»S 1294 ,C28 E7 !opy 1 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. -^. i|it|i e0{t^nB%i:fxi Shelf,. ^.^-i.5 UNITED STATES OF ABIERICA. D uenrnG 4f?oug5©s uenms ^50UGF?©s OR RL0WERS 0P THE / ELIZABETH BORRODAILE. (JCo-v/^^Svc^- God be wi you, with all my hea7-t. SHAKESPEARE. .jf^^g!^ ///? ^ /Z / HARD & PARSONS: NEW YORK. 1^\t % '-^1 Copyright 188&, BY Hard & Parsons. LIFE. ( "jNB evenmo from a castle by \\)q sea, cJ saw \\)Q anary billows rollina pial;, c3nd as a loo'?ed tpe wild scene seemed to me (^9e life of man spread out before my eye. ''Hon wQat a mused "is life but one broad waste yf treacherous waters full of storms and woes, (^l}roua[; W9ic[) our fnaaile barbs by terrors ceased, Ore tendina towards — olas! wpat mortal bnows? lout wl}ile -9 aazed, above tpe storm clouds rose (^96 alonous moon, as if my tl^ouapts to cbide ; lyepnoved, o cried, "ol}l Qife is not all woes, Deauties and blessincjs, love and pope abide ! Elizabeth Borroiiaile. TR UE HAPPINESS. WQULD not from t[;e wise, require (^\)Q lumber of tl^eir learned lore, rtor would ii from \\)Q nop desire O sinale counter of tl^eir store. Por 3 l^ave ease, and ^ [;ave bealtl}, y nd 3 f>ave spirits lial^t as air ; Wnd more ti^an wisdom, more t[)an wealtp, y merry l^eart tpat lau^bs at care. HeNRV H. MlLM.^N. REASON AND RELIGION. fD M as tl^e borrow cl beams of moon and stars ^0 lonely, weary, wanaennq travelers, ys reason to \\)Q soul ; and as on l^igl;, ^[}ose rollina fires discover but tr^e sby, Kot liapt us pere ; so reason s cilimmenna nay Was lent, not to assure our doubtful way, Dut auide us upward to a better day. Wnd as tl^ose nigl^tly tapers disappear Wl^en day s brigl^t lord ascends our l^emisppere, ^o pale ^rows reason at reliaion s sicipt, ^o dies, and so dissolves in supernatural licjpt. JOHM DhYDEN. HOPE. (^VrUSPICIBUS Mope! in i[;y sweet aarclen anow Wreatps for eacl^ toil, a cl^arm for every woe; Won by tbein sweets In rtature s Janauic! I^our, 96 way-worn pilc^rim seeks tl^y summer bower. Campbell. CONTENTMENT. HAT tpougl} no anants of royal donors, Witl} pompous titles ^race our blood, We I! sl^ine in more substantial l^onons, Ond to be noble we II be aood. ^tili spall eacr) neturnina season Sufficient for our wisl;)es aive, nor we will live a life of reason, Qnd tl;at s tl;e only life to live. KNOWLEDGE AND WISDOM. aN0WLEDGE and Wisdom, fan from beinn one, Have oft-times no connexion. l\nowledqe dwells ^n l^eads replete witl} ttioupbts of otlper men ; Wisdom in minds attentive to tl;eir own. i\nowledae is proud t[}at l^e l}as learned so mucl^, Wisdom is l^umble tl^at i^e knows no more. FRIENDSHIP. ^''RIENDSHIP, peculiar boon of beaven, ^\)Q noble naind s aeliarjt and pride, men and anoels only aiven, (^o all \\)Q lower world denied. Kon sl^all tpine ardours cease to alow Wl^en souls to peaceful climes remove; W^at raised our virtue l;ere below, ^>\)Q\\ aid our l^appiness above. Samuel John'Son. GLADNESS. ,B merry, man, and fa!? not sain in mind (^^be wavennp of t^is wretched world of sorrow ^o (l^od be bumble, to tby friend be bind, Ond witb tby neipbbors aladly lend and borrow; Mis cbance to-nipbt, it may be tbine to-morrow; De biytbe in bectrte for any aventure, Por oft witb wise men it bas been said afc Witbout (::^ladness availes no ^neasure. ronow, Dunbar. PATIENCE. )eace : V^TIElNeE;! Wb/ 'tis tbe soul of p( yf ail tl^e virtues, tis nearest l?in to l;eaven : ^t maizes men lool? Iil?e 9ods. ^I?e best of men ^pat e er wore eartl; about \)\m was a sufferer, O soft, meel^, patient, fumble, tranquil spirit: ^\)Q firsi true cjentleman i[;at ever breatbecl. Thomas Dkkki;; CONTENT. 'HERE IS a jewel wl^icf? no ^nclion mine can buy, rfoo cpemic art can counterfeit ; 3t nnabes men ricb m Greatest poverty, rrtakes water wine, turns wooden cups to nold, %^\)Q l;)omeiy w[)istle, to sweet music s strain ; ^eldom it comes, to few from [^eaven sent, (^pat mucl^ m little — ail in noua[)t — content. Nilbye's Madrigals. LOVE. 'ES, love indeed is Ii9l;t from t'eaven, O sparl^ of \\)o.\ immortal fire Vvitl) anpels scared, by 011a aiven, (^o lift from Q0,?\\) our low desire. Devotion wafts ti^e mind above, . iJut peaven itself descends in love ; W feelinp from tl^e t^od^iead caual;t, (^o wean from self eaci; sordid tl^oua[:>t, vd ray of Mini wl;o formed tl^e wl^ole, Ka cjlory circlin9 round ir;e soul. BVKON. STREAMS OF LOVE. Ei, Urotl^er, turn witp me from pinina ipoual;! . Ond all \\)Q inward ills tl^at sm (;)as wrou^bt; Oome, send abroad a love for all wpo live ynd feel il;e deep content in turn tr^ey aive. •r\ind wis[)es and good deeds, — tl}ey mabe not poor ^ bey II boine aaain, full laden, to trjy door; ^[)S streams of love flow baol? wl^ere trjey beam, Kor sprinas of outward loys lie deep witpm. Richard Dan'a. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 016 211 651 4