S tr -^ **s^ Author . Title Imprint. 1(5 — i7372-2 OPO i-" FREDERICKSBURG, VIRGINIA, NOVEMBER 27, 1824. RECEPTIO N OF I GENERAL Li FMETTE IN FREDERICKSBURG. \KE within pages contain the full history of the visit of General La Fayette to the City of Fred- ericksburg during his visit to America in 1824. Nearly all the actors on that interesting event have passed over the river and joined the silent majority, including the illustrious chief actor ; but the narration as then written and now here reproduced, will be read with interest by the living feneration, and preserved for the use and information of those who are to come after us. My. RUFUS B. iVjJiRCHANT, pubi.is'her, fredericksburg, va. \\\« l\ J V\ \ FREDERICKSBURG, VIRGINIA, NOVEMBER 27, 1824. RECEPTION OF GEN. LAFAYETTE IN J?'REDERICKSBURG. The citizens of Fredericksburg having been informed that General La Fayette would visit them, in compliance with their previous invitation, on Saturday (20th) the Committee of Arrangements deputed four of its mem- bers and two marshals, to meet him at the Wilderness Tavern, near the dividing line between Orange and Spotsylvania, distant 15 miles from town, to welcome his entrance into the county, to express the satisfation which was felt by the citizens in his expected visit, and to con- duct him to town. He did not arrive at the Wilderness until half-past two in the evening, escorted by a number of the citizens and the officers of Orange county, accom- panied by Capt. Robert Lewis and the Hon. James Bar- bour, Senator of the United States, (who was an invited guest,) and by the General's usual attendants, his son, and his friend, Mr. La Vasseur. Upon his arrival here he was received by a corps of about forty officers, hand- somely uniformed and equipped, wlio had assembled themselves from this and the neighbouring counties, under the command of Col. Gulielimus Smith, of Spot- sylvania ; Col. George M. Cooke, of Stafford ; and Col. John Stuart, of King George, as an escort upon the oc- casion, and by the deputies from Fredericksburg, who i.^ade known to him their duty, which called forth his tha.ikful acknowledgments. The tavern and the yard "ere thronged with young and old, male and female \ .Jtors, who had flocked from the neighbourhood to behold the nation's guest. The general and his company remained here about 30 minutes, whilst they partook of an excellent collation and the refreshments which had been provided for the occasion by Mr. Almond, the land- lord, who had been a soldier of the revolution. Having taken an affect" nate farewell of the citizens and the escort from C '-..ge, the General and his suite then took 2 tlieir departure for Fredericksburg, about 3 o'clock in the evening, in two carriages, each drawn by four horses, which had been provided and sent on for their convey- ance by the citizens of Fredericksburg. In the foremost of the two were seated Gen. La Fayette, Capt. Lewis and CoL Barbour, and in the second, George AVashington La Fayette, Mr. La Vasseur, and CoL LIugh Mercer, one of the deputies from Fredericksburg; and both preceded by the marshals and the carriage in which the other deputies rode. It was exceedingly interesting during the rapid ride to town, to behold the display of feeling which manifested itself along almost every part of the way ; the houses on the road-side were thronged witli spectators, — and frequent accessions of horsemen, some- times one and two, and sometimes inconsiderable num- bers, were falling into the ranks to increase the escort. In an hour and fifty minutes, and just at sunset, the party reached the parade ground, west of Fredericks- burg, in the following order : Two Marshals, Col. Smith, 1st Corps of Officers, Committee of Arrangements, Guest, in a ca.rriage drawn by four white horses, Cols. Stewart and Cooke, 2nd Corps of Officers, Gen'ls Suite in a carriage drawn by four black horses, Citizens on horseback. As the General approached the parade ground, the military, commanded by Maj. O. M. Crutchfield, and aided by Capt. D. Green, were formed in line upon the left, and parellel with the turnpike road, in the follow- ing order : On the right of the whole, a company com posed of youths, between 12 and 16 years of age neatly uniformed and armed with pikes, who had embodied themselves by the name of La Fayette Cadets, to the number of 40, under the command of Col. \Vm. F. Gray, by whose skill and diligence they had been trained to the most exact precision in all their evolutions. This corps of little military gave inexpressible interest to this and all the subsequent military exhibitions, and which seemed to be very sensibly felt by the General himself. Next to them was stationed Capt D. Green's handsome company of Riflemen, from Falmouth ; next in order, the Rifle Company of Capt. T. H. Botts, and upon their left, the Washington Guards, all of them liandsomely uniformed and equipped ; in the centre of the whole, the Marine Band from Washington, which was politely lent by Col. Henderson for the occasion. As the General and Suite advanced upon the right the whole line saluted, and as they cleared the left, Col. Stanard, who was apprised by signal, fired a Federal salute from the artillery stationed in the suburbs, and thus announced to the eager and anxious citizens the approach of their father, the friend and benefactor of mankind. In the rear of the military, and under the directiefri of Major H. M. Patton, chief marshal, aided by Capt. Jas. Green, between two and three hundred citizens from the town and neighborhood on horseback were arranged in line, and added greatly to the beauty and eft'ectof the most imposingandgratifying spectacle. Tlio carriages having passed, the military wheeled into column and fell into procession ; next followed, in reg- ular order, citizens on horseback. Upon approaching the town a numerous body of respectable citizens joined the procession, and the whole advanced down Hanover towards Caroline street. The day-light began to close, and as the procession moved slowly on, darkness was stealing over the scene, and began to impair, in some degree, its imposing effect. Witliout any i3revious notice or concert, (for the arrival had been expected some hours sooner,) the light beamed from window to window, as if by magic, until almost a general illumination lighted its march. The procession having arrived at the corner of the Farmers' Hotel, on Caroline street, suddenly the adjacent houses on both sides of the street were beau- tifully and tastefully illuminated, and the effect was as gratifying as unexpected. It would be unjust to omit noticing tiie beautiful and appropriate transparency exhibited in front of the residence of H. Marshall, Esq., in which the features of the 'guest' were correctly de- lineated ; an angel hovered over his head ; the genius of liberty stood by his side, and blew from her trumpet, '• Welcome La Fayette " Underneath was written, — ■'A name iuseiibed deeply in tlie roll of fame; It shall descend honored to the latest posterity." Its effect upon the assembled multitude was evinced by a slight pause in the procession and whisx)ered sounds — 4— of applause. The procession continued to move on slowly to the Town Hall, in front of which it halted ; and the military advancing, took position in front of the Hall, extending a line from each flank to the sides of the platform, their banners and bright arms glittering in the blaze of the illumination. When thus formed, the La Fayette Cadets were admitted into the centre, their white uniforms neatly trimmed with red, gleaming spears and handsome banner, added greatly to the inter- esting-scene. The General and suite were conducted tlirough the lines to the platform, where he was ad- dressed by the Mayor, as follows : "Gex. La Layette: In the name of upwards of four thousand of my fellow-citizens of the town of Freder- icksburg and Falmouth, I bid you a cordial welcome to this section of Virginia, not very remote from one of the most important scenes of your heroic achievements in the cause of our beloved country, the inhabitants of tliis district feel a long and fondly cherished veneration for your illustrious name, and tender you the expres- sions of their affectionate regards and high considera- tion with unfeigned sincerity and delight. The presence of the friend of AV^ashington excites the tenderest emotions and association among a people whose town enjoys the distinguished honor of having been the residence of the Father of His Country during the days of his childhood and youth, and among wliom, also, the gallant Mercer lived, and the veteran Weedon died. (jur limited population and facilities will not admit of the pageantry of a splendid reception to our gener- ous benefactor. We cannot vie with our sister cities in the erection of triumphal arches, the display of mili- tary parades, and other magnificent exhibitions, but in feelings of unmingled gratitude and love towards your venerable person, we cannot yield to any, tmdare happy in the assurance tliat this is the offering which will prove most grateful to one who, having done so much to break the fetters of tyranny from the human mind, has evinced how highly lie can estimate its free and un- biased sentiments. Li the various manifestations of I)ublic homage and exultation which have everywhere greeted your arrival on our shores, we have, however, truly sympathised. We have rejoiced to see that the National feeling has so cordially responded to the voice — 5— of duty and obligation, and tliat in tlie unwearied and reiterated efforts made to honor your illustrious pres- ence, it has been strikingly evinced that the nation con- siders itself as owing you a debt which can never be paid. Numbering ourselves among those who most deeply feel the weight of obligation imposed on us by your chivalric and magnanimous devotion to the honor and interest of America, we again beg you to accept the tender of our most respectful salutations and cordial welcome to our homes." To which the General replied, — ''I cordially rejoice, sir, in the happy opportunity to re-visit this district, where the united citizens of Fred- ericksburg and Falmouth, in addition to the obligations they had formerly conferred upon me, are pleased to welcome my arrival with new and highly valued testi- monies of their friendship. At this place, sir, which recalls to our recollection several among the most honorable names of the revo- lutionary war, I did, many years ago, salute the first residence of our paternal chief , received the blessing of his venerated mother, and of his dear sister, your own respected parent. Here now, as at Mount Vernon, Vv^e are left to mourn for departed friends and parents. An immense Wj'sh- ington Monument has already been erected on the whole basis of American Independence. Indeed, to our own revolution we may proudly ascribe tlie emancipation of those new and vast southern republics, in behalf of Avhich, at every step of my i)rogress througli the United States, I have found the unanimous spirit of the people most warmly interested. With a profound sense of your flattering and affec- tionate reception in tiiis city, with a lively satisfaction in the great improvements I have the pleasure to wit- ness, I beg you, sir, and all of you, gentlemen, to accept my devoted wishes and respectful acknowledgments. " The General and his suite were then conducted into the Town Mall, which liad been decorated with ever- greens and flowers by the ladies with their own hands, in a style of simplicity and neatness, which reflects as much credit upon their zeal and industry as upon their taste. As soon as lie entered the room, a choir of little girls, crowned with garlands, who were seated on the opposite side of the room, rose and sung to an appro- — G— priate air, the followin,i? words, composed by William McFarlaud, Esq., for the occasion : Our Father has flar'cl the wild strife of the sea. And come o'er to the home and the hearts of the free; The shouts of a nation attend on his march, And the soft hands of beauty his pathway o'erarch, As he moves in his triumph all bloodless and pure, Thro' the land where he hew'd out his red path of yore. In our darkness and peril the light of his brand Blazed a beacon to point thro' the tempest to land. And Fayette was the first, when the deluge was o"er, 'I'o bear us the palm branch of peace from the shore. When the ark of young freedom found rest from the wave. And our land was no longer the land of the slave. Thou art with us again, and all words are too weak The deep tlioughth that burn in our bosom to speak ; Thou art with us again, and the sky looks more bright. And the breath of the air blows more balmy and light, And our streams as they move in their coolness along. Seem to brighten with pleasure and burst into song. Lov'd friend of our Fathers! brave champion of truth. The stem which you batli'd with the blood of your youth Has bourgeois'd and grown till its arms spread a shade ^ Where the \vrong"d and the wretched find shelter and aid; And the exile of Europe pours blessings on thee As the green boughs wave o"er him of freedom's fair tree. Then rest dearest Father! rest thou in its shade. Now that time his cold hand on thy temples has laid; The deeds of thy youth will pass freshlv in view. And the grasp of old comrades thy spring time renew Our mothers will cherish and watch thy repose. And the smiles of their children cheer life as it close. This song was sung inimitably ; and the exquisite efiect produced by this melodious ett'usion of infant love to the iUustrious benefactor of our country can only be conceived by those who witnessed it. It was manifest that he felt it deep!}-, and he returned his thanks to the young ladies after the song was finished, with the most affectionate tender- ness, lie was then introduced to the members of the committee of arrangements, and to the members of the council and justices of the peace. After remaining some short time in the Town Hall the General and his suite returned to their carriages, when the procession formed again, and conducted them around by the Masonic Hall into Caroline street, and up to his apartments in the spa- cious building of Mr. James Ross, who had in a manner, which does much honor to his zeal and sjenerosity, surren- dered his house and furniture to the Cc^rporation for the occasion. These apartments had been embellished and fur- nished in a style of the utmost neatness and comfort, under the direction of the ladies and with the assistance of the committee appointed for the purpose. Immediately on his arrival here refreshments were presented, and soon after the guest and his suite and sevei'al of tlie gentlemen wdio had been in attendance upon him during the day, sat down — 7— to a veiy handsome dinner. About 9 o'clock the party retired from the dinner table, and the General and his suite, accompanied by the Ma^'or and Col. Mercer, were conveyed to the Farmer's Hotel, to partake of a very splendid ball, which wlinted nothing that expense could procure, or taste could embellish, to make complete. It was attended by an overflowing company from all the adjoining counties, and sehlom has an occasion been graced with so much beauty, or enjoyed with such decent festivity. At 11 o'clock the (4eneral retired to his lodgings, and at 12 the ball ended. SUNDAY. On Sunday morning, by previous ijivitation, the General, his son, and iVTr. La Vasseur visited "Fredericksburg Lodge, No. 4," which on this occasion was joined by many of the brethren from the neighboring Lodges. The spacious Hall was completely tilled. The ceremonies were touching and solemn. The perfect order, profound silence and deferen- tial respect which was evinced by each individual, spoke in plainer language than words the intense feeling that per- vaded the assembly. Previous to the General's reception in the Lodge he was, on motion of one of the members, duly elected an /iO?;orrt/7/ ??i£;w.6er. On his etitrance, as his name was announced, the members rose, and the Worshipful Master, (Col. Wm. F. Gray,) descending from his seat, addressed him as follows : "Brother La Fayette: Li the name of my assembled brethren, I bid you welcome to our Lodge, welcome to our homes, welcome to our hearts. We tliankyou, my Brother, heartily thank you, for this visit. We are proud of this opportunity of standing on a level with one whose noble exertions in the cause of humanity has filled the world with his name. Whilst millions of freemen are rushing forth with enthusiasm to liail yonv arrival, and exhausting every device of taste and liberality to swell the full tide of a nation's gratitude to one of her most illustrious benefactors, we, as Masons, desire to greet you by the endearing ties of our profession, and renew to you, in the sincerity of our hearts, those mystic and sacred pledges of fidelity and brotlicrl}! love, which are due to your exalted virtues. On this occasion, my Brother, it cannot be uninteresting to you, as the earlj- friend and companion-in-arms of our beloved Washington, to know that this Lodge boasts the honor of being his parcni Lodge. Our records assure us, that on the 4th day of November, A. L. 5752. the /^//^^o/ M<.sw?r_y here first burst upon his sight; antl that within the pale of \ this Lodge he subsequently sought and obtained* further illumination. Here he first studied those libei'al, tolerant and benevolent principles of our order, which have since, under Heaven, been througli him and his worth}- compat- riots so happily diti'nsed through the free institutions of our Government, lie is gone from among us, but the recollec- tion of his sei'vices and his virtues is indelibly engraven on our hearts. We feel a peculiar gratiiication, ni}- honored Bi'other, in l)eholding jioa standing within the body of the Lodge where he has so often stood and assisted in our labors of love. We would gUidly avail ourselves of the occasion to testify to you our respect and fraternal regard by receiving you into ■ our liousehold. I have the pleasure of informing you that this Lodge has to-day elected you an honorary member; and I am instructed to express to you our united earnest recpiest that you will, before you leave us, inscribe your name upon the list of members. It already bears the names of Washington, Mercer, Woodfoed, Weedon, and many others distinguished for their virtues, and whose names live in oar country's history. It will be a lasting source of honorable pride to know that it also bears the name of La Fayette. Future inend)ers will peruse the proceedings of this day with devout interest, and will delight to trace the characters inscribed by your hand. My beloved Bi'other, you will soon leave us, we may never more meet; but the anniversary of your advent among us will hereafter form a bright day in our calendar; and yearly, as we assemble to celebrate it, your good deeds will be freshly remembered. We would fain indulge the hope that the evening of your days may be spent in this happy country, peacefully sheltered under the vine and the fifj tree, which your youthful hands assisted in plantim;, and your valor in defending. But, if that may not be, where'r you go, in whatsoever land you may bide the remainder of your time in this tabernacle of clay, our earnest and un- ceasing prayer shall be, that the blessing of Heaven may be round you and over you, and when it shall [ilease the Omniscient to call you hence, may you bei-eceived into the Grand Lodge above, amowg thespirits of the Just nutde [)eri'ect. To which the General replied, to the following etl'ect: Ml/ Dear Sir, and you mij Brethren, — The [jleasure 1 ever feel in our fraternal meetings cannot be enhanced on this occasion l)y the consideration that in this cit}' the first les- sons of childhood, in this Lodge, the first lights of Alasonry, were conferred upon the num who wasfii'st in all our hearts. — 9— \ In .Masonry he was our brother, in matters of state he was our father. I shall be happy, sir, to see my name united with those respected names, most dear to my heart, that 3'oujiave jast mentioned. And I beg yon ail, my Brethren, to Accept my affectionate thanks for the favor you have conferred upon me, and whicli you, sir, have been pleased so kiiidl}' to announce. The General was then conducted to his seat, and the book containing the roll of members tieing [)resented to him, he subscribed his name to it. A procession was then formed, consisting of the most numerous assendilage of the Masonic Brethren that had ever been witnessed in Fredericksburg. In their peculiar order, the Committee of Arrangements, the civil authori- ties of the town and the military oiKcers, and the General .and his suite, wei;^ conducted to the Episcopal Church, where an excellent'discourse was delivered to an overflow- ing congre>ration, by the Kev. Ed. C. McGuire. The text was taken from 139th Psahn, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 verses, and the subject, the omnipotence of God, involving reflec- tions on his jiarticular agency in the affairs of men. The following is an extract: "It inspires us with precious hope for ourselves and for all mankind. It is full of promise that ice shall grow and })ros[)er in every principle and work of holiness, and that soon the world throughout its darkest and most aiflicted regions shall reahze at once the brightest visions of the philanthropist, and the longing expectations of the saint, when God wlio hears the groans of nature in this nether world, and hears in inflnite compassion, will put forth His [)Owerin surrounding us with those scenes of accomphshed i)liss, foretold by prophets and by poets sung, in which universal peace and love shall reign, in which the sword shall be beat into the plough-share, and the spear into the priming-hook, in which the wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and none shall bo found to hurt or to destroy in all God's holy mountain. "That this glorious day is already dawning upon the world, whoever notes the signs of this distinguished age, nmst surely see. In hindrance of that illustrious era the civil and spiritual degradation of many of the nations of Christendom has heretofore opposed the must unyielding obstacles. Slavery in mind or body is the deadly foe of human happiness and human honour. " Tis liberty alone that gives the flow'r Of fleeting life its lustre and perfume. Aiul we are weeds without it. All constraint, Except what wisdom laj's on evil men, —10— Is evil; hurts the faculties, impedes Their progress in the road of science; blinds The eye sight of discovery; and begets In those that suffer it, a sordid mind ; Bestial, a meagre intellect, unfit To be the tenant of man's noble form. But in relation to all the obstructions of human happi- ness, God hath said, "1 will overturn, overturn, overturn, till he comes, whose right it is." In doingtliis, God works by means. lie lays under c(nitribution all the powers of nature, puts in requisition all the energies of man, when he would achieve his bright designs. And is not the history of our day strongly marked with the indications of His agency in unsettling the foundations of tyranny, in vindi- cating the equal rights of man, and furthering the cause of universal liberty atid peace ? What else can mean this mighty moral excitement, so widely pervadingthe reviving nations? What means tliis growing activity and thought- fulness of the human mind ? What this restless longing after some new and untried goods? Never surely was the human mind more in earnest than at the present moment. The political conmiotions, which from such prominent dis- tinctions of our age, have sprung from some deep and pow- erful working of the human soul. Men seem to have caught glimpses, however indistinct, of the dignity, rights and great interests of their nature; and a thiist for prohibited blessings, and impatience of long-endured wrongs, have broken out wildly, like the fires of Etna, and shaken and convulsed the earth. See you not in these things, assem- bling and eml)attling his hosts for deeds of glorious war, in riijhteous judgment waged against his foe, that subduing them under his feet, he may urge on to their bright and glorious consummation, his sublime and merciful designs in favour of our afflicted race ? May God in mercy speed tbe auspicious end, in pity and forbearance wielding his ''rod of iron," 3-et with resistless energy, constraining the benign and propitious reign of universal peace and love. In fur- therance of his purposes of unquestionable love, may he raise up and long sustain the friends and aven<»:ers of oppressed and suffering humanity. May He especially regard with favour, and crown with bles.sings, the illustrious advocate and defender of man's equal riglits, at whose feet this ha] tpy and grateful land dclighis to lay its tribute of profoundest gratitude and love. May the evening of his days be crowned with the blessings of providence and grace, and his eternity with the joys of Heaven, through the merits and interces- sions of Jesus Christ our Lord and ^Saviour." — Amen. After service, the order of procession was resumed, and — li- the (Tencral waseondiicted to his apartments. Hiscarriao;e' Avas ill waitinii* f<»i" him at tlie church, hut he flecliued the use of it, and insisted on walkino- in the procession. This wns an additional gTatiticati'Mi to tlie anxious multitude Avho with eaarer gaze followed the procession to get a near look (ti ]nm. Tlie Masonic Brethren having returned to their Lodge Room, he was waited upon by a number of gentle- men who called during tlie morning to lie presented. His company at dinner was small, an^ong whom were the Hon. Judges Brooke and Coaller, and such of the citizens whose duties rerpiired them to he present. Atter dinner Mr. Geo. W. ]ja Fayette departed alone in a privatecarriage, having refused tlie most eai'nest solicitation of the Committee of Arrangement for some of its members to accompany him. The evening was spent by the General in the company of a few of the rehitives of Washington, at Gapt. Bobert Lewis's, when he reUred to his lodgings about 9 o'clock at night. MONDAY. On Monday, at 11 o'clock, the military, accompanied by the La Fayette Cadets, proceeded to escort the General from his quarters to the Town TTall, and the General, alone in a chariotee. drawn by four white horses, accompanied by the Mayor and sovei'al distinguished persons in a carriage di'awn hy fourlilack horses; the whole pi'eceded by a corps of officers under the command of Cols. Cooke and Stuart, jToceeded tin ough the principal streets of the town, sur- rounded and followed !)}• sti'angers and citizens, all evincing the utmost solicitude to behold him. '^I'lie solicitation of the officers could not induce the General to remain covered, though exposed throughout to the glare of the sun. As he passed, the fair sex greeted him in every dii-ection, and upon his arrival at the Hall, hundreds of ladies thronged to welcoiue and show how happy his presence made them all. The General remained 'till 2 o'clock, and was introduced to all who desired and had not previously been introduced. This occupied aliout three hours, and it is but just to the citizens to remark upon their exemplary conduct upon this and all occasions where the (ileneral made his appearance; it was maui tested by their respectful silence as lie passed among them. At 2 o'clock the General proceeded in the same order to his quarters, and as the period of his departure approached many crowded to have a better, perhaps a last look; and tlie anxiety seemed to pervade the aged and 3'outhful of either sex. At half-past 2 o'clock the General and his asso- —12— ciate, Mr. La Vasseur, were conducted to Mr. Gray's Tav- ern, where a most sumptuous dinner had been provided, to Avhich about one liundred and twenty, from various parts of tlie country, among whom were the Hon. F. T. Brooke, iMajor (Tabriel Lonii and Col. A. Murray, and other survi- ving officers unci soldiers of the revolution, sat down. The Mayor presided at the first table, supported by Capt. George Buckner, vice-president; and at the second. Judge Brooke, aided by Col. Thomas Minor, vice-president. The arrange- ment of the feast was excellent; the festivity was clieerful and becoming; every heart was animated with love and with joy. Col. Henderson's fine musical band, belonging to the Marine Corps at Washington, heightened the display. The following toasts were drank: 1 The Spirit of '76.— The ligrht, beamins: truth upon the ways of error, and diffusing^ warmth through all the social relations of man. Air: "The Rights of Man." 8 France— She was the first ally of the United States— may the friendship between them be indissoluble. Air: "The White Cockade."' 3 Tlte Memory of Washington. — His services belons: to us, his fame to the world, and his virtues to Heaven. Air: "Washington's Dead March." 4 TIic Heroes of the American Revolution — A host of names worthy to follow those of Washinsrton and La tayette — our liberties shall never perish but with their memory. Air: "Roslin Castle. " 5 General Hugh Mercer — Fredericksburg was adorned by his life, his country by his death. Air: "German Hymn." 6 General La. Fayette. — The Dungeon of Olmutz has brightened into glory, and its chains have budded into an imperishable evergreen around the brow of the friend of freedom and of man. Air: "General La Fayette's March." When this toast was drank, the General arose, and with much feeling expressed his acI she has followed the example, may her destinies be as glorious as those of North America. Air: "Liberty," 1.3 The American i^air.— Their gratitude is as warm as their virtues are pre-eminent. Air: "Haste to the Wedding.'' VOLUNTEERS. By the Mayor.— Our respected Senator in the Congress of the United States, Col. James Barbour; and our immediate representative, Col. P. P. Barbour. The health of Coh James Bai'bour being drank, as well as of his bi-othei', Col. P. P. Barbour, our representative in Congress, who "was absent, the former rose, and in a very impressive manner returned his thanks to the people of Fi-edericksburo; for invitins; him to ioin with them on the present occasion, and took the opportunity, m a strain ot very happy eloquence, of paying a just tribute of praise to our distinguished guest and the officers of tbe revolution who were present, and concluded -with the follow^ing toast: The grateful offering of freemen to the benefactor of mankind must be acceptable to Heaven. By Mr. La Vassevr.— The citizens ot the United States; let the monarchs of Europe visit them, and even they would fall in love with liberty. By Col. Hugh JVfercer.— Patriotism, ardently and nobly displayed in greeting and welcoming to our shores with expanded hearts and arms, the illustrious benefactor of our country. —14— By Mr. William Bernard, — General La Fayef^e.— The associate in arms of our beloved Washington, may his de- clininfr days pass away asserenely as his former wei'e brilliant ami jjlorious. By Mr. Herard. —The triumph of liberty in every part of the world. At 5 o'clock a damp was thrown npon the whole com- paii}^ bv its being' annonnced that the carriages waited to conduct the (-Jeneral on his road to Washington. Tlie feeling evinced can be known only to those who have ex- perienced how distressing it is to separate from those they love, when it is probable they part to '-meet no more." For a mile or two, the road was thronged by the eager crowd, composed of ladies of the lirst respectability and of all ages, who encountered on foot the danger and inconven- ience of the situation, to bid him a dieu again and again. At the boundary of Stafford county, the military from Fredericksburg and Falmouth, with the La Fayette Cadets, formed in line, and the General bid them an affectionate adieu; and it was here that the Committee of Arrange- ments, through their oflicers, surrendered the conduct of the procession to the care of Col. Cooke, and other officers and citizens of Stafford. The Col. welcomed the guest in an affectionate and eloquent address, to which a feeling" rpply was given; at the conclusion of which, the procession moved on to the steamboat landing, distant 8 miles, where an anxious crowd were assembled to greet and bid him adieu, and accordingly escorted him to the steamboat, amidst the blaze of torches and the music of the Marine Band. Whilst the citizens were surrendering, with lingering comi)liance, to their brethern of Stafford the charge of the personage, around whom their affections were clinging with so much warmth, a little incident originated in the spontaneous effussions of the Cadets, which greatly lieight- ened the feeling of the separation. When the carriage stopped in Stafford, this little corps was drawn up along side of it — the General, bowing to them from the window, with the tenderest affection said, "Farewell my little Guards." On voices of faltering love, they all immediately responded, "Farewell, La Fayette," was exclaimed by all. Tiie intense and ardent feelings which mingled in the scenes which we have faintly attempted to describe, which tlirobbed in the bosoms and glistened in the eyes of all of every age and sex, and condition, who attended them, we have not attempted to exhibit. They will long dwell upon the remembrance of those who witnessed and partook in them; and they will be readily supplied by those who feel, —15— or can catch the sympathy of American affection for the great and good La b'aj'ette. In none were these feelings more conspicuous than the female part of our citizens, who contributed all that zeal could prompt or industry could prepare, or beauty could grace, or taste display, or affec- tion could make acceptable, for the benefactor whom the}' delighted to honor. The honors which have welcomed the arrival of this distinguished guest in our country, and the tribute of una- bated love and admiration which continues to cheer him wheresoever he moves in the extensive dominion of this free i»eople, exhibit a moral spectacle to the world as novel as it isimposino:. Wlieresoever hei)resents himself, amidst every variety of situation, of circumstance, and of charac- ter, his presence excites but one sentiment, so intense as to suspend every other feeling, and so entire as wholly to engross the heart. However that sentiment may manifest iiself, whether in the splendor of metropolitan refinements, or in the offering of village or rural simplicity, it is still the same, equally sincere and equally ardent. It is still the homage of love and gratitude and admiration to virtue, a homage which seeks every varied mode of expression, and still is conscious how much remains that could not be expressed We are erecting the proudest monument which virtue could claim foi- her commemcration, and we are un- consciously perpetrating, in the honors erected to her, the memorials of our own love of virtue and of truth. It is at the same time exhibiting to the world the most striking evidence of the value of our institutions, the price at which our people estimate them, and the spirit which guards and [protects them. As the offering of individual affection to a benefactor, how interesting is the scene ! All ages and sexes and conditions, uniting and blending the testimonials of their love to one man whom all consider alike their friend But, as the concentrated admiration of ten mil- lions of freemen, offered to the steady friend of freedom and of man, by whom the cause of liberty has been so em- inently promoted throughout the world, it is a subject worthy of history to record, and for nations to peruse and draw instruction from. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 010 639 897 5 %