HISTORY GREENE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, Sx\MUET. f; bates. Hills, vales, woods, netted in silver mist, Forms, gransee, donlik'd up nmoiis the hills And cattle grazing in the watered vales. And cottage chimneys smoking from the woods, And cottage gardens smelling everywhere. Confused with smell of orchards. See! I siud. And seel is Uod not with us on the earth y — ELIZABKTII BaRKETT linOWNl.NO. ILLUSTRATED. NELSON, RISHFORTH & CO., CHIOAOO. 1888. / s '■] /^-36^1^ 'Sf3f PREFACE. The section of country, of which Greene County occupies a central position, has more vitally interesting problems in its history, than any other portion of the United States. The natic lality which should occupy the great Mississippi Valley — Spanish, French, or English; the narrowed struggle between the French and the English, inaugurated by Marquette and LaSalle, in their pious ceremonials, and by Celeron in planting the leaden plates; the lierce military contest led by Washington, Braddock, and Forbes for possession of Fort Pitt and the final banishment of the French beyond the lakes; the long and wasting conflict with the natives in which isolated pioneers with their families were exposed in their scattered cabins in the forest, to the fiendish arts of the stealthy and heartless savage, who spared neither the helpless infant, the tender female, nor trembling age; the protracted controversy with Maryland over the possession of territory which both States claimed; the settlements of a Virginia company on Pennsylvania soil, and the claim of the former State to the whole boundless Northwest; the chances by which the final settlement of possession was invested, and the finding of the southwest corner of the State finally accomplished by astronomical observations at the instance of Thomas Jefferson; the subtle influences which swayed the location of the National road, and the Baltimore and Ohio railway — these were all questions which nearly touch the ultimate reaches of its history. It has been thought best accordingly, to give generous space in this volume to these vital subjects, which will ever command the attentior of the thoughtful, will daily increase in interest to the oncoming genera- tions, and by means of which we trace the jihilosophy of the vital events of history that are really useful. In preparing these pages for publication it has been decided not to encumber the te.\t with marginal notes, and references to authorities; but to name authors where their investigations have been used, and to make acknowledgements in a general way. It would be impossible to name all, but the following have been found especially useful and have been freely consulted: The Histories of the United States by Bancroft, Hildreth, Spencer, Bryant, and Lossing; Irving's Life of Washington; Life and Writings of William Penn; Colonial Records, and Pennsylvania archives; History of Pennsylvania Volunteers; the Western Annals; History of Western Pennsylvania; Redstone Presbytery; McConnell's Map of Greene County; The Historical Atlas; the State Reports of Education from 1837 to 1887; and Crumrine's History of Washington County. Especial acknowledgements are due to L. K. Evans, Esq., who, during the Centennial year of American Independence, published in the Waynes- burg Repuhlican^ which he then edited, a series of articles running through an entire year of weekly issues, embracing investigations which he pushed with singular perseverance and marked success, covering much of the early history of the county. In a spirit of generosity and kindness, he not only placed at my disposal a complete set of these articles, but also a mass of manuscript which had been addressed to him by aged citizens in various sections of the county, bearing upon the subject of his investi- gations. From these sources matter has been freely drawn; and though it has not been possible, on account of the limits prescribed to this work, to use as much as might have been desired, in the interesting style in which it appears, yet in a condensed form it has been freely appropriated. Probably no equal portion of any part of the United States has been the scene of so many cold-blooded and heartless murders by the Indians as this county; not because the pioneers here piovoked the natives to re- venge, nor because they were the special objects of hatred, but because they happened to be in the way of the savages in their march to and fro upon their war expeditions, and because this was their ancient hunting ground. The Indians never made this section their home, having no vil- lages nor wigwams in all its limits; but from time immemorial had kept this as a sort of park or preserve for the breeding of their game. They may have felt aggrieved in seeing their favorite hunting grounds broken in upon, and the game scared away by the ring of the settler's ax, the echo of his gun, and his frequent burnings; but it is probable that this had less influence than the fact that their war-paths happened to cross here, and they found in their way subjects on whom they could glut their savage instincts. There are over one hundred well authenticated records in the State archives of murders committed within the limits of this small county alone. Hoping that the work will prove useful to the citizens of the county, and especially to the rising generation, and will serve to stimulate to further inquiry into the subjects which it touches, it is respectively sub- mitted to their considerate judgment. S. P. B. Wiiynesburg, Nov. 13, 1888. CONTENTS. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. CIIAPTEU I. — Pictiiroeiiiio Beamy se Commissioners- Civil Commotion — Wilson's Letter— Set- tlers Oppose I'enn's Laws and Ask for a Vir;;ini>i Court— Material of Fort Pitt Sold — liovernor Dunmore— Connollv's Procla- mation— Connolly Arrested— Sheriff Proc- tor Arresteil--<'orri*s])oiidence of Govern- ors—Formal Notiec of Peun — Connolly Comes with a Dcta. Iiment of Militia-llis Position -Court's Answer-Connolly Ar- rests Justices— better of MacknyTilghman and Allen Sent to Vircinia— Dunmore Ar- bitrary— Peun Counseled Peace- Claims Complicate— Dunmon:'s War— Needless- Logan's [{evenge on Ten-Mile Creek— Set- tlers Flee— Armies of Lewis und Dunmore -—Proclamation of Dunmore— I'l'uu's Coun- ter Proclamation— Virginia Court at Pitts- burg- Arrests and Counter — Lexington and Concord— Patriotism— Advice of Con- gressmen—Fate of Connolly Si!-349 CHAPTER XV — VirL'inia Militia Sent to Piii»biir^'-\V-st AuL'u^^ta Countv— Ohio, YoliiiL-imiii. all.! McuouL-halia Counties— Vii;;iuia Sends Auimnuition to Pittsburg —Troops On;ani/.ed~ linns Sent-Govern- or Patrick Heurv of Virginia Urges a stout Defence of Fort Pitt— Manv Names of Early Settlers Among Militia OfHcers— Defend" to the Last Extremitv— A New State to be Called Westsylvania Petitioned for to Continental Congress to be the F.mr- teiAith- Strong Language of the Petition- Bounds of Proposed New Slate— S4(J Miles in Length by 70 to 8;) in Breadth, Equal in Extent to an Empire -"Vandalia" and "Walpole" Proposed — Virginia Opens Land Offices, Fixes Price of Land— Titles to the Greater Part of Southwestern Pan of Pennsylvania Held by Patents Granted by Virginia 2.->a-2r>4 CHAPTER XVI.-Attrnctions in this Sec- tion forihe SetIl.■r^— \ali(lilv i.f the Ohio and Wal)iiile Coinpinivs TIMik in Doubt- Continental Cougress -One Weakness in Pennsylvania Charter— Pennsylvania, Pub- lication — Propositions for Settlement — Commissioners Meet at Baltimore— To the 41°— To the 40°— To Mason and Dixon's Line — Western Boundary Extend West- ward into Ohio— To the :W°, W, with a Western Corresponding^ to the Meander- ings of the Delaware River— To the :«», 30 , with a Meridian Line for the Western Boundary- Mason and Dixon's Line with a Meridfan Line for the Western Bound- ary Settles the Controversy- Virginia Sends Land Commissioners to Redstone and Issues Patents for Vast Tracts— Re- monstrance Sent to Congress — Recom- mendation of Congress Unheeded— Joint Addressof Council ami Assemblv of Penn- sylvania-Pennsylvania Becomes Belliger- ent-Proposition of Virginia Accepted— PAUE. Commissioners Appointed to Kun and Mark the Line -Jetrerson Advises a Tem- por:in l,;Mr ^ "1. is Rise up in Arms to Opi ''im: : me— Cry Against Tuxes and! :.' w State, Final Report of I'iMiin;!-- MM r> Made— Meridian Line Fouiui hy Asti-oiioiuical Observations — The Long Sought Southwest Comer of the Stale PiniiUy Found and Marked— Western Line of Pennsylvania Run and Marked — The Vexed Question of the True Limits of the State Finally Settled SiT-SOS CHAPTER XVII.-Titles to Lands Largely Derived from Virginia Authority — Criim- rine Gives Entries— Petitions for a New County- Washington County Organized — County Officers — 'Tribulfltions — George Rogers Clark's Expedition— To Advocate New State Treason— Conn tyOftices—llenry Taylor First Judjje — Alleghany County Erected- Portion Taken from Washington County — Boundary of Tract Taken from Washington Countv, which Forms the Southern Part of Alleghany '-.'esi-a'a CHAPTER XVIII.— Curtailments of Wash- ington County— County Seat Not Central — Act Creating Greene County — Name Given— Notice of General Greene- Where Buried — Acquire Land for County Seat- Land of Thomas Slater— Deed — Named Eden— Streets Named -Cider and Whisky —Name of the Now Town— GenerulWayne, Notice of— Incident Described by Whit- man—Purchasers of Lots— Prices Paid- Commissions Issued to County Officers — Court of Common Pleas, Five 'Districts- Judge Addison— Notice of his Life— Im- peached and Removed— Charges Preferred Against Him — Sentence of Court--As8o- ciate Justices-- Judge Roberts--Thoma8 H. Baird over the New Fourteenth District —Notice of Judge Baird— National Road- Nathaniel Ewing in IKW— Term Ten 'i'cars —Notice of Judge Ewing— Samuel A. Gil- more in 1848— Notice of Judge Gilmore— James Liudscy in 18BI — Notice of Judge Lindscy — Minute of Fayette County Court a7i-291 CHAPTER XIX.— Value of Edueation— "Enoch Flower" First Teacher— Friends' School — C'oUegi! Academy and Charity School — Founding Colleges — Founding Academies— Men and Women Make Their Marks— Retarding ('ouBes— Instruct the •'Poor (tratis '—Speech of Stevens— Law of 1*14- Opposition of IS.I.I-Law of 1836 —Governors Widfe and Ritner— Journey of Burrowes— First School Report— Oppo- sition where Least Expected — Greene County Slow in .\do))tiug — Showing of Greene in 18:J7-Utili7.mg School Property —Solicitude for its Safetv -1,000 Districts —TOO in Operation— Broad Plime of Bur- rowes— Progress of a Pupil Through the Whole— Defects Showu bv Fifteen Years' Trial— Revised Law of IS.'Vl— Opposition to County Superintendency—Non- Accepting Districts — Honorable Charles A. Black, Superinrendcnt — Independent Districts- True Sphere of County Superlntendentr— Circular Letter— Beneflcient Influence of Law— Hecoinmends Normal Schools— Nor- jnal School Law of 1R5T— Ten Schools- One %t California for the Tenth District — C.rowth— School Architecture- Edited by T. H. Burrowes- No Retrograde Steps— The People's Colleges— Sources of Bless- ings .292-810 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XX.-Keiioil8 of Couuty Mipcr- intendentfl— John A. Gordon, Opiionjtiou to Common Schools— Assistance of Mcb- aenger and Eagle— Kcv. G. W. Baker— Waynesliurg and Carmicbaels Graded Schools— New Hoases and Increased At- tendance—A. G. McGlumphy — InHtitute Organized- John A. Gordon — Normal School at Greene jVcademy — Gordon a Soldier— Prof. A. B. Jliller— Prof. T. J. Teal for Twelve Ycar.s— New Bnilding at Wavnesburg— County Institute Under the New Law-lu 1870, 113 Frame, '33 Brick, 3 Stone, di) Lo^— Array of Talent at County Institute— ilount Morris Graded School— Dr. A. B. Miller, Rev. J. B. Solomon, Prof. Lakin, Rev. Samuel Graham — Jaclvsou- villc Graded — Centennial Report — Earliest Schools— Qualilications of Early Teachers Meager- Teach to Double Rule of Three- Names of Early Teachers— Stone School- House in ^^■hiteley Township 311-: C H Al >TE I; XXI.— Charter for Greene Coun- ty Academy— 82,000 from the State— Prin- cipals Served a Useful Purpose— Pennsyl- vania Academies Unsatisfactory — Law to Transfer Property to Common School- Select Schools — Wayneshurg College — Origin— Value of the Small Colleges- Mad- ison and Beverly— Need of Such an Insti- tution—Pennsylvania Presbytery of Cum- berland Presbyterian Church- Waynes- burg Selected— Rev. J. Loughran Opened a Scliool— Charter Obtained— Supplements —Margaret K. Bell Opens School' in Bap- tist Church for Females— Now Building Opened— First Classes Graduate — Taken Under Pennsylvania Synod— Relations of the Church to the College — Miller Snc- ceedB Fish— Rev. J. P. Wethee, President -Insists on Classification of Males and Females Alike— Settled After Investiga- tion—John C. Flenniken— Rev. Alfred B. Miller President ia 1860— His Devoted La- ■bors- Debt of SM.OOO— Struigles- Had Un- dertaken Too I\luch— Church to Support, Three Professors — Unselii.^h Devotion to Dr. Miller— Mrs. M. K. B. :Millrv -Untimely Death— Resolutions of TreMrrs -Itoiiou- gidiela College— Rev. Joseph Hmiih— Rev. H. K. Craig — Rev. J. B. Solomon- Scope of the College .324-342 CHAPTER XXII.— The Wayncsburg Mas- sereffer- TheWaynesbnrg/Je^?<6Kcan— The Was-nesburg Independent — The Greene County Democrat 342-3^8 CHAPTER XXIII.— The Cumberland Road — Recommended by Wasliington- Canal — Ohio Admitted in 1803— Act Authorizing Rond in 1800- Albert Gallatin— Refuses to . Interfere — President Madison— By Wash- ington — Finished in 1820— Specifications- Appeared Excellent — Material Defective — Traffic Immense — Speedy Repairs — Dcla- fleld and Cass — Limestone Renewal — Ceded to the States— Toll Houses— "Oys- ter Line" — Monkey Box Line — 1852 Penn- sylvania Railroad and Baltimore &> Ohio Opened- Baltimore & Ohio Pushed Out of Pennsylvania — Cause of Opj)osition — Washington & V.'aynesburg Railroad— B,v the Hills- Circuitous — Novel Experi- ence 348-S57 CHAPTER XXIV. — Methodist Episcopal Church — The Cumberlaud Presbyterian Church— The Baptist Church- The Presbv- t.'riaii Church— The Wayneshurg Catholic Church .' 337-362 CHAPTER XXV. — Introductory Note to Military History 363-364 CHAPTER XXVI. — Company I, Thirty- Seventh Regiment of Infantky, Eigutu Reserve. — Organization — Battle of Me- chanicsville — Gaines' Mill — Charles City X Roads— Second Bull Run— South Moun- tain— Antietam— Fredericksburg — Wildcr- ness— Spottsylvania — Mustered Out — Rec- ord of Individual Members of Company .364-378 CHAPTER XXVII. — CoMTANY F, Forty- Fourth Regiment, First Pennsylvania Cavalry, Fifteenth Reserve. — Organi- zation of Regiment — Camp Pierpont — Drainesville, Cross Keys and Port Repub- lic-Robertson's River— Cedar Mountain- Second Bull Rnu—Frcdericksburg— Death of Bayard— Mud itarch— Chancellorsville Campaign — Braudv Station — Aldie and Upperville-Geltysbiirg-Shepherdstown- Mine Run Campaign— Wilderness — Raid to Richmond— Hawes' Shop- Barker's Mill — St. Marv's Church — Reame's Station— Weldon Railroad— Mustered Out— Record of Men .378-389 CHAPTER XXVIII.— Companies F and G, EiuHTY-FiFTH Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment.- Organization— Yorktown and WillianLsburg— Fair Oaks— Newbcme, N. C— West Creek— Kingston-White Hall— Goldsboro— Folly Island, S. C — Siege Operations Before Fort Wagner— Death of Col. Piuviance— Before Petersburg— Deep Bottom — Losses — Transfers — Mustered Out— Records of the Men 390^03 CHAPTER XXIX.— Company A, One Hun- dred AND Fortieth Pennsylvania In- fantry Regiment. — Oranization — North Central Railway— Chancellorsville— White House— Gettysburg— The Wheat Field— Mine Run Campaign— The Wilderness— C.orbin's Bridge— Spottsylvania— Tolopo- tomy Creek— Death of Captain McCuUough —Cold Harbor— Before Petersburg— Jeiii- salem Plank Road- Deep Bottom— Ream's Station — Hatcher's Run — Southerland Station- Sailor's Creek— Farmville— Ap- pomattox Court House— Surrender of Lee —Muster Out— Record of Individual Sol- diers 404-414 CHAPTBRXXX.— Company K, Fifteenth Cavalry, One Hundred and Sixtieth of THE Line. -Battle of Antietam— Disorgan- ized— s.iit to Kentucky- Stone River— Refusal to'Artvancc— Colonel Palmer Re- . lea.^^cd-drtMiiiz.uiou ( :omp)oled— Hatth- Of Clii.:k:iiii;al';;i- licseiTans Shul Up liv Brn:;- uV Clinllaiiooga-Griuit iu L oin- manil -A'ictniy -Army Rclicved-V.'illey of the French Broad-Ordered to Nashville to Recruit— Nashville— Pursuit of Hood —Pursuit of Davis— Capture of Bragg and Vast Sums of Money —Mustered Out- Individual Record 414-125 CHAPTER XXXI.— Companies A, C, AND G, Eighteenth Cavalry, One Hundred AND Sixty-Three OF the Line.— Organ- izatiou— Mosby's Guerrillas — Hanover — Gettysburg — Round Top — Pursuit of Trains —Brandy Station and Upperville- Raid to Richmond — Wilderness— Yellow Tavern — Hanover Court House— Ashland — St. Mary's Church— Weldon Railroad — Silencer Rifles- Winchester— C'edar Creek — Mivstercd Out— Individual Records... ,426-437 CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXXII. - County Okkices.- Sherifls— County TreaHururs — Clerk of Courts — Registere— Prottionotariop — Re- corders— Corbueis— Scalers of Weighte aud Measures— Notaries I'ublic — County Sur- veyors— Justices of the reaco — School Superintendents — District Attonieys — Commissioners- .Auditors — I'oor House Directors — Jury Commissioners — Bur- gesses of Waynesljurg 458-4V" CHAPTER XXXIII. - Aleito TowNsuir —Speculators — Boundaries— Outlook on the Highlands — Lewis Wetzel— Have u Scnlp or Lose My Own— Note of the Turkey Gobler— A Price Set on His Head -Put in Irous— Astilitv in Ituuninj; — "Conrad Mo -Schools— Directors . . .478- 18^ CHAPTER XXXIV.— Centke Township.- Location — How Watered — Productions —Osage Orange Hedge — Rogersville — Business— Churches— Clinton Marked for County Seat— Hunter's Cave— The Har- veys— Daniel Throckmorton— South Ten- Mile BaiJtist Church— Rutnn -Oak Forest —Schools— Thomas Pursley- Molly Sel- lers—Attacked by Indians -Thomas Hoge. 483-485 CHAPTER XXXV. —Cumberland Town- 8UIP.— Boundaries— Fort Swan- and Van- moter— Rattle Snake Meat-^lohn Swan— Watered— Wife Loads Guns— Carmichaels —John McMillan— Schools 486-491 CHAPTER XXXVI.— DuNKAKi) Townnhip. —Early Visitauts—Dunkard — Religion— Eckerline Brothers — Fate of Christina Sycks— Enix— Dogs Excited— Twentv-two and a half years a Captive— Satisliecl with the Red Men— Dr. W. Greene— Martin's Fort— Attack of Harrison's Fort-Massacre — Schools 49'.!-4!W CHAPTER XXXVII.-FnANKLiN Township. —Central Location— Surface— Sugar Majile — Drainage — Waynesburg — Cemetery — Robert \^^litehill— Court House- Site Pur- chased—Original Settlers— Jackson's Fort — How Arranged — Story of Jackson — Slater Friendly with Indians- Fate of Mathew Gray— Notes of Robert Slorris— Three Brotheri- Rinehart— Brown Mas- sacre— Schools— Directors 49t)-503 CHAPTER XXXVIII. -GiiMORE Township. —Titles to Laud — Boundaries -- Well Watered — Fertile — Jolleytown — Con- ditions of Sale— Mason and Dixon Mon- uments— Schools— Dr. Smith Building the Cabin 503-507 CHAPTER XXXIX.— GiraENE Township.- Original Extent— Present— Garnrd's Fort -Goshen Baptist Church — John Corbly— Corbly Massacre— Minutes of Redstone Baptist Association — Curious (Questions — Spiccr Massacre — Logan's Revenge- Cap- tivity— Boy Never Returned— Schools — Directors .'508-51* C11.\PTER XL. — Jackson Township- Agriculture— Baltimore and Ohio Road— Timber- White Cottage— Schools— Direc- tors— Habits of Settlers— Dr. Doddrigle's Reminiscenses — Dress — Moccasins — Clothing Hung on Pegs— Occupation of the Wivmcn— Of the Boys— Throwing the Tomahawk : ...blS-iie CHAPTER XLI.— jKFFERtON TOWNMIIP — Swan aud Hughes— Lindsej- Fauiilv— llia- ton's Mill- Jefl'erson and Hamilton- College — Rice's Landing — Boundaries - Schools— Directors— Teagarden rights foi His Claim— Manumission 51ti-51l) CHAPTER XLII.-MONONQAHELA ToiVTi- siiip. — John Minor - Mapletowu — Fir.si Flouriu" Mill — Morgan Built Forts — Clark's Flotilla— Greensboro-New Ueueva -Gallatin — Glass Works — StonecastJ<' — School— Directors— White Savages ... 5aO-5» CHAPTER XLIlI.-MoROAN Towvsnip.— Everhnrt Hupp — Indian Training— Only Fear— Mrs. IIupp. First White W omau— ( 'oiiking— Boundary- Schools — Directors — Kecollections of iiu Old Settler— School- House— Shoeinakcr-FroEeu to Death. .sati-WS CHAPTER XLIV— MoRBis Township.— Miliiken- First Court House— Nineveh — Beulah Church— Methodist Church— Unity I'hurch— Carl Brothers Murdered 588-532 CHAl'TER XLV.— Perry Township.- Sur- face — Soil — Productions — Boundaries — Mount Morris— Intelligence— Schools — Di- rectors — Jeremiah Glassgow — Personal H; Contest -First Settler— War Paths 533-535 CHAl'TER XLVI.— RicHHiLi. Township.— Name Significant — Graysville — Jackson- ville-Thomas Leeper— Cameron Station— Ryerson's Fort— Old Sea Captain Searches for his Town— Fort— The Davis Massacre —David Gro.v— Braddoiks- Abuer Brad- dock Drowned — The Teagflrdeiis— Jacob Crow — Headless Hunter — Massacre of Three Sisters— Return of the Murderer- Schools— Directors 535-0-11 CHAPTER XLVIII— Wayne Township.- Location — Boundaries — Well Watered- Dye's .Mill-Schools— Funiiture for u Cabin— Dress of Pioneers — Massacre at Stattler's Fort— Burial of an Infant — 5-14-.'>4i) CHAPTER XLIX.— Washington Town- ship.— Commercially Situated — Railroad —8(10 Subscribers— l-'ost $6,500 per Mile— In 1877 is heard the first Scream of the Lo- comotive — Surface — Boundaries — Early Settlers— Religions — First Sacrami-nt in 178:J— Services in a Barn— Schools-Dircc; Hirs 547-i>lII CII.VPTER L. — WuiTKi-EY Township — CommcrciolAdvantages— Surface— Bound- aries— E.xperience of Dr. McMillan— Mr. Evans' Account of Mrs. Bozorth— Heroic Defense of Herself-Relicf 549-551 cn.\PTER LI.— .MISCEU.ANE0U9— Excise Law— Held rnconstitutional— Transporta- tion DifHcull — Whiskv Easy— Law Re- sisted—Officers Abused— Law Modified— Still Resisted- Macfarlahe Killed— Militia Called— Gen. J.ee in Command— Washing- ton Moves with the .\rmy— Reviews it at Cumberland- Submit — Honest Whisky- No License— Three Stills Left— Religious E.xcitement— Sects — Slavery — Geology- Oil— Honored List 551-»:i8 CONTENTS. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. ALEPPO TOWNSHIP. AiiMll, Asumy 361 Chiuii be i-H, Benjamin 561 CK'un.iiMiug, W. W 561 Elliiii.J. t: 56^ KvauF, A/ni-iah Chr 563 lli-nrv. -fulm llincnulill, Lillrteiy BO.i Hill' riiinn, AudcTSou 564 IlMiermnii, J. S 561 JliMiHtdii, William 5(55 M(.ps, Ilirum P 565 ;^Itirr!ly, Key. Jacol) M 566 McCraclvun, Jonepll 566 McrracRun, S. W. S 567 McVMV.James B6T MoViiy, George 567 Parry, Lewis SBS Parry, William M., M. D 56R Phillips, B. P 569 Sammous, Rev. Lewis.; 569 Sammons, Koeeell 569 Smith, Lather A 570 Tedrow. William .570 Ullom, bn vid 571 While,.]. M 571 Wood, Joslina 571 Woodrufl', George 573 CENTER TOWNSHIP. Adamson, S, H 573 Bavnrd, George A 573 BoWler, Heury 573 Burroughs, Thomas T 574 Bnrroughe, H. S 571 Call, James 574 Carpenter, Thnniu? .T 575 Clutter, Cephas .576 Clutter, J. 51 .57B Church, G.Jt 57.5 Church, R. B .575 Cook, W. IT 577 Crouse, IjavLon 577 Eagon, S. B 577 Fordyci^, A. G 578 Fordycc, Siia,") 578 Fordyce, Jesse ..' ,570 Fordvce, S. R 57n Fry, 1). W 57!l Fry, W. C .5,sn Funk, , John S 580 Gooden, Eagon .^8i Goodwin, !Sef h ,iSl Goodwiii, John T 581 Graham, Samuel J 583 Iloge, James 582 Iloge, Levi sm Huge, Joseph 583 Hoge, W i II inm .5&1 Iloge, William 583 lIutTman, T. J .584 Uuirmnn, Reasiu 585 Hufrman,S. B .585 lams, Samuel , .585 Jacobs, F. G .586 Johnston, A. J .586 Johnston, Columbus 58H KniL'ht, David .587 Knight, Thomas .587 Martin, LeviH 587 Meek, John 587 PAGE. Millikin, William '*'J Morris, -John ^^j! McClelland, A. B ^f McNecly. Jesse '°o McGIumphv, J. P 588 Orudurf, Eii o* Orndoir, W. B 590 Orndotr. Isaac 691 Orudoff. D. S j9} Orndurf, Jesse Sill Owen, S. B., M. D 593 Patterson, John =•'? Patterr'on, Jesse C ;™ ™lliP^O-.S 5^ f'ortcr, Levi f-^ Reese W. P '^ Rush,'Phillip • • 5M Scott, C.W 595 Scott, Thomas ?» Scott, Henry A ™'' Scott, GeorgeW 596 Scott, Joshua 591) Sellers, AsaM j'-'J Smith.Thomas 51IJ Smith, JobC °f„ Smith,J.c J;;» Strawn, Stephen 598 Thompson, Samuel 59B Throckmorton, James ^•i-J Throckmorton, Samuel 5^ l71lom, Jesee «» Watson, Robert ^ Wehster, Samuel '£}■ Woodruff, Benjamin L., M. D 601 Wood, E.W 602 CUMBEKLAND TOWNSHIP AND CAR- MICHAELS BOROUGH. Ailes, William A ^^ Armstrong, William "M Armstrong, Alfred T 6W .Armstrong, Jose-ph H 604 Armstrong, Hori 6'" Bailey, J. K "^4 Bailey, Rev. E. E 605 ■llailey, Joseph Taylor 6»' Bailey, Ellis B 606 Bailey, J. E...... ^7 Bailey, Georje E 60' Barclay, W. Il glj Barclay, G. A JlB Barns, James °'i° Biddle, Isaac T '"j" Biddle.N.H *'" Bunting, Samuel Jj; Bayard, S. S "1 Cloud, Jeremiah 6ii Crec, Hiram H '<]i Crago, John MS Orago, J. N 613 Crago, T. J f* Crago. Thomas J 614 Crow. George G «\2 Davidson, Jerry 61d Dowlin, .John M 616 Eichcr, J. F 6lB Elliott, William C 616 Flenniken, William.: 6'T Flenniken, W^illiam 617 Frost, Alfred 6)V Gregg, George T 618 Grooms, William 619 CONTENTS. PAOE. Gwynn, Jopiah... till) Uwynii.J.F fi','0 Harlmiiu, William ii!») Ilalliawiiy, J. W 6-Jl Hiimiltoii, Joseph (Bl .liu:k«in, I. K 83a K.Tr, Williiim liaa Kerr, James «*) Kerr, Jolin (.; 623 Kerr, Arehihald (533 Liiitllcy, Ncirvn) (JiM Laidley, J. B, M D .^ f.24 Laidlev, Hou. T. H TTr:.^ 625 Long, K. S rS 625 Long, Milton tlili Minor Family 61» Miirdock, Jniiics 626 Mcirdock, Wiilinm M 626 Mori'dock, Simon 627 JItUlintock, Hev. John 627 McMillan, Rev. John 628 N ickeson , Prof. W. iM 62!! Patterson, 1. B h.«) Patterson, J. Q 630 Rea.J.H Ml Kca, Samnel W 631 RcevcH, Joseph OT.' Rich, Daniel fiK Richcy, Albert M 6W Uiuehart, ThomaB am Rogers, 'J'hnmas W 634 Shurpnack, A.J 6^-1 Sharpnack, Levi X KV, Stewart, Tliomae L f<:V> Stone, Elins 635 Stephenson, D. C 636 Toppiu, Johnson 636 Warne, T. P 637 Wiley, Lem IT 687 Youii'.', A. J 638 Youni;, Morgan 6:,K DUNKARD TOWNSHIP. Beall,Emanncl Ii3il Coalbank, Thnrntou 639 Dilliner, Ambrose 610 Knotts, IraD., M. D 610 Mason, John B 611 Miller, George G Ml Miller, Asa 642 Morris, LA 1543 McCliip', James 643 Roberts. 1'homas B 644 Steele, Unvid 614 Steele, Thomas B ii-14 Sterline, .\ braham 64.') South, .Joseph 615 South, Rev. Fr.mk 6l.^i V'anvoorhis, L. G tM6 Vanvoorhix, Isaac r.iii FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP AND WAYNES- BURG BOROUGH. Artamson, Thomas 617 Adamsoii. Cvrus 848 Alliim, J. P.'. HIR Ankrom, ,\. I rii8 Axtell. H. B iH9 Barb, William H 649 llcU, Jason M iioO Blachly, Stephen L, M. D 6,t0 Black, non.C. A 6.S1 Hlair, William (HI Boyd, James 052 Brock, R. E., M. n ' prrf Bo\ver,C.E («S> Buchanan, James A.J H.52 (.'all, Harvey 8-53 Call, John ;.. ...".'.".".'.!.'.']"'.' ' "' 6.53 Chapman, G. W 6.M Cooke, A. I ffii r.voE. Cole, Jacob . . . (l.'j.'i Crav.-ford, David o.'a.^ Cross, A. G., M. D 656 Day, William G. W ii57 Day, Uarvey tl.58 Denny, B. B. W K» Donley, Hon. J. B lir,n Dougal, Thomas E 6.)!P ^ Downey, R. F «iO Ely.J.'W., M. D at» Elv, Jonas 661 Evans, W. W 6«l Funk. J. M »«2 Garard, J. C .. 663 Gordon, Captain John A 668 Gordon, Solomon 664 Gordon, Hon. Basil 661 Gordon, lion. John B C64 Goodwin, Thomas 6«m Grimes, H. M 665 llainer.D. H 606 Ilarvev. Samuel 61»6 Hays, William Thompson 667 Herlis, Joseph S (;«8 Herrington, B. P WO Hill, Jesse 67(1 Hose, Norval 670 Ho^e, Asa B 671 Ho^e, James M 671 Ho'ipcr. Isaac 672 ■ Hook. W. A 67i ■ Hook, Thomas 672 Hoskinson, Thomas 678 Hughes, William R 673 lame, John T., M. D 674 lllig, Frederick 674 Inghram, William 675 • Inghram, Hon. James 675 Jennings, Col. James S 675 Johnson, William R 676 .lordon. Rev. C. p 677 Kent, Hiram 677 Kent, Col. John M 678 Kimber, Gapt. W. E 670 Knox, I. H 87H Knox,P. A 680 Lantz, W. T 6S0 Lemley, J. S 681 Levi no, Morris.... 681 Lindsev, lion. James 681 LindseV.H.n 6K Lippencott, W^illiam, Sr 682 Lucas. H.C 6.S3 Miller, A. B., D. D. LL. D 688 Mitchell, Isaac «83 M(.mtt, T. P 8™ Moore, John A ««6 .Morris, William II 686 M.c.nnell, n.m. Robert A 687 Mcronnell, Joseph L «88 McXmv. Samuel J «*« Orndoir. Jesse B 6^8 Parehall, T'inthanicl 68'.1 Patterson, W. W '""• Patterson, Rev. Albert K 689 Patton, Hon. Alexander 690 Pattern, Joseph 590 Pauley, W. t. H 6«0 Phelan, Zadock W 691 Phelan, R. H 691 KPipes, John R 692 ^ Pratt, D. B «»; Pnrman.A. A °^. Ragan.Z. C «"' Randolph, .lames F V'f Randolph, J. A. r ™ Kay, Joseph -.V ^ Rhodes, .Villiam 696 -- Rinehar ',, S. S "Jj. Rineho.-t, James R ™J, Rinehi.rt, Prof. A. I. P "98 CONTENTS. RitcWo, J. G 638 KosB. Morgan . . B'J9 Kop5, Joseph B 699 Ross, Hon. Abner 700 Eogers,J.H -700 Kyan, Egv. W. M VOl ^ Sarei-B, E. M 703 Snyers, James B 703 Sayers, Eoliert A 708 ~ Sayers, HcmyC 704 Scott, J. M 7(14 Scott, S.W 705 Scott, W. G 705 Sbipley. E. H 706 SilveuB, A. F 706 Simpaou, Eev. J. L 700 Snialley, A. C 707 Smith, J. M 707 Smith, James B 708 Spragg, D. A 708 Sproat, T. Ross . 709 Strosnider, M. L 709 Stoy, Cpt. W. H VIO Taylor, George 710 Temple, J. F. 711 Teagarden, John P. 711 Throckmorton, Jol3 713 Throckmorton, P. B 714 Ullom, J. T.j M. D 714 Vnndniff.W.S 714 Walton, D. S 715 Wisecarver, George "W 715 Wood, Eev. Joel J 717 Wood, Hiram C 717 Zimmerman, Henry 71.S Zollars.E. S ,. 718 GILMOEE TOWNSHIP. Clovis, William 719 Dye, Jeftersou 719 Eakiu, Jacob M 730 Pordyce, John G 731 Gilmore, S. W 751 Hagan, Hon. Jolm 73-^ Henncu, T. M 733 Lantz, John 733 Lcmmon, W. M 72,3 Lemmou, Salem ....... 7SA Lcmmon, Salathiel 724 Meighen, Peter 734 Shnver, Jacoh L., M. D, .. 736 Shough, Philip ;: ■;■'■ 733 Taylor, Ahraham 7311 GREENE TOWNSHIP. Bailey, W. C V-X' Deuny, B. W., M. D 727 Plcnuilcen. W. C 728 . Garnrd, Steplien.sou T>>H Keener, Charles yjjl Lantz, Hon. Andrew ' 73!! Lantz, John F ;^'i Lantz, Geor^ie W 7311 MycrB,P. A '.... '." 730 Et-amer, Jacob T-iV Eoherts, J. B 731 Sedgewick, T. H., M.D. '..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'"". 731 South, Benjamin 7.32 Vance, Joseph ,,.. , ' 733 JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP AND JEFFERSON BOROUGH. Ammous, A. F 733 Bane, N. M 73.t Bayard, Samuel., ' ,' 734 Burson, J. C 735 (^otterrel, William 735 Cottcrrel, John, Sr ' . 735 Cotterrel, John, Jr... 7,jfi Cree, HnghD. uree, HnghD.. Bowlin, JeHse Goodwm, William. PASB. Gwynn, Marshall 737 Haver, John 738 Haver, Jacob 733 Haver, Charles H 738 Hays, Isaac 739 Hughes, Charles 739 Hughes, John H 740 Jordan, Robert H 740 Kendall, John C 740 Long, Eli 741 Love. Martin J 741 McCleary, Ewing 74S McGoveru, Michael 743 ■* McMiiin, ThomaB.R 743 Moredock, Daniel 743 Price, Jeremiah . 744 Rex, George 744 Einehart, S. P 745 Scott, James 745 Shape, Milton S 746 Sharpnack, Tliomah 746 Sharpiiiick, T. l-I., 31. D 747 Shurpuack, Sticrs 747 Shaw, Alva C 745 Smith, Sylvanns, M. D 748 Tilton, Eev. Charles W 749 Wi6e,'P. B 749 JACKSON TOWNSHIP. CarpenterjJames 750 Graham, William 750 Grimes, Harvey Allison 7.51 Grimes, George W 751 Grimes, P. M 751 Groves, Jolm 752 Huffman, William 753 Johnson, N. H 753 Keener, Lindsey 753 Kiger, Alexander 753 Kughn, Lester 754 Kiiiihu, Jackson '('54 Meek, .Tames 754 Williken.W. E 755 Mitchell, h. H 755 Mitchell, Eufus C 736 Mitchell, A. J 756 Morris, Jacob 756 Scott, Capt. John 757 Smith, Hngh 758 Smith, Johnson T 738 Staggers, Abraham 758 Weaver, Hiram 759 Weaver, Jacob 760 Weaver, David 759 Webster, Joseph 760 Wliite, Hiram 761 Williams, T.T.,M.D 761 Wood, Jame.^ 763 MONOKG AHEL A TOWNSHIP AND GREENS- BORO BOROUGH. Atchitou, H. K 763 Barb, John W 763 Birch, George P., M. D 763 DIatk, James A 764 Black, J. S 764 Blackshere, James E 765 Bonghuer,A.V 765 Cooper, O. P 763 Donaway, A.B 766 Dulany, J. H 766 Dnulap, Samuel 766 Evans, E.S 767 FIcnniken, Elias A 7B7 Gabler.A.K 76S Gabler, J. W 768 Gray, J. E 769 Greene, Wilson, M. D 769 Jones, John 77O Kramer, T. P 77I Kramer, John C 773 Kramer, John P 77s CONTENTS Xartin, Prof. George F TVii Mcstrczat, Joan Louis Guillanme '773 MfBtrezat, Frederic "'3 Millikiu, Robert 774 MiUiliin, J. L^ M.D 774 Minor, Otlio W 775 Minor, John S 775 Pennington, T. F 775 ProvinSjJ.Y 77fi Ro8s, Silas V7fi Time, Eli N 777 Titus, B. L 177 Weltner, J. D 778 Williams, llenjamin O 77S MORGAN TOWNSHIP. Adameon, Joseph ?7il Adomsou, Smith 7»a Bell.J R 78(1 Bell, U. F 780 Braden, s. II 780 Buckin£;h;im, Henry 781 Bnrsou, A. S 781 Cary, Cephas 783 Clayton, John 782 Cox,John B 7*) Craj-ne, Miller 788 Orayne, Stephen 7S4 t'rayne, David 784 Fulton, Samuel 784 (Jrocnleo, James 785 Oreenlee, James 785 Grimes, Henry 78(i Harry.C.C 78t> Hataeld, William 787 Hawkins, John C 787 Hawkins, E. C 788 Hawkins J. F 788 Holder, Thomas J 788 Horner. O. C 781t Keys, Henry 789 Lewie, Samnel TOO Montgomery, Samuel 790 Montgomery, Thomas H 791 MuiTay, Samuel ; 791 McCulloUKh, Able 791 Pollock, J . C 792 Pyle, William 79-.! Kniidolph, W. H. F 793 Rogers, W. D., M. D 798 Rose, John 7t)4 Rush, Jacob.. ,^. TIM Rush, James ' 795 Stewart, W. B .'■'.■ 795 Vankirk, Edward, Sr 796 Virgin, W.H : 791! Walton, Amos 797 Watson, Henry 7<|;' MORRIS TOWNSHIP. Anld, Hugh 79g Bane, Jasper ,[ 79H Bradbury, Cyrus ...79H Brooks, Enoch 799 Cary, Stephen C ■799 Conklin, John M 80(1 Drier, H 8qo Dunn, Joseph ..!..! 801 Dunn, William 801 Hays, Jesse L 8111 Hopkins, Samuel ' " 80S Hopkins, D. W 802 Huffman, Joseph .' ' . gOlJ lame,Otho '..'.'".. V.'.'.V.'. 808 lams, J. L 80.3 Liglitner, Henry ........!..!!".'! g04 Loughmau, Daniel 804 Loughman, William '. '. 806 Loughman. Daniel 805 JJ'^t'nllougii, Silas M .' 8«) McVay, Oliver 80U PAGE. Patterson, Thomas 806 Pettit, Elymas 807 Pctut, Matthias 807 Ross, Thomas M 807 Sanders, Reuben 808 Shape, George 808 Shoup, Jacob 809 Simpson, Hugh 809 Simpson, J. W 809 Swart, Jacob 810 Throckmorton, William S., M. D 810 PERRY TOWNSHIP. Blair, Hon. .John. .. ., 811 Boydstou, T. W 813 BoydstoD, Thornton E 812 Br( ,vu, O. J. 813- Rrown, Reuben., 813 Cowell, S. A 814 Donley, D. L 814 Fo.\, Dennis 815 Gutnric, Samuel 815 Guthrie, George W 815 Haines, Cvrenius 81fi Hatfield, Jacob, M. D Slfi Hcadlev,G.P 817 Headleo, W. 818 lieadlee, Joseph 818 Hoy, J. S 819 Lemley, Morris 819 Lcmley, Clark 819 Lemley, Asberry 830 Long, J. W 820 Lont;, William 820 Luellen, Coleman 821 Morris, Spencer, M. D 831 Morris, Levi 823 Patterson, .Toseph 838 Reamer, Minor N 823 Shultz, Z. T 834 Snider.A 834 Spit/.nagel, Jesse 834 Stephens, Spencer 825 Whitlatch, Lewis 825 RICHBILL TOWNSHIP, Baldwin, F. W 82H Bane, Ellis 82ti Barnett, A. B, .'"27 Bcbout, John 827 Booher, I. C 827 Braddock, James H ■ 828 Braddock, Newton H 828 Braddock, F. M 829 Braddock,D.A 829 Bristor, Robert 829 Clutter, Abraham 8;<0 Clutter, William 831) Coukev, J. M : 881 Conkey, James Harvey 831 Day, lliram SJl Drake, W.S. 8.S2 Fenell, George W. .i 8.82 FIctclu-r, H. 8 833 Fouuer, William R 8.83 Goodwin, A.J 8;54 Goodwin, Daniel &84 Grav,ThomasL 8:15 Grihben, Elias K 835 Grim, Capt. Samuel 8.86 Ilauna,Rcv. William 836 Hughes, .1 ames 8.87 Jacobs, William 887 Knights 888 Lazear, Jesse 838 Leslie. JohnJ 839 l.oar, .Jacob 8.89 Longbridge, J. K - 810 Marsh, I'liillip 841 Milliken, William G 841 .Murray, John M . 843 CONTENTS. McCleary.T J 84^- McNay,B.H 8« Ornaoff, John «« Pari-v H II •• • °** Patterson,J. E., M. D Hj4 Scott, Mason JJS Scott, Hiram °*? Smith, Eolrert ^« Smith, James L wb Supler, Martin e*!; Wright, John M »*' Wright, GW W White, P.J *■' SPEINGHILL TOWNSHIP. Ayevs,J.K 848 Barger,Johii 848 Burdine, Jnmes 84a Biirge.W.L.. ^. 8.>0 Carpenter, Thomas M 8jU Diusmore, P. C, M. D 8d1 Ferrell, James M «-_'l Griffith, F. II..., 8p-3 Griffith, Snmuel o.i. Hamilton, Lewis W 8.i- Ilamiitou, Enoch hM IIoBkinson,W. P *)J Isimiiigcr, Josephus 8o4 Isimiuger. Jacob 854 Miller, Jolm U., M. U 8.)4 Miller, John 85.t Morford, J. L ^ McNeely, John ^ 8nb Kinehavt; J. H., M. D 8.% liinehart, W. II >:* Stiles.Jaraes o5( Stropc, Thomas »;» White, W-T 8.iS Whitlaich, Joseph ^« Wiklmun, William ooJ WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. Barnes, Silas ••• 8S9 Boyd, James »WJ Bristor, Robert .- ™l) Cary, Sylvester 8W Closser.J. W 8H Craig, Jesse 81.^ Durliiu, Enoch 8b3 Dnrbiu, G. W 86d Edgar, John 8fi'T Fulton, Stephen 863 Garner, Spencer B ...804 Huffman, T. J 8B4 Huffman, G. W 8(1.5 Hughes, Andrew 8b5 Johnson, Zephaniah KC5 Johnson, George W Sfilj Johnson, Zenas 8tiB Joins, D.W 8«T Jol ne, Jacob »t>7 Keigley, George 8tis Martin, John M ous Meek.L. W 8bK Meek, Cephas... 8li9 Mitchell, Asa 8(59 McClelland, M. M 870 Pettit, John 870 Pettit, JosephH 8.0 Hoss, John Roes. Tho , 871 Shirk, Benjamin 872 Smith, J. H 8.2 Walker, John 873. WAYNE TOWNSHIP. Bell, George W 874 Brant, Hon. Matthias 874 Brant, Kendall J 875 Calvert, Kichard T 875 Coen,JohnF 8;^5 Cole,Ephraim 876 Cole, James L 87() Cole, Henry 877 Conldin, Iienry 87i Cumberledge, A. J '■ 877 Frechind, John 8^8 Headlev, Sam H 878 Johnson, A\'illiaml£... 879 Kent, J. S 87? Knight, James 881 881 Lautz, William Moore, George W Phillips, Hon. Jesse Phillips, William D oo^ Phillips, .John Mc 883 Spragg, David 883 S piiigS; calub A 883 Slirn^'ff, UeiirvM 8b4 Ste«-;,rt, L.'raM 8R4 Tiistiu, Abraham 884 White, Keasin 885 Worley, John 1 885 Zimmerman, Robert 886 WHITELEY TOWNSHIP. Bailey, A. M 887 Bare, David 887 Bowers, Henry 888 Brant, M.C 88S Cowell, David L 889 Cowell, John M 889 Cummins, John A 890 Pox, John 890 Fuller, Johns 891 Gump, Abraham 891 Guthrie, Solomon . . 892 Hattteld, G. W 893 John, Christopher 898 Moss, G. W., M. D 893 Morris, Henry 894 Morris, Elijah 8!)4 Patterson, Rufus 894 Shriver, Arthur 895 Smith, A. J 895 Staggers, Lisbon 895 Stephens, Liudsey 890 Strosuider, Simon E 897 Temple, A. M «97 Zimmerman, James R 898 PORTBAITS. PAGB. Adamson, Thomas 365 Barnes, J anScs i« Beall, Emanuel •"!; Biddle, N. H I'jj Black, Hou. 0. A „f,' Braddock, F. M 3.% Clayton, John »> Conkliu, John M *'l PAOE. Donley, D. L 375 Fordyce, A. G .«5 Fox, Dennis 35f Fuller, John S U.= Gordon, Hon. John B IC Grimes, P. M 34'> Hfttlield, Jacob, M. D l.W Hiucrman, Liudsey 4;ir (;oNTKNTS. Hughes, James 3ir> lams, Hon. Thomas 105 Johns, Jacob, Sr Sit.') Lindsey, Hon. Jamus 55 Lippeucott, William 3*> Long,Eli 325 Loughridge, J. K 505 MeeK, James 365 Mestrczat, John Louis Gaillaumi; 135 Miller, Aen.... 3r. Millikm, John L., M. D 375 Morris, Isaac A 415 Moss, G. W., M. D 1«5 McClelland, M. M 345 McCouuell, Robert A 185 PAGE, McMiim.T.K 255 McVay, James 295 Parry, W.M.,M.D 4'<7 I'bilhps, O. S 4«'J Sayers.E.M 35 Scott, Capt. John 75 Scott, James 2S5 Spragg, David 145 Swart, Jacob 305 Thompson, Samuel 215 Tilton, Rev. C. W 95 Throckmorton, W. S.,M. D . 1"5 Wisecarvor, George W 45 Worlev, John I. 115 Young,A. J 405 Map of Greene County 15 1r t^^^ ^^ ir V^A. S H I >- c >VE S T History of Greene County, PENNSYLVANIA. CHAPTER I. PiCTUKESQUE BeAUTY OI' CtHEENE CofNTV — ^WoEDS OF ALEXANDER Campbell — Its Location — 389,120 Square Acres — Streams Deainikg It^Water-siiej) — Trend of the Hills — Fertility OF the Sou Limiostdne — Forests — Remarks upon Forestry — A Girdled Forest — Cdnsequence of War upon the For- ests — JuDxcioi'S Planting — The Sioar Maple — As Seen in Southern Italy — (Questions Touching its Early Occupation. AN English nobleman of tlie last "generation, scliooled by travel in many lands, in a book which he wrote descriptive of an extended tour in the United States, deliberately declared that of all the lands which had gladdened his vision by their picturesque beauty in any part of the globe, none excelled those along the upper waters of the Ohio and its tributary streams. Indeed, so fascinated were the early French visitants, accustomed in their own land to scenes of enchant- ing natural beauty, that when they beheld the Ohio, they designated it, and ever after called it in all their books and writings, Ixi Belle Reviire. Of that portion of country, which, by its lines of beauty and grace, has justly won these generous and just encomiums, to none can they more fairly l)e applied, than to that territory included within the limits of Greene County; for it will be remembered that the French knew less of what is now designated the Ohio River, than its two principal tributaries, to which they applied the one common name. To the traveler who passes on over its network of higlnvays, winding among its crown of hills, or by the margin of its sparkling streams, on every side are presented the elements of beauty; and the artist who seeks for worthy subjects of his brush, cannot tail to find them here. The monotony which plagues the traveler in a prairie land, and in many portions of the Atlantic shores, is unknown to 18 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. him here. Scarcely one field in all its broad domain is like another. Nor is there here the other extreme, — the bald and shaggy mountain with its inaccessible summits, forbidding intercourse from its op posing sides, given up to barrenness and sterility. But everywhere is pleasing variety. In spring time the whole sur- face of the landscape is gladdened with the vei-dure of the fast spring- ing wheat, and rich pasturage links the margins of the quick flowing streams to the summits of the farthest hills. In summer time num- berless flocks and herds lick up the morning dew of the valley, repose at the heated noontide beneath ample shade, or slake their thirst at the cool and abundant fountains, and find rest at night-fall on some breezy knoll or sheltered nook. In autumn shocks of well ripened grain gladden all the valleys, and along the hills are ridges of golden corn. When winter comes with its hoary breath, and river, and creek, and brooklet are bound in icy adamant, and the great clouds of snow- flakes come whirling over hill-tops and down the valleys, wrapping all the earth in a drapery of white, the sun, though with far-off slanting rays, peers into happy homes, sheltered from the biting blast by massive hills that rise up in giant form on every side, like trusty sentinels to keep back and break the force of the blizzards that come with their deathly embrace to torment the dwellers on the western plains. That I may not seem extravagant in my estimate of the beauties of a Greene County landscape, or the fertility of its soil, I quote the language of one who well knew of what he was writing, and was not accustomed to speak in terms of exaggeration, — the Memoirs of Alex- ander Campbell. "As we follow the descending waters, the hills and upland regions, which in reality preserve pretty much the same level, seem gradually to become higher, so that by the time we ap- proach the Ohio and Monongahela Kivers, their sides growing more and moi-e precipitous, rise to a lieight of four or five hundred feet. These steep declivities inclose the fertile valleys, through which the larger streams wind in graceful curves. Into these wide valleys small rivulets pour their limpid waters, issuing at short intervals upon each side from deep ravines formed by steep hillsides, which closely approach each other, and down which the waters of the springs, with which the upland is abundantly supplied, fall from rock to rock in miniature cascades. Upon the upland not immediately bordering upon the streams, the country is rolling, having the same general elevation, above which, however, the summit of a hill occasionally lifts itself, as though to afl'ord to lovers of beautiful landscapes most delightful views of a country covered for many miles with rich pasturages, with grazing herds or flocks, fruitful grain-fields or orch- ards, gardens and farm-houses, while upon the steeper sides of the valleys still remain some of the ancient forest growths of oak and HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 19 asli, walnut, hickory and maple. Frequently as the traveler passes along the roads upon the upland, he sees suddenly from some dividing; ridge, charming valleys stretching away for miles with their green meadows, rich tields of corn, and sparkling streamlets. At otiier times, as he advances, he admires with delight in the distance, the ever varying line of tlie horizon, whicii on all sides is formed by the summits of remote ridges and elevations, sometimes conical in form, hut mostly defined liy various arcs of circles, as regularly drawn as if a pair of compasses had traced the lines upon the sky. Every- where around him he sees lands abounding in limestone, and all the necessary elements of fertility, and producing upon even the highest summits abundant crops of all the cereal grains. To enhance the natural resources of this picturesque country, its hills conceal im- mense deposits of bituminous coal, which the descending streams here and there expose. * * * Such for nearly two hundred miles west of the Alleghanies, is the general chai-acter of this region especial- ly of that portion of it lying along the Monongahela and Ohio, a region whose healthfulness is not surpassed by that of any country iu the world." We have thus far considered only the general aspects of the county. Its location and topographical features can be briefly stated. Greene County is situated in the e.xtreme southwest corner of Pennsylvania, and is bounded on the north by AVashington County, on the east by the Monongahela River whicli separates it from Fayette County, on the south by West Virginia, the western extremity of Mason and Dixon's line forming the dividing boundary, and on the west by West Virginia, known as the Panhandle, the western merid- ian line of five degrees measuring the length of the State constitut- ing the line of demarkation. It contains within these limits three hundred and eighty-nine thousand, one hundred and twenty square acres (389,120) of surface, or about six hundred and eight square miles (608). W^ere it in the form of an absolute square it would be nearly twenty-live miles on each side, or a hundred miles in circuit; but as the length is to the breadth as five to three, the average length may be set down as thirty-two Tuiles and breadth nineteen. The surface is drained by the Monongahela River, which unites with the Allegheny at Pittsburg and forms the Ohio proper, and by the Wheeling River which also falls into the Ohio, and forms part of the great Mississipj ' system. The water-shed which separates the waters of the Monongahela from the W^heeling system, commences at a point on the W^ashington County line a little north and east of the Baptist church, near the northern extremity of Morris Township, and pursues a southwesterly course cutting a small section of the eastern portion of Richhill Township, striking Jackson Township at a point near the intersection of Jackson with Centre, dividing Jackson 20 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. from north to south very nearly at its center, catting off the north- west corner of Gilmore, and the southwest corner of 8pringhill Town- ships, and passes on into A¥est Virginia near the center of the southern houndary of the latter township, thus forming as it were, the back-bone of the county, and sending the waters on its eastern slope through innumerable and devious channels to the on-moving waters of the Monongahela, and those njjon the western slope to the Wheeling. Of the streams which drain the eastern slope, Ten Mile Creek is the most considerable, draining with its tributaries a full third of the entire territory; the second in magnitude, and nearly the equal of the former, though receiving a considerable portion of its volume from West Vi]'ginia, is Dunkard Creek. Of lesser magnitude are Muddy Creek, Little Whiteley and Whiteley. On the western slope are Ens- low's and North Forks of Wheeling Creek and Pennsylvania Fork of Fish Creek. Ten Mile Creek, which forms the northern boundary of Jefferson Township, and the northern limit of the county and is something less than four miles in length, is formed by the junction of the North and South Forks. The North Fork is forthe most part in Washing- ton Connty, draining its southeastern section. The South Fork which drains the central and northeastern portion of Greene County, has for its tributaries on the left bank, Casteel Run, Euff's Creek, Wylies Eun, Brown's Fork, Bates' Fork, Brushy Fork, Gray Eun and MirandaEun, and upon the right bank, McCourtney's Eun, Hargus Creek, Pursley Creek, Smith Creek, Laurel Eun and Coal Lick Eun. Pumpkin Eun is the next stream south of Ten Mile Creek and empties into the Monongahela at the point where is located the village of Patton and Hughe's Ferry. Muddy Creek drains for the mostpmrt Cumberland Township, passes through the village of Carmichaels and enters the river where has been established Flenniken's Ferry. Whiteley Creek which is fed by Frosty, Lantz and Dyer's Euns from the north, drains Whiteley, Greene and Monongahela Townships, passes through the villages of Kirby, Lone Tree, Whiteley and Mapletown, and falls into the Monongahela Eiver at Eoss' Ferry. Dunkard Creek, which has for tributaries West's, Culvin's, Shannon's, Eandolph's Eobert's, Eush's Hoover's, Fordyce's, Tom's and Blockhouse Euns from the north, and numberless confluents from West Virginia from the south, has upon its banks the villages of Mt. Morris, Fair Chance and Taylortown and is the last of the considerable streams that flow into the Monongahela Eiver on the south in Pennsylvania. The North Fork of Wheeling Creek, Avhich drains the western slope of the county is fed upon the left bank by Whorton's, Llewitfs, Chamber's and White's Euns, and on the right bank by Stonecoal, Crabapple, Laurel, Kent's, Wright's and White Thorn Euns, and has IIISTOKY OF CtREENP: COUNTY. 21 tlie \illages ot'Bristoria, Kyerson and Crow's Mills, located \ipon its banks. Fish Creek is fed by Hart's, Waggon-road, Laurel and Herod's Runs, and has the villages of Freeport and Deep Valley. The general trend of the hills throughout the county of Greene is troin northwest to southeast, and the roads which follow the val- leys l)y which the hills are bordered, follow the same general direc- tion, being for the most part parallel to each other and connected at intervals by cross roads leading over the hills, or through intersecting valleys. The only exception to this general law is the tract embracing the three western townships, comprising the valley of Wheeling <'i-eek, where the course is from north to south or bearing some- what from northeast to southwest. Eveiy part of the surface is well watered by abundant springs and streams, and tlie soil is deep and fertile, being tillable even to the very summits of the highest hills. In many portions the hillsides, though ver}' abrupt, are capable of being cultivated, and yield good returns for the labor liestowed. In the western section of the county are beds of limestone, which, on lieinc reduced and applied to the soil, stimulates it to great fertility. When first visited by the white man, this whole stretch of country was covered with one vast forest, the trees of giant growth, consist- ing of white oak, red oak, black oak, and in many sections of sugar maple, chestnut, black walnut, hickory, butternut, ash, poplar, locust, cherry, ironwood, laurel and bay. In the rich bottoms, along the Monono-ahela River, in the southeastern section of the county, were, originally, vast tracts of pine and hemlock and spruce. These liave l)eeu swept away for use in building, and the arts, until scarcely a vestige remains of the pristine forests, and few if any of a new growth have been permitted to spring up in their places. As a consetpience, all tJie rough timber and sheeting boards used in building, are of the different varieties of oak. Poplar and hard-woods have now to be used as a finishing wood, or if pine is employed it has to be imported. The observation may be permitted in this connection, though not strictlv in place here, that the subject of forestry has been too much overlooked by the inhabitants of Greene County. In a former generation the deep, dense forest was looked ujion as the worst enemy of the settler, standing in the way of his improvements, and shutting out the sunlight from his vegetables and growing crops. Hence, to get the heavy growths out of his way, and prevent future o-rowths was his greatest care. In what way this could be ac- complished with the least labor and most speedily, was his chief concern. Hence the hardy axmen went forth at the first breaking of the rosy tinted morn, and we can realize as he attacks, " some stately growth of oak or pine, Wliich nods aloft and proudly spreads ber shade, The sun's defiance and the flock's defence; How by strong strokes tough fibers yield at length, 22 IIISTOltY OF GREENE COUNTY. Loud groans her last, and rushing from her height, In cumbrous ruin thunders to the ground. The concious forest trembles at the shook, And hill, and stream, and distant dale resound. " This is but the history of what was transpiring in every portion of the county, day after day, and year after year, through all the early generations. It was too laborious and troublesome to chop the monster trunks into sections fit for handling, so, fire was brought into requisition, and at convenient intervals burnings were made, when tlie dissevered parts could then be swung around into piles and the torch applied. All tlirough the dry season vast volumes of smoke would ascend heavenward, and at night the sky would be illumined by the flames leaping upward and standing like beacon lights on every hill-top and down every valley. And when the settler was in too much haste to cut and burn the cumbersome forest, he would rob the innocent trees of their life by girdling the sap, thus cutting olf the health giving currents. By this process the foliage was forever broken, and the light and genial warmth of the sun Avas let in upon the virgin mould of centuries, which was quickened into life as the husbandman dropped his cherished seed. But there stood the giant forest still, torn and wrenched by lightning and storm, stretching- out its massive arms to heaven, bleached and whitened by sun and shower, like the ghosts of their departed greatness, and as if implor- ing mercy still. One can scarcely pass one of these lifeless forests, without a sigli of pity for the decaying monarchs. But they subserve a purpose. The constant droppings from their decaying limbs engender moisture, and give nourishment to the rich pasturage which springs, like tufts of velvet, beneath them; and, when at length they yield to the blows of the elements, and the cor- oding tooth of time, they are reduced to ashes, and finally disappear from sight. They were sometimes fired while still standing, and scarcely cananiore sublime sight be imagined tlian a forest of lifeless trees in full blaze. The ashes from a burned forest were some- times gathered up and converted into potash, which always com- manded ready sale in the eastern market, and was exchanged for salt and otlier necessaries of life not produced in the vicinage. But what will be the consequence of this indiscriminate war upon the forests ? In a few generations the hills, being entirely denuded of shade, will be parched by the burning suns of summer, and the streams will become less copious in the heated term and will eventual- ly become entirely dry. On the other hand, in the spring time, with no forests to hold the moisture, and yield it up gradually through the burning months when needed, the rains and melting snows will descend in torrents, and flood the viJlleys. The fertility of the soil will be soaked and drained out of it, the hillsides will be gashed and IIIHTOKV OF (iKKKNK fOUNTY.- 23 seamed by the descending torrents, and thns all the hills, burned in summer and Hooded in winter, will become barren. The tiller of the soil will wonder at the scantiness of his crops, and his Hucks and herds will bleat and call in hopeless starvation. Of late years an attempt has been made to excite an interest in forestry. Mr. Northnp, in Connecticut, has secured some legislation upon the subject in that State and by lecturing before teachers' in- stitutes, and on pulilic occasions, has called attention to the subject, so that we have our forestry day in this State, to which the governor annually calls attention by a special proclamation. I'ut the manner in whicli it is acted upon, instead of resulting in a pulilic good, will l)e a positive injury. In the appeals of Mr. Xorthup and others, the call is to have trees planted about school-houses and dwellings. Now what will be the consequence ? In a few years, when the trees have become grown, there will be excessive shade and moisture. Moss will accumulate upon the roofs, the sunlight will he entirely shut out, and the children will be pale and sickly in consequence. The school-room will become unhealthj' for lack of sunlight, and the dwelling will lie damp and gloomy. One tree for a school ground not exceeding one acre, is ample shaile. Excessive shade must always prove injurious to health, while sun light is a better medicine for failing strength than ever hnnian ingenuity com- pounded. l>ut what is the remedy for the evil complained of; The forester should commence his work upon the far-oif hill tops, and with dili- gent hand should crown them with forests most useful and valuable to man, — the Hue maple, comely in shape, challenging the painter's most gaudy pigments for color, close-grained and unyielding in fiber for lumber; the walnut, cherry and ash, unrivalled for furniture and tinishing; the chestnut, valualjle for its nuts and for fencing, and pine and birch and hemlock, useful all. For holding moisture, and tempering the heats of summer, none are more useful than the ever- greens. All the waste places, the ravines and rugged hill-sides, unsuitable for cultivation, should be planted. The sugar from a thousand good trees will bring to any farmer a bigger income than the whole produce of his farm in other ways. The price of a good black walnut log is almost fabulous. A white ash of twenty years' growth will yield a timber unsurpassed fir carriages; and pine of tifteen years' growth will produce lumber which will be much sought for, and is year by year becoming more and moi'e scarce. A good field of planted trees, or sprout land, should be fenced and protected from the browsing of cattle, as carefully as a field of corn. It may seem an unyjalatable doctrine to preach, that the forests, which our fathers worked themselves lean to banish, should be protected, and nurtured, and brought back to their old places. But it is a true 24 lUSTOIIY OF GP.EKNE COUNTY. gospel, and if we look carefully at it in all its bearings, we shall re- ceive it and recognize it as possessing saving grace. Along the hills of southern Italy may be seen, to-day, an aspect which, in a few years, will be presented in the now fertile lands uf Greene County. The Italian hills for centuries have been swept bare of forests. As a consequence, the soil is parched in summer time, and has become bare and barren; the streams, which in other days were deep and ran in full volume to the sea, and were the theme of extravagant praises by the Latin poets, are now for months together entirely dry, not a gush of water gladdening their baked and parched beds. Of the innumerable streams which fall into the Mediterranean on the western coast, from Genoa to the Straits of Messina, there are only a very few, like the Anio and the Tiber, that do not, in July and August, cease to flow, the husbandman being obliged to resort to artesian wells to feed his vegetables and growing crops. We have now considered the general features of the territory known as Greene County. But before entering npon a more particu- lar description of the settlement, and growth of its civil and religious institutions, it will be proper to consider several very interesting questions vitally touching its early occupation. The manner in which the original inhabitants became dispossessed of the inheritance of their fathers, and were driven towards the setting sun; why the dwellers in this valley are English, and nat a French-speaking peo- ple; how it has transpired that we are the subjects of Pennsylvania rule, and not of A''irgiuia or Maryland, and, finally, why we are not the constituent parts of a new State formed out of western Pennsyl- vania and portions of West Virginia and eastern Ohio, — these were living questions which plagued our fathers, and were not settled without des[jerate struggles, marked with slaughter, which may justly give to this county of Greene the title of the "dark and bloody ground."' , IIIST01;Y of (iUEKNK COUXTV, CllAl'TEJi II. Why Called Indiaws — The Guanukatheus, uk Delawakes— Shaw- XEES — Six JMations ok lKocn:ois, oi: Minooes — The Tuscaeokas — Delawakes Vassals — Indians' Shemitic Okigin — Api-lioa- TioN oE Bible Pkoi-hecv — The Indian Sui Genekis — Chakac- TEKisiirs — Indolent — Position of Woman — The Indian a Law TO IIimselk — His Occupations — Thievish — Patient ok Toil to T'eed IIkvenue — View ok Columbus — Amida's and Bak- LOW'S EXPEUIENCE — PkNn's TESTIMONY BaNCKOKt's ViEW TuE Stealth Pkacticed in Hunting Sekved them in Seeking the Victims ok theiu Savai^e Ckuelty — Brebeuk Describes an Instance ok theik Bakbakity which he Beheld — Cruelty a Delight — Greene County the Scene ok this SavacSe Bak- bakity. "llfHEN Cohunbus, ufter liaving deHioiistrated tlic rotundity of the *V earth in liis sciiolar's cell, had \eritied the ti'utli of liis theory by sailing westward in search of the farthest east, and had actually reached and discovered the shores of the New World, he believed that he had found the famed Cathay. Though he made several voy- ages, and lived a number of years, he still thought that it was the Indies he had found, and died in ignorance of the grandeur' of his discovery. To the inhabitants whom he found in the new country he gave the name of Indians, and. though wholly inappropriate in view of til", historical facts, it has clung to them through every vicis- situde of fortune, and when the last of their race shall have disap- ijeared forever from the earth, they will be recorded as Indians. The natives who occupied tlie greater portion of that jiart of the North American continent now designated Pennsylvania, were known as the Lenni Lenape, the original people, or grandfatliers. They were by nature fierce and warlike, and there was a tradition among them that the Lenapes, in ages quite remote, had emigrated from be- yond the Mississip))!, exterminating or driving out, as they came eastward, a race far more civilized than themselves, numerous, and skilled in the arts of peace. That this country was once the abode of a more or less civilized jieople, accustomed to many of the com- forts of enlightened communities, that they knew the use of tools, and were numerous, is attested by remains, thickly studding western Pennsylvania and the entire Ohio valley; but whether their extcruii- 28 HISTOKY OF GREKNK COUNTY. nation was the work of fiercer tribes tlian themselves, or whether they were swept oiY by epidemic diseases, or gradually wasted as the fate of a decaying nation, remains an unsolved problem. The three principal tribes of which the Lenapes were composed, — the Turtles or Unamis, tiie Turkeys or Unalachtgos, the Wolfs or Monseys, — occu- pied the eastern portion of Pennsylvania, and claimed the territory from the Hudson to the Potomac. They were known to the Englisli as the Delawares. The Shawnees, a restless tribe which had come up from the south, had been received and assigned places of habita- tion on the Susquehanna, bj' the Delawares, and finally become a constituent part of the Delaware nation. But the Indian nationality which more nearly concerns the sec- tion of country of which we are treating, is the Six Nations, or as they were designated by the French, tlie Iroquois. They called themselves Aquanuschioni or United Tribes, or in oiir own parlance, United States, and the Lenapes called them Mingoes. They origi- nally consisted of live tribes, and hence were known as the Five Nations, viz: the Senecas, who were the most vigorous, stalwart and numerous; tlie Mohawks, who were the first in numbers and in rank, and to whom it was reserved to lead in war; the Onondagas, who guarded the council fire, and from among whom the Sachem or civil head of the confederacy was taken ; the Oneidas, and the Cayugas. Near the beginning of the eighteenth century, the Tuscaroras, a large tribe from central North Carolina and Virginia, having been expelled from their former dwelling place, were adopted by the Five Nations, and thenceforward were known as the Six Nations. Tlicy occupied tiie country stretching from Lake Champlain to Lake Erie, and from Lake Ontario and the river St. Lawrence on the north, to the head waters of the Delaware, the Susquehanna and the Allegheny rivers on the south. It was a country well suited for defence in savage warfare, being guarded on three sides by great bodies of water. They were quick to learn the methods of civilized warfare, and securing fire-arms from the Dutch on the Hudson, the}' easily over- came neighboring hostile tribes whom tiiey held in a condition of vassalage, exacting an annual tribute, but protected them, in return, in the possession of their rightful hunting grounds. The Lenapes. or Delawares, were held under subjection in this manner, whicli gave to the Six Nations semi-authority over the whole territory of the State of Pennsylvania, and reaching out into Ohio. This humili- ating vassalage to which the Lenapes or Delawares were subjected, had been imposed upon them by conquest of the Iroquois; but the former claimed that it was assumed by them voluntarily, that "they had agreed to act as mediators and peace-makers among the other great nations, and to this end they had consented to lay aside entirely the implements of war, and to hold and to keep bright the chain of IIKSTOKY OF GKEENE COUNTY. 29 peace." It was the office, when tribes had weakened themselves by desperate conflict, for the women of those tribes, in order to save their kindred from utter extermination, to rush between the contend- ing warriors and implore a cessation of slaughtei'. It became thus tiie office of women to be peace-makers. The Delawares claimed that the}' had assumed this office from principle; but the Iroquois declared that it was a matter of necessity, and applied the epithet •'women" as a stigma, thus characterizing them as wanting in the quality of the braves. The pious Moravian missionary, Ileckewelder, who spent much time among them, and knew their chai'acter well, believed that the Delawares were sincei-e in their claim, and from the fact that the}' had a great admiration for William Penn, with whom they associated much, and imbibed his sentiments of peace, it may be that they came to hold those principles, even if they had formerly been conquered in war, and l)een compelled to accept terms of de- pendence. Gen. Harrison, afterwards President of the [Tnited States. in a discourse on the aborigines of the valley of the Ohio, observes: "Even if Mr. Ileckewelder has succeeded in making his readers be- lieve that the Delawares, when the}- submitted to the degradation proposed to them by their enemies, were influenced, not by fear, but by the benevolent desire to put a stop to the calamities of war, he has established for them the reputation of being dupes. Tliis is not often the case with Indian sachems. They are rarely cowards, but still more rarely are they deficient in sagacity or discernment to de- tect any attempt to impose upon them. I sincerely wish I could unite with the worthy German in removing this stigma from the Delawares. A long and intimate knowledge of them in peace antl war, as enemies and friends, has left upon my mind the most favor- able impressions of their character for bravery, generosity and fldelity to their engagements." But whatever may have been their original purposes, or their subsequent convictions, after their associations with Penn, they did demand complete independence of the Iroquois in 1756, and had their claims allowed. Of the origin of the Indian race little is definitely known. The Indians themselves had no tradition and they had no writings, coins or monuments by which their history could be preserved. Ethnolo- gists are, hovrever, well assured that the race came originally from eastern Asia. Without reciti"g here the arguments which support this theory, it is sufficient for our present purpose to state, that it seems well attested that the race has dwelt upon this continent from a period long anterior to the Christian era, oljtaining a foothold here within Ave hundred years from the dispersion of the race, and that their physical and mental peculiarities iiave become fixed by ages of subjection to climate and habits of life. Mr. Schoolcraft, who has written much tipon Indian history, and has given inuch study and 33 TIISTOKY OF GREENE COUNTY. thought to the subject, adduces the following considerations as proof of the fultillnient of that prophecy of scripture recorded in the ninth chapter of Genesis: "And the sons of jS'oah that went forth of the Ark were 8heui, Ham, and Ja'pheth. God shall enlarge Japheth [Europeans] and he shall dwell in the tents of Sheni [Indians] and Canaan [Negro] shall be his servant." "Assuming," says Schoolcraft, "the Indian tribes to be of Shem- itic origin, wliich is generally conceded, they were met on this conti- nent in 1492, by the Japhet-ic race, after the two stocks had passed around thb globe by directly dift'ereut routes. Within a few years subsequent to this event, as is well attested the humane influence of an eminent Spanish ecclesiastic, led to the calling over from the coast of Africa, of the Ilam-itic branch. As a mere historical question, and without mingling it in the slightest degree with any other, the result of three centuries of occupancy has been a series of movements in all the colonial stocks, south and north, by which Japhet has been immeasurably enlarged on the continent, wliile the called and not voluntary sons of Ham, have endured a servitude, in the wide stretching valleys of the tents of Shem." The Indian, as he was found upon this continent when first vis- ited by the European, was very diiferent in form, features, mental constitution, and habits from the latter, and apparently unalterably different from any other race. But while they were thus unlike other races, there was found to be a strong resemblance in all essen- tial elements in all the various tribes and nationalities of their own race. The color of the skin was of a reddish brown, their hair was black, straight, stiff, not plentiful, and the males had scarcely any beard ; the jaw-bone was large, the cheek-bone high and prominent, and the foi-ehead high, square and prominent above the eyes, show- ing a large development of the perceptive faculties; but narrow, and sloping backward at the top, showing defective reasoning powers. The person, unincumbered with the clothing common to a fashionable age in civilized countries, was erect, well developed, and in movement quick, lithe, and graceful. -Dr. Spencer, in his chapter on the characteristics of the Indians, has given the following graphic account of them: " Their intellect- ual faculties were more limited, and their moral sensibilities, from "want of cultivation, less lively. They seemed to be characterized by an inflexibility of organization, wliich rendered them almost incapa- ble of receiving foreign ideas, or amalgamating with more civilized nations — constituting them, in short, a people that might be broken, but could not be bent. This peculiar organization, too, together with the circumstances in which they were placed, moulded the character of their domestic and social condition. Their dwellings were of the simplest and rudest character. On some pleasant spot by the hanks of a river or near a sweet spring, they raised their HISTOUY OF GREENK COUNTY. 31 groups of wigwams, constructed of the barks of ti-ees, and easily taken down and removed to another spot. The abodes of tlie cliiefs were sometimes more spacious, and constructed with care, but of the same materials. Their villages were sometimes surrounded by de- fensive palisades. Skins taken in the chase, served them for repose. Though principally dependent upon hunting and fishing, its uncer- tain supply had led them to cultivate around their dwellings some patches of maize; but their exertions were desultoi'y, and they were often exposed to the severity of famine. Every family did every- thing necessary within itself; and interchange of articles of commerce was hardly at all known among them." The Indian is by nature and habit indolent — as -'lazy as lie can be." To take up a tract of land, build himself a liouse with tl\e conveniencies and privacies of civilized home life, clear away the heavj^ forests whicli incund)er it, plough and cultivate the sodden acres, fence in the many fields, dig for him.self a well, get and care for flocks and herds, and lay up for himself and family abundant sup- plies of the products of the soil, would ha\e been to entail upon him insufferable misery, and rather than undertake the first sti'oke of such a life of toil, he would rather end it at once. He l^elieved that the fish of the stream, the fowls of the air, the beasts of the field, and the land where he should stretch his wigwam, were as free and open to approi:)riation as the air we breathe, or the w^aters that run sparkling in abundance to the sea. They ridiculed the idea of fencing a field, and depriving any who desired the use of it. The strong dominated over the weak. The male assumed superiority over the female, and made her in reality his slave. Ilis grunt was law to her, and if he started upon a journey she must trot after, bearing the infant, if she have one, and the burdens. If crops were to be planted, and cultivated, and gathered, it was by the sw-eat of her lirow' that it must be done. She must gather the fuel for the fire, weave the mat on which to set and sleep, fashion the basket and decorate it with fanciful colors. She was in short little less than the abject and degraded slave. Of the more special occupations of the men Dr. Spencer has given the following interesting picture: "In cases of dispute and dissension, each Indian held to the right of retaliation, and relied on himself almost always to effect his revenge for injuries i-eceived. Blood for blood was the rule, and the relatives of the slain man were bound to obtain bloody revenge for his death. This principle gave rise, as a matter of course, to innumerable and bitter feuds, and wars of extermination, where that was possible. War, indeed, rather than peace, and the arts of peace, was the Indian's glory and delight; war, not conducted on the scale of more civilized, if not more Christian- like people; but war where individual skill, endurance, gallantry and 32 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. cruelty were prime requisites. For such a purpose as revenge the Indian was capable of making vast sacriiices, and displayed a patience and perseverance truly heroic; but when the excitement was over, he sunk back into a listless, unoccupied, well-nigh useless savage. The intervals of his moi'e exciting pursuits the Indian tilled up in the decoration of his person with all the reiinements of paints and feath- ers, with the manufacture of his arms — the club, the bow and ar- rows — and of canoes of bark, so light that they could easily be car- I'ied on the shoulder from stream to stream. His arnusements were the war dance and song, and athletic games, the narration of his ex- ploits, and listening to the oratoiy of the chiefs. But, during long periods of his existence, he remained in a state of torpor, gazing listlessly upon the trees of the forest, and the clouds that sailed far above his head; and this vacancy imprinted an habitual gravity and even melancholy upon his aspect and general deportment." The Indian was thievish to the last degree, indeed this seems to have been as much a temper of his mind as indolence was of his body. The disposition to take that wliicli did not belong to him may have in a measure resulted from his belief in the common prop- erty of water and air, and land, the beast and fowl that swarm upon its surface, and the iish that dart in its streams. It seems to him no sin to steal. Among the first colonies sent out from England to colonize the American coast an Indian was discovered to have stolen a silver cup. The punishment inflicted by the inconsiderate colo- nists of burning their villages, and destroying their growing crops, provoked a revenge which resulted in the utter annihilation of the colony and engendered a hatred which many subsequent colonists felt the force of, and which inherited from generation to generation, seems never to have been worn out of the savage mind. The Indians of IMorth America, as they were found upon the arrival of Europeans, could not be said to have been under the gov- ernment of law. If an Indian had suffered an injury or an insult, he took it upon himself to avenge without the forms of proof to fix the guilt, and if he was killed in the quarrel his nearest relatives felt themselves obliged to take up the avengement. Thus from the merest trifle the most deadly feuds arose by which the population was visibly diminished. The warrior chiefs among them became such by superior skill or cunning, and not by any rule of hereditary decent, or majority of voices. Mattel's of public interest were dis- cussed in public assemblies of the whole people, in which all were free to join. Decisions were generally in favor of him who could work most powerfully upon the feelings of his audience, either by his native eloquence or by appeals to their superstition, by which they were easily moved. The man who pretended to be the repre- sentative of the Great Spirit, had a great influence over them, and IIISTOKV OF (iUEKNE COUNTY. 33 in cases of sickiijiss he was appealed to as a last resort. It has been observed above that the Indian was naturally lazy. To tliat assertion one exception should be made. To carry out his purpose of re- venge tlie Indian was capable of making sacrifices, enduring liardships, and undei-going sufferings unsurpassed by the most daring of the human race. To gratify liis tliirst for revenge, lie M'ould make long and exhausting marches, with scant food, subsisting upon the bark of trees, the roots of the forest, and such random game as he might come upon, would lie in wait for liis victims for hours and days enduring untold suffering. It is curious to observe the impression which tlie natives made upon the first I^uropean visitants to these shores. Columbus in his report to Ferdinand and Isabella after his first voyage, said: "I swear to your majesties, that there is not a better people in the world than these, more affectionate, affable, or mild. Tliey love their neighbors as themselves; their language is the sweetest and the softest, and the most cheerful, for they always speak smiling, and although they go naked, let your majesties believe me, their customs are very becoming, and their king who is served with great majesty, has such engaging manners, that it gives great pleasure to see hiiii, and also to consider the great retentive faculty of that people, and their desire of knowledge, which incites them to ask the causes of things." If these were the real sentiments of Columbus, we are forced to believe that he had never seen an Indian in liis war-paint and feathers, and that he had seen tlie Shylock who had mone}' to lend, and not the Shylock who was exacting the penalty of the for- feited bond. The adventurers whom Sir Walter Italeigh sent out for discovery and settlement, Aniidas and 15arlow, gave a graphic report of their impressions of the natives upon their return, which Ilakluyt has preserved in his annals: >'The soile is the most plentifull, sweete, fruitfuU and wholesome, of all the worlde; there are above fourteene severall sweete smelling timber trees, and the most part of their underwoods are bayes and such like; they have such oakes that we have, but farre greater and better. After they had l)een divers times aboard our shippes inyselfe, with seven more went twentie mile into the river that runneth towards the citie of Shicoak, which river they call Occam; and the evening following we came to an island, wliich they call Roanoke, distant from the harbor by wliicli we entered seven leagues; and at the north end thereof was a village of nine houses, built of cedar, and fortified round about with sharpe trees to keep out their enimies, and the entrance into it made like a turnpike very artificially; when we came towards it, standing neere unto the waters' side, the wife of Cranganimo, the king's brothei', came run- ning out to nieete us very cheerfully and friendly; her husband was 34 HISTORY OF GHEENE COUNTY. not then in the village; some of her people shee commanded todrawe onr boate on shore, for the beating of the billoe, others she appointed to carry ns on their backes to the dry ground, and others to bring our oares into the house for feare of stealing. When we were come into the ntter room, liaving iive rooms in her house, she cansed us to sit down by a great fire, and after tooke off our choathes, and washed them, and dried them againe; some of the women plucked off our stockings, and washed them, some washed our feete in warm water, and she herself tooke great paines to see all things ordered in the best manner she could, making greate haste to dresse some meate for us to eate. After we had thus dried ourselves she bronght us into this inner roome, where shee set on the boord standing along the house, some wlieate like fermentie; sodden venison and roasted; fish, sodden, boyled, and roasted; melons, rawe and sodden; rootes of divers kinds; and divers fruits. Their drink is commonly water, but while the grape lasteth, they drinke wine, and for want of caskes to keepe it, all the yere after they drink water, but it sodden with ginger in it, and black sinnamon, and sometimes sassaphras, and divers other wholesome, and medicinable hearbes and trees. We were entertained with all love and kindnesse, and with as much bountie, after their manner as they could possibly devise. We jound the people most gentle, loving, and faithfull, voide of all guile and treason, and such as live after the manner of the golden age. The people onely care to defend themselves from the cold in their short winter, and to feed themselves with such meat as the soile afforeth; their meat is very well sodden, and they make broth very sweet and savorie; their vessels are earthen pots, very large, white, and sweete; their dishes are wooden platters of sweet timber. With- in the place where they feede was their lodging, and within that their idoll, which they worship, of whom they speak incredible things. While we were at meate, there came in at the gates two or three men with their bowes and arrowes from hunting, whom, when we espied, we began to looke one towards another, and offered to reach our weapons; but as soone as she espied our mistrust, she was very miTch moved, and cansed some of her men to runne ont, and take away their bowes and arrowes and breake them, and withall beate the poore fellowes out of the gate againe. When we departed in the evening, and would not tarry all night, she was very sor}', and gave ns into our boate our supper half dressed pottes and all, and brought us to our boateside, in which we lay all night, removing the same a prettie distance from the shore; she perceiving our jelousie, was much grieved, and sent divers men and thirtie women, to sit all night on the bank-side by iis, and sent into our boates live mattes to cover us from the raine, using very many wordes to entreate us to rest in their houses; biit because we were fewe men, and if we had HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 37 jniscarried the voyage liad beeiie in very great danger, we durst nut. adventure anything, althougli there was no cause of doubt, for a more kinde and loving people there cannot be found in the worlde, as far as we have hitherto had triall." Though given here at some length, this passage from the records of the faithful JIakluyt is very valuable as picturing the life of the simple Indians, and their temper towards the early European voy- agers, before their minds had been soured by injury and wrong which careless and lirutal colonists subsequently visited upon them; and it may well be questioned whether, they would not have remained friend- ly and loving as here descriljed had they recei\ed loving and Chris- tian treatment in return. It is possible that such relations might have been preserve(l with the natives, that the tales of blood and sav- agery which form a dark page in the early histury of Greene County would never have had occasion to be recorded. Certain it is that the redmeii have had great provocation, antl have received most in- human and unchristian treatment at the haiuls of the pale face. The relations of Williani Penn with the savages was different from those of any other European. He really believed them brethi'en in tiie true scripture sense, and treated them as sucii. Hence his view of the Indian character wotdd naturally be more favorable to them tlian if regarded through prejudiced eyes. ''For their persons," he says, "they are generally tall, straight, well Iniilt, and of singular proportion. They tread strong and clever, and mostly walk with a lofty chin. Their language is lofty, yet narrow; but, like the Ile- lu-ew, in signitication, full. If an European comes to see them, or calls for lodging at their house or wigwam, they give him the best place and first cut. If they coine to visit us, they salute us with an 'Itah!' which is as much as to say 'Good be to you I' and set them down, which is mostly on the ground, close to their heels, their legs upright. It may be they speak not a word, but observe all jiassages. If yon give them anything to eat or dritdc, well, for they will not ask; and be it little or much, if it be with kindness, they are well pleased; else they go away sullen, but say nothing." "In liberality," he says, "theye.vcel; nothing is too good for their friend; give them a fine gun, coat or other thing, it may pass twenty hands before it sticks; light of heart, strong affections, l)ut soon spent. The most merry creatures that live, feast and dance per- petually; they never have much nor want much; wealth circulateth like the blood; all parts partake; and though none shall want what another hath, yet exact observers of property. Some kings have sold, others presented me with several parcels of land; the pay, or presents I made them were not hoarded by their particular owners; but the neighboring kings and their clans being present when the goods were brought out, the parties chieHy concerned consulted what, 38 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. Mud to wlioui, they M'oiild give tliem. To every king then, by the Jiauds of a perscjn for that M'ork appointed, is a pj'oportion sent, so sorted and folded, and with that gravity that is admirable. Then the king subdivideth it, in like manner, among his dependants, they hardly leaving themselves an equal share M'ith one. of their subjects; and 1)6 it on such occasions as festivals, or at their common meals, the kings distribute and to themselves last. They care for little be- cause they want little, and the reason is a little contents them. * * * We sweat and toil to live; their pleasure feeds them; I mean their hunting, fishing and fowling, and their table is spread everywhere. They eat twice a day, morning and evening; their seats and table are the ground. Since the Europeans came into these parts, they are grown great lovers of strong liquors, rum especially, and for it ex- change the richest of their skins and furs. If they are heated with liquors, tliey are restless till they have enough to sleep; that is their cry, 'Some more and I will go to sleep;' but when drunk, one of the most wi-etched spectacles in the world." Bancroft, in iiis elaboi'ate chapter on the habits and customs of the Indians, says: "During the mild season there may have been little suffering. But thrift was wanting; the stores collected by the industry of the women was squandered in festivities. The hospitality of the Indian lias rarely been questioned. The stranger enters his cabin, by day or by night, without asking leave, and is entertained as freely as a thrush or a black-bird that regales himself on the luxuries of the fruitful grove. He will take his own rest abroad, that he may give up his own skin, or mat of sedge, to his guest. Nor is the traveler questioned as to the purpose of his visit; he chooses his own time freely to deliver his message." We may gather from the testimony of those who earliest encountered them, what were some of the most marked of the charac- teristics. Of the stealth of the Indian in creeping upon his victim unawares, and the laying in wait for him in some well-chosen am- buscade, we may look for the cause in the necessity he was under of practicing these qualities in the pursuit of his game. From child- hood he was taught to move noiselessly through the forest lest by the breaking of a twig he put to flight the coveted game for lack of which he was perhaps starving. The same noiseless tread with which he approached the pool M"here sported the finny tribe, and came un- noticed upon the wild fowl, was practiced in seeking out the victims of his revenge, or putting to the torture his prisoners of war. Of the barbarit}' practiced upon the latter, in no part of the liuman race is it equalled. Brebeuf has described it in all its horrors, as recorded by Bancroft: "On the way to the cabins of his conquerors, the hands of an Iroquois prisoner were crushed between stones, his fingers torn ofi' or mutilated, the joints of his arms scorclied and iiis'idiiv OK erform the rite. Not returning as lie had indicated he would, his followers, recollecting that he had spoken of his death, went to seek him, and found liim indeed dead. lloUowing a grave for him in the. sand, they buried him on tlie very spot which his prayers had consecrated. In commenting upon the devotion and loyalty of these pious men — Marquette, and his associates. Ilildreth justly remarks, '"Now and then he would make a voyage to Quebec in a canoe, with two or three savages, paddle in hand, exhausted with rowing, his feet naked, his breviary hanging about his neck, his shirt unwashed, his cassock half torn from his lean body, but with a face full of content, charmed with the life he led, and inspiring by his air and his words a strong desire to join him in his mission. " And Charlevoix, in his annals, even more vividly describes the character of these devoted men. "A peculiar unction" he says, '' attached to this savage mission, giving it a preference over many others far more brilliant and more fruit- ful. The reason no doubt was, that nature, finding nothing there to gratify the senses or to flatter vanity — stumliling blocks too common even to the holiest — grace worked without obstacle. The Lord, who never allows himself to be outdone, communicates himself without measure to those who sacrifice themselves without reserve; who, dead to all, detached entirely from themselves and the world, possess their souls in unalterable ]ieace, perfectly established in that childlike s])iritiuility which .Fesus Ghrist has recommended to his (lisci])les, as that which outrht to bo the most marked trait of their character. 48 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. * * * Such is the portrait of the missionaries of New France drawn by those who Icnew them best. 1 myself knew some of them in my youth, and I found them such as I have painted them, bend- ing under the labor of a long apostleship, with bodies exhausted by fatigues and broken with age, but still preserving all the vigor of the apostolic spirit." It should be added to this picture of the labors of the priests, that of all the heathen in any part of the world to whom the gospel has been sent, none were more difHcult to reach and in- doctrinate in its mild and gentle spirit, than the North American Indians. The report of the discovery of a great river to the west, draining boundless territory, and opening a highway to the gulf, aroused cupidity, and the desii'e to enlarge the dominion of France. Robert Cavalier de La Salle, who had already manifested remarkable enter- prise in his explorations along the shores of Ontario and Erie, and in his mercantile enterprises with the natives, was seized with the de- sire to follow the course of the Mississippi to its mouth. lietnrning to France he sought and obtained from Colbert authority to proceed with his explorations, and take possession of the country in the name of France. Returning to Fort Frontenac with the Chevalier Tonti, and a picked band, he ascended to the rapids of Niagara, passed around the falls with his equipment, built a vessel of sixty tons which he named the Grifiin, and began his voyage up the great lakes, now for the first time gladdened by so pretentious a craft, the forerunner of a commerce whose white wings has come to enliven all its ways. Arrived at Green Bay, he sent backhis craft forsupplies with which to prosecute his voyage down the great valley of the prince of streams. Caught in one of those storms which lurk in the secret places of these lakes, the little vessel was lost on its return voyage. Waiting in vain for tidings of his supplies he crossed over to the Illinois River, and in the vicinity of the present town of Peoria, he erected a fort, which, in consonance with his own disappointed spirit, he named Creve-ccjeur, the Broken Heart. Leaving Tonti and the Recol- lect, Hennepin, to prosecute the explorations of tlie valley, La Salle set out with only three followers to make his way back through the sombre forests which skirt the lakes, to Fort Frontenac at the mouth of Lake Ontario. In the meantime Hennepin explored the Illinois and the Mississippi to the Falls of St. Anthony, accounts of which on his return to France he published. Gathering fresh supplies and men, La Salle started again upon his arduous and perilous voyage; but upon his arrival at Fort Crevecceur, upon the Illinois, he found it deserted and his forces scattered, Tonti, whom he had left in charge, having been forced to flee. Not dismayed, again he returned to Frontenac, having fallen in witli Tonti at Macinaw. Again pro- vided with tlie necessary supplies, but now with ics.s cumbers' the dream of that city where all goodness should dwell, whetlier such has e\ei- existed in the infinity of days gone by, or even now exists in the gardens of the Ilesperides far from our sight and knowledge, or will perchance hereafter, which, though it be not on earth, n)ust have a pattern of it laid up in heaven," — such a dream was ever in the mind of Penn. The thought that he now had in a new country an almost unlimited stretch of land, where he could go and set up his republic, and form and govern it to his own sweet will, and in con- formity to liis cherished ideal, thrilled his soul and filled him with unspeakable delight. But he was not pufted up with vain glory. To his friend Turner he writes: "My true love in the Lord salutes thee, and dear friends that love the Lord's precious truth in those parts. Thine epistle I have, and, for my business here, know that after man}' waitings, watchings, solicitings and disputes in council, this day my conntry was confirmed to me under the great seal of England, with large powers and ]>rivileges. by the name of Pennsyl- vania, a name the king would give it in honor of my father. - * * Thou mayest communicate my grant to Friends, and expect shortly my proposals. It is a clear and just tiling, and my God, that has given it me through many difficulties, will, I believe, bless and make it the seed of a nation." And may we not cherish the belief that the many and signal blessings which have come to this common- wealth in succeeding years, have come through the devout and pious spirit of the founder.' He had seen the companions of his religions faith sorely treated throughout all England, and for them he now saw the prospect of a release from their trilnilations. Penn himself had come up through l)itter persecution and scorn on account of his religion. At the age of fifteen he entered Oxford University, and for the reason that lie and some of his fellow-students practiced the faith of the Friends, they were admonished and finally expelled. Peturning to his home in Ireland, where his father had large estates, his serious deportment gave great oflFence, the father fearing that his advancement at court would thereby be marred. Thinking to break the spirit of the son, the boy was whipped, and finally expelled from the family home. At Cork, where he was employed in the service of the Lord Lieu, 64 mSTORY OF GREENE COTJISrTY. tenant, he, in company with others, was apprehended at a religious meeting of Friends, and cast into prison. While thns incarcerated he wrote to the Lord President of Munster, pleading for liberty of conscience. On being liberated he became more devoted than before, and so impressed was he with a sense of religious duty that he be- came a minister of the gospel. Keligious controversy at this time was sharp, and a pamphlet, which he wrote, gave so much offense to the Bishop of London that Penn was thrown into the Tower, where he languished for eight and a half months. But he was not idle, and one of the boohs which he wrote during his imprisonment, — " No Cross, No Crown," — attained a wide circulation, and is still read with satisfaction by the faithful in all lands. Fearing that liis motives might be misconceived, he made this distinct statement of his belief, " Let all know this, that I pretend to know no other name l)y which remission, atonement and salvation can be obtained but Jesus Christ, the Savior, who is the power and wisdom of God." Upon his release he continued to preach and exhort, was arrested with his associate Mead, and was tried at the Old Bailey. Penn plead his own cause with great boldness and power, and was acquitted ; but the court imposed a fine for contempt in wearing his hat, and, for non-payment, was cast into Newgate with common felons. At this time, 1670, the father, feeling his end approaching, sent money privately to pay the fine, and summoned the son to his bedside. The meeting was deeply affecting. The father's heart was softened and completely broken, and, as would seem from his words, had be- come converted to the doctrines of the son, for he said to him with his parting breath, " Son William, I am weary of the world! 1 would not live over again my days, if I could command it with a wisli; foi' the snares of life are greater than the fears of death. This troubles me, that I have offended a gracious CTod. The thought of that has followed me to this day. Oh ! have a care of sin ! It is that which is the sting both of life and death. Let nothing in this world tempt to wrong yonr conscience; so you will keep peace at home, which will be a feast to you in the day of trouble." Before his death he sent a friend to the Duke of York with a dying request, that the Duke would endeavor to protect his son from persecution, and use his influence with the King to the same end. Tiie King liad previously given James, Duke of York, a charter for Long Island, with an indefinite western boundary, and, lest this might at some future day compromise his right to some portion of his territor}', Penn induced the Duke to execute a deed for the same territory covered by the royal charter, and substantially in the same words used in describing its limits. But he was still not satisfied to have the shores of the only navigable river communicating with the ocean under the dominion of others, who might m time become 4^^^^ 0/ f^.tA/LAj HISTORY OK GREENE COUNTY. G7 liostile and interfere witli tlie free navigation of the .stream. He accordingly induced the Duke to make a grant to him of ^e\v Castle and New Castle County, and on the same day a grant of the territory stretching onward to the sea, covering the two counties of Kent and Sussex, the two grants together embracing what were designated the territories, or the three lower counties, wliat in after years becaine the State of Delaware; but by whicli acts became and long remained component ])arts of Pennsylvania. No such colony as Delaware ever existed. This gave Penn a considerable population, as in these three counties tlie Dutch and Swedes since 1609 had been settling. Penn was now ready to settle his own colony and try his schemes of governmejit. Lest there might l)e a misapprehension respecting his purpose in obtaining his charter, and unwoi'tliy persons with un- worthy' motives might be induced to emigrate, he declares repeatedly his own sentiments: "For my country I e^'ed the Lord in obtaining it; and more was I drawn inwards to look to Him, and to owe to His liand and power than to any other way. I have so obtained and desire to keep it, that I may not be unworthy of His love, but do tliat which may answer His kind providence and people." In choosing a form of government he was much perplexed. He had thought the government of England all wrong, when it bore so heavily upon him and his friends, and he, doubtless, thought in his earlier years, that he could order one in righteousness; but when it was given him to draw a form that should regulate the atiairs of tlie future state, he hesitated. " For particular frames and models, it will become me to say little. 'Tis true, men seem to agree in the end, to wit, happiness; but in the means, they differ, as to divine, so to this human felicity; and the cause is much the same, not always want of light and knowledge, but want of using them rightly. Men side with their passions against their reason, and their sinister in- terests have so strong a bias upon their minds that they lean to them against the things they know. I do not find a model in the world, that time, place, and some singular emergencies ha,ve not necessarily altered; nor is it easy to frame a civil government that shall serve all places alike. I know what is said of the several admirers of Monarchy, Aristocracy, and Democracy, wdiich are the rule of one, of a few, and of many, and ai'e the three common ideas of government, when men discourse on that subject. But I propose to solve the controversy with this small distinction, and it belongs to all three; any government is free to the people under it, whatever be the frame, where the laws rule, and the people are a party to those laws, and more than this is tyranny, oligarchy, and confusion." " Put when all is said, there is hardly one frame of government in the world so ill-designed by its first founders, that in good hands would not do well enough; and story tells us, the best in ill ones can 68 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. do nothing that is great and good; witness the Jewish and the Roman states. Governments, lilve clocks, go from the motion men give tlieni, and as governments are made and moved bj men, so by them are they mined too. Wherefore governments rather depend upon men, than men upon governments. Let men be good, and the government cannot be bad, if it be ill, they will cure it. But if men be bad, let the government be never so good, they will endeavor to warp and spoil to their turn." '' I know some say let us have good laws, and no matter for the men that execute them; but let them consider, that though good laws do well, good men do better; for good laws may want good men, and be abolished or invaded by ill men; but good men will never want good laws, nor sufler ill ones. 'Tis true, good laws have some awe upon ill ministers; but that is where they have not power to escape or abolish them, and the people are generally wise and good; but a loose and depraved people, which is to the question, love laws and an administration like themselves. That, therefore, which makes a good constitution, must keep it, viz., men of wisdom and virtue, qualities that because they descend not with worldly inheritances, must be carefully propagated by a virtuous education of youth, for which after ages will owe more to the care and prudence of founders, and the successive magistracy, than to their parents for their private patrimonies." These considerations, which stand as a preface to his frame of government, are given at some length here, in order to show the temper of mind and heart of Fenn, as he entered upon his great work. He seems like one who stands before the door of a royal palace, and is loth to lay his hand upon the knob, whose turn shall give him en- trance, for fear his tread should be unsanctified by the grace of Heaven, or lack favor in the eyes of his subjects. For he says in closing his disquisition : " These considerations of the weight of government, and the nice and varied opinions about it, made it un- easy to me to think of publishing the ensuing frame and conditional laws, forseeing both the censures they will meet with from men of differing humours and engagements, and the occasion they may give of discourse beyond my design. But next to the power of necessity, this induced me to a compliance, that we have (with reverence to God, and good conscience to men), to the best of our skill, contrived and composed the frame and laws of this government, to the great end of all government, viz.: To support in reverence with the peo- ple, and to secure the people from the abuse of power ; that they may be free by their just obedience, and the magistrates honorable for their just administration; for liberty without obedience is confusion, and ol)edience without liberty is slavery. To carry this evenness is partly owing to the coiistitiitjon, and partly to the magistracy; where HISTORY OF oi:ekt^e county. fi'J either of these fail, government will be subject to confusion; but where both are wanting, it must be totally subverted; then where both meet, the government is like to endure. Which I humbly pray and hope God will please to make the lot of this of Pennsylvania. Amen." In sucli temper, and with such a spirit did our great founder ap- proach the work of drawing a frame of government and laws for his jjroposed community, iusigniticant in numbers at tirst; but destined at no distant day to embrace millions. It is not to be wondered at that he felt great solicitude, in view of the future possibilities. AVitli great care and tenderness for the rights and privileges of the in- dividual, he drew tlie frame or constitution in twenty-four sections, and the body of laws in forty. And who can estimate the power for good to this people, of the system of government set up by this pious, God fearing man, every provision of wliich was a subject of Ills ])rayers, and tears, and tlie deep yearnings of a sanctified heart. The town meeting works the destruction of thrones. Penn's system was, in effect, at the outset, a free Democracy, where the in- dividual was supreme. Had King Charles foreseen, when lie gave his charter, what principles of freedom to the iiulividual would be em- b()die-n 72 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. race have. But tlie Indian could no more be tamed than the wild partridge of the woods. Fishing and hnnting were his occupation, and if any work or drudgery was to be done, it was shifted to the women, as being beneath the dignity of the free savage of the forest. Two hundred and lifty years of intercourse with European civiliza- tion and customs have not in the least changed his nature. He is essentially the savage still, as he was on the day -when Columbus lirst met him, four hundred years ago. But this fact does not change the aspect in which we should view tlie pious and noble intents of Penn, and they must ever be regarded with admiration, as indicative of his loving and merciful purposes. He not only provided that they should be treated as hnman beings, on principles of justice and mercy, but he was particular to point out to his commissioners the manners which should be preserved in their presence: "Be tender of offending the Indians, and let them know that yon come to sit down lovingly among them. Let my letter and conditions be read in theii- tongue, that thej' may see we have their good in our eye. Be grave. They love not to be smiled on." HISTORY OF GREKNE COUNTY. 73 CIIAPTEIl V. Markham First Governor — Sails for New York and is Accokded Permission to Assume Control on the Delaware — Puechase Land of the Indians — Seek a Site of a Great City — Penn Sails for America — Advice to Wife and Children on Leav- ing — Love of Rural Life — Thirty Passengers Die on the Voyage — Calls an Assembly and Enacts Laws — Civil and Religious Liberty — Visits Site of the New City — Satisfied AViTH It — Visits Governor of New York and Friends in Loncj Island and Jersey — Discusses Boundary With Lord Balti- more — The Great Treaty — Method of the Indians — Terms OF the Treaty — Speeoh of Penn — Le(;al Forms Observed — "Treaty Tree" Preserved — Walking Purchase — Consider- ation OF Penn — Injustice of Later Governor — Rapid Increase — Penn Describes the New City — Distances From the Chief Cities — Latitude and Longitude — Designs River Bank for a Public Park — Disregarded — Names His City Phila- delphia — Growth of the Coi.oxv — Cojipared With Other Colonies. NOT being in readiness to go immediately to his province, Penn issued a uoinmission bearing date March 6, 1681, to his cousin, AVilliam Markham, as Lieutenant Governor, and sent him forward with three ship-loads of settlers to take possession of his province. Markham sailed directly to New York, where he exhibited liis com- mission to the acting governor of that province, who made a record of the fact, and gave Gov. Markham a letter addressed to the civil magistrates on the Delaware thanking them for their zeal and iidelity, and directing them to transfer their allegiance to the new Proprietary. Armed now with complete authority, Markham proceeded to the Delaware, where he was kindly received and all allegiance promptly accorded to him as the rightful governor. Markham was accompanied by four commissioners, who wei-e first to establish friendly relations with the Indians and acquire land by purchase, and second to select and survey and lay out the plot of a great city. Penn liad received a complete grant and deed of transfer of these lands, and had he fol- lowed the example of the other colonists he would have taken arbi- trary possession without consulting the natives. But he held that their claims to righti'ul ownership by possession for immemorial 74 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. time, must first be satisfied. Accordingly, following the pacific in- structions of Penn, the commissioners found no difficnlty in opening negotiations with the simple inhabitants of the forest, and in pur- chasing long reaches of land on the south and west bank of the Del- aware and far beyond the Schuylkill. But it was not so easy to find a site for a great city to completely fill all the conditions which the founder had imposed. It must be on a stream navigable, where many boats could ride in safety and of sufficient depth so that ships could come up to the wharf and load and unload without " boating and lightening of it." " The situation must be high, at least dry and sound, and not swampy, wiiich is best known by digging up two or three earths and seeing the bottom." The site was to contain a block of 10,000 square acres in one square, and the streets to be regularly laid out. " Let every house be placed, if the person pleases, in the middle of its plat, as to the breadth- way of it, that so there may be ground on eacii side for gardens or orchards or fields, that it may be a green country town, which will never be burned, and always wliolesome." These instructions of Penn were most carefully observed, and for many weeks the commissioners searched for such a site as he had pictured, their investigations extending far up the Delaware. They finally fixed upon the present site of Philadelphia, which was settled, and has grown as then surveyed. It was between two navigable streams; it was dry, being one vast bed of sand and gravel and hence easily drained; and so high as not to be liable to overflow; it had ten thousand square acres; but there was not distance enough between the two rivers to allow it to be in a square block. ILrvever, as there was room for indefinite extension up and down the str^^ams, this was not regarded as fatal to the choice. The streets were laid with exact regularitj', crossing each other at right angles. Through the center, Market street extended from river to river, and so wide that origi- nally, and until within the memory of many now living, long, low market houses, or sheds stretched along its middle, and at its center it was crossed by Bi'oad street, a magnificent avenue. At their in- tersection a park was left, upon which the city has recently erected a structure of marble for the purposes of the city government, which, for beauty of architecture, convenience and solidity of structure is scarcely matched anywhere in the world. Having settled all things at home to his satisfaction, Penn pre- pared to depart for his new country. But before departing he ad- dressed farewell letters to his friends, and to his wife and children. From these we can gather what was really in his heart of hearts, what was his true character and the tenor of his inmost thoughts. To his fellow laborer, Stephen Crisp, he wrote, "Stephen, we know one another, and I need not say much to thee. * * * The Lord -O ccJl f ^r^-/^^ --J^g^TT niSTOK-r OF GREENE COUNTY. 77 will bless that ground (Pennsylvania). '^ * * And truly, Stephen, there is work enougii, and here is room to work in. Surely God will come in for a share in this planting-work, and that leaven shall leaven the lump in time." As he was now about to depart on a voy- age over the treaciierous ocean, he wrote to his wife and children as though he might never return to them again. To his wife he said, " God knows and thou knowest it, I can say it was a match of .Providence's making, and God's image in us both was the first thing." In counselling her not to become involved in debt, he says, " My mind is rapt up in a saying of thy father's, 'I desire not riches, but to owe nothing;' and truly that is wealth, and more than enough to live is attended with many sorrowes." Of his children he says, "I had rather they were homely, than finely bred, as to outward be- havior; yet I love sweetness mi.xed with gravity. Religion in the heart leads into this true civility. * * * For their learning be liberal. Spare no cost; for by such parsimony all is lost that is saved; l)ut let it be useful knowledge, such as is consistent with truth and godliness, not cherishing a vain conversation or idle mind, but ingenuity mixed with industry is good for the body and mind too. I recommend the useful part of mathematics, as building houses or ships, measuring, STirveying, dialing, navigation; but agriculture is especially in my eye — let my children be husbandmen and house- wives; it is industrious, healthy, honest, and of good example; like Abraham and the holy ancients, who pleased God and obtained a good report. This leads to consider the works of God ar^d nature of things that are good, and diverts the mind from being taken up with the vain arts and inventions of a luxurious world. - * * Of cities and towns of concourse beware; tlie world is apt to stick close to tiiose who have lived and got wealth there; a country life and estate I like best for my children." To his children lie said, " First love and fear the Lord, and delight to wait on the God of your father and mother. * * * Next be obedient to your dear mother, a woman whose virtue and good name is an honor to you; for she hath been exceeded by none in her time for her plainness, integrity, in-- dustry, humanity, virtue, good understanding; qualities not usual among women of her worldly condition and quality. * * * Be- take yourselves to some honest, industrious course of life. * * * And if you marry, mind neither beauty nor riches, but the fear of the Lord, and a sweet and amiable disposition; and being married, be tender, affectionate and meek. * * * Be sure to live within compass; borrow not, neither be beholden to any. * * * Love not money nor the world; use them only, and they will serve you; but if you love them you serve them, which will debase your spirits as well as offend the Lord. * * * Be humble and gentle in your conversation; of few words, but always pertinent when you speak. 78 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. hearing ont before you attempt to answer, and then speaking as if you would pursuade not impose. Affront none, neither revenge the affronts that are done to you; but forgive and yon shall be forgiven of your heavenly father. In making friends consider well first; and when you are fixed be true. Watch against anger; neither speak nor act in it, for, like drunkenness, it makes a man a beast. Avoid flatterers, for they are thieves in disguise. '" ■" '•" They lie to flatter, and flatter to cheat. * * * Be temperate in all things; in your diet, for that is physic by prevention; it keeps, naj', it makes people healthy, and their generation sound. * * * Avoid pride, avarice and luxury. Make your conversation with the most eminent for wisdom and piety, and shun all wicked men, as you hope for the blessing of God, and the comfort of your father's living and dying prayers. * * * Be no busy bodies. In your families remember, Abraham, Moses and Joshua, their integritj' to the Lord. * * * Keep on the square for God sees you." Of this remarkable letter, which is worthy to lay to heart and be made a frequent study l)y the rising generation, only a few brief extracts are given above, yet enough has been adduced to show the pious intent of the founder of our noble Commonwealth. In June, 1682, Fenn set sail for America in tlie ship " Welcome," with some hundred passengers, of whom thirty died of small-pox on the voyage. He landed at JS'ew Castle, where he took formal possession of the country. At a public meeting called at tlie court-house he explained his object in coming, his plan of government, and renewed the com- missions of the magistrates. Proceeding to Uplands, which he named Chester, he called an assembly composed of an equal number from the province and territories, (afterwards Delaware), and proceeded to enact a frame of government and a body of laws. The convention was in session but three days, as it was in harvest, and the farmers could not afford to spend much time; but in that brief period, which in these days would scarcely sufiice for the speaker to make up his committees, the constitution was considered article by article, amended and adopted, and the laws in like manner, so that when they adjourned, after this brief session, it could be said that the great ship of State, Pennsylvania, was fairly launched, and the government, which, in this simple way, was there adopted in the town of Chester, has formed the basis of that system which has guided the State in safety through the more than two centuries of its growth, and brought it safely on in the voyage of empire, with its more than four millions of people. Penn's first and chief care was to establish civil and religious liberty so firmly, that it should not be in the power of future rulers to alter or destroy it. As he himself declarecl, " For the matter of liijerty and privilege, 1 purpose that which is extraordinary, and HISTORY OF GREENE fOlTNTV. 79 leave myself and successors no power of doing miscliief, that the will of one man may not hinder tlie good of a whole country.". Having suffered sore persecution himself, as well as his religions associates, he ciierished a bitter hatred of any system which could impose or even suffer such injustice, and accordingly he placed at the head of his Fundamentals this, in that age, remarkable provision: "In reverence to God, the Father of light and spirits, the author as well as object of all divine knowledge, faith and worship, I do for me and mine, declare and estaldish for the lirst fundamental of the govern- ment of my province, that every person, that doth and shall reside therein, shall have and enjoy the free possession of his or her faith and exercise of worship towards God, in such way and manner as every such person shall in conscience believe is most acceptable to God." It would seem as if the new world was opened at a time when persecution in the old world was rife, that the oppressed people of all nations might have an asylum, where civil and religious liberty should forever be preserved. Having thus settled his form of gov- ernment, and set it fairly in operation, be began to make journeys into the distant parts of his country. He first visited the site which had been selected for the new city, proceeding in a barge from Chester, and landed at the mouth of Dock Creek, now Dock street. Forests covered the site, conies burrowed in the bank, and wild ani- mals dashed past iiim as Penn was pulled up the side. The situation- pleased him, and the conntry was even more inviting than he had been led to believe. " I am very well and mnch satisfied with my place and portion. * * * As to outward tilings we are satisfied; the land good, the air clear and sweet, the springs plentiful, and provision good and easy to come at, an innumerable quantity of wild- fowl and fisii; in fine, here is what an Abraham, Isaac and Jacob would be well contented with, and service enough for God; for the fields are white for harvest. Oh how sweet is the quiet of these parts, freed from the anxious and troublesome solicitations, heresies and perplexities of woful Europe." Penn understood well the proprieties of social life, as well as the advantage of politeness to good fellowship. He took early occasion to visit New York, and pay his respects to the Governor and his associates there. But wherever he went, he never divested himself of his character as a laborer in the vineyard of the Lord. Accord- ingly, after having taken his leave of the Governor, he paid visits to the members of the society of Friends living on Long Island, and in east New Jersey, which had previously come into the possession of a company of which he was one, and everywhere did " service for the Lord." He also visited Lord Baltimore, in Maryland, that they might confer together upon the subject of the boundaries of the two 80 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. colonies. As the weather became intensely cold, precluding the possibility of taking stellar observations or making the necessary surveys, it was agreed to adjourn the conference to the milder weather of the spring. The founder took great care to secure the friendship and interest of the Indians in the new State. He accordingly took early occasion to summon a council of all the neighboring tribes, that he might make a formal treaty of peace with them, and secure a legally executed deed for their lands. The meeting was held beneath the shade of a giant elm at Kensington, ever after known and held in veneration as the " Treaty tree." The Indians from far and near had come, as it was an event that had been widely heralded, and the desire on the part of the natives to see and liear the great founder, who had addressed them the year before in such loving words, was doubtless intense. Penn came with his formal treaty all drawn up, and engrossed on parch- ment, as well as a deed for their lands. In his letter to friends in Eng- and lie describes the manner of the Indians in council, which was doubtless the method observed on the occasion of concluding the great treaty. " I have had occasion," he says, " to be in council with them upon treaties for land, and to adjust the terms of ti-ade. Their order is thus: the king sits in the middle of a half-moon, and has his council, the old and wise on each hand. Behind them, or at a little distance, sit the younger fry in the same figure. Having consulted and resolved their business, the king ordered one of them to speak to me. He stood up, came to me, and in the name of his king saluted me; then he took me by the hand, and told me that he was ordered by his king to speak to me, and that now it was not he but the king who spoke, because what he should say was the king's mind. Hay- ing thus introduced his matter, he fell to the bounds of the land they had agreed to dispose of, and the price; which now is little and dear, that which would have bought twenty miles, not buying now two. During the time that this person spoke, not a man of them was observed to Avhisper or smile, the old grave, the young reverent, in their deportment. They speak little but fervently, and with ele- gance. I have never seen more natural sagacity, considering them without the help (I was going to say, the spoil of tradition) and he will deserve the name of wise, who outwits them in any treaty about a thing they understand." Penn now responded to them in a like sober and reverent spirit, assuring them that the red man and the white man are equally the care of the Great Spirit, and that it is his desire to live in peace and good fellowship with them. " It is not our custom," he says, " to use hostile weapons against our fellow creatures, for which reason we have come unarmed." Penn now unrolls his parchment, and reads and explains the force of each article, all of which is interpreted into their own language, — though it should HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 81 here be stated that Penii learned the Indian language, and was able to speak to them in their own tongue. " I will not do," he continued, "as the Marylanders did, eall you children or brothers only; tor parents are apt to whip tlieir clijldren too severely, and brothers sometimes will diti'er; neither will I compare the friendship between us to a chain, for the rain may rust it, or a tree may fall atid break it; but I will consider you as tlie same tiesh and blood as the Christians, and the same as if one man's body were to be divided into two parts." In response to this declaration the spokesman for the king again comes forward and makes great promises and declares that " tlie Indians and the English must live in love as long as the sun doth give its light." Another speaker now turns to the Indians and ex- plains to them what had been said and done, and counsels them " to love the Christians, that many Governors had been in the river, but that no Governor liad come himself to live and stay here before, and having now such an one that had treated them well they should never do him nor his any wrong," all of whicli was received by the entire assemblage with accents of approval. Penn took special pains to have all his purchases of the Indians executed in due legal form, and recorded in the otfices of his govern- ment, so that if any question concerning the conditions should arise there should be the exact evidence of the bargain at hand. The Indians themselves had no method of recording their agreements, but their memory of such transactions was remarkably exact and tena- cious. They had some arbitrary way by which they were able to recall their knowledge of events. The Indian missionary and his- torian says, "They frequently assembled togetlier in the woods, in some shady spot, as nearly as possible similar to those where they used to meet tlieir brother Miquon (Penn), and there lay all his words and speeches, with those of his descendants on a blanket or clean piece of bark, and- with great satisfaction go successively over the whole. * * * This practice, which I have repeatedly witnessed^ continued until 1780 (a period of a hundred years), when disturl)- ances which took place put an end to it probably forever." The venerable elm tree under which this noted (Conference was held was carefully guarded and preserved. Even while the city of Philadelphia was in possession of the enemy during the Eevolution- ary war, and firewood was scarce, the Treaty Tree, this venerable elm, was preserved from mutilation. The British General Simcoe sta- tioned a guard over it. It stood till 1810, when it fell a victim to the storms, and was found to be 283 years old, showing that at the time of the treaty it was 155. The Penn Society of Philadelphia have marked the spot where it stood by erecting a durable monu- ment. • Of Penn's purchases of the Indians two deeds are on record. 82 HISTORY Oi' UHEKNE COUNTY. executed in 1683, one of thein bearing the signature of the renowned chieftain Taniinend. In one of these the method of measurement was unique. The terms were that the tract should embrace the ter- ritory between two rivers and " shall extend as far back as a man can walk in three days." It does not provide whether the days are to be from sun to sun, nor at what season of the year the walk is to be made, nor whether a day shall be reckoned at twenty-four hours, or whether the walk shall be executed by an experienced walker at the top of his bent, or be walked leisurely. But Penn, actuated by a sense of simple justice, construed entirely to the advantage of the Indians, that he might show them that he was actuated by none but the most exalted motives. Accordingly, Penn, himself, with a num- ber of his friends, accompanied by a gay party of the natives, made the walk. They did not turn it into a race, but treated 'it as a pleasure party, proceeding leisurely, sitting down at intervals to "smoke their pipes, eat biscuit and cheese, and drink a bottle of wine." Com- mencing at the mouth of Neshaminy Creek they proceeded on up the shores of the Delaware. At the end of a day and a half they reached a spruce tree on the bank of Baker Creek, about thirty miles, when Penn, thinking that he had as much land as he would want for the present, agreed with the Indians to stop thei-e and allow the re- maining day and a half of space to be walked ou.t at some future time. The execution of the balance of the contract was in marked contrast to the liberal interpretation of the founder. It was not made till 1733, when the then Governor offered a jjrize of 500 acres of land and £5 in money to the man who would make the greatest walk. There were three contestants, and one, Edward Marshall, won the prize, making a distance of eighty-six miles in tlie single day and a half, an unprecedented feat. The advantage taken by the Governor in this transaction gaVe great offense to the Indians. " It was the cause," says Jenney, "of the first dissatisfaction between thejn and the people of Pennsylvania; and it is remarkable that the first murder committed by them in the province, seventy-two years after the landing of Penn, was on this very ground which had been taken from them by 'fraud. " The excellence of the country, the gentleness of the government, and the loving society of Friends, caused a good report to go out to all parts of Europe, and thither came flocking emigrants from inany lands, from London, Cheshire, Lancashire, Ireland, Scotland, Ger- many, and from Wales a company of the stock of Ancient Britons. For the most part they were of the Society of Friends, and were escaping from bitter persecution for their religion. They were, con- sequently, people of pure hearts, good elements for the building of a colony. On landing they would seek the sheltei' of a tree with their household goods, and there they would live till they could secuil IIISTOKY OF GRI':EXK COUNTY. 83 their land and erect a rude shelter. JSoine betook themselves to the river's bank and dng caves for temporary shelter. In one of these caves the iirst child, John Key, was born in the new city, known long after as Penny-pot, near Sassafras street. He lived to his eightj'-tifth year, dying in 1768. It will be seen that many priva- tions had to be endured, and so great was the influx uf settlers that food was sometimes scarce. But tliey were patient, accustomed to toil, and devoted in their worship, so that tlie colony had wonderful prosperity and increase. Penn's own impressions are conveyed in a letter to iiis friends in England. •' Philadelpliia, the expectation of those who are con- cerned, is at last laid out to the great content of tliose liere. Tlie situation is a neck of land, and lieth between two navigable rivers, Delaware and Schuylkill, whereby it hath two fronts upon the water, each a mile, and two from river to river. * ■•■ '"■ This I will say for tlie good providence of God, of all the places I ha\e seen in the woi'ld I remember not one better seated; so that it seems to me to liave been appointed for a town, whether we regard the rivers, or th(! conveniency of the coves, docks and springs, the loftiness and sound- ness of the land, and the air, held by the people of these parts to be very good. I bless God I am fully satisfled with the country and entertainment 1 got in it." By the course of tiie I'iver tlie city is 120 miles from tlie ocean, but only si.xty in direct line. It is eighty- seven miles from New York, ninety-five from Baltimore, 136 from Washington, 100 from Ilarrisburg, and 300 from Pittsburg, and is in latitude north 39°, 56', 54". and in longitude west from Green- wich 75°, 8', 45". The Delaware at this time was nearly a mile wide opposite the city and navigable for siiips of the greatest tonnage. The tide here has a rise of about six feet and flows liack to the falls of Trenton, some thirty miles. The tide in the Schuylkill flows only about six miles above its confluence with the Delaware. The purpose of Penn was that the land along the river bank should be a public park, holding in his mind's eye its future adornment with walks and fountains and statues, trees and sweet smelling shrubs and flowers; for when pressed to allow warehouses to be built upon it he resolutely declared, " The bank is a top common, from end to end; the rest next to the water belongs to front-lot men no more than back-lot men. The way bounds them." But Penn, at this early day, in the simplicity of his nature had little conception of the necessities which commerce would impose, when the city should grow to the million of population, which it now has, so that the cherished design of the founder has been disregarded, and great warehouses where a vast tonnage is constantly moving, embracing the commerce from the remotest corners of the globe, cumber all the bank. Penn had cher- ished the purpose of founding a great city from his earliest years. 84 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. and had adopted the name Philadelphia (brotherly love) before he had any reasonable prospect of coming to America. So that the name was not a matter of question. The growth of the province was something wonderful, and caused Penh to say in a sjjirit of exultation unusual to him, " I must, with- out vanity say, I have led the greatest colony into America that ever anj' man did upon a private credit." Bancroft ver^' justly observes, " There is nothing in the history of the human race like the con- fidence which the simple virtues and institutions of William Penn inspired. The progress of his province was more rapid than that of New England. In Aiigust, 1683, Philadelphia consisted of three or four litile cottages. The conies were yet undisturbed in their heredi- tary burrows; the deer fearlessly bounded past blazed trees, uncon- scious of foreboded streets; the stranger that wandei-ed from the river bank was lost in thickets of interminable forest ; and two years afterward the- place contained about six hundred houses, and the schoolmaster and the pirinting-press had begun their work. In three years from its foundation Philadelphia had gained more than JNew York had done in half a century. It was not long till Philadelphia led all the cities in America in population, though one of the latest founded. By the census of 1800 Pennsylvania led all the other States in the number of white population, having 586.095; New York, 557,731; Yirginia, 514,280; Massachusetts, 416,393; North Carolina, 337,764; Connecticut, 244,721; Maryland, 216,326; South Carolina, 196,255; New Jersey, 194,325; New Hampshire, 182,998; ' Kentucky, 179,873; Yermont, 153,908; Maine, 150,901: Georgia, 102,261; Tennessee, 91,709; Ehode Island, 65,438; Delaware, 49,852; Ohio, 45,028; Indiana, 5,343; Mississippi, 5,179. ^c^i^ ^^{^X^ HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 87 CIIAPTEK VI. CoXTROVEESY WITH LoUI) B.VLTnrDKK Ol'ENKU ClIAKTKKS CoMI'AKEl) — Penn Visits Loud EAi/rrMoiiK — P^vi.timoke Makes Excuses — Ambicu'ities in Both Ciiaktehs — Baltimoke Offers Disi'I'ted Lands for Sale and I)ri\'es Oft Pennsylvania Owners — Summons to Quit — Resi-onse — Penn Offers to Purchase — Penn Carries the Controversy Before ti[e Rovai. CoiUMissioN — Letter to His Frienhs on Quittinc His Coi.f)NY — Found Officers Sour and Stern — New King Friendly, but Ministry Hostile to Dissenters — Claims Compromised — Elaborate Treaty of 1760 — Line Described — Local Surveyors Ap- pointed — Mason and Dixon Appointed — ^Native Surveyors' Work Found Correct — Sample of Work — Delaware Line Established — Extracts from Notes — "Visto" Cleared — Horizontal Measurement — Stone Pillars Set — Indians View- Astronomical Observations \vrni Awic — War Path in Greene County Survey Stops — Tedious Labors of Surveyors — Boun- dary' Stones Cut in Ench.axi) — Cost of Survey* for Pennsyl- vania, $171,000— End Not Yet. THOUGH feeling a just pride in the prosperity and wonderful growth of his colony, Penn was not free from tribulations. Language could not be made more explicit than that employed to fix the boundaries of his province. That there might be no mistaking the place which it occupied upon the continent the stars were called to stand as sentinels, and science was invoked to fix the places which they marked. But the ink was scarcely dry upon the parchment which recorded the gift before the wliisperings of counter claims were heard. Markham, who was sent forward by Penn as Lieutenant- Governor to take possession of tlie land and commence surveys upon it, had hardly shaken the salt spray from his locks before he was visited at Chester by Lord Baltimore from Maryland, who presented his claim to all that country. On the 20th of June, 1632, just fifty years before Penn received his patent^ the King had granted to Lord Baltimore a charter for Maryland, named for Henrietta Maria, daughter of Henry IV. and wife of Charles I., bounded by the ocean, the 40° of north latitude, the meridian of the western fountain of the Potomac, the 88 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. river Potomac from its source to its mouth, and a line drawn east from Watkius Point to the Atlantic, the place of beo;inning. This territory was given to him, his heirs and assigns, on the payment of a yearly rent of two Indian arrows. Lord Baltimore exhibited his claim to Governor Markham, and to satisfy the latter that his claim was valid, he made an observation of the heavens, which showed that the latitude of Cljester was twelve miles south of the 41° north to which he claimed. Had this claim been allowed, the whole of Delaware bay and river, the three lower counties, now the State of Delaware, tiie city of Philadelphia, Yoi'k, Chambers- bui'g, Gettysburg, indeed the whole tier of soiithern counties would have been cut oif from Pennsylvania. As it will be seen the allow- ance of this claim would have swallowed all the settlements wliich had been made for three quarters of a century, and all the wonder- ful emigration and growth which had now set in, including the great city wliich Penn had founded with so much satisfaction, and cherished with his pains and his prayers, as well as the fairest section of his territory. Markham, on his part, exhibited the Pennsylvania charter, whicli explicitly provides that the southern boundary shall be the " begin- ning of the 40th degree of northern latitude." But this would have included Baltimore, and even as far sonth as the city of Washington, embracing all the growth of the Maryland colony for half a century, and would have only left for Maryland a modicum of land west of the Potomac and south of the 40° north along either shore of the lower Chesepeake, about equal to the present State ot Delaware. This Lord Baltimore regarded an unendurable hardship, and as his charter ante dated that of Penn by fifty years, he held that the charter of the latter was invalidated, and that his own claim could be maintained. In this condition matters rested until the coming of Penn. As we have already seen the new proprietary made it his biisiness to visit Lord Baltimore very soon after his arrival upon the Delaware, and for two days the claims of the two governors were talked over and canvassed. But as the weather became cold so as to preclude the possibility of taking observations to fix accurately the latitude and longitude of the place, it was agreed to postpone further con- sideration of the question for the present. A true picture of these two eminent men in this opening controversy would be one of great historical interest. But we can well imagine that while the rep- resentative of Pennsylvania preserved tiiroughout this conference a demeanor that was " childlike and bland," there was in the brain, which tlie broad-brim sheltered, and in the heart which the shad- bellied coat kei)t warm, an unalterable purpose not to yield the best portion of his heritage. IIISTOKY UF GKEEXK CUUXTV. 89 Early in the spring I'eiin invited Lord Jjaltimore tu come to the Delaware for the settlement of their diti'erences; but it was late in the season before he arrived. Penn proposed that the heai'ing be had before them in the natui-e of a legal investigation with the aid of counsel and in writing. But this was not agreeable to Baltimore, and now he complained of the sultryness of the weather. Before it was too cold, now it was too hot. Accordingly the conference again broke up without anything being accomplished. It was now plainly evident that Baltimore did not intend to corns to any agreement with Penn, but would carry his cause before the royal tribunal in London. Penn now well understood all the conditions of the controversy, and that there were grave difficulties to be encountered. In the lirst place his own charter was explicit and would give him, if allowed, three full degrees of latitude and live of longitude. On the other hand the charter of Baltimore made his northern boundary the for- tietii degree, but whether the beginning or the ending was not stated. If the beginning, then Maryland wouhl be crowded down nearly to the city of Washington, and Pennsylvania would embrace the city of Baltimore and the greater portion of what is now Mary- land and part of Virginia. On the other hand, if the ending of the fortieth degree, then Philadelphia and all the southern tier of counties would have to be given up. By the usual interpretation of language the charter of Baltimore would only give him to the beginning of the fortieth degree. But he had boldly assumed the other interpre- tation, and had made nearly all his settlements above that line. Again it was provided in the charter of Lord Baltiinoi-e that the boundaries prescribed should not include any territory already settled. But it was well known that the settlements along the right bank of the Delaware, from the lirst visit of Hudson in 1609, long before the charter of Baltimore was given, had been made on the territory now claimed by him. On the other hand there were difficulties in construing one portion of the charter of Penn, doubtless caused by the ignorance of the royal secretaries, who drew it, of the geography of the country, there having been no accurate maps showing latitude made at this time. Consequently when they commenced to describe the southern boundary of Penn- sylvania they said, "and on the south by a circle drawn at twelve miles distance from New Castle, Northwards and AVestwards unto the heginnimj of the fortieth degree of Northern Latitude; and then by a straight line westwards to the limitt of Longitude above men- tioned," that is to the Panhandle line, as now ascertained. But this circle which is here described at twelve miles distant from New Castle northwards and westwards, to reach the beginning of the for- tieth, would not only have to bo extended northward and westward, 90 HISTORY OF GREENE COUJS^TY. but southward, and tlie radius of twelve miles soutliward would by- no means reach the beginning of the fortieth degree, and hence would have to be extended on an arbitrary line still further southward, not provided for in the charter. The royal secretaries seemed to have labored under the impression that New Castle town was about on the beginning of the fortieth parallel, whereas it was nearly two-thirds of a degree to the north of that line. It must be confessed that there were many grave difficulties in the way of a satisfactory adjustment of these counter claims, and it is reported that Lord Baltimore, on his first visit' to Markham, after having found by observation the true latitude of New Castle, and heard the provisions of Penn's charter read, dolefully but very per- tinently asked: "If this, be allowed, where then is my pi-ovince?" Baltimore, from the very moment that he discovered what the claims of Penn were, had evidently resolved not to make any effort to come to an agreement with Penn, which is abundantly shown by his frivo- lous excuses for not proceeding to business in their several inter- views; but had determined to pursue a bold policy in pushing the sale of lands on the disputed tract, constantly assuming that his in- terpretation was the true one, and even opening an aggressive policy, trusting to the maintenance of his claims before the officers of the crown in England. Accordingly, Baltimore issued proposals for the sale of lands in the lower counties, now the State of Delaware, territory which Penn had secured by deed from the Duke of York, after receiving his charter from the King, offering cheaper rates than Penn had done. Penn had also learned that Lord Baltimore had sent a surveyor to take an observation and find the latitude of New Castle, had prepared an ex f arte statement of his case and was actually, by his agents, pressing the cause to a decision before tlie Lords of the Committee of Plantations in England, without giving any notice to Penn. Be- lieving in the strong point of possession, Baltimore was determined to pursue a vigorous policy. He accordingly drew up a summons to quit, and sent a messenger. Colonel Talbot, to Philadelphia to "de- mand of William Penn all that part of the land on the west side of the said river that lyeth to the southward of the fortieth degree of north latitude." Penn was absent at the time, and the summons was delivered to the acting Governor, Nicholas Moore. But upon his i-eturn the Proprietary made answer in strong but earnest terms, showing the groiinds of his own claim and repelling any counter claim. The conduct of Baltimore alarmed him, for he saw plainly that if settlers from Maryland entered his province under claim of protection from its Governor, it would very soon lead to actual con- flict for possession. What he feared came to pass sooner than he had anticipated ; for in the spring of 1684, in time to put in their crops, HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 91 a company from Maryland came in force into the lower counties, drove off the peaceable Pennsylvania settlers, and took possession of their farms. Taking the advice of his council, Penn sent a copy of his reply to the demand tliat Talbot had brought, which he ordered to be read to the intruders, and ordered Wiiliani AVelcli, sherili" of the county, to reinstate the lawful owners. He then issued his proclamation reiterating and defending his claims, and warning all intruders to desist in future from such unlawful acts. As has been previously observed, if Penn should tamely submit to the claim of Baltimore, his entire colony would have been swal- lowed up, and all his labor would have been lost. This result Balti- more seemed determined to effect. To the peaceful, quiet and loving disposition of Penn this contention was exceedingly distasteful. As for quantity of land, he freely declared that he would have had enough if he had retained only the two degrees which would have remained after allowing Baltimore all that he claimed. But he was imwilling to give up the rapidly growing city and colonies which he had founded, and more than all to yield possession of Delaware Bay and ri\er, his only means of communication with the ocean. He foresaw that if the two shores of tliis noble stream were in the pos- session of hostile States, how easy it would be to make harrassiiig regulations governing its navigation. But Penn was a man of just and benevolent instincts, and he was willing to make reasonable con- cessions and compromises to secure peace and satisfy his neighbor in Maryland. Accordingly, at one of their interviews Penn asked Balti- more what he would ask per square mile for the territory south of the Delaware and reaching to the ocean, though he already had the deed for this same land from the Duke of York, secured by patent from the King, and Baltimore's own patent expressly provided that he could not claim territory already settled. But this generous offer to repurchase what he already owned, was rejected by the proprietor of Maryland. Penn now saw but too plainly that there was no hope of coming to a peaceful and equitable composition of their differences in this country, and that if he M'ould secure a decision in his interest he had no time to lose in repairing to London, and personally defending his rights before the royal commission. There is no question but that he came to this decision with unfeigned regret. His colony was prosperous, the settlers were happy and contented in their new homes, the country itself was all that he could wish and he no doubt fondly hoped to live and die in the midst of his people. But the demand for his return to England was imperative, and he prepared to obey it. He accordingly empowered the Provincial Council, of which Thomas Lloyd was president, to act in his stead, and on the 6th of June, 1684, sailed for England. From on board the vessel, before 92 HISTORY OF GREKNK COUNTY. leaving the Delaware, he sent back an address to the council, in which he unbosoms himself freely : "Dear PViends: — My love and m}' life is to you and with you; and no water can quench it, nor dis- tance wear it out, nor brirfg it to an end. I have been with you, cared over you, and served you with unfeigned love; and you are beloved of me and near to me bej'ond utterance. * * * Ob, that you would eye Him in all, tiirough all, and above all the works of your hands; for to a blessed end are you brought hither. * * * You are now come to a quiet land; provoke not the Lord to trouble it, and now that liberty and authority are with you, and jn your hands, let the government be upon his shoulders, in all your spirits; that you may rule for Him, under whom the princes of this world will one day esteem it their honor to govern and serve in their places. * * * And thou Philadelphia, the virgin settlement of this province, named before thou wert born, what love, what service and travail has thei'e been to bring thee forth, and preserve thee from such as would abuse and defile thee!" Upon his arrival in England, on the 6tli of October, he took an early opportunity to pay his respects to the King, and the Duke of York, " who received me," he says, " very graciously, as did the min- isters very civilly. Yet I found things in general with another face than I left them — sour and stern, and resolved to hold the reins of power with a stitfer hand than before." In a letter to Lloyd, of the 16tli of March, 1685, he says: "The King (Charles I.) is dead, and the Duke succeeds peaceably. He was well on the First-day night, being the iirst of February so called. About eight next morning, as he sat down to shave, his head twitched both ways or sides, and he gave a shriek and fell as dead, and so remained some hours. They opportunely blooded and cupped him, and plied his head with red hot frying-pans. He returned and continued till sixth day noon, but mostly in great tortures. Pie seemed very penitent, asking pardon of all, even the poorest subject he had wronged. * * * He was an able man for a divided and troubled kingdom. The present King was proclaimed about three o'clock that day." The new king being a personal friend of Fenn, he had hopes of favor at court, and did secure many indulgences for his oppressed Friends in the kingdom; but the ministry was bitterly hostile to dissenters, and he found his controversy with Lord 'Baltimore very diflScult of management. Fenn now pressed his controversy with Lord Balti- more to a final settlement, and in November, 1685, a decision was made in the English court, compromising the claims of the two Governors, and providing that the portion of territory between the Delaware and Chesapeake baj's should be divided by a line through the centre, and that the portion bordering upon the Delaware should belong to Fenn, and that upon the Chesapeake to Lord Baltimore. IIISTOKY OF GREENE COUNTY. 93 This settled the dispute for tlie time; bat upon attempting tu measure and run the dividing line, the language of the act was so indefinite that tlie attempt was abandoned, and the old controversy was again renewed. JN'ot wishing to press his suit at once, while tlie memory of the decision already made was green, Lord Baltimore suffered the controversy to rest, and each parly laid claim to the territory ad- judged to him in theory by the royal decree, but without any division line. On the 28th of April, 1707, the goverment of Maryland presented to the Queen an address asking that an order should be made requiring the authorities of the two colonies, Maryland and Pennsylvania, " to run the division lines and ascertain the boundaries between them, for the ease of the inhabitants, who have been much distressed by their uncertainty. It would appear that the controversy, — after William Penn in 1685 had secured the lands upon the right bank of the Delaware, — was left to work out its own cure, as a deliiiite agreement was entered into in the life time of the founder that tlie authorities in neither colony should disturb the settlers in the other, and as the colonies were substantially located originally with a dividing line where the line was subsequently run, the portion of territory on this disputed belt which each was to give up settled itself, and only needed to be specitically defined, surveyed and marked. Repeated conferences were held, and lines run ^ but nothing satisfactory was accomplished until the -tth of July 1760, when Frederick, Lord Baron of Baltimore, and Thomas, and Kichard Penn, sons of the founder, entered into an elaborate and formal treaty by which the limits of the two provinces were provided. The boundary lines were made mathe- matically exact, so that there could by no possiljility be further con- troversy, provided surveyors were found who had the skill and the instruments necessary for determining them. The line was to commence at Cape llenlopen on the Atlantic coast. This cape as originally located was placed on the point oppo- site Cape May at the entrance of Delaware Bay, and Cape Heni-ietta was fitteen miles down the coast. By an error in the map used by the parties, the names of the.se two capes had been interchanged, and Ileidopen was placed fifteen miles down the coast. At this mis- taken point, therefore, the division commenced. When this was discovei'ed, a complaint was made l)efore Lord Ilardvvick; but in a formal decree, promulgated in 1750, it was declared " that Cape Henlopen ought to be deemed and taken to be situated at the .place where the same is laid down and described in the maps or plans an- nexed to the said articles to be situated." This point of beginning having been settled the dividing lines were to be substantially as follows: Commencing at Henlopen on the Atlantic, a due westerly line was to be run to the shores of the 94 HISTORf OF GREENE COtfNTT. Chesapeake Bay, found to be 69 miles 298 perches. At the middle of this line a line was to be run in a direction northwesterly till it should form a tangent to the circumference of a circle drawn with a radius of twelve miles from the spire of the Court House in New Castle. From this tangent point a line was to be run due north until it should reach a meridian line 15 miles south of the most southern extremity of Philadelphia, and the point thus reached should be the northeast corner of Maryland. If the due north line from the tangent point should cut oii" a segment of a circle from the twelve mile circuit, then the slice thus cut off should be adjudged a part of New Castle County, and consequently should belong to Pennsylvania. The corner-stone at the extremity of the due north line from the tangent point was to be the beginning of the now famous Mason and Dixon's line, and was to extend due west to the western limit of Maryland. This settled the long dispute so far as it could be on paper, but to execute its provisions in practice was more difficult. The primeval forest covered the greater part of the line, stubborn mountains stood in the waj', and instruments were imperfect and liable to variation. Commissioners were appointed to survey, and establish the lines in 1739, but a controversy having arisen, whether' the measurement should be horizontal or superficial, the commission broke up and noth- ing more was done till 1760, when loc'al surveyors were appointed, John Lukens and Archibald McLean on the part of Pennsylvania, Thomas Garnett and Jonathan Hall for Maryland, who commenced to lay off the lines as provided in the indenture of agreement entered into by the proprietaries. Their lirst care was to clear away the vistas or narrow openings eight yards wide through the forest. Having ascertained the middle point of the Henlopen line, they ran an experimental line north until opposite New Castle, when they measured the radius of twelve miles and fixed the tangent point. There were so many perplexing conditions, that it required much time to perfect their calculations and plant their bounds. After these surveyors had been three years at their work, the proprietaries in England, thinking the reason of their long protracted labors indicative of a lack of scientific knowledge on their part, or lack of suitable instruments, employed, on the 4th of August, 1763, two surveyors and mathematicians to go to America and conduct the work. They brought with them the best instruments procurable at that time — an excellent sector " six feet radius which magnified twenty-five times, the property of tlon. Mr. Penn, the first which ever had the plumb line passing over and bisecting a point at the centre of the instrument." They obtained from the Royal Society a brass standard measure, and standard chains. These surveyors were none other than Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon, names forever blazoned upon the political history of the United States, magnates at r -7. — *^ -^^Sd^ ;^.^^^^. ftlSTORY OF OREENR COFNTY. 97 home, but no more skilled nor more accurate in their work, over mountains and valleys, through the tangled and interminable forests of the American continent, than our own fellow-citizens, McLean and Lukens, and Garnett and Hall, who had preceded them. The daily held notes of Mason and Dixon commence November loth, 1763; and the tirst entry is, "Arrived at Philadelphia;" 16th, " Attended meeting of the commissioners appointed to settle the bounds of Pennsylvania;" 22d to 28th, "Landed and set up instru- ments, and found they had received no damage;" December 5th, " Di- rected a carpenter to build an observatoj-y near the point settled by the commissioners to be the south point of the city of Philadelphia," which was to be one of the initial points of the line. When the observatory was finished the instruments were mounted and observa- tions taken to fi.x: the latitude of the place. That the reader may observe the painstaking accuracy with which these surveyors con ducted their work, there is subjoined a table of one night's observa- tions: ^ a rr^ 1 1 T3 o a _ s — C ^ a --^ d o utter lack of appreciation of the kind of warfare he was to wage, is given in the Autobiography of Franklin: "In con\ersation with him one day, lie was giving me some account of his intended j^rogress. ' After taking I'ort l)u Qviesne,' said he, ' I am to proceed to Niagara; and, liaving taken that, to Frontenac, if the season will allow time; and I suppose it will, for I)u Quesne can hardly detain me above three or four days; and then 1 can eee nothing that can oI)struct my march to Niagara.' Having before resolved in my mind," continues Franklin, "the Umg line his army must make in their march by a very narrow road, to i)e cut for them through the woods and bushes, and also of what 1 had heard of a former tlefeat of fifteen hundred French, who invaded the Illinois country, I had ci>iiceived some doubts and some fears for the event of the campaign; but I ventured onl^' to say, 'To be sure, sir, if you arrive well before Du Quesne with these fine troops, so well provided with artillery, t'le fort though completely fortified, and assisted with a very strong garrison, can |)robabl3' make but a short resistance. The only danger I apprehend of obstruction to your march is from the ambuscades of the Indians, who by constant practice, are dexterous in laying and executing them; and the slender line, nearly four miles long, which your army must make may expose it to be attacked by surprise on its flanks, and to be cut like thread into several pieces, which, from their dis- tance, cannot come u]) in time to sujiport one another.' " He smiled at my ignorance, and replied: 'These savages may indeed be a formidable enemy to raw x\merican militia, but upon the King's regular and disciplined troops, sir.it is impossibe they should make an impression!' I was conscious of an impropriety in my dis- puting with a military man in matters of his profession." It was June before the army was ready to set forward. The wagons and artillery were a great hindrance in crossing the moun- tains, and it was soon found necessary to send them back, especially the King's wagons which were very heavy. The horses became weakened by incessant pulling over rough and untraveled roads, and many died. The Little Meadows was not reached until the 18th of the month. Through the advice of Washington, the (General decided to change the order of march, and with a force of his picked men, with as little incumbrance of trains as possible, to ])ush foi'ward. Accordingly, with a force of twelve hundred men, IJraddock set out, leaving Colonel Dunbar with the balance of the command to bring- on the heavy artillery and trains. At the camp, near the crossing of Castleman's River, on the I'Jth, Washington was taken violently ill. ^ '• Braddock,'' he said, in relating the circumstance afterward, "was both my General and my physician. I was attacked with a dangerous fever on the inarch, and he left a sergeant to take care of me, and 7 138 HISTOKY OF GREENK COUNTY. James' fever powders, with the directions how to give them, and a wagon to bring me on when I would be able, which was only the day before the defeat." The army was attended on its march by a small body of Indians under command of Croghan. They had come into camp at Fort Cumberland, attended by their squaws. " These," says Irving, " were even fonder than the men of loitering about the British camp. They were not destitute of attractions; for the young squaws resemble the gypsies, having seductive forms, small hands and feet, and soft voices. Among those who visited the camp was one who no doubt passed for an Indian princess. She was the daughter of the Sachem, White Thunder, and bore the dazling name of Bright Lightning. The charms of these wild-wood beauties were soon ac- knowledged." " The squaws," writes Secretary Peters, " bring in money plenty; the officers are scandalously fond of them! The iealousy of the warriors was aroused; some of them became furious. To prevent discord, the squaws were forbidden to come into the British camp. Finally it became necessary to send Bright Lightning with all the women and children back to Aughquick." Washington was disappointed by the manner in which Braddock acted upon his advice to move rapidly with his best troops, and leave the heavy portion of the im,pedimenta to be moved more leisurely. Washington had given up his own horse for the uses of the trains, and traveled with his baggage half tilling a portmanteau. But the officers of the line could not bring themselves to this simplicity. "Brought up," says Irving, " many of them in fashionable and luxurious life, or the loitering indulgence of country quarters, they were so encumbered with what they considered indispen- sable necessaries, that out of two hundred and twelve horses gen- erally appropriated to their use, not more than a dozen could be spared by them for the public service." Nor was the progress even with these drawbacks at all in consonance with the wishes of Wash- ington. " I found," he says, " that instead of pushing on with vigor, without regarding a little rough road, they M-ere halting to level every mole-hill, and to erect bridges over every brook, by which means we were four days in getting twelve miles." He had been about a month in marching a hundred miles. Indeed, his move- ments were so sluggish as to cause impatience by his friends in Europe. " The Duke of Brunswick," M'ho had planned the cam- paign, writes Horace A¥alpole, " is much dissatisfied at the slowness of General Braddock, who does not march as if he was at all impatient to be scalped." Though still weak, Washington had come up with the advance; but on the 23d of June, at the great crossings of the Yougliiogheny, " he was unable to proceed. Here tiie General interposed his HIt>TORY OF (iKEENE ( OUNTY. 139 authority and forbade his young aid to go further, assigned him a guard, placed liim under the care of his surgeon, Dr. Craig, with directions not to move until the surgeon should consider him suf- liciently recovered to resume the march with safety, at the same time assuring him that he should be kept informed of the progress of the Column, and the portents of a battle. He was, however, impatient at the restraint, and regarded with distress the departure of the army leaving him behind, fearful lest he might not be up in time for the impending battle, which, he assured his brother aid-de-camp, "he would not miss for live hundred pounds." Indications of the presence of a hostile force of French and Indians hovering upon the flanks of the column hourly multiplied. On the 24th a deserted Indian camp of 170 braves was passed, where the trees had been stripped of bark, and taunting words in the French language, and scurrilous ligures were painted thereon. On the following morning three men venturing beyond the sentinels were shot and scalped. These hostile parties were often seen, but they always managed to elnde the parties sent out to cap- ture them. In passing over a mountain quite steep and precipitous, the carriages had to be raised and lowered by means of halyards and pulleys by the assistance of the sailors. Such was the nature of the iiurried march with his best troops which Braddock had consented to make. On the 2Gtli, only four miles were marched, and the half was at another Indian camp, which the warriors had but just left, the brands of their camp-tire still burning. " It had a spi'ing in the middle, and stood at the termination of the Indian patii to the Mo- nongahela. ■" * "■• The French had inscribed their names on some of the trees with insulting bravadoes, and the Indians haarthly yells. Colonel Burton was immediately ordered forward to the support of Gage, who had been attacked by an unseen foe lurking in ambush, but drawn out in. most advantageous oi'der for extending their attack upon the tlanks of the advancing English. They were commanded by a Frenchman, Jieaujeu, attired in a " gayly fringed hunting shirt,"' who led them on and directed the light. The Indians observed no order, but, extending rapidly down the ravine on the flank of the column, poured in a murderous tire upon the regulars and pioneei'S, wlio stood out boldly presenting themselves as targets for the concealed foe, who used their rifles with deadly effect. Tiie tiring on both sides was brisk. The Indian was accustomed to see his foe dodge behind trees and seek cover wherever lie could. Jle haritish general how to tight!" I!ut that young \'irginian counselled wisely in this dire necessity. For three long hours Braddock saw the work of slaughter go on, while he attempted to form his ti-oojis in platoons, ill the open ground, and advance' them u|)oii the conceahMl f(jc. The; provincial troi>ps, in spite (jf the (ieneral, shiel(let»'<:U-/ - /y S~-id^U^ IIISTUIIY OK GKEENE COUNTY. 167 town, which in the upper part, comprising a local plateau some three hundred feet above the water, known as the Plains of Abraham, was fortified. By throwing hot shot from Point Levi, opposite the town, the English nearly destroyed the lower town, but could not reach the upper portion. An attempt to force the passage of the Mont- morenci failed with a loss of Hve hundred men. For eight weeks all attempts to take the city proved fruitless. Meantime Wolfe had heard of the partial failure of Amherst, and the prospect seemed gloomy enough. Finally, by the advice of General Townsend, his faithful lieutenant, he determined to scale the rugged blutt which hems in the river, by secret paths. Accordingly, on the evening of the 12th of September, ascending the river with nuittted oars to the mouth of a ravine, and following trusty guides, Wolfe brought his whole army with artillery by sunrise upon the Plains of Abralianj,niucli to the surprise and discomfiture of the French, whose attention had been diverted by a noisy demonstration where a previous attempt had been made. Montcalm immediately drew up his entire force to meet the offered wager of battle. Long and fiercely the battle raged, but everywhere the French were worsted. Both Generals were mortally wounded. AVhen at length Wolfe heard the glad accents of victory, he asked to have his head raised, and when he beheld the French fleeing on all sides he exclaimed with his failing breath, '• I die content." The campaign of 175'J, like the preceding, ended gloriously for the combined English and American arms, yet the French were not entirely dis])ossessed of power in Canada. Early in the spring of 1760, Yaudreuil, Governor General, sent Levi, successor to Montcalm, with si.K frigates and a strong force to retake Quebec, lie was met three miles from the city by General Murray, and a very sanguinary battle was fought on April 28th, in which the English were defeated, Murray losing a thousand men and all his artillery. Levi now laid siege to the city, and just when its condition was becoming perilous from the lack of sup|jlies, a British squadron with reinforcements and supplies appeared in the St. Lawrence. AVhereupon Levi hastily raised the siege, and losing most of his shipping, fled to Montreal. Vaudreuil now had but one stronghold left, that of Montreal, and here he gathered in all his forces and prepared to defend his " last ditch." Early in September, three English armies met before the city. First came Amherst on the 6th with ten thousand, accompanied by Johnson with a thousand of the Six Nations, and on the same day came Murray with four thousand from Quebec, and on the fol- lowing day Col. Ilaviland with three thousand from Crown Point. Seeing that it would be useless to hold out against such a force, Vaudreuil capitulated, surrendering Montreal and the entire dominion of Canada into the hands of the English. This ended the war upon 168 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. the land. But upon the ocean, and among the West India Islands, it was prosecuted until 1763, when a treaty of peace was signed at Paris, February 10th, whereby France surrenderedall her possessions ill America east of the Mississippi and north of the latitude of the Iberville River, and Spain at the same time ceded to the English East and West Florida. Thus was the Indian war, virtually commenced by planting the leaden plates by the French along the Allegheny and Ohio Rivers, and commonly designated in history as the Seven Years' War, brought to a snccessful close, by the vast plans of empire formed by the comprehensive mind of Pitt, though at a cost to the British nation of five hundred and sixty millions of dollars. And now was forever settled the question whether the population about to spread over the beautiful valleys bordering upon the Alle- gheny and Monongahela Rivers — La Belle Riviere, — should be an English or a French speaking people, should be Catholic or Protestant. HISTOHY OF GREENE COUNTY. 169 CHAPTER XI. Mixn OF Indian Poisoned — Tiik Rkd and White Man Live TorjETiiER — PoNTiAc — His CoNsriEACY — Game of l>A(;(tATnvA — Gladwin AT Detroit — Indian Girl Discloses the Plot — Pontiac Foiled — Concealed Muskets — Attacks the Fokt — Gladwin Secures Supplies— PoNTiAc's Orders FOR Sui'i'LiES Made on Birch Hark — Dalzell Sentfor Succor — Boldly Offers Battle — Repulsed, Death — Settlers Driven From Their Homes — Pitiable Con- dition — Presc^e Isle — Le Boeif and Venaniso Fall — Fort Pitt Attacked — Commander Summoned to Surrender — Bo- yuET Sent for Relief — Battle of Bushy Run — Won r.x Strate(;v — Raise the Sieue — Bihjuet Enters — £100 Offered for Pontiac — Colonel Bradstreet — Deceived hy the Indians — Boch'et Firm — Demands Prisoners and Hostaoes — Is Stern — Makes Terms — Captives Broucht In — Not Reco((nized — Many Prefer to Stay With the Indians — Lovers Bra\"e All FOR Their Loves — Son(; of the German Mother — Pontiac Yields — Miserable Death. THE treaty of Paris put a period to the sanguinary campaigns of the Seven Years' War, so far as treaty stipulations could. IJut the Indians, who liad confederated with the French, could not be reached nor bound by stipulations made three thousand miles away across the ocean, in which they had no voice. Though some of the tribes assembled and smoked tlie pipe of peace with the Englisii, j'et they had grown suspicious. The French had poisoned their minds against tlie I^nglish, telling them that the desire to ol)tain tlie fine lands was the motive which incited this deadly warfare, and that if the French were finally beaten, then the English would turn upon the natives, and drive them from all their pleasant hunting grounds. Though the French in America had accepted the conditions of the treaty, and were as a nation willing to be bound bj' it, yet there were individuals in whose breasts the recollection of sore defeats still rankled, and who saw in the hostility of the red men a means of wreaking their vengeance. The thoughtful Indians saw, or fancied they saw, that daily com- ing to pass which the French had told them. They asked them- selves, not without reason, why the English were so intent to drive 170 IIISTOKY OF GREENE COUNTY. the French from the Ohio valley, spending freely hundreds of mil- lions of money, and sacrilicing countless lives, if they did not expect to occupy these luxuriant valleys themselves; and when they saw the surveyor with his Jacob's staff and chain advancing as the armies retired, blazing his way through the forests, and setting up his mon- uments to mark the limits of the tracts, he was strongly confirmed in his suspicions. The English contemplated doing, so far as re- claiming the forests and settling the country, what was eventually done; but they indulged the hope that the red man and the pale-face could dwell together in peace and unity, as the white man and the African have done since. But that dream had a baseless fabric. Hunting, fishing and war were the occupations of the one, while the arts of peace on farm, in workshop and mill, were the delight of the other. The mutterings of discontent were heard among the Indians dur- ing the seasons of 1760-1-2, and secret enterprises of dangerous consequence had been detected and broken up. Major liogers, who M'ith a small detachment had been sent to receive the surrender of the French posts along the great lakes of the Northwest, and raise tlie English colors, had met on his way the chief of the Ottawas, Pontiac, who dwelt on the Michigan Peninsula, who demanded from Rogers Avhy he was entering upon the land of the Ottawas with a hostile band without his permission. Explanations ensued, the pipe of peace was smoked, and Pogers was allowed to proceed on his mission. But ill concealed disaffection existed among all the tribes as they saw the emblem of the power of Britain lioating from posts along all the lakes and the great river courses. Even the Six Nations, who had always remained the fast friends of the English, especially the Senacas, showed signs of hostility. These, with the Delawares and Shawnees, for two years had been holding secret communications with the tribes of the great Northwest, laboring to induce them to join in a war of extermination upon the English. " So spoke the Senacas," ,says Bancroft, " to the Delawares, and they to the Shawnees, and the Shawnees to the Miamis, and Wyandots, whose chiefs, slain in battle by the English, were still unavenged, until every- where, from the Falls of Niagara and the piny declivities of the Alleghanies to the whitewood forests of the Mississippi, and the borders of Lake Superior, all the nations concerted to rise and put the English to death." It was not easy to arouse the tribes to united action, many feel- ing themselves bound to the English by treaties, and some by real friendsiiip. It was necessary to work upon their superstition. A chief of the Abenakis declared that the great Manitou had shown himself to him in a dream saying: "I am the Lord of Life; it is I insTOin' OF GRKF.NK COUNTY. 171 vvlio made all men; I wake for their safety. T.ierefore 1 give you warnint;, that if you suifer the Englishineii to dwell among you, their diseases and their poisons sliali destroy you utterly, and you shall all die." The leader in all these discontents was Pontiac. lie was now about lifty years old. He had been taken a prisoner from the Catawbas, and had been adopted into the tribe of the Ottawas, in- stead of having been tortured and burned, and had by his cuuning and skill risen to be chief, and was now asserting his authority over all the tribes of the north. ^ Pontiac had been a leading warrior, a sort of lieutenant general in the battle of the Monongaliela, in which General Braddock had been worsted and mortally .wounded. Seeing what slaughter his people had then wrought he doubtless thouglit that it would be easy, if all the Indians could be united, to utterly exterminate .the English, and reclaim their country. Accord- ingly he sent out his runners to all the tribes in the northwest, with the black wampum, the signal for war, and the red tomahawk, direct- ing to prepare for war, and on a day agreed upon they were to rise, overpower the garrisons, and then lay waste and utterly exterminate the English settlers. That he might rouse the entire people he sum- moned the chiefs to a council, which was held at the river Ecorces on the 27th of April, 1763. Pontiac met them with the war-belt in his hand and spoke in his native and iirey eloquence. He pointed to the Prit- ish tlags floating everywhere, to the chieftains slain unavenged. He said the blow must now be struck or their hunting grcmnds would be forever lost. The chiefs received his words with accents of ap- proval, and separated to arouse their people and engage in the great conspiracy. The plan was skillfully laid. They were to fall upon the frontiers along all the settlements during harvest time, and destroy the corn and cattle, when they could fall upon all the out- posts which should hold out and reduce them, pinched with hunger. The blow fell at the concerted signal and blood and devastation marked the course of the conspirators. So sudden and une.xpected was the attack that of eleven forts only three of them were success- fully defended, Venango, Le Poeuf, Presque Isle, La Baj', St. Joseph's, Miamis, Ouachtunon. Sandusky and Michilimackinac, falling into their hands, the garrisons being mei'cilessly slaughtered; l)etroit, Niagara and Fort I'itt alone holding out. Among the first to feel the blow was Michilimackinac. Major Etherington, who was in command, felt no alarm at the assemliling of an unusual number of the tribes under their chief Menehwehna; though he had been warned of their hostility. But so confident was the Major of their jjacific intentions that he threatened to send any one who should express a doubt of their friendly purposes a prisoner to Detroit. On the 4th of June, tlie Indians to tlie numl)er of about 172 HISTORY 01'' GIJEENi: COUNTY. four hundred began, as if in sport, to play a game of ball, called baggatiway. Two stakes are driven into the earth something like a mile apart, and the ball is placed on the ground midway between them. Dividing their party into two sides each strives to drive the ball by means of bats to the stake of the other. This game they commenced, and the strife became fierce and noisy. Presently the ball was sent, as if by accident, over the stockade into the fort when the whole company rnshed pell mell into the fort. This maneuvre was repeated several times without exciting any suspicion. Finally, having discovered all of the interior desired, they again sent the ball within, and when all had gained admission, suddenly turned upon the gari'ison, ninety in number, and murdered all but twenty, whom they led away to be made the subjects of torture or servitude. For several reasons tlie fort at what is now Detroit was among the most imj^ortant of all the fortified posts. 'Its location on the river which connects the upper with the lower lakes gives it the command of these great waterways, and along its margin ran the chief Indian war-path into the great Northwest. Attracted by the fertility of the soil, and the mildness of the climate, the French farmers had early settled here. "The lovely and cheerful region attracted settlers, alike white men and savages; and the French had so occupied the two banks of the river that their numbers were i-ated so high as twenty-five hundred souls. * * * The French dwelt upon farms, which were about three or four acres wide upon the river, and eighty acres deep; indolent in the midst of plenty, graziers as well as tillers of the soil, and enriched by Indian traffic." All this happiness and prosperity Pontiac regarded with an evil eye. To his mind all this country of right belonged to tlie red man. Ey the cutting down of the forest, and multiplying the sounds of civilization, the game, which was their chief resource for living, was frightened away. The favored spots by the living springs and the fountains of sweet waters M'ere grasped by the white man to make his continual abiding place, and would consequently be forever lost to the red man. If, by deep laid strategy, and unblushing deception, they could once seize upon all the strongholds and put the defenders to the slaughter they could then pursue their trade of blood upon the defenceless frontiers until the whole land would be cleared of the pale- face and his race exterminated. The fort was situated upon the banks of the river within the limits of the present city of Detroit. It consisted of a stockade twenty feet high, some two hundred yards in circumference and in- closing seventy or more houses. The garrison, under command of Colonel Gladwin, was composed of the remains of the eightieth regiment of the line, reduced now to about one hundred and twenty men and eight officers. Two six-pounder and one three-pounder HISTORY OF GIIEENK COUNTY. 173 guns and three useless mortars constituted the armament of the fort, and two gunboats lay in the stream. Against this, Pontiac, with a smile on his face, but treachery in his black heart, came in person with fifty of his warriors on the first of May. He announced his purpose to come in a more formal manner in a few days for the purpose of brightening the chain of friendshij), — which usually meant that the chiefs were ready to receive high piled up presents, — and to renew pledges of lasting peace. As this was a ceremony of frequent occurrence Gladwin had no suspicion of treachery. Tribes of the Pottawatatnies and Wyandots dwelt a few miles below the fort, and a short distance above on the eastern side, the Ottawas, Pontiac's own tribe. The day was drawing near when the universal uprising, which had been agreed upon in council, should take place. Pontiac had laid his scheme skillfully, and as he thought there could be no possibility of failure. He had already been admitted to tlie fort, and had spied out its strength and appointments and had bespoken admittance with his warriors. He had agreed with his confederates that when he should rise to speak he would hold in his hands a belt of wampum, white on one side and green on the other, and when he should turn the green side uppermost that should be the signal for the massacre of the garrison. J>ut in savage as in civilized dipk)macy. The best laid schemes of mice and men Gang oft a-gley. A dusky maiden of the forest had formed an abiding friendship for Colonel Gladwin. She had often visited the fort, and had, with native art, executed pieces of her handy work for the use of the Colonel. She had received from his hands a curious elk skin, from vvhich she had wrought with her usual skill a pair of moccasins, and on the night previous to the contemplated massacre she had visited the fort to bring the work, and return the unused portion of the skin. So pleased was Gladwin with her skill that he asked her to take the skin and make him another pair, and if any were then left she might appropriate it to her own use. Having paid her for her work she was supposed to have gone to her wigwam. But when the watchmen whose duty it was to clear the fort and shut the gates went at the evening signal gun, they found this maiden lingerinop in the inclosure and unwilling to depart. On being informed of tills, Gladwin ordered her to be led to his presence, and in answer to the inquiry why she did not go away as had been lier custom, she made the lame excuse that she did not like to take away the skin which the Colonel seemed to set so high a value on lest some injury or destruction might come to it. When asked why she had not made that objection before, seeing that she must now disclose her trouble, she ingenuously declared, " It' I take it away, 1 shall never 174 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. be able to return it to you." Inferring that something unusual was foretold in this answer, she was urged to explain lier meaning. Whereupon she revealed the whole secret,-^tliat Pontiac, and his chiefs were to come to the fort on the morrow, and while the dusky warrior was delivering his pretended speech of peace he was to present a white and green belt which on being turned in a peculiar way was to be the signal for the murder of the commandant and all the garrison. That the hostile intent might be entirely hidden beneath the garb of peace, the ingenious savages had cut otf a piece from the barrels of their guns so that they could carry them concealed beneath their blankets. Having given the particulars of the conspiracy she departed. Being thus put in possession of the horrible purpose Gladwin communicated the intelligence to his men, and sent word to all the traders to be on their guard. At night a cry as of defiance was heard and the garrison anticipated an immediate attack. The gar- rison tires were extinguished, and the men silently sought their places in readiness to meet the onset. But none came, and it was supposed the chiefs were acting their parts by their camp iires, which they were to play on the morrow. At the appointed hour, Pontiac came accompanied by thirty- six chiefs and a cloud of dusky warriors bearing his speech belt and the pipe of peace. Gladwin was prepared to receive him, his men all under arms, guns cleaned and freshly loaded, and officers witli their swords. On entering the fort Pontiac started back ntter- ing a cry of anguish, convinced that he had been betrayed, by the evidences of preparation about him ; but there was no wny of retreat now. When the number agreed upon had been admitted the gates were closed. Whem arrived, at the council chamber, Pontiac complained that the garrison was all under arms, a thing unusual in an eml)assage of peace. Gladwin explained that the garrison were that morning holding a regimental drill. But I'ontiac knew better than that. He commenced his speech Avith that air of dissimulation which he had the ability to command, and expressed, the desire for peace and friendship with the English which he hoped would be as lasting as the coming and going of the night and morn- ing. But when he advanced to present the lielt the otiicers grasped their swords, and drew them partially from their scabhar ,s. Seeing that his treachery was known, but not in the least disconcerted, he did not give the signal, he liad agreed upon, and closed his speech in the most friendly and pacific tone. When Colonel Gladwin came to reply he boldly charged the chieftain with his black hearted perfidy. But the latter protest''d his innocence, and expressed a sense of injiiry that he should be suspected of so base a crime; but M'hen Gladwin advanced to the V s- J^ ^'OnrCyfC^y-i.^O- HISTORY OF GRKENK COTNTY. 177 nearest chieftain and jnilliiig aside his blanket, disclosed the shortened gnn with which each of them was secretly armed his discomliture was complete. lie was suffered to depart, but unwisely, has l)een the unanimous judgment of historians. Indeed, so little reliance has come to be placed on the words of an Indian, that it has been declared that '-the only good Indian is a dead Indian." Hoping still to disarm the suspicions of the commandant, and gain admission to the fort through treachery, I'ontiac came again on the following morning accompanied with only three of his chiefs and smoked the pipe of peace in the most innocent garb, and declared that his whole Ottawa nation desired to come on the following morning to smoke. But (iladwin declared that this was unneces- sary, as he was willing to accept the word of the chiefs, and if they were so anxious to be at peace their own conduct would be the best pledge of their pacific intentions. Seeing that his treacherous purposes were understood, and that he could not gain admission to the fort by any professions of friendship, he threw off the cloak of deceit under which he had in- tended to slaughter the garrison and possess the post, and attacked the fort with all his warriors. The few English who were outside were murdered, all communication was cut off, death was threatened any who should attempt to carry supplies to the garrison, and the keenest strategy was employed to tempt the troojis to open combat. Carts loaded with combustibles were pushed up to the palisades in the attempt to burn them; but all to no purpose. Gladwin was wary, and met every artifice of the wiley foe with a counter-check. In one part the savages attempted to gain entrance by chopping down the picket posts. In this Gladwin ordered his men to assist them by cutting on the inside. "When these fell a rush was made by the Indians to enter; but a Ijrass four-pounder, which had been charged with grape and canister and so planted as to command the breach, was discharged at the opportune moment, which effected great slaughter. Poiitiac now settled down to a close seige. Un- fortunately Gladwin had only supplies for three weeks. The savage chieftain, believing that he had learned something of civilized war- fare, on the 10th of May, summoned the garrison to surrender. Gladwin asked for a parley, intimating tlirough the ofKces of a French emissary, that he was willing to redress any grievances of the Indians, not suspecting tiiat the attack on him was a part of a deep laid conspiracy reaching all the posts of the frontier. Pontiac con- sented and Major Campbell and Lieutenant JMcDougal were sent. Hostilities were suspended and Gladwin improved the opportunity to lay in ample supplies for the siege, when he ended the conference. ■I'ut Major Campbell was retained as a prisoner and was subsequently murdered. The siege was now closely maintained, a species of hos- 178 HISTORY OF GEEENE COUWTY. tility which the Indians had never before exhibited an aptitude to practice, but Avhich the genius of tlieir leader had acquired in his fellowship with the French. He organized a system of obtaining supplies after the best European methods, scorning the make-shifts of the freebooter; but giving his receipt for every thing taken, and issuing his promissory notes, written on the bark of the papyrus birch, and executed with the outline of an otter, which passed cur- rent among the French farmers, all of which he faithfully i-edeemed. Lieutenant Cuyler, with a force of ninety-six men and supplies for Gladwin, was dispatched from the fort at Niagara; but landing at the mouth of the Detroit River, he was attacked in his camp at midnight of the 28th of May, and utterly defeated, losing three of his boats, two only escaping with Cuyler, who returned to Niagara. On the 29th of July, Captain Dalzell, taking advantage of the darkness of the night, had reached the fort with a reinforcement of some two hundred men. Dalzell was full of fight, and with but one day's rest insisted on marching out to oifer battle. Gladwin knew the numbers and temj^er of the Indians and their treacherous methods better than the Captain, and counseled strongly against the advent- ure; but the latter was confident and the commandant yielded a reluctant assent. At the head of two hundred and forty-seven chosen men, Dalzell bravely led out of the fort at a little past mid- night of the 30th of July, accompanied by two barges in the river. Unfortunately the French had notified Pontiac of the intended attack. The course of Dalzell was along the river bank by Canadian cottages and gardens. A mile and a half above the fort was a small creek, since appropriately known as Bloody Kun. Over this was a narrow bridge and on the heights beyond were the entrenchments of the foe, straggling fences and cabins, behind which they were in waiting for the approach of Dalzell. Scarcely had the advance crossed this bi-idge than the savages poured into their faces a volley from tlieir safe hiding places. A charge was ordered before which the Indians vanished in the darkness, but soon reappeared in the rear with the design of cutting off escape; and now the red men had taken shelter behind houses and attacked in flank. This threw the line into confusion and in disorder, a retreat along the river com- menced. Major Rogers with a squadron of provincials took position in a house, which covered the retreat, and succeeded to check the onrushing savages. Captain Grant with another party gained an advantageous position for covering the retreat, when the forces were finally brought within the shelter of the fort, but with the loss of fifty-nine men, including the bold leader Dalzell. In the meantime one of the schooners had been dispatched to Niagara for supplifes. On its return the savages, who had learned tliat it was manned by only ten men, planned to attack and capture HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 179 it. In canoes they approached in the darkness in great numbers and in face of a rapid musketry lire were boarding the vessel, when the commander gave the order to tire the magazine and blow up tlie ship, which the Indians hearing, leaped overboard and swam to shore to escape the explosion, \\hen the vessel moved up under cover of the fort unmolested. The peace of Paris liad been concluded in April, yet tlie intelli- gence was tardy in reaching the frontiers, and when finally it was known, the hatred of the English and the hope of yet driving them away through Indian warfare was still kept alive. But the stubborn defence of Detroit tinally convinced the more considerate of the French that it was their best policy to submit to the Euglisli author- ity. Accordingly Neyon informed Pontiac that no further assistance could be expected from the King of France, a tale of whose coming with a great army to annihilatt' the English having l>een persistently dinned into his ears, that peace had been concluded, that France had surrendered everything in America, and that the English were now the only rightful rulers. The sullen Pontiac received the tidings with disgust, broke the siege in no sjjirit of submission, and declared that he would return again in the spring and renew his warfare. From the tirst the will of Pontiac ruled all the frontier, though absent in person. The war belt which he sent was a sufficient com- mission for stealthy murders and midnight scalpings and l>urnings along all the borders. On the receipt of news of the conclusion of peace, the settlers who had been driven from their cabins during the continuance of hostilities, supjjosing that the pacification would be nade complete, hastened back to their settlements in the hope of getting their plantings and sewings made in season for crops that should be their support for the coming winter. But the decree of Pontiac disappointed all their hopes, and made this summer of 1763 the most bloody of all the seven. "About tiie first of June," it is recorded in tlie History of Western Pennsylvania, "the scalping parties perpetrated several murders in the vicinity of Fort Pitt. Upon receipt of this intelligence Governor Hamilton, with the assist- ance of the provincial commissioners, immediately reinforced the garrison at Augusta, and sent out small parties to protect the frontiers. As the first attack was not immediatelj followed up l>y tlie Indians, the government was willing to believe it to have been the eflect of some private resentments, rather than a general combina- tion for war. But such hopes were dissipated by inroads upon the settled parts of the province and the flight of the inhabitants to the interior. Tlie whole country west of Shippenslnirg became the prey of the fierce barbarians. They set fire to houses, barns, corn, hay, and everything that was combustible. The wretched inhabitants whom they surprised at night, at their meals, or in the labors of the 180 IIISTOKY OF GREENE COUNTY. fields, were massacred with the utmost cruelty and barbarity; and those who lied were scarce more happy. Overwhelmed by sorrow, without shelter or means of ti'ansportation, their tardy flight was im- peded by fainting women and weeping children. The inhabitants of Shippensburg and Carlisle, now become the barrier towns, opened their hearts and their houses to their afflicted brethren. In the towns, every stable and hovel was crowded with miserable refugees who, having lost their houses, their cattle and their harvest, wei-e reduced from independence and happiness to beggary and despair. (On the 25th of July, 1763, there were in Shippensburg 1,384 of poor, distressed, back inhabitants, viz: men, 301; Avomen, 345; children, 738; many of whom were obliged to lie in barns, stables, cellars, and under old leaky sheds, the dwelling houses being all crowded.) The streets were filled with people; the men, distracted by grief for their losses and the desire for revenge, more jjoignantly excited by the disconsolate females and bereaved children who wailed around them. In the woods, for some miles, on both sides of the Susquehanna Eiver, many families with their cattle sought shelter, being unable to find it in towns." While the scattered settlers fled for safety before the roving bands, the garrisons of the isolated forts far out beyond the farthest verge of the settlements were shut off from communication with their comrades whence succor could come, and were made the objects against which the best resources of the savages were directed. It was a new kind of warfare to tliem; but they had seen enough of siege work iii the operations of the English against the Frencli, to understand its nature, and to undertake it with all the relish inspired by a new thing. They had no artillery, but they could shoot- flei-y darts, mine with the zeal of a beaver, preserve constant vigils, and destroy by combustibles whatever was destructible that they could reach. •Presque Isle, next to Niagara and Detroit, was the most im- portant post along the line of defenses, as it guarded the communica- tion east and west, and being on water communication could be easily reached with supplies and reinforcements. On the 22d of June it was attacked, it had a garrison of twenty-four men and was easily defensible for any period. But the commander, Ensign Christy, after defending himself two days, in the most shameless manner capitulated, giving up all his men, who were no sooner in the hands of the savages than they were treacherously given over to the scalp- ing knife, he himself being carried away a prisoner to Detroit reserved for future torments. The fort at Le Boeuf (Waterford), but a few miles away, on the head waters of the Venango River (French Creek), one of the tributaries of the Allegheny, had been attacked four days before. The fort was of combustible material, and at midnight the lU.^TOKY (IF (iUEKNK fOlXTV. 181 savages succeeded in tiring it, when the garrison, seeing that tiie flames could not be stayed, secretly withdrew nnder cover of the darkness into the woods and made good their escape, the Indians believing them burned. On their way down the river they saw at Venango the ruins of the fort, the garrison there having all been massacred, not one escaping to tell the tale. Fort Pitt (Pittsburg), which hail been laid out and its construe tion pushed with so much energy, had never been linished, and the floods of spring which had eaten in upon the hanks with great violence had opened it on three sides. Captain Ecuyer, who was in commniand, had with him a garrison of three hundred and thirty men. With energy and skill he had reared a rampart on the unpro- tected sides, had palisaded the interior work, and had constructed an engine for extinguishing tire should the foe succeed in tiring the work. On the 22(1 of June, the very day on which the attack had been made at Presque Isle, the dusky warriors made their appearance before Fort Pitt, and commenced the attack, investing it on all sides, killing one ancj wounding another. With prying eye they skulked around at night peering in on every side to discover if possible its weak part. Concluding, probably, that the work would be a difticult one to overcome, and judging that strategy would be surer of success than force, after niidnigiit tliey asked for a parley. Turtle Heart, chief of the Delawares spoke: '' brothers," he said, "all your posts and strong places, from this backwards are burnt and cut oft". This is the only one you have left in our country. AVe have prevailed with six dift'erent nations of Indians, that are ready to attack you, to forbear till we came and warned you to go home. They have fur- ther agreed to permit you and your people to pass safe to the inhabi- tants. Therefore, brother, we desire that you may setofl' to-morrow, as great numbers of Indians are coming here, and after two days we shall not be able to do anything with them for you." Their purpose in this exhortation was doubtless to get the garris'on in their power and then massacre them as they had done at Presque Isle, which had induced General Amherst to observe, " I am surprised that any oflScer in his senses would enter into terms with such barbarians." To this a]iparently innocent and reasonable appeal, Ecuyer sternly refused to listen, but reminded them that three English armies were on their way to chastise them, and that it was they who should be seeking safety. The fort was now closely invested and no intelli- gence could be sent through, either to or from the fort. Though surt'ering for lack of many things necessary for the comfort and suc- cessful defence of the fort, the gallant captain vigilantly held and guarded it, though wounded by an Indian arrow, the foe using most skillfully all their savage implements of warfare. Again and again 182 niSTOUY OF GREENE COUNTY. was tlie demand foi' tlie surrender of the fort made. Shingiss and Big Wolf speaking for the Uelawares and Shawnees said, " You know this is our country. You yourselves are the people that liave dis- turbed the chain of friendship. All the nations over the lakes are soon to be on their way to the forks of the Ohio. Here is the wam- pum. If you return quietly home, to yonr wise men, this is the furthest they will go. If not, see what will be the consequence; so we desire you to remove off." In his answer Ecuyer said, " You suffered the Fi-ench to settle in the heartof your country, why would yon turn us out of it now? I will not abandon this post; I have warriors, provisions, and ammunition in plenty to defend it three years against all the Indians in the woods. Go home to your towns, and take care of your women and children." The siege was now pushed with redoubled vigor, digging holes by night and running their trenches close up to the walls of the fort, and keeping up a galling fire of musketry and fiery arrows from their safe hiding places upon the defenders. This close investment .was continued till the close of July; but on the Istof August all had disappeared, a danger which Ecuyer had threatened now impending. General Amherst, who was still in command of the English army in America, when informed of the general Indian war which had broken out under the inspiration of the savage Pontiac, was without suf- ficient troops with which to meet the threatened danger, a large part of the British regulars having been sent to the "West Indies. His energies were bent with what scattered forces he could gather up, to the relief of Detroit, Niagara and Fort Pitt. Fortunately Niagara was not attacked. For the relief of Fort Pitt Colonel Boquet was dispatched with the fragments of the Forty-seventh and Seventy- seventh i-egiments of Highlanders, comprising only 214 and 133 men respectively, and these greatly weakened by their severe service in the siege of Havanna. At Carlisle, he was to be furnished with sup- plies; but upon his arrival there, no supplies were collected, and eighteen days were consumed in gathering them. Plenty of grain stood ripe ready for the sickle, but the reapers were gone, and the mills were deserted. With scarcely five hundred men Boquet moved boldly forward on that bloody path which had been so often traversed before with such disastrous results, driving two hundred sheep, and half the number of kine, bearing ammunition, flour, and provisions carried upon pack-horses and in wagons drawn by oxen. Beyond the Alleghanies was Fort Ligonier, held by a small garrison under command of Lieutenant Blane. It was of the utmost importance that this should be held, as the stores of ammunition deposited there if allowed to fall into the hands of the Indians would afford them the means of prolonging the war. Besides, it furnished a rallying point for the force in advancing, and falling back if misfortune should mSTOUY OK fiUEENK COUNTY. 183 overtake them. Accordingly, Boquet dispatched thirty picked men under a discreet officer to jiroceed by forced marches to f5;ain the fort. This tiiey successfully accomplished, carrying succor to the closely beluayuered post. A party of skilled woodsmen had previously been sent out from Fort JJedford, a point midway between Carlisle and Fort Pitt, one hundred miles from either point. Boquet could get no information on the way, as roving bands of Indians picked oti:" any one who ventured to pass from one point to the other, though the savages were kept constantly informed of every movement of the troops. Arrived with his main body at l^igonier, the Colonel determined to leave his wagons, and proceed only en- cumbered with pack-liorses. By the road that he was to follow, was a dangerous defile of several miles in extent overhung by high craggy hills. This he was familiar with, and intended to pass it by a night march, hoping thus to surprise the foe and escape an attack by them on this difficult ground. At ]>usliy Run, a tributary of Brush Hun and that of Turtle Creek, and twenty-one miles from Pittsburg, he had intended to halt for rest; but when arrived within a half mile of this point, on August 5th, he was suddenly attacked by an unseen foe, who came upon him unaware?. A charge upon the attacking party sent them fleeing; but when pushed in one direction tliey ap- peared in another, and soon they attacked along tlie whole flank. A steady charge of the regulars sent them back, but only to ap- pear again in another part, until they had the little force of Boquet completely surrounded by a continuous line, and were becoming every moment more daring and eager for the fight. They, no doubt, believed that they now had the whole force completely in their power, and would soon have the fighting men picked ofl" from their hiding places. It must be acknowledged that the prospect seemed gloomy enough. Should this army ■ be now sacrificed, the whole frontier would be thrown open to the attacks of the stealthy savages, and the tomahawk and the scalping-k)ufe would bear undisputed sway, even to the very doors of Philadelphia. I>ut Boquet understood the methods of savage warfare better than Braddock, and Ilalket, and Dunbar, and was unmoved by the fierce whoop of the Red Man or his gleaming scalping knife. He could not advance in any direction and leave his pack-horses and his stores, as they would immediately fall into the hands of the foe. He, ac- cordingly, formed his forces in a circle facing outwards, and drew up his trains in the center. Noticing that the Indians were becoming more and more eager for the fray, and every moment more venture- some, Boquet determined to give them a taste of their own tactics. At dawn of the second day of the action the enemy were early awake, and opened the battle with the most horrid and unearthl}' screech- ings. Having the advantage of elevated ground, and being sojne- 184 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. what concealed by the foliage of the trees and bushes, Boquet could maneuver his forces without disclosing his movements. Seeing that the savages were eager to rush forward whenever they saw the least disposition of the troops to yield, he determined to feign a retreat. He accordingly ordered the two companies occupying the advance to retire within the circle, and the lines again to close up, as if the whole force was commencing the retreat. Bnt before commencing this movement he had posted a force of light infantry in ambuscade, who, if the Indians should follow the retreating troops, would have them at their mercy. The stratagem succeeded precisely as had been anticipated. The Indians, seeing the troops retreating, and the feeble lines closing in behind them, as if covering the retirement, rushed forward in wildest confusion and in great numbers. Bnt when the grenadiers who had been posted on either side, saw their opportunity they advanced from their concealment, and charged with the greatest steadiness, shooting down the savages in great numbers, who returned the fire, but soon broke in confusion and disorderly flight. But now the companies of light infantry which had been posted on the opposite side, rose up from their ambush and received the flying mass with fresh volleys. Seized with terror at this un- expected disaster, and having lost many of their best fighting men and war chiefs, they became disheartened, and seeing the regulars giving close pursnit, they broke and fled in all directions. All efforts of their surviving chiefs to rally and form them were unavail- ing. They could no longer be controlled; but breaking up they fled singly and in parties to their homes, many of them not pausing till they had reached the country of the Muskingnm. Boquet, though entirely successful in this, the battle of Bushy Run, had lost nearly a fourth of his whole avmj, fifty killed, sixty wounded and five missing, and nearly all, his pack-horses, and there- fore took evei-y precaution to avoid a surprise and further loss. He destroyed all his stores which he could not carry with him, that they might not fall into the enemy's hands, and moved forward in close order; but without further molestation, and in four days reached Fort Pitt, the enemy having been so thoroughly broken that they did not again show themselves before the fort. The savages lost in this engagement sixty killed and many wounded in the pursuit. As the tidings of the fall of post after post, along the whole frontier, came day after day to General Amherst, who had his head- quarters at New York, and of the savage attacks upon Detroit and Fort Pitt, his anger knew no bounds. He recognized in Pontiac the chief of the conspiracy and the investigator of all their savage designs. Before receiving news of the success of Boquet, he wrote to Gladwin, by the hand of Gardiner: — "The Senecas, and all these hostile tribes must be deemed our enemies, and used as such; not <^^vC<^ IIISTOKY OF GKEENK COUNTY. 187 as a generous enemy, but as the vilest race of beings that ever in- fested tile eartli, and wliose riddance from it must be esteemed a meritorious act, for tlic good of manl^ind. You will, therefore, take no prisoners, lint put to death all that fall into your hands of the nations who have so unjustly and cruelly coinmitted depredations. I have thought ]iroper to promise a reward of one hundred pounds to the man who shall kill Pontiac, the chief of the Ottawas — a cowardly villain." Though the campaign of 1763 had been disastrous to English arms in America, yet its termination in the triumph of Bushy iluii and relief of Fort Pitt, and the complete foil given to all the plans of Pontiac, which he personally conducted, gave the Indians a gloomy outlook for the futnre. Nevertheless, Pontiac returned in the spring of 1764 to the siege of Detroit. General Gage, who had succeeded Amherst in command in America, determined to push the campaign with a strong hand. Two expeditions were planned, one to advance under Colonel P)radstreet by Niagara, Pres(|ue Isle and kSandnsky, and a second under Colonel Eoquet by way of Fort Pitt and the country of the Muskingum. Sir William Johnson had always possessed great influence with the Indians, especially with the Six Nations, occupying the greater j)art of New York, and during the winter of 176.3-64 had sent out messengers to all the tribes advising peace. Hence when Bradstreet reached Presque Isle, he was met by the chiefs, Shawnees and Delawares, and at Sandusky by the Ottawas, Wyan- dotts, and Miamis, who, under the garb of j)eace and friendship, de- sired to make a treaty of paciflcation. But, notwitlistandiug their promises, mnrders and massacres continued. At Detroit, he was met by the Ottawas, Ojibwas, Pottawattamies, Sacs, and Wyandotts, who likewise made treaties of peace; but they were unable either to control the young warriors, or they never meant to comply with the terms they liad agreed to, and the whole campaign proved fruitless, Bradstreet returning to Niagara, and Gage issuing orders to annul all his treaties. Not so with iioquet, who knew the Indian tactics better. ' AVith Ave luindred regulars and a thousand provincials he marched from Carlisle on the 5th of August, and arrived at Fort Pitt about the middle of Septemljer. lie had received a message from Bradstreet on the way informing him that he liad concluded treaties of peace witli all the western tribes, and that it would be unnecessary to pro- ceed further. But Bo(juet knew that the Colonel had been duped, and pushed forward with his army. At Fort Pitt Boquet learned that the messenger sent by him to Bradstreet had been murdered and his head set up upon a pole in the road. The chiefs of Delawares, Senecas, and Shawnees waited upon him on his arrival and advised peace, and that he proceed no further, alleging that their young men 188 HISTOT.Y OK GREENE COUNTY. had coiiiinitted tlie outrages charged without authority. Boquet boldly charged faitljlessness, and that they should punish their young men if they disobeyed. He boldly marched on down the Ohio into the very lieart of the Indian country, and so stern were his words and so summary his threats, and the taste of his figliting had inspired such dread, that the tribes sent their chiefs to sue lor peace. Boquet met them in the midst of his army, and in answer to their entreaties for peace charged them with constantly breaking their promises. " You have," said he, " promised at every former treaty, as you do now, to deliver up all your prisoners, and liave received at every time presents, but have never complied with the engagements. 1 am now to tell you, therefore, that the English will no longer be im- posed upon by your promises. This army shall not leave your country until you have fully complied with every condition that is to precede a treaty with yon. * * * If I iind you faithfully execute the follow- ing preliminary conditions, I will not treat you with the severity you deserve. I give you twelve days to deliver into my hands all the prisoners in yoTir possession, without any exception: Englishmen, Frenchmen, women and children, whether adopted in. your tribes, married or living amongst you under any denomination and pretense, whatsoever, together with all the negroes." The stern tone of the brave Colonel had the desired effect. They saw before them a man determined to enforce his commands sur- 3'ounded by soldiers ready to execute vengeance. They became sub- missive and a part of them asked for peace, but the Colonel refused to take them by the hand until their promises were fulfilled, and the terms of peace fully agreed upon. The chiefs were much grieved by this lack of confidence, and used their utmost endeavors to induce their people to bring forward their captives. By the 9th of Nov- ember all the captives had lieen brought in and delivered up, to the number of two hundred and six, — Virginians, thirty-two males and fifty-eight females, and Pennsylvanians, forty-nine males and sixty- seven females. This number did not include nearly a hundred in the han^s of the Shawnees, who were to gather and deliver them up in the following spring. When all had been accomplished, Keyashuta, chief of the Sen- ecas, a tribe of the Delawares spoke: "Brother, the misfortune which has happened of one of your people being murdered, gives us the same sorrow it gives you. By this string of wampum (giving one) we wipe the tears from your eyes, and remove from your heart the resentment which this murder has raised against us. * * * We have strictly complied with your desire, and now deliver j'ou tliese three prisoners, which are the last of your flesh and blood that remain among us. * * * Brother, we cover the bones which have been baried, in such a manner, that they never more be re- HISTORY Ob" GREENE COUNTY. 189 meinbered. AV^e cover thein again with leaves, that the place where they are buried, may never more lie seen. As we have been a long time astray, and the path between us and you stopped, we hope the path will be again cleared, and we now extend this belt of wampum be- tween you and us, that we may atjjain travel in peace to see our brothers as our ancestors formerly did. * * * As we have now extended a belt representing the road between you and us, we beg that you will take fast hold of it, that the path may always be kept open between us." In answer to these earnest sentiments of peace Colonel Boquet replied: •'! bury the bones of the peojile who fell in the war, so that the place be no more seen (presents a belt). Your readiness in complying with every condition 1 have already required of you, con- vinces me that your intentions are npright, and I will now treat you as brethren (presents a belt). Brother you ask peace. The King, my mastev, and your father, has appointed me to make war upon you; but he has other servants who are employed in the work of peace, and his majesty has been pleased to empower Sir AVilliam Johnson to make peace with the Indians." Before departing, how- ever, he required that the four hostages to be kept at Fort Pitt until peace was linally settled, should be delivered to him, and that the deputies to be sent to Sir William Johnson should be fully em- powered to conclude the terms of peace, and that they should agree to abide by the terms thus concluded. These conditions luuing been settled, Boquet shook hands with them in token of his satisfac- tion, which greatly rejoiced the hearts of the savages. The Shawnees were ,the most resolute in their emnity and were tlie last to yield. Boquet was ready to move against them; but on the 12th of November they met the Colonel in conference and said, Ked Hawk speaking: " CJne year and a half ago we made peace with you at Fort Pitt, which was soon after broken; Init that was neither your fault nor ours; but the whole blame is to be laid to the Ottawas (Pontiac's ti'ibe), who are a foolish people, and are the cause of this war. When we now saw you coming this road, you advanced towards us with a tomahawk in your hand, but we, your younger brothers, take it out of your hand and send it up to God to dispose of it as he pleases, by which means we hope never to see it any more. And now, brethren, we beg leave that you, who are warriors, will take hold of this chain of friendsliij) and receive it from us, who are always warriors, and let us think no more of war, but to take pity on our old men, women and children." Boquet received the captives whom they brought, but sternly reminded them of their long holding back and tardiness in bringing in the prisoners. He demanded the rest of the captives, and that six of their chiefs should be delivered into his hands as 190 HISTORY OF GKEENE COUNTY. hostages. When these terms had been agi*eed to he said: " I came here determined to strike you, with a tomahawk in my hand; bnt since you have submitted, it sliall not fall upon your heads. I will let it drop, and it shall no more be seen. I bury the bones of all the people who have fallen in this war, and cover the place with leaves so that it shall no more be perceived." The long captivity of many of those who were brought in had efi'aced from their recollection all memory of their former relatives and friends, and they preferred to remain with the savages, having come now to know no other way of life. The savages religiously observed their promises, bringing in all their captives even to the children who had been born to the women during their cap- tivity. So wedded were many of the captives to the Indians that the Shawnees were obliged to bind many of them in order to bring them in. Some, after being delivered up, escaped and returned to their life in the woods. - The Indians parted with their adopted families not without many tears. Many affecting scenes transpired when the captives were brought, and those who had lost friends and relatives recognized their own after long separation. The children who had been carried away in tender years and had grown up in savage life, knowing no other, could not recognize their own parents and timidly approached them. The Shawnees chief gave those who had recovered children or friends some good advice: " Father, we have l)rought your flesh and blood to you; tliey have all been united to us by adoption, and although we now deliver them up to you, we will always look upon them as our relations, whenever the Great Spirit is pleased that we may visit them. We have taken as much care of tliem as if they were our own flesh and blood. They are now become unacquainted with your customs and manners, and thei'efore we request you will use them tenderly and kindly, which will induce them to live contentedly with you." Many of the Indians, who had given up captives whom they loved, followed the army back, that they might be witli them as long as possible, bringing them corn, skins, horses, and articles which the captives had regarded as their own, hunting and bringing in game for them. A young Mingo had loved a young Virginia woman and made her his wife. In deflance of the dangers to life which he sub- mitted himself to in going among the exasperated settlers, lie per- sisted in following her back. "A number of the restored prisoners were brought to Carlisle, and Colonel Boquet advertised for those who had lost children to come to this place and look for them. Among those that came was a German woman, a native of Kentlingen, in Wittemberg, Germany, who with her husband had emigrated to America prior to the French war, and settled in Lancaster County, Tulpehocken, where two of her IIISTOUY f)l-' OUKKNK COUNTY. 191 daughters, Barbara and Kegina, were ahdiicted by tlie Indians. The motlier was now unable tu designate her children, even if tliey should be among the number of the recaptured. With her brother, the dis- tressed, aged woman lamented to Colonel Boquet her hopeless case, telling him how she used, years ago, to sing to her little daughters, hymns of which they were fond. The Colonel requested lier to sing one of the hymns, which she did in these words: Allein, und doch niclit ganz alleine 15in ich iu meiner Einsamkeit; Daun waun ich gleich verlassen sclieine, Veitreibt mir Jesus selbst die zeit : Icli bin bei ilim, und er bei mir. So kommt mir gar nichts einsam fiir, Alone, yet not alone am I, Tliough iu this solitude so drear; I feel my Savior always nigh. He comes, my dreary hours to cheer — I'm with him and he with me Thus, I cannot solitary be — And Regina, the only daughter present, rushed into the ai'nis of the mother. Barbara, the other daughter, was never restored." Though Pontiao still persisted in his hostility in the Detroit country, yet he could have no prospect of success. Tlie French had lield out in their hostility to the English even after the treaty of Paris had been concluded, and this enmity was especiall}' persevered in by the more lawless and revengeful, yet the frnitlessness of this course was becoming day by day more apparent. OtKcial notice, by order of the French court, was given of relinquisliment of all power in Canada. De Neyon, the commandant at I'^ort Cliarters, " sent belts," says Bancroft, '' and peace pipes, to all parts of the continent, exhorting the many nations of savages to bury the hatchet, and take the English by the liand for they would never see him more. * * * The courier wlio took the belt to the north offered peace to all the tribes wherever he passed; and to Detroit, where he arrived on the last day of October, 1764, he bore a letter of the nature of a proclamation, inform- ing the inhabitants of the cession of Canada to England; anotlicr ad- dressed to twenty-five nations by name, to all the Red Men, and ]iar- ticularly to Pontiac, chief of tlie Ottawas; a third to the commander, e.xpressing a readiness to surrender to the English all the forts on tlie Ohio, and east of the Mississippi. The next morning Pontiac sent to Gladwin, that lie accepted the peace which his father, the French, had sent him, and desired all that had passed might be forgot on both sides." Thus ended the conspiracy of Pontiac, a warrior unexcelled by any of his race for vigor of intellect and dauntless courage. His end was ignoble. An Enjjlish trader hired a Peoria Indian for a 192 HISTORY OF GEEENE COUNTY. barrel of rum to murder him. The place of his death was Cahokia, a small village a little below St. Louis. Pie had been a chief leader in the army of the French in the battle with Braddock, at Mononga- hela, and he was held in high re2:)Ute by the French General Mont- calm, and at the time of his death, Pontiac was dressed in a French uniform presented to him by that commander. CHAPTER XII. FiEST Settlers — Lands Must be Acquieed of Indians — Kino-'s Peoclamation — Lands West of the Alleghanies — " Fair Plat " Couet — Two Roads Leading West — Peoclamation of GOVEENOE PeNN LiTTLE HeED TO ThEJI SA(_'nEj\IS CoMPLAIN — Settlees Placate the Local Teibes by Kindness — Gage TO Penn and Reply — Law Passed Giving the Settlees to Death Who Do Not Move Off — ISTotice Given — Indians In- TEEFEEE SeTTLEES WilLING TO ReiMOVE THOUGH EnCOUEAGED TO Remain — Postsceipt to Repoet — Names of Settlees — In- dian CbNFEEENCE AT FoET PiTT MuEDEE OF InDIANS SAT- ISFIED BY Peesents — Indians Ageee to Waen Off the Set- tlees — Finally Decline — Reasons — Plan to Secuee the Removal by Indians in the Inteeest of Philadelphia Specu- LATOES HiLLSBOEOUOH ATTEMPTS TO DeSTEOY VieGINIA ClAIM — Eageeness to Secuee Blocks of these Westeen Lands by Speculatoes — Geeat Gatheeing at Foet Stanwix — Teeaty Made — Lands Acquieed — Pennsylvania Land Office Opened — Rush of Applicants — Case of Heney Tayloe — Testi- mony — Dishonest Claimants. HITHERTO no permanent settlements had been made in the limits of what is now known as Greene County. Traders had for some years previous passed through all this section of country, and had tarrying posts, where the natives were met and bartered with for valuable skins and furs, furnishing them in return with traps, axes, knives, guns and ammunition. But no perma- nent settlements, in which families had come and taken up the land they proposed to reclaim, and erected huts for shelter and a home, had been attempted. Veech, in his Monongaheia of Old, states that the Brown's, Wendell and his sons, Mannus and Adam, wei-e among HISTORY (IF (iliKENE COUNTY. 193 tlie earliest thus to come. Tliey caiiic in 1750, or perliaps a little earlier, and settled in Jacolj's Creek valley in what is now Fayette County. Early in the 'oO's, Christopher Gist, whom we have pre- viously mentioned, planted himself in the valley east of the Monon- gahela, and others followed into tiiese pleasant regions. Though we have no definite information respecting the number of settlers up to this time, yet tliere must have heen a considerable population gathered in during the period from 1760 to '70: for Mason and Dixon record in their field notes under date of September 30, 1767, " Sent to Redstone for more hands." The colonial governments nominally -held that settlers had no right to occupy any lands that had not Deen formally purchased of the Indians, and the purchase been confirmed by treat^stipulations. None of the territoi-y west ot the Alleghany Mountains had been thus secured previous to 176S, though the Ohio conqjany, which had beeen formed in Virginia in 174.^, had stipulated for the settlement of 100 families within seven years. A treaty had been "held at Lancaster, as before noted, on the 21st of June, 1744-, at which repi-esentatives of Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia were pres- ent, and a vast tract west of the mountains was purchased and paid for in goods and gold. But the Indians who dwelt upon these lands repudiated the purchase, as did the Six Nations, and indeed the British government subse(|uentl3'. But the Ohio Company pro- ceeded to send settlers on the strength of this purciiase, as did the government of Pennsylvania. However, wlien the seven years' war broke out in 1756, all settlements in this western country were abandoned. During the pendency of the operations under Colonel Boquet against the Indians in the Pontiac war, the King of Great Britain had issued his proclamation, in the liope of pacifying the Indians, forbidding settlements in these words: " AV^hereas, it is just and reasonable, and essential to our interest, and the security of our colonies, that the several nations or tribes of Indians witli whom we are connected, and who live under our protection, should not be molested or disturbed in tlie possession of such parts of our dominions and territories as, notliaving been ceded to, or purchased by us, are reserved to them, or any of them, as their huntinggrouuds; we do, therefore, with the advice of our privy council, declare it to be our royal will and pleasure * '•■' ■" that no Governor or Com- mander-in-chief of our other colonies or plantations in America, do presume for the present, and until our further pleasure be known, to grant warrants of survey, or pass patents for any lands beyond the lieads or sources of any of the rivers M'hich fall into the Atlantic Ocean from the west or northwest, or upon any lands whatever, which never having l)een ceded to, or purchased by lis, are reserved to the said Indians * * * and we do hereby strictly forbid, on 194 HISTORY OF GEEENE COUNTY. pain of our displeasure, all our loving subjects from making any purchases or settlements whatever or taking possession of any of the lands above reserved, without our special leave and license for that purpose first obtained. And we do further strictly enjoin and re- quire all persons whatever, who have either wilfully or inadvertently seated themselves upon any lands within the countries above de- scribed, or upon any other lands * * * which are still reserved to the said Indians, forthwith to remove themselves, from such settlements." It will be seen by this royal proclamation, that all lands west of the sources of the rivers falling into the Atlantic Ocean wei'e with- held from settlement, as not having been legally purchased of the Indians, and settlers who had taken lands there were summoned to vacate them. But the settlers paid little heed to this proclamation, and when the peace secured by Colonel Boquet was declared, in 1764, hardy settlers hastened back to the tracts which they liad previously selected, and many more followed in their footsteps. As they could claim no protection from the government, entering upon their lands in direct violation of the royal proclamation, they be- came a law unto themselves. In a note to Smith's laws. Vol. II, he says: "In the meantime, in violation of all laAv, a set of hardy adventurers had from time to time seated themselves upon this doubtful territory. They made improvements, and formed a very considerable population. It is true so far as regards the rights to real property, they were not under the protection of the laws of the country; and were we to adopt the visionary theory of some philos- ophers, who have drawn their arguments from a supposed state of nature, we might be led to believe that the state of these people, would have been a state of continual warfai'e, and that in contests for property the weakest must give way to the strongest. To pre- vent the consequences, real or supposed, of this state of things, they formed a mutual compact among themselves. They annually elected a tribunal, in rotation of three of their settlers, whom they called Fair-pky-men, wlio were to decide all controvei'sies and set- tle disputed boundaries. From their decision there was no appeal. There could be no resistance. The decree was enforced by the whole body, who started np in mass, at the mandate of the court and execution and eviction were as sudden and irresistible as the judg- ment. Every new comer was obliged to apply to this poAverful tri- bunal, and upon his solemn engagement to submit in all respects to the law of the land, he was permitted to take possession of some vacant spot. Their decrees were however just; and when their set- tlements were recognized by law and "Fair-play" had ceased, their decisions were received in evidence and coniirmed by judgments of courts." The "Fair-play " dominions were embraced in the purchase /^'^ HISTORY OF OUEENK OOtTXTV. 197 whicli was made in 1768, of which tlie territory of Greene formed a part. There were two roads leading through the rugged ranges of tiie Alleghany Mountains, which led from the settlements on the Delaware and the James to the country of the Monongaliela; that opened by Wills' Creek (Cumberland) the Great Meadows, and Red- stone (Brownsville] for the passage of Hraddock's army, which be- came substantially the route of the national road of Jefferson's time, and that by Bedford, Ligonier and Koyalhanna, oijened for the pas- sage of the army of General Forbes. Strictly, the English armies according to the royal proclamation above quoted, e.xcept the ever ready one of military necessity, had no right to cut these roads and march armies over them. Indeed, the Ohio Company, which claiined its authority from the crown, was acting in contravention to that proclamation, though they held that the treaty which their agents had concluded with the Indians, was their warrant. " During the snmmer of 1760," says Albach, " General Monkton, by a treaty at Fort Pitt, obtained leave to build posts within the wild lands, each post having ground enough about it to raise corn and vegetables for the use of tiie garrison. Nor were the settlements of the Ohio Company and the forts the only inroads upon the hunting grounds of the savages. In 1757, by the books of the secretary of Virginia, three millions of acres had been granted west of the mountains. Indeed, in 1758, that State attempted by law to encourage settle- ments in the West." So disastrous had been the wars with the Indians, and so bitter their hatred of the settlers, that government exercised care in pre- venting encroachments and in removing intruders upon unacquired territory. Governor Penn, in September, 1766, issued his proclama- tion warning " all his majesty's subjects of this or any other province or colony from making any settlements, or taking any possession of lands, by marking trees or otherwise, beyond the limits of the last Indian purchase, that of 1758, within this province, upon pain of the severest penalties of thelaw^ and of being excluded from the privilege of securing such settlements should the lands where they shall be made be hereafter purchased of the Indians." A little earlier, in June of this year, Captain Mackay, with a squadron of English regu- lars was sent out from Fort Pitt to Redstone, to order the settlers away. Governor Farquier, of Virginia, issued a proclamation of a tenor similar to that of Governor Penn. But notwithstanding the loud words of royal and governor's proclamations, and the presence of the king's troops, it is probable that little heed was given to these commands by the hardy pioneers who had ventured forth in small parties and pressed into this beau- tiful and fruitful country, where they could get tlie best lands by 198 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. " squatting" on them, and driving a few stakes. They made fast friends of tlie Indians, whom they casually met, by gifts and Itind- nesses. But the great war Sachems looked with a jealous eye npon these encroachments, and made load complaints to the colonial au- thorities. So threatening had these protests become near the close of 1767, that General Gage, who had succeeded General Amherst in the command of the royal forces in America, wrote to Governor Penn, that Sir William Jolmson, who was the most trusted medium between the English and the Indians, to whom the latter were ac- customed freely to unbosom themselves, had advised him that there was danger of an immediate rupture, the chief ground of complaint being " the obstinacy of the people who persist to settle on their lands." In his reply. Governor Penn very judiciously and candidly ob- serves: " With respect to the inefficiency of the laws to secure the Indians in their persons and properties, I would beg leave to observe that the remote situation of their country, and the dispersed and vagrant manner in which the people live, will generally render the best laws that can be framed for those ends in a great measure inef- fectual. The civil officers, whose business it is to see that they are duly enforced, cannot exert their authority in so distant and extensive a wilderness. In the execution thereof, of the present interesting mat- ter, I am persuaded that, notwithstanding, all the Legislature can do, I shall Und it necessary to apply the military aid, which you have so readily offered me in support of the civil power. Yet I fear that while tlie severity of the weather in the winter season continues, it will be found extremely difficult, if not impracticable, to oblige these lawless people to abandon their present habitations, and to remove with their families and effects into the interior part of the countrj^, and I am of the opinion that it would be unadvisable to make any attempt of that kind before spring." At the opening of the legislative session of 1768, the Governor called attention to these irregularities, and called upon the Assembly to pass such a law as will effectually remedy these provocations, and the first law of the session was one providing that if any person settled upon lands not purchased of the Indians by the propri- etaries, shall refuse to remove for the space of thirty days after having been requested so to do, or if any person shall remove and then return, or shall settle on such lands after the notice of the pro- visions of this act have been duly proclaimed, any such persons on being duly convicted shall be put to death without benefit of clergy. This statute having been duly enacted, it was printed with a pro- clamation of the Governor, and a committee consisting of John Steel, John Allison, Christopher Lemes and James Potter, were dispatched HISTORY OF OliEKNE COUNTY. 199 to the Moiiongahela country to distribute these docuinents aud give the necessary notice. This embassage was faithfully performed, the settlers being called together and the law and the message of the Governor being read to them, and the occasion of the action. Upon their return they made a report of their proceedings in which they say: '-We arrived at the settlement on liedstone on the twenty-third da)' of March. The people having heard of our coming had appointed a meeting among themselves, on the twenty-fourth, to consult what measures they should take. We took the advantage of this meeting, read the act of assembly and proclamation, explaining the law, and giving the reason of it as well as we could, and used our endeavors to persuade them to comply, alleging to them that it was the most probable method, to entitle them to favor with the honorable pro2:)rietaries when the land was purchased. After lamenting their distressed condition, they told ns the people were not fully collected; l:)ut as they expected, all would attend on the Sabbath following, then they would give us answer. They, however, affirmed that tlie Indians were very peaceable, and seemed sorry they were to be removed; and said they apprehended the English intended to make war upon the Indians, as they were moving otF their people from their neigh- borhood. We labored to persuade them that they were imposed on by a few straggling Indians, that Sir William Johnson, who had in- formed our government, must be better acquainted with the mind of the Six Nations, and that they were displeased with the white people settling on their unpurchased lands. On the Sabbath a con- siderable number attended, and most of them told us they were resolved to move off, and would petition your honor for preference ill obtaining their improvements when a purchase was made." " While we were conversing, we were informed that a number of Indians had come to Indian Peters! We, judging it might be suli- servient to our main design that_^the Indians should be present while we were advising the people to obey the law, sent for them. They came, and after sermon delivered a speech, with a string of wam- pum to be transmitted to your Honor. The speech was: ' Ye are come, sent by the great men to tell these people to go away from the land, which you say is ours; and we are sent by our great men, and are glad we have met here this day. We tell you the white people must stop, and we stop them till the treaty, and when George Croghan and our great men will talk together we will tell them what to do! * * * After this the people were more con- firmed that there was no danger of war. They dropped the design of petitioning, and said they would wait the issue of the treaty. Some, however, declared they would move off." By a similar manner of procedure, the settlers on Cheat Rivei, 200 • HISTORY OF GUEEKE COUNTY. and 8tewart's crossings of Yonghiogheiiy were met, and copies of tlie law and proclamation were sent to Turkeyfoot, and other scattei'ed settlers. In conclusion they say: "It is our opinion that some will move off, in obedience to the law, that the greater part will wait the treaty, and if they find the Indians indeed dissatisfied, we think that the whole can be persuaded to remove. The Indians coming to liedstone and delivering their speech greatly obstructed our design." This closed the report of tlie commissioners; but a private letter of the chairman, John Steel, to the Governor, discloses the secret spring that niay have been moving in this whole matter, and gives a smack of the milk that is in the cocoanut. Pie says: " Sir, there is one thing which, in preparing tiie extract of our journal, happened to be overlooked, viz.: The people at Redstone alleged that tlie re- moving them from the unpurchased lands was a contrivance of the gentlemen and merchants of Philadelphia, that they might take rights for their improvements when a purchase was made. In con- firmation of this, they said tliat a gentleman of the name of Harris, and another called Wallace, with one Priggs, a pilot, spent a con- siderable time last August in viewing the lands and creeks there- abouts. We promised to acquaint your honor with this." It was a most fortunate lapse of memory on the part of the commissioners that they forgot to put any mention of this little scheme into their report, as it might liave been made public and defeated the underly- ing motive of their mission. Mr. Steel adds in this note, " I am of opinion from the appeai-ance of the people and the best intelligeTice we could obtain, that there are but about an hundred and fifty fami- lies in the different settlements." The commissioners appended the names of the men whom they met, and as this gives a clue to the earliest settlers in the country of the JVIonongahela they are given as one of the very early records of 1768: " John Wiseman, Henry Prisser, William Linn, William Colvin, John Vervalson, Abraham Tygard (Teagarden), Thomas Brown, Richard Rogers, John Delong, Peter Young, George Martin, Henry Swartz, Joseph McLeon, Jesse Martin, Adam Hatton, John Vervul, Jr., James Waller, Thomas Douter, Captain Coburn, Michael Hooter, Andrew Linn, Gabriel Conu, Thomas Down, Andrew Gudgeon (Gudgel), Phil Sute (Shute), James Crawford, John Peters, John Martin, Hans Cock, Daniel McCay, Josias Crawford, Province." At Gist's place were: "James Lyue, Blounfield (Brownfield), Eze Johnson, Thomas Guesse (Gist), Charles Linsey, James Wallace, Richard Llarrison, Jet. Johnson, Henry Burken (Burkham), Lawrence Harrison, Ralph Ilickenbottom, and at Tur- keyfoot, Henry Abrahams, Eze Dewit, James Spence, Benjamin Jennings, John Cooper, John Enslow, Henry Enslow, Benjamin Pursley." It is probable that many of these names have a different HLSTOUY OK (iKEENE CUL'XTV. 201 form from the names borne by descendants of the same families; but there is no doubt that many of the inhabitants of the Monungahela country at tlie present day are tlie descendants of these people who had planted themselves here in the wilderness nearly a century and a (piarter ago. Preparations had been for some time in jjrogress for holding a conference with the Indians at Fort Pitt. George Croghan, who was the deputy under Sir AVilliani Johnson, had the matter in charge, and had infornied Governor John I^enn that if he wished to be I'cp- resented he should send delegates. The council convened on the 26tii of April and lasted till the 'Jtli of May, John Allen and Joseph Shippen, Jr., representing Pennsylvania. The records show tliat the Indians were very fully represented, twelve Sachems, six war chiefs, and two hundred and ninety braves, besides women and children (which accompanied all the tribes) of the Six Nations; thirteen Sachems, nine war chiefs, and three hundred and eleven braves of the Bela wares; ten Sachems, eight war chiefs, and one hundred and forty braves of the Shawneese; live Sachems and one liundred and ninety-six braves of the Munsies; three Sachems and ninety warriors of the Mohickions; seven of the AVyandots; in all, eleven hundred, Ijesides women and children. The first business considered was the atonement for the murder of Indians which had recently been perpetrated by the enraged settlers, who had taken it upon themselves to avenge^ the outrages which had been perpetrated by the red men in the way of murders, scalpings and burnings in the progress of the late wars — the victims in most cases being wholly innocent, whose oidy crime was that of having a red skin and being clotlied in feathei-s and paint. Much palaver was had over tiiis subject, the great chiefs airing their wild rhetoric of the woods very freely. The representative of the white men, Croghan, shrewdlv admitted everything charged, bewailing their losses, and grieving over their wounded feelings. But he had come prepared to amend all, and when lie brought out the " piled up'' presents to the amount of over fourteen hundred pounds, the warrior braves regarded them with grunts of satisfaction, and freely forgave all. The council M'as a long time in reaching the second subject of consideration, what should be the decision in regard to settlers on the lands not purchased of the rightful owners. There appear to have been no friends of the settlers admitted to the council, tiie agents of the Pennsylvania government, Allen and Shippen, being only intent on securing the execution of that barbarous statute which prescribed hanging if they did not summarily give up their homes. Tohonissawgorrawa, the sound of whose name was enough to inspire terror, at length was induced to enter a complaint addressed to 202 HISTORY OF GKEKNE COUNTY. Brother Ouas (Peiin) against tlie English for entering upon lands not yet bought, and demanding that they be removed. The answer made by the Pennsylvania commissioners disclosed the sole purpose which they had. They explained the provisions of the law recently' passed, relating to this subject of removal, showed the result of the labors of the agents sent to deliver printed copies of the law and Governor's proclamation; but bewail the fact, that after the settlers had been persuaded to leave, there came certain Mingo Indians, who exhorted them to stay until the result of this treaty should be made known. Allen and Shippen now demanded that discreet chieftains should be sent to the settlers to order their immediate departure. Aiter this is done say the}': "If they shall refuse to remove by the time limited them, you may depend upon it the gov- ernment will not fail to put the law into execution against them." The proposition of the Pennsylvania agents that the Indians should send some of their wise men to warn the settlers off, and undo the mischief done by the Mingo messengers was agreed to, and a delega- tion was named on the part of the Six Nations, who i-eceived formal written instructions, and John Frazer and John Thompson were designated to accompany them on their errand. It was understood that they were to proceed on this mission at once. But after wait- ing several days and vainly importuning them to set off, they finally came to the commissioners and said that "they had been seriously considering the business they were going to be sent on, and it now appeared to them so disagreeable that they could by no means con- sent to undertake it, and immediately returned the wampum which had been given them. * * * The driving of white people away from their settlements was a matter which no Indians could with any satisfaction be concerned in, and they thought it most proper for the English themselves to compel their own people to remove from the Indians' lands." Though the settlers had no representative admitted to the great conclave to speak for them, yet it is very evident that they had some shrewd member present with the Indians counseling with them and inspiring their replies. For while these answers are in entire har- mony with the native dignity of these men of the forest; yet we can- not but believe that the timely appearance of the Mingo braves at Redstone, and their plea for the sitting of the settlers for the present, and now the refusal to undertake the embassage which they had for- mally agreed to in council and their very cogent and dignified reasons therefor, were inspired by an agent of the settlers. And this view is greatly strengthened when we consider the following written statement, which Guyasutha delivered to the Pennsylvania com- missioners: " I now find that not only the Indians appointed by us, but all our other young men, are very unwilling to carry a message HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 203 from lis to the white people, ordering them to remove from our lands. They say they would not choose to incur the ill-will of those people; for if tliey should be now removed they will hereafter I'eturn to their settlements when the English have jiurchased the country from us. And we shall be very unhappy if, b^^ our conduct towards tliem at this time, we shall give them reason to dislike us, and treat us in an unkind manner when they again become our neighbors. We there- fore hope, brethren, you will not be displeased at us, for not performing our agreement with you, for you maybe assured we have good hearts towards all our brethren, the English." The true secret of this ■whole attempt to remove the settlers west of Alleghauies was this: Since the surveys made by Mason and Dixon which had l)een stopped by the Indians at the great war patli on Dunkard Creek, Greene County, and within some thirty-six miles of the western boundary of the State, the State authorities and the magnates of Philadelphia being now definitely apprised of the southern limits of the colony, beheld a large number of settlers, mostly Virginians, whom the Ohio Company had been instrumental in bringing there, seated upon some of the finest lands in this wliole Monongahela Valley, and they desired them dispossessed by the In- dians, so that when all this stretch of country west of the Alleghauies should be acquired by purchase, it would be open for occupancy by Peunsylvanians. But in this business the Indians showed themselves unwilling to draw the chestnuts from the embers to accommodate the prospective purchasers. The settlers themselves were entirely innocent of any evil designs, having come upon these lands in tiie belief that the (^hio Company, which had the authority and en- couragement of the British government, had acquired a just title to them, and that thev owed allegiance to the State of Virginia which assumed a rightful authority over them. Having selected tiieir lands, and with great toil and hardship made clearings and cultiva- tions, tliey felt a deep reluctance to give them up, and believed that they could not be rightfully dispossessed. Hence, these early Vir- ginia settlers were anxious to cultivate a good understanding with the Indians, which tended to promote further settlements, and came to look with an evil eye on the government of Pennsylvania, which had authorized their hanging if tliey did not remove. In all these negotiations the Indians intimated that they expectetl to sell these lands west of the Alleghauies to the English. For in their excuses for not ordering off the white people, as they had agreed to do, they used this expression, "when the English shall have pur- chased the country from us." Virginia was the only colony which laid claim to the country drained by the Ohio River. The New Eng- land States, except Connecticut, were entirel_v cut off; New York could only extend westward to the lakes, Pennsylvania had exact 204 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. limits prescribed by charter on the west, even if that limit was allowed, although Virginia was claiming the portion west of the Alleghany M-ountains. But Virginia laid claim to the entire Ohio Valley north as well as south. Tliis claim Hillsborough, the English Sec- retary, determined to curtail, by coniirming the Indians in their claims to all these lands, at least until tlie claim of Virginia was broken, and accordingly ordered his agent, Stuart, to continue the line which he had traced along the western limits of the Garolinas, from Chiswell's mine to the mouth of the Kanawha. This line was confirmed by treaty with the Cherokees at Hard Labor on the 14th of October, 1768. By this procedure all of Kentucky, as well as the entire territory northwest of the Ohio, would be relieved of the claim of Virginia, and the Indians be confirmed in absolute owner- ship. The English Secretary was moreover Jealous of the encroach- ments of the Spanish at St. Louis and New Orleans, who were bidding for the fur trade of the lakes, and the Western settlers. By establish- . inor tlie native tribes in their rights he thought to cut off this trade through their country, and not only stop emigration to these "Western lands, but clear ofl' the few who had already made improvements. Hence this savage law of the Pennsylvania Legislature, imposing death on these settlers if they did not leave, was well pleasing to him. There was much contention at this time both in the colonies and at the English court to obtain grants of these Western lands. The Ohio Company, Mississippi Company and Walpole's grants, which will be referred to further on, were specimens of this grasping spirit. Franklin was in England urging these grants and was in cori-espondence with his compeers in this country. Sir William Johnson was not without ambitious designs, and he had accordingly made arrange- ments for a grand conclave of Indians from far and near to be held at Fort Stanwix, now' Eome, New York, in the mild October days of 1768. The conference held at Fort Pitt, detailed above, earlier in the season, was but the forerunner of this grander meeting, and the munificent gifts there distributed were baits to lure the savages on. Thomas Walker represented Virginia; Governor William Frank- lin, New Jersey; Governor Penn was present from Penjisylvania, but was obliged to leave before the business was completed. Sir Will- iam Johnson represented New York and the English government, orders having been transmitted to him early in the spring to make the proposed purchase of lands and settle all difficulties with the In- dians. The number of Indians present was extraordinary, being ac- cording to Bancroft a little short of three thousand. " Every art," he says, " was used to conciliate the chiefs of the Six Nations, and gifts were lavished on them with unusual generosity. They in turn complied with the solicitations of the several agents. The line that r. ^^<:^^ ^^r/^,^ piiefi JIISTOIIY OF GREENE COUXTV. 207 was established began at tlie north, where Canada Creek joins Wood Creek; on leaving New York, it passed from the nearest fork ol' the West liranch oftlie Siit^quehanna to Kittauning on the Allegheny, whence it followed tliat river and tlie Ohio. At the mouth of the Kanawha it met the line of Stewart's treaty. " Had it stopped here tlie Indian frontier would liave been marked all the way from north- ern New York to I''lorida. I!ut instead of following Ins instructions, Sir William Johnson pretended to recognize a right of the Six Nations to the largest part of Kentucky, and continued the line down the Ohio to the Tennessee River which was thus constituted the western boundary of Virginia." This whs in contravention to the policy of Secretary Hillsborough, and again opened the extravagant claims of Virginia. Thus was aci.jnired, by tlie transactions of one day, the 5th of November, 1768, a day ever memorable in the annals of Western Pennsylvania, this hilarious carnival day of the Indians, a vast tract stretching away a thonsand miles or more, enough for an em- pire of the largest proportions. It embraced in Pennsylvania the very farthest stretch from the Delaware River in the northeast to Greene County in the southwest, comprising the counties of Wayne. Susquehanna, Lackawanna, Luzerne, Wyoming, Sullivan, a part of Bradford, Columbia, Motitour, Northumberland, Lycoming, IJnion, parts of Centre, Clinton, Clearfield, Indiana, Armstrong and Alle- gheny, and the counties entire of Cambria, Somerset, AYestmoreland, Washington, Fayette and Greene. Thus was ended by one sweeping purchase a controversy with the Indians/ for possession of the soil along the waters of the Monongahela, which was beginning to threaten deadly feuds. We say ended; but not ended. The treaty was signed by the chiefs of the Six Nations, for themselves, their allies and defendants, the Shawnees, Delawares, Mingoes and others; but the^hawnees and Delaware deputies did not sign, and hence there was left open a plea for individual hostility, which for many years proved very greivous to the early settlers of Greene County, though the Six Nations claimed the right to themselves to make sale of all tliese lands by right of conquest of the natives which in- liabited them, a right which the Delawares and Shawnees never dared to disurite. The title of the government to all the lands along the Mononga- hela and upper Ohio being now thought to be complete, having a title deed for it from the Six Nations duly recorded, there was lui reason why these lauds should not be taken up un der colonial author- ity. Virginia was laying claim to all this section of country, on what grounds we shall detail further on; but Pennsylvania having already extended its southern boundary as claimed l)y chartered right, very nearly to its western extremity, felt secure in extending 208 HISTORY OF GKEEWi; COUNTY. the tBgis of its power over these regions, thongli for the most part settled to tliis time by Virginians. Accordingly, early in the year 1769, j)ublic notice was given that the land oitice of the colony wlSiTd be opened on the_3d of April for the sale of lands within the limits of the new purchase, at a price of five pounds sterling per one hundred acres, and a quit-rent of a penny per acre, the Proprietaries holding that as they had the land on condition of making of an annual payment of two beaver skins, they were obliged to impose an annual (j^uit-rent to make a sale binding. A penny an acre, though seeming a mere nominal sum, if exacted on the whole territory of the State would bring a snug little income. By the rules of the office no one person was allowed to purchase more tlian three hun- dred acres. v' As we have already' seen numbers of hardy pioneers, previous to this date, had chosen lands, and made for themselves homes on the favorite spots throughout all this picturesque country soutliward from Fort Pitt, between the Ohio and Monongahela rivers, though they had acquired no recognized right to do so previous to the date named above. When the land oflice was opened on the morning of that day there was a great rush of applicants desiring to perfect a title to their lands. Among others who had settled on lands near the mouth of Ten Mile Creek, previous to 1768, was Abraham Tea- garden, and among names of those who were granted patents for lands west of the Monongahela on this first day were those of Pres- ton, Harrison, Pooks and Evans, and subsequently those of Hunter, McDowell, 'Drummond, Allman, Marshall, Indian Peter, Parkinson, Cox, Grimes and Taylor. To illustrate the manner in which titles were acquired and con- flicting claims were settled in those early times, the following ex- tracts from the testimony in a suit for ejectment which was bi'ought by the last named person, Henry Taylor, are here given, the case turning upon the question of priority of occupancy. Isaac Will- iams testified: "That in the year 1770 he saw Henry Taylor living in the forks of Chartiers Creek, he was improving that land that is now in dispute, and to make a settlement thereon; that he hired his brother, John Williams, to strengthen the improvements then claimed by said Taylor; that ho knew the work to be done, as he hunted to get provision for the men while they were doing the work; that he also knew Taylor to pay his brother a rifle gun and some cash when he went away, and on his return paid the sum of eight pounds; that when they were doing the work he found a new cabin on the White Oak Ridge, appearing to have been built that winter; that on Taj'lor's finding that some person had been at work on his land he employed me to enquire, and if possible find out who it was, and to purchase their claim, which I found it to be Hugh Sidwell, IIISTOKY OF GREENE COUNTY. 209 and purchased the said White Oak cabin and all his claim for the sum of twenty shillings." In answer to the question whether Bolzer Shilling did not make a practice of running about through the woods, marking and hazing trees and calling that his improvements, and that in great number," AVilliams'aiiswered, •• He knew it well to be his con- stant practice." Jolin AVilliains also testified " that he deadened some timber and cut and split five hundred rails on the llicli Hill tract, live hundred rails on the White Oak llidge tract, that he built a good cabin and split five hundred rails on another tract, for which the said Taylor paid him before he left the settlement a rifle gun and four dollars cash, and the next spring when the said Taylor re- turned from Cecil County, Maryland, he paid me the remainder honorably, being eight pounds Pennsylvania money." Frederick Lamb also testified, "That some time in the montli of April, 1772, he came to Bolzer Shilling where he was doing some work on a certain tract of land where Richard Yates now dwells on; he had seen on a tree a small distance from them, with H. T. on it, which at the time he thought it had been Henry Taylor's claim, and he asked the said Bolzer, ' Was not this Henry Taylor's claim? ' J'olzer answered ' Yes,' it is his claiin, and that he was working there on purpose to affront said Taylor; and he wanted Taylor to come there on jjurpose to quarrel with him, and give Taylor a thrashing, and would black his eyes well' He then told Bolzer that Heniy Taylor was a civil man, and would not tight with him, and 'twas better to let alone. Then Bolzer said he would go up and let Van Sweringeu have it, for Van was not ashamed of any mean action, and he knew Van to be rogue enough to cheat Taylor out; of the land." lietter than pages of description this testimony of the early pioneers, informs us of the trials and hardships which the settlers had to endure in getting a foothold upon lands in this goodly country, in the face of disputed authority of the State, the jealousy of the na- tives, the quarrels of conflicting claimants, and the lying and cheating of dishonest bullies. 210 HISTORY OF GREENj; COUNTY. CHAPTER XIII. Treaty of 1784 — Cumbeeland Cuunty Skat at Caelislk — Bedfokd CouKTY — Pitt and Sfkinghill Townsiiii's — Assessmknts — Names of Tax Payi;es — Westmoeeland County Fokmed — IIannatown — Aethue St. Claie — JioAu Laid Out feom Mouth of Fisiipot eun Eastwaed — Impoetakt Thoeouuhfaee — Case of Elizabeth Smith — Delegates Assume ale Au- THOEITY OvEE THE CoLONY — CONVENTION TO FoEM A New Goveenment — Feanklin Peesident — Committee of Safety — GovEENOE John Penn Relieved — The Foundf:e Remembeeeu Gratefully — New Constitution, Thomas Wiiaeton, Peesi- ijiiNx — Assembly Legalized all Acts of Peeceding Couets AND PeOVIDED foe COMPLETING UNSATISFIED CaSES REINSTATED Civil Officees — Theead of Authority was Taken Up by THE New Peoples' Goveenment Just as Deopped by that Act- ing Undee Roy'al Authoeity. ALL the territory of Pennsylvania to the north and west of the line of counties named in the last chapter, as having been acquired from tiie Indians by the treaty of Fort Stanwix of 1768; still re- mained in the hands of the Indians, over which tlie government of Pemisylvania could exercise no jurisdiction. All this stretch of country, embracing a full third of the State, covering all the broad northwest, remained to the Indians until after the close of the Revo- lutionary war, having been finally acquired by the treaty of Fort Mc- intosh concluded in 1784. No provision was made for the civil gov- ernment of this territcn-y, acquired by the purchase of 1768, until 1771. Chester was one of the three original counties formed from the territory acquired from tlie Indians by Penn in 1682, and by subse- quent treaties down to 1736. Lancaster was formed from a part of Chester in 1729. Cumberland was apportioned from a part of Lan- caster in 1750. Up to 1771 all county business by settlers in all the western portion of the State had to be transacted at Carlisle, the present county seat of CumbM-land County. For three years, from 1768 to 1771, the inhabitants of Greene County wei'e oblig-ed to go "^ to Carlisle for the transaction of any county bnsii.ess. On the latter date, March 9th, the county of Bedford was erected out of portions IIISTOIIY 111-' GKKENK COtlNTY. 211 of Ouiiiberhiiul, and was made to embrace the vast tract as described in the list, as beginning on the south wliere the Province line crosses the Tuscarora ]\tonntain, the present eastern limit of Fulton Conntj-, and running along the suniniit of that mountain to the gap near the head of Patli A^alley, thence north to the Juniata River; thence with the Juniata to the mouth of Shaver's Creek; thence northeast to the line of Berks County; thence along the Berks County line to the western boundaries of the Province, thence southward by the western boundaries of the Province, to tiie southwest corner, and thence eastward by the southern boundary of the Province to the place of beginning. As will be seen, this county organization emiiraced the territory included in the present County of Greene, and hence for a period, all county business was done at the town of Bedford, one hundred miles from Pittsburg. Though now having a legal county organization, and full protection guaranteed by the Province to all its iidiabitants, yet the dream seems to have been indulged in iiy many of the early settlers that this territory between the .Mononga- hela and Ohio rivers belonged to Virginia, and that its claim would ultimately be vindicated. The first court held at Bedford, was opened on the lOlhof Ajiril, 1771, at which George Wilson reported as justice foi- tJie south- western corner of the State, whose home was at the mouth of Georges Creek, Fayette C^ounty. William Ci'awford, who was the land agent of George Washington, who figured prominently afterward in the military annals of the country, after whom the county of Crawford was named, who was inhumanly Imrned by the Indians at Sandusky, and who had previously figured as a justice of Cumberland, was also a justice of Bedford, as was also Tliomas Gist, son of Christopher Gist, the companion of Washington in his journey to Fort Le Boenf, in 1753. JJorsey Pentecost, who afterwards was the second presi- dent -ludge of Washington County, and a member of the first board of county commissioners of Bedford County, was also a justice. In the division of the new county of I>edford into townships, the whole territory' west of the Monongahela River, now embracing tiie counties ot Greene, Washington and parts of Allegheny and Beaver, was em- l)raceil in two townshi[)S, Pitt and Springhill, liounded as follows: " Beginning at the mouth of the Iviskeminitas, and running down the Alleo-heny River to its junction with the Monongahela, tJien down the Ohio to the western limits of the Province, thence with the western boutulary to the line of Springhill, thence with that line to the moutli of Bedstone Creek, thence down the Monongahela to the mouth of Youghiogheny, thence with the line of Ilempfield to the mouth of Brush Run, thence'witli the line of said township to the beginning." Springhill: "Beginning at the mouth of Redstone Creek, and running thence a due west course, to the western boun- 212 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. dary of the Province, thence south -with the Province line to the soutliern boundary of the Province, tlien east with that line to vsrhere it crosses the Youghiogheny to Laurel Hill, thence with the line of Tyrone to Gist's, and thence with that line to the beginning." " The official assessment rolls," says Crumrine, in his history of Washington County, " for these townships for 1772, show that Pitt Township had tifty-two landholders, twenty tenants, and thirteen single freemen; Springhill (which embraced Greene County), three hundred and eight land-holders, eighty-nine tenants, and fifty-eight single freemen. * * * The assessment roll for 1772 of Spring- hill Township shows the following names among others: Thomas Brown (Ten-Mile), Jeremiah Beek, (Beck), William Brashear, Will- iam Crawford, (the Quaker, afterwards of East Bethlehem), Josiah Crawford, Oliver Ciawford, John Casteel, lienry Enoch, John Gar- rard, Jr., Zachariah Goben, (Gaben), .James Harrod, William Harrod, Levi Harrod, Thomas Hughes (Muddy Creek), Andrew Link, Jacob Link, John Moore, David Morgan, John Masterson, Daniel More- dock, James Moredock, John Swan, Robert Syre, Abraham Teagar- den, George Teagarden, Lienry Michael, Samuel Eckerly, John Hupp, William Teagarden and John Williams.' Among the names from the Pitt Township list are Jacob Bausman, John Barr, John Campbell, Samuel Lleath and John McDonald." But the large numbers em- braced in the tax list of 1772, show how rapidly the country filled up when once the way was open. When we consider that the right to acquire land had only existed for four years, when this assessment was made, we must conclude that these lands had a special charm for the pioneer. But the necessity of making a journey of a hundred miles, over rugged mountains, and by roads that wei'e little more than bridle paths through the forest, in order to reach the county seat, proved too burdensome, and after the lapse of five years, February 26, 1773, a new county was organized on this side of the Alleghanies, embracing a part of the original county of Bedford, and designated Westmoreland. Tlie act of incorpoi'ation defining its legal limits was in these words: "That all and singular the lands Ij'ing within the province of Pennsylvania, and being within the boundaries fol- lowing, that is to say: beginning in the province line, where the most westerly branch, commonly called the South or Great brand) of tlie Youghiogheny River crosses the same; then down the easterly side of tiie said branch and river to the Laurel tlill; thence along the ridge of the said hill, north-eastward so far as it can be traced, or till it runs into the Alleghany Hill; thence, along the ridge dividing the waters of Susquehanna and the Allegheny rivers to the purchase line, at the head of the Susquehanna, thence due west to the limits of the province and by the same to the place of beginning; shall be, HISTORY OF GREENE COt'NTV. 213 and the same is liereby declared to be, erected into a county, hence- forth to be called Westmoreland.'' It will be seen by reference to any map of this jnirt of the State, that the northern boundary " to the purchase line at the head of Susquehanna, thence due west to the limits of the province," em- braces a considerable territory north of the Allei^heny and Ohio rivers which had not yet l)een acquired by purchase of the Indians, tiie Fort Stanwix purchase being confined to lands east and soutli, or the left bank of these streams. But it is probable that this stretch of legal authority was made to accommodate persons who had fixed their eyes on some delectable sjjots on the riglit bank, as for example Allegheny City. "J>y the provisions of the organic act," quoting Crumrine, "the courts of Westmorelaiid County were to be held at the house of Robert llanna, until the Coui't Ilotise shall be built." Robert Ilanna. one of the early pioneers in these then western wilds, had seated himself at a point near the site of Greensburg, the county seat of the present county of Westmoreland. Here he had opened a house for public entertainment, and around him luid gathered the cabins of a number of the hardy settlers, the whole taking the pretentious name of Ilanna's Town. This point was on the line of the new road opened by General Forbes in his expedition to Fort Pitt in 1758, and is on the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad. The courts were held here for a number of years, and hence, it be- came a place of considerable importance, figuring extensively in the contentions that ensued to State authority over this territory. Tlie commissions issued to justices of the peace for. this county embraced many names that became prominent in the future history of the State and the nation: Arthur St. Clair, afterwards a prominent Major-General in the American army under AVashington, and the leader of the unfortunate expedition against the Indians in 1789; William Crawford, the land agent of Washington, and the leader of an expedition against the western Indians; Alexander McCiean, wlio completed the survey of Mason and Dixon's line; Alexander McKee, Robert Ilanna, William Louchry, George Wilson, Eneas Maekay, Joseph Spear and James Caveat. In the following year, when the integrity of Pennsylvania territory was threatened by the encroach- ments of Virginia, led by I)i\ Connolly', additional justices were commissioned, among whom were Alexander Ross, Van Swearingen, who lived just o]ipos)te Greenfield, on the left bank of the Mononga- iiela River, and who became the first sheriff of Washington County, then embracing Greene'; Andrew MacFarlane, Oliver Miller, and subsequently, in 1777, Edward Cook and James Marshel. William Crawford, having l>een first commissioned, was the presiding justice. The machinery of legal business for the new county was set in 214 HISTORY OF GREENE COTJNTY. motion with very little ceremony, as the following record of the Pro- vincial Council for February 27, 1773, abundantly shows: "A law having passed yesterday for the erecting a part of the county of Bed- ford into a separate county, called Westmoreland, and Arthur St. Clair, Esq., the present prothonotary, &c., of Bedford, having re- quested the Governor to grant him the offices in the new county, in lieu of those he now holds in Bedford county. His Honor this day was pleased to appoint him to the several offices following, in the said county of Westmoreland, by three separate commissions, under the great seal of the Province, viz: Prothonotary, or principal clerk of the county court of Common pleas, Clerk, or Register of the Or- phans' Court, and Recorder of Deeds." St. Clair thus became a sort of fac totum of the new courts. Having served in a similar capacity in Bedford County, he was well fitted to discharge the duties, and set the wheels of government in motion. He seems to have been a man of talent and something of a scholar. He was a Scotchman by birth, was educated at the Uni- versity of Edinburgh, studied medicine with the celebrated William Hunter, of London, entered the military service in the lioyal Amer- ican regiment of foot, the Sixtieth of the line, came to this country with Admiral Boscawen and served under Gen. Amherst. He was with Wolfe at the i-eduction of Quebec on the plains of Abraham. In 1762 ho resigned his commission in the British army, and settled first in Bedford, and later in the Ligonier valley. In 1770 he was appointed Surveyor of Cumberland County, was commissioned a justice of the courts, and was sent a member of tlie Supreme Execu- tive Council. In the conflict between Virginia and Pennsylvania he ardently espoused the Pennsylvania side. At the breaking out of the Pevolutionary war he entered the service, rose to the rank of a Major-General in the Continental army, and became tlie intimate friend and adviser of Washington. At the close of the war he was made a member of tiie Council of Censors, served in the Continental Congress from 1785 to 1787, and in the latter year was made presi- dent of tliat august body. He was appointed Governor of the North- western territory in 1788, and two years later fixed the seat of government of the territory at the point where Cincinnati now is, which name he gave to the place in honor of that order of old soldiers styled thef Society of the Cincinnati, of whicli lie was president over the Pennsylvania chapter from 1783 to 1789. In an engagement with the Indians on the Wabash he was badly defeated in 1791. In 1802, upon the admission of Ohio as a State into the Union, he de- clined election as Governor and retired to a log cabin in the Chest- nut liidge in Westmoreland County, ruined in fortune. He made imsuccessful application to Congress for certain claims due him, and ^a^i^/iAA^J^ ^W^/^^^^^^t^ HISTORY OF GREENE" COUNTY. 217 finally died in poverty, uii the Slst of August, 1818, aged eighty- four years. At the first session of the Court of Quarter Sessions held in the newly erected county of Westmoreland at the house of Kobert Hanna, Judge William Crawford presiding, an act was passed dividing the county into townships, by which the two townshi])S of Pitt and Springhill retained the same boundaries as those previously quoted. Upon the petition of inhabitants of Springhill Township, which embraced Greene County, the court appointed the following named persons, John Mooi-e, Thomas Scott, Heniy Beason, Thomas Brown- tield, James McClean and Phillip Shute viewers to lay out a road: " To begin at or near the mouth of a run, known by the name of Fish Pot Run, about two miles below the mouth of Ten Mile Creek, on the west side of the Monongahela River, (it being a convenient place for a ferry, as also a good direction for a leading road to the most western parts of the settlements), thence the nearest and best way to the forks of Duulap's path, and General Braddock's road on the top of Lanrel Hill." This road, thus early authorized to be laid out and constructed, became a very important thoroughfare to the West. A strong cur- rent of emigration was setting from the east to the Ohio country, and this was tlie nearest and best overland course, whether by the Eraddock (tiie Virginia) or the Forbes (the Pennsylvania) military roads, and was long traveled by settlers seeking the Western country. Though early opened, and probably ]>y a route judiciously selected, it was undoubtedly a very rough thoroughfare, especially in early spring-time when farmers were hurrying forward to commence the season's work. John S. Williams, in the American l'ioneei\ as quoted by Crumrine, describes the trip of his family from North Carolina to Marietta in 1802: "The mountain roads, if roads they coidd be called, for pack-horses were still on them, were of the most dangerous and dilKcult character. 1 haVe heard an old mountain tavern-keeper say that, although the taverns were less than two miles apart in years after we came, he has known many emigrant families that stopped a night at every tavern on the mountains." The records of the county court for the succeeding three years show a number of roads were laid out in the townships of Pitt and Springhill, a few cases of larceny, of riot, of misdemeanor, a number of cases against the noted Baltzer Shilling, and in the year 1775 that Elizabeth Smith was arraigned for felony, for which offence she plead guilty and received the following sentence of the court: " Judgment that the said Elizabeth Smith be taken this afternoon, being the lllh instant, between the hours of three and five, and there to receive fifteen lashes on her bare back well laid on; that she pay a fine of eighteen shillings and five pence to liis Honor the Governor; 218 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. ' that she make restitution of the goods stolen; that she pay the costs of prosecution and stand committed till complied with." In April, 1776, the county court was held for the last time under the authority' of the King. The Revolution had now been fairly inaugurated, and there were no further sessions held until January 6, 1778, when the supreme authority of the Continental Congress was recognized. On the 23d of Januarj"-, 1775, a convention of delegates from the several counties of the Province met at Philadelphia, in which resolu- tions wei'e passed expressing a strong desire that the ancient harmony might be restored between the King and the colonies; but if the attempt shoiild be made to force the colonies to submission then we hold' it our indispensable duty to resist such force, and at every hazard to defend the rights and liberties of America. Recognizing the dependent condition of the colonies upon the mother country for cloths and military supplies the people were recommended " on no account to sell to the butchers or kill for the market any sheep under four years old. And where there is a necessity for using any mutton in their families, it is recommended to them to kill such as are the least profitable to keep." It was also I'ecommended to cultivate hemp, and engage in the manufacture of madder, saltpetre and gun powder, and a large number of articles of prime necessity in building and in housekeeping, which had previously been imported. The convention adjourned subject to the call of the Philadelphia dele- gates, who were constituted a committee of safety. By a resolution of the Continental Congress of the 15th of May, 1776, it was recommended that all dependence upon the government of Great Britain cease, and that such governments in the several colonies be adopted, as the exigencies of the situation demanded. Accordingly, delegates from the several counties assembled on the 18th of June, 1776, in Carpenter's Hall, Philadelphia, Edward Cook and James Perry representing Westmoreland County, and proceeded to " Resolve, 1. That the said resolution of Congress of the 15th of May last is fully approved by this conference. 2. That the present government of this province is not competent to the exigences of our affairs. 3. That it is necessary that a provincial convention be called by this conference for the express purpose of forming a new govern- ment." It then made provision for the electing of delegates to such convention, fixing eight as the number to be sent up from each county, and the qualifications of electors. As the payment of a tax within one year was one of the qualifications, and as Westmoreland had been exempted by law from the paying of any tax for the space of three years, the electors of this county were exempted from the operation of this item of qualification. When all the qualifications of members to be elected and electors were settled, the convention HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 219 proceeded to divide the counties into election districts, lix the place of holding elections, and appoint judges of elections. The county of Westmoreland was divided into two election districts, the lirst all the territory north of the Voughioghany, with voting place at Han- na's Town, and the second all to the south of that stream and voting place at Spark's Fort, now Ferry Township, Fayette County. James Barr, John Moore and Clement McGeary were appointed as election officers for the northern district, and George Wilson, John Kile and Robert McConnel for the southern. The day fixed for holding these elections was the 8th of July, 1776, just four days after the passage of the Declaration of Independence by the Continental Congress. As the news traveled very tardily in those days, the probability is that the people of Westmoreland County had not heard of it when the election was held. The eight members elected to the Provincial Convention were John Carinichael, Edward Cook, James Barr, John Moor, James Smith, John McClellan, Christopher Lavingair and James Perry. Heretofore the primal source of authority in the government liad been the King of Great Britain; now it was to emanate from the people, and these back-woodsmen, eight from each county, were to try their iiands in the great experiment of self-govei;ument — " a government of the people, by the people and for the people." The convention thus chosen met in Philadelphia on the loth of July, 1776. As the members were separately to make oath on being qualified to a renunciation of all allegiance to King George III., and as they in their representative capacity spoke for all their constituents, it is evident that by that act the whole legal and governmental ma- chinery of the Province was at an end. There was no King supreme over all, no proprietary, no council, no judges, justices, sheriffs, constables, in short no provincial, county or township officers, but all was theoretically in a state of nature, lint the moment this con- vention was organized it proceeded to take up the wand of authority which had been dropped. The convention thus constituted was organized by the election of Banjamin Franklin, president, and on the 24:th of July elected what was designated a Council of Safety, composed of twenty-five members, to which was assigned the execu- tive department of the government — the duties of King and Gov- ernor. Of this council Thomas Rittenhouse was chosen chairman, ami Jacob S. Howell secretary. By this act the proprietary government was entirely superceded. It may here be observed that John Penn, who had been appointed Governor in August, 1773, was the son of Richard, the second of the three sons of William Penn, viz: John, Richard and Thomas. At the time of his appointment as Governor, his father was proprietor of one-third of the Province, and his uncle, Thomas, two-thirds, the latter 220 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. having inherited the share of his elder brother, John, who died in 1746. By the assumption of power by the Council of Safety the vast proprietary estates of the Penns reverted, amounting, as is shown by an estimate commenced by Thomas Penn and completed by Franklin, to ten millions of pounds sterling, or $50,000,000. Bnt the new government was not disposed to deal harshly by the pro- prietors; for, by an act of November 27, 1779, for vesting these estates in the Commonwealth, there was reserved to the proprietors, all their private estates, including the tenths of manors and they were granted one hundred and thirty pounds sterling "in remem- brance of the enterprising spirit of the Founder," and "of the ex- pectations and dependence of his descendants." Parliament in 1790, on account of the inability of the British Government to vindicate the authority of the Proprietors as decided in the result of the Revo- lutionary struggle, and " in consideration of the meritorious services of the said William Penn, and of the losses which his family have sustained," voted an annuity of four thousand pounds per annum to his heirs and descendants. This annuity has been regularly paid to the present time, 1888. On the 6th of August, the Council of Safety was Organized by the election of Thomas Wharton, Jr., president, which office was equiva- lent to that *of Governor. A new constitution was framed and finally adopted on the 28th of September unanimously, taking eifect from the date of its passage. It provided for an annual Assembly, and for a Supreme Executive Council, to be composed of twelve members elected for a term of three years. Members ot Congress were chosen by the Assembly. Assemblymen were eligible for four years in seven, and councilmen but one term in seven years. This constitu- tion could not be changed for a period of seven years. At the end of that time a board of censors were to determine whether or not there was need of change. If such need existed they were em- powered to convene a new convention for that purpose. The Assembly which convened in January, 1777, passed an act early in the session providing that "each and every one of the laws or acts of General Assembly that were in force and binding on the inhabitants of tlie said province on the lith day of May last shall be in force and binding on the inhabitants of this State, from and after the 10th of February next, as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes, as if the said laws, and each of them, had been made and enacted by this General Assembly; and all and every person and persons whosoever are liereby enjoined and required to yield obedi- ence to the said laws, as the case niay require, * '■'' * and the common law and such of the statute laws of England as have hereto- fore been in force in the province, except as is hereafter excepted." This act of the Legislature revived the operation of the former laws IIISTOKY OF (iUEKNK COUNTY. 221 in the province as completely as though each one had formally been re-enacted. It was also enacted that all the several courts held in the State should continue to be held at tlie times and with the same formality as before, •' and every officer of all and every of the courts of this State that is or shall be appointed shall have, use, and exercise the same or like powers that such officer or officers of the same title, character and distinction might, could or ought to have had, used and exercised under the charter and laws of Pennsylvania, until dis- placed. And all constables, overseers of the poor, supervisors of the highways, and the wardens and street commissioners of the city of Philadelphia that were last appointed or elected in the said province are hereby authorized and strictly enjoined, and required to exercise their several and respective powers, and execute, do and perform all the business and duties of their several and respective offices until otliers are appointed." It was also further provided "that every action that was in any court in the province of Pennsylvania, at the last term the said court was held, except discontinued or satisfied, shall be and is hereby declared to be in the same state, and on the same rule, and may be prosecuted in the same manner in the courts in each respective county, to be hereafter held and kept, as if the authority of such court had never ceased; and if any recognisance has been taken and not returned and prosecuted as the laws direct, saving the style; and where any person had obtained a judgment before any justice of the peace for any debt or sum of money, and such judgment not dis- charged, the person in whose favor the judgment is, may (on produc- ing a transcript of such judgment to any justice of the peace in the county where the defendant dwells or can bo found) demand and obtain an execution for the money mentioned in such judgment, which shall be of the same force and effect as if the judgment was obtained before the justice that granted the execution." Thus the thread of authority was taken up by the new peoples' government, where the King's and the Proprietor's government had dropped it, by that notable act of the Continental Congress assem- bled in Carpenter's Hall, Philadelphia, on the ever memoraljle J:th of July, 1776, entitled the Declaration of American Independence. 222 HISTORY OF GREEKE COUNTY. CHAPTER XIV. Subjects of Contention — Allegiance on the Delaware oe on the James — Largely Settled by Virginians and Makylandees — " West and Noethwest " — Settlers Innocent — Weit of Quo Warranto — King's Peoclajiation — Virginia Only a Eoyal Colony — Mason and Dixon's Line Continued — Walpole Grant Covered an Empire — Coeeespondenge of Governors — Fry had Ascertained Latitude of Logstown — Build a Foet — Peopose Commissionees — Civil Commotion — W ilson's Letter — Settlers Oppose Penn's Laws and Ask foe a Virginia Court — Mateeial of Foet Pitt Sold — Governor Dunmore — Connolly's Proclamation — Connolly Arrested — Sheriff Peoctor Arrested — Correspondence of Governors — Formal Notice of Penn — Connolly Comes With a Detachment of Militia- — His Position — Court's Answer — Connolly Arrests Justices — Letter of Mackay' Tilghman and Allen Sent to Virginia — Dunmore Arbitrary — Penn Counseled Peace — Claims Cojiplicate — Dunmore's War — I^eedless — Logan's Pevenge on Ten Mile Ceeek — SettleesFlee — Aemies of Lewis and Dunmoee — Proclamation of Dunmoee — Penn's Countee Proclamation — Vieginia Couet at Pittsburg — Areests and Countee — Lexington and Concoed — Patriotism — Advice of Congeessmen — Fate of Connolly. BUT the early inhabitants of the southwestern corner of the State scarcely had one subject of contention settled before another arose. Aside from the great impediments to settlement encountered in the rugged and mountainous country to be passed in reaching it, and its great distance from the abodes of civilization, the emigrants had to meet the counter claims of the English and the French to this whole Mississippi Valley, which was fought out on this ground; then, the hostility of the Indians in asserting their claims to this territory, which resulted in the conspiracy of Pontiac, likewise con- tended for with great bitterness in this vallej'', and finally settled by victories gained on this ground; then the lack of right .to settle all this stretch of country not yet having been acquired from the In- dians, and the jeopardy of their necks as the penalty of the new law unless they quickly removed from their homes, IILSTOKY (IK (iREENK COl'XTY. 223 and gave up tlieir lands; again were they in tribulatiun in securing legal rights by reason of the great distance of the county seat from their homes; and scarcely was this concluded and the court of record and of justice secured within reasonable distaucc, when the Revolution canie, and although the transfer of authority was reasonably speedy, from the ci'own to the people; yet for eight long and troublous years the question was in doubt, whether the new- government would be successfully vindicated, or the colonies would be compelled to go back under the government of the King of Britain; and now, as if their cup of adversity was not yet full, there came another which threatened to be more bitter and deadly than all the others viz: whether they owed allegiance to Pennsylvania, or Virginia; whether they should secure the patents to their lands and pay for them at the capital on the Delaware, or at that on the James. It doubtless seems strange to the present generation, when the well defined limits of our good old Commonwealth are examined, as shown by any well drawn map of the State, how any such controversy could ever have occurred. And it will seem even more wonderful when the precise and explicit words of King Charles' charter to William Penn are carefnllj- read. But such a controversy did actual- ly occur, which threatened at one time to bring on a conflict of arms and to interfere with the paciflc and friendly relations of the two great Commonwealths. As Greene County was in the very heart of the disputed territory, and the point where Mason and Dixon's line was interrupted, at the crossing of Dunkard Creek, near tiie old Indian war-path, was the scene of threatened hostilities, its history would be incomplete without a brief account of it. There can be no question but that this whole Monongahela countrj' was originally settled by emigrants largely from Virginia and Mary- land. Nor can there be any doubt but that the authorities of A"ir- ginia honestly entertained the l)elief that this country was embraced in the chartered limits of that colony. Ilence, when the Ohio Com- pany was chartered and was authorized to take up a half million of acres in this valley, in which the Washingtons were largely con- cerned, it is apparent that the company put implicit confidence in the right of Virginia to grant these lands, or they certainly would never have invested their money in the enterprise and induced pioneers to go with their families and settle upon them. Hence, the original settlers could have had no question but that their true alle- giance was due to Virginia, from whose constituted authorities they received their conveyances and paid their fees. Having therefore innocently made their settlement under Virginia law, it is not strange that they clung with great tenacity to citizenship in that Common- wealth. But by what right did Virginia claim this territory? As we 224 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. have already seen Queen Elizabeth, in 1583, a hundred years before the time of Penn, granted to Sir Walter Ealeigh an indefinite stretch of country in America which practically embraced the whole con- tinent, to which he gave the name Virginia, in honor of the virgin Qneen, that portion to the south of the mouth of the Chesapeake receiving the title of South Virginia, and that to the north of it North Virginia. Raleigh spent a vast fortnne, and impoverished himself in attempts to colonize the country, but all in vain, and the title lapsed. In 1606, James 1, who had succeeded Elizabeth, granted charters to the Plymouth Company, who were to have the territory to the north, and the London, or Virginia Company, to the south; but the boundaries seem to have been drawn indefinitely, the two grants overlaping each other by three degrees of latitude. In 1609, the London Company secured from the Xing a new grant in this most remarkable language, probably never before nor since equalled for indefiniteness: "All those lands, countries, and terri- tories situate, lying and being in that part of America called Vir- ginia, from the point of land called cape or point of Comfort, all along the sea-coast northward two hundred miles, and from the same point or Cape Comfort all along the sea- coast to the southward two hundred miles; and all that space and circuit of lands lying from the sea-coast of the precinct aforesaid up into the land throughout from sea to sea west and northwest; and also the islands lying within one hundred miles along the coast of both seas of the precinct afore- said." On this wonderful piece of scrivener work, which no doubt taxed the best legal acumen of all England, in its composition, the authorities of Virginia hung all their claims to western Pennsylvania and the entire Northwest territory, — that fatal expression, " all that space and circuit of lands lying from the seacoast of the precinct aforesaid up into the land throughout from sea to sea, west and northwest." It does not say due west from the extremities of the four hundred mile coast line from sea to sea, which would have been intelligible, though pre- posterous, but it was to be " from sea, to sea west and northwest." This word northwest could not have meant to apply to the two ex- tremities of the coast line, for in that case it would have formed a parallelogram having the coast line fixed on the Atlantic and an equal coast line somewhere in Alaska on the Pacific and the frozen ocean. If it meant that the southern boundary should be a due west line from the southern extremity, and the northern boundary should be a line drawn due northwest from the northern extremity of the Atlantic coast line, then the limits of Virginia W'ould have embraced nearly the whole boundless continent, as the coast line of four hundred miles would have embraced more than six degrees of latitude, from the 34° to the 40°, reaching from some point within South Carolina 7^/ HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 227 to the central part of the shore of New Jersey, and the due northwest line Would have swallowed Philadelphia, two-thirds of Pennsylvania, a part of New York, all the great lakes except Ontario, and would have emerged somewhere in the Arctic Ocean. It may seem strange that the sober minded men who held the reins of government in Vir- ginia should have set up so preposterous a claim. Put if this claim was good for anything, and there seems to have been no other authority upon which it was based, save the above (quoted grant of 1609, why were not Maryland and Delaware, the half of New Jersey and nearly the whole of Pennsylvania claimed at once? For this grant of 1609 antedated that of Maryland, and was made before the foot of a wliite man had ever pressed Pennsylvania soil. This e,v- travagant claim was not vindicated when the colonies to the north of it had become seated. But now, after it had been pushed down on the sea-shore from more than two-thirds of its northern claim — having left scarcely fifty miles above Point Comfort instead of two hundred -by the grants to Maryland and Pennsylvania, and been limited to the right bank of the Potomac, it now proposes to com- mence tliat northwest line at the head-waters of the Potomac instead of at the coast-line. • But this whole extravagant claim was settled before either Lord Baltimore or Penn had received their charters. On the 10th of November, 1623, a writ of quo 'warranto was issned against the treasurer of the London Company. The grounds of this action were the irregularities in the government of the colony, which had in- vited the hostility of the Indians, resulting in massacres and burn- ings, which came near the ntter destruction of the settlement, whereby the stockholdei's of the Company in London saw their investments being annihilated. The party of Virginia made defence ; l)ut upon the report of a committee sent out by the King to make examination of the Company's affairs, the King's resolution was taken, and at the Trinity term of 1621, June, "judgment was given against the Com- pany and the patents were cancelled." " Before the end of the same term" says the record, " a judgment was declared by the Lord Chief Justice Ley, against the Company and their charter, only upon a failure or a mistake in pleading." The decree may not have been just, as disturbing vested rights; yet it was nevertheless law and the Company was obliged to bow. The matter was brought before Par- liament; but public sentiment was against the Company, and the application came to nothing. Henceforward the Virginia settlement became a royal colony, subject to the will of the monarch. Soon after the conclusion of the war with France, by which that nation was dispossessed of the Mississippi Valley and Canada, the King issued his royal proclamation, iji which, after making some restrictions regarding the newly acquired territories of Quebec, and 228 HISTORY OF greeni-: county. East and West Florida, he says: "We do, therefore, with the advice of our privy council declare it to be our royal will and pleasure that no Governor nor_Commander-in-chief of our^colonies or plantations in America do presume, for the present, and until our further pleasure be known, to grant warrants of survey or pass patents for any lands, beyond the heads or sources of any of the rivers which fall into the Atlantic Ocean, from the west or northwest, or upon any land what- ever, which, not having been ceded to or purchased by us, as afore- said, are reserved unto the said Indians, or any of them." But it may be.said that this order would have applied to Penn- sylvania as well as Virginia, and Avould then have confined the former to the eastern slopes of the AUeghanies as well as the latter. But there was this difference, Virginia, being now only a royal colony, was subject to the absolute will of the Monarch, while Pennsylvania, having been purchased for a price, and confirmed under a Proprietary government, was placed beyond his power to -alter or annul. It will be oberved that by the cutting off of West Virginia, which occurred during the war of the Rebellion, Virginia is substantially confined to limits fixed by this royal proclamation. As we have already seen, the charter of William Penn made his southern boundary the beginning of the 40° of north latitude. As this encroached upon the the territory supposed to have been granted to Lord Baltimore, a compromise was effected between Penn and Baltimore, by which Penn gave up a belt of 43' 26" of a degree to Baltimore. But this compromise conld only apply to the Colony of Marylaiid, the western boundary of which is a meridian line di'awn from the head spring of the Potomac River, which strikes the southern line of Pennsylvania in the neighborhood of the Laurel Hill Ridge. When, therefore, Mason and Dixon arrived at this point in running the dividing line between Maryland and Pennsyl- vania, they should have stopped, as no agreement had been entered into with Virginia touching the partition line, and there was no reason why at this point the line. of Pennsylvania should not have dropped down to ihe beginning of the 40° parallel, as confirmed by the I'oyal charter, which Pennsylvania subsequently claimed. But the surveyors. Mason and Dixon, kept on with this Maryland line across the Chestnut Ridge and across the Monongahela River to a ])oint on Dunkard Creek, where they Avere stopped by the Indians at their old war-path. What, therefore, was done beyond the Maryland western limit, was ex pa?'te, and of no force; though it was open to the construction that the Pennsylvania authorities, at that time, were willing to make the same liberal concession to Virginia, that it had to Maryland, and was damaging, to that extent, to the claim which was subsequently set up to the whole fortieth degree of latitude from the ending of the thirty-ninth degree. HISTORY OF GKEENE COUNTY. 229 In order to conipreheud the nature and origin of the controversy between Pennsylvania and Virginia, it should be observed tliat the excellence of the lands along the upper Ohio and its tributaries, and indeed of the whole Ohio Valley, excited the cupidity of all who hud come to a knowledge of them. As we have seen, the Ohio (lompany was formed in Vii'ginia, in which tlie AVashingtons were interested, which secured tlie grant of a half million of acres embracing that por- tion of Pennsylvania along the Monongahela, the members of this Company seeming at the outset to take it for granted that the western line of I^ennsylvania woukl correspond with that of Maryland. But this grant of a half million acres of the Ohio Company was but a drop in the bucket when compared to a project which was to follow. It appears that Sir William Johnson, the Indian agent of the British government in America, and William Franklin, governor of New Jersey, formed the project of founding a great colony on the Ohio, and wrote to Doctor Franklin the father of William, then in London, to advocate their project at court. The Doctor entered heartily into the project, and so persuasive were his arguments, that, in opposition to the powerful influence of Lord Hillsborough, on the 14th of August, 1772, he secured the grant of an immense tract. It commenced at the month of the Scioto River, threehnndred miles below Pittsburg, extended southwardly to the latitude of North Carolina, thence northeastwardly' to the Kanawha, at the junction of New River and Green Briar, up the Green Briar to the head of its northeasterly branch, thence easterly to the Alleghany Mountains, thence along these Mountains to the lines of Maryhind and Pennsylvania, thence westerly to the Ohio, and down that stream to the point of beginning. Thomas Walpole, Thomas Pownall. Dr. Franklin and Samuel Whar- ton had the management of securing the grant, and hence it was known as "Walpole's Grant;" but Wharton, in a letter to Sir Will- iam Johnson, said, " A society of us, in which some of the first people in England are engaged, have concluded a bargain with the treasury for a large tract of land lying and fronting on the Ohio large enough for a government." It will be observed that this grant swallowed bodily the grant of the Ohio Company, and it was agreed finally that the latter should be merged in the former. This action stimulated interest in this vast Ohio country; but the Revolution coming on four years there- after, the whole project, after an existence of a little more than fi)ur years, came suddenly to an end. / It seems that Thomas Lee, who was the iirst president of the Ohio Company, was a very just minded man, and suspecting that a portion of the lands embraced in the limits of his Company might turn out to be within the boundaries of Pennsylvania, by chartered rights, wrote to Governor Hamilton on this question. The Governor 230 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. replied under date of Jan. 2, 1749: "I am induced to desire your opinion, whether it may not be of use that the western bounds of this province be run by commissioners to be appointed by both govern- ments, in order to assure ourselves that none of the lands contained in that grant (Oliio Company) are within the limits of this province." When Governor Hamilton learned that it was the intention of the Ohio Company to erect a fort at the Forks of the Ohio, for protection against the Indians, he again wrote, but now to Governor Dinwiddle, declaring that he had received instructions from the Proprietaries to join in such a work, "only taking your acknowledgment that this settlement, shall not prejudice their right to that country." Without alluding to the matter of boundary, Dinwiddle wrote that he had already dispatched a person of distinction (young Wash- ington) to the commander of the French, to know upon what grounds he was invading the lands of the English, and that he had sent working parties to erect a fort at the Forks of the Ohio. Though Governor Hamilton had promised conditional aid in defending the country, yet little was ever furnished, partly on account of a wrangle over taxing the Proprietary estates, which prevented the voting much money for any purpose, and partly by reason of the peace principles of a majority of the assembly. The question had also been raised in the course of their assembly discussions, from a very short- sighted motive, whether this Ohio country, which they were asked to defend, was really after all within the limits of Pennsylvania. When at Logstown, as agent of Virginia, securing a treaty with the Indians, Colonel Joshua Fry, who was accounted a good mathe- matician and geographer, had taken an observation by which it was found that that place, which is nine miles below Pittsburg, was in latitude 40° 29', which showed that this was far to the north of the southern line of Pennsylvania. From calculations made, it was evident to the mind of Governor Hamilton that the Forks of Ohio, as well as the French fort at Venango, were far within the l)0undaries of Pennsylvania, and this conclusion he communicated to the Pennsjdvania assembly and also to Governor Dinwiddle. The latter subsequently responded: '.' I am much misled by our survey- ors if the forks of the Mohongialo be within the limits of your pro- prietory's grant. I have for some time wrote home to have tlie line run, to have the boundaries properly known, that I may be able to keep magistrates if in this government, * * * and I pre- sume soon there will be commissioners appointed for that service. * * * But surely I am from all hands assured that Logstown is far to the west of Mr. Penn's grant." It would seem from this letter that the Governor of Virginia was contemplating the establishment of local government in this portion HISTOnV Ol' GHEENE OOUNTY. 231 of Pennsylvania. It would appear, also, that after the organization of Bedford County, which was made to extend over all this south- western corner of the State, and immediately after tlie purchase of these crrounds from the Indians by the treaty of Fort Stanwix, in 1768, the settlers were called upon to pay taxes for the support of the Bedford County Court. Bedford being a hundred miles away, they did not relish the paying of taxes for the support of a court which afforded them so little convenience. Besides, being natives largely of Virginia, and having originally been led to suppose that this was a part of Virginia, they petitioned that colony for the or- ganization of county governments. Early in this controversy over jurisdiction. Colonel George Wil- son, a justice of the peace of Bedford County, the grandfather of Lawrence L. Minor, of Waynesburg, wrote a letter to Arthur St. Clair, of Bedford, in which he says: " I am .sorry that the first letter 1 ever undertook to write you siiould contain a detail of grievance disagreeable to me. * " * I no sooner returned home from court, than I found papers containing resolves, as they call them, of the inhabitants to the westward of the Laurel Hills, were handing fast about amongst the people, in which amongst the rest was one that they were resolved to oppose every of Penn's laws, as they called them, except felonious actions, at the risque of life, and under the penalty of tifty pounds, to be recovered off the estates of the failure. The tirst of them 1 found hardy enough to offer it in pui)- lic, I immediately ordered into custody, on wliich a large number were assembled as was supposed to rescue the prisoner. I endeav- ored by all the reason 1 was capable of, to convince them of the ill consequences that would attend such a rebellion, and happily gained on the people to consent to relinquish their resolves and to burn the paper they sio-ned. When their foreman saw that the arms of his country, that as he said he had thrown himself into, would not rescue him by force, he catched up his gun which was well loaded, jumped out of doors, and swore if any man came nigh him he would put what was .in his gun through him. The person that had him in custody called for assistance in ye King's name, and in particular commanded myself. 1 told him I was a subject, and was not lit to command, if not willing to obey, on which I watched his eye until I saw a chance, sprang in on him, seized the rilie by the muzzle and held him, so as he could not shoot me, until more heljj got into my assistance, on which I disarmed him, and broke his rifle to pieces. 1 received a sore bruise on one of my arms by a punch of the gun in the struggle. Then I put him under strong guard and told them the laws of their country were stronger than the hardest rifle amoncr them." After convincing the discontented party of their error, and inducing them to burn the resolves they had signed, 232 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. the prisoner was discharged on liis good behavior. Wilson closes his letter in these words: "1 understand great threats are made against me in particular, if possible to intimidate me with fear, and also acrainst the sheriffs and constables and all ministers of justice. But I hope the laws, the bulwarks of our nation, will be supported in spite of those low lived trifling rascals." From this letter we can gather the spirit which actuated the par- ties to the controversy, and see the beginning of a bitter contention which vexed the people of this section for many years. The idea that Pennsylvania did not extend west of the Alleghany Mount- ains was studiously circulated. Michael Cressap, and George Crou'han, who were interested in land speculations here, were sus- pected of being privy to these rumors. A petition signed by over two hundred citizens was presented to the court at Bedford, under date of the 18th of July, 1772, " charging the government and oflti- cers with great injustice and oppression, and praying that directions might be given to the sheriifs to -serve no more processes in that country, as they apprehended it was not in Pennsylvania." Mr. Wilson answered the allegations of the petition before the court, and showed by documentary evidence that the grounds on which the petition rested wei-e imstable, which had a very quieting effect upon the settlers, and induced the court to reject the petition. Fort Pitt, which had been garrisoned by a detachment of British soldiers, from the time of its erection in 1759, by General Stanwix, was, by order of General Gage, of date of October, 1772, evacuated^ and " all the pickets, bricks, stones, timber and iron which are now in the building or walls of the said fort" were sold for the sum of fifty pounds. At about this time, upon the death of Lord Bottetourt, Governor of Virginia, a new Governor was appointed in the person of the Earl of Uunmore, a man of a meddlesome disposition, and disposed to exercise the functions of his oflice with a high hand. In 1773, the year following the erection of Westmoreland County, Dunmore made a visit to Fort Pitt, where he met Dr. John Con- nolly, a nephew of Colonel Croghan. It appears that the new Gov- ernor was determined to act upon the assumption, whatever may have been his motive therefor, that all west of the Alleghanies and the whole boundless northwest belonged to Virginia. In Connolly he found a willing tool for asserting tliis claim; for, soon after the departure of the Governor, Connolly published the following pro- clamation: "Whereas, his Excellency John, Earl of Dunmore, Governor-in-chief, and Captain General of the colony and dominion of Viro-inia, and Vice Admiral of the same, has been pleased to nominate and appoint me Captain, Commandant of the Militia of Pittsburo' and its dependencies, with instructions to assure his Ma- jesty's subjects settled on the Western Waters, that having the HISTORY OI' GRKENK COUNTY. 233 greatest regard to their prosperity and interest, and convinced from their repeated memorials of the grievances of wliich they complain, tliat he proposes moving to the House of Burgesses the necessity of erecting a new county to include Pittsburg, for the redress of your ct)mplaints, and to take every otlier step that may attend to afford you that justice for which you solicit. In order to facilitate this de- sirable circumstance I hereby require and command all persons in the dependency of Pittsburg to assemble themselves there as a militia on the 25th instant, at which time I shall communicate other matters for the promotion of public utility. Oiven under my hand the 1st day of January, 1774." A copy of this high handed proceeding was immediately com- municated to the court at Ilannastown, and to (TO\ernor Penn at Piiiladelphia. Jjefore receiving instructions from the Governor, Artliur St. (Hair, in his capacity as a justice, deeming that he was authorized by his commission to put a stop to such a procedure as was indicated in this proclamation, issued a warrant for the arrest of Connolly, who was apprehended and placed in confinement, (tov- ernor Penn wrote immediately to Lord Dunmore informing liim of his advices, quoted the langmige of the charter, which gave five full degrees of longitude for the east and west extent of the State, which would carry the western limit far beyond Pittsburg, and e.vpressed the belief that the Governor could not have authorized the procla- mation of Connolly. In the meantime Dr. Connolly had been released from jail on promise of returning in time for his trial. Hut instead of awaiting the result of the case he proceeded with the organization of the militia and took possession of Fort Pitt. On hearing of this. Sheriff Proctor, witli Justices Smith. McFarland and Mackay, proceeded to l''ort Pitt, and finding that (Jonnolly still professed the intention of delivering himself up for trial at the appointed time of convening court, though he had dispatches from Dunmore approving his eon- duct and urging him to go forward in asserting Vii-ginia authority, the Sheriff took no further action in regard to Connolly, but served a writ upon "William Christy, one of Connolly's lieutenants. Where- upon Connolly arrested Sheriff Proctor upon a King's warrant, and held him in custody. Seeing the commotion incident to these pro- ceedings, and the militia drilling with arms in their hands, the Indians became very much alarmed. In his reph' to Penn, the Governor of Virginia, Lord Dunmore freely assumed responsibility for Connolly's acts declaring them per- formed by his authority by the advice of his Majesty's council. He also referred to that unfortunate declaration made in the Pennsyl- vania assembly, when a call was made for troops to serve against t)ie French and Indians at Fort Pitt, that Pittsburg was not embraced 234 HISTORY OF GKEENE COUNTY. in the limits of Pennsylvahia. Peun answered this cominunication at great length, setting forth all the facts and arguments relied upon by the authorities of Pennsylvania to hold this territory, and ex- r)ressing at the outset with considerable warmth his surprise that JDunmore should authorize these high-handed proceedings, while a county government under Pennsylvania authority had already been established there, and was in full operation, and before the lines be- tween the two colonies had been deiinitely settled by competent authority. Governor Dinwiddle, the predecessor of Dunmore, had informed Penn, " I have for some time wrote home to have the line run," and suggested that if the territory in question actuallj^ was a part of Pennsylvania then the quit-rents should be paid to the Pro- prietaries of that province instead of to the King. Penn informed Dunmore that the declaration of the Assembly, to which he refers, was made at a time when no definite limits of the State had been hxed by actual surveys; besides, even if the declaration had been made by the Assembly in the most positive and formal manner it could not atfect the validity of the claims of the Proprietaries secured to thenr by Royal Charter, in which the payment of a stipulated price was acknowledged. That he might not be chargeable with dereliction of duty in assert- ing his claims, Penn served a formal notice upon Lord Dunmore in these words: "I must take this opportunity of notifying to your Lordship, that the Proprietaries do claim, by their said petition, as part of their province of Pennsylvania all the lands lying west of a south line to be drawn from Dixon's and Mason's line as it is com- monly called at the westermost part of the province of Maryland to the beginning of the fortieth degree of north latitude to the extent of five degrees of longitude from the river Delaware; and I must re- quest your Lordship will neither grant lands nor exercise the govern- ment of Virginia within those limits till his majesties pleasure may be known." It will be seen by the wording of this proclamation that Penn claimed the full three degrees of latitude granted by his charter, be- ginning at the end of the 39th degree beyond the western boundary of Marj'land, not allowing tlie compromise with that State to effect the line opposite Virginia. It will be observed that Connolly had given his word that he would return and give himself up for trial at the time of the setting of the court, provided he was allowed his liberty in the meantime. He did return; but with an armed band of militia of some 180 which he had recruited and had under discipline. The court having notice of his coming with a military force deemed it prudent to adjourn, as their business was nearly concluded. On his arrival he took possession of the court room, and stationed his sentinals, and -'W'"- ^^ HISTOKY OF GREENE COUNTY. 237 then sent word to the court thut he wished to wait on them. They received him in a private room, when he read to them the letter uT Lord Dun more to Penn, in which he assumes responsibility for Con- nolly's action, and the following explanation of his procedures: " I am come here to be the occasion of no disturbances, but to prevent them. As I am countenanced by government, wiiatever you may say or conceive, some of the justices of this bench are the cause ot this appearance and not me. 1 have done this to prevent myself from being illegally taken to Philadelphia. My orders from the government of N^irginia not being explicit; but claiming the country about Pittsburg, I have raised the militia to support the civil authority of that colony vested in me. I have come here to free m^'self from a promise made to Captain Proctor; but have not con- ceived myself amenable to this court, by an^' authority of Pennsyl- vania, upon which 1 cannot apprehend that you have any right to remain here as justices of the peace, constituting a court of that province; bnt in order to prevent confusion I agree that you may continue to act in that capacity, in all such matters as may be sub- mitted to your determination by the ac([uiescence of the people, until I may have instructions to the contrarv from Virginia, or until his Majesty's pleasure be further known on this subject." It will be perceived that Connolly only reflects the sentiments of Dunmore, who was at the root of all the trouble. The Westmoreland court made a very temperate answer to Connolly. "The jurisdiction of the court and officers of the county of Westmoreland rests on the legislative authoritj' of the province of Pennsylvania, confirmed by his Majesty in council. That jurisdiction has been regularly exer- cised, and the court and officers will continue to exercise it in the same regular manner. It is far fi'om their intention to occasion or foment disturbances, and tliey apprehend that no such intention can with propriet}' be inferred from any part of their conduct; on the contrary they wish and will do all they can to preserve the public tranquility. In order to contribute to this salutary purpose they give information that every step will be taken on the part of the province of Pennsylvania to accommodate any dift'erences that may have arisen between it, and the colony of Virginia, by fixing a tem- porary line between them." Connolly now marched away with his militia, liaving given him- self not as he had agreed to do, for trial, but in defiance of the court, at the head of a military band. It was, therefore, as clearly a break- ing of his word as though he had not come near the court. Having completed their business thecourt adjourned, and three of the justices, Mackay, Smith and McFarlane, departed for their homes at Pittsburg. Scarcely were tliey returned, when these three were served with King's wan-ants issued by Connolly, for the crime of making the 238 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. answer they did quoted above, and upon tlieir refusal to give bail for their appearance at the Staunton court to answer to the charge, they were sent in custody to the Staunton jail. On the way they were denied the privilege of writing to the authorities at Phila- delphia, by the hand of a person just then going there; but before reaching Staunton, Mackay was allowed to go to Williamsburg to lay their case before the Governor. This functionary listened patient- ly, but made answer that their ai-rest was only a dose of their own, adininistered in the arrest of Connolly. Nevertheless he consented to release them, and allow them to return home. In a dispatch to Governor Penn, after describing the interview with Dunmore, Mackay says, "We are to set off from this place immediately; but how to act after our return, is a matter we are at this time unable to determine." In a further dispatch of the 14th of June, 1774, he says, " The deplorable state of aifairs in this part ot your government at this time is truly distressing; we are robbed, insulted and dra- gooned by Connolly and his militia in this place and in its environs, all ranks share of his oppression and tyranny, but the weight of his resentment falls heaviest on me, because he imagines I oppose his unwarrantable measures most. On the 27th of last May he ordered a party of his militia to put down and destroy a sheep-house and a stable of mine, in a violent and outrageous manner, and told me at the time he would take the house I lived in if he wanted it, and countenanced a perjured villain, a constable of ours that deserted to him before he was three months sworn in, to shake a stick at my nose before his face without reproof." From this extract some conception can be formed of the state of this portion of the colony under the divided authority. Upon receiving intelligence of the forcible seizure of his commissioned magistrates. Governor Penn lost no time in sending commissioners to Dunmore to secure some temporary settlement, until the bound- aries could be lixed by lioyal authority. James Tilghman and Andrew Allen, members of the Council, were selected to conduct this embassage. They were cordially received by Lord Dunmore, who agreed to unite in a petition to the King for the appointment of a commission to establish the boundaries, but would not agree that Virginia should bear half of the expense. The commissioners then proposed that a temporary line be fixed at five degrees of longitude from the Delaware, and that the western line of Pennsylvania should follow the meanderings of that stream. Dunmore would not agree to this, but contended that the charter of Penn authorized five degrees to be computed from a point on the 42° parallel where the Delaware cuts it, he believing that the Delaware run from northeast to south- M'est which would, as he believed, carry the western boundary as far east as the Alleghau}' Mountains. The commissioners promptly HISTORY OF GREENE t'OUNTV. 239 reiected this iiiterpretion; but iu the interest of peace they would be willing to allow a teuiporaiy boundary to follow the Monongahela River from Mason and Dixon's line down to its mouth. This would have left all west of that stream to Virginia. Dunmore now became arbitrary in his manner, charging the commissioners with being unwilling to make any concessions, and ended by declaring his un- alterable purpose to hold jurisdiction over Pittsburg and surrounding territory until his Majesty should otherwise order. Until competent authority should establish the boundaries of the two provinces there was nowno hope of temporary agreement, as Lord Dunmore was arbitrary and dictatorial. Governor Penn saw bnt too clearly that civil strife in the disputed district would unavoidably lead to a trial of force for the mastery. Uunniore was destined in a short time to quarrel with the Legislature of Virginia, and for safety betook himself to a British man-of-war. Desiring to avoid a contlict over a dispute which Charter stipulations would eventually settle, Crovernor Penn decided to bide his time, and accordingly wrote to William Crawford, the presiding justice of Westmoreland County, as follows: "The present alarming situation of onr affairs in West- moreland County, occasioned by the very unaccountable conduct of the Government of Virginia, requires the utmost attention of this government, and therefore I intend, with all possible expedition, to send commissioners to expostulate with my Lord Dunmore upon the behavior of those he has thought proper to invest with such power as hath greatly disturbed the peace of that County. As the goverii- n)ent of Virginia hath the power of raising militia, and there is nut any such in this Province, it will be in vain to contend with them, in the way of force. The magistrates, therefore, at the same time that they continue with steadiness to exercise the jurisdiction of Pennsylvania with respect to the distributions of justice and the punishment of vice, must be cautious of entering into any such con- tests with the ofKcers of my Lord Dunmore as may tend to widen the present unhappy breach; and, therefore, as things are at present circumstanced, I would not advise the magistracy of Westmoreland County to proceed by way of criminal prosecution against them tor exercising the government of Virginia." Though it was humiliating for the legally and formally consti- tuted authorities of Westmoreland County to have their authority defied by a set of ofKcers who received their orders to act from Vir- ginia, backed by a lawless military force called out by direction of another colony, yet it was for the time being judicious not to pro- voke a contest. As we view it now, with State lines all fixed and all county governments crystalized, it seems strange that any such conflict should have arisen. But it must be remembered that the matter of priority of charter, the impossibility of making the actual 240 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. survey's conform to the language of the I'oyal grants, and the fact that no accurate .astronomical observations iiad been taken, left this whole subject of western boundary at loose ends. Until something detinite was settled, it was better, as Fenn advised, that force be not resorted to, as the hot-headed Virginia Governor had done. The policy thus recommended, while it left the court at Hanna's Town in operation, practically yielded all this Monongahela country to the authority of the Virginian. The result of Dunmore's diplomacy was of course communicated to Connolly, and he was strengthened in asserting his authority. He discarded the name " Fort Fitt" and gave the fort the name " Fort Dun- more," in honor of his chief. On the 21st of April, 1774, Connolly wrote to settlers along the Ohio that the Shawnees were not to be trusted, and that the whites ought to be prepared to reveng'e the wrong done them. This gave authority to the settlers for the taking, tlie right of punishment into their own hands, and lighted anew the tires of Indian warfare. It was known as Dunmore's war. A boat containing goods was attacked while going down the Ohio by a party of Cherokees and one white man was killed. In retalliation two friendly Indians of another tribe, in no way responsible for this crime, were murdered. This was cause enough for the Indians to take up the hatchet, and terrible was the penalty paid. On the evening of tie same day Captain Cressap, who had led in the aii'air, hearing that a party of Indians were encamped at the mouth of Captina Creek, went stealthily and attacked it, killing several of them and having o;ie of his own party wounded. A few days later, Daniel Great- house, with a band of thirty-two followers, attacked the natives at Biker's, and by stratagem, in the most dishonorable manner, killed twelve and wounded othei's. The murdered Indians were all scalped. Of the number of the slain was the entire family of the noted Indian chief, Logan. The savage instinct of revenge was now aroused. Logan had b.'en the tirm friend of the white man, and had done him many ser- vices; but, left alone, all his family slain, he thirsted for blood. His vengeance was wreaked upon the inhabitants west of the Mononga- hela, along Ten Mile Creek, and he rested not until he had taken thirteen scalps, the number of his own family who had been slain, when he declared himself satisfied and I'eady for peace. The tidings of the liostile acts of Cressap and Greathonse, and the stealthy and inidnight deeds of savagery by the red men spread terror and con- s ernation on all sides, and the inhabitants west of the Monongahela lied, driving before them their flocks and herds, and bearing away their most easily transportable valuables. " There were more than one thousand people," writes Crawford to "Washington, "crossed the Monongahela in one day at three ferries that are not one mile apart." HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. '241 ''Upon a fresh i-eport of Indians I innnediately took horse" writes St. Chiir to Governor Penn, "and rode np to inquire, and found it, if not totally groundless, at least very improbable; but it was im- possible to persuade the people so, and I am certain 1 did not meet less than one hundred families, and I think two thousand head of cattle, in twenty miles riding." The Virginia authorities immediately called out the militia. A force under Col. McDonald assembled at Wheeling and marched against Wapatomica, on the Muskingum. But the Indians being unprepared for war, feigned submission, and gave live of their chiets as hostages. But the troops destroyed their towns and crops and re- treated. Sir William Johnson counselled the Indians to keep jjeace. In the meantime Andrew Lewis had organized a force of eleven hun- dred men in the neigiiborliood of the since famed AVhite Sulphur Springs, and was marching for tlie itiouth of the Great Kanawha, ■ wiiere he was to meet the force gathered in the northern part of the State under Dunmore in person. Before, tlie arrival of the latter the Indians, Delawares, Iroquois, Wyandots, Shawnees, under Corn- stalk, Logan and all their nu)st noted chiefs, gathered in upon Lewis, and attacked him with great fury, the battle raging the entire day, l)ut in the end the Indians were driven across the Ohio, though with a loss of Colonels Lewis (brother of the commandant) and Field killed, Colonel Fleming wounded, and seventy-five men killed and one hundred and forty wounded, a fifth of the entire force. The loss of the Indians could not be ascertained, though thirty-three dead were left behind them. Lewis was determined to follow up his ad- vantage, which had been gained at so grievous a loss; but Dun- more, who was now approaching with his division of the army, hav- ing been visited by the chiefs, who offered peace, and himself having little stomach for fighting, accepted their terms, and ordered Lewis to desist in his pursuit. Lewis refused to obey and pushed on detei-- mined to avenge the slaughter of his men, and it was not until Dun- more came up with liini that he could be prevailed upon to give up an attack which lie had planned upon the Indian town of Old Chilli- cothe. The army now retired, though a detachment of one hundi-ed men was left at the mouth of the Great Kanawha, and small detachments at Wheeling and at Pittsburg. Thus ended as causeless a war, known as Dunmore's war, as was ever undertaken, all induced by the med- dling policy of Dunmore in a matter which the Crown alone had the authority at that time to decide, and the over ofliciousness of Con- nolly, who "dressed in a little brief authority " exercised it in an arbitrary and anger provoking way. It was provoked by the Virgin- ians, and was prosecuted wiiolly by Virginians, known liy tlie In- dians as " Long- Knives." 242 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. Having thus cut a large figure in a military way, at the expense of Virginia, Dunmore issued his proclamation: " Whereas, The Province of Pennsylvania have unduly laid claim to a very valuable and extensive quantity of his Majesty's terri- tory, and the executive part of that government in consequence thereof, has most arbitrarily and unwarrantably proceeded to abuse the laudable advancements in this part-of his Majesty's dominions by many oppressive and illegal methods in the discharge of this imagin- ary authority; and whei-eas the ancient claim laid to this country by the colony of Virginia, founded in reason upon preoccupancy and the general acqniessence of all persons, together with the instruc- tions I have lately received from his Majesty's servants, ordering me to take this country under my administration, and as the evident in- justice manifestly offered to hisMajestyby the immediate strides taken by the Proprietaries of Pennsylvania in prosecution of their wild claim to this country demand an immediate remedy, I do hereby in his Majesty's name require and command all his Majesty's subjects west of the Laurel Hill to pay a due respect to this my proclama- tion, strictly prohibiting the execution of any act of authority on behalf of the Province of Pennsylvania, at their peril in this coun- try; but, on the' contrary, that a due regard and entire obedience to the laws of his Majesty's colony of Virginia under my administration be observed, to the end that regularity may ensue, and a due regard to the interest of his Majesty in this quarter, as well as to the sub- jects in general, may be the consequence." Quite ready to join in this War of the Proclamations, and not unprepared to wield the ponderous words of authority, Governor John Penn caught wp the cudgel and hurled back his claims in the following brave pronunciamento: " Whereas, I have received information that his Excellency, the Earl of Dunmore, in and over liis Majesty's colony of Virginia hath lately issued a very extraordinary Proclamation setting forth," here is quoted Dunmore's, given above, "And whereas, although the west- ern limits of the Province of Pennsylvania have not been settled by any authority from the Crown, yet it has been sufficiently demon- strated bylines accurately run by the most skillful artists that not only a great tract of country west of the Laurel Hill, but Fort Pitt also are comprehended within the charter bounds of this Province, a great part of which country has been actually settled, and is now held, under grants from the Proprietaries of Pennsylvania, and the jurisdiction of this government has been peaceably exercised in that quarter of the country, till the late strange claim set up by the Earl of Dumore, in behalf of his Majesty's colony of Virginia, foimded as his Lordship is above pleased to say, ' in i-eason, pi'eoc- cupancy, and the general acquiessence of all persons;' which claim HISTORY OF GREENE COUXTY. 243 to lands witliin the said charter limits inust appear still the more ex- traordinary, as his most gfracious Majesty, in an act past the very last session of Parliament, 'for making more elt'ectnal provision tor tlie government of the Province of Quebec,' has been pleased in the fullest manner to recognize the Charter of the Province of Pennsyl- vania by expressly referring to the same, and binding the said Pro- vince of Quebec by the northern and western bounds thereof: "W^liere- fore there is the greatest reason to conclude, that any instrnctions the Governor of Virginia may have received, from his Majesty's ser- vants, to take that country under his administration, must be founded on some misrepresentation to them respecting the western extent of this province. In justice therefore to the Proprietaries of the Pro- vince of Pennsjdvania, who are only desirous to secure their own undoubted property from the encroachment of others, I have thought tit. with the advice of the Council, to issue this my proclama- tion, hereby requiring all persons west of the Laurel Hill, to retain their settlements as aforesaid made under this province, and to pay due obedience to the laws of this government; and all magistrates and other officers who hold commissions or offices under this government to proceed as usual in the administration of justice without paying the least regard to the said recited proclamation, until his Majesty's pleasure siiall be known in the premises; at the same time strictly charging and enjoining the said inhabitants and magistrates to use their utmost endeavors to preserve peace and good order." It will be noticed that in the matter of thundering with his Whereases and Wherefores Penn is quite equal to Dunmore, and in that part where some doubt is thrown upon the statement of the latter that he is acting under instructions of the Crown, Penn has decidedly the advantage. It had been the intention of Dunmore to open a court at Pittsburg with Virginia magistrates, and by Vir- ginia authority. But the counter proclamation of Penn had some- what cooled his taste for controversy, as he might be compelled to defend his usurpations by force. But when he discovered that the Pennsylvania authorities were disposed to liave their differences sub- mitted to peaceful abitrament he conclnded that he might venture u little farther on his scheme of holding possession of this fine country. He, accordingly, had the court for Augusta County, which had formerly been held at Staunton, adjourn to open its next term on the 21st of February, at Pittsburg, Augusta County being made to embrace all the western part of Virginia and Pennsylvania. On the day appointed the following named persons appeared, took the oath of ottice and sat as justices of the Virginia court: George Croghan. John Connolly, Thomas Smallman, John Cambell, Dorsey Pentecost. William Goe, John Gibson and George Vallandingham. Tliere 244 HISTOKY OF GREENK COUNTY. were now two organized courts, assessors, tax gatherers, slierili's and all the machinery for conducting a county government over the same territory, Virginia calling it Augusta, and Pennsylvania "Westmoreland. Of course what is now Greene Connty was em- braced under this double-headed authority, and its inhabitants in- volved in the confusion of yielding obedience to two county govern- ments, and paying taxes to two sets of officials for the same purpose. Having succeeded in setting up their court the new officials be- thought them that they must break up any vestiges of a rival court and accordingly issued warrants for the arrest of Eobert lianna and James Caveat, which were served by the Augusta sheriii', and the two offenders wej-e brought in and incarcerated in the Fort Dunmore jail, where they languished for three months, in vain seeking for re- lease. Finally the sheriff of Westmoreland County, assisted by a strong posse, proceeded to Fort Dunmore and released the prisonei'S, and arrested John Connolly at the suit of Robert Hanna who claimed damages for unlawful imprisonment. Incensed by this treatment of their leader his adherents from Chartiers came in force and seized three of the Jjarty who had been engaged in the arrest of Connolly: George Wilson, Joseph Spear and Devereaux Smith. It was probably sometime in June or July before Hanna and Caveat were set at liberty, as the records show they were constantly entering complaints of their hardships, and petitioning for relief. In the meantime an event had transpired which overshadowed all the petty strife of contending factions, and united all hearts in a com- mon cause. On the 19th of April, of this year, 1775, the battles of Lexington and Concord had been fought which aroused all hearts with singular unanimity to resistance to' the British Crown all over the habitable portion of this broad land, even to the cabins of the frontiersmen, far remote from towns or cities. The news of these bloody frays had no sooner reached Hannastown and Pittsburg than public meetings were held at both those places, at which Virginians and Pennsylvanians united in their approval of resistance and pledg- ing support. These resolves are important and curious, as showing the unanimity with which they, laying aside domestic troubles, united in a common cause. These meetings were held on the same day, the 16th of May, 1775. The resolves of that at Hannastown representing WestuKn-eland County, Pennsylvania, were conceived in these temperate woi'ds: ^'■Resolved, unanimounly, that the Parlia- ment of Great Britain, by several late acts, have declared the inhab- itants of Massachusetts Bay to be in rebellion, and the ministry, by endeavoring to enforce those acts, have attempted to reduce the said inhabitants to a more wretched state of slavery than ever before ex- isted in any State or country, not content with violating the consti- tutional and charactered rights of humanity, exposing their lives to (^ g4o^ y^l^^^m^ HISTORY OK OUKK.VK COUNTY. 2l7 the licentious soldiery, and depriving them of the very means of substance. Jiesolved, unanuno^idij, that there is no reason to doubt but the same system of tyrrany and oppression will (should it meet with success in Massachusetts Bay) be extended to other parts of America; it is therefore become the indispensable duty of every American, of every man who has any public virtue or love for his country, or an}' bowels lor posterity, by every means which God has put in his power, to resist and oppose the execution of it; that for us we will be ready to oppose it with our lives and fortunes. And the better to enable us to accomplish it we will immediately form ourselves into a military body, to consist of companies to be made up of the several townships under the foUowinji; association which is declared to be the association of Westmoreland County. At Pittsburg, now called Fort Diinmore, not only the adherents of the Virginia, but the men acknowledging no government but that of Peimsylvania, joined in e\])ressing the sentiment of lirm resistance. A committee of some thirty inembers was appointed in which not only the names of Connolly and Vallandingham, but also those of Devereaux Smith and George Wilson appear, and they unanimously declare "that they have the highest sense of the spirited behavior of their brethren in New England, and do most cordially approve of their opposing the invaders of American rights and privileges to the utmost extreme." And they proceed to pledge themselves to assist by personal service, to contrii)ute of their means, and use their best endeavors to influence their neighbors to resist this attempt at sub- jugation. As an earnest of their determination they jjroposed to contribute half a pound of powder and a pound of lead, flints and cartridge paper, which they estimate will cost two shillings and six- pence, and accordingly advise the collection of this amount from each tithable person. It is indeed surprising that a little skirmish, away in a distant part of New England, should arouse a sentiment so strong and unwavering, and prompt them, laying aside colonial iiA Militia Sent to Fittsbubo — Wkst Augusta County Ohio, Yoiiogania, Mononghalia Counties — Vikginia Sp;nds Ammunition to Pittsbuec; — Teoops Organized — Guns Sent — GovERNOK Patkiuk Henry of Yikginia Ukges a Stout Defence of Fort Pitt — Many Names of Early Settlers Among Militia Officers — Defend to the Last Extremity — A JS^E^v State to be Called Westsyl^^-ania Petitioned for to Continental Congress to be tWe Fourteenth — Strong Lan- guage OF the Petition — Bounds of Proposed ]NIew State — 240 Miles in Length by 70 to 80 in Breadth, Equal in Extent to an Empire — " Vandalia " and " Walpole" Proposed Vir- cuNiA Opens Land Offices, Fixes Price of Land — Titles to the Greater Part of Soutirvestern Pennsylvania Held by Patents Granted by Virginia. WHEN the Virginia convention, on the retirement of Lord Dnn- more, took the supreme authority of the colony in its own hands, measures were adopted for retaining the district of Pittsburo- beyond the Laurel Hills in its control, as though the matter of juris'^ diction Avas already settled in favor of Virginia." Captain John Neville was authorized to raise a company of one hundred men and march to and take possession of Pittsburg. Another com- pany of one hundred and twenty-five men was summoned from the Monongahela country. The colony of Virginia was divided into six- teen districtsofwhich West Augusta was one, comprising all the terri- tory drained by the Monongahela, Youghiogheny and Kiskiminitasand the streams falling into the Ohio. A proposition was made by certain commissioners sent out by the Continental Congress, Jasper Yeates and John Montgomery, for Pennsylvania, and Dr. Thomas Walker and Jr)hn Harvey, for Virginia, to Pittsburg to treat with the Indians, that in order to settle the disputed authority temporarily, county court_s should be held under the authority of Pennsylvania north of the Youghiogheny Eiver, and of Virginia south of that stream; but no attention was paid to this advice, probably being equally distasteful to each party. Understandiug by the establishment of West Augusta district that the Virginia colonial convention intended a separate county IIISTOUY 01'' GllKKNE COUNTY. 251 court from that lit'ld at Sti-autoii, tor Augusta County, tlie Justices proceeded to organize an independent court and fixed the county seat at Augusta town just over tiie ridge west from Washington. But tliis arrangement was of short duration; for at tlie session of the Vir- ginia assembly held in 177(5, Patriclc Henry being Governor, an act was passed tor ascertaining the limits of West Augusta, and for dividing that district into three counties, Ohio, Yoliogania and Mononghalia; Ohio County to embrace all the territory drained by the streams falling into the Ohio liiver as far north as Cross Creek, embracing the half of the present Greene County; Yohogania, the territory drained by the Youghiogheny and Kiskiniinitas liivers as far east as tlie Laurel Hills, and as far south as l)unlap's and Cross Creeks; and Mononghalia east and south of the other two and em- bracing all the land drained by the Monongalia Eiver, extending far into West Virginia, and embracing the eastern slope of Greene County. It was provided by the same act which authorized the limitations of these counties, " that after the said 8th day of November, courts shall be constantly held every month by the justices of the respective counties upon the days hereinafter specified for each coun- ty respectively, that is to say for the county of Ohio on the first Monday, for the county of Monongahela on the second Monday, and for the county of Yohogania on the fourth Monday of every month, in such manner as by tiie laws of this Commonwealth is provided for other counties, and as shall be by their commission directed. It was provided that all cases pending in the whole of West Augusta district before the division into the three counties, should be tried in the court of Yohogania County. The places fixed for holding the courts in the three counties were the plantation of Andrew Heath for Yohogania, the Plantation of Theopholus Phillips, near New Geneva, for Mononghalia, and Black's Cabin, now West Liberty, for Ohio. The llevolutionary war was now fairly inaugurated, and as the British were using every endeavor to enlist the Indians in their cause against the colonists, issuing commissions freely to disefi'ected Americans to lead them, and to fit out expeditions from Canada to attack the settlers from the rear, it became evident near the close ot 1776, that the Indians were standing in hostile attitude. Accord- ingly Patrick Henry, then Governor of Virginia, wrote, under date of Uecember 13th, to Lieutenant Dorsey Pentecost, advising him of the hostile temper of the savages and that he had ordered six tons of lead for the West Augusta district, and counselling that he call a meeting of the militia officers of the district to determine on safe places of deposit. " I am of opinion," he says, " that unless your people wisely improve this winter you may probably be destroyed. Prepare then to make resistance while you have time." 252 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. A council of war was accordingly held at Catfish Camp, now Washington County, at which the following officers were present: " Dorsey Pentecost, company lieutenant: John Cannon, colonel; Isaac Cox, lieutenant-colonel; Henry Taylor, major; David Sheperd, company lieutenant; Silas Hedge, colonel; David McClnre, lieuten- ant-colonel; Samuel McCullough, major; Zacheriah Morgan, com- pany lieutenant; John Evins, major. Captains — John Munn, David Andrew, John Wall, Cornelius Thompson, Gabrial Cox, Michael Ilawlings, William Scott, Joseph Ogle, William Price, Joseph Tumbleson, Benjamin T^Ty, Mathew Richey, Samuel Measou, Jacob Lister, Peter lieasoner, James Rogers, David (Swings, Henry Hog- land,' John Pearce Davall, James Printon, Vinson Colvin, James Buclvhannan, Abner Howell, Charles Ci-ecraft, John Mitchell, John Hoo-land, Reason Virgin, William Harrod, David Williamson, Joseph Cisnesy, Charles Martin, Owin Daviss." In glancing over these names it will be noticed that a considerable number are com- mon to Crreene County, and represent the families wlio were its earliest settlers. According to the i-equest of Governor Henry these officers desig- nated the points suitable for magazines, and called for three tons of gun-powder, ten thousand flints, and one thousand rifles. On the 28th of February, 1777, Governor Henry again wrote requesting that a detail be made of a hundred men " to escort safely to Pitts- buro-, the powder purchased by Captain Gibson. I suppose it is at Fort Louis on the Mississippi, under the protection of the Spanish Government. I have ordered four 4-pound cannons to be cast for strengthening Fort Pitt, as I believe an attack will be made there ere long. Let the ammunition be stored there, and lu^ it be defended to the last extremity; give it not up but with the lives of yourself and people. Let the provisions be stored there, and consider it as the bulwark of your country." ' It will be observed that all this leo-islation and military preparation is had under authority of the Assembly and Governor of Virginia, for the government and pro- tection of territory rightfully belonging to Pennsylvania, which was at this time, and until 1780, remained a part of Virginia, which the authorities of Pennsylvania determined not to quarrel about, until such time as its cliarter limits could be fixed and vindicated by com- petent autiiority. We come now to a passage in this early history which shows a phase which might have been realized, that would have changed the whole future not only of Greene County, but of this whole valley, — which is no less than the project for a new State, the capital of which would possibly have been within the limits of Greene County, which was to be designated by the euphonious title of Westsylvania. A very elaborate ]ietition was di'awn wliich recited the inconveniences HISTORY OK GREEN?: COUNTY. 253 (111 iiccoiiiit cif ilistancc iVom the seats of govcnunent of Vir^fiiiia and I'eimsylvtuiia, ot the nuc'ssity ot having to cross lofty and iiitenniii- able ranges of mountains, of claims and counter-claims to land, and the unsettled boundary between the two States. This petition was presented to the Continental Congress, was received and ordered tiled; but was never acted on, probably because a life and death struggle for existence demanded all the attention of that body, and for the reason that the Congress had no jurisdiction as 3'et over territory beyond the United Colonies. The language of this petition is uniijue, and in detailing wrongs, cumulative. In reciting the effect of the authority by the two colonies, it proceeds to point out "the per- nicious and destructive effects of discordant and contending juris- dictions, innumerable frauds, impositions, violences, depredations, feuds, animosities, divisions, litigations, disorders, and even with the effusion of human blood to the utter subversion of all laws, human and divine, of justice, order, regularity, and in a great measure even of Liberty itself." It details " the fallacies, violences and fraudu- lent impositions of Land Jobbers, pretended officers and partisans of both land offices and others under the sanction of the jurisdiction of their respective provinces, the Earl of Duninore's warrants, ofiicer's and soldier's rights, and an infinity of other pretexts." It gives the details of claims of private parties and companies to fabulous tracts of land, the titles to which rest on the pi-etended purchase of the Indians. "This is a country," it proceeds, " of at least 21:0 miles in length, from tiie Kittanny to opposite the mouth of the Scioto, 70 or SO miles in breadth, from the Alleghany Mountains to the Ohio, rich, fertile and healthy even beyond a credibility, and peopled by at least 25,000 families since 1708." It concludes by asking that the territory embraced in the limits set below be known as the Province and government of Westsylvania, '" * * the inhab- itants be invested with every other power, right, privilege and im- munity vested, or to be vested, in the other American colonies; be considered as a sister colony, and the fourteenth province of the American Confederacy: "Beginning at the eastern bank of the Ohio opposite the mouth of Scioto and running thence to the top of the Alleghany Mountains, thence with the top of the said mountains to the north limits of the purchase made from the Indians in 17(58, at the treaty of Fort Stanwix aforesaid, thence with the said limits to the Allegheny or Ohio Eiver, and thence down the said river as ]nirchased from the said Indians at the aforesaid treaty of Fort Stanwix to the beginning." There were other projects for a new State to be known as " Vandalia," or " AValpole," but none so formal or enforced with such elaborate arguments as in this petition for " Westsylvania." To satisfy the complaints of settlers, the General Assembly of 254 HISTORY OK OltKENK COUNTY. Yirginia opened land offices, iixed the limits of the districts, and determined the price of land at ten shillings for a hundred acres. Commissioners wei-e to be appointed for hearing and determining disputes and counter-claims, and count}' snrvej'ors were to be ap- pointed to survey and make formal records of sales. It will thus be. perceived that Virginia held formal possession of this whole south- western stretch of Pennsylvania for a period of contention over a dozen or more years; and, as a large proportion of the land in Green County was taken np during these years, it will be seen that the territory was originally held under Virginia patents. W.^ihwm^ HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 257 CHAPTER XVI. Attraction's in this Section fok the Settler — Validitv of the Ohio and Walpole Company's Titles in Doubt — Continental CoNUREss — One Weakness in Pennsylvania Charter — Penn- sylvania Publication — Propositions for Settlement — Com- missioners Meet at Baltimore — To the 41° — To the 40° — To Mason and Dixon's Line — Western Boundary Extend West- ward INTO Ohio — To the 39°, 30', With a Western C(n{REs- PONDING TO THIO MeANDERINGS OF THE DeLAWAKE EhER To the 39°, 30', With a Meridian Line for the Western Bound- ary — Mason and Dixon's Line With a Meridian Line i<-or the Western Boundary Settles the Controversy- — ViritInia Sends Land Commissioners to Redstone and Issues Patents FOR Vast Tracts — Remonstrance Sent to Congress — Recom- mendation of Concjress Unheeded — Joint Address of Council AND Assembly- of Pennsy-lvania — Pennsylvania Becomes Bel- ligerent — Proposition of Virginia Accepted — Commissioners Appointed to Run and Mark the Line — Jefferson Advises a Temporary Line — Settlers Rise up in Arms to Oppose Run- ning Line — Cry- Against Taxes and Desire for a New State, FiN.u. Report of Commissioners Made — Meridian Line Found BY Astronomical Observations — The Long Sought Southwest Corner of the State Finally- Found and Marked — Western Line of Pennsylvania Run and Marked — The Vexed Ques- tion OF the True Limits of the State Finally- Settled. THE interest which Virginia manifested for this Monongahela and Ohio conntry was first aronsed by the reports of the beauty of the scenery, the fertility of tlie soil, and the salubrity of its climate. The desire to obtain vast tracts of this country led to the formation of the Ohio Company with a grant of a half million acres, which was subsequently swallowed up by Walpole's grant of fabulous extent. To defend these grants against the French, Washington's embassy to Le Boeuf was authorized, and military expeditions of Washington, Braddock, Forbes, Boquet and Stanwix were undertaken. After the French had been finally expelled, Virginia was more eager than be- fore to hold these, claims, to justify them, and to establish Virginia civil polity. But the failure of the Britisli government to vindicate IS 258 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. its authority broke the validity of the claims of these companies, and for eight years wliile the JKevolntionary war lasted, it was left in doubt whether these titles would eventually be established or lost. During that period, therefore, Virginia continued anxious to assert its authority. But when the surrender of Cornwallis and the break- ing of the military force of Britain upon this continent led to a treaty of peace, which left the Continental Congress in supreme au- thority, then the titles of the Ohio and Walpole companies which claimed their legal status from British government were left without validity, and were valueless. . When Lord Dunmore assumed the Governorship of Virginia he proposed to assert his authority with a high hand, regardless of the rights of other parties, and Patrick Henry, who succeeded to the Gubernatorial power, seemed disjjosed to take np the cudgels which Dunmore had dropped. But when the delegates from Virginia to the Continental Congress met those from Pennsylvania, the whole subject of disputed aiithority and mutual boundary seems to have been fairly and candidly canvassed, and more moderate views enter- tained. And, as we have seen, the paper drawn np by the combined wisdom of these delegates, was the first word that had a quieting effect. There were very able men in those delegations. John Dick- inson, the author of the Farmer's Letters, was an accomplished scholar and statesman, and Benjamin Franklin was possessed of practical sense araonnting to genius. Besides, the Congress sat at Philadelphia where a strong influence centered favorable to the claims of Pennsylvania. A sentiment was early manifested osing factions, composed of stui-dy frontiersmen; the tax upon dis- tilled spirits had to be enforced over unwilling subjects, among whom was inaugurated the Whiskey Rebellion. In the midst of all au/?^^ C]^^ HISTORY OF OltEKNE COUXTT. 287 these tvyiug circmnstaaces, he is acknowledged to have performed the duties of his high office with a strict regard to justice, and with honesty of purpose. J]ut he did not escape the shafts of party strife, and rancor, whicli finally culminated in his impeachment before the Senate of Pennsylvania. The formal charges were as follows: "1st. That Judge Addison, after Judge Lucas [an associate judge of Alleghany County], had in his official character and capacity of judge as aforesaid, and as he of right might do, addressed a petit jury, then and there duly impaneled, and sworn or affirmed re- spectively as jurors in a cause then ponding, then and there openly did declare, and say to the said jury, that the address delivered to them by the said Uohn Lucas, had nothing to do with the question before them, and they ought not to pay any attention to it. This question will be better understood l)y lawyers when informed that a justification was pleaded as a defense in an action of slander, and was unsupported by the testimony, and Judge Lucas' charge was in- tended to reduce the damages of the plaintift" to a small if not a nominal sum. "2d. That the said Alexander Addison did under pretense as afore- said of discharging and performing his official duties then and there in time of open court, illegally, and unconstitutionally stop, threaten, and prevent tlie said John Lucas, from addressing as he of right might do a grand jury of the said county of Alleghany then and there assembled." The sentence of the Senate, sitting as a court of impeachment, delivered January 27, 1803, was, "That Alexander Addison, Presi- dent of the several courts of Common Pleas, in the Fiftli district of this State, shall be, and he hereby is removed from his office of presi- dent aforesaid, and also is disqualified to hold and exercise the office of judge, in any court of law within the commonwealth of Pennsylvania." The associate judges during his term of office were Henry Tay- lor, James Edgar, James Allison, and Matthew Eitchie, commis- sioned August 17, 1791; AVilliam Hoge, commissioned April 6, 1798, and John McDowell, commissioned April 7, 1S02. Samuel Roberts was commissioned president judge of the Fifth district on June 2, 1803. He was a native of Philadelphia, where he was born September 10, 1761, read law with "William Lewis, and was practic- ing his profession at Sunbury, when appointed judge. The judicial districts of the State were readjusted by the act of March 23d, 1818, by which Washington, Fayette, Greene, and Som- erset became the Fourteenth district, and Judge Eoberts remained over the courts composed of Alleghany, Beaver, and Butler. "Where- upon Thomas II. Baird, was ajipointed to preside in the Fourteenth district, his commission dating from October 19, 1818. By an act 288 IIISTOKY OF GREENE COUNTY. of the Legislature of March 29, 1824, Somerset County was taken from the Fourteenth district to form with Franklin and Bedford the new Sixteenth district, Greene, Fayette, and Washington remaining the Fourteenth district. Judge Baird was a son of Absalom Baird, M. D., and a grandson of John Baird, a Scotchman, who came with Braddock's army, was engaged in the battle under that ill-fated Gen- eral, and and was subsequently killed on Grant's Hill, in Major Grant's Highlander column defeated on September 14, 1758. The Judge was born at Washington, November 15, 1787, studied law with Joseph Pentecost, and was admitted to practice July, 1808. With Thomas McGiffin and Parker Campbell he was interested in the construction of the National Road through Washington County, and as early as 1830 secured the survey of a railroad up the Chart- iers Vallev, at his own expense. He resigned his commission in December," 1837, and died November 22, 1866. Governor Joseph liitner, who was then in the gubernatorial chair, appointed as successor to Judge Baird, Nathaniel Ewing, his commission bearing date February 22, 1838. In the same year of liis appointment the constitutional convention revised the organic law, so as to make the term of a president judge or any other judge who is required to be learned in the law, ten years, and associ- ate judges, live years. By an act of the assembly passed as early as 1806, the number of associate judges was limited to two from each county. By the amended constitution of 1838, sheriifs, coroners, prothonotaries, and clerks were made elective. Judge Ewing was the son of William Ewing, who had emigrated from York County to Fayette, as a surveyor, in 1790, and was born July 18, 1794. He was educated at Washington College, read law with Thomas McGiffin, and was admitted to practice June, 1816. He soon after removed to Uniontown, where he continued to reside till his death in 1874. He had the reputation of being an able jurist and a just judge. Samuel A. Gilmore was appointed at the expiration of the ten years' term of Judge Baird, his commission dating February 28, 1848. Bj an amendment of the organic law, passed by the Leg- islature in 1849-'50, and ratified by vote of the people, the judges of the Supreme Court of the State were elected by the qualified voters at large, the president judges, and such as were required to be learned in the law, by tlie electors of the districts over wliich they presided, and the associate judges by the voters of the respective counties. Accordingly, at the next general election, on November 6, 1851, Samuel A. Gilmore was elected to be his own successor, and was commissioned to serve for the constitutional period of ten years. Judge Gilmore was a son of John Gilmore, a lawyer, who practiced his profession at Butler. The son was a practicing attor- HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 289 ney at the bar of that place wlien appointed judge. He resided dur- ing his term of office at Uniontown, where he continued to live till liis death in 1837. James Lindsey was elected president judge at the election in 1861. He was a descendant of the first settlers. "Thomas Hughes, John Swan and Henry Vanmetre were," says Mr. Crum- rine, " among the first pioneers on the waters of Muddy Creek, com- ing thither from the Shenandoah Valley, in 1767-"68. Charles Swan, son of John, married Sarah, daughter of Henry Vanmetre, and their danghter Mary, marrying AVilliam Collins, became the mother of xinnie Collins who married John Lindsey. and became the mother of James, the young judge. John Lindsey's father was James Lind- sey, a Scotchman, who, coming from Lancaster County very early, settled at Jefferson, Greene County, and married Mary, a danghter of Thomas Hughes, Jr., who had married a daughter of John Swan before mentioned. Hughes was Irish, Swan was Sco'ch, Vanmetre German, Lindsey Scotch — three nationalities well blended into one. John Lindsey, the Judge's father, was educated at Jefferson College, at Cannonsbnrg, was a leading politician, once sheriff, and twice prothonotary of Greene County." Judge Lindsey was born November 21, 1827, was educated at Greene Academy, Cai-michael's, and was admitted to the bar at Waynesburg in 1849. At the Angnst term of 18G4 he presided over the conrt at Washington, and tiiough suffering from a slight attack of billious fever, he sat through the term, but on his way home was seriously attacked at Prosperity. He, however, reached his home a few miles out of Waynesburg, where he remained indis- posed, but not seriously so, until the 1st of September, 1864, when he suffered a relapse that terminated his life suddenly. An extract from the minute entered upon the records of the Fayette County Court will show the estimation in which he was held by the bar. " By those unac(]uainted with him misgivings were natur- ally felt when the judical ermine fell upon one so young. * * * But whatever fears Judge Lindsey's youth occasioned were quickly dissipated by masterly hand with which he laid hold of his offi- cial duties, and by the apparent ease with which he carried his great burdens." Upon the death of Judge Lindsey, Governor Curtin appointed James Watson, of Washington, to fill the vacancy until the next general election; but Mr. Watson feeling himself disposed to decline the honor, J. Kennedy Ewing, son of Nathaniel Ewing, was com- missioned on Nov. 19, 1864, to serve until the election of 1865. The choice of the people in that election was Samuel A. Gilmore, who was commissioned for a third term, in that grave and responsi- ble office. By an act of the Legislature, of January 25th, 1866, a 290 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. Dew judical district was created, comprising tlie counties of Wash- ington and Beaver, designated the twenty- seventh judicial district, the fourteenth retaining Fayette and Greene, over which Judge Gilmore continued to preside. On the 3rd of November, 1873, a new constitution was adopted, which was to take effect on the 1st of January, 1874:. By the terras of that instrument the Legislature was to re-district the State. This was done, and forty-three districts were formed, all counties containing forty thousand or more inhabitants to constitute a separate judi- cial district. The time of the beginning of the judicial terra was changed, and instead of the iirst Monday of December it was to be the iirst Monday of January next succeeding the election. To fill out the unexpired terra the Governor appointed Edward Campbell, who was commissioned May 30, 1873, to serve until the first Mon- day of December, 1873. At the election held on the 6th of JSTovem- ber 1873, Alpheus E. Willson was elected for the term of ten years, Judge Willson was a lawyer of acumen and served witli credit to himself and advantage to his constituents. At the general election for 1883 James Inghram was elected. A full biography of the jndge will be found among the sketches given further on in this book to which the reader is referred. The business of this judicial district having accumulated beyond the ability of a single judge to transact, it was provided by the act of June 15, 1887, that an additional Judge learned in the law should be elected for this district. Accordingly Nathaniel Ewing was appointed and commissioned on August 25, 1887, to serve until tlie next general election, when Judge Ewing was elected by the people and commissioned to serve for the full term of ten years. He belonged to the Fayette County bar and is of a judicial ancestry. A complete list of President and Associate Judges, who have served in Greene County since its formation, has been prepared for my use under the direction of Ex-Lieut. Gov. Stone, now Secre- tary of the Commonwealth, from the records of his office, which is given below. Greene County — Formed of a part of Washington County, Feb. 9, 1796. LIST OF PRESIDENT JUDGES. Fifth District or Circuit — Consisting of the counties of West- moi-eland, Washington, Alleghany, Fayette, Greene and Crawford. Alexander Addison, August 17, 1791. Fifth District — Composed of tlie counties, Washington, Beaver, Alleghany, Fayette and Greene. Samuel Eoberts, April 30, 1803. Fourteenth District — Composed of the counties of Wasliington, Fayette, Green and Somerset. Thomas IL Baird, Oct. 19, 1818. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 291 Tlesigned Dec. 31, 1S37, ivsiyiuitiun accepted by the Governor, Jan. 3, 1888. Fourteenth District — Coin posed of the counties of Washington, Fayette and Greene. Nathaniel Ewing, Feb. 15, 1838; Samuel A. Gilmore, Feb. 28, 1848; Samuel A. Gilmore, Nov. (5, 1851. Fourteenth District — Composed of the counties of Fayette and Greene. James Lindsey, Nov. 20, 1861; James Watson, Nov. 9, 1864, until the next general election. In place of Judge Lindsey, deceased, declined and commission returned. John Kennedy Ewing, Nov. 18, 1864, nntil the next general election; Samuel A. Gilmore, Nov. 7, 1865; Edward Campbell, May, 30, 1873, until 1st Monday in December, 1873. Alpheus E. Willson, Nov. 6, 1873; James Inghram, Dec. 11, 1883. Additional Law Judge — Authorized by Act June 15, 1887. Nathaniel Ewing, Aug. 25, 1887, until 1st Monday in Jan. 1888; Nathaniel Ewing, Dec. 23, 1887. Greene Coitntv — List of Associate Judges. John Minor, March 17, 1796. Some doubt having been entertained by Judge Addison, as to whether the commission issued to Judge Minor on March 17th, 1796, was constitutional, the same was com- municated by him to the Governor, who, to remove such doubt, (the Attorney-General being of the same opinion with Mr. Addison) is- sued a new commission to Judge Minor, dated the 28th of February, 1797. John Minor's resignation accepted Oct. 7, 1833. John Flen- niken, March 17, 1796; John Badolet, March 17, 1796; David Gray, March 17, 1796; Wm. Crawford, June 13, 1822; Asa McClelland, March 6, 1834; Samuel Black, Feb. 10, 1837; Asa McClelland, Feb. 28, 1842; Thos. Burson, March 3, 1843; Mark Gordon, Feb. 24, 1847; Thos. Burson, Feb. 15, 1848, Commission from March 3 next; Benj. lloss, Nov. 10, 1851; James Crea, Nov. 10, 1851; Jonathan Gerard, Nov. 12, 1856; Isaac Burson, Nov. 12, 1850; Jonathan Gerard, Nov. 23, 1861; .Thos. P. Pollock, Nov. 23, 1861; George Ilaskiiison, Nov. 8, 1866; Israel L. Croft, Nov. 8, 1866; Wm. Cotterell, Nov. 17, 1871; Thos. lams, Nov. 17, 1871; Wm. Braden, Dec. 8, 1876; Geo. Sellers. Jan. 9, 1876, until first Monday of Jan. 1878; Thos. Scott, Dec. 26, 1877; Wm. F. Scott, Jan. 8, 1879, until first Monday of Jan. 1880; Silas Barnes, Dec. 4, 1879; Jesse Philips, Dec. 8, 1881; John T. Elbin, Dec. 22, 1884; Bazel Gordon, Dec. 13, 1886. 292 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. CHAPTEE XIX. Value of Education — " Enoch Flower " Fiest Teachee — Feibnds' School — College Academy and Chaeity School — Founding Colleges — Founding Academies — Men and Women Make ' Theie Maeks — Retaeding Causes — Insteuct the " Pooe GrEATis" — Speech of Stevens — Law of 1834 — Opposition of 1835 — Law of 1836 — Goveenoes Wolf and Ritnee — Joue- NEY of BuEEOWES FlEST ScHOOL RePOET OPPOSITION WHERE Least Expected — Geeene County Slow in Adopting — Show- ing OF Greene in 1837 — Utilizing School Peopeety — Solici- tude foe its Safety — 1,000 Districts — 700 in Operation — Broad Plans of Bueroaves — Progress of a Pupil Through THE Whole — Defects Shown by Fifteen Years' Trial — Re- vised Law of 1854 — Opposition to County Superintendency — Non-accepting Districts — IIonorable Charles A. Black, Superintendent — Independent Districts — True Sphere of County Superintendent — Circular Letter — Beneficient In- fluence OF Law — Recommends Normal Schools — Normal School Law of 1857 — Ten Schools — One at California foe the Tenth District — Growth — School Arciiitectuee — Edited BY T. H. Burro WES — No Retrograde Steps — The Peoples Col- leges — Sources of Blessings. "VTO subject can be of more vital importance to any people i\| than that of a wise education of their youth. In presenting some account of the origin and progress of education in Greene County it will not be out of place to give a brief sketch of education in the State at large. At a meeting of the Council held at Phila- delphia ye 26th of ye lOtli mouth, 1683, the following record was entered as shown by the printed Colonial Records, Vol. I, p. 91: "Present William Penn Propor. & Gov, — Tho. Homes, Wm. Ilaigue, Wm. Clayton, Lasse Cock. The Govr. and Provil, Council having taken into their Serious Consideration the great Necessity there is of a Scool Master for ye Instruction & Sober Education of Youth in the towne of Philadelphia, sent for Enock flower, an In^ habitant of the said Towne, who for twenty year past hath been exercised in that care and Imployment in England, to whom having communicated their Minds, he Erabi-aced it upon these following terms: to Learne to read English 4s by ye Quarter, to learne to HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 293 read and write Gs by ye Quarter, to learne to read and cast accot 8s by ye Quarter; for J3oarding a Scholar, that is to say, dyet, Wash- ing, Lodging and Schooling, Tenn pounds for one whole year." It should be borne in mind that this action was taken before Pennsylvania was in reality a year old, while the conies still bur- rowed unscared in the river bank, and the virgin forest encumbered the soil where is now the great city. The frame of government adopted provided that " the Legislature shall as soon as may be con- venient, provide for the establishment of schools, in such manner that the poor may be taught gratis." Among the most wise and sententious sayings of Penn was this, " That which makes a good constitution must keep it, viz.: men of wisdom and virtue; qualities that, because they descend not with worldly inheritance, must be carefully propagated by a virtuous education of youth." The Society of Friends established a school in Philadelphia in 1689. That was as soon as children born in the new city were old enough to go to school. Franklin, who had become a well-settled adopted citizen, and an acknowledged leader in every enterprise intended to build up the city, encourage progress, and diffuse intelligence, in 1749, with others, applied for and secured a charter for a " College, Academy and Charity school of Philadelphia." This was the beginning of an awakening throughout the State upon the suliject of higher education, and for the next half century the enterprise and skill of the people seem to have lieen directed to the founding and building up of col- leges. The University of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia, was char- tered in 1753; Dickinson College, at Carlisle, in 1783; Franklin and Marshall College, at Lancaster, in 1787; Jetierson College, at Can- nonsburg, in 1802, and Alleghany College, at Meadville, in 1815. This provision reasonably well accommodated all sections of the vast territory of the Commonwealth. For the support of these institutions the colonial assemblies, and subsequently the legislatures, made large grants of lands, and revenues accruing from public domain. Commencing near the beginning of the present century and con- tinuing for a period of over thirty years, great activity was shown in establishing county academies. The purpose of these academies was to furnish a school of a higher order than the ordinary common school, where reading, writing and arithmetic were alone taught, in order that a fair English and' classical education could be obtained without trenching upon the ground occupied by the colleges. They were, on the other hand, regarded as schools preparatory to the col- lege. During this period charters were obtained for academies in forty-one counties, viz.: Armstrong, Beaver, Bradford, Bucks, But- ler, Cambria, Center, Chester, Clarion, Clearfield, Clinton, Crawford, Cumberland, Dauphin, Erie, Franklin, Greene, Huntingdon, Indiana, Jefferson, Juniata, Lebanon, Lehigh, Luzerne, McKean, Monroe, 294 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. Miiilin, Montgomery, Nortliuuiberland, Perry, Pike, Potter, Schuyl- kill, Somerset, Tioga, Union, Venango, Warren, Wayne, AVestmore- land and York. It will be seen that Greene is one of the counties thus provided for. The State granted charters and money in sums varying from two to six thousand, dollars for the purpose of building structures at the county seats suitable for the proposed grade of schools, and in some instances extensive land grants were secured. The affairs of these academies were managed by a board of trustees, elected, as were the other county officers, and teachers were employed as they could be in- duced to teach for such compension as they could derive from the tuition of their jjupils, the invested funds yielding little more than enough to keep the buildings and premises in repair. Up to this time, a period of a hundred and twenty-five years, little attention had been given to the liberal views of the founder to make provision for "the education of the poor gratis," which he had inserted in the original draft of the organic law. As a conse- quence it will be found, by reference to the books in the registers offices throughout the several counties of the Commonwealth, that a large proportion of the men, as well as women, affixed their signa- tures to conveyances by a iqark. There were many causes why the common school idea of the State making public provision for the reasonable education of every child within its broad domain, free of any expense to the child, or its parents or guardians, unless they have property on which taxes are levied as for other purposes, was slow in taking root. The popula- tion was so sparse that in many sections it was impossible to bring enough children together to form a school! Diversity of origin and language operated as a strong impediment, as many persisted in speaking their native tongue and in having their children taught the language of the fatherland. Antagonisms of religious sects, and the prejudice in favor of having children taught exclusively in schools of their own religious denominations, operated as one of the most in- surmountable barriers, even after the common school system had be- come firmly established. By an act of the Legislature of April 4, 1809, provision was made for the education of the "poor gratis." The assessors in their rounds were required to enroll the names of children of indigent par- ents, and they were to be sent to the nearest or most convenient school, and the tuition paid from the county treasury. This enact- ment proceeded upon the supposition that schools were in existence, established by the voluntary contributions of neighborhoods, to which the indigent could be sent. This was really the case in many sec- tions of the State. This system was continued for a period of about a quarter of a century, and the treasurers' books in the several -^^i^ c^^^^x^e^ HISTORY OF GRKENE COUNTY. 297 counties show considerable sums paid for tuition in tliis way. l!ut the natural pride of a free-born American citizen, rebelled at liav- ing his name inscribed on the books of the county as a pauper, too indigent to pay for the schooling of his children, and probably a large proportion of those M'ho were most deserving of help were the ones who scorned to receive it in that way. In a burst of impassioned eloquence, Thaddeus Stevens, in his great speech in favor of a general school law, made on the floor of the House of Reijresentatives in 1834, declared that such a law as that, instead of being called a public school law, ought to be entitled " an act for hrandhuj ami marklmj the poo7\ so that they may be known from the rich and proudy Eut tills system subserved a purpose, while the country was filling up with population, and the dense forests were being cleared away, and the wild beast subdued. It served to keep before tlie people that there was such a boon as public scliool education. The Governors of the Commonwealth had frequently, during the period that the system of educating the poor yratis was in force, from 1809 to '34, called the attention of the Legislature to the liecessity of a more efficient system. Finally, at the session 1834, the struggle came. It is well understood how natural it is for men to cling to established methods, and hence we can well comprehend how a radically new system would provoke lierce opposition. The new act was prepared by Samuel l>ri:eck, a member from Philadelphia, was passed tlirough both branches without serious opposition, and was signed by that sturdy patriot, Governor Wolf. But the law, though in the main just, proved in practice crude, and unwieldy, and when Legislature assembled at the session of 1835, the mutterings of discontent were heard on every hand. The almost universal sentiment seemed to be in favor of repeal, and of going back to t\\& poor gratis of 1809. It required the most adroit appli- cation of parliamentary rules and strategy of the friends of a common school system to ensure non-action for one year more, when it was proposed that a new bill, more simple and easily operated, should be prepared. Accordingly, at the session of 1836, the flnal struggle was to come. Dr. George Smith, a n\ember of the State Senate, from Del- aware, drew an entirely new bill, more simple and better adapted to the wants of the people in all their varied circumstances, and pre- sented it. So great was the antagonism engendered by the law of '34, that it was with the utmost difficulty that the great body of the members could be induced to listen to the provisions of a common school law ; but through the firmness and resolution of Governors Wolf and Kitner, and the sturdy virtue and powerful appeals of such jnen as Stevens, and Brteck, and Smith and ]>urrowes,tlie public school system, free alilce to rich and poor, to higli and low, was firmly 298 HISTORY OP GKEEWE COUNTY. established, and from that day to this has been increasing in power and perfection. To secure its passage it was necessary to adopt the piinciple of local option. It was left to a vote of the peoi^le of the several townships to decide whether they would accept the provisions of the law or not. But this did not injure the efficiency of the system where accepted, and it went rapidly into operation, until finally every vestige of opposition disappeared, and it lias steadily grown in favor. In order to explain the provisions of the new system and in- troduce it to the people of the State, Dr. Thomas H. Burrowes, then Secretary of State, and Em officio Superintendent of common schools, made a tour of the Commonwealth delivering addresses at the coun- ty seats to large assemblies of the people, and commending and en- forcing the desirable features of the system and answering objections that were brought against it. This official intercourse had an ex- cellent effect, and caused a more hearty attempt on the part of its friends to establish and improve the schools. The feature of the law, which allowed the people to decide by pop- ular vote whether they would accept the provisions of the law or reject, while it gave an opportunity to prevent its adoption at once and thns to retard the progress of tlie system, doubtless proved its salvation. For, while the opponents realized that they had the power, if they were in the majority, of rejecting the system, they were at the same time made to feel that in rejecting it they were assuming a fearful resijonsibility, and caused them to reflect that they might be guilty of an act that would one day return to plague the inventors. Secretary Burrowes, in his first annual report, and indeed the first common school report ever made in this Commonwealth, read before the liouse of Representatives on the 18th of February, 1837, in commenting on this phase of the law says, "We encounter results directly opposed to those which the same facts under ordinary circum- stances, would produce. Counties among the most intelligent enter- prising and devoted to the general interests of education are found to be among the most hostile to the system. Others which from their wealth, density of population, and moral character, might be sup- posed peculiarly adapted to its beneficial action, are scarcely less averse than the class just named. On the other hand, as he advances from the older counties, with a population somewhat of a homogeneous character, he finds the system increase in favor among the new and mixed people of the West and Southwest, while it is unanimously accepted by the recent and thinly inhabited settlements of the whole North." By reference to the tables of the secretary it will be seen that Greene was one of the counties which was at the first slow in adopt- ing the system. Under the head of amount of tax voted at the meet- ing held for Greene County on the 2d of May, 1836, the sum is HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 299 given as $2,315.17. In a comparative statement showing the rela- tive standing of the scliools of the county for three years the follow- ing is the showing for Greene: Whole number of school districts 14; for the year 1831 no return. For 1835 one accepting district, live non-accepting, and eight not represented. For 1830 ten accept- ing, none non-accepting and four not represented. When it is con- sidered that for the first few years all tlie resources were required for getting suitable school rooms in which to hold schools, and con- sequently ver^- little advantage would be obtained bj' way of in- struction, this showing is highly creditable. In the table for 1837 Greene County has the following school districts entered, Cumberland, Franklin, Jefferson, Marion, Moi'gan, Morris, Monongahela, and Kichhill. Of these Franklin is credited with 35 males and 15 females; schools kept open for two months, as paying §20 a month to male teachers, and the character and (pialifi- cation of teachers as " Good." Jefferson is credited with 6 schools, 6 male teachers, 200 male pupils, and 218 female, as paying $20 a month for male teachers; four teachers qualified to teach reading, writing and arithmetic, and two grammar, geography and mathe- matics. Marion is credited with three schools, two male and one female teacher, 60 male pupils and 53 female pupils, schools kept open three months; paying male teachers $20 a month and females $10; qualification of teachers, "Equal to teachers of English schools generally." Morgan is credited with four schools, 4 male teachers, llO male pupils, 55 females; schools open 3 months; male teachers $20 a month, females .$10. Monongahela is credited with 4 schools, 3 male teachers, 1 female, 75 male pupils, 50 females, salaries of male teachers $16.50, females $13. ''Character good, qualification various." Eeading, writing and arithmetic taught. Kichhill scliools " not yet in operation." In commenting upon the lessons to be gathered from a view of the tables presented in his report, Dr. Burrowes observes, " In other States, having one language, one people, one origin, and one soil, a system suited to one district, satifies the whole. Not so here. No project, however wisely planned, or systematically adapted, can be pronounced sufficient till approved by the test of experience. Hence, it becomes the policy — nay it is the duty of the Legislature, neither on the one hand, uuduly to press any part of the design, no matter how theoretically beautiful it may appear, if it have been con- demned in practice, nor on the other, ever to relinquish a point once gained in favor of the system however it may fall short of previous calculation. It is only by resting on and starting from such mutu- ally admitted points, that success can at all be achieved in any great enterprise." In the first half dozen counties immediately about Philadelphia 300 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. were assembled the great body of the Society of Fi-iends, followers of the great founder of the Commonwealth. To provide for the edu- cation of their children, as well as to make provision for their poor, is a part of the religions faith of these people. " Hence," proceeds the report, " in every one of these counties the common school sys- tem has not proved acceptable for the plain reason that a system of society schools is already in active operation. For this reason also, and in the abstract it is difficult to gainsay it, their citizens say that no new system is required by a community, who are already in pos- session of one sufficient for all their wants. This disposition is par- ticipated in by their immediate fellow-citizens, not members of the society, because they, to a certain extent, also receive the benefits of the society schools." It was not objected that schools and school pi'operty already in existence should be absorbed by the common school system. Indeed Secretary Biirrowes laid down in his report the following principles. " In its effects the system should be made, 1. To supply conamon schools, where no system was before in operation. 2. To improve and make common the defective primary schools that pre- ceded it, and 3, To aid with its funds and render common the good schools which it encounters. In a word its duty is to build com- mon schools where there are none, and to open the doors of the schools already built." In some localities in Gi'eene County at this time the inhabitants of a neighborhood had united in building a school-house, or in iitting up a room in some private dwelling, where schools had been supported by the voluntary contributions of the patrons. These were generally turned over to the management and support of the legally constituted directors under the common school law, and the immediate expense of securing school property was avoided; but in most portions of the county provision had to be made for setting up schools de novo. Of course the expense of either building school-houses, or of renting rooms was quite sorely felt, as the State gave nothing for buildings, and consequently there was less fund left for instruction. But when the sj'steui once got in operation the burden of building was relieved, and the ordi- nary workings of the system moved on in something like regular order. After classifying the several counties of the State according to the peculiar circumstances in which they stood related to the sys- tem, and explaining the causes which led to the results shown by the reports, the Secretary proceeds in this his first common school re- port to sum up the results as follows: 1st. " "We now have a system — an_admitted, permanent, and well understood starting point. To have attained this is a great advance to success. 2d. We have now a class of men set apart to watch over the cause of education in IIISTOKY OF OinOKNE COUNTY. 301 every iieighborliood — six scliotil directiirs. Tliey iimy not yet be quulitied for tlie trust, b^it they will be." It may seem straiige to us, who see tlie matter of common school education tlironghout the broad commonwealth regarded as a neces- sity, and as much an clement to be enjoyed as the air we breathe, the vapor of the clouds and the ceaseless How of water in the streams, that there should ever have been a time when any fear should have been entertained lest the systeui should be abandoned, or such legis- lation should be adopted as would greatly cripple or destroy its use- fulness. Yet there was scarcelj' a moment during the early years of the existence of the system when its friends did not entertain the deepest solicitude for its safety. Superintendent Durrowes in o])eniiig liis report for 1838 says: "It is true the system is neither in full operation, nor its machinery perfect. But the momentous question, 'Can education be made as general and as nnbought as liberty?' has been determined in the af- lirmative by the intelligence of Pennsylvania." The occasion of liis speaking thus exultingly was an event which he sets forth in these words: " The whole couamonwealtli is divided into one thousand common school districts. Of these about seven hundred had tiie systeui in operation, ])revious to the lirst Tuesday of JMay, 1837, when its continuance or rejection was to i)e decided by a dii-ect vote of the people. On the day which was thus to determine the fate of the system, so far as information has been received [and it has been carefully sought fori, not a single district declared against the cause of free education. All stood tirm. And during the same sea- son sixty-five additional districts for the first time came out for the system. Thus the momentous question was forever settled, and at a time, and under circumstances too, the most unpropitious for such a result. The commou school system had been in existence for three years, but really liad been in operation in a majority of accepting districts, only as a system of taxation, and not of instruction. Its funds from the State were small, and, whether from the State or taxation, M'ere necessarily devoted for the first years to the procur- ing of school houses. Thus little or nothing was left for teach- ing-'' Feeling now tolerably secure of his ground, and realizing lull well that the system was securely established, the Secretary know- ing that public school education would not be bound and confined to the bare rudiments of reading, writing, and the casting of ac- counts, but would gradually advance in facilities until a thorongli training would be aftbrded in its scope, proceeded to sketch the ultimate propositions which it would assume; but which it required a half century to realize. "The question," he says, ••which has beeu settled by the adop- 302 HISTOKY OF GKEENE COUNTY. tioii of the common school system, does not merely declare that the people of Pennsylvania will have reading, writing and arithmetic taught at the cheapest possible rate, to all, in, half a dozen comfort- able school houses in each townsliip. This, to be sure, is determined, and is of itself a great deal. But greater and better things have been willed by the same vote. In the deep and broad foundations of the primary common school are also found the bases of the more elevated secondary school, the practical institute for the teacher and man of biisiness, the academy for the classical student, the college for his instruction in the higher branches of science and literature, and the towering university from which the richest stores of pro- fessional learning will be disseminated. " In other ages and countries the lower orders might be confined to the rudiments of knowledge, while the higher branches were dis- pensed to the privileged classes, in distant and expensive semina- ries. But here we have no lower orders. Our statesmen, and our highest magistrates, our professional men and our capitalists, our philosophers, and our poets, our merchants and our mechanics, all spring alike from the mass, and principally from the agricultural portion of the community." In vision he contemplates the results, which he labored so earn- estly to establish, and which have actually been substantially realized. " The youth," he says, " enters the primary school at five years of age. In five seasons he is prepared to enter the secondary school. He is then ten. Four years liere fits him for the practical institute. He is now fourteen, and is supposed to have hitherto sustained him- self by devoting one-third, or even one-half, of each year to the busi- ness of his parent or employer. He attends two terms at the insti- tute, occup3'ing portions of two years, and in the interim earns enough to pay for his boarding and clothes. He is now sixteen years of age. He may next enter the academy 'and pass from it to the second class in college, or if his circumstances will permit this one year spent as teacher or clerk in a store, or in the business of agriculture during the day and close study at night, provides him with means and fits him for entering college without attendance at tlie academy. This he does at seventeen. The sanre process carries him through the collegiate course, and at twenty-one he is a gradu- ate, with industry and acqnirements, well calculated for the study of any profession." For a period of fifteen years the law thus inaugurated was kept in operation with varying results, producing rich fruitage where faithfully administered. But it was found after this length of trial tliat there were defects in the system that needed remedy. There was no competent authority provided for ascertaining and certifying to the qualifications of teachers. The annual reports of boards of IIISTOr.Y OK GKEENK C'OUKTY. 303 directors, showing the openitions of tlie schools and the exjjeuditure of money were not certified by a disinterested party, school vistation by an intelligent examiner Avas only partially done, or not at all, teachers were not assembled in convention for instruction and stimu- lation in the work of their calling, and plans for building, seating, warming, ventilating and duly providing with necessary appa- ratus, were not provided. To remedy these defects a revision of the law was commenced in 185-t, by which tlie office of County Superin- tendent of Common Schools was engrafted upon it. This officer was charged witli the duty of examining all teachers who were applicants for schools, and granting certificates setting forth the degree of com- petency of each in the several l)ranches required to be taught, and of wholly refusing certificates to those deemed incompetent whether by lack of education or moral character. He was also to visit the schools as often as practicable and give sucli advice and instrnction to teachers as seemed proper, to organize teachers' institutes for the instruction and encoui-agement of teachers, and by lectures and con- ferences with parents, explain the provisions of the law and remove difficulties in the way of its successful operation, to certify to the cor- rectness of the reports maile liy boards of directors, of the length of each school term and statistics of attendance. The jnaking of these reports was made obligatory before the district could receive its share of the State appropriation. The school department, which had previously been an adjunct of the State department, was separated from it and made independent, with a superintendent of common schools at its head, with a deputy, and the necessary corps of clerks. A School Architecture was published by the State, and a copy deposited with each board of the school directors in the Commonwealth, illus- trated with plans of school-houses for all the different grades of schools, and provided with the necessary specifications for Mie builder. An act for the establishment of normal schools, and their eff'cient regulation was also passed, by which the State was divided into twelve normal districts in which a normal school might be set up and receive aid from the State under stipulated regulations, — ten acres of ground in one body, a hall capable of seating 1,000 persons, capacity for accommodating 300 pupils. It was also provided that cities of the requisite population should elect a superintendent, in- dependent of the county, and the attendance of teachers upon the annual county institute was made obligatory, and their pay during the time of its session was allowed by the districts employing them. Vigorous opposition was made to some of these changes, especi- ally to that providing for the election of county superintendent, chiefly on account of the expense incurred by spreading a swarm of new officials o\-er the State, whose services, it was claimed, could be dispensed with. This oppositioii gradually wore away before the 304 HISTORY OF GPvEENE COUNTY. labors of a competent and faithful officer. The value of his labors in eliminating from the schools incompetent and unskilled teachers, and bringing to the front the well qualified, was found to be very great, and the utility of bringing teachers together in institutes and stimulating them to the adoption of the best methods of instruction and government was incomparable. Strange as it may seem, tliei'e Avere a few districts scattered over the Commonwealth, which as late as 1863, and perhaps later, per- sisted in refusing to adopt the free school system, and consequently failed annually to receive their shares of the State appropriation. In the process of years these arrearages accumulated until they amounted to .a considerable sum. A statement of these accumula- tions was annually published in the State report of the superintend- ent, and the offer to pay them over when the system should be adopted which the people of the refusing districts could sec, until finally, if for no better nor stronger i-eason, they all were induced to accept the bait held out to them. The first annual report after the adoption of the revised system was made by the Hon. Charles A. Black, who was then Secretary of State, and Ex-officio Superintendent of Schools, and a citizen of our own County of Greene. It is with a degree of pride that some ex- tracts froni that admirable docninent, illustrating as it does an intelli- gent view of its spirit and best methods of administration are here given. Touching a matter which proved to be of vital importance in the sul)se(pient operations of the system, he says: "With us the rule has ever been to adopt the township lines as the proper bound- aries, and the exception to this is the independent districts under special acts of assembly. This evil once commenced it is easy to perceive how it might run into excess until every thing like order or"system-in the arrangement of school districts would be destroyed." This evil, thus intelligently characterized, was found in practice to be all that was here pictured, and proved one of the great disturbing elements to progress. The remarks of the secretary upon the adoption of the superin- tendency are most judicious. The addition, then, of this new feature of our common school system, was the result of an impera- tive necessity; and it was commended to the attention of the Legis- lature, not more by the favorable experience of other States, than the evident adaptation of the measure to the objects in view. It was foreseen, however, by the department that in all probability the institution would be received with some disfavoi', and more especially by the directors, whose actions it might seem designed to control. Great care was consequent!}' taken to convince them that such was not the purpose, but was designed to assist them in the performance of their duties, to relieve them of some of the most irksome of their ^f^ 0u^ niSTOKY OK GItKENE fOUNTY. 307 labors, and to elevate, if possil)le, the character of the entire system for usefulness and efficiency. In a circular addressed to directors, "it was urged that in making choice of county superintendent ' strict regard should be had to qualifications, habits of morality, industry and previous zealous support of education by common schools. Tiiat hiw requires tlie person elected to be of literary and scientiilc ac- quirements, and skill and experience in the art of teaciiing.'" The Secretary, in a circular addressed to County Superinten- dents, gave very judicious advice, which was well conceived for making successful tiie labors of this new officer and securing the per- manence of the office. The value of the counsel given in this circu- lar, at this juncture, can not be overestimated, and doubtless was tlie means of saving the repeal of this feature of the law — a- calamity which had befallen this provision in the neighboring State of New York. " Its usefulness,'' says the Secretary, " with us will depend materially upon the manner in which its duties are performed. In their intercourse with directors, wlio are essentially the vitality of our system, Superintendents should be careful to avoid atiy assump- tion of authority not conferred by the law. The jealousy which naturally exists towards the creation of a superior oftice, apparently intended to control tlieir actions, may Ije conciliated and entirely re- moved by a spirit of courtesy and forbearance, and a carefulness to avoid any interference with the rights and duties properly given by law to tlie directors. Their powers remain undiminished, and in some respects the duties of directors are increased by the new law. It may be proper and useful for a superintendent to give advice and in- struction when required, upon many points not prescril)ed by the law. * * * The intercourse of a county superintendent, with the directors of his county, should be as frequent and familiar as possible. In his visitations he should carry with him a spirit of courtesy, and endeavor upon all such occasions to have the personal presence of the directors. Teachers should always be examined in their presence. This is both the duty of superintendents and tlie right of the directors. * * * By being present at the examina- tion of teachers and visitations they can better judge of the qualifi- cation and worth of a teacher, the progress of the schools, and the ability and devotion of the su]ierintendent to the cause of education, and the manner in which he discharges his duties." " Whatever opposition has been manifested towards the office of county Superintendent, results more perhaps from opposition to the entire system of popular education than to this or any other particu- lar feature of the law. It is to be regretted that there are still those who are so blind to their own true interests as to oppose any system that would call upon them for taxes, and would be hostile to any system of education unless they were especially exempt from tax- 308 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. ation. * * '■■• In the moral and intellectual culture of society, more than in the strong arm of the law, do they find the surest se- curity for the safety and protection of themselves and property. The law never interposes to prevent the perpetration of offence, ex- cept by way of example — never exhorts or entreats. Its only mission is to detect and punish, or to reform through jjunishiuent. Eut education, moral and intellectual, like a,n angel of mercy, pre- cedes the action of the law, and enables the young to guard against the temptations that might otherwise beset them through life. Has it ever struck the minds of sucli that just in proportion as we diffuse the blessings of education, we lessen the public expenditures for the administration of justice — for tlie support of jails and penitentiaries." It would be pleasant and profitable to quote still further from this admirable report of Secretary Black, the first to rejjort under the new law. It was fortunate for the State and for the new systeni that so able and liberal minded a man was at the helm at this criti- cal juncture, that his views were so admirably conceived and ex- pressed, and a great credit to the county of Greene that one of its own sons was the instrument of conserving and perpetuating so great a blessing to the commonwealth. As we have seen, the feature of the new law which was in great- est danger of failure was the county superintendency. Though this was preserved, and in its sphere was capable of effecting great im- provements of the system, yet it was not potent for securing all the increase in efticiency desired. One of the defects which it could not immediately remove was the lack of well instructed and skilled teachers. Upon tliis head the Secretary observes. " The great scarcity of well qualified teachers is still a source of grave com- plaint in almost every county of the commonwealth. It is an evil that lies at the very root of our system, and until it is entirely re- moved our schools cannot attain a permanently flonrishing condition. Much has been done during the past summer by means of teachers' institutes and kindred associations to infuse a proper spirit of emula- tion among the teacliers and the examinations by the county superintendents have, doubtless, contributed to the same results. * * * The subject of normal schools for the education of professional teachers, has been so frequently urged upon the attention of the Legislature that it is scarcely necessary on this occasion to repeat the arguments in their favor. It cannot be doubted that two Normal Schools, one in the eastern and the other in the western or northern part of the State, properly regulated and sus- tained by the liberality and bounty of the State, * * * would in a very few years not only supply our schools with competent teachers, but give a tone and character to the entire system that it never before enjoyed," HISTORY OF GKKKNE COUNTY. 309 No one can doubt that this recoinmendation of the Secretary was one of vital importance at this juncture, striking at the very root of the evils under whicli the system was groaning. The Legislature was not slow in seeing the reasonableness of his recommendation, and in acting upon if. For, at the session of 1857 a normal school law was enacted which provided for beginning with a single school, and for gradually expanding into that imperial system whereby twelve great Normal Institutions will be established in as many well detlned districts, representing equal areas and populations. The tenth dis- trict, of which Greene County forms a part, comprises the counties of Washington, Greene, Fayette and Somerset. Tlie school for this district was recognized as a State institution in 1874, and is situated at California. Washington County. The value of its buildings is re- ported to be .*95,000, furniture !?7,000, libraries SGOO, musical in- struments sl,000, apparatus sl,350, other property sl,oOO. The total number of students that have been educated in it males 2,287, females 2,232. Tiie annual attendance males 255, females 286. Schools have been established in ten districts, leaving only two still to be provided for. In these schools up to the present time liave been educated males 36,950, females 25,591 a total of 62,541, and the value of property in all the ten is f;l,566,813.32. From tlie modest recommendation of Secretary l^lack, in 1854, has all this grown. Another improvement of vital importance to the system was el- fected in the administration of Secretary Black, that of publishing and furnishing each board of school directors in the commonwealth with a copy of School Architecture, furnishing improved plans and specifications for school houses, with directions for properly seating, warming, ventilating, and furnishing with suitable apparatus. After quoting the provisions of tiie law, the Secretary proceeds to say: " It is to be hoped that, ere long, the rude and unsightly buildings wliich still disfigure so many of our school districts, will be displaced by comfortable houses located upon pleasant and healthy sites, and built not only in reference to convenience and comfort, but to taste and beauty. I have already had occasion to suggest the intimate relation between the physical comfort and intellectual improvement of the pupil, and that it is scarcely possible for a child to make rapid progress in education, whilst confined within the damp walls of a log cabin or a rickety dilapidated frame, without the slightest pretension towards comfort or convenience. How can he forbear turning witii loatliing and disgust from his studies, in such a place, to the more pleasing thoughts of home and its genial comforts. It is indeed a matter of sur- prise how parents themselves can be so insensible to the mental training of their ciiildren as to overlook this important fact." 310 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. The law authorizing the puhlicatioii of a school architectiire, con- templated the furnishing plans for schools from the humblest pat- tern required in the rural district to the most ample and best appointed in the crowded cities. The secretary accordingly secured the services of Messrs. Sloan and Stewart, architects of Philadelphia, to make the required drawings and entrusted the superintending of the engraving and furnishing the necessary descriptive matter to Thomas H. Burrowes, who had been the first secretary under the common school law, and whose life had been largely devoted to sub- jects of education. The book thus prodiiced has been of vast advant- age in securing suitable school buildings. In concluding his report at this critical period in the history of school education in the Commonwealth, Secretary Black takes a hope- ful and reassuring view. " Never before," he says, "were the entire body of the people so deeply interested in the results and siiccessful operation of the law; and although some unfortunately, will ever complain, and I confess that all have perhaps had cause to murmur at the unsatisfactory i-esults of former years, still I am firmly per- suaded that the great )nass of our citizens are ardently devoted to the cause of education by common schools, and would deplore any retrograde action at this time by the Legislature as a great calamity. The people of Pennsylvania are far too sagacious and patriotic to be insensible to the overshadowing importance of popular education to ever}'- relation in life. '■•' * * The character, habits and pursuits of the people of Pennsylvania above all others demand the elevating and enlightening agency of popular education. Nowhere else is labor more emphatically the active element of greatness and pros- perity; and it should be a matter of intense gratification, that none are more devotedly enlisted in the cause of education by common schools than the industrial interests of the State. The agricultural, mechanical and laboring classes, the true stamina of a commonwealth, find in the common schools a surer source of power than wealth it- self. For, whatever influence the higher institutions of learning have had, or shall have in the difi^usion of human knowledge, it is to the common schools, the peoples' colleges, that the great mass of the peo- ple must look for the advantages and blessings of education. In tiiese humble though mighty agencies labor will find the secret of its power and the means of elevating itself to that just and honor- able position intended by the Creator." HISTORY OB' GREENi: COUNTY. 311 CHAPTER XX. Reports of County Supiokixtendexts — John A. GoRnox — Orrosixiox TO Common Schools — Assistance oe Messenger and Eaule — ■ Rev. G. W. Baker — Waynesburcj and Carmichaels Graded Schools — New Houses and Increased Attendance — A. G. McGlumphy — Institute Organized — John A. Gordon — Nor- mal School at Grkkne Academy — Gordon a Soldier — Prof. A. B. Miller — Prof. T. J. Teal for 12 Years — New Building at Waynesisurg — County Institute Under the New La\v — In 1870, 113 Frame, 23 Brick, 2 Stone, 29 Log~Ari:.ay of T.VLKNT AT County Ixsti-i'ute — Mt. Morris Graded School — Dr. a. B. Miller, Rev. J. B. Soloxcon, Prof. Lakin, Rev. Samuel Graham — Jacksonville Graded — Centennial Report — Earliest Schools — ^•Qualifications of Early- Teachers Meager — Teach to Double Rule of Three — Names of Early Teachers — Stone School House in AYiiitley' Township. FROM the annual reports of the County Superintendents of schools may be traced the complete history of the origin and progress of cominon school education in this county. We have seen tliat by the report of 1837 and 1838 only the townships of Cumberland, Frank- lin, Jetierson, JNIarion, Morgan, Morris, Monongahela and Richhill reported, and these but very meager results. In the report of 1854, John A. Gordon, who was the County Superintendent, reports the schools 154 in number, presided over by 147 male teachers, and 20 females, to be in a prosperous condition, the people everywhere man- ifesting a spirit of co-operatiun in his labors. In his subsei]uent re- ports he njentions opposition not so much to himself or to the office which he filled, as to the taxation which the support of the schools and building of the school houses necessitated. Public meetings were held and resolutions passed; but beyond this it took no more definite form. In the AYestern townships great difficulties were ex- perienced on account of the sparseness of settlement, great blocks of land having been held back by speculatoi'S, which ren- dered it difficult to secure scholars enough for a school within con- venient distance. It is pleasant to note, amidst the difficulties he had to labor under, the hearty manner in which he recognizes the prompt assistance rendered him by the W&ynashwvgMessenffet', and Waynes- 312 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. burg Eagle; and also the aid and encouragement from the Revs. Jett'ries, Collins, Laughlin and Henderson, and. from J. Laughran, president of the Waynesburg College, and Prof. Miller. * * * " But to uone am I so much indebted as to liev. G. W. Baker, prin- cipal of the Union school at Waynesburg. No sacrifice of time or money appears too great for him to make in the cause of common schools. lie is always ready at the shortest warning to go where- ever the interest of the cause calls him. Neither rain nor frost can deter him." In this early day much unrequited labor was performed in clearing the way for the complete success of the common school system, and it is only simple justice that testimony be borne to these earnest and self-sacrificing toils. One of the first and most important improvements wrought by the revised school law of 1854, was the grading of schools eftected, and classification secured in ungraded schools and the uniformity of school books as a necessary concomitant. In Mr. Gordon's report of 1856 he says, " There are two graded schools in the county, 147 in which a successful attempt has been made at classification, and none in which there is neither grading nor classification. One of the graded schools is the Union school at Waynesburg. It is taught by Bev. G. W. Baker, principal, and Miss McFerran and Miss Alison assistants. I have had frequent occasion to speak of this school in terms of commendation. The other graded school is in the borough of Carinichaels. This school has only had the experience of a graded school of two sessions. It was taught by Mr. Poundstone and Miss Wilkins." Some estimate can be formed of the personal of the teachers em- ployed during this year from the following statement.: "There are 27 teachers between 17 and 21 years of age; 40 between 21 and 25; 34 between 25 and 80; 32 between 30 and 40; 4 between 40 and 50; and 14 over 50 years; 185 were born in Pennsylvania, and 16 out of it." In his concluding report for the year 1857 Mr. Gordon re- ports two school houses as having been built after plans obtained from the new School Architecture furnished by the State. Of the materials employed, 70 are reported as of frame, 16 brick, 4 stone and 67 log. " Over 30 schools houses," he says, " have been erected during my term of office (3 years) one-fifth of the whole number. These houses, for the most part, are better located, are larger and better adapted to the purjjose for which they are intended, than the first ones." In summing up the condition of the schools he says, " The first year of my term the number of pupils exceeded any former year by more than one thousand. This year j udging from my notes, the attendance will exceed the iirst year by several liundreds." In making up his schedule of wants of tlie system he places at the head a larger State appropriation. This would relieve in a measure the HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 313 burdensome taxation necessitated by sparseness of popnbition. A second is a more uniform and systematic visitation of scliools; a third tlie sympathy and co-operation of parents; and finally a host of thoroughly cpialilied teachers. The transition state from the inetiiciency which had prevailed under the old law, to the well regulated system under the new law of 1854: did not come until the second term of the county superin- tendency. In the attempt to build school houses and keep the schools open four months in the year, as was necessary to secure the State appropriation, some of the districts incurred indebtedness beyond their means, and consequently several of the townships were obliged to levy and collect taxes to pay debts, and therefore had no schools except such as were provided by voluntary contributions. A. J. McGlumphy was elected superintendent for the second term. In his iirst report he mentions three districts as having no schools open during the school year, at public expense, for the reasons given above. One of his early official acts was to issue a call " through the county papers for a meeting of teachers, directors, and other friends of education, to convene in the college hall at Waynesburg, to or- ganize a teachers' institute for the county. At the time appointed a few teachers appeared, and an organization was effected. Several practical and interesting lectures were delivered by the teachers pres- ent. A number of the citizens of Waynesburg attended every meeting and manifested a deep interest in the proceedings. The in- stitute met again in January. At this meeting there were more teachers present than at the tirst. Upon both occasions we had the assistance of Rev. J. P. Weethee, President of Waj'uesburg College, Professor A. B. Miller, of the same institute, and a number of the students." Provision was made for semi-annual meetings, and it is to the credit of Mr. McGlumphy's administration that the county institute was successfully organized. He retired at the end of the second year and was succeeded by G. W. Baker. In the report of the latter for ISfiO he says in six of the districts there were no schools during the last year for lack of funds. lie records very much to his credit and his interest in the schools: "I held some seven or eight teachers' institutes, during the fall and winter. They were all but one well attended. Judging from the interest mani- fested by both teachers and people, they were of great service. I lectured nearly every week once or twice of evenings, while perform- ing my school visitations. These were largely attended, and very frequently the schools I visited were crowded with spectators, eager to hear the performances of the children and the lectures given them. The increasing interest manifested by the teachers and peo- ple of this county augurs favorably for the future." These are 314 HISTORY Oi* GREENE COUNTY." the most encouraging words found in any of the reports hitherto made. At the election, which occnrred for the third term of the superintendency, John A. Gordon was chosen, entering upon his duties witli tlie experience of his former service, and the old time zeal, which manifested itself in the plan for work which he immedi- ately laid out. " I have made arrangements," he says, "with the prin- cipal of the Greene Academy, to hold a Normal school. It will open on the 26th of August and continue in session four weeks. At the close of the Normal school I shall commence a series of institutes, extending to the 1st of November, when tlie schools will open." This has the ring of the true metal, and such untiring energy as is here prefigured is sure of its reward. But now the horrors of our civil war were upon the nation, which overshadowed every other interest. On the 1st of November, 1861, Mr. Gordon resigned to take his place in the ranks of the Union army, and his companions in arms recognized his worth by electing him Captain. Professor A. B. Miller, A. M., was appointed to com- jtlete the term. In his report for 1863 Superintendent Miller says, "•The war has taken from the county several of its best teachers, sev- eral of whom have discharged the debt of patriotism with their lives; still the schools are supplied, and there is a gradual improve- ment in the general or aggregate qualifications." Though in the midst of war times he reports a good school-house erected in each of the following districts: Cumberland, Perry, 'Centre, Franklin, Whitely, and Morris; and a Union school building in "Waynesburg. Among the agencies which have exerted a potent influence for good over the common schools of Greene County is Waynesburg College. The superintendent says of it, " Waynesburg College is now in a prosperous condition. This institution is exerting a decided and beneficial influence upon the school interests of the county. It has educated many teachers, and its professors have ever manifested a most cordial co-operation with those who have had supervision of the public schools. Greene Academy has been, for a long time, a ' light shining in a dark place,' and to it the county is greatly in- debted." For the next four terms, embracing a period of twelve years, from 1864 to 1876, Professor T. J. Teal held the office of superintendent. During this long period, the formative period of common school in- struction in the county, the reports show a steady improvement in the erection of new and better school-houses, in qualification of teachers, in intelligent interest of parents, and the greater efficiency of directors in managing the business of the districts. In these several reports there are from six to ten new school-houses reported as having been built each year. In the report of 1864 a good Union ^-^' ^^ng^l^^SIf^ J^^ti^llC/ ^c^cc^^C^^; HISTORY OF GREENK COUNTY. 317 sclioul building is reported as having been built in Waynesbiirg on a commodious and commanding site on a line witii the Waynesbiirg College building, at a cost of $5,000, from plan No. 5 of the State School Architecture. The IJev. Dr. Sloan, of the Presbyterian Church, was the lirst principal, assisted by Miss Mattie II. Parker, !Miss Mary Hedge, Miss McCorinick, and Miss Annie Allison. The nation was still in the throes of civil wai-. " The great conliict," he says, " which has been raging for the last three years, has had a del- eterious effect upon the cause of education. Many of the ablest and most successful teachers have been called from their peaceful pro- fession to tields of carnage and strife. Some Ull soldiers' graves on distant iields; others are still in the ranks of war." In man 3' re- spects the Superintendent of Greene County could do more efficient work, and his labors were more satisfactory to himself and useful to the county, than in the larger and more thickly peopled counties of the State. With reasonable diligence the officer could visit all the schools each year once and some a second time. His examinations of teachers could be held in three weeks, which left him a fair amount of time for holding institutes and educational meetings. Since the lirst reports a great change had been made in the teaching force in the schools. Whereas in the lirst years the teach- ers were almost without exception males, now they stand 89 males to 74 females. The whole number of visits to schools this year, 1864, was 172, varying in length from an hour and a half to two and a half, and all visited except two. In the report of 18(J6 an appeal was made for more ample school grounds, Ijetter locations, for fencing and ornamentation of lots. It is a sign of encouragement that fourteen of the eighteen districts of the county were supplied with globes and MitchelTs outline maps. This manifests a step in advance, and a sign of progress scarcely an- ticipated. In the report of 1867 the gratifying intelligence is given that Spriuohill, which, on account of sparseness of settlement and delays in taking up the lands had been retarded in organizing school.-^, tliis year had all its schools in operation, and consequently was ena- bled to draw its share of the State appropriation, and certain arrear- ages which had been accumulating. All the schools of the district were now in full operation. The Superintendent's report for 1868 shows a more encouraging and hopeful spirit than has previously been manifested since the pas- sage of the revised school law. " Teachers," he saj-s, " have a more thorough knowledge of the branches to be taught, and better meth- ods of imparting their knowledge. They read more books on the science of education and the art of teaching. They attend more educational meetings and teacher's institutes. These are the teach- ers who display superior skill and ability in managing schools." 318 HISTOEY OF GKEENE COUNTY. The labors of the superintendent during this year appear to have been more energetic and fruitful of good results than in any previous one. Twelve special institutes were held in different parts of the county with an aggregate attendance of one hundred and sixty teach- ers. In December, 1867, the county institute was organized under the provisions of tlie new act regulating these meetings. One hun- dred and three teachers, and a good number of citizens were in attendance. Professors A. B. Miller, J. C. Gilchrist, S. S. Jack, and J. M. Moore assisted the Superintendent. " In the number attend- ing, in the interest manifested, and in the practical workings of the institute, it far surpassed any educational meeting ever held in the county." But though great improvements are thus joyfully recorded the Superintendent's Report is not without a tinge of sadness in view of some of the obstacles which still were encountered. " Irregular attendance is one of the great opposing elements in the way of pro- gress. It destroys the classification of the schools, and obstructs the progress of the pupils. It discourages the teacher, and makes his work inefficient. It deprives many of a practical education, and throws them upon the bosom of society without those essential characteristics which constitute good citizenship." ■ By a provision of law which went into operation this year school directors were em- powered, if tliey were unable to obtain suitable ground in a desirable location for school-houses, to appropriate such and so much as was desired and pay for it by appraisement as in the case of land taken for roads. In opening his report for the year 1870 the Superintendent gives some statistics, which, compared with those given at the lii'st adop- tion of the system, are gratifying. The whole number of school- houses is reported at 167; of these 113 are frame; 23 brick; 2 stone; 29 log. The county institute was reported from year to year as being. successfully conducted and growing in interest. Able educa- tors are reported as having been employed to give instruction and lecture. Among these were Hon. B. G. Northrop, Superintendent of the Schools of Connecticut; Hon. J. P. Wickersham, Superintend- ent in Pennsylvania; Andrew Burtt, author of Grammars; A. B. Miller, D. D., President of Waynesburg College; Prof J. A. Cooper, President of the State Normal School of the Twelfth district; J. Jackson Purnian, of Waynesburg; Prof F. A. Allen, President of the Normal School in the Fifth district; W. "W. Woodruif, Superin- tendent of Chester County; Prof. C. L. Ehrenfeld, President of the Normal School in the Tenth district; Prof. J. B. Solomon, President of the Monongahela College. Such an array of talent as this in the special line of institute work, embracing some of the most distin- guished educators and authors in the nation, rarelj^ falls to the lot of any one county to have employed, and it could not but exert an HISTOKY OF GREENE COUNT V. 319 important inHneiice over the body of teacliei-.s assoniljled. A tVeo ackiiowledgnient of tlie progress and improvement of teacliers is made in the report of this year. '• The enterprising and progress- ive teachers are inakins; sacrifices to meet the constantly increasing demand of a higher order of qualification; these noble workers in the cause of liuman progress, deserve the approbation of a grateful peo- ple; their meritorious work is seen in the order, neatness, and clean- liness of the school-room; it is read in the happy faces and thoughtful countenances of their pupils/' The report of 1872 shows the erection of a suitable school edifice and the grading of the schools at Mt. Morris. The near completion of the Monongahela College edifice is also mentioned, and the success- ful opening of the institution. Special arrangements for the training of teachers were at this time made in Waynesburg College, under the charge of Dr. A. B. Miller; Monongahela College, under Ilev. J. B. Solomon; Gi'eene Academy, under Prof Lakin; and an Academy at Jacksonville, under Kev. Samuel Graham. While great improve- ment is annually reported in the qualitications of teachers, the lamentable fact is mentioned that many of the most experienced remain but a short time in the profession. They either go into other business or seek employment in other localities, where the compensa- tion is mofe remunerative. To remedy this crying evil directors are iniploi'ed to give better remuneration, and the almost annual recom- mendation is made that the Legislature make a larger State ap[)ro- priation, so that better wages can be paid worthy teacliers without making local taxation too burdensome. The very commendable practice of directors and citizens attending the institutes and the annual examinations of teacliers in the several districts is reported, thus evincing a growing interest in the progress of common-school education. In the report of 1874, the superintendent records fifteen local institutes as having been held, all well attended by directors, teachers and citizens, and the annual county institute as having been attended_ by 147 teachers. The institute was held in the court-house, and " a more than usual interest was manifested by the citizens of the place." In 1875 the schools in Jacksonville were graded and put in success- ful operation. With this report. Superintendent Teal, after twelve years of faithful, laborious, intelligent and efficient service, closed his official labors. The schools of Greene County "owe much to his skillful work during this protracted period. At the election of County Superintendents in 1875, Prof. A. F. Silvius was elected Superintendent of Greene County. In his first report he records the gratifying fact that eighty-three of the schools during the year were supplied with good school globes, and that directors are beginning to grade the wages of teacliers according 320 HISTORY OF GREKNE COUNTY. to the degree of qualification, as shown by tlie certificate, and success and experience in teaching. Local institutes were held in fifteen districts, and the county institute was conducted by Hon. John 11. French, of Burlington, Vermont, and Dr. Miller, of Waynesbni'g, for three successive sessions. In the year succeeding the Centennial year of American Independ- ance, the State Superintendent of Common Schools called for special reports from the county and city sirperintendents embracing a history of education in their districts for the past hundred years, with the design of publishing a Centennial volume. From the report of Superintendent Silvius some interesting facts are gleaned. Of the state of education in the territory previous to 1796, when the county was organized, the information is traditional. " Of the early emigrants, but few conld read and Avrite. * * * They procured some nnoccupied cabin, made a few uncomfortable seats, and selected one of their number, who could read and wi'ite best, to teach the school. In some cases a room was fitted up in one of their cabins, and the woman of the house took in a few of the neighbors' children, and taught them with her own. The teachers of that day were very meagerly qualified. Of arithmetic, many knew little. To others who attempted to teach it, division was a mystery. The ability to solve examples by the rule of three was considered quite a scholarly attainment, and it was often inserted in articles of agreement, between patrons and teachers, that they would teach arithmetic only to the ' Double rule of Three.' The teachers who accomplished most were men of liberal education who had emigrated to this country from east of the mountains, and from foreign countries, and who from misfortune, habits of life, or other causes, had failed to follow the profession for which they were educated, and engaged in teaching as a necessity. Many of them were men of doubtful in- tegrity, and irregular lives. Though their example was bad, they accomplished much good, and our oldest citizens remember them with gratitude. '■ The earliest teachers of note were Kennedy, Van Emon, Ely, Denny, Wheelock, Webb, Duffy, Van Meter, Felix liughes, Frank Eraser, and Mrs. Arnold, followed by liale, Strowsnider, Foley, Mc- Courtney, Wood, Crawford, Kent, Rinehart, Johnson, Henry, Francis Bi'addock, Thomas Leasure, Moses Dinsmore, Stephen Uncles, James Taiie, W. B. Teagarden, Robert Cathei's and wife and Amos Stanberry. Of the few school-houses built at the early period before the inauguration of the free school system of 1834, by the voluntary subscriptions of neighbors, the most notable now standing is the stone structure in Whiteley Township, a monument of deyotion to education at a time M'hen money was scarce and little was being done. It should be ever kept in the best of repair and cherished as HISTOUY OF GREENE COUNTY. 321 a link between that early period and the present. Few such nioii- unieiits exist within tlie borders of the Commonwealth. " Upon the adoption of tlie common scliool system of 1834, some opposition was manifested in (yreene County, and as the adoption or rejection of the system was left to a vote of the people, many districts chose not to accept its advantages. Bnt the accumulations in the State treasury of monies which would have been paid to non-accepting districts, finally became so great, money freely offered for tlie building new school-houses, that all accepted and organized under the pro- visions of the law. It was rnucli in favor of the law that some of the most influential citizens freely ^ave time and influence in favor of the system by serving as school directoi's, and pleading the cause of free school education." In his report of 1878, Superintendent Silvius publishes the report of a committee of teachers, before which he liad submitted some rec- ommendations upon the subject of gradation and promotion in the schools, which was adopted at the county institute. The following is the report: 1. Resolved, that we believe that the best interests of education demand a thorough classification of all the schools of the county, and to this end we favor the adoption of a graded course of studies that provides for instruction in proper order in all the com- mon school branches, and that we will use our influence and efforts to secure a course of studies and classification of all the schools of this county at the earliest practicable day. 2. That the County Superintendent, with the aid and co-operation of the school directors and teachers, hold examinations in each township for the purpose of giving those pupils, found worthy of the same, a certificate signed by the county superintendent, the board of directors and the teachers constituting the examining committee, stating that the liolder is a person of good moral character, and has completed the common school course of study. " In accordance with this report " the superintendent continues " I suggested a course of study, and near the close of the schools, held examinations at Garrard's Fort, Taylortown, Mt. Morris, New- town, Rogersville, Bridgeport, Carinichaels, Knisley school-houses, and Jolleytown, at which eighty-three pupils passed satisfactory ex- aminations, and were granted diplomas. Literary exercises were con- nected with the examinations, and the meetings gave universal satisfaction. I know of no better means to arouse emulation among pupils, schools and districts, and to give an impulse to education, than perfecting the system now introduced." At the election of county superintendents held in May, 1878, S. F. Hoge, Esq., of Jefferson, was elected for Greene. In his first report he TTientions a " wide-spread indifference" among the people to the best interests of the schools; an1 complains of incompetency on the 322 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. part of teachers, tlie complaint being general among them that the wages paid are insufficient. He reports great improvement in the interiors of school-houses, and in the enlargement, planting, and fencing of school grounds. In 1881 William M. Nickerson, of Carmichaels,was elected super- intendent. A passage in his tirst report affords a fair index to the personel of teimhei's employed at this period: "Number of male teachers employed was 136; females, 59. One hundred and twenty held provisional certificates, forty-nine professional, twenty-one per- manent, and iive are graduates of Normal schools. Average age of teachers was twenty-four years. Forty have had no experience in teaching. '■■ * * Twenty-one pxiblic examinations were held at 'which there were eighty directors and quite a number of citizens present. I examined 206 applicants. I issued 176 certificates, 2 professional, and rejected 30. * '■• * The method of examination was the written and oral combined." In addition to the county in- stitute, wliich was linusually well attended, there were forty district in- stitutes held, usually beginning on Friday evening and closing on Saturday evening. In iiis report of 1884, the superintendent men- tions witli commendable pride the opening of the new school building in Waynesburg. wliich occurred on the loth of October, 1883. " The house," he says, '■ erected in Wayiiesburg deserves special notice. It is a three-story lirick building, containing eight school-rooms, a room for the principal of the school, and a hall or lecture room which can be used for school rooms. The building is heated with hot air, and is pretty well ventilated. The building will compare favorably with any in the western part of the State." At tlie triennial election, held in 1884, James S. Herrington, of Kirby, was chosen superintendent. In his report of 1886 he bears testimony to the steady improvement in school-houses, furniture, enlargement and improvement of school grounds, and the planting of shade trees. But one paragraph in his report shows still a great lack of system in the conducting of the schools. " I observed," he says, " that the greatest need of our schools was system and purpose in the school work. In many schools pupils were pursuing no definite course of study. They studied those books only which they happened to bring with them. Many were i-eceiving no instruction in language or grammar; but few studying or receiving instruction in all the branches. I at once prepared a course of study in five grades, together with a blank report, and got two published for each teacher in the county. These reports enrolled the name of each pupil in the school, showing in what grade he was placed and his standing in the grade; also the teacher's programme, and many other things necessary for a successful school. After being filled out by the teacher, one was sent to the superintendent, and the other placed nrSTOKY OF GREENE COTTXTY, 323 in the teacher's report book for the inspection of the directors. This did very innch for the bettering tiie condition of the schools." At the triennial convention of directors held in May, 1887, A. J. Waychotf was elected superintendent, wlio is the present in- cumbent. That a comparative view of the progress of education in (-rreene County by semi-decades may be seen at a glance, the main statistical items, drawn from the tables printed in the annual reports, are given below. The first entry is taken from Superintendent J')urrGwes' re- port, published in 1837, when the operations of the first common school law had been recorded. i'"ron^ that time until ISo-l, when tiie revised law went into effect, no itemized tables of statistics seem to have been published. In that year the I'eport of the Hon. Charles A. Black records the complete statistics, and from that time forward they have been regularly inserted in the annual volume. This table will possess interest, as illustrating the changes which have occurred in the half of a century. ^ .£3 » 1 s ° s a Year. o O gg O OT I "3 . S3 ^ a o g a « 3 t^ 9 S .s cog 0.2 33 a II §03 1^ n 3 CO C > 3 a 3 o 3 ■Jl <;u 1 < ^ 1837 5 4 4 1 $20 00 $17 00 287 $315 00 $635 70 1854. . . . 154 4 141 2K 23 11 16 40 4,840 14,999 89 1,933 75 1859.... 151 4.2 131 37 24 13 18 64 4,223 19,794 75 2,039 08 18G4.... 161 4.10 105 71 20 32 18 83 4,873 30,287 83 2,212 8(i 18(i9 .... 173 4.4 119 55 35 44 31 66 5,488 36,699 62 3,061 00 1874. . . . 179 5.04 129 52 33 5G 39 85 4,720 36,826 10 4,188 01 1879.... 178 5.07 135 51 27 87 28 25 5,296 33,683 14 5,499 19 1884.... 192 5.14 119 78 33 87 30 25 5,124 44,383 85 6,256 95 1888.... 198 5.17 125 77 33 93 31 48 5,500| 45,729, 92 6,928 99 324 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. CHAPTEE XXI. Chaeter for Greene County Academy — $2,000 from the State — Principals Served a Useful Purpose — Pennsylvania Acad- emies Unsatisfactory — Law to Transfer Property to Com- mon School — Select Schools — Waynesburg College — Origin — Value of the Small Colleges — Madison and Beverly — Need of such an Institution — Pennsylvania Presbytery of Cumberland Presbyterian Church — Waynesburg Selected — Hev. J. LouoiiRAN Opened a School — Charter Obtained — Supplements — Margaret K. Bell Opens School in Baptist Church for Females — New Building Opened — First Classes • Graduate — Taken Under Pennsylvania Synod — Relations OF THE Church to the College — Miller Succeeds Fish — Rev. J. P. Wethee, President — Insists on Classification of Males AND Females Alike— Settled After Investigation — John C. Flenniken — Pev. Alfred B. Miller, President, in 1859 — His Devoted Labors — Debt of $3,000 — Struggles — Had Undertaken too Much — Church to Support Three Profes- sors — Unselfish Devotion of Dr. Miller — Mrs. M. K. B. Miller — Untimely Death — Resolutions of Trustees — Monongattela College — Rev. Joseph Sijith — Pev. H. K. CRAKt — Rev. J. B. Solomon — Scope of the College. AS we have already seen early attention was given to founding county academies. A charter for the Greene County Academy was secured in 1810. Hugh Barclay at this time represented the county in the Legislature, and secured the passage of the act grant- ing the charter. The school was located at Carmichaels. The fol- lowing six named persons were appointed its first trustees: Charles Swan, Jaraes Flenniken, George Evans, Robert Lewis, Robert Witehell and Hugh Barclay. The first building was the Episcopal church, and was under the charge of this denomination. An ap- propriation was made by the Legislature of $2,000, to be used for building purposes and for teaching poor children gratis under the law of 1809. Subscriptions of citizens helped to swell the endow- ment fund. But for some reason the school was not established for several years after obtaining the charter. The following are the principals who have presided over the institution from its original opening: Ely, Wakefield, Loughran, Whipple, George W. Miller, d^W^'c^^ (^yy. '^^-2r< HISTOKY OF GREENK COUNTY. 327 C A- cv C(^Q Joseph Horner, Iioss, Martin, Long, Baker, Craig, Orr, Lakiii and W. M. Nickerson. It was for many years the chief educational centre in tlie county. Many of those wlio afterwards rose to eminence received tlieir early instruction in this institution, and a large pro- portion of the common school teachers either directly or indirectly received tlieir training here. Dr. Miller, president of "Wayneshurg College, and Prof. G. AV. Scott, the eminent mathematician, received their early instruction in Greene Academy. When Dr. Thomas II. P>urrowes came to the head of the school department in 18G0 he instituted searching inquiries into the condi- tion of the county academies which had received aid from the State. Previous to this time these institutions had not heen considered within the purview of the State department. He found the condi- tion of these institutions in the main unsatisfactory. In the coun- ties of Adams, Alleghany, Cumberland, Fayette, Lancaster, Lj-com- ing, Philadelphia and AVashine lost in taking measures to that end." Applications for proposals made by the committee ai^)pointed for tlie purpose were responded to by the people of Wayneslnirg, the county seat of Greene County, a town at that time of some twelve hundred inhabitants, and of Carmichaels, a town of about half the population, situated in the central part of Cumberland Township, in the valley of the Monongahela Kiver, known as the seat of Greene Academy. Neither party offered a very large sum of money; but, as was shown by the report of the committee, the offers of citizens of Waynesburg were more considerable than those of Carmichaels, and it was accordingly adopted as the seat of the proposed college. Failing in the first proposal, the citizens of Carmichaels, in the fall of lS-49, proposed " to erect a building sixty feet long and thirty five feet wide, and three stories high, wliich they would tender to the Pennsylvania Synod, to be held l)y the S_ynod and used as a Female Seminary, in consideration of their extending to it tiieir patronage." But the Synod deemed it prudent t3, tr. to Batt. Sept. 9, '64. Ham, Alfred M., mus. in Feb. 8, '64; wd. iu action June 21, '64; tr. to Batt. Sept. 9, '64; tr. to Y. XL C. June 15, '65; disch. by Gen. Ord. July 17, '65. Higginbotham, B. K., disch. ou Surg. Cert. March 15, '63. Johns, John, not on mus. out roll. Johns, Oliver, uius. out with Co. Sept. 9, '64. Jenkins, Henry S., disch. on Surg. Cert. Jan. 19, '62. Johnston, George W. L., mus. in Sept. 24, '62; tr. to Batt. Sept. 9, '64; mus. out with Co. F, June (i, '65. Jones, William, died July 1(), '62; burial record July 12, '62, at Ale.xandria, Va., grave 81. Jones, Oliver, not on mus. out roll. 388 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. Kennedy, David, mus. in March 8, '64, Substitute; abs., sick at mus. out. Kramer. Phillip L., mus. in Aug. 24. 'Gl, disch. on Surg. Cert. Jan. 4, '62. Kendall, James E., disch. on Surg. Cert. July 28, '62. Keigley, George, mus. in Sept. 24, '62, disch. by order Sec'y. of War May 26, '63. Keigley, Newton, mus. in Sept. 24, '62; tr. to Batt. Sept. 9, '64; mus. out with Co. F, May 27, '65. King, Henry B., tr. to Vet. Ees. Corps, 1863. Keener, David L., mus. in Sept. 24, '62; died July 18, '63, bur. at Alexandria; grave 888. Kiebal, Frederick W., mus. in July 17, '63, died Dec. 29, '68. Kridel, Frederick W., not on mus. out roll. Lucas, Simeon S., disch. on Surg. Cert. Sept. 18, '63. Long, Milton, mus. in Aug. 24, '61, disch. by Sec'y of War, Sp. Or. No. 52, March 8, '64. Lightner, Josiah, mus. in Dec. 19, '68, tr. to Batt. Sept. 9, '64. McFarland, John F., mus. out with Co. Sept. 9, '64. Midlam, Enoch W., mus. out with Co. Sept. 9, '64. Mercer, Martin V. B., mus. out with Co. Sept. 9, '64 McCullough, John F., disch. by order of Sec'y. of War Jan. 16, '62. s ' ^ McClelland, Wm. H., disch. on Surg. Cert. Feb. 16, '63. McClelland, George W., disch. on Surg. Cert. Feb. 16, '63. Mayhorn, Nelson, tr. to Batt. Sept. 9, '64; Vet. Mitchel, Jacob, mus. in Sept. 24, '62; tr. to Batt. Sept. 9, '64; mus. out with Co. F May 27, '65. Maple, David, mus. in Sept. 24, '62, tr. to Batt. Sept. 9, '64. Mayes, Samuel, mus. in Oct. 20, '63, tr. to Batt. Sept. 9, '64. McGlumphey, William, mus. in March 25, '64, tr. to Batt. Sept. 9, '64. Moulter, Daniel, mus. in Feb. 8, '64, tr. to Batt. Sept. 9, '64. Murdock, Abner, mus. in March 80, '64, killed in action July, 12, '64. Mairs, Samuel, not on mus. out roll. Neff, John, mus. out with Co. Sept. 9, '64. Nutt, Thomas IE, disch. on Surg. Cert. Dec. 16, '62. Neff, Abraham, tr. to Batt. Sept. 9, '64; Vet. Nearhoff, Abner, mus. in Aug. 2, '64; tr. to Batt. Sept. 9, '64; mus. out with Co. F May 27, '65. Phillips, Addison, mus. in Nov. 2, '68; wd. May 10, '64; tr. to Batt. Sept. 9, '64. Phillips, Joseph A., mus. in Dec. 14, '68; tr. to Batt. Sept. 9, 64; mus. out in Co. F by G. O. July 29, '65. HISTOKY OB" GREENK COUNTY. 389 Holeman, Wm. K., mus. in July 21, '63; missing in action near AVarrenton, Kov. 17, '03. Ross, Samuel, inus. out with Co. Sept. 9, '64. Koss, Ira, nius. in Aug. 24, "61; pris. at Brandy Station, Va., June 9, '03; \vd. June 21, 04; nnis. out with Co. Sept. 9, "64. Rinehart, David H., mus. out with Co. Sept. 9, '04. Rush, William, disch. on Surg. Cert. Jan. 7, '63. Rush, William J., mus. in March 15, '64, tr. to Batt. Sept 9, '64. Rumble, James, mus. in Sept. 24, '62; wd. at Brandy Station June 9, '63; tr. to Batt. Sept. 9, '04. Shape, Demas J., mus. out with Co. Sept. 9, '64. Simmons, Richard D., mus. in Aua^. 24, '01; disch. on Surg. Cert. June 7, '02. Shape, John M., disch. on Surg. Cert. June 7, '02. Shape, John M., mus. in Feb. 27, "64; tr. to Batt. Sept. 9, '04. Shawmon, John W., mus. in March 25, "(54; tr. to Batt. Sept. 9, '64; mus. out in Co. F, June 6, '65. Sams, George W., mus. in March 30, "64; tr. to Batt. Sept. 9, '64; died Oct. 8, '64, l)ur. JN'at. Cem., Arlington. Sams, Henry, Jr., mus. in March 30, '04; died July 28, '64. Seaton, George W., mus. out with Co. Sept. 9, '04. Shawmon, John F., mus. out with Co. Sept. 9, '04. Simraars, Stephen D., not on mus. out roll. Steaton, Smith, disch. on Surg. C'ert. Dec. 8, '02. Toomey, Isaiah W., mus. in Aug. 31, '03; tr. to Batt. Sept. 9, '04. Tiernan, Josiiua, mus. in March 30, '04; tr. to Batt. Sept. 9, '64. Teagarden, George W., killed at Mt. Jackson, Ya., June 3, '62. Walters. John A., mus. out with Co. Sept. 9, '64. Wood, Henry A., pr. to Com. Sergt. June 22, '02. Young, John B., mus. in Feb. 27, '64; tr. to Batt. Sept. 9, '64. Yarkley, William, mus. in July 17, '63; tr. to Batt. Sept. 9, '04. Zollars, Richard S., mus. in Sent. 24, '02; tr. to. Batt. Sept. 9, '04; mus. out in Co. F, May 27, '05. 390 HISTORY Oi' GREENE COUNTY. CHAPTER XXVIII. Companies F and G, of the EiGirrr-FiFTn Pennsylvania Infantey ItEGIMENT. Organization — Yoektown and Williamsbukg — Faie Caks — New- been, N. C. — West Ceeek — Kingston — White Hall — Golds- BOEO — Folly Island, S. C. — Siege Opeeations befoee Foet Wagnee — Death of Col. Pueviance — Befoee Peteesbueg — Deep Bottom — Losses — Teansfees — Mustered Out — Eegoeds OF the Men. COMPANY F, of the Eighty-fifth Pennsylvania Infantry, and a portion of Company G, were recruited in Greene County. The regiment -was organized on the 12th of JMovember, 1861, by the choice of the following officers: Joshua B. Howell, colonel; Norton M'Giffia, lieutenant-colonel; and Absalom Guiler, major. During the winter the regiment was engaged in drill and in fatigue duty, across the east branch of the Potomac, in the construction of works for the defense of Washington. In the spring of 1862 it moved to Meridian Hill, and was brigaded with the 101st and 103d Pennsyl- vania regiments, and the 96th New York, under command of Gen- eral Wessells. In the Peninsula campaign, under McClellan, the regiment was engaged in the siege of Yorktown, and in the battle of Williamsburg with a loss of two wounded, one mortally. At Fair Oaks, on the 31st of May, while engaged in fortifying the position, it was vigor- ously attacked by the enemy under General Joseph E. Johnston. The regiment occupied the rifle-pits on the right of the main work, a re- doubt held by Hart's battery. General Casey, who held the front was vigorously pushed, but made a stout resistance, throwing grape and canister with terrible effect. He was finally obliged to retire to his supports. In the seven days' battles which ensued, which resulted in the change of base by McClellan from the Chickahominy to the James, the regiment was not actively engaged. When McClellan evacuated tlie Peninsula, and went to the support of Pope before Washington, Keyes' corps, the Fourth, to which the regiment be- longed, remained on duty at Fortress Monroe. On the 5th of December, 1862, Wessell's brigade was ordered to Newberne, North Carolina, to reinforce Foster, and upon its arrival HISTOKY OF GREENE COUNTY. 391 joined in an expedition to destroy a rebel gun-boat on the ]Veuse, break up the railroad bridge near Goldsboro, and make a diversion in favor of liurnside at Fredericksburg. At West Creek tlie enemy was found ready to dispute the passage. Wessells liad the advance, and throwing tiie Eigth-fifth to the right of the road, and Ninth New Jersey to the left, crossed the stream and advanced upon the flanks of the enemy's position, compelling a hasty retreat. Two pieces of ar- tilleiy and a number of prisoners were tlie fruits of victory. On the following morning the command moved forward, Wessells upon the left, and soon came upon the enemy m the well made fortifications of Kingston. But by pushing through a swamp, thought to be inacces- sible, they entered at the side lett open, and immediately charged in face of a hot tire, and soon put the enemy to rout. A brisk skirm- ish was had at White Hall, and on the 17th the defenders of the bridge at Goldsboro were swept back and the destruction of the bridge, the main object of the expedition, was effected. Towards the close of Januarj^, 18t!3, General Foster was ordered with a part of his army to proceed to South Carolina, to co-oper- ate with General Hunter in his operations against Charleston. Col- onel Howell now had command of the brigade, and Lieutenant-Col- onel Pnrviance of the regiment. At the head of Folly Island the troops witnessed the first bombardment of Fort Sumter, by Admiral Dupont. Ill June, 1863, General Hunter was superceded by Gen- eral Gilaiorc. To possess Morris Island it was necessary to erect powerful batteries at the north end of Folly Island. AVhile at this work the dense underbrush shielded the working parties from view. In this duty tlie 85th sharetl, working by night, and watching by day. When all was ready the obstructions were cleared away, and tire opened from forty-four heavy guns. An assault followed by which the enemy's first line of works was cleared, but Fort Wagner, the main work, still held out. Gilmore determined to reduce it by regu- lar siege appi'oaches. "Ground was broken on the 21st of July, and the work, which was terribly exhausting, was pushed forward with the utmost vigor, day and night; neither the heat of a tropical climate, nor the missiles of a vigilant foe, were allowed to interfere with the labor. On the 20th of August the 85th Pennsylvania, 100th New York, and the 3d New Hampshire, were detailed to oc- cupy the advanced trenches, each twenty-four hours in turn. The trenches were shallow, and afforded little protection from the enemy's fire. On the left were his powerful guns on James Island and in Fort Johnson; in front those of Sumter, Gregg and Wagner; and on the right Fort Moultrie. The nights were damp and cold, and during the day the thermometer stood 100° in the shade. The casu- alties were numerous, and the sick list increased with alarming rapid- ity. The 85th took its turn in this terrible ordeal, and on the 21st 392 HISTORY OF .GREENE COUNTY. had one killed and twenty wounded, three mortally; on the 24th, one killed and seven -wounded, one mortally; on the 27th, two killed and eight wounded, three mortally; on the 30th, four killed and eight wounded, Lieutenant-Colonel Purviance being of the number killed; on the 2d of September, five wounded, one mortally." The 85th with an aggregate strength of 451 on going upon the outer works, could muster but 270 lit for duty when recalled. Two at- tempts to surprise and capture Fort Gregg proving unsuccessful. General Gilmore determined to again attempt to take it by assault. But the bombardment by sea and land for forty hours induced the enemy to retire, and the island was occupied. Upon the death of Colonel Purviance, Major Campbell was made Lieutenant-Colonel, and Captain Abraham, Major. Active operations were continued until the middle of April, 1864, when the Tenth corps was ordered north to reinforce the Army of the J ames. The 85th was of the hrst brigade, Howell's, hrst division, Terry's. The usual service of fortifying and picket duty continued until the 20tli, when Howell's brigade was ordered to. charge and drive out the enemy in front. This was gallantly and successfully executed, but with a loss of two killed and twenty-one wounded. The rebel General Walker was wounded and taken prisoner. On the 14th of June, Grant's troops began to cross the James, and the Tenth corps took possession of the works between the James and the Appomattox. The enemy soon pressed heavily in front of Howell, and the fighting was of unusual severity. Finally the Union line was pushed back to the original line of battle. The loss of the 85th was five killed and two wounded. In the expedition to Deep Bottom, which was made on the 13th of August, in which the Second and Tenth corps engaged the corps of Longstreet and Hill, the 85th had two killed and nineteen wounded, five mortally. In the affair of the 16th, Terry's division was hotly engaged, the 85th participating in a charge, in which the enemy, by withholding his fire while pro- tected by works, was able to deliver it in a manner to produce great destruction, the regiment losing nine killed and fifty-four wounded. In the operations on the south side of the Appomatto.v by Terry's troops the regiment participated, sustaining slight losses, until the 14th of October, when the veterans and recruits were trans- ferred to the 188th, and on the 22d of November it was mustered out of service. Company F, Eighty-fifth Infantry Regiment. Recruited in Greene County, mustered in October 16, 1861. John Morris, Capt. mus. in Nov. 11, '61; disch. June 23, '62. Nicholas Hager, Capt. pr. to 1st Lieut. Jan. 3, '62; to Capt. June 23, '62; disch. March 9, '68. IIISTOKY OF GREENE COUNTY. 393 Levi M. Rogers, Capt. pr. from Sergt. to 2d Lieut. June 23, '62; to 1st Lieut. July 7, '63; to Capt. Aug. 8, '64; died Sept. 4, of wds. rec'd at Deep Bottom Aug. 16, '64, bur. in Nat. Asy. Cem. Sec. B., grave 1. Eosberry Sellers, 1st Lieut, discli. Nov. 28, '61. John Kemley, 1st Lieut, mus. in Nov. 11, '61; pr. fr. 2d Lieut. June 23, '62; discb. July 6, '63. Elmore A. liussell, 1st Lieut, mus. in Feb. 1, '64; pr. fr. 1st Sergt. Aug. 9, '62; com. Capt. July 21, '64; not mus.; wd. Aug. 16, '64; discb. Jan. 28, '65; Vet. James E. Buyers, 1st Sergt. ; absent on detaclied serv. at mus. out. Zacliariali C.Iiagan, Sergt; mus. out witli Co. Nov. 22, '64. James B. Lindsey, Sergt.; mus. in Nov. 11, '61; disch. Feb 20, '62. Joseph Silveus, Sergt.; disch. on Surg. Cert. Isaac D. Ilaveley, Sergt.; mus. in Feb. 1, '64; wd. Aug. 16, '64; tr. to Co. n, 188th Ptegt. P. V. June 28, '65; Vet. Rinehart B. Church," Sergt. mus. in Feb. 1, '64; wd. Aug. 15, '64; tr. to Co. II, 188th Regt. P. V. June 28, '65; Vet. Thomas J. White, Sergt.; mus. in Feb. 4, '64; absent on detached service at mus. out; Vet. Oliver M. Long, Sergt.; died at AVhite House, Va., June 12, '62. Alouzo Lightner, Sergt.; mus. in Feb. 1, '64; pr. to Sergt. Nov. 18, '62; killed at Deep Bottom, Aug. 16, '64; Vet. Jefferson II. Zane, Corp.; mus. in Nov. 11, '01; absent, sick at mus. out. Ryerson Kinney, Corp.; absent, on detached service at mus. out. William H. Iloskinsoii, Corp.; mus. in Nov. 11, '61; mus. out with Co. Nov. 22, '64. John Morman, Corp.; disch. on Surg. Cert. May 26, '62. William C. Leonard, Corp.; disch. on Surg. Cert. July 4, '68. Thomas Hoge, Corp.; disch. on Surg. Cert. May 26, '62. Hiram Weaver, Corp.; disch. on Surg. Cert., date unknown. James N. Derbins, Corp.; mus. in Feb. 1, '64; wd. Oct. 13, '64; tr. to Co. II, 188th Regt. P. V. June 28, '65; Vet. Thomas M. Sellers, Corp.; mus. in Feb. 1, '64; wd. Aug. 16, '64; tr. to Co. II, 188th Regt. P. V. Jime 28, '65; Vet. Thomas P. Rodgers, Corp.; mus. in Aug. 28, '62; pr. to Corp. June 29, '64; killed at Deep Bottom, Va., Aug. 16, '64. Daniel Swan, musician, mus. out with Co. Nov. 22, '64. James McCuen, musician; mus. in Dec. 16, '61; mus. out with Co. Nov. 22, '64. Ar^o, Simeon, died at Morris Island, So. Carolina, Sept. 3, '63. Armer, Strosnider, des. date unknown. Bryner, James, mus. in Nov. 11, '61; mus. out with Co. Nov. 22, '64. 394 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. Burk, Noah, discli. date unknown. babbitt, Joseph, raiis. in Nov. 11, '61; disch. May 12, '63. Burroughs, John B., mus. in March 26, '64; tr. to Co. H, 188th Regt. P. v., June 28, '65. Bissett, Jeremiah, mus. in Jan. 20, '64; died at Hampton, Ya., Oct. 21, '64; bur. in Nat. Cem., Hampton, Sec. C, grave 32, under name of J. BussulL Bissett, Albert, mus. in Jan. 20, '64; died at Beverly, N. J., Aug. 27, of wds. rec'd at Petersburg, Ya., June 17, '64. Cliapman, Charles, mus. out with Co. Nov. 22, '64. Cheney, Jesse, disch. for wds. Nov. 23, rec'd June 10, '65. Chiirch, Franklin, mus. in Aug. 28, '62; disch. by Gen. Order, June 10, '65. Church, George, raus. in Feb. 24, '64; tr. to Co. H, 188th Eegt. P. V. June 28, '65. Cree, Alexander D., mus. in Aug. 28, '62; wd. at Deep Bottom, Ya., Aug. 16, '64; disch. by Gen. Order May 13, '65. Cooper, James E., mus. in Oct. 22, '62; tr. to Co. H., 188th Regt. P. Y. June 28, '65. Clouse, John, mus. in Jan. 20, '64; tr. to Co. H., 188th Regt. P. Y. June 28, '65. Cartwright, Jesse L., mus. in Aug. 22, '64; died at Hampton, Ya., Oct. 4, '64; bur. in Nat. Cem., Hampton, Sec. 8, grave 14. Cowen, John, mus. in Nov. 11, '61; died at Washington, D. C; bur. Mil. Asylum Cem., D. C. Crouse, Nathan, mus. in Nov. 11, '61; died; date unknown. Crouse, William, died June 11, '62; bur. in Mil. Asylum Cem. D. C. Davis, Benjamin, mus. out with Co. Nov. 22, '64. Duvall, Elias, died at Beaufort, So. Carolina, Sept. 11, '63, of wds. rec'd at Fort Wagner. Earnest, Jacob, absent on detached .service at mus. out. Engle, Solomon, mus. in Nov. 4, '61; mus. out with Co. Nov. 22, '64. Estrep, Cornelius, mus. in Nov. 11, '61; died at Philadelphia, Aug 7, of wds. rec'd at Fair Oaks, Ya., May 31, '62. Fry, Thomas R., mus. out with Co. Nov. 22, '64. Fordyce, William, mus. out with Co. Nov. 22, '64. Fordyce, John, disch.; date unknown. Fry, David, mus. in Jan. 5, '64; tr. to Co. H, 188th P. Y. June 28, '65. Fry, Henry, raus. out Feb. 1, '64; wd. Aug. 21, '62; killed near Peterburg, Ya., June 17, '64; Yet. Graham, John P., mus. in Nov. 11, '61; mus. out with Co. Nov. 22, '64. ^ HISTORY OF GREENE COUXTY. 397 Gilbert, Eliel, mus. out with Co. Nov. 22, '64. Garrison, Thomson, absent on detached service at mus. out. Gladen, AYilliam II., discli.; date unknown. Gray, Isaac, mus. in Feb. 1, '64; wd. Aug. 3, '61; absent, on de- tached service at mus. out. Hickman, George F., mus. out witli Co. Nov. 22, '64. Hummel, William, mus. out with Co. Nov. 22, '64. Hays, George W., mus. in Nov. 11, '61; disch. on Surg. Cert. April 16, '62. Hofi'raann, James, mus. in Feb. 1, '64; tr. to Co. H, 188th P. V. June28, '64; Vet. Hoifman, Jacob, mus. in Feb. 1, '64; absent on detached service at mus. out. Henderson, William, mus. in Jan. 25, '64; tr. to Co. H, 188th Kegt. P. V. June 28, '65. Hunt, Josephus, mus. in Nov. 11, '65; died at Beaufort, So. Caro- lina, Oct. 12, "63, of wds. rec'd at Fort Wagner; bur. record Sept. 29, '63. Hathaway, Adolph, mus. in Feb. '64; killed at Cold Harbor, June 3, '64; bur. in Nat. Cem. City Point, Sec. A, Div. 1, grave 4 or 62; Vet. Johnston, Francis M., died at White House, Va., June 19, '62. Johnson, Nicholas, died at N. Y. Oct. 16, '62; bur. in Cypress Hill Cem., L. I. Knight, James, disch. on Surg. Cert. Sept. 12, '62. Kimble, Jackson, mus. in Feb. 4, '64; absent on detached service at mus. out. Leonard, Harvey, mus. in Nov. 11, '61; mus. out with Co. Nov. 22, '64. Longhman, Henry, absent on detached service at mus. out. Lewis, George ¥., disch. Oct. 20, '62. Longdon, Morgan, disch. on Surg. Cert. Oct. 11, '62. Leonard, Wm. E., mus. in Feb. 4, '64; absent on detached service at mus. out. Mitchell, Andrew J., mus. out in Co. Nov. 22, '64. Martin, Perry W., mus. in Nov. 10, '61; wd. Aug. 16, '64; miis. out with Co. Nov. 22, '64. Mitchell, Jonathan, disch. date unknown, for wds. rec'd Aug. 15, '64. Martin, Silas W., mus. in Sept. 9, '62; wd. Aug. 16, '64; disch. \ty Gen. Order May 13, '65. Montgomery, John, mus. in Aug. 13, '62; disch. by Gen. Order May 13, '65. Montgomery, AVilliam, mus. in Oct. 22, '62; absent on detached service at mus. out. 20 398 HISTORY OF GKEENE COUNTY. Moore, Carl, mus. in March 26, '64; tr. to Co. H, 188th Regt. P. V. June 28, '65. Moore, Sanmel BL., mus. in March 26, '64; tr. to Co. H, 188th Eegt. P. y. June 28, '65. Murdy, John, mus. in Aug. 22, '64; disch. by Gen. Order, June 10, '65. Martin, James M., mus. in Nov. 11, '61 ; died at Point Look Out,, Md., Oct. 6, '62. Morris, Andrew J., mus. in Jan. 5, 64; died at Hilton Head, S. C- April 18, '64; Vet. McMullin, William, mus. out with Co. Nov. 22, '64. McCracken, Thomas, disch. on Surg. Cert. July 4, '63. McGlurphy, Harvey, disch. on Surg. Cert., date unknown. McGary, Spencer, mus. in JSTov. 11, '61; disch. on Surg. Cert. Jan. 31, '63. McGumphrey, W., mus. in Nov. 11, '61; disch. on Surg. Cert, Oct. 80, '62. McDonald, Alfred, mus. in Feb. 1, '64; died at Hampton, Va., Oct. 10, '64; Vet.; bur. in Nat. Cem. Sec. D., grave 22. Nelson, LaFayette, died May 23, '62; bur. in Mil. Asy. Cem. D. C. Ott, Ezra, mus. in Jan. 20, '64; tr. to Co. H, 188th Regt. P. V. June 28, '65. Ott, Salem, mus. in March 31, '64; tr. to Co. H., 188th Regt. P. V.June 28, '65. Pettitt, Henry, mus. in Nov. 11, '61; mus. out with Co. Nov. 12, '64. Plants, Maxwell, mus. out with Co. Nov. 22, '64. Packer, Wm. F., disch. on Surg. Cert. Aug. 1, '63. Pettitt, George, mus. in Feb. 1, '64; wd. Aug. 24, '63, and Aug. 14, '64; tr. to Co. H. 188th Eegt. P. V. June 28, '65; Vet. Patterson, Joseph, died at Malvern Hill, Va. July 1, '62. Riggs, William, mus. out with Co. Nov. 22, '64. Rinehart, Morgan, mus. in Nov. 11, '61; absent, on detached serv- ice at mus. out. Richard, Lewis, missing in action at Fair Oaks, Va., May 31, '62. Roseberry, Thomas, disch. on Surg. Cert. Feb. 12, '63. Riggs, Peter, disch., date unknown. Roach, George, mus. in Jan. 20, '64; disch. June 23, '64. Rush, John, mus. in Feb. 1, '64; tr. to Co. H, 188th Regt. P. V. June 28, '65; Vet. Riger, John, mus. in Feb. 1, '64; tr. to Co. H, 188 th Regt. P. V. June 28, '65; Vet. Rinehart, Thomas, mus. in Feb. 1, '64; tr. to Co. H, 188th Regt. P. V. Jiine28, '65; Vet. niSTOKY OV GREKNE COUNTY. 399 Einehart, Meeker, died at Annapolis July 9, of wds. rec'd May 31, '62. Scott, Abijah M., abs. on detached service at nius. out. Scott, Liston, nius. in Feb. 1, '64; pris. fr. May 16, '64, to April 21, '65; dischg. July 5, '65; Vet. Sutton, John, mus. in Nov. 11, '61; dischg. on Surg. Cert. May 26, '62. Smith, James E., mus. in Mar. 11, '62; dischg. on Surg. Cert. Sept. 12, '62. Seabold, Williani H., mus. in Feb. 1, '64; abs. on detached ser- vice at mus. out. Sellers, John, mus. in Aug. 28, '62; dischg. on Gen. Order, June 10, '65. Smith, Ezra, mus. in Nov. 11, '61; died May 29, '62; buried in Mil. Asylum Cemetery, D. C. Smith, Anthony A., mus. in Mar. 6, '62; died at Point Lookout. Oct. 25, '62. Thompson, Samuel, mus. in Nov. 11, '61; mus. out with Co., Nov. 22, '64. Thomas, William, dischg. date unknown. Teagarden, Isaac, mus. in Nov. 11, '61; dischg. date unknown. Taylor, Levi, mus. in Feb. Feb. 24, '64; abs. on detaclied service at mus. out. Thomas, Samuel, mus. in Apr. 8, '64; died Feb. IS, '65; buried in Nat. Cem., City Point, Va., Sec. A, div. 8, grave 129. Terrel, George W., mus. in Aug. 22, '64; dischg. by Gen. Order, June 10, '65. Vandivender, Eli, mus. in Aug. 13, '62; wd. Aug. 24, '63; dischg. by Gen. Order, June 10, '65. West, Jacob, mus. in Nov. 11,'<)1; mus. out with Co.. Nov. 22, '64. Wiseman, George, mus. in Jan. 20, '64; missing as Deep Bottom, Va., Aug. 16, '64. Weaver, Jacob, dischg. on Sur. Cert., July 9, '62. Winger, John M., mus. in Feb. 24, '64; dischg. on Surg. Cert., Sept. 26, '62. Wiseman, John, mus. in Aug. 22, '64; disch. by Gen. Order. June 10, '65. West, Samuel, died at Harrison's Landing, Va., July 26, '62. Wilkinson, A. J., died at Point Lookout, Md., Maj' 26, of wds. reed. May 20, '64. Company G, Eighty-fifth Inf.vntky Regiment. Recruited in Greene County, mustered in Nov. 6, 1861. Isaac M. Abraham, Capt. pr. to Major, Apr. 28, '64; wd. near Deep Bottom, Va., Aug. 15, '64; mus. out with Reg., Nov. 22, '64. 400 HISTOKY OF GKEENE COUNTY. John A. Gordon, 1st Lieut., com. Capt. Sept. 8, '63; not mus; mns. out with Co. Nov. 22, '64. John F. Crawford, 2d Lieut., resigned March 10, '64. Benoni S. Gilmore, 1st Sergt. mus. in Oct. 15, '61; pr. to Sergt. March 1, '63; to 1st Sergt.; mus. out with Co. Nov. 22, '64. David E. Graham, 1st Sergt., disch. on Surg. Cert. Nov. 22, '62. Marquis L. Gordon, Sergt., pr. to Corp. March 1, '63; to Sergt. Nov. 1, '63; mus. out with Co. Nov. 22, '64. Hiram Gordon, Sergt.; pr. to Sergt. Nov. 1, '64; abs. on detached Serv., at mus. out. Jesse E. Jones, Sergt; mus. in Oct. 20, '61; wd. Aug. 14, '64; pr. to Sergt. Nov. 1, '64; mus. out with Co. Nov. 22, '64. Eobert II. Ross, mus. in Oct. 22, '61; wd. Aug. 30, '63; disch. on Surg. Cert. May 11, '64. James E. Core, mns. in Oct. 15, '61; disch. on Snrg. Cert. Feb. 6, '63. Benj. F. Campbell, mus. in March 17, '62; pr. to Corp. Nov. 1, '63, to Sergt. Sept. 1, '64; abs. on detached service at mus. out. Francis M. Eush, Sergt., died at Hampton, Va., Aug. 19, of wds. seed. Aug. 16, '64. Myers P. Titus, Sergt., mus. in Oct. 15, '61; died at Hampton, Va., Oct., '64, of wds. reed, in action. "William Pitcock, Corp., disch. on Surg. Cert. Nov. 21, '62. George A. Burchinal, Corp, mus. in Oct. 15, '61, died at York- town, Va., June 10, '62. James Sturgis, Corp., died at Beverly, N. J., Nov. 6, of wds. reed. Aug. 16, '64. Harrison II. Hoge, Corp., died Aug. '62; bur. record Sept. 25, '62; bur. in Cypress Hill Cem. L. I., grave 437. Thomas S. Knisely, Corp., died at Suifolk, Va., Nov. 4, '62. George W. Kennv, Corp., Nov. 1, '63, killed at Bermuda Hun- dred Va., May 20, '64; bur. in Nat. Cem., City Point, Sec. A, Div. 1; Vet. Adam M'Gill, musician, mus. out with Co. Nov. 22, '64. Hiram Hickman, musician, died at Crany Island, Va., Sept. 13, '62. Atchison, Henry K., absent, wounded at mus. out. Bai-e, Baker, mus. in Nov. 6, '61, disch. on Surg. Cert. Dec. 29, '62. Black, Lindsay, mus. in Jan. 5, '64; wd. Aug. 16, '64; tr. to Go. G, 188th Eegt. P. V., June 25, '65; Vet. Bovid, "William, mus. in Feb. 12, '62; absent on detached ser. at mus. out. Bowers, "William H., died at Beaufort, S. C, Sept. 4, '63, of wds. reed, in action. HISTORY OF GRKENK COUNTY. 401 Eariies, Jesse, died May 12, 'G2; buried in Nat. Cein., York- town, Va., Sec. C, grave 20G. Beard, George C, mus. in Oct. 24, '61; died April 9, '62; l)n. in Nat. Ceni., Yorktown, Va., Sec. IJ, grave 231. Cline, John L., wd. Sept. 2, '63; mustered out with Co. Nov. 22, '64. Cuinley, John G., disch. on Surg. Cert. May 9, '63. Conrad, Alexander, disch. Oct. 22, '64, expiration of term. Cole, Jacob, died near Richmond, Va.', June 6, '62. Dean, William, mus. in Oct. 24, '64; mus. out with Co. Nov. 22, '64. David, Wells E., mus. in Oct. 15, '61; died at White Oak Swamp, Va., June 23, '62. Dickson, Philans E., mus. in Oct. 25, '61; died at Washington, t). C, May 25, '62; bur. in Military Cem. Eberhart, Martin L., mus. out with Co. Nov. 22, '64. Enrix, Charles M. B., mus. in Oct. 15, '61; absent, sick at mus. out. Eberhart. William, mus. in Feb. 11. '62; aUs. on detaciied serv. at mus. out. French, Isaac, mus. in Oct. 15, '61; discii. on Surg. Cert. Feb. 20, '62. Greene, William P.. mus. in Oct. 15, '61; mus. out with Co. Nov. 22, '(54. Graham, William A., wd. Aug. 16, '64; mus. out with Co. Nov. 22, '64. Goodwin, David S., mus. in Oct. 15, '61; disch. on Surg. Cert 1862. Gray, James, mus. in Oct. 15. '61; disch. Nov. 17, '()4; exp. term. Gabler, Philarus E., disch. on Surg. Cert. Aug. 5, '63. Graham, John, disch. on Surg. Cert. Aug. 18. '62. Griffin, Charles A., mus. in Oct. 15, '61; tr. to Sig. Corps. Sept. 7, '63. (Wooden, David, mus. in Feb. 12, '64; tr. to Co. G, 188th Ptegt. P. v., June 28, '65. Gehoe, Benjamin, died at Hampton, Va.. June 14. '64, of wds. reed, in action. Gregg, John, des. Nov., 1861. Grove, David L., mus. in Oct. 25, '61; absent on furlough at mus. out. . Hayden, Caleb F., absent, sick at mus. out. Ilonsacker, Nicholas, mus. in Oct. 15, '61; mus. out with Co. Nov. 22, '64. Harden, John P., mus. out with Co. Nov. 22, '64. 402 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. Hunter, Isaac, inus. in Oct. 25, '61; absent, sick at mus. out. Ilayden, Henry M., mus. in Oct. 15, '61; disch. on Surg. Cert. 1862. Haney, Wm. H., mus. in March 4, '62; disch. mi Surg. Cert. 1862. Husk, Frederick, liius. in Oct. 15, '61; died at Baltimore, Md., July 16, '02. Huss, James, mus. in Oct. 15, '61; des. June 30, '62. Hoffman, George, des. Nov. '61. Jacobs, Josephus, mus. out with Co. Nov. 22, '65. Jenkins, Andrew J., mus. in Oct. 22, '61; mas. out with Co. Nov. 22, '61. Kent, John R., mus. out with Co. Nov. 22, '64. Kniseley, George W., disch. on Surg. Cert. July, '63. Kennedy, Van B. mus. in Oct. 15, '61; died at Camp Scott, Va., April 25, '62. Lloyd, George, mus. in Oct. 15, "61; disch. on Surg. Cert. Aug. 21, '62. Lyon, James F., mus. in Oct. 15, '61; died at Harrison's Land- ing, July 2, '62. Lytle, Rodandus, mus. in Oct. 15, '61; died at Fortress Monroe, Aug. 14, '62. Martin, David W., absent on detached service at mus. out. Mereditli, Enrix, mus. in Oct. 15, '61; disch. on Surg. Cert. Dec. 22, '62. Mitchell, Allen W., mus. in Oct. 24, '61; disch. on Surg. Cert. Aug., '62. Moser, John P., tr. to Co. G, 188th Regt. P. V., June 28, '65; Vet. Murdock, J. II. L., died at White Oak Swamp, Va., June 28, '62. Moore, John, died at "Washington, D. C, Dec. 6, '61; bur. in Mil. Asy. Cem. Moser, Silas L., des. Nov. 18, '61. McDonald, John, mus. in Oct. 15, '61; wd., with loss of right arm and left hand, July 29, '68; disch. on Surg. Cert. May 7, '64. McGill, William, mus. in Oct. 15, '61, disch. on Surg. Cert. March 6, '63. McMasters, James, died at Camp Scott, May 16, '62. Nicholson, J. W., mus. in July 16, '62; died at Folly Island, Nov. 1, '62. O'Neal, Henry, mus. in Oct. 15, '61; disch. on Surg. Cert. Aug. 5, '63. Pratt, Joseph S., mus. in Oct. 15, '61; abs. on detached duty at mus. out. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 403 Patton, Henry B., nius. in Oct. 15, '61; mus. out witli Co. jVov. 22, '64. Patterson, W. II., inns, in Oct. 15, '61; disch. on Surg. Cert. :Nov. 13, '62. Pratt, Ashabel F., mus. in Oct. 15, '61: disch on Surg. Cert. Aug. 5, '63, Pitcock, Owen, mus. in Nov. 1, '61; tr. to Vet. Res. Corps., Sept. 16, '63. Patton, Caleb A., mus. in Oct. 15, '61; died at Pliiladelpliia, Pa., July 10, '62. Phillips, Ashberry, died at Chesapeake Hospital, Va., June 10, '62, of wds. received in action. Rush, John W., mus. out witii Co. Nov. 22, '64. Ramor, Minor A., mus. in Oct. 15, '61; disch. on Surg. Cert. JVIay 9, '63. Rush, John D., disch. on Surg. Cert. Nov. '61. Reid, Joel, mus. in Oct. 15, '61; died Sept. 22, '62; bur. in Cyp. Hill Cam. L. I. Sutton, William A., mus. in Oct. 23, '61; absent in ar. at mus. out. Strickler, John, mus. in Oct. 15, '61; abs., sick at mus. out. Shultz, Israel, disch. Nov. '61. Strosnider, Reason, discli. on Surg. Cert. Nov. '(31. Spicer, John, disch. on Surg. Cert. Jan. 6, 'G'd. Sturgis, Phineas W., mus. in Oct. 15, '61; died at Yorktown, Ya., June 2, '62; buried in Nat. Cera. Sec. D, grave 167. Sturgis, David R., mus. in Oct. 15, '61; died at Baltimore, Md., May 29, '62. Titus, Benjamin, mus. in Oct. 15, '61; absent, sick at mus. out. Thomas, Joshua R., wd. Aug. 9, '(53; discli. Nov. 11, '64; exp. of term. Tell, William, mus. in July 30, '(52; disch. by Gen. Order, June 8, '65, Tannehill, Joseph, mus. in (3ct. 15, '(51; died at Morris Island, S. C . August 23, '63. Utt, William II., mus. in Oct. 15, '61; disch. on Surg. Cert. November 27, '62. AVilcox, Moses, mus. in Oct. 15. '61; died at Baltimore, Md., May 20, '62. 4:04 IIISTOKT OF GREENE COUNTY. CHAPTEE XXIX. CiiJiirANY A, Oly^E HUNDKBD AND FoETIETH FeNNSIXVANIA InFANTKY Kegiment. Organization — North Centeal Railway — Chancelloesville — White House — Gettysbueg — The "Wheat Field — Mine Run Campaign — The Wildeeness — Coebin's Beidge — Spottsyl- VANIA — Tolopotomy Ceeek — Death of Captain McCulloijgh — Cold Haeboe — Befoee Peteesbueg — Jeeusalem Flank' Road — Deep Bottom — Ream's Station — Hatchee's Run — SOUTHEELAND STATION SaILOe's CeEEK FaEMVILLE ApPO- MATTOX COUET HoUSE SuEEENDEE OF Lee MuSTEE ' OuT Recoed of Individual Soldiers. COMPANY A, of the One Hundred and Fortieth Regiment, was recruited in Greene County, and was originally officered by John F. McCullough, Captain; J. Jackson Furman, First Lieuten- ant; David Taylor, Second Lieutenant. The regiment was organized at Camp Curtiu on the 8th of September, 1862, with Richard P. Roberts, of Beaver County, Colonel ; John Frazer, of Washington County, Lieutenant-Colonel; Thomas B. Rodgers, of Mercer County^ Major. During the period of Lee's invasion of Maryland, which culminated in the battles of South Mountain and Antietam, the regiment was posted along the line of the North Central Railway to keep open that great thoroughfare. Having been thoroughly drilled, it was ordered to the front, and arrived as the troops were returning from the disastrous battle of Fredericksburg. It became a part of the Third Brigade, General Zook, First Division, Second Corps. In the battle of Chancellorsville it was engaged in front of the Chancel- lor House on the old turnpike leading to Fredericlvsburg, where General Hancock held an advanced position, and where the enemy made frequent and determined attacks. With Colonel Miles it was- upon the picket line during the nervous and uneasy night of the 2d, when the least movement of troops drew the fire of Avhole divisions of the army. During the morning of the 3d, while the One Hundred and Fortieth was supporting the Fifth Maitie Bat- tery, the White House, which was situated at the apex of the new line of battle, took fire and was utterly destroyed. Thirty-three wounded men, and three women, who had taken refuge in the cellar, Amd^i^U^ dfit^e^c^Aa-^^^ IIISTOHY OF GREENP: COUNTY. 407 were brought forth from the burning wreck. When the army re- tired to tlie new line the ( Jne Hundred and Fortieth occupied a posi- tion to the left of the White House, where it remained, subjected to occasional artillery tire, until the 6th, when it retired across the river. The battle of Gettysbui'g followed close upon Chancellorsville. The First and Eleventh Corps met a full half of tlie rebel army on the heights beyond the town to the northwest, and were driven back through its streets to the ridge to the south, in the centre of which was the quiet little Evergreen Cemetery. On the morning of the 2d the Second Corps, now under the gallant Hancock, came upon the tield, and was posted along the left centre of the line, stretching from the cemetery along the Emmettsburg Pike towards the Peach Orchard. About four o'clock Sickles, who, with the Third Corps, occupied the extreme left, stretching from the pike along the Peach Orchard to Little Konnd Top, was fiercely attacked. His line was thin and weak; but right gallantly did he hold liis ground, and hurl back the foe. Again and again he came. In the midst of the fray Sickles was grievously wounded with the loss of a leg. His weakened columns were gradually forced back. " PortioTis of the Fifth Corps were sent to his relief, but shared a like fate. Finally Hancock sent Caldwell's Division, of his own corps, to check the enemy's mad ad- vance, and repair the threatened disaster. Moving rapidly across the little wooded knoll to the right and front of Pound Top, he tirst sent the brigades of Cross and Kelly to penetrate the Wheat Field and the wood beyond, where the fiercest tighting had been. Colonel Cross was killed, and his command was terribly torn, as it advanced upon that fatal Wheat Field, on three sides of which the enemy in heavy numbers was concealed. And now, as a forlorn hope, the brigades of Zook and' Brooke were sent forward. Zook was killed while leading his troops into the tight, and before he had hardly got into action. The command of his brigade then fell upon Colonel Roljerts of the One Hundred and Fortieth. (Tallantly did these two small brigades pnsii forward over this devoted ground in the face of a severe tire. The enemy was swept back from the cover of the woods, and the rocky ridge beyond the Wheat Field, a position of great natural strength, was carried. But th s advantage, gained at a fearful cost, was of no avail. The angle in Sickle's line at the Peach Orchard, the weak point in his formation, had been hope- lessly broken, and through this opening tlie enemy swarmed and turned the right of Caldwell's position, compelling him to with- draw. He rested at night on the low ground on the loft centre of the line, where lie remained during the heavy cannonade of the suc- ceeding day, and until the close of the battle." The loss in Com- pany A in the battle was severe. Sergeant Brown and Corporal 408 HISTORY OF GKEENK COUNTY. Eddy were killed, Private Loar was mortally wounded, Lieutenant Purman was wounded with loss of a leg, Captain McCullough, Sergeant Zimmers and Private Eddy were severely wounded, Colonel Roberts, Captain Acheson and Lieutenant Wilson of the regiment were killed. The One Hundred and Fortieth now became a part of the First Brigade, to the command of which Colonel Nelson A. Miles, of the Sixty-first New Yoi'k, was assigned. Lieutenant-Colonel Frazer was made Colonel, Major liodgers, Lieutenant-Colonel, and Captain Thomas Henry, Major. " In the advance of the army to the Eapidan, and the retrograde to Centreville, and subsequent advance to Mine Run, where the campaign ended without coming to a decisive battle, the regiment shared the fortunes of the corps, participating in the action of Bristoe Station on the 14th of October, 1863, and the skirmishing in front of the enemy's position at Mine Run, sustaining some loss in wounded." By midnight of the 3d of May, 1864, the regiment was on the march for the AVilderness campaign. General Grant was now in supreme command. By noon of the fifth, the regiment had arrived upon the Brock road, where it threw up breast-works, the enemy in front. The scenes on that gory field, pen cannot portray. The regi- ment shared in the fiery conflict. At three on the morning of the 6th, it was aroused, the brigade holding the left of the line where substantial breast-works were erected. On the morning of the 8th the regiment joined in the general movement of the army, and had an encounter with the enemy at Corbin's bridge. On the 9th the Po River was crossed, and the regiment was placed upon the skirm- ish line and met the pickets of the enemy. A line of rifle pits was thrown up along the Po River. Early on the morning of the 12th the regiment joined in the grand movement of Hancock's corps, which resulted in the movement upon the rebel iutrenchments, and large captures of men and material at Spottsylvania. The movement was commenced at the first breaking of the day, and was shielded somewhat from view by a dense fog which prevailed on that morning. The advantage gained was securely held, though the enemy made repeated attacks to regain his lost ground, and atone for his discomfiture. The loss in the regiment in this affair was over one hundred, and in Company A, Benjamin Dunston, John W. Peden, Thomas Boty and Judson W. Paden, were killed. Andrew J. "W ald- ers was mortally wounded, John Henry was wounded, and David Frays and Job Smith, Jr., were missing in action. Starting on another grand flanking movement on the 20th, the North Anna was crossed on the 23d, but finding the enemy advant- ageously posted. Grant determined not to attack; but, withdrawing, he encountered the enemy at Tolopotomy Creek, and severe fighting IIISTOKY OF GREENE COUNTY. 409 occurred, Hancock occupying the centre and successfully carrying tiie enemy's tirst line and holding it against every fierce attack of the foe. Here Company A lost its brave leader, Captain John F. McCullough, who was killed, and Norval Troy, who was mor- tally wounded. Without loss of time the army moved on to the old battle ground ut finding, as usual in this campaign, that the enemy had placed himself behind elaborately- planned and strongly fortified works, the attempt to carry the place by direct assault was abandoned, and the army sat down before the town and commenced the more tardy operations of the siege. In this first attack before Petersburg, John Acklin, of Company A, was killed. In the movement on the Jerusalem I 'lank Road, on the 21st of June, the One Hundred and Fortieth participated with the Second and Sixth Corps, but only a partial success was achieved; though a position was taken and fortified, which the enemy found himself unable to break through. On the 26th of July a demon- stration was made to the north side of the James, where, in con- nection with the JS^ineteenth corps, the brigade gallantly charged the enemy's works, on the 28th, and captured prisoners and four Parrott guns, and on the 30th returned to the Petersburg front. The mine explosion resulted in no advantage to the Union army. On the 14th of August the corps again crossed the James, and at Deep Bottom the rebel works were carried by Birney's division, •which was advanced within sound of the rebel capital. Returning to the Petersburg front the corps took up the line of march on the 21st, and at Ream's Station had a desperate encounter .with the enemy, who appeared in superior force. " In the subsequent operations of the corps during the fall and winter, the regiment bore a part, being hotly engaged in front of Petersburg, on the 9th of September, in the general movement of the 27th of October; suffering much from inclemency of tiie weather in the expedition to Hatcher's Run, from the 8th to the lOtli of December, and in that to Dabney's Mills from the 5th to the 17th of February, 1865. Apart from tliese it remained undisturbed in winter (juarters until the opening of the spring campaign on the 410 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 25tli of March. On that day the Second Corps made an advance upon the rebel lines at Hatcher's Run, and a portion of his works, designed to cover the South Side ilailroad, was carried. For four days the fighting was continued on this part of the line, the corps making daily some substantial advance, Miles' Division executing a brilliant move at Southerland's Station on the 3d of Api'il, whereby extensive captures of men and materials were made. The corps was again engaged on the 6th at Sailor's Creek, and on the 7th at Farmvillc fought its last battle. In this engagement an assaulting column led by General Miles M-as bloodily repulsed. Night put an end to tiie contest, and under cover of the dark- ness the enemy withdrew. Two days later Lee surrenclered. Hos- tile operations were soon after concluded, and returning to the neighborhood of Washington, the regiment, on the 31st of May, was mustered out of service." Company A, One Hundred and Fortieth Kegiment. Eecraited in Green County, mustered into service Sept. 4, 1862. John F. McCullougli, Capt., wd. at Gettysburg, July 2, '63; Com. Col. 183d Reg. P. Y., May 28, '64; not raus; killed at Toio- potomy, Va., May 31, '64. James M. Pipes, Capt., pro. fr. 1st Serg. to 2d Lieut., Jan. 2, '64; to Capt., June 27, '64; wd., with loss of arm, at Reanie's Station, Va., Aug. 25, '64; disch. on Surg. Cert. Feb. 17, "65. John A. Burns, Capt., pr. fr. Sergt. to 1st Sergt., Jan. 2, '64; to 1st Lieut., June 27, "64; to Capt., March 4, '65; mus. out with Co.. May 31, '65. J. Jackson Purman, 1st Lieut., wd. witli loss of leg at Gettys- burg, July 2, "63; discli. on Surg. Cert., May 20, '64. Mark G. Spragg, 1st Lieut., pr. fr. Corp. 'to Sergt., Marcli 1, '64; to 2d Lieut.," June 27, '64; to 1st Lieut., Marcli 4, "65; mus. out with Co. May 31, '65. David Taylor, 2d Lieut., resigned July 31, '63. Charles T. Hedge, 1st Sergt., pr. fr. Corp. July 1, '64; com. 2d Lieut., Dec. 18, '64; not mus.; mus. out with Co. May 31, ■()5. Daniel B. Waychaft, Sergt., pr. to Sergt., July 1, '64; disch. by Gen. Order, July 5, '65. Nathaniel N. Purman, Sergt., wd. at Cliancellorsville, May 3, '63; tr. to 105th Co. 2d Battl. V. R. C, Jan. 30, '65; dSsch. Sept. 4, '65; exp. term. Henry Zimmers, Sergt.; wd. at Gettysburg, July 2, '63; abs. at mus. out. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 411 John C. Coen, Sergt., pr. to Corp. July 1, "64; to Sergt., May 1, "65; mus. out with Co. JVlay 31, "65. Cornelius J. Bark, Sergt., pr. fr. Corp., Nov. 1, "63; disch. on Snrg. Cert. March 16, "65. Wiliain A. Brown, Sergt., killed at Gettysburi^, July 2, "63. J. S. Ilerrington' Corp., pr. to Corp. July 1, "64; tr. to V. R. C; disch. by Gen. Order, July 20, '65. Alpheus Crawford, Corp., disch. by Gen. Order, June 6, "65. Carey M. P"ulton, Corp., nuis. out with Co. May 31, '65. Thomas J. Kent, Corp., pr. to Corp. July 1, '64; mus. out with Co. May 31, "65. James B. Reinhart, Corp., pr. to Corp. July 1, "64; mus. out with Co. May 31, "55. Joseph Bane, Corp., pr. to Corp. July 1, (54; mus. out with Co. May 31, '65. Kramer Gabier, Corp., mus. oat with Co. May 31, "65. Spencer Stephens, Corp., pr. to Corp. May 1, "65; mus. out with Co. May 31, '65. Leroy S. Greenlee, Corp., killed at Gettysburg, July 2, '63; bur. in Evergreen Cemetery. John W. Peden, Corp., killed in action, May 15, "64. James Woods, musician, mus. out with Co. May 31, "65. Morgan Dunn, musician, mus. out with Co. May 31, "65. Anderson, Harrison, inus. out with Co. May 31, "65. Acklin, Samuel, mus. in Feb. 27, '64; tr. to V. li. C; disch. by Gen. Order, Feb. 24, '65. Armstrong, Oliver, tr. to Co. F, 18th Reg. V. R. C, Aug. 10, "64; disch. by Gen. Order, June 27, "65. Anderson, James, tr. to 114th Co. 2d Battl. V. R. C, March 13, '64; disch. by Gen. Order, July 18, '65. Acklin, John, killed at Petersburg, Va., June 17, "64. Burson, Oliver, II. P., mus. out with Co. May 31, "65. Bennett, John, mus. out with Co. May 31, "65. Barney, Peter, tr. to 51st Co. 2d Battl. V. R. Corps. Nov. 6, "63; disch. Sept. 4, '65; exp. term. Clutter, Samael, mus. oat with Co. May 31, '65. Cox, John, Jr., mus. out with Co. May 31, "65. Clutter, Noah D., mus. in April 13, "64; tr. to Co. K, 1st Recr. V. R. C, Sept. 1, "63; disch. by Gen. Order, July, "65. Cowan, Joseph, des. Dee. 10, "63. Doman, George N., mus. out with Co. May 31, "65. Dunstan, Benjamin, killed at Spotlsylvania, Va., May 12, "64. Eddy, Michael, tr. to Vet. R. Corps. Jan. 6, "65. Eddy, John W., wd. and cap. at Gettysburg, July 2, "63; died at Richmond, Va., Jan. 27, "64. 412 HISTORY OB^ grep:ne county. Freelaud, George, discli. on Snrg. Cert. Jan. 16, '65. Fislier, John, raus. in Nov. 29, '62; tr. to Co. li, 53d Eeg. P. v., May 30, '65. Frays, David, missing in action at Spottyslvania, C. II. Va., May 12, '64. Freeland, Charles A., died Nov. 17, '62. Garber, Thornton, disch. by Gen. Order, Jnly 10, '65. Gray, George, raus. out with Co. May 31, '65. Geary, Simon, wd. at Tolopotomy, Ya., March 31, '65; absent at mias. out. Green, John E. M., billed at Cold Harbor, Ya., June 6, '64. Green, Isaac P., died at Falmouth, Ya., Jan. 8, '63. Gray, John, killed at Cold Harbor, Ya., June 2, '64. Henry, John, wd. at Spottsylvania, C. H., May 12, '64; disch. by Gen. Order, June 8, '65. Hopkins, Daniel S. mus. in Feb. 29, '64; tr. to Co. H, 58d Eeg. P. Y., May 30, '65. Harris, Stephen C, tr. to Ind. Batty. C, Pa. Artillery, Feb. 15, '64. Hoge, David E., died at Washington, D. C, Jan. 10, '65; bur. in Nat. Cem. Arlington. Jones, John C, mus. out with Co. May 31, '65. Jones, George, mus. in Feb. 27, '64; tr. to Co. H, 53d Eeg. P. Y., May 31, '65. Kent, Eegin S., wd. at Bristoe Station, Ya. Oct. 14, '63; absent at mus. out. Kener, Oliver, raus. out with Co. May 31, '65. King, Daniel, disch. on Surg. Cert. Jan. 17, '65. Kent, James F. discli. by Special Order, March 13, '63. King, Daniel, mus. in March 22, '64; tr. to Co. H. 53d Eeg. P. Y., May 30, '65; disch. by Gen. Order, June 3, '65. Loar, Benjamin F., died at Philadelphia, Aug. 1, of wds. reed, at Gettysburg, July 2, '63. Meighen, John, mus. out with Co. May 31, '65. Miller, John H., disch. on Snrg. Cert. Jan. 20, '63. Mariner, George W., tr. to 114th Co. 2d Battl. Y. E. C, March 13, '65; disch. by Gen. Order, July 18, '65. Miller, Abraham, tr. to Yet. Ees. Cor. Dee. 1, '63. Morris, Franklin E., missing in action at Chancellorsville, Ya., May 8, '63. Morris, Lindsay, died at Washington, D. C, Dec. 22, 64; bur. in Nat. Cem. Arlington. McCuUough, L. G., disch. by Gen. Order, June 6, '65. McCnllough, Hiram, missing in action at Eeam's Station, Ang. 25, '64. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 413 Ogderi, William, absent, sick at mus. out. Pipes, Abner, disch. by Gen. Order, June 26, '65. Pettit, Joseph, died July 7, '64, at Ale.xandria, Va.; grave 2,346. Push, John A., mus. out with Co. May 31, '65. Poop, John E., mus. out with Co. May 31, '65. Poop, William, disch. on Surg. Cert. Jan. 16, '63. Poop, Lindsay, mus. in March 26, '64; tr. to Co. II, 53d Peo- P. v., May 30, 65. Poop, Henry, mus. in March 26, '64; tr. to Co. II. 53(1 Reg. P. v., May 30, '65. Robinson, Ale.x. D., mus. in Feb. 29, 64; tr. to Co. II, 53d Reg. ]*. v.. May 3, '65. Pidgway, Samuel, died at Parkton, Md., Nov. 25, '62. Poope, Michael, mus. in March 26, '(54; died July 29, of wds. reed, at Cold Harbor, June 2, "64; bur. in Nat. Cem., Arlington. Steel, Nicholas, disch. by Gen. Order, July 15, '65. Steel, Ehud, mus. out with Co. Maj^ 31, '(55. Swart, James M., mus. out with Co. May 31, '65. Scott, Simon P., mus. out with Co. May 31. '65. Scott, Henry, mus. out with Co. May 31, '(55. Sprowls, Jesse, wd. at Spottsylvania, C. IL, May 12, '64; absent at mus. out. Strosnider, Caleb, disch. by Gen. Order, July 12, '65. Sergeant, Richard, disch. March 10, '63. Strosnider, Kener L., tr. to 169th Co., 2d Battl, V. R. C, Jan. 9, '65; disch. by Gen. Order, July 3, '65. Sanders, Harvey, tr. to Vet. Pes. Corps. Sept. 1, '63. Smith, Job, Jr., mus. in March 9, '64; missing in action at S])ottsylvania, May 12, '64. Simpson, John, mus. in Feb. 27, 64; died Sept. 17 of wds. reed, in action, Aug. 14, '()4; bur. in Nat. Ceni., Arlington, Va. Steward, Jesse, died at Philadelphia, April 9, '65. Spragg, John M., killed at Mine Run, Nov. 29, '63. SinitlK Job, Sr., des. July 2, '63. Taylor, Abner AY., mus. out with Co. May 31, '65. Taylor, Levi, tr. to Vet. Res. Corps. March 13, '65. Troy, Norval L., mus. in Nov. 29, '62; died June 27 of wds. reed, at Tolopotomy, May 31, '64; bur. at Ale.xandria, grave 2,234. Wilson, John P. H., mus. out with Co. May 31, '65. Wilson, George W., mus. out with Co. May 31, '65. Wallace, Benjamin F., tr. to 51st Co. 2d Battl. V. P. C, Jan. 18, '65; discli. Sept. 4, '65. Walters, Brezan T. mus. out with Co. May 31, '65. Woolum, Harrison, disch. by Gen. Order, May 15, '65. Wallace, Francis A., disch. on Surg. Cert. Oct. 12, '63. 414 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. West, Simon S., tr. to Independent Battery C, Pa., Art. date unknown. Walters, Andrew J., mus. in Feb. 27, '64; died at Philadelphia, Jiilj 4, of wds. reed, at Spottsylvania, C. H., May 12, '64. Welsh, Morris, mus. in April 3, '65, des. May 15, '65. CHAPTER XXX. Company K, Fifteenth Cavalry, One Hundred and Sixtieth of THE Line. Battle of Antietam — Disobganized — Sent to Kentucky- — Stone PivEE — Refusal to Advance — Colonel Palmee Released — Oeganization Completed — Battle of Chicicamauga — Rose- CKANS Shut Up by Beagg at Chattanooga — Geant in Command — Victoey — Aemy' Relieved — Valley of the French Beoad — Oedeeed to Nashville to Receuit — Nashville — Puesuitof Hood — Pursuit of Davis — Capture of Beagg and Yast Sums of Money — Musteeed Out — Individual Recoed. • COMPANY K, of the 15th Cavalry, 160th of the line, was in part recruited in Greene County. It was partially organized at Car- lisle, in September, 1862; but before it was completed, and before the company officers were selected, the regiment was ordered to the front and participated in the Antietam campaign then in progress. Un- fortunately, Colonel Palmer, who was looked to by the men to see that suitable officers should be selected, was taken prisoner, and be- fore further company organization was effected, the regiment was ordered west to the army of Rosecrans, in Kentucky, and arrived upon the eve of the battle of Stone River. Well knowing that the regiment was in no condition to go into battle in its disorganized state, without company officers, and wholly wanting in drill and dis- cipline, all but three companies stacked arms and refused to obey the order to advance. Majors Rosengarten and Ward, with about three hundred men, went into the battle. The former officer was killed, and the latter mortally wounded, and thirteen men were killed and sixty-nine wounded and missing. On the 7th of February, Colonel Palmer, having been released from captivity, returned to the regiment and a complete organization ^^ccat <^ o<^-^^>2i^ HISTOUY OF GMEENK COUNTY. 417 of the entire command was efl'ected. On the 24th of June the army moved forward on the Chickamauga campaign, Companies H, 11 and K being detailed as escorts to General Kosecrani^, and the balance of the regiment performing courier duty between the right and left wings of the army. V>j the disaster to the right wing, and the escape of Rosecrans to Chattanooga, and the final retreat of the army, it became hemmed in, and the animals, as well as men, were brought to a state bordering on starvation. Colonel Palmer was, ac- cordingly, sent into the Seproaching the front, was kept busy in defending the communica- tions of Sherman, now well on his way in the Atlanta campaign. After the fall of Atlanta, and Sherman had cut loose for liis March to the Sea, the Fifteenth was ordered to the support of Thomas, at Nashville, in his operations against Hood, and when the latter had been routed and put to flight, the Fifteenth was put upon his track, and in the race which ensued, hung upon the rear and flanks of the retreating foe, despoiling him of material and trains so that his army was made powerless for further mischief. The operations were now largely confined, in the Western armies, to daring e.xploits of the cavalry, in which kind of warfare the men and officers of tiie Fifteenth had acquired great skill, and were very successful. With fresh horses the cavalry started on the spring campaign of 1865, under General Stoneman. Its operations extended over por- tions of east Tennessee, western North Carolina, and northern Georgia, and finally when the news came of the surrender of Lee and John- ston, the Fifteenth was put upon the track of Jeff Davis. " On the morning of the 8th inst.," says General Palmer in his official report, "while searching for Davis near the fork of Appalachee and Oconee Rivers, Colonel Ijett's Fifteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry captured 21 418 HISTOKY OF GREENE COUNTY. seven wagons in the woods, which contained $188,000 in coin, $1,- 580,000 in bank notes, bonds, and securities and about $4,000,000 of Confederate money, besides considerable specie, plate, and other valuables belonging to private citizens of Macon. The wagons con- tained also the private baggage, maps and official papers of Generals Beauregard and Pillow. Two days after, Company G, Captain Samuel Phillips, captured Genei-al Bragg, his wife, staff officers and three wagons. On the 15th news was received of the capture of Davis and party by Colonel Pritchard, of the Fourth Michigan Cav- alry, detachments from Colonel Bett's command being close upon his trail. The campaigning of the regiment was now at an end, and returning to Nashville on the 21st of June, it mustered out of service. Company K, One Hundeed and Sixtieth Regiment, Fifteenth Cavalry. Recruited in Greene County, mustered in Aug. 30, 1862. Jacob R. Plewitt, Capt., mus. in Nov. 31. '60; pr.fr. private An- derson Troop, Oct. 10, '62; resigned Feb. 27, '63. Abraham B. Garner, Capt., mus. in Oct. 3, '62; pr. fr. 1st Sergt. May 8, '63, to Maj., March 13, '65; inus. out with Regt. June 21, '65. Charles E. Scheide, Capt., mus. in Oct. 3, '62; pr. fr. Adj. March 13, '65; mus. out with Co. June 21, '65. Frank E. Reniont, 1st Lieut., mus. in Aug. 22, '62; pr. fr. Sergt. Co. C, May 8, '63; to Capt., Co. I, Aug. 15, '64; mus. out with Co. June 21, '65. Nathaniel M. Sample, 1st Lieut., mus. in Oct. 3, '62; pr. fr. pri- vate to Q. M. Sergt. March 1, '63; to 1st Sergt. March 16, '64; to 1st Lieut. Nov. 8, '64; mus. out with Co. June 21, '65. Michael M. Musser, 1st Sergt., mus. in Oct. 3, '62; pr. to Corp. March 1, '63; to Sergt. May 16, '63; to 1st Sergt. Jan. 1, '65; com. 2d Lieut. May 20, '65; not mus.; mus. out June 21, '65. W. W. Blackraar, 1st Sergt. mus. in Aug. 30, '62; pr. fr. Corp. to Sergt. March 1, '63; to 1st Sergt. May 5, '63; to Lieut. 1st R§gt. W. Va. Cav. March 18, '64; disch. as Capt. July 8, '65. Theophilus H. Smith, Q. M. Sergt., pr. to Corp. Jan. 4, '63; to Q. M. Sergt. March 16, '64; mus. out with Co. June 21, '65. J. Lingerfield, Jr., Com. Sergt., mus. in Oct. 3, '62; pr. fr. private March 1, '63; mus. out June 21, '65. John C. Wilson, Sergt., mus. in Oct. 3, '62; pr. to Corp. Oct. 30, "62; to Sergt. March 1, '63; mus. out June 21, '65. James Agnew, Sergt., mus. in Oct. 3, '62; pr. to Corp. March 1, '63; to Sergt. May 15, '63; mus. out June 21, '65. Jacob H. Isett, Sergt., mus. in Oct. 3, '62; pr. to Corp. Oct. 30, '62; to Sergt. Feb. 5, '65; mus. out June 21, '65. HISTOUY OK GREENE COUNTY. 419 Jaines II. Shertz, Sergt., inus. in Oct. 3, '62; pr. to Curp. May 15, '68; to Sergt. Feb. 5, '65; inus. out June 21, '65. Jacob Weutzler, Sergt., pr. to Corp. Nov. 29, '64; to Sergt. March 16, '65; mus. out June 21, "65. Henry C. Potts, Sergt., mus. in Oct. 3, '62; pr. fr. Corp. Co. L, March 1, '63; disch. March 15, '63. Sealy S. Byard, Sergt., pr. tV. Sergt. Oct. 30, "62; disch. on Surg. Cert. Feb. 27, "63. William II. Small. Corp., pr. to Corp. April 1, "61:; luus. out June 21, "(15. James A. Kenney, Corp., inns, in Sept. 6, '62; pr. to Corp. Feb. 5, '64; mus. out June 21, "65. Alexander H. Robinson, Corp., inus. in Oct. 3, '62; pr. to Corp. Fel). 5, "65; mus. out June 21, '65. Benjamin Bartrain, Corp., mus. in Oct. 3, "62; pr. to Corp. Feb. 5, '65; mus. out June 21, "65. Joseph Copeland, Corp., mus. in Sept. 6, '62; pr. to Corp. March 15, '65; mus. out June 21, '65. Jacob W. Miller, Corp., mus. in Oct. 10, "62; pr. to Corp. March 15, '65; mus. out June 21, '65. Nathaniel B. Briggs, Corp., pr. to Corp. March 15, '65; nius. out June 21, '65. John P. Geinmill, Corp., pr. to Corp. May 15, '65; died at ('hat- tanooga Dec. 24, '63. William M. Murdock. Bugler, mus. in Oct. 3, '62; mus. out June 21, '65. George W. Wright, Bugler, inus. in Oct. 3, '62; inus. out June 21, '65. Jere. K. Parshall, Blacksmith, mus. in Oct. '62; disch. on Surg. Cert. Jan 15, '63. William McGee, Saddler, pr. to regimental saddler, March 1, "63. Askwith, John D., mus. in Sept. 28, '64; mus. out with Co. June 21, '65. Adainsoii, John, tr. to Co. I, date unknown. Arvecost, Joseph, inus. in Oct. 3, '62; tr. to Co. C, date unknown. Burke, Joseph R., mus. in Oct. 3, '62; mus. out with Co. June 21, '65. Beck, Henry L., inus. in Aug. 30, '62; tr. to U. S. Array Oct. 30, '62. Burson, David F., mus. in Aug. 30, "62; disch. on Surg. Cert. Feb. 23, '63. Burchinell, Win. K., mus. in Oct. 3, "62; tr. to Signal Corps Oct. 27, "63. Burns, Andrew S., mus. in Aug. 18, "64; tr. to Co. A, June 21, '65. 420 HISTORY OF GUEENE COUNTY. Barnett, James P., died at Carlisle, Pa., Nov. 18, '62. Brooks, William, died at Lavergue, Tenn., Jan. 5, '63, of wds rec'd in action. Bell, Joseph, tr. to Co. B, date unknown. Bell, John H., tr. to Co. I, date unknown. Brown, John E., mus. in Oct. 3,62; tr. to Co.P, date unknown. Bond, Edward, mus. in Oct. 10, '62; tr. to Co. H, date unknown. Beitz, Augustus O., mus. in Aug. 6, '64; not on mus. out roll. Campbell, William P., mus. in Oct. 3, '62; mus. out with Co. June 21, '65. Cleverstone, Daniel, mus. in Sept. 24, '64; mus. out with Co. June 21, '65. Clark, Adrian S., mus. out with Co. June 21, '65. Carr, Charles, mus. in Oct. 10, '62; disch. on Surg. Cert. Aug. 6, '63. Clark, Edward B., disch. on Sui'g. Cert. March 3, '63. Cholette, Cor. M., tr. to U. S. Army Oct. 30, '62. Cover, Michael, mus. in June 4, '64; tr. to Co. A. June 21, '65. Crawford, Edwin E., died in Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 12, '63; bur. in Nat. Cem. Conner, William B., died in Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 3, '63; bur. Nat. Cem. Sec. B., grave 1,177. Cotterel, William, mus. in Oct. 3, '62; tr. to Co. G, date un- known. Cumston, John, mus. in Oct. 10, '62; tr. to Co. E, date unknown. Chambers, William H., mus. in Oct. 10, '62; tr. to Co. H., date unknown. Cotterel, Jonas, mus. in Aug. 30, '62; tr. to Co. M. Duer, Florence, mus. in Sept. 23, '64; disch. by Gen. Order, June 24, '65. Dye, William L, disch. by Gen. Order, June 24, '65. Denney, Clark, mus. in Oct. 3, '62; tr. to Co. I, date unknown. Drake, Alexander S., mus. in Oct. 10, '62; died at Nashville, Tenn., Dec. 31, '62; bur. in Nat. Cem., Sec. B, grave 88. Evaus, Benjamin B., tr. to Co. F, date unknown. Estle, Daniel L., tr. to Co. I, date unknown. Farrer, John G., mus. out with Co.. June 21, '65. Faas, John, mus. in Sept. 10, '64; mus. out with Co- June 21, '65. Fisher, David F., miis. in Sept. 19, '64; mus. out with Co. I, June 21, '65. Fullerton, Bryam M., mus. in Aug. 20, '64; mus. out with Co. June 21, '65. Frankenberry, A. D., tr. to Signal Corps Oct. 27, '63. Filbey, Barton E., mus. in Oct. 3, '62; des. Dec. 8, '63. Gosline, Nelson, mus. out with Co, June 31, '65. HISTORY OF GREENK COUNTY. 421 Gibbons, Anthony J., nuis. in Sept. 25, '64; prisoner from April 13 to 30, '65 ; disch. June 20, '65; to date May 18, '65. Grim, David, raus. in Sept. 19, '64; mus. out with Co. June 21, '65. Griffin, Samuel C, mus. in Jan. 27, '64; tr. to Co. A, June 21, '65. Gass, Samuel W., mus. in Oct. 3, '62; tr. to Co. F, date unknown. Grim, William., mus. in Oct. 3, '62; tr. to Co. D, date unknown. Grim, Lycurgus, mus in Aug. 30, '62; tr. to Co. F, date unknown. Househalter, Philip, mus. in Sept. 22, 64; mus. out with Co. June 21, '65. Himes, John, mus. in Oct. 3, '63; mus. out with Co. June 21, '65. Howard, George W., mus. in Sept. 6, '62; pr. to 2d Lieut., 4th Regt. U. S. Col. Art., April 5, 65; mus. out Feb. 25, '66. Heiter, Joseph J., mus. in March 24, '64; tr. to Co. A, June 21, '65. Hoke, George N., mus. in Sept. 6, '62; died at Murfreesboro, Tenn., April 2, '63; bur. in Nat. Cem. Stone River. Hawkins, A. LeRoy, mus. in Aug. 30, '62; tr. Co. I, date un- known. Hewitt, Jacob, mus. in. Aug. 30, '62; tr. to Co. F, date unknown. Hewitt, Eli, mus. in Oct. 3, '62; tr. to Co. B, date unknown. Hewitt, Samuel, mus. in Oct. 10, '62; tr. to Co. H, date unknown. Houlsworth, James, mus. in Oct. 3, '62; tr. to Co. G, date un- known. Houston, Samuel, mus. in Oct. 3, '62; tr. to Co. H, date un- known. Houston, Josepii, mus. in Oct. 3, '62; tr. to Co. H, date unknown. Hartzell, Edwin, mus. in Aug. 30, '62; tr. to Co. I, date uu- krfown. Hartley, John M., mus. in Aug. 30, '62; tr. to Co. D, date un- known. Hughes, James, mus. in Oct. 29, '64; not on mus. out roll. Johns, Albert M., mus. in Aug. 30, '62; disch. on Surg. Cert. Oct. 12, '63. Johnstone, Valentine, mus. in Aug. 8, '64; tr. to Co. A, June 21, '65. Jamison, Wilbur T., mus. in Oct. 3, '62; tr. to Co. H, date unknown. Jameson, John A., mus. in Oct. 3, '62; tr. to Co. F, date un- known. Jordan, Robert H., mus. in Oct. 3, '62; tr. to Co. H, date un- known. Kimmel, Jacob, mus. in Oct. 10, '6S; mus. out with Co. June 21, '65. Kinney, Eaton, mus, in Oct. 3, '62; dis, on Surg. Cert, Feb,33, '63, 422 HISTOKY OF GKEENE COUNTY. Ketchem, John, raus. in Aug. 30, '62; tr. to Co. F, date unknown. Keys, Cory M., nius. in Oct. 3, '62; tr. to Co. G, date unknown. Kincaid, Robert, raus. in Oct. 3, '62; tr. to Co. H, date unknown. Kent, James, inus. in Oct. 10, '62; tr. to Co. E, date unknown. Krouse, Enos, mus. in Oct. 3, '62; not on inus. out roll. Lamoreux, E. B., mus. in Aug. 8, '64; mus. out with Co. June 21, '65. Leas, William H., mus. in Sept. 22, '64; discli. by Gen. Order, June 9, '65. Lippincott, W. H., mus. in Sept. 27, '64; mus. out with Co. June 21, '65. Lundy, William, mus. in Aug. 30, '64; tr. to Co. D, date un- known. Lewis, Josiah, mus. in Oct. 3, '64; tr. to Co. G, date unknown. Mehl, Edwin M., mus. in Aug. 22, '64; mus. out with Co. June 21, '65. Metzler, John C, mus. in Aug. 22, '64; raus. out with Co. June 21, '65. Miller, C. G. Jr., mus. in Aug. 22, '64; raus. out with Co. June 21, '65. Mills, Edward L., mus. in Oct. 19, '62; mus. out with Co. June 21, '65. Moyer, James H., mus. in Oct. 3, '62; mus. out with Co. June 21, 62.' Morrow, William H., mus. in Oct. 3, '62; disch. on Serg. Cert. April 28, '63. Myers, Alpheus, mus. in Aug. 30, '62; disch. on Surg. Cert. Feb. 25, '63. Moore, Jacob B., mus. in Oct. 3, '62; tr. to Signal Corps, Oct. 27, '63. Marcus, William, raus. in March 21, '64; tr. to Co. A, June 21, '65. Morony, Matthew, mus. in March 11, '64; tr. to Co. A, June 21, '65. Minor, Andrew J., mus. in Aug. 30, '62; tr. to Co. H, date unknown. Murdock, Wm. B., mus. in, Oct 3, '62; tr. to Co. G, date un- known. Milligan Samuel, mus. in Oct. 3, 62; tr. to Co. G, date unknown. Milligan, James H., mus. in Oct. 3, '62; tr. to Co. G, date un- known. Milligan, Jonas, mus. in Oct. 3, '62; tr. to Co.. I, date unknown. Milligan, Edward, mus.* in Oct. 3, '62; tr. to Co. I, date unknown. Messenger, James, mus. in Oct. 10,'62; tr. to Co. B, date unknown. HISTORY OB' GRKKNK COUNTY. 423 Mill-dock, John, inus. in Aug. 30, '62; mus. out with Co. June 21, '65. McNay, Jasper P., mus. in Aug. 30, '62; mus. out with (-o. June 21, '65. McClain, William, mus. in tr. to Co. A, June 21, '65. McGovern, Thomas, mus. in Aug. 30, '62; died atNasli^'ilie, Tenn., Jan. 22, '63; bur. in Nat. Cem. section E, grave 2,089. McNay, Newton B., mus. in Aug. 30, '62; tr. to Co. H, date un- known. McCormick, James, mus. in Oct. 3, '62; tr. to Co. F, date un- known. McCarty, Boyd J., mus. in Oct. 10, '62; tr. to Co. G, date un- known. McGlumphey, J. B., mus. in Oct. 3, '62; tr. to Co. D, date unknown. Newman, AVm. H., mus. in Sept. 6, '62; prisoner from May 2 to May 16, '65; disch. June 16, to date. May 21, '65. Norman, S. II., mus. in Aug. 22, '62; pr. to 2d Lieut. Co. B, 184th Kegt. r. V. April 29, '64. Nichols, Thomas M., mus. in Oct. 3, '62; disch. on Surg. Cert. Feb. 8, '63. Newbecker,'!'. C, mus. in Aug. 22, '62; tr. to Yet. Res. Corps Aug. 1, '63; disch. by Gen. Order July 5, '65. Nichols, Erasmus, mus. in Oct. 3, '62; des. Dec. 8, '62. Pierce, Joseph K., mus. in Aug. 22, '62; disch. by Gen. Order May 29, '65. Pratt, Ingram, mus. in Aug. 30, '62; died at Nashville, Tenn., Feb. 8, '63; bur. in Nat. Cem., section B, grave 1,104. Pyles, James M., mus. in Aug. 30, '62; tr. to Co. 11, date un- known. Phillips, John W., mus in Oct. 2, '62; tr. to Co. G, date un- known. Robertson, John, mus. in Sept. 6, '62; mus. out with Co. June 21, '65. Rull, William, mus. in Aug. 22, '62; mus. out with Co. June 21, '65. Ross, Jacob, mus. in Aug. 22, '62; disch. on Surg. Cert. April 4, '65. Reynolds, Jacob A., mus. in Aug. 30, '62; disch. March 10, '63. Ransom, George P., mus. in Aug. 8, '64; died at Nashville, Tenn., May 26, '65; bur. in Nat. Cem., section 1, grave 1,126. Riggle, Amos, mus. in Aug. 30, '62; des. Feb. 19, '63. Reynolds, John B., mus. in Sept. 6, '62; des. March 1, 'tj3. Ross, David D., mus. in Oct. 3, '62; tr. to Co. F, date unknown. 424 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. Richuy, James L., mus. in Aug. 30, '62; tr. to Co. H, date un- known. Rex, John, mns. in Aug. 30, '62; tr. to Co. C, date unknown. Rineliart, Bennett, mus. in Oct. 3, '62; ti-. to Co. B, date un- known. Kitchie, Clement, mus. in Aug. 30, '62; tr. to Co. B, date unknown. Sawyers, John W., mus. in Sept. 15, '64; mus. out with Co. June 21, '65.* Schrader, Anthony, mus. in Sept. 12, '64; mus. out with Co. June 21, '65 Shoaf, Daniel, mus. in Aug. 19, '64; mus. out with Co. June 21, '65. Sullivan, William, mus. in Aug. 21, '64; mus. out with Co. June 21, '65. Simday, John, mus. in Oct. 10, '62; mus. out. with Co. June 21, '65. Struble, Lot J., mus. in Aug. 30, '62; miis. out with Co. June 21, '65. Sharps, Charles T., mus. in Oct. 3, '62; disch. on Surg. Cert. April 29, '63. Steel, William, mus. in Aug. 30, '62; tr. to U. S. Army, Oct. 30, '62. Shaffer, William G., mus. in Aug. 22, '62; tr. to Vet. Res. Corps, Sept. 80, '63. Supplee, Henderson, mus. in Aug 22, '62; tr. to Vet. Res. Corps, April 30, '64. Smith, John, mus. in Oct. 17, '64; tr. to Co. A, June 21, '65. Smith, William, mus. in June 18, '64; tr. to Co. A, June 21, '65, Stees, Thomas W., mus. in Oct. 10, 62; died at Murfreesboro. Tenn., June 2, '63. Stevenson, Alfred, mus. in Aug. 30, '62; tr. to Co. F; date un- known. Stone, George E., mus. in Aug 30, '62; tr. toCo. ; I date unknown. Sproat, Timothy R., mus. in Aug. 30, '62; tr. to Co. B; date un- known. Smith, William P., mus. in Aug. 30, '62; tr. to Co. F; date unknown. Sayers, Harry E., mus. in Aug. 30, '62; tr. to Co. G; date unknown. Shirk, Michael M., mus. in Aug. 30, '62; tr. to Co. G; date un- known. Sliope, Milton S., mus. in Oct. 3, 62; tr. to Co. G; date un- known. Strosnider, William JVI., mus. in Aug. 30, '62; not on mus. out roll. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 425 Thornlee, James W., mus. in Aug. 22, '62; des. March 1, 63. Thomas, Joshua, mus. in Aug. 3U, '62; died at Nashville, Tenn., March 4, '63; bur. in Nat. Cem., Section E, grave 816. Turner. Abel, mus. in Aug. 30, '62; tr. to Co. 11; date un- known. Turner, Josiah P., mns. in Aug. 30, '62; tr. to Co. D; date un- known. Thomas, Francis M., mus. in Aug. 30, '62; tr. to Co. M; date unknown. Walter, John, mus. in Aug. 30, '62; disch. by Gen. Order, July 5, '65. Watts, Wilbur, mus. in (Jet. 10, '62; mus. out with Co. June 21, '65. Weatherby, J. C, Jr., mus. in Aug. 22, 62; mus. out witli Co. June 21, '65. Wagner, Augustus D., mus. in Oct. 10, 62; disch. on Surg. Cert. Oct. 31, '63. Wilson, Charles T., mus. in Oct. 3, '62; disch. on Surg. Cert. July 30, '63. Wilson, William, mus. in Aug. 22, '62; disch. for promotion Feb. 28, '65. AViiliams, Edward P., mus. in Oct. 10, '62; disch. by Gen. Order, May 31, "65. Wood, "Edward W., mus. in Aug. 30, "62; tr. to Co. C; date un- known. Waychuff, John D., mus. in Oct. 3, "62; tr. to Co. F; date un- known. White, David C, mus. in Aug. 30, '62; tr. to Co. F; date un- known. Wiser, Angelo, mus. in Aug. 30, '62; tr. to Co. H; date un- known. Worthington, E., mus. in Aug. 30, '62; tr, to Co. F; date un- known. Wiley, James M., mus. in Aug. 22, '62; tr. to Co. M; date un- known. Zell, John M., mus. in Aug. 22, '62; mus. out with Co. June 21, '65. 21* 426 HISTOEY OF GKEENE COUNTY. CHAPTEE XXXI. Companies A, C, and G, Eighteenth Cavalry, One Hundeed and SiXTY-TlIIED OF THE LiNE. Okganization — Mosby's Gueeeillas — Hanovee — Gettysbueg — E.OUND Top — Puesuit of Teains — Beandy Station and Uppee- viLLB — Raid to Kichmond — Wildeeness — Yellow Taveen — Hanovee Codet House — Ashland — St. Maey's Chuech — "WeLDON EaiLEOAD SpENCEE EiFLES WlNUHESTEE — Cedae Ceeek — Musteeed Out — Individual Eecoeds. THE One Hundred and Sixty-third regiment, of which Companies A, C, and G, were recruited in Greene County, was organized early in February, 1862, at camp near Fairfax Court House, with the fol- lowing field officers, viz.: Timothy M. Bryan, Jr., Colonel; James Gowan, Lieutenant-Colonel; Joseph Gilmore, William B. Darlington and Henry B. Van Voorhis, Majors; and was brigaded with Fifth New York and First Yermont Cavalry, under command of Col. Percy Wyndliam. Here the regiment M'as pitted against Mosby's guerrillas, citizens by day and soldiers by night. Being indifferently ai-med, the duty was anything but pride-exciting to a soldier. Early in the spring of 1862 William P. Brinton was made Lieutenant-Colonel in place of Lieut. Col. Gowan, who was honorably discharged, and the brigade was associated with a brigade of Michigan troops under Gen. Custer, the division being in command of Gen. Julius Stahel. Before entering upon the Gettysburg campaign Gen. Stahel was superceded by Gen. Kilpatrick, and the division became the Third of the Cavajry corps oi the army of the Potomac. Proceeding northward, Kilpatrick was sent in search of the rebel Gen. Stuart, who, since his defeat at Upperville, had been separated from the main body of Lee's army, and was known to be pushing on through Pennsylvania, while Lee himself was moving up the Cum- berland Yalley, the South Mountain intervening. Kilpatrick's column had alfeady passed Hanover, and the Eighteenth Pennsyl- vania, which was of the rear guard, was resting in the streets of that village, when the head of Stuart's column came up and immediately attacked. Kilpatrick formed on the hills to the south of the town, while the enemy ranged along the heights to the north. Artillery firing and skirmishing was kept up until nightfall, when Stuart with- in STORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 427 , '64. John Boylan, Corp., JMarcii 31, "()5; des. Sept. 10, "(iS. Samuel S. Rhineiiart, Corp., mus. in Aug. 23, '()2; died March 10, '65; bur. in U. S. Gen. IIosp. Cem., No. 2, Annapolis, Md. Andrew Wilson, Jr., Bugler, dieil at Washington, D. C, April 1, of wds. rec'd. in action Jan. 18, '64; bur. in Mil. Asylum Cem. Charles White, Bugler, mus. in Feb. 25, '64; mus. out with Co. H, 3d Reg., Prov. Cav. Oct. 31, '65. fVederick Ramer, blacksmith, disch. by Gen. Order, July 11, '65. Everly L. Dow, blacksmith, disch. by Gen. Order, July 11, 'tiS. Warren Kneel, blacksmith, disch. by Gen. Order, July 11, '65. Lewis Perry, saddler, disch. by Gen. (^rder, July, '65. Adams, Elijah, mus. in Feb. 2!*, '64; mus. out witii Co. B, 3d Reg., Prov. Cav., Oct. 31, '65. Adams, Richard L., mus. in Feb. 23, '64; disch. b}' Gen. Order, Sept. 16, '65. Amtnonds, John, absent at mus. out. Adams, Jacob, mus. in Feb. 23, '64; died Oct. 6, "t)4. Anderson, William, mus. in March 31, '65; not acct. foi-. Boyers, George W., disch. by Gen. Order, July 11, '65. Bryner, William A., pris. fr. J uly 6, '63, to Dec. 8, '64; disch. by Gen. Order, July 11, '65. Bryner, George W^.. mns. in Oct. 27, 't)2; disch. by Gen. Order, June 5, '65. Brandymore, ]\[ort., mus. in March 31, "65; disch. by Gen. Order, July 12, '65. Courtright, James, mus. out with Co. B, 3d Reg., Pro. Cav., Oct. 31, '65. Campbell, AV^. T. II., mus. in April 1, 't)5; mus. out with ('.>. !>, 3d Reg., Pro. Cav., Oct. 31, '65. Concklin, S. M., abst. at mus. out. Cole, William, disch. by Gen. Order, July 11, '65. Cooley, Joseph B., mus. Sept. 9, 64; disch. by Gen. Order, June 13, '65. Church. William, mus. in March 2'J, 'i]5; disch. by Gen. Order, June 10, '65. Chapman, George, cap.; died at Andersonville, Ga., Sept. '••. '64; grave 8,260. Chapman, Charles, mns. in April 22, '64; not acct. for.'' Champ, Charles, mus. in April 20, '64; not acct. for. 4:32 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. Dickinson, William, miis. Sept. 8, '62; tr., org. unknown; Jan. 21, '65. Davis, Henry, mus. in April 22, '64; not acct. for. Eckoft; Charles V., mns. in Feb. 29, '64; discli., dis. Oct. 13, '66. Evans, Azariali, disch. by Gen. Order, July 11, '65. Eagon, Solomon, disch. by Gen. Order, July 11, '65. Evans, Caleb, pris. from Nov. 18, '63, to April 11, '64; discli. by Gen. Order, July 11, '65. Eagon, Thomas, killed at Hagerstown, Md., July 6, '63. Edwards, Thomas W., mus. in March 21, '65; disch. by Gen. Order, Sept. 20, '65. Fox, James F., mus. in March 31, '65; niiis. out with Co. B, 3d Kegt., Prov. Cav., Oct. 21, '65. Finnegan, John, disch. by Gen Order, July 11, '65. Fry, John, disch. by Gen. Ordei-, July 11, '65. Friend, Michael, mus. in March 30. '65; not acct. for. Grey, Elijah, mus. in Marcii 31, '65; mus. out with Co. B, 3d Keg., Prov. Cav., Oct. 31, '65. Goodwin, Frank, mus. in Mav 21, "63; pr. to Ilospt. Steward U. S. Army, March 28, '64. Gallatin, Joseph P., mus. in JS'ov. 11, '62; disch. by Gen. Order, July 11, '65. Gardner, Freeman, mus. iu Nov. 11, '62; disch. by Gen. Order July 11, '65. Golf, Mott W., mus. in March 31, '64; disch. by Gen. Order, May 13, '65. Gumph, John, disch. by Gen. Order, July 18, "65. Gribben, Peter, mus. in Aug. 23, '62; wd. at Old Church, Va., June 11, '64; disch. by Gen. Order, July 5, '65. Galloway, Nicholas, mus. in July 19,, '63; des. Oct. *65. Gribben, Elias K., mus. in Aug. 23, '63; not on mus. out roll. Hacket, William, mus. in Feb. 29, "64; absent at mus. out. Ileudershot, Thomas F., mus. in Aug. 29, '64; captured at Fisher's Hill, Va., Oct. 8, '64; bur. rec, J. Hendershot died at Richmond, Va., Feb. 3, '65. Harrison, Moses, discli. by Gen. Order, July 11, '65. Huffman, James, dischg. by Gen. Order, July 11, '65. Hughes, David, mus. in March 23, '64; dischg. bv Gen. Order, June 19, '65. Hedge, Samuel, mus. in Sept. 16, '64; dischg. by Gen. Order, June 13, '65. Hinerman, Henry, mus. in Sept. 4, '(i2; died, date unknown. Johns, Ellis J., wd. at Opequau, Va., Sept. 19, '64; dischg. by Gen. Order, July 11, '65. Jeffries, Elisha, dischg. l)y Gen. Order, July 11, '65. IIISTOUY OF tillEENE COUNTY. 433 John?, Hiram M,. inuri. in Feb. 23, "04; captured at Old Ch., Ya., June 11, '64; died, date univnown. Knox, William, absent at mus. out. Kent, Nicholas J., wd. at Opec^uan, Ya., Sept. 19, "64; dischg. by Gen. Order, July 11, '65. Knight, S. W., mus. in Oct. 20, "62; died, date unknown. Leonard, Asa, mus. in Feb. 5, '64; mus. out with Co. B, 3d Eegt. Prov. Cav., Oct". 31, '(55. Lincoln, Andrew, dischg. by Gen. Order, July 11, '65. Lindsay, Francis, nuis. in March 29, '65; dischg. by Gen. Order, June 27, '65. Longstretli. William, mus. in Nov. 23, '62; died at Washing- ton, 1). C, Aug. 19, '63; buried in Mil. Asylum Oeinetil-y. Lindsey, James, mus. in Nov. 23, '62; died at Wasliington, D. C, Aug. (i, "63; bur. rec, July 13, '63; buried in Mi!. Asylum Cemetery. /' Lapping, John, killed at Hanover Court House. -Va., May 30, '64. Lasiiire, Henry, died, date unknown. Lieb, John A., mus. in Feb. 26, '64; pr. to Capt. 127th Regt., U. S. 0. T.; dischg. Sept. 10, '()5. Morris, John P., mus. in Feb. 23, "64; mus. out with Co. !!, 3d liegt. Prov. Cav., Oct. 31, '65. Monroe, Thomas J., mus. in April 4, "65; mus. out with Co. B, 3d Ptegt. Prov. Cav., Oct. 31, '65. Minor, Calvin, mus. in March 29. '65; mus. out with Co. P, 3d Ptegt. Prov. Cav., Oct. 81, '6.5. Mitlaneer. Lemuel H., dischg. by Gen. Order, July 11, '65. Martin, Wm. H., discli. by Gen. Order, July 11, '65. Martin, Philip C, discli. by Gen. Order, July 11, '65. Maukey, Henry C, pris. from June 30 to Nov. 1. '63; dischg. by Gen. Order, July 11, '65. Martin, Joseph W., mus. in Oct. 8, '64; des. Jan. 14; ret. May 5, '65; dischg. by Gen. Ordei-, May 6. '65. Morris, Joseph C. captured; died at Richmond, Ya., P'eb. 26. '64. Meeks, Eli, captured; died at liichmond. Ya., Dec. 22. '63, of wds. reed, in action. Miller, John D., inns, in Feb. 5, '64; absent at mus. out. Mnrphy, John, mns. in April 6, '65; des. Sept. 10, '65. Martin, Matthias, dischg. by Gen. Order, July 1, '65. Murphy, Jeremiah, mus. in Sept. 7, '64; dischg. by Gen. Order, June 13, '65. Madigan, Dennis, mus. in April 5. '65; drafted; dischg. by Gen. Order, Jnne 21. '65. 434 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. May, James, mns. in Marcli 25, '64; not accounted for. McGrady, liobert, absent at mus. out. McClellan, Asa S., dischg. Marcli 28, '63. McCnllougb, Joses, burial record L. C. McCougb; died at Andersonville, Ga., Aug. 14, '64; grave 5,642. O'Dwyer, Thos. J., nius. in April 4, '65; dischg. by Gen. Order, Aug. 25, '65. Poland, Jolin W., prisoner from Nov. 18, '63, to June 7, '65; dischg. by Gen. Order, Ju]y 1, '65. Poland, Cavalier, wd. at Spottsylvania, May 8, '64; tr. to Vet. K. C; dischg. by Gen. Order, Sept. 12, '65. Phelan, Wm., miis. in April 20, '64; not accounted for. Rineaart, John T., mus. in Feb. 23, '64; mus. out vritli Co. B, 3d Eeg;-., Prov. Cav., Oct. 31, '65. Reese, David, dischg. by Gen. Order, Aug. 18, '65. Eadlinghafer, M., pris. from Nov. 30, '63, to Dec. 8, '64; dischg. by Gen. OrAer, July 11, '65. Rex, Harper, dischg. by Gen. Order, Jvtlj 11, '65. Rush, Levi, dischg. by Gen. Order, July 11, "()5. Rhoade, William P. dischg. by Gen. Order, July 11, '65. Rush, Peter, dischg. March 28, "63. Rogers, Alexander W., dischg. Aug. 25, '63. Rush, Isaiah, dischg. on Snrg. Cert. Nov. 10, '64. Richie, Samuel, mus. in Sept. 9, '64; dischg. by Gen. Order,. June 13, '65. Rex, George, mus. in Feb. 29, '64; capt. at Old Ch., Va., June 11, '64; died at Andersonville, Ga., Sept. 17, '64; grave 9,019. Rhinehart, Arthur J., mus. in March 26, '64; died at Phila- delphia, Oct. 6, '64, of wds. reed, at Opequan, Va., Sept. 19, '64. Syphers, Peter M., mus. in Feb. 23, '64; mus. out with Co. B,. 3d Regt. Prov: Cav., Oct. 31, '65. Smitii, Dennis, absent at mus. out. Smith, Francis, mus. in Dec. 1, '64; drowned near Racine, O.,^ Oct. 20, '65. Stull, Lewis W., mus. in Atig. 23, '62; dischg. May 14, '63. Stickles, Amos, dischg. Jan. '22, '63. Sherrick, Isaac W., wd. at Opequan, Va., Sept. 19, '64; disclig. on Surg. Cert.; date unknown. Straight, Henry, dischg. by Gen. Order, June 12, '65. Shape, Frederick, captured; died at Andersonville, Ga., Aug. 13, '64; grave 5,494. Smith, William, des. Nov. 22, '62. Smith, Cowperthwait C, des. June, 5, '65. Sullivan, Cornelius, mus. in Sept. 16, '64; not accounted for Tukesbury, John, dischg. by Gen. Order, July 11, '65. ^y^^^n c/-s ^ - ^^^>^^^r^^^^z^< "j^ IIISTOHY OK GREKNK COUNTY. 43T Thomas, John, killed at Fisher's Hill, \^a., Oct. 8, 'G-i. Tukeshury, William, wd. in action, Sept. 1, '64; not on nius. ont roll. Ulum, Henry, captured; died, date unknown. Valentine, Jolui, nius. in April lU, '1)5; disclig. by Gen. Order, May 23, '65. White, James D., wd. at Old Church, Va., June 11, '64; aUsent at mus. out. Whales, Alexander, abs. at nius. out. White, Francis M., wd. at Hanover, C. H. Va., May 31, '64; disclig. by Gen. Order, July 11, '65. Wagner, George W., mus. in Sept. 6, '64; disclig. by Gen Order, June 13, '65. West, Thomas, died at Fairfax Court House, Va., May 7, '63. Whipkey, Silas, mus. in March 23, '62; died at Fairfax C. II., June 20, "(i^. Wilson, John W., mus. in April 4, '65; des. Sept. 10, '65. Welte, Rudolph, mus. in Aug. 15, "64; not accounted for. Yates, Hazlet A[., wd. at Oj)e(pian, Va., Sept. 19, '64; dischg. by Gen. Order, July 11, '()5. Voders, .Joseph C., wd. at Opequan, Va., Sept. I'J, '64; dischg. by Gen. Order, July 11, '65. Yates, Alexander, died at Frederick, Md., Aug. 6, '63, of wds. reed, in action; bur. rec. July 25, '63; bur. in Nat. Cem., Antietam, Section 26, lot E, grave 501. Yoders, John J., mus. in March 11, '64; died at City Point, Yn., Aug. 9, '64; bur. in Nat. Cein., Section K, division 4, grave 107. Young, Harrison, mus. in March 30, '65; des. Sept. 10, '65. Yoders, Wni. H., dischg. by Gen. Order, June 22, '65. CoMP.\XY C, Oni; IIlNDUKI) .\N1) SiXTY-TlIIKl) IllOIMENT, ElGIlTKKNTH Cavalry. Recruited in Greene County, mustered in Nov. 23, 18t)2. James Hughes, Capt., nuis. in Nov. 27, '62; resigned Feb. 14, '63. Frederick Zarraclier, Capt., mus. in Ajiril 23, '64; mus. out with Co. C, 3d Regt. Prov. Cav. Oct. 31, '65. Samuel Montgomery, 1st Lieut., mus. in Dec. 3, '62; resigned Oct. 23, '63. Francis A. J. Grey, 2d Lieut., mus. in Nov. 20, '62; resigned May 14, '63. James R. Weaver, 2d Lieut., mus. in Nov. 15, '62; pr. fr. Sergt. to Major, June 18, '63; com. 1st Lieut. April 1, '()4; not mus.; Bv. 1st Lieut., Capt., Major .and Lieut.-(\il. March 13, "(io; disch. May 15, '65. 438 HISTORY OF GKEENE COUNTY. Charles Edwards, 2d Lieut., pr. fr. Sergt. May 16, '65; com. 1st Lieut. May 16, '65; not mus.; mus. out with Co. 3d Eegt. Prov. Cav. Oct. 31, '65. James Burns, 1st Sergt., disch. by Gen. Order, July 10, '65. Eli J. White, 1st Sergt., killed at Opequan, Va., Sept. 19, '64. Jonathan Gregory, 1st Sergt., caijtured; died at Richmond, Va., Jan. 5, '64; bur. in Nat. Cem., Sec. C, div. 1, grave 187. John M. Ashbrook, 1st Sergt., captured at Mine Eun, Va., May 5, '04; died at Florence, North Carolina, Nov. 18, '64. Benjamin H. James, 1st Sergt.; not on mus. out roll. ^Y. H. McGluuiphey, Q. M. Sergt., dis. by Gen. Order, July 10, '65. George W. Love, Q. M. Sergt., mus. in Feb. 27, '64; mus. out witli Co. 3d Eegt. Prov. Cav., Oct. 31, '65. Samuel C. Oliver, Q. M. Sergt., not on mus. out roll. John S. Ackley, Com. Sergt., disch. by Gen. Order, July 10, '65. Eeuben Sanders, Sergt., prisoner fr. Oct. 11, '63, to April 16, '64; disch. by Gen. Order, July 10, '65. James L. Hughes, Sergt., pr. fr. Corp. May 1, '65; disch. by Gen. Order, July 10, '65. William M. Smith, mus. in Feb. 27, '64; mus. out with Co. C, 3d Eegt. Prov. Cav. Oct. 31, '65 ; Vet. Frederick Filleman, Sergt., mus. in Feb. 27, '64; pr. fr. Corp. May 1, '65; mus. out with Co. C, 3d Eegt., Pro;'. Cav., Oct. 31, '65; Vet. Martin Supler, Sergt.; not on mus. out roll. A. L. Montgomery, Sergt. ; not on mus. out roll. John Hulings, Sergt.; mus. in Oct. 18, '62; tr. to V. E. Co.; disch. Oct. 18, '65; exp. term. Maxwell Bayles, Corp., mus. out with Co. C. 3d Prov. Cav., Oct. 3, '65. Thomas Miller, , "64; mus. out with Co. C, 3d Pegt. Prov. Cav., Oct. 31, '65. AVingert, David, mus. in March 9, "64; killed at Opequan, Va., Sept. 19,'''64. AVingert, Moses, not on mus. out roll. Wortman, Andrew, not on mus. out roll. AVilliamson. Charles, mus. in March 28, '64; not accounted for. AVilliams, Thomas, mus. in March 28, '64; not accounted for. AVicks, John, mus. in March 19, '64; not accounted for. Zeiser, Philip J., mus. in March 4, '64; des. June 1, '65. Company G., One IIuNriKKi) and Sixty-tiitkh Regiment, Eightek.xth Cavaijiy. Recruited in Greene County; mustered in Nov. 19, 1862. M. S. Kingsland, Capt., mus. in Dec. 8, '62; wd. at Germania Ford, A^a., Nov. 18, '63, and at Hanover C. H. May 31, '64; disch. Aug. 17, '64. Benjamin F. Ilerrington, Capt., mus. in Aug. 23, '62; pr.fr. Com. Sergt., Co. A, to 2d Lieut., Dec. 8, '62; to CaptT, May 13, '65; disch. by Special Order, July 21, '(55. 444 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. Thomas P. Shields, 1st Lieut, mus. in Nov. 23, '62;' disch. Oct. 22, '63. James A. Irwin, 1st Lieut., pr. to 1st Lieut., Nov. 1, '64; com. Capt. Aug. 18, '64; not mus., resigned April 8, '65. John Eodgers, 1st Lieut., pr. fr. Sergt., May 14, '65; mus. out with Go. C, 3d Eegt. Fi'ov. Cav., Oct. 31, '65. William H. Webster, 1st Sergt., mus. out with Co. C, 3d Eegt. Prov. Cav., Oct. 31,'65. Charles H. Hook, 1st Sergt., prisoner from June 10, '64, to June 10, '65; disch. by Gen. Order, June 30, '65. Isaac Buckingham, Com. Sergt., mus. out with Co. C, 3d Pegt., Prov. Cav., Oct. 31, '65. Wm. C JVIiliken, Sergt., mus. in Dec. 8, '62; mus. out with Co. C, 3d Eegt. Prov. Cav., Oct. 31, '65. Theophilus L. Bunzo, Sergt., captured; mus. out with Co. C, 3d Eegt. Prov. Cav., Oct. 31, '65. Shudrack M. Sellers, Sergt., mus. in Dec. 7, '62; dischg. by Gen. Order; date unknown. John Coe, Sergt., mus. in Dec. 7, '62; dischg. by Gen. Order; date unknown. Samuel Dodd, Sergt., mus. in Dec. 7, '62; pro. to Veterinary Surg. March 3, 1863. Nicholas J. Headlee, Sergt.; tr. to Vet. Ees. Corps, Feb. 2, '63. Lorenzo D. Headlee, Sergt., killed at Chantilly, Va., Feb. 2, '63. Zenas Jewell, Sergt., killed at Hagerstown, Md., July 6, '63; bur. in Nat. Cem., Antietam, Sec. 26, lot D, grave 392. Thomas Thompson, Sergt., captured at Mine Eun, May 5, '64; died at Andersonville, Ga., July 28, '64; grave 4,116. William Scott, Sergt., pro. to 2d Lieut., Co. A, Jan. 2, '65. John Wells, Corp., mus. in Feb. 29, '64; mus. out with Co. C, 3d Eegt. Prov. Cav., Oct. 31, '65. Charles T. Webster, Corp., mus. out with Co. C, 3d Eegt. Prov. Cav., Oct. 31, '65. William Milliken, Corp., mus. in Dec. 9, '62; dischg. by Gen. Order; date unknown. James II. Miller, Corp., dischg. by Gen. Order; date unknown. Amos P. Eyan, CorjJ., disclig. by Gen. Order; date unknown. Eoseberry, Hughes, Corp., wd. at Hagerstown, Md., July 6, '63, and at Winchester, Va., Aug. 17, '64; dischg. by Gen. Order, July 21, '65. John C. Shields, Corp., dischg.; date unknown. David Thorp., Corp., captured at Mine Eun, Va., May, 5, '64; died at Andersonville, Ga., Sept. 19, '64; grave 9,212. John Yoders, Bugler, mus. in Dec. 9, '62; mus. out with Co. C, 3d Eegt. Prov. Cav., Oct. 31, '65. JlISTOKY nF (IKKKN'K COHNTV. 445 Anderson, Isaac-, uiiis. in Oct. '.•, "(i2; killed at Ilagei'stowii, ^Id., July 6, '63. Burke, Silas, uius. in July <), 'ti4; drafted; nuis. (_)ut with (Jo. C, 3d Regt. Prov. Cav., Oct. 31, 'Go. Bennett, Isaac, disclig. by Gen. Order; date unknown. JJehey, Ilenry, nius. in Sej^t. 10, 'tU; drafted; disclig. by (ien. Order; date unknown. Barren, Dalles, inus. in" Feb. 20, 'tU; tr. to V. R. C; dischg. by Gen. Order; date unknown. Church, Jolm C, mus. in Dec. 7, '(')2; absent, sick at muster out. Cumley, Henry, absent, sick at nius. out. Campbell, Duncan, mus. in April 15, '65; dischg. by Gen. Order, Aug. 18, '65. Gathers, Orin C, mus. in Dec. 7, '62; dischg. by Gen. Order; date unknown. Conner, Calvin, nius. in Dec. 7, '(V2, dischg. on Surg. Cert.; date unknown. Church, Rinehart B., mus. in Dec. 7, '62; dischg. by Gen. Order; date unknown. Cooper, John B., dischg. by Gen. Order; date uidvuown. Caster, Porter, drafted; dischg. by Gen. Order, June 22, '('>.j. Castlow, James, mus. in Sept. 20, '64; drafted; dischg. by Gen. Order, June 22, '65. Carter, George W., mus. in Sept. 3, "64; dischg. by Gen. Order; date unknown. Cox, James, mus. in March 18, '65; dischg. by Gen. Order, June 20, '65. Cunningham, Isaac, died at Washington, 1). C, Oct. 17, '63; bur. in Mil. Asylum Cem. Clayton, James W., mus. in June 25, "64; never joined company. Cisney, James W., mus. in Sept. 2, '64; never joined Co. Carroll, Andrew, mus. in March 30, '64; not accounted for. Davis, Lewis, mus. in June 10, 64; drafted; mns. out with Co. C, 8d Regt. Prov. Cav., Oct. 31, '()5. Dunn, Francis, dischg. by Gen. Order; date unknown. Davis, Simeon, mus. in Feb. 18, '64; dischg. by Gen. Order, June 16, '65. Davis, John, mus. in Feb. 17, '()4; wd. at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 10, '64; dischg. on Surg. Cert. June 21, '65. Debolt, Isaac, wd. at Glendale, Va., May 12, '(j4; died at Han- over June. June 28, '64. Dunston, Daniel, captured; died at Richmond, Va., April 14, '(54. Edgar, Reuben, dischg. bj^ Gen. Order; date unknown. Fordice, Silas, mus. in Feb. 28, 'Ii4; mus. out with Co. C, 3d Regt. Prov. Cav., Oct. 31, '65. 446 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. Grim, Lawreuce C, mus. in Sept. 3, '64; disch. by Gen. Order; date unknown. George, "William, mus. in Sept. 19, '64; drafted; dischg. by Gen. Order, June 22, '65. Gump, David, missing in action at St. Mary's Churcli, Ya., June 15, '64. Gray, Benjamin, des. July 25, '63. Garrison, Levi, mus. in Feb. 27, '64; died at Alexandria, Ya., March 29, '64. Hoffman, Milton, mus. in Feb. 24, '64; mus. out with Co. C, 3d Eegt. Prov. Cav., Oct. 31, '65. Huffman, Abraham, mus. in Sept. 24, '62; absent, sick at mus. out. Headlee, John T., mus. in Dec. 9, '62; dischg. to date Oct. 31, '65. Hart, George W., dischg. by Gen. Order, June 17, '65. Henderson, Abner, wd. at Glendale, Ya., May 12, '64; dischg. by Gen. Order; date unknown. Headlee, Epraim, dischg. on Surg. Cert.; date unknown. Headlee, Jonas D., captured; died at Andersonville, Ga., March 15, '65; grave 12,883. Ishart, Nicholas, mus. in Dec. 9, '62; captured; died at Ander- sonville, Ga., March 23, '64; grave 124. Kinney, John H., mus. in Feb. 29, '64; mus. out with Co. C, 3d Eegt. Prov. Cav., Oct. 31, '65. Keyner, Elisha, dischg. by Gen. Order, Aug. 18, '65. Kinney, Hiram, mus. in Sept. 3, '64; dischg. by Gen. Order; date unknown. Kintyhtt, Leroy W., mus. in Dec. 7, '62; dischg. by Gen. Order; date unknown. Killian, John, mus. in April 6, '65; never joined Co. Lewis, George T., mus. in Feb. 29, '64; wd. in action, Sept. 1, '64; mus. out with Co. C, 3d Eegt. Prov. Cav., Oct. 31, '65. Lyons, Henry, mus. in Dec. 7, '62; dischg. by Gen. Order; date unknown. Lewis, Constantine, mus. in April 12, '65; dischg. by Gen. Order, June 14, '65. Love, Thomas J., mus. in Sept. 2, '64; never joined company. Leely, Ansel, mus. in April 15, '65; drafted; dischg. by Gen. Order, July 19, '65. Miller, Samuel, mus. in Sept. 21, '64; absent, sick at mus. out. Martin, Eobert, mus. in April 14, '65; drafted, abs., sick at mus. out. Mahon, James, wd. at Cedar Creek, Ya., Oct. 19, '64; disch. by Gen. Order, July 17, '65. HISTORY OF GREENE COUXTY. 447 Martin, Samuel, in us. in Dec. 7, '62; disch. by Gen. Order; date unknown. Martin, Thomas, mns. in xVpril 14, "65; discb. by Gen. Order, June 21, "65. Milliken, Thomas, mus. in Sept. 21, 'G4; disch. by Gen. Order, date unknown. Morris, Joseph, died at Fairfax Court House, Va., June 10, '()3. Morris, James, died at Fairfax Court House, Va., June 23, '63. Malson. Andrew C, mus. in Dec. 9, "62; died at Fairfax, Ct. H., June 23, "63. Michaels, Ellis E., des.; date unknown. McGlone, James, mus. in Feb. 24, "64; absent, sick at mus. out. McXeever. John, died July 23, '64; bur. in Nat. Cem., Arling- ton, Va. Phillips, John, Jr., mus. in Dec. 9, "62; died at Annapolis, Md., Oct. 30, '63. Fliillips, John, Sr., inus. in Dec. 7, "62; died at Fairfax, Ct. 11., May 19, "63. Piles, AVilliam, des.; date unknown. Roades, John, mus. in Feb. 24, '64; mus. out with Co. C, 3d Eeg., Prov. Cav. Oct. 31, '65. Porick, William J., mus. in Aug. 1, 'Cti; mus. out with Co. C, 3d Reg., Pro'v. Cav., Oct. 31, "65. Ryan, Harvey, absent in ar. action at mus. out. Roupe, Silas, mus. in Dec. 7, '62; disch. by Gen. Order, date unknown, Rusli, John, disch. by Gen. Order, date unknown. Rhone, Jacob P., mus. in April 12, '65; sub., disch. by Gen. Order, June 15, '65. Rush, Stephen, cap., died at Andersonville, June 14, '64; grave, 1,922. ■ Reynor, Elisha, mus. in Dec. 7, '62; wd. at St. Mary's Churcli, June 15, and at Kearnysville, Aug. 25, '64; disch. by Gen. Order, Aug. 31, '65. Seckman, Henry C., mus. in Feb. 29, '64; mus. out with Co. C, 3dReg., Prov. Cav., Oct. 31, "65. Schofield, Joseph M., wd. at Charlestown, Va., Aug. 22, '64; absent, sick at mus. out. Strosnider, Jordan, disch. by Gen. Order, July 5, '65. Staggers, James, disch. by Gen. Order, date unknown. Sterner, Jacob F., disch. by Gen. Order, date unknown. Stall, John J., killed at Cedar Creek, Va., Oct. 19, '64. Stiles, Isaac, mus. in Dec. 7, '62; captured, died at Richmond. Va., Dec. 25, '63. Six, William H., des. Oct. 1, "63, 448 HISTORY OF greene county. Tliompson, Henry, inns, iu Feb. 27, "(34; missing in action at Mine Run, Va., May 5, '()4. Thomas, Eli, mus. in Feb. 27, '64; died at Alexandria, Va., March 26, '61, grave 1,639. Vandaver, Donnellj', April 1, '65; mns. out with Co. C, 3d Reg. Prov. Cav. Oct. 31, '65. Watson, Robert, mus. in Feb. 24, '64; mus. out with Co. C, 3d Reg. Prov. Cav., Oct. 31, '65. Wilt, Ephraim, mus. in June 18, '64; drft., mus. out with Co. C, 3d Reg. Prov. Cav., Oct. 31, '65. White, Uazlett, mus. in Feb. 29, '64; disch. by Gen. Order, date unknown. Weller, Joliu, disch. by Gen. Order; date iinknown. Wells, Thomas, mus. in Feb. 29, '64; disch. by Gen. Order, June 17, '65. AVliitlatch, George, captured; died at Andersonville, Ga., '65; burial record, Raleigh, JM. C, March 10, '64; bur. in Nat. Cem., Sec. 20, grave 19. Wise, Isaac, captured; died at Andersonville, Ga., March 27, '64, grave 192. Yeager, Jesse, disch. by Gen. Order; date unknown. Zimmerman, Joseph, captured; died March 18, '64; bur. in Marietta and Atlanta Eat. Cemetery, Marietta, Ga., Sfec. F., grave 1,017. KKCOEDS OF SOLDIKKS WHO ICNTEREl) OTIIEK OEGANIZATIONS THAN TUOSE (tIVEN ABOVE AND WHO J3IED IN THE SEEVICE. James Burwell, Sergt. Co. A, 168th Pa. Inf., died at Washington, N. C, June 22, '63. John Kenner, Sergt. Co. A, 168th Pa. Inf., died at Washington, N. C, June 29, '(53. Joseph Minor, Sei-gt. Co. A. 168th Pa. Inf., died at Hampton, Va., June 2, '63. William Burgess, Sergt. Co. I, 32d U. S., Colored, died on trans- port returning from Texas, '65. Monroe Lewis, Sergt. Co. I, 32d U. S., Colored, died date un- known. Emanuel Patterson, Sergt. Co. D, 6th U. S., Colored, killed at New Market Heights, Va., Sept. 29, '64. Kane Richardson, died date unknown. William Armstrong, Co. I), 1st W. Va. Cav., died at Harper's Fei-ry, Va. James Ushbur, Co, P, 7th W. Va, Inf., died at ISeverly, W. Va., Oct. 20, '64. IIISTOIJT OF GREENE COUNTY. 449 William Ashber, Co. B, 7th W. Va. Inf., died at Alexandria, July 8, '65. Marson, Applegate, Cu. B, 1st W. Va. Cav., died March 2, '64. AVilliam H. Bland, Co. K, 14th W. Va. Inf., killed at Cloyd, Mt., Va., Oct. 24, '64. Isaac H. Beach, Co. Iv, 14th W. Va. Inf., died at Audersou- ville, Ga. Eli Brant, Sergt., Co. F, 7tli W. Va. Inf., died at Front Royal, Va., June '62. Joseph J. Cline, Co. A, 3d W. Va. Inf., date unknown. John L. Clutter, Co. 1, 4tli AY. Va. Inf., died at Danville, Yn., March 10, "65. Jonathan Cauipbell, Co. 1', 7t]i AV. Va. Inf., died at Philadelphia, bur. at AVind Ridge. George A. Conner, Co. F, 7th AV. Va. Inf., died at AVashington, D. C, of wds. reed, at Ream's Station, Va., bur. at Taylorstown, Greene County. John Degerman, Co. F, 7th AV. A^a. Inf, died at camp in Md., Feb. "62; bur. at Grafton, AA'^. A^a. John A. Doty, Cu. A, 3d AV. A^a. Inf., date unknown. David Durbin, Co. F, 7th AV. Va. Inf.. date unknown. Thomas Fonner, Co. I, 15th AV. Va. Inf., died at Cumberland, Md., "64. AVilliam Gillett, Co. A, 12th AV. A^a. Inf., died at Point of Rocks, Feb. "65. Henry Gould, Co. F, 7tli AV. A'a. Inf., died March 11, "62. Doctor Gould, Co. F, 7thAV.Va. Inf., prisoner; died at Salisbury, N. C, Oct. 30, '64. Andrew Gninip, C!o. !■", 7th AV^. Va. Inf, died at Ft. Monroe, Aug. 29, '62. Isaac Ilerrington, 7th AV. Va. Inf., date unknown. James Herrington, Co. F, 7th AV. Va. Inf., died at City Point, Va., July 30, '64, of wds. at Deep Bottom, July 28, '64; bur. at City Point, Va. Thomas Herrington, Co. A, 8th AV. A^a. Inf., died June 15, '62, of wds. reed, at Cross Keys, Va. ; bur. at Mapletown. John AV. Ilannan, Co. F, 7th AV. Va. Inf., died in Hospital, Md., Nov. 29, '62. Henry Henderson, Co. N, 6th AV. Va. Inf., died; bur. at AVindy Gap Church. AVilliam Hoftman, Co. F, 7th AA^. Va. Inf., died, date unknown. George Hoifman, Co. F, 7th AV. Va. Inf., died at Baltimore, Feb, 8, "65. Josiah Holmes, Co. D, 1st AV. Va. Inf, killed at Piedmont, 450 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. John Jones. Co. F, W. V:i. Inf., died in Camp in Maryland, Feb. 28, '62; bnr. in Nat. Cam. CTi-afton, W. Va. Thomas King, Co. F, 7th W. Va. Inf., died March 28, '62; bur. in Nat. Cem., Grafton, W. Va. John Kennedy, Co. F, W. Va. Inf., died at Alexandria, Va.; bur. near Mount Mori'is, Greene County, Pa. George W. Kent, Co. F, 7th W. Va. Inf., died Nov. 18, '63, of wds. reed, at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, '62. Daniel Kimball, Co. A, 11th W. Va. Inf., date unknown. John Kimball, Co. K, 14th W. Va. Inf., Pris. from Jan. 4, '64; died at Andersonville, Ga. Asa Kimball, Co. K, 14th W. Va. Inf., Pris. from Jan. 4, '64; died at Andersonville, Ga. Mathew Masters, Co. 13, 7th W. Va. Inf., killed at Wilderness, May 9, '64. George Masters, Co. K, 14th W. Va. Inf., killed at Cloyd Moun- tain, Va., Oct. 24, '64. James Meighen, Co. K, 14th W. Va. Inf., died at New Creek, Va., '63. Andrew Miller, Co. D. 1st W. Va. Inf., killed by explosion on board vessel at sea. Simon Main, Co. F, 7th W. Va. Inf., died at Gettysburg, July 3, '63, of wds. reed, in battle; bar. in Nat. Cem. George P. Moore, Co. F, 7th W. Va. Inf., died, date unknown. Isaac A. Moore, Co. F, 7th W. Va. Inf., died Dec. 18, '62; bur. at Mt. Harmon. Thomas Noon, Co. D, 1st W. Va. Inf., died at Cumberland, Md. James Newman, Co. D, 1st W. Va. Cav., killed at Hagerstown, Md., July 6, '68. Henry Pethtel, Co. F, 7th W. Va. Inf., died at Camp Maryland, Jan. 10, '62; bur. in Nat. Cem., Grafton, W. Va. John Eogers, Co. F, 6th W. Va. Inf., I'ris. from March '64; died at Millen, Ga., Aug. '64. Jacob F. Rainer, Co. F, 7th W. Va. Inf., Pris., died at Salisbury, N. C, Nov. 15, '64. Martin Riley, Co. B, 1st W. Va. Cav., died 1861; bur. at Hope- well Church, Greene Co., Pa. Thomas H. Shanes, Co. K, 14th W. Va. Inf., killed at Cloyd Mt., Va., Oct. 24, '64. C. A. Shibler, Co. F, 6th W. Va. Inf., died at Andersonville while a prisoner. Jesse Taylor, Co. F, 7th W. Va. Inf., killed at Eomney, W. Va., Oct. 26, '61; bur. at home; first soldier from Greene Co. who lost his life in battle. /•^A "^1 .^%5^ ^^/eo^ f^^^, c-n^ HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 453 James Tuttle, Co. K, 14tli W. Ya. Inf., died at New Creek, W. Va., '03; bur. at home, Springliill Township. Elliot £. Tuttle, Co. I, 2d Col. Cav., died at Ft. Leaveinvortli, Kansas, Sept. 24, '65. William Weaver, Co. I, 78th 111. Inf., killed at Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 17, "64. Win. F. l>allan, Co. E, 14th Pa. Cav., died from surg. opera- tion; bur. at Greensboro. Wm. F. Eoulton, Co. E, 14tli Pa. Cav., died at Beverly, W. Va., Oct. 13, '63. Elijah Coleman, Co. E, 14th Pa. Cav., killed at Pocky Gap, Ya., Ang. 27. "63. Phillip G. Hughes, Co. E, 14th Pa. Cav., died at Annapolis, Md., March 19, "65. Adrian Johnston, Co. E, 14tli Pa. Cav., drowned at Jackson Piiver, Ya., Dec. 20, '63. Robert L. Keener, Co. E, 14th. Pa. Cav., died at Annapolis, Md., Nov. 25, '63. Charles A. Mestragatt, Co. E, 14th Pa. Cav., prisoner, died at Andersonville, Ga. ; bur. rec. died at Pichmond, Ya., March 7, '64. Wm. M. Stone, Co. E, 14th Pa. Cav., killed at Bunker Hill, Ya., March 19, '64. Samuel Whetsler, Co. E, 14th Pa. Cav., prisoner, died; bur. rec. S. Nitzler, Pichniund, J'eb. 13, '64. Benjamin Woody, Co. E, 14th Pa. Cav., killed accidentally by cars near Grafton, W. Ya., 1864. James W. Yeager, Co. E, 14th Pa. Cav., died at Martinsburg, Aug. 24, "63; bur. at Greensboro, Pa. Adam H. Hewitt, Co. K, 16th Pa. Cav., died at Philadelphia, Oct. 23, '63. Matto.x, Elias H., Co. K, 16th Pa. Cav., died Aug. 19, "63, of wds. reed, at Shepherdstown, Ya., July 16, '63. Zenas C. Piley, Co. K, 16tli Pa. Cav., died; date unknown. Isaac Saunters, Co. K, Kith Pa. Cav., died at Ilarrisburg, Dec. 4, '62. John B. Sheets, Co. K, 16th Pa. Cav., died at Dumfries, Ya., May 25, '63. Judson Throckmorton, Co. K, 16th Pa. Cav., died at Ilarris- burg, Nov. 1, '62. Abraham C. Teagarden, Co. K, 16th Pa. Cav., died July 20, '63, of wds. reed, at Shepherdstown, Ya., July 16, '63. Early in the summer of 1861, Union mass meetings were held along the border line between Greene County, Pennsylvania, and Monongalia County, Yirginia, (now West Yirginia) which were largely attended by citizens living on each side of the State line, 454 HISTORY OF GKEENE COUNTY. notably among which was one at Eosedale at which Hon. Jonathan Gerard presided, and an other on the farm of Adam Brown, at which more than one thousand people were present. At these mass meet- ings the situation was fully and freely discussed. The people of Western Virginia were encouraged to remain loyal to the government of the United States, with the promise that Pennsylvania would render them all the assistance possible. West Virginia refused to secede. Delegates were elected who met in convention at Wheeling on the lltli day of June, 1861. Forty (40) counties were represented and on the 20th of June gave a unanimous vote in favor of separation. Francis H. Peirpoint, of Marion County, was chosen Governor. The legislature which soon met at Wheeling was a legislature of Virginia, elected on the regular appointed day of election, eastern as well as western counties being- represented therein. This legislature, as well as the convention, heartily assented to the formation of the State of West Virginia. In the meantime a company was recruited along the border on the Greene County side of the State line, all of whom were citizens of Greene County, and on the 18th day of September, 1861, were mus- tered into the service of the United States as Company F, Seventh Eegiment, Virginia Infantry Volunteers. The following is a complete roster of said company at date of muster into the United States service: James B. Morris, Capt., pro. to Major. Thos. II. B. Fox, Corporal. Ambrose A. Stont, 1st Lieut. William Gidley, " Bayles W. Thompson, 2d Lieut. John G. Fordyce, " Eli Brant, 1st Sergeant. Wm. li. Meighen, " Henry W. Taylor, Sergeant. George W. Shough, " James L. Garrison, " George W. Kent, " John Fordyce, " James A. Rice, " Vincent Stephens, " Abraham Taylor, " James D. Burns, William B. Fogg, Benson Bayers, ' William Fox, William Bosworth, John Flowers, ISTorval Brown, William Gibbons, Lewis Chesler, Noah Guthrie, George A. Conner, Doctor Gould, John Coss, ' Daniel Gregg, Abraham Cummans, William Gehs, Solomon Calvert, Andrew J. Gump, John Deyarm^n, Henry Gould, HISTOUY OK GREENE COUNTY. 455 Jefferson Dye, David Durbiii, Leonard (roodeii, Samuel Gregg, Thomas J. Huffman, James Ilorrington, William Ilardesty, Washington Ilardesty, George Hoffman, William Hoffman, John M. Hennon, Isaac Husk, John Jackson, Andrew L. Jones, George Jones, John Jones, Nathaniel Jones, George Kendall, Sanford Kendall, James Kendle, Thomas King, James A. King, Alexander King, John Kennedy, Coleman Lewellen, Thomas Longstreet, John Lightner, Eobert Laughlin, Francis Taylor, Jr., Francis Taylor, Sr., Samuel N. Conner, Samuel Griffith, David Gibbons, Dennis K. Meighen, Simon Main, Thomas II. Meighen, James Jones, John McLelland, George P. Moore, Isaac A. Moore, Morris Pethtel, Henry Pethtel, Thomas Phillips, David Phillips, Joseph Phillips. Kobert W. Phillips, John T. Pouge, Joshua Rice, Benjamin F. Earner, Jacob F. Eamer, Jacob Eush, Timothy W. Ross, Arthur B. Smith, Manassas Shaw, Abner Six, Nathan Starkey, William Shanks, Jesse Taylor, Thomas Taylor, Zadoc Whitehill, Hezekiah Walls. Robert Wears, DIKIJ WHILE IN THE SEKVICE. Jesse Taylor, the lirst soldier John Deyarman, John Jones, David Durban, Henry Gould, Doctor Gould, John Kennedy, Andrew J. Gump, John M. Hennon, George W. Kent, Isaac A. Moore, from the county killed in the war. Henry Pethtel, Thomas King, George Iloff'man, James Flerrington, George P. Moore, Jacob F. Eamer, Eli Brant, George A. Conner, William Hoffman, Simon Main. 456 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. DISCHARGED FOE WOUNDS OK DISABILITY William Fox, Thomas Longstreth, Benson Boyers, Lewis ChisJer, John Flowers, William Shanks, Washington Hardesty, A. L. Jones, James Jones, James Kendle, Thomas H. Meigher, John McLelland, Robert Wears, • John G. Fordyce, Manassas Shaw, John Coss, Samuel Griffith, Thomas Taylor, Isaac Hask, Nathaniel Jones, Francis Taylor, Robert Laughlin, Dennis R. Meigher, Hezekiah Walls. HISTOHY OK GREENE COUNTY. 457 RECAPITULATION. Summary of Losses by Death «/ Soldiers from Greene County, Penn., while in the Service of the United States during the War of the Rebellion, 1861-'U5. Or janizations in which the soldiers weue Enlisted or Served at time op Death. Causes of Death. M "Ci m ■3 t^ ^ c2 a >. c 'a "a S 3 d — OK <« a ayard, Now 10, lN73. Jaraes Golden, Jan. 7, 1842. -Jclni llniit, -Nov. 7, 1875. "William Cotteral, Oct. 26, 1843. John South, Dec. 27, 1878. Elijah Adams, Dec. 11, 1845. Furman South, Jan. 1, 1882. W. T. H. Pauley, Dee. 24, 1847. AViUiam Jacobs, Jan. 5, 1885. Hiram C. Wood, Nov. 13, 1849. liohert Smith, Jan. 2, 1888. CLEKKS OF COUKT. John John John Wra. Wm. A\^m. Wm. Wm. Wra. Enos John John John John ir. L. Boreman, March 17, 1796. Boreman, March 3, 1800. Boreman, March 25, 1809. T. Hays, Oct. 17, 1814. T. Ha^ys, Jan. 15, 1818. T. Hays, Feh. 8, 1821. T. Hays, Feb. 28, 1824. T. Hays, Jan. 13, 1827. T. Hays, Jan. 20, 1830. Hook, Dec. 31, 1832. Hook, Dec. 23, 1835. Phelan, Jan. 25, 1839. Phelan, Nov. 14, 1839. Phelan, Nov. 12, 1842. Pennock, Nov. 17, 1845. H. L. Pennock, Nov. 25, 1848. John Lindsey, Nov. 22, 1851. John Lindsey, Nov. 21, 1854. David A. Worley, Nov. 19, 1857. David A. AVorley, Nov. 19, 1860. Justus F. Temple, Nov. 23, 1863. Justus F. Temple. Nov. 8, 1866. S. Montgomery, Nov. 20, 1869. H. C. Pollock, Nov. 12, 1872. H. C. Pollock, December 8, 1875. James C. Garard, Dec. 11, 1878. James C. Garard, Dec. 28, 1881. John R. Pipes, Dec. 22, 1884. John R. Pipes, Dec. 24, 1887. John Boreman, March 17, 1796. John Boreman, March 3, 1800. John Boreman, March 25, 1809. William T. Hays, Oct. 17, 1814. AVilliam T. Havs, Jan. 15, 1818. William T. Hays, Feb. 8, 1821. K. S. Boreman,' Feb. 28, 1824. Levi Rienhart, Jan. 13, 1827. Jesse Lazear, Jan. 20, 1830. Jesse Lazear, Dec. 31, 1832. A. N. Johnson, Dec. 23, 1835. George Hoskinson, Jan. 25, 1839. George Hoskinson, Nov. 14, 1839. Wm. W. Sayers, Nov. 12, 1842. Wm. W. Sayers, Nov. 17, 1845. Reuben D. Mickle, Nov. 25, 1848. William A. Porter, Nov. 22, 1851. Absalom Hedge, Nov. 21, 1854. Justus F. Temple, Nov. 12, 1857. Justus F. Temple, Nov. 19, 1860. Peter Brown, Nov. 23, 1863. Peter Brown, Nov. 8, 1866. Thos. Hoskinson, Nov. 20, 1869. Thos. Hoskinson, Nov. 12, 1872. James L. Yoders, Dec. 14, 1875. James L. Toilers, Dec. 11, 1878. W. W. Patterson, Dec. 8, 1881. W. W. Patterson, Dec. 22, 1884. Wm. H. Sutton, Dec. 24, 1887. I'KOTHONOTAKIES. John Boreman, March 17, 1796. John Lindsey, Nov. 22, 1851. John Boreman, March 3, 1800. John Lindsey, Nov. 21, 1854. John Boreman, March 25, 1809. David A. Worley, Nov. 19, 1857. William T. Hays, Oct. 17, 1814. David A. Worley, Nov. 19, 1860. 460 HISTORY OF GKEENE COUNTY". William T. Hays, Feb. 28, 1824. Justus F. Temple, Nov. 23, 1863. William T. Hays, Jan. 13, 1827. Justus F. Temple, Nov. 8, 1866. William T. Hays, Jan. 20, 1830. Hiram H. Lindsey, Nov. 13, 1869. Enos Hook, Dec. 31, 1832. Hiram H. Lindsey, Nov. 12, 1872. John Hook, Dec. 23, 1835. George W. Ullom, Dec. 8, 1875. John Phelan, Jan. 25, 1839. George W. Ullom, Dec. 11, 1878. John Phelan, Nov. 14, 1839. J. L. Yoders, Dec. 28, 1881. John Phelan, Nov. 12, 1842. James M. Hoge, Jan. 4, 1884. Henry L. Pennock, Nov. 17,1845. J. C. Garard, Dec, 22, 1884. Henry L. Pennock, Nov. 25, 1848. J. C. Garard, Dec. 24, 1887. KEC0E])EES. John Boreman, March 17, 1796. Reuben D. Miekle, Nov. 25, 1848. John Boreman, March 3, 1800. William A. Porter, Nov. 22, 1851. John Boreman, March 25, 1809. Absalom ILedge, Nov. 21, 1854. Wm. T. Hays, Oct. 17, 1814. Justus F. Temple, Nov. 12, 1857. Wm. T. Hays, Jan. 15, 1818. Justus F. Temple, Nov. 19, 1860. Wm. T. Hays, Feb. 8, 1821. Peter Brown, Nov. 20, 1863. K S. Boreman, Feb. 28,1824. Peter Brown, Nov. 8, 1866. Levi Rinehart, Jan. 13, 1827. Thomas Hoskinson, Nov. 20, 1869. Jesse Lazear, Jan. 20, 1830. Thomas Hoskinson, Nov. 12, 1872. Abijah N. Johnson, Dec. 23, 1835. James L. Yoders, Dec. 14, 1875. Geo. Hoskinson, Jan. 25, 1839. James L. Yoders, Dec. 10, 1878. George Hoskinson, Nov. 14, 1839.W. W. Patterson, Dec. 8, 1881. William W. Sayers, Nov. 12, 1842.W. W. Patterson, Dec. 22, 1884. William W. Sayers, Nov. 17, 1845.William H. Sutton, Dec. 24, 1887. James Boone, Nov. 8, 1796. Wm. G. W. Day, July 11, 1857. Samuel Harper, Nov. 4, 1802t' James Acklin, Feb. 15, 1864. Samuel Huston, Oct. 25, 1805. Wm. B. Stewart, Jan. 4, 1868. Samuel Harper, Oct. 31, 1817. Joel A. Harris, Jan. 6, 1871. Lot Lantz, Feb. 26, 1821. Lewis N. Johnson, Nov. 5, 1873. Robert Maple, March 21, 1822. Robert Doxigherty, Dec. 8, 1876. George Monis, Dec. 24, 1833. William H. Rose, Dec. 11, 1878. Daniel Smith, Feb. 25, 1840. Leroy W. Carrel, Dec; 28, 1881. William Campbell, Nov. 9, 1846. George Frazier, Dec. 22, 1885. SEALEES OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Thomas Hill, April 24, 1857. Isaac Teagarden, Jan. 13, 1874. Samuel Braden, Aug. 4, 1858. Isaac Teagarden, Jan. 25, 1877. Daniel Owen, April 6, 1864. Isaac Teagarden, Feb. 9, 1880. James Acklin, Dec. 12, 18(.;7. Isaac Teagarden, Feb. 15, 1881. James Coates, March 14, 1870. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 461 NOTAKIES PUBLIC. John Phelan, Dec. 17, 1835. John Strawn, Dec. 2, 1839. John C. Flenniken, March 27, 1848. John Straun, Dec. 1, 1842. John C. Flenniken, Sept. 1, 1851, IJorougli of Waynesbnrg. Amos Clevenger, Jan. 6, 1855, Borougli of Wayneshnrg. John H. AVells, Jan. 13, 1858, Borough of Waynesburg. Absak)m Hedge, Dec. 17, 1860, J'orough of Waynesburg. George E. Minor, Nov. 17, 1803, Borough of AV^ayneslturg. George S. Geffrey, Dec. 27, 1866, Borough of Waynesburg. George S. Geffrey, Feb. 3, 1870, Borough of Waynesburg. George W. Donglierty, Sept. 12, 1872, Borough of Canniehaels. George S. Geffrey, Feb. 17, 1873, Greene County. J. P. Mitchener, Oct. 6, 1875, Greene County. James E. Sayers, March 11, 1876, Borough of Waynesl)urg. J. P. Mitchner, March 31, 1876, 15orough of Carmichaels. James G. Patterson, April 17, 1878, l>oroughof Carmichaels. James E. Sayers, March 10, 1879, Borough of Waynesburg. James E. Sayers, March 1, 1882, Borough of AVaynesburg. James E. Sayers, Feb. 3, 1883, Borough of AVaynesburg. James M. Iloge, March 3, 1885, Borougii of AVaynesburg. James E. Sayers, March 21, 1885, Borough of AVaynesburg. John F. Thompson, Aug. 19, 1885, Borough of Greensboro. John F. Thompson, Jan. 29, 1887, Borough of Greensboro. Samuel M. Smith, Aug. 16, 1887, Borough of Jefferson. Jesse II. Wise, Nov. 25, 1887, Borougii of AVaynesburg. Ira L. Nickeson, March 5, 1888, Richhill, Township. W. R. Hoge, March 15, 1888, Borough of AVaynesburg. COUNTY SUKVEYOES. George F. Wolf, Dec. 15, 1856. George Iloge, Dec. 19, 1871. George F. AVolf, Dec. 26, 1859. C. C. Brock, Dec. 14, 1874. George Hoge, Dec. 19, 1865. C. C. Brock, Jan. 5, 1878. George Hoge, Feb. 17, 1869. James B. Smith, Dec. 31, 1880. George Hoge was elected county surveyor in 1883, but died before entering office. James B. Smith was appointed, and held office until 1886, when he was re-elected, and is present incumbent. .JUSTICES f)F THE PEACE. John Minor, July 13, 1796. Thomas Lucas, Oct. 12, 1819. AVm. Ingraham, Dec. 28, 1797. Richard Ilerwood, Feb. 21, 1820. William Paul, Jan. 12, 1798. Jonathan Parkinson, Feb. 21, 1820. Robert Ross, Jan. 12, 1798. David Gray, Jr., Feb. 21, 1820. Joseph Gibbons, Jan. 12, 1798. JeremialiGlasgow, March 20,1820. 462 HISTORY OB" GKEENE COUNTY. Eleazer Lnce, Feb. 9, 1799. Jonatliaa Johnson, Feb. 9, 1799. John McKee, Feb. 9, 1799. Jared Brush, Feb. 9, 1799. John Glasgow, Feb. 9, 1799. John Corbly, Jan. 15, 1801. Thomas Patterson, Feb. 27, 1801. Jacob Black, April 2, 1802. Thomas Lazear, April 1, 1803. John Hair, Jan. 1, 1806. John Crawford, March 14, 1822. Corbly Garrard, Jan. 25, 1823. Matthew Dill, March 24, 1823. John Pettit, March 16, 1824. Levi Monis, March 16, 1824. Nicholas tiagar, Feb. 5, 1825. Nathaniel Campbell, Feb. 5, 1825. Ed. McGlumphey, June 23, 1827. William Burge, May 2, 1828. Hiram Heaton, May 12, 1828 H. Postlethwaite, April 22, 1807. John T. Rinehart, March 31, 1829 David Worley, March 29, 1808. John Hijler, April 29, 1829. James Dye, Oct. 20, 1808. Thomas Hersey, Jan. 21, 1809. Rees Hill, March 15, 1809. James Clark, May 2, 1809. Samuel Hill, Jan. 14, 1811. Robert Milliken, Jan. 14, 1811. Joseph Johnson, May 22, 1829. Abia Minor, Jan. 28, 1830. Benjamin Miller, April 21, 1831. James Mustard, Jan. 21, 1832. John Lindsey, Oct. 29, 1832. William Seals, March 18, 1833. Ephraim Coleman, July 4, 1811. Wm. McCallester, March 10, 1833 Jacob Baily, July 4, 1811. Robert Lewis, July 4, 1811. John Morrison, Dec. 15, 1812. William Heaton, Feb. 13, 1813. Jacob Rickey, Feb. 3, 1814. David Taylor, April 28, 1815. Thomas Burson, Dec. 1, 1815. Joshua Cobb, Dec. 24, 1816. WilHam Baily, March 20, 1817. James Tuttle, Feb. 15, 1819. Lewis Headlee, March 18, 1833. John McMay, April 22, 1883. Joseph Adamson, Dec. 27, 1833. George Haner, Feb. 14, 1834. Vincent Smith, May 27, 1834. Jesse Kent, June 9, 1834. James Cree, June 9, 1834. G. B. Goodrich, June 9, 1834. Benjamin Jennings, June 9, 1834. Robert Boyd, Dec. 2, 1834. Carey McLelland, Feb. 15, 1819. John Parkinson, Aug. 31, 1835. District No. 2 is composed of the Township of Morgan and town of Clarksville. District No. 8 is composed of the Townships of Cumberland and Jelferson. District No. 4 is composed of the Townships of Greene, Dunkard and Monongahela. Disti'ict No. 5 is composed of the Townships of Whitely, Wayne, and part of Aleppo. District No. 6 is composed of the Townships of Richhill, Centre, and part of Aleppo. Benjamin F. Black, March 1, '36, District No. 4. Ralph Drake, March 13, '36, District No. 3. Henry Neil, March 13, '86, District No. 3. Ralph Drake, May 15, '37, District No. 2. Samuel D. McCarl, Jan. 10, '38, District No. 5. IIISTOKY OF GREENE COUNTY. 463 William Phillips, Jan. 10, '38, District No. 6. Abner Garrison, March 8, '38, District No. 5. Justus Garard, June 19, '38, District No. 4. George Strope, March 18, '39, District No. 6. James Walton, May 10, '39, District No. 2. Joseph Debolt, April 14, '40, Township of Aleppo. William Hoge, April 14, '40, Morgan. Thomas Horner, April 14, '40, Cumberland. Caleb Kimble, April 14, '40, Aleppo. Abraham Tustin, April 14, '40, Wayne. Alexander Stephenson, April 14, '40, Greene. Asa Sellers, April 14, '40, Centre. Silas Rush, April 14, '40, Morris. John Reynolds, April 14, '40, Borough of Jefferson. James Walton, April 14, "40, Morgan. Lewis Headlee, April 14, '40, Whitely. Benjamin Long, April 14, '40, Dunkard. Benjamin F. Black, April 14, '40, Monongaliela. Edward Barker, April 14, '40, Morris. James Garrison, April 14, '40, Dunkard. George Haver, April 14, '40, Cumberland. Jesse Kent, April 14, '40, Centre. Justus Garard, 14, '40, Monongahela. William Kincaid, April 14, '40, Jefferson. Henry Neel, April 14, '40, Borough of Jefferson. Vincent Smith, April 14, '40, Franklin. Jacob Barnes, April 14, '40, Washington. Michael Strosnider, April 14, '40, Jefferson. David Gray, April 14, '40, Richhill. Robert Boyd, April 14, '40, Washington. Corbly Garard, April 14, '40, Greene. Fletcher Brock, April 14, '40, Wayne. John Clark, April 14, '40, Franklin. Daniel Hook, April 14, '40, Marion. Thomas Lazear, April 14, '40, Richhill. Benjamin Jennings, April 14, '40, Marion. Joseph B. Johnson, April 14, '40, Jackson. Abner Garrison, April 14, '40, Jackson. John Fonner, April 14, '40, Aleppo. Boaz Boydston, April 14, '40, Perry. Levi Anderson, April 14, '40, Perry. Samuel Vanatta, April 11, '43, Richhill. Moses Coen, April 11, '43, Franklin. Joseph Adam son, April 11, '43, Morgan. William Phillips, April 11, '43, Aleppo. 464 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. William Boone, April 9, '44, Monongahela. James Kincaid, April 9, '44, Jeiferson. Mattliew Dill, April 9, '44, Morgan. George Davis, April 15, '45, Cumberland. William Wiley, April 15, '45, Cumberland. Samuel C. Orr, April 15, '45, Dunkard. Simon Strosnider, April 15, 45, Wayne. Abner Hoge, April 15, '45, Centre. Jacob Loar, April 15, '45, Richliill. Michael Strosnider, April 15, '45, Jefi'erson. Benjamin Maple, April 15, 45, Monongahela. Alexander Stephenson, April 15, '45, Greene. Elijah Chalfan, April 15, '45, Whitely. Benjamin L. Wells, April 15, '45, Wayne. Daniel Fuller, April 15, '45, Whitely. Benjamin Long, April 15, '45, Dunkard. James PI. Fordyce, April 15, '45, Greene. Edward Barker, April 15, '45, Morris. John McClelland, April 15, '45, Jackson. James McElroy, April 15, '45, Borough of Jefferson. Henry Neel,' April 15, '45, Borough of Jefferson. Benjamin Miller, April 15, '45, Morris. Daniel Hook, April 15, '45, Marion. Thomas W. Taylor, April 15, '45, Washington. John Clark, April 15, '45, Franldin. Benjamin Jennings, April 15, '45, Marion. Kobert Boyd, April 15, '45, Washington. Jesse Kent, April 15, '45, Centre. Abner Garrison, April 15, '45, Jackson. Henry Loughman, April 14, '46, Morris. Silas Ayers, April 14, '46, Aleppo. John B. Minor, April 13, '47, Ferry. Jesse Headlee, April 13, '47, Perry. Henry Moore, April 11, '48, Aleppo. Samuel Vanatta, April 11, '48, Richhill. David Crawford, April 11, '48, Franklin. John Lewis, April 11, '48, Morgan. James McElroy, April 9, '50, Jefferson. Jacob Loar, April 9, '50, Eichhill. Alexander Stephenson, April 9, '50, Greene. Samuel P. Bayard, April 9, '50, Jackson. Johnston T. Smith, April 9, '50, Jackson. Roliert Boyd, April 9, '50, Washington. William Wily, April 9, '50, Cumberland. Simon Strosnider, April 9, '50, Wayne. HISTORY OF GIIKENE COUNTY. iliS Samuel C. Orr, April 9, '50, Dunkard. James Murdoclc, April 9, '50, Cumberland. Elijah Chalfaut, April 9, '50, Whitely, Edward Barker, April 9, '50, Morris. James Garrison, April 9, '50, Dunkard. JeremJali Stewart, April 9, '50, Greene. Henry Sliriver, April 9, '50, Wayne. Samuel Ferguson, April 9, '50, Centre. Samuel Garner, April 9, '50, Washington. Benjamin IVlaple, April 9, '50, Monongahela. Henry Neel, April 9, '50, Jefferson. George John, April 9, '50, Whitelj. George Sellers, April 9, '50, Centre. John Barnes, April 9, '50, Franklin. Michael Strosnider, April 9, '50. Jefferson. Daniel Hook, May 21, '50, Marion. Wm. T. E. Webb, May 21, '50, Marion. Jolin Bogard, April 15, "51, Aleppo. Joshua C. Phillips, April 15, '51, 15orough of Waynesburg. John Booze, April 15, "51, Morgan. Abraham Stout, April 15, '51, Jefferson. Henry Loughman, April 15, 51, Morris. Wm. T. E. Webb, May 9, '51, Borough of Waynesburg. William F. Bradley, April 15, '51, Borough of Jefferson. Euas Headlee, May 5, '52, Perry. John B. Minor, May 5, '52, Perry. Thomas Hill, June 11, '52, Franklin. Justice Garrard, April 13, '53, Monongahela. Jacob Gutlirie, April 13, "53, Whitely. William Fox, April 13, "53, Aleppo. Samuel Vanata, April 13, "53, Richhill. Thomas W. Taylor, April 13, '53, Washington. John Billingsly, April 13, '53, I'erry. James Pipes, April 13, '53, Franklin. John Lewis, April 13, '53, Morgan. Daniel Hook, April 11, '54, Borough of AVaynesburg. Azariah Stephens, April 11, '54, Greene. John B. Litzinburg, July 6, '54, Borough of Jefferson. Johnston L. Smith, April 10, '55, Jackson. John B. Seckman, April 10, '55, Centre. Peter M. Grimes, April 10, '55, Jackson. Jesse K. Baily, April 10, '55, Cumberland. Nicholas Shanes, April 10, '55, Wayne. Jeremiah Stewart, April 10, '55, Greene. Robert Eoss, April 10, '55, Monongahela. 466 HISTORY OF GKEENE COUNTY. John E. ParkinsoD, April 10, '55, Aleppo. Henry Bebout, April 10, '55, Morris. Joseph Kniseley, April 10, '55, Wayne. Jacob Loar, April 10, '55, Kichhill. Elijah Chalfan, April 10, '55, Whitely. George Sellers, April 10, '55, Centre. Eobert Boyd, April 10, '55, Washington. Thomas Horner, August 8, '55, Borough of Carmichaels. William Wily, August 8, '55, Borough of Carmichaels. Thomas Lucas, April 10, '55, Cumberland. William T. E. Webb, April 19, '56, Borough of Waynesburj Eobert Wallace, April 16, '56, Borough of Jefferson. John Booze, April 16, '56, Morgan. William King, April 28, '56, Wayne. Edward Barker, April 28, '56, Morris. William P. Scott, April 16, '56, Jefferson. James Garrison, May 17, '56, Dunkard. Thomas H. Meighen, October 1, '56, Gilmore. John P. Morris, October 1, '56, Gilmore. Jesse Headlee, April 14, '57, Perry. Enoch H. Denny, July 14, '57, Borough of Jefferson. John D. Wood, April 14, '57, Franklin. ■ John Bradley, July 14, '57, Borough of Jefferson. • Jacob Guthrie, April 13, '58, Whitely. Justus Garrard, April 13, '58, Monongahela. James Pipes, April 13, '58, Franklin. John A. Billingsly, April 13, '58, Perry. Jonah K. Wood, April 13, '58, Borough of Carmichaels. Samuel Vanatta, April 13, '58, Kichhill. James A. Black, April 13, '58' Monongahela. Thomas W. Taylor, April 13, '58, Washington. ■ John Lewis, April 13, '58, Morgan. Enoch Estle, July 13, '58, Borough of Jefferson. William Fox, Nov. 2, '58, Aleppo. Simon Rinehart, April 12, '59, Marion. George Howard, April 12, '59, Dunkard. Jesse Craig, April 12, '59, Washington. John Stephenson, April 12, '59, Greene. Jeramiah Stewart, April 10, '60, Greene. Johnson T. Smith, April 4, '60, Jackson. John I. Worley, April 10, '60, Wayne. Peter M. Grimes, April 10, '60, Jackson. . James Hughes, April 10, '60, Kichhill. George W. Bell, April 10, '60, Wayne. John B. Seckmau, April 10, '60, Centre. IIISTOKY OF GREENE COUNTY. 467 John Elbiii, April 10, '60, Aleppo. William liogers, April 10, '60, Centre. AVilliam Ilartinau, April 10, '60, Cariuichaels Ijoroiigh. Morgan Young, April 10, '60, Cumberland. Jesse K. Bailey, April 10, '60, Cumberland. Elijah Chalfan, vVpril 10, '60 AVhitely. Norman Powers, April 10, '60, Morris. Michael Strosnider, April 10, "69, Perry. Stephen AVhite, April 10, '60, Springhil'l. William T. E. Webb, May 28, '61, Marion. Edward Barker, May 28, '61, Morris. John Mitchner, May 28, '61, Morgan. Jackson Hinerman, June 3, '61, Aleppo. Henry Maskil, June 3, '61, Jeiferson. Jacob Rush, June 3, '61, Jefl'erson. James Call, June 3, '61, Centre. Samuel Dodd, June 17, '61, Eranklin. John P. Morris, April 15, '62, Gilmore. Abraham Ammons, April 29, '62, Perry. John Lantz, April 29, '62, Gilmore. Elias Scott, April 29, '62, Centre. Lewis Dowlin, April 29, '62, Dunkard. Enoch 11. Denny, April 29, '62, Jefferson Borough. Thomas Horner, May 15, '62, Jefl'erson. Isaac Clark, May 5, '68, Franklin. Thomas W. Taylor, May 15, '63, Washington. James Burdine, May 5, '63, Springliill. Miller lams. May 5, '63, Morgan. Eli Rose, May 5, '63, Whitely. William L. Pogue, May 5, '63, Jefferson. James A. Black, May 5, '63, Monongahela. Joseph Connor, May 5, '63, Perry. Andrew Dunlap, May 5, '63, Monongahela. Francis Drake, May 5, '63, Richhill. Jonah R. Wood, July 13, '63, Carmichaels Borough. Simon Rinehart, April 5, '64, Marion. Michael McClelland, April 5, '64, AVashington. John Stephenson, April 5, '64, Greene. George Howard, April 5, '64, Dunkard. Elijah Chalfan, April 10, '65, AVhiteley. Simon A. Huston, April 10, '65, Richhill. Stephen White, April 10, '65, Springhill. Peter M. Grimes, April 10, '65, Jackson. AVilliam AVily, June 29, '65, Borough of Carmichaels. Johnson L. Smith, April 10, '65, Jackson. 468 HISTOKY OK GREENE COUNTY. George W. Bell, April 10, '65, Wayne. Jolin 11. Lygard, April 10, '65, Wayne. Jesse K. Bailey, April 10, '65, Cumberland. Jeremiah Stewart, April 10, '65, Greene. NormaTi Powers, April 10, '65, Morris. Jolin T. Elbin, April 10, '65, Aleppo. Morgan Young, April 10, '65, Cumberland. Henry Lantz, April 10, '65, Greene. James Coates, July 17, '65, Jacksonville Borough. William T. E. Webb, April 5, '66, Marion. James Pipes, April 5, '66, Franklin. Yincent Lewis, April 5, '66, Morris. James Call, April 5, '66, Centre. A. J. Hinerman, April 5, '66, Aleppo. William Hoskinson, April 5, '66, Springhill. Thomas B. Eoss, April 5, '66, Morgan. Jacob Rush, April 5, '66, Jefferson. Wreeubury Wade, April 3, '67, Perry. George W. Ullom, April 3, '67, Centre. Lewis Dowlin, April 3, '67, Dunkard. John Lantz, Apiil 3, '67, Gilmore. Samuel Bayard, April 3, '67, Jefferson. Enoch Estle, April 3, '67, Borough of Jefferson. Salem Lemmons, April 3, '67, Gilmore. Corbly Ornduff; April 18, '67, Whitely. Joseph Clutter, April 18, '67, Morris. Samuel Sharpneck, April 17, '68, Jefferson. Jesse Ileadlee, April 7, '68, Perry. Francis Drake, April 7, '68, Puchhill. Miller lams, April 7, '68, Morgan. Jonah K. Wood, April 7, '68, Borough of Carmichaels. Workman Hickman, April 7, '68, Whitely. Stephen Day, April 7, '68, Morris. Isaac Clark, April 7, '68, Franklin. Andrew Dunlap, April 7, '68, Monongahela. John P. Williams, April 8, '68, Monongahela. Wm. L. Pogue, April 7, '68, Borough of Jefferson. Franklin Seaton, April 7, '68, Greene. Jacob Johns, May 26, '68, Washington. Simon Binehart, April 6, '69, Marion. Cephas Craig, April 6, '69, Washington. George Howard, April 6, '69, Dnnkard. William Estle, March 16, '70, Jackson. William Pollock, March 16, '70, Wayne. Isaac Hewitt, March 16, '70, Cumberland. 'l-<-^^?-K^ HISTORY OF GKEKNK COUNTY. 471 Walter L. IJatson, Marcli 16, '70, Morris. Peter M. Grimes, March 16, '70, Jackson. Solomon Hoge, March 16, '70, Wayne. Stephen Knight, March 16, '70, llichhill. John T. Elbin, March 16, '70, Aleppo. William Wily, March 16, '70, Borough of Carmichael(s. Stephen AVhite, March 16, '70, Springhill. J. K. Baily, Marcli 16, "70, Cumberland. Henry Lantz, March 16, '70, Greene. Moredock Silveus, Nov. 22, Whitely. William T. E. Webb, April 1, '71, Marion. John Mitchiner, April 1, '71, Marion. Jacob S. Kush, xipril 1, '71, Jefferson. J. Monroe White, April 1, '71, Aleppo. Win. P. Iloskinson, April 1, '71, Springhill. Zadock Gordon, April 1, '71, Centre. Henry Jacobs, April 9, '72, Franklin. George W. Ullom, April 9, '72, Centre. Andrew Lantz, April 9, '72, Greene. James M. Shroyer, April 9, "72, Perry. Corbly Ornduff, April 9, '72, Whitely. David H. Paul, April 9, '72, Dunkard. William Clovis, April 9, '72, Gilmore. Salem Lemmons, April 22, '72, Gilmore. John P. Willian:s, April 15, '73, Monongahela. Benjamin Mapel, April 15, '73, Monongahela. Isaac C. Booher, April 15, '73, Richhill. Stephen J. Day, April 15, '73, Morris. Samuel Felton, April 15, '73, Franklin. Jacob John, April 15, '73, Washington. Greenberry Wade, April 15, '73, Perry. Franklin Seaton, April 15, '73, Greene. James G. Patterson, April 15, '73, Borough of Carmichaels. John B. Johnson, April 15, '73, Centre. Enoch 11. Denny, April 15, '73, Borough of Jefferson. Solomon B. Wise, April 15, '73, Morgan. Enoch Estle, April 15. '78, Borough of Jefferson. Hiram C. Cloud, April 15, '73, Jefferson. Simon Einehart, March 17, '74, Marion. Cephas Craig, March 17, '74, Washington. George Howard, March 17, '74, Dunkard. Hiram L. Granlee, March 13, '75, Wayne. William P]stle, March 13, '75, Jackson. William Johnson, March 13, '75, Wayne. George W. Daugherty, March 13, '75, Borongh of Carmichaels. 472 HISTOEY OF GREENE COUNTY. John T. Elvin, March 13, '75, Aleppo. Peter M. Grimes, March 13, '75, Jackson. J. K. Bailey, March 18, '75, Cumberland. Norman Powers, March 18, '75, Morris. James Stiles, March 13, '75, Springhill. Archibald Kerr, March 13, '75, Cumberland. Stephen Knight, April 3, '75, Richhill. Peter A. Myers, May 31, '75, Greene. D. M. Silveus, March 13, '75, Whitely. John Munnel, March 9, '76, Marion. James Huge, March 11, '76, Centre. J. Monroe White, March 11, '76, Aleppo. Thomas H. Meighen, March 11, '76, Springhill. William Burson, March 11, '76, Morgan. A. F. Ammons, Mai-ch 11, '76, Jefferson. A. C. Pennington, March 11, '76, Monongahela. John Munnel, March 17, '77, Marion. Minor L. Carpenter, March 17, '77, Gilmore. Milton Worley, March 17, '77, Franklin. James Murdock, March 17, '77, Borough of Oarmichaels. William Clovis, March 17, '77, Gilmore. Corbly Orndnff, March 17, '77, Whitely. Manassa Wildman, March 17, '77, Dunkard. Andrew Lantz, March 17, '77, Greene. John Blair, March 17, '77, Perry. Lester Kughn, April 4, '77, Jackson. Thomas L. Lincoln, Mai-ch 25, '78, Borough of Carmichaels. Thomas Tuttle, March 25, '78, Washington. William Kincaid, March 25, '78, Jefferson. Henry Bell, March 25, '78, Morgan. Andrew Dnulap, Marcli 25, '78, Monongahela. Enoch Estle, March 25, '78, Borough of Jefferson. Warren Mankey, March 25, '78, Morris. James M. Scott, March 25, '78, Franklin. Isaac C. Booher, March 25, '78, Eichhill. E. H. Denny, March 25, '78, Borough of Jefferson. John B. Johnson, March 25, '78, Centre. John A. Billingsly, March 25, '78, Perry. Simon Pinehart, March 4, '79, Borough of Waynesburg. Cephas Craig, March 27, '79, Washington. James A. Black, March 27, '79, Borough of Greensboro. Alfred Maple, March 27, '79. Dunkard. Joim Fox, Marcli 27, '79, Whitely. Simon Rinehart, Jr., March 27, '79, Borough of Waynesburg John H. Carson, March 27, '79, Marion. IIISTOKY OF GREENE COUNTY. 473 John Miniiiel, Marcli 27, '79, Borough of Waynesburg. Allen J. Neel, May 13, "79, Mouoiigahela. Peter M. Grimes, March 30, '80, Jackson. Archibald Kerr, Marcli 30, '80, C'limberhuul. David II. Brewer, March 30, '80, Richhill. James Stiles, March 30, '80, Springhill. II. S. Granlee, March 30, '80, Wayne. 'William II. Johnson, March 30, 'SO, "VVaync. Norman Powers, March 30, '80, Morris. Daniel liich, March 30, '80, Cumberland. Jesse S. Hinermaii, March 30, '80, Aleppo. P. A. Myers, March 30, '80, Greene. Jesse Ulloni, April 19, '81, Centre. Thomas II. Meighen, April 19, '81, Springhill. A. F. iVmmons, April 19, '81, Jefferson. J. M. White, April 19, '81, Aleppo. John Matthews, April 19, '81, Morgan. W. II. Laning, April 19, '81, Borough of Greensboro. Manassa AViklman, April 8, '82, Dnnkard. John Leinley, A])ril 8, '82, W^hitely. Milton AVorley, April 8, '82, Franklin. George W. Lantz, April 8, "82, Greene. William Knox, April 8, '82, Borough of Carmichaels. Jefferson Dye, April 8, '82, Gilmore. Thomas Pennington, April 8, '82, Borough of Greensboro. John Lantz, April 8, '82, Gilmore. Hiram Hatfield, April 8, '82, Perry. George Rinehart, April 8, '82, Jackson. James Hoge, iVpril 6, '83, Centre. Thomas Tnttle, April 6, '83, Washington. James M. Scott, April 6, "83, Franklin. Thomas L. Lincoln, April 6, '88, Borough of Carmichaels. William Kincaid, April 6, '83, Jetferson. Warren Mankey, April 6, '83, Morris. Andrew Dunlap, April 6, '83, Monongahela. Michael C. Monroe, April 6, "83, Perry. Isaac C. Booher, April 6, '83, Richhill. William Pollock, April 6, '83, Borough of Jefferson. James L. Corbett, April 6, '83, Morgan. James A. Black, April 7, 84, Borough of Greensboro. Alfred Maple, April 7, '84, Dunkard. Hamilton Kuhn, April 7, '84, AVhitely. W. T. Webb, April 7, '84, Borough of Waynesburg. Ingram Rush, April 7, '84, Washington. M. M. McClelland, April 7, '84, Washington. 474 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. Simon Kinehart, April 7, '84, Borough of Waynesburg. A. J. Neil, April 7, '84, Monongahela. W. II. Laniiig, April 7, '84, Borough of Greensboro. Enoch Estle, May 15, '84, Borough of Jefferson. Archibald Kerr, April 16, '85, Cumberland. Peter M. Grimes, April 16, '85, Jackson. Enoch Mapel, April 16, '85, Wayne. Daniel Rich, April 16, '85, Cumberland. Jesse S. Hinerman, April 16, '85, Aleppo. David H. Brewer, April 16, '85, Richhill. II. L. Granlee, April 16, '85, Wayne. James Stiles, April 16, '85, Springhill. r. A. Myers, April 16, '85, Greene. Elias C. Stone, Api-il 16, '85, Borough of Greensboro. William Clevenger, April 16, '85, Monongahela. John II. Carson, October 30, '85, Borough of Waynesburg. J. M. White, April 17, '86, Aleppo. A. F. Amnions, April 17, '86, Jefferson. John II. Smith, April 17, '86, Morris. Perry Teagarden, April 17, '86, Jefferson. John L. Matthews, April 17, '86, Morgan. Francis Barger, April 17, '86, Springhill. Jesse Ullom, April 17, '86, Centre. Wm. M. Nickerson, April 17, '86, Borough of Carmichaels. A. L. Montgomery, April 17, '86, Franklin. J. H. Carson, April 17, '86, Borough of Waynesburg. Eobinson John, April 17, '86, Whitely. James F. Morris, April 25, '87, Jackson. George W. Lantz, April 25, '87, Greene. Hiram Hatfield, April 25, '87, Perry. Jefferson Dye, April 25, '87, Gilmore. J. W. Rinehart, April 25, '87, Franklin. Salem Lemmon, April 25, '87, Franklin. Benjamin Stone, April 25, '87, Dunkard. L. F. Stentz, April 25, '87, Borough of Greensboro. Thomas Montgomery, April 25, '87, Morgan. John W. Hays, November 29, '87, Borough of Waynesburg. Warren Mankey, April 5, '88, Morris. Thomas L. Lincoln, April 5, '88, Borough of Carmichaels. W. H. Faddis, April 5, '88, Jefferson. J. C. Booher, April 5, '88, Richhill. Jesse McJSTeeley, April 5, '88, Centre. William Pollock, April 5, '88, Borough of Jefferson. George Frazier, April 5, '88, Borough of Waynesburg. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 475 John Milliken, April 5, '88, Terry. J. O. Kennedy, April 5, '88, Gilmore. COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS OF SCHOOLS. John A. Gordon, May, '54. A. J. McGlumphy, May, '57. G. W. Baker, May, '59. John A. Gordon, May, '60. A. B. Miller, May, '61. T. J. Teal, May, '63. T. J. Teal, May, '66. T. J. Teal, May '69. T. J. Teal, May, '72. A. F. Silvius, May, '75. S. F. Iloge, May, '78. William M. Nickerson, May, '81. James S. llerrington, May, '84. A. J. Waychoff, May; "87. DISTRICT ATTORNEYS. Cornelins Darrah, 1850. Wm. H. Babbit, 1850 to 1855, two terras. A. A. Purman, 1855 to 1861, two terms. R. A. McConnell, 1861 to 1864. G. G. Ritchie, 1864 to 1866. D. E. P. IIuss, 1866 to 1870. Geo. W. Ingraliam, 1870 to 1873. W. A. Hook, 1873 to 1879, two terms. B. W. Carpenter, 1879 to 1882. W. H. Barb, 1882 to 1885. D. R. P. Ilnss, 1885 to 1888. D. R. P. IIuss, 1888. COMMISSIONERS. Geo. Estle, January, 1871, to January, 1873. Stephenson Garard, January, 1872, to January, 1875. Wm. P. Cosgray, January, 1873, to January, 1876. Robert Smith, January, 1874, to January, 1876. Wm. L. Pogue, January, 1875, to January, 1876. Wm. L. Pogue, ) J.P.Morris, ■ January, 1876, to January, 1879. John Morris, \ Jacob Coll, ji Stephen M. Knotts, I January, 1879, to January, 1882. Thomas Lucas, ) 476 HISTORY OP GREENE COUNOTY. William Hickman, Thomas Koss, S. li. Adamson, Stephen Acklin, Corbly Ornduff, Hiram White, William Blair, Thomas Courtwriglit, William Clovis, January, 1882, to January, 1885. January, 1885, to January, 1888. January, 1888. David A. Spragg, January, 1871, to January, 1874. Samuel Montgomery, January, 1872, to January, 1875. Lester Kughn, January, 1873, to January, 1876. Corbly Ornduff, January, 1874, to January, 1876. John R. Bell, January, 1875, to January, 1876. Edward W. Wood, ) John R. Bell, [ January, 1876, to January, 1879. W. C. Leonard, \ F. M. Shriver, Eli Titus, Richard ZoUars, John A. Knisely, J. M. White, J. W. Gregg, C. H. Fraker, January, 1879, to January, 1882. January, 1882, to January, 1885. January, 1885, to January, 1888. January, 1888, present board. Jesse Courtwriglit, Harvey Day, M. M. Shirk, Isaac I. Ferrel, John C. Llampson, POOE HOUSE DIEECTOES. Richard lams, January, 1871, to 1874. Yalentine Nichols, January, 1872, to 1875. Thomas M. Ross, January, 1873, to 1876. Isaac Mitchell, January, 1874, to 1877. John Scott, January, 1875, to 1878. James M. Adamson, January, 1876, to 1879. Thomas Smith, 1878 to 1881. George McYay, 1879 to 1882. James Kelley, elected 1879. . Resigned. Joseph Webster, 1881 to 1884. Isaac Mitchell, 1881 to 1883. Short term. Samuel Braden, 1882 to 1885. C. W. Scott, 1883 to 1886. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 477 Isaac J. IIupp, 1884 to 1887. H. P. Rinehart, 1885 to 1888. Stephen TJ. McNeely, 1886, ) Cephas Grimes, 1887, J- Present Board. Emanuel Beall, 1888, ) .JURY COMMISSIONEES. George W. Connor, Jacob Greenlee — 1871 to 1874. Thomas McClenathan, Isaac Teagarden — 1874 to 1877. William P. Scott, Josiah Gwynn, 1877 to 1880. A. M. Temble, Cephas Guthrie— 1880 to 1883. Samuel Roberts, John L. Ray— 1883 to 1886. J. P. Allum, W. II. Virgin— 1886 to 1889. BURGESSES OF WAYNESBUEG. A. G. Cross, 1862. G. W. G. Waddell, 1868. A. G. Cross, 1869. W. T. E. Webl), 1872. G. W. G. Waddell, 1873-1874. R. F. Downey, 1876. J. W. Ray. D. S. Walton. John Guiher. W. E. Miner. T. R. Purman. Robt. A. Sayers, 1887-1888. 478 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. CHAPTER XXXIll. ALEPPO TOWNSHIP. SpECULATOES BOUNDAEIES OuTLOOK ON THE HIGHLANDS LeWIS Wetzel — Have a Scalp oe Lose My Own — Note of the Tue- KEY GOBLEE A PeICE SeT ON lilS HeAD PuT IN IeONS Agility in Punning — " Conead Maee" — Schools — Dieectoes. « ALEPPO was organized as a township in 1821, and formerly embraced Springliill. It was, however, late in becoming gen- erally peopled, from the fact that speculators had bought up large blocks of land and prevented their being opened to settlement except at high prices. The sui-face is broken, and though it has no large streams it is well watered, the copious springs along its high- lauds forming the source of water-ways that flow to almost every point of the compass, the South Fork of Wheeling Creek and its tributaries flowing to the north and east, and those of Fishing Creek to the south and west. It is bounded on the north by Richhill, on the east by Jackson, on the south by Springhill, and on the west by the State line, which' separates 'it from West Virginia. Tenants are found here, as they are found spread all over the southwestern corner of the county. The Fletchers, the Hinermans, the Mjtchells, and GllUenstines, and the population generally are in- dustrious, enterprising and prosperous, the farms being under a good state of cultivation, the highways well kept, and the houses and out- buildings in good condition. In the western part of this township, on the highlands which divide the head waters of Long Run from those of Herod's Run, is one of the most beautiful and picturesque views that gladdens the eye of the traveler in any part of tlie world. The road winds along the very summit of the ridge, past the 2:)leas- ant seat of the Centennial Church, the outlook from the entrance to which commandsa wide view of all this delectable country. For grand- eur, and quiet serene loveliness, not the hills of the Rhine, nor the valleys of the Arno can match it. On a clear autumnal day, when all tlie forests are painted in their matchless colors, and the roseate tints of the morning are softening into the golden light of noon, the traveler pauses to revel on the enchanting view and is loth to quit this bewitching region. It was in the month of May tliat one who had trod the highlands of Scotland, and the margins of her HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 479 lakes renowned in story, the green lanes of merry England, the goodly heritage of France, tilled like a garden, the towering moun- tains of Switzerland, and the classic shores of Italy, paused upon this elevation to brush from his brow the dust of travel, and inhale the refreshing breeze beneath the ample shade. The forest, now in full leaf, sweeps down through the deep valley and up the oppos- ing hills, interspersed with patches ot wheat and long stretches of green meadow. Soft wooled Hocks gladden the hills, and foals with their dams lay stretched at full broadside after their morning feed upon the fresh pasturage. The bird sings his gladsome note, and from far away in the valley comes the monotonous call of the quail, and the quickened drumming of the partridge. On the far distant height of the well rounded hill at the very summit is left a single tree, tall and stately, rejoicing in dense foliage, around which the kine gather to chew the quid of content. And here he thought is the delectable spot, more charming than any that has ever greeted his eye before. From the fact that the land in this township was held back from settlement, it was for many years the favorite haiint of game and the chosen tramping ground, in the proper season, of huntsmen, botii whites and Indians. A celebrated hunter, Lewis Wetzel, though his home was on Wheeling Creek, outside of the township, spent much of his time in roaming up and down its spacious forests. A notice, therefore, of some of his exploits may not inappropriately be given here. His own experience with the cold blooded massacres of the red men had taught him swift revenge, and he lived to be the avenger of their cruelty. In the summer of 178G the Indians became very troublesome in the neighborhood of Wheeling. A purse of $100 was offered to the man who would bring in the first Indian scalp. The families of Wetzel and Bonnet dwelt at this time on Wheeling Creek, and the two youths, Lewis Wetzel and Lewis l>onnet, joined the company which volunteered to hunt the savages. Having trailed them across the Ohio into the Indian country, and come upon an encamjjnient greatly outnumbering the volunteers, it was decided to return with- out attacking. When the return march had commenced, Wetzel was observed to be sullen, and on being asked by the commander, Major McMahan, if he was not going back, "No," was the response, "I have come to hunt Indians, and I shall have a scalp, or lose my own." Moving stealthily through the forest he came upon a hunt- ing camp occupied by two Indians. After cooking their supper they sat down to amuse themselves l)y telling stories and indulging in boisterous laiighter. Finally one of them started out with a torch, as if to watch at a deer lick. When the other had sunk to profound slumber, young Wetzel entered the camp, plunged his knife to the 480 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. heart of the savage, and departed with his victim's scalp. He reached home on the following day and claimed the prize. A favorite method practiced by the Indians to decoy the settlers to their death, was to go near a settlement and imitate, at early dawn, the gobble of a wild turkey. This was almost sure to draw forth the settler with his rifle to secure the bird. There was a. cave on the liill-side overlooking the creek, and from the neighborhood of this cave Wetzel had heard the familiar call and suspected it to be the decoy of an Indian. Crawling from his cot before the dawn, he went by a circuitious route out of view of the mouth of the cave, until he had reached an opening from which he could observe it without at- tracting attention. He had not been long in position — the gray dawn now breaking — before the top-knot of an Indian emerged from the cavern, and a very good imitation of a turkey gobbler's note was uttered, when the wily savage slunk back into his secure hiding place, to watch for the approach of some luckless hunter. Soon the polished head of the savage was again seen issuing from the cave. But now Wetzel was prepared for him and taking deliberate aim sent a bullet through the brain of the cunning denizen of the woods. The song of that turkey lured no more huntsmen to their doom. When bloody massacres had been perpetrated, Wetzel never hes- itated to follow single-handed and attack the savages wherever found. On one occasion, having pursued across the Ohio into the Muskingum country, he came upon a camp occupied by four braves. Waiting till they were all in profound slumber, he leaned his rifle against a tree, and seizing his tomahawk in one hand and his long knife in tlie other, crept noiselessly into their midst and buried his hatchet in the skull of one, and quick as thought hewed down another, ac- companying his movements with unearthly yells. A third shared a like fate. The fourth, seized with a mortal terror, rushed wildly into the forest and escaped. With three Indian scalps to grace his belt he returned home. On another occasion, while out hunting, he entered a deserted cabin and crawling up into the rafters, laid down to sleep. He had not been long there before six marauding Indians entered to pass the night. Waiting till all were asleep he noiselessly descended, and placed himself on guard for the morning. Early one of the Indians came out, yawned, stretched, and at that instant a ball from Wetzel's rifle pierced his heart. Not trusting to further adventure Wetzel lost no time in placing himself at a safe distance from the rest of the party. Having shot an Indian after terms of peace liad been concluded with General Harmer, he was seized and placed in irons; but having excited the pity of Harmer, the shackles were struck from his feet, and he amused his guards by showing his fleetness of foot. One day HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 481 he ran so swiftly that he forgot to return. lie was tired upon, l)ut escaped unharmed to the river bank, where he was ferried across by liis old friend, Isaac Wiseman, when tlie liandcutfs were knocked from his hands and he returned to his home, llarmer subsequently olfercd a reward for his apprehension, and while on a visit to Kentucky lie was again captured and put in irons, but was released on bail. Judge Foster describes him in 1789, " as a man 26 years old, five feet ten, full-breasted, very broad-shouldered, long arms, dark-skinned, black eyes, face pitted deep with small-pox, and hair, of which he was vei-y careful, when combed, reaching to the calves of his legs." Having lived for some time in Kentucky he returned to Wheeling Creek, and having been invited by a young friend and relative to accompany him to Dunkard Creek, he went. Arrived at his friend's cabin, what was their surprise to find a mass of smoking ruins, the work of a party of savages. Examining the tmil, Wetzel decided that it was a party of three Indians, a renegade white, and a girl whom they were carrying away captire, and whom they rightly guessed was the affianced of his frieud. The young men were not long in preparing to follow the trail. The Indians had crossed the Ohio l)e fore they were come up with, and had their camp near the mouth of Captiua Creek. Swimming the stream at evening they reconnoitered the camp, but prudently decided to await the dawn. As soon as day broke, Wetzel singled out the largest Indian, and his friend the white man, and tired simultaneously, both bringing down their victims. The two Indians took to the woods, and the friend rescued the maiden dear to his heart. Wetzel pursued the savages, and to draw tliem from their hiding place, tired at random. With uplifted tomahawk tliey rushed from their concealment after him. Reloading as he ran, he suddenly turned and shot the foremost Indian. The remaining savage, thinking that his gun was now empty, rushed after him; but by dodging from tree to tree AVetzel foiled his antagonist till he had another charge in his gun, when the remaining foenian fell an easy prey to his trusty rifle. This incident has been made the subject of a thrilling romance entitled "Conrad Maer." In intelligence and sobriety the people of Aleppo Township hold a commendable rank. The school i-eport of 1855 credits it witli nine schools with 149 pupils, and the report of 1887 with ten schools and 448 pupils. Superintendent McGlumpliy in his report of 1859 says " This district is poor, the land being but recently disposed of in par- cels and consequently not much improved. It is hoped that better times are coming." Twenty' years have wrought a marvelous change. The school directors for the present year are: Samuel Evans, Pres- ident; Frederick Wise, Secretary; George Murray, Blair Micliel, J. M. Houston and AYilliam B. Kinig Whiteley on Sebas- tian Keener's farm, nearly a mile below the Willow Tree postoffice. However these three streams have their source so very close together that the locality is defined with sufficient accuracy by either or all of them. Indeed it is said that there were two cabins, which was probably the fact, one at the source of Deep Run, and the other on the Eberhart farm." Spicer was living with a wife and seven children, in June, 1774, when Logan, who had been despoiled of eight members of his family in cold blood, and was out npon his hunt for an equal number of white scalps, which, according to Indian theology must be had to satisfy his pious revenge, approached, with his accomplices, the lone cabin of the Spicers. It was in the very midst of the primeval forest. Not another white inhabitant was living in a circuit of miles in extent. Spicer himself was engaged in chopping, all unsuspecting of danger, and not conscious of an enemy among all the sons of the forest. Logan had no cause of quarrel with him. But the savage must have the scalps of a certain niimber of the pale faces. It was immaterial to him who they were. When Spicer discovered the red men approaching, thinking they were on a friendly errand, and de- siring to suitably entertain them, he stuck his axe into the log and went into his cabin. Scarcely had he entered when one of the sav- 512 History of greene county. ages, having seized the axe, came stealthily behind, and with one blow struck him dead. His wife and two children shared a like fate. Three other children were found and speedily dispatched. Elizabeth, who was engaged in ironing, seeing the bloody work, ran for her life with her smoothing iron still grasped in her hand, being too excited to think of dropping it. In her attempt to clear the fence, with her brother William, whom she was assisting to escape, they were overtaken and carried away into captivity. The murdered were scalped and horribly mutilated, so much so that one'of the party under Capt. Crawford who went to bury the bodies, was so horriiied by the awful spectacle that he could not endure the sight, and begged to be led away. Logan, with a war chief. Snake, proceeded over to Big Whiteley Creek, where they murdered and scalped an old man by the name of Keener, whose body was undiscovered until the cir- cling of the buzzards above his decomjDosiug corpse disclosed its loca- tion. It was buried in the famous meadow of John Lantz. The captives, Betty and William, were hurried away beyond the Ohio, and separated, the boy being placed in a more distant tribe than the girl, that they might not be plotting to escape. Subsequently these tribes were compelled by treaty to give up their captives, and the girl was returned in the holidays of the same year of her abduction. Though but a few months in captivity she learned the Indian lan- guage, and the medicinal properties of many roots and herbs as practiced in Indian pharmacy, so that her services were much in de- mand during all her life in cases of sickness peculiar to the climate. She married a man by the name of Bowen, and lived to the ad- vanced age of eighty-four, many of the earlier settlers having cause to remember with gratitude the kind attentions of " Granny Bowen." " After Betsy returned," says Evans, " to her friends, she visited the sight of the awful tragedy where she was rendered an orphan child, and remembering that one of the Indians finding himself overloaded with plunder, had concealed some things under a log, she repaired to the spot and among other articles found her father's scalp, which she religiously preserved all her life, with the intention of having it enclosed in her own coffin, when she should be called away. She also remembered where she had thrown her smoothing iron and found it, and it is yet preserved by her descendants. Mrs. Bowen was the mother of a large family of children, one of whom, Mrs. Nancy Steel, is still living at the age of seventy-four. A daugh- ter of Mrs. Steel, Mrs. Azariah Stephens, living near Garard's Fort has furnished the particulars of this narrative." The boy William became unalterably attached to Indian life, married an Indian squaw and was made a chief. He was induced to return on one occasion to give testimony in the disposition of some HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 513 property in favor of his sister; but could not be prevailed upon to quit his wild life in the woods. Greene Township, by the report of Mr. Black, 1854, is credited with live schools and 177 pupils. By the report of Mr. McGluinphy it is shown "that the houses in this district are all good, and well furnished. In the latter respect they surpass any in the county." The following is a list of the present board of directors: J. M. Mor- ris, President; P. A. Myers, Secretary; J. B. Roberts, Stephen Gar- ard, Isaac Barclay, George Russell. CHAPTER XL. JACKSON TOWNSHIP. AuRicui.TUEE — I'altimoke AND Onio RoAP — Timber — AViiite Cot- tage — SciiooLs — Directors — llAiiiTs of Settlers — Dr. Dodd- ridge's Reminiscenses — Dress — Moccasins — Clothing Hung on Pegs — Occupations of the Women — Of the Boys — Throw- ing the Tomahawk. THIS township was one of the later settled, but is at present under a good state of cultivation. The surface is broken and highly picturesque, but the soil is deep and very fertile. Large tlocks of sheep are kept in the upper end of the township, nearly all of iine wool. Some years ago a few sheep died from some disease peculiar to the flock, since wliich more attention has been given to the culti- vation of cattle. The short-horn Durham breed is most in demand though some Ilolsteins are kept. The forests of this township were the favorite gathering place of wild turkeys, and the inhabitants raise large flocks of these birds. A few years ago a disease seized upon the flocks of turkeys and many died, which has had the effect to greatly decrease the interest felt in breeding them. AVinter M'lieat is largely cultivated, rarely or never spring wheat. Dent corn is cul- tivated, yellow, rarely white. Lime is found in alnmdance, and is used for fertilizing. Formerly large quantities of poultry, eggs, beef, pork and grain were shipped by the Baltimore and Ohio railroad; but latterly by Washington and AVaynesburg road, which is more convenient for the Pittsburg market. Hay is also an important ar- ticle and is sold in large quantities, movable hay-presses being em- gl4 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. ployed to prepare it for transportation. Oak, chestnut, poplafj sugar maple, locust, are the home product used in building and fencing, the coarse lumber for timber, joists, studding and roof is commonly of the different oaks. The red oak, which is now coming into use for fine work for expensive finishing, and takes a polish in carved work that rivals mahogany and satin wood, is common here. Timothj^, blue grass and clover are abundant on hill and valley, and thouo-h the hills are everywhere and of enormous proportions, the mower and reaper is almost exclusively used, and the strain of hu- man muscle avoided. There is in every part a clay and lime subsoil and springs of pure water are copious and abundant. Swine are largely bred, Chester white, Poland-China, and Berkshire being the most numerously kept, though a cross between the Poland and Chester is considered in all respects the best. There are no considerable villages, though White Cottage, near the center of the township, is the location of the principal postofRce, and will probably in time develop into a thriving place of business. The intelligence and morality of the people are conspicuous, and an air of thritt and contentment is everywhere observable. The dwell- ings are commodious and kept in a good state of repair, and the highways in most parts well wrought. A road machine, very simple of construction, is used to great advantage. JStine schools are reported in 1854 by Mr. Black, who was then Secretary of State, with 4:04 pupils. In 1850 the Superintendent says: " This district is much behind the times in point of education." But a quarter of a century has wrought great changes here. The present board of directors is thus constituted: J. F. Morris, President; M. C. Hull, Secretary; James Meeks, R. Hughes, A. J. Mitchell, Homer Fordyce. Of the condition and habits of the people among the earliest set- tlers little can now be recalled. It would be interesting, if any were now living whose mature lives reached back to those early times, to listen to their recital. As a matter of historical record, in these days when the whirl and excitement of life is so rapidly obliterating every trace of tlie old time, nothing could be more important. Dr. Dodd- ridge, who has left many interesting details of the early settlers in this section, gives the following graphic account of the habits and peculiarities of our ancestors: "A pair of moccasins answered much better for the feet than shoes. These were made of dressed deerskins. They were mostly made of a single piece, with gathered seams along the top of the foot, and another from the bottom of the heel, without gathers, as high as tlie ankle joint, or a little higher. Flaps were left on each side, to reach some distance up the legs. These were nicely adapted to the ankles, and lower part of the leg by thongs of deerskin, so that no dust, gravel nor snow could get within the moccasin. The HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 515 moccasins in ordinary use cost but a few liours lal)or to make them. In cold weather tlie nioccasinrf were stuifed with deer's hair, or dry leaves, so as to keep the feet comfortably warm. * .* * The linsey-woolsey petticoat and bedgown, which were tlie universal dress of the women in early times, would make a very singular ligiire in our days. They went barefooted in warm weather, and in cold, their feet were covered with moccasins, overshoes or shoe-packs. * * * The coats and bedgowns of the women, as well as the hunting-shirts of the men, were hung in full disjjlay on wooden pegs round the walls of their cabins; so that while they answered, in some degree, the place of paper hangings or tapestry, they announced to the stranger, as well as neighbor, the wealtli or poverty of the family in the articles of clothing. This practice prevailed for a long time. "The ladies handled the distaff, shuttle, sickle, weeding-hoe, scutching-knife, hackle, and were contented if they could obtain their linsey-woolsey clothing, and covered their heads with sunbonnets made of GOO or 700 linen. * * * Flax was universally culti- vated. When ripe, it was usually pulled by the women and boys, as this operation always occurred in harvest, when the men were occu- pied with their grain or hay. And those who ' pulled ' it, after the seed was threshed out of it, perhaps towards the heels of harvest, by the men, then spread it out ' to rot ' for some weeks, on some green pasture tields; and after a number of weeks it was taken up, ready for the application of the 'brake' and ' swingling-knife.' The for- mer instrument required the muscular arms of stout men. The latter was often, perhaps most generally, wielded by the womtn. ' Scutching frolics,' or gatherings of neighbors to scutch or swingle Uax, were very common, and afforded much innocent amusement and recreation to the young people, blended with pretty hard work. The old ladies generally took charge of the ' hackling ' of the flax. Hack- ling and goose-picking days required much patient toil. * * * One important pastime of our boys was that of imitating the notes or noise of every bird and beast in the woods. This faculty was not merely a pastime, but a vei'y necessary part of education, on account of its utility in certain circumstances. The imitations of the gob- lers, and other sounds of wild turkeys, often brought the keen-eyed and ever-watchful tenants of the forest within the reach of the rifle. The bleating of the fawn brought its dam to her death in the same way. The hunter often collected a company of mofjish owls on the trees about his camp, and amused himself with their hoarse scream- ing; his howl would raise and obtain responses from a pack of wolves, so as to inform him of their neighborhood, as well as guard him against their depredations. This imitative faculty was some- times requisite as a measure of precaution in war. The Indians, when scattered about in a neighborhood, often collected together by 516 msTORY OP GREENE COUNTT. imitating turkeys by day, and wolves or owls by night. In similar situations, our people did the same. I have often witnessed the con- sternation of a whole neighborhood in consequence of a few screeches of owls. "Throwing the tomahawk was another boyish sport, in which many acquired considerable skill. The tomahawk, with its handle of a certain length, will make a given number of turns in a given dis- tance. Say in five steps, it will strike with tlie edge, with the han- dle downward; at the distance of seven and a half, it will strike with the edge, the handle upwards, and so on. A little experience en- abled the boy to measure the distance with his eye, when walking through the woods, and strike a tree with his tomahawk in any way he chose." CHAPTEE XLI. JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP. Swan and Hughes — Lindset Family — Heaton's Mill — Jeffeeson AND Hamilton — College — Pice's Landing — Boundaeies — Schools — Dieectoes — Teagaeden Fights foe His Claim — Manumission. THOMAS HUGHES, Je., son of the original settler Thomas, married a daughter of John Swan in 1771 and settled in the Carmichaels Valley on the site of the present brick residence of John Hathaway,' and was a neighbor of Colonel Charles Swan. He was a man of undaunted courage, and when all his neighbors would flee to the forts for safety he would stand by his cabin and defend his family there. On one occasion his wife dreamed of Indian massacres, and so vivid was her dream that she prevailed on her hnsband to escape into the rjefield, where they laid down and slept beneath the shelter of the tall grain. In the morning she crept steathily from her hiding place to the summit of the field, and was horrified to behold their cabin in flames and the Indians dancing around a feather bed which they had ripped open, and amusing themselves by tossing the feathers into the air, tickled beyond measure to see them carried upwards by the currents engendered by the ascending flames. In 1776 he moved to where the town of Jefi"erson now stands and built a home near the old stone house of the widow Stephens. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 517 All tliis stretch of counti-}' was then a dense pine forest, the lurking place of bears and wolves and deer. In December of this year his third child, Mary, was born, who became the mother progenitor of the Lindsey family of this county. \'^'-'^ ■>■•'' V A little to the west of Hughes came Colonel Ileaton and built a cabin on the site of the present village of Jefferson. He built a mill, soon after coming, near the site of that now known as Horn's Mill. Hughes is said to have been implicated as being one 6f the blackened party which attacked the house of Captain Faulkner, in consequence of which he was required to give bail in the sum of .$3,000 for his appearance to answer. Faulkner was an officer of the government, and the opposition to him was his disposition to collect the excise tax on distilled spirits. The county at this early day was so uni- versally devoted to distilling that the county records for 1788 show seventy registered distilleries. So enormous was the cost of trans- porting the grain, the products of their fields to a market, that the income from produce was all eaten up. Hence the husbandmen resorted to distillation, as a horse could barely carry six busiiels of rye to market; whereas after it had been converted into whisky the same beast could transport twenty-four bushels. Up to the year 1795 the village was known as Jefferson, thougii there were but two or three cabins on its whole domain. At about this time a violent contention arose about the name which the new town should bear; for already streets had been opened and town lots sold. The point of demarkation on either side was Colonel Joseph Parkinson's store, Hughes owning all to" the east, and Heaton all to the west. Heaton being a bold Federalist insisted that the town should be called Hamilton. But the Hughes party claimed just as pertenaciously that it should be called Jefferson. For' some time the controversy waxed hot. It was finally agreed about the year 1800 that the eastern half shonld be called Hamilton and the western half Jefferson. In 1827 the town was incorporated as a borough by an act of the Legislature under the name of Jefferson. It has a population of some 700, and is a place of considerable activity. The buildings of Moriongahela College stand on a well selected site just outside the borough limits. It has four churches — Baptist, Presby- terian, Methodist and Cumberland Presbyterian. Few towns in the county ,are more pleasantly located than this. Rice's Landing, a village of some 350 inhabitants, is situated at Lock No. 6 of the Monongahela slackwater. Previous to the construction of the Wash- ington & Waynesburg Railroad this was of considerable importance, being the shipping point for a large portion of the county. It still distributes many goods to villages in the immediate neighborhood. The part of the town below the run was laid out by Abijah McLean, and was called Newport, and the part above the run was originally 518 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. owned by John Kice, from whom the place takes its name. Rice's patent bears date of 1786. Jefferson is the most irregular in form of any of the townships of the county, being a long narrow strip of land, hemmed in be- tween South Ten Mile Creek and Pumpkin Kun, scarcely more than two miles in width and fifteen in length. It is bounded on the north by Morgan, on the east by Cumberland, on the south by Cumberland, Greene and Whiteley, and on the west by Frank- lin and Morgan. By the report of 1855 Jefferson is given eight schools with 391 pupils. The report of 1859 says of this district: " The houses are neat, comfortable, well arranged and admirably fitted to be the training places of youth. The i-equirements of the law are well enforced by the directors. The schools are visited, but not as frequently as would be advantageous by parents and di- rectors." The present board of directors of the township is con- stituted as follows: J. C. Burson, President; H. Waychoff, Sec- retary; John Dulancy, A. W. Greenlee, Jacob Crayne and J. Kan- dolph Bayard. That of the borough as follows: P. H. Jordon, President; S. P. Hill, Secretary; T. II. Sharpneck, John Cottorell, John Sloneker and Frank Bradley. Abraham Teagarden, who had settled at Redstone, had a con- siderable family, which he had transferred to this new land. In- deed Abraham, father of Isaac, was born in Redstone Fort. His sons, as they had come to marriageable age, had taken themselves wives. David married Miss Treble, by whom he reared a family of ten children; William married Miss Craig, by whom he had twelve children. About the year 1770 these two, David and "William, anxious to secure a homestead while it could be got for the taking, crossed over into what is n'ow Greene County. The manner in which George Teagarden, who had married a young and blooming maiden, and was ambitious of securing a comfortable habitation for her, maintained his claim to the tract of land he had chosen, is romantic, and illustrates the customs which prevailed among the early settlers. Along the valley of Ten Mile Creek were many excellent and valuable tracts. One of these George had appropi-iated by making the usual tomahawk improve- ment. He had selected the site for his house and had called in his neighbors to assist in rearing it. "When the work was about to begin, a raw-boned denizen of the forest made his appearance and claimed the ground which Teagarden had selected as his own, and no further progress could be made in building until the question of ownership was settled. As no legal tribunal had yet been established over this territory, the only method of deciding was by personal combat, and it was accordingly agreed that who ever proved himself the better man should be entitled to his claim. The contest was HISTORY OF GKEENE COUNTY. 519 long and bloody, but the youthful vigor of Teagarden was iu the end triumphant, and he was acknowledged the rightful claimant. His antagonist, after having washed and dressed his wounds, in which the young wife of Teagarden is said to have assisted, re- mained and helped build the cabin, subsequently acquired a tract adjoining, and ever after the families were on friendly terms. Such were the ideas of justice and government whicli prevailed among our hardy ancestors. Many of the early settlers brought with them from Virginia and Maryland their house servants. In the records of the Ilecorder's office are several manumission papers, i'elow is one executed by a citizen of Jefferson: M.VN OMISSION. Jefferson, May 20, 1823. — Know all men by these presents: That I, William Fletcher, of the town of Jeflerson, Greene County, Penn., from motives of humanit}^ and benevolence, have this day manumitted, and do liereby manumit and set free from slavery dur- ing his natural life my negro boy, Jarrot llhoads, he being now of the age of twenty-one years and over, and I do hereby relinquish forever all my right, claim, title and interest in the aforesaid Jarrot Rhoads, and any claim that I ever had or could have had to his labor or services in any wise whatever. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal, the day and year first above written. William Fletchkk. Edwaed Fletchee. Thomas Fletchee. Greene County, ss. Personally came William Fletcher be*' e me, a justice of the peace in and for said county, and acknow'jdged the above manumission to Jarrot Rhoads to be his act, deed, and desired the same might ever^'where be received as such, and that the said Jarrott may pass and repass as a free man of color should he demean himself well. Acknowledged by me the 20th day of June, 1823. Witness my hand and seal. William Kincaid, Jk. Kexnoe S. Bokeman, Rec. Deed Eook E, page 371. 520 HISTORY OP GREENE COUNTY, CHAPTEE XLII. MONONGAHELA TOWNSHIP. John Minopw — Mapletown — Fiest Flotjeing-Mill — Moegan Built FoETS — Claek's Flotilla — Geebnsboro — New Geneva — Gallatin — Glass Woeks — Stonecastle — Schools — Dieectoes — White Savages. AS early as 1764, John Minor, a native of London Connty, Vir- ginia, came to the neighborhood of where is now Mapletown, on Wliiteley Creek, JVlonongahela Township, where he acquired, by tomahawlv improvement, a tract for himself, and likewise one adjoin- ing, now owned by the heirs of Moak Minor, for his brother Will- iam, and another contiguous for his friend, Zachary Gapen. Mr. Evans, in his Tenth Centennial article, says, Minor "having built for himself a snug and cosy cabin and made other necessary improve- ments, went back to the land of Conococheaqne the next year, and having married the sister of General Otho Williams, of Kevolntionary renown, returned with his bride on horse-back to the land of his adoption. Perched up behind her all that long and rugged way sat George, the little negro servant lad. Otho, his first born babe, was ocked by George in a sugar trough, the rude cradle of the primitive lii. ," Minor was a man of thrift, and soon had the largest estate of any one along the river, and built the first flouring-mill west of the Monongahela. It was located about one-hundred yards above the present mill and was driven by the waters of the creek. He held a commission as Colonel from the Governor of Virginia, and under the direction of General Morgan superintended the erection of forts at various points whei-e rangers were stationed to watch the movements of hostile parties and apprise the settlers. The boats which ti-ans- ported the expedition of Colonel George Rogers Clarke against the Indians in 1778 were built by Colonel Minor near the mouth of Dimkard Creek on the Monongahela. Whenever the Indians would make a raid, Minor would organize a force of daring militia and hotly pursue the savages, an enterprise requiring the greatest vigilance to prevent ambuscade by day and surprise by night. The cabins of both William and John were fortified, and in John's was kept the huge conch shell, still preserved, from which a furious blast was HISTOUY OF GREENE COUNTY. 521 blown as a note of alarm in times of danger. John Minor was elected to the Legislature in 1791 and iininediately commenced to agitate the forming of a new connty. His bill was twice defeated and he him- self lost liis election once; but in 1796, having been triumphantly elected, his bill for the erection of Greene County was passed and became a law. Colonel Minor died in 1833 in his ninetieth year. Monongahela is one of the two smallest townships in the county, but from the fact that it has a loiig stretch of frontage on the Monon- gahela River, it has a special importance. It is bounded on the north by Cumberland, on the east a distance of fifteen or more miles by the Monongahela Itiver, on the south by Dunkard, and on the west liy Dunkai'd, Greene and Cumberland. Dunkard Creek flows along its southern border, AVhiteley Creek flows by a tortuous course through its central part, bending northward in its lower part, and emptying into the Monongahela within two or three miles of its northern boundary, and the Little AVhiteley Creek forms its northern boundary. This township has, therefore, the best water facilities of any in the county, and is connected to Fayette County by the ferries of McKann, Matfield, Iloss and Greensboro. The village of Greensboro, the rival of Carmichaels in population and commercial importance, is situated on the Monongahela River at the head of slackwater No. 6. It is opposite New Geneva in Fay- ette County, the home of Albert Gallatin, and was laid out in 1781 by Elias Stone on a tract which had received the suggestive and ap- propriate title of " Delight.'' The original plat contained eighty- six lots of half an acre each. The one-hundred and six lots laid out by Dr. P. L. Kramer, and the site of the old glass works have since been added to it. It has a population at present variously estimated at from 800 to 1,000. It has three churches — Presbyterian, Meth- odist and Catholic. Two manufactories of pottery are located here, the products of which are transported by barge down the river and find a market at towns along the Ohio and Mississippi, a cargo sometimes running as far as New Orleans. The Star Pottery works manufacture tile roof- ing. In 1807 glass works were established here which produced an excellent quality of window-glass and were for a long time very pros- perous. It is related that Albert Gallatin, the eminent statesman, who had purchased a plantation near New Geneva, while on his way on horse-back to Washington, stopped over night at Tomlinson's in the mountains, and having his attention attracted by a party singing German hymns in an adjoining room, sought them out and found it was a little company of German glass-blowers, on their way to Mays- ville, Kentucky, to establish their business. Mr. Gallatin spoke their language, and finally induced them to stop at New Geneva, where they finally established themselves, he taking a share in the 522 HISTOKY OF GEEENE COUNTY. stock of the company. It was this interest which was finally trans- ferred to Greensboro and became the nucleous of the company men- tioned above, and was the earliest manufactory in this section — the forerunner of the vast business at Pittsburg and vicinity. Mr. Gallatin was born in Geneva, Switzerland, January 29, 1761, was instructor of French in Harvard University in 1782, married a beautiful young woman in Richmond, Va., in 1783, in 1785 bought his plantation at New Geneva, where he lived several years in a log cabin; but eventually built a quaint stone castle on a commanding eminence which he named Friendship Hill. Here he was visited by LaFayette in 1824. On the death of his wife she was buried here and her grave never marked, which caused among busy bodies unfavor- able comments. But on one occasion while out hunting he paused near her grave and was lost in deep meditation. Finally he said, "There lies one of the best and purest women ever God made. 1 would have erected a monument to her memory, only she requested me not to do so, preferring that her grave should not be so marked. She said I would know where she was laid, and as to the rest of the world, it was of little importance." The stone edifice where he lived still remains, though much changed. He attained eminence as a member of the Pennsylvania Legislature, member of Congress — the first representative of Greene County, as Secretary of the United States Treasury, and as Minister Plenipotentiary to Eussia, to Ghent and to London. In 18 16- he was made Minister to France, and in the meantime was sent on extraordinary missions to the Netherlands in 1817, and to England in 1818. In 1826 he was appointed envoy extraordinary to England. He died August 12, 1849, at New York. He was probably the most eminent of the adopted citizens with whose services the nation has been favored. Monongahela Township from the earliest times has been noted for the prosperity which has marked its progress. Its home markets have been good and the facility with which from every pj^rt it could reach transportation practically brought the markets beyond the bounds of the county to its own doors. Near the center of the township on Whiteley Creek is located the pleasant little village of Mapletown, named probably from the ancestors of Robert and Thomas Maple. The intelligence and culture of the people is marked. The earliest school report under the present system gives the township seven schools and 250 pupils, and Greensboro with two ■ schools and 101 pupils. The report of 1859 says " There are a few active and zealous friends of education in this township who evince a deep interest in the schools by frequent visitations." The present school board is constituted as follows: W. H. Cummins, Pres- ident; N. M. Hartley, Secretary; Siks Rose, William Ramsey, Stephen Maple, Lee Gabler; of Greensboro: "W. L. Hamilton, Pres- inSTORT OF GREENE COUNTY. 523 ident; C. A. Wolverton, Secretary; David Garrison, James Hamil- ton, John C. I51ake, James Atchison. As Monongahela was among the earliest portions of the county settled, it doubtless suffered as much from Indian depredations as any other section. If the record of these midnight massacres and burnings could be veritably gathered up and set in order it would form one of the most thrilling pages in American history. But having given accounts of these in connection with the early history of many of the other townships of the county we propose to omit all mention of Indian horrors in this, and show instead the other side of the picture which may serve as a key to the blood-thirsty disposition of the savage. Mr. Evans in his Eighth Centennial article gives several very striking incidents under the title of '' White Savages," and from this are given below copious extracts. " Genuine settlers were seeking homes for themselves and poster- ity. Feeling that in a certain sense they were intruders U'lon the territory and hunting grounds of the red man, they chose to court his friendship and cultivate a spirit of amity with him. But in their train followed a class of desperate and despicable outlaws — cormorants upon the peace and well-being of the settlements — who 'preyed upon the Indians as upon wolves and bears, and improved every opportu- nity to commit gross insults, rapine, and murder upon them. De- ceived by these bad men, and maddened to frenzy by their frequent and brutal atrocities, these uncultivated children of the forest would give nnrestrained vent to rankling vengeance, and wonld visit indis- criminately tortures the most fiendish and murders the most appall- ing that savage genius could invent. I shudder for civilization when I chronicle the revolting crimes perpetrated in its name. But the truth of history demands the shocking revelation, that no uncertain light may be shed on the pathway of succeeding generations. « Between the years 1765 and 1774 there was comparative peace and harmony between the frontiersman and the neighboring tribes. They were dwelling together in unity, and a social intimacy was being cultivated by the chiefs and encouraged by the whites. Indian and white man mingled and commingled with perfect freedom and confiding security. But this period of good feeling was from time to time interrupted, and eventually altogether destroyed by the das- tardly and reckless piracies of the wicked outlaws above described. "A fiend in human shape, John Ryan by name, killed at different times three friendly and influential Indians. One of these was Owish- togah, the 'Captain Peter' of our region, to whom many of our fore- fathers owed a debt of gratitnde for his hospitalities and friendly warnings, and judicions advice. Though sadly consternated at the damnable perfidy of these monster crimes, retaliation was not at- tempted. Gov. Dnnmore, of Virginia, offered a reward for the ap- 524 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. prehension of the murderer, wliicli caused him to leave the country, and the Indians smothered their just indignation and foi'ehore redress. " On the soutli branch of the Monongahela a most wanton and un- pro voiced massacre was committed on some peaceable Indians on a friendly visit there, by Henry Judah and Nicholas Ilarpold. The former was ari'ested fol- the crime, but the excited and inconsiderate populace rescued him, and he was permitted to go unhung. Bald Eagle was a chieftain of great celebrity, who was known and highly esteemed by all the well-disposed settlers along the Monongahela. He was on familiar and confidential terms with the inmates of every cabin. His visits were frequent, and his presence always welcome. Yet this universal favorite was inhumanly murdered by the three dastardly wretches, Jacob Scott, William Hacker and Elijah Runner. They met him all alone in his canoe somewhere near the mouth of the Cheat, and committed the cowardly deed. Not content with the horrible crime of cold-blooded murder, they proceeded to add insult to injury by thrusting a johnny-cake in his mouth, propping him up in the stern of his canoe and setting him afloat on the river. In this condition he was discovered by a Mrs. Province, about the mouth of Big Whiteley Creek, who had his remains brought ashore and de- cently buried. Soon after the death of Bald Eagle, one William White waylaid and assassinated a peaceable Indian, for which he was apprehended and committed to Winchester jail for trial. But the prejudiced and infuriated populace forced the prison doors, knocked o& his shackles and set him at liberty. " About the close of the year of 1772, I think, a most atrocious butchery occurred on a branch of Dunkard Creek. A semi-civilized Indian family, by name of Jacob, lived there by hunting and culti- vating a patch of Indian corn. He would frequently supply the settlers along the creek with meat and skins. But his peaceful wig- wam was invaded, and his whole household slain, with the exception of two children, who escaped, half frozen and nearly starved, to tell the story of their wrongs to the kindred tribes beyond the Ohio. The miscreants who perpetrated this deed are now imknown. About this time also Bnlltown, an Indian village consisting of five fami- lies, on the Little Kanawha, was ruthlessly invaded by five demons, among whom were White and Hacker, before mentioned. All the villagers, men, women and children, on the frivolous pretext of a mei-e suspicion, were put to death, and their bodies sunk in the river. In the spring of 1774, Capt. Crfesop and a party of land sharks first waylaid and murdered a couple of peaceable Indians crossing the Ohio in a canoe, and afterward fired upon a harmless encampment of Indians at the mouth of Captina Creek, killiug aud wounding several. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 525 " But perhaps of all the black catalogue of unprovoked criines, the affair a few days later, at tlie mouth of Yellow Creek, was the most infamous. Here the family of Logan, who up to that time was known as 'the white man's friend,' was killed. One Daniel Great- house led a party of bushwhackers to the scene, ostensil)!}' to protect a family named J3aker, who resided at the mouth of the creek, and subsisted chietiy froin the miserable occupation of selling the Indians rum. Secreting his men, he crossed the creek in the guise of friend- ship to the Indian camp. Being advised by a friendly squaw that the Indians were getting in liquor and were somewhat exasperated on accolmt of the trouble at tlie mouth of Captina, lie returned to Baker's and told him if any of the Indians should come over, to give them all the rum they wanted. The hypocritical scheme succeeded. Lured by his treacherous representations, a party of Indians with two females crossed over to Baker's, and when sufficiently intoxicated were set upon by Greathouse and his minions, and the whole party slaughtered. iVnother party ventured over, and shared a like fate. By this time, suspecting foul play, a large detachment attempted to cross, but they too were fired upon from the deadly ambuscade, and many of them slain and the rest driven back. The perpetration of this act of liendish perfidy was fittingly closed by the savage cere- mony of scalping all the victims. These were a few specimens of the treatment the Indians, when disposed to be peaceable, received at the hands of the whites. The soul sickens in contemplation of these revolting scenes! The blood curdles to believe mankind guilty of such nameless horrors! AVhat marvel that speedy retribution was visited upon the settlements? What marvel that swift destruction overtook them at noonday? What marvel that the terrible war-whoop of the blood-thirsty savage pervaded the whole land; that the toma- haNvk and the scalping-knife on every hand were reeking with the blood of the innocent; that fire and rapine and general desolation ruled the hour? " From this time forth Logan was transformed into an avenging demon. His name became a terror. At his beck settlements dis- appeared as with 'a besom of destruction.' The soil of Greene County drank the blood of almost numberless victims to his power. Well could reeking scalps, vacant hearths and smouldering ruins attest his boast: ' I have sought revenge. I have killed many. I liave fully glutted my vengeance.' " 536 HISTOET OF GREENE COUNTY. CHAPTER XLIII. MORGAN TOWNSHIP. EvEEHAET Hupp — Indian Training — Only Feae — Mes. Hupp, First White Woman — Cooking — Boundary — Schools — Directoes — Keoollections of an Old Settlee — School-House — Shoemaker — Feozen to Death. MORGAN TOWNSHIP was one of the earliest settled in the county. Evei-hart Hnpp, who lived to be one hundred and nine years old, married Margarett Thomas, who lived to the age of one Imndred and iive years, and purchased of the Indians a large tract of land on Ten-Mile Creek, for which he paid one black mare and one rifle gun. On running the lines agreed upon with the Indians, he found it contained 1,400 acres, and embraced lands north of Ten-Mile Creek and stretching across the North Fork, and conse- quently overlapping a portion of Morgan Township, where some of his descendants live to this day. The Hupps were always on good terms with the Indians, for the reason that they were always made welcome and given whatever the cabin afforded. Mr. Hupp used to declare that a feeling of fear of the Indians was never excited in his mind but once. On that occasion he had gone out upon the creek to do some work in a grove where he was shielded from view of his cabin, but where he could himself observe it. Going to the only point of observation, he was startled to see several stalwart Indians, tricked out in his own militia trappings, marching around the house and pretending to go through the evolutions of a squad of soldiers. At this sight his heart was in his mouth, fearing that his wife had been murdered and that the savages were bent on mischief. His agony for the moment was indescribable; but to his great joy he soon saw his wife coming from the spring-house, bearing a pan of milk, evidently preparing something for the red men to eat. He soon re- turned to his dwelling and had a friendly chat, while they partook of the tafjle (V hote set for them by Madame Hupp, when they departed, highly elated by their entertainment. Mr. Evans, in his thirty-first Centennial sketch, says: "At this time, 1767, there was but one white woman west of the Mononga- liela River known to the settlers. She was the wife of George Hupp [probably Everhart HuppJ who located a_large body of land on_the HISTORY OF GREENE COtJNTf. 527 north bank of Ten-Mile, and erected a cabin near tlie creek and about two miles from its mouth. Her frugal repast consisted of johnny cake [journey-cakej shortened with bear's fat, dried venisou and Adam's ale. Their hospitality soon became i^roverbial with the sparse inhabitants, who were else all males, and the IIupjj cabin be- came the Sunday morning rendezvous for all the men in the settle- ment. Nauseated with their own unpalatable cookinp;, tliey would carry their choice game and fish to lier, and enjoy a toothsome meal prepared and served by the veriest lady in the land." On account of its contiguity to Kedstone fort, which was a rally- ing point in time of dangei", and the point at which the new comer tarried until he could find a tract on which to blaze his title, that pleased his fancy, the lands of this township were early appropri- ated. This was one of the original townships at the time of the or- ganization of Washington County, and was at that time much larger than at present. It is bounded on tiie north by Washington County, on the east by Jefferson, on the south by Jefferson and franklin, and on the west by AVashington. The surfa^ce is very broken but the soil is fertile, and the farms well improved. It is well watered by North and South Ten-Mile Creek aud their tributaries. Clarksville, the only village in the township, a place of some 350 inhabitants, is situated on a peninsula formed by the two forks of Ten-Mile Creek at their junction, at the head of the creek proper. It has three churches and the usual business of a centre of a fine farming coun- try. In the report of Secretary Burrowes, in 183(5, Morgan is cred- ited with four schools and 155 pupils, that of Secretary Black in 1854, with six schools and 3()0 pupils. The report of 185'J says: " The directors of this district are a philanthropic band, who have the interest of the rising generation at heart. They have increased the school fund, and have paid their teachers liberally. Therefore, the cause of education has advanced very rapidly in this townsiiip within the past three or four years. All the school-houses are fur- nished with blackboards and maps." The good report thus early won has been maintained and it still holds a foremost rank. The directors for the current year are: J. M. Thistlethwait, I'resident; Joseph Adam- son, Secretary, Edward Van Kirk, George Hughes, Solomon Cum- rine, and Kobert Buckingham. Below we give some reminiscences of the olden time related by an aged citizen and published some years ago in the Waynesburg RejniMican: " The first school-houses were built of logs, with dirt floors and greased paper for windows. The seats were made of sticks driven into walls aud slabs laid on them. The first teachers I remember were Francis Lazear and John McGuire. The books used were U. S. speller and the New Testament. The schools then, as now, were 528 HISTOEY OF GREENE (iotJNTY. only open in the winter season, and the little folks had often to go several miles through the woods, with the snow two feet or more deep; and as there was no such thing as boots then, it was a very cold operation. "There were shoemakers in that day, but they did not have shops as they have now, but went around from house to house, shoeing the whole family before leaving. We never got but one pair of shoes in a year. Often times little children had no shoes at all, weai-ing noth- ing but stockings. " 1 will tell you a story of one of these traveling shoemakers. His name I have forgotten, but I remember he came to my father's and made us all shoes. He was a jolly good fellow, but loved his drink. After he got through at our house, he got his money and started for home. The weather was very cold and as he had to pass a still-house, he stopped and got a jug. As he journeyed on towards home, he frequently imbibed, until he had reached within about one hundred yards of home — that haven of rest where a wife and several children awaited his coming — when he succumbed to the influence of the liquor and got down, where he was found a short time after frozen to death. It created a great deal of excitement in the neigh- borhood, but like such things to-day, had no influence, as whisky continued to be made and drunk just the same." CHAPTEE XLIY. MORRIS TOWNSHIP. MiLLIKEN FlEST CoUET HoTJSE JSTlNEVEH BeULAH ChTJECH Methodist Chtjech — Unity Chuech — Gael Beothees Mue- ROBERT MILLIKEN was born in Ireland in 1772, and died in 1865. Lie was one of the early commissioners of Greene County, and was the first Justice of the Peace of Morris Township. He built a house on the site of Waynesburg, where John Buchanan's house stands, about the year 1798. He was a brick moulder by trade, and built the first brick Court House in Greene County in the year 1800. To this time courts had been held in the house since occupied by Charles S. Hickey. He married Mary, a daughter of HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 529 David Gray. He aftenvards owned the farm on Brown's Fork, Mor- ris Township, now owned l)y his son, James Milliken. Mrs. Mary Milliken was one of two children that made the midnight iiight to Jackson's fort, elsewhere mentioned. The pi-incipal village in this township bears the bible name of Nineveh, pleasantly located on Brown's Fork of Ten-Mile Creek. William Day purchased a small plot of ground on which the village is located as late as 1845, and having erected a small house, his son Francis opened a store therein. Mr. Day laid out streets through his plot of ground and soon a number of dwellings were erected. In 1850 a Cumberland Presbyterian Church was built, which was thoroughly repaired and modernized in 1881. The place has become of considerable importance as a business center, being in the midst of a tine agricultural section. A wagon shop is reputed to turn out excellent work. It has a substantial brick school building. The Bates' Fork Baptist Church is located near Sycamore Sta- tion on the Waynesburg railroad close to the border of Washington Township. It was organized on the 29th of December, 1842, by Kevs. Isaac Fettit, Levi Griffith, AVilliam Woods and Thomas Rich- ards. Fifty-one members were received by letter. Lewis Ketchnm, Thomas Taylor and John Pettit were chosen deacons. The following named persons have officiated as pastors, as shown by its records: Elders Pettit, Sigfried, Pool, Ellis, Kichards, Camonsou, Charles Til- ton, Parcell, Eossell, Scott, Morgan and Tilton. The Beulah Baptist Church is located on the water-shed which divides the basins of Ten-Mile and Wheeling creeks, near the Wash- ington County line. The meetings were tirst held at the house of Lewis Ketchnm as early as 1823. Elder Isaac Pettit was one of the early lal)orers, though for several years preaching was had only occa- sionally, and sometimes at long intervals. In ISIS Elder Trevor llichards commenced preaching once a month at the school-house near by. Soon afterwards a church organization was effected. Elders Pettit, Brown and Richards officiating on the occasion, and a house of worship was built. The following named persons have officiated as pastors or supply: Elders Trevor Richards, John Thomas, AVill- iam Whitehead, Charles Tilton, Caleb Rossel, S. L. Parcell, Job Rossel, II. K. Craig, W. F. Burwell, Patton, C. Haven. The church has been weakened from time to time by withdrawals to found other churches and to unite with other organizations. The Methodist Episcopal Church of Nineveh, Greene County, Pa., was organized January 31, 1881, with five members^ viz.: W. S. Throckmorton M. D., and wife; John Vancleve and wife, and Edward McVey. -During the preceding summer the lirst church building was erected. The society then organized was in the -Waynesburg 530 History of greene counts. circuit, Pittsburg Conference, Rev. W. D. Sleas, pastor, with KeV. Geo. li. llutfinan as liis colleague. The society at once began to exercise a marked influence on the community, so that at the close of the first year a membership of sixty-five had been gathered into the church. ilev. E. S. White succeeded to the pastorate, and during his term a new charge was formed, composed of Kineveh and Hopewell, a society that had been organized perhaps sixty years before. On December 29, 1883, the beautiful little cliurch building at Kineveh was entirely consumed by fire, and but for the faith, courage and liberality of Dr. Throckmorton and his devoted wife this grow- ing and promising society must have been blotted out. On the next day, Sunday Dec. 30, the Quarterly Conference was reconvened and resolved to rebuild. The same building committee was reappointed and the work began at once. On Monday the smoking debris was cleared away and preparatory^ work for rebuilding was vigorously begun. On Sunday Sept. 21, 1884, the new church building, superior in eveiy respect to the one it has replaced, was dedicated. During the time of its erection, one of the most commodious, convenient and comfortable parsonages, within the bounds of the conference, was also erected by the charge on a beautiful lot adjoin- ing the church. Rev. E. S. Koss succeeded to the pastorate, and during his term of three years, provision was made for the liquidation of all debts against the church and parsonage, and the membership grew to one hundred and twenty. In all departments of church work the society has prospered while it has gained proportionately in temporal things. At present (1888) the charge is under the pastoral care of Eev. N. P. Kerr. The Unity Presbyterian Church at Harvey's, Greene County, was organized in 1814. In the spring of that year the Presbytery ap- pointed a committee consisting of Rev. John Anderson and Rev. Jo,seph Stevenson to organize a church here. Among those of Presby- terian faith who had settled in this neighborhood was Francis Brad- dock who came in 1805 and occupied the farm now held by his son, J. H. Braddock. In 1812 Moses and Thomas Dinsmore came and secured lands where their descendants now live. The committee appointed by the Presbytery met on August 27, 1814, at the house of David Gray, now occupied by Mrs. McClelland, where after holding religious service the Church of Unity was formed. The ruling elders ordained and installed were David Gray, Jacob Rickey, Francis Braddock «and Moses Dinsmore. The families of Messrs. Dodd, Holden and Kent were also represented in the organ- ization. Supplies were appointed by Presbytery who came about HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 5^1 six times a year and received from two to live dollars per Sabbath for their services. The Saci'ament of the Lord's supper was usually ad- ministered in autumn when the roads were good. The names of some of those who came as supplies were liev. John Anderson, Joseph Stevenson, James Ilervey, David Ilervey, Keed, Marquis, Dodd, McCurdj, Mercer, Moore, Wylie and Patterson. In 1828 the churches of Wolf liun and Unity united in calling Rev. A. Leonard as stated supply, and he M-as succeeded in 1831 by Rev. W. D. Smith, in 1834 by Rev. Samuel Moody, and in 1885 by the unfortunate Rev. John Knox. Several young men licensed by the Presbytery of Washington supplied for limited periods. Rev. James Fleming preached for a time in 1839, and afterwards occasional sup- plies until 1842 when the congregations of Unity and Wolf Run settled and installed Rev. John Whittim, who was succeeded in 1844 by Rev. Alexander McCarrell. Upon the establishment of a Presby- terian Church at Waynesburg, the two churches united in calling pastors who. served half time at each place, Messrs. McCarrell, Ros- borough, Calhoun and Miller in succession having charge of tliese Hocks. In 1854 Rev. Samuel Jeffrey became pastor and served faithfully till his death in 1859. The Rev. J. A. Ewing, Rev. William Jeffrey, Rev. William Ilaniui and Rev. William S. Vancleve served in succession from 1860 to 1867. At this time the church at Waynes- burg engaged the entire time of a pastor and Unity was without a stated supply. The Rev. Samuel Graham became pastor in Decem- ber, 18G9, conducting a select school at the same time at Jackson- ville. In 1872 Rev. J. E. Stevenson supplied it until 1875. Rev. Robert P. Farrar in the following year served Unity in connection with the church of Cameron. lie was succeeded by the Rev. Samuel Graham, who in addition to the pastoral work has a select school at Graysville, and is still officiating (1888). For many years the congregation worshipped in a log school- house which stood below the old grave-yard. A frame structure 45x50 was erected at a cost of $700. Francis Braddock, senior, donated the ground and contributed liberally to the building fund. In 1880, after forty years of service, this house was destroyed by fire, and a new edifice was erected at Graysville to take its place. It is 34x54 feet and 17 feet to ceiling and was built at a cost of $2,250. It was dedicated on the 20th of June, 1880, the Rev. Joseph S. Rrad- dock preaching the dedicatory sermon. The Sabbath-school con- nected with this church was established in the days of the old log school-house, and Francis Braddock, senior, was the first Su2)erin- tendant. It has done efficient work ever since. The church has been the nursery whence has gone forth a number of able heralds of the cross. Of the family of Francis Braddock, senior, three — Francis, Cyrus and Joseph, became ministers, and of 532 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. the sons ot Moses Dinsmore, six — liobert S., Francis B., Thomas H., John, Moses and William, studied for the ministry. The Session having been reduced in 1837 to one member, the congregation elected four additional members, , A. C. JRickey, Francis Braddock, Jr., Obadiali Vancleve and Thomas Dinsmore. By removals and death the Session had again become weakened, Francis Braddock, senior, after a long and devoted life having been called home, and in 1856 the following were elected: William Lougliridge, David Braddock, John Carter and John Reed. Thomas Dinsmore, at the age of eighty-six, William Longhridge, at the age of ninety-five, and A braham C. Rickey, at the age of seventy-seven, fathers in Israel, were removed by death. On the 7th of July, J. H. Braddock, JIamiltonTeagarden and Daniel Clutter were chosen, and subsequently Thomas Henderson. The church has enjoyed many seasons of refreshing from the Lord. In the early days Robert Carl, his wife and two small children, and his two brothers, John and Hamilton, dwelt in a cabin on a branch of Wheeling Creek not far from Beulah Baptist Church. One night whilst Robert was away from home an alarm of Indians came and the inmates prepared to flee to Lindley's Fort. At dawn " the two brothers went out to gather dry sticks with which to cook their breakfast when they were both shot dead by Indians lying in wait. The mother with a two-year-old child in her arms and leading the other four-years-old by the'hand, escaped from the house into a dense field of corn and succeeded in eluding the wily savages. In attempt- ing to enter the cabin the Indians were met by a fuiious bitch which had a litter of pups under the bed and so much time elapsed before she could be put out of the way that the mother with her precious charge escaped. The murdered brothers were scalped, the cabin pil- laged even to the destruction of the feather-beds. The mother made her way to Lindley's Fort some ten miles away, where not many days after she gave birth to another child. " There is another tradition," says Evans, " that on Crab Apple Run there lived in the troublous days, on lands now owned by David G. Braddock, a family by the name of Hume. This family consisted of father, mother and five or six children. The murderous savages came one day, and without a moment's warning massacred in cold blood the entii-e family, a deed of horror that could not be surpassed. In this same general neighborhood at various times Indians slaughtered a family by the name of Mclntyre, one by tlie name of Beeham, one by the name of Link, another by the name of Mcintosh, a Mrs. Nancy Ross, and tomahawked and scalped two Beekman boys, and committed many other depredations, the traditions of which have become so dim by the erasure of time that I have been unable to elicit sufficient particulars to justify an attempt at relating them." IIISTOHY OF GUEKNE COUNTY. 533 CHAPTER XLV. PERRY TOWNSHIP. Surface — Son, — PEonrcnoNS — BouxnARiES — Mount Morris — In- telligence — Schools — Directors — Jeremiah Glassgow — Per- sonal Contest — First Settler — AVar Paths. THIS township is situated in the southern part of the county. Its surface is broken, and along the streams precipitous, the rocky strata that underlies the soil being exposed to view, piled in massive layers one above another, often overhanging the foliage below, along which the road winds in seeming dangerous proximity to the cliff. But notwithstanding the immensity of the hills, the soil is fertile and produces abundant crops of corn, wheat, rye, oats, potatoes, and i-oots on which sheep and cattle are fed. The broken and untillable por- tions are covered with heavy growths of tine timber, thus covering up the deformities of nature and making every part picturesque and beautiful. The township is well watered by Dunkard Creek and its numerous tributaries. There are portions of the territory which have never been improved, being still covered by forest; but the greater portion is under a good state of cultivation, and tine breeds of sheep, cattle, horses and swine are everywhere noticeable. The township is bounded on the' nortli by Whiteley, on the east by Dunkard, on the south by Mason and Dixon's line, and west by Wayne. At the southeast corner of the township, on the right bank of Dunkard Creek, bordered by towering hills, is the pleasant village of Mount Morris. It is regularly laid out, and has an air of prosperity, though its growth has for some time been impeded by a nuniljer of causes which now fortunately seem to be passing away, and an era of prosperity appears to be opening before it. The village has always been noted for the intelligence and public spirit of its people, and here was established one of the earliest gi'aded schools in the county. Secretary Black's report in 1854: gives this township eight schools with 220 pupils, and Mount Morris one school with seventy-five pupils. The report of 1887 gives the township ten schools with 336 pupils, and Mount Morris two schools and ninety-two pupils, thus showing a marked increase. The report of 1859 says: "Mount Mor- ris lias one school. The directors of this district manifest a determi- nation and active zeal in the work of educational reform worthy the 534 HISTORY OP GKEEWE COUNTY. noble cause in wliieli tliey ai-e engaged. This school stands number one." The directors of the township for the current year are: Perry Fox, President; Z. T. Shultz, Secretary; G. W. Headiey, David Fox, Isaac Cowell, J. .K. Headiey; and of Mount Morris, Dr. M. N. Eeamer, President; D. L. Donley, Secretary; J. li. Barrack, Dr. Hatfield, John W. Maxim, M. C. Monroe. About the year 1765, Jeremiah Glassgow, who had been the com- panion of John Minor in settling at Redstone, hoping to better his condition, crossed the Monongahela and traveled through the forests and thickets which cumbered all the valley of this placid stream, until he came to the neighborhood of Mount Morris, in what is now Perry Township. On the goodly lands which here border Dunkard Creek he selected as pleased his fancy, and toilsomely blazed his tract. At winter time he returned to his former home in Maryland. On returning in the spring he found that a giant of the forest by the name of Scott had, in his absence, taken possession of his tract, and would not be persuaded to give it up to the rightful, or rather original, claimant. Who was the rightful owner was yet to be deter- mined, not by the Marquis of Queensbury rules, but by those of the backwoodsman. It was accordingly agreed that the two should light for possession, and he who proved himself the better man should have it. Accordingly Glassgow chose his friend John Minor, who had accompanied him from Redstone and had taken lands at Maple- town, as his second, or best friend, and the contestants stripped for the trial. Glassgow was much the smaller man, though well built. In the first encounters Glassgow was worsted; but practicing wily tactics, in which he seems to have been skilled, he grappled with his antagonist and threw him heavily to the ground. The giant was soon up, but no sooner up than he was again tripped and came heavily to the ground. This was repeatedly practiced until the big man found himself so bruised and exhausted that he could not shake off his assailant. Glassgow was now easily able to give him all the punishment he desired, and when he called for a cessation of the bat- tle, the two arose, shook hands and agreed that the land belonged to Glassgow. Thus in true Horatian and Curatian style was the dispute settled, and Glassgow held the groiind which his blood had moistened. Disputes like these were not unusiial in those early days of settle- ment, and we may learn by this example how the land was originally acquired. Glassgow was undoubtedly one of the earliest settlers who came to stay and cultivate his lands, in the county, and it was the grit dis- played in this contest which enabled him to face all the difficulties and dangers which were the lot of the pioneers after the defeat of Braddock. As the great war-path of the natives passed through this township, the inhabitants were exposed to their cruelties. HiSTOUY OF grep:ne county. 535 "The great Catawba war-patli," says Mr. Evans, "entered Fayette County from the south at the inouth of Grassy Kun, tlience north- ward to Ashcroft, on Mrs. Evans Wilson's land, by Rev. AVilliam Brownfield'e, through Uniontown, through Col. Samuel Evans' high- lands, past Pearse's fort, a little west of Mt. Braddock house, to Opossum Kun, down it to the Youghiogheny, crossing where Brad- dock's army crossed, thence by the Bennsville Baptist Church, thence by Tintsmon's mill on Jacob's Creek, thence on through Westmore- land and Armstrong counties, and on up the Alleghany to its source, and over on the headwaters of the Susquehanna into western New- York, the grand realm of the mighty Si.\ Nations. "The warrior branch of this vast trail left the Ohio River at the mouth of Fish Creek, up M'hich it followed to its very source. It then crossed over on to the waters of Dunkard Creek, and followed this water-course to its confluence with the Monongahela, making an intersection with the Catawba line in Springhill Township, Fayette County. But the warrior branch was not absorbed, but kept on by Craw's mill, and bearing towards the mouth of Redstone Creek, joined the old Redstone trail near Grace Church, on the national pike." Mason and Dixon were stopped in their survey in November, 1767, at a point in Wayne Township, where these two paths cross. CHAPTER XLVI. RICHHILL TOWNSHIP. Name Significant — Gkaysville — Jacksonville — Thomas Leepeb — Cameron Station — Ryerson's Fort — Old Sea Captain Searches for His Town — Fort — The Davis Massacre — David Gray — Braddocks — Abner Braddook Drowned — The Tea- gardens — Jacob Crow — Headless Hunter — Massacre of Three Sisters — Return of the Murderer — Schools — Di- rectors. THIS township undoubtedly takes its name from the characteristics of its surface, for it is one stretch of hills throughout its broad domain, and the soil is everywhere deep and rich. This section early assumed importance from its being on the direct trail from Wheeling to the Muskingum country, down Ten Mile Creek to 536 HISTORY OF greene county. Braddock's road, and was frequented from the earliest times by the savages, and later by droves of cattle, sheep and swine on their way eastward. Graysvilie is quite a thriving little village situated on the Waynesbiirg and Wheeling road thirteen miles from Waynes- burg and three and a half miles from Jacksonville. James Mc- Lellan built a brick store here, which was occupied by Garret Garri- son, subsequently by James W. Hays, and at present by Smith Brothers. Jacobs and Hardy are just opening a place of business here, April, 1888. The United Presbyterians have a fine church edifice, where the Rev. Samuel Graham ministers, and has a school of high grade. The postoffice is known as Plarvey's. Jacksonville, near the center of the township, is located on a pleasant elevation known as Elk Ridge, the postottice having the suggestive name of Windridge. The tract was originally acquired by Thomas Leeper, his patent bearing date of February 15, 1798, issued by the State of Pennsylvania. Robert Brister bought the land where the village is now located and surveyed and laid out the plot of the town. Will- iam Super had a hotel here forty-four years ago, and Bryan and Tupper have succeeded in business. Daniel Walton, Garret Garri- son and Charles Pettit have carried on trade at successive periods. Sowers and Drake and A. J. Goodman now do a prosperous busi- ness. The Cumberland Presbyterian and Methodist Episcopal churches have commodious places of worship. Masonic ilall and Odd Fellows Hall are pretentious structures, the former bearing the name of George Connell, once a leader in the Pennsylvania Senate, conspicuously displayed upon its front. Merchandise is largely brought to this town from a station on the Baltimore & Ohio Rail- road. Ryerson Station, once the site ot an important rallying point in times of danger known as Ryei-son's Fort, is situated on the great Indian war-path leading across from the Ohio River to the Mononga- hela, at the confluence of the north and south forks of Dunkard branch of Wheeling Creek — a fine stretch of valley with lines of in- terminable hills sweeping up on all sides in graceful curves, and covered with luxuriant foliage. So suitable did it appear for a town that the original owner, Thomas Ryerson, bethought him to make the drawing of such a place as he pictured in his imagination woiild be a suitable concomitant to such a location, and taking it to Phila- delphia, sold out his would-be city for a reality, to an old sea captain by the name of Connell, father of the late George Connell. Great was the astonishment of the purchaser of this city on paper to find only a few hats at the forks of two wild streams, the ground not even cleared of the trees and bushes, and the dense, primeval forest resting on all the hills. It was recognized from the very first as an important strategic IIISTOrtY OF OTtEENR COUNTY. 537 point of defence for the settlers against tlie incursion of hostile In- dians from their villages across the Ohio. Here the authorities of Virginia had a fort huilt, to the defence of which Cajitain James Seals was sent, having in his company the grandfather, father and uncles of Isaac Teagarden, and Thomas Lazear, father of Hon. Isaac Lazear. "About the year 1790," says Evans, "a family by name of Davis resided on the north branch of Dunkard AYheeling Creek, about three miles above Eyerson Station, and a short distance below Stall's or Kinkaid's mill. The family, with the exception of one fortunate lad who had been sent to drive up the horses, were seated around the breakfast table, partaking of an humble but substantial repast. Sud- denly a party of warrior savages appeared at the cabin door. The old man and his two sons sprang up as by instinct to i-each for their guns which hung on convenient pegs by the cabin wall; but the de- sign was detected by tiie Indians, who instantly shot the three dead on the spot. After scalping the victims, despatching the breakfast and pillaging the premises, they made captive the mother and only daughter, and departed on their way up the creek. The boy managed to elude them, and escaped unharmed. It appears that they captured a horse. One of the Indians mounted it, and taking the girl before him, and the woman Ijehind him, was traveling gayly along. How- ever, they had not proceeded far when a shot from the rifle of John Henderson, who lay concealed in an adjoining thicket, knocked the jolly savage oft". But whether the wound was fatal or not, Henderson did not remain to find out. He had to provide himself safety from the infuriated savages." Some time after the decaying body of the daughter was found, but no trace of the mother was ever discovered. The mutilated bodies of the slain were buried near the cabin, and their graves are still marked. The skeleton remains of an Indian were afterwards found, supposed to have been the savage shot by Henderson. David Gray settled on the Ephraim McClelland farm, a short dis- tance east of what is now known as the Brick Tavern at Graysville. Upon one occasion the dreaded savage having made his appearance in that vicinity, Mr. Gray with his wife, each with a child to carry, abandoned their home in the night and fled, the wife and two chil- dren on horseback, himself on foot, all the way to Jackson's fort, a distance of about fifteen miles. He was one of the commissioners to locate and plat the town of Waynesburg for a county seat, and was appointed one of the first associate judges. He was appointed a justice of the peace for Ilichhill in April, 1793, while yet a part of Washington County. ATina Gray, one of the daughters of Judge David Gray, married Frank Braddock and had a family of five sons — Harvey, David, Frank, 538 HISTORY OF GREEiSrE COUNTY. Joseph and Green, tlie three last becoming quite eminent Presbyterian ministers. Abner Braddock, a brother of Francis, was an Indian ' scout, and settled on Crabapple Run, where David Braddock now lives. He went on an expedition against the Indians beyond the Ohio Eiver. On returning his comrades arrived at the right bank of the river, and began the construction of a raft on which to cross. Being an expert swimmer and not desiring to wait for its completion, he placed his clothes and gun on a slight support, and plunged in, pushing it before him. Near the middle of the stream he was seen to leave his raft and pass on down the current; soon he disappeared beneath the surface and was seen no more. Among the scouts who witnessed his death were Siiadracli Mitchel, James Brownlee and William Gaston. John Gray was a brother of Judge David Gray, and Matthew was one of the scouts with Abner Braddock, and one of Capt. James Seals' soldiers. He had two sons, William and John. The latter is still living in Richhill Township. William Teagardeii sold his possessions on the Monongahela, but receiving his price in Continental scrip (^the inflation currency of that day), it fell as flat on his hands as Confederate legal-tenders after Sherman's march to the sea. Financially he was ruined. His home was gone, his money of no value, bait his spirit was undaunted, and he began life anew by again braving the untried forest. Exploring the country inland, he made another tomahawk improvement on Wheeling waters, near Byerson Station, to which he removed. Here he remained the remnant of his many days, and reared his large and thrifty family. Here he experienced many a hardship, witnessed many a sad scene in murdered friends, and inade many a hair-breadth escape. Here he and two of his boys, Abraham and Isaac, enlisted in Capt. James Seals' company, and served honorably under Gen. Anthony Wayne in his eventful but successful campaigns against the hostile tribes. Capt. Seals and his brave company ren- dezvoused for some time at Eyerson Station, and afforded security to the much harrassed settlements in that vicinity. The entire life of that generation of Teagardens was a continual warfare. They were soldiers from the cradle to the grave. Con- stantly on the frontier, which was either in a state of defence or engaged in actual vigorous warfare in repelling a most blood-thirsty invader, they lived at a time that tried men's souls, and endured hardships and braved dangers almost beyond belief. Isaac Teagarden inherited the spirit of his forefathers, and though superannuated long ere the war of the liebellion broke out, he enlisted in the Eighty- iifth regiment and served honorably throughout the long and terrible years of that civil war. In 1769 Jacob Crow, a German, settled near where subse- quently Crow's Mill was built, some five miles below Eyerson HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 539 Station. Michael, his youngest son, was but thi'ee weeks old when he came, but Martin, Fred and John, older boys, were also of the famih'. He was a thrifty farmer, and gradually added tract after tract until he owned a beautiful and valuable domain. While the Crow family was thus living in the seclusion of this delectable val- ley, two men, whose names have not been preserved, came in and established a hunting camp two and a half miles below Crow's cabin, on lands now owned bj the Ilarshes. Here the two were surprised by the Iiidians and one of them killed. The other made his escape and roused the settlers. On returning to the camp, they M^ere horri- fied to lind that the head of the murdered man had been cut off, and the most diligent search failed to disclose the place of its conceal- ment. On the following winter while Jacob Crow was drawing wood in this vicinity, what was his astonishment and horror to lind, when arrived at his destination, that a man's head was caught fast in the hook of his log chain. The chain left dragging through the leaves had caught firmly in the under jaw — a ghastly spectacle. In this visit to the camp for the burial of the dead, and pursuit of the Indians, two of the sons of Jacob Crow, Fred and Martin, joined, leading their little brotlier Michael. Thinking the tramp too long for him tliey left him at a vacant caliin intending soon to return. But for three days he was left alone, a faithful dog keeping him company. On the first day of May, 1791, four daughters of Jacob Crow, Elizabetli, Susanna, Katharine and Christina, from ten to sixteen years of age, started out on a pleasure excursion to visit the family of Thomas Lazear, then living on lands now owned by Thomas Gray. Proceeding leisurely along the creek, they discovered a shad-bellied snake, which, having disabled, they were teasing. AVhile thus en- gaged their brother Michael came riding down the creek, and called to the youngest to mount behind him and ride home; but this she declined to do, and he rode away. Scarcely had he gone, when two hideous savages, and a heartless renegade white man, by the name of Spicer, darted out from their covert, and motioned the girls to silence. Hurrying them away up the rugged hillside to a dark ravine they were made to be seated upon a fallen tree. After making inquiries about their home and its means of defense, a powerful sav- age seized a hand of each of the younger girls in one of his, and with uplifted tomahawk prepared to deal the blow of death. Chris- tina, by a sudden movement, released herself and dashed away. The Indian pursued, and gave her such a thrust with his gun as sent her headlong down the declivity. Thinking that she was dispatched, he returned to have a hand in the slaughter of the other three. But Christina still lived, and recovering herself, she saw one of the In- dians deal repeated blows upon Elizabeth, felling her to the earth. 540 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. Crazed by the apiDalling sight, she darted away to seek for help. Taking the alarm, the families of the settlers were hurried off to Lindley's fort, and Isaac Teagarden, a lad of ten years, was mounted upon a fleet horse and sent to Inlow's block house for help. " Next morning," says Evans, " a company was organized, and repairing to the place of death, beheld a spectacle, the like of which only frenzied demons conld have produced. There lay Betsy and Susan literally butchered, mangled, dead, scalped. But Katharine was not there. Soon, however, traced by stains of blood, she was dis- covered near the water's edge, whither she had crept to slake her fever- ish thirst. She, too, had been hewn down by the tierce and infuriated savages, her scalp torn oft", and left for dead. Weltering in her gore she lay all that dreary, terrible night, unconscious of her wretched state. Next morning, awakened to consciousness by the gobbling of the wild turkeys, she found herself writhing beneath the scorching rays of a clouldless sun, and almost perishing of thirst. She was tenderly removed to the shadow of a large rock, which, but little changed, yet remains in a patch in a bottom land ,a few rods down the creek. Here she revived somewhat, and faintly related what little she remembered of the terrible affair, and gently chided her brother Michael, saying, 'I thought 3'ou would have come to me sooner.'" lier scalp was hitched on a haw bush but a few steps from the rock, supposed to have been drawn from the Indian's belt as he dashed through in pursuit of Christina. The scalp was fitted into the place from whence it had been torn, but the wound had become so irritated that it would not again adhere. Katharine survived in torment for three days, when she was relieved by death, and the three sisters were buried side by side. John, a favorite son, afterwards shared a like fate at the hands of the savages, and Jacob's hearthstone became desolate indeed. Christina lived and became the wife of John Mc- Bride. She preserved her scalp, and cari-ied the print of the muzzle of the Indian's gun between her shoulders to her dying day. Years after at a log-rolling at Jacob Crow's, two strangers, one an Indian, called at the house, and asked for food. Christina recog- nized the Indian as one of the murderers of her sisters. Scarcely had they left when her brother Michael and a trusty friend pursued. .They Avere tracked to the neighborhood of Jackson's fort, where the trail was lost. The young men encamped for the night, and in the morning started to return. They had not gone far before they dis- covered the trail of their game, leading up a dark ravine. Following it up, their forsaken camp was soon found. Finding that the cul- prits had escaped and were far out of the Avay, Crow and his com- panion returned to their homes. This was after a treaty of peace had been concluded with the Indians. Michael Crow was afterwards ap- prehended, on suspicion of having murdered these travelers. But JIISTOIiY OF GUEENK COUNTY. 541 on proof that the men had subsequently been seen, he was released, though his neighbors were wont to darkly hint that the hunt of Michael was not gameless. Martin and Frederick Crow were noted hunters, and fearless In- dian scouts. Michael married Nancy Johnson, and was the father of ten children — William, John, Jacob, Michael, Nancy, Mary, Eliza- beth, Margaret, Susan and Charlotte. About the year 1845, he and his son Michael built the popular mills known as " Crow's " mills. He died in 1852, at the age of eighty-three. Ills sons, Michael and Jacob, now^ old men, still inherit portions of the original Crow lands. Michael owns the home farm, upon -which the mill now stands. Michael married Sarah Jane Lucas, and has nine children, among whom is John M. Crow, professor of languages of Waynesburg College, who has given much of the information detailed above. The soil of all this section is well watered and very fertile. The farm houses are commodious and comfortable, and the barns are among the largest and best planned of any in the county. The town- ship is bounded on the nortli by Washington County, on the east by Morris, Jackson and Center, on the south by Aleppo, and west by West Virginia. The principal streams are the several tributaries of the Dunkard fork of Wheeling Creek. By the report of 1855 Hich- hill is credited with eighteen schools and 900 pupils. In the report of 1859 tlie supei'intendent says, "The directors of this district mani- fest an interest in the general cause of education, highly commend- able. They have also taken considerable care in selecting competent teachers." The directors for the current year are: Stepiien Knight, President; N. H. Braddock, Secretary; Elias Gribbin, George Mc- Cullough, Abner Phillips and William Carpenter. 54:3 HISTOEY OF GEEENE COUWTY. CHAPTER XLYII. SPRINGHILL TOWNSHIP. CoENEE Stone — Suefacb and Soil — New Feeepoet — Isaac J. Hupp — Deep Yalley — The Ceows — Massaceed by Indians — Schools — Dieectoes. SPIilNGHILL TOWNSHIP is located in the extreme southwest corner of Greene County and consequently of the State of Penn- sylvania. At its southwest e.xtrenaity is that corner bound of the State that was so long souglit and contended over by the authorities of Virginia and Pennsylvania, and was Unally discovered by erect- ing an observatory and finding by repeated astronomical observa- tions the true longitude of the place. This method was adopted upon the recommendation of Thomas Jefferson, then Governor of Yii'ginia. Mason and Dixon had attempted to find it by reducing the distance over mountains and down the valleys to horizontal measurement after having found the length of a degree of longitude at the parallel of their line. The two methods, however, substantially agreed. The surface of this township is seamed by the Pennsylvania fork of Fish Creek and its tributaries, which drain every part and afford ample power for mill purposes and for its numerous flocks and herds. The soil is fertile and the yields of grain are abundant. Though the country is very broken, and the hills rise almost to the propor- tions of mountains, springs of pure water are found even to their very summits, and there is scarcely a foot of sterile land throughout all its borders. Cattle, sheep and hogs are the most profitable pro- ducts, though dairying is carried on to some extent. Quantities of hay from its rich bottom lands and timber from the hills are shipped away and afford a good income. This township was not organized until 1860, and was taken from Aleppo and a part of Gilmore townships. It is almost the only township in the county that has a regular outline, being in the form of a parallelogram. It is bounded on the north by Aleppo, on the east by Gilmore, on the south by Mason and Dixon's line -which separates from West Yirginia, and on the west by the State line which separates it from the Pan Handle of West Yirginia. New Freeport is the most considerable village in the township, and is a HISTORY OV GREENE COtlNTV. 543 place of business and rapidly growing. Isaac J. IIupp, son of Ever- Iiart Ilupp, one of the earliest settlers on Ten Mile Creek, came to this place in 1851, when there were only three houses here, one of which he occupied, and kept a hotel. William Elder had a small store. Judge Thompson resided at AVheeling, and was accustomed to pass through here on his way to Morgantown on his circuit. Ills was the only buggy seen in these parts for many years. He was accustomed to stop over night at Hupp's. William P. Iloskinson came after an interval and succeeded Elder in mercantile business. James Berdine, Jackson Barker, Edward Fence, James Styles and Solomon White have from time to time been engaged in business here. Peter Bradley & Co. are still engaged in business here. This valley was once a sugar camp, the sugar maple being very prolific. A Baptist church edifice was built here in 1850, and the church was ministered to by Rev. G. W. Archer. A new edilice is to take tlie place of the old one this season. The Rev. Joseph Clark, an Eng- lishman, preceded Archer in ministrations to this church, and Rev. Morgan Tilton succeeded. Deep Valley, a few miles below on Fish Creek, has a postoffice, and is a place of considerable business, the steam mills located there giving it an air of importance. The quiet hills and valleys along this stream at an early day were the favorite tramping grounds of the whites as well as the Indians. Sometime in the year 1780 John, Frederick and Martin Crow, sons of Jacob, who had settled at Crow's Mill, together with one Dickson, went out on the waters of Fish Creek and established a camp for the purpose of hunting elk. Going out by twos or singly they separated during the day and returned at evening. Fred and Martin came in late, and Fred having shot a duck, and observing a bright fire in the camp, thought to surprise his comi-ades by throw- ing the duck into their midst. At the instant, they were fired on by savages concealed near by. Martin had his ear shot away, and Frederick was shot through the shoulder. Dropping forward, his comrade supposed him killed, and Hed for safety. Thinking the way was now clear, Fred pulled some sassafras leaves and was chew- ing them in order to make a decoction to apply to his wound, when, looking up, he saw an Indian levelling his gun at him. As if by instinct he fell to the ground just at the instant that the bullet passed harmless over him. Both guns being empty, Fred escaped across the creek and the savage did not follow. In the meantime John, hearing the firing, ran up to ascertain the cause, and was pierced by seven bullets aimed at his heart by the lurking red skins, and so accurate was the aim that they entered his body so as not to make a wound larger than a man's hand. The wounded Fred signaled long for his comrades to come to his assistance, using the S44 HistOEir OF greene cotjnty. call of a wolf wliicli had been agreed on; but, fearful of Indian treachery, they dared not for a long time to come. Returning cautiously they found Fred, whom they supposed to have been dead, still alive. Organizing a party to search for John, his body was found where it had fallen, scalped and mutilated in true Indian fashion. The body was buried at the foot of a beech tree, which was duly marked and lettered, and was visible for many years; but was finally girdled and destroyed. Springhill was among the latest of the townships settled, and even now thei-e are large tracts of forest which have never been cleared away. This township has eleven schools with an average attendance of 378 pupils. The following are the school directors: John Sellers, President; Peter Bradley, Secretary; John Minor, Lindsay Caseman, Wilson Miller, Owen Chancy. CHAPTER XLVIII. WAYNE TOWNSHIP. Location — Boundaeies — Well Watered — Dye's Mill — Schools PUENITUEE foe A CaBIN DrESS OF PlONEEES MaSSACRE AT StATTLEe's FoET BuEIAL OF AN InFANT. THIS township is located in the southern portion of the county, and it was here on Dunkard Creek that Mason and Dixon were stopped in running their line, at a point where the great Indian war path crosses it. It is one of the largest townships in the county, and is bounded on the north by Center and Franklin, on the east by Whiteley and Perry, on the south by West Virginia, and on the west by Gilmore and Jackson. The water slied in the northern part sends its waters to nearly all points of the compass; by Pursley Creek and Smith's Pun to the north, by the Whiteley to the east, by Pandolph's, Robert's, Shepherd's, Hoover's and Tom's runs to the south, and by the tributaries of Wheeling Creek to the west. It is, however, substantially in the valley of Dunkard Creek which touches lightly its southern border and receives the numerous , tributaries. It has no villages, though Blacksville, a thriving little town, is lo- . cated just across the line in West Virginia, the northern tier of lots reaching into Pennsylvania. Nearly a century ago James Dye built HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 545 a iloiiriiig-uiill here, the remains of which are still visible, which was frequented by the early settlers. Caleb Spragg, John McGee, Uriah Spragg, John Roberts, John Piles, Lences Jackson and John Lantz are mentioned as the pioneer settlers in the township. The surface is broken, as is nearly every part of the county, but is under a good state of cultivation, and the farms present an air of prosperity. The earliest report of the schools gives this township nine with 352 pupils. The report of 1887 credits it twelve schools and 522 pupils, a marked increase. The directors for the current year are J. Morris, President; John King, Secretary; llichard Thralls, Marion Minor, Thomas Hoge and Mathias Brant. The early settlers had many liardships to endure and were ac- customed to privations. Dr. Smith in Ids secular history of this section gives the following amusing account of the furniture of a pioneer cabin: " A single fork, placed with its lower end in a hole in the floor and the upper end fastened to the joist, served for a bedstead, by placing a pole in the fork with one end through a crack, between the logs in the wall. This front pole was crossed by a shorter one -with- in the fork, with its outer end through another crack. From the first pole through a crack between the logs of the end of the house the boards were put on, which formed the bottom of the bed. Some- times other poles were pinned to the fork, a little distance above these, for the purpose of supporting the front and foot of the bed, while the walls were the support of its back and its head. A few f)egs around the walls for a display of the coats of the women and lunting-shirts of the men, and two small forks or buck's horns to a joist for the rifle and shot-pouch, completed the carpenter work." " Their dress was partly Indian and partly that of civilized na- tions. The hunting-shirt was universally worn. This was a kind of loose frock, reaching half way down the thighs, with large sleeves, open before, and so wide as to lajj over a foot or more when belted. The cape was large, and sometimes handsomely fringed with a ravelled piece of cloth of a diflerent color from that of the hunting- shirt itself" The valley of Dunkard Creek was doubtless one of the most at- tractive and hence among the first tarrying places for white men in Greene County. The ease with which the Monongahela Piver could be reached was probably one of its inviting features. In 1778 a considerable settlement had gathered in the neighborhood of where Blacksville now is. A short distance below, on the Virginia side, the settlers had built Stattler's Fort — a place of refuge in time of danger. In 1778 the Indians were known to be on the war path, and for greater security the settlers went forth to their labor in bands, helping each other, and while some worked, others stood guard. One evening 546 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. after a good day's work they bxitchered some liogs, and set out with their precious burden for the fort, all unsuspicious of any danger. But, doubtless attracted by the piercing squeals of the swine, a band of over one hundred Indians were on the watch for them, ambushint^ the path which the pioneers would follow. Toilsomely jnoving on with their burdens, they had approached within sight of the fort, and were doubtless thinking of the delicions porksteaks they would enjoy for their suppers, when all of a sudden the forest was ablaze with the fire from the Indians' guns. Several were killed by the first volley; but the survivors rallied and returned the lire, fighting their way through to the fort, but leaving eighteen of their number dead, scattered along the path. So weakened were they that it was some days before the survivors ventured forth to bury the dead, whom they found stripped, scalped and shockingly mangled. This massacre oc- curred near the State line, on the Warrior Branch of the great In- dian war path, and it is supposed that this was a war party on its way home. The bones of Jacob Stattler, who was killed and buried here, were washed out by the rains, and were reinterred not many years ago. Brice Worley, grandfather of John I. Worley, of Wayne Township, settled on a tract of land a half mile below Blacksville in 1778. Brice Worley's first born babe died in infancy, and there is a well preserved tradition that the brave mother stood a faithful sentinel whilst the father nailed Tip a rude box, prepared the grave, and committed the darling baby to the earth. The little mound is still well preserved. Brice Worley's house was stockaded and was known as Worley's Fort. Nathan Worley, his brother, was killed by the Indians. History of greene county. 54:7 CHAPTER XLIX. WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. CuMMEECIALLY SiTUATED IIaIL-RoAD 800 SUBSCRIBERS CoST $6,500 PER Mile — In 1877 is Heard the First Scream of toe Locomotive — Surface — Boundaries — Early Settlers — He- LiGioNS — First Sacrament in 1783 — Services in a Barn — Schools — Directors. COMMERCIALLY, Washington Township is perhaps more favorably located than any other in the county. A highway of an easy grade leads down the valley of Ruff's Run, through the central portion, and connects at Jefferson with good roads leading to Rice's Landing, on the Monongahela River. It was also easily accessible to Waynes - burg, so that it' had the Pittsburg and home markets at its command from an early day. But latterly it has become especially favored by the opening of the Washington tfe Waynesburg Railroad, which by the several stations along its course gives easy outlet to Waynesburg and Pittsburg for the immense produce of all this fertile region. The rail-road, though but narrow guage, is of great importance, not only to this township, but to the entire count3\ The project had been for a long time agitated; but seeing no prospect of having one built by foreign capital, the citizens of the county put their own money into the enterprise, and soon saw their wishes gratified. In the fall of 1874 the matter took definite form, and during the winter and spring succeding, preliminary surveys were made, and experimental lines run. Stock books were opened, and about eight hundred citizens, principally in Greene County, subscribed. An ag- gregate subscription of $130,000 having been obtained, the company was organized in May, 1875, with the choiceof the following officers: J. G. Ritchie, of Waynesburg, President; Chief Engineer O. Barrett, Jr., of Allegheny, and the following named eleven gentlemen directors: Simon Rinehart, Henry Sayers, J. T. Hook, A. A. Purman, W. C. Condit, Henry Swart, Jacob Swart, Ephraim Conger, James Dunn, Thomas lames, John Munnel. The length of the road is twenty- nine miles. The guage is three feet, and with two engines and cars complete, ready to operate, cost $G,500 per mile. By the first of September, 1877, fourteen miles from Washington were completed, 548 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. and the cars began to nin. By the 17th the track-layers had crossed the county line, and the locomotive, " General Greene," entered the limits of Greene, and for the first time in all its borders, screamed out its note of triumph. Early in October the road was completed, and trains commenced running regularly over its entire length. Hon. Justus Fordyce Temple, formerly Auditor-General of the State, was for several years at the head of the company, and his annual reports show that the passenger traffic, and tonnage of the road, had steadily increased under his faithful management. Recently the road has passed under the control of the Pennsylvania Company, and is oper- ated as a part of its great network of chemin defer. Washington, like all the townships on the northern border of the county, is very rugged, though iinder a good state of cultivation. The roads, generally following the courses of the streams, run from north to south. It is well watered by a series of runs, Craig's, Crayne's, Boyd's, Euffs, Overflowing and Hopkins'. It is bounded on the north by Washington County, on the east by Morgan Town- ship, on the south by Franklin and on the west by Morris. There is no village of any importance in the township, though at the almost exact center of its territory, on Ruff's Run, is a mill, store, school- house and dwellings, which will probably in time become a place of some importance. This township was not organized till 1838, and was taken from Morris, Morgan and Franklin. A number of English and Scotch emigrants, who had come over and settled in New England, subsequently removed to New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland and Virginia. Still not satisfied they crossed the mountains, and some found their way to this and the neighbor- ing township of Amwell, in Washington County, and brought with them a love of religious liberty, first promulgated and acted upon by Roger Williams. Among those who thus early settled here was Demas Lindley, who acquired property just across the county line, on whose land a fort, known as Lindley's Fort, was erected, which was a rallying point and a place of refuge for the inhabitants for a wide circuit in the two counties. He also built a mill, known as Lindley's Mill, which stood upon the site of the present structure which still bears his name. He was accompanied by some fifteen or twenty families, most of whom emigrated with the Pilgrims, who spread abroad in this section, and whose descendants still dwell along this stretch of highlands. Following the example of their New Eng- land associates they early established churches, the Baptists in 1772, and the Presbyterians in 1781, known as the ivpper and lower Ten- Mile. A tract of land was donated by Demas Lindley, which was to be held in perpetuity " for the occupancy and use of a Presbyterian Church and for no other purpose whatsoever." The entry in the church book for Wednesday, April 30, 1783, was " Present, Thad- History of greene county. 549 deus Dodd, V. D. M.; Demas Lindley, Joseph Coe, Jacob Cooke, Daniel Axtell, elders. At this session twenty-two persons joined." The sacrament was first administered on the third Sabbatli in May, 1783, by Kev. Thaddeus Dodd, assisted by Rev. John McMillan. The meeting was held in Daniel Axtell's barn. The earliest report of the schools of this township, made in 1854, credits it with seven, and an attendance of 436 pupils, which is a remarkable number for a rural population. In the report of 1887, while the number of schools remains the same, the number of scholars in attendance is only 237, which would seem to indicate that the families are less numerous now than in that earlier day. The directors for the current year are, T. M. Ross, President; J. B. Cox, Secretary; Benjamin Shirk, Silas Joluison, Gr. W. Huffman and George Durbin. CHAPTER L. WHITELEY TOWNSHIP. commeecial advantages sukfaoe boundaries experience of Dk. McMillan — Mr. Evans' Account of Mrs. Bozartii — He- roic Defense of Herself — Relief. THE northern part of this township reaches up within a few miles of the county seat, and has hiirhways of easy grade tliat lead by the valleys of Whiteley Creek to the navigable waters of the Mononga- hela River. It has, consequently, had access to good markets from its earliest settlement. This advantage is shown by the stimulus it has given to agricultural pursuits, throughout all its borders. Few townships in the county can show farms under better tillage, the stock more intelligently bred, and the homes of the inhaltitants more tasteful and comfortable. The surface is rolling and well watered by Whiteley Creek and Dyer's Fork. It is bounded on the north by Franklin and Jefferson, on the east by Greene, on the south by Perry, and on the west by Wayne and Franklin. In the southern portion of the tow^^ship, at the forks ot Whiteley Creek, is tlie village of Newtown, which is supplied with mills and the usual places of business, and a Method- ist Episcopal Church is located here. Secretary Black's report of 1854 shows this townsliip to have eight schools and 274 ])upils; by the report of 1887 it is seen to have nine schools and 255 pupils, 550 HISTORY OP GREENE COUNTY. which would seem to indicate that the families are more diminutive in size now than a tliird of a century ago. The board of directors for the current year is constituted as follows: Dr. C. C. Conway, President; M. C. Brant, Secretary; John Meighen, James Hatfield, John Cowell, and Thomas Mooney. The early settlers of this township endured the privations of frontier life, and the terror inspired by Indian savagery. When Dr. McMillan, the eminent Presbyterian divine, came to this section, there was little comfort in the home life of the people, and he began life among them in as simple away as the humblest to whom he ministered. He says: "When I came to this country, the cabin in which I was to live was raised, but there was no roof on it, nor any chimney nor floor. The people, however, were very kind, and as- sisted me in preparing my house, and on the 16th of December I removed into it. But we had neither bedstead nor tables, nor stool, nor chair, nor bucket. All these things we had to leave behind us; as there was no wagon road at that time over the mountains, we could bring nothing but what was carried on pack-horses. We placed two boxes on each other, which served us for a table, and two kegs answered for seats, and having committed ourselves to God in family worship, we spread a bed on the floor, and slept soundly till morn- ing. The next day a neighbor came to my assistance. We made a table and a stool, and in a little time had everything comfortable about us." One of the most thrilling incidents in early pioneer life was that of Experience Bozarth. Mr. Evans gives the following description of it in his Centennial papers: " In the spring of 1779 we find her living in a cabin in the lower part of the valley of Dnnkard Creek. That it was on Dunkard Creek, and in Greene Count}' there is no historic event more posi- tive. But the exact locality, which did we know, would add much to the interest of the story, is not recorded, nor is there any tra- dition to my knowledge on the subject at all. All accounts speak of her as a lone woman. She is designated as Mrs. Experience Bozarth only. " About the middle of March there was an alarm of Indians. Besides hers, there were but two or three cabins in the neighbor- hood. For some reason, either because her cabin afforded the best wall of defence, or because she was such a fearless creature, the neighbors fearing to stay at home all assembled at her house, and were abiding there presuming that in union there was strength. " After the lapse of some days, when the fears of an attack had begun to subside and a feeling of comparative security was being restored, and tlie vigilance against surprise had consequently been i-e- laxed, at a moment when there were but two men in the house, some HISTOKY OF GREENE COUNTY. 551 of the chilJren of tlie various families ran in from their play in much alarm, crying, 'Ugly red men! Ugly red men?' Upon one of tlie men stepping to the door he received a ball in the side of the breast, which caused him to fall back on the floor. The Indian wlio shot liim sprang in over his prostrate body, and grappled with the remaining white man. The white man threw him on the bed and called for a knife with which to despatch him, and Experience an- swered that call by seizing an axe and splitting out the brains of the intruding savage. At the same instant another Indian entered the door and shot dead the man who was engaged with the Indian on the bed. Weilding again the fatal axe, Experience Bozarth disembow- eled that Indian on the spot, who bawled, 'Murder! murder!' Im- mediately several others of the party who had been engaged in slaughtering children in the yard came to his relief, and one of them thrusting his head in at the door had it cleft in twain by a murder- ous stroke of Mrs. Bozarth's axe. At the same time another having caught hold of the disemboweled Indian, and drawn him out of the way, Mrs. Bozarth, with the aid of the man who had someM'hat re- covered from his wound in the Ijreast, shut the door and fastened it against the besieging savages. Repeated attempts were made by the Indians to break into the house, but our heroine and her companion by their bold determination and vigilant, heroic exertions, held fast the door and defended every entrance for several days, till a party came from the neighboring settlements and drove the Indians away. CHAPTER LI. MISCELLANEOUS. Excise Law — Held Unconstitction.vl — Transportation Difficult — Whisky Easy — Law Resisted — Officers Abused — Law Modi- fied — Still Resisted — Macfarlane Killed — Militia Called — Gen. Lee in Command — Washington Moves with the Army — Reviews It at Cumberland — Submit — Honest Whisky — No License — Three Stills Left — Religious Excitement — Sects^ Slavery — Geology — Oil — Honored List. AN outbreak which occurred in 1794, previous to the organization of tlie county, commonly called the Whisky Rebellion, which was conflned to the southwestern section of the State, is entitled to mention, though in its bearing upon the history of these parts it has little significance. At that early day the chief sources of wealth to 552 IIISTOliY OF GREENE COUNTY. the inhabitants were the production of grain. So remote from mar- ket were they, however, that transportation cost what the produce would sell for. To put their grain in a more concentrated form, the farmers erected stills and converted their grain into whisky, which could more readily be transported to market and would command ready sale. "When the Revolutionary Avar was over, the new nation, being burdened with a great debt, laid a tax on whisky of four pence per gallon. The passage of this act was vigorously opposed in Con- gress, on the ground that the constitution provides that taxation shall be uniform, and the act would impose a tax on those producing whisky, from which those not producing it would be relieved. Adopting this argument, the inhabitants of the southwestern cor- ner of the State, chiefly the counties of Westmoreland, Alleghany, Washington and Fayette, resolved that they would not pay the tax. Revenue inspectors and collectors were warned, threatened and abused. The pipes of a still-house were cut, the proprietor of which had paid his tax, so that "Tom the Tinker," or the ironical mender of stills, became the title by which anonymous notices, threats and calls were signed. As early as 1791, Robert Johnson, collector, was tarred and feathered, his hair cut off, and his horse taken. The man sent to serve process upon the offenders, was whipped, tanked and feathered, his money and horse taken from him, blindfolded and left tied in the woods. Later in the same year, one Wilson was taken out of his bed, carried several miles to a blacksmith's shop, his clothing stripped off and burned, branded in several places with a hot iron, tarred and feathered, and left, naked and wounded, to his fate. The law was amended in 1792, and again in 1794; but all to no purpose, and "Tom the Tinker" men, the name by which opposers of the law were universally known, were only encouraged by these modifications to more determined resistance. On the 15th of Sep- tember President Washington issued his proclamation, commanding all persons to submit to the operations of the law; but it had not the desired effect. Altercations continued to occur, public meetings were held, resolutions asserting the determination not to pay the tax were passed, and finally the malcontents called out tlieir adherents, aruied and equipped as militia. Assaults were made upon the dwellings of United States officers, and some burnings occurred. Oflicers defended themselves, and in the melee which resulted a number were wounded with the small ^lot used. Among others the house of Gen. Neville, the inspector, was attacked. The malcontents were led by Maj. Mac- farlane, an officer of the Revolution. Maj. Kirkpatrick, with ten or twelve United States soldiers, were within the house. Neville him- self had left, and when a call was made on Kirkpatrick to surrender, he made answer that he woiild defend the house. The firing com- menced and continued for some time. Finally it ceased from the Cavalry. Artillery. Total. 500 200 5,200 500 100 2,100 200 150 2,350 300 3,300 HISTORY OF GKEKNE COUNTY. 553 house, and Macfarlane, supposing a surrender was intended, stepped forward, when lie was shot and instantly killed. This act enraged the opposers of the tax, and a general rendezvous of their party was called for Braddock's tield, armed and equipped, with four days' rations in liaversacks. To sucli a pass had the opposition to the law now come that both State and national authorities deemed it necessary to take decisive action. On the Gth of August, 1794, Gov. Mifflin sent Chief Justice McKean and Gen. William Irvine to inquire into the tacts, and endeavor to allay excitement. On the following day President Wash- ington, who had now entered upon his second term, issued his procla- mation commanding all persons to disperse on or before the 1st of September. At the same time he called out the militia of neighbor- ing States, as follows: Infantry. ^ Pennsylvania, - - - 4,500 New Jersey, - - - 1,500 Maryland, - - - 2,000 Virginia - - . . 3,000 11,000 1,500 450 12,950 On the 8th of August President Washington appointed James Ross, Jasper Yates and AVilliam Bradford to go to the disturbed section, and endeavor "to quiet or extinguish the insurrection," and the Governor called together the Assembly in extra session. A con- gress of the insurgents, composed of 2G0 delegates, was convened at Parkinson's Ferry on the 14th of August. But news of the de- termined stand taken liy Washington had been received, and the action of the delegates was consideralily modified. A conitnittee of sixty, one from each township in the disaft'ected district, was ap- pointed, and from these a standing committee of twelve, who were directed to confer with the national commissioners. Conferences were held, at which Gallatin and Brackeiiridge urged submission, while Bradford, in fiery terms, opposed. But when the vote was taken, and showed thirty-four to twenty-three in favor of submission, he yielded, declaring that if his associates would not stand by him, he was for submission. It was proposed to take the sense of the people throughout the district by having each individual citizen answer, over his own signature, this question: "Will the people submit to the laws of the United States, upon the terms proposed by the commissioners of the United States?" Until the 11th day of September was given to signify their intention. The result of this test was so unsatisfactory, that President Washington gave the order for the army to march, and with banners spread to the breeze, to the music of fife and drum, the column moved forward. Henry Lee — • 554 HISTORY OF GBEENE COUNTY. "Light Horse Harry" — was given command. President Washing- ton, accompanied by Gen. Knox, Secretary of War, Alexander Ham- ilton, Secretary of the Treasury, and Ricliard Peters, of the District Court, fet out on tlie 1st of October for the scene of the disturbance. On Friday the President reached Harrisburg, on Saturday Carlisle. The committee of the insurgents held a meeting on the 2d of October ■ at Parkinson's Ferry, when, learning that a well organized army with Washington at its head was on the march to enforce obedience, they delegated two of their number, William Findley and David Koddick, to meet the President and assure him of their readiness to submit. They were received at Carlisle; but Washington said that as the troops had been called oirt, he should not countermand the order to march. Proceeding forward, the President reached Cham- bersburg on the 11th, Williamsport on the 13th,, and Fort Cumber- land on the llth, where he reviewed the Maryland and Virginia troops. This was old tramping ground for Washington, and must have revived many early recollections. He was now near the end of his life, dying five years thereafter. On the 19th the President reached Bedford, where he became satisfied that the temper of the people had changed, and that they were now willing to obey the laws; and after tarrying a few days, determined to return to Phila- delphia, where he arrived on the 28th, leaving Gen. Lee to meet the commissioners and make such terms of pacification as should be just. A meeting of the committee of sixty was held at Parkinson's on the 24th, and a sub-committee was ordei'ed to repair to the head- quarters of the army, and give assurances of submission. This sub- committee did not arrive till after the departure of Washington; but at Uniontown they met Gen. Lee, with whom it was agreed that books should be opened in every part of the disaifected district, by justices of the peace, when every citizen should be required to sub- scribe to an oath to support the Constitution of the United States, and obey the laws. At the same time Gen. Neville issued an order for all stills to be entered according to law, which was promptly com- plied with. Having issued a judicious address to the people of the disaifected district, and being convinced that there was a sincere dis- position to obey the laws. Gen. Lee, on the 17th of November, gave orders for the immediate return of the troops to Philadelphia, except a small detachment under Gen. Morgan, which was left at Pittsburgh for the winter defence. Thus ended the campaign. Some arrests were made, and a few convictions were had, but all were eventually pardoned. By the records of the inspector's office, it is shown that, as early as 1788, there were seventy registered distilleries in the district now covered by Gi'eene County. Besides these there were numerous private distilleries, in which small quantities were made, the result HISTORY OF GKEENE COUNTY. 555 at each amounting to little more than was considered necessary for the use of the family, whiskey being regarded as necessary as any article of diet. Until within a very few years large quantities of whiskey were produced in this county, and a high reputation was maintained for making an honest article. But as other sources of wealth from the produce of the farm were multiplied, stills were gradually al)andoned, until now there are only three in the entire borders, Gilpin South's, at I'ald liill, with a daily capacity of thirty- three bushels; James R. Gray's at, Gray's Landing, of 130 bushels; and TJ. E. Lijipincott's, at Lippincott, of ninety bushels. Some eight or ten years ago, Will McConnell, a noted teniperence lecturer, canie into the county and commenced his work. lie was received witli <;reat favor, and a great revival of the temperance sentiment was the result. Local option was submitted to a vote of the people and was decided in favor of no license, so that now intoxicating, liquors are not sold except at drug-stores, and the store-houses of distillers, in quantities, according to law. This action of the people makes Greene County the paradise of the total abstinence reformers. On several occasions in the liistory of the county, great waves of religious excitement have swept over this section, like a whirlwind seeming to carry all before it. Several preachers would combine their efforts, and hold special services. Vast congregations would be so swayed, that individuals in all parts would get down upon their knees, in the midst of the preaching, while others would come forward and bow at the altar. Indeed the cradle of Presbyterianism, and Cumber- laud Presbyterianism, the Baptist faith, and Methodism, west of the Alleghany mountains, may be said to have been rocked here. The Sut- tons, and the Corblys,the McMillans and the McClintocks, the Mor- gans and the Millers, the Ilopkinses and the Sansoms, have lead in a great religions work. As a consequence of deep religious conviction, as was eyinced in the great revivals which occurred at the beginning of the present century, several new sects sprang into existence. From 1800 to 1807, were years remarkable for the rapid growth of the church in Western Pennsylvania. But as in the days of the primitive church degeneracy and heresy crept in, so now followed delusion and false doctrine. In the northern part of Greene County, and the adjoining portion of Washington County arose a sect called Ilalconites. Their leader, Sergeant, claimed to have had a revilation from heaven, denying that there was any hell, either as a locality or as a state of existence. He gathered njany followers, and his fame reached to neighboring States. He was invited to speak at Wheel- ing, Va., and at Cnuiberland, Md. While at the latter place, as if to illustrate his creed by liis conduct, he committed fogery and was imprisoned. This ended his career as a preacher. A woman, Rlioda Fordyce by name, was his successor. She proclaimed " that if a 556 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. person would abstain from all animal food, live on parched com and sassafras buds for a given length of time, his body would become so etherial that he would be translated to Heaven without passing through the gates of death." The experiment was tried by a man named Parker, but instead of being translated, he starved to death. Ehoda would not allow the body to be buried until after the third day, insisting that it would then ascend to heaven, but at the expira- tion of tliat time the neiglibors interposed and buried it. After this we hear no more of the Ehodianites. But a new sect arose in the same locality called " New Lights," whose ranks were swelled by converts from the Halconites and Rhodianites. They denied the divinity of Christ, believed in immersion as the only mode of baptism, and practiced the rite of " washing one another's feet." . These were in turn absorbed by another sect known as Campbellites, founded by Thomas Campbell and Alexander, his son, who came here from Scot- land in 1807. They were originally Presbyterians, but their belief not being in entire accord wi.th that body, they resolved to found a new denomination. They discarded all creeds and confessions as human inventions, and insisted on immersion as the only Christian baptism. Two churches were established in 1811, one at Cross Roads, six miles northwest of Washington, and the other on Brush Run. Alexander Campbell, the son, was a man of brilliant talents, and superior genius, and one of the most eloquent and forcible public speakers of his day. He came at a time when infidelity and fanati- cism were rampant, and they fell before the power of his preaching like grass before the scythe of the mower. In some cases, whole congregations of New Lights adopted the views of Mr. Campbell. Many of his disciples in turn afterward united with orthodox Baptist Churches. As has been previously observed, slavery existed in this county in the early days, pioneers from Virginia and Maryland, where slavery was legalized, bringing their slaves and household servants with them, the idea prevailing, as late as 1784, that this was apart of the former State. The records of the register's office of the county during the first dozen or more year contain numerous entries of manumissions like the following: " Manumission— Thomas H. and James Hughes to James Butler: " Know all men by these presents, Whereas, it has been alleged that Felix Hughes, onr late father, was entitled to the service of James Butler, a black man, and whereas the said Felix Hughes did promise and agree that the said James Butler should be free from and after the death of the said Felix Hughes, and whereas the said James Butler has conducted and behaved himself well, and conformed to all his engagements witli his said master, yet liis said master did with- out giving the said James Butler any written evidence of his said HISTORY OF GKEEKE COUNTY. 557 manumission, now know ye that we, Thomas H. and James Hughes, sons of the said Felix Hughes, do liereby, so far as we are interested, renounce all claim to said James I'utler and to his services. Given under our liands and seals, A. D. 1805." But in the year 1780, Pennsylvania, the first of all the States, passed an act for the registration of all slaves, and their gradual emancipation, which worked its complete extinction from among us. The geological structure of Greene and Washington counties has been the subject of Prof. Stevenson's report made by State author- ity. Five folds, or waves cross this territory from northeast to south- west, parallel with the Chestnut Ridge. The AVaynesburg anticlinal, the second of these folds is about eight miles wide, and its axis dips to the southwest at the rate of twenty feet per mile. Along the synclinal trough of tiiis fold on the eastern side, known as the Lis- bon Synclinal, flows the Monongahela Eiver. From the summit of this fold to the bottom of this synclinal is an average dip of about seventy feet per mile in an east southest direction. The Pin-hook Anticlinal is the third marked fold, parallel to the Waynesburg, leaving the Waynesburg synclinal to the east of it. The Washing- ton Anticlinal lies next, and the Ninevah Synclinal is included be- tween it and the Pin-hook. Five miles west of this is the Clayville Anticlinal, having the Mansfleld Sjnclinal between it and the Washington fold. The stratified rocks of this whole region have been subdivided by geologists into lower productive, lower barren, upper productive and upper barien. The lower productive contain several valuable seams of coal, but they lie about six hundred feet below the Pittsburg coal seam. The lower barren, reaching from the Mahoning sandstone to the base of the Pittsburg coal seam, contains the Morgantown sand- stone, several thin seams of coal, but little limestone. It includes tlie green crinoidal limestone, 250 feet below Pittsburg coal, is four feet "thick and is lightly fossiliferous. At the top of the Morgan- town stone is the little Pittsburg coal seam a foot in thickness, of little value. Thirty-feet higher is fhe Pittsburg limestone, from four to six feet thick, useful as a flux in the manufacture of iron. Tlie Pittsburg coal seam lies next, is from nine to ten feet thick, five ot which are merchantable coal, and is excellent for fuel and gas pur- poses. The Redstone coal seam is some sixty feet above the Pitts- burg, is four feet in thickness, and also good for fuel. The great limestone strata is about 120 feet above the Pittsburg coal, is eighty feet in thickness, and is largely used in the manufacture of iron, for mortar and for fertilizing. At twenty feet above the great limestone, is the Uniontown coal seam, which is quarried for fuel. Upon this coal seam rests the Uniontown sandstone, forty feet in thickness, which is largely used for building purposes. One hundred feet above 558 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. the Uniontown coal seam rest the "Waynesburg coal seam, six feet in thickness, largely used for fuel locally, but too soft for transporta- tion. It will thus be seen that beneath the surface of this county are inexhaustable supplies of valuable minerals, and should the mines lying near the surface ever become exhausted, here would be found a vast magazine of Avealth, Oil has been found in several parts of the county at a depth of less than 1,000 feet. The Tanner well has produced for the last twenty years, at the rate of ten barrels a day, lubricating oil. In 1886 the Mt. Morris district was opened and many paying wells are being fourLd. There are doubtless oil and gas underlying this territory that will gladden the hand of the exjjtlorer. In addition to the names of those who have been mentioned in other parts of this work the following may be named who served as representatives in the National Congress: Albert Gallatin, William Hoge, John L. Dawson, Jonathan Knight, William Montgomery, Jesse Lazear, George Y. Lawrence, J. B. Donley, Morgan R. Wise, Jacob Teemer, Charles E. Boyle. Of the State Senate are the follow- ing: Isaac Weaver, William G. Hawkins, Charles A. Black, John C. Fleniken, Andrew Lantz, A. Patton, M. D. ; Morgan E. Wise. Of the House of Representatives of the State: John Minor, John Fleniken, Maxwell McCaslin, James "W. Hays, liees Hill, Adam Hays, W. T. Hays, Thomas Burson, W. S. Harv«y, Joseph Sedgwick, Thomas Ross, John Phelan, Fletcher Brock, D. W. Gray, M. D.; John Hogan, Thomas Laidley, William Kincaid, Patrick Donley. It is a notable circumstance that Isaac Weaver was speaker of the Senate, at the same time that Rees Hill was speaker of the House, both representing Greene County. ^Biographical Sketches,^ BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. ALEPPO TOWNSHIP. ASBUEY ANTILL, farmer and stock-grower, son of John and Isabella (Chenith) Antill, was born in this county March 24, 1836. His mother was born in Ohio. His father, who was a farmer and miller, was born and died in Greene County, Penn. The subject of this sketch was the fourth in a family of nine children, all of whom grew to be men and women. He was reared on the farm and has been an industrious farmer all his life. He is the owner of 243 acres of well-improved land where lie resides in Aleppo Township. In 1857 Mr. Antill married Sarah, daughter of Moses and Hamiaii (Whipkey) King. Mrs. Antill is of JJutch extraction, and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Their children are — William, Harvey, Maggie, wife of Benjamin Chambers, Jr., Louis, John and Asbury K. Mr. Antill is a Democrat in politics. BENJAMIN CHAMBERS, farmer and stock-grower, was born in Marshall County, West Virginia, Octoljer 13, 1840, is the son of J. A. and Susan (Kerr) Chambers, natives of West Virginia, and of German ancestry. His father, who spent all his life as a farmer in his native State, reared a family of seven children, of whom the sub- ject of this sketch is the oldest son. He was reared on the home farm, attended the district school and has made iarming and stock- growing his chief pursuit. He came to this county in 1865 and settled on his present farm in Aleppo Township, consisting of 324 acres of well improved land. In 1866 Mr. Chambers was united in marriage with M. J., daughter of A. J. and Lneinda (Ayers) Iliner- man. Her parents were of German origin. Mr. and Mrs. Chambers' children are C. T., G. A., Ward, Lucinda, John A., Olive Dillie, Leota, Elizabeth and Pearl. Mr. Chambers is a Republican. Mrs. Chambers is a member of the Christian Church. W. W. CLENDENNING, farmer and stock-grower, was born in Marshall County, West Virginia, October 28, 1838. He is a son of Archibald and Jane (Cooper) Clendenning, who were natives of Ire- land. They came to America and settled in Greene County, where 562 KISTOEY OF GREENE COTTNTY. Mr. ClendenniDg was a farmer for many years and died in 1877. Of a family of four children, the subject of this sketch is the youngest. He was reared on the farm and received a common school education. He has made farming his main occupation, and is the owner of 133 acres of land, all of which he has accumulated through his own efforts. Mr. Clendenning was united in marriage August 26, 1862, with Miss Sarah, daughter of James and Jane (McCaslin) Kincaid, and sister of Colonel Maxwell McCaslin. Mr. and Mrs. Clendenning have eight children, viz.: Kobert Maxwell, "William N., Milton L., Anna F., John, Mary, Nellie Grant and Jessie K. Mr. Clendenning and wife are members of the Church of God. J. T. ELBIN, Associate Judge of Greene County, and one of the earliest settlers of Aleppo Township, now living, was born in Alle- gheny County, Maryland, March 18, 1824. He was left an orphan when a small child and was reared by his grandfather, John Elbin, who was a prominent farmer of Greene County, and died intestate in 1845. Judge Elbin was thrown out in the world without a dollar, but was ambitious to be independent and worked as a farm hand by the day and month uutil he succeeded in accumulating enough to invest in land. He has been engaged in farming and stock-growing in this county since 1848, and has been very successful in all his business ventures. In 1847 he was united in marriage with Hannah, daughter of John and Plannah (Sidwell) McVay, and they are the parents of six children, viz.: Lucinda, wife of L. Sammons; JKachel, wife of George Grim; Henry, who is an undertaker; John W., a farmer; Belle, wife of George tJllom, and Mary Ann, deceased. Mrs. Elbin belongs to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and the Judge is a member of the Church of God, in which he takes an active interest, and has served as superintendent of the Sabbath-school. He is a Democrat, and was elected Associate Judge in 1884. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., and has served as Justice of the Peace for a period of twenty years; elected in 1860, and held the office until 1880. AZARIAH EVANS, farmer and stock-grower, was born in Washington County, Penn., August 29, 1828, and is a son of Caleb and Anna (Smalley) Evans. His father was a native of Fayette County, and his mother was born in Washington County. They were of Welsh extraction. His fathei*, a farmer by occupation, came to Greene County in 1839, and in 1841 he settled in Aleppo Town- ship, where he died in 1860. He reared a family of fourteen children, twelve of whom grew to be men and women, and eight of the family are still alive and in active life. The subject of this sketch is next to the oldest of those now living and was reared on the home farm, receiving a common school education. Mr. Evans has spent his life as a farmer, having lived in Greene County since HISTORY OF GREENK COUNTY. 563 lie was thirteen years of age. lie has been very successful, and owns at present a fine farm of 274 acres. He was nnited in rnarriat^e September 3, 1848, with Miss Mary, daughter of William and Eliza- beth (Courtwright) Griffith, wlio were of Irish origin. Mr. and Mrs. Evans have two children living — Elizabeth A., wife of William 13. King, and Samuel L., a farmer and stock-grower, who married Liicinda, daughter of James and Julianna (Chess) Parson. Mr. and Mrs. Evans have met with well deserved success. Both have been very hard workers and noted for their liberality. Mr. Evjins' name often appears on the chiirch subscription papers, and he has given liberally to both the church and the Sabbath school. Though not a member of any church, he is ever an.xious for the success of any church or moral enterprise. Ills wife is a meml)er of the Church of God. Mr. Evans is a Republican. In 1862 he enlisted in Com- pany A, Eighteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, and served until the close of the war, being discharged by general order. Among the engagements in which he took part was the famous battle of Gettys- burg. He was at one time an active member of the Patrons of Husbandry. CHPISTIAN GRIM, fiirmer and stock-grower, son of Jacob and Keziah (Courtwright) Grim, was born in Greene County, Penn., April 12, 1859. His parents were also natives of this county, and of (Tcrman origin. His father was a farmer during his lifetime. Christian Grim is the eldest of three children, and was reared on the home farm, receiving his education in the common schools. He is a successful farmer, and has the management of his own and Mrs. Grim's farm, amounting in all to 250 acres. His wife was the widow of the late Madison, son of Peter UUom, a native of Aleppo Township. Mr. and Mrs. Ulloni were the parents of live children, viz. — Eliza, wife of Isaac McCracken; Isaac E., a student of Delaware College, Ohio; Clara, Lantz II. 'aiSI Thomas H. Mrs. (xrim's maiden name was Melissa Hupp. She is a dauL^hter of Isaac Hupp, and of German and English lineage. Mr. and Mrs. Grim were married September 7, 1881. They are members of the Church of God. They have three children — Flora, John C. and Ella. Mr. Grim is a deacon in the church. In politics he is a Democrat. JOHN HENRY, farmer and stock-grower, was born in Somer- set County, Penn., July 25, 1827. He is a son of John and Eliza- beth (Imell) Henry, who were, respectively, natives of Pennsylvania and Maryland, and of German origin. His father was a farmer all his life. He also learned the blacksmith's trade, and was well known in Somerset County for many years as a hotel-keeper. Of his ten children the subject of this sketch is the ninth. He was reared on the farm in Turkey Foot Township, where he attended the district school. Mr. Henry has been a successful farmer, and §64 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. owns 165 acres of well improved land. He was married in Somer- set County, Februaiy 11, 1847, to HannaL (Garey) Miller, daughter of Peter Garey and widow of Michael Miller. Mrs. Henry is of Dutch descent. Their children are — Amanda, wife of Samuel Fletcher; Mary, wife of J. Matheny; Kebecca, wife of H. Jacobs; Christiana, wife of W. Showalter; William H., Elizabeth, wife of J. McCracken; Peter, Susannah, wife of N". Miller, and Nancy, wife of J. Elbin. Mr. and Mrs. Plenry are members of the German Baptist church. Mr. Henry is a Republican. In 1862 he enlisted in the One Hnndred and Fortieth Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. He was in several engagements, and was wounded at the battle of Spottsylvania. On account of this wound he is now receiving a small pension. Mr. Henry's grandfather was in the Eevolntionary war, and his uncle, Peter Henry, was in the war of 1812 under General Harrison. ANDERSON HINERMAN, farmer and stock-grower, was born May 10, 1832, in Aleppo Township, this county, on the farm where Christian "Grim now resides. He is a son ot Jesse and Sarah (Shutterly) Hinerman. His mother was born in the State of Dela- ware, and his father in Millsboro, "Washington County, Penn. Poth his grandfathers came from Germany, and his grandmothers were of American origin. Mr. Hinerman, the third in a family of ten children, received his early education in the subscription school. Having been reared as a farmer, he has made this occupation his life work, and has met with success, being the owner of a iine farm of 170 acres well stocked and improved. On November 4, 1856, Mr. Hinerman was united in marriage with a daughter of Silas and Jane (Rickey) Aj'era, who were of American ancestry. Mr. and Mrs. Hinerman's children are Solomon, Stanton, Tillie M., Clara Dell, Blanche A., Walter F., Rosa Balton and Sarah J. (deceased). Mr. Hinerman is a Republican and a member of the I. O. O. F. He and wife are members of the Church of God, in which Mr. Hinerman is superintendent of the Sabbath-school and has been elder for eighteen years. J. S. HINERMAN, farmer and stock-grower, was born in Alep- po Township, October 21, 1845. His parents were Jesse and Sarah (Shutterly) Hinerman, the former born in Washington County, Penn., and the latter in Wilmington, Del. They were of German origin, Mr. Flinerman's father, who was a farmer through life, died April 3, 1877. His family consisted of ten children, of whom the subject of our sketch is the youngest. He was reared on the home farm and acquired a common school education. From his youth he has been engaged in agricultural pursuits and has been quite successful. He is the owner of a fine residence and eighty-seven acres of well cultivated land. Mr. Hinerman was married in 1866 to Rebecca, HISTORY OF GUEENE COUNTY. 565 daughter of Leonard Straight. Her parents vvere natives of Penn- sylvania, and of Dutch extraction. Mr. and Mrs. llinerman are the parents of the following named children — Ida, Alta, Sarah E., Luther W., Mary J., Curtis, Clida, Charles B. and John. Mr. llin- erman, who is a Republican, was elected justice of the peace in 1880 and re-elected in 1885. lie and his wife are members of the Church of God. LINDSEY HINERMAN, farmer and stock-grower, was born June 16, 1828, on the farm he now owns in Aleppo Townslup, Greene County, Fenn. He is a son of George and Mary (McCon- nell) llinerman, who were of German and Irish ancestry. II is grandfather, George llinerman, was a British soldiei', but remained in this country. He was, like many other members of the family, a fanner. Mr. Hinerman's father came from Millsborough, AVashing- ton County, Penn., to Greene Couut}' in 1823, where he spent his life as a farmer and died in 1876. Lindsey is the fifth in a family of eight children. He was reared on the farm and attended tlie sul- scription schools. He has made farming his main pursuit and owns 467 acres of valuable land, well stocked and improved. Our subject was employed on the Baltimore ik Ohio Railroad from 1848 to 1853. In May, 1853, Mr. llinerman married Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Jacob and Mary (Whipkey) Slonaker. Their children are M. S., Martha J., wife of John Tasker; Sarah, wife of H. Wise; Emeline, wife of Sherman W. S. McCracken; David, Mary, J. W. II. and Ellsworth. Mr. llinerman is a Republican. WILLIAM HOUSTON, deceased, who was a farmer and stock- grower by occupation, was horn in Ireland in 1791. When twelve years of age he came to America and settled in AVashington County, Penn., where he learned the shoemaker's trade and followed it as a business until he came to Greene County in 1836, and bought the farm in Aleppo Township which is still in possession of the family. Here he died in 1854. In 1820 Mr. Houston mari-ied Esther, daughter of Captain James Dickey, of Washington County, Penn. Their family consisted of seven children, three of whom are living. They are W. D., a carpenter and contractor; Samuel, a carpenter and farmer; and Joseph. The last two mentioned were soldiers of the late war, in Company II, Fifteenth Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry. The family are highly respected in tlie community in which they live. HIRAM P. MOSS, farmer and stock-grower, son of Jacob and Eleanor (Winnett) Moss, was born in Richhill Township, this county, March 22, 1844. His parents were of English and Irish lineage. His mother was a native of Washington County, Penn. His father, M'ho was a cabinet-makei- and carpenter during his lifetime, was born in Fayette County, and died in 1878 in Greene County. His 566 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. family numbered eight cliildren, Hiram Porter being the youngest. In 1868 the subject of our sketch was united in marriage with Miss Emma Jane Courtwright. Their children are Maggie, Clara, Mettle, May, Mary Addle, Arthur and Emmett Earl. Mr. Moss learned cabinet-making and the carpenter's trade with his father, but has devoted his time chiefly to farming and the raising of stock, and is the owner of ninety- three acres of valuable land. He and his wife are members of the Presbyterian Church. EEV. JACOB M. MUPKAY, minister and school teacher, was born in Fayette County, Penn., May 25, 1857. He is a son of James A. and Mary (Miller) Murray, who were natives of Fayette County and of German and Irish lineage. His father, who is a minister in The Brethren Church, also engages in farming to some extent and now resides in Aleppo Township, where he settled in 1860. Of his family of nine children six are still living. The subject of this sketch is the eighth in the family and was reared on his father's farm in Aleppo Township. He acquired his education in common and select schools and in Monongahela College at Jeffer- son, Penn. He began teaching when only seventeen years of age and is now considered one of the most prominent educators in Greene County. At the age of twenty he united with the Church of The Brethren, and was ordained as a minister of that denomina- tion when he was twenty-six. Since 1887 he has had charge of a congregation at Aleppo, Penn. Mr. Murray is a frequent contribu- tor to the religious journals. He is held in high esteem by all who know him. He was united in marriage, March 17, 1877, with Miss Julia A., daughter of Henry and Elizabeth (Evans) Biggie, who were of German origin. Mr. and Mrs. Murray have four children, tliree of whom are living — Harry Y., Oscar C. and Vernie. Mr. Murray is a Democrat. His wife is a member of The Brethren Church and is held in the highest esteem by all who know her. JOSEPH McCRACKEN, P. O. Cameron, Marshall County, West Va., was born in Washington County, Penn., February 13, 1827. He is a son of Daniel and Mary (Crall) McCracken, natives of Pennsyl- vania, and of Irish and Dutch descent. His father, who died in West Vii-ginia, was a farmer all his life. His family consisted of eight children, of whom the subject of this sketch is the oldest. He was reared on the farm and received his education in the common school. He has been a very snccessfnl farmer and stock-grower, having at one time owned over six hundred acres of land. On Feb- ruary 20, 1853, Mr. McCracken married Miss Mary E., daughter of Jennings J. Moss, and they have nine children, viz.: Joseph, a farmer; J. C, a physician; George and J. M. B., farmers; Mary, wife of H. T. Winnett; S. W. S. and Samuel E. Two of the children are HISTORY OF GREENK COUNTY. 567 deceased. Mr. McCrackeii io a Ilcpuhlican. lie and liis wife and eluldreu are inenibei-s ot the Methodist Ejiiacopal Cluirch. S. W. S. Mt:CliACKEN, farmer, son of Josepli and Elizabeth (Moss) McOracicen, was born in this county, vviiere he was reared on a farm and attended tlie district scliooh lie is one of the industrious and successful young farmers of his township. In 1888 Mr. Mc- Cracken was united in marriage with Miss Emma, daughter of Liudsej ilinerman, one of the wealthy and influential citizens of the county. Ml'. McCracken is a Republican. JAMES McVAY, farmer and wool-grower, and breeder of short- horn cattle, is among the most prominent, influential and successful farmers of Greene Couutj'. He was born in Morris Township, this county, March 21, 182-4, and is a son of John and Hannah (Sidwell) McVay, and are natives of Pennsylvania, and of (Terman and Irish descent. Ilis father was a fiirmer all his life and died in Greene Count}'. His family consisted often children, eight of whom grew to maturity. The subject of this sketch is the second and was reared on the farm, attending the subscription schools. Mr. McVay started in the world with little, else than a determination to succeed. He commenced to buy stock when he was still a young man, buying for other parties a short time, but soon engaging in the business for himself. He has succeeded in accumulating a handsome fortune. In 1865 Mr. McVay bought 244,000 pounds of wool. His land in Greene County amounts to 540 acres, in a high state of cultivation. In 1840 Mr. McVay married Susan, daughter of Henry and Mary (Williams) Neel, and they are the parents of the following children: Mary M., wife of H. H. Parry; Warren, II. M., William 1. and Han- nah M., wife of H. C. Snyder; D. L. is deceased. Mr. McVay is a Democrat. His wife is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. GEORGE McVAY, farmer and stock-grower, was born in Aleppo Township, Greene County, Penn., August 11, 1832. He is a son of John and Hannah (Sidwell) McVay, natives of Washington and Greene counties, respectively. Mr. McVay is a member of a family of twelve children. He is the sixth, and was reared in his native township, where he attended the common schools. He has made farming and stock-dealing his business through life and has been greatly prospered, being at present the owner of 300 acres of valuable land in this county. In 1852 Mr. McVay was united in marriage with Miss Maria Smith, now deceased. They were the parents of four children, viz.: Elizabeth, Anthony, Sarah and Hannah. Mr. McVay's present wife was Miss Elizabeth Long. They have two children — Samuel Patrick and Clara. Mr. McVay is a Democrat. He has served flve years as constable and one term as d'rector of tlio poor in Greene County. 568 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. LEWIS PAREY, farmer and stock-grower, was born in Sonth Wales, Great Britain, February 11, 1838, and is a son of Roger L. and Elizabeth (Pugli) Parry, natives of Wales. They came to America in 1842, first settling in Pittsburgh. They subsequently moved to Washington County, Penn., and settled in Aleppo Town- ship, Greene County, in 1858. Mr. Parry's father was a farmer and blacksmith. Six members of his family grew to maturity, Lewis being the oldest. He was reared in Washington County, where he also received his education. Mr. Parry began life as a poor boy, working by the day or month, but by industry and economy he has made himself a nice and comfortable home. He now owns 116 acres of good land in Greene County. In November, 1859, Mr. Parry married Mary C, daughter of John and Sarah (Hunt) Wood. Her parents, who were of Hutch and Irish descent, were natives of Greene County. Mr. and Mrs. Parry's children are — Sarah, wife of Morgan B. Lewis; John P., William W., Lou, Emma and Mertie. Mr. Parry is a Cumberland Presbyterian, and his wife is a member of the Hisciple Qliurch. In 1862 he eidisted in Company A, Eighteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, and was a non-commissioned officer. He was taken prisoner in Adams County, Penn., June 30, 1863. He subse- quently joined the regiment in Virginia, serving in all two years and ten months, and was honorably discharged July 12, 1865. Mr. Parry is a Republican, and a prominent member of the I. 0. 0. F. WILLIAM M. PARRY, pliysician and surgeon, was born in Westmoreland County, Penn., May 12, 1843, and is a son of Roger L. and Elizabeth (Pugh) Parry, natives of Wales. His father w-as a blacksmith by trade, but engaged in farming after coming to America. The subject of this sketch is the third in a family of six children. He was reared on a farm, received a common-school education, and subsequently took a course in the Academy at West Liberty, Ohio County, W. Va., where he remained for several years and studied medicine with Dr. Cooper of that place. Dr. Parry began the prac- tice of his profession at Jacksonville, Penn., remaining there tor a period of two years. In 1870 he located in Aleppo, where he has since been in active practice. Dr. Parry has been very successful. He owns 200 acres of valuable land where he resides, and has a lucra- tive practice. He was united in marriage, September 13, 1871, with Mary A., daughter of Rev. Lewis Sammons. Mrs. Parry is of Welsh and German extraction. Their children are Edith, Jessie, Jane, Roger and Burdette. Dr. Parry is a Presbyterian, and his wife is a member of the Baptist Church. She is also an ardent prohibitionist and a strong advocate of woman's suffrage. Lie is a Republican, and takes gi'eat interest in educational matters, having for eight years served as school director. He is a member of the Greene County Medical Society. August 12, 1862, Dr. Parry enlisted in Co. D, Twelfth HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 569 West Virginia Volunteer Infantry, and served till the close of the war. He is a member of the 1. O. O. F., and is Fast Master of the Masonic fraternity. B. F. PHILLIPS, farmer and stock-grower, was born in Wasli- ingtun Connty, Penn., Jnly 10, 1833, and is a son of Levi and Sarah (McCracken) Phillips, natives of Pennsylvania, and of Irish origin, ills father was a farmer all his life. The subject of our sketch, the youngest of eight children, was reared on the farm, where he i-eceived a common-school education. Mr. Pliillips has made farming and stock-growing his employment through life, and owns 340 acres of land, which he has jirocnred entirely by liis own exertions. He was united in marriage, in 1S71, with Miss Sarah, daughter of Matthias and Sai-ah (McClain) Koseberry, natives of Greene Count}'. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips are the parents of four children — Joseph M., Ar- thur Lee, Maggie P. and Levi N. Mr. Pliillips is a Pepuljlican in politics. REV. LEWIS SAMMONS, deceased, a minister of the Baptist Church, was born January 22, 1815, and was a son of John and Mary (Jones) Sammons. His parents were of Welsh and Irish de- scent. His father was a ship captain, and in early life ran on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers. After leaving the river he followed the carpenter trade and auctioneering. Rev. Mr. Sammons was an only cliild. He was born in Monongahela Township, this county, but was reared in Fayette County, Penn. He received his education in the common schools, and early in life learned the cooper's trade, at which he worked until 1836. It was in that year he accepted his lirst charge as a minister, and he engaged in ministerial work during the remainder of his life. He was imited in marriage, November 18, 1841, with Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Jacob and Susannali (Gans) Rumble, who were of German ancestry. To Mr. and Mrs. Sam- mons were born six children, viz: Lebbeus, who is a farmer; Mary, wife of Dr. Parry; Rossell, a prominent farmer; James J., a sur- veyor and teacher, who has taught for many terms in Ohio, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Nebraska; J. L., a physician of West Virginia, and Sarah E., a teacher of music. Mrs. Sammons is still living, and is a member of the Baptist Church. Rev. Sammons was the minister in charge at Enon Baptist Church in 1851, and was ordained in 185B. Lie came to Greene County in 1857, settling in Aleppo Township nine years later. He was ever an active temper- ance worker and Republican. He was successful in all his business pursuits, owning at the time of his death a well-improved farm where his family reside in Aleppo Township. The family are Republicans, and highly educated, four of them having taught ten terms of school. ROSSELL SAMMONS, farmer and stock-grower, was born in Fayette County, Penn., July 12, 1852. His father was Rev. Lewis 570 HISTORY OF GEEEWE COUNTY. Saramons, a well-known Baptist minister and active temperance ad- vocate, who died in this county in 1879. He has written many articles against intemperance, and always preached against the grea't evil. Of his family of six children, Eossell is the third. lie lived in Center Township until he was thirteen years old, when he came to Aleppo Township. His means for an education were limited to the common schools. In 1872, in company with his brother, Mr. Sam- mons established a saw-mill in Greene County, where they were very successful. Mr. Sammons bought a small farm and has since added to it other purchases until at present he owns 360 acres of fine land, well stocked and improved. In 1881 he was united in marriage with Miss Sarah, daughter of Joseph and Eliza (Lemmons) Evans. Mr. and Mrs. Sammons' children are Lewis E., Joseph Wiley, Olive G. and Osceola. Mr. Sammons is a Eepublican in politics. LUTHER A. SMITH, farmer and stock-grower, was born in Richhill Township, Greene County, November 21, 1852. His parents were Andrew and Ellen (Little) Smith. His father was born in Scot- land, and came to America when a young man. He settled in Greene County, where he died in 1880. His mother was a native of Wash- ington County. Of a family of six children, Luther Smith is the fifth who grew to maturity. He was brought up on his father's farm and received a common-school education. He has been a successful farmer, and owns 103 acres of excellent land where he resides in Aleppo Township. Mr. Smith has been twice married, his first wife being Mary, daughter of John and Ellen (Cox) Edgar, whom ' he married in 1871. They were the parents of three children — Alonzo D., William B. and Harry. Mrs. Smith died in this county. Mr. Smith's present wife is Hannah, daughter of Lewis and Jane Pettit. They were married in 1885, and have one child — John C. Mr. Smith is a member of the I. 0. O. F. ' WILLIAM TEDROW, farmer and stock-grower, was born in Somerset County, Peim., June 17, 1823, and is a sou of Henry and Elizabeth (Johnson) Tedrow, who were of German and English origin. His fa,ther, who was a farmer, died in Aleppo Township in 1876. Of his family of nine children, the subject of this sketch is the second. He was reared on the home farm and received a lim- ited education in the old log school-house of the district. He has made a success of his farming and stock-growing, and now owns 326 acres of well improved land. Mr. Tedrow was married in Somerset County, November 17, 1844, to Sarah A., daughter of Leonard and Elizabeth (Whipkey) Straight, who were of German and English extraction. Mrs. Tedrow died January 29, 1888. Their children are Josiah, William H., Mariah, Mary E., wife of E. B. Moos; Catharine A., wife of James Whipkey; Minerva J., wife of M. Bayles. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 571 Mr. Tedrow is a Democrat. lie belongs to tlie Church of God, of which his deceased wife was also a member. DAVID ULLOM, farmer and stock-grower and dealer in wool, was born in xVleppo Township, this county, December 11, 1845, and is a son of Peter and Matilda (Kinney) UUom, natives of Pennsyl- vania. His father has spent a long life as a farmer, being now eighty years of age. Mr. David Ulloni is the youngest in a family of six cliildren and was reared on the farm with his parents, receiv- ing a common school education. He has spent his life as a farmer and has given a good deal of attention to the raising of fine stock. He has engaged in wool buying extensively and has been very suc- cessful. Mr. UUom owns a tine farm of 200 acres, and is one of Aleppo's most prominent citizens. On October 14, 1869, he married Marry Ellen, daugliter of Jacob and Catharine (Huffman) King. Her parents were of English and German origin. Mr. King is a farmer by occupation. Mr. and Mrs. Illlom have one child — Frankie D. The family are members of the Church of God. Mr. Ullom is a trustee in the church and secretary and treasurer of the Sal)batli- scUool. In politics he is a Democrat. J. M. WHITE, farmer and stock-grower, who was born in Som- erset County, Penn., July 14, 1826, is a son of Edward and Nancy (Rush) White. His jjarents were natives of Somerset County, and of Englisli lineage. His father, who came to Aleppo Township in 1828, was a farmer. He died December 13, 1853. His mother lived until 1872. The subject of this sketch is the second in a family of six children, and was reared on the farm, receiving his education in the common schools. He chose farming as his occu- pation, has made his own way in the world, and is the owner of a well improved farm where he resides in Aleppo Township. Mr. White was united in marriage, February 13, 1848, with Rebecca, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth (Simons) Hemett, and they are parents of three children, viz — Perry J., Stephen and Sarah Estlier (deceased). Mrs. White is a member of the Friends' Church. Mr. White is a Democrat, has been for seventeen years justice of the peace, and has served as school director in his township. He is a prominent member of the I. O. O. F. JOSHUA WOOD, farmer and stock-grower, was born in Tyler County, W. Va., October 8, 1842. He is a son of John and Sarah (Hunt) Wood, who were, respectively, of Scotch and German and English origin. His father was born in Greene County, where he spent all his life as a farmer and died in 1868. His fiiraily num- bered ten children, of whom Joshua Wood is the ninth. He was reared in Richhill Township, and attended the common schools. Early in life he learned the carpenter's trade, at which he worked till 1878, when he began farming. He is the owner of a well 572 HISTOKY OF GEEENE COUNTY. stocked and improved farm of 180 acres. In 1861 Mr. Wood en- listed in Company H, Twentietli Vohmteer Infantry, where he served three months, then re-enlisted in Company E, Seventh West Virginia Yoluntcer Infantry and served till 1862, when he was dis- charged for disability, having had two of his fingers shot off. He subsequently spent some time in Great Salt Lake City. In 1874 Mr. Wood married a widow lady of Parkersburg, W. Ya. Her first husband was John Milton Parker, a railroad engineer on the Balti- more & Ohio Iloilroad, who was killed in 1871 by the explosion of his engine. Mr. and Mrs. Parker wei'e the parents of two children Mertie and Kate Parker. Mrs. Wood's maiden name was Emma A. Barrett, a daughter of Caleb and Jemima (Goucher) Barrett, who were of German origin. Mr. and Mrs. Wood have three children — Earl, Herald and lona. Mr. Wood is a Democrat. He and wife are members of the Christian Church. GEORGE WOODRUFF, farmer and stock-grower, who was born in Jefferson Township, September 18, 1832, is a son of Benja- min and Sarah (Tnttle) Woodruff, who were of Dntck and Irish descent. Mr. Benjamin Woodruft' was a farmer and stock dealer through life. The subject of this sketch is an only child. He was reared as a farmer and has made a success of his business. In 1880 he settled in Aleppo Township where he still resides. Mr. Wood- ruff learned the blacksmith's trade, but has devoted all his time to agricultural pursuits, and owns a good farm of 200 acres. He was naarried in 1851, to Elizabeth, daughter of James and Rhoda (Lewis) Nnss. Their children are Susan, wife of W. Balden; Alice, wife of F. Drake; Benjamin, George, Andrew, David, William, James and Elizabeth. The deceased is John Y. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrufi^ are industrious and economical, and have acquired their present posses- sions entirely by their own efforts. CENTER TOWNSHIP. S. II. ADAMSON, retired farmer, Rogersville, Penn. — The sub- ject of this sketch is one of the pioneers of Greene County, Penn. Fie was born in Morgan Township, May 2, 1822, and is a son of Charles and Sarah (Hatfield) Adanison, natives of Pennsylvania. They were the parents of nine children, of whom only four are liv- ing. Charles and Sarah Adamson departed this life in Greene County. S. II. Adamson was twice married; fii'st, September 17, 1843, with Lucy Knight, who was born in this county March 7, HISTORY OF GUKENE COUNTY. 573 1825. Mrs. Adamson was a daughter .of James and Cassandra Knight, wlio were natives of Greene County, -where they remained tlirough life. ]3y this marriage Mr. Adamson is the father of six children, of whom only two are living — James K. and Charles. Mrs. Adamson departed this life Novemher 17, 18(58. Mr. Adamson was united in marriage the second time, with Mary (Hipert) Grouse, February 7, 1869. She is a daughter of Peter Hipert, and was born in Eichland County, Ohio, June 20, 1837. Mr. Adamson was reared on a farm and has been engaged in farming almost all his life. lie was in the mercantile business at Ilogersville for a period of two years, and in 1849 was elected auditor of the county and served three years. In 1859 he was elected county treasurer and served in that position two years. He was elected county commissioner in 1881 and tiljed that office three years. Mr. Adamson owns about 450 acres of land. He is one of the enthusiastic Democrats of the county. GEORGE A. BAYAEU, merchant, Eogersville, Fenn., was born in this county, April 11, 1832. He is a son of Samuel F. and Hannah Bayard [nee Mitchell) who were natives of Greene County, where they resided until Mr. Bayard's death, which occurred July 17, 1885. His widow survives him. George was united in mar- riage, October 6, 1859, with Martha Morris, who was born in this county, August 19, 1837. She is a daughter of Ephraim and Martha Morris, deceased. At a very early age Mr. Bayard learned the trade of a tanner, which he followed until he was twenty-tive years old. He then engaged in farming until 1878, when he began merchandising in Eogersville, where he owns a general store. He received the appointment of postmaster at Rogersville in 1880, and has been filling that position ever since. IIENKY BOWLER, retired farmer, Rogersville, Penn.— The gentleman wdiose name heads tliis sketch is well known in Center Township, having lived on his present farm since the date of his birth, May 27, 1818. His parents were John and Mary Bowler, the former a native of Maryland and the latter of Greene County, Fenn., where tliey resided until their death. Mrs. Bowler died in 1819, and lier husband in 1845. On June 5, 1849, Henry Bowler married Pene]oj)e Stewart, who was born in this county in 1815. Her par- ents were William and Naoma Stewart, natives of Fenusylvania, who departed this life in Monroe County, Ohio. To Mr. and Mrs. Bowler were born two children — Elizabeth S., wife of Stephen Knight; and AVilliam, who married Ruth Seckinan. Mrs. F.owler departed this life December 31, 1880. Mr. Bowler was reared on a faini and engaged very successfully in farming during the more active part of" his life. He is the owner of about 237 acres of land in Center Township. In politics he is a Repiiblicau. 574 HISTOKY OF GREENE COUNTY. THOMAS T. BUEEOUGIIS, farmer, P. O. Eutan, was born in Washington County, Penn., September 20, 1827. liis parents were Samuel and Temperance (Peeves) Burrouglis, also natives of Wash- ington County. They lived in Greene County for a short time after their marriage, then moved to Washington County, Iowa, and re- mained until their death. Thomas was united in marriage January 1, 1852, with Eliza J". Scott. She was born March .3, 1829, on the farm where she lives in Center Township. Mrs. Burroughs is a daughter of John and Susannah Scott {iiee Nicehonger), who were natives of Greene County, where they were married and remained through life. Mr. and Mrs. Burroughs liave a family of nine chil- dren — Hamilton S., Arabella, wife of P. F. Headley; Charlotte A., wife of Leroy Marsh; Elmira, wife of T. N. Millikin; John M., James H., William E., Bertha V. and Thomas B. Mr. Burroughs has spent his whole life as a farmer, and owns 165. acres of land, constituting his home farm. H. S. BUEROUGHS, physician, Eutan, Penn., was born in Center Township, this county, December 28, 1852. His parents, Thomas T. and Eliza J. Burrouglis (iiee Scott), are natives of Greene County and residents in Center Township. The Doctor was united in marriage June 28, 1882, with Maggie A. Hopkins, born October 1, 1859. Her parents are Samuel and Martha Hopkins {iiee Milli- kin), who are natives of this county and I'eside in Morris Township. Dr. Burroughs began reading medicine May 1, 1875, with Dr. John T. lams, of Waynesburg, Penn. He graduated from the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, Penn., March 12, 1879, and in the following April commenced the practice of his profession at Eutan, Penn., where he still resides with his family. The Doctor is well qualified for the duties of his profession and has a good practice. He is a Baptist, and his wife is a member of the Methodist Church. JAMES CALL, retired farmer, P. 0. Eogersville, was born in Center Township, Greene County, Penn., Septeuiber 17, 1825. His father and mother, James and Sarah (Hoge) Call, were natives of Greene County, where they were married and spent the remainder of their lives. They departed this life at the home of their son James Mrs. Call March 7, 1862, and her husband June 13, 1868. In Oc- tober 22, 1849, James Call married Martha Vanwey, who was born in Perry County, Ohio, December 31, 1833. Ller parents, John and Anna (Mains) Yanwey, were natives of New Jersey, and after marriage resided in Perry County, Ohio, until their death. To Mr. and Mrs. Call have been born seven children, of whom six are living Harvey L., Eobert H.,Zadok G., Mary E., wife of Asa W. Morris; Ida M., wife of Thomas E. Knight and Martha A. William is deceased. Mr. Call was reared on a farm, and has engaged in farm- ing as a business through life. He owns about 140 acres of land, HISTORY OP GREENE COUNTY. 575 where lie and family reside. He engaged in merchandising in Oalv Forest about nine years. In 18(50 he was elected justice of the peace of Center Township, and served ten years. He and family are representative citizens of Center Township, Greene County, Penn. THOMAS J. CAllPENTEIl, farmer, P. O. Rutan, was born in Gilmore Township, this county, January 1, 1858. He is a son of Joseph and Elizabeth Carpenter (jiee Stewart). His father was born in New York and his mother in Greene County, Penn., where tliey were married and have since made their home. Thomas J. Carpen- ter was twice married; iirst, January 11, 187U, to J>elle Grove, who was born in Center Township), June 14, 1860, and is a daughter of William and Rebecca (Shaw) Grove. By this marriage Mr. Car- penter is the father of one child — W. E. Carpenter. Mrs. Carpen- ter departed this life October 7, 1883. Mr. Carpenter's second wife was Jessie L. Sujiler, whom he married September 28, 1885. She was born September 16, 1865, and is a daughter of Martin and Lizzie P. (Goodwin) Supler, who reside in Richliill Township. Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter have one child — Floyd M. Mr. Carpenter was engaged in merchandising until twenty- two years of age, at which time he began farming, in which he has engaged as a business ever since. He owns 112 acres ot land, where he lives with his family. He and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. His deceased wife was a member of the Christian Church. R. I'. CHURCH, farmer, Holbrook, Penn., was born in Center Township, Greene County, Penn., June 17, 1842. His parents are Elijah and Anna Church {^tiee Moore), who are natives of Greene County, where they now reside. The subject of this sketch was united in marriage July 13, 1867, with Sarah Thomas, who was born in Center Township April 18, 1851. She is a daughter of John and Mary Thomas (^lee Wood), the former deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Church are the parents of four children, two of whom are living — George W. and Hamilton. The deceased are Fannie and Asa C. Mr. Church has followed the occupation of farming throu., Joseph L., Francis M., Nancy E., Clarinda, Timothy R., John, Yada, Lucy, May and Ora. Thomas J. is deceased. Mi\ Rush has been a farmer all his life, and owns 123 acres of valuable land where lie and his family reside. Mrs. Rnsli is a devoted member of the I'aptist Church. C. W. SCOTT, farmer, Rutan, Peiin., was born December 10, 1837, on the farm where he and family reside in Center Township. He is a son of John and Mnry A. Scott {nee Teagarden), who were natives of Pennsylvania and residents of Greene County until their death. Mrs. Scott departed this life in 1856, and her husband lost his life in a collision on the Baltimore & Ohio Railroad, near Co- lumbus, Ohio, October (i, 1860. They were the parents of four children. On October 6, 1859, C. W. Scott was united in marriage with Rachel "Webster, who was born in this county November 30, 1839. Her parents were John and Elizabeth (Cowell) Webster, also natives of this county. Mr. Webster died in 1871 and Mrs. Web- ster in 187-4. To Mr. and Mrs. Scott have been born five ciiildren, four living — William H., George M., John, Flora, and Mary E. (deceased). Mr. Scott was raised on a farm, has spent his life in farming, and is the owner of 124 acres of land. He has served as director of the poor in Greene County for three years. Mrs. Scott is a faithful member of the Baptist Church. THOMAS SCOTT, farmer, P. O. Rutan, Penn., was born in Center Township, Greene County, December 24, 1834. His parents, Elias and Harriet (Kent) Scott, were natives of this county, wiiere they were married and remained through life. Mr. Scott died August 20, 1884, and his wife June 14, of the same year. On September 13, 1855, Thomas Scott married Elizabeth A. Turner. Mrs. Scott was born in Greene County, June 12, 1838, and is a daughter of Rev. James L. and Nancy (Patterson) Turner. Her father was a native of New York and her mother of Greene County, Penn. Both are now deceased. By this marriage Mr. Scott is the father of eight children — Wesley S., Walter P., Elias, Harriet N., Ida L., Albert F., Carrie E. and James E. Mrs. Scott died July 16, 1876. Mr. Scott was subsequently united in marriage December 20, 1879, Avith Anna B. Drake, who was born in Greene County, October 5, 1849. Her parents, Francis and Eliza Drake, were natives ot this county. Mr. Drake is deceased. By the second marriage Mr. Scott is the father of three children — Harry R., Leah N. and Will- iam. Mr. Scott has been a farmer all his life, and owns 133 acres 596 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. of land where he and family live, hesides property in West Virginia. He has been a member of the school board of his township. He and Mrs. Scott belong to the Methodist Protestant Church, of which his deceased wife was also a devout member. GEORGE W. SCOTT, farmer, Rutau, Penn., was born in Center Township, this county, April 30, 1837. His parents are James and Charlotte (Strawn) Scott, natives of Greene County, where they were married and remained until Mr. Scott's death in 1884. His widow is still living. George W. was united in marriage July 4, 1864, with Amanda J. Woods, who was born in Waynesburg, Penn., October 25, 1843, and is a daughter of Samuel and Leah Woods (nee Divers). Mrs. Scott's mother was born in Baltimore, Md., and her father was a native of Washington County, Penn., where they were married. They settled in Waynesburg and remained until their death — Mrs. Woods dying June 6, 1885, and her hus- band June 21, 1886. To Mr. and Mrs. Scott have been born six children, viz. — Emma L., wife of George B. Mc!Neely, M. D.; Mary C, Cora, Nellie L., Reynolds and Claude. Mr. Scott has devoted his life chiefly to farming, and owns 131 acres of land where he and family reside. When the war broke out Mr. Scott entered the service of his country in Company I, Eighth Pennsylvania Reserves, and served three years. He passed through many serious engage- ments, and was wounded three times. ITe has flUed the office of auditor of his township. Mrs. Scott is a consistent member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. HENRY A. SCOTT, farmer, P. 0. Rutan, was born in Greene County, Penn., April 11, 1842. He is a son of James and Charlotte (Strawn) Scott, who were natives of Greene County, where they re- sided until Mr. Scott's death, which occurred April 9, 1884. His widow is still living. Henry was united in marriage January 28, 1864, with Catharine Morris. Mrs. Scott was born in this county July 7, 1848, and is a daughter of Ephi-aim and Martha (Roseberry) Morris. Her parents were also natives of Greene County, and resi- dents therein through life. To Mr. and Mrs. Scott have been born six children, of whom four are living — James F., Lucy J., Asa and Sarah. Mr. Scott has been engaged in farming through life, and owns 184 acres of land where he and family live. Mrs. Scott is a devoted member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. JOSHUA SCOTT, farmer, P. O. Rutan, is one of the pioneers of Greene County, Penn. He was born December 20, 1824, and is a son of James and Mary Scott (nee Sellei-s). His parents were natives of Gi-eene County, where they resided until their death. On October 10, 1843, Joshua Scott married Nancy J. Rinehart. She was born in this county in 1826, and is a daughter of Samuel and Mary Rinehart, both deceased. To Mr. Joshua Scott and wife IIISTOUY OF GKEENK COUNTY. 59* were born four cliildren, of whom tliree are living — Mary E., Chris- topher and Samuel. James is the deceased. Mr. Scott has engaged in farming throughout his life, and owns 160 acres of land where he and family reside, lie belongs to the Methodist Protestant church, of which his wife, who died January 1, 1866, was also a faithful member. By her death the family were bereft of a faithful and devoted wife and uiother. ASA M. SELLERS, farmer, Ifogersville, Penn. — The gentleman whose name heads this sketch is a descendant of one of the pioneer families of Greene County, Penn., where he was born July 8, 1828. His father and mother were David and Elizabeth Sellers, who were also natives of this county, and remained here until their death. Asa Sellers was united in marriage March 31, 1855, with Jane Orn- doff. Mrs. Sellers was born in Center Township March 23, 1832. Her parents were William and Salome Orndotf (iiee Wisecarver). To Mr. and Mrs. Sellers have been born six children, of whom four are living — Elizabeth S., wife of Carey Grimes; AVilliain L., Atkin- son II. and David K. The deceased are Mary A. and Adda M. Mr. Sellers has been engaged in farming and raising stock all his life, and owns about 200 acres of land where he and family reside. In politics he is a Republican. THOMAS SMITH, farmer, Rutan, Penn., was born in Center Township January 6, 1836. He is a son of Edmund and Elizabeth (Adainson) Sinith, who were natives of Greene County, where they were married and remained until Mr. Smith's death, Februai-y 11, 1887. Mrs. Smith is still living. Thomas is their oldest child, and was united in marriage A])ril 19, 1855, with Susannah Scott, who was born in Center Township, September 24, 1836. Her i)areiits, Elias and Harriet (Kent) Scott, were natives of Greene County and residents there until their death. Mr. and Mrs. Smitli are the parents of eight children, seven living — James L., Hiram R., Laura A., wife of Lindsey D. Grove; "William L., Emerson B., Fannie A., Elzie and Harriet E. (deceased). Mr. Smitli's life has been devoted to farming and the raising of stock. His farm in Center Township consists of 289 acres of land, on which are fine substantial buildings. Mr. Smith has hlled the office of director of the poor, and has been a member of the school board. He and wife are members of the Baptist Church. JOB C. SMITH, farmer, Rutan, Penn., was born in Center Township December 1, 1818. He is a son of Edmund and Eliza- beth Smith (nee Adamson), natives of Greene County, Penn., where they resided until Mr. Smith's death in 1887. His widow is still living. Job C. was united in the holy bonds of matrimony August 1, 1875, with Christie A. Slusher, who was born in Washington County, Penn., November 11, 1846, and is a daughter of David and 598 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. Elizabeth Sluslier {nee Moore). Her parents are also natives of Washington County, and moved to Greene County in 1872. In 1880 they went to Iowa, where they still reside. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have six children — Bessie E., Ilattie E., Guy B., Clyde D., Loyd L. and Goldie Z. Mr. Smith is an industrious farmer, and is the owner of 106 acres of land wliere he and family live. He and wife are zealous members of the Baptist Church. J. C. SMITH, retired farmer, Eutan, Penn., was born in Morgan Township, Greene County, Penn., May 11, 1814. His parents, Job and Mary (Cravanj Smith, were natives of Pennsylvania, settled after marriage in Morgan Township, and remained during life. They were the parents of three children. J. C. is their only child living, and was united in marriage July 4, 1839, with Elizabeth Scott. She was born in Center Township March 20, 1821, and is a daughter of John and Susannah Scott {iiee Niceswungei-). Her parents, who M'ere natives of Greene County, are botli deceased. M/. and Mrs. Smith are the parents of eleven children, of whom ten are living — "William, Sarah A., wife of William Cowen; John, Maria J., wife of James Wells; Mary, Thomas J., Hiram S., Samuel H., Lydia, wife of George Gi'imes; and Emma A., wife of Samuel Showalter. The deceased is Job, who died in the Andersonville prison. Mr. Smith has been a farmer all his life, and owns a nice home where he and family reside. He and wife are active members of the Methodist Protestant Church. STEPHEN STEAWN a retired farmer residing near Waynes- burg, Penn., was born in Franklin Township September 5, 1817. He is a son of Abner and Juda (Grant) Strawn, who were natives of Pennsylvania and died in Washington County. Stephen was united in the holy bonds of matrimony July 15, 1841, with Margaret J. Jewell. Mrs. Strawn was also a native of Franklin Township, born November 3, 1823, and is a daughter of Samuel and Margaret (Mason) Jewell, the fonner a native of New Jersey and the latter of Ireland. They are now deceased. To Mr. and Mrs. Strawn have been born eight children, seven of whom are living — John, Eliza, wife of Jacob Wilson; Samuel, William, Abner, Mason and Morton T. The deceased is Elizabeth, who was the wife of J. B. Smith. Mr. Strawn has been a farmer all his life, and is the owner of ninety- seven acres of land where he and family reside. He has served as school director and inspector of elections in his township. SAMUEL THOMPSON, P. O. Eogersville, Penn., was born in Center Township, Greene County, Pennsylvania, January 1, 1839. He is a son of Joseph and Margaret (Bowler) Thompson. The former is a native of West Virginia, and the latter of Greene County, Penn., where they were married and made their home until Mr. Thompson's death, which occurred July 7, 1867. Mrs. Thompson HISTORY OF OREKNE COUNTY. 590 is still living. She resides witli her son Samuel, who was united in marriage March 4, 1865, with Sarah E. Call. Mrs. Thompson was born in Center Township in 1840, and is a daughter of James and Sarah E. Call who were natives of Pennsylvania, and departed this life in Greene County. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson are the parents of nine children, of whom eight are living — Thomas, Harry, Mary 1j., Maggie, James, Lindsey, Essa and Coral. Henry is deceased. Mr. Thompson was reared on a farm and has devoted almost all his life to farming. He owns about 320 acres of land. AAHien needed in the surface of his country he enlisted in Company E, Eighty-iifth Pennsylvania Volunteers, served for three years, and was in a num- ber of serious engagements. He and wife are faithful members of the Christian Churcli. JAMES THROCKMORTON, retired farmer, P. O. Harvey's, Penn., is one of the pioneer farmers of Center Township. He was born in Franklin Township, this county, February 22, 1816. His father and mother were Joseph and Catharine (Hulsart) Throckmorton, na- tives of Monmouth County, New Jersey, where tliey were united in marriage in 1809. Soon after marriage they moved to Franklin Township, Greene County, Penn., and remained until Mrs. Tlirock- morton's death in March, 1853. After her death Mr. Throckmor- ton was united in marriage the second time in Morrow County, Ohio, with Laura Gilbert, and remained in that county until her death. He then returned to Greene County, Penn., and made liis liome with his children until his death, September 15, 1881. James, the subject of our sketch, was united in marriage January 9, 1840, with Mary M., daughter of William S. and Jane (Gettys) Harvey. ]\Irs. Throckmorton was born in Center Townsliip, May 3, 1821. Her father was a native of Philadelpliia, Penn., and represented Greene County in the State Legislature. Her mother was born in Fayette County, Penn. After marriage they settled and remained in Center Township until their death. To Mr. and Mrs. Throck- morton have been born nine children, of whom eight are living — Joseph G., Catharine C, wife of Daniel Hopkins; Mary E., wife of Andrew Frantz; William IL; Maggie C, wife of Robert Dins- more; Sadie A.; Carrie L., wife of George C. Davis, and Emma F., wife of John M. Burroughs. Mr. Throckmorton is a millwright by trade, which he followed for fifteen years. He has since engaged in farming, and owns 120 acres of land where he and family live. Mi-. and Mrs. Throckmorton are active members of the Methodist Epis- copal Church, and the entire family are highly respected by all wlio know them. SAMUEL THROCKMORTON, deceased, who was a farmer of Rogersville, Penn., was born in Franklin Township, ilay 21, 1818. He was a son of Morford and Margaret (Hill) Throckmorton. His (300 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. fatlier caiiio from New Jersey, and Lis mother was a native of Greene County, Penn., where they were married and spent all their lives. Samuel was nnited in marriage July 24, 1844, with Nancy Eeese, who was born near Waynesburg, Peon., January 31, 1825. Mrs. Throckmoi'ton is the only daughter of John and Elizabeth (Drips) Eeese, also natives of Greene County, where they remained until their death. To Mr. and Mrs. Throckmorton were born eight chil- dren, of whom seven are living, viz., Elizabeth M., wife of James B. Smith; William S., John K., James E., Thomas M., Albert B. and Charlie. The deceased is Margaret, who was the wife of Morgan Eoss, and departed this life February 6, 1883. Mr. Throckmorton was a farmer and wool-grower in his life-time. At the time of his death he owned about 980 acres of land, and his wife about 200 acres. He was a member of the M. E. Church, and during the last half of his life he held at varions times the position of trustee and leader in his chosen denomination. Mrs. Throckmorton is a faithful member of the Presbyterian Clmrch. Mr. Throckmorton was killed by lightning, July 28, 1881, while at work in the iield with four of his sons. By his death the county lost a good citizen and his family a kind hus- band and father. JESSE ULLOM, merchant, Eogersville, Perm. — Among the substantial business men of Eogersville, we take pleasure in men- tioning Jesse Ullom, -who was born in Greene County June 20, 1836. He is a son of Daniel T. and Anna (Johnson) Ullom, who were natives of Greene County, where they resided until Mr. Ullom's death, in October, 1881. His widow survives him. This union was blessed with twelve children, nine of whom are living — three sons and six daughters. On March 29, 1861, Jesse was united in marriage with Phoebe Morris, who was born in this county No- vember 11, 1843. She is a daughter of Ephraim and Martha Morris, both deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Morris were the parents of ten cliil- di-en, of whom eight are living. Mr. and Mrs. Ullom have a family of seven children, four living, viz., Thomas M., Mattie A., John T. and Jesse F. The deceased are Fannie L. and two infants. Mr. Ullom has been engaged in farming and merchandising all his life. He owns forty-seven acres of land, nice property in Eogersville, also a general country store. In 1881 he was elected to the office of justice of the peace in Center Township, and has been serving in that capacity ever since. He and wife are active members of the Methodist Protestant Church. EOBEET WATSON, farmer and stock-dealer, Plolbrook, Penn., was born in West Bethlehem Township, Washington County, April 12, 1847. He is a son of John and Anna Watson. Plis father was a native of Ireland, and came with his parents to America when ten years of age. His mother is a native of Pennsylvania, where she HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. fiOl and Mr. Watson were married in Washington Connty, and remained there until their deatli. Mr. John Watson departed this life in 185B, and Mrs. Watson in 1869. They are buried on the farm at the head of Castile, where tiie family settled when they first -came to this country. In 1870 llobert Watson married Kate Anderson, who was a native of Amwell Township, AVashington County, and born in 1848. Her parents were John and Anna (Ilowshow) Anderson, natives of I'ennsylvania and residents in Greene County through life. Mr. and Mrs. Watson have seven children — Samuel, John I., Smith, Anna F., George W., Maggie and Lizzie. Mr. Watson was reared on a farm and has made farming and stock-dealing his busi- ness tlirough life. lie owns about 112 acres of land where he re- sides with his family. During the late Rebellion he went into the service of his country in Company 1), Sixth Pennsylvania Cavalry, and served until the close of the war. He and wife are consistent mem- bers of the Christian Church, and are highly respected by all who know them. SAMUEL WEBSTER, a successful farmer and stock- dealer, Rutan, Penn., was bom in Jefferson Township, this county, Novem- ber 23, 1833. He is a son of John and Elizabeth (Cowell) Webster. The former was a native of New Jersey, and the latter of Greene County, Penn., where they were married and remained until about the year 18(58, at which time they moved to Iowa, where Mr. Web- ster departed this life, November 9, 1871. His widow then returned to Greene County, and died May 11, 1874. They were the parents of -twelve children, eleven of whom are living. In September. 1856, Samuel Webster married Lncinda Goodwin, a native of Center Town- ship, and daughter of John Goodwin, now deceased. By this mar- riage Mr. Webster is the father of two children, one living, Mary E., wife of Andrew Johnson, and John, deceased. Mrs. Ayeb-^ter de- parted this life in 1860. Mr. Webster was afterwards married, Sep- tember 29, 1863, to Nancy Higinbotham. who was born in West Virginia, October 7, 1834. Iler parents were Thomas and Lucretia Higinbotham, who departed this life in West Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Webster are the parents of eight children — Lucinda J., wife of Daniel W. Jacobs; William AV., Anna M., Samuel H., Bertha B., Maggie A., John I. and xVdolphus S. Having been. reared on a farm, Mr. AV^ebster has devoted his whole attention to farming and stock- dealing, and owns about 425 acres of land in Greene County, besides hotel property at Ryerson's Station, Penn. He is one of the enter- prising and industrious business men of Center Township. Mr. and Mrs. Webster are leading members in the Baptist Church. BENJAMIN L. WOODRUFF, physician, Holbrook, Penn., was born in AVashington County, Penn., August 3, 1822, and is a son of Jesse and Rebecca (Wilson) AVoodruff. His father was born in Eliza- 602 HISTORY OF GEEENE COUNTY. beth, N. J., June 15, 1784. His mother was born August 27, 1788, in Washington County, Penn., wliere they made their home for a num- ber of years. Jesse Woodruff departed this life March 3,, 1.862, and his wife April 8, 1870. The Doctor was united in marriage the first time March 31, 1847, with Martha, daughter of Samuel Barnett. Mrs. Woodruff was a native of Washington County, Penn. By this marriage Dr. Woodruff is the father of three children — William B., Emily, and Dr. Samuel W. (deceased). Mrs. Woodruff departed this life January 25, 1854. The Doctor was afterwards united in mar- riage, September 13,1855, with Acinda Lough, who was born in West Virginia, April 10, 1836. Her parents, John and Sarah (Basnett) Lough, were natives of West Virgiilia, and remained there until their death. By his second marriage Dr. Woodruff is the father of seven children, six living — Newton C. (late editor Waynesbnrg Mes- senger'), Dora, Lillie, Bessie, Acinda, Benjamin L., and Flora (de- ceased). Dr. Woodruff' began reading medicine about 1844, with Dr. W. G. Barnett, and graduated in 1848. Pie first engaged in the practice of his profession in Rogersville, Penn., and from there went to West Virginia and remained until 1861. He then moved to his present location, and has been in active practice ever since. He owns 420 acres of land where he and family reside. He and wife are mem- bers of the Christian Church. E. W. WOOD, farmer. Oak Forest, Penn., is among the repre- sentative farmers and wool dealers of Greene County. He was born in Franklin Township, October 28, 1837. His parents were John D. and Nancy (Crichfield) Wood, also natives of this county, where they were married and remained until their death. Mr. Wood departed this life September 26, 1876, and his wife October 12, 1849. They had a family of seven children, of whom five are now living. E. W. Wood was united in marriage, October 17, 1867, with Mary J. Pat- terson, who was born in Whiteley Township, this county, September 11, 1844. She was a daughter of William and Rlioda Patterson, also natives of Greene County, and residents therein through life. To Mr. and Mrs. Wood were born five children, of whom four are living, viz:C. Endsley, Norman, Edward, Mary, and Charles B. (de- ceased). Mr. Wood is a tanner by trade, in which he engaged until twenty-five years of age. He then enlisted in Company K, Fifteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, and served his country three years. He is a member of McCnllough Post, No. 367, G. A. E. When the war was over he engaged in the wool and stock business, and also farmed extensively. He is the owner of 160 acres of land where he and family live. Mr. Wood is a member of the M. E. Church, of which his deceased wife was also a devoted member. She departed this life January 30, 1881, and by her death the family was bereft of a kind and affectionate wife and mother. iijrtoi;y of guekne county. 603 CARMICHAELS BOROUGH AND CUMBERLAND TOWNSHIP. WILLIAM A. AILES, farmer and stock-grower, P. O. Car- micliaels, Avas Lorn in Wasliington Connty, December 25, 1835. lie is a son of James and Elizabeth (Nixon) Ailes, who were also natives of Washington County', Penn., and were of English and Irish de- scent. His grandfather was Amos Ailes, also a native of Washing- ton Connty. William is the youngest of a famil}' of seven children. He has remained on the farm with his parents, where he received his ediTcation, and wisely chose farming as his business. His farm con- sists of 300 acres of land, well stocked and improved. Mr. Ailes was nnited in marriage, March 1, 1858, with Miss Lucinda, daughter of Thomas and Dorcas (Bell) Patterson. Mrs. Ailes' parents were of Irish descent. Mr. and J\Irs. Ailes' only child, Mary I'ell, was born in 1880, and died in 1886. In politics Mr. Ailes is a Eepubli- can; in religion they are both Cumberland Presbyterians. WILLIAM AIIMSTKONG, 'deceased, who was a farmer and stock-grower, was a son of Abraham and Enth (Conwell) Armstrong, and was born in Greene County in October, 1805. His parents were natives of Pennsylvania, and of English descent. His father was a farmer by occupation, and among the early settlers of the county. William was the oldest of a large family, and was reared on the farm in Cumberland Township, where he attended the sub- scription schools. He was nnited in marriage with Miss Mary AVill- iams, of English descent. iSiie was born in 1807. They were tiie parents of nine children — Maggie, wife of Archibald Grooms; George W., a farmer; Emma, wife of William M. Murdoch; Elizabeth, wife of Josiah L. Minor; Sarah, wife of Oliver Griffeth; Alice, wife of James K. Gregg; Cinthy, wife of Eichard Gwynn; Lyda, wife of N. II. Biddle, and James, a farmer. Mr. Armstrong made farming the business of his life, met with great success, and at the time of his death was the owner of a well-improved farm in Cumberland Township, where he died in 1849. In politics he was a Democrat; in religion a Cumberland Presbyterian, of which church his widow is also a faithful member. ALFEED T. AEMSTEONG, deceased, who was a farmer and stock-grower, was born in Greene County, Penn., February 1, 1807. He was a son of William and Elizaljeth (Eussell) Armstrong. His mother's parents were of Scotch-Irisii origin. Alfred was the oldest in a family of seven children; he was reared in this connty and attended the subscription schools. He engaged in farming as a busi- 604 HISTOKY OF GREENE COUNTY. ness, and met with more than ordinary success. He was united in marriage, February 22, 1837, with Miss Helen M., daughter of Jere- miah and Anna (Alexander) Davidson. Mrs. Armstrong's father was a native of this coLinty, and her Tnother of Mercer County, Penn. They were of English descent. Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong had a family of ten children, of whom six are living — E.ussell, Barclay, Elizabeth, wife of Jesse Benner; John, Neri, and Maggie, wife of "William Ellliott. Mr. Armstrong was a Democrat, and a devoted Presbyterian, of which church his widow is also a zealous member. He died in 1878. JOSEPH H. AKMSTKONG, deceased, was a farmer and stock- grower. He was born in Cumberland Township, Greene County, Penn., July 25, 1819, and died July 4, 1887, in his sixty-seventh year. His father, William Armstrong, also his grandfather were among the earliest Scotch-Irish settlers of this county. They were all farmers. Joseph was the sixth in the family, and was reared on the farm where he died. His education was obtained in the township and the old Greene Academy at Carmichaels. He was industrious, frugal and a good linancier, owning at the time of his death 225 acres of well improved land. He was united in marriage Novem- ber 23, 1848, with Mary A., danghter of James and Mary (McClel- land) Flenniken. Her ancestors were also farmers, and among the earliest settlers of the county. They wej-e of Scotch-Irish descent. Mr. and Mrs. Armstrong were the parents of three children — Lizzie, wife of Daniel Thompson, of Uniontown, Penn.; Mary Louisa, wife of Robert Denham, and William W., who is a farmer and has charge of the home place. In politics Mr. Armstrong was a Democrat. NERI ARMSTRONG, merchant, Carmichaels, Penn., was born in Cumberland Township, December 27, 1855. He is a son of Alfred and Helen M. (Davidson) Armstrong, natives of Fayette and Greene counties respectively, and of Irish descent. Mr. Armstrong's father was a farmer, and reared a family of ten children, of whom Neri is the ninth. He received a common-school education, remain- ing on the farm with his parents until 1884, when he went to Car- michaels to engage in business for himself. He there opened a grocery and drug store which he still retains. He is a man of good business qualifications, industrious, prompt and obliging, has a great many friends and a fair patronage. In 1876 Mr. Armstrong married Frances, daughter of I. L. Craft. Mrs. Armstrong is a native of Greene County, and of German descent. They have two children — Myrtle and Alfred. Mr. Armstrong is a Democrat and a member of the town council. He and Mrs. Armstrong are prominent members of the Presbyterian Church. J. K. BAILEY, farmer and stock-grower, was born in Cumber- land Township, Greene County, Penn., August 30, 1814. He is a IITSTOKY OF GRT:KNE COUNTY. 605 son of William and Zillali (Johnson) Eailey, the oldest in their family of seven children. His parents were natives of Pennsylvania, were members of the Society of Friends, and of English origin. Ills father was twice married, his first wife being Miss Sarah Miers. By tliis marriage he was the father of one child, a daughter, who is now the wife of Miller Haines, and resides in Columbiana County, Ohio. J. K. Bailey's sisters and brothers were: Amanda, wife of James Murdock; Kev. E. E., now a missionary to the Indians; Ruth Ann, wife of Samuel Eea; William, Zillah, the widow of 11. Eichardson, and L. M. (deceased). ]V[r. Bailey was reared in Cumber- land Township, and has made farming his business, in which he has met with great success. In 1835 he was married to Miss Delilah, daughter of John and Phoebe (Ilibbs) Craft, who were natives of Pennsylvania, and of English ancestry. J\Irs. Bailey was born in Cumberland Township, August 10, 18i2. Her mother was a mem- ber of the Society of Friends. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey's children are —Zillah. wife of N. H. Biddle; John Milton; Phcebe, wife of R. S. Long; W. Calvin; Clarinda, wife of Joseph Hawkins, Lydia B., wife of Corbly Fordyce; Almira is the wife of John Rinehart, and J. K. Jr. The family are all members of theCuinberland Presbyte- rian Church, in which Mr. Bailey has served for many years as elder and Sabbath-school superintendent. In politics Mr. Bailey is a Re- publican, and has served for twenty-five years as justice of the peace, in which office both his father and grandfather preceded him. REV. E. E. BAILEY, missionary, was born in Greene County, Penn., August G, 1817, a son of William and Zillah (Johnson) Bailey, also natives of this State. Ilis parents were of Quaker ori- gin and of English ancestry. Ilis father came to Greene County when he was about nine years old with his parents, Eli and Ruth Bailey, from Chester County, Penn.; he died at the advanced age of eighty-two years. He was twice married, and the Rev. E. E. is a child of his second wife, and grew up on the farm with his parents, receiving his early education in a log cabin school-house, afterwards attended school at Greene Academy and at Waynesburg, Penn. At the age of sixteen he joined the Cumberland Presbyterian Church in Greene County. He was licensed to preach and ordained by the Union Presbytery of tlie Cumberland Presbyterian Church. He lal:)ored some in AVest Virginia, six miles west of Morgantown, but mostly in Fayette County, Penn., where he was engnged in the min- istry for a term of years. Having liad a desire for missionary work he then went West, where he engaged in missionary work among the Indians, and met with good success. In 1887 he was sent to his present position among the Cherokee Indians by the board of mis- sions of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. In 1830 Mr. Bailey was united in marriage with Miss Mary, daughter of John and Mar- 606 HISTOET OF GREENE COUNTY. garet (Dowlin) Eea. Mrs. Bailey is of Irish descent. They have live children — Harvey M., John F., Hannah J., Margaret E. and William E. Mr. Bailey is a Prohibitionist. JOSEPH TAYLOR BAILEY, farmer and stock-grower, Carmi- chaels, Perm., was born in Dnnkard Township, Greene County,' June 10, 1820, and is a son of Joseph and Hannah (Johnson) Bailey, na- tives of Pennsylvania. His father, who was a farmer and miller, came when a young man to this county, where he was married and reared a family of six children. Of these Joseph Taylor is the young- est, and was reared in Greene and Fayette counties. Early in life he learned the miller's trade with his father, and followed it for forty years. He erected and operated a grist-mill for nearly twenty-eight years. He is a successful farmer and at the present time the owner 320 acres of valuable land in Cumberland Township. He was mar- ried in Fayette County, Penn., November 16, 1854, to Miss Martha Jane, daughter of Francis and Martha (Morehouse) Lee. Mrs. Bailey is of English descent. Her father was a blacksmith and farmer. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey have two children — Eli and Frances. In politics Mr. Bailey has ever been a strong Democrat. He and his wife are prominent members of the M. E. Church. ELLIS B. BAILEY, farmer and stock-grower, was born in Greene County, Penn., November 21, 1824, and is a son of Eli and Peria (Gregg) Bailey. His parents were natives of Chester County, Penn., were members of the Society of Friends, and of English de- scent. His father was a farmer. Mr. Bailey's ancestors were among the earliest settlers in Greene County, and often had to flee to the forts for protection. His father died in 1854, in Fayette County, where he had resided since 1837. His family consisted of ten chil- dren, eight of whom gTew to maturity. Of these Ellis B. was the sixtli. He was reared in Fayette County, attended Madison College and had entered the senior year, when he left school and commenced farming and stock-growing. He has made his own way in the world, and is among the wealthiest men of Greene County, owning over 1,000 acres of well improved land. He is a man possessed of more than ordinary energy, liis success in life having been due largely to his strong determination to succeed, coupled with a willing disposi- tion to work. His business life has not, however, all been sunshine. He lost $23,000 by the failure of the Exchange Bank of Waynes- burg, and 182,000 by the destruction of his wool in a big fire at Boston. But every reverse in business seemed only to make him more determined, and to add new strength to his ambition. He has devoted his time to farming, stock-dealing and buying land, and he has dealt considerably in wool. He was never given much to specu- lating; but gave his business close attention and caretnl oversight, and has succeeded in accumulatine" a handsome fortune. He was iiisTonY OF grep:ne county. 607 married in Fayette County, Penn., Marcli 7, 1850, to Harriet, danirh- ter of John and Sarali (^Barton) Gaddis. Iler parents were Quakers, and of English descent. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey have six sons and two daughters — AVilliani 11., John E., Joseph E., George E., Eli F., Richard L., Sarah F., wife of Thomas 11. Hawkins, and Anna R., wife of George F. Luse. The two daughters and three sons are married; all are intelligent business men and good citizens. In poli- tics Mr. Bailey has been a Whig and a Republican. He has served nine years as school director in Cumberland Township. All the family are members of the Presbyterian Church, in which Mr. Bailey has been elder and superintendent of the Sabbath-school. J. E. BAILEY, farmer and .stock-grower, was born in Cumber- land Township, Greene County, May 22, 1858. He is a son of Ellis B. Bailey, whose biograpliy appears in this volume. He is the fourth in a family of eight children. He received a common-school educa- tion, and also attended (rreene Academy at Carmichaels, Pennsylva- nia. Mr. Bailey married Miss Ella, daughter of J. M. and Charlotte (Rinehart) Morris. They have one cliild, Earl, an interseting little fellow of four years. Mrs. Bailey's father, Morris Morris, is a promi- nent farmer and stock-grower of Greene Township, and one of its most influential citizens. He is an ardent Democrat and has taken an active part in the politics of the county. Mr. Bailey is a rep- resentative young man of his township, is a Republican in politics, and a member of the Presbyterian Church. GEORGE E. BAILEY, farmer and stock-grower, son of Ellis B. and Harriet (Gaddis) Bailey, was born in Cumberland Township, Greene County, Penn., December 8, 1860. His father is a prominent farmer, and resides in this township. George E. is the fifth in a family of eight children. After attending the district school, he en- tered Greene Academy at Carmichaels, and subsequently attended Monongahela College at Jeft'erson, Pennsylvania. He is an indus- trious, energetic young man, and has made farming and the raising of line stock a decided success. He spent the summer of 1883 in the South and West, as the general agent of a large book publishincr establishment of Philadelphia. In politics Mr. Bailey is a Repub- lican; and he is a zealous, active member of the Presbyterian Church. W. H. BARCLAY, farmer and stock-grower, Khedive, Penn., was born March 6, 1836, where he now resides on a farm of one liundred and seventy-eight acres. He is a son of Hugh and Phrebe (Craft) Barclay, the oldest of theii- Ave children. His grandfather, Hon. Hugh Barclay, was of Scotch-Irish descent. He was a repre- sentative of the Pennsjdvania State Legislature, and during his term introduced the bill establishing the Greene Academy at Carmichaelg, Penn. W. H. Barclay's father was a farmer all his life. Ilis family consisted of live children, all of whom are married. Mr. Barclay 608 HISTORY OF GREEffE COUNTY. was reared on the farm, received liis education in Greene Academy j and has made farming the business of his life. In 1856 lie was mar- ried to Sarah E., daughter of -John P. Minor. She died in 1863. In 1866 Mr. Barclay was again united in marriage with Martha J., daughter of Henry and Mary (McCann) Arford. Mr. and Mrs. Bar- clay are the parents of seven children — Sarah Ellen, George P., W. H., Myrtle V., Phoebe E., Nerval L. and Harry S. Mr. Barclay is a Republican, and he and his wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, in which he is a trustee. G. A. BARCLAY, merchant-miller, was born in Cnmberland Township, this county, February 25, 1850. He is a son of Hugh and Phoebe (Craft) Barclay, and grandson of Hon. Hugh Barclay. His father and grandfather were prominent among the early farmers of the county. Mr. Barclay is the j'oungest of a family of six children. He was reared on the farm, receiving his education in the common school and in Waynesburg College. Early in life he learned the miller's trade and operated a mill for a period of four years. In 1882 he engaged in the same business at Carmichaels where he has met with good success. In 1870 Mr. Barclay was united in marriage with Khoda, daughter of Samuel Kendall, deceased. Mrs. Barclay is a native of this county. Her father was a Baptist minister. To Mr. and Mrs. Barclay have been born six children — Ida L., Stephen H., John F., Ettie, Gertrude and Clarence. Their mother is a devoted member of the Baptist Church. Mr. Barclay is a Re- publican in politics. He is a school director and member of tiie town council of Carmichaels Borough. JAMES BARNS, the subject of this sketch, was born June 24, 1790, and died March 12, 1883. lie was the youngest son of Thomas and Sarali Barns, who were among the pioneer settlers of West Yirginia. They settled in tlie woods near where the thriving town of Fairmont now stands. His parents were among the iirst Methodists in West Virginia, his father being a class leader many years, and his father's house a preaching place for a long time. At the age of fifteen, Mr. Barns left his home to learn the trade of a millwright, and served an apprenticeship of five years. In 1811 he had an attack of fever, the only sickness that ever caused him to lie in bed one day, during a period of nearly ninety-three years. He was badly injured in 1870, by the running away of a team of horses, from the effect of which he was confined to his room for six weeks. On December 10, 1812, he was united in marriage with MissRhoda Davidson, of Fayette County, Penn. — a worthy companion of a worthy man. Their union was blessed with nine children, five of whom were living, also present when he died. This worthy couple were converted at a camp-meeting held in 1819, near Browns- ville, Penn., and their habitation became emphatically a liouse of HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 609 prayer as long as they lived. In 1824 lie became dissatisfied with the government of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he and Lis companion were devoted members. He took a deep interest in the controversy that agitated the church, and culminated in the organization of the j\Iethodist Protestant Church, and identitied him- self with the new organization in 1830. lie was elected as a lay representative from the Pittsburgh Annual Conference to the first General Conference of the Methodist Protestant Church, which held its session in Georgetown, D. C, in May, 1834. He was also a member of the General Conference of 1838, which held its session in Pittsburgh, Penn. In Febrnary, 1868, God took his beloved com- panion from him. Her loss was painfully felt by liim and his children, tiiough assured of her future and eternal happiness in lieaven. On March 1, 1870, he married Mrs. Mary Lantz, mMIIi whom he lived in the enjoyment of great domestic happiness until February 12, 1880 — the date of her death. Two years later, he sold his farm and the old homestead, in which he had lived si.xty-seven years, to his son-in-law, Isaac B. Patterson, who married his youngest daughter, Mary Ellen. This was very agreeable to all his children, as it keeps in possession of the family the dear old honaestead where they were born and raised. Mr. Barns had a good constitution, and he took good care of it. His habits were exemplary; he was strictly temperate and regular in his manner of life. He always cultivated a cheerful disposition; lived in communion and fellowship with God; was always usefully and honorably employed, and to these things owed his long life, at the close of which he makes this note: "Have had great enjoyment all through life, and also health. Have not laid in bed one day from sickness since 1811." Thus after a sojourn longer than that usually allotted to man, James Barns peacefully passed away; the last of as good a family as Virginia ever ]iroduced, consisting of four brothers — William Barns, M. D.; John S. Barns, Esq.; Thomas Barns and James Bai'us. There were three sisters — Sarah Willie, Phoebe Shinn and Mary A. Thrapp. These all lived and died in the faith, and left behind them families that revere their memories and imitate their virtues. '• Children of parents passed into the skies.'' ISAAC T. BIDDLE, deceased, who was a farmer and stock- grower, was born in New Jersey, in the year 1799. He was a son of Timothy and Mary (Taylor) Biddle, natives of New Jersey and of English and German origin. His father, who was a shoemaker in early life, came to Washington County, Penn., in 1802, and carried on farming for twenty-eight years. In 1840 I. T. Biddle came to Greene County and bought a farm in Cumberland Township, and one year later his father, Timothy Biddle, came to the same farm. I. T. took chai'ge of the farm and continued his father's business of 610 tllSTOKY OP GREENE COUNTY. fanning and stock-growing, devoting liis time principally to the raising of fine sheep. - He succeeded in accnmulating a handsome fortune, but in later years met with serious reverses by the failure of three banks in which he lost about $40,000. This proved a serious disarrangement in his financial aflairs, but he was a good business man and died in fair circumstances after reaching a good old age. His widow, whom he married in Washington County, still survives him. lier maiden name w-as Jane Kerney, daughter of, William and Eliza- beth (Montgomery) Kerney. Mrs. Biddle was born in Washington County, September 16, 1804, and is of Irish lineage. Mr: and Mrs. Biddle had a family of eleven children, Seven now living — Eliza, wife of Edward Carson; Mary, wife of Lewis Jennings; Morgan, who married Eunice Patterson; Nathan H., married Zillah Bailey and lives on the old homestead; Jolm, married Mary Barclay; Amanda, wife of Dis South; and Edith F., wife of Walter Eichey. Mr. and Mrs. Biddle have been faithful members of the Cumberland Presby- terian Church, in which he served as elder for many years. Mrs. Biddle has property in Carmichaels, where she still resides,,an active and remarkably well preserved woman for her age, and loved and respected by all who know her. N. H. BIDDLE, farmer and stock-dealer, P. O. Carmichaels, was born in Washington County, Penn., August 25, 1829. His father was Isaac T. Biddle, now deceased. His mother's maiden name was Jane Kerney; she was born in 1804 and is still living. Harvey came with his parents from Washington County to Cumber- land Township in 1840, and has made it his home till the present time. He is the fourth in a family of eleven children, seven of whom are living. He was reared on a farm aiid has been engaged in farm- •ing and stock-dealing all his life, owning at present over seven hundred acres of valuable land in Greene County. Mr. Biddle was united in marriage, December 25, 1856, with Zillah, daughter of J. K. Bailey. Their family consists of four sons and two danghters — Newton M., Flora, wife of Thomas Patterson; William C, Kichard L., Jesse T. and Yirtue C- Mr. and Mrs. Biddle are zealous members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church at Carmichaels, Penn., in which he is one of the elders. Mr. Biddle takes an active interest in the educational afiairs of the county, served as school director for twelve years, and has been a member of the board of trustees of Waynesburg College for a number of years and is still a member. SAMUEL BUNTING. — Among the representative meu of Cum- berland Township we mention Samuel Bunting, a farmer and stock- grower, who was born in Fayette County. Penn., April 28, 1836. He is a son of Samuel and Nancy (Butler) Bunting, natives of Penn- sylvania, and of German and English origin. Mr. Bunting's father, who has made milling the business of his life, has now reached the History of greene county. 6ll advanced age of eighty-four years. Samuel was the fourth in his family of eleven children, and was hronght up in Fayette and Greene counties, having lived in the latter since he was eiglit years old. Early in life he learned the miller's trade with his father, continued in the business until 1885, and has since been engaged in farming where he now resides near Carmichaels, Penn. lie was united in marriage February 22, 1859, with Agnes, oldest daughter of Samuel and Mary (Cree) llorner. Mrs. l)Unting is of English descent. Her father was a wealthy miller, and also engaged somewhat extensively in farming. In politics Mr. Bunting is a Prohibitionist, lie and his wife are zealous and active members of the Presbyterian Church, in which he is an elder, and is also serving as assistant superintendent of the Sabbath-school. S. S. BAYARD, farmer and stock-grower, was born near Waynesburg, Penn., December 27, 1839, and is a son of Perry A. and JN^ancy (^Sayers) Bayard. His parents were natives of Greene County, descendants of the early pioneers, and of French and Eng- lish origin. Mr. Bayard's father was a farmer and mechanic; in early life he was a stone-mason in Whiteley Township. S. S. is the tifth in a family of seven children; he was reared in Greene County, attended the schools in Whiteley Township, and afterwards entered Waynesburg College. lie is a farmer by occupation, and owns 200 acres of well improved land where he resides in Cumberland Town- ship. He has about twenty acres of his farm in choice fruit trees. In 1866 he married Miss Jane, daughter of W. T. E. Webb, Esq., of Waynesburg. Her mother's maiden name was Mary Stull ; she was of French origin and a native of Kentucky. Her father was born in Virginia and was of English descent. Mr. and Mrs. Bayard are the parents of four children, two of whom are living. In politics Mr. Bayard is a Republican. In 1862 he enlisted in Company K, Fifteenth Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, and was Sergeant of the company. He was in several prominent engagements of the late war — among others the battles of Antietam and Stone River, and was discharged for disability in 1863. Both his grandfathers were in the Revolutionary war. Mr. and Mrs. Bayard are active mem- bers of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and both are prominent teachers in the Sabbath-school. JEREMIAH CLOUD, retired miller and distiller, Carmichaels, Penn., was born in Cumberland Township, Greene County, Septem- ber 3, 1797. He is a son of Joel and Susannah (Carrington) Cloud, being the oldest in a family of twelve children. His father was of English-German descent, a native of Chester County, Penn., and was both a farmer and a cooper. His mother was of Welsh origin. He received a common school education, and at an early age learned the hatter's trade, which he followed until he attained his majority. He 612 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. was married by Rev. William Barley October 3, 1822, to Jane, daughter of Joho and Sarah (Wright) Morgan, who were of English descent. Three of his seven childi-en are now living — Thomas, a farmer; Marion, a millwright; and Sarah Ellen, wife of Joseph Everly. At the age of twenty-one Mr. Cloud engaged with his father in the distillery business, in which he continued for a period of twenty years. By reason of the meagre facilities of that early day, the distilling art being then in its most primitive state, they could make but slow progress, one barrel a day being considered a big day's work. A grist-mill was erected by him in 1846, which for many years was a great convenience and benefit to the people of his neighborhood. He retired from the cares of an active business life at an advanced age. Mr. Cloud is the owner of 203 acres of valuable farming land in Cumberland Township, He is a self-made man, his success in life being due largely to his strong will and remarkable energy. He has been an enthusiastic Kepublican ever since the party was organized; and so steadfast was he in the sup- port of Bepublican pi-inciples that he was never prevailed upon but once to vote for a Democrat. He was an active politician, but neither desired nor held an office. His thorough knowledge of politics, however, made him a very popular leader of his party. Mr. Cloud was reared a Quaker, and although he never joined any re- ligious denomination, his sympathies were with the Society of Friends, of whose doctrines he has ever been an earnest advocate. Mrs. Cloud, deceased, was a zealous member of the Baptist Church. CAPTAIN HIRAM H. CREE, farmer and stock-grower, was born May 21, 1819, where he now resides on the farm of 160 acres, which has been in the possession of the family since 1785. He is a son of Hamilton and Agnes (Hughes) Cree, natives of Pennsylvania, which has been the home of the Crees for many generations. The Captain's father was a farmer, who, in 1848, died at the age of seventy-eight, on the farm where Hiram H. now resides. His family consisted of ten children. Hiram, one of the youngest, was reared on the farm, and attended the common school in Cumberland Town- ship. He engaged in farming until 1847, when he went to Cin- cinnati, Ohio, and was employed as salesman in a large wholesale dry-goods house. After five months spent in that business, he re- sumed his farming until 1862, when he went into the army, enlist- ing in Company A, One Hundred and Sixty-eighth Pennsylvania Infantry. When the company was organized he was unanimously elected its Captain, in which capacity he served most faithfully throughout his terra. He was ever a gallant soldier, highly esteemed by all his company. In 1864 he married Miss Elizabeth, daughter of James S. Kerr, and they are the parents of two children — Ellen Agnes and Rose Allena. In politics the Captain is a Republican, HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 613 in religion a Methodist, and his wife is a member of the Cumber- land Presbyterian Church. JOHN CKAGO, a retired farmer of Cumberland Township, was born February 15, 1814, and is a descendant of one of the pioneer families of Greene County. He is a son of John Crago. lie owns 330 acres of well improved land, where his great-grand- fatjier settled and was afterwards killed by the Indians. The Cragos all came of industrious and energetic ancestors, and are noted for their morality and patriotism; they were represented in the Ite- volutionary war. John Crago, of whom we now write, received his education in the subscription schools of his township, where he was married in 1840 to Eleanor, daughter of John and Mary Flenniken, both natives of Greene Conntj, and of Irish and English descent. They have two children — Caroline, wife of M. L. McMeans; and William II., a farmer, who was born in Cumberland Township April 5, 1843. He grew up on the farm, attended the district school, and has made farming his chosen occupation. In 18G2 Mr. Crago en- listed in a cavalry company, which was afterwards consolidated and became Company D, Twenty-second Pennsylvania Cavalry. He was discharged for disability March 22, 1864. Mr. Crago has been blind for a number of years; but is possessed of such a wonderful memory that he can go all over his farm and attend to almost any kind of work. He transacts his own business afl'airs, in which he has been greatly prospered, having at present a competence sufficient to keep him in comfort the rest of his days. J. N. CRAGO, teacher and carriage manufacturer, Carmichaels, Penn., was born in Cumberland Township October 10, 1832. He is a son of Thomas and Cassandra Crago. His ancestors, who were of English descent, were among the early pioneers of this county. His father, who died in 1884, spent his life in farming. Mr. Crago is the oldest of five children, all of whom were born and reared in Cumberland township. He attended the common schools and Greene Academy. He learned the cabinet-maker's trade, serving the regular apprenticeship. Early in life he began to teach school, and has been identified with the teachers of Greene County for thirty years. About the close of the war he began the manufacture of carriages at Carmichaels, and has devoted much of the time since to that business, in wliich he has made a reputation for good style and fine workmanship. In 1861 he married Per- melia, daughter of William Spencer. Mrs. Crago is of English descent. They have a family of five children — Kichard, Thomas, Samuel, Bertie and Mary. Mr. and Mrs. Crago are zealous mem- bers of the Carmichaels Cumberland Presbyterian Chnrch. Mr. Cl'ago is trustee of the chnrch, and served for many years as 614 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. superintendent of the Sabbath-school. He is a Republican and is a member of the I. O. O. F. T. J. CRAGO, surveyor and school teacher, was born near Car- raichaels, this county, July 16, 1843. Ilis ancestors were among the pioneer farmers of the county. His parents, Thomas and Cas- sandra (Hughes) Crago, were of Irish and English descent. His father, who was a farmer and teacher, died in 1884. Mr. Crago is the fourth in a family of five children. He was reared in this coun- ty, attended Greene Academy, and became a teacher early in life, lu 1862 he enlisted in Company C, in what was known as the Rin- gold Cavalry, which was consolidated with the Twenty-second Penn- sylvania Cavalry in 1864, his company then being Company D. He was in many engagements — among others the battles of Winchester and Lynchburg. He was discharged May 28, 1865, at the close of tlie war, and has since taught school in Greene County, with the exception of two winters. He has also engaged to some extent in farming and surveying. Mr. Crago was united in marriage June 23, 1868, with Fannie J., daughter of James Wright, and is the father of three children — Mary, Albert and James. Mrs. Crago's parents were natives of Westmoreland County, and of. Irish and Dutch descent. She died March 26, 1887, a faithful member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Mr. Crago is also one of the leading members of that denomination. In politics he is a Republi- can; he is a member of the G. A. R., and commander of Post 265 of Cumberland Township. THOMAS J. CRAGO, boat builder, was born in Cumberland Township, Greene County, Penn., June 30, 1847. He is a son of Joseph and Maria L. (Thomas) Crago, and grandson of Thomas and Priscilla (Thurman) Crago, who were of English descent. His grandfather was a farmer, and one of the early settlers of the county. He was the father of fifteen children, of whom Thomas Ci-ago's father, Joseph, was the youngest. Joseph was born in Cumberland Township, August 7, 1811. lie had two older brothers in the war of 1812, and his grandfather, Archibald Crago, was killed in this township by the Indians. Thomas, the oldest i^ a family of seven children, received a common-school education, and early in life engaged in the saw-mill business. He has also paid considerable attention to boat-building, having built a number of boats and started them out from his place of business. In addition to his saw-mill, he owns a nice little farm of thirty-eight acres, which he has secured through his own industry and a strong determination to succeed. In 1866 he was united in marriage with Mary E., daughter of John Ridge. They have eight children — Amos A., W. L., Lorenzo*, Susan- nah, Louella, Bertha, Grover Cleveland and Tina M. In politics HISTOUY OF GREENE COUNTY. 615 Mr. Crago is a Democrat, and lie and wife are members of the M. E. Churcli, in which he is a trustee. GEORGE G. CROW, dentist, Carmicliaels, Penn., was born in Fayette County, Penn., January 1, 1837. He is a son of Michael and Sarah (Gant) Crow, also natives of Fayette County, and of Ger- man origin. Ills father was a miller and farmer. ' Dr. Crow is the third iji a family of thirteen children, live of whom reached maturity. He was reared on the farm and attended the common schools of Fayette County. Early in life he began the study of dentistry at Sinithlield, Penn. In 1859 he came to Greene County and located at Carmichaels, where he has practiced ever since. He has made a thorough study of his profession, and bears the well-deserved reputa- tion of being a first-class dentist. He has many friends in Greene County, and has liad several students in dentistry who have since be- come successful practitioners. Dr. Crow was the first dentist to locate in Greene County. May 1, 1861, he married Sarah, daughter of Daniel Darling. Mrs. Crow is of English descent. They have three children — G. AV., Ella and Frank. At the breaking out of the Rebellion the Doctor promptly enlisted in the Eighth Pennsylvania Yolunteers, and was afterwards a member of Company I, Thirty- seventh Regiment of U. S. Infantry. Tiiis company was made up of men from Waynesburg and Carmichaels. Dr. Crow was Third Sergeant, and was in eleven general engagements, among others the battles of Malvern Hill, Harrison's Landing, second Bull Run, An- tietam, Fredericksburg, the Wilderness and Spottsylvania. At the close of his term he returned to Carmichaels, and continued his practice in dentistry. He was instrumental in organizing the Dental Society of Greene County, and served five years as its president. The Doctor's family are members of the M. E. Church, in which he takes an active interest, being a trustee and superintendent of the Sabbath-school. In politics he is a Republican. JERRY DAVIDSON, owner and proprietor of the Davidson Hotel, Carmichaels, Penn., was born in Cumberland Township, May 26, 1834. His parents, Alexander and Elizabeth (Gallalier) David- son, were natives of Fayette County, Penn., and of Irish descent. His father was a farmer, and reared a family of eight cliildren, of whom Jerry is the fifth. He was reared on the farm and received a common-school education. He followed farming as a business until 1875, when he engaged in the hotel business in Carmichaels. Mr. Davidson keeps an excellent table, and always has first-class horses and carriages for the accommodation of commercial travelers and the traveling public. Mr. Davidson has been twice married, lirst in 1856 to Miss Selauta Flenniken. Of, their three children two are living — J. Calvin, a blacksniitli, and Frank F., a tinner. They are both married and doing well in their business at Carmichaels, where 616 HISTOKY OF GEEENE COUNTY. they reside. Their mother died in 1872. Mr. Davidson's present wife's maiden name was Harriet Stone. She was the widow of Ira J. Hatfield. They have two children — Henry Alexander and George S. Mr. Davidson is a member of the I. O. O. F. In politics he is a Democrat, in religion a Presbyterian. Mrs. Davidson is a member of the Cnmberland Presbyterian Church. JOHN M. DOWLIIST, farmer and stock-gi-ower, was born in Jeft'erson Township, Greene County, Penn., October 16, 1855, and is a son of John and Elma (Bell) Dowlin. His father, who is a native of Cumberland Township, is also a farmer and stock-dealer, and re- sides in Jefferson Township. He is a Democrat, and was United States Revenue Collector for a number of years. John M. Dowlin's grandfather was Paul Dowlin, a farmer of English descent. Mr. Dowlin is the only son in a family of six children. He was reared on the farm and attended the common school. He makes a business of farming and raising fine cattle and sheep, and superin- tends the home farm, consisting of 400 acres of most valuable land. He was married in Washington County, Penn., February 1, 1875, to Miss Rebecca J., daughter of Simon and Mary (Reynolds) Moredock. Their children are — Dessie L., Albert L. (deceased), John, Gertrude, Simon E. and Charles B. In politics Mr. Dowlin is a Democrat. He and Mrs. Dowlin are prominent members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. J. F. EICHER, who was born in Fayette County, Penn., Febru- ary 23, 1820, is a foundryman and manufacturer and dealer in farm- ing implements. His parents, Abraham and Mary (Freeman) Eiclier, wei-e natives of Pennsylvania, and of Irish and English descent. His father's family consisted of twelve children, of whom Mr. Eicher was the ninth. When eighteen years of age lie went to Pittsburgh to school. He learned the moulder's trade at Connellsville, Penn., serving an apprenticeship of three years. He then lived for seven years at Uniontown, Fayette County, and in 1850 came to Car- michaels, where he has since been engaged in his present business, and has met with unusual success. Mr. Eicher was married at Con- nellsville, February 14, 1842, to Miss Rosa A., daughter of William Glendenning. They are the parents of ten children, six of whom are living, viz; George, Emma, Wallace B., Robert, Sarepta and Anna M. Mr. Eicher has been an ardent Republican ever since the organization of the party. Mr. and Mrs. Eicher are faithful members of the M. E. Church. WILLIAM C. ELLIOTT, blacksmith, was born in Washington County, Penn., April 26, 1848, and is a son of Samuel and Susannah (Bane) Elliott. His mother was born in Yirginia, and his father, who was a veterinary surgeon, was a native of Washington County, Penn. William C. is the seventh of a family of nine children. .He IIISTOKY OF GREENE COUNTY. 617 was reared in his native county, where he owns a fine farm. He at- tended the graded schools, and early in life learned the hlacksmith trade, which he has followed ever since. In 1882 he married Miss Margaret Armstrong, and they have one child — Anna Mary. Mr. Elliott carae to Greene County in 18S.3. In politics he is a Demo- crat, and he is a member of the I. O. O. F. Mr. and Mrs. Elliott are leading members of the Presbyterian Church. WILLIAM ELENNIKEN, farmer and stock grower, was born March 25, 1808, on the farm where he now resides in Cumberland Township. He is a son of John, and grandson of James Flenniken, who came from east of tlie mountains to (Ireene Ccfunty, and engaged in farming in Cumberland Township. William's mother's maiden name was Mary McClelland; her parents were of tiie Scotch-Irish descent. His father was born in Cumberland Township in 1774, and died in 1855. Of his nine children William is the fourth, and was reared on the farm with his jiarents. He attended subscription school taught in one of the old log school houses of that day, and afterwards engaged in farming as his life work. Lie has met with unusual success, and now owns the fine farm of 140 acres where he resides. His wife was Miss Isabella, daughter of (leorge C. and Isabella (Mc- Clelland) Seaton, natives of Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Flenniken have four children — George (\, a farmer in the West; Mary A., William F., who is at present on the home farm; and Laura J., wife of Oscar Hartley. In politics Mr. Flenniken is a Republican; his wife is a faithful member of the Presbyterian Church. WILLIAM FLENNIKEN. meat merchant, who was born in Cumberland Township, July 30, 1838, is a son of John W. and Hettie (Wright) Flenniken. His mother was born in Buck»-County, Penn., and his father was a native of Greene County. They were of Scotch-Irish descent. Mr. Flenniken's ancestors were among the early settlers of Pennsylvania, coming to Greene County as early as 1767. His father was a fanner; his family consisted of seven child- ren — four sons and three daughters. William was fifth in the family, and was reared on the farm in Greene County, where he remained until 1886. He then came to Carmichaels, where he has since resided. In 1863 he married Eliza A., daughter of William and Achsah (Smith) Hartman. Mr. aiad Mrs. Flenniken are prominent members of the Presbyterian Church, in which Mr. Flenniken has served as trustee. ALFRED FROST, deceased, was among the most prominent mer- chants of Greene County, and was born in Pennsylvania, April 5, 1802. He was a son of William and Mary (Murphey) Frost, natives of Washington County. Mr. Frost was reared on the farm and attended the common schools. He chose farming as his vocation; but after his father's death he was obliged to work as a hired farm hand until 618 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. lie accumulated eiioiigli to begin business for himself. By dint of industry and economy he succeeded in acquiring a very fair share of this world's goods. In early manhood he engaged in the mercantile business, and for years owned a store in Carmichaels. He was united in marriage, January 23, 1830, with Mary, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth (Stairs) Sharpnack, of German origin. Mr. and Mrs. Frost were the parents of three children — Mary E., now living in Car- michael's at the old home; William H. (deceased), late of Kansas City, Missouri, who married Caroline Fair, of Leavenworth City Kansas; Elizabeth, who is the wife of George D. D. Mustard, and the mother of the following children — John, Mary S., Charles, William D., James A.' and George D. Mr. and Mrs. Frost were prominent members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. GEORGE T. GEEGG, farmer and stock grower, was born in Cumberland Township, Greene County, July 12, 1852. He is a son of Joseph and Kebecca (Minor) Gregg, natives of this county, where they were married in 1844. Mr. Gregg's grandfather, Joseph Gregg, was born in Delaware, and was one of the early settlers of Greene County, Fenn. , He was a farmer and miller by trade. Mrs. Gregg's ancestors were of English descent, and also among the early settlers of the county. George T. Gregg's father, also of English descent, was born in Greene Township, and was a farmer and stock dealer until the time of his death. George's grandfather, John P. Minor, was a soldier in the war of 1812. Mr. Gregg is the third in a family of six children, three of whom are now living. He was reared in this county, attend- ing the common schools and Greene Academy at Carmichaels, Fenn. He was united in marriage, September 30, 1870, to Miss Pratt, daughter of James and Milly (Mt. Joy) Pratt, who were natives of Fayette County, Penn., and of English descent. Mr. and Mrs. Gregg have four children — Flora B., Joseph Charles, Myrta Rebecca and Orplia Ethel. Their mother is a faithful member of the Baptist Church. In politics Mr. Gregg is a Republican. Financially, he has been very successful, having 300 acres of land under his present control, and owing a fine farm of 114 acres where he now resides. GENEALOGY OF THE MINOR FAMILY IN AMERICA.— The following genealogical record will be of interest to all the Minor family: The first member of the family who came to America was Thomas Minor, who was born in England in 1608, and came to this country in 1630. In 1634, he married Frances Palmer. Clement, son of Thomas and Frances Minor, married Frances Wilej' in 1662. Their son William, who represents the third generation of the Minor family in America, married Anna Lyle in 1691. Stephen, son of William and Anna Minor, who married Ohalia Updike, was born in 1705, and was the eight son of the fourth generation. Samuel Minor was the fourth son in the fifth generation. He was married, IIISTOKY OF GUEKNE COUNTY. 019 and his oldest son was Abia Minor. Abia was the fatherof John P. Minor, who married lliildah McCleUand. Hebeeca is the fourth of nine children and is the fourtli of the eiglit generation. She is the wife of Joseph Gregg, of (ireene County, Pennsylvania, who is the father of the suljject of the preceeding sketch. WILLIAM GROOMS, retired blacksinitli, was born in Carini- chaels, Penn., August 14, 1828. His jDarents were Benjamin and Isabella (Kerr) Grooms, natives of Maryland and Pennsylvania re- spectively, and of English and Scotch descent. His grandfather, William Grooms, was one of the early settlers of Greene County. His father was a farmer and carpenter, and had a family of six children, of whom William is the second of the three living. He was reared in Carmiciiaels, attended the common schools and (-rrecne Academy, and in early life learned the blacksmith trade, in which he engaged for a number of years. In 18-46 Mr. Grooms married Malinda, daugh- ter of Moses and* Susan (Vankirk) Mcllvaine. They have six child- ren — Susan, wife of James Lincoln; Elizabeth, wife of George Demain; Arabella, wife of Levi Taylor; William and B. F., black- smiths; and Eliza Jane, a teacher. In politics Mr. Grooms is a Pe- publican. In 1861 he enlisted in Company I, Eight Pennsylvania Volunteers and served three years. He re-enlisted in Company B, Fifty-seventh Volunteer Infantry and served till the close of the war. He has been road commissioner, and was postmaster at Carmiciiaels for a number of years. Mr. and Mrs. Grooms are members of the Metliodist Episcopal Church, and he is a member of the G. A. R. Post. JOSIAII GWYNN, farmer and stock-grower, who was born near where he resides, October 20, 1812, is a son of Joseph and Martha (Dowlin) Gwynn. His grandparents on the maternal side were natives of Montgomery County, Penn., and were of AVelsh origin. Mr. Gwynn's grandfather, Joseph Gwynn, came from Lon- don, England, to what is now Greene County, and was among the early settlers in this part of Pennsylvania. His grandfather (rwynn came to this county before the Revolutionary war. and settled on the farm which Josiah noM- occupies. This was then an Indian settlement — or rather, an Indian neighborhood, and he took what was then called " tomahawk claim-" He left tiiis country with the intention of re- turning to London, but got no farther than the Island of Cuba, and there he engaged in a sugar plantation, and on his return he found other parties had settled on two of his claims. He served as county com- missioner in what is now Washington and Greene counties. Josiah Gwynn's father farmed on the home place tliroughout his life. He was drafted in the war of 1812, and died in 1864. at the age of se\-- enty-five. Josiah is the oldest of a family of eight children. lie attended school on his own farm, in the old-fashioned log school- 620 ' HISTOKT OF GREENE COUNTY. house, which he has since seen replaced by one of hewn logs, that by a frame building, and the frame ready to be superseded by a sub- stantial brick. Mr. Gwynn has made farming the business of his life, and owns 200 acres of the original entry made by his grand- father. He was married March 28, 1841, to Lydia, daughter of George W. and Susannah (Myers) Phillips. Mrs. Gwynn was born in Chester County, Penn., in 1824. Her father was a farmer and butcher, of English descent. Mr. and Mrs. Gwynn have eight chil- dren, six living — Martha L., wife of Wilson Huston; Joseph C, George W., E. E., wife of Lacy Craft; John II. and J. F. AH are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, in which Mr. Gwynn is elder and superintendent of the Sabbath-school. He has always been a liberal high-minded gentleman, and highly resjjected in the community. J. F. GWYNN, merchant, who was born in Cumberland Town- ship,September 2, 1842,is asonof John Gwynn. His great-grandfather, Joseph Gwynn, Sr., came from London, England, settled in Greene County, and served in the Revolutionary war. Mr. Gwynn's father was born December 25, 1818, on the farm taken up by Joseph Gwynn, Sr., when he first came to this county. He was married in the fall of 1840 to Elizabeth, daughter of Jesse and Mary (Wright) Eea, who were of English descent. J. F. Gwynn is the elder of two children. He received his education in Greene Academy and Waynesburg College. In 1862 he enlisted in Company F, Fifteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, but was transferred to the U. S. Signal Corps, where he served till the close of the war. He was in many engage- ments, among others, Stone Piver, Chickamauga, Mission Ridge and around Atlanta, etc. At the close of the war he returned to his native town and engaged in the mercantile business in which he has met with success. Mr. Gwynn was united in marriage January 24, 1868, with Elizabeth, daughter of William Hartnian. They have three children — William, John and Anna. Mr. Gwynn is a Republican. He has served as school director, is a member of the G. A. R., and is adjutant of Carmichaels Post 265. He and his wife are zealous members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. WILLIAM HARTMAN, born in Jefferson, Greene County, Penn., February 14, 1817, is a son of Adam and Elizabeth (Stickels) Hartman. His parents were of German descent, his mother being a native of Pennsylvania and his father of Ohio. His father's family consisted of eight children, of whom William is the fifth. He at- tended the schools of Greene County and learned the cabinet-maker's trade, in connection with which he has devoted considerable time to contracting and building. He was united in marriage November 8, 1838, with Acsah, daughter of Daniel Smith. Their children are — ■ Ann, wife of William F. Flennikeu; and Elizabeth, wife of J. F. IIISTOUY OF GREENE COUNTY. 621 Gwynn. Mr. Ilartman is a Republican, and was elected justice of tlie peace in 1858. He lias also been a member of the town council and burgess of Carmicliaels. Mr. and Mrs. Hartman are members of the Cumberland Tresbyterian Church, in which he has been superintendent of the Sabbath-school and served as elder for many years. J. W. HATHAWAY, deceased, who was a merchant in Carmich- aels for many years, was born in JetFcrson Township, this county. May 19, 1821, and was a son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Estel) Hathaway. His motlier was born in New Jersey and liis father in Pennsylvania, and they were of English and Dutch descent. When Mr. Hathaway was only one year old his father died, and he was reared by his grandfather, Matthias Estel, who sent him to school and induced him to learn a trade. He chose the chair-maker's trade, served a regular apprenticeship, and worked at the business for a time at jS'ewtown. There he began business as a clerk in a store at the age of sixteen. At nineteen years of age he went to Carmichaels as clerk. He was for many years junior member in the firm of Carson & Hathaway, merchants; afterwards buying his partner's interest he became sole owner of the large merchandising establishment there. He was an energetic, careful and thrifty manager of busi- ness, always exercising the keenest tact in his ventures and invest- ments, yet conducting the same with a motive of honesty and fair dealing toward all, bearing the respect of everybody. Years ago when Carmicliaels was the business center of Greene County Mr. Hathaway— added to a continued large retail trade — did consider- able business at wholesale. He also dealt quite extensively in stock and real estate, and at the time of his death was the owner (jf 550 acres of valuable land. He was united in marriage January 1, 1840, with Miss Ary, daughter of William and Keziah (Wiley) Anderson, who were of Scotch-Irish descent. Pier father was a millwright, and she liad two brothers in the war of 1812. To Mr. and Mrs. Hathaway a family of ten children were born, six of whom, together with Mrs. Hathaway, survive the deceased. The children are — Charles, Samuel, William, Jacob and Lawrence, of Carmichaels; and Mrs. Mary McGinnis, of Lincoln, 111. Mr. Hathaway was well known and was regarded as a man of great business ability, sound judgment and sterling integrity. He had been a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church for over forty-tive years, and was a ruling elder in that church for thirty-two years. He was without question a true Christian. JOSEPH HAMILTON, deceased, was a farmer and stock- grower and a successful business man. He was a self-made man, and by reason of his industry, economy and business ability, suc- ceeded in accumulating a goodly share of this world's possessions. 622 HISTORY OF greene county. He died in 1871, leaving to his wife and children over 400 acres of valuable fanning land near Carmicliaels, Penn. Mr. Hamilton was born in the State of Pennsylvania in 1808, was a son of Joseph Hamilton, and was of Scotch-Irish origin. His father was a manufacturer of boots and shoes. Mr. Hamilton received a common school education; he came to Greene County in 1859 and settled in Cumberland Township. His wife, whom he married in Fayette County, Penn., was Miss Catharine Coursin. Of their eight cliildreu, seven are now living — William, Elizabeth, wife of Eichard Moffett; Mary, Sarah, Catharine JSIoah and J>fancy J. Mr. Hamilton was known throughout his life as a staunch Democrat and a strict adherent of the Presbyterian Church. 1. R. JACKSON, retired carpenter and contractor, was born in Cumberland Township, Greene County, Penn., April 19, 1824. He is a son of Stephen and Hannah (Miller) Jackson, natives of this county. His grandfather, a pioneer farmer, was born in Maryland. Mr. Jackson, whose father was a millwright and carpenter, was the third in a family of five children. He learned the carpenter trade, in which he engaged in Cumberland Township for a period of thirty- five years. He was united in marriage April 12, 1846, with Mary A., daughter of B. M. and Martha (Murdock) Horner. Mrs. Jack- son's parents were among the early settlers of the county. Of the seven children born to Mr. and Mrs. Jackson, only one survives — Emma C. The deceased are: James J., Mary Ann, Louisa J., Alice L., Stephen T. and Mai-garet A., who was the wife of William Grooms and mother of two children, one of which, James A. Grooms, is still living. Mr. Jackson is a Democrat, and has served as burgess of Carmichaels Borough. He and his wife are devoted members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. WILLIAM KERR, manufacturer of saddle-trees, was born in Washington County, Penn., September 12, 1803, and is a son of James and Elizabeth (Boke) Kerr, also natives of Washington Coun- ty, and of Irish descent. His father was a blacksmith, and reared a family of eight children. William was the third and received a common school education. He learned the saddle-tree trade, and has made it the business of his life, most of which he has spent in Cumberland Township, where he was married in January, 1824. His Mdfe was Elizabeth, daughter of James Curl. Mr. and Mrs. Kerr are the parents of ten children, eight of whom are living. They are: Mary A., wife of Elias Flenniken, of Greensboro, Penn.; Rachel, wife of James Elenniken; John C, of Carmichaels; Lettie J., wife of Thomas Lucas; Elizabeth M., wife of William H. Sharp- nack; Sarah E., wife of Thomas Nntt; Hiram A. and William W. Mrs. Kerr died August 29, 1874, a consistent member of the HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 623 Methodist Episcopal Church, to which Mr. Kerr also belongs, and has been steward and class-leader. In politics he is a Democrat. JAMES KERE, farmer and stock-grower, Carmichaels, Penn., was 1)orn in Washington, Washington County, Penn., March 81, 1808, and is a son ot Archibald and Mai-y (Huston) Kerr, who were of Irish and English descent. His mother was a native of Washing- ton County, and departed this life in Greene County, Penn., in her eighty- seventh year, and his father, a farmer and hotel-keeper, was born in Ireland and died in Virginia in his eighty-fourth year. lie had a family of eight children, of whom James was the tourth, and was reared on the farm in Cumberland Township. He attended the common school and chose farming as a business, working by the day and month to get his start in life. He drove hogs from Greene County to Baltimore for twenty-five cents and two meals a day. He has ever practiced the most careful economy and strict integrity in all his dealings, and is now the owner of a valuable farm of 375 acres. Mr. Kerr was united in marriage August 29, 1833, with Miss Ellen, daughter of George and Betsey (Lowery) Davis. Mrs. Kerr was born in Greene County, April 1, 1813. Her parents were natives of Pennsylvania and of German descent. Mr. and Mrs. Kerr have eight children, five living — David, Elizalieth, wife of Captain H. PI. Cree; Alexander, Huston and Archibald. The deceased are George, James and AV^illie. In politics ]\Ir. Kerr is a Democrat. He has served as school director in the township. They are prominent members of the Presbyterian Church. JOHN C. KEIiR, manufacturer of saddle-trees, was born in Carmichaels, Penn., December 28, 1832. He is a son of William and Elizabeth (Curl) Kerr, being the third in their family of eight children. He was reared in Greene County, and early in life learned his trade with his father, who still resides near Carmichaels, where John C. has worked for many years. In 1859 Mr. Kerr married Caroline, daughter of Amos Horner. They were tlie parents of two children — Mary Ellen, wife of John Bell, and Margaret, wife of John Mossburg. Their mother died in 1865. Mr. Kerr was a second time united in marriage, February 9, 1869, with Elizabeth, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth (Pice) Sharpnack. Her parents were of Welsh and English descent. Mr. and Mrs. Kerr have four children, all boys — William Henry, George S., Robert O. and Jesse F. Mr. and Mrs. Kerr are devoted members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. In politics Mr. Kerr is a Republican, and has been a mem- ber of the town council of Carmichaels, where he has resided for over twenty-five years. ARCHIBALD KERR, of the firm of Kerr Brothers, furniture dealers and funeral directors, Carmichaels, Penn., was born in Cnml)er- land Township, September 22, 1851. He is a son of James and 624 HISTORY OF GEEENE COUWTT. Eleanor (Davis) Kerr, natives of Greene County, and of Irish descent. His father is one of the prominent farmers of Cumberland Townsliip. Archibald is the seventh in a family of eight children. He received a common-school education, and early in life learned the cabinet- maker's trade. He worked by the day and job for eight years in Virginia and Pennsylvania, and in 1876 engaged in his present busi- ness at Garard's Fort, Penn., where lie remained for two years. He then came to Carmichaels, where he has always had the reputation of doing lirst-class work. In 1873 Mr. Kerr married Frances, daugh- ter of James Clawson. Mi's. Kerr is of English descent. They have a family of live children — Charles Edward, Lida E., Jesse, Alex- ander and Harry. Mr. Kerr is a leading member of the M. E. Church, and his wife is a Cumberland Presbyterian. In politics Mr. Kerr is a Democrat. He is a member of the town council, and be- longs to the I. 0. O. F. Lodge at Carmichaels, Penn. JSfORVAL LAIDLEY'was born in Cumberland Township, this county, May 4, 1829. He is a son of T. H. and Sarah (Barclay) Laidley, being the oldest in their family of twelve children. He was I'eared in Carmichaels, receiving his education in the old Greene Academy. Early in life he learned the saddler's trade, serving an apprenticeship at Carmichaels, where he soon engaged in the busi- ness for liim self and continued therein for twelve years. He after- wards started a general store in company with his younger brother, A. D. Laidley, to whom he sold his interest in 1876 and left him sole proprietor of their merchandising establishment. J. B. LAIDLEY, physician and surgeon, Carmichaels, Penn. — Among the best known physicians in Greene County is the gentle- man whose name heads this sketch. He is a son of Dr. Thomas H. and Sarah (Barclay) Laidley, and was born in Carmichaels, August 21, 1830. The Doctor's father was also a prominent physician, and practiced in Carmichaels and vicinity for over half a century. His grandfather, Thomas Laidley, was a soldier in the Pevolutionary war, and his maternal grandfather, Hon. tlugh Barclay, was a mem- ber of the Pennsylvania State Legislature in 1804. The Doctor is the second in a family of twelve children, ten of whom are now living. He received his education at Greene Academy, and subse- quently studied medicine at the medical department of the University of Wooster, at Cleveland, Ohio, where he graduated March 1, 1856. He then returned to Carmichaels, where he has practiced continuously except during a part of the years 1861-'62, when he served as Sur- geon of the Eighty-fifth Eegiraent Pennsylvania Volunteers. In 1859 he was united in marriage with Mary E., daughter of William Galbi'aith, who was for many years a prominent physician of Jeffer- son, in this county, where Mrs. Laidley was born. They have three living children — William Galbraith, Edmund Wirt and John Collier. HISTORY OP GREENE COUNTY. 625 Dr. and Mrs. Laidley are members of the M. E. Church, in which he has been an official member since he united witli the church. He has been school director for thirty years, and has been known as a friend ef education. He is a member of the G. A. R., Post -No. 265, of Carinichaels, Penn. PION. T. H. LAIDLEY was horn in Carmichaels, Penn. He is a son of Dr. T. LI. Laidley, who was among the most prominent physicians of Greene County. Mr. Laidley was the seventh in a family of eleven cliildren. He was reared in Carmichaels, attending the Greene Academy. He learned the trade of a tinner and followed it as an occupation for eigiit years. He subsequently clerked on a boat on the Monoiigaliela River for a period of eight years. He married Sarah W., daughter of John W. Flenniken. Her father was a descendant of the early pioneers of this county. Mr. Laidley is the father of three children — Ilettie, Thomas IL, Jr., and Albert. Mr. Laidley is a Democrat, and has taken considerable interest in the politics of his county. He served as county auditor tor several terms. He also represented his county in the State Legislature two terms, at tlie close of which he engaged in the mercantile business. He is a Presbyterian, of which church his deceased wife was also a member. She died in 1885. Tl. S. LONG, stock dealer, faruier and stock grower. — The sub- ject of this sketch was born in Greene County, Penn., October 24, 1835. He is a son of Jerry and Lucretia (Stephens) Long,, who were natives of this county and of English origin. His father was reared on a farm where he spent the early part of his life. He after- wards made a specialty of stock-growing, in which he dealt cpiite extensively in the West, and succeeded in accumulating a handsome fortune, being at the time of his death, in 1803, tlie owner of 1,300 acres of well-improved laud in Greene County, and extensive stock interests in the West. He was married in his native county, and all of his six children were l)orn in Cumberland Township. The}' are as follows; Milton, Elizabeth, wife of Corbly Garard; Mary, IL S., W. S., Sarah A., wife of James Stephens, and Nancy V., wife of Wallace Eicher. Richard was reared on the farm and attended the common school. In business he has very closely followed the ex- ample of his father, and has met with about the same success. At the age of twenty-two he went west and engaged in buying stock, of which he made heavy shipments from Iowa to Chicago. He deals principally in sheep and cattle, and of the latter owns at present UOO head, in company with others in the West. His home farm con- sists of 2C>1 acres of land, well stocked and improved. Lie was mar- ried, Deceml)er 4, 1801, to Miss Pluebe C, daughter of J. K. Bailey, and they are the parcTits of three children — J. C. D. Annie Laurie and Lucretia V. Nellie. In politics Mr. Long is a Republican, and 626 HISTORY OF GREENE COtJlSTTY. he and wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, in which he is one of the leading officers. MILTON LONG, farmer and stock-grower, P. O. Xhedive, was born in Cumberland Township, January 29, 1838. He is a son of Jerry and Lucretia (Stephens) Long, also natives of this county. He comes of a long line of farmers, of whom his father was one of the most prominent, and also eminently successful as a cattle-dealer in the West. Mr. Long is the third in a family of six children; lie attended the common school of his district, remaining on the farm until 1861, when he enlisted in Company F, First Pennsylvania Cav- alry and served his country three years. He passed through the en- gagements of Gettysburg and Fredericksburg, and was also in the battle of the Wilderness. WJien he came home from the army he went to Page County, Iowa, and engaged in buying and shipping stock to Chicago, Illinois. After remaining there for a period of eight years, he returned to Cumberland Township, where he has since been engaged in his present occupation, and owns 330 acres of well improved land. In 1872 he married Mary E., daughter of Robert McClelland, who died in 1859. Her mother's maiden name was Elizabeth Weaver; she was of German and English descent. Mr. and Mrs. Long have one child — Mabel. In politics Mr. Long is a Republican, he is a member of the G. A. R., and he and his wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. JAMES MURDOCK, retired tailor, was born in Cumberland Township, this county, August 3, 1811, and is a son of Charles and Ann (Campbell) Murdock. Mr. Murdock's grandfather was one of the eai'liest settlers of Greene County, coming here among the In- dians. His mother was born in Ireland. His father, who was of Scotch origin, was born in Greene County, Penn., in 1789. His family consisted of eight children — six sons and two daughters, of whom James was the oldest. He was united in marriage in 1838 with Amanda, daiighter of William Bailey. Mrs. Murdock was born in this county in 1816, and is of English descent. To Mr. and Mrs. Murdock were born six children — Zillah, Anna E., William M., Mary (deceased), Ellis B. and Ellen. Mr. Murdock is a Republican. He has been school director, was for two years burgess of Car- michaels, and served as justice of the peace for a period of ten years. Both are faitliful members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Tliey are among the oldest and most highly respected citizens of Carmichaels. WILLIAM M. MURDOCK, merchant-tailor, was born in Car- michaels, August 28, 1844, and is a son of James and Amanda (Bailey) Murdock, natives of Greene County. Mr. Murdock is the third of a family of six children. He was reared in Carmichaels and learned the tailor's trade with his father. His iirst work was for the lUSTOHY OF GREENE COUNTY. tj27 CTOvernineiit. In 1862, wlien eighteen years of age, he enlisted as a soldier in Company K, Fifteenth Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, and served until IbGS. He was at the battle of Stone Iliver and in several other engagements and skirmishes. At the close of the war he came home and worked at his trade with his father. In 1870 he engaged with his brother in the merchant tailoring business, in which they have continued quite successfully ever since. In 1806 he married Emma, daughter of William and Mary (Williams) Arm- strong. They have four children — Augustus L., Mary, wife of F. Davidson; Louise and Lottie. Mr. Murdock is a member of the G. A. li. Post; and both are leading members in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. SIMON MOKEDOCK, retired farmer and stock-grower, born in Jefferson Township, Greene County, Penn., is a son of George and Priscilla (Anderson] Moredock. His grandfatlier, James Ander- son, was of Irish descent. Mr. Moredock's father, who was a farmer, had a family of twelve children, ten of whom grew to maturity. Simon is the fourth child, was reared in Jefferson Town- ship, and received his education in the old stone school-house of the district. Early in life he engaged in the distillery business which he followed for ten years. He then bought a farm and has since devoted himself wholly to agricultural pursuits. In 1848 lie was united in marriage with Mary J., daughter of John and Jane (Kincaidj Reynolds, who were of Welsh and Dutch descent. Mr. and Mrs. Moredock have six children — Sarah, wife of B. Sharpnack; George W., M. A., Rebecca J., Daniel and Minerva. Mr. Moredock is a Democrat; and both are members of the Cumberland Presby- terian Church, in which he has served as elder. REV. JOHN McCLINTOCK, pastor of the New Providence Presbyterian Church, in Cumberland Township, Greene County, Penn., was born in AVashington, Penn., November 10, 1808, and is a son of William and Mary (lUcGowanj McClintock. His mother M'as a native of Pennsylvania and of Scotch-Irish descent. His father was born in County Donegal, Ireland; but when quite a young man, came with his two brothers, to America and settled in W^ash- ington, Penn., where they spent the rest of their lives, all dying within nine months. Mr. McClintock is one of live children. He received his early education in the subscription school; then learned the weaver's trade, serving a regular apprenticeship of live years. When he reached his majority he entered Washington College, Penn., and graduated in the regular classical course with the class of 1830, Having chosen the ministry as his profession, he subsequently entered the Western Theological Seminary, at Allegheny, Penn., and was licensed to preach in April, 1837. He seized every opportunity of preparing himself for the high calling which he had chosen, and 628 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. accepted as his first work the cause of missions, the field being Smyrna,-in Asia. In July, 1839, he came to Greene Countj'- and accepted his present charge, in which capacity he still continues, hav- ing oiitlived all but three members of his original congregation. By reason of his most earnest, eflicient work, Eev. McClintock's is among the largest congregations in Greene County. He has also been instrumental in doing great good outside of his own church, having baptized 261 persons and performed 207 marriage ceremonies. Pie was married, in Washington, Fenn., April 17, 1834:, to Miss Mary, daughter of James and Margaret (Hawkins) Orr. Mrs. Mc- Clintock was also a native of Washington, Penn., born December 11, 1803, and of Scotch-Irish descent. Her grandparents came from Ireland; her father was a magisti'ate for many years, and among the prominent men of Washington County, where he settled in 1800. Mrs. McClintock is a lady of great piety and motherly kindness, and is most highly respected by those who know her best. Few have as many friends as this aged couple who have worked side by side in the vineyard of the Lord for more than fifty years. Their union has been blessed with six children — Margaret E., Mary, John C, a min- ister; and Ann, living; and James and William, deceased. Their family is highly respected, and they have a prosperous, happy home near Carmichaels, Penn., where they now reside. EEY. DR. JOHN McMILLAJSI was born at Fagg's Manor, Chester County, Penn., JSTovember 11, 1752. His parents, William and Margaret (Rea) McMillan, emigrated to America in 1742. They were Scotch-Irish, and devout Presbyterians. They had eighteen children. Their three sons who attained maturity were Thomas, William, and John, the yoimgest, whose name heads this sketch. It was his father's wish that John should be a minister of the gospel. He received a classical education at Princeton College, was first licensed to preach October 26, 1774, and was among the pioneer preachers of Washington and Greene counties. He was a sti-ong man, and engaged in physical as well as mental labor. Early in life he formed the habit of writing and committing all his sermons. He was always greatly interested in his work, and has given account of revival meetings in which he frequently labored through a whole night. Soon after the Revolutionary war, about the year 1778, he removed with his family to Washington County, Penn., where he was the founder of Jefferson College, now known as Washington and Jefferson College, and was president of the institution at the time of his death. He was married by the Rev. Mr. Carmichaels, August 6, 1777, to Miss Catharine, daughter of William Brown. Seven children were born to them, viz: William, John, Samuel, Jane, Mar- garet, Mary and Catharine. Jane, the oldest daughter, was twice maiTied, her first husband being the Rev. Mr. Morehead. She was lIlSTOliY OF GREENE COUNTY. 629 afterwards united in marriage with Samuel Harper, a merchant and farmer, who was born and raised near Philadelphia. He sjDent most of his business life in Greene County, Penn., and was one of its most prominent citizens. He was an elder in the Presbyterian Church for many years, and served one term as sheriff of the county. Samuel Harper was twice married and had ten cliildren, the youngest of whom is H. Harper, now a prominent citizen of Carmichaels, Penn. He was born in Cumberland Township, this county, September 29, 1819, was reared on the farm and attended school at Greene Academy, but devoted himself principally to farming, and met witli great suc- cess. In 1862 Mr. Harper married Tiebecca M., daughter of Will- iam and Rebecca (Norris) Johnson. Her parents were natives of Chester County, Penn., and of English descent. They were mem- bers of the Society of Friends. Mr. Harper is liepublican in poli- tics. He and Mrs. Harper are prominent members of the M. E. Church. Having i-etired from the more active duties of life, they now reside in Carmichaels, where they have a neat, substantial resi- dence. Mr. Harper's brother, John McMillan Harper, was born in 1812, in Greene County, where he grew to manhood. He was edu- cated at Greene Academy. His vocation was that of farming, for which he seemed especially adapted, being a powerful man, si.x feet and two inches in height, always strong and robust and in the enjoy- ment of excellent health. He was married in Jefferson Township, this county, to Miss Isabella Hughes, and they had one child, Mar- garet Jane, who is the wife of E. C. Stone, of Brownsville, Penn. During the late war Mrs. Stone's father, John Harper, raised a com- pany of cavalry, of which he was soon elected Major, but by some means was defrauded out of his command. While at home, buying hoi-ses for the regiment, at which time he succeeded in getting GOO, another was installed Major in his place. He then resigned and re- turned home, spending the remainder of his life on the farm, where he died in 1878, honored and respected by all who knew him. PROF. W. M. jSTICKESON, principal of the Carmichaels High School, was born in Washington, Washington County, Penn., August 28, 1839. His parents, Solomon and Phoebe (Watson) Nickeson, were also natives of Washington County, and of Scotch and German origin. His father, who is a larmer and stock-grower, worked at the cooper's trade in early life. The Professor is a member of a family of thirteen children — five girls and eight boys. He was with his parents on the farm xmtil eighteen years of age, and attended the public schools of Washington County. He subsequently entered Waynesburg College, where he completed the regular course of study and afterwards received the degree of Master of Arts. After teaching in Greene and Washington counties for ten years, he re- turned to Washington, studied law, and was admitted to practice in 630 IIISTOr.Y OP GREEKE COUNTY. 1867. He resumed his teaching, however, and had been engaged therein for twenty-four years, when he was elected superintendent of schools in Greene County in 1881, and served a term of three years. Since then he has been principal of the schools of Carmichaels, making in all thirty-one years that he has been connected with the schools of this and Washington counties. In 1866 Mr. Nickeson married Anna S., daughter of "William Gass, who is of Irish and German descent, and a resident of Clarksville, Fenn. Mr. and Mrs. Nickeson have two children — Frances M. and William Edmon. Mr. ISfickeson has served as burgess of Carmichaels, also as justice of the peace for one term. He is a prominent member of the I. O. O. F., and he and wife are active members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he is trustee, and superintendent of the Sabbath- school. I. B. PATTEESON, farmer and stock-grower, P. O. Carmichaels, Penn., was born on Rnif's Creek, in Greene County, September 28, 1834. His parents, Thomas and Dorcas (Bell) Patterson, were natives of Pennsylvania. His father was a farmer and drover, and often sold stock in the Baltimore market on commission for the citi- zens of Greene County. lie was the father of eight children, of whom I. B. is next to the youngest. He was educated in the com- mon schools of the county, chose farming and stock-growing for his business, and owns 355 acres of valuable land in the county. In 1858 he married Mary E., daughter of James Barns, whose portrait appears in this volume. It is said that Mr. Barns brought the first steam engine into Greene County, and was also founder of its first woolen-mill. He departed this life in 1883, at the advanced age of ninety-three years. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson are the parents of seven children — William B., Thomas, James L., Isaac N.,- John L., Minnie and Franklin M. Mr. Patterson is a Democrat. Mr. and Mrs. Pat- terson are prominent members of the Carmichaels Cumberland Pres- byterian Church, in which they have ever been faithful, earnest workers. J. G. PATTERSON was born in Franklin Township, Fayette County, Penn., August 23, 1830. He is a son of James and Jane (Smith) Patterson, who were born near Philadelphia, and of Scotch- Irish descent. Mr. Patterson's father was a farmer, his family con- sisting of nine children, of whom J. G. is the seventh. He was reared in Fayette County, Penn., attending Madison College at Union- town, and Greene Academy at Carmichaels, Penn. He studied medi- cine with Dr. W. L. LafFerty, of Brownsville, Penn., and practiced one year at Havana, Mason County, Illinois. He then engaged in the drug business in Pittsburgh, Penn., for a period of eleven years. In 1854 he married Miss jSfancy J., daughter of John McAllister, and they are the parents of two children — Julian S., who is a physi- HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 631 cian at Carlisle, Penn., and Anna, wife of George L. Denney, of Fajette County, Penn. In 1862 Mr. Patterson enlisted in the One Hundred and Sixty-eighth Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. When the company was organized he was elected First Lieutenant. In 1863 he resigned on account of ill-health, returned to Greene County and engaged in the oil business, and subsequently in mechanical pur- suits. In politics Mr. Patterson is a Democrat, in religion a Presby- terian. His wife is a devoted member of the M. E. Church. J. H. KEA, farmer and stock-grower, P. O. Carmichaels, was born in Cumberland Township, August 26, 1881, and is a son of John and Margaret (Dowlin) Ilea, who were of Scotch-Irish descent. His motlier was a native of Pennsylvania, and his father, who was a blacksmith, was born in New Jersey and came to Greene County in 1808, and died November 25, 1847. Of their ten children, nine grew to maturity, the youngest of whom is the subject of this sketch. He has lived all his life on a farm, with the exception of two years, spent in the army. He owns the farm of 106 acres where he now resides. He was united in marriage, August 26, 1852, with Miss Orpha, daughter of Benjamin and Mary (Long) Worthington. Mrs. Pea is of English origin. Their family consists of seven children — Calvin B., Margaret Alice, wife of James Craig; Frank L., a stock- dealer in the West; Mary ]\I., Walter G., Anna V. and John Linn. They are all members of the Presbyterian Church, in which Mr. Ilea has been elder, trustee, and superintendent of the Sabbath-school. Mr. Pea takes a great interest in educational matters, has served as school director, and iilled most of the important offices of his town- ship. In 1861 he enlisted as a private in Company F, First Penn- sylvania Cavalry. At the regular organization of this company at Ilarrisburgh, August 17, 1861, he was elected Captain, and was pro- moted to tlie office of Major, November 14, of the same year. He was discharged for disability, January 12, 1863, and was carried home on a stretcher, in what was then thought to be a dying condi- tion. He is a member of the G. A. P. Post. SAMUEL W. EEA, farmer and stock-grower, Carmichaels, Penn., was born in the township where he resides, February 2, 1829. He is a son of Jesse and Mary (Wright) Eca, natives of Mont- gomery County, Penn. His parents were of Scotch-Irish origin, and came to Greene County in May, 1828, where Mr. Pea, who was a farmer all his life, died in 1870. Samuel W. was the only son in a family of four children. Lie was with his parents on the farm imtil he attained his majority, and attended the district school in the township and Greene Academy at Carmichaels. He has devoted his time to farming and the growing of line stock, and has met with more tlian averacre success. lie owns a line farm of 360 acres in Cumber- land Township. Mr. Ilea was united in marriage, in 1848, to Miss 632 IIISTOKY OF GREENE COUNTY. Ruth Ann, daughter of William and Zillah (Johnson) Bailey. Their children are — Jesse L., Amanda Jane, wife of H. Kerr, lias one daughter, Ruth E. Kerr; L. M., who married Josejihine Hewitt, and is the father of one child, Anna Mary; Jolm M., M. Zillah, E. F., C. Albert and Calvin W. William B., Hannah Frances, James W. and Nettie are deceased. In politics Mr. Rea is a Republican. He has been school director in his township, and filled important offices in Oar- michael's Cumberland Presbyterian Church, of which his family are all members. JOSEPH REEVES, fanner and stock-grower, was born in Cumberland Township, Greene County, Penn., November 23, 1816, and is a son of John B. and Sarah (Luse) Reeves, natives of Penn- sylvania. His father was a farmer, and lived to be eighty- five years of age. His family consisted of twelve children — six sous and six daughters. Joseph was the sixth in the family, received his educa- tion in the common schools, and chose farming as his business, which he has followed all his life. He started out in the world with nothing bu.t a willing mind and strong muscle, first working by the day and month. He has met with mai'ked success, and is now the owner of 550 acres of well improved land where he resides. In 1840 he married Miss Rebecca, daughter of Phineas and Hannah (Ross) Clawson, who were of English descent. Mr. and Mrs. Reeves were the parents of six children, five living — Hannah J., wife of Wesley Evans; Sarah Ellen, wife of J. B. Sharp; Eliza M., wife of James Cliafen ; Phineas C. and John L. Their mother was a faithful mem- ber of the Baptist Church. Mr. Reeves' first son, Phineas C, is a farmer and at present resides with his parents. He was born in Greene Township, January 9, 1850, and received a common school education. In 1875 he was united in marriage with Miss Anna Davis. They have five children — Charles R., Rosa Pearl, Ernest J., Joseph B. and F. A. In politics their father is a Republican, and is a leading member in the Methodist Episcopal Church. DANIEL RICH, farmer and stock-grower, Khedive, Penn., was born in Cumberland Township, Greene County, April 25, 1830, and is a son of David and Margaret (Morrison) Rich. His parents were also natives of Greene County, and of German and English ancestry. His father and grandfather were both farmers and among the early settlers of the county. Daniel is the ninth in a family of thirteen children, twelve of whom grew to maturity. He was reared on the farm, attending school in the township, and also graded school in Virginia. He chose farming as his occupation and is now the owner of 360 acres of valuable land in Cumberland Township, where he resides arid is regarded as one of the leading men of Greene County. He lived foxir years in Monroe County, Ohio, where he was united in marriage, October 8, 1858, with Miss Lany, daughter of Levi histoi:y of grekne county. (j38 Stephens, a native of Greene County, Peiin., and of Gerinau origin. They have two children — A. L., born in Monroe County, Ohio, August 13, 1859, and Phtebe C, who is the wife of Columbus Scott Their sou, A. L., was reared on their present farm, in Cumberland. Township, to which his parents returned soon after his birth. lie was married, October 8, 1882, to Miss Kate, daughter of C. C. Harry; and they liave one child — Stephen Harry, an interesting boy of five years. In politics Mr. Daniel Rich is a Republican, and was elected justice of the peace in 1880, also in 1885. He is energetic and successful in his business, and has always held the coniidence of his neighbors. lie has settled up fifteen estates for heirs in the neij^hborhood, to the entire satisfaction of the parties concerned. His family are all members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, in which he has served as trustee and superintendent of the Sabbath- school. ALBERT M. RICIIEY, now a resident of Iowa, was born in Fayette County, Penn., February 10, 1810. His parents were Sam- uel and Elizabeth (Humbert) Richey, natives of Pennsylvania and of German and English ancestry. His father was a soldier in the war of 1812. Leaving his native county at the age of twenty-one, Albert came to Greene County, after having learned cabinet-making, in Fayette County, Penn., and carried on business until 1878. At that time he went AVest and engaged in the same business at In- dianola, Iowa, where he still resides. His family consists of seven children. His oldest and only child in Greene County is Miss Enie- line Richey, of Carmichaels, Penn., where she is owner and pro- prietor of a large dry-goods and dress emporium. Miss Richey is deserving of special mention, her life having been so much out of the range of most of her sex. She was reared in Carmichaels and at- tended Greene Academy until 1854, when she was employed by J. W. Hathaway, as clerk in his store. Here she displayed such e.K- cellent taste and good judgment in the selection and purchase of goods, and such business ability, that Mr. Hathaway soon trusted her to do all the buying in the East, and gave her complete control of the store during the last few years she remained with him. In the fifteen years she was with him Mr. Hatliaway's business was far more prosperous than ever before. Miss Richey has met with the same success in her own store, which she opened in 1869. She has a good trade in dry-goods and millinery, and also makes a specialty of line dress-making, receiving the patronage of many prominent ladies for miles around Carmichaels. She is always prompt and obliging, conducts her business in a business-like way and has met with marked success in all her undertakings. THOMAS RINEHART, retired farmer and stock-grower, Cey- lon, Penn., was born in Greene County, February 14, 1802. His 63i HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. parents, John and Peggy (Inghrara) Rinehart, were of Irisli and German descent. His ancestors were among the earliest settlers of the county, in which many descendants of both families now reside, some of them having held prominent positions therein. The present President Judge of Greene County is a nephew of Thomas JRinehart, the the subject of our sketch. Mr. Rinehart's father was a farmer all his life. Thomas was his second son and was reared in Greene County, attending the subscription schools. He manifested ex- cellent busiiress proclivities early in life, and was untiring in his zeal to make the best of every opportunity, as a result of wiiich he now owns a fine farm of 200 acres, where he lives in Cumberland Township. Here he was married and is the father of two children — Thonias Franklin and Margaret Ann. Mr. Rinehart is a Democrat, and he and his wife are consistent members of church. THOMAS W. ROGERS, photographer, who was horn in Bealls- ville, Washington County, Penn., July 17, 1846, is a son of James R. and Sarah (McLean) Rogers, also natives of Washington County. Mrs. Sarah Rogers died in 1854. Mr. Rogers, Avho is a carpenter and contractor, now resides in the State of Indiana. His family con- sists of seven children now living — live sons and tvi^o daughters (five dead). Thomas, who is the third son, was reared in Washington County on the farm, and attended school at Beallsville. In 1861 he learned photogi*aphy, at which he worked for over three years before he opened his establishment in Carmichaels, where he has been a very popular and successful photographer. In 1869 Mr. Rogers married Miss Belle, daughter of Joseph Daugherty. They are the parents of five children, viz. — Oily, Velina, Wilber, Ina and Fred. Mr. Rogei's is modest and unassuming but industrious and energetic in his business, and has always had the respect and confidence of the community, from which he has received a liberal patronage. In pol- itics he is a Republican; and he and Mrs. Rogers are among the most faithful and prominent members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. A. J. SHARPNACK, farmer and stock-grower, of Cumberland Township, Greene County, Penn.', was born August 25, 1847, on the farm where he now resides. He is a son of Henry and Elizabeth (Rice) Sharpnack. Mr. Sharpnack's father, who died in 1879, made farming the business of his life. Mr. Sharpnack is the youngest of nine children, live of whom are living. He was reared in Cumber- land Township on the farm witli his parents, where he attended the district school. He wisely chose his father's occupation — that of stock-growing and farming. He owns an improved and well stocked farm. In 1868 he married Caroline M. Rinehart. They have two sons — Levi and Henry. Their mother died and Mr. Sharpnack was again united in marriage with Martha, daughter of David Bowser. HISTORY OK GKEKNE COUNTY. 635 Their clnldreii are — Lora, Malinda, Chester A. Arthur, Elizabeth Ann, Lilian Dell, and James G. Blaine. Mrs. Shari^iack is a de- voted member of the Baptist Church. LEVI A. SHAIIPNACK, farmer and stock-raiser, Carmichaels, Peun., was born in Cumberland Township, Greene County, Decem- ber 24, 1850. He is a sou of John and Sarah (Antrain) Sharpnack, who were natives of Pennsylvania, and of German and English ori- gin. Ilis father was an industrious and energetic farmer and stock- raiser until his death, April 8, 1858. His family consisted of eleven children, seven living, of whom Levi is tlie youngest and the only son. He was reared on the farm and received a common school edu- cation; has made choice of farming as his occupation through life, and meets with great siiccess. He owns ninety-two acres of valu- able laud where he now resides. In 1874 he married Elizabeth, daughter of William and Snsan (Curl) Armstrong. Mr. Sharpnack is of Irish descent. Their children are: Linton, Chauncey, Ora, Charles and Launa. Mr. Sharpnack is a strong Democrat, and one of the most intluential citizens of his township. THOMAS L. STEWART, deceased, was born in Dunkard Town- ship, Greene County, in the year 1813. His parents, Leonard and Elizabeth (Ferrell) Stewart, were of English descent, and among the early settlers of the county. His father was a farmer. Thomas L. was reared in Dunkard Township, and followed farming as his occupation. In 1842 he married Miss Eliza, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Ilopton) Johnson. They are the parents of three chil- dren: Joseph, Mary E. and Johnson, who married Sarah Durr,and is the father of two children — Charles and G. Pearl. Joseph, their oldest son, was born in Cumberland Township, Greene County, Octo- ber 24, 1844, and received a common school education. In 1882 he married Miss Amanda, daughter of E. Y. Cowell. Mrs. Joseph Stewart was a member of the Baptist Church. She died in 1884, leaving one child, Mary. Mr. Stewart and his sons are strict adher- ents to the Republican party. ELI AS STONE, deceased, who was a farmer and stock grower, was born in Greensboro, Greene County, Penn., September 22,1808. He was a son of James and Nancy (Sedgewick) Stone, who were na- tives of Greene County, and descended from its earliest settlers. The history of the family on both sides shows them to have been farmers usually, and of Irish descent. Mr. Stone was the second in a family of eight children. He was reared in Monongahela Township, this county, where he attended the subscription schools. He devoted his business life to farming and the growing of tine stock. In 1833 he- married Mary, daughter of Samuel and Nancy (Lackey) Huston. Her parents were natives of Pennsylvania and of Irish descent. Mr. and Mrs. Stone were the parents of three children. Lizzie, Nan and 636 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. Fannie. Their mother died in 1843. Mr. Stone was Eepublicau in politics, and a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He was twice married, and his widow and two children, Frank and Amanda, survive him. He died in 1872. D. C. STEPHEJSTSOlSr, farmer and stock grower, was born in Greene Township, Greene County, Penn., June 5, 1826. liis par- ents, Alexander and Rachel (Jones) Stephenson, were natives of this county, and of Welsh and Scotch-Irish descent. BLis grandfather and great-grandfather were liugh and Daniel Stephenson, who were farmers and soldiers in the Revolutionary war; they came to Greeiie County soon after its close. His father served as justice of the peace in Greene County for a period of fifteen years. The history of the Stephenson family gives farming as their usual occupation. Mr. Stephenson's grandfather was born in Greene County, where he spent all his life. He died in 1857 in his eighty-second year. Mr. StephcTison is the oldest in a family of four children — two sons and two daughters. He was reared on the farm in this county, where he attended the district school. In 1861 he came to Cumberland Town- ship and engaged in farming until 1869, when he came to Ceylon and kept store for a period of sixteen years. He was united in mar- riage, in IIeni*y County, Iowa, with Miss Martha, daughter of Isaac and Mary (Barclay) Johnson. Mrs. Stephenson is a great grand- daughter of the Hon. Hugh Barclay. Her grandfather was also Hugh Barclay, and her grandfather Johnson's name was William. Mr. and Mrs. Stephenson have eight children — Mary E., wife of Noah M. Hartley; Alexander M., a farmer; Fannie, Hugh C, of Iowa; J. W., a teacher, Anna M., Flora M. and I. T. (de- ceased). In politics Mr. Stephenson is a Democrat, and has served as postmaster in Greene County for fifteen years. He has made his own way in the world, and by means of his energy and untiring zeal in his business has become one of the most prosperous farmers in the county and highly respected by all who know him. JOHNSON TOPPIN, retired farmer, Carmichaels, Penn., was born in Maryland February 25, 1808, and is a son of John and Re- becca (Johnson) Toppin. They were members of the Society of Friends, and of English descent. His father was a farmer and car- penter through life. Johnson was one of three sons and three daiigh- ters, and spent most of his life in Greene County, Penn., where he also attended school. He learned the gunsmith trade, in which he engaged for a time, then followed ship carpentering as a business. Fie also ran on the river as captain on a keel boat for nineteen years. He afterwards bought a farm in Cumberland Township, where he lived until 1885 — the date of his retirement. In 1883 he was united in marriage with Miss Harriet, daughter of John and Jane Dalby. Mrs. Toppin was born in 1813 and is also a native of HISTOKY OF GRP:ENE COUNTY. 637 Pennsylvania. Of their five children, three are living — two in Iowa. They are all married: Matilda, wife of William GasS; Rebecca Ann, wife of J. K. Parshall, and Alniira, wife of Thomas W. Linch. Mr. Toppin is a Democrat; and his wife is a faithful memljer of the Methodist Church. T. r. WAIiNE, farmer and stock-grower, Carmichaels, rcnn., was born in Carroll Township, Washinj^ton County, Penn., January 20, 1847. He is a son of Joseph and Elizabetli (Irwin) Warne. His father and mother were natives of Washington and Chester counties respectively, and were of English and Irish descent. His father, who has met with marked success as a farmer, still resides on the old home farm in Carroll Township, Washington County, and also owns a tine farm of 250 acres in Cumberland Township, Greene County. Mr. T. P. Warne, who is the second in a family of seven children, attended school at Monongahela City, where he started in business as a coal merchant and remained there for a period of nine years. In 1882 he sold out his coal interests, and came to this county in 1885 and has since been engaged in farming in Cumberland Township. Mr. Warne was united in marriage, April 21, 1887, with Anna E. Long. Her parents were James and Mary (McClelland) Long, of English and Irish ancestry. Mrs. Warne is third in their family of si.\ chil- dren; and is a faithful member of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Warne is a Democrat, and one of the leading citizens of his commu- nity. LEM H. WILEY, musician, Peoria 111., was born in Greene County, Penn., April 17, 1844. He acrjuired a common school edu- cation, and worked at the blacksmiths trade with his father. In 1862 he went to Peoria County, 111., and in the fall he enlisted in the Seventy- seventh Regiment Illinois Volunteers, as chief musician, being then only eighteen years of age. This position he tilled faithfully until the regiment was mustered out of service at the close of the war. Upon returning home, Mr. Wiley became a member of the celebrated Light Guards Band of Peoria, with which he remained nine years, during which time he also opened a music business. In 1872 he was one ot the twenty-four cornetists at P. S. Gilmore's World's Peace Jubilee at Boston; and has been a member and leader of a number of the noted bands in the United States. He was married, August 17, 1872, to Miss Alta, daughter of Levi Wilson, of Peoria, 111.' In 1880 he be- came a leader in Haverly's Original Mastodon Minstrels, organized in Chicago, and remained with them five years, during which time he played in all the large cities in the United States and most of the principal cities in the old world. In January, 1885, he became man- ager of the new Grand Opera House in Peoria, 111., a position he still holds. Mr. Wiley is considered by the world a thorough musician and remarkable cornetist. 638 HISTORY OF greene county. A. J. YOUNG, farmer and stock grower, Eice's Landing, Penn., was bora in Washington County, February 7, 1831, and is a son of Abraham and Hannah (Rose) Young. His parents were natives of Washington and Greene counties, respecti t^ely, and of German and English ancestry. Mi-. Young is the seventh in a family of ten children. He was reared in West Bethlehem Township, Washington County, and acquired his education from the common schools of his neighborhood. He chose farming as his occupation, and owns 165 acres of well im- proved land in Cumberland Township, Greene County, where he took up his abode in 1854. In the same year lie was united in marriage with Miss Rachel, daughter of Josepli and Sarah (Swan) Ailes. The former was a native of Washington County, and the latter of Greene County, and a descendant of one of its earliests settlers. Mrs. Young's great-grandfather, John Swan, settled on the farm now owned by A. J. Y^oung, in 1767, and had to build a fort to protect himself from the Indians. Mr. and Mrs. Y^oung are devoted members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, the former ruling elder of ' the church. Mr. and Mrs. Young are tlie parents of two children — Amy H., who died when four years old; and William A., a carpen- ter and farmer, residing on the home tarm. He was united in mar- riage in 1884 with Miss Maggie M., daughter of Jacob and Rachel Braden, and they have one child, Walter B. MORGAN" YOUNG, farmer and stock grower, Rice's Landing, Penn., was born in Washington County, February 8, 1829, and is a son of Abraliara and Hannah (Rose) -Young. His parents were of Scotch-Irish and Dutch descent. His mother was a native of Greene County and his father, who was a farmer and stock raiser during his life-time, was burn in Washington County, Penn. Both died on the same day in January, 1853, his wife surviving him just four hours. They had a family of ten children. Morgan, who was the sixth, was reared on the farm, attended the common school, and has made farm- ing the business of his life. He is the owner of a well improved farm consisting of two hundred and seventeen acres well stocked and kept in good condition. Mr. Young has been twice married; first, in 1850, to Harriet, daughter of Thomas M. and Maria (Phillips) Norris. Mrs. Young was of Dutch descent. They had four chil- dren — A. L., a teaclier and farmer in Ohio; Amy M., wife of T. O. Bradbury; Mary Ellen and James E. Their mother died in June, 1876. Mr. Young's second wife was Miss Emma, daughter of Aaron and Sarah (McCullongh) Bradbury, who were of English descent. Mrs. Young's fathei-, now a farmer of this county, was for many years a farmer and tanner of Washington County, Penn. Mr. and Mrs. Young have one child, Harry H. B. In politics Mr. Young was a Democrat until 1884, since which time he lias been a strong Pro- hibitionist, and has filled various important offices in his township. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 639 He was justice of the peace for a period of ten years. They were both members of the Shepherds Methodist Episcopal Church, in which botli were stewards, and Mr. Young has been trustee, superintendent of the Sabbath-school, and class leader for thirty years, until two years ago, when they united with the Methodist Episcopal Church at Iiice''s Landing. DUNKARD TOWNSHIP. EMANUEL BE ALL, overseer of the poor of Greene County, Penn., was born in Monongahela Township, this county, December 31, 1819, and is a son of Thomas and Marian (Engales) Beall. His father was a native of Loudoun County, Va., and his mother was born in Greene County, Tenn. They were of English and German extraction. Emanuel's grandfather, William Beall, was a pioneer settler of Greene County, and his maternal grandfather was a soldier in the Revolutionary war. The subject of this sketch is next to the oldest in a family of eleven children. 'He remained on the farm witli his parents until he was near twenty-four years of age, then located in Monongalia County, W. Va., where he engaged in farm- ing and stock-raising. Mr. Beall has made his own way in the world, and at present is the owner of 500 acres of land. He owned at one time over 900 acres. Mr. Beall is a Democrat in politics, and at present is overseer of the poor of this county. He takes an active interest in the public schools, and has served a number of years as school director. In 1869 he returned to his native county and set- tled in Dunkard Township, where he still resides. He has made the raising of fine sheep a specialty, and has met with great success in his business. Mr. Beall has been thre6 times married, and is the father of eleven children, viz: John T., Bertha J., wife of Daniel Morris; William J., Charlotte, Martha, Barnet, Nancy, (rcorge W., Andrew J., Miriam and Columbus. Mr. Beall is a faithful member of the Baptist Church, of which he is clerk. THORNTON COALBANK, a farmer and stock-grower, born in West Virginia in 1821, is a son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Everly) Coalbank, who were also natives of West Virginia, and of Welsh and English extraction. His father was a farmer all his life. Thorn- ton, the iifth in a family of eleven children, remained on the farm with his parents until he reached his majority. He received his edu- cation in the district schools of West Virginia, and Greene County, 640 HISTORY OP GREENE COUNTT. Penn., where he has resided since 1842. Early in life he learned the shoemaker's trade, which, in connection with farming, he has fol- lowed through life, and has met with financial success, being at present the owner of a valuable farm lying along the Monongahela iiiver. Mr. Coalbauk has been twice married, first in Greene County in 1846, to Miss Sarah Hartly, who died in 1875. By this marriage Mr. Coalbank was the father of eleven children, most of whom grew to maturity. Ten years later he married Miss Agnes, daughter of John and Susannah (Bright) Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Coalbank are leading members in the Baptist Church. AMBROSE DILLINEE,, retired farmer and stock-grower, was born in Dunkard Township, Greene County, Penn., September 14, 1815. He is a son of George and Sarah (Ramsey) Dilliner, who were natives of this county, and of Irish and German origin. His grandfather, Augustine Dilliner, came to Greene County more than a hundred years ago, and settled above the mouth of Dunkard Creek, in Dunkard Township, where he spent the remaining portion of his life. George Dilliner died in 1824, leaving a family of twelve chil- dren, of whom Ambrose is the youngest son. He was reared on his father's farm and received a common-school education. Mr. Dilliner learned the millwright business in early life, and engaged therein for ten years. He owned and operated a saw-mill in this township from 1867 till 1881. He has bee'n quite an extensive lumber dealer, but has made farming his chief occupation, and owns a farm of 130 acres lyino- along the Monongaliela River. Mr. Dilliner was nnited in marriage, March 23, 1857, with Miss Elizabeth, daughter of William and Sarah (McKee) Griflin. Her parents were natives of Delaware, but have resided in Dunkard Township, this county, for about three- quarters of a centnry. To Mr. and Mrs. Dilliner have been born seven children, only three of whom are living — Sarah, wife of Jacob Kemp; Lydia F., wife of J. E. Sturgis, and W. L. The deceased are Caroline, Elizabeth, George S. and Walter. W. L., the youngest child living, has charge of the home farm, where he was born April 27, 1850. In 1877 he married Miss M., daughter of David and Jemima (Evans) Rich, and they have three children — Emma, Mamie and Walter S. Mr. and Mrs. Dilliner are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which lie has been an official member for forty- six years, and has served as Sabbath-school superintendent. Mr. Dilliner is a Republican, and a member of the Masonic fraternity. IRA D. KNOTTS, physician and surgeon, was born in Dunkard Township, this county, March 9, 1857. He is a son of William and Ruth (South) Knotts, who were also natives of this county, and of German and Scotch descent. His father is a farmer and stock-grower by occupation, and resides in Dunkard Township, where the Doctor is in successful practice. The Doctor is a grandson of Jonathan HISTORY OP GREENE COUNTY. 641 Knotts, who was born in this county in 1797, and was a soldier in the war of 1812. He died in Fayette County, Penn., having lived to the advanced age of ninety years. Dr. Knotts is the fourth in a family of seven children. He was reared on a farm in Perry Town- . ship, and his early education was obtained in the district school and Monongahela College at Jefferson, Penn. He subsequently went to Mount Union College, Ohio, and took the regular course up to the senior year, when he left for the purpose of studying medicine. He took the regular medical course in the University of Philadelphia, graduating with high honors in 1887. The Doctor was a diligent student, ambitious to acquire all possible knowledge in his profession. He pursued his studies with unabated zeal, and was awarded the $75 prize offered to his class for the best examination in hygiene. This trophy of honor is a fine microscope, which he finds of great value in his practice. He is a man of more than ordinary energy, and liis professional skill and gentlemanly demeanor have won for him a liberal patronage where he is located, in Dunkard, Greene County, Penn. The Doctor, Sejitember 15, 1884, in a competitive examina- tion in Latin Physics and English Composition, passed the best ex- amination, and obtained as his reward for the same a scholarship for three years in the University of Philadelphia, Penn. JOHN B. MASON, farmer and stock-grower, who was born in Perry Township, Greene County, Penn., July 22, 1816, is a son of Peter and Naomi (Jones) Mason. His father, who was born in Cum- berland County in 1793, was the son of John E. Mason, one of the first shoemakers in Dunkard Township. Peter Mason was a farmer by occupation, and died January 1, 1888, leaving a family of eleven children. Mrs. Naomi Mason was a confirmed invalid for twenty-one years, and died August 28, 1870. John B., the second son, was reared in Whiteley Township, where he attended the district schools. He has spent a long life in his chosen occupation, and is one of the most successful and Ijest known citizens in his township. He is the owner of a well-improved farm wherehe resides, near Davistown, Penn. After his mother's death Mr. Mason took care of his aged father until his death. In 1840 John B. Mason married Miss Hannah, daughter of John and Margaret (Wilson) Phillips. They are faithful members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which Mr. Mason has served as class-leader for over forty years. He is also actively interested in the Sabbath-school, and has been superintendent for many years. GEORGE G. MILLER, farmer and and stock-grower, was l)orn in Dunkard Township, this county, December 30, 1836, and is a son of Daniel and Rebecca (Garrison) Miller, who were natives of Penn- sylvania, and of German and Irish extraction. Mr. Miller's father and Jonathan Miller, his grandfather, were farmers and millers by occu- pation. The farm where the subject of this sketch now resides is a part 642 HISTORY OF GKEENE COUNTY. of a 700-acre tract of land purchased by his grandfather in 1808. Mr. Miller's grandfather died in 1849, and his father in 1887, in his seventy-seventh year. George G. was an only child. He was reared on the home farm and received a, common-school education. He also attended Greene Academy, and Allegheny and Waynesburg Colleges, and subsequently taught school for several years. On September 22, 1862, Mr. Miller enlisted in Company E, Fourteenth Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry. He was orderly sergeant of the company, and passed through many severe battles. He was with General Averill on his famous raids to White Sulphur Springs, Lewisburg, and Salem. The U. S. Government showed its appreciation of the ser- vices rendered by the latter expedition by issuing to evei'y man who returned from Salem a complete outfit of clothing free of cost. Ke- turning home at the close of tlie war, he again engaged in teaching for a time, and always took an active interest in the teachers' insti- tute of the county. For the past few years Mr. Miller has devoted his time and talent wholly to farming and stock-growing, and his farm consists of 230 acres of well improved land. Mr. Miller has been twice married: First, in Washington County, to Miss Margery, daughter of John and Jane (Gregg) Hopkins. She was of Irish lineage, and died in 1874. Their children were — Laura, Ellen (de- ceased), Estelle and Charles. In 1877 Mr. Miller married Miss Eliza- beth McCorniick, daughter of Joseph and Mary (Watson) McCormick, of Dunkard Township, and they are the parents of four children, viz., Wayne, Warren I)., Peri and James Clifton. Mrs. Miller is a member of the Methodist Protestant Church. Mr. Miller is a Re- publican, and a prominent member of the G. A. R. ASA MILLER, retired miller, farmer and wool-carder, was born in Dunkard Township, this county, May 24, 1812. His parents were of German ancestry and natives of Frederick County, Maryland. His father, Jonathan Miller, was born February 10, 1774, and his mother, Susannah (Tombs) Miller, was born January 7, 1773. They were united in marriage August 8, 1799, and came to Greene County, Penn., in 1802, Avhere he bought a large tract of land and water- mill on Ci'ooks Run. He immediately put in steam power, by bring- ing the fii'st engine into the county. The old mill burned in 1856, and was rebuilt by our subject in 1858, and he is now using the en- gine he first purchased for the old mill. Jonathan and wife were the parents of eight children, five sons and three daughters, and their liome was a welcome to the poor and needy. Both were mem- bers of the Dunkard Church. He died in December, 1849, and she in August, 1852. The Millers are remarkable for longevity, sagac- ity and uprightness of character. Of the eight children the young- est was seventy-one before any died. Jacob, the oldest, died in 1885, aged eighty-five years. Asa Miller, our subject, received a good edu- HISTORY OF GRKENE COUNTY. 643 cation, attended Washington and Jeiferson Colleges in Washington, Penn. He spent his early life as miller, a business he has been con- nected with through life. He has had success as a farmer and gen- eral biisiness man, and owns a mill and over 200 acres of land within one mile of his birth-jilace in Dunkard Township. He was united in marriage in Monongalia County, West Virginia, Septem- ber 21, 1837, with Mary, daughter of Owen and Elizabeth (Mc- Vicker) John. The former was of English and the latter of German descent. Mr. and Mrs. Miller are the parents of the following children — Susan E., wife of E. McElroy; William L., Jesse F., Amanda K., wife of John Keener; Henry J., an eminent surgeon and physician of Tennessee. The deceased are: J. Q. and Mary V. Mrs. Miller is a devoted member of the Dunkard Church. I. A. MORRIS, retired farmer and stock-grower, was born Sep- tember 22, 1811, on a farm near Union town, Fayette County, Penn., and is a son of Griffith and Hannah (Springer) Morris. His parents were natives of Pennsylvania, and of Welsh and Irish origin. His father came to Greene County in 1824, locating in Dunkard Town- ship, where he spent the remaining portion of his life. His family consisted of eight children, of whom the subject of this sketch is the second. He was reared on the farm and received his early edu- cation in the district schools. He very naturally chose farming as an occupation, and engaged therein successfully iintil he retired from the cares of his more active life. His farm is well improved and consists of 200 acres, where he resides in Duiikard Townshij). Mr. Morris was united in marriage May 4, 1837, with Miss Nancy, daughter of Samuel and Retilda (Bright) Everly. Her father was born in Virginia, and her mother was a native of Delaware. Tliey were of Irish lineage. Mr. and Mrs. Morris have a family of eight children — Martha J., wife of Josiah Hall; Clarinda, wife of William Hord; Clark, a stonemason; (Tcorge W., a farmer; Loranda, wife of Isaac Courtwright; Samuel, a merchant at Uniontown, Penn.; Delia, wife of James Sargent, and Single. Mr. and Mrs. Morris are mem- bers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he has been a class-leader and superintendent of the Sabbath-school. JAMES McCLURE, deceased, was born in Perry Township, Greene County, Pennsylvania, February 24, 1816, and was the son of William and Jane (King) McClure. His father was born in Ireland, and his mother in Perry Township, this county. James McClure was a farmer and stock-gi'ower during his lifetime and at the time of his death, in 1886, was the owner of 400 acres of valuable land in Greene County. He was a self-made man, having no educational advantages except such as were afforded by the subscription schools. His success in life was due largely to his great industry and unfail- ing determination to succeed. In politics Mr. McClure was a Demo- 644 HISTORY OF GREENE COUISTTY. crat, and served as assessor and school director in his township. He was united in the holy bonds of matrimony, February 22, 1838, with Miss Susan, daughter of Reuben and Rebecca (Johns) Brown. Her father was of Irish and English origin. Her mother was of Welsh extraction. To Mi', and Mrs. McClure were born twelve children, eleven of whom are living, viz: Owen, a farmer; Mary J., wife of William Hatfield, of Morgan Townshiij; William L., a gold miner in California; Reuben M., a farmer in Iowa; Anna, Emma, Isabella, wife of Charles Haver; Miranda, Minerva, Josephine, James M., and Rebecca (deceased), who was the wife of Alfred Jamison. Their mother is a faithful member of the Goshen Baptist Church. THOMAS B. ROBERTS, a farmer and stock-grower, who was born in Dunkard Township, this county, July 9, 1840, is a son of David and Mary (Jamison) Roberts. His parents were also natives of this township, and of Irish and English extraction. His father was a farmer, drover and stock-grower, and spent his life in Dunkard Township. Thomas B. is the youngest of a family of four children, and attended the district schools of the neighboi'hood. He has dili- gently followed his occupation of farming and stock-growing, and owns sixty acres of good land where he resides, near Davistown, Penn. Mr. Roberts was united in marriage in this county, Novem- ber 17, 1863, with Miss Lucretia, daughter of Hiram and Elizabeth (Hunt) Stephens, and they have a family of seven children, viz: Louisa, wife of M. Donley; Mary A., Lucretia B., William Albert, Jesse Jamison, Pleasant E. and John M. Mr. Roberts is a Republi- can, and has served as school director of his township. He and Mrs. Roberts are prominent members of the Methodist Episcopal Chiirch. DAYID STEELE. — Among the representative farmers of Dunk- ard Township we mention David Steele, who was born October 16, 1838. His parents, Jesse and Rachel (Zook) Steele, were natives of Greene County, and of Dntch and Irish extraction. They were des- cendants of the earliest settlers of the county. David's father was a farmer in Dunkard Township, and for many years resided on the farm which David now owns. He reared a family of eight children, of whom David is the fourth. He was reared on the farm with his parents, and attended the district schools. He wisely chose his fa- ther's occupation, and has met with moderate success. In 1870 David Steele married Melissa, daughter of George Stoops. Their children are: George Lee, Edward W., Dora E., Alfred Moss and Jesse. Mr. Steele is a Democrat in politics, and one of the most highly respected citizens in the township. THOMAS B. STEELE, of Dunkard Township, Greene County, Penn., was born March 1, 1841, on the farm where he .now resides. He is the son of John and Nancy (Bowen) Steele, who were natives of Pennsylvania, and of Irish and English ancestry. His grand- HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 645 father, John Steele, who was a farmer and drover, died in 1862, hav- ing reached the advanced age of ninety -four years. Thomas Steele's father was born in 1797 and lived to be eiglity-two years of age. He was a farmer and stock-grower, and spent most of his life inDuidcard Township. His family consisted of eleven children, who all grew to maturity. Thomas, the tenth child, was reared on the home farm, at- tended the district school and has Ijeen an industrious farmer all his ife. He was united in marriage, January 13,1864, with Miss Rebecca, daughter of John Stevenson. Mrs. Steele is a native of Greene County, and of English and German descent. They are the parents of five children, viz.: John M., Artie B., Sadie L., K. B. and Nannie. In politics Mr. Steele is a Democrat. He and wife are leading mem- bers of the Baptist Church. ABRAHAM STERLING, farmer and stock-grower, T. O. Greensboro, Penn., was born in Fayette County, Penn., March 12, 1837. Ilis parents, Andrew and Julia Ann (Mosier) Sterling, were also natives of Fayette County, and of German ancestry. His father spent his life as a farmer and stock-grower in Fayette County, and reared a family of six children. Abraham is the second in the fam- ily. He chose forming as his occupation and has engaged tlierein all his life, with the exception of the time spent in building roads and bridges. Mr. Sterling is a natural mechanic. He has taken several contracts for building roads and bridges, and has always com- pleted his work satisfactorily. Mr. Sterling was united in marriage in Greene County with Miss Jemima, daughter of Asa Miller, and they had one son — Asa. Mrs. Sterling died in IBliO. In politics Mr. Sterling is a Democrat. He and his brother own a fine farm of 280 acres situated in Dunkard Township. JOSEPH SOUTH, farmer and stock-grower, who was born September 5, 1822, is a son of Elijah and Nancy (Johnson) South, who were natives of Greene County, and descendants of its early settlers. Joseph South's grandfather, Elijah South, Sr., came from New Jersey to Greene Count}', Penn., in the spring of 1796. He took up a tract of several hundred acres of land, a part of which is the farm now owned by the subject of this sketch. It contains 108 acres of valuable land. The Souths have usually been farmers. In 1852 Mr. South married Miss Melissa, daughter of Amos Wright, who was of English lineage. Mr. and Mrs. South have three chil- dren, viz.: John C, principal of Schools at Wichita, Kan.; Rachel M. and Dora Alice. The family are all members of the Baptist Church, in whicli Mr. South takes an active interest, and has served as deacon and superintendent of the Sabbath-school. REV. FRANK SOUTH, Wiley, Penn., was born in Dunkard Township, Greene County, Penn., August 22, 1858. He is a son of Nicholas and Margaret (Lucas) Soutli, who were also natives of this 646 HISTORY OF GKEENE COUNTY. county. liis ancestors were among the earliest English and Dutch settlers in this part of the State, and the history of the family shows them to have been farmers, usually, and enterprising people. The subject of this sketch was reared on the farm in Dunkard Township, and received his early education in the district schools. In 1877 he united with the Methodist Episcopal Church, and was licensed to preach in 1884. He now has charge of the Methodist Episcopal Churches at Davistown and New Geneva, Penn. Mr. South was on the farm with his parents until he reached his majority, and has since been in the employ of an oil company in Dunkard Township, and has proven himself faithful to the duties he has assumed. In 1886 Mr. South was united in the holy bonds of matrimony with Miss Ellen, daughter of Lewis Dowlin, who was born in Cumber- land Township, this county, December 1, 1818. He was the son of John and Elizabeth (Gwynn) Dowlin, who came from Bucks County, and were of Scotch and English ancestry. Ellen was the tenth in their family, and is a devoted member of the Baptist Church. L. G. VANVOORHIS, a farmer and stock-grower, born in Washington County, Penn., June 2, 1810, is a son of Daniel and Mary (Fry) Vanvoorhis. They were born and reared in Washing- ton County, and were of German origin. His father, who was a contractor and builder, also dealt largely in live stock, and was at one time owner of a grist-mill, oil-mill and saw-mill. He died in Washington County, Penn., leaving a family of eleven children, of whom ten are living. The subject of this sketch is the second child, and was reared on the home farm, where he attended the common schools. He has been a farmer most of his life, and has resided in Greene County since 1838. Mr. Vanvoorhis has met with marked success in his business. His present farm consists of 170 acres of good land, and he has given 400 acres to his children. He was united in marriage in Washington County, November 15, 1832, with Essie, daughter of Luke and Mary (West) Fry. Her parents were natives of Washington County, and of Dutch extraction. Mr. and Mrs. Vanvoorhis are the parents of eight childi'en: Jane, wife of Joseph Ross; Isaac, a wealthy farmer and drover of this "county; Mary, wife of E. S. Taylor; Minerva C, widow of John Long; G. Jerome, Daniel F., Laura, and Dora, wife of Joseph Call. Mr. and Mrs. Yanvooi'his are members of the Baptist Church, in which he has served as deacon for a number of years. He has taken an ac- tive interest in the educational affairs of his township, and lias been a member of the school board. ISAAC VANVOOPJIIS, a farmer and stock-grower of Dunk- ard township, was born ill Washington country, Pennsylvania, Jan- uary 15, 1836. He is the oldest son of L. G. and Essie (Fry) Van- voorhis who were also natives of Washington County, and of German IIISTOKY OF GUEENE COUNTY. 647 extraction. His fathei', who for many years has been a proniineiit farmer, is now a resident of Greene County. Isaac Vanvoorhis was reared on the farm in Dnnkard Township, where he attended the district school. During his early life he remained with his parents on the farm, where he commenced dealing in stock and has since spent most of his time in that business. lie buys large lotsof cattle in the Chicago markets, ships them to Greene County for pasture and sells numbers of them to the citizens of the county. Mr. Van- voorhis has met with great financial success in the stock business, and also owns one of the most valuable farms in Greene County. It consists of about 500 acres of land, on which are good buildings and improvements. In 1858 Mr. Vanvoorhis married Miss Ross, a daughter of Bowen and Ann (Gantz) Ross. Mrs. Vanvoorhis is a native of this county, and is of German and Irish origin. Their children are — Anna, wife of E. J. Moore; Martin, Cora, Charles II. and A. L. (deceased). Mrs. Vanvoorhis is a faithful member of the Baptist Church, iter husband is a Republican in politics, and has served on the school board of his township. FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP AND WAYNES- BURG BOROUGH THOMAS ADAMSON, retired farmer and stock-grower, was born in Morgan Township, Greene County, Penn., November 9, 1819. His parents were Charles and Sarah (Hatfield) Adamson, natives of this county, and of Irish and English extraction. The Adamson family came to America many years ago, and four brothers settled in Bucks County, Penn., where they engaged in farming. They were all members of the Society of Friends. One of these brothers was the grandfather of Thomas Adamson, also named Thomas, who came to Greene County among the early settlers. He died on the farm where Charles Adamson, who died in 1868, was born and raised. Thomas is one of a family of eight children, only four of whom are now living. Early in life he learned the carpen- ter's trade, which he followed for six years, then engaged in farming. In 1845 Mr. Adamson had saved enough money, through industiy and economy, to enable him to buy the farm of 120 acres where he and family reside. He has at different times added to that pui'chase until he now owns 220 acres of well-improved laud. He was united 648 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. in marriage, in 1843, witli Sarah, daughter of John Hoge, and they are the parents of four children — Caroline, wife 'of Freeman Smith; Mary, wife of B. F. Bell ; Stephen C. and John H. Mrs. Adamson died in 1874. The following year Mr. Adamson married Elizabeth BLoge, a coiisin of his first wife. In politics Mr. Adamson is a Democrat. C YKUS ADAMSON , farmer and stock-grower, who was born in Greene County, Penn., April 19, 1826, is a son of James and Mar- garet (Smith) Adamson. His parents were natives of this county, and of English lineage. BLis father was an industrious and success- ful farmer through life. Of his ten children, Cyrus is the eighth. Having been reared on the farm, he naturally took to the occupation of farming, in which he has met with success. His farm near Waynes- burg, Penn., contains 224 acres of valuable land. Mr. Adamson was united in the holy bonds of matrimony, in February of 1851, with Esther, daughter of John Hoge. Her ancestors were among the earliest settlers of the county. To Mr. and Mrs. Adamson have been born four children — Margaret M., John F., James M. and Albert T. John F., the oldest son, married Margaret, daughter of Neal ZoUars, and they have two children — Harry N. and Howard C. Cyrus Adam- son is a Democrat. His wife is a zealous member of the Baptist Church. J. P. ALLUM, proprietor of the AUum House, Waynesburg, Penn., was born in Kichhill Township, this county, February 2, 1842, and is a son of James and Eveline (Gregory) Allum. His father, who was a farmer, was killed by a threshing machine, Febniary 14, 1850. Of a family of ten children, Mr. J. P. Allum was the fifth. He was reared on the farm in Richhill Township, where he attended the common schools. In 1861 he enlisted in Company B, First West Virginia Cavalry, as a private. He was promoted to Second Lieuten- ant and served during the whole of the war, being enlisted a part of the time under the famous Gen. Custer. Mr. Allum was present at the suri'ender of Gen. Lee to Gen. Grant, April 9, 1865. In 1877 he came to Waynesburg, where he opened a hotel. He is a man well qualified for the business he has chosen. He was married in 1866 to Miss Jennie R., daughter of William Carroll. Mrs. Allum is a native of Greene County, and of German extraction. They have but one child living — Anna. Mr. and Mrs. Allum are members of the Disciple Church. Mr. Allum, who is a Democrat, served as jury commissioner from 1886 to 1888, and served in the council of Waynesburg one term. He is a member of the I. 0. O. F. A. I. ANKEOM, farmer and stock-grower, Waynesburg, Penn., was born on the farm where he resides, April 21, 1833, and is a son of Joseph and Charlotte (Rinehart) Ankrom. His father -was born in this county in 1807, and is now a resident of Franklin Township. HISTORY OF GKEENE COUNTY. 649 The subject of tins sketch is the oldest of a fixmily of four children, lie received a good English education in his native township, and was a successful teacher for a number of years. In later life Mr. Ankroni devoted his time wholly to farming and stock-growing, and is one of the prosperous citizens of his township. In 185G he mar- ried Miss Margaret, daughter of Abner and Eliza (Murdock) For- dyce, who is a devoted member of the Methodist Protestant Church. Her parents were natives of Greene County, and of Scotch- Irish ex- traction. To Mr. and Mrs. Ankrom have been born four daughters, viz: R. Anna, Charlotte E., Emma L. and Jeimie Leona. In politics Mr. Ankrom is a Republican, and has served one term as United States Store-keeper. In early life he was an active member of the I. O. O. F. II. B. AXTELL, attorney at law, Waynesburg, Penn., was born in Morris Township, "Washington County, May 28, 1844. His parents, Zenas and Asenath (Patterson) Axtell, were also natives of Washington County, where they were married. On April 1, 1852, they moved to Morris Township, Greene County, where Mr. Axtell, who was born May 25, 1812, dejrarted this life May 25, 1844. Mrs. Axtell, who was born June 4, 1818, resides on the old homestead in Morris Township. They were the parents of six children, five of whom are living, and all reside in this county. H. B. Axtell, Esq., the second in the family, was united in marriage, April 2, 1879, with Miss Maggie Wdrley, who was born in Wayne Township, this county. Her parents were David A. and Minerva (Inghram) Worley, both deceased. H. B. Axtell acquired his education in the common schools and Waynesburg College. lie remained on the fiirm with his parents until twenty-one years of age, then engaged in teaching for a period of ten years. In 1874 he began the study of law with Messrs. Donley and Inghram, and was admitted to the bar in Octo- ber, 1876. Pie commenced the practice of his chosen profession at Waynesburg in 1877, and since 1878 has been in partnership with J. W. Ray, Esq. In politics he is a Republican. WILLIAM II. BARB, attorney at law, was born in Monongalia County, W. Va., September 28, 1850, and is a son of Gideon and Sarah (Webb) Barb. His parents were natives of Virginia, and of German and English extraction. His father was a farmer all his life, and died February 5, 1885. Of his family of nine children, W. H. Barb is the sixth. He was reared on the farm, where he attended the district school. In 1866 his pai-ents moved to Greene County, and Mr. Barb entered Waynesburg College. At the age of eighteen he began teaching, and thus was enabled to pay his own expenses through school. He began the study of law with Messrs. Wyly and I^uchanan, and completed his studies in the ofBce of Messrs. Donley and Inghram. Mr. Barb was admitted to the bar October 1, '650 IIISTOKY O;^' GBEENE COUNTY. 1877, and lias since devoted liis entire time to tlie practice of his profession. He is a Democrat in politics, and was elected District Attorney in 1881, holding the office for a period of three years. He has also been for several j'ears an efficient member of the school board of Waynesbiirg. On May 9, 1877, Mr. Barb married Miss .Buena Vista, daughter of P. A. Myers, Esq., of Greene Township, this county, where Mrs. Barb was born. They have two children — James A. and Frank. JASOJSr M. BELL, farmer and stock-grower, Waynesburg, Penn., was born in Morris Township, Greene County, Pennsylvania, May 21, 1807. Pie is a son of Jasou and Sallie (Noel) Bell, who were natives of Winchester, Virginia, and of English descent. His father, who was a farmer, came to Greene County in 1795 and settled in Franklin Township. He reared a family of eight children — four sons and four daughters. Jason was reared on the home farm in Morris Township. He has successfully followed the occupation of farming through life. Mr. Bell was united in marriage, in 1833, with Cassandra, daughter of William Inghram, and they are the parents of five children — Thomas, Eliza, Maria, Alice and Harriet. In politics Mr. Bell is a Eepublican. He is one of the oldest and most highly respected citizens of this township. DR. STEPHEN L. BLACHLY, so remarkable for his medical qualifications, was born in Sparta, Washington County, Penn., De- cember 11, 1815, and has spent all his professional life in the locality where his father so long wore the wreath of medical honor. Having completed his preparatory education in Washington College, in his native county, he read medicine under the direction of his fathei-, and afterwards entered Jefterson Medical College, at Philadelphia, from which he received liis degree. He was associated with his father in the practice of his profession until the death of the latter, in 1849, practiced alone until 1877, and since that time has as- sociated with him his son, Dr. Oliver L. Blachly. Dr. S. L. Blachly is one of the oldest practitioners in the county, and one of the oldest members of the Washington County Medical Society, of. which he has been President at various times. He is a member of the State Medical Society of Pennsylvania, of which he was elected first Vice- President in 1873, and by which he was appointed Censor for the eighth district in 1874, which position he has held by annual ap- pointnient ever since. His intelligent discharge of his professional duties has secured for him the confidence of his neighbors and good will of his professional brethren. He has been a member of the Upper Ten- Mile Presbyterian Church for over forty years, and has been an elder for twenty-five years. Dr. Blachly was married, Jan- uary 9, 1840, to Sarah, daughter of Benjamin Lindley, a descendant of Francis Lindley who came with his Puritan brethren from Hoi- Hl«TOKY OF GUiiliiS'E COa.NTY. 651 land ill tliL' Maytlovvor. By this marriage there were five children, two of whom died in infancy. Those living are — Mary Minerva, wife of Stephen Day, a merchant in Sparta, Penn.; Dr. Oliver L. and Henry Spencer, a drnggist of AVayiiesburg, who M'as born in Washington County, Penn., Jnly 7, 1850. There he was reared and attended school, and subsequently attended "Waynesburg College. When in the senior year of his college studies he abandoned his study and embarked in the drug business, in 1870, in Waynesburg, where he is one of the leading business men. He was united in marriage, in 1885, with Helena, daughter of Samuel Melvin (deceased), and they have one cliild, Stephen S. Blachly. HON. C. A. BLACK, attorney and counsellor at law, was born in Greene County, Penn., February 6, 1808. His parents, Jacob and Margaret (Grinstatf) Black, were natives of Virginia, of English and German ancestry, and among the first settlers of Greene County, Penn. They reared a family of twelve children. The subject of our sketch was reared on a farm and acquired his education in the common schools of the county. Very early in life he commenced reading law in the office of Eiios Hook, and completed his study in the office of Samuel Cleavenger, after which he engaged in the practice of his chosen profession. In 1842 he was elected State senator and served six years. He filled the office of secretary of the commonwealth under Governor Bigler, and served as the first State superintendent of public schools of Pennsylvania. Mr. Black lias Ijeen a successful practitioner and has enjoyed an extensive 2:)ractice. In 1872 he was elected a member of the constitutional convention at Philadelphia, Penn. In 1844, Mr. Black married Miss Maria, daughter of William Allison. Their union was blessed with two children — Mary, wife of Hon. James Inghram, and Albert of AVashington, D. C. Mrs. Black departed this life in 1871. She was the idol of her family, and a general favorite among a large circle of acquaintances. She was a Christian of deep and earnest religious convictions, and a member of the Cumlierlaud Presbyterian Church. WILLIAM BLAIR, county commissioner of Greene County, Penn., was born in Franklin Township, March 7, 1839. He is a son of John and Margaret (Orndoff) Blair, who were natives of this coun- ty, and of Eiiglisli descent. The Blairs, who were among the earliest settlers of the county, came from New Jerse}' and settled in Frank- lin T.ownshijj. William Blair's father engaged in the business of stone-masonry for many years. His grandfather, W. J. Orndoff, was a soldier in the revolutionary war. The farm of 125 acres, where William resides, has been in the possession of the family for more than a quarter of a century. In ISGl Mr. Blair married Catli- arine, daughter of John T. Hook, and sister of W. A. Hook, an at- 652 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. torney at Waviiesbiirg. Mr. and Mrs. Blair are the parents of seven children — F. L., Jesse, Agnes, Lizzie, John C, Maggie and Ida PI. Tliree of their children belong to the Disciple Church, of which Mr. and Mrs. Blair are prominent members. He has served as deacon for fifteen years and as Sabbatli- school superintendent for twenty years. Mr. Blair is a Democrat and a member of the I. O. O. F. He takes an active interest in the edneation of his children, and has served two terms as school director. JAMES BOYD, farmer and stock-grower, Waynesburg, Penn., was born on Ruft's Creek, March 12, 1850. His parents, James and Martha (Camp) Boyd, were natives of this county, and of German origin. James is the fifth in a family of nine children, eight of whom grew to maturity. He was reared on the home farm, attending the district school, and has engaged in farming as his chief occupation. He is the owner of a fine farm of 120 acres where he resides in Franklin Township. In 1874 Mr. Boyd was united in marriage with Miss Anna, daughter of Abraham and Harriet (Watson) Arnold, and they have an interesting family of five children — Gertrnde, Wilbert, Seymour, Emery and Martha. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd are prominent members of the Baptist Church. E. E. BEOCK, M. D., read medicine with his cousins, Drs. Hugh W. and Luther S. Brock, at Morgantown, W. Va. Graduated at Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, March 3, '79. Has been engaged in continuous practice at Waynesburg, Penn., since that time. C. E. BOWEE, superintendent of the W. & W. Eailroad, was born at Fredericktown, Washington County, Penn'., April 11, 1849. He is a son of Charles W. and Charlotte (Hook) Bower, natives of Pennsylvania, and of German descent. His father was a steam en- gineer, and died in Waynesburg in 1885. The subject of our sketch was reared in Waynesburg, where he attended the college. During the war he and his father were engineers on a United States steamer in the Government service on the Tennessee River. At the close of the war C. E. went into the oil business in Dunkard Township. He subsequently engaged in the iron business at Waynes- burg, where he still owns one-half interest in the foundry. In 1872 Mr. Bower was united in marriage with Miss Josephine, daughter of Godfrey Gordon, and they are the parents of two childern — Gerome and Oliver. He has been superintendent of the W. & W. R. R. since 1881. JAMES A. J. BUCHANAN, attorney at law, was born in Greene County, Penn., February 8, 1824, and is a son of Andrew and Rhoda (Stephenson) Buchanan. His mother was born in New Jersey -and his father in Chester County, Penn. They were of Scotch- Irish ex- traction. His father, who was a prominent attorney, came to IIISTOUY OK GKEENE COUNTY. 653 Waynesbury in 1803, where he practiced hiw until his death in 1848. In 1832 and '33 he was a member of the State Legishiture; and from 1836 to 1839 he served as a member of Congress. lie served as county commissioner of Greene County wlien he received tifteen dollars for his services. The subject of this sketch was ne.xt to the youngest in a tamily of eleven children. He was educated in the Greene Academy at Carmichaels and at Washington College. At the age of twenty he commenced the study of law in his father's othce, and in 1845 was admitted to the Greene Count}' I)ar. In 1855 he was admitted to practice in the Supreme Courts of Pennsyl- vania. Mr. Buchanan, who is a Democrat, is a member of the I. O. O. F., and a Sir Knight Templar in the Masonic fraternity. IJe was married in this county to Miss Mary A., daughter of Daniel Borfer. Mrs. Buchanan is of Scotch origin. Of their six children only two are living — Harriet, wife of William T. Lantz, casiiier of the Farmers' and Drovers' Bank of Waynesburg; and Mary A., wife of Daniel S. Walton, Esq., attorney at law of Waynesburg. HARVEY CALL, merchant, Waynesburg, renn., was born in Oak Forest, Center Township, and is the son of James and Martha Call. His mother -was born in Ohio and his father in Pennsylvania. They wei'e of German and Irish descent. His father was a farmer and merchant in early life, and kept a general store at Oak Forest. Mr. Call is the oldest in a family of six children. He was reared on the farm, attended the district schools, and farmed until he was twenty-one years old. In 1872 he began clerking in a store, and in 1873 went to Fairbury, 111., whei'e he was employed as a salesman until 1875. He then returned to his native county and was again employed as a clerk in Waynesburg for a short time, and then en- gaged in the mercantile business for himself in the year 187tj, and has since been very successful. In 1875 Mr. Call married Martha A., daughter of Captain John Morris, of Rogersville, Penn. They have one child — Clyde Morris Call. Mr. Call is a Republican. His wife is a member of the Disciple Church. JOHN CALL, agent for mill works, was born in Oak Forest, Greene County, Penn., September 21, 1833. He is a son of James and Sarah (Iloge) Call, also natives of this county, and of Scotch lineage. His father was a farmer and miller. He owned and operated a mill at Oak Forest for over forty years. He died in 1872. His family consisted of eight children, of whom the subject of our sketch is next to the youngest. He was reared at Oak Forest, attended the common school, and early in life learned the miller's trade with his father; in 1851 commenced working at millwrighting; in 1875 commenced contracting and Iniilding in Waynesburg, fol- lowed that business for eight years, during which time built the jail and sheriff's house. He afterwards learned the new milling process, 654 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. and contracts .for and builds roller mills. lie also takes contracts for other buildings. Since 1884: he has been engaged with the Roller Mill Company of Waynesbnrg. In 1855 Mr. Call married Miss Elizabeth, daughter of William Fry. Mrs. Call was born in Center Township, this county, and is of German origin. They have four children, viz: William W., Mattie E. (deceased), Emma S. and La- fayette C. Mr. and Mrs. Call are members of the Baptist Church. He moved to Waynesbnrg in the year 1871. G. W. CHAPMAN, of the firm of Lemley & Chapman, livery- men, Waynesbnrg, Penn., was born in Greene Couut^', Penn., July 15, 1851, and is a son of John and Sarah (Leraley) Chapman. His parents were also natives of this county, and of English lineage. His father was a fanner and engineer by occupation. The subject of our sketch is the oldest in a family of four children. "He was reared in his native county and received his education in the district schools. He started out in life working by the month as a farm hand, and subsequently worked at the blacksmith's trade in Waynes- bnrg for a time. Mr. Chapman then bought a team and engaged in hauling and farming until 1887, when he began the livery business in partnership with his uncle. He was united in marriage in 1880 with Lucinda, daughter of James Bradford. Mrs. Chapman is a native of Greene County and of English extraction. Their children are — Hattie E. and Emma L. Mr. Chapman is a Democrat. He and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. A. I. COOKE, agent for the Adams Express Company, was born in Waynesbnrg May 7, 1853. He is a son of Joseph and Sarah (Bowman) Cooke, the former a native of JSIew Jersey and the latter of Pennsylvania. His father, a journalist by profession, was engaged in the newspaper business in New Jersey, and after coming to Pennsylvania was an editor until the breaking out of the war. He was the owner of the Coinmonwealth, a paper published at Washing- ton, Penn. In 1853 he came to Waynesbnrg, where he edited and published the Eagle, Avhich paper siibsequently merged into the Republican. At the breaking out of the Rebellion Mr. Cooke promptly enlisted in Company A, Eigliteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, and was elected Commissary Sergeant of his company. He was wounded three times, was taken prisoner, and suffered all the horrors of Andersonville and Libby prisons. At the close of the war he was discharged and returned to Waynesbnrg, where he was appointed postmaster, and held the position for twenty years. He is now liv- ing a retired life in Waynesbnrg. His familj' consists of six chil- dren, four of whom are now living. They are George A. B., an editor at Three Elvers, Mich.; Mary A., widow of Charles B. Brad- ley; Henry, a soldier killed in the battle of Winchester; Winfield Scott, Leslie (deceased), and A. I. All the sons, except A. I. and HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 655 Leslie, served as privates in tlie Union army. The subject of tliis sketch, Mr. A. I. Cooke, was assistant postmaster in Waynesburg for twenty-one years. Since 1874 he has been express agent, and is now running a freight and omnibus line at Waynesburg. lie was married in 1875 to Arabella Blackmore Adams, a daughter of Major Dawson Adams. Mrs. Cooke was born in Waynesburg. Iler father was a tanner by trade, and was of English extraction. Mr. and Mrs. Cooke's children are Sallie A., Ilobert A. and Jessie B. Mr. Cooke Cooke is a liepublican, and is a prominent member of the I. O. O. F., in M'hich order he has taken many degrees. He is also a mem- ber of Encampment JSo. 111). JACOB COLE, ex-county commissioner, farmer and stock- grower, Avas born in Morris Township, Greene County, Penn., Oc- tol)er 28, 1823. He is a son of John T. and Mary (Crodinger) Cole, wlio were of Englisli and Dutch extraction. They came to Oreene County and settled in Morris Township in 1815, on a farm near JViiieveli, resided there until 1835, then removed to Wayne Town- ship, and spent -the balance of their lives. Five of their eight cliil- dren grew to maturity, and all reside in this county. Jacob, the fourth member of the family, was from liis youth engaged in agri- cultural pursuits. He attended the common school, and subsequently bought a farm in Wayne Township and engaged iu farming and stock-raising. Ilis farm in Franklin Township contains 100 acres. In 1879 Mr. Cole retired from the active work of the farm, and lias since resided in Waynesburg. The same year he was elected county commissioner and served one term. In 1845 he was united in mar- riage with Frances, daughter of Abraham and Mary (Hamilton) Tustin. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Cole has been blessed with eight children, seven of whom grew to maturity — Mary J., deceased, who was the wife of Israel Shriver; Isaac S., a farmer; Elizabeth, wife of Jesse Knight; Caroline, wife of Miner Carpenter; J. T., Abijah and William. In politics Mr. Cole is a Democrat. He is ever interested in school aftairs, and has been school director in liis township. He took an active interest in the Granger movement, and served as treasurer of the society for several j'ears in AV^ayne Township. DAVID CRAWFORD, deceased, was one of tlie prominent at- torneys of Waynesburg, where he practiced his chosen profession for many years. He was born in Greensboro, Greene County, Penn., June 18, 1825, and was a son of David Crawford, one of the early settlers of the county. Mr. Crawford was the only son in a large family, and at the time of his deatli, which occurred in March, 1880, he had but three sisters living, viz., Mrs. Margaret Ilager, of Rock- ford, Illinois; Mrs. Mary Barrickman, of Virginia; and Mrs. Dr. James Way, of Waynesburg. Mr. Crawford's earlier education was 656 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. acquired in the rude log school-houses of Greene County. When twelve years of age he was employed to carry the Waynesburg Mes- senger, and in 1841 he walked to Wheeling, W. Va. After arriving in that city he worked in a chair factory for some time, then re- turned to Waynesburg and went to work in a saddle and harness shop kept by Amos Cleaveuger. He improved all his leisure hours in study and his industry attracted the attention of Hon. Jesse Lazear, who was one of the prominent men of Waynesburg and cashier of the Farmers' and Drovers' Bank. Mr. Lazear gave him a position as clerk in the bank, and as all his time was not taken up with his duties there, he was enabled to attend Waynesburg College at the same time. He took an active interest in the literary society of which he was a member, and was debater for the Union society in its first contest with the Philoraathean, in 1852. His opponent in this contest was Lorenzo Danford, who was afterwards elected mem- ber of Congress from Ohio. After Mr. Crawford had finished his education he read law in the office of John C. Flenniken, and was admitted to practice in 1853. Lie practiced law until he received the appointment of chief clerk of the Indian Bureau at Washington, D. C, which office he held during the administration of Pierce and Buchanan. He was a member of the Board of Commission and was sent to conclude a treaty witli the Chippewas. Lie succeeded in settling without war, and so attracted the fancy of an Indian chief that he presented him with a saddle and bridle handsomely or- namented with beads and trinkets. After the expiration of his term of office, Mr. Ci'awford resumed his law practice and succeeded in ac- cumulating a fair share of this world's goods. He served as cashier of the Farmers' and Drovers' Bank for a period of twelve years. Mr. Crawford took an active interest in the Democratic party in Pennsylvania and other States. He was a iiseful member in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and a strong advocate of temperance. He was united in marriage, February 5, 1857, with Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Major Eemerabrance H. Lindsey. A. G. CEOSS, physician and surgeon, was born at Waynesburg, Greene County, Penn., July 23, 1823. He is a son of Pobert and Mary (Syphers) Cross, natives of this State. Llis father was among the early settlers of this county. Dr. Cross was the youngest in a family of thirteen children. He was reared on the farm near Waynesburg and received his literary education in Waynesburg College. He studied medicine under Dr. Inghram of Waynesburg, and began the practice of his profession in 1857. The Doctor has had quite an extensive practice and is one of the oldest physicians in Waynesburg. He has also written considerably for the press. His writings, which have been mostly on theological subjects and open letters to Robert G. Ingersoll, have been widely read and extensively HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 657 copied. Ill 1848 Dr. Cross married Miss Harriet, daughter of Jesse Rinehart, and they have a family of five cliildren — Wilber F., Robert I., Jesse R., Marietta and Walter L. The Doctor and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he has served as local preacher, class leader, steward, trustee and superin- tendant of the Sabbath scliool. He is a Democrat, and served one term as county treasurer. He is a Sir Knight Templar in the Ma- sonic Fraternity. WILLIAM G. W. DAY was born in Waynesburg, this county, the 28th day of January, 1828, in a log house that stood on tlie lot adjoining the ground on which the Cumberland Presbyterian Church now stands. His father was Aaron D. Day, once well known in tlie county. He was a brick-maker liy trade, carried on the business for many years, and many buildings, public and private, stand as motiu- ments to his skill and industry. He was born in New Jersey and came to Pennsylvania, with his father, when a small boy and settled wiih the family in Morris Township, Washington County, and died in Waynesburg in June, 1863, aged seventy-five years. The pater- nal grandfather of the subject of this sketch, whose name was Moses Day, was born in Wales, and was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, serving seven years, lacking three months, when at home on a fur- lough on account of a wound received at the battle of Bunker Hill. The subject of tliis notice spent his early life in the country home, where he attended tlie subscription school three months in the year, and later on was a student at AVaynesburg College a part of two ses- sions; but bad health compelled him to abandon study and gave up his purpose of a college course and pursue a different life for the time. His first active Inisiness in life was in riding as constable for over two years, being re-elected to the ofiice. He was among tlie first officers appointed under the Internal Revenue law, holding the position of storekeeper and ganger for about three years, having re- ceived his appointment in the winter of 1866. After this he was twice elected a member of the Town Council of the borough of Waynesburg, and for a number of years was a member of the board of trustees of Waynesburg College and one of the Imilding commit- tee of the new Imilding. In 1870 he purchased the Waynesburg Republ'can newspaper, organ of the Republican party of Greene County, and was editor and proprietor of tlie same for fifteen suc- cessive years thereafter, making a success in his new venture, and publishing, as admitted by all parties, the best newspaper ever before edited in the county. It was his paper that introduced the propriety and said the first word in favor of building a narrow-gauge railroad to Waynesburg; and alone, without encouragement and through much ridicule, he persisted for months in writing up the enterprise, and in personal efforts, until finally friends enlisted in the cause and (358 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. the road was built. Mr. Day married Jane M., daughter of L. L. Miner, Esq., once one of the leading attorneys at the Waynesburg bar, and three children Avas the result of this union — a daughter. Marguerite, and two sons, Lawrence Minor and Lewis Edwin Mr. Day is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and a trustee of the church property at Waynesburg. HARVEY DAY, a farmer and stock-grower of Franklin Town- ship, was born in Greene County, Penn., June 17, 1831. He is a son of Benjamin and Sarah (Tharp) Day, who were natives of New Jersey, and of German origin. His father, who was a successful farmer, came among the early settlers to this county, where he spent the remaining portion of his life. He died in 1861.. Harvey is the sixth in a family of eight children. Having been reared on a farm, he naturally engaged in farming as bis life work, and is now the owner of a well iinproved farm of 275 acres. Mr. Day is a self- made man, having started out in life with very little means. He at one time met with a heavy loss by fire, in which his house and other buildings were completely destroyed. He did not yield to this dis- couragement, however, but soon replaced them with neat substantial buildings. In 1852 Mr. Day married Miss Louise, daughter of Nathan and Hannah (Carter) Bane, who were natives of Washington County, Penn. Mr. and Mrs. Day's children are: Sarah E., wife of J. A. Maple; Hannah J., wife of E. C. Kelsey; Nancy A.., wife of Elias Piatt; May E. and Charles Benton. Their parents are mem- bers of the Baptist Church at Ruff's Creek, I'enn. Mr. Day is a Democrat, and has served as county auditor and school director of his township. He takes a great interest in thoroughbred stock and has done much to improve the stock in Greene County. He is a man of strong will power and unusual energy, to which his success in life may be largely attributed. ■ B. B. W. DENNY, hardware merchant, was born four miles west of "Waynesburg, October 29, 1852. He is a son of M. "VV. and Jane (Luse) Denny, natives of Pennsylvania, and of English extrac- tion. His grandparents came from England to Ohio, then moved to Pennsylvania and were among the early settlers of Greene County. Mr. Denny's father, who died in 1875, was the owner of 800 acres of land, and was an extensive dealer in stock. His family consisted of four children, B. B. W. being the second. He was reared on a farm in Center and Jefferson townships, and received his education in Waynesburg College. He has been engaged in farming and stock-growing, and, in partnership with his brother, owns a liardware store in Waynesburg. He was united in marriage January 3, 1882, with Miss Alice, daughter of Samuel Melvin. HON. J. B. DONLEY, an attorney of Waynesburg, Penn., was born at Mount Morris, this county, October 10, 1838. He is a son HISTORY OF ORERNE COUNTY. 659 of Hon. Patrick and Margaret (Morris) Donley also natives of this conntj. Ilis ancestors were among the earliest settlers of Greene County, and have usually been fanners. Mr. Donley's great-grand- father was a captain in the lievolutionary war, and his grandfather Morris was a soldier in the war of 1812. Ilis father was a fanner and merchant, and was a member of the State Legislature in 1861 and 1862, serving two terms. At the age of eighty-four years he still resides at Mount Morris, where he has spent many years of his life. Of his family of eight children Hon. J. IJ. Donley is the fourth. He graduated at Waynesburg College in 1859, when he went West and located in Abingdon, Illinois, having obtained a position as principal of schools. In 1860 he became protessor in Abingdon College. When the war broke out Prof. Donley promptly enlisted under the first call of President Lincoln, but on account of the large number offering the company was not received into the service and disbanded, and Prof. Donley continued teaching until the summer of 1862, when he again enlisted and helped raise Company I of the Eighty-third Volunteer Infantry. When the company was organ- ized he was elected captain, being the j'oungest captain in the regi- ment. It was the Eighty-third Illinois Infantry that fought the rebels alone at. the second battle of Fort Donnelson. This regiment was distinguished for the great number of large men within its ranks, and was among the best regiments organized in the State. Captain Donley was discharged in July, 1865, when he returned to his native county, and went to Albany, New York, and in 1866 graduated from the law depai'tnient of the Albany University. In 1867 he was admitted to practice at the Waynesbuag bar, and was appointed register in bankruptcy during the same year, holding the position until 1869, when he became a member of the Forty-first Congress, having been elected thereto in 1868. He votes the Re- publican ticket, casting his first vote for President for Abraham Lincoln in 1860. He is president of the board of trustees of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which he is a member. Lie is also assistant superintendent in the Sabbath-school. Captain Donley is president of the Waynesburg Park Company. He is a prominent member of the Knights of Honor, and a Master Mason in the Masonic fraternity. He also belongs to the G. A. R. Post of Waynesburg. Captain Donley was married in this county, in 1871, to Miss Ellen W., daughter of Col. John II. Wells, a retired attorney of Waynesburg. They have three children — Nellie W., Grace E. and Patrick. The family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. THOMAS E. DOUGAL, farmer, stock-grower and speculator, Waynesburg, Penn., was born in Washington County, Penn., May 23, 1845, and is a son of David and Elizabeth (Porter) Dougal. Ilis 660 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. mother was a native of Peiinsjlvania. His father, who was born in England, was a teacher by profession, to which he devoted most of his life, engaging a short time in farming and merchandising. Thomas was the oldest son in a family of eleven children, and enjoyed the advantages of a good education, lie attended the schools in his native county, also the high school at Uniontown, Penn. He very naturally took up his father's profession, aud engaged in teaching for ten years. He then engaged in farmiug and stock dealing; has made a success of the business and owns 178 acres of land. Mr. Dougal has been a resident of Greene County since 1865 — the year he was married. His wife's maiden name was Clarissa Wanee. Her par- ents were Thomas and Elizabeth Wanee, natives of Pennsylvania. Mr. and Mrs. Dougal were the parents of ten children — Elizabeth E., Isabella I., Thomas A., John S., David W., Anna L., Dora B., Ai'chibald and Mary, twins, and Yiola. Mr. Dougal is a Republican in politics, in religion a Presbyterian. Mrs. Dougal is a zealous member of the Methodist Church. E. F. DOWNEY, attorney and counsellor at law, was born in Waynesburg, Penn., May 18, 1849. He is a son of Kobinson and Catharine (Inghram) Downey, who were of Scotch-Irish descent. His father came to Waynesburg in 1837 and studied law. He was admitted to the bar in 1839, and was a successful practitioner and bnsiness man. He dealt largely in real estate, having erected many of the best buildings in Waynesburg. He died in 1874. Mr.' Downey was a member of the Baptist Church, of which he was a liberal supporter. For many years he edited a paper in Waynesburg. He was one of the earliest and strongest friends of AVaynesburg Col- lege, never neglecting an opportunity to further the interests of that institution. His children were all students in the college and, with oire exception, are graduates of the school. Mr. Downey was one of the most respected and best beloved of Greene County's citizens. His children are R. F., John J., who died in the army, Emma (deceased), F. W. and Kate. R. F. Downey, the subject of this sketch, was reared in Waynesburg and educated in the college, wliere he gradu- ated in 1867. He then studied law with his father, and was admit- ted to the bar in 1871. He has been a successful practitioner, devot- ing his entire time to his profession. J. W. ELY, pliysician, Waynesburg, Penn., was born in Whiteley Township, this connty, September 24, 1855. He is a son of George and Mary (Warrick) Ely, wlio were natives of Washington County and moved to Greene County in 1840. Mrs. Ely departed this life December 30, 1887. Dr. Ely remained on the farm with his parents until he was eighteen years of age, at which time he began teaching school through the winter, and going to school during tlie summer months. lie accpiired his education in the select schools and HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 601 Waynesburg College. The Doctor was married, June 23, 1878, to Lucy, daughter of Godfrey (rordou, of Waynesburg. Mrs. Ely was born August 9, 1S57. They have one child, Mary ii., born August 11, 1880. In August, 1878, Dr. Ely opened a store at Garard's Fort, and in April of the next year he moved his store to JS'ewtown, Peun., where he received a large patronage. On June 22, lS7y, his store and entire property was destroyed by fire; but not being easily discouraged, he began the study of medicine with Dr. Shei bino, of Waynesburg, and graduated at the Medical College of Cincinnati, Ohio, in 1882 with high honors. He then returned to Waynesburg, and took Dr. Sherl_)ino's place in the practice and has secured a lib- eral patronage in the county, being its only homeopathic ph^'sician. He is a Eej)ublican, and a member of the ]V[ethodi.st Episcopal Churcli. JONAS ELY, farmer and stock-grower, Waynesburg, Penn., was born in Washington County, Penn., August 28, 1823. He is a son of Jonas and Euphen (Wilson) Ely, who were of Ger- man and Scotch extraction. His mother was also a native of Washington County. His father, who was a farmer and stock- grower, was born in Berks County, Penn., and came to Greene County in 1848.^ He settled near Waynesburg on the farm now- owned by J. A. J. Puchanan, Esq. Mr. Ely reared a family seven children, of whom Jonas is the sixth. He received a com- mon school education in AVashington County, wliere he remained on the farm with his parents until their death. His father died in 1863 and his mother in 18(50. Mr. Ely has been successful as a farmer, and is the 'owner of 384 acres of land. Li 1870 he bought his present farm, to wliich he moved in 1875. The following year he erected one of the finest liouses in Franklin Township, where he now resides. Mr. Ely was united in marriage in Greene County, in 1845, with Miss Elizabeth, daughter of William and Margaret (Milligan) Hill, who were of English and L'ish origin. Mrs. Ely's father was born in Franklin Township in 1798. To Mr. and Mrs. Ely have been born three children — William and Jonas, farmers; and Belle, who is the wife of Jonathan Funk, Esq., of Waynesburg, Penn. Tlieir mother is a consistent member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Mr. Ely takes great interest in the schools of the county, and has served seventeen years as school director. He has also been for sevei-al years secretary of the Green County Agricultural Society. In politics he is a liepub- lican. Jonas, his second son, was born October 15, 1848, and is a successful farmer. In 1878 he married Miss Alice, daughter of Madison Saunders, of Wajnicsburg, Penn. W. W. EVANS, of the firm of Kagan & Evans, editors and proprietors of the Wayneshurg Independent, was born in Marshall 662 HISTORY OF GREENE COtJNTY. County, W. Va., February 8, 1851. His parents were Walter and Sarah (Roberts) Evans. His father was of Welsh extraction and born in Baltimore, Maryland. Mr. and Mrs. Evans were married in Marshall County, where they remained a short time and then moved to Iowa. Here Mrs. Evans' health began to fail and they re- turned to Virginia, where she died in 1854. When an infant Mr. Evans was carried on horseback by his parents from Baltimore to Marshall County, W. Va. Mr. Evans' second wife was Susannah Plutchinson (iiee Francis). She is still living. Mr. Evans died January 3, 1882. He was the father of fourteen childi-en, twelve of whom are living. W. W. Evans, the subject of our sketch, was uni- ted in marriage, April 29, 1874, with Miss Mary, daughter of W. T. E. and Mary (Stull) Webb. Pier father was a native of Wheeling, W. Va., and her mother of Louisville, Ky. To Mr. and Mrs. Evans have been born three children — Wilbert W., Erma, and Jesse (deceased). Mr. Evans remained on a farm until twelve years of age, when he went with his parents to Moundsville, W. Va., his father having been elected to the ofiice of recorder of Marshall County. At the age of fifteen he began learning the printer's trade and has since been engaged in that business. In 1872 he pui'chased the 3£ou7ids'viUe Meporter, which he owned for a period of seven years. He came to Waynesburg in 1880, and purchased a half inter- ■ est in the newspaper of which he is now associate editor and pro- prietor. Mr. Evans is a member of the Knights of Honor and the Iloyal Arcanum. When sixteen years of age he united with the M. E. Church, of which his wife is also a member. J. M. FUNK, lumber dealer, Waynesbiirg, Penn., was born in Richhill Township, this county, February 5, 1846. He is a son of Jacob and Mary (McGlumphy) Funk, of German and Irish de- scent, the former a native of Maryland and the latter of Greene County, Penn. His father was a farmer, and died in Waynesburg in 1884. J. M. Funk is one of a family of three children — all boys. He grew to manhood in Waynesburg, and chose farming as his chief pursuit. When twenty years of age, however, he learned the carpen- ter's trade, serving the regular apprenticeship of three years. In 1872 he established hiurself in business in Waynesburg and, although he met with a serious loss by fire. May 25, 1881, which amounted to some ten thousand dollars, he immediately rebuilt and is now owner and proprietor of a planing-mill, in which a large number of men are employed the year round. He does contracting and building, and has a number of substantial residences in Waynesburg. In 1878 Mr. Funk married Miss Belle, daughter of Jonas Ely, a prominent farmer of Franklin Township. T\tr. and Mrs. Funk are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. IJe is a Democrat, and has mSTOKY OF OREKNK COUNTY. 663 served us a nieinbcr of the town council and of the school board in the borough. He is also a inenil>er of the I. O. O. h\ J. C. GAIIAIID, Esq., prothonotary, AVaynesburg, Penn., was born in Greene County. lie is a son of Justus ancl Enieline (Mestrezat) Garard, also natives of this county, and of French and English descent. The family were among the eai'liest settlers of the county, Mr. Garard's great-grandfather being the Rev. John Corbly, one of the pioneer Baptist ministers. His grandfather Garard was a farmer, and Justus Garard, his father, was a cabinet-maker and en- gaged in that business for years at Mapletown, Penn. The sul)ject of our sketch was reared in Monongahela Townsliip, where he re- ceived his early education in the common schools. He afterwards spent some time in the State Normal School at California, Penn., and AVayesburg College. After leaving college he taught school un- til 1878, when he was elected clerk of the courts of (-ireene County and served si.\ years. Mr. (4arard was elected prothonotary in 1884 and re-elected in 1887, and has filled that othce very acceptably. In politics he is a Democrat. He was married in Fayette County, Penn., in 187'J, to Miss A. B. Schroyer, at Masontown, Penn. CAPTAIN JOHN ADAM GOPDON, farmer and stock grow- er, AVaynesburg, Penn., was born in AVhiteley Township, Greene County, June 10, 1810. His parents were Mark and Susan (Shriverj Gordon, who were of Irish and German extraction. His father, who was a farmer all his life, was a native of A¥est Virginia, came to Greene County, Penn., in 1790 and settled in AVhiteley Township. His family consisted of ten children. John Adam was reared on the home farm where he received his early education, and subsequently attended Greene Academy at Carmichaels, Penn. He devoted four years of his life exclusively to teaching and also taught about twenty winter terms, spending the summer months in farming, which he has made his chief pursuit. In 1880 he bouglit liis present farm and moved to Franklin Township, where he built a neat and substantial residence in 1887. Mr. Gordon has been twice married; first, in 181:2, to Miss Rebecca, daughter of John Crawford, of Carmichaels, Greene County. Mrs. Gordon died in 1853. Of their five children only two are living — Rebecca, and Rev. M. L. Gordon, D. D., now a missionary in Japan. The deceased are B. Jennings, who died wlien a child; John Crawford, who was a prominent physician at AVaynesburg; and AVilliam Lynn, a teacher, who died in Michigan in 1880, he taught in Pennsylvania and AVisconsin and Charleston, S. C, and was principal of a college in Austin, Texas at his death. Mr. Gordon's second wife was Miss Margaret, daughter of Epliraim Crawford, of Fayette County, Penn. They are the parents of five sons: Thomas J., a farmer; Solomon, Robert who died in childhood; Edgar C. and James R. Mr. Gordon has the distinction of being 664: HISTORY OF gkeene county. the first supei'iiitendent of public scliools in Greene County, to which position he was elected in 1856, and was re-elected in 1860. When the war of the Eebellion broke out he resigned and assisted in rais- ing a company, which formed part of the Eighty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers (Col. Howell's). It was Company G, of that organization. Mr. Gordon was elected First Lieutenant of said company, and served in that cajjacity until Capt. I. M. Abraham was promoted to Major of the regiment; was then commissioned Captain by Gov. A. I. Curtin, of Pennsylvania, serving in all three. SOLOMON GORDON, a retired farmer and-stock grower who was born in Whiteley Township, April 2, 1801, is a son of John A. and Cassandra (Holland) Gordon. Tiie former was a native of Mary- land and the latter of West Virginia, where they were married. They were the parents of seven children, the youngest of whom is Solomon. His father, who was a farmer, came to Greene County in 1795 and located in Whiteley Township, where Solomon grew to manliood. The subject of this sketch has been for many years a successful farmer in Franklin Township. He was united in mar- riage the fii'st time, in 1824, with Sarah Inghrara, who was a de- scendent of one of the pioneer families in this county, and died in 1858. They were the parents of five children — Elizabeth, wife of R. lluss; W^illiam L, a farmer who owns two, hundred acres of land; Adam, superintendent of the poor farm; James, and John who wns a soldier in the war of 1861 and died in the army. Mr. Gordon married for his second wife the widow of George B. Willison. Her maiden name was Sarah Manuell. In politics Mr. Gordon is a Democrat. HON. BASIL GORDON, Associate Judge of Greene County, Penn., was born in Whiteley Township, this county, December 27, 1822. He is a son of Mark and Susan (Shriver) Gordon.' His mother was born in Greene County and his fatlier in Virginia. Both were vf German extraction. His father came to Greene County when a child, and was a farmer by occupation. Basil was the fourtli in a family of ten children. He was reared on a farm in this county, and educated in Greene Academy at Carmichaels, Penn. Mr. Gordon has made farming his occupation and has been very successful. He was united in the holy bonds of matrimony, May 20, 1847, with Mariar, datighter of Artliur Inghram, and they are the parents of five children, viz., John A., a farmer; Susan, Virginia, wife of Thomas Montgomery; Josiah and Alice. The Judge is trustee in the M. P. Chm-ch. He has served as township auditor, superintendent of the poor and school director. HON. JOHN B. GORDON, deceased, was born in Whiteley Township, Greene County, Penn., December 4, 1798. He was a son of John A. and Cassandra (Holland) Gordon, natives of Virginia, IIISTOKV OF GKKENE COUNTY. 665 wliere their inarriage curoinoiiy was performed. Tliey moved to Greene County, Penn., about 1795, and remained until tlieir demise. Mrs. Gordon departed tliis life in 1805 and her husband in 1816. Jolin U. Gordon, the subject of this sketch, was the fifth of a family of seven children, of whom only one, Solomon, survives. July 12, 1847, Mr. Gordon was united in marriage with Miss Delilah Inofhram, a native of Franklin Township, this county, where she was born April 23, 1821. Mrs. Gordon is a daughter of William and Elizabeth (Uineliart) Inghram, who were also natives of this county. Mr. Inghram died in 1845 and Mrs. Inghram in 18()4. To Mr. and Mrs. Gordon were l)orn live children, four of whom are living, viz., Lizzie I., George W., Lucy E. and John B. Tiie de- ceased is Carrie L. George W. was united in marriage with Helen Scott, and they are the parents of two children — Lucy D. and Carrie L. lion. John B. Gordon M-as reared on a farm and received in- structions from his fatlier in the art of husbandry, which honoraljle occupation — in connection with raising stock for the markets-he followed until his death. At that time he owned one thousand acres of land in Greene County. lie, in common with many of the in- habitants of middle and western Pennsylvania, had a passion for military life. He was elected Major of the Forty-sixth Kegiment of militia, held the office for seven years and took much pride in dis- charging its duties. Mr. Gordon served liis fellow citizens in civil as well as in a military capacity. Having been elected to the office of county conamissioner in 1825, he served two terms; and was a member of the House of Representatives in 1847 and 1848. Mr. Gordon departed this life December 28, 1876, and by his death the county lost a good citizen, and his family a kind father and husband. THOMAS GOODWIN, e.x-treasurer of Greene County, is at present a farmer, and was born in Franklin Township, this county, September 25, 1807. He is a son of Moses and Elizabeth (llagan) Goodwin, natives of Maryland. His father, who lived to an old age, was born in 1790 and spent most of his life on a farm in Greene County. Of their eight children, only two are living. Thomas was the fourth in the family. He was reared on the home farm, attended the subscription schools, and has made farming his main occupation. He started out in the world with but little means, but by his great energy and patient endeavor was enabled to purchase his present farm in 1877. Mr. Goodwin is a Democrat in politics. He was elected treasurer of the county in 1873, and served one term. In 1832 he married Miss Catharine, daughter of Jesse Orndoif. Her mother's maiden name was Catiiarine Strosnider. Her father was a soldier in the war of 1812. H. M. GRIMES. — Among the descendants of the pioneers of Greene County we mention II. M. Grimes, an enterprisitig farmer of 666 HISTORY OF geeene county. Franklin Township, who now owns and resides on the farm where he was born, January 26, 1837. His mouther's maiden name was Margaret Muckle. She was a native of this county. His father, William Grimes, was born in New Jersey. Of his six children, the subject of this sketch is the youngest. He was reared in Franklin Township, where he received his education in the district schools. Mr. Grimes has been very successful in his chosen pursuit, and is the owner of 338 acres of land. In 1861 he married Harriet, daughter of Arthur Rinehart. Their children are — William A., J. W., Lucy, Mary E., Albert R. and H. C. Mrs. Grimes is a zealous member of tlie Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics Mr. Grimes is a Democrat. D. H. HAIJSTER, freight and ticket agent for the Waynesburg and Washington Railroad, at Waynesburg, Fenn., was born in Wash- ington County, Penn., October 9, 1845, and is a son of Henry and Elizabeth (Riggle) Hainer. His father, who has all his life been a farmer, was born in Germany, and came to Washington County, Fenn., in 1832, where he lived until he moved to Richland County, Ohio, where he now resides. Mr. Hainer is the oldest in a family of eight children. He was reared on the farm, attended the common schools, and was later a student in the Academy at Savannah, Ohio, and Lexington, Ohio, Male and Female Seminary. Early in life he taught school for a time. He was then employed as a salesman in Lexington, Ohio, for live years, when he was accepted as a full part- ner with his former employer. He continued in the mercantile trade with him for live years, when he sold out and returned to Washing- ton County, and engaged in farming from 1875 until 1879. He then came to Waynesburg, where he engaged in business with his uncle until 1883, whfen he was appointed to his present position. Mr. Hainer was married in Washington County in 1873, to Alice, daugh- ter of David S. Walker, and they have one child, a daughter — Adda E. The entire family are members of the Fresbyterian Church, in which he is an elder and also superintendent of the Sabbath-school. SAMUEL HARVEY was born in Center Township, Greene County, March 2, 1820, and is a son of Thomas and Anna (FCigin- botham) Harvey. His mother was born in Fayette County, and his father in Fhiladelphia. They were of English and French descent. His father, a farmer by occupation, came to this county in 1807, and settled on a tract of land eleven miles west of Waynesburg, known as the "Old Harvey Farm," and resided there until his death in 1876, in the eighty-seventh year of his age. Of his three sons, Samuel is the oldest, and was reared on said farm in Center Town- ship, where he received an education of the rural district, and chose farming as his occupation, at the same time dealing in wool, live- stock and real estate. Mr. Elarvey has been a successful business IIISTOKY OF GUEKNE COUNTY. 067 man, and is one of Greene County's self-made men, his success being entirely due to liis own efibrts and business ability. In 1881 ho moved to Waynesburg, and is still engaged in the wool trade. In 184(3 Mr. Harvey married Sarah I. Throckmorton. Their children are — William C, who enlisted, at the age of seventeen years, in Company I, One Hundred and Sixteenth Pennsylvania Volunteers, and took part, under Gen. Hancock, in the famous "Battle of the AVilderness,'' and died of typhoid fever in 1861; Anna M., M-ife of the late Dr. J. S. Barmore, of Chicago; Kate E., wife of Dr. J. T. lanis, of Waynesburg; Alice I., and Charles T., a farmer and stock- dealer, who still resides on the old Harvey farm in Center Township. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey are members of the South Ten-Mile Baptist Church, where he has served as deacon and trustee for many years. WILLIAM THOMPSON HAYS— Among the early settlers of Waynesburg as the county seat of Greene, was William Thompson Hays, who was born in Adams County, Penn., April 8, 1775, and who died in Waynesburg. June 29, 1810. He was married in Newville, Cumberland County, Penn., to Mary McKibben, and in 1804 removed to Waynesburg, embarking in the mercantile business on Main street, on the corner now known as the " Fisher Building," opposite the present F. & D. National Bank. Afterwards, losing his wife by death, he married Sarah Wilson, daughter of James Wilson, Esq., the first post-master of Waynesburg, who lived and kept the post- office opposite the court-house on the site occupied by the Messenger building. Mr. Hays was one of the early representatives of his adopted county in the State Legislature, he and his brother, Adam Hays, who was a bachelor and came with him and made his liome in Waynesburg, both having served the people of Greene in that capac- ity. Adam Hays was also at one time sheriff of the county, and died February 28, 1848, aged about sixty-six. W. T. Hays was also, for a period of about twenty years, phrothonotary of Greene County, he being successor of John Boreman, Esq., who was the first protho- notary of the county. In 1813, while in the mercantile business, Mr. Hays brought on to Waynesburg, and was instrumental in establishing the Messenger newspaper, with John Baker as editor and publisher. The paper was first printed about where the tele- graph office now is, just west of the Walton House, Mr. Hays own- ing the premises and living in the house adjoining, occupying the present site of the Walton House. He had four children who lived to reach maturity — two by each wife. By the first, George W., who was educated at Cannonsburg College, Penn., studied medicine with Dr. Hays, of Sharpsburg, Md., and died with the cholera Mdiile in the practice of his profession, at that place, in 1834. Maria C, the daughter, was married to Laurence L. Minor, a prominent attorney of Waynesburg, who died in that place in 1883, she still surviving. 668 HISTORY OF greenk county. By liis second wife were born Jaines W. and Henrietta. She was married to William Campbell, son of Benjamin Campbell, one of the early and prominent iiiercliants of Waynesburg, and both lier husband and herself, with a large family of children, still live in that place. James Wilson Hays was born in Waynesburg, on December 21, 1817, and received such education as was attainable in his youth in the subscription schools of the town. The first business engaged in on his own account was as editor and pi-oprietor of the Waynes- burg Messenger in abont 1842, as successor to Hon. C. A Black. His editorial career at this time included the presidential canvas of Polk against Clay, and that of Francis II. Shunk for Governor. At a later period Mr. Plays was associated with Col. James S. Jennings as co-editor of the Messenger, including the presidential canvas of 1860, in which Lincoln was elected President. In 1853, daring the presidency of Pierce, Mr. Hays received an appointment as clerk in the post-office department at Washington City. This position he occupied some three years, resigning on account of failing health. He held a position, in 1849-50, on the Pennsylvania Canal at Pittsbui-g, under appointment by canal commissioners of the State. Mr. Hays was married in 1842 to Hannah Minor, daughter of Abia Minor, Esq., and grand-daughter of Hon. John Minor, who was one of the original, or first associate judges ot Greene County at its formation. Mrs. Hays died in 1862. Seven children were born to them, who lived to reach maturity, viz. — William Thompson, mar- ried to Jennie Jewell; Sarah Sophia, to Ira L. Nickeson; James W., to Emma Smith; Frances Henrietta, to James M. Ferrell; Abia Minor, to Nannie Huston; Hannah Maria, to James L. Smith, and Jesse Lazear, to Sadie Goodwin — all living at this date (1888) ex- cept Mrs. Nickeson, who died May 4, 1888. In 1867 Mr. Hays re- moved from Waynesburg, where he had been connected with his brother-in-law, Hon. William Cotterel, in tlie tanning and leather business, to Graysville, Richhill Township, and engaged in merchan- dising, from which place his children were all married, and where he continued to reside until October, 1887, when he returned to his native town, Waynesburg. In 1875 he was elected, on the Dem- ocratic ticket, to the senate of Pennsylvania, for the fonrtieth dis- trict, embracing the counties of Greene and Fayette, and re-elected to a second term on the expiration of the iirst. JOSEPH S. HERTIG, dentist, was born in Fayette County, Penn., November 28, 1834, and is a son of John G. and Elizabeth (Showalter) Hertig. His mother, who was of German extraction, was born in Fayette Connty. His father was a native of France, and a farmer and school teacher by occupation. Dr. Hertig, the oldest of eleven children, was reared on his father's farm, attending the district school. He spent his early life as a teacher, having taught IIISTOHY OF GREENE COUNTY. OliO five terms in Fayette County, Ohio, and subsef|ueut]y in tliis cunnty. in 1858 he commenced the study of dentistry at Smith- tield, Penn., and began practicing in 1868 in New Holland, Ohio. lie subsequently located at Delphos, Allen County, Ohio. Keturn- ing to Fayette County in 1862, he remained for four years, then came to Waynesburg, M'here his skill and gentlemanly demeanor soon won for him a large and lucrative practice among the influential families of the town and vicinity. The Doctor is thoroughly posted in all the details of his profession, and devotes his time diligently to study. He was married in Fayette County, in 1864, to Miss Nancy, daugliter of AVilliani Scott. Their children are — Horace and Owen, the hitter a graduate of Waynesburg College, and at present a student in the Dental College at" Philadelphia, Fenu. Dr. Hertig is a prominent member of the Odontological Society of Western Pennsylvania. MAJOR B. F. HERPJNGTON, a farmer and stock-grower, of Franklin Township, was born in Greene County, Penn.. November 18, 18-43, and is a son of Thomas and Caroline (Kramer) Herrington. His father was a manufacturer of boots and shoes and carried on his business for many years in the southern part of Greene County. PHs family consisted often cliildren, of Avhom B. F. is the sixth. He received his early education in the common schools of his native county, and subsequently attended Dufi''s Commercial College at Pittsburg, Penn. Mr. Herrington was employed as a clerk in a store for a numlier years, and engaged in the mercantile trade at Morris- ville, Penn., in 1861. The year following he enlisted, as a private, in Company A, Eighteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry. When the reg- iment was organized, he was elected Second Lieutenant of Company G., and was subsequently 'promoted to the position of First Lieutenant and then Captain. He was taken captive and suffered the horror of prison life for si.xteen months in Libby, Macon, Ga. and Columbia, S. C. Major Herrington was one of the six hundred officers who were placed under the fire of the Union gun when the Union men bombarded Charlestown, S. C. Soon after his return home he was commissioned Major of the eighth division of the National Guards of Pennsylvania and served five years, was commissioned again with same rank and\assigned to duty on the staff of Gen. Gallagher as commissary of division. Heagain engaged in the mercantile business in Waynesburg, where he had a good trade and liberal patronage. The Major was united in marriage, in 1860, with Miss Maggie.Johns. She died in 1877, leaving a family of three children — Ella, Herman and Daisy. In 1887 he began farming, and was united in marriage, the same year, with Nannie (Wisecarver) AVorley. Major Herring- ton is a Ilepublican, and a member of the I. O. O. F. He was the first Commander of the McCullough G. A. R. Post, No. 1367. 670 iriSTOIlY OF GKEENE COUNTY. JESSE HILL, retired fanner and stock- grower, AVaynesburg, I'eiiu., was born November 23, 1814, on the farm he now owns. His parents, Samiiel and Elizabeth (Gather) Hill, were natives of Greene County, and of Irish and English extraction. His fatlier was a farmer all his life; his family consisted of eleven children. Jesse is the youngest son. He was reared on his father's farm, educated in the old-fashioned log school-house and has made fanning the business of his life. He owns 150 acres of good farming land, and valuable town property in the borough of Waynesburg. In 1841 Mr. Hill married Maria, daughter of Thomas Hoskinsou. Of their six children live are living — Carrie, wife of Dr. W. S. Tlirockinorton, of Nineveli, Penn. ; Thomas B., a physician at Iiufi''s Creek, Penn.-, Elizabeth, wife of J. D JNulton; Willie E. and Jesse F., wlio was born March 11, 1853, apd has charge of tlie home farm. He was married in 1881, to Philena, daughter of Thomas Ross, and they have two children — Frank and Willie R. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hill, Sr., are members of the Baptist Church. Mr. Hill was for fifteen years clerk of the county commissioners. NORVAL HOGE, by occupation an organ builder, was born in Waynesburg, March 8, 1835. He is a son of John and Rebecca (Oakes) Iloge, natives of Pennsylvania, and of Scotch-Irish descent. His grandfather was a carpenter and came from Winchester, Va. The history of the family shows them to have been farmers and mechanics, and many of the family have succeeded in accumulating a fair share of this world's goods. Mr. Hoge, unlike his ancestors, lias turned his attention to study rather than to making money. He has given most of his time to organ building, and has also engaged in repairing all kinds of machinery, making sun dials, building Hying shuttle looms, etc. Mr. Hoge has made twelve organs, and his knowledge of almost any kind of complicated machinerj' gives evi- dence of unusual mechanical genius. Tlie greater part of his life has been spent in Waynesburg. He attended the common-school and college, and early in life began to develop a taste for mechanics, being able to repair clocks and watches when a mere boy. For sev- eral years he was engaged with a Pittsburgh firm, in tuning pianos and organs, and from some of the most celebrated musicians of the United States his work has received the highest endorsements, among which is the following: " Me. Noeval Hoge — My Dear Sir: " Allow me to compliment you upon the magnificent manner in which you tuned the piano for our use. I have never, outside of Boston and New York, met with an instrument that stood so splendidly to pitch throughout our entire pi-ogramme. It certainly shows the work of an artist. Accept my own and company's thanks for your care. Yours, " Lem H. Wiley, Waltek Emeeson." HISTORY OF GREEN-T; COUNTY. 671 Mr. Hoge also repairs and runs steam enjjines, and since 1886 has run the engine at the roller mills at Waynesburg. In 1856 he married Catharine M., daughter of Reasin llufi'iuan, and they have four children, viz.: Mary Elizabeth, Almira Jane, Minnie May and Thomas J. Tlie family are members of the Waynesburg Baptist Church. ASA P). IIOGE, commercial traveler, was born in Morgan Town- ship, Greene County, Penn., September 23, 1841, and is a son of Solomon and Rachel (Ilussj Hoge, natives of this State. His father, who was a miller and grain speculator, was born in this county in 1803, and died in AYaynesburg in 1878. Mr. Hoge's grandparents, who were natives of Virginia, and of Scotch-Irish extraction, were members of the Society of Friends. His father's family consisted of eight children, of whom Asa 15. is the lifth. lie was reared in his native county and received his education in the old Greene Academy at Carmichaels, Penn. Mr. Hoge remained with his parents nntil eighteen years of age, when he went to Baltimore, Md., and was for two years employed as a clerk in a store. He then went to Pitts- burgh, Penn., and was salesman in a large jobbing house for a period of twelve years. In 1876 he went to Philadelphia and accepted his present position as traveling salesman, visiting the larger towns and cities throughout Pennsylvania and Virginia. Mr. Hoge has made his own way in the world. • He meets with success in his business, and is the owner of valuable pro))erty on Main street in Waynesburg. He was nnited in marriage in 1877 with Miss Mary, daughter of John and Jane (Walker) Phelan, and sister to Richard Phelan, a prominent attorney of the Waynesburg bar. Mr. and Mrs. Hoge have a bright and interesting family of two little daughters — Jane P. and Mary Frances. JAMES M. IIOGE, attorney at law, was born in this county .June 16, 1853. He is a son of Solomon and Sarah (Overturft') Hoge, na- tives of Pennsylvania, and of Scotch- Irish extraction. His father was a farmer and also justice of the peace for many years, and died December 6, 1874. James M. is the second son in a family of twelve children, all but one of whom grew to inatui-ity. His paternal ancestors were Quakers and among the pioneer settlers of this county. Mr. Hoge received his education in Waynes- burg College. He made a special study of surveying, and has devoted much of his time to that business. He studied law with Hon. C. A. Black, at Wajmesburg, and was admitted to the bar in 1882. In 1883 he clerked in the prothonary's otfice, and on the death of prothonotary, was appointed by Governor Pattison to till unexpired term, and in 1885 was appointed notary pulilic, at the same time engaging in the jiractice of law. He was married in 1878 to Martiia M., daughter of John McNeely. Mrs. Hoge is of Irish descent. 072 HISTORY OF GUEKNK COfJNTy. Tlicy liavc oiiu cliild- Owen Solomon. Mr. and Mrs. Iloge are members of the liaptist Church. Ife is a Democrat, and has passed all the degrees in subordinate Lodge of I. O. O. F. LSAAO JJOOJ'Elt, tobacconist, Waynesburg, Penn., was born in Washington County, renn., March 1!J, 1819, is a son of Isaac and Mary (Steen) JJooper, natives of Pennsylvania, and of Scotch extrac- tion, llis father was a farmer of Washington County. His family consisted of six children, of whom Isaac is the youngest. He was reared in the borough of Washington, where he attended school and early in life learned the cigar maker's trade. In 1842 he came to Waynesburg, whei'e he has since engaged in his present business, Kclliiig most of his cigars in Greene County. Mr. ]loo])er was mai- ried in 1842 to Miss Keliecca, daugliter of Samuel I'rigg. She was born in Washington County, and is of (ierman origin. They have six children, viz.: Melvina, wife of A. J. Sowers, a |)rominent mer- chant of Waynesburg; Sauinnel P., a tobacconist; Mary (deceased), Virginia, wife of John Campbell; Margaret, wife of Ilobert Adams; and Dora. Mr. and Mrs. Hooper are memljors of the Baptist Church, in which he is deacon. He is a liepublican, and a member of the I. 0. O. F. W. A. IfCCK, Esq., Waynesburg, J'enn., was born October IB, 1838, and is a son of John T. and Eli;2a (Inghram) Hook. His par- ents were descendants of the earliest settlers of Crcene County, and of Scotch-Irish origin. Mr. Hook's father was a saddler by trade, and died November 3, 1883, at Waynesbui'g, where he had s|)ent his life. William A., the oldest son, was reared and educated in Waynes- burg. He reached his senior year in college, when on account of sickness he was compelled to give up school. He chose the law as liis profession, and studied in the office of Wyly & Buchanan, in Waynes- bui'g. Mr. Hook was admitted to the bar of this county in 1871, and in 1872 was elected district attorney, in which capacity he served for six years. He is an activemember of the Democratic party, and a successful hiwyer. TJIOMAS HOOK, farmer, was born in Waynesburg, Penu., on the 27th day of September, 1840. He is a S(;n of John T. and Eliza (Ingliram) Hook, also luitives of this county. His ancestors were among the early settlers of the county. His father, who was a sol- dier in the war of 1812, was a liarness-maker for many years, and in later life engaged in farming. Thomas was reared in Waynesburg where he remained until twelve years of age, then inovcd with his parents to a farm in Franklin Township where lie still resides. Ho jittended the common school, and early in life chose farming as his chii^f occupation. Mr. Hook has been twice united in nnirriage — lirsl, in 1803, witli Miss Sarali, daughter of William Patterson, a iriSTOKT OF ORKENE COUNTY. 073 proiiiiueiit t":iriii(.T of Wliiteley Townsliip. Tlieir cliihlruii are — Ida, wife of William Ely, and Jjiicy, a student in Waynesburi>: Colloank of Waynesburg, in which he is now assistant cashier. He is a Democrat, and is among the, most prominent young men of the county. The three remaining children are William W. and John H., who are in the West, and Annie L. Judge Lindsey M^as a Presbyterian, and his widow is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. H. H. LINDSEY, merchant, who was born in Jefferson Borough, tbis county, October 27, 1823, is a son of James and Catharine (Shroyer) Lindsey. His parents were also natives of Greene County, and of Scotch-Irish descent. Mr. Lindsey's grandfather, James Lindsey, built the first brick hotel in Jefferson P)Orough, where he spent the remainder of his life. Mr. Iliram Lindse,y was the second in a fainilj' of three children and was reared in Jefferson where he attended school. At tlie age of sixteen he began to clerk in a store and was engaged as a salesman till 1850, when he opened a general store and continued in that Inisiness for twenty-five years. In 1869 Mr. Lindsey was elected prothonotary of the county, served one term and was re-elected in 1872. In 1876 he removed to Chicago, Illinois. Returning to Waynesburg in 1881, he has since been en- gaged in the mercantile business. In 1847 Mr. Lindsey married Miss Sarah, daughter of Philip Minor. Mrs. Lindsey is a native of Greene County, and of Welsh origin. Their children are — William L., for the last .twenty-one years with J. V. Earwell & Co., Chicago, 111. James M. who is a clerk in the United States revenue office at Pittsburgh, Penn.; Laura, wife of Robert D. Myers, of Chicago; Margaret, wife of L. L. Minor, Esq., of Uniontown, Penn.; Anna, and George !>., who is with Earwell & Co., of Chicago. The de- ceased are Helen, wife of W. A. Bane, and Jessie. Mr. Lindsey is a member of the I. O. O. F. and A. Y. M., and his wife is a faithful member of the Presbyterian Church. They are among the repre- sentative citizens of Waynesburg, Penn. WILLIAM LIPPEiNCOTT, Sk., farmer, Waynesburg, Penn., was born in Franklin T3. He was then ninety-seven years old. The farm he purchased is still in the possession of the family. He was the father of five daughters and five sons, of whom Mr. Isaac Mitchell is the youngest. He was reared in Washington Township, on the farm that has been in possession of the famil}' for eighty-nine years. He made farming his business and has been very successful, owning at present 300 acres of fine land besides other property. He moved to Waynesburg in 1877, since which time he has been living a retired life. Mr. Mitchell's political views are Democratic, and he served two terms as overseer of the poor of Greene County. Mr. Mitchell was united in marriage October 4, 1838, with Elizabeth Barnes, whose parents were Jacob and Phenjamin J., a farmer; John F., a printer, and Thomas C. (deceased). Mr. Pauley is a member of the Masonic fraternity and a Sir Knight Templar. He has been con- nected with the llefiSeHijer in some capacity, with the exception of the four years spent in Oxford, ever since tiie 14th day of May, 1833. ZADOCK WALKEIi PlIELAN, manufacturer, foundryman and machinist, is a member of the firm of liower & Pheian, Waynes- burg, Penn., where he was born June 21, 1838. He is a son of John and Jane (WTalker) Pheian. His mother was born in Fayette County, Penn. His father, a native of Clreene County, wa.'^ an attorney by profession, practiced in Waj'uesbnrg for many years and represented his county in the State Legislature. His family consists of live sons and one daughter. Z. W., the third in the family, was reared in AVaynesburg and educated in the college. He learned the cabinet- maker's trade and carried on the furniture business in Waynesburg; tiien weTit to Kansas and shared the struggles of that youi]g State, and in 1884 he began his present business. Mr. Phelan's wife was Miss Harriet, daughter of J. Wesley Chambers of Washington County, Penn. They have three children — Anna W., John Charles and Zadock AValker. Mr. and Mrs. Pheian are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he has held many important positions. He is a strong advocate of tlie temperance cause and votes the Prohibition ticket. He was the Urst county chairman of the party, and a candidate on the first ticket issued by the party. li. II. PHELAN, attorney and counsellor at law, was born at Waynesburg, February 21, 1836, and is a son of Hon. John and Jane (Walker) Pheian. His mother was a native of Maryland, and was or English and Irish descent. His father, who was an attorney, was born in this county, of which he was prothonotary for about twelve years. He was elected a member of the State Legislature in 1SG7, and served two terms. He died August 31, 1874. P. II. 692 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. Phelan is the second in a family of six children. He was reared in Waynesburg and attended the common school and college. He went to the territory of Kansas in 1854 and remained until 1861, when he retm*ned to Waynesburg and subsequently studied law in the office of his father and Hon. C. A. Black. He was admitted to the bar in 1867, and has been in active practice ever since. Mr. Phelan is a Democrat. He has been a member of the town council, and is a trustree of the Presbyterian Church. His grandfather, liichard H. Phelan, was born in Ireland, and case to Greene County, Penn., at an early date. He served on the first grand jury in 17U6. R. H. Phelan is president of Green Mount Cemetery Company, treasurer of the Waynesburg Park Companj^, and a director in the Farmers' and Drovers' National Bank of Waynesburg. I/' JOHN R. PIPES, clerk of the courts of Greene County, Penn., was born in Morrisville, Penn., March 25, 1855, and is a son of James and Elvira (Rinehart) Pipes. His parents were natives of Franklin Township, and of English extraction. His father, who was a farmer all his life, died September 5, 1881. The subject of onr sketch was reared in Franklin Township, attended the common school and the Monongahela College at Jefierson, Penn. He first engaged in teaching as an occu2:)ation, teaching in the winter for five years and mining coal in the summer. Mr. Pipes is a Democrat, and was elected to his present position in 1881. In 1882 he was united in marriage with Miss Melinda, daughter of William Pitcock, one of the early pioneers of the county. Mr. and Mrs. Pipes have two children — Mary Emma and Daisy. Mr. and Mrs. Pipes are mem- bers of the Methodist Protestant Cliurch, in which he lias held many offices, and also served as superintendent of the Sabbath-school. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. His father was born in 1800 and his mothor in 1818. She is still living, making her home with John R. in Waynesburg, Penn. D. B. PRATT, farmer and stock-grower, Waynesburg, Penn., was born in Franklin Township, Greene County, Peun., December 25, 1838. He is a son of William Pratt, also a prominent farmer in this township, M'ho was born in Fayette County, Penn., October 13, 1814. His parents were James and Sallie (Boner) Pratt, also natives of Fayette County, and of English lineage. William Pratt owned a well improved farm of 200 acres in Franklin Township, where he died in 1874. He was a blacksmith by trade, in which, he engaged until 1854 Avlien he began farming. He spent m'ost of his life in Gi-eene County, where he was united in marriage, in 1888, with Miss Harriet, daughter of Joshua and Catharine (Livengood) Thomas. Her father was born near Philadelphia, Pemi., and was of Dutch ancestry. Mrs. Pratt was born in Center Townsliip, this county, June 2, 1820, and was the seventh in a faniily of fifteen children. D. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 093 B. Pratt, the subject of this sketcli, is ;i man of tireless zeal ami nniisual energy, by means of which he has been vei'y successful in his chosen pursuit, and owns a well improved farm of 175 acres. On August 25, 1870, he married Margaret, daughter of William and Sarali (Uodkin) Smith, who were of English and Irish lineage. Her mother was a native of J^ennsylvania. Her father was born in New Jersey, and died in 1874. They were the parents of sixteen children, of whom Mrs. Pratt is the youngest. To Mr. and Mrs. Pratt have been born two sons — William Harvey and Lindslcy Inghram. Their mother is a member of the l^aptist Church. Mr. Pratt is a Demo- crat and a inember of the I. O. (). F. He has served as scliool director and auditor of his township. ANDREW AUMSTKONCI PUliMAN, attorney and counselor at law, was born on Short Creek, in Oliio County, Virginia (now West Virginia), April 8, 182;i. He is a son of John and Barbara (Burns) Purman. His parents were natives of Pennsylvania, and of German and Scotch extraction. His father was a farmer and came to Greene County in 1833, settling on a farm in Riehhiil Township. Later in life lie moved to Shelby County, Indiana, where lie died in 1838. llis family consisted of nine children, of wiiom the subject of this sketch is the third son. A. A. Purman, Esq., the subject of our sketch, spent his early life with his parents on the farm, where lie iirst went to subscription school. He was afterwards a student in a select school in Waynesburg, and at the founding of Waynesburg College he entered it as one of its tirst students. lie Ijegan the study of law in Waynesljurg in 1847, in tlio office of Hon. Samuel Clea- venger, and at the death of Mr. Cleavenger, 1848, finished the course with Lewis Roberts, Esi^., and was admitted to the bar in May, 1849. He has devoted his life to the practice of his chosen profession. In 1856 Mr. Purman was elected district attorney, serving three years. In 1869 he was elected State Senator from Greene, Fayette and Westmoreland counties, and served in the session of 1871 as chair- man of the iinance committee. He was elected in the year 1872, on the Democratic ticket, a delegate at large to the constitutional con- vention of 1872-1873, and served on the committee on legislation and corporation. Mr. Purman was a school director for tifteen years, and served for several years as a member of the borough council. He is a Democrat, and commenced public speaking for the party in 1844, for Polk and Dallas, has spoken in every presidential campaign since, and was otfered the nomination for Lieutenant-Governor of Pennsyl- vania in 1874. In 1865 lie came within one vote of being nomi- nated President Judge of the Fourteenth Judicial District. Mr. Purman was united in marriage June 26, 1856, with Miss Mary Ann, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Morris) Russell. Of their nine children seven are now living. They are Thainas R., John, a physi- 694 HISTORY Olt' GKJJKNi; COUNTY. cian and surgeon; Lida, wife of B. R.. Williams, of Sharon, Peuti.; James J., a law student; Alexander E., Elizabeth M. and A. A. Jr. Mr. Purman's grandfather, James Burns, was a soldier in the Revo- lutionary war. Mr. and Mrs. Purman are members of the Baptist Church, in which he has held many official positions. He is and has been president of the board of trustees of Monongahela College at Jefferson ever since its organization in 1867. Z. C. PAGAN, of the firm of Paga-n & Evans, editors and pro- prietors of the Waynesburg Independent, was born in Zanesville, Ohio, July 14, 1833, and is a son of Joab and Mary (Stull) Pagan. His mother was born in Kentucky, and his father in Beaver County, Penn. They were of Scotch-Irish descent. His father, who died at the early age of thirty-three, was a minister of the Methodist Pro- testant Church, and served as president of the conference. He was a self-made man and an able linguist, speaking and writing fo\ir languages. Z. C. Pagan is an only child. He was brought to Waynesburg in 1840, where he was reared, and partially educated in Waynesburg College. Early in life he learned the printing business, a calling he has followed the greater part of his life. He started a paper in Waynesburg in 1872, in company with J. W. Axtell, called the Waynesburg Independent, which has a circulation of over 8,000 copies per week. The financial success of the paper has been largely due to Mr. Pagan's untiring efforts. He was for seven years a member of the board of trustees in Waynesburg College, and is a prominent member of the Knights of Honor. In 1861 he enlisted in Company F, Eighty-fifth Pennsylvania Yolunteer Infantry, and was discharged in 1864. He served as Sergeant, and had charge of his company when it was mustered out. Mr. Pagan was united in marriage, in 1858, with Miss Anna M., daughter of Thomas Hill, a farmer of Greene County. Their children are — Emma L., a gradu- ate of Waynesburg College, and wife of W. S. Pipes; and Minnie E., a student in the college. Mrs. Pipes was for three years a teacher in Enfield College, Illinois. The family are members of the Cum- berland Presbyterian Church, in which Mr. Pagan is an elder, and was superintendent of the Sabbath -school over eight years. JAMES P. PANDOLPH, a farmer and stock-grower of Frank- lin Township, was born in Jefferson Borough, Greene County, Penn., April 23, 1832. He is a son of Isaac and Sarah (Adamson) Pan- dolph, who came from New Jersey, their native State, and settled in Greene County, Penn., in 1795, on a farm where they spent the re- mainder of their lives. They reared a family of ten children, eight of whom grew to maturity. James P., the third in the familj'-, was reared on the farm with his parents, and attended the district school. He has successfully' engaged in farming as a- business, and is the owner of some fine laud in this county. In 1855 Mr. Pandolph HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTy. 695 iiianicil Elizabetli, djuiglitcr of Williuin Uniden, wlio is an ex-associ- atc judge, and a proiuinent citizen of this county. To M.'. and Mrs. Randolph were born eiglit cliildren — Sarah M., wife of Smith Adam- son; ]\[ary, wife of Isaiali Gordon; Rachel, wife of Jackson I'ratt; Lucy, Isaac L., William, Lizzie and Thomas. Mr. Raudolph is a Democrat. He and wife are prominent members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. J. A. F. RANDOLPH, insurance and real estate agent, Waynes- burg, Penii., was born in Jefferson Township, this county, March 18, 1851, and is a son of Abraham F. and Emily A. (Adamson) Ran- dolph, also natives of this county. Al)raham F. Randolph was a son of James F. Llandolph, a native of Middlesex County, N. J., and member of the Society of Friends. lie came to Greene County, Penn., in 1795, and remained all his life on the farm where Abraham F. was born. The farm is still in possession of the family. Abra- ham F. and Emily A. Randolph were married in this connty, June 18, 1833, where they died, the former December 8, 1860, and the latter March 9, 1885. They were the parents of four children, two of whom are livitig — William IT. F. and .James A. F. The deceased are an infant, and Sarah L., wife of C. C. Strawn. The subject of our sketch was united in marriage, January 9, 1888, with Miss Emnia F. Johnson, who was born September 26, 1859. She is a daughter of William R. and Minerva E. (Fleming) Johnson, the former a native of this connty, and the latter of West Virginia. Mr. Randolph acquired his education in the common schools and Waynes- burg College. He remained at home until twenty-one years of age, then tauo-ht school for a period of five years. He first engaged in his present business in 1880. He represents some of the best in- surance companies of the United States, and also deals extensively in real estate. Mr. Randolph is a member of the board of trust of the Pennsylvania Synod of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, and treasurer of the endowment fund for support of Waynesburg College. He and his wife are members of tlie Cumberland Presbyterian Church. He is at present city clerk. JOSEPH W. RAY.— The subject of this sketch, Joseph W. Ray, is the eldest son of James E. and Margaret (Leonard) Ray, and was born May 25, 1849, in Morris Township, Greene County. His father, who is now (July, 1888) in his eightieth year, was born in Morris County, JS'. J., and his mother in Trumbull County, Ohio. His parents, immediately upon their marriage, settled in Washing- ton County, Penn., but removed therefrom April 1, 1849, to a farm in Greene County, where they liave ever since resided. They gave him the advantage of such educational facilities as the common schools of that time and section afforded. At nineteen years of age he secured employment as a teacher, a calling to which he devoted 69(j HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. several years. In 1871 lie became a student of Waynesburg Col- lege, and was graduated by that institution in the class of 1874:. Abont this time he commenced the study of law, and was admitted to the bar of his native county in June, 1876. Two years later, or April 1, 1878, having associated himself with H. B. Axtell, Esq., they opened an office in Waynesbnrg, under the firm name of Ray & Axtell, since which time he has been actively engaged in the prac- tice of his profession. He was admitted to practice in the Supreme Conrt of the State in 1883. In politics Mr. Eay is a Eepublican. lie was chairman, for three years, of the Ilepviblican County Com- mittee of Greene County, lie has represented the county in a State Convention, and was an alternate delegate to the Republican National Convention of 1880. lie has twice been the nominee of his party for office. In 1884 he ran for Congress against Hon. Charles E. Boyle, the Democratic candidate, in what was then the twenty-first district, composed of the counties of Fayette, Greene and West- moreland. Althougli defeated by 2,500 votes, this was much the smallest Democratic majority the district ever gave, up to that time. In 1880 he was nominated for the State Senate, in the fortieth sena- tnrhl district, composed of Fayette and Greene counties, having for his Democratic competitor lion. Thomas B. Schnatterly. The official returns gave Mr. Schnatterly 8,438 votes, and Mr. Ray 8,256 votes, a rednction of the usual Democratic majority of more than 2,000 in the district to 182. Mr. Ray was married May 18, 1878, to Miss Henrietta lams, a daughter of the late Thomas Iams,^of Morris Township, Greene County. Since their marriage they have resided in Waynesburg, and have four children, two girJs and two boys. WILLIAM RHODES, farmer, Waynesburg, Penn., who was born in Franklin Township, July 12, 1818, is a son of William and JSIancy (Rinehart) Rhodes, who were of German extraction. His father was a native of this county, and a farmer all his life. The Rhodes family have usually been farmers. William Rhodes is an only child. He was born in a house where the poor-house now stands. The subject of this sketch received his early education in the district schools of Franklin Township. He has been a successful farmer, and owns 300 acres of good farming land. He remained on the farm with his parents until 1852, when he married Miss Jane, daugh- ter of William and Elizabeth (Shull) Shriver. Her parents were natives of this county, and of Dutch and Irish lineage. To Mr. and Mrs. Rhodes were born seven children — Lizzie, Rettie J., wife of Rinehart Gwynn; George F., J?elle II., Ida D., Willie B. and Char- ley. Mr. Rhodes is steward in the Methodist Church, is a member (if the Masonic fraternity and the I. O. O. F. The following sketch nf William Rhodes' grandfatlier will be of interest to many reader.<: William Rhodes was born at Newport, R, I,, about. 1759. He went IIISTOIIY OK GREENE COUNTY. (VJ? to sea at sixteen and reniaincil a sailor for sixteen yeai's. With many vicissitndes liis career seems checkered. From liis manuscript jour- nals wo find him a prisoner in tlie French prison from 1778 to 1780, and on his very next voyage from London in May vpas recaptured, but liberated throuo;h the influence of American friends, as an Amer- ican citizen. In October of 1780 he sailed for Earbadoes with a large fleet of merchant ships, convoyed by ten line of battle ships. The next year he was once more captured by the French and again liberated. Again he was a prisoner in New York, being captured by the English, and exchanged after Ave months' confinement. In 1784 he was wrecked off Cape Cod, and the following year (1785) he heard for the flrst time of the Ohio settlement. About 1787, his father dying, William Rhodes' attention was directed to the settle- ments west of the Alleghany Mountains, and on the 18th of January, 1788, reached the old Kcdstone Fort (now Brownsville) in Fayette County. After peddling, and keeping store at Jackson's Fort (then Washington County), he bought, in 1791, a plantation (where his son, James li. lihodes, now resides), married and began farming. In his own words: "Settled for life, I hope. Here I began jogging for life and family, not in the least discouraged in my new profession." The manuscript is rather amusing and interesting, illustrated by draw- ings of his own, of ships, scenery, women, men, birds, fishes and animals, according to the fancy of this backwoods artist. S. S. RINEIIART, merchant, Waynesburg, Penn., son of Samuel and Mary (Zook) liinehart, was born in this county February 16, 1848. His mother was also a native of this county, and his father was born in Ohio. They were of German and Irish extraction. His father was a farmer and coal miner, and reared a family of nine chil- dren, of whom the subject of this sketch is the fourth. He was reared in Franklin Township, attended the common schools, and in early life learned the harness maker's trade. He engaged in that business in Waynesburg until 1872, when he commenced clerking in a store. He was employed as a salesman until 1878, when he began business for himself at Morrisville, Penn., and has met with success. Mr. Rinehart was united in marriage October 7, 1872,. with Mary Ella Lippencott, a native of this county. Their children are — Mattie, Nettie, Eddie H. and llermon. Mr. Rinehart is a Democrat in politics. JAMES R. RINEIIART, Pi-ofessor of Languages in Waynesburg College, was born at AVoodstield, Monroe County, Ohio, in October, 1832, and is a son of Simon and Hannah (Morris) Rinehart, natives of Greene County, Penn. His fathei- was of German and Irish ex- traction. Prof. Rinehart's great-grandfather, who was a farmer, was among the early settlers of this county, and was killed by the Indians. Ilis grandfather, Rarnett Rinehart, was born September 8, 1777, 698 IIISTOEY OF GREENE COUNTY. in this county. His maternal grandparents were natives of Mon- mouth County, New Jersey, and wei'e of Scotch and German descent. The Einelaart family have, as a rule, been farmers and very success- ful in business. Several members of the family have entered the professions and have met with unusual success. Pi'of. Ririehart's father was a blacksmith by trade. He was clerk for tlie county commissioners for several years, and also served as justice of the peace. He reared a family of four children, of whom the Professor is the third. He v/as educated in Greene County, graduating in the regular classical course at Waynesburg College. He then took up the study of law and was admitted to the bar in 1857. He began the practice of his profession in Clinton, Illinois, and after a short time went to St. Louis, Missouri, where lie remained until 1860, then re- turning to Greene County, Penn. In 1887 lie accepted his present position as instructor in Waynesburg College, and has filled the same continuously since that time. Prof. Riuehart was married in 1873 to Miss Ida, daughter of Hon. Patrick Donley, of Mt. Morris, Penn. Their cliildren are — Patrick Donley and Margaret Morris. The Professor is a member of the Masonic Fraternity. PROF. A. I. P. RINEHART, superintendent of the public schools of Waynesburg, Penn., is among the prominent instructors of the county, and a man of marked ability as a teacher. He was born in Franklin Township, this county, April 17, 1860, and is the son of William and Elizabeth (Porter) Rinehart, who were of Englisli and German descent. His parents were natives of Greene County, and descendants of its early settlers. His father was a farmer, and of his family of nine' children Prof. Rinehart is the oldest. He re- ceived his early education in the common schools and afterwards took a regular course in the Edinboro State Normal School, graduating in 1883. He has since engaged in teaching as a pi-ofessiou, and his work has been confined to Greene County, with the exception of two years that he was principal in the High School at Freeport, Arm- strong County, Penn. In 1885 he was elected to his present position of principal of schools in Waynesburg. During vacation he has frequently instructed other teachers of the county. In 1888 he taught a very successful term in Jackson Township, his pupils being principally those who had themselves been teachers. Prof. Rinehart is a genial, pleasant gentleman, and is held in high esteem by the teachers of Greene County. J. G. RITCHIE, Chicago, Illinois, was boru in Cumberland Township, Greene County, Penn., June 27, 1834. His parents were Col. Newton J. and Anna (Gwynn) Ritchie, natives of Pennsylvania, both now deceased. They were the parents of four children, of whom two are living — Mrs. William Smith and the subject of this sketch. He was united in marriage February 10, 1876, with Miss Philiuda IIISTOUY OF GREENE COUNTY. 609 Andrew, who was born in liiehland County, Ohio, April 18, 1847. Her parents were William and Mary J. (McConnell) Andrew, tiie former a native of AVashington County, Penn., and the latter of Vir- ginia. Mr. Andre\\' departed this life in 1850, and his widow in 1SG3. They were the parents of tive children, four of whom are living, viz.: Elizabeth, wife of Samuel Bonar; Louisa, wife of John Chambers; Mary J., widow of Dr. F. M. Denny, and Mrs. J. G. Eitchie. Tiie deceased was James A., who was killed in the late war. Mr. and Mrs. Ritchie are the parents of one daughter — Anna M., born in Waynesburg, Penn., February 19, 1878. Mr. Ritchie acquired his education in the common schools and Greene Academy at Carmi- chaels, Penn. He subsequently taught for a number of years, then read law with E. M. Sayers. After his admission to the bar he practiced in partnership with A. A. Purman, Esq. Mr. Ritchie served as District Attorney for Greene County, after which he en- gaged in the hardware business for five years with his brother-in-law, William P. Smith, in Waynesburg. lie next turned his attention to the W. & W. R. R. enterprise, in which betook an active interest and was one of those most instrumental in procuring the road to Waynesburg. He served as first president of the road, was also superintendent, and is still one of the directors. In 1887 he went to Chicago, and in company with J. S. Wolf, has been engaged in the real estate business. He and his wife own property in Greene County, Penn., Richland County, Ohio, and in Chicago. They are consistent members of the Presbyterian Church, MORGAN ROSS, dealer in wagons, carriages and harness, Waynesburg, Penn., was born in Center Townsliip, this county, February 22, 1844. He is a son of Peabody Atkinson and Maria (Matthews) Ross. His parents were natives of Pennsylvania, and of Scotch-Irish origin. His father was for some time a manufacturer, but devoted most of his life to farming. His family consisted of eight children, of whom the subject of this sketch is the oldest living. Until he was twenty-one years old Mr. Ross remained on the farm with his parents in Center Township, where he attended the district school. In 1865 he came to Waynesburg and learned the carriage and wagon-maker's trade, subsequently engaging in that business until 1883, the year in which his first wife, Maggie Throckmorton Ross died. Mr. Ross has one child, Charles, born July 4th, 1879. He was married the second time in 1885. Mr. Ross is a Democrat, and a member of the I. O. O. F. JOSEPH B. ROSS, manufacturer, of the firm of McGlumphy & Ross, Waynesburg, Penn., was born in Dunkard Township, Greene County, Penn., January 24, 1844. His parents, Thomas and Eliza (Bailey) Ross, were natives of Fayette Connty, and of German origin. His father was a cabinet-maker by trade, to which he devoted the 700 niSTOKY OF GKEENIC COUNTY. ■ early part of liis life. In later years he retired to the (juiet of the farm, wliere he spent the i-eniainiiig' portion of his life. Ills i'amily consisted of five children — three daughters and five sons, of whom Joseph B. is the second. He was reared in Cnmberland Townsliip, where he attended the common schools and early in life learned the mannfactnring of woolen goods. He was employed in that business at Clarksville, Penn., nntil 1873, when he bought land near AVaynes- burg and engaged in faruiing from 1876 to 1879. Mr. Ross was then proprietor of a grocery and meat-market for two years, when he bought the old planing-mill and started his present business. In 1873 Mr. Iloss married Susan, daughter of Samuel Lu-se, a prominent and successful farmer of Franklin Township. They have three children — Cliarles L., Walter S. and Franklin. Mr.' Ross is a Re- publican. His grandfather, Thomas Ross, was one of the pioneers of Greene County. HON. ABNER ROSS, ex-Senator, is a merchant by occupation. He was born in Washington Township, this county, March 30, 1838, and is a son of Benjamin and Hannah (Johns) Ross, also natives of this county. His grandfather, Timothy Ross, was among the early pioneer farmers of the county. Mr. Ross is the fourth in a family of twelve children, eight of whom grew to maturity. He was reared on the home farm, and his early education was obtained at an Academy in Fayette County, Penn. He afterwards spent some time in Waynesbnrg College. Mr. Ross chose farming as a business in which he engaged until he was elected sheriff of the county in 1870. He held that office for three years, then engaged in the mercantile busi- ness in Waynesburg until 1884, when he was elected State Senator and served two years, was elected to fill the unexpired time of Senator Patton. He has since continued in the boot and shoe busi- ness which he established in 1882. In 1863 Mr. Ross married Margaret P., daughter of Isaac Mitchell. Mrs. Ross is also a native of this county, to which her grandfather came at an early date and lived to the advanced age of ninety-six years. Mr. and Mrs. Ross are the parents of four children — Albert Lee, Benjamin F. and Isaac Wilbert. Jennie E. died July 14, 1885, aged fifteen years. Mr. Ross is a Democrat. He and his wife are members of the Baptist Church. J. II. ROGERS, photographer, was born December 11, 1831, near the place where the Union depot now stands in the city of Pitts- burgh, Penn. His parents are James R. Rogers, born in 1805, and Sarah O. Rogers, born in 1812. They were both natives of Penn- sylvania. They were married in 1830, afterward settling in Pitts- burgh Avhere they remained for six years. Mr. James Rogers was a carpenter and contractor and resided in several different towns after leaving Pittsburgh. He resided for a time in Ijealsville, Penn., IIISTdUY OF OUKENE COUNTY. 70L where Mrs. Sanili O. Rogers died. Mr. Rogers afterwards married Mary Price and moved to Clover Hill, and from tliere to Rrowns- ville, J'cnn. lie then moved near Mount Pleasant, Oliio, and finally to Indiana, where they reside at the present. By the first marriage there -were ten children, of whom Mr. J. JI. Rogers is the oldest. Of these five are living. The subject of our sketch was united in marriage, October 31, 1854, with Charlotte Y. Rearhard, who was born in Uniontown, Fayette ('ounty, Penn., January 8, 1833, and is a daughter of Conrad and Elizabeth Rearhard, natives of Pennsyl- vania. Iler father was boin in 1787, and departed this life Decem- ber 5, 1870. Mrs. Rearhard was born in 1792, and died May 24, 1888. Mr. and Mrs. Rogers have six children, five of wliom are living; viz., Sarah E., Emma J., Anna V., Craig S. and James H. Frauk is deceased. Mr. Rogers actj^uired his education in the com- mon schools, after wiiich he learned the carpenter's trade witli liis father and worked at that business till 1861. He then began study- ing photography with J. S. Young, ot Washington, Penn. He finished the study in two years and opened a gallery in Bealsvillc. After remaining there about nine months he carried on a successful business at Brownsville for a period of eight years. He then re- turned to Washington and purchased the gallery owned by J. S. Young. He remained tliere for eight years, then purchased a farm in Amwell Townsliip, Washington County, on the W. & W. Rail- road, consisting of one hundred acres. He remained on his farm three years, then moved to Wayneslmrg, opened a gallery and has been very successful in his business. He makes pliotographs of all kinds and sizes, making a specialty of copying and enlarging pic- tures. Mr. Rogers is a member of the Knights of Honor, and both he and his Avife are members of the C. P. Church. REV. W. M. RYAN was born March 7, 1848 near West Alexan- der, Washington County, Pennsylvania. His parents, Joseph and Isa- bella Ryan, still reside in Washington County. His father has been a farmer all his life, hence the subject of this sketch was reared on a farm. He enjoyed the advantages of the public schools of his na- tive county, and also a term or two in the Academy at West Alex- ander. After this he .became a teacher, teaching for five years. In December, 18(58, he made a profession of religion, and became a member of the Pleasant Grove Baptist Church. In 1871 he en- tered Waynesburg College, graduating in the class '74, in the class- ical course, after which he took a three year's course in Crozer Theo- logical Seminary, at Chester, Pennsylvania. He was ordained as a gospel minister in September, 1877, since which time he has been engaged in the active duties of his profession. His first pastorate was with the Beulah and Bates Fork Baptist Churches of this County. From these churches he was called to the charge of the 702 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. Wayuesburg Baptist Cliiircli, where he is now in the iiiiitli year of pastorate. His labors in all these lields have been eminently success- ful. Mr. Kyan has been twice married; first, to Miss JSlantie, daughter of Jesse Hill, August 24, 1876. She died Juue 21, 1880. He was again married May 17, 1883, to Miss Lizzie, daughter of Calvin Rush, of Morris Township, this County. Mr. Kyan's tamily now consists of himself, wife and fonr children ; viz., Gerti-ude M., and Nantie Belle, by his first wife; and Isa Lee and Jessie J., by his second marriage. E. M. SAYERS, attorney at law, Waynesburg, Penn., is one of the first aud most active business men of the county. He was born in Waynesburg May 30, 1812. His father Ephriam Sayers, was a native of Loudon County, Virginia, aud his mother, Mary (Wood) Sayers, was born in Hartford County, Maryland. Both were of English ancestry. Ehpriam Sayers was a pioneer of Greene County, having in 1786 settled two miles east of the present site of Waynes- burg borough, where he led an industrious life, and reared a family of four children — three sons and one daughter. The subject of this sketch was reared on a farm in Franklin Township, this county, and completed his education in Washington College, Lie read law in Waynesburg with the Hon. Samuel Cleavenger, and commenced the jDractice of his profession in his native town in 1835. He has met with marked success, which may be attributed. to his more than ordi- nary business qualifications. He is the owner of a number of farms in (Ireene County, large tracts of land in the South and West, and considerable real estate in Waynesburg. He has been a member of the Republican party since its organization. Mr. Sayers was united in marriage with Miss Jane Adams, a daughter of Robert Adams, in 1839, she died in 1847. Their children are Llenry C, a farmer and business man of Waynesburg ; James E., a member of the Greene County bar — Thomas and Ezra, deceased. Mr. Sayers was united in marriage the second time, in 1852, with Miss Harriet W. Tan- ner, a native of Massachusetts. They are the parents of six chil- dren : Norman, a farmer of Franklin Township ; Florence A., wife of Charles A. Martin ; Mary, D. L., and two children who were burned to death when quite young. Mr. Sayers has given his children the advantages of a liberal education. Llis sons Henry C. and James E., were soldiers in the late war ; and his uncle, Josiah Sayers, and his grandfatlier, AVilliam Sayers, were in the Revolutionary war, be- ing present when Lord Cornwallis surrendered his army at York- town, Virginia. The farm settled by William Sayers tlie ancestor is still in possession of the family, and has been for about a hundred years. JAMES E. SAYERS attorney at law of Waynesburg, Penn., where he was born May 30, 1845, is a son of E. M. and Jane insTOUY OF GUEKNfi countV. 7()ii (Adains) Silvers, also natives of Wayncsburg. His lather ib an at- torney and counsellor at law. James E. was reared in Waynesburg, where he attended the coniniou school and college. IJe was after- wards a student in the Ohio State University, and learned the print- ing trade when a boy. July 15, 18G2, he enlisted in Co. F, 85th Penn. Vol. Infantry, as a private, was discharged at Ricliniond, Va., with the rank of Orderly Sergent on May 13, 1865. He was "in at the death," having tired Ids last gun at Appomattox C II. Va., and liaving participated in twenty-two battles and skirmishes and three seiges — Chariestown, S. C, Petersburg and Richmond, Va. Pe- turnihg from tiie army, his first Inisiness venture was as an editor. In 18t_)t3 he bought the Waynesljurg RejmhliccDi, of which paper he was editor and proprietor for nearly three years, when lie again en- tered school and graduated, in 1870, in the law course in the Indi- ana State University. For four years thereafter he continued in journalistic work. In 1874 he began the practice of law in Waynes- burg, where he has since remained. Politically Mr. Sayers is an ear- nest Pepublican. lie was a delegate in the National liepublican Convention of 1884, and was once the nominee of his party for Con- gress in the Twenty-first District. On June 16, 18()8, Mr. Sayers married Anna A., daughter of Albert Allison, One of tlie lirst merchants of Waynesburg. Mr. and Mrs. Sayers are the parents of two children — Albert II. and Jane. ROBERT A. SAYERS, chief l)urgess of Waynesburg, Penn., born May 27, 1841, is a son of William W. and Rebecca (Adams) Say- ers, natives of this county. Ilis father was born August 12, 1805, and died May 22, 1886. Jle was a brother of E. M. Sayers, Esq., and they were for years associated in the real estate business in Waynes- burg. William's main occujiation was the stone and marble busi- ness, in which he was a partner with Simon Rinehart, Esq., for many years. lie was married in Waynesl)urg to Miss Rebecca, daughter of Robert Adams, who was a Whig and a Republican, and lived to be ninety-six years old. He was at one time register and recorder of (4reene C-ounty. Robert A., the subject of our sketch, was reared in Waynesburg, where he was educated in the college. When the war broke out he left college and enlisted Nov. 4, 1861, in the 8th Penn. Reserves. Ilis military career is worthy of record. He par- ticipated in severe l)attles; was taken prisoner and suffered all the horrors of prison life. lie was wounded at the battle of Gaines Mill, in left thigh, and left on the battle-field for two weeks re- ceiving no medical aid. He was then sent to Pelle Isle, and subse- quently to Libby prison, where he was paroled and sent home. lie only remained until his wound was well enough, and went through a long siege of typhoid and malarial fever, when he again joined his regiment at Upton Hill, N'irginia. At the close of his throe .years' 704 HISTOKY OF GllEKNE COUNTY. service lie returned lioine and engaged in the coal business for six- teen years. In 1883 he was aj^pointed U. S. Store-keeper and Guager. Mr. Sayers was married in Potter County, Penu., January 21, 1869, to Miss Florence Stevens, whose parents were born in Ver- mont. Mr. and Mrs. Sayers have one child — Fendora, now a student at Oberlin College, Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Sayers and daughter are members of the Presbyterian Church. lie is a Republican and a member of the G. A. R. Post, No. 367, Department of Pennsylvania. IIEIS'RY C. SAYERS is among the successful busines men of Greene County. He has made farming his chief pursuit and has also dealt e.xtensively in stock and real estate. lie began business early in life, being the oldest son of E. M. Sayers, Esq. Mr. Sayers was born in Waynesburg, November 21, 1840. Here he grew to man- hood and was a student at the tirst session of the college. He went to Iowa in 1859 and engaged in buying and shipping stock to Chicago, Illinois. He returned to Waynesburg in 1861, and August 11, 1862, he enlisted in Company G, Fifteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry. This was an independent regiment which acted as bodj^ guard to General Rosecrans. Among the battles in which he engaged were the following : Antietani, Murfreesboi'o, Chickamauga, TuUah'ama and Rome, Georgia, pnrsuit of Longstreet through Tennessee by way of Knoxvilie to North Carolina, and then had quite a skirmish with the Indians. In 1863 he was captured by General Wheeler's Cavalry and marched with Wheeler's command for some time befor6 being paroled. After joining his regiment he was for a time detailed as a courier to carry despatches to the front facing the enemy. At the close of the war Mr. Sayers returned to Waynesburg, where he has been success- fully engaged in business. He was united in marriage, in 1867, with Miss Clementine, daughter of Samuel Rush. Mrs. Sayers is a native of this county, and of English descent. Their children are — Ella Jane, C. E. and Henry C, Jr. Mrs. Sayers is a member of the C. P. Church. Mr. Sayers is a Republican, was constable of the county, two terms and has served as a member of the school board of Waynes- burg. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity. Mr. Sayers was formerly a member of the Templeton Post of Washington, Penn., but noM' belongs to Col. J. F. McCuUough Post, of Waynesburg, of which he has been commander, and was an alternate delegate to the Twenty-first National Encampment at St. Louis, Mo. J. M. SCOTT, farmer and stock-grower, and U. S. store-keeper and ganger in the twenty-third collective district of Pennsylvania, was born in Jefferson Township, Greene County, Penn., December 10, 1844, and is a son of William P. and Sarah (Long) Scott. His father and grandfather were farmers. His grandfather, James Scott, came I'roin Baltimore, Md., to Greene County, Penn., among the early settlers of Jefferson Township. J. M. Scott's grandmother, Scott, HISTOnY OF GUEENE COUXTY. 705 was iiliiety-eiglit yt-nvi of n^e; licr maiden name was Margaret Kin- caid, she died April 1, 188^. Tlie subject of our sketch is tiie oldest in a family of seven children, all of whom are living and mai'ried. He was reared on the farm, attended the district school in Jetierson Township and Waynesbnrg College. He taught school in early life, hut has made farming his main pursuit, and is a resident of Franklin Township. In 1871 Mr. Scott marrried Miss Margaret, daughter of Iliram Kinehart. Their children are — Harry, Henry andJesse. Mrs. Scott is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Scott is a Democrat, and a member of I. O. O. F., and is a member of the encampment. He is also a Master Jlason. S. W. SCOTT, wool and grain merchant, was born in Washing- ton County, June 26, 1835, and is a son of William and Abigail (Wood) Scott, natives of Washington County, Penn. His father was Scotch and his mother was of English and Irish origin. His father who was a farmer nearly all his life died in 1878. His tamily con- sisted of eight children. The subject of our sketch was reared in Greene County, to which his parents removed in 1839. He attended the public schools and Waynesbnrg College. lie learned the car- penter's trade at which he worked for six years. Mr. Scott then be- gan dealing in wool and has been extensively engaged in that business since 1863. He is prominent among the successful business men of Waynesbnrg. Mr. Scott, who is a Republican, was appointed Dep- uty U. S. Revenue Collector in 1864, and served until 1866. He ■was re-appointed in 1869 and served until 1874. Mr. Scott was married in 1865 to Miss Frances, daughter of Thomas Hill. Their children are — Ella B., wife of A. P. Dickey, Esq., of Wayneslnirg; William E., Nannie, Fannie and Samuel W. Mr. and Mrs. Scott are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he is' a trustee. W. G. SCOTT, Professor of Mathematics of Waynesbnrg College, was born in Washington County, Penn., December 11, 1832. His parents were William and Alngail (Wood) Scott, also natives of Washington County, and of Scotch and English ancestry. They were married in Washington County, where they remained until 1839, at which time they i-emoved to Greene County, where they remained until their death. Mr. Scott departed this life in 1878, and his widow in 1880. They were the parents of nine children, eight still living. Prof. W. G. Scott is the oldest and was i;nited in marriage, April 17, 1862, with Miss Mary Sutton, who was boi'n in England, being the daughter of the Rev. R. H. and Martha (Cowen) Sutton, now residents of Waynesbnrg. To Mr. and Mrs. Scott have been born three children — Mattie E., wife of Rev. J. H. Lucas; Minnie M., wife of .r. N. Norris, and Gail. Prof. Scott acquired his earliest education in the old-fashioned logschool-h(nise and afterwards attendul Waynes- 1^06 HlSl'OilY Ot* GftfiEfffi COtlKTY. burg College, where he graduated iu the year 1867. After teaching one year in Greene Academy, he was elected to the chair of niatlie- iiiatics of Waynesburg College, and has tiled the position ever since. He has also been engaged in the mercantile business since 1867, being now sole proprietor of the store opened by him and his father in tliat year. It is one of the leading stores in Waynesburg, receiving a large patronage from the town and vicinity. E. H. SHIPLEY, druggist, was born in Uniontown, Fayette County, Tennsylvania, November 3, 1864, and is a sou of Julius and Eliza (Hair) Shipley. His parents were also natives of Fayette County, and of English descent. His father was a civil engineer, and is now deceased. The subject of our sketch is the second in a family of three children. He was reared in a Uniontown, where he attended school. He afterwards clerked in a drug store for a period of three years. Mr. Shipley came to Waynesburg in 1881, clerked in a drug store for two years, then opened up his present business, in which he has been very liberally patronized by the people of Waynesburg and vicin-ity. Fie is a Democrat in politics. On Janu- ary 23, 1888, Mr. Shipley married Miss Anna L., daughter of Cap- tain J. E. and Nancy (Bayard) Hewitt. Mrs. Shipley is a native of this county, born July 7, 1865. A. F. SILVEUS, attorney at law, Waynesburg, Penn., was born near Jackson Centre, Mercer County, on the 5th of December, 1851. He is the son of Henry B. and Kachael (Taylor) Silveus, who were natives of Greene County, and wei-e of German and English origin. His father, a farmer and stock-grower, was elected slieriff of Greene County in 1867, and served the term of three years. The son was the fourth in a family of eight children, five sous and three daugh- ters. He was reared upon the farm, attended the common schools, and when his father was elected sherifi' he served as deputy. He subsequently taught school, and became a student at Wayuesbui-g College, from which he graduated in 1873. He then resumed teach- ing, and in 1875 was elected superintendent of the schools of Greene County. For two terms he taught in Waynesburg College, giving special attention to the normal classes. lie read law with Hon. A. A. Purman, was admitted to practice in 1878, and opened an office at Waynesburg, where he has practiced since. He has served as a school director. lie was married in 1877 to Miss Lida, daughter of John T. Hook. Both are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. They have two children — Jessie and John T. In politics Mr. Silveus is a Democrat. REV. J. L. SIMPSOJN , a retired Methodist minister, was born in Virginia, January 6, 1822. He is a son of Williain and Mary Ann (Iwcech) Simpson, who were of Englijsh and Irish descent. His father was a boot-maker. Rev. J. L. Simpson is the second in a HlSTOnV Of OttRKNR forNTY. 707 fiimlly of eight ohildren. lie received a collogiate course in West Virginia, and also sei-vcd a regular apjjreutlceihip at tlie saddler's trade. He entered llie ministry in his twenty-second year, in which field he has successfully labored ever since. He was first licensed in 1844 and was appointed as an assistant in Pittsburgh, Penn. In 1846 he came to Waynesburg and took charge of a circuit, but sub- sequently went to Virginia, where lie engaged in the ministry nntil 1862. When a large number of the young men in his church and congregation enlisted in the army and insisted on his going with them, he enlisted and was elected Captain of their company. They were assigned to the Fourth Virginia Cavalry. Caijtain Simpson was elected chaplin of the regiment and served two years in that capacity. At the close of the war he again entered the ministry and went to Wisconsin, where he took charge of the Methodist Protestant Chnrch i^t Beliot for two years. In 1854 he was married to Miss Mary J., daughter of Thomas and Nannie Black. Iler parents were natives of West Virginia, and of Scotch and English descent. Mr. and Mrs. Simpson have six children, three of whom are living — • Anna Maj', wife of Harvey Clift'ord, of Wisconsin; Mary L. and George B. The deceased are Charles K., Helen V. and Cari'ie Olive. The family are members of the Methodist Protestant Cluirch. Mr. Simpson is a Republican, and has met with more than average suc- cess as a minister of the gospel. A. C. SMALLEY, chief of police, was born in Waynesburg, September 10, 1843. His parents, E. P. ;ind Catherine (liinehartj Smalley, were also natives of Wavnesburg. His father was born in 1805, and died in 1885. The subject of this sketch is the oldest in a family of three children — two sons and a daughter. He attended the public school and AVaynesburg College. Mr. Smalley learned the chair maker's trade and carried on the business in Waynesburg for a time. In 1862 he enlisted in Company II, in the One-Hundred and Twenty-Third Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry a!id served his term of enlistment. On returning home, he resumed chair making and carried on the business until he embarked in the mercantile trade. On account of failing health he retired from business in 1883, sold out in 1887 and was appointed chief of police, which position he still holds. In 1868 Mr. Smalley was married to Mary E., daughter of Absalom Hedge. She is also a native of this county, and of Eng- lish lineage. Mr. and Mrs. Smalley are members of the Baptist Church, in which he is trustee and treasurer of the Sabbath-school. He belongs to the U. A. K. Post, No. 367, Department of Penn- sylvania, of which he has been (quartermaster, and is also a Master Mason. J. M. SMITH, saddle and harness manufacturer, was born at Carmichaels, Penn., November IS, 1845, and is a son of II. A. and 708 HISTORY OF GEEEJfE COtNTY. Mary E. (McGee) Smith. His grandfather, J. H. McGee, was a .wealthy merchant at Carraichaels, where he also engaged extensively in tlie coal business. Mr. Smith's father was also a saddle and har- ness manufacturer and carried on a successful business at Carmichaels for many years, was also post-master for sixteen years. The subject of our sketch is the oldest of a family of five children — four sons and one daughter. He was reared in this county, receiving his education in the old Greene Academy at Carmichaels. Mr. Smith earned harness making with his father and has been engaged in that business since 1867. In 1864 he enlisted in the Twenty- Second Regiment of Pennsylvania Cavalry, or Eingold^Cavalry, and was with General Sheridan on his famous ride from Winchester. He then went West for eight years, returning to Waynesbiu-g in 1875, when he engaged in his present business and has met with average success. Mr. Smith was united in marriage, September 19, 1876, with Melissa Donley,, whose ancestors were among the eai'ly Irish settlers of Pennsylvania, and among the first to find a home in Greene County. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have four children — Harry, Joseph R. D., Donley McGee and Catharine D. Mr. Smith is a Republican and has been a member of the town council three terms. lie is Captain of the Waynesburg Blues — Company K, Tenth Reg- iment, N. G. P., and a member of the G. A. R. Post of Waynes- burg. JAMES B. SMITH, county surveyor, was born in Center Town- ship, August 16, 1846, and is a son of Edmund and Elizabeth (Adamson) Smith. They were also natives of this county, and of English origin. His father was a farmer all his life, and died in February, 1887. Of his family of eight children six are now living, of whom James B. is the third. He was reared in Greene County, attending the common school and the Millsboro Normal school. He gave especial attention to tlie study of surveying and civil engineer- ing and has devoted most of his time to tjiat business, having served as county surveyor for several years. Since 1880 he has been prin- cipally engaged in civil engineering. In September, 1868, Mr. Smith married Miss Elizabeth M., daughter of Samuel Throcknrorton, and they have one child, Albert Bunyan. 'D. a. SPRAGG, U. S. Revenue Collector of the twenty-third district, Greene County, Penn., was born January 28, 1835. He is a son of Jeremiah and Sarah (Shriver) Spragg, natives of this county. His ancestors wei-e among the earliest English farmers of Wayne Township. The original farm is still in possession of the family. Mr. Spragg's father died in 1877. Of his family of three cliildron the subject of our sketch is the second. He was reared on the farm in AV^aync Townsliip, attcnols. He was with his father in the mill nntil he went to the war, in 1861. He enlisted in Company F, Seventh West Virginia Infantry, and was a non-commissioned officer. He was in many serious engagements; among others, the battles of Antietam, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. Mr. Dye was a brave soldier, and at the battle of Antietam when his regiment was relieved by a i-egiment of Meagher's Irish Brigade, he did not retire from the held with his regiment, but went in with the Irish Brigade. After exhausting all his ammunition he replenished his cartridge box frona the box of a wounded comrade of Company H. At the close of the war he returned to Jolleytown, where he has been pi'oprietor of a hotel and undertaking shop since 1872, and recently engaged in merchandising. He was married in this county, February 9, 1871, to Rebecca A., daughter of Henry Shriver. Mrs. Dye was born in Monongalia County, W. Va. She was appointed postmistress under President Cleveland's administration. To Mr. and Mrs. Dye were born live children, four of whom are living — Eva, Charles, Frank, Fannie and Mary (deceased). Mr. Dye's first wife was Mary J. Mc- Cans. They had one daughter — Harriet. Mr. ■ and Mrs. Dye are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He was elected jus- tice of the peace in 1882, re-elected in 1887; is a member of the I. O. O. F. and G. A. R. Post No. 367, J. F. McCulhmgh. Waynesburg, Penn. JACOB M. EAKIN, who is a farmer and stock-grower of Gil- more Township, was born in Monongalia County, West Virginia, September 1, 1827, and is a son of Justus and Mary (Myers) Eakin, who were of Dutch and Scotch-Irish extraction. His mother Avas born at Garard's Fort, this county. His father, a native of Virginia, was a cooper by trade, came to Greene County in early life, and died in 1870. His grandfather, William Eakin, was a carpenter, and located for many years at the old glass works at Greensboro, Penn. Jacob's grandfather was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, and died in Viroinia. Jacob M. is the eighth of a family of ten children. He was reared in West Virginia and remained there until August, 1844. He then removed to Greene County, Penn., where he has been a very successful farmer, and is the owner of 600 acres of valu- able land in this county. Mr. Eakin has been twice married, his first wife being Miss Mary, a daughter of Erastus and Mary (Barnes) Woodruif. Her parents were natives of Delaware, and of English descent. To Mr. and Mrs. Eakin were born four children — Phoebe in.STOUY OE* GUEENK COtlNTY. 72.1 J., wife of DcLvid Staggers; Sarali, wife of Marion Clovis; Athaliali, wife of Jacob Clovis, and J. Pierce, tlie only son. He was born in (Tilinore Township, May 31, 1850, where he spent his early manhood. He was married in West Virginia, near Morgantown, January 29, 1880, to Mattie, daughter of Colonel Eeuben Finnell, and they have three children — Jacob Myres, Mary Bodley and Itobert Leemoj'ne. Mrs. Jacob Eakin died in 1856. Two years later Mr. Eakin married Miss Fannie, daughter of William' and JS'ancy Lemnion, and they are the parents of one child — Mary E., who is the wife of O. J. Brown, of Mt. Morris, Penn. JOHN (t. FOKDYCE, farmer and stock -grower, born in (lilmore Township, February 14, 1811, is a son of Corbly and Jane (Bailey) P^ordyce. His parents were also natives of this county, and of Eng- lish e.xtraction. His father, who was a farmer and stock-grower all his life, was reared in Greene County. He died in 18G2, leaving a family of twelve children, of whom John G. is the sixth. He was reared in Gilmore Township, on the farm where his brother resides. He received a common-school education, then engaged in farmino- as an occupation, and is now one of tlie most successful farmers in the county. He owns 400 acres of valuable land. In 1866 Mr. For- dyce married Jane Huffman, and they were the parents of two chil- dren — Dora and Charles. Mrs. Jane Fordyce died in 1877, a faithful member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Fordyce was after- wards united in marriage, in 1878, with Miss Anna, daughter of Phillip and Lydia (Kennedy) Phillips, and they have one son — Phillip Corbly. Mr. and Mrs. Fordyce are prominent members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. S. W. GILMORE, farmer and stock-grower, Jolleytown, Penn., was born in AVest Virginia May 24, 1842, and is a son of Peter and Ellen (Trowbridge) Gilmore. His parents were also natives of West Virginia, and of German and Irish lineage. His father, from whom Gilmore Township took its name, was a farmer during his life time, and died in West Virginia May 19, 1876. The subject of this sketcli was tlie youngest in a family of five children. He was reared in Monongalia County, West A^irginia, and received a common-school education. Mr. Gilmore has followed farming as his chief occupa- tion, and is the owner of a good farm of 400 acres. He was first married January 13, 1873, to Hannah Taylor, daughter of George and Marinda (Garrison) Taylor. Of their five children, four are living, viz: AVilliam II., Oscar E., Martha M. and Marinda E. Their mother died Septemljer 30, 1881. Mr. Gilmore was again united in marriage, in 1883, with Elizabeth, daughter of John and Elizabeth (Sanders) AVhite, and they are the parents of one child — John W. Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore ai-e meml)ers of the Methodist E]iiscopal Church, in which he is class-leader and trustee. IIu has also been t33 HISTORY OF &BBENJE COTTNTy. 6upej'inteiidont of tlie Sabbath-sohool, Mr. Gilmore is a Ilepiiljliean, In 1862 he enlisted as a private in Company K, Fonrteentli West Yirginia Infantry, and was promoted to the office of Second Lien- tenant. He was wounded at the battle of Cloid Mountain. He served until the close of the war, and is now a member of G. A. R. Post 550. HOJSf. JOHN HAGAlSr. — Among the niost successful business men of Greene County may be mentioned Hon. John Hagan, de- ceased. He was born in County Londonderry, Ireland, and came to America while very young. He located at Pittsburgh, Penn., work- ing at anything that came to hand, and was successful in everything he undertook. He had a taste for the mercantile trade, and when he can:e to Greene County — more than half a century ago — he entered into partnership with Patrick McCullough and carried on a general store at Jolleytown, Penn. At his death he owned over 700 acres of land in Greene County. His success wasdne mainly to his indus- try and a determination to succeed. He died in 1873, shortly after his election to the Legislature. Mr. Hagan was united in marriage in this county, in 1859, with Martha, daughter of Abner and Han- nah (Morris) Garrison, and they had a family of five children, viz: John Patrick, Charles L., a prominent attorney of West Virginia; Clara May, Mary and Catherine. The family are all members of the Catholic Church. Mrs. Hagan is now a resident of Ohio. Her mother was a sister of Major J. B. Morris, of Mt. Morris, Penn. T. M. HENNEN, wool and stock-dealer and secretary of the Philadelphia Oil Company, was born in Greene County, Penn., July 27, 1839. He is a son of George and Jane (Munyon) Henner, who were of Irish and English origin. His father \v;i.-< a farmer and stock-grower by occupation, and died September 13, 1885. His family consisted of eleven children, of whom the subject of this sketch is the si.xth. He was reared in Gilmore Township and re- ceived a good English education. Mr. Hennen first engaged in farming and dealing in wool, in which business he has spent most of his life. In 1863 he became actively interested in the oil busi- ness in Dunkard Township, and when the Philadelphia Oil Company was formed and commenced operations in Greene County he was elected secretary. He is the owner of a good farm of 165 acres, where he now resides in Gilmore Township. Mr. Hennen was united in marriage in 1868 with Kachel, daughter of Thomas W. Tayloi', Esq., of this county, and they are the parents of three chil- di-en — Frank W., George B. and Tinna A. Mrs. Hennen is a devoted member of the Baptist Church. Her husband is a Demo- crat and secretary of the school board in his township. JOHN LANTZ, farmer and stock-grower, Jolleytown, Penn., was born in Wayne Township, Greene County, Penn., May 8, 1829. HISTORY OF GKEENE COUNTY. 723 He is a son of Jacob and Delilah (Coen) Lantz, natives of this coun- ty, and of Geiunan and English lineage. His fatiier was a farmer and stock-grower and a great hunter, born in Greene County in 1791. He was a soldier in the war of 1812, and died in 1858. 11 is family consisted of live sons, of whom John is the fourth. He was reared on the home farm in Wayne Township, and has successfully engaged in farming as an occupation. He owns 350 acres of valuable land in Gilmore Township, where he has lived since 1850. Mr. Lantz was married in Greene County September 19, 1850, to Miss Sarah, daughter of Jacob and Charlotte JJradford, natives of this county, and of English descent. Mr. and Mrs. Lantz have a family of eleven children, ten of whom are living, viz. — William H. and M. J., mer- chants; A. B., a farmer; L. W., S. C, a carpenter; John, Delilah, Martha, Jacob and Alexander. Their mother is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Lantz is a Republican, and has served as justice of the peace for tifteen years. SALEM LEMMON, deceased, was born March 20, 1823, and died August 15, 1887. He was a farmer and stock-dealer and a successful business manager, being at the time of his death the owner of over 600 acres of land in Gilmore Township. Mr. Lem- mon was the son of William and Nancy Lemmon, of this township. They were of Irish and German lineage. Mr. Lemmon was reared in this township, attended the common schools, and subseijuently chose farming and stock dealing as liis business through life. He was twice united in marriage; first, with Mary (Babbit) Lemmon, and they were the parents of two children — William Milton, a farmer; and Harry, (^deceased). Their mother died February 14, 1853. Mr. Lemmon's second wife, Maria (McCune) Lemmon,. is still living. She was born in Dunkard Townsliip, this county, and is a daughter of John and Mary McCune, who were of Irish origin. Mr. and Mrs. Lemmon were married December 25, 1859. Their children are Mary M., owner of a well improved farm in Gilmore Township, and a dressmaker by occupation; Sarah A., wife of Andrew Lantz; and Nancy V., wife of George Strawn. The family are all members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which Mi-. Lemmon was steward and trustee. He was a Democrat, and served fifteen years as justice of the peace. Lie had just been re-elected, at the time of his death, to another term of five years. W. M. LEMMON, farmer and stock-grower, who was born in Gilmore Township May 17, 1850, is a son of Salem and Mary (Babbit) Lemmon. His parcTits were also natives of this county, and of German and English descent. His father was a prominent farmer and stock-dealer, and was justice of the peace for many years in Gilmore Township. He was twice married. W. M. is the only child by the lirsl marriage. He grew to manhood in this township, 724 . HISTORY OF GEEENE COUNTY. attended the common schools, and has engaged extensively in farm- ing and stock growing. Mr. Lemmon is specially interested in fine horses, and is the owner of Diomede No. 1118 in France, and in America No. 2523. Diomede was brought from France and cost $2,000. Mr. Lemmon also owns a good farm of 150 acres. He was married in "West Virginia August 30, 1874, to Clarissa J., daughter of Alexander and Eacliel (Russell) Hennen. Mrs. Lem- mon is a native of Virginia, and of English extraction. Their chil- dren are — Jesse Harry, Lydia Ellen, Mary Hally, Owen R. and Emma Alice. Mr. and Mrs. Lemmon are leading members in the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he is steward and trustee. SALATHIEL LEMMON, farmer and stock-grower, was born November 2, 1838, on the farm where he resides in Gilmore Town- ship. He is a son of William and Nancy (Lemmon) Lemmon, who were of Irish and German origin. His mother was a native of this county. His father was born in Lancaster County, Fenn. He was a farmer all his life, and died in this township in 1868. His family consisted of five children, of whom Salathiel is the youngest. He grew to manhood in this township, where he has been quite success- ful as a farmer, and is considered one of Greene's most prosperous citizens. He has also devoted some time to milling. Mr. Lemmon owns 450 acres of well improved land. He is a genial, agreeable gentleman, and has a wide circle of friends. He was united in the holy bonds of matrimony May 15, 1860, with Miss Nancy, daughter of B. Renner, and they are the parents of six children — William J., Elizabeth E., wife of Lewis Cumpston; Barney R., Dora M., Charles M. and Rosa M. William, the oldest, was born in 1862, and reared on the farm with his parents. He was married in 1883 to Rosa May, daughter of Abi-aham Taylor, and they have one child — Abraham Salathiel. Elizabeth E. and Lewis Cumpston were mar- ried in 1883, and liave three children — Bertie C, Goldie M. and Barney M. Mr. Lemmon votes the straight Democratic ticket. He takes an active interest in school affairs, and has been one of the board of directors for seven 3'ears. PETER MEIGHEN, deceased, who was a pioneer farmer and stock-grower, was born in Wayne Township, Greene County Fenn., September 25, 1809. Lie was the son of William and Elizabeth (Hughes) Meighen, the former a native of Ireland, and the latter of this county. Feter Meighen's grandfather Hughes came to Greene County in 1762, at sixteen years of age, and died in 1836. He was a farmer by occupation, as were most of the Hughes family in America. Some of them have engaged quite successfully in the mercantile business. The subject of our sketch died in 1867. Of his thirteen children ten are still living. Elizabeth, the oldest daughter, died in 1855. William H., the oldest son was born in this township HISTORY OF GREENK COUNTY. 725 in 1841. In 1861 lie enlisted in Conipanj F., Seventh West Virginia, Infantry. Afterwards re-enlistino;, he served until close of the war. During his services he was Corporal, afterwards Sergeant, tlien pro- moted to First Lieutenant. Catherine, and Belinda are the two old- est daughters. James, deceased 1850. Feli.x, deceased 1884, was a prominent merchant of Jolleytown this Township. Susan, wife of Peter Bradley, a prominent merchant of JS'ewFreeport ; Matthias is a partner of the firm of P. Bradley & Co. (New Freeport.) Priscilla, wife of Thomas C. Bradley, clerk in the Farmer's and Drover's Na- tional Bank of Wayneshurg, Greene County, Penn ; Martha young- est daughter, teacher in the public schools this county. John, Will- iam, Dennis and Peter are prominent farmers and stock-raisers, they together, with their mother own seven hundred acres of land. Peter Meighen's widow is still living in Gilmore Township. She is a daughter of James Dye, who was born December 1, 1769. He was a hunter and pioneer farmer, and among the first to find the Corb- ley family after they had l)een mui'dered l)y the Indians at Garard's Fort. PHILIP SIIOUGII, farmer and stock-grower, son of Joseph and Catharine (Chisler) Shough, was born near Uniontown, >'ayette County, Penn., August 10, ISO'J. His mother was a native of Maryland. His father, who was of German extraction, was born in Lancaster County, Penn., July 16, 1761, and died in Fayette County, Ohio. He was a tarmer and gunsmith through life. Philip was the youngest of a family of thirteen children, all of whom reached ma- turity except one, who died at the age of seventeen. Mr. Shough was one of the few persons in Greene County who were so fortunate as to see General LaFayette during his last visit to America. Being a bound boy, he received but a limited education in the common schools. He was bound for five years to learn a trade, but has made farming his chief occupation, in which he has been very suc- cessful. At one time his possessions amounted to over seven hun- dred acres of land, but much of it has been given to his children. He now owns one hundred and fifty acres where he resides in Gilmore Township. He was united in marriage in Dunkard Township, Jan- uary 15, 1832, with Matilda, daughter of George and Elizabeth (Long) Gai-rison. Mrs. Shough, who was of German origin, died January 18, 1885. Of their six children, four are living; Pebecca, wife of William Hoskmson; George W., a farmer; Sarah Ann, wife of Hiram Milliken; and Mattie. Josephus and Elizabeth are de- ceased. Mr. Shough is a Cunal)erland Presbyterian, of which churcli liis deceased wife was a faithful member. Mr. Shough is a liepub- lican in politics, and was a captain in the old militia. • He takes an active interest in school aifairs and has been a member of the board of directors in his township. G. W. Shough, his oldest son now '1126 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. liTing, was born March 16, 1839, and was reared in Gilmore Town- ship on the old home farm. He has made farming his occiipation, and is the owner of three hundred acres of land. He is married and the father of eleven children. He was a student at Waynesburg College when the war broke out in 1861, but enlisted in the Seventh Pennsylvania Yolunteer Infantry, and was elected Lieutenant of the company. He was in many hotly contested battles — among others Gettysburg and Antietara. JAC0J3 L. SHEIYER, physician and surgeon, Jolleytown, Penn., was born in Wliiteley Township, January 11, 1828. He is a son of "William and Elizabeth (Shull) Shriver, who were also natives of this county, and of Irish and German origin. His father was a farmer all his life and died in 1880. His family consisted of nine children, of whom the Doctor is the oldest. He remained on the farm with his parents until he was eighteen years of age, and attended the district schools. He afterwards spent some time in the old Greene Acad- emy at Carmichaels, and the College at Waynesburg, Penn. He studied medicine with Doctors Arthur Inghram and Alexander Shaw, of "Waynesburg. Dr. Shriver first engaged in his chosen pro- fession, in 1851, at Jolleytown, Penn., where he has had a large and lucrative practice, and is now the owner of considerable estate. He has a farm of two hundred and thirty acres in Gilmore Township. The Doctor is a registered member of the Greene County and State Medical Societies. He was united in marriage, December, 4, 1851, with Sarah, daughter of John and Sarah (Gardner) Goodwin, and they are the parents of nine children: Elizabeth Ann, wife of A. E. Clovis, a merchant at Jolleytown; John M., a physician; Josephine, wife of Morris J. Lantz; "William G., who is in the real estate business in the "West; Isaac N., a farmer; Sadie, wife of John Pussell; J. F., Jessie May, and Mary Mattie. The Doctor is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and has served as school director of his Township. ABEAHAM TAYLOR, ifarmer and stock-grower, was born in Gilmore Township, this county April 1, 1839. His parents, Francis and Susannah (Baldwin) Taylor, were also natives of this county, and of English extraction, Plis father, who was a successful farmer, died in 1887. His family consisted ol twelve children — four daugh- ters and eight sons — of whom Abraham is the fifth. He was reared on the farm in Gilmore Township, and attended the district schools. He has been engaged as a farmer all his life, and owns seventy acres of good land where he resides. Mr. Taylor was united in marriage, August 20, 1864, with Eliza Ellen, daughter of Alexander and Maria (Clevis) Compston. Mr. and Mrs. Taylor have three children — Posa May, wife of "William Lemmon; Patrick Henry and John II. They are members of the Southern Methodist Church, in which Mr. Taylor 6IST0RT OF GREENE COUNTY. 727 is trustee. He is a Democrat in politics, and at the breaking out of the Rebellion, lie promptly enlisted in Company F, Seventh West Virginia Infantry and served two years and nine days. He was in many battles and skirmishes, among .which Avere the battles of J^Vedericksburg, Bull Kun, Antietam, Chancellorsville and Gettys- burg:. He is a member of the G. A. R. Post 550. GREENE TOWNSHIP. W. C. BAILEY, farmer and stock-grower, who is descended from the early pioneers of Greene County, was born March 27, 1842, on Muddy Creek, this county, on the farm where his parents reside. He is a son of J. K. and Delilah (Craft) Bailey, who are natives of this county, and of German origin. W. C. is their fourth child. He was reared in Cumberland Township, and attended the common school and Greene Academy at Carmichaels, Penn. Mr. Bailey taught school for several years, but subsequently devoted his time wholly to farming and stock-growing, and owns 236 acres of good land near Whiteley P. O., Greene Township, this county. Mr. Bailey was united in marriage, January 15, 1874, with Miss Maggie, daugh- ter of Richard and Emeline (Wise) Hawkins. She is of German and English origin. Mr. Bailey is a Republican. He and wife are active members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. B. W. DENNY, M. D., was born in Jeiferson Borough, Greene County, Penn., September 17, 1836, and is a son of William and Re- becca "(Litzenburg) Denny, natives of Pennsylvania. His father and grandfather, John Denny, were farmers. The latter came from England to America, and settled near Jefferson, Penn., where B. W. spent his youthful days and attended the common school. The Doc- tor attended Waynesburg College until he began the study of medi- cine in the office of Dr. W. D. Rogers, of Jefferson. In 1859 he entered the Medical College a"t Cleveland, Ohio, where lie graduated in 1862. Then, instead of entering the practice of his profession, he raised a company for the service of his country. He was elected Captain of Company E, of the Ringold Cavfilry, which afterwards ])ecame Company F, of the Twenty-second Regiment. Capt. Denny remained in command for three years, with the exception of about eight months when he was sent on detached service to Washington, D. C. Dr. and Mrs. Denny were at Washington at the time of the 728 HISTORY OF GEEENE COUNTY. assassination of President Lincoln, and liad intended going to Foi'd's Theatre that night; but fortunately, owing to the Doctor's indisposi- tion, they were not present on that fatal occasion. At the close of the war he began the practice of medicine in Greene County, where he has been actively engaged in the profession ever since. Financially tlie Doctor has met with success, and owns a good farm where he re- sides in Greene Township. He was married October 8, 1862, to Miss Rachel, daughter of Samuel, and grand-daughter of James Bra- den. Her mother's maiden name M'as Plannah Ross. Mrs. Denny is of English and Irish descent. They have one child — Millie May. The family are faithful members of the Baptist Church, in which the Doctor is one of the trustees. W. C. FLENNIKEN, merchant at Whiteley, Greene County, Penn., was born in Carmichaels, Penn., February 4, 1853. He is a son of James and Rachel (Kerr) Flenniken, natives of this county. His ancestors were among the earliest settlers of Greene County. Mr. Flenniken's father was a mercliant and drover, and met witli success in his business. For nearly half a century he was engaged in merchandising at Rice's Landing, Carmichaels, Jefferson and Cey- lon, Penn., where he departed this life in 1886. Of his six children, three are now living, viz: Horace G., Emma J., wife of George Mc- Millan, and W. C, the subject of this sketch. He was reared in this county, and early in life went as a clerk into his fathers store, where he remained until he took an interest in the business with bis father. They established the present bi;siness in 1879, and since his father's death W. C. has been sole proprietor. He was united in marriage, in 1873, with Miss Samantha, daughter of John Hughes. Their children are — Walter and Clyde. Mr. and Mrs. Flenniken are lead- ing members of the Baptist Church. STEPHENSON GARARD, farmer and stock-grower, P. O. Willow Tree, was born at Taylortown, Dunkard Township, Greene County, Penn., May 18, 1828, and is a son of Jonathan and Ann (Gregg) Garard. His father, who was a farmer, stock-grower and manufacturer, served ten years on the bench as associate judge of this county, where he died. His family consisted of live children, of whom Stephenson was next to the youngest. He was reared in Greene County, where he attended the subscription schools. In 1854 he bought a farm and has since very successfully devoted his time and talent to farming and stock-growing. Mr. Garard is the owner of about 500 acres of valuable land. On his home farm are the Garard oil wells, Nos. 1, 2 and 3, all producing wells. In 1850 Mr. Garard was united in marriage with Mary A., daugliter of William Robinson. Mrs. Garard is of English descent. Their children are — Elizabetli, wife of John Minor; Emma M., wife of Albert Dowlin; Flora B., wife of G. W. W. Blair; Jesse L., A. Y., HISTORY OF GREENK COrNTY. 729 Anna and Rachel, all of whom, with one exception, are members of the Goshen Uaptist Church, in which Mr. Garard serves as deacon. Mr. and Mrs. Garard couie from two of the representative families of the pioneer settlers of Greene County, and are highly respected citizens. CHARLES KEENER, farmer and stock-grower, T. O. Willow Tree, was born October 8, 1827, on the farm where he resides. lie is a son of Robert and Elizabeth (^Eberhart) Keener, natives of this county. His father, who is a successful farmer, has reached the ad- vanced age of eighty-five years. He has reared a family of seven children, four of whom are living. Of these, Charles is the oldest. lie was reared on the farm and received his education in one of the old-fashioned log school-houses of the district. Charles wisely chose his father's occupation, and by industry and economy has increased his father's farm from ISO to 238 acres of well-improved land. Mr. Keener was married October 10, 1857, to Miss Tabitha E., daughter of Charles Stewart. Mrs. Keener is a native of Virginia. Their children are — Robert C, Aaron, L. L., C. E., F. II., James "W. and Thorton F. Mr. and Mrs. Keener are faithful members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he is a steward. lie is a Democrat in politics, has been school director, supervisor of Greene Township, and inspector of elections. HON. ANDREW LANTZ, farmer and stock-grower, Whiteley, Penn., was born in Greene Township, this county. May 8, 1839. His parents, John and Jane (Wildman) Lantz, were natives of Greene County, and of English and German descent. His father, who was a farmer and stock-grower, was a man of marked business ability, and at the time of his death, in 1876, was the owner of 2,000 acres of land. Andrew has 1,400 acres. He was reared on the -home farm and attended the district schools. Being the only child who grew to maturity, his father carefully instructed liim in all kinds of work and the proper transaction of business. In 1860 Mr. Lantz married Miss Lucretia, daughter of George Leraley. Mrs. Lantz is of English descent. Their children are — John F., David E., Charley and Ada Alice. Mr. and Mrs. Lantz are active members in the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he is trustee. In politics Mr. Lantz is a Democrat, and has served as justice of the peace for ten years in Greene County. He takes an active interest in educational aifairs, and has served as school director for a number of terms. In 1882 he was elected to the Legislature, and was an active inember during the two terms he was connected with that body. JOHN F. LANTZ, farmer and stock-grower, Lone Star, Penn., was born October 10, 1861, in the township where he now resides. He is the oldest son of Hon. Andrew Lantz, of Greene Township, whose biographical sketch ajjpears in this volume. John was reared 730 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. on the farm and obtained his early education in the district schools. lie subsequently took a regular course of instruction at Iron City College, Pittsburg, Penn., where he gradiiated in 1881. Mr. Lantz has a good farm of 201 acres well adapted to the raising of stock, in which he engages extensively, making fine cattle a specialty. In 1882, Mr. Lantz was united in marriage with Sarah, daughter of luiri Taylor, who is a merchant and farmer in Whiteley Township. Mr. Lantz is a Democrat in politics. His wife is a faithful member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. GEORGE W. LANTZ, farmer and stock-grower, was born in Greene Township, March 24, 1844. He attended the district school, and has been engaged in his present occupation from his youth. In 1886 he engaged in the lumber business in company with Abner Munnell, and is owner and proprietor of a large planing and saw- mill, at Greensboro, Penn. Mr. Lantz is a son of Jacob and Cassandra (South) Lantz, natives of this county. His father, who was a sviccess- ful farmer, died in 1861. Mr. Lot Lantz, George's grandfather, was at one time elected brigade inspector of the militia of the county, and was a pioneer of Greene Couuty. He was a wealthy stock- drover and engaged extensively in pork packing, making heavy ship- ments to Baltimore. He also carried on a distillery for years. September 4, 1870, George Lantz married Miss Mary, daughter of Joseph Tannehill, and they were the parents of the following children: Laura V. Chandas, Hughes and James. Lessie being deceased. A remarkable fact exists in the history of these children. Lessie, born July 14, 1878, who lived to be two years of age, was born just six- teen days after her brother Hughes, who was born June 29, 1878 Mrs. Lantz was a devoted member of the Baptist Church. She de- parted this' life August 19, 1888, she and her babe were buried in the same coffin. Mr. Lantz is a Democrat in politics, has served as justice of the peace in Greene Township, and is now postmaster at Willow Tree, Penn. P. A. MYERS, hotel keeper, Whiteley, Penn., is a descendant of Rev. John Corbly, one of the pioneer settlers of Greene Couuty. He was born near Garard's Fort, Penn., April 2, 1836. Llis parents are Alfred and Jane J. (Evans) Myers, who were of German and Welsh origin. Mr. Meyers is the oldest in a family of six children, was reared on a farm, received a common school education, and has been a successful business man. ' His boyhood days were spent with his uncle, an extensive cattle-dealer. When but fourteen years of age would help his imcle drive large droves of cattle, and conduct them overland to the Philadelphia markets, making as many as two or three trips a year. The greater part of his later years has been devoted to farming. While a yoiing man he taught school for sev- eral terms,' and has ever manifested an active interest in educational IIISTOKY OF GREENE COUNTY. 731 affairs. In politics he is a Republican. He lias held various town- ship offices — among others school director and justice of the peace. On November 1, 1857, Mr. Myers married Miss Louisa M., dau,., daughter of John and Maria (Loughman) Ross. At the time of her marriage Mrs. Kendall was the widow of the late Thomas Johns, and the motiier of one child, Albert Leslie. Mr. and Mrs. Kendall have two children — Fanl and Samuel. Mr. Kendall takes quite an active interest in educational matters, and is a member of the board of trustees of Monongahela College. They are both members of the Baptist Church, in which Mr. Kendall is a deacon, and has served as teacher and superintendent in the Sabbatli- school. ELI LONG, deceased, was born April 28, 1821, near Khedive P. O., on the farm now occupied by his heirs. His father and mother were Richard and Mary Long, who were natives of Pennsyl- vania, were married in the eastern part of the State, and came to Greene County, where they settled and remained until their death. Mr. Eli Long was united in mari'iage October 25, 185c!, with Sarah Pjyor, who was born in Pelmont County, Ohio, July 27, 1831, — a daughter of Joshua and Susan Pryor, now deceased. To Mr. and Mrs. Long were born four children, of whom two are living — Lizzie L. and Albert C. The deceased are Vincent P. and Delia. Mr. Long was reai-ed on a farm, and made a great success of farming and stock dealing, possessing at the time of his death, October 1, 1881, 560 acres of land, wliich is now owned and managed by his son and daughter. Mrs. Long departed this life August 27, 1886. She and her husband were faithful members of the Cumberland Presby- terian Church, of wliich the son and daughter are also members. MARTIN J. LOVE, farmer, P. O. Jefferson, one of the sub- stantial citizens of Jefferson Township, was born in Greene County, Penn., March 11, 1826. His parents were Alfred and Ann Love (7iee Piper), who were natives of England, where they were married and emigrated to America in 1819, coming to Greene County, Penn., where they remained until their death. Mrs. Love departed this life in 1853 and her husband in 1868. They were the parents of 74^ HISTOET OF GEEENE COUNTY. six children, four of whom are living. Martin J. is the youngest, and was united in marriage JSTovember 5, 1857, with Harriet Rine- hart, who was born in Greene County November 11, 1829. She is a daughter of Jacob and Abigail (Huss) Rinehart, who were also natives of Greene County and residents therein through life. Mrs. liinehart died in 1841. Mr. Rinehart afterwards married Elizabeth Hoge, now living; he died in 1874. To Mr. and Mrs. Martin J. Love have been born nine children; of these iive are living, viz. — Emma, George, Ruth, wife of Thomas Hughes; Kate, wife of Plugh Hamilton, and Charlie. The deceased are Ella, wife of Dr. C. li. Pollock; Lizzie M., Milton J. R. and Millard F. Mr. Love was raised on a farm, has made farming and stock dealing his business, and owns 300 acres of land where he and family live. He and wife are consistent members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. EWING McCLEARY, merchant, Jefierson, Penn. — Among the prominent business men of Greene County we mention the name of Ewing McClear}^ He was born in Fayette County, Penn., February 3, 1840, a son of William and Rebecca McCleary. His parents were also natives of Fayette County. His father was a mer- chant in early life, in later years a banker. Ewing was the only son in a family of three children, and had the advantages of good schools, having attended both the High School and Academy at Uniontown, Penn. In 1865 he was admitted as a partner in his father's store, in which he had been a salesman for several years. In 1872 he came to Jefferson and established his present business. Here his long experience in the mercantile trade, and his polite and gentlemanly demeanor, soon won for him a good trade. His store is an example of neatness, and in the arrangement and selection of goods he exhibits marked ability and good taste. Mr. McCleary was married in Fayette County, Penn., to Miss Lizzie, daughter of P. G. and Martha (Burchiual) Sturgis. Mrs. McCleary's father was a Baptist minister, and she is a faithful member of the Baptist Church. In politics Mr. McCleary is a Democrat. MICHAEL McGOVERN, deceased, a man highly respected for his mtmy excellent qualities, was a prominent farmer and stock- grower in Jefferson Township, where he died in 1876 at the advanced age of eighty-four years. He came to Jefferson Township when a young man, and made the tilling of the soil and raising stock the business of his life, which he pursued with more than ordinary energy. As the fruits of his toils, he was the owner of two farms well stocked and improved. He was quite happily married to Miss Lucinda Daken, who was born in Ohio, and of English origin. She has spent most of her life in Greene County, Penn. The union of Mr. and Mrs. McGovern proved a very pleasant one. Their young- est child is J. E., who is now a full-grown man. In politics Mr. IIISTOKY OF GIIEENE COUNTY. 743 JMcGoveni was a Democrat, lie was a zealous ineiiiher of the Cath- olic Church. THOMAS E. McMINN, deceased, who was a saddler and harness- inalcer, was born in Cumberland Township, Greene County, Penn., April 22, 1820. He was a son of Kobert and Rachel (Eice) McMinn, of Irish and English origin. His father was born in Ireland, and was a school teacher by occupation; in later life he engaged in farming. Thomas McMinn was the youngest in a family of four children — Elizabeth, deceased, who was the wife of James Mahanna; Mary, the widow of James I'ogue; Sarah, wife of John Curl; and Thomas R., who married Miss Elizabeth V., daughter of William Lee Pollock, of Pittsburgh, Penn. Mrs. McMinn is ne.xt to the youngest of a family of twelve children. The marriage of Mr. and Mrs. McMinn has been blessed with seven children, live of whom are living — Mary A., wife of John Rex; W. J., a saddler; Elizabeth L., Thomas Reed, a liveryman at Jetierson; and John C, a minister in the Methodist Episcopal Church. Robert L. and an infant are deceased. Mr. McMinn took great pride in fine horses and cattle, in which he dealt quite extensively during his life. He was a man of more than ordinary intellect, always foremost as a peacemaker, and beloved by everybody who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. In the language of all persons of that section with whom we have been able to converse, " his place can never be filled." Nothing can be said that would not be appropriate to the character of so honored a friend of the people. He started in life a poor boy, and by in- dustry, honesty and integrity, he amassed considerable fortune, leaving every member of his family in comfortable circumstances. His widow is a devoted member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. DANIEL MOREDOCK, farmer, Jefferson, Penn., was born in Jefferson Township, Greene County, March 29, 1820. His father, George Moredock, a native of Greene County, was three times mar- ried, his first wife being Priscilla Anderson, Daniel's mother, who was born January 10, 1798, with whom he lived in Jefferson Town- ship until her death. May 1(3, 1841. He married for his second wife Mary (Moredock) Worthington, and for the third, Emily A. Ran- dolph, now deceased. He departed this life in 1881. He was the father of twelve children, nine of whom are living. Daniel is the second, and was united in marriage, November 25, 1849, with Eliza- beth Rex, who was born in Jefferson Township, August 23, 1834, a daughter of Charles and Mary (Hickman) Rex, deceased. By this marriage Mr. Moredock is the father of ten children, eight living, viz: Rex, Margaret, wife of Samuel Cox; Emma, wife of David Eurson; Sarah, wife of Anderson Moredock; Anna, wife of William Daugherty; Edda, Elizabeth and Austin L. The deceased are George and James A. Their mother departed this life April 11, 1877. 744 IIISTOKY OF GREENE COUNTY. August 26, 1885, Mr. Moredock married Kosa A. Stephens, who was boru in Delaware. Mr. Moredock is an industrious and economical farmer and stock-dealer, and owns a nice home and good farm of 240 acres where he and family now live. JEREMIAH PEICE, farmer, P. O. Eice's Landing, was born in Monongahela Township, Greene County, Penn., September 7, 1814. His parents, Michael and Mary (Evans) Price, were natives of Wales, where they were married and lived about one jeav, then emigrated to America, locating in Greene County, Penn., where they remained until Mr. Price's death, July 9, 1853. Mrs. Price died in June, 1870, being one hundred years and thirteen days old. They were the parents of six children, only two of whom are living — Michael, single, and Jeremiah, who was united in marriage, August 14, 1855, witli Mary J. Goslin. She was born in Payette County, Penn., Sep- tember 17, 1821, and is a consistent member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Ciiurch. Her parents were Richard and Jane (Millison) Goslin, who were natives of Fayette County, Penn., and moved from there to Greene County, where tliey died. Richard Goslin was a soldier of the war of 1814. Mr. and Mrs. Price have three children, two living, viz: Oliver J. and George E. The deceased was Maria J., wife of Simon Sharpnack. Mr. Price is a farmer and qiiite a genius, having engaged at different times in blacksmithing, malting, and the practice of veterinary surgery. He and his brother Michael own 400 acres of good land in Greene County. Mr. Michael Price tilled the office of auditor of the county one term, and has met with success as a farmer and school-teacher. The following is a copy of the naturalization papers of the parents of our subject: "Delaware District, ss. I, — Do Hereby Certify That, Michael Price wife efe one child of Radnor, Shire — Himself aged 34 years, a Native of Wales Subject to King of Great, Erittain, and that, he intends residing in jN"ewyork, an is regestered in the Office of the District Court in Tes- timony whereof, I, have hereunto set my hand and affixed the. Seal, of the District Court of the United, States For the, Delaware District at AVilmington this, 22d day of July — in the year of our Lord — one Thoiisand Eight Hundred and one. Thomas Stocton, Clerk, Dela- ware District." GEORGE REX, farmer, P. O. Jefferson, is a descendant of one of the pioneer families of the township, and was born November 30, .1838, on the farm where he and family now reside. He is a son of Charles and Mary (Hickman) Rex. His father Avas born on the old Re.x homestead in Jefferson Township, Greene County, July 1, 1801, and was a son of George and Margaret (Keppler) Rex, the former a native of England, and the latter of Germany. They emigrated to America, and were married in Pennsylvania, settling in Greene County, which at the time of their settlement was known as Wash- mSTOKY OF OUEENE COUNTY. 745 iiii^ton County. Here tliey remained until their death. Mary Ilex, (ieorge's mother, was horn in Fayette County, Penn., January I'J, 1801, a daughter of Solomon and Elizabeth Hickman, who were natives of Pennsylvania, and departed this life in Jefferson Borough. Charles and Mary Hex were the parents of seven children, three of whom are living, viz: Margaret, wife of W. F. Hughes, of Mount Pleasant, Iowa; John, a resident of Faifbiiry, 111.; and George, the subject of our sketch. George was united in marriage, December 8, 1861, with Mary E. Strickler, born in Westmoreland County, January 5, 1843, and is a consistent member of the Presbyterian Church. Her pai-ents are Isaac and Catharine (Heath) Strickler, natives of Fayette County, where they lived a few years, then moved to West- moreland County, where they now reside. Mr. and Mrs. Rex have a family of ten children, eight living — Charles, Ella J., Edward B., Georgianna, Joseph A., Albert G., Mattie M. and Ernest. The de- ceased were Catharine and George. Mr. Rex, like his ancestors, lias made farming the business of his life, and owns 125 acres of land, known as the old Rex homestead. II. P. RLXEIIART, farmer, P. O. Waynesburg, was born in Franklin Township, (Treene County, Penn., June 1, 1844. lie is a son of Arthur and Rebecca (Roberts) Rinehart, who were natives of this coxmty and residents therein until death. He departed this life April G, 1872, and she January 5, 1873. They were the parents of thirteen children; seven are living, the youngest of whom is H. P., who was married June 28, 1806, having chosen as the sharer of his fortunes Miss Maria Bowers, who was born in Whiteley Township, February 22, 1844. Her parents were John and Elizabeth (Cowell) Bowers, also natives of Greene County, where they lived until 1861J, at which time they moved to Taylor County, Iowa. Mrs. Bowers died February 14, 1877. Mr. Bowers is still living. Mr. and Mrs. Rinehart have had eight children — Charles W., Floe F., Jesse B., Mary L., John R., William W. and Maria K. ; Maggie being de- ceased. Mr. Rinehart owns 123 acres of land where he and family live. He tilled the ofhce of director of the poor one term, also served on the school board of his township. He and wife are consistent members of the Methodist Protestant Church. JAMES SCOTT, deceased, was one of the most successful and enterprising farmers of Jefferson Township. He was born October 6, 1822, on the farm where his family resides. His father and mother were James and Margaret (Kincaid) Scott. His father was a son of Mordecai and Kizzie (Potete) Scott, and came with liis parents from Maryland to Greene County, Penn., where he married Margaret Kin- caid, who was born in 1790, and departed this life in 1888. James was the fourth in their family of ffve children. He was united in marriage. May 19, 1853, with Mary A., daughter of William and 746 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. Elizabeth (Hedges) Spencer, who were natives of Wasiiington Coun- ty, Penn. Mr. Spencer came with his parents to Greene County wlien only two years of age. He was married in Wasiiington Coun- ty, returned with his wife to Greene Connty and remained ^mtil 1871, then moved to the State of Tennessee, where Mrs. Spencer died April 12, 1883. In the fall of the same year he again returned to Greene County, and has since made hi^home with his daughter, Mrs. James Scott. To Mr. and Mrs. Scott were horn six children, live of whom are living. The oldest of these, Lizzie E., is the Avidow of I. N. Mc- Nay, the mother of one child, named Newton for his father; the second daughter is Anna S., wife of Dr. J. L. Millihin, of Greens- boro, Penn., and the mother of one son, Joe P.; the others are Will- iam S., Emma K. and J. Newton. Margaret is deceased. Mr. Scott acquired hsi education in the common schools in JeiTerson Township. Tiike his ancestors, he made farming and stock-raising his business, and owned 400 acres of land. He was a member of the Masonic fraternity, and belonged to the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, of which Mrs. Seott is also a devoted member. He remained on the old Scott homestead nntil his death, September 30, 1878. MILTON S. SHAPE, farmer, Clarksville, Penn., was born in Greene County, July 29, 1835, a son of Jacob and Joanna Shape {jiee Pettit), who were also natives of Greene Connty, where they were married, settled and remained until Mrs. Shape's death, which occurred in 1859. Her husband afterwards married Elizabeth Black {nee Walters), and they reside in Clarksville, Penn. Mr. Jacob Shape is the father of eight children, si.x now living. Milton S. is the oldest and was united in marriage, August 10, 1878, with Cath- arine A. Lancaster, who was born in Fayette County, Penn., Feb- ruary 10, 1844. Her parents, Bartholomew and Minerva (Fraley) Lancaster, were natives of Maryland, where they were married and then came to Greene County, Penn., in 1843, removing two years later to Fayette Connty, Penn., where they died. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Shape are the parents of four children, only one living, Had- ashia B., born November 11, 1880. Mr. Shape is a carpenter by trade, which he followed for sixteen years. He then engaged in farm ing, and owns seventy-two acres of land. He enlisted in Company G, Fifteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry and served his conntry three years. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity and Mrs. Shape is a member of tlie Methodist Episcopal Church. THOMAS SHARPNACK, farmer, Jefferson, Penn., was born in Cumberland Township, Greene County, June 30, 1827. He is a son of Peter and Mary (.Vlfree) Sha)-pnaek, who were native of Gi'eene County, where they were married and made their home until Mr. Sharpnack's death in 1845. Mrs. Sharpnack died in 1867. They were the parents of nine children, five now living. Of these niSTOllY OF OKEENE COUNTY. 747 Tlioiiius is tliii oldest and was united in luarriiigc, June 27, 1852, witii Elizabeth Craft, wlio was born in Fayette County, Fenn., No- vember (3, 182G. She is a daughter of JJenjamin and Mary Craft, also natives of Fayette County. Her father died March 27, 1880; lier mother is still living. They were the parents of fifteen children, nine living. To Mr. and Mrs. Sharpnack have been born five children, only one living, Sinaon. The deceased are George, Ada- line, IJenjamin and Peter. Mr. Sharpnack is a farmer and owns 1()G acres of land where he and his family reside. Mrs. Sharpnack is a faithful member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. T. II. SIIAKFNACK, M. D., born at Rice's Landing, Penii., November 20, 1843, is a son of William and Sarah (Neelj Sharp- nack. His parents were natives of (ireene County, Penn., and were of Scotch and (xcrman descent. His father is a farmer and stock-grower and resides in Cumberland Townshi]), where he was born in June 9, 1810, a son of Samuel and Nancy (Crago) Sharpnack. The Doctor's grandmother, Nancy Sharpnack, was born in 177(5 and lived to be eighty-four years old. His grandfather, Samuel, died in 1852 at the ago of sixty-three. The Doctor's grandparents on his mother's side were Parney and Martha (Hughes) Neel. They were natives of Cumberland Township. Eleven of their children grew to maturity. The Doctor is tlic fourth in a family of nine children. He was reared in Jefferson Township, educated at Waynesburg College, and studied medicine with Dr. Laidley, of Carmichaels. lie took the regular course in medicine at Jefferson iledical College, at Phila- delphia, and graduated in 1872. He then entered his profession at Jefferson, where he has had a good practice since. The Doctor is a member of the Gi-eene County Medical Society, and was sent as delegate to the State Medical Association. He has served as tlie physician of the Childreirs Home in this county, and is examining physician for three life insurance companies. lie was married, June 23, 1870, to Cynthia, daughter of James and Hannah Moredock. They have four children — James M., William F., Gertrude II. and Thomas P. (deceased). Mrs. Sharpnack died August 1(!, 1877. The Doctor is a member of the Baptist Church; in politics he is a Dem- ocrat. STIERS SHARPNACK, farmer, Jefferson, Penn., was born on the fai-m where he and his family reside, July 2, 1855. His parents were Thomas E. and Catharine (Haver) Sharpnack, who were natives of Greene County, Penn., where they were married, settled and re- mained until their death. He departed this life October 2, 187(j, and she November 8, 1887. They were the parents of three children — Calvin, Andrew S. and Stiers, the subject of this sketch. He was united in marriage, April 14, 1877, witli Jennie Hupp, born in Mor- gan Township, ilarcli i, 1856, a daughter of Uriah and Marinda 748 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. Ilnpp (^nee Cox). Mrs. Sliarpnack is a consistent member of tlie Disciple Clmrch. Her father was a native of Wasliington County, Penn., and iier mother of Greene County, where tliey reside in Morgan Township. Mr. and Mrs. Sliarpnack have four children — John H., Minnie L., William PI. and Harry A. Mr. Sliarpnack was raised on a farm and makes farming his business. He owns 107 acres of land in Jefferson Township. ALVA C. SHAW, mercliant and burgess of Jefferson Borough, was born in Canaan Township, Morrow County, Ohio, March 4, 1844, a son of John and Mary A. (Bell) Shaw. Their parents were of Scotch-Irish origin; they were Quakers and among the early settlers of Pennsylvania. The Sliaws have usually been farmers and mer- chants. Alva's father, J. L. Shaw, was a farmer and stock-grower, born in Morrow County, Ohio, June 6, 1806. He was a son of John and Polly (Luther) Shaw, and was the oldest in a family of six children. He always met with marked success in business. In 1877 he moved from Ohio to Jefferson, Penn., and engaged in selling farm- ing implements. He died in Jefferson Borough. Of his six children, only three reached maturity. Alva is the youngest and was educated at ]3elaware College, and Ohio Wesleyan University. He started in life as a teacher, but was induced by his father to work on the farm till 1874 when he went to Lincoln, Nebraska, and engaged in the coal business till 1879. He then came to Jefferson and began mer- chandising. He was elected burgess in 1887. He is a strong temperance man, and in politics is a Prohibitionist. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he is steward, trustee and teacher in the Sabbatli-school. SYLYANUS SMITH, M. D., Jefferson, Penn., was born in Franklin Township, Greene County, November 30, 1832, a son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Huss) Smith, they were natives of Pennsyl- vania and of German and English origin. His father was born in Greene County, in 1796. His grandfather, Sylvanus, a native of Monmouth County, New Jersey, came to Greene County, Penn., in 1793. They were all farmers and members of the society of Friends. Dr. Smith's father died in 1879. Of his four children, the Doctor is the youngest, and was reared on the farm with his parents in Franklin and Morgan townships. He attended the district schools and studied medicine in Jefferson Borough, with Dr. W. D. Kogers. Here he commenced the practice of his chosen profession in 1862, has met with good success, and accumulated quite a competence from his practice. June 1, 1862, he married Loiiisa Crayne, who is of English descent, and daughter of Miller Crayne. Dr. and Mrs. Smith's children are — John S., a physician and druggist; Sam- uel M., a law student at Waynesburg; Elizabeth, C. Harry, Albert P. and Lucinda. In politics the Doctor is a Democrat. He is a IIISTOltY OF GllEENE COUNTY. 749 iiieinber of the I. O. O. F., and a Sir Knight Temphir of the Masonic - Fraternity. REV. CHARLES W. TILTON, pastor of the East Bethlehem Baptist Church in Washington County, was born in Washington County, Penn., JNovember"21, 1815. He is tlie son of Enoch and Elizabeth (Wheatley) Tilton, natives of New Jersey. They were of Scotch, English and German ancestry. His father was a farmer, and his family consisted of tliirteen children, eleven of whom grew to manhood- and womanhood. Charles W., tlie eightli in the family, remained on the farm with his parents until fifteen years of age, and attended the district school. His parents then moved to Beaver County, after which he entered Frankfort Academy. Early in life he taught school as a business. In 1839 he joined the Pleasant Grove Baptist Church in Washington County. In 1840 he came to Jeffer- son, Penn., and has lived in this vicinity ever since. In 1843 he was ordained as a minister and has been an active worker in the Baptist Church up to the present time, having held over one hundred pro- tracted meetings, resulting in the conversion of fully 2,000 persons, and baptized over 1,500 converts. For many years lie has taken a deep interest in education, and labored in the interests of Mononga- hela College, having served as secretary of the board of trustees from the organization of the college, and as financial agent for sev- eral years past. He has been twice married, first to Miss Nancy Iloge, who died in 1858. Again in 1861 to Sarah Elizabeth David- son, daughter of William Davidson, of Baltimore, and Margarett (Oliver) Davidson. In his last marriage they had four children — Enoch Randolph, Charles Louis, Nannie Clare and John Hunt — three of whom are graduates of Mononghela College. The oldest son, E. R., a graduate of Crozer Theological Seminary, is pastor of a Baptist Church in Evans City, Penn. The second son, C. L., gradu- ated in the Western Reserve University of Cleveland, Ohio, and is a practicing physician in the State of Colorado. The youngest son is still at school. F. B. WISE, druggist and postmaster, Jefferson, Penn., is a na- tive of Morgan Township, Greene County, where he was born April 24, 1846. His parents, Solomon and Hannah Wise, were natives of Pennsylvania, and of German origin. His father has been a farmer all his life, and at present is in the cattle business in the West. -Frank is the oldest in a family of seven children now living, and was educated at Waynesburg College. He taught school and farmed until 1872. when he engaged in the drug business in company with Dr. Sharpnack, of Jefferson, whose interest he bought in 1879 and established his present business. In 1870 he married Miss Lizzie, daughter of H. Johns, ex-sheriff' of Greene County, and of English descent, Mr. and Mrs. Wise are members of the Baptist Church, in 750 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. which ho is clerk and superintendetit of the Sahbath-school, and clerk of the Ten-Mile Baptist Association. ' He is a member of the board of trustees and secretary of the execntive committee of Moiion- gahela College. In politics Mr. Wise is a Democrat. He is a member of tlie town council, and was appointed postmaster in 1883. JACKSON TOWNSHIP. JAMES CARPENTER, farmer and stock-grower, Nettle Hill, Penn., was born in Franklin Township, Greene County, Penn., March 5, 1838. He is a son of Joseph and Elizabeth (Smith) Car- penter, natives of this county, and of English and German origin. His father is a farmer and now resides in Gilmore Township. Of his family of eleven children James is the third. James was drafted in the three years' draft of 1863, paid his conscript and received his dis- charge the same year. He was reared on a farm, receiving his edu- cation in the common schools of Jackson Township. He makes farming and stock-growing his chief pursuit, and owns 125 acres of well improved land where he resides. Mr. Carpenter was united in marriage, December 12, 1863, with Miss Mazy, daughter of Joseph and Rachel (Shriver) Kniseley, and their children are — J. C, a teacher; Robert E. Lee and John B. Mr. Carpenter is a Democrat. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Protestant Church. WILLIAM GRAHAM, farmer and stock-grower, was born in Franklin Township, this county, March 29, 1828. He is a son of William and Margaret (Muckel) Graham, who are of Dutch descent. The Grahams are an industrious, energetic family. Some branches of the family spell the name Grimes, but the original name was Graham. William Graham's father was a blacksmith by occupation, but also engaged in farming, spending most of his life in Greene County. liis family consisted of six children, of whom William is the third. He was reared on the farm in his native township, and attended the common school. He has made a very successful busi- ness man, devoting himself principally to farming and stock-grow- ing. He owns 318 acres of well improved land where he resides, near Holbrook, Penn. He also owns land in other parts of the county, making in all 473 acres. On November 7, 1850, Mr. Gra- ham married Charlotte, daughter of William and Sallie (Bodkin) Smith, who were of English and Dutch extraction. Mr. and Mrs. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 751 Graham's chililreu are — Sarali M., wife of Thomas Ilennino'; James F., a farmer; AVilHam S., who is in Kansas; Lydia Ann, Mary Eliza- beth, wife of John Morris; Cephas J., who is in Kansas; Jolm A. and Spencer Milton, all farmers; and Japheth E. All the family, with one exception, are members of the Baptist Church. Mr. Graham is a Democrat and a member of the Democratic County Committee. HARVEY ALLISON GRIMES, a farmer and stock-grower of Jackson Township, this county, was born May 9, 1857, on the farm where his father now resides. His parents, P. M. and Maria (Ridge- way) Grimes, are natives of Greene County, and of English origin. His father is a merchant and farmer, and one of the influential citi- zens of Jackson Township. Harvey A. Grimes is the lifth in a family of eight children. He was reared on a farm, attended the common schools, and early in life made choice of farming as his chief pursuit. His present farm consists of 120 acres of linely im- proved land. On January 29, 187G, Mr. Grimes was united in marriage with Martha D., daughter of George and Mary ((xump) Loar, of German origin. Her father was a minister in the Method- ist Church. Mr. and Mrs. Grimes are the parents of three children — Ada May, Eva Maria and Luta Lena. Mr. Grimes is a Republi- can. He has served as school director in his district. He and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. GEORGE W. GRIMES, farmer and stock-grower, who was born in Jackson Township, this county, June 8, 1859, is a sou of P. M. and Maria (Ridgeway) Grimes, natives of Greene County. The subject of this sketch is the sixth in a family of eight children. He was reared on a farm and received liis education in the common schools. He made choice of fai-ming as his occupation, and has been very successful and is the owner of 108 acres of land where he re- sides, near White Cottage, Penn. Mr. Grimes was united in mar- riage, January 10, 1880, with Miss Ella, daughter of William and Nancy (Dunson) Roberts, who are of English descent. Mr. and Mrs. Grimes are the parents of three children — John II., James A. and William E. Mr. Grimes is a Republican. He and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Grimes belongs to one of the oldest families in the township, his ancestors having been among the earliest settlers in the county. P. M. GRIMES, merchant and farmer, was born in Franklin Township, this county, October 16, 1823. He is a a son of William and Margaret (Muckle) Grimes, who were born in New ,Iersey, and of German descent. His father, who was a successful farmer and mechanic, died in 1877, at the age of seventy-six years. His mother died in 18()5, and was sixty-six years of age. Mr. P. M. Grimes was reared on the farm and received his education in the subscription schools. He has resided in Jackson Township since 184G, and at 752 History of geeene counts. White Cottage, Peun., since 1851. He opened a dry goods and grocery store there in 1855, and has been very successful in his bnsi- ■ ness. Mr. Grimes bought 800 acres of land, and has given several hundred acres to his children. He has the reputation of being an honorable, high-minded gentleman, and has a wide circle of friends. Mr. Grimes is a Eejjinblican, and has served as justice of the peace for thirty-three years. He has been postmaster at White Cottage for many years, and is a prominent member of the I. O. 0. F. and the Masonic fraternity. Mr. Grimes was united in marriage in 1841 with Maria, daughter of David and Lydia (Calahan) Kidgeway. Mrs. Grimes is of English and Irish extraction. Their children are — William, Allison, George, David, James, A. L. and Margaret, wife of William Millikin, a prominent farmer of Greene County; and Jane, wife of Perry Scott, a prominent farmer and Democrat. Mrs. Grimes is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. JOHN GROVES, farmer and stock-giower, born in Whiteley Township, this county, in 1837, is a son of Jacob and Nancy (Orn- doil) Groves, natives of Pennsylvania, and of German descent. His father was a farmer all his life and died in Greene County, in 1868. He reared a family of twelve children, of whom John is the ninth. He was reared in Whiteley Township near Newton, Penn. Early in life he chose farming as his chief pursuit and has met with marked success. He is the owner of a good farm of one hundred and ninety acres where he resides near Holbrook, Penn. By his own exertions Mr. Groves has succeeded in making himself independent. Mr. Groves married Nancy, daughter of Robert Dunson. She died in 1886 — eighteen years after their marriage. They were the parents of three children — William T., Anna Belle, and Flora Viola. Mv. Groves is a Democrat, and has served as school director in his town- ship. He belongs to the Disciple Church, of which his deceased wife was also a member. WILLIAM HUFFMAN, farmer and stock-grower. White Cottage, Penn., was born December 27, 1850, on the farm which he now owns in Jackson Township, Greene County, Penn. He is a son of Peter and Elizabeth (Stagner) Lluffman, who were natives of this county, and of English origin. His father died in 1885 at the advanced age of eighty-three years. Of his family of nine children William is the seventh. He was reared on his pi-esent farm in Jackson Township, and has made farming his business through life. He has been very successful and owns two hundred and six acres of land well stocked and improved. Mr. Huffman was united in mar- riage, November 27, 1870, with Miss Jennie, daughter of Corbly and Jane (Bailey) Fordyce. Mrs. Huffman's ancestors were among the pioneers of Greene County. They were of English origin. Mr. niSTOr.Y OF fiREENK OOtTNTY. 753 Huffman is a Democrat. His wife is a member of the Methodist Protestant Church. N. H. JOHNSON, farmer and stock-grower, was born February 1, 1829, on the Haines farm, east of AVajnesburg; he resides near White Cottage, Penn. He is a son of William and Hester (Haines) Johnson, who were born in Pennsylvania and were of German and English origin. His father, who was a tanner by trade, died in Greene Connty, May 3, 1847. Of his family of si.\ children the subject of this sketch is the second. He was reared on the farm and received a limited education in an old-fashioned log school- liouse with slab seats and paper windows. He has been a successful farmer and owns a fine farm of 230 acres of land in Jackson Town- ship. Mr. Johnson was a poor boy and by industry and patient ef- fort lias made himself independent. He has been thrice married. His children now living are — William Henry, who is in tlie West; N. J., Mary, wife of Ambler Elliot; W. S., J. S. and E. J. His first wife's name was Cliarlotta Coen, second Ehnira Burge, and third Susannali Wagonner. LINDSEY KEENER, farmer and stock-grower. Pine Bank, Penn., was born April 30, 1836, in Jackson Townsliip. He is a son of Peter and Susan (Stewart) Keener. His mother was born in Maryland and his father in Pennsylvaiiia. They were of English extraction. His father spent his life in Greene County, and was a farmer by occupation. Mr. Keener is the youngest of nine children. He was reared on the home farm, attended the common schools and chose farming as his life work. He owns a good farm of 110 acres which he has acquired by patient toil and earnest efibrt being a self- made man, and anxious to succeed in life. In politics Mr. Keener is a -Republican, and one of the representative men of the county. ALEXANDER KIGER, farmer and stock-grower, was bdrn in Whiteley Township, Greene County, Penn., and is a son of John and Sarah (McLaughlin) Kiger, who were of German and Irish de- scent. His father was a farmer all his life, and died in 1872. Of his familjr of ten children, the subject of this sketch is tlie eiaiith. He was reared on a farm in his native township, and attended the district school. Mr. Kiger has made a success of farming and is the owner of 173 acres of valuable land where he resides near Ilol- brook, in Jackson Township. Mr. Kiger was united in marriao-e, March 9, 18G2, with Catharine, daughter of Isaac and Phoebo (Po])e) Higgins, who were of Dutch and English origin. Mr. and Mrs. Kiger's children are — Jerome B., Elizabeth, John L., Newton, Belle and Sadie. Mr. and Mrs- Kiger are meml)ers of the Methodist Protestant Church. He is trustee and class-leader in the church and a teacher in the Sabl)ath-school. In politics he is a Democrat. 754 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. JACKSON KUGHN, fanner and stock-grower, was born in Wayne Township, Greene County, Penu., December 22, 1828. He is a son of Abraham and Elizabeth (liuffman) Knghn, who were of German and English ancestry. His mother was born in Maryland and his father in Greene County, Penn., where he died in 1861. Jackson Knghn is tlie oldest of eio'ht children. He was reared in this county and received a good English education in the common schools. He chose farming as his occupation through life and is the owner of the farm of 121 acres where he now resides near Pine ijank, Penn. On May 27, 1859, Mr. Kughn married Eliza Jane, daughter of John and Sarah (Stewart) Thomas, who were of English origin. Mr. and Mrs. Kuglm's children are — John L., Abraham, "William Henry, George Morgan, Kachel Ellen and Mary Alice. Mr. Kughn is a Democrat. He and wife are members of the Baptist Church. LESTER KUGHN, merchant and farmer, Pine Bank, Penn., was born in this county, May 12, 1841, and is a son of Abraham and Elizabeth (Huii'man) Kiighn. His father, wlio was of English and German ancestry, was born in Greene County, Penn., where. he sjDent all his life as a farmer. Tlie subject of our sketch is the iifth in a family of eight cliildren. He was reared on the farm in Jaclcson Township, and received his education in the common schools. Early in life he learned the carpenter's trade, at whicli he worlied for several years, and also farmed considerably. He owns a good farm where he resides in Jaclison Township. Since 1884 he has been en- gaged in tlie mercantile business. In 1863 Mr. Kughn married Ellen, daughter of John and Mary (King) Cole, and their cliildren are — George, a carpenter; Mary A. and Elizabeth Jtme. Mr. and Mrs. Kughn are members of the Baptist Church, in which he is a deacon and has been superintendent of the Sabbath-school. Mr. Kughn is a Democrat, and has served justice of the peace in his township. JAMES MEEK, farmer and stock-grower, was born in Greene County, Penn., April 3, 1821. He is a son of John and Elizabeth (Boyd) Meek, natives of Greene County, Penn. His father was of French descent and his mother of Scotch ancestry. His father was a farmer and died in 1877. Pie served his country in the war of 1812. His family consisted of ten children. The subject of this sketch is the oldest of the children. He was reared on the farm, and was a school teacher early in life. He has made farming his main occupation, and owns a farm of 225 acres of well improved land. Mr. Meek is a self-made man, having acquired his present posses- sions entirely through his own industry. He was united in mar- riage, October 20, 1842, with Miss Mary, daughter of Samuel and Bithiali (Sharp) Smith, who were of Scotch and Irish lineage. Mrs. ^ HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 755 Meek was born in Millsboro, Washington County, Punu., July 10, 1824. They have ten chikh-en, eight now living, viz., Melinda, wife of George Jewell ; Elizabeth, wife of Abner Johns; James li., a farmer; Sarah Jane, wife of S. Lang; Martha, wife of AV. Ankrom; C. J., a fanner; Eddie, wife of W. W. Patterson, ex-county register and re- corder; and Mary A. Mr. Meek is a member of the Baptist Churcli. He is a Democrat, and in 1869 was elected county treasure)-. He has held most of the offices in his township, and has also served as auditor of the county. He is a member of tlie I. (). O. F. and tlie Masonic fraternity. W. E. MILLIKEN, farmer and stock-grower. White Cottage, Penn., was boi'u in Jefferson Ilorough, January 6, 1845. He is a son of John and Mary (Ketcheni) Milliken, natives of (Ireene County, ■and of Irish lineage. His grandfather, Thomas Milliken, was one of the early settlers of the county, and a blacksmith by trade. Mr. Milliken's father is a farmer, and now resides in Washington County, Penn. The subject of this sketch was reared on a farm, receiving his education at the common schools. He has always been a farmer and owns a farm of IIU acres where he resides in Jackson Township. In 1866 Mr. Milliken married Margaret M., daughter of P. M. Grimes, one of the prominent farmers of Jackson Township. They are the parents of si.x children, viz., T. W., Maria Jane, James P., Mary Ellen, Lora Pelle and Emma M. Mr. and Mrs. Milliken are members of the Methodist Protestant Church in which he is trustee and treasurer of the Sabbath-school. Mr. Milliken's oldest daugliter is one of the stewards in the churcli and an active Sabbath-school teacher. Mr. Milliken is a Republican. In 1862 he enlisted in Company G, Eighteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry and was a non-coin- missioned officer. He was in the l)attles of Cedar Creek, Gettys- burg, and was at Winchester when (ieu. Sheridan made his famous ride. He is a member of the G. A. R. Post. L. H. MITCHELL, farmer and stock-dealer, was born in Greene County, Penn., June 10, 1846. He is a son of Jackson and Catliar- ine (Lemmon) Mitchell, who were of Englisli and Irish lineage. His father, who was a farmer, died in this county in 1858 or 1859. Mr. L. II. Mitchell is one of a family of four children. He was reared on the farm and attended the common schools of the county. Mr. Mitchell has made his own way in the world. In 1867 his only possession was thirty dollars, and he now owns 360 acres of land well stocked and improved. He has engaged extensively in tlie culture of fish and has two large ponds. His success, which seems indeed wonderful, may be attributed wholly to his great industry and unbounded energy. He is a temperance man and votes the pro- liibition ticket. In 1867 Mr. Mitchell married Miss Julia Ann, daughter of Peter and Elizabeth (Stagnard) Huffman. Their chil- 756 HISTORY OP GREENE COUNTY. * dren are — J. E., E. I. and C. A., aged respectively (in 1888) twenty, fifteen and ten years. Mr. Mitcliell and wife were born on the lOtli day of June — he being just one year the older. Thej' are members of the Methodist Protestant Church. In connection with his other business projects, Mr. Mitchell is one of the managers of the roller flour mill at Oak Forest, Penn. He was actively interested in the Granger movement for many years and served as Master of the Order or lecturer for twelve years. EUFUS C. MITCHELL, farmer and stock- grower, who was born in Jackson Township, this county, August 23, 1851, is a son of Jesse and Dorcas (Long) Mitchell, who were of English lineage. His father followed farming as an occupation, and died September 5, 1870. The Mitchells have ever been noted for their energy and in- dustry, and have usually been farmers by occupation. Jesse Mitchell was twice married and had in all eight childi-en. The subject of our sketch is the third child by the last marriage. He is a self-made man, and has made a success of his farming and stock-growing, being the owner of 100 acres of well improved land near Holbrook, Penn. Mr. Mitchell was united in marriage, December 24, 1870, Avith Miss Hettie, daughter of Peter Huffman. Their children are — Cora Belle, Mary Luella, Charles B., Ada, May, Elizabeth and Koss N. Mr. Mitchell is a Democrat. His wife is a member of the Methodist Protestant Church. A. J. MITCHELL, farmer and stock-grower, was born in Kich- hill To\vnship, Greene County, Penn., April 23, 1837. He is the son of Jesse and Lydia (Kerr) Mitchell. His father was born in Allegheny County and his mother in Greene County. They were of Irish and English lineage. His father was a blacksmith in early life and in later years a farmer. Mr. A. J. Mitchell is the second in a family of eight children. He was reared on tlie farm and received a common school education. He has followed farming and stock growing as an occupation, has been very successful in his business, and owns a "farm of 248 acres. At the breaking out of the war in 1861 he enlisted in Company F, Eighty-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and served for three years. He is a member of the G. A. R. Post No. 552. In 1865 Mr. Mitchell married Harriet, daugh- ter of Bateman and Plannah (Howard) Martin. Their children are — Sarah E., Jesse, Eliza M., Jonathan, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, George McClellan, Martha- A. and Clara Belle. Mr. Mitchell, who is a Democrat, has been an efficient member of tlie school board in his township. JACOB MOKRIS, farmer and stock-grower, Holbrook, Penn., was born in Greene County December 17, 1819. He is a son of Robert and Salona (Renner) Morris, natives of Greene County, and of German origin. His father, who was a mechanic and farmer, lUSTOHY OF GREENK COUNTY. 757 died in this county. Jacob Morris is the oldest iu a faiuily of six cliildren,, and is the only one now living. He never had the advan- tages of a common school education, and as a consequence never learned to read. He grew up on the far;n and cliose farming and stock-growing as his occupation. Mr. Morris has by industry and good business management succeeded in building a good home. I>y his own exertions he has come into possession of 450 acres of land, and has also done much for his children. He is careful in all iiis business transactions, and seldom makes an error. On March 0, 1845, Mr. Morris married Miss Nancy, daughter of William and Mary (Dunn) Jewell, wiio were natives of this county, and of Eng- lish descent. Isaac Dunn, grandfather of Mrs. Morris, was a soldier in the Revolutionary war. He died in this county. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Morris are — Rufus, William Henry, Mary Ann, wife of William T. Grimes; Fhtobe J., wife of J. McCosh; James M., Hannah, wife of David Grimes; Sarah M., Charity, wife of Samuel Smith; and Jacob J. Mr. and Mrs. Morris arc members of the Baptist Church. In politics he is a Republican. CAPTAIN JOHN SCOTT, retired farmer and stock-grower, was born in Center Township, this county, April 6, 1815. He is a son of John and Susannah (Nicewonger) Scott. His parents were descendants of the Quakers, his mother being a native of West Virginia, and his father of Greene County, Penn. His father died May 21, 1857, at the advanced age of seventy-three years; his mother died December 12, 1870, aged eighty-live. Their family consisted of nine children, of whom the subject of this sketch is the fourth. He was reared on the farm in Center Township and received his education in the common schools. He has met with marked success as a farmer, and owns 252 acres of finely improved land. Captain Scott was an active member of the militia in Greene County many years ago. He has made his own way in the world, starting a poor boy, and has succeeded in acquiring a good home for himself and family. He was united in marriage June 1(3, 1836, with Miss Charlotte Mason, who was born in this county May 3, 1817, and is the daughter of James and Mary (Sayers) Mason. Her mother was born in New Jersey and was of German descent; she died February 9, 1883, aged ninety-six years. Her father was a native of Ireland, and died June 1'2, 1869. Mr. and Mrs. Scott are the parents of the following named children: Mason and J. C, farmers; Mary, wife of William Orndoti'; Oliver Perry, a farmer; Eliza Jane, wife of A. C. Carpenter; Sarah, wife of George Moore; and Matthias, deceased. Mrs. Scott is a member of the Baptist Church. Captain Scott has always taken great interest in school affairs, and has served as school director for many years. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. His cliildren and grandchildren were all present at the iifteenth aniii- 758 HISTOET OF GEEENE COUNTY. versary of their marriage, wliicli was one of tlie happiest events transpiring in the neighborhood for many years. HUGH SMITH, a descendant of the earliest settlers of Greene County, and among its naojt prominent citizens, was born on Smith Creek in Franklin Township, January 26, 1832. His grandfatlier, Thomas Smith, was the first settler on the creek which bears his name. Mr. Hugh Smith is a son of Vincent and Elizabeth (Bell) Smith, the former a native of this county and the latter of Virginia. His father, who was of Irish descent, was born in 1791 and died in 1884. His family consisted of ten children, of whom the subject of our sketch is the youngest of those now living. He was reared on the farm, and has made a successful farmer. He is the owner of a fine farm of 400 acres where he now resides. Mr. Smith was mar- ried in his native county to Miss Mary E., daughter of John and Jane (Hennen) Lemley. Mrs. Smith's parents were descendants of the early settlers of the county, and of German and English origin. Mr. and Mrs. Smith have two children — Clara and Maggie. JOHjN'SON T. SMITH, deceased, who was an attorney and jus- tice of the peace, was born in this county December 8, 1818, and was a son of Thomas and Catharine (Johnson) Smith. His father was a farmer, and Mr. Smith was reared on a farm in his native county, where he attended the common schools. He also engaged in the study of law," and served as justice of the peace for a period of twenty years. He was a successful business man, and at the time of his death, in 1870, he was tlie owner of 400 acres of land. He was married December 19, 1853, to Martha J., daugliter of Silas and Eliza (Huffman) Barnes. Mrs. Smith is of Englisli ancestry. Their children are Thomas H., Eliza, wife of J. W. Phillips; Silas B., Hiram G., John E. and Elizabeth Jane, wife of M. l-'eththel. In politics Mr. Smith was a Eepiiblican. His oldest son, Thomas IL, is a farmer and stock-grower, and was born in this county Feb- ruary 8, 1854. He received a good common school education, and has made farming his favorite pursuit. lie has the management of his mother's farm, in connection with his own 100 acres of valuable land. Thomas Smith was married in, 1875 to Miss Charlotte, daugh- ter of Richard Peththel. Their children are — Maggie, Lawrence, Garfield, Oscar, Gracie and Blanche. Mr. Smith is a Kepublican in politics. ABRAHAM STAGGERS, farmer and stock-grower, Bristoria, Penn., was born in this county January 22, 1818. He is a son of Abraham and Catharine (Grim) Staggers, natives of Greene County, and of.German descent. His ancestors were all of German extrac- tion and among th^ first settlers of Greene County. Of a family of eight children, Abraham Staggers is the fourth. He was reared on a farm near Waynesburg, where he was boni. He spent a con- IIISTOnY OF (illKKNE COUNTY. 759 sidenible portion of his early life chopping wood and elearing tim- her. lie has made a very successful farmer, and is the owner of 2941 acres of land M'here he resides. Mr. Staggers was united in marriage December 27, 1857, with Rebecca, daugliter of Robert and Salona (^Renner) Morris. Her parents were natives of (rreene Coun- ty, and of Dutch ancestry. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Staggers are Hannah, James and Sarah A. Mrs. Staggers, who was a mem- ber of the Churcli of God, died in Jackson Township in 1873. In politics Mr. Staggers is a Republican. DAVID WEAVER, farmer and stock-grower, was born in Washington County, Penn., May 10, 1833. His parents were Jacob and Julia Ann (Jackman) Weaver, who were natives of Washington County, and of German and English lineage. Mr. Ty^eaver's father died in 1880. His family consisted of nine children, of whom David AYeaver is the oldest. From his early youth Mr. Weaver has been engaged in farming. He is a plasterer and house painter and takes contracts for mason work on large buildings. He has been successful in all his business affairs, and is the owner of 100 acres of land in Jackson township where he and his family reside. He was married on the 22d day of April, 1858, to Mary Jane, daughter of Thompson and Anna (Johnson) Ulloni, who are of Dutch extraction. Mr. and Mrs. Weaver are the parents of eight cliildren, viz.: Amanda, George M., Elizabeth, Thompson, Charles, Henry, James and Flora. Mr. Weaver is a Republican. In 1863 he enlisted in the Twenty-second Corps, Fifth Pennsylvania Artillery, and was in many important engagements. He is a member of the G. A. R. Post and the I. O. O. F. HIRAM WEAVER, merchant and minister, Holbrook, Penn., was born in Jackson Township, this county, April 17, 1839. He is a son of Jacob and Julia Ann (Jackman) Weaver, natives of Wash- ington County, Penn., and of English and German lineage. His father, who was a farmer and school-teacher, died in Greene County April 15, 1886. His family consisted of nine children, of whom Iliram is the fourth. He was reared on the farm and attended the common school. He learned plastering^ and house-painting, at which he worked \intil the war broke out. He then enlisted in Company F, Eighty-iifth Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and was a non-commissioned officer. He served three years and twenty days and was in many serious engagements. In 1805 he established a saw-mill, and in 1871 started a general store in Jackson Township, where he has been in business ever since. In 1884 Mr. Weaver married Elizabeth, daughter of Peter Fry, who is of German de- scent. Mr. and Mrs. Weaver are members of the Christian Church, in which he has held several important offices. In 1858 he was 760 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. licensed to preach, and has since been a local preacher. In poli- tics he is a liepublican. JACOB WEAVER, merchant. Nettle Hill, Penn., was born on Ten Mile Creek, this county, January 26, 1844. He is a son of Jacob and Julia Ann (Jackman) Weaver, who were of German and English origin. His father was a farmer and school-teacher, and lived in Greene County for forty years. He died in 1886. His family consisted of nine children, of whom the subject of this sketch is the seventh. He was reared on the farm in Jackson Township, receiving his education in the common schools. He learned the blacksmith's trade near Waynesburg, and followed it as a business until 1861. Pie then enlisted in Companj^ F, Eighty-iifty Pennsyl- vania Volunteer Infantry. He re-enlisted in 1864, in the Twenty- second Pennsylvania Cavalry, Company A., where he served until the close of the war. He was in the battles of Williamsburg, Fair Oaks, Bolivar Heights and AVinchester. He was wounded at Fair Oaks, losing two fingers. After the war he bought a saw-mill, operating the latter for a period of five years. He then farmed until 1880, when he established his store at Nettle Hill. He carries a large stock of dry goods, clothing, groceries, hardware and queens- ware, and has a good country trade. Mr. Weaver has built his present store and a neat and substantial residence since 1886. He was iinited in marriage December 5, 1867, with Miss Elizabeth, a daughter of Abraham and Margai'et (Shields) Hickman, Avho died in 1882. He was again married December 3, 1883, to Miss Eliza, a daughter of J. and Perrie (Headlee) Smith, and they have two children, Roscoe Conkling and Otta D. S. Mr. Weaver is a member of the G. A. E. Post, and is Quartermaster. JOSEPH WEBSTER, farmer and stock-grower, Bristoria, Penn., was born in Greene County, Penn., January 25, 1830, and is a son of John and Elizabeth (Cowell) Webster. His father was born in New Jersey and his mother in Greene County, Penn. They were of Eng- lish extraction. His father, who Avas a farmer, moved to Iowa during the latter part of his life. His family consisted of eleven children, of whom Joseph is the third. He was reared as a farmer and has been very successful in that occupation, owning 147 acres of land in Jack- son Townsliip. He also has spent considerable time at the carpenter's trade. In 1853 Mr. Webster was married in Washington County to Cynthia Ann Keys, who died in 1858. They were the parents of one child, Alexander Leroj'. Mr. Webster was again united in man-iage December 16, 1859, with Jane, daughter of John and Sarah (Gardner) Goodwin, whose parents were of German lineage. She was the widow of J. S. Hunt, deceased, and they were the parents of two children — a son and daughter. The son, J. G. Hunt, is a farmer and school- teacher. The children. of Mr. and Mrs. Webster are J. C. and S. M. IIISTOHY OF GREENE COUNTY. 761 Tlic family are memljers of tlie Baptist Cluircli, and Mr. and Mrs. Webster are teachers in the Sabhath-schooL Mr. Webster is a proitii- iieiit member of tlie I. O. O. F. lie has served on the scliool board of his township. HIRAM WHITE, farmer and stock-grower, Nettle Hill, Penn., was bom in Greene County, May 1, 1840. He is a son of Isaac and Lydia(Tustin) White, who were of English descent. His father, who was a farmer, was a soldier in the late war, serving in the Seventh West Virginia Regiment. lie was twice married, and there were three children bj the first inarriage. l>y the second marriage there were eight children, of whom Hiram White is the iifth. He was reared in Wayne Township, on the farm, and attended the district school in that township. Mr. White has been a snceessful farmer and is the owner of a farm of 147 acres of land where he resides in Jackson Township. In'1865 J\Ir. White married Mary Ann, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth (King) Cole, and their children are John Henry, Eliza- beth, wife of Isaac Hughes; George, Thomas, Eliza, James M., Zella and J>ucy. Mr. White is a Democrat, and in 1844 was elected county commissioner. In ISfil he enlisted in Company E, Second West Virginia Volunteer Infantry. He was a brave soldier and fought in many battles. In 1884 Mr. White was appointed reporter for the Greene County Agricultural Society. He took an active interest in the Granger movement, and for years was deputy of the county. He is P. C. of the G. A. R. Post, No. 552, at Nettle Hill. DR. T. T. WILLIAMS, Nettle Hill, Penn., was born in Wash- ington County, Penn., July 22, 1820. He is a son of David and ]\Iary (Thomas) Williams, who were natives of Washington and AVestmoreland counties. They were of English, Welsh and Irish descent. His father was a farmer, and died in 1859. His family consisted of five children, of whom the Doctor is the third. He was reared on the farm and attended the common schools. He was sub- sequently a student in the Academy of Monongahela City, Penn., where he studied the classics, sciences and literature, and while still a young man he taught school for several years, aggregating three and a half years of continuous teaching. He studied medicine while engaged in the profession of teaching, and attended a Medical Insti- tute at New York City, where he graduated, and after his return en- gaged in the practice of his profession. He subsequently took other special courses in medicine and collateral sciences, attended the Jeffer- son Medical College at Philadelphia, Penn., and afterwards resumed for a brief period bis practice at Monongahela City, Penn. In 1857 he came to Greene County and located at Rogersville, where he re- mained for a period of four years in successful medical practice, the first year practicing with Dr. D. W. Braden, now of Waynesburg, Penn., as partner. Since 1861 he has been in practice at Nettle Hill. 762 HISTORY OF GKEENE COUNTY. Dr. Williams was married September 7, 1858, to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Samuel Croiise, near Rogersville. Mrs. Williams is of English, Scotch and German extraction. They are the parents of seven living children, viz: Lay ton B., a farmer; Mary Etta, wife of Prof. T. R. Stockdale; Caroline R., wife of W. Scott Johnson; Sam- uel T., Jennie E., Britta L. E. and Leonora Estella. Dr. Williams is a Democrat in politics, and at this writing holds the commission of postmaster at Nettle Hill, Penn. JAMES WOOD, farmd^■ and stock-grower, Holbrook, Penn., was born October 14, 1819, on the farm he now owns in Jackson Town- ship, and is a son of Micajah and Jane (Mason) Wood, who were of English origin. His ancestors were among the eai'liest settlers of Greene County, where his father spent most of his life as a farmer, having lived to the advanced age of eighty-three years. Of his family of nine children, all grew to maturity. Besides the subject of onr sketch, there is but one other member of the family now living — a brother who was born in 1806, and now residee in- Morrow County, Ohio. James Wood has spent most of his life in Aleppo and Jack- son townships. He received a common-school education in his early youth, has been a successful farmer, and owns 204 acres of well-im- proved land. On March 11, 1844, Mr. Wood married Mary Ann, daughter of Morgan and Elizabeth (Lippencott) Hoge. Their chil- dren are L. W. and Thomas, farmers; Elizabeth Jane, wife of Henry Church; L. H., a merchant, and Lucinda, wife of Z. G. Call. Mr. Wood is a Republican. He and wife are members of the Christian Church. MONONGAHELA TOWNSHIP AND GREENSBORO BOROUGH. H. K. ATCHISON, a retired potter, who was born in Elizabeth, N. J., August 5, 1820, is a son of Robert and Jane (Parshall) Atchi- son, who were of Irish descent. His father was born on the ocean while his parents were on their way to America. They settled in New Jersey, where Robert grew to manhood. He learned the pot- ter's trade, which he followed in Newark, N. J., for many years. lie subsequently moved to Elizabeth, where he died in 1883. The sub- ject of this sketch was the second in a family of eight children, and was reared in Elizabeth, N. J., where he received his early education. He veiy naturally learned the potter's trade with his father, and was IlISTOKY OF GREENE COUNTY. 763 eiiii>loyed as a jonnieyman for several years. In 1S55 ho engaged ill the business at New Geneva, Fayette County, Peiin., and con- tinued therein for six years. On September 20, 1861, he enlisted in the service of his country in Company G, Eighty-fifth Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and was in the following battles: In front of Yorktown and Fair Oaks; Sies^e of Yorktown, Va. ; Williamsburg, Va., May 5, 1862; Savage Station, May 24, 1862; Seven Points, May 31, 1862; Jones' Ford, June 28, 1862; S. AY. Creek, S. C, De- cember 13, 1863; Kingston, N. C, December 14, 1863; Wiiite Hall, N. C, Decemlier 16, 1863, and others. In 1S64 Mr. Atchison was wounded in front of Petersburgh, and lost his right arm. Return- ing to Greensboro at the close of the war, he was appointed United States store-keeper in 1869, and served for a period of twelve years. He was united in marriage, May 14, 1846, with Susan, daughter of Henry and Susan (Billingsley) Stephens. Her mother was liorn in West Virginia, and lier father was a native of Greene County, Penn. They were of English and Scotch descent. Mr. and Mrs Atchison have nine children and fourteen grandchildren, all but three of whom are living. The children are — Anna, wife of John Rumble; James, Henrj^ Charley, Jane, wife of William Ilalliday : Mary J. and Joseph. Robert and Clarinda are deceased. Tlieir mother is a faithful mem- ber of tiie Ba]itist Church. JOHN W. PARP>, farmer and stock-grower, Mapletown, Penn., was born in Monongalia County, W. Va., Jul}' 8, 1854. His parents, Gideon and Sarah (Wel)b) Barb, were natives of Old Virginia, and of German descent. In early life his father was a farmer. He sub- sequently became a manufacturer of boots and shoes, and came to Mapletown in 18G6, where he engaged in that business until his death in 1875. John W. is the eleventh in a family of twelve chil- dren. He was reared in Mapletown, and attended the district school. He has followed farming as his occupation, and is the owner of a farm of 100 acres in Monongahela Township, where he resides. Mr. Barb was united in marriage, in 1876, with Louisa E., daughter of Alexander and Maria (Debolt) Mestrezat, who were of French de- scent. Mr. and Mrs. Barb's children are — Lilian, Minnie, Charles A., Lamar and William. Mr. Barb is a Democrat. His wife is a zealous member of the Baptist Church. GEORGE F. BIRCH, M. D., deceased, was born in Washington County, Penn., Angust 9, 1824. His father, David Birch, who was a farmer and school-teacher, was born in Ireland. His mother, Lu- cretia Ellen (Vankirk) Birch, was a native of Washington County, Penn., and of English extraction. Dr. Birch was the oldest in a family of six children, and was reared on the farm with his parents. He attended the Washington and Jefferson College, where he grad- uated in the classical course. He studied medicine with Dr. Isaac 764 niSTOKT OF geeene county. Reed, of Jeifersou Borough, this county, and subsequently attended the Western Eeserve Medical University at Cleveland, Ohio, where he graduated in 1852. In 1853 he first engaged in the practice of his profession in Greene County, where he spent the remainder of his life in active practice. Plis practice in Greensboro and vicinity was quite extensive from 1853 until his death, which occurred Sep- tember 18, 1884. Dr. Birch took an active interest in education, and served as school director for twelve years. He was an active member of the I. O. O. F. and the Masonic fraternity. He was mar- ried in this county, February 17, 1854, to Miss Adelia, daughter of Benjamin and Margaret (Kramer) Jones, who were of Welsh and English origin. Dr. and Mrs. Birch were the parents of eight chil- dren — two daughters, both deceased, and six sons, four living: Will- iam David, a carriage trimmer; B. J., a physician; George F., a book-keeper, and Samuel B., who is registered as a drug clerk. The Doctor was a member of the Disciple Church, and his wife is a de- voted Baptist. Their second son, B. J., who was born in Greensboro, attended the University at Morgantown, W. Va., and read medicine at Cleveland, Ohio, where he graduated in 1883. He also attended the Medico-Cliirurgical College at Philadelphia, graduating in 1887, and has since been engaged in the drug business and the practice of his chosen profession, at Greensboro, Penn. JAMES A. BLACK, fanner and stock-grower, who was born in Greensboro, Penn., May 19, 1822, is a son of Benjamin F. and Sophia (Gabler) Black. His parents were natives of Greensboro, and of German and Scotch descent. His father, the brother of Hon. C. A. Black, a prominent attorney of Waynesburg, Penn., was a merchant and justice of the peace in Greensboro, and served one term in the State Legislature. Fie died in his forty-second yeai-, June 10, 1843, leaving a family of six children. James was the second and was reared in Greensboro. He has made farming his chief occupation, and owns his present farm near Greensboro and other valuable lands. In 1844 Mr. Black married Miss Ann, daughter of James and Sarah M. (Morris) Steele, and they have a family of eight children, viz.: Charles E., John S., Emma V., wife of Eev. Mr. Patterson, of Mead- ■ville, Penn.; Anna, wife of Rev. Mr. McGree; James A., B. F., Samnel and Asia,, five of whom, with their mother, are faithful mem- bers of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Black has served as justice of the peace at Greensboro for over a quarter of a century, and was at one time Master in the Masonic lodge. J. S. BLACK, farmer and coal merchant, Greensboro, Penn., was born in Greensboro, March 30, 1852. Flis parents were James aiid Sarah (Steele) Black, the former a native of Virginia and the latter of Greene County, Penn. The subject of this sketch is the foiirth in a family of eight children. He was reared in Greensboro and HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 765 9 attemled the common school. His first occupation was tliat of farm- ing. He tlien engaged in the coal business, which lie has since carried on quite extensively. Mr. Black was married in Fayette County, Penn., December 12, 187G, to Miss Jessie Nicholson. Her parents were natives of Fayette County, and of English descent. Mr. and Mrs. Black have four children — Eunice Aden, Nina May, Bessie N. and Albert Crystie. Mr. Black is a Democrat, and belongs to the Methodist Church. His wife is a Presbyterian. JAMES E. BLACKSHERE, farmer and stock-grower. Maple- town, Penn., was born in Monongahela Township, Greene County, Penn., April 15, 1882. His parents, Frank and Sarah Blackshei'e, who were natives of Delaware, came to Pennsjdvania early in life and settled in (Jreene County. Mrs. Blackshere is still living, having reached the advanced age of eighty-five years. They had a family of four children, of whom James E. is the youngest. He was reared on the farm and attended the common schools of the township. Mr. Blackshere is a prosperous farmer and owns a fine farm ,of 450 acres where he now resides. In 1856 Mr. Blackshere married Eliza, daughter of William Gray, who was among the wealthiest men of Greene County. Mr. and Mrs. Blackshere's childi-en are si.x in number. A. V. BOUGHNEIl is a merchant and postmaster of Greens- boro, Penn., where he was born in 1830. He is a son of Daniel and Mary (Vance) Bougliner, being the youngest in their family of six- sons and three daughters. Mr. Bougliner was reared in Greensboro, where he received a common-school education, and had some ad- vantages above the common schools. He learned the potter's trade, in which business he engaged for almost twenty-five years. He also carried on a store during that time, and since 1868 has given all his attention to merchandising. In 1857 Mr. Bougliner married Perie Minor, who is of English descent. Their children are^Alice, wife of Harry C. Lemmon; Mary, Eunice, Sherman and Claude. Mr. Boughner is a Democrat in politics, and was appointed to his pres- ent position of postmaster in 1885. He and wife were zealous memliers of the Presbyterian Church, in which he is an ofticial member. His wife died in 1880. O. P. COOPER, merchant miller, Mapletown, Penn., was born in Preston County, Virginia, April 25, 1836, and is a son of John G. and Elizabeth (^Kearns) Cooper, who were natives of Virginia, and of German origin. His father, who was a miller and hatter by occu- pation, died in 1868, in Fayette County, Penn., where he had resided for many years. His family consisted of eleven children, of whom O. P. is the seventh. He remained in Fayette County till he was ten years of age, then came to Greene County, and received his edu- cation from the common schools. Early in life Mr. Cooper learned 7(36 IIISTOltY OF GEEENE COUNTY. « the miller's trade, and spent most of liis life in that bnsiness. His long experience and natural mechanical ability, coupled with his univei'sally polite and gentlemanly demeanor, eminently qualify him fur his chosen occupation. In 1885 he bonght the old Minor mill in Monongahela Township, which he has refitted and greatly im- proved. Mr. Cooper was married in Greene County to a Miss Hil- debrand, who was a native of this county, and of German descent. Their children are — "Walter L., principal of schools at Alton, Penn.; John F., telegraph operator and agent on B. & O. R. K. ; Josepli M., practical engineer; Jefferson, in government land office in Kansas; Lewis M., a miller; Oliver P., studying medicine; Harry E., at home. Mr. and Mrs. Cooper are prominent members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. A. B. DON AWAY, a druggist of Greensboro, Penn., was born near Brownsville, Fayette County, Penn., April 3, 1849. He is a son of John and Margaret (Robinson) Donaway, who were of Irish and English descent. His father, who was a teamster, died in 1882. His mother is still living at the advanced age of eighty-seven years. The}' had a family of thi-ee sons and one daughter. A. B., the young- est of the family, was reared in Greensboro, where he leai-ned the potter's trade and followed it as a bnsiness until 1872. ITe then engaged in the drug business, in which he has met with unusual success. In 1878 Mr. Donaway married Elizabeth, daughter of E. O. Ewing, and they have three childi'en — Minor G., Katie and War- ren. Mr. Donaway is a Democrat, has been a member ef the town council of Greensboro, and served as street commissioner. He also belongs to. the Royal Arcanum. J. PI. DULANY, merchant and postmaster, Mapletown, Penn., •was born in Cumberland Township, this county, August 13, 1856. He is a son ot Dennis and Elizabeth (Seaton) Dulany, natives of Greene County, and of English descent. ITis father is a tailor by occupation, in which he is now engaged at Garard's Fort, Penn. The subject of this sketch is the sixth in a family of seven children. He was reared in Greene County, where he attended the common schools. While at home he assisted his father in the nursery, of which he was proprietor. Attaining his majority, he engaged in merchandising at Mapletown, where he has the postoffice in connec- tion with his large general store, and meets with success in liis busi- ness. In 1884 Mr. Dulany married Miss Cecilia B., daughter of Elisha and Cynthia (Coleman) Walters, who were natives of Penn- sylvania, and of English descent. Mr. and Mrs. Dulany have one child— Maud E. Mr. Dulany is a Republican in politics, and his wife is a devoted member of the Baptist Church. SAMUEL DUNLAP, farmer and stock-grower, Mapletown, Pennsylvania, was born in Fayette County, Penn., June 2, 1887, and is HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 767 a SOU of Andrew and Mary (Stone) Dunlap. His parents were of Scotch descent, but natives of Pennsylvania. His fatlier came to ' Greene County in 1844 and settled in Monungahela Township, where Samuel now resides. He was successful through life as a farmer, and had been acting justice of the peace for twenty-five years — at the time of his death in 1888. His family consisted of two children — Eliza- beth Ann, wife of H. K. Barb ; and Samuel, the subject of this sketch. He obtained only a common-school education in this county, was reared on a farm and has made farming the business of his life. Mr. Dunlap's wife was Miss Martha A., daughter of William and Elizabeth (^Hedge) Spencer, who were of English and German de- scent. Her father was born in Jefferson Borough, this county, in 1805. Mr. and Mrs. Dunlap have but one child — Harry L. Mr. Dunlap is a Democrat in politics, and his wife is' a devoted member of the Presbyterian Church. E. S. EVANS, farmer and stock-grower, Greensboi'o, Perm., was born January 27, 1845, and is a son of Evan and Kebecca (South) Evans, who were of Welsh and German origin. His father was a farmer and stock-grower by occupation, and met with marked suc- cess throughout his life. He was a deacon in the Greensboro l>ap- tist Church. Enoch S. was reared on the farm and received his edu- cation from the common schools and Waynesburg College. His fatlier left him in comfortable circumstances and he follows farming more from choice than necessity. Mr. Evans has resided for many years on his farm in Monongaliela Township, where he makes a specialty of raising line stock. He was united in marriage, in 1871, with Miss Ada Lawson, daughter of A' C. and Martha D. Pennington, who were of English origin. Mr. and Mrs. Evans have an interesting family of seven children — Carrie May, P-ierre O., Nona O., Evan, A. C. P. Wilson, W. B. and Nellie B. In politics Mr. Evans is a Republican. He and his wife are faithful members of the Baptist Church, of which he is deacon. JiLIAS A. FLENNIKEN, proprietor of the Greensboro hotel and livery stable, was born June 2, 1824, and is a son of J. W. and Hettie A. (Wright) Flenniken, natives of tliis county. He is tlie oldest of a family of seven children, and was reared on his tatlier's farm in Cumberland Township, where he received his early educa- tion. He afterwards attended school in the old Greene Academy at Carmichaels, Pennsylvania. His ancestors were among the pioneers of Greene County. For many years Mr. Flenniken has bought and sold horses and 'has been particularly interested in fast horses. For the last twenty years he has dealt extensively in wool. For two years he was captain of a steamer on the Monongahela River. In politics Mr. Flenniken is a Republican. In 184G he married IVIary Ann, daughter of William Kerr of Cumberland Tow:isliip. Mr. and Mrs. 768 HisTOEr OF greene county. Flenniken's children are — Joseph D., Sarah J., widow of Byrass Thompson, deceased; Thomas, Belle, wife of George Stemets; John F., James, Elizabeth, wife of Oliver McClain; George N., Mary, and William. Mr. and Mrs. Flenniken have twenty-one grandchildren now living and one dead, being the only member of the family deceased. A. K. GABLE R, a retired farmer of Greensboro, Penn., was born May 29, 1821, at the old glass works near Greensboro, and is a son of Tiiomas and Wilhelmina (Kramer) Gabler. Mr. Gabler's ancestors, who were of German extraction, were pioneers in the glass business in this part of Pennsylvania and established the first glass works in Greene County. Thomas Gabler was born in Mary- land in 1798 and died in 1875. His wife died in 1881, having reached the advanced age of eighty. two years. Their family con- sisted of nine children, six of whom are living — four sons and two daughters. Mr. A. K. Gabler is the oldest son. He was reared at the old glass works, received a common school education and chose farming as his occupation through life. In 1852 Mr. Gabler mar- ried Miss Maria, daughter of John Jones, of Greensboro, and they are the parents of two children — Benjamin and Thomas C, a prom- inent young attorney. Mr. and Mrs. Gabler .are members of tJie Presbyterian Church. A. K. Gabler's brother, Kramer, who is also a farmer and stock-grower, was born and raised at the old glass works, where he received his. early education, and learned the saddler's trade with his brother, J. W. Gabler, of Greensboro. He worked at the trade until 1882, when he commenced farming and has met with success. Mr. Gabler is a Eepublican in politics. Angust 31, 1862, he enlisted in Company A, in the One Hundred and Fortieth .Eegi- • ment, Pennsylvania Volitnteer Infantry. He was a non-commis- sioned officer, and served until the close of the war. He has also served one term as Officer of the Day in Greensboro, G. A. K. Post. The youngest brother is George, born in 1841, who is also a farmer, and likehis brothers, a Kepublican in politics. His farm consists of eighty-six acres of well improved land in Monongahela Township. Mr. Gabler comes of a family noted for their energy and industry. They have ever been diligent in business, and have met with finan- cial success. J. W. GABLER, harness-maker and saddler, Greensboro, Penn. Among the successful business men of Greene County we mention the gentleman whose name heads this sketch. He was born in this • county April, 3, 1825, and is a son of Thomas arid Wilhelmina (Kramer) Gabler, who were of German and English descent. His mother was born in Fayette County, Penn. His fatlier was born in Frederick City, Md., and was a glass-blower and manufacturer, and came from Pittsburi>- to Greensboro, where he engaged in that busi- HISTOKY OF GREENE COUNTY. 769 ness for many years. lie died in 1879 at the age of seventy-seven. The subject of this sketch was the third in a family of nine children. He was reared in Greensboro, where he received his early education. At the age of nineteen he learned the saddler's ti'ade, to which he devotes most of his time. He is also n manufacturer of harness, in which he nses good material and does good work. Mr. (-labler has been in bnsiness in Greensboro for nearly forty-five years, and by means of his industry and careful investments, has secured a gootl competence for himself and family. He has a half interest in the Greensboro hotel, and is the owner of 350 acres of land and real estate in Greensboro and elsewhere. Mr. Gabler was married in Greensboro, December 21, 1858, to Amy, daughter of Daniel and Mary (Vance) Boughner. Mrs. Gabler is of Irish and Dutch descent. They have but one child — Myrtilla. Mr. Gabler is a Re- publican in politics, and in religion a Presbyterian, in which Church he has been teacher and treasurer for a period of twenty years. J. E. GEAY, a farmer and merchant, of Gray's Landing, Penn., was born July 4, 1831, on the farm near Mapletown, in Monon- gahela Township, this count}'. He is a son of William and Cath- arine (Robinson) Gray, who were of English and Irish origin. His father, who was a wealthy farmer and prominent business man, was en- gaged in the commission business in Baltimore, Md., for several years. He died in 1885, having had a family of six children, two of whom are deceased. The subject of this sketch was the oldest, and was reared on the farm with his parents. He attended the common-school at Mapletown, Penn., and spent two years at Waynesburg College. Mr. Gray was first employed with his father in the distillery, of which he is now proprietor. He has also engaged in farming and owns 500 acres of land, in connection with a general store which they established in 1858. On February 22, 1855, Mr. Gray married Catharine, daughter of James and Catharine Huston. Their children are — L. Alice, wife of O. M. Boughner; Selisia and Selena. Their mother is a de>'oted member of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Gray is a Republican in politics. He ever manifests great interest in the educational welfare of his township, and has served as school director for twelve years. DR. WILSON GREENE, of New Geneva, Penn., was born in Monongahela Township, Greene County, Penn., December 1, 1829. His parents were Matthew and Rachel (Sycks) Greene. His father was of English origin and his mother was of German origin. His father was born February 17, 1806, in Monongahela Township, Greene County, Penn., where he still resides and now in his old age is often visited by his son who is ever considerate of his happiness. The Doctor's mother, who died in 1809, was a member of the Sycks family who came to Monongahela Township while the Indians were still 770 IIISTOUY OF GKEElSrE COUNTY. inhabitants. Tliey with the Seltzers built a fort for protection on Dunkard Creek, where the first Dnnkard oil field is. Daniel Sycks, an elder brother of Eachel, was born, on the farm where she died, December 8, 1788 and died July 16, 1888, and was the oldest man in the township. When Dr. Greene's grandparents, William and liebecca (Larue) Greene, first came to Greene County they settled on a farm near Willow Tree, on Big Whiteley Creek. They were natives of Bucks County, Penn., and descendants of the pioneer Quakers, who came from England with William Penn. Dr. Greene Is the second and only son of a family of tour children. Tie was reared on a farm and at an early age he made choice of the practice of medicine as his profession. His medical education was obtained at the Cleveland Medical College, Cleveland, Ohio. In 1859 he he opened an office at Bristol, Perry Connty, Ofiio, where he soon gained an enviable reputation as a practicing physician. In order to be near his aged parents he returned in 1864 to the scenes of his childhood and settled in Fayette County, on the banks of the Monon- gahela Kiver, in New Geneva, within three miles of his old home. Here the Doctor soon won a large and lucrative practice in Greene and Payette counties. He was united in marriage March 23, 1859, with Miss Pleasant M., daughter of Evan and Nancy (Myers) Evans. Mrs. Greene is a sister of L. K. Evans, editor of the "Three Elvers Tribune," Michigan, and is of Welsh descent. Her father was a successful farmer of Greene County and died in 1865. Dr. and Mrs. Greene have two children, who took a course in Monongahela Col- lege, Isa D., wife of O. J. Sturgis, editor of the Rejniblican Standard, at Uniontown, Penn., and Willie W., who is a graduate of Duff's College, Pittsburg, Penn. Isa, the onlydaughter, i-eceived all the advantages of a good musical education and graduated at Dana's Musical Institute, of Warren, Ohio. Dr. Greene is a Kepul)- lican in politics. He devotes all his time to his business and pro- fession, in wiaich he has proven himself one of the most prominent in the county. The family are prominent members of the Baptist Churc'h. JOHN JONES, of the firm of Hamilton & Jones, manijfacturers of earthen ware and tile roofing at Greensboro, Penn., was born in Monongahela Township, Greene County, Penn. He is a son of Benjamin and Laura (Kramer) Jones, natives of this county, and of Welsh and German descent. Mr. Jones' father was a glass-blower by occupation. His family consisted of eight children, all of whom reached maturity. Mr. John Jones, the fifth was reared in Greene County, and attended the common schools. Early in life he learued the potter's trade at Greensboro, and engaged in the business until 1866, when he went into partnersliip with Mr. Hamilton. Tliey emjiloy about twenty-five men, and have contributed much to tiie IflRTORT OF GREENE fOUNTY. 771 improvement of the town. In 18Gj !\rr. Jone.s married Miss Mary A., daughter of W. L. irainilton, a prominent citizen of Greensboro. They are the parents of one chikl, Asia K. Mrs. Jones is a member of tlie rresl)yterian Church. Mr. Jones is a Republican, and a member of the town council, of which he has served as treasurer. lie enlisted under Captain Harper, of Carmichaels, Tenn., in Com- pany F, First Tennsylvania Cavalry. He was wounded and taken prisoner at the battle of Warrington, Virginia, but managed to es- cape the lirst night. . Mr. Jones has been engaged in the pottery Irasiness since the close of the war. He is Post Commander of the Alfred Shibler G. A. E. Post No. 119, of Greensboro. T. P. KRAMEU, a retired glass manufacturer of Greensboro, Penn., was born October 20, iSOi, and is the son of Ealtzer and Sarah (Phillips) Kramer. His mother was the daughter of Hon. T. P. Philli])S, who at an early age was a member of the Pennsylvania State Legislature. He was a farmer by occupation and resided in Fayette County, near Greensboro for many years, and in his house was the first court held in Fayette County. T. P. Kramer's grand- father, Ealtzer Kramer, came from Germany to Maryland, and subsequently removed to Fayette County, Penn., and settled on a farm near New Geneva. He was afterwards one of a party induced by Hon. Albert Gallatin to settle near Greensboro and establish a glass works, Mr. Gallatin taking one-half interest and furnishing the material. The firm consisted of George Reppert, Lewis Reitz, Christian and Baltzer Kramer, Jr., and Adolphus Everhart, one of the men who carried Gen. LaFayette off the battle-field, and was recognized by the General when making his farewell visit to America. Baltzer Ivramer's family consisted of seven children, of whom T. P. Kramer's father, Baltzer, Jr., was the oldest. He was born in Maryland in 1777, and in 1808 became a member of the glass company near Greensboro, where he died in 1852, leaving a family of six children. The subject of this sketch is the oldest, and has been a resident of this county the most of his life. He was sent to school at Cannonsburg, Penn., but ran away and refused to go to college, so his father allowed him to learn the glass-blowing trade, and he has followed that as a business for many years. In 1834 Mr. Kramer married Sarah, daughter of Gec>rge Ilarter. Mrs. Kramer is of German and Englisli e.Ktraction. They had a family of ten children — S. E. B., Sarah M., Elizabeth Ann, William, May Ellen, George, Baltzer, John P., and Virtue and Edward R., deceased. Their mother died in 1884. Mr. Kramer has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church for nearly sixty yeiirs. He has always taken an active interest in the affairs of the church, and has served as class-leader, steward and trustee. His children are all members of the church. Mr. Kramer is a Republican and a strong advocate of 772 HISTOliY OF GREENE COUNTY. the temperance cause. Altliougli iu his eiglity-hfth year, he is strong and vigorous in mind and body, seldom failing to walk from his home to Greensboro every day — a distance of more than a mile. JOHN C. KRAMER, Greenshoro, Greene County, Fenn. — The subject of this sketch is a descendant of the early settlers of Greene County. He was horn in Monongahela Township, September 15, 1838, and is a son of George li. and Louisa (Jones) Kramer, also natives of Monongahela Township. Mr. Kramer's mother was born ill 1814, and was of German origin. His father, who was a farmer and glass-blower, was born in 1808 and died June 28, 1881. John Jones, Mr. Kramer's grandfather, was a farmer by occupation, and died at the age of forty-two. liis grandfather Kramer was a glass- blower, and lived to a good old age. John C. is the second in a family of six children, and was reared on his father's farm where he received his early education. Afan early age he learned glass-cutting and he is now employed in that business in Pittsburg. Mr. Kramer was married in Camden, New Jersey, May 26, 1870, to Sallie C, daughter of Joseph and Lydia (Caine) Southard. Her parents were natives of New Jersey, and of German extraction. Mrs. Kramer is the third in a family of eight children, and was reared in Camden New Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. Kramer are the parents of four children, viz.: William M., Franklin B., Louisa J. and George R. Mr. Kra- mer is a Kepublicanin politics, and in religion a Fi'esbyterian. He is also a prominent member of the Masonic fraternity. JOHN P. KRAMER, potter by trade, is the youngest son of T. F. Kramer, was born at the glass-works February 7, 1854. He re- ceived a common-school education and learned the potter's trade, which he has followed as a business veiy successfully. Mr. Kramer was united in marriage June 26, 1876, with Miss Josephine, daughter of William and Frances (Black) Wolverton. Mrs. Kramer is of German lineage. They are the parents of six children, viz.: Harry, Estella, Llarris, Clarence, Fannie and Sarah. Mr. Kramer is a Re- publican. He and his wife are zealous members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he has served as steward and superin- tendent of the Sabbath-school. FROF. GEORGE F. MARTIN, principal of schools at Greens- boro, Fenn., was born in the State of Mississippi, June 25, 1846. His parents are Daniel F. and Hannah (Reynolds) Martin, the former a native of Virginia and the Jatter of Mississippi. They were of English origin. His father was a cotton planter in early life, and subsequently engaged in farming and stock-raising in southern Kan- sas. His family consisted of six children, of whom George F. was the fourth. He was sent to a private school in Mississi])pi until his father lost his fortune, which was valued at one million dollars. At his father's suggestion George went North when fourteen years of HISTORY OF GRKENE COUNTY. 77H age, and worked about two years for a sewing machine couip.uiy at Elizabeth, New Jersey. He then spent two years in Yale College. Eeing obliged to leave the scliot)l for lack of funds, he taught for two years, and was given the position of principal of schools at IStoughton, Wisconsin — a place of about two thousand inhabitants. lie remained there about tour years, afterwards teaching in Wisconsin and Michi- gan. Returning South, Prof. Martin taught several years in West Virginia, and in 1880 was appointed bj' the State superintendent of schools to conduct an institute at Morgantown, W. Va. For the past eight years he has been identified with the schools of Greene County, Penn., and has assisted in conducting two summer normals at Waynesburg College. Prof. Martin is one of Greene's most able educators and makes frequent contributions to the leading school journals, lie was united in marriage in Monongalia County, W. Va., with Miss Anna M., daughter of John ]]losser. Mrs. Martin is of English descent. Tiiey are the parents of five children — Frank P., William Pt., Clara M., Florence M. and Elmer W. The Professor is a Democrat in politics, and a member of the lio^'al Arcanum. JEAN LOUIS GUILLAUME (called William) MESTliEZAT, retired farmer and stock-grower, was born in Mapletovvn, this county, May 11, 1809. His parents, Charles Alexander and Louisa (Du- fresne) Mestrezat, were natives of France, and came to Greeue County, Penn., in 1795, among the earliest settlers. They lived a short time near Carmichaels, in Cumberland Township, then settled in Maple- town and spent the remainder of their lives. Mr. Mestrezat died April 1, 1815, and his widow in 181:9. They were the parents of eleven children, of whom Jean Louis Guilbiume is the eighth. He was reared in Mapletown, and early in lite learned the gunsmith trade. He subsequently, carried on the mercantile business, and also en- gaged in farming to some e.xtent. He owns 330 acres of valuable land. In 1843 Mr. Mestrezat married Mary Ann, daughter of Mat- thias and Hannah (Leslie) Hartley, who Avere of Irish lineage. Mr. and Mrs. Mestrezat have live children — C. A., Harriet M., widow of the late Samuel Hudson; S. L., a prominent attorney at Uniontown, Penn.; Charlotte Amanda, wife of Hon. M. John, of Colorado; and J. L. G., a cattle-dealer in the West. Mr. Mestrezat is a Democrat in politics. He has served as school director for fifteen years. FREDERIC MESTREZAT, deceased, was born September 25, 1807, and was the son of Charles Ale.xander and Louisa Elizabeth (Dufrene) Mestrezat, natives of France, who came to America in 1793. Frederic was the sixth child and second son in a family of eleven children. He attended the select schools of Mapletown, which were tauglit by teachers hired by the parents, by the year and half year. He was one of the foremost men during his short life in securing good educational advantaijes for the town in whicii he resided. He 7'74 HISTORY OF GKEENE OOUKTY. learned the hatter's trade, aud dealt extensively in wool and fnrs. April 4, 1833, Mr. Mestrezat married Miss Martha Hall, daughter of- Lemuel aud Sarah (Grove) Hall. Her parents were natives of Delaware, and of Scotch-Irish and German origin. To Mr. and Mrs. Mestrezat were born six children, four of whom are living — Jolm A., a carpenter; Mary A., wife of B. F. Mercer; Aline A., wife of Will- iam W. Shaffei-, and Caroline A. Charles Alexander, the oldest sou, was educated in Morgantown, W. Va. He enlisted in Company E, Fourteenth Pennsylvania Cavali'y, and was captured at the battle of White Sulphvir Sjjrings, August 27, 1863, while in active service for his coixntry. He was taken to Belle Isle, Richmond, and from there was removed to Hospital No. 21 in Eichmond, where he died March 27, 1864. Mr. Frederic Mestrezat was a Republican in politics. He was an earnest and faithful worker in the Sabbath-school and for the church, although he did not unite with the church until a short time before his death, when he became a member of the Presbyterian Church of Greensboro, where his wife had been a faithful member since her youth. EGBERT MILLIKIN w^as born in Ireland in 1773, and died in 1869. He came to America in 1794, and took up a tract of about 800 acres of land, situated six miles northwest of Waynesburg, on Brown's Fork of- South Ten-Mile Creek. Nearly all of the upper end of Greene County was at that time covered with forests. Mr. Millikiu was a farmer by occupation, aud was one of the substantial citizens among the early settlers of this county. He held the office of county commissioner, and was tlie master builder of the first brick court-house in Greene County. At the age of twenty-four he mar- ried Miss Mary, daugliter of Lindsey Gray, of this county, aud aunt of" tlie late Dr. D. W. Gray, who for many years was in successful practice at Jacksonville, Richhill Township. At their wedding the principal feature in the marriage feast was a young fat bear which had been cauglit in the neigliborhood. There were born to them si.K children, and their son David, who married Miss Lydia Rogers, was the father of thirteen children. The youngest of these is Dr. J. L. Millikin, of Greensboro, one of the leading physicians of the county. Dr. Millikin was born in Greene County, six miles north of Waynes- burg, June 24, 1854. He received his early education in the district schools, aud afterwards attended Waynesburg College. He was a successful teacher in the public schools for several years, and began the study of medicine with Dr. W. S. Throckmorton at Nineveh, Penn., in 1873, and subsequently took the regular course in the Jefi'erson Medical College at Philadelphia, graduating at that institu- tion in March, 1878. He then practiced with Dr. Throckmorton for nearly two years, when he located at Carmichaels, Peim., and during one year of his residence there was in equal partnership with Dr. J. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 775 I>. Laidley, of tliat place. In 1884 Dr. Millikiii located at Greens- boro, Penn., where his professional skill and genial disposition soon won for him a large practice in the town and surrounding country. The Doctor is an active member of the Greene County Medical Society, and served one term as its president, lie is a permanent member of the State Medical Society of Pennsylvania, and belongs to the I. O. O. F. and P. A. He is examining surgeon for three in- surance companies and for the Royal Arcanum. He lias a special fondness for surgery, and has performed several difhcult operations. He frequently- contributes articles to the medical journals, and is a strong advocate of the temperance cause. November 30, 1883, Dr. Millikin married Miss Anna, daughter of James Scott, of this county. They have one child -Joseph Pancoast. 0TH(3 AV. MINOR, farmer and stock-grower, Greensboro, Penn., was born in Greene Township, this county, January 22, 1830. He is a son of John and Melinda (Lantz) Minor, natives of Greene County, and of English descent. His father, who followed the black- smith's trade in early life, was in later years a farmer and merchant miller, owning and operating a grist-mill for many years in this count}'. He died in 1881, leaving a family of live children, viz: Frances, Maiy, William, Rebecca A., and Otho, who is the second in the family. He was reared on the farm, attended the common schools, and has made farming his occupation through life. In 1859 Mr. Minor married Miss Lucinda, daughter of Hiram and Elizabeth (Hunt) Stephens. Mrs. Minor is of English and Irish descent. They have a family of five children — Sylvanus K., John W., Ellsworth, Sarepta, and Yiola (deceased). Mr. Minor is a Democrat, and he and wife are leading members in the Baptist Church. JOHN S. MINOR, carpenter and contractor, Mapletown, Penn., was born in Monongahela Township, Greene County, Penn., March 5, 1859. His parents, AVilliam and Martha (Pobinson) Minor, were natives of this county, and of English descent. His father, who was a farmer by occupation, was killed by the falling of a tree, January 5, 1875. John S. is the oldest of a family of four children. He was reared on the home farm and received a common-school education. He remained at home with his parents until he was si.xteen years of age, when he learned the carpenter's trade and has since followed it as an occupation. He was united in marriage, March 10, 1878, with Miss Flora, daughter of Dissisiway and Maria (Maple) South, who were of English and German origin. Mr. and Mrs. Minor have three cliildren — Myrtle, Walter T. and Willie Ray. Mr. Minor is a Demo- crat in politics, and in religion a Methodist, of which church his wife is also a devoted member. , T. F. PENNINGTON, merchant, Greensboro, Penn., was born in Brownsville, Penn., June 11, 1853. He is a son of A. C. and 776 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. Martha D. (Fall) Pennington, who were natives of Pennsylvania anil of English descent. His father was for several years a silversmith and justice of the peace in Greensboro, where he located in 1868. Pie also served as burgess of the borough. Plis family consisted of nine children, eight; of whom are living. The subject of this sketch is the third, and was reared at Brownsville, wliere he received a good Englisli education. Early in life he learned the tinner's trade, in which ho engaged at Greensboro. In 1878 he bought the Greensboro foundry, which he has since operated in connection with a stove and tin-ware store. In 1887 he procured a patent for a new kind of fire front, which seems to prove quite a success. Mr. Pennington was married at Gi'afton, "W. Va., in 1884, to Miss Mattie, daughter of Nathan and Catharine Means, who are of English descent. Mr. Pennington is a Democrat, and in 1888 was elected burgess of Greensboi'O. lie is a niember of the Poyal Arcanum, and a strong advocate of the temperance cause. His viit'e is president of the Greensboro W. C. T. U. They are both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he is steward and Sabbath-school super- intendent. J. Y. PROVINS, retired farmer, Greensboro, Penn., was born in Monongahela Township, this county, in 1813. He is a son of Benjamin Provins, who was a soldier in the war of 1812 and died soon after its close. Mr. Provins was reared on the farm by his grandfather, who was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, and a pio- neer farmer of Fayette County, Penn. The Provins family were strong, coui-ageous and patriotic, and ever ready to respond to the country's call for help. Mr. Provins' grandfather, James Ilartly, was for many years a prominent citizen of this county. The subject of this sketch attended school in the old log school-house for a few months in winter. He chose farming as his occupation and has met with marked success. He has made his way in the world unaided, his success being due largely to his business ability. He began as a farm laborer working by the month or day, biit is now the owner of 300 acres of valuable land. Mr. Provins was united in marriage, in 1834, with Miss Melinda, daugliter of John and Catharine (Knife) Sterling, of German origin. She died in 1884. Mr. Provins, who is a Democrat, manifests great interest in the educational affairs of his township and has served as a member of the school board. SILAS ROSS, farmer and stock-grower, Greensboro, Penn., was born in Dunkard Township, this connty, June 27, 1843. He is a son of Bowen and Anna (Gantz) Ross, who were of Scotch-Irish descent. His father, who was a farmer all his life, was a native of Fayette County and died in Greene County in 1880. His family consisted of twelve children, all but two of whom grew to maturity. Silas was the seventh in the family and was reared in Dunkard Town- IIISTOKY OF GIIEKNE COUNTY. 777 ship, wliere lie attended the common schools. lie chose farming as Ills business, and at present is the owner of 110 acres of well im- proved land where he resides. In 1868 Mr. Ross married Eunnie v., daughter of Alfred and Jane (Evans) Myers, and they are the parents of two children — Kotert C. and Alfred M. Mr. Koss is a Republican, fie takes a great interest in educational matters and has served on the school board in his district. Mr. and Mrs. Ross are zealous members of the Baptist Church. ELI JST. TITUS, farmer and stock-grower, Greensboro, Penn., was l)orn in Duiikard Township, Greene County, Penn., January 22, 18-14. He is a son of Eli and Sarah (Myers) Titus, natives of this county and among the families most noted in its history. Mr. Titus is the seventh in a family of eleven children. His parents reside in Bunkard Township, on the farm where Eli was reared and attended the district schools. lie also took a thorough course of instruction in Iron City College at Pittsburg, Penn., and graduated in 18G3. He then enlisted in the Eourteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry and was assigned to Company E of the One Hundred and Sixty-ninth Regi- ment. During his service with this regiment ilr. Titus was in forty battles and skirmishes, and at different times narrowly escaped death. He served as a non-commissioned officer, quartermaster-sergeant, and was discharged Ijy general order at the close of tlie war. In 1866 Mr. Titus married Miss Miranda, daughter of John and Leah (Keener) Durr. Her father was a native of Fayette and her mother of Greene County, and they were of German origin. A year after his marriage Mr. Titus went to West Virginia and engaged in farm- ing and stock dealing. In 1870 he returned to Greene County, Penn., and continued in the same business in which he has met with great success. His farm is well stocked and improved and his house is one of the most substantial in the county. He owns 245 acres of land in Dunkard and Monongahela townships. Mr. Titus is a Re- publican in politics, and was once sent as a senatorial delegate from Greene and Fayette counties to the Republican State Convention. He is also a member of the G. A. R. of Greensboro. The family are members ef the Baptist Church, in which Mr. Titus takes an active interest and is one of the trustees of tlie Greensboro Baptist Church. E. L. TITUS, farmer and stock-grower, Greensboro, Penn., was Ijorn in Dunkard Township, Greene County, Pennsylvania, December 26, 1845, and is a son of Eli and Sarah (Myers) Titus. His grand- parents, Peter and Pleasant (Corbly) Myers, were among the earliest settlers of Greene County. His ancestors were of English descent and usually farmers by occupation. Mr. E. L. Titus is the eighth in a family of eleven children. He was reared in Greene County, attending the common schools in Dunkard Township. He after- wards spent some time at the State Nomnal School at California, 778 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. Pumi. lie made choice of farming and stock-growing as an occupa- tion and has made it the business of his life. In 1875 Mr. Titus married Elizabeth Jane, daughter of Jesse Steele. Mrs. Titus is of English and Irish descent. They have a family of four children, viz., Arcy V., Oscar V., Scott and Charles Eli. In politics Mr. Titus is a Eepublican. J. D. WELTNEE, a farmer and stock-grower of Monongahela Township, this county, was born February 23, 1824, and is a son of John and Elizabeth (Dunaway) Weltner. His parents were natives of Greene Connty, Pennsylvania, and of Dutch and English descent. His father, who was also a farmer and stock-dealer, was twice mar- ried. J. D. Weltner was the second child by the first marriage and was reared on the home farm, attending the common schools of Greene and Fayette counties. He chose farming as a business and also dealt in stock to some extent. He spent two winters in this business in Pittsburg, Penn., and met with marked success. Mr. Weltner has also proved a success as a farmer anQ his children own B80 acres of well improved land in Monongahela Township, where he has resided since 1856. Here he always keeps a number of cattle, usually sending fifty or seventy-five head to the mai-kets each year. In 1854 Mr. Weltner was united in marriage with Miss Margaret, daughter of William and Catharine (Robinson) Gray, na- tives of tliis county. Her father was a wealthy and influential business man and succeeded in accumulating a handsome fortune. To Mr. and Mrs. Weltner were born seven children, viz., Charles W., Daisie, Minnie, Perlie and Eunice Ann, and two deceased. In politics Mr. Weltner is a Eepublican. His wife died in 1882, a faithful member of the Presbyterian Church, BENJAMIN G. WILLIAMS, farmer and stock-grower, Greens- boro, Penn., was born March 19, 1863, and is a son of Charles and Melissa (Johnston) Williams, who were of Scotch and English ex- tracton. His father, a farmer and speculator, who was born in 1835, died in 1885 at Greensboro, where he spent the last nineteen years of his life. Mrs. Williams died in 1878. They were the parents of three children — Hattie M., Laura May, wife of George C. Steele, a merchant of Morgantown, W. Va., and Benjamin, the subject of our sketch. He first attended school in Greensboro, and spent some time in the West Virginia University. He is registered as a law student at Waynesburg, Penn., and is pursuing his studies. Early in life Mr. Williams engaged in the drug business — first in Greens- boro, then in Dunbar, Fayette County, where he remained three years. At his father's death he was appointed administrator of the estate. He has carefully looked after the farm of 200 acres and valuable coal mines, and is at present engaged in building a railway IIISTOKY OK GIIEKNE COUNTY. 779 from tliu t'jirin to the river, in order to sliip tlie coal more eoiivuiiieiil- ly. Mr. Williams is a Democrat in politics, ami one of tlie most enterprising and successful young men of the county. MORGAN TOWNSHIP. JOSEPH ADAMSON, merchant, Lippincott, Penn., was horn in (rreene County, Penn., August 1, 1843. His parents were Thonuis and Mary (Iloge) Adamson, the former deceased. In 18(3(5, March 24, Joseph Adamson married Mary E.Bell, who was born in Morgan Township, July 19, 1849. She is a daughter of Henry and Deborah (Adamson) Bell. Her father is a resident of Washington County. Mrs. Bell died April 15, 188(5. To Mr. and Mrs. Adamson have been born eight children, four living — Maggie H., wife of J. L. Pyle, of Waynesburg; John B., Henry ]L. and Letitia D. The deceased are AVilliam T., James L. and two infants. Mr. Adamson was reared ou a farm and engaged in farming until 1881, at which time he began merchandising in Morgan Township. In addition to his large gen- eral store, he owns lifty acres of land where he and his family reside. He and wife are descendants of pioneer families of this county. SMITH ADA]\ISON, farmer, P. O. Lippincott, was born in Franklin Township, this county, October' 5, 1850, and is a son of Thomas and Mary Adamson {nee Hoge). His father was born in Greene County, October 5, 1816, and his mother in Centre Town- ship, September 9, 1818. They were married December 24, 1840, in the same house where the widow resides. Mr. Adamson died February 14, 1856. Tliey were the parents of five children — all of whom are living, except John, the eldest, who died October 23, 1863, in the State of Alabama, while in the service of his country during the Rebellion. The subject of this sketch was united in marriage, October 12, 1875, with Sarah M. Ilandolph. She was born in Jeffer- son Township, February 4, 1856, and is a daughter of James and Elizal)eth (Braden) Ilandolph, residents of Franklin Township. Mr. and Mrs. Adamson are the parents of four children — Walter, Laura, and Thomas, living; and Nora, deceased. Mr. Adamson, who is an enterprising and successful farmer and stock dealer, owns a good farm of 142 acres. Mr. and Mrs. Adamson are faithful members of the Baptist Church. 780 IIISTOllY OV GREENE COUNTY. ' J. E.. BELL, fanner, Jefferson, Penn., was boru in Morgan Town- ship, this county, April 12, 1836. His parents wei'e Morgan and Mary Bell (jiee Kicharcls). His father was also a native of Morgan Township. lie was born December 24, 1808. Mrs. Bell was born in Chester County, Penn., March 14, 1804. They were married in Greene County, where they remained until Mrs. Bell's death, April 8, 1878, Her husband died February 5, 1880. They were the par- ents of eight children, four of whom are living. J. R. Bell is tlie lifth, and was united in marriage, September 3, 1868, with Miss Helen Davis, born in Greene Township, this county, August 23, 1889. She is adaughter of Llenry J. and Amelia fMyers) Davis. Mr. Davis was born in Jefferson Township, September 27, 1800, and his wife was born in Greene Township, October 22, 1814. They were mar- ried in this county, where they remained until the death of Mr. Davis, November 6, 1862. His widow died at the home of her daughter in Morgan Township, April 9, 1871. To Mr. and Mrs. Davis were born three children, two now living. Mr. and Mrs. Bell have three children: Maggie A., wife of W. K. Scott; Mary E. and Henry D. Mr. Bell Avas raised on a farm and received valuable instructions from his lather in the art of husbandry, which he" has made his occupation through life. He acquired his education in the common schools and Waynesburg College, and engaged in teaching for a few years. He filled the office of auditor of the county one year, under the old con- stitution; was re-elected and served three years under the new. Mr. Bell and family are consistent members of the Baptist Church. B. F. BELL, farmer, Lippincott, Penn., was born in Morgan Township, this county, February 20, 1840, and is a son of Henry and Deborah (Adamson) Bell. His parents were natives of Greene County, where they were married and remained nntil Mrs. Bell's death, April 15, 1886. Mr. Bell subsequently married Marinda Spriggs [nee Keys), and they now reside in Washington County. He is the father of four children. B. F. is the oldest of the three living. He was united in marriage, February 10, 1867, with Mary E. Adamson, who was born in Franklin Township, this county, August 27, 1846. Mrs. Bell is a daughter of Thomas and Sarah (Hoge) Adamson, na^ fives of Greene County. Her mother is now deceased. To Mr. and Mrs. Bell have been born three children — Clementine, Samanthia and "William. Mr. Bell Avas raised on a farm, and has engaged in farm- ing from the time he first started out in life. He owns ninety-live acres of good land where he and family reside. He served his country in the late Rebellion, in Company. B, Pennsylvania Heavy Artillery. \ Mr. and Mrs. Bell are faithful members of the Baptist Church. * S. H. BRADEN", farmer, P. O. Lippincott, is a native of Morgan Township, Greene County, Penn., where he was born June 7, 1831. His parents were William and Rachel (House) Braden. His father msTOKY OF GKKENE COUNTY. 781 was born in Washiiiirton County, and liis mother in Grecno, wliuro they were married and made their home until Mrs. Braden's death, in 1838. Her husband afterwards married Nancy Douglas, who died in 1842. Mr. Eraden married for his third wife, Miss Margaret Giljson, who departed this life in 1881. Mr. Bradcn still resides in Franklin Township, this county. In 1856 Samuel II. Braden mar- ried Charlotte (Iluss) Adamson, who was horn in Greene County, May IG, 1826. She is a daup:hter of David and Delilah (Rinehart) Iluss, natives of Washington and Greene counties, respectively. After marriage they settled in Greene County and remained until the death of Mr. Iluss in 1871. Mrs. Iluss then went West on a visit, where she died in 1876. Mr. Braden is the father of four children — Albert, M'ho married Anna Shriver; Eva, Smith and Lizzie. Mr. Braden is one of the substantial and enterprising citizens of Morgan Township. lie owns 140 acres of land where he and family reside. Mrs. Braden is a consistent member of the Baptist Church. HENRY BUCKINGHAM, tanner, Clarksville, Penn., was born in Washington County, Penn., December 10, 180'J. He is a son of Isaac and Hannah (Ileaton) Buckingham. His father was born in A'Vashington County, and his mother in Greene County, where they were married. They settled in Washington County, where they remained until their death. Mr. Buckingham died in 1833 and his widow in 1846. They were the parents of eight children, two living — Hannah, wife of John A. Greenlee; and Henry, the subject of our sketch. He was united in marriage, December 25, 1833, with Mary Morton, who was born in Washington County, October, 18, 1814. Mrs. Buckingham's father, Thon\as Morton, was a native of Washington County, and her mother, Mary ^Cree) Morton, was born in Gi'eene County, where they died — Mr. Morton December 2, l86tJ, and his widow. June 6, 1880. To Mr. and Mrs. Buckingham have been born six children, live living — Isaac, Elizabeth, wife of Stephen Morton; Thomas C, Robert, Francis J., and Isabella J. (^de- ceased). Mr. Buckingham was reared on a farm, and has been en- gaged in farming and stock dealing all his life. He and his son Isaac own 143 acres of land where the family reside. Mr. and Mrs. Buck- ingham are leading members in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. A. S. BURSON, merchant, Clarksville, Penn., is a descendant of one of the pioneers of that village, where he was born November 16, 1837. He is a son of Edward C. and Maria Burson (^?iee Stew- art). The former was born in Columbiana County, Ohio, April 20, 1815, and the latter in Millsboro, Washington County, Penn., April 3, 1815. His parents were married June 7, 1836, in Clarksville, where they settled and remained until their death. Mrs. Jsurson died July 23, 1874, and her husband January 19, 1880. Of their six children, A. S. is the oldest. He was united in marriage Decern- 782 iiisTonY OF guekne county. l)er 19, 1866, with Mary A. Greenlee, who was born in Wasliington Count}' Septeuiher 11, 1839. She is a daughter of John and Mary (Balentine) Cxreenlee, the latter deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Burson have three children, two living — Harry L. and May; "William S., deceased. Mr. Burson was reared in Clarksville, and early in life began merchandising with his father. He has continued in that business all his life, with the exception of five years in which he learned and worked at the carpenter trade. Pie owns a general store in Clarksville. He has filled the offices of auditor and school di- rector of his township, and has served as postmaster for about six years. He has been a membei- of the Masonic fraternity for twenty- seven years. Mrs. Burson is a' consistent member of the Metliodist Episcopal Church. CEPHAS CART, retired farmer, Clarksville, Penu., is one of the pioneer farmers of Greene County. He was born in Washing- ton Township, August 6, 1812. His parents, Able and Eunice Cary, ()iee Woodruff), were natives of this county, where they were mar- ried and resided until their death. Mr. Cary died in 1820. Mrs. Cary was afterwards united in marriage with John McGinuis. She departed this life in 1833. Cephas Gary was united in marriage January 11, 1844, with Mary Mitchener, who was born in Jefferson Borough October 8, 1820. Slie is a daughter of Mercena and Mary (Bh\ck) Mitchener, the former a native of West Virginia and the latter of Maryland. They were married in Greene County, Penn., whei-e thSy spent the remainder of their lives. Mrs. Mitchener died May 5, 1859, and Mr. Mitchener April 15, 1880. To Mr. and Mrs. Cary have been born five children, four living — Lizzie M., Sophrona, wife of Daniel Hoover; Mercena M. and Jesse W., and Sarah J. (deceased), who was the wife of Hiram Baker. Mr. Cary is a cabinet- maker by trade, but after marriage he engaged in farming. He owns 100 acres of land, besides valuable property in Clarksville. Mr. and Mrs. Cary are consistent members of the Methodist Epis- copal Church; also each one of their children. J. W. is a minister laboring in the Pittsburg Conference. JOHN CLAYTON, deceased, farmer and stock-dealer, Lippin- cott, Penn., was born in Morgan Township, Greene County, June 27, 1826. He is a son of William and Saraii Clayton i^nee Mickins), who were natives of this county, where they resided until their deatli. William Clayton was born December 30, 1796, and died February 1, 1851. His wife was born January 15, 1798, and de- parted this life October 12, 1869. They were the parents of ten children, three daughters and seven sons, of whom John is the oldest. He was united in marriage January 20, 1853, with Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Hugh and Priscilla (Hoge) Montgomery. Mrs. Clayton was born in Morgan Township, October 14, 1833. Her HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 783 father, who was a native of Harford County, Maryland, was one of the early settlers of Morgan Township, Greene County, Penn. Jle died in June, 1882. His widow is a native of this county, and re- sides in Waynesbyrg, Penn. Mr. John Clayton and wife are the parents of four children, two deceased — Priscilla and Samuel; and two living, Sarah A., wife of Penjaniin F. Lippencott; and Maria, wife of J. L. Corbett. Mr. and Mrs. Corbett are the parents of live children. Mr. Clayton was raised on a farm, and owned at the time of his death, which occurred June 23, 1888, 400 acres of land in Morgan Township where the family lived. lie luis served his coun- ty as auditor one term, and was a member of the Masonic fraternity and I. O. O. F. Mrs. Clayton is a faithful member of the l>aptist Church. JOHN B. cox, farmer and stock-grower, Jefferson, Penn., was born in Morgan Township, this county, August 17, 1824. He is a son of Jesse and Dorcas (Bell) Cox, also natives of Morgan Town- ship, where they were married and remained through life. Mr. Jesse Cox died in Greene County, Maryland, in 182G, and was buried in that State. His widow, who was afterwards married to Thomas Patterson, died in Iowa, while on a visit to her daughters in 1872. Mr. Patterson died near Carmichaels, Penn. John B., the subject of this sketch, was two years old when his father died. He lived with his grandfather, John Bell, until twenty-one years of age. lie was then united in mai'riage April 17, 1845, with Maria Crayne, who was born in Morgan Townsiiip, April 29, 1825. Her jjarents were Samuel and Mary (IIuss) Crayne, deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Cox are the parents of eight children, six of whom are living — Mary A., wife of T. C. Buckingham; Samuel C, Dorcas L., widow of Adam Horn; Emeline, wife of Joseph Gordon; Stephen and Frank. The deceased are John B. and Calvin. Mr. Cox was raised on a farm, and has been greatly prospered in his farming and stock-raising for many years. He owns 380 acres of fine land on Castile. He is a member of the I. O. O. F. MILLER CRAYNE, farmer, Lippincott, Penn., who was liorn in Morgan Township April 22, 1817, is a son of Samuel and Mary Crayne {^nee LIuss). His mother was a native of Maryland, and his father was born in Greene County, Penn., where they were married and spent the remainder of their lives. Mr. Samuel Crayne de- parted this life October 27, 1853, and his wife June 14, 18()5. They were the parents of ten children, eiglit living. Miller is the third, and was united in the holy bonds of matrimony May 14, 1840, with Miss Lucinda Bell. Mrs. Crayne was born in Gree.e County Jan- uary 18, 1821. She is a daughter of John and Ann (Cox) Bell, also natives of this county, where they departed tiiis life — Mrs. Bell in 1871, and Mr. Bell in 1880. Mr. and Mrs. Crayne are the parents 784 histotjY of greene county. of four children, two of whom are living — Lonisa, wife of Dr. Silveus Smith; and John B., who mai'ried Martha A. Lippencott. Elmey and an infant are deceased. Mr. Crayne was raised on a farm, and has been an industrious tiller of the soil all his life. He owns eighty acres of improved land where he and family live. Mr. and Mrs. Crayne are consistent members of the Baptist Church. STEPHEN CEAYJStE, farmer, Jefferson, Penn., is one of the pioneer farmers of Greene County, and was born in Washington, Township, January 4, 181B. He is a son of Samuel and Mary (Huss) Crayne, the oldest of their ten children. The subject of our sketch was united in the holy bonds of matrimohy, March 18, 1834, with Miss Mary Bell, who was born in Morgan Township, May 26, 181G. Her parents were Isaac and Elizabeth (Herrod) Bell, natives of Greene County, where they remained until their death. Mr. and Mrs. Crayne are the parents of six children, four of whom are living — Isaac B., Eachel, wife of James Fulton; David, Anna M., wife of George Hughes, and Caroline and Martha, deceased. Mr. Crayne ■was reared on a farm. He is one of the best known and most in- dustrious farmers in the township, and owns a good farm of 157 acres. Mr. and Mrs. Crayne are faithful members of the Baptist Church. DAVID CRAYNE, farmer, Waynesburg, Penn., was born in Morgan Township, February 2, 1818. His parents were Samuel and Mary (Huss) Crayne. The former was a native of Greene County, and the latter of Maryland. They were the parents of ten children — four boys and six girls— of whom eight are living. David is the fourth in the family, and was united in marriage, December 8, 1841, with Caroline Harry. Mrs. Crayne was born in Morgan Township, March 8, 1825. Her parents, Jacob and Catharine (Buskirk) Harry, were natives of eastern Pennsylvania. They were married in Greene County, where they remained until their death. To Mr. and Mrs. Crayne have been born eight children, si.x of whom ai'e living — Samuel, Jacob, Emily A., Thomas, Stephen and Joseph. The de- ceased were Martha and Mary C. Mr. Crayne was reared on a farm, and has been successful as a farmer and stock-dealer through life. Fie (jwns 276 acres of land where he and family reside. Mr. and Mrs. Crayne are members of the Methodist Protestant Church. He also belongs to the I. O. O. F. SAMUEL FULTON, farmer, P. O. Castile, was born January 10, 1818, on the farm where he and family reside in Morgan Town- ship. John Fulton, his father, was a native of Virginia, and his mother, Isabella (Barr) Fulton, was born in Ireland. They were married in Washington County, Penn., afterwards settling in Greene County, on the farm now owned by Samuel, where they remained through life. Only two of their nine children are living. In 1836 HISTORY OF GREENE CQUNTV. 785 Samuel Fultou inarried Harriet IIuss, a native of this county, and daughter of Jolin and Elizabeth (Eaton) lluss. Mrs. Harriet Fulton died in the same year in which she was married. In 1838 Mr. Fulton was again united in marriage, his second wife being Miss Louellen McClelland, who was born in Washington TownshiiD, this count}', in 1818. Her parents were John and Nancy (Montgomery) McClelland, deceased. Mr. Fulton is the father of eleven children, nine of whom are living — Eliza, Isabella, wife of Clark Denney; Cerry, Jatnes, Nancy, wife of James Tharp; Evan, Henrietta, wife of George Weaver; L. Herrod and William. The deceased are Albert and John. AVe take pleasure in mentioning Mr. Fulton among the pioneers of Morgan Township. He was raised on a farm, and after his second marriage moved to Ilichlaud County, Ohio. Ilemaining there about nine years, he returned to Morgan Township, Greene County, Penn., M'here he owns a nice farm of 215 acres. Mr. and Mi-s. Fulton are consistent members of Cumberland Presbyterian Churcli. JAMES GREENLEE, farmer, P. O. Castile, Penn., was born in Washington County, Penn., November 11, 1818, and is a son of Samuel and Nancy Greenlee {^nee Gantz). His parents were natives of Fayette County, Penn., but moved to Washington County, Penn., where they remained until death. On March 25, 1851, Mr. Green- lee married Catharine Bell, a native of Greene County, and daughter of Levi H. and Sarah Pell (^nee Fulton). By this marriage Mr. Greenlee is the father of live children, four living — James L., Margaret, wife of Abraham Burson; Samuel B. and William — and Levi, (deceased). Their mother died in 18(33. In 1865 Mr. Green- lee married Catharine Fulton, a native of Washington County, and daughter of Stephen and Puth Fulton (■nee Cary). James and Mrs. Catharine Greenlee are the parents of three children, two living — Lewis and John B. — and Stephen, (deceased). Mrs. Greenlee died in 1882. On October 6, 1887, Mr. Greenlee married for his third wife, Eliza Armstrong (nee Gregg), daugliter of Alfred Gregg. Mr. Greenlee was reared on a farm, and has made farming his business through life. He owns 164 acres of land where and family reside. His present wife and both the. deceased were devoted members of the church. JAMES GPEENLEE, farmer, P. O. Clarksville, was born in Greene County, Penn., November 2, 1841. He is a son of John and Mary Greenlee (rte^ Balentine). His mother was a native of Scot- land. His father was born in Washington County, Penn., where they were married. They afterwards settled in Greene County, where Mr. Greenlee has since remained. Mrs. Greenlee died in Septend)er, 1855. Ilis second wife was Eliza J. Cain. Mr. James Greenlee was united in the holy bonds of matrimony, January 10, 786 History op greene couwty. 1871, with Mary E. Arnold, who was born in "Washington County, December 27, 1847. Mrs. Greenlee is a daughter of Michael and Harriet (Miller) Arnold, who reside in Clarksville. To Mr. and Mrs. James Greenlee have been born two children — Ida V., born March 6, 1875; and John C, who was born June 15, 1872, and died December 11 of the same year. Mr. Greenlee was reared on a farm, and has made farming his business through life. Pie owns sixty acres of land in Morgan Township, and valuable 'property in Clarksville. He and wife are consistent members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. HENRY GRIMES, farmer and stock-dealer, Lippincott, Penn., — Among the representative business men of Greene County, we take pleasure in giving the sketch of Henry Grimes, who was born in Centre Township, this county, September 4, 1820. He is a son of Peter and Mary (Sharon) Grimes. The former was born in New Jersey, February 17, 1789, and the latter near Baltimore, Maryland, February 5, 1786. They were married in Greene County where they remained through life. Four of their live children are now living. Henry Grimes was united in marriage, March 27, 1846, with Nancy McClelland, born in Washington Township, February 1, 1823, and a daughter of John and Nancy McClelland (^nee Mont- gomery). To Mr. and Mrs. Grimes have been born live children, four living — Caleb, Carey, who married Lizzie S. Sellers; Samuel, who married Clara Adams; Mary E., wife of Samuel C. ITawkins, and Sarah J. (deceased). Mrs. Grimes departed this life September 18, 1873, a consistent member of the Baptist Chiirch. Mr. Grimes was reared on a farm, and owns about 1,500 acres of land, 812 acres of which are in Greene County. When sixteen years of age, Mr. Grimes received $300, in gold from his father; and by means of in- dustry and carefnl management in his farming and stock-dealing has accumulated quite a handsome fortune, being considered one of the wealthiest men in Greene County. C. C. HARRY, farmer, Jefferson, Penn., was born September 13, 1831, in the house where lie and his fainily live in Morgan Township. He is a son of Jacob and Catharine Harry (vieeVan Bus- kirk.) The former was a native of CUiester and the latter of North- ampton County, Penn. They were married in Greene County, where they departed this life — Mr. Harry in 1834, and Mrs. Harry December 1,- 1859. They were the parents of live children, of whom C. C. is the yoiingesl^ In 1857 Mr. Harry married Martha Iloulsworth, a native of Greene County, and daughter of Hugh C. and Isabella Iloulsworth, deceased. By this marriage Mr. Harry is the father of four children, two of whom are living — Catharine, wife of Andrew Rich, and Belle. Tlie deceased are Emma and James. Tiieir mother died March 4, 18(38. Mr. Harry afterwards married HISTORY OF GREENE COTTNTV. 787 Elizabeth Bayard, October 11, 1877; she was born in Whitclcj- Town- ship, November 26, 1844, and is a daughter of John S. and Malinda Bayard {^lee Leonard). Tliey were natives of this comity, where they remained until Mrs. Bayard's death, March 26, 1888. Mr. Bayard is still living. Mr. and Mrs. Harry are tiie parents of two children — Charles C. and John B. Mr. Harry has been very successful in liis farming and stock-dealing, and owns 325 acres of excellent land. He is a members of tlie I. O. O. F. Mrs. Harry belongs to the .Presbyterian Church, of whicli the deceased wife was also a devoted member. WILLIAM HATFIELD, farmer, Morgan Township, Penn.,wa8 born in Whiteley Township, this county, February 4, 1848 His parents, George W. and Mary (Richie) Ilatiield, are both living and reside in Whiteley Townshij). February 8, 1872, William Hatfield married Mary J. McClure, a native of Uunkard Township. Mrs. Hatfield was born September 2, 1843, and is a daughter of James and Susan (Brown) McClure. Mr. McClure died August 8, 1886; his widow is still living. Mr. and Mrs. Hatfield ai-e the parents of two children — Ida L., born March 9, 1873, and Sudie M., born July 24, 1876. Mr. Hatfield was reared on a farm, and has been engaged in farming and stock-dealing through life. He owns about 168 acres of land where he and liis family reside. Mr. Hatfield has been greatly prospered in his business, and is one of the leading citizens in his community. Mrs. Hatfield is a faithful member ofthe Baptist Church. JOHN C. HAWKINS, farmer, Zollarsville, Beun., was born in Greene County, Penn., December 15, 1825, in the house now oc- cupied by himself and family. He is a son of Ilichard and Cynthia Hawkins [nee Crawford). Ilis father was born in Maryland, and his mother in Fayette County, Penn. They were married in Wasliington County where they remained until 1814, at which time they moved to Greene County and remained until their death. Mrs. Hawkins departed this life in July 1845, and her husband February 6. 1856. They were the parents of eleven children, four of whom are living. June 7, 1882, John C. Hawkins married Elizabeth McMur- ray, who was born in Washington County, December 5, 1840. She is a daughter of James and Catharine (Whitely) McMurray. Her father was a native of Ireland, and lier mother was born in Alle- gheny County, Penn., where they remained a few years, then moved to Washington County. Here Mrs. McMurray died November 26, 1866, and Mr. McMurray, March 17, 1875. Mr. Hawkins has l)een engaged in farming and stock-dealing through life. His farm in Morgan Township contains about 289 acres of land in a high state of cultivation. Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins are consistent memliers of the IJaptist Church. i^S HISTORY Of GRBEiTfi COttNTY. R C. HAWKINS, farmer and stock-dealer, Jefferson, renti.j was born in Morgan Township, this county, November 14, 1814; He is a son of Richard and Cynthia (Crawford) Hawkins. The former was born in Maryland and the latter in Fayette County, Penn.- They were united in marriage in Washington Coiinty, where they remained a few yeai-s then moved to Greene County and spent the , rest of their lives. Mrs. Cynthia Hawkins departed this life in July 1845, and Mr. Hawkins in February, 1856. The subject of this sketch was united in marriage November 25, 1841, with Emeline-' Wise, who was born in Washington County, November 28, 1820. Her parents were Frederick and Elizabeth (Burson) Wise, native of Washington and Grreene counties, respectively. They were married in Greene County, remained a short time, then moved to Washing- ton County where Mr. Wise died in 1877, and Mrs. Wise in 1881. Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins are the parents of nine children, of whom seven are now living: Joseph W., Maggie V., wife of William C. Bailey, Thomas, Clara E., wife of William Bodley; William B., Tressa, wife of Charles T. Harvey, and Samuel C. The deceased are Frederick W. and James F. Mr. Hawkins was reared on a farm and has been engaged in farming and stock-dealing all his life. He owns the fine farm of 280 acres where he and his family reside. Mr. and Mrs. Hawkins are faithful members of the Cumberland Presby- terian Church. J. F. HAWKINS, deceased, was born in Morgan Township, Greene County, Pennsylvania, April 13, 1845, and died May 1, 1888. He was a son of Richard C. and Emeline (Wise) Hawkins. His father is a native of this county, and his mother of Washing- ton County, Penn., where they were married. They subsequently removed to Morgan Township, Greene County, whei-e they still re- side. J. F. is the third of their large family, and was united in marriage, March 3, 1870, with Anna E. Greenlee. Mrs. Hawkins was born in Morgan Township, September 10, 1846. She is a daughter of Jacob and Mary (Spencer) Greenlee, natives of Wash- ington and Greene counties, respectively. They were married in Greene County, where they remained until Mr. Greenlee's death, August 20, 1887; his widow survives him. To Mr. and Mrs. Haw- kins were born seven children, five of whom ai'e living — Walter R., F. Bernice, Wilber J., Emma M. and Edna B. Warren K. and an infant are deceased. Mr. Hawkins was reared on a farm. Like his ancestors, he made farming and stock-dealing the busines of his life, owning at the time of his death 200 acres of well improved land where his family now i-eside. Mrs. Hawkins and W. R. are con- sistent members of the Baptist Church. THOMAS J. HOLDER, farmer, P. O. Clarksville, was born in Greene County, Penn., July 27, 1827. He is a son of Abraliam and IIISTOUT OK GREENE COUNTY. 789 Jane (Oreej Holder. The former was bora in Virginia and the latter in Greene County, Pennsylvania, wiiere tiiey settled after marriage and remained until their death. Mr. Abraham Holder died Jan- uary 9, 1846, and his wife in 186(5. They were the^ parents of seven children, four of whom are living. In 1851 Thomas J. Holder mar- ried Malinda Cox, who was Ijorn in Washington County, Penii., in 1831. Her 2)arents, Andrew and Margaret (Hupp) Cox, were natives of Washington County, where they remained until the death of Mr. Cox. His widow is still living. To Mr. and Mrs. Holder have been born twelve children — Lebenas P., Margaret J., Calvin, Josephus, Perraelia, Emma, L. Dora, Lizzie, Elmer, Laura, Charlie and Will- iam. Although a farmer by occupation, Mr. Holder is also quite a genius in his way, and can accomplisli almost any kind of work he undertakes. He owns 131 acres of land, on which are good substantial buildings. He has iilled the office of auditor of his town- ship, has served as school directors, and is also a member of the Masonic fraternity. O. C. HUKNEIi, farmer, Clarksville, Penn., was born in Fayette County, Penn., March 15, 1839. He is a son of Hiram and Malinda (Reynolds) Horner, the former a native of Fayette County, and the latter of Greene. They were manied in this county, but made their home in Fayette until Mr. Horner's death, which occurred in No- vember, 1874. His widow is still living and resides on the old home farm. They were the parents of five chihJren, of whom O. C. is the oldest living. He was united in marriage, October 15, 1864, with Amy Cox, born in Jefferson Township, January 2, 1843. Her pai- ents, Christopher and Mary (Hush) Cox, were natives of this county, where they were married and remained through life. Mrs. Cox died in 1857, and her husband in 1861. Of their ten children, three are now living. Mr. and Mrs. Hoi'ner are the parents of eight children — James L., Sarah F., Anna M., Cora B., Hiram C, Emma A., William and Oliver G. Mr. Horner was reared on a farm, and mak^s a business of farming and stock-raising. Fie owns 170 acres of land where he and family reside. Mrs. Horner is a devoted member of the Disciple Church. HENRY KEYS, farmer, P. O. Castile, was l)orn in Morgan Township, Greene County, Penn., June 10, 1837. His parents were David and Mary Keys {^nee McGinnis). The former was a native of Washington County, and the latter of Greene County. After mar- riage they settled in Washington County and remained a few years, afterwards removing to Morgan Township, Greene County, where they spent the remainder of their lives. David Keys departed this life in August, 1872, and his widow in August, 1884. • They were the parents of ten children, six of whom are living. On January 14, 1875, Henry Keys was united in marriage with Amelia Litzenburg, 790 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. who was born in Morgan Township JS^ovember 14, 1854. Mr. and Mrs. Keys have an interesting family of children — John R., Mary 0., Wesley H., Priscilla R. and George W. Mr. Keys devotes his time principally to farming, and owns 104 acres of fine land where he and family now reside. He enlisted in behalf of his coun- try's cause, in Company F, One Hundred and Fourth Illinois, and served one year. Mr. and Mrs. Keys are faithful members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. SAMUEL LEWIS, farmer, Castile, Penn., was born on the farm where he and family reside in Morgan Township, this county. His parents were John and Hannah (Arnold) Lewis, who sjjent all their lives on the farm now occupied by their son. Seven of their nine children survive them. In 1854 Samuel married Martha Blackledge (7iee Sharpnack). Her parents were natives of Greene County. Her father was born October 15, 1797, and her mother February 14, 1801. After marriage they settled in JeflFerson Township and remained until their death. Mr. Blackledge died November 5, 1870, and his widow April 11, 1876. To. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis have been born six chil- dren, three living — Stiers, Margaret and Levi. The deceased are — Mary M., John and Ellsworth. Their mother departed this life in 1863. Mr. Lewis is a farmer by occupation, and owns 325 acres of excellent land. In addition to the care of his land, he has also de- voted considerable time to the raising of stock, and is one of the most prosperous citizens of his township. SAMUEL MONTGOMERY, farmer, F. 0. Lippincott, Penn., is a descendant of one of the old families of Greene County, and was born in Morgan Township, July 17, 1835. He is a son of Hugh and Priscilla (Hoge) Montgomery. His father was a native of Maryland and when but a child came withhis parents to Greene County, Penn., where they were united in marriage. They remained in this county until Mr. Montgomery's death, which occurred in 1882. His widow survives him. Mr. Samuel Montgomery was twice married, his first wife being Mary Stentz, a native of Fayette County, and daughter of Thomas Stentz. By this marriage there are two children — Charles, and Anna, Avho is the wife of Nelson Goslin. Mrs. Montgomery died September 28, 1869. After her death, March 5, 1870, Mr. Mont- gomery married Cyrene Davis (nee Dales), who was born in Wash- ington County January 16, 1837. They are the parents of five children — Mary E., Priscilla, Lizzie, Hugh and John. Mr. Mont- gomery was raised on a farm and received many instructions from his father in the art of husbandry. He owns 130 acres of land where he and family reside. He filled the office of auditor of the county one term. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity. Mrs. Montgomery belongs to the Baptist Church, of which the deceased wife was also a devoted member. HISTORY OK OREENE COtTNTY. 791 THOMAS ir. MONTGOMERY, farmer and stock-dealer, Lij)- pincott, Peun., was born in Morgan Townsliip January 24, 184:7, and is a descendant of one of the pioneer families of Greene County. Ilis fatiicr and mother were Hugh and Priscilla (Hoge) Montgom- ery. The former was born in Maryland and the latter in Greene County, I'enn., where they were united in marriage and remained until the father's death, June 14, 1882. His widow survives him. Thomas 11. Montgomery was united in marriage, October 17, 1878, with Virginia E. Gordon, who was born in Franklin Township, April 14, 1853. Mrs. Montgomery is a daughter of IJazil and Maria finghram) Gordon, natives and residents of this county. Mr. and Mrs. Montgomery are the parents of four children — Walter C, born September 5, 187'J; Hernice L., born May 14, 1881; Florence M., born May 5, 1883; and Pauline E., born August 23, 1886. Mr. Montgomery has always lived on a farm, and owns 185 acres of good land where he and family reside. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, and is tilling the office of justice of the peace in his town- ship. He is a Baptist, and has held the office of deacon since 1879, and his wife is a member of the Methodist Protestant Church. Pre- vious to marriage he was a teacher in tlie public scliools. SAMUEL MURPiAY, farmer, P. O. Jefferson, Penn., was born in Fayette County, Penn., January 28, 1822. His father, Jacob Murray, was also a native of Fayette County; and his mother, whose maiden name was Susannah Aukerraan, was born in Westmoreland County, where they were married. After marriage they settled in Fayette County and remained until their death — Mr. Murray dying in 1852, and his widow in 1880. They had twelve children, eleven of whom are living. On August 29, 1843, Samuel Murray married Agnes Fulkerth, who was born in Westmoreland County, Penn., Oc- tober 81, 1821. Her parents were Joseph and Esther Fulkerth (jiee Stauft'er), deceased. Mr. Murray and wife are the parents of eleven children, seven living — Cyrus, David, Anna, Jennie, Elias A. F., Joseph II. and Isaac G. — and Susannah, Rachel, Jacob and an infant, deceased. Mr. Murray was raised on a farm, and has devoted his time principally to agricultural pursuits.. He owns ninety acres of land where he and family reside. He and wife are faithful members of the Brethren Church. ABLE McCULLOLGH, retired merchant, Clarksville, Penn., was born in Washington County, Penn., October 18, 1845. He is a son of Aaron and Naomi McCullough («e<3 Turner). His father was also a native of Washington County, and his mother was born in Greene County. After their marriage they settled in Washington County and remained until their death. They were the parents of four childern, two living — William and Able, the subject of our sketch. He was united in the holy bonds of matrimony, September 792 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 17, 1871, witli Leah Craig (iiee Horn), born in Washington Connty, Ai)ril 29, 1841. She is a daughter of John and Mary Horn (^lee Shape), residents of Washington County until their death. To Mr. and Mrs. McCnllough have been born three children — Olin W., Martha E. and Naomi L. Mrs. McCnllough, by her first marriage, is the mother of one child — Mary PI., wife of Samuel Teagarden. Mr. McCuUough has made farming and merchandising his business through life. He and wife are faithful members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. J. C. POLLOCK, farmer, was born in Amwell Township, Wash- ington County, Fenn., September 5, 1824. His parents were Tiiornas and Cynthia (Carter) Pollock. The former was a native of Waynes- burg, and the latter of Washington County, where they were married and remained until 1835. They then moved to Greene County, where Mr. Pollock died January 3, 1876. He served as commissioner of the county three years., representative of the county two terms, in 1841 and 1842, and associate judge one term. He and wife were the parents of eleven children, ten of whom are living — nine in this county. On November 8, 1854, 'J. C. Pollock was united in mar- riage with Miss Malissa Ailes, born in Washington County, Penn., January 27 1833. She is a daughter of Stephen and Mary (Nixon) Ailes, the former a native of Washington County, and the latter of Ireland. To Mr. and Mrs. Pollock have been born six children, three living — James M., William P., David L. — and Mary M., Stephen A. and an infant, deceased. Mr. Pollock was raised on a farm, and when twenty-one years of age he began merchandising with his father, in which he continued for three years. He afterwards served as a clerk four years, then engaged in purchasing stock and grain for a distillery. He worked in this capacity for six years, then engaged in farming and milling. He owns fifty acres of land and a half in- terest in a large flouring-mill. He belongs to the Masonic order, and he and wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. WILLIAM PYLE, hotel-keeper, Clarksville, Penn., was born in Washington County, Pennsylvania, November 10, 1838. He is a son of Joseph and Albenah (Thornburg) Pyle, natives of Pennsyl- vania. His parents were married in Washington County, where they remained a number of years and then lived in Morgan Township, Greene County, for a short time. In 1858 they returned to Wash- ington County and remained until their death. Mrs. Joseph Pyle departed this life in 1861. Her husband afterwards married Catha- rine Kenann, who is still living. Mr. Pyle died in 1873. William is the only one of the family in this county. In 1859 he married Sarah Yonker, who was born in Washington County, August 10, 1842. Mrs. Pyle is a daughter of Noah and Elizabeth Yonker [nee HISTOUY OF GHEENE COUNTY. 7ertha. Their mother is a devoted member of the Baptist Church. In politics Mr. Loughman is a Democrat. He is greatly interested in the educational affairs of liis township, and has served as school director for several years. SILAS M. McCULLOUGH, farmer and stock-grower, Nineveh, Penn., was horn in Morris Township, November 9, 1852. He is the 806 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. only child of Jolm and Caroline (Jennings) McCnllongh, natives of Greene County, and of Dutch and English descent. They were mar- ried in 1852, and his motlier died in 1854. Ills father, wlio was born October 21, 1832, was a son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Shape) McCuUongh, who were of Dutch origin. Silas grew to manhood in Morris Township, receiving his education in the district schools. He is a self-made man, and through great industry and economy has been prospered in his farming, which he has made his life work. lie owns a good farm of seventy-three acres. In 1877 he married Miss Jeunie, daughter of Elymas and Mary (Ross) Pettit, who were of English descent. To Mr. and Mrs. McCnllongh have been born five children — Clarence A., Grace M., Oscar Lee, Jessie Blanche and Elymas. Mr. and Mrs. McCnllongh are leading members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he is a trustee and prominent worker. OLIVER McYAY, a prominent business man of West Union, Fenn., was born in Morris Township, Greene County, August 7, 1842. His parents, Silas and Dorcas (Jennings) McVay, were na- tives of Washington County, Penn., and of Scotch-Irish lineage. His father was a stone-mason by occupation, and later in life he en- gaged in farming and huckstering for many years. He died in Washington County. His family consisted of twelve children, eleven of whom grew to maturity. Oliver was the fourth in the fam- ily, and was reared in Greene and Washington counties, receiving a common-school education. In 1870 he engaged in merchandising, his present business, which he makes a gi-eat success. In 1867 he married Mary, daughter of Daniel Loughman. Her motlier's maiden name was Rachel Stigner, whose father, Frederick Stigner, was among the earliest settlers of the county. Mr. and Mrs McVay have one child, Silas E., who married Elizabeth, daughter of Elias Conger. They have one child, Pearl. In politics Mr. McVay is a Republican. Septeml)er 16, 1861, he enlisted in Company D, Eighty- Fifth Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and was discharged for dis- ability in 1862. He is a member of the G. A. R. Post. Mr. and Mrs. McVay are prominent members of the West Union Cumberland Presbyterian Church. THOMAS PATTERSON, deceased, was born March 17, 1809, in Morris Township, Greene County, where he spent his entire life. His parents, Mark and Nancy (Gregory) Patterson, were natives of Ireland, and among the early settlers of this county. His father, who was a farmer, reared a family of nine children, of whom Thomas was the third. He received his education in the district schools. He spent all his life on a farm, devoting his time chiefly to farming and stock-growing, and at the time of his death, 1876, was the owner of a good farm of 200 acres. In 1831 he marrieil Miss Margaret III.STOKY OF (IKEENE COUNTY. 807 Hopkins, and tliey were the parents of nine children — Daniel, Levi, Mark, John, Esther, Eliza, Catharine, Mary and Margaret. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson were prominent members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics Mr. Patterson was a Republican. ELYMAS PETTIT, farmer and stock-grower, Nineveh, Penn., was born March 27, 1834. He is a son of Charles and Keziah(Coc) Pettit, natives of Washington County, Penn. Elymas is the fourth in a family of eight children, seven of whom are still living. lie was reared on the farm and attended the district scliooh He made choice of farming as his life-M'ork, and is now the owner of a well improved farm of 157 acres, and a neat, substantial dwelling. In 1856 he married Mary, daughter of Isaac and Sarali (McGlumphy) Ross. Mrs. Pettit is of Irish descent, and is a faithful member of the Baptist Church. Their union has been blessed with three chil- dren — Melissa, wife of Henry Preese; Jejmie, wife of Silas McCul- lotigh, and Charles F., a student at Delaware College in Ohio. In politics Mr. Pettit is a Democrat. In 18C2 he enlisted in the first Ringold liattalion, and served two years and ten months, being discharged for disaljilitj', at Cumberland, Maryland, in 1865. MATTHIAS PETTIT, farmer, Swal-t's, JPenn., who was born April 23, 1831, is a prominent farmer and stock-grower of Morris Township. lie is a son of Charles and Keziah (Coe) Pettit. His father, who was a farmer by occupation, was born July 2, 1801, and died in 1871. He spent most of his life in Greene County, where he reared a family of eight cliildren — five girls and three boys. Matthias is the oldest in the family, and was reared in Morris Town- ship. He has been engaged in agricultui'al ]iursuits from his youth, and is the owner of a well improved farm of 125 acres where he now resides. He was married in this county, December 11, 1868, to Miss Ruth, daughter of Nathan Penn. Mrs. Pettit's father was a farmer, of English descent. Her mother's maiden name was Rachel McCullough, who was of Irish descent. Mr. and Mrs. Pettit have a family ot four children — Jennie, Mary, Rachel and Richard. In politics Mr. Pettit is a Democrat. He and wife are leading members of the Baptist Church. THOMAS M. ROSS, ex-county commissioner, Sycamore, Penn., is a prominent farmer and stock-grower ot Morris Township. He was born in Washington Township, Greene County, Penn., March 10, 1831, aiid is a son of Jacob and Abigail (Ross) Ross. Though of the same name, his parents were not related. They were natives of this county, and of English and German origin. His father, who was a farmer, died in 1856. Thomas M. was the sixth in a family of nine children. He was reared on the farm in Rich- hill Township, where he attended the district schools and made farming his njain occupation. He was united in marriage, March 808 HISTORY OF GKEENE COUNTY. 13, 1856, with Sarali Elizabeth, daughter of Benjamin Franklin and Mary (Goodwin) Kickey, who were of English and Dutch origin. Mr. and Mrs. Eoss are the parents of eleven children, ten living — Celesta Ann, wife of Benjamin F. Orr; Hiram Franklin, who mar- ried Dora, daughter of Daniel Loughman; Catharine I. Y., wife of John Chnrch; Philena, wife of Jesse F. Hill; Sadie A., Timothy J., Mary, Emma, Arthur, Stella and Thomas L. A. (deceased). In 1875 Mr. Boss sold his farm and engaged in the business of huck- stering until 1881, when he was elected commissioner of Greene County. In 1884 he bought his present farm of 155 acres. He has served three years as director of the poor. He belongs to the Masonic fraternity and the I. O. O. F. Mr. Boss took an active in- terest in the Granger movement. He is a public-spirited, progress- ive citizen. He belongs to the Bates' Fork Baptist Chnrch, of which his wife, who died in 1887, was also a devoted member. BEUBEN SANDEBS, farmer and stock-grower, West Union, Penn., was born February 17, 1834, on the farm where he now re- sides. He is a son of Beuben and Fannie F. (Butan) Sanders. Beuben Sanders, Sr., was an early settler and prominent farmer of Morris Township. His family consisted of thirteen children, ten of whom grew to maturity. The subject of our sketch, who was next to the youngest in the family, was reared on the farm he now owns, and attended the district school. He has made farming his occupa- zion through life, and is the owner of 182 acres of land well stocked and improved. In 1857 he was united in marriage with Miss Mar- garet, daughter of Charles and Keziah Pettit. Mrs. Sanders is a . sister of Matthias and Elymas Pettit, prominent farmers in this township. Mr. and Mrs. Sanders have one child — Hester Ann, who is the wife of Jonathan Supler. Mrs. Sanders is a faithful member of the Baptist Church. GEOBGE SHAPE. — Among the descendants of the early set- tlers we mention the name of George Shape, one of the representa- tive farmers and stock-growers of Greene County. He was born in 1842, on the farm where he resides in Morris Township, and is a son of John and Elizabeth (Huffman) Shape, the former a native of Maryland. His grandfather, Peter Shape, came from Maryland to Greene County, Penn., in 1814, and settled on a farm. Here George's father was raised, and spent his life as a farmer. He died in 1858, in his sixty-tliird year. He reared a family of twelve chil- dren, eleven of whom are now living. They are — Peter, Katie, Mary, Julia Ann, Elizabeth, Beasin, George, Eliza J., William, Minerva, Deborah and S. B. Their parents were members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. George was the seventh in -the family. He has made farming his business, owning at present a fine farm of 135 acres. His brothers are all farmers, except Beasin, who is a first- iiisTouy OF (ii;kene county. 80!J class carpenter; lie also owns a farm where he resides in this town- ship, (reorge is a member of the Cumberland Presl)yterian Church at Kineveh, and has served as elder. JACOB SIIOUP, farmer and stock-grower, Swart's, Penn., was born in Fayette County, Perm., May 24, 1825. His parents, John and Margaret (Miller) Shoup. were also natives of Fayette County, and of English and German origin. His father was a uiillwriglit and miller by trade and occupation, and followed his chosen biisiuess throuirh life. His family consisted of three children. Jacob was the second, and spent the first si.xteen years of his life on the home farm in Fayette County. He attended the common schools in Greene County, and chose farming as his occupation, in which he has met with more than average success. Through his own enterprise and industry he has secured a fine farm of 117 acres. In 18G0 Mi-. Shoup was united in marriage with Miss Catharine, daughter of Frederick and Rebecca (Stewart) Hunnell, natives of this county. Mr. and Mrs. Shoup have four children — William Spencer, Rebecca Ann, wife of Samuel McCullough; George E. and Ulysses Gi'ant. Mr. Shoup is a Republican in politics, and he and Mrs. Shoup belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church. HUGH SIMPSON, farmer and stock-grower, Swart's, Penn., was born in Morris Township, this county, February 21, 1833, and is a son of John and Mary (x\nld) Simpson. His father, a native of this county, of Irish descent, was a mechanic, and died in 1846. Hugh was the oldest of a family of five children, was reared on a farm and received a common-school education. He chose farming as an occu pation, and has engaged therein all his life. He is the owner of a well-stocked and improved farm consisting of 162 acres. He was united in marriage,'in 1859, with Esther, daughter of Thomas Pat- terson, and they are the parents of three children — Waitman T., Annie and Maggie. Mr. and Mrs. Simpson are prominent meml)ers of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he is trustee, and superintendent of the Sabbath-school. In politics Mr. Simpson is a Republican. He has served as school director in his township. J. W. SIMPSON, farmer and stock-grower, Swart's, Penn., was born in Morris Township, this county, April 23, 1842, and is a son of William and Ruth (Fulton) Simpson. His mother was a native of Washington County, Penn. His father was born on the farm where J. W. resides. This farm first came into the possession of the family through their grandfather. Rev. John Simpson, who was born in Ireland, March 13, 1758. He landed in America August 12, 1791, and came to Greene County in the fall of 179(5. He married Miss Rebecca Gregory, who was born in Farmingah, Ireland, August 12, 1767. In 1816 they opened their dwelling as a place for public worship, and the neighbors held meetings there for near forty years. 810 ' HISTOKY OF GEEENE COUNTY. J. W. Simpson was an only child, was reai-ed on the farm and re- ceived a common-school education. lie has made a business of farming and has met with success. His farm consists of 197 acres of land well stocked and improved. He was married, September 27, 1866, to America Ann, daughter of Jacob and Permina (Allum) Swart, who were of English oi-igin. To Mr. and Mrs. Simpson have been born seven children — Carrie, Mary, Ruth, Swart, Flora, John and William. Their mother is a zealous member of the Metliodist Episcopal Church. In politics Mr Simpson is a Republican. In 1864 he enlisted in Company E, Fourteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, and was discharged May 30, 1805. He belongs to the Masonic fraternity. He is a member of the Wayuesburg Encampment, No. 119, and Waynesburg Lodge, No. 467, I. O. O. F., and also of the G. A. R., Post No. 367, Department of Pennsylvania. JACOB SWART, farmer and stock-grower, Swarfs, Penn., Avas born in Washington County, Penn., December 25, 1820. His par- ents, Phillip and Ascnah (Walton) Swart, were also natives of Wash- ington County, and of Dutch and Irish ancestry. Jacob is the second in a family of nine children. He was reared on a farm in Amwell Township, where he received his education in one of the old log school-houses of that day. He chose farming as a business, to which he devoted his entire time until forty years of age. He came to Greene County in 1842, and was united in marriage, May 5, with Paulina, daughter of Charles and Jemima (Barnhart) Allum, who were of English descent. Mr. and Mrs. Swart have twenty-seven grandchildren. They have a family of four sons and live daughters — America A., wife of J. W. Simpson; Amos C, a farmer; Florence B., wife of William Dunn; Virginia I., wife of James lams, and Senie Jane, Mary E., John N., Henry Clay and Franklin L., deceased. Mr. Swart bought a farm in Washington Township in 1848, and in 1880 he .bought his present farm. In 1861 he purchased an interest in a general store, and they continued in business together for two years, when Mr. Swart became sole proprietor. He continued in the mercantile business for fifteen years, and sold his store in 1877. Mr. Swart is a Republican, but is always willing to vote for a good man for office, independent of party or politics. He has been postmaster at Swarfs for the past seventeen years. Mr. Swart is a self-made man, his success in life having been due largely to his own enterprise and industry. He is a progressive citizen, ever ready to aid a good entei-prise, and was one of those most instrumental in the building of the W. & W. Railroad. He was a member of the building committee and superintendent of the road for two years. WILLIAM SIMPSON THROCKMORTON, physician and sur- geon, Nineveh, Penn., was born March 2, 1838. He is a sou of Mofford and Nancy (Simpson) Throckmorton, who were of English IIISTOHY OF GREENE COUNTY. 811 and Irish origin. His mother was born in this county, and his father was a native of JSJew Jersey, and among the early settlers of Greene Connty, Penn., where he died in 1884. The Doctor is the ninth in a family of thirteen children, and was reared on the farm in C'enter Township, where he obtained his early education. He subsequently attended Allegheny College, but afterwards completed his collegiate studies at AVaynesburg College, Penn. lie chose the practice of medicine as his profession, and in 1863 entered Jeffeison Medical College at Philadelphia, where he graduated in 1865. He then began the practice of his profession at Nineveh, in Greene County, where he has been actively engaged ever since, with the exception of the time spent at the lectures. The Doctor has thoroughly prepared himself for his work, liaving taken a regular course of lecturers in five of the most noted medical colleges in the United States. He has an extensive library and keeps his office well supplied with the leading publications in medical science. He is much attached to his profession* and also takes an active interest in the welfare of his town and community. He is a leading member of tlie State Medical Association, aud belongs to the Greene County Medical Society, of wliich he luis been president and co7-responding secretrry. He was married in 1866, to Miss Caroline M., daughter of Jesse Hill, of Waynesburg, Penn., and they have four children — Jessie, Charley, Willie and Mofibrd. Doctor Throckmorton aud wife ai-e members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he is trustee, steward, superintendent of the Sabbath-school, and has been an official member for thirty years. He has been identihed with the Masonic and Odd Fellowship fraternities and is forward in every good word and work, a blessing to his generation and community. PERRY TOWNSHIP. HON. JOHN P.LAHI, the present member of the Legislature from' Greene County, Penn., is a farmer and stock-grower by occupa- tion, and was born in Wayne Township, December 25, 1841. He is the only son of Isaac and Elizabeth (Ross) Blair, the former a native of Greene Connty, and the latter of Crawford County, Penn., and of Dutch and Irish extraction. His father, who was a farmer and stone-mason, was born in 1810 and died August 26, 1846. Mr. Plair was rearejl on the home farm in this county, and attended the district 812 HISTOEY OF GREENE COUNTY. schools. lie has been a successful farmer all his life, and owns a fine farm of 250 acres. In 1861 he was united in marriage, in Monongalia County, W. Va., with Miss Amy, daughter of Jonathan and Charlotte (Bightodah) Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Blair's children are William F., G. W. W., a teacher; Anna, wife of Oliver Lemley; Belle, wife of William Wright; L. L., Olive, C. B. and Eoss B. Mr. and Mrs. Blair are members of the Disciple Church. He is a Demo- crat, and was elected to the Honse of Representatives in 1886. He had previously held the office of justice of the peace for five years, and was school dii-ector for a period of twelve years. T. W. BOYDSTON, proprietor of the Mount Morris Tan- nery, was born in West Yirginia, November 1, 1844. He is the son of E. L. and Euhama (Jackson) Boydston, who were of English ■ and Irish origin. They resided in Dunkard Township, this county, where the father died in 1853, leaving a family of six children. Of these the subject of our sketch is the oldest, and was reared in West Virginia, where he received his education in the Military Academy at Morgantown. Early in life he learned the printer's trade, which he followed successfully for some time. He had charge of the print- ing for the Legislature at Harrisburg, Penn. Since 1877 he has been engaged in his present business at Mount Morris. In 1862 Mr. Boydston enlisted in Company K, Fourteenth West Virginia Infantry, in which he served first as a private, then as Seargeant, and Second Lieutenant. He was united in marriage, in 1877, with Han- nah, daughter of James L. Donley. They are the parents of four children — Clara, Sallie, Frederick and Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Boydston are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he holds several official positions, and is also greatly interested in the Sabbath-school. He is a Republican, also member of the I. 0. O. F., and is Quartermaster of G. A. R. Post, No. 450. THORNTON E. BOYDSTON, Mount Morris, Penn.— Among the most highly respected citizens of Perry Township is the gentle- man whose name heads this sketch. He was born at Mount Morris, October 12, 1833, and is a son of B. and Mary (Wiley) Boydston. His father was also a native of this county, and his mother was born in West Virginia. His father was a farmer all his life, and reared a family of twelve children. The subject of this sketch was next to the youngest in the family, and was reared in his native township. He received his education in the common schools, and engaged in farming as his life work. Mr. Boydston has been successful in his business affairs, and now owns a fine farm of 160 acres. In 1858 he married Susannah, daughter of Joseph R. Donley. Their children are — Emma, wife of L. C. Evans; Sarah A., wife of Lewis Lemley; Mary, Charles B., James and Anna M. Mr. and Mrs. Boydston are consistent members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in, which he HISTORY OF C4KEElSrE COUNTY. , 813 serves as trustee. He is a Republican in politics, and has Ijcen a member of the school board in his townshijj. O. J. BROWN, farmer and stock-grower. Mount Morris, Penn., was born in Perry Township, Greene County, Penn., May 21, 1852, and is a son of Reuben and Rel)ecca (McClure) Brown, also natives of this county. His ancestors were early settlers of Dunkard Town- ship, and of Irish, Welsh and German extraction. His father is a prominent farmer in this county. The subject of our sketch is the youngest in a family of live children. He was reared on the farm and received a good English education. He subsequently attended Jefferson and Waynesburg colleges, and made a special study of sur- veying and civil engineering. He turned his attention to farming and stock-growing, however, and has a line little farm of sixty-live acres. In 1884 Mr. Brown married Miss Mary, daughter of Jacob and Fannie (Lenimon) Eakin, and they have one daughter — Hallie May. They are Methodists in jeligion, and Mr. Brown is superin- tendent of the Sabbath-school in that church. He is a Democrat in polities, and judge of elections in 1888. REUBEN BROWN, is a descendant of the early settlers of Greene County, his ancestors having settled near the source of Dunkard Creek in 1801, and removed to Perry Township in 1812. Reuben still owns and resides on the farm where they settled, near Mount Morris, Penn. He was born August 26, 1816, on this farm, where he has spent all his life, except the short time he lived in Monongalia County, W. Va. Here he grew to manhood, receiving his early education in the old log school-house. His father was Reu- ben Brown, and his mother's maiden name was Rebecca John. They were of Welsh and German origin. His father was born in Lou- doun County, Va., was a farmer by occupation; and died in Greene County in 1867, at the advanced age of ninety-seven years. The history of the family shows them to have been farmers and stock- growers, and usually successful in their business affairs. Reuben is one of the prosperous farmers of his township, and owns 200 acres of valuable land. He was married September 20, 1839, to Rebecca McClnre, who is a native of Dunkard Township, and the daughter of William and Jane (King) McClure. Her ancestors, who were of Irish extraction, came to Greene County in 1817 and settled in Dunkard Township. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are the parents of live children — James j\I., who is now engaged in farming and railroading in the West; Susan C, wife of B. Ross; O. J., a farmer in Perry Township; Samantha Jane, who was the wife of L. A. Morris (de- ceased), and William, who was shot through mistake by a deserter in the late Rebellion. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are active members of the Baptist Church. He takes an active interest in the schools, and has frequently served as school director in his township. 814 HISTORY OF GREECE COUNTY. S. A. COWELL, farmer and stock-grower, Mount Morris, Penn., was born in Wliiteley Township, Greene County, Penn., October 15, 1864. He is a son of Solomon and Eliza (Mike) Cowell, who were of English extraction. His mother was a native of West Virginia. His father, who was a farmer and stock drover, was born in Greene County, Penn., where he died, leaving a family of fourteen children. Of these the subject of our sketch is the youngest, and was reared in this county, receiving his education in the common schools. He is one of the industrious and enterprising young farmers of his town- ship, and owns a good farm of ninety-eight acres. In 1885 Mr. Cowell was united in marriage with Miss Sarah, daughter of Dennis Fox, a prominent farmer iii Perry Township. Tliej have two bright and interesting children — Vincent Earl and Dennis Floyd. Mr. Cowell is a Republican in politics. D. L. DONLEY, farmer and stock-grower. Mount. Morris, Penn. Among the most prominent members of the large family of Donleys in this county, none are more noted for their liberality and progres- sive spirit than D. L. Donley, the subject of our sketch. He was born in Perry Township, Greene County, Penn., Jiine 11, 1836, and is the son of J. P. and Sarah (Lemley) Donley. His mother was the daughter of David and Puhana (Snider) Lemley, and of German and Irish origin. His father is a native of Dunkard Township and is still living at the advanced age of seventy-six years. D. L. Donley's grandparents, James and Susannah (Robinson) Donley, came from "Washington County, to Greene County in 1790, and settled on a farm. The subject of our sketch is a nepliew of Hon. Patrick Don- ley, and a cousin of ex-congressman J. B. Donley, of Waynesburg, Penn. He was reared in Perry Township, attended the common schools and early in life was put to work on the farm. He has been successful in his business and is the owner of 500 acres of valuable land. It was through Mi\ Donley's influence that the oil field has been opened up in that section, and the largest gas and oil wells are situated on his land near Mount Morris. Mr. Donley was married in West Virginia, August 20, 1861, to Miss , Louisa, daughter of Alexander and Sarah (Hague) Evans. Her father was born near Garard's Fort in January, 1806, and is the son of Eleazar and Martha (Vance) Evans. Mrs. Evans is a native of I^ew Jersey and Mr. Evans of Loudoun County, Virginia. He is a retired farmer, owning over 400 acres of land. Mr. and Mrs. Donley have seven children — Laura, wife of Dr. Owen, of Oak Fore.st, Penn.; Josephine, wife of D. B. Adams, of Waynesburg, Penn.; Evans, Leanna, Meda, Ellsworth J. and Edward G. Mr. and Mrs. Donley are prominent members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He takes great in- terest in educational matters, and has served as school director at Mount Morris. ' HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 815 DENNIS FOX, who is probably as well known as any private citizen of Greene County, is a successful farmer and stock-grower, and was born April 5, 1827, on tlie farm where he resides. His parents, Henry and Susan (Dulaney) Fox, were descended from the Dutch, and natives of this county. Peter and Alary (Thomas) Fox, his grandparents, came to this county from New Jersey, and settled on the farm which Dennis now owns. Here Peter Fox planted a little willow sprout which he brought with him, and the tree is now twenty-one feet in circumference, by actual measurement. This tree is to remain standing, as Dennis says, a monument to the memory of him who planted it so many years ago. Mr. Fox has a fine farm of nearly SOO acres, well stocked and improved, his barns being among the best in Perry Township. lie was united in marriage, January 18, 184:8, with Miss Betsey, daughter of David and Eliza- beth (McCannj John. She is of Irish and English extraction. Mr. and Mrs. P^ox have ten children — Henry, David, Osborn, Ivinsey, James, Marion, Susan, wife of Spencer Cowell; Sarah Jane Cowell, and John and Elizabeth, deceased. Mr. Fox is a Republican in politics. SAMUEL GUTHRIE, a farmer and stock-grower of Perry Town- ship, was born in Greene County, Penn., December 18, 1820, and is a son of Archibald and Elizabeth (Lendey) Guthrie, also natives of Greene County, and of Irish and Dutch origin. His father, who was a farmer and a pioneer settler in Whiteley Township, died in this county in 1845. Samuel is tiie seventh in a family often chil- dren and grew to maturity on the home farm, attending the sub- scription schools. He has successfully followed farming as his chief pursuit, and is the owner of 133 acres of valuable land where he re- sides near Kirby P. O. Mr. Guthrie's wife was Miss Nancy, daughter of James and Nancy (Stephens) Patterson. Her parents were natives of this county, and of Irish and German descent. Mr. and Mrs. Guthrie's children are — Elizabeth, wife of Alfred Moore, of West Virginia; James P., a farmer; Hannah Martha, wife of Franklin Henderson; and Priscilla, deceased. Mr. Guthrie is a Re- publican. His wife is a devoted member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. GEORGE W. GUTHRIE, farmer and stock-grower, Kirby, Penn., was born in Wliiteley Township, this county, J\Iarch 2(3, 1848. His parents, Solomon and Elizabeth (Fry) Guthrie, are also natives of Greene County, and of English and German origin. His father, for many years a farmer and stock-grower, has now retired from the more active duties of life and resides in Whiteley Town- ship. George is the fifth in a family of six children, and was reared on the farm in Whiteley Township. He is an industrious farmer, paying close attention to his business, and is the owner of a good 816 HISTORY OF GEEENE COTTNTY. farm of 123 acres. In 1870 he married Adaline, daughter of John and Hannah (Rose) Cowell, natives of Greene County, and of Dutch extraction. Mr. and Mrs. Guthrie have one daugliter — Ida Estella. They are members of the Southern Methodist Church, in which Mr. Guthrie is trustee, and superintendent of the Sabbath-school. He is a Ilepubhcan, and has served as assessor in his township. CYBENIUS HAINES, farmer and stock-grower, was born in Greene County, Penn., April 1, 1823. His parents, George and Jane (McCordj tiaines, were natives of New York. His mother was of Scotcli and Dutch ancestry. His father, who was of English extraction, was a farmer by occupation, and died in 1850 in his seventy- seventh year. Cyrenius is the eighth in a family of eleven children and was reared on the farm in this county, where he at- tended the common school. Early in life he spent some time as a bookseller but subsequently turned his attention to farming and stock-growing, and is the owner of a farm of 255 acres, well stocked and improved. Mr. Haines has been twice married. His first wife died in 1851, but a few weeks after her marriage. His second wife, whom he married in Virginia in 1852, was Mary Ann, daughter of Burton and Nancy (Sutton) Pride. She is of English origin. Her father was born in 1800 in Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Haines' chil- dren are Francis B., George D., William G., Lewis Spencer, D. D., a farmer; John J. and Melinda A. They have eleven grandchildren — Lewis E., Emerson, John C. and Clarence, children of their oldest son ; Franklin, Margaret, Cora Bell and Viola, whose father is George D.; and Ida E., William L., Cyrenius, George and Sarah A., whose father is William G.; Noah L. and D., whose father is Lewis S. Mr. and Mrs. Haines are Methodists in religion. He has been trustee in the church and superintendent of the Sabbath-school. JACOB HATFIELD, physician and surgeon, Mount Morris, Penn., was born in Monongahela Township, this county, December 19, 1839, and is a son of G. W. and Mary (Ricliey) Hatfield, who are of English descent and natives of Greene and Fayette counties, respectively. Dr. Hatfield's father is a farmer by occupation. Of his seven children, six are now living, of whom the Doctor is the oldest. He was reared with his parents on the farm in Whiteley Township, where he attended the district schools. At an early age he man- ifested an inclination for the study of medicine, and went to Colum- biana Counter, Ohio, where he took a regular course. In 1864 he began his professional career at Mount Morris, Penn., where he has since remained in active practice. Dr. Hatfield is very much at- tached to his profession, and has thoroughly informed himself in its different branches. He has successfully performed several extremely difficult surgical operations. On May 12, 1863, Dr. Hatfield was united in marriage with Caroline, daughter of Henry Morris, of HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 817 "Wliiteley Township. Mrs. Hatfield is of German origin. They have three cliildren — G. W., Maggie N. and Henry Morris. Their oldest son is a physician and is now in practice with his father. He was born and reared in Mount Morris. He first studied medicine with his father, after which he went to Baltimore and attended the College of Physicians and Surgeons, for two years; subsequently took the regular course at the Western Pennsylvania Medical College, at Pittsburgh, Penn., graduating in 1887. Dr. Hatfield and wife are prominent members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he has held various official offices. He is a Republican, and has served on the school board at Mount Morris, Penn. G. T. IlEADLEY, teacher and surveyor, Brock, Penn., was born in Perry Township, Greene County, Penn., June 27, 1853. His par- ents, Ephraini and Maria (Haines) Headley, were also natives of this county, and of Scotch and English extvaction. His father, a prom- inent farmer in Perry Township, is a son of Jesse and Maria (Cox) Headley. G. Y. Headley 's grandfather was born in Greene County, Penn. His great-grandfather, Ephraim Headley, was among the pioneer settlers of New Jersey, and one of the first farmers and liunters who came to Greene County, Penn., while it was still in- habited by the Indians. The family have usually l^een farmers and drovers. The subject of our sketch grew up on the farm, being the second in a family of three children. He attended the High School at Mount Morris, Penn., and also took a college course. For thir- teen years Mr. Headley has been successfully engaged as a teacher. He has also given considerable attention to tlie study of surveying, and devotes a part of his time to that work. He is also a farmer and stock-grower by occupation and owns a good farm where he re- sides. In 1879 Mr. Headley married Miss S. A., daughter of John Conner, of Perry Township. Mrs. Headley is of German and Irish origin. Their children are Florence B., Julius B., Fred and Ger- trude. Mr. Headley is a Republican. He and his wife are mem- bers of the IMethodist Episcopal Church. In connection with our subject's sketch, we give a brief sketch of his ancestor's advent into Greene County, Penn.: Sometime prior to the American Revolu- tion, the great-great-great-grandfather, Richard Ileadlee, who was an English sailor, in tlie tlie service of Great Britain, concluded to desert the standard of the Stuarts, and seek an asylum in the wilds of North America. After making his escape from the British service, he settled in New Jersey, where he afterwards married. But according to English law, "Once an Englishman always an Englishman," he was not allowed to enjoy the quiet of his new home very long. The British authorities finding out liis whereabouts, had him arrested, which was done by a party of twenty British sailors, not however until he had given them an 818 HISTOKT OF GREENE COUNTY. exhibition of his prowess, and felled several of them to the ground in good old British style. He was overpowered, taken back into ser- vice and kept seven years from his family. But his long service as a sailor made him familiar with the seaport towns and the American coast, so taking advantage of the situation in the darkness of the nio-ht, while near shore, he leaped overboard and swam ashore, and tinally united with his family. We know little of his family, except that his son John, who was G. F. Ileadley's great-great-grandfather, died while in the Patriot army, he being old en(jugh to have a son engaged in the same struggle. Robert ileadlee, a nephew of .John, was in the expedition sent against tlie Indians, who committed the Wyoming massacre. Ephraim, G. F. Headley's great-grandfather, lived during the Revolution in New Jersey, not far from Trenton, beino- within sound of the battle fought at that place. After the war he emigrated to North Carolina, but disliking the country, he removed to Greene County, Penn., where he reared a large family. W. O. HEADLEE, farmer and teacher. Mount Morris, Penn., was born January 27, 1858, in Perry Township, where he grew to manhood. He was reared on the farm with his parents, receiving a common school education. He also attended the High School at Mount Morris. Mr. Headlee has been for eight years teaching in Perry Township, but engages in farming as his chief pursuit, and owns a well improved farm of 100 acres. In 1880 he was united in marriage with Miss Margaret, daughter of Phineas Headley. Mrs. Headlee is of English origin. They are the parents of four children, viz: Cora, Ray, James Fay and Effie. Mr. Headlee is a Democrat. He and wife are prominent members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is a self-made man, is industrious and energetic, and has a great many friends throughout the county. JOSEPH HEADLEE, farmer and stock-grower, is descended from the early setttlers of Greene County. He was born September 9, 1834, and is a son of Jesse and Maria (Cox) Ileadlee. His mother was a native of New York. His father who was born in this county, was eminently successful as a farmer and owned 400 acres of land at the time of his death, March 15, 1876. Of his ten children, Joseph is the fourth and was reared on tiie farm in Perry Township. Mr. Headlee is an energetic, industrious farmer and owns ninety- three acres of well improved land where he resides, near Mount Morris, Penn. He was u,nited in marriage in Greene County, in 1869, with Catherine, daughter of Alexander Henderson. Her mother's maiden name was Catharine Lemley. To Mr. and Mrs. Headlee were born four children, viz: Earnest, Clyde, Mark and M. D. Mr. Ileadlee has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church since 1852. He is a member of the board of trustees, and talifi great interest in the welfare of his chosen denomination. lie HISTORY OK GREENE COUNTY. 819 was drafted in 1863 and served liis regular term in the army. Mr. Ileadlee is a member of the ft. A. R., belonging to the Jesse Taylor Post, No. 450, of Mount ]\rorris, Penn. J. S. HOY, farmer and stock-grower, born in Whiteley Township, tliis county, January 18, 1843, is a son of James and Isabella (Kuhn) Hoy, also natives of ftreene County, and of German origin, llis father died in 1880. He was a farmer and stock-grower, and reared a family of eight children, of whom the subject of this sketch is the third. J. S. was reared in Perry Township, where he has lived since he was one year of age. He received his education in the common schools in this townsliip, and has made farming his life work. Mr. Hoy's farm contains 159 and three quarters acres of well improved land. He was married in this county, January 13, 1869, to Melissa, daughter of Isaac and Anna (Myers) Lemley. Her mother was born in Virginia, and her father in Perry Township, this county. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy have an interesting family of four children; viz., Eliza J., James Isaac, David Arthur, and Cassie Ellen. Mrs. Hoy died in 1884, a faithful member of the Southern Metho- dist Episcopal Church. Mr. Hoy is a Democrat. He is a genial, agreeable gentleman, and lias a wide circle of friends in the county. MORRIS LEIMLEY, farmer, stock-grower and drover, was born in Perry Township, April 2, 1834. His parents, Samuel and Mar- garet Lemley, were natives of Greene County, and of German ex- traction. His father, who was a farmer by occupation, moved to Iowa in the latter part of his life, wliere he died at the age eighty- six. Morris, the lifth in a family of ten children, was reared on the farm and attended the common school. He made his own way in the world, and is the owner of eight hundred acres of land — 360 in his home farm. Mr. Lemley's example is worthy of emulation. He first engaged in farming on rented property, and by his patient toil and unfailing industry has succeeded in accumulating a handsome fortune. In 1854 Mr. Lemley married Miss Martha Jane, daughter of Job and Margaret fSimington) l^hillips. Their children are: Margaret A., wife of William Ileadlee; Samuel, a farmer; Emeline, Elizabeth, Joseph us, and Spencer who died at the age of twenty-one years. Mr. Lemley is a Democrat. He and his wife are prominent members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. CLARK LEMLEY, farmer and stock grower. Brock, Penn., was born in Perry Township, November 20, 1849, and is a son of Isaac and Anna (Myers) Lemley. His mother was born in West Virginia. His father is a native of this county and a prominent farmer of Whiteley Township. Clark is the third in a family of six children. He was reared in this county, where he received a common school education. Mr. Lemley has met with success as a farmer and owns 152 acres of uood land where he resides. In 1870 he married Miss 820 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. Eacliel, daughter of Eli and Mary (Dulaney) Headlee. Mr. and Mrs. Lemley's children aie Haddie L., William L., and Alva G. Mr. and Mrs. Leraley, with their oldest daughter are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is a Democrat in politics. ASBERE.Y LEMLEY, farmer and stock-grower, was born June 20, 1823, on the farm where he now resides in Perry Township. He is a son of David and Ruhana (Snider) Lemley, being the oldest of their eight children. His parents spent the most of their lives on a farm in this county, where Asberry was reared and received liis education in the common schools. Pie has made farming his chief pursuit, and is the owner of 300 acres of well improved land. Mr. Pemlej' was united in marriage, October 12, 1849, in Greene County, Penn., with Miss Rachel, daughter of John and Lydia Headlee. Mrs. Asberry Lemley is of English and German origin. They have eight children; viz., Kuhana, wife of William Howard; Elizabeth, wife of Thomas Patterson; L. L., David, Ijjdia, Martha, wife of Jonathan Kennedy; and Mary. Mr. Lemley is one of the most indus- trious and successful business men in his township. J. W. LONG, deceased, was born in Perry Township, this county, December 3, 1836, and died October 4, 1885. He was a highly respected citizen and one of Greene County's most successful business men, being at the time of his death the owner of over 800 acres of land. Mr. Long was the son of George and Mary (Berge) Long who were natives of Ohio, and of English descent. They spent most of their lives in Greene County, Penn., where his father made fa,rming and stock-growing his chief pursuit. In 1860 the subject of our sketch married Minerva C, daughter of L. G. Yan- voorhis, a prominent farmer of Dunkard Township. To Mr. and Mrs. Long were born six children — F. G., proprietor of the Com- mercial Hotel at Oakland, Maryland; Frank W., a farmer; Fannie E., John J., Loyd L.and Lawrence George (deceased.) Mr. Long was a Republican in politics. He took an active interest in the schools of his township, and for many years served as school director. WILLIAM LONG, a farmer and stock-grower, residing near Mount Morris, Penn., was born near Garard's Fort, this county, December 22, 1831. He is a son of Samuel and Adaline (Mestrezat) Long, who were of French and Irish lineage. His father, who was farmer all his life, was twice married, and reared a family of six children, of whom William is the oldest, by the last marriage. He was reared on the farm in Whiteley Township, receiving his early education in the subscription schools. He made farming his chief pursuit, and has met with success-, being at the present the owner of 400 acres of good land in this township. In politics Mr. Long is a Democrat, as is also his son, Merritt Leonard Long, who was born in this township, March 7, 1869. His daughter Fannie E., was born HISTORY OF GREKNE COUNTY. 821 March 30, 1876, in Perry Township. "William Long's father died in 1886, and his mother in 1880. COLEMAN LUELLEN, carriage and wagon manufacturer at Mount ]\Iorris, Gi-eene County, Penn., was born in Monongalia County, West Virginia, February 8, 1840. He is a son of William G. and Mary (Norris) Luellen, also natives of West Virginia, and of Welsh and English extraction. Mr. Luellen was reared on the home farm in West Virginia, where he received his education. He worked on the farm until 1861, when he went to Greene County, Penn., to learn the blacksmith trade. He then enlisted under Capt. J. B. Morris, in Company F, Seventh Virginia Volunteer Infantry and served three years and two months. After his return from the war, Mr. Luellen learned the wagon-maker's trade and has successfully engaged in that bu.siness at Mount Morris since 1868. He was united in marriage October 5, 1876, with Catharine, daughter of Philip and Rhoda (Dulaney) Hite. Their children are: Carrie L., Benjamin F., James W. and Luretta B. Mr. Luellen is a liepubli- can and a member of the G. A. P. Post, No. 4o0. He and wife belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church. SPENCER MORRIS, M. D., Ph. D., of Greene County, Penn., was born at Garard's Fort, Penn., October 26, 1820. He is a son of Jonathan and Sarah (Clymer) Morris, who were of German and English extraction. His mother was a native of Bucks County, Penn. His father was born in Greene County; was a physician and merchant at Garard's Fort, and died July 19, 1848. Dr. Morris is a grandson of the Rev. John Corbly. The Doctor is the third in a family of four children. He was reared in the place of his nativit}-, and attended the common schools. He subsequently attended Greene Academy at Carmichaels, Penn., afterwards attended college in Vir- ginia. He then began the study of medicine at Cincinnati, Ohio, where he graduated in 1846, and was for some time thereafter in successful practice of his chosen profession in Greene County, Penn. In 1871 he received the degree of Doctor of Medicine from the medical department ot the University of Pennsylvania, afterwards the degree of Doctor of Philosopliy from the same institution. In 1873 he graduated from the Jefferson Medical College in Philadel- ])hia. For fifteen years he was a popular quiz teacher in that city, having large classes of medical students. In the summer of 1886 he was elected to the chair of lecturer on the symptoms of diseases in the Medico-Chirnrgical College of Philadelphia. In 1851 Dr. Morris was united in marriage, in West Virginia, with Belinda A., daughter of John II. Bowlb^', and their summer residence is near the Mason and Dixon Line in Perry Township This has been their quiet retreat for several years. Here the Doctor is sought after for his excellent medical advice by patients for miles around. 822 HISTOKY OF GREENE COUNTY. LEVI MOKRIS, son of George and Margaret Morris, was born on the waters of Whiteley Creek, on the 14th day of April, 1783. His mother was the oldest child of Kev. John Corbly, whose second wife and several of their children were massacred by the Indians at Garard's Fort, on the 10th day of May, 1781. Levi Morris was mar- ried to Lncretia Stephens in 1809. lie bought a farm and went to housekeeping on Dunkard Creek, near the present site of Mount Morris. This farm was all in the woods and the nearest store was at Greensboro, twelve miles distant. There was but little use for a store, however, at that early history of the country, for the clothing worn by both sexes was domestic, or home-made, and coffee was used but once a week — Sunday morning. Mr. Morris, with three of his brothers, volunteered and served in Captain Seeley's cavalry company in the war of 1812. Soon after the war he bought another farm and laid out the town of Mount Morris, which bears his name, and re- sided there until his death. Soon after the war he was appointed justice of the peace, which ofhce he held until near the close of his life. Living near the State of Yirginia, a State in which a marriage license was required, and none being required in Pennsylvania, his oflice was the Gretna Green, to which many of the lads and lassies hied to have their nuptials consummated. Mr. Morris kej)t the. first liotel in Mount Morris, and engaged in milling, farming and stock- raising, always keeping the best blooded stock in the county. Pie raised a family of eleven children, seven sous and four daughters, all of whom grew to maturity, each raising a family. Margaret married Patrick Donley ; Louisa, George Lemley; Hannah, Abner J^arrison; Josephus li.. Temperance Smith; "W. G., Emily Kirby; Jefferson S., Sarah Ingram; Edward E., Elizabeth Smitli, and for second wife, Rhetta Roberts; Thomas I., Sarah Way; James B., Keziah Way; Levi A., Samantha Brown; and Lncretia, C. C. flardin. Levi Mor- ris died an honored and respected citizen on the 20th day of Janu- ary, 1842, his widow and all their children surviving him. Lncretia Morris, his widow, died April 15, 1885, at the ripe old age of ninety- five years and four months. Her children, grandchildren, and great- grandchildren number over two hundred, and reside in several States. Their son, Major James B. Morris, is perhaps the best known man in the county. He is respected for his liberality and true manliness, both as a soldier and a citizen. He was reared and educated in Mount Morris, and has been employed in farming, milling and stock- growing. He was married in Monongalia County, W. Va., August 26, 1848, to Keziah, daughter of Gideon and Jane (Sturgis) Way, of ■ English extraction. They were natives of Fayette County, Penn., but spent most of their lives in Monongalia County, W. Ya. Major Morris and wife have a family of seven children — Mary J., wife of W. F. Lewellen, of West Virginia; Belle M., wife of Jerome Van- IIISTOKY OF GltKENE CO|tNTY. 823 vooihis, of Dimkard Township; Emma L., wife of J. W. Hatfield; George G., a physician at Washington, D. C, and F. K. and S. W., deceased. Their mother is a devoted member of the Baptist Cliurch. Major Morris is a Republican, has been school director at Mount Morris, and was special agent for the U. S. Treasury Department for several years. In 1861 he enlisted in Company F, Seventh West Virginia Volunteer Infantry, and served as Captain until 1862, wiien he was pi-omoted to the position of Major, in which capacity he served until the expiration of his term, then returned to Mount Morris. The tirst man killed from Greene County belonged to Cap- tain Morris' Company, and was killed October 26, 1861. JOSEPH PATTERSON, farmer and stock-grower. Brock, Perm., was born in Whitelej Township, this county, March 29, 1829. He is the oldest son of William and Rhoda (Whitlatch) Patterson, who were natives of Greene County, and of German and Irish ancestry. Like his father, Joseph has been a successful farmer through life. In 1850 he married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Mooney. Mrs. Patterson is of German and English origin. They have eight children, of whom William Franklin is the second. He also is a farmer and stock-grower, and was born in AVhiteley Town- ship February 18, 1854. lie received a common-school education, and early in lite engaged in the mercantile trade at Waynesville for three years. He has since dev'oted his time to farming and has met with success. He is the owner of 135A- acras of well improved land. Mr. Patterson was united in marriage in Greene County, December 22, 1872, with Elizabeth, daughter of Jacob Whitlatch, and they are the parents of seven children, viz: Ros5, David, Enlow, Arthur, Norval, Ada and Harvey. Mr. and Mrs. Patterson are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in M'hich he is a trustee. He is a Democrat in politics. MINOR N. REAMER, dentist,was born in Monongahela Town- ship, Greene County, Penn., February 2, 1846. He is a son of Benjamin and Anna Maria (Minor) Reamer who were of AVelsh and German ancestry. His father, a farmer, died in 1866. Minor, the third in a family of four children, was reared in his native township attended the district schools and was subsequently a student in Waynesburg College for one year. Early in life lie studied dentistry in Greensboro, where he commenced the practice of his profession in 1871, remaining there three years. He then located at Mount Morris, Penn., where he has since been actively engaged in the prac- tice of dentistry. The Doctor is a Republican. In 1861 he enlisted in Company G., Eighty-Fifth Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, and served two years. He is an active member of the G. A. R., belono-s to the I. O. O. F. and is officer of the day in Post No. 450, for 188^8. In 1871 Dr. Reamer married Miss Fannie, daughter of G. C. Black. 824 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. Her mother's maiden name was Rebecca Sowers. Thej were of Ger- man extraction. Doctor and Mrs. Reamer are the parents of three children — Harry B., Nellie E. and Emma D. Their mother is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Z. T. SHULTZ, farmer and stock-grower, Kirby, Penn., was born in Whiteley Township, this county, July 20, 1848, and is a son of Elijah and Ruth A. (Bailey) Shultz, who were of German and English descent. His mother died in 1881. His father, now seventy-four years of age, is a resident of Waynesburg, Penn. The subject of our sketch was reared in Perry Township, where he has engaged in farming most of his life. He received a common-school education, also attended Waynesburg College and subsequently taught for live years. liis home farm contains one hundred and twenty-seven acres of well improved land. Mr. Shultz taught in this county, in Iowa, and West Virginia, but has devoted his time wholly to farming since 1872 — the year he was married. liis wife was Miss Hettie A., daughter of Justus and Mary (Bowen) Cowell, and their children are Minnie M., Harmon R., Elijah F., Gurney W. and Harold L. Mr. and Mrs. Shultz are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics he is a Republican, and has served as a school director in his township. A. SNIDER, a retired blacksmith of Mount Morris, Penn., was born in Monongalia County, West Virginia, October 8, 1813. He is a son of Jeremiah and Anna (Rich) Snider who were also natives of West Virginia, and of German lineage. His great-grandfather came from Germany to America and settled in Virginia. Jeremiah Snider was twice married and reared a family of thirteen children. The subject of our sketch was the third child by the second marriage. He was reared on a farm and attended the subscription school in his native township. He was employed as a farm laborer early in life and in 1853 learned the blacksmith's trade with Daniel Bowen, in Waynesbnrg, Penn. He then engaged in that business at Mount Morris and has met with success. Mr. Snider is the owner of valuable town property and one hundred and sixty acres of land in Perry Township. In 1838 he married Mary Bowers; they have had a family of six children; viz., Lucretia, wife of James Fox; Elmer, a blacksmith, and Lindsey. Jacob Rolla, Mary J. and Eliza, deceased. Mary J. was the wife of Oliver Evans, now deceased. Mr. Snider is a Democrat in politics. He has served as school director and three terms as assessor in his township. He and wife are prominent members of the Methodist Protestant Church. JESSE SPITZNAGEL, farmer and stock-grower, Brock, Penn., was born in Fayette County, Pennsylvania, February 24, 1888. He is a son of Simon and Jemima (Miller), Spitznagel, who were also natives of Fayette County, and of English and German origin. His HISTORY OF GRKKNE COUlNfTY. 825 father was a successful farmer daring his life-time. His family con- sisted of eleven children, of whom Jesse is tlie lifth. He was reared on the farm, has been successful in his chosen occupation and owns the larni of one hundred and live acres where he now resides. In 1856 Mr. Spitznagel married Miss Dorotha Whitlatch, who was a native of this county and of German extraction. To Mr. and Mrs. Spitznagel were born five children, viz. — Loziella, wife of Alpheus Wade; Simon E., John, Lewis G. and Lucinda. Mr. Spitznagel is a Republican in politics and belongs to the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which his deceased wife was also a devoted member. Mrs. Spitznagel died March 5, 1887, a faithful wife and kind and loving mother. SPENCER STEPHENS, farmer and stock-grower, Mount Morris, Penn., was born in Greene Township, this county, September 15, 1839. He is a son of Washington and Joan (Steel) Stephens, being the oldest of their eight cliildren. His parents were of English an- cestory. His fatlier was a farmer all his life. Spencer was reared on the farm with his parents, where he attended the district school. He has made farming his main occupation and owns the farm wiiere he resides in Perry Township. In 1865 he was united in marriage in Greene County, with Miss Abigail, daughter of Joseph Conner. Mrs. Stephens is of Irish and English extraction. Their children are Rebecca, Albert, S. C, Leroy, Mary Alice, Stacy and Clara. The family belong to the Baptist Church of which Mr. Stephens is an official member. He is a Republican in politics. He takes an active interest in the education of liis children, the oldest two of whom are teachers. In 1862 Mr. Stephens enlisted in Company A., One Hundred and Fortieth Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry. He was a non-commissioned officer and served under Gen. Hancock. Mr. Stephens was in the battles of Gettysbnrg,[]Chancellor8ville and the Wilderness and served until the close of the war. LEWIS WHITLATCH, farmer and stock-grower. Brock, Penn., was born in Perry Township, Greene County, Penn., January 10, 1855. His parents, Jacob and Catharine (Ileadiee) Whitlatch, were also natives of this county and of English extraction. His father, who was a farmer througli life, died in 1884, a highly respected citizen. His family consisted of eleven cliildren, ten of whom grew to matu- rity. Lewis is the ninth and was reared on the farm in his native township, where he attended the common school. Mr. Whitlatch has made farming his chief pursuit, and has also engaged to some extent in the mercantile trade. He has made a success of his busi- ness and owns a farm of one hundred and seventy acres. In 1884 Mr. Whitlatch married Hannah, daughter of William Conley. She is of English and German origin. They have one child — Goldie Lee. Mr. and Mrs. Wliitlatch are members of the Methodist 826 HiSTOijy OF geeene county. Episcopal Church. He has been a steward, class-leader and trustee in the church, and held various important positions in the Sabbath- school. In politics he is a Eepublican. RICHHILL TOWNSHIP. F. W. BALDWIN, farmer and stock-grower, Eyerson's Station, Penn., was born in iiichhill Township, this county, July 15, 1846, and is a son of S. W. and Nancy A. (J3arnett) Baldwin, who were of English, Irish and Dutch lineage. His mother was a native of Greene County. His father, who was born in Washington County, Penn., was a mechanic and farmer by occupation, and died in 1884. The subject of this sketch is the only member of his father's family who grew to maturity. He was raised on the farm with his parents and chose agricultural pursuits as his business through life. He also worked in his father's mill for years until the mill was sold. Mr. Baldwin is the owner of three farms, containing in all 271 acres. He has been very successful in his undertakings. Mr. Baldwin was united in marriage September 14, 1871, with Susan, daughter of George and Elizabeth (Nuss) Woodruff, who are of English and German origin. They have six children, viz. — Eva E., John W., Mary A. L., George M., Ira C. and Michael, who died in his in- fancy. Mr. and Mrs. Baldwin are members of tlie Baptist Church, in which he has served as deacon and treasurer. ELLIS BANE. — Among the prominent farmers and stock-grow- ers who spent a long life in Greene County was Ellis Bane, deceased, who was born in Eichhill Township, March 6, 1804, and died in 1882. He was a son of Jesse Bane, a pioneer settler of this county. The history of the family shows them to have been farmers, and usually successful. At the time of his death Mr. Bane was the owner of 400 acres of land. His remains lie in Leazure Cemetery; a handsome monument marks the last resting place. He was twice married. His second wife was Elizabeth Conkey. Three of their children are now living, the oldest being Ellis Bane, who now resides on the home farm, and owns 237 acres of well improved land. He was born in Eichhill Township, received a common-school education, has been an industrious, energetic farmer, and successful in his busi- ness. Mr. Bane was married in October, 1886, in West Virginia to Lelia, daughter of Joshua and Eebecca (Fitzgerald) Hipsley. Mrs. IIISTOKY OF GREENE COUNTY. 827 Bane is of English and Irish descent. They have one child — Clyde. Mr. Bane is a strict adherent of the Democratic party. His wife is a member of the Presbyterian Church. A. B. BARNETT, teacher, farmer and stock-grower, was born in Richhill Township, July 11, 1842. He is a son of John and Margaret (Stougliton) Barnett, natives of Greene County, and of Irish and Welsh extraction. His father, who was a farmer, died June 12, 1859. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch is the seventh son and the youngest in a family of eleven children. He was reared on the farm he now owns, and received his education in the district school. He subsequent!}' attended the State Normal School, ciioso teaching as a profession, and enjoys the well deserved reputation of being one of the foremost educators in the county. He also takes an active interest in the teachers' institutes. Mr. Barnett owns and manages a farm of 151 acres of land well stocked and improved. He was united in marriage February 21, 1873, with Miss Jennie, daughter of Stephen Durbin. Mrs. Barnett is of Irish descent. Their children are — Leni Clare, Neicie and Bessie B. Mr. and Mrs. Barnett are members of the Baptist Church. JOHN BEBOUT, farmer and stock-grower, was born in Moi'ris Townsliiji, Greene County, Penn., January 17, 1845. His parents were Moses and Elizabeth (Sraalley) Bebout, natives of Pennsylvania, and of English lineage. His father was a farmer and stock-dealer, and at tlie time of his death resided in Greene County. He had a family of eight children; of these, seven are living, John Bebout, the subject of our sketch, being the youngest. He received his education in the common school, and from an early age up to the present has been engaged in farming. He owns 337 acres of valu- able land where he resides in Riclihill Township. Mr. Bebout was married in this county in 1863 to Lizzie, a daughter of Joseph Tilton, a brother of Rev. Charles W. Tilton, a Baptist minister of Jefferson, Penn.; also a brother of Rev. Morgan Tilton, of Rutan, Penn. Mr. and Mrs. Bebout's children are — Charles B., John L., I. Tilton and Willie S. living, and two infant daughters deceased. Mr. Bebout is a Democrat. His wife is a consistent member of the Baptist Church. I. C. BOOIIER, justice of the peace, Ryerson's Station, Penn., is a native of Washington County, Penn., and of A\'"elsh and German ancestry. His father has dealt extensively in horses, and now re- sides in Richhill Township, Greene County. His family consists of live children, of whom the subject of our sketch is the second. He was reared on the farm and received his education in the common schools, and Greene Academy at Carmichaels, Penn. He remained at home with his parents until he reached his majority, tlien clerked in a general store for two years. He has, however, devoted his time 828 HISTOKY Oi' GRKENE COUNTY. principally to farming, stock-growing and milling, and for several years owned and operated a valuable mill at Ryerson's Station. The mill was burned down February 19, 1885, resulting in a loss to Mr. Booher of $7,000. He owns the farm where he now resides, con- taining 130 acres. In 1854 Mr. Booher married Miss Eebecca' J., daughter of John Barnett. She was of Irish and Welsh extraction. Their childreh are — Anderson R., James L., S. E., Jesse L., J. Bentley, Mary M., M. Lattie, Wilmetta and Birdie. Mr. and Mrs. Booher are members of the South Wheeling Baptist Church. He is deacon in the ehnrch, and takes an active interest in the Sabbath- school. He is serving on his fourth term as justice of the peace. JAMES H. BRADDOCK, Harvey's, Penn.— Among the des- cendants of the ear.y settlers of this county we mention the gentle- man whose name heads this sketch. He was born on the farm he now owns, September 18, 1819, and is a son of Francis and Ann (Gray) Braddock. His mother was the daughter of Judge Gray, one of the first associate judges in this part of the State. Mr. Braddock's parents were born in the old fort near Washington, Penn., and were of Irish and English origin. His father died in 1856. Mr. James H. Braddock is the seventh in a family of nine children. He has been a very successful farmer, accumulating quite a good deal of property, the greater part of which he has given to his childi'en. In 1845 Mr. Braddock was united in marriage with Miss Jane, daugh- ter of William and Sarah (Cox) Henderson. Their children are — Adda, wife of Thomas Blair; Frank, a clerk in the War Depart- ment at Washington, D. C; and Sadie, wife of Dr. Teagarden, of West Yirginia. Mrs. Braddock died in 1876. In 1883 Mr. Brad- dock married Miss Belle, daughter of Ephraim McClelland. They are members of the Presbyterian Church, in whicb Mr. Braddock has been an elder for a period of fifteen years. He also takes an active interest in the Sabbath-school, of which he is now assistant superintendent. In politics he is a Republican. NEWTON H. BRADDOCK, farmer and stock-grower, was born in Richhill Township, June 1, 1834, and is a son of David and Susan (Crow) Braddock. He is a descendant of the pioneer settlers of this county, a brief history of whom is given in the biographical sketch of F. M. Braddock, also a resident of this township. Newton Brad- dock is the fourth of a family of nine children. He was reared on the farm in Richhill Township, and attended the district school. He has made farming his occupation and owns 160 acres of valuable land, where he now resides. In 1869 Mr. Braddock married Miss Jane, daughter of Alexander Burns. Their children are — Lizzie N. and David G., Jr. In 1864 Mr. Braddock enlisted in Battery B, First Pennsylvania Light Artillery, and was with the army of the Potomac at Lee's surrender. He taught in the schools of Richhill Township IIISTOUY OF GKEENE COUNTY. 829 eacli winter from 185G till 1873, except the time he spent in the army, and has also served as school director, and was secretary of said board. lie is a Republican, and a member of the G. A. R. Post. F. M. BKADDOCK, farmer and stock-grower, born August 14, 1830, is a son of David G. and Susan (Crow) Braddock, who were of English and Irish and German origin. His father was born in Rich- hill Township in 1807, and still resides on the old Braddock farm, which has been in the possession of the family for more than a hun- dred years. His family now living consists of nine children. Francis Braddock, great-grandfather of F. M. Braddock, was one of the pioneer settlers of this county when the western part of it was all a wilder- ness. He first settled in Richliill Township, he settling on the old Braddock farm which he took from the Government. F. M. Brad- dock's maternal grandfather, Jacob Crow, was also among the first settlers in this part of the connty, and his family of two boys and three girls were murdered by the Indians in Richhill Township. In the Braddock family there are many successful farmers and prominent professional men. As a farmer the subject of our sketch has been very successful, and now owns a 150 acre farm which is in a high state of cidtivation. Mr. Braddock was united in marriage November 20, 1862, with Maria J., daughter of Dr. W. B. Porter. Mrs. Brad- dock was of English and Scotch-Irish ancestry. She died in 1880, leaving a family of three children — Eva L., wife of Charles Bucking- ham; Sherman F., and Mary, now deceased. In politics Mr. Brad- dock is a Republican. He has been an able member of the school board in his township. D. A. BRADDOCK, the fourth son of David G. and Susanna (Crow) Braddock, was born in Richhill Township in May, 1840. He was raised on the farm, attended the common-schools, and has made farming and stock-growing his business, although he has worked at the carpenter's trade to some extent. He owns a good farm of 106 acres near Harvey's, Penn. Mr. Braddock was married in December 1877, near Marysville, Union Connty, Ohio. His wife's maiden name was Lucella Henderson, daughter of Thomas and Ethel (McGee) Henderson, She was born in West Virginia. Mr. and Mrs. Braddock have one son — J. li. Braddock. Mrs. Braddock is a meml)er of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Braddock is a Republican in politics. The Braddocks were originally from Loudoun County, Virginia, and were among the first settlers of Greene Connty, Penn. ROBERT BRISTOR, deceased. — Among the prominent citizens of Richhill Township, and descendants of the earliest settlers of Greene County, we mention the gentleman whose name heads this sketch. He was born May 31, 1835. His mother's maiden name was Delilah Ilixenbaugh. His father was a farmer and surveyor, and one of the most prominent citizens of the county. He was of 830 HISTORY OF GREKNE COUNTY. German and English ancestry. Robert Bristor, the third in a family of seven children, was reared on a farm in Richhill Township. He was a successful farmer and stock-grower during his lifetime, being at the time of his death, in 1873, the owner of a farm of 171 acres, where his family now resides. In April, 1856, Mr. Bristor married Eliza, daughter of John and Ann (McNeely) Gillogly, who were of Irish extraction. To Mr. and Mrs. Bristor were born the following named children: John F., J. G., J. 11., L. L., W. S., Anna, wife of L. Booher; Lizzie, Eobert and William. Mr. Bristor belonged to the Christian Church, of which his widow is also a member. In politics he was a Republican. ABRAHAM CLUTTER, farmer and stock-grower, was born in Morris Township, Washington County, May 18, 1822. He is a son of William and Sarah (McNaj) Clutter, also natives of Washington County, and of German extraction. John Clutter, grandfather of Abraham Clutter, was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, serving under General Washington. The subject of this sketch grew to maturity in his native county, attended the district schools and has made farming his chief occupation. He was married January 12, 1845, to Jane, daughter of James Meek, ex-treasurer of Greene County, and now a resident of Jackson Township. Mr. and Mrs. Clutter are the parents of eleven children, ten of whom are now living, viz.: John, Luella, wife of Thomas Hare; Andrew J., George W., Sadie, wife of William Conkey; Mary J., wife of B. Temple; Rachel, wife of John F. Donley; A. Judson, Frank and Clarabel. Elizabeth is deceased. Mr. Clutter has given his children the advantages of good schools, and they are highly respected in the community. He is a member of the Disciple Church, in which he is a deacon, aiid takes great interest in the Sabbath-school. In politics he is a Democrat. WILLIAM CLUTTER, farmer and stock-grower, is a native of Morris Township, Washington County, born March 2, 1828. His parents are Cephas and Laney (Day) Clutter, natives of Pennsylvania, and of German and Irish descent. Llis father, a farmer of Cen'er Township, is now eighty-five years of age. Lie reared a family of seven children, five of whom are now living. The subject of this sketch, having been reared on a farm, has made farming his chief pursuit and has met with success in his business, owning a good farm of 132 acres where he resides in Richhill Township. In 1847 Mr. Clutter married Miss May J. Ilunnell. They have nine children — Lana, deceased, who was the wife of F. Conger; John M., Jane, wife of S. McYay; Elizabeth, wife of Simon Pettit; Catharine, wife 'of Thomas lams; Belle, wife of George Kinney; Ida Ella, and Cephas. Mrs. Clutter died in 1880; she was a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In 1881 Mr. Clutter married Mary Shape, of HISTORY OP GREENE COUNTY. 831 Morris Township. Mr. Clutter is a Democrat. In 1862 he enlisted in Company A, One Hundred and Sixty-eighth Pennsyh'ania Volun- teer Infantry, and was discharged in 1863, at the expiration of his term of sei'vice. J. M. CO^KEY, farmer and stock-grower, was born in liichhill Township, November 9, 1836. His parents, John and Mary (Prong) Conkey, were respectively natives of Virginia and Greene County, Penn., and were of English and Irish and German origin. His father was a plow-maker, and served in the war of 1812. He was also a successful fai'mer, and accumulated a handsome fortune. He died in 18S4. Of his family of nine children, J. M. Conkey is next to the youngest. He was raised on a farm, attended the common- schools and has served three years in the war of 1861; he has been a successful farmer and stock-grower. He owns a well-stocked and improved farm of 137 acres in Richliill Township, and in 1886 pur- chased the grist-mill at Grays vi lie, which he now operates. In 1866 Mr. Conkey was married to Miss Celestia Moninger, daughter of George and Susan (Piddle) IMoninger, who were of English descent. Mr. and Mrs. Conkey 's children are Royal, Ada and Jennie. Mr. Conkey is a Democrat. He and his wife are members of the Presby- terian Church. JAMES HAEVEY CONKEY, farmer and stock-grower, born in Richliill Township, August 2, 1840, is a son of John and Mary (Prong) Conkey, who wei-e respectively natives of Pennsylvania and Virginia, and of English, Irish and German origin. His father was a farmer daring his lifetime, and died in 1884. His family consisted of seven children, of whom James Harvey is the youngest. He has from his youth been engaged in agricultural pursuits, in which voca- tion he has met with success and is the owner of 135 acres of well improved land in Richliill Township. In 1867 Mr. Conkey married Anna Eliza Marsh, who is a daughter of Phillip Marsii, and of Eng- lish descent. Mr. and Mrs. Conkey have seven children — John, Mary, James, Thomas, Emmett, Elsie and Otto. Mr. Conkey is a Democrat. He and wife are members of the Cumberland Presby- terian Church. HIRAM DAY, retired farmer and stock-grower, was born in Morris Township, this county, December 18, 1814. lie is a son of William and Mary (Sutton) Day, who were of English descent. His father, who spent the latter part of his life as a farmer, was a shoemaker in earlier years, and among the first settlers in Morris Townsliip. The subject of this sketch is the fifth in a family of ten children and was raised on the farm, receiving a limited education in the common schools. He came to Richhill Township when he was a young man and opened a farm in the wild woods, M'here his only possessions were an ax, a maul, iron wedge and a grubbing 832 HISTORY OF greene county. hoe. He has since accumulated enough to keep himself and family in luxury, and owns 250 acres of well improved land. Mr. Day was first married November 28, 1839, to Miss May E., daughter of Sam- uel Thompson. Mrs. Day was of German origin; she died March 14, 1863. Their children were Eliza Jane, wife of "Warren Burns, and William A. Mr. Day's present wife was the widow of David Dougal. Her maiden name was Dorcas Blair, a daugliter of Alex- ander Blair, who was of Irish descent. Mr. and Mrs. Day have one son, Harvey. Mrs. Day is a member of the Presbyterian Church, Mr. Day is the treasurer of the Sabbath-school. He is a Democrat in politics. W. S. DRAKE, merchant and dealer in agricultural implements, Jacksonville, Penn., was born in Morgan Township, February 11, 1838. He is a son of Francis and Eliza (Stewart) Drake, who were respectively natives of New Jersey and Washington County, Penn., and of English, Scotch and German origin. His father was a chair maker and painter, and was also skilled in other trades. He died February 20, 1878. The subject of this sketch is the oldest of a family of live children, four of whom are living. He was raised in this county, receiving his education in the common schools of Mor- gan, Jefferson and Richhill townships. He taught for several years and, in 1860, being desirous of seeing more of the woi-ld, he went to Texas, where he again engaged in school teaching until 1862. He then enlisted in the Twenty-ninth Texas Cavalry, was Orderly Sergeant, and served until 1865. While his service was in the Con- federate army, yet at heart he was a Union man. In 1865, he, with about one-hundred others, started for the Union lines and were captured and returned, and were in prison when the war closed. After the close of the war Mr. Drake again taught school for a year in Denton County, Texas, and in 1866 returned to Richhill Town- ship, for four years engaging in farming and carpenter work. In 1870 he formed his present partnership with Perry Sowers, dealing in general stock, wool and farming implements. In 1861 Mr. Drake married Miss Julia E., daughter of George C. and Julia E. (Ohl- hausen) Parker. Her father was born in Virginia and her mother near Philadelphia, Penn. They were of English and German origin. Mr. and Mrs. Drake have six children — Anna, wife of Silas Jen- nings; May, John, W. C, George and Emma. Mr. Drake is a Democrat, and a prominent member of the Masonic fraternity. GEORGE W. FERRELL, a shoemaker by occupation, was born in Center Township, April 16, 1828, and is a son of Peter and Nancy (Ilnffman) Ferrell who were, respectively, natives of New Jersey and Pennsylvania, and of German extj-action. His father was a farmer and his family consisted of ten children, of whom George W. is the eighth. lie received a common-school education and HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 833 early in life learned the shoemaker's trade, which he has made his main occupation. Mr. P'errell has lived in Jacksonville, Penn., since 1848. He has been twice married — first, in 1850, to Sarah Isabella Pettit, and they were the parents of three children — James M., a merchant at New Freeport, Penn.; "VV. S., a shoemaker, and Clara I., wife of William John. Mrs. Ferrell died in 1858, and in 1859 Mr. Ferrell married Nancy, daughter of James R. Throckmorton. At the time of their marriage she was the widow of Stephen Durbin. Mr. and Mrs. Durbin were the parents of two cliildren — Jennie, wife of A. P. Parnett, and Mary, wife of W. A. Day. To Mr. and Mrs. Ferrell have been liorn the following named children — Ida May. deceased, M'ho was the wife of John Henderson; Lizzie C, wife of Perry F. Wright; Efiie A. and Harvey D. W. Mr. and Mrs. Ferrell are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church, in which he is a trustee. In politics he is a Pepublicau. He is a member and present chaplain of the G. A. Ti. Post, No. 428. In 1864 Mr. Fer- rell enlisted in Company F, Eighty-iifth Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry and served till the close of the war, being present at Lee's surrender. H. B. FLETCHER, farmer and stock-grower, was born April 12, 1830, on the farm he now owns, and where he has spent all his life, in Pichhill Township. He is a son of William and Nancy (Bane) Fletcher, who were of Irish and English descent. His father was born in Ireland in 1808, came to Philadelphia, Penn., in 1821, and soon after came to Jefl'erson Township, Greene County, and spent the remainder of his life. He died in 1869. The subject of this sketch is his only child who grew to maturity. He received a com- mon-school education, and has made a success of farming, beino- at present the owner of 200 acres of valuable land. In 1858 Mr. Fletcher married Mary, daughter of Abraham Rickey, and they have a family of seven children — Edward, J. W., William, Frank, W. C-, Lydia and Clara B. Mr. Fletcher is a Repuljlican. His wife is a member of the Presbyterian Church. WILLIAM R. FONNER, retired farmer and stock-grower, was born in Morris Township, Greene County, Penn., September 5, 1824. He is a son of Henry and Abigail (Taylor) Fonner, who were of German and English descent. His father was a teacher in early life, in later years a farmer. He came across the mountains and settled in Greene County in 1801, and died in 1851, at the age of seventy- five years. William R. Fonner is the fourth in a family of seven children, six of whom grew to be men and women. He received his education in the schools of the county. In his business as a farmer he has ever exercised good judgment and practiced economy and now owns a fine farm of 200 acres in Richhill Township, where he now enjoys a life of retirement. In July of 1849 Mr. Fonner married 834 HISTOET OP GREENE COUNTY, Eliza, daiigliter of Samuel and Nancy (Flicls) Rail, and they had a family of two son, both now deceased, and two daughters — Mary Ann, wife of Daniel Miller, and Hannah J., wife of Miles Meek. In re- ligion Mr. Fonner is a Baptist, in politics a Republican. A. J. GOODWIN, merchant, Jacksonville, Penn., was born in Washington County, Penn., February 2, 1817, and is a son of John and Sarah (Gardner) Goodwin, natives of Washington County, and of German origin. His father was a weaver and farmer, and reared a family of ten children. The subject of this sketch is the second child, and lived on the farm with his parents until he was fifteen years of age. The family then came to Greene County, and settled on a farm in Center Township. Mr. Goodwin attended school in an old log school-house. He naturally took up his father's occupation, and was engaged therein until he reached his majority. He then began working at the carpenter's trade and stone work, and took con- tracts for buildings. He was engaged in this business for a period of twelve years or more, and succeeded in gaining a good start in the world. From 1850 to 1874 he devoted his time principally to farm- ing and stock-growing. Since that time he has been in his present business, in the store owned by his son for five years previous to 1874. In 1842 Mr. Goodwin married Miss Eliza, daughter of Will- iam and Lydia (Russell) Sargent, and they have four children — Eliza- beth, wife of Martin Supler; Lydia, wife of Samuel Grim; J. T., wholesale druggist in Wheeling, W. Ya., and William (deceased). Mrs. Goodwin was a member of the Baptist Church until her death in 1871. Mr. Goodwin belongs to the Christian Church, in which he has been superintendent of the Sabbath-school. Mr. Goodwin is (1888) the Prohibition candidate for sheriff of Greene County. DANIEL GOODWIN, farmer and stock-grower, Wind Ridge, Penn., was born in Washington County, Penn., April 3, 1820. and is a son of John and Sarah (Gardner) Goodwin, natives of Pennsylvania and of German origin. His father was a weaver and farmer, and reared a family of nine children, the subject of our sketch being the oldest. He was i-eared on the farm on Ten-Mile Creek in Center Township, where he attended the district school. Mr. Goodwin is a very successful farmer, industrious, economical and prudent in his business. He has succeeded in accumulating a handsome fortune. He started in life a poor boy, his first investment in land being the purchase of thirty acres on time when land was very cheap, and when he did not have money enough to pay for five acres at present prices. But through energy and determination to succeed he has been able to add to his possessions, until now he is the owner of 600 acres of valuable land, well stocked and improved. Mr. Goodwin was nnited in marriage, in 1844, with Miss Julia Ann, daughter of Ezekiel and Catharine (Huffman) Braden, who were of Irish and German origin. History of greene county. 835 Mr. and Mrs. Goodwin were the parents of five cliildren — Eliza J., wife of Richard Supler; Sarali, wife of D. W. Vanatta; John, Mary A. and Daniel Mack. Mrs. Goodwin died March 5, 1888. Mr. Goodwin is a member of the Baptist Church, in which he has served as deacon for many years. He takes an active interest in the schools of his district, and has served a number of years as school director. THOMAS L. GRAY, farmer and stock-grower, was born in Marshall Connty, W. Va., August 19, 1824, and is a son of Matthew and Sarah (Lazear) Gray. They were natives of Pennsylvania, his mother having been born on the farm where the subject of our sketch now resides. His father, wlio war a farmer all his life, died in 1884. Thomas L. Gray is a member of a family of nine children. He was reai-ed on the farm where he now resides, and has made farming his main occupation, in connection with which he has engaged in the coal business extensively, having opened a valuable bank on his farm about twenty years ago. Mr. Gray is the owner of 600 aci'es of land, 170 acres being in his home farm in Richhill Township, and .300 acres in Washington County. In 1859 Mr. Gray married Miss Han- nah, daughter of James and Hannah Barnhart. Their children are — John W., a farmer; James M., Sarah L., wife of Peter Gibbons; Benjamin Franklin, Margaret, wife of James Braden; Hannah, Jesse L. and Thomas L. Mr. Gray is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics he is a Democrat, and has served as clerk and inspector of elections. ELIAS K. GRIBBEN, farmer and stock-grower, was born in Richhill Township, Greene Connty, Penn., September 27, 1843, and is a son of James and Nancy (Kerr) Gribben. His mother was a native of Allegheny County, Penn. His father was born in Ireland and came to America at the age of twenty-one, was a farmer all his life, and died in Greene County, Penn., in 1885. His family con- sisted of eleven children, nine of whom are still living, Elias K. being the third in the family. He has spent his life in farming, and still continues in that business. He is the owner of a tine farm of 140 acres wdiere he resides in Richhill Township. In 1802 he enlisted in Company A, Eighteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, was in the battles of Hagerstown, Gettysburg, and Brandy Station, Va., was wounded three times, and was discharged in 1864. In 1809 Mr. Gribben married Hester Jane, daughter of Jacob Loar, a prominent citizen of Ricidiill Township. Mrs. Gribben is of Dutch lineage. Their children are — Jacob L., James Harvey, Olive M. and Cliarley T. Mr. and Mrs. Gribben are members of the Methodist Protestant Church, in which he is a trustee and superintendent of the Sabbatli- school. In politics he is a Democrat, and has served as school director. 836 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. CAPT. SAMUEL GEIM, farmer und stock-grower, who was born in Eichhill Township, March 24, 1837, is a son of Armstrong and Marj Ann (Scott) Grim, natives of this county, and of German and English origin. Plis father spent his life as a farmer. Of his family of nine children, all grew to be men and women and are now in active life. Capt. Grim is the third in the family, was reared on his father's farm, and received his education in the common schools and Waynesburg College. When the war broke out he gave up his studies and enlisted in Company B, First West Yirginia Cavalry, was elected First Lieutenant and served three years. He was after- wards promoted to the jposition of Captain, and among other engage- ments he was in the second battle of Bull Ri;n and the battles of Gettysburg and Winchester. After returning from the war, Febru- ary 25, 1865, he embarked in the mercantile trade, opening a general store at West Finley, Washington County, Penn. After a period of nine years he returned to Pichhill Township, settled on a farm, and has since continued in that occupation. He owns the farm where he now resides, which is well stocked and improved and contains 216 acres. Capt. Grim was united in marriage, February 14, 1864, with Lydia J., daughter of A. J. and Eliza (Sargent) Goodwin, natives of Greene County, and of German extraction. Their children are — Francis Sherman, Rosala, wife of James Allison, of Waynesburg, Penn.; Robert Lincoln, Henry Ward Beecher, Edna Blanche, James G. Blaine, Loa Logan and Frances Lydia. In politics Capt. Grim is a Republican. He is Adjutant of the William Smith G. A. R. Post, No. 428. REY. WILLIAM HANJSTA, Presbyterian minister, is a native of the Buckeye State, having been born in Trumbull County, Ohio, May 6, 1820. He is a son of Isaac and Martha (Davis) Hanna, who were natives of Pennsylvania, and of Scotch- Irish descent. The subject of this sketch is a descendant of Robert Hanna, the founder of Hannatown, Westmoreland County, Penn. The Hanna family are usually farmers and as a rule have been successful in their busi- ness. Rev. Hanna wrote one volume of a history of Greene County, but did not complete the work as it was financially a failure. He has been quite successful in business, and is the owner of a large and well improved farm in Richhill Township, where he resides a part of each year. He also owns two business blocks in Cannonsburg, Penn., and a splendid winter residence at Beck's Mills, Penn., and has con- siderable personal property. When Mr. Hanna was six years of age his father died. His early life was spent in Fayette County, where he attended the Geoi'ge's Creek Academy. At an early age he became a member of the Presbyterian Church, and was licensed to preacli in 1850. His first charge was at Masontown, Fayette County, Penn., where he remained for a period of nine years. He then preached in HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 837 Graysville, Richhill Township, Greene County, Penn., six years, and for some time had a charge at West Elizabeth in Allegheny County. He is an earnest temperance man and votes the prohibition ticket. He is a member of the Sons of Temperance. In 1844 Mr. Hanna married Sarah, daughter of Hon. Samuel Nixon, of Fayette County, Penn., who was of Scotch-Irish descent. This union has been blessed with ten children, tliree of whom are now living, viz: Will- iam C, Martha J., and James W. The family are members of the Presbyterian Church. JAMES HUGHES, farmer and stock-grower, was born near Jefferson, Penn., February 12, 1829. He is the son of James and Margaret (Heller) Hughes, and grandson of Thomas Hughes, founder of Jefferson Poi'ough. His father was a farmer and land speculator, and acted in the capacity of high sheriff of Greene County. He died in 1861. The subject of this sketch is the eighth in a family of ten children. He was reared on a farm near Jefi'erson, where he acquired his early education. In 1804 he moved from his Ijirthpiace to Richhill Township. He owned a general store at Bristoria for twelve years, l)ut has devoted most of his life to farming. He owns over 400 acres of valuable land where he now resides in Richhill Township. Mr. Hughes was united in marriage, October 25, 1854, with Hester, daughter of Valentine Nichols. Her mother's maiden name was Nancy A. Cooper. They were of English origin. Her father was a farmer. He was among the early settlers. Mr. and Mrs. Hughes have four children — Winfield S., whose" wife died in 1885, leaving two children — Lulu Z. and Bessie Pearl; Anabel, de- ceased, who was the wife of J. L. Supler, and mother of one child — Willis W.; George V. and William. Mrs. Hughes is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Cliurch. Mr. Hughes is a Republican. He took an active inferest in the Granger movement. During the late Rebellion he took an active part in trying to put it down, help- ing to raise money and men. He also reared his nephew, William G. Milllken, who at the age of seventeen enlisted in Company G, of the Eighteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry. The Hughes, Swans and Van- aters were among the first settlers of Greene County, they settled along the Monono, at or near Jefferson. WILLIAM JACOBS, ex-treasurer of Greene County, was born in Ilicldiill Townsliip, August 18, 1835. He is a son of Daniel B. and Hannah (Rail) Jacobs, natives of Maryland. His father is a pi'ominent farmer and resides in Franklin Township. William was reared on the farm, attended the common schools and made farming his main occupation until 1884, when he was elected to the office of treasurer of the county. Mr. Jacobs was an efficient officer and made many friends while in that capacity. He was ably assisted by his son, D. W. Jacobs, a steady, industrious young man and a first- 838 HISTOET OF GEEENE COUNTY. class penman. Mr. Jacobs owns a well improved farm in Richhill Township where he resides. He was united in marriage, January 17, 1856, with Plester J., daughter of John Loar, and they have two children — D. W. and Anna B., wife of Eobert R. Headley. Mr. and Mrs. Jacobs are members of the Methodist Protestant Church. Mr. Jacobs is a Democrat, aud has served as school director of his town- ship. He is also a prominent member of the I. O. O. F. S. KNIGHT, undertaker and furniture dealer, Jacksonville, Penn., was born in Monroe County, Ohio, September 4, 1829. His parents, Stephen and Sarah (Wells) Knight, were natives of Pennsylvania, and of English origin. His father was a farmer by occupation, and died in Ohio. His family consisted of fifteen children, twelve of whom grew to maturity. The subject of our sketch is the ninth in the family. He was reared on his father's farm, received a common school education, and early in life commenced his present business, which he has carried on at Jacksonville, Penn., for nearly half a century. During that time he has been director at twenty -five hun- dred funerals. Mr. Knight has been twice married — first, December 20, 1849, to Lucy L., daughter of John Conkey, and they were the parents of six children, four living — Anna, J. M., William and Eliza- beth. Mrs. Lucy Knight died in 1886. In 1887 Mr. Knight mar- ried Charlotte, daughter of Andrew Smith, and sister of the present county treasurer. She is of Scotch descent. His wife is a member of the Church of God, and Mr. Knight is a Cumberland Presby- terian, of which church he is a trustee. He is a Democrat. He has served as school director, and as justice of the peace for ten years. He is a member of the I. O. O. F., belongs to the Encampment, and is one of the best and most highly respected citizens of the county. JESSE LAZEAR was born in Guernsey County, Ohio, June 25, 1825. He is a son of Francis and Mary (Crow) Lazear, natives of Greene County, Penn., and is among the earliest settlers. His mother was of German origin. His father was of French descent. He died in 1871, at the advanced age of seventy years. Tliomas Lazear, grandfather of Jesse Lazear, was apointed magistrate by the Gover- nor, served for years in that capacity. The family have usually been farmers and successful in all their business ventures. Jesse Lazear is the oldest in a family of six children. His parents came to Richhill Township in 1827,' where he was raised on the farm and received his education in the common schools. He has made farming and stock- growing his business through life, and has met with success, being at present the owner of a large, well improved farm where he resides near Ryerson's Station, Penn. His residence is a substantial lirick building, beautifully located. Mr. Lazear was united in marriage, March 25, 1856, with Miss Alice, daughter of Morfibrd and Nancy (Simpson) Throckmorton, who were of Irish and English extraction. lIISTOliV OF GREENP; COUNTY. 839 Mr. and Mrs. Lazear are the parents of the following named child- ren — William, Mary, wife of J. C. McCracken, M.D., Cameron, W. Va. ; Fannie, wife of Silas Inghrara; and John. In politics Mr. Lazear is a Democrat. JOHN J. LESLIE, farmer and stock-grower, born in Richliill Township, December 3, 1836, is a son of Samuel and Sarah (Jones) Leslie, who were respectively natives of Ireland and Pennsylvania. Ilis father worked on public-works during his early life, but devoted his time to farming after coming to Greene County in 1834. He settled on a farm in Richhill Township, remaining there until his death in 1869. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch was reared on the farm in his native township, where he attended the dis- trict schools. He took up farming as his occupation and has made it a success, owning at present one hundred and tifty-three acres of land, well stocked and improved, where he now resides near Harvey's, Penn. JMr. Leslie was united in marriage, in this county in 18(i9, with Miss Nancy A., daughter of Spencer Bebout. They were the parents of four children — two now living, Florence and Samuel S. Mrs. Leslie died in 1877. In 1879 Mr. Leslie was again united in mar- riage, liis second wife being Mary G., daughter of Munson Post. They are the parents of one child — Robert P. Mr. Leslie is a member of the Christian Church. In politics he is a Democrat. He takes an active interest in school affairs, and has served on the school board of the township where he now resides. JACOB LOAR, farmer and stock-grower, was born in Allegany County, Maryland, February 6, 1817. His parents were John and Hester (Stephens) Loar, natives of New Jersey, and of (xerman lineage. His father, who was born in 1794, was a farmer by occupa- tion. He came to Whiteley Township, Greene County, in 1820, and died in 1873 at the advanced age of eiglity-four years. His family consisted of fourteen children, eleven of wliom grew to matu- rity. Three of his sons were physicians and two ministers. Jacob, the second in the family, settled in Richhill Township, in 1837, and has been very successful in business. He owns the valuable farm of of two hundred and twenty acres where he now resides. Mr. Loar is prominent and influential in his community, has been a nieml)er of the school board and served as the justice of peace for a period filteen years. He has been three times married — first, in 1836, to Maria Nelson, and they were the parents of nine children, six of wJiom are now living, viz., John M., a farmer; Nelson, a physi- cian in Bloomington, Illinois; George, a physician in Munroe, Iowa; Margaret Ann, wife of A. K. Allum; Hester Jane, wife of E. J. Gribbcn and Anna, wife of Oliver Burns. The deceased are James Apoloe, Jacob II. and Catharine who was the wife of B. F- Temple. Mrs. Hoar died in 1864. Mr. Loar's second wife was Sarah AVilliams 840 HISTOKY OF GREENE COUNTY. widow of Morrison Applegate, who died February 11, 1875. They had one son — William C, a medical student in Indianapolis, Ind., and one daghter, Ora who died April 1888. Mr. Loar was again married, in 1881, to Mary Dinsmore, widow of Benjamin Dnrbin. She was the mother of six children; viz., Mary, Harvey, Elizabeth, Thomas, William and Bothenia. Mr. Loar is a member of the Methodist Protestant Chnrch, of which he has been steward and trustee. He wife is a Presbyterian. J. K. LOUGHE.IDGE, farmer and stock-grower, was born in Wheeling, W. Ya., May 21, 1823, is a son of William and Mary (Kettler) Loughridge. His father was of Scotch origin, born in Coleraine, County Derry, Ireland, came to America dui-ing the war of 1812, being six weeks in making the passage. Was married in Phildelphia, Penn., in 1814, where he remained for some time. He afterwards came to Pittsburg and next moved to Wheeling, W. Va., where he engaged in the hotel and livery business, these being the first established in the city. He purchased a portion of the farm on which J. K. Loughridge now resides in 1817. Here he removed his family, in 1827, where he remained until his death, in 1867, being ninety-five years of age. He was one of the first school directors under the free-school system in Richhill Township, Greene County, Perm., and elder of the Unity Presbyterian Church. His mother was of German origin, was born in Philadelphia, Penn., in 1787, where she was married to Briton Sollars. Their eldest child, Levi, was married to Elizabeth Burns and resides in Richhill Township. Their daughter Elizabeth married Alexander Burns and is now deceased. They were both educated at Wheeling, W.Va. Elizabeth was the first female school teacher in Richhill Township, and pro- duced some of the finest specimens of penmanship of the day. After the death of her husband, Mrs. Sollars married Mr. Smith, a painter, in Phiiadelphia, who lost his life in the war of 1812. She next mar- ried William Loughridge, by whom she had nine children, of wliich seven grew to man and womanhood. Margaret married R. S. Dins- more, a Presbyterian minister, both are now deceased ; Mary taught in the high school at l^evf Castle and afterwards in Ohio, where she married Jesse McBride, a Wesleyan Methodist minister, both are now deceased. William A. married Hannah Grey and is now a carpenter and farmer in Keokuk County, Iowa; Alexander W. married Susan Jennings and is how a stock-merchant in Iowa; Dr. J. H. married Candace Power, was a physician and surgeon in the late war and is now located in Rensellaer, Ind., where he has an extensive practice. Emnaa, the youngest, married John C. Booher, and is now deceased. John K., the fourth in his father's family, married Harriet Campsey, daughter of James and Isabella (Dougherty) Campsey, Claysville, Penn, Tlie family of Mr. and Mrs. Loughridge, are James H.,Will- HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 841 luette, wife of Dr. T. B. Hill; William W., John W., Maud I., David G. C. and Ilettie M. Mr. Loughridge took an active interest in the Sabl)atli-schools at au early day; also took a great interest in the progress of the district schools, acting in the capacity of school director for seven years in succession. His education and the greater portion of his property has been acquired principally by his own efforts, his farms are well situated for farming and grazing, well improved, contains nearly 500 acres and has been his place of residence from early childhood. lie is a Democrat in politics. A man of good moral pi-inciples and was the first chosen on the jury which found George Clark guilty of the murder of William McCauslain near Car- mieliaers, Penn. PHILLIP MARSH, deceased, was one of Ptichhill Township's representative citizens. He was born in New Jersey in 1811. His parents were Joseph P. and Nancy (Minton) Marsh, natives of New Jersey, and of English lineage. His father was a shoemaker by occupation, which vocation he followed for many years. He had eight child)-en, the subject of this sketch being the fifth. Phillip Marsh was raised in Washington County, Penn., where he had re- moved with his parents about the year 1824. He caine to Greene County and engaged in farming until the time of his death in 1877. He was an elder in tne Cumberland Presbyterian Church and super- intendent of the Sabbath-school. In politics he was a Republican. Mr. Marsh was married, November 20, 1835, to Martha, daughter of Epliraini and Martha (Elliott) Post, and they were the parents of the following named children — Ann Eliza, wife of Harvey Conkey; Car- oline, widow of Samuel Tliompson; Eveline, Lucy, wife of George Jennings; Laura F., wife of Cassius Jennings; Leroy, a farmer; and Ellsworth. Mrs. Marsh is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. WILLIAM G. MILLIKEN, merchant, of the firm of Milliken & Supler, Bristoria, Penn., was born on Wheeling Creek, in this county, Januaiy 21, 1845. His parents, Joseph and Mary (Hughes) Milliken, were of Irish and English origin. His father, who was a cooper and farmer by occupation, died in this county. Of his family of six children, AV^illiam is the third, and was reared in Jeffersun Township, where lis received his education. In 1862 he enlisted in Company G, Eighteenth Pennsylvania Cavalry, and was a non-com- missioned officer. He was taken prisoner at Hanover, Penn. Mr. Milliken participated in the battles of The Wilderness, Spottsylva- nia, Cold Harbor, Cedar Creek and Winchester, and many others, and was discharged at the close of the war in 1865. He then returned to Richhill Township and engaged in farming until 1881, when he em- barked in his present business, in which he has a liberal patronage and meets with success. In 1806 Mr. Milliken married Mar:faret, 842 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. daughter of Valentine Nichols. To Mr. and Mrs. Milliken were born live children — Isadora, Mary F., John "W"., Mettle, and Loyd (deceased). Mrs. Milliken departed this life in 1885. She was a con- sistent member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Mr. Milliken is a member of the G. A. R. Post, in which he has served as Quartermaster. JOHJST M. MURRAY, physician and surgeon, Jacksonville, Penn., was born in the State of Iowa, April 23, 1846. He is a son of Joseph and Leah (Larimer) Murray, who were natives of Penn- sylvania, and of Scotch-Irish descent. His father was a school- teacher in early life, in later years a farmer. His family consisted of nine children. Dr. Murray being the sixth. He was reared in this county and received his literary education in the State Normal School of Erie and Waynesburg College. He studied medicine with Dr. J. T. lams, then a practicing physician of Richhill Township. Dr. Murray afterwards attended Bellevue Medical College at New York City, where he graduated in 1876. He began the j)ractice of his profession at Wind Ridge, Penn., during the same year, and has met with a liberal and successful patronage. He is an active mem- ber of the Greene County Medical Society. In 1879 Dr. Murray married Miss Jennie, daughter of Morrison Applegate. Mrs. Mur- ray was of English descent. She died in 1885, leaving two children — Austin and John C. Mrs. Murray was a member of the Methodist Protestant Cliurch, and Mr. Murray is a member of the Presbyterian. T. J. McCLEARY, farmer, stock-grower and attorney at law, was born February 20, 1837, in Claysville, Washington, County, Penn., and is the son of William and Susan G. (Wilkinson) McCleary. Plis father was born near Winchester, Virginia, and his mother was a native of Fayette County, Penn. His grandfather, Thomas McCleary, came from Ireland to America in company with his three brothers. They were all in the army of Washington during the Revolutionary war, Thomas being the only one who lived to the cl ose of the war. After peace was declared he settled near Winchester, Virginia, and engaged in farming, T. J. McCleary's father, who died in Wash- ington County in 1881, had a family of eleven children, of whom the subject of our sketch is the oldest son. He was reared on the farm and received his education in the common schools, the academy and normal school. He taught in Greene and Washington counties a number of terms. He afterwards read law, and has given it his particular attention, although he has lived on the farm the greater part of his life. He owns and deals in Western lands. Mr. Mc- Cleary was married in Washington County, August 8, 1860, to Martha J. Rossell, daughter of Rev. Job and Mariah L. (Layton) Rossell, and tlieir children are — W. Clarence, Arthur V., Thomas W., Z. Linn; one daughter, Idesta Ethleen. Mr. and Mrs. McCleary HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 848 are members of the Baptist Church, and he belongs to the I. O. O. F. and Patrons of Husbandry, or the Grange. He is a Democrat, and accustomed to addressing the public when called upon to do so. Tlie father of Mrs. McCleary, Ilev. Job llossell, is deserving of special mention. He was born July 19, 1813, in Fayette County; was licensed to preacli b}' the Platwoods Baptist Church. For nearly fifty years he labored in the Master's cause. During all these years to the many people who knew him in Westmoreland, Fayette, Wash- ington and Greene counties, the name of Job Rossell was not uttered without bringintr to those who heard it a train of thought by which their better natures were more fully developed, and their love for tiieir fellow man strengthened and broadened. He moved to this township in 18()1, locating near Ryerson's Station; was for a number of years pastor of South Wheeling Church. He passed to the other shore on September 21, 1884, there to realize more fully the fruits of his labor here. He is the only man, so far as the writer knows, who gave his whole time to the Baptist Churches and missionary work in this region, in which work he was successful. Many organi- zations by him were started which are to-day prosperous churches; among wliicli is Fork Ridge, West Virginia. I have told you he was the only man, and yet he was not the only one. During these many years to his good wife was left largely the care of the home and family, and she did her part nobly; her sacrifices were many; for many years she was an invalid, but ever cheerful and bright. She passed to her rest November 30, 1887. During the last years of their lives they were tenderly cared for l)y Mrs. McCleary and her husband, T. J. and children. Eternity alone can reveal the greatness of these lives, in producing fruit for the Master's kingdom. A handsome bronze monument now marks their last resting place. B. H. McNAY, farmer and stock-grower, was liorn in Franklin Township, Greene County, Penn., December 20, 1880. Flis parents, James and Anna (Dickerson) McNay, were natives of Pennsylvania and among the early settlers of this county. They were of Irish and English extraction. His father was a farmer during his lifetime, and died in this county in his eighty-first year. He reared a family of eleven children, ten of whom grew to maturity. The subject of our sketch is the ninth in the family. He was reared on the farm, obtained a common-school education, and afterwards attended Waynesburg College. Fie has since been engaged in agricultural pursuits, and owns 240 acres of land where he resides in Richhill Township. Mr. McNay has been twice united in marriage, his first wife being Frances Carson, and they were the parents of three chil- dren — J. W., Anna Maud and Leonora M. Mrs. McNay died in 1879. Her husband was afterwards married, in 1882, to Miss Mary, daughter of Thomas Stewart, and they have three children — Mabel 844 IIISTORT OF GREENE COUNTY, M., H. Earl and Louie. Mr. McNay is a Republican. He and wife are members of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. JOHN OE.NDOFF, farmer and stock-grower, born in Greene County April 9, 1839, is a son of William and Salone (Wisecarver) Orndoff. His mother was a native of Greene County. PHs father, who was born in Old Virginia, was a farmer all his life, having over sixty years ago settled in Center Township, where he resided until his death in 1885. His family numbered eleven children, of whom the gentleman whose name heads this sketch is the sixth. He was reared on his father's farm, attended common school in Center Town- ship, and has made farming a success. He is the owner of 435 acres of valuable land and a fine country residence. Mr. Orndoff is ener- getic and industrious, having followed the example of his father who, when he came to this county, was a poor boy with no earthly pos- sessions but his clothing and a horse and saddle; but by economy and a determination to succeed, he owned at the time of his death 900 acres of land. John Orndoff was united in marriage, November 2, 1867, with Minerva, daughter of Matthias Roseberry, and they are the parents of six children; viz., Oscar F., Amanda S., Alice M., John B., Jessie L. and Benjamin H. In politics Mr. Orndoff is a Republican. His wife is a member of the Baptist Church. H. H. PARRY, blacksmith, Bristoria, Penn., was born in West- moreland County, Penn., February 16, 1845, and is the son of Royal L., and Elizabeth (Lidea) Parry. His parents were natives of Wales. His father was a blacksmith, and followed the trade during his life- time. He had a family of thirteen children, five of whom are now living. Mr. H. H. Parry was raised on a farm in Richhill and Washingtown townships. He received the benefit of a common school education, and learned his trade early in life. In 1863 he enlisted in Company D, Twelfth West Virginia Infantry, and was in several engagements — among which were the battles of Peters- burg, Cedar Creek, Hunter's Raid and Winchester. At the close of tlie war he was discharged by general order. After his return home he opened a blacksmith shop, and worked for four years in Aleppo Town- ship, and since that time has been located at ]3ristoria. He owns a small farm, in connection with his shop, also a neat and substantial residence. In 1869 Mr. Parry married Miss Mar^', daughter of James McVay, Aleppo Township, one of the prominent farmers and stock- growers in this county. Mr. and Mrs. Parry's children are Charles McVay, M. Jane, Flora B., James M., Harry L. and Mary M. Mr. Parry is a Republican, and a member of the G. A. R. Post. J. E. PATTERSON, physician, was born near Claysville, Washington County, Penn., March 20, 1848. His parents were John and Mahala (Patterson) Patterson, who were of Irish and German extraction. His father, who was a farmer all his life, came HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 845 to Greene Cuunty in 1854, and settled in Center Township on tlie farm wliere tlie subject of this sketch was reared. Dr. Patterson acquired a common school education, after M'liich he attended Waynesburg College and the State Normal School. He began the study of medicine with Dr. Gray, of Jacksonville, Penn., and suli- sequently attended the Medical College at Cleveland, Ohio. He lirst engaged in his profession, in 1871, in the vicinity of Graysville this county, where he has since been in active practice, with the excep- tion of a short time spent in Nineveh, Pennsylvania. In 1874 Dr. Patterson married Anna, daughter ot Mulford Burroughs, and they are the parents of four children, viz., Charles, John, Alma and Bashie. In politics Dr Patterson is a Democrat. MASON SCOTT, farmer and stock-grower, was born in Rich- hill Township, Greene County, Penn., May 3, 1837, and is a son of Capt. John and Charlotte (Mason) Scott, who were of German and Irish descent. His father is a farmer and a resident of Jackson Townshij:), this county. Mr. Mason Scott is the oldest of six children now living. lie grew to maturity on his father's farm and received a good common-school education. Early in life he taught school for a time, but he made farming and stock-raising his chief pursuit. He is the owner of 252 acres of land well stocked and improved, where he resides near Bristoria, Penn. Mr. Scott was united in marriage, December 22, 1866, with Sarah, daughter of James and Jane (Sanders) Lemmon. They were of Dutch and English descent. Mr. and Mrs. Scott's children are Albert, Clara Alice; and Westley, (deceased). Mr. Scott is a Democrat, and an efficient member of the school board of his township. HIRAM SCOTT, farmer and stock-grower, who was born in Center Township, Greene County, Penn., May 13, 1841, is a son o*" Elias and Harriet (Kent) Scott, natives of this county, and of Dutch and Irish exti-action. His father spent all his life as a farmer, and died in Greene County in 1884. His family consisted of eight children, of whom Hiram Scott is the third. Having been reared on a farm, he has followed farming as his chief pursuit and is the owner of 180 acres in Richhill Township, where he now resides. In 1861 Mr. Scott was united in marriage with Miss Mary, daughter of the late Dennis laras, who was a wealthy and influential farmer. Mrs. Scott is of German lineage. Their children are Thomas, George B. MeClellan, a medical student; Matilda, wife of James Throck- morton; Florence and Charles. Mr. Scott is a Democrat. He and his wife are members of the Baptist Cliurch. ROBERT SMITH, county treasurer, was born in Washington County, October 29, 1836, and is a son of Andrew and Ellen (Little) Smith, His mother, who was of English extraction, was born in New Jersey. His father was a native of Scotland, where he was a farmer 846 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. and herdsman. lie died in this county in 1870 at the age of seventy- four years. His fainily consisted of twelve children, of whom Robert is the oldest. He has spent most of his life in Greene County, having received his education in the schools of Richhill Township. He also attended school for some time in Fayette County. Mr. Smith engaged in farming and stock-growing until he was elected to his present position in 1887. He was married in this county. May 26, 1859, to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth (Caine) Milliken, and thoj' are the parents of the following children, viz., Mary Ellen, who died at the age of fourteen ; Arabella, W. D., A. J., T. E., R. M. and J. H. P. Mr. Smith is actively in- terested in educational matters. In 1872 he was elected county commissioner and served two years and ten months in that position. JAMES L. SMITH. — Among the enterprising young business men of Greene County, few have met with better success than the firm of Smitli Bros. Dealers in general merchandise, Graysville, Penn., successors to J. "VV. Hays. James L. Smith, the senior member of the firm, was born in Center Township, this county, March 12, 1856, and is a son of Thomas and Susan (Scott) Smith, natives of Greene County, and of Scotch-Irish extraction. His father, a successful farmer, now resides in Center Township on a finely improved farm of 300 acres. The subject of our sketch is the oldest of a family of seven children. Early in life he learned tlie blacksmith and wagon maker's trade, in which he engaged for several years. He was a good mechanic and made a first-class wagon. Since 1879 Mr. Smith has been in the mercantile business with his brother at Graysville. He is a Democrat in politics, and is postmaster at Harvey's Penn. He was married in 1879 to Miss May, daughter of Hon. James "W. Hays, ex-member of the Legislature. They have two children — Jesse F. and Nora. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are active mem- bers of the Baptist Church. MARTIN SUPLER, farmer and stock-grower, was born in Ricli- hill Township, Greene County, Penn., July 29, 1840, and is a son of William and Lucinda (Cnmmings) Supler, who were natives of tiiis county, and of English lineage. His father was a farmer and hotel keeper at Jacksonville, Penn., and died August 20, 1872. His family consisted of seven children, of whom the subject of our sketch is the second. He was reared on the farm, attended the common schools and has made farming and stock-growing his occupation all his life, with the exception of the time he spent in the army and a few years during which he engaged in the mercantile trade at Jack- sonville. In 1862 he enlisted in Company C, Eighteenth Pennsyl- vania Cavalry, and served as Seargeant for his company. While on picket duty on one occasion lie received a gunshot wound which caused him to lose three and one-half inches of bone from his left HISTORY OP GREENE COUNTY. 847 arm. He was discharged in 1864, having passed thron^^h many serious engagements, among which were the battles of Williamsport, South Mountain and Gettysburg. After his return home Mr. Supler engaged in the mercantile Ijusiness for two years, and has since de- voted his time to farming. He owns 135 acres of land with tirst- class improvements. He was married in this county in September, 1862, to Elizabeth, daughter of A. J. and Eliza (Sargent) Goodwin. Tliey have four children, viz., Jessie L., wife of T. J. Carpenter; Fannie D., A. J. and John B. Mr. Supler is a Democrat, and a member of Smith's Post, No. 428, G. A. E., Jacksonville, Penn. JOHN M. WPJGHT, born October 12, 1820, is a son of Eeasin and Nancy (McGlumphy) Wright, who were of German and Irish and English ancestry. He is the oldest of six children and was raised on his father's farm. When a young man he learned the trade of a millwright. In 1862 he enlisted in Company C, Eighteenth Pennsylvania Volunteer Cavalry, and was discharged at the close of the war, when he returned to liichhill Township, where lie still resides. He was married in this county, in 1844, to Hester Ann, daughter of John and Lydia (^i5oyd) Caseman. Mrs. Wright is of Dutch e.xtraction. Their children are — George W., a fanner; Sarah M., Perry and Elizabeth. In politics Mr. Wright is a Demo- crat. G. W. WEIGHT, farmer and stock-grower, born in Eichhill Township, February 22, 1849, is a son ef John and Hester Ann (Caseman) Wright. He is the oldest of his father's family was raised on the farm and received his education in the common schools. Early in life he learned the carpenter's trade and followed that as a business until 1879, since which time he has both farmed and worked at his trade. Mr. Wright has made his own way in the world. He now owns a well improved farm of 135 acres near iiristoria, Penn. He was married in Vermilion County, 111., in January, 1871, to Elizabeth J., daughter of Abraham and Mary (Gardner) Kimball, and their children are — Norton, Mary F., Oliver M., Maud D. and Hester L. In religion Mr. Wright is a Methodist, and his wife was a member of the Baptist Church. He is a Democrat and belongs to the I. O. O. F. P. J. WHITE, merchant, Eyerson's Station, Penn., was born in Aleppo Township, August 4, 1850. His parents, J. M. and Rebecca (Hewitt) White, were natives of Greene County, and of Dutch and English extraction. His father is a farmer and justice of the peace, and now resides on a farm in Aleppo Township. The subject of this sketch is the only member of the father's family now living. He was reared on the farm, attended the select schools and engaged \n farm- ing until 1879, when he embarked in the mercantile trade for two years on Hart's Eun, in Aleppo Township. He then located at New HlSTOKf OP GREENE COUNTY. Freeport, and carried on a general store until 1883, when he removed to his present location and established the business in which he is meeting with great success. Mr. White "was united in marriage in this county in 1872, with Miss Margaret Ann, daughter of W. J. Moore. Mrs. White is of English and Irish lineage. Their children are Mary Rebecca and Hannali E. In politics Mr. White is a Demo- crat, and was appointed to his present position of postmaster at Ryerson's Station in 1885. SPRINGHILL TOV^TNSHIP. J. E. AYERS, the subject of this sketch, was born in Richhill Township, Greene County, Penn., March 12, 1824, and is a son of Silas and Jane (Rickey) Ayers. His parents were natives of New Jersey, from whence they emigrated to Richhill Township, Greene County, Penn., September, 1807, and are of English origin. His father was a farmer and soldier in the war of 1812, and was engaged in the battles of Lundy's Lane and New Orleans. Of his father's family of eleven children, J. R. is the fourth. He grew to manhood in this county, spent his early life in teaching school, and subse- quently chose the occupation of farming and stock-dealing, in which occupation he has been very successful. He owns a fine farm of 200 acres where he resides in Springhill Township. He was married November 9, 1848,' to Miss Caroline Dye, who was born in this county November 9, 1829. They are the parents of the following named children: E. L., deceased; R. H., Nanna J., Pennina, Silas- and Minor (deceased), Mary M., Ola L., A. D. and J. L. R. II., the second son, who is a farmer, was born in Springhill Township, No- vember 23, 1852. He was reared on the farm, i-eceived his education in the district schools. He was married to Miss Avaline White, April 3, 1874. Pennina, widow of E. B. Darling, deceased, was born in Springhill Township, May 20, 1858, and was married March 12, 1874. Mr. and Mrs. Ayers are members of the Baptist Church, in which he is deacon. Pie is a Republican, and has filled the oflSce of school director and auditor in his township. JOHN BARGER, retired farmer and stock-grower, who was born in Morris Township, this county, May 25, 1827, is a son of Francis and Sarah (Pettit) Barger. His mother, who is of German and Irish origin, is the daughter of Nathaniel Pettit, an early settler of Morris HISTORY OF GREENE COtTNTY. 849 Township. His father, whose chief occupation was that of farming, was in early life a shoe-maker and schcjol- teacher. He died in this county April 12, 1854. He was twice married, and the subject of this sketch is the oldest of his four children, aged sixty-one years. Mr. John I'arger was a resident of Richhill Townsiiip until he was ten years of age, when he moved with his i)arents to Aleppo, now Spring- hill Township, and has remained there for over half a century. His education was obtained in the common-schools, and while still a young inan he was employed as a farmer for some time. He subsequently established a store in New Freeport, Penn., and carried on a success- ful business for live years, and in that time he made $10,000. Mr. J^arger now owns 400 acres of valuable land, besides good town jiroperty. He is a self-made man, — his father, Francis Barger, hav- ing been bound out by his father to work for Robert Pelleet, of New York, until he should attain his majority. He, — John Parger — however, managed by industry and economy to get a start in the mercantile trade, with what subsequent success we have already noted. Mr. Barger was united in marriage November 2, 1854, with Emily J., daughter of Noali and Elizabeth (Fettit) Lyon, and their children are — David W., a farmer; James P., a silversmith of New Freeport, Penn. ; John W., a teacher, and Homer. Mr. Barger is a Republican, and has Ijeen postmaster at New Freeport for a period of twenty years. He and his wife are members of the Christian Churcii. JAMES BURDINE, retired farmer and stock-grower, was born in Perry Township, Greene County, Penn., March 7, 1820, and is the son of Levi and Rebecca (Fo.x) Burdine, who were of Dutch and Irish lineage. His grandfather, Joseph Fox, was a soldier in the Revolu- tionar}' war. At the age of live years the subject of our sketch was left an orphan. Most of his early life was spent on the farm in Monongalia County, W. Va., where he attended the common- schools. He was bound out as a farm laborer until eighteen years old, when he came to Whiteley Township, this county. He soon found work on a farm, and received eight dollars per month. On November 22, 1842, Mr. Burdine was united in marriage with Abi- gail, daughter of Joseph Johnson, of Dunkard Township. Their ciiildren are — Dennis, Eliza Jane, Johnson, Mary, wife of J. L. Mor- ford; Harriet A., who was the wife of Lewis Hamilton, and died in 1883; Delila and James Milton. Mr. Burdine's present wife is Fannie, daughter of Rev. John Henderson. They have one child — Orphia. Mrs. Burdine is a member of the Cliristian Church. Mr. Burdine is a Democrat. He is a self-made man, having l)egun life as a poor boy, and is now the owner of a tine farm of ll8 acres in Springhill Township. He at one time owned over 400 acres. He has paid out over $4,000 of bail money, and has till been able to give his ciiildren a good start in life. gSO History of oreene county. W. L. BURGE, fanner and stock-grower, was born in Whiteley Township, Greene County, Penn., August 25, 1827, and is a son of Henry and Rachel (Wildman) Burge. His parents, who were of English and Dutch descent, were natives of this county, and members of the Society of Friends. His father, who died in Virginia in 186G, was a blacksmith, and spent most of his life in that occupation. He was twice married, and liis family consisted of fourteen children. The subject of this sketch grew to manhood in Greene County, learned the blacksmith's trade with his father and has followed that as a business for over forty years. In 1861 he went to Virginia and worked at his trade until 1866, when he returned to this county. He has since farmed, and now owns a farm consisting of 118 acres of well-stocked and improved land. In 1850 Mr. Burge married Miss Margaret, daughter of John and Sarah Knight. Mrs. Burge is of English and Dutch ancestry. They have a family of ten children, viz.: Plesa Arm, wife of W. H. Main; Alfred J., William L., Melissa, wife of Albert J. Fordyce; Rachel, wife of John L. Main; Maggie, wife of William H. Dye; Mary M., Ella E., John C. and Rosa E. Mr. and Mrs. Burge are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, where he has served as class-leader for twenty years, and has also served as steward. Mr. Burge is a Democrat. He takes an active interest in the public schools, and has been for a number of years a member of the I. O. O. E. THOMAS M. CARPENTER, physician, Deep Valley, Penn., was born in Greene County, January 14, 1843, and is a son of Will- iam and Agnes (Derbin) Cai-penter. His father, who is a blacksmith by trade, was born in JNew Jersey, but now resides on a farm in Jackson Township. His mother was a native of Morgan town, W. Va. His grandfather, James Carpenter, was among the earliest farmers of Richhill Township, this county. His father was twice married, and Dr. Carpenter is the oldest child of the first wife. He was reared on his father's farm, obtaining his earliest education in the district school. He studied medicine in the College of Phy- sicians and Surgeons, Baltimore, Md., and is now in active practice as a pliysician. Dr. Carpenter is a close student, and endeavors to keep himself posted in matters pertaining to his profession. He was united in marriage April 5, 1865, with Miss Margaret J. White, whose parents were of English and Irish origin. Mrs. Carpenter's father, Stephen White, was the first man to build and settle in Deep Valley. Dr. and Mrs. Carpenter are the parents of the following named children: Emma, William, Virginia, James, Stephen, Sarali (deceased), Harriet and Jordan. Winfield Burdine, the youngest child was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter when only nine days old. The Doctor is a Democrat, and a member of the Greene County Med- ical Society. He and wife belong to the Methodist Protestant Church. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 851 P. C. DINSMORE, M. D., Deep Valley, Penn., was born in Richliill Township, Greene Countj, Penn., January 9, 1854. He is a son of Tlionias and Elizabetli (Dickey) Dinsmore, natives of Greene and "Washington counties, respectively. They are of Irish and English ancestry. Dr. Dinsinore's father is a farmer and stock dealer now residing on a farm in Washington County. The Doctor is the oldest in a family of six children, and was reared in his native township. lie attended the graded schools of Washington County, and commenced tiie study of medicine with Dr. Silas McCracken, of Claysville, Penn. lie practiced for a year in West Virginia, was a student in the Cleveland Medical College one year, and siibsequently attended Baltimore Medical College, M'liere he graduated with the Iionors of his class in 1887, and ex-graduate of Medico Chirurgical Faculty, Philadelphia. The token of lionor bestowed on Dr. Dins- more on this occasion was a gold medal, which he still retains as a souvenir. Dr. Dinsmore has lieen very successful in his profession, to which he is greatly attached. He was united in marriage August 10, 1881, with Miss Mary !>., daughter of George and Harriet Hunt, and they have two children — Thomas A. and George H. In politics Dr. Dinsmore is a Democrat. JAMES M. FEKRELL, Merchant, New Freeport, Penn.— Among the most prominent business men in this part of Greene Greene County we mention the gentleman whose name heads this sketch. He was born at Jacksonville, Penn., April 13, 1851, and is a son of George W. and Sarah (Pettit) Ferrell. His ancestors were among the early German settlers of the county. His fiither was a shoe-maker all his life, and was in business in Jacksonville for over forty years. His father was twice married, having three children by the first marriage and eight by the second. Mr. James M. Fer- rell attended the common schools and Jacksonville Academy at Jacksonville, Penn. Early in life be taught school for a period of nearly three years. In 1873 he engaged in the mercantile tirade at Jacksonville, and in 1876 lie was appointed salesman for the Singer Sewing Machine Company, for which he acted as general agent for three years, with Harrisonburg, Va., as headquarters, where he and his family lived during the time. In 1882 Mr. Ferrell located at New Freeport, where he established a general store. He is eminently qualiiied for his business. His affable mariner and obliging disposi- tion, coupled with a determination not to be excelled or undersold, have drawn to his store many of the affluent and influential citizens of Springhill Township and surrounding country. He owns a com- modious store building, which enables him to carry an extensive stock. Mr. Ferrell was married October 26, 1876, to Miss Frances Henrietta, daughter of Hon. James W. Hays, of Waynesburg, Penn. Mrs. Ferrell was born in Washington, D. C. Their children are - 47 852 HISTORY OF GEEENE COUNTY. Russell Hays, Jessie Virginia and James Wilson. They are mem- bers of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. Mr. Ferrell is a Kepublican, and for a time was postmaster at Jacksonville. He is a member of the 1. O. O. F. and the Encampment, and in ISTS-'TB was representative to the Grand Lodge at Philadelphia, Penn. F. PI. GRIFFITH, a farmer and stock-dealer, residing in Springhill Township, Greene County, is the oldest son of Sam- uel and Lydia (Blake) Griffith. He was born in Marshall County, W. Va., Octooer 13, 1858, but has spent most of his life in Greene County, Penn., where he came with his parents at a very early age. He attended the schools of Springhill Township, and wliile still a young man he began farming as his chief piirsuit. He has met with more than average success, and has a valuable farm of 150 acres. In 1881 Mr. Griffith was united 'in marriage with Miss Joanna, daughter of Edward Dowlin, of West Virginia. Mrs. Griffith is of English ancestry. They have two children — Shannon A. and Caddie A. Mr. and Mrs. Griffith are members of the Church of God. He is superintendent of the Sabbath-school, and his political views are Republican. SAMUEL GRIFFITH, farmer and stock-grower, who was born in Maryland, August 1, 1885, is a son of Daniel and Mary (Strickler) Griffith, who were, respectively, natives of West Virginia and Mary- land, and of English origin. His father, who was a farmer and stock-grower, died in this county in 1848. The subject of this sketch is the second in a family of nine children. He was reared on the home farm and attended the district school. Early in life he made choice of farming as his occupation, and has met with great success. He started in life as a poor boy, working for twenty-five cents per day, and has succeeded in accumulating a handsome fortune. His farm, which lies in West Virginia and Greene County, Penn., con- sists of 257 acres of well improved land, and he has a neat and sub- stantial residence in Springhill Township, where he has lived for twenty-six years. In 1857 Mr. Griffith was united in marriage with Miss Lydia J., daughter of Nathan and Susannah (Richardson) Blake, and they have a family of nine children, viz. — 1 . II., Susan Mary, wife of John Earnest; Sarah E., J. J., Thomas J., Clarabel, Margaret, Bruce and Martha. Mr. Griffith is a Republican. He and wife are members of the Disciples Church. LEWIS W. HAMILTON, farmer and stock-grower, was born in Whiteley Township, Greene County, Penn., September 19, 1848, and is a son of William and Margaret (Maple) Llamilton. His mother was a native of this county, and died October 29, 18(39, and his father was born in Greene County, Penn., where he spent most of his life. He was a farmer by occupation, and died April 3, 1879. He reared a family of fifteen children, of wliom Lewis W. is the HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 853 youngest. He was reared on the farm, receiving a coiuinon-scLool education, lie lias made farming his chief pursuit, and has fol- lowed it very successfully. On March 10, 1872, Mr. Hamilton married Miss Harriet A., daughter of James Burdine, of Springhill Township. Mrs. Hamilton died in 1883. Their children are — George W., Mary Ellen, Thomas J., Eliza Jane and James W. (de- ceased). On October 20, 1884:, he was again united in marriage, his present wife being Maria M., daughter of John C. Church, of Isabella County, Mich. They have one child — Calva E. Mr. Hainilton is a Democrat; his wife is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. ENOCH HAMILTON, farmer and stock-grower, was born in Whiteley Township, this county, September 20, 184-4, and is a son of William and Margafet (Mapelj Hamilton. His parents were ol English and German origin, and were natives of this county. His father, who was a farmer and stock-grower, died in 1879. He was reared in Springhill Township, where he attended the common schools. Here he has spent much of his life as a farmer, and has met with marked success. He owns 118 acres of well improved land where he lives near New PVeeport, Penn. Mr. Hamilton was united in marriage in 1871 with Elizabeth, daughter of John and Mary (Philson) Tustin. Her parents were of German and English descent. Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton are the parents of the following named children: Delilah Ann, John W., William C, Elizabeth E., Fannie H., Cora L., Festus C. and Lewis W. In politics Mr. Hamilton is a Democrat. W. P. HOSKINSON, farmer and stock-grower, who was born in this county, December 28, 1838, is a son of George and Sophia (Adams) Hoskinson. His parents were natives of Waynesburg, Penn., and his ancestors, who were of English extraction, were among the pioneer settlers of Greene County. Mr. Iloskinson's great-grand- father, Adams, was killed by the Indians. His grandfather, liobert Adams, built one of the tirst brick houses in Waynesburg — the house now occupied by Henry C. Sayers, Esq. Mr. Iloskinson's father was a saddler by trade, and among the prominent citizens of the county, in which he served as associate judge, and also as register and recorder. He died in Waynesburg, July 24, 1884. He was twice married, and by the tirst marriage there were eight children, of whom the subject of this sketch is the third. W. P. Hopkinson was reared in Waynesburg, where he received his early education. Most of his early life was spent as clerk in a store, and he was given the management of his father's business. In 1860 he bought a half interest in the store, and bought his father's interest in 1861 and carried on a successful business for a period of twenty years. He has since devoted his time to farming and owns 200 acres of 854 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. valuable land near New Freeport. Mr. Hoskinson was married June 21, 1860, to Eebecca, daughter of Phillip and Matilda (Garrison) Shough. Her father is a prominent farmer of Gilmore Township, having at one time owned over seven hundred acres of land. Mr. and Mrs. Hoskinson are the parents of four children — Phillip D., a clerk and salesman; George W., a farmer; Mary S. and Eobert L., who is a student at Waynesburg College. Squire Hoskinson is an active members of the Baptist Church, in which he is a trustee and deacon. He belongs to the I. O. O. F. and tlie Masonic fraternity. JOSEPHUS ISIMINGEE.— The history of the Isiminger family commences in Greene County with Abraham Isiminger, who came from JSTew Jersey to this county and was among the pioneer German set- tlers. His descendants have been usually farmers. The subject of this sketch, Josephus Isiminger, was horn in this county November 3, 1839, and is a son of Andrew and Sarah (Kughn) Isiminger, who were of German and English extraction. His father was a farmer and reared his son to that occupation. Josephus Isiminger, is the sixth in a family of twelve children; attended the district school in Wliiteley Township. He owns a good farm where he resides, and has also spent some time at the carpenter's trade, in connection with his agricultural pursuits. In 1861 Mr. Isiminger married Miss Maria Lemley, and they had live children — Nicholas, Eliza J., Eliza- beth R., John and William. Mrs. Isiminger died in 1873. She was a member of the Baptist Church. Mr. Isiminger's second wife was Miss A. M. Dollison, to whom he was married in 1879. They have two children — Elias and Eva. Mrs Isiminger is not a member of the Baptist Church, but she is of Baptist faith. JACOB ISIMINGER, farmer and stock-gi-ower, was born in Greene County, Penn., February 17, 1830. He is a son of Andrew and Sarah (Kughn) Isiminger, who were also natives of this county, and of German extraction. His father's family consisted of five sons and four daughters, all of whom grew to maturity. Jacob Isiminger was the oldest and was reared in Whiteley Township, on the farm where his father now resides. He attended the common schools and chose farming as an occupation. He is the owner of 100 acres of fine land where he resides, near Deep Valley Postoffice, in Spring- hill Township. Mr. Isiminger was united in marriage, June 1, 1859, with Hannah, daughter of William and Elizabeth Tllinerman) Miller, and they are the parents of four children, viz: McClelland, Stanton, Henry and Willie. Mr. and Mrs. Isiminger are members of the Baptist Church, and Mr. Isiminger has been superintendent of the Sabbath-school for years. He is a Democrat in politics. JOHN H. MILLER, M. D., Deep Valley, Penn., was born in Springhill Township, Greene County, October 6, 1858, and is a son uf Iliel and Mary (Warrick) Miller. His parents were also na- iiiSTOHY OK (m:j;knp: county. 855 tives of this comity, and of Irish and English lineage. His father who was a fanner ail his life died in 1864. Mr. Miller was then in his sixth year and was the eldest of four children. He received his edu- cation in the district schools, and at the age of fifteen obtained a certificate and taught his first school. He was for sometime thereafter engaged in teaching the country schools of the county. He then worked for a time in the glass works at Martin's Ferry, Ohio, in which place he was appointed policeman by the town council. He had previous to this time begnn the study of medicine, but was obliged to abandon it for the lack of funds. In 1885 he entered the College of Physicians and Surgeons, at Baltimore, Mar^dand, and in 1886 he became a student in the Western Pennsylvania Medical Col- lege, graduating with high honors. He was a diligent and success- fnl student, and was elected president of his class. Dr. Miller re- turned to Greene County, where his genial manner and professional skill soon won for him a good practice. He has had unusual success in surgery. He was married in Deep Valley to Miss Charlotte, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth (Geary) Nuss. Her parents were of German origin. Dr. and Mrs. Miller have four children, three now living — Leon, Furman and Floyd. The Doctor and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He is a Democrat, and a member of the Greene County Medical Society. JOHN MILLER, farmer and stock-grower, was born in Spring- hill Township, Greene County, Penn., June 20, 1845, and is a son of Jacob and Sarah (McConnell) Miller, who were of Irish and German origin. His father was a farmer and stock-grower, and died in this county in 1881. Of his family of eleven children, John Miller is the ninth. He was reared on the farm, attending school in the old log school house of the district. Since his marriage in 1870, he has devoted much of his leisure time to study, and has acquired his edu- cation without assistance. He is is now able to read and write and keep his accounts correctly. Mr. Miller owns the farm where he re- sides, consisting of 123 acres of well improved land. Mr. Miller's wife was Miss Caroline Reeves. She is a daughter of Phineas and Matilda Reeves, and of Irish origin. Her ancestors were among tlie pioneers of Greene County. In politics Mr. Miller is a Dem- ocrat. J. L. MORFORD, farmer and stock-grower, was born in Spring- hill Township, this county, November 23, 1847, and is a son of Isaac and Elizabeth (Brown) Morford. His parents were of Irish and German ancestry, and were natives of Greene County. Mr. Mor- ford's ancestors were among the pioneer settlers of the county. His grandfather, James Morford, was a pioneer farmer. Isaac Morford, his father, who spent his life in this county, was killed at Burton, West Virginia, November, 1864, where he was shot by a man who 856 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. opposed him in a political discussion. His family consisted of six children, of whom the subject of this sketch is the youngest. He was rsared on his father's farm, receiving his education in the com- mon schools. He chose farming as his occupation through life and has been very successful, owning at present a fine farm of 122^ acres near New Freeport, Penn. In 1866 Mr. Morford married Miss Mary, daughter of James Burdine. They are the parents of seven children, viz: James B., Mary Ann Eliza., Yalma L., Eliza- beth A., Samuel M., Lewis Q. and Delilah Harriet. In politics Mr. Morford is a Democrat. JOHN McNEELY, farmer and stock-grower, New Freeport, Penn., was born in this county March 8, 1842. He is a son of John and Elizabeth (Coen) McNeely, natives of Greene County, and of English extraction. His father was a farmer. His family numbered eleven children, of whom John is the fifth. He spent his early manhood on the farm, receiving his education in the common schools. He has made farming his life work, and his home farm contains 278 acres of valuable land. In 1861 Mr. McNeely was united in mar- riage with Mary, daughter of Michael and Sarah (Taylor) Poupe. Mrs. McNeely is of Dutch origin. Their children are — Jacob, a farmer; Eachel, wife of Himus Null; Nancy, wife of William Roupe; John, Elizabeth and Pobert, Mr. McNeely is a Democrat. His wife is a member of the Baptist Church. J. H. PINEHART, M. D., New Freeport, Penn., was born in Franklin Township, Greene County, Penn., January 28, 1859. He is a son of William H. and Ruth Ann (Bowen) Rinehart, residents of Springhill Township. Dr. Rinehart is the third in a family of eight children. He attended the common-school and was later a student of Waynesburg College. He studied medicine with Dr. P. C. Dinsmore, of Deep Valley, Penn., and also attended the Starling Medical College at Columbus, Ohio, where he graduated in 1887. He then entered the practice of his chosen profession at New Free- port, Penn., his present location. In 1888 he formed a partnership with Dr. I. N. Owen, an old and experienced physician who has been in active practice in Greene County for many ^^ears. At the early age of seventeen the Doctor began teaching school, spending some time in that employment both in this county and in West Vir- ginia. He began the study of medicine at the same time and also paid considerable attention to the study of surveying and civil en- gineering. He has been through life a diligent student and gives promise of a successful career. W. II. RINEHART, farmer and stock-dealer, son of Jacob and Abigail (Huss) Rinehart, was born January 6, 1827. His parents were natives of Greene County, and of German descent. The Rine- hart's were among the earliest settlers of the county. Several mem- HISTORY OF GltEENE COUNTY. 857 bers of tlie family were killed by the Indians, and others were taken captive when children growing up among the savages. They were almost without exception farmers, but some few a member of the family were professional men. Mr. Rinehart's father, who was a farmer and stock-dealer, died in 1874. The subject of this sketch is the oldest of a family of seven children. He was reared on the farm, receiving his education in the district school in Franklin Township. He has made farming and stock-dealing his occupation and now owns the farm where he resides in Springhill Township. In 1852 Mr. Rinehart was married to Miss Ruth Ann, dangliter of Corbly and Joanna (Garrison) Bowen, who were of German, Englisli and French origin. Mrs. Rinehart's paternal grandmother was a member of the Corbly family who were miirdered by the Indians near Garard's Fort, this county. Mr. and Mrs. Rinehart are the parents of the following children — M. E., a resident of Deep Valley, Renn.; J. IT., a practicing physician; Joanna, wife of Scott Lippencott; Arabell, wife of J. C. F. Milligan; S. Cora and Maude B. The fam- ily are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. JAMES STILES, merchant and justice of the peace, Deep Val- ley, Penn., was born in. Monongalia County, West Virginia, January 4, 1841, and is a son of Thomas and Frances (Cross) Stiles. His father, who was a farmer, died in West Virginia in 1852. The subject of this sketch, the youngest of seven children, was reared in his native county, where he received a common-school education. After his father's death he was apprenticed as a bound boy until twenty-one years of age. In 1869 he entered the employ of Hon. II. 5. White, as a salesman, and formed a partnership with him the same year. This partnership was dissolved in 1871, and Mr. Stiles located at Deep Valley, where he established a general store. In 1883, in company with J. K. Null, he erected the mill at Deep Val- ley, and later he dissolved partnership with Mr. Null. Squire Stiles has met with success in business and is an honorable, high-minded gentleman. In politics he is a Republican. In 1869 he was united in marriage with Jennie, daughter of Rev. D. Charnock, of Wheel- ing. W. Va. They were the parents of one child, James, deceased. Mrs. Jennie Stiles died in 1871. In 1873 Mr. Stiles married Emma J., daughter of George Wright, they are the parents of seven children — Ora Belle, Lucy II., Minnie P., James G., Nellie A., Christie and Goldie. Mrs. Stiles is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In 1875 Mr. Stiles was elected justice of the peace, which office he has since held continuously. In 1864 he en- listed in Company N, Sixth West Virginia Infantry, and served until the close of the war. He is an active member of the G. A. R. Post, No. 550, and is now Adjutant. 858 HISTORY OF GKEENE COUNTY. THOMAS STJaOPE, farmer and stock-grower, Deep Yalley, Penn., was born November 22, 1823, and is a son of Thomas and Sarah (Elems) Strope. His parents were of English descent. His fatlier, who was a farmer during his lifetime, died in 1848. Mr. Thomas Thrope is the fourth in his father's family and the eldest who grew to maturity. His opportiinities for an education were very limited. He is a self-made man and now owns 290 acres of well improved land. When he was a small boy he worked by the month and then worked on a farm as a tenant. He also learned the tanner's trade, at which lie was employed until twenty-four years of age. Mr. Strope's first wife Avas Eliza Mitchell, who lived twenty-five years after their marriage. They had one child, George W. Mrs. Sarah Jane Strope, the present wife, was the daughter Jacob Miller, a prominent farmer of Springhill Township. Mr. and Mrs. Strope are the parents of two children — Park L. and Purman D. Mr. Strope is a Kepublicau. He is a member of the Masonic Fraternity and the Patrons of Husbandry. He and wife are members of the Church of God. W. T. WHITE, farmer and stock-grower, Deep Valley, Penn., was born in Monongalia County, West Virginia, April 30, 1842. He is a son of Michael and Mary A. (Eussell) White, who were also natives of West Virginia, and of German extraction. Mr. White's father was a farmer through life, and died in Monongalia County, W. Va., in 1868. Of his family of four children, W. T. White is tlie second. Pie was reared on the home farm and received his education in the common-schools. Having chosen farming as his occupation, Mr. White came to Greei.e County, Penn., in 1872, and settled on a farm in Springhill Township where he now resides. His farm con- sisting of 185 acres, is well stocked and improved. In 1868 he was married to Miss Harriet, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Oden- bangh) Kent. Mrs. White is of English descent. They have four children — Luella, a school teacher; Guy W., Nettie E. and Charles F. Mrs. White died March 13, 1888. The family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in which Mr. White takes an active interest. He is also greatly interested in school affairs and has been one of the most efficient members of the school board in his township. In 1861 he enlisted in tlie Sixth West Virginia Volunteer Infantry in Company N., where he served until the close of the war, being a non-commissioned officer. JOSEPH WHITLATCH, farmer and stock-grower, was born in Whiteley Township, this county, November 22, 1821, and is a son of Joseph and Barbara (Hostetler) Whitlatch. His mother was born in Fayette County, and his father in Greene, and they were of English and Dntch extraction. His father was a farmer and distiller by occu- pation. His grandfather, Thomas Whitlatch, who was an energetic lIISTOItY OF GREENE COUNTY. 859 and industrious farmer tlirougli life, was bom in England and emi- grated to America, coming to Greene County among the earliest set- tlers. The subject of this sketch, who is the sixth in a family of ten children, resided in Whiteley Township until he was twenty-four years of age. He has followed his father's occupation and has been very successful, being now the owner of 220 acres of well-improved land. Mr. Whitlatch was united in marriage, December 11, 1845, with Miss Jane, daughter of Thomas Owen, who came from Wales. They are the parents of thirteen children — Elizabeth, wife of George Plantz; lienson, who died July 5, 1888, aged thirty-eight years; Barbara J., wife of George Murphy; Sarah Ann, wife of John Springer; Susan Caroline, wife of AVilliam Patterson; Mary Ellen, wife of John Nicholas; John AV., Peter O., Belle, wife of James Brewer; Viola, AVilliam, Isaac N., and David (deceased), who was their oldest child, died April 12, 1880, aged thirty-three years. Mr. "Whitlatch is a member of the Baptist Church, in which he has been a deacon for twenty-three years, and also superintendent of the Sabbath-school. Tlie other members of the family are menibers of the Church of God. Mr. Whitlatch is a Republican, and has been school director in his township. lie went into the army as a private in 1864, and served until the close of the war. WILLIAM WILDMAN, farmer and stock-grower, was born in Gilmore Township, Greene County, Penn., October 31, 1847, and is a son of Joseph and Frances (Cumpston) Wildman. His parents were born in Dunkard Township, and were of English descent. His father spent his life as a farmer. His family consisted of nine chil- dren, of whom William is the seventh. He was reared on the home farm, receiving his education in tiie common schools. Since early life he has made farming his chief pursuit, and has met with unusual success. Mr. Wildman has made his own way in the world, and is now the owner of 175 acres of well-improved land. In 1868 he married Miss Ruth, daughter of Alexander Compston. Mrs. Wild- man is of German origin. Tiieir children are — Anna C, wife of Jacob Tustin; Fannie, Eliza Ellen, Harriet, Charles W., and Rebecca (deceased). Mrs. Wildman is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. In politics Mr. Wildman is a Democrat. WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP. SILAS BARNES, retired farmer, P. O. Ruff's Creek, was born oil the farm where he now resides in Wasliiugton Township, Greene 860 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. County, Penn., August 22, 1810. His parents were Jacob and Phoebe (Crayn) P>arnes, who were natives of Pennsylvania. They were the parents of nine children, of whom six are living. The subject sf our sketch is the second of these children, and was united in marriage, in 1832, with Catharine Johns. She was born in Wash- ington Township, this county, in 1816, a daughter of Jacob and Elizabeth (Smith) Johns, who were pioneers of Greene County. Mr. and Mrs. Barnes are the parents of three children — Maria, Elizabeth and John. Mr. Barnes was reared on a farm and has been engaged in farming through life. He owns 300 acres of land. He served as sheriff of the county by appointment, was elected treasurrr in 1847, and in 1878 was elected associate judge and served one term. Mrs. Barnes died in November, 1886. JAMES BOYD, farmer (deceased), was born in Greene County, Penn., September 10, 1813. His parents, Eichard and Mary (Pitney) Boyd, were natives of Maryland, but settled in Gi-eene County, Penn., and remained until their death. James Boyd was united in marriage, April 14, 1839, with Martha Decamp, who was born in Washington County, November 2, 1816. She was a daughter of Kunion and Hannah (Wiuget) Decamp, who departed this life in Iowa. To Mr. and Mrs. Boyd were born eight children, six of whom are living — Permelia, Minerva, wife of George W. Johnson; James, Martha J., Mary S., wife of B. K. Bell, and Hannah J., wife of James C. Bell; the deceased being Elizabeth E., who was the wife of Samuel J. Gra- ham, and Emeline. Mr. Boyd was a farmer, and at the time of his death owned 176 acres of land where his widow and family reside, at Hope P. O., Greene County. He was a consistent member of the Baptist Church, of which Mrs. Boyd is also a member. Mr. Boyd's death occurred August 2, 1885, and he was much mourned, not only by his own family and immediate friends, but as a good citizen throughout the township and county. ROBEET BEISTOE, farmer, P. O. Hackney Penn., was born in Washington Township, Greene County, August 11, 1818, a son of James and Catharine (Sibert) Bristor, the former a native of Pennsylvania and the latter of Virginia. Tliey settled and remained in Greene County until their death. Robert Bristor was united in marriage, June 15, 1841, with Margaret Oliver, who was born in Washington Township, November 18, 1821. Her parents were Samuel and Elizabeth (Holingsworth) Oliver, the one a native of New Jersey and the other of Pennsylvania. They also settled in Greene County and remained until their death. Mr. and Mrs. Eobert Bristor have ten children — Mary J., widow of Shadrach Mitchell; ]James N., Melinda, wife of Samuel Kelley; Caroline, wife of Joseph 'Smith; Timothy J., Hannah M., wife of Joseph Martin; Rachel E., Oliver D., John W., and George W. (deceased). Mr. HISTOKY OF GREENE COUNTY. 801 Bristol' has always lived on a farm, and has devoted himself to stock- raising and tlie care of his land of which he owns 200 acres where, with his family, he now resides, lie and his wife are consistent members of the Bethlehem Baptist Church.. SYLVESTER GARY, farmer, deceased, was born iu "Washing- ton Township, Greene County, Penn., May 6, 1819. His father and mother were Daniel and Mary Cary (jiee C-ooper), who were na- tives of Washington County, where they were married, then settled in Greene County, remaining till their death. Sylvester Cary was twice married, his first wife being Miss Hannah Cooper, born Au- gust 14, 1820, a daughter of Zebulon Cooper. By this marriage Mr. Cary was the father of nine children, only one of whom — Elmas W. — is now living. Mrs. Cary died in 1858. Her husband then married, March 10, 1859, Sarah J. Cooper; she was the widow of Nathaniel Cooper, and was born March 29, 1833. Her father and mother were John and Martha Cooper (nee Atkinson), who were na- tives of Pennsylvania, and after marriage residents of Washington County until death. By his second marriage Mr. Cary was the father of five children — Laura B., wife of Oscar Day; Thomas S., Alice S., wife of John M. Simpson, John C. ; and Hannah M., de- ceased. Mrs. Cary by her first marriage is the mother of one child — Flora S., wife of John Andrew. Sylvester Cary, deceased, was one of the substantial citizens of Washington Township, In connection with the farming he made quite a success of stock-dealing during his lil'e, and at his death was the possessor of a fine farm containing about 600 acres. He belonged to the Methodist Protestant Church, of which his widow is also a member. Mr. Gary's death occurred January 3, 1886, and it proved a great loss not only to his family but also throughout the community in which he lived. JAMES W. GLOSSER, farmer, grain and stock-dealer, Waynes- burg, Penn. — Among the stirring and prosperous business men of Greene County, we take pleasure in mentioning the name that heads this biographical sketch. He was born in Amwell Township, Wash- ington County, October 15, 1852, and is a son of Andrew J. and Sarah (Totton) Closser, who were natives of Pennsylvania, married and settled in Bethlehem Township, Washington County, where they remained through life. On Septeniber 24, 1882, James AV. Closser married Miss Elazan Garner, who was born in AVashiiigton Township, April 4, 1858, and is a member of the Baptist Church. Her parents were Matthew and Sarah (IIuffman)Garner, the latter of whom is deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Closser's family consists of three children — Daniel, Hallie J. and James I. Althougli reared on a farm, Mr. Closser has been engaged in various pursuits since start- ing out in life for himself. He is at present dealing in grain, stock and agricultural implements, besides managing his farms which con- 862 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. sist of about 600 acres, owned in partnership with his brother Henry. JESSE CRAIG, deceased, was born in Virginia, October 20, 1799; and following in the footsteps of the early pioneers, while still a boy, came to Pennsylvania and settled in Greene County, on March 12, 1829, he married Miss Hannah Evans, who was born in "Wash- ington County, April 27, 1803, a daughter of David and Elizabeth Evans, both deceased. By this marriage Mr. Craig was the father of one child, David, who married Nancy Matthews. Mr. Craig lost his wife by death, January 27, 1831; but realizing that it was not good for man to be alone, on April 22, 1832, he was married to Miss Sophrona Cary, who was born on the farm where she and family re- side, March 5, 1815, a daughter of Abel and Eunice Cary [nee Woodrufi). Her parents were natives of New Jersey, and early in life settled in Greene County, Peun., remaining until their death. By the last marriage Mr. Craig was the father of thirteen children, of whom nine survive him — Cephas, married Eunice Bigler; Daniel, married Malinda Bane; Sarah, wife of Abel Turner; Abel, married Sarah J. Rejester; Eunice, wife of John G. Barr; Hannah, Eleanor, wife of Silas Hoover; Margai-et, wife of George Stilwell, and Sophrona, wife of William Taylor. Thomas (married Leah Horn), Mary, Eliza- beth and Jesse, being deceased. Mr. Craig was a successful farmer, and stock-raiser through life, owning at the time of his death a farm of 150 acres. Pie was a member of the Baptist Church, of which his widow is also a member. He filled in his lifetime the ofhce of justice of the peace of Washington Township. He 'departed this life, April 26, 1882; and by his death the township lost a good citizen and his family a kind husband and father. ENOCH DURBIN, retired farmer. Swarfs Station, Penn., was born in Richhill Township, Greene County, July 24, 1820, a son of Stephen and Mary Durbin (nee McDonell), the former a native of Maryland. After marriage they resided in Richhill Township until their death. Enoch Durbin was united in marriage the first time in 1845, with Mary M. Stagner, born in Morris Township in 1819, a daughter of John and Mary Stagner. By this marriage Mr. Durbin is the father of four children — Peter H., George W., Eliza J., wife of Thomas lams; and John (deceased). Mrs. Durbin died May 27, 1866. Four years after her death, December 7, 1870, Mr. Dui-bin took for a second wife Eliza Hopkins, born January 27, 1818, on what was known as the old Hopkins farm, where she and family still reside. Her parents were Daniel and Esther Hopkins (nee Johnson). The former was born in eastern Pennsylvania, November 27, 1782. and liis wife in Washington County, November 8, 1787. They were married November 15, 1811, and settled in Maryland, then lived in Washington County, Penn., one year and moved to Greene County in 1816, remaining until their death. Mr. Hopkins died October 10, , HISTORY OP GUKENE COUNTY. 863 1828, and his widow October 5, 1866. They were the parents of eight children, of whom six are living — Margaret, Levi, Eliza, the wife of subject of this sketch, Samuel, Abigail, the wife of fiev. J. T. Riley, and Aranna. The deceased are William S. and John J. Enoch Durbin has been a farmer all tlirough life, and he, wife and sister-in-law are all members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. G. W. DURBIN, farmer. Sycamore, Penn., was born in Morris Township, Greene County, December 20, 1849, a son of Enoch and Mary Durbin (wed Stagner). His father and mother were natives of Richhill and Morris townships respectively. They remained in this count}' after their marriage, Mrs. Durbin departing this life in 1866. Sometime after her death Mr. Durbin contracted a second marriage with Miss Eliza Hopkins, and now resides in Washington Township. George W. Durbin chose as his life partner, September 11, 1875, Miss Jennie L. Fonner, who was born in Morris Township, Novem- ber 4, 1854, a daughter of James and Eliza Fonner (^nee Taylor). Iler parents were natives of Greene County, where they were mar- ried and lived until Mr. Fonner's death, March 16, 1883. His widow is still living. To Mr. and Mrs. Durbin have been born live chil- dren — James R., Lizzie B., Albert F., Charlie B. and Maggie E. Mr. Durbin is a farmer by occupation and has made that his lifg work. He is the possessor of a 100-acre farm on which he and family reside. Both he and wife are consistent members of the Bates' Fork Baptist Church; and he is a leading director of the school board, taking great interest in the educational affairs of the township. JOHN EDGAR, farmer, Castile, Penn., is one of the substantial farmers and stock-dealers of Washington Township, Greene County, where he was born May 2, 1845. His parents were Isaac and Mar- garet Edgar, the former a native of New Jersey, and the latter of Washington County, Pennsjdvania. After marriage they settled in Greene County and remained until 1868, then lived in Washington County till 1874 — the year of Mrs. Edgar's death. Her husband died in 1875. John Edgar was united in the holy bonds of matri- mony February 9, 1869, with Mary A. Keys, born in AVashington County, September 24, 1850. Her parents, Daniel and Ruth (Bane) Keys, are natives of Washington County where they still reside. Mr. and Mrs. John Edgar are the parents of nine children — Daniel A., Ida R., Maggie M., Lucy L., William K., John, Anna M., Min- nie and Clarence. Mr. Edgar has been engaged in farming and stock-dealing all his life. He owns 228 acres of land in one tract, on which he and liis family reside. They are consistent members of the Baptist Church, in which he has served as deacon for three years. He has also been a member of the school board of his township. STEPHEN FULTON, farmer, Castile, Penn., was born in West Bethlehem Township, Washington County, August 16, 1818, a son 864 HISTORY 01^ GKEENE COtTNTY. of Stephen and Jeruslia Fulton (^nee Gary). His mother was a na- tive of Greene and his father of Washington County, where they settled after their marriage and remained through life, Mr. Fulton's death occurring in 1847 and his widow in 1858. September 16, 1847, Stephen Fulton wedded Miss Mary Greenlee, who was born in Wash- ington County, December 26, 1822. She is a daughter of Samuel and Nancy Greenlee {nee Gantz), the one a native of Maryland and the other of Fayette County, Penn. After marriage they resided in Washington County until the death of Mrs. Gantz in 1863. lier husband died in 1876. Stephen Fulton and wife are the parents of eight children, five of whom are living — Emma, wife of Zephaniah Johnson; Samuel G., Henry H., Eliza, wife of Amos Shirk, and Albert G. ; Nancy, Margaret and Ruth, are deceased. Mr. Fulton has always lived in the country and engaged in farming throughout his life, which has been one of usefulness and activity, and he has acquired for himself and family a farm of 120 acres, where he now lives. They are both members of the Mount Zion Baptist Church. SPENCEE B. GAENEE, farmer, P. O. Waynesburg, was born in Greene County, Penn., March 10, 1851. His father, Matthew — son of Samuel and Catharine (Miller) Garner — was born in Washington Township, August 9, 1820; and September 29, 1844, wedded Sarah, daughter of Amos Masters. She was a native of Greene County, and died August 5, 1851. After her death Matthew married Sarah, daughter of John Huffman, December 24, 1854. She was also a native of Washington Township, and died August 23, 1871. Her hus- band then married, October 3 1872, Miss Maria Keigley, his present wife, a native of the same township and a daughter of George and Anna Keigley, both deceased. Spencer B., the subject of this sketch, was united in marriage, September 16, 1875, with Ella Huss, who was born in Greene County, Penn., August 7, 1854, a daughter of William H. and Maria Huss (nee Keys), the former a native of Greene and the latter of Washington County. Mr. Huss is deceased and his widow is now living with her daughter, Mrs. S. B. Garner. To Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Garner have been born two children — Weatha and Isa G. Mr. Garner has been a farmer, stock-dealer and miller through life, and owns 184 acres of land in Washington Township. He and wife are members of the Bates' Fork Baptist Church. T. J. HUFFMAN, farmer and stock-dealer, Euff's Creek, Penn., was born in Washington Township, December 17, 1819. His parents, George and Susannah (Stagner) Huffman, are natives of Greene County, where they reside at present. Mr. Huffman, the subject of this sketch, was united in marriage, May 25, 1871, with Eliza M. Mattox, who was born in Morris Township, this county, October 12, 1852, a daughter of John and Clarissa Mattox {nee Eial). Her mother was a native of New Jersey and her father of Greene County, HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 865 Penn., where they settled after marriage and remained till tlie death of Mr. Mattox; his widow survives him. Mr. and Mrs. Iluftman are the parents of four children, one living — George E., born May 24, 1880; and Lonny, Ida and an infant, deceased. Mr. Huffman is a member of the Baptist and his wife of the Cumberland Presbyte- rian Church. Mr. Huffman was raised on the farm where he now resides with his family and parents, and in connection with his farming, has dealt in all kinds of stock, making the raising of fast horses a specialty; of these the principal ones are "Slow-Go," and two that Vanderbilt bought. Mr. Huffman has always been known as one of the most successful and enterprising farmers of his township- G. W. HUFFMAN, farmer and stock dealer, P. O. Paiff's Creek, was born in Washington Townsliip, Greene County, Penn., Jan'^^ry 17, 1845. He is a son of George and Susannah (Stagner) Huff /nan, who ai'e natives of Greene County, where they were married and have resided all their lives. Mr. Huffman was united in marriage, September 20, 1866, with Phoebe J. Baldwin, who was born in Washington County, March 27, 1846. Her parents, Amos and Sarah (Lindley) Baldwin, were natives of Washington County, but moved to Iowa where they both died. Mr. and Mrs. Huffman are the parents of two interesting daughters — Cora B. and Sadie A. Mr. Huffman was brought up on a farm, and in connection with his farm- ing interests has made the raising of fine stock a specialty. He owns 380 acres of land where he and family live, and a fifth interest in 700 acres in Kansas. The whole family are consistent and leading members in the Bethlehem Baptist Church. ANDREW HUGHES, retired farmer, Paifl''s Creek, Penn., is one of the old pioneers of Greene County, having been born in Washington Township, November 1, 1810, a son of Nathan and Nancy (Sharon) Hughes. Mrs. Hughes was a native of England, and her husband was born in Greene County, Penn., where they re- sided from the time of their marriage until their death. Andrew Hughes was united in marriage, September 25, 1834, with Hannah Crayne, born in Washington Township, April 4, 1815, a daughter of Daniel and Hannah (Clawsou) Crayne, the one a native of Greene County, Penn., and the other of New Jersey. After marriage they made their home in Mr. Hughes' native county until their death. Mr. Andrew Hughes and wife are the parents of two children — Asa and Samuel. Mr. Hughes was raised on a farm and has been a tiller of the soil all his life. He owns the 200-acre farm where he now lives with his family. He and wife are members of the Bethlehem Baptist Church, in which they have ever been regarded as among the most prominent and faithful workers. ZEPHANIAH JOHNSON, retired farmer, Castile, Penn.— The subject of this sketch is one of the substantial pioneer farmers of 866 nisTOET OP greene cotrwTY. Greene County, having been born in Morgan Township, December 21, 1812. Plis parents were Zenas and Phoebe (Wolf) Johnson, who were natives of JS^ew Jei-sey, and after marriage moved to Greene County, Penn., and spent the remainder of their lives. March 6, 1837, Zephaniah Johnson took unto himself a wife in the person of Miss Eachael Ulery, born in Greene County, February 24, 1819. Her parents were Stephen and Jane (Cruyn) Ulery, who were natives of Washington County, Penn., but moved to Knox County, Ohio, remaining until their death. By this marriage Mr. Johnson is the fatherof the following children — PhcebeJ.,wife of Isaac Keys; Stephen, Zenos, Daniel and Sarah. Mrs. Johnson departed this life July 21, 1853. After her death Mr. Johnson was united in marriage, in 1857, with Mrs. Mary Horn (iiee Moore), a daughter of Joseph and Mary Moore, both deceased. By the last marriage Mr. Johnson is the father of one daughter — Ellen. Her mother departed this life May 21, 1872. Mr. Johnson has always lived on a farm, to which, in connection with stock-raising, he has given his care and attention through life. His farm consists of 234 acres. He is named among the prominent citizens of his township, and is a leading member in the Mount Zion Baptist Church. GEOPGE W. JOHNSON, farmer, P. 0. Ten-Mile, was born in Morgan Township, Greene County, Penn., May 21, 1818. His parents were Zenas and Phoebe (Wolf) Johnson, who were natives of New Jersey, where they were married, then moved to Greene County, Penn., remaining till Mrs. Johnson's death, which occurred in 1819. Her husband then married Sarah Crayn. Both died in Gi'eene County. The subject of our notice was united in marriage, Novem- ber 4, 1841, with Eunice Smith, born in Amwell Township, Wash- ington County, April 16, 1821. She is the daughter of Peter and Priscilla (Cooper) Smith, the former a native of Germany, and the latter of Washington County, Penn., where they were married, and after settling for a short time in Greene County, returned and died there. Mr. G. W. Johnson and wife are the parents of five children — Smith, I. B., Phcebe J., wife of Othaniel Khoads; Zephaniah and George A. Having been reared on a farm, Mr. Johnson has been a tiller of the soil all his life, and owns the farm of 170 acres where he now lives with his family. He has served as a member of the school board of his township, and both he and wife are members of the Baptist Chm*ch. ZENAS JOHNSON, farmer, P. 0. Puff's Creek, born in Greene County, Penn., April 12, 1827, is a son of Zenas and Sarah Johnson, the former a native of New Jersey, and the latter of Greene County, Penn., who after marriage settled and remained in this county until their death. Our subject was united in marriage, October 28, 1862, with Sarah J. Watson, born in Washington County, Penn., October HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 8G7 28, 1839, who is still living and is a consistent member of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church, ller parents were John and Mary A. (Al- most) Watson, the former a native of Ireland, and the latter of Greene County, Penn., who settled in Washington County after mar- riage, where they remained until their death. To Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have been born eight children — George B., Daniel D., Silas C, Sadie, Emma, Maggie, Jennie and Cora. Having been raised on a farm, Mr. Johnson has made farming his business through life, and through industry and economy has secured for himself one of the best farms in Washington Township, consisting of 257 acres. D. W. JOHNS, farmer, P. O. Ruff's Creek, is a descendant of one of the Pioneer families of Greene County, Penn. Pie was born in Washington Township, May 21, 1838, a son of Jacob and Eliza- beth Johns (?iee Ross), who are natives of Greene County, the former of Washington Township and the latter of Morgan. They have re- sided in AVashington Township ever since they wei'e married. The sub- ject of this sketch was united in marriage, February 24, 1870, with Rachael Meek, who was born in Washington Township, November 17, 1842, a daughter of John and Elizabeth Meek (^nee Boyd), who were natives of Greene County, where they remained until their death, Mr. and Mrs. Johns have two children — Thomas S., born June 5. 1871; and John F., born February 8, 1873. Mr. Johns was raised on a farm and has been engaged in farming and dealing in stock all his life. He owns 345 acres of land where he and family live. lie and wife are members of the Bethlehm Baj)tist Church. JACOB JOHNS, a retired farmer of RuflPs Creek, Penn., is one one of the pioneers of Washington Township, Greene County. He was born on the farm where he and family reside, December 3, 1806, and is a son of Jacob and Elizal)eth (Smith) Johns, the former a native of Delawai-e and the latter of Washington County, Penn., who settled in Greene County after marriage and remained until their death. Jacob Johns was united in marriage March 27, 1834, with Elizabeth Ross, born in Morgan Township, Greene County, May 29, 1816. Her parents, John and Phtebe (Eaton) Ross, were natives of Greene Coi;nty and residents therein until their death. Mr. and Mrs. Johns are the parents of eight children, four of whom are living and married, as follows: J. U., to Mary J. Huffman; D. W., to Rachael Meek; Abner, to Elizabeth Meek; and Jacob, Jr., first to Lourinza R. McClelland, then to Josephine V. Hickman. The deceased are — Phcebe, Timothy, Thomas, and Elizabeth, who was the wife of Jacol) Iloge. Mr. Joiins has been engaged in farming all his life and owns about 500 acres of land in Greene County. He held the ofKce of justice of the peace of Washington Township for ten years, and lilleil the positions of assessor, auditor, inspector and tax collector of his township. 868 HISTOET OF GREENE COUNTY. GEORGE KEIGLEY, farmer, "Waynesburg, Penn., was born in Washington Township, Greene County, April 8, 1831, a son of George and Anna Keigley (nee McCaslin). They were natives of Pennsylvania, where they were married and remained in Greene County until their death. Both departed this life where the subject of this notice now resides. March 21, 1869, George Keigley married Similda J. Rose, who was born in Guernsey County, Ohio, March 27, 1845, a daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Rose {iiee Haines). They were natives of Pennsylvania but lived in Ohio until about ' 1850, when they returned to Fayette County, Penn., where Mrs. Rose died in 1852. Mr. Rose married again and moved to Greene County, Penn., then to Fulton County, Penn., where he died November 10, 1887. To Mr. and Mrs. Keigley have been born eight children — Laura V., Homer L., Mary M., Jessie I., Sadie E., Louie, Anna P. and Thomas H. Mr. Keigley is a saddle and harness-maker by trade, which he followed about fifteen years, after which he engaged in the service of his country in Company F, Pennsylvania Cavalry, and served nine months. He and his wife are faithful members of the Baptist Chiirch. JOHN M. MARTIN, farmer and stock-dealer, P. O. Ten Mile, was born in Morgan Township, Greene County, August 12, 1823. His parents were Thomas and Mary (Bradbury) Martin, natives of New Jersey. They were married in Washington County, Penn., and made their home in Greene County, where Mr. Martin died. Mrs. Martin died in Missouri. After her husband's death, she lived with her children, who were — John M., the eldest and the subject of this sketch; Thomas and David C. John M. was united in marriage January 18, 1848, with Miss Martha Moore, born in Wash- ington County, Penn., in 1819. Her parents were Joseph and Mary (Shackleton) Moore, both deceased. By this union Mr. Martin is the father of four children — Joseph T., Martha A. and James J., living; and Mary E., deceased. Mrs. Martin departed this life in 1880. February 8, 1881, Mr. Martin was again united in marriage with Isabella (Barr) Montgomery. She was born in Washington County, and is a daughter of Samuel and Sarah Barr, the former deceased. By his last marriage Mr. Martin is the father of two sons — Charles A. and Ira H. He was raised on a farm and made farming his busi- ness through life, having also delt somewhat in stock. He owns about 200 acres of land in Greene County, and is one of the in- dustrious and substantial citizens of Washington Township. L. W. MEEK, farmer, P. O. Swarfs, was born on the farm where he and his family reside in Washington Township, December 26, 1858. He is a son of Cary and Jane Meek {iiee Milliken), who were natives of Greene County, Pennsylvania, where they were married, settled and remained until their death. He died in HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 869 October, 1873, and liis widow in November of the same year. Tliey were the parents of four cliildren — L. W., A. W., Josie and Lillie. L. W. Meek was united in marriage with Sena Buchanan, born in Waynesburg, March 18, 1859, a daughter of David and Cassie Buchanan (/lee Swart), the former a native of Greene and tlie latter of Wasliington County, Penn. They reside in Morris Town- ship, Greene County. Mr. and Mrs. Meeli are tlie parents of two cliildren — Cassie J. and David B. Mr. Meek was raised on a farm and has given considerable attention to stock-dealing in connection with the care of his farm which consists of 140 acres. He has also taken much interest in the educational affairs of his township and has served as a members of the school l)oard. His wife is a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. CEPHAS MEEK, farmer. Ruff's Creek, Penn., is a descendant of one of the pioneer families of Greene County. He was born in Washington Township, January 2-1, 1832, a son of John and Elizabeth (I?oyd) Meek, who were natives of Greene County, where they were married, settled and remained until their death. She died December 24, 1869, and lier husband February 3, 1878. They were the parents of eleven children, eight of whom are living. Cephas Meek was united in marriage April 2, 1868, with Phojbe J. Obnklin. She was born in Washington County, Penn., December 2, 1838, a daughter of William and Catharine (Ross) Conklin, natives ot Washington and Greene counties respectively. They were married in Greene and settled in Washington County. He departed this life June 25, 1880; his widow is still living. Mr. and Mrs. Meek are the parents of one child, William R., born January 11, 1869. Mr. Meek has been engaged in farming all his life and owns a farm of 145 acres. He was a member of the school board of his townshij) for six years, and also served as judge and inspector of elections. Mr^. Meek is a member in the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. ASA MITCHELL, a retired farmer of Ruff's Creek, Penn., was born in Wasliington Township, Greene County, October 6, 1811. He is a son of Shadrach and Margaret (Rinehart) Mitchell, the former a native of Maryland and the latter of Greene County, Penn., where they were married and remained until their death. January 25, 1835, Asa Mitchell married Miss Rachel Johns, born in Washington Township, December 1, 1815. She is a daughter of Jacob and Elizalieth (Smith) Johns who, after marriage, settled and remained in Greene County until their death. To Mr. and Mrs. Asa Mitchell have been born eight children, of whom four are living — Jacob J., John, Maria and Catharine, who is the wife of George V. Shirk; and Shadrach, Thomas, Delilah and Mary J. (deceased). Mr. Mitchell was raised on a farm and has been engaged in farming all his life. He owns 227 acres of land where he now lives with his family and 870 HISTORY OF GREENE OOtTNTY. he is one of the most substantial and highly respected citizens of Washington Township. M. M. McClelland, retired farmer, Euff's Creek, Penn., was born on the farm where he and his family reside in Washington Township, Greene County, December 22, 1824, a son of John and Nancy McClelland (iiee Montgomery). His father was a native of Pennsylvania and his mother of Harford County, Md. They were married in Greene County, Penn. Mr. McClelland departed this life in 1840, and his widow May 5, 1862. The subject of our sketch was united in marriage February 27, 1848, with Elizabeth Mettler, born in Columbia County, Penn., May 6, 1826, a daughter of Daniel and Waty Mettler, {^lee Baker). They were natives of Pennsylvania, married there, and in 1831 moved to Knox County, Ohio; from there they moved to Williams County, in 1860, and in 1866 went to Iowa, where he died December 13, 1884. His widow survives him, mak- ing her home with her ohildrfen. Mr. and Mrs. McClelland have ten children, of whom five are living — Sarah F., wife of J. D. lams; Cary, Elmira, wife of Stephen Cox; Emma J. and Ettie. The deceased are Melvin T., Waty A., Marinda, Mary and Lourinza. She was mar- ried October 30, 1878, to Jacob Johns, and died September 7, 1879. Mr. McClelland was raised on a farm and has been engaged in farm- ing almost all his life. He owns 345 acres of land, constituting one of the finest farms in Washington Township. He was elected to the oflice of county auditor in 1856 and served the term of three years. In 1868 he was elected county commissioner, and served tliree years. He is now serving a second term as justice of- the peace of Washing- ton Township, having at different times successfully filled abnost all the township offices. He has also been a member of the Masonic order for twenty years. His wife is a faithful member of the Beth- lehem Baptist Church. JOHN PETTIT, farmer. Swarfs was born in Washington Township, Greene County, Penn., January 22, 1831, a son of Isaac and Cynthia Pettit (iiee Hathaway), who were natives of Greene County and residents there until their death. In 1860 Mr. Pettitt was united in marriage with Kachel Pettit, who was born in Morris Township January 2, 1840, a daughter of Charlie and Iveziah Pettit, natives of Greene County and residents there until their death. To Mr. and Mrs. John Pettit have been born seven children — Eliza, wife of G. H. Loughman, who is the mother of two children — Olie M. and Stanley J ; Isaac, Mai-y A., wife of George Fry ; Kizzie, Charlie, Frank and Nora. Mr. Pettitt was raised on a farm and has been engaged in farming all his life. He owns 325 acres of land, all in Washington Township. He and wife are consistent members of the Baptist Cliurch. JOSEPH H. PETTIT, farmer. Swarfs, Penn., was born in Washington Township, Greene County, May 6, 1837, a son of Isaac HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 871 and Cynthia Pettit (wee Hathaway), who were natives of Greene County, wiiere they remained nntil their death. She departed this life in 1873, and her liusband in 1881. December 13, 181)2, Josepli II. Pettit was united in marriage with Elizabeth Hedge, born in Greene County, February 2, 1846. She is a daughter of A<\ron and Eva Hedge {iiee Fonner), natives of the same county, both deceased. The latter departed this life April, 1888. Mr. and Mrs. Pettit are the parents of eight children, six of whom are living — Laura, Jessie, Cynthia, Martha, George and Bert; and Eva and Mary, deceased. Having been reared on a farm, Mr. Pettit has made farming his occu- pation through life, and owns 148 acres of land where and his family live. Mrs. Pettit is one of the faithful members of the Baptist Church. JOHN ROSS, retired farmer, Dunn's Station, Penn. — The sufiject of this biographical sketch is one of the pioneer citizens of Washing- ton Township, Greene County, born on his present farm, November 3, 1820. He was the oldest child of Tiiomas Ross, a native of this county, who died in 1832. His mother's maiden name was Hannah DcTiney, a native of Jefferson Township, who after marriage resided in Washington Township until her death in 1847. They were the parents of seven children, of whom three are living. John Ross mar- ried Miss Maria Loughman, October 7, 1847. She was born Sep- tember 20, 1825, in Morris Township, of which her parents, David and Christina (Fonner) Loughman, were also natives and residents therein until their death. Mr. and Mrs. John Ross have eight children — Hannah B., wife of John Kendall; David, Mary J., Lvdia, wife of John W. Kelley; Timothy, Christina A., Maria 1. and Will- iam, (deceased). Mr. Ross was born and raised on the farm on which he now resides, and like his ancestors, has made farming and stock- raising his business through life. His home farm consists of 237 acres of excellent land. He has most acceptably tilled the offices of auditor and assessor of his township, and served as member of the .school board for fourteen years. He and his wife are among the most prominent members of the Baptist Church. TIIOMAS ROSS, farmer and stock-dealer, P. O. Ruff's Creek, was born in Washington County, Penn., October 8, 1833. He is the son of Benjamin and Hannah Ross [nee Johns,) both natives of Washington Township, Greene County, where they were married and where they returned after a few years spent in Washington County, and remained until their death, which occurred in the house where the suljject of this sketch and his family now reside — his father hav- ing departed this life in 1863, and his mother in 1868. Six of their twelve children still survive them. Thomas Ross was united in marriage May 11, 1870, with Helen M. Lindley, born in Washington County, January 10, 1844, a daughter of Zebulon and Julia Lindley (nee Parkinson), natives of the same county, and residents therein 872 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. during their whole life, with the exception of a short time spent in Ohio immediately subsequent to their marriage. They were the parents of tliree children, all now living. Mrs. Lindley died in 1873 and her husband in 1887. To Mr. and Mrs. Ross have been born two daughters — Estella J., born May 26, 1872; and Clara 11., born February, 23, 1871, died September 29, 1878. Mr. Ross was reared on a farm. In 1859, at the age of twenty-six, he went to California and engaged in the miniiig business. Returning to his native county in 1863, after an absence of four years, he has since devoted himself to stock-dealing and the care of his farm of 290 acres in Washington Township. He and his family are members of the Baptist Church, and for the consistency of their Christian character are highly re- spected throughout the community. BENJAMIN SHIRK, retired farmer, Ruff's Creek, Benn., born in Lancaster County, Benn., July 23, 1815, is a son of Michael and Barbara (Alobough) Shirk, also natives of Lancaster County. They were married and lived there until about 1830, when they moved to Coshocton County, Ohio, and remained until Mrs. Shirk's death. Mr. Shirk again married and moved to Illinois, where he died. On Septeinber 5, 1839, Benjamin Shirk first married Margaret Martin, born in "Washington Township, Greene County, June 13, 1818, a daughter of Amos and Ruth Martin, both deceased. To Mr. and Mrs. Shirk were born seven children, five of whom are living — Michael M., Daniel, George V., Joel and Amos; and John and Benjamin F., deceased. Mrs. Shirk died February 20, 1859. In 1860 Mr. Shirk married Elizabeth (Turner) Ullom. She was born in Greene County, February 6, 1827, a daughter of Za and Elizabeth Turner, who de- l^arted this life in Greene County. By his last marriage Mr. Shirk is tlie father of three children — Charles, Maggie and Benjamin F. Mr. Shirk has been a tiller of the soil all his life, and at one tiine owned 700 acres of land. He has given this all to his children, ex- cept the farm of 325 acres where he and his family reside. lie and. his wife are consistent members of the Baptist Church, of which his deceased wife was also a member. Mr. Shirk has been a member of the school board, and judge of the election at different times. He is one of Greene County's oldest and best known citizens, having lived in Washington Township for fifty years. J. H. SMITH, farmer, B. O. Sycamore, was born in Washington Township, Greene County, Benn., January 17, 1841. His parents, Jacob and Nancy Smith (^nee Hill), were natives of Greene County, where they have always resided. His death occurred iji 1887, and her death May 2, 1888. Mr. J. II. Smith was united in marriage June 6, 1861, with Martha Armstrong, who was born in Washington County, Bennsylvania, September 24, 1842. Mrs. Smith is a daugh- ter of James and Elizabeth Armstrong ( nee Richie), the former a HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 873 native of New York, the latter of Ohio, who after marriage settled in Washington County, Pennsylvania, and from there moved to Mar- shall County, West Virginia where she died in 1853. After her death he married again and moved to Richhill Township, this county, and died in 1881. The widow is still living. To Mr. and Mrs. Smith have been born five children: Anna, wife of Gr. M. Fordyce; Mary L., Maria B., Ida M. and Jacob H. Mr. Smith has been en- gaged in farming through his life, and owns 112 acres of land where he and family reside. lie and wife are consistent members of the. Baptist Church. JOHN WALKER, farmer, Paifi's Creek Penn., was born in Center Township, Greene County, January 6, 1818. His parents were Joseph and Rebecca (Iliginbotham) Walker, the former a na- tive of New Jersey, and the latter of Fayette County, Pennsylvania. They were married in Greene County where they remained for sev- eral years, when they moved first to St. Clairsville, Ohio, then to Moundsville, West Virginia. From that point Mr. Walker com- menced running on the Ohio River. About this time he disappeared very mj'steriously, and his family never knew what became of him. His widow, with her family, moved to Centre Township, Greene County, and married George Williams. They lived first in Wash- ington, County Penn., then moved to Wellsbnrgh, West Virginia. Mr. Williams died in Ohio County, West Virginia. His widow then moved to AVashington County, Penn., then to Greene County where she was first married, and made her home with her son until her death. The subject of this sketch was united in marriage, November 7, 1839, with Rachael Supler. She was born in Richhill Township, Greene County, September 12, 1820, a daughter of John and Mary (Sargent) Supler, natives of Pennsylvania. They were married and settled in Richhill Township, where they remained until their death. To Mr. and Mrs. Walker have been born twelve children: John L., Minerva, George S., William W., David L., Rebecca, Nancy, Jackson V., and Fannie M., living; and Josepli L., Samuel II. and Mary M. deceased. Mr. Walker is a farmer and owns about 367 acres of land where he and family reside in Washington Township, Greene County Pennsylvania. 874 HISTOET OF GREENE COUNTY. WAYNE TOV\^NSHIP. \ GEORGE W. BELL, P. O. Hoover's Eun, one of the oldest residents of Greene County, Penn, was born in Virginia, September 30, 1809. His parents were Jason and Sarah (Noll ) Bell, natives of Virginia, where they married and settled, afterwards removing to Washington County, Penn., then to Greene County, where his father died in 1873 and his mother in 1840. George W. was the seventh of their nine children, and was joined in the holy bonds of wedlock, February, 8, 1844, with Clementine, daughter of William and Sarah Tygart (?iee Eagon). Mr. Tygart was a native of Virginia, and his wife of Gi'eene County, Penn., where they spent their married life He departed this life in Guernsey County, Ohio, in the year 1846, and his wife in April, 1857. JMr. Bell and wife are the parents of nine children: Sarah J., Felix, Julia A., wife of David Stoneking; Maria, wife of J. Harvey Stewart; Mary, wife of Eli Pethtell; Josephine, wife of William Cole; Susan R; William H. and Eliza abeth M. deceased. Mr. Bell has always lived on a farm, and his life has been characterized by great industry and economy, as a result of which he owns a fine farm of 500 acres in Greene County, also 100 in West Virginia, and 7,000 at interest. Fie has served as justice of the peace for ten years; has been a member of the , school board, and was at one time assessor of Jackson Township.^ HON. MATTHIAS BRANT, Spragg's, Penn., is one the most successful farmers and stock-raisers of Greene County, and owns 300 acres of land. He was born in Wayne Township, December 29, 1828, a son of Christopher and Susan Brant {nee Meighen). His father was a native of Maryland, and his mother of Greene County, Pennsylvania, where they were married and lived until 1863, when Mrs. Bi-ant died. Mr. Brant then moved to Fillmore County, Minne- sota, where he died in November, 1857. They were the parents of thirteen children, of whom Matthias was the oldest, and was united in marriage, June 28, 1868, with Mary Shaw, who was a native of Greene County, where she remained through life. By this marriage Mr. Brant is the father of six children, of whom four are living — Susan M., Gertrude M., William H. and Fanny; Emma being^de- ceased. Mrs. Brant departed this life in August, 1880. Mr. Brant married for his second wife, October 25, 1883, Elizabeth, daughter of John and Mary (Varlow) Fitzgerald, natives of County Carey, Ireland, where they were married. They soon after emigrated to America, settling in West Virginia where they now reside. Mr. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 875 Brant tauglit school for sixteen years, beginning when sixteen years of age. lie was elected member of the State Legislature in 1878 and re-elected in 1880. He has been a member of the school board for about thirteen years. In politics he is a Democrat. He and his wife are honored members of the Catholic Church at Waynes- burg. KENDALL J. BRANT, Spragg's Penn., was born in Gilmore Township, September 23, 1839, a sou of Christopher and Susannah Brant [nee Meigheu). The father was a native of Maryland, and the mother of Greene County, Penn., where they were married and resided until Mrs. Brant's death, which occurred in May, 18G3. Her husband died in November, 1857, in Fillmore County, Minnesota. Tiiey were the parents of thirteen children, of whom Kendall J. was the twelfth. lie was twice married, his first wife being Minerva, daughter of John and Margaret (Hamilton) Spragg, who are natives and residents of this county. Mr. and Mrs. Brant were married December 16, 1860, and were the parents of two children — Mar- garet C, wife of William E. Spragg, and Matthias L. Mrs. Brant departed this life February 15, 1865. Mr. Brant was afterwards united in marriage, December 17, 1871, with Maria, daughter of James and Eliza (Rush) Stewart, natives of Greene County, living in Franklin Township. By this marriage Mr. and Mrs. Brant have seven children — Susannah G., Lida A., Priscilla, Lydia, Minerva, James D. and William E. Mr. Brant was reared on a farm and is now one of the most successful farmers in this township. He has also been mnch interested in the raising of fine, stock in which he has dealt quite extensively. His farm consists of about 200 acres. RICHARD T. CALVERT, Blacksville, West Virginia, was born in AVayne Township, Greene County, Penn., April 16, 1836. He is a son of John and Eleanor Calvert' (?iee Thralls). His father was born in Mapletown. After marriage they lived in this county until his mother's death which occurred in 1857. His i'ather then mar- ried Margaret, daughter of James Marshall. She died February 9, 1888; her husband is still living. Richard Calvert's wife was Sarah J. Conklin, born in this county December 1, 1832. They were mar- ried October 19, 1859. Mrs. Calvert's parents were Josiah and Cas- sandra (Brown) Conklin, deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Calvert have five children, three living — Cassie A., Thomas and John; Martha E. and an infant being deceased. Mr. Calvert is a farnaer, and by industry and good management has made a good home for himself and fam- ily where he now lives, on a 228 acre farm in Wayne Township. JOHN F. COEN, merchant and postmaster. Dent, Penn., born in Wayne Township, Greene County, March 8, 1844, was the only son of Francis and Barbara (Cumberledge) Coen, natives of Penn- sylvania, who were married in Greene County and resided there 876 HISTOEY OF GREENE COUNTY. until Mr. Coen's death in December, 1843. His widow was after- wards mari'ied to Isaac Stiles and now lives in West Virginia. John F. Coen's wife was Miss Mary Kent, born in Greene Couut_y, Feb- ruary 18, 1841, and married May 1, 1866. Slie is a daughter of William and Elizabeth (Odenbaugh) Kent. Her mother is deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Coen have no family of their own but have adopted two sons, William H. and Benjamin T. Mr. Coen was raised on the farm which he now owns consisting of ninety acres. When eighteen years of age he went into the army, enlisting in Company A, One- hundred and Fortieth Pennsylvania Volunteers, and remained three years, during which time he was in a number of hotly contested battles. He has tilled theofSces of assessor and auditor of his town- ship; has been engaged in merchandising since 1880. He and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. EPHRAIM COLE, farmer, Hoover's Eun, Penn., was born June 11, 1842. His parents, Jeremiah and Delilah (Filson) Cole, were natives of Maryland, they were married in Greene County, Pennsyl- vania, where he died March 14, 1870, and she February 6, 1871. Jeremiah's first wife was Christener Crotiuger, a native of Maryland, but died in Greene County, Penn. Ephraim was the youngest of eight children, and was united in marriage July 12, 1862, with Mis- souri, daughter of Adam and Sabia Geho (jiee Garrison). Mr. Geho was a native of Ohio and his wife of Maryland. They were married in Washington County, Penn., then moved to Greene County in 1889, where they resided until Mr. Geho's death. May, 1871. Mrs. Geho is still living. Mr. and Mrs. Cole have seven children — Benjamin T., Simon T., James C, Albert M., Everett P., Mary E. and William G. Mr. Cole's farm contains 105 acres. He has served as school director two terms. He and wife are member of the Patrons of Husbandry Lodge at Kughntown; and the whole family except the two youngest children are consistent members of the Bethel Baptist Church. JAMES L. COLE, farmer, Hoover's Pun, Penn., was born March 30, 1840. He is a son of Jeremiah and Delilah (Filson) Cole, who were natives of Maryland. Subsequently they removed to Greene County, Pennsylvania, where Mr. Cole, Sr., departed this life March 14, 1870 and his wife February 6, 1871. They were the parents of eight children, James L. was the seventh and was united in marriage November 26, 1865, with Maria, daughter of Adam and Sabia (Gar- rison) Geho. Mr. Geho was a native of Ohio; they were married in Washington County, Pennsylvania, settling in Greene County in 1889. The former departed this life May, 1871; his widow is still living. Mr. and Mrs. Cole have three children — Sarah C. and Eliza- beth J., both born May 26, 1867, and Edward L., bom November 13, 1870. Mr. Cole devotes all his time to stock-raising and the HISTOKY OF GKEENE COUNTY. 877 care of his farm containing 102 acres. He lias served as inspector of elections of Waj'ne Township; he and his wife are meinl)ers of the Patrons of Husbandry Lodge at Knghntown. PIENIIY COLE, deceased, was one of the most prosperous farmers of Greene County, owning at the time of his death a fine tarrn of 858 acres. He was born April 25, 1819 and died March 15, 1882. His parents were John and Mary Cole [nee Crotinger), who were natives of Maryland, came to Greene County, Penu., early in life, where they made their home until Mr. Cole's death in May, 1862. His wife died in JSTovember, 1868. Henry was the second of their nine children and April 2, 1840, married Elizabeth, daughter of George and Ellen King (nee Stewart). Mrs. Cole's parents were native of Pennsylvania and residents in this county until their death. Her mother departed this life January 24, 1843, and her father in 1863. Mr. and Mrs. Cole M'ere the parents of nine children — Mary A., wife of Hiram White; Sarah, wife of William D. Phillips; George W., Frances E., wifeof Abram Tustin; John L., James H., Josephus; and Jacol) and Peter, (deceased). Mrs. Cole is still living and resides on the old homestead in Wayne Township. HENRY CONKLIN, Brock, Penn., born in Greene County, November 17, 1834, is a son of Josiah and Cassandra Conklin [nee Prown), who were also natives of this county, where tliey were mar- ried and remained through life. His father died in September, 1856, and his mother August 13, 1884. Of their ten children, eight are now living. Henry is the third child and was united in marriage November 22, 1857, with Eleanor Hoy, born in this county January 16, 1839. She is a daughter of James and Isabella (Kuhn) Hoy, also natives of Greene County. Mr. Hoy died November 8, 1878; his widow is still living. Mr. and Mrs. Conklin are the parents of eleven children — James H., Sarah E., wifeof Richard Stewart; San- ford M., Israel, Ruie, William A., Lissie J., Clara B., Emma L., Lewis IL; and John S., (deceased). Mr. Conklin is one of the most substantial farmers and stock-dealers of Wayne Township, and owns 400 acres of land. He has served as school director in his township. He and wife belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church. A. J. CUMBERLEDGE, p. 0. Dent, was born in Monongalia County, W. Va., August 24, 1888. His parents were George and Elizabeth (Lantz) Cumberledge, the one a native of Maryland and the other of Greene County, Penn., where they were married, then moved to Monongalia County, W. Va., and remained until their deatii. His father died November 17, 1881, and his mother October 23, 1884. They were the parents of sixteen children, nine living, and were united in marriage August 14, 1818, by James Dye, Esq. A. J. Cumberledge was united in marriage August 14, 1856, with Martha J. Grim, born in Greene County, September 30, 1841, a 878 HISTORY OF GKEENE COUNTY. daughter of Christian and Dorcas E. Grim (^lee Carpenter), both deceased; the latter died May 28, 1888. Mr. and Mrs. Cumberledge have six children — Harriet, wife of William L. Harker; George, Samuel L., Dorcas E., Martie; and Emma (deceased). Mr. Cumber- ledge is a shoe-maker by trade, but has engaged in farming all his life. His present farm comprises 140 acres. He enlisted in the service of his country in Company N, Sixth Virginia Volunteers, remaining in the war three years and two months. He belongs to the Masonic order, and his wife is a member of the Methodist Epis- copal Church. JOHN FREELAND, Pine Bank, Penn., was born in Monon- galiela Township, Greene County, May 15, 1814. His parents were George and Nancy (Fitch) Freeland, also natives of this county, where they were married and remained until Mrs. Freeland's death, December 23, 1863. Her husband died May 16, 1873. Of their four children, two are living — Sarah, and John, the subject of this sketch, who was united in marriage September 20, 1840, with Minerva Cleavenger, born in Greene County in 1823. She is a daughter of Edward and Mary (Kline) Cleavenger (deceased). To Mr. and Mrs. John Freeland were born nine children, six now living, viz. — George, who married Eliza E. Jolley; Cyrus F., who married JSTancy E. Owen; Mary A., wife of W. J. Bell; David L., who mar- ried Sarah J. Kiger; Elizabeth J., wife of "W". Lowther; and Martha A. The deceased are Edward A., Charles A. and William L. Mrs. Freeland died January 26, 1877, a faithful member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Freeland afterwards. May 16, 1879, married Agnes Wright, born in Gi'eene County, February 28, 1838. Her parents were John F. and Agnes (Vance) Wright, also natives of this county and residents therein until their death. Tier mother died in 1874 and her father in 1880. Mr. Freeland was raised in Mapletown. He began teaching school when twenty-one years of age, and taught until 1876. He has since given all his time to the management of his farm, which consists of 122 acres. Mr. Freeland is a member of the Methodist Episcopal and his wife of the Baptist Church. SAM. H. HEADLEY, merchant at Pine Bank is a des- cendant of the Headleys, who emigrated from the north of England in 1689 and settled in East Jersey. Francis Headley, his great- grandfather, was born in 1731, and who remained in Essex County, N. J., until after the close of the war of the Revolution, and in 1790 traded his farm in New Jersey for 1,400 acres in Randolph County, Va. (now West Virginia). Ble had one brother, Joseph Fleadley, who settled on North Ten Mile, Washington County, Penn. Francis Headley died in Randolph County, Va., in 1805. He had several children. Samuel Headley, his grandfather, was born in the year HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 879 1765, and was married to Abigail Trace in the year 1788; he and his wife moved from Essex County, N. J., in 1790 witli his father, Francis. Samuel Headley (his grandfather), had a family of eight children. An older claim or title was established for the land in liandolph County, Va., so all was lost and the family moved to other parts. Samuel Headley moved to Jefferson Township, Greene County, where John Headley, his father, was born in the year 1809. lie learned the blacksmitli trade with John Young during the years 1828 and 1829, and in 1833 commenced business in Washington Township. lie was married to Eliza Hoffman during that year, and in 1843 moved to Tom's Run in Gilmore Township, where he is now living. His first wife died in 1875, and in the same year lie was married to the widow Silveous, who died in 1888. He had a family of eight children by his lirst wife, Sam. II. Headley being the third child. He was born in Washington Townsliip in 1838. In 185G he left home to attend school, working nights and mornings for his board, and for several years he taught school during the winter and attended school during the summer. In 1868 he commenced the mercantile business with T. J. Hoffman as a partner, and in 1872 set up for himself at Pine Bank. He was married to C. J. Fletcher, of Blacksville, W. Va., in the year 1870. They have one child — Robert B. Headley, who was born in 1871. Sam. H. Headley and son religiously are Friends. WILLIAM II. JOHNSON, farmer, P. O. Blacksville, W. Va., was born in Wayne Township, Greene County, Penn., November 4, 1840, a son of William and Nancy Johnson (iiee Lantz). Mrs. Johnson was born in Monongalia County, W. Va., and her husband was a native of Greene County, Penn., where they lived until his death, November 16, 1857. Mrs. Johnson was afterwards united in marriage with Henry Stephens, who died June 8, 1877; the widow is still living. William H. Johnson's wife was Sarah A. McDougal, born in Wayne Township, October 24, 1843, and married January 30, 1862. She is a daughter of Alexander and Sallie (Franks) Mc Dougal, the former deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson have three children, viz. — Nancy A., wife of John McPhillips; Minerva J., wife of Josephus Thomas; and John W. Mr. Johnson is one of the enterprising farmers of Wayne Townhip, where lie owns 115 acres of land. He tilled tlie office of justice of the peace in his township two terms, has served as school director six terms, and held the posi- tion of assessor and inspector of elections. He and his wife are members of the Southern Methodist Church. J. S. KENT, farmer, Dent, Penn., was born in Centre Township, Greene County, January 31, 1835. His parents, William and Eliza- beth (Odeubaugh) Kent, were natives of this county and residents therein until Mrs. Kent's death, Ma}' 4, 1868. Her husband after- 880 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. ■wards married Jane White, widow of Rev. Michael White, of West Virginia; they live in Wayne Township. William Kent is the father of eleven children, seven boys and four girls, of whom nine are living. In 1858 J. S. Kent was united in marriage with Kebecca Morris, born in West Virginia in 1837, a daughter of James and Sarah Morris, the former deceased. By this marriage Mr. Kent is the father of one child — William J. Mrs. Kent departed this life September 25, 1860. Mr. Kent was a second time united in mar- riage, August 20, 1861, with Catharine Eddy, born in Wayne Town- ship, January 5, 1830, a daughter of John and Sophia Eddy (iiee Steel). Mr. and Mrs. Kent have a family of three boys and three girls, five living — Elizabeth, wife of Jesse Coen; Minerva, wife of Thomas Hoy; John E., Hiram W. and Michael I.; and Nancy J. (deceased). Mr. Kent is one of the most enterprising citizens of Wayne Township, and owns 287 acres of land where he now lives with his family. His wife is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. JAMES KNIGHT, Oak Forest, Penn., one of the enterprising young farmers of Wayne Township, was born January 27, 1848, and is a son of David and Mary Knight {nee Fry), who are natives of Greene County, Penn., where they were married and now reside in Centre Township. They are the parents of nine children, seven of whom are living. James Knight's wife was Elizabeth S., daughter of Jacob and Frances (Tustin) Cole, natives of Greene County and now residents of Waynesburg. Mr. and Mrs. Knight were married August 29, 1868. Their children are — John H., Frances A., Will- iam M. and Mary C. As noticed in the beginning of this sketch, Mr. Knight is a farmer by occupation, and has also given much at- tention to the raising of fine stock. His farm contains 156 aci'es. WILLIAM LANTZ, Dent, Penn., was born AjotI 27, 1835, on the farm where he and family reside in Wayne Township. His par- ents, Jacob and Delilah (Coen) Lantz, were natives of Greene County and residents therein through life. His father died in 1858 and his mother in 1866. They were the parents of five children, three liv- ing. William is the youngest, and was united in marriage May 22, 1856, with Minerva, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Oden- baugh) Kent, the latter deceased. Mrs. Lantz was born in this county November 24, 1837, and is a consistent member of the Me- thodist Episcopal Church. Mr. William Lantz and wife are the parents of seven children — Mary, wife of William Wiley; William, who'married Belle Phillips; Ulysses and Emma; Harriet, Delilah, and an infant (deceased). Mr. Lantz has been eminently successful as a farmer and stock-dealer, and owns 480 acres of good land in Greene County. HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. ggl GEORGE W. MOORE, Spragg's, Peiin., was born in Whiteley Township, Greene County, January 3, 1834. His parents, James and Matilda (Franks) Moore, were also natives of this county, where after marriage tliej settled and remained all tlieir lives. After Ma- tilda's death, Mr. Moore married Elizabeth (J]rown) Provence, who is still living. Mr. Moore is deceased. lie was the father of eleven children, six living. George W. is the third child, and was united in marriage, July 26, 1S59, with Louisa R. Phillips, born in Cum- berland Township, September 26, 1840, a daughter of Job and Mar- garet (Simington) Phillips, natives of Greene County, where they remained until Mrs. Phillips' death, after which he married Mary Mason. To Mr. and Mrs. Moore have been born seven children — James E., Thomas L., Job, Peter C, Elizabeth L., Lafy E. and Ma- tilda M. Mr. Moore's occupation is that of farming and stock- dealing, and he owns 275 acres of land in Wayne Township. He and wife are among the most prominent members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. HON. JESSE PHILLIPS, Spragg's, Penn., born in Whiteley Township, February 10, 1824, is a son of Ricliard and Abigail (Starkey) Phillips. His parents were natives of Greene County, where they spent their whole life. His father died in the year 1877, and his mother in 1879. They were the parents of eleven children, of whom our subject is the second, and was united in marriage, l)e- cember 22, 1845, with Mary, daughter of David and Nancy (Gorden) Spragg. They were also natives of this county, wliere they remained till Mr. Spragg's death in 1877. His wife died in 1886. Ey this marriage Mr. Phillips is the father of twelve children — William D., Richard, Caleb, Levi, Adam ¥., Thomas E., Jesse L., Deborah F., James L., John W. ; and Otho and Nancy E. (deceased). Their mother departed this life in 1871. She was a faithful member of tlie Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Phillips' second wife was De- ijorah, daughter of David and Nancy (Gorden) Spragg, now deceased. l!y this marriage Mr. and Mrs. Phillips have three children — George Daniel, and Clemmie (deceased). Although raised on a farm and devoting much of his time to agricultural interests and stock-raising, Mr. Phillips has also been actively engaged in political aifairs. lie is a Democrat, and in 1881 was elected associate judge, having polled nearly as many votes as his three competitors. In April, 1888, he sat on the jury which found George Clark guilty of murder in the first degree, for the killing of William McCausland. This was the lirst verdict of murder in the fii'st degree ever found by a jury in Greene County. Mr. Phillips has a tine farm of 500 acres, and he and wife are members of the Patrons of Husbandry Lodge of Kughn- town. The whole family are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. 882 HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. WILLIAM D. PHILLIPS, Hoover's Eun, Penn., is one of the most successful of the younger farmers of Greene County. He was born in Wayne Township, December 22, 1846, a son of Jesse and Mary (Spragg) Phillips, natives of Greene County, where Mr. Phil- lips still resides. Mrs. Phillips died in the year 1871. William D. is the oldest of twelve children, and was united in marriage, August 4, 1866, with Sarah, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth (King) Cole, also natives of Greene County, where Mrs. Phillips' mother still re- sides. Her father departed this life March 15, 1882. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips have eight children — Mary E., Justice, Henry C, 'James P., Adam P., Frances A., Walter S. and Sarah E. The subject of oiu sketch was reared on a farm and is greatly interested in all matters pertaining to agriculture and stock-raising. He owns 200 acres of land in Wayne Township. He and wife are members of the Patrons of Husbandry Lodge of Kughntown, and are also communicants in the Methodist Episcopal Church of that place. JOHN Mo. PHILLIPS, P. O. Spragg's, is one of the substantial young farmers and stock-dealers of Wayne Township, where he was born August 26, 1862. He is a son of Armstrong and Eleanor (Spragg) Phillips, also natives of Wayne Township, and i-esidents therein all their lives. His father died August 13, 1870, aged tliirty years and four months; and his mother died December 25, 1870, aged thirty-three years, seven months and twenty days. John Mc. is their only child. He was united in marriage, December 17, 1882, with Nancy A. Johnson, a daughter of William H. and Sarah A. (McDougal) Johnson, whose sketch appears in this history. Mr. and Mrs. Phillips have two children — William A., born February 7, 1884, and Ora A., born November 10, 1887. Mr. Phillips owns 219 acres of good land where he resides with his family. In religion Mr. and Mrs. Phillips are members of the Methodist Protestant Church. DAVID SPKAGG (deceased) was born May 2, 1806, in Wayne Township, Greene County, Penn., on the farm now owned by the heirs of Otho Spragg. He was a son of Caleb and Deborah (Mc- Clure) Spragg, who were married November 6, 1798. The former was born September 22, 1778, and died April 20, 1854. The latter was born August 1, 1780, and departed this life September 22, 1860. They emigrated from Trenton, N. J., to what is now Wayne Town- ship, Greene County, Penn., where they reared a family of twelve children, six sons and six daughters. Eleven of these grew to be men and women, one daughter dying in infancy. The oldest daugh- ter. Amy, was born April, 1800, and was united iu marriage with Joseph Wells. They were the parents of a large family. John was born June 30, 1801, and was married to Margaret Hamilton in 1820. To this union was born eleven children. He departed this life Feb- HISTORY OF GREENE COUNTY. 883 ruary, 1888. Sarah was born December 30, 1802. She remained single through life, and died in 1865. Uriah was born October 7, 1804, and was married to Snsannali McLaughlin in 1820. He was the father of seven children, and departed this life in 1875. "William was born February 28, 1808, and married Nancy Maple in 1833. They were the parents of four children. He died in 1872. Jeremiah was born September 2G, 1800, and was married in 1832 to Sarah Shriver. This union was blessed with three children. He died March 3, 1878. Otho was born October 5, 1811, and was united in marriage in 1833 with Lydia Shul. They were the parents of two children. He departed this life March, 1882. Elizabeth was born July 4, 1814, and was married to Simon Strosnider in 1833. She was the mother of eight children, and departed this life February, 1884. Rebecca was born May 17, 1817, and was married to W. J. Casgray, December 15, 1842. To them were born seven children. She died May 6, 1881. Deborah was born November 9, 1820, and was united in marriage, in 1848, with Thomas Hoge. She was the mother of one child, and departed this life in 1849. David (deceased), who is the subject of this sketch, was the fifth in the family, and was united in marriage, at the age of twenty-one, with Nancy A.Gordon, who was born November 3, 1806, and died March, 1886. She was a daughter of William Gordon, and was reared in Whiteley Township, Greene County, Penn. Her parents, with all their children except herself, moved to Perry County, Ohio, in 1836. To Mr. David Spragg and wife were born five children. The oldest, Mary, was born in 1827, and was married to Hon. Jesse Phillips in 1845. She was the mother of twelve children, and departed this life September 29, 1872. Caleb A. was born December 18, 1829, and is one of Greene County's most substantial citizens. He was united in mar- riage, November 6, 1851, with Sarah Johnson, a daughter of Will- iam and Nancy (Lantz) Johnson. The former is deceased, and the latter is living. By this marriage Mr. Caleb A. Spragg is the father of five children — Sylvenus L., a prominent physician of Pittsburgh, Penn.; Francis M. and David G., of Harrison County, Mo.; William E., proprietor of the marble works at Waynesburg, and Clara N., wife of Corbly K. Spragg. Mrs. Spragg departed this life December 21, 1882. After her death Mr. Spragg was again united in marriage, April 6, 1884, with Matilda Porter, a daughter of John and Hannah (Rinehart) Porter. This union has been blessed with one child — Porter M. In connection with the raising of stock and the manage- ment of his farm of 125 acres, upon which he has bestowed much care and attention, Mr. Spragg has filled various ofHces in his town- ship, and served as a member of the school board two terms. Will- iam, the second son of David and Nancy Spragg, was born November 14, 1832, and was married to Sarah A. Brock, October, 1859. They 884 HISTORY OF GREENE COITNTY. were the parents of six children. He departed this life October 10, 1872. Adam, the third son, was united in marriage with Lydia Pettit, December 3, 1858. To this union was born foiir children. lie died September 10, 1872. Debbie, the youngest daughter, was born May 14, 1839, and was married to Joel Strawn in 1858. They were the parents of six children. Mr. Strawn died in 1871. David, our subject, died February 7, 1877, on the farm known as the Spragg homestead, in "Wayne Township. He was from his early youth engaged in land speculations and farming. He obtained but a lim- ited education, but being a great philanthropist he proved a blesings to the community in which he lived. At the age of thirty-iive he became a member of the Methodist Protestant Church. He possessed good social qualities. His wife was of a kind disposition, and their home was one of the most attractive in the neighborhood. He and his wife lived a long and happy life together, and were known to every one in that neighboi'hood as "Uncle Dave" and "Aunt Nancy I-IENKY M. SPPAGG, postmaster, Spragg's, Penn., is one of the most successful farmers of Greene County, and owns about 300 acres of land. He was born August 8, 1837, a son of Jeremiah and Sarah Spragg {ixee Shriver), who were natives of this county, where they wei-e married and resided until his father's death, March 10, 1878 ; his mother is still living. Henry M., the youngest of their three children, was united in marriage, March 19, 1862, with Eliza, daughter of John and Kezia Kent (i%ee Shields), natives and resi- dents of this county. Mr. and Mrs. Spragg are the parents of five children — McClelland, Lazear, Simon T., Laura S. and Harriet E. Mr. Spragg has served his township as constable, assessor and school director; and is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows Lodge, of Blacksville, West Virginia. ISEAEL STEWAKT, deceased, was born in Greene County, Penn., May 17, 1830, a son of James and Mary Stewart (iiee Blair), (deceased). Mr. Stewart was united in marriage, March 24, 1853, with Rebecca Phillips, born in Wayne Township, December 18, 1827, a daughter of Richard and Abigail (Starkey) Phillips, natives of Greene County, and now deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart were the parents of ten children — Thomas L., Richard, James, Elizabeth M., wife of Kenney Strosnider; Jesse H., Spencer M., Mary J., wife of Thomas Calvert, Abigail F. and Sarah P.; and George W., (deceased). Mr. Stewart was a stone-mason by trade, but in later years devoted his time to farming, and owned 300 acres of land near Blacksville, West Virginia. He was a deacon in the Baptist Church, of which his widow and family are also members. He died October 29, 1887. ABRAHAM, TUSTIN, farmer, P. 0. Hoover's Run, Penn., was born in Wayne Townsliip in 1848, a son of John and Mary (Bum- HISTORY OP GREENE COUNTY. 885 garner) Tustin, natives of Greene County, where his father died in tlie year 1882, and his mother in 1850. They were tlie parents of iive children, of whom Abraham is tlie third. On September 2, 18G2, lie chose for his life companion Miss Frances E., daughter of Henry and Elizabeth (King) Cole, who were natives and residents of this county, where Mr. Cole died March 15, 1882; Mrs. Cole is still living. Mr. and Mrs. Tustin's children are — John L., Elizabeth M., Jacob II., Sarah C, Lucy J., Margaret E. and Osa E. ; Fanny M. and Hachel A. being deceased. Mr. Tustin was reared on a farm, and although comixiratively a young man, he has been greatly prospered in his fanning and stock dealing, and owns 191 acres of land in Wayne Township, lie and wife and two of their children are mem- bers of the Patrons of Husbandry Lodge of Kughntown, and belong to the Oak Shade Methodist Episcopal Church. REASIN WHITE, farmer. Oak Forest, Penn., was born in Franklin Township, January 13, 1833. His father is the Rev. David White, founder of what is known as "White's Churcli," near Waynesburg. He is now over ninety years of age and still quite active in mind and body. His motiier's maiden name was Leah Strosnider; both were natives of Greene County. Mrs. White de- parted this life in 18G7. On June 3, 1854, Mr. Reasin White mar- ried Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Daniel and Jemima Rogers (iiee Pettit), also natives of tliis county, where they were married and first settled. They afterwards removed to Ohio, where Mr. Rogers died in 1883. Mrs. Rogers departed this life January 21, 188(3, in Wayne Townsliip, Greene County, Penn. Mr. and Mrs. AVhite have live children, two of whom are living — Judge D. and Samuel K. The deceased are: Mary E., David AV. and Israel. Mr. White is one of the most industrious and highly i-espected farmers in liis community, and owns 200 acres of excellent laud. He and family are faithful members of the Pursley Baptist Cliurch. JOHN I. WORLEY, farmer and stock-dealer, Elacksville, West Virginia, is a descendant of one of the first settlers of Wayne Town- ship, Greene County, Penn. He was born December 1, 1823, on the farm where he and family reside in Wayne Township. His father, David Worley, was born in Wayne Township, May 8, 1775, on the farm now owned by John I. His mother, Margaret Cather, was a native of Franklin Township, born May 20, 1780. They wore married December 30, 1799. Three of their ten childern are living, viz.: William C, of West Virginia; Dr. Asberry, of Fayette County, Oliio, and John I. Their father died September 10, 1851, and the mother December 5, 1853. Mr. John I. Worley was twice married, his first wife being Miss Maria Gordon, with whom he shared his fortunes, December 21, 1843. Mrs. Worley was born in I'ranklin Township, January 6, 1824, a daughter of Bazil and Sarah (Shriver) 886 HISTORY OP GREENE COTJNTT. Gordon (deceased). By this marriage Mr. "Worley is the father of seven children — Sarah, wife of R. W. Dougan ; William G., David R., Jesse L., Alpheus B. and Lizzie, wife of Rev. James E. Mercer; and Maggie, (deceased). Their mother departed this life February 7, 1877, a consistent member of the Methodist Protestant Church. On June 17, 1879, Mr. "Worley chose for his second wife Mrs. Delilah Higgins, born in Whiteley Township September 15, 1830, a daughter of Mark and Susan Gordon (deceased). Mr. Worley was brought up on a farm and has always followed his present occupation. lie owns 600 acres of land in Greene County. He has served as justice of the peace in Wayne Township, an office which his father held for forty years. He has held almost all the important offices of Iiis township, having ever been one of its most highly respected citizens. He and Mrs. Worley are consistent members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. ROBERT ZIMMERMAN, farmer, Spragg's, Penn., was born in Greene County, December 19, 1819. His parents, Henry and Eliza- beth (Mitchell) Zimmerman, were natives of Maryland, where they were married, then moved to Greene County, Penn., near Waynes- burg, and remained until their death. Robert and his brother Henry are their only children living. On December 17, 1840, Robert mar- ried Mary Flick, a native of Greene County and daughter of Daniel Flick. .To Mr. and Mrs. Zimmerman were born six children, four living — Elizabeth, wife of Lot Rose; Susan, wife of Solomon Lem- ley; Eliza, wife of Hudson Kiger; and Henry, who married Caro- line Headley. The deceased are Daniel and William. Mrs. Zimmerman died August 5, 1852. February 1, 1855, Mr. Zimmer- man married Catharine, daughter of John Cree, also a native of this county. By this second marriage he is the father of one child — Ruth, wife of Bowen Stephens. Mrs. Catharine Zimmerman died September 2, 1860. Robert Zimmerman afterwards married Dorcas Rinehart, January 5, 1862. She was born in Franklin Township, November 8, 1819, a daughter of John T. and Susannah Rinehart. Mr. Zimmerman owns 204 acres of land where he and famil}^ reside in Wayne Township. IIISTOKY Ol'' OUEENE COUNTY. 887 WHITELEY TOWNSHIP. A. M. BAILEY, retired farmer, Kirby, Penn., is one of the pio- neers of Whiteley Township, where he was born on his present farm April 30, 1814. His father, Juab I'ailey, was a native of Chester County, Penn., and when only twelve years of age came with his parents to Greene County, where he married Miss Jane Mundell, a native of Greene Township, this county. They lived on Muddy Creek a few 3'ears and then purchased the farm on Pleasant Hill in Whiteley Township, now owned hj Abner M., and remained on tliat farm until their death. They were the parents of nine children, of whom only three arc living, viz.: Abner M. and two sisters, Jaen and Eliza A. Mr. A. M. Bailey was united in marriage the first time, in 1838, with Elizabeth South, born in Dunkard Township in 1816, a daughter of Enoch and Ruth South (jied Gregg). By tin's marriage he is the father of six children, four living — Benjamin, Presley, Ruth, wife of William Patterson, and Jane, wife of Jasper Morris; and Ellis and Joab E. (deceased). Mrs. Bailey died in 1849. In 1855 Mr. Bailey took unto himself a helpmate in the person of Mrs. Mary Covvell, who was born in Dunkard Township, this county, in 1824, a daughter of Thomas and Rachael Bowen (^iiee Fordyce). By this union Mr. Bailey is the father of four children, two living, viz.: Abner J. and Elvador; and Elizabeth and Susan A., (deceased). Mrs. Mary Bailey died in 1874. In 1877 Mr. Bailey was united in the holy bonds of matrimony with Miss Margaret Taylor, who was born in Washington Township in 1825, a daughter of Thomas and Angeline Taylor (^nee McCaslin). Mrs. Margaret Bailey departed this life in 1885. Then Mr. Bailey was married the fourth time, November 24, 1885, to Mrs. Puth A. Hoover, born in Jefterson Township, December 10, 1840, a daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Wickersham (^nee Randolph). During the early j'ears of his life Mr. Bailey was actively engaged in farming and stock-dealing, from which he has secured enough of this world's goods to keep him in comfortable circumstances the remainder of his days. In 1867 he was elected to the office of county treasui-er and served one term very creditably. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Protestant Church. DAVID BARE, Kirby, Penn., is one of the pioneers of Whiteley Township, Greene County, where he was born September 29, 1818, a sou of David and Susannah (Rittenour) Bare. His father was a 888 HISTOKY OF GREENE COUNTY. native of Bedford County, Penn., tod his mother of Washington County, Maryland, where they were nriarried and remained till 1810, at which time they moved to Fayette County, Pennsylvania. In 1812 he enlisted in the service of his country, and the same year his wife moved with the family to Greene County. She departed this life in 1845; her husband died in 1862. They had a family of lour- teen children, nine- of whom are living. Mr. David Bare was united i7i marriage May 13, 1840, with Lucinda Hickman, who was born in Greene County in 1822, a daughter of Abraham and Mary (Nelson) Hickman. By this marriage Mr. Bare is the father of six children — Martin B., Eliza, wife of John M. Bradford; Mary A., wife of Andrew Pitcock, and John; the deceased are James and Emily. Mrs. Bare died in 1853. Then in 1860 Mr. Bare married Eebecca Lemley, born in Whiteley Township, November 5, 1822, a daughter of Ezekiel and Sarah (Bowers) Lemley. By this marriage Mr. and Mrs. Bare_ have four children — Benjamin F., living; and Sophrona, Emma and an infant, (deceased). Mr. Bare is a blacksmith by trade, which he followed about forty-eight years; since that time he has been engaged in farming, and owns eighty acres of land in Whiteley Township. He filled the office of assessor of his township. In re- ligion he and his wife are Methodists. HENRY BOWERS, farmer. Lone Star, Penn., was born in Virginia, January 1, 1826. He is a son of Solomon and Peggy Cowers (nee Bradford), who were natives of Whiteley Township, Greene County, Penn., where they were married, then moved to Virginia and remained until their death. They had twelve children, eight of whom are now living. Henry is the oldest son and was united in marriage October 21, 1847, with Catharine Barockman, born in Virginia, July 27, 1824. She is a daughter of John and Barbara Barockman [nee Franks), natives of Pennsylvania, who after marriage moved to Virginia and remained until their death. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Bowers are the parents of seven children, four dead — Lucinda, Elizabeth, Clark and Marion; and three living — Morgan, Sarah E. and Josephus, who married Josephine Fuller, and is the father of two children — Charlie E. and Lizzie M. Mr. Bowers is a farmer, as we learn from the heading of this sketch, and is the owner of a fine farm of 170 acres. He and his family are members of the Methodist Protestant Church, in which he has been one of the trustees for about ten years. M. C. BRANT, P. O. Kirby, is one of the leading business men of Newton, Pennsylvania. He was born in Cameron, West Virginia, September 29, 1858, a son of Eli and Sarah Brant («