PS 3353 .W85 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DDDDE^D3Dt,4 lij". • 1 1 l^ y- ,^'\ N O ^ "^ /.C^^^'^^o .^^•^* • .*^^*. • T H E IMSlii SBSi A YISIOH, In ftotlbt 58 o Its. B-Y Or.A.3VCES ^W'OOIDI^.A.nsrSEE. Like the baseless fabric of a Vision. — The cloud-capp'd Towers, the gorgeous Palaces, The solemn Temples, the great Globe itself, Yea, all which it inherit shall dissolve. And like this insubstantial pageant faded — Leave not a rack behind I — SHAKSPEAith:. Ciiinnnati: PRINTED AT THE METHODIST BOOK CONCERN, FOR THE AUTHOR. ^ R, P. THOMPSON, PRINTKI 18 5 7. T^ 33^3 Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the j-ear 185G, BY JAMES WOODMANSEE, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court for the Southern Dis- trict of Ohio. TO liA-OHEXj ^W'OOIDnSdl.A.JNrSEE, WHO HATH JIADE ME ALL I AM, IS DEDICATED BY THK AUTHOR, I^et me alone 1 go To a lauLcl of darkness, as Darkness itself, To tlie Sliado^v of Deatli witliout. order, Where lilglit, is as — Darkness ! JOB. BOOK I. Clje Closing Bctwt BOOK I. First Cause of every cause — Almighty Cause I Forever present, always Ancient One, — The life of all, great Being's dawn and end — All-making Lord — the All in All and Sire, From everlasting to e'erlasting — God! Incomprehensible and infinite — The fullness of Immensity for aye I To whom, the Heaven of Heavens is but a scat, A footstool Earth, and Hell — a spark of fire ! Of Thee, bereft, how dumb is every joy I All life how dead, and worlds unnumber'd — nought ! 8 THE CLOSING SCENE. Or speck of dust 'mid Chaos' deep profound, A mote on bosom of Nonentity — Too small a fiber for the scales of Nought! And Man — (immortal image of his Sire,) A grain of sand on vast Atlantic-wave! Life-bubble toss'd by Being's rapid tide To wreck on ocean of Calamity! Atom in chamber of Infinity! A fleeting shade on shoreless deep of Space! A shadow-spectre in the night of Time, — Eternal Torment's never-dying worm On sulphurous surge in tempest-tossing Hell! Thro' Love-divine and boundless Mercy, what? A saint, an angel, seraph and a god Eternal as— Thyself! When Man rebell'd, Had sinn'd and stray'd with A'^ice to wretchedness As far as Hell, — at war with God and fast To Satan wed, — ruined, lost, and almost damn'd — Incapable to purchase with his all Redemption, — wishing not to be redeemed ! Wondrous in mercy. Thou in mercy gave Tliy Son— our ADVOCATE— EMMANUEL ! THE CLOSING SCENE. \f And — infinite of love ! Man, with Thyself, And Earth with Heaven redeemed in their despite ! From mites of wrath, exalted men to gods ! For endless death, us life eternal gave ! For flames of Hell — home blissful in the Heav- ens! Number'd with saints instead of demons damn'd. And Mercy smiled to smile forever-more ! O ! how shall Man love, venerate, adore Thee as he ought Almighty? How for Thy Love infinite? amazing mercy how? For full atonement made — accession free Thro' suff"ering Savior's blood on Calvary shed Poor Fallen Nature's fell death- wound to heal? Restoring Earth so near to God and Heaven That rapture-breathing Prayer, spirit-soaring flies To audience-chamber of Emmanuel, And mingling with day-glories 'round the throne Celestial blessings feast Contrition's heart Melting at presence near of Deity! And — Faith! with Heaven-besieging eye full-fix' d, Sun-bri{]rht beholds the great Eternal there — 10 THE CLOSING SCENE. Full-noon of glory burning infinite — Light, life and heaven of all the Heaven of Heavens ! O, rise my soul ! with holy Rapture rise To adoration mute, astonishment; With sacred awe and spirit-trembling breathe Thy thoughts too hallow'd all for utterance, In deep, dead-silence dumb with reverence His name eternal musing — lost in Him! This world from thine immortal pinions shake, Shake imperfection — mix with Purities Whose every thought 's a prayer and breath a psalm, And God their all in all eternally. ! lean my weakness on Omnipotence, My ignorance on Wisdom perfect lean And imperfections all on spotless Purity; — ! wake Thou good desires, unhallow'd chase, And sanctify this luke-warm heart — Almighty! Thy will to do with humbleness and love, — O, guide an atom 'mid Creation's dust! THE CLOSINU SCENE. 11 My being be an end, my all in all — Supporter, father, friend, — deliverer In danger, guide to every duty, shield From troubles all, — my rock, defence and tow'r Of strength thro' life, thro' death — eternity Of endless blessedness in loving Heaven. Spirit of Grod ! thou — Light Ineffable ! Brood o'er the dark of my chaotic mind As ^^o'er the water's face'' when Nature's self Confusion lay the bosom of Old Night: — With Glory's flame and Thy divinity Illume me as Thou did'st Creation then That rose complete to magnify Thy pow'r — Stupendous wonder grand to Angel-eye, To mortal sight another Deity! And me inspire the hallow'd mount sublime Of Holy Song to soar, and tread at will Her loftiest heights, familiar and at home. Me, judgment give and wide expanse of thought. Give wisdom, spirit — flaming Harp of fire Strung with immortal rays of light divine. Oblivion to illume brisjht as this world 12 THE CLOSING SCENE. By glory-gleaming lamp of day lit up, Whiles vast of endless gloom night-hidden yet From mortal sight, I rove by Vision led; That dread unknown of wonder to unveil, And mysteries beyond the deep grave's brink By sacred Song divinely to reveal — Sinijers to wake from the dark-death of Sin (To which compar'd all darkness else is light) To Virtue's heavenly day, that they may live To Wisdom, — hand in hand with Duty walk Religion's paths of piety and peace To endless life-of-bliss with God in Heaven. The Closing Scene, in wondrous Visions wild Give me to sing assisted by Thy power T' sonorous note of tempest-melody, Or deep-ton' d organ of Eternity That smites the listless ear of hideous Ghosts In Den of Night, and stuns the Wo-gnaw'd soul Of Melancholy, wreck'd, in chamber damn'd. Full on my downy couch at eventide I lay me wearisome. Night's dull-ey'd god THE CLOSING SCENE. 13 In balmy arms embrac'd a hemisphere. To death-like stillness hush'd the busy hum Of men. The Miser, talking o'er gold bags Till soul's delight to painful labor turn'd, Clos'd weary- watching eye and prostrate lay On yellow-hoards, and dream' d that Mammon was The universe. Dread Midnight came — all gloom! Look'd o'er his staff with frown Cimmerian; Grim Darkness felt, down-pouring from his face Night's noon — allusive of Eternity! His iron tongue told twelve. Great Nature closed Her eye, — in arms of dreamless Stillness sank With noiseless finger press' d to breathless lip Of Quietness. But still I slumber'd not — Sleep ivas denied me! Untold burdens crush'd My spirit-tower, and hurl'd from bosom's god Heaven-breathing Peace, and gave my heart to wo. Rolling and toss'd by Restlessness I lay Impatient quite for death-desir'd and sweet Oblivion, from tortur'd Thoughtfulness All earthly ills to chase, and plunge to deep Forgetfulness life-woes — sin-wounds of soul ! Care-breeding Time had given; when orient 14 THE CLOSING SCENE. To spirit-sight — all-seeing Vision came! Her wing celestial plum'd, and to me gave The Valley of the Shade of Death! Roll'd up The curtain dark of Doom. Mind's startl'd eye Affrighted sore, drank in — Eternal Scenes ! Half way from Earth — that busy stage of Man ! From Heaven, too, and fiend-howling Hell half way, Pois'd 'like by all and equally remote — A World of Wbnde?' leaped hefore ray sight ! Where Night Eternal plumes her dragon-wing O'er Horror's wastes and Melancholy's seas, That fill'd all space 'twixt Chaos increate And Being's bounds: it was — Oblivion's Vale. One rageless terror all alive with deaths! Where silver moon, nor planet's ray, nor morn Nor day, with Heaven's life-giving smile may come The brow of black Despair with light to crown And unto Desolation desolate New being give whiles endless ages roll. Blackness of Darkness mighty on her wings T H E L O S I N G S E N E . l5 Broods on eternal and eternal frowns Gloom frightfulj killing Mist and deadly Shade O'er regions dark and Shadow foul of Death Where Ruin wide with Midnight Darkness stalks Thro' Silence' halls and fell Destruction's home. No life is here! No happiness, no joy; No love-enamor'd youth and sweet-lip'd maid That live and feast upon the nectar-kiss Stray thro' the mournful desolation vast: — Love's eye hath lost its fire, his cheek its smile, And song of Mirth is hush'd by mourning Wo, The nimble-footed Dance by trembling Age — A stranger Sport, and Pleasure never known I Nor voice hath Joy, nor smile Festivity, Sunshine of Affluence cloud-obscurity — E'en Hope lies bleeding vanquished by Despair! Here Slumber sleeps with dreamless Quietude, While Spirit wings its sentence to receive — • To bask in glory or to rave in fire. No giant Forests robed in living green, Like mighty armies stand majestic here 16 THE C L O H 1 N G SCENE. The Storm-clouds battling for a century. No Muse-inspired Wood, to wake the Breeze To all the melting melody of Song, And woo the Dew-drop from her heaven-high home And wed her to his flowery breast till morn. Nor towering Oak, with cloud-uplifting head To bid defiance to the raging Storm, — To cradle fiery Lightning in his arms, And hush to (piet, bellowing Thunder's roar. Whiles giant bosom lulls to sleep profound! Or Mountain Fir! to wave sublime her arms Of fadeless green and head immortal, high 'Mid Ether's home ! and play at will and mock The wasteful Whirlwind in his battle-car Sweeping in might and thundering in his ire, And lash the scolding fury into calm. Nor whispering Grove, nor love-inviting Dale, Or Mead where Violets sip fresh tears of Dawn And sunbeams lend their beauty to the rose, Wake Zephyr's lute to melodies of Heaven. Or Grot, or Glen where Love breathes wedlock- vows THE L <) S T N (i S C E N K . 17 While bright-eyed Eve high sits her star-gem'd throne And feeds the thirsty Flowers with balmy dew 'Hind curtains fair of oriental Day. No crystal Brook — no heaven-reflecting Pool Where fishes show their silvery sides in sport,— Nor Nightshade, nor the baneful Hemlock grows, But unto mountain-flights — towers Dust instead That Death's right arm of strength had robb'd of life And hurl'd from Earth six thousand years ago. No Spring to wake her little infants up I No Summer paints her blushings on the pink And rose's cheek, or heavens the violet's lip; Nor yellow Autumn breathes to ripe her fruit, Or view her leafy-honors fly the breeze. But Winter reigns sole monarch of the year. No crowing cock tells day's awakening hour; No feather'd songster hymns of rapture sings, — Not e'en the sombre raven croaks his song, Or hoarsely hoots the ominous bird of night, 9 18 THE CLOSING SCENE. But all is silence felt — Oblivion ! Where Stillness stands with finger to his lip A-hush; aghast — voiceless, nor dares to breathe While brooding Melancholy ever reigns Quiet as death and solemn as the grave. No cities vast to boast of massive gates To many walls of hundred steeples high; Nor man, nor beast, nor any thing that lives Or moves upon the flowery Earth that eye Hath ever seen, or ear heard is here; 'Tis wonder all and mystery yet unveiFd To spirit-sight — Eternity alone I Ne'er see can Life, man living never know : — What living ye know not, dying shall know, Nor then, but this : What is — E-t-e-r-n-i-t-y I E-ter-ni-tyl Enough for Saints to know — Eternity can know Eternity. How awful, silent, vast, is this dread world ! Above, below, around — leaping all bounds "lis one vast wild of solitude and night, Immensitv of loneliness and death THE CLOSING SCENE. 19 Bordering the horrors of Inferual-world I One dismal void of Emptiness and Nought — Amaze and lifeless-night — Oblivion ! O, Universe of Wonder and Dismay ! Region of Shadow and of doleful Shade ! Gloom-wilderness and cave forlorn of death 1 Sin-frown and Devastation's reign supreme! Chaos-confusion — end of ruin void — The home of nothing, yet — the home of all I The shuddering blank of Grim Forgetfulness Where thought is lost as wand'ring Chaos-wilds, And dismal Night and endless Quiet lower Dense-darkness Day-god's fires could ne'er illume I Where Wind lives not, nor Storm is known to breathe ; Where Whirlwind sleeps and Tempest is not found — E'en the light-coated, silent-tripping Breeze And Zephyrus stand dumb as Silence' self And — eating their own breath! All is — Death's hour ! Forever-more is frightful Vacuum, 20 THE CLOSING SCENE. Eternal Stillness and the deadly Damps — Fell Desolation and Nonentity! This is Eternity's lorn home of gloom, Dread home, and by him call'd — ' Oblivions Vale.' Mausoleum of Nature's every dust, Where all Earth's ashes sleep — a harmless pile, — Together mingle friendly and beloved With Peace and Quietude till Judgment-dawn To life and immortality shall wake. EtermtT/'s long, long-lone bed of sleep! Where all mankind (Sleep's own true votaries) Eternity shall find filling desire. That bed, already made, calls loud for Man, And Death awaits to lull him to repose Till Gabriel's trump with jarring sound shall rend Creation huge, and all her massive Worlds .From their deep-rooted spheres shall fall head- long ! 0, drowsy mortals — wake I to duty rise While yet arise, while yet awake ye may. And tremble at the voice that calls ye hence, — Ye wicked — tremble ! all ye righteous — smile I THE CLOSING SCENE. 21 Now, all Oblivion roU'd before my sight, And Night-frowns dismal and Death-vallies look'd, All stirless, breathless, soulless solitude — Ohlivion! it lay huge — lengthened out! Eye-straining heights down to sight-loosing depths — Infinity's flight-boundless, countless width ! As wild and lone — sear too and terrible As great Sahara is whiles Simoon rolls His hell-car on to gorge whole caravans Of Arabs at a meal I Around I gazed But nothing saw save Death's down-crumbling heaps Mould'ring in ruin. Cell to cell and cave To cavern gaping deep profounds. Dungeons And labyrinths of wo — mad'ning to thought I Many a ruinous, many a craggy maze Of dismal Ruin frowning peril 'round ! Bays lash'd to waves and inward-groaning lakes. G-host-dreariness. Fell Horror's hideousness. Hell-shade. Pale Fear look'd terror thro' the gloom ! I saw a Sea! Fierce-raging sea and deep, 22 THE CLOSING SCENE. And wide as deep, and dreadful too as wide ! Oblivion's Vale its fearful billows dash'd — Dividing vast Eternity from Time, And Life from Death, tlie soul from Spirit-land; Mortality from Immortality — From Substance, Shadow all, and nam'd — Death's Brink ! Where waves distracted with distracted waves Wage war eternal with uproar of Hell, Whiles Alpine-mountains rise the dwellers dark Of Limbo-skies ! The foamy Brink to depth Boils like Atlantic's mad, shipwrecking waves Cloud-pil'd by Storm, and wild Confusion reigns. In wrestlings hot of rage the gale-born surge White-leaps, and bounding from loud-roaring rocks Afar bursts thund'ring and dissolves to foam. Grim Death, each billow rides exalted high, And with a life-annihilating look On like wide waste of Desolation rolls With Devastation in his grin! While huge With horrors, wide beneath opes realms of Wo Mad'ning to thought of less than Angel-mind! T H E C L O S I N a S C E N E . 23 Appalling seems its swell, and Man affrights ! Deep dread to all that live upon the Earth. But sure, to fallen man it should be sweet This Brink to cross in bless' d Religion's bark With all its silken sails for Glory spread I Tremendous, tho' it even seems to rage And fur'ous beat and lash and rend the shore Of Time with jarring sound of horror dread And wo — it only seems: its stunning voice Of melancholy, as an empty sound The much-mistaken ear of man alarms — Like Spirits sent with warnings for our good. Life's dream is tempest all where death finds calm ; Man thinks it bitter till he tastes it sweet — Sees Horror only till he's hail'd by Peace! The good have nought to fear, their loss is gain- Eternal gain! 0, journey most beloved! The passage pleasure and reward immense. Wide is the Brink — too wide to see beyond ! Upon its bosom's fiercely heaving swell I saw a broad-wing'd Vessel sweetly glide 24 THE CLOSING SCENE. By waves iiiitoiich'd, uiiliarm'd. Storm held his breath At her approach, the mighty billows slept As she drew near, and mirror'd water's face Smil'd gentle Calm, love-greeting her in peace. A gallant Vessel tall, strong, mighty she : Her timbers, cedars vast from sunny shore That knoweth no decay, fram'd, finish' d are With such celestial order all complete That Beauty spake to Harmony — ' Divine,^ Her yards the virgin-gold ; her air-wed sails Are as space-losing wings of Spirits bless'd Bath'd in Redeeming Love and glowing out And sparkling with the smile of God ! E'er fann'd By spicy gales of Grace they swell full, round As moon — nor wind, nor wave adverse, oppose. Prow adamant, by a celestial hand Divinely form'd! where pictur'd Loveliness In beauty pure appears as orient As Morning's light; and bright Seraphic bands Grace-form'd, love-cheek' d, blaze thick as stars of night — THE CLOSING SCENE. Z£i Sunny with halo-floods divine, that days With Immortality the Heaven of Heavens I They seem alive — inspired with action, sense And speech just less than gods, and far above All grasp of mortal mind. They, glory smile, And with immortal palms — 'Kind icelcomes' Vf awe To white-rob' d Purities when forth they leap From prison-dens of frail Mortality. Perfection, from her masthead loud proclaims: ^Ship Zion, built by heavenly Architect.' For Light-house bound and haven of Repose ! Fleet sailor for Eternal Glory's port — Sure sailor for bright Eden of our God! Upon her deck and in her cabin large Whose floors were gold with diamonds thickly set, I saw a heavenly band all rob'd in white Bright as a sun, yet mild as moon full-orb' d With Heaven's divinity of loveliness. Each face, with fires celestial lit and love Eternal, blossom'd out a Paradise That Eden-bow' rs and Youth Immortal look'd Majestic, soft, seraphic and God-crown' d ! 26 T H E C L U « I N (I S C E N E . With soul-rejoicing sound they shouted loud, Till hymn-re-echoing halls of Old Ship Zion too Found spirit-voice harmonious as they, And vocal-joy with speaking-shouts replied; While Angel-songs and notes of bright Redeem'd, Roll'd praise melod'ous thro' the Heaven of Heavens T' Eternal Spirit and the Lamb; amen. The iciched, were not there I They, from the shore Of Time, Death plung'd headlong in his own Brink— His boisterous Brink and stormy Sea of Wo For fiery home in tempest-world of Wrath Where Hell-of-sulphur rolls without a shore — Distraction-lash' d and howling hideously! Where Dying-death lives reigning a proud seat. And Torment fierce and Vengeance never sleep While Woe's enormous howl counts years with Hell: Where mountain-waves as thousand oceans huge War waves as fell, and hot in fury pour Perdition manifold — vindictive fire. THE CLOSING SCENE. Zt AVan Spirit-troops by Wrath Divine pursued, The wavy Brink hot-speeding o'er, I saw. In all the sad varieties of wo — Anguish unutterable deep pondering on And bitterness of Hell. Beginning now The harvest dire to reap sins manifold Have sown: first Hell-smite from Despair's fell frown ! First taste from the gall-brimming cup of Wo ! First death-pang from Undying Worm's dread tooth Soul-rending sore to endless evermore ! Eternal Wrath's first arrow — drinking spirit ! Destruction's dawn whose woes are Legion all — All blasting, w^ithering, wasting, countless deaths. Groanings commenc'd to groan to groan for aye. Their voice of wail, their bowlings of despair. Infernal growls, annihilating shrieks One bedlam-roaring wild, horrific made Storm-loud, and fell as thunder — crushingly I Whiles their damn'd looks of everlasting grief Spake spirit-death and soul asunder riv'n By fell Damnation's fire-claw ruinous 28 THE CLOSING SCENE. And lightning- wrath of dread Omnipotence. High o'er the mountain-rolling waves they leap'd Dash'd, mourn'd and wept and gnash'd their teeth In misery consummate and ruin damn'd ! Some, plung'd headlong beneath the angry surge Struggling with death-of-fire flame-gnawing sore As Death-worm's sting tremendous, convuls'd. But vain each effort — all their labor vain, As soon might wash all Ethiopia white As one lost soul from deep corruption's stain. And some, lone-wander'd 'mong loud-roaring waves In deepest gloom — to dumb despair sunk mute And look'd enormous wo whiles toiling hard And long and vain to estimate the vast Immensity of trouble, pain, despair And agony that in one moment liv'd. 'Twas nonsense all and most absurd and vain ; No tongue can tell, no language can express, No spirit-mind conceive and no harp sing, — Imagination's canvass picture forth. Or Fancy's flight e'er bound the boundless void, Nor star-computing Wisdom e'er sum up THE CLOSING SCENE. 29 The vast, the deep afflictions of an hour. Soul-wreck' d, on boily-billows, darkling burn'd As sparks in sulphur den of Erebus, And shrieking out to each their deep, dire tales Of wretchedness, whiles sin-uproarous Brink With demon-rush and voice infernal, gave No heed, but belch'd new torments on its damn'd — Forlorn in grief and dismal in despair. Between Death's boist'rous Brink and Shore of Time Wide lay — The Valley of the Shade of Death. Death's shade-land bord'ring the Eternal-world I Gloom-veil and shroud of Sin that darkling clouds The coast of Time, and hides from eye of Life The AVonder-myst'ries of Eternity! Mad Horror's fen and gulf of Night, where troops Of Ghosts aghast, pale, gaping flit fire-eyed, And shrieking vanish in a groan so dire That caverns of Eternal Night resound ! The shadow of Eternal Night's dread wing Whose sable rustle is Creation's sigh And Nature's piteous moan thro' all her works! 30 THE CLOSING SCENE. Sin-ruin void, Crime-oped at fall of man — By Disobedience delv'd and Satan's power. Outcast of Being waste and bare and lone As skeleton of Beatb! Desolation's Sad seat all desolate, where the grim King Of Terrors like a tempest sits his throne Of skulls, wide looking desolation round With Devastation's power — frowning for aye Annihilation to the heart of Life! Vale of Affright and Dread— black Shade of Ghosts ! Where Darkness ever plumes her dragon wings And Horror's shriek gives terror to Despair. Two Roads I saw. At Gate of Death that wild Of wo began — 'Destruction's Broad Boad' call'd— Death, Hell uniting! Satan's own dismiss'd From their Sin-vault speed howling. Death Gate opes. This Broad Bead's hideousness full on their sight Falls stunningly. Fear-smote roar out the damn'd. Confusion is and wild uproar — clamor ! THE C L O S I N <1 SCENE. 31 Tliey fly — they fall o'erwhelm'd and down plunge lost In deadly fangs and jaws of Agony. They ^scape — they shriek, they howl! and on speed, leap O'er fen, or crag, o'er bog — Chaotic-wilds ! Thro' Demon-haunted ravines curs' d from Eld And 'live with Wretchedness, Wo, Death they rush Where Dragons roar and Devils sweep as storm ; While howly Fiends fire-eyed upon them leap With tempest in their look and wo — mad'ning! They speed along — confounded speed sin-scourg'd, While black, grim Night eternal frowns full-faced With Impy-spectres dangling on each hair! And Thunder dread from sulphur den beneath Wakes roar of vengeance and eternal Curse: — They quake — affrighted fly — shrunk to a groan ! From Death Vale's horrors rise all thunder- scathed, Climb rocks — huge as a world! Fell rocks that shake As things infirm, and tumble to and fro — 32 THE CLOSING SCENE. Bend, bow, toss, reel as forests lasli'd by storm, And heart-convuls'd as burning mountains are When Fire-fiend rends their vitals like a Hell, Or the Atlantic-isles in Earthquake's grasp. From peak to peak, from cliff to cliff they leap Still tow'ring — toiling on and upward still Unto crag-clad, cave-yawning Mount of Mist Whose arrow-like flight height-loosing point waves The canopy of Night rending! Here stand Wail-voic'd, fell, ravy, fierce — battling Despair Till flames volcanic meet them and ingulf. And with Niagara-voice and Malstrom-roar To Depth's profound hurl spirit-crushingly, Where fell Damnation waits the soul's death- plunge To Wrath Infernal — glaring out Hell-fire ! Here, Shadows fierce of grim Departed Joys Meet every view with loosing gape and grin Of devils damn'd, while huge in every groan And mad'ning lives and raves Eternal Death. Kage-lash'd and horror-struck, look — death of wo! Thro' Den of Spectres rush — thro' Gloom of Doubt— THE CLOSING SCENE. 33 Pass Terror's Wilds and Fear's and pale Affright's And Desperation's Cave ope to devour. Then Shade of Dread and the Undying Worm; Life's Wreck where green Remorse sits stupefied, And Horror's Fen reflecting Hell, where fierce Screams palsy-smitten Shadow of Despair. Cloud-rangling, here, arise to Chaos Mist — Death Cliffs ! high o'er Destruction's Cavern- home And Devastation's morbid Den lowering, Where fell Despair awaits Sin's woful plunge. Then, lastly, thee — Lake of Eternal Fire. The EigJiteous, are not so. Their grave of peace By Spirits watch'd and hovering Virtues all Attended, is the love that marries Earth To Heaven, and saves the Sin-curs'd world from Death Eternal, in dark Den of Wo. All round The Christian's Angel-guarded tomb, wide opes — The Narrow Path to Life ! where Virtue's smile Halos Death Shades with light of Deity, 3 34 THE CLOSING SCENE. As rosy dawn with twiliglit blending soft Or moon in dim eclipse. Life's Narrow Path — Wide as the world ! where cliff with cliff and crag With crag join like entangling clouds, till mix'd They roll united all. Great mystery Of rock — vast myriads yet one I Heavenly And all of adamant, where ever dwells Elysium, with song of the Redeem' d, — Fresh-falling manna from the Tree of Life, And Life Eternal ripening into bloom. The Grod-like Christians blest as men can be Have little else to do than shouting go From New-birth on to endless evermore; Grim Death but opes his iron gate to wake Them into life of Heaven, and give their cheek The Eden-rose of Immortality. I saw a Cave — forlorn of wretchedness ! Death Shades have not another like to it. So gloomy, dark, foul, dreary, desolate — So huge and wild — Death Valley's horror, groan ! Pil'd mountain-high with dust of Aneient-yoars — THE CLOSING SCENE. 35 Kuin's flight and Devastation's reign supreme! Girt all sides round by wall tremendous, vast Of human bones — of princes and of kings I Dried and cemented by the breath of Age — The mighty labor of six thousand years ! And this is Death's — Death^s oicn all direful Home, Where fell Disease hath birth, and hell-tooth' d Pain Affliction woke, and tempest-footed Plague War, Pestilence and Famine learn to live. Hard by Death's Home is smooth and silvery Lake, Asleep from fall of man till present time Without a mote or wrinkle on its face. Unknown to wing of storm, or wind's rough breath, And looks the surface of a waveless sea: — Death's Mirror true, that shows his hollow eye Eternal Scenes : — Bell's mighty agony Without an end ; her deep distress — her vast Of troubles deep, affliction sore and fell; 86 THE CLOSING SCENE. Soul-gnawing jaws of fire! lier utter wratli Interminable and deep'ning evermore — Despair despairing — Darkness dark'ning still! Her groans, her tears that burn as living fire And fill with drops of gall sad Sorrow's cup; Her writhings of Eemorse, dire shrieks of Fiends; Her Demons damn'd and hot Infernals fierce; Her raging billows and her sulphur flame; Her desperate grief and everlasting death — Eternal wo and infinite despair! It shows him Heaven — with all her blessedness! Where Love and Mercy bask in fount of Life And sing and shout with full of joy aloud Eternal praise to God e'er sweet and new In floods of glory 'round tV eternal throne. Where Seraph-choirs with Angel-bands converse, While bright Redeemed in snowy vesture clad And diamond-crown' d wave palms of victory, And grasp their deep-toned lyres with love-smiles strung From bless'd Kedeemer's lip, and on o'er streets Pearl-gem' d of Zion fair — hymning the Lamb THE CLOSING SCENE. 37 In all the melting melodies of Heaven. Shows all the blessedness of that bless'd world I Her whispering brooks and mildly talking streams; Her limpid pools and silver-bosom' d lakes; Her rosy seats of love and bowers of bliss ; Her grassy meads and violet-smiling lawns; Her downy plains and lotos-laughing vales; Her sweetly singing groves and landscapes fair; Her Zephyr-breathing grots, peace-lisping dales And silk-leaved glens and lily-gardens pure, With flowery walks by Angel-foot perfum'd, Where bright, celestial hosts do oft retire And reap a harvest rich of perfect joy. It shows him Earth! her empires and her kings; Her government and laws; her changes all — Vicissitudes ; her life and death, glory Decay and happiness and misery. Death's telescope revealing Mystery ! His eye of augury and of knowledge deep That makes him true philosopher indeed — Historian and prophet, magi, sage ! His Shadow-glass reflecting every chance 38 THE CLOSING SCENE. From Nature's birth e'en on until the now — With mysteries else that sleep in embryo. And here, that fleeting shade of substance, Earth, Sheds Fashion's garb and tinsel-mask of base Deceit, and palsy-struck, with Vanity And Vice on totters — Fool'ry, Frailty Outshaming all vile rags of Wretchedness, — Haunted by Winding-sheets and famin'd Graves Wide ope around and gaping hideously, While fierce Disease with death-bells all a-ring Howl at her heels loud groaning to devour. This world, the shadow of a shadow seems — Illusion of false dream, alluring to Elude the grasp of Life forever-more; Yet Folly-chas'd from thoughtless Infancy To dotard Age ! if Chance the phantom stays She 's Hell's enchanting Mammon sent to damn The soul and body both eternally. Earth 's like an egg-shell, seeming to be bulk While all is empty, hollowness within — Air-bubble full of utter emptiness ! An Ignis-fatuus show of nothingness ! Limbo of phantom-fleeting vacuum ! THE CLOSING SCENE. 39 Gewgaw complete of perfect vanity Where nought is certain but uncertainty! A fairy-tale of base absurdities, Or romance huge, with contradictions full I A dark enigma never understood I A worm-wood bower where honey-dews invite — The honey-cup of Sin with death in it ! The putrid ulcer of Corruption deep Where Mankind feast themselves to feed grave- worms, And on Life's fickle hour air-castles build Whiles they dream it away to wake in death ! A dunce-block vile where all play fool in turn ! Hot-bed that ripes for endless life or death I Affliction's depth of beggary and want, — Her gold, by Miser's careful hand pil'd high Seems fell Corruption's deadly sting, and each Adorer stings — killing eternally I Her titles, crowns, appear of nothing worth — All tatter'd rags on back of Poverty! Her highest honors splendid vanities, Or golden fetters fastening on the soul. Bed of Affliction and the tent of Death 40 THE CLOSING SCENE. Where friends meet seldom — ever to part soon! Where Torment fierce torments with Agony, While slender-arm' d and ghost-gaunt Frailty High o'er the world her wide dominion spreads Showing Earth's treasures false as Love's ro- mance ! The brightest hours oft weaving deadliest snares ! Hope, yielding thorns and blighting all her flow- ers ! Shows Bliss, not found in all the Vale of Tears — Ocean of bubbles and a world of wo ! I look'd again. Earth was an ocean vast Of wretchedness. Wo-lash'd roll'd high her waves, And deaths were in each billow's heave ! Direful The swell, the roar, the rage, the foam; then — burst ! And rose, swell' d, groan' d and rav'd and roar'd and burst Again — Tornado-lash' d perpetually ! I heard it call'd — ^ Lifers Stormy Sea of Grief. ^ Tempestuous scene of sighs and groans and tears ! THE CLOSING SCENE. 41 Death's Storm Gulf ever widening with all wo! Time's Flood on dashing to Eternity! Where all Mankind embark' d are dashing on To Spirit-land. Some, ride in ships secure Well built and mann'd, regarding not the storm — Guiding each sail and laboring manfully. But most are reckless, indigent — slothful ! And these, have a sin-canker of the soul Benumbing all ennobling qualities Of mind, and chasing Heaven and God from thought — Lulling to sleep all that is life on earth, Till Death awakes them with — deep-death of fire. These, lost on skiffs, canoes, frail barks and crafts Float ever down life's Stormy Sea of Grief Without a Pilot — compass to direct. Barometer to tell the storm, or north's Fix'd star to guide aright, nor danger see Tho' in its midst and ready to engulf! At mercy of a raging Sea all merciless ! At random drifting to a world unknown — No port design' d, or light-house for a guide ! A frightful Archipelago it seem'd, 42 THE CLOSING SCENE- All interspers'd with rocks and islands thick As hundred eyes on Argus' fabled head; Malstroms are there and fierce-engulfing waves ! But Sin's blind fleets dash on with idiot -grin Blaspheming in their pride ! or else a-play With swarms of gnats that hum around the prow, Till whirlpool in its wrath meets and devours With groan of Death and howl of fell Despair, While they teeth-gnashing plunge to Endless Night With dismal roar of everlasting wo. Again I look'd. Earth's wide spread bosom was — One direful Grave! whose jaws abysmal oped To gorge Mortality, — yea all that live, The he and she and it of the vast world, — One hill of death and one wide sepulchre ! Death, busy was, nor weary ever grew. No labor, or fatigue could stay his hand. Or seas of blood his raging thirst allay. He rode on every blast, cours'd every path And stood in place, or side by side with Life, THE CLOSING SCENE. 43 Whiles every breath hurl'd thousands to the tomb — Triumphing o'er the world victorious. At every door a greedy Grave he dug, That all who live should fall to him a prey : — And so they do ! all, great and small, feeble Decrep'd, and those of giant strength, alike, Stand reeling o'er the deep Grrave's brink, and soon To take eternal plunge for bliss, or wo. Mankind, seem'd dangling on a beam of Light, A ray of mercy from the Heavenly world — A wandering gleam from the Eternal Day ! Dim miniature of Everlasting Life, Celestial fibre fine — Free-agency ! By Vision call'd — 'The Brittle Thread of Life.^ Upon it, all Time's precious jewels hung: A world of glory bright, a world of wo — Eternity of wonders ever new! Man, with his all on earth and hope of Heaven — Each thing that 's sweet, rich, fair and great and good,— 44 THE CLOSING SCENE. Desire the most desired, pleasures untold, Joy inexpressible with glory crown' d, The spirit's fullness and the soul's own feast — • Supreme of bliss 'bove Angel-harp to tell, Suspended are on this — this ray of Love This Heaven-smile Mercy-sent all merciful To Man — uniting him with Deity I There-on, Death breath'd, — 'twas broken utterly I Life's race was run, — its troubles slept in peace. Man's stewardship and his probation closed; Enough of Earth — all but a little grave ! To king and peasant, this great truth 's the same: Eternity is all and Earth is nought. A truth divine with heavenly knowledge full — Beyond all earthly wisdom to conceive, Where Nature's every idiot may gain Soul-saving wealth — the wisdom of the skies That sun-gems brow of Lumortality. While Death, breathes on this wonder all divine, Its piteous moans make weep the heart of Life 1 The death-vibrating cord talks out to soul THE CLOSING SCENE. 45 In sadness deep and deep solemnity; Most solemn, mournful ever heard by Man — Most melancholy ever known on earth, Or ever struck the tympanum of Time. With tongue more eloquent than sacred desk, Oft from deep sleep the sinner it awakes That dares the thunders of Omnipotence In all their fiery lightnings terror-crown' d — Kesolv'd to sleep at hazard of his soul ! Heaven holds o'er Brittle Thread of Life, kind watch Continually — her smile divine and care. And Love and Mercy, too, from Zion Hill A Cherub sent so fair, pure, bright and bless'd It beggars harp to tell — its constant guard. No earthly phrase her glory can express. Or less than Seraph-lyre her beauty sing: And she — Man's Guardian Angel ever is. And Man, or high, or low, or rich, or poor — Each one distinct, his own loved Angel hath From Angel foul of Death protecting all. That else would lifb destroy within an hour. 4(^ THE r L () S I N (i SCENE. The Brittle Thread of Life, she busy climbs From morning's smile to morning's smile com- plete — Supreme in love, with mercy glowing bright And smiling o'er all divinely fair; Whiles Deatli, destruction-arm' d with sore Distress Pale Grief, blank Horror and outrageous Want, Affliction fell and canker'd Misery, Despair, Wo looking Chaos thro' the soul, And Famine fierce and Pestilence and War And Poverty and Pain and Wretchedness, Stalks daily round a-rave to desolate ! And so he would ! did not Life's Angel save And bid Man live his three score years and tea. So, Earth appears, view'd in this watery-glass — Death's Mirror true — Oblivion's silvery flood! That drinketh in all things as Angel-eye, Nor leaves disguise, nor hypocritic mask To hide black hearts in robes of Innocence. In native garb of ugliness reveal'd — Light-headed, pompous-strutting Foppery ! The swell, the boast of tinsel' d Vanity! THE CLOSING SCENE. 47 The gaudy show of giddy-grinning Foolery ! Not outside, but the heart of the great world — The very nakedness and soul of things. No pomp, no pow'r — minutia most minute ! Unworthy Life's one gaze, or passing thought Of mortal man hot-hastening to the tomb. Grim Death ! deep read in Augury's black art Full o'er his Mirror hung brooding as Night, Thought-sunk to soul of solitude profound Motionless, mute. His gaze was agony! Dread Awe, pale Fear and unfledg'd Mystery, O'er all the Mirror's red'ning face high-leap' d Proclaiming Wo on coming in their rear : To Death, of great import — one with his soul. His bosom's thunder groan'd, and lightning-eye Down bent its blasting gaze on Wonders all That came and went eternal in their rounds : And all seem'd ripe for Glory or for Hell — Demanding Death to give them to the shades. Age following Age from Nature's birth e'en on To Being's end, in gaudy splendors all Arose to throne of Honor and Renown 48 THE CLOSING SCENE. To sleep out life with Luxury and Ease — And bubble-like to deep Oblivion. Death's Mirror like portentous comet burn'd Presaging wo to old Iniquity : To lowest deep it yawn'd — convulsion-shook! Wave lashing wave in fury rode its face Till now unlash'd, unmov'd since birth of Time. Its wailings rent the hollow vaults of Night And woke the Echoes of Eternity ! High up rose Death hell-smote, — wilderness-look! Grim darkness all his thoughts wasteful and dire — Thought-drowning speech a-struggle in his soul ! The tempest of his breast was sea in storm • His roar Earthquake — flame-eyes volcanic-fires, When — lo ! Death's Mirror woke, leap'd up and lived ! i Found spirit-voice inspir'd and prophesied: "A TIME, TIMES AND A HALF " are now complete! Creation-old is giving birth to New: x\n Eden, Nature wakes, smiling a bride, And Man to life and image of his God THE CLOSING SCENE. 49 And sweet converse and face to face with Him! Seraplis and Angels busy are on clouds^ — Skies part — clouds roll — the Lord Jehovah comes ! Immortal glory floodeth Earth as Heaven. Fell Sin hath fled to Hell from whence he came ; Destruction, Pain and Sorrow, Sighs and Groans And Tears, gone down to grave forgotten quite; And Wretchedness and Beggary and Want Are Wretchedness, Begg'ry and Want no more, But flame as priests in Kingdom of their God. Behold! Hell opes her fire-jaws ruinous, Widening for that grim, mortal-satan — Death! Blue-blazes -robed comes Worm that never dies, Each fang agrin, writhing in agony — Thee, Earth-devouring fiend ! to grapple damn'd — Eternal Death complete and Hell Horrors.' Death, leap'd aloft with terror and alarm — Begot of Fear and nurtured by Aff"right ! Distorted features and his blasted mien Spake Universalian Doubt with hell Of scruples rack'd, — Annihilation's blight Upon rose-cheek of Immortality! 4 50 THE CLOSING SCENE. While his cloud-face frown'd night of dark de- spair : In horrid grin and deadly stare sat Wo, And Chaos dire of deep confusion look'd, Or Infidel agaze at Judgment-morn When Heaven-gates shut and leave him with the damn'd. His rattling bones with fierce convulsion shook — A wild, wide waste of desolation ! Then shrank into a thought and lived a groan — Grief-worm as spirit damn'd in Vision's Yale 'Live with hell-tortures and soul-agony. The die was cast and he awoke a storm, Ashamed, chagrin' d to quake at less than God, And tempest-bosom's rumbling thunders told Devouring Etna's rage loud groan'd within Impatient to belch forth consuming fire. His red eye's whirl out glar'd terrific flame — ■ A storm-lash'd ocean foamy in his ire ! 'What! trembling yet!' he roar'd, 'Shall Death know fear Till now unknown? Away false trembling — thou! THE CLOSING SCENE. 61 Thou hellisli fear avaunt ! heroic souls Shall never know ye more. Despair shall nerve My might, and flaming vengeance speed this arm To such damn'd deeds of everlasting crime That Sin's own Hell shall blush to look upon.' He chok'd to silence quite — Tophet of wrath ! Then o'er Death Valley wide all dreadful stalk'd; His smiting jaws were thunder's desperate crash; His eye look'd lightning and his breast told storm — His passion-howl was noise of multitudes ! With indignation fired as Hecla's top, And Death Vale's Horrors a new horror own'd. * Death dares to live!' he shriek'd, ^ Death will not die — Infernal Worm not meet — yawn Hell, ingulf Me rather. I give Man to die, and — Life ! On lives Death lives — will live immortal aye. I've myriads of myriads devour' d. And myriads of myriads to come Shall place Death rival with Eternity.' He ceas'd, and roll'd an evil eye at shore 52 THE CLOSING SCENE. Of Time devouringly. Heavens smile was there ! Circumference of Being rose before His sight a mighty wall — heav'n-high! from deep Oblivion, and Vale and Shade of Death Protecting Man for thousand years to come. Its many towers high-lifted up stood stars, Where Angels fair and Seraphs bright of God AVith eye of love their watchful stations keep Continually. Death shook, and sighing said : ' Must I to flames and sulphur fire descend ? In every thought a thousand furies rave — Their shriek is ruin and their howl despair. How am I driven to extremities ! Awake ! the last dread effbrt shall be done And Desperation's self be made ashamed.' He still'd and stood. He shrank into himself Immers'd, a gloom profound deep pondering — Apolyon-like I and desperate, deadly all As sable fiend — Hell was personified ! High o'er Eternal Gulf hung he long lost, To dismal deep of fell Distraction hurl'd; His frantic mind uproarous as a sea Roved all the Den of Wo rent as a world T H E C L O S I N G S C E N E . 53 By Earthquake's rage convuls'd. Thoughts mad- 'ning swarin'd: A thousand baneful projects struggling rose Thro' Bedlam-brain all damn'd as Erebus, And gave a blot to register of Crime. ThuSj self-communing, a long hour he stood Dreadful as Satan at first view of Hell. This broken speech then fill'd the ear of Night: ^Illume 0, Hope! the deep of my despair — One beam amid eternity of fears ! Or he, or Death shall die. Can he be slain? Can Death? I — he — annihilation know? Exist eternal in yon Gulf of fire ! Stay! both shall reign : — hah! both? Expel him? So— My only hope. 0, Death ! be zealous in Pursuit as Holy Ardor storming Heaven, Or Faith unshaken cleaving to her God While legions of Adversity oppose : — Hell-fires to fury of grim Vengeance add ! Whatever can be done shall Death not do? Despair! here end thy moan ; assist me — Hell — ■ 54 THE CLOSING S C E x\ E , Ye impy throng of Pandemonium I King, father, Satan ! Death demandeth help ! I charge thee by the Pit to aid thy son : — Death, Hell united, all high Heaven shall \t Closing B>(tnt BOOK IV. On holy Vision's heavenly wing upborne, Thro' Nonexistence' vast domain I flew Swift as the meteor of a cloudless sky To Silence Halls in Vale of Nameless Night Where roar Eternal thunder'd thus to Death: *Thou life-devouring Dragon arm'd by Sin, Behold Jehovah's heaven before Heaven was ! Confusion's reign and Emptiness supreme Where Order 's not and Being hath no name. A shoreless void by Spirit unillumed — Eternal Blackness blinding and alone 147 148 THE CLOSING SCENE. Without a light to make it visible ! A shapeless wild of wonder and amaze Where Nothingness reigns soulless and upright, And Silence lives without a voice, or tongue, — Old Silence Den and Mystery for aye Lowering forever at Nonentity! Existence-lifeless, Vacuum injfinite — Infinitude of Emptiness and Nought, And Imperfection perfect and complete. Chaotic darkness without form and void. Creations uncreate — too dumb, deaf, dead To hear the great Creator's voice proclaim To moving Chaos' all afi"righten'd ear: 'Existence! forth from Nonexistence come.' Many a lifeless Heaven in embryo ! Nonentity that hath not look'd on God ! Blank Nothing's shadow and Eternal Night's ! ' Here, Fame\ Forgotten sleep — Oblivion's own ! Unknown to Echo is their home secure. Forgetfulness, erased from Book of Time Their names with all their deeds, and hurl'd them forth THE CLOSING SCENE. 149 Fame's lost — Oblivion's oned forever-more. Dreams talk not with these Shades departed long, Night-visions speak not of their memories. Here, Old Antiquity, once throned with Fame And crown'd with wonder and the World's applause, With all her Time-forgotten Cities sleep. Behold! Antediluv'an Idols all, With Myst'ries numberless of Eld renown' d From Memor/s mighty volume long erased And from the annals vast of Ages gone By dreadful besom of Destruction swept. All lost in Night and Grim Forgetfulness — Oblivion-shadows and eternity! 'Lo ! here is one who tower'd on earth Fame's own : His statues grew beneath his plastic hand; His chisel'd magic was the marble's glow; He touch'd the rock, — it stood erect and lived — A Fairy-wonder and a speaking art ! Creator-like, to Chaos said — ^ Come forth :' Beauty arose from dust and being had, — Dumb marble heard ! life, love came from cold stone. And into Angels turn'd, some into — gods ! 150 THE CLOSING SCENE. Each form divine was Genius' self reveal' d, And every feature Poesy enthron'd Whose life-looks spake immortal finger's touch! The soul-inspired image gave he breath, From new-creation spirit look'd and — talk'd! Perfection, smiling, call'd the work her own. Now lies he here, and wed to Nameless Night; His name and genius are — Oblivion : His glory's works and age in which he lived, The heaven-oped eye of Wisdom cannot reach. ^ Here sleeps Imagination's fairy child ! Bright Fancy's loved and Inspiration's own. Who made great Nature but his dwelling place And took Creation captive at his will. He had his home upon an Angel's wing. And sped from Light's full fount to Darkness depth Swift as the soul from prison door of frail Mortality, to gate of Paradise- Soul's eye was ope ! and while yet dungeon'd deep In flesh, it pierc'd the present, future, past Scanning all mysteries there in embryo. And then reveal'd a marvel to mankind. THE CLOSING SCENE. 151 Great Being's self he bounded at a glance, And folded up Existence in a thought; Then took sublime his awful plunge profound To lowest deep I Scan'd desolation fell And wo and death and ruin manifold That down forever with the weight of worlds On dread Apolyon's brow pour thundering. With bottomless abyss, his soul mingled! Hung long on dismal wail of black Despair — Was oned and lost with the infernal howl And hideous shriek of Wo-gnaw'd Spirits damn'd! Thence soared at will thro' mighty Void of Space — With Angels winged the sacred Mount of God And bands Seraphic saw — saw the Redeem'd And bask'd in the sun-smile of Deity, Till deep immersed with Inspiration's fire He burning sped with glory's sacred flame To atmosphere poor fallen Earth with Heaven, And give mortality an immortality. But Satan dwelling in one foolish Omer, The library burn'd that treasured all his works, And he is mine — dust and Oblivion. 152 THE CLOSING SCENE. * Behold the dust whose soul was Eloquence ! He stood man's friend and the beloved of God — Embodied Wisdom chasing Ignorance. His tongue was potent, and well train' d to speak The God-inspired language of the heart In Passion's own divinity of tongues; His voice Heaven-tuned to native harmonies — A sweeter sound young Zephyr breath' d ; His thoughts were revelations of the Truth Array'd in Beauty's garb — sparkling indeed! He painted pictures as great Nature doth, And on the soul they rush'd subduingly. From well-bent bow of his own giant mind Darts of Conviction and Conversion sped Celestial-barb' d to centre of the mark, Whiles Folly felt the death and fell, or flew, — Heart-pathos reaching to the fount of tears ! His every gesture had the powers of speech. Orations many spake in speaking one — The fires divine bright beaming from his eye Soul-eloquence to Nature thundering I Each feature, look was passion, dignity; Each move pow'r, action — Nature breath' d in all. THE CLOSING SCENE. 153 He spake! the hearts of all his hearers fill'd, And souls afar from their celestial homes Drank saving wisdom from the fount of Light To chase the cloud from Life's drear pilgrimage And smooth the path to their own native Heaven. All common-place he left to little men, And soar'd at will infinitude of space Thro' starry flights original and grand Where Glory dwells with her beatitudes Illumined by light of the Eternal Day. With mild Persuasion's magic wand he took Earth spell-bound — hung the world upon his lip ! Was Reason's self detecting fallacies, And Logic's wand and death of Sophistry : He weigh' d the truth on scales of Certitude^ When Truth came forth as orient as Morn Firing the void of dun Obscurity, And day from night as Earth from Chaos rose And chased all fog, mist, gloom as evil dreams Till Demonstration flam'd from face of Argument And Reason stood reveal' d — Omnipotent. ^ He knew to thunder well in Passion's storm : 164 THE CLOSING SCENE. On love, soft as the breathings of the lute, Against Crime crushing as an avalanche. He spake, and awed — Nations ! The people all With wonder wild, loud shouted him applause : He spake to soul ! it trembled at the shock And Spirit leap'd as tho' a god had spoken. His every word, look, tone, all — Oracle ! They lived, breath' d, burn'd and spake to near and far: ' Behold ! a soul sublimed and Angel-winged Amid the starry heavens speeding at will Fire-char'ot of soul-loosing Eloquence !' In speeches, all, revolved both life and death. And nought save Virtue could withstand the shock And face the power of his oratory. His argument swept dreadful as the storm. And holy fires out-flashing near and far Down fell wide-wasting as the thunderbolt — Kuin was ! Blind Error died a thousand deaths, Doubt fled. Sin fell, whiles Certainty stood firm. ^ He was a library vast by Wisdom fill'd With knowledge teeming o'er, and giant thoughts THE CLOSING SCENE. 155 Like mountains rolled within his sea-like mind 'Bove man to tell; and oft-times with closed lip Stood Spirit-voiced and thundering like a god ! Fire-tongues that spake were in that pause divine — Heart-passion lightning from his speaking face, — All soul-sublimity allied to Heaven ! Lost hearts enraptured kindled at the flame. And God-fill'd spirits sup'd with Deity. '■ Here 's one 0, Death I who while he lived on Earth, Had heart of fiend and soul of hell, that spake A devil quite ! His lying tongue was like The viper's — fork'd ! and deadly venom dropp'd. His midnight-mind was baneful Envy's home Where Slander sat enthroned 'bove name of God. Upon his lip hung fetid poison — green \ The adder's tongue was harmless by its side And innocent her sting with his compar'd — A name diseas'd what medicine can heal? Dishonor is life's grave that swallows down Alive its prey that no redemption knows. His cloven foot trod sacred names in dust, And his delight to ruin was, devour, — 156 THE CLOSING SCENE. Strove to dishonor all tlie works of God ! To number neighbors-faults bis chief employ, And lo ! the sum complete told not his own I In Virtue's Eden, Satan-like he leap'd, Peace, Honor, Reputation, Character Bled at each pore, while his satanic soul Rejoiced aloud o'er Holiness debas'd. Good name in jaws of Infamy and Death — Death crown' d with triumph, grave with victory! He lived to bark at Glory and Renown, And dog both Worth and Virtue to the tomb: He followed Merit howling as he went — Calumnies shot to Reputation's dome, And glory sought in pulling Glory down — For Greatness, groan' d, while seeking to defame! < See one, whose life was but a waning moon, Himself an ocean smote by every breeze, — A fickle sea forever troubled, toss'd To foam, — lash'd by each idle wind that blew! Chameleon-like he was — green, red, white, black All in the compass of one little hour. Had his face changed as his inconstant mind THE CLOSING SCENE. 157 His own wretcli'd mother had not known her child. He was a sick-man's pulse and Winter's cold And Summer's heat at once — true but to change ! He loved to day heart's hate of yesterday, Then loathed as soon each thing he ever loved. His ways were all like breath on face of steel Soon on, soon off; or blush of Modesty Red — pale as quick, and fluctuating still : — Was true to nothing but to Fickleness, And constant only in inconstancy ! ^Here sleeps Heaven's own, her chosen and in- spired — Her Song-anointed Angel of the Earth Who gave harp speech as the bright ones above ! The Muse of Earth and Poet of all times, The flight of Spirit and the wing of Mind — One born to soar as eagle to the skies ! His fancy was as rosy morning's smile. Imagination as a mid-day sun; He had a mind that grasps the infinite And brought to light unfathom'd mysteries. The hill of Difficulty dumb alone, 158 THE CLOSING SCENE. Unaided to the steep of Greatness hied As to his home. With Fame walk'd hand in hand — Conversed familiar as a friend with friend. 'Wisdom and Virtue's own — the mild and pure! While in the world, he lived above it far — A passer-by to all but soul of things : So little earth was in this man of men, Her witch-like charms led not his heart astray; His spirit scorned to be bond-slave of Earth — The drudge of dust and bauble of a minute ! His muse-exalted soul was e'er on wing A-soar for Immortality and God, And his cup's fullness ecstacy and heaven. Bright Fancy's child 'lone equal'd by a god ! Inspir'd, and all too like the Angel-ones To be enchanted with the prose of things — Too Fairy-like to mix ethereal being With dust-like dullness of slave-driving Earth Sin-fiU'd with inhumanity and death. His life one beauteous vision was of Heaven, His whole existence warble of a bird — One melody — the every Muse of Song ! THE CLOSING SCENE. 159 ' He dwelt from earth apart with Solitude Where boundless Nature was his all in all, Mused where the widowed turtle loved to mourn And Poesy tower' d sublime with laurel 'd head, Abiding there a heaven-sent hermit lone Of rocks and caves and Nature and the Muse ! And Eden was where e'er his footsteps strayed For all within was Paradise and Peace. With inspiration brightning into day He on a rude cliff's height that ruin frown'd To a wild-howling gulf beneath, sat wrapt. Dark Mystery's inmost chambers searching all, — Nature unveil'd — admired her nakedness! 'With Seraph's zeal and holy rapture fired He struck his lyre and gave his soul to Song — Eye kindling as Poetic Vision rose: He sang ! the charm of sound was heard afar Loud pealing hymns of greatness unto God; Grreat thoughts like fires celestial sparkled bright. And scenes unseen before and flesh from Heaven As Etna blazed and dazzled lands remote. He sped at will thro' Fairy Land, upon 160 THE CLOSING SCENE. Bless'd Fancy's wing flew Heaven — the clouds and storms Beneath his feet and God alone above ! He soar'd at home to Light's remotest smiie, Drank spirit-scenes from Glory's highest tower. Or sank amid Chaotic-wonders lost E'er God-lit Being throned a Deity ! And vieVd at will Creation's mighty wild A sleepless void of dreamless nothingness; Hell flameless, and yon Heaven a shadow all ; Angels and Seraphim but golden dust, And Immortality's sun unillumed, — Found nought but dread Omnipotence alone ! He hunger' d after glorious flights, and soul Thirsted to bask in sacred Fount of Song And write with Inspiration's holy pen Dipped in the dew of Fame divine, his name Highest on spire of Immortality. ' He classic made the home in which he lived And sacred every sod his footsteps press'd; Yea, his lyre's magic resurrection was To dust in vaults of Old Antiquity — THE CLOSING SCENE, 161 Being to bosom of Oblivion ! Things buried long forth from their graves arose, And life and beauty gave to breathless forms — To very stones and senseless rocks lent tongues ! From womb of Mystery new creations leap'd ; The home of Darkness glorious Light illumined, And man lived centuries with Futurity ! 'Fame's trumpet huge fill'd with his glorious name Till Envy wept and sighed herself away, — World-famous ! Praise surrounded him as light : He wrapt high Honor 'round him like a robe — Wrestled with Glory's self and made her his ! Posterity his debtor is : — she pays Him not ! He died and is forgotten quite. Dark ages long this sun of Fame eclipsed; The vale of Nameless Night treasures his dust, Forgetfulness his glory and his name. So let him rest in arms of Quietude Till Judgment Morn with thunders shall awake The tomb to noon with present Deity, And then the Poet shall arise and burn 11 162 THE CLOSING SCENE. A God-illumined Spirit of pure light — Bright Glory's own, day-flaming like a sun. ^ Lo ! here is one, who while he was on Earth, With Contemplation deep, secluded lived In moss-grown dwelling of ancestral fame, And up to mountain-home of Wisdom walk'd To pluck bright Knowledge from her hidden depth And revel in the heart of Mystery: — Deep thoughted Wisdom's giant toicer of mind I Full oft he sat with Contemplation's self Deep musing long in a wild cave retired, The busy world shut out, and nought was found Save soul up-reaching — on, to find its God. He loved converse with self, loved silence much And sweet retirement and lone solitude : — Less idle ne'er than when he idle was. And never less alone than when alone. Desired to hear, more than he sought to speak, For he was bless'd with one less tongue than ears : He wore a seal upon his clos'd-up lips. And ever loved to think, while Folly talk'd. Knew what, when, where to speak to purpose true — THE CLOSING SCENE. 163 Effect, and also to keep silence knew: Speech e'er unbar'd his lips and heart at once, While very soul rode forth with Eloquence. His wisdom's fire like sun to morning, light To darkness gave, and sombre Ignorance Beheld the flame in her chaotic home. When lean'd his brow on hand, his laboring soul From thoughtfulness profound, brought wonders forth, * And mysteries mysterious unveiled Marv'lous to eye of all futurity: Mid Doubt's gloom-wilderness mid-day sprang up, And Knowledge rose and smil'd at Certainty. His mighty mind sat mirror'd in his look; His spirit-speaking face reveal' d a soul Where image of a Glod was visible, And handiwork of great Omnipotence : Intensity of thought his sage brow crown' d, — Forth from his eye the very lightnings leap'd, And men look'd reverence at him as he pass'd. 'He tower'd aloft a miracle of mind, A mount of light illuming to the world — 164 THE CLOSING SCENE. A blazing sun in Wisdom's firmament ! By Genius' fire and flame of Science' torch The womb of dark Obscurity he lit And Knowledge' self revealed her ways to man; On Learning's wing he upward sped star-high, And number'd o'er and named each diamond orb On Night's bespangled bosom burning bright. His all-subduing thought thro' Mystery drove Wedge-like ! He saw in darkness, and as light Immortal was, for midday dwelt with him : — Unfolded Nature as a book, and read At will to man — the manuscript of Heaven. World-light ! Around him thronging Nation's flock'd; They, basking in his sunbeams found the day — Feasting on manna and the bread of life. Till death-eclips'd by darkness and the tomb Was Wisdom's sun — and all the world was night. 'Here 's one, who while he lived thought little thoughts, Spake much, and ever spake before he thought — Loud rattling many nothings in an hour ! THE CLOSING SCENE. 165 His fluency of tongue without the oil Of Wisdom ran, and demonstrations gave To all — of mind's machinery out of tune : la him had silence been Wisdom's sublime. His woful want of intellect, wrote — ' Fool ' Upon his soulless face in capitals. He never read a book, or saw himself, Yet thought poor self the greatest man alive ! So little knew he sought to know no more — Was e'en too dull to learn in school of sage Experience — the alphabet of things ! His head was fiU'd with Folly's maze of mist; In chamber dark of Ignorance soul slept, And brute alone and dust were visible. What weight of ignorance, stupidity — What depths of darkness and of nothingness, And what profundity of nonsense all Were in that little, mole-like head of his Unknown to sense and hollow as a gourd ! Sense stood agape at his stupidity Till Feeling's heart bled inward, and she wept. And Pity, from tear-loaded heart sigh'd out: * A world-jest ! Wonder winning every eye 166 THE CLOSING SCENE. E'en Folly's shadow of the Fall of Man! Creation yet in her chaotic state I Dawn dimly faint of an immortal soul ! Jehovah's image shrouded deep in death — Eternal likeness buried in the dust !' 'The Hypocrite, — deception eloquent! Who wore a double tongue new-oiled and smooth Glib, voluble — a well-dissembl'd sin ! Chameleonized she every color wore That Nature owns — a rainbow of all dies ! Her soul was dragon-mazes of Deceit Wherein Destruction's daggers were conceal'd; I Her mouth was Falsehood's home and house of Guile, Envenomed breath the banc of Perfidy : Her words were treachery; her love was hate; Her smiles so many deaths all dragon-arm'd ; Her kisses death-masks and vile serpent charms, And her embrace the dagger's deadly stab ; — Beguiling, wooing, charming to betray. And cheat self more than all the world beside ! Loath'd crocodile — e'er weeping to devour ! THE CLOSING SCENE. 1G7 A lip-deluding, heart-concealing death ! Vile contradiction and a living lie! ^The Devil's fool she was in Virtue's garb With hell in thoughts by scripture honeyed all — God on her lips and Legion at her heart ! A seeming christian while a very fiend — Fattening for day of dreadful slaughter near And ripening for the fire — ne'er to be quench'd! The laugh of fiends by God and man despised. In holy armor clad she fought for Sin — Wrestling with God to gain applause of men ! Besieging Heaven to take by storm — a purse I Her adoration-lifted hand grasp' d Earth! Fell wolf in sheepfold of the Lord of Life ! Wash'd wickedness baptised to fouler stains ! She, half a Satan was, e'er Satan's own. ' Here 's one who look'd a yawn and lived a dream ! His walk claimed kindred with the torpid sloath, And his stupidity with doltish jack, — His sluggish pace the lip to laughter moved I His gluttony and gruntings were the hog's, 168 THE CLOSING SCENE. And growlings, snarlingS; snappings as the dog's, While lo I his form erect, shadow' d — a man ! He pass'd Care careless by, and heedless grinn'dj His days he spent in sleep, nights in debauch j He when not hungry ate — drank tho' not dry. And when he needed no repose he slept. He only lived to eat, to drink, to sleep And pull his raiment off and put it on — Hot hasting down to poverty and shame. And ever in Temptation's road to Sin And death and hell — tempting the Tempter stood ! He was an unbent bow unfit for use, A lounger in the home of Indolence, A foe to health of body, peace of mind. His torpid body sottish and relaxed. Invited Pestilence to house with him — World-cipher and the murderer of time ! Desires were all asleep and senses dead; Life was a living death and time a waste; He was the grave of life entombing soul That feign would be on wing to find its God — Live-corpse, by Idleness inhum'd alive ! Blank of existence and life-chaos he — THE CLOSING SCENE. 169 Life-vacuum abhorr'd by Nature's self! He ever rested without lassitude. Sought to be idle, to do nothing strove, Sweet rest to him a heavy labor was — Fatigued to death with having nought to do ! He to no purpose lived, and died — not miss'd, Bequeathing to his wretch' d posterity — Dishonor, ignorance and poverty. ^See one who wore a shallow mind and heart Corrupt upon her back, that passers-by Her folly might behold ! She spent her all (And not to please her own, but other's eyes,) Her body to adorn and soul forget ! Life's chase was after Yanity and Vice; A dangling curl hid God from view, and toys Out weigh' d Heaven and eternity of bliss. Walked Fashion's rounds of haughtiness and sin, In the straight-jacket of Politeness dress'd Priding in peacock-splendors of her short Liv'd rags — fig-leaf array of fallen Earth I While brainless Folly mark'd her dear beloved. She hung her happiness on Flattery's lip; 170 THE CLOSING SCENE. Her peace upon the whisper of Applause ; Her joy one look of praise j a bow, a nod Was heaven enough, and fill'd each vain desire. One solemn thought of winding-sheet, or Hell, Was life's eclipse that horrified the soul, Or thought on death — perdition to her peace. In self she dared not look, for nought was there Save Foolery and Old Man with his deeds : — Beyond the grave? Despair stood hideous there Eclipsing every hope ! therefore balls, plays And parties thickly crowded 'round her heart Beguiling wo with Siren smile of peace. Earth was her Heaven and her eternal all — Her hope, desire and every wish she had : She knew not self, and flew from Wisdom's light And scorn'd to taste a Savior's pardoning love. Ofttimes she stood for hours 'twixt comb and glass — A painting at a gaudy image gazed ! While Judgement's councils sat on every hair She curl'd, and one amiss high treason deem'd 'Gainst common wealth of Vanity and Sin. A wrinkle gave afl'rightj a hair turn'd gray A dread assassin seem'd, destroying all THE CLOSING SCENE. 171 Her blisSj and soon as seen — pluck' d out wild-eyed ! Her heart was home of Fickleness and death, And soul the throne of Arrogance and Pride — So little soul within that she was vain ! With Foll/s self thro' Fashion's giddy rounds Light trip'd the gaudy toy e'er rustling on Wide way along in her unpaid-for silks ! A guilded-sorroWj white-wash'd wretchedness, — Creation's bastard, blushing painted grace! Vain Fashion is base Folly's willing slave Whom paint can't turn to loveliness and charms. ' A butterfly existence thus she lived A-flitting onward thro' vacuity Of life, to blind with tinsel show the gaze Of her own brother worms ! And night and day She strove with labor, cost and agony Ridiculousness to sublime, and take By storm of hypocritic subtlety A coxcomb's heart as empty as her own ! ^ Here lies the pride of old Antiquity : Creation was in magic of his art — 172 THE CLOSING SCENE. Life, light and shade oblivious mingling ! The very breath of life was to be seen In pictures' look that talk'd of intellect I A speaking image rose from pencil's touch At will; and to beholders cried aloud : ^Here, Art and Nature you behold on strife; Perfection's self stands heaping doubt on doubt Long lost whiles judging which hath mastery/ His living canvass was Life's mirror true. Where goddess Nature looking day by day Saw her heaven-face reflecting Deity : Ay, he could paint the antic wilds, and arch Shrewd meaning of the monkey's eye ! He touch'd Young Beauty's cheeks and poetized her charms, While Angel -beauties smil'd them into life ! Each form did voice itself and fasten 'round The heart, and features all look'd spirit forth And inspiration wed to Immortality. But now with Grim Forgetfulness he lies ,.ii Night's nameless one eternized with Oblivion. ^ *A11 these have given their riches up and power Ambition, greatness, wisdom, folly, fame — THE CLOSING SCENE. 173 Lost, oned with Gulf of Darkness all profound. But drop of blood in all canst thou behold? Who seeketh blood within Oblivion's realms Of ruin, dust and night shall seek in vain : — Haste ! I give Earth and all therein contained ; Her mighty ruler, too, I give — her king Oblivion's runaway — mine only son ! Who, from deep hollow of my side eloped To Being's God-lit throne and call'd him — Time. Ah, haste thee Death ! to conquest now arouse And be a storm, — to desolation sweep And war thy might for blood where blood is found : — ! rend, slay, kill, consume, blast and devour Each thing that lives, moves, breathes and grows within The hollow of Almighty Maker's heaven Expanded hand that ruleth over all And all directs. Blast Time's fleet-flying wing — Existence-ruling, Ogre-ponderous arm That hurleth Years unto their graves headlong: — 1 grant thee all — accept — depart and feast.' 174 THE CLOSING SCENE. He ceased and sighed, still mourning for his son— His long lost son six thousand years eloped. Death saw not blood — Night only and Despair ! And Famine deep his every vital rent. Whiles thus he roared harsh-gratingly to Night As the infernal Echo's hoarse, rough blast To Mockery's ear in cavern of the damned : * I roved that world from fall of man till now, Coursed her ten thousand thousand times around Thro' storm, calm, heat and cold and life and death, — Know well thy godlike son and where he reigns — Ay, reign he will till Scythe of Death shall glow All fire, and wake its hells of fury up Fierce as last thunder of Omnipotence And hurl to Ruin and Eternity. Earth ! idol of my soul I loved thee well ! Thou Earth ! rich harvest field by Death-scythe reap'd ! I mark'd thy myrrh-perfumed vales and hills With the dust-leveling besom of Decay, — Creation-throned, Death made his proud seat thee, THE CLOSING SCENE. 175 And o'er great Nature reigned without compeer ! Behold Death driven from his high estate, And Wo and Ruin hurl'd from mighty thrones ! God but unyeiled his face smile-lit with Heaven — Destruction's hosts were shadows 'neath His feet I Retiring Hell howled out and fell Despair, While Earth re-Edened leap'd to meet her God. Ah ! who 's omnipotent save Lord of Hosts ? Grim Death is but an agent of his will ! A servant in byways of Providence — As Nothing's self in presence of great All ! I never felt so little until now — Is the Devourer turning back to nought? Annihilation come — Death would not be.' He stiird and stood a blank — bewildered Wo Without the light of Hope, or smile of Heaven — Hell-grief communing with his wretchedness ! Despair, smote by the Worm that never dies ! Eternal Dial, thunder' d, and he woke Fire-eyed, and roar'd with hatred and contempt: ' Death a day-labourer in the field of Time ! 176 THE CLOSING SCENE. Mortality's slave serving for a crum ! Wast thou not mighty in the days of Eld? Yea, who but God wrought wonders like to thee ? I was the thunder of the wrath of God And ate Antideluvians at a meal! Death rode the sword that o'er Jerusalem hung With flame of vengeance and the frown of Heaven : I marshal'd her sky-armies fierce and fell — Fire-battles fought and rain'd their blood on man : On Titus' sword thro' holy city swept And smote the chosen Israel of God. But now, alas ! on Earth, Death is not known — A gone-by tale unheard by mortal ear ! Not read of e'en in ancient chronicle — Not named in all nomenclature of Time, Nor shall, for a long thousand years to come : — Millenial Day illumeth Earth as Heaven ! I saw it come bright as the smile of God ; Fair as Perfection's paradise of charms; As Fancy's thoughts of Eden-loveliness ; Elysian fields of blessedness and peace — Imagination's view of Deity ! I saw Jerusalem descend from Heaven — THE CLOSING SCENE. 177 God's Tabernacle dwelling with mankind, And God with men, and they his children are : Him, day and night they in his temple laud, While pure heart's love of one vast people roll To ear of Deity loud thundering on : ^ The Lord Jehovah reigns, and kingdoms all Of Eden-earth the kingdoms are of Christ^ Bride and the Bridegroom 's one, alleluia I' Ten thousand hills reecho back the strain, And hosts of Heaven loud answer in their strength : * Eternal Sabbath of the Lord hath cornel Rejoice 0, Earth ! and clap thy hands, with thee Salvation dwells and all thy tongues are praise ! Roll on thrice happy day of love roll on, God fills the world as water the great deep, And Eden smiles as Heaven — alleluia I' ^ The world from blood and carnage God hath cleans'd, — The voice of Violence not heard on Earth Nor is Destruction's mark on face of things : — The whole world is the paradise of God, The human race one brotherhood of men, — ■ 12 178 THE CLOSING SCENE. No foe to harm, no spoiler to destroy, For God bath victory over Sin and Hell, And reigns supreme o'er Satan and his power. I saw the Beast that fed himself and Death On seas of Martyr's blood sink down to Hell With weight of wo and wretchedness and crime — All Inquisitions thundering at his heels ! Whiles dust of saints all glorified arose In heavenly robes of Immortality, To live and reign with Christ a thousand years. And Sorrow, Sighing, Sin, Disease and Pain Down to the Pit are hurl'd with dragons damn'd; — Infirmity and Age and wretcVd Deformity To Youthfulness and Innocence have turn'd And sing and shout rejoicing in their God. Grim War washed clean his hands from brother's blood. And man hath ceased to be a wolf to man. Earth's heart doth hallow Virtue like a god ; Heaven's Peace is all in all; Religion bless'd — That Vine of God from Eden's sacred bower Now shades the world, and nought save Holiness Is seen beneath its glorious canopy. THE CLOSING SCENE. 179 * Stately the Bride to meet the Bridegroom rose, — How glor'ous are her steps — her strength the Lord ! Mortality is Immortality, And Death hath nothing left him to devour : Earth-heaven withholds from jaws of Death her blood ! I've served thee since the dawn of time began, — One favor asked — Eternity denies ! 'Twas I that gave Oblivion kings and crowns And monarchies and principalities; 'Twas I that gave thee all this sacred dust — These wonders wondrous — all thou boldest dear: Millenial Day shall I not then outlive, And hear her ghost howl o'er Oblivion hills? Say, who will give the Earth when I am gone She fled? Canst thou leap o'er Eternal -wave And give Oblivion to the light of Life ? Nay, this to thine own servant Death belongs, Thy very humble servant — ^very true — E'er true — obedient. Wilt thou reward ? I 've faithful served six thousand years complete.' He ceas'd and silence was that Chaos spake 180 THE CLOSING SCENE. All ear he hung him on Etenial-lip And oned with answer yet in embryo, Whiles moments in the orbs of centuries roll'd. Eternity, stood like Nonentity, Long buried in himself — Inanity ! Soul-travail in the mazes far remote Heart-yearning o'er and mingling with his son — His long-lost son, since Being's dawn eloped ! Grief was around him as Oblivion, And wasteful Wo hung on him like a world. Death's eyes flamed sulphur dens. A fearful light His face ilium' d that show'd him Horror's wreck, Or fell Distraction grinning at the Shades. Eternity, now rousing up himself A moment woke as from a dream, and said : ^0! thou dread ruin of the wrath of God Wilt thou not learn to fast? thou wilt — thou shalt ! For why should Feasting feast eternally? Shall Gluttony of gorging make no end ? Intemperance swills not Bacchus' bowl for aye THE CLOSTNG SCENE. 181 And Drunkenness lays length of beastliness With filthy hog in ditch, or mire, or slough And starves to life and manhood once again, Earth, days of famine well as plenty hath, And man shall have long sleep for his short toil. Hast thou not learnt to fast? sure infancy Taught this. Thine own wretched mother gave no food; Thy jaws knew not to drain nutritious milk; Long years elapsed e'er Abel's blood was thine ; Mankind had then one thousand years of life: If tender youth for centuries abstained, To what may not maturity attain ? Thou hast the blood of kingdoms now in store And yet a-howl for cruelty and wo ! Thou goblin foul that claimest infernal birth ! Whom Hellhounds tore from horrid womb of Sin And hurl'd forth — hideous ! So huge, so foul And monstrous, that Hell's sulphur-hearted king Beelzebub fore'er unshaken — quak'd ! Hell-legions puzzled were to comprehend And all the powers of Darkness shriek'd appall'd, Till Indiernation smote infernal doors 182 THE CLOSING SCENE. And Death curse-like rode Earth devouring Life And stamp'd his mark of ruin on the world/ He ceas'd, then spake and ceased to speak again, While broken accents thundered like a storm And Echo made Oblivion-mountains roar. Then, stood one long, loud groan lamentable — Soul-rending was his grief! A-howl for Time In all the melting agony of Wo, — Caves gloom' d around and Depth sighed out — ^ Despair 1' Such doleful echoes smote the ear of Night As made Eternal Darkness tremble, quake, — Too vast for Homer's harp of fire to sing. Grim Death, fell, fearful rose — Damnation in His thoughts and Desperation on his brow: — Awful as Ruin hurling thunderbolts. And hideous as Hobgoblin all aglare In sulphur den of Pandemonium, — Red eyeballs glaring shot terrific fires ! Earth-leveling Scythe a horror manifold ! His right hand grasp' d the woful pest and woke The beamy-vengeance flaming terrible : THE CLOSING SCENE. 183 But wasteful fury saw the dreadful mark Divine, and paled like sun by moon eclipsed, And look'd a beacon on Oblivion-hills! "With spirit-voice, convulsively it said : ^I can not — dare not smite Eternity: Behold! Jehovah frowns and what am I? Why threatens Death ? Have I a traitor been ? What Fate herself could do have I not done And faced the foe rejoicing evermore? When I could smite have I not smitten dead And gloried in the deed ? Bear witness — Death I Have I not served thee long and gallantly? Thy Scythe 0, Death ! is faithful still and true : With the great God at war shall I triumph — From the Almighty-hand wrench Victory? Let thou and I — the Grave and Hell be dumb, For lo! we're conquer'd all and chain'd and quell'd! I'm not Death's Scythe by Sin and Satan forged, But shepherd's crook that awes the stilly fold.' It ceased to speak, and with pale Fear agleam 184 THE CLOSING SCENE. Low-crouching, hid, safe-nested in his beard, Like fell Affright from coming of her foe. Death, down to deep of all confusion sank — A sea of grief and vast abyss of wo ! Supreme distraction and infernal wreck Harsh growling: 'Must layby, or — be laid by!' His furnace-flaming eyes heart-anguish flash'd, And thus he bellowed like an Erebus : ^Fate 's seal'd and all is lost! Death 's damn'd indeed ! Day of Almighty God 's e'en at the door! O ! who shall stand secure save God's Elect In sunny robes of Immortality — A-shout with joy on their eternal hills ! To old Iniquity and Death — wo — wo ! Destruction groans to Ruin in her cell, And Vengeance is awake to war for aye Damnation roars to Torment thunder-voiced : — Hell is a Hell eternal in her wo ! Death asks not mercy — Hell hath none to give — Ye fiends — ^I come ! Ye damn'd — we meet, we meet!' THE CLOSING SCENE. 185 At wild uproar uprous'd Eternity, Caught Death's last word while dying on the ear^ And interrupting, thus, in haste replied : ' We meet! 'Tis true indeed, and thou — a foe! But wherefore ? ! that I might prove a friend And give thee hack to carnage and to blood.' ^A friend r Death thundered in his wild surprise, * A friend — Eternity a friend! and how?' He ceased, deep pondering. Interest most intense And mute anxiety, jaws seal'd with seals. Hot as Impatience-self bursting to hear. Right forward bent to meet each word half way That roll'd sonorous from Eternal tongue — Pond'rous and mighty as an Earthquake's groan Thus in Oblivion-shaking eloquence : 'Behold the vast, deep hollow of my side ! In fathomless abyss — chaotic wild ! Those mountain-heights of sacred Dust might house, Or Earth, a revolution make complete, Yea, planets, stars that world the heaven of space Loose them therein as 'mid ethereal blue ! Behold me rent, torn, gone, and — fled away ! 186 THE CLOSING SCENE. Myself no longer perfect and complete As when Creation with Confusion dwelt. In mighty void immeasurable as Night Time slept, and was, — that likeness of a God ! Filling all wondrous cavity within Till caird to king great Being's starry throne And feed Existence with the breath of Life. His presence gave to Pleasure's cupits joy, — Charm'd into bliss Oblivion-quietude Till groans ! deep-wounded groans and deadly came From one in labor sore and agony: — I heard appall'd! nor knew what then had chanc'd; No eye with fire celestial gleaming bright Could pluck from Chaos-heart seaFd Mystery, — Truths unreveal'd to Revelation give. ^Fell shrieks announc'd affliction deepning still! Shriek answered back to shriek, and scream to scream Lamentable and wild — wo-gnaw'd and damn'd Till Time knew — Life! His eye drank light of Heaven ; Blind Ignorance, fell from her throne abhorr'd, THE CLOSING SCENE. 187 And Wisdom sat upon his mind a god. He heard the groan of Sorrow from afar : His heart was melted to a fount of love, — Soul oned itself with Wretchedness remote, And spirit yeari^ed to fly and be relief. The wing of vast Impatience then he nerved, While each succeeding groan new pinions gave. Anxiety, in each wild look told haste, And Agony sat on his brow convuls'd. Lengths long a-down his lip hung piteous, Whiles Pity's sighs met Misery's shrieks with tears And gave to Mercy's brow the crown of God. With Passion, long, his swelling silence fought But fought in vain! Feeling's volcanic fires Devourous flam'd within and would have scope, — God-attribute ! Mortals and immortals Oppose alike in vain. The soul must speak : A season it may be imprison' d, chain'd, But last 'twill burst to sweep omnipotent! Like some vast river stay'd by a strong wall Till waters meet united in their might And down to ruin hurl all 'posing things, — Still on impetuous as Destruction leap 188 THE CLOSING SCENE. Drowning the vast-extended plain below! So, councils deep of soul. The tongue must speak, Voice thunder them, or Etna an eruption is. Tliey, o'er my son triumph'd and Hierarchs Whiles God on Chaos breath'd the breath of lives. Time spake, and fire on words of wisdom rode, And eloquence, thus, like a torrent roar'd : < Sire holy ! Father dread — Eternity ! Long I have loved thee well, served and obeyed, And I will ever love as I have loved While firm foundations of Oblivion stand — And may they stand for aye as adamant ! But — list ! ! my loved father list ! I would Soothe Misery, wipe Sorrow's tear away, Relieve Distress and chase the sigh of Grief; Lull Care to rest, speak peace to Trouble's heart, Bind up Affliction and Disease's wounds, Heal Agony, hang smiles on lip of Wo, Give back the heart of Wretchedness to Heaven And plenty shower on Poverty and Want. That groan again ! 0, how it rends my heart ! Soul-gnawing screams lamentable and wild — THE CLOSING SCENE. 189 Another ! Yet another ! long, loud, fell ! Thine only daughter calls with cries and tears — Thy daughter Chaos, eldest and first loved. I am alone the hope of her despair, The rose of health to her sore agony. This, Prophecy of Eld, by thee oft conn'd Thy constant wonder and delight, declares : ^ The great Jehovah — Heaven's eternal king ! Shall on Old Chaos smile omnipotent And make her pregnant. Let Eternal-heart Now groan with growing life till Time shall jiy And pluck Creation from the woinh of Nought.' This Will Eternal travails nigh to birth, And Prophecy loud groans to be fulfill' d. Then haste me to thy child in her great need ; I pray to fly to Chaos' quick relief Their children's prayers kind parents love to grant; Sweet Mercy's self is my own father's heart — His daughter he will never cease to bless. ! now to fixed decrees of Fate give heed. Or Heaven's dread wrath shall blast us with a curse.' 190 THE CLOSING SCENE. ^He ceas'd and seem'd Impatience wing'd for flight : — What could I when a daughter's woes besouo:ht? What could I when my own loved son implor'd? E'en prophecy was quoted ! and it fell From lips as thunder from right hand of God. My son ! my son ! dearer than ought save God I cried, we part as soul and body part, — And I — content! Go — fly to Chaos — fly; The number Six, is set the sign thereof, Break thou the seal and bid Creation be : — But haste return, thy father's heart to cheer, For I am Night and endlessly alone. 'Then nerved with an Immortal's might he rose, Burst dark confines of his eternal home And all asundered stood Eternity! He heeded not, nor hearken'd to my groan Tho' sufi*ering more than Chaos ever knew ! But like some comet huge, high bounding on O'er God-built orbs of Heaven and leaping Space To light his fiery trail at every sun, So Time rush'd a divinity in flight THE CLOSING SCENE. 191 To Chaos drear. Deliverance came with him ! And from that throe-belabor' d agony The beauteous child Creation, leap'd complete Star-gleaming bright the glories of her God, — The hand of God was pictur'd in her look I Spring, Summer blossom' d on her face of charms, And Eden gem'd her sunny breast with Heaven. So perfect and complete the glory was That Angels bless'd of God gave shout of joy And Heaven's Eternal, seeing — good pronounc'd. 'But when seventh Morn had dumb the east all smiles The clasp was rent that tied maternal heart, And from love's arms she leap'd — divine, entire, — Embraced youth-smiling Time, and kiss'd and said : ' Thou of the rosey-cheek and zephyr-breath And sunny looks bright blazing like a Heaven ! Thou nimble-leaping, orient-smiling Time, ! leave thy father to his world of Night, And I will Chaos my old mother leave And haste to realms of glory and to light. Parents so grum and homes so dark as theirs 192 THE CLOSING SCENE. Ill suit Youth^ Beauty, Sport and Loveliness : — Fair Beauty 's not admired, sweet Sport 's reprov'd — Youth must be Age, or frown'd at and condemn'd 1 To gain eternal pleasures is to fly — Together fly — together live and love And rule a kingdom of our own like God ! Behold, yon glory of the new-born Day, Bright centre of revolving Planets eight — Flooding all worlds with light of Deity I Be that, the pure empyrean of our joys — Our throne exalted where we reign supreme Hard by the throne of the Eternal All To lead the Star-hosts in their paths thro' heaven.' She ceased, with look of love whereon hung soul j Enraptured Time leap'd high for joy and said: * Be ours for aye the music of the Spheres I And glorious, too, and many be our days As starry deities that dance 'round God.' 'He ended, breathing spring. Oned hearts and hands. Like fatal arrows sent from Ogre's bow Enormous and well bent, they outflow Thought, THE CLOSING SCENE. 193 And left Old Cliaos and Eternity Steeped in Distraction's tear and gall of Grief To mourn their loss — deplore their flight in vain. Avenge — avenge ! I right me of these wrongs, These galling wrongs that deeply gore the soul — 0! bring them back fast bound in Ruin's chains And I will be Death's feast in Famine's hour — A peaceful rest from thy long labors all : — Yea, I will lull thee quietly asleep In Honor's Bed on Ruin's sacred Pile Till God's Millennium of peace, joy, love In arms of Night shall howl to Evil's Morn Of Death and Hell and Devastation near ! Then Death, to vengeance shall awake again And sweep from conquering unto conquest on — Shake Earth, while I the golden harvest reap : — One thousand years repose I'll grant thee Death.' He ceased. Death bellow'd joyous agony: ' Hail, Chambers dark of Desolation, hail I Black Horror ! brooding Silence and Old Night — All sacred wonders of Oblivion ! Thou Ruin's Pile of loneliness and peace 13 194 THE CLOSING SCENE. All liail — all liail ! To me most welcome thou ! Death — ho ! thou art divinely blest indeed — In Honor's Bed I sleep to wake again To wider horrors and to deeper woes ! The thought 's repast and gives to Famine food, And vengeance whets sharp as the razor's edge. Lo ! Death shall forth again to shake the World, A desert make of Eden-breathing Earth And hurl Creation headlong down to hell. Thy son I '11 bind in adamantine chains, — Kub Life as cipher from the Book of Time : — I swear to thee Time's self shall loose his name, And plung'd to Ruin be — Eternity !' Thus spake he loud, and would have spoken on. But huge uprose Eternity — like God ! Full breathed upon the Life-devouring fiend : — He sank. He fell as Andes huge, or vast Olympus would if hurl'd aloft and dash'd To Earth by Power Omnipotent. Dread lay — One long unmeasured ruin in his length O'er hill, o'er vale — sad Ruin's Pile the crown ! His desperate Dart slept cradled in his arms, THE CLOSING SCENE. 195 And his all-monstrous Scythe around him twin'd — His only winding sheet, nor groan'd to fell Destruction now, but seem'd like one in love ! And Earth knew Peace and Joy one thousand years. E OK Y . CJe Closing S'tnu BOOK V. From Nothing's Chambers dire of Nameless Night, Thro' all Annihilation's mighty void Celestial-winged Vision sped as Thought — Forth to the VaUei/ of the Shade of Death, Whose Mirror gave to view — ^The Closing Scene. I saw Religion fall from her high tower, And Virtue speed to her own native Heaven — Thy spotless robe 0, Innocence ! defiled, While Piety proclaim' d that all was lost. Mourn 0, ye Nations that adore the Lord ! Who daily walk with Him as friend with friend, While shouting glory to the Lord of Hosts 199 200 THE CLOSING SCENE. Lament ! weep ! Vengeance' roar is heard afar, Blackness of Darkness stirreth up herself And Kuin's hosts come armed with many hells! Ye woods ! ye groves ! ye everlasting hills Resound — ^ Wo to inhabitants of Earth 1' Ye rocks ! howl out, for Death and Hell are near. Groan thou — 0, Earth ! 0, wail with agony For crown of Peace is falling from thy brow, And Eden-glories flying from thy hills ! Thy cheek of loveliness begins to pale; Thy joyous youth is wrinkling into age, — Thou beauty basking in the smile of God ! Thy night is coming and thy grave is dug. Great Nature ! beauteous, God-made Nature — thou ! ! rend thy glories all — put sackcloth on And down from thy heaven-home exalted come — Prostrate in ashes rose-wreathed maiden — weep I Pour out thy soul till Angels feel the wo. For Loveliness decks but the tomb of Death. Millennial Day is fleeing from the world — Prophetic Sabbath, Jubilee of Earth Three hundred sixty thousand years in length ! Lo ! Angels are retiring on their clouds THE CLOSING SCENE. 201 And Christ and Martyrs home to Glory speed And speak the reign of Horror nigh at hand. The king of Day majestic walks the heavens High-towering on superior and alone With floods of glory blazing him around, While waking worlds drink daylight from his beams ! Full-orbed immensity that crowns the skies, Art thou the buckler of Omnipotence, Or Heaven's all-orient eye down-looking — Day'/ Art thou a smile upon the lip of God, Or a reflection from the Heaven of Heavens? Thou glowing witness of Jehovah's word. How terrible the brightness of thy disk ! Thy God-created flame days Earth with light, — What eye can gaze upon thee and yet live ? Heaven is thy pathway, light thereof thy rays — Night flies afar and worlds exult 'round thee ! Art thou not a divinity 0, Sun ? Of glories brightest and the most like God — From thy face floodeth glory as from God's ! High o'er Starland thou walkest like to Him — Art thou its light? its life? its — Almighty! 202 THE CLOSING SCENE. In thy broad blaze great Nature lives for aye, And Darkness' self is vivid light 'fore thee ! Behold, thy presence is Eternal Day, Thy absence — Night and Chaos come again ! Thy awful presence speaks a Deity : Thou sweepest in thy strength omnipotent A dazzling splendor burning on alone — All-brightness from whose smile Daylight is born, Whiles pale and lost sink all the hosts of heaven ! Thou flame of Day and glow of stars by night — World-life and deity of Universe Had I not heard of God I ^d worship — thee ! Pilgrim of Heaven! art journeying to God? Wilt thou grow old as doth Mortality, And call aloud in thy great need, on Death To lull thy wearied feebleness to rest. Or, is thy race from Being's birth to aye ? Thou must run down thou mighty clock of Time — Grow dim with death thou lighter-up of worlds ! Yes, Day-eyed Sun I thy glories shall be quench' d For God will breathe upon thy face of fire And thou shalt out as taper in a blast. THE CLOSING SCENE. 203, Thou prodigal of light! e'en now thou sit'st On Old Hesperus' brow like Glory's crown On forehead of Archangel, luminous, Calling thy far-extended beams to rest That mantle clouds in purple and in gold. Weary thou sit'st ! there 's sorrow on thy cheek — Sink, sink to night and bid the world farewell. Earth smiles an Eden, lovely wooing sight j Her fairy-bowers laugh out — Elysium I Where Komance wild in solitude arrayed And Spirit-shade and balmy Coolness walk With rose-cheek'd Health in rural quietude, While music-footed Zephyr breathes of Heaven And loads his odor-wing with Paradise Love-romping with the Flowrets of the Spring With fire of inspiration in his song. In their own fatness, wide her broad Farms spread And promise give of plenty to the world ; Life-feeding Fields toss golden heads aloft. And ripening harvests wave — wealth to mankind ; Elysian Gardens all laugh out to flowers That load the bee with sweets the air with balm ; 204 THE CLOSING SCENE. Soft, shady Lawns inviting to repose Where Loveliness flower-crown'd with Beauty romps, And Children cherub-cheek' d gambol in love, i/ Or lilies-like lay — careless flung on grass. Her little, round, proud Hills do people plains Where the swing-making Vine snake-like climbs trees, And grape-hung boughs bend — purple luxuries! Broad Kivers, silver-veining flood the scene — On rumbling roll and talk to shelly-shores Where shepherd's pipe gives music to the groves Whose leafy-lips kiss zephyrs passing by. High, light-reflecting Clifi's, where sunbeams glow With Glory's fires like Angel-bands above ^ Huge well-like Yallies, sombre in their depths Where dewdrops sleep the live long day away. Dark Glens in all their native wildness lone, Where Muses and Apollo rove at will And give their souls to Poetry and Love ; Elf-haunted Caves of Terror and of Fear Where glow-worm's lamp is ghosts to cheek of Gloom, And Spirit-shadow, grum, midnights the noon THE CLOSING SCENE. 205 While Spectre Blackness holds her festivals. Grim Dens ! where Morn with Darkness wrestles hot Whiles on his throne eternal and alone Affrighted Night grows faint and sick least Heaven's Seraphic Light (the smile of Deity) Should welcome to his home the god of Day, And give his bed of Sleep to Care and Toil. Earth's hlue-robed Mountains are the Landscape's smile ! They hang afar dream-like, and spirits seem Of Fairy Land deep-shrouded in grey Mist : Their rock-crown'd heights heave high their heads of snow Above the storm-cloud's desolating howl To live forever in serene of Calm And bask in smile of Peace, sunshine and heaven. Embosomed lonely in the woodland skirts, Ambrosial Pools paint all the breeze-moved trees And sleep with heaven upon their sunny face ; Live landscapes speak from their bright mirror'd look — Clouds fleecy play on bosom pure of pearl ! 206 THE CLOSING SCENE. The silver-footed Streams walk grassy lawns And to their silvan shores talk lovingly, And snake-like Brooklets, glide, quiet along While pebbles dance to sweetest harmony. Gay, skipping Rills a-jump dance o'er the stones As things of life, and joyous as the Hours! Creeks, leap from rocks and change to Waterfalls, And Whirlpools dimple o'er the River's cheek Whose waters roar to rocky depths and roll A clear, cold length of majesty along Whiles laughing waves come rippling to the shores. The crystal-bosom' d, rivers-drinking Lake Is Nature's mirror bright reflecting heaven ! It breathes dew-drops to flowery vales afar. And vapors gray rise curling from its breast All dotted o'er with fleetly flying ships That softly kiss Old Neptune's briny face And joyous play upon the glassy flood : — They seem like spirits of a fairy world Melting apace to nothingness and air! Vast Ocean dim in misty distance floats The king of Waters, monarch of the Floods — Live Romance all unveiled to eye of Earth ! THE CLOSING SCENE. 207 Creation tliou of God watering tlie world, Thy living, fishy-waves are many poems And their world-music roars eternal on : — Those lovely Isles are children at thy breast ! Great Nature wears full Eden on her cheek, And all her flowers are rosy smiles of Spring. Vast Woody- wilds deep auburn' d o'er with Shade Where fawns are feeding in their innocence, And marriage-loving Vines are wed to Groves In loved embrace close-clinging to their joys, While fruit nectarean clusters all around In rich profusion — feasting to behold. Huge Forests give their branches to the cloud. And wave storm-wrestling heads in dizzy bights — Beauty in boughs and music in their leaf. Like arrows, Pine and Fir trees dart aloft Spear-heads that pierce the sky — half way up Heaven ! Each bough is curtain'd round with wavy-leaves By Wisdom's hand and perfect Beauty made When most they sought their matchless skill to try. 208 THE CLOSING SCENE. The vale-embowering Elms like heroes war With Summer's sultry fires that parch the heath, And spread shades wooing in their blessedness. The kingly Oaks in majesty up rise Rock-rooted and cloud-capt, crowning the plain With house-like trunks and woody heads of storm : — A grand old Oak years-grey and bald at top, Cloud-high throws woods-grown boughs heavens- reaching up And stands sublime the sentinel of bights And mighty herald of Antiquity. The water-loving Sycamore, white, smooth And branchy, freckles o'er the river's face And clings to stony shore grotesque and wild. The Laurel-groves unfading branches give To breeze, and weave their own immortal arms In Glory's wreaths to crown the Poet's brow. Doth not yon graceful-waving Willow talk Of gesture perfect unto Eloquence, Whose action times with Zephyr's heavenly song ? The Aspen with perpetual-motion leaves To Melancholy lisps in mystic notes And with the passing spirits — dialogues. THE CLOSING SCENE. 209 The jolly-tripping, spirit-footed Air Feeds with the breath of life the joyous Hours And gives the World-harp heavenly rhapsodies ! Young Zephyrs romp within love-wooing bowers And tune to harmony the sweet bird's throat; They curl at will the aged Ocean's beard — They chase the flying billows o'er the spray, And lift on high the fragrant head of flowers : — Those fairy-footed Winds have each a voice. And melting as Love's sigh dissolving hearts; Soft-breathing children, they, of Tempest are, And spirit-like play — tiptoe with the Hours. Birds speck the scene and give the Landscape — voice ! Their laughing souls are innocently glad : They sing their sonnets from the breezy-groves To love-mates wed to their rich wealth of eggs, Or on wings glitter brilliant gems of air, And like the all-hued rainbow — paint the heavens ! The merry Lark rings ditties to the spring Till skies speak out like a rich peal of bells. And air all music fills the dome of Heaven. 14 210 THE CLOSING SCENE. The jolly Thrush in canopy of leaves Wakes up wild-warbling woods to rhapsodies, And Catbird with love-stories weds a mate. Bees, music-win g'd buzz to their fields of toil — Kiss lip of Flowers to find the honey's home, While Butterflies flit — wing'd Poesy of air I The white plum'd Pigeon streaks the skies with light. Full-blooming lotus blossoming thro' heaven, — Down drops on Earth as snow-flake from a cloud ! The Parrot talks to Echo and the rocks In language not his own, and understands His greek like learn' d professor at the schools! Moss-woven nests of symmetry and skill. Defying Art and human workmanship Do gem the woody-hills all chirpingly ! The cooing Dove pours out full soul to God In hymns of thankfulness for breath of life. And numbers o'er in tear-steep' d elegy Each mournful day the Savior lay entomb'd, — She singeth thrice and Sorrow's heart is rent, She stays her lyre to give her soul to grief. The Humming-birds o'er flowers of beauty rest While nectar-sipping bills are drinking life, THE CLOSING SCENE. 211 Then sightless buzzing as bullets — shoot air ! In branchy hawthorn hedge dance twittering Jays, And eyes and hearts win of their lady-loves Whose dulcet notes charm Echo into song. Woodpeckers with their blood-red helmets on Smite hammer-like their heads upon a tree, And hills have voice loud as the bugle's roar; Woodcocks with mallet-head and trumpet-beak Awake afar the forest-thunders up, And make aloud the tall, dry beach resound. That nimble Squirrel sits erect as man With umbrella-tail high o'er his head. And rasps his nut high on his dizzy limb : — Now, lightning-footed leaps from bough to bough Eyeing the hawk and barking at the storm. The towering Eagle sails in Ether's home Floating like Fay in island of the Bless'd, — Still upward — on ! to make Cloud-land his own : — Now at bo-peep aplay with man in Moon While sunbeams romp gold-sandal'd on his wing ! Health walks o'er all the Eden-breathing Earth And heaps up roses on the lap of Life; 212 THE CLOSING SCENE. On Nature's face the smile of God is seen, And cheek of sweet-lip'd Flowers the blush of spring : — Sweet Flow'rs! the smiles, joys, blisses of young Dawn That jewel Nature o'er with Eden Loves And man's path on to glory and to God ! They are all balmy with Elysium, And they paint Earth with colors dip'd in Heaven. The Lily turns from Zephyr's kiss of life, And veils in dew her Sylph-like loveliness : Fair Virtue's emblem — child of Modesty — Perfection pure as ringlets of the Morn ! Thy face is likeness of the Seraphim, — In Beauty's robe array'd and Love's own smile ! Thou Eden-joy and white-robed Purity — Thou Angel of the Vale, there 's room in — Heaven ! The giant Momitains rise — sweeping the sky ! The world's loud boast, her fadeless glory, pride With romance clothed and all alive to fame ! 'Gainst base rock-rooted, warring surges leap. And angry billows dash themselves to foam. THE CLOSING SCENE. 213 Forests of fir are bending from their breasts, And rocks moss'd o'er with age show their white locks Dim-twinkling down thro' vapor and grey mist. Their gulf-o'erhanging clifi's look fear and dread, Where Rivers change their names to Cataracts And leap with earthquake-shock and thunder-roar To the celestial fields their spear-peaks rise Sublimely lost in chambers of the snow, And bird of Jove rests there his wing of heaven. Play ye with sunbeams at the fount of Light ? Do ye behold young Morn's awaking smile? Saw ye the king of Day asleep on couch ? The majesty and awe of Earth's greatness — Sublimely-speaking-grandeur-thrones of gods ! God-monuments amock at old Decay! Antiquity that time the more divines! The Tempest stays his storm- car on your breast, And Whirlwind raves round ye an idle breeze: — Ye laugh the awful Hurricane to scorn, •And heaven in fury is a thing of nought ! Your Earth-broad shoulders cleave the battle-cloud, And thunderbolts fall harmless as a rain. 214 THE CLOSING SCENE. Like Deity ye tower — sweeping alone Whiles Vengeance hurls to ruin all beside ; — Ye frown upon the Lightning's fiery hell, And stand unmoved while God is passing by I Now, god of Light upon his golden car The dimeyed Day to yawning gulf of dark Oblivion rolls ! and sable-vestured Eve In all the sombre deep of Mourning robed. In her heaven-state of pomp and power appears, The funeral of expiring king to grace And give his ghost to the Eternal Hills. Death-bed of dying Day is all asmile Like a meek Christian going to his God : How many-voiced the lovely Landscape sings ! Play-loving leaves dance prattling to the breeze. The Insect-swarms float on the placid air Their little wings all music as they hum ! The honey-laden Bees buzz home to hives j Crickets begin to serenade their loves. Sheep-feeding Shepherds pipe heart-melting laysj Loud-bleating flocks ring Hunger's supper-bells. Echo, aloud speaks Cuckoo's name to rocks; THE CLOSING SCENE. 215 Bob White talks love to Miss Quailina's ear To paradise himself in her pure heart. Eve-hymning Larks song-breathing and choir-voic'd, On quivering pinions float celestial heights And pour out heavenly sweetness of their hearts Till Ether's soul melts with the melody : — Those airy warblers seem like Angel-harps Divinely tuned to psalm the Savior's love ! The rocks peal unto rocks, hills answer hills, G-roves talk to groves and woods ring loud to woods, — Reechoing heaven resounds with harmony ! Young Twilight, now veils Beauty's cheeks with pearl, And light with shadow blends soft as love-hearts, While Supper gives soft-curling Smoke to dance On cottage chimney-tops like Ghosts of night And walk the skies lighc-footed as a Dream. To slumber's downy couch sluggards retire. Sweet Zephyr gives his lip to cheek of Flowers And romps with Lily like a child at play. Shade-spectres walk the moon-lit dells like Fays, 216 THE CLOSING SCENE. And star-tears hang — jewelling the cowslip's ear. Bright, fleecy Clouds gem the cerulean plains And float — the slumb'ring Seraphim of Air ! Winds fan with half-closed wing the joyous Hours While rustling groves breathe melody and love : — Health is the air and harmony the breeze Music in bowers and moonlight on the hills I How bland the starry-smile of Evening is I ;' Mother divine of Silence and Repose, Thou dost remind me of bless'd Spirit-land Where all is calm, serenity and peace ! Heaven hangs with ornaments her pure concave; Awide her mantle spreads spangled with stars — Heaven's world-embroider' d curtain all divine That hides from mortal sight the Heaven of Heav- ens, — Sun-Starr' d as Eden with all beauty was ! The Shy ! in its blue-length of glory spread — Expanded wing of dread Immensity And flight sublime of vast Infinity ! The God-extended magnitude of heaven — The might of God and right hand visible THE CLOSING SCENE. 217 Deep crown'd with moons and ponderous rolling Worlds : JStars! there ye blaze heaven-glories sparkling bright Thick sown by hand of Grod o'er field of Space, — The twinkling stars night-born and fair as light ! Are ye the gems of God's eternal throne ? Eyes of Creation lit at Glory's fount? Heaven's laughing daughters dancing o'er the sky? Spirits aglow with immortality ? The happy Bless'd a-leap with joy 'round God? The silvery gleaming Seraphim of Eve, Or daylight-fac'd young deities of Night? Angels a-wing thro' Ether's wide domain To glorify infinitude of space ? Heav'n-thron'd ye reign God's sentinels divine — Divinities that preach — 'A God beyond.' Twinkling ye visit worlds with smile of Heaven — Immortal Purities by no spot stain' d ! God-'llumin'd lights where Day-eternal lives Flooding out glory like a Deity ! Suns lit with glory burningly alone — Celestial suns ! where orient heavens revolve 218 THE CLOSING SCENE. With song harmonious as Zephyr breathes To ear of Angels, or of Cherubim. Fix'd centres bright by worlds encircled far, — Yea, worlds on worlds in paths remote from these Find worlds on worlds gem their fixt-centres round, And spheres on spheres in crystal fields of light View spheres on spheres in loftier stations still And mightier globes 'round mightier Day-stars burn, — Systems on systems orbit vaster orbs. And greater lights flame out to greater fires That shine to planets circling other suns. Whiles planets, still, 'round higher heavens revolve, Till mounting Space they crown the infinite And they have found their one great centre — God ! The poet of the grove — sweet Philomel ! Within rose-bowers deep-nested and alone Thou makest Eve more lovely with thy love ; Thy strains come forth by rose's breath perfumed — The soul's own music and the spirit's voice ! Thy notes are tun'd by Inspiration's self To all the melting melody of song THE CLOSING SCENE. 219 Till Echo mocks the star-eyed night away. Thou spirit-stirring Minstrel of the wood, Pour out the inspiration of thy soul To make Eve lovely and thyself beloved With voice that speaks of Eden come again ! Pour — Pour ! Bright Spirits answer near and far : — But — stay ! Eve's ear is wed to harmony ! The vales rejoice — the hills speak out and live, — Silence is charm'd and utters forth a voice : ^Thou wast renown'd in Eden's sacred bower For song divine and poetry and love — And Angel, still, the music of thy lyre.' Eve steeps her eyelids in the dews of Night, And drinks the roses from the cheek of Day. Night's veil hangs o'er the landscape's living green. And sable mantle shrouds a hemisphere ! Her eye distils the pearly tears of Dawn, And jewels o'er the princely breast of flowers. Tir'd shepherds sleep sweet-dreaming of their God, And birds are wed to leavy-rests till morn. Visions air-wing' d adorn the hall of Dreams ; Shadow and dusky Gloom stalk thick as ghosts. 220 THE CLOSING SCENE. The dog loud howls to spirits passing by. The fire-flies scatter starlight thro' the vale, And artificial day wakes up around; The merry glow-worm with his lamp new trimmed, Now promenades his own true-hearted mate And lights the rose on cheek of his espous'd. The breezes tune wind-harps to ear of Night. The skies come down on mirror'd fountain's face, And bays, lakes, straits and rivers all laugh out To see -their bosoms' glow so n uch like heaven's. The fleecy cloudlets float balloons of air O'er ocean-skies all flooded thick with suns Gleaming the glory of the Heavenly world. Star-armied Night 's a-march o'er fields of blue High towering on majestic and divine: — Star-fields! ye spread out blue immensity! These are the heavens God made, and no star dimn'd ! Those lit-up orbs innumerable to man. Clad in their robes of fire the meteors flame, And shoot like spirits to Eternity : A comet trails red length of light along j There lays wide-splendor of the Milkyway, And lo — the Moon ! stay, I will sing thee, love I THE CLOSING SCENE. 221 How sweet the borrowed smile of Luna is ! Her eyelight's glow is Darkness' banishment — Noons Darkness into light more loved than Day ! There 's spirit-light in her celestial smiles, — Sweet drop of glory on the brow of Heaven I The full, round eye of Night with glory fill'd, — Thou Ark of Light I loved sister of the sun And star-crown'd daughter fair of Paradise, Thy downy softness glorifies the skies, Thy halo-flooding cheek reflects Day's smile And flowings of thy silver locks light heaven ! Thou art world-loved high Empress of the night. Earth's fairy-robe and Evening's blessedness — The King of Day is pictur'd on thy face ! Thou show'st thy virgin loveliness full orb'd, And walkest in thy brightness — maid of Heaven ! Love-crown'd and smiling as God's own Redeem'd, And Night is Eden'd with thy joyous beams. Thou pure and lone sweet dweller of the sky-^ The beauteous handmaid of the glorious Sun And x\ngel-laughing lady of the heavens, I hail thee Queen of Starland evermore ! The Planets leap rejoicing in thy smile, -J^^ THE CLOSING SCENE. Their pearly eyes gleam joy looking at thee : Lead on Heaven's virgins in their airy walk To play with Ocean and to woo the Tides. Sleep — dull-eyed god ! with death-like sceptre spread From sea to sea reigns monarch o'er the globe, — Life 's cradled on his breast ! Repose is Earth, And Silence dwells on lip of Solitude. Grim Midnight frowns at dread Eternity ! A change is felt in Being's mighty soul. Time's clock strikes twelve, and Nature roars out — ^ Death !' Bells from their brazen lungs wring forth dead sounds, — One din of bells, dogs, cocks and raven croaks The ghostly ear of Night with bedlam fills. And robber Owlet's hoot hath demon in 't I Volcanoes smoke and flame fire-mouth'd as Hell. Mist, Vapor in their Jack-a-lantern robes. With Gloom and Fog saw air with misty deaths Begriming Ether's crystal fields of light. Pale stars seem lost — wild-wand'ring o'er the skies! High, lone and cold the white Moon floats along — THE CLOSING SCENE. 223 Stands still in heaven, — falls back, and climbs again Blood-orb'd ! Sweet Philomel wed to her own Wild, Echo-wooing rock caws like a crow. And mock-mouth'd Echo is a grave-jard's knell Cloud-mountains roll their ebon cars on, up. That foul Night's cheek and blot affrighted skies. While Darkness blackens round cimmerian. Old Ocean wrinkles at the wild Wind's howl ; The willow's length of limb lashes the blast; Fork'd Lightning flaps, and shows fire-wings of wrath In sulphur-rumbling bowels of the cloud. And dreadful Thunder hardens there his bolts For deadly blow at brow of Guilt and Crime- Bright, star-eyed faces beam 'twixt wing of clouds That hide from Earth retiring Mercy's smile Where Angels sigh and Seraphs weep for Man : Like many fires, pale Ghosts light up grave-yards. And flaming Cherubs glide thro' Night— mete'rous ! Amourn are Spirit-groups upon mid air, Whiles heavenly-voices to Earth's poles proclaim: 'The world's Millennial Sabbath hath expir'd; Satan, a little season is unloos'd, — 224 THE CLOSING SCENE. Speeds to deceive four quarters of the Earth, To lead forth Gog and Magog with their hosts In number more than sands that shore the sea To dreadful battle — Armageddon call'd : — A crisis big with vengeance is at hand.' That sound afar is Death's deep dismal groan ! Behold, he wakes ! awakes with all his woes — From arms of Sleep Eternal leaps and howls ! His eyes white-rolling flash as lightning's glare, Their sheeted flame athwart Eternal Night's Dark den speeds witheringly, and lo — she quakes ! Hell howls ! and wider ope than Ghosts have known Flies gates of adamant ; and fiercer, damn'd Than Satan's ear e'er heard, awakening Wo And Vengeance growl for prey, while Death roars — < Blood !' Yell-famin'd and gaunt Hunger 'yond a grave ! Abaddon is let loose to ravage Earth : Destruction's host is armed with many deaths Loaded with bolts horrific, Ruin stands ! Boars Devastation like a storm for prey. Whiles Desolation with his Hadean-breath THE CLOSING SCENE. 225 Beneath his load of indignation bends — Swings his Creation-uncreating-club ! Towards mankind their woful coming is, Impatient now to smite with demon ire The angel-brow of seraph-smiling Life^ — To turn all loveliness to loathsomeness, And Beauty give to winding-sheets and worms. 'Round Death, thoughts famin'd swarm tumultuous As scowling fiends, each roaring for its prey: — Darkens in wrath and speeds — World-ruin on In Terrors clad and horror'd with his Woes A sea of deaths — a vast abyss of hell ! He flies to Earth — Heaven-guarded bower of Bliss ! Where blooms divin'd the rosy flowret Life Immortal Seraph ripening for the skies ! As forest- bending Tempest is his flight — A Desolation making desolate I He sweeps Hell-armied on dragon wings To wage a demon-war with works of God, — To ruin kingdoms and to blast the world And pluck Creation from the smile of Heaven : — 15 226 THE CLOSING SCENE. Storm, Whirlwind, 3Iidniglit, spectre all his path, And Earthquake Terrors his tomb-opening way. And when his foot of bone press' d rock-ribb'd Earth, Back shrank she trembling from the loathed kiss And heedless of her beaten track cours'd heaven. Great Nature stood aghast and shook and sighed j From hill and vale came forth deep shrieks of Life- Ethereal concave echoed to the groan. As Earthquake shocking nations was his stride, Ghosts shriek'd and yells of Damn'd came forth from far — The tomb was heard to utter forth a voice ! Black-banner' d Wrath spread out on air. Fate lower' d. Affrighted planets stared and stars eclipsed : Creation's bosom throb' d. Life-pulse of vast Existence flutter'd to be gone — was still ! Great Being's soul was a death-agony. Grim Death, saw, heard, and howl infernal gave, And breath'd Simoon and Pestilence and Plague. THE CLOSING SCENE. 227 He stood high towering o'er a steeple's hight Mid fearful terrors of a thunder cloud — Eternity dim-dawning thro' his form. Daring to war with thunderbolts of God ! His Scythe immense flam'd in his right hand's grasp As lightning God's, to drain deep sea of life From Nature's heart, and smite Creation vast On God-exalted throne and hurl headlong To deep Oblivion and Eternal Night. His lean, lank jaws by wasteful Hunger gnawed, Half ope and watering all impatient stood To close on man and feast on human gore, — His goblin-face as grim gaunt Famine grinn'd! His comet-eyes aglow roU'd deadly-dull Their baneful fires and ghosted Eden-air — Portentious heralds of fell Ruin near ! He, sombre, deadly stood agloom with Hell As Condemnation shrouding spirits damn'd In fell Death-shadows of Unrighteousness. Earth darkened with him ! Rocks and caves wept tears : His frowns gave midnight's cheek a deeper die. A lion's thoughts while leaping on the fold 228 THE CLOSING SCENE. Were his, — ay, sharpened daggers newly whet Red-gleaming vengeance and athirst for blood. His heart was havock and his spirit fire ; His soul all tempest lightning-wing'd with wrath; His jaw's crash thunder; terrible his roar — In his loud howl was heard the fate of Earth ! A rattling roar around about him went, And where he breathed was pestilence and death. Air curdled at his touch. Mortality Was poison' d with the sight. Earth quak'd at tread. And Palsy's smite fell on the face of things. Like tempest lashing spirit of the deep, Death's frantic gestures were, which spake aloud To near and far distracted eloquence. While thunder-toned he thus soliloquised : ^In Heaven's arms lock'd and sweetly sleeping — Earth ! Sleep on — to wake up in eternity. Satan is loose and Hell unbars her gates, And Death 's awake to give thee sleep indeed! THE CLOSING SCENE. 229 Aj, sleep thy fill e'er Vengeance howls thy knell. How heavenly rests this bright Millennial-world! An Eden in Prosperity's love-smile That basks with Joy and Happiness and Peace At Plenty's wide-spread board of luxury Sipping pure bliss from Pleasure's fount and Heaven ; — "Weep — weep — there is a cloud upon thy brow ! Thy bliss shall broken be, — but in its stead "With liberal hand I give large recompense, — Death, Hell and Wo! Choose thou to bargain thus? Grim Death will have it so — let that suffice. For each joy-drop, I give a sea of tears. Fly — Peace! and angel vestur'd Joy be dumb! Thou rapture- winged Bliss! away to Heaven Thy native home to visit here no more, — Thou Happiness ! hence to Oblivion And leave mankind to chains of Fate and Wo, For cloven footed Sin, Iniquity, Black Crime and dragon Wretchedness and Pain With fell Disease and Pestilence and Death Fiend-claw'd and fang'd come desolating hells To ratsbane Life and make the Earth one erave. 230 THE CLOSING SCENE. Earth-joys ! how soon ye wither at my touch ! Earth-pleasures ! feeble as is Frailty, Where are ye when I breathe? Dust of a tomb. Lo ! what a field is opening on my view ! Great Being rich — to harvest-fulness ripe, All, all stand ready for the Scythe of Death ! Death reigns Life-monarch on forever-more God-like and wasting as the Elements ! Gaunt Famine gnaws, but Plenty's smile I see — Eternal feasting near Death starves no more ! Unbounded fields of loved Mortality Do proudly wave their golden heads on high And promise vast profusion crowning all; But Death's time-killing frosts what shall escape? Ho ! I will plunge me in the mighty maze — Reap Fallen Nature's harvest as a field And feast on Life with gusto of a king. A world of princes schooled by heavenly hosts And fed on manna for a thousand years Invite King Terrors to right royal feast — Magnificent repast — the marrow, life — Carnage of Worlds ! He will not fail to come : THE CLOSING SCENE. 231 ^Tis light to eyes and music to my ears — Death prides to think of such a luxury ! ^ Blood — blood! Ah — hlood! that name so long unheard Sounds strangely sweet to my awakening ear And fills the leaping soul brimful of bliss; How more melodious than the song that sings ^Heaven dicells with Eden-Earth a thousand years,^ Tho* by Archangel's golden harp announc'd I Thou sweetest cream of richest luxury — A luxury beyond all luxury, To my gaunt jaw a chosen spicery! Ichor of soul and honey drop of Life, O! howl thirst for thee — delicious Blood! Far richer to my taste than nectar-milk That woman's breast for infancy distils. My sluggard Scythe awakes at thought of thee — Brightens to reap the flowery fields of Life, To crop the roses from the cheek of Time And pompous-strutting god Mortality To hurl from Fallen Nature's heart headlong To kindred dust and dire Oblivion. 232 THE CLOSING SCENE. 'The vast world sleeps — near pit of her despair! Red vapors shroud the land as flamed of Hell; Grim clouds rain blood, and havocking the night Damn'd Spirits rave in thunder-roaring cars To smite Millennial bliss from Nature's heart And riot "with her glories and devour. O'er hills and vales a dismal murmur runs; The caves loud bellow and huge mountains groan, While Echo bedlams caverns with her yell. Wo, Fate and Destiny on dragon wings Fly Earth around with Doomsday in their frowns, Whiles Life's great Angel speeds — shrieking despair, And fiery Spectres ghost the gloom profound. With sharpen' d fangs and talons whet on Hell Uproarous Demons rend the dull sick air And cloud-like hang on brow of night — black'ning! Hope flies from man and leaves to Earth — Despair. Bright Seraphs talk of death to all below, And weep, and vanish as they groan — to God. The world is Satan's seat, Apolyon's home — A sister-neighbor wedded unto Hell ! O'er fallen Earth reigns Death a god supreme, And he shall crush her with his weight of wo. THE CLOSING SCENE. 233 'Morn's sentinel sweet Yenus wakes dim eyedj Feeble her ray as lamp that lacketh oil, And heaven's bright loves all sicken in the sky. Daydawn brings Woes that slumber not nor rest — Life's thousand years of glory then expires I The ghostly Past, as shadowy as Vapor's breath, At breathing Present looks Oblivion, And rings her death-bells at Futurity. Earth's day is short — her very name is wo, — Awake 0, Earth ! Death whets his Scythe for thee, And Hell 's agroan for souls and I for blood : — Blood — blood! acquaintance with thee I '11 renew— Lo ! Death begins his works and mighty toils! Toils — toils I my pleasure, food and pastime, ye, Supreme delight, joy, bliss on evermore — ^ Life-goring labors, ye shall have no end ! To deeds horrific rise my daring soul And fit examples high of heroism To Spirits damn'd and fierce infernals give, — Haste, smite the world and like grave-yards devour; I '11 make wide deserts thro' the heart of Life And spread Sahara out from sea to sea Where Simoon sweeps hell-flaming with my rage. 234 THE CLOSING SCENE. ' Fiends, Imps, Hell-hounds of Wo — safe bottled up ! Wrath-vials ! Ye I pour on sea and land. Disease, Affliction and Distress and Want Toil, Care with Cruelty's death-lash in hand To scourge Man o'er broad road of Wretchedness Till tomb receives and Hell holds fast her own. Here, Vial is of Desolation fierce Loud groaning as the regions of Despair To earth bright Genius, to Oblivion Earth : — Hah ! there growls Vengeance and Eternal Wrath ! Ho — ^Terrors! like to ye, poor man ne'er dream' d. Earth knows not of — Affliction's back ne'er felt ! I set ye free — depart, begone — fly hence Ye Imps, for Luxury's table fills the land, — Away — Death follows hot in the pursuit.* He ceas'd, unstopp'd Wrath Vials ruinous : Forthwith out pour'd Woe's countless multitudes That darken'd air and hid the vaulted heavens. Black Evil, as a vast imbodiment Of Night, spread sable wings that blotted skies, And o'er the world hung brooding like a pall; Dire armies of Disease flew mail-clad, THE CLOSING SCENE. 235 And thick as swarms of bees from Summer's hive. Fell Tribulation, Anguish and Remorse, And demon-steeped Calamities of Hell With their fire-pains and groans and sighs and tears, Storm'd forth Sin-legions fierce of utter wrath Whose breaths were poisons breath' d from fetid lungs. In zenith altitude they pause — darkling ! View'd unobservant Earth from pole to pole, And whet their sulphur jaws, tusks, fangs and claws On burning Rage and flaming Fury's ire. Till wing Infernal like a whirlwind swept To his own work, each separate and apart. Howling as ravy Damn'd by Scorpions Pursued with whip of pestilential fire. They seem'd one moving cloud immense and dread — Awaking eye of morning was eclipsed ! More numerous they by far than locusts were That famine gave to Egypt's grassy plain. The sound of mighty hosts were many storms In lightnings clad and arm'd with thunderbolts : Death's ear awoke with woful melody, And grinning like a cavern he exclaim'd : 236 THE CLOSING SCENE. ' Ho ! Devil-music feasting to Death's soul ! My Demon-warriors ! in your turn rejoice, Rich, fat feasts after our long-famine come ! Break now your fast on ruin of a world. Take thou thy fill of blood O, Cruelty ! Till Vengeance' self shall cry — 'It is enough.' Thou tempest-breathing Indignation ! grind Mortality's clay-tenement to dust : — Destruction — on ! like mighty Flood of old Impetuous in thy course till groaning Earth Lies strangling in the slaughter of her sons. Dread Cholera — hence ! and tempest Nature's heart, — In death-cramp dismal grasp the Universe, % Oblivion Life, and Earth a death-bed make. Hell-tooth'd Affliction ! riot in Time's path And give to Being's soul last-agonies, Till deep-mouth'd Wailing shall forever wail ! Knee-knocking and bone-rattling Ague, fly; Hence, big with utter wrath, loath' d Palsy, hence, And Devastation ! shake Creation's nerves Till tottering jade shall tumble to the tomb. Fiend-hearted War ! mark Kingdoms for thy crown, THE CLOSING SCENE. 237 And call the imps of Intiumanity To set thy cloven foot on neck of man — Haste, brake thy age-long fast on human gore. Ye raving Winds — awake ! Ye Tempests up — Up from your cavern' d beds with all your rage And in your fearful strength arise and fly — Rend, rend the stubborn hills — lay forests waste And mountain seas and oceans make one wreck ! Fell Earthquake — mighty prototype of Hell ! ! swallow islands, continents in wrath — Gorge Nations at a meal and groan for more To glut your vengeance and your fury quell Till heart of vast Existence rends piece-meal And Desolation is made desolate. ' ! be affrighted Earth ! my wrath is fire — The fire of indignation that burns worlds I Lo ! Eden-charms fall withering from your brow — To ruin like a whirlwind thou art huri'd I Fierce Plagues fell-struggling at my girdle hang And only hell shall e'er be found of thee. Thou pale, lone Empress of the Night — wail, weep ! Thy light-reflecting face shall turn to blood, 238 THE CLOSING SCENE. And thy maids mourn around thy couch of death. Ye stars ! that peal out wondrous harmony To paradise the great Eternal's throne, Be mindful of your ways — watch well your dance, From paths stray not, for I can reach ye too And headlong hurl to Chaos back again As Bacchus' Lethean cup, inebriate. Creation ! howl aloud. Destruction 's near With Vengeance' bolts red-gleaming in his hand, And door Eternal stands a-jar for thee. Quake thou 0, Time ! Son of Eternity, I 've adamantine chains and bolts for thee That groan e'en now to bind thee hand and foot, As I, to give thee deep Oblivion. All Hell — arouse I wake horrors of your fires. And back on rusty hinges, brazen gates Fly quaking, rattling, crashing, thundering, And let Apolyon forth armed with thy hosts For lo I it is the Dragon's time to reign I Yawn wide 0, Grave! Life's roses to receive: — Victorious Death I on, woo and wed lov'd Earth Tho' Bride of God may sicken at the sight! The lonely widow's moan, the virgin's shriek THE CLOSING SCENE. 239 And infant's cry be music to thy ear : The stormy screams and groans and sighs and tears Of pity-melting Agony shall speak Sin's reign supreme and Death's Millennial feast. I '11 drain from Life-heart its deep sea of blood — A \Yo-con founded world with hell-rage ride A tempest-breathing pestilence red hot To make Time hurricane — all Earth a tomb And bask in Nature's ocean-misery. Behold O, Earth I the King of Terror comes With all his Woes and Horrors, Terrors-crown'd — His course spreads Desolation down to Hell ! ^ The sign — the sign! Behold the sign 0, Time! Thou World! behold thy own death-warrant seal'd. Roses of light, wide scattering o'er the bright Pavilions of the East, aloud proclaim The stately steppings of gold-footed Morn, At whose love-smile Millennium shall end. A rising sun, Death's day of vengeance brings — Haste, rise 0, sun ! and glorify the world, — Arise, but not to see God's Son on Earth — Death's jaws instead and grinning to devour! 240 THE CLOSING SCENE. A Scythe that playeth like Archangel's wing, Athirst to bathe in purple flood of life And ocean Earth with the Death-luxury ! I burn, the hateful footprints to erase Made by gold-sandal' d Sabbath of the world. Where Heaven's great King, the Lord of Glory tower' d In day that Eden's loveliness excelled, And led the Angel-vestured Martyrs forth With Virtue's white-robed chosen sparkling Heaven One thousand bright, God-numbered years complete, I, Death, will walk with all my Hadean woes And hell the Eden as I did of old Till not a deam be found on this side — God I o I '11 light mine eyes with livid soul of fire That Sleep inglorious with his hateful mask Or curtain black of magic mystery Eclipse them now no more, nor yield again To Slumber's lap of loathsome quietness That hell-crown'd king and giant-greatness — Death ! 'Lo! Love and Mercy's banners are roll'd up," While Hell's black flag of Vengeance is unfurled THE CLOSING SCENE, 241 And with the lashing gale wars smitingly I I see — Death-sign ! wide-painting earth and heav- en — One long blood-day of feasting lights the sky, As bless' d to me as Paradise to man. Millennial harvest now is ripe to full ; Grim Death shall reap the crop and fill the tomb : It grows Starvation's claws more deadly, fell, Whets Famine's fang and sharpens its dread point; My every vital gnaws to gnaw the world — I fly to mark Creation with a blight. Hell ! ope thy jaws, grin horrible and wild, I 've a God-world to feast thy famin'd mow ! O'er Earth I sweep, and every step digs graves — I crush a thousand lives at every stride ! Ho ! Death hath nought to fear forever-more ! My demon Woes have circled Earth around — I 'm growing now almost Omnipotent ! Earth ! whither flee when Death is every where ? My new-dug-grave-jaws ope world-wide for food And Life shall drink in death at every breath ! Behold ! I now will crush the universe And hand to hand war with Infinity!' 16 242 THE CLOSING SCENE. He ceas'd. Aside with Hell conversing stood 5— He stood in statued-dignity supreme Dumb, stiff and cold as a stone monument, And with his horrors gloom' d the atmosphere. One horrid load of wild intentions now KolFd thro' his mighty bosom like a sea, And frightful fiend seem'd ocean at full tide — A growing ruin swell'd to bursting nigh ! His cave-like jaws terrifications grinn'd ; Air, into poison 'round about him turn'd, And Life beheld and sadden'd at the sight. Thick Darkness veil'd tear-showering face of Heaven, While Night, deep-shrouded in dark clouds of Gloom Lay down his wretched corpse at rosy gates Of Dawn, and groan'd aloud and wept and died. Peace, saw, and saw no more ! Hope fled, and bless'd Religion sped to God day-flaming like a sun. Loud roar'd Death — Etna in eruption he! As meeting thunderstones his fell jaws crash'dj?'' His eyes, fire-splendors of the burning noon : Rock-rendingly as storm swept howlingly — Hell by his side Destruction at his heels ! 38 OK VI. %\t Closing Stfn«. BOOK VI. The wearied stars are lost in fields of blue ; The cold^ pale Moon looks down wan-fac'd despair; Dawn melts away at mournings of the dove, And Day dim-gleaming lights up all the heavens. Snow-drops have couch'd them 'mid the leafy-grass, And thro' their veils of dew, like stars — twinkle ! The rising sun of half his glory shorn, Sickens at sight of Heaven-forsaken Earth, And eying Death with look of wan despair Seems the All-seeing Eye in tears immers'd : — He wraps him in his robe of deity And floods of glory flame ineffable, 245 246 THE CLOSING SCENE. Whiles waking Nature's smile like summer glows And worlds afar are gladdened with the god ! Earth, sparkles in her dewy loveliness, While God-robed Light trips spirit-footed on Awide o'er her soft lawns as bright as flowers, And all her groves sing praises as it comes. The sun pours noon on sisterhood of worlds, Then stands appall'd in heaven — falls back! flames, dimns ! He pales and quakes as frail Disease death-couch' d — Throws robe of high divinity aside And from the face of Day looks — a blind eye, — On heedless rolls regardless of his course. A deadly Mist veils hoary mountain-brows ; Afar grey-coated Fog curtains the sky, Where sunbeams wander pale as Feebleness To gaze on Nature's dying loveliness With s-ickly look of green-eyed Melancholy. To poisonous Vapor pestilential fens Give birth, and troubled waves of marshes, ponds Send fever-breeding Damps sick'ning the land. Diseases, walk awide smoke-breathing Swamps, THE CLOSING SCENE. 247 And seem like many deaths upon tlie wing : An Ignisfatuus dim and distant romps And purple winged flies buzz o'er the plain, "Whiles dark-fac'd Shadow wrapt in weeds of wo Stands by his cave somniferous and dark All dragon-mouth'd and gaping like a hell ! Fearful ghost-Gloom on stalks grum, mournfully Up ravines dismal and obscure and wild That shroud eyelids of Day in pall of Night, Whereon curs' d Demons grin deformity, And Fiends obscenely dance to gaunt wolf's howl, Owl's hoot, the vulture's shriek and wild-cat's squall. Hell-dragons fierce hum dismal out on air, And fiery Spectres glare on wings of wind. Hyena's fresh-dug den gives Terror's crown To hill-side's craggy steep where tangling wilds Glow with the madden'd tiger's glaring eyes. Voracious leopards growl surly and mad ; The panthers cry, and grim, gaunt wolves howl blood, — Affrighted Bruin scrambles up an oak ! Half hid in clefts of rocks fire-serpents hiss The fetid venom from their baneful mouths, 248 THE CLOSING SCENE. And on their cloven tongues hang poisons — green ! With bite-like features of fell terror, dread, The Rattlesnake lies coil'd to smite down foes, And Blacksnake glides a creeping-darkness on Death-poison dropping from his forked tongue, — The Rabbit's safety is his flying foot ! The dreaded Porcupine stands all aloof With his ten thousand spears of death erect; The hedgehog deeply digs a safe retreat 'Twixt two huge rocks that brow a precipice. The robber Hawk is swifting thro' 'mid air With squalling blackbird fluttering in his claws, While clouds of birds do tempest him about Proclaiming vengeance to the murderer. And throw themselves as bullets at his head. The evil brooding Raven sombre, shy, To mate caws out his lessons vile of blood. The Owl hoots fiend-like in dark-hollow home. Sky-cleaving Condors float cloud-like thro' heaven And scream as furies, then — down-drop on prey. Frog-armies, long, loud, wild and hoarsely croak To their aquatic graves shaking the marsh. The Brook lisps mournfully to Sorrow's heart; THE CLOSING SCENE. 249 Niagara's earthquake-waters roar afar. Uproarous Seas talk with Eternity : Whales with their island-backs spot the huge Main, Then, tempest ocean with their goings-on. Clouds ride on giant Winds presaging Storm, Beglooming Ether's heavenly home sublime, — Up thunder- wheel'd they roll blotting the skies And mingling with the hoary Ocean's beard, — Sky-leaping waters blossom into foam ! Thunder is heard low-bellowing afar ; Chain-lightning telegraphs the storm's approach : Mad, grim the scolding Blast bounds o'er the heath And combs the forest's lofty head in rage. Fierce-rending Gales wake all their trumpet-harps, And voice of dismal Vengeance peals aloud Chastising Nature with the curse of God : Fierce Whirlwinds scold Creation while they live And howl themselves to Chaos back again. The mighty Spirit of the Storm is fledged ! Comes howling on aloft and fury- wing' d — Arush to mark an awe-struck World with death. Birds tuneless cling to lashing haw-thorn hedge; 250 THE CLOSING SCENE. Beasts howl and rush from smiting wilderness. With warrior Winds fight Forests gallantly; Their giant arms aloft fall crushingly. The shiver'd woodlands show their storm-split heads. Deep-rooted firs, the pride and glory, growth Of centuries, leave their brothers in the wood — Mount up aloft thick-peopling all the cloud, And like fell Ruin wing'd, speed dreadful on Till Desolation's wreck marks Earth's extreme. • The fire-eyed lion with his mane erect, ' Mocks the loud roaring thunders as they rend Proud oaks that bow not down to angry Heaven While God in terrors clad is passing by. The mad Sea down to depth, with fury boils ; Her giant heroes rise Olympus high Rending her rock-bound home and battling Heaven ! Lost ships, her mountain-rolling billows crown, Their top-masts tilting with man in the moon Till down they plunge to everlasting night. The anger-lifted Ocean's mane stands up Erect in rage — lashing aloft ! Rough face Wide frowns, and dismal her roar rides the blast. Upon her boisterous billows Ruin leaps — THE CLOSING SCENE. 251 Destruction in her mighty surges rolls. Fire-flaming lightnings ride on desperate wrath Of groaning Heaven, with red-arm' d thunderbolts Fierce hovering round the frown of brows — bel- lowing ! The sombre raven wings mid-air and drinks The zigzag terrors as they flash along, And croaking loud sees death in every bolt. The Tempest's arm falls with a desert-blight; Huge mountains quake and the rent rocks have voice : Heaven is one flame of indignation fierce, Whiles Storm-fiends breathe in frenzied violence. Earth quakes to find herself in Satan's power; She shrieks aloud to feel hell-fangs at heart, And stands — wild-wondering where her Lord hath flown. Man wakes surpris'd to know the novelty Of pain and agony ; sighs, weeps to hear The maddened Tempest's desolating howl. The people mourn instead of praising God ; Fear, trouble, lamentation come in place 252 THE CLOSING SCENE. Of joy and bliss and songs of thankfulness; j Gaul fills the cup where milk and honey flow' d,—» Grief's arrow barb'd is fluttering in the heart, And fountain-eyed weeps Mourning o'er the world. Once, Adam walk'd with God in Eden-bliss; Rebellion grew upon the tree of ill; He ate — death to the world and fall of Man ! So, second Eden falls like first — headlong From God's love-smile to very gates of Hell, And brings the times of peril on all flesh. The Nations to seducing Spirits lend A willing ear — doctrine of Devils learn Till alienated from the life of God They shun Religion and renounce their faith, — Despising those more holy than themselves ! They choose not now the ways of Righteousness; The path of Holiness is not delight; The creature more than the Creator serve — Vain-minded worshipers of sinful selves ! Love Sin and Pleasure more than they love God — Quite given over to Lasciviousness To work the works of Sin with greediness — THE CLOSING SCENE. 253 By vile AiFection wedded unto Hell. God-haters they, — inventors of iniquities, The worshipers of idols, silver, gold And wood and brass that see not, hear, nor walk — In league with Old Iniquity and Wo ! Their consciences as with hot iron sear'd And understandings darkened into night Speak : — ' Spirit-eyes put out — blindness of heart, — The heart-corrupt resisters of the Truth Denying power of Godliness with oaths I' They strive to banish thought of God from mind, And fill soul full of all unrighteousness : Their minds and consciences defil'd as filth — Abominable to God, and — reprobate. Behold ! heaven reddens with the wrath of God ! Now, turns to frowns and seven-fold night as soon, Then, Summer into Winter quick as thought, — Creation feels the change throughout her works. Cold Boreas comes ice-wreath'd on frozen wings, And swallows chatter to the chilly air,- Snow-storms howl winter-anthems chillingly Through full-leafed forests wailing mournfully. 264 THE CLOSING SCENE. Grim Horror rides the wasting Elements; Wo comes to try his might and horrify; Hell wakes in fury and impatient quite For universal desolation seems. With sea-wave wrinkles Vengeance plumes his brow Where earthquake-frowns storm — turning men to ghosts ! Grrim Death rides many-shap'd devourous all; And hand in hand with Dragon takes his way With grave-yards strewing Earth at every stride ! He measures now his woful way along By his own greediness, and spreads one wail Of ruin, wo and every hideousness As forth he sweeps with hell-howl on devouring. Earth, bids farewell to heavenly Blessedness, Weds her with fell Iniquity and Wo Whiles Satan grins and numbers her his own. How is man fallen from his high estate ! The beautiful to Sin and Hell gone down ! Poor Man that lived in Eden-bliss and reign'd A thousand years with Christ, invulnerable, Is now estranged from God and hope of Heaven ! THE CLOSING SCENE. 255 Disease and death hang on him like a curse; Sin, Wretchedness encamp around about; Calamities and Wo bend him tombward, And many deaths he dies in dying one. His days but few, and full of troubles are ; He, shadow of a shadow seems, whose life Depends upon existence of a breath : His every wish — voice of a dying sigh, And every joy — reflection of a tear ! God made Man upright, in him spirit breath' d, — Unto His servant never gave a want That Earth was not found able to supply. Contentment fill'd his heart with peace, joy, love ; With thankfulness he gave pure soul to Heaven And fed each wish with manna from on high. While Happiness benign walk'd hand in hand With Wisdom and fair Virtue up to God. But Man in sable council sat, and plann'd Rebellion foul against the Holy One That made Creation and pronounc'd it good : Inventions many sought he out to make The world a hell, and labor'd hard and long 256 THE closin(t scene. Devising death to Immortality ! Then peacock-strutting Pride with head of wind Came forth and stood auxiliary to his aid Mortality's tormentor to become, When, Life's few wants to Legion multiplied Till Earth was found too barren to supply! And Vanity ! 0, hide thy head — Hellhound I (The advocate of all licentiousness And royalty's apology for vice) Came to undo, and make man wretch' d for aye ; — To recreate the works divine of God, And the death-stab to Peace Eternal give, — Yea, make Mankind as Sin and Death and Hell And base Desire, would have them made — devil. Thus, sable council sat and long devis'd, When fell Deliberation and Debate A new creation gave of monstrous birth : Into a world of wickedness and sin Now turn'd that Satan-seat — Heart of Man ! The code of laws made by the Prince of Peace, Which rul'd by love and purified the heart Abolish'd is by Satan, Sin and Man. THE CLOSING SCENE. 257 Philosophy, Morality and Eight And Liberty and Peace feel deep the stab, And Nature's groan is heard to world's extent. Religion is by law prohibited, — Man hates Religion and forsakes his God By tyrant Passion led and appetite. Blind Prejudice smites Reason from his tow'r, While Falsehood plucks the tongue from mouth of Truth And slanders neighbors with his lying words. Hypocrisy puts on her mask of night, Oils up anew her cloven tongue of lies And wins a ready way to heart of fools, Whiles Confidence and Candor have no place. Justice is cast to hungry lions in their den. And Faction, Villany and Wrong walk Earth Awide corrupting all of human -kind. Integrity is broken on the wheel; From judgment seat Equality is hurl'd, And Arrogance high-seated in his stead. Love, Mercy, Equity are all dethron'd And Hate and Vengeance triumph at their fall. Pride, Crime in purple and fine-linen strut, 17 258 THE CLOSING SCENE. While Honesty is scoff'd at and despised. Illustrious Worth bows down to Fortune's sway, While Lewdness sits in state and talks with peers Far-fallen and low-minded as himself. Ambition, Folly, Desperation, Hate Speed desperadoes howling to destroy. And climb to Honor's seat and rule domains And sceptres grasp of universal power. Kings are made slaves and Emperors servants, And servants kings and bondmen emperors, — Lords, gov'rnors, stirrups hold for former slaves, And Princes, bows on back of Foppery tie, Then paint the cheek and black the shoes of Pride — Receive for pay loud curses and sore stripes I Bless'd Freedom 's chain'd to banish'd Liberty, And Bondage beats his bondslaves on to death. Oppression's power falls wasting all mankind; His iron rod on drives his servile droves Thro' bedlam-life of slavery to the tomb. And bless'd Humanity is in her grave. Fell Tyrany enthroned reigns absolute, While Murder sceptres his right hand of death j THE CLOSING SCENE. 259 Power's nod, the signal is for massacre, And Earth's great heart wide pours at every vein. The good are met and banish' d all to lands Afar, and housed with Echo in her rock. The jails and dungeons are illustrious made By crowded throngs of princely prisoners. Health, Happiness, Prosperity are chas'd By sore Affliction, Misery and Misrule ; And Pestilence, assuming different forms Gives death and ruin to the Elements, Whiles Wretchedness and Sorrow fill the land. Economy and Temperance leave their homes, And Prodigality and Beastliness With nameless crime wild-riot thro* their halls By day and night devouring and devour'd. The wicked profligate and libertine Conceal'd in skirts of Night's eyeblinding cloak, Dark Midnight's constant conflagration are: — God's holy temples fall by lawless mobs, And Virtue by base Immorality. On every heart is thron'd blind Ignorance, 2^ THE CLOSING SCENE. And many temples rude do steeple skies Sacred to her, tho' call'd by Wisdom's name I Intelligence is hiss'd at and despis'd, And Nescience wide roves from sea to sea. The light of Mind by Folly's darkness veil'd, Flames out no day to heaven the world, and bid Sage Wisdom from chaotic sleep awake ; But Error blind and base Stupidity " And fiend-indwelling Wickedness owl-eyed ' With God-forsaken Bigotry on roll Their one cimmerian night o'er all mankind Till midday sun of Knowledge is eclips'd. And God-bless' d Piety with look of Heaven And full salvation in her sunny smile Is bosom'd with her God, and Anarchy's Loud howl of hell is heard to Earth's extreme. Man strives to lose himself and his own soul, The visitations of high Heaven forget, — Yea, those who dwelt with Christ the Lord on Earth — With Savior walk'd one thousand years complete Cry out — ' There is no God, or Heaven, or IMl, THE CLOSING SCENE. 261 And no Millennial Day hath ever dawned /' And those who prove the falsehoods to be false, The demon Infidelity rends sore : — When a devout and holy man is found Fit subject he is deem'd to crucify ! Fidelity is down to dungeons cast, Or fetter'd stands by base Deceit condemned Till Torture takes the martyr to his stake. Truth, Wisdom, Piety are hunted down — Fall like autumnal leaves and trod to dust Beneath the foot of Mobs and lawless Power: — All sacred things are trampled in the dust, And hideous Vice, Profaneness, Blasphemy Arise on dragon-wings aloft, and course The guilty Earth with impudence of Hell, While Man's loud plaudits rise and smite the skies, And high above — climb holy hill of God ! Hail, holy word I world-sun and Wisdom's noon — Wisdom above all wisdom of the world. Celestial radiance beaming upon Earth At whose bright blaze soul-darkness is no more ! The spirit's lamp in prison-house of clay — THE CLOSING SCENE. God-light wherein the nations sun themselves ! The map of Heaven and road to Zion's hill I Instructor wise that schools us for the skies, "Whose heavenly manna is the life of man — Man's guide to Immortality and God ! The staff of strength in hand of Frailty Mortality's wild-wandering foot to guide — All hail, thou — Holy Bible of the Lord ! Thou hast illumed Earth long, gloriously, And taught the saints to scale the mount of God — Led Virtue in life's narrow path to Heaven, Tak'n Humbleness from dust to great reward, Giv'n Hope to smile o'er gibbets and the stake — Bless'd Faith to eyelay God thro' Sorrow's storm And bidden sinners flee the wrath to come; But near accomplished now thy work below, Thou hast grown old — fast fading from the world. But not by Infidelity destroyed I End-seeing Prophecy groans to be full ; Soon, thou shalt crown the Judgment Seat of God, And the Lamb's Boole of Life wide opened be And all things judge according to their works : — Thou sittest now upon the night of Time THE CLOSING SCENE. 268 To light Creation to her wreck and grave, Then, try her ghost at the Eternal bar. The Holy Bible bless'd forever more ! Hated by Sin in every age and clime While one fool ^s found to do his father's will. Aloud the people roar against the Light, Of — ^contradictions' talk, absurdities And romance wild and fable monstrous !' Condemn to flames and burn it when they meet Tho' much they fable love ! They, story seek And novelty the world around, and spend Their lives and fortunes all to seize the prize: When find a story of enormous growth That bends their evil passions like a bow To highest pitch, and makes them quite forget Their own immortal souls and Heaven and Hell, O'er it by day and night they pour entranc'd Feasting on wind — rejoicing with great glee ! An enemy to self was never yet A friend to God, nor can have hope of Heaven, The Bible shows to man his ruined state — 264 THE CLOSING SCENE. Far-fallen and corrupt, sin-blackenM heart, And bids him fly to saving blood of Christ And wash Pollution's every stain away : — He flies to burn the Book — the word of Life ! The great physician of his soul destroy That freely ofi'ers everlasting health ! This sacred mirror shows to man his heart: He loathes the glass because that heart is black. And seeks to break for showing his true state ! Hates sacred Light, not Sin who is his night, — So would a devil I Men by willful crime Make AVord Divine their fearful enemy. And therefore are they deadly foes to it. With hate of Hell they scoff the sacred Truth Because it is not what they wish — a lie I Ay, prophesy it will not — good of them. But evil ever — ^Wrath forever-morel To see a Bible, now, in brother's hand Signed warrant is of death. They crucify The readers of the book, to kill the book! Ah, fools ! that Bible thunder-voic'd declares They are but fighting with the Lord who said : " The Heavens and Earth shall pass, but not one jot THE CLOSING SCENE. 265 Or tittle of my Word, till all 's fulfill'd." How then can imp, or infidel destroy ? My soul's one book ! Hand-writing of my God ! God^s Will to men by Inspiration giv'n Declaring them tbe beirs and sons of God! God's Bible — painted speech that speaks to eyes — The body visible of His pure thoughts Kevealing — Light, Life, Immortality And full Salvation to the sons of men ! Thro' wrecks of Time and Ages thou hast stood And no jot dimm'd by years, man, fiend, Earth, Hell— Nor can, till Heaven itself shall be no more. Prince of the Power of Air in terror reigns Exalted high above the name of God, And Death and Villainy in hearts of men. Fell Sin down looks on Earth with gorgon eyes. She banes her widening path to death and hell And gains applause and universal fame That wins her ready way to soul of kings. While Vice and Immorality hell-born And Satan-bound hot- follow her in rear. 266 THE CLOSING SCENE. And hand in hand with swine-like Filthiness On speed the praise, loud boast and wonder wild Of all, excelling far — Brutality : — Hot chase of fooFry ! Folly is the cry ! Mankind pursue her both by day and night, — Man strives with man each other to surpass, Till all in turn by Folly are pursued — Down hunted and devour'd eternally. The ties of country, kindred, love are sever'd, And Friendship's chain is broken utterly. Contentment, Joy and Happiness and Bliss Live only in rememberance and dreams, And llighteousness. Worth, Honor, Honesty Are nursery-tales and fables of the past. Trust hath no being, Confidence no place; Business stands still. Society is not And heathen Barbarism deem'd politic. Unpeopled cities to waste places turn ; Where tower'd a village grows the wilderness, — Towns, deserts and ghost-haunted Ruin's home ! The pauper's cry and clank of maniac's chain Instead of vesper-hymns fill all the land : — THE CLOSING SCENE. 267 The stake now stands where stood the church of God; Jails, gibbets rise where bless'd Benevolence With Love and tender Mercy dwelt enshrined And pour'd out heavenly blessings on mankind That worshiped God with purity of heart. Blank Poverty gaps famine-mouthed on Earth, And Famine grins grave-jaw'd at human kind : — Their hovels, dens of wretchedness and want; Their wisdom, spirit-blinded ignorance, — Gangs brutalized, wild — savage-wandering ! The shriek of Violence is daily heard; Adulteries, rape, untimely births frequent. Man seeks by day and night the life of man. And those that Murder spares are giv'n to hand Of Cruelty to torture at her will. And mercy the severest vengeance is : Revenge and Fury den them in the soul,. Base Degradation hangs upon their brow Bending mankind to earth — digging their graves ! The human heart to desperation turns, — Transform'd to demon, Man defies high Heaven ; Iniquity and Crime with harlot's face As lions rove with gory Vengeance on, 268 THE CLOSING SCENE. And Wickedness reigns o'er the world as Hell;— • An all-pollution — Sodom and Gomorrah ! The genial Seasons change, and Year's return Is broken utterly. Day's eye looks blood. Eternal Wrath and Indignation fierce l Make glow the heavens as flaming furnace hot . And roar to Man of Doomsday nigh at hand. Grim Night like an infernal Dragon huge Down rusheth from the frown of Heaven cloud- wing' d While Darkness palls the Universe at noon And howls — Earth wed to Wretchedness and Wo. Uprousing in his rage dread Earthquake wakes, Opes dismal gaping jaws and yawns and groans At his last gasp — all-ruinous as Death ! Impetuous flies in desolating car — Graves kingdoms in his wrath at every stride And crushes towns and cities in his ire; The mountains totter and the caverns yawn, While wide world trembles, rocks from pole to pole. Clouds burst, and Thunder leaps athwart foul air; Red Lightning in her seven-times heated forge THE CLOSING SCENE. 269 Death-arrows hardens and bolts ruinous — Preparing all her fierce infernal stores For crush of Nature and the death of Worlds. Grim War is fledged, and marks his gory way To lands remote, and piles the mountain-slain. The sword forsakes its sheath, and resteth not; Battle the world and Pestilence the breeze, And every coming moment breathes — despair. Nations in bloody conflict, nations meet ; Kingdoms 'gainst kingdoms rise and fight and fall — One people is another's death and grave : But hottest flames mad Battle's wasteful fires At Ediona — City of Refuge ! Where Freedom wooes sweet Peace by night and day. And all the banished dwell with Liberty, And keep the Law and read the Holy Word, — God's chosen, set apart to do His will And be his Witness in the world below. Virtue's beloved and the espoused of Truth Clad in the saving robes of Righteousness — 270 THE CLOSING SCENE. Condemn' d and banish'd for tlieir zeal and faith, Came to Ziona's Isle of pearl and gold And safety found from Wretchedness and Hell. They met each other with a holy kiss ; They lived as brothers and their friendship grew — Heart wed to heart entire, their love — woman's ! Keligion was their guide and God their friend — The narrow-way lay lovely to their sight A.nd fed their souls on joys of the Redeemed.^ God's bless' d ! And they grew mighty in the isle And loved Ziona was their little Zoar. Vast forests fell. Fields ripened in the sun. Wide-spreading farms chased woody-wilds afar And laughing Plenty blossom'd like a bower — Down shook her blessings raining on the land, While Thankfulness as incense rose to Heaven, And Peace and Joy on tiptoe clapt their hands. God's temples dumb spring-glittering up the skies; Towns jewel'd o'er the vallies and the hills, And cities were — thou Ediona — thou ! Remote from Evil and a world of wo — From Wickedness retired to be with God, THE CLOSING SCENE. 271 Whore Virtue hath her shrine, bless'd Peace her home, And Freedom's banner floateth o'er the free. Mid vine-clad hills spring-fed and grove-embower'd Fair Ediona towers Bride of the Prince — The virgin daughter of the God of Heaven ! Where Justice smiles to Mercy while he rules ; Where Arts and Science give soul-wing to mind; Where Learning counteth stars, Wisdom flies heaven, And Genius strives for rivalship with gods. Ziona, faithful, 'mong the faithless stands Proclaiming God and Resurrection Morn, And feast on joys that take fast hold on Heaven : — She stands secure amid the Pestilence As Goshen stood encompass'd by Ten Plagues. But earth's full eye of evil on her roll'd Redning with sulphur flashing of fell hate Till envy turn'd the human heart to fiend. Then Nations swore to Nations in their wrath To be her ruin — her devouring fire, And give her ashes to four winds of heaven. 272 THE CLOSING SCENE. Mad Slaughter rose with murderous arms aloft, And Persecution, Vengeance, Massacre Breath'd Battle-spirit from their sodden lungs To gore World-heart and be her wreck and grave. In boats and crafts with all the woes of war, Five hundred thousand dreadful warriors came And burst upon her gates with wild uproar; But Ediona — Heaven's true hero stood Invulnerable to Envy's storm and Hell. Keligion was her strength and God her tower; Her soul was peace and purity and love — The Lord of Hosts her trust and sure defence 'Gainst man and powers of Darkness all combin'd. Three circling years the Nations fought complete Loud thundering at her gates by night and day : Stern Heroism strode desperate forth, but fell. And Bravery, Bravery met and was undone — The mighty, nerveless lay pil'd, bleeding 'round. At post stood Duty firm, and hand to hand With Valor fought but found his grave e'er night. Power nerved his might and swept forth like a storm. But saw a foe superior and died. THE CLOSING SCENE. 273 Strength met an arm that level'd him with dust, And Greatness found a greater and his tomb. Art, Toil beneath their task down sank, expir'd, And Genius search'd her stores and found but dreams, — The might of Stratagem was idle wind. And Wisdom, falling, groan'd wise plans to death. All fatal arts of war were tried in vain, — The Nations did but — fight, flee, fall and die, Whiles holy city stood — God's Ediona still. Upon Ziona's wall Grim Death appears ! His direful form of famine looks disease And battle forth with pestilence and wo, Whiles Dissolution gurgles from his throat. Destruction-arm' d and Terror-clad he stands A statued Horror — Fate is in his look ! His eye the fiery lightning's sheeted flame, And arm the lowering thunder's desperate might. His laboring brain a carnage-house of wo Haunted and fed by fury of his soul, — Death-dooms are seen wide-written in his face ! Diseases thicken 'round about him jrrim ; 18 " ' 274 THE CLOSING SCENE. Plague, Pestilence in fatal shadow stand, And ^hind him Desolation and Despair Spread their domain thro' Chaos down to Hell. A sight so fell that Darkness midnights 'round, Ghosts shriek, and Echo bellows out — Grim ^ Death I' The weeping moon thro' mist looks blood, and wrath Of God on cloud and sky flames sulphurous, While thus to self he growls as Spirits damned To mountains, rocks that hide them from the Lamb : ^ Grim Death yoked with the Whirlwind to destroy ! Lo ! we have cours'd the world nine times around, And cry of all my Imps is still — ' Havock !' Hell, Death and Sin have tainted all below — All but Ziona ! saved by Him whose arm Is terror, and whose name 's Omnipotence. When will her thousand years of life away ? Earth's holy Sabbath hath departed long. Yet God preserves his Ediona still ! Ah ! why reserve this city to Himself While Ruin sweeps all quarters of the world ? Is Tyrant partial to these hills and plains? THE CLOSING SCENE. 275 These founts of song and streams of melody — Brooks pouring through the heart of Solitude And mirror-lakes that paint as Spirits — Heaven ? Those Eden-groves where beauty weds the eye, And golden fields whose harvests feast the sight? High mounds where Seraphs bathe in founts of dew; Ghost-wilds of Darkness waving midnight-locks, And eaves whose night on slumbers evermore ? All these are odorous with millennial bliss, But are they bright as was the sunny south When God's own presence bless'd the mundane Earth ? Christ dwells not here as in the days of peace, Nor Angels one them with the sons of men ; But will He yield entire this jewel'd-love ? He will : — Death 's written upon all save soul, — Content thee Death — all conquest is thine own, — . Grim Death shall king Mortality for aye ; I bring the Plagues of Egypt to thee, jade ! ' Almighty, now hath hidden Him in clouds ! Then clang of arms is music feasting soul : War is the joy of my heroic heart — 276 THE CLOSING SCENE. Mad war out bellows many devils damn'd ! Earth-wasting War ! howl out for havock — howl ! To vengeance sweep — drown thv hellfire in blood Where Fate meets Death to slay a million fools. Chase soul from man thou world-devouring War I Death mounts thy murder-car — red Battle-fiend ! We '11 desert Earth and make this globe a tomb From conquer unto conquest is our stride And victory and vengeance all our own. ^ King Magog robs four quarters of the world — E'en now, upon the breadth of all the Earth, With numbers as the sands upon the sea — Satan at head, comes forth to desolate; The Camp of Saints to compass with his hosts Till Hell and Death shall ghost— City of God ! All things before him down to ruin sink And hurl'd to desolation all behind : — Ziona! he brings woes that have not come! Grim Death and War roar round thee to devour And Desolation uroaneth to receive. * Three years have roll'd their nothingness to graves THE CLOSING SCENE. 277 Since Grog, true servant of the Evil one Came forth to battle with the sons of Light, And give their brow the holy martyr's crown : This wall still bids defiance to his hosts, Stands firm as first — Ziona's tower of strength — One thousand miles of wall strong as a world ! The City heeds the warring Nations not. But all her avocations she pursues And walks with Duty as in days of peace — Right onward in the busy walks of life And valiant ever for the cause of Christ. 0, Temperance I thou true Jerusalem-blade I Thou chaseth Poverty, Sin, Death, Disease — One half the woes of Earth thy presence fly! Thou, Ediona's Angel art and guide. And who shall harm of all the hosts of Hell? Wo, Famine, Pestilence flee from her gates And her life's close is but time's slow decay. While beastly and self-murderous hosts of Gog By thousands rush to Hell before their time And drunkards graves hide Gluttony and Lust Of all his hosts, ten thousand 'lone remain, Yet stands the wall and Ediona lives. 278 THE CLOSING SCENE. 'I \e not yet supp'd with thee loved one of Heaven I Wo lingers not, and Indignation 's near : Death 's on thy walls and Ruin at thy gates — When Mercy's smile forsakes, Hell's wrath devours. Thy tears and carnage, agonies and groans Shall music he and a right-royal feast. Fire, sword and Consternation and Dismay With Rage shall up in arms and shake the world. Eternal Ruin, Devastation — wake ! Wake Vengeance ! walk Creation as in Hell, While Grim Death makes Existence all his own And stamps his name on heart of all save Heaven. 'Midnight! Eternity-roh'd and world-ey'd ! Art thou and Heaven a-search for heart-secrets Lock'd deeply in breast-darkness of mankind ? Search me — Night ! ope my bosom's lowest deep And scan my soul's wide hell and 'twill blast thee ! I am of every mortal thing the curse — One curse — eternal and almighty all — Beginning of all horrors and the end ! Thou sleep-eyed Night ! thy poppies blossom round, THE CLOSING SCENE. 279 But thy Lethean fount flies from Death's lip While men sleep and forget that they are worms. Ziona sleeps ! upon her pillow — Heaven ! Her conscience pure, reflecting — peace of God, While Seraphs romp and mingle with her dreams I Awake — arise ! ye shall weep blood for this, — Behold, I am your flood and flame of fire, And with my rage who 's able to contend ? Thy couch of down shall be thy bed of death, Bosom's serene the home of fell Despair. Come Scythe ! thou drankest blood of first man slain — When will thy hunger gorge upon the last ? *The Dragon seats himself on Earth's wide lap — E'en in Ziona's heart him I behold! Then hath Hell come to man on this side death. On his night-frown grim Vengeance hangs with fiends J Flame-eyes roll lightning-looks that smite with bolts; His soul sulphurous burns an Erebus — He seems like Pit Infernal seen afar! Hell grows outrageous as a sea for prey: — The war of Armageddon hath commenc'd, THE CLOSING SCENE. And Desolation's horrors are at hand ! I will descend, and woo and win and wed This Bride of God — divine Ziona mine, And aid Apolyon and his mighty host To light the Virgin to the bed of Death/ *He comes — he comes I With his vast Army comes — Magogj and all the heroes under Heaven !' A thousand voices cry with wild uproar. Sleep-lock'd pavilions burst them into life And pour their warriors forth — flooding the Isle. Dust-clouds thick-rolling darken all the heavens; A million torches chase the frown of night, While Gog beholds their coming and is glad, — Sees Earth a-swarm with life, and bright in arms A world-wide Army dreadful to the sight ! Hears clang of arms loud rattling from the rocks. The sound of wild steed's foot smiting the plain, And his full soul grows in his bosom's tower. Wild boars, with anger bristle and affright. While wolves snuff air and fly to dens afar. Army to Army joyous greetings shout, — THE CLOSING SCENE. 281 Not louder speaks Niagara, when quakes Wide shores around and all the caverns groan. Like Ocean's countless waves they pour along Their numbers without number infinite. Fierce-sweeping cars dash stormy o'er the field ; War-steeds loud neigh — like tempests bounding on; Hoarse bugles scream ; air-rending trumpets shriek, And pealing drums roll thunderings up to heaven. Loud roars their coming ! Echo, from her home Of adamant, speeds bellowing up the skies: — Commotion vast and noise and tumult are Beyond the mad Atlantic's boisterous roar When Heaven comes down with world-consuming rage And rides her Tempest-steed league-bounding on O'er cloud-contending heroes of his breast. Ziona sprang from couch e'er full awake. And statue-like stood stiffening with alarm — Confounded, terror-rooted to her place ! A thousand heroes leap'd upon her wall — Gaz'd — stiird with horror mute and dumb amaze, Till bell of statQ aloud to council called. 282 THE CLOSING SCENE. The Senate pour'd flooding the Capital; Down sat impatient, wary and confus'd. When fiird seats spake — 'Assembly all conven'd/ The ripe in wisdom and the full of days — Magi ! chief, father of his people rose With loved Ziona bleeding in his heart And Wisdom's glories daying him around By chair of state he stood the council's light — White in his locks and honor' d like a god! He look'd a prayer to Heaven, then spake aloud To know that Ediona's hope was God And her great soul -heroic — Valor's fire. 'Sons, senators and servants of the Highest! The world 's before us— Ediona's foe ! How can Ziona stand to Earth opposed? How answer when all Nations smite her gates? Trust ye your safety to your granite wall ? It cannot stand against an Earth-wide foe, — It is at best a short respite from Doom. Destruction is about us as the wind, — Devourous Ruin bellows in our ears. Behold ! are we a feather on the storm ? THE CLOSING SCENE. 283 Look to the foe ! How terrible their power ! The hills are burthen' d with the mighty hosts; Rocks split asunder 'neath their dreadful load, And the deep-seated vales, afar shaken I Fell Devastation widens out their paths; Before them, all things vanish like a mist, And hurl'd to desolation all behind : — Ziona is a very little thing ! Count ye the stars of night, and number them ; — Ah ! who can battle with infinitude ? Let thousands fall, and still they seem the same, — Ten thousand more, and yet we miss them not, Then thrice ten thousand add! The mighty hosts Flooding the plain remain invulnerable, And who shall dare oppose their might save Heaven? With their broad bucklers walFd on all sides round To clashing swords impenetrable stand Dealing out death in sport to whom they will — Aplay with heroes as we play with toys ! From Earth's poles, conquering, but not conquer'd come; They come to lay God's city desolate : — Shall Ediona fall ! Council decide/ 284 THE CLOSING SCENE. He said, and down upon the chair of state With gold and gems and ivory bright, sat mute; Impatient most to hear his Country's voice Roll trumpet-toned from every hero's lip — ^ Fear not the friglitful coming of the foe.^ Heroka, rose, with dignity and grace ; King-majesty sat on his brow with ease; The mild of soul, the pious, noble, brave — Forever found in Virtue's path of peace, And his life's day was one straight march to God. The big, round tear swell'd in his manly eye, While thus full soul flow'd out in eloquence: ' Ye wisdom-lights and guides of Ediona ! The storm of peril spreads to huge extent, And every moment now grows big with death. Is Piety then mark'd with seal of Fate, And Mercy's smile clean gone forever-more? Doth Virtue's end draw near? And will she rest In solemn quiet of an earthly tomb? Must sacred Ediona sleep in dust, And the Almighty own no church below? Is not Ziona chosen of the Lord? THE CLOSING SCENE. 285 Then shall she stand — confounded never-more ! 'Tis Sin, not Virtue, God casts down to hell, — He 's on our side ! Can Magog war with Him ? The conquest with the Lord of Battles is. To Sin, our God is a consuming fire — He frowns forever on his enemies, But he will crown his chosen people still. ' Our wall 's too weak to hold the Dragon out ; Then let us forth to battle on the plain — For dreadful battle seems the will of Heaven. The Lord helps those alone who help themselves, — If we sow not, no harvests may we reap ; If Ediona will not smite her foe Her brow cannot be crown' d with victory. But Idleness shall perish in her rags. And Sluggishness to his long death go down : Heaven calls alike on all to do our part And trust to God for conquest at His hand. The cause of Justice draws the sword — help Heaven ! In self-defence we war — we fight for Peace For Innocence and Virtue ever fair, — Beligion, Freedom battle on our side, 286 THE CLOSING SCENE. And they shall be to us the power of God In hurling forth of fell Iniquity ! ! let us rise with full of faith in God Our light of hope and our great victory.' He ceas'd, and sighed in spirit as he sat. GoDOWNi, then, in princely grandeur rose, Whose sage-like look spake hero and a saint, And Wisdom's home and Council's depth re- veal'd : — A God-like hero from his early youth, And the most manly man of men alive, — The head and hand of War — the Victory ! Attention mute hung breathless o'er the hall While Eloquence rode forth as voice of Heaven, And thus aloud spake thunderings of his soul Till all hearts fiU'd with manna from on high : * Count not our foe ye chosen of the Lord I Say, who are Magog's hosts compar'd with ours? A drunken rabble, cowards, villains, slaves Drove by Oppression's lash and Tyranny Against their will to battle at our gates, THE CLOSING SCENE. 287 And led by Dragon — captive at liis will. They number cowards when they count their droves, We, number heroes where we number men, While God of battles is our strength and tower. True valor makes our numbers numberless — Say, who shall count the army of the Lord ? His chosen few are more than seashore's sand. And stars of night are not God-bless' d as they: God's Ediona — world of heroes is ! She's Bravery's self — a hero God-ordain'd; Her little armies countless thousands are — A number without number — infinite ! Strong Valor's might is like the wind of heaven — What scales can weigh, what tongue can tell its power ? 'Tis a divinity — Ziona's crown. Can weakness be when every arm 's a host ? Nations our strength, heroes our people are And God of Armies our defence for aye. When he is for us who can be against ? Can Magog's millions then compare with us? They are but dust upon the winds of Heaven, — Them, God shall sweep to ruin in his wrath 288 THE CLOSING SCENE. And smile upon his people and deliver. He falleth on his foes and who can hinder? RoU'd not the Red Sea back for Israel's sake And give their Egypt-foe to watery graves ? The Lord our God 's Omnipotent to save, But where he frowns there is Oblivion. Why doubt we then ? Where is discouragement ? To disbelieve, is an offence to Him — To trust in God, the wisdom of the Bless'd. 'Who number us the oaks on Oren's Hills, Or count the leaves that fan the summer hours? Storm comes, and leaves and forests are no more I How countless too are Ocean^s mountain-waves ? Yet Tempest drives before him in his ire And hurls them all to ruin with a breath ! Those legions shadow vale and hill afar, As numberless as dews our enemy — An earth-wide army and a world of men ! But who shall face Heaven's heroes in the field? Who stand when Ediona meets her foe? Her rising up in arms is terrible; Her march to field is Tempest in his rage; THE CLOSING SCENE. 289 Her might in battle smites as bolts of God ; Deaths from her hand like fires from Etna leap, While Fury heaps her death-path down to Hell : Who but the Dragon then will think of flight? Darkness shall flee the rising up of day, And Satan fall like lightning — thundersmote ! Peace, liberty are with the Lord our God, And he will crown his Ediona still. War is our safety and our God our hope — Our sword unsheathed shall set Ziona free. I charge thee Ediona — rise ! to arms ! Go forth in God, and laurel' d Victory Asmile, shall wave her star-gem'd flag to thee.' Thus spake he loud, and ended thus, and sat. KiLLMORi, rose, the swift of foot and bold In fight — the tempest and the bolt of war — A battle-driving spirit consummate ! In polished arms, and spread a living light O'er listning heroes thronging him around. His face of cloud, portentious spake of storm, — War-kindling eye talk'd with soul of fire \Vhile thus the troubled Council he address'd: 19 290 THE CLOSING SCENE. ' Ye lights in peace and thunderbolts in storm I Our strength hath slumber'd long and quietly, But Danger's cry wakes up the hero's soul. Our country^s safety calls us to the field j That voice is sacred — oracle of God. King Magog's e very-nation' d army comes, — Red battle 's 'fore us with its field of blood, And War loud roars at Valor to awake ! Earth, Heaven and Hell demand the sacrifice : Death's all devouring hunger must be gorged By wasteful vengeance and the fiery sword. Ye senators and heroes world-renown' d ! Doth coming tempest darken all our sky 't There 's sunshine, calm and Heaven beyond the cloud — Let Valor, Wisdom, A^irtue press along. 'The brow of Victory's crown'd by Heroism And Bravery battling with the world, conquers. Doth the intrepid lion e'er regard A million emmets trailing cross his path, Or heed ten thousand gnats perch'd on his mane ? Behold ! our lovely island stands secure THE CLOSING SCENE. 291 Amid a sea of waves^ and one firm rock Defies the mighty Ocean's dreadful rush, — Yon hill 's unmoved by all the storms of time ! Rock and hill-like we planted are by God Himself — fast as foundation of the globe; Then who can harm the chosen bride of God ? Yon Dragon-host ? — a bacchanalian mob I They will away as dust before the storm — One hero can a thousand cowards chase, Yea, two of us may put them all to flight! Could Magog number slaves as forests boughs, Or wilderness both trees and leaves, and shade Creation with the billions infinite, Ziona would not fear — she is of God! Pale fear within her sacred walls lives not, — When Dragon drove our fathers to this isle Fear was excluded quite; they knew but this: To bravely live and how to bravely die. '■ Ziona is the land of valor still The home of heroes — nursery of the brave, And she shall still be Freedom's own beloved Or martyr's holy tomb forever-more. 292 THE CLOSING SCENE. Our country 's sacred next to God and Heaven ; For this loved isle we dare contend with Death, And we will leave her only for our graves ; While there is life, our bosoms are her shield — Long as we stand, we '11 stand 'twixt her and doom : — Then let death come — he '11 find us at our posts. AH those who die shall wear the hero's crown, And they will fall a sacrifice to God : At Duty's side we fall if fall we must. And there stand heroes till we sink in death. We can die veterans, — servants shall we live — Base slaves to Dragon and Tartarean hosts? We 've lived with God and learn'd his love by hearty We know not how, nor will we ever learn To serve Pollution and Iniquity ! We 've lived with glory — with renown we '11 die, — We scorn to outlive virtue and our fame — Death and the grave, not life and infamy ! For Liberty and Right our all we stake — Our life for Freedom shall be freely given. The blood of heroes glorifies the field. And Valor sunk to rest sleeps quietly. THE CLOSING SCENE. 293 'My soul is war — sword flames to meet the foe! There 's nothing left but arms and hope in God — Us, on they '11 lead to glorious victory. Our host must meet their hosts, our sword their swords : If war we must, why longer here debate ! In fight immediate the triumph lies, And danger, ruin, death in slow delay. Our foes to night hold joyous festival With dance and song and bacchanalian glee; Shall we at waking up of rosy Dawn One gall-drop add to their full cup of bliss, And let them feel the terror of our arms? Are we the laugh of enemies to night. And shall we not their groan tomorrow be i Then face them bravely as becomes the brave. Our country now loud calls her heroes forth, — She calls upon her sons in her great need; Will they not stand unshaken at her side And save their mother from the Dragon's jaws? To shrink from duty seals Ziona's fate : Then let us march with confidence in God, And hope shall ripen into victory.' 294 THE CLOSING SCENE. ' We '11 stake our lives and fortunes for her sake/ A thousand voices cried with loud acclaim, ^ And march with her to victory or death ; Yea, we will battle with our Dragon-foe Tho' Ruin be around him as a storm And Devastation desolates his path ! Count not but show to us the enemy, — Lead thou, Godowni ! Heaven-anointed chief — Thou victory-gaining hero of renown ! Ziona hails thee generalissiuio. To arms — to arms ! Ziona shall be free/ The people thus with tearful energy Spake out their souls with holy ardor fired Brightning for dreadful battle all around, Till father Magi, loved by every heart — Light of the senate and their wisdom's crown Arose, and shook the honors of his head, And order was and silence thro' the hall, When thus, aloud, his people he address' d : ^ Sons ! Valor's self lives in your souls of fire ! 'Tis joy to see your hearts and country one; THE CLOSING SCENE. 295 That love is noble — cherish still the flame — Heaven will reward your zeal with victory. Elect ! from every country under Heaven — Sons worthy of your sires — go, Virtue-arm' d ! Face peril bravely as becomes the brave, And trust to God our sacred Liberty, — Yea, trust in Him and be confounded never. Successful war ye wage if Heaven but smile, And victory 's yours if ye to selves prove true. ' Why waste the night in further counsel now When every hero's voice is loud for war ? Valor's full bosom burns to meet the foe, And each soul leaps to mingle with the fight, — No fear in walls of Ediona lives, For Virtue's eye e'er looks on Victory. Who save the foe shall tremble when we rise And Ediona thunders to the field? Her going forth is like Tornado's rush, — Vengeance in midst bares his red arm of hell; Her every sword a very Legion is, Her arrow's flight the coming-on of Death, And path's wide-waste a desolation all I 296 THE CLOSING SCENE. Then let tlio Array of the Lord arise, And Magog's sable bands shall melt away As ghosts of night from world-rejoicing Morn, Or vapors dank the rising up of Day. The enemies of God revel and dance Till Drunkenness and Sleep pile all the plain,- Up heroes ! meet yon Bacchanalian-mob — Be swords to fight the Battle of the Lord ! Doth Ediona stand on edge of doom? Let all her warriors now as one brave man Rush forth, and save her from Oblivion.' Does tlie AVorld Avant tlie otiier Six Books? Princeton, Butler ccmnfj/, Ohio. WIS ■1 'bV 4? ^ •" ^v^ ^ *»•"» >°' ' • « 1 ^^ ^V^C/ChSaV^* A^ '^^ Deaddified using the Bookkeeper process. ^* • ^^ ■« ^ '^ Neutralizing Agent: Magnesium Oxide ^3 'o ♦ » * .^V ^ Treatment Date: '. ^a J" 0°"-. " _plJh JAM 1S99 i IKKEEPEB PRESERVATION TECHNOLOGIES, LP. 1 1 1 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township. PA U •» ' _ ' ^^i» TV^^rar ♦ cranberry Township, pa leoee "^' ^ % ♦.To" .o-" V >.A^ :^^\ \„.<^* y^i£^ %^^^' -N - ^. \,''^ / -^•5*/ o > ■"'*'ao< S M^wA '^ ••"> A° ^. "^^ .-C,^ * J" ^^