Iw^ ifci E^^^^ Class \ j5 o 7^ HISTORY/^^> JAY COmSxY, INDIANA. BY M. W. MONTGOMERY. PRINTED FOR THP] AUTHOR, BY CHURCH, GOODMAN & GUSHING, 61 & 63 La SaIIe-8t, Chicago. cox & DOXOHUE, finders, 53 La Salle-st., Chicago. rf. "^"^ To tlie PioxEEUs OP Jay County, for their enterprise and fortitude in civilizing the wilderness, and to her Volunteer Soldiers, for their gallant efforts to crush this wicked Re- bellion, this Book is respectfully dedicated. M. W. Montgomery. PREFACE. This Book is not written for the present generation. He who reads it without keeping this in view, will be disappointed. Not that it possesses any merit which cannot be appreciated at the present time, but because it narrates those events which grow in interest as they recede into the past. There are two periods in the history of Jay County of great interest to her people, viz : that of its Early Settlement and that during the War against the Rebellion. To preserve for future generations of her citizens a correct narration of these epochs, is the object of THE AUTHOR. July 20th, 1864. CONTENTS Chapter. Page. I. First Family in Jay County, ... 13 II. Tlie Second Family of Settlers, - - - 26 III. Orman Perring — The Hawkins Family, etc. 45 IV. The Fugitive Slaves, 54 V. William Simmons— Lost — Found, - - 63 VI. Nancy Hawkins— The Oldest Cabin— Incidents, 67 VII. The Pioneers of 1830, 73 VIII. Settlers and Incidents, 81 IX. New Settlers and their Experiences, - - 100 X. "Wild Animals — Indians Fire-Hunting — First Election— Lawsuit— Schools, - - 104 XL Organization of the County, - - - - 119 XII. Courts — Officers — Attorneys, ... 128 XIIL Township History, 147 XIV. Rev. I. N. Taylor— Limberlost Church, - 179 XV. Liber College, 189 XVI. Farmers' Academy — General Items, - - 205 XVIL Jay County and the War, - - - - 220 INTRODUCTION. In 1820 the presence of a white family in the territory now embraced within the limits of Jay County had never been known. The aborigines had ranged its forests uninter- rupted in their wild pursuits. In its wilderness they chased their game, they paddled their rough canoes upon its streams, and here and there they kindled camp-tires, built the wigwam, engaged in their savage revelries, or fought their battles. But with the firs', encroachments of civiliza tion upon their hunting grounds, they took their departure. The flint arrow-head, the tomahawk and the stone battle-axe are the only mementos they have left vis. Now, much of their forest is cut away, and civilized men, with all the insti- tutions of society and progress, occupy their places. To de- lineate the causes and primary agents which have wrought out this noble transformation is the pretension of this little volume. To gather fresh from the lips of the pioneers, while they still remained, the story of their early trials, was neces- sary to the completeness of the work. They are fast passing away. While this work has been going through the press, one venerable pioneer — Samuel Grissell — has departed, and he will never read the pages in which he took so lively an interest. Had the work been delayed a few years, the histo- ry of the early settlement of Jay County would have been wrapped in the uncertainties of tradition. One thing has embarrassed the author at every step : Most of the persons named herein are now living, and he who speaks of living men, bares himself to showers of arrows from the quivers of criticism. X. INTtiuDUCTION. When tlie work was commenced, four years ago, very lit- tle was known by the people of the county, generally, con- cerning its early settlement. Less than half a dozen persons then living in the county knew who was the first settler, and wrong impressions widely prevailed upon that, as well as very many other subjects. Some have boasted of their knowledge of the early lii^ory of the covmty, yet thoy could not tell who was its earliest settler, or even who was the first in their own township. To brush away false traditions and reveal facts, has been a leading object in preparing these pages. i\Iuch difliculty has attended the investigation. It has required patient, persevering labor to ascei'taiu the truth about many disputed points. To accurately fix a single date has sometimes required days of inquiry and cross-examina- tion. To gather the histories of the companies, while they were bravely facing the foe, has also been a difiicult task, but they make a record highl}^ flattering to the patriotism of the soldiers. Jay County has never offered a bounty. Her financial condition has been such as to render this course necessary, unless she should overwhelm herself with debt. At the opening of the war she was without public buildings, or money to erect them. The building of a jail and pur- chase of a poor farm were a necessity. Other public build- ings must soon be built. Thus, while many other counties have given tens of thousands of dollars to induce their citi- zens to volunteer, the patriot sons of Jay have gone forth un- influenced by other motives than pure love of country, which is patriotism in its noblest sense. Nor has there been less volunteering on tins account. The number to be drafted in the county under the call of the President in July for 500,000 men, shows that the county is equal to her sisters, which, no bounty being offered, reflects the highest honor upon her people. The number of men to be drafted is 203, distributed among the townships as follows: Richland, none; Knox, 19 ; Penn, 15 ; Jeff'erson, 28 ; Green, 27 ; Jackson, 19 ; Pike, 32 ; Wayne, none ; Bear Creek, 5 ; ]\Iadisou, 17 ; Noble, 24 ; "Wabash, 17. INTRODUCTION. XI. How st.i'angely have the fortunes of war scattered the One Thousand Soldiers from Jay ! From Gettysburg to Charles- ton, from Rich Mountain to Pea Ridge and New Orleans — everywhere over the extended theatre of the war have her soldiers fought. In every contest their devotion to their coun- try's cause has been self-sacrificing, and their bravery unfal- tering. A crown of glory and the gratitude of their country- men await them. '' he author regrets exceedingly that cir- cumstances beyond his control compelled him to omit an}'' history of the fractional companies, only so far as the lists of the members indicate. Company F, 40th Ohio I'egiment, has traversed Western Virginia, Kentucky and Tennessee, and is now participating in the grand operations of Gen. Sherman ])efore Atlanta. Their record is a noble one, of which their children's children will be proud. A sketch of the hard- fought battles and brave deeds of company C, 19th Indiana regiment, would itself make a volume. It is their all-suffi- cient, crowning glory that they participated in the battles of Cedar Mountain, Gains' Farm, Second Bull Run, South Mountain, Antietara, Fredericksburg, Chancellorville and Gettysburg, and are now in the struggle before Petersburg. The repeated efforts of the author to obtain a history of com- pany E, 7th Indiana Cavalry, have been constantly baffled by some strange caprice of the mails. The author now presents the result of his labors to the peo- ple of Jay County. That the work is imperfect, he fully realizes. When several thousand dates and as many names are given in so small a compass, it would be very strange if errors did not occur. Out of the abundant material that has been gatliered, the chief difficulty has been to determine what not to say. But he rejoices in the consciousness that, through it all, he has been constantly governed by an honest purpose to do justice to the subject, so far as his poor abilities would permit. He hopes the reader will find as much pleas- ure in the perusal as he has found in the preparation. The author's acknowledgments are due to many persons Xll. INTRODUCTION. for information which they have kindly funiished. First among these are Mary Studabaker, i\Iary Brooks and Xancy Hawkins — that daring trio, the oldest pioneers of Jay Coun- ty. B. W . Hawkins has given much valuable and varied information. Without his aid no correct history of the early settlement of the county could have been written. The pa- tient research and friendly interest of Hon. J. M. Ha}"nes have added many facts Avhicli would not otherwise have been obtained. From the complete diary of Hon. Theophilus Wilson the sketch of New Corydon is gathered. The history of other villages is not so fully given, because no one has kept so faithful a record of them. Mr. Wilson also furnished other acceptable items. Rev. I. N. Taylor has also contrib- uted a large share of facts, and J. C. Lotz statistics from AVashington City. The many pioneers whom the author has consulted and the many others who have written him, have placed him under obligations. The principal facts given in the histories of the respective military companies have been kindly furnished by tlie following persons : Com- pany C, 39th Indiana, James M. Bromagem ; company B, 34th Indiana, Major Nimrod Headington ; company E, 89th Indiana, Captain J. P. Winters, Sergeant J. W. Jackson and Elias Loof bourrow ; company H, 100th Indiana, Major J. W. Headington and Rev. E. Tucker ; company F, 75th In- diana, Lieutenant Joseph Lewis, Lieutenant G. W. McGrifT and Charles A. Black ; company B, 11th Indiana Cavalry, Lieutenant R. C. Harper ; company C, 19th Indiana, George M. Rathbun ; company F, 40th Ohio, Francis McLaughlin, at Lancaster, and the members of the company in the field ; the One Hundred Days Men, George G. Montgomery and Captain G. W. Fairchilds. In the Miscellaneous List, valua- ble services have been rendered by Provost Marshal Cowgill, of Wabash, and G. W. Abel. To all these the author owes his thanks; and to his ever gracious Heavenly Father, through whom all blessings come, he would express his pro- found gratitude. CHAPTER I. THE FIKST FAMILY IN JAY COUNTY. On the 15th day of February, 1821, Mr. Peter Stndabaker and Miss Mary Simison were joined in the bands of holy wedlock at the house of the Simison family, where Fort Recovery,* Mercer County, Ohio, now stands. The newly married pair resolved to go still farther on the frontier, and hew out for themselves a home in the wilder- ness. So they gathered their household goods, and with several friends entered the wilds, soon striking the " Quaker Trace" leading from Rich- mond to Fort Wayne, which they followed until they reached the Wabash river. This spot was their destination, and upon the low bank, near the water's edge, they prepared to " camp." Cutting four forked poles, they drove one end of each into * See map. 14 THE FIRST FAMILY the ground, laid poles and brush across the top, and their camp was completed. A lire was kin- dled at one end, bj which the young wife cooked supper for the company — her iirst experience in house, or ra.her camp-keeping, by herself. Their simple repast was highly relished and soon dis- patched, and they retired to rest, blankets spread upon the ground serving for beds. Sleep had scarcely calmed the wearied company when they were aroused by the yells of a gang of approaching wolves. Elsewhere came an answer- ing howl, then another and another, till the forests seemed ringing with their hideous yells. The howling became so terrific, the dog sprang out and threatened to give battle, but soon came bounding back, panic stricken, and jumped upon the nuptial bed. As they la^' there, so close to the bank, they could see about a dozen wolves at the water's edge on the opposite shore. Soon they heard the sharp, savage snap of wolf-teeth near their bed, and glaring eyes shone in the darkness within six feet of their camp. The men sprang from the ground in alarm, seized their rifles and fired. The howling pack fled in haste and did not return. Again the men lay down, and soon "tired nature's sweet restorer" calmed their fears, and they slept soundly till morning — perhaps dreaming of the pleasant homes and dear friends of their childhood. Thus camped and IN JAY COUNTY. 15 slept the first white family that ever trod the wil- derness which fifteen years afterward became Jay Coctnty. This was on the farm now owned by Samuel Hall, on the south bank of the "Wabash, at New Corydon. Soon Mr. S. built a cabin, " all of the olden time," and into it they moved, with the naked earth for a floor. This cabin, the first home of that now widely known pioneer family — a rude hut twelve by sixteen, of small round logs, with clapboard roof held on by " weight poles," — was the first civilized dwelling ever erected in our county. Unbroken forests were on every hand ; no house within fifteen miles — no mill or store in thirty-five. Their only companions were In- dians — their only foes were wolves. These animals, always annoying by their con- stant howling, were often very troublesome. It was next to J^mpossible to raise stock of any kind. Once a wolf came up to the house in open day- light, to attack a calf, when Mrs. S. appeared, and it ran oft\ At other times they were still bolder. One night a pack attacked the hogs. Mr. S. went out with his gun, his wife holding a torch while he shot at them five times, but without eriect, and they came still nearer, snapping their teeth almost within reach. They seemed bent on an- attack, and the entreaties of his wife at last prevailed on him to ffo into the house. § 16 THE FIRST FAMILY Mr. Stndabakcr obtained a livelihood in various ways — principally by hunting. His delight was to be in the wilderness, beyond the reach of soci- ety and its innovations. He loved the quiet gran- deur of the forest, and the excitement of hunting deer, squirrels, otters, wild ducks, wolves and bears, possessed to him irresistible charms. The game he killed furnished meat for his table in abundance, and of the rarest kind. But they had other sources of income. Even at that early day many travelers passed along the " Quaker Trace," and they all stopped to enjoy the hospitality of these pioneers. In fact, at that time it was rather a matter of necessity, as the distance in either direction to any other house was a day's travel. The " Quaker Trace" was so called because it was opened and traveled by the Quakers of Wayne County, on their way to Fort Wayne to market. Mr. S. sometimes traded provisions to the In- dians for furs, and by selling the furs added some- thing to his income. An incident of this kind is worth relating. In the fall of 1821, Mr. S. and Thomas Eobin- son, who then lived on the "Prairie," in what is now Adams County, went to Greenville and got some flour, and bringing it to the Wabash, dug out a large canoe and started down the river, to sell their flour to the Miami Indians, in a town at the mouth of the Mississinewa — one hundred IN JAY COUNTY. 17 miles by the river route, and a few miles above Peru, Miami County, Indiana. Easily and rapidly they glided down the smooth waters of the "Wabash. In the afternoon of the second day they came in sight of the town. They soon saw that the Indians were on a desperate " spree," and were all dancing, singing, yelling and fighting. They wisely concluded it would not be, safe to visit the town that night ; so they rowed np the river a short distance, anchored their canoe, went ashore and camped for the night. The next day they went down towards the town. RobiHSon staid with the canoe, while Studabaker went to negotiate a sale of the flour. The first Indian he met was a squaw, named " Bigknife," with whom he was well acquainted. She told him they had had a terrible time the night before, and that in the fighting several Indians had been killed, and that they were then all in their huts, sleeping off the effects of their revelry. He inquired if any of the men were sober. She replied that one was? and offered to conduct him to the hut where that Indian slept. On their way through the village, which seemed almost deserted, they passed by a young Indian who was lying with his stomach ripped open, and part of his entrails lying upon the ground, but still alive. They went and aroused the sober Indian, who after much painting and ornamenting, went with Mr. Studabaker to the 18 THE FIRST FAMILY canoe. On their way they passed the wounded Indian. A squaw was sitting by his side, weep- ing, replacing the entrails, and with an awl and deer's sinew was sewing up the horrible wound. The Indian looked at the flour, and pointing to the sun and the western sky, said that when the sun reached such a place the Indians would get liungry and come and bu3^ At the appointed time this sober Indian came down to the canoe, followed by the others, each of whom purchased a small quantity of flour. Our adventurers then returned, occupying about three days in their up- stream rowing. This family endured very many severe hardships during their stay at this point on the Wabash. So the flrst families who settled in each section of the county endured privations and trials which would have overwhelmed others less patient, energetic and brave. To the comfortably situated residents at the present time these trials seem almost incred- ible. Here is a leaf from the life of Mary Studa- baker : Late in the autumn of 1822, the Indians, as they were sometimes in the habit of doing, stole two colts — one from Mr. Studabakcr, and one from his brother-in-law, John Simison. In the earl}^ part of winter Simison came to Studabaker's, and the two men set out for Wapakoneta, Ohio, in search of the colts among the Indians of that IN JAY COUNTY. 19 country. Before leaving, Mr. Studabaker hired a boy from the settlement to stay with his wife, who then had a babe only three montlis old, to cut the wood and build fires. The men had been gone scarcely an hour when this boy proved treacherous, and left Mrs. Studabaker and her child entirely alone. This placed her in an alarm- ing situation. Her husband expected to be absent nearly a week ; the weather was very cold, and she had no wood and but little strength. She was fifteen miles from any neighbors, in a wilder- ness full of roving gangs of Indians and wolves. The prospect was a dreary one. She saw her dangerous situation, and with heroic fortitude resolved to do her utmost to save herself and child. She devoted herself assiduously to chop- ping wood and building lires. Quite naturally she sought the kinds of wood which would chop the easiest, and sometimes cut "buckeye," the poorest of all wood. This made it difficult to keep good Hres ; but she managed to get along without suffering -much, except from loneliness, until the fifth day, when the weather turned ex- tremely cold. All this time had passed, and she had not seen a human being. Even the sight of an Indian would have gladdened her heart. This day she built a fire, but it would not burn. She chopped more wood and piled the great fire-place full; but all in vain. To use her own words, "It 20 THE FIRST FAMILY seemed to be, as it is said to be in Greenland sometimes, too cold for the lire to burn." Dis- heartened and despairinfij, as her last hope, she took her babe and went to bed. Here they must lie until assistance came, or freeze to death ! But the kind care of an ever-watchful Father in Heaven was upon her. In about two hours Mr. Studa- baker came home, bringing the stolen colt. He soon built a large, comfortable, crackling lire. How great was her joy at this very opportune rescue ! Mrs. Studabaker gives the following account of the survey of this part of Indiana by the govern- ment surveyors. In the winter of 1821 and 1822 James Worthington, of Columbus, Ohio, son of Governor Worthington, accompanied by nine assistants, came to Mr. Studabaker's, and made their home with him during the three months occupied in making the survey. Having two sets of instruments, they operated in two distinct com- panies, and surveyed the territory now making the counties of Jay, Adams and AVells. They gave Mr. Studabaker a plat of their survey, which was very useful to the early settlers for many years. About foi-ty rods below Hall & Arnett's Mills, at New Corydon, is a tree on M-hich many dates have been cut, and among others the figures " 1822." They are now grown up, so as to be IN JAY COUNTY. 21 barely visible, and have every appearance of having been put there at that time. It is quite likely tlie work of the government surveyors. The first person born in Jay County was Abeam Studabaker. He was born in the little cabin on the AVabash, September 29th, 1822, a child of the wilderness — the lirst born of the family and of the county. His life was but a blossom, having died March 11th, 1821, at Fort Recovery. Another son was afterward given the same name. Mr. Studabaker moved to the Wabash with the intention of making that his permanent home; but the frequent overflows of the river at that time discouraged him, and finally led him to move away. One evening in the spring of 1822 several travelers stopped to stay all night. The "Wabash was quite high, but not unusually so. Mrs. Stu- dabaker made a bed on the floor, in which the travelers retired to rest. In the night, one of them thought he felt rather "moist," and on turn- ing over found the puncheons were floating. They got up ; one went up in the " loft," and the other concluded to nap the rest of the night away on the logs of wood by the fire place. But the family, being more fortunate, were on a bedstead, and slept there until morning, when they found all the puncheons except the two on which the bed- posts rested, floating about the room. Mr. Studa- baker waded out and brought his canoe into the 2* 22 THE FIEST FAMILY house, and took the family to dry land in the woods, where tliey camped until the water went down, whicli was in four or live days. In this way the Wabash overflowed the land about his cabin, and he moved back to Fort Recovery, hav- ing lived in Jay county about two years. Mary Studabakek has been a pioneer all hei* life. She was born March 16th, 1796, in Sherman Valley, Penn. At the age of tv/o years her father, John Simison, moved to Kentucky and settled within six miles of Lexington. Residing there six years, they moved to Warren County, Ohio. After living there ten or twelve years, they moved to Greenville, and from there, in the spring of 1817, to Fort Recovery. There was not a single family then living in all the region of the Upper Wabash. They were the flrst pioneers of Fort Recovery — that place so celebrated in history as the scene of St. Clair's defeat, and Mar}'^ was afterward of Jay, and still later of the south part of Adams County. There was a trading house then at Fort Recovery, built by David Con- nor, It was about twelve feet square, and sur- rounded by pickets — logs set in the ground reach- ing about eight feet high — as a protection against the Indians. Into this house John Simison and family moved. Mr, Simison farmed the ground upon which the town is now built, while his boys did the hunting. He raised most of the livine: for IN JAY COUNTY. 23 the family, but had to go to Greenville to find a store and mill. He had a hand mill, and some- times ground on that. It was while living here that the Treaty was made with the Indian?, October 6th, 1818. Dr. Perrine, of Greenville, attended that meeting. Starting in the morning, on foot, he expected to reach Simison's that evening ; but night overtook him while he was in what is now Madison Town- ship. Finding he must camp out, he was much alarmed lest the wolves should devour him. Coming upon a much-broken tree-top, he set about building a camp that would protect him. Out of the broken limbs he built a very small, oval-shaped pen, leaving a hole at the bottom. Into^this he crept, and drew a stick, prepared for the purpose, into the hole after him, thus effectu- ally blocking all entrance. Curling up there, he slept soundly. Some time after this Thomas Rob- inson settled beside Mr. Simison — then soon moved into Adams County. But sorrow was in store for this family. Mrs. Simison died in September, 1820, and on the last day of that ever-memorable year, she was fol- lowed by her husband. His burial took place on New Year's day, 1821. Thomas Robinson and Peter Studabaker happened to be there at the time of his death, and making a rough box which had to answer for a coffin, they buried their pio- 24 THE FIRST rA-3*nLT neer friend. But for the fortunate presence of these men, none beside the mourning orphans would have been there to perform the last sad offices for the lamented dead. In a few weeks M^uiY was married, and entered upon her brief life of trials in Jay County. After moving back to Fort Recovery, Peter Studabaker was engaged chiefly in farming for about twelve years, when he moved to Adams County, where he died June 15th, 1840. He was born in 1790, in Moreland County, Pennsylvania. Mary now lives with her son Abram, in Adams County, Indiana, in a log house, with one of those great old-fashioned cabin fire places, which so abund- antly dispense warmth and cheerfulness to the inmates. It is about sixty feet from the river, upon the banks of which she has lived since her childhood days, nearly half a centur3\ By the side of its quiet waters she was wooed and won, and has devotedly braved many dangers, reared a large family, and followed her husband and several children to the silent tomb. She is now seventy- four years of age, and though in feeble health, her mind still retains its original vigor. Strong com- mon sense, quick perception and good judgment are her characteristics. Indeed, without these qualities, she could not have passed through so rugged and eventful a life. Her son. Honorable David Studabaker, has resided for many years in IN JAY COUNTY. 25 Decatur, Indiana, where he has been, and still is, a prominent attorney. He has represented that county in the Legislature of the State, and was for four years the State Senator from the district composed of the counties of Jay, Adams and Wells, in which position he sustained himself with credit. CHAPTER II. THE SECOND FAMILY OF SETTLERS, On Monday morning, near the close of jSTovem- ber, 1823, a few persons might have been seen crossing the Mississinewa river, making their way northward from the residence of Mr. Mishack Lewallen, or what is now the pleasant village of Ridgeville, Randolph County, Indiana. The com- pany consisted of John Gain, who was a Dutch Indian-trader, John Brooks, his wife Mary Brooks, and Nancy Brooks, who was then an in- fant. Mary and her child were riding in a wagon, drawn by one yoke of oxen ; John Gain was driving, while John Brooks was cutting out the way. They were entering an untamed and un- known wilderness, where before only the tragic scenes of the wild forest had been enacted. The noiseless march of tlie surly bear, the piteous bleating of the deer, as, wearied and des- SECOIrt) FAMILY OF SETTLERS. 27 pairing, it resigns itself to the jaws of the wolves that have been fleetly chasing it for a day ; the terrible howling and bloody battles over the booty ; the stealthy step of the Indian in pursuit of his game, and sharp crack of his rifle and ex- ulting "whoop," and upward curling of the blue smoke from camp flres or rude wigwams, and the excitement of the " Indian war dance" — all these were the sights and sounds to which these tall forests had been mute witnesses for centuries. The sound of the white man's axe was the precur- sor of the dawn of civilization upon that wilder- ness. The company were endeavoring to follow an Indian bridle path called the " Godfrey Trace," which led from the settlement on the Mississine- wa to the Indian town on the Salimonie. The two men kept up a lively discourse upon the new country, the abundance of game, the quality of the soil, the prospect for profitable trade with the Indians, and such other topics as are always full of interest to the pioneer. Thus slow- ly wended their way forward the second white family that ever moved into Jay County, and the first one that made it their permanent home. The day was a most beautiful one, and the weather very pleasant for the season. The mild brilliance of the autumn sunlight tinted the forests with golden rays, the fallen leaves spread the earth with a carpet of brown, and the air was me- 28 THE SECOND FAMILY lodious with the farewell songs of the feathery tribes, as they took their flight for the suuny re- gions of the far South. Save the chirping of the birds and the frisking and chattering of the squir- rels, the voices and movements of the company were all that broke the stillness of those dense forests. The scene before and around them was grand and inspiring, and the men moved forward elated and cheerful, while hope painted the future with long lives of enjoyment and prosperity. On their way they passed over the beautiful knoll on which Kew Mount Pleasant is now sit- uated, and toward evening stopped for the night, and camped on the banks of a small creek, after- ward called Brooks' Creek, in honor of the family which was the first to camp, and subsequently the first to live upon its banks. They kindled a cheerful fire by the side of a large log, and Mary Brooks cooked supper by it, getting water from the stream. Soon after nightfall they prepared to rest, for all were weary with their day's travel. The ground was dry, and they gathered in heaps the fallen leaves, spread blankets upon them, and, with feet toward the fire, all lay down under the star-spangled canopy which overspread them. But Mary Brooks did not sleep. Her heart was full of sadness. To use her own language, "she was sad all that day, as they came through the wil- derness." They seemed to be entering an unend- OF SETTLERS. 29 ing forest, and going — she knew not where. She had bidden farewell to friends, society and even civilization, and was. going where, besides her hus- band and child, her only companions w^ould be Indians and wild beasts. Her husband could liunt, trade or travel ; but what could she do to draw her mind from the surrounding wilderness ? A lonely life in a dreary wilderness, beyond the reach of society and friends — a sad, disheartening prospect! Still more, as they lay upon the ground in the open air, darkness around them, the twinkling stars above them, the wolves howled fearfully around the camp. To an old hunter such circumstances are fascinating, but to woman — delicate, sensitive, home-loving woman — they have no charms. So Mary Brooks lay down upon her bed of leaves, and wept bitterly all that long night. Many times she besought her husband to take her back to the settlements ; but his desire to go forward and try the life of a pioneer and secure a home for his family, led him to deny her urgent request. Early the next morning they set out for the Indian village, on the banks of the Salimonie, of twenty or thirty huts. The Indians were of the Miami tribe, and Francois Godfrey their chief. A /few years afterward he built a brick house there, and since then it has generally been known as the 30 THE SECOND FAMILY "Godfrey Farm."* T'he Indians left in 1884, and the tarm is now owned by a resident of Ken- tucky. They reached tliis town about sunset. The Indians were very kind, and gave them a camp to sleep in that night. On Wednesday morning they crossed the Salimonie to their home, three quarters of a mile distant. This consisted of two cabins, built by John Gain — one for a dwelling, and the other to ke^p articles in for traffic with the Indians. They were situated on the low bank of a small prairie. ]^o ground was cleared around the cabins, but the men im- mediately set to work and cleared seven acres. Mary Brooks, naturally industrious, energetic and cheerful, looked about her and went to work. Though twenty-four miles from any white family, surrounded by forests and savages, yet for the sake of pleasing her husband, whom she devoted- ly loved, she resolved to be contented. Having introduced the second family who braved the dangers and endured the privations of pioneer life in Jay, a brief sketch of their former lives may be interesting: John Brooks, born August 6th, 1791, neai- Bliil- adelphia, Pennsylvania, was raised a farmer, in Maj'svillo, Ohio. Mary Campbell was born Oc- tober 19th, 1799, in Bourbon County, Kentucky. * See map. OF SETTLEES. 31 At an early age she moved to Ohio, where, in her seventeenfh year, she married John Brooks, July 15th, 1816. They farmed until, in June, 1817, Mr. Brooks came to Ridgeville, Indiana, to see his sister, Hannah Lewallen. He was so fascin- ated with the country that he would not return to Ohio, and sent for his wife. Mary, willing to fol- low the fortunes of her husband, immediately prepared for the long trip, bade her friends what proved to be a last farewell, and set out on horse- back. Her youth, fine health and adventurous spirit made her anxious to see the "new coun- try." She arrived safely at the frontier settle- ment. In a few weeks her first child, Elizabeth, was born ; but it died in thirteen months, and was the first person buried in the cemetery at Ridgeville. There were but three families in that settlement prior to her arrival. They were Joab Ward, Mishack Lewallen and Stephen Jones. One day, one of the men shot an Indian whom he caught stealing cabbage from his garden. This aroused the anger of the Indians, and the settle- ment was very much alarmed lest they should all be murdered. They made a fort of Lewallen's house, and the four families lived in it for two weeks, in constant fear of an attack. But their enemies did not come, and they again ventured forth to their usual avocations. During the sum- 32 THE SECOND FAMILY mer of 1823 Mr. Brooks made two visits to the Godfrey Farm, and tliere became acquainted with John Gain, who offered him $60 a year if he would bring his family there and keep house. Desiring to get money to enter some land, he ac- cepted the offer, and in November John Gain took the family as heretofore narrated, to his home on the little prairie. John Gain soon began to think that he could do better at Fort Wayne, and in February, 1824, moved there. This greatly embarrassed Mr. Brooks. It deprived him of the expected income, and left him there alone with the Indians, with no means of conveying his family to the settlement. In the spring he planted the cleared ground in corn, and there was a fine prospect for a crop un- til the blackbirds came by tliousands and destroy- ed the most of it. Mrs. Brooks says it seemed as if tliere was a bird for every ear. Fortunately John Brooks was a favorite with the Indians, and they taught him their arts in hunting and trap- ping, and these were now his only dependence. During his stay there he killed thirteen wolves, besides large numbers of deer, raccoon, and other animals. He sold the furs in Fort Wayne at high prices. In this way he supported his family the first year. The second spring he again planted corn, and raised an abundant crop. After awhile he got a yoke of oxen, and then commenced trad- OF SETTLERS. S3 ing with the Indians, mostly in flour, which he brought from Stillwater, Darke County, Ohio. One time when Mr. Brooks was preparing to go to Ridgeville, he got an old Indian woman, who was the mother of Francois Godfrey, the Chief, to stay with Mary during his absence. She was a kind old "squaw," and Mrs. Brooks avers was quite good company. They passed the time pleas- antly together, until one day an Indian came there and gave her some whisky, and she drank freely. That night she was taken very sick. Mrs. Brooks did everything possible for her relief ; but she grew worse. About two o'clock in the morn- ins: she brought her blanket, sat down on the floor, and leaned her head against Mrs. Brooks, and there, supported by her pale-faced friend, in a few minutes she breathed her last. Mrs. Brooks laid the corpse upon the floor, covered it up and waited alone with the dead until morning, when the Indian who had been there the evening be- fore, came, and she sent him to the Chief with the news. A large number of Indians then came down to Brooks', and showed many signs of sin- cere mourning. By their request, Mrs. Brooks baked a large cake in the ashes, and they buried it with the corpse. The friendship of the Indi- ans, and especially of the Chief, for the Brooks family was now greatly increased. Mr. Brooks' business kept him much of the time away from 34 THE SECOND FAMILY home, and the Chief took great pains to see that the family was not molested. He gave orders to his tribe that any Indian who would disturb them should be killed ; and whenever Mr. Brooks was absent, this Chief would send his son almost every day to inquire of Mrs. Brooks' welfare. During the several years in which the Indians were their only neighbors, no unfriendliness or cruelty was shown them. In June, 1824, Mr. Brooks started to Stillwater for provisions, expecting to be gone several days. His wife and child were to be left alone, as was usual in such cases. She saw no one for several days, except a traveler on his way to Fort Wayne, who called fur a meal. A heavy rain caused an unprecedented rise in the streams, rendering it impossible for Mr. Brooks to reach his family or get nearer to them than Ridgeville. Mrs. Brooks now began to fear for her husband. She knew that he would make every etibrt in his power to reach his family, and greatly feared that he would risk too much and get drowned. But apprehen- sions of her own safety soon added to her per- plexities. Her provisions were nearly gone, and the Salimonie remained so high that she could not cross to the Indian village to get relief. Her forebodings and anxieties increased until, on the thirteenth day of her husband's absence, she gave the last mouthful of foud about the house to her OF SETTLERS. 35 cliild. She then had nothing whatever left but some sugar and a little milk. Still the Salimonie overflowed its banks, and relief came not. Her child lived on milk, but cried almost continually, while her own sadness and hunger were overwhelming. The belief that Mr. Brooks was drowned, added to her own hun- ger, made her desperate. In this suffering and despairing condition did the poor woman and her child live for three days. By this time she gave up all hope of ever seeing her husband again, and supposed she must starve ; but preferring a watery grave to the slow torments of starvation, she resolved to go to the Salimonie and drown herself and little one. Taking the child, she went to the river, but her weakness compelled her to rest several times on the way. Probably the sight of the swollen, angry current startled her, for she sat down on a log when she reached the water's edge. To use her own language : " It was the thought that my husband was dead that so discouraged me, and I concluded to go half way across the foot log and throw myself into the stream." "While there weeping she saw a person coming toward her on the opposite side of the river. Seeing he had a hat on, she knew it was a white man. After wading a long distance he reached the foot log and came across to her. She was so weak that her joy quite overcame her, and for a time she could not 36 THE SECOND FAMILY answer his question — " What is the matter ?" At length she replied — " I'm starving !" It was her old friend Jolm Gain, returning for some things he had left there. On learning her condition he went with her, and carried the child back to the cabin, and then went over to the Indian village for food. He got eighteen pounds of flour and six of bacon, and started back, but by the time he reached the river it was night. "Wading to the foot log, he found the water had risen during his absence, until the sweeping current was above it. To attempt crossing would be certain death, and those whom he was trying to succor would also be lost. He stood pondering what to do until the increasing darkness placed him in a new danger. There were many deep holes along the bottoms, and knowing that the darkness would prevent him from avoiding them, he dared not return. Stand- ing in three feet of water, a woman and her child starvnng for want of the flour and bacon he had on his back, while to go forward or backward would be almost certain death, he was in a sad dilemma. But there was no alternative — he must stand there ; so there he stood, sides deep in water, the night long ! JSfever was the gray dawn of morning welcomed more gladly. He then made his way back to the town and inquired for a canoe, but there was none nearer than three miles up the stream. He gave a ;young Indian one dollar to OF SETTLERS. 37 bring it down, and charged liim to make all pos- sible haste. But the Indian took his leisure, and it was noon before he returned, and one o'clock when John Gain reached the cabin with the lonsr- needed refreshments. He staid and saw the fam- ished ones eat the first meal for nearly four days. Their gratification and thankfulness amply com- pensated him for his efibrts to relieve them. Then he went his way, and Mary Brooks was again alone. It had now been seventeen days since her husband's departure, and during that time the only human beings she had seen was the traveler before mentioned and John Gain. On the nineteenth day she was greatly rejoiced at the sight of her husband. He left his oxen at the Indian town, crossed the Salimonie by falling trees and wading. They then set about making a canoe, or "perogue," as they were then called, and after rolling it three-quarters of a mile, they got it into the stream and brought over their pro- visions. The Salimonie continued so high that it was nine days before the team could be brought home. Thus ended one of the severest trials ear- ly settlers are ever called to endure. The only visitor Mary Brooks had while living on the prairie was Mrs. Hannah Lewallen, from Ridgeville, who came twenty-four miles on those occasions, which, as Fanny Fern says, " involve the increase of the census." At one time Miss 3 38 THE SECOND FAMILY Barbary Quick came to work for them, walkincr with Mr. Brooks tweuty-four miles in one day. This great distance from any settlement was at all times, especially in cases of sickness, a serious inconvenience. Once one of the children was very sick. All the curative arts which a mother always knows seemed of no avail, and they began to fear their wilderness flower was to be taken from them. John Brooks set out on foot for Fort Wayne, the nearest place where medicine could then be obtained. He performed the journey in two days and nights, and on his return found the child better, and it was soon well. The second person born in the county, and the first who is yet living, was Allen Brooks, March 4:th, 1824. He still lives in Jay, and is a respect- able citizen. The next one was William Brooks, October 20th, 1825. While Mr. Brooks was trading with the Indians he went to the Big Miami, in Ohio, for some things, and brought back a barrel of apples, which he took to Fort Wayne and sold at a very high price. Saving seven choice ones, he brought them home to his wife. Like a prudent woman, she saved the seeds and planted them. They came up nicely, and Mary was so proud of her little nurs- ery that she visited it nearly every day. But of this and what came of. it more hereafter. John Brooks was delighted with the country on OF SETTLERS. 39 Brooks' Creek around where they camped on the way out, and always said he would enter land there. The place was then called Cherry Grove. As they had lived on the prairie about two years and a half, and no settlers had come in, they determined to move to Cherry Grove, which would bring them within twelve miles of the Ridgeville settlement. Early in the spring Mr. Brooks hired a man named Richard Swain for one jnonth. He was a traveler. The two men went to Cherry Grove, built two "half-faced" camps, and cleared a small spot of ground, where Mary Brooks' orchard now stands. "Half-faced" camps, as they were called, must be mentioned frequently in this work, and should be described. Generally, they were made thus : poles were cut, and built up at one end in the form of a log house, while the other end was left open, and the end of the poles placed between posts which were withed together. The whole was covered with clapboards. The open end was the highest, and answered the purpose of door, window and fireplace. This fashion was often changed in some j^articulars. Sometimes the back end was built against a large log, and poles only on the sides. Frequently the roof was only brush or bark. Hunters' camps were still less substantial. Four forked poles were driven into the ground, connected at the top by other poles 40 THE SECOND FAMILY laid across and covered with bark, while brush was piled around the sides. Sometimes the bet- ter class of camps were supplied with bark floors. These were of course only intended to afford a shelter for the family until a cabin could be erected. The Brooks camp was covered with bark, and the sun soon curled it up until it was very little protection against rain. But Mr. Brooks soon built a cabin and moved his family into more comfortable quarters. He cleared three acres of ground, and planted it in corn that spring. He also resumed his usual employment of trading with the Indians, hunting and trapping. At one lime he took one hundred and eighteen raccoon skins to Fort Wayne and sold them. He always preferred teaming to hunting, and after the coun- try became somewhat settled, that was his chief occupation. These years passed slowly and drearily for Mary Brooks. Her husband was absent most of the time ; she had no neighbor \vith whom to ex- change visits, and the calls of Indians or travelers were few. It seemed to her as if she was caged in a wilderness, out of which she could not even see, much less escape. Much of the time she was sad and lonely. Her heart yearned for society and friends. And no wonder, for she lived there seven years without seeing any other house than her OF SETTLERS. 41 own! Think of that, village mothers, whose neighbors, within a few steps from your door, are counted by scores ! Think of that, farmers' wives, the music of whose ringing farm-bell is answered by the sweet chimes of half-a-dozen neighboring ones ! Seven years in the wilder- ness, without neighbors ! Tliough the Israelites were kept in the wilderness, they had their whole tribe of relatives for company. But she had other trials. While living in this lonely condition, a man named George Porter and family, now a resident of Blackford County, moved through there and settled on the prairie by the Godfrey Farm. This made no nearer neigh- bors, for it was twelve miles there; but Porter and Brooks would sometimes go after provisions together. One time they went to Newport, Wayne County, on this errand. As was frequent- ly the case, they were unexpectedly detained sev- eral days, and Mrs. Brooks, with five children, found she was entirely out of flour or meal. She had plenty of cheese, milk and sugar, and upon these they lived for three days. They suffered much, especially the children, until Mr. Por- ter came along with some meal, which Mr. Brooks, who was a long distance behind, had sent forward. Mrs. Brooks tells of a similar occur- rence at Ridgeville, while Mr. Lewallen was building the first mill at that place. He had a 42 THE SECOND FAMILY number of hands at work, ar/T got entirely out of flour and meal. The hands were called together, and Mr. Lewallen stated the case to them. They were all so anxious to get the mill done, they said they would work without bread while he went to mill. They did so, and. worked a whole week without bread ! They had, however, plenty of meat, potatoes and squashes. Mrs. Brooks had carefully taken up her apple tree nursery on the prairie, and set it out at Cherry Grove. There were thirty-three in all, and when they reached the proper size, she had them set out as an orchard. This pioneer orchard grew rapidly, and by the time the country was being generally settled, bore an abundante of fine fruit. To this day thirty-one of those trees are living, still luxuriant and prolific. They are now extraordinarily large trees. The body of one, two feet above the ground, measures five feet and two inches in circumference, while the top spreads out to forty feet in diameter. The body of another is five feet in circumference, and the top forty-four feet in diameter. The writer measured them in December, 1861. At that time the joists in front of Mrs. Brooks' fireplace were hanging full of nice drying apples, while a basket of the beautiful fruit was sitting near to regale the visitor. That year, while most orchards tailed, she had a boun- tiful supply. It is the oldest orchard in Jay / OF SETTLERS. 43 County, and for thirty years those mammoth ap- ple trees have rewarded a hundred fokl her early foresight and care. This is what came of the seven choice apples. About the year 1833 a man named William Van Sickle and his family came through there from Muncie, on their way to Fort Wayne. As he was out of money, he concluded to stop a short time at Cherry Grove. Accordingly he built a cabin and staid there three years. This was the first white neighbor Mrs. Brooks had had for ten years ; but they were mere sojourners, and moved away again. At last, after long years of waiting and hoping, settlers began to move in with their families, their industry and their civilization. The wilderness now began to look like a neighborhood, and Mary Brooks was greatly rejoiced. The first one who moved near them was Mr. Adam Zeigle'r, who settled within one mile and a half. Mrs. Brooks was so delighted to have a neighbor, she thought it was but a "few steps" to Mr. Zeigler's. John Brooks died on the 4th of February 1844, of dropsy. E,ev. George C. Whiteman preached the funeral sermon, and Mr, Timothy Stratton was Administrator of the estate. Thus depai'ted the lirst man who became a permanent resident of Jay County. Mrs. Brooks still lives in widowhood, in a log 44 SECOND FAMILY OF SETTLERS. house built by her husband, in the southeast cor- ner of Knox Township.* She is the mother of eleven children. Three of her sons were born March 4th, viz. : 1824, '27, '31. She is now in her sixty-fourth year. Her life has been rough and wild, and full of privations and suffering, yet she retains more of womanhood than could lea- sonably be expected. While giving the author these sketches, the painful recollections they brought up often caused her to weep. Let us honor her as the oldest inhabitant of Jay County still living within its limits. * See map. CHAPTER III OKMAN PEERING THE HAWKINS FAMILY AND THEIR ANCESTORS. Several years after Peter Studabaker left his cabin on the "Wabash at New Corydon, Orman Perring and family came there, making the third family of settlers in the county. The exact date of his arrival is not known. Mrs. Studabaker gives it as about 1826. The "first cabin," how- ever, was already gone. It had been pulled down, a few logs at a time, and made into rafts on which travelers crossed the river. Mr. Perring lived there until about 1837, when he moved down the Wabash. He lived chiefly bj? hunting and keeping travelers who passed that way. On the 8th day of March, 1829, two families moved into Jay County and settled on a beautiful bank at the forks of the Little Salimonie. Th e 3* 46 THE HAWKINS FAMILY men, John J. Hawkins and Geokge Tucker, had been out the tall before looking for land, and con- cluding to settle on the Salinionie, had built three half- faced camps, and now brought their families to them. It was the iirst warm, beautiful spring day, and all nature seemed waking from its winter slum- ber. It was an appropriate time for the settle- ment of a pioneer family. The foundations of rugged Winter were breaking up, and mild, charming Spring was delightfully resuming her Bway. So these families had broken away from the busy, selfish, conventional society of an old- settled country, to enjoy the freedom and warm- heartedness of the wilderness. They came from Eaton, Preble County, Ohio, and though the dis- tance was but fifty miles, it took them eight days. Their camps were built against the side of an im- mense log, covered with bark, the cracks stufled with moss, and the front end open for a fireplace. The "Recollections, by J. C. Hawkins," speak- ing of this, says : " That fire-place was ' as big as all out doors,' and it was easy to suit our fires to the changes of \veather. If it was warm, we could use a bundle of sticks that a boy could car- ry; if it was cold, we could put on several cords at a time, and haVe ])lenty of room for more." Their "back-logs" and "fore-sticks" were drawn to the fireplace by the team. AND THEIR ANCESTORS. 47 Mr. Hawkins and his family were delighted with the country ; but Mrs. Tucker was so much dissatisfied with it that she soon prevailed on her husband to move back to the old settlement, leav- ing their neighbors alone in the wilderness. As the Hawkins family were so intimately con- nected with the early history of the country, a sketch of them will be in place here : The ances- tors of John J. Hawkins emigrated from England early in the 18th century, and settled on the Shenandoah River, in the Colony of Virginia. They were slaveholders, and spent their time in horse-racing and fox-hunting with hounds. They were descendants of Sir John Hawkins, of whom Blake's "History of Slavery and the Slave Trade" says: " Sir John Hawkins was the first Englishman who transported slaves from Africa to America. This Was in 1562. His adventures are recorded by Hokluyt, a cotemporary historian. He sailed from England in October, 1562, for Sierra Leone, and in a short time obtained possession of 300 ne- groes, partly by the sword and partly by other means. He proceeded directly to Hispaniola, and exchanged his cargo for hides, ginger, sugar, &c., and arrived in England after an absence of eleven months. The voyage was very prosperous, and brought great profit to the adventurers." From the family of one of the four brothers sprang Samuel Hawkins, who at the age of sixteen 48 THE HAWKINS FAMILY ran away from home and engaged in the Revolu- tionary War. At the close of the war he married Christian Worthington, joined a company of emi- grants, and settled in Bourbon County, Kentucky, and was engaged in the Indian Wars, and after General Wayne's treaty came to the Ohio Terri- tory, was the first white man who moved across the Miami, and soon after settled where the town of Eaton, Ohio, now stands. When the war of 1812 broke out he became a colonel. A call was made for thirty-days' volunteers, to go to the relief of Fort Wayne, which was besieged by the In- dians. He went, and when within about nine miles of the place he was, through a mistake, shot by one of his own men, which terminated his life in about one year afterward. His son, John J. Hawkins, was born in Bourbon County, Ken- tucky, on the 25th of September, 1Y89. He mar- ried Nancy Sellers, and at that time could neither read nor write ; but his wife became his instructor, and he soon possessed sufficient business qualifica- tions to be elected Sheriff" of Preble County, in which capacity he served for two terms with popularity. In some speculations he lost his property, and sought a home in the wild lands of Indiana. In the war of 1812 he was a lieutenant, and had been a scout through the country border- ing on the Mississinewa, and had visited it after- ward on hunting excursions. His wife, !Nancy AND THEIR ANCESTOES, 49 Hawkins, was the daughter of ITathan Sellers, of Irish descent, and was born in the celebrated county of Bourbon, Kentucky, on the 4:th of June, 1789, to which place her father had moved from Pennsylvania. Nathan Sellers served in the Revolutionary "War, and distinguished himself in the battles of Brandywine and Germantown. While in Ken- tucky he became a magistrate, and finally Sheriff, which office he resigned because of the inhuman- ity of the laws he had to execute. A common mode of punishing negroes there was to nail their ears to posts, and then whip them ! Although offered one thousand dollars per year for the dep- utyship, he refused to have anything to do with the execution of such laws. He was strongly oppQsed to slavery, and seeing no prospect of its abolition in Kentucky, he moved to Ohio in 1809, and in 1826 died as he lived, a consistent Chris- tian. Several of the ancestors of Nancy Haw- kins served with Daniel Boone in the war with the Indians, and were victims to the tomahawk and scalping-knife. There were six children in the Hawkins family when they reached Jay County, as follows : Sam- uel, the oldest, then aged eighteen, Nathan B., Benjamin W., Avaliue (afterward the wife of James Simmons, of Randolph County), Joseph ■C., and Caroline (now the wife of B. W. Clark). 50 . THE HAWKINS FAMILY As soon a they were settled in their camps, with- out waiting to build a cabin, Nancy Hawkins says, " every one old enough to pick a stick went to work to clear some land." They cleared and planted that spring about seven acres, and raised a fine crop of corn and garden vegetables. Though they had but three dollars in cash when they arrived, they managed to secure an abundance of the necessaries of life. During the summer and next winter Mr. Haw- kins spent much of his time in hunting. Killing game was one of the principal means of support for all the earliest settlers. It provided meat for their families, and the sale of skins and furs sup- plied them with money. In October Mr. Haw- kins built a comfortable cabin, and moved into it, having lived in the camp for eight months. On the last day of the year he went hunting, and killed three deer near together. " After dressing them, he hung the two largest without difficulty ; the third being a small one, he did not i:e the necessary pains to fix a suitable place, an while endeavoring to slide it up the side of a tree with a fork which proved to be too limber, it tell and wrenched him severely in the chest. He was not alarmed at lirst, but hoping further success, he returned slowly hom-eward, and as he had become warm by his exertions, he took a violent cold, and his feelings were such as to convince him that his AND THEIE ANCESTOKS. 51 work was done."* From that time forward he declined. He went to Eaton, and remained sev- eral months, receiving the best medical attention, but it was of no avail. His physicians told him his case was hopeless. Finding that his days were numbered, he was very anxious to return home and die in his cabin with his family. After his return an Indian called Doctor Duck exhausted all his Indian arts to cure him, but in vain. He died on the 15th of March, 1832. Thomas Shay- lor and Joseph Williamson, a young man who lived with him, dug the grave, assisted by the orphan boys. The next day he was buried. Those present from this county were Thomas Shaylor, William Brockus and Philip Brown, and their wives, and Joseph Williamson. A few persons from Randolph County were also present. That was the first death and burial among the early residents in Jay County. The grave was just in front of the cabin, over- lookin'g the Salimonie from a high bank, but not now alone. Other graves have since been dug there to receive the mortal remains of loved ones of the family. One son of the pioneer. Judge IS^athan B. Hawkins, a daughter, Avaline Sim- mons, and several grandchildren are sleeping by his side. George Bickel, one of the earliest pio- * "Recollections." 62 THE HAWKINS FAMILY FIKST CEMETERY IN JAY COUNTY. neers, and others, are also buried there. The marble shown in the centre of the cut above marks the tomb of Mr. Hawkins. The modest inscrip- tion is : HEKE LIES JOHN J. HAWKINS, who died March 15, 1832, aged 42 years. The next stone to the right shows the grave of George Bickel. The estate was settled up, and Nancy Hawkins had just one hundred dollars' worth of property left her; but this pittance, coupled with her own AND THEIR AXCESTOES. Do perseverance and fortitude, and the energy of her oldest son, Samuel, kept the family together, and they prospered. She entered the land by sending her son Samuel to Fort Wayne with a yoke of oxen of her own raising, which he sold and paid for the land. They passed throngh many hard- ships, however, nntil the country became pretty well settled. The boys cleared land, carried mail, hunted, and "showed land" to strangers. In these pursuits they obtained a comfortable liveli- hood. Some incidents Avhich happened while the boys were can-ying mail w^ill illustrate their love of principle as well as one phase of life in Jay County in those early days. CIIAPTEK lY. THE FUGITIVE SLAVES. Samuel and B. W. Hawkins carried the mail by turns, from Winchester to Fort Wayne, by way of Deertield, Hawkin's Cabin, New Corydon and Thompson's Prairie. One evening in the month of February, 1834, Samuel reached his mother's cabin, on his return from Fort Wayne, while a heavy snow was falling. It was already about ten inches deep, and continued to fall so fast that objects could be seen only a few rods from the door. It was a dreary night out doors, but the family were enjoying themselves around a com- fortable cabin hre. A loud rap was heard at the door, and, upon its being opened, eight negroes, six men and two women, presented themselves and begged for a night's lodging. Their request was granted. The men were all common looking negroes, except one. He was tall, broad-chested, THE FUGITIVE SLAVES. 50 very muscnlar and well }>roportioned. He possessed affaljle manners, and an intelligent countenance, and was the leader of the company. One of the women was about twenty years of age and very black ; the other was a mulatto, and the wife of one of the men. She was thinly clad and in feeble health. The canal through Fort Wayne was then being dug, and was attracting laborers from great distances. This company said they were going to work on this canal. The next morning they started on their way northward, and Samuel Hawkins went on to Winchester with his mail. There he learned that the negroes were fugitive slaves, and met their pursuers, who had been waiting for him. They asked if he had " met " the slaves. He replied that he had not. This was technically true, but was designed to deceive the man-hunters. There were then two routes from Fort Wayne to Winchester ; one by the way of the Hawkins' Cabin and New Corydon, the other by Brooks' and the Godfrey Farm. Supposing, from Samuel's reply, that the fugitives had not gone this road, the slave-holders took the other route, feeling certain that they were on the right track. The reward for the apprehension of the slaves was] $1,000, and Samuel Hawkins, by simply giving the information in his possession, might have taken the mone3^ It was a great temptation for one so young and needy, but he 56 THE FUGITIVE SLAVES. did not for a moment entertain a thought of be- traying the fleeing company. He said if they would undertake that long, dangerous and weary- somo journey on 'foot and through the deep snow, to gain their ''Liberty," he could not And it in his heart to betray them into bondage. lie had the feelings of a man in his bosom, and acted accord- ingly. "When the pursuers took the wrong trade, he hastened to return, and overtook jthe fugitives at the Wabash where JN ew Corydon now stands. The snow was so deep, and progress on foot so difiicult, that they had only been able to reach that distance. Thinking to have some sport, he rode up hastily and cried out, "Run for your lives, your masters are after yon !" The feeble woman, who was several rods behind the others, uttered a wild shriek and sank down in a swoon. The men were all armed with flint-lock guns, and the lirst word spoken was by their leader, " Look to your priming, boys !" then turning to the mail boy, with a look of terrible determination, he said : " Young man, our blood may be poured out like water, but none of us will ever he taken .^" Such firmness and daring Samuel Hawkins never before saw depicted in a human countenance, and he believed it was well for their pursuers that they were never overtaken. He hastily corrected his deception and told them the facts. Dismounting from his horse, the fallen woman was placed upon THE FUGITIVE SLAVES. 57 the saddle, and he aided her as far as his time would permit, and, giving them directions, he returned to his route and never heard of them afterward. Perhaps they were George and his company, described by Mrs. Stowe in " Uncle Tom's Cabin." Another similar anecdote is told by B. W. Hawkins. In the fall of 1833, while he was carrying the mail, four negroes called at his mother's to stay all night. They were large, fine appearing, well dressed young men, carrying gold watches, and had plenty of money. They stated that they were from Richmond, and were going to Fort Wayne to work on the canal. They told their story so plausibly that it was believed. The next morn- ing, Benjamin set out on horseback for Fort "VVayne, with the mail, and the negroes started also, traveling leisurely on foot. Upon reaching" Fort Wayne, the landlord informed the mail boy that a gentleman was there, waiting to see him. He was taken to the room and introduced to Dr. Campbell, of Kentucky, owner of the celebrated Warm Springs. Hearing that the boy's name was Hawkins, the Dr. entered into a very friendly chat, and asked many questions about the family, and soon learned that John J. Hawkins was a cousin of his. Thus endeavoring to gain the con- fidence of the boy, he said that he was in search 58 THE FUGITIVE SLAVES. of four runaway slaves. He described their ap- pearance so accurately that Benjamin knew they were the ones who had stopped at his home. He, however, said nothing. The Doctor M^ent on to tell how ungrateful the negroes had been ; that they were his musicians for the Springs, and that only during the watering season did he ask them to do an^'^thing, and then only to play tor visitors ; that all the rest of the year they were allowed to go and do as they pleased ; that they went to Louisville and other cities, and gave concerts, re- ceiving the proceeds themselves, and that they were better dressed than their master. "Kow," said he, " I am ahead of them ; they left Richmond for this place and are not here yet. They are coming on either the Quaker or Godfrey Trace, and if you will keep on the lookout on the way back, you will likely meet them, and if you will secure them and send me word I will pay you $800 re- ward." The doctor kept his cousin mail-boy with him in his room that night, and treated him very kindly. On his return the next day Benjamin thouglit the matter over thoroughly ; he was poor and the money would be a great help to him and his mother's family, besides. Dr. Campbell was his cousin, and had been a special friend of his father, and he need not do anything but send the Doctor word. . But then, on the other hand, if he accepted the money his conscience would not be THE FUGITIVE SLAVES. 59 clear. Should he take $800 for sending four men into life-long servitude ? The temptation was very great, but this thought settled him in the deter- mination not to do ail act which would afterward make him uuliapp}^ Having decided to do right, and supposing he would soon meet the fugitives, he went cheerfully forward through the long- woods, whistling a favorite tune, lie met them at Yellow Creek, in Adams County, and told them they were in the wrong road. They inquired why. He told them they were runaway slaves and that their master was at Fort Wayne ready to take them when they arrived. They boldly denied being slaves, but he told them where they came from and who was their master, and they were forced to acknowledge the truth. He then said he did not believe slavery was right, that he hoped they would escape, and that if they would turn back a few miles he would put them upon a road by which they could go around Fort Wayne. They were deeply cast down and much alarmed, and fearful that he was trying to betray them into a trap. But they Unally took his advice, and went back with him, walking very rapidly, bade their rescuer farewell and took the other road. Seven years afterward, when B. W. Hawkins had a family, was living in Portland, and was Sherift' of Jay County, an uncle of his, named 60 THE FUGITIVE SLAVES. Bird Hawkins, from Eaton, Ohio, visited him, and Joseph C. Hawkins was also at his house. This Bird Hawkins was a very wealthy, aristocratic pro-slavery man, and, finding that J. C. Hawkins was a free-soiler, he undertook to show his erring nephew the foolishness of such a belief. Joseph was always ready for an argument, and so they went into a debate. Finding that he was not con- vincing his young relative of the divinity or christianizing influence of slavery, Mr. Hawkins said he would give an instance which would show beyond question the wickedness of "abolitionism." He then related as follows : " Last summer I spent the watering season at Dr. Campbell's Springs, in Kentucky, and he told me of a great loss he had sustained. You know he is our cousin and a very nice man. He had four well-trained musicians whom he kept in the highest style of luxury and ease. They played for company during the watering season, and had all the rest of the year to travel over the state and make large sums of money for themselves. They were better clothed than their master, and enjoyed all the pleasures the country afforded. But while they were giving concerts in Louisville, they crossed the Ohio river and escaped into Canada. He expended much money in hunting for them, and finally got a letter from them saying they had landed safely, had joined the king's army, and THE FUGITIVE SLAVES. 61 that they would never have left him except that at his death they would have beeu sold. The Doctor immediately set out for Canada, and tried by every means in his power to induce them to return. lie offered to make out their free papers in advance, and then pay them a high price if they would return to the Springs. He was im- mediately arrested and thrown into jail, charged with trying to induce the king's soldiers to desert, the punishment for which was death. He sent to Kentucky for a lawyer, and after much trouble and an expense of $1,000, he was released from prison and allowed to return home. Now yoa see how kind Dr. Campbell was to his slaves, and how outrageously they treated him." Joseph replied that the case was an unanswer- able argument for his side of the question ; that it showed how strong was the love of freedom in the human soul, if these slaves would prefer to leave all their luxurious living and endure the hard- ships of a soldier's life, for its sake. During the relation of the story, B. "W. Haw- kins was sitting by, smothering a hearty laugh, for it was the first he had heard of the slaves since he had left them in the woods, while neither Bird nor Joseph knew of the part he had borne in the. transaction. CHAPTEll V. WILLIAM SIMMONS LOST FOUND. Late in January, 1832, William Simmons, from Henry County, Indiana, came to visit his brother- in-law, Thomas Shaylor, who lived on the Salimo- nie, three miles above Portland. The weather had been very stormy for several days, and the snow lay upon the ground ten or twelve inches deep. The bushes and limbs of the trees were bowed by the weight of snow that hung upon them. But a tierce west wind came up, scattered the snow, and the weather became extremely cold. Mr. Simmons called at the cabin of John J. Hawkins, who was then an invalid, and inquir- ed the way to Mr. Shaylor's, saying that he would return that way the next day. But the next day WILLIAM SIMMONS. 63 passed, and he did not come ; and the Hawkins family were uneasy lest their stranger friend had got lost and perhaps frozen. On the morning of the third day, Mr. Shaylor called at Mr. Haw- kins', incpiiring for the lost man. He stated that Simmons had gone hunting, but had now been absent two days and nights. All were much alarmed, for in all probability he had become bewildered and lost. In the deep snow and terrible cold he would perish. Shaylor, who had been drinking for several days with some boon companions from the Mississinewa, inquired of Mr. Hawkins what should be done. The " liecol- lections " by J. C. Hawkins on this point says : " Father told him that what they decided to do must be done at once, for if the man was lost he was exposed to peril in various ways ; — he might have lost his flint or wet his powder, or become bewildered, like ' Limber Jim,' or it was possible that the wolves might have attacked him. ' Sam,' said he, addressing the eldest son, 'you see how it is. Shaylor and those other men are not able to stand much so soon after their spree ; it there- fore remains for you and Edward Simmons to do what is to be done. What do you say to it?' His answer was, ' I'll make the trial.' 'Well, then,' father added, 'get ready; you have no time to lose. You need no gun ; take my tomahawk ; — your knife is good ; carry several flints and the 64 WILLIAM SIMMONS. best punk ; set fire occasionally to dry trees, so that if you find him you can carry him to the nearest, thereby you will save time. If he is benumbed and drowsy, don't bring him too close to the fire, but rub him and make him take exer- cise. If his feet are much frozen, cut a hole in the ice and put them in, or rub them with snow. Don't let him eat too much at once. And now remember your mother will not expect to see you until you can bring tidings of the lost man !' " Thus explicitly directed and eqnipped, the two young men hastily entered the snowy woods. Shaylor and his companions followed a short dis. tance, but soon turned back. After traveling three or four miles the young men came to his track ; following this a short distance, they found he had been crossing his own path, and must be completely bewildered. About 11 o'clock they found him. He was in a terrible condition. He was slowly dragging himself along, both his feet being badly frozen and burned. He would put his stick forward and then draw himself up to it. In this way the poor man was endeavoring to save his life. He was so exhausted by hunger, exposure and suffering that, had not help reached him, he would soon have lain down and perished. The sight of the young men greatly rejoiced him, for he hoped to be restored to his family. He was found on the knoll where Liber Colleire now LOST — FOUND. 65 stands, between the college building and the de- lightful Spring on the bank of the Little Salimo- nie. He immediately asked for something to eat, and the rescuers happening to have an ear of corn with them, parched it for him. After hunting until it was time to return, he had gone down Butternnt to the Salimonie, intend- ing to take up stream to the mo'utli of the Little Salimonie, and then up that to Shaylor's. The mouth of the Little Salimonie is very narrow — like a small run — and coming to this, he thought it could not be the place, and passed on up the Big Salimonie, one or two miles above Portland. Finding that he had missed the way, he returned, and when he reached the little prairie opposite where Thomas Jones now lives, he was too much exhausted to proceed further. He then tried to strike fire, but his flint entirely failed. He soon found his feet were freezing. He cleared away the snow, and by dancing around managed to keep awake all night. Early the next morning he again tried his flint, and the first stroke made fire. In thawing his shoes he burned his frozen feet terribly, and could not again put on his shoes. He then made a pair of mocassins from the skin of a wolf he had killed the day before. He left his gun, and, with the help of a staff, dragged himself along; found the mouth of the Little Sal- imonie, and was going up the stream when found 66 LOST — FOUND. by the young men. He was immediately taken to his home, where one leg and tlie toes and heel of the other were amputated. He lived for many years, and afterward revisited the county. CHAPTER y 1 NANCY HAWKINS THE OLDEST CABIN — INCIDENTS. Nancy Hawkins is still livino-, and is no w sev- enty-five years of a^e. She is in good health, active and lively. Unusual energy, unfaltering devotion to right principles, and tuU-hearted hos- pitality are, as they always have been, her distin- guishing characteristics. She is a passionate lover of home, and has impressed this trait of character upon all her children. She still lives upon the " Old Home Farm," where she and her husband first settled, and until within the last year in the log cabin built by him in 1829. She is never so contented as when enjoying the genial warmth of that great fire-place. Of this institution, so cher- ished in Jay Count}'^ — the crowning charm of all log cabins — we heartily adopt the language of Mrs. Stowe, in her "House and Home Papers:" 68 NANCY HAWKINS. " Best of all, there was in our parlor that household altar, the blazing wood-fire, whose wholesome, hearty crackle is the truest household inspiration. I quite agree with one celebrated American author, who holds that an open fire- place is an altar of patriotism. Would our Revolutionary fathers have gone bare-footed and bleeding over snows to defend air-tight stoves and cooking-ranges ? I trow not. It was the memory of the great, open kitchen fire, with its back- log and fore-stick of cord-wood— its roaring, hilarious voice of invitation — its dancing tongue of flame, that called to them through the snows of that dreadful winter to keep up their courage, that made their hearts warm and bright with a thousand reflected memories." THE HAWKINS CABIN — SEE UAV. That cabin is the oldest one now standing, and the fourth one built in Jay County, and will never be torn down while the farm remains in the Ilaw- THE OLDEST CABIN. 69 kins family. Ambrotypes of it, with Kancy's several children and grandchildren, and the old rocking chair in front, have been taken, and are in possession of the family. The cut above rep- resents tlie old lady standing at the door, though the likeness is not truthful except as to her size. The boy near her is a grandchild. Just beyond the cabin, at the foot of the hill, a spring, over- hung with beautiful shade trees, issues from the banks, and the cool water finds its way to the Saliraonie through that family favorite, a spring- house. She lately told the writer that if they would only fix the old house so it would not let in the rain, she would much prefer living in it than in the new one. A beautiful farm house, erected by B. W". Hawkins, now stands beside it. Oh, the old house at home, where my forefathers dwelt, Where a child at the feet of my mother I knelt ; Where she taught me the prayer, where she read me the page Which if infancy lisps is the solace of age : My heart 'mid all changes, wherever I roam, Ne'er loses its love for the old house at home. CHORUS. The old house at home, the old house at home ; My heart never changes for the old house at home. 'Twas not for its splendor that dwelling was dear— 'Twas not that the gay and the noble were near ;— O'er the porch the wild rose and the woodbine entwined, And the sweet-scented jessamine waved in the wind ; 4* 70 THE OLDEST CABIN. But dearer to me than proud turret or dome, Were the halls of my fathers— the old house at home. CHORUS. Though now the old house is no dwelling for me, The home of the stranger it never shall be ; And ne'er shall he view it, or rove as a guest O'er the evergreen fields which my fathers possessed ; For still in my slumbers sweet visions will come Of the days that I passed at the old house at home. , CHORCS. "When he was elected County Clerk, in 1859, lie persuaded his mother to live with him one winter ; but when the willows put forth their earliest leaves, the bright green grass was peeping from door-yards and fence-corners, and the first gleeful chirping of the spring-birds was heard, she went back to the farm, and the fairest tempta- tions of town life cannot induce her to leave it again. The farm is a rich and beautiful one, lying just at the forks of the Little Salimonie, half a mile from the village of Antioch One time the dogs caught a deer near the house, when Mrs. Hawkins and Mi's. Shaylor were the only occupants. They took the axe and went to assist the dogs, which held the animal down, but with his fore-feet and horns he would light very briskly. Whenever there was an opportunity the ladies would give the deer a blow with the poll of the axe. But this style of warfare served only INCIDENTS. 71 to exasperate. Changing the plan of attack, they took the edge and gave " hard blows and fast," to which the deer soon yielded, and after skinning and quartering, the lady hunters carried it home. The Indians were the only neighbors of the Hawkins family for several years. The tribes who were in the habit of visiting this region were the Miamies, "Wyandottes, Pottawatamies, Sena- cas and Shawnees. The two latter were very friendly. They came in the fall to hnnt, and in the spring to trap. While passing through one time an Indian boy stole an axe. About three months afterwards they returned, and the boy's father brought the axe back, saying, "My boy stole hira. No good boy !" If they fonnd Mr. Hawkins' ducks far from the house, they would drive them home, and some- times they would find his cow mired in some swamp several miles distant, when they would come and inform hira, pilot some one to the spot, and assist in releasing the animal. By such little acts of kindness they showed their friendly feel- ing toward the white family. Once an Indian called on Peter Studabaker, at Fort Recovery, and told him that a very rich man had moved into the county, meaning John J. Hawkins. Studakaker inquired whether he had many horses and cattle. "No," said the Indian, "he got heap of children and thirteen dog !" It 72 INCIDENTS, was the source of much laughter among the neighbors. All early settlers are familiar with the name of the old Indian, Doctor Duck, who remained in the country a long time after his tribe had emi- grated to Kansas. He showed much skill in the treatment of diseases, but could not cure Mr. Haw- kins, with whom he lived for six months. He was very religious, and often appeared to be pray- ing to the Great Spirit. One time he attended preaching near Deerfield, after which there was a church trial of an offending member. The old Indian listened attentively until there was some conflicting testimony, when he went to the door, turned round and said to the meeting, "Me go ; no much good here — too much lie." About two weeks after Mr. Hawkins died this Indian went alone to the grave, and there spent nearly half a day, apparently preaching and per- forming wild ceremonies. During the year 1835 B. W. Hawkins was employed by a Greenville firm to buy furs, at forty dollars per month and expenses paid. He visited ten counties, and pur- chased of the Indians, in one lot, fifteen hundred dollars' worth. His employers had offered to their agents that the one buying the best lot of furs should be presented with a new suit of clothes. Mr. Hawkins got the suit, from boots to hat. CHAPTEK YIL THE PIONEERS OF 1830. Sketches liave now been given of the first four families who became residents of Jay County. On this account they are given in detail, and, also, because Pioneer Life can be most truthfully sketched by a correct history of several individ- ual families. In the lives of these families, all pioneers can see likenesses of their own. Yet the experience of no two are exactly similar. "What golden threads of history might be unraveled at every family hearth-stone ! What family's history would not be full of thrilling interest, were the silver chords of love, and hidden currents of smiles and tears, joys and sorrows, revealed? But these are too sacred for the public eye. The limits of this volume admit only of specimens of Pioneer Life. Henceforward families will be mentioned only in more general terms, and the 74 THE PIONEERS OF 1830. events of public history more closely grouped. At the opening of the year 1830, from the low chimneys of but three humble cabins the blue smoke curled gracefully above the tall, vast forests surrounding them, to mark the beginning of civilized life in Jay County. As a few bright stars appear first at evening, and, as the night draws on, multitudes glitter in the sky, so these families — " stars of empire "' — were the front lights of that thronging civilization that is follow- ing. They were Orman Perring, John t^Brooks and the Hawkins family. At that time, although Brooks had been a settler there for eight years, the others knew notliing of him, nor did he of them. Thus dimly did the light of civilization shine in that region at the opening of this decade. In the spring of 1830, James Stone and Wil- liam Cummings visited Ft. Recover3^ They knew Peter Studabaker, for, three years prior, while on a visit to the St. Joseph country, they had enjoyed his hospitality. They selected land in Noble Township and went to work, planted corn, killed large numbers of deer and found many bee-trees. Greatly pleased with the country, when autumn began to tinge the forest with yellow, Mr. Stone brought his family from Gallia Count}', Ohio. This time he was accompanied by Henderson Graves, who had married his daughter the even- ing before starting. William B. Lipps was living THE PIONEEKS OF 1830. 75 near there at that time, but how long he had been there is not known. Stone bought him out and he moved to Greenville. The two families lived in a camp about six weeks, then built a cabin. In October, John J. Hawkins came there, hunting some cattle, and they learned, for the first time, that they had a neighbor within six miles. The country abounded in such luxuries as tur- keys, venison and honey. The greatest difliculty was the want of a mill, there being none nearer than Greenville. But Feter Studabaker dressed a couple of " gray heads," and constructed a horse mill which served the neighborhood for some years as a corn-grinder. This mill was turned by a "tug" instead of cogs, which was made of raw cowhide. In dry or frozen weather the tug would contract and become too short, and in wet weather stretch and get too long. Corn was raised in abundance, with but little work. In 1831 James Stone sowed 1-| bushels of wheat on 1^ acres of ground. When 'harvest time was at hand, the blackbirds came by thousands, and destroyed much of it ; yet he got 37-i- bushels. He was the first settler in what afterward became Noble Township, and entered the first piece of land ever entered in Jay County, November 9tli, 1832. He had this honor, however, by but one day, as Thomas Scott entered forty acres the next fe 76 THE PIONEERS OF 1830. day. He was an enterprising, industrious citizen, and died in the spring of 1848. Thomas Scott came soon after Stone, remained a few years and moved to Texas, where he died. Henderson Graves says that about this time, he and Couaway Stone cut a bee-tree, and, to their great surprise, found two swarms in it, from which they got ten gallons of strained honey. At an- other time when they were hunting, and at some distance apart, both shot at the same deer, at the same instant, neither one hearing the report of the other's rifle, and each fatally wounded the animal. These settlers saw that sublime phenomenon of the shooting stars, which occurred in 1833. In October, 1830, a boy fifteen years old, and small of his age, started from his father's house in Darke County, Ohio, on horseback, to select a piece of land for their future home. He stopped for the night three miles north of Fort Kecovery, with David Beardslee, who desired that they should settle near him. But the boy's father in- structed him not to select land near another fam- ily, for near neighbors were apt to quarrel. Tak- ing a bridle path which Orman Perring had made from Fort Recovery to the Wabash, he followed it till he came to the land which was afterward the farm of the late Elder Ebenezer Drake. Dis- mounting, he hitched his horse, blazed a path to the Limberlost, and returned just before night. THE PIONEERS OF 1830. 77 Hoppling bis horse and putting a bell on him, he let hira loose. Then, lighting a fire, he lay down by it, on some bark, and, without even a blanket, slept sonndly. The next day he built a lialf-faced camp, (which he called " a three-ended cabin,") justjiigh enough for the boy to stand up in, and in that he ate and slept for two w^eeks, as happy as a lark, seeing no one except Indians, and an occasional traveler on the Quaker trace. The In- dians were very good-natured and familiar. He traded a pint of whiskey to one of them for a ham of venison. Asking what would he take it in, the Indian took a deer's bladder, still wai'm, from his breast, and received the drink in that. The wolves would come around the camp every night and howl terribly. The youth would sometimes get up and stir the fire in order to see them, but could not. That boy was Hamilton Gibson. He was building a cabin for his father's (William Gibson's,) family. William W. Dole, Peter Studabaker and three others from Fort Re- covery helped raise the cabin, which was the third one in Wabash Township. The next month William Gibson and his family came, his daughter Jane, now the wife of Samuel Arbaugh, being the housekeeper, her mother hav- ing died in Ohio. After Hamilton was married and had fifteen acres cleared, a man attempted to enter the land, and so cheat him out of his im- 78 THE PIONEERS OF 1830. provements. This was a common and shameful method by which speculators defrauded the indus- trious early settlers out of their homes and the fruits of their labor. Afriend loaned him $50, and without one cent to pay his expenses, he went on foot to Fort Wayne, and saved his home. One winter Hamilton went with a team and sled into Ohio after provisions, to procure which was a source of great labor and inconvenience to all the pioneers. When he was crossing Still Water the ice broke and let him into the stream. LTn- hitching the horses, he tied them to a tree^ and went to a neighbor's and staid all night. In the morning the stream had risen so that he could not get in sight of his horses, and they had to stand there nearly two days and nights before the water subsided ! In those early times Mr. Gibson was quite a hunter — has hunted four days without seeing a house. At night, in the winter, he would build two log heaps, set them on fire and sleep between them on bark. At one time, hunting a horse that had a bell on, he did not find it until it was too dark to go home. lie mounted the animal and let her go, but, after traveling two hours, she came back to the place from which they started. Dismounting, he lay down at the roots of a tree, without a fire, sung awhile, and went to sleep, not wakiuix until the morning sunlij:;ht was stream- THE PIONEERS OF 1830. 79 iiig through the forest. Reaching home, he found liis wife had been lio^hting tire from the fences nearly all night, and was very anxious for his safety. This was the year to take the census, and Judge Jer. Smith, of Winchester, then quite a young man, was appointed Assistant Marshal of Randolph County and the terri- tory attached thereto, extending northward to the line between Congressional Townships 25 and 26. This was the dividing line of the territory attached to the counties of Randolph and Allen, respectively, they being the only counties then or- ganized between the north line of Wayne County and the north line of the State. Near the close of the summer Mr. Smith came to the Salimonie, census-taking. Had he desired to enumerate the rich bee-trees, the droves of beautiful deer, the families of bears and wolves, with which the for- ests were then populous, the result would have ranked the county among the first in the State. But he found human beings and the products of labor scarce indeed. While following a trace, in search of some inhabitants, he met Samuel Haw- kins, and took from him the census of that family, and learned that there were two other families in the region. Thus resulted the census of Jay County for 1830. Could we peer into the dark unknown be- yond us, and compare with these the census re- 80 THE PIONEEKS OF 1830. turns of 1930, when we, who now make the life of the county, shall all be gone, and our beloved forests and their delightful haunts for game have tad ed ; before a busier — perhaps not better — civi- lization, and when other men and women, other enterprises and interests, occupy the places we now hold — with what strange, intense interest would we look upon the exhibit ! CHAPTEPw VIII. SETTLERS AND INCIDENTS OF 1831 AND 1832. During these years new settlers came very slowly. So, at least, thonglit the small " advance guard" of pioneers who were waiting and hoping for neighbors to come in, and the germs of socie- ty to spring up around them. It was in the au- tumn of 1831 that the tinkling of the cow-bell and the sound of the white man's axe lirst broke the wild stillness of what, four years later, became Madison Township. John Eblin and William Denney, with their families, settled there at that time, and were the first settlers in the township. By coming together, they avoided much of that dreariness and many of the severer trials which met those families who lived their first years in the county alone amid the wild woods, wild men and ferocious beasts. However, they passed through those privations which necessarily follow 82 SETTLERS AND INCIDENTS. the pioneer in his aggressions upon the territory hitherto the home of the aborigines. William Denney lived upon the land he entered, having done his part toward the development of the coun- try by opening a large farm, until a few years since, when he died. John Eblin also cleared a line farm, then moved into the Osage country, in Missouri, where, being an unflinching lover of the Union, he became a victim of rebel hate, and lost his property, being obliged to flee to Iowa, where he died in 1863. " Not long after these men moved in. Con away Stone built a cabin near where Mr. Abraham Lotz now lives; but soon moved across into Noble Township. About this time, also, Henry Crowell and John Fox settled there, making cjuite a neighborhood. It was during this year (1831) that Thomas Shaylor moved into the county, occupying the vacated " shanties " of Mr. Hawkins until he could build a cabin. This he did upon a branch of the Salimonie, on what was afterward the Har- dy Farm, now the property of Lieutenant C. II. Clark. In 1833 Mr. Shaylor moved down the Sal- imonie, and became the first settler in Green Township. In November, 1831, Mrs. Sarah Riddley— a woman who, during her lifetime, was the wife of seven ditierent husbands — settled with her family SETTLERS AND INCIDENTS. 83 in the southeast corner of Pike Township. Be- side the enterprising settlement in Madison Town- ship and. the coming of Mr, Shaylor and Mrs. Riddley, there were no other additions to the meagre population of the county during that year. Mr. Pliilip Brown was the first to arrive in the new country in 1832. He came March 8th, and built a cabin just across the road from the north side of Liber, on the southwest corner of the farm now owned by Dr. D. Milligan. It was the first house built in Waj^ne Township. Though the cal)in has long since been gone, until lately a solitary peach tree had marked the spot ; but now nothing remains to remind the passer-by of the place where it stood. The next year, when Brown had quite a comfortable improvement made, (Hmies Wier was passing through the country looking for land. Being much pleased with Brown's place, and learning that it was not en- tered,' he told him that he (Wier) had entered the land. As it was then termed. Brown had " squatted upon Congress-land," and had not yet been able to purchase it. But now, by this unfair means, he must be driven from a spot he began to call home, to commence again in the woods. He was greatly enraged, and made some threats against Wier, who went to Randolph County and swore his life against Brown. A constable named Robert Parsons came into the settlement and 84 SETTLERS AND INCIDENTS. summoned B. W. Hawkins and Joseph William- son to assist him in the arrest of Brown, who, meantime, had started to Fort Recovery. The settlers in the neighborhood sympathized with Brown, and would do every thing to aid him, for they were all mutually interested in seeing that the rights of all " squatter sovereigns " were maintained against the speculating land-sharks. The constable and his " aids " followed Brown's track, the deputies taking care that their progress should be very slow. They found John li. Mays and his boys grubbing near their house. Haw- kins asked some rather indirect questions about Brown, at the same time giving Mays the "wink," who, knowing the circumstances, gave the consta- ble the impression that if Brown was not already, he soon would be, in Ohio ; at the same time pri- vately informing Hawkins that Brown was then in the house eating dinner! Hawkins then put in the plea that, it being Saturday afternoon, they might not catch Brown before the Sabbath. The constable replied that it was " State's business," and he should pay no attention to the Sabbath. Alter other arguments, which did not change the purpose of the constable, the deputies declared they would go no further unless their expetises were borne. This led the constable to abandcn the chase and return home, while the deputies went to the house to congratulate Brown. This SETTLERS AND INCIDENTS. 85 was the first attempt ever made in Jay County to enforce the law. Soon after this Brown and Wier compromised by the latter agreeing to pay the former for the improvements made on the land. Wier then went to work and built a cabin on the northeast of what is now College corner. B. W. Hawkins was carrying the mail, and the next trip he examined the records, and ascertained that Wier's story was entirely false. On his return he at once notified Brown of his discovery. But Brown had no money and no saleable property except one horse. The neighbors showed their generosity by making up $20 for him, and mount- ing his horse, he set out for Fort Wayne. He went to Colonel Samuel Hanna, told him the cir- cumstances, and offered his horse for $30. Learn- ing that it was the only horse the stranger had, Hanna told him to keep it, loaned him the money, took him home with him for the night, and next day Brown, having entered the land, went on his way rejoicing. On reaching home, he notified Wier to leave the premises, which or- der was soon obeyed. While Brown lived there his daughter, about fourteen years of age, and a dog, chased a bear up a tree in the cornfield, near the house. Obadiah Winters was notified, and on coming over, found two or three families gathered around the tree to see the sport. Some of them begged of him not to shoot the bear in the head, 5 86 SETTLEK8 AND INCIDENTS. as they had heard that a bear's skull would turn a bullet, and then the animal would come down and kill them all. But Winters aimed at the head, and the bear fell harmless at the roots of the tree. About the time Brown settled there, William and Jeremiah Brockus commenced a clearing where Obadiah Winters now lives ; but in a few months sold to James Morrison, who soon after sold to Mr. Winters. On the 15th of November, 1832, Mr. Abraham Lotz and family joined the settlement made the year previous in Madison Township. There he has remained for thirty-two years, aiding in vari- ous ways the development of the county. On that farm he has raised a large family, most of whom have identified themselves with the inter- ests of the county, and some hold honorable po- sitions as oflBcers. J. C. Lotz, Esq., was appoint- ed Clerk in the Interior Department at Washing- ton in 1861, which office he is now filling with credit. Abraham Lotz was a member of the first Board of County Commissioners, and for many years Justice of the Peace in his Township. In the summer of 1833 he opened a Sabbath School in his own house, which was very successful. The place of meeting was accommodated to the conve- nience of the neighborhood, and the school met at diiferent houses from time to time. That Sabbath School, the immediate successor of the Indian SETTLERS AND INCIDENTS. 87 dance, was the first ever held in Jay County ! Mr. Lotz deserves much praise for having been the hrst to plant, when everything was rough and wild, and the moral soil unbroken, that most fruitful nursery of the Church. It was a small beginning ; but now a score or more of schools, scattered over the county, with their many teach- ers and hundreds of pupils, their libraries, cele- brations, picnics, banners and speeches, are the ripened fruit of that first moral blossom in the wilderness. Within the next year or two, John McLaugh- lin, Edward B. Wotten, William Money, WiUiam Isenhart, Benjamin Goldsmith and others settled in the Township. It was a very common thing then for the Indians to hunt through there. They were very peaceable, and would often dine with their white neighbors. At one time, a very large, muscular Indian came to help Mr. Lotz roll logs ; but he was so exceedingly awkward as to be of no use whatever. A log is still lying on the bank of the creek there in which the Indians had cut notches to assist them in walking up the bank. Jesse Gray also hunted and camped through those woods at that time. In August, 1832, John R. Mays, George Bickel and Henry Glassford came to Mrs. Hawkins', and selected land in the vicinity. Mr. Mays chose the farm he now lives upon, because of the beautiful 88 SETTLEKS AND INCIDENTS. spring in the bank, around which are a clump of trees, and near it a log spring-house, built twenty- seven years ago. In September these men raised their cabins, assisted by Benj. Goldsmith, and Mays' two sons. Bickel moved out the same fall, and Mays, fearing some one would take possession of his cabin and enter the land, staid through the winter. On the -itli of March of the following spring he and Goldsmith moved to their new homes — the latter settling where the town of Lan- caster now stands ; the former having no money, three old horses, a worn-out wagon, a wife and ten children. "When Mr. Goodrich, of Winches- ter, sold the clearing of the Portland State road, Mays took five miles, and cut it out eighteen inches and under, for fifty-one dollars and twelve cents. He and his boys did the work, one hunt- ing W'hile the others chopped. With that money he entered his first land. Mr. John James, of Randolph County, was one of the Commissioners to lay out the State road from Richmond to Fort Wayne, and Jer. Smith w^as his Surveyor. In September, 1832, while making the survey, they camped on the north side of the Little Salimonie, where the road now crosses it, probably attracted by the beautiful grove, which is now owned by Mr. Jonas Votaw, Here they were visited by Philip Brown, of whom they obtained "roasting ears" and squashes. They SETTLERS AND INCIDENTS. 89 called hiin " Governor of tlie State of Salimonie," which cognomen he wore while he lived. They continued the survey across the Wabash. Previ- ous to this they had surveyed the road on another route, which passed two miles west of Portland. When they reached the Loblolly, Mr. James de- clared it would svv'amp a black snake, went back and surveyed the road now passing through Port- land. Daniel Farber and family were the first to move into the county, in 1834. Of course they staid the first night with Nancy Hawkins, whose house was the first resting place for most of the settlers. They lived with Philip Brown until Farber built himself a cabin, just opposite the present beautiful residence of Dr. Joseph Watson, at Collge Corner. They moved into it before there were either doors.windows, floor or chinking. Mr. Farber wanted to put in a floor, but his wife, Nancy, said she would live on the ground until he could plant some corn, and so the cabin remained floorless until September. The cabin is justly celebrated as the one in which the first election in the county was held, and in which the first Post- ofiice was established. Enoch Bowden came that year, occupied the house the absconded Wier had built, and afterward moved into Bearcreek Town- ship. Henry H. Cuppy also came and built the house known as the "Conner houSe," on the south 90 SETTLERS AND raCiUKNTS. side of the Salimonie, at Portland, now owned by Col. J. P. C. Shanks. During this year new settlements were com- menced at three different points in the county. The first of these was by John Pingry, who set- tled where he still lives, near West Liberty, April 10th, having been at Mr. Cuppy's for three weeks, previously. His was the first wagon ever driven on the State road, leading north of Port- land. They had a camp already prepared, and retired quite late that night. The next morning, when Mr. Pingry awoke, his wife, Elizabeth, and two of the boys were clearing a garden patch. Similar energy has characterized Mrs. Pingry's life. John Pingry says that spot looked like a paradise then. The grass and leaves were ap- pearing in their bright green, many flowers were out, and he could stand in one place and count I'^O walnut trees, that would average three feet feet in diameter. He thought then it was the best land he ever saw, and thinks so still. He cleared ground and put in ten acres of corn, but the birds, squirrels and raccoons destroyed most of it. During that summer he killed twenty-six deer, two bears, and skinned sixty raccoons on the corn-field, which were only about two-thirds of the number he killed, and declares that he " killed squirrels enough to have fenced it." From the raccoon skins he got a hat made, costing $6, which SETTLERS AND INCIDENTS. 91 lasted twelve years. Like all the early settlers, they enjoyed a continual abundance of honey, taken from bee-trees. They had two barrels at one time. The woods then were covered with pea vines and wild rye, and grazing was line. Mr. Pingry avers, and it is corroborated by the testimony of many others, that the seasons were very different then from what they are now. There was more rain and high water, and the woods furnished much better grazing for stock. About the first of May, the same year, Samuel Grissell and Moses Hamilton, from Columbiana County, were in Winchester, hunting land, but had not found any that f pleased them. B. W. Hawkins saw them, and, by much hard persua- sion, got them to come up into this region. They did so, and stopped with Thomas Shaylor, who lived in a cabin without floor or chinking. The ground had been swept so much that there was quite a hole in the middle of the house. It rained hard during the first night of their stay, the ground on which they were sleeping became very wet, and the hole full of water. They made se- lections of land, Mr. GrisselPs being that upon which he still lives. They went home by way of Fort Wayne, where they bought a canoe and paddled down the Maumee. Mr. Hamilton soon moved out, and he became the first permanent settler of Penn Township. Mr. Grissell followed 92 SETTLERS AND INCIDENTS. in October followino^, accompanied by his family of wife and seven children, and Jonathan, Zacha- riah and Joseph Iliatt. Ills log honse was twenty by twenty-five feet, fire-place eleven feet wide. They often drew backlogs into the honse with a horse who had to go across the room and pnt his head out the window. That horse is still living, is thirty-three years old, and the oldest inhabitant of his kind in Jay County. In November, Mr. John McCoy moved into the cabin Shaylor had occupied. He says four ten cent pieces were all the money he had in the world. He had to depend upon his gun for a liv- ing. He was as contented as the young man from Jay, who, while traveling out from Dayton with four cents in his pocket, wrote to his friends that he felt just as well as if he had had " double that amount." In three years McCoy killed three hundred deer. The great distance toprov'isions, and there being no roads cut out, led the early settlers to make meal by pounding corn in a " hominy block." Mr. McCoy and all his neighbors had to go to Newport and Richmond to find a mill and store. In a year or two the settlers were greatly delight- ed that Job Carr was going to build a horse-mill, but they were as much disap})ointed when the first grist ruined the mill, and their hominy blocks had to be used aa'ain. SETTLERS AND INCIDENTS. 93 The other settlement made during this year was in Jefferson Township. Mr. Aaron Dillie was the tirst settler there. But little is known of him now except that he was an earnest, consistent Christian. Mr. Joseph Flesher, who died a few years since, came next, and, very soon after, in the autumn of 1834, Joshua Hudson settled on the land now known as " Baker Johnson's farm," having lived for a year previous on Day's Creek, Handolph County. While living at the latter place, after they had retired for the night, there came qtiite a shower of rain. WUen Mr. Hudson rose in the morning he found the puncheon floor floating and the house surrounded with water for fifty yards ! He carried his family to a place of safety and, by the next night, the water subsided. In 1S37 Mr. Hudson died, and the family was scattered. Wm. C. Hudson, Esq., his son, and the surviving members of Mr. Flesher's family, are the oldest living inhabitants of that township. This year (1834) is known among the settlers then living in the county as the " hard year" and the " squirrel year." It was a time of great hard- ships, caused by the coming of squirrels in vast numbers, who destroyed the crops. It was called the " squirrel march or stampede," as those ani- mals seemed to be emigrating, by hundreds and thousands, for some cause yet unexplained. The inhabitants would stand around their fields and 5* 94 SETTLERS AND INCIDENTS. shoot them all day, but could neither frighten them nor percoivably lessen their numbers. The Hawkins family had fifteen acres of splendid corn, which, in order to save, they gathered as soon as it began to harden, and had but fifteen bushels, which they picked from the centre of the field. For the same cause the crops failed in Darke County, Ohio, and the settlers had to go to Eaton to buy meal. There was not a wagon then in the Hawkins settlement, and they went by turns on horseback, occupying five days in making a trip. The first marriage in Jay County took place in this year. Mr. Joseph Williamson married Miss Mary Ellen Hartup, May 21st, 1834. The wedding was at Henry H. Cuppy's, and the Jus- tice was Oliver "Walker, of Randolph County. The license was issued at Winchester. Mr. Wil- liamson now lives in Wells County. The next marriage was that of Mr. James Simmons to Miss Christena Av ALINE Hawkins, Juuc 24th, 1834, by Joel Ward, Esq. Mr. David Baldwin selected land near John Pingry in the fall of 1834, and in April of the next year he and William Baldwin settled there. They thought it a very wild place, for they would sometimes stand in their cabin door and shoot the deer that were browsing on the trees which had been cut down to keep them from falling on the SETTLERS AND INCIDENTS. 95 house. David Baldwin opened a blacksmith and gunsmith shop that year (1835), which were the lirst shops of the kind in the county. The Indi- ans were frequent travelers through there then. David Baldwin was a true pioneer — an active and very useful man. As a Christian, he was a Methodist local preacher; as a mechanic, he was a blacksmith and cabinet-maker, and as a pioneer, a farmer, good bee-tree and deer hunter. He afterward emigrated to Kansas, where he served under the famous John Brown. William Bald- win still lives upon the same place. During 1835 many persons visited the county and selected land. Every settler's cabin was crowded with travelers. Early in the spring, William and Uriah Chapman came out and camped near by the spring, where James White- man now lives, in Bear Creek Township. Two corners of a blanket fastened to the ground, the other two tied up with lind bark, in a slanting direction, served for their camp, in front of which they kindled a tire. On the 22d of April, Wil- liam, with his family and father-in-law, George Lipps, arrived on the spot where he lived until his death, February 15th, 1862. He lirst built a shed, under which they lived, cooking by a log-heap, for two months, until compelled to build a cabin for protection against the mosketoes. Like many others, Uriah Chapman had to travel by night in 96 SETTLEES AND INCIDENTS. great haste to Fort "Wayne to save their land from speculators. For several seasons Mr. Chap- man did little besides provide for travelers. About half of his time was occupied in hunting to get meat, and the other half going south for provi- sions. Mr. Joel Wilson was the first settler in Rich- land Township, arriving there in the fall of 1835. James Green had, however, visited the county previously, and built a cabin in what he then sup- posed was Delaware County, but which the survey afterward proved to be in Jay ; but Mr. Wilson was the first to move with his family into the township. Most of the earliest pioneers of liich- land Township have either moved away or gone to their final rest ; but Mr. Wilson still remains, a respectable and influential citizen of the town- ship. Mr. Green's cabin and an orchard he set out were situated on Isaac Ketterman's farm, and were the first improvements of the kind made in that township. The same fall John Booth, Ben- jamin Manor and William Richardson opened a settlement in the southwest corner of the county. About this time three new settlers came into the Camden neighborhood. They were Joshua Bond, William Swallow and Elihu Hamilton. William Coffin then lived in the same house with Shaylor. Mr. Bond was raised in North Caro- lina — a Friend — was a pioneer in Wayne County, SETTLERS AND INCIDENTS. 9T then moved to Wincliester, and owned a farm on which part of that town is now situated. He built the log house in which he still lives, in the winter of 1835-'6. There were not men enough in that region to raise it, and help had to be brought from Winchester. He is still living, though in his eighty-fourth year. In Kovember Peter Daily, accompanied by "William Carpenter, settled near Joshua Hud- son, in Jefferson Township. For four years his business was hunting, in which he was very suc- cessful. Raccoon skins were worth $1 a piece then, and he caught ten in one evening and one hundred and sixty-eight during the season. For an otter skin he got $8.50. He and Alexander Stein went hunting one day — shot but six times, and killed seven deer. He had hunted so much with a favorite horse that, though turned loose, it would stay near his camp until he was ready to go home. One time he went honie without taking the horse, and on going back, six weeks after- ward, he found the faithful animal still making the camp his headquarters. In March, 1885, Colonel Christopher Hanna, with a large family, of which H. P. Hanna was the eldest, settled in Noble Township, where George Bergman, senior, now lives. They shared the usual hardships of the pioneers. During a trip to Greenville for provisions his family suffer- 98 SETTLERS AND INCIDENTS. ed severely for want of food. Great was their joy when the returning wagon was heard winding through the woods. The wet season and early frost ruined his corn, and while H. P. Hanna was plowing, a falling limb killed the horse instantly. In 1836 he moved to Portland, and became prominently connected with the organization of the county ; was the first Sherifi" of the county by appointment of the Governor, and first County Clerk, by election. In 1850 he moved from the county, and died, highly respected, in Tama County, Iowa, March 23d, 1859. This year also witnessed the coming of Daniel W. McNeal, who was closely identified with the early settlement of Jay County. He came in No- vember, 1835. At the organization of the county he was appointed County Surveyor, which ofiice he filled for many years. In this capacity he laid off the county seat, and suggested to the County Commissioners the name for it, which was adopt- ed. He afterward held the ofiices of Justice of the Peace, School Examiner, Land Appraiser and Surveyor of Swamp Lands. He also taught school in the county several years. Although he had some eccentricities, he was possessed of ex- tensive and varied knowledge ; was especially well versed in mathematics and many of the phy- sical sciences. He gloried in having been an ear- SETTLERS AND INCIDENTS. 99 Ij, consistent anti-slavery man. He lived an honest and useful life, and died at Portland in April, 1864, aged 62 years. CHAPTER IX. NEW SETTLERS AND THEIE EXPERIENCES. The year 1833 added bat few to the scanty number of pioneers. One was Mr. Obadiali Win- ters, from Miami County, who reached the Haw- kins cabin witii his family on the 1st of October, having visited the country the previous summer. He bought out James Morrison, and still lives on the same old farm. It was very common at that time for hunters from the older settlements to hunt in this county. Their camps were every where to be found. But the crack of no one's rifle was heard so frequently, or was so fatal to the game, as that of Jesse Gray. His favorite camping place was near the spring on the Sali- monie, now owned by Samuel Reed, Once when Mr. Winters was hunting, he heard what he was sure was a turkey calling her mate. Soon he saw NEW SETTLERS. 101 her, and taking the most deliberate aim, was jnst touching the trigger when Jesse Gray sprang out into open view. It so alarmed Winters that he could scarcely hold his gun the rest of the day, but not a nerve trembled of the veteran hunter, who so narrowly escaped. . When Mr. Winters' son John was about two and a half 3^ears old, he was one day at his grand- father's, Philip Ensminger's. In the morning the old man went hunting, and without his knowledge the little fellow followed and got lost. The waters were verj'' high, and it rained hard during that night. Great excitement prevailed throughout the community, and a large number of persons went to hunt him, which tliey did the whole night in vain. A cat which was wont to play with the child followed them, and repeatedly during the night came to them, mewed, and then went away again. They paid no attention to this until morn- ing, when J. C. Hawkins and Thomas ,'Mays fol- lowed the cat, and she led them direct to the lost boy. He was insensible, very cold, and nearly dead. When he revived so as to be able to talk he saw the cat and said, " Tom, you and me has been lost." He also said that the cat came to him several times through the night, and that he saw a big dog, which was doubtless a wolt. Mr. Winters made the coffins in those days. There being no lumber for the purpose, puncheons 102 NEW SETTLERS were split out of logs, hewed and planed until they looked as well as sawed lumber. In such a coffin a child of Philip Brown was buried on the north bank of the Little Salimonie, near the road. That was the first death in "Wayne Township. In this year also the Highlander family came to the county, consisting of William Highlander, senior, then about eighty years old, and wife, and William, Tandy, James, and several others. They built a log house near Mr. Winters, and after having cleared several acres, a speculator entered the land, and they were again without a home. William and James now live in Portland. In the autumn of 1833 Edward Buford and family settled near where Samuel K. Williams now lives, and was the first settler in Jackson Township. He had been a valuable scout in the war of 1812, and now he and his sons were famous hunters. They had as many as one hundred and fifty traps set at one time. The "pole trap," which was so often used by them and other hunters, should be described. A long pole was cut, then two stakes driven into the ground, one on each side of it, near one end. These were witlied together at the top; then another pole was placed on the first one, the end between the stakes raised up, and triggers set under it. To these was attached a string, which ran back between the poles. Upon the whole was placed a lieavy AND THEIB EXPEKIENCES. 103 weight. Animals attemptiiif^ to pass between the poles would touch the string, spring the triggers, and be caught in the "dead fall." B. W. Haw- kins says Buford was the only man he ever knew who could catch a fox in a trap of this kind. In a few years Mr. Buford moved into Bear Creek Township, where he died in 1841. CHAPTER X. WILD ANIMALS INDIANS FIRE-HUNTING FIKST ELECTION — LAWSUIT — SCHOOLS. The wild animals abounding in the forests of Jay, when civilization commenced its war upon them, were the bear, deer, wolf, wild cat, wild hog, otter, gray fox, raccoon, woodchuck or ground hog, porcupine, mink, muskrat, skunk, opossum, rabbit, weasel and squirrel. Early settlers claim to have killed catamounts. Some of these animals being now rarely seen, should be described. The wolf has the general appearance of a large dog. He hunts in the night, lives chiefly upon deer and rabbits, but kills sheep, hogs, and almost any other animal when he can. Wolves do not go in large gangs except in the winter ; then twelve or lifteen are sometimes seen in one pack. At other seasons they go in pairs, except when attended by their THE WOLF. 105 young. The she wolf generally makes her nest in a hollow log, each succeeding year occupying the same place until disturbed, after which she seeks a new spot near by. The male wolf sleeps a hundred yards or so distant from her nest, on rising ground. At evening, when she has young, she walks a few feet from the nest and howls. He answers with a terrible roar, goes to the nest, then away into the woods, aud during the night brings home whatever game he chances to catch. At sunrise he gives apparently a warning howl and retires, while the king of day hlls the forest with golden light. The w^olf is a shy animal, and never attacks a man unless when very hungry or in de- fense. B. W. Hawkins tells the following story: Long before white men inhabited Jay County some Indians were trapping on the head waters of the Salimonie, in Madison Township. One Indian went several miles from the camp, alone, to set some traps. On the way be killed a deer, which he tied across his shoulders. Returning just after dark, he heard wolves near him. They first acted as if playing around him, then came nearer and encircled him, snapping their teeth and showing a determination to attack. He shot, and instantly they were upon him from every side. He seized his tomahawk and struck at them in all directions, but one caught him and tore the cords from his leg. At that moment he 106 WILD ANIMALS. cut loose the deer, which they seized, and ran away. The Indian crawled to a fallen tree, the roots of which had turned up. Upon these he climbed and remained until morning, when the Indians came in search of him. When Mr. Haw- kins saw him he was a cripple, and had to hunt on horseback. Wild hogs are simply tame ones that have run in the woods until they have become wild, or their progeny. They sometimes live to the age of twelve years or more, become very large, and have a large tusk on each side of the snout. They are the wildest animals that ever traveled the woods. They do not root around irregularly like tame hogs, but always in a straight course, as if surveying, occasionally raising their heads and walking several rods. They never attack a man unless cornered. The early settlers killed them rapidly, and now none remain. Wild cats were very numerous in Jay. They are of a brindle color, have the shape of the house cat, but are four or live times larger. They are a ferocious animal ; will light desperately when atf- tacked, and can catch and kill a nest of pigs in spite of the eftbrts of the mother. Two miles below Bortland there is what the hunters call the " big eddy" in the Salimonie. It is a place one mile long where the waters are un- obstructed and calm. It is the best place for FIRE-HUNTING. 107 "fire-hunting" on this stream. Before the deer had fled from the destructive axe and fatal riile of the white man, it was the favorite spot with the Indians for this grand sport. For this reason it is supposed they made the "two-mile reserva- tion," which embraced the eddy. Indians iire- hunt in this wise : They girdle a large pig-nut hickory near the ground and again twelve or fif- teen feet above ; then split the bark open on one side of the tree, which enables them to, peel the tree all the way around the body, preserving the bark in one piece. The rough, outside bark is taken ofi" the ends, which are then tied closely. A stick is put crosswise inside the bark, near each end, and the result is, a bark canoe — the lightest boat that floats. At night a very large, lighted wax candle is set at one end, behind which is placed a wide board, which throws the light for- ward and conceals the hunters in the rear of the canoe. Silent as the night, and slowly the "frail bark" moves down the stream. The dis- tant deer, quietly drinking at the water's edge, sees the glaring light approaching. Beyond is utter darkness. As if charmed, he gazes intently at the strange phenomenon. Gradually nearer draws the canoe. Not a ripple, nor a breath, breaks the stillness, until the fatal ball strikes its innocent victim, and the shores reverberate with the report. 108 INDIANS FIKE-HUNTING, As late as 1833 the Indians visited this eddy to enjoy, for the last time, their favorite hunt. Once, having just made such preparations, Jesse (iray, senior, came into the vicinity. They immediate - U|, FIRST ELECTION. 109 ly left, and he enjoyed their camp and canoe. At another time, when he was fire-hunting, he came so near the deer that, when shot, it jumped across the canoe the first bound.* In 1834, the families scattered over the south part of the county began to think their settlement of sufficient importance to be under the restraint of law. Prior to this the}'' had enjoyed unlimited freedom. When Mr. Goodrich, Collector of Ran- dolph County, came to collect taxes, every man positively refused to pay. The collector laughed, said that any one who dared come out there "to open a forest, ought not to pay tax, and returned. The Commissioners of Randolph County were petitioned to organize Salimonie Township and appoint an election. On the 5th of January, 1835, the Board ordered that all the attached part of that county should be organized into Salimonie Township. They also appointed the first election at Daniel Farbor's, on the last Saturday in January, 1835, Obadiah Winters, Inspector. The officer to be elected was a Justice ; the candidates were H. H. Cuppy and Benjamin Goldsmith. Whiskey was free, a bar- rel having been obtained for the occasion, and the contest grew very exciting. The only politi- * Many interesting stories miglit be related of Jesse Gray, senior ; but the publication of his life is contemplated, in which they will more appropriately appear. 6 110 rmsT LAWSUIT. cal question involved was the location of the can- didates, and Cuppy triumphed. This was theiirst election held in the County. When a boy is possessed of a hatchet or a jack- knife, the teflfiptation to use them becomes irresist- able. So it seemed to be with these few social neighbors. By the election of a Justice of the Peace, thej obtained the facilities for going to law, and litigation commenced. Before this, all difficulties had been adjusted by third parties, without officers or fees, which generally resulted in the belligerent parties "drinking friendship." Not so when they could boast a "Squire." A law-suit was waiting for Squire Cuppy when he re- turned from Winchester, where he had to go to get his commission. Mr. William Bunch and Philip Brown quarreled about a "cross" dog be- longing to the latter, who had made some serious threats, and the former commenced a suit to com- pel Brown to " keep the peace." The case was docketed "John Doe versus Richard Roe, etc.," a writ issued,a constable deputized. Brown arrestt d and the witnesses summoned to meet at Cuppy's house. The defendant admitted the charge, and was "bound over " to appear at the higher court. The most difficult part of the trial, for the Justice, now came up viz: how to draw a "recognizance." After much profound deliberation and careful re- search, a form was found in the statutes, which, FIKST LAWSUIT. Ill though intended for general cases, was given under the vagrant act. Being a poor scribe liimself, the Justice procured the services of Henry Welch, who, when he came to that part of the form given thus, " [John Doe and Richard Roe, &c.,] " sug- gested that the words in brackets did not suit the present case, and inquired what should be done? This was a puzzling question for the " Court," but, having duly deliberated, Cuppy announced with an oatli that he wanted it distinctly under- stood by the people that he was going according to laio^ and the form must be copied as given in the Statute. So it was copied, brackets and all, after which the court instructed the securities to " attend the next term of Court in "Winchester, and deliver Brown up, in open Court, to stand his trial for vagraney-'' Accordingly, when Circuit Court opened in Winchester, the securities appeared with Brown, when the Judge, upon an examina- tion of the papers, dismissed the case in such terms, as convinced Cuppy of his unfitness for Justice of the Peace, and he resigned — a sensible act, which rarely occurs in these latter days. So ended the first lawsuit. The records of the Randolph Board of Commis- sioners, dated May 5th, 1835, state that all the territory included in Jay County was constituted one road district, and William Bunch appointed supervisor. On the same day, Madison Town- 112 FIRST SCHOOLS. ship was organized, an election appointed at Ben- jamin Goldsmith's, on the third Saturday in June, Abraham Lotz, Inspector, That was the second election. Another election was ordered to be held the second Saturday in October, 1835. At one of these elections James Graves was elected Justice, went to Winchester for his commission, and, on his way home, married "William Cum- mings and Matilda Denney. The year 1835 Mdtnessed the opening of the first schools in Jay County. The "red man of the forest " was followed by daring old hunters like Jesse Gra}'^, who found these woods against which the axe had never been raised, delightful fields for the pursuit of game. Their camp-fires suc- ceeded the wigwam, while soon the rude cabin came. Now, when the wild man was only an oc- casional visitor, and many hunters were tramping the forest, schools were opened, and the few children of the settlement taught to read and spell. In the summer of this year, two schools were taught. One in a cabin built b}^ a Mr. "Wringer, situated where Liber College now stands, and the other in a similar house, situated on what was afterward the farm of James Rhine, in Madison Township. The former was taught by Miss Sarah Tharp, later the wife of Mr. Thomas Ward, of Winchester; the latter by Mr. Edvard Bell Wutten, who had recently settled there. These THE FIEST MAIL. 113 pioneer teachers have long since gone to their final reward. The exact date cannot be given when either of the schools commenced, and it is unimportant — both these persons are equally de- serving the profound respect which the people of Jay will not cease to cherish for the memories of their first teachers. Soon log school houses dotted the county. Of the teachers officiating in them, some were wise and some were " otherwise." Now the neatly painted frame school house is taking the place of the dear old cabin with its mud-and-stick chimney, its clapboard and weight- pole roof, its knotty, unpeeled, sapling benches, wide fire-place and bush of wild roses clambering upon the gable ends. An embryo college now stands upon the very spot made sacred by such a c.abin. The first mail carried through this county was in 1829, by Mr. Ellis Kizer, from Winchester, by way of the Godfrey Trace, to Fort Wayne. The mail was not opened then in the county, but this pioneer herald picked his way on horseback along a barely discernible path, through three score and ten miles of wilderness. At the Godfrey village he could count several times as many Indian huts as there were white families along the entire route. He carried it until 1833, when Samuel Hawkins got the contract, and the route was changed so as to pass through the Hawkins settlement. On the 114 FIRST ENTEIES OF LAIST). 11th of June, 1835, the first Post Office was estab- lished in Ja}' (then called Randolph) County, at the house of Daniel Farber, who was Postmaster. The office was then called Saliraonic. It was a great convenience — persons receiving their mail therefrom all parts of this, and some from Adams County. The postage on letters was. then from ten to twenty-five cents. Mrs. Nancy Farber per- formed most of the few duties connected with the office. Mr. John Conner carried the first mail by this office, and with the exception of four years, continued carrying it until 1862, since which time Mr. Jacob Conkel has been the carrier. In May, 1837, the office was removed to H. H. Cuppy's, who became the Postmaster, and the name was changed to Jay Court House. The following shows by townships all the land entered in Jay County prior to 1836, in order of date, and name of the person making the entry, as taken from the record in the County Auditor's office: RICHLAND. James Green July 21, 1834 80 acres. Joel Wilson Sept. 23, 1834. ... 80 " Benjamin Manor Sept. 23, 1834 80 " Baldwin Smith Nov. 7,1835.... 80 " Eli II. Chalk Nov. 7,1835.... 80 " James Green Dec. 21, 1835 40 " FIRST ENTRIES OF LAJTD. 115 No entries were made in this towaahip uatil May 10th, 1836, when Daniel Tuclcer entered 340 acres. Moses Hamilton. .June 10, 1834. ... 80 acres. Samuel Grissell Jane 10, 1834 ...160 " " July 7,1835.. Jonathan Hiatt. July 7, 18 Jo. . . Samuel Crawford July 7, 1835. . JEFFERSON. George Meek June 10, 1834 80 acres. Joseph Flesher July 7, 1835 80 " James Haworth Nov. 11, 1835 320 " John Steed. Dec. 13, 1835 80 " Daniel Ertte Dec. 13, 1835 160 " GREEN. No entries until April 19th, 1833, when William M. Ruth entered 40 acres. JACKSON. Samuel W. Fonts June 38, 1834. Michael Zimmerman Dec. 16, 18-35. . . JohnPingry Dec. 19, 1835... James Marquis Dec. 36, 1835. . . PIKE. Thomas J. Shaylor April 30, 1833 . . . George Hardy Sept. 38, 1833. . . JohnR. May5 Nov. 9, 1833... Samuel Hawkins Nov. 16, 1833. . . Isaac Aker Dec. 13, 1833. . . William Clark Sept. 14, 1835. . . Charles Wilkerson Sept. 14, 1835. . . George Blckel Dec. 21, 1835. ... Nancy Hawkins Dec. 33, 1835. . . Curtis Hardy Dec. 29, 1835. . . Henry Welch .' Dec. — , 1835. — acres. 80 <> 40 « 80 i( 40 acres 40 i( 40 It 40 « 309 raery. After a few salutations he led us on down the creek some three miles to the house of his son-in-law, Ira Towle, where, on Sat- urday night, our first religious meeting was held. The day following was a memorable Sabbath to those sheep in the wilderness — memorable for re- REUBEN MONTGOMERY. 181 viving the sacred ineraories of the Sabbath, the sanctuaries of the past, and for kindling the hopes of a better future, when this wilderness might re- joice and blossom as the rose." Six weeks afterward, Mr. Taylor returned, preached for several days at Ira Towle's, some- times in the barn, and organized a Presbyterian church, of thirteen members, of whom Jacob Bos- worth, (though living twelve miles distant,) Harry Keed and M. P. Montgomery were elected elders. In the afternoon, on the Sabbath, there was a meeting for the relation of personal Christian ex- perience. Most of the male members of that gathering have gone to their eternal home. No one can paint so true a picture of these men as Mr, Taylor, who writes thus : " Father Mont- gomery, brought into the Kingdom in advanced life, impressed me that common sense was his great excellence. His story of his conversion showed that the truth and spirit of Christ had seized upon this ruling power in his conversion, and had ever since made this trait the chief medium of keeping him from error and preserving his piety. A memorable morsel in his prayer on that occasion illustrated how child-like sympathy may rule in company with a masterly will. It was this : ' O, Lord, thou knowest there is a great work to be done here in Jay County, and we have none to look to but Thee.' He was a famous framer. 9 182 IKA TOWLE. Many houses and barns in Jay will long be the remembrancers of his industry, though men, with noisier tool covered with board and nail Ins firmly jointed workmanship. And so, I think, his strong minded counsels, though covered by noisier advo- vocates of moral and religious reform, will remain a part of the hidden frame-work of new society in Jay County. "Ira Towle's hesitating yet honest mariner made me say of him, to myself: There is a man that minds his own affairs and keeps his own secrets, and wishes all others to do the same. I found him so. Never obtrusive, he was always in his place, doing, not proposing or discussing, his full share towards all the interests of society. In keeping with all else, he, dying without any im- mediate heirs, bequeathed most of his property to the cause of Home Missions, amounting to over two thousand dollars. "Harry Reed's account was unstudied and highly emotional. Some odd, blunt expression about God's handling him mighty rough, would make us smile, and the next minute we would find our- selves weeping with him that wept, while he was telling of the almighty love of Jesus, With him religion was an inwrought principle and law of life, that would always prevail over the transient errors of sudden impulse or hasty speech. I con- fided to him, more than any man in those days. M. P. MONTGOMERY. 183 all my cares. His industry, integrity, zeal and tender sensibility made him a valaable exponent of those elementary lessons of piety and charity which it was my care to instill into the heart of society in those early days. He was, emphat- ically, a worker in the moral as in the natural wilderness, and in both his works do folloM'' him. "M. P. Montgomery, a man of superior intellect and of \dews and aspirations wide and high, with both natm*al and acquired gifts of speech, gave us, in addition to his Christian evidences, the lively impression that he Vas, all over, from the sole of his foot up, for more than six feet, to the crown of his masterly head, a Presbyterian. It was to be expected that such a man would hail with joy the hopeful beginning of better times. He deprecated the prevailing type of religion in the country, as contemptuous of solid knowledge, dignified forms, and practical correctness. He was chiefly instrumental in getting, at so early a date, the first meeting-house, the block house, Limberlost Chapel. Soon after the organization of the church, he attended, as elder, a meeting of the Presbytery, at New Carlisle, Ohio. It was the era of the great Washingtonian Temperance Re- form. One night there was a grand meeting. Several eminent speakers were present, among them the famous Dr. Hall, of overwhelming brass bugle eloquence. Mr. Montgomery having 184 M. p. MONTGOMEKT, learned that very many christian professors of that region were opposed to the Reform, delivered such a scathing philippic as entitled him to the lionship of the evening. He employed the bitter language of John the Baptist and of Christ res]3ecting the Jevs^s suffering vile characters to enter the King- dom of God before them, neither entering them- selves nor sntfering those that would to enter. He explained, expanded and applied the terms hypocrites, generation of vipers, etc., with resist- less force. Dr. Hall was so pleased that he invit- ed him home with him to Dayton, and sent him back to Jay with forty dollars for the completion of the little chapel. "His stay in the county was only for a few years. Indeed his stay on earth was not long, for, having removed to the vicinity of Fort Wayne, he had scarcely Hxed his family comfortably on a new farm, when he was called to another sphere." In 1841 Ira Towle gave the land for a church site and cemetery. Logs were hewed on four sides and a house erected that year — the first church building in the county. The first temperance meeting in that part of the county were held in it, and, at one of these. Judge J. M. Haynes made the first public speech. The people who so long worshiped within its walls, abandoned it in 1862, occupying their new house at Westchester. KEY. I. N. TAYLOR. 185 Though forsaken the rustic church is not for- gotten. THE LIMBERLOST CHURCH. The memory of its dear old walls is linked with the cherished remembrance of the many loved ones who sleep near it. As the first altar consecrated to God in the new county, its appearance is res- cued from oblivion for the eyes of futute genera- tions. The church organization is now Congre- gational. Mr. Taylor accompanied Dr. Bosworth to Port- land, where the doctor announced him, on account of his youth, as a " Presbyterian boy preacher." ISO EEV. I. N. TAYLOR. A large audience assembled at Portland, in the old conrt-liouse, "a log building, long, low and dis- mal," and there he preached his first sermon in that part of the county, taking for his text that first divine call after apostate man — " Adam, where art thon ?" Several sermons followed, en- gaging the unwonted attention of the people for several daj'S and nights. The statements and reasonings ofDr. Bosworth's " boy preacher " was the same he had insisted on among his neighbors since they had pitched their tents together in the wilderness. But he had longed to have these truths fastened on men's minds and consciences in a professional way, and his delight on this occasion was great. For about two years after his first entrance, Mr. Taylor made frequent visits in Jay, and, grad- ually, a desire sprang up within him to labor for the mental and moral welfare of the county. This was more natural, because, by reason of certain predispositions, he had cherished from boyhood the desire to help lay the foundations of society in a new country. During these visits his ac- quaintance was enlarged at New Corydon, Cam- den and in the Hawkins neighborhood, and his desire grew into a fixed intention to spend the vigor and strength of his life in tliis destitute and difficult, but promising field for intellectual and re- ligious labor. REV. I, N. TAYLOR. 18Y He moved into the countj in Februar}^, 1843, and first occupied a cabin belonging to William H. Montgomery, two miles east of Westchester. In addition to preaching to the flock he liad gath- ered there, he preached in the Hawkins cabin for Father Philip Ensminger, then, fs he still is, (though now in his ninetieth year,) the meek and venerable white-haired patriarch of that neigh- borhood. Mr. Taylor's veneration for "first things " and interest in pioneer experience was greatly gratified at Mrs. Hawkins'. The vigor- ous blood and daring nerve of " Old Kentuck " animated her frame as she would recount the thrilling scenes of their first year among the savage beasts and savage men that then walked curiously and stealthily around her rude earnest of a coming civilization. Then, on the Wabash, Mr. Taylor would preach for the neighbors in the cabin of Robert Webster, where some of the most solemn and af- fecting scenes of his ministry were enacted. Here he was aided by the self-denying Missionary Pogue, who, then a student at Lane Seminary, Ohio, spent a three months' vacation in Jay County, and afterward went to the Sandwich Islands, without a wife, because Miss Elizabeth Webster, the intelligent and Christian housekeep- er in that cabin, had gone to her grave and her home in heaven. 188 REV. I. N. TAYLOR, In 1845 Mr. Taylor, desiring to attend theolog- ical lectures at Lane Seminary, moved to Cin- cinnati. That movement he always regretted ; returned in two years and settled in Portland very early in the spring of 1847. For two years he was Agent of the American Sunday School Union, and he accomplished a great work in or- ganizing schools and awakening in the minds of the people an interest in that most useful and effective branch of Christian labor. While living in Portland he engaged in an unprofitable mer- cantile enterprise with Calvin D. Searl. Late in 1850 he became Principal of the Jay County Seminary, which position he held for two years. During these years, looking forward to the founding of a school, he selected the knoll on the Sab'monie by the spring as a suitable spot, and purchased the land of John Smith. The remainder of Mr. Tay- lor's life in Jay is inseparably connected with Liber College, and will appear in the following chapter. CHAPTER XV LIBEK COLLEGE. To build an institution of learning in some new region "where no man had laid a foundation," had long been a darling enterj)rise in the mind of I. N. Taylor, In many respects he was well fitted for the work. He greatly loved life in a new country. He has spent but a mere fragment of his mature life elsewhere than in the begin- nings of society. This region of tall forests and log-cabins, wide lire places and liberal chim- ney-corners, its germs of society planted with plain, genial, warm-hearted pioneers, was well suited to his tastes and talents. His early settle- ment here, extensive acquaintance and sympathy with the people, great influence, unflagging en- ergy, and, under adverse circumstances, obstinate will, all aided in adapting him to the work lie was 9* 190 LIBER COLLEGE. about to commence. In autumn, 1842, in com- pany with Jacob Bosworth and Harry Reed, be first crossed, on foot, the present site of Liber. " While these three men were sitting by the spring to ■which many scores now daily resorl, the covenant of his boy- hood came vividly to the mind of the Missionary, then in his twenty-fifth year, and an impression sudden and overwhelm- ing as from the whisper or impress of a ministering angel, was settled on his heart, that on this spot he should dwell and execute his covenant with God and a sainted brother."* Nothing, however, was done toward the enter- prise, then so dimly painted in the visions of the future, for ten years, except that Mr. Taylor ne- gotiated for the land. When he moved upon the ffround he called the place Salem. The first public meeting ever held to consider the subject of building a school there, assembled in the " old peeled-log meeting house," near by what was then known as the Salem Cemetery, February 5th, 1853. The persons present were Rev, I. N. Taylor, Jonathan Lowe, Jacob Bos- worth, J. H. Topping, Obadiah Winters, Wilson Milligan, David Hays, George W. Templer, Wil- liam McCormick, Joseph 0. Hawkins, John G. Spade, Augustus Bosworth and R. S. Taylor. Mr. Winters was chosen Chairman and Mr. Tay- lor Secretary. * Liber Lamp, September, 1858. LIBEK COLLEGE. 191 " The day was bitterly cold ; the wind blew a heavy gale, aud the snow drifted through the crevices of the cabin, so that not a spot could be found in the room where the Clerk could keep the paper dry. So unusually bitter was the cold storm that a large red-hot stove did not warm the ' peeled-log house.' "* I. ]Sr. Taylor proposed an institution to be called Salem Academy, and argued that "such an en- terprise would be more in harmony with the un- developed state of the country and the concep- tions of the people, as well as within their means. '^ Mr. Bosworth proposed a college, argu- ing that " no school of high grade could be made without foreign aid, and that such assistance could be more readily obtained for a college." This proposition prevailed, and the school w^as named " Liber College," by suggestion of Mr. Taylor. After this the village took the same name. April 20th, 1853, a notice appeared in the Portland Journal giving notice of the first elec- tion of officers, and on the 3d of May the corpo- rators met and organized themselves into the " Liber College Joint Stock Company." Shares were placed at $20 each, and the payment of $100 entitled the holder to a perpetual scholarship. At this meeting the following officers were elected, being the first officers of the corporation : Trus- tees, Jacob Bosworth, Wilson Milligan, Obadiah * Liber Lamp, October, 1858. 192 LIBER COLLEGE. Winters, Wilbur Morehous, Ebenezer Wood- bridge and Kobert Huey ; Treasurer, G. W. Tem- pler. On the same day the Board of Trustees held their first meeting and elected I. IST. Taylor President for four years. Afterward, A. Bos- worth was elected Clerk. During that summer the Board put forth a manifesto, from which the following are extracts : " Liber is a latin word of four meanings, which the school-boy sometimes expresses in the rhyme : ' Liber is a child, And Liber is free ; Liber is a book, And the bark of a tree.' "The significance of the title may be expressed in a sentence. We established, on liberal prin- ciples, in a new woodland, an institution for the education of our children, in books of practical Science, Religion and Liberty. * * * Karely was a College, or even a first rate High School, founded, furnished and finished in the time of one mortal generation. This we know, and are not crazed or a-loomed. The growth of a good Institution is usually like that of an oak. As men in middle life and old age do not plant acorns expecting themselves to sit under the expanded and towering boughs of the embryo oak, so we are not oppressed with swollen fancies of speedy LIBER COLLEGE. 193 and easy maturity. We plant the acorn. It will germinate this very year. Henceforth our child- ren will defend the sappling, root, bark and blos- som. But the broad, deep shade of the great tree we willingly consecrate to those generations who will live and learn over our graves." A college campus of six acres was donated to the company by 1. 1^. Taylor and Jonathan Lowe. Early in this year, (1853,) the Board contracted with I. N. Taylor to build a house, suitable for the preparatory classes, for one thousand two hundred dollars. The result was that in November of that year the house was ready to be occupied. LIBEK COLLEGE. In August the site itself was cleared of its native beach trees and old log's. 194 LIBEB COLLEGE. On the 5th of November, 1853 the school was opened; I. JST. Taylor, President and Mrs. Julia A, Weber, Principal of the Primary Department. During the first term Deacon Jonathan Lowe proposed to place in school a negro boy, living with him, called George Lowe, but whose real name was George Hunter. TJiis displeased a number of the stock-holders, and they became di- vided on the question of admitting colored persons to the privileges of the school. At once the pre- vious harmony among the original founders was broken. The language of the Constitution of the College being that " the purpose of this Institu- tion is to furnish to any person whomsoever the facilities of a common and collegiate education," those stockholders opposed to the admission of colored persons ceased to co-operate in the man- agement of the College. Afterward (March 22, 1855,) the stockholders voted to reimburse those who had paid stock, not understanding that ne- groes could be admitted to the school. The result of the withdrawal of these persons was the foun- ing of Farmers' Academy, of which more will be said hereafter. The first year the school opened with twenty scholars, forty-three being in attendance dur- ing the course of the year. The entire cost of teaching and agency during the first two years was only about one thousand one hundred and fifty LIBEK COLLEGE. 195 dollars, during which time, for teaching the Pri- mary Department four months, Mrs. Weber re- ceived but twenty-seven dollars. Those w^eie in- deed times of " small things." At the opening of the third year of the school Miss Sarah Jane Miller was the Primary teacher, which position she held for three years. The number of trustees was increased to twelve. Dur- ing the year I. l!^. Taylor resigned his office as President of the Board and J. C. Hawkins was ap- pointed to the office. Two rows of rooms were built for self-boarding students, and several new residents came into the village and built houses. Nothing of especial interest occurred then until the fifth year, daring which the teachers were as follows : President, I. N. Taylor, Principal Primary Department, Miss S. J. Miller, Assistants, R. S. Taylor, Pulaski Mills, Mattie Tyson, Ed- mund Lockett, "W, G. Montgomery and Hattie A. Weber, The whole number of students during the year was one hundred and seventy-four. The commencement exercises at the close of that year were distinguished by the graduation of the first class, consisting of M. W. Diggs, Pulaski Mills and P. S. Taylor. Immediately after the latter received his diploma, he stepped forward with Miss Fanny W. Wright, and the newly- crowned Bachelor of Arts lost the first part of his desree. 196 THE PIONEER COLLEGE. The following is an extract from the peculiarly- appropriate Baccalaureate Address of President Taylor : " MISSION OF THE PIONEER COLLEGE, " In new countries there is as mucli native mind, of good order, in proportion to the number of inhabitants, as in old countries; and, considering tlie degenerating influences of sumptuous and fashionable life in many places, there is even more. Uncouth men and women may become new settlers, but weak and cowardly men and women are not likely to brave the toils and dangers of pioneer life. Moreover, these toils and dangers invigorate the brain, and effectuate a strength of character which ease and luxury only hinder and prevent. Hence, the children of pioneers are more likely to exhibit that amount of healthy brain and active nervous or- ganization, which we call natural talent, than any other class whatever. It is my belief, after the observation of twenty years, that among the first and second purchasei's of new ter- ritory, there is a higher order of vigorous mind than in any other condition of society. lu old England there is a class — the real aristocracy of the kingdom — whose very aristocracy consists in superior physical and mental development. To this they are devoted. But in America there is no aristocra- cy but that of wealth and fashion, whose votaries, generation after generation, diminish in physical and mental power. It is left to the perils, privations and gigantic civilization con- flicts of the wilderness, to preserve a type of musdle and brain, undiminished in compass and vitality. But in such new regions as ours, this natural talent is covered up under the rubbish of mere neglect. The trees, and brush, and grass, and mud, are but the emblems of a more concealing intellectual and moral wilderness, in which the very germs of genius are buried from the world. THE PIONEER COLLEGE. 19Y " Nothing but the broad and bright glare of High School and College light, will ever reveal these specimens of mental riches, even to the consciousness of the gifted sons and daughters of the forest. For, the drudgeries of pioneer life, the paucity of books, the inefficiency of common schools, the limitation of travel and conversation, the everlasting staying at home, the absence of all sight of great men and great things, the weakness of most professional efforts in the sick room, at the bar and in the sacred desk, the raillery of the po- litical platform, — all these conspire to show us not only the want of adequate causes, but the existence of hindering causes, respecting the elicitation of true talent and genius. Nothing short of an actual experiment, of advancing scien- tific and literary learning, will draw from their retreats the best specimens of mind. But this will ; it will do it in any new country, and do it effectually. Many a brain of fine compass and vigorous pulse, throbbing under the compres- sure of miserable common school facilities, aches for a larger surrounding, and turns to the young College, like steel to the magnet, the very day the opportunity is given to gratify the high impulsion. " Generally, the circumstances of new settlers, for many years, do not sulfer them to send their sons and daughters abroad, to the good Institutions of other places. And be- sides, there is a natm-al, and not much unreasonable reluct- ance, on the part of our youth, to go suddenly from the rude paths of new-land life to the gorgeous highways of refine- ment. " In view of all this, it is simply certain that hundreds of the finest minds of the section, scattered about in all our new regions, must forever remain lost to the world and to them- selves, without the revealing presence and vivifying power of the Home College. . " But plant the College : open out to view the hitherto un- known beauties of Literature and grandeurs of Science ; fur- nish the facilities to home-born intellect, to unfold itself to 198 E. S. TAYLOE. kindred and to country ; and while you thus quicken the general pulse of society, you set on fire the best types of youthful mind, and dissolving the bonds that would other- wise have forever bound them to mammon and stupid world- liness, you redeem them to the glorious freedom and power of knowledge. With joy they hasten to the founts of truth, and drinking a little at first, then more and more, they rise to higher views of life and duty, and doom ; and vow, at the altar of truth, to spend their whole lives in helping through the earth the triumphs of ^visdom. What a redemption ! No tongue can tell what an amount of personal joys and public influence are thus secured to society b}^ the Home College. " By the redemption of buried intellect, then, O heart of our countiy, cherish thy own Home College." Rev. M. W. Diggs is now pastor of the Con- gregational Chnrch at Pisgali, Mercer County, Ohio. PitLaski Mills has given his time chiefly to teaching, since his 'graduation, and in June, 1864, was appointed by the County Commission- ers, School Examiner of Jay County for three years. R. S. Taylor studied law with L. M. JNinde, at Fort Wayne, and ^is now partner in the law firm of ISTinde & Taylor. He has always given much attention to music, and has acquired considerable well-deserved note as a musical composer. For several years before he graduated, the words and music for the College exhibitions were, most of them, of his composition. Many of his pieces have found their way into the later musical pub- lications, while others have been issued in sheet E. S. TAYLOK. 199 form. That touchingly patriotic piece, " Oh, Wrap the Flag around me, boys," which has a national reputation, is of his composing. His law-partner is also a Jay Countian. L. M. Ninde, Esq., was raised on his father's farm near Cam- den, graduated at Farmers' College, near Cincin- nati, and has since been a successful lawyer at Fort Wayne. In 1855 the Liber Glee Club was formed, of Avhich R. S. Taylor was chorister. In the sum- mer of 1856 it gave concerts at different places, which were the first ever given in the county. During the summer session of 1857, Pulaski Mills was Principal of Liber College. For the year 1858-9, Miss Jane A. Montgomery was Principal of the Primary Department. In March, 1857 Vynul Arnett was chosen Pres- ident of the Board, in the room of J. C. Hawkins, resigned, which position he held for two years. With the close of the sixth year of the Institu- tion, President Taylor closed his official connec- tion with it, and, in September, 1859, moved to Illinois. For a paragraph, that he may not be misunderstood, the author must speak plainly. Thus ended Mr. Taylor's fourteen years in Jay County. During all this time he devoted his great energies and talents to the intellectual and moral interests of her people. Unambitious of wealth or fame, he gave his time and means un- 200 REV. I. N. TAYLOR. reservedly to push forward the enterprises in which he Wcis engaged. Especially is this true of his labors in converting the wilderness, on the Little Salimonie, into the village of Liber, and building there a school, at which hundreds of Jay County youths, otherwise ignorant and uninfluential, have tasted the higher branches of knowledge. Many of these youths are now the, teachers of the county, many others teach elsewhere, and still others are filling various important positions in society. With suuiU means, great obstacles and many other discouragements, he, nevertheless, accomplished a great woi'k. But his usefulness was but beginning, had his course not been such, before bis departure and since, as to deeply grieve and mortify his many former friends, and cripple his usefulness. He was a graduate of Athens College, Ohio, possessed a clear, strong mind, and profound knowledge of human nature. This attracted to him many warm friends, and gave him, for many years, great influence. His sermons were char- acterized by profoundness of thought and beauty of expression, but were long, and rather quietly delivered. He now resides in Nebraska, and is a surveyor on the Pacific Eailroad. Accompanying some statements of his early life in Jay, which have been substantially embodied in this work, President Taylor sent the following REV. I. N. TAYLOR. 201 note. Though intended to be private, no harm can result, or wrong be done, in giving it here, as a farewell glimpse of the workings of that mind which planned and hoped so much for the future welfare of Jay County. It cannot fail to awaken mingled emotions in the minds of his former numerous friends in this region. |NASH^^LLE, Illinois, New Year's, 1862. Mr. M. W. Montgomery : Dear Sir : I have spent my New Year's in preparing tlie rough sketch contained on these leaves. Witli much diffi- culty I compose my shattered nerves to write anything that brings up the events that so interested me in Jay — that dear scene of all my effective existence, and where my heart yet lingers in imperishable longings, but from which I am sun- dered forever * * * * "Wishing you much pleasure and success in your good work, I remain, Yours, very truly, I. N. Taylor. In 1859 the Board of Trustees invited Rev. Ebenezer Tucker, of Jo Daviess County, Illinois, to becomePresidentof the College. He accepted, and moved to Liber that year. He has since been constantly engaged in the college, preparing scores of young men and women to be teachers of common and graded schools. He was educated at Whitesboro, New York and Oberlin College. Prior to his residence in Illinois, he was, for eight years, Principal of the Union School, at Spartans- burg, Indiana. 202 KEV. EBENEZER TUCKER. During the first term of tlie college year of 1859-60, Elihu 11. Votaw, now a student at "VViieaton College, Illinois, was the Principal. Since that time the Principals of the Primary Department have been Miss Edith S. Bailiif, of Fulton, Ohio, Miss Bell A. Johnston, now Mrs. G. W. Loofbourrow, and Miss Helen M. Johnston, of Bell Centre, Ohio. The Presbyterian church in Portland divided in 185-i, and the seceding members organized a Congregational church at Liber. The first Musical Institute held in the county was at Liber, in December, 1863, byW. S. Mont- gomery, and M. Z. Tinker, of Terre Haute, In- diana. Concerning the Liber Spring, now owned by D. C. Baker, Esq., the following letter em- braces all that need be said. It was writ- ten without the faintest idea of its appearing here, and is, consequently, as fresh and lively as the limpid waters that still rise from that dearly loved fountain under the hill. It is inserted without the knowledge of the writer, for who is so well pre- pared to speak of that Spring as he who, for more than ten years, made it daily visits ? Fort Wayne, Indiana, July 18th, 1864. Dear Friend M. : After" as much reflection as I can readily give to any one subject, with the mercury at 95°, I can think of nothing that I would particularly wish to have THE LIBER SPRING. 203 remembered in your history, that you would be at all likely to omit, except the old spring, at Liber. I would give the price of two copies of your history for one good swig of its clear, cold water, now. I speak of it, fearing that since the town has been built up, with a score of wells in its immediate neighborhood, and sipce some of the old settlers have passed away, some to other scenes of earthly toil, and some to fields where j^et purer water flows, and since the war has opened its ghastly fountains, to the flowing of which all our hearts contribute in some degree, the old spring may have lost some of its ancient prestige. But it ought not to be foriiotten ; it was once famous in its way, and the very object of your book is to perpetuate the memory of those humble things that made up the life of the pioneers of Jay County. When I first knew it, that Spring was noted for miles around. The coun- try was thinly settled, and good wells were rare, and good springs still more so. The numerous veins that oozed through the banks of the Salimonie, and painted their way to tlie water's edge with a slimy green and yellow glazing, seemed almost uniformly, judging from taste and odor, to have come from some locality where sulphur much abounded. A pure, clear, cold spring as this was, "Was rarely found, and was highly prized. There was no house very near it ; — there had been one years before on the hill just above, but it was then a mere heap of rotten logs. It may have been a dwelling house, or only a hunter's lodge. I remember picking vip some pieces of broken china near it. The painted flowers on them were as bright and fresh as new. The cheeks of the girl who washed tliem must have long since lost their roses. The old spring was then a mere hole in the ground ; it had not even the usual protection of a sycamore gum. There was a well-worn path leading to it, into which several others converged, and which was much traveled by those who lived up the Salimonie, on their way to and from the county seat. There was at one time a gourd supplied to it by some public-spirited person, and kept hana"- 204 TgE LIBER SPRING. ing on a bush that overhung the spring, for the accommoda- tion of thirsty passers-by ; but usually there were no such luxurious superfluities to be had : those who sought refresh- ment there had to get upon their hands and knees, like the cattle and deer, which were also equally welcome to its water. » But the circumstance most interesting to my mind of any connected with the old spring, and one which shows what little things determine the course of human affairs, is that its existence there determined the location of " Liber College" where it is. I well remember the day when my father and mother first went out to examine the land on which the Col- lege now stands, and with what glowing enthusiasm they spoke, when they came back, of the "pure, cold spring" that was there. There were a good many difficulties in the way of getting the land : the price asked was considered high, and the title was in the hands of several persons, so that it took many conveyances and considerable trouble and outlay to secure it ; and in the long and persevering efforts that re- sulted in its purchase, I know that the spring was a leading motive. If you will examine the original " manifesto'^ of the College you will find the spring prominently and honorably referred to. I do request that if you have not already done so, and your book is not now in type, you will make some mention of the " old spring." Yours truly, R. S. TAYLOR CHAPTER XVI. FAKMEKS ACADEMY GENERAL ITEMS. The first meeting to consider the subject of founding this school was held at the house of G. W. Templer, then living at College Corner, in the spring of 1854. Another meeting was afterward held at David O. Whipple's. The members of the first Board of Trustees were Jacob Bosworth, President; Obadiah Winters, G. W. Templer, James Templer, J, G. Spade, John J. Adair, Geo. Blazer, John Reed, Lewis J. Bell, Augustus Bos- worth. James Templer, now a resident of Indianapolis, donated the site for the building, and Jacob Bos- worth built the house — a frame, twenty-five by fifty-six feet, and two stories high — for $900. Mr. C. C. Chamberlain, a graduate of Antioch College, taught for the first six months, commen- cing December 10th, 1854, Miss Katurah Winters 10 206 FARMERS ACADEMY. being Principal of the Primary Department. The first term of tlie second year was taught by Mr. John Pliipps ; the rest of that year Mr. Robert Milliken was the Principal, Miss Lydia Sheller being the lady Assistant. The third year Eev. J. D. Parker and Miss M. C. Hall were the teach- ers. In 1857 N. G. Bnif, Esq., was the Principal, and at different times during that year Misses Katurah Winters, Rachel Jackson and Mary Bos- worth were Assistants. FAliMEKS ACADEMY. On the 5th of July, 1858, the school was sold to the Northern Indiana Conference of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, and Rev. ^V. F. Jlemen- COLD WINTER. 207 way became Principal, and Mrs. Henienway, As- sistant, which position they held for two years. There was then no school until in the spring of 1864:, when Rev. J. E. Erwin became the Princi- pal, and is the present incumbent. The Academy is located in one of the most beautiful groves that can be seen any where. The last Post Office (College Corner) established in the county, was near this place, on May 30th, 1862. Jonas Votaw was the first Postmaster ; — Jacob Bosworth is the present one. In June, 18-17, the County Commissioners con- tracted with Jacob Bosworth to build the " Jay County Seminary," It was not finished until 1818. The first term of school in it was taught by Mr. Thomas T. Loomis. For the year 1850 Mr. Calvin J. Parker was the Principal, and for the two following years Rev. I. N. Taylor occupied that position, which was the last school taught in it. In 1853 the county sold the building to Elias Bromagem, who occupied it for several years, when it was forfeited to the county, who in 1860 resold it to B. W. Hawkins, who has since made it his residence. The cold winter of 1812 and '13 will long be remembered by the early settlers of Jay and the adjoining counties. On the 12th of November, 1812, the ground was covered by a fall of snow, which did not entirely leave until April, 1813. 208 COLD WINTER. After the 8th of January the whole country was one vast field of ice, caused by rain which fell heavily and froze, forming a thick sleety ice. On this snow fell nearly afoot in depth, and though it was partly thawed by rain, yet frost and snow again followed. The sleet prevented the hogs getting nuts and roots, or the wild turkeys from stirring the leaves ; and long before spring the scanty provision made by the settlers for horses and cattle was gone, and great numbers of cattle perished. Some farmers were able to keep most of their stock by cutting down elm, linden, and other soft-wood trees, and letting the stock take the brush. This, with a supply of salt and a small piece of salt fat pork to a cow per day, took them through ! The hogs fared still worse : thousands perished from actual starvation. Some men saved some of their hogs by killing the weaker ones and feeding them to the stronger. Deer became so poor they were easily taken, and men and wolves slew them in great numbers. Another trying time for the settlers of Jay County was the rainy summer of 184:4. All the streams overflowed the low lands many times during the season. The farmers found it impos- sible to plow or })lant, and no crop was raised. Large numbers of families left their cabins and clearings, and moved back to the older settlements, most of whom never returned. Had it been pos- NEWSPAPERS. 209 sible to have sold property, the comity would have been almost depopulated. Among the pioneers of Jay was an oddity call- ed Johnny Appleseed. His proper name was John Chapman. Many years ago he brought from Central Ohio, two bushels of apple-seed, on the back of an ox, and cleared small patches of ground on the headwaters of the Loramie, An- glaise, St. Mary's and Wabash rivers, besides va- rious other places, and planted apple-seeds. In the early settlement of this county, he was wan- dering about, from one nursery to another, camp- ing wherever night overtook him, selling trees. Pie had a nursery on the Wabash one mile east of 'New Corydon. He never carried a gun or wore a sound piece of clothing, though he possessed considerable property ; never slept in a bed, or ate at a table ; had no place he called home ; was a devoted Swedenborgian in religion, and died near Fort Wayne in 1845. He had once been a fine business man, but an accident had caused a partial derangement of his mind. The trees from his nurseries are bearing fruit in a dozen different counties in Indiana, and thousands are enjoying the fruit who never saw or heard of Johnny Ap- pleseed. The first newspaper ever published in Jay County was The Portlcmd Journal^ issued in the summer of 1852, by Mr. James M. Bromagen, 210 NEWSPAPERS. editor and proprietor. In politics it was nentral. The very first sheet struck from the press -was carried away in triumph by D. W. McNeaL The printing office was in the second story of what is now the Franklin House. In about two years it was purchased by John Y. Hoover, who contin- ued its publication, under many difficulties, until some time in the winter of 1856-'T, when it was discontinued. Its circulation was about three hundred copies. !No complete file of it is in existence. On the 20th of February, 185G, Kev. I. N. Tay- lor issued, at Liber, The Liher Lamjp^ a small, four-column weekly paper, devoted to the general interests of the College. It was first printed in the basement of the College, and had about four hundred subscribers. Its emblematical head was "Science, Religion, Liberty," and its motto, " Semper Liher^ Neuter Nunquamy In this form it passed through the first volume. The second volume, which closed its career, was published by E. S. and W. J. Taylor, and the size reduced to a sheet two columns wide and just seven inches long, issued monthly. In liovember, 1856, Mr. William McCormick started The Jay County Democrat. In May, 1858, Mr. George II. Moore became a partner in the ownership of the paper. It had about three hundred subscribers, and was discontinued Octo- bcr 2Gth, 1850. JOHNNY APPLESEED. 211 The Jay Coanty Itepuhliccin was first issued in March, 1858, by Hon. J. P. C. Shanks and L. M. Morrison. In a sliort time Mr. Morrison sold to William S. Jones, and on the 13th of April, 1859, the last number was issued. The Jay Toroh-Llght was first issued Septem- ber 8th, 1859, by M. W. Montgomery. The printing office was first in one room of the then abandoned old brick Court House; but fearing the crazy old building would tumble down and extinguish the lUjht^ the office was moved to Mil- ler's building. Tiie first few weeks it had three hundred subscribers, but before the close of the volume the number had increased to five hundred and seventy-five. On the 18tli of July, 1861, R. C. Harper became one of the proprietors, but re-sold to Mr. Montgomery April ITth, 1863. At the close of the third vol- ume Mr. Montgomery sold the paper to Mr. F. S. Loot bourrow, who is the present proprietor. The Jay County Times was issued August 1st, 1860, by George H. Moore, and discontinued in the following spring. It is not certainly known whether The Jay County Clipper ever reached an actual existence or not. However, one number made its appear- ance in December, 1862, issued by Jacob Sim- mons, and thr^e or four more numbers followed semi-occasionally during the winter, in one of 212 THE FIKST JAIL. which it was hinted that the establishment would freeze out if some one did not bring some wood — and the paper has not been seen since. On the 8th of October, 1863, Mr. C. C. Morical commenced the publication of The Democratic Remew^ but in a few weeks abandoned it, since which time it has been conducted by i)r, T. J. Lafollet. It has about six hundred subscribers. In May, 1862, the County Commissioners opened sealed bids for building a new jail. The bids were as follows : Augustus Bosworth, $4,200 M. A. Reeder, Winchester, 4,000 Crowell, Conkel and Denuey, 3,960 W. H. and M. W. Montgomery, 2,237 The latter firm having bidden |1,663 lower than the others, was awarded the contract. They completed the building by the following Decem- ber. The iron cells were made and put up by Macey, Kankin & Co., of Cincinnati. The total cost of the jail was $6,600. In 1861, Jonas Votaw, Esq., was appointed a member of the Board of Directors for the North- ern Indiana State's Prison, which position he held for two years. Jay County has, as yet, no completed railroad. Four tracks, passing through the county, are pro- jected ; on three of them much grading has been done. The map shows their names and routes. GENERAL ITEMS. 213 In 1864 the County Commissioners purchased John Williams' farm for four thousand^dollars for the use of the paupers of the county. Jay County still has its hunters. Quite a com- pany of old hunters are in the habit of making yearly visits to Paulding County, Ohio, for the purpose of hunting. John Williams, probably, goes more frequently than others. He is a hunter of considerable note, though he did not settle in the county in those early days when the hunters had undisputed j)ossession of the territory. In the winter of 1863-4, he and O. McKinstry killed twenty-one deer. • The census of Jay County was taken, for 1840, by Morrison Rulon. for 1850 by J . M. Haynes and N. B. Hawkins, for 1860, by J. K Templer and Ira Denney. The population, in 1840, was not taken by townships, and is reported in total at 3,863. Dur- ing that year 16,018 pounds of maple sugar were made in the county. POLXILATION m 1850. Richland, 849 Knox, 271 Penn, 710 Jefferson, 717 Green, 363 Jackson, 575 Pike, 786 10* 214 POPULATION. Wayne, ~ 705 Bear Creek, 737 Madison, 645 Noble, 745 Wabash, 345 Total, 7,047 POPULATION IN 1860. TOWNSHIPS. Richland, Knox, Penn, % Jefferson, ■ . . Green, Jackson, Pike, Wayne, Bear Creek, Madison, Noble, Wabash, Total, NATIVITY OF POPULATION Bom in the United States, Born ia Foreign Countries,. . . MALE FEMALE 368 318 -283 246 674 640 631 585 371 363 386 344 629 635 583 507 567 518 548 517 506 448 383 351 5,917 5,461 5,709 5,292 219 174 686 528 1,314 1,216 734 730 1,264 1,089 1,085 1,065 954 734 11,339 11,001 393 On the night of the 4th of February, 1862, the Treasury of Jay Cotmty was robbed of four thousand six hundred dollars, of which one hundred belonged to Doctor E. K Sheffield, and about two hundred dollars to B. W. Hawkins. County TREASURY ROBBERY. 215 Treasurer, Joseph P. Winters, Sherifi", J. E. Lotz, and Auditor, W. G. Sutton, immediately set to worlc to ferret out tlie perpetrators. They., man- aged, with great ingenuity and skill, spending most of their time and employing some profes- sional detectives. On the 6th of March, 1862, William Brandon, of Union City, who was for many years a merchant in Portland, and John Barker, Samuel P. Johns and William Blackburn, of Dayton, were arrested, brought before Judge J. M. Haynes, and held to bail in the sum'of $12,000 each. The county having no efficient jail at the time. Barker was taken to Muncie, Johns and Blackburn to Winchester, and Brandon was kept in Portland at the Jay Inn, and guarded by the citizens. In a few days Blackburn escaped. The prisoners desired a change of venue, and were sent to Muncie, Indiana, where, on the 30th of April, 1862, the trial opened. The attorneys for the State were Hon. J. M. Haynes, J. IsT. Templer, and J. R. Perdieu, of Portland, Hon. Walter March, of Muncie, Judge Jer. Smith, of Winches- ter, and J. F. Bowden, of Bloomfield. Attor- neys lor the defendants were Hon. F. E. Cuppy, Dayton, Hon. David Kilgore and William Brotli- erton, Muncie, Judge James Brown and John J. Cheney, of Winchester. Barker was tried first. William Brandon turned State's evidence, was released from trial, 216 ' TREASURY ROBBERY. and became tlie chief witness for tlie prosecution. The testimony which was phonographically re- ported for TJie Jwy Torch-Light, by M. W. Mont- gomery, developed the following facts : Johns planned the robbery, Barker and Black- burn did the robbing, and Brandon piloted them. They got the keys of the treasurer's office and safe from Mr. Winter's house. Barker's trial lasted five days and resulted in his conviction, and a sentence of three year's imprisonment. Johns' trial also lasted five days, and he was sentenced to four years in the penitentiary. Barker and Johns were immediately taken to the Michigan City penitentiary. John's case was taken to the Supreme Court, on the point that, though one of the accomplices in the larceny, he was not, at any time, in the State of Indiana, and, therefore, could not be tried in this State. The Supreme Court sustained this view — a decision which, though perhaps constitutional, is'certainly a very dangerous one — and in a few months he was released. In May, 1862, Blackburn was again caught and confined in the Muncie Jail, from which he soon escaped. He was, however, retaken in a few months and placed in the new jail at Portland. From this he also escaped by sawing off' the iron bars in the windows. He was now retaken the third time and tried at Winchester in September, TREASURY BOBBERY. 217 1863, and sent to the penitentiary for seven years — just iialf long enough. Thus, by the most skillfully-planned and well-executed strategy, and praiseworthy perseverance on the part of the county officers and the ajttorneys of Portland, the perpetrators of the greatest robbery ever commit- ted in the county were brought to trial and con- victed. The county never recovered any of the lost money, and expended nearly $2,000 more in •the catching and prosecution of the thieves. For several years a lawsuit, resulting from a horse-trade, had been in progress between Mr. Elias Bromagem and Samuel Emery, a man of bad character. During this time some one shot at and slightly wounded Mr. Bromagem, who then lived near Hill Grove, Ohio, and Emery was accused of the crime. In May, 1862, "William Bromagen being at home from the army, on fur- lough, met Emery on the street in Portland, and after some words, Bromagem drew a revolver and fired three shots at Emery, all of which took ef- fect — one in the left arm, and two entering his back, passed through his body. He ran through K. Kirschbaum's store and up stairs in Miller's building, and while endeavoring to shoot Broma- gem from the window, fell and rolled down stairs out into the street. He died May 31st, 1862. Bromagem immediately returned to the army. 218 GENERAL REMARKS. A distinguished historian has said, " Blessed is the nation whose annals are tiresome." Those pages of a nation's history are most interesting which record events that caused the nation to weep and bleed — when the ship of State has been convulsed by mutinies or endangered by raging storms, or the attacks of enemies. But when she sails quietly, upon smooth seas, her crew loyal, her flag honored in every port, the pages of her liistory grow tedious. The historian delineate^ not the peaceful, prosperous life of the nation, but lingers about those great crises in her history, from which she rises to a more glorious renown, or falls into the pit of ruin. The history of Jay County, likewise, decreases in interest as we re- cede from those trials and incidents which cluster around her early settlement, and enter upon the prosperous quarter of a century which followed her organization in 1836. During these years her progress, though not rapid, has been steady and healthful. The long delay in the completion of the railroads contemplated through her bor- ders, has greatly hindered the accumulation of wealth and development of her resources. There are few events in these years prominent above the monotonous routine of civilized life. Plow gladly would we drop our record here : " But there's a divinity tliat shapes our ends," GENEKAL REMAKK8. 219 and the next chapter must recite the arousing of the people of Jay County from their peaceful pur- suits, to participate in the great struggle for na- tional life. •x \ CllAPTER XYII. JAY COUNTY AND THE WAE. The attack of the rebels upon Fort Sumter — in- augurating the most gigantic contest the world has ever seen — and President Lincoln's procla- mation of April 14th, 1861, calling for seventy- five thousand volunteers to put down the rebel- lion, was received by the people of Jay County with one mind. Traitors had appealed from the peaceful court of the ballot-box, to the bloody ar- bitrament of the sword and bullet, and were ruth- lessly waging war upon the nation. The people saw no way to preserve the honor and institu- tntions of the country but to crush the rebellion by force of arms. The contest soon assumed proportions so vast as to astonish the world. Yet CHARLES E. BENNETT. 221 they did not swerv^e from their loyalty, and gave to the authorities a hearty support. This unanim- ity of sentiment was illustrated at the fall election in 1861. Political parties hushed their bickerings on former disputed questions, and patriotically di- vided candidates and all voted one ticket. Since the first year of the war this bright exam]3le has not been followed. Parties, and their accompa- nying strifes, mar the unity of the people in sup- port of the holy struggle which has called forth to the battle-field nearly one thousand of her patri- otic sons. Being distant from railroads and daily papers, the people of the county did not so early awaken to the realities of the war as those centres which more quickly felt the heart-throbbings of the wounded and bleeding country. For this reason no full company was raised for the three months' service ; but many went and entered companies forming in other counties. The first citizen of Jay County to volunteer Avas Charles E. Bennett. He was a young man, and student at Liber College. When he read the call for troops he told President Tucker that he was going. He went to Winchester, joined a company there, but was rejected. But, determined to serve his country, he went to Indi- anapolis, joined company C, 8th Indiana regiment, and by hiding his glasses for his near-sightedness, 222 THE FJKST COMPANY. was accepted. lie served his time out, and was discharged. In 1SG2, when tlie rallying cry was, "We are coming, Father Abraham, Six hundred thousand more," he ao^in enlisted in company F, 75th regiment Indiana volunteers, and this time gave his life for his country. He died of disease while the compa- ny was at Castillian Springs, Tennessee, about the 1st of December, 1862. He was a kind-hearted, honest young man, and had been raised a Quaker. The lirst etfort made to raise a whole company in Jay County, for the war was in July, 1861. Quite a number from different parts of the county had already gone — hastening, at the first clash of arms, to the scene of conflict. Meetings were held at several places in the county, at which Judge J. M. Haynes, J. N. Templer and others addressed the people. But at first volunteers were slowly obtained, because the people had not yet become warriors, and, beside, it was then con- sidered l)y many as preposterous to think of rais- ing a whole company in the county. i>ut after the first thirty men were obtained no more difli- culty was ex})erienced. Those most actively engaged in enlisting the company were Messrs. C. H. Clark, S. L. Wilson and Ninirod Ileadington. On the 6th of August they were ordered to report at Indianapolis a< THE FIRST COMPANY. 223 once. Messengers were dispatched to all parts of the county to notify the members of the compa- ny. It was a very busy season ; but the mem- bers of this company held their country's call paramount to every other interest. The unmeas- ured calico was left upon the counter ; the plow remained in the furrow, and the scythe was left to rust in the unmown meadow. The blessed implements of peaceful industry were thrown aside for the musket and sword. All hearts were more than ever turned toward [the war, and es- pecially the brave boys who were hurrying into the conflict. On the morning of August 9th a great crowd of citizens assembled in Portland to bid farewell to the first company Jay County sent to the war for the Union. It was a trying hour to the unwarlike people of Jay. They had been reared to love the arts of Peace ; but they loved their country more, and now began to lay their sons by hundreds upon her altar. The parting scenes were thus sketched at the time by The Jay Torch-Light^ more vividly than they can be at this distant date : " Early on Friday morning the ' reveille ' summoned the soldiers together at Camp Ross, and a march around town was the order. This the boys performed with the greatest enthusiasm. They marched in front of each house where any of them had been boarding, and gave them hearty cheers. By this time the people from all parts of the county began to assemble, to witness the departure of the volunteers and bid thera fiircwell. 224 THE PARTING. " The town M'as soon crowded. Everything and everybody I was in motion ; and as the afternoon approaclied, many coun- j tenances were serious and sorrowful. But the volunteers seemed in the highest spirits and full of enthusiasm at the prospect of an early chance to fight for their country and slay | rebels. The farmers of the county had tendered their services I with theu' teams, to take the boys to Winchester, so fi-eely i that more teams wei-e on the ground than could be used. ; About one o'clock, P. M., the soldiers were drawn up in line, ' the wagons and carriages brought out, and preparations were I being made to start. This was the last opportunity to say i ' Farewell ' to the brave fellows who were now going to the I war, perhaps never to return ; and it was well improved. It ! is useless for us to attempt a description of the scenes and j incidents of that parting. The streets were filled with men and women crowding around the volunteers, shaking hands, speaking words of encouragement, giving the parting charge, and bidding farewell. " It was an affecting scene. Few indeed were the eyes not wet with tears at that hour. The volunteers met the occasion like soldiers : they wept, as good soldiers always can, but they swerved not a moment in their purpose to go forth ani fight for the maintenance of our glorious Government." Amid loud cheers and the waving of hats and. handkerchiefs, the long train of wagons and car- riages started, carrying two hundred persons, over one hundred of whom were a citizens' escort. At Winchester the (?itizers gladly entertained the soldiers, and the next day they reached Indiana- polis; were sent to Camp Morton, and on the' 11th were sworn into the United States service for three years. Here they remained nearly one, month, when they were assigned to the 39th reg- IN CAMP. 225 iment Indiana volunteers, companj C, and were then transferred to Camp Harrison, named in honor of their gallant Colonel, Tlios. J. Harrison, who has been with them in all their meanderings upon the theatre of war. Here and at Camp Morton they were visited by many of the citizens of Jay. They were constantly drilled until Sep- temper 21st, when they marched Dixieward, ar- riving at Louisville the next morning. Here they were cordially welcomed by a sumptuous dinner, and addressed by a member of the Kentucky Legislature, who complimented them as being the first regiment from Indiana to cross the Ohio River in response to Kentucky's call for help against traitors, many of whom were those of her own bosom. On platform cars they were at once taken to Muldraugh's Hill, nearly fifty miles south of Louisville, which was then considered "the front." At Rolling Fork, on Salt River, they pitched tents, put out guards and pickets, passed their first night in the south. The next morning, gleeful at having marching orders, they were early equipped and on the march. They soon reached a stream, which they were ordered to wade, after taking off their " pants.'" This was fine sport, several things occurring which created great merriment. That was the first hard march experienced by company C. Only those who have performed 226 IN CAMP. similar marches can fully appreciate the hard- ships of the soldiers during the remainder of the march that day. The sun beamed down its most scorching rays, the dust was several inches deep, and the least stir in the air whirled it in suflfocat- ing clouds around them. They were heavily burdened with knapsacks, haversacks and accou- trements ; but by constant rallying they reached their destination about sunset. They were tiled off into an open held, where they were compla- cently enjoying their rest, when a strange sound started them to their feet with an inquiry of alarm upon their countenances. It was the "long roll," beat upon a false alarm. Their ears have Ions: since become familiar with that sound, vet it never fails to start their blood and bodies in quicker motion. Upon outspread blankets they passed the night in such a sleep as only wearied soldiers know how to appreciate. On the 10th of October they " struck tents " and marched to Camp Nevin, twelve miles far- ther South. The force collected at this camp was the nucleus of what afterward became the grand "Army of the Cumberland." It was near this camp that the first blood of the Eebellion which fell upon Kentucky soil, was shed. Forty picked scouts (Jefferson Sewell and W. II. Blowers, from company C,) were sent out under Lieutenant Colonel Jones against a marauding body of two KOBEKT G. JACKSON. 22T hundred rebels, near Bacon Creek. Taking a po- sition in a log house — the residence of the widow of the notorious villain, John A. Murrell — this squad, without receiving any injury, repulsed the rebels, wounding several. Sewell, by a timely stepping out of the 'cabin door, was saved from a rebel bullet. It was here, also, that company C was first called upon to lay some of its members in a sol- dier's grave. In a quiet, country grave-yard, on the banks of Nolin River, this sorrowing company consigned to the tomb the remains of Sergeant Robert G. Jackson, who died, December 6th, 1861, of typhoid fever. He was sick for a long time in a church near the camp, used for a hospi- tal, where the best care possible under the cir- cumstances was bestowed upon him. He was a brave soldier, a true and generous friend, and well beh)ved by his fellow soldiers and friends at home. On the tenth of the same month another brave young man from that company — John McCroskey — was consigned to a resting place beside his com- rade Jackson. On the tenth of December the army marched to Munfordsville or Green River, Camp Wood. Here the army remained until February 15th, 1862, when, a sufficient force having collected, it moved against Bowling Green, occupied by Gen- eral Buckner. A flank movement by General 228 AT NASHVILLE. Mitchell compelled the enemy to fall back to Nash- ville, and our forces moved forward to that j)oint. The capture of Fort Donelson by our forces, led to the evacuation of Nashville by the rebels, and our army took quiet possession. While encamped south of that city, the 39th regiment picketed that part of the country lying between Nolens- ville and the Franklin pike, and, on the 15th of March, company C had the honor of welcoming within the Federal lines that bold and sterling Tennessee patriot, W. G. Brownlow. Upon alighting from his vehicle, he waved his hat, raised his eyes towards heaven and shouted " Glory to God ! once more inside the Union pickets !" On arriving at Nashville, some were entirely bare-footed, having traveled in that condition many weary miles over the rough stone pike, their feet blistered and bleeding. But their hardships were borne with heroic fortitude, and that wise philosophy which quietly submits to ills that can- not be remedied. They consoled themselves with allusions to the privations of the Revolutionary fathers, and seemed proud to be called upon to emulate their courage and fortitude. But supplies soon arrived. On the 16th of March, 1862, the army at Nash- ville, (General Buell's,) set out on the march for the south-west. On Saturday, April 5th, Major BATTLE OF SHILOH. 229 General McCook's Division, in which was the 39th regiment, encamped twentj-seven miles fi-om Savannah, Tennessee, to prepare rations. Beeves were slaughtered, and the soldiers were congratu- lating themselves on the prospect of fresh beef and a day's rest, biit the morning's sun brought to their ears the booming of cannon, and the word that General Grant's army had been attacked and a terrible battle was in progress, A forced march was now ordered to reinforce Gi'ant. Taking three day's rations, the soldiers threw away blankets and knapsacks, and moved forward rap- idly. As they drew nearer, the cannonading grew more distinct and furious. At midnight, worn out and exhausted, they reached Savannah, seven miles from Pittsburg Landing — the scene of the terrific contest, No boats being ready, the soldiers threw themselves down in the streets. A pelting hail-storm made sleep impossible. In the morning the roaring of cannon told them that the contest on the battle-field was renewed, even more fiercely than on the day previous. A boat transferred their brigade, consisting of the 32d and 39th Indiana, and 15th and 49th Ohio to the scene of conflict, arriving about 11 o'clock a. m. The fighting was then nearly two miles from the landing. Standing upon the boat's deck they listened to the noise of the battle, which was one continual 11 230 BATTLE OF SHILOH. roar of cannon and rattle of musketry. They saw behind the hill a large force of cowardly strag- glers, who liad fled, unharmed, from the front, and hundreds of the wounded and dying borne back from the field. They inarched immediately to the battle-ground, where they were ordered to lie down as reserves, which they did for half an hour, while the shock of the raging battle seemed to shake the very earth upon which they lay. They then marched to the front and opened their part of the fight amid one incessant peal of musketry. Company C fought bravely for two hours and a half, when the sight of the retreating enemy brought enthusiastic cheers from our army. The Jay Torch-Light of April 24th, speaking of this company said : " By letter from Lieutenant Clark, we learn the part borne by the Jay County boys in the great battle of Shiloh. Thej^ were in the thickest of the fight for two and one-half hours, and, during that time, the rebels commenced their retreat. They fought bravely and well, though it was the first battle they had ever engaged in. It was a trying time to their nerve and courage. For nearly two days the battle had raged most furiously, and, more than half that time the rebels had driven our men. The boys heard the cannonading from the opening roar and had seen hundreds of the wounded and dying borne from the field. In these circumstances they wore called into the field and placed in the centre. It was like niurcliing into tlie jaws of death. But they went forward boldly and fought well. All honor to them. Jay County is proud of her soldiers." STEPHEN" J. bailey: 231 Captain Wilson being at home on the recruit- ing service, the company was commanded by Lieutenants J. G. Cowell and C. II. Clark. The casualties in company C were as follows : Stephen J. Bailey, mortally wounded in the thigh, James Q. Odle, mortally wounded in the arm, Edwin Hoover, wounded in left arm, Penbroke S. Bodle, slightly in the neck, J. N. Stratton, slightly in the neck. When Bailey was being carried from the Held, he said to Lieutenant Clark, " Tell my uiother I died like a man, fighting for my country." At that moment the cheers of our troops were heard, and he inquired what it meant. Upon being told that the rebels were running, he said, "Then I die in peace." He was carried from the field, placed upon a boat, and taken to Mound City Hospital, Illinois, where he died, April 17th, 1863. He was a very intelligent young man, interesting in con- versation, Quiet and industrious. He was the son of Mrs. Mary Bailey, of Camden, and was raised a Quaker. He was thejlrst soldier from Jay Coun- ty to yield up Ms life to rebel bullets^ and was wor- thy of this honorable niche in the history of the War. James Q. Odle died at the residence of his brother, at Windsor, Randolph County, Indiana, June 18th, 1862. His remains were interred at Deerfield, Indiana. 232 JAMES HATHAWAy. Many soldiers contracted diseases from expo- sure by encamping on the Held after the heat and excitement of that battle. Among them was Mr. James Hathaway, who died May 16th, 1862, at Jefferson Barracks, Missouri. He was forty-eight years of age when he volunteered in his country's service, leaving a large family. He was a Chris- tian, in every sense of the term. While he served God faithfully, he was true to his country. He was the patriarch and moral monitor of the com- pany. Yice, in many of its members, he would reprove in a manner that always elicited from the reproved warm love and respect, and they all sincerely mourned his death. From his position as musician, he was not required to go into battle, but, lay big aside the life at Pittsburg Landing, he went with the comany into the battle, unarmed, but seizing the first deserted musket, bravely fought until the battle was over. His memory will be cherished as one of Jay County's noblest soldiers. The army encamped on the battle-field for sev- eral daj's, then marched against Corinth. At Bridge Creek, company C participated in a severe fight, but received no injury. They remained near Corinth until about the middle of June, when they marched southward to Huntsville, Alabama, arriving there July 4th. Here the 39tli were ordered to Bridgeport, Ala- buell's retreat. 233 bama, to guard the crossing of the Tennessee liiver, which they did until August 20th, when they joined the forces collecting at Battle Creek for an advance upon Chattanooga. But, when within a few miles of the place, an order, surpris- ing every soldier, was given for them to return. Then commenced the famous " BuelFs retreat," or race with General Bragg, across Tennessee and Kentucky, which though honorable to the soldiers, was ver}' disgraceful to their commander. In this fatiguing march the soldiers were most of the time destitute of rations, and had to exisf upon fruit, green corn and meat supplied by for- aging parties. As the corn became hard the}'' parted their canteens and, punching them full of holes, made graters, from which, with commenda- ble perseverance, they manufactured sufficient corn meal to keep off actual want, yet many nights they had to lie down, not only tired, but very hungry. The appearance of the army on reaching Louis- ville clearly indicated the hard marching and pri- vations to which it had been subjected. Tarrying long enough to replenish their exhausted ward- robe, on the 1st day of October, 1862, they again started on the long, forward march to re- deem the territory which incompetency, or half-hearted loyalty had given to the rebel- lion. 234 MARCHING. The marching was as severe in this advance as it had been in the retreat. The weather was very hot, the earth parched, and water scarce. The men often marched uutil^ midnight, and would then have to walk one or two miles for water. Swine were driven from the wallow and the water used to make coffee and quench thirst, and, on one occasion, even drinking water from a hole in which lay dead horses, mules and dogs ! and, at other times, pushing back a green scum, an inch in thickness, to till their canteens. Amid these trying circumstances, an indomitable spirit of pat- riotism prevailed and few complaints were uttered. At Nashville, General Rosecrans succeeded to the command, in the place of Buell, removed, who was hailed with enthusiastic delight by the Army of the Cumberland. General Bragg had halted in his precipitate retreat, and fortified Murfreesboro, and the 39th being encamped some distance in front of Nash- ville, were much of the time skirmishing with scouting parties of the enemy. On the 25th of December General Eosecrans ordered an attack upon the rebels, which was the preliminary of the great battle of Stone River. On the night of the 29th, the army encamped upon the open field before the enemy. On the 30th an engagement with part of the line took ])lace, and General McCook's Division, in which was the BATTLE OF STONE RIVER. 235 39tli, was moved up as a reserve, and, in the eve- ning, was placed upon the right, on picket. Just at daylight, next morning, the enemy, sev- eral lines deep, attacked the 39th, driving them back in confusion, killing and capturing many. The loss of company C was as follows : John Hilton, mortally wounded, Eugene Plumb, mor- tally wounded, Cyrus Stanley, severely wounded, Gr. H. Bassett, severely wounded in groin, John McClelland, wounded in neck, and forty prisoners, as indicated in the list of members. On New Year's, 1864, these pi-isoners were put on board the cars at Alurfreesboro and started toward Richmond, where they arrived in two weeks, having suffered severely on the route, for want of food. They were first confined in a tobacco warehouse, and afterward in Libby Prison. Their stomachs rebelled against the meagre, un- savoi'y prison rations. A small loaf of bread, some soup and bad beef, was, at first, an allowance for each man, daily, but, before they left, this supply was divided between six men. On the 28th of January, 1863, the unwounded privates of company C, with many others, marched through the city to the canal. While cross- ing this the bridge gave way and precipitated them twenty feet, into water fifteen feet deep. Tiie ciiial was walled with stone, and the men could not get out without assistance, but the guard 236 CYEUS STANLEY. and citizens viewed the spectacle witli lolded arms. By the aid of comrades in the rear they escaped. In this half drowned condition they were placed upon tilth}' stock cars and sent to City Point, Virginia, and thence to Annapolis. Their joy at being once more nnder the " Stars and Stripes" found vent in hearty cheers. Their warm welcome home made them forget for , a season their recent hardships. During the battle, Cyrus Stanley was struck near the back-bone, by a musket ball, which en- tered his right kidney. While Daniel "Walter was helping him off the field, Stanley's hat was shot off, and two balls passed through "Walter's clothes. But they were both capture d. • "With his wound undressed and bleeding, on platform cais, without covering, Stanley was taken to Chattanoo- ga, having been three days and nights without one morsel of food ! Six rebel surgeons examined his wound and pronounced it fatal. But his quiet spirit and courageous determination saved him from a southern grave. On the 5th of March, ISGS, he and thirteen oth ers w^ere taken to Ivnoxville, and thence (]\larch 8th) to Libby Prison — that dungeon whose men- tion brings to mind all that is horril)leand revolt- ing in human suffering. xVU this time Stanley had not recovered sufficiently to walk, even upon crutches, lie was confined in a room with near- BATTLE OF DECHARD FORD. 237 Ij three hundred others. Their scanty daily al- lowance was of the most repulsive kind, and some died in the room of actual starvation. On the 18th of March he was taken to Washington City, where he wrote to his friends in Jay. The letter was like a voice from the dead, for they had sup- posed his wound had long since proved fatal. He was taken to Davis' Island, New York, on the 5tli of May, and in one month was able to start home. He is now County Recorder. Capt. J. G. Crowell and Lieut. G. T. Winters were not ex- changed for some time after this. A mere frag- ment of the company could be rallied on the bat- tle-field on that Kew Year's day. Early in May, the paroled members of company C having been exchanged, rejoined the regiment at Nashville, where they found their comrades had been mounted and armed with the Spencer rifle. They have since been designated as the 8th Indiana Mounted Infantry. At Tullahoma the regiment had the post of danger, and distinguished itself whenever engaged. At Dechard Ford, two miles south of Winchester, company C made a gallant charge and was highly complimented. Lieut. Winters was wounded in the foot, Luther J. Ba- ker in the leg, L. W. Lemasters severely in the breast, and eleven horses killed. In the sanguin- ary struggle at Chickamauga, the 39th took an honorable part and came out unscathed. Soon 11* 238 BATTLES OF COMPANY C. after this, many of these veterans re-enlisted, re- ceiving three hundred and four dollars additional bounty. On the 20th of February, 1864, the regiment distinguished itself by a noted recon- noissance at Tunnell Hill, Buzzard Roost and Dalton, and remained in the immediate front un- til March 25th, when the whole regiment was furlouffhed anol came home. The war-worn vet- erans were warmly welcomed by the citizens of Indianapolis, and hastened home to enjoy the company of friends and relatives, from whom they had so long been absent. In a few days compa- ny B, 34th Indiana regiment, came home, also on veteran furlough, and the two companies were publicly welcomed by large parties and fine sup- pers at Portland, Camden and College Corner. At the expiration of their furlough, the regiment re-assembled at Indianapolis, and, May 11th, left for Nashville to renew their conflicts with traitors. Early in July they were ordered to Marietta, where they have lately distinguished themselves in a daring and effectual raid. This regiment has participated in the following battles : SHILOH, TENNESSEE. BRIDGE CREEK, MISSISSIPPI. DRY RIDGE, KENTUCKY. STONE RIVER, TENNESSEE, SEVEN DAYS MIDDLETON, TENNESSEE, (tWICE.) LIBERTY GAP, TENNESSEE. COMPANY C. 239 DECHAKDS' FOKD, TENNESSEE. DA vis' cross KOADS, GEORGIA. CHICKAMAUGA, GEORGIA, TWO DATS. TUNNELL HILL, GEORGIA. NICK o'jACK GAP, GEORGIA. STONY FACE POINT, GEORGIA. In all of these company C have borne an hon- orable part, reflecting credit upon themselves and the county they represent, and with heroic deeds inscribing an imperishable record upon the annals of their country. COMPANY C, THIRTY-NINTH REGIMENT INDIANA VOLUNTEERS. [Those marked * re-enlisted, and those marked + are discharged. The J denotes those captured at Stone River.] Captain Stephen L. Wilson, resigned July 18tli, 1863. First Lieutenant John Q. Lewis, resigned March 10th, 1862. Second Lieutenant Curtis H. Clark, promoted first lieutenant. Resigned October 16th, 1863. SERGEANTS. [Promotions among non-commissioned oflScers and privates were no-j reported to the author.] Orderly, J. G. Crowell, promoted 1st lieutenant, then captain.^: R. G. Jackson, died December 6tli, 1861. J. G. Wagner, died June 10th, 1862. I. N. Stratton, promoted second lieutenant. Andrew Jackson,* promoted to orderly. CORPORALS. John McClellan, J. M. Bromagem,*| Thomas Bosworth, Calvin Burdg,* 240 COMPANY C. Solomon Lupton,*| G. T. Winters, promoted to first lieutenaut,t Calvin Rynearson,f George Clark * promoted to orderly sergeant^. MUSICIANS. John Hanna, died December James Hathaway, died May 15th, 1863. 16th, 1862. Francis Twiggs. TEAMSTER. PRIVATES. Calvin S. Adams, Edwin Adams,f W. G. Adams,t H. H. Antles,t George R. Ashley,* S. J. Bailey, died at Mound City, 111., April 1st, 1862. WiUiam Baird,:|: L. J. Baker,*t G. H. Bassett,* wounded at Stone River, Joseph Bisel, died Septem- ber 14th, 1862, W. H. Blowers,* (Adams Co.) J. L. Bockoven,*:]: P. S. Bodle,* wounded at Shiloh,t Anthony Brown,* | Jason Bryan,* Aaron Brighton,! John Burdg,* William Clawson,* I IVIichael Cookerly.f H. D. Clevenger, died June 12th, 1862, Christian Long,* :j: L. A. Long,:}: A. A. Mason,* J. S. Maxwell,*! John McCroskey, died Dec. 10th, 1861. William Metty,* J. W. Miller, Isaiah Mills,| W. H. Moore,t John Nidey, Lafixyette Nidey,* John Nixon,:j: A. J. Nuckles, J. Q. Odle, mortally wounded at Shiloh, died June 18th, 1862, Reuben Orner,f Christian Parks,* Edward Pingiy,* W. J. Ralph'^* F. M. Reed, Hezekiah Reed,:}: Frederick Rhodes,* William Richmond,^ Y COMPANY C. 241 M. L. Collett,* X G. W. Cookerly, J. A. Cummins,! J. H. Darby, died June 14th, 1862, J. A. Eiclier,* E. R. Fetters, B. F. Freeman,*t William Green,* Samuel Hammitt,*:]: G. W. Hardy ,*t John Hilton, wounded mor- tally at Stone River, and died Jan. 25th, 1863, Samuel Hilton ,*f J. W. Hoke,* Edward Hoover. G. H. Jackson,* B. B. Jenkins, L. W. Lemasters,f A. G. Lewis,* Sylvester Lewis,^: Jeflerson Sewell,* (Adams Co.) S. W. Shannon,* t J. A. Shewalter,*! J. W. Shewalter,j: D. T. Skinner, promoted to captain 7th Ind. Cavalry, Samuel Sloan,:|: Cyrus Stanley ,f :}: William Sturges,f William Stranahan,f J. W. Swallow, died January 5th, 1862, D. T. Taylor,* J. N. Vance, died Jan. 13, 1863. W. C. Votaw,* Daniel Walter,* f M. W. Wagner,* D. O. Whipple,! J. B. Worden, C. E. Yost, Franklin Stanley,*:]: D. S. Arnold, C. Ashley, W. Broughman, W. S. Baldwin, A. Bodle, H. Barber, A. Clear, James Collins, A. Cook, W. R. Dutcher, died April 3d, 1863, A. Fetters, died Aug. 3, 1863, VOLUNTEER RECRUITS. Henry Jones, William Jones, Solomon Keck, J. McLaughlin, I. Murray, J. B. Marquis, G. W. Miller, Thomas Paxson, Peter Stultz, Dixon Towle, H. Treheam, B. Valentine, 242 COMPANY C. D. Fetters, E. Wilkerson, W. H. Force, ' Ellis Wilder, died May 12, 1864. I. Garringer, William Wilkerson, S. Hoke, Nathan B. Winters. The following were nine-months' drafted or substitute recruits, who joined this company — all now discharged except one. They were drafted October 6th, 1863 : James Bales, Levi Mason,| W. Bridgford.t James Pitt, J. W. Bartmes,|: volunteered, James Patterson, James Cunningham,^: Eugene Plumb, wounded mor- William Ernest,| tally at Stone River, died Benjamin Heston, Jan. 19th, 1863, P. C. Jones,t G. W. Swhier, A. J. Landis, D. Theurer. RECAPITULATION. Volunteers 130 Drafted Recruits 14 Died 17 Resigned and Discharged 27 The history of company C has been given at length for several reasons. It was the j&rst com- pany to go from the county, and has been longest in the service. Many things, also, connected with its history can be related of all other Jay Connty companies ; but having been given, need not be repeated. During the latter part of August, 1861, James W. Campbell and Nimrod Headington recruited a company for tlie three years service. An elec- COMPANY B. 243 tion resulted in the choice of Mr. Campbell as Captain ; Mr. Headington, First Lientenant, and Benjamin G. Shinu, Second Lieutenant. On the 1st of September the ladies of Portland gave a farewell supper to the company, and on the fol- lowing morning they departed for camp at Ander- son, Indiana, where they became company B in the 34:th regiment. They were mustered into the United States service September 21st. Asberry Steele, of Grant County, was their first Colonel. COMPANY B, THIRTY-FOURTH REGIMENT OF INDIANA VOLUNTEERS. Captain, James W. Campbell. " Nimrod Headington — first lieutenant and captain, now major. First Lientenant, David A. Harter. Second Lieutenant, Benjamin G. Shinn — resigned Nov., 1861. " " David D. Hastie — promoted Nov., 1861 ; resigned Dec. 25tli, 1863. " " Abraham M. Templer — promoted captain. " " Thomas Helm. SERGEANTS. John Bromagem, Benjamin F. Harter. William Cruthers, CORPORALS. Stephen Straley, wounded at Warner Cox, died at Memphis, Champion Hill, Tenn., August 6, 1862. George W. Stowell, James P. Gibson, Enoch H. Harker, Anthony W. Shey, JohnHammitt, James A. Crisler. Joseph P. Bisho'p, 244 COMPANY B. Abner Hyde, MUSICIANS. George O. Carle. PRIVATES. Samuel Adair, Perry L. Burk, Hamilton Cash, * David Crisler, wounded at Champion Hill, George W. Denney, wounded at Champion Hill, Henry W. Duckett, Jonathan Elliott, Benjamin Foush, Joseph J. Glover, Edward B. Hawley, John Hawley, William M. Hutzler, Wesley S. Iliff, Mark Kinnison, Aaron Letts, John W. Lethe, Charles O. Lindsay, William K. Louk, wounded at Champion Hill, James Logan, Christopher Loper, John R. May, John Morily, wounded at Fort Gibson, Simon P. Marrow, Elias K. Maddox, Ozias McKinstry, Ichabod Nichols, Michael T. Paxson, John Parsons, William Pugh, John H. F. Pugh, wounded at Champion Hill, Albert Pugh, John L. Reeves, William S. Reeves, Joshua Siders, Edward Siders, George W. Stoner, William W. Swallow, Isaac I. Swallow, John F. Stowe, John M. Thomas, William Votaw, William Williams, Jefferson J. Williams. DIED. Gabriel F. Barnes— Jan. 24th, 1862. Sergeant Sylvester Hiatt— March 28th, 18C2. Corporal John F. Conuett— Feb. 9th, 1862. Dallas D. Chapmar — killed at Ciiampion Hill. Matthew Dodds— Feb. 21st, 1862. John J. Swaney — killed at Champion Hill. George L. Adair. J COMPANY B. 245 Bailiff W. Stowell — mortally wounded at Port Gibson ; died May 28th, 1863. Finley Blair— Feb. 13th, 186 .'. William H. H. Bailey — mortally wounded at Champion Hill. John Chne— Feb. 26th, 1862. Levi Clean— May 6th, 1862. Warner Cox— Aug. 6th, 1862. Oliver P. Karnes. Jeremiah Franklin. John J. Hai viand— Feb. 24th, 1862. Levi P. Morrow— May 3d, 1862. Joseph Mihals. Joseph Perry — killed at Champion Hill. Jacob B. Spade— March 8th, 1863. Ira Somers— Feb. 10th, 1862. John S. Stoner— Jan. 24th, 1862. Jacob Valentine. DISCHARGED. Henry Crabtree and Clinton Deardoff, on account of ill health. Jno. Geiger, on account of wound received at Champion Hill. James P. Gibson, Isaac Vanhorn, James M. Hoover, John L. Walker, James J. Hite, Lewis Crisler, Edward B. Keagel, Sergeant Isaac Hanna, William A. Latham, Bennett Goodson, Joshua Nichols, Sergeant Jacob T. Wells. TRANSFERRED. Thos. Airly, to Invalid Corps, for wounds at Champion Hill. Patrick Doyle, " " " Morris G. Wai-d, to Non-commissioned Staff. Allen Jaqua was a member of regimental band, 34th Regt. RECAPITULATION. Whole number 126 Transferred, Resigned and Discharged 19 Died 23 246 COMPANY B. On the 21st of October they went to Camp Jo. Holt, at Indianapolis; thence, November 16th, to New Haven, Kentucky; remained there until the 28tli of December, when they moved to Camp Wickliffe. In February, 1862, they marched to the mouth of Salt River, in the same State. The company had been very healthy until near the close of the year 1861, when, in about one month, eio;ht of its members died, most of them of pneumonia. Their health began to improve with their removal from Camp Wickliife, i\.t the mouth of Salt River the regiment embarked on board a steamboat for Point Commerce, on the Mississippi River, in the State of Missouri. They marched across the country from this place by the way of Benton to New Madrid. The company took part in the siege of that town, and while so engaged they assisted in hauling a heavy cannon by hand to Biddle Point, a distance of fifteen miles, through swamps, and in the night. "With this gun four of the rebel gunboats were driven off, one of which was disabled. After the capture of New Madrid, the company remained at that place until the 15th of June, 1862, when the 34th regiment was ordered on board transports and proceeded to Memphis, Tenn. Remaining there but a short time, they accompanied Col. Graham N. Fitch in his expedition up the White River. This company participated in the tight at Grand COMPANY B. 247 Prairie; thence returning to Plelenti, Arkansas, where the regiment remained from August 1st, 1862, until April 12th, 1863, moving out occasion- ally on the roads leading from that place to Little Kock, Clarendon and Dravall's Bluff, to watch the movements of the enemy. The regiment also made two other excursions up White River, under Gen. Willis A. Gorman. On the 12th of April, 1863, the regiment was placed on board trans- ports, with orders to report to Gen. Grant at Young's Point, Louisiana. Arriving there on 16th of April, the troops marched to Grand Gulf, or Perkins' Plantation, a distance of fifty miles, across a country interspersed with broad and deep bayous and swamps, which were bridged by the soldiers before they could be crossed. Before narrating the stirring events that come next in chronological order, it is proper to state that Col. Steele having resigned, Lieut. Col. (now General) Cameron became Colonel. Prior to this Lieut. Headington had been detailed to command- company K, of the same regiment ; but Captain Campbell having been appointed Lieutenant Col- onel of the 1st Arkansas colored regiment, he be- came Captain of company B. The regiment was assigned to the 13th Army Corps, 12th Division, commanded by Gen. A. P. Hovey. The 30th day of April was spent in transporting the troops across the river, preparing rations, and 248 BATTLE OF POKT GIBSON. makiiio: other arrano-eraeiits for a march. Just at dark the army commenced their Hue of march, in the direction of Port Gibson. After marching all night the advance guard fell in with the enemy's pickets about live o'clock in the morning, some four miles from Port Gibson. At daybreak a halt was ordered, and the men were allowed fif- teen minutes to take some refreshments. AVhile the men were yet eating, the enemy opened lire upon 'them with artillery. The troops were im- mediately ordered to march to the summit of a steep hill, where they were formed in line of bat- tle and moved steadily forward. The engagement now became general along the whole line. Our army, however, marched steadily through a dense cane-brake, some four hundred yards, and, on emerging from this thicket, one of the enemy's batteries was discovered only about two hundred yards distant, which was belching forth grape and canister at a furious rate. A charge was ordered, and, in a short time, the battery was captured, together with two wagons loaded with ammunition, and about three hundred prisoners. The 34:th regiment was in the advance in this charge, and six men in com})any B were wounded, one of whom, Bailitf W. Stowell, died of his wounds. The battle continued through the whole day BATTLE OF CHAMPION HILLS, 249 the enemy slowly but steadil_y falling back. At night our troops slept upon their arras, on the battle-field. The morning of the 2d of May re- vealed the fact that the enemy had fled during the night, and the Federal army occupied Port Gib- son, early in the day. On the 3d of May the army moved toward Jackson, Mississippi, and, after taking that place, started in the direction of Yicksburg. On the 16th of May the battle of Champion Hills was fought. General Hovey's Division bore the brunt of the fight. Company B, of the 34:tli regiment, lost in killed and wounded, seventeen men. Captain Headington, tw^o days after the battle writes : " We fought another hard battle on the 16th, in which many of our brave boys fell. In my company first fell, by my side, William H. H. Bailey, mortally wounded, next Staley, then Chap- man on my right fell, mortally wounded, while defending the colors. Then, on my left. Perry was killed, then fell Swaney, mortally wounded, then Geiger, wounded in the leg, then Doyle, wounded in the shoulder, Airley, wounded in the thigh, Pugh, wounded in the back, Daniel Crisler, in the arm, George Denney, in the hand, William Louk, in the hand, D. Shinn, in the wrist, James Crislee, in the shoulder, Houk, in the hand. Ham- mitt in the lee; — seventeen in all. Never did 250 AT NEW ORLEANS. boys light braver than did company B. Lieuten- ant Colonel Swain is wounded in the lungs, I fear mortally. Our regiment killed and captured one entire Alabama regiment. We made it 80 hot for them that the colonel rode up, threw up his hat and cried for mercy, saying that he sur- rendered his whole command." The enemy was completely routed and driven from the held, leaving their dead and wounded. The 16th and part of the 18th were spent in bury- ing the dead. On the morning of the 1.9th, the army moved in the direction of Vicksburg, and, on the 20th, at early dawn, came in sight of the doomed city. Then commenced the memorable seige of that town, which resulted in its surrender, with the en- tire army, under General Pemberton, on the 4th of July, 1863. This company was engaged in this siege from the commencement to its close, shooting during the day, and digging in the trenches during the night, yet not one of them was injured by the shots of the enemy during the whole time. On the 5th of July the regiment started for Jack- son, Mississippi, under General Sherman, when the rebel General Johnston was driven from that place, and manj'^ miles of railroad destroyed. Early in August the regiment went to Natches, and thence to New Orleans, where they ar- ON FURLOUGH. 251 rived o*n the 15th of that month. Remaining about a month, they were ordei'ed to Brashier City. From there they accompanied Banks' expe- dition to Teche Bayou, and were engaged for two months, without tents, in scouting through the country, occasionally encountering small bodies of rebels, which were uniformly captured or put to flight. They came, by a forced march, to the assistance of General Burbridge, at the bat- tle of Carrion Crow, in time to save him from defeat. The regiment arrived at New Iberia, Louisiana, on the 10th of December, and, on the 14th of that month, most of the men re-enlisted, including forty-four of company B. The regiment returned to New Orleans on the 23d day of December. On the 29th, they em- barked on board a steam-ship for Matagorda Pe- ninsula, Texas. After remaining there two months the regiment returned to New Orleans on the 23d of February, 1861, where they remained until the 20th of March, when the re-enlisted men were furloughed for thirty days. They started for their homes immediately, arriving at Indian- apolis on the 29th, and, on the 1st of April, were given a grand reception by the Governor and other dignitaries of the State and city of Indian - apolis. On the morning of the 3d of April the veterans belonging to Jay County received the greetings 252 COMPANY E. of their friends at home, after an absence* of two years and seven months. After spending a month among their friends they again returned to their Held of service. Ar- riving at Indianapolis on the 2d of May, 1864, they remained one week at Camp Carrington and the 19th of May found them again at New Orleans, where they still remain. Before the regiment left Indianapolis, Captain Headington was promoted to Major of the 34th regiment. This company, throughout the varied and ardu- ous services in which they have been engaged, have, on all occasions, acquitted themselves with distinguished honor, and, in the future, they will not be found wanting in bravery, patient endur- ance and devotion to their country's cause in every trial to which the fortunes of war may subject them. LIST OF MEMBERS, COMPANY E, EIGHTY-NINTH INDIANA REGIMENT. Captain, Joseph P. "Winters. First Lieutenant, Royal Deuney, resigned Dec. 6tli, 1862. Second Lieutenant, Levi James, resigned Jan. 15tli, 1863. SERGEANTS. Fredericli W. White, promoted tirst lieutenant Jan. 16, 1863. Joseph L. Hall, promoted to tirst sergeant. Joseph Eblin. Aaron W. Wright, promoted second lieutenant Jan. 16, 1863 John H. Jackson. COMPANY E. 253 CORPORALS. Tilliam S. Peterson, promoted to fr.urth sergeant. •Vdam Ley, promoted to tifth sergeant. Stephen A. Stratton, died in Fort Pickering Aug. 9th, 1863. Charles T. O'Harra, David W. Adams, Perry Arbaugh, Elijali Broiighman. Jonathan Cloud, • musician, wounded at Munfordsville, Ky., Sept. 14th, 18G3. John Ogden, musician. Philo P. Way, wagoner. PRIVATES. [The t denotes those discharged.] David S. Arnold, f William Henry, Daniel Armantrout,f Silas Isenhart, died July 5th, John Armantrout, 1863, John C. Atliy, killed at Yel- John D. Jetter, low Bayou, Louisiana, Joseph Jackson, May 18th, 1864, Samuel W. Jones, died Oct., George W. Arbaugh, pro- 1863, moted corporal, Jesse James, died May, 1863, William T. Adams, at Fort Pickering, David Boyles, died in hospi- Francis M. Kelley, tal at St. Louis, Jasper N. Loofbourrow, Daniel Broughman, died Dec. Henry Landers,! 8th, 1862, at camp near Chester Lewis, Memphis, Christopher Loper,f George M. Brewington, Robert W. McFarland, died at John C. Beard, Fort Pickering, July 30th, Hallot Bryan, died at hospi- 1863, tal, Memphis, William H. Mason,f Abraham Bartmes, Charles A. Morehous, George W. Beason, killed at Mahlon Morrical, Pleasant Hill, Louisiana, George W. Meek, killed May April 9th, 1864, 7th, 1864, at Lamore, La. John Bonecutter, Ebenezer Miller. 254 COMPANY E. Joseph Blackburn,! Stephen Barr, Elias Buckingham, Absalom Bergman, Josiah Clawson, Garrett Clawson, Cornelius Corwin, promoted corporal, Peter M. Cook,t John A. Conkle, Fountain Delph, Minor Evelsizor, Lafayette Evelsizor, died in Fort Pickering, Jesse Elliott,! Benjamin Fifer, George W. Glassford,f William Gilbfyrt, JosepJi Grajr, killed at Yel- low Baj'ou, Louisiana, May 18th, 1864, Lewis H. Houser, William R Haffner, Benjamin J. Hudson, died in hospital, Memphis, Aug. 3d, 1864, George Henry, wounded and left in hands of rebels at Pleasant Hill, April 9th, 1864, John Hanlin, promoted to corporal. Timothy Nidey, Henry C. Powers, Samuel Premer, Frederick Premer, died in hos- pital at Memphis, March 10th, 1864, John G. Ross, Isaac Rantzf Daniel Rosnong, William K. Sanders, transfer- red to marine fleet, William Shane, Lonton Scott, f George W. Swihart, William H. Stratton, died at Fort Pickering, March 1st, 1863, Timothy L. Stratton, Franklin Snyder, promoted to corporal, Levi Sager, William Sigler, killed at Yel- low Bayou, May 18, 1&64, Jacob Teters, Jeremiah Tinkle, died at home, Washington Walter Francis Warnock, Robert Wible, Jacob Wible, Joseph Williams, Robert Young, died at Fort Pickering, March 3, 1863. Elias Loofbourrow, William F. Metzner, Join Y.Miller, RECRUITS. William S. Kelley, Pliny Bickle. - CAPTURED. 255 RECAPITULATION. "Whole number 100 Resigned, Transferred and Discharged 14 Died 15 Reported as Deserters, not included above 4 Company E was recruited in August, 1862, and, on the 18th of that month, left Jay for camp, having first accepted a bountiful farewell supper from the ladies. The next day they reached camp at Wabash, Indiana, Colonel John U. Pettit, com- mandant, where the following officers were unan- imously elected : Captain, Joseph P, Winters, First Lieutenant, Royal Denney, Second Lieuten- ant, Levi James. On the 26th they went to Indianapolis, where they received arms, uniforms, one mouth's wages, and twenty-five dollars of their bounty. They arrived in Louisville August 31st. Thus, in about twenty days, this full company had been recruited, armed, equipped and had arrived in Dixie, ready for active service which they were soon called up- on to perform. They reached Munfordsville, Kentucky, Sep- tember 3d, where they were stationed to guard the railroad bridge across Green river. There were two small forts here, one above, the other below the bridge, between which a line of breastworks had been commenced, and negroes were now at work upon them. The number of 256 CAPTURED. ■ troops at this point now was twenty-five hnndred. On the night of the 13th of September the troops were called out and stationed around the works. About daylight they were attacked by eight thousand rebels, under Chalmers, when they were driven within their fortifications. The rebels then charged that part of the fort where the 89th regi- ment was stationed, but were driven back with heavy loss. After making another similarly un- successful attempt upon another part of the forti- fications, the enemy withdrew, and, having ob- tained permission, spent the remainder of the day burying their dead and caring for the wounded. Our loss in killed and wounded was about forty, while that of the enemy was seven hundred. Company E lost one man, Jonathan Cloud, seriously wounded. The next day our men re- ceived a reinforcement of two regiments and six pieces of artillery. Chalmer's force proved to be only the advance of Bragg's great army, a part of which completely surrounded our small force, planting artillery on ever}' hill lying around the fortifications. It was a useless waste of life to contend longer, and, on the morning of the 17th of September, the entire Federal force surrendered. It is notorious that General Buell, being near by with his immense army, might easily have turned this disaster into a victory, but he failed to do it. These prisoners EXCHANGED. 25Y were immediately paroled and sent toward Buell's army. They went lirst to Bowling Green and thence to the Ohio river, at Brandenburg, from which place they came to JeiFersonville. During their march to the river they suffered much ; hard marching and exposure had made many sick, and they had to live upon the country through which they were -passing. At Indian- apolis they were fourloughed for twenty days, and all returned home, having been in the service less than six weeks. While at home, Lieutenant Denney was elected County Treasurer, to succeed J. P. Winters, who held that office when he en- tered the army. On the 27th of October they returned to parole camp, at Indianapolis, where, on the 17th of November, just two months after their surrender, Governor Morton, in a speech, informed them that they had been exchanged. On the 4th of December they took the cars for Cairo, Illinois, where they proceeded aboard the Ohio Belle, bound for Memphis, where they ar- rived December 8th, and camped one mile south- east of the city. They performed picket duty around the city until near the close of the month, when they were stationed in Fort Pickering, on the river just below the city, where they remained nearly one year — until October 18th, 1863. This long period of the history of this company, though 258 Sherman's raid. checkered with many interesting incidents, such as visits from friends, journeys up and down the river as guards, etc., may, nevertheless, be characterized as very dull and monotonous. On the Tth of April, 1863, Capt. J. P. Winters was honored with the appointment from Gen. Yeatch of Provost Marshal of Fort Pickering, which position he tilled with much credit during his stay at the fort. During this absence of the Captain the company was commanded by Lieut. White. There was great joy in company E when, Octo- ber 18th, they were removed from the Fort to a beautiful camping ground on Poplar street, east of Memphis, and again assigned to picket duty around the city. Here the boys declare the pleas- antest part of their soldier-life was spent. The duty was light ; but above all the pure air and ex- ercise they now enjoyed, so in contrast with their long confinement in the Fort, brought back health and buoyancy of spirits to the men. But a soldier's comfort and ease is always of short duration. While here they participated in a victorious en- gagement against Gen. Forrest, at Lafayette, and pursued him to Cold Water, Miss., returning to Memphis New Year's, 1864. January 28th they left their beautiful camping ground, and boarded a steamer, in company with a small fleet starting to Yicksburg, where they arrived on the 30th RED EIVER EXPEDITION. 259 instant. In February tliej accompanied the fa- mous " Sherman raid " throngjh Mississippi, in which the railroads centering at Jackson and Can- ton were efi'ectuallj destroyed. They reached Yicksbui'g again March 4th, having been absent about one month, daring which they had traveled three hundred miles. In this expedition, so se- verely danaging to the rebel cause as to give last- ing honor to the men who participated in it, the soldiers saw some very hard times. The boys of company E were unused to marching; their knap- sacks were heavy ; they seldom drew more than half rations, often not so much, and for two or three days, in the eastern part of the State, lived mostly upon parched corn. Nevertheless, they had pleasant weather and good roads, plenty of water and the privilege of confiscating whatever they found in the country fit to eat, and company E knew as well how to use this privilege as any company in the expedition. Six days after their return they set out- — under command of Gen. A. J. Smith — upon an expedi- tion up Red River. On their way they halted at Semmesport, marched across the country, and af- ter a hard fight captured Fort De Russey and three hundred prisoners, March 14th. On the 21st of the same month they were sent to Pine Hill, La., tvventy miles from Alexandria, where they captured three hundred prisoners, four pieces 260 BATTLE OF PLEASANT HILL. of artillery, etc. They then returned to lied Kiver, went on up to Pleasant Hill, where they participated in a severe tattle on the 8th and 9th of April, 1864, under Gen. Banks. On the first day our forces were repulsed, but on the second day Gen. Smith checked the rebels and drove them back. The S9th made a charge, cap- turing one hundred prisoners. The loss of the regiment was six killed and forty-nine wounded — company E one killed and five wounded. From this place, very strangely, a retreat was ordered by Gen. Banks. Of this movement Capt. Winters wrote-in his diary as fuUow^s: ' ' "Why General Bauks ordered a retreat is a mysterj' to all. Here was the battle-field covered with the dead and wounded rebels, neither of them taken care of. Here were thousands of small arms left on the field, sufficient to arm several thousand men, eleven i:)ieces of artillery dismounted or disabled. This had been done by our men, but we must leave all for the rebels to gather up again. Our own dead were not even buried. A thousand groans and ten thousand curses were hurled against 'Banks." The army fell back to Grand Ecore and then to Alexandria, skirmishing almost constantly — reaching Alexandria April 26th, just one month after they left it for Shreveport. They continued their course down Bed Eiver till May 7th, Avhcn a severe engagement touk place, in which the reb- els were defeated, company E losing one mortally wounded. May ITtli they reached Semmcspurt COMPANY H. 261 again, and the next day another battle was fonght, in which the 89th lost seven killed and forty-four wounded — company E two killed and two wound- ed. May 2ith the regiment arrived at Yicksburg, where they camped till June 4:th, when they started up the Mississippi. They reached Mem- phis June 9th, 1864, since which time they have been engaged in the important raids of General Smith. The fortunes of war have rested heavily upon company E, but in every battle and through all hardships they have exhibited true courage and fortitude. Their record is a highly honora- ble one, and will remain a monument to their memories. COMPANY H, ONE HUNDREDTH REGIMENT INDI- ANA VOLUNTEERS. Captain, John W. Headington, promoted to major June 1, '64 . Lieutenant, Gideon Rathbun, wounded at Missionary Ridge, November 25, 1863' Second Lieutenant, Stephen B. H. Shanlcs, wounded at Mis- sionary Ridge, November 25, 186-3.J ^ -^ SERGKANTS. Isaac N. Frazee, Eli Vore, Edwin Rowlett. William F. Ware, died at Colliersville, Tenn., April 4, 1864. David J. Moore, wounded at Missionary Ridge Nov. 25, 1863. CORPORALS. Thomas Koons, died at Grand Junction, Tenn., Feb. 2, 1863. Jacob Haviland, wounded at Missionary Ridge Nov. 25, 1863. Solomon M. Barnes, promoted to sergeant May, 1863, for good conduct ; received a slight wound at Dallas May 28. 12* 263 COMPANY H. Sanford B. Couldren. Liberty Patterson. Andrew J. Thomas, discharged Nov. 7, '63, at Mound City. Jacob Bosworth, discharged at Memphis, March 23, 1863. Wm. Fifer, slight wound at Mission Ridge Nov. 25. Henry Hammons, drummer. Aquilla K. Mills, fifer, died — . Wm. Wiley, fifer. PRIVATES. Samuel AUman, slight wound November 25. Joseph S. Antles, Jonathan Armantrout. John F. Bowden, promoted to first lieutenant company B, 11th Indiana cavalry, October, 1863. Ephraim Byrd, died at home August 24, 1863. George D. Borden, regimental harness maker. Daniel Bickel, died at Memphis October 23, 1863. Samuel A. Blake, died at Memphis June 10, 1863. James Baker, William Brunuer, Nathan Bubmire, George H. Bunnell, Lewis B. Bunnell, James M. Bair. Jonathan Cain, discharged May 26, '63, at Colliersville, Tenn. Charles W. Caster, promoted corporal Jan. 1, '64, for gallant conduct; died at Bellefonte Station, Ala., Feb. 19, '64. John M. Collett, wounded at Mission Ridge Nov. 25, '63. Mulford C. Carl, wounded at Chattahoochie River July 4, '64. James Cartright, died at Memphis Nov. 29, 1862. Jesse Collins, Joseph L. Carl, William Cheny. Joseph Dehoff, died at St. Louis Dec. 20, 1863. Amos Ducket, George Fritzinger, Richard Fitzgerald, Henry Flooding, Joshua W. Flood, Abner J. Frazee. John Flooding, killed at Mission Ridge Nov. 25, 1863. Obed Gibson, died at La Grange, Tenn., Jan. 15, 1863. Henderson Graves, wounded at Dallas, Ga., ^lay 28. Abrsim Geiger, wounded at Mission Ridge Nov. 2S. Daniel D. Ginger, Stephen i\I. Hughes, Wm. W. Horner, George B. Haffner, Wm. H. Hester, James Hoad. Levi P. Hilton, died at Vicksburg Sept. 28, 1863. COMPANY H. 263 Henry 0. Holtsapple, died at Bellefonte Station, Feb. 28, '64. James D. Hardy, died at La Grange, Tenn., March 9, 1863. Caleb Haviland, discharged November 26, 1862. Joseph C. Hawkins, hospital steward. Thomas H. Iliff, died at St. Louis August 5, 1863. James Jones. Noah Kunce, died at Memphis Nov. 26, 1862. Joseph W. Lafollett, died at LaGrange, Tenn., Feb. 27, '63. John C. Morris, died at Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 18, '63. Jacob W. McCroskey, wagon master. James A. Mason, wounded at Mission Ridge Nov. 25. J. W. Merchant, died at Colliersville, Tenn., May 7, '63. Lafayette Morgan, died at Scottsboro, Ala. , Dec. 27, '63. John M. Mills, died at LaGrange, Tenn., Feb. 7, '63. David Mills, hospital steward at Indianapolis. Cassius B. Mills, discharged at Colliersville May 26, '63. Edward Nicholas, Elias A. Porter, Joshua Poling', Charles Plummer, Isaiah Parkison, John J. Rathbun, Alexander W. Ruhl, Charles W. Rarrick, Ezekiel Rowlett, discharged at Indianapolis Aug. 25, '63. Noah Ruhl, promoted corporal Dec. 25, '63. Eli Rines, Adam Shultz, Jacob Sutton, discharged at Memphis March 16, '63. Henry Spahr, died at Camp Sherman August 18, '63. Solon C. Stratton, died on Tallahatchie River Dec. 2, '62. Henry C. Staley, Taylor Towle, Granville C. Tucker, Robie M. Towle, Alvah J. Tucker, wounded at Dallas, Ga. , May 28, '64. Jesse Thompson, Samuel Wilkison, John Westfall, David Wolf, Joseph B. Whitenack, James G. Walker, promoted corporal May, 1863; killed at Mission Ridge Nov. 25, '53. Cyrus J. Wilson, died at Snider's Bluff June 26, '63. Jacob West, wounded at Mission Ridge Nov. 20, '63. 264 COMPANY H. RECAPITULATION. Total 108 Discharged 7 Died 25 Company H was recruited in August, 1862; left Portland September 9th ; reported at Wabash, when it organized by electing the following offi- cers : Captain, John W. Headington ; First Lieu- tenant, Gideon Rathbun ; Second Lieutenant Ste- phen B, H. Shanks. They were mustered into the three years' service at Indianapolis on the 23d of September. Early in October they were fur- loughed home for a few days. On the 11th of l!Tovember they went by rail to Cairo ; thence by steamboat to Memphis, where they joined Grant's army and acompanied him on his grand expedi- tion throngh Mississippi in the fall of 1862. They were as far South as Yocknapatafa. On their re- turn they reached Grand Junction January 10th, 1863, in the vicinity of which they remained dur- ing the winter. On the return march to Holl}' Springs the company began to feel the hardships of war. Their rations failed, and they lived as they could, some of the time on raw or parched corn, and but little of that. A member of the company (a lad of sixteen years) writes thus: "Many murmur and say they have notliing to eat and must starve. For my part I find it easy enough to get along — { MI8SI0NAEY BIDGK. 265 if one only takes a little care. I had an ear of corn for my breakfast and put another ear in my pocket for my supper." In March, 1863, they moved to Colliersville, Tennessee, where they remained, doing guard duty and scontiiig until June 5th, when they pro- ceeded to Vicksburg and joined the grand siege of that city. After its surrender they went with the force which drove the rebel Johnston from Jackson, Mississippi. They spent nearly three months in camp on Big Black River, and late in September proceeded up the river to Memphis, thence by land through Northern Mississippi and Alabama to Chatta- nooga, Tennessee. The march from Memphis to Chattanooga was long and severe, occupying forty days, the distance being about three hundred miles. The men endured the trip pretty well, however; many of them even gaining in ^lealth and strength during the long and tiresome jour- ney. On Lookout Mountain, and in the region overlooking and threatening Chattanooga and Grant's gallant army, lay Bragg's rebel hosts. Hardly had Sherman's brave troops taken a little rest until the combined forces made a fierce and persistent attack on the enemy. Up the heights of Missionary Eidge and Lookout Mountain the resistless heroes charged, killed and captured great numbers and drove the rest in confusion for 266 J. C. HAWKINS. many miles into Georgia, In this fierce battle of three days Company H took an active and honor- able part, in which the}' lost two killed and eleven wounded, mostly severely, including both Lieu- tenants. The number engaged was thirty-two, in- cluding officers. The standard bearer was shot down. Private J. C. Hawkins seized the falling banner, waved it defiantly to the foe, rallied the wavering columns, and bore it triumphantly to the end of the fight. For this and other gallant conduct he was publicly complimented, and the oflScers of the regiment, through Chaplain Brouse, presented to him an officer's uniform. On the 26th of November they started in pur- suit of the retreating rebels, and continued as far as Graysville, Georgia, where they burned a large mill, and tore up and destroyed the railroad track and bridges. They were then selected as part of the force to march to the relief of Knoxville. In that expedition of more than three weeks the men marched day after day, sometimes till midnight, half naked, bare-footed, without rations or cook- ing utensilsj yet almost without a murmur. Ar- rived at Maysville, they learned that the rebels had run, and they returned by way of Chatta- nooga and Bridgeport, to Scottsboro, Alabama, where they arrived December 27th, 1863. The march to the relief of Knoxville was one of peculiar and excessive hardships. In the bat- LETTEB FROM THE BATTLE FIELD. 267 tie of Missionary Ridge, and the subsequent pur- suit, occupying live days, the company had left or thrown away clothes, equipage, etc., and they had almost no blankets, tents, overcoats, or cooking utensils. Some melted their canteens apart, and used them to bake bread upon. They subsisted on what they could obtain by the way, which was insufficient to satisfy their hunger, and though it was December, many were bare-footed and with- out blankets ; yet the brave and noble men bore these hardships even with cheerfulness. The fol- lowing letter, written to the church of which the writer was a member, shows the spirit of some of these soldiers : Battle field near Jackson, Mississippi, ) July 12th, 1864~Sabbatli morning. j Dear Brethren : — I cannot but contrast the difference between our situations at tliis moment. You are preparing to worship God in your little church, and to listen to the words of " Peace on earth and good will to men," while I, your brother, am lying close to a trembling earth, made so by the whizzing of balls and shells aimed for our destruction ! You no doubt will be interested in the character of my reflec- tions and feelings in the circumstances. After singing " The Lord my Shepherd is," " From every stormy wind that blows," and " On the mountain top appear- ing," I committed myself, my family, my brethren and my country to God's keeping. The result is a calmness and resignation that is almost surprising to mj'self How far I shall be able to maintain this state of feeling of course I can- not tell, but I trust that I shall be enabled to find strength in 268 AT ATLANTA. the promise, " The Lord is a present help in every time of need," and " As tliy day is, so shall thy strength be ;" and if not a sparrow falls to the ground without our Heavenly Father, why need I be afraid ? Now, brethren, as it regards the principles we have con- tended for : In the face of death I believe they are right ! I have lived by them and stood up for them in life ; and if it please God that I should now die, I shall die with the full confidence that piety to God and humanity to man are the sum and substance of Christ's holy religion. I exhort you, therefore, to stand fixst by them — " Stand up for Jesus !" and though we may always be unpopular among men. yet "it pays" to have the consciousness that all is well when there is danger in every step, and one looks death square in the face. (We are looking every moment for an order to charge.) Farewell. May the peace of God, that passeth all under- standing, be with you to the end. Your brother, * * * Early in January, 1864:, the regiment was again set to guarding railroads, and continued until May 1st, when it joined the grand army now before Atlanta. In this campaign it has participated in engagements at Kesaca, Dallas, New Hope Charch and Kenesaw Mountain, and several have been wounded. Their losses have been heav^^ through- out the war. In sixteen different places and seven different States, their "dead ones brave" are lying. The battle-scarred veterans of com- pany 11 have made a record which while they live will be their honor, and wlien they die will be their glorious epitaph. COMPANY F. 269 COMPANY F, SEVENTY-FIFTH REGIMENT INDI- ANA VOLUNTEERS. Captain, Dr. Christopher S. Arthur, promoted to surgeon. First Lieutenant, John S. Stanton, promoted to captain Aug 20, 1863 — wounded at Chickamauga. Second Lieutenant, Abraham C. Rusli, promoted to first lieu- tenant Aug. 20, 18G2, resigned Dec. 22, 1862. SERGEANTS. Orderly, Jesse T. LTnderwood, promoted to second lieutenant Aug. 20, 1862, resigned Feb., 1863. Guy W. McGrilT, promoted to first lieutenant Dec. 23, 1862, resigned April 16, 1864. Joseph Lewis, promoted to orderly Dec. 23, 1862 ; to second lieutenant Feb., 1863. Justice Green, died at home Nov. 1863. John Hardy, jun., wounded at Kenesaw Mountain, Oliver H. P. Hammitt, transfijrred to gunboat. COEPOUALS. Henry V. Walling, wounded William Arbaugh, at Kenesaw Mountain, Jas. Stewart, killed at Chicka- Henry Getz, mauga, John P. Boyd, died Nov. 1862 Solomon DehofF, David Henry, Charles A. Black, Charles E. Bennett, died at Charles W. Robbins, Castillian Springs Nov. '62 Edward J. Haynes. Alexander Hj'de, fifer, wounded at Kenesaw Mountain. William R. iMiller, drummer, discharged. PRIVATES. Charles S. Butterworth, John McKinstry, discharged — Albert Burris, died before reaching home. James W. Binegar, wounded George W. McCartnej^ at Missionary Ridge, William W. McLellau, Lyman Brown, discharged, Perry Odell. 270 COMPANY F. Elias F. Baird, died at Chat- James Porter, killed at Kene- tanooga, saw Mountain June 18, '64 Aaron Baker, Mailon I. Paxson, Thomas J. Cartwright, Jesse J. Russell, died Jan. '68. Joseph A. Craig, Seth Kegester, died at Chatta- Harvey Collins, nooga, Francis A. CoUelt, David E. Reiley, wounded at Samuel W. Dixon, Chickaraauga, Eli Dehoff, discharged — died Enos T. Reed, discharged, alter reachiug home, Robt. Rensenberg, discharged, Samuel M. Elliott, Stephen Shelton, discharged, Samuel Force, Alexander Strain, Timothy F. Fait, killed at James A. Smith, Cliickamauga Sept. 1863 George Shirk, died Jan. 1863, Charles L. Fullmer, wounded John Shirk, wounded at Chick- at Chickamauga, amauga, David Farris, discharged, Charles A. Stephens, promoted Lewis Ginger, detailed at brig- corporal, and detailed as ade h'dq'rs as mt'd orderly ordnance serg't Jan. 1864, Lilburn Gray, discharged, Jacob Schmidt, died Jan. 1863 Enos T.Hoskins, died Nov. '62 Everett W. Sullivan, wounded Nathan B. Hickman, disch'd at Chickamauga — disch'd, Geo. W. Hammitt, promoted Charles E. Stanton, died at ord. ser't Feb. 12, 1864, Ringgold, Georgia, Joseph Heminger, detailed in William F. Smith, captured Engineer Corps Dec. '62 Dec. 1863, David Heminger, detailed in Spencer Smith, Engineer Corps Dec. '62 John W. Sage, wounded at William Heminger, wounded Chickamauga, at Chickamauga Sept. '63 T. L. Stratton, transferred to John Hardy, sen., discharged Co. E, 89th Indiana, Moses Hardy, died, Cornelius Tliompson, detached Charles Hughes, to Engineer Corps, Ephraim Jellison, William W. Thorp, Thomas C. Keen, discharged William T. Underwood, disch. April, 1864, William Vance, died Nov. '62 COMPANY F. 271 George H. Kiiisey, killed at William C. Vail, Chickamauga, John Walters, wounded at Henry Kuutz, discharged, Chickamauga, Richard Loyd, killed at Mis- Jacob H. Wolford, sionary Ridge, Jas. M. Wolford, died Jan. '63 Isaiah M. Larick, wounded at Henry F. West, Kenesaw Mountain, Edward J. West, died Jan. '63 Francis M. Larick, Uriah Williams, died, Robert Michaels, Jasper N. Whitaker, Francis R. Moon, Samuel vVibel. John Meredith, died Jan. 1863William H. Wilson, deserted Aaron J. Mendenhall, died to 13 th Ohio, to which he Jan. 1863, formerly belonged. RECAPITULATION. Whole number 99 Died 24 Transferred, Resigned and Discharged 19 Company F was recruited in Jiil.y, 1862, by A. C. Rush ; left Portland on the 31st of the same month ; the next day went into camp at Wabash; was assigned to the 75th regiment, and was mus- tered into the three years' service August 20th, and in two days were at Louisville. They were then, under orders of Gen. Dumont, sent to several points in Kentucky in search of the rebel Mor- gan. They visited Lebanon, Shepardsville and Lebanon Junction, etc., and then returned to Louisville on the 22d of September; thence went to Elizabethtown, and again returned to Louis- ville. On the 6th of October they left this city the third time and went to Frankfort, Yersailles 272 COMPAiJY E. and Bowling Green ; thence to Castillian Springs, Tennessee, where they arrived November 28th, 1862. Here they lost, by disease, four of their members. Remaining here nearly one month, they set out for Murfreesboro, which point they reached January 6th, 1S63. They remained at this place nearly six months, during which they lost by death eiglit and by being discharged nine. On the 23d of June they were once more ordered to march. At Hoover's Gap they found the en- emy, but after considerable skirmishing he tied. Their next visits were to TuUahoma, Winfred, Dechard and University Heights on the Cumber- land Mountains ; crossed Lookout Mountain and Pond Springs on the 14th of September, and on the 19tli engaged in that terrible struggle at Chickamauga, in which the 75tli regiment lost nearly one-third of its members and ^ company E three killed and seven wounded. In this light they were in the 2d brigade, 4th division, com- manded by Maj. Gen. Joseph J. Reynolds ; 14th Army Corps, Maj. Gen. Geo. H. Thomas. The brigade commander. Col. King, was killed, and the command then devolved upon Col. Milton S. Robinson, of the 75th regiment. On 'the 20th they again encountered the enemy, a severe en- gagement followed, in which Capt. J. S. Stanton was wounded, and Lieut. Underwood commanded the company. Two days later they retired with OOMPANT B. 278 the army to Chattanoga. The rebels having cut off their communications by raih-oad, tliey were on short rations for three months. At this place three of company F died of disease. On the 25tli of November they participated in the fierce con- test at Mission Ridge, in which they lost one kill- ed and two wounded. Lieut. Lewis commanded the company. From that time forward they were engaged in the great campaign in that department. On the 18th of June, 1864, at Kenesaw Mountain, they were in the front, and company F lost three in killed and four wounded. In November, 1863, Capt. Stanton was detailed on the recruiting ser- vice; Lieut. McGriif detailed as ordnance officer on Gen. Baird's staff, and the company was com- manded by Lieut. Jos. Lewis. Since the opening of Gen. Sherman's campaign company F has been most of the time in front, gallantly performing all duties required of it. It has met the enemy in some of the severest con- tests of the war. Its large list of noble men who have been killed and wounded on all these occa- sions, attests its uniform bravery and deeds of im- perishable glory. "VVe leave it looking from the front into the besieged city of Atlanta. Company B, 11th Indiana Cavalry, was recruit- ed by R. C. Harper, Elias Shewalter and J. F. Bowden, in October, 1863. On the 10th of November they were mus- 274 COMPANY B. tered into tlie three-years' service at Indianapolis. Mr. Bowden was appointed First Lieutenant. They were then sent to Kokomo, Indiana, to fill up the company, and on the 21st of December Mr. Shewalter was elected Captain, and Mr. Har- per Second Lieutenant. On the 23d of January, 1864, they went to Indianapolis, where they waited until May for horses. They were then sent to Nashville, Tennessee, unmounted, where they voluntarily chose infantry duty to idleness, and have since served in that capacity. On the 1st of June they were sent to guard the railroad running from Stevenson to Huntsville, Alabama. Captain Shewalter, with one hundred and sixty- four men, was placed to guard Mud Creek Bridge, eight miles from Stevenson. Lieutenant Bowden was detailed to command Company A of the same regiment. They have been in the service only a short time, but are ready whenever called upon to imitate the bravery of the veteran soldiers from Jay. The following is a list of the company : COMPANY B, ELEVENTH INDIANA CAVALRY. Captain, Elias Shewalter. First Lieutenant, John F. Bowden, was in battles of Vicks- burg and Jackson, Mississippi, in Company H, lOOtli In- diana, commissioned first lieutenant in the 11th Cavalry, Nov. 11th, 1863. Second Lieutenant, R. C. Harper. 8ERGEANTS. Orderly, Samuel F. Hiatt, COMPANY B. 275 Quartermaster, Aaron L. Somers, Commissary, Thomas W. Bnrk, 1st, James A. Hutchinson, 4th, Isaac M. McLellan, 2d John W. Hall, 5th, John W. Cubbison. 3d John Hindman, 1st, John Vickrey, 2d, Caleb M. Ducket, 3d, Elias H. West, 4th, Henry Elbert, 5th, Raleigh Bowden, CORPOKALS. 6th, Ambrose Somers, was in Co. H, 12th Indiana Regi- ment, at Antietam, 7th, David J. Kelley, 8th, William R. Frederick. William Hyde, Bugler, Joseph G. Harter, " John N. Sullivan, Farrier. John Cookerly, Blacksmith. Henry Carpenter, Teamster. Joseph S. Tucker, Saddler. William Andrew, George N. Adams, John Armitage, Sanford P. Burk, was in the battle of Willson's Creek and Belmont, Mo., Fort Donelson, Shiloh, Chap- lin Hills, Stone River, in Co. L, 4th Iowa Cavalry. James Bowden, Theodore Baily, Marcus Bosworth, George W. Bishop, Francis Bickle, George W. Bush, was in the battle of Richmond, Ky. wounded in hips. Served eleven months in Co. F, 69th Indiana. PRIVATES. Albert P. Loomis, Robert Lanning, Peter W. B. Loy, James M. Moore, Henry E. McCartney, John Manson, Daniel Martin, John Myron, died March 26th 1864, at City Hospital, In- dianapolis. Wiley S. McLaughlin, Dennis Matkins, William Moccabee, John Mays, William McLelland, James W. Nicholson, William Nelson, Asahel Oler, Thomas Pingry 276 SEVEIN'TH INDIASTA CAVALRY. Isaac Barns, William W. Bair, "William H. Cheueworth, James J. Eagy, John A. Garringer, Elisha Gray, Abraham Gray, Rlcharol Green, James M. Hammitt, Monroe Hindman, William Harter, Eli Houck, Benjamin Herrald, William S. Hyde, Jacob Hutzler, Johnson Houck, Joseph Jenkins, Albert N. Jack, George Kimball, Thomas D. Kerns, Joseph Knapp, Byron W. King, William Kesler, George W. Loy, Died— 2 Zachariah Plumer, David Rowlett, William Richardson, Silas Siders, Daniel Sanders, William Schlosser, Thomas W. Sullivan, Tilson Smith, John Sims, Aaron Sanders, John Sliearer, Samuel Shaler, John Stubs, Stephen Skinner, F. J. Stover, William Stout, John N. Tucker, James F. Thompson, Francis Vining, died in City Hospital at Indianapolis, April 2, 1864, Michael Wagner, Samuel Walker, Jacob Walker. Total— 98 Eegimeiital officers from Jay Count}' in the Seventh Indiana Cavalry Regiment : Colonel, John P. C. Shanks, vpas on Gen. Fremont's staff in Missouri. Surgeon, William Freeman. Chaplain, James Marquis. Members of Company E, Seventh Indiana Cavalry from Jay County : COMPANY E. 277 Captain, David T. Skinner. Second Lieutenant, James Sloan, promoted to first lieutenant. SERGEANTS. Orderly William M. Skinner, 4th, James S. Stansberry. 3d, Barton B. Jenkins, CORPORALS. Morgan L. Gray, John K. Tetters, Judson Skinner, died William Underwood. PRIVATES. John Adair, Jerome Hiatt, William Adair, Jas. C. Jay, Hospital Steward, Sanford P. Ames, Emanuel Kuepper, John W. Babb, Joseph Knepper, Joseph Blackburn, Eli Lehr, John G. W. Clevenger, Benjamin F. Paxson, James G. Cloud, John Q. Paxson, Daniel B. Crow, died Coston Porter, Abijah Crow, John Roberts, Humphrey Davis, John Schneider, John H. Elliott, William H. Smith, David Farris, Daniel H. Van Camp, killed Obadiah Gardner, died in battle of Brice's Cross Isaac Griffith, Roads, Miss., June 10, 1864 Samuel I. Gray, William Van Skyhawk, George Haley, John Ware, Richard D. Hoover, Enos Walker, George W. Hambleton, Morris P. Wood. RECAPITULATION. Regimental OflBcers 3 Company E 43 Died 4 "When the call was made in April, 1864, for volunteers to serve for one hundred days, recruit- 13 278 one-hundred-days' men. ing was immediately commenced in Jay. On the 20th of May the following company left Portland for ludTaiiapolis. Remaining at Camp Carrington a few da^^s, they were then sent to Fort Sands, Kentucky, thirty-live miles south of Louisville, where they are now located. Rev. JST, T. Petty- cord, a Methodist minister on the New Corydon circuit, and P. S. Loofbourrow, editor of the Jay Torch Light, went as privates in this company. The editor's wife, Mrs. Ann E. Loofbourrow, and Miss Rebecca Adams, took entire charge of the paper, editing it, setting the type, and doing all other work required to issue the paper. They did this work with a promptness, too, which many of their more pretending brothers of the press would do well to imitate. COMPANY E, ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-NINTH REGIMENT INDIANA VOLUNTEERS. Captain, A. C. Rush. First Lieutenant, F. R. Stratton. Second Lieutenant, G. W. Loofbourrow. SERGEANTS. Orderly, Jacob Bosworth, jr. 3d, Andrew Sunday, 1st, A. W. Allen, 4th, Samuel Eagy. 2d, Isaac Simmons, CORPOKALS. 1st, S. R. Bell, 5th, John Pipe, 2d, G. W. Christman, 6th, Joseph Jeleff, 3d, Henry Cristler, 7th, J. J. M. Lafollett, 4th, Abraham Byrd, 8th, Alfred Shepherd. ONE-HUNDRED-DAYS MEN 279 J. H. Adams, G. B. Anderson, T. J. Ashdill, Christian Bnrris, AVilliam Beamer, J. Bincgar, Lewis Bockoven, Wesley Cristler, E. F. Calderwood, Hiram Carson, W. R. Curtis, J. H. Detfenbaugli, B. L. Dewees, Fi'ault Fetters, Silas Glover, J. W. Grigsby, David Galloway, William Green, Lewis D. Hall, William Harness, B. M. Howell, Theodore Johnston, Charles Lewis, P. S. LoofbomTow, F. R. Lewis, G. W. Metzner, E. E. Moon, Geo. G. Montgomery, pauy Clerk, E. J. Mendeuhall, PRIVATES. James Marsh, H. McLaughlin, Josepli McLellan, Abraham Morrical, C. A. May, M. C. McDugal, John Miller, H .Milligan, Jesse Milliken, H. Owen, William Parmeuter, Jeremiah Phillips, W. B. Pingry, N. T. Pcttycord, Daniel Rising, Alexander Rayn, A. Rook, William Robbins, Jacob Sunday, J. Snider, George Steckle, J. H. Stratton, J. Smith, Stephen Shelton, Thomas West, William Walter, A. B. Woodward, Com- J. Watkius, J. Watts, J. L. Whaley. Total— 75 The following one hundred days' men were enlisted at Camden by Capt. Geo. W. Fairchilds, who, uniting with a squad from Blnti'ton, went to 280 ONE-HUNDRED-DAYS MEN. Indianapolis, and while the officers were at home getting recruits to till the company, by order of the Adjutant General they were disl)anded, and, with one exception, were distributed through the companies forming the iSSth regiment. Colonel Shannon : Thomas W. Bennett, John Brandenburg, Brown, Finley Farris, Hiram G. Fulmer, Theodore Grissell, Hiram L. Grissell, Ensley L. Gray, Alonzo P. Hughes, Nicholas Henizer, Henizer, Gabriel C. Johnson, Levi M.Johnson, Thomas Jones, William Keagle, George W. Keagle, William Mendenhall, Mordicai Morris, Abraham Moricul, 139th Regt. Stephi n Olhun, James A. Pugh, Allen T. l^lace, Benjamin F. Paxson, Joseph E. Paxson, Israel A. Place, Frank Uussell, Samuel Shaffer, John Thompson, Theodore Underwood, Joseph White, John W. Williams. Total 31 The following one hundred days' soldier are in the 13-ith Indiana regiment : Matthew Atkinson, John Brewster, J. W. Daugherty, William C. Dye, John J. Hawkins, member of noncommissioned staff, Smith. Total 6 Total one- hundred-days' men 112 COMPANY F. 281 JAY COUNTY SOLDIERS IN COMPANY F, FORTI- ETH REGIMENT OHIO VOLUNTEERS. [The * designates those re-enlisted.] Capt. John L. Reeves, promoted major May 22, '64. SEEGEANTS. Joseph H. Brewster, killed by railroad accident at Union City June, 1862. Abrara J. Brake, wounded at Chickamauga. John W. McKaj^, transferred to Invalid Corps. Nelson White,* W. H. McLaughlin. CORPORALS. "W, H. Frasher, died at home March, 1862. Wm. B. Simmons, discharged January, 1864. Geo. W. Blake, discharged September, 1863. Wm. P. Beard, wounded at Chickamauga. Wm. N. Strader, discharged July, 1863. Edwin H. Snellbaker, killed at Chickamauga. J. Q. A. Andrews, G. W. Butcher, J. W. Butcher, Jason O. Brewster, wagoner. PRIVATES. Lewis Beard,* right arm amputated, wounded at Altdona. Samuel Eagy, discharged September, 1863. George Ehrhart, wounded five times at Chickamauga. Hemen Emberson,* wounded at Chickamauga. John G. McLaughlin, wounded at Chickamauga. Francis M. McLaughlin, discharged. Henry McLaughlin, died at Ashland, Ky., March 2d, 1863. Lorenzo Stults, detailed Pioneer Corps, April, 1863. John Eagy, Hiram McLoughlin. RECAPITU L ATION. Whole number 26 Discharged and transferred . 7 Died 4 22* 282 COMPANY C. JAY COUNTY SOLDIERS IN COMPANY C, NINE- TEENTH REGIMENT INDIANA VOLUNTEERS. Sergeant Henry Ammerman, promoted and resigned in 1861. Corporal George Allman, mortally wounded at Antietam. Corporal Isaac N. Frazee, discharged ; re-enlisted in compa- ny II, lOOtk Indiana. James W. Crowell, discharged. David Gariingev, commissary sergeant, died. David V. Garringer, re-enlisted ; wounded at S. Mountain. Jonathan Gray, discharged. James Ham, killed at South Mountain Sept. 14, '62. George L. Moore, re-enlisted; promoted at Antietam. John Nixon, discharged. Isaac R. Rathbun, wounded at Antietam ; discharged. G. R. Rathbun, discharged. Wm. Williamson, wounded at Antietam ; discharged. John Hester, wounded at South Mountain ; arm amputated. Thomas Bonfill, killed in 1864. E. G. Moore, at home sick. Amos Whiteneck, killed in 1864. Nathan B. Maxwell, enlisted April 18, 1861, in co. E, 8th Ind.; re-enlisted in 19th ; died at Washington City Dec. 12, '62. Georg&M. Rathbun, discharged. Alexander Burk, killed at Gettysburg. Jackson Reeves, Valentine Thompson, C. C. Rider, wounded, Isaac Cherry, wounded, Albert Collett, wounded, Thomas Barr. RECATITULATION. "VV hole number 26 Died 7 MEMBERS OF COMPANY I, ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTIETH INDIANA. Lieutenant Robert W. Nickum. Lieutenant William Van Camp. SIXTY-NINTH INDIANA. 283 John Isenbart, died at Nashville July 2, 1864. John S. McLaughlin, James Williams, Simon Burris, John J. Campbell, John H. Smith, William White, Rev. Wm. Smith, Thomas B. Hill, Wm. P. Wehrly, Benjamin Emberson, David H. Dutro. Total / 14 The following persons, from Richland Town- ship, are also in the One Hundred and Tliirtieth Indiana : William Current, Alva Johnson, Abraham Coons, Abraham Keesear, John Cuness, William Maitle, Jacob Daugherty, James Metlen, Thomas Daugherty, William Powell, Thomas Dragoo, Allen W. Roberts, Alva Evans, James Smith, James W. Evans, James Stawford, Amos Hall, Samuel Taylor, James Hayes, Mikle, Jacob Hesser, Samuel Wilson, James Hoppis, Total 33 MEMBERS OF THE SIXTY-NINTH INDIANA. R. B. Castle, William Matchet, H. P. Castle, Lewis O'Neil, William Clough, killed near Ezekiel Clough, Vicksburg, Levi Matchet, Calvin Diggs, taken prisoner Peter Matchet, at Chickamauga, W. S. Pinney, Enoch Fields, David Reed. Total 13 284 MISCELLANEOUS LIST. MEMBERS OF THE EIGHTY-FOURTH INDIANA. M. D. Lockhart, Co. B, killed Benjamin Kemp, Co. E. at Cliickamauga, Samuel B. Smith, Co. B, W. M. Shracb, Co. B, wound- ed at Resaca, J. W. Coulsou, Co. B, Charles Enierson, Co. E, George Swank, " Alexander Hutchinson, Co. E, wounded atChickamauga, Henry Hutchinson, Co. E. John J. Brown, Harris Black, Co. H. Total 11 MEMBERS OF THE THIRTY-SIXTH INDIANA. George W. Crandall, George W. McKinney, wound- James W. Evans, shot three ed twice at Shiloh, times at Shiloli, Thomas Guston, Co. E, W. H. Hubbard, Charles W. Lambert, Charles F. Losh, James E. Phillips, W. G. Sutton, Benj. Shields, died Oct. 3d, 1861 ; — first death among the soldiers from Jay Co. John W. Thomas. Total 11 COMPANY K, FORTIETH OHIO. John Butcher, Martin Butcher, Crabtree, Harvey Denney, died — Jasper Dennej^ Franklin Denney, Deserted not given above. Elisha H. Hunter, Reuben Jones, Metzner, James Smith, Oliver Wells. Total .11 MISCELLANEOUS LIST. Joseph Darst, 2d Ohio Art. Ner Gaunt, 8th Ind. C. Hatmaker, Co. D, 85th Ohio Cyrus Grice, 87th Ohio Robt. M. Mann, 2d Ohio Art. John Grice, " Firraen Andrews, 81st Ohio Nathan Higgins, 47th Ind. MISCELLANEOUS LIST. 285 David Stahl, 6th Ind. Cav. Geo. Chame, " " John Buffingtou, 48th Ind. G.A.Sommers, Co.E, 88th Ind. Charles W. Cline, ~ Ohio J.W. Deuney, 8Tth Ohio, died. Asa Tharp, 17th Ohio T. Thenrer, 8th Oluo Bat. died Samuel Buther, 2d Ohio Art. J. T. Snellbaker, " " Jas. M. Anderson, 47th Ohio. Jas. Allman, Co. A, 82d Ohio, taken prisoner at Chick- amanga, still held. David M. Bell, 47th Ind. Alpheus Bailej^ 13th Ind. W. J. Bickel, 47.h Ind. M. P. Boggs, Co. D, 66th Ohio, wounded at Port Repub- lic and discharged. William T. Boggs, Co. D, 66th Ohio, wounded at Gettys- burg — re-enlisted. Hiram Broniagem, 8th Ind. John Cring, 90th Ind. Henry Crabtree, 57th Ohio Johiel Crabtree, " Joseph P. Carder, 19 th Ind. Maliii V. Coons, 47th Ohio. Job T. Devoss, 47th Ind. died John W. Devoss, " " Michael Downey, " Daniel Dearworth, 87th Ohio James Evans, 69th Ohio. David W. Freeman, 12th Ind. C. C. Higgins, 2d Mich Cav. Jackson Hatterman, 4?th Ind. W. N. Higgins, " John S. Hawkins, 22 Ohio Isaac E. Haines, 47th Ind. James A. Hanlin, 17th Ohio David Jordan, Co. G, 40th Ohio Charles R. Loomis, 12th Ind. John Losh, 1st 111. Cavalry F. G. McConnell, 47 ih Ind. R. L. McConnell, 80th " Leander Moon, 85th Ohio John Mongar, — Ind. Cav. Samuel Morris, 87tli Ind. H. M. McLaughlin, 184th Ind. Hiram McLaughlin, 87th Ohio John G. ]\IcLaughlin, " John Pfeifer, 1st Ohio Cav. Theodore Parker, 17th Ohio Webster Richmond, 12th Ind. Geo. M. Randall, Battery Felix Ryan, 124th Ind. Daniel W. Smith, 19th Ind.— Died at Washington. Joseph A. Starbuck, 41st Ind. Amos Shey, — Ohio Penley Shey, " Francis Snyder, 19th Ind. O. B. Snyder, 40th Ohio James Smith, " James Spillman, " John Stone, 87th Ohio Francis M. Wright, 17th Ind. Elisha B. West, 29th Ind. A. J. Williamson, 19th Ind. 2»6 MISCELLANEOUS LIST. John Gaunt, 8th Ind. Henry J. Warner, 8th Ind. William Guston, Co. E, 36th W. H. West, — Ohio Ind. died Dec. 30,1861. The following names are on the Provost Mar- shal's record, as volunteers for Jay, without the regiment being given : H. H. Abbott, John D. J. German, George Goucher, Joseph Glover, Isaac Gray, Jonathan Gibbons, Benjamin Hutchins, Henry Kizer, Allen Loveall, John C. Morris, John H. McConnell, Henry Musscy, Adam Murray, Eli Mock, Willliam Mann, Total Miscellaneous. Honry C. Mongar, Jacob Money, Thomas Paxson, Martin Pinnej', Charles Pegg, Eli Rives, C. N. Rarrick, Edwin Rynearson, John N. Sullivan, Jeremiah Vance, John Vore, Joseph Wood, Cyrus J. Wilson, John Warner, Robert Youn<;. .108 In 1862 James B. Ja([ua was appointed Draft Commissioner for Jay County. He took the tii'st enrollment, and on the 6th of October, 1862, the following persons were drafted for nine months. They were taken to Indianapolis by Provost Mar- shal Isaac Underwood, where they had the privi- *l6ge of choosing what voliniteer regiment they desired to enter, and were scattered : DRAFTED MEN. 287 [Those marked with an asterisk (*) furnished a substitute.] Washington Bridgford, James J. Bridgford, G. W. Current, David Current, W. N. Current, D. M. Crumley,* John Clippard, Jolin L. Fires, Calvin Hickman, Thomas Hall,* James Kenton, J. A. Keesaer, J. W. Levally, George S. Barber, John Barnes,* John J. L. Craig, Manasseh Johnson, GrifHn Johnson, J. F. McFarland * F. M. Bell, Cyrus Blackaby,* William Ernest, George Fires,* Abraham Hahn, Jun. W. C. Hudson,* W. H. Hammond,* Samuel Hite,* Benjamin Heston, J. R. Judy,* A. J. Landis, RICHLAND. O. A. Lord, A. P. Mallow,* M. E. McDaniel, D. F. Norris, J. C. Norris, T. G. Osburn, J. M. Resler, C. B. St. Johns,* Benjamin Stover, George Stover, Daniel Sutton, James J. Taylor — 25. KNOX. Mordecai Phillips, Allen Parker, W. G. Smith,* John Whitacre, J, F. Woods, William Wright— 12. . JEFFERSON. Ephraim Morgan, Joseph Mendenhall, William Miller, Milton McVey, Chene Pyle, James Patterson, Henry Ritenour,* G. W. Shepherd,* Watson Swhier, S. S. Taylor, David Warren — 22. 288 CONCLUSION. GREEN. John Gilbert, A. K. Pyle, Henry Hizer, John Peterson, J. N. Hiatt,* Isaac Phillips,* D. M. V. B. Lanning, Jonas Phillips— 9. John Murphy, NOBLE. Alexander Anderson,* L. T, Harter, J. A. Cunningham, Emanuel Hartzell, John Coffman, William Livengood, Ira Gilbert, J. A. Morehous,* John Hale, George Parsons,* S. D. Holsopple,* Daniel Theurer— 12. BEAR CREEK. J. W. Bartmes, James Pitt, William Bishop, Moses Ross, A. J. Gillum,* Zedekiah Wheeler— 7. Joseph Huey,* Total number drafted 87. The casualties in the miscellaneous list and most of the fractional companies are not known. Total number of soldiers from Jay 1,131 Deduct drafted men 87 Leaving the total number of volunteers 1,044 A few, after being discharged, have re-enlisted, and their names appear twice, and a very few more are from other counties, leaving over ONE THOUSAND VOLUNTEERS from Jay County in the Army of the Union ! God bless them ! Farewell. \ i( V^^'/^ V/7 > f J^' ■■/ " '^4u^-<^^ Lj s j& "^^ ■'^^ jj- ct , .4. 'ij..i 6 .^^-^ A^^iA-^^S "^-lii %^. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 750 261 1 t