. Post. Xo. 632. He began life as a poor man. but by indus- try and perseverance, with the effective aid of his estimable wife, to whom he accords a large quota of credit, he has accumulated a nice estate of eighty acres, well improved and under a high state of cultivation. When they came into possession of their present homestead it was given over to the virgin forests, but the ax has laid low the forest monarchs. and the fine fields and meadows bear perpetual testimony to the energy and arduous labor of our subject, who now has one of the fine places of the township. Mr. Shives and his family are devoted members of the Christian church, and our subject has been liberal in his contributions to Christian v. oik. having given financial aid in the erec- tion of six different churches in this vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Shives are sterling citizens of Brown township, and here are held in the highest esteem by all who know them, and we are glad to accord them this tribute in the genealogical record of their county. ABRAHAM RHOADES. Among the wealthy ami influential citi- zens of Darke county. Ohio, is found the subject of this review, Abraham Rhoades, a retired farmer living at his pleasant rural home on section 4, Greenville township. He was born in Perry township. Montgomery county. Ohio, eight miles west of Dayton, February 8, 1832. His father was Jacob Rhoades. a native of Bedford county, Penn- sylvania, who, when seven years old. moved with his parents to Montgomery county, Ohio. Grandfather Rhoades, also named Jacob, and also a native of Pennsylvania, on coming to Ohio settled on a farm of one hundred and sixty acres, located six miles west of Dayton, where he developed his land and passed the rest of his life. On be- coming of age the younger Jacob Rhoades entered eighty acres of land in that county, married there and settled down to farming, and in Montgomery county spent his life and died, his age at death being seventy-six years. He was a Christian man. a member of the Lutheran church, and was highly re- spected in the community in which he lived. His first wife, whose maiden name was Bar- bara Souders, was a native of Montgomery county and a daughter of Peter Souders, who was of Pennsvlvania birth and Scotch GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 603 descent, his father having been born in Scot- land. Mrs. Barbara Rhoades died at the age of forty-five years, she bore her husband eleven children. By his second wife Mr. Rhoades had five children. Abraham was the third-burn in the first family. His brothers are : John, deceased ; Noah, a resi- dent of Montgomery county. Ohio ; Jao >b, deceased; Peter, of Montgomery county; Jonas, deceased ; and Hiram, of Darke coun- ty. His sisters are as follows : Katie, the wife i if Robert Surber, of Darke county; Barbara. deceased : Malinda. the wife of Henry Smith, of Darke county. The members of the family by the second marriage are : Marga- ret, the wife of John Tompson, deceased; David, deceased ; Henry, of Montgomery county; Amanda, the wife of Jefferson La- mon, of Montgomery county; and Daniel, deceased. Abraham Rhoades was reared to man's estate in his native county, with very limited opportunities for obtaining an education. Indeed, it may be said that the whole of his education has been obtained in the broad school of experience. In 1854 he came to Darke county, making the journey 1 in carrying an ax and an old carpet-bag, which o ntained his earthly possessions. Arrived here, he began cutting cordwood, and from this small beginning laid the foundation of his present fortune. He soon bought one hundred acres of land, only two acres of which were cleared, and in the purchase of this property he went in debt eleven hundred dollars. By faithful, honest toil he trans- formed this piece of wild land into a well- cultivated farm, with a comfortable and at- tractive home and other good buildings thereon, and not only paid off the debt that he had contracted but also bought adjoin- ing land, seventy-two acres, which he. has likewise brought under cultivation. His life has been one of constant endeavor. A hard worker and a good manager, he has made his own success. Mr. Rhoades was married in 1856 to Mary Pitzenberger, a native of Montgom- ery county, Ohio, who came to Darke county in 1850. She departed this life June 24. 1894. Her children are as follows : Jacob, who married Mary Lynn and now resides in Indiana; Matilda, the wife of Crist Appen- zeller; Elizabeth, the wife of William Pit- senberger, of Columbus, Ohio; Stephen, who married Clara Stephens; and Curtis, who married Charity Mong. Mr. Rhoades has given to each of his children six thou- sand dollars, and comfortably settled them i:". life, at the same time retaining for him- self an abundance of this world's goods. In addition to his farm above referred to, he has valuable property in Greenville and stock in the First National Bank at that place. He gives his support, politically, to the Republican party. GEORGE W. RAHN, The history of a state or nation is best told in the lives and deeds of those who have conferred dignity and honor upon so- ciety, and a record of this nature best indi- cates the true annals of the historic old county with which this compilation has to do. In thus considering the lives of the representative citizens of Darke county the subject of this particular review will need no special introduction, for he is widely and favorably known throughout this so Mr. Rahn is a native of the Buckeye state. and of the county in which he now lives, having been born in Darke county. Adams township. January 25, 1849, bein g the fourth 601 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. in order of birth of the two sons and three daughters of Levi and Amanda (Lightner) Rahn, and one of the four who are yet liv- ing — Josephine, wife of Chipmaii Coppess, of Randolph county, Indiana; Francina, wife of Wesley Armstrong, of Greenville. Ohio; George W., the subject of this sketch ; and Addison C, a dairyman of Greenville, this county. The name Rahn is of German deri- vation, and our subject may well take pride in tracing bis lineage to the sturdy Teutonic stock which so early became conspicuously identified with the history of Pennsylvania. Levi Rahn was born in Adams county, Pennsylvania, about the year 1820, and he was reared to the life of a farmer. It should be mentioned in this connection that there were many of the Pennsylvania Germans who came to Darke county and colonized as pioneers in what is now Adams township. As they came from Adams county, Pennsyl- vania, and from near the city or town of Gettysburg, they concluded to name their new township in honor of their old home and to confer upon the village of Gettysburg itc title in honor of the county seat of Adams county. Levi Rahn came with his wife and three children from their Pennsylvania home to Darke county in 1847, making the trip overland with wagons, in which were trans- ported the little stock of household goods, and covering the long and weary journey of six hundred miles, through the unbroken forests which then marked much of this sec- tion of the Union, the work of reclaiming Darke county having but just begun. When the Rahn family arrived in Darke county they had two horses and their wagon, with a few necessary household goods, and about five dollars in cash. The Germans are well known for their industry, frugality and pragmatic ability, and Levi Rahn showed the typical thrift of the race, working diligently and eventually becoming the owner of one hundred and ninety acres of valuable land in Darke county. In national affairs he supported the principles of the Democratic party, although at the time of the Rebellion, when the integrity of the nation was threat- ened, he voted for Lincoln. He and his wife were members of the German Reformed church. George W. Rahn of this sketch has been reared and educated in Darke county, which has been his home for more than half a cent- ury. He is what may be well termed as a self-educated man, as his educational advan- tages were perforce limited in the little pio- neer township where he was reared, and like most of the other boys of the time and place he had soon to lend his aid in clearing away the forests and reclaiming the land for cul- tivation. He may thus be consistently con- sidered as one of the founders and build- ers of the progressive and finely-improved county of which he is now an honored citi- zen. He remained at home until the age of twenty, and in starting out for himself had to rely solely upon his own industry and judgment to accomplish his purpose in life. He was married to Pauline Bailey Novem- ber 26, 1872, and of this union two sons and six daughters were born, all living except one: Alera is the wife of John A. Felt- man, a farmer of Jackson township, and they have two children, George R. and Lucille; Emma D. is the wife of Harry C. Martin, of Brown township, and their children are Harold and Fredrick; Vermille M. gradu- ated in the Union City high school, as a member of the class pf 1899, and she is now a successful teacher in Darke county, being also an excellent musical student ; Hattie E., of the class of 1900, in the Union City high GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. G05 school, is also a musical student and has shown proficiency in the study of languages ; Ida Opal is now in the eighth grade of the public schools ; Georgiana is in the seventh grade; and Charles R., the youngest, is in the fourth grade. Mrs. Rahn was born in Brown township, this county, December 25, 18^2, the daugh- ter of James and Mary Anil (Teegarden) Bailey. There were ten children in the fam- ily, of whom only three are living: Mrs. Rahn; Anna, wife of Levi Hopper, proprie- tor of the Farmers Hotel, at Greenville; and Stephen H., who is a blacksmith and wagon- maker at Union City. James Bailey was born in Perry county, Ohio, June 12, 1814, and died on New Year's day, 1891. In ear- lier years he was a carpenter and joiner, but eventually devoted his attention to agricul- ture. He was originally an old-line Whig, but identified himself with the Republican party upon its organizaiton, being an ardent abolitionist and an admirer of President Lin- coln. He was a deacon of the Christian church for thirty years. The mother of Mrs. Rahn died when the latter was but seven years old. When our subject and his wife began their wedded life they rented land in Green- ville township, and their excellent success has been conserved through their ability and tenacity of purpose. Their first land was a tract of eighty acres of timber and swamp land, in Jackson township, with no build- ings and scarcely any improvements, the property having been willed to Mrs. Rahn. Their first purchase was a fifty-acre tract, for which they assumed an indebtedness rep- resenting more than seventy per cent of its valuation, but by economy and wise man- agement they met all obligations and at- tained the success which was so justly their due. Their first home was a log cabin, and today they have a beautiful brick residence of two stories, with ample attic and base- ment, which was erected in 1879, and own two hundred and forty acres of valuable land, lying in Brown and Jackson town- ships. In 1885 Mr. Rahn erected a fine barn, and the entire estate gives evidence of thrift and prosperity, while against the same there is not a dollar of indebtedness. Air. Rahn has in his possession the old deed of the Bailey land purchased in Jackson town- ship, the same having been executed August 1. 1838, and signed by President Van Buren. Our subject is a stanch Democrat, hav- ing cast his first presidential vote for Horace Greeley, in 1872, and he has represented his party in various conventions He has served with gratifying success as trustee of his township, being chosen as his own successor. In 1899 ne was elected land ap- praiser of Brown township, and is the pres- ent incumbent. He and his wife are de- voted members of the Christian church, holding membership in what is known as the Teegarden chapel, in the erection of which edifice Mr. Rahn was a member of the building committee. Their daughter Ver- mille is superintendent of the Sunday school. Mr. and Mrs. Rahn are representatives of old and honored pioneer families of the county, and on this score, as well as by rea- son of their own beneficent and kindly lives, they merit full recognition in a work of this nature, and this tribute we are glad to ac- cord. THOMAS C. MILLER. Thomas C. Miller, a member of the Darke county bar, was born in West Mil- ton, Miami county, February 25, 1841, upon 606 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. a farm. His father, Samuel Miller, was a native of Virginia, born in Charleston, in 1801. He learned the miller's trade and fol- lowed that pursuit for many years. In early manhood he removed to Ohio, and in this state was married to Margaret Bow- man, a native of Chillicothe, Ohio. Subse- quently they removed to Miami county, where Mr. Miller followed his chosen voca- tion for man_\- years. In i860 he came with his family to Darke count}", locating in Ar- canum, where he remained for a number of years, and then returned to Miami coun- ty, where his death occurred in 1874. His wife, who survived him for some time, died in Greenville in 1890. Thomas C. Miller, whose name forms the caption of this sketch, was the only child born to his parents. He spent his boyhood days in the vicinity of his native town and pursued his education in the common schools, and afterward assisted his father in the work of the farm and the operation of the mill ; but, not content to devote his ener- gies to industrial pursuits, he determined to enter professional life and to this end began reading law under the direction of Hon. E. P. Kellogg, of West Milton, now a promi- nent lawyer of Columbus, Ohio. Mr. Mil- ler was admitted to the bar at Trov, this state, and began practice in Bedford, Ohio, where he remained for twelve years. On the expiration of that period he removed to Greenville, where he has since devoted his attention assiduously to the practice of his profession and the duties it involves. He is recognized as one of the leading lawyers of the Greenville bar, and his devotion to his clients' interests is proverbial. Mr. Miller has been twice married, and by the first union had three children: Perry E., William E. and Lemuel E. His present wife bore the maiden name of Miss Anna Gundell. She was born in Darke county, was a daughter of Benjamin Gundell, an old resident of this county, and at the time of their marriage was the widow of Henry Beard. During the civil war Mr. Miller mani- fested his loyalty to his country by enlisting in the One Hundred and Tenth Ohio Vol- unteer Infantry, under the command of Captain Jason Young and Colonel J. War- ren Keifer. The regiment was ordered to Virginia, and in the south he faithfully served until 1865. He participated in a number of engagements and skirmishes, and also spent some time in the hospital, and when the war was ended received an honor- able discharge, in July, 1865. He is a mem- ber of the Frizelle Post, No. 227, G. A. R., and is as true and faithful to the duties of citizenship in times of peace as when he fol- lowed the starry banner upon the battle- fields of the south. His life has marked a steady advance in his profession, and by his careful preparation of cases, combined with a keen power of analysis, he has won many notable forensic combats. JOHN HOSCHOUER. A representative of one of the pioneer families of Brown township, Mr. Hoschouer lias been a resident of Darke county since his birth, which occurred on the 18th of May, 1846. His father, Isaac Hoschouer, was born in Lancaster county, Pennsylva- nia. May 13, 1809, and died December 13. 1884. He spent the early years of his life in the state of his nativity, was descended from one of the old Pennsylvania Dutch families and could speak the German tongue. He received a common school education. GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. C07 which, however, was quite meager, and was reared to habits of industry and economy. Removing" to Ohio, he took up his abode in Montgomery county, where he located when Mansfield was a mere hamlet. The trip was made across the country with teams, and about 1833 he came to Darke county, where he entered forty acres of land from the government. This was a dense forest tract, upon which not an improvement had been made. Soon, however, he built a little log cabin and as the years passed he added to his property, extending the boundaries of his farm until at the time of his death he was the owner of three hundred and seventy acres of land in Brown township. His politi- cal support was given the Democracy, and he was a strong advocate of Jacksonian prin- ciples. In his early manhood he wedded Catherine Hutchinson, who was born in Cumberland county, Pennsylvania, on the 7th of June, 1807, and passed to her final rest on the 13th of September, 1885. A fond and indulgent mother, her influence for good was marked among her children and by all who knew her. She had four sons and five daughters, and of the family five are yet living, namely : Mary, the widow of Henry Moore, of Fredonia, Kansas; Jackson, a farmer who is married and lives in Friend, Nebraska; Martha, wife of John Gilbert, a resident farmer of Friend, Ne- braska; John of this review; and Phebe, the wife of John Routsong, who resides on the old family homestead. Mr. Hoschouer is now the only living male representative of the family in Brown township. No event of special importance occurred to vary the monotony of life upon the farm in his boyhood days. He began his educa- tion in a little log school-house, 18x20 feet, the seats being formed of saplings which 37 were hewed smooth on one side and placed horizontally upon wooden pins, and across pins inserted into the wall was laid a long board which served as a writing desk for the older scholars. The building was heated by an immense fireplace, and the smoke made its escape from a mud-and-stick chimney, The schoolmaster was often more successful in maintaining discipline by the aid of a birch rod than in instructing the scholars in the branches of English learning taught in the common schools. The old-time "blue- back elementary spelling book" and Ray's arithmetic where used, and the school term continued for about three months. Through- out the remainder of the year Mr. Hosch- ouer was engaged in the operation of the home farm, in tilling the soil and harvesting the crops. He remained with his parents until they were called to the home beyond. On the 2d of January, 1876, he wedded Miss Jennie Young, one of Darke county's native daughters. Her birth occurred February 3, 1855, her parents being Ebenezer Reed and Sarah (Colby) Young. They had ten children, five sons and five daughters, and all are living with one exception. Of the nine who survive eight are residents of Ohio, one sister, Lydia, being the wife of Jackson Hoschouer, of Friend, Nebraska. The fa- ther of these children was born in Ohio, May 9, 1820, and died about 1891. He possessed natural mechanical ability and was a carpenter and joiner by trade. His educa- tion was obtained in the common schools. For many years he was a resident of Allen township, Darke county, and was known as a reliable citizen. In politics he was a stanch Democrat, and in religious belief a Universalist. His wife, who was born in Ohio, April II, 182S, and died in April, 1890, was also of the Universalist faith. 608 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. At the time of his marriage Mr. Hos- chouer rented the old family homestead, and in 1880 purchased fifty-five acres of land, going in deht for a part of it. His indus- try and economy, however, have enabled him to make all payments upon his prop- erty, and to add to the farm until he is now the owner of two hundred and seventy acres, constituting one of the valuable farms of Brown township. It extends into York township also. He raises the crops best adapted to this climate, and the well-tilled fields are an indication of his careful super- vision and .yield to him a golden tribute in return for the care and labor he bestowed upon them. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Hoschouer was blessed with the presence of eight children, six sons and two daughters, and the living are: Myrtle, the wife of Charles Harless, a tobacco-grower of York township; William I., who has passed the Boxwell examination, admitting him to any high school in the county, but is now assist- ing his father in the cultivation of the home farm; Lewis F., who also aids his father; and Jackson, Edward, John R. and Leland C, who are all with their parents and are making good progress in their school work. Mr. and Mrs. Hoschouer have traveled life's journey together for a quarter of a century, sharing its joys and sorrows. They are active in support of all measures which contribute toward the intellectual and moral development of the community. Both are representatives of honored pioneer families, and through this community are widely and favorably known. Mr. Hoschouer is an ad- vocate of Democracy, and has cast his bal- lot for its presidential candidates since vot- ing for Hon. Horatio Seymour in 1868. His entire life has been devoted to the work of the farm, and his practical and progressive methods have resulted in bringing to him creditable success, of which he is in every way worthy. THE DENISE FAMILY. The Denise family is one of the most prominent of the sturdy pioneer families of Darke county. They came from Butler county, Ohio, in the autumn of 1832 and set- tled on a tract of one hundred acres of land west of Greenville, a mile from the city hall and on the Union City pike. At that time the family consisted of the father, John S. Denise, who was born in New Jersey, in 1803; his wife, who bore the maiden name of Margaret M. Clark, was of Irish descent, and was born in Warren county, Ohio, in August, 1804; and their three . children : William, born May 13, 1824; Aaron, Jan- uary 16, 1825, and Eleanor, July 16, 1830. At that early period there were only about a dozen houses in Greenville, and the Union City pike was only an Indian trail extending as far as Hillgrove. There were two or three houses and a tanyard at the latter place, but Union City had not been founded. While the determined couple were laboring to build for themselves a home in the wilderness, where Indians, bears, wolves and wild-cats abounded and now and then the screams of the panther were heard, five more children were added to the family circle, and seven of the eight children grew to mature years. William married Miss Catherine Garber, and after her death wedded Louisa Mc- Clain. By their union there were six children, four of whom are living and reside with their parents in Dayton, Ohio. Elea- nor became the wife of R. B. Farra, by whom she had four children, two yet living. Mr. Farra served for two years in the Mexican GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. G09 war, and for nine months in the civil war. Charlotte is the wife of John S. Vantilburg, and of their ten children four yet survive. Margaret is the wife of Elijah McConnell and the mother of two children. She and her family reside at the corner of Fifth and Devor streets in Greenville, Ohio. Jennie, Obadiah and Aaron always made their home with their parents. The older children were sixteen and eighteen years of age before any school- houses were built in that sction of the coun- try, so the education obtained from text- books was very limited. Nature, however, taught them the most essential lessons at that period, the preservation of life. When the farmers wanted to take their meager wheat crop to mill it was necessary to drive to Franklin, Warren county, or to Piqua, to have it ground. Their corn was taken to Coletown, where Samuel Cole, the father of Joseph Cole, who lives near Nashville, operated an old burr mill, now known as the Weimer mill, run by Mathias Dean. The customer was obliged to wait a whole day for his grist, and while the miller attended to the grinding the farmer had to watch be- low so that the hounds, which were numer- ous in every household, would not eat the meal as fast as it was ground. Many times when the father was too busy to ride to mill the mother went to the field, gathered some ears of corn and grated them to make mush or bread for her family. They tell of a voice crying around their lonely cabin one dark night and what an effort it required to keep Aaron from going out to the relief of the helpless woman, as he supposed it was. The man says with a perceptible nervous- ness even at this late day, "It would have been all up with me if I had, because the cry was that of a hungry panther." The greater part of the Denise farm was at that time swamp land. The cabin of one room was built of logs and had no floor or chimney, while coverlets of the mother's own spinning served for doors and win- dows. Corn at that time was worth eight cents a bushel and wheat forty cents a bushel. Everything was primitive. Mrs. Margaret McConnell now tells of a fright that she and her sister Jennie exnerienced when they were quite young. Having stolen a watermelon they quietly made their way into the corn- field to eat it unobserved, when they sud- denly came upon a big black bear. Loyal to the country which the family had helped to transform from the wilderness into homes of comparative peace and plenty, the two sons, Obadiah and Aaron, answered the call for volunteers at the beginning of the civil war. Aaron enlisted in the For- tieth Ohio Infantry in August, 1861, and served with the company for three years, after which he was transferred to the Fifty- first Ohio Infantry, where he remained until the close of the war, his services therefore covering more than three years. He bea'13 as a memento of his army experience a shat- tered thumb. On one occasion he had his arm raised to shoot when a rebel ball fired from the side of Lookout mountain broke the gun to pieces in his hand and injured his thumb. He was never arrested or in the guard house, and was in the hospital only for one week. On one occasion during his four years' ser- vice he visited home, receiving a twenty- seven days' furlough. Obadiah enlisted on the 2d of August, 1862, in the Ninety-fourth Ohio Infantry, where he served for nine months, when he was transferred to the One Hundred and Fifty-second Ohio Regiment, and from the latter was honorably dis- charged on the 2d of September, 1864, owing' 610 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. to physical disability. He was in the hos- pital for only a few days, preferring expos- ure to the close hospital air. The father of these children died April 25, 1852, and on the 24th of January, 1884, thirty-two years later, the mother also passed to the home beyond. In that year Obadiah and Aaron rented the farm, comprising one hundred acres of as good land as can be found in Darke county, and with their sister Jennie retired from active business life. On the 4th of August, 1897, the sister died upon the farm where she was born and had always lived. On. the /th of October of the same year the brothers and their sister, Mrs. Elea- nor Farra, who had been a widow for some years, and had returned to the old home, removed to No. 618 East Third street, in Greenville, where they are now living in the enjoyment of a well-earned rest. ELIHU WEAVER. Numbered among the highly respected citizens and representative farmers of Van Buren township, Darke county, Ohio, is the subject of this review. The family to which he belongs was founded here by his grand- father, Peter Weaver, a native of Virginia, and a farmer by occupation, who on first coming to Ohio located in Highland county, but at an early day removed to Miami coun- ty, where he cleared and improved a farm in Newberry township. From there he moved to Adams township, Darke county, and set- tled on Greenville creek. His last days w ere spent at the home of the father of our subject, Henry F. Weaver, where he died, May 15, 1848, aged eighty-two years. His wife had died several years previously. Henry F. Weaver was born in Rock- bridge county, Virginia, and there married Susanna G. Winters, also a native of the Old Dominion. They came with his parents to this state, and accompanied the family on their removal from Highland county to Miami county, and later to Darke county, locating in Adams township, where the fa- ther purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land, mostly wild and unimproved. He died upon that place November 10, 1865, at the age of seventy-two years, and his wife passed away December 18, 1866, aged seventy-eight years, eight months and eight days. Their children were : John, who died in Bradford, Ohio; Andrew, a physi- cian of Covington; Elijah, who died near Rose Hill; Nancy, wife of Eli Reck, of Mis- souri ; Betsey, wife of Samuel Hill, of Cov- ington, Ohio; Eli, who died in boyhood; Henry, who died at the age of twenty-eight years; and Elihu, our subject. Elihu Weaver was born on the old home- stead on Stillwater river, Adams township, Darke county, July 1, 1833, and during his boyhood this region was wild and the schools poor and quite a distance from his home. His educational advantages were necessarily limited, but for a time he pursued his studies h: an old log school-house, one of his first teachers being a Mr. Knowlton. When old enough to be of any assistance he com- menced to aid his father in clearing and im- proving the farm, and remained with his parents until their death. He was married soon afterward and located upon his pres- ent farm of seventy-one acres, then mostly v ild land, on which was a hewed-log house. To the further improvement and cultivation of his place he has since devoted his ener- gies, until to-day it is nearly all cleared and under excellent cultivation. He is a stanch advocate of free silver and Democratic prin- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 611 ciples, and is an earnest and consistent mem- ber of the Methodist Episcopal church. On the 14th of March, 1867, Mr. Weaver married Miss Sarah Weaver, who, though of the same name, was no relative. She was born in Franklin township, Darke coun- ty, January 15, 1845, anc l died April 14, 1879, aged thirty-three years, two months and nineteen days. Her father, Adam Weaver, emigrated to Ohio from Virginia at an early day. To our subiect and his wife were born two children : James Ed- ward, born December 30, 1867, who mar- ried Lizzie Strowbridge; and Harvey, born January 15, 1874, wno married Elizabeth Ludy, and lives in Ohio City, Ohio. JOHN T. HIMES. All honor is due to those loyal sons of the republic who arc willing to go forth in her defence when her integrity is menaced, and there is no call which demands greater fortitude and sacrifice than that of volun- teers to serve their nation on the field of battle. One of the honored citizens of Darke county, and one whose is the distinc- tion of being a veteran of the great war of the Rebellion, is the gentleman whose name forms the caption of this article, and it is clearly incumbent that we accord to him due recognition in this work. Mr. Himes is a native of Montgomery county, Ohio, having been born near the city of Dayton, May 14, 1839, being the eldest of the eight children — three sons and five daughters — born to Thomas J. and Elizabeth (Ewry) Himes. Six of the children are yet living: John T., subject of this sketch; Mary M., wife of Nelson D. Hall, of Day- ton, Ohio; Martha E., of Dayton; Nancy J., wife of Thomas J. Minton, of Eaton, Ohio; Rose Ann, wife of Richard Edwards, of In- dianapolis, Indiana; and Laura C, wife of Wilson Minton, of Covington, Ohio. The father was born in Ohio in 1807, and he died December 7, 1872. He was a weaver by trade, and passed his entire life in Ohio, where he was duly accredited a position as a pioneer. He was an expert weaver, and in the family are still extant some fine speci- mens of his work. Politically he was first a Whig and later a Republican, while relig- iously he was originally a member of the New Light denomination, though at the time of his death he held to the faith of the United Brethren. He was interred in Montgomery county. The mother of our subject was born in Montgomery county, and she died at about the aee of forty-six. John T. Himes passed the first thirty years of his life in his native county, his early educational advantages having been very limited in extent. He began to earn wages at the early age of twelve years, re- ceiving twenty-five cents for a full day's work. He started at the bottom of the lad- der, and has toiled early and late to earn for himself the success which has come as a just reward for his efforts. The first dol- lar which he earned seemed an enormous sum to him. At the age of sixteen he was paid six dollars a month, and his first work was as a plowman, though he was not a farmer's son. He continued as a wage earner until he reached the age of twenty- six, and thirteen dollars per month was the maximum pay received. At the outbreak of the war of the Rebel- lion Mr. Himes enlisted in Company H, One Hundred and Thirty-first Ohio Volun- teer Infantry, at Dayton, an organization previously known as the National Guards, and the date of his enlistment in the United 612 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. States service was May 2, 1864. The regi- ment was sent to Baltimore, Maryland, and assigned to guard duty at the forts, the old soldiers being placed in the ranks. He was one who was willing to sacrifice his life in defense of his country if need be. He served his allotted term, receiving his honorable discharge August 25, 1864. Mr. Himes has been twice married, his union with Miss Mary R. Emick having been solemnized December 7, 1865. Of the two sons and three daughters born of this union three survive : Anna B., wife of David Reigel, of Dawn, Ohio; Lydia E., wife of William John, of Dayton, Ohio. Our sub- ject was called to mourn the death of his devoted wife on the 13th of February, 1877, and for his second wife he chose Mrs. Mary F. (Risch) Reed, their marriage being cele- brated March 5, 1878. Mrs. Himes is a na- tive of Boston, Indiana, where she was born May 10, 1835, a daughter of John and Catharine (Hapner) Patterson. She became a resident of Preble county, Ohio, when a child of six years, and there she passed the greater portion of her life. She had been twice married prior to her union with our subject. Her first husband was Christian Risch, and of their union two sons and two daughters were born, of whom only one is now living — Inez F., who has received a good education in the public schools, and who is at the home of her mother. She is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church at Dawn, Ohio. Mrs. Himes' second hus- band was William Reed, to whom she was married in 1873. It is a noteworthy fact that each of her husbands was a soldier in the war of the Rebellion, as were also her brothers and brothers-in-law. Her brother, W. H. Patterson, was shot through and through at the battle of Cold Harbor, but almost miraculously survived his wounds, and is still living. His company went into the engagement with practically a full com- plement and came out with only three men. Henry Hapner, grandfather of Mrs. Himes, emigrated from Pennsylvania to Ohio in a very early day, the trip being made with a four-horse team and covered wagon. The family came through to Cincinnati, thence to Franklin and finally to Preble county, where they secured one hundred and sixty acres of good land. This continued to be the home of the grandparents until their death. Mrs. Himes has in her possession the original deed for this old homestead, the same having been executed June 13, 181 2, and signed by President James Madison. These old deeds are of infrequent occurrence now, and are of great historical value. The one mentioned is treasured as an heirloom and is one of the oldest the writer has encountered in Darke county, the deed antedating the formation of Preble county by a number of years, the lo- cality being then known as the Miami val- ley region. Upon the old homestead the first domicile erected was a diminutive log cabin of one room, and before the windows and doors had been placed in the dwelling Grandfather Hapner was drafted for service in the war of 18 12, and was compelled to leave his wife and two little children alone in the forest home. The fortitude demand- ed of the devoted mother was of the severest order, for she was menaced by dangers by night and by day. In the night Indian camp fires could be seen gleaming through the forest in many directions. Of stern stuff were these early pioneers constituted, and the stories of their trials and deprivations read like romances in these later days. Mrs. Himes herself well recalls many incidents of the pioneer epoch, and she is thus the more GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 613 appreciative of the privileges and facilities enjoyed by the present generations. Of Mrs. Mary R. (Emick) Himes, the first wife of our subject, it should be re- corded that she was born in Ohio, July 17, §1838, the daughter of David and Jane (Mor- gan) Emick, who were among the early pioneers of the state, settling among the In- dians, who many times teased "Little Mol- lie," by saying they would take her away. They were kindly treated, however, and in the main did not abuse the courtesy shown them. David Emick was a cooper by trade, and he came to Dayton, Ohio, in 181 5. Mrs. Himes was a true helpmeet to her husband, assisting him by counsel and aiding him in his early efforts to lay the foundations of success. In religion she was a devoted member of the German Reformed church, in which faith she died. It was in the year 1875 that Mr. Himes purchased his present fine farm of fifty acres, in Richland towushin, the place having been partially improved, having a one-story brick house and an old log barn. He had but lit- tle means at the time of purchase, and as- sumed an indebtedness of two-thirds of the valuation of the property, but he labored en- ergetically and gave so effective manage- ment to his interests that he was enabled to gradually reduce the indebtedness and finally to clear the homestead of all incumbrance. His devoted wife, who had nobly shared in his labors and anxieties, was summoned to the better land just at the time when pros- perity began to smile most brightly upon them, but her memory is cherished and her efforts are held in lasting appreciation. Our subject's present companion has been to him a devoted coadjutor and is a woman of re- finement and gracious dignity, presiding over the pleasant home and showing that spirit of sympathy and' hospitality which al- ways wins and retains friendships. The homestead now comprises seventy acres, im- proved with a commodious and comfortable brick residence and excellent outbuildings, while the entire place gives indication of the care bestowed by an intelligent and thrifty owner. In politics Mr. Himes has always given his support to the Republican party, having cast his first presidential vote for the mar- tyred Lincoln. He is not an ultra-partisan in his political sentiments, and in local af- fairs often supports men and measures with- out regard to political affiliations. He has in his possession the original deed for eighty acres of land, of which his present place is a part, the same having been executed No- vember 7, 1837, during the administration of President Van Buren. Mrs. Himes has many interesting old relics, including dishes of various sorts, one piece having been handed down from generation to generation and being more than a century old. Mr. and Mr. Himes and their daughter, Inez, are members of the Methodist Episcopal church at Dawn, and he has contributed his quota to all worthy benevolences and charities. The family hold an enviable position in the so- cial circles of the community, secure in the esteem of many friends, to whom they al- ways extend the most genial hospitality in their pleasant home. CHARLES W. ROLAND. Charles W. Roland is the editor in chief and one of the proprietors of the Greenville Democrat, which paper was purchased in 1866 by his father, Charles Roland, Sr.. after it had passed through several hands. It was made a Democratic paper, placed upon a 614 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. substantial footing and became the leading Democratic official organ of Darke county. It is a large sheet, printing the local and general news, and has an extensive and con- stantly growing circulation in Greenville and Darke county. It is issued on Wednes- day of each week, and its publication was continued by Charles Roland until June 14, 1899, when be retired from the active man- agement, which was then assumed by his sons, Charles W. and Edward H., under the firm name of Roland Brothers. The paper is a nine-column, four-page journal, 32x46 inches. The plant is equipped with a gas en- gine, cylinder power press, three job presses and all the necessary machinery and type for turning out first-class work. The paper is considered an excellent advertising medium and does a large job printing busi- ness in addition to the regular newspaper work. The building occupied was built ex- pressly for the purpose and is a three-story brick structure, the entire third floor being occupied as the printing office, while the sec- ond floor is used for general office purposes and the first floor is used as a store room. Charles W. Roland, the senior partner, was born in the city of Lancaster, Fairfield county, Ohio, on the 15th of August, 1857, a son of Charles and Amelia (Clark) Ro- land. He came to Greenville, Darke county, Ohio, with his parents when nine years old. He pursued his elementary education in the preliminary schools of Greenville and then entered the high school, in which he was graduated in the class of 1876. In 1871 he began his apprenticeship at the printing trade and after his school days had ended he con- tinued the printing business in all its depart- ments, and assisted his father for a number of years until, on the 14th of June, 1899, in company with his brother, Edward H., he purchased the business, which is now con- ducted under the firm name of Roland Brothers. The father retired from the ac- tive management and the sons took charge, their practical knowledge and extended ex- perience well qualifying them for the re- sponsibilities which they assumed. Charles W. Roland was married Sep- tember 6, 1882, to Miss Lizzie Davis, of Aberdeen, Ohio, a daughter of Elijah Davis, who served as the postmaster of that place under Presidents Hayes and Grant. She was horn January 26, 1858, at Flemingsburg, Kentucky. They now have four children : Gertrude, born August 22, 1883; Gladys, born January 26, 1897; Charles E., Jan- uary 21, 1888; and Virgil D., October 18, 1894, all born at Greenville, Ohio. Edward H. Roland was born in Lancas- ter, Ohio, January 9, 1865, was educated in the public schools of Greenville and mas- tered the printer's art in his father's office, becoming familiar with the business both in general principles and detail. He is there- fore a practical printer as well as news- paper man, and the combined labors of the brothers have made the Greenville Democrat a leading journal in this section of the state. As the name implies, its political support is given the Democracy, and on the Democratic ticket Charles W. Roland was elected to the city council, in which he served for one term. Both brothers are reliable and energetic busi- ness men, of agreeable social qualities and are popular in the community where they have so long resided. T. L. BISHOP. In the history of those men who are ac- corded recognition as leading and repre- sentative citizens of Darke county T. L. GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 615 Bishop is mentioned. He was born in But- ler county, Ohio, November 8, 1829, and is a son of William F. Bishop, deceased, who came to this county in 1842, locating in Greenville township near Mud creek, and was born near Burlington, New Jersey, in the year 1800, and was a son of Frazee Bishop, who was descended from one of the old colonial families. William F. Bishop was reared in the state of his nativity until five years of age, when he was taken by his parents to Ohio, a set- tlement being made at Middletown, Butler county, in 1805. Cincinnati was at that time only a small village and Ohio was thought to be upon the very border of western civili- zation. There William Bishop was reared to manhood and acquired a common-school education. When still a lad he began the butchering business, although he had famil- iarized himself with the tanner's trade. He followed butchering until 1842, when he made preparation to come to Darke county. Three days were consumed in making the trip and they had a wagon train of thirteen teams. Mr. Bishop was accompanied by his wife and eight children. The former bore the maiden name of Maria Bogas and their marriage was celebrated in Butler county in 1825. Their children were Ezra, Thomp- son L., Peter W., Joseph L., Elizabeth, Mary, Frances and Valeria F. After cominsr to this county Theodore, their youngest child, was born. On the land on which he located the father made his home until his declining years when lie removed to Green- ville, his death occurring there in 1887. His wife passed awav in 1880 at the age of sev- enty-five years. She was of Virginian par- entage. Mr. Bishop was a prominent and influential citizen and was frequently called upon to serve in township offices. His wife was a prominent member of the Baptist church and an exemplary woman, and their home was often the meeting place for peo- ple of the Baptist denomination, services being held whenever a preacher was in the neighborhood. Mr. Bishop gave his politi- cal support of the Whig party until the or- ganization of the Republican party, when he joined its ranks. He was a stanch advo- cate of Abraham Lincoln's administration during the civil war and was a radical Union man. He held membership in the Masonic and Odd Fellows lodges -of Greenville and in his daily conduct exemplified the benev- olent and enobling principles of those fra- ternities. He began life a poor young man, but by his enterprise and energy he gained success and acquired a good property. He was very progressive and at one time was the owner of shops in three different places, at least fifteen miles apart, all three of which were carried on under his personal super- vision. He never speculated, but depended upon the more substantial elements of suc- cess, — honest labor and capable manage- ment. He modeled his life according to the Golden Rule and by his adherence to its prin- ciples he won many friends throughout the county, being highly respected by all who knew him. He was familiarly known as "Uncle Billy." When called to his final rest he was laid to rest beside his wife in Green- ville cemetery and thus two of the most highly esteemed pioneers of Darke county passed to the home beyond. On his father's farm in his native county T. L. Bishop spent his boyhood and in that locality he obtained a common and high- school education. With his parents he came to Darke county in 1842, when fifteen years of age. His education was quite thorough for that day, for he learned something of 616 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Latin and the higher branches of science. He continued with his father until he had at- tained his majority, when he started out in life on his own account, continuing to en- gage in the pursuit to which he had been reared. He married Miss Cynthia A. Dun- ham for a companion and helpmeet on life's journey. She resided in Warren county, Ohio, and their wedding took place in De- cember, 1856. Subsequently Mr. Bishop en- gaged in the operation of a saw-mill at Gordon, Darke county, where he resided un- til 1 86 1, when he purchased ninety acres of land, on winch he now lives. This he bought and operated in partnership with his brother, Peter W. Bishop, the business relationship between them existing for eight years. In May, 1864, Mr. Bishop enlisted in Company H, One Hundred and Fifty-second Ohio In- fantry, for one hundred days' service, and spent that time in Virginia. With lis com- mand he went to Mart'nsburg, thence on the Hunter raid through the Shenandoah valley, penetrating through the country as far as Lynchburg. He participated in several skirmishes and at White Sulphur Springs his comrade, Mr. Thomas, of Arcanum, was killed by his side. Mr. Bishop served his term of enlistment and was then honorably discharged at Camp Dennison on the 2d of September, 1864. He has added to his original purchase and is now the owner of one hundred and thirty-seven acres of good land, all under a high state of cultivation and improved with the various modern accessories which goto make up the model farm, many of these having been placed on his land by himself, and his property is a monument to his thrift and enterprise. While his life has been a busy one he has yet found time to faithfully discharge public duties and has held several minor offices. For over twelve years he was supervisor and for eighteen years has been a school director. In educational matters he has always taken a deep interest, doing all in his power to promote the efficiency of the schools. He was at one time actively con- nected with the Masonic fraternity, but is not now associated therewith. At the age of twenty-nine he was converted and has since been a prominent and useful member of the Baptist church. He was one of the first members of the first Missionary Baptist church of Greenville, has long been one of its officers, served as its first clerk, has for many years been a deacon and has likewise filled the position of church trustee. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Bishop has been blessed with three children, — Sylvan E., Cora B. and William L., all yet living. The mother died in 1884, at the age of fifty- six years. She was a member of the Baptist church and an exemplary Christian woman. Mr. Bishop was again married in 1896. when Mary F. Sayers, of Troy, Ohio, became his wife. Mr. Bishop affiliates with the Repub- lican party, casting his first presidential vote for John C. Fremont in i8;6. His efforts in business life were attended with the suc- cess which never fails to reward honest and continued labor when directed by sound judgment. He isone of the widely known and highly esteemed citizens of Darke county. His life has ever been an honorable and use- ful one, his word is as good as his bond and his example is indeed in many respects worthy of emulation. ADAM FRANKMANN. Prominent among the leading citizens of the prosperous town of Versailles, Ohio, is the gentleman whose name introduces this GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. •617 sketch, Adam Frankmann, president of the People's Bank. Mr. Frankmann is a native of Germany and was born April 10, 1829. According to the custom in Germany, he attended school until he was fourteen years of age, and then went to work at a trade. He served an ap- prenticeship of two years at the tailor's trade, after which he spent some time as a journeyman tailor, traveling about from place to place in the old country. Then, thinking that his chances for getting on in the world would be better in America, he turned his face westward. After a voyage of fifty days in a sailing vessel he landed at New Orleans, May 17, 1853, and in that city remained until June 29 of the follow- ing year. His next move was up the river to Louisville, Kentucky, thence to Cincinnati, and from there to Dayton. At the last named place he secured a position and spent six months in work at his trade. The next six months he worked in West Alexander, Preble county, and from there he went to Lewisburg, same county, where, March 1, 1857, he engaged in business for himself. August 1, 1 88 1, he came to Versailles and established himself in a tailoring and clothing business, with his son, E. G, as partner. This business he conducted suc- cessfully until February, 1897, when he and Manier Brothers organized the People's Bank with a cash capital stock of twenty- four thousand dollars. Mr. Frankmann was elected the president of this company; Joe Manier, vice-president ; Felix Manier, cash- ier; and E. C. Manier, assistant cashier. In 1898 Mr. Frankmann built what is known as the Frankmann block, in which the bank is located, which is a valuable additon to the town, and he has also made other valuable improvements. He has accumulated consid- erable property, all the result of his own en- ergy and wise investment; and in this in- stance we find another one of the many suc- cessful business men who have worked up from poor boyhood to substantial and hon- ored position in the business world. Mr. Frankmann was married September 14, 1857, to Elizabeth Fasig, and the chil- dren of their union are as follows : Mary T., who died in 1866, at the age of two years; Flora F., at home; Edward G., a merchant tailor of Versailles; Irena, the wife 01 F. L. Wallen, a druggist of Nicholasville, Kentucky; and Herman A., who married Jennie O. Burns and resides in Versailles. Politically, the subject of our sketch affil- iates wth the Democratic party. He and his family are members of the Lutheran church. WILLIAM E. G. JEFFERIS. William E. G. Jefferis is well known as a prominent farmer of German township, living on section n. He was born on the farm where he now resides March 24, 1868, and is the eldest child of Joshua and Sarah J. Jefferis. His great-grandfather, Job J. Jefferis, was born in Chester county, Penn- sylvania, June 9, 1776, and married Barbara Long. Their only child was Darlington Jef- feris, the grandfather of our subject. He was a native of Virginia and when two years old was brought by his parents to Ohio, the family locating in Clinton county, where he was reared. He afterward came to Darke county and entered a farm on section 11, German township, where Joshua Jefferis now resides. He there secured one hundred and sixty acres at a dollar and a quarter per acre, and throughout his remaining days carried on agricultural pursuits there, his 618 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. death occurring in 1880, in his eighty-fifth year. He was a member of the Universalist church, of Palestine. He married Mary Potter, who belonged to an old family of New Jersey, and they became the parents of ten children, all of whom were born on the old homestead in German township, namely : Rebecca, Julia Ann and Job D., deceased; Squire, of German township; John, de- ceased; Milton, of German township; Mary Ann, who has also passed away ; Joshua ; William H. H., who died at the age of twen- ty-two at Nashville, Tennessee, while in the service far his country; and Elizabeth, the wife of William H. Mills. Joshua Jefferis was the eighth child and fifth son in the family and was born Octo- ber 15, 1837. He was reared on the farm where he now resides, pursued his education in a log school house and remained at home until 1 §64, when he enlisted in Company H, One Hundred and Fifty-second Ohio Infan- try, with which he served as sergeant. He was at the front for over four months, lo- cated at Cumberland, Maryland. He partic- ipated in the Shenandoah valley raid and the battle of Greenbrier, in which a man was killed by his side. He received an honor- able discharge at Camp Dennison, Ohio, in 1864, and then returned to his home. The following year he went to Iowa and other western points on a visit. On the 10th of January, 1867, Joshua Jefferis married Sarah J. Ware, who was born in Darke county, Ohio, June 20, 1849, the youngest daughter of J. F. and Mary (Ritenour) Ware. They began their do- mestic life upon the farm where they now reside. Four children have been born to them: William E. G; Marvin R., who was born November 5, 1877 ; Alma, born May 13, 1879 ; and Hallie V., who was born February 17, 1884, and died August 22, 1885. Marvin attended school in Ada, Ohio, and was en gaged in teaching. He is now assisting his father in the work of the farm. Alma is en- gaged in teaching piano and organ music. Joshua Jefferis is the owner of two hun- dred and fifty acres of land, the greater part of which is under cultivation. He is now practically living retired, his son operating the farm. In politics he is a stalwart Repub- lican and has served as trustee of his town- ship, as a member of the school board for twenty years and has been a director of the Darke County Mutual Fire Insurance Com- pany. He is also a member of the German Grange, which he joined on its organization, and in its work he has taken an active part since 1874. He also holds membership in Reed's Post, G. A. R., of Palestine, and the Universalist church at that place, of which his family are also members. He is to-day as true and loyal to his duties of citizenship as when he followed the starry banner upon the battle-fields of the south. William E. G. Jefferis, whose name be- gins this record, assisted his father in farm- ing until he was twenty-one years of age, at- tending school during the winter months and received a good common-school education. After becoming of age he was hired by his father for nine months' labor on the farm. He was united in marriage on December 24, 1889, with Miss Harriet V. Harding, also a resident of German township. She was born July 10, 1867, and is a daughter of Samuel and Martha (Clay) Harding. Two children have been born to this union, both now living, namely : Mae, born November 5, 1890, and Grace, born April 25, 1894. After his marriage Mr. Jefferis began farming on the shares on his father's farm, and has since been engaged principally in GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 61&' farming and stock-raising. He is also a carpenter by trade and when not otherwise engaged in farming has devoted his time to that trade. He began keeping books of his business affairs when lie became of age and has since kept a careful and correct account with day and date of all business transactions and receipts and expenses with yearly state- ments. He has been an active member of the order of Patrons of Husbandry for twelve years, serving for two years as representa- tive from Darke county to the annual state meeting of Ohio. By the great interest taken in the work of this organization he has be- come a member of national and state orders of Patrons of Husbandry. Politically he is identified with the Republican party and is now serving as a justice of the peace of German township. Both Mr. and Mrs. Jeff- eris were reared in the Christian faith taught by the Universalist church. MORRIS BRYSON. Morris Bryson, deceased, the eldest son and child of James Bryson, was born on the old Bryson farm on Mud creek, Green- ville township, Darke county, Ohio, May 13, 1818. Here he grew to manhood, obtaining only a limited education in the schools of the district, but continuing his studies at home and thus fitting himself to teach. He then taught school for a number of terms. He was married April 8, 1846, to Miss Mary Annie Cole, a daughter of Joseph and Annie (Sweet) Cole, both representatives of pio- neer families of the Western Reserve. Mrs. Cole was born in 1800, and came to Ohio at the age of eighteen. She was living near Oswego, New York, during the war of 181 2, and from her home could see the smoke of battle. After the marriage of Morris Bry- son and Miss Cole they began housekeeping on a rented farm, on which they resided two years. In 1848 he bought eighty acres of improved land in Greenville township, to which they moved and where he passed the rest of his life and died, his death occurring- December 17, 1896. Of Morris Bryson it may be said that he was a representative man in his locality. He was one of the founders of the Mutual Fire Insurance Company, and for a num- ber of years, up to the time of his death, was a director of the company. In educational matters he always manifested particular in- terest. For many years, off and on, he was a school director and always gave his sup- port to whatever he believed was for the advancement and best interest of the schools of his district. A man of recognized busi- ness qualities, he was sought for by the ad- ministrators of estates, and thus had charge of the interests of numerous heirs. Polit- ically he was originally a Whig, which party he continued to support until 1856, when he joined the Republican ranks. During the civil war he championed the administra- tion's policy, and his generosity in caring for soldiers' widows and families during that period is yet well remembered ; and not only during that period but throughout his life he was noted for his generous hospitality. The needy were never turned empty-handed from his door. By honest toil and careful man- agement he worked his way up to a position of financial independence, and at his death he left to his family a fine farm comprising two hundred and eighty-seven acres. Mrs. Bryson died in 1885, at the age of sixty- three years. She was a most estimable woman, a devoted member of the Disciples' church, and was much beloved by all who knew her. 620 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. The children of this worthy couple were ten in number, seven of whom are still liv- ing, namely: James W., Rachel, Joseph C, Newton, Clarissa, Volney and David. The deceased were William, an unnamed in- fant and Mary Alice. Those living are all residents of Darke county. James lives in Brown township, and Newton in Washing- ton township, and the others at the old home- stead. Joseph married Eva Bennett in 1881. She died August 28, 1884, leaving one child, Mary C. Volney married Mollie Vail, by whom he has four children — Cloe, Elmer, Belle and an infant. David married Cora Harris, and they have five children — Will- iam Ray, Roscoe, Guy, James and Caroline. The Bryson brothers operate the home farm in partnership. They are enterpris- ing, representative citizens and enjoy the re- spect of the people of the community in which they live. CHRISTOPHER M. ARMACOST. Christopher M. Armacost, deceased, was for many years one of the respected citizens of Darke county, Ohio. He was born in Baltimore county, Maryland. November 2, 1807, and was descended from German and English ancestors. The Armacosts were of German origin, but at what time the first representatives of the family landed in this country is not now known. Christopher Armacost, the father of Christopher M., was born, reared, passed his life and died in Bal- timore county, Maryland. His wife, whose maiden name was Malinda Murray, was also a native of that place, where both her father and grandfather settled on landing in this country from England, where both were born. Christopher and Malinda Armacost were the parents of twelve children, seven sons and five daughters, Christopher M. being the fourth son and seventh child. In his native county Christopher M. Armacost was reared and married. Think- ing to better his fortunes by seeking a home in what was then called "the west," he came in the fall of 1837 to Darke county, Ohio, bringing with him his wife, whom he had married in the spring of that year. They first located on a rented farm, where they spent the winter, and in the spring of 1838 moved to the farm on which Mrs. Armacost still lives, on section 29, German township. Their first home here was a little log cabin, 16x14 feet, situated in a small clearing with heavy timber all around them. On this farm he lived and labored for more than a quarter of a century, and as a result of his industry the primitive log house was re- placed by a better home, the forest was cleared away, and the well-cultivated fields gave evidence of prosperity. Here he lived until ii ,hen he moved to Hollansburg, where he died the following year. His life was a useful, active one, and there were few, if any, of the early pioneers of this lo- cality better known or more highly respect- ed than he. He helped to raise many of the log houses and barns in the county. He served as a township trustee and constable; and he was ever ready to give his influence and support to whatever he believed to be for the best interest of the county. Polit- ically he was a Democrat, being the only one of the large family of which he was a mem- ber that voted wth the Democratic party. The date of Mr. Armacost's marriage has already been given. Mrs. Armacost was before her marriage Miss Sarah Hoo- ver, and is of German origin, her great- grandfather having been born in Germany. The German for Hoover is Huber, and the GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 621 name was changed after the settlement of the family in this country. Both Ulrich and Henry Hoover, the grandfather and father of Airs. Armacost, were born in Pennsylva- nia, near Hanover, and from there Henrv Hoover, after his marriage, moved to Bal- timore county, Maryland, where the rest of his life was spent on a farm, and where he died at the age of seventy-three years. His wife, nee Susannah Dubbs, was a native of Pennsylvania, as also was her father, Os- walt Dubbs, and the Dubbs family also was of German origin. Henry and Susannah Hoover were the parents of ten children, namely: David, deceased; Mrs. Lydia Cooper, lives in Rutland, Illinois; Mary, de- ceased; Sarah, now Mrs. Armacost; Henry, deceased ; Catharine, deceased ; John, de- ceased ; and Margaret, Peter and Susan- nah. Sarah, the fourth born and third daughter in the family, was born in Balti- more county, Maryland, January 17, 181 3, and is the only member of her family in Darke county, Ohio. She is the mother of ten children, as follows: Eli, living; Henry, Amanda, Louisa, John and Elizabeth, all deceased; Lydia, wife of John Harnish, of Washington township, Darke county; Mary P., wife of J. B. Jones, of Randolph county, Indiana ; Margaret C, wife of George Mike- sell, of Republican county, Kansas ; and James B. James B. Armacost, the youngest of the above named family, resides with his aged mother on the home farm. He was born here, April 8, 1857, and in May, 1881, was married to Miss Emma R. Heironimus, a native of Darke county, Ohio. She died in 1889, leaving him with four little children: Eva Gertrude, born March 9, 1882; Her- bert E., October 23, 1883; Henry Glen, Sep- tember 3, 1887; and Justin Ray, October 18, 1889. Mrs. Armacost has other grand- children, numbering in all thirty, and her great-grandchildren at this writing number twelve. Her son, James B., has charge of the home farm and is ranked with the repre- sentative citizens of the community. Like his father before him, he affiliates with the Democratic party. He served three years as a township trustee, and at this writing is a school director. Fraternally he is identi- fied with the Knights of Pythias, having his membership in Lodge No. 476, at Hol- lansburg. HENRY ERISMAN. Henry Erisman was born in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, and tl]ere passed his early boyhood. As one of a family of fif- teen children he accompanied his parents to Ohio, and with them settled in the woods of Darke county, where he assisted in the work of clearing and improving the farm. On reaching manhood he married Miss Mary J. Reck, and soon afterward located on the farm in Adams township, this county, where he passed the rest of his life and died, and where his widow still resides. He was a man of sterling worth, interested in what- ever tended toward the development of the community, and was ranked with the lead- ing farmers and most respected citizens of the township. For many vears he was a consistent member of the Presbyterian church. He died July 14, 1892. Mrs. Henry Erisman, whose maiden name was Mary J. Reck, dates her birth in Bedford county, Pennsylvania, September 22, 1828. Her parents were Jacob and Mary M. (Seips) Reck, natives of Adams ccunty, Pennsylvania. When she was a small child her father died and at the age 622 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. of eleven years she accompanied her mother to Ohio, and in Darke county was reared and married. She has one brother and two sisters living-: William Reck, of Green- ville, Ohio; Eliza, the wife of John Walker, of Van Buren township, Darke county; and Susan, the wife of John Morrison, of Green- ville. Of the children born to Mr. and Mrs. Erisman four are now living, namely : Samuel J., who has been twice married, first to a Miss Clark, and after her death to a Miss Forman; John I., who married Miss Mellie Livingston; William H., who mar- ried Anna Katzenberger; and Charlie. The deceased were Frances, Delia, Mary and Joseph Ed. The grandchildren of Mrs. Erisman now number nine. Samuel J. has four children — Fay, Kay, Ruth and Helen; John I. has two — Delia and Clyde; and William H. has th/ee — Nellie, Floe and Myrtle. The Erisman farm comprises eighty- eight acres, and is under the management of William H. Erisman, who resides at the home place with his mother. LEONARD MARKER. Leonard Marker, a well known under- taker and furniture dealer of Versailles, Ohio, has the distinction of having won the proud American title of self-made man. His great determination and energy have en- abled him to overcome all difficulties and ob- stacles in his path and work his way stead- ily upward to prosperity. He was born near Dayton, Montgomery county, Ohio, June 9, 1846, and is of Ger- man descent, his paternal great-grandfather having been a native of Germany. The grandfather, George Marker, was born in Maryland and became a wealthy slaveholder of that state, but being a very liberal man he lost his property by going as security for others. He then came to Ohio with his family, and located on the site of the present Soldiers' Home near Dayton, Montgomery county, where he spent the remainder of his life, dying at about the age of seventy-two years. Raymond J. Marker, the father of our subject, was born in Maryland, in 1824, and was four years of age when the family re- moved to Montgomery county, Ohio, where he grew to manhood and married Eliza Bachman, who was born in Lancaster, Penn- sylvania, but was reared in Montgomery county, this state. Her father, Christian Bachman, was a native of Germany. She died at the early age of twenty-eight years, leaving four children : Leonard, our sub- ject; Allen, who is engaged in the transfer, dray and express business in Versailles ; Hi- ram, who died at the age of eighteen years; and Maggie C, the widow of George Burns and a resident of Cleveland. In early life the father followed the butcher's trade, but after coming to Darke county, in 1850, he purchased a farm near the old Bowers Mill and turned his attention to agricultural pur- suits. He died there in 1855, at the age of thirty-one years. He was serving at that time as justice of the peace, and had also filled the offices of township clerk and land appraiser. In religious belief he was a Lutheran, and in politics a Democrat, and he was one of the most highly respected citi- zens of his community. Left an orphan at the early age of nine years, Leonard Marker went to live with his uncle, Perry Marker, in Liberty, Ohio, re- maining with him until nineteen years of age and attending the village schools. He then spent two years with B. Engelken, of Ver- ^sW<^&sis GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 623 sail.les, learning the cabinet maker's trade, working the first six months for no material compensation. On attaining his majority he embarked in the furniture and undertak- ing business on his own account at that place, and now has the oldest established house of the kind in Darke county. He has kept a complete record of all the funerals of which he has had charge since 1867, the date of the same, the name of the deceased and the number of miles traveled. He has buried over two thousand people. When he first became connected with the business he manufactured all his own coffins from the rough lumber, often working all night. He now has two diplomas as an embalmer, one from Professor Clarke at Springfield, Ohio, and the other from Professor Sullivan, of the Indianapolis (Indiana) School of Embalm- ing. He has- one of the finest funeral out- fits in the county, and is doing a large and successful business. Having prospered in his life work, he is now the owner of con- siderable property, including his business block and residence in Versailles. At Versailles, April 1, 1869, Mr. Mar- ker married Miss Gertie Reed, a native of that place and a daughter of J. C. Reed, one of its first business men. By this union were born four children, namely : Grace, who was graduated at the Versailles high school, and has successfully engaged in teaching in the same for eight years; James R., also a graduate of the same school, who has engaged in teaching for five years, and is now completing a four-years classical col- lege course; Aland, who was graduated at the Versailles high school and is at home; and Raymond J., who is still in school. As a Democrat Mr. Marker has taken an active interest in local politics, and has been honored with a number of offices, hav- 38 ing served as a member of the board of health, the school board and as township clerk. He has been the chief of the fire de- partment almost continuously since 1884, and superintendent of the Greenland Ceme- tery Company since its organization in 1896. It is one of the finest cemeteries of Darke county. Mr. Marker has a fine collection of geological specimens, and Indian, war and family relics, and is interested in the found- ing of a reading room for young men. So- cially he is a prominent member of the Odd Fellows Lodge, of Versailles, in which he has filled all the chairs, and has served as deputy grand master of the Independent Or- der of Odd Fellows. He is a member of Lodge No. 290, F. & A. M., and has served as the secretary for a number of years. Re- ligiously he and all of his family are mem- bers of the Christian church. He has ever taken an active part in its work, was a mem- ber of the building committee of the par- sonage, and is now serving as the clerk of the church. In all the relations of life he has been found true to every trust reposed in him, .whether public or private, and has done all in his power to advance the inter- ests of his town and county. MORRIS HUHN. Morris Huhn was born in stadt Langs- feld, in the province of Saxony, Prussia, Germany, June 21, 1871. His father was Isaac Huhn, who was born in the same lo- cality in the year 1836. The mother, Mrs. Sophia Huhn, was born in 1840. By their marriage they became the parents of five children, three of whom are yet living. As is the custom in his native country, Morris Huhn attended the common schools until he was twelve years of age, and then entered 624 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. the high school, where he pursued his stud- ies until he had attained the age of fifteen. His school life was then ended and he en- tered upon his business career in a hardware store, where he served as a clerk for sev- eral years. Believing that the new world might furnish him better opportunities for advancement, he took passage on the Ger- man steamship Kaiser Wilhelm on the 12th of September, 1893. After a voyage of ten days he arrived in New York city, and at once came to Greenville, where he entered the clothing store of his uncle, the late Moses Huhn, being there employed as a clerk until the death of the proprietor, which occurred three years after our subject's ar- rival in the new world. After his uncle's death Mr. Huhn purchased the store and carried on business alone for one year. He then admitted to partnership Frank Point- ner, who had for many years been a clerk in the establishment. Success has attended the enterprise, and the trade has constantly increased, the firm now enjoying a large and liberal patronage. On the 1 8th of October, 1899, Mr. Huhn was united in marriage to Miss Lottie Strieker, of Tiffin, Ohio, a daughter of Samuel and Eurika Strieker, who were na- tives of Germany, and in early life came to the United States. The Huhn residence is at No. 415 West Fourth street, and is cele- brated for its gracious hospitality, which is enjoyed by many friends of the family. Mr. Huhn is the only member of his father's family who has visited the new world. Al- though he has been in America for only seven years, he speaks the English language with remarkable fluency and ease. It is wonderful with what readiness one of for- eign birth adapts himself to the manners, customs and methods in vogue in this coun- try. Without capital, our subject came to the new world and has steadily worked his way upyard, securing through determined purpose and honorable effort an enviable po- sition in the business and social world. Close application- and gentlemanlv demeanor have gained for the firm of Huhn & Pointner a very enviable reputation and secured for them a business which is bringing to them excellent financial returns. HUGH T. McKIBBEN. Hugh T. McKibben is a retired farmer living on his seventy-five-acre farm on sec- tion 26, Mississinawa township. The com- petence which enables him to rest from his labors was acquired by active toil in former years. He was born in Clermont county, Ohio, December 27, 1826, and his grand- father, Hugh McKibben, was one of the pio- neers of that locality, to which he removed from his former home in Pennsylvania. His wife was Susanna Hughes, and they became the parents of thirteen children, six of whom reached adult age and were married. Of the family, however, William and Wesley died in early life. Three sons reached ma- ture years, and Hugh and Joseph died in Illi- nois, while Samuel Parker McKibben died in Kentucky. John A. McKibben the father of our sub- ject, was born in Clermont county, Ohio, June 13. 1802, and was reared amidst the wild scenes of the frontier. After he had at- tained to man's estate he married Jem'ma Pigman, who was born in Greenbrier county, Virginia. They were married about 1821, and became the parents of six children, five sons and one daughter, all of whom were born in Clermont county. One son, Harri- son, died in that county, at the age of eight GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 625 years. On the 15th of September, 1839, the family arrived in Darke county, and the fa- ther purchased a quarter-section of land about two miles from the present home of our subject. In the midst of the forest he cleared and developed a farm, the timber being so dense that he had to cut away the trees in order to erect his log cabin, which was built of round logs, while the roof was made of boards cut from a large red oak tree which stood on the site of the cabin. The floor above also was made of red oak, while the lower floor was made of puncheons. The father, with the aid of his sons, cleared the greater part of the land, and there he made his home for eighteen years. But about 1857 he went to live with his son Hugh, and his death occurred in 1881, when he had reached the age of seventy-nine years, his remains being interred at Rose Hill. His widow was called away about four years later, when eighty-four years of age. Of their children we observe: Joshua R., who was born in 1 82 1, followed carpentering and died in In- dianapolis, Indiana, about 1877, being sur- vived by his widow ; Levi P. was born in 1824, and died in Rossville in 1895, when about seventy-one years of age ; his only child, a daughter, is also deceased ; Hugh T. is the third of the family; Joseph H. was the next youngest and died in childhood; Su- sanna Jane died when about twenty-one years of age; and William W. was born in 1834, was a farmer and is now living in Knobnos- ter, Missouri, his family consisting of four children, of whom two sons and a daughter are now living. The educational advantages which Hugh H. McKibben enjoyed were limited. He pursued his studies in a log schoolhouse, six- teen by sixteen feet, with puncheon seats and floors. His training at farm labor, however, was not meager, and he remained at home until twenty-four years of age, when he was married to Mary Nesmonger, who was born in Montgomery county, Ohio, in 1827. They took up their abode in the midst of the forest and the farm upon which Mr. McKibben re- sides has been cleared almost entirely by his own efforts. For forty-six consecutive years he aided in building houses and barns, attending all the log-rollings, and was thus an active factor in the development of this portion of the county. He always enjoyed good health, being never ill exc;pt on one oc- casion, when he suffered an attack of sickness lasting thirteen days. His life has been one of marked industry, bringing to him credita- ble and desirable prosperity. Eight children were born unto Mr. and Mrs. McKibben. Amanda, the eldest, became the wife of William Funke, and after his death married Jacob Seacrist, of Darke coun- ty ; he has one living child by the first mar- riage ; Mary A. is the wife of George Brooks, a farmer of Jackson township, and they have five sons and four daughters, and have lost two other children; Hiram A., a farmer re- siding five miles from Arcanum, is married and has three sons and one daughter yet liv- ing; Sarah J. is the wife of Gottlieb Coupp, and they have two children living. Albert J. is married and has five sons and three daughters; Irving Grant manages the home farm and has four daughters ; Elmer Els- worth, twin brother of Irving, resides in Jackson township and has one son and one daughter; and Dora Ellen is the wife of William Stauffer, of Union City, Indiana, and they have a son and daughter. Mr. Mc- Kibben has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal church for fifty-seven years, and the house of worship is located on his farm. His wife and most of the children are also 626 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. members of the same church and the family is one of the highest respectability, enjoying the warm regard of many friends in the community. DAVID L. MEEKER. Perhaps the public record of no man in Darke county has extended over a longer period than that of Judge David L. Meeker, and certainly none has been more fearless in conduct, more faultless in honor and more stainless in reputation. He served for nearly twenty years as judge on the common pleas bench, and his career was marked by the ut- most fidelity to duty, while a comprehensive knowledge of law and great accuracy in ap- plying the principles of jurisprudence to the points in litigation won him high standng among the legal fraternity. Judge Meeker was born in Darke county, Ohio, on the i8th of July, 1827, a son of David M. and Nancy Ann (Miller) Meeker. The former, a native of Newark,New Jersey, came to Ohio in 1802, when about ten years of age, and for a time worked in brickyards in Cincinnati. On attaining his majority he turned his attention to agricultural pursuits, following farming for a short time in Hamil- ton county, Ohio, whence he removed to Darke county, settling within its borders when it was a wild region almost on the ex- treme limit of frontier civilization. There the remainder of his life was passed in the work of transforming the wilderness into a pro- ductive farm, and, by the assistance of his wife rearing a large family of children, who have honored his memory and added lustre to his name. He died in 1852, respected by all who knew him. Upon his father's farm Judge Meeker spent his boyhood, becoming familiar with all of the hard work and discomfort of clear- ing the land and cultivating the soil when the financial reward of agriculture was scarcely greater than the advantages offered for edu- cation. He attended the school in his native district a portion of each year and enjoyed the limited amusements which the country afforded. The privations of pioneer life were more than offset by the helpfulness of neigh- bors and the genuine, unpretentious hospital- ity characteristic of the occupants of log cabins in pioneer times. When sufficiently advanced in his studies he was employed in teaching the district school for several win- ters and extended his studies to the advanced branches in the academy, which marked the progressive instincts of the people among whom he lived. While engaged in teaching, he directed his course of reading with a view to entering the legal profession as soon as the opportunity offered. His preliminary study of the law was prosecuted under the instruction of the late Judge Ebenezer Parsons, of Miami county, and he was admitted to the bar in June, 1851, For almost a year thereafter he was traveling in the west, and it was not until 1853 that he settled in Greenville for the practice of his profession. The discipline acquired by studv and teaching, the habits of industry formed and his close application to books, together with an excellent natural capacity, qualified him for success in the law. He made his way unaided among the attorneys of the county and soon established himself as a lawyer. In 1856 he was elected prosecuting attorney for the county .and re-elected in 1858, serving four years. His preference for the practice of law rather than the duties of public office was so pronounced that he yielded reluctantly to the solicitation of friends to accept even the judgeship. He GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 627 persistently declined to permit the use of his name as a candidate for congress, although he was frequently urged to become a nomi- nee for that important position. In 1861 he was elected judge of the common-pleas court of the first subdivision of the second judicial district for a term of five years, but resigned after four years of service and was succeeded by Judge William Allen. Resuming the prac- tice, he was permitted to continue it without interruption until October, 1872, when he was appointed judge by Governor Noyes, on the unanimous recommendation and petition of the bar in every county of the judicial dis- trict. This appointment was for the unex- pired portion of the term to which Judge Mc- Kemy had been elected. Judge Meeker's service on the bench was so acceptable to all the people that he was chosen at the next election for the position without opposition. Both of the leading political parties nomi- nated him, and the members of the bar with- out dissent recommended his election. After this he was re-elected for two terms and de- clined a third because of failing health. It is given to few men to enjoy the pub- lic confidence to a degree that disarms all political opposition. The example of Judge Meeker is almost unique. Although a mem- ber of the Democratic party and a partisan, in the sense of supporting its principles and candidates, he was known to be so fair and impartial as to be universally trusted by polit- ical adherents and political adversaries alike. The Judge was married, on the 18th of June, 1857, to Miss Mary A. Deardorff, of Darke county, and to them were born eight children : Frank D., who married Emma An- derson, of Franklin, and is engaged in the real-estate and loan business in Greenville; Sadie E., who is the wife of D. L. Gaskill, ■who was associated in the practice of law with her father ; Walter S., who was also his father's partner, married Minnie Lowry; Mary C., who is the wife of J. R. Smith, a druggist, of Dayton, Ohio; Nana, who is the wife of Dr. S. A. Hawes, of Arcanum, Ohio; Virginia G., who is the wife of W. H. Gilbert, an attorney at law. of Troy, Ohio; Alice M., who is the wife of A. R. Crawford, of Ventura, California, where he is serving as deputy clerk of the court ; and Carrie W., at home. The mother of these children died November 21, 1876, and the Judge was afterward married, on the 5th of September, 1878, to Miss Jennie D. Crisler, of Eaton, Preble county, a lady of many accomplish- ments, who presided over his household with dignity and grace, assisting him to dispense the hospitality for which his home was noted. She is a native of Ohio. Her father, Albert G. Crisler, was born in 18 10 in Culpeper county, Virginia; and her mother, Ann nee Foos, was born in Pennsylvania in 1812. They were married in 1831 in Preble county, Ohio. The mother died February 28, 1857, and the father passed away October 19, 1857, near Columbus, Indiana. Mrs. Meeker attended the country schools in her early girlhood, but later en- joyed, and took advantage of the privileges afforded by a private school. At the age of sixteen she began teaching and followed that profession for a few years, when she went to reside with her uncle, J. H. Foos, a promi- nent attorney of Eaton, Preble county, Ohio. After her marriage to Mr. Meeker she took charge of his household, discharged faith- fully all the duties of helpmate, and at once took a motherly part in caring for, educating and advising his eight children in the moral and religious duties of life, the youngest child being at the time only three years of age. After the death of the Judge she erected 62S GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. her present residence from a fund set apart by him, and with the request that after his death a new dwelling-house should be built for her because it required too much care and expense to keep the former residence — a pal- atial brick — in proper condition. The new dwelling was planned by Mrs. Meeker, as- sisted by her stepson, Walter S. Meeker. It is modern in architectural design, neat, and commodious in all its appointments. Mrs. Meeker is an acceptable member of the First Presbyterian church, is consistent in her pro- fessions, and her life of Christian fortitude may wejl be imitated by all. Judge Meeker's tastes were essentially domestic, and he found at home the pleasure some men seek at the club. The time not necessarily devoted to business was spent in the society of his family and among the in- spiring, renewing influences of home. One of the leading lawyers of the district has fur- nished a characterization of him substantially in the following terms : "Judge Meeker filled a place in the his- tory of this judicial district that is creditable to himself and honorable to the profession. A judge for a period of almost twenty rears, he retired from the bench with the highest respect of the profession and admiration of the public. He was always a close student, and when in practice was known as a hard- working lawver, and likewise a successful one. His greatest reputation, however, will rest on his work as a judge. His judgeship was almost unerring. He possessed what is termed a legal mind; understood thoroughly the principles of the law; was painstaking in his investigations, and accurate in his de- cisions. He was always fearless and impar- tial in the discharge of every duty. There has never been on the bench in the history of this judicial district a judge who held the confi- dence of the profession to a greater degree. His perjonal popularity was unbounded. Nature made him a gentleman, and he made himself a lawyer. One of the sources of his popularity was undoubtedly his unassuming manners, unfeigned cordiality, his fine sensi- bilities, and readiness to help his fellowmen. Both in the relations of private citizenship and in public office, Judge Meeker's life was irreproachable. Not only was he an able jurist, but also a successful business man. He possessed one of the finest homes in the county, accumulated a competence and left a valuable estate." Judge Meeker died suddenly, September 5, 1896, at his home in Greenville. While at the supper table he was stricken with partial paralysis, which became complete a few min- utes later, causing a painless death within three hours. The tributes to his character and worthiness, expressed in a memorial meeting of the bar and in the funeral service, were hearty and sincere. They testified that he was not only an incorruptible judge but also scrupulously, delicately and conscienti- ously free from all willful wrong, in thought, word or deed. His uniform kindness and patience to the younger members of the bar were marked. In later years he was accus- tomed to recount for the edification of the young lawyers his own early struggles to se- cure success, the discouragements he encoun- tered and the difficulties he had overcome. He was not a dreamer in any idle sense, but as a boy looked forward hopefully, spurred to his best endeavors by high aspirations. In a pa- per read at his funeral by D. W. Bowman, a former law partner, it is said that throughout a career of nearly half a century at the bar and on the bench, the day dream of his boy- hood, the cherished desire of his heart in youth, was never lost sight of, but kept in full GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. G29 view. With this noble longing for profes- sional success he wore the judicial ermine for twenty years, and laid it aside as spotless as when it first touched his shoulders. He achieved a fame that posterity will not will- ingly let die. CHARLES W. CHENOWETH. Darke county shows within its bounda- ries many fine farms, indicating that pro- gressive and careful methods have been brought to bear in bringing the section up to its high standard as one of the most at- tractive agricultural sections of the Buckeye state, and among those who have signally contributed to the prestige of the county in this ever-important field of endeavor may be mentioned Charles Wesley Chenoweth, one of the representative agriculturists of Harrison township. He is a native son of the state of Maryland, where the family was established at an early day, the lineage being of stanch old Scotch extraction, the first American ancestors of the name having left the land of brown heather and shaggy wood to establish a home for himself in Maryland, in the new world. Mr. Chenoweth was born in Maryland, on the 3d of September, 1830, being one of the thirteen children born to William and Katurah ( Murray) Cheno- weth, the former of whom was born on the same farm as was his son, our subject, the place being about twenty-two miles distant from the city of Baltimore. William Cheno- weth was born in the year 1802, and he died at the age of seventy-four years and one month. His wife was born in Maryland in 1804, the daughter of John Murray, and their marriage was celebrated in Maryland, in 1822. Of their thirteen children all but one grew to maturity, a son having died at the age of eighteen months. Of the others there were ten sons and two daughters. Charles W., with whom this sketch has more particularly to do, was reared to farm life and remained at the parental home until he had attained the age of twenty-two years. His educational advantages were necessarily of meager extent, as in the early days in Ohio the primitive log school-house, with 1 puncheon floors, slab benches, open fireplace and window provided with oiled paper in place of glass, did not enlist the services of teachers notable for great learning, and even had their erudition been greater, the young boys of the locality were in requisi- tion during the greater portion of the year as assistants in the work of clearing off the t'mber from the pioneer farms and in the va- rious other duties which went to make up the routine of labor. In February, 1853, Mr. Chenoweth was united in marriage to Miss Minerva Har- rison, who was born in Darke county, July 17, 1837, the daughter of James and Hanner C. (Bowen) Harrison, the latter of whom is still living, having attained the venerable age of eighty-eight years, and being still well preserved in both her mental and physical faculties. James Harrison died in 1864, leaving his widow and eight children, of whom only three are now living. Our sub- ject was called upon to mourn the death of his devoted and cherished wife in Septem- ber, 1878, she having become the mother of seven children, as follows : William Al- bert, who is a merchant in Glenkarn, this county, having married and being the father of seven children ; James Augustus, who is a successful farmer in German, township, has six children; Marietta Katurah, who was born October 19, i860, became the wife of George Slarp, and she died May 30, 18 15, 030 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. leaving eight children ; Washington Ells- worth is a farmer in German township and has six children; Morton Monroe, likewise a farmer of German township, has three children; Elnora Belle is the wife of Col- ville Woods; and Elmer E., born in 1872, resides in Hollansburg, and is operating the old homestead for his father, he being the father of one son and one daughter. In 1879 onr subject consummated a second mar- riage, being then united to Miss Mary Ann Felton, who was born in Pennsylvania, Sep- tember 27, 1846, the daughter of Charles D. and fjannah (Priestly) Felton, who resided near Johnstown, Pennsylvania. Of this union two children have been born — a son, who died in infancy; and Ethel Olga, who was born March 11, 1886, and who is a studious young lady, showing no little talent in her musical work. Mr. Chenoweth enlisted for service in the Union army during the war of the Re- bellion, having become a member of the One Hundred and Fifty-second Ohio Infantry, on the 2d of May, 1864, and having been discharged September 3 following. Though in active service he participated in no regu- lar battle. He as a member of the Grand Army of the Republic post which was or- ganized in Hollansburg, but which was dis- banded several years ago. He casts his ballot in support of the Republican party and it.' principles, and be and his wife are zealous members of the Christian church, with which Mr. Chenoweth has been identified for nearly a half-century, having served as a deacon in the same and maintaining a lively interest in all branches of the church work. Our subject settled on his present farm of eighty-four acres in 1875, having pur- chased previously, in 1864, a tract of one hundred and eighty acres, which is now oc- cupied by his two sons, each having a com- fortable and attractive home and good out- buildings. When Mr. Chenoweth started out in life upon his own responsibility he re- ceived five hundred dollars from his father, choosing this amount in preference to eighty acres of timber land. The father's estate was worth about thirty thousand dollars, and this was eventually divided among the nine children. Mr. Chenoweth has devoted his attention to diversified farming, begin- ning operations on the farm of his father- in-law, and later settling on his own eighty- four-acre farm, and he now owns the two farms, comprising two hundred and sixty- four acres. He has been a very successful farmer and business man, and having done his full quota of hard work he is now en- joying that rest which is the just reward of his many years of toil and endeavor, having relegated the active duties to his sons. He is one of our county's prosperous and hon- ored citizens, and it is incumbent that this slight recognition be accorded him in a com- pilation having to do with Darke county and its interests. JOHN HUFNAGLE. John Hufnagle, now deceased, was for many years a highly esteemed and prominent resident of Greenville. He was born in Lebanon county, Pennsylvania, August 27, 1805, and died in this city on the 10th of March, 1889, at the age of eighty-three years, six months and twelve days. He was the youngest son of Valentine and Eve (Berger) Hufnagle, both natives of the Keystone state. His father died in 1830, when seventy years of age. At the age of seventeen, John Hufnagle, whose name introduces this record, was ap- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 631 prenticed to learn the hatter's trade, but in 1847 ne changed his base of operations bv embarking in general merchandising, which pursuit he followed for thirty-five years, be- coming one of the best-known and most re- liable representatives of the commercial in- terests of this city. In February, 1876, he opened the Greenville Bank, and filled the position of president, making the institution one of the most substantial and trustworthy financial concerns in the county. In busi- ness circles he enjoyed an unassailable repu- tation and a liberal patronage was therefore accorded him. In September, 1826, Mr. Hufnagle was married to Miss Barbara Boardner, of Dauphin county, Pennsylva- nia. Unto them were born three sons and five daughters, but only two are now liv- ing — H. E., of Greenville, and Mrs. J. E. Breaden. Mr. Hufnagle was for over half a century a resident of Greenville, and left the impress of his strong individuality upon the public life and commercial improvements of the city. He was a man of strong mind upheld l)y a good constitution, was energetic in busi- ness, frugal and economical. At all times he lived a moral and upright life, and al- though not associated with any religious de- nomination he was nevertheless a firm be- liever in Chrstianity. In politics he was a Republican, ardent and liberal, often donat- ing considerable sums for campaign pur- poses. To those who did not know him, Mr. Hufnagle seemed to be close in his deal- ings with men, but he was always found to be honest and fair. He stood firmly by his contracts, and required that those dealing with him should perform their portion of the contract as agreed upon. With his family lie was very liberal, giving generously to supply their wants and devoted to their com- fort and desires. As a neighbor he was kind and obliging, and with him friendship was inviolable. A few years before his death he gave to his children by deed land to the value of seventy-five or one hundred thousand dollars, and by will he left the res- idue of his large estate in lands, money and notes to be equally divided among them. His success was acquired entirely by his own efforts, and by his well-directed labors he rose to a prominent position among the business men of Greenville, his being the controlling influence in many public affairs. He passed away March 10, 1889, and his re- mains were laid to rest by the side of his wife in the Greenville cemetery. PHILIP HARTZELL. Mr. Hartzell is a native of historic old Darke county, which is known to be one of the most important in the state, and one whose annals have been interesting from the pioneer days up to the end of the century, marked by the highest development and sub- stantial improvements. The date of our subject's birth was May 23, 1843, and he is the second in a family of six children, all of whom were sons. The parents were John J. and Nancy (Westfall) Hartzell, pioneers of the county and people well known for their integrity and genuine worth. Of the six sons only two are living — Philip, of this sketch, and David, who is engaged in the drug business at Rossville, Kansas. The father was a native of the old Keystone state, where he was born December 1, 181 5, and his death occurred in 1852. He was reared to agricultural pursuits, and to this line of occupation he gave his attention throughout his long and active life. He emigrated to Ohio when he was a young 632 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. man, coming directly to Darke county, where he purchased a tract of wild land in Rich- land township, the same tract which fig- ures today as the beautiful and finely-culti- vated farmstead of our subject. In his po- litical proclivities John J. Hartzell was a Democrat of the true Jacksonian school, and he was a zealous advocate of the party cause throughout the course of his life. The mother of our subject was born in the Buckeye state, February 22, .1823, and here was solemnized her marriage to Mr. Hart- zell. Her death occurred about the year 1863. .Both she and her husband were de- voted members of the German Reformed church. Philip Hartzell was reared on the old homestead, growing up under the invigorat- ing discipline attendant upon the operation of a farm, and his educational training was secured in the common schools. He has al- ways devoted his attention to agriculture, with the exception of eight years, during which time he was a resident of Ansonia, and for two years of the interval was en- gaged in business as a dealer in agricultural implements. Even at this time he did not resign his farming interests, though he did not give them his close personal attention as he had formerly done. 1 Ie has been very successful in his endeavors and is known as one of the substantial and representative farmers of the county. Mr. Hartzell has also been a practical thresher for many years, operating with the best of equipment and having threshed many hundred thousands of bushels of wheat and other grain in Rich- land and Brown townships and throughout the contiguous territory. He has gained a wide acquaintanceship in the county and en- joys a marked popularity wherever he is known. Mr. Hartzell has been twice married, his first union having been with Miss Caroline Dill, a native of this county. They became the parents of two children — Rosetta, wife of J. P. Slyder, a prominent dealer in gen- eral merchandise at Ansonia, this countv; and Charles Dill Hartzell, who still remains at the paternal homestead. The latter re- ceived excellent educational advantages in the graded schools of Ansonia and Beams- ville, Ohio, and is a young man of much in- tellectual force. He is a Democrat in poli- tics, having cast his first presidential vote for William Jennings Bryan, and frater- nally he is identified with Lodge No. 356, Knights of Pythias, at Ansonia, in which he holds the office of master-of-arms. Mrs. Plartzell was summoned into eternal rest in September, 1888, and on the 15th of Decem- ber, 1898, Mr. Hartzell wedded Miss Laura Sharp, who was born in Darke county, the daughter of Perry and Maacha (Schwartz) Sharp, who were the parents of ten chil- dren. The father was a native of New Jer- sey, and the mother of Pennsylvania, and both are residents of Brown township, this ci lunty. To Mr. and Mrs. Hartzell three children have been born, one being deceased, while those living are Maacha and an infant boy. Mrs. Hartzell ably fills her place as a wife and mother, being truly a helpmeet to her husband. In politics Mr. Hartzell gives his sup- port to the principles and policies advanced by the Democratic party, his first presiden- tial ballot having been for the support of General George B. McClellan, and he has ever since been a stanch advocate of the party cause. Officially he has served as trustee of Richland township, and, being a firm friend of the cause of education, he has been called upon to act as school trustee GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. C33 both in Ansonia and in Richland township, holding such preferment for more than six years. He holds advanced ideas in regard to the schools, and believes that only com- petent teachers should be employed and that the highest possible standard should be main- tained in every branch of educational work. In the fall of 1899 Mr. Hartzell was elected land appraiser of Richland township, an ap- pointment whose tenure extends over a full decade. This preferment clearly indicates the confidence and high regard bestowed upon our subject in the community. Mr. Hartzell. purchased part of the old home- stead of one hundred and fifteen acres, all ^located in Richland township. The soil is a rich black loam, admirably adapted for the cultivation of cereals, and various other crops, including tobacco and potatoes. Mr. Hartzell is classed as a practical, progress- ive agriculturist, and as a scion of one of the old and prominent families of Darke county we are pleased to offer this tribute ir. connection with this important genealog- ical record of the county. Fraternally our subject is a member of the Knights of Pythias Lodge, No. 356, at Ansonia, of which he was a charter member, and he is also a member of Lodge No. 488, of the Free and Accepted Masons, at An- sonia. VALENTINE GRUSENMEYER. Among the native sons of Ohio who in the business world have attained success, winning prosperity through earnest purpose, careful management and honorable dealing, Valentine Grusenmeyer is numbered. He is a son of George Michael Grusenmeyer, who was born on the 21st of June, 1820, in Alsace, France, a section of the country now in possession of the Germans. Hav- ing arrived at years of maturity he wedded Elizabeth Schammer, who was born in Ba- den, Germany, February 18, 1826. In 1846 George Michael Grusenmeyer emigrated to the new world, locating near Troy, Ohio, where he was employed for six years. On the expiration of that period he returned to the fatherland, and when he again came to America brought with him his mother, his brothers and sisters, the family, eight in number, locating near Dayton, Ohio. His father had died during his sojourn in Amer- ica. Of the family four are still living, namely : Mrs. Lena Lepbart and Mrs. Mary Roth, both of Dayton ; and Anthony and Joseph, who are residents of Logans- port, Indiana. Mr. and Mrs. George Michael Grusen- meyer became the parents of eight children, four of whom are still living, as follows : Anthony, Mrs. Mary Ruh ; Mrs. Lizzie Heck, of Dayton, Ohio, and Valentine, whose name introduces this review. Valentine Grusenmeyer was born near Dayton, on the 8th of October, 1854, and entered upon his business career as a gar- dener. His father followed that pursuit, and for him our subject worked until he was twenty-four years of age, when he went to Logansport, Indiana, where he was em- ' ployed for a year. On the expiration of that period he returned and cultivated his father's garden for a period of two years. In 1 881 he came to Darke county and com- menced gardening on his own place, called the "East Side Garden," but in October, 1 89 1, he abandoned that pursuit and em- barked in the grocery business in connection with Jacob Goetz. They conducted a store in Versailles, Ohio, for a year, after which they removed their stock into the Anderson 634 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. building in Greenville, where they carried on business through the succeeding year. Mr. Grusenmeyer then began business as a wholesale dealer in fruit and vegetables. In 1893 he purchased the Ruth grocery and carried on the dual enterprise for a period of five years. When that time had elapsed he established a branch store in the St. Clair building, and in the spring of 1898 he sold the store in the Ruth building to the firm of Lampa & Maher, continuing business, how- ever, in the St. Clair building through the succeeding sixteen months. He then sold his large stock of groceries to Ray M. Gil- bert and removed his fruit and vegetable store into the Waring building He is a man of marked enterprise and indefatigable energy who gives close attention to the con- duct of his mercantile affairs and follows most systematic and honorable methods. In 1881 was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Grusenmeyer and Miss Mary Seybold, of Logansport, Indiana. They took up their residence in Greenville, and unto them were born nine children : Ersula, born Au- gust 30, 1882; George B., born July 13, 1884; Frances C, born January 30, 1886; Savier, born November 25, 1888; Anastasia, born February 5, 1890; Clara, born March 1,1892, and died September 1 of the same year; John, who was born September 11, 1894; Oscar, born September 24, 1896; and Engene, born October 6, 189S. After re- siding for three years in Greenville Mr. and Mrs. Grusenmeyer removed to their farm, which is just outside the city limits, and there make their home. They were reared in the Catholic faith, have always adhered to that religious belief and are now instructing their children therein. In Darke county they have a wide acquaintance and are high- ly esteemed for their many excellencies of character, while in business circles Mr. Gru- senmeyer enjoys an unassailable reputation that has come to him as the result of incor- ruptible integrity in all his dealings. DAVID HARTLE. The pioneers of a county or state play a most conspicuous part in its history, laying the foundation not only for its present ad- vancement, but for its future prosperity and progress. The pioneers of Ohio, by their sturdy industry, perseverance and sterling characters, have made the wilderness to ''blossom as the rose." Among those who. in early frontier days resided in Darke coun- ty, bearing his part in the work of advance- ment and development, is David Hartle. Some of his ancestors were very early set- tlers of Darke county, and here entered land from the government. The subject of this review is one of its native sons. He was born January 30, 1824. and is the ninth in a family of eleven children, seven sons and four daughters, whose parents were Jacob and Catherine (Spade) Hartle. He is now the only sur- vivor of this pioneer family, and is the old- est native resident of Richland township, and possibly of Darke county, as he has ppssed the seventy-sixth milestone on the journey of life. His father was born near Hagerstown, Washington county, Maryland, October 5, 1779, and died April 6, 1850. His birth occurred twenty years previous to the death of General George Washing- ton. He traced his ancestry directly back to Germany. He was reared as a tiller of the soil, and was early inured to the hard- ships and privations of pioneer life. He received a rudimentary education in the subscription schools of the early times, and GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 635 during much of his youth remained in his native state. When a boy, however, he re- moved to Pennsylvania, and was there mar- ried. About 1805 he emigrated to Ohio, reaching the Buckeye state only three years after its admission to the Union. He lo- cated in Pickaway county, where he pur- chased land and made his home for ten years, after which he came to Darke county and entered three hundred and twenty acres of land from the government, in what is now Richland township. The county was not then organized, this entire portion of the state being known as the Miami' district. The Indians were far more numerous than the white settlers, and the work of civiliza- tion and progress seemed scarcely begun. The first habitation of the Hartles in Darke county was a primitive log cabin, and during its erection the family took refuge in old Fort Briar, which was erected on the banks of Stillwater creek, in the vicinity of the farm now owned by Job Shafer. In that fort the family remained from March until May, and then took up their abode in their new home. The county was largely in its primitive condition, and many a wild deer and turkey did the father kill in the vicinity of the Hartle home. Such primitive agri- cultural implements as the sickle, the flail and the old-fashioned four-fingered cradle were in use, and many are the days in which David Hartle has swung a cradle and scythe from early morning until eventide. The father was possessed of an energetic and sturdy Teutonic spirit, was thrifty and in- dustrious and was successful to a large de- gree, accumulating land to the extent of five hundred and sixty acres in Darke county. He was imbued with a progressive spirit, withholding his support from no measure or movement which he believed would prove of public good, and this commendable quality has been inherited by his children and grand- children. In politics he was a Democrat and a great admirer of Andrew Jackson, and throughout his life he gave a loyal support to the party. He held membership in the German Reformed church. His wife died during the early boyhood of our subject, who therefore knows little of her ancestry, and has never experienced a mother's kind- ness and loving care. David Hartle, of this review, one of the most honored pioneers of Darke county, has spent almost three-quarters of a century in Richland township. He has witnessed a wonderful transformation in the condition of Darke county, has seen it crossed by a great network of railroads, while the forest tracts have been replaced by beautiful, well- tilled farms, improved with fine brick resi- dences; churches and school-houses have been built and all the accessories of civiliza- tion added. The beautiful city of Green- ville, with a population of eight thousand, has taken the place of Fort Greenville, then hardly a hamlet. All of these improve- ments have been made since Mr. Hartle has been a resident of Darke county, and he has been instrumental in its development to a large degree. He has also witnessed the building of one thousand miles of splendid stone pike roads within the borders of the county, and has seen a transformation wrought that almost equals scenes from the Arabian Nights, so quickly have the changes been made. Mr. Hartle acquired a fair education in the schools of his day and by personal appli- cation mastered the studies taught at the time. He began his education in the win- ter of 1831, in a hewed-log building, 18x18 feet, into which light was admitted through 636 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. three little windows, the panes being Sxio inches. The benches were crude in con- struction, being made of split blue ash slabs, from fourteen to sixteen feet in length, placed upon four wooden legs or pins. The writing desks for the older scholars were formed of a black-walnut board, sixteen inches wide and resting on thole pins driven into the wall. The floor was of puncheon and the ceiling was constructed in a similar manner. This primitive school building was heated by a large, old-fashioned fire- place, constructed of boulders up to the dis- tance where the jamb began. The chimney was made of mud and sticks, as there were no brick manufactured in that early day in Darke county. The roof was made of clap- boards, held in place by a heavy log, and the birch rod and the dunce-block formed an important part in the discipline -of the school. The school was conducted on the subscrip- tion plan, for the splendid system of public schools was not then inaugurated. The text-books used were Webster's spelling book — the one previous to "Webster's blue- back speller" — Pike's arithmetic, the Uni- versal History of the United States and the old English reader. Mr. Hartle has in his library a copy of the Tutor's Guide, pub- lished in 1804, the key of which was pub- lished in 1806. Such is the description of the temple of Minerva in which Mr. Hartle gathered his learning in pioneer days. He was reared to manhood amid the wild scenes of the Buckeye state, and throughout his life has carried on farming. His parents were sturdy people, of great endurance, and he resembled his maternal ancestry, being a man of large size, strong and robust. In his youth he was particularly fond of ath- letics, in which he greatly excelled. The amusements enjoyed by young people in those days consisted of apple-parings, log- rollings and corn-huskings, which were fol- lowed by games and amusements in the eve- ning. Out of the dense forest Mr. Hartle hewed a farm for himself and has always carried on agricultural pursuits. He was married, June 3, 1852, to Miss Rebecca Shults, who was born in York county, Pennsylvania, September 22, 1822, and died January 22, 1899. She was a daughter of George and Elizabeth (Gregor) Shults, and came with her parents to War- ren county, Ohio, in 1840. In 1845 tne y removed' to Greenville township, Darke county, where the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Hartle was celebrated. For almost a half a century she was to her husband a faithful companion and helpmate on the journey of life, sharing with him its joys and sorrows, its adversity and prosperity. At length the wife was taken, leaving a vacant chair in the household, her death being a great blow to her husband. Her remains were interred in the Beamsville cemetery, where a beauti- ful monument marks her last resting place. Unto this worthy couple were born four sons and a daughter. Frank P. is a pros- perous farmer of Richland township, and is married and has five children. He is a Republican in his political views. Orrin C, an agriculturist of the same township, is married and has four children. Dayton Fre- mont, named in honor of the celebrated John C. Fremont, resides in Richland township, and is married and has two children. David O. is a resident .farmer of German township, and he. too, is married. Calla Belle is the wife of Hollis Hartzell. an enterprising ag- riculturist of Brown township, by whom she has three children. Mr. Hartzell is a Demo- crat in his political views, but all of the sons of the family are stanch Republicans. GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. OBI After his marriage Mr. Hartle estab- lished his home in the midst of a forest so dense that he could hardly see the sun through the branches of the trees. He had eighty acres of land and a little frame house. He would walk to his work six miles away, and there fell trees, clearing his land pre- paratory to placing it under cultivation. Prosperity has attended his well directed and continuous efforts, and as his financial re- sources have increased he has added to his possessions until he now owns three hun- dred and seventy acres of land. His chil- dren are also well situated in life. Much of his leisure time has been given to the study of the best literature, and he is now a well informed man. He retains his mental vigor to a remarkable degree, although he is now upon the downward slope of life. He has in his possession a piece of the con- tinental currency issued in 1777. His grandfather was a teamster in the Revolu- tionary war and was paid in that money, and after purchasing a little farm in Mary- land he had a few pieces of the script left, one of which was inherited by our subject. Its value was about nine pence, and it is now treasured as a priceless heirloom, although at that time in purchasable value it was almost worthless. On the reverse side of the bill is the inscription, "To counterfeit this money is death." It is probably the only piece of continental currency in Darke county. In his political views Mr. Hartle has always been independent, voting for the man whom he considered best qualified for office. He cast his first presidential vote for Martin Van Buren. He supported our two n artyred presidents, Lincoln and Garfield, and also voted for General Grant. He is a warm friend of the cause of temperance and of the little red school house, and believes in securing competent teachers and giving them remunerative salaries. At one time lie taught school for seven years and long served as a school director in his neighbor- hood. His wife was a member of the Ger- man Reformed church, while he advances the doctrines of the Universalist church. He is benevolent and has contributed toward the erection of four different churches, two in Greenville, one in Pikesville and one in Beamsville. He is a man well known for his sterling honor and integrity, and over the record of his life there falls no shadow of wrong or suspicion of evil. His memory will remain as a blessed benediction to those who knew him long after he shall have com- pleted the journey of life. DAVID WELLER BOWMAN. Among the leading and prominent attor- neys of Greenville, Ohio, none are meeting with better success than the subject of this review. He is a native of Darke county, born on a farm two miles east of New Madi- son, January 20, i860, and is the second son of George W. and Phebe (Noggle) Bow- man. The father was a native of Franklin county, Pennsylvania, and came to Darke county, Ohio, with his parents in 1838. On the maternal side our subject's grandfather, Michael Noggle, was also of Pennsylvania stock, his ancestors being residents of Frank- lin county, that state, but early in the nine- teenth century the family came to Ohio. Our subject's maternal grandmother was of Eng- lish descent and her people made their home in Georgia and the Carolinas before coming to this state. The subject of this sketch was reared on his father's farm and received his education in the common schools of the neighborhood 635 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. and in the high school at Greenville. At the age of eighteen he commenced teaching school and taught eighteen months before attaining his majority. On the 4th of April, 1 88 1, he entered the office of Allen, Riffle & Otwell, attorneys of Greenville, and began the study of law. In October following he entered the office of Hon. J. W. Sater, with whom he pursued his legal studies until May 1, 1883, on which date he was admitted to the bar by the supreme court at Columbus. He at once began the practice of law at Greenville and on the 4th of February, 1884, forme'd a partnership with Hon. D. L. Meek- er, a connection which continued until May 14, 1888, when the firm dissolved partner- ship on account of the election of Mr. Meeker to the office of common pleas judge. On the 1st of July, 1888, Mr. Bowman entered into partnership with Hon. C. M. Anderson, with whom he is still associated, and they enjoy a large and lucrative practice. They rank among the ablest attorneys of Darke county, and, as prominence at the bar comes through merit alone, their skill and ability are attested by the liberal patronage they receive. ABDEL PETERS. Abdel Peters, who has served his fellow townsmen in official positions and is known as a practical and progressive agriculturist of Darke county, was born in Richland town- ship on the 14th of October, 1855, a son of Christian and Marie (Sloniker) Peters, who had a family of two sons and one daughter. The father was born January 13, 1815, in Oldendorf, Prussia, and died on the 10th of March, 1893, at the age of seventy-eight years. He remained in the country of his birth until 1847, when he determined to seek a home in America, believing that he might better his financial condition in the land of the free. He had no money to pay his pas- sage, but he borrowed the necessary amount and in a sailing vessel crossed the briny deep from the city of Havre, France. Eleven weeks had elapsed before the passengers sighted land. Mr. Peters not only came to this country a poor man, but was totally un- acquainted with the English language. He possessed strong and resolute purpose, how- ever, and these qualities stood him in stead of capital. After arriving he at once made his way to Dayton, Montgomery county, Ohio, where he began life in the new world as a wage-earner. His first purchase of land was a tract of eighty acres in Richland town- ship, Darke county. It was covered with natural forest trees, which he had to cut away in order to make room to erect his first log cabin. The first barn which he built was also a log structure. He resided in Darke county when there was not a single railroad within its borders and later he worked on the construction of the Panhandle Railroad. He could also remember Green- ville when it was a hamlet containing not a dozen houses. He took an active interest in everything pertaining to the growth and improvement of his county, and he and his wife were liberal contributors toward the erection of the beautiful St. John's church in Greenville township. They also took an active part in the church work, doing all in their power to promote the cause of Chris- tianity. When called to their final rest their remains were interred in the St. John's Lu- theran cemetery, where now stands a beauti- ful monument sacred to their memory. In his political views Mr. Peters was a Demo- crat. His wife, who was born in Adams county, Pennsylvania, in 1827, passed away GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. G39 in 1899. Her children rise up and call her blessed, for to them she was a faithful and loving mother. Maggie, the only daughter, was educated in the common schools and now makes her home with her brother, Abdel, who was the second of the family. Like her parents, she is a member of the St. John's Lutheran church at Greenville. James, a younger son, resides on the old homestead in Richland township, his atten- tion being given to farming. He married Miss Flora Lang and they have one son. Mr. Peters, of this review, remained with his parents until he had attained his ma- jority, assisting his father in the operation of the home farm. He began to earn his own living by working as a farm hand, re- ceiving twelve dollars per month in com- pensation for his services. He was indus- trious and energetic, and with the capital which he had acquired through his un- flagging effort and his economy, he was at length enabled to purchase land. He re- mained with his father until he was twenty- nine years of age and then spent one year in raising tobacco for his brother-in-law, John Clark. After his marriage he rented land in Greenville township for two years, dur- ing which time he saved five hundred dol- lars. This he invested in fifty-six acres of land, their present home, and though he took up his abode upon the place burdened by an indebtedness of thirty-one hundred and forty dollars, his resolute energy en- abled him to courageously face the future. He was assisted and encouraged by his es- timahle wife, who has ever been to him a true helpmeet. When he located on the farm only three fields had been fenced and no fence had been built around the home, which was a poor little structure. Since then, how- ever, Mr. Peters has erected a very pleasant E9 residence and has built a large barn, 90x32 feet, which furnishes shelter for stock, grain and farm implements. In 1899 he also erected a tohacco warehouse at a cost of six hundred dollars. It was on the 1st of May, 1884, that Mr. Peters was united in marriage to Miss Min- nie Shafer, who was born in Montgomery county, Ohio, March 10, 1862, a daughter of Christian and Louisa (Edmire) Shafer, whose family numbered eight children, two sons and six daughters. All are yet living and are residents of Darke county. The only sister of Mrs. Peters is Mollie, wife of Louis Dohma, a business man of Greenville. The father is now a resident of Greenville township, is a successful farmer and honored citizen. The mother, however, has passed away. Mrs. Peters was only two years of age when brought by her parents to Darke coun- ty. She received a good education in the German tongue and when about fifteen years of age was confirmed as a member of the Lutheran church. By her marriage she has become the mother of one son and two daughters. Susie, the eldest, was confirmed at the age of fourteen years in the Lutheran church by Rev. C. H. Mayer. She possesses considerable musical ability. Louisa, the sec- ond daughter, is attending school, and Clar- ence completes the family. The parents have a thorough appreciation of the value of ed- ucation and intend that their children shall have good advantages in that direction, re- ceiving intellectual training in both the Ger- man and English languages. Both Mr. and Mrs. Peters enjoy the high regard of many warm friends in the community. He ex- ercises bis right of franchise in support of the men and measures of the Democratic party and cast his first vote for i [on. Samuel J. Tilden in 1876, since which time he has 640 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. upheld the principles of Democracy. He has served as township trustee, having been elected to that office in 1895 for a three-years term. He discharged his duties so capably that he was re-elected in 1898 and is there- fore the present incumbent, being recognized as an official who has the public good at heart and is prompt and reliable in perform- ing the duties which devolve upon him. As a business man he is energetic and trust- worthy. His time is given to the cultivation of corn, wheat, oats and tobacco, and he is a practical and progressive farmer. His h^me is pleasantly situated about a mile ;md a half from Dawn, two and a half miles from Ansonia and nine miles from Green- ville, the county seat. Everything about his place is neat and thrifty in appearance and the owner is regarded as one of the leading agriculturists of his community. His en- tire life has been spent in this locality and Darke county may well be proud to number him among her native sons. His wife is a most estimable lady, who has been to him a capable assistant, and, like her husband, she enjoys the regard of many friends. WILLIAM M. HARPER. William Marii n Harper is the proprietor of one of the oldest established jewelry houses of Greenville and belongs to that class of enterprising merchants who. in the legiti- mate channels of trade and by the careful management of their business interests, an- nually augment their capital, and are known as substantial residents of the communities which they represent. Mr. Harper was born in Greenville town- ship, Darke county, upon his father's farm October 30, 1835. He is a son of William Sanford Horner, who was born in Trumbull county, Ohio, July 11. 1810, and became one of the early settlers of this section of the state. He married Miss Delilah Arnold, a native of Ohio and a daughter of William Arnold. On leaving Trumbull county Will- iam Sanford Harper took up his abode in Butler county, Ohio, and thence came to Darke county, in 1823, locating on a farm in Greenville township, where he remained un- til 1874. In that year he took up his abode in the city of Greenville, where he is still living, in his ninetieth year, — a venerable old man, receiving uniform respect from' young and old, rich and poor. His first wife, whom he wedded September 5, 1832, died on the farm in 1875. She was the mother of four children: Elizabeth, the wife of Thomas Culbertson; William M. ; John; and Catherine, who died in her eleventh year. In 1875 Mr. Harper was again mar- ried, his second union being with Mrs. Sarah J. Culbertson, the widow of John Culbert- son and a daughter of Peter Elston. Mrs. Harper was born in Washington township, Darke county, December 29, 1823. In the usual manner of farmer lads Will- iam M. Harper, of this review, spent his boyhood days and in the district schools of the neighborhood he acquired his education, to which he has added by reading, observa- tion and experience until he has become a well informed man. At the age of twenty- one he entered upon his business career, learning the jeweler's trade of Mr. Webb in Greenville, to whom he served a regular ap- prenticeship. On its completion he started in business for himself in Greenville and for a time was associated with Mr. Webb. He now has a large store and carries a good stock of clocks, watches and silverware. As he is a practical and skilled workman he also does much repairing and cleaning and GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 041 adjusting of high-grade watches in his line. During his long residence in this city he has become widely and favorably known and lias also many acquaintances throughout Darke county. Many of these are numbered among his patrons and he is enjoying a good trade, which shows that his business meth- ods are reliable and that he has the con- fidence of the community. On the 13th' of November, 1861, Air. Harper was united in marriage to Miss Helen M. Angel, of Bluffton. Indiana, a daughter of David Angel and Adaline Por- ter Angel. Tliev had two sons, William Angel, who was born August 5, 1862, and is now living in Columbus, Ohio ; and Harlie Bliss, who was born February 17, 1869, and died November 24, 1899, at the age of thirty years. The sons learned the jeweler's art in their father's store and became expert en- gravers and jewelers. The mother passed away November 1 1, 1877. Mr. Harper mar- ried Mrs. Vicie C. Barnhiser, of Eaton, Ohio, August 4, 1886. She died in Green- ville January 22, 1S91. He was again mar- ried, February 15, 1893, Miss Anna E. Manor, of Greenville, Ohio, becoming his wife. She was the daughter of William Manor, who was a Union soldier in the civil war and died in the service. Mrs. Eliza- beth Manor, her mother, is still living, is eighty-three years of age and retains her mental faculties. She is loved and honored by all who know her. Mrs. Harper was a teacher in the public schools of Greenville for several years. She and Mr. Harper are leading and valued members of the Meth- odist Episcopal church and are highly re- spected by all who know them, and the circle of their friends is only limited by the circle of their acquaintances. Mr. Harper is a man of even temperament, of refined char- acter and appearance. Nature deals kindly with the man who abuses not her laws, and though he has long been in business age rests lightly upon him. JACOB K. TURNER. Prominent among the business men of Greenville, Ohio, is numbered Jacob K. Tur- ner, who is now successfully engaged in the real estate and loan business. He is a na- tive of this state, his birth occurring in the village of Liberty, Montgomery county, De- cember 5, 1838, and he is a son of Daniel and Elizabeth (Burtch) Turner, both na- tives of Pennsylvania. The father was born in Lancaster county and in early life learned the cabinetmaker's trade. After his mar- riage he located in Liberty, Ohio, where he followed his chosen occupation for sev- eral years and enjoyed a large trade, as all of the furniture at that day was made by hand. Pie also manufactured coffins and in that branch of his business was kept ex- tremely busy, especially during the cholera epidemics in 1S48 and 1850. The subject of this sketch began his ed- ucation in the public schools of Liberty, but having lost his mother when he was quite small he removed to a farm and completed his education in the country schools, which he attended until eighteen years of age. Subsequently he was variously employed un- til 1862. when he came to Greenville and obtained a position as a clerk in the store of Adams & Snyder, dry-goods merchants, with whom he remained for three years. During the following seven years he was in the employ of Moore & Wenner, also merchants of Greenville, and at the end of tint time embarked in the ) business on his own account at that place. On dis- 612 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. posing of his stock of groceries he turned his attention to the real estate and loan busi- ness, to which he has since devoted his en- ergies, handling farm and city property for both local and eastern parties. In this en- terprise he has met with well deserved suc- cess. In 1864 Mr. Turner was united in mar- riage with Miss Sarah Doty, who died the following year. For his second wife he mar- ried Miss Lanasa Meisse, of Greenville, a daughter of the late Dr. Meisse, an early settler and one of the prominent physicians of that place. By this union were born four children, namely: William A., who is in the railroad service at Washington, D. C. ; Frank A., who is interested in the same business at Decatur, Alabama; August M., a civil engineer in the Indian territory; and Rome E. Turner, at home. GEORGE S. BYRD. Long a resident of Darke county, Mr. Byrd belongs to that class of enterprising American citizens who while promoting their individual success also contribute to the public good through the support of many measures which they believe will prove of general benefit. He is numbered among the native sons of the county, his birth having occurred within its borders June 2, 1843. He is the eldest of a family of ten chil- dren, four sons and six daughters, who were born unto Abraham and Emma (Radfeld) Byrd. The father was born in Rocking- ham county, Virginia, February 18, 1804. and his parents were natives of Germany, whence they emigrated to the new world, becoming the founders of the family in America. He remained with his parents during his minority and gave to them the benefit of his services. At an early age he learned the brick and stone mason's trade and later in life became an agriculturist. His educational privileges were limited, but he was reared to be an honest lad and to make the most of his opportunities, and steadily he advanced in life, commanding the respect of all with whom he came in contact. In 1838 he started westward and made a trip through Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Kentucky on horseback, after which he returned to his home. He visited the site of the present city of Springfield, Illinois,, when there were but few houses there and almost the entire state was in a barren, un- cultivated condition. In 1840 he took up his abode in Darke county, purchasing eighty acres of land almost entirely unim- proved, the greater part of it being covered with a dense growth of timber, but a small clearing had been made. Upon that farm he made his home un- til his death, which occurred April 28, 1887. His brothers, Peter, Jacob and William, were soldiers in the war of 181 2, in which the noted Indian chief, Tecumseh, took part. He had formerly been a resident of what is now Darke county. The father of our subject was an ardent advocate of De- mocracy and cast his first presidential vote for Andrew Jackson. He was always a firm supporter of the principles of the party, but never sought political preferment for himself. His wife, who was born in Read- ing, Pennsvlvania, November 17, 1820, is still living on the old homestead in Wayne township. She is a member of the Lutheran church and a most estimable lady. The rec- ord of her children is as follows: Hannah is the widow of David Shafer, a resident of Webster, Darke county. Jacob F. is a mechanic living in Webster. Sarah Isabel GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. C43 is the wife of James Young, a mechanic living at Dawn, Ohio. Mary M. resides with her mother on the old homestead in Wayne township. Abraham and Emma were twins and the latter is deceased, but the former is married and follows farming in York township. Henrietta resides with her mother on the old home farm. Lucy A. is the wife of Thomas Omerod, a salesman of Warren, Indiana ; and Sylvester is a farmer living at Green Mountain, Marshall county, Iowa. In taking up the personal history of George S. Byrd we present to our readers the life record of one who is widely and favorably known in Darke county. He acquired his education in the common schools, the first school he attended being a log structure with a mud and stick chim- ney; the rooms were heated by a large old- fashioned fireplace and the benches were made of slabs placed upon wooden pins, while the desks used by the '"big boys and girls" was a board in the rear end of the building laid on pins inserted in the wall. The birchen rod and the old dunce block were important factors in the discipline of the school. Mr. Byrd laughingly tells how, in punishment of some boyish prank, he was forced to sit upon the dunce block with a sunbonnet on his head. The amuse- ments enjoyed by the young people of that day were apple-parings, corn-huskings and taffy-pullings, together with other innocent games which are now known only as mem- ory reverts to them. Greenville, during the time of Mr. Byrd's boyhood, contained only about seven hundred inhabitants and he can well remember the first train which ran over the Dayton & Union Railroad. He witnessed the building of all of the fine pikes of Darke county and aided in the construc- tion of the Brandon pike. Mr. Byrd spent a part of the year 1865 in Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota on a prospecting tour, but preferring Ohio as a place of residence he returned home. He was married on the 15th of February, of the following year, to Miss Amanda Plessinger, and unto them were born four children, three sons and a daughter, all yet living. Mrs. Byrd was born in Richland township, Darke county, March 16, 1839, a daughter of Nicholas and Rachel (Miller) Plessinger. Her father was born in Pennsylvania September 24, 1808, and died January 19, 1885. He was a lad of about twelve years when he came to Darke county, arriving on the 1st of No- vember, 1820. He made his way at once to Richland township, where he afterward purchased eighty acres of timber land of the government, walking to Cincinnati to make payment thereon. He added to his possessions until he had accumulated two hundred and twenty-seven acres, constitut- ing a valuable farm, which was one of the earliest developed in the county. In politics he was a Democrat and was of German lineage. In his family were- six children, a son and five daughters, but only two are yet living, — Leah, wife of J. J. Winbigler, and Philip J., a prominent farmer of Rich- land township. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Byrd are as follows: Philip F., the eldest, was educated in the common schools and follows farming near Green Mountain, Marshall county, Iowa, and is a Democrat in politics. Rachel O., who was born on the old homestead and attended the com- mon schools, is her father's housekeeper. She is a member of the Christian church at Beamsville and a devoted member of the Sister's Home, Rebekah Lodge, No. 216, at Versailles. She has held all of its offices 644 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. and is at present deputy grand master. In April, 1899, she was alternate to the grand association of the grand lodge, at Piqua, and she has the honor of being the second member of the Versailles lodge that has taken that degree in the grand lodge. She also belongs to the Ladies' Aid Society of the church and is a young woman of pleas- ing manner, highly esteemed throughout the community. Ira M. married Miss Ella Mitchell and follows farming in Marshall county, Iowa. Herschel M. is associated with his father in the real estate business. He acquired a good practical education and is devoting his energies to farming. In politics he is a Democrat and cast his first vote for William J. Bryan. In manner he is courteous and genial and has many friends throughout the community. Mr. and Mrs. Byrd began their domestic life upon a rented farm in Adams town- ship. Their capital was very meager, but they were industrious and economical and their resolute wills enabled them to over- come many difficulties. In the spring of 1880 Mr. Byrd made arrangements to pur- chase his present farm of one hundred and seven acres and installed his family in their new home, where they lived happily until death entered the household on the 24th of September, 1885, carrying away the wife and mother. She was most devoted to her family and her loss was indeed a great blow to husband and children. She was a de- voted member of the Christian church at Beamsville and a woman whose many ex- cellencies of character endeared her to all. Her remains were laid to rest in the Green Lawn cemetery at Versailles, where a beauti- ful granite monument has been raised to her memory. The following obituary was written by C. W. Heoffer, her pastor : "Amanda (Plessinger) Byrd, wife of George S. Byrd, died September 24, 1885, aged forty-six years, six months and eight days. She united with the Beamsville Chris- tian church in i860 and lived a faithful member till death. In her death the church has lost one of her valued members and the community one of its shining stars. Sister Bvrd was an affectionate wife and a loving mother. Though dead, yet she speaks bv her pure life and noble example. She leaves a husband, four children, brother and sister and a host of relatives and friends to mourn her loss. '"Dearest sister, thou hast left us ; Here thy loss we deeply feel ; But 'tis God that hath bereft us : He can all our sorrows heal. "Yet again we hope to meet thee, When the day of life is fled; And in heaven with joy to greet thee, Where no farewell tear is shed." Since casting his first presidential vote for General George B. McClellan, Mr. Byrd has always been a stalwart Democrat. He has served for thirteen years as school di- rector and the cause of education has found in him a warm friend who has done effective service in its behalf. In 1897 he was elected by a handsome majority to the office of township trustee and capably filled the posi- tion. Socially he belongs to the Versailles Lodge. Xo. 286. I. O. O. F., in which he has passed all the chairs. He took the past grand degree at Sidney, Ohio, in May, 1896. He, too, belongs to the Christian church at Beamsville and has contributed to the building of three other churches in this part of the county. He is a man whom to know is to respect and honor, for his life has been an active, useful and upright one. GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 645 He enjoys the friendship and regard of all with whom hs has associated and through his long residence in Darke county he has made many friends. Mr. Byrd, with his daughter, Rachel, and son, Herschel, still resides on the old home place and their standing is high in the community. JAMES B. AVERY. The subject of this sketch needs no spe- cial introduction to the readers of this vol- ume but the work would be incomplete with- out the record of his life. He has ever cheerfully given his support to those enter- prises that tend to public development and has done all in his power to advance the moral, educational and social welfare of his township and county. This worthy citizen of Greenville town- ship, whose home is on section 3, traces his ancestry back to Christopher Avery, who was born in Wiltshire, England, in 1590, and who, tradition states, came to America in 1630 or 1631 and landed in Salem, Massa- chusetts, though his home was for the most part in Boston. He had one son, James, who subsequently settled in Connecticut and from whom all the Averys in New England are descended. He left four sons, one of whom was an ancestor of our subject. The family has always been well represented in the wars of this country. Some have been noted in professional life and have dis- tinguished themselves in letters and politics, but it has been in manufacturing circles that they have been most prominent. Elroy M. Avery, of Cleveland, Ohio, is the author of a series of school text books and has rep- resented his district in the state senate, and in ministerial work members of the family are scattered through the various Protestant denominations. Our subject was born in New London county, Connecticut, August 27, 1826, a son of Billings and Prudence Avery, in whose family were four children, three of whom reached years of maturity, namely : James B., Theopolis and Amos G. Theop- olis is now deceased. The father died in Connecticut July 15, 1833, a t the age of thirty years, and the mother March 23, 1833, at the same age. In the county of his nativity James B. Avery grew to manhood, aiding in the work of the home farm and attending the local schools. In 1847, °n attaining his majority, he came west alone, and after looking the country over stopped in Greenville township, Darke county, where he taught a district school during the winter. In the spring of 1848 he returned to Connecticut, but the fol- lowing fall he located permanently here, buying eighty acres of the land in Green- ville township where he now resides. To this he has added until he now has one hun- dred and thirty acres, which he has placed under a high state of cultivation. Only a few acres had been cleared when he took up his residence thereon. In the fall of 1848 Mr. Avery married Miss Marcella Earhart, a daughter of Sam- uel and Elizabeth (Scribner) Earhart, early settlers of this county. By this union were- born five children : Prudence M., now the wife of David Hartle, Jr., of Darke coun- ty; Franklin, deceased; Emily, the wife of Orin Hartle, also of this county; Lizzie, the wife of Frank Townsend; and Ira J., who lives with his parents. Samuel Earhart, the father of Mrs. Avery, was a son of George and Mary M. (Smith) Earhart, who were among the first 646- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. settlers of .Warren county, Ohio, and about 1818 came to Darke county, entering land in Greenville township. George Earhart was a Virginian by birth and of German de- scent. He died in Greenville township in 1852, his wife in 1858. They had ten chil- dren, namely: Martin, Samuel and Eliza- beth, all deceased; Mary; Washington; Ma- hala ; William ; Nancy ; Julia and Henry J. They were earnest Christian people the grandfather being a member of the Christian church, his wife of the Presbyterian. Mrs. Avery's parents were life-long residents of Darke county and her father was an elder in the Presbyterian church, to which both belonged. He died in 1854, aged fifty-three years, Mrs. Earhart in 1873, aged sixty- seven. Their children were Marcella. the wife of our subject; Anna M., Mary Jane and William Henry, all deceased ; George F., a resident of Oregon; Samuel M. and Mrs. Elizabeth Sarah Warnfelt, both of Darke county; Stephen James, of Oregon; Isaac S.. of Oklahoma; David, of Florida; and Mrs. Lucinna Mergler, of this county. Azor Scribner, Mrs. Avery's maternal grandfather, came from New York to Darke county, Ohio, in 1806 or 1807 and traded with the Indians. Both he and his brother, Abraham, were soldiers of the war of 181 2. He died in 1822, leaving the following chil- dren : Mrs. Sarah McCann, Mrs. Elizabeth Earhart, Mrs. Rhoda Clare, Mrs. Emily Kidder, Mrs. Maria Gates, Mrs. Nancy Stacy, Mrs. Julia Lee and Mrs. Mary Hool. The mother of these children was three times married, her third husband being a Mr. Davis. She died about 1849. Mr. Avery is a well informed, enterpris- ing man who has taken an active interest in educational affairs, and has efficiently served as a school director many years. He votes the Republican ticket, and both he and his wife are active and consistent members of the Presbyterian church of Greenville, in which he has served as an elder. He is a man of exemplary habits, of strong religious convictions and has endeavored to live up to the teachings of the Golden Rule. He has always been charitably disposed to all worthy enterprises, is well informed on current top- ics, possesses a retentive memory and is in- cisive and clear in speech. In fact he is one of Darke county's best and most valued citizens, a kind husband and father and a good neighbor. GEORGE H. WIXBIGLER. Throughout the greater part of his life George H. Winbigler has been a resident of Darke county and has watched with inter- est its progress and development, withhold- ing not his support from such measures as he believed would contribute to the public good. He belongs to the better class of citi- zens in this community, and the record of his life well deserves a place in its history. He is a native of Montgomery county, Ohio, born on the 4th of March, 1841, and is the second in order of birth in a family of nine ■ children. His father, Samuel Winbigler, was born in Maryland, not far from the city of Washington, D. C, and was reared to agricultural pursuits. His educational ad- vantages were quite limited, for he was only a boy when his father died and he was thus early thrown upon his own reseurces. At the age of fourteen years he became a resident of Montgomery county, Ohio, and from that time until his death was dependent upon his own resources. In 1845 he emi- grated to Darke county and settled upon ninety-four acres of dense forest land, which GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 647 had been entered from the government by Jacob Weaver, father of Mrs. Winbigler. His first home was a log cabin, and the subject of this review well remembers that primitive structure. The father continued a resident of Darke county until his death, devoting his energies to agricultural pur- suits. In politics he was a Jeffersonian Democrat and supported Stephen A. Doug- las, "the little giant of the west." He served as township trustee and in other official po- sitions, discharging his duties in an able manner. He and his wife were members of the Lutheran Reformed church in York township, and this organization he aided and also contributed liberally to the build- ing of the house of worship. He was of German descent, and possessed many of the sterling characteristics of his German an- cestry, being economical, thrifty and enter- prising. In this way he acquired a com- fortable competence, becoming the owner of one hundred and thirty acres of rich and arable land. He died May 4. 1876, re- spected by all who knew him, and a beau- tiful granite monument marks the last rest- ing place of himself and his wife in the Lutheran cemetery in York township. Mrs. Winbigler bore the maiden name of Ann Maria Weaver and was born in Montgomery county, Ohio, February 13, 1821. She died December 9, 1887, at the age of sixty-six years, and, like her husband, was a con- sistent Christian. Of their family of three sons and six daughters all are yet living: Jacob, who resides in Versailles with his family, was formerly a teacher, but is now engaged in the insurance and loan business; George H. is the next of the family; Uriah is married and follows contracting in An- sonia, Ohio ; Sarah is the wife of Irvin York, a farmer and stock dealer residing on the old Winbigler homestead ; Amanda E. is the wife of James Renchler, of Wayne town- ship; Malinda M. is the wife of Levi Kesler, of Versailles, Ohio; Lovina is the wife <>f Oliver Miller, also of Versailles; Jane is the wife of J. B. Werts, a salesman residing in Wayne township; and Louisa is the wife of Warren Plessiuger, an agriculturist of Brown township, Darke county. George H. Winbigler was a little lad of four summers when he came with his parents to Darke county, and since that time he has resided within its borders. He was reared to the work of the farm and has al- ways carried on agricultural pursuits. Fanner boys were at that early day im- portant factors in the development and culti- vation of the land, and educational priv- ileges were in consequence somewhat limited. 1 he methods of farming were primitive and "Air. Winbigler can well remember when horses were used in tramping out the wheat on the barn floor. He can also remember seeing the first locomotive that ever came to Greenville, it making a run over the Day- ton & Union Railroad. At that time he and his brothers had accompanied their par- ents to the town preparatory to making a visit to Illinois. Now the county is crossed and recrossed by the iron rails, which have brought all the improvements ami advan- tages of civilization. Mr. Winbigler has also witnessed the building of all the pikes which constitute such a splendid system of roads in Darke county, and in connection with one of his neighbors, Mr. Berch, he circulated a petition for the building of a gravel pike to Dawn, to intersect another pike, and this road is known as the Win- bigler & Berch pike. He remained with his parents until twenty-five years of age, and during a considerable portion of that time 048 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. the management of the farm devolved upon him. When lie attained his majority It's only property was a horse which his father had given him. On the 25th of November, 1866, Mr. Winbigler chose as a companion and help- mate on life's journey Miss Faith Plessinger, who was born September 20, 1845, an< l died May 24, 1892. On the 21st of July, 1894, he wedded Mary E. Hartzell, who was born in Darke county, November 6, 1846, and is a daughter of Philip and Juliana (Harman) Hartzell. Her father was born January 3, 181 1, in Adams county, Pennsylvania, near the famous battle-ground of Gettysburg, and died April 5, 1873, m Darke county. In early life he followed the hatter's trade. He never attended school after attaining the age of twelve years and was therefore largely self-educated. He often studied by the light of a hickory torch or of a rude lamp filled with grease or oil. In 1836, at the age of twenty-five, he removed from Pennsylvania to Ohio. He married Juliana Harman on the 1 8th of October, 1832, and with a party of twelve they came to Darke county, set- tling at Pikesville. Only three of this party are now living. The journey was made in wagons, and the homes of these settlers were primitive. Mr. Hartzell was always a warm friend of education and gave his chil- dren the best advantages in that line that he could afford. He took an active part in the early development of the county, com- ing here when there was not a railroad with- in its borders. In politics he was a stanch Democrat, and was a true friend of the little red school house. He and his wife were earnest Christian people, and he was active in establishing the Reformed church at Beamsville, about 1840. He also aided in the erection of the first Reformed church at Greenville, of which he and his wife were charter members. The Children's Home, a beautiful structure, north of Greenville, is located on a part of the old Hartzell farm. Mrs. Hartzell was born in Adams county, Pennsylvania, October 21, 18 10, and died June 6, 1893. Her youngest brother, Hen- ry, was a drummer boy in the war of 1812 and was killed at the battle of Lake Erie. In the family of Mr. and Mrs. Hartzell were four sons and five daughters, eight yet living, namely : Clara, who was a successful teacher of Darke county and who is the only living charter member of the first Reformed church at Greenville, and is now the wife of C. F. Bartling, who is living retired in Greenville; George is a farmer of Brown township; Maria, who resides with Mrs. Winbigler; Julia A., who was formerly a successful teacher of Darke county, now en- gaged in dressmaking in Greenville, where she is highly esteemed and is known as a capable worker in the Reformed church, being especially active in missionary work; Philip H., who is the twin brother of Mrs. Winbigler, was educated in the Greenville high school, was formerly a teacher, but is now a carp-enter and joiner of Springfield, Ohio, where he is regarded as a leading citizen, being a member of the Knights of the Golden Eagle, a Democrat in politics and in religious belief connected with the Re- formed church ; Neander, a farmer residing at Okarche, Oklahoma, is the father of trip- lets, Faith, Hope and Charity, and twins, Alpha and Omega; and Reuben H. is mar- ried and lives in Springfield, Ohio, where he occupies the position of foreman in the Superior Drill Company. Mrs. Winbigler spent her girlhood days in Darke county, and, following in her fa- ther's footsteps, became a successful teacher. GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 049 She was educated in the public schools and in the normal school of Greenville, and for nine years followed the profession of teach- ing in Darke county, spending one term as a teacher in the Children's Home. She is a lady of broad, general culture as well as scholarly attainments, and her work in the schoolroom was signally useful and effective. She has also been a most active and earnest worker in the church. She is a member of the Reform Missionary Society, of Green- ville, the Ladies' Aid Society, of Pikeville and of Dawn, and was formerly a member of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union. After his first marriage Mr. Winbigler began farming upon rented land in Richland township. His first purchase comprised forty acres in that township, but later he sold that property and in 1873 bought ninety- four acres on section 21, of which only thirty acres had been cleared. His first home was a little log house, but to-day he has a modern country residence and near by stands a large and commodious barn and other substantia] outbuildings. All the improve- ments and accessories of a model farm are there found. His land is of clay and black soil, well adapted to the raising of corn, wheat, oats and tobacco. His marked in- dustry has been one of the salient features in his success, and lr's life stands in exem- plification of what may be accomplished through determined purpose and enterprise. In politics he has been an earnest Democrat since casting his first presidential vote for Gen. George B. McClellan. He has frequent- ly served as a delegate to county and con- gressional conventions. He is an anti-ex- pansionist and is always firm in support of his honest convictions. He has three times been elected to serve as township trustee of Richland township — a fact which indi- cates the confidence reposed in him. Both he and his wife are warm friends of public schools and believe in employing excellent teachers. He has acted as school director for a number of years and in this capacity has done much for the cause of education. They are earnest Christian people, the former belonging to the Lutheran and the latter to the Reformed church in Greenville, and Mr. Winbigler has contributed toward the erection of four different churches in Darke county. Both he and his wife are representatives of honored and highly re- spected families of this community and well deserve mention in this volume. ISAAC NEWTON BOOKER. Darke county has many enterprising and energetic business men whose success is due to their industry, perseverance and sound judgment, and to this class belongs the sub- ject of this sketch, who is at the head of the hardware trade in North Star. ■ He was born in Huntington county, Indiana, Oc- tober 25, 1863, a son of Jacob and Rebecca ( Detrich ) Booker, the former born in Penn- sylvania, December 17, 1833, the latter in Virginia, November 3, 1839. Our subject never remembers seeing his paternal grand- father, Emanuel Booker, as he died in Mont- gomery county, this state, about 1866. Throughout life the father engaged in farm- ing. He began for himself in a humble way, had a hard struggle, and never ac- cumulated much, though he lived well. He died September 24. 1896, and his wife de- parted this life September 3, 1893, both be- ing laid to rest in Gilbert cemetery, Darke county. They were active members of the German Baptist church and most estimable 650 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. people. In their family were ten children, six sons and four daughters, and with one exception all grew up, were married and are still living, namely : Mrs. Mahala Eliza- beth King, who was born October 27, i860, and has been three times married ; John Henry, a farmer of Miami county, Ohio, born April 5, 1S62; Isaac N., our subject; Benjamin Franklin, a farmer of Darke coun- ty, born June 13, 1865; Mrs. Sarah Jane ^ oung, of Delaware county, Indiana, born January 31, 1867; Jacob Albert, a farmer of Darke county, Ohio, born July 2, 1869; Mrs. Harriet Ann Trissell, born July 22, 1871 ; Samuel Theodore, a resident of Miami coun- ty, born March 9, 1873; Chloe Ellen, de- ceased, born November 21, 1874; and Abra- ham, of Darke county, born September 28, 1876. During bis boyhood Isaac X. Booker received a good common-school education, and remained at home until he attained his majority. On the 22d of January, 1888, he was united in marriage with Miss Lillian Koselle Hartzell, of Greenville township, who belongs to a most worthy and intel- lectual family. Her maternal grandfather, John S. Shepperd, was "a native of this state, while his wife, Susan Hartpence, was bom in New Jersey and in early life came to Ohio. After their marriage, in 1838, they settled in Greenville, and Air. Shepperd became one of its most prominent citizens, serving aj postmaster and in other important official positions connected with the court house. His son, \Y. W. Shepperd, was. recorder and held nearly every county office. He was born October 12, 1841, and died February 3, 1887. He was a man of unswerving in- tegrity and irreproachable habits, and he had the entire confidence and respect of his fellow citizens. His mother, who was a most noble woman, died November 10, 1883. Mrs. Booker's father, Charles W. Hartzell, was born in 1839, and has spent his entire life on a farm in Greenville township, en- gaged in agricultural pursuits. He was married, March 7, 1866, to Emma Shepperd, a native of this county, and to them were born four children, namely : Elmer Sanford, who was born April 14, 1867, assists in the operation of the home farm ; Lillian Rozell, born December 15, 1870, is the wife of our subject ; John Flomer, who was born Septem- ber 22, 1873. is a graduate of Delaware Col- lege, was professor in an educational institu- tion in Pike county, Ohio, and is now a med- ical student in Cleveland; and Olive May, born May 30, 1875, died December 19, 1878, at the age of three years. Mr. and Mrs; Booker have four children : Ethel Leonora, born in 1889; Florence Belle, in 1890; San- ford Charles, in 1892; and Wallace Hartzell, in 1895. In early life Mr. Booker engaged in farming in Wabash township, but in No- vember, 1898, he sold his farm and removed to North Star, buying the hardware stock and trade of R. Mendenhall. He is now doing a large and profitable business, and is the owner of his store building and home in North Star. As a Democrat he takes quite an influential part in local politics, and in 1894 he was elected town clerk, which effice he has filled for six years in a most creditable and satisfactory manner. Re- ligiouslv both he and his wife are members of the Christian church. JOB M. WINTERS. Darke county, Ohio, one of the historical sections of the Buckeye state, has within her borders many men who have left the GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 651 impress of their individuality upon its his- tory — men to whose efforts may be attributed the substantial growth and prosperity of the community and whose labors have led to advancement along' social, intellectual and moral lines. This section of the state, which was once the home of the red men and the abiding place of the noted chieftain well known in connection with Indian warfare which occurred during the time of our sec- ond struggle with England, is now a tract of well tilled fields, the property of prosper- ous agriculturists, whose sons and daugh- ters stand side by side with the children of capitalists and bankers in the colleges and universities of to-day. Washington has said that "farming is the most honorable as well as the most useful occupation to which man devotes his energies," and the utterance is as true to-day as when spoken more than a century ago. It has been largely due to the agriculturists of the community that marked changes have occurred in Darke countv, until it would almost seem as if a magic wand had been waved over this fair region, transforming the wild forests into blossom- ing fields. To this class belongs Mr. Win- ters, the subject of this review. He first opened his eyes to the light of day amid the picturesque scenery of the Blue Ridge mountains, his birth having oc- curred in Fulton county, Pennsylvania, on the 6th of November, 1835. He is the youngest in a family of five children, three sons and two daughters. His parents are George and Anna (Mann) Winters. Four of the children are yet living, namely : John, who formerly followed carpentering and .building, but is now engaged in agricult- ural pursuits in Pennsylvania ; Margaret, who is living in this state; Dorothy, wife of Jonathan Yonker, a farmer of Darke county, Ohio ; and Job M. The father of this fam- ily was also a native of Pennsylvania and was of German lineage. He obtained a good education and became a mechanic. He died July 12, 1836, at the age of forty- two years, when our subject was a little child. His wife, also a native of Pennsyl- vania, died July 30, 1855, at the age of fifty- five years. J. M. Winters, of this review, was reared on the home farm, early becoming familiar with the duties and labors that fall to the lot of the agriculturist. He remained in his native state during his minority and ac- quired a good practical education in' the common schools. He applied himself dili- gently to the mastery of his studies and thus became able to teach, following that pro- fession for a time. As the result of his industry and economy he had acquired a capital of two hundred dollars by the time he attained his majority, and like many other enterprising young men of the east he de- termined to try his fortunes in some of the newer districts of the west. Accordingly he came to Darke county, Ohio, and during his identification with the business interests of this locality he has steadily worked his May upward until he has attained a position among the substantial residents of the com- munity. He chose for a companion and helpmate on life's journey Miss Rhoda Brewer, a native of Darke county, their mar- riage being celebrated on the 1st of March, i860. Eleven children, seven sons and four daughters, have been born of their union, and nine of the number are yet living. Ella, the eldest, is the wife of Thomas Mitchell, a farmer, by whom she has six children. Clara is the wife of William Warvell, a resident farmer of Richland township. Marion, a carpenter and joiner by trade, is €52 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. married and resides in Muncie, Indiana. Rufus, who is also married, is a successful commercial traveler residing in Delaware, Ohio. Orpha is the wife of George S. York, a son of one of the prominent pio- neers of Darke county. George, who was a student in the schools of Greenville, Ohio, and a graduate of the Terre Haute Poly- technic Institute, is now a civil engineer, following his profession in Mexico. Clar- ence is engaged in the dairy business in con- nection with his father and brother, Oscar, who is the next of the family. Homer, the youngest, is an expert mechanic. Mr. and Mrs. Winters have given their children good educational privileges, thus fitting them for life's practical and responsible duties. After their marriage our subject and his wife located en a farm a short distance east of their present beautiful homestead, where Mr. Winters rented land for four years. He then made his first purchase of real es- tate, becoming the owner of eighty acres on section 2$, Richland township. He had little capital and had to go in debt for the oreater part of the land, but by diligence and economy was soon enabled to meet the pay- ments, and as his financial resources in- creased he added to his farm until it now comprises three hundred and forty acres of rich and arable land. The excellent im- provements upon it stand as monuments to his thrift and enterprise. These include a nice brick residence and commodious barns* and outbuildings for the shelter of grain and stock. Mr. Winters engages in the culti- vation of corn, oats, wheat and tobacco and is extensively engaged in the dairy busi- ness in connection with his sons, Clarence and Oscar. Thev began the manufacture of butter in 1895, and to-day have a very modern and complete outfit, their plant con- taining a six-horse-power engine, a complex Baby de Lavel separator and other requisite machinery. Thev have a herd of twenty- six Jersey, Guernsey and Durham cows and manufacture a grade of butter which is un- excelled by any on the market. Their annual output is nine thousand pounds, and their business is carried en on scientific and practical principles, so, that they are enabled to tell the cost of each cow and the revenue derived from the herd, in February, 1900, their butter was tested at Columbus, at the Ohio Dairymen's Association, where it scored ninety-nine points out of a possible hundred, a fact which is certainly creditable, not only to Mr. Winters and his sons, but to Darke countv as well. Oscar Winters is an enterprising young business man, well qualified to carry on the enterprise of which he acts as foreman. Having acquired a good preliminary edu- cation in the common schools, he took a course in the Dairy School in the State Col- lege of Pennsylvania, and is therefore very competent in the line of his chosen work. The firm finds a ready sale for all the but- ter the}- can manufacture and expect to en- large their facilities at an early date. For thirty-six years Mr. and Mrs. Win- ters have resided in Darke county and are numbered among its most highly esteemed citizens. In politics he has been a stanch Democrat since casting hi.s first presidential vote for Stephen A. Douglas, the little giant of the west." He has always stanch- ly upheld the. banner of Democracy and advocated those principles and measures which tend to promote the best inter- ests of the masses. His felow towns- men, recognizing his worth and ability, have elected him for nine consecutive terms to the office of township treasurer, wherein he has GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 653 discharged his duties in a most creditable manner. The cause of education finds in him a warm friend, and for six or eight years lie has served as a member of the school board. He has frequently been a delegate to county and congressional conventions and is a recognized leader in the ranks of his party in this locality. Both he and his wife are devoted members of the Christian church at Beamsville, and contributed generously of their means toward the erection of the house of worship there. He has also aided in the upbuilding of the churches at Brock and Ansonia, and has not withheld his sup- port from other measures and movements which tend to the betterment of mankind. His son, Oscar, is organist in the Sunday school of the Christian church at Beams- ville. The family is one of prominence in the community, enjoying the high regard of all with whom the)' have come in contact. WILLIAM ALLEN. William Allen, the prominent lawyer, judge and legislator of Greenville, Ohio, was born in Butler county, this state, August 13, 1827, and died July 6, 1881, in Green- ville. His father, John Allen, was a native of Ireland, born January 26, 1800, and came to America in 1812. After residing six years in New Yi irk, he located in Butler county, Ohio, in 1818, and in February, 1838, moved his family into the sparsely settled forests of Darke county, where he erected a log-cabin, having a split-log floor and nnul and stick chimney. He died on the 2d of October, 1858, a very much respected citizen. He possessed fine conversational powers, and in the latter part of his life was a preacher of the United Brethren church. Our subject was favored with the ad- vantages of the common schools only, yet by earnest personal application he qualified himself to teach the English branches at the age of fifteen, and in this way for sev- eral years employed his winters. At the age of nineteen he began reading law under the late Felix Marsh, of Eaton, Ohio, was admitted to the bar in June, 1849, and the following October began practice at Green- ville. He met with success in his chosen calling and became one of the most promi- nent and successful lawyers of Darke county. On the 30th of September, 1851, Mr. Allen married Miss Priscilla, daughter of John Wallace, a native of Pennsylvania, and an early pioneer of Butler county, Ohio, who settled in Darke county in 1834, and died in the summer of 1863, at the age of about eighty years. He was always recog- nized as an upright man and an excellent citizen. The children born of this marriage were five sons and three daughters, of whi ;:i only one son is now living. (His sketch is given next). Four of the children died of diphtheria under the most afflicting cir- cumstances, and within the brief space of two months. This was in the winter of 1861, when Mr. Allen was summoned home from Washington city to the scene of be- reavement. Early in life Mr. Allen became promi- nently identified with public affairs, and has been called upon to fill several important official positions. In the fall of 1850 he was elected prosecuting attorney of Darke county, and re-elected in 1852. In the fall of 1858 he was elected representative to congress from the fourth district of Ohio, comprising the counties of Miami, Darke, Shelby, Mercer, Allen and Auglaize, and re- elected in i860, thus serving in the thirty- sixth and thirty-seventh congresses. In the 654 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. - winter of 1865 he was appointed by Gov- ernor Cox as judge of the court of com- mon pleas of the first sub-division of the second judicial district of Ohio, com- posed of the counties of Butler, Darke and Preble, to fill an unexpired term in the place of Judge David L. Meeker, re- signed. In 1872 he was a member of the Grant electoral college, and also an elector for Garfield in 1880. The electors of Ohio, after casting their vote for the latter, paid him a visit of congratulation at his home' in Mentor, Ohio. Mr. Allen was again nominated for congress on the Republican ticket from the fifth congressional district of Ohio in the summer of 1878, but de- clined the honor on account of ill health. Of local positions, it may be mentioned that he was president of the Greenville Bank, then a private enterprise, conducted under the firm name of Hufnagle, Allen & Com- pany. Mr. Allen began the world in poverty, was reared in a rough log cabin, and enjoyed none of the golden opportunities for social and educational improvement which are lavishly bestowed on the youth of to-day, but he always made the most of his ad- vantages, and without the aid of influence or wealth rose to a position among the most prominent men of his county, his native genius and acquired ability being the step- ping stones on which he mounted. As a lawyer his career was successful, while his record as a statesman was creditable to him- self and satisfactory to his constituents. BENJAMIN M. ALLEN. This gentleman, the only son of William Allen, was born in the village of Greenville, Ohio, July 3, 1868, and his boyhood was spent there. He obtained his education in its public schools, was an apt student and was graduated in the high school in the year 1888, passing through a five-years course of study with credit to himself. He then took a commercial course at Eastman's Business College at Poughkeepsie, New York. Re- turning to Greenville he turned his atten- tion to farming and stock raising until 1899 and had one of the finest herds of blooded cattle in the state of Ohio. He afterward discontinued his farming operations and is now successfully engaged in the real estate and fire insurance business in Greenville. On the 14th of August, 1889, Benjamin M. Allen was united in marriage with Miss Jennie E. Gaskill, a daughter of Abram and Sarah A. (Youart) Gaskill. Her mother was an own cousin of Lord Gladstone, of England. Mrs. Allen died February 12, 1899, leaving one daughter, Alcie, born February 12, 1891. On the 5th day of June, 1900, Mr. Allen was united in marriage to Miss Laura Telma Shearer, daughter of Samuel and Sarah A. Shearer, of Somerset, Perry county, Ohio, the former now deceased. CYRUS ZELLER. Among the native sons of the Buckeye state is numbered Cyrus Zeller, and Darke county has reason to be proud of such a citi- zen. His home has always been within the borders of Ohio, and he is a loyal citizen of the commonwealth, whose life has been hon- orable, characterized by fidelity to duty in every relation of life in which he has been placed. He was born near the beautiful city of Dayton, ami traces his lineage back to German ancestry. The family has ever been celebrated for the high character of its BL^: ifl Cyrus Zeller. Mrs. Cyrus Zeller. GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. G55 representatives, including a number of min- isters, physicians and other men of note. One of the number, a brother of Mr. Zeller's grandfather, was a bishop of the United Brethren church of Ohio, and wherever the name of Zeller has been known there have been found men of sterling worth and probity. He whose name introduces this record was born on the 4th of September, 1835, and is the second in the family of eight children. He had four brothers and thre~ sisters and the parents were George and Susan (Rie- gel) Zeller. The father was born in Mont- gomery county in 18 10, and died about the year 1861. He was educated in both the German and English languages, and al- though he started out in life upon his busi- ness career a poor man, he steadily worked his way upward, overcoming all difficulties and obstacles in his path. He was careful and methodical in his business methods and untiring in his labors, and his word was con- sidered as good as any bond that was ever solemnized by signature or seal. He be- came the owner of one hundred and fifty- three acres of land in Montgomery county, and had in addition considerable money. The industry and perseverance so character- istic of his German ancestry were manifest in his daily life, and it is also shown forth in the business careers of his children. The precept, "Do unto others as you would that they should do unto you," he made the rule of his life, and this was manifested in his many benevolent actions. He aided liber- ally in the erection of churches in his neigh- borhood and the poor and needy always found in him a friend who never turned them from his door empty-handed. His good deeds are a monument to his memory more enduring than any slab of granite or 4.0 of stone, and have caused him to be grate- fully remembered by many who had a prac- tical demonstration of his kindness. He left to his family not only a comfortable property, but also that good name which is rather to be chosen than great riches. His was not an exalted or pretentious life, but his character was noble and upright and his example well worthy of emulation. His wife, who was his faithful companion and helpmeet in all of his good work, was a native of Berks county, Pennsylvania, born about the year 18 10, and she lived to reach the seventy-fifth milestone on life's journey. She brought up lur children in the fear and admonition of the Lord, being a devout member of the United Brethren church. She, too, belonged to an old Pennsylvania German family. The first home of the Zeller family in this locality was a log cabin that still stands, one of the few landmarks that indicate the contrast of the past with the present prog- ress. The children of George and Susan (Riegel) Zeller once formed a band of eight around their fireside, but only three are left to relate the story concerning their pioneer home in the early days in the development of Ohio. Cyrus is the eldest survivor. Abia, the second, served as a soldier during the civil war, and at its close received an honorable discharge. He is now a tobacco raiser and cigar manufacturer, residing in German township, Montgomery county, Ohio. Mary E., the only living daughter, is also a resident of Montgomery county. Cyrus Zeller is the only one of the name now living within the borders of Darke county. He has followed closely the path of right and duty, and his history is a credit tc the family. In the common schools he acquired his education, becoming familiar 6-36 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. with the elementary branches of the English language. 1 he sports of youth and the labors of the farm also claimed his attention, and his practical training in the fields well fitted him for his work in later years. lie has devoted much of his leisure time to read- ing, becoming familiar with many standard works which tend to elevate thought and im- prove character, his greatest study being of the Bible. In business he has ever been known as an enterprising agriculturist, and was identified with the farming interests of Montgomery county until 1864, when he came- to Mississinawa township, Darke county, and pmxhased one hundred and forty-three acres of forest land. The trees stood in their primeval strength and the place was destitute of improvements. Mr. Zeller, however, built a log cabin home and in true pioneer style began life here, being ham- pered by an indebtedness which, however, he was soon enabled to pay off, for his earn- est, untiring labor added yearly to his capital. He worked in the fields from early morn un- til late at night, clearing away the trees and preparing the land for the plow. Ultimately rich harvests were garnered where once stood the wild forests. Good buildings were erected, including a substantial resi- dence and barn, and the Zeller homestead is now one of the most desirable and attractive in the township. The land has been tiled and has thus been transformed into a richly cultivated tract which yields to the owner a golden tribute in return for the care and labor bestowed upon it. Mr. Zeller still re- tains the ownership of the homestead, which property he acquired by his own hard labor, his frugality and economy. In recent years he has inherited seme property from his par- ents, and that he is a kind and indulgent fa- ther is shown by fact that he has purchased for each of his children a good farm, thus enabling them to start out in life in com- fortable circumstances. He has recently purchased what is known as the Samuel Pat- terson farm in Brown township, comprising one hundred and twenty acres, and has added this to his other valuable accpj.sitions. On the 2d of November, 1862, Mr. Zel- ler was united in marriage to Miss Mary Ann Jenkinson, whose birth occurred in Darke county, on the 1st of March, 1843. Their marriage was blessed with nine chil- dren — four sons and five daughters — and with one exception all are yet living, namely : Emma F., the wife of Gilbert R. Hand, an agriculturist living in Brown township; George W., who wedded Mary Hart and makes his home in Monroe township; Mary Elizabeth, the wife of John Van Scoyk, a farmer of Twin township ; John Wesley, who married Miss Ola Martin and is a farmer of Allen township; Susan C,. the wife of Fred D. F. Amspaugh, an agriculturist of Brown township ; William Henry, who died February 22, 1S80, aged seven years, seven months and twelve days; Addie B., the wife of Delmont T. Bolinger; Delia, the wife of Frank Rhoades, of Mississinawa township ; and David M., born March 6, 1881, who is living in the same township. In 1896 a great bereavement came to the family in the death of the wife and mother, who passed away on the 5th of May. She was kind and affectionate, ever careful of the interests of her family and her presence in the household was like a ray of sunshine. Her memory will ever remain as an unalloyed benediction to those who knew her, for hers was a beau- tiful Christian character whose influence was like the pervading fragrance of the vioEt. After attaining his majority Mr. Zeller, of this record, cast his first presidential vote GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 057 in support of James Buchanan, and has stood stanch and firm in support of the Jacksonian principles. His generosity has been most marked, and has led to his liberal contribu- tion toward the erection of six different churches in his immediate vicinity. In man- ner he is kindly and benevolent, quickly touched by the cry of need, his sympathy being easily aroused; nor is it in words only, for his substantial aid has been received in many a household. His life has indeed been a useful, upright and honorable one, and the world is better for his having lived. For many years he traveled life's journey by the side of a loving and loved wife, and her death was the heaviest blow that has ever come to him; but he has borne it with Christ- ian fortitude, believing in a happy reunion beyond the grave. When Mrs. Zeller was called to her final rest, there appeared in the Ansonia Climax the following obituary no- tice : "Mary Ann Zeller was born near Lights- ville, Ohio, March i, 1843, and died May 5, 1896, aged fifty-three years, two months and four days. Her illness was of short duration, proving fatal from' the da)' on which she took her bed. Although her suf- ferings were great, yet she bore them with Christian fortitude, realizing that though her trials here were many, they would soon be over and that she would meet the loved ones who had preceded her to the better world. She embraced religion and joined the United Brethren church in Montgomery county, in 1863, and afterward removed to Darke county and joined the United Brethren church at Rose Hill, and lived a consistent religious life till death. She was married to Cyrus Zeller November 2, 1862. She leaves her devoted husband, five daughters, three sons, five sisters and three brothers. together with a large number of relations and friends to mourn her loss. The funeral occurred at Teegarden's chapel, and was largely attended." Mr. Zeller has reached the sixty-fifth milestone on life's journey, and his record has ever been an honorable one, marked by firm support of principle and fidelity to every duty. To his intimate acquaintances he has ever been a faithful friend and neighbor, and his devotion to his familv has been marked by the most unselfish effort to pro- mote their happiness and welfare. JOHN HERSCHEL MORNINGSTAR. This well-known business man of Green- ville, Darke county, Ohio, was born in that town, January 3, 1851, and is a son of Will- iam H. and Elizabeth (Wagner) Morning- star. The father was born near Xenia, in Greene county, Ohio, September 5, 1805, and in early life followed farming, but later he was for many years engaged in mercan- tile pursuits in Greenville, where he settled in 1840. He continued in active business there until within a short time of his death, which occurred December 28, 1886. His wife, the mother of our subject, died in Greenville, April 7, 1869. Her parents were George and Sarah (Stevens) Wagner. Her father was a native of Pennsylvania and an early settler of Darke county, Ohio. At an early day he came to this county, and spent the remainder of his life in German township. Reared in Greenville, John H. Morning- star acquired his early education in its public schools. Later he was a student at Chicker- ing Institute, in Cincinnati, and subsequently took a commercial course at Eastman's Col- lege, Poughkeepsie, New York. Soon after 653 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. his return home he was united in marriage with Miss Jennie Ferguson, a daughter of Robert H. and Mary A. (Turner) Ferguson, of Dayton, Ohio. Mr. Morningstar embarked in the con- fectionery business in Greenville soon after his marriage, March i, 1S77, and has since successfully engaged in that line of trade. For thirty years he has dealt in ice. He owns a beautiful park containing a small lake skirted by one thousand fruit trees. He has provided a good band stand, boats and seats for the convenience of his guests, and many other accommodations. It has become a popular resort during the warm season, and is frequented by large crowds of pleasure-seekers. Being a pleasant, genial gentleman, Mr. Morningstar thoroughly understands the best methods of conducting such an enterprise. Socially he is a mem- ber of the Knights of Pythias fraternity. STEPHEN SHEPHERD. This progressive and enterprising citizen of Neave township, Darke county, whose home is on section 30, was born near Ham- ilton, Butler county, Ohio, June 22, 1831, and is a son of Dennis and Hester (Stephen- son) Shepherd, both natives of Pennsyl- vania and of Irish descent, the maternal grandparents of our subject being natives of the Emerald Isle. The paternal grandfather was born in New Jersey, of Irish ancestry. After their marriage the parents of our sub- ject came to Ohio and settled in Butler coun- ty, where the father improved a farm and en- gaged in agricultural pursuits throughout his active business life. In politics he was a stalwart Democrat, and was widely and favorably known. He was about ninetv years of age at the time of his death, and his wife lived to be eighty-seven. They had nine children, eight sons and one daugh- ter, and with one exception all grew to man- hood or womanhood. Stephen Shepherd, who was the eighth child and seventh son in this family, was educated in a log school house, and on lay- ing aside his text books at the age of four- teen served a six-years apprenticeship at the blacksmith's trade, after which he en- gaged in the same line of business on his own account. He opened a shop at a little place called Soccom, in Twin township, Darke county, where he carried on business until 1862, when he purchased the farm on section 30, Neave township, where he now resides. Here he has lived ever since with the exception of three years spent in Ar- canum, but at present he is now actively engaged in agricultural pursuits, renting his farm of one hundred and fifty-seven and a half acres to his son-in-law. He is a good horseman and has always devoted consider- able attention to the noble steed and now owns some very good horses, which he is training for the road, having a half-mile track upon his place. In September, i860, was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Shepherd and Miss Ada- line Lowry, a native of Neave township, and a daughter of Reuben and Mary Lowry, early settlers of this county. Mrs. Shep- herd is the second in order of birth in their family of five children. To our subject and Ids wife have been born three children, namely: Clayton T., a practicing physician of Dayton, Ohio; Lizzie C, wife of V. M. Carry, who operates the home farm ; and Percy, better known as R. H. Since casting his first vote Mr. Shep- herd has always affiliated with the Demo- cratic party and taken an active interest in GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 659 political affairs. He served as a trustee of his township five years and is one of its honored and highly esteemed citizens. HARVEY H. BIRELEY. Harvey H. Bireley was born in Green- ville, Darke county, February 22, 1844, and is the fourth son of William J. and Eliza- beth Bireley. His great-grandfather was born in Wittenburg, Germany, was a tanner by trade and emigrated to the United States, locating in Maryland, near Hagers- town, where he spent his remaining days. His son, John, the grandfather of our sub- ject, was born in that locality and was reared to manhood under the parental roof. He learned the trades of tanner and shoemaker and later engaged in the manufacture of paper, also owning and operating a flour- mill. He married Barbara Brindle, and unto them were born eleven children, one of whom, William J. Bireley, became the father of our subject. He was born April 3, 1812, in the family home in Maryland, but his parents removed to Liberty, Mont- gomery county, Ohio, during his early youth. There he learned the shoemaker's trade, and he was wont to relate with pride that on his thirteenth birthday he made com- plete the largest pair of shoes manufactured. (We regret to say that the name of the man who wore the shoes is forgotten ! ) On the death of his father the support of the fam- ily devolved upon William J. Bireley and his mother, so that his educational advantages were limited to about three months' study in the schools. Being of a studious nature, however, he supplemented his school train- ing by extensive reading and observation, and possessing an observing eye and retent- ive memory he became a well informed man. In 1832 he was united in marriage to Eliza- beth Martin, who was born November 19, 1 81 2, a daughter of Christopher and Eliza- beth (Laurimore) Martin, both of whom were natives of Maryland To Mr. and Mrs. Bireley were born ten children, namely : Ira J., deceased; Anna E. ; Henry P.; William W. ; Harvey H. ; Barbara C. ; Rebecca, who died in infancy ; Wade G. ; Margaret, who died in infancy; and Mary R. In 1833 William J. Bireley came with his family to Darke county, locating at Green- ville, where he built a pottery, which he op- erated until 1856. In 1859 he bought a farm in Adams township and commenced the manufacture of lime, continuing in that enterprise until 1862, when he returned to Greenville. During his six years' residence there he dealt in lime and cement and then returned to his farm, where he remained until his life's labors were ended in death, October 9, 1888. His widow is still living on the old homestead, at the advanced age of eighty-eight years. Harvey H. Bireley spent his early child- hood in the city of his birth. In the year 1852 his father purchased the Henry House farm, situated on the Fort Jefferson pike. Among his schoolmates were John and Marion Harper, J, M. Craig, Elizabeth Craig Stephenson, George and Elias Westfall, John, William and Dan Studebaker, James and Isaac Arnold and others. Among his school teachers were D. H. R. Jobes, J. T. Martz, George Martz, John Shepherd and others. During his early years as a student grammar was looked upon with disfavor and was not taught, but Mr. Bireley's fa- ther took an active interest in matters of education and tb rough his efforts a night class for the purpose of studying grammar was formed, with George H. Martz as in- G60 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. structor. Kirkham's grammar was the text book, and once or tw'ce each week during the entire winter the class met and made rapid progress. From that period grammar was taken up as one of the regular studies of the curriculum. While the Bireley family lived upon the home farm they carried on the work of im- provement. There were many clumps of willows growing upon the place, and, wish- ing that he mie\ht cultivate the land, the fa- ther made what was called a "harpoon," to which he attached two yoke of oxen and soon" there were enormous piles of the wil- lows ready for the torch. In grubbing up those trees Mr.' Bireley of this review re- ceived his first lesson at driving oxen, and he drove oxen as long as that farm was owned by his father. The son learned that the best way to treat dumb animals was to be kind to them and such a course he has ever followed. On the 4th of August, 1862, Mr. Birelev enlisted as a musician in Company G, Forty- fourth Ohio Infantry, and the regiment joined the Army of Kentucky. In August, 1862, it became a part of Burnside's com- mand, and on the 17th of that month start- ed on the march to Knoxville, Tennessee, a distance of two hundred and four miles. The regiment to which Mr. Bireley belonged was the first to enter the city. They were besieged from October until the 7th of De- cemher, when General Sherman ra : sed the siege and the troops proceeded to Strawberry Plains, where they engaged and defeated the enemy. 1 hey had received neither clothing nor rations from the government during the siege and had been forced to live upon half rations of bran and cornmeal during a part of the time. The Forty-fourth Ohio veter- anized on the 1st of January, 1864, and returned over the same march of two hun- dred and four miles in the dead of winter, suffering many hardships and discomforts. They were obliged to forage for supplies and slept where night overtook them with- out other shelter than a "dog tent." In February they received their first change of c'othing since the preceding August. They were granted a thirty-days furlough, and i>n their return, in May, 1864, they were mustered in as the Eighth Ohio Veteran Vol- unteer Cavalry and were sent to Virginia under the command of Colonel Owens. Sub- sequently they were transferred to General Phil Sheridan's command in the Shenan- doah valley. The band of which Mr. Bireley was a member was commanded by Sheridan to listen for the signal of the gun, and when they heard it they were to play a national air at double-quick time. The signal was given and the band, stationed between two batteries, struck up Yankee Doodle and the refrain was caught up and echoed by the men along the entire line of five miles, and under the inspiring notes of the music the memorable charge of Cedar Creek was made. On the nth of January, 1865, Mr. Bireley was captured at Beverly, West Virginia, by the troops of General Rosser. He and his fellow prisoners were taken to Charles- ton, Virginia, and then to Libby prison, where they were exchanged February 15, 1865. Mr. Bireley weighed one hundred and fifty-two pounds when captured and one hundred and fifteen pounds when released! 1 hey returned to Camp Chase and received a thirty-days furlough, on the expiration of which time our subject with his command was discharged. May 30, 1865. Returning to his father's farm our sub- ject engaged in the manufacture of lime for two years. In 1867, feeling the need GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 061 cf a more thorough business training, he took a commercial course in the Bryant & Stratton College at Indianapolis. On the 25th of August of that year he was united in marriage to Henrietta V. Weills, who was born May 9, 1850, the eldest daughter of Rev. Solomon and Lydia (Shaffer) Weills. To Mr. and Mrs. Bireley have been born five children — Bessie, Ira, Alma, Agnes and Sylvia. The son died in in- fancy. After his marriage Mr. Bireley removed to Tippecanoe City, where he was employed by Ford & Company in a wheel factory for six years. From there he went to Colum- bus Grove and engaged in the confectionery business for two years, after which he re- moved to Painter's Creek, in Franklin town- ship, Darke county. He has been engaged in general merchandising for seventeen years at this place, conducting a profitable store. He served seven years as township treas- urer, for six years as justice of the peace and for twelve years as postmaster. In pol- itics he is a Republican and since 1873 he has been a member of the Odd Fellows society, belonging to both the subordinate lodge and the encampment. He is also a member of Dan Williams Post, G. A. R., of Pleasant Hill. He and his wife are members of the Methodist church. ALLEN FRY. Allen Fry, a prominent and influential citizen of Neave township, Darke county, Ohio, who is now serving as treasurer of the township, was born on the farm on sec- tion 23, where he now resides, August 19, 1853, and is a son of Thompson and Phcebe (Jeffries) Fry, natives of Preble county, this state, where they were reared and married. It was on the 1st of April 1835, that they came to Darke county. The father, who was born in 1820, died in this county at the age of sixty-two years. He was a fanner by oc- cupation, a Democrat in politics and an ear- nest member of the United Brethren church. He held the office of school director, but never cared for political preferment. His father, Cornelius Fry, who was born in Pennsylvania, of German ancestry, was an early settler of Preble county, Ohio. He followed farming as a life work and held sev- eral minor offices in the county. His brother. Rev. Andrew Fry, a Methodist Episcopal minister, was a prominent citizen of Fort Jefferson, Darke county, and served as jus- tice of the peace for several years. The mother of our subject is still living. Her father, Seth Jeffries, came to this state from New Orleans and was one of the early set- tlers of Preble county. Allen Fry is the seventh child and fourth son of a family of eleven children. He ac- quired his education in the district schools near his boyhood home and early became familiar with the duties which fall to the lot of the agriculturist. He has spent his entire life on the old homestead and is successfully engaged in general farming, having a well improved and highly cultivated tract of sev- enty-seven acres. On the 27th of February, 1876, Mr. Fry was united in marriage to Miss Amanda Schlechty, a daughter of Chr'stian and Mar- garet (Thompson) Schlechty, early settlers of Darke county, where thev were reared and married. They had five children, three daughters and two sons, of whom Mrs. Fry is the fourth in order of birth. To our sub- ject and his wife have been born five chil- dren, namely: Minnie, now the wife of Herman Shellhaus, of Greenville, Darke 66:2 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. county; Frank, now in Minnesota; Harry, Jay and Susie, all at home. By his ballot Mr. Fry supports the men and measures of the Democratic party, and takes quite an active and prominent part in local politics, having been a member of the central committee of his township. He has filled the offices of school director, con- stable and road supervisor, and in 1 893 was elected treasurer of his township, in which position he has served with credit to him- self and to the entire satisfaction of the pub- lic ever since, being twice elected and once appointed to that office. He is also a mem- ber of the Horse Thief Protective Society, and is actively identified with every enter- prise which he believes calculated to prove of public benefit, being one of the most pub- lic-spirited and progressive citizens of his community. NOAH W. BROWN. In the compilation of a work of this na- ture it is always gratifying to the biographer to note the salient points in the career of one who has attained a position of prominence in any field of endeavor, and in the case at hand we have to do with one of the repre- sentative farmers of Darke county, his ex- cellent homestead being eligibly located on section 3, Harrison township, while his post- office address is New Madison. He has at- tained success through his own efforts, is a scion of a worthy ancestry and is well de- serving of honorable mention in this work. Mr. Brown was born in Hampstead, Carroll county, Maryland, on the 22d of February, 1855, being the son of George YV. Brown, who was a native of the same place, his birth having taken place in 1814. He was a blacksmith by trade and was a man of sterling integrity. He married Martha Ann Stich, and of their five sons and four daughters all grew to adult years except the daughter, Elizabeth, who passed away at the age of nine years. One son, Christopher W., died in September, 1899, in his sixty-fourth year. He was twice married and left ten children to mourn his loss. The surviving children of George W. and Martha A. Brown are as follows : Thomas, a resident of Baltimore county, Maryland, has three children; Alverta, the widow of Frank- Peterson, has two children; Sally, widow of John Watson, has three children ; Charles, a resident of Baltimore county, Maryland, has eight children; Noah W. is the im- mediate subject of this sketch; John L. is a successful farmer in Neave township, Darke county. The father of these children died at the a?"e of seventy-eight years, his widow surviving until March 24, 1900, when she passed away at the venerable age of eightv- two years. Noah W. Brown grew up under the sturdy and invigorating discipline of the farm, receiving jhis educational discipline in the district schools, the advantages af- forded in this line being limited in scope, as his services were demanded on the home farm, early and late. He began an appren- ticeship at the blacksmith trade when he was nineteen years of age and soon became an expert artisan. He came to Ohio in 1878 and for two years was employed by the month, working for William Thomas and George M. Noggl'e, to the latter of whom individual reference is made in another sketch appearing within these pages. At the expiration of the interval noted Mr. Brown rented a farm for one year in this county, and he then made ready to establish a home of his own in the proper sense of the GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 663 term, being 1 united in marriage, on the 3d of March, 1883, to Miss Susanna Noggle, daughter of Michael and Mary (Mote) Noggle. The young couple settled on their farm of eighty-three acres, the place, which was entirely unimproved or reclaimed, hav- ing been given to Mrs. Brown by her father. This farm has ever since been the home of our subject, and the place to-day has slight semblance to the primitive forest tract which constituted the original farmstead. The in- defatigable industry and well directed efforts of Mr. Brown have made the place one of the most desirable and attractive of the many fine farms in Darke county, and the im- provements are all of superior character. Our subject raises diversified crops, having grown three thousand bushels of corn and six hundred of wheat as an annual yield, and he gives special attention to the breed- ing of swine of high grade, marketing from three to four droves each year. This branch of his business lias been practically his leading and most profitable enterprise, and though he had severe losses during the ravages of the hog cholera he was not dis- couraged and his efforts have given him good returns. He is recognized as one of the best judges of swine in the county, and is an authority on all matters pertaining to the care and improvement of this sort of stock. By the judicious crossing of breeds he has secured a fine grade of swine, and he controls a large business in this branch of farming industry. In his life he has la- bored without ceasing, has had many ob- stacles to overcome and has been animated by a singleness of purpose which would not recognize defeat. He is thus entitled to much credit for what he has accomplished, and bis inflexible integrity in all the rela- tions of life has won him the confidence and esteem of all with whom he has come in con- tact. Though denied the privileges of scholastic training in his youth he has a high appreciation of the advantages of ed- ucation and his aim is to afford to bis chil- dren the best possible opportunities in this line. In bis political adherency he is a Dem- ocrat, but has been signally averse to ac- cepting official preferment, his only service in this direction having been as road super- visor. Mr. Brown is known as an enterpris- ing and public spirited citizen and is held in high esteem in the community. Fraternally he is identified with the Knights of Pythias. Mr. and Mrs. Brown have a most inter- esting family of children, — one daughter and three sons, — of whom we enter brief record as follows: Bessie E., born Decem- ber 6, 1883, is an attractive young lady, an excellent student and one who has marked musical ability ; George A. was born January 24, 1886; Charles M., August 14, 1889; and Virgil A., March 7, 1894. GEORGE M. NOGGLE. Among the successful agriculturists and representative citizens of Darke county is Mr. Noegle, whose fine farmstead is located on section 3, Harrison township, his post- office address being New Madison. He is a native of this township, having been born on a farm two miles south of his present place on the 7th of July, 1847, tne son °f Michael Noggle, who was born in Lee town- ship, this county, January 10, 18 19. The latter's father, George No°-gle, was born in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, in 1775, and he died on the farm owned by our sub- ject in the year 1853. His father was a farmer of the Keystone state, where he died, the family being of German extraction. 664 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. George Noggle, grandfather of our subject, was married, in Pennsylvania, to Catherine Hoenline, who was born in 1773, and they became the parents of five sons and five daughters, all of whom lived to maturity and had families. George Noggle was a man of great physical power and indomit- able courage, being the hero of many a pugilistic encounter and never having been vanquished. He was very industrious and energetic and he cleared up two farms in this section of Ohio. He came here from Penn- sylvania in 1 81 2, being one of the pioneers of Darke county, where he took up his abode in 181 6. In 1825 he entered one hundred and sixty acres of land in Harrison town- ship, section 15, and there he died in Tune, 1853, his widow surviving until i860, when she passed away at the age of eighty-seven, her death resulting from a severe fall into a cellar of her home. She was a woman of fine presence, being of large stature and noble bearing. The mother of our subject bore the maiden name of Mary Mote, and she was born in this neighborhood June 14, 1821. On the 1 6th of January, 1840, was solem- nized her marriage to Michael Noggle, the groom being twenty-one years of age and the bride sixteen. Mrs. Noggle was the daughter of Jonathan and Susanna (Kefler) Mote, the former of whom was of English ancestry, his birth having occurred in the state of Georgia. He was four times mar- ried, and of the first union six sons and five daughters were born, and there were several children by the second marriage. Of the eleven children of the first marriage and the three sons of the second all lived to pass the half-century mile post on life's journey and five of the number are still living, the eldest being in his eighty-third year. The mother of our subject died at the age of sev- enty-one. Of the five sons and two daughters of Michael and Mary Noggle we offer the fol- lowing data : Phcebe Jane, born April 26, 1 84 1, married and died in 1872, leaving five children; Alfred, born April 4, 1843, died at Richmond, Indiana, in 1895, leaving one son; Ephraim, born May 5, 1845, ' s a farm- er in Butler township, this county, and has six children ; George M., the fourth in order of birth, is the immediate subject of this re- view; David, a successful farmer of Clark county, Ohio, has five children ; Susanna, wife of Noah Brown, is mentioned in an individual sketch of that gentleman else- where in this volume; and Jonathan, born in 1855, died in infancy. The mother of our subject died in 1892, and the father on the 6th of April, 1898. They were people of the highest integrity and were among the honored pioneers of this section of the state. Like his father, Michael Noggle be- gan work at an early age and he was soon inured to the severe labors of clearing up and reclaiming the frontier farms, having cleared up the farm now occupied by our subject and having spent two years in Wa- bash county. He inherited eighty acres from his father and he and his brother, David, took up and owned some four hundred acres in Harrison township. On the farm which is the home of his son, Georp-e M., of this sketch, he erected, in 1868, the fine brick residence which is one of the most spacious and attractive country homes in this section. He farmed on an extensive scale, being as- sisted in his operations by his four sons, being very successful in his cledings in the product of his farms and realizing large profits at a time when these commodities commanded high prices. In 1861 he paid GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. G65 fifty dollars an acre for his land, and the final payment on the same was made within three years. George M. Noggle has always lived on the old homestead and he early became fa- miliar with the various duties involved in successful farming. He received such edu- cational advantages as were afforded by the district schools and this discipline has been most effectively supplemented by his ex- perience in connection with the practical af- fairs of life. On the 1 6th of December, 1869, Mr. Noggle was united in marriago to Miss Cynthia A. Flatter, a native of this town- ship, and a daughter of Perry and Eliza- beth Flatter, both of whom are deceased, the father passing away in 1898. They were the parents of five sons and four daughters. To our subject and his estimable wife have been born nine children, namely: Elmer, who still remains on the old home- stead ; Harry, who died in infancy ; Olive H. ; Ella Viola ; Andrew Porter ; Clara Edna ; Harley Webster; Russell G., who was born June 4. 1892, died at the age of fourteen months ; and Ethel May, an animated little maiden of six years. In politics Mr. Noggle renders alle- giance to the Democracy, supporting the Bryan wing of the party, and he served four years as township treasurer, and has also 1 ten a member of the school board. Fra- ternally he is a member of the Masonic order. ANTHONY T. KNORR. This gentleman is the well known editor and proprietor of the Greenville Deutsche Umschau, the leading German paper pub- lished in Darke county. He was born in Germany, December 25, 1855, and was ed- ucated in his native land, attending first the common schools and later a gymnasium, where he completed his studies. Having thus acquired a good practical education he was well fitted to begin life for himself. In 1876 he came to the United States, sail- ing from Hamburg and landing in New York city. He stopped first in Toledo, Ohio, and from there went to Omaha, Ne- braska, where he remained for a short time and then proceeded to Fort Davis, Texas, where he spent two years and a hal f. On his return north Mr. Knorr first lo- cated in Indianapolis, Indiana, ami En im there came to Greenville, Ohio, entering the office of the Greenville Post, when owned and published by J. G. Feuchtinger. In 1890 he purchased the paper, which he has since published under its present name. It is a well edited sheet, neatly printed in Ger- man and has a large circulation. It is an eight-page paper, 15x22 inches in size, and is issued weekly. Mr. Knorr is an able writer and is a man of social qualities, well liked by all who know him and very highly es- teemed by his friends. WILLIAM C. PLEASANT. This well-to-do and prominent farmer of Van Buren township, Darke county, Ohio, is one of the self-made men of the locality, whose success in life is due entirely to his own well directed efforts and the assistance of his estimable wife. He was born in Gooch- land county, Virginia, December 25, 1S47. His father, William Pleasant, was the son of a slave owner and was born and reared ir Alabama. When a young man he went to Virginia and settled in Goochland county, where he clerked in a store for a time. There he married Ellen Woodson, who was 666 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. born in Powhatan county, Virginia, but alter the death of her parents made her home with her grandmother in Goochland count)', where she grew to womanhood. The father died in 1858 at about the age of thir- ty-eight years, leaving four sons, namely : William C, our subject; Robert F., a resi- dent of Trotwood, Ohio, who married, first, Lizzie Carter and, secondly, Mary Brewer; James, of Dayton, Ohio, who married Katy Erown; and George Washington, of Painter Greek, who married Ollie Miles and has one child, Willis. After the death of her husband the mother held her family together and about 1866 moved to Rockingham coun- ty, Virginia, and three years later to Trot- wood, Montgomery county, Ohio. She is still living and makes her home with her children. The family being in limited circum- stances William C. Pleasant never attended school but one day in his life, and at the early age of eight years he commenced work by the month in order to contribute to the support of the family. He was about twelve when his father died and the main support of the family fell upon his shoulders, as he was the oldest son. He joined the southern army at the age of fourteen years, enlisting in September, 1863, in Goochland county, Virginia, in Company F, Fourth Virginia Cavalry, and was under the command of Captain Hobson, Colonel Mumford and later Colonel Fitzhugh Lee (now general). Without any previous drill he went to the front and the following day took part in the engagement at Raccoon Ford, where, while making a charge, he was wounded in the right side by a piece of bomb shell. For three days and three nights he lay uncon- scious in the hospital, but as soon as reason was restored he would remain no longer and at once rejoined his regiment, being in ac- tive duty continuously until the close of the war. He was in a number of skirmishes, was at Fredericksburg a short time and then went into winter quarters at Charlottesville, Virginia. In the spring of 1864, with his regiment, he proceeded to the Shenandoah valley and met Sheridan's army at Win- chester. They were under fire almost daily during that campaign, their next important battle being at Cedar creek. Marching south tc North Carolina the Fourth Virginia Cav- alry took part in the battle at Weldon Rail- road and captured General Alvorell's com- mand, the general escaping. They were next stationed on the south side of the James river and for seven days participated in the battle of the Wilderness. Being sharp- shooters they generally took a very import- ant part in every engagement. Their next battle was Cold Harbor, after which they proceeded up the Shenandoah valley as far as Stanton, and from there were ordered below Richmond, spending the winter of 1864-5 near that city. Their last fight was the battle of Petersburg, and were with the army until the surrender at Appomattox Court House. After the war Mr. Pleasant returned home and commenced work on a farm. In 1866 he came to Ohio, but being taken ill he soon rejoined his family in Virginia. He accompanied them on their removal to this state, and worked in the nursery of John Wampler at Trotwood for one year, after which he and his brother Robert F. had a rented farm for two years, and then bought five acres of land at Stringtown, Montgom- ery county. Two years later they sold that place and purchased the store of Simon Dunkle at Painter Creek, Darke county, which they conducted together for one year, GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 66'i and then our subject purchased his brother's interest and formed a partnership with Sam- uel Swinger, to whom he sold out a year later. He next purchased a piece of property Jrom Dr. McCrew at Painter Creek and erected thereon a confectory stand which his wife carried on while he devoted his attention to tobacco culture. His next purchase con- sisted of thirty-three acres of land on section 2, Van Buren township, and he later sold his property at Painter Creek and located on his farm March 5, 1881, since which time he has engaged in farming, tobacco culture and the raising of small fruits with most gratifying success. He also owns eight acres south of his farm, and in 1899 he erected a beautiful residence upon his place. Mr. Pleasant was married, Augusc 5. 1878, to Miss Isabelle Miller, who wis born in Van Buren township, April 20, 1857, a daughter of Emanuel and Nancy (Wager- man) Miller, and to them have been born six children, namely: Mollie M., who married Jesse Flory, of Franklin township, Darke county, and they have two children, Roy and Alma; Mattie Rosella, the wife of John Burr of Greenville; and Allie Viola, Vernie For- est, May and Jessie Omega, all at home. Religiously Mr. and Mrs. Pleasant are mem- bers of the Christian church and politically he is identified with the Democratic party. For the success they have achieved in life they deserve much credit, and they are highly re- spected and esteemed by all who know them. WILLIAM S. THOMPSON. Among the honored and highly respected citizens of Patterson township, Darke coun- ty, Ohio, is the gentleman whose name heads this sketch. He was born in Bucks county, Pennsylvania, October 14, 1824, and is a grandson of Staples Thompson, whose parents were natives of England. He spent his last days in Bucks county. He was twice married and reared seven children — five sons and two daughters. David Thomp- son, the father of our subject, was born in Pennsylvania, in 1791, and was married there, in 1818, to Lucy Ridge, a native of the same state. In 1832 they came to Ohio, driving the entire distance and. reaching Warren county after about five weeks spent upon the road. With the few hundred dol- lars which Mr. Thompson brought with him he purchased sixty acres of partially im- proved land, to which he subsequently added until he had a fine farm of one hundred acres in Warren county. There he died, August 31, 1870, aged seventy-four years. Of his twelve children one daughter died in infancy. The others were as follows : Mary Ann, born in 1819, is now the widow of Levi Cleaver and a resident of Warren county; Samuel makes his home in Seneca, Kansas; William S., our subject, is next in order of birth; Mahlon died in Missouri ; Hannah became the wife of William Reason, of Springboro, Warren county, Ohio, and died October 13, 1900, aged seventy-three years; Sadie, who died at about the age of sixty-five years; David Headley met with an accident result- ing in death, June 6, 1899; Thomas is single and resides in Lebanon; Comley died in Perrysburg, Ohio, in middle life; Rachel is the wife of Edward Roberts, of Warren county; and Rebecka is the widow of Marion Allen. The education which our subject received during his boyhood was liberal for the times, and at the age of eighteen he commenced learning the cooper's trade, serving a n ap- prenticeship of one year, after which he fol- lowed that occupation for twenty years. <368 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. For three years he was employed as a fruit tree agent, but now gives his entire time and attention to general farming and stock rais- ing, having located upon his present farm of eighty acres in March, 1872. He ra.ses horses, cattle and hogs, making a specialty of the last named, which he has found quite profitable, handling about fifty head per year. On the 23d of March, 1848, Mr. Thomp- son married Miss Sarah A. Carter, who was born in Rockbridge county, Virginia, in 1827, but during her infancy her parents, William and Nancy (Shaw) Carter, re- moved to Montgomery county, Ohio. About 1837 the family moved to Auglaize county, this state, and settled near Wapakoneta, where in the midst of the forest Mr. Carter developed a farm of two hundred and eighty acres. He died December 24, 1857, at the age of fifty-seven years, eight months and twenty- four days, and his wife departed this life February 12, 1870, at the age of sixty- five years, both being laid to rest in Auglaize count}'. When she was eighteen years of age her name was carved on the Natural Bridge in Rockbridge county, Virginia, near her native place. In the Carter family were twelve children, of whom four sons and three daughters are still living, one son, John, dying in the army. To Mr. and Mrs. Thompson were born six children, namely: Horace Monroe, born April 6, 1859, died at the age of three years: Nettie E.. born October 6, i860, is the wife of Bert Faun, of Bradford, Miami county, Ohio, and they have seven sons and two daughters, one son dying in infancy; Jennie B., born July 10, 1862, is the wife of Eli C. Hanselman, of Piqua, and they have one son and one daughter ; Mary Jane, born near Terre Haute, Indiana, June 14, 1864, is the wife of Isaiah Straker, who lives near Straker's Station, Ohio, and they have one son and one daughter, which died in in- fancy: Anna, born July 11, 1807, is a well educated lady, possessing considerable mu- sical talent, and resides at home ; and Birdie, born October 24, 1870, is the wife of Prentiss Hardman, who assists in the cultivation of the home farm, and they have one son, Cletaus Wayne. Politically Mr. Thompson is a Repub- lican, and socially is a member of Tippe- canoe Lodge, F. & A. M. Both he and his wife are active members of the Christian church and are highly respected and es- teemed by all who know them on account of their sterling worth. WILLIAM A. BROWNE, Sr. William A. Browne, Sr., is the editor and proprietor of the Daily and Weekly Ad- vocate. In 1883, he began the publication of the journal as- the Weekly Advocate, and on the 1st of January, 1890, completed his arrangements and put forth the first issue of the daily paper. His name has long been connected with the journalistic interests of this section of the state, and along the line of his chosen vocation he has wielded a strong influence in support of many meas- ures which have largely contributed toward the public good. Mr. Browne is a native of Cecil county, .Maryland, born April 19, 1842. His fa- ther, the Rev. William A. Browne, was a Methodist Episcopal minister, who for many years belonged to the Man-land conference and continued in the active work of the church up to the time of his death, which oc- curred in 1844. His wife bore the maiden GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. CG9 name of Hester A. Touchstone, and was of English lineage. She survived her husband for many years anil passed away in 1892. In her family were five children, three daugh- ters and two sons. Emma Alice was the eldest, and was a highly cultured lady, who for many years was a regular contributor to the Saturday Evening Post, the New York Ledger and the St. Louis Republic. She was a poetess of national reputation. \\ ill .am A. Browne, whose name forms the caption of this article, attended the com- mon schools and later was a student at West Nottingham, Maryland, until his twelfth year. He then entered the office of the Cec.l \\ hig, at Elkton, that state, and there learned the printer's trade. Subsequently he was employed in the office of the Cecil Democrat, of the same town and county, and later went to Pennsylvania. Afterward he was employed on the force of a newspaper at Brighton, New Jersey, and on leaving the east made his way to St. Louis, Missouri. Subsequently he went to Leavenworth, Kan- sas, and also worked in Cincinnati, Ohio, and other places in the middle states. In 1874 he bought the Covington Gazette, at Covington, Ohio, and remained as editor of that paper for nine years. In 1883 he came to Greenville, Darke county, and founded the Weekly Advocate, which is a neat and well-printed eight-page journal, having a large circulation in the city, county and adjacent districts. In 1890 he estab- lished the Daily Advocate, which is one of the strong Democratic organs of the county. For both papers he has secured a liberal pat- ronage, and those journals are welcome vis- itors in many homes in this section of the state. Mr. Browne is not only a good writer, his editorials being forcible and pleas- ing, but is also a practical printer, familiar with all departments of the newspaper busi- ness. In 1862 occurred the marriage of Mr. Browne to Miss Sarah A. Hawkins, of St. Louis, Missouri, a daughter of Samuel Haw- kins, a prominent resident of that city. 1 he lady is a graduate of Franklin Academy, of St. Louis, Missouri, and by her marriage she became the mother of five sons and four daughters, five of whom are living, namely : Annie, wife of N. J. Kuntz, a prominent lumber dealer of Ohio City, Ohio; Agnes, wife of Thomas G. Wolf, of the Greenville Awning & Tent Company; William A., who is a printer in the office of the Advocate; Walter E., who is also a practical printer; and Lineas M., an electrician of Greenville. Mr. Browne is a member of several of the leading secret orders. In his political faith he has ever heen a stalwart Demo- crat, his labors in behalf of the party being very effective. His chief recreation is found with rod and gun in the lake regions of Michigan, and in the forests of that state, where, as a successful angler, he has suc- ceeded in capturing some splendid speci- mens of the finny tribe. In his business affairs he has prospered, and is now the owner of considerable valuable city prop- erty in Greenville, including his own hand- some and well-furnished residence at No. =;i6 Third street. GEORGE ARNOLD. Darke county can boast of quite a num- ber of enterprising and thorough-going farmers who have given considerable atten- tion to the raising of fine stock, and have met with success in this branch of industry. Among these was George Arnold, a promi- nent farmer who resided on section 24, 670 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Neave township. He was born October 10, 1846, on the farm where he lived until his death and was a son of Ncah Arnold, a na- tive of Warren county, Ohio, who was only six weeks old when brought to this county. Tradition says that the Arnold family was founded in America about the year 1725, by one Arnold, who settled in the southern part of North Carolina, having emigrated from England. It is believed that he was a farmer or planter. He had a family of seven sons, but the names of only two are remembered : Butler, who was a surveyor of government lands in Kentucky, and John, who emigrated from North Carolina to South Carolina dur- ing the Revolutionary war. It is thought that the other members of the family emi- grated to Pennsylvania. The John Arnold just mentioned, on his removal to South Car- olina, purchased land in the Newberry dis- trict of that state. His family consisted of seven sons and one daughter, namely : George, who emigrated to Ohio in 1805; Moses, who removed to Ohio in 1808; Will- iam, who came to this state in 1806; John, Isaac, Jacob and James, who removed to South Carolina ; and the daughter, who be- came the wife of William Jay and located in Buncombe, North Carolina. It is said the sons of the family were tall, straight, well built, of reddish complexion and of a fine personal appearance in manner and dress. Of this family Moses Arnold was the great-grandfather of our subject. He was born in North Carolina, January 6. 1763, and with his father went to the Newberry district of South Carolina, where he was married, August 14, 1782, to Rachel Lynch. ' He owned land two and a half miles south of the Newberry court house. By his marriage he had seven children : Isaac, Aaron, William, Lydia, David, George and Mary. With his wife and all of his children, with the ex- tion of his eldest son Isaac, he emigrated to Ohio in the autumn of 1808, taking up his abode in what was then Warren, but is now Clinton county. There he remained until June, 1817, at which time he removed to Darke county, accompanied by the children who had come with him to Ohio, with the ex- ception of William, who had previously lo- cated in Darke county. He died near Green- ville, Ohio, April 1, 1850, at the age of eighty-seven years, two months and twenty- five days. His wife, who was born in March, 1765, died in Darke county, Ohio, in 1826. The Lynch family to which she belonged was of Welsh descent. Moses Arnold was described as a man five feet, eleven inches in height, florid complexion, brown beard, red- dish hair and small, keen black eyes. He long held membership in the Methodist church and was very strict in attending to religious matters, observing the Sabbath scrupulously, permitting no ordinary work on that day under any circumstances. His disposition was kind and amiable and he was universally respected. He never married again after the death of his wife and spent the last twenty years of his life with his youngest son, George, who occupied the old homestead property. William Arnold, the third son of Moses and Rachel (Lynch) Arnold, was born in Newberry district, South Carolina, March 12, 1789, and in 1808 accompanied his par- ents to Ohio. Previous to that time he had been engaged with his brother Isaac in trans- porting the products of this section of the state to Charleston, which was about two hundred miles distant from his home. Re- turning they would bring with them salt and other articles which were imported at the place and mention is made of negroes GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 671 brought into the interior from slave ships which arrived. His education was limited, for public schools were then unknown in that state. He was, however, a close observer and listener and became well informed on matters of general interest. In politics he was a Whig and was greatly opposed to the policy inaugurated by President Jackson. After coming to Ohio with his parents, he was married in Warren county to Miss Eliza- beth Townsend, on the 4th of July, 1815, In the fall of that year he visited Darke coun- ty, preparatory to his removal thither in the ensuing spring. The land on which he set- tled was the northeast quarter of section 11. township 11, range 2 east. He soon pur- chased one hundred and sixty acres adjoin- ing on the north and ultimately became the owner of four hundred and fifty-six acres. His first home was a log cabin with puncheon floor, but about the year 1827 he erected a two-story brick dwelling, which was one of the first brick houses in the county. He also put up good barns and outbuildings and was a prosperous farmer. On the 5th of Decem- ber, 1825, he was called upon to mourn the loss of his wife, and on the 18th of Septem- ber, 1828, he was again married, his second union being with Margaret Folkerth, who was of German descent, .the family having probably emigrated from Saxony to the new world. In the fall of 1832 and in Septem- ber, 1835, he visited the Eel river country of Indiana, and at the latter date, purchased four hundred acres of land in Whitley coun- ty. A purchase made about this time in Adams county, Indiana, increased his hold- ings to nearly eleven hundred acres. He was a remarkably successful farmer, having started out in life in very limited circum- stances, but year by year he added to his ac- cumulations and became very prosperous. 41 He usually kept from sixty to one hundred head of cattle and his sales annually aug- mented his income. He was naturally adapt- ed to farming and thought it the best and safest occupation that a man could follow, advising all of his sons to adhere to agricul- tural pursuits as being the most advantage- ous. His second wife died February 23, 1867, and at the age of sixty- four years, after a happy married life of thirty-nine years. At that time his daughter Lydia was the only member of the family at home and she remained with her father until his death, which occurred February 12. 1875, when he was almost eighty-six years of age. His children were as follows : Delilah, who was born in Warren county, Ohio, November 9, 1813, married William Sandford Harper, April 5, 1S32, and died at her home near Greenville, Ohio, April 1, 1874; Noah, born February 16, 1816, married Amelia Stingley, September 22, 1839; George, born in Darke county, September 2j, 1818, married Ann Maria Welty and lives in Bluffton, Indiana; John, born November 12, 1820, married Augennette Fogger, who died in South. Whitley, Indiana, April 4, 1855, and after her death he wedded Elmira Thompson, his death occurring at South Whitley, October 11, 1880; Mary, born March 5, 1832, is the widow of Rev. Elisha Hook, a Methodist minister, and is living at Tower Hill, Illinois; William, born November 29, 1825, married Mary Ann Stingley and died at Grand Rap- ids, Wisconsin, in November, i860. Isaac, the eldest child of the second marriage, died April 2, 1836, at the age of six years; Jesse, born October 24, 1831, married Sarah Thomson and lives in North Manchester, In- diana ; Maria A., born December 10, 1833, became the wife of S. V. Hopkins and died October 2, 1887, in North Manchester, In- 672 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. diana; Henry, born March n, 1836. married Annie Cleveland and lives in Huntington, Indiana; Isaac N., born April 5, 1840, mar- ried Susan Luring and also resides in Hunt- ington; Lydia, born April 5, 1844, is the wife of Jacob Worley Ford, of Huntington; James T., born April 5, 1844, married Eliz- abeth Johnson, and after her death wedded Lettie Cleveland, and is now living in Chat- tanooga, Tennessee. The Arnolds have al- ways been connected with the Methodist church and have always been people of prom- inence and influence in the communities in which they have lived. Noah Arnold, the father of our subject. was born in Warren county, Ohio, February 6. 18 16, was reared on his father's farm in Darke county, and, making the most of his educational privileges, was enabled to engage in teaching at the age of nineteen. When twenty-three years of age he left the farm and in February, 1839, embarked in the dry- goods business in Greenville, conducting his store there until 1843. I" September, 1839, he married Emilia Stingley, of German township. On selling his store in 1843, ne purchased a farm of two hundred and forty acres in Neave township, taking up his abode thereon in September of that year. There he made his home and was a witness of the won- derful growth and improvement which has been made in the county, bearing his part in the work of progress and advancement. For nine years he faithfully filled the office of jus- tice of the peace and was notary public for twenty-one years. He became one of the organizers of the Farmers' National Bank of Greenville in 1864, was a stockholder from the beginning and for a long time one of its directors. In 1848 Noah Arnold was called upon to mourn the loss of his first wife. They had four children: Isaac N., the eldest, was born in Greenville, June 7, 1840, and while attend- ing the select schools, he put aside his text- books in 1861 to enlist in Company E, Sixty- ninth Ohio Volunteers. He served for two years and re-enlisted as a veteran. At At- lanta, Georgia, he lost his left arm which was shattered by a piece of shell, and thus his mil- itary service of four years was ended. He had participated in many important engage- ments. After the war he went to Washing- ton, where he obtained a position in the treas- ury department, filling the place for fourteen years or until his death October 12, 1880. While in Washington he was graduated with honors in the Columbia Law Colles'e. He was married in that city to Mrs. Laura S. McConnel ; Mary Jane, second child, was born in Greenville, February 22, 1842, at- tended the common schools and the Delaware Female College and afterward engaged in teaching for several terms. She was mar- ried October 17. 1866, to Harvey N. Arnold, a merchant of Greenville, by whom she has one son, Eddy Arnold. Effy A., the third child, was born in Xeave township, Darke county, was married July 3. 1867, to L. E. Chenoweth, who is now a successful practic- ing attorney of Greenville and they have two children, Milly and James. George, the youngest child of this marriage, was the one whose name introduces this record. Noah Arnold was again married in 1850, his second marriage being with Martha Banfield (Birely) Laurimore. They lived on the old homestead until his death. January 11, 1 89 1, and had one daughter, Margaret Ella A., now the wife of W. H. H. McCool, a merchant of Jaysville, Ohio. Besides aid- ing his children liberallv Mr. Arnold accu- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 073 nuilated considerable property and his farm near Jaysville, Ohio, was one of the finest and most desirable in the county. George Arnold, of this review, was a stu- dent at the college at Delaware, Ohio, for three years, and while there he was called into active service for one hundred days dur- ing the Civil war. being a member of the One Hundred and Fifty-second Regiment of Hume Guards. After his return home, he attended the common schools at Dayton, Ohio, for a time. In 1868 he went west and held a position in the postoffice at Omaha, for some years. The following three years were spent at Fort Laramie, in the post trading business, and he was subsequently engaged in the cattle business for about nine years, having a ranch fifty miles north of tht North Platte at a place called Arnold, which is now quite a flourishing town. On Christmas, 1879, he had a stroke of paraly- sis, which caused him to lose the use of his right side. At that time he was quite exten- sivelv engaged in the stock business, having thirteen hundred head of cattle upon his ranch in Nebraska, and was meeting with most excellent success. He returned to the old homestead in Darke county, Ohio, in 1884, where he engaged in general farming and stock-raising, keeping horses, cattle and hogs until his death, which occurred quite unexpectedly June 28, 1900. His farm c< in- sists of one hundred and sixty acres, and is under a high state of cultivation. While in Nebraska Mr. Arnold was mar- ried, in 1868, to Miss Ella Taylor, a native of Greenville. They had one daughter, Blanche, who was born at North Platte, September 8, 1877, and was married August 15, 1900, to Thomas Hughes, a successful attorney of Greenville. In his political views Mr. Arnold was a stanch Republican, but at local elections where no issue was involved he vi >ted for the man best qualified to fill the office, regardless of party lines. Socially he was a man respected and honored by his neighors. ROYSTON FORD. Dr. Royston Ford, physician and sur- geon at Greenville. Ohio, was born near Jaysville, in Darke o tunty, on the 28th day of November, 1845. His father, Mordecai S. Ford, born in Kentucky. July 18, 1807, came to Ohio when quite young with his widowed mother, Delilah Mills Ford, whose husband, also named Mordecai S. Ford, had died in the Indian war. The family lived near Ithaca, this county, until her death, June 14, 1840. Another family to be mentioned is that of John Tillman. He was born in Virginia, April 17, 1780, and at the age of ten he moved to Tennessee, whence he removed to Ohio about two years before the territory became a state. While living in Tennessee he was married to Nancy Harless, who was also a native of Virginia, born September 10, 1790. They lived in Preble county, reared a family of thirteen children, and died February 24, 1850, and September 1, 1863, respectively. One of these daughters was Polly Tillman, who on March 5, 1829, be- came the wife of Mordecai S. Ford, the fa- ther of Dr. Ford. This young couple lived for two years near her father's home, in Preble county, af- ter which one hundred and sixty acres of new land were bought, in Van Buren township, Darke county. Here they lived the hard life of early settlers and succeeded in mak- ing a comfortable home. Besides being a farmer Mordecai Ford was a minister of 674 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. the Christian church, and also took an active interest in education. Eleven of their chil- dren lived to manhood and womanhood, and became useful members of the community. All of them taught school and five of the sons practiced medicine. In the order of their birth their names are as follows : Jo- seph. John, Henry, Delilah, Nancy, Worley, Elijah, Martha, Royston, Mary and Lydie Ann. The father died November 23, 1867, but the mother lived to direct the affairs of the family until the 19th of March, 1888. The youngest son, the subject of this sketch, was reared on the old homestead and there began his education in the district schools. He remained on the farm until he was eighteen years of age when he respond- ed to his country's call for troops. In 1863 he and his brother Worley became members of the Twenty-eighth Regiment, Ohio Na- tional Guards, commanded by David Put- nam. The 2d of May, 1864, Governor Brough called out the Ohio National Guard to serve for one hundred days. The next day the Twenty-eighth Regiment of Ohio National Guards went to Camp Dennison, near Piqua, Ohio. Soon afterward they were combined with two companies from Clark county, and sworn into the service of the United States as the One Hundred and Fifty- second Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry, with Colonel Putnam commanding. The, I2th of May this regiment was sent to New Creek, West Virginia, thence on the 30th to Martinsburg, which they left on the 4th of June, accompanied by parts of three other regiments, all under command of Colonel Putnam, in charge of a supply train of two hundred and nine wagons, and with orders to reach General Hunter at all hazards, who was then somewhere in the Shenandoah val- ley. By hard marching they overtook Hun- ter's army at Lexington, Virginia, on the nth of June, having passed through Win- chester, Middletown. Cedar Creek, Stras- burg, Fisher's Hill, Woodstock, New Mar- ket, Harrisonburg, Staunton and other places noted for the many conflicts between the Union and rebel armies. They remained with Hunter's army west of Lynchburg un- til June 17, when Colonel Putnam was or- dered to return with two hundred wagons, many sick and wounded soldiers and prison- ers, but on account of rebel forces in the val- ley he had to take a long route across the Alleghany mountains by way of White Sul- phur Springs, Huntersville, Beverly, Philippi and Webster, where the Baltimore & Ohio Railway was reached. In all they had marched over four hun- dred miles through a rough country, ob- structed frequently by parties of rebels. On the return march, rations were scarce. Be- fore they reached Beverly ear corn was once issued to the men, seven ears of corn to eight men, but the next day a supply of crackers was obtained. From Webster they went to Cumberland by train, reaching that place July 2, 1864, and there the regiment remained until the 25th of August, when it returned to Camp Dennison, Ohio. There on the 2d of September it was mustered out of the service and on the 5th of that month its members received their pay and final dis- charge. After his return from the war Royston Ford taught school one winter, and a few years afterward he began the study of medi- cine under the direction of his brother John and Dr. D. Robeson, at Arcanum. He took his first course of lectures at Ann Arbor, Michigan, and later studied in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, at Cincinnati, where he was graduated in 1880. He be- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 675 gan the practice of medicine at Saratoga, Indiana, where he remained for five years, after which he spent three years at New Madison, this county, where he built up a good practice. In 1870 Dr. Ford was married to Miss Lizzie Albright. After her death in 1883 he became dissatisfied with his location, and. leaving New Madison, came to Greenville, where he has since enjoyed a much larger practice. In 1885 he wedded Miss Clara B. Albright, a niece of his first wife, and a daughter of Daniel Albright, of Darke coun- ty. In 1894 he pursued a post-graduate course of study in Chicago, taking special work in a polyclinic school. In recent years he has spent considerable time in colleges and hospitals, observing the latest and best treatments of the diseases of women and children. During the last two years he has given special attention to the use of electric- ity in therapeutics and has obtained excel- lent results. He is a member of the Darke County Medical Society, and his extensive reading and investigations have made him one of the best physicians of this locality. Socially he is connected with the Green- ville Lodge, I. O. O. F., and with Jobes Post, No. 157, G. A. R. Lie was United States examining surgeon for pensions dur- ing the Harrison administration. WILLIAM W. HINDSLEY. The subject of this review is now a lead- ing grocer and prominent citizen of Green- ville, Ohio. He was born in Randolph county, Indiana, June 1, 1850, and is a son of Joseph and Nancy (McGuire) Hindsley, both natives of North Carolina. His pater- nal grandfather was John Hindsley, a sea- faring man, who spent many years on the Atlantic, sailing principally between New- York and the West Indies, engaged in the fruit and coffee trade. In early manhood the father of our subject removed with his parents to Randolph county, Indiana, where he spent the remainder of his life as a farmer, dying there in 1888, at the age of seventy- three years. His wife is still living in the same county, in her seventy-ninth year. To them were born nine children, six of whom lived to be grown, and five are still living. Of this family William W. Hindsley, our subject, is the seventh in order of birth. He spent his boyhood and youth on the home farm in Randolph county, Indiana, assist- ing his father in its cultivation, and attend- ing the district schools of the neighborhood. In 1879 he was united in marriage to Miss Jennie Denniston, who was born in Darke county, Ohio, in 1859, and at the time of her birth had six grandmothers. Her parents were Joseph and Anna (Money) Denniston. Her father was born in Hill Grove, Wash- ington township, this county, in September, 1836, a son of Samuel and Susan ( Wasson) Denniston, and died January 1, 1894. Her mother was born in Jay county, Indiana, in 1837, and died August 8, 1893. Mr. and Mrs. Hindsley have one son living, Joseph Chelsey, born November 3. 1883, who is now a student in the high school of Green- ville. After his marriage Mr. Hindsley settled in Mississinawa township, where he engaged in farming for some time. Subsequently he conducted a grocery store in Rose Hill for two years, and in December, 1895, came to Greenville, where he soon afterward erected a good store building on Fort Jefferson ave- nue and stocked it with a good grade of fancy and staple groceries. He now enjoys a well established trade, having by fair and 676 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. I honorable dealings secured a liberal share of the public patronage. While a resident of Greenville a comparatively short time, he has become thoroughly identified with its in- terests, and is well known as an enterprising and reliable business man, one who keeps abreast with the times. He and his wife are members of the Church of Christ, and all who know them hold them in the highest esteem. DANIEL HENNE. - By the death of this honored and up- right citizen Greenville sustains an irrepar- able loss and is deprived of the presence of one whom it had come to look upon as a guardian, benefactor and friend. Death often removes from our midst those whom we can ill afford to spare, whose lives have been all that is exemplary of the true, and thereby really great citizen. Such a citi- zen was Mr. Henne, whose whole career, both business and social, served as a model to the young and an inspiration for the aged. He shed a brightness around everything with which he came in contact by reason of his upright character. By his usefulness and general benevolence he created a mem- ory whose perpetuatii in does not depend upon brick and stone but upon the sponta- neous and free-will offering of a grateful and enlightened people. His connection with Greenville's development and growth and with the work of improvement was largely instrumental in placing the city in the proud position which it today occupies, yet there has never been in Darke county a man more free from ostentation and display. It is only because his goodness could not be hid that it was known to the w< irld, and he more frequently denied than affirmed an opinion that he had done some noble deed — such was his horror of appearing ostenta- tious and his dread of receiving the thanks of those whom he benefitted. His memory however is enshrined in the hearts of many who knew him and is a blessed benediction to all. Mr. Henne was of German birth, hav- ing first opened his eyes to the light of day in Mindersbach, oberamt Nagold koenig- reich Wurtemberg, in 1839. There he at- tended school until fourteen years of age, obtaining a good education in his native tongue. After putting aside his text-books to learn the harder lessons in the school of experience, he was first instructed in the miller's trade, which he followed for four years. He then determined to seek a home in America, believing this country offered better advantages to ambitious young men. Accordingly he crossed the Atlantic, land- ing at Xew York in 1857. He made his way westward at once, locating in Hamil- ton, Ohio, where he remained until 1863, at which time he went abroad, visiting in his native land for two years. He there re- newed the acquaintances of his former years and viewed the haunts of his boyhood, after which he returned to the land of his adop- tion in 1865, and was employed as a farm hand by the month in the vicinity of Hamil- ton, Ohio, for a year. In the latter part of 1866 he came to Greenville and became con- nected with the milling and grain business as a member of the firm of Poak & Henne. That relation was maintained for several years, but for twenty-five years prior to his death Mr. Henne was alone in business. He made a specialty of buying grain and shin- ping it to eastern markets, his shipments reaching two hundred thousand bushels in a single season. In business circles he sus- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 077 tained an unassailable reputation, and the patronage of anyone when once gained was never lost. In Greenville, on the 17th of February, 1867, Mr. Henne was united in marriage to Miss Anna M. Weitbrecht, who was born in Germany and with her parents came to America when only a year old. They had three children by this union, Rosina Ger- trude, Jacob Frederick and Daniel. Mrs. Henne is a lady respected by all who know her. She has a good German education ami in her are combined good social and benevo- lent qualities with successful business quali- fications. Her daughter is the honored wife of Rev. E. E. Ortlepp, for many years the acceptable pastor of the Lutheran church of Greenville, Ohio. The sons became enter- prising and prosperous grain merchants, con- tinuing the business so successfully estab- lished by their father until February 26, 1900, when Jacob Frederick died and was Lid to rest beside his father in Greenville cemetery. The younger son, however, is still in the business. Mr. Henne became one of the wealthiest men in Darke county, but the most envious could not grudge him his prosperity so hon- orably was it won and so worthily used. Courteous and kind to all, no one bail more fast friends than he. Honest and fair in all his dealings, he lost no customers and his business increased up to the time of his death. He died October 23, 1897, and in his death Greenville lost a good citizen and the poor and afflicted a fast friend. During his last days he was attacked by a peculiarly severe form of quinsy, and this disease forced him to remain at home for several days. No evil results, however, were feared until a week later, when his condition changed alarmingly and after several hours of suf- fering heart failure surpervened. He passed quietly and peacefully away. "Night fell; and a hand, as from the dark- ness, Touched him and he slept." The funeral services were conducted in the Lutheran church by Rev. J. Dieterle, of Ann Arbor, Michigan, who was an intimate friend of the deceased, and his remains were laid away in the Greenville cemetery, where a large and costly granite monument marks his last resting place. He had done much for the city along many lines. In 1878 he was elected town- ship treasurer and so well did he fill the office that for nearly twenty years he was forced to accept a re-election, always gained by overwhelming majorities. A few years before his death he retired from active po- litical life, because of the growing demands of his business, and it is safe to say that no official was ever so regretted by the people he served. He was prominent in educa- tional matters and did good work for the school system during his several terms as secretary of the board of education. The full measure of Daniel Henne's charity will never be known in this life. No one ever appealed to him in vain on behalf of any needy or suffering one, but his horror of publicity was so great that his good deeds were carefully concealed by him. There was not a poor man in all this region that did not love and revere Mr. Henne, but any attempt to thank him for the benefits he conferred was met by a request for silence. He enjoyed giving, but he had an intense dislike of any appearance of display in the bestowal of benefits. It was his practice to cause the quiet delivery of flour to dozens of poor families about Christmas time, but 678 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. when questioned about it he invariably de- clined to admit that lie was the benefactor. But while caring for the wants of the desti- tute he also made ample provision for his family. Their residence on East Main street is a fine, substantial brick dwelling, erected in 1876, and is supplied with fur- nace and with all modern conveniences and improvements. One who knew him well wrote the following beautiful apostrophe: "Strong, sturdy, honest Daniel Henne ! Greenville mourns fur you to-day, for there are not many such men as you were. You hiil- your worthy deeds from your fellows, but Gail's pour have written them on an im- mortal page with prayers and tears fur you." Well might the lines of Oliver 'Wendell Holmes apply to him : "You see that boy laughing: you think he's all fun; But the angels laugh, too, at the work he has done ; The children laugh loud as the) r troop to his call, But the poor man that knows him laughs loudest of all." MARK McDOXALD. Prominently identified with a branch of industrial activity which has important hear- ing on the progress and prosperity of any community, Mr. McDonald would on this score alone merit representation in any com- pilation touching the history of Darke coun- ty, but aside from this his ancestral line has been one which has long been associated with the history of the Buckeye state, and to this honorable record he has himself con- tributed by his well directed efforts in Hol- lansburg, Harrison township, which is the place of his nativity, he having been born here September 18, 1842. His father, Wil- liam McDonald, was born in Warren county, Ohio, July 8. 1808. the son of John McDon- ald, who came from his native state of South Carolina and settled in Warren county in 1800, he being a son of William McDonald, who was born in the highlands of Scotland and who was a worthy representative of the sturdy clan McDonald. The paternal grandmother of our subject bore the maiden name of Sarah Stubbs, and she was a daugh- ter of John Stubbs. who came to Ohio from Georgia, being of Irish lineage. She died in 1840, at the age of sixty years, and her husband, John McDonald, lived to attain the age of seventy, his death occurring in [848. They were the parents of four sons and four daughters, namely : William, Joseph, Thomas and Mark; and Hannah, Lydia, Margaret and Patience. Each of the children married and reared a family, with the exception of Hannah, and the only sur- vivor is Mrs. Margaret Bradfield, of Joplin, Missouri. The parents of our subject were William and Mary (Boswell ) McDonald, and the lat- ter was born in 1S14. the daughter of Will- iam Boswell, of North Carolina. Her death occurred in 1847, ner marriage to Mr. Mc- Donald having been solemnized about 1840. She was the widow of Elihu Gist. To Will- iam and Mary McDonald two children were born — Mark, the subject of this review; and a daughter who died in infancy, in 1847. Mark McDonald attended the little log school-house in the vicinity of his home un- til 1855. there gaining the rudiments of his education. He later attended college at Dayton, and was for a time a student in the Whitewater Academy. Reared amid the invigorating discipline of the farm, he waxed GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 679 strong in mind and body, and at the out- break of the war of the Rebellion his patriot- ism was deeply stirred. In 1861 he enlisted for service, as a member of Company G, Forty-fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and hi 1864 he re-enlisted in the one-hundred-day service, as a member of Company B, One Hundred and Fifty-second Regiment, Ohio Volunteer Infantry. He was honorably dis- charged from the service by reason of phys- ical disability, resulting from a severe cold which he had contracted while on guard duty during his first term of service, which terminated in 1862. The cold so affected his head as to cause extreme deafness, and from this time he has never recovered, being almost totally deaf at the present time, in recognition of which disability the govern- ment consistently grants him a pension of twenty-seven dollars a month. In politics he is an ardent supporter of the Republican party. Mr. McDonald was united in marriage to Miss Kate Hill, daughter of Hugh L. Hill, and their only child is William McDon- ald, burn June 8, 1868. He married Miss Gladys Williams, daughter of Dr. James W. Williams, and they are the parents of three children : Frank W., bom in 1891 ; Fred L., born July 14, 1893; and Helen L. H., burn August 2, 1897. Mr. McDonald has had a varied busi- ness experience, having been engaged in the saw-mill business and associated with the dry-goods business both as a salesman and in personally conducting an enterprise of that character, and for the past nine years' he has been successfully carrying on busi- ness as a contractor and builder, having erected many excellent buildings throughout this vicinity. He enjoys a reputation- for careful and faithful work and fidelity to the terms of contract in every instance. lie came to Hollansburg in November, 1864, and has been established in his own Iv >me here since 1879, there being but two other men in the town who have lived here an equal length of time. He maintains a deep interest in all that concerns the welfare of the place and its people, and is ever ready to lend his influence in any legitimate enter- prise for the public good. Mrs. McDon- ald is a member of the Universalist church. A member of no church. Mr. McDonald nevertheless always aids in support of the church, and his views on religious matters are with the Friends or Quakers. Though when a youth our subject was supposed to have developed consumptive difficulties, yet he is now a man of fine physique and robust health, his only infirmity being his deaf- ness. He is vigorous both in mind and body, is genial and courteous in his bearing, and with his wife enjoys an unmistakable popularity among the people who know them so well. IRVIN MOTE. Among those who served upon the battle- fields of the south and aided in preserving the Union when the southern states at- tempted to secede is Irvin Mote, a highly es- teemed resident of Greenville. He was born in Miami county. March 2~, 1830, and is a representative of a family that since pioneer days has left its impress upon the develop- ment and progress of this section of the state. His great-grandfather. James Mote, was a native of England, and on crossing the At- lantic to America he took up his abode in New Jersey, and afterward removed to the south, locating near Augusta. Georgia. In 1802 Ohio was admitted to the Union as a 680 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. free state, and about 1807 the Quaker church, to which the Mote family belonged, arose in a body and emigrated from Georgia to Ohio, the most of the party locating near West Milton, in Miami county, where they established a church. There Ezekiel Mote, the father of our subject, was born. He became a farmer and merchant, and by his fellow citizens was honored with the office of justice of the peace. In 1832 he re- moved to Darke county, Ohio, taking up his abode four miles east of Arcanum upon a farm where he lived for some time. He then returned to Miami county, where he spent his remaining days. He married Miss Grace Vernon, of Miami county, a daugh- ter of Nathaniel and H. (Mendenhall) Ver- non. Mr. Mote was three times married, and by his first wife he had six children, two sons and four daughters, all of whom lived to mature years, while four are now living: William C, a grain dealer on the Indianapo- lis, Bloomington & Western Railroad at Clark Station, Darke county; two sisters, and Irvin. The father of this family died in Miami county, in 1886. Irvin Mote spent his early days upon the farm in Darke county, pursuing his educa- tion in the country schools until he had mastered the elementary branches of knowl- edge. When he was fourteen years of age his mother died. His father then appren- ticed him to the shoemaking trade in West Milton, Miami county. After following that business for some years he went to Cin- cinnati, Ohio, where in 1850 he joined an expedition to go to Cuba, but that adventure proved a failure. After capturing the city of Cardenas, Cuba, the noble six hundred boarded their vessel to go to some other part of the island and in making their way out to sea their little craft was grounded. In order to float it everything that was loose had to be sacrificed to the waters, and when the boat was again free it seemed for the best interests of all parties "to steer for God's country and get under the protection of some flag." The next morning the Cre- ole ran a race with the Spanish steamer of war Pizarro. For an hour and a half neither boat seemed to gain an inch on the other, but at length the Creole came out vic- torious, going into port at Key West, Flor- ida, about five minutes before the Pizarro reached that harbor. Mr. Mote then pro- ceeded on foot into the middle district of Florida, where he remained about a year. Subsequently he went from there to Savan- nah, and on to Charleston, South Carolina. At the latter place, however, he continued less than six months, and then joined an- other filibustering expedition to go to Cuba. The part of the expedition he joined, how- ever, never left the state of Georgia. This- was in 185 1. After the company had dis- banded Mr. Mote continued to make his home in the empire state of the south until about the year 1856. In the meantime he attended a select school and to a limited ex- tent engaged in farming, raising some cot- ton. During the last year of his residence there he served as the manager of a cotton plantation for Enos H. Scarborough, at. Seventy Mile Station, on the Central Rail- road. He then returned to the state of his birth, Ohio, and subsequently was for sev- eral terms a student in the State Normal at Lebanon. He afterward engaged in teach- ing until the inauguration of the civil war,, when he enlisted. He watched with inter- est the progress of events and the growth of public sentiment prior to the war ; and in 1 86 1, when the attempt was made to over- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 681 throw the Union, he joined Company G, of the Forty-fonrth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, under the command of Colonel Samuel Gil- bert. Mr. Mote remained with that regiment for two years after which he re-enlisted in the Eighth Ohio Cavalry. Not long after this he was captured and for three months was incarcerated in Libby prison. He was ever a loyal soldier, and until his capture was always found at his post of duty, faithfully defending the old flag and the cause it rep- resented. He was for four years in the ser- vice and was twice a prisoner of war. The government now grants him a good pension, and he maintains a pleasant relationship with his old army comrades through his connec- tion with the Grand Army of the Republic. Mr. Mote had been married in i860 to Miss Elizabeth Ricketts, who died soon after, leaving one son, James J., now a resident of Anderson, Indiana. In 1869 Irvin Mote moved to Greenville. Ohio, where he has since resided, and for his second wife he chose Catherine J. Felton, of Greenville, a daughter of Charles Felton. Their union has been blessed with three children : Will- iam Vernon, a telegraph operator; Marma- duke, who is a civil engineer ; and Don Car- los. For many years Mr. Mote was actively identified with the official interests of the city, having been elected in 1886 to the office of justice of the peace, in which capacity he served until 1897. His decisions were always fair and impartial, and he was a most capable official, discharging his duties with- out fear or favor. His political support is given to the Democracy, and he is a stanch advocate of its principles, believing that in them are combined the strongest elements of good government, and the preservation of the American republic and the liberty of its people. JESSE A. McGRIFF. Jesse Allen McGriff. who is living on a farm on section 34, Butler township, was born in Twin township, April 29, 1849, and is a son of Price McGriff, who is represent- ed on another page of this volume. Upon his- father's farm he was reared and early be- came familiar with all the duties and labors that fall to the lot of the agriculturist. In earlv life he began work in the woods of But- ler township, whither his parents removed when he was five years of age. His educa- tional privileges were very meagre, being limited to two months' attendance at the dis- trict schools of the neighborhood during the winter season until he was fourteen years of age. He was married in his twentieth year,, on the 14th of January, 1869, to Martha Jane Holesapple, whose birth occurred June 20, 185 1, her father being David Holesapple. She died March 4, 1876, at the age of twen- ty-four years, eight months and fourteen days. Of her four children, Emma A. died August 19, 1870, at the age of eleven months; Levi, born September 8, 1871, is a farmer of Butler township and has a wife and one child, having also lost one child; O. P., born September 7, 1873, is a teacher and student of civil engineering", and married a daughter of William Fouble. The next child of the family died in infancy at the time of the mother's death. On the 8th of July, 1877, Mr. McGriff was again married, his second union being with Lizzie Emerick. Their children are: Walter Franklin, who was born June 26, 1878 and lives in Spring- field, Ohio, with his wife and one child; Granville Scot, who was born November 13, 1881, and aids in the operation of the home farm; Perry Allen, born August 10, 1883; Hester Gertrude, who was born October 8,. 682 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 3889, and is a most interesting child of •eleven years : Jesse Howard, who was born in December, 1895, and died at the age of ten months; and William Herbert, born March 21. 1899. Mr. McGriff is rearing his family upon his farm in Butler township, and his atten- tion is largely given to the cultivation of his one hundred acres of land. He located thereon in 1S81 and by the careful manage- ment of his business affairs he has gained a place among the representative agriculturists of the community. He rotates his crops of clover, corn and wheat or oats and annually gathers rich harvests. He also engages in raising hogs and cattle and feeds his crops, with the exception of his wheat.' In his po- litical views Mr. McGriff is a Democrat and has served as township trustee, which posi- tion he is filling at the present time in a most commendable manner. Both he and his wife formerly held membership in the United Brethren church, but in February. 1894, severed their connection therewith. Their litt!e daughter, Esther Gertrude, was an in- valid up to the age of five years, being alm< >st entirely helpless. The medical profession could render her no aid. Her head was ab- normally large, so that the weak little body could hardly sustain its weight, and her re- covery came about through the marvelous example of the Divine gift of healing in prompt answer to the prayers and faith of a company of people attending camp meeting. Now when the little girl is indisposed she goes in prayer herself to the Great Healer. Her recovery was most marvelous, being a manifestation of the infinite power of which mortal man has but little conception. Mr. and Mrs. McGriff are both widely and favorably known in this locality and the circle of their friends is extensive. DANIEL WARVEL. A native of West Virginia, Daniel War- vel was born in Montgomery county, Sep- tember 5, 1834. His father, Christopher Warvel, was born in Rockingham county, Virginia, February 27, 1796, three years before the death of General Washington, and after arriving at years of maturity he mar- ried Charlotte Lilly, who was born in the same county, June 4, 1799. Emigrating westward thev located in Warren county, Ohio, and afterward removed their home to Montgomery county and thence came to Darke county about 18^9. On arriving in Warren county they offered their last five dollars in payment for a purchase and found that the bill was a counterfeit ! so they be- gan life in the Buckeye state on absolutely nothing. On arriving in Darke county they purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land in Richland township and thereon built a log cabin. Red men were much more nu- merous in that locality than white settlers, and this region was situated on the very borders of civilization. Deer were very plentiful, and other wild game could be had in abundance. Farming was carried on by means of the old-fashioned sickles, one of which is still in the possession of the sub- ject of this review. The father was an ex- cellent hand in the harvest field, being able to cut more grain in a day than the majority of his neighbors. Many of the roads of the county were not then laid out. and the routes to Fort Greenville were indicated by blazed saplings. The town of Ansonia was known as Dallas, and Piqua was but a small village, to which Mr. Marvel would haul his wheat to market, returning on the fol- lowing day. During the war of • 1812 he loyally served his country, and was granted a GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 683; land warrant in recognition thereof. In politics he was an old-line Whig, and took an active part in the campaign of 1840 when the rallying cry of the Whigs was "Tippeca- noe and Tyler, too." He was one of the leaders in the movement for the erection of the first United Brethren church on the banks of the Stillwater. The bridges had been carried away by high water, and Mr. Warvel had two horses which he swam back and forth to carry the men back and forth to work on the church. He was a very generous man, benevolent to the poor and at all times kind and considerate. He died March 18, 185 1, and his wife passed away March 14, 1855. In their family were nine children, four sons and five daughters. Daniel Warvel, of this review, was only four years old when brought by his parents to Darke county, where he has since re- sided. He obtained his education in an old log school-house, beginning his studies un- der the instruction of "Uncle David Hantle," a pioneer settler of Richland township. The slab seats, puncheon floor and rude board desks in which the big" boys and girls wrote their exercises formed the primitive furnish- ings of the building-, and were in great con- trast with the present tasteful and well- equipped school-houses of today. Mr. War- vel early became familiar with the work of the farm, and has always carried on farm- ing and stock raising. At the age of sixteen he started out to earn his own livelihood, working for six dollars per month, and from this sum he saved enough to purchase a set of harness. At the time of his marriage he located on a little farm of forty acres in the vicinity of Pikeville He had made pay- ment of four hundred dollars upon the place, incurring an indebtedness for the remainder. In the log cabin he began life in true pio- neer style, and experienced many of the hardships and privations which fall to the lot of the early pioneer settlers, but with char- acteristic energy he worked on day after day and at length gained the reward which never fails to attend earnest and persistent labor. He is today the owner of three hundred and eighty acres of valuable land in Richland tc wnship, and the place is well improved with all the accessories of the model farm. Mr. Warvel has been twice married. He first married Catherine Kayler, and they had one son, Joseph C, who resides in Can- ton, Ohio, where he is engaged in ci immer- cial pursuits. The mother died February 3, 1857, and on the 21st of March, 1858, Mr. Warvel wedded Sarah Powell, by whom he had five children, three sons and two daugh- ters, all of whom are yet living. Mrs, W r arvel was born in Monroe comity, Ohio, January 27, 1836, and is a daughter of Levi and Mary (Linn) Powell, in whose, family were ten children, five sons and five daugh ■ ters, nine yet living. The parents were both natives of Pennsvlvania and were mem- bers of the Reformed church. The father was a farmer by occupation and is now de- ceased. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Warvel are: Mary A., wife of Abram Ela, a farmer of Richland township, by whom she has two children; Lucy, wife of W. J. Wilson; Laban, a farmer who is married aid lives in Richland township; Amos A., a farmer residing in Richland township, who is married and has six children; and Clement L., who is likewise married and re- sides in Richland township. For sixty-two years Daniel Warvel has resided in Darke county, and his life has been filled with good deeds. In his busi- ness career he sustains an unassailable repu- tation, for in all transactions he has ever ■684 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. been honorable and upright. His political support is given to the Democratic party, and his first vote was cast for James Buch- anan. He has several times been chosen as delegate to county conventions, and has been elected to a number of local offices of public trust. He and his wife were members of the United Brethren church, and in their lives have exemplified their Christian faith, doing unto others as they would that they should do unto them. They have carefully reared their children, have presented them with comfortable homes and now Mr. War- vel "resides in the village of Beamsville in a pretty cottage, where they are enjoying; many of the comforts and pleasures of life. HENRY M. BICKEL. Henry M. Bickel is the representative of a family that has figured prominently in the annals of Darke county since the days of its pioneer development. He traces his ances- try back for several generations to Tobias Bickel, who came to America from the fa- therland in colonial days and took up his residence in Center county, Pennsylvania. He was accompanied by his wife and his two brothers, John and Thomas, and their fami- lies. Thomas Bickel had no children, but Tobias and John Bickel each had six sons and some daughters. ( )ne of the children of Tobias Bickel bore the name of Andrew and become the grandfather of the subject of this review. Among the first settlers of Center county, Pennsylvania, the Bickels were also actively connected with the prog- ress and improvement of that section of the Keystone state. Each brother secured six hundred acres of land in the Penn valley, cleared and developed farms, and to each of his sons Tobias Bickel gave one hundred acres of land. He erected a grist-mill upon his farm and did all of the milling in that section of the countrv for many years. His son Andrew inherited the one-hundred-acre tract upon which the mill was located. He spent the first thirty years of his life in the state of his nativity — having been born in Pennsylvania — and on the 16th of May, 181 1, bade adieu to his old home and started for Ohio. He was accompanied by his family and a boy whom he had employed to act as driver. He had married Catherine Glass, and unto them had been born three children: Andrew, John and Tobias. The journey was made by team to Pittsburg, where Mr. Bickel secured passage for him- self and family on a ilat-boat to Cincinnati, Ohio, while the team was taken overland. On reaching Cincinnati, they spent six days with a cousin, Christopher Bickel, while wait- ing for the team to arrive, and it was during that time that the grandfather of our sub- ject decided to make his home in Montgom- ery county. After a trip of forty-five miles over a road which thev made for themselves, they reached their destination and took up their abode upon a farm of one hundred and sixty acres, four miles west of Germantown. When they located thereon the land was in its primitive condition, but during the firsc year Andrew Bickel cleared a small portion upon which he erected a little cabin. In iSu he was drafted into the service in the second war with Enp-land, but hired his old driver to go as a substitute, for he felt that his own services were needed in developing the farm and in providing a home for his children. He lived upon that place for about fifteen years and erected a hewed-log house and barn. He also placed a consid- erable portion of the land under cultivation, but on the expiration of that period he re- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 085 moved to a farm near Tippecanoe, Indiana, purchasing a small tract of land that he af- terward si 'Id. He then went to Laporte county, that state, where he purchased an- other small farm, upon which he spent his remaining days, his death occurring about 1839. His marriage to Catherine Glass was blessed with the following children : An- drew became the father of our subject. John was a resident of Washington township, Darke county, and reared a family of six sons and four daughters. Tobias, who was born in Pennsylvania, May 8, 181 1, was only eight days old when his father left Pennsl- vania. Tobias married and reared five sons and three daughters, the former being Daniel W., a worthy citizen of Washington town- ship; John, who is living in Union City, In- diana; J. M., a leading lawyer of Darke county and ex-probate judge; and Hamil- ton and Markus, who are deceased. John Wesley, who served in the civil war, is now a resident of Washington township, being the eldest surviving member of that family. Jacob went with his father to Laporte coun- ty, Indiana, and died there. Daniel also died in the Hoosier state. Mary, who be- came the wife of Jacob Genger, of Washing- ton township, where their children still re- side on the home farm, the parents being both deceased ; Abigail, who became the wife of William Dudley, of Indiana, both now de- ceased ; and Elizabeth, who married a Mr. Smith, of Indiana, and went to California, since which time no news has been received from her. The father of these children was an old Jacksonian Democrat. He was six feet in height, of strong physique and well htted to meet the hardships of pioneer life. Andrew Bickel, the father of our sub- ject, was born in Center county, Pennsylva- nia, September 2, 1803. and in 181 1 came with his parents to Ohio. He remained at home until 1830, when he was united in marriage with Miss Nancy Moyer, a native of Virginia, who came with her family to Montgomery county. After his marriage Mr. Bickel took up his abode on section 16, Washington township, Darke county, where he entered eighty acres of land from the government and afterward added to it by purchase a forty-acre tract. All of this land was wooded and in the midst of the forest be erected a log cabin in which he lived for about ten years, when the primitive home was replaced by a weatherboarded In >use which still stands upon the farm. This was lu's home up to the time of his death, but his demise occurred in the home of his son, Daniel F., who lived just across the way. He departed this life March 12, 1888, re- spected by all who knew him. His political support was given to the Democracy from the time when he cast his first presidential vote for Andrew Jackson. He was a noted mathematician, filled a number of township offices in a most creditable manner, and was an attendant on the services of the Lutheran church. He married Nancy Moyer and they became the parents of ten children, seven of whom reached years of maturity. Henry is the eldest. John, who was born February 22, 1832, died in 1885. He con- ducted a store at Hills Grove for more than thirty years. He married Mattie Lesher, and they became the parents of ten children, but only three are now living: Newton, Oscar and Pearl, the daughter being the wife of Isaac Butt, of Jackson township. Daniel F., born in 1837, and now a resident of Washington township, married Mary Lan- des, and they have six children, all living. Catherine, who was born in 1840, is the wife of Henry Bloclur, of Jackson town- 686 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. ship, and they have a son and daughter. Elizabeth, born in 1842, is the wife of John J. Norris, of Union City, and they have a daughter. Andrew, born in 1852. now re- sides in Washington township. He married Sarah Armstrong and after her death mar- ried Lydia Ellen Worth, by whom he has two children. Henry M. Bickel was born in Montgom- ery county, Ohio, January 2, 1831. He never attended school until ten years of age, after which he enjoyed such advantages as were afforded in the district schools of the neighborhood. He continued his studies through the winter season until twenty-one years of age, and during the summer months he worked upon the home farm. In 1852 he was employed as a farm hand in Green- ville township for ten dollars per month, working for three months, and later he en- gaged in the construction of the Dayton & Western Railroad for about six weeks. He was then promoted as foreman and assisted in the construction of two miles of the track. During the winter of 1852-3 he was en- gaged in teaching school, and in the spring of the latter year went to Cincinnati, where he hired a gang of men with whom he went to Illinois to work in the construction of the St. Louis Railroad, near Bloomington, Illi- nois. About the 20th of May he returned to Ohio and going to Dayton entered the employ of Henry Doolittle, a contractor on the Dayton, Xenia & Belpre Railroad, his time being thus occupied until the 20th of October of the same year, when he was taken ill with typhoid fever and returned to his fa- ther's home. He was sick for seven weeks and after his recovery his father would not consent to his leaving home, so he remained upon the farm until his marriage. That important event in his life occurred on the 1 2th of June, 1856, Miss Mary Crum- min, daughter of Moses and Mary Crum- min, of Washington township, becoming his wife. Her parents were natives of Xeave township. After his marriage Mr. Bickel purchased a farm of ninety-seven acres. All of his land is in Washington township with the exception of a forty-acre tract in Ran- dolph county, Indiana. His first purchase was all wild land, but with the exception of eight acres the entire amount is now under a high state of cultivation, its richly culti- vated fields yielding to the owner a golden tribute. He lived in a log house for twelve years and then erected his present farm resi- dence. He also built the barns and other outbuildings and added to the place all of the substantial and modern improvements found upon the model farm. He devotes his time and attention to the* raising of grain and stock, and is progressive in his business methods, which are therefore attended with success. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Bickel have been born six children, four of whom reached years of maturity. John C, the eldest, who was born March 12, 1857, is now residing on the farm in Jackson township, Darke county. He married Miss Rosa Cook, of Washington township, and they have three children: Harley, Carl, and Asa. Adaline, the second member of the family, was born in i860, and is the wife of William Mote, of Randolph county, Indiana, lay whom she has one child, Ethel. Harrison C, born in 1866, is now a prominent attorney and noted mathematician of Indianapolis, Indiana. His wife bore the maiden name of Temie Richeter. Irving, born in 1868, married Miss Anna Ware, of Washington township, and they have two children, Mary and Fran- ces Helen. GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 687 In his political views Mr. Bickel has al- ways been a Democrat, unfaltering in sup- port of the principles of the party. In 1886 he was elected county treasurer, took the oath of office in 1887 and served for four years, proving a reliable and capable official. He has filled all the township offi- ces with the exception of clerk and justice of the peace, and has ever been found true and loyal to the duties devolving upon him. He is a worthy representative of an honored pioneer family of Ohio, and during his long residence in Darke county he has ever de- served and enjoyed the respect and confi- dence of his fellow men. He has done as much or more real hard labor than any other man now living in Darke county, Ohio, and, thanks to his heaver.ly Father, is still robust and hearty at the time of this writing. GEORGE WEAVER. Throughout almost his entire life this gentleman has been actively identified with the upbuilding and development of Darke county, and is numbered among its honored pioneers and representative citizens. He is now engaged in general farming on section 29, Neave township, and also follows the carpenter's trade to some extent. Mr. Weaver was born August 22, 1828, in the township where he now resides, and is a son of Peter and Elizabeth (Eakins) Weaver. His paternal grandfather was Peter Weaver, a native of Germany, who em- igrated to the United States about 1760, when fourteen years of age, and first located in Pennsylvania, where he married. As early as 1802 he removed to Montgomery county. Ohio, and in 181 8 came to Darke county, where he died at the ripe old age of 42 eighty-seven years. Our subject's maternal grandfather, Benjamin Eakins, was born in Ireland, and was also about fourteen years of age when he came to America. He grew to manhood and was married in Pennsyl- vania, and on coming to this state took up his residence in Preble county. Peter Weaver, father of our subject, was born August 8, 1802, while his parents were removing from Pennsylvania to Montgom- ery county, Ohio, and he was reared on a farm near Liberty, being sixteen years of age when the family came to Darke county and took up their residence on section 29, Neave township. They built one of the first cabins in that township, and upon the farm which he there developed Peter Weaver spent the remainder of his life, dying in 1885, at the age of eighty-three years. His wife, who was born in Preble county, January 12, 1807, was killed in October, 1869, by a passenger train on the Pennsylvania Railroad, at Bish- op's Crossing, Darke county. To this worthy couple were born fourteen children, of whom two died in infancy. The others were Jonas, who died at the age of twelve years ; George, our subject; Sarah, wife of Justus Smith, of Missouri ; Elizabeth, who died at the age of eight years; Mary, wife of Jacob Burket, of Springfield, Ohio; Nancy, deceased wife of Aaron Comrine; Benjamin, a resident of Bucyrus, Ohio; William C. and Calvin P., both of Parsons, Kansas; Catharine, wife of Newton Hayes, of Kenton, Ohio; David, de- ceased; and Margaret, wife of Hanson White, of Kansas. After the death of his first wife, the father wedded Mary Lambert- son, about the year 1872, and to them were born a son, Harry O. Weaver, who is now living in Washington, D. C. At the time of his death he had eighty-one living descend- ants, and had had altogether ninety-nine — 6S8 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. fifteen children and fifty-two grandchildren, and thirty-two great-grandchildren. George Weaver is now the only repre- sentative of this family living in Darke county. He was reared in Neave township and can relate many interesting incidents of pioneer days when this region was all wild and unimproved. He well remembers when many families had only chairs, tables and bedsteads of their own manufacture and lived in true pioneer style. In his own home the German language was used altogether and hejcould not speak a word of English before starting to school at the age of eight years. His mother made all the clothes for her fam- ily, spinning the raw wool, weaving it into cloth, and later converting it into garments. Mr. Weaver remained at home until he was married, September 20, 1849, to Miss Caroline Wagner, who was born in German township, Darke county, in 183 1, and died in August. 1888. Her family were among the pioneers of the county. By this union our subject had eight children: Minerva, wife of Cyrus Mc-Keon, of Greenville; Miranda, wife of John Stephens, of the same place; William E.. who died at the age of eighteen months; Peter D., who married Jennie Brown, of Weaver's Station ; Elizabeth, wife of M. L. Maxwell, of Kirksville, Missouri; Estella, wife of William Townsend, of Jays- ville, Darke county; Rhoda J., now Mrs. Lawrence, of Kirksville, Missouri ; and Frank E., who married Ella Baird and lives in Greenville. On the 27th of July, -1889, Mr. Weaver married Mrs. Jennie S. (Herr) Springer, who was born in Montgomery county, Ohio, and is a daughter of Christ ; an and Sarah J. (Chad wick ) Herr, the former a native of Pennsylvania, the latter of Mont- gomery county, Ohio. By her first marriage Mrs. Weaver had one son, Victor L. Springer, now a member of Company C, Thirteenth United States Infantry, stationed at Manasug on the Philippine Islands. Mr, and Mrs. Weaver have a little daughter, Marie, born in Darke county, July 27, 1892. After his first marriage our subject re- mained upon the old homestead for four years, and then removed to the farm where he now resides. About 1855 ne went to Cass county, Indiana, and built a steam saw-mill on the Indian Reserve, which he operated for three years, and then returned to Darke ci lunty. He purchased a farm in Harrison ti iwnship, but after operating it for three years, sold out and bought his present farm of one hundred and eight acres on section 29, Xeave township. In 1869 he removed to Greenville, where for seven years he engaged in business as a carpenter and contractor, but at the end of that time returned to his farm. He has erected many houses, barns and busi- ness blocks throughout the county, but now devotes his time and energies principally to general farming, and is meeting with well de- served success in his labors. He is a con- sistent and faithful member of the United Brethren church, in which he is serving as class leader and trustee, and is a man highly respected and esteemed by all who know him on account of his sterling worth, strict in- tegrity and honorable dealings. JOHN WINGER. This well-knownjagriculturist residing on section 12, Patterson township, Darke coun- ty, is a native of Ohio, his birth having oc- curred in Greene county, February zy, 1844, His father, Peter Winger, was born in Lan- caster county. Pennsylvania, February 26, 1806, of German descent, and was married in 1827, to Anna Barr, a native of the same GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 689 county. In 1846 they came to Darke county, Ohio, and settled in Wayne township on a tract of wild timber land, on which not a stick had been cut or an improvement made. The father built a rude little cabin of rough logs, without nails, fastening the shacks on by poles and pegs. Here he owned sixty acres of land, which he cleared and cultivated until his removal to Versailles. In i860 he went to Marshall county, Iowa, where he had eighty acres of land, but at the end of two years he sold out and returned to this coun- ty, buying twenty acres of land in Wayne township, where he made his home for twelve years. His next purchase consisted of forty acres on section 1 . Patterson township, and upon that place he died. His wife sur- vived him only a few days. Both were past the age of eighty-five years, and now sleep in the Mendenhall cemetery. Of their nine children the following are still living, name- ly : Abraham, a farmer of Mercer county, Ohio; Mrs. Elizabeth Lyme, a widow who is now engaged in merchandising in Paulding county; John, our subject; Eliza, wife of Charles Earnhardt ; and Joseph, a resident of Saline, Mercer county; Mrs. Catherine Geaubaux and Mrs. Mary Ann Marker are both deceased and are buried at Peacock. Although Mr. Winger's literary educa- tion was limited, he early became familiar with all kinds of hard work, and is to-day a thorough and systematic farmer. Hi's farm consists of one hundred acres of rich and fertile land on section 12, Patterson town- ship, which is devoted principally to wheat and corn. In August, 1882, Mr. Winger was united in marriage with Miss Annie Coble, a sLter of Hamilton Coble, and to them have been born four children : Charles, Susie, Alvah and Maud, the oldest now eighteen years of age, the youngest eleven. All are attending the home school and Charles is now ready to enter the high school. During the civil war Mr. Winger en- listed at Versailles, May 1, 1864, in Com- pany E, One Hundred and Fifty-second Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and after serving six months was honorably discharged on the expiration of his term of enlistment. He has never recovered from the effects of his army life and now receives a pension of eight dollars per month. He is an honored member of the Grand Army Post, in which he is serving as senior vice-commander, and is a Republican in politics. He filled the of- fice of road supervisor six years, and at the end of that time refused to accept the posi- tion any longer. Both he and his wife are earnest members of the Christian church and merit and receive the respect and esteem of all who know them. A. L. DUNN. Among the enterprising and energetic farmers of Greenville township is the sub- ject of this review, who on coming to Darke county in 1866 purchased his present farm east of the city of Greenville. A native of Maryland, he was born in Washington coun- ty, that state, in 1839, and in 185 1 came to Xenia, Greene county, Ohio, with his par- ents, S. R. and Letta (Horner) Dunn, also natives of Maryland. Later they came to Darke county, where the mother died in 1880. The father is still living and contin- ues to make his home in this county. In their family were six children, namely: A. L., Mrs. Joan Seburn, Mrs. Alletta Wright; John, deceased ; Samuel 11. and Mrs. Katie Wise. For eighteen years A. L. Dunn has now 690 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. resided upon his present farm of eighty acres in Greenville township, and he has made many improvements upon the place. He devotes his time and attention to general farming and stock raising, and is meeting with well deserved success in his labors. He married Miss Sarah Tingley, of Yellow Springs, Ohio, and to them were born twelve children, but only seven are now living, namely; Charles, Mrs. Etta Hinkle, Mrs. Katie Puterbaugh, Mrs. Lodena Bowman, Gertie, Delia and Harry. Those deceased were: Luther, Thomas, Ella, Bertie and Walter. Mrs. Dunn is a church member, and is a most estimable lady. By his ballot our subject supports the men and measures of the Democratic party, and he has been called upon to fill some of the township offices. JEREMIAH THOMPSON. Among the brave men who devoted the opening years of their manhood to the de- fense of our country from the internal foes who sought her dismemberment, was Jere- miah Thompson, now a prominent farmer of Franklin township, Darke county, Ohio. The first of the family to come to this state was his grandfather, Sylvester Thompson, a native of North Carolina, who settled on a farm just south of Covington, in New- berry township, Miami county, at an early day, and there entered land from the govern- ment. He died upon that farm, and his wife is also deceased. The place is now owned by one of his descendants, Josephus Thompson. James Thompson, our subject's father, was born on the old homestead near Coving- ton. He also entered land in Newberry township, and became a prosperous fanner. He married Elizabeth Bierly, and they are Loth now deceased ; he died upon his farm on Greenville creek, a devout member of the Christian church and highly respected by all who knew him. Of his children,. Maria married Joseph Young and moved to Iowa, dying in Belle Plaine, that state;. Sarah married David Elmon and died in West Milton, Ohio; Elizabeth married John Young and died on the homestead farm;. Nancy died at the age of eighteen years; David married Hannah Rench and died in Newton township, Miami county ; Rebecca married David M. Fine and died in Newber- ry township, the same county; James is a resident of Benton county, Iowa; and the next three were triplets ; Jeremiah, our sub- ject; Josiah, who married Lavina Hickman and now resides in Missouri; and Hezekiah, who died young. The subject of this sketch was born June 6, 1840, on his father's old homestead, and passed his childhood, youth and early man- hood in the log house where he first saw the light of day. He was educated in the coun- try schools, which were principally con- ducted on the subscription plan, and among his early teachers was a Mr. Wood, who taught on his father's farm. He lost his father when a boy and Samuel Hoover was appointed guardian for the children. When the estate was settled our subject re- ceived his portion in money. When the civil war broke out Mr. Thompson was eager to go to the front, con- sidering it his duty to respond to his coun- try's call for men to aid in suppressing the rebellion, and in September, 1861, at Cov- ington, he enlisted for three years as a pri- vate in Company B, Forty-fourth Ohio Vol- unteer Infantry. In 1864 he re-enlisted at Strawberry Plains, and while home on a GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 691 sixty-day furlough was married, April 24, 1864, to Miss Minerva Brandon, a daughter of Richard and Hannah (Dayman) Bran- don. On the expiration of his furlough he bade good-by to his bride and went to Camp Dennison, where his company was as- signed to the Eighth Cavalry, which was with Sheridan's command from that time on. Mr. Thompson veteranized as hospital nurse and commissary sergeant, and at the close of the war was discharged at Clarks- burg, West Virginia. He participated in the battles of Charleston and Louisburg, and in the latter engagement he was wounded. A cannon ball struck near him and he re- ceived a ghastly cut under the chin from a piece of flying rock. He was sent to the regimental hospital, but remained with his command. He was in the battle of Dutton Hill, the siege of Knoxville, and the battles ■of Lynchburg and Cedar Creek. While at Cedar Creek a part of the regiment was or- dered to Beverly, West Virginia, where Mr. Thompson was taken prisoner, but after be- ing held for forty-eight hours was released by his own men. In 1865, while at the front, Mr. Thomp- son invested his money in his present farm of forty-one acres on section 4, Franklin township, Darke county, which at that time was covered with heavy timber. On his return home at the close of the war he rented the Sally Williams farm for two years be- fore locating upon his own place, and sub- sequently was employed in his father-in- law's stone quarry at Covington for a year and a half. Then again he spent two years on the Williams farm and at the end of that time returned to his own place, which he' has cleared and placed under a high state of cultivation. He has made many im- provements upon the farm, including the erection of good outbuildings and a com- fortable home. He raises principally to- bacco. Seven children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, namely : Ora, who died in infancy; Ollie, who married Charles Ibaugh and died in Bradford, March 4, 1897; Will- iam H., who married Blanche Riddle and lives in Piqua, Ohio; Catherine, the wife of Charles Bazzle, of Bradford; Dome C, the wife of B. Westfall, of Adams town- ship, Darke county; Pearl, who died at the age of six years ; and William Sylvester, at home. Genial, kind, hospitable and fond of a good story and joke, Mr. Thompson makes hosts of friends, by whom he is greatly es- teemed, and he is numbered as one of the most reputable citizens of his community. Religiously he is a member of the Chris- tian church, socially is connected with Arnold Post, G. A. R., of Bradford, and po- litically is identified with the Republican party. CHARLES ROLAND. Charles Roland, a journalist of Green- ville, was born in Washington county, Ohio, August 6, 1 83 1. He was left an orphan when an infant, and was reared in the Hill family, in Fairfield county, Ohio. His fa- ther was an Englishman of the Isle of Wight, England, and has two brothers and three sisters who came with him and his mother to this country. Mr. Roland has two brothers living — Edward, at Roland, Indiana, and Perry, at Hutchinson, Kansas. His boy- hood was passed on a farm. He received only a meager common school education, using the tallow candle and fireplace for light during his evening study, which termi- 632 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. nated at the age of fourteen when he entered the office of the Ohio Eagle, at Lancaster, where he learned the printing business, re- maining there several years. In 1856 he became a partner in the ownership of the paper with John M. Connell, subsequently a colonel in the Seventeenth Ohio Volun- teer Infantry. In the latter part of the year 1 86 1 Mr. Roland became sole proprietor and conducted that journal, which was then Democratic in politics and was the official paper of the county, until the spring of 1866, when he disposed of the Eagle and pur- chased the Greenville Democrat, of which he was editor and proprietor until June 14, 1899, when he retired in good health and well-to-do financially, turning his office and business over to his two sons, Charles W. and Edward H. Roland, who had been regu- lar assistants from the '70s up to the pres- ent time. Charles \Y. acting as city editor since 1876. When Mr. Roland took charge of the Democrat it was a small, poorly- printed sheet with patronage too limited for support, but through his earnest work and superior generalship, close application, marked ability and economy his business im- proved, the county gradually advancing from a small and doubtful majority for the Democratic candidates for office to that of a solid and reliable majority, the patronage therefrom falling wholly to the Democrat for many successive years, and by this means Mr. Roland became very prosperous. The paper has always been a folio, conducted with ability, widely circulated, and one of the largest and best weekly newspapers in the state. Mr. Roland has always been a stanch Democrat, outspoken, and in favor of none but honest and incorrutible officials, having boldly exposed some of his own party through his paper. After forty-three years of actual edito- rial work, and making a full hand at the case and job-stone, Mr. Roland's remark- able services have earned him a high rank among the truest and most faithful journal- ists of Ohio, and he severed his old-time brotherhood ties in newspaper business with the best wishes from numerous warm friends and admiring associates through the balance of his days. Referring back to the fall of 1862, Mr. Roland, as editor of the Eagle, took ex- ceptions to the manner in which the civil war was being conducted and was summoned by Governor Tod to an interview in his office at Columbus. He at once presented lumself before the governor, having with him three prominent citizens of Lancaster, as witnesses of what might transpire. The governor complained that the tone of his paper was disloyal and tended to discourage enlistments, and stated that his first impulse had been to suppress the paper and send it.', editor to Fort Weaver. Mr. Roland re- plied that he had taken for his guide the constitution and laws of the country, and that of two meetings in the same week at Lancaster, by Republicans and Democrats, respectively, at the former five men enlisted and at the latter thirteen. The interview closed by a threat somewhat excitedly ex- pressed by the governor in these words : "Constitution and laws or not, unless the t< me of your paper is changed it will be suppressed and you will be sent to • Fort Warren. I have the backbone to do it." Air. Roland returned to Lancaster and pub- lished an attested account of the interview in the next issue of his paper, and contin- ued to publish his views of the eventful struggle and was not molested. Mr. Roland was married, in 1851, to GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 693 Amelia, daughter of Lewis Clark, of Lan- caster, and four sons, Arthur A., Charles \V., Edward H. and Horace G., and five daughters, Alary E., Clara J., Emma S.. Ida A. and Grace V., were born to them. The eldest, Arthur A. Roland, was at one time editor and publisher of the Lebanon Patriot, n< rw a graduate of the Still Osteopathic Col- lege, at Kirksville, Missouri, and practicing at Washington, D. C. He was married to Jennie Trimble, of Lancaster, to whom two sons were born. Alary E. has been the wife of J. H. McAlfine since October 14, 1880, and to them two daughters were burn — Maud and Vera. They reside at Columbus, Ohio, where Mr. McAlfine is chief train dispatcher of the Panhandle Railroad; Emma S. is the wife of Judge J. I. Allread, of this city, to whom two children were bcrn, Marie and Herald ; Clara J. is the widow of J. H. Rhotehamel and has one son, named Roland. She is a Still College graduate and is now practicing at Lancaster, Ohio. Ida A., wife of Sherman A. Dorman. of Greenville, did June 8. 1898, aged about thirty-one years. Grace, the youngest daugh- ter, is not married, neither is Edward H., and they reside with their mother and fa- ther. Horace G., the youngest son, died in 1872, aged eighteen months. Charles W., who is associated with his brother, Ed- ward H., in the publication of the Demo- crat, was married to Lizzie Davis, at Aber- deen, Ohio, September 6, 1882, and has two sons and two daughters — Gertrude V., C. Ernest, Virgil D. and Gladys A., all living, aged seventeen, thirteen, six and four years, respectively. On the 22d of April, 1900, Air. Roland left Greenville on a tour of Europe, return- ing home on the 31st day of July of the some year. The trip was the greatest treat of his life and he enjoyed it immensely without a moment's illness. During his absence he furnished twenty-seven excellent letters of his observations for the Demo- crat, which were afterward reprinted in book form and distributed among his friends. JOHN R. SUTER. In the village of Scon, Switzerland, on the 20th of July, 1 86 1, John R. Suter was lorn, a son of Samuel and Farenia Suter, both of whom were natives of that land, where they spent their entire lives. At the age of six years their son, John, entered school, pursuing his studies until he was fourteen years of age. He then began an apprenticeship at the butcher's trade, serv- ing for a period of four years, and on com- pleting his term he traveled as a journeyman through Switzerland, Germany and France. Believing, however, that he might better his financial condition in the new world he came to the United States in 1881, landing at Xew York citv, whence he made his way direct to Miami county. Ohio. He there spent two years and four months, and in June, 1883. came to Greenville, Ohio, where he entered the services of George Buchy, by whom he was employed for seven years. Subsequently he worked for Air. Klee, a butcher, for three years, and then purchased the meat market of Curtis & Rodakaffer, succeeding to their business. He has a good shop, well furnished with every appli- ance known to the modern butcher, and as he buys and kills his own stock he therefore furnishes to his patrons an excellent grade of meat. His place of business is centrally located and he now has a large and con- stantly growing trade. In 1883 occurred the marriage of Air. 694 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Suter and Miss Ellen Smalenberger, of Greenville, Ohio. This lady was born in Germany and came to America in early child- hood with her parents. Air. and Mrs. Suter now have three children — Rosa, Albert and Bertha — all yet under the parental roof. In his social relations Mr. Suter is connected with Greenville Lodge, No. 195, I. O. O. F., and with the Knights of Pythias fra- ternity of this place. He has a good resi- dence, well furnished, and is an honest and reliahle citizen, whose success in life is at- tributable entirely to his own efforts. Com- ing to this country without capital and with- out influential friends to aid him, he has worked his way steadily upward, overcom- ing all difficulties and obstacles in his path by determined purpose. He is well known as a successful business man of Greenville, having no occasion to regret the fact that he sought a home in the land of the free. WILLIAM J. REICHARD. Among Ohio's native sons who are de- voting their energies to the honorable oc- cupation of farming is William J. Reichard, who is residing on section 7, Mississinawa township. He was born in Preble county, Ohio, April 17, 1847, a °d his father, Isaac Reichard. was a native of the same neigh- borhood, born December 12, 1822. The grandfather, John Reichard, was born in Center county. Pennsylvania, August 18. 1793, and at an early day came to Ohio, locating at Pyrmont. Preble county. The land was wild and unimproved and the fam- ily bore the hardships incident to the life on the frontier. John Reichard married Eliza Winicks and they had eight children, seven sons and one daughter, all of whom reached mature vears, married and had families. The only surviving member of the family. however, is Samuel Reichard, who is living in Indiana, at an advanced age. The grand- mother, who was born October 9, 1792, died August 6, 1843, and the grandfather of our subject, surviving her for about three years, passed away on the 29th of July 1846. They were laid to rest in the cemetery at Pyrmont. Preble county. Their marriage was celebrated February 4, 18 12, and was blessed with several sons and daughters, concerning whom we make the following ob- servations : John, who was born November 10, 1 81 2, died in the seventieth year of his age; Michael, who was born December 1. 1814. died at the age of seventy-seven years; Daniel, born March 4. 181 7; Samuel, No- vember 2/, 1819; Isaac, December 12, 1822; Philip. June iS. 1825; Henry, June 10. 1828; and Alary Ann, who was born December 8, 1834. died in the autumn of 1898. Isaac Reichard, the father of our sub- ject, was reared to manhood in Darke coun- ty, and having attained to his majority, married Sarah Garland, who was born in Tennessee. June 1, 1824. Thev were wedded at Gordontown. Ohio, in 1846, and took up their residence at Pyrmont, where William J. and his sister, Alary Amanda, were born. The latter is now the widow of Louis Horine, residing at Fort Recovery with her two sons and a daughter. George W., the third of the family, died November 12, 1899, in his forty-ninth year, but five of his six children are yet living'. John is a well known farmer of this township. Eli F. resides in Union City, Indiana, and has three children — a son and two daughters. Alonzo P., who is living on the old home- stead, has two sons and two daughters. The father of these children died October 2, 1879, and the community mourned the loss GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 695 of one of its esteemed citizens. He started out in life with little capital, but by de- termined purpose worked his way upward and became the owner of a good property. His wife is a member of the Methodist church and a most estimable lady. Mr. Reichard. of this review, received limited school privileges in the district in which he resided and since early life has had few opportunities to pursue his studies, his assistance beinsf needed on the home farm or in other labor that would yield to him a living. He has carried on agricult- ural pursuits throughout his entire life and is to-day the owner of one hundred acres of valuable land, sixtv of which is contained within the borders of the home farm. He carries on general farming and each season has from five to seven acres planted with tobacco. He also makes a specialty of corn and raises hogs, sheep and cattle. He works four horses in the operation of his farm and conducts his business along pro- gressive and energetic lines. On the 25th of February. 1869, Mr. Reichard was united in marriage to Miss Mary Jane Sumner, who was born in Fred- erick county, Maryland, November 1. 1846, a daughter of George and Susanna ( Mong- man) Sumner. Her father was born De- cember 11. 18,22, and died in 1893, at the age of seventv-one years, leaving a widow and fourteen children, of whom thirteen, nine sons and four daughters, are yet living. The youngest is now thirty-six years of age. HEXRY C. BRISTLY. Among the enterprising farmers and highly esteemed citizens of Twin township, Darke county, Ohio, is the gentleman whose name introduces this sketch. The family name was formerly spelled Brustle. His grandfather, Christian Bristly, was a tailor by trade and spent his entire life in Wurtem- berg, Germany, where he died at the age of forty-six years. His wife, who bore the maiden name of Sabina Wert, also died in. that country, about 1818. Their oldest son, Christian, Jr., who possessed a fine ed- ucation, came to the United States about 1 8 10 and settled in Montgomery county, Ohio, where he taught a German school. He made two trips to Germany, and died in the house where he was born, in 1838, at about the age of seventy-six vears. Henry Charles, the father of our subject, was the next of the family. Sabina married Fred- erick Moore and died in Logan county, Ohio. Elizabeth married Christian Shaffer and died in Germany; and Katy, who mar- ried a Mr. Schrenk, also died in her native land. Henry Charles Bristly was born in oberamt Maulbron, kingdom of Wurtem- berg, German)-, November 22, 1780, re- ceived a good education and became the proprietor of a vineyard in his native land. On the 28th of April, 1819, he sailed from Havre, France, and landed in Philadelphia on the 25th of the following August. He proceeded at once to Allentown, Pennsyl- vania, and found employment on a farm. Later he worked as a farm hand in Berks county, that state, for some time. He was married, August 31, 1823. by Rev. Daniel Ulrith, to Elizabeth Ohlwein, who was horn in Lebanon county, Pennsylvania, in July, 1795, a daughter of Werner and Katy (Long) Ohlwein and granddaughter of Killion Long, a native either of Berks or Lebanon county. Pennsylvania. Her fa- ther was a native of Hesse, Germany, and came to this country during the Revolution- 696 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. ary war with the Hessian troops hired bv the British to fight against the colonies. He was taken prisoner at the battle of Trenton, and from that time on fought in the con- tinental army, becoming intimately acquaint- ed with General Washington. He died at his home in Jackson township. Lebanon county, Pennsylvania, in 182Q, his wife in 1838. Of their children Jacob was drafted in the war of 181 2, was stationed at Balti- more, and died in Jackson township, Leb- anon county, at the age of forty-seven years ; Samuel, who died in the same township; and* Elizabeth was the mother of our sub- ject. After his marriage Henry C. Bristly purchased five acres of land in Tulpehocken township, Berks county, Pennsylvania, but in 1839 he sold that place and purchased another in Jackson township, Lebanon o flin- ty, where he made his home until April. 1853, when he disposed of his interests in that state and came to Ohio. He purchased ten acres of land in Clay township, Mont- gomery county, upon which he spent the remainder of his life, dying there April .25, 1S57. He was a Democrat in politics and a Lutheran in religious belief, but his wife held membership in the Reformed church. She died at the home of our sub- ject, January 19, 1873. They had only two children. Henry C. being the older. Jonathan, born in Tulpehocken township, Berks coun- ty, Pennsylvania, July 1, 1829, died in Clay township, Montgomery county, Ohio. July 2. 1898. He married Anna Mary Buechler, a daughter of John and Barbara (Stein) Buechler. Her father came to this state with his family in 1836 and settled in Ran- dolph, Montgomery county, where his death occurred. The subject of this sketch was born in Tulpehocken township. Berks county, Penn- sylvania, September 7, 1826, and had very poor educational advantages, attending an English school for only one month. The German language was spoken in his own home. At the age of twenty-one years he learned the carpenter's trade, which he has followed ever since, In September, 1852, he came to Ohio and worked at his trade in Salem until the new year, when he returned home; but in the spring he again went to Montgomery county, Ohio. In Clay township, that county, he was married, October 18, 1855, to Miss Leliah Baker, who was born there November 25, 1834, a daughter of Jacob and Sarah (Michael) Baker. Her grandparents were natives of Somerset county, Pennsylvania,. and were the first to settle near Salem, Mont- gomery county, Ohio, where they entered land and spent the remainder of their lives. Mrs. Bristly's father also was born in Som- erset county, Pennsylvania, and was ten years old when brought by his parents to this state, where he grew to manhood. When the family located here Dayton contained but one log cabin, and often Indians camped upon their farm. Mr. Baker received a very poor education, as schools were scarce in this state at that time. He married Sarah Michael, also a native of Pennsylvania, whose family settled near Salem, Ohio, later than 181 2. They located on a farm given him by his father, and there he died, in 1882. He was a Dunkard in religious belief and independent in politics. His chil- dren were : Katy, who married Jacob Hinkey and died in Monroe township, Darke coun- ty ; Susan, who married Henry Foreman and died in Arcanum ;. Mary, who wedded Elias Baker and died in Monroe town- ship ; Sarah, who married John Foreman GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 697 aid died in Van Buren township; Samuel M., a resident of Monroe township: Delilah, the wife of our subject; Jacob, who married Sarah Shonck and lives in Brookville, Mont- gomery county; David, who married Sarah Grant and also lives in Brookville ; Tensa, the wife of George Overholser, of North Manchester, Indiana ; Lydia, the wife of Lewis Koehler, of Dayton. Ohio ; and four who died in infancy. To Mr. and Mrs. Bristly were born the following children : Levi, born April 22, 1868, married Cora Fritz and resides in Twin township, this county; Sarah is the wife of Lewis Fryman, of Monroe town- ship; Samuel married a Miss Robinson and lives at home; and five children died in in- fancy. For a year after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Bristly lived on her father's farm near Arlington, and then moved to their present farm, which was given her by her father. Ibis place, consisting of eighty-two acres, was then an unbroken forest, on which had been built a log cabin, and into it the family moved March 3, 1857. Mr. Bristly also owns another farm of fifty-five acres in Twin township, and in connection with the cultivation and improvement of bis land he has always engaged in contracting and build- ing and has erected many of the houses and barns in his section. His present home of red brick was built in 1S72, and good and substantial outbuildings have also been erect- ed, so that the farm is one of the best im- proved in that locality. By his ballot Mr. Bristly supports the men and measures of the Democratic party, and has filled the offices of school director twenty years and town- ship trustee three years. In 1850 he united with the Lutheran church and has since been one of its consistent and earnest mem- bers, as well as one of the most highly re- spected and esteemed citizens of Twin town- ship. JOSEPH JOHN BULCHER. Darke county has a no more enterpris- ing, energetic and progressive business man than Joseph J. Bulcher, who now makes his home on section 25, Patterson township. He was born in Shelby county, this state, two miles east of Versailles, November 26, 1854, and is a son of Francis Peter and Celestia (Foisinet) Bulcher, who are now living a retired life on one of their three farms. The father was born in Alsace, France, July 1, 1822. and in the fall of 1846 came to the new world, bringing with him bis wife and one child. It was a long and tedious voyage from Havre to New Vork. and by canal they proceeded to Buf- falo, by lake to Toledo, and by canal to Berlin, Ohio, where they arrived in the woods. By ox team they came to Wayne township, Darke county, and the father pur- chased forty acres of land just over the line in Shelby county, for which he paid three dollars per acre. He prospered in his new home and is to-day one of the most sub- stantial citizens of his community. Of his twelve children, eleven — three sons and eight daughters — grew to manhood or woman- hood, namely : Rosa, the widow of Julius Moyoto ; Lucy, who married August Henry and died in middle life; Cecil, who married Frank Smith and died at the age of forty- eight years; Celina. the wife of a Mr. Har- rison; Joseph J., our subject; P. Elizabeth, the wife of Joseph Alexander, of Wabash township; Mary, who married Henry Coucbot and died young; Frank P.. a farmer of Patterson township; John, who died un- 698 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. married at the age of twenty-three years ; Louisa, the wife of Constant Liette; and Lizzie, the wife of Joseph Poly. Joseph J. Bulcher attended the common schools until thirteen years of age, and In- improving his talents in later life has become a well informed man. He remained under the parental roof until twenty-four years of age, when he was married, October 8, 1878, t<> Miss Adaline M. Poly, who was born in Wayne township, this county. October 10, i860, and is a daughter of Frank and Theresa (Dafoire) Poly, natives of France. Mrs*. Poly died at the age of forty-eight years, leaving six children, who are still liv- ing. Thirteen children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Bulcher, but one son died in infancy, and Mary A., born in 1880, died of a cancerous tumor at about the age of fourteen years. The names and dates of birth of the other children are as follows: Peter F., March 29, 1881 ; Edward J., in 1882; Emma D.. May 5, 1884: Anna Mary, March 27, 1886; Raymond L., May 17, 1888; Theressa E., February 25, 1890; Stella Isabel, July 12, 1891 ; Laurence J., Septem- ber 8, 1893; Clarence Henry, February 7. 1895; Agnes M., January 21, 1897; and Josephine, November 3, 1898. They con- stitute a very bright and interesting family of which any parents might well be proud. From their German ancestry they have in- herited a talent for music and several play oil musical instruments of various kinds. Mr. Bulcher owns and cultivates a good farm of ninety-one acres, on which he is engaged in general farming, but makes a specialty of tobacco growing, having from seven to ten acres devoted to that crop. He also buys and sells tobacco, and deals in to- bacco boxes, buggies, wagons and surreys. For several years he engaged in merchan- dising and in the manufacture of lumber, and is still interested in a saw-mill which brings him some revenue. He is a wide- awake, energetic business man, and the suc- cess that he has achieved in life is well mer- ited. As a Democrat, Mr. Bulcher takes an active interest in local politics and has served as a delegate to many conventions. He and his family are members of the Catholic church, of which he is now the treasurer. ALOXZO L. JOXES. An enterprising and representative busi- ness man of Greenville, Mr. Jones, is dealing in leaf tobacco, and is not only connected with the commercial interests of the city, but also represents its official corps, for he is the postmaster of the city, prompt, ener- getic and notably reliable. He was born in Monroe county, Ohio, in the vicinity of West Milton, on the 21st of April, 1845, his parents being John L. and Catherine D. (Campbell) Jones. The Jones family is of Welsh lineage and was founded in the Buckeye state at an early period in its pio- neer development by John Jones, the grand- father of our subject. On the maternal side our subject is descended from good old Revolutionary stock. The grandfather, William D. Campbell, served under General Wayne in the struggle for independence, and in 1792 he emigrated westward to Cin- cinnati, making the trip on a flatboat. He married a Miss Thomas, and for some years they remained residents of Cincinnati, when the city was a pioneer western village. John L. Jones, the father of our subject, was born in South Carolina, and in 1816 accompanied his parents to Ohio, the family locating about sixteen miles north of Day- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 699' ton. He was therefore reared amid the wild scenes of the frontier and after arriving at years of maturity he married one of Ohio's native daughters — Miss Catherine Campbell. In 1848 they removed with their family to Darke county, locating in Neave township, where the father resided until i860, when he formed a partnership and embarked in merchandising in Arcanum, where he re- mained until a short time prior to his death, which occurred in 1884. His wife, who still survives him, yet makes her home in Ar- canum. Alonzo L. Jones spent the first five years of his life near Dayton, and then came with the family to Darke county, where he pur- sued his preliminary education in the dis- trict schools, later attending the high school of Greenville, where he prosecuted his studies under the superintendence of Professor J. T. Martz, a very thorough and noted edu- cator of that day. After leaving school Mr. Jones returned to Dayton and accepted a clerkship in the store of Smith Brothers, manufacturers of school supplies and fur- niture. In 1872 he became interested in the tobacco business, in company with J. P. Wolf, of Dayton, handling leaf tobacco. The partnership continued for several years, after which Mr. Jones continued in the same line of business alone, in Greenville. He built a fine brick warehouse for handling and storing tobacco, and his business has steadily increased in volume and importance, Darke county being one of the leading to- bacco-producing counties in the state, as the quality of this product is so superior that tobacco shipped from this locality always commands the highest market prices. The warehouse owned by Mr. Jones is con- structed of stone and brick and was built especially for the purpose for which it is used. It is a two-story structure, con- veniently arranged, and is situated in close' proximity to the two .railroad depots in Greenville, thus having excellent shipping facilities. During the civil war Mr. Jones was a stanch advocate of the Union cause, and in 1864 he responded to the call for one-hun- dred-day men, enlisting in the One Hundred and Fifty-sixth Ohio Infantry, under the command of Colonel Dean Putnam. The regiment was sent to Lynchburg, Virginia, and did garrison duty, guarding the rail- road and captured places. In the early part of the year 1865 Mr. Jones, with his regi- ment, was honorably discharged, at Camp Dennison, Ohio. In 1866 was celebrated his marriage to Miss Martha Baker, a daughter of C. S. Baker, who was born in Warren county, Ohio, and is a representative of one of the old families of the state. Mrs. Jones was born in this county, and by her marriage has become the mother of three children: Iona, the wife of A. J. Slackhouse, of Fos- toria, Ohio; Charles R., who is serving as private secretary for Hon. Robert B. Gor- don, the member of congress from the fourth congressional district of Ohio ; and Carl D., at home. He married Miss Mabel Turner, of Greenville, a daughter of Joseph Turner. In his political views Mr. Jones is an earnest Republican, well informed on the issues of the day, and is a recognized leader in the local ranks of his party. He has held a number of minor offices and in 1898 was appointed by President McKinley to the position of postmaster of Greenville, in which position he has discharged his duties with marked promptness and fidelity. He is a member of the Knights of Pythias fra- ternity and is a man whose sterling qualities,. 700 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. whose faithfulness to every trust and whose straightforward dealing in business have won for him the public confidence and good will of all with whom he has come in con- tact. SAMUEL GIBSON. The Gibson family, of which Samuel Gibson, the subject of this sketch, is a rep- resentative, is of Irish origin. Isaac Gib- son, his grandfather, was a native of the Emerald Isle, emigrated to this country when a young man and here married and reared a large family. He was twice mar- ried and by his second wife had eleven chil- dren — four sons and seven daughters — all of whom have passed away except John, the father of Samuel. John Gibson was born August 12, 1814, and is now in his seventy- sixth year. In 1837 he married Margaret Rose, who bore him eleven children, eight sons and three daughters, all of whom reached adult age and are now living, ex- cept one, Mary, who died at the age of sev- enteen months. His father a farmer, Samuel was born on a farm and brought up to farm life, the date and place of . his birth being Decem- ber 3, 1837, in Wabash township, Darke county, Ohio. His educational advantages were limited to the schools taught in the log cabin school house of that day and place. He remained a member of the home circle until he attained his majority, when he started out in life on his own account, and the success he has achieved has been through his own efforts and with the assistance of his good wife. He owns a nice farm of sixtv-five acres on section 2, Allen town- ship, Darke county, his postofhce address being New Weston, and here he has lived since 1876, for a period of twenty-four years. March 20, i860, Samuel Gibson was united in marriage to Miss Nancy Joseph, who was born in Illinois, in 1838, a daugh- ter of William and Melena ( Bucher) Jo- seph. Mrs. Gibson had the misfortune to lose her parents by death at an early age. She has one sister. The fruits of this union are four children, namely: Mary, the wife of John Silvas, who died at the age of thirty years, leaving a son and a daughter; Hop- kins, who married and is settled in life; Malina, the wife of Colonel Thomas, of New Weston, has had six children, four of whom are living; and Emma, the wife of Reuben Sneary, a farmer of Allen township. Mr. Gibson affiliates with the Demo- cratic party, while his father is a Republi- can. He has from time to time been hon- ored with local office and in the same has served efficiently. Thirteen years he has served in the capacity of trustee. Mrs. Gib- son is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, which the family regularly attend and to the support of which Mr. Gibson contributes. JAMES M. BENSON. It is certainly incumbent that in this compilation due recognition be accorded Mr. Benson, for the family name is one that has been prominently identified with the annals of the county for more than half a century — in fact for nearly sixty-five years — while throughout all these years this identification has been maintained through that line of industry which figures as the basis of all others, that of agriculture. Mr. Benson's fine farm is located on sec- tion 30, Harrison township, Darke county, GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 701 and his postoffice address is Whitewater, In- diana. He is a native of the township, hav- ing been born on a place about two miles distant from his present home, on the 16th of December, 1841. His father, James Benson, was born in the state of Maryland, where he was united in marriage to Miss Susan Murray, about the year 1832. They continued to reside there until about 1836, when they set out on the long and tedious journey to the Ohio frontier, finally arriving at their destination in Darke county and taking up their abode in Harrison township, their occupation of the place now owned by their son, the subject of this review, hav- ing begun about six months after their ar- rival. James M. has often heard the tale of the eventful journey made by his par- ents in the pioneer days, for the trip was made with horses and wagon and by this medium all their little stock of household goods was. transported. They .purchased one hundred acres of timbered land for six hundred dollars, and in this wilderness be- gan to clear up a farm, the little home be- ing isolated and of the most primitive pio- neer order, with few conveniences and no luxuries. Stout hearts and willing hands will accomplish much, as all our pioneer history has shown, and Mr. and Mrs. Ben- son did their full share in reclaiming the wilds and laying the foundations for the magnificent prosperity which the present generations enjoy. When the young couple settled on their woodland farm their nearest market was Cincinnati, and some seasons Mr. Benson transported as many as one hundred head of hogs to this distant point. Both he and his devoted wife are birthright members of the Society of Friends, and in their lives they exemplify the kindly virtues and unwavering integrity so characteristic of this religious sect. As the days passed the farm began to show the results of the ar- duous labor and care bestowed, and in due time the fields yielded their harvests in sea- son. Around the family hearthstone the children came to lend joy and brightness, our subject being one of the eleven born to his parents, and of this number eight were reared to maturity and six are living at the present time, namely : Conrad Robert, a resident of California; Harriet, wife of John E. Harrison, of Xenia, Ohio; John was ac- cidentally shot while on a hunting expedi- tion in the northwest, his death resulting from the injury inflicted ; Elijah is a farmer in Nebraska; the next in order of birth was James M., subject of this sketch; Ephraim is a resident of Preble count}-, this state ; and Catherine is the widow of a Mr. Teaford and resides in Hollansburg, this count)-. The father of this large family of chil- dren died about 1871, leaving to his heirs his farm of one hundred and sixty acres and some town property, with some incum- branches. His wife died at the age of seven- ty-six years. James M. Benson, the subject of this sketch, remained upon the home place, and October 1, 1866, be was united in mar- riage to Delilah Barton, of Wayne count)-, Indiana, a daughter of Andrew and Celia (Boswell) Barton, and of the children of this union we make record briefly, as fol- lows : James Andrew, who is married and has three children, resides on the home place and is associated with his father in the cultiva- tion of the same; Mabel is the wife of Col- onel Williams and has one son. Mr. Benson has a fine farm of one hun- dred and sixty-three acres, devoted to gen- eral farming and stock raising. On the place are two excellent houses and two barns with other modern improvements of an at- 702 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. tractive order. On the place have been raised as much as eight hundred bushels of wheat and two thousand bushels of corn in a year. The corn is utilized for the feeding of the cattle on the place, special attention be- ing given to stock raising .Mr. Benson places on the market an average of fifty hogs annually, and in the year 1899 dis- posed of one hundred head. He keeps a fine herd of hogs and an average of twelve head of cattle, in which latter line he is gradually displacing his Jersey stock with the shorthorn and polled Durham. Much of 'the farm consists of bottom lands that were once heavily timbered, and the soil is not only exceptionally fertile, but is very durable, as is shown in the fact that one field produced good crops of corn for twenty- seven consecutive years, without any alterna- tion or special fertilizing. The modern resi- dence on the homestead is a model country home, and by its side still stands the old homestead, so endeared by long associa- tions. In his political proclivities Mr. Benson is a Republican, and religiously he and his estimable wife are identified with the United Brethren church. LEWIS C. ANDERSON, M. D. Darke county has been signally favored in the personnel and character of her profes- sional men, and in that most exacting of all professions, medicine and surgery, a notable representative is he whose name appears above. Dr. Anderson, who holds distinctive prestige as a physician and surgeon of marked ability in his profession and as a man of sterling characteristics in all the re- lations of life, maintains his residence and office in Greenville, from which headquarters his practice ramifies throughout the county, while he is frequently called into consulta- tion by his professional confreres at points more or less distantly located. He is a na- tive of the Buckeye state, having been born in Montgomery county on the 15th of Jan- uary, 1850, the son of John and Mary (Hulse) Anderson. The father was a na- tive of Pennsylvania and the mother of Ohio. After their marriage they settled in Mont- gomery county, this state, where they re- mained until 1863, when the family removed to Darke county and settled upon a farm, which continued to be the home of the hon- ored parents until death released them from their labors, — the father passing away in No- vember, 1869, in the forty-eighth year of his age, while the mother survived but a short time after their removal to this county, her demise taking place in 1864. The paternal grandparents of the Doctor were James and Ruth (McCahan) Ander- son, the former born in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, in April, 1792, the latter in January, 1800. His paternal great-grand- parents were Irish and lived about twenty miles from Dublin, where all of their chil- dren but James were born. They emigrated to the new world in 1 791. The maternal great-grandfather of our subject was Patrick McCahan, also a native of the Emerald Isle, and his wife, who bore the maiden name of Sarah Green, was a near relative of General Nathaniel Greene, of Revolutionary fame. Dr. Anderson passed the first twelve years of his life in Montgomery county, accompanying his parents upon their removal to Darke county in 1863. Thus he spent part of his youth upon the farm, growing strong in mind and body under this sturdy discipline, supplemented by his attendance at the district schools in the vicinity of his i (X^^U^o^ GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 703 home. His father was appreciative of the advantages of broader education and the young man was encouraged in his aspirations to seek a wider field of endeavor in preparing for the battle of life. He matriculated as a student in the Normal University at Leb- aniin, Ohio, where he prepared himself for pedagogic work, which has served as the stepping stone for so many of our leading professional men, and after being duly forti- fied in this line he devoted himself to teach- ing for one winter in the district schools and for two winters in the village of An- sonia. In the meanwhile he had formulated specific plans for his future life work, and, having decided to prepare himself for the medical profession, began a course of read- ing under the preceptorage of Dr. Hooven, a well-known physician of Dayton, Ohio, later prosecuting his studies and clinical work in the Miami Medical College, at Cin- cinnati, where he graduated as a member of the class of 1874. He immediately entered upon the practice of his profession at An- sonia, Darke county, where he remained un- til 1888, when he removed to Greenville, the county seat, having been elected to the of- fice of probate judge, as the nominee of the Democratic party. He assumed the duties of this important and exacting office February 9, 1888, and after serving with signal ability ami impartiality for his term of three years was chosen as his own successor and con- tinued his effective administration of the of- fice for a further three years. At the expira- tion of his second term the Doctor prepared to again devote himself to his regular pro- fessional work, which he had but held in temporary abeyance. In order to thoroughly reinforce himself for his duties he went to Xew York city, where he completed a post- graduate course at the Xew York Post- 43 Graduate Medical School. Returning to Greenville he entered into a professional alliance with Dr. D. Robeson, under t'.ie firm name of Robeson & Anderson, engaging in general practice. His success has been the diametrical result of his ability and personal popularity and he is known as one of the able physicians and surgeons of the state, being a close and indefatigable student and ever keeping abreast of the advances made in his profession. The Doctor is a member of the Darke County Medical Society and also of the State and National Medical As- sociations, in whose work he maintains an active interest. He served two years as a physician to the Darke County Children's Home and is a member_ of the soldiers' re- lief committee of the county and a member of the Greenville city school board. In politics the Doctor is a stanch Demo- crat and has been an active worker in the cause. Fraternally his allegiance is given to the time-honored order of Freemasons, in which he holds membership in Ansonia Lodge, No. 488, A. F. & A. M., and Green- ville Chapter, R. A. M., while he is also identified with Ansonia Lodge, No. 60 =;, I. O. O. F., and the Knights of Pythias, be- ing distinctly popular in each of these or- ganizations, to which he gives as much of his time as is possible in the midst of the exac- tions of his professional work. On the 29th of September, 1875, Dr. Anderson was united in marriage to Miss Ollie Tullis, daughter of Milton and Sarah Tullis, of Ansonia, and of this union one son has been born, John M., a young man of much intellectuality and strength of char- acter, who is now a student in the celebrated Rush Medical College, in Chicago, where he is preparing to follow the profession to so marked success. roi GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. SOLOMON D. HART. As education reaches a higher plane and the intellectual side of our character de- velops, we find more in our lives than a mere money-making existence and awaken to the full realization of our responsibilities. It is natural that our thoughts and hearts should go back to the past, and we are com- pelled to express our deep admiration and tender sympathy for those brave pioneers, who, by a life of noble self-sacrifice and un- daunted courage, teach us the beauties of an unselfish life. Inspired by religious zeal and having faith in the Divine Father, an- imated by a deep love for their families and a desire for their improvement, they left their eastern homes and with their worldly possessions journeyed to the great west, pen- etrating the heart of the wilderness, build- ing their cabins where the foot of the white man had never trod, where only the Indian contested for supremacy with the wild beasts of the forest. Having thus selected their homes, these sturdy pioneers endured with- out ci iniplaining the privations, misery and hardships attendant upon such a life. They displayed a heroism equalled only by those devoted wives and mothers who accompanied them. 'When our country's history shall have been rewritten, when we hand down to coming generations the names of her truest heroes, it will not be the names of men who. surrounded by numerous com- rades, inspired by the intoxicating strains of martial music, by the rolling of drums, the rattle of musketry, the roar of artillery and the din of clashing steel, fought until they died. It is not the intention of the biog- rapher to dispute their bravery or belittle their deeds ; but it required a greater courage a deeper religious sentiment and more lofty ideals on the part of the pioneers to abandon civilization and bury themselves in the for- ests, where after a life of labor and unre- mitting toil they lie down to sleep at last without knowing- luxury, but happy in the knowledge that their beloved wives and chil- dren were placed above the fear of want. These devoted men and women are our greatest heroes and their names will go down the ages when war and its horrors shall have ceased. To such a family be- longs S. D. Hart, the subject of this sketch, now a prominent farmer residing on sec- tion 36, Jackson township, Darke county, Ohio. His father, Joseph Hart, was born in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania in 181 2, of English parentage, and like most boys of that day received only such an education as he could pick up at odd intervals. Being left fatherless during his boyhood it was very necessary that he should help support the family, and he and his two brothers were bound apprentices, but when he was old enough to care for himself he came to Ohio and settled near Dayton, where he worked for some time. About 1837 he married Magdalene, a daughter of John Shidler, and they reared eight children, namely : B. Franklin, Peter, Cyrus, Levi, Jonathan, Sol- omon D., Mrs. Catherine Sullenberger and Mrs. Esther Geiger. The father rented two farms near Bradford, where he remained until he entered land on section 36, Jackson township, Darke county, where our subject now resides. There were very few settlers in this locality at that time ; there was only a small store where Woodington now stands and money was exceedingly scarce. Upon thi> place Mr. Hart built a barn and double log house, which was the home of the fam- ily for some years, and was a very good GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 705 building for those days. It was afterward replaced by a fine brick residence, — one of the first in the township. It was destroyed by fire in 1880. but was soon rebuilt. The original farm of eighty acres was enlarged to one hundred and sixty acres by the pur- chase of a tract of land from Peter Shidler. Mr. Hart was a man of great public spirit and took an active interest in the development of the free school system. He was a Dem- ocrat in politics, but never sought office, and was a German Baptist in religious belief, an active worker in church affairs and untiring in his efforts to advance the general welfare of his community. He died in 1881 in his sixty-seventh year, and bis wife survived him exactly four years. Solomon D. Hart was born in Miami county, Ohio, January 16, 1847, and was a mere infant when the family came to Darke county. His education, like that of most boys of those days, was necessarily limited, pursuing his studies in an old log school house until his tenth year, and often wading in water knee deep in going to and from school. Later a frame school house was built and here he was a student for about three months each year, while he assisted his father with the farm work the rest of the time until twenty. He then learned the carpenter's trade, which he followed for a short time. In 1873 Mr. Hart was united in mar- riage with Miss Mary E. Loy, a native of Preble county and a daughter of Michael Loy. She came with her family to this county when four years of age. -Mr. and Mrs. Hart have three children, namely: Delia, wife of a Mr. Huffard, a merchant of Elroy; Alva L., who is attending school and assisting his father on the farm; and Eliza, also in school. After his marriage Mr. Hart rented a farm near his father's place for eighteen months and then purchased forty acres ad- joining - , on which he lived for seven years. He then removed to the old homestead, where he still resides, having purchased the interests of the other heirs in the place. Here he has one hundred and twenty acres of land under a high state of cultivation, on which is a fine brick residence and several large barns, and he also owns forty-five acres of bottom land in Brown township, which he has drained and converted into a very productive tract. He is engaged in general farming, stock and tobacco raising, and, being an energetic man, of good busi- ness ability, he is meeting witli marked suc- cess in his labors. His genial temperament makes him a great favorite with his asso- ciates, and he has a host of warm friends throughout the county. He takes a very active part in promoting the interests of the Reformed church, of which he is a member, and gives his support to the men and meas- ures of the Republican party. He has never aspired to political honors, but has efficiently served as school director for ten years, dur- ing which time he has succeeded in making many improvements in the school system. GEORGE H. McCLURE. Among the enterprising and progressive business men of Greenville who are meeting with well deserved success in their under- takings is the subject of this sketch — the junior member of the well-known firm of Whiteley & McClure, dealers in farming implements and machinery, at No. 131 East Third street. He is a native of Darke coun- ty, his birth occurring upon a farm in Wash- ington township October 20, 1866. His fa- ther, John S. McClure, a successful and 706 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. prosperous farmer, was also born in this county April 12, 1841, and died here April 10, 18Q5. The paternal grandfather, George McClure, was a native of Montgomery coun- ty, Ohio, and an early settler of Darke coun- ty. He married Maria Myrkle, and they reared four children. Our subject's mother was in her maidenhood Miss Mary Cole, a native of Washington township, this coun- ty, and a daughter of Samuel Cole, one of its pioneers. She died in December, 1867. George H. McClure was reared in much the usual manner of farmer boys and ob- tained his early education in the country- schools. Later he entered the National Nor- mal University at Lebanon, Ohio, where he pursued his studies for some time. After his return home he assisted his father in the operation of the farm for five years. He is now the owner of a good farm of one hundred acres in Washington township, which is under a high state of cultivation and well improved. While engaged in agri- cultural pursuits he devoted considerable at- tention to stock raising, keeping a high grade of cattle and hogs. His specialty was the noted Duroc hogs, which he sold for breed- ing purposes throughout the state. In 1897 Mr. McClure removed to Green- ville and accepted a position in the service of the Farmers' Mutual Insurance Company of Darke county. Later he entered the em- ploy of Warder, Bushnell & Glessner, of Springfield, Ohio, manufacturers of farming implements and machinery, and remained with them as a traveling salesman for two years. At the end of that time he formed a partnership with Joseph Whiteley, and under the firm name of Whiteley & Mc- Clure they have since engaged in their pres- ent business at Greenville. They carry a large and varied stock of farm machinery, and as they have an extensive acquaintance throughout Darke county and the surround- ing country they have already built up a large and profitable trade. Mr. McClure was married, in 1892, to Miss Emma Jeffries, of Darke county, the fourth daughter of Milton and Louisa (Chenoweth) Jeffries, and to them have been born three children, namely : Lucile, Harold and Louise. URIAH MEDFORD. The commercial activity of New Weston is largely promoted through the enterpris- ing efforts of Mr. Medford, who is engaged in the undertaking and farm implement busi- ness. He is also identified with agricult- ural interests, being the owner of one of the finest farms of Darke county. He was born in Wabash township, this county, on the 2 1st day of May, 1857, and is of English lineage, his great-grandfather, William Medford, having been a native of England. His grandfather, Charles Medford, was a farmer of Darke county and died in this locality when about seventy years of age. He was twice married and reared a large number of children, but all of his children are now deceased. George D. Medford. the father of our subject, was born in Franklin county, Ohio, December 6, 1827, and died in Kansas in 1893, at the age of sixty-six years. He wedded Mary Ann Gates, who was born in Chittenden county, Vermont, February 20, 1828, their wedding taking place October 26, 1847, nl Ohio. There they began their domestic life upon a farm and their union was blessed with six children, namely: Myron C, of Dayton, Ohio, who has one son; Matilda B., who became the wife of J. M. Rose and the mother of four GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 707 children, and died in middle life; Charles, a farmer of Wabash township, who has nine children, three sons and six daughters ; J. C, who is living in Darke county and has four children ; Uriah, of this review ; and Irene, the wife of J. H. Spencer, of Hollans- burg, by whom she has two children. After the death of the mother of these children George D. Med ford wedded Augenette Or- put, and they had two children, George Guy and Stanley, both of whom are residents of Kansas. Mr. Med ford, whose name stands at the head of this sketch, was reared to farm life on the old family homestead and enjoyed the educational privileges afforded by the com- mon schools of the neighborhood. At the age of sixteen he started out in life on his own account and went to Buchanan county, Iowa, where he engaged in farming in con- nection with his eldest brother for four years. They then sold their property there and Uriah Medford went to the far west, spending two years in Washington and Cali- fornia. On the expiration of that period he returned to Ohio, and, wishing to better prepare himself for life's responsible duties, he pursued a course of study in the business college in Greenville. He then visited his father in Virginia and in the spring of 1882 he purchased a farm in Wabash township, which lie cultivated through a tenant, with whom he made his home for some years. On the ;th of October, 1886, Mr. Med- ford was united in marriage to Linnie Cottrell, of Wabash township, a daughter of A. S. Cottrell, who resides with Mr. Med- ford, his own wife having died, as well as nearly all of their children. Mr. and Mrs. Medford have lost their only child, an in- fant daughter. In his business affairs our subject has prospered and is to-day the owner of two hundred and twenty-one acres of rich and valuable land comprised within two farms in Wabash township and which are improved with good buildings and are under a high state of cultivation. He is also engaged in the farm implement busi- ness in New Weston, and in connection with E. C. Richardson is engaged in the under- taking business. His well directed efforts have been crowned with a high degree of success and all who are familiar with his straightforward business methods agree that his prosperity is well deserved. During the World's Fair in Chicago he was a member of the Columbian Guards. Both he and his wife hold membership in the Methodist church, taking an active part in its work and he is serving as a steward and trustee. Socially he is a Master Mason, belonging to the lodge at Ansonia, and politically he is a Democrat. He has twice served as town- ship assessor and for three terms was a jus- tice of the peace. In both offices he dis- charged his duties with marked promptness and fidelity, and at all times he has been found true to every trust and obligation re- posed in him. During the greater part of his life he has been a resident of Darke county, is familiar with its history, its prog- ress and its upbuilding, and has given a hearty support to all measures calculated to promote the general welfare. In manner he is free from ostentation, is genial and courteous and the circle of his friends is extensive. FREDERICK MEIER. Frederick Meier, deceased, was one of the earlv German settlers of Greenville township, Darke county, Ohio, a man of 703 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. sterling worth and highly esteemed for his many excellent qualities of mind and heart. Frederick Meier was born in Haseling, Province of Hesse, German}-, December 25, 1802, one of a family of nine children. Ac- cording to the German custom he attended the public schools from the time he was six until he was fourteen and then learned a trade. His trade, that of cabinetmaker, he learned in his father's shop, under his fa- ther's instructions, and he followed it throughout his life. His first wife, whose maiden name was Gustena Wissel, bore him three children. Charles and Caroline, and one that died in early life in Germany. His second wife, Gustena Klemme. he also mar- ried in Germany, April 15, 1850. With his wife and three children, he embarked from Bremen for Baltimore, which port they reached in safety after a voyage of four weeks and four days. From Baltimore they started west via the canal, their destination being Darke county, Ohio, and after about a month's travel by water and team thev landed in Greenville township. Mr. Meier's capital at this time consisted of about six hundred dollars. With this he purchased forty acres of land, which had on it a little "clearing" and a small cabin, and here he established his home. His money all in- vested it was necessary for him to go to work at once to supply the immediate wants of his family. Work at his trade brought him sixty cents a day and this, with what his son, Charles, could earn, was sufficient to keep the family in food. His land was nearly all under water and it required much labor and time to clear and drain it so that satisfactory crops could be raised. This however, was finally accomplished and the land yielded a support for the family. Mean- time Mr. Meier continued work at his trade, traveling about from place to place until he was too old to work. He died January 20, 1885, and his wife March 29, 1888; both are buried in St. John's cemetery. For many years they were identified with the Lu- theran church. Mr. Meier was prominent in the organization of St. John's church, giv- ing freely of both his labor and money to assist the enterprise and for many years he was one of its official members. The chil- dren of his second wife were six in number, but all are now deceased, and his son, Charles, above referred to, is the only living representative of the family. Charles Meier was born in Germany Jan- uary 19, 1836; was educated in the com- mon schools and confirmed in the Lutheran church, and at the time he came with his father and family to this country was four- teen years old. He assisted his father in the improvement of the farm above referred to and also worked out on other farms and thus at an early age aided in the support of the family. He married Miss Augusta Krickeberg, a daughter of Frederick and Charlotte CSigsmend) Krickeberg, German people, who settled in Brown township, Darke county, Ohio, in 1852. The date of their marriage was February 9, 1863, and since then they have lived on the old home- stead farm, which now comprises one hun- dred and forty acres, and in addition to this farm he owns other land. The home farm is well improved and nearly all under cul- tivation, the beautiful residence having been erected in 1889. Mr. and Mrs. Meier have had six children, four of whom are living, — Charles, Mena, Caroline and John, — and all except the youngest are married and settled in life. The deceased children were Sophia and Frederick. In his political views Mr. Meier is what GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 709 is termed an independent. In 1863 he was drafted into the Union army and served four weeks, at the end of which time he hired a substitute, for whom he paid nine hundred and eighty-five dollars, and received his dis- charge. MONROE PHILLIPS. Monroe Phillips, who is now successfully engaged in the liquor business in Greenville, was born on a farm near Castine, Darke county, October 7, 1852, and is a son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Reiswonger) Phillips, also natives of this county, the former born in 1820, the latter in February, 1826. His ancestors were from Pennsylvania and on the paternal side were among the very earliest settlers of Darke county, living in the neighborhood of Fort Jefferson, when Indians still inhabited this region and wild animals were numerous. Our subject grew to manhood upon the home farm. He was quite young when his father died and during his boyhood and youth he assisted his mother in the manage- ment of the place. She is still living, at the age of seventy-four years, and now makes her home in Savona. On the 21st of March, 1877, Mr. Phillips was united in marriage with Miss Harriet McGriff, a na- tive of Castine, and to them were born two children, namely : Minnie, who died in child- hood ; and Burnet, who was born in Arca- num December 9. 1879. and is still living. After his marriage Mr. Phillips lived in Arcanum for a short time and then removed to Greenville, where he is now carrying on a profitable business as a liquor dealer, and also deals in fast horses. He and his family occupy a beautiful home on West Fifth street. JOHN A. WALLACE. The present well-known and popular mayor of Union City, Ohio, was born in that place June 24, 1871, and is a son of James and Ellen Wallace, natives of county Kerry, Ireland, the former born November 10, 1834, the latter August 20, 1836. Both emigrated to America in 1857, with the hope of finding a home in the new world adapted to their mutual tastes. The father located in Sidney, Ohio, the mother in Toledo, and in 1863 the former came to Union City, where they were married April 9, 1864. Here Mr. Wal- lace worked as a section hand for four years and then embarked in another business, which lie successfully carried on until five years ago, having secured a comfortable competence, which enabled him to lay aside business, cares. He is now the owner of considerable farm and city property. His estimable wife died November 26, 1881. Of the eight children born to them one son, Patrick, died in February. 1897, and the others are still living, namely: James; Mary; John A., our subject: Margaret, a music teacher; Bridget, a seamstress; Thomas, a machinist ; and Johanna. Mayor Wallace attended the public schools of Union City until eighteen years of age, and was then a student at St. Mary's Institute, Dayton, Ohio, for nine months. At the close of his school life he was em- ployed as a salesman for the Peter Kuntz Lumber Company three years, and then com- menced the study of law in the office of Williams & Bolen, with whom he remained six months and was with Bell & Ross one year. Since reaching man's estate he has taken quite an active and prominent part in public affairs and at the age of twenty- one was elected a member of the city coun- 710 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. cil. A year later he resigned that position to become city solicitor and at the age of twenty-five was elected a justice of the peace, which office he filled for three years. In the sprino- of 1900 he was elected mayor on the Democratic ticket by a majority of eighty-five votes, which was the largest ma- jority ever given a city officer in Union City, and that position he is now most cred- itably and acceptably filling. He is wide- awake, energetic and progressive, and has made a remarkable record for a young man of his years, and undoubtedly a brilliant fu- ture awaits him. GEORGE E. NISWONGER. George E. Niswonger, county commis- sioner of Darke county, Ohio, is one of the represmtative men of the county and be- longs to a family whose residence in the state of Ohio covers many years and whose settlement in America dates back to the colonial period. John Niswonger, the great-great-grand- father of George E. Xiswonger, was born in Germany, and on his emigration to this country took up his abode in Virginia. He was a soldier in the Revolutionary war. His son, John, the great-grandfather of our sub- ject, was born in Rockingham county. Vir- ginia, where his early life was spent on a plantation. In that state'he married Eliza- beth Circle, and about 1'804-they came out to what was then called the "Western Re- serve" and settled in Clay township, Mont- gomery county, Ohio. Here he entered half a section of government land, developed a farm and on it passed his remaining years, his death occurring in 1848, when he was about sixty years of age. His wife died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Samuel Baker, in Monroe township, Darke county, when over seventy years of age. They were members of the Dunkard church. Their children were as follows: George; John, who married Susie Warner and is still liv- ing, having reached the age of eighty-five years ; Nicholas, whose death was caused by a runaway horse at the place where Pitts- burg now stands. He was twice married, his first union being with Leah Shaffer, after whose death he chose for his second wife Lucinda Boyd ; Eli, who died in Clay town- ship, Montgomery county; Nellie, who mar- ried Jacob Swank, and is now deceased ; Mollie, the wife of Samuel Baker, of Mon- roe township, Darke county; and Elizabeth, the deceased wife of Samuel Baker. George Niswonger, the grandfather of our subject, was born in Clay township, Montgomery county, Ohio, in 1809, and there spent his life. He married Elizabeth Warner, a native of Pennsylvania and a daughter of David and Esther (Brum- baugh) Warner. She was brpught by her parents to Ohio when she was an infant and died at the age of fifty-eight years. After her death he married for his second wife Susan Hinsey. He died at the age of seventy-one years. He was prosperous in his business affairs and at one time was the owner of six hundred acres of land. There were no children by his second marriage. The children by his first wife were as fol- lows : David, who was married in this town- ship to Carrie Pefney and is now deceased ; Eli, the father of George Niswonger; Cath- erine, the wife of John Pefney, of Mont- gomery count)', Ohio ; Mary, the wife of Joseph Wenger, of Montgomery county : and Moses, who married Marie Murray and resides in the state of Michigan. Eli Niswonger, the father of the subject GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 711 of this review, was born in Clay township, Montgomery county, August 31, 1836, and spent his youth on his father's farm, receiv- ing his early education in one of the prim- itive log school houses of that place. After lie reached his majority he attended school for a time in Dayton. He was married, in December, 1859, to Miss Mary Ann Cauff- man, a native of Little York, Montgomery /county, her birth having occurred in June, 1838. Her parents, Jesse and Eliza (Mc- ■Chord) Cauffman, were natives of Pennsyl- vania. After their marriage they lived on the old Niswonger homestead in Clay town- ship for two years, after which they came to Darke county, and settled on a tract of wild land, ninety acres in extent, in Monroe township, where lie devoted his energies to the work of clearing and improving a farm. He built a hewed-log house, 20x24 feet, and two stories high, containing four rooms, and here they lived in pioneer style for a num- ber of years. In 1889 he sold his farm and retired to Pittsburg where he has since re- side:!. He and his wife are true to the faith in which they were reared, being consistent members of the Dunkard church. Politically he is a Democrat. The children of this worthy couple are as follows : Ella, the wife of Charles Delk, of Pittsburg, Ohio; Belle, the twin sister of Ella, married A. Ersen- borger and is now deceased ; Ola, who mar- ried Maggie Smith and now lives in New York city; George; Jesse, who married Dora Hamel and now resides in Pittsburg, Ohio ; and William, who married Myrtle Stauffer and now makes his home in Pittsburg', Ohio ; Ira, who was a twin brother of Jesse and died at the age of two years ; and Webster, who died in infancy. George E. Niswonger, whose name in- troduces this review, was born upon the old homestead farm in Monroe township, Darke county, March 18, 1866. There he was reared to manhood, his time being devoted to the work of the farm through the summer months, while in the winter seasons he pur- sued his education in the public schools. He first attended district school No. 4, his teach- er being Mr. Wanzer. Afterward a school house was built on the corner of his father's farm and there he continued his studies un- til nineteen years of age. During the periods of vacation he followed the plow and assisted in harvesting the crops, remaining with his father until his marriage, which occurred on the 1st of March, 1886, Miss Nancy Behrer becoming his wife. She was born in Miami county and is a daughter of Ebizah [AbijahJ Rohrer. For a year after his marriage Mr. Niswonger remained upon his father's farm and then engaged in the butchering business for more than a year. He afterward re- moved to Pittsburg, where he carried on business as a stock dealer and was thus en- gaged until the spring of 1899, when he was elected county commissioner. He was chosen to that office in the Democratic ticket, receiving a majority of nine hundred and thirty-two votes, and in the discharge of his duties he manifested such fidelitv and marked ability that he has won the commendation of the majority of the citizens of Darke county. In 18SS Mr. Niswonger was called upon to mourn the loss of his wife, who died on the 3d of February of that year. They had one child, born August 23, 1887. On the 17th of December, 1890, Mr. Niswonger was again married, the second union being with Frances Strader, who was born in Twin township, Darke county, on the 17th of Feb- ruary, 1869, a daughter of Emanuel and Molly (Fisher) Strader. By that marriage 712 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. there were two children, but the elder died in infancy unnamed. The younger is Wal- ter S., who was born September 4, 1893. Mr. Niswonger is a member of the Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows, belonging to Arcanum Lodge, No. 341, and to the en- campment. He is also connected with the Knights of Pythias fraternity, of Arcanum and is a popular and highly esteemed citi- zen, who keeps well informed in the issues of the day and does everything in his power to promote the welfare and prosperity of his township and county. ADAM S. COPPESS. Adam S. Coppess, a prominent repre- sentative of the agricultural interests of Jackson township, belongs to one of the old- est and most highly respected families of Darke county, his grandfather, Adam Cop- pess, having taken up his abode here in 1819, only two years after Jacob Hartle, the first white settler, located within its borders. He was of Dutch extraction and a blacksmith by trade, being the first to follow that oc- cupation in this county. On first coming to Ohio from North Carolina he located in Greene county, and it is said that he had to hide to keep from being murdered by the Indians. In Darke county he entered land for himself and sons, made a clearing and built a log house, which stood for a number of years. He took an active part in laying out the roads in his locality, cleared many acres of land and in connection with work at his trade manufactured cowbells by hand. In politics he was a Democrat and in relig- ious belief a Lutheran. He died at the age of seventy-four years and his wife survived him several years. Before leaving North Carolina he married a Miss Mock, whom our subject well remembers, and to them were born the following children : John, David, Peter, Adam, Alfred and Daniel, all farmers ; Mrs. Phcebe Horning, Mrs. Mary Frampton, Mrs. Elizabeth Brewer, Mrs. Catherine Harney and Mrs. Sarah Robison. John Coppess, the father of our subject, was born in North Carolina and was only six years old when brought by his parents to this state. The family had owned a negro slave, who was set free on their arrival here. John Coppess attended the subscription schools to a limited extent, but was ma'inly self-educated, and being fond of reading he became a well informed nian. He was very ingenious and able to engage in almost any occupat'on, including blacksmithing, carpentering and farming. He also followed the trade of a fuller for some time, and later operated a water-power saw-mill until steam came into general use. when he turned his attention to general farming, owning three hundred and fifty acres of land, including a part of the old homestead. Returning to Greene county, he married Mrs. Susanna (Stevenson) McFarland, a native either of Kentucky or Virginia. Her father was a scout in the war of 18 12 and saw much active service under General 'Wayne. He afterward received a land grant in recogni- tion of his services. Our subject's paternal grandfather also took part in the same war. Mrs. Coppess was fairly well educated and was a great bible student. Her children were Andrew, a farmer and stock raiser of Iowa; Adam S., our subject; Jacob P., a farmer of Ansonia, this county; and B. F., now a resident of Greenville. For his sec- ond wife the father married Rhoda Horny, who died leaving three children : John, a justice of the peace; and Pyrus and Peter, both school teachers. Most of the family GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 713 held membership in the Presbyterian church and the father was a Democrat in political sentiment. In an old cabin on the homestead in Rich- land township Adam S. Coppess was born October 2, 1833. He began his education in a subscription school, but after attending fifteen days he broke his arm and was forced to remain at home for some time. At the age of eleven he entered the public schools, where he pursued his studies three months during the year until he was fifteen, and though his advantages were limited he ac- quired a fair education. He aided his fa- ther in the labors of the farm until seven- teen years of age and then began earning his own livelihood, though he remained at home until he attained his majority. During the following three years he managed his fa- ther's business, and in 1857 purchased eighty acres of It's present farm on section 24, Jackson township, which at that time was practically new land and had to be drained before it was ready for cultivation. He now has a fine farm of one hundred and ninety acres, though he at one time owned four hundred and forty acres. He is suc- cessfully engaged in general farming and stock raising and also devotes some atten- tion to the dairy business. On the 4th of June, 1854, Mr. Coppess married Miss Sarah A. Davison, who was born in Richland township, this county, April 6, 1834, a daughter of Robert and Mary (Stratton) Davison. They have five chil- dren, all of whom were provided with good educational advantages. James Madison, the eldest, follows farming; Robert F. is a druggist and physician of Alger, Ohio, and was educated in Cincinnati ; Andrew J. is engaged in farming on the old homestead ; Stephen A. attended school in Toronto and Cincinnati, and is now a veterinary surgeon and horse dealer of Ridgeville, Ohio; and Mary E. is the wife of George Russ, and they have one child, Adam Paul. In religious faith Mr. Coppess is a Uni- versalis!, and in political sentiment is a Dem- ocrat. He has efficiently served as road su- pervisor, was school d'rector twenty-seven years and clerk of the board when every brick school house w^as built. Socially. he is a member of Ansonia Lodge, No. 488, F. & A. M. He is a very entertaining man, possesses a good fund of general informa- tion and is very hospitable. HENRY WILLIAMS. Henry Williams is a retired farmer of Rossville and an honored veteran of the civil war. He was born in Dauphin county, Pennsylvania, July II, 1825. Before his birth his father had died and he was reared by Michael Castle until he was twelve years of age. He accompanied Mr. Castle to Will- iamsburg, Montgomery county. Ohio, and continued under his roof for a time. He has depended entirely upon his own efforts since the age of twelve years. He worked as a day laborer and as a farm hand, scorn- ing no employment that would yield him an honest living. As the years passed he was enabled to save some capital, which he in- vested in land, and its cultivation brought to him a good financial return. He was married January 9, 1850, to Sarah Replogle, a daughter of Philip and Elizabeth (Gos- sand) Replogle. Since that time he has en- gaged in farming, following agricultural pursuits mostly in Wooster and Allen town- ships. In 1856 he settled on a tract of land of thirty-two acres and after the war he added to his property until it comprised sev- 714 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. enty-three acres of rich land. He afterward sold a portion of that, retaining possession of forty-four acres, which he continued to cultivate until the spring of 1883, when he practically laid aside business cares and re- tired to his present home, situated on a tract of five acres of land at Rossville. In- dustry and energy have enabled him to add yearly to his income. He worked in the fields, cultivated his land, and when the crops were harvested he obtained a good return for his labor. Putting aside some of his earnings he is now in possession of a com- fortable competence, which enables him to live retired in the enjoyment of a well earned rest. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Williams has been blessed with nine children, — four sons and five daughters, — all of whom are yet living with the exception of William Henry, who was killed by the cars. He was born February 27, 1858, and died June 27, 1896. The other children are still liv- ing, are married and have families of their own and there are twenty-eight grandchil- dren and eleven great-grandchildren living. During the civil war Mr. Williams loy- ally responded to the country's call for aid, enlisting as a private on the 21st of August, 1 86 1. He was assigned to Company K, of the Fifty-third Ohio Infantry, and for four years faithfully defended the old flag and the cause it represented. He was first wounded at Resaca on the 13th of May, 1864, but remained with his company until the 22d of July of that year, when he re- ceived four shots in front of Atlanta, one in the forehead, two in the right leg and •one in the left leg! He was then sent to Tripler hospital in Columbus, where he re- mained until honorably discharged. From 1865 until 1875 he received a pension of twenty- four dollars per year; for the next eight years he received four dollars per month, the sum then being increased to six and later to eight dollars per month, and since July, 1891, he has received twelve dol- lars per month. He is a valued member of the Grand Army of the Republic. In pol- itics he is a stanch Republican and has served as a township trustee and road supervisor. At all times he is as true to his duties of citizenship as when he defended the starry banner upon southern battlefields. WILLIAM TOWNSEND. At the time of his death this gentle- man was one of the prominent farmers of Van Buren township. He had won by an honorable and upright life an untarnished name, and the record which he left be- hind him is one well worthy of emulation. He was born in Montgomery county, Ohio, December 24, 1830, a son of James and Lydia (Arnold) Townsend, who spent their last days in Van Buren township, Darke county. They were married in September, 1 81 8. The father was born in South Caro- lina September 12, 1796, and died when our subject was quite small, and the mother was born in the Newbury district of the same state in January, 1791 , and died when William was fifteen years of age. He was reared near Jaysville. this county, and after the death of his mother remained on the old homestead until his marriage. It was on the 8th of February, 1855 that Mr. Townsend wedded Miss Elizabeth Hart- zell, who was born in Adams county, Penn- sylvaiv'a, February 9, 1834, a daughter of Jonas Hartzell, who is mentioned more fully in the sketch of J. W. Hartzell on another page of this volume. Mrs. Townsend was but three years old when brought by her par- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. F15 ents to Darke county, Ohio, and here she grew to womanhood, acquiring her educa- tion in the district schools. To our subject and his wife were born six children, namely : Marie Belle, born December 8, 1854, mar- ried John Markwith, and died August 31, 1885; Josephine, born September 20, 1856, is the wife of John Bittner, of Keokuk coun- ty, Iowa; Harrison, born November 21, 1859, is a resident of Dayton, Ohio; James H., born April 13, 1865, lives in Van Buren township, this county; and Elman S. and Elmer Sherman, twins, born June 1, 1868, are residents of Greenville township, this county. After his marriage Mr. Townsend con- tinued to live on his father's old farm until 1865, when he purchased the mill in Adams township, which he operated for four years. He then bought one hundred and sixty acres of land near the Abbottsville cemetery and made his home there until his death, which occurred June 12, 1892. In his political af- filiations he was a Republican. He was a consistent and faithful member of the United Brethren church and merited and re- ceived the confidence and high regard of all with whom he came in contact, either in busi- ness or social life. AARON VAIL. This honored and highly respected citi- zen of Greenville township, Darke county, where he has made his home since 1852, was born near Middletown, Butler county, Ohio, October 19, 1823, and is a son of Shobal and Mary (Bunnell) Vail, natives of Penn- sylvania and New Jersey, respectively. In their family were eleven children, but all are now deceased with "the exception of our subject. His grandfather, Stephen Vail, was one of the early settlers of Butler coun- ty, Ohio, and was a fuller by trade. In his native county Aaron Vail grew to manhood and married Miss Sarah Aedy, of that county, and to them were born eight children, five of whom are still living, name- ly: Daniel, B. Shobal, Stephen, Etta and Mollie. Those deceased were Joseph, Laura and Henrietta, nl 1852 Mr. Vail brought his family to Darke county and subsequently purchased one hundred and forty acres of land in Greenville township, where he now lives. In 1864 he enlisted for three months in Company H, One Hundred and Ninety- fourth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pro- ceeded at once to Camp Dennison, where the regiment was drilled and equipped. At that time they were state troops, but at the re- quest of Governor Brough they enlisted in a body in the United States service, with the exception of three or four men. In the state service our subject was under the com- mand of Captain Hyde, of Company C, and' after the reorganization of the regiment was under the command of Captain Gray, of Company H. He did guard duty most of the time. His command was first sent to Camp New Creek, Virginia, and subse- quently ordered down the valley to Martins- burg. The regiment was then detailed as wagon guard to the army train and pene- trated to a point near Lynchburg, but the rebels becoming too numerous for them a retreat was made. At Greenbrier creek they participated in quite a fight and here one of Mr. Vail's comrades standing close to him was killed. Our subject was mustered out at Camp Dennison andhonorably discharged. He had walked out of the corn field to enlist and on his return home resumed farm work. Both Mr. and Mrs. Vail have long been 716 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. I active members of the Christian church of Coalville, and politically he is identified with the Republican party. He cast his first presi- dential vote for Henry Clay, the great com- moner, and he has filled the offices of town- ship supervisor and school director, holding the latter position several terms. He is a gentleman of inflexible character, true in friendship and unyielding in all that com- prises honor. He is charitably disposed toward the opinions of others, and although not rich in this world's goods he gives free- ly tn all worthy objects. He has a com- fortable and tasteful home, graciously pre- sided over bv his estimable wife, who has been to him a true helpmeet. DANIEL W. STOVER. The substantial and energetic agricult- urist residing on section 27, Jackson tqwn- ship, Darke county, Ohio, whose name in- troduces this review, was born in Mont- gomery county, this state. December 30, 1859. His grandfather, Abraham Stover, moved with his father to that county from Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, in 1838, and located eight miles west of Dayton. where he made his home until his removal to Preble county in 1865. He. too. was a very energetic man and became fairly well- to-do, owning land in Darke county be- sides his property in Preble county. As a young man he was unusually strong, but died of heart disease in February, 1875, at the age of seventy-one years. He was a very just man. upright and honorable in all things, and was a consistent member of the Albright church. He' was very kind to his family and a good neighbor and his death was deeply mourned. He married Nancy Landis and to them were born four children : John, who died when a young man ; Henry, the father of our subject; Elizabeth, who died at the age of twenty-four years; and Mrs. Annie Brubacker. Henry Stover was born in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, in 1836, and was only eighteen months old when the family re- moved to Montgomery' county, Ohio, where he was reared, receiving a fair education in the district schools near his boyhood home. He assisted his father until twenty years of age and then engaged in clerking in a gen- eral store for four years, after which he bought out his employer and carried on the business. During the war he sold the store and ran the old homestead farm for one year, at the end of which time he sold it and bought another, where he lived two years. On disposing of it he moved to Brookville, Ohio, where he was engaged .in the grain and railroad business and also kept books at a distillery until 1868, when he purchased one hundred and eighty acres of land on section 2j, Jackson township, Darke coun- ty, only thirty acres of which had been cleared. Renting his farm he located in L'nii in City, where he was engaged in the stock business, his trade being mostly local, though he shipped stock to some extent. Later he was interested in the grain busi- ness and built what is now known as the Lambert warehouse, which he conducted un- til 1876, when he sold out and lived on his farm eight years, during which time he was still engaged in buying and selling stock. In 1880 he moved to Union City, Indiana, where he was engaged in the monument and marble business for four years and later in the furniture business. He erected a sti ire building at that place in partnership with William Wright, who had also been a part- ner of his in the sheep business, and the GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 71i firm of Stover & Wright continued in active business until 1896, when the father of our subject retired to his farm and built the pretty two-story brick house now occupied by our subject. Here he died May 22, 1899. For twenty-eight years he was an active and faithful member of the Union City Meth- odist Episcopal church, in which he served as a class leader, and when the church was built in Jackson township transferred his membership to that organization, serving as a class leader until his death. His re- ligion was manifest in his business and private life and he had the confidence and respect of all with whom he came in con- tact. Politically he was a Republican, but never sought office. He married Catherine Frantz, a daughter of Daniel Frantz, and born and reared in Montgomery county. Our subject was the only child born to this worthy couple. He came with his par- ents to Darge county in 1868. His educa- tion was partly obtained in this and Mont- gomery counties and was completed in the schools of Union City. During his boy- hood he became thoroughly familiar with every department of farm work, and throughout his entire life has devoted his time and attention to agriculture and has met with most gratifying success. In 1880 he assumed charge of the home farm, which he managed until his father's death. He had previously purchased one hundred acres and has since acquired one hundred and twenty acres more, on which he is now suc- cessfully engaged in general farming and stock raising. He is also somewhat inter- ested in tobacco culture. In 1880 Mr. Stover was united in mar- riage with Miss Matilda Isenhour, who was born and- reared on a farm, a daughter of William Isenhour. By this union were born six children, namely: Ira H., who was graduated at the district schools of North Manchester and the Union City high school, and is now taking a business course; Ella M. and Emma C, who are students in the high school of Union City; John H., who died at the age of eight years; Clara E., who is attending school; and William D., de- ceased. Since his father's death Mr. Stover has served as a class leader in the Methodist Episcopal church, of which he is a prom- inent member. As a public spirited and progressive citizen he takes an active inter- est in public affairs; was instrumental in getting free delivery established in his town- ship and has efficiently served as a school director for fifteen years. Politically he is identified with the Republican party. BENJAMIN L. GRILLOT. Prominent among the successful teachers of Darke county is the gentleman whose name introduces this sketch and who is now residing on the C. Treiber farm on section 8, Patterson township. He is a native of this county, born in Wabash township Au- gust 4. 1874. and is a son of Henry Grillot, who was born in France in 1820. and was brought to America by his parents in 1X34. By trade the grandfather of our subject was a stone mason. In his family were seven children — four sons and three daughters — - all of whom are now deceased. On attain- ing man's estate, Henry Grillot was married, in Darke county, in 1852, to Miss Margaret Leona Larmanie, who was linn in Lorraine, France, January 6, 1834, and they began their domestic life upon a farm of one hun- dred and sixty acres in the midst of the forest, where the wolves were often heard 718 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. howling at night, and the deer would enter the garden and eat the vegetables found there. Mr. Grillot died in February, 1886, but his wife is still living and is still very strong and active both in mind and body. To them were born nine children — six sons and three daughters — namely: Lewis J., born in 1857, lives in Versailles; John B. is a farmer and trustee of Wabash township ; Mary L. married Frank Graff and died at the age of twenty-five years, leaving three children ; Joseph S. was severely burned at the age of three years, and died from the ef- fects of the same when twenty-one; he pos- sessed great strength in his hands and arms; Harriet is the wife of Nicholas Gouboux and they live on the old home farm ; Henry J. is a teacher living at French- town; Emanuel is a blacksmith of Russia, Shelby county, Ohio; Benjamin L. is next in order of birth; and Margaret M. is the wife of Ira Ashman, of Russia, Ohio. There are also twenty-nine grandchildren. Our subject received a liberal district- school education and also attended school in Versailles two terms. At the age of nineteen he commenced teaching and has de- voted his time and energies to that occupa- tion for eight winters, or forty months, hav- ing that love for his profession without which there can be no success. During the summer season he follows farming. On the 10th of May, 1898, Mr. Grillot was united in marriage with Miss Louise Monnin, a native of Shelby county, Ohio, and a daugh- ter of Justin and Emily (Millet) Monnin. They now have a little daughter, Emma Leona, born October 14, 1899. Both Mr. and Mrs. Grillot are Catholics in religious faith and in politics he is a Dem- ocrat, as was also his father. He is a young man of strength and vigor of both body and mind, which have been developed and preserved by habits of industry and a moral domestic life. He is wide-awake and observing, possesses studious habits, a good memory, keen perception and sound judg- ment, and undoubtedly a brilliant future awaits him. CYRUS LITTEN. Among the well-to-do and prosperous agriculturists of Patterson township is Cyrus Litten, a native of Darke county, who was born in Monroe township, January 13, 1859. His father, Samuel Litten, was a native of Montgomery county, this state, and a son of James Litten. who came to Ohio from Pennsylvania, and spent his last days in Montgomery county. In his family were six children, two sons and four daugh- ters, only one of whom is now living — Betsey, the wife of Noah Baker, of Brook- ville. Ohio. She is now about seventy years of age. In 1855 the father of our subject married Lucinda Baker, also a native of Montgomery county and a daughter of Sam- uel and Elizabeth (Neisswanger ) Baker. She is still living at the age of sixty-nine years, and is very active, but the father died in 1889, at the age of sixty-seven. In their family were the following children : James, who is unmarried and cultivates a small fruit farm near Hot Springs, Arkansas; Warren, a farmer of Montgomery county ; Cyrus, the subject of this sketch ; David, a farmer of Monroe township, Darke county; Emeline, also a resident of Monroe town- ship; Levi, a wealthy landowner of Laura, Miami county, Ohio; Calvin, a resident of Monroe township, Darke county; Carl, who is unmarried and lives in this county ; Sarah, GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 719 the wife of Charles Johnson ; and John, win > died at the age of twelve years. During his boyhood and youth Cyrus Litten obtained a fair district-school edu- cation, and early acquired an excellent knowledge of every department of farm work. He remained at home until he was married, October i, 18S1, to Miss Amanda Brown, of Monroe township, a daughter of Elias and Eliza (Oaks) Brown, who are now living with Mrs. Litten. She has two brothers and one sister, namely : Hige, a to- bacco grower of Monroe township ; Charles, unmarried, and Mattie, the oldest of the family and the wife of Eli Robinson, of Lee county, Illinois. Four others died young. Mr. and Mrs. Litten have one child. Charley, who was born January 30, 1882. After his marriage Mr. Litten had his father-in-law's farm for a time, and then rented land near Brookville for two years. In 1894 he located upon his present farm of eighty-three acres in Patterson township, forty-three acres of which he purchased for eighteen hundred dollars, the remaining forty acres belonging to his father-in-law. He is engaged in general farming and to- bacco growing, and also raises considerable stock, each year fattening from thirty-five to fifty hogs for market. He also keeps cat- tle and sheep, and three horses for doing the farm work, besides a colt. Most of the c<>rn which he raises — some eight hundred bushels — he feeds to his stock. The fine residence upon his place was erected by Mr. Litten, but the barn was built before he lo- cated thereon. He is a thorough and sys- tematic farmer and a man of good business ability, who is upright and honorable in all his dealings. Reared as a Republican, Mr. Litten has always affiliated with that party, and he is a member of the Christian church. 44 Although his residence in Patterson town- ship is of short duration, he has become well and favorably known ami has made a host of warm friends. PHILIP M. FORD. Philip M. Ford, an industrious and en- ergetic farmer residing on section 7. Wa- bash township, Darke county, was born in Greene county, Ohio, December 29, 1851, and is a son of Jacob Ford, who was prob- ably born in the same house, November 30, 1830, as he was a native of the same town- ship. The grandfather, David Ford, was one of the early settlers of Ohio, where he died in 1861. In his family were ten chil- dren. ' In February, 185 1, Jacob Ford mar- ried Hannah Turner, who was also born in Greene county, May 16, 1831, and died June 25, 1899, while his death occurred August 19, 1887, and the remains of both being interred in Holsapple cemetery. Their children were Philip M., our subject; Allen, a resident of Coldwater, Mercer county, Ohio; Robert H., of New Weston, Darke county; Martha Jane, the wife of Henry Gib- son ; and David E., a mailcarrier of New Weston. All are married and have children. The boyhood and youth of our subject were spent on the home farm and his edu- cation was acquired in the common schools of the neighborhood. He was married, Oc- tober 8, 1874, to Miss Mary E. Birt, who was born May 2, 1854, a daughter of John Birt, and they have become the parents of six children, four sons and two daughters, namely: Stella M., who was born Decem- ber 4. 1875. and died when nearly fifteen years of age; Cora A., who died at the age of six years; Harley D., aged eighteen, who is now through school and aids his father in rso GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. the operation of the farm; Clem, aged thir- teen; Harry G., aged ten; and Arthur Rus- sell, aged eight years. Mr. and Mrs. Ford began life at the bottom of the ladder, but have met with success owing to their industry, enterprise and good management, and now have a good farm of thirty-seven acres. He also culti- vates an additional tract of eighty-eight acres. His principal crops are corn, wheat and oats, and he also raises horses, cattle, sheep and hogs. Although he lives in a Democratic township and is a strong Re- publican, he has twice been elected township trustee, and is now acceptably filling that office. WILLIAM HARRISON KIESTER, M. D. Dr. Kiester, one of the leading physi- cians and a prominent resident of Arcanum. Ohio, was born on the Benjamin Bushore farm in Newton township, Miami county, July 5, 1857, and is a son of Peter K. and Mary (Bushore) Kiester, both natives of Pennsylvania, the former born in Buffalo Valley, Union county, the latter near Mif- flintown, Juniata county. His paternal grandfather, John Kiester, died in Buffalo Valley, but the maternal grandparents, Ben- jamin and Susannah Bushore, spent their last days in this state. The parents of our subject came to Ohio with the Bushore fam- ily and first located in Greene county, but later removed to Newton township, Miami county, where the father engaged in farm- ing until his death, which occurred August 24, 1875. His widow subsequently removed to Troy, where she still resides. She is a devout Christian, a member of the German Baptist church. In the family of this worthy couple were five children, of whom our subject is the youngest. John married Lavina Cauffman and is now living retired in Dayton, Ohio. Simon W., born in Newton township, Mi- ami county, in 1.842, was reared as a farmer boy, and at the age of seventeen entered the National Normal School at Lebanon, where ha spent several summers as a student, while he followed teaching during the winter months. At the age of twenty-one he en- tered the Jefferson Medical College, of Phil- adelphia, at which he was graduated four years later. He began practice at Laura, Miami county, but is now living retired upon his farm in Newton township. He married Sophia Williams, October 6, 1867. Louisa, the next member of the family, is the widow of Dr. John Senseman, of Tippecanoe City, Ohio. Benjamin F. was graduated at the Ohio Medical College, in 1875, and was a successful practitioner at Arcanum for sev- eral years, but has lived retired at Dayton View since 1895. He married Sally J. Hill who died in Arcanum. Susan is the wife of J. L. Norris, of San Diego, California. Dr. Kiester remained on the home farm until eighteen years of age. About that time his father built a residence in Troy with the intention of locating there, but was taken sick and died after a short illness. After this sad event the mother and our subject, then the only child at home, moved to Troy. He obtained his early education in the common schools of Pleasant Hall and the Covington high school, and later spent two years at the Lebanon Normal School, at the same time reading medicine when he found opportunity. Subsequently he was engaged in the grain business at Troy with his brother-in-law, John Lee Norris, under the firm style of Norris and Kiester. This GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 721 was a wide-awake, energetic firm, and soon their ambition led them to St. Louis, where they purchased a sugar refinery fitted up with all the latest improved machinery. It was in splendid running order when un- fortunately it was destroyed by fire. They removed what machinery was left to Dayton, Ohio, there formed a stock company, and built a large sugar refinery, which was con- ducted under the name of the Dayton Sugar Refining Company, with J. K. Jeeter as president; Mr. Norris, vice-president, and Dr. Kiester, superintendent. The capital stock was seventy-five thousand dollars, but was afterward increased to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. At the end of two years Dr. Kiester withdrew from the firm and took up the study of medicine with his brother, Dr. S. W. Kiester, who was then at Troy, and after spending one year with him entered the Ohio Medical College, being graduated with the class of 1889. He located at Arcanum, where both of his brothers were then en- gaged in practice, but have since retired. Bv merit alone our subject has built up a large and lucrative practice and is considered one of the most successful physicians in Darke county. He is a member of the American Med- ical Society, the Ohio Medical Society, and the Odd Fellows Lodge, No. 341, of Ar- canum. The Doctor is a man of integrity and strong personality, is kind, open-hearted and generous, and as he has a pleasing man- ner and is an engaging conversationalist, he makes many friends, and has the happy fac- ulty of being able to retain them. On the 1st of December, 1886, Dr. Kiester was united in marriage to Mary Elizabeth Williams, of Mystic, Connecticut, and to them have been born two children, Edith and Forrest Mabel, both in school. Mrs. Kiester's parents were William and Mary Elizabeth (Williams) Williams. From Connecticut her father went to Wernersville, Wisconsin, where he invested in timber lands and rafted lumber down the river to St. Louis, Missouri. After making one of three trips he was taken ill at St. Louis, and died there February 25, i860. He was born May 29, 1823. GEORGE RUH. Among the representative farmers liv- ing in Darke county is George Ruh. When we examine into the secret of his success in life we find that prosperity has come to him as the legitimate outcome of earnest pur- pose and well directed and honorable effort. His ancestry may be traced back to the province of Alsace or Lorraine, which prov- inces have been contested territory be- tween the nations of Germany and France throughout the greater part of the nine- teenth century. The name was origin- ally La Ruh. which indicates that it was of French origin, but the orthography has been changed to the present form. The representative of whom we write is regarded as one of the practical and progressive agri- culturists of Brown township, where he is a well known and respected citizen. He was born September 4, 1862, his par- ents being Anton and Barbara (Ring) Ruh. His father was born in the little village of Hoppelrochdeck. January 3, 1S19. This little village is located on the eastern bank of the beautiful river Rhine, whose vineclad hills are far famed in story and in song, while its picturesque scenery, adorned by many a castle of baronial days, has formed the setting for numerous events of historical (.2 99 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. importance. Mr. Rub grew to manhood in the Fatherland and obtained his education in his native tongue. He was a man of strong mentality, an apt student and an excellent mathematician. He was reared to agricult- ural pursuits, and after arriving at years of maturity he decided to come to America, hoping to better his financial condition in the new world. Accordingly he crossed the Atlantic, taking passage on a German sailing vessel, which after a voyage of six weeks reached the harbor of New Orleans. ■ Before sailing, however, he had completed the required term of service in the German army. He arrived in the Crescent City in 1854 and the following year made his way to Cincinnati, Ohio. Two years later he arrived in Preble county and in 1867 came to Darke county, locating just north of Greenville, where he entered a tract of government land. To this he added as his financial resources increased and at the time of his death was the owner of a valuable estate comprising three hundred and ninety acres, all in Greenville and Brown town- ships. While in Cincinnati he worked for a time in a butter factory. His success was well merited, for earnest labor formed the keynote of his prosperity. His business methods were reliable and in all transactions he was just and honest. In politics he was a Republican and he was frequently urged to become a candidate for office, but always refused, preferring to devote his energies to his private business interests. He was charitable and benevolent, contributing liber- al lv to many good causes, and at the time of the erection of the beautiful St. John's Ger- man Lutheran church in Greenville town- ship, he aided substantially in the work by liberal contributions. His wife, a native of Germany, was also a devout Lutheran in her religious belief. The father died Novem- ber 28, 1897, leaving four children. In the family were three sons and two daughters, our subject being the second in order of birth. He is now the oldest living repre- sentative of the family, the others being: Mary, the w : ife of Max Hoffman, a resident of Greenville township; Daniel, a farmer, who superintends the old homestead in Greenville township ; and Barbara, who is living with her brother, Daniel. George Ruh, wdiose name introduces this review, was reared in Darke county from his sixth year, at which time he ac- companied his parents on their removal hither. He acquired a common-school edu- cation and has added to his knowledge by reading, observation and experience, so that he is now a well informed man. His par- ents enjoyed the benefit of his labor wages until he attained his majority^ and in the practical training of the home farm he be- came familiar with all the duties that fall to the lot of the agriculturist. As a com- panion and helpmate on life's journey he chose Miss Follie Henning, the wedding be- ing celebrated on the 19th of December, 1883. The lady is one of Darke county's native daughters, born July 19, 1864, and is the third in a family of five children, whose parents were Jacob and Lovina (Hines) Henning. The father was born in Darke county, December 11, 1832, and is now living in Greenville township. His entire life has been devoted to the work of the farm and he has ever been industrious and enterprising. He is a man of strong,, clear intellect and of sterling worth, and the family name has been tarnished by no act of his. A Democrat in his political affiliations, he is stanch in the support of the party, yet has never been an aspirant GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 723 for office. He and his wife are members o: the United Brethren church of Greenville township known as Zion church. Mrs. Henning was born in Darke county, July iS, 1835, and is still living. Her father, Samuel Hines, came to Ohio from the Key- stone state, driving over the mountains to Ohio when the roads were little better than Indian trails and when the paths through the forest were marked by blazed trees. He arrived in the state when the reel men were far more numerous than the white settlers and took up his abode in Darke county when the now beautiful city of Greenville, with its population of seventy-five hundred, had only one house in it. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Henning who now survive are : Samuel, a resident of Greenville township; Mrs. Run; Lulu, the wife of Charles Eb- eling, an agriculturist of Darke county; and Henry, who is married and follows farm- ing in Greenville township. Two sons and a daughter grace the marriage of our subject and his wife, the eldest being Harry J., who was educated in the common schools and is now a stock dealer. Maudie D. is an apt pupil in school and has made marked progress in music. The youngest child is Earlie A., also a student in school. Mrs. Ruh has been ■to her husband a faithful counselor and has been to her children a kind and affectionate mother. 'When Mr. and Mrs. Ruh began their domestic life they located upon a rented farm — a part of the old homestead — and there they remained until 1893, when Mr. Ruh embarked in merchandising in Ansonia. He carried on business there for about two years, after which he returned to the farm and again rented land. He is today, how- ever, the owner of eighty acres of the old homestead and has a valuable property, which has been largely acquired through his own efforts. He has made excellent im- provements upon the place, and there are now to be seen good buildings, well kept fences and excellent machinery. He is a man of marked thrift, idleness and indo- lence being utterly foreign to his nature. His property, too, has been so honorably ac- quired that the most envious could not grudge him his success. He has been as- sisted by his estimable wife, who is an ex- cellent manager and has made her home most pleasant and attractive to her family. Mr. Ruh is a Democrat in his political affil- iations, having supported the party since casting his first presidential vote for Grover Cleveland. He has served as school director for nine years, and during this long term has done effective service for the cause of edu- cation. He is a charter member of the Darke County Horse Thief and Protective Association. His wife belongs to the Unit- ed Brethren church at Rossville, and he has aided in the erection of four different churches in the county, the Lutheran, Unit- ed Brethren, Methodist and Christian. Both he and Mrs. Ruh enjoy the high regard of all who know them, for they are recog- nized as people of sterling worth and in- tegrity. With pleasure we present the rec- ord of their lives to our readers, knowing that it will prove of interest to many, for they have a wide circle of acquaintances in Darke county, their circle of friends being almost co-extensive therewith. MRS. PHEBE FRY. This old and honored resident of Darke county, whose home is on section 14, Xeave township, was born in Liberty, Montgomery 724 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. county, Ohio, September 26, 18 19, and is a daughter of David Jeffries, who was born and reared in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and was a hatter by trade. He was a soldier in the war of 181 2. After his marriage he settled in Montgomery county, in 1812, and there his wife died when Mrs. Fry was about nine years old, leaving three daughters, who were bound out, as their father went away and left them. Mrs. Fry passed her girlhood in Preble county, and there married Thompson Fry, also a native of Montgomery county. At length they came to Darke county and set- tled in Neave township, where Mr. Fry en- gaged in farming until called to his final rest August 16, 1882, at the age of sixty-two years. Eleven children were born to this worthy couple, namely : Rachel ; Catherine, deceased ; Cornelius and Sarah, twins ; An- drew ; John : Allen ; Eliza Ann. who died at the age of three years; Mary Jane; Frances Ann ; and Margaret. All were born in Neave township, where for sixty years Mrs. Fry has now made her home. Although now well advanced in life she is still well pre- served and quite active for one of her age. She is a most estimable lady, whose circle of friends and acquaintances is extensive. JOHN McNUTT. Darke county has many well-to-do and successful farmers, who have accumulated what they have of this world's goods through individual effort. Among this class the name of the subject of this notice is entitled to a place. He now owns a well improved and highly cultivated farm of one hundred and eighty-one acres on section 25, Neave townsbip, where he is industriously engaged in the prosecution of his noble calling and is meeting wth good success. Mr. McNutt was born June 9, 1837, in Harrison township, Preble county, Ohio, of which his father, Peter McNutt, was also a native. The grandfather, Alexander McNutt, was from Tennessee and located in Harrison township, Preble county, as early as 1806, taking up a tract of government land, upon which he spent the remainder of his life. He was eighty-four years of age at the time of his death, while three of his sons, including the father of our subject, lived to the age of eighty-six, and the last one of the brothers died in Indiana, in 1900, at the age of eighty- five vears. The family was of Irish descent, the great-grandfather of our subject having been a native of Ireland and an early settler of Tennessee. Peter McNutt, who through- out life followed farming, married Margaret Vantage, also a native of Preble county, Ohio, and a representative of one of its pio- neer families. Her ancestors were from Maryland and are supposed to have been of Dutch descent. To Mr. and Mrs. McNutt were born eleven children, and with one ex- ception all grew to manhood or woman- hood, while six are still living. Of this family our subject is the third in order of birth, and the only one living in Darke county. In the county of his nativity he grew to manhood and was there married, in October, 1858, to Miss Charlotte J. Aik- man, who also was born in Harrison town- ship, Preble county. In 1807 her father came to Greenville, Ohio, and settled on Mar- tin Hill with his family, but at the time the Wilson children were killed by the Indians they moved south for protecton. This was during his boyhood. Mrs. McNutt is de- ceased and the oldest of their three children died in infancy. Those living are Aphala N.. the wife of Jacob M. Trick; and Benja- min F. In 1875 our subject was again mar- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 725 ried, his second union being with Eliza L. Brundage. a native of Pennsylvania, by whom he had four children, namely : Joseph U.j deceased; and Orville A., John E. and Susan H.. all at home. Mr. McNutt continued his residence in Harrison township, Preble county, until 1 86 1, when he came to Darke county, but after spending two years here he removed to West Sonora, Preble county, where he was engaged in threshing for ten years. At the end of that period he purchased his present farm on section 25, Neave township, and has since devoted his energies to agricultural pursuits, which he had followed previous to his removal to West Sonora. As a boy he started out in life for himself with only fifty cents in his pocket, and his accumulations are the result of his own industry, enter-' prise, perseverance and economy. For three years he worked as a day laborer and also chopped wood by the cord. Saving his mon- ey, he was at length able to purchase land and engage in farming on his own account. Po- litically he is a stanch Democrat. JACOB HOLLINGER. Upon a good farm on section 5, Butler township, Jacob Hollinger resides. He was born in Darke county, November 17, 1859. His father, Moses Hollinger, is a retired farmer living in Neave township. He was born in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, No- vember 28, 1828, a son of Daniel Hollinger, a native of Germany or of Pennsylvania. In 1835 he removed to Miami county. Ohio. He wedded Miss Landers, of Pennsylvania, and they became the parents of twelve chil- dren : Willie, who died at the age of three years; Anna, who died at the age of twenty- one; Samuel, who died at the age of twenty- three; Daniel, a farmer of Harrison town- ship; Joseph, a resident farmer of Frank- lin township; Jacob, of this review; Fanny, the wife of A. S. Archer; Lizzie, who is acting as housekeeper for her father ; Moses W., a resident of North Manchester, Indi- ana; Emanuel, who makes his home in Man- ville, Texas ; Rebecca, the wife of Will- iam Senseman, of Pleasant Hill, Miami coun- ty; Eli, who is living in Logan county, Ohio; and Edward, whose residence is in Montgomery county. The mother of these children died in 1881, when about forty-six years of age. The father was afterward again married arid is now living retired on his little farm of one hundred and sixty- nine acres. Jacob Hollinger, of this review, re- ceived a limited education in the district schools, for his services were needed on the home farm, and from an early day he as- sisted in the labors of the fields, continuing with his parents until he had attained his majority, when he started out in life on his own account. He was for a time en- gaged in working as a farm hand and raised tobacco and potatoes. His labors, ener- getically prosecuted, have brought to him success. As a companion and helpmate on life's journey he chose Miss Frances Brown, a daughter of Reuben Brown. They were married February 2$, 1887, and a year later he purchased ten acres of his present farm. Two years afterward he bought a forty- acre tract and later bought an additional tract of fifteen acres, but has since sold five acres, so that he now owns sixty acres. He carries on general farming and his wife superintends the gardening and housework. Their united efforts have brought to them 726 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. creditable success and they are now doing well in life. Their union has been blessed with two children: John Irvin, who was born November 24, 1888; and Edna Esther, born January 24, 1890. Mr. Hollinger is somewhat independent in his political views, his preference, how- ever, being more strongly in favor of Re- publican principles. Both he and his wife hold membership in the German Baptist church. Mrs. Hollinger has been to her husband indeed a faithful companion and helpmate, always willingly assisting him in his work, even going into the fields if nec- essary. He is a true and honest farmer who has had many difficulties and obstacles to overcome, but has steadily persevered and has worked his way upward to a leading- position among the representative farmers of his community. JACOB REPLOGLE. Among the old and honored residents of Mississinawa township, Darke county, Ohio, none stand higher in public esteem than Jacob Replogle, who for many years has successfullv engaged in farming on section 14- He was born in Germantown, Mont- gomery county, Ohio, June 30, 1821, and is a son of Philip Replogle. a yeoman farmer of Pennsylvania, who was born in that state about 1777 and died in Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1853. About 179S the father married Elizabeth Gothard, who was born in the ill- fated city of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, in 1780. About 181 5 they came to German- town, this state, floating down the Ohio river on a flatboat to Cincinnati. At that time the father was in humble circumstances. He never accumulated wealth, though he was a natural mechanic and skilled workman. very strong and industrious. In 1848 he purchased eighty acres of the farm in Mis- sissinawa township, Darke county, where our subject now resides, paying for the same in state bonds at one dollar and a half per acre. 'When he located here his nearest neighbor was seven miles away and the coun- try round about was almost an unbroken for- est. He added to his farm until he had one hundred and fifteen acres. In his family were fourteen children, four sons and ten daughters, all of whom reached manhood or womanhood, with the exception of one daughter. Our subject is the eleventh in order of birth in this family and is now the only sur- vivor. He had verv poor educational ad- vantages during his boyhood, but has made the most of his opportunities throughout life and is now a well informed man. He owns a good farm of one hundred and sixty acres, which includes the old homestead, and has successfully engaged in its operation, being a systematic and thorough farmer. One year he raised fifteen hundred bushels of wheat, and has raised sixty bushels of corn per acre upon a tract of seventy acres. On the 16th of March. 1843, Mr, Replogle was united in marriage with Miss Abbie Jones, who was born October 1, 1826, in Butler county, Ohio, five miles from Ox- ford, and is a daughter of Abram and Re- becca (Pierson) Jones, farming people, who moved from New Jersey to Ohio in a covered wagon and settled in Butler county. In the Jones family were eleven children, six sons and five daughters, of whom David died at the age of twelve years, Polly at the age of eighteen, after which there was not a death in the family for sixty years ; but only three of the children are now living, namely : Edward, aged eighty years, who is GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 727 living in Mercer county, Ohio ; ,Abbie, the wife of our subject ; and James, aged seven- ty-three years, who is living in Gibson, Mercer county. The mother was a widow for many years and died in 1883, at the ad- vanced age of ninety-two. To Mr. and Mrs. Replogle were born fourteen children, of whom twelve are still living, namely: Elizabeth, the wife of Mr. Rohr, of Mississinawa township; Rebecca Ann, the wife of William Wintrade; Mar- garet, the wife of John L. Whitney; Mar}-, the wife of Curtis A. Richardson ; Harriet A., the wife of Charles State; F. Marion, a physician of Lightsville ; Martha E., the wife of E. Richardson; George Washing- ton, who lives near Rossville ; Abraham Lincoln, a farmer of Darke county; William Grant, also a resident of Darke county ; Jacob S., who married Jennie McOwens, and lives on the home farm; and Sarah A., the wife of Ellsworth Kino-. With one excep- tion all have children of their own. In early life Mr. Replogle was a fine marksman and a great hunter, killing as many as seven deer in one day. His father was also fond of that sport. In his political affiliations our subject is a stanch Republi- can, and he takes an active and commendable interest in public affairs. LUTHER MARTIX. Luther Martin, an enterprising agricult- urist of Harrison township, residing on sec- tion 10, was born in Baltimore county, Maryland, February 2, 1840. His father, Luther Martin, Sr., was a farmer of that state and was born there in 1805. Having arrived at years of maturity, he married Betsev Armacost, and they became the par- ents of fifteen children. One son died at the age of four years, a daughter at the age of twelve and another child at the age of fifteen, but the remaining twelve all reached mature years, while with the ex- ception of one son and one daughter all were married. The nine now living are as follows : Henry, who is a farmer of Mary- land and lives upon the old home farm where the father settled over seventy-five years ago; Jabez, who also follows agri- cultural pursuits; Joshua, who is living in Baltimore ; Caleb, who is a resident of Mary- land; Ephraim, who is living in the same state, as is also John Thomas ; Luther is the next of the family, and the younger brothers are Charles Wesley and Henry. No event of special importance occurred to vary the monotony of farm life upon the home farm where Luther Martin was reared. He has alwavs devoted his time and at- tention to agricultural pursuits and the prac- tical training of his youth well fitted him for a prosperous career in his later life. As a companion and helpmate on life's journey he chose Miss Louisa J. Purvine, but she survived their marriage only two years, leaving a son, Lew W. Martin, who died at the age of twenty-four years, survived by a wife, one son and one daughter. In Greene county, Ohio, on the 26th of Octo- ber, 1871, Mr. Martin was again married, his second union being with Catherine Keefer, whose birth occurred in that county, January 7, 1843, her parents being John and Mary Ann (Flatter) Keefer, farming people of Greene county. In their family were four children : James, now deceased ; John W., who is living in Prophetstown, Illinois; Mrs. Martin; and Martha E., the wife of Stephen Campbell. After the death of the mother of this family, the father was again married and had two children by that union. 728 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. He died in 1894, at the age of seventy-eight years. The home of Mr. and Mrs. Martin has been blessed with six children, who are yet living: Oscar E., a farmer of Harrison township, who is married and has two chil- dren, a son and daughter; Luella May, the wife of George Wolfel, by whom she has two children; Pearl, the wife of James E. Irelan, a farmer living near Hollansburg; Virgil, who assists in the operation of the home farm; Colonel L., who also works on the home farm ; and Carrie Edith, who com- pletes the family. In March, 1863, Mr. Martin removed to Harrison township and worked by the month as a farm hand. After his wife's death he sold this property and broke up housekeep- ing, his little son being cared for bv his grandmother Purvine. The first farm which he owned was a tract of seventy-seven acres in German township, and in 1883 he pur- chased his present farm of one hundred and seventy acres in Harrison township. To this he has added fifteen acres. He carries on mixed farming and is very practical and progressive in his business methods. He raises corn and wheat — between thirty-five and forty hundred bushels of corn and about two thousand bushels of wheat annually. He has also raised live stock, selling as high as seventy-five hogs in one year. His hi ime farm is well improved and developed, and in addition to this he owns a tract of eighty- three acres and a second tract of forty-three acres, which farms are cultivated by his son and son-in-law. His life has been one of industry, carefully guided by sound judg- ment, and his success has been the legitimate result of his own labors. In politics he is a Democrat. In religious belief his wife is a Methodist, holding her membership in a church of that denomination. ARTHUR L. CLARK. Arthur L. Clark, now serving as prose- cuting attorney of Darke county, is num- bered among the native sons of the city of Greenville, his birth having occurred here on the 1 6th of October, 1873. He is de- scended from good old Revolutionary stock, his great-grandfather being a native of England, who in his youth crossed the At- lantic to America. When the yoke of British oppression became intolerable and the col- onies determined to make a struggle for in- dependence through the art of war he joined the troops and aided in the struggle. His son, Samuel Clark, the grandfather of our subject, was a native of Pennsylvania; and Benjamin H. Clark, the father of our sub- ject, was born in Pennsylvania, in Septem- ber, 1821. With his parents he removed from the Keystone state to Darke county, in 1 83 1, locating upon a farm in Washing- ton township. He married Miss Mary Martin, who was born in Ohio, in March, 1830, and with her parents removed to Washington township. Arthur L. Clark has spent his entire life in Greenville. He attended the schools of his native city and later continued his edu- cation in Springfield, Ohio, no event of spe- cial importance occurring to vary the usual boy life of the period. Determining to make the practice of law his life work, he pursued his studies under the direction of the firm of Elliott & Chenowith, and was admitted 1 1 the bar in 1895. He then began the prac- tice of law in Greenville, and his earnest purpose, his careful preparation and his un- derstanding of judicial principles soon: gained him a place among the leading at- torneys of the city. In 1897 he was nom- inated on the Democratic ticket as a candi- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 729' date for prosecuting attorney of Darke county, won the election and entered upon the discharge of his duties in January, 1898, and his service has been acceptable, owing to the fidelity and ability with which he dis- charges his duties. He is quick to recog- nize the strong points in the case and pre- sents them logically to court and jury. So- cially he is connected with the order of Knights of Pythias. CONRAD KIPP. The name of Kipp has been connected with the drug business of Greenville for forty-five years and the subject of this re- view is now at the head of the wholesale and retail drug house in which business is car- ried on under the firm name of William Kipp's Sons. An enterprising merchant, sagacious, far-sighted and reliable, he sus- tains an enviable reputation in trade circles in Darke county, where he is widely known. Born in the city which is still his home, September 2$, i860, be is a son of William Kipp. a retired merchant of Greenville, who was born in Wurtemberg, Germany, on the 13th of April, 1832. In the Fatherland he acquired a liberal education, attending school continuously between the ages of six and fourteen years. When twenty years of age he emigrated to America, arriving in New York city in September, 1851, after a voy- age of twenty-three days upon a sailing vessel which weighed anchor at Antwerp. Mr. Kipp made his way westward to Cincin- nati, Ohio, where he was employed on the railroad for four months, and in the spring of 1853 he went to Dayton, Ohio, whence he came to Greenville, in September of that year. Here he has since made his home, and from a humble position he arose to a prominent place in mercantile circles and is now living retired, the capital he has ac- quired being sufficient to supply him with all the necessities and many of the luxuries of life. When he arrived here he had only sixty cents. After following the business of tonsorial artist for two years, he became associated with Conrad Shively in the drug trade, under the firm name of Shively & Kipp, continuing the same until 1872, when the partnership was dissolved by the death of Mr. Shively. Mr. Kipp then became the sole proprietor and carried a large line of such goods as are usually found in a first- class drug store. His patronage steadily increased, bringing to him a good income, and he continued in the business until 1887, when he was succeeded by bis sons, under the firm name of William Kipp's Sons. The father was united in marriage, in the spring of 1857, to Miss Barbara C. Rich, who was born in Wurtemberg, Germany, in 1834. They became the parents of eight children, of whom two are now deceased. The living are Emma, Bertha, Conrad. Au- gust. William and Edward. Conrad Kipp. the eldest son and the im- mediate subject of this review, was reared in Greenville and educated in the public schools, receiving his business training in his father's store which he entered in the ca- pacity of clerk at an early age. spending the months of vacation there. He is now a regis- tered pharmacist and has a thorough under- standing of the practical management of a large and complete store. The firm occupies a fine business block on the public square, at the corner of Broadway, 22x99 feet and three stories in height. They sell both to the wholesale and retail trade and carry a large stock of drugs and medicines, paints,. 730 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. oils, varnishes, glass, wall paper, etc., and their patronage is now quite extensive. Conrad Kipp was united in marriage to Miss Laura Mearick, a daughter of William and Eliza Mearick, and a representative of a prominent old family of Darke county. They have many warm friends in this lo- cality and enjoy the hospitality of many of the best homes of the neighborhood. S. WILLIAM ALLREAD. This well-known citizen of Greenville, Ohio, now holds the responsible position of manager for the firm of J. P. Wolf & Son, extensive dealers in leaf tobacco at Dayton. He was born in the village of Arcanum, Darke county, in 1863, and is a son of Isaac and Christina (Honk) Allread, both natives of this state, the former born near Hamilton, in Butler county, and the latter in Warren county. The father was an early settler of Darke county, as were also our subject's maternal grandparents, Jacob and Abigail (Shepperd) Honk. The boyhood of S. William Allread was passed in his native village, where he at- tended the public schools, but after losing his father, when thirteen years of age, he went to live with his uncle, Stephen Allread, 111 De Lisle, Darke county, and remained with him until attaining his twentieth year. For the following three years he was vari- ously employed, but at the end of that time became interested in the tobacco business as an employe of George W. Whation, a dealer 111 leaf tobacco, with whom he remained for two years. Subsequently he was similarly employed by A. L. Jones, now the post- master of Greenville, and was with him five years. He has since continued his con- nection with the leaf tobacco trade, workino- for William Breno, now a member of con- gress, for five years, and at the end of that time accepted his present position in the em- ploy of J. P. Wolf & Son, of Dayton, hav- ing charge of their business in Greenville, where they own a warehouse. His exten- sive acquaintance throughout the country, and his large practical experience in handling leaf tobacco, make him well qualified for the responsible position he is now filling to the entire satisfaction of the company. He is a most competent manager and a good busi- ness man. In 1887 Mr. Allread was united in mar- riage with Miss Mary Graham, of Green- ville, a daughter of John W. Graham, and to them have been born three children, name- ly: Merley C, Roy and William. Socially Mr. Allread is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America, and politically is a stanch Republican, now serving as a com- mitteeman for the third ward. FRANCIS MARION REPLOGLE, M. D. Dr. Replogle, who is now successfully engaged in the nractice of medicine and sur- gery in Lightsville, Darke county, Ohio, was born near that place, September 9, 1854, a son of Jacob and Rebecca (Jones) Replogle^ also natives of this state, the former born in Germantown, Montgomery county, June 30, 1821, the latter in Butler county, in 1825. The Doctor's paternal grandfather was Philip Replogle, who came to Ohio from Pennsylvania when a young man and set- tled in Germantown. The father became a successful farmer of Mississinawa township, Darke county. In his family were fourteen children, of whom twelve— five sons and seven daughters— are still living, are mar- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 731 ried and with one exception have children of their own. The Doctor grew to manhood upon the home farm and received a good practical education in the common schools, which well fitted him for teaching, a profession which he successfully followed at intervals from 1878 to 1 89 1. In the meantime he attended the Miami Medical College at Cin- cinnati, where he was graduated in 1895, with the degree of M. D., and was first en- gaged in practice at Salem, Indiana, but in 1896 he located in Lightsville, Ohio, where he is the only physician engaged in regular practice. His skill and ability soon won him a liberal patronage, and he is now meet- ing with most excellent success. Dr. Replogle was married, November 1, 1883, to Miss Anna Belle Weaver, a native of Darke county and a daughter of Elijah and Sarah (Elmore) Weaver, both deceased. She is one of a family of six children, four sons and two daughters. CHARLES BAKER, M. D. Among the enterprising and well in- formed representatives of the medical pro- fession, whose services have been of great benefit to mankind, is Dr. Charles Baker. He is a young man, but his ability and suc- cess are by no means limited by his years, for he has already gained a reputation which many an older practitioner might well envy. He was born December 3, 1872, and is the third in a family of seven children — three sons and four daughters — whose parents were Harry and Lucinda ( Weyright) Baker. The father was born'in either Darke or Mont- gomery county, on the 3d of July, 1837, and attained the age of forty-seven years, passing away on the 24th of August, 1884. The common school afforded him his edu- cational privileges and he was trained to the duties and labors of the farm, becoming an enterprising and successful agriculturist. He gave his political support to the men and measures of the Democracy, and he and his wife were members of the German Baptist church. The latter is a native of Miami county, Ohio, born about 1845, an d is still living, her home being now in Flora, Indi- ana. One of their daughters, Kate, is the wife of Rev. L. H. Eby, a resident of Mound City, Missouri, and two sisters, Maggie and Ada, have successfully engaged in teaching ia Darke county. Dr. Baker, whose name introduces this review, spent the greater part of his minority in his parents' home, which was one of culture, and he was carefully reared to hab- its of industry and honesty. Not wishing to make farming his life work, he determined to enter professional life and his choice fell upon the practice of medicine. For many years he had that end in view and bent every energy toward preparing himself for his chosen calling. His preliminary literary training was received in the district schools, where he manifested special aptitude in his studies, securing a teacher's certificate at a very early age. He was also for a time a student of the high school at West Milton, Ohio, where he took a short scientific course. He afterward engaged in teaching in his home district at Baker's store, in Neave township, Darke county. He taught for about four years, during which time he carefully saved his money. He read medi- cine under the direction of Dr. Martz, a physician of high rank in Darke county, and a year later entered upon a college course, matriculating in the class of 1894 as a student in the Medical College of the state 732 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. of Ohio, at Cincinnati. This institution has borne high rank since its establishment in 1 819, and within its walls Dr. Baker pursued a thorough course of study, being gradu- ated in the class of 1899, which numbered thirty-eight students. His course included both materia medica and surgery. After his graduation he located in Stelvidio, Ohio, in May, and has since become well established in his chosen profession, winning a liberal patronage as the result of his uniform courtesy, combined with a high degree of medical skill. He keeps abreast with the times in his profession by a careful study of the best medical journals bearing upon dis- eases and their treatment. He has a well equipped surgical case, but prefers the prac- tice of medicine to that of surgery. His practice extends widely over the townships of Greenville, Richland and Adams, and we have every reason to predict for him a very successful future in his profession. On the 25th of May, 1899, the Doctor was united in marriage to Miss Flora M. Jefferis, a native of German township. She was educated in the common schools, was also a student in the Greenville high school and received a teacher's certificate. Her .parents were prominent citizens of Darke county. Both the Doctor and his wife oc- cupy an enviable position in social circles and enjoy the hospitality of the best homes in his locality. In politics he is a Demo- crat, who keeps well informed upon the is- sues of the day and is frequently chosen as a delegate to the county and congressional conventions. He cast his first presidential vote for William J. Bryan, the brilliant orator and free silver champion. The cause of education receives his loyal and unfalter- ing support, for he realizes its importance in the affairs of life and does all in his power to secure good schools. He is a charter member of the Darke County Med- ical Association, which was organized in January, 1900, and embraces the best talent of the profession in the county. His public and private careers are alike commendable, and his marked ability insures his continued advancement along professional lines. JOHN SWINGER. John Swinger is one of Painter Creek's highly respected citizens whose useful and well-spent life has not only gained for him the confidence of his fellow men but has also secured for him a comfortable competence which enables him to lay aside all business cares and spend his declining days in ease and retirement. Our subject's paternal grandfather was George Schwinger, as he spelled the name, who was born in Wurtemberg, Germany. There he owned a little land and engaged in farming to some extent, but principally worked as a day laborer. He married Eliz- abeth Stout, and to them were born four children, namely: Jacob, the father of our subject; Rosanna, who first married a Mr. Hughey and located in Indiana, and sec- ondly, Franz Metz ; Conrad, who married Mary Ann Emerch and died near Kokomo, Indiana; and an infant, who died at sea. About 1812 the grandfather, with his fam- ily sailed for the United States and met with terrible suffering and distress on the voyage. Terrific storms drove the vessel out of its course along the coast of Green- land. The masts and sails were swept over- board, and while the passengers were all be- low and the hatches closed the masts were GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. r33 broken off ai.d became entangled with the main ropes. This turned the vessel on her side and she gradually sank under the water and was held there. The air in the vessel became so foul that life could not be main- tained an hour longer, the poor unfortunates being nearly suffocated, when the captain, who knew where to come in contact with the ropes, bored holes with an auger and made an opening large enough to insert his arm. He then severed the ropes with a halcart and freed the vessel from its fasten- ings. As it then righted itself those on board were saved from suffocation. After being tossed and buffeted about by the wind and waves they were finally driven ashore along the Greenland coast, where they re- maied through the winter and until the fol- lowing spring, when the United States gov- ernment sent a vessel to their relief and brought them to Philadelphia, Pennsylva- nia. George Swinger had several hundred dollars when he left the old country, but this he spent for the relief of his fellow pas- sengers during the winter and arrived in Philadelphia penniless, with a wife and three children, one having died on the voyage. He sold the father of our subject to a Mr. Grumm in Philadelphia to pay his debts. He settled near Lebanon, in Lebanon county, Pennsylvania, where he spent the remainder of his life. After his d;ath his widow came west and died at the home of her daughter, eighteen miles west of Peru, Indiana. Jacob Swinger, our subject's father, was born in Wurtemberg, Germany, March i, 1805, and when a boy came to America with his parents. He received a good education in the schools of Pennsylvania, and, as was previously stated, was bound out until twenty-one years of age to a Mr. Grumm. a farmer of Lebanon county. Being a good, industrious boy, Mr. Grumm took a great liking to him, sent him to school and re- leased him at the age of twenty, at the same time giving him a little money with which to begin life for himself. Mr. Swinger worked as a farm hand, and although he learned no trade he was handy with tools and was employed in laying plank on the canal one year. He married Anna Maria Stager, a native of Lebanon county, Penn- sylvania, and a daughter of Frederick and Elizabeth ( Vingst) Stager. The latter was born in Germany, December 17, 1768. Her mother's maiden name was Remgontz. In the family of Frederick and Elizabeth Sta- ger were the following children : Henry, born December 27, 1785, died in infancy; Henry, born October 2, 1787, married Eliza- beth Six and died in Lebanon county, Penn- sylvania; Adam, born August 6, 1789. mar- ried Anna Maria Six and died in the same county; Elizabeth, born December 10, 1791, married John Daub; Catherine, born Janu- ary 7, 1794, married John Fourman and moved to Van Buren county, Ohio, in 1833 ; Frederick, born January 29, 1796, married Rebecca Fousceler; Regina, born March 28, 1798, married George Fourman and died in Pennsylvania, after which her husband came to Ohio; John, born. February 4, 1800, mar- ried Sarah Fousceler; Samuel, born May 20, 1802, married Catherine Jacob:; Hannah, born October 11, 1804, married Jacob Eier- ly; Margaret, born December 15, 1806, mar- ried John Mock; Anna Maria, born Novem- ber 11, 1808, married Jacob Swinger; Chris- tina, born January 8, 1812, married John Jacobi; and William, born May 2S, 1S14, married first Catherine Hansel, of Kensel, and secondly Caroline YYalten. Our subject is the eldest of the nine children born to Jacob and Anna Maria (Stager) Swinger; 734 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Sarah, the second, married David Staffer and died in Franklin township, Darke coun- ty, Ohio; Susannah died unmarried; Jacob married Martha Hyer and is now a retired farmer of Crawford county, Illinois; Cather- ine and Rebecca both died young; Elizabeth, wife of Abraham Minnich, of Franklin town- ship, this county; David is represented on an other page of this volume; and Samuel, twin brother of David, married Mary Miller and lives in Crawford county. Illinois. In 1836 the father, with his family, emigrated to Ohio, making the journey, which lasted six weeks, with a two-horse wagon. He stopped first at the home of his cousin, John Fourman, in Van Buren township, and remained there a short time. Having brought with him a little money he purchased forty acres of land on Painter creek, in Franklin township, only an acre and a half of which had been cleared and a log cabin of one room erected thereon. The following year he added to his original purchase another forty-acre tract, and made that place his home for five years. His next purchase consisted of eighty acres, on which was a log cabin that was taken apart and re- built on his home farm. Subsequently he bought of Samuel Hall one hundred and sixty acres, which is now owned by his son David. He also owned the eighty-acre tract which is now in possession of Hiram Kin ides, one hundred and sixty acres owned by John Flory, Sr., and eighty acres now owned by Moses Roymer. Besides the pr< »p- erty already mentioned Mr. Swinger owned what is known as the Burkett mills on Still- water, below Ludlow Falls. He continued to engage actively in farming until a few years before his death, which occurred in 1866. He was a deacon and a prominent member of the German Baptist church, and a stanch Democrat in politics. His estima- ble wife survived him' many years, dying December 31, 1893. John Swinger, whose name introduces this review, was born September 29. 1828, in Lebanon county, Pennsylvania, where he attended German schools until eight years of age, when the family removed to Ohio. At that time much of Darke county was an unbroken wilderness and deer and other wild game was found in abundance. Mr. Swin- ger says that he was practically reared with a gun and ax in his hands. Here he at- tended an English school, but every night after supper his mother made him study, German. This did not prove satisfactory, however, as he often confused the two lan- guages, and finally he dropped the German. As his services were needed at home his educational privileges were somewhat lim- ited, during one winter only being able to attend school for eight and a half days, an- other for twelve days ; but he was fond of study and applied himself at home. Mr. Swinger assisted his father in clear- ing one hundred acres of land, and remained at home until twenty-two years of age, re- ceiving five dollars per month and his board and clothes during the last year. He then began life for himself on a farm of one hun- dred and sixty acres belonging to his fa- ther. In the fall of 1853 he rented a farm near Troy, on which he lived for eight years, and then moved to White county, Indiana, where be rented three hundred and twenty acres of land. Returning to Darke county, Ohio, in February, 1864, he bought the Squire Hess farm of seventy acres in Frank- lin township, and in the fall of 1875 moved to a thirty-seven-acre tract entered by Bev- erly Richardson, and now owned by John Swinger. In 1862 he established a tile fac- tory, which he moved to his present farm in GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 735 1878. Being blessed with a strong consti- tution he was able to withstand any amount of work. For many years he conducted a saw-mill on Painter creek, leaving home on Monday morning and running the mill every day until twelve o'clock at night. He would then sleep on a bench with a jack- plane for a pillow. He also ran a thresh- ing machine for some years, and during the busy season he would run his tile factory day and night without any sleep whatever, doing all his own burning for ten years. In 1877 he rented his plant to his son Amos and his son-in-law, John Deeter, and when the lat- ter went west in 1886 he and his son formed a partnership and engaged in the manufac- ture of tile until 1886, since which time the son has carried on the business, while our subject lives retired, enjoying a well-earned rest. He and Jacob and David Swinger and Elizabeth Minnich owned the old home- stead of his father for many years, but sold it in December, 1899. Enterprising, ener- getic and industrious, he met with success in his undertakings, and can now well afford to lay aside all business cares. Since 1855 Mr. Swinger has been an active worker and consistent member of the Painter Creek German Baptist churcb, in which he has served as a deacon for many years, and gives his support to every enter- prise calculated to advance the moral welfare of his community. He has ever been found upright and honorable in all his dealings, is charitable, benevolent and hospitable and is a well-informed man, and an interesting con- versationalist. In politics he is a Democrat, and he has most capably filled several town- ship offices. On the 1st of August, 1850, Mr. Swin- ger married Miss Margaret Ann Stauffer, who was born near Salem, Montgomery county, Ohio, May 15, 1831, a daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth (Kinsey) Stauffer. She has been to her husband a faithful help- meet, counselor and adviser, and to her chil- dren a kind and loving mother. Five chil- dren were born to them, namely : Amos H., born May 10, 1851, attended the local schools until twenty years of age and be- gan work in his father's tile factory in boy- hood. In 1886 he purchased the plant and is still engaged in the manufacture of tile. He was formerly a Republican in politics, but now supports the Democratic party, and is a member of the Ludlow and Painter Creek Baptist church. He was married, ■ December 21, 1873, to Susan Frock,, and they had five children : Oliver, who 1 was born September 27, 1874, and married Hat- tie Reiber; Edward R., who was born Au- gust 28, 1878, and married Lola Brown,' Cora and Myrtle, who died in infancy; and Katy Elizabeth, the second child of our sub- ject, was born October 13, 1852, and is now the wife of David Dell, of Landis, Darke county, by whom she has two children — ■ Susan and Maggie. Rachel, born October 15, 1853, was married February 8, 1874. to John M. Deeter, and to them were born six children: Charles, who died in infancy; Simon; Amos; Libbie, the wife of Clyde Stratton; John; and Lola, who died in in- fancy. They moved west in 1886, and in 1899 located in Eddy county, North Da- kota. Margaret, born July 11, 1867, was married May 8, 1887, to John Haber, and they have four children : Verna, Roy, Oma and Charles. John L., born June 22, 1869, attended the public schools until twenty-one years of age and was married January 31, 1 89 1, to Martha L. Hyer, by whom he has four children: Lova Ethel, born October 27, 1891; Sarah Margaret, born May 2^.. 45 i36 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 1894; John Jesse, born February II, 1898; and Elizabeth N., born August 30, 1900. John L. Swinger is an active Democrat, and has held several township offices. RALPH D. BEE.M. The subject of this sketch is the leading photographer of Greenville and is an artist of far more than ordinary ability He was born in Licking county, Ohio, June 29, i860, and is a son of Isaiah K. and Eliza (Pitzer) Eeem, who were born, reared and married in that county, continuing to make their home there until 1877, when they removed to Morrow county, this state, where they located permanentlv and spent the remainder of their days. Our subject's maternal grandfather was John Pitzer, a native of Maryland. On the paternal side his an- cestry can be traced back to Jacob Beem, a noted German philosopher who flourished in the seventeenth century. The name was originally spelled Boehme. The American progenitor of the family was Richard Beem, a native of Saxony, German}-, who settled in Allegany county. Maryland, in 1768. His son, Michael Beem, Sr., came to America with his parents. He moved to Licking county, Ohio, in 1812. In 1775 he married Elizabeth Green, and their son, Michael Beem, Jr., the grandfather of our subject, came to Ohio with his parents. He mar- ried Rachel Rhodes. In the county of his nativity Ralph D. Beem passed his boyhood and youth. He had the advantages of the common schools and later attended the Mount Gilead high school, at which he was graduated in 1882. "When his education was completed he went to Cleveland, where he learned the art of photography of J. H. Copeland & Ryder, with whom he remained two years. He then returned to Mount Gilead, where the following eighteen months were passed, and at the end of that time removed to Wilming- ton, the county seat of Clinton county. In 1887 he came to Greenville and opened a photograph gallery on East. Third street, which he has fitted up in a most approved style. It is supplied with all the latest appa- ratus necessary for doing first-class work. That Mr. Beem is a skilled artist is shown by his work, his pictures, both large and small, having a superior finish which only a true artist can produce. The portraits which embellish the second (or local) part of this work are from photographs made by his masterly hands. He is pr< igressive in his methods, gives close attention to his busi- ness and has secured a very liberal patronage. He takes great interest in everything per- taining to his art, and is quite prominent pro- fessionally, having been elected vice-presi- dent of the Ohio State Photographers' As- sociation in 1899, while for four consecu- tive years he was tendered medals by the National and State Photographers' Associa- tions, ranking second place in America. So- cially he is also very popular and is a past chancellor of the Knights of Pythias lodge. In 1890 Mr. Beem was united in mar- riage with Miss Lohru Kintner, of Wooster, Ohio, a daughter of David Kintner, and to them have been born two sons, to whom they have given the names of Kintner and Rob- ert, born respectively June 17, 1892, and October 15, 1900. EZEKIEL S. CONOVER. For a quarter of a century this gentle- man has resided upon his present farm in Greenville township, and to its improvement GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 737 and cultivation he has devoted his energies with most gratifying success. He is a na- tive of Ohio, born in Miamisburg, Mont- gomery county, in 1845, ant l i s a son of Crinonce Schenck and Eleanor (Denise) Conover, also natives of this state and rep- resentatives of an old colonial family of New Jersey. The first twelve years of his life our subject spent in his native town, where his father was engaged in blacksmith- ing and then removed with the family to a farm near by, which the father had pur- chased. He received a good practical En- glish education, and throughout his active business life has engaged in agricultural pur- suits. In 1875 ne came to Darke county and purchased a tract of eighty acres of land in Greenville township, five acres of which he has since disposed of. On the 30th of November, 1871, Mr. Conover was united in marriage with Miss Hannah Green, a native of Warren county, Ohio, and a daughter of Edward and Lydia (Feerer) Green. Her paternal grandfather was one of the heroes of the Revolutionary war. Her father was born in Fishkill, New York, and was only six years of age when brought by his parents to this state. With Revolutionary blood flowing in his veins, he could not remain cjuietly at home when his country was in danger, and during the civil war he enlisted in the Seventy-fifth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and participated in the first battle of Bull Run. The latter part of his service was devoted to hospital work. His son, Peter Green, was also one of the "boys in blue," enlisting at the age of eight- een years in the Seventy-ninth Ohio Volun- teer Infantry. He was in thirteen engage- ments and on the twenty-first anniversary of his birth he participated in the battle of Peach Tree Creek. Mrs. Conover's mother was a native of Pennsylvania and a daugh- ter of Peter and Catherine (Wagner) Feer- er, who were of German descent and well-to- do people of Lebanon, Lebanon county, Penn- sylvania. Mr. Feerer brought his family to Ohio when Mrs. Green was only four years old, and he became one of the wealthiest farmers of Montgomery county. To Mr. and Mrs. Conover were born four children, namely : Schenck, the eldest, is deceased. Victor A. was graduated at the Greenville high school in the class of 1895, and has since attended the Lebanon Normal School one year, and the teacher's school at Ada, Ohio, one term. For seven years he has been a successful teacher in the public schools, and is now teaching in Montgomery county. Edward S. is at home ; and Eleanor, the only daughter, is a young lady of exceptional musical talent and is fitting herself for teach- ing that art. Mr. Conover, his wife and two children are prominent members of the Christian church of Coaltown, of which he is now a trustee. He is also one of the active mem- bers of the Knights of Pythias, of Green- ville, and in politics is a Republican, taking a warm interest in the welfare of his party and in all local affairs. During the Civil war he aided in the state's defense against General Morgan and his forces, and as a public-spirited and progressive citizen he gives his support to every enterprise which he believes calculated to advance the moral, intellectual or material welfare of his county 01 state. Mrs. Conover is a lady of culture and refinement, and is highly educated. After attending the public schools for many years she entered the Delaware Normal School, where she pursued her studies for two years. In 1864 she commenced teaching in the pub- 73S GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. lie schools of Warren and Montgomery counties and followed that profession unin- terruptedly until after her marriage, meet- ing with most excellent success. Since re- siding in Darke county she has in no sense relaxed her interest in educational affairs, and has conducted classes at her home, re- ceiving no remuneration, hut doing it solely to gratify her mind by dispensing knowledge to others. She is a member of the Greenville Woman's Relief Corps, and is a most esti- mable lady, sharing with her husband the high regard of a large circle of friends and accjuaintances. GEORGE W. SIGERFOOS. At the time of his death the subject of this sketch was one of the leading dry-goods merchants of Arcanum. Darke county, Ohio, and was a man highly respected and es- teemed by all who knew him. He was born in the state of Maryland, December 13, 1825, and emigrated to Montgomery coun- ty, Ohio, when nine years of age, his early life being devoted to farming and school- teaching. After his marriage he followed brickmaking and school-teaching some five years in Phillipsburg, and in 1S55 turned his attention to the dry-goods trade. In 1872 he opened a store in Arcanum where he was successfully engaged in business when called from this life October 16, 1875. In his business dealings he was ever prompt, relia- ble and entirely trustworthy, and he justly merited the high regard in which he was uniformly held. On the 28th of July, 1850. Mr. Sigerfoos married Miss Nancy Shanck, who was born in Montgomery county. October 2, 1830, and they became the parents of the follow- ing children : Lorin, born August 25, 1851, died November 28, 1870; Orrin, born March 22, 1853, died August 12. 1870; Arabella, born October 22, 1856. attended the public schools until nineteen years of age and then taught for five years at Laura, Ohio. In 1888 she entered the Michigan State Nor- mal School, where she was graduated in 1892, and the following two years she taught in the Arcanum high school. In the summer of 1895 she went to "Los Angeles, California, where she taught for three years, and since that time has resided with her mother in Arcanum. Ella B., born Jan- uary 26, 1863, was married November 10, 1 88 1, to Solomon Minnich, of Arcanum, and they have four children, namely : Daisy, Mamie, Nancy and Catherine. Charles P., born May 4, 1865, attended the public schools until seventeen years of age, and then entered the Ohio State College, where he was graduated in 1889. He spent one year at the University of Virginia, four years at John Hopkins University, and is now professor of biology at Minneapolis, Minnesota. Edward, born December 14, 1868, attended the public schools until six- teen years of age, and the following year entered Columbus University, at Colum- bus, Ohio, where he was graduated in 1891. Passing the examination at Washington, D. C, he was appointed second lieutenant in the regular army, and spent two years in a military school at Fort Leavenworth, Kan- sas. In 1898 he was commissioned first lieutenant and served one year at Santiago, Cuba, under General Wood, but is now sta- tioned at Fort Sheridan, Illinois. He was married, in December 1895, t0 ^' ss Opal, a daughter of Dr. Donavan Robeson, of Greenville, Ohio, and they have one child, Grace. Peter Shanck. father of Mrs. Sigerfoos, GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 739 was born in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, May 28, 1803, and was a son of Christo- pher and Catherine Shanck, who spent their entire lives in that county, where the former died in 1825, aged forty-five years; the lat- ter died aged ninety-one. Their remains were interred in the place of their nativity. Of their children Peter was the eldest; Eliz- abeth married John Ryder and died near Elizabethtown, Pennsylvania ; Catherine married Adam Ryder and died in the same state; Margaret married Henry Hoffman and died in Whitley county, Indiana ; Fanny is the wife of John Miller, of that county; John married a Miss Bishop and lives in Pennsylvania ; and Henry married Susan Baker and resides in Whitley county, Indi- ana. During his minority Peter Shanck assist- ed his father in the tailoring business, and at the age of twenty-one began life for him- self by following that trade. After his fa- ther's death he resided with his mother for four years, and was then married, January 12, 1830, to Miss Barbara, a daughter of John and Mary (Huffer) Keener, who lived and died in Dauphin county, Pennsylvania. She was the tenth in order of birth in their family of thirteen children, the others being as follows : John wedded Mary Heeter and died in Montgomery county, Ohio ; David married Catherine and died near Palestine, Darke county; Jacob, twin of David, married Elizabeth Arnett ,and died in Michigan; George died near Palestine, Darke county ; Christina married a Mr. Bryan, who died in Pennsylvania, af- ter which she came to Ohio and died near Lewisburg ; Molly married John Loxley and died near West Alexandria, Ohio ; Elizabeth married George Gable and died in Whitley county, Indiana; Nancy married Christo- pher Weekley and died near Germantown, Ohio ; Mary, twin of Nancy, married John Bowman and died near Celina, Ohio; Cath- erine is Mrs. David Ryder, living near Lew- isburg, Ohio; Lydia is Mrs. Michael Koch, of Elkhart county, Indiana ; and Susan is Mrs. Jacob Heeter, living near Lewisburg, Ohio. Peter Shanck and his young wife moved tc Montgomery county, Ohio, the same year of their marriage, and settled seven miles north of Dayton, where he worked at his trade for four years. In 1834 they came to Darke county and located on a farm in Twin township, where he purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land, consisting of woods and almost impenetrable swamps. After erecting a small log cabin he began the arduous task of making a farm in the heart of a mighty wilderness with no improved implements of industry, such as we now possess, to assist and lighten the heavy work of clearing the land. At that time an ax and muscle were the essentials, and he who had not plenty of the latter was certainly to be pitied, for strength and the power to endure privations were the keys that opened the great wilderness and sustained the pio- neer in those trying days. Mr. Shanck and his good wife passed through the different phases of pioneer life, and for more than half a century labored together, sharing each other's joys and partaking of each other's sorrows, each being a helpmeet to the other. Although they grew bent with the weight of years and incessant toil, they enjoyed good health and strength with faculties unim- paired to the last. Mr. Shanck was the first justice of the peace in Monroe township, this county, and filled most of the township offices. He was a man of good executive ability and sound judgment, and commanded 740 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. the respect and confidence of all with whom he came in contact. He was a member of the Brethren in Christ church, while his wife held membership in the German Bap- tist church, and both were earnest Christians and universally beloved and respected. He died in October, 1888, and she also is de- ceased. In their family were nine children, namely: Nancy, born October 2, 1830, is now Mrs. Sigerfoos; Catherine, born Oc- tober 10, 1831, died in infancy: Lydia, born September 26, 1833; Elizabeth, August 14, 1835; Catherine, December 24, 1837; Henry, May 10, 1840; Susanna, November 13, 1844; Margaret, April 5, 1847; and John, September 3. 1850. ENOCH BEERY SEITZ. Enoch Beery Seitz, professor of math- ematics, was born in Fairfield county. Ohio, August 24, 1846. His father. Daniel Seitz, was burn in Rockingham county, Virginia, December 17, t 79 1 , and was twice mar- ried. His first wife was Elizabeth Hite, of Fairfield county. Ohio, by whom he had eleven children. His second wife was Cath- erine Beery, born in the same county, April 11, 1808, whom be married April 15, 1S32, and from which marriage four sons and as many daughters were the issue. Mr. Seitz followed the occupation of a farmer and was an industrious and substantial citizen. He died near Lancaster, Ohio, October 14, 1864, in his seventy-third year. In the fall of 1866 Mrs. Seitz. with her family, moved to Greenville, Ohio, where she resided for a number of years. Profes- sor Seitz, the third son by his father's second marriage, passed his boyhood on the farm and had the advantages of only the common- school course. Possessing, however, a great thirst for learning, he applied himself very diligently to his books in private, and became a fine scholar in the English branches, espec- ially excelling in that of arithmetic. For quite a number of years he employed him- self in teaching, and with gratifying results. He took a mathematical course in the Ohio Wesleyan University at Delaware, Ohio, at which institution he graduated in 1870. In the fall of 1872 he was elected to the chair of mathematics in the Greenville high school, which position he occupied until the fall of 1879. On the 24th of June, 1875, he was mar- ried to Miss Anna Kerlin. a daughter of W. K. Kerlin, Esq.. who was for four years the treasurer of Darke county, Ohio, and fi >r many years president of the Second Na- tional Bank of Greenville, Ohio, which insti- tution he assisted in organizing. Professor Seitz possessed very superior mathematical talent and a special fondness for this branch of study, and in a short time took rank as one of the finest mathematicians in the state. He was, moreover, a contributor to the lead- ing mathematical journals of the country, among them the Analyst, the Mathematical Visitor and the Educational Times, of London, England. Professor Seitz died at Kirksville, Missouri, October 8, 1883. While teaching in Greenville, Ohio, be was officially connected with the Darke Coun- ty Teachers' Association, and at the No- vember meeting" of the same following his death, in eulogy of several of its deceased members the following words were spoken and action taken : "Among this number we also wish to mention one, Enoch B. Seitz, who, though not among us, was still one of us, and is claimed as Ohio's gifted son. We can claim him as our own. Here the intellectual germ GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 741 grew and strengthened by its growth, and •we witnessed the gradual unfolding of a mind, the development of an intellect equal in power, and as original in thought as any the world ever knew. "He obtained his education by attending a normal school at Greenville, Ohio, and afterward enrolled his name as a student at the Ohio Wesleyan University, and after two years of close application he left that insti- tution with a mind well trained for future usefulness. In the summer of 1872 he was employed as an assistant teacher in the Greenville Normal School, then held in connection with the public school. It was in this school that his mind seemed to drift to the mathematical channel, and while he was perfectly at home in the sciences mathe- matics seemed to be his delight. The more difficult the question, the more determined was he to master it, and from the time men- tioned until my association with him ceased, I never knew him to fail in the solution of any problem he undertook. He was a reg- ular contributor to several mathematical journals, using the calculus to assist in his solutions, and was an honored member of the London Mathematical Society. Many of his solutions have been examined by the best mathematicians of Europe and America, and we believe he had no superior in either country. For a number of years he filled the position of principal in the Greenville high school with ability and entire satisfac- tion. As a member of the board of county school examiners, the teachers will remember him as being consistent, kind and obliging; ever willing to encourage the despondent, assist the needy, and by influence and ex- ample lead them to a higher sphere of use- fulness. As chairman of the executive com- mittee of our Institute, he was honest, con- scientious, and, whether in the discharge of financial duty, or in a demonstration before the Institute, he seemed to possess the same earnest determination to do his whole duty faithfully. "When • he left Greenville for his field of labor in Missouri, nearly a hundred teach- ers accompanied him to the train, and he was cheered and encouraged by their kind wishes and congratulations. Little thought we then that death would so soon find him in his western home, and that all we could claim of him in the near future was the casket containing the manly form now moldering to dust. "If the teachers of Missouri have lost a bright and shining light, a teacher and friend who in the intellectual field made their pathway plain, one who unfolded to them the way to future usefulness, the teachers of Darke county will feel the loss as severely as they. "But Enoch B. Seitz, although dead to us, still lives, we trust, in the happy home of a blest immortality; he still lives in the affec- tions of his many friends here; and, though we will sadly miss him in the intellectual field, and in the social circle, yet the eye of faith can see him in that eternal home where intellectual development will continue until perfection is reached; and we can but hope that when our time shall come, and when, like him, we shall have passed the river of death, we may enter into that eternal rest now en- joyed by him. "Our friend's work is done; his mission is accomplished; his directions in wisdom and morality are with us; though stricken down in the full vigor of manhood, he had fulfilled his destiny; he had accomplished 742 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. the work which was given him to do, and the world was better because of his having lived in it. "His death admonishes us of the uncer- tainty of life and teaches us a lesson we should all remember. We can imitate the virtue of our departed friend, profit by his ex- ample, persevere in the trials and difficulties of life, secure a victory over all, and finally receive the reward of the virtuous and the good." The following preamble and resolutions were adopted at this meeting: "Whereas, since it has pleased the Great Disposer of events to transfer the labors of our friend and brother. Prof. E. B. Seitz, whose work and worth have been recognized by the educational and mathematical world and whose social qualities made every one whom he met a fast friend ; "Resolved, That we, the teachers of Darke county, in association assembled, do in his death feel that humanity has lost one of its best friends; society, one of its bright- est ornaments ; and education one of its most enthusiastic workers and strongest ad- vocates. "Resolved, That we hereby express our deep sympathy for his wife and family in this their sad bereavement. "Resolved, That a copy of this action of our association be signed by our president and secretary and presented to Mrs. E. B. Seitz." In 1879, Professor Seitz was elected to the chair of mathematics in the North Mis- souri Normal School, at Kirksville, which position he held at the time of his death. J. P. Blanton, the president of that institution of learning, brought the remains and the bereaved family to Greenville, where the burial took place. By request of friends, President Blan- ton hastily sketched the following tribute, which he offered as a part of the funeral ser- vices and which is here given to show the high esteem in which Professor Seitz was held at Kirksville, where his instructions were eagerly sought by the students and where he accomplished a great work as in- structor. "Four years ago, on an August day, there was great commotion in your usually quiet village. The man whose dust lies be- fore us to-day, with his young wife, was bidding farewell to the home of their child- hood, he to resume the responsibilitites of an honorable position in a distant western state; she. with Naomi-like spirit, to be his help- meet to kindle the fires upon a new hearth- stone. Then, as to-day, crowds assembled, teachers, pupils and friends of all callings came around him to bid him good-speed, to shake his hands, to predict for him a brilliant career in his new sphere of labor, and to con- gratulate him that his great abilities had been recognized in a fitting manner. If tears were shed then, they were tears min- gled with glad smiles, they were the tears of those who wept with a hope that that manly form would again be a familiar figure on the streets, and that possibly after years of suc- cessful labor at his profession he would spend the evening of life here among his earliest friends. Alas! alas! all that Mis- souri can send back of Ohio's gifted son is his poor dust to rest in her bosom until the resurrection morn. "Did I say all ? Nay, it is not all. She sends back to you the record of his life, as pure and unsullied as an angel's wing. She bids me say to you that his work and life have left a lasting impression upon thou- sands of her noblest youth, that his memory GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 743 is enshrined in the hearts of her people, and that the tears of devoted students, fellow- teachers and citizens of all classes have stained his coffin lid. From the beginning of his sickness, which was of unusual sever- ity from the very first, every possible atten- tion has been shown him, physicians gave up their practice and spent their days and nights by his bedside ; medical skill exhausted every resource. "The students, all of whom loved him like a brother, vied with each other in their ministrations. They were the first to be with him and some of them were bending over him when the last feeble breath left his body. Even the little children on the streets would stop me and say, "How is Professor Seitz to-day?" And when I would some- times cheer them with hopes that I hardly dared to entertain, their brightening faces Avere eloquent of love and esteem in which he was held by his fellow-townsmen. "Enoch Beery Seitz was an extraordi- nary man. He commanded, without effort, the respect of everybody. He was a man of the most singularly blameless life I ever knew. His disposition was amiable, his manner quiet and unobtrusive, and his deci- sion, when circumstances demanded it, was prompt and firm and immovable as rocks. Hvi did nothing from impulse; he carefully considered his course, and with almost in- fallible judgment came to conclusions that his conscience approved, and then nothing could move him. While he never made an open profession of religion, he was a pro- foundly religious man. He rested his hopes of salvation in the sacrifice of the tender and loving Savior, and I am thoroughly con- vinced he has entered into that rest which remains for the people of God. What a comfort this must be to the tender, brave, faithful young wife he has left behind him, to his bereaved old mother, and to all his mourning friends assembled around his ashes to-day. No need, dear partner of my dear friend, no need, bereaved mother, no need, dear mourning friends, for you to ask human sympathy or skill to pluck from your memories a rooted sorrow, to raise out the withering troubles of the brain with some sweet oblivious antidote cleanse the stifled bosom of that perilous grief that now weighs so heavily on your hearts. No need, I say, to sorrow. Why do we weep? That " ' There is no flock, however watched and tended, But one dead lamb is there; There is no fireside, howsoe'er defended, But has one vacant chair; The air is full of farewells to the dying And mournings to the dead; The heart of Rachel, for her children crying, Will not be comforted. " ' Let us be patient! These severe afflictions Not from the ground arise, But ofttimes celestial benedictions Assume this dark disguise. We see but dimly through the mist and vapors; Amid these earthly damps, What seem to us but sad, funereal tapers May be heaven's distant lamps. " ' There is no death! What seems so is transition; This life of mortal breath Is but a suburb of the life elysian, Whose portal we call Death. And though, at times, impetuous with emotion And anguish long suppressed, The swelling heart heaves moaning like the ocean That cannot be at rest. " ' Will we be patient and assuage the feeling We may not wholly stay, By silence sanctifying, not concealing The grief that must have way?' "I have now performed my duty. I have brought the remains of our dear friend, with his family, to their early home. They were ours, but now they are yours. All I can say is, Farewell." 744 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. Professor Seitz' external lite was that of a modest, deep-hearted, perfect gentle- man. His great ambition was to be good and true, true to himself, true to his family, true to his friends, and true to his country's wel- fare. He had a thoroughly healthy, well balanced, harmonious nature, accepting life as it came, with its joys and sorrows, and living it beautifully and hopefully, without a murmur. Though the grim monster, Death, removed him from his sphere of action before he fully reached the meridian of his greatness, yet the work he performed during his short but faithful life, will be a lasting monument to his memory, amply sufficient to immortalize his name. He left a wife and four sons. Mrs. Seitz. the mother of Professor Seitz, is still living and is now in her ninety-second year. She was horn in 1808, is a woman of deci- sion of character, kind and intelligent, a pleasant neighbor and every way worthy of her gifted son. .MRS. ANNA E. SEITZ. D. O. Mrs. Anna E. Seitz, formerly of Green- ville, Ohio, and the widow of the late Pro- fessor E. B. Seitz, early in life studiously prepared for the profession of teaching and taught in the Greenville school from 1872 until her marriage in June, 1875. After the death of her husband in 1883 she again en- tered the profession and taught in the Green- ville school nine years longer, resigning her position there to accept the principalship of the training department of the State Normal School at Kirksville. Missouri. By her in- dustry, energy and ability she raised that de- partment to a high state of usefulness and importance. After four years' work in this position she resigned and entered the Colum- bian School of Osteopathy. Medicine and Surgery, in which she was graduated in June. 1899, and is now actively engaged in practicing her profession, having until re- cently been located in Greenville. Ohio. Her present location, however, is at Cape Girar- deau, Missouri. Mrs. Dr. Seitz has three sons: Ray E., a student in the law department of the Uni- versity of Cincinnati, in Cincinnati, Ohio; Willie Kerlin, a teacher in the science depart- ment of the high school of Lancaster, Mis- souri, and who is especially proficient in science and mathematics; and Enoch Beery, who is a student in the Missouri State Nor- mal School, in Kirksville. Missouri, and leads in all his classes in science and mathematics. Clarence D.. the third son. died June 29, 1886, in his fifth year. MRS. SARAH EURY. In a history of any town, county or state there is usually slight mention made of the ladies residing in those localities, yet their influence is most marked in the work of public progress and improvement. Though the_\' do not take an active part in official life or in a more pronounced department of manual labor, their influence is no less powerful, and their work in molding the characters of the people and shaping the destiny of the community is indeed import- ant. Mrs. Sarah Eury certainly deserves representation in this volume, for she is one of the oldest living residents in York township, having attained the advanced age of eighty-four years. With a mind still bright and active she can relate many inter- esting incidents of life in this locality when Darke county was a pioneer settlement. She was born near Hancock, Pennsylva- GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 745- nia, November 28, 181 5, and is the sixth in a family of twelve children, nine sons and three daughters, whose parents were Jacob and Magdalen (Natchel) Kershner. Only two of this family are now living, Mrs. Eury and her brother, George Kershner, who is a farmer of Brown township. Her father was born in Washington county, Maryland, about 1729, and died in 185 1. He was reared to the blacksmith's trade and obtained a common-school education. He had a brother who served as a soldier in the war of 18 1 2. Jacob Kershner emigrated to Darke county in 1840, when Greenville was a mere hamlet and the townships of Rich- land and York were dense forest tracts. He purchased eight acres of timber land in Richland township and built a log cabin. Plenty of wild game was to be had and everything was in a primitive condition, few roads having been laid out and few farms cleared. He was among the early settlers of the locality and took an active interest in the development and improvement of his section of the count}'. In politics he was an old-line Whig until the organization of the Republican party, when he joined its ranks and became one of its stalwart advocates. In his religious belief he was an earnest Pres- byterian and his life exemplified his Christ- ian faith. His wife also belonged to the same church. She was born in Maryland about 1784, and died in 1852. Mrs. Eury spent her girlhood days in Pennsylvania, and was a young lady of twenty-five when she came with her parents to Darke county. Her education was ob- tained in the old-time subscription schools, and she early became familiar with the work of the household in its various branches. She wedded David Eury on the 20th of May, 1 84 1, and the young couple began their domestic life in York township, on a tract of fifteen hundred acres of land which he had entered from the government, the deed being signed by the president. Mrs. Eury still has the old parchment in her posses- sion, bearing the signature of Andrew Jack- son, who was then the chief executive of the nation. Their home was a little losr cabin, which is still standing today, a mute reminder of pioneer life. It is in good re- pair and forms a part of the homestead. The dense forest was all around them and their neighbors were long distances away. Wild deer were frequently killed near their home and turkeys and other lesser game were to be had in abundance. The old-time sickle and cradle were used in harvesting the grain, and the grass and hay were cut with a scythe. In her home Mrs. Eury was busy with her part of the work, preparing dinner for many harvest hands and perform- ing other labors of the household. The nearest markets were at Greenville and Ver- sailles, and there was no church or schi»>l- house in their immediate vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Eury endured many of the hardships of pioneer life, but eventually these passed away and they became the possessor of a pleasant home supplied with many comforts. Mr. Eury was a native of Frederick county, Maryland, born March 15, 1803, and his death occurred in 1884, when he had arrived at the age of eighty-one years, one month and eleven davs, He was well re- spected in the community for his kind and accommodating disposition and his upright life. He was careful and methodical in business and Was actively connected with the management of his property until his death. His sound judgment made his ad- vice often sought by his friends and neigh- bors. A benevolent spirit prompted him to 746 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. aid the poor and needy and to contribute to the support of various churches in his lo- cality. He and his loving wife were mem- bers of the Christian church and gave freely of their means to advance its work. In his early life he voted with the Whig party, but subsequently became a stanch Republican. He never held office, however, preferring to devote his attention to his business interests. At his death Richland township lost a valued citizen and his friends one whom they had long known and trusted. Mis. Eury still survives her husband and yet resides on the old home farm. In the evening of life she can look back over the past without regret and forward to the future without fear, fi >r she has ever endeavored to follow Christian principles and teachings and her character is indeed worthy of emulation. She was to her husband a faithful companion and help- mate and to her was due in no small meas- ure his success in business affairs. She is now enjoying the comfortable competence which he acquired and which is well merited by her on account of the assistance which she rendered him in many material ways. WILLIAM E. GEORGE. William Ellsworth George is a dealer in all kinds of grain and field seeds, and is also freight and ticket agent for the Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway Company and agent for the Adams Express Company at Gettysburg. He is well known in Darke county, where he has spent the greater part of his life. A review of his career shows him to be a self-made man. He is a man who has conquered many difficulties and has worked his way up to a leading posi- tion among the representative citizens of his locality, being justly entitled to the high re- spect and esteem in which he is uniformly held by all who know him. William E. George was born in Gettys- burg, Adams county, Pennsylvania, June 6, 1835, and is of German descent. His fa- ther, George George, was a native of Hesse- Darmstadt, Germany, born in 1812, and in early manhood left that country and came to America, locating in Gettysburg, Penn- sylvania, where he worked at the black- smithing trade which he had learned prior to his emigration to the new world. Not long after locating in the Keystone state he married Miss Mary Bishop, a native of Adams county, Pennsylvania, of Dutch de- scent. She was born in 181 5, and their marriage occurred in Gettysburg, Pennsyl- vania, where they spent their remaining days. Mrs. George departed this life on the 24th of December, 1843, while the fa- ther of our subject passed away in 1879. They became the parents of three sons and two daughters. The daughters died in in- fancy. The sons reached manhood, but at this writing the subject of our sketch is the only one living. The two deceased broth- ers were Samuel S. and Henry F., and both were Union soldiers in the civil war. Sam- uel S. responded to the first call for troops from Pennsylvania, went out in the three- months' service and at the end of that time re-enlisted, for a term of three years. At the close of the three years he again re-en- listed, this time for three years or during the war, and continued in the army until the war ended. He died at McKeesport, Pennsyl- vania. Henry F. enlisted from Darke coun- ty, Ohio, and was in the army three years. He died at Newport, Ohio, from the effect of exposure and hardship incurred while he was confined in Libby prison. By a subse- quent marriage the father of our subject had GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 747 other children, three of whom are living, namely: John P., a resident of Baltimore, Maryland ; Jacob, also of Baltimore ; and Anne E., the wife of James McGonigal, now of Youngstown, Ohio. William E. George spent his boyhood days in the state of his nativity, where he re- ceived his preliminary education in the dis- trict schools. He afterward entered the pre- paratory department of Pennsylvania Col- lege at Gettysburg, where he pursued the academic course. At the age of twenty years he began teaching in the vicinity of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, and followed that profession for three years in the Key- stone state. In September, 1857, he re- moved to Darke county, Ohio, locating in Washington township, where he was em- ployed as a teacher in the district schools, following that pursuit for a period of about seven years. During that time he spent nine and a half months in each year in the schoolroom. His labors were very satisfac- tory and he became known as one of the mi >st capable instructors in this part of the state. On the 13th of January, 1861, Mr. George was united in marriage to Miss Deb- orah Harriet Fouts, who was a native of In- diana, born in South Bend, St. Joseph coun- ty, on the 1 6th of October, 1840, and a daughter of David Fouts. Her parents were both natives of Maryland, and at an early date in the history of the Hoosier state they took up their abode in Indiana. On the 4th of June, 1863, the death messenger en- tered the household of Mr. George and called from earth to heaven his beloved wife. After her death he sold all of his real and personal property and followed his profession of teaching in different localities. He also pur- sued a course of study in Bryant & Strat- ton's Commercial College in Indianapolis, where he was graduated in the fall of 1865. He then came to Gettysburg, Darke county, Ohio, and resumed his profession of teach- ing at various places in Adams and Frank- lin townships, again being connected with educational interests for eight years^ On the 28th of December, 1865, he celebrated his second marriage, Miss Sarah Margaret McDowell becoming his wife. She was born in Adams township, Darke county, January 4, 1844. Her parents came to this county from Franklin county, Pennsylvania, and were of Scotch lineage. They located here at an early date and took an active inter- est in the development and upbuilding of this portion of the state. Mrs. George was also a competent teacher and both continued teaching until 1872, when in July of that year the subject of this review was appointed to the position of freight and ticket agent of the Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Railway Company and of the Adams Express Company at Gettysburg. At the same time he began dealing in grain and livestock and is still actively connected with that branch of trade. He is one of the old- est employes of the railroad and his long term of service is ample evidence of his worth and of his fidelity to the interests of the company. From time to time he has bought and sold land, making some valuable investments, and at the time of this writing, in the fall of 1900, he is the owner of two good farms, one comprising fifty-four acres, the other eighty acres of land. By his first marriage he had but one child, Charles Ambrose, who was born De- cember 3. 1862, in Hill Grove, Ohio, who is now engaged in the coal, flour and feed business in Indianapolis, Indiana, where he also conducts a boarding stable. His mother died when he was only six months old. By 74S GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. his second marriage Mr. George had one daughter. Myrtle Agglea. who was born October 10, 1871. and died February 15, 1893. In matters of public moment Mr. George has taken a deep interest and he has labored earnestly for the welfare of the community in which he resides. His fellow-townsmen, appreciating his worth and ability, have fre- quently called him to public office. He was appointed deputy United States marshal in 1870, having in charge a district compris- ing Adams, Franklin, Van Buren and Mon- roe townships. In politics he has always been a stanch Republican, unswerving in his support of the party. For twelve years he was township clerk and for a similar period he was a member of the school board. The cause of education has ever found in him a warm friend and in his official capacity he has largely pron* >ted the interests of the schools, which are now creditable institutions. He was reared in the faith of the Lutheran denomination and joined that church in Pennsylvania, but after coming to Ohio he became identified with the Presbyterian church, in which he has filled many offices, serving as deacon, trustee, clerk and treas- urer. His business affairs have been at- tended with creditable success and he has ac- cumulated considerable property that has come to him as a reward of his earnest and honorable labor, coupled with the assistance of his noble wife. He started, upon an in- dependent business career without any of this world's goods, and when he came to Ohio he borrowed fifty dollars of his brother to bring him to his new home. So low were the wages paid to teachers at that time that he was not enabled to discharge his en- tire indebtedness for two years. Many ob- stacles and difficulties have barred his prog- ress toward prosperity. He had the mis- fortune of losing his right arm on the 19th of February, 1844, while feeding a threshing machine two miles south of Gettysburg. This would have discouraged most people .meeting with such an accident, but he pos- sesses an indomitable will and perseverance, and in this way he has been enabled to wrest fortune from the hands of an adverse fate. In all his dealings he is strictly honorable and has the unequaled confidence of those with whom he has been associated. He is a man of strictly temperate habits, using neither tobacco nor intoxicants of any kind and has done earnest and efficient work in the cause of temperance. His has ever been an honorable and useful career, commanding the high respect of his fell* >w townsmen. In manner he is courteous and genial and he has the happy faculty of not only winning friends but also of drawing them closer to him as the years pass by. Few men in Gettysburg of this vicinity are better known or more highly esteemed than William E. Gei 'i-ge. D. Q. ROBERTS. D. O. Roberts, deceased, was for more than forty years one of the respected farm- t German township, Darke county, Ohio. He was burn in Harrison township, Darke county, Ohio, February 2, 1834, the son of German parents. His father and uncle, Samuel and George Roberts, with their wives, emigrated from Germany to this country and made settlement in Darke county, Ohio, where they passed the rest of their lives, engaged in agricultural pursuits. 1 ). Q. remained on his father's farm in Har- rison township until his marriage, Novem- ber 8, 1856, when he located on the farm GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 749 of one hundred and seventy acres in Ger- man township where his widow still resides. Here for four decades he successfully car- ried on general farming and stock-raising, and was well known and highly respected throughout the county. While not a poli- tician or a public man in any sense, he took an intelligent interest in public affairs, and gave his support, so far as his vote was concerned, to the Democratic party. He died March 28, i8q7. Mrs. Elizabeth Roberts, nee Baker, his widow, was born in Jefferson township, Preble county, Ohio, December -"5, 1834. Her father, Thomas Baker, was a native of Brooklyn, New York, from which place, about 1 81 2, he came to Ohio and settled in Butler county, where he subsequently mar- ried. He then moved to Preble county and took up his abode on a tract of land in Jef- ferson township, where he cut the logs, built a cabin in the clearing and began life in true pioneer style. As the years passed by he developed a good farm, which is 111 iw owned and occupied by his son Thomas. Thomas Baker, the grandfather of Mr. Rob- erts, was an Englishman, who, on coming to this country, located on Long Island. Grandmother Baker was a native of Scot- land. Mrs. Roberts' mother was before marriage Miss Elizabeth Wesley, was a na- tive of Pennsylvania, and was related to the Wesleys who founded the society of Methodists. She was the mother of ten children that grew to adult age, Mrs. Rob- erts being the eighth born. Mrs. Roberts passed her girlhood days on her father's pioneer farm in Preble county, and received her education in a log school-house near her home. She is the mother of six children, four daughters and two sons, namely : Adella F., the wife of Daniel Shaw, of In- diana, by whom she has one daughter, Ha- zel ; by a former marriage she has two chil- dren, Earl and Ethel Mitchell; Dorson, who married Margaret Hamilton and lives in Hollansburg, Darke county; Emma, the wife of Moses Adamson, of Nebraska, has two children, Hugh and Hazel; Martha Ann, the wife of William Smock, of Indiana, has three children ; and Ella and Linneus, at home . JOHN H. FRITZ, M. D. This well-known physician of New Mad- ison, Darke county, Ohio, was born in Preble county, this state, on the 17th of De- cember, 1 85 1. His father, John Fritz, was born on the same farm and there passed his entire life, which was one of useful activity and which was protracted over the period of eighty-one years, his birth having occurred June IO, 1810, and his death occurring in 1890, on Christmas night, which was the anniversary of his wedding, and at about the same hour in the evening. His father, Michael Fritz, was a native of Bremen, Ger- many, whence he emigrated to the United States, settling in the woods of Preble coun- ty, Ohio, where he reared a large family comprising five sons and five daughters, of whom three are now living, namely: Louise,' widow of Mr. Cam, is about eighty-four vears of age and resides in West Alexandria; Catherine, widow of John Centner, is a resi- dent of Preble county; and David, of Miami county, who is seventy years of age. All of the children lived to attain full maturity and age except Nancy, who died when a young lady. The grandfather of our sub- ject cleared up his farm of one hundred and sixty acres, and this was left to his heirs, 750 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. and has been retained in the possession of the family. The mother of Dr. Fritz bore the maiden name of Elizabeth Seiler. She was born in 1824. and her death occurred in 1862, her children having been as follows : Ben- jamin, a resident of Eaton, Ohio; Sarah, wife of Simon Wysong; Michael, who was born in July, 1849, died in 1876; the fourth in order of birth was the Doctor, the subject of this sketch ; William is engaged in farm- ing, as is also George, who owns the old homestead, residing in Lexington ; and Let- tie Maria is the wife of O. T. Smith, of Ohio. The father remained a widower for twenty-eight years, and reared his children to maturity. The Doctor, who weighs about one hundred and eighty pounds, weighs the least of all his brothers and sisters, one of his brothers tipping the beam at two hundred and ten pounds. The Doctor was reared upon the farm, and its duties and free outdoor life proved effective in the de- veloping of a sturdy constitution for the young man, who secured his preliminary educational training in the district schools, applying himself to his studies with such success that he was enabled to teach his first term of school when he was seventeen years of age. He engaged in teaching and at- tended school for a period of ten years, meeting all his expenses through his own efforts. In the beginning he taught school for two winters and thereby saved six hun- dred dollars, which his father appropriated, after which the young man started out upon his own responsibility, and by teaching, selling books, etc., saved fifteen hundred dol- lars, all of which, with an additional five hundred, he utilized in defraying the ex- penses of his medical education. When the Doctor came to New Madison, in the spring of 1882, to open the practice of his professon, he was indebted to his youngest brother for five hundred dollars, which he had been compelled to borrow in order to complete his course at the Eclectic Medical College, Cincinnati, where he graduated in the spring of 1880. For two years he was associated in practice with his old pre- ceptor, Dr. Tillson, of West Alexandria, and in 1882, as noted, he began the individual practice of his profession in New Madison, . where he has built up an excellent business, . being recognized as an able practitioner and as a man worthy of all confidence. On the 1st of June, 1884, in Richmond, Indiana, Dr. Fritz was united in marriage to Miss Thomas, of New Madison, daugh- ter of Walter and Elizabeth (Kittle) Thom- as. Of this union three children have been born : Ralph, the first born, died at the age of eight months ; Hattie was born Octo- ber 3, 1886; and Orpha December 13, 1893. The Doctor is a Master Mason, holding membership in Fort Black Lodge, No. 413, at New Madison ; is a member of the Knights of Pythias and also of the Inde- pendent Order of Odd Fellows, in West Alexandria. Politically he is a Republican. The Doctor is a member of the Ohio State Eclectic Medical Society and also of the Darke County Association. Since his mar- riage he has lived in his own convenient and attractive home in New Madison, the same having been the homestead of his wife's parents. Walter Thomas, the father of Mrs. Fritz, was a veteran of the civil war, in which he served for three years, and he died of consumption, from the result of ex- posure, his demise taking place about 1869. His widow survived until 1897, passing away at the age of about sixty years. They were the parents of five children, of whom GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 751 Mrs. Fritz and her brother David are the only survivors. The practice of the Doctor extends through a radius of from six to eight miles in each direction, and he keeps two horses in requisition, conducting a general prac- tice in medicine and surgery. His efforts have been very successful, and his clientage is one of representative order. WILLIAM Y. STUBBS. The inevitable law of destiny accords to tireless energy and industry a successful car- eer, and in no field of endeavor is there great- er opportunity for advancement than in that of the law — a profession whose votaries must, if successful, be endowed w.th native talent, sterling rectitude of character and sin- gleness of purpose, while equally inij. concomitants are close study, careful appli- cation and broad general knowledge, in addi- tion to that of a more purely technical order. Well qualified in all these particulars, Mr. StuMis takes leading rank at the Greenville bar and is one of the eminent men of the pro- fession and it is with pleasure that we pre- sent his record to our readers. He was born upon a farm in Greenville township, Darke count}", March 2, 1865, and is the eldest son of S. W. Stubbs, who was born in Eaton, Ohio. His mother bore the maiden name of Minerva Dixon. Mr. Stubbs, whose name introduces this review, spent the first eight yaars of his life upon the home farm and then attended the public schools of Greenville, acquiring a good English education to fit him for the practical duties of life. Subsequently he engaged in clerking in a general store in Greenville, and in his eighteenth year he began teaching, but all this served but as a stepping stone to 48 something higher. He determined to become a member of the legal fraternity, and to this end he read law with Hon. H. M. Cole, now judge of the common pleas court. He began his reading in June, 1881, and was admit- ted to the liar by the supreme court at Co- Iumbus, Ohio, at the January term of 1886. He then began practice in this city and is now well established in the profession. He was associated for some time with his former pre- ceptor. Judge H. M. Cole. Mr. Stubbs is engaged in general practice and is well versed in the various departments of law. His dili- gence, energy, careful preparation of cases, as well as the earnestness, tenacity and cour- age with which he defends the right, as he understands it, challenges the highest ad- miration of his associates. Mr. Stubbs was married October 19, 1887, to Miss Isabella Bookwalter. They have a fine home in West Fourth street, not- ed for its hospitality, and their circle of friends is almost coextensive with their circle of acquaintances. Mr. Stubbs is recognized as a leader in political circles and exerts a po- tent influence on public thought and opinion. THOMAS B. MILLER. Thomas B. Miller, superintendent of the Darke County Infirmary, is a man well known in this county, where he was born and where he has passed his life. The Millers were among the pioneers of Darke county. George Miller, the grandfather of Thomas B., was a native of Pennsylvania, in which state he wedded Margaret Kaskey, a native of the Emerald Isle. In 1816 they removed with their family from Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, to Ohio, and took up their abode in Harrison township, Darke county, where they passed the rest of their < -yi GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. lives. He died at the age of seventy-four years. Their son John, the father of Thomas B., was born in Lancaster county, in 1815, the year before their removal to this state. Here he was reared and married, his wife, whose maiden name was Mary A. McGee, being a native of Ohio. She died in 1854. Of their children, eight in number, one died at the age of twelve years, and those who reached adult age are as follows: George W., Thomas B., Martha E., Henry B., Mary I. and Margaret P. All are living excepting Francis R. Mary I. is the wife of C. W. Moore, and Margaret P. is now Mrs. Luther Black. Thomas B. Miller was born on his la- ther's farm May 22, 1847, was reared to farm life, and received his education in the district school. He was yet a school boy when the civil war broke out, but be- fore it closed he offered his services to the Union and proved himself a true soldier. It was in 1864 that he enlisted, and as a member of the One Hundred and Eighty- seventh Ohio Volunteer infantry, com- manded by Colonel Dawson, he entered the service. His term of enlistment was spent chiefly in garrison duty. Receiving an honorable discharge from the army in 1866, Mr. Miller returned to Darke county and engaged in farming and raising, which he continued for some time. Then for a number of years he car- ried on a mercantile business in Greenville, in 1890 he was appointed superintendent of the Darke County Infirmary, which po- sition he has since filled, having been reap- ted from time to time. The infirmary buildings were burned in 1897, but were im- mediately rebuilt on a much larger scale, and arc in iw ranked with the best county infirm- arv buildings in the state of Ohio. Under Mr. Miller's management the institution is niie in which the county has reason to take pride;' everything is neat and orderly and the inmates are well cared for. Mr. Miller was married in 1877 to Miss Elizabeth McGrew, a native of Preble coun- ty, and a daughter of Patrick McGrew. The}' are the parents of three children : Ar- thur V., Edna B. and Harry C. Politically Mr. Miller is a stanch Demo- crat, has a voice in the councils of his party, and has frequently served as delegate to county and state conventions. He is a member of Jobes Post, No. 147, Grand Army of the Republic. ISAAC MARKER. Among the citizens of Darke county whose lives have been devoted to agricultural pursuits is Isaac Marker, a well-known farm- er of Van Buren township. He was born in Mercer county, Ohio, September 5, 1855, and when thirteen years of age came to Darke county with his parents, George and Lydia (Epperell) Marker, locating in Van Buren township, where he grew to manhood, early becoming familiar with every depart- ment of farm work. On the 1st of November, 1877, Mr. Marker was united in marriage with Miss Mary Jane Shields, who was born on her fa- ther's farm in Van Buren township, Janu- ary 4, 1855, an d was educated in the coun- try schools of the neighborhood. They be- gan their domestic life upon a farm of eighty acres which she owned, and there they have since made their home, Mr. Marker being en- gaged in its operation. In his political views he is a stanch Democrat, and he has been called upon to fill several local offices. Mr. and Mrs. Marker have eight children GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 753 whose names and dates of birth are as fol- lows: Lucy, born September 19, 1878; George A., October 17, 1880; Lydia Maud, October 1, 1884; Dolly Frances, December 28, 1886; Therman Russell, December 10, 1889; Mary, May 12, 1893; Harley Earle, July 7, 1895; an d Homer Jennings, Decem- ber 26, 1898. Mary died in infancy, but the others are living and are still at home with the exception of Lucy, who was married August 12, 1899, to Roy S. French, and they have one child, Rhoda Helen. EMANUEL HERSHEY. Prominent among the old settlers and highly respected citizens of Darke county, Ohio, is Emanuel Hershey, who resides on his farm on section 28, Adams township. The salient facts in regard to his life and family history are as follows : Emanuel Hershey was born on his fa- ther's farm, one-half mile west of Petersburg, in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, February 4, 1 82 1. His father, Jacob Hershey, a na- tive of the same county, was a farmer, dis- tiller and miller and was a prominent man in his day. He was born in November, 1796, and died in August, 1872, at the age of seventy-six years. Benjamin Hershey, the grandfather of Emanuel, was also a na- tive of the Keystone state, and in it passed his life and died, the dates of his birth and death being October, 1766, and October, 181 5, respectively. The mother of our sub- ject was, before her marriage, Miss Eliza Miller. She was born in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, May 19, 1804, and died March 17, 1880. Her father. Jacob Miller, was also a native of that county. Jacob and Eliza Hershey were the parents of seventeen children, their family record being as fol- lows: Emanuel, whose name introduces this sketch; Jacob, born March [3, [822, died April 17, 1874: Benjamin, born June 22, 1823, died March 22, 1856; Sarah, born September 25, 1824; Jeremiah, born March 17, 1826, died December jr. 1833; Eliza- beth, born May 4. 1827, died October 4, 1829; John S., born March 29. [824; Anna, born August 3. 1830: Amos, born February 4, 1832, died February 20, [898; Elizabeth (2d), born October 25. 1833: Mary, born June 30, 1835; Susan, born May 7, [836; Amelia, born December 2, 1837; Henry, born April 28. 1830; Harriet, born in 1841; Fanny, born March 2~, 1843, and Reuben, born June 19, 1845. Emanuel Hershey assisted in the work on his father's farm until he was seventeen years of age. In the winter of 1837-8 he at- tended boarding school at Lititz, Pennsvl- vania, and the following summer went to work in his father's mill, where he was steadily employed for about two years, in that time thoroughly learning the business. In- August, 1840, he went to visit an uncle who lived near Buffalo, New York, with the intention of securing, if possible, a job in a mill in that locality. In this he was success- ful. He obtained employment in a large flouring mill at Black Rock. X. V.. where he remained for some time and had a valuable experience in the business. He was married on the 14th day of November, 1844, at John Michael's hotel in the city of Lancaster, Pennsylvania, by Rev. Bates, of the Lutheran church. In the spring of the following year they commenced housekeeping at Metz's Mill, n rting Mill, Rapho township, Lancaster count) - , Pennsylvania, and remained in that county until the spring of 1840. In April of that vear they left their native state for Ohio, 754 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. coming by way of Pittsburg and Cincinnati to Darke county. Mr. Hershey has a vivid memory of the incidents connected with his early experience, both before and after he came to Ohio, and relates them in a most pleasing manner. The story of his trip to his uncle's in New York and his life in that state would of itself make an article of some length and much interest. Of his settlement in Darke county, he says: "We landed in this county at Bear's, on the 9th of May, 1849. The new mill house was erected in the summer of 1848, by Moses and Manning Hart, and in the winter of 1848-9 they s M it with an unfinished house to Gabriel Bear. Uncle John Bear came to Ohio in 1847, two years before our arrival, and made his home with Isaac Rudy, a brother-in-law of Gabriel Bear. The mill, however, had not been finished — only roofed and weatherboarded. In the summer of 1849 Nve floored it and put in the machinery; the race was dug at the same time, by Thomas Westfall, contrac- tor. The new mill was started on th< day of January, 1850, and for seven years was operated under the firm name of Bear & Hershey. In 1856 we moved to the place where we have since lived. Gabriel Bear ran the mill for some years, after which he it to Jesse Tillman, for eight thousand dollars. It is now owned by a Mr. Cromer, but still goes by the name of 'Bear's mill.' ' Mr. and Mrs. Hershey are the parents of ten children and five grandchildren. Their children in order of birth are as follows: Adam B., born June 9, 1846; Samuel, born September 28, 1847; J ac °b, born September 12, 1849; Barbara, born May 15, 1842; Sarah E., born January 28, 1854; Isaac X., born November 19, 1855, died April 12, 1856; Emma, born February 19, 1857; J ihn, born February 12, 1859; Eliza, born March 19, 1 86 1, and Mary, born January 20, 1868. For nearly half a century Mr. and Mrs. Hershey have been worthy and consistent members of the German Baptist or Brethren church. They were baptized June 22, 1S56. February 20, 1867. Mr. Hershey was made a deacon and since August 17, 1892, he has been an assistant elder. More might be said of the active life and usefulness of this well-known citizen and only want of space prevents more ex- tended mention. ELAM WHITE. Elain White, a venerable citizen and re- tired farmer residing at Glen Karn in Ger- man township, Darke county. Ohio, was horn in Franklin township, Wayne county. Indiana, January 1, 1S1S. His forefathers were Kentuckians, both his father and grand- father having been horn in that state. Both bore the name of James White, and both were by occupation farmers. When a young man James came to Ohio, settling in Butler county and subsequently went to Indiana, and there he married, and there he passed the remainder of his life, engaged in agricultural pursuits. His was a long and useful life and at the time of his death his age was ninety-six years and eight months. Politically be was known as a Jackson Dem- ocrat. He took a prominent and active inter- est in local affairs, served fifteen years as a justice of the peace, and was respected and honored by all who knew him. His wife, whose maiden name was Jane Bos well, was a native of North Carolina and was reared partly in that state and partly in Wayne county, Indiana. Her father, Bar- ney Boswell, also was a native of North Car- olina. James and Jane White were the par- ents of twelve children, six of whom are GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 755 living", Elam, the subject of this sketch, be- ing the eldest son and third member of the family. Elam White was reared on his father's farm in Indiana, spending his boyhood days ill assisting in the work of clearing and im- provng the farm, and remaining at home un- til he reached his majority. At the age of twenty-one he came to Harrison township, Darke county, Ohio, and here he was mar- ried, May 21, 1840, to Susan Carlinger. She was a native of Baltimore county, Maryland, where her early girlhood days were spent, but after her mother's death, which occurred when she was eleven years old, she came to Darke county, Ohio, to live with an uncle, Samuel Carlington, with whom she re- mained until her marriage. They resided on their farm in Harrison township until 1898, when they removed to Glen Karn, German township, where Mr. White still lives. Mrs. White passed away April 29, 1900. Of the children of this worthy couple, we give the following reo ird : Theodora is deceased ; Lorando Jane is the wife of Robert Down- ing, of Harrison township, and has five chil- dren, Clifton, Lellin, Bland. Samuel and Orda ; Maretta is the wife of Henry Bick- nell, of Harrison township, and has seven children. Mrs. Eliza Florence Rodford, of Franklin township, Wayne county, Indiana, has seven children, Ida, Oda, Charlie, Ona, Thurman, Early and Winnie. The grand- children now number nineteen, and the great-grandchildren, two. Mr. White began life a por boy, by honest industry accumulated a competency, and now in his old age is surrounded with the comforts of life — a fitting reward for his years of toil. Politically he has supported the Democratic party ever since its organiza- tion. CHARLES C. ROGERS. Charles C. Rogers, one of the represent- ative farmers of Wabash township, Darke county, Ohio, was born in Missouri, Febru- ary 13, 1842, but was reared in Clermont county, Ohio. His father, Jacob Rogers, whose birth occurred in Xew Jersey, Decem- ber 19, 1808, and who represented one of the old American families, in early life followed the shoe-making trade and afterward en- gaged in farming, with good success. He removed from Missouri to Ohio, and for some time resided in Montgomery and Clermont counties, but his last days were spent in Indiana, where he died in October, 1893. He was an upright and honorable man, who never had a lawsuit of any kind. He married Miss Mary Ann Turton, of Maryland, and to them were born nine chil- dren, five of whom are still living and have families numbering from three to six chil- dren. Mrs. Rogers was a life-long member of the Methodist church and when past the age of forty years her husband also became a devout member of that denomination. She very carefully reared her children, instilling into their minds lessons of industry and morality, which aided in shaping their careers, making them noble men and women. She diedabout eleven yearsprior to the death of her husband, being called to her final rest in October, 1882, when seventy-two years of age. The remains of both were interred in the Salem cemetery in Montgomery county. Ohio. Not being fond of study in his child- hood Charles C. Rogers obtained a rather meager common school education, but his training at farm labor, however, was not limited, for he assisted in the cultivation of the fields of the old homestead until his mar- riage, which occurred November 21, 1863, 756 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. when Miss Mary Catherine Farther became his wife. She was an adopted daughter of John Armstrong, with whom she lived till her marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers became the parents of three children: Elmer Clinton, a merchant of New AYeston, whose sketch ap- pears below; Georgianna, wife of Lewis A. Davis, a furniture dealer at New Weston, Ohio; and I Roy, who is in his broth- er's store in New Weston. He is married and has a daughter. Mr. Rogers has given his children good educational advantages, and the older son, win has made splendid use of his opportunities, has been of great as- sistance to his parents, manifesting most filial devotion and doing all in his power to promote the happiness and enhance the wel- fare of his parents. After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Rogers began their domestic life in rather limited circumstances on a farm in Clermont county, Ohio, but subsecpiently spent one year near Mattoon, Illinois, after which they returned to Ohio, settling in Montgomery county. In 1883 they removed to Mercer county, where seven years were passed; the following two years were spent in North Star, Darke county, Ohio ; five years in Jefferson county, Indiana, and two years in New Weston, Darke county, Ohio, where the father en- gaged in merchandising, having followed the bame pursuit in North Star. In 1899 he located on his present farm of eighty acres in Allen township, Darke county, and is now devoting his energies to agricultural pur- suits. There is a pleasant brick residence upon the place, a g< >od barn and tobacco sheds; in fact it is a well improved and most desirable farm. Mr. Rogers rents most of his land, tilling only a small portion, for his own pleasure and health. In politics he is independent, supporting the men whom he believes best qualified to fill the offices, re- gardless of party lines. He commands the confidence and respect of all with whom he comes in contact and is held in high regard wherever known. ELMER CLINTON ROGERS. Among the enterprising and progressive business men of Darke county is the subject of this review, who is now successfully en- gaged in general merchandising at New Weston. He was born in Clermont county, Ohio, August 14, 1864, and is a son of Charles C. Rogers, a well-known farmer of Allen township, Darke county. During his boyhood our subject attended the country schools of Montgomery county, and in the winter of 1883-4 he commenced teaching, which profession he successfully followed for seven years. On the 5th of September, 1886, he led to the marriage altar Miss Iora P. Gower, a daughter of J. S. and Louisa (Hartsell) Gower, all natives of Darke count}-. Her parents were well- known farmers of Wabash township. Of their six children only two are now living : Mrs. Rogers, and Hattie, the wife of G. W. Arnold. The children born to Mr. and Mrs. Rogers were : Orlando, who died in in- fancy ; Ethel Cleora, who died at the age of two years and a half; Nolah Fern, born July 4, 1892; Ernest R., born November 12, 1894, and Homer Lee, born August 29, 1898. Mr. Rogers began merchandising with his father at North Star, in February, 1891, under the firm name of Rogers & Son, but two years later he bought his father's farm in Mercer county, and for three years turned his attention to agricultural pursuits. Our subject then embarked in general merchan- dising, at Eldorado, Preble county, Ohio, GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. 757 where he carried on business for two years, and in May, 1897, came to New Weston, where he has built up a large and constantly increasing trade. In 1899 he erected the substantial brick building he now occupies, and he carries a large and well selected stock of general merchandise to meet the demands of his customers. He sold out the hardware branch of his business in September, 1899. Mr. Rogers possesses the necessary qualifica- tions of successful business men, being in- dustrious, enterprising and energetic, as well as a most pleasing and genial gentleman, upright and honorable in all his dealings. Politically he is a Democrat and has served as township treasurer in Wabash and Allen townships. Religiously both he and his wife are members of the New Light church and socially he is a member of the Knights of Pythias. JOHN MOHLER. John Mohler is a popular young farmer of Franklin township, Darke county, and is a representative of one of the pioneer fam- ilies of Ohio. His grandfather, Rudolph Mohler, was born in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, February 6, 1801, and mar- ried Susanna Souman, who was born in that county on the 12th of December, 1801. At an early period in the development of the Buckeye state they came to Miami county, locating on a farm near the Sugar Grove church in Newberry township. There the wife died, after which Mr. Mohler made his home with his children, dying at the resi- dence of his son, Samuel Mohler, in Miami county. He had three children by his first marriage, namely: William, who was born October 3, 1823, and died September 29, 1851; Mary, who was born May 3, 1825, and is the wife of George Croft, of Darke county; and Ephraim, who was born No- vember 10, 1856, and married Mary Annie Neal. After the death of his first wife the grandfather married Elizabeth Miller, who was born July 31, 1801, and their children were: Henry, who was born May 14, 1829, married Harriet Deeter; Jacob, the father of our subject; Sarah, who was born January 2, 1833, became the wife of Henry Deeter and died August 20, 1863; Susanna, who was born July 21, 1834, is the wife of Will- iam Shellabarger, of Covington; John, who was born December 8, 1835, is now living in Missouri with his wife, who bore the maiden name of Mary Ann Miller; Samuel, of Miami county, was horn March zy, 1837, and married Sally Miller; Rudolph, who was born March 18, 1839, and married Fannie Etter; Daniel, of Missouri, was born Octo- ber 2, 1842, and wedded Maria Mowry and both died in Miami county; and Han- nah, who was born January 29, 1845, ke- came the wife of Justice Deeter. Jacob Mohler, the father of our sub- ject, was born in Lancaster county, Penn- sylvania, March 15, 1830, and when fifteen years of age accompanied his parents on their removal to Miami county. The journey was made by wagon, Jacob walking the greater part of the distance. His father had previously made a trip to Ohio on horse- back and purchased the farm in Xewberry township upon which Jacob was reared to manhood. Having attained his majority, he was married, on the 15th of January, 1852, to Miss Eidelia, a daughter of John S. and Sarah (Reed) Deeter and grand- daughter of David and Elizabeth (Stutz- man) Deeter. The Deeter family removed from Pennsylvania to Preble county, Ohio, and later settled in Miami county. After 758 GENEALOGICAL AND BIOGRAPHICAL RECORD. their marriage Mr. Jacob Mohler operated the Sugar Grove mill for seven years and then purchased the farm now known as the Teague place in Newberry township. That property he sold to Joseph Teague for the latter's farm in Franklin township, Darke county, and on that place he died May 28, 1898, after a long and useful life. He was much respected and was a faithful member of the German Baptist church, with which he united in 1852. In politics he was a Republican. His wife still survives him, and by her marriage she became the mother of the following children : Allen, who was born January 27, 1856, and died in infancy; Sarah E., who was born July 18, 1857, and also died in infancy; Elizabeth, who was burn December 10, 1858, and became the wife of Aaron Shellabarger, of Franklin township; Mary A., who was born April 6, 1861, and died in infancy; Martha, who was born January 15, i8<>3, and is the wife of Jonathan Cool, of Franklin township; Rudolph, born November 22, 1865; Mina, born January 10, 1868, and now the wife of William Penny, of Franklin township; ard John. John Mohler was born January 30, 1870, on his father's farm in Newberry township, and in the public schools of the neighbor- hood he acquired a good education, fitting him for life's practical duties. He engaged in the cultivation of the home farm, both before and after his marriage, which im- portant event occurred in 1890, Miss Lizzie Knutt, a daughter of George Franklin Knutt, becoming his wife. After his mar- riage Mr. Mohler purchased and located upon his present farm, which comprises twelve and a quarter acres. He is very enterprising and progressive in his farming methods and carefully cultivates his land so that it yields to him a good tribute in return for the labor he bestows upon it. In politics he is an independent Republican and keeps well informed on the issues of the clay. Socially he is connected with several or- ganizations, including the Knights of Pythias fraternity and the Improved Order of Red Men at Bradford. His genial man- ner and social disposition and sterling worth have made him popular, and he is known as one of the leading young agriculturists of the county. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 573 819 2