ILLUSTRATED BY HOWARD CHANDLER CHRISTY S-iS'^ ^\^pSi EVANGELINE uftfjii) C! ffi Evangeline ^M'/7ryMr{/shv/t/iZ(?^^//ofi^ WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY HOWARD CHANDLER CHRISTV ^ t % ^^JTT? INDIANAPOLIS THE BOBBS' MERRILL COMPANY PUBLISHERS 4*! t ^ V LIBRARY of CONGRESS Two Copies Received DEC 5 1905 CoDyrieht Entry CLASS (X XXe, No. COPY B, Coi'YniOHT 1 SC6 By Hexry Wadsvvorth Longfellow Coi'YiticaiT 1883 By Houghton, Mifflin & Company Copyright 1905 The Bouus-Mehrill Company THIS FDITItlX OF FVANGEIINE IS PUBI.ISI] r n BY SPECIAL ARKANCEMENT Ml IH MESSRS. HOUGHTOV MIFFl.IV AND COJIPANY, THE SOLE AUTHOBIZLD PUBllSlIEliS OF LONGFELLOW^ WORKS ILLUSTRATIONS SS Evangt'line This is the forest i)riinev;il Scattered hke (Uiht and leaves Solemnly down the street came the priest Flan-ons of home-brew ed ale Down the lono- street she passed She was a woman now Thick was the fur of the foxes Sunshine of Saint Eulalie Welcome, Basil, my friend She stood with her hand in her lover's Bent, hut not broken, by age Slowly extending his right hand Lighted the brazen lamj> Waited her lover and watched Many a glad good-morrow Among the guests of her father Stood she and listened Down to the shore Evangeline waited In singing forget they are weary Strove with words and caresses Waited and wandered Cheered by the good man's words Along the shores of the river Evangeline's heart was sustained The house of the herdsman The priest and the maiden O Gabriel! O my beloved An Indian woman At the door of Evangeline's tent There from the troubled sea Daily the tides of life go EVANGELINE ^; iL PRELUDE 1 V iUC^"-' aiLi^ ;-- The Hiuniiuring: pines and tlie licmloc carded with moss, and in iiarmeh- :V' Stand like Druids jaf.^j^dfc^'W'ith voices sad and i>ro})he%:, \ ^^ Stand like harpers hoar^ ■^Ithjjeards that rest on tlieir 1 ^oud from its rocky\ caW^-niijiWmleg^^qte oee^ - ^dist'onsdlat^ answers the wail of thle"! ^iij- indistinct in the twilight, ^tli ^rr'Z'^%.^.., e Hes^^ voice EVANGELINE Wne^ IS tnjri;hatch-roofed Village, the hoipe of Acadian farmcrs,- MeiJ whose ^^e| glided on like rivers that water the .^ijdl^dsi 1 i .IT'S^' Darlj^eiied/'by -sliadoT?^ of earth, but reflecting an irilage; of" heav^al.^ Waste aretho^e ;plea,saiip farms, "^hd the farmers' Jgrever "Tdepa; Scattered lilce dust and leaves, wlien the mighty 'hlasts ^6i jEfotb' Seizextliej^iji^n^^whirl them aloft, and sprinkle them^fe^^tJ^^rwi'^ bcean Naught but tradition remains of tlie beautiful village of Grarid^Pre. - \je ;ivho believe in affection that hopes, and endures, and is patient. Ye who belieVd ^n Mgv^eantyrand strength of woman's devotion, 4:Cv2i,i,'Jf List to,tbelin^uMnfu|>^i;jaditicm'still sung by the pines of the forest; ^;" -^ Li^t^to'a TaleWvLove in A'cadie,lhoine of the happy. A Li^tJ ■c /v l^. ■Si. :JraWiO»-> A PART THE FIRST '%. In the Acadian land, on the shores of tiae Basin of Minas, l^tnt^^e^d^! stili: the Uttig^llag e pf Grand-I^^U \ IItII:! )i / v.'' .• i '- i,ro o. Ill, .:■..:■/.''■■ ■ W\ ik iflie fi'uitlul valleyi^^^st-iTaSnH^ stretched to the eastwards \ nax ilasttei^-flodfe wit Lrdkiind CO; Opehed and welcomed tHF^£:iQJ!li;ati3^ ait' wilC^ West and south there were ,|e3fej of' flax,^^ orchards' ftnd cofn^^ds 'f;. Spreading afair and anfeni^^Io^er^ e plain ; and away to the no)(\thward ^=9, EVANGELINE .^^ Blorafflc^n rose, and the forests old, andj aloft ons:^^ liioimtams^ -- V:.--, , -•--._ , . .,._~^ir^^^.,/>>'vv -i-'^ - Sea-fogs pitchedtteicrtents, and inists froni tlie-Almigiity, AtWtic Looked on the-harf)py' valley, feufr^ie'ei^from their staticfn deseeitded. There, in^the midst (if4tr)faFms, <^pose^ thir'Aca^iaff)viITage. Strongly bililt wereMJie houses, ^itiji ir^me§ gf octk and 'tjf hemlericli. Such ^s tKe;;peasants of Norrtmndy^m^^^he^reigfirW^^i^Hegifies Thatched ^erSihe roofs, wi| n ^^;r^ Hj ^Ah /oyer the basement below protected, arid sb^d^ >th6 iiAoi;\\'4yf. \ / If Therte in th^-tranquif evenings of suniJiifex,^j5fJiettybriMtH the sunset Lighted the village street, and gilded tliel3an£(s! ijon 'xhe ^niWbjjs, Matrons and maidens sat in snpTr-whiie capStaild in kirtlfeSj' lem ; ifxS Scarlet and blue and greeii, \^ith *-';;>t) / \ -. ' \ \ c \ • ■■ J ■ pi^'\\ Fla^ i^' Softly the Angekis /Soytlded, and o\cr; Columns of |^^TeT)lile smoke, like cIoim Rose from a hundred hcartlxs, the homes iffs^^inning tiie goldi shuttles within ^qorsi eels and the Songs of the ma^jp'ni priest, apd-^e-- children ~^-*^ oTbless^ ?ome serenely the ^^ sank ion from the belfry li roofs of^-ihe village incense~«scenduig, ce and contentment. "O VANGELIN eit tbgether in loVe-these simple Acadiss^ Dw(^lt iijithelove-of God anlf^fTiiaa^^^^'^^ iA 'Feai", 'in^t reigns with the tyrant, artii^nvj', . tTO ^either xJocksiSai't^^^ their d&ors, fioK^Jars^^lietftfeeir windows ; ■ ^VellingVwgre -opeh as ^y iand^the hearts of 4:he^0wrier§; §t lived ht'abj^f^aifipe^i i;.;^^^ ] andj^arer the^aaii]! o 1^ ,-j Dwelt on\his goodly^acres^T and with lum, direcilngi his tious^hold^' Gentle Evarigdinehvedi;lS^;:2]|^^jaiid^e,J)ride cyf m^'yiJlageA Stalworth and\s^atelj( in form wa^ ^he^stvan ci|/' severity /wintfers(j Hearty and hale was h6,NaiL oak^fet ik cj:Kyere4 with sriowi-flakesj! ' ■ 1 ' ' ^K °^^^^'?^--£-^^' x^ ' ' / ' J / ^ '■■' '^''\ White as \the snow .wefe^s locKsj'^nd his cljmcs- as broi^ as the oak-leavesX Fair wak shfe^o behold, that maiden of seventeen summers ; ^S Black were Ssr eyfes^as^he berry that grows eii^Tie ihenT^jthe way-sidej^ TBlacktf^et^li6w-s,gftly,JJiey, gleamed beneath the brown isfeits^te^ helf ^b-esses ! .^^-, \iifas fi!^~feea|h a^ the bi^ath of kisne thaETfeedjjixflie sj / \ \'\, "■ ■ ■ ---" V ^' ''' i' ■ When in the harvest \heat she bore'io^e reaper^ at noontide Flagons of holne-brewed ale^ ahTTS]^ili^s0|0tk-'wa8^ tbfe maiden. Fairer was she when, on Sunday ^afoMi,^hiIe the bell from its tun-et Sprinkled witli holy founds ihe_Jkir, as the /priest with his hyssop Sprinkles the congregation, and scatters blessings upon them, / (^ Z^^^:^ EVANGELINE street she pasSea, with h^ chapletvjol'feeads and her lais^kL \Wearijhg h^i* i5toi*na# <;ap 'ind her kirtlc of blue, and tlie ear-rinW ./ I Brought in'th&-oJdertctime from' Emticev and since, as: an heirloota, Handed down from iftpthHT: to child, through long generations. But a celestial brightness — a more ethereal beauty ■ — Shone on her face and encircled lierTofiilv^when, after confession, Homeward serenely she walked wiM God's benediction upon jh^F. | When she had passed, it seemed like the ceasing of exquisite music. Firmly builded' Aiflth/^kftftrs-^ oak, the house of the farme!r i Stood on the side of a hill commanding the sea ; and a shady \ Sycamore grew by the door, with a \yoodbine wreathing around it. Rudely carved was\the^prch, with iekts beneath ; and a footpath Led through an orchkixi w^^jfaoS diSappeSred.-^^ri^ EJieappY- / Under the sycamore-tree^^(efchiv0s_oyerhung by a penthouse. Such as the travcller-^aincjfegion^ remiite by the roadside, Biij^;o'£r ihox for thepbor, or\the lt»lessed ima^e of JVIary. E^rther ^(Jdwn,_on]Jhe sjbpe of s!the Millj ya,s the \vell with if s moss-gj-OKn ■ — '^ij^ke?, f a^t;enfed--witK'ih:pn^^nd\n^a'r' it a tkpughfer-the'librses.^ Shielding the house irom^toii^s, jin the north, ;wpej|;he bams ai^d'the farm- •^'O yarc^ There were t^i&'folds Strutted the lori C ^ a There stood the brQad-/(vhieel6^^ft^i^^n8t^i&a|itique ploughs and the harrows; r tljIe^^le^pVand^ji^e, in ms-fea.thered seraglio, , and crowed the cock, with the selfsame ^MJ^o ->^,^./-:-. '*^^^^;i^{^..- ■' ' H^B»£;^'U''ii i-lM%l£rtJjastY-||iy EVANGELIN old hact startlecf-tiic pcnitcat!^ ^ojecteSa I'oof- of thatch ; "AichV-«taifeaBe,\ , Kd u^o tFe me doveNeot^sl^od^'' with its ^ee]^ q,na=iHnocerilfln abovei^^he variaiit^r oci fiiici TJie' W0rli and Evangeline n the church and opened his m^i the saint of his deepest dcvotlibn ; ajjpy was I e wno^^ght touch her hand m tl^^ieifi ofl Many a puitor c^ame^oncr door, by tlie digmKnegSsb^frie And, as he knocked and waited to h ' '^jaew:?not which beat the lou^erXbis ►mK Or, at^Hie joyoiis^feastvof Bolder gi'ew, and pressed her lianil / ■» Hurried words of love, that seemed But among afl' who came young Gabriel on!^ was \VeIcoiiQe ; Gabnel Lajeunesse, the son of Ba^il the blacksmithj- Who W^s a mighty man in the vil For since the 11 men ; EVANGELINE Ha^ the^^CTEt^dof ±he smith been held in repute by the people. Basil/ wai^Benedict's fri0:^dy^X^heir children from earliest childhood Grew) niTtogethe^' ai^rdtter- and sister ; and Father] Feliciah, Priest an^-ffedagogoe^toth in thcL^illage, had |a«^it^th^m their letters s Ou^^^theifelfsame boolc7witlr%ie hyiiiBS of the church aM the plain-song. Bur wheh^^fli^.'i'Ss'^ii'^as §mj^^ffi? ^ Swiftly they hiij^ed„^ay^^nie^or| lesson coippjetfedj Ba^l t'he^'blacksitiith. sf^) l^ete" at; tjie dooj^^'tli^^tpod, with wonderiT^*^e'&\tp\ behqld him Take ia his leatllem fep-^Jje hopi- &f the horse:^s:.a ^taytliirig, Nailing the shoe in its- place; while near hira-tb« ijtird i3i the\ cart-wheel t^ Lay like a fiery snakje^jcoiled rpund.iaa,'^ circle qf cinders. Oft on autumnal evesj^^heir vvithout in the gathering darkness - i ; -, Bursting with light seemed the smithy, tjirough every crapijiy and crevice ^ ,'-1 by the forge withtitthey watched.,th^laboriijg belloWs, panting <_eased, and' the sparfo expired in. toe ashes, I fei J \ 'Merrily laughed, and said they "iweres nuns going inta th^-:gha'geL Oft on sledges in winter, as swift\&s the^ swoop 'bf the eaM^."^^ the hiilsidcTbounding, tlicy glided away o'er the nreadow. / ' I Oft Jn the bams they fclihibed to the populous ne^ts onthe rafters^ Seekin^^with eager eyes tJiat JwoBdrdtis stont, wni6h the swallow BrTngs from the shore of th^vseaj^o refe^'the sight of its fledglings; Lucky Hvas he \4io foiSnd that stone -in^e^flliest oK^e swallo\^l Thus passed aJeWSmft years, and 4feie'^Wk(lptj^er were children )J&^ EVANGELINE ^33 . i<-\.,, ... valiant youth, and Ri^ face, li|^ the face of .theijrorning. laddehed theeafth witli its light, andripened thought into action. yoman now, with tlic hcart^^i^Wpes .of y womajfi>\ (, ^ ,. t O'S^nshine 6f Saint;Cp^l|die" was sliq called ; lorth^jcas tJie sunshine Whicli, as tKe farmets^ believed, would load their Vo^chard^^ith apples ; She too Aj'ould bring to her busband*s-hau^ deliglit an^i cmdx-e;^^ "^^ ■o 1 1 . ..^,^?^ Now luid tEl'Seks^-retumecl, ^vhen the nights grow colder and lon^ TTjAjnd the retreating Siji^>^e,<^t^T5f;ut&;~Scoroit)^oenJ;ei^L /,! Birds of pass.ige sailed throu^v4fee-leadej»<>^^H^pys6iil' tl^e'lc^bbuiii tlic shores of trpgic; ^^^^£ruiilV:;f^ y^affl^]^olt>Fkhith4 aixgei,^! KI [le [signs f oretolCa.,:«dBler long anii^n^J^^^t, ^,_ifBefevWith prophetic instmcl ■^ Till the hjves ov. ::^ 'W ■€?-7=^ EVANGELINE ^ , Gold VoulS t^e jyittter be, for thick wasthe fur of tile fofe^. ' \ Such/wasithe advent of autumn. Thefi followed tliat bfeautiful season, * Called by:i:he,^JQUs -^cadian peasants the' ^Summer \df All-Saints ! Filled was the ait^iUtdar-c(reamy ^ijd magical light; and^the landscape -^v" - tay'as if neW-created in all the freshness of childhood. ^ , , Peace seemed to reign upon eSitlfraSdWt^TeStkss heart of tlie ocean cw '-^^ Was tor a^^iiiqmeiit'lsansqlg^r;'^!^^ in hariH0ny Jbleiaded. rife Voices of children at. plisCVi th^VrqWing of cbeks in the farm-yards, r? irfc ;Whirj of wings M th'^wayasjsy^^^^^dl/ihe^eooing oJF pigfeoi/s, M , __ J /ill -^^ ^_- . „ _____ ,, _^^___. __. - -v^i Xy f^k Ali were subdued aria low^tts the mu^iiiurs of love, apd ih^ gpeat sun Looked with the.eyejolJcive through the golden vapors aroiind hint; ■ '.\'\\ %'"' ' ' '■:'■ \. "' ' ■ I \" ' ■^:''''' ^PT^; Wliile arrayed in its^b^s of russet artd^carlet ai^d yelloW,/ Bright with the sheen of the dew, each glittering tree of the forest Flashed like the plane-ti^^e^e ^Befrsiana^ojaied with^matotles and jewels. ^. «^ -*^^-«- •-■ /f^''^\ !N^SL:reeominenced the reign of restiand affection and ^§tillness. Day ^itfi -'its burden aiid heat haft departed, and Iwiligqi descending 3JB|ouglit T^stck the;55ening star to the skyy and filCjer^ito the homestead. Pawing the groundUheyxcanje, and resting their Jnecks^on each other, And with their Hdstrib distended inllaling tlje -freshness^ of -^ening. Foremost, l)earing the' o --Q" c^. s— Jjoiui.'nf tUnikfUhr^i.! [•,. ^ ,^ ^•^/^ ^ ,^sF^o«d iif licr snow-white hid^J^nd tlie ribbon that wa\cd from her coUj iQuietlv pa^ed and slow, as if conscious of human affectjoiiU Then came^the shepherd hack witli his Ijltating flocks from the tie^ ful^f impc^ilaiiee, aa^ grand'^jjj the'pri^e of i,Walkin^^^bm ^e tojside ^u^e^^r^^s^g, anC supdr^j VANGELINE ^nd :^^^^^^^^g5d trre- straggL was lie wluii the shej]]ier(l slept; their .eh irona the forest at night, tlirough the staiTV sil* e ^r^^mgj xOQon, returned the wai that tilled tlie air witk its ddofi ©r tfte Seds.^'ith dew \pn tJiei 3oden and pondero inted with prilliant d^^^^ndTadorned with tassels of N6(!<3ed in bright array\lik6';}iO[llyhocks Ji^avy wjth bloSsbms ^ '•' Patieiitlyl^tbod^ie ctoW^i^antyvIiile^'^indCyieJi tJnto th^ -^^^^^^ .EVANGELINE (clog^'i^tli a jarring sound, Ifte valves V!< for a season was / Y Rattled (^e(^§0fiden bai;s4 and all In-doors, (^i^^v^^'flje wide-i^uthed ^feplfi^ SOT^R'his 'elbow-cKfefrjoa^d watcked ho^ the iiaihes Sti'iiggled tdg^therTike^aeS'm^a burmftg^^eity podding and moclnhg alortglphe ^11 #t1s^gesi1 Darted his own huge shadaw, and variished away ift^ ^an^pesi Faceis, el^msily fcarved ifi;oak> oiii Bie bajck of hij^ arracl^glje^ in tM, fli^leeiSng light, and the pewt€r%)la1jM joii/tft light ^nd, i^eflcictedAe fla^e,)afeshjelds of'^^rwes/^^ siliiS id cartils 0f 'Gmr' '^ F/i^agn^eyits otf V^ng tl%^t man sang, and I / \-i M I "- i '^\ '■- '^■\ ^"^ Such a^ lat hpme, in^e olden time, his fa hYirJn feji^ in ItharJ^fOHnan orcliaixls and bright Burgundwi vi 5 ))_,^Close at her fsthefV^qp ■^ras th&Wentl^-^v&ivgielHiB seated the lobHiNtnatVtood in iiie thers Before SJleniLawhil t^^Rile th^ moS Followed the Footfalls are heard So, in each Thus as le priest at the altar, motioiTthe) clock clicked. and, suddenly lifted, (HuuMnl t:liji.ilkClJtt5>^ ■ fl«s^ EVANGELINE; ^fAiTjfiie^^ie wooden latch, ca^d the door swung back on iff Benedict)lfQ^'4y by the hob-nailed shoes it was Basil the blacksr gihearfe~^« .,/ ;|ish/ smips d^ their anchors i6irA \c£tHnoo'-poi'nteag|igainst us. :_ j_-: — _-/_.. i,„ ;_ .._i.„„:> — Vu.ii) g^j] are conrmanded On tke morrowto meet in the church, wiyte his'^tfajesty's tnandate O^ "O X EVANGELINE >VllJ?;1&p; proclaimed as law in the land. Alas! in the mean time 7 ('i "^ Mamy surmises of evil alarm the heartsTjf "^e people." Then mafde answer iihe Tarmer : — "Perhaps some friendlier ptii^ose Brings these ships to our shores. Perhaps the harvests iia England By untimely rains' Ol" untimelier heat have been blighted, And from our bursting bams fEiy^lrould feed their eWQ^^na-children. "Not so thinketh the folk in the village," said warmly "the blacksmith. Shaking his head as in doubt; then, heaving a sigh*he^,cotatinued;T— "Louisburg is not forgotten, nor Beau Sejour, nor Port Roy^l. Many already have fled tojlif! forest, and Jurk.on it$ ioutskirts,i f 1 KH3 Waiting ^itlj la-nxious hearts the dubious fate jaf to'^iitiOrrbw. v ^ \ / Arms have been taken from us, ajid warlike weapons of,' all Ifiijds:'\ mov --.-fo Nothing is left but the blacksmith's sledge and the scythej of vthe/ mower." Then with a pleasa.nt srS^:jjnad^ ansjKerJfiKe jovial i^rfflerl: —j- j ^\ tHi" I "Safer are we /unarmed, in the; midst of our floek§,^d-bur conifields,7-_ | Safer within these pea^jFul^dikes besieged by'tli&'0jeaB^-^Hir~:::S5^ ^ J!'han''ouir fathiaajn tot^s, Tbesieged by the enern^^-canHonT*'^ Fear no evilTTny^ffefid, and to-night ma,y,/lit>.£fhS Fall on this house an4 hearth; f dr this is' ^he tiight of the conti^t. ":' ^-c ^' ^-' '-- -'"''~^~%^''\ ^ ''''^^ c' ^; ^ Built are tjie house and the barSE^j^'llie^erry lads of tjb^e idllage Strongly have built o ;lebe round about them, O EVANGELINE FifW H^e^ferT? with hay, and the house with food for-^flwdVefeonth, Rehe Lel^iauc will be Uere anon, witli His papeyS^Ulid-JHi Shall wetiot^thga I® glad, and rejoice in the joy 0Tk;O«r c: As apart by the 3i«i<$d»w~^e "^toocLjwith hej" hand iiFli^ BvePi .?:. Blushing Evangeline ^eaii'd me ®'o;?ds tlia^ bpr father h&A sBjxkei And, as tkey-died onliis lips, the worthy nijtary entereji.V^ WW: III ?EXT like a laboring oar, that tGils--i'BM^te-Tsaii^i^ tfee pceanjjfl 7^^iitiIbdf^n!et1^l{enj'',W,-a^ ^a^y^e, f&ian'of'tne()«^tdt*y j»u Bhocks of jell0w3|jal^Gliike the silken floss of'!tl^^ ^)^ai^e|jj^ri,g lyqr. M^U^siJ^f^rMe ^ ;nde on hjs^nose,''^it'a|lal(mLQ>l'pd^4oifni \\W )tw^t-y(cihdlcU"eu was he, and mBue than 'J^hiich'en's chllaren d'\\A jj \"^-^ X \^ "/-— f^iV .r-Nu^/ / Rour^loHg'^OTs iiij\thX/iime>^M-4{ls~^arjyt^ kingu j5(^nis/-^^i^ei. 'ajw.l'ljea,rd^ great' nd of f=^. /"EVANGELINE ""Nqw, [though warier grown, without all guile or suspicion,) Ripe in^^^d^ was^hc, but patient, and simple,' and^chil^ike, V -H^)wkrfceloy W by^^ll, Vnd tti'op"#ai"by tlj^e' children ; y* For he told them tales of the L6yp-garounff!^^3Qr,ekt, ' ■And of the goblinMlhat ^mt inothe walgr the horses. And, of Qr maae;il^swe1* th5.-Hi|bary jjQbli^^^^^^^'^^fe^ 'Gossip enough have I heard, in sooth, jwet aiii?6everi^p/wis SiiJ what their ertaiwlmay be\l jtnfl^ jioib^lwr/than^jthe 'i^^aip,^ not o|ihose wK^xi^giiie sotne 0^*11 jn^eption , ^p h Brines them here, for hy then n\olest us?" to >«« tliMinil||Ki-t1tri = i-,y ■jj^ti'^^ EVA N G E L I N e.^.^/1 - ) flouted the hasty anS-feomewliat-irascifeffe blacomitly^ yk fm^ the BCT't^d tiie^wl-uijjm^he y|ieref ore,; J(fj!v 'Jh j'ustie^^^ cKhe^ and might is the right ^f ij witiSut(|irediTrg his warmthJ?contmue3^^^?^?^^^y pal&ic, birt; Go4- is -justs; and finaPy justeice weir I p^^riber a story^ ■^ — aptiye I_l it often <^ e ojj^ Fr^S^ fort at Port RoyaP' nian'^s fsv^rJjbe^ Ijaje^ ^ndrazen statue "ofe^iiltice Stood, in ihe^ pibl^p sq^*, upholding' the 'It^es ivit^ Mtl hand, its right a sWrd, as an emblem tliat justice presiMd Hi nd ir? pvejr Ith^ laws cff the land, and the hejii-ts and hoihe'§^=»f the! peo' iyetLthef^lJl^s hg^bmlt tlfeir^nei^s in me ^ trsTTO'^ar'^f the -^tKJi^d thVt pa^heieTii} tiicumsturf^^aDp •ile: /ye»e oppress^!, and fee mighty EVANGELINE,^ s Fell on an orphan girl who lived as maid in the household. She, after fonn of trial condemned to die on the scaffold, \ Vl V'v Patiently met her doom at tlie fdOt-6f-fhe statiie of Justice. As to her Father in heaven her innocent spirit ascended, libir^ er the city a tempest rose; and the bolts of the thunder Smote the statue of bronze, and hurled^in -wrath from its left hand Down on the pavement below the clattering scales of the balance. And in the hollow thereoK:;was fouud the nest of a magpie, -Tl ^v^ K^ \ Xyjjf?^ 1 Intcf , T<9i0sei cj^y-built waljs~-the hecTdace of pearls W^si ihWove; rE ? Silenced, ISull not coHa-vtncedi when the story-was' endMJ the blaclismitH Stood like a man who' fain would speak, biitiBndeth no language,;. c^ji All his thoughts.TOre congealed ilito lines Op bis face^asthe yapi Freezev in, fantastic shapes «8Hrtlijg!^^d£w-panes in the wmte*. Tlieri Evangeline lighted the jbrazeMaraDjBfiAE table, ^-^ped,4^1iit overflowedjCthe p&!rteiM;anj£ard'withr^6m.e-br(ns'^v;^.^.^^, ' O at £.the,larmerrv Soon with a ^uadl^s-step the f^t of^Ey£CHg^|ia€=l?^lowe^? Up the stkircase liloved a luhiinpu^ sp&e ^^th^'aarknesS^ Lighted le^^lW^the-'lamp^than thelKimfi^^cg of Silent she passed fhrough the hall, and entered tlie'3oofr e'pilla^ chamber. Simple that chamber waSjxwitlkit's curtains of white, and lt$ clbthes-press rirefully", folded"" , Ample and high, on whose spacious slieh cs Liriei^ dnd wfoiollen stuffs^Tjy tlie handLoiJE TTliis ^as I'tW j)recifes,'^(Jwea<>he would lir B^ttei- fthjanlffooit^ arid herds,/beihg proof r^ /Sooni ^ei extinguished her lump, for the mc gtreame^ thrp^gb'the windows, and light *llcd and obeyed its l^Nalced ^ow^^wfiiTOT Waited her lover and v ihe orchard, c of her lairi^ and her .Shadow. •===^¥^ ^:>i:-< EVANGELINE .-~.CP^ £^ Yet Wfeir^'el: thoughts of hMr, and at'^trtnes. a f eelirig of ;Sadnes? ^ \ Passed o'efr' Her sdidr* as the saHine; shade of clouds iti the inoonlight *^iPKtted4c^oss~t|ife^'fl6ol- and d"ark«iiied"th'e room for a mojueht; And, as she ga|!ed-|rbm1;he windo^ she sa^sefettelyithe moon pass Forth from the foltfrof, atTclodd, and one st&r'^foniJw her foot-steoi,/ As out of Abraham's tenfe;^'ung Ishmael Wandered with Hagar^"^^ ' 7) ad lSa£.bfefen(v'a33>J;ii'| in the villfl^ejjani^VcJai \. jvnocked \\'dthuts]hun4re(J liaiid^j^^ho gpMen gaiesj Now from the country arjgilnd, from the farms e jli thelr^ holidfevy^^esse^tlie ilv1l%^i^6od-[tio .^^^l^ht umerous -^-^EVANGELINE^^ ^^ u. TMJ^ u WliWe/'^^^li =could be seea but the^ack of wheels in-^KS^grgensw'a^ji, 'M\ Grbtip 8Ji> ^ '■■. '- ;rtm.g a^pearefl, and joined; or i;- jiassed anxtljfe^luglway./ Long ere noon, iii the village . all. sounds of laboi* ■\5'|re sil^fi^d,^ , - - ,i Thronged^F^re^ thfi street^ with ^ople<^ aBd/Hoi^y-^ppup^^ the houge-dpors Sat in thfrcheerfuL/feun, and'rejpicecT «lid gossipgd togemer. Every~-]y6ii^.^as air in; iir ilcoimed arid feet^^d; For with" thig:5iinple peopII?wh§iive|f;^keJbrothersf ttigether, All things )ye/e^heMoJh"»Wni»bnJ kndj/ wlj^'emB'Sad W^s ^other's. Yet under Beri^dict*g'%^3o£4"?®PittJK^ : For EvangeJine stodd= among the suegtQfJbfit father Bright "Wki Fell from h\ nfler flie open Stripit:©! it^oldj There in the shai si«06g,Vaii4 w brdsTpf welcome and gladjiess ef IMichael the'iiddlei Shad6f^an(th^t Wdi Hair, as^it^waved in Glow]^^ )l^ed, ^^Stihuihe «gft/est of hetfWs and of;? waistcoats. alkiedcOn Kk^ snow-white face of th^ fiddler coalVwhcn ihe ashos are blo^^^from thetsmbers. o the vibrant .sound of his liadle, Dunherque, c,<% EVANGELINE- ^ \iVi*d)an^^^H'^}is wooden;^hocs beat time to the n^jj^^^v^^ (^ 'f( , Mpyrily, merrily whirlod the wheels of the dizzying dunces UnaeiHsJe orchard-trees and down the patli to the meado^^y / _ folk and 3'oung together, and children mingled among them. ■Fairest of all the maids was Evangeline, Benedict's daughter Noblest^ allele ypuths vf^ Gabriel^ son of.^he b^l^imtlij ; So 'passed the morning away, I -A^d Iq ! with a sunnnons sonorous sounded the bell fronj its tower, ataaa^sr thejmeadqws a drum beat. r I 1 thronged ere lona/ was fvas the church with rhen. iWitiibntl M the churchyards? graves, and''nqng on t Th^y stood by the |iun^leay«p^ajnd evergreens fresh from /the J^Ptel r from the ships, and marching proudly airicfng ttieiW Entered the sacred portal. With loud and -dissonant clangor ^ehocd the sound ofHheir brazen diiuns from ceiling and casemKlTJ, — ^ Cchocd a moment dn^,\and slowly the ponderous poftafO^ Closed, and iii-^lene^ the crowd awaited the will of the sa^fers. "^^ — l^^^yhen uprose their conunander, and spake from the steps of the altar, Holding aldft in his Ilsiind^i wi'blit^fgijfi^l.s, the royal d&mmrssioiK "Yoif^'e convened this day," he said, "liy his ]\Iajesty'^!^rders. ^ Ciement*^i¥d kind has he been: Ijut how you have answered his kindness Let your own hearts leply l-i-iXpMSyv^atural mak-e-f^d mytbemper Painful the-xaspj)s-5^3o7\wiiich to you I know must fee grievous. EVANGELINE^a bow and obey, and delivei^^e will of onr mbnan ly, tliat all voiir lands, and dwellings, and cattle of all ki\;(ds ited/be t»-the ej*own ; and tliat you yourselves ^froui this\>p \ - — -1 ' -■ t> ^~^j transported to other lands. G(^ grant 'yOB^Bay^welLthe famiful subgeQt^.a Ihappyoancf'pe^cgaby^ people declare is serene in the sultry solstice of summe % a storm, and the deadly sling of the liailstoile arnier's corn in the field, and sliatters liis windc^wsj' ,,,, fL siliHllana^rewiny tlie ground with thatch from the h^i ent the^ touHer alnd^eyer loll? ^iAnd, by one impulse mby( Vain was the hope of es<^.pe; aiM ctles arid flepceTpipre-Cfltjcms^^^^^^c^ :|broughddie lioiise of pi'aye|'^'ajja(nigh o^jg&tlre^TOad^s M-4hg,iakb^«~^ lose, wi^ his arms uplifteld, tlxe figv ptomiy sea, a spar is tossedjby^'^h!&\bi|lc|\Mr3^ lacksjjiith, o \ Flushed wjs liis face and distoi-tediiwItR^eission ; and wildly lie shouted, — Ber ha,^I5Yom them allegiance ! o "Down with thejtyr; o '~:::aiijU'.(lUi-ui:i L. -u-^t VANGELINE ekWito these foreign soklicrs, wlio seize on our homes ore 'He fain would have sfiiil, hut the merciless hand o --fXi Smote him upon the moutn, a&d dragged him doAvn to NKiv|he midst of the- strife and tumult of angry contention A thfi'ti^^^^^Te chincel^penedT^iid Father Felicia' ilei^ed,' ^tli serioUS~inien, ai^aicended the steps of the altar, lising his reverend hand, with a gesture he awed into silence 1 that clamorous throng ; and thus he spake to nis people ; 'eep were, liis toijies aQ.d^sQlemn ; in accents measured and mournful Spake he/ as') at^M: tl^^tocsin's alarum, distinctly tJie clock ^trikes. "^'What is ithis that jre do, V children ? what^jnaiSties^nas seizealybw aisl of 1 my life.have IJabored Among you, and taught you, word' alone, but in deed, to^ love ong^another! I j ^1 "^ Is this the fruit of myJ;oils, ofmy xigils'aild prayeics-and privatioris? Have you so soon forgoftejl all l(^ss6n)9 oiF loye>and forgiveness •''-r^gs\ ^^^^ This is the house of the Prince^c^f Meadej^^^fd wom^^you profan^t rimtfel*? upon you 1th violent deeds and hearts Lol^lJiere the crucified Christ from See! in tnbse sorrowful eyes what mci Harki how those lips still repeat the Let us repeat tliat j^ravcr in the hour Let us repeat i .oly comnasSbn! 11 Father, forgive them !' wickfed-iUsail us, eythem!'" O -VANG ELI NE \rew,were Kis words of rebuM; but deep in tlie heart Sank'the^, a'iid sobs of contrition succeeded th ^hjj^ Kie^ r,epeated^is.praya(-5 and saitl, "O J'at^^e^, 11 c&e tlie^^ning service. Tfig^tapers gleamed w»S the,.®j^^rffi&^]^§t, kad tte 9nej^,^jliplieir beai*ts ; and the ^jtt^ knees,' andtheitst&I^j^^t' 'frnwhile triad ^pread^n the village the tidinl f'4.^ Wandqr,edj Trailing, f#x)m Jjouse to house the worn -" I/onff atiner iathfir?is door Evangeline stood, witjb ^■^ / ' . ' I I ^.^. ^ phiellding her eyes from tjie level raA's of the siin, that, i:>. [d|gbted .the-.yillage street withl m^steruj^ splendor, X^ Peasant's cottage ■witli-~g6^deg, tir^teii, agd g:^!K«f6ne^3S^windows. Long 3f»ifi*itiTTEtd4)eenNspread theWi^j^^hite'clpt^^^^B^ -^.33}ere stood thejwlreJit;en idaf , aad(t)je Ijoijiey/figt^ra; ^ Tli^ere stood tlie tanJcardNof i^e, arrcTjtbe djieeSe ifresh bfSught frc™ the dairy ; And at/fhe head-%f the boaJdTth^^Siai-^aiTOjSclMHr or tfefe faWier. Thus did "Evangeline wak, a±v jke^lfail^^s^^ltjt^r, as the su'liset Threw the longi.dlA^wws optrecs o'er'^lm Tmaoad a Ah! on her spirit within a' deeper shadow had fallen And from theijelds of her soul a fragrance celestial ascended. ^ '^XJ Gl- ial me&dows. o EVAN GE LIN X feKamv/i meekness, love, and hope, anC^forgivencss, ami patience !•/• \ Thra, alliforgetful of self, she wandered into the village, VL Vl Yt ^.,CheeriB§^ith. looK^^and" words the mournful hearts of-th^vwbii ccning fields with .lingering: steps they departed, hausehold ca$fes, gn^ tM w^];y rest of tlMr, eatr red^:^^aiid in gol ^mmel f Tn's face, lite the Pi-ophet dcsc'cndlnjg^lroli yillage the hell of tlie Angelas sound Meanwliile, amio the gloom, by the churcli EyaiiffieMe' lingered^, j All, was, silenti ■within; and in vain at tlie door a L^l, unt aloud witli tremulous voice ;/l)iit/nQ| ait! ali4 ^listened and looked, i^n,til, vOver dcihei tne graves ol^^ie deadpnor the , ^ at length she r^unjajl ';g^ 'Smouldered the^iri E(6mier grsl^ df tW living ;ij«3jtles^ house oi her father.' sirggerjmta^ C\v' v..-y\ /'^" ^^ ' '""'^ Empt}' and dreai; wa; Sadlv echoed her step - ; r--^. -' ^ In the dc4d o6 the liian- LouQ o^^he ^tfie^eaJfeayj^s^-Sf tiEoT c9 Keei^ly th^nightning :^slied ; and tlie VOK Told hgr that <|ofl w Then she reniemhir^dr^e t;dc shu had ln.nd of ^e justice of heaven; Soothed was 1W -ill Sweet was the moist still air with the ddbr^ milk from their udders i "-'^ii^x ;-,:f:''-S^-^, ' ;'■';';' j y^:''J i \j ^f Lowing they vaited, and long, /at^iilii§~\\<^ll-kribwn hefirs 6^'tihe larmV/yaro^ '"£';'■--.- ;. , '', '' ' '■ '• '■ '\'.. .. ' /\ \\ ^^\ /'•'' /'//''' / 1 /* ''"' ^ihr^ Waited jinld tooked in Vaiii for'thd ^oifcte arii"Hie h^nd of -tW : ,fY;!i '' Sileiice ir^ign^d in th^^reets ; ftom:^e-^liur(ii^'no Angilus soukded,! Rose no ^moke^roin thfi roorsf /and~gl€aified n» lignts^JyQm th But on the'^hores~lneaiIjwWle\tJie;)eveifingHnP€BJ^ ^"^^ Built af>liie\d?if%ti ort/th^ s^n^s'frotC^r6i^fiS^^8iStempest. ^(aiJ31^them^apes,sl glbom £uid ic^o^mhi^d^-w£X!&-§d^eTe'd^:^^T' Voice,s of won%n were peard^nd^Qj--Hi«ij>A^ iha crying of chiMnen. OnwaraiSfrom'^r'e^;o fife, ,as^?Qro4}eaJl^^b Ji^^ m h^s^a^h, q. r .cS Wabdered tne faithfuj priest, consolTng_Mra, .Tilessingand cheering, Like ulito shipWeck?(| Paiij on~ M^'ta'l^^fe^plate sViE^ore. Thus he approai;Wd1^I^e-^lace jreJiel^^^vkngeMejsat with her father, And in the flickiS^g^ght behelflK1i6~TOce^|,JJie(_^d man. ''iiiilBt t'ldu VANG ELI NE^, Hcaggard aiul liollow ami wan, and witnout citlier tliouglit or e: kE'en as tlio face of a clock from which the hanTOv like ^texjuiverin^ hands of a Broader and eVer GleameoiSn thte s^ Thrust Cthrougl o martyr. Then as the w gjhatch, and, uplifting. EVANGELIN ^CTfPatoft through the air, at-tonce fronaO the sliueted smoke vith flkshcs of name interuiin iadretnayc^e crov less m first jtey stoodj^'^hgti ^neS aloud Wiheir We,s"h?^l;Ijeh'(5M no4(ior^^^^bmes ibiid,-/oni a sudden the cocks l>c inking tlio day he lad dawned : UK I .iiion Ifege & ic fai 4 qH the eveming breeze, by the barking ol 'dogs leii ToaeV sound Difodnsadlrsuch as startles tiife. sleeisiiiff lencaitnpment^ lite I'wesMbi pirairies or forests that skijt^the Kebi id\^OTses affrighted sweep liy witk'Th^j'fi^^ea of the wnirl' e nvar ihe/lpvili bpllowing herds of liuffalocs rush tj S^pfl ■v^aslthe'souBd that arose on the night, as th^-he^^^ncft tl^ej heroes roke through their-ipl theniead^ IMotsbnless lay his for Slowly the priei o Knelt at her f; Overwhclnie3~-^ith~~~the j^a^edSori the scene of And.;as they tiamed at c. s «: Lo ! f roni his ^featTie nadJalletv^^ic' EVANGELIN v^ s ^Wi TH ,-A (0U£ I.S, 7P" c,c.; m in a swoon she sank,^flj^d lay wrth her head gh the lonji; night she lay in deej), obhvious ;hc^-oke from the trance, she behel^'^a ^ces o^frie^d^^^Mdj^hatgrere %! witti tearfilFejes^ ana Iqpks ol^sa^dgstSebmpas Stali^i^hJ^z^f tfie ]^^^^°village^^^ne9 Reddenedptfie^^gi-overhea d, '; 1 1 1 d Sleai^^ion tlic' Wid li%/th|^ da(xfoi^^obmAt seerhfed/to hesf'^'WiJ^'er -heita^ farjaihaf vcM&^c licard, as it said to tl \"J^t\af bjirV ||im|tepe=by tlie sea. WheiiSri Bring^ us agfiin tdlO^f^dmcs from tKfe^l ta/shatll his Wcred*" k«Grect<>, 5uth/Wrle the worcls^^f the priest. And there i^hi [llavibglthi^ glare 1)lthe%a^oin^^vl|Wg;|€r f.iin>$al51ieii'0n thejalRng tide,, tJie fi-eighted yessel^ej ./lixilei^irttiiQi^^n-jen^j and witlioip *gj eiiani^lp ,*& " \ Fa*| 4^Wli^eK5 o\i sep^^rato coastsjltEe_^,i»di^jislU: Scattered Avere ihei^ |like\flakcs of snow, Vw:feh the/ Sti'ikes aslant tlu-oii^lrthfi,,fogs. tha|,,ilarit€ii(,tl>e ui Friendless, homeless, hope4e§s, mey^ rtran^ereovfrori city to citv, j| ^Tom the cold lakp; EVANGELINE f'Bleak shores of the sea to the lands where ihsj^^^^^i JiVa.teTs he liills in his hands, and ara^~tliem down to nie" ieepTn their^ands to^^ftysthescatS^^^gegj^^fe inapimoth FrieiKls the}' souglit ^.nd hon^^^tnminsfiyi despairing, heart-tjrokenp '^, Asked of the earth but a grave, andkV longer a friend nor u[j WtVff rtt-^'t^ theipJiistory stands on tablets of stone in -tne~cburcKyard^ '^Xong among thernwSsieen ajp^iden who ^jgited and wandered, IjO« ly and meek in spirit, aiid patiently suffering all unngs. fsshe pjid young ; but, alas ! before her erfeejidedj^ :^ and vast ai^4-|ilsiit, tlie desert of life, with its\^lhway I Marked by tie g^/aves of those /wl^o Ijad' sotroVed and su^ffe^eidv before ^^^ Ml: "?.,./. Passions 16ng^ extinguished, and hopes As th(i emigrant's way o'er t,he, Western' disert is marked -Bf^ .\- ' ler. hres long consumed, "^d bones that bleach in the sunshine.,, ing there was in her life Incwiiplete, iniperfect, unfinisha a\morniiig jat June,-wfftv^jtil fms^^%rii;g liesr^' its banferT^hrtJu-glf'sylvarfxgl^pmg^^t concgal it, Thouffhne behold it oot^he can hear its continuo^^gnarrrrar ; ^ Happy, at length. If he find the spot where it reaOTies-^B-outlet. l\r was the montli of ^lay. Far down the Beautiful River, Past the Ohio sh(^reeiij>d pas VtEe/raoutli; ofs^^ Into the goldeii'-sireEttti of the broad and s^rftl^mississippi, ; Floated a cunah^oiis Jtioat, that was rowed %iAcadiaiib6atmep ; t^e#liT)w: ew-acred:' farmer "^f EVANGELINE i^n^coast, and the prairies of fair Opelousas. /"^s^^H^festlKm/fe^atig^line weiSrifiaTiSF^gmdSf^^Father Feliciajp. Oiiwatd,^er ^pLnken'^aa8si;^Jljr65g&=aFwiMOTfiesS;5^ with fore^s, Day aftegion wJiere reigiis /jierpetual' sumn)e;^ Cottonj^tr^es nodded their shadowy crests,ithey swept with the current, U/^ T^iBji temerged into broad lagoons, Nvhei-e ^iHe^y sand-barr ) Layjin^e str^^fif and alon^ the wimplirig jwla^es of their margin, Shining with snow-wtiite plumes, large flocEs of pelicans waded. Level the laiidgca^e grewy ahd ialdngl the shores pi the Hver, Shaded by china-trees, >h^^Ae^nnijisI~oif,1iiSuriant gardens. Stood ----- • -^-^ ■ V?^(^t^hrough tlie Golden Coast,v and^roves of orange and citron,'^ SW€ep&xwith tna.iegtie^-curvetheZS^SJSijtt^ the-eastwajrd. dr^terjn^^he 3sfyd|u\o£ Plgql^emitfl ijYiiin. ui »ttiit5_iijti;eii(iHiCfc±fi=every uirs^CiiHn. ~-f tl ^ Met in a dusky arch, and tiSh;ni)sig mo^es ffi^Miid-air \v'\ '''' Waved like banners that handW the wall^" of ancient cathedrals. DeatWike the silence seemed^ and t^nb(rbken>Liave by the herons Home to their roosts in the cedar-trms returning at sunset, 88 y € EVANGELINE ly the owl, as he greeted the moon with demoniac L ihe iiTOOiihglitwas^TTff^finiccd^aifd gleamed^ '^^ •'on the cmSi^Tteiof^^^^fiss^anS^^^^r^aastajnlh^ arc Down thr<>iigK^hose brokeif^SJte^fc^eff^Ss'thr^g^ cMnKa iri^^ Drcamlik^ and ipdistinctj and str And o'er theiF-s^wiJs thei'e camef a,^ K were all thirigs^aroiindjflienjii, »lttlg of wondel- and-sadnesS)< jSti'^nge forebodin^'or~ill, unseen and that cannot be compassed e t}i%i of th?^^^iries, ASjlat the tramp of a horse^ hop! Iw^AiHTadv^npe^ar^ clpsed ineJggS So,'^t the hoof-bea^of ^Fe, ^^it' ;Shmiks andlfteloses the heart, ere thi isut^vangchne s heart/^§_^__^ _^ Floated before her eyes, land beckoned hei- cinltbfough the meonligM. 1| fopbpd^ngs of^^^rfil, " ^ 'I sti-okb of dtoom has attained it |a5jej(tB^Oi3ia^^Jliat faintly as>^ii6[t|[i^^to of hotbrain that assumed il4e shape of a -phantoni. i:oiigh those shadowy [aisles hadJ^abwir^Mered bcfoK. her, /V^n ev^ery stroke gwhe-o*u' now brouglit him n€a*€i?-a«d nearer. vthe ' on his bugliE Q /Then in his^^ac|5_aiJ^fc^?OTf'"orj:he-boat^^«se_pne 6 d, as ,1 >ignal sound, i f^tl legs Jik^^fTOenLjicradventur $4-iled on thoslj5eioomv^''^a mi(jBi«H^sfreams, Id through the dark colc^iutSdes and coi^d^^s leafy the blast rang, \j Breaking the seal of silence aaidvgiving to;5ieues to the forest Soundless above them the haters ^rri^ jii^ stirred to the music. Multitudinous echoes awoke and die(^"^n the distance, 89 Soon by the mirest ^Under the boughs of Wai Safely their boat was moor Tired with their midnigh oars wfe susper rew by the margin, about on the greensward, ravellers slumbered. Over them vast and high extendcdi^he cope of a cedar. 90 >h<4!fsi. L'IijiiiIIb)' (.liris H i <]\ij^ ^^ EVANGELINE winging from its^great amis, the trumpet-flower and the g 'la(I3er of Jacob, ' Were the swift haBoriinff-bifdsTlfebt [pending. rom^lo^spsEisfeO,- jblo^sprru::- / Such was the vision v&KangeHne sa^ias she slumbered t>eTreatklRx\/ w]^\ iFiIled'Vas h©P=4icart with love, and^Jie dawn of an opening heaV^V .Liglited, her soulnT sleep witl]|_:^ifi{^le^^if regions celestial. Wit T&5R|I^5*^^site banEp £ o that they ^w not "tha boat, ■whj^jtjay concep pAll undisturbed by the da^ of thett^^rsj/^n^ unseen, were the sleepersjl Angel of God was there none-io awaken rae slumbering maiden. Swiftly they glided away, Ipjie ^S sha^ offija cloud on the prairie. After the sound of their oars on thfeC tholes had died in the distance, Witli these words of ch Softly the evening came. X'f^e continued their journey, western horizon Saw the column of smoke tha' Sounds of a horn thej heard > / Mi- » ilD^ '^ SS?"---- III ^ ^ Jj^AR to thfe/bank of the river, o'ersliatlowod by oaks from whose branches s^qH^P Jthe Druids letdown with golden hatchefe-^l^ 1S%% 'Stood, secluded and still, the house of the herdsman. A garden Jirded it iViurid about with a belt of luxuriant bIosSh'e r^kr,pl=^e hpi irough the to who;^ se£^^ of flowei*i ill i: ^ ^ngiiig loose from\t^^ir/ spars in a m(^ti(l>n^es^ calm in the tropl Stood a cluster of treesL^iFrSi tangled cordage of grape^i Just M'hcre the woodlandsstefe sur^' of Jtiicj^fairie/' "^^aounted^'HPij^^his^horsej with^ S^aDislLsadjdle^nd^'^^q' Sat a herdsm^, affaye^^jTIg^iters^and doublet of 'dsaersK^ / Broad and brown waiTheife^^hat fi'om under the Spanish sombreny Gazed on tljfe peaceful scene, withjhejordly look of its master. ,_, Round about him were liurat^erle^^rd^pf'Ji'kine that were grazing Quietly in the meadows, aA3 breathing the vajiory freshness That uprose from the ri^jra, ami spimd ^elf over the landscape. EVANGELINE lifting tlie liorn tliat hung at his side, and ex broad, deeg/SiStT^R^^BJevPST^itf'lHat rest^^ d ^eet aw??ai:i^^^tigfe#Ee=sCaF^an-ip air of the eve Buddenlj^"%Htjof^^tlie;-ffrass tEs^i^EPilteliifeFfiorns d^ t ose hkc flakes o ■/ monjfi on the advj gazed, the currents of ing rush le/whole mass'^reSame a,_9loyil, ^„,slia,de as the herdsnian ttarnleg tp ffi Saw Jie the foja**^ the priest and t !^/ lik^se, througlrthe~gate of the gardel ie niaiileu advancing to meet Suddenly down fronf his horse he sprang in amazement, ^_iLong under Basil's roof i^cWie if^df li Having no other care thar Far renowned was he for od on Olympus, ic to mortals, his fiddle. ;S»*^ % ife^*l EVANGELINE I' Michael," they cried, "our brave Acadia: ily bore him aloii in triumphal procession ; and stfalgbtw "-•.: Father Felieian advjmced witJvS^n^I^ Klndlv and oft,-ai5j}recalling-tEe"pHSt7"w1ule Ba^l; /^,|I^ail^4'j(v'ith hilarious-j«y- his old ^ojih^anions an Laughing lend' and long, and eiiibracing mothers and ^iaugbtersf Much they marvelled' tVseethk^f^lthoi^iieci-devant blacksmith, iiP lli)is It}omains and his heiids, f ij^ felg pfitriatchal deiin?anor; ]\t^ii,-?Wfth; a few blows of the axe are hewn and framed into houses. Aft^r^your houses are built, and your fields-am^ellow wit^ harvests, , No King George of England shall drive you away froni yOarihom^steads, Burning your dwellings and bams, and stealing your farms and jbur cattle. Speaking these words, he blew a wrathful cloud from his nostrils, While his huge, brown hand came thundering down on the table, -X^oTijbat the guests, all started; and Father FeliciaHi^steunded, K Bdddenly paused, withta^inch orTsriuif halES^^jo his ii^strils lit thS^Kt*^ Ba,sil resumedrggd^Itis w gjg^ gere milder^d J 'Only bewareSB^'the idSSM-, my c|ri6Hd|F%eware o|^e fe¥fep! ^r it is not like that of oa,r .©old^Acadiarf^cljinate, Cured by wearing a spider hung round one's neck in a nutshell !" Then there were voices hear^i^at tlite doOT, aj^ footsteps approaching wniekiiif^Cliii-.i^i EVANGELINE % tie stairs and the floor of the brcczj- veranda, the neighboring CfecBes~sS^^^iniaH''iCadian planters, Who had been,suniiiino}i:^3i23^o^j5^i^^^itnise]o|l5ssi^^ Merry the meeting was of ancient co^^rades and n^ighba yriend c|asped f riena\,in his arms; and they who before ^\ere [feetin^ in e^cile^ljeeame straightway as friends ttfeach 01 X&yfhihj the gentle^bond of a conmion cou^ry together. But III t}ie neighboring hall'a strain' pf fliusjcj proceeding From the accordSSt string^ pfJkXichs^ersjmelodioiis fiddle, Broke up all furthep^peeoh. A^way, llil^e children delighted, All tilings forgotten beside, they gave themselxtes to 1^ Whirl of the dizzy dance. - a3-J tS^^^l-aai)n tl^e^^^^of maI^J^laia^;€^ase440^Q^5fe^^ and \^S Save Mienia blazing comet/\t'as~seen^OTinfti|e"^*^ana ^ t« had appeared}^^ written upon th^,( "Uphat^iij/ A; V smjl of the maiden, between the stars and the fire-flies, , ,, fti4f*ed alone, afld sl^g criedj;J^^Qalj)i'Mf^g&gj|y beltiwec blhoL bes-jc^rea^ Eo^the prairie^ how often tfiBHfe eye^^liflye loo ^ed ^^^bfae- woodla^jas aroimry me ! A^} how often beneath this owi^^retSimtng ^^^^g^labor, Thou hast lain down to rest, aii^o dream oj^i'ie in thy slumbers ! When shall these eyes behold, ffiese^rms/^ f ajSed about thee ?" Loud and sudden and near the note ofe whippoorwill sounded 108 y ^ . -- fi- And, from~4be_ EVANGELINE a flute in the woods ; and anon, through the neighboring thicl^s7 nd farther awayiT floated and dropped intor§it0ice.>\ " ^v'hispered the oaks frotfiTJrara^:rGaverns of darkness; lit meadow! morrpw^ i" =:s?«;/: :ii next day ; flnlil all, the flowersi^of the^garden lis shining-fegt^n-ith the^ teairsi^^nd an dinted his tresses ^ta th^ideEcious balm that, thetTSoireiifiltheiiil vases tjf crystal. I'll ilu .._. _.'Jl//iiii IH. j^etff ^ saieyhf'^igst, k^ he ^too'd' at' the shadpwy thrpshold ; \ \^ g us th^PTodigal Son from his f as^ing^and f amine,^*\ sh Virgin/ w|ia pie jt when' the\bri3egr«om/|(Fas conaingj^' red the maiaen, -arid^ smiliag, w^th Basil 'dfesi^nd^i And, too, theiFooLii "Farewell !r~&S\Vered _^_ . . ^. Down to jKhfi^river's brikkj ,wliere^he boatitien already were ; waiting; , : TMs beginning their joiirijiey' with morning, and sunshine, and gladness^ I Sjwiitly they followed the| flight of him who was speeding before thei^ 'BloWn-^by^heiblaiS'l'ofxfateiike-ai^ad leaf over the desert. o%i'iihat"\d^p^ nic^TheTiext,| nor yet the: day ^\I'ouiul they trac^^f Kis~coQrseJj»^4aice,ji?ifc^^£or'rivei^ >ror, after many days, ha3T6^^ui^d^^i--buE'vague ai^i vimors alone wgi'e tnente>guides thrg^fesa wild 1, at the little inn of theNSpanisS^o^n Qt,.aiflayes, Weary and worn, they alighte^4'''^v^\ }*rgm Ivander the s^cat^ei-ed tribes of Ishmael's children, f 1 ^ - ---""" '^ K^^. Staining the desert with blood ; and above their terribk-war-trails K ^ , Cii-cl^s and ;s^ils aloft, on pinibris',i^j?stic, the, vulture, ^ Likfethe j^j^^able so^l^^^§/^€fei§|4i^^ in bdt' By ]Mrisil9M|=stairs asceMji](g/an3~scaling''tlie heavens. l^ere a^^"*^^ TJ^P smokes rfofti ,-xiei-e afl<^=__^^ thq canjBs of jtji)ese savage maraiwJers; Here and there' rise groves.\f rop the tmr^ns of swift-runninffl=Ti3i'e: tyv Atj^.t^e grim, tac^iturji_beat, the=afiq^ vaox^\^i^^d^^^^,^ yy *^limbs aWwl^'their da^javineslftdjg for roots by the brook-side, I \ -p-W o'^ci' fill i^ the j^,_ij'e:^eaa-'?jid„cpystalllni.' lieaven^ iii:e Wi^^^potcctinj;- hand^f-^Mjn^^E^d'aSDve them. i\ Into this wonderful land, Jit tbS^se of tMe Ozark Mountains, J J Gabriel far had entered, witlvoMunters ancBJtrappers behind him. 12 EVANGELINE ^y^-with their Indian guides, the maiden and Bas: ^d(ihis^'lljing steps, and thouglit each day to; o'ertake h Sometimes Jkhey saw, or thouglit They sa^?j-Jlie^%^^ o^Jiis camp-fire t^^^ Rise in l^lfe.-ggGfning air fronLt^i^starif'plain; tjii^^itFS%htfall, When TOey had rea^ched the placei jtftey found oixl*f, embers and ashes And^i^^houg-h^reir hearts were sad at times and their bodies were wea: ppp still guided thein on^j^as the magLcljata Morgana e^^them her lakes'of light; tn^t rjetrWlted ancT vanished before themif Once, as they sat by their evening fire, tlfere silently entered the little camp an Indian woman, whose We^ures traces of sorraKy-and|^p^tiene€-a&,^eat as Jjer sorrow, kwnee woijtiSi?>^liBrmijg~ii^^ to Her people, •founds of the~>ruel Cama! 4 the far-off hunting-grounds of the~>ruel'Camanches, re her Canadian husband, a coiireur-des-bois, had been murdered jEhcd were their hearts at her story,YaBjdiwaripest an^ friendliest welcome tKey,^ witk^^j^ojrde of eheer^ and she §at and feasTed^itifihg thend tW jSpfalorftiea±,.aidifee=venis6n,,«epKe35^ erribers Miivmeal was^_^^fei3Jid'(^^^^Hd all his companions Worn with tte^ong; ofe^t's maiyb_aE^^:fee chase of the deef and the b' ^tretched themselves on tKfe ®roiind, and/SJept where the quivering fire-light Flashed on their swarthy chcfsfe, and their forms wrapped up in their blankets, EVANGELINE f Evangeline's tent she sat and repeateil'^ h &^ ihsr>«nd reverses. ^^^st-Much Evanstline wept at the iMplcss lieart like her own had Moved to the dej^ths of lier soul by pity and woii jYct in lier sorrow pl^se^ that one wlio had suffered was Mltturn related her love and all its disasters. te witlvwonaerythe Shawnee sat, an If a ii^ll was muteyfetjt at length, as ssed tnlough her braiiii ^e Sp Mowis, the bridegroom of snow^ ut, when the morning came, arose an 'ading and melting away and dissolv x^h^ beheld him no more, though si n3k those sweet, lo' he tai thc=pttres~o^er her fatheV'i j|venhig=^rnld, alid-^wht Till she followed ins gReen ainJHwttvmg And never more returneoVvTOpr W!fB=>seer Silent with wonder and ^a^ge surprise, Evangeline listened :-imifi Lb»Jl^> C^nsfir. {'^y. EVANGELINE e soft flow of her magical words, till the region around her e enchanted oround, and her swarthy "- '" h'Miver- the tops ^ the^ Qpirk Mouutajus the niooij rose Lishtirie'^Hifistiltlf 'tjent, ancL^^^^^i^ysterious spli Touching the soiubW-leaves, and yemo^acing and^ ■^^Tth Si delicioTis~sound the brook riiShcd by, and the~i)raTiches Swayed and sighed o\;6rhead(riii'Searcely audible whispers. Kll|ed with the thoughts of-lo-^e /jlv| ilEman^^i^i^'s heart, but a secret, Subtile sense crept in, of pain and indefinite terrM Jts the cold, poisoTfious snftke creeps into the n^t of tjjgg'swallow jas no earthly fear. A breath fi]om, thfe region of spirits Se^j4ed tb^cistfin the^ -^ jiind she felt for a flijolilietS Th^% lifee the Indian maid, she, too, was pursuing a phantor lAitd with this thought she slept, and the fear and the phantom had vaijisheic if^&M /^^»yCV ^jEftrl^ upon the ia orr^ the march was resumed, and the Shav a^^^^ j6wn^€4 ^oagssS^P^#?^s5'k.t^»^ii^ of tlit^^^e mountams Wells in his little village the Blacli Robe chief of the ucir^J,the peo]ilc, and tells them of Mary aii^Jes^ oud laugh theii- hearts with joy, and weep wi^rpain, a9H;hey hear hir.' hen, with a sudden and secret emotion, i;vaii<;eline answered, \j "Let us go to the Mission, for there goodcjtidings await us!" EVANGELINE ither tBey turned their steeds; and behind a spur of the -rfiounFains, is tlio sun went down, thoy TieafHamurmiuej^^pSOicei m a,jHeadow^^^fea:;anj3j]^^^^^^Sedfeani?iD^ atjdver, ^he Chrim^^"f0re^^ents of ^that stopd'ui the midst; ^be chief wjth';'l^ cjiildren. A~crucifix-iast ^tthg High on the doHed with its agomzei "iswas th^lfrur^ its aerial ro^ nguns!,)(J;s notes wit lent, ' witn+aeads Xeltipn tho s^varde f the j tree, -and overshadowed by erapeVvines, |ini^|itude kneehng benejat^ Ih the intjiekte:^ tbV ?Olt ,9US ^espers %n(X sighs V brand Barer ehini / joinecl in tne /ieveni; wRcn the sci-A'ice Ay«s done, and tl ;tli from the hands of the ]), like seed from the hands, of the sowei'^ ly tlic r^|reaJJrJ3fta^^^^^^a^^^g^KaBgei-s, and bade them ;lccJipei^^iiQ5s^]^^hey replied, he smiled with benif^nant expression, "^^ Hearing- the/3K)indikera^Bds''oFjM<;^t(thei'-tonguc in the forest, AiicTi^^tn w^ds of kindae8s;^^e«ai^ed==them into bMwif^feiir' \ There upoiriiiats an^^ins tiiejf^p^d, and(^ cakes^f the maize-e i \7 Feasted, and slaked theii' ;ffiirst ^rpm t^/Water-gourd of the teachel w VVfJ Soon was their story told if^ the pr^^lii'with solemnity answered : — - EVANGELINE 'Not six suns liave risen and set since Gabriel, Jn twis mat by my sjde, where now the maiden, ''me -this same"^"^$^felei-then ar(ise:::»nd^$i^&ued~his jab Soft wastlie voice of tbe-^priiifrSndTie spakeNfpfflE^c^aseciit of kindness ;i) \^n Ejang^&]ine's=%eart fell^'hl^Xwords as ijo^wSnteFThe snow-flakes inte^onie lone nest from which the birds havexleparted. f^Jv. 'asMto the north he has,,^ehe{" continued tlie priest ; "but i^i ^utvi hari^the chase is done^' yill r,cturii agaii|to the Mission." len Eva*l^Iine smd, a ad-4i^iiFg^ig e- was nieek\nd sylaiiis^ let me remairnwith thet I it /wise and W see iountiTTg'iiis ^Mexican nieward Basil return ?w]y, slowly, lides and^comp Evaiigcliiie stayed at the Miss :d each (Smfer, — aize that were^'springirii er sherigamei; now waving about her, cs interlacing, and forming ;f ^ ies pillaged by squirrels\ > / 1 Then in tfe golderr^atheErt^^Sfee was hfisked, awi the maidens | hSi^etokened a lover, t4 \m^ it a thief in the corn-field. Cloisters foiVvmendicaBLcre^s- Blushed at each blood-! But at the crooked lau EVANGELINE Erin the T>lood-red ear to Evangeline brought not hg atience!" the^^pjiest would say ;""haVe faith, an^ihy pray ered ! k^- Look at this vigorous plant tliat lifts its head ir^r Setondetf Is^tetvUponTwold and in wood, }-et Galjriet^jcai^' l\ Wai. oiT^fh^/breal^ of th¥'sununer win^is a rumoFWas ^a^tei I S^eMeg^m^lOTig of bird,-erjue pF;j^or]^f blossom. 'ar to the ndrtn aim^^^feast, it saidjjacihe Michigari for^fifi, V EVANGELINE had Ills lodge by the banks of tlie Saginaw River. , \vithA'eturnintf^Tritfesc=fehat souelit the^lates of Sl^ Lawi^eiiee.- Sayiitg a sad farew^elJ,|^^EvaiiggkQeiw«iit-frD^tfe0^1ission. When over weary^^ways, ^f ^loag^aBi^perffmis marcljes, She had attained \at leS^tli the depths of the ^Mjchigaft^rests, -Found she the lumter's lodge deserted and fallen to ruin! Thus did the longvsai erSiii<,nd dist; ow in the tents ow in tlte noisy cam /f\, r iw in5=49rji%4ed ham/et: Like a phantoijn sh' iiJiiCand in seaaons and places leen the wandering maiden ; - he meek Moravian Missions, \ and j)oj)ulous citiefe;|^jr^~] k?-i ba^fefields of theVarmv. D ,a§sed away iimiininibercd. 'ai^\^s shi' and youii^, »Jiien in hope;-J^egaiji Mie loii^ journey ; ed\W"as she and old, when in disa})pointment it ended. Sa^ihNsycceeding j'ear stole something away from her beauty, Leaving behind it, broadlr^andrdeeper, thej gloqin-arnfet^ig^^a'do Thcn*^ere appeared ^Mcjj^gread faint streaks oF gray o'er her forehead, Daw'u^ofaaiBtttier lifepthatrbr5ke o'er Jier-^arthily horizen, As in the e^^'m sky the first faint streaks of^ the mornijig. 4^1 & ■p^ j..,..>i1'J: 1-.' Ik that deliglitful land wluch^is^wjashcgLbyi uarding in bvlvau sliadcs tlie name of ,ds (yi\ tlie„bank5 of its beauliful stream EVANGELINE Saw at his side only ono of all liis hundred descendants. In Something at least there was in the friendly streets ,pf the citv,;^ .Something that spake to her heart, and-mS3e.4*r no longer a s'trangcr; And her ear was pleased with fhel'Elifie^Srfd ^hou of the Quakers, "jo" _^ _ \ ^or it recalled tlie past, the old Acadian country, ^JWhere all no^n -were equal, and all were brotherslafm sisters. $^,'/when the fra^tle^ search, the disappointed endeavor, \ ^^ Ended, to recommeiu^e no more upon earth, uncomplaining, . j ^vhither, as leaves to the light, wore turned her thoughts and Mr 'loQtsteps.\ from a mountain's ■^top^herainy mists of the morning / Roll awayf, and afar -v^e behold the landscape below us, A Sun-illumined, with shining jjiers'^^nd cities and hamletsj^ k| ^^ So fell the mists from lier mind, and she saw the world fafceelo^'kner, airk no longer, but all illumined with love; and the pathway! // hich she had climbed so far, lying smooth and fair in the distarici, -Gabriel was not forgotten. Within her heart was his image, Clothed in the beauty of ilove and youth, as last she beheld him, Only more bcautifulTTiad_el-by his deathlike silence and absence. j> iircCujter^oughts ofTTmrtilne entered-notT^or it was not. , / Over him year's had^tio power; he was not changed, but transfigured; ' He hfid become to her heftrj^as one who is dead, and not absent: 124 ^ v> EVANGELINE •Patience and abnegation of self, and devotion to others. was the lesson a life of trial and sorrow had taught fier. So was her love diffused, but, like to some odorous spices, Suffered no waste nor loss, though filling the air with aroma Other hope had she none, nor wish in life, but to follow, , JXIfeekly witli reverent steps, the sacred feet of her Saviour. ~ s many years she lived as a Sister of Mercy; frequenting onely and wretched roofs in the crowded lanes of the city, Wliere distress and want concealed themselves from the sunlight! Where disease and sorrow in garrets languished neglected. Night aftjcr night when the world was asleep, as the watchman repeated Loud, through the gusty streets, that all was well in thcTCSty, High at sonic lonely window he saw the light of her taper/\\ ay after day, in the gray of the dawn, as slow through the suburbs 'lodded tlie German farmer, with flowers and fruits for the marke|, et he that meek, pale face, returning home from its watchings. Then it carrtfe*^to pass that a pestilence fell on the city^/ / /Presaged by wondrous signs, and mostly by flocks of wild pigeons. Darkening the sun in their fUght/wrfn naught in their craws but an acorn. i) EVANGELINE dhe tides of the sea arise in the month of September/^j^t noddin3r^Mesnvggate«am j_till it s-^r^p ji^^Lff-firaiTirp inL^t ^ea^w, floo^^^^^^iaeljB;Qlgrflowing_ to a brackisj I £a. Blit(^11 perisfe^L^kKke beneath t] ^ aji5^ ! the ^jiQg^^ho h^ n^ e^tJSiray to die in^ihe n^sthe suburi^s~it the city sun'ound er -^:^-bribe, n(M||beatity to ch^Yffrrme rge of his jaki^if; — end^bjiQr attendant f the homeless. Meok, in the midst of splffndpr,rH;s hwnjbl^ W^ls^/seSii to T^e pooB y\ always Softly the words of H/ef-itirji: Thitlier, hj' night a' -< \i i^-^ooki(l up into Ikt f^e^ ajid thouglit, indoid, to beliala/'tl^erffl ^fHtams of celestial liylit encirclu lior foreJK'.'ul with splendor, ;/ ,ch Hs the artist paints o'er tlie brows of saints and apostles \ ... - ^--- ' sueli as hangs by niglit o'er a city seen at a dist eye5.:5t'se^ed the lamps of the cit\ idesti ntQ^whosfi^ slypi Thus, on a SabbatKvimom r^ EVANGELINE > ' ' ' ' ■ '" - a lamp is blown out by a gust of wind nt a casement. — o^ — -^^E l^^inu'TTTi^ed,('^^ther, I thank thee !" Still stands the forest primeval ; but far away from IM-^dow, jtyjsMiiH their nameless graves, the lovei-s are^Jecpiji"- Oil ' - , • • ----- - ^ ■ \ nS^r the humble.jvallfe'i^f ;3t]bi3fflfe^g^^^^ Daily the tiairef ]if4igo C^jyiiiH «Wd j"l_ Rem ; housands of throbbing hearts,--R4rere' t tneirsXhave iii(ii> .-riiitiiii. 7 / i % mi[^ *er. from m )rs. r Ncpjafpleted their jourrie^' Vt ^ EVANGELINE y still stands- the forest primeval; but under the shade of; its branches Dw-ells another race,, with other customs and language. Only along the shore of the mournful and misty Atlantic Linger, a-f^gw^Acadian peasants, whose fathers from exile Wandered back to their native land to die in its bosom. In the fisherman's cot the wheel and the loom are still busy,^ ^ .Maidens still wear their Nptmaiicaps-^nd. their kirtlcs of hoir^espun. And by the evening fire repeat Evangeline's story, While fromi^^ocky caX^rns the deep-voiced, ncighboring^>(^eait|'§ Speaks, and in accents disconsolate answers the wail-iSfthe forest.! VV3^ ^V \v^UW