'jxpense O^Objeet '^vice,25 Qents ; ^erfbrmancejree 'WALTER H BAKER & CO -"^ BOSTON- r^*^'*' •""• B. m. Pinero's Plays Pricet 50 eettte Each Mill ril ANNFf ^^y *° ^°^ -^^''s- Six male.8, five females. inii./-V£liiniTEiL( Goatumea, modern; scenery, three interiors. Plays two afid a half hours. THE NOTORIOUS MRS. EBBSMITH l^'i^Xl males, flye females. Costumes, modern; scenery, all interiors. TliF PRnFIff!ATF Play in Pour Acts. Seven males, five 1 OEi r SWML LiIU A 1 1^ females. Scenery, three interiors, rather •laborate ; costumes, modern. Plays a full evening. THE SCHOOLMISTRESS fi^A'^xZ^'S;,^^^.'^: era; scenery, three interiors. Plays a full evening. THE SECOND MRS. TANQUERAY ^^i^I^SsXi females. Costumes, modem: scenery, three interiors. Plays a full evening. >^ ^WFFT I AVPNnFff Comedyln Three Acts. Seven males, DffCQl LAYEilLTEiIi four females. Scene, a single Interior^ costumes, modern. Plays a full evening. THI? THITNriFff Rfll T Comedy In Four Acts. Ten males, inEi inUl^liCIiDULl nine females. Scenery, three Interi- ors; costumes, modern. Plays a full evening. THF Tf MF^ Comedy in Fotir Acts. Six males, seven females. I fflSi 1 nnCiiJ Scene, a single interior ; costumes, modern. Plays a full evening. THF WFAITFD QFY «»mldyin Three Acts. Eight males, IHEi WEi/in.LIi OIL A eig^« females. Costumes, modern; scenery, two interiors. Plays ^f ull evening. A WIFE WITHOUT A SMILE ?,ToaS,