■■nffl mm ■tai ■11 WBBm wNtiSmm mBBBSamBiBBi InraHMi ■ s ra ■H wBm 1 «! I ENtBHl ■Hi 1BK) ■HnnHl IhUU ■ilium l-( U. Class 38. Hoop-skirts and Corsets . . Class 29. Knitting-machines. Class 66. Paper-garments Class 93. Sewing-machines Class 112.1 Balmorals. Belts, Body Boas. Bodkins. Body-conformators. Bonnet-stands. Bosom-folders. Bosoms. Boxes for spools and thread. Braces. Capes. Cloaks. Cloth crimping machines. Cloth-cutting machines. Cloth-plaiting machines. Clothes-pressing machines. Coats. Collars, (except of Paper, Class 93.) Cravat-holders. Cravats. Crochet. Cuffs. Cuff- supporters. Cushions for pins, needles, and sewing- work. Cutting out garments. Darning-lasts. Darning-machines. Diapers. Drawers. Dress-protectors. Dress- supporters. Dummies for displaying clothing. Eveleting-machines. (See Class 24.) Feather dressers. Finger-guards. Fitting garments. Fluting-machines. Frames for measuring and fitting* garments. Frames for tambour-work and quilting. Frilling. Fur, Articles of Gages for cutting garments. Gaiterettes, (of cloth.) Garments, (except of Paper, Class- 93.) Garments, Gages for cutting Garments, Machines for cutting out Garments, Patterns for Garments, Systems of measuring and cutting Garters. Glove-making. Gloves. Glove- stretching machines. Glove-turning machines. Hangers for clothing. Hemmers, Hand Hosiery. (See Class 66.) Hosiery-ironing machines. House wifes. Ironing-machines, Tailors' hosiery Ladies' figure-stands. Mittens. Muffs. Neck-tie retainers. Neck-ties. Needle-boxes. Needle-cases. Needle-guards. Needles. Needle-threaders. Needle- wrappers. and CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION, 17 Pantalets. Pantaloon-protectors. Pantaloons. Pantaloon- straps. Pantaloon-stretchers. Patterns for garments. Pin-boxes. Pin-cushions. Pinking- machines. Plaiting-machines. Pockets. Pockets, Safety Pressing garments. Quilting-frames. Ripping-tool. Ruffles. Ruffles, Machines for making Safety-guards for watches and pocket-books. Sewing-birds. Sewing-boxes. Sewing-guards. Sewing- pins. Sewing- stands. Sewing-work holders. Shawls. Shirt-bosoms. Shirts. Shoulder-braces. Shoulder-straps. Shoulder-supporters. Shuttles, Tatting Skirt-covers. Skirt-elevators. Skirts, Binding for Skirts, (except Crinoline, Classed.) Skirt-supporters. Sleeves. Spool cases. Spool-holders. Spool-stands. Stockings, Toe and heel protect- ors for Stocking-supporters. Stocks, Neck Suspenders. Tailoring. Tailors' ironing-machines. Tatting-shuttles. Thimbles. Thread and spool boxes. Thread- cutters. Thread-envelopes. Threaders. Tippets. Trimmings for garments. Under- garments, (except Knitted, Class 66.) Under- sleeves. Veils. Vests. Work-baskets. Work boxes, Sewing- Work holders, Sewing- Work-table, Appliances for the Wrappers. 18 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 3. ARTIFICIAL LIMBS. Including all Prosthetic Parts, Splints, Fracture, and Orthopedic Appliances. [Except Artificial Teeth and Dentures, Class 32. j Arms, Artificial Artificial arms. Artificial ears. Artificial eyes. Artificial feet. Artificial hands. Artificial legs. Artificial palates. Auricles. Club feet, Apparatus for Counter-extension apparatus. Crutches. Dislocation apparatus. Ears, Artificial Ear-trumpets. Ear-tubes. Eyes, Artificial Extension-apparatus for fractures. Feet, Artificial Fractures, Apparatus for reducing Hands, Artificial Legs, Artificial Orthopedic apparatus. Palates, Artificial Spinal curvatures, Instruments for treating Splints. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 19 CLASS 4. BATHS AND CLOSETS. Baths, Water and Earth Closets, Urinals, Wash Stands and Basins, Sinks, and Stench-traps. [Except Faucets , Class 136.] [For Manufacture of Water-pipe Fittings and Faucets, see Class 53, Section K.] Air-traps for sinks and sewers. Bath-heaters. (See Class 126.) Bathing apparatus. Bathing tubs. Baths. Baths, Douche Baths, Medicated Baths, Shower Baths, Vapor Baths, Voltaic. (See Class SQ.) Bidets. Chamber-pots. Commodes. Deodorizing materials and pro- cesses. (See Manures, Class 71.) Earth closets. Faucets. (See Class 136.) Kitchen-sinks. Sinks. Stench-traps. Traps, Stench Traps, Water Urinals. Urinals, Portable Valves, Water-closet. (See Class 136.) Wash-basins. Wash-stands. Water-closets. Water-closets, Appliances of Water-traps. 20 CLASSIFICATION OP SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 5. BEDS. Bedsteads, Bedding, and Bed furniture. Bed-bottoms. Bed-clothes clasps. Bed-bugs, Traps for Bedding. Beds. Bedstead canopies. Bedstead-cord ing. Bedstead-fastenings. Bedstead-keys. Bedsteads. Bedsteads and other furniture combined. Bedsteads, Invalid Bedsteads, Sofa" Bedsteads, Spring-slats for Bedsteads, Valances for Bedsteads, Ventilating Bedsteads, Wardrobe Bed-wrenches. Camp-beds. Canopies for bedsteads. Camp-cots. Clothes-clamps. Couches. Cradles. Cribs. Curled hair and its substitutes. Hammocks. Mattresses. Mattresses, Materials for Mattresses, Machines for making Mosquito-netting, Frames for Nursing couches. Palliasses. Pillows. Sponge for stuffing, Preparing Springs for beds. Stuffing for mattresses, pillows, &c. Stuffing for upholstering pur- poses. Upholstering stuffing. Valances. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 21 CLASS 6. BEE-HIVES. Apiaries and Bee-culture. Apiaries. Bee-culture. Bee-feeders. Bee-fumigators. Honey-boxes for bee-hives. Moth-destroyers. Moth-traps. S war m -indicators. 22 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 7. BEER AND WINE. Beer, Wine. Cider, and Vinegar. [Except Mills and Presses, Class 100. Ageing liquors. Anti-fermentation processes and applications. Beer-coolers. (See Class 62.) Beer-cooling vats. Beer-preserving vessels. Brewery apparatus. Brewing. Cider-making, (except Presses, Class 100.) Clarifying wines, &c. Cooling- wort.. Fermentation checks. Fermented liquors^ Cooling Fermented liquors, Preserving Hop-backs. Hop-extracts. Hops, Treatment of Malting. Malt liquors, Cooling Malt liquors, Preserving Mash-tubs. *» Preserving fermented liquors. Packing wines, &c. Vinegar apparatus. Vinegar processes. Wine- ageing. Wine-making, CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 23 CLASS 8. BLEACHING, DYEING, ETC. Bleaching, Dyeing, Sizing, and Printing Fabrics. Starch. Aniline dyes. Bucking-kiers. Bleaching materials. Bleaching processes. Calico-printing, Composition for Calico-printing, Processes for Dextrine. Dyeing apparatus. Dyeing materials. Dyeing processes. Dyes. Dye-vats. Dye-wood extracts. Glazed fabrics. Paste, Compositions for Paste- making. Printing fabrics. Eesist printing. Size, Preparation of Sizing fabrics. Starch, Manufacture of 24 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 9. 10ATS. Boats, Rafts, and Life-preservers. Animals across rivers, Floating' Boat-bridges. Boat-building. Boat detaching apparatus. Boat-hoists. Boat-hooks. Boats. Boats, Folding Boats, Life Boats, Metallic Boats, Sectional Boats, Surf Buoys. Buoy- safes. Davits. Detaching boats from davits. Ferry-boats. (See Class 114.) Floating safes. Folding-boats. Ice-boats. Lifeboats. Life-buckets. Life-preservers. Life-rafts. Logs, Booming Logs, Rafting Lowering boats. Marine safes. Metallic boats. Oar-locks. Oars. Oars, Feathering Outriggers. Ponton -bridges. Pontons. Rafting-dogs. Rafting logs. Rafts. Row-locks. Sectional boats. Surf-boats. Suspending ships' boats. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 25 CLASS 10. BOLTS, NUTS, AND RIVETS. Articles, Varieties, and Machines for Making. Taps, Screw-dies, and Lock-nuts. Bolt-heading machines. Bolt-making machines. Bolts, Screw Bolt-threading machines. Dies for cutting screws. Die-stocks. Locking-nuts. Nut-blanks, Making Nut-locks. Nut- making machines. Nuts. Nut-threading machines. Riveting-machines. Rivet making. Rivets. Screw-bolts. Screw-nuts. Screw-taps. Stocks and dies. Taps. Washer-making tallic Washers, Metallic machines, Me- 26 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 11. BOOK-BINDING. Binding Books and Baling Paper. Binding of Account-books, Albums, Binding of Book-binders' presses. Book-binding materials, process- es, styles, tools, and inacliines. Book-cover fastenings. Book- covers. Book- covers, Machines for making Books in the round, Machines for Book-sewing machines. Embossing-presses. Indexing. Plows, Book-binders' Portfolios, Making Billing machines. Bnling-machines, Pens for Sewing-presses. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 27 CLASS 12. BOOTS AID SHOES. Boots, Shoes, their Parts, Varieties, and Materials, Tools and Ma- chines for making. [For Manufacture of Shoemakers 1 Hardware, see Class 53, Section G.] Anklets. Awls, Shoemakers' Boot-channeling machines. Boot-clamps. Boot-crimps. Boot-grooving machines. Boot-hooks. Boot-linings. Boot-patterns. Boots and shoes. Boot-seam rubbers. Boots, Metallic braces for Boots, Metallic shanks for Boots, Metallic soles for Boot-soles. Boot-stretchers. Boots, Wooden soles for Boot-trees. Boot-uppers. Boot-ventilators. Burnishing machines, Boot- Calks, Boot Channeling-machines. Counters. Crimping-machines and tools. Cutting-boards for leather. Edge-planes for soles. Floats, Boot Gaiters, Leather Galoshes. . Heel and toe caps, Materials for Heel-caps Heel-fastenings. Heel-irons. Heel-plates. Heel-polishing machines. Heel-protectors. Heels. Heel-shaves. Heels, Machines for cutting Heels, Machines for dressing He el- stiffen ers. Heel-trimming machines. Ice-creepers. Ice- sandals. Insoles. Jacks, Pegging Lacing, Leather shoe Lap-shavers. Last-holders. Lasting-machines. Lasts. Lasts, Toe-pieces for Leather pegs for shoes. Leggings. Moccasins. Nailing machines, Boot- Overshoes. Peg-cutters. Pegging-jacks. Pegging-machines. Pegging soles. Pegs, Leather Pegs, Machines for arranging Pegs, Machines for driving. Pegs, Shoe Pinchers, Lasting Pinchers, Shoemakers' Band-machines. Bands. R ubber boots. Rubber shoes. Rubber soles. Sandals. Sewing-machines for boots and shoes. (See Class 112.) Shank-cutters. Shank-la sters. Shank- markers. Shanks, Boot Shank-stiffen ers. Shoe-binding. Shoe-clasps. Shoe-distenders. Shoe-fasteners. Shoe-hammers. Shoe-holders. Shoe-hooks. Shoe-horns. Shoe-lacing. 28 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. Shoe-lacing, Machines for tagging Shoe-lacing hooks. Shoe-linings. Shoe makers' benches. Shoemakers 1 tools. Shoe-patterns. Shoes. Shoe-soles. Shoe-stays. Shoe-straps. Slippers. Soles for boots and shoes. Tags, Machines for catting shoe Tips, Shoe Toe-caps. Trees, Boot Uppers, Machines for cutting Ventilators for boots. Waxed-ends, Machines for twist- ing Waxing thread, Machines for Welts. Welts, Machines for forming Welts, Machines for trimming CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 2y CLASS 13. BEAKES AND GINS. Treatment of Raw Flax, Hemp, and Cotton, Hair and Oakum Pickers , and Husk-Splitters. Brakin g-m aclii n es. Corn -busk splitters. Cotton-gins. Fabrics for re-use of fiber, Tear- ing up Fibers of plants, Separating Flax-brakes. Flax rotting. Flax-scutchers. Gins, Cotton Hackles. Hackling corn-husks* Hackling-machines. Hair-pickers. Hemp-brakes. Hemp-hackling. Hemp-rotting. Husk- splitting. Oakum-pickers. Ripples for flax, broom-corn, &c. Rotting flax and hemp. Scutching-machines. Separating fibers of plants for use in textile fabrics. 30 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 14. B&IDGES. Bridges and Arches, their Piers and Abutments, Trusses and Gird- ers for Bridges, Floors, and Roofs, Iron Trusses, Piers, and Columns. Abutments for arches. Anchors for suspension-cables. Arches. Bascule bridges. Boat-bridgCs. (See Glass 9.) Bow-string bridges. Bridges. Cables, Suspension-bridge. (See Class 140.) Centering for arches. Columns, Iron Draw- bridges. Ferry-boats. (See Class 114.) Floating bridges. (See Class 114.^ Flying bridges. Girders for bridges, floors, roofs. Girders of iron or wood. Iron bridges. Iron columns. Iron girders. Iron piers. Iron trusses. Piers, Bridge and abutment Ponton bridges. (See Class 9.) Saddles for suspension-bridges. Stone bridges. Suspension-bridges. Suspension-cable anchors. Suspension-bridge cables. (See Class 140.) Suspension-cable saddles. Suspension-cable wire-carriers. Swing bridges. Truss bridges. Trusses for bridges, floors, and roofs. Trusses of iron or wood. Tubular bridges. Viaducts. Wire cables. (See Class 140.) Wooden bridges. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION, 31 CLASS 15. BRUSHES AITD BROOMS. Brooms, Brushes, Mats, Mops, and Machines for making. [Excepting Machines for Wood-worJcmg, Class 14=4.] Boot-cleaners. Bottle-brushes. Bristle-assorting machines. Bristle-bunching machines. Bristle-cleaning machines. Bristle-washing machines. Broom-handles. Broom-heads. Brooms. Brush backs. Brushes, (all kinds except Wire, Class 140.) Brush-handles. Brush-heads. Brush-making machines. Coir brooms. Corn brooms. Door-mats. Flesh-brushes. Floor covering, Slatted Hair-brooms. Hair-brushes. Hickory brooms. Horse-brushes. Husk brooms. Knuckle-shields for scrubbing. Mats, Car Mats, Door Mats for cars, Wooden Mats, Slat Mop-handles. Mop-heads. Mops. Mop-wringers. Kail-brushes. Paint-brushes. Rotary brushes. Scrubbing-brushes. Scrubbing-machines. Scrubbing-pails. Shoe-brushes. Slat-mats. Slatted floor- covering. Splint brooms. Tooth-brushes. 32 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 16. BUILDERS' HARDWARE. Metallic Trimmings of Houses and Furniture. [Except Bells and Bell-hanging . . Glass 116. Locks and Latches Glass 70. Nails Glass 85.] [For Manufacture of Builders 1 Hardware, see Glass 53, Section B.\ Barn-door hangers. Barn-door rollers. Bell-hanging. (See Glass 116.) Bell-pulls. Bells. (See Class 116.) Bells, Cow. (See Glass 54.) Bells, Sleigh. (See Glass 54.) Blind-adjusters. Blind-fasteners. Blind-hinges. Blind-operators. Bolts for doors, shutters, and blinds. Bolts, Chain Bolts, Spring- Buffers for doors. Cabin door hooks. Car-window fastenings. Casters, Furniture Chocks, Door Coffin handles. Coffin hardware. Door-bolts. Door-buttons. Door- checks. Door-hangers. Door-hinges. Door-holders. Door-plates, Attaching Door- pulls. Door-securers. Door-sheaves. Door- springs. Door-stops. Drawer-pulls. Furniture-casters. Furniture-hooks. Furniture-knobs. Gate hinges. Hangings for doors, gates, and sash. Sliding-door Hat and coat hooks. Heads for nails and screws. Hinges. Hinges, Blind Hinges, Door Hinges, Gate Hinges, Loose-joint Hinges, Self-shutting Hinges, Shutter Hinges, Springs Hooks, Coat and hat Hooks, Door Hooks, Furniture Hooks, Shutter Pulleys, Sash Boilers, Barn-door Boiler-sheaves for doors. Boilers, Sash Boilers, Sash-bolts. Sash- centers. Sashes, Fasteners for meeting rails of Sash-fasteners. Sash -hangings. Sash-pulleys. Sash-rollers. Sash-springs. Sash-stops. Sash-weights. Shutter- bars. Shutter-fasteners. Shutter-hinges. Shutter-lifts. Shutter operators. Sliding-door rollers. Spring-bolts. Spring-hinges. Springs, Door Stair-rod fastenings. Stair-rods. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 33 Stops, Door Supporters, Window Trunk-rollers. Weights, Sash Win do w-b ut ton s. Window-fasteners. Window-operators. Window- supporters. 34 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. GLASS 17 BUTCHERING Catching, Slaughtering, and Skinning Animals, Dressing Carcasses, Cutting Meat, Sausage-Making. Animal-catching. Brine-tubs. Butchering appliances. Catching animals for slaughter- ing. Cleaning carcasses. Clutches, Animal Gallows for suspending carcasses. Cambrels. Hair-cleaning. Hog-elevators. Hog-slaugh tering apparatus. Knives, Butcher. (See Class 30.) Lard-squeezers. (See Class 100. Meat-cutters. Meat-grinders. Mincing-machines. Packing-houses. (See Class 99. Sausage-cutters. Sausage-stutters. Scalding-tubs and appliances. Singeing apparatus. Skinning appliances. Slaughtering apparatus. Steels. (See Class 51.) CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 35 CLASS 18. CAOUTCHOUC. Preparation and Manufacture of Caoutchouc, Gutta-Percha, aucl Vulcanite. Caoutchouc manufactures. Gutta-Perch a in anufactures. Hard rubber. India rubber. Molds for rubber goods. Rubber, Hard li ubber, India Eubber, Vulcanizing Rubber, White Vulcanite. Vulcanizing furnaces. Vulcanizing processes. White rubber. 36 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 19. CARDING. Preparation of Cotton and Wool for Spinning. Alarms for stop-motions of card- in g-machines. Batting-machines. Burring-inachines. Cans for slivers. Cards, Cleaning Card-clothing. Carding-machines. Carding-machines, Alarms for Carding-machines, Cylinders for Carding-machines, Stop-motions for Cards, (Wool and Cotton) Card-strippers. ' Coating or covering yarn. Coinbing-maehines. Coiling or laying slivers. Cotton-gins. (See Class 13.) Cotton-cleaners. Cotton-pickers, (Factory) Doffing apparatus. Feeding apparatus for carding- machines. Flat-strippers. Lappin g- m achin es. Pickers, Wool or Cotton, (Fac- tory.) Slivers, Cans for Stop-motions for carding-ma- chines. Wadding. Wadding-machines. Wool-burring machines. Wool-cleaning machines. Wool-oiling machines. Wool- washing machines. (See Laundry, Class 68.) Yarn coating or covering. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 37 CLASS 20. CARPEITEY. Wood- work of Houses. [Except Trusses and Girders, Class 14. Awnings. Beams of wood, Compound Blind-operators. (See Class 16.) Blinds. Blinds, Metallic Brackets for staging. Carpenters' tools. (See Class 145.) Carpenters' work of buildings. Ceilings. Centering of arches. Door-hangers. Door-operators. (See Class 16.) Doors. Doors, Sliding Elevating scaffolds. Extension ladders. Fire-escapes. Eire-ladders. Fire-proof shutters. Frames of wood, (except Trusses and Girders j Class 14.) Floors. Floors, Fire-proof Floors, Wooden Girders. (See Class 14.) Gratings for windows. Guards for windows. Hatchways, Devices for operating Hatchways, Safety-guards for Houses. Houses, Construction of Houses, Portable Ladders. Ladders, Combination Ladders, Extension Ladders, Fire Ladders, Garden Ladders, Step Lathing. Lathing-machines. Lathing, Metallic Joiners' work of buildings. Joints for timbers. Joists. Metallic blinds, doors, shutters, and gratings. Partitions of buildings, Wooden Portable houses. Rinks. Roofs. (See Class 108.) Safety-guards for hatchways. Safety-guards for windows. Sash. Sash-frames. Scaffolding. Scarfing and other timber-joints. Screens for window. Sheds and stables, Portable Shutter-operators. (See Class 16.) Shutters. Shutters, Fire-proof Siding of houses. Skylights, Operating. Sliding hills. Skating-rinks. Splicing timbers. Stairs. Step-ladders. Store-houses. Thresholds. Trap doors. Trusses for bridges, roofs, &c. (See Class 14.) Weather-boarding. Weather-strips. Window-blinds. Windows. Window-screens. Window-shutters. Wood- work of buildings. 38- CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 21. CARRIAGES AND WAGONS. Construction of Wheeled Vehicles, including Sleighs, Trucks, Barrows, Litters, and Yokes. [Except Locomotives and Traction Engines.. Glass 123. Railway Gars Glass 105.J [For Manufacture of Carriage and Wagon Hardware, see Glass 53, Section (7.1 Ambulances. Anti-friction axle-bearings. Axle-arms. Axle-boxes, Compositions for Axle-boxes for carriages. Axles, Lubricators for carriage Axle-trees. Barrows. Biers. Bodies of vehicles. Boot-boxes of vehicles. Bow-irons of vehicles. Bows, Wagon Boxes of wheel-hubs. Brakes, Carriage Brakes, Wagon Calash-tops for carriages. . Carriage-couplin gs. Carriage-curtain fastenings. Carriage hardware. Carriage-irons. Carriages. Carriages, Dress-guards for Carriage- seat fastenings. Carriage-seats. Carriages, Fire-engine Carriage-springs. Carriage-step protectors. Carriage-steps. Carriages, Top-blocks for Carriage-tops. Carriage-trimmings. Carriage-window frames. Carts. Chairs, Locomotive. Children's carriages. Children's hand-cars. Couplings, Thill Detaching horses from vehicles. Double-trees. D umpin g- carts. Dumping-wagons. Equalizing-bars. Fellies. Fellies, Attaching Fellies, Expanding Felly-clamps. Fifth-wheels. Hand-barrows. Hand-bearers. Hand- trucks. Hanging carriage-bodies. Hay-loaders for wagons. Hay-racks for wagons. Hearses. Hold-backs for vehicles. Hose-carriages. Hubs, Carriage Ice-cars. Ice-chairs and carriages. Irons, Carriage Irons, Carriage-top Irons, Setting carriage Linen-pins. Litters. Loading wagons, Machinery foi Lumber- wagons. Neck-yokes. Night-carts. Omnibusses. Ox-yokes, bows, and pins. Perches, Wagon Poles, Wagon Packs, Hay-wagon Kein-holders. Running-gear of vehicles. Safety-straps of vehicles. Sailing- carriages. Seats, Carriage Seats, Spring-wagon CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. Self-loading' carts. Single-trees. . Skeins of axles. Sled brakes. Sled-runners. Sleds. Sled-soles. Sleighs. Spokes. Spoke-sockets. Springs. Carriage Stretchers. Sulkies. Sulky-seats. Tail-boards for wagons. Thill-couplings. Thills. Thill-tugs. Tire-making. (See Class 78.) Tires, Securing Tires, Tightening Tire-upsetting. (See Class 78.) Tongues, Carriage and wagon Tops, Carriage Traces. Safety-attachment of Trucks. Umbrella-supporters on carriages. Upsetting-machines. (See Class 78.) ^ chicles. Velocipedes. Wagon-bolsters. Wagons. Wagons, Dumping Wagon -seats. Wagons, Unloading-attachment for Wagon-tongue supporters. Wheelbarrows. Wheels for vehicles. Wheel-spokes. Wheels to axles, Securing Wheelwright's wood working ma- chines. (See Class 144.) Wheelwright's wood-w or king tools. (See Class 145.) Whiffletrees. Whip-sockets. Yokes. Neck Yokes. Ox 40 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION CLASS 22. CASTING. Appliances, Machines, Modes, and Tools of the Foundry. Bell-founding. Black-washing molds. Apparatus for Brass-founding. Britannia-ware, Casting processes for Bullet-casting. Casting metals, Appliances for Casting metals, Modes of Casting metal on metal. Casting metal under pressure. Casting soft metals. Castings, Tumbling-boxes for Chills." Clamps for molds. Cleaning castings. Compression-casting, Core-boxes. Cores. Cores, Ventilating Crucibles for metal. ( See Glass 25. ) Facing compositions. Facing molds, Machines for Flask-clamps. Flasks, Molders* Foundry, Appliances of the Ladles for molten metal. Match-plates. Molders' tlasks. Molders* tables. Mold-facing. Molding pipe, Machines for Molds for casting metals Pattern -lifters for molders. Pewter- ware, Casting processes for Projectiles, Casting Shotting machines. Shot making, Cast Sprue-patterns. Sprues, Tables for molders. Tumblers for small castings. Tumbling-boxes. Yentilatinsr-cores. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 41 CLASS 23. CHEMICAL MISCELLANEOUS. Chemical Apparatus, Processes, and Compositions, not otherwhere specifieall}- assigned, as noted below. Acids, Apparatus for making, (ex- cept Stills, Class 124.) Acids, Processes for making Air-proofing processes. (See Class 91.) Anaesthetic refrigerators. (See- Class 62.) Animal and vegetable fiber, Sepa- rating Antiseptics. Atomizers. (See Class 62.) Beer and Wine. (See Class 7.) Beverages, (except Aerated, Class 1 ; Fermented, Class 7.) Billiard Balls, Compositions for Bitters, Tonic Blasting compounds. (See Class 52.) Bleaching. (See Class 8.) Bread-raising compounds. Brewing. (See Class 7.) Calico printing. (See Class 8.) Candles. (See Class 87.) Caoutchouc. (See Class 18.) Capsules, Medicinal Carbureters. (See Class 48.) Chemical apparatus. Chemical furnaces. Chemicals, Preparing Corpse-embalming. Cosmetics. Dentifrices. Deodorizers. Depilatories. Detergents. Disinfecting apparatus, (except Atomizers, Class 62.) Distillation. (See Class 123.) Dolls, Composition for Drugs. Dyeing. (See Class 8.) Embalming compositions. Embalming processes. Fats, Treatment of. (See Class 87.) Fertilizers. (See Class 71.) Fire annihilators. (See Class 1.) Fire-proofing compounds. (See- Class 91.) Fire-proofing processes. (See Class 91.) Fire-proofing wood, fabrics, &c. Fish-oil, Treatment of. (See Class 87.) Fluids, Writing Food, Preservation of. (See Class 99.) Foot-rot curatives. Fuel. (See Class 44.) Furnaces, Bone-black. (See Class 127.) Furnaces, Chemical Gas. (See Class 48.) Glue. (See Class 87.) Gunpowder. (See Class 52.) Hair-dyes. Hair-restoratives. Horn, Artificial. Ice. (See Class 62.) India rubber. (See Class 18.) Ink, Printing (See Class 91.) Ink, Writing Insect-destroying compounds. Ivory, Artificial Lamp wicks, Chemical treatment of Lard, Treatment of. (See Class 87.) Liniments. Malt liquors. (See Class 7.) Manures. (See Class 71.) Matches. {See Class 52.) Medical compounds. | Medicines. Oils, fats, and glue. (See Class 87.) Oils, Refining. (See- Class 124.) Ointments. . Paint. (See Class 91.) Pastilles. Perfuming apparatus. Plasters, Adhesive Poultices, Compositions for Preserving food. (See Class 99.) Preserving timber. 42 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. Pyroxyline. Rectification of spirits. (See Class 124.) Refining oils, &c. (See Class 124.) Retorts, (except Coal, Class 48.) Retort stands. Salves. Soap. (See Class 87.) Stains, Composition for removing Starch. (See Class 8.) Stearine. (See Class 87.) Stills. (See Class 124.) Sugar. (See Class 127.) Sulphuric acid, Recovering. See Class 124.) Tallow. (See Class 87.) Tanning. (See Class 129.) Timber, Preservation of Tobacco, Flavoring- Tooth-powder. Verm in destroying compounds. Vinegar. (See Class 7.) Washing compounds. Water-proofing compounds. (See Class 91.) Wax. (See Class 87.) Wines, Treatment of. (See Class 7.) Wood, Artificial Wood, Preservation of Wool, Compositions for treating Writing ink. Yeast and its substitutes, CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 43 CLASS 24. CLASPS AND BUCKLES. Small Metallic Attachments; Buckles, Buttons, Clasps, Eyelets, Hooks, Links, Rings, Studs, &c, and Implements and Machines for Attaching and Closing. [For Manufacture of these Small Metallic Attachments, &c, see Class 53 in its several sections.) Band punches. Belt-punches. Brequet-chain hooks. Buckles. Button-hole punches. Button-hooks. Button keys or fasteners. Buttons of any material, (except Turning, Class 142.) Buttons to cards, Securing Buttons to fabrics, Eyeleting Buttons to fabrics, Riveting Clasps. Clasps for garments. Clasps for skirts. Clinch-rings. 4 Cock-eyes. Collar fastenings, Shirt Conductors' punches. Cuff-buttons. Eyelet-punches. Eyeleting-machines. Eyeleting-stamps. Eyelet-presses. Eyelets. Garment-fasteners. Glove-buttouers. Glove-buttons. Glove-fasteners. Glove-fastenings. Hook-buttons. Hook-buttons, Implements for setting Hooks. Hooks, Mousing Hooks, Snap Hooks, Swivel Key-rings. Lacing-hooks. Lap-rings. Leather-punches. Mousing hooks. Neck-tie clasps. Open links. Open rings. Ornaments, Small metallic Paper-fasteners. Paper-punches. Pinking-punches. Punches, Leather, paper, ticket Rings. Self fastening buttons. Shoe-buttoners. Skirts, Clasps for Sleeve-buttons. Snap-hooks. Snap-rings. Split-rings. Spring-punches. Studs. Swivel-hooks. Ticket-punches. Wad-punches. Washer-punches. and 44 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 25 CLAY. Bricks, Clay-mills, Brick and Tile Machines and Presses, Ceramic Manufactures, Earthenware, Pottery, Crucibles, Glazes, Kilns. Adobes. Biscuit (clay) ovens. (See Class 34.) Brick kilns. (See Class 34.) Brick-machines. Brick-molds. Brick-presses. Bricks. Bricks, Fire Cement-mixing machines. Cement-pipe, Machines for mak- ing Cement-pipes. Cement-pipes, Coating Ceramic- enamels. Ceramic manufactures. Chimney-pots. China-ware. Clay-mills. Clay-pipes. Clay-pulverizers. * Clay-screening machines. Crucible molds. Crucibles. Draining-pipes. Draining tiles. Earthenware. Enameling culinary vessels. Enameling hardware. Enameling-ovens. (See Class 34.) Eire-back bricks. Fire-bricks. Fire-tiles. Flower-pots, (Clay.) Garden-pots. Garden tiles. Glazes for pottery, bricks, &c. Jars, Earthen Kaolin, Purifying Kilns for bricks and ceramics. (See Class 34.) Malaxators. Mortar-machines. Mortar-mixers. Mills, Clay Mills, Pug- Molds for bricks and ceramics. Mosaic-tiles. Ovens for biscuit, (Clay.) (See Class 34.) Ovens for enameling pottery, &c. (See Class 34.) Paving- tiles. Pipes, Clay Pipes, Compositions for making Pipes, Draining Porcelain materials and manu- facture. Pottery materials and manufac- ture. Presses, Brick Pug-mills. Eoofing- tiles. Sarcophagi, Clay Stone- ware. Terra eotta. Tile-machines. Tiles, Drain Fire Floor Garden Mosaic Paving Tiles, Eoofing for molding cluy Tiles, Tiles, Tiles, Tiles, Tiles, Tool' CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 45 CLASS 26. CLOTH. Dressing and Finishing of Woven Fabrics. Beaming cloth. Calendering cloth. Carpet-rag cutter. Cloth-cutting machines. Cloth-dressing. Cloth-drying. Cloth-finishing. Cloth-folding. Cloth gassing. Cloth-ironing. Cloth-measuring. Cloth-napping. Cloth-pressing. (See Class 100.; Cloth-shearing. Cloth-sponging. Cloth-steaming. Cloth-stretching. Cloth-teazeling. Cloth-tentering. Dressing cloth. Evening cloth. Finishing cloth. Gig-mills. Hair cloth. Machines for trimming- Ironing cloth. Measuring cloth. Machines for Milling cloth. Mills, Gig Mapping-machines for cloth. Packaging fabrics. Pressing cloth. Eag carpet, Cutting cloth for Scouring cloth. Shearing cloth. Singeing cloth. Sponging cloth. Steaming cloth. Stretching cloth. Teazel grading machines. Teazeling cloth. Tenter-bars for cloth. Whipping cloth. 46 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 27. COEFIMS. Antiseptics. (See Class 23.) Burial-cases, Compositions for making Burial- caskets. Caskets, Burial Coffin-handles. (See Class 16.) Coffin -hard ware. (See Class 16.) Coffins. Coffins, Compositions for covering Coffins, Compositions for making Coffin-screws. Corpse-coolers. (See Class 62.) Embalming-compositions. (See Class 230 Embalming-processes. (See Class 23.) Sarcophagi clay. (See Class 25.) CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 47 CLASS 28. CORDAGE. Braid, Cord, Eope, Thread, Twine, and Yarn. Assorting yarns and threads. Balling cord and twine. Balling yarns and threads. Banding-machines. Bindings for carpet, &c. Bobbins. Braid. Braid-holders. Braiding con Is. Braiding-machine carriers. Braiding-machines. Braiding tapes. Braiding whips. Baudling-presses. (See Class 100.) Cordage. Corded binding, Machine for making Cords. Dress cord. Dressing yarn, warp, thread, &c. Drying yarn. Fishing-lines. Folding or tying yarn, (except Bundling Presses, Class 100.) Fringe. Fringe-making machines. Fringe-twisters. Fuse-making machines. ■ Gassing yarns, threads, &c. Gimp-machines. Hawsers. Laying rope. Laying-top for cordage-machines. Loop-banding machines. Measuring yarns, threads, &c. Ornamental yarns. Packaging yarns, threads, etc., (except Bundling Presses, Class 100.) Paper- twine machines. Parceling rope. Picking rope. Polishing yarns, threads, &c. Quilling yarn. Quills, Yarn and silk Quill thread fastener. Keels for winding yarns and thread. Eope coiling. Kope-making machines. Scraping and dressing cord. Serving rope. Sizing yarn, thread, &c. Slashers. Spooling-machines. Spools. Tassels. Thread assorting, balling, dress- ing, gassing, measuring, pack- aging, polishing, reeling, sizing, spooling, tying, winding. Twine-machines. Tying yarn. Untwisting rope, Machines for Warp-dressing. Warping-machines. Welting cord. Winding-bobbins. Winding cord, cordage, fishing- lines, rope, thread, warp, yarn. Winding-spools. Wire, Braided thread-covering Worming rope. Yarn assorting, balling,. dressing, drying, folding, gassing, meas- uring, packaging, polishing, reeling,, sizing, spooling, tying, winding. Yarn-hooks. 48 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 29. CRINOLINE AND CORSETS, Hoop-skirts, Corsets. Bosom-expanders. Breast-pads. Busks. Bustles. Corset-clasps. Corset-fastenings. Corsets. Crinoline. Hoops for skirts. Hoops for skirts, Coating or cov- ering. Hoop-skirt formers. Hoop-skirts. Hoop-skirts, Machines for making Panniers. Skirts and corsets combined. Skirts, Hoop Skirts, Covered wire for hoop Spangles to skirts, Attaching Tapes for skirts. Tournures. Wire for hoops of skirts. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INTENTION. 49 CLASS 30. CUTLERY. Knives, Scissors, and Shears. [Except Machine Shears, Class 79.] [For Manufacture of Cutlery, see Class 53, Section A, Bench-shears. Bill-hooks. Bistouries. Cane-knives. Can-openers. Corn-knives. Forks. Culinary Forks', Flesh Forks, Table Fruit-knives. Hay-knives. Knives. Knives, Amputating Knives and forks combined. Knives and spoons combined. Knives, Attaching handles to Knives, Bread Knives, Budding Knives, Butcher Knives, Cane Knives, Caning Knives, Corn Knives, Curriers' Knives, Dirk Knives for cutting corn from the cob. Knives, Fruit Knives, Grafting Knives, Handles for Knives, Hay Knives, Hoof-paring Knives, Machete Knives, Meat Knives, Ovster Knives, Pocket Knives, Pruning Knives, Shoe Lampwick scissors. Lancets. Machetes. Pikes. Pruning-knives. Pruning-shears. Razors. Scalpels. Scissors. Shears. Shears, Bench Shears, Button-hole Shears, Cattle-marking Shears, Clipping Shears, Edging- Shears, Garden Shears, Grass-edging Shears, Hair-clipping Shears, Hand Shears, Hedging Shears, Lopping Shears, Pruning Shears, Sheep Shears, Sheet-metal Shears, Tailors 7 Shears, Tinmen's Sheep- shears. Table-forks. Table-knives. Tinmen's Shears. Twine-cutters. 50 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 31. DAIRY. Machines and Appliances for Milking; Butter and Cheese Making. Butter-molds. Butter-stampers. Butter-workers. Cheese-hoops. Cheese-making. Cheese-presses. Cheese-shelves. Cheese-tables. Cheese-turners.. Cheese-vats. Churn- dashers.. Churns. Cow-milkers. Cream-heaters. Cream-stands. Cream-strainers. Curd-cutters. (See Class 100.) Dairies. Dairy implements. Milk- cans. Milk-carriers. Milk-closets. Milk-coolers. (See Class 62.) Milkers, Cow Milk-houses. Milking-stools. Milk-pails. Milk-pans. Milk-safes. Milk-shelves. Milk-strainers. Milk-testers, (except Lactometers, Class 73.) Strainers, Milk CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 51 CLASS 32. DENTAL. Dental Instruments, Supplies, and Processes. Artificial gums. Artificial palates. Artificial teeth. Articulators for fitting dentures. Casting dental plates. Dental-compositions. Dental-drills. Dental-fillings. Dental-forceps. Dental-instruments. Dental-mallets. Dental-plates. Dental-plates, Casting Dentures. Dies for dentists. Drills, Dental Forceps, Dental Gold-leaf condensers. Gums, Artificial Keys, Dental Mallets, Dental Molds, Dental Nitrous oxide, Apparatus for ad- ministering. (See Class 128.) Palates, Artificial Plates for artificial teeth. Saliva-removers. Springs for artificial teeth. Swages, Dentists' Teeth, Artificial Teeth, Artificial, Compositions for Yulcanizing-flasks for dentists' uses. 52 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 33. DRAFTING. Drafting, Plotting, and Mathematical Instruments. Bow pencils and pens. Calipers. Compasses, Drafting Copying-instruments. Dividers, Measuring Drafting-instruments. Drafting-scales. Ellipsographs. Geometrical constructors. Graduated rules. Map projectors. Mathematical instruments. Mathematical scales. Pantographs. Parallel rulers. Pens, Puling Perspective apparatus. Planning-instruments. Plotting-instruments. Protractors. Eoulettes. Rulers, Parallel Ruling-pens. Scales, Drafting Spirals, Instruments for drawing Trammels. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION, 53 CLASS 34. DRYERS AND KILNS. Apparatus and Machines for Dryin< [Except Clothes-dryers . . Class 68. Paper-dryers . . . Class 92.] Bagasse-dryers. Barrel-dryers. B arrel-f umi gators . Barrel-heaters. Biscuit (clay) ovens. Brick-kilns. Carbonizing wood, Furnaces and kilns for Card-board dryers. Charcoal-kilns. Cigar dryers. Cloth-dryers. (See Class 26.) Coal-dryers. Coke-ovens. Dessicating grain, food, farina, &c. Drying apparatus, (except Clothes, Class 68 ; Paper, Class 92.) Drying-houses. Drying-kilns. Enameling- ovens. Feather-renovators. Fertilizer-dryers. Fish-curing and drying. Fish-flakes. Flour-dryers. Fruit-dryers, Fuel-dryers. Glue-dryers. Grain-dryers. Hop-kilns. Kilns, Brick Kilns, Charcoal Kilns for drying grain, peat, &c* Kilns, Hop Kilns, Lime Kilns, Malt Kilns, Pottery Lime-kilns. Lumber-dryers. Malt-kilns. Meat-dryers. Oasts. Offal-dryers. Ovens, Coke Ovens for biscuit, (Clay) Ovens for enameling. Ovens for pottery. Peat-dryers. Smoke-houses. Smoking meat and fish. Tobacco-dryers, Wool-dryers, 54 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 35. EDUCATIONAL. Devices for Teaching Beading, Writing, Arithmetic, Astronomy, Geography, Penmanship, &c. Alphabet-blocks. Astronomical charts. Astronomical lanterns. Blackboard-rubbers. Blackboards. Blackboards, Compositions for Blind, Writing apparatus for the Chart-holders. Charts. Copy-books. Dissected maps. Educational devices. Frames, Numeral Globes, Astronomical Globes, Geographical Map-holders. Maps. Maps, Dissected Maps, Outline Nam eral-frames. Object-teaching, Devices for Orreries. Penmanship, Appliances for teaching Planetarium s. Planispheres. School charts and maps. Slate-cleaners. Slate-frames. Slate-pencils. . Slates, Slates, Artificial Tellurians. Writing apparatus for the blind. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF IXYEXTIOX. 55 CLASS 36. ELECTRICITY. Batteries. Instruments : Applications of Electricity, Galvanism, and Magnetism : Electric Telegraphs. Alarms. Electro-magnetic Alarms, Telegraphic Anti-incrustators. Galvanic Anti-iucrnstators, Magnetic Armatures. Arresl ers. Astatic needles. Astronomical instruments. Elec- tro-magnetic Baths. Electro- voltaic Batteries. Voltaic Batteries. Thermo-electric Buoys, Electrical Cables, Submarine telegraph Cables, Telegraph Calendars, Electrical Car-brakes. Electrical Car-starters. Electrical Chronographs. Electro-magnetic Chronoscopes. Electro-magnetic Circuit-breakers. Circuit-closers. Clocks. Electrical Commutators. Compasses. Mariners'. Compasses, Surveyors'. (See Class Condensers. Conductors. Electro-telegraphic Connectors for Voltaic batteries. Current-regulators. Electrical apparatus. Electrical balances. Electrical machines. Electric fuses. Electric lights. Electrizing blood, Instruments for Electrodes. Electro-magnetic apparatus. Electro-magnetic engines. Electro-magnetic machines. Electro-magnetic meteorological instruments. Electro-magnets. Electrometers. Electronomes. Electrophorus. Electro-plating. Baths and bat- teries for Electrotyping. Baths and batteries for Engraving, Electric apparatus for Escapements, Electrical Eire-alarm telegraphs. Eire-alarm telegraphs, Signal- boxes for G alvanic appliances. Galvanic attachments. Galvanometers. Galvauoscopes. Gas-engines, Electrical atus for Heaters, Electrical Helices, Electrical Hones, Magnetic Hydro-electric machines. Induction apparatus. Insulated wire. Insulators. Iron tilings. Separators for Key-boards, Telegraphic Keys. Telegraphic Lamps, Electric Lights, Electric Lighting gas by electricity. Lightning-arresters. Lightning-protectors. Lightning-rods. Line- wires. Covering Insulating Protecting Supporting Line-wires, Underground Logs, Electrical Looms, Electrical Magnetic apparatus. Magnetic needles. Magneto-electric machines. Magnets. appar- Line- wires, Line-wires, Line-wires, Line-wires, Magnets, Magnets, Receiving Sounding 56 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. .Manipulators Mariners' compasses. Medical-electric apparatus. Meteorometers, Telegraphic Meters, Electrical Musical instruments, Electric at- tachments to Pendulums, Electrical Pens, Galvanic Railway-signals, Electrical Railway-switches, Electrical Railway-telegraphs, Electrical Reels, Telegraph Registers, Telegraph Relays. Repeaters. Resistance-boxes. Resistance-coils. Rheometers. Rheotomes. Rheotropes. Rheostats. Ruling-apparatus, Electrical Semaphores, Electrical Signal-boxes for electric tele- graphs. Signals, Electrical Sorting apparatus, Electrical Sounders. Storm-signals, Electrical Surveyors' compasses. ( See* Class 88.) Switch-boards. Switches, Electrical Telegraphic codes. Telegraphic signals. Telegraph instruments. Telegraphs, Electric Telegraphs, Electro-chemical Telegraphs, Electro-magnetic Telegraphs, Magneto-electric Telegraphs, Printing. Telegraphs, Submarine Telephones. Time-balls, Electrical Voltaic apparatus. Yoltaic baths. Voltaic batteries. Voltaic instruments. Voltameters. Watch-clocks, Electrical Weighing apparatus, Electrical Whaling apparatus. Electrical Whistles, Electrical CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 57 CLASS 37. EXCAVATING. Earth Excavating, Grading, and Boring. Artesian wells. Augers for earth-boring. Bog cutters. Boring, Earth Curbs for wells. Ditching machines. Dredging-ma chines. Driven-wells. Dumping-buckets. Earth-boring. Earth-removing machines. Earth-works . Excavators. Grading. Grading-scrapers. Inclined planes, Post hole borers. Railroad earthworks. Railroad excavating. Road-making. Road-scrapers. Sand-pumps. Scrapers, Earth Scrapers, Grading Submarine excavators. Trenches. Well-boring, {except Rock, Class 125.) Well-digging. Wells, Artesian W^ells, Driven Well-tubing. 58 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 38. FELTING AND HATS. Materials, Apparatus, Machines, and Processes for Felting Wool and Hair; including the manufacture of Hats, Caps, and other Head-cover- nigs. Bats, Forming Hat-bodies, Forming Blocks for hats and bonnets. Hat-bodies,- Hardening Blowing fur. • Hat-bodies, Napping Bonnet caps. Hat-blocking machines. Bonnet clasps. Hat-blocks. Bonnet frames. Hat-brushing machines. Bonnet fronts. Hat-conformators. Bonnet-ironing machines. Hat- finishing. Bonnet-presses. Hat-frames. Bonnets. Hat-ironing machines. Bonnet- shaping machines. Hat-lining. Caps. Hat-measures. Cloth, Felt Hat-napping. Conform ators. Hat-planking. Cork hats. Hat-pressing. Curling hat-brims. Hat-protectors. Cutting flock. Hats. Cutting fur. Hat-shaping machines. Dies for pressing hats. Hat-shrinking machines. Embossing hats. Hat-sizing machines. Felt, Hat- stiffening compositions. Felted fabrics. Hat-stiffening machines. Felt hats. Hat-stretching machines. Felting cloth. Hat supporters. Felting hats. Hatters' kettles. Felting, Materials for Hat tips. Felting yarn. Hat ventilators. Flock grinding. Head coverings. Flocking fabrics. Head-dresses. Flocking hats. Hoods, Ladies 7 Forming bats. Horse-hair hats. Fulling. Jacks for hats, Rounding Fulling mills. Leather hats. Fur-blowing. Mapping-machines, Hat Fur-cutting. Nets, Ladies' head- Fur from pelts, Cutting Nubias. Fur hats. Palm-leaf hats. Fur-picking. Paper hats. (See Class 93.) Fur, Treating Picking fur. Grinding flock. Planking hats. Hair from fur, Separating Pouncing hats. Hair from skins, Pulling Size-markers for hats. Hair from skins, Separating Spring-brim hats. Hardening-machines for hats. Sweat-leathers for hats. Hat-bodies. Ventilators, Hat CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 59 CLASS 39. FENCES. Fences, Gates, Posts, Post-hole Diggers. Fence-posts. Fences. Fences, Flood Fences, Portable Fences, Wire Flood-fences. Gate-posts, Gates. Hop-pole extractors. Picket-fences. Post-drivers, Post-hole diggers and borers. (See Class 37.) Post-pullers. Wire-fences. Wire-stretchers for fences. 60 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 40. FILES. Files, Basps, and Machines for making. File blanks. Files, Machines for making- File chisels. Files, Bedressing File cutters. Files, Sharpening File-cutting machines, Filing-machines. (See Class 51.) File hammers. Easps. Files. Rasps, Machines for making CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 61 CLASS 41. FINE ARTS Sculpture, Carving, Painting, Engraving, Lithography, and allied arts: Stenciling, Ornamentation, Decoration, Die-sinking, Artists' Appliances. Aquariums. Artificial flowers. Artists' appliances (except Brushes, Class 15.) Bauk-notes. Bronzing-niachines. Buhl work. Canvas-stretchers. Card-mounts. Casts, Instruments for obtaining Casts, Processes for obtaining Copying figures. Crayons. Decorative gilding. Decorative painting. Die-sinking. Draftsman's tools and appliances. {See Class 33.) Drawing boards. Easels. Enameling on metal. Enchasing. Engravers 1 clutches. Engravers' tools. Engravers' vises. Engraving, Copper-plate Engraving-machines. Engraving pantographs. Engraving processes. Engraving, Steel-plate Engraving, Wood Etching. Elowers, Artificial Flowers, Preserving Frames, Picture Gilding, Leaf Graining-tools and appliances. Gravers. Herbariums. Inlaying. Japanning. (See Class 91.) Likenesses, Mounting Lithographic printing. Lithography. Marquetry. Medals. Monuments. Mosaic. Ornamentation. Painting, Decorative Painting on glass. Paper-hanging appliances. Parquetry. Photographic card-mounts. Picture-cases. Picture-frames. Picture-mounting. Plate-engraving. Postage-stamps. Posting bills and placards. Eevenue-stamps. Staining glass, wood, etc. Stamps, Postage Stamps, Eevenue Stencil-plates. Stereoscopic picture-holders. Stretchers for pictures. Theatrical scenery and effects. Tombstones. Transfer, Methods of pictorial Yitreography. Wall-covering, Ornamental Wall-paper hanging. Wood- en gravin g. Zincography. 62 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 42. FIRE-ARMS. [Excepting Ordnance and Projectiles of all kinds.] [For Manufacture of Arms, see Class 53, Section A. Air-guns. (See Class 98.) Armor, Personal Ball-screws for fire-arms. Barrels to stocks, Attaching Bayonet attachments. Bayonets. Breech-loading small-aims. Cane-guns. Cartridge loaders. Cartridge-shell retractors. Coupling pistols to gun-stocks. Fire-arms. Fire-arms, Converting Fire-arms, Safety-guards for Guards for locks of fire-arms. Guards for triggers of fire-arms. Gun -covers. Gun-hammers. Gun-locks. Gun-scrapers. Gun-stocks. Gun-wipers. Gun-worms. Hammers, Gun Hammers, Safety-guards for gun Locks for fire-arms. Magazine small-arms. Needle-guns. Nipple-guards for fire-arms. Nipples of fire-arms. Pistols. Pistol-swords. Eammers for small arms. Eamrods. Kepeating fire-arms. Eevolving fire-arms. Eifles. Eifling small-arms. Saber-bayonets. Safety-guards for gun-hammers. Scrapers for fire-arms. Self-loading fire-arms. Sights for small- arms. Small-arms. Spade-bayonets. Stocks for fire-arms. Worms for fire-arms. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 63 CLASS 43. FISHING. Dredges, Oyster Eel traps. Fish-decoys. Fish-hooks. Fishing. Fishing-floats. Fishing-line reels. Fishing-lines. (See Class 28.) Fishing-line sinkers. Fishing-line swivels. Fishing-nets. Fishing-rods. Fishing-seines. Fish- spears. Fish-traps. Fishways. Harpoons. Nets, Fishing Oyster culture. Oyster-dredging Oyster-rakes. Oyster-tongs. Pisciculture. Bakes, Oyster Keels, Fishing-line Tongs, Oyster Traps, Fish Trolling devices. G4 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 44. FUEL. xYrtificial Fuel; Treatment of Peat and Coal; Kindling Composts. Coal, Purification of Composts for fuel. Fire-kindling compounds. Fuel, Artificial Fuel assorter. Kindling materials. Kindling packages. Peat-machines. Peat for fuel, Treatment of Peat-presses. (tSee Class 100. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 65 CLASS 45. FURNITURE. Household Furniture, Upholstery, Window-shades, Mirrors. [Except Beds and Bedding Class 5. Kitchen Utensils Class 65. Stoves and Stove-fittings . . Class 126.] [For Machines and Tools for Making Furniture, see Wood-wor7cing f Classes 142-145 ; for Manufacture of Furniture Hardware, see Class 53, Section D.l Baby -jumpers. Basin clamps. Blacking boxes. Blacking-box holders. Book-cases. Book -shelves. Boot-jacks. Boot-racks. Bracket- shelves. Broom- hangers. Brush-racks. Bureaus. Cabinets. Camp-kits. Camp-stools. Carpet-cleaners. Carpet-fasteners. Carpet-stretchers. Chair-bottoms. Chairs. Chairs and seats, Head-rests for Chairs, Barbers' Chairs, Camp Chairs, Dentists' Chairs, Enema Chairs, Folding Chairs, Invalid Chairs, Nursery Chairs, Obstetrical Chairs, Operating Chairs, Pew Cigar-racks. Cloak-stands. Closets, Portable Closets, Revolving Counters, Store and shop Curtain-fixtures. Curtains. Cuspadores. Desk-covers. Desks. Drapery-fasteners. Drawers for closets. Drawers for furniture. Drawing-tables. Dust-pans. Dust receptacles. Fastenings, Upholstery Fenders, Furniture Fire-screens. Fly-traps. Foot-stools. Frames, Hanging picture Furniture, Feet for legs of Furniture pads. Furniture- springs. Hand- mirrors. Hanging looking-glasses. Hanging picture-frames. Hanging-shelves. Hat and coat racks. Head-rests. Insect-traps, Household Lambrequins. Looking-glasses. Looking-glasses, Hangiug Market- stalls. Mirrors. Mirrors for windows. Music-stands. Nursery-gates. Oil- cloth cutters. Ottomans. Packing furniture. Pew fittings. Pi a no- movers. Piano-stools. Picture-hangers. 66 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. Pier- glasses. Portfolio-stands. Packs, Boot, hat, and brush Railway-car spittoons. Reading-desk's. Sample-frames. Seats, Garden Seats, School School furniture. Screens, Fire Settees. Shelf- brackets. Shelves, Folding Show-cases. Show-stands. Shelving for stores, etc. Soap -holders. Sofas. Spittoon-envelopes. Spittoons, Railway-car Spittoons. Springs for sofas, chairs, &e. Stair-covers. Stair-pads. Stair-plates. Stair-rods. Stands, Hat and cloak Stands, Towel Stands, Umbrella Stools. Stools, Camp Stools, Folding Stools, Foot Stools, Piano Store shelving. Table-covers. Table-leaf supporters. Tables. Tables, Card Tables, Drawing Tables, Extension Tables, Ironing Tables, Operating Tables, Self-waiting Tables, Writing Toilet-mirrors. Towel-racks. Towel-stands. Traps, Household insect Twine-holders. Upholstery. Wall protectors. Wall-shields. Wardrobes. Window-blinds, Movable Window-mirrors. Window shades. Window- washers. Writing-tables. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 67 CLASS 46. GAMES AND TOYS. Games, Gymnastic and Exercising Apparatus, Traps, and Nets. Alphabet-blocks. Fishing. (See Class 43.) Animal- traps. Game boards. Archery. Game-bags. Automata. Games. Base-balls. Gymnastic apparatus. Batons. Hobby-horses. Bats for balls. Mallets, Croquet Bells, Dumb Masks. Billiard-balls. Nets, Bird Billiard chalk-cups. Philosophical toys. Billiard -cue tips. Playing-cards. Billiard-cues. Police batons. Billiard-markers. Pulleys, Calisthenic Billiard-table chalk-holders. Puzzles. Billiard-table pockets. Beading-cards. Billiard-tables.. Rocking-horses. Cards, Playing Skate-fasteners. Cards, Reading Skates. Checker-boards. Skates, Parlor Chess. Skates, Roller Children's toys. Stage properties. Clubs, Exercising. Stilts. Croquet. Swimming, Appliances for Croquet-mallets, etc. Swings. Dancing figures. Targets. Dice. Tops, Spinning Dice- throwers./ Toy-blocks. Dolls. Toys. Dumb-bells. Traps, Animal Exercising devices. Traps, Bird 68 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 47. GARDEN AND ORCHARD. Tools (not machines) for Digging, Cultivating, and Preparing the Soil, Planting, Transplanting, Weeding, Protecting, Potting, and Forc- ing Plants; Orchard-culture, Destroying Insects, Gathering Fruit, Sor- ghum-strippers, and Maple-sap gathering. [Except Pruning Knives, Shears, etc. ; see Cutlery, Class 30.] [For Manufacture of Husbandry Tools, see Class 81, Section B.\ Bird-houses. Bouquet-holders. Boxes for plants. Budding knives. (See Class 80.) Cane-mills. (See Class 83.) Cranberry-gatherers. Curculio-traps. Diggers, Hand Diggers, Thistle Digging forks. Ditching spades and scoops. Earth-worm traps. Edging-irons. Flower-boxes. Flower-pots. Flower-stands. Forcing-pits. Forks, Digging Forks, Hand hay- Forks, Manure Frames for plants. Fruit-assorters. Fruit-frames. Fruit-gatherers. Fruit-ripeners. Fruit-separators. Fumigators for insects. Gardeners' basket-supports. Garden-hoes. Garden implements, (except Shears, Class 30.) Garden-forks. Grafting-knives. (See Class 30.) Graf t in g-m achines. Grape-trellises* Grape-vine protectors. Grass-burners. Green-houses. Grubbing-hoes. Hanging-baskets. Hay-forks. Hay-rakes, Hand Hedge- benders. Hed ge-fasteners. Hedge-planters. Hedge-setters. Hoes. Hop-frames. Hop-strippers. Hot-bed frames. Hot-houses. Insect-destroyers. Insect-fuinigators. Insect-lamps. Insect-traps. Layering. Line reel, Gardeners' Lopping-shears. (See Class 30.) Maple-sugar buckets. Maple-sugar spiles. Manure-forks. Manure-hooks. Mattocks. Osier-cutting. Picks. Pitchforks. Plant-boxes. Plant-frames. Planting- tools. Potato-forks. Potato-hooks. Potato-planters. Potato- scoops. Powder-blowers. Propaga ting-boxes. Propagating by cuttings. Protectors, Plant and shrub Protectors, Tree Pruning knives and shears (See Class 30.) CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 69 Pruning-saws. (See Class 110.) Bakes, Garden Bakes, Hand hay Sap-bucket hooks. Sap-con ducters. Sap-spiles. Sap-troughs. Scrapers, Tree Scuffle-hoes. Shears for lopping and pruning. (See Class 30.) Shovels. Sorghum-strippers. Spades. Sprouting-beds for plants. Spuds. Tea zel- trim m ers. Tobacco-curing. Transplan ting-machines. Tran splantin g- tools. Traps, Curculio Traps, Earth-worm Tree-boxes. Tree -diggers. Tree-dwarfers. Tree-planter. Tree-protectors. Tree -training. Trellises. Trellises, Grape Trellises, Hop Trowels, Garden Turf-cutters. Turnip-toppers. Vegetable assorters. Vine locks. Vine-supports. Vine trellises. Weeding-implements. Weed-pullers. 70 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 48. GAS. Manufacture of Gas. Carburetors. Air-carbureting machines. Carburetors for air or gas. Gas- carburetors. Gases, Methods and processes for obtaining Gas-making apparatus. Gas manufacture. Gas-purifiers. Gas-retorts. Hydraulic mains. Nitrous-oxide, Apparatus for making Oxygen, Processes and apparatus for obtaining Ozone, Apparatus for obtaining Purifiers, Gas Retorts for gas-making. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 71 CLASS 49. GLASS. Compositions, Tools, and Appliances for Glass Manufacture, Modes of Manufacturing Articles of Glass. [For Manufacture of Glass-makers 1 Tools , see Class 81, Section B.] [Excepting Glass Cutting, Grinding, and Polishing, Class 51.] Annealing glass. Artificial gems. Beads, Glass Blowing-apparatus for glass-mak- ing. (See Class 98.) Bottle-holders for glass-making. Bottle-making, Glass Button-making, Glass Carboys. Casting glass. Chairs for glass-makers. Crown glass. Cutting glass. (See Class 51.) Cutting jewels. (See Class 51.) Cylinder glass. Diamonds, Glaziers 7 Embossing glass. Enamels, Vitreous Filigree glass. Fluxing sand for glass. Frit. Frit-furnaces. Frosting glass. (See Class 51.) Furnaces, Glass Gems, Artificial Glass-blowing. Glass cementing. Glass, Compositions for Glass-cutting. (See Class 51.) Glass furnaces. Glass house pots. Glass honses. Glass molding. Glass pots. Glass pressing. Glaziers' diamonds. Glaziers' diamonds, Setting Grinding glass. (See Class 51.) Incrustation of glass. Jewels, Cutting (See Class 51.) Kilns for glass. Ladling glass. Lapidary work. (See Class 51.) Leers. Lenses, Grinding (See Class 51.) Lenses, Polishing (See Class 51.) Melting glass. Molding glass. Molds for glass. Molds, Composition for glass- Ornamenting glass. Packing glass. Plate glass. , Platening glass. Polishing glass. (See Class 51.) Pontils. Pots, Glass Pressing glass. Puttying machines for sash. Retorts for glass. Pods for gathering glass. Rolling glass. Roughenin g glass. ( See Class 51.) Scalloping glass. Scouring glass. (See Class 51.) Setting glaziers' diamonds. Sheet glass. Smelting glass. Spinning glass. Tables for glass -manufacture. Tempering glass. Tools for glass-manufacture. Vitreous enamels. Window glass. 72 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 50. GOVERNORS. Governors for Steam-engine and other Machinery. \JExcepting Brakes for Machinery, Class 74.] Cut-offs, Governor Governor cut-off motions. Governors. Steam-governors. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 73 CLASS 51. GRINDING AND POLISHING. Modes, Apparatus, Tools, Processes, and Appliances for glass, metal stone, and wood. \ Excepting Clay and Mortar Machines . . Class 25. Fruit Grinding Class 100. Grinding Mills Class 83. Ore and Stone Mills Class 90.1 Buffers. Buffing-machines. Burnishers. Burnishing- m a chines. Card-grinding. Clamps for saw-filing, gumming, and sharpening. Cutting glass. Cutting jewels. Emery-paper. Emery-wheels. Emery-wheels, Compositions for Filing-machines. Glass-cutting instruments. Glass-cutting processes. Glass-grinding. Glass-polishing. Glass-roughening. Grinding glass. Grinding-machines. Grinding materials. Grindstones. Grindstones, Artificial Grindstones, Hanging Hanging grindstones. Harvesters, Grin ding-apparatus for Hones. Jewels, Cutting Knife-sharpeners. Lapidary tools. Lapidary wheels. Laps. Lenses, Grinding Lenses, Polishing Marble- grinding. Marble-grinding, Compositions for Marble-polishing. Oil stones. Polishing-compounds. Polishing glass. Polishin g- machines. Polishing marble. Polishing- materials. Polishing metals. Polishing-slate. Polishing-stone. Razor-strops. Bazor-strops, Compositions for Beaper-knife sharpeners. Pities for whetting. Roughening glass. Sand-paper. Saw-filing. Saw-grinding. Scissors-sharpeners. Scouring glass. Scouring stone. Scythe-rifles. . Scythe- stones. Skate-sharpeners. Steels. Stone-polishing. Stove polish. Strops. Tool- grinding. Tool-holders for grindstones. Whetstones. 74 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 52. GUNPOWDER. Explosive Compounds, Compositions, and Manufactures, Pyrotechnics, Compositions for Matches. Ballistic pendulums. (See Class 73.) Blasting compounds. Cartridges, Compositions for Cigars, Compositions for lighting Corniug gunpowder. Detonating compositions. Drying gunpowder. Dynamite. Eprouvettes. (See Class 73.) Fulminates. Glazing gunpowder. Graining gunpowder. Gun-cotton, Manufacture of Gunpowder, Compositions for Gunpowder, Corning Gunpowder, Drying Gunpowder, Glazing Gunpow T der, Graining Gunpowder-mills. (See Class 83.) Gunpowder-polishing. Gunpowder-presses. (See Class 100.) Incendiary compounds. Matches, Compositions for Matches, Machines for making and dipping (See Class 144.) Nitro-glycerine. Powder-kegs. Pyrotechnic compounds. Pyrotechnics. Rockets. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 75 CLASS 53. HARDWARE MANUFACTURE. Manufacture of Hardware Fittings and Trimmings, Arms, Cutlery, and Jewelry. Under the following heads: — A. — Arms and cutlery. B. — Builders' hardware. C. — Carriage hardware. D.-— Furniture hardware. E. — Personal wear. F. — Saddle and harness hardware. G. — Shoemakers' hardware. H. — Spinning and weaving hardware. I. — Stationery and miscellaneous hardware. J. — Trunk and carpet-bag hardware. K. — Water and gas fittings. [For Manufacture of Railway -track and Car-irons and Fittings, see Railways 4, Class 107; see also Metal- working, page 106.] A. — Arms and Cutlery. Bayonets, Manufacture of Bullets, Manufacture of Cartridge-shells, Manufacture of Clipping-tools, Manufacture of Cutlery, Manufacture of Dies for making articles of cutlery. Forks, Manufacture of Gun-locks, Manufacture of Knives, Manufacture of Percussion-caps, Manufacture of Sabers, Manufacture of Scissors, Manufacture of Shears, Manufacture of Shot, Manufacture of Shot-sorting machines. Swords, Manufacture of B. — Builders 1 Hardware. Alarm-bells, Manufacture of Bells, (household,) Manufacture of Blind-fittings, Manufacture of Bolts, (household,) Manufacture of Buttons, (door,) Manufacture of Clock-bells, Manufacture of Cow-bells, Manufacture of Door-bells, Manufacture of Door-checks, Manufacture of Door-springs, Manufacture of Door-strips, Manufacture of Elbow-levers for pulls, Manufac- ture of Hinges, Manufacture of Keys, (door,) Manufacture of Knobs for doors and bell-pulls, Manufacture of Latches, Manufacture of Locks, Manufacture of Lock-trimmings, Manufacture of Pulls, (bell,) Manufacture of Sash-holders, Manufacture of Sash pulleys, Manufacture of Sash- weights, Manufacture of Sheaves, Manufacture of Shutter-fasteners, Manufacture of 76 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. Shutter- workers, Manufacture Sleigh-bells, Manufacture of Table-bells, Manufacture of of Weather-strips, ufacture of (metallic,) Man- Window-sash, (metallic,) Manu- facture 4 of 0. — Carriage and Wagon Hardware. Axle-boxes, (carriage,) manufac- ture of Braces for carriages, Manufacture of Carriage-bow joints, Manufacture of Carriage-door handles, Manufac- ture of Carriage-springs, Manufacture of Carriage-steps, Manufacture of Carriage-top braces, Manufacture of Felly-plates, Manufacture of Fifth- wheels, Manufacture of Hub-bands, Manufacture of King-bolts, Manufacture of Perch plates, Manufacture of Shaft-couplings, Manufacture of Spring-heads, Manufacture of Thill-couplings, Manufacture of Wheels, (metallic,) Manufacture of D. — Furniture Hardware. Cabinet-hooks, Manufacture of Casters, Manufacture of Clothes-hooks, Manufacture of Hat-hooks, Manufacture of Coffin-bandies, Manufacture of Coffin hardware, Manufacture of Stair-rods, Manufacture of E. — Personal Wear. Beads, (metallic,) Manufacture of Brooches, Manufacture of Buckles, Manufacture of Button rings, Manufacture of Buttons, (metallic,) Manufacture of Chains, (fob and watch,) Manu- facture of Clasps, Manufacture of Clothes pins, Manufacture of Collar-fastenings, Manufacture of Combs, (metallic,) Manufacture of Cuff buttons, Manufacture of Eyelets, Manufacture of Finger-rings, Manufacture of Glove-buttons, Manufacture of Hooks and eyes, Manufacture of Jewelry, Manufacture of Key-rings, Manufacture of Lockets, Manufacture of Ornaments, (small metallic,) Man- ufacture of Shirt and collar fastenings, Man- ufacture of Shoe-buttons, Manufacture of Split-rings, Manufacture of Watch and fob chains, Manufac- ture of Watches, Manufacture of F. — Saddle and Harness Hardware. Buckles, (harness,) Manufacture of Collar shells, Manufacture of Hames, Manufacture of Rivets, (harness,) Manufacture of Saddle-trees, Manufacture of Snap-hooks, Manufacture of Stirrups, Manufacture of Swivel-hooks, Manufacture of Terrets, Manufacture of CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. G. — Shoemakers* Hardware. 11 Boot-shanks, Manufacture of Clogs, (metallic,) Manufacture of Screw-nails, Manufacture of Shoe-tips, Manufacture of H. — Spinning and Weaving Hardware. Cop-tubes, Manufacture of Eyes for harness, Manufacture of Flyer-guides, Manufacture of Knitting-burrs, Manufacture of Ring- travelers, Manufacture of Shuttle-frames,. Manufacture of Shuttle-tips, Manufacture of Speeder-flyers, Manufacture of Spindle heads for flyers, Manu- facture of I. — Stationery and Miscellaneous Hardware. Clock-pillars, Manufacture of Fish-hooks, Manufacture of Ferrules, Manufacture of Gold pens, Manufacture of Paper-clasps, Manufacture of Pen-holders, Manufacture of Pens, Manufacture of Stationery, (metallic articles of,) Manufacture of Steel Pens, Manufacture of Umbrella-trimmings, Manufac- ture of J. — Trunk and Carpet-bag Hardware. Carpet-bag frames, Manufacture of Trunk-rivets, Manufacture of K. — Water and Gas Fittings. Couplings, (pipe,) Manufacture of Faucets, Manufacture of Gas-burners, Manufacture of Kozzles, Manufacture of Plumbers' hooks, Manufacture of 78 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 54. HARNESS.' Tools, Machines, and Special HarirVare, Saddles, Harness, Muzzles, Pokes, Gags, and Whips. [Except Hooks, Snap-hooJcs, and Rings, Class 24.] [For Manufacture of Saddlery and Harness Hardware, see Class 53, Section F.] [For Manufacture of Leather -worMng Tools, see Class 81, Section B.] Back-bands. Fetters. Bells, Cow Fly-nets. Bells, Sleigh Fly-nets, Machines for making Bell straps. leather Bits, Bridle Foot-pads for horses. Bitting-rigging. Gage-knives. Blind-bridles. Gag-runners. Blind-folding devices for animals. Gags for animals. Blinds for horses. Gig-trees. Bonnets for horses. Halters. Boots for horses. Hame-clips. Breaking horses, Apparatus for Hame-fasteners. Breast bails. Hames. Breast-slides. Harness. Breast-straps. Harness-chains. Breast-strap slides. Harness, Detaching Breech- straps. Harness-hooks. Bridles. Harness-makers' tools. Bridle-winkers. Harness-mountings. Bull-rings. Harness-oiling machines. Cart-saddles. Harness pads. Cattle-gags. Harness-reins, Machines for Cattle-leaders. rounding Check-hooks. Harness-swivels. Check-reins. Harness- wardrobes. Clamps for sewing harness. Head- protectors foi horses. Clamps, Stitching Hog- rings. Collar-blocks. Hopples. Collars, Horse Horn -knobs, Cattle Collars, Machines for stuffing Horse- blankets. Collar straps, Horse Horse-protectors. Cribbing, Devices to prevent Horse- taming. Crupper-loops. Horse-training apparatus. Cruppers. Horse-yokes. Dog-collars. Housings for harness. Dog- muzzles. Interfering, Devices to prevent Dra w-gage cutters. Dn mb jockeys. Fetters tor animals. Knee-caps. Knee guards for horses. Lassoes. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 79 Martingales. Muzzle-rings. Muzzles. Nose-rings. Nostril-pinchers. Pack-saddles. Pad-crimps. Pads. Pad-trees. Pokes for animals. Rein pulls. Reins, Safety Reins, Slides for Rosettes for horses. Rounding machines, Rein- Shackles. Saddle-blankets. Saddle-cloths. Saddle-girths. Saddle-pad machines. Saddles. Saddles, Cart Saddles. Harness Saddles. Pack Saddles, Pad Saddles, Riding Saddles, Side Saddle-trees. Saddle trees, Side- Shaft tugs. Shields for horses. Sleigh-bell attachments. Sleigh-bells. Snap- hooks. (See Class 24.) Snout-rings. Spurs. Stirrups. Stirrups, Safety Stitching horses. Staffers, Collar Sun-shades for horses. Surcingles. Tail-supporters. Tethers. Throwing horses, Apparatus foi Trace couplings. Traces. Trees, Saddle Tug-carriers. Whip-hangers. Whip-racks. Whips. Whip-stocks. Yokes for breechy animals. 80 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 55. HARROWS. Machines for Boiling and Pulverizing the Soil, and Preparing the Surface. [For Manufacture of Husbandry Hardware, see Class 81, Section B.\ Brush-pullers. Clod-crushers. Corn-stalk choppers. Cotton-stalk choppers. Grubbiug-harrows. Gr ubbin g-niachines. Harrows. Harrows, Rotary Harrow-teeth. Roller and harrow, Combined Rollers, Flanged Rollers, Land Rotary harrows. Scarifiers. Scufflers. Stalk-choppers. Stalk-pullers. Stone-gatherers. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION".. 81 CLASS 56. HARVESTERS. Machines and Implements (except Rand 'Hay Bakes and Forks) for Gathering and Securing Crops. [For the Manufacture of Iron Farts of Harvesters, see Class 81, Section B.] Bands for binding grain. Barley-forks. Bean-harvesters. Binders for harvesters, Cane-harvesters. Clover-headers. Clover-seed harvesters. Combined reapers and mowers. Corn-cutting machines. Corn-harvesters. Corn-shocking machines. Corn-shock tyers. Cotton-pickers. Cotton toppers. Cradles, Grain Cut-offs for harvesters. Cutters, Harvester Dropping-platforms for harvest- ers. Dumping-reels for harvesters. Fingers, Harvester Flax-pullers. Forks, Horse hay Forks, Grain Gaveling-attachments for har- vesters. Gaveling-forks. Gearing, Harvester Grain-binders. Grain-cradles. Grain-forks. Grain- harvesters. Grain-rakes. Grass- harvesters. Guard-fingers for harvesters. Harvesters, Bean Harvesters, Binders for Harvesters, Cane Harvesters, Clover-seed Harvesters, Corn Harvesters, Cutters for Harvesters, Dropping platforms for Harvesters, Dumping-reels for Harvesters, Fingers for Harvesters, Gaveling-attach- ments for Harvesters, Gearing for Harvesters, Grain Harvesters, Grass Harvesters, Guard-fingers for Harvesters, Hemp Harvesters, Pitmans for (See Class 74.) Harvesters, Rakes for Harvesters, Reels for Harvesters, Track-clearers for Hay-caps. Hay- forks, Horse Hay rakers and cockers. Hay rakers and loaders. Hay-rakes, Horse Hay-spreaders. Hay-tedders. Heading-machines, Grain Hedge-trimming machines Hemp-harvesters. Hemp pullers. Lawn-mowers. Manure-drags. Manure-loading rakes. Mowing-machines. Pitmans for harvesters. (See Class 74.) Rakes for harvesters. Rakes, Horse hay Reaper-knife sharpeners. (See Class 51.) Reaping-hooks. Reaping-machines. Reels for harvesters. Seats for harvesters. Scythe-fastenings. Scythe-nibs. Scythes. Scythe- snaths. 82 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. Shock tyers. Sickles. Straw scatterers. Si i gar-can e cutters. Sward-cutters. Tedders, Hay Timothy-headers. Track el carers for harvesters. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 83 CLASS 57 HOISTING. Blocks, Pulley. Brakes for hoisting machinery. (See Class 74.) Buckets, Dumping Buckets, Hoisting Bush-extractors. Capstans. Capstans for mole-plows. Car-jacks. Carriage-jacks. Clamps for raising buildiugs. Cranes. Derricks. Derricks, Floating Dumb waiters. Dumping tubs and buckets. Elevators. Elevators for bricks. Elevators for grain. Elevators for houses. Elevators for mortar. Elevators for warehouses. Floating derricks. Grain conveyors. Grain-elevators. Hay-elevators. Hay-loading derricks. Hay-unloaders. Hod-unloaders. Hoisting apparatus. Hoisting-buckets. Ice-elevators. Ice-ruus. Jacks, Carriage Jacks, Lifting- Jacks, Eailway-car Jacks, Screw Jacks, Wagon Lifting apparatus. Lifting-jacks. Lifting- screws. Loading machinery for wagons, vessels, and cars. Logs, Implements for loading- Logs, Implements for piling Logs, Implements for rolling Lumber, Implements for load- ing and unloading Lumber, Implements for pi ling- Masting- sheers. 9 Pulley-blocks. Eail jacks. Sheers, Masting Ships' capstans. Skids. Skips. Speeders for capstans. Stump -extractors. Tackle and blocks. Tackle-blocks. Tender-loaders. Track-raisers, Eailway Unloading-machines. Vessels, Loading and unloading, Machinery for Winches. Windlasses. 84 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. • CLASS 58. HOROLOGY. Clocks, Watches, Time-keepers, and Eegisters, and cases for the same, [For Watchmakers 1 Tools, see Class 81, Section A.] Chronographs. Chronometers. Chronoscopes. Clepsydras. Clock-cases. Clock-keys. Clocks. Dials. Dials, Time-piece. Escapements. Hands for clocks and watches. Horolpgical-in strain ents. Hour-glasses. Illuminated clocks. Indicators, Automatic time Keys, Clock Keys, Watch Metronomes. Pendulums. Eegisters. Time Springs, Watch and Clock Stem-winders. Time-indicators, Automatic Time-registers. Time-reporters. Watch-cases. Watch-dials. Watches. Watch-keys. Watchman's time-registers. Watch-motions. Watch-springs. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 85 CLASS 59. HORSE SHOES. Shoes and Machines for making. [For Blacksmiths' Forges and Machines, see Metal- working 3, Class 78 j for Blacksmiths' Tools, see Class 81, Section A.] Horseshoe-bars. Horseshoe-machines. Horseshoe bars, Machines for Horseshoes. bending Horseshoes, Calks for Horseshoe bars, Machines for Horseshoes, Pads for shaping Oxshoes. Horseshoe blanks, Making Sf) CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 60. HOSE AND BELTING. Hose and Belting, Compositions and Machinery for making, Couplings, and Fasteners. [For Manufacture of Leather-working Tools, see Class 81, Section B.\ Band and cord fasteners. Band punches. (See Class 24.) Bands for pulleys. Belt-clasps. Belt-couplings. Belt-cutting machines. Belt-fasteners. Belting, Compositions for Belting-Compound Belting, Modes of making Belting, Bubber Belt lacers. Belt-lacing, Machines for cutting Belt- punches. (See Class 24.) Belts. Belt-shifters. (See Class 64.) Belt-splicing. Belt-tighteners. (See Class 64.) Compositions for belting. Compositions for hose. Compositions for elastic tubing. Cord and belt fasteners. Couplings, Band Couplings, Belt Couplings, Cord Couplings, Hose Cuttingmachines, Belt- Cutting machines, Belt-lacing Elastic tubing. Fasteners for bands, belts, and cords. Flexible gas tubing. Hose. Hose-bridges. Hose, Compositions for Hose-couplings. Hose, Leather Hose, Modes of making Hose-protectors. Hose, Bubber Materials for bands, belts, and hose. Rubber hose. Spanners for hose-couplings. Tubing, Coating of elastic Tubing, Compositions for elastic Tubing, Elastic Tubing, Lining of elastic CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 87 CLASS 61. HYDRAULIC ENGINEERING. Aqueducts, Can els, Dikes, Harbors, Breakwaters, Docks, Quays Sub-aqueous Explorations and Works, Piles, Improvement of Eivers. f Aqueducts. Armor, Submarine Booms for logs. Breakwaters. Cables, Laying submarine Caissons for piers, &c. Camels. Canal lioists. Canal lining. Canal locks. Canal-lock gates. Canal propulsion, apart from the boat. Canals. Chutes for carrying logs. Chutes for coal. Chutes for water courses. Coal-chutes. Coffer-dams. Cores for dikes. Cradles for building vessels. Cradles for launching vessels. Cradles for raising vessels. Current fenders. Dams. Dikes. Diving apparatus. Diving-bells. Docks, Dry Docks, Tidal Docks, Wet Draining cellars, Automatic de- vices for Drain-tiles, Machines for, and modes of laying Dredging-machines. ■ (See Class 37.) Dry-docks. Embankments, Making and re- pairing Ferry-boat platforms. Fish-ways. Flood-gates. Flumes for logs. Flushing apparatus. Gates, Canal-lock Gates, Flood Gates, Sluice Graving docks. Harbor defenses. Harbor obstructions, Eemoving Harbors. Harbors, Obstructing Hydraulic mining. Inclined planes for canals. Iron tunnels. Irrigating apparatus. Landing platforms. Launching vessels. Laying submarine cables. Levees. Lining canals. Locks, Canal Lock valves, Canal Marine railways. Marshes, Machines for filling Marshes, Eeclaiming Mill-dams. Mud-machines. Obstructing rivers and harbors. Piers, Landing Pile-cutters. Pile-drivers. Piles. Piles, Protection of Piles, Screw Quays. Eaising sunken vessels. Eeservoirs, Canal Eivers bars, Eemoving Eivers, Improving channels of Eivers, Protection against inun- dations of Screw-piles. Shields for tunneling. Slips, Marine Sluice-gates. Snags, Eemoving Staging for boats. Staging for loading and unload- ing vessels. Staiths. 88 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. Stopping crevasses. Subaqueous foundations. Sub-aqueous railways. Sub-aqueous tunneling. Sub-fluvian tunnels. Submarine armor. Submarine cables, Laying Submarine excavating. Submarine helmets. Submarine operators. Tidal docks. Tidal valves. Tide basins. Tide-gates. Tide powers. Tramways for ferry-boats. Tunnels, Iron Tunnels, Sub-aqueous Valves for draining tidal lands. Wave-powers. Weirs. Well-curbs. Wet docks. Wharfs. Wharfs, Floating (See Class 114. | Wire ferriage. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 89 CLASS 62. ICE Refrifferative Processes aud Machinery, Gathering, Manufacturing, Storing, and Applications of lee Air-cooling apparatus. Air-cooling processes. Anaesthetic refrigerators. Atomizers. Beer-coolers. 1 Boxes for transportation, Refrig- erating Cars for transportation, Refrig- erating Cooling apparatus. Cooling mixtures. Cooling processes. Corpse-coolers. Filter and cooler combined. Freezing-liquids. Freezing-mixtures. Ice-cream freezers. Ice-crushers. Ice-cutters. Ice-elevators. (See Class 57 Ice-bouses. Ice-levelers. Ice-making machines. Ice manufacture. Ice-picks. Ice-plows. Ice- safes. Ice-shavers. Ice-smoothers. Milk-coolers. Railway cars, Refrigerating Refrigerating-cars. % Refrigera ting-cellars. Refrigerators. Water-coolers. 90 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 63. JEWELRY. Bracelets, Brooches, Dress-pins, Kings, and Ornaments. [For Manufacture of Jewelry, see Class 53, Section JS.] Bracelets. Breast-pins. Diaper- pins. Dress-pins. Ear drops and rings. Finger-rings. Fob-chains. Gems, Setting Hooks for watch-chains. (See Class 24.) Jewelers' tools and appliances. (See Class 81, A.) Lapidaries' work and appliances, (See Clas951.) Locket-cases, Lockets. Pins, Breast Pius, Diaper Pins, Dress Pins, Scarf Pins, Shawl Precious stones, Setting Scarf-pins. Setting gems. Shawl-pins, Watclb chains. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 91 CLASS 64. JOURNALS AND BEARINGS. Journals, Bearings, Shafting', Couplings, and Lubricators. Anti-friction compounds. Anti-friction metals. Anti-friction rollers. Band pulleys. Bands. (See Class 60.) Band wheels. Bearings for machinery. Belt couplings. (See Class 60. Belts. .(See Class 60.) Beit-shifters. Belt tighteners. Boxes, Journal Clutches for shafting. Clutches, Friction Coupling, Shaft Drums, Belt Friction-clutches. Friction-couplings. Grease cups Hangers for shafting. Journal-bearings. Journal-bearings, Compositions for Journal-boxes. Journal-box lining. Journals. Lagging for drums. Lubricants. Lubricating compounds. Lubricators. Lubricators for spindles. Lubricators, Mechanical Pulleys, Belt Pulleys, Fast and loose Oil-cups. Oilers. Shaft-couplings. Shaft-hangers. Shafting. Spindles, Lubricating Universal joints. 92 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 65. KITCHEN UTENSILS. Machines and Appliances for Preparing Bread, Meat, Fruit, and Vegetables for Cooking or for the Table; Table-ware, (except Cutlery,) Baskets, Boxes, and Crates for Packing and Transporting Provisions, (not Including Stoves and their appliances, Glass 12G.) Almond-peelers. Apple-corers. Apple-parers. Apple-slicers. Barrel- co vers. Barrel-handles. Baskets. Baskets for fruit, fish, grain, and provisions. •B a tter- in achines. Bean-shellers. Beer cups. Beer-pitchers. Bins, Meal Biscuit-boarcfs. Biscuit-cutters. Bottle-holders. Boxes, Egg-packing Boxes, Fish Boxes, Food Boxes for provisions. Boxes for vegetables. Boxes, Fruit Boxes, Lunch Boxes, Paper. (See Class 93.) Boxes, Pepper Boxes, Spice Bread and pastry boards. Bread-cutters. Bread-machines. Buckets. Buckets, Folding Buckets, Dinner Butter-buckets. Butter-dishes. Butter- tongs. Cake-cutters. Cake-turners. Camp-kits. Canisters. Can-openers. Canteens. Caster-bottles. Caster- stands. Cheese-covers. Cheese-cutters. Cheese-grinders. Cherry-stoners. Chimney-cleaners, Lamp Coffee-cups. Confectionery-molds. Cork-pullers. Cork-screws. Corn-ball molds. Corn-graters. Cracker-crushers. Cracker-machines. Crates for fruit, fish, vegetables, &c. Cruet-stands. Crumb-removers. Culinary ladles. Cups. Dinner-buckets. Dinner-pails. Dippers. Dish-cleaners. Dishcloth-holders. Dish-covers. Dish-drainers. Dishes. Dish-fasteners. Dish-holders. Dish-stands. Dish-trays. Dish-washers. Dough-kneaders. Dough-machines. Dough-raisers. Dough-rollers. Dredging-boxes, Flour Drinking-cups. Egg-beaters. Egg-cups. Egg-pans. Egg-testers. Epergnes. Fish-sealers. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 93 Flour-chests. Flour-dredgers. Flour-scoops. Fruit-baskets. Fruit-boxes. Fruit-crates. Fruit- mashers. Fruit-panniers. Fruit-peelers. Fruit-strainers. Glass-cleaners. Graters, Corn Graters, Spice Hampers. Haversacks. Kitchen-safes. Kneading-inachines* Knife-cleaners. Knife-racks. Knife-rests. Lamp-chimney cleaners. Lemon-squeezers. Liquor-pourers. Lunch-boxes. Meal-bins. Meal-chests. Meat-cutters. (For Mincers, see Class 17.) Meat-holders. Meat-safes. Meat-spits. Meat-tenderers. Mess-chests. Mess-kits. Napkin -holders. Napkins. Nut-crackers. Nutmeg-graters. Nut-piekers. Oyster-openers. Pans, Kitchen and pantry. Pea-shellers. Peach-parers. Peaeh-stoners. Peeling almonds. Pepper-boxes. Pie-crimpers. Pie- trimmers. Pitchers, Beer Pitchers, Ice Pitchers, Molasses Plates. Potato-mashers. Potato-peelers. Powder-mixers. Provision-safes. .Raisin-seeders. Rolling-pins. Root-peelers. Safes, Meat Sauce-pans. Scoops, Flour Sifters of all kinds. ( See Class 140. ) Sinks, Kitchen. [See Class 4.) Skimmers^ Culinary Slop-buckets. Slop-jars. Spice-boxes. Stove-pipe shelves. Table-cars. Table-mats. Table-trays. Trays, Dish Trays, Food Trays, Fruit Trays, Tea Tumbler- washers. Turnip-peelers. Urn-stands. Vegetable-peelers. Vegetable-washers. ( J4 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 66. KNITTING AND NETTING. Knitting, Netting, Lace, and Hosiery. [For Manufacture of Parts of Knitting-machines, see Class 53, Section M. Bobbinet-machines. Darning-machines. Dressing and finishing hosiery. Fishing-nets, Making Gimp. Hosiery. Knitted goods. Knittiu g-machines. Knitting-machines, Burrs for Knitting-machines, Needles for Knitting-machines, Setting up de- vices for Knitting-machines, Sinkers for Knitting-machyies, Stop-motions for Knitting-machines, Take-up de~ vices for Knitting-machines, Tension de- vices for Knitting-machines, Transferring devices for Lace-machines. Looped fabrics, Needles for knitting-machines. Netting- machines. Sinkers for knitting-machines. Stocking and sock machines. Stop-motions for knitting-ma- chines. Tatting-machines. Twist lace machines. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 95 CLASS 67. LAMPS AND GAS-FITTINGS, Lamps, Lanterns, Lights, Gas-fittings, and Lighting devices. Alarms. Gas Boxes, Match Burners. Calcium lights. Candle-holders. Candlesticks. Catoptric lights. (See Class 88.) Chandeliers. Chimney-cleaners, Lamp. (See Glass 65.) Chimneys, Lamp Cigar-lighters. Clocks, Illuminated. (See Class 58.) Cressets. Dioptric lights. (See Class 88.) Drop-lights. Electric lights. (See Class 36.) Extinguishers. Flexible gas-tubing. (See Class 60.) Gasaliers. Gas-brackets. Gas-burners. Gas-fittings. Gas-lighters. Gas-lighting bv electricity. (See Class 36.) Gas-meters. (See Class 98.) Gas-regulators. Gas-tubing, Flexible (See Class 60.) Hangers for lamps. Head-lights, Locomotive Illuminated clocks. (See Class 58.) Illuminating-reflectors. Illuminated signs. (See Class 120.) Lamp-chimney adjusters. Lamp-chimnev cleaners. (See Class m.) Lamp-chimneys. Lamp-cones. Lamp-elevators. Lamp-posts. Lamp-reflectors. Lamp-shade holders. Lamp-shades. Lamp-stands. Lamp-wick adjusters. Lamp-wick trimmers. Lamp-wicks. Lamps. Lamps, Miners' Lamps, Yapor Lanterns. Lighting devices.. Lighting devices, Electric. (See Class 36.) Locomotive head-lights. Lusters. Magnesium-lights. Match-boxes. Match-safes. Mica lamp chimneys. Oxyhydrogen lights. Beflectors for lamps. Beflectors for windows. Safes, Match Shades, Lamp Signs, Illuminated (See Class 120.) Smoke-bells. Snuffers. Tubing for gas, Flexible (See Class 60.) Vapor-burners. Yapor-lamps. Wicks, Compositions for treating Wick -trimmers. Window-illuminators. Window-reflectors. 96 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 68. LAUNDRY. Washing, Wringing, and Drying Machines, and the Appliances of the Laundry. • (lamps for wringers. Clothes- driers. Clothes-frames. Clothes-horses. Clothes-line reels. Clothes-lines. Clothes-pins. Clothes sprinklers. Clothes-sticks. Clothes- tongs. Clothes- washers. Clothes-wringers. Flnting-irons. Ironing apparatus. Ironing-tables. Italian irons. Laundries. Line-fasteners. Line-reels. Mangles. Reels for clothes-lines. Rubber rolls for wringers. Sad-irons. Sad-iron holders. Smoothing irons. Sprinklers for clothes. Wash-benches. Wash-boards. Wash-boilers. Washing compounds. (See Class 23.) Washing-machines. Wool-washing machines. Wringers. Wringers, Clamps for Wringers, Rolls for CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION". 97 CLASS 69. LEATHER. Machines for operating upon leather irrespective of its specific appli- cation or use. [For Applications of Leather, see — Boots and Shoes . . Class 12, Harness and Saddlery. . Class 54. Hose and Belting Class 60. Trunks and Satchels . . . Class 133.1 Boarding-machines, Leather (See Class 129.) Corrugating machines, Leather- Creasing machines, Leather- Cutting machines, Leather- Embossing machines, Leather- Glueing machines, Leather- Hammering machines, Leather- Leather carpet Leather-cuttin g m achines. Leather-dressing machines. (See Class 129.) Leather-embossing machines. Leather-glueing machines. Leather-hammering machines. Leathering tacks. Leather-piercing machines. Leather-pressing machines. Leather-punching machines. Leather-quilting machines. (See Class 112.) Leather rings, Tools for cutting Leather-rolling machines. Leather-rounding machines. Leather-scalloping machines. Leather-shaving machines. Leather-skiving machines. Leather-sorting machines. Leather-splitting machines. Leather straps. Leather-stretching machines. Leather-stripping machines. Leather tubs, Machines for mak- ing Leather washers and wads, Tools for cutting Leather whips, Machines for making Pressing machines, Leather- Punching machines, Leather- Eings, Tools for cutting leather Polling machines, Leather- Skiving machines, Leather- Sorting machines, Leather- Splitting machines, Leather- Stretching machines, Leather- Tubs, Machines for making leather Wads, Machines for making- leather Washers, Machines for making leather Whips, Machines for making leather 98 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 70. LOCKS AND LATCHES, Locks, Latches, their Trimmings and Accessories. [For Manufacture of Lodes, see Class 53, Section B. Alarm-locks. Bag-locks. Bolt-locks. Car-door latches, Car-door locks. Car- seat arm -locks. Chest-locks. Cupboard-catches. Door-fasteners. Door-knobs. Door-locks. Drawer-locks. Gate-latches. Hand-cuffs, Locks for Hasp-locks. Keepers for door-locks, Key-fasteners. Key -hole guards. Key-hole guides. Keys. Knob-fasteners. Knob-latches. Knobs, Door Knobs to spindles, Attaching Latches. Lock-bolt keepers. Lock-bolts. Locks. Locks, Bag Locks, Car-door Locks, Car-seat arm Locks, Chest Locks, Door Locks, Drawer Locks, Hasp Locks, Pad Locks, Permutation Locks, Piano Locks, Safe Locks, Sash Locks, Seal Locks, Shutter Locks, Time Locks, Trunk Locks, Valise Locks, Window Lock-trimmings. Kight-latches. Pad-locks. Permutation-locks. Piano-locks. Eegister-locks. Koses for door-knobs. Safe-locks. Safety-guards to locks. Scutcheons for key-holes. Seal-locks. Shanks for door-knobs. Spindles for door-knobs. Time-locks. Trunk-locks. Valise-locks. Window-locks, CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 99 CLASS 71. MANURES. Composition and Preparation of Fertilizers. Treatment of Guano. Sewage, Offal, Poudrette, Marl, Composts, etc. Composts. Fertilizing- Deodorizing excrements. Deodorizing offal. $ Deodorizing vaults. Fertilizers. Manufacture ot Fertilizer mixers. Fertilizers. Packaging Fertilizers. Treating Guano, Treatment of Manure. Artificial Manures, Composition, processes. machinery. Marl, Treatment of Night-soil, Treatment of Offal, Deodorizing Offal for fertilizers, Treatment of Phosphates for fertilizers, Treat- ment of Privies, Cleaning Poudrette, Treatment of Sewage for fertilizers. Treat- ment of Sewer cleaners. 100 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION, CLASS 72. MASONRY. Masonry, Brick-work, Structures of Concrete, Plastering, Iron Houses. Arches. (See Class 14.) Basins for sewers. Beton, Structures of Brick- work of buildings. Cellar-floors. Centering for arches. (See Class 20.) Cistern covers. Cisterns. Cistern tops. Columns, (except Iron, Classic.) Concrete, Structures of Coping. Cornice, Metallic Culverts. Domes. Fire-proof building. Fire-proof floors. Fire-proof walls. Fire-proof walls, Portable Floats, Plasterers' Floors of stone or concrete. Fortifications, (except Earthworks, Class 37.) Foundations of stone or concrete. Garbage- sinks. Harbor defenses. Hawks. Hods. House-fronts, Iron House-fronts, Stone-facing Houses, Iron, (except Trusses, Girders, Piers, and Columns, Class II.) Iron facing for houses. Iron fronts foivhouses. Iron houses. Iron houses, Portable. Jails. Light-houses. Man -holes for sewers. Masonry. Molds for cornice. Mortar, Applications of Pise-building, Implements and modes for PI a st erin g- m achines. Plastering-tools. Portable houses, (metallic.) Privies. Sewers. Stone facing for houses. Stone fronts for houses. Stone and slate tanks, Construc- tion of Stone-work of buildings. Tanks for storage, Excavated Trowels, Bricklayers 7 Trowels, Plasterers' Trusses, Wood or iron. (See Class 14.) Vaults. Walls, (other than wooden.) CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 101 CLASS 73. MEASURING-ItfSTKUMENTS. Instruments of Precision, including Counting-machines and Begisters Meteorological Instruments, Measures and Measurers of dumber, Dis- tance, Weight, Capacity, Speed, Temperature, Moisture, &c. [Excepting — Drafting and Mathematical. .Class 33. Electrical Glass 36. Horological Class 58. Optical and Surveying Class 88.] Adding-machines. Alcoholmeters. Alkalimeters. Anemometers. Anemoscopes. Arithmometers. Balances. Ballistic pendulums. Barometers. Bilge water-gages. Bottles, Dropping Bottles, Graduated medicine Burettes. Calculating-machines. Coin-assorters. Coin-balances. Coin-counting machines. Coin detecting, Counterfeit Computing-tables. Counting-machines. Drop-meters. Dropping bottles. Dropping- tubes. Dynamometers. Eprouvettes. Eudiometers. Gages, Bilgewater Gages. Barrel-filling Gages, Measuring Gages, Begistering devices of pressure Gages, Bain Gages, Sliding Gages, Begistering devices of steam Gages, Begistering devices of steam-boiler Begistering devices of Gages, vacuum Gages, Begistering devices of water Gaging-instruments. Game-counters. Gas-meters, Begistering devices of Goniometers. Graduated glasses. Graduated measures. Grain-tallies. Grain-weighers. Hydrometers. Hydrostatic balances. Hygrometers. Hypsometers. Inclinometers. Indicators, Automatic station Indicators in cars. Automatic street Indicators, Leak Indicators, Lee- way Indicators, Begistering devices of steam-pressure Indicators, Weather Lactometers. Lee-way indicators. Letter-balances. Logs, Ships' Lumber-tallies. Measures, Board Measures, Cloth Measures, Dry Measures, Liquid Measures, Lumber Measures of capacity. Measures, Tailors' Measures, Tape 102 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. Measures, Tire Measuring devices of faucets. Measuring devices of fiumels. Measuring devices of pumps. Measuring-sticks. Medicine glasses, Graduated Meteorological instruments. Meters. Meters, Current Meters, Drop Meters, fluid, Kegistering devices of Meters, gas, Eegistering devices of Meters, liquid, Registering de- vices of Meters, spirit, Eegistering de- vices of Meters, Eegistering devices of water Odometers. Oleometers. Pedometers. Perambulators. Photometers. Pipettes. Planimeters. Plumbs. Pressure-indicators, Eegistering devices of steam Pyrometers. Reckoning-instruments. Recording-instruments, Eegisters. Registers, Billiard Eegisters, Counting Eegisters, Grain Registers, Measuring Eegisters, Passenger Eegisters, Printing-press Eegisters, Steam-engine Registers, Street-car Registers, Weighing Registering devices of fluid-meters. Registering devices of air, steam, and water gages. Rules, Measuring Saccharoineters. Salinometers. Scales, Sliding Scales, Tailors' Scales, Weighing Ships' logs. Sliding -gages. Sounding, Instruments for marine Specific-gravity apparatus. Speed-indicators. Spirometers. Squares. Steam-engine indicators. Steam-gages, Registering devices of Steam-pressure indicators, Regis- tering devices of Sphygmographs. Stethometers. Sympiesometers. Tables, Arithmetical Tables, Computing Tallies for grain, 1 timber, &c. Thermometers. Thermostats. Urinometers. Yanes. Velocimeters. Verniers. Votes, Instruments for recording Water-gages, Registering devices of Water-gages for steam-boilers, Registering devices of Water-meters, Registering de- vices of Weather-guides. Weighin g-apparatus. Weighing-buckets. Weighing-scales, CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 103 CLASS 74. MECHANICAL POWESS, Horse-powers, Arrangements of Gearing, Brakes for Machinery, Cranks, Pitmans, Treadles : Modes of Converting, Multiplying, and Transmitting Motion. [For Excavating see Class 37. Hoisting see Glass 57, Journals and Shafting. . see Glass 61. Mills . . . . . . see Glass 83. Presses . .see Glass 100.1 Animal powers. Bearings for machinery. (See Glass 61.) • Brakes for horse-powers. Brakes for machinery. Buildings, Moving Cam-rods. Cams, Variable Changing speed, Apparatus for Chirrn-powers. Claw-bars. Clutches, Rope Cog- gearing. Connecting-rods. Converting motion, Apparatus for Crank-connections. Crank-motions. Crank, Overcoming the dead- points of Crank-pins. Cranks. Crank, Substitutes for the Crow-bars. Differential levers. Dog-powers. Eccentrics. Fly-wheels. Gearing, Arrangements of Gibs for pitmans, etc. Harvester-gearing. (See Glass 56.) Hoisting-machines. * (See Glass 57.) Hooks for cam-rods. Horse-powers. Horse-powers, Endless chains for Horse-powers, Links for Horse-powers, Treads for In termit ten t-geari n g. Journals. (See Glass 6±.) Lever-powers. Levers, Differential Lubricators. (See Glass 61.) Mechanical movements. Mill-gearing. Mills. (See Glass 83.) Motion, Converting Motion, Multiplying Motion, Transmitting Motors, Mechanical Pawls and ratchets. Pen dulum-po wers. Pitman connections. Pitmans. Pitmans for harvesters. Pitmans for sewing-machines. Presses. (See Glass 100.) Reversing motion, Apparatus for Rope-clutches. Shafting. (See Glass 61.) Starting engines off their centers. Tide-powers. Traction- wheels. Transmitting motion, Apparatus for Treadle-machines. Treadles. Wheels, Fly 104 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 75. METALLURGY. Furnaces, Operations, Processes, and Machinery for the Reduction and Manufacture of Metals. Alloys. Amalgamators. (See Class 90.) Annealing metals. Assaying. Blast furnaces. Carboniziug furnaces. Case-hardening compounds. Case-hardening processes. Cementation furnaces. Coloring metals. Converting iron into steel. Copper furnaces. Cupola furnaces. Decarbonizing iron. Desulphurizing coal. Desulphurizing-furnaces. Desulphurizing ores. Enameling furnaces for metals. Files, Tempering Furnace-lining. Furnaces, Boiling Furnaces; Blast Furnaces, Catalan Furnaces, Copper Furnaces, Cupola Furnaces, Desulphurizing Furnaces for reducing metals. Furnaces for roasting ores. Furnaces for treatment of iron. Furnaces, Hot-blast Furnaces, Iron Furnaces, Lead Furnaces, Puddling* Furnaces, S melting- Furnaces, Zinc Iron, Manufacture of Malleable iron castings, Furnaces for Manufacture of aluminium. Manufacture of cobalt. Manufacture of copper. Manufacture of iron. Manufacture of lead. Manufacture of magnesium. Manufacture of nickel. Manufacture of potassium. Manufacture of sodium. Manufacture of steel. Manufacture of tin. Manufacture of zinc. Metallurgic furnaces. Metallurgic processes. Metals, Furnaces for reducing Metals, Manufacture of Metals, Purification of Ores, Calcining Ores, Desulphurizing Ores, Furnaces for reducing Ores, Oxidizing Ores, Roasting Ores, Smelting Puddling. Puddling furnaces. Puddling processes. Reducing furnaces, Metal Reducing processes, Mefcr.l Refining furnaces. Roasting ores. Saws, Tempering Sheet iron, Furnaces for Smelting furnaces. Steel, Compositions in manufac- turing Steel, Machinery in manufactur- ing Steel, Processes in manufactur- ing Tempering steel. Tempering tools. Welding compounds. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 105 METAL-WOEKING. Under the following heads: — Metal- working, 1. — Bending and Straightening .Class 70. Metal-working, 2. — Boring and Drilling Class 77. Metal-working. 3. — Forging, Swaging, and Eiveting. . .Class 78. Metal-working, 4. — Punching, Cutting, and Shearing. .Class 79. Metal-working, 5. — Rolling Class 80. Metal- working, 6. — Tools Class 81. Metal- working, 7. — Turning, Planing, and Milling. Class 82. See also — Bolts, Nuts, and Eivets Class 10. Casting Class 22. Files and Easps Class 40. Grinding and Polishing Class 51. Hardware Manufacture Class 53. [Thus subdivided : A. — Arms and Cutlery. B. — Builders' Hardware. C. — Carriage Hardware. D. — Furniture Hardware. E. — Personal Wear. F. — Saddle and Harness Hardware, G. — Shoeniakers r Hardware. H. — Spinning and Weaving Hardware. I. — Stationery and Miscellaneous Hardware. J. — Trunk and Carpet-bag Hardware, K. — Water and Gas Fittings.] Horse-shoes Class 59. Locks and Latches Class 70. Nails and Spikes ......... '. . Class 85. Needles and Pins Class 86. Plating Class 96. Eail way-track and Car-iron. .Class 107. Safes .Class 109. Saws Class 110. Sheet-metal Class 113. Tubing and Wire-making . ..Class 134. Wire-working Class 140. Wood Screws .............. Class 141. 10G CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 76. METAL-WORKING, 1. Bending and Straightening. Modes, Apparatus, Machines, Tools, and Appliances, (except as other wise specifically classified,) including— Angle-iron, Bending' or straight- ening Armor-plates, Bending or straight- en in g Bars, Bending or straightening Bending bars and plates. Bending rails. Corrugating plates, Plates, Bending metallic Plates, Corrugating metallic Plates, Straightening metallic Bails, Bending or straightening Rods, Bending or straightening Shafts, Bending or straightening Straightening bars and plates. Straightening gun-barrels. Straightening rails. Straightening rods and shafts. Twisting bars, rods, and fagots. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION, 107 CLASS 77. JSrETAL-WOEKIirG Boring and Drilling, Modes, Apparatus, Machines, Tools, and Appliances, (excepting thos otherwise specifically classified,) including— Annular boring-bits for metal, Boring cannon. Boring cylinders. Boring-machines, Metal Bow-drills. Countersink-tools for metal, Cylinders, Boring Drifts. Drill-bits. Drill-gages. Drilling-jigs. Drilling machines, Metal Drilling metals. Drill-rests, Metal Drills, Gages for Drills, Ratchet Drill-stocks, Drills, Twist Drills, Watchmakers 7 Expanding drills for metal. Ratchet-drills. Reamers for metal. Spiral stock-drills* Twist-drills. 108 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 78. METAL-WOEKING, 3. Forging*, Swaging, and Riveting. Modes, Apparatus, Machines, Tools, and Appliances, (except as other wise specially classified,) including — Anchors, Manufacture of Anvils, Manufacture of Axles, Manufacture of carriage Blacksmiths' forges. Blacksmiths' tool-stands. Boiler making, Steam Chain-making. Dies for swaging. Drop-hammers. Drop-presses. Forges, Portable Forging. Furnaces for blanks. Furnaces for skelps. Furnaces for tires. Gold-beating. Gun-carriages, Making of iron Hammers, Drop Hammers, Hydraulic Hammers, Pneumatic Hammers, Power Hammers, Steam Hammers, Water Olivers. Ordnance-manufacturing. Pneumatic hammers. Portable forges. Power -hammers. Pressing metals, scrap, &c. Riveting. Riveting-machines. Skelp and blank furnaces. Stamping-mills. Staving metals. Steam-hammers. Steam-hammers, Engines of (See Class 121.) Tire coolers. Swaging metals. Tires, Bending and upsetting- Tires, Making Upsetting-machines, Tire Upsetting metals. Yise-making, Machinists' Welding apparatus. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 109 CLASS 79. METAL-WORKING, 4. Punching, Cutting, and Shearing. Modes, Apparatus, Machines, Tools, and Appliances, (except as other- wise specifically classified,) including — Blanks from bars and plates, (Jut- ting Cutting blanks from bars or plates. Cutting planchets from bars or plates. Cummin g-saws. Planchets from bars and plates, Cutting Punching-machines for bar or plate. Saw- gummers. Saw-making. Saw-sets. Saw-swages. Shearin g-machines for bar or plate. Tube-sheets, Punching 110 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 30. METAL-WORKING, 5. Rolling- Machines, Modes, Tools, Apparatus, and Appliances, (except as other- wise specifically classified,) including— Angle-iron, Boiling Armor-plates, Rolling Bars and rods, Boiling Beams, Rolling Bundling scrap. Casting metal rules between roll- ers. Casting sheet metal between roll- ers, Chemical processes in sheet metal making. Die-rolling. Fagots and piles for rolling. Girder-bar, Rolling Hoop-iron, Rolling Horseshoe-bar, Rolling Lightin g-rods, Rolling Piles and fagots for rolling Rolling and Puddlers 7 balls, squeezing Railroad-railpieces, Piling Railroad-rails, Cappin g Railroad-rail s, Repairi n g Railroad rails, Re-rolling Railroad-rails, Rolling Rolling metals. "Russian'* sheet-iron, Imitations of Scrap, Bundling and rolling Sheet-iron, Chemical processes in manufacture of Sheet-iron, Rolling Sheet-iron, Scraping and cleansing Sheet-lead, Rolling Sheet-metal making. Sheet-metal planishing. Spike-bar rolling Squeezers for puddlers' balls. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION 111 CLASS 81. METAL-WORKING, 6, Tools. Under the following- heads: A. — Metal-working tools. B. — Manufacture of metallic tools for purposes other than metal working. A^—Metal-icorMng tools for hand use, {not elsewhere specially classified,] and their analogues, including the manufacture of the same. Blacksmiths' tools. Boiler-makers" tools, Bolt-cutters. Clinchers. Blacksmiths' Cutters, Bolt Cutters. Pipe Cutters. Bod Farriers' tools. Boot-rests for horses. Gas-litters' tools. Hand-ha mm ers. Hand-vises. Hoof-spre a ders, Jewelers' tools, Jeweling watches, Tools for Locksmiths' tools. Machinists' tools. Metal-working tools, Monkey-wrenches, Pipe-cutters. Pipe-tongs. Pipe- wrenches. Plumbers' tools. Ratchet- wrenches. Rod-cutters. Sheet-metal workers' tools. Skoeing-tools, Blacksmiths" Squares, Making Tinners' tools. Tongs, Blacksmiths 7 Tongs, Pipe Tube-expanders. Vises, Machinists 5 Watchmakers' tools. "Wrenches, Monkey Wrenches, Pipe B.—Iool-Manufactufe.—The making of Metallic Tools, or parts of Tools, and Implements, for Working in the Earth, in Wood, Stone, Clay, Mor- tar, Leather, and Glass ; the making of iron parts of Harvesters and other Agricultural Machinery. Adzes. Manufacture of Agricultural tools of metal, Man- ufacture of Angers, Manufacture of Axes. Manufacture of Bricklayers" tools. Manufacture of Cabinet-makers' tools of metal, Manufacture of Carpenters" tools of metal, Manu- facture Of «» Chisels. Manufacture of Clay-working tools. Manufacture of Coopers' tools. Manufacture of Cutlery, Manufacture of (See- Glass 53, Section A.) Edge-tools, (not cutlery,) Manu- facture of Farm implements of metal, Man- ufacture of Gardeners' implements of metal. Manufacture of Glass-working tools, Manufacture of Joiners' tools, Manufacture of Leather-working tools, Manufac- ture of 112 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. Lumbermen's tools, Manufacture of Miners' tools, Manufacture of Shipwrights' tools, Manufacture of Stone-working tools, Manufacture of Track-layers' tools, Manufacture of Trowels, Manufacture of Tuyeres, Manufacture of Wheelwrights' tools of metal, Man- ufacture of Wood- workers' tools of metal, Man- ufacture of CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 113 CLASS 82. METAL-WORKING, 7. Turning, Planing, Slotting, and Milling. (Except as otherwise specifically stated,) including — Burr-cutters. Centering-plates. Centering-tools. Chucks for metal-lathes. Cutter-stocks for metal-planers. Cutting-tools for lathes and pla- ners. Dogs for metal-lathes and planers. Engine-lathes. Gear cutting machines. Groove cutting machines. Key-seat cutting-machines. Lathes for milling. Lathes for turning. Lathes for screw-cutting. Lathe* for watchmakers. Mandrels. Milli n g- m achin es. Planers. Plauing-machines, Metal Rests for metal-lathes. Rifling- ma chines. Rose engines. Screw-cutting lathes. Shaping-machines, Metal Slotting- ma chines, Metal Tool-holders for lathes. Tool-rests for lathes. Tools for metal-lathes, Turning Turning cannon. Turning balls, bullets, and shells. Turning gun-barrels. Turning-lathes, Metal Type-cutting machines. Watchmakers' lathes. 114 CLxYSSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 83. MILLS. Grinding-Mills for Bark, Cane, Grain, Paint, Sugar ; Flour-bolts, Smut and Hulling Mills. [Excepting Clay and Mortar Mills Class 25. Fruit Mills and Presses Class 100. Ore-mills and Stone-critshers . .Class 90.1 Alarms, Grist Bag-fasteners. Bag- holders. Balance-rynds. Bark-mills. Bolting meal, &c. Bolts, Flour Bran-dnsters. Burrs, Metallic Cane-mills. Cider-mills. (See Class 100.) Coffee-cleaning machines. Coffee-mills. Coffee-polishers. Corn-mills. Drug-mills. Exhaust for millstones. Feed regulators for mills. Flour-bolts. Flour-coolers. Flour-mills. Flour-packers. (See Class 100.) Grain-bagging. Grain -bruisers. Grain cleaners for mills. Grain-conveyors. (See Class 57.) Grain-dam peners. Grain-distributors for mills. Grain-elevators. (See Class 57.) Grain-feeders. Grain for grinding, Preparing Grain-mills. Grain -spouts for mills. Grain tollers. Grinding plates for mills. Grist alarms. Gunpowder-mills. Hominy-machines. Hopper-boys. Hopper-shoes for mills. Hulling-machines. Huskers, Corn Leveling millstones. Millers' alarms. Mill gearing. (See Classic.) Millstone-bridges. Mill stone- curbs. Millstone dress. Millstone-eyes. Millstones. Millstones, Balancing Millstones, Dressing Millstones, Elevating Millstones, Hanging Millstones, Leveling Millstones, Regulating Millstones, Supporting Millstones, Tramming Millstones, Ventilating Paint-mills. Paint- mullers. Pea-nut cleaners. Picks, Millstone (See Class 125. Powder-mills. Pug-mills. (See Class 25.) Regulators for millstones. Rice-cleaning machines. Rice-hullers. Rice-polishers. Sack fasteners. Scouring-machines. Shelters, Corn Smut-machines. Smut-mills. Sorghum-mills. Spice-mills. Spindles, Mill Stone-breakers. (See Class 90.) Sugar cane mills. Sugar-mills. Tolling devices for grain-mills. Tramming millstones. Tram-staff's for mills. Ventilating millstones. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 115 CLASS 84. MUSIC. Instruments, Attachments, and Accessories. Accordeons. Banjos. Cabinet-organs. Chiroplasts. Clarinets. Cornets. Cymbals. Dampers for musical instruments. Drums. Dulcimers. Eolians. Fifes. Flageolets. Flutes. Guitars. Harmoniums. Harps. Key-boards for musical instru- ments. Keys for musical instruments. Knee-swells for organs. Leaf-turners for music-books. Melodeons. Music. Musical instruments. ♦ Musical notation. Music- boxes. Organ actions. Organ- bellows. Organ-couplers. Organ key- boards. Organ-pipes. Organs. Organ sound-boards. Organ- stops. Organs, Tremolo attachments to Organ-swells. Organ-tuning. Organ wind-chests. Piano-forte actions. Piano-forte attachments. Piano-forte cases. Piano-forte frames. Piano-forte keys. Piano-fortes. Piano-fortes combined with reed instruments. Piano-forte sounding-boards. Piano-fortes, Scales for Pianofortes, Stringing Piano-fortes, Swell-attachment to Piano-fortes, Tuning Reed instruments. Stringed instruments. Strings for musical instruments. Sounding-boards for musical in- struments. Swells for musical instruments. Tremolo-attachments for musical instruments. Trumpets. Tuning instruments. Violin-attachments. Violin-bows. Violins. Violin-screws. Violin sound-boards. Violoncellos. Wind-chests for organs. Wind instruments. 116 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 85. NAILS. Nails, Spikes, Tacks, and Staples, and Machines for making. Blind-staples. Capping nails and screws. Cut-nails. Dies for making spikes and nails. Horseshoe-nails. Horseshoe-nails, Machines for mak- ing Leathering tacks. Nail-plate feeders. Nails. Nails, Cut Nail-distributing machines. Nails, Machines for making Nails, Wrought Picture-knobs, Picture- nails. Railroad- spikes. Sheathing nails. Shoe-nails. Spikes. Spikes, Machines for making- Spikes, Self-clenching Staples. Staples, Machines for making Tacks. Tacks, Leathering Tacks, Machines for making Wrought-nails. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 117 CLASS 86. NEEDLES AND PINS. The Manufacture and Preparation for market. Crochet-needles, Making Hair-pins, Making Knitting-burs, Making Knitting-needles, Making Needles, Machines for making Needles, Machines for papering Pins, Machines for making Pins, Machines for papering Sewing-machines needles, Mak- 118 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 87. OIL, FAT, AND GLUE, Including Glycerine, Paraffine, Soap, Wax, and Candles. Ash-leaches. Blanching oils, nits, wax, &c. Candle machinery. Candle-making. Candle-molds. Caudle-molds, Compositions for Candles. Caudles, Compositions for Dubbing. Tats, Treatment of Fish-oil, Treatment of Gelatine. Gl iie-cutting machines. Glue dryers. (See Class 34.) Glue-making. Glue pots. {See Class 126.) Glycerine. Grease from slush, Separating Horn, Artificial Isinglass. Lard- coolers. Lard-oil presses. (See Class 100.) Lard- oil rendering- tanks. Lard-presses. (See Class 100.) Lard-renderers. Leaches, Ash Lye-extracts* Offal, Treating Oil extracting, Chemical modes of Oil-filters. Oil-presses. (See Class 100.) Oils and fats from fiber and meal, Removing Oils, Kenning. (See Class 124.) Oil-stills. (See Class 124.) Oleometers. (See Class 73.) Pans for manufacturing glue. Paraffine. Presses for oils, stearine, fats, &c. (See Class 100.) Eendering lard and tallow. Soap. Soap-cutting machines. Soap-making machines. Soap-making processes. Starch. (See Class 8.) Stearine. Tallow, Treatment of Washing compositions. Wax-cutting machines. Wax, Treatment of Wool, Removing suint and grease from CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 119 CLASS 88. OPTICS. Astronomical, Optical, and Surveying Instruments. Achromatic glasses. Altimeters. Altitude instruments. Astronomical instruments. Azimuth instruments. Cameras. Cameras, Photographic Cameras, Solar Catoptric lights. Chains, Surveyors' Circu m fer en tors . Collimators. Compasses, Surveyors' Delineators of grades and routes. Departure and distance instru- ments. Dioptric lights. Eye glasses. Heliometers. Heliostats. Heliotropes. Horizons, Artificial Lanterns, Magic Latitude, Instruments for deter- mining Lenses. Levels. Level-staffs. Longitude, Instruments for deter- mining Lorgnettes. Magic-lanterns. Magnifying-glasses. Meridian-finders. Micrometers. Microscopes. Octants. Odometers. (See Glass 73.) Opera-glasses. Optical instruments. Pedometers. (See Class 73.) Perambulators. (See Class 73.) Photographic cameras. Plane-tables. Polariscopes. Polarizing-apparatus. Prisms. Profiling-apparatns. Quadrants. Reflec ting-circles. Sextants. Solar cameras. Spectacles. Stereoscopes. Surveying instruments. Surveyors' chains. Surveyors' marks. Telescopes. Theodolites. Transit instruments. Tripods, Surveyors' 120 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 89. ORDNANCE. [Except Projectiles, Class 102.] Artillery. Artillery-carriages. Breech-loading cannon, Bushings for gun-vents. Cannons. Cannon-sights. Carriages for artillery. Centrifugal guns. Chassis for guns. Counterpoise gun-carriages. Disabling ordnance, Instruments for Gas-checks for breech-loading ordnance. Gun-carriages. Gun-carriages, Counterpoise Gun-chassis. Gun-platforms. Locks for ordnance. Machine-guns. Mantelets. Mitrailleuses. Mortars. Mounting ordnance. Operating ordnance. Ordnance. Ordnance, Attaching trunnions to Ordnance, Instruments for dis- abling Ordnance, Mounting Ordnance, Operating Quoins for ordnance. Rammers for ordnance. Revolving breech-cannon. Rifled ordnance. Sights for ordnance. Sponges for ordnance. Submarine ordnance. Tompions. Traverses of guns. Valves for submarine ordnance. Vents of ordnance. Vent-stoppers. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 121 CLASS 90. ORE. Apparatus, Machines, and Processes for crushing and grinding Ore, Stone, Coal, or Bone 5 for separating Ores of precious metals, mechanic- ally or by amalgamation. Amalgamators. Arrastras. Bone mills. Coal-breakers, Coal-washers. Disintegrating ores. Gold washers. Jiggers. Marble- crushing machines. Ore-crushers. Ore-disintegrators. Ore-dressers. Ore-mills. Ore-separators. Ore-stamps. Ore- washers. Plaster-mills. Quartz-mills. Sand- washer. Stamping-mills, Stone-breakers. Stone-crushers. Washers, Gold Washing-tables, 122 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 91. PAINT Paints, Pigments, Varnishes, Lacquers, and Staining Compositions, and their Manufacture ; Painted and Enameled Fabrics; Lining Barrels; Leaf-gilding. Air, Fire, and Water Proofing Fabrics and Processes. Air-proofing processes. Artificial leather. Barrel-lining. Barrels impervious to liquids, Kendering Barrels, Pitching Brushes. (See Class 15.) Coating and lining barrels. Enameling of cloth. Enameling of leather. Fire-proofing compounds. Fire-proofing processes. Floor-cloth. Gas-tubing. Gilding, Leaf Gum resins, Treatment of Imitation leather. Ink, Printers' Japanning cloth. Japanning leather. Japanning wood. Lacquers. Lampblack. Leather, Artificial Leather-cloth. Leather, Enameling Leather, Japanning (See Class 15.) [See Class 126.) (except Brushes, Metallic surfaces, Compositions for coating Oil-cloth. Paint-brushes. Paint-burners. Painted fabrics. Painters' tools, Class 15.) Painting-machines. Paint-mills. (See Class 83.) Paint-pot hangers. Paints. Paints, Apparatus for compound- ing Paints, Apparatus for mixing Pigments. Pigments, Manufacture of Priming for paint. Sand-blowers. (See Class 98.) Staining. Varnishes. Varnishing-machines. Water-proofing compounds. Water-proofing processes. White-lead machinery. White-lead processes. Zinc, white, processes and ma- chinery. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 123 CLASS 92. PAPER-MAKING. Manufacture of Paper, Card-board, &c, and of Articles direct from the pulp. Beater-engines. Bed -plates of Bag-engines. Binders' boards. Boxes direct from pulp, Making paper Card-board. Enameling paper. Flocking paper. Glazing paper. Mill-board. Paper. Paper, Calendering Paper, Drying Paper, Enameling Paper, Flocking Paper- making machines. Paper, Materials for Paper, Processes of making Paper-pulp. Paper-pulping machines. Paper-sizing. Paper water proofing. Papier-mache. Paste-board. Pul ping-machines. Pulp, Beducing materials to Bag-engines. Boofing paper. Safety-guards in paper. Straw-boards. Straw for paper, Treating Tobacco-paper. Vegetable parchment. Wall-paper. (See Class 101.) Water-marks in paper. Waterproofing paper. Wood for paper. Treating 124 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 93. PAPER MANUFACTURES. Articles of Paper, Appliances, Machines, Processes, and Tools for manufacturing articles of Paper. Apparel, Paper Envelopes and letter sheets Bag machines, Paper combined. Book-folders. Feeders, Paper Box machines, Paper Floor-cloth, Paper Collars, Machines for boxing Label-machines, Paper paper Lace-paper machines. Collars, Machines for cutting out Newspaper-folders. paper Paper-apparel. Collars, Machines for embossing Paper-bag machines. paper Paper-bags. Collars, Machines for folding Paper-box machines. paper Paper-boxes. Collars, Machines for patching Paper-collars. button-holes of paper Paper-cuffs. Collars, Machines for planishing Paper-cutters. paper Paper-cutting machines. Collars, Machines for punching Paper-envelope machines. paper Paper-feeders. Collars, Machines for Shaping Paper floor-cloth. paper Paper-folders. Collars, Packing-envelopes for Paper-labels, Manufacture of paper Paper, Lace Collars, Paper Paper-manufactures. Cuffs, Paper Paper-perforating machines. Cutters, Paper Paper-tags, Manufacture of Envelope-making machines. Paper-twine. Envelopes. Tag-machines, Paper Wall-paper trimmers. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 125 CLASS 94. PAVING. Materials, Compositions and Varieties, Streets and Sidewalks, Mak- ing, Repairing, and Sweeping. Asphalt and wood pavements combined. Asphalt pavements. Cement floors. Cement paving. Coal-hole covers. Coal-hole guards. Coal-traps in pavements. Concrete pavement. Concrete pavement, Devices for laying Curbs, Pavement Floors, Cement Garbage-boxes in pavement. Gutter-clearers. Gutters, Pavement Inlets to sewers. Iron and wood pavements com- bined. Iron pavements. Laying pavements. Pavements, Asphalt Pavements, Composition Pavements, Concrete Pavements, Iron Pavements, Stone Pavements, Wooden Paviors' tools, machines, and pro- cesses. Paving compositions. Paving-tiles. (See Class 25.) Rammers, Paviors' Road- paving. Road-rollers. Roughening pavements. Sidewalks. Stone, Artificial. (See Class 125.) Stone, Manufacture of paving. (See Class 125.) Street -levelers. Street-paving. Street rammers. Street-scrapers. Street-sweepers. Tiles. (See Class 25.) Traps for gutters. Traps in pavements, Coal Vault-covers. Vault-lights. Wood and asphalt pavements combined. Wood and iron pavements com- bined. Wood and stone pavements com- bined. Wooden pavements. 126 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION, CLASS 95. PHOTOGRAPHY, Instruments and Processes. Albumenizibg paper. Cameras, Photographic. (See Class S$.) Cameras, Solar. (See Class 88.) Camera-stands. Developing, Photographic Head- rests, Photographic Helio types. Photogalvanography. Photographic apparatus. Photographic cameras. (See Class 88.) Photographic paper. Photographic plate-holders. Photographic printing. Photographic prints, Coloring Photographic processes. Photographic toning. Photography. Photoli th ography . Photo-sculpture. Picture-holders, Photographic Printing- frames, Photographic Solar cameras. (See Class 88.) Stereoscopes. (See Class 88.) CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION 127 CLASS 96. PLATING. Metals on Metals. Buttons. Gilding Coating metallic surfaces. Electro-plating. Electro typing. Galvanizing metals. Gilding. Glass-gilding. Glass-platinizing. Glass-silvering. Lead-pipe lining by electro-plat- ing process. Metals with metals, Coating Moire metalliqoe. Platinizing. Silvering. Silver-plating. Tinning. 128 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 97. PLOWS. Machines for Breaking, Digging, Trenching, and Paring the Soil, Cultivating Crops, and Digging Roots. [Manufacture of Agricultural Tools, etc., of Metal, see Class 81, Section B.] Bog-cutters, Corn-coverers. Cotton -choppers. Cotton-scrapers. Cotton-toppers. Cultivator-teeth. Cultivators. Cultivators, Frames for Cultivators, Wheel Cutters, Sod Diggers, Peanut Diggers, Potato Diggers, Root D i ggiu g-m achi n es. Ditching-plows. Double shovel-plows. Drain in g- plows. Furrowing-machines. Gang-plows. Garden -walks, Machines for scraping Hand -plows. Hoeing-machines. Hoes, Horse Horse-hoes. Land paring machines. Mold-boards for plows. Mold-boards, Materials for Mole-plows. Plow- beams. Plow-cleaners. Plow clevises. Plow-colters. Plow-holders. Plow- irons. Plow-landsides. Plow mold- boards. Plow-points. Plow-regulators. Plows, Ditching Plows, Double mold-board Plows, Double-shovel Plows, Draining Plows, Drain-tile Plows, Expanding Plows, Gang Plows, Garden Plows, Hand Plowshares Plows, Hill-side Plows, Marking Plows, Mole Plow-soles. Plows, Paring Plows, Prairie Plows, Rotary Plows, Seeding Plows, Single-shovel Plow- standards. Plows, Steam Plows, Subsoil Plows, Sulky Plows, Tile-laying Plows, Wheel Plow wheel colters. Potato-digging machines. Root-diggers. Rotary spaders. Scrapers, Cane Scrapers, Cotton Shovel-plows. Single-shovel plows. Sleds for furrowing ground. Sod -cutters. Spading-machines. Steam-cultivators. Steam -plows. Steam spading-machines. Subsoil plows. Sweet potato cultivators. Tile-laying machines. Turf-cutting machines. Vine cutter, Potato- CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 129 CLASS 98. PNEUMATICS. Mechanical Applications of Air and other Elastic Fluids ; Ventilation. [Except Valves, Class 136.] \For Manufacture of Pipe and Gas-fittings, see Glass 53, Section K.] Aerial cars. Aerostats. Aero steam-engines. (See Glass 121.) Air and gas meters. Air-blast. Air chambers. Air-compressing machines and appliances. Air-cushions. Air-engines. Air-filters. Air-guns. Air-heating traps for air-engines. Air-meters. Air-pumps. Ammonia engines. Atmospheric motors. Balloons. Bellows. Bellow-nozzles. Blast-machines. Blast-regulators. Blowers. Blowers for furnaces. Blowers for organs. Blowers, Steam Blowing apparatus for glass-mak- ers. Blow-pipes. Blow-pipes for glass-workers. Caloric engines. Carbonic acid gas-engines, tors.) Car-brakes, Pneumatic Compressed air-engines. Dust from cars, Excluding Engines, Air E n gines, Air-compressing Engines, Ammonia Engines, Blast Engines, Caloric Engines, Carbonic acid Engines, Compressed air Engines, Gas 9 (mo- Engines, Gunpowder Engines, Vapor, (except steam.) Exhaust-fans. Fan -blowers. Flying-machines. Foot-bellows. Forge-bellows. Gas-compressing machines. Gas-engines. Gas-meters. Gas-pumps. Gunpowder-engines. Hot-air engines. Hot- blast engines. Meters, Air Meters, Gas Meters, Registering devices of (See Class 73.) Piston-blowers. Pneumatic dispatch-tubes. (See Glass 104.) Pneumatic railways. (See Class 101.) Railways, Pneumatic. (See Class 104.)' Rock-drills, Air-engines for Rotary-blowers. Sand blowers. Tuyeres. Valves. (See Class 136.) Vapor-engines, (except steam.) Ventilation by heated air. Ventilation by hot water. Ventilation by steam. Ventilation of cars. Ventilation of halls. Ventilation of houses. Ventilation of mines. Ventilation of ships. Ventilators. Ventilators, Plenum Ventilators, Vacuum Wind-mills. Wind wheels. 130 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 99. PRESERVING FOOD. Preservative Processes and Hermetical Packages. [Excepting Bottling Class 1. Drying and Smoking. . Class 34. Refrigerating Class 62.] Acids, Air-tight packages for Air-tight cans, jars, and pack- ages. Alkalies, Air-tight packages for Bottle-stoppers. (See Class 1.) Cans, Air-tight. Cans for preserving provisions. Can tops, caps, aud stoppers. Chemical preparation of food. Chemicals, Air-tight packages for Condensing milk. Ciuing meat and fish, (except Smoking and Drying, Class 34.) Drying fruit. (See Class 34.) Eggs, Preserving Pish, Cans for packing Fish-carrying boxes. Fish-flakes. (See Class 34.) Food, Cans, jars, and air-tight packages for Food, Chemical preparation of Food, Hermetically sealed pack- ages for Fruit-cans. Fruit-cars. Fruit-jars. Fruit cellars and houses. Fruit-chambers. Fruits, Chemical preparation of Hermetically sealed packages for provisions. Ice-houses and refrigerators. (See Class 62.) Jars for fruit, meat, &c. Jars, Self sealing Meat cans and jars. Meat-curing. Meat-packing. Meats, Compositions for preserv- ing Meats, Processes for preserving Milk, Air-tight packages for Milk, Condensing Oil-cans, Air-tight Oil-tanks, Sealed Oyster-cans. Packing houses, Meat Paint-cans, Air-tight Powder-cans, Air-tight Preserving-cans. Preserving-cars. Preserving-Louses. Preserving processes for food. Provision cans, jars, &c, Air-tight Provision -cars. Refrigerating processes. (See Class 62.) Refrigerators. (See Class 62.) Sealing cans and jars. Smoke-houses. (See Class 34.) Smoking meat and fish. (See Class 34.) Yegetables, Preserving CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 100. PRESSES. Except Printing and Hydraulic Presses. Automatic presses. Bale-ties and hoops. Baling bay. Baling-presses. Beater-presses. Blubber-presses. Box- packing presses. Broom-corn presses. Bundling-presses for yarns and threads. Chain-testers. Cheese-presses. Cider-mills. Cider-presses. Cloth-presses. Compressors for re-baling. Cotton-bale ties. Cotton-presses. Dry- goods packers. Filterin g-presses. Fleece- tables and tyers. Flour-packers. Fruit-packers. Fruit-presses. Grape-presses. Gunpowder-presses. Hayp-resses. Hoop-locks. Hoop-strainers. Hop presses. Hot-presses for fabrics and paper. Hydraulic presses. (See Glass 103.) Lard- oil presses. Lard-presses. Mats for oil presses. Meat-presses. Oil- cake trimmers. Oil-mills. Oil-presses. Packers for flour, fruit, sugar, salt, etc. Packing-bands. Peat-presses. Portable presses. Press and strainer combined. Printing-presses. (See Class 101.) Re-baling presses. Roping bales. Salt-packers. Screw-presses. Spring-testing presses. Steam-finishing presses for cloth. Steam plates for cloth-presses. Stearine-presses. Strainer-presses. Sugar-packers. Sugar -presses. Ties for bales. Tobacco-presses. Wheel-presses, (not Hydraulic, Class 103.) Wine-presses. Wool packers. Wool-presses. Wool-tyers. Yarn-presses. 132 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 101. PRINTING. Appliances and Supplies of the Printing Office, Type, Stereotype, and Electrotype. Addressing-machines. Address-stamps. Black-leading machines for elec- trotyping. Calico-printing machines. C aoutehouc-printin g. Color-printing. Composing-machines. Composing-sticks. Compositors' appliances. Compositors' cases. Copper-plate presses. Copper-plate printing. Curved printing-surfaces, Making Damping machines, Paper- Distributiug-machines. Electro typing, Producing the ma- trix for Eabrics, Printing Floor-cloth printing. Flyers for printing-presses. Furniture, Printers' Gage-pins for tyinpan-sheets. Galley -rests. Galleys. Glass, Printing Hand-stamps. Hat-printing machines. Inking apparatus. In king-rollers, Compositions for Lapping, Printers'" Lead- cutters. (See Class 113, Sec- tion A.) Lithographic presses. Mechanical typographers. Mitering printers' rules. (See Class 113, Section A.) Newspaper-folders. (See Class 93.) Numbering-machines. Oil cloth printing. Paging-machines. Paper-dampers. Porcelain, Printing Post-office letter-stamping appa- ratus. Presses. Presses, Canceling Presses, Copper-plate Presses, Copying- Presses, Embossing Presses for obtaining relief-print- ing surfaces. Presses, Hand printing Presses, Lithographic Presses, Printing Presses, Seal Printers' blankets. Printers' blankets, Washing Printers' boxes. Printers' cases. Printers' furniture. Printers' lapping. Printers' quoins. Printers' rollers. Printers' rules. Printers' spaces, Cutting and mitering. (See Class 113, Sec- tion A.) Printing cloth. Printing floor-cloth. Printing oil-cloth. Printing-presses. Printing-processes. Printing-surfaces. Printing surfaces, Presses for ob- taining relief- Printing wall-paper Printing- wheels. Quoins, Printers' Register-points for printing- presses. Revenue- stamp cancelers. Rollers, Printers' Rubber type. Rule-cutters. (See Class 113, Sec- tion A.) Rules, Printing Seals. Skirts, Printing Spaces for printers. Spool-printing. Stamp-cancelers. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 133 Stamps, Address Stamps, Branding Stamps, Hand Stamps, Post-office Stamps, Seal Stencil-printing machines. Stereotype molds, Machines for producing Stereotyping. Stereotyping, Compositions for Stereotyping, Processes for Tags. Printing- Turtles. Type. Type, Casting Type, Composing Type, Distributing Type, Flexible Type-finishing. Type-founding. Type-scouring. Type-setting. Type- writing machines, Typography, Wall-paper printing. 134 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION". CLASS 102. PROJECTILES. Balls, Bombs, Bullets, Cartridges, Fuses, Backets, Shell, Shot, and Torpedoes ; Blasting. Ammunition cases. Balls for cartridges. Balls for fire arms. Balls for ordnance. Blasting-cartridges. Blasting-compounds. (See Class 52.) Blasting-fuses. Blasting-plugs. Blasting rock. Bomb lances. Bullet-pressing machines. (See Class 53 A.) Bullets. Bullets, Lubricating Canister-shot. Cap-boxes, Percussion Carcasses. Cartridge-filling machines. Cartrid ge-hol ders Cartridge-linings. Cartridge-pouches. Cartridge-priming machines. Cartridges. Cartridges, Blasting. Cartridges, Compositions for. (See Class 52.) Cartridges for fire-arms. Cartridges for ordnance. Cartridge-shells, Making. (See Class 53 A.) Cartridges, Metallic Cartridges, Priming Cartridge-wrappers. Compositions for coating projec- tiles. Compositions for packing projec- tiles. Concussion-fuses. Explosive balls. Explosive projectiles. Flasks, Powder Friction-primers. Fuses, Blasting Fuses, Concussion Fuses, Firing Fuses, Safety Fuses, Tape Fuses, Time Grape-shot. Grenades. Gun- wads. Hand-grenades. Harpoons, Gun Incendiary shells. Lances, Bomb Lubricators for projectiles. Oil-wells, Blasting Oil-wells, Torpedoes for Ordnance-proj ectiles. Packing projectiles. Percussion-cap-filling machines. Percussion-cap holders. Percussion-cap-lining machines. Percussion-caps. Percussion-cap shells. (See Class 53 A.) Percussion-cartridges. Percussion-shells. Powder-flask chargers. Powder-flasks. Primers. Primers, Friction Projectiles, Casting. (See Class 22.) Projectiles, Compositions for coat- ing and packing Projectiles for fire-arms. Projectiles for ordnance. Bock-blasting. Rocket- harpoons. Rockets, War Sabots for projectiles. Safety -fuses. Shell-fuses. Shells. Shells, Incendiary Shot. Shot-cartridges. Shot-chargers. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 135 Shot, Making. (Pressed, Class 53 Tape-primers. A.) Time-fuses. Shot, Making. (Cast, Class 22.) Torpedoes. Shot-pouches. Torpedoes for oil-wells. Spherical-ease shot. Torpedoes, Submarine Tape-fuses. Wad punches. (See Class 24.) 136 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 103. PUMPS. Water-elevators, Hydraulic Engiues, Jacks, Meters, Presses and Rains ; Water and Spirit Meters, Injectors, and Ejectors. [ For Manufacture of Valves and Stop-cocks, see Class 136 ; for Manufac- ture of Water -pipe Fittings, see Class 53, Section K.} Beer-fountains. Beer pumps. Cellars, Draining. Cistern-pumps. Draining cellars. Drawing liquids. Ejectors, Liquid Elevators, Water Fire-engines, Hydraulic Fountain-levers. Fountains, Beer Gas-meters. (See Class 98.) Hydraulic buffers. Hydraulic elevators. Hydraulic engines. Hydraulic jacks. Hydraulic meters. Hydraulic motors. Hydraulic presses. Hydraulic rams. Injectors for steam-boilers. Jacks, Hydraulic Liquid-meters. Meters, Liquid Meters,, Begistering devices for. (See Class 73.) Meters, Spirit Meters, Water Presses, Hydraulic Pump-brakes. Pump-motions. Pump piston-rods. Pump-pistons. Pumps Pumps, Pumps, Pumps. Puinps, Air. (See Class 98.) Pumps, Cattle Pumps, Centrifugal Pumps, Chain Pumps, Circular brake Pumps, Double-acting Pumps, Feed , Force Hydraulic-press Lift Pumps, Oil Pumps, Oscillating Pumps, Packing for Pumps, Botary Pumps, Skips' Pumps, Submerged Pumps, W^ater Pumps, Wind-propelled Bams, Water Begistering devices for meters. (See Class 73.) Spirit- meters. Steam fire-engines. (For Engines, see Class 121.) Steam-pumps. (For Engines, see Class 121.) Stop-cocks. (See Class 136.) Syringes. Valves. (See Class 136.) Water-elevators. Water-rams. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 137 CLASS 104. RAILWAYS. -1. TEE "WAY." Elevated, Pneumatic, Portable, and Street Railways; Crossings, Frogs, Gates, Guards, Joints, Eails, Splices, Switches, &c. [For Manufacture of Railway Tracks, Irons, etc., see Class 107; Boiling Railway Rails, see Class 80.] Bumping-posts. Car-replacers. Cattle-guards. Chairs, Eailway Crossings, Eailway Elevated railways. Fish-bars, Eailway Frogs, Eailway Gates, Eailway Guards, Eailway Joints, Railway Platforms, Eailway Pneumatic dispatch-tubes. Pneumatic railways. Portable railways. Eails, Eailway Eailway bumping-posts. Eailway cattle-guards. Eailway-chairs. E ail way-crossings. Eailway fish -bars. Eailway -frogs. Eail way-gates. Eailway -joints. Railway-rails. Eailways, Eailway safety-guards. Eailways, Elevated Eailway-sleepers. Eailway splice-pieces. Eailways, Pneumatic Eailways, Portable Eailways*, Street Eailways, Track -laying Eail way- switches. Eail way-ties. Railway-track layers. Railway-track platforms. Eailway turn-outs. Eailway turn-tables. Rope-ways. Safety-guards for railway-tracks. Sleepers, Railway Splice-pieces, Railway Street railways. Switches, Railway Ties, Eailway Track-laying railways. Track -raisers, Eailway Turn-out, Eailway Turn-tables, Eailway Wire- ways. 138 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION CLASS 105. RAILWAYS, 2- Cars, their Varieties and Interior Fittings. [Manufacture of Railway -car Irons, see Class 107. Adhesion-cars. Baskets, Car Berths, Car Box-ears. Car- eon eh es. Car-roofs. Cars, Adhesion Cars, Box Cars, Cattle Cars, Coal Cars, Dummy Cars, Dumping Car-seats. Cars Cars Cars, Cars, Cars, Cars, Cars, Cars, Cars, Cars, Cars, Freight Gravel Hand Petroleum Revolving Safety Sleeping Stock Street Tank Wrecking Car-windows. Cattle-cars. Coal-cars. Couches for railway-cars. Dummy-ears. Dumping cars. Freight-cars. Grain-cars. Gravel cars. Hand-cars. Mail-bag receiving and delivering apparatus. Petroleum -cars. Platform-cars. Revolving-cars. Safety-cars. Seats for railway-cars. Sleeping-cars. Stock cars. Street-cars. Tank-cars. Windows for railway-cars. Wrecking- cars. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 139 CLASS 10G. RAILWAYS, 3. Car- mountings and Exterior Fittings. Manufacture of Raihvay-car Irons, see Class 107.) Axle-boxes for railway-cars. Axles, Car Boxes, Railway-axle Brakes. Car Buffers, Car Bumpers, Car Cabs for railway-cars. Car-axle boxes, Car-axles. Car-brakes. Car-brakes, Automatic Car-brake shoes. Car- brakes, Pneumatic. (See Class 121.) Car-brakes, Steain-actuated. (See Class 121.) Car-buffers. • Car-bumper springs. Car-cabs. Car-couplings. Car draw-bars. Car draw-heads. Car-pedestals. Car-platforms. Car- springs, Car stake-holders. Car-standards, Car- starters. Car-truck frames. Car-trucks. Car-trasses. Car-wheels. Couplings, Car Cow-catchers. Draw- bars for railway-cars. Platform-bridges for railway-cars. Platforms for railway-cars. Plows, Snow Pneumatic car-brakes. (See Class 121.) Safety-guards for car-platforms. Safety-guards on cars. Snow-plows. Springs, Car Steam actuated car-brakes. (See Class'12l.) Track-clearers. Trucks, Car Wheels, Car 140 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 107. RAILWAY-IROIS, MAKTUFACTURE OF Railway Track and Car-irons, Tires, Wbeels, and Iron Fittings. Axle-boxes, Making railway-car Axles, Making railway-car Axle, Making locomotive Car- wheels, Making wrought Chairs, Making railway Crossings for railways, Making Fish -bars for railways, Making Frogs for railways, Making Loeomotive^axles, Making Locomotive-frames, Making Railway-car irons, Making Railway-chairs, Making ■ ■ Railway crossing, Making Railway-frogs, Making Railway metallic mountings, Mak- ing Rail way -rails, Making Railway splice-pieces, Making Railway-wheels, Making Spikes, Railroad Spikes, Screw Splices for railways, Making Wrougut-metal railway- wheels. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 141 CLASS 108. Materials, Compositions, and Varieties. (Except Girders and Trusses, Glass 14.) Brackets for eave-troughs. Brackets for roofs. Eave-troughs. Fenders for roofs. Girders for roofs. (See Class 14.) Gravel-heaters. (See Glass 12G.) Gutters for roofs. Metallic roofing. Paper for roofs, Machines lor pre- paring Roofing-compositions. Roofing processes. Roofing-tiles. Roofing-tiles, Manufacture of. (See Glass 25.) Roofs, (except trusses, Glass 14.) Roofs, Compositions and means for preserving Shingles, Compositions and means for preserving Shingling brackets. Skylights, Devices for operating Slating. Spouting for eaves. Tiling for roofs. Trusses for roofs. (See Glass 14.) Zinc roofing. 142 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 109. SAFES, Burglar, Fire, and Water-proof Safes and Vaults. Burglar-proof safes. Coin safes. Filling for safes. Fire-proof safes. Lining for safes. Portable safes. Safe-locks. (See Glass 70. Safes. Safes, Lining for Steam fire-proof safes. Vaults, Safe Water-proof safes. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 143 CLASS 110. SAWS. Saws, Saw-mills, Sawing-machines. [For Saw- filing and Grinding .see Class 51. Saw- Glimmers, Sets, and Swages, .see Class 79. Saw-malting see Class 79. Annular- saws. Band-saws. Cant-books. Chair-back-sawing machines. Circular-saws. Clapboard-sawing machines. - Cross-cut saws. Cylindrical saws. Diamond-saws. (See Class 125.) Dogs for saw-mills. Drag-saws. Feed-devices for saw-mills. Felling trees, Machines for Gages for sawing-machines. Gate-saws. Handsaws. Head-blocks for saw-mills. Hoops, Machines for sawing Ice-saws. Insertable saw-teeth. Meat-saws. Metal-saws. Muley-saws. Oars, Machines for sawing Priming-saws. Bossing-machines. Saw-bucks. Saw-dust carriers. Saw-filing machines. (See Class 51.) Saw-frames. Saw-gages. Saw-gates. Saw-grinding machines. (See Class 51.) Saw-gum mers. (See Class 79.) Saw-horses. Sawing-machines for chair-backs. Sawing-machines for clapboards. Sawing-machines for combs. Sawing-machines for hoops. Sawing-machines for laths. Sawing-machines for match- splints. Sawing-machines for oars. Sawing-machines for shingles. Sawing-machines for splints. Sawing-machines for staves. Sawing-machines for veneers. Saw jacks. Saw-making. (See Class 79.) Saw- mills. Saw mills, Circular Saw-mills, Dogs for Saw-mills, Feed for Saw-mills, Gates for Saw-mills, Head-blocks for Saws. Saws, Amputation Saws, Annular Saws, Band Saws, Bow Saws, Circular Saws, Cross-cut Saws, Cylindrical Saws, Diamond. (See Class 125. Saws, Drag Saw-sets. (See Class 79.) Saws, Gate Saws, Hand Saws, Hanging Saws, Ice Saws, Key-hole Saws, Meat Saws, Metal Saws, Pruning Saws, Scroll Saws, Stone. (See Class 125.) Saws, Straining Saws, Tenon Saws, Web Saws, Whip Saw-teeth. Scroll-saws. Spurs for saw-mills. Stone- saws. (See Class 125.) Teeth, Insertable saw Ten on -saws. Veneer-saws. Web-saws. Whip-saws. 144 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 111. SEEDERS AND PLAUTEES. Machines for Sowing and Planting Seeds and Distributing Fertilizers. [For Manufacture of Agricultural Tools of Metal, see Class 81, Section B.\ Broad-east sowers. Manure drills, Liquid Cane Planters. Manure-screens. Cotton-seed for planting, Prepar- Manure-sowers, Broad-cast ing Manure-spreaders. Dibblers, Hand Manuring, Green Dibbling-machines. Markers for seeding-machines. Drag-bars for drill-teeth. Planters, Corn Drill-rollers. Planters, Cotton -seed Drills, Grain Planters, Hand Drill-teeth. Planters, Seed Drop-drills. Planters, Tobacco-seed Fertilizer-sowers. Seed-drills. Grain-drills. Seed-droppers. Hand-drills for grain. Seed for planting and sowing, Hand-planters. Preparing Land-markers. Seed-planters. Li me- spreaders. Sowers, Broad-cast Manure carts, Distributing Sowers, Fertilizer Manure-drills. Sowers, Seed CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 145 CLASS 112. SEWING-MACHINES. Machines for Sewing, Stitching, Embroidery, Button-holing; Attach- ments and Appurtenances of Sewing-machines. Binders for sewing-machines. Bobbins for sewing-machines. Bobbm-wiuders for sewing-ma- chines. Box-plaiting attachments for sew- ing-machines. Braiders for sewing-machines. B ntton-hole sewing-machines. Clutch-pulleys for sewing-ma- chines. Corders for sewing-machines. preasers for sewing-machines. Feed- devices for sewing-machines. Fellers for sewing-machines. Embroidery-attachments for sew- ing-machines. Fringing attachments for sewing- machines. Gages for sewing-machines. Gatherers for sewing-machines. Guides for sewing-machines. Hemmers for sewing-machines. Leather-quilting machines. Markers for sewing-machines. Xeeclle-setters for sewing-ma- chines. Xeedle threaders for sewing-ma- chines. Needles for sewing-machines. Plaiters for sewing-machines. Presser-feet for sewing-machines. Kufflers for sewing-machines. Sewing-machines. Sewing-machines for boots and shoes. Sewing-machines for embroidery. Sewing-machines for making but- ton-holes. Sewing-machines for sewing straw goods. Shuttle-drivers for sewing-ma- chines. Shuttles for sewing-machines. Stitches for sewing-machines. Tape-trimming, Machines for mak- ing Tension-devices for sewing-ma- chines. Thread-controllers for sewing-ma- chines. Thread-cutters for sewing-ma- chines. Thread-waxers for sewing-ma- chines. Tuckers for sewing-machines. Wax-thread heaters for sewing- machines. 10. 146 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION CLASS 113. SHEET-METAL. Modes, Machines, and Tools for the Manufacture of Sheet-metal Ware and other articles of Sheet -metal. A. — Tools, Machines, and Processes, Bending sheet-metal. Brazing. Crimping sheet-metal. Dies for sheet-metal ware. Double-sea min; machines for sheet-metal. Embossing sheet-metal. Folding sheet-metal. Grooving sheet-metal. Lead-cutters for printers. M iterin g printers' rules. Ornaments for sheet-metal ware, Die Printers' rules, Cutting and miter- ing Punching sheet-metal. Roof- sea m in g m achines. Rule-cutters for printers. Screw forming, Sheet-metal- Seaming-m achines, Sheet-metal Sheet-metal, Machines for working Sheet-metal, Processes for work- ing Sheet-metal table-ware, Making Sheet-metal, Tools for working Sheet-metal ware, Making- Solder. Soldering-furnaces. Soldering-i m piemen ts. Soldering-proeesses. Soldering-tools. Spinning sheet-metal ware. Stamps for sheet-metal working. Swaging sheet-metal. Tin-plate working. Tin-scrap, Utilizing Tools for working sheet-metal. Wiring sheet-metal ware. B. — Products. Barrels, Making sheet-metal Boilers, Making sheet-metal do- mestic Boxes, Making sheet-metal Britannia-ware. Buckets, Making sheet-metal Builders' sheet-metal ware. Cans, Making sheet-metal Candlesticks, Making sheet-metal Capsules for cans and bottles, Mak- ing Cisterns, Making sheet-metal Glaziers' points, Making Gutters, Making sheet-metal Gutter-tubes, Making sheet-metal Heaters for stoves and ranges, Making sheet-metal Kitchen furniture, Making sheet- metal Screw-caps, Making sheet-metal Screw-rings, Making sheet-metal Sheet-metal barrels and casks, Making Sheet-metal boilers and cisterns, Making Sheet-metal boxes and cans, Mak- ing Sheet-metal buckets and pans, Making Sheet-metal capsules and rings, Making Sheet-metal gutters and spouting, Making Sheet-metal kitchen and table ware, Making Sheet-metal screw caps and rings, Making Spoons, Making Spouting, Making Stove-pipes, Making Stove-furniture, Making sheet- metal Table-furniture, Making sheet- metal Tin cans and boxes, Making CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 147 CLASS 114. SHIPS, 1. Construction, Masting, Rigging, Fittings. Anchor-balls. Anchors. Anchors, Drift Anchor-shackles. Anchor-trippers. Architecture, Naval Armor-plating. Ballasting. Batteries, Floating Batteries, Submarine Bending sails. Berths, Floating Berths, Ships' Bilge-boards. Bilge-water, Discharging Binnacles. Bitts, Riding and towing Blocks, Bushings for Blocks, Snatch Blocks, Tackle Boats, Canal Boats, Ferry Boats, Ice-breaking Boats, Steam Boats, Torpedo Booms. Bridges, Deck Bridges, Paddle-box Bulkheads. Cabins, Floating Cable-grippers. Cable-hooks. Cable-nippers. Cables for vessels. Cables, Links for Cable-shackles. Cables, Securing Cable-stoppers. Calking. Calking- machines. Camels. Canal-boats. Cargo-ports. Center-boards. Chimneys, Operating ships 7 Clasps, Rigging Cleats. Construction of vessels. Cringles. Dead-eyes. Dead-eyes for canal-boats. Dead-lights. Deck-bridges. Deck-covers. Deck-irons. Decks. Decks, Fire-proof Decks, Water-proof Docks, Floating Docks, Graving Draught of water, Ascertaining Ferry-boat locks. Ferry-boats, Fids. Fire-extinguishers on ships. Floating-batteries. Floating-berths. Floating-bridges. Floating-cabins. Floating- wharves. Floating-docks. Furling sails. Gaff-jaws. Gaffs. Galleys, Ships' Grain-levelers in vessels. Grapnels. Grapplin g-irons. Graving-docks. Grommets. Hanks for sails. Hawse-pipes. Hawser-clamps. Ice-boats. Ice-breakers. Iron blocks, Nautical Iron-clad vessels. Iron frames, Ships' Iron ribs, Ships' Iron vessels. Jaws for gaffs. Keels. Keelsons. Knee-formers. 148 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION, Knees. Lazy-jacks for sails. Leak- stoppers. Lighters. Lights, Deck Light-ships. Lights, Side Lining for ships. Locking apparatus for ferry-boats. Logs, Ships'. (See Class 73.) Mast-hoops. Masts. Monitors. Monitor-turrets. Mud-boats. Naval architecture. Paddle-box bridges. Parrel-blocks. Parrels. Paying- seams. Pilot-stands. Pipes, Chain-locker Port-hole closers. Port-holes, Submarine Propulsion of vessels. (See Class 115.) Protecting bulwarks. Protecting tiller-ropes. Puttying machines for vessel seams. Eailways, Marine Earns, Naval Beefing apparatus. Eeefing sails. Eibs, Iron Eiding-bitts. Rigging. Eigging-clasps. Eigging, Running Eigging, Setting up Eigging, Standing Rigging-stoppers. Rudders. Rudders, Attachments for Eudders, Hanging Eudders, Protecting Sail-clutches. Sail-hoops. Sails. Sails, Furling Sails, Making Sails, Eeefing Scuppers. Securing cables and hawsers. Securing hatches. Shaping ships' timbers. Sheathing vessels. Ships' armor. Ships' berths. Ships' knees. Ships, Propulsion of Shot-hole stoppers. Snag-boats. Snubbers. Sounding apparatus. (See Class 73.) Sparring steamboats. Spars, Handling and hoisting Steering apparatus. Submarine vessels. Supporting vessels. Surge-relievers. Tables, Ships' cabin Tackle, Hoisting „ Tackle, Safety Thimble-machines for vessels, Thimbles, Nautical Tightening standing-rigging. Torpedo vessels. Tow T -hooks. Tow-lines. Tracking vessels. Train- ways for boats. (See Class 71.) Travelers for masts and booms. Treenails. Trimming vessels. Trusses for vessels. Truss-hoops. Vessels. Vessels, Armor for Vessels, Construction of Vessels, Grain-levelers for Vessels, Iron Vessels, Iron-clad Vessels, Launching Vessels, Loading and unloading. (See Class 57.) Vessels, Propulsion of. (See Class 115.) ' Vessels, Steam Vessels, Submarine Vessels, Torpedo Vessels, Trimming Warping-bitts. Warping- checks. Wharf boats. Wharfs, Floating Yards to masts, Attaching CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 149 CLASS 115. SHIPS, 2. Propulsion of Vessels. Canal-boats, Propulsion of Hydraulic-propellers. Paddle-wheels. Propellers. Propellers, Screw Propelling in slioal water. Screw-propellers. Ships, Propulsion of Vessels, Propulsion of 150 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 116. SIGNALS. Audible and Visual Signals aud Alarms, except Electrical. Bell-hanging aud Telegraphs other than Electrical. Alarms, Bilgewater Alarms, Burglar Alarms, Fire Alarms, Fog Alarms, Household fire Alarms, Leak Alarms, Nautical Alarms, Shoal Alarms, Temperature Alarms, Till Alarms, Window Annunciators. Beacons. Beacons, Sonorific Bell-hanging. Bell-ringing. Bells. Bells, Clock Bilgewater-alarms. Bridge-signals. Bugiar- alarms. Call-bells. Clock-bells. Crossing-signals, Railway Door-alarms. Door-bells. Draw-bridge signals. Fire-alarms, Household Fog-alarms. Fog-bells. Gongs. Hotel-annunciators. Lanterns, Signal Leak signals. Marine-signals. -. Nautical-alarms. Railroad-signals. Shoal-alarms. Signaling apparatus, Signal-bells. Signal-codes. Signal-lanterns. Signals, Fog Signals, Marine Signals, Pyrotechnic Signals, Railroad Signals, Semaphoric Si goal- towers. Speaking-trumpets. Speaking-tubes. Switch-indicators, Switch-signals. Telegraphs, Acoustic Telegraphs, Optical Telegraphs, Pneumatic Telegraphs, Semaphoric Temperature-alarms. Window-alarms. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 151 CLASS 117. SILK. Special appliances of Silk Filature and Working. Cleaning silk. Clearing silk. Cocooneries. Cocoon-lodginents. Cocoons, Unwinding Doubling silk. Gaging silk. Glossing silk. Hurdles for silk winders, Pressing silk. Keeling silk. Boilers for delivering silk. Silk filature. Silk manufacture. Silk- worm frames. Sizing silk. Sorting silk. Spinning silk. Stretching silk. Throwing silk. Twisting silk. Winding silk. 152 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS' 118. > SPINNING. [For Manufacture of Spinning Hardware^ see Class 53, Section H. Banding-spindles. Bobbin-winders. Bobbins. Bolsters for spindles. Cap-spinning machines. Cop-tubes. Cop tubes of paper, Machines for making Covering rollers. Doubling-machines. Drawing and twisting heads and tubes. Drawing-machines. Drawin g-roller s. Drawing-rollers, Cleaners for Flyers. Fly-frames. Footsteps for spindles. Jack-spinning. Mottled yarns. Mottled yarns. Machines for mak- ing. Mules. Pasting cops. Presser-flyers. Keels for spinning-machines. Rings for spinning. Ring-travelers. Rollers, Covering Roving-frames. Slubbing-fraines. Spindles for spinning-machines. Spindles, Banding Speeders. Spindle-steps. Spinning-machinery. Spinning-wheels. Stop-motions for spinning-ma- chines. Swifts. Throstles. Wheel-heads, CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 15; CLASS 119. STABLING. Care of Domestic Animals; Shelters, Stalls, Preparation of Food, Feeding, Currying. Agricultural furnaces and boilers. (See Class 126.) Animals, Preparing food for Cards, Currying Cattle-feeders. Cattle pens. Cattle-stalls. Cattle-ties. Chicken-coops. Chicken-houses. Chicken-nests. Chicken-raising apparatus. Chicken-roosts Corn-huskers and shell ers. (See Class 130:) Corn-mills. (See Class 83.) Currycombs. Currying- tools. Cutters, Feed Cutters, Boot Cutters, Straw, hay, &c. Egg-assorters. Egg-carriers. Egg-hatching apparatus. Egg-packers. Feed-mixers. Feed-racks. Feed-troughs. Fleece-tyers. Food for animals, Preparing Foot-lifters for horses. Forage-rations. Fowls, Coops, nests, and roosts for Grooming apparatus. Hay-racks for feeding. Hen's-nests. Hitching devices. Hitching-posts. Hog-pens. Hog-troughs. Horse- washers. Incubators. Mangers. Nests for fowls. Mcking-horses, Apparatus for Pens, Cattle and hog Poultry-coops. Poultry-feeder, and houses. Poultry-houses. Poifl try -nests. Racks, Hay-feeding Racks, Sheep Ration-packages for animals. Roosts for fowls. Root-cutters. Root-washers. Sheep-holders. Sheep-racks. Sheep-shearing machines. Sheep-shearing tables. Sheep-shears. (See Class 30.) Sheep-sheds. Sheep -taggers. Sheep-troughs. Silk-worm culture. Singeing tools. Stable-cleaners. Stables. Stalls for horses and cattle. Stanchions. Stock-feeders. Stocks for refractory animals. Stocks for shoeing animals. Straw-cutters. Troughs, Feed Vegetable-cutters. Vegetable : slicers. Vegetable-washers. Ventilating hay and grain. 154 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION GLASS 120. STATIONERY. Writing Materials and Appliances ; Desk and Office Supplies. Address, Canceling, Numbering, and Seal Stamps. Cards, Checks, Labels, Seals, Tickets, Advertising Appliances and Signs. Mechanical Memoranda and Non-automatic Indicators. [For the Manufacture of Metallic Articles of Stationery, see Glass 53, Section I.] Adhesive fastenings for paper, etc. Advertising cards. Advertising devices. Advertising frames. Animal labels. Baggage-checks. Ballot-boxes. Bill-holders. Binders, Temporary Blotters, Book Blotters. Blotting-pads. Book-binders, Temporary Book-clamps. Book-cover protectors. Book-holders. Book-holders, Portable Book-markers. Books, Copying Books, Manifold-writing Book-supports. Bottles, Mucilage Boxes, Ballot Boxes, Conductor's check Boxes, Fare Boxes, Letter Boxes, Mail-distributing Boxes, Ticket Bulletin-boards. Bulletin-boards, Adjustable Calendars. Card-calendars. Card-cases. Card-holders. Card-racks. Cards. Checks, Baggage Checks, Conductors 7 Conductors' check-boxes. Mail (See Class 24.) Clips, Paper Copy-books. Copy-holders. Copying-books. C urrency-holders. Desk paper-cutters. Distributing boxes, Door-indicators. Door-plates. Envelope-openers. Envelope-fasteners. Erasers. Fare-boxes. Fasteners, Paper. Filers, Paper Frames, Advertising Illuminated signs. Indelible pencils. Indicators, Door Indicators, Station Indicators, Street Indicators, Time, (non-automatic. Inkstands. Label-fasteners. Label-holders. Labels. Labels, Adhesive Letter-boxes. Letter-clips. Letter-files. Letter-openers. Letter-receiving boxes. Mail-distributing boxes. Mark-holders for bales. Mechanical memoranda. Memorandum-books. Mucilage- bottles. Mucilage-holders. Newspaper-clamps. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 155 Newspaper-covers. Office time-indicators, ((non-auto- matic.) «* Paper-clamps. Paper-clips. Paper-fasteners. (See Class 24.) Paper-files. Pen-cases. Pencil-cases. Pencil-cleaners. Pencil-mark erasers. Pencils. Pencils, Compositions for indelible Pencil-sharpeners. Pen-holders. Pen makers, Quill Pen-racks. Pens. Pens, Fountain Pens, Rubber Pen-trays. Photographic albums. Pigeon-holes, Desk Plant-labels. Pocket-book fastenings. Pocket-books. Porte-crayons. Portemonnaies. .Portfolios. Postal cards. Postage-stamp holders, Post-office boxes. Quill-pen makers. Railway-ticket holders. Record-books. Register- books. Register books, Hotel Ribbons for hand-stamps, Pre paring Roll-blotters. Rubber erasers. Rulers, Desk Scrap-books. Show-cards. Signs. Signs, Illuminating Sponge cups. Stamp-holders. Stationery, Articles of Station-indicators, (non-autom at ic. ) Street-indicators. Tablets, Compositions for Tablets, Writing Tag-holders. Tags. Temporary binders, Ticket-boxes. Ticket- holders. Ticket-racks. Tickets, Railway Time-indicators, (non-automatic.) Time-tables. Trunk-labels. Visiting-cards. Writing-cases, ir>6 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 121. STEAM, 1. Engines, their Parts and Applications. [Except Valves, Class 136.J Aero-steam engines. Air brakes for car, Steam-actuated Cataracts for steam-engines. Cocks. (See Class 136.) Cross-heads of steam-engines. Cut-off apparatus. Cut-off, Variable Cylinders, Steam Engines for operating rock-drills. Engines for operating steam-ham- mers. Engines for operating steam- pumps. Engines, Marine steam Engines, Oscillating Engines, Reciprocating Engines, Rotary Engines, Stationary Engines, Steam Engines, Steam fire Engines, Valve-gear for Expansion joints for steam-engines. Fire-engines, Steam Gaskets for steam -joints. Hammers, Steam-engines for Lubricators for pistons. Lubricators, Steam-operated Oscillating steam-engines. Packing for pistons. Packing for steam-joints. Piston -packing. Piston-rod packing. Piston-rods. Pistons. Pneumatic car-brakes. Pumps, Steam Reciprocating steam-engines. Reversing gear for steam-engines. Rock- drills, Steam-engines tor Rotary steam-engines. Stationary steam-engines. Steam -actuated car-brakes. Steam chests of engines. Steam-cylinder heads. Steam-cylinders. Steam-engines. Steam-engines for car-brakes. Steam-engines for hammers. Steam-engines for hoisting. Steam-engines for pumps. Steam-engines, Lubricators for Steam-engines, Valve-gear for Steam fire-engines. Steam hammers. (See Class 78.) - Steam-packing Steam-piston packing. Steam -pistons. Steam-pumps. Steam-traps. Steam-valves. (See Class 136.) Stop motions for-stearn-engines. Stuffing-boxes. Stuffing-box packing. Traps, Steam Trunnions for steam-engines. Valve-gear for steam-engines. Valves. (See Class 136.) CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 157 CLASS 122. STEAM, 2. Steam-Boilers, Super-beaters, Boiler-Setting, and Furnaces. Except Registering Devices of Water, Vacuum and Steam-pressure Gages.' Boiler covering. Boiler-feeders. Boiler-flue cleaners. Boiler-flues. Boiler-setting, Steam Boilers, Furnace-doors for Boilers of steam-beaters. Boilers, Furnaces for Boilers, Steam Boilers, Setting steam Boiler-tile arrangements. Boiler-tubes, Devices for cleaning Boiler-tubes, Ferrules for Boiler-tubesJ Tools for scaling Bridges, Steam-furnace Cleading for boilers. Cleading for cylinders. Collapse of boilers, Preventing Condensers, Jet Condensers of steam-engines. Condensers, Packing-tubes for Condensers, Surface Condensers, Tubular Covering for steam-boilers. Doors for steam-boiler furnaces. Draft-regulators for steam-boiler furnaces. Feeders, Steam-boiler Feed-water apparatus. Feed- water heaters for steam- boilers. Feed-water regulators. Fire-bars. Fire-extinguishers for boilers. Fire-regulators for steam-boilers. Floats for steam-boilers. Flue-boilers. Flue-cleaners. Flue-scrapers. Flues, Boiler Foam-collectors for steam boilers. Fuel, Apparatus for burning wet Fuel- feeders for steam-boiler fur- naces. Furnace-doors for steam-boiler furnaces. Furnace-grates for steam-boiler furnaces. Furnaces, Steam-boiler Fusible plugs for steam-boilers. Gage-cocks. (See Glass 130.) Gages for steam-boilers, (except registering devices.) Generators, Steam Grate-bars for steam-boilers. Hand-holes for boilers and tanks. Heaters, Boilers of steam High pressure alarms for steam- boilers. Hydro-carbon furnaces for steam- boilers. Incrustation in steam-boilers, Pre- venting Incrustation in steam-boilers, Ee- moving Injectors for steam-boilers. Low-water alarms for steam-boil- ers. Low-water detectors for steam- boilers. Low-water indicators for steam- boilers. Manholes for boilers and tanks. Marine steam-boilers. Mud-collectors for steam-boilers. Pipes, E"on-conducting covering for steam Beguiators, Steam Safety-plugs for steam-boilers. Safety-tubes for steam-boilers. Scaling boilers, Tools for Sediment collectors for steam- boilers. Skimmers for steam-boilers. Smoke-pipes for boiler-furnaces. Spark-arresters. Spark-consumers. Steam- blast for furnaces. Steam-boiler-covering. Steam -boiler furnaces. Steam-boilers. Steam -cocks. (See Glass 136.) 158 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION Steam-generators. Steam -heaters, Boilers of Steam in furnaces, Use of Steaming- apparatus, Boilers of Steam-pipes. Steam-pipes, Non-conducting cov ing for Steam-pressure gages. Steam-pressure regulators. Steam-pressure. Steam-regulators Steam-whistles. Super-heaters for steam-boilers. Tools for scaling boilers. Tube-cleaners for steam-boilers, Tube-plugs for steam-boilers. Tubes for steam-boilers. Tube- sheets.' Tubular boilers. Vacuum-gages for steam-engines. Water-gages for steam-boilers. Water-heaters for steam-boilers. Water-indicators for steam-boil- ers. Water pumps, Feed Water- purifiers for steam-boilers. Whistles for steam-boilers. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 159 CLASS 123. STEAM, 3. Locomotives, Traction Engiues, Portable Engines, and their special parts. Agricultural engines. Ash-pans of locomotives. Blast-nozzles for steam-engines. Boilers, Locomotive Cow catchers. Dummies. Engines, Agricultural Engines, Dummy Engines, Locomotive Engines, Portable Engines, Steam -plow Engines, Traction Escape-pipes for steam-engines. Exhaust mechanism for steam- engines. Exhaust-nozzles for steam-en- gines. Exhaust-pipes for steam-engines. Furnaces, Locomotive Link-motion for steam-engines. Locomotive-boilers. Locomotive-engines. Locomotive-furnaces. Locomotive-pumps. Locomotives. Locomotives, Fire boxes for Locomotives, Furnace-doors for Locomotive smoke-stacks. Locomotives, Keversing-gear for Locomotive valve : gear. Nozzles, Variable exhaust Portable-engines. Regulators, Exhaust Tanks for tenders. Tenders. Tr action- en gines. Variable exhaust for steam-en- gines. Valve-motions for locomotives. 160 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 124.. STILLS. Distillation and Refining of Spirits; Oils and Acids 5 Burning-fluids. Acids, Distillation of Alcohol, Apparatus for making Alcohol, Materials for making Burning-fluids. Condensers of stills. Deodorizing benzole. Distillation. Fire tests for hydro-carbons. Grain for distillation, Preparing Hydro-carbons, Manufacture of Oil-refining. Oil-stills. Petroleum, Apparatus for treating Petroleum stills. Rectifying liquors. Refining liquors. Refining oils. Revenue guards. Spirits, Distillation of Spirits, Rectification of Stills. Sulphuric acid, Recovering Tar, Extracting Turpentine-stills. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 161 CLASS 125. STONE, LIME, AND CEMENT. Mining; Quarrying; Boring Bock; Stone, Marble, and Slate Work- ing; Lime, Mortar, Concrete, and Cement. [Excepting Mortar and Concrete Mills and Mixers.. see Class 25. Marble, Slate, and Stone Polishing see Class 51. Kilns . - see Class 31. Artificial marble. Artificial slate. Artificial stone, {except Grindstones, Class 51.) Beton. Blasting. (See Class 102.) Boring rock. Burning lime. Carving stone. Cement, Fireproof Cement floors and paving. (See Class 91.) Cement for lining pipes. Cement, Indurating. Cement-kilns. Cement, Plastic. Cements, Earthen Channeling stone. Coal-mining, Coal-mining buckets.. Concretes. Cutting slate and stone. Diamond-drills. Diamond-planers. Diamond-saws. Dressing slate and stone. Drill-rod grabs. Drills, Diamond Drills, Expanding rock Drills for wells. Drills, Bock Drills, Stone Facing slate and stone. Finishing stone. Furrowing stone. Grabs, Drill-rod Grinding stone. (See Class 51.) Grindstones. (See Class 51.) Hammers, Millstone Hewing stone. Hydraulic cement. 11 Lewis for lifting stone. Lime-furnaces. Lime-kilns. (See Class*2±.) Malaxators. (See Class 25.) Marble, Artificial Marble-polishing machines. (See Class 51.) Marble-working machines. Millstone bush-hammers. Millstone-hammers. Millstone-picks. Millstones. Millstone-scrapers. Mining. Mortar. Mortar-machines. (See Class 25.) Ornaments, Compositions for plaster Paving. (See Class 94.) Paving-stone, Preparation of Picks, Millstone Pipe, Cement Planing stone. Polishing slate and stone. (See Class 51.) Quarrying. Qnarrying-machines. Bock-drills. Sand-cleaning machines. Sawing stone. Saws, Diamond Saws, Stone Scagliola. Scouring stone. (See Class 51.) Scrapers, Millstone Slate, Artificial Slate working machines. Splitting slate. Staining-compositions for marble and stone. Stone and cement, Indurating 162 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. Stone, Artificial Stone, Channeling Stone, Compositions for. porous Stone-dressing. Stone-drills. Stone, Indurating Stone-polishing. (See Class 51.) Stone-saws. Stone-staves for millers. Stone-tools for working. Stone-working machines. Tunneling, Rock Turning stone. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 163 CLASS 126. STOVES AID FUMACES. Cooking and Heating Stoves, Furnaces and Ranges, Cooking Utensils, and Stove Appliances. Agricultural boilers. Agricultural furnaces. Andirons. Ash-pans. Ash-pit covers. Bake -pans. Bakers' ovens. Bakers' ovens, Portable Base-burning fire-place heaters. Base-burning stoves. Bath-heaters. Boilers, Agricultural Boilers, Domestic Boilers for heaters. {See Class 122.) Broilers. Car-heaters. Carriage-heaters. Casters, Stove-leg Chafing-dishes. Charcoal-furnaces for cooking. Chimney-caps. Chimney-cleaners. Chimney-cowls. Chimneys. Coal-boxes. Coal-buckets. Coal-hods. Coal-scuttles. Coffee-percolators. Coffee-pots. Coffee-roasters. Coffee-urns. Cooking by gas. Cooking by lamps. Cooking by lime. Cooking by steam. Cooking-ranges. Cooking-stoves. Cooking- stoves, Base-burning Cooking-stove shields. Corn-poppers. Cowls. Cressets. Crickets for stoves,*Heating Dampers for furnaces. Dampers for stoves. Digesters for bones, fats, etc. Digesters for cooking. Dish -heaters. Domestic furnaces. Draught-regulators. Egg-boilers. Fire-backs. Fire-dogs. Fire-fenders, Fire-grates. Fire-irons. Fire kindlers. Fire-lighters. Fire-place heaters, Base-burning Fire-places. Fire-plates for stoves. Fire-pokers. Fire-pots for stoves. Fire-shovels. Fire-tongs. Flat-iron heaters. Flue-cleaners. Foot-stoves. Foot-warmers. Frying-pans. Furnaces, Bath Furnaces, Charcoal Furnaces, Domestic Furnaces, Heating Furnaces, Hot-air Furnaces, Portable Gas-heaters. Gas-stoves. Glue pots. Grates for stoves. Grate-tippers. Gravel-heaters. Griddles. Gridirons. Handles for tea and coffee pots. Heaters. Heaters, Boilers of steam. (See Class 122.) Heaters, Hot- water Heaters, Kail way-car Heaters, Steam lb'4 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. Heaters, Street-car Heating- furnaces. Heating-irons. Heating skates, "boots, &c. Heat-regulators. Hot-air furnaces. Hot air furnace-doors. Hot clos*ets for stoves. Hot-water heaters. Illuminators, Stove Kindling arrangements for stoves. Kindling baskets. Lard tanks for rendering. Lid-lifters, Stove Lifters for kettles, ovens, &c. Lifters for stove-lids. Linings for stoves. Lunch -heaters. Oils, Apparatus for boiling Ovens, Bakers 7 Ovens, Portable Ovens, Keel Ovens, Rotary Ovens, Stove Paint-burners. Paste-heating pots. Pea-nut roasters. Petroleum-burners for stoves. Pitch-heaters. Pokers, Fire Pot-covers. Radiators. Railway-car heaters. Eanges. Registers, Hot-air Regulators, Draught Regulators, Heat Rendering tanks. Roasters. Roller heaters. Sad-iron heaters. Shovels and tongs. Skillets. Smoke-burners. Smobe -jacks. Spiders. Spits for roasting meat. Steam carving-tables. Steain-cookin g apparatus. Steam-heaters. Steam -heating tables. Stove-aprons. Stove-boilers. Stove-cover holders. Stove-covers. Stove-door handles. Stove-door linings. Stove-doors. Stove-drums. Stove-fasteners. Stove-flues. Stove-illuminators. Stove-irons. Stove-leg casters. Stove-legs. Stove-lid holders. Stove-lids. Stove-linings. Stove-pipe cleaners. Stove-pipe drums. Stove-pipe thimbles. Stove-pipes. Stove-plates. Stoves. Stoves, Base-burning Stoves, Camp Stoves, Coal Stoves, Coal- oil Stoves, Cooking Stoves, Foot Stoves, Gas Stoves, Heating Stoves, Lam}) Stoves, Soapstone Stoves, Wood Stoves, Utensils Stoves, Window Street-car heaters. Tea-kettles. Tea-pots. Toasters. Urns for coffee, &c. Urn stands and heaters. Vegetable-boilers. Waffle-irons. Water-backs for ranges and stoves. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 165 CLASS 127. SUGAR. Evaporation, Kefining, and Chemical Processes; Salt Furnaces and Pans ; Bone-black ; Candy. Animal-black. Beet-root sugar apparatus. Black, Animal Black, Bone Black, Ivory Bone-black filters. Bone-black furnaces. Bone-black, Processes for reviving Bone-black, Purifying Candy-cutters. Candy-making machines. Cane-juice, Treatment of Centrifugal filters. Confectionery. Confection-pans. Defecators for juices and sirups. Evaporators for saccharine juices. Evaporators for salines. Evaporators for vegetable ex- tracts. Furnaces, Bone-black Furnaces, Salt Furnaces, Sugar Glucose, Manufacture of Grape-sugar, Manufacture of Grain, Manufacture of sugar from Lozenge-making machines. Maple-sugar, Manufacture of Mills, Cane. (See Class 83.) Mills, Sorghum. (See Class S3.) Mills, Sugar. (See Class 83.) Molasses, Treatment of Pans for cooking in vacuo. Pans for making vegetable ex- tracts. Pans, Sugar Pans, Vacuum Salt-furnaces. Sugar-furnaces. Sirup, Treatment of Skimmers for sugar-pans. Sorghum-evaporators. Sorghum manufacture. Sugar-breakers. Sugar-crushers. Sugar-filters. Sugar from grain, Obtaining Sugar-furnaces. Sugar-making processes. Sugar-mills. (See Class S3.) Sugar-mixing machine. Sugar-packers. (See Class 83.) Sugar-pans. Sugar-pan skimmers. Sugar- strainers. Sugar-refining. Yacuum-pans. 16G CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 128. SURGERY. Including; Pharmaceutical Apparatus, Appliances for the Compound- ing* and Administration of Medicine. [Except Artificial Limbs and other Prosthetic parts . . Glass 3. Dental Appliances Glass 32. Surgical Gutlery , Glass 30.] Acoustic instruments. Acupuncturators. Anaesthesia, Instruments for pro- ducing, (except Befrigerative, Glass 62.) Articulators. Atmospheric "baths. Bandages. Bandages, Catamenial Bandages, Suspensory Bedpans. Blister-spreaders. Blood, Instruments for infusing Blood, Instruments for propelling the Bone-elevators. Breast-cups. Breast-pumps. Calculi, Instruments for extracting Canes, Physicians' Capsules, Machines for making Castra ting-clamps. Catamenial sacks. Catarrhal-syringes* Catheters. Cauterizing-instruments, Chest-protectors. Chiropodic-iustruments. Compresses. Corns, Instruments for removing Cupping-instruments, Cups, Medicinal Depurators. Dermopathic-instruments. Douche-instruments. Drinking-tubes for invalids. Drug-crushers. Dockholders for horses. Dyspepsia, Instruments for treat- ing Ear, Apparatus for treating the Ear-explorers. Ear, Instruments for treating the Ex-sections, Apparatus for Eye, Apparatus for treating the Eye-cups. Eye, Instruments for treating the Eye-protectors. Eye-shades. Filters for medicinal preparations. Fissure-needles. Fomentations, Modes of applying Foot-stoppers for horses. Forceps, Artery Forceps, Calculi Forceps, Obstetrical Forceps, Polypus Globule-machines. Hemorrhage, Instruments for arresting Hernia, Instruments,, for treating Hypodermic syringes. Inhalers. Injectors, Medical Irrigators for nose, vagina, etc. Leeches, Mechanical Leucorrhea, Instruments for treat- ing Life, Instruments for stimulating Ligatures. Ligatures, Instruments for adjust- ing Lithotriptic- instruments. Lithotritors. Mechanical leeches. Medicators. Medicinal powders, Instruments for putting up Medicine-cases. Medicines, Instruments for ad- ministering Medicines, Instruments for com- pounding Medicine-spoons. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 167 Menstruation, Instruments for arresting Milking-shields. Mortars, Pharmaceutists' Movement-cure apparatus. Nasal-douches. Nasal-tubes. Xeedles, Surgeons' Mpples, Artificial Mpple-shields. Nitrous-oxide gas, Instruments for administering Nursery-bottles. Obstetric-api^aratus. Ophthalmoscopes. Otoscopes. Pads for trusses. Percolators for medicinal solu- tions. Pessaries. Pharmaceutical apparatus. Piles, Instruments for treating Pills, Machines for making Plasters, Machines for spreading Porte-caustic. Powders, Appliances for putting up Powder injectors. Probangs. Probes. Prolapsus, Instruments for treat- ing Pulmometers. Pumps, Stomach Respirators. Respiring apparatus. Rubbing apparatus for medical treatment. Scarificators. Souuds. Speculum s, Anal Speculums, Vaginal Spermatorrhea, Instruments for treating Spoons, Medicinal Stethoscopes. Stomach-pumps. Strabismus-goggles. Supporters, Abdominal Supporters, Menstrual Supporters, Obstetrical Supporters, Pile Supporters, Uterine Supporters, Yaginal Suppositories. Suspensory-bandages. S utur e-in s tr ument s. Syringes, Catarrhal Syringes, Elastic-bulb Syringes, Enema Syringes, Eye Syringes, Hemorrhoidal Sj^ringes, Penis Syringes, Yaginal Tape-worm, Apparatus for remov- ing Tenaculums. Therapeutic applications of heat, cold, air, vacuum. Tonsils, Instruments for operating on the Topical applications, Appliances for Tourniquets. Trephines. Trusses. Uterine-sounds. Uterine-suppositories. Vaccinators. Vacuum-cups. Vapor-inhalers. Varicose veins, Bandages for 168 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 129. TANNING. Treatment of Hides and Manufacture of Leather. [For Enameling and Japanning of Leather, see Class 91. Artificial leather. {See Class 91.) Bark, Extracts of Bark-leaches. Bark-mills. {See Class S3.) Bating hides. Blacking leather, Compositions for Boarding leather. Currying- machines. Currying- tools. Depilating hides. Dressing leather. Finishing leather. Graining leather. Hides, Dressing- Leather, Artificial. (See Class 91.) Leather-boarding. Leather-cloth. (See Class 91.) Leather ?/ Compositions for treating Leather, Compounds of waste Leather-dressing Leather-enameling. (See Class 91.) Leather-finishing. Leather-graining. Leather -japanning. (See Class 91.) Leather, Manufacture of Leather, Water-proofing Parchment. Skins, Treatment of Tanning-machines. Tan n in g-m aterials. Tanning-processes. Tawing leather. Vats, Tanning Water-proofing leather. Whitening leather. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 169 CLASS 130. THRASHING. Machines for Husking, Thrashing, Shelling, Winnowing, and Stacking. Band-cutting machines thrashers. Clover-hullers. Corn-cribs. Corn-husking gloves. Corn-husking machiues. Corn-shellers. Fanning-mills. Flails. Fodder stands. Grain-bins. Grain-conveyors! Grain elevators. Grain registers. Grain-riddles. Grain-screens. Grain-separators. for (See Class 57.) (See Glass 57.) (See Class 73.) Grain- thrashers. Grain -winnowers. Granaries. Grain- seed separators. Hay stackers. Hullers, Clover Huskers, Corn Husking-gloves. Husking-pins. Husking stools. Registers, Grain. (See Class 73.) Stackers. Straw-carriers. Straw-stackers. . Thrashing-floors. Thrashing-machines. Winnowing-machines. 170 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 131. TOBACCO. Processes, Machinery, and Appliances for the Manufacture and Use. Cigar-cases. Cigarette -fillers. Cigarettes. Cigar-holders, Cigar-making, Cigar-molds. Cigar-presses. Cigars. Flavoring tobacco. Meerschaums. Mouth-pieces for cigars and pipes. Pipes, Tobacco Pouches, Tobacco Smoking-pipeSc Snuff-boxes. . Snuff-sifters* Tobacco-cartridges. Tobacco-curing, (Except Drying \ Class 34.) Tobacco-cutting. Tobacco flavoring. Tobacco-granulating machines. Tobacco-hooks. Tobacco packing. Tobacco-pipes. Tobacco-pipe stems. Tobacco-pouches. Tobacco preparing. Tobacco-presses. (See Class 100.) Tobacco sheeting. Tobacco stemming. Tobacco-stoppers, CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 171 CLASS 132. TOILET. Articles and Appliances for the Toilet and Hair-working. Barbers' appliances. Bobbins for weaving hair. Braiding. Hair Brushes. (See Class 15.) Chignons. Comb-cleaners. Combs. Curling-irons. Curls. Dressing-eases. Frames for weaving hair. Hair-crimpers. Hair-curlers. Hair-cutting machines. Hair-nets. Hair-parting instruments. Hair-pincers, Hair-pins. Hair-rolls. Hair-tongs, Hair-trimmings. Hair-tweezers. Head-nets, Ladies- Jewel-boxes. Mirrors. (See Class 45.) M ustache-guard. Pomatum-cases. Powder-boxes, Cosmetic Puffs. Puffing- irons, Eats, Razors. (See Class 30.) Shampooing-appliances. Shaving-cases. Shears, Hair-cutting. (See Class 30.) Switches, Hair Tooth-picks. Waterfall head-dresses. Weaving and working human hair. Wigs, 172 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 133. TRUNKS. Traveling and Military Accouterments, except Mess-Mts. [For Manufacture of Metallic Portions of Trunks, see Class 53, Section J. Accouterments, Military Awnings. Awnings, Detachable Bags, Carpet Bags, Mail Bags, Saddle Bags, Traveling Bayonet-frogs. Bayonet-scabbards. Boxes, Cartridge Boxes, Hat Braces for trunks. Carpet-bags. Carpet-bag frames. Hat-boxes, Leather Holsters. Knapsacks. Knapsack-slings. Mail -bag fasteners, Class 70.) Mail-bags. [except Locks, Military accouterments. Portmanteaus. Saddle-bags. Satchel-fastenings. Satchels. Shawl-straps. Slinging-accouterments. Tents. Traveling-bags. Traveliu g-flasks Trunk-corners. Trunk-frames. Trunk-guards. Trunk-handles. Trunk-lid guides. Trunk-lid supporters. Trunks. Trunks and traveling-bags, Spe- cial tools for Trunk-stays. Valises. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 173 CLASS 134. TUBING AND WIEE Manufacture of Wrought-metal and .Drawn-metal Tubing' and Wire. Barrels, Making gun Brass tubes, Machines for making Coiliug-pipes. Coiling-tubes. Draw-benches. Drawing-metals. Draw-plates for tubing. Draw-rolls for tubing. Drawing- tubes. Ferrules. Expanding-tubes. Gun-barrels, Making Iron pipe making, Welded Lead pipe. Lead pipe lining. Lead pipe, Machines for makin; Lining cylinders. Lining gun-barrels. Lining metallic pipes. Lining tubes. Tubes. Tubes, Bushing Tubes, Casing Tubes, Ornamenting Tubing. Welded-pipe making. 174 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 135. UMBRELLAS AND FANS. Canes, Fans, Parasols, and Umbrellas. For Manufacture of the Metallic Parts of the above, see Class 53, Section 1. Automatic fans. Cane and seat combined. Canes, Ferrules for walking Canes, Walking Fan-folding machines. Fans, Automatic Fans for chairs. Fans for sewing-machines, Handles for canes. Handles for umbrellas. Parasols. Sun- shades. Umbrella and cane combined. Umbrella-cases. Umbrella-covers. Umbrella-fasteners. Umbrella-ferrules. Umbrella-frames. Umbrella-joints. Umbrella ribs and stretchers. Umbrella-runners. Umbrella- supporters. Umbrella-tips. Umbrellas. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 175 CLASS 136 VALVES. Cocks, Faucets, Taps, Valves for all Fluids. [For the Manufacture of Water and Gas Fittings, see Class 53, Sec- tion K.] Balanced valves. Ball-cocks. Beer-taps. Bottle-faucets. Check-valves. Cocks. Cocks, Blow-off Cocks, Feed Cocks, Gage Cocks, Oil Cocks, Self-closing Cocks, Steam Cocks, Stop Cocks, Try Cocks, Water Cut-off valves. Escape- valves. Faucet-filters. Faucets. Faucets, Basin Faucets, Boring Faucets, Hot-water Faucets, Molasses Filter-faucets. Gates, Molasses Globe-valves. Governor- valves. Hydrants, Cocks for Hydrant- val ves. Lock-up safety-valves. Molasses-gates. Oscillating- valves. Piston-valves. Pump- valves. Puppet- val ves. Botary-valves. Safety-valves. Slide-valves. Steam-valves. Stop-cocks. Stop-valves. Taps for liquors. Throttle-valves. Valve-gear, Steam-engine. {See Class 121.) Valve-regulators. Valves, Arrangement of Valves, Automatic Valves, Back-pressure Valves, Balance Valves, Butterfly Valves, Check Valves, Clack Valves, Core Valves, Cut-off Valves, Disk Valve-seats. Valves, Escape Valves for gas-engines. Valves for syringes. Valves, Globe Valves, Governor Valves, Oscillating Valves, Piston Valves, Pump Valves, Puppet Valves, Rotary Valves, Safety Valves, Slide Valves, Spring- balance Valves, Steam Valves, Stop Valves, Throttle Valves, Trimmer Valves, Water-closet Valve-tubes. Water-closet valves. Water-valves. 176 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASH 137. WATER-DISTRIBUTION. Including Well-tubing', Filters, Pipes, and Coupling. [For the Manufacture of Water and Gas Fittings, see Class 53, Sec- tion K.] Anti-concussion devices for water- pipes. Artesian-well tubing. Ash leaches. Bark leaches. Barrel washers. Couplings, Pipe Driven- wells. (See Class 37.) Filters. Filters, Globe Filters, Tube Filters, Well-tube Fire-plugs. Fish traps for water-pipes, Fountains. Funnels. Hose-clamps. Hose couplings. Hose-nozzles. Hose-pipes. Hydrant-pipe stops. Hydrants. Hydrants, Filtering Hydrants, Waste for Irrigating-apparatus. Irrigating- carts. Leaches. Mains, Gas Mains, Water Nozzles for fire-engines. Nozzles for hose. Nozzles for oil-cups. Packing for well-tubes. Pipe-couplings. Pipe-protectors. Pipes, Water and gas Rain-water cut-offs. Rose-heads. Sampling tubes. Street-sprinkling carts. . Street-washers. Siphons. Spouting. Tube-couplings. Tube-niters. Tube- wells. (See Class 37.) Tubing, Well. (See Class 37.) Velinches. Water- tanks for railways, etc. Wells, Artesian. (See Class 37.) Well-tubes. Well-tubes, Filters for Well- tubes, Packing for Well- tubes, Strainers for CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 177 CLASS 138. WATER-WHEELS Chutes for water. Current-wheels. Forebays. Gates for water-wheels. Penstocks. Ticle-wheels. Turbines. Water-wheels. 12 178 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 139. WEAVING. Looms, their Mechanisms, Parts, and Products. [For Manufacture of Weaving Hardware, see Class 53, Section H. Bags, Woven Basket-covering for bottles. Basket-making. Basket-making machines. Baskets, Weaving- Belting, Woven Binding, Woven Blinds, Woven Bobbins for shuttles. Bullion, Machines for making Carpet fabrics. Carpeting. Carpet-lining machines. Carpet-rag looper. Chenille-machines. Circular looms. Coach-lace. Corded fabrics. Crinoline, Weaving Cut-piled fabrics. Double-piled fabrics. Druggets. Fabrics, Carpet Fabrics, Corded Fabrics, Cut-piled Fabrics, Double-piled Fabrics, Elastic Fabrics, Figured Fabrics, Horse-hair Fabrics, Piled Fabrics, Shaped Fabrics, Straw Fabrics, Terry Fabrics, Tubular Fabrics, Woven Figured fabrics. Flannels. Fringes. Gauze. Hair cloth, Machines for making Harness for looms. Harness, Machines for making loom Hats, Weaving Heddles. Horse-hair fabrics. Hose, Weaving Jacquard apparatus, Let-oif motions for looms. Looms. Looms for cross-weaving. Looms for curvilinear weaving. Looms for weaving bags. Looms for weaving baskets. Looms for weaving belting. Looms for weaving blinds. Looms for weaving cane. Looms for weaving caps. Looms for weaving carpets. Looms for weaving cases for bot- tles. Looms for weaving corded fabrics. Looms for weaving counterpanes. Looms for weaving crinoline. Looms for weaving cut-piled fab- rics. Looms for weaving double- piled fabrics. Looms for weaving elastic fabrics. Looms for weaving figured fab- rics. Looms for weaving fringes. Looms for weaving hats. Looms for weaving horse-hair. Looms for weaving hose. Looms pets. Looms for weaving matting. Looms for weaving metallic tis- sues. Looms for weaving piled fabrics. Looms for weaving ribbons. Looms for weaving satin. Looms for weaving scarfs. Looms for weaving shaped fabrics. Looms for weaving shawls. Looms for weaving sieve-cloth. Loorns for weaving silk. Looms for weaving slats. Looms for weaving straw fabrics. Looms for weaving terry fabrics. for weaving ingrain car- CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 179 Looins for weaving tubular fab- rics. Looms for weaving velvets. Looms for weaving wire. Looms for weaving woolen cloth. Loopers for carpet-rags. Machines for making welt-bind- ings. Matting. Pattern-cards. Pattern-chains. Pattern-cylinders. Picker-checks. Picker-motions. Picker-staves. Pickers. Pile-wire actuating-mechanisms. Pile-wires. Power-looms. Eeeds for looms. Eeed setter. Eeeds for looms, Machines for making Shedding-apparatus. Shuttle-boxes. Shuttle-boxes, Actuating Shuttle-checks. Shuttles. Shuttle- spindles. Sieve-cloth, Weaving Stor>meehanisms for looms. Take-up motions for looms. Tape. Temples, Loom Warp-beams. Weavers' harness, Machines for making Weaving baskets. Weft-forks. Wire, Looms for weaving 180 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 140. WI&E-WOBKIBTG. Cables, Fences, Screens, and Sieves of Wire. Annealing wire. Ash- sifters. Bending wire. Bird-cages. Blinds, Woven- wire Brushes, W r ire Cables for sub-marine telegraphs. Cables for suspension-bridges. Cables, W T ire Coal-screens. Coal-sifters. Coiling wire. Corrugating wire. Covering of wire, wire ropes, and cables. Draw-plates for wire. Flour-sieves. Harness for looms, Making wire Panels of wire. Pliers, Wire-cutting Pointing wire. Polling wire. Kope, Wire Safes, Wire-work for kitchen Sand-screens. Screens of wire. Sieves of wire. Sifters. Sif tin g-machines. Skirt-hoops, Covering wire with wire for Suspension-bridge cables. Tools for working wire. Twisting wire. Wire-annealing. Wire-bending. W r ire-brushes. Wire-cables. y\ T \ re-cloth crimping, Machines for Wire-coiling. W r ire-eovering. Wire dish-covers, Making W T ire dish-stands, Making Wire- drawing. Wire fabrics. Wire-fences, Panels for Wire-gauze. Wire heddles for weavers' har- ness, Making Wire-making. W r ire-pointing. Wire-rolling. Wire ropes. Wire screens. Wire shoe-pegs. Wire sifters* Wire springs, Making Wire-straightening. Wire strainers. Wire-twisting. Wire with wire for skirt-hoops, &c, Covering Wire-working for ornamental fences. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 181 CLASS 141. WOOD SCREWS. The Article and its Manufacture. Capping screws. Coffin-screws, Making Cutting wood screws. Screw-blanks, Cutting Screw-blanks, Feeding Screw-blanks, Making Screw-blanks, Threading Screws, Swaging Wood screws. Wood screws, Machines for mak- ing 182 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 142. WOOD-WOBKING, 1. Lathes and Wood-turning. Axe-handles, Machines for turning Axles, Machines for turning Bowls, Machines for turning Boxes, Machines for turning wooden Bungs, Machines for turning Buttons, Machines for turning Centers for wood-lathes. Chucks for wood-lathes. Clothes-pins, Machines for turning Corks, Machines for polishing Corks, Machines for turning- Dogs for wood-lathes. Dowels, Machines for turning Eluting-lathes, Wood Frames, Machines for turning round and oval Gun-stocks, Machines for turning Handles, Machines for turning Hat-blocks, Machines for turning Hubs, Machines for turning Lasts, Machines for turning Lathe-dogs for wood-lathes. Lathes for turning irregular forms. Lathes, Mandrels for wood Lathes, Wood Oars, Machines for turning Oval frames, Machines for turnin g Pegs, Machines for turning Pius, Machines for turning bed- stead and clothes Plow-handles, Machines for turn- ing Plugs, Machines for turning Rests for wood-lathes. Snaths, Machines for turning Spools, Machines for boring Spools, Machines for turning Spokes, Machines for turning Tool-rests for wood-lathes. Tools for wood-lathes. Tree-nails, Machines for turning Turning irregular forms. Wooden boxes, Machines for turn- ing Wooden pins, Machines for turn- ing Wooden screws, Machines for turning Wood-lathes. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 183 CLASS 143. WOOD-WORKING, 2. Machines for General Work. [Except Saiving-macMneS) Class 110. Boring-machines, (wood.) Carving-machines. Cutter-heads of planing-machines. Cutters of molding and planing machines. Dovetailing machines. Dressing-machines, (wood.) Hewing-machines. Molding-machines, (wood.) Mortising-machines. Planing-machines, (wood.) Polishing-machines, (wood.) Rabbeting-machines. Sand-papering machines. Sawing-machines. (See Class 110.) Saw-mills. (See Class 110.) Shaving-horses. Slitting timber, Machines for Slivering-machines. Tenoning-machines. 134 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. CLASS 144. WOQD-WOEKIHG, 3. Machines for Special Work. Axle-setters. Axles, Machines for making wooden Bark-cutting machines. Bark, Machines for planing Bark, Machines for pressing Barrel-heads. Barrel-heads, Machines for mak- ing Barrels, Machines for making Baskets, Machines for making Basket-splints, Machines for mak- ing Bending wood, Machines for Blind-slats, Machines for planing Blind-slats, Machines for tenon- ing Blind-slats, Machines for wiring Blinds, Machines for making Blind-splints, Machines for mak- ing Blind-stiles, Machines for mak- ing Blind-stiles, Machines for mortis- ing Blind-stiles, Machines for pierc- ing Blind-stiles, Machines for spacing Blocks, Machines for making nau- tical Blocks, Machines for making wooden paving Boxes, Machines for making wooden Broom-handles, Machines for making Broom-splints, Machines for mak- ing Brush-backs, Machines for mak- ing Brush-handles, Machines for making Buckets, Machines for making Bundling firewood, Machines for Cane, Machines for polishing Cane, Machines for splitting Cane, Machines for stripping Cane-strippers. Caning chairs, Instruments for Carpenters' machines. Casks, Machines for making Chair-backs, Machines for dress- ing Chair-backs, Machines for round- ing Chair-seats, Machines for boring Chair-seats, Machines for planing Chairs, Instruments for caning Chair-stuff, Machines for scraping Clap-boards, Machines for gaging Clap-boards, Machines for plan- ing Clothes-pins, Machines for mak- ing Clothes-pins, Machines for slot- ting Cogs on wooden wheels, Machines for cutting Cogs, Machines for making Comb-making machines. Coopers' machines. Cutting dyewood. Dipping-frames for matches. Boors, Machines for making Drums, (keg,) Machines for mak- ing Dyewood, Machines for cutting Eave troughs, Machines for mak- ing wooden " Excelsior," Machines for mak- ing Eellies, Machines for bending Fellies, Machines for boring Fellies, Machines for planing Fire-wood, Machines for bund- ling • Fire-wood, Machines for splitting Frames, Machines for making- saw Frames, Machines for making slate Gear, Machines for cutting wooden Girdling trees, Machines for Grooving lumber, Machines for CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 185 Gutters, Machines for making wooden Handles, Machines for making wooden Hoops, Machines for bending Hoops, Machines for cutting Hoops, Machines for dressing Hoops, Machines for splitting Horn, Machines for working in Horn -mol ding. Hubs, Machines for boring Hubs, Machines for centering Hubs, Machines for mortising Hubs, Machines for setting boxes in Ivory, Machines for working in Joists, Machines for dressing Kegs, Machines for making Lasts, Machines for cutting Lasts, Machines for making Lasts, Machines for polishing Lath, Machines for cutting Lath, Machines for splitting Match-blocks, Machines for mak- ing Matches, Dipping frames for Matches, Machines for pointing Matches, Machines for making Matches in frames, Machines for putting Matches, Machines for rounding Matches, Machines for splitting Match-splints, Framing Match-splints, Machines for mak- ing Nautical-blocks, Machines for making Oars, Machines for dressing Oars, Machines for planing Oars, Machines for riving Osier-peelers. Palm-leaves, Machines for split- ting Panels, Eabbeting door Paving-blocks, Machines for mak- ing Pencils, Machines for making Pegs, Machines for making Pegs, Machines for making shoe Pegs, Machines for pointing Pegs, Machines for splitting Picket-pointers. Pickets, Machines for making Pins, Machines for cutting clothes 13 Pins, Machines for slotting clothes Pipes, Wooden Plane- stocks, Machines for mak- ing Plow-handles, Machines for bend- ing Plow-handles, Machines for dress- ing Plugs, Machines for cutting wooden Pointing rails, pickets, matches, &c. Post-borers. Bail way ties, Machines for dress- ing Rake-teeth, Machines for making Rattan, Machines for cutting Rattan, Machines for dressing Rattan, Machines for polishing Rattan, Machines for reducing Rattan, Machines for slitting Rattan, Machines for splitting Rattan, Machines for stripping Rings, Machines for cutting wooden Rossi ng bark. Rossing dye-stuffs. Sand-papering machines. Sash, Machines for making Sash, Machines for mortising Sash, Machines for planing Scale-board, Working Sharpeners, Picket and pole Shingle binders. Shingles* Machines for jointing Shingles, Machine for planing Shingles, Machines for riving Shoe-pegs, Machines for making Shoe-soles, Machines for making wooden Shovel-handles, Machines for making Skewers, Macnines for making Slate-frames, Machines for making Snaths, Machines for bending Snaths, Machines for finishing Snaths, Machines for rounding Spiints for baskets, blinds, brooms, and matches. Splitting firewood, Machines for Spokes, Machines for driving Spokes, Machines for planing Spokes, Machines for polishing 186 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. Spokes, Machines for tenoning Spools, Machines for boring Staves, Machines for bilging Staves, Machines for crozing Staves, Machines for dressing Staves, Machines for howeling Staves, Machines for jointing Staves, Machines for riving Stumps, Machines for cutting Table-leaves, Join ting- Tire setters. Tire tighteners. Tobacco-pipes, Machines for mak- ing wooden Tooth-picks, Machines for mak- ing Tortoise-shell, Machines for work- ing in Trays, Machines for making wooden Treenails, Machines for making Troughs, Machines for making wooden Veneering. Veneers, Machines for cutting Veneers, Machines for planing Veneers, Machines for polishing Veneers, Machines for pressing Veneers, Machines for straighten- ing Wainscoting, Making Washboards, Machines for mak- ing- Wedges, Machines for making Whalebone, Machines for dress- ing Whalebone, Machines for split- ting Wheelwrights' machines. Willow-peeling. Willow-shaving machines. Withes, Machines for twisting Wood-bending machines. Wood-bundling machines. Wooden bowls, Machines for making Wooden trays, Machines for making Wooden-ware, Machines for mak ing Wood-gear*cutting. Wood-polishing machines. Wood-splitting machines. CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. 187 CLASS 145. WOOD-WORKING, 4. Tools. [For Manufacture of Wood-ivorlcing Metallic Tools, see Class 81, Sec- tion B.] Adzes. Annular bits. Augurs. (Wood.) Awls. (Wood.) Ax-helves. Axes. Bands for handles. Bench-ciamps. Bench-dogs. Benches tor carpenters, joiners, &c. Bench -fittings. Bench-hooks. Bench-planes. Bench-strips. Bench-vises. (Wood-working.) Bits, Boring. (Wood.) Bit-stocks. Bolt-extractors. Boring-bits. Box-scrapers. Bucks, Saw Bung-cutters. Cabinet-makers 7 tools. Cabinet-makers 7 tools, (Manufac- ture of See Class 81.) Carpenters 7 benches. Carpenters 7 clamps. Carpenters 7 gages. Carpenters 7 tools. Carpenters 7 tools, (Manufacture of See Class 81.) Chalk-line holders. Chamfering-tools. Chisels, Carpenters 7 Chisels, Grafting Chisels, Joiners 7 Chisels, Pruning Clamps, Carpenters 7 Clamps, Joiners 7 Clamps, Shipwrights 7 Claw-hammers. Coopers tools. Coopers 7 tools, (Manufacture of See Class 81.) Countersink-bits. Cutting-gages. Deck-scrapers. Dogs, Bench Drawing-knives. Edge-planes. (Wood.) Expanding-bits. Extractors, Bolt, nail, spike, tack Frows. Gages, Cutting Gages, Scribing Gimlets. Glue hoppers. Glueing tables. Gouges. Hammers, Claw Handles to tools, Attaching Handles, Tool, (except turning.) Hatchets. Hooks, Bench Horses, Saw Howeling-tools Joiners 7 benches. Joiners 7 clamps. Joiners 7 tools. Joiners 7 tools, (Manufacture of See Class 81.) Knives, Drawing Mallets. Mast-scrapers. Match -planes. Miter-boxes. Molding-planes. Nail-extractors. Plane-bits. Plane-making. Planes, Carpenters 7 Planes, Coopers 7 Planes, Joiners 7 Planes, Splint Plane-stocks. Planking-clamps. Easps, Wood 188 CLASSIFICATION OF SUBJECTS OF INVENTION. Beaming-bits. (Wood.) Biving splints, Tools for Sand-paper holders. Saws. (See Class 110.) Scrapers, Box Scrapers, Deck Scrapers, Mast Screw- drivers. Scribing- gages. Shipwrights' olamps. Shipwrights' tools. Shipwrights' tools, (Manufacture of See Class 81.) Spike-extractors. Splint-planes. Spoke-shaves. Stocks, Bit Tack-extractors. Tools for wood-working. Tool-handles, (Except turning, Class 142.) Tool-holders. Tool-stocks. Tools to handles, Attaching Veneering-tools. Vises, Carpenters' Wheelwrights' wood-working tools. ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. SUBJECT. Karae of class— official classifi- cation. A. Abutments for arches Accordeous Account-books, Binding of Accouterments, Military Achromatic glasses Acids, Air-tight packages for Acids, Apparatus for making, (except Stills, Class 124) Acids, Processes for making Acids, Distillation of Acoustic instruments Acupuncturator.' Adding-machincs Addressing-machines Address-stamps Adhesion-cars Adhesive fastenings for paper, &c Adobes Advertising-cards Advertising-devices Advertising-frames Adzes Adzes, Manufacture of. Aerated liquids Aerated liquor apparatus Aerating dough, Apparatus for Aerial cars Aerostats Aero steam-engines Ageing liquors Agricultural boilers Agricultural engines Agricultural furnaces Agricultural tools of metal, Manufac- ture of Air and gas meters Air-blast Air-brakes for car, Steam-actuated Air-carbureting machines Air-chambers Air-compressing machines and appli- ances Air-cooling apparatus Air-cooling processes Air-cushions Air-engines Air-filters Air-guns Air-heating traps for air-engines Air-meters Air-proofing processes Air-pumps 14 Bridges Music Book-Binding. Trunks Optics Preserving Chemical Miscellaneous . Chemical Miscellaneous . Stills Surgery Surgery Measuring-Instruments . Printing Printing Railways ; 2 Stationery , Clay Stationery Stationery Stationery Wood-Working; 4 , Metal-Working; 6 . Aeration , Aeration Aeration Pneumatics Pneumatics Pneumatics Beer and Wine Stoves Steam ; 3 Stoves ... .. o o O 02 Metal- Working ; Pneumatics Pneumatics Gas . . . Pumps Pneumatics . Ice Ice Pneumatics . Pneumatics . Pneumatics . Pneumatics Pneumatics Pneumatics Paint Pneumatics 14 84 11 133 88 99 23 23 124 128 128 73 101 101 105 120 25 120 120 120 145 81B 1 1 1 98 98 98 7 126 123 126 81B 98 98 121 48 103 98 62 62 98 98 98 98 98 98 91 O 02 O 21 102 15 162 157 58 35 35 47 156 156 42 117 146 121 146 20 54 54 54 49 49 1 1 6 143 143 2 19 59 94 59 64 12 122 27 118 12 58 58 62 2 166 12 2 64 35 12 190 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. SUBJECT. Name of class — official classifi- cation. Ajr-taniis Air-tight cans, jars, and packages Air-traps for sinks and sewers Alarm-bells, Manufacture of Alarm-locks Alarms, Bilgewater Alarms, Burglar Alarms, Electro-magnetic Alarms, Fire Alarms, Fog Alarms for stop-motions of carding- niachines Alarms, Gas Alarms, Grist Alarms, Household fire Alarms, Leak Alarms, Nautical Alarms, Shoal Alarms, Telegraphic Alarms, Temperature Alarms, Till Alarms, Window Alcohol, Apparatus for making Alcohol, Ma terials for making Alcoholmeters Albumenizing paper Albums, Binding of Alkalies, Air-tight packages for Alkalimeters Alloys Almond-peelers Alphabet-blocks Altimeters Altitude-instruments Amalgamators - Ambulances Ammonia-engines Ammunition-cases Anaesthesia, Instruments for producing, {except Refrigerative, Class 62) Anaesthetic refrigerators Anchor-balls Anchors Anchors, Drift , Anchors for suspension-cables Anchor-shackles Anchors, Manufacture of , Anchor-trippers Andirons Anemometers , Anemoscopes Angle-iron, Bending or straightening. .. Angle-iron, Boiling Aniline dyes Animals across rivers, Floating Animal from vegetable fiber, Separat- ing. Animal-black Animal-catching Animal-labels Pneumatics Preserving Baths and Closets Hardware Manufactures. Locks Signals Signals Electricity Signals Signals Carding Lamps Mills Signals Signals Signals Signals Electricity Signals Signals Signals Stills Stills Measuring-Instruments . Photography Book -Binding Preserving Measuring-Instruments . Metallurgy Kitchen Utensils Educational Optics Optics Ore Carriages Pneumatics Projectiles Surgery Ice Ships ; 1 Ships ; 1 Ships ; 1 Bridges Ships ; 1 Metal- Working ; 3 Ships; 1 ... Stoves Measuring-Instruments . Measuring-Instruments . Metal- Working ; 1 Metal- Working ; 5 Bleaching and Dyeing. . Boats Chemical Miscellaneous . Sugar Butchering Stationery » 98 99 4 53B 70 116 116 36 116 116 19 67 83 116 116 116 116 36 116 116 116 124 124 73 95 11 99 73 75 65 35 88 88 90 21 98 102 128 62 114 114 114 14 114 78 114 126 73 73 76 80 8 9 23 127 17 120 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 191 SUBJECT. Name of class — official classifi- cation. i=3 "3 © . © & o food for . Animal-powers Animals, Preparin, Animal-traps Anklets Annealing glass - - Annealing metals Annealing wire Annular bits Annular boring-bits for metal Annular saws . Annunciators Anti-concussion devices for water-pipes Anti-fermentation processes and appli- cations Anti-friction axle-bearings Anti-friction compounds Anti-friction metals Anti-friction rollers Anti-incrustators, Galvanic Anti-incrustators, Magnetic Antiseptics Anvils, Manufacture of Apiaries Apparel, Paper Apple-corers Apple-parers Apple-slicers Aquariums Aqueducts Arcbery Arcbes Architecture, Naval Arithmometers Armatures , Armor, Personal Armor-plates, Bending or straightening. Armor-plates, Polling Armor-plating Armor, Submarine Arms, Artificial Arrastras Arresters /.. Artesian wells Artesian-well tubing Articulators Articulators for fitting dentures Artificial arms Artificial ears Artificial eyes Artificial feet Artificial flowers Artificial gems Artificial gums Artificial hands Artificial leather , Artificial legs Artificial marble Artificial palates Artificial slate Artificial stone, (except Grindstones, Class 51) Mechanical Powers . Stabling Games and Toys Boots and Shoes Glass Metallurgy Metallurgy Wood- Working ; 4 . Metal- Working ; 2.. Saws Signals Water-Distribution Beer and Wine , Carriages Journals and Bearings. Journals and Bearings Journals and Bearings Electricity Electricity Chemical Miscellaneous . . . Metal- Working ; 3 Bee-Hives Paper Manufactures Kitchen Utensils Kitchen Utensils Kitchen Utensils Fine Arts Hydraulic Engineering . . . Games and Toys Bridges Ships ; 1 Measuring-Instruments . . . Electricity Fire-Arms Metal-Working ; 1 Metal-Working ; 5 Ships; 1 Hydraulic Engineering . . . Artificial Limbs Ore Electricity Stone, Lime, and Cement.. Water-Distribution Surgery Dental Artificial Limbs Artificial Limbs Artificial Limbs Artificial Limbs Fine Arts Glass Dental Artificial Limbs Paint Artificial Limbs Stone, Lime, and Cement.. Dental Stone, Lime, and Cement.. 74 119 46 12 4 75 75 145 77 110 116 137 7 21 64 64 64 36 36 23 78 6 93 65 65 65 41 61 46 14 114 73 36 42 76 80 114 61 3 90 36 125 137 128 32 3 3 3 3 41 49 32 3 91 3 125 32 125 Stone, Lime, and Cement.. | 125 159 59 143 16 68 85 163 29 100 130 24 167 19 31 87 87 87 148 148 98 60 9 109 88 88 88 54 82 143 21 137 42 50 55 125 125 137 82 5 99 50 153 51 156 46 5 5 5 5 54 68 5 5 56 5 153 46 153 153 192 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. SUBJECT. Artificial teeth .■-, Artillery Artillery-carriages Artists' appliances, {except Brushes, Class 15) Ash-leaches Ash-pans Ash-pans of locomotives Ash-pit covers Ash-sifters .. Asphalt and wood pavements combined Asphalt pavements Assaying Assorting yarns and threads Astatic needles Astronomical charts Astronomical instruments Astronomical instruments, Electro- magnetic Astronomical lanterns Atmospheric baths Atmospheric motors Atomizers Augers for earth-boring Augers, Manufacture of Augers. (Wood) Auricles Automata Automatic fans Automatic presses Automatic valves Awls, Shoemakers' Awls. (Wood) Awnings ! Axe-handles, Machines for turning Axes Axes, Manufacture of Ax-helves Axle-arms Axle-boxes, (carriage,) Manufacture of. Axle-boxes, Compositions for Axle-boxes for carriages Axle-boxes for railway-cars Axle-boxes, Making railway-car Axle, Making locomotive Axles, Car Axle-setters Axles, Lubricators for carriage Axles, Machines for making wooden . .. Axles, Machines for turning Axles, Making railway-car Axles, Manufacture of carriage Axle-trees Azimuth instruments Name of class — official classifi- cation. E. Baby-jumpers Baby-walkers Back-bands ... Dental ... Ordnance Ordnance Fine Arts Water-Distribution , Stoves Steam; 3 Stoves Wire-Working , Paving Paving Metallurgy Cordage Electricity Educational Optics Electricity Educational Surgery . . Pneumatics Ice Excavators Metal- Working; 6 Wood-Working ; 4 Artificial Limbs Games and Toys Umbrellas and Fans Presses Valves Boots and Shoes Wood -Working; 4 Carpentry Wood- Working ; 1 Wood- Working ; 4 Metal- Working; 6 Wood- Working ; 4 Carriages Hardware Manufactures. Carriages Carriages ' Eailways ; 3 Railways ; 4 Eailways ; 4 Eailways ; 3 Wood-Working; 3 Carriages Wood- Working ; 3 Wood-Working ; 1 Eailways ; 4 Metal-Working ; 3 Carriages Optics Id 9 o Furniture Carriages and Wagons. Harness 32 89 89 41 137 126 123 126 140 94 94 75 28 36 35 88 36 35 128 98 62 37 81B 145 3 46 135 100 136 12 145 20 142 145 81B 145 21 53C 21 21 106 107 107 106 144 21 144 142 107 78 21 45 21 54 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 193 SUBJECT. Bagasse-dryers Bag-fasteners Baggage-checks Bag-holders Bag-locks Bag machines, Paper Bags, Carpet Bags, Mail Bags, Saddle Bags, Traveling Bags, Woven Bait Bake- pans - Bakers' ovens - Bakers r ovens, Portable Balanced valves Balance rynds „ Balances Bale-ties and hoops Baling hay Baling-presses Ballasting Ball-cocks Balling cord and twine Balling yarns and threads Ballistic pendulums Balloons Ballot-boxes Ball-screws for fire-arms Balls for cartridges Balls for fire-arms Balls for ordnance Balmorals Bandages Bandages, Catamenial Bandages, Suspensory Band and cord fasteners Band-cutting machines for thrashers . Banding-machines Banding-spindles Band-pulleys . . Band-punches '. Bands Band-saws Bands for binding grain Bands for handles Bands for pulleys Band- wheels Banjos . . Bank-notes Barbers' appliances Bark-cutting machines Bark, Extracts of I Bark-leaches ! Bark, Machines for planing j Bark. Machines for pressing Bark-mills j Barley-forks Barn-door hangers I Barn-door rollers i Dryers and Kilns Mills Stationery Mills Locks Paper Manufactures . . . Trunks Trunks Trunks Trunks Weaving Fishing Stoves Stoves Stoves Valves Mills Measuring-Instruments Presses Presses Presses Ships ; 1 Valves Cordage Cordage Measuring-Instruments Pneumatics Stationery Fire- Arms Projectiles Projectiles Projectiles Apparel Surgery Surgery Surgery Hose and Belting Thrashing Cordage Spinning Journals and Bearings . Clasps and Buckles.. .. Hose and Belting Saws Harvesters Wood- Working ; 4 Hose and Belting Journals and Bearings. Music Fine Arts Toilet Wood- Working ; 3 Tanning Water-Distribution Wood- Working; 3.. .. Wood-Working ; 3 Mills Harvesters Builders' Hardware .. . Builders' Hardware TJ 1 Oosa 34 155 83 57 120 146 83 57 70 93 93 109 133 162 133 162 133 162 133 162 139 95 43 143 126 154 126 6 126 6 136 152 83 57 73 132 100 7 100 7 100 7 114 137 136 167 28 17 28 17 73 71 98 143 120 146 42 55 102 32 102 32 102 105 2 38 128 156 128 156 128 156 60 81 130 159 28 17 118 142 64 87 24 81 60 81 110 130 56 74 145 29 60 81 64 87 84 102 41 54 132 161 144 92 129 92 137 167 144 92 144 92 83 92 56 77 16 24 16 24 194 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. SUBJECT. ISTame of class — official classifi- cation. Barometers Barrel-cleaners Barrel-covers , Barrel-dryers Barrel-fillers Barrel-f nmigators Barrel-handles Barrel-heads Barrel-heads, Machines for making Barrel-heaters Barrel-lining Barrel-pitching Barrel-rollers Barrels Barrels impervious to liquids, Rendering Barrels, Machines for making Barrels, Making gun Barrels, Making sheet-metal Barrels, Pitching Barrel-stands and skids Barrels to stocks, Attaching Barrel-tilters Barrel-washers Barrows «. Bars and rods, Rolling Bars, Bending or straightening Bascule bridges Base-balls Base-burning fire-place heaters Base-burning stoves Basin-clamps Basins for sewers Basket-covering for bottles Basket-making Basket-making machines Baskets Baskets, Car Baskets for fruit, fish, grain and pro- visions Baskets, Machines for making Basket-splints, Machines for making. .. Baskets, Weaving Bath-heaters Bathing-apparatus Bathing-tubs Baths Baths, Douche Baths, Electro- voltaic Baths, Medicated Baths, Shower , Baths, Vapor Baths, Voltaic Bating hides , Batons Bats for balls Bats, Forming Batteries, Floating Batteries, Submarine Batteries, Thermo-electric Batteries, Voltaic „ , Measuring- Instruments Aeration Kitchen Utensils Dryers and Kilns Aeration Dryers and Kilns Kitchen Utensils Wood- Working ; 3 . . . . Wood- Working ; 3 Drvers and Kilns Paint Paint Aeration Wood- Working ; 3 Paint Wood- Working ; 3 Tubing and Wire Sheet-Metal Paint Aeration Fire- Arms Aeration Aeration Carriages Metal -Working; 5_. .. Metal- Working ; 1.. .. Bridges Games and Toys Stoves Stoves Furniture Masonry Weaving Weaving Weaving Kitchen-Utensils Railways ; 2 Kitchen Utensils Wood- Working; 3 Wood-Working; 2 Weaving Stoves Baths and Closets Baths and Closets Baths and Closets Baths and Closets Electricity Baths and Closets Baths and Closets Baths and Closets Electricity Tanning Games and Toys Games and Toys Felting and Hats Ships ; 1 Ships; 1 Electricity Electricity 73 1 •65 34 1 34 65 144 144 34 91 91 1 144 91 144 134 113 91 1 42 1 1 21 80 76 14 46 126 126 45 72 139 139 139 65 105 65 144 143 139 126 4 4 4 4 36 4 4 4 36 129 46 46 38 114 114 36 36 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 195 SUBJECT. ISTanie of class— official classifi- cation. . o eS © JB O Batter-machines Batting-machines Bayonet-attachments Bayonet-frogs Bayonet-scabbards Bayonets ; Bayonets, Manufacture of Beacons Beacons, Sonorific , Beads, Glass Beads, (metallic,) Manufacture of Beaming cloth Beams of wood, Compound Beams, Boiling Bean-harvesters Bean-shellers Bearings for machinery Beater-engines Beater-presses Bed-bottoms Bed-bugs, Traps for Bed-clothes clasps Bedding Bed-pans Bed-plates of rag-engines Bed-quilts Beds Bedstead-canopies Bedstead-cording Bedstead-fastenings Bedstead keys Bedsteads Bedsteads and other furniture com bined Bedsteads, Invalid Bedsteads, Sofa Bedsteads, Spring-slats for Bedsteads, Valances for , Bedsteads, Ventilating Bedsteads, Wardrobe Bed-wrenches Bee-culture , Bee-feeders Bee-fumigators Beer and wine Beer-coolers ■. Beer-cooling vats Beer-cups , Beer-fountains Beer-pitchers Beer-preserving vessels Beer-pumps , Beer-taps Beet-root sugar apparatus , Bell-founding Bell-hanging , Bellows-nozzles Bellows Bell-pulls Bell-ringing Bells Kitchen Utensils Carding Fire- Arms . Trunks Trunks Fire-Arms Hardware Manufactures Signals Signals Glass Hardware Manufactures Cloth Carpentry Metal-Working ; 5 Harvesters Kitchen Utensils Journals and Bearings. . Paper-Making . . . Presses Beds Beds Beds Beds Surgery Paper-Making Beds Beds Beds Beds Beds Beds Beds Beds Beds Beds Beds Beds Beds Beds Beds Bee-Hives . . » Bee-Hives Bee-Hives Beer and Wine Ice Beer and Wine Kitchen Utensils Pumps Kitchen Utensils Beer and Wine Pumps Valves Sugar Casting Signals Pneumatics Pneumatics Builders' Hardware Signals Signals 65 19 42 133 133 42 53A 116 116 49 53F 26 20 80 56 65 64 92 100 5 5 5 5 128 92 5 ' 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 62 7 65 103 65 7 103 136 127 22 116 98 98 16 116 116 28 55 162 162 52 53 138 138 37 30 125 75 88 87 108 7 62 62 65 62 156 108 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 62 9 19 19 19 88 118 88 19 118 167 155 10 24 12 12 24, 24 10 196 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. SUBJECT. Bells, Clock Bells, Cow Bells, Dumb.. Bells, Manufacture of Bells, Sleigh Bell-straps Belt-clasps Belt-couplings Belt-cutting machines Belt-fasteners Belting, Compositions for Belting-Comx)ound Belting, Modes of making Belting, Eubber Belting, Woven Belt-lacers Belt-lacing, Machines for cutting Belt-punches Belts Belts, Body Belt-shifters Belt-splicing Belt-tighteners Bench-clamps Bench-dogs. Benches for carpenters, joiners, &c ... Bench-fittings Bench-hooks Bench-planes Bench-shears Bench-strips Bench-vises. (Wood-Working) Bending bars and plates Bending rails Bending sails Bending sheet-metal Bending wire Bending wood, Machines for Berths, Car Berths, Floating Berths, Ships' B6ton Be"ton, Structures of Beverages, {except Aerated and Fer merited) Beverages, Aerated Beverages, Fermented Bidets Biers Bilge-boards . Bilge water-alarms Bilge-water, Discharging Bilgewater-gages Bill-holders Bill-hooks Billiard-balls Billiard-balls, Compositions for Billiard-chalk cups Billiard-cues Billiard-cue tips Billiard-markers Name of class — official classifi- cation. Signals Harness Games and Toys Hardware Manufactures. Harness Harness Hose and Belting Hose and Belting Hose and Belting Hose and Belting Hose and Belting Hose and Belting Hose and Belting Hose and Belting Weaving Hose and Belting Hose and Belting Clasps and Buckles Hose and Belting Apparel Journals and Beariugs. .. Hose and Belting Journals and Bearings Wood- Working ; 4 Wood- Working ; 4 '. Wood-Working ; 4 ..... . Wood- Working ; 4 Wood- Working ; 4 Wood -Working ; 4 Cutlery Wood-Working ; 4 Wood- Working ; 4 Metal-Working ; 1 Metal-Working ; 1 Ships; 1 Sheet-Metal Wire- Working Wood-Working ; 3 Railways ; 2 Ships ; 1 Ships ; 1 Stone, Lime, and Cement Masonry Chemical Miscellaneous . . Aeration Beer and Wine Baths and Closets Carriages Ships; 1 Signals Ships; 1 Measuring-Instruments .. Stationery Cutlery Games and Toys Chemical Miscellaneous . . Games and Toys Games and Toys Games and Toys Games and Toys 116 54 46 53 B 54 54 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 60 139 60 60 24 60 2 64 60 64 145 145 145 145 145 145 30 145 145 76 76 114 113 A 140 144 105 114 114 125 72 23 1 7 4 21 114 116 114 73 120 30 46 23 46 46 46 46 §» C ? GO 1.3 (-i "*s . © cation. %* Tl 1* 32 03 « a o '35 -11 O V O fc fc 133 162 120 146 137 64 137 167 25 115 125 115 75 99 145 174 46 143 32 46 7 19 34 19 7 19 / 19 7 19 82 100 119 144 68 91 122 148 72 4 36 50 89 105 75 99 75 99 75 99 75 85 75 99 75 99 75 99 75 99 75 99 75 85 75 99 75 99 71 '96 111 133 56 77 111 133 111 133 47 77 47 77 56 77 71 96 111 133 111 77 111 77 111 77 35 146 47 63 127 155 47 63 33 97 35 146 35 146 35 146 125 153 90 3 51 3 Mail-bags * Mail-distributing boxes Mains, Gas Mains, Water Malaxators Malaxators, (see Class 25) Malleable iron castings, Furnaces for. . Mallets * Mallets, Croquet Mallets, Dental Malting . „ Malt-kilns Malt liquors, Cooling Malt liquors, Preserving Malt liquors Mandrels - Mangers Mangles Man-holes for boilers and tanks Man-holes for sewers Manipulators Mantelets Manufacture of aluminium Manufacture of cobalt Manufacture of copper Manufacture of iron Manufacture of lead Manufacture of magnesium . . , Manufacture of nickel Manufacture of potassium Manufacture of sodium Manufacture of steel Manufacture of tin Manufacture of zinc Manure, Artificial Manure-carts, Distributing Manure-drags Manure-drills Manure-drills, Liquid Manure-forks . Manure-hooks , Manure-loading rakes Manures, Composition, processes, ma- chinery Manure-screens Manure-spreaders Manure-sowers, Broadcast Manuring, Green Map-holders Maple-sugar buckets Maple-sugar, Manufacture of Maple-sugar spiles Map projectors Maps Maps, Dissected Maps, Outline Marble, Artificial Marble-crushing machines Marble-grinding Trunks Stationery Water-Distribution Water-Distribution Clay.... Stone, Lime, and Cement. . . Metallurgy > Wood- Working ; 4 Games and Toys Dental Beer and Wine Dryers and Kilns Beer and Wine Beer and Wine Beer and Wine Metal- Working ; 7 Stabling Laundry Steam ; 2 Masonry Electricity Ordnance - Metallurgy Metallurgy Metallurgy Metallurgy Metallurgy Metallurgy Metallurgy Metallurgy Metallurgy Metallurgy Metallurgy Metallurgy Manures Seeders and Planters Harvesters =, Seeders and Planters Seeders and Planters Garden and Orchard Garden and Orchard Harvesters Manures Seeders and Planters Seeders and Planters Seeders and Planters Seeders and Planters ...... Educational Garden and Orchard Sugar Garden and Orchard Drafting Educational Educational Educational Stone, Lime, and Cement.. Ore Grinding and Polishing 262 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. SUBJECT. Name of class— official classifi- cation. Marble-grinding, Compositions for Marble-polishing Marble-working machines Marine railways ., Mariners' compasses Marine safes Marine signals Marine steam-boilers Markers for seeding-machines Markers for sewing-machines Market-stalls Mark-holders for bales Marl, Treatment of Marquetry , Marshes, Machines for filling Marshes, Eeclaiming , Martingales Martin-houses <. Mash-tubs Masks Masonry . Mast-hoops Mastiug-sheers Masts . . , Mast-scrapers Metallic blinds, doors, floors, gratings, and shutters Match-blocks, Machines for making Match-boxes Matches, Compositions for „... Matches, Dipping frames for Matches in frames, Machines for putting Matches, Machines for pointing Matches, Machines for making Matches, Machines for rounding Matches, Machines for splitting Match-planes Match-x>lates Match-safes Match-splints, Framing Match-splints, Machines for making Mathematical instruments Mathematical scales Materials for bands, belts, and hose Mats, Car Mats, Door Mats for cars, Wooden Mats for oil-presses Mats, Slat Matting Mattocks Mattresses Mattresses, Machines for making Mattresses, Materials for Meal-bins Meal-chests , Measures, Board . « Measures, Cloth Measures, Dry Grinding and Polishing.. Grinding and Polishing. . Stone, Lime, and Cement Hydraulic Engineering.. Electricity Boats Signals Steam; 2 Seeders and Planters Sewing-Machines Furniture Stationery Manures ., Fine Arts Hydraulic Engineering.. Hydraulic Engineering.. Harness Garden and Orchard Beer and Wine Games and Toys Masonry Ships ; 1 Hoisting Ships; 1 Wood- Working ; 4 Masonry Wood- Working ; 3 Lamps and Gas-Fittings . Gunpowder Wood- Working ; 3 Wood- Working ; 3 Wood-Working; 3 Wood-Working ; 3 Wood-Working ; 3 Wood-Wprking ; 3 Wood- Working ; 4 Casting Lamps and Gas-Fittings. Wood-Working ; 3 Wood- Working ; 3 Drafting Drafting Hose and Belting Brushes and Brooms Brushes and Brooms Brushes and Brooms Presses I Brushes and Brooms Weaving Garden and Orchard Beds Beds Beds Kitchen Utensils Kitchen Utensils Measuring-Instruments . . . Measuring-Instruments . . . Measuring-Instruments . - . 51 51 125 61 36 9 116 122 111 112 45 120 71 41 61 61 54 47 7 46 72 114 57 114 145 72 144 67 52 144 144 144 144 144 144 145 22 67 144 144 33 33 60 15 15 15 100 15 139 47 5 5 5 65 65 73 73 73 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 263 SUBJECT. Name of :lass — official classifi- cation. II V 3 6 TJ Measures, Liquid Measures, Lumber Measures of capacity Measures, Tailors' Measures, Tape Measures, Tire Measuring cloth. Machines for Measuring devices of faucets Measuring devices of funnels Measuring devices of pumps Measuring-sticks Measuring yarns, threads, &c Meat eans and jars Meat-curing Meat-cutters, (for Mincers see Class 1' Meat-dryers Meat-grinders Meat-holders Meat-packing Meat-presses Meat-safes Meat-saws Meats. Compositions for preserving . . . Meat-spits Meats, Processes for preserving Meat-tenderers . Mechanical leeches . Mechanical memoranda , Mechanical movements Mechanical typographers , Medals , Medical compounds Medical-electric apparatus Medicators Medicinal powders, Instruments for putting up Medicine-cases Medicine-glasses, Graduated Medicines Medicines, Instruments for adminis- tering Medicines, Instruments for compound- ing -- Medicine- spoons Meerschaums Melodeons Melting glass Memorandum-hooks Menstruation, Instruments for arresting Meridian-finders Mess-chests Mess-kits Metallic blinds, doors, shutters, and gratings ,„. Metallic boats Metallic roofing Metallic surfaces, Compositions for coating Metallurgic furnaces Metallurgic processes ) Measuring-Instruments . Measuring-Instruments . Measuring-Instruments . I Measuring-Instruments . Measuring-Instruments . Measuring-Instruments . Cloth Measuring-Instruments . Measuring-Instruments . Measuring-Instruments. Measuring-Instruments. | Cordage j Preserving Food Preserving Food Kitchen L T tensils Dryers and Kilns Butchering Kitchen Utensils Preserving Food .... Presses Kitchen Utensils Saws Preserving Food Kitchen Utensils Preserving Food Kitchen Utensils Surgery Stationery Mechanical Powers Printing Fine Arts Chemical Miscellaneous Electricity Surgery Surgery Surgery Measuring-Instruments . Chemical Miscellaneous Surgery Surgery Surgery Tobacco Music Glass Stationery Surgery Optics Kitchen Utensils Kitchen Utensils Carpentry Boats. .... Eoorinjr .. . Paint Metallurgy Metallurgy 73 73 73 73 73 73 26 73 73 73 73 28 99 99 65 34 17 65 99 100 65 110 99 65 99 65 1-28 120 74 101 41 23 36 128 128 128 73 23 128 132 42 132 97 97 97 37 132 132 132 97 97 58 58 88 58 25 88 58 7 88 25 58 88 58 88 156 146 67 117 54 98 50 98 98 156 98 98 128 98 128 98 131 160 84 106 49 68 120 146 128 156 88 157 65 88 65 88 20 4 9 13 108 126 91 107 75 99 75 99 264 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. SUBJECT. Metal-saws Metals, Furnaces for reducing . Metals, Manufacture of Metals, Purification of = Metals with metals, Coating Metal- working tools Meteorological instruments Meteorometers, Telegraphic Meters , Meters, Air Meters, Current Meters, Drop Meters, Electrical Meters, fluid, Registering devices of Meters, Gas Meters, gas, Registering devices of Meters, Liquid Meters, liquid, Registering devices of .. Meters, Registering devices for Meters, Registering devices of water. . . Meters, Spirit . .. . Meters, spirit, Registering devices of. .. Meters, Water Metronomes Mica lamp-chimneys Micrometers . Microscopes Military accouterments Milk, Air-tight packages for Milk-cans . Milk-carriers Milk-closets Milk, Condensing Milk-coolers Milkers, Cow ., Milk-houses Milking-shields Milking-stools Milk-pails Milk-pans Milk-safes Milk-shelves Milk-strainers Milk-testers, {except Lactometers, Class 73.) Mill-board -. Mill-dams , Millers' alarms Milling-cloth Milling-machines Mill-gearing Mills Mills, Cane : Mills, Clay Mills, Gig Mills, Pug '. Mills, Sorghum Mills, Sugar Millstone-bridges Millstone bush-hammers Name of class— official classi cation. Saws Metallurgy Metallurgy Metallurgy Plating „ Metal- Working ; 6 Measuring-Instruments . Electricity Measuring-Instruments . Pneumatics Measuring-Instruments . Measuring-Instruments . Electricity - Measuring-Instruments , Pneumatics Measuring-Instruments . Pumps Measuring-Instruments . Measuring-Instruments . Measuring-Instruments . Pumps Measuring-Instruments . Pumps Horology Lamps and Gas-Fittings Optics .' Optics Trunks Preserving Food Dairy Dairy Dairy Preserving Food Ice Dairy , Dairy , Surgery Dairy Dairy Dairy Dairy Dairy. Dairy Dairy ... Paper-Making Hydraulic Engineering . Mills Cloth Metal- Working ; 7 Mechanical Powers Mills Mills Clay - Cloth Clay Mills Mills Mills Stone, Lime, and Cement 110 75 75 75 96 81A 73 36 73 98 73 73 36 73 98 73 103 73 73 73 103 73 103 58 67 88 88 133 99 31 31 31 99 62 31 31 128 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 92 61 83 26 82 74 83 83 25 26. 25 83 83 83 125 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 265 SUBJECT. Millstone-curbs Millstoue-dress Millstone-eyes Millstone-hammers Millstone-picks Millstones Millstones Millstones, Balancing Millstone-scrapers Millstones, Dressing Millstones, Elevating . f . . Millstones, Hanging Millstones, Leveling Millstones, Regulating Millstones, Supporting Millstones, Tramming Millstones, Ventilating Mincing-machines Mineral-waters, Compositions for Miners' tools, Manufacture of Mining Mirrors Mirrors for windows Miter-boxes Mitering printers' rules Mitrailleuses Mittens Moccasins . Moire metallique Molasses-gates Molasses, Treatment of Mold-boards for plows Mold-boards, Materials for Molders' flasks Molders' tables Molding glass Molding-machines, (wood) Molding pipe, Machines for Molding-planes Mold-facing Molds, Composition for glass Molds, Dental Molds for bricks and ceramics Molds for casting metals Molds for cornice Molds for glass Molds for rubber goods Mole-plows , Monitors Monitor-turrets Monkey-wrenches Monuments Mop-handles Mop-heads Mops Mop-wriagers Mortar Mortar, Applications of Mortar-machines Mortar-mixers Name of class — official classifi- cation. Mills Mills Mills .... Stone, Lime, and Cement.. Stone, Lime, and Cement. .. Stone, Lime, and Cement.. Mills Mills Stone, Lime, and Cement.. Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Mills Butchering Aeration and Bottling Metal- Working ; 6 Stone, Lime, and Cement.. Furniture Furniture Wood-Working ; 4 Sheet-Metal Ordnance Apparel Boots and Shoes Plating Valves Sugar . . Plows Plows Casting Casting Glass Wood- Working ; 2 Casting Wood- Working ; 4 Casting Glass/ Dental Clay Casting. Masonry Glass Caoutchouc Plows Ships; 1 Ships ; 1 Metal- Working ; 6 Fine Arts Brushes and Brooms Brushes and Brooms Brushes and Brooms Brushes and Brooms Stone, Lime, and Cement.. Masonry Clay Clay 83 83 83 125 125 125 83 83 125 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 83 17 1 81B 125 45 45 145 113 A 89 2 12 98 136 127 97 97 22 22 49 143 22 145 22 49 32 25 2.2 72 49 18 97 114 114 81A 41 15 15 15 15 125 72 25 25 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 25 1 124 124 62 62 29 117 105 38 16 113 167 155 114 114 33 33 68 173 33 173 33 63 46 20 33 4 68 84 114 137 137 100 54 22 22 22 22 153 153 153 153 2GG ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. SUBJECT. Name of class — official classifi- cation. Mortars Mortars, Pharmaceutists' Mortisiug-machines Mosaic Mosaic tiles Mosquito-netting, Frames for Moth-destroyers Moth-traps Motion, Converting Motion, Multiplying Motion, Transmitting Motors, Mechanical , Mottled yarns Mottled yarns, Machines for making . .. Mounting ordnance Mousiug-hooks Mouth-pieces for cigars and pipes Movement-cure apparatus Mowing-machines Mucilage-bottles Mucilage-holders Mud-boats * Mud-collectors for steam-boilers Mud-machines Muffs Mules Muley-saws Music Musical instruments Musical instruments, Electric attach- ments to Musical notation Music-boxes Music-stands Mustache-guard Muzzle-rings « Muzzles N. Nail-brushes Nail-distributing machines Nail-extractors Nailing-machines, Boot Nail-plate feeders Nails Nails, Cut Nails, Machines for making Nails, Wrought Napkin-holders Napkins Napping-machines for cloth Napping-machines, Hat Nasal douches Nasal tubes Nautical alarms Nautical blocks, Machines for making.. Naval architecture Neck-tie clasps Neck-tie retainers Ordnance Surgery Wood-Working; 2 .... Fine Arts Clay Beds Bee-Hives Bee-Hives Mechanical Powers Mechanical Powers Mechanical Powers Mechanical Powers Spinning Spinning Ordnance Clasps and Buckles Tobacco Surgery Harvesters Stationery Stationery Ships; 1 Steam ; 2 Hydraulic Engineering Apparel Spinning Saws Music Music Electricity Music Music Furniture . Toilet Harness .. Harness .. Brushes and Brooms. Nails Wood- Working ; 4 .. Boots and Shoes Nails Nails Nails Nails Nails Kitchen Utensils Kitchen Utensils Cloth Felting and Hats Surgery Surgery Signals Wood- Working; 3 .'. Ships ; 1 Clasps and Buckles. . Apparel 128 143 41 25 5 6 6 74 74 74 74 118 118 89 24 131 128 56 120 120 114 122 61 2 118 110 84 84 36 84 84 45 132 54 54 15 85 145 12 8 | »5 85 85 85 65 65 26 38 128 128 116 144 114 24 2 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 267 SUBJECT. Name of class — official; classifi- cation. Ij o =n o Neck-ties Neck-yokes Needle-boxes Needle-cases Needle-guards Needle-guns Needles Needle-setters for sewing-machines .. Needles for knitting-machines Needles for sewing-machines Needles, Machines for making Needles, Machines for papering Needles, Surgeons' , Needle-threaders . . - Needle-threaders for sewing-machines Needle-wrappers , Nests for fowls Nests, Bird Nets, Fishing Nets, Ladies' head Netting-machines Newspaper-clamps Newspaper-covers Newspaper-folders Nicking horses, Apparatus for Night-carts « Night-latches Night-soil, Treatment of Nipple-guards for fire-arms Nipples, Artificial Nipple-shields Nipples of fire-arms Nitre-glycerine Nitrous oxide, Apparatus for making. Nitrous oxide gas, Instruments for ad ministering Nose-bags Nose-rings Nostril-pinchers , Nozzles for fire-engines Nozzles for hose Nozzles for oil-cups Nozzles, Manufacture of Nozzles, Variable exhaust Nubias Numbering machines Numeral-frames , Nursery-bottles Nursery-gates Nursing couches Nut-blanks, Making „ Nut-crackers Nut-locks Nut-making-machines Nutmeg-graters , Nut-pickers Nuts Not-threading machines , Apparel Carriages - Apparel Apparel Apparel Fire-Arms Apparel Sewing-Machines Knitting and Netting Sewing-Machines Needles and Pins Needles and Pins Surgery Apparel Sewing-Machines Apparel Stabling Games and Toys Fishing Felting and Hats Knitting and Netting Stationery Stationery Paper Manufactures Stabling Carriages and Wagons Locks and Latches Manures Fire-Arms Surgery Surgery Fire-Arms Gunpowder , Gas , Surgery Harness Harness Harness Water-Distribution Water-Distribution Water-Distribution Hardware Manufactures . . Steam; 3 Felting and Hats Printing Educational Surgery Furniture Beds Bolts, Nuts, and Rivets... Kitchen Utensils Bolts, Nuts, and Rivets... Bolts, Nuts, and Rivets... Kitchen Utensils Kitchen Utensils Bolts, Nuts, and Rivets... Bolts, Nuts, and Rivets , . . 2 21 2 2 2 42 2 112 66 112 86 86 128 2 112 2 119 46 43 38 66 120 120 93 119 21 70 71 42 128 128 42 52 48 128 54 54 54 137 137 137 53J 123 38 101 35 128 45 5 10 65 10 10 65 65 10 10 38 31 38 •36 38 18 104 134 89 104 104 104 156 38 134- 104 116 143 143 160 89 146 146 117 144 31 93 96 55 156 156 55 71 46 46 72 144 144 167 167 87 136 94 38 15 146 156 62 62 14 88 14 14 88 88 14 14 268 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. SUBJECT. Name ,of class— official classifi- cation. I- 03 F o. Oakum-pickers . Oar-locks Oars Oars, Feathering Oars, Machines for dressing Oars, Machines for planing Oars, Machines for riving Oars, Machines for sawing Oars. Machines for turning Oasts Object-teaching, Devices for Obstetric apparatus , Obstructing rivers and harbors Octants Odometers Offal, Deodorizing Offal-dryers - Offal for fertilizers, Treatment of Offal, Treating Office time-indicators, (non-automatic).. Oil-cake trimmers Oil-cans, Air-tight Oil-cloth Oil-cloth cutters Oil-cloth printing Oil-cups Oilers Oil extracting, Chemical modes of Oil-filters Oil-mills Oil-presses - « Oil-refining Oils aud fats from fiber and meal, Re- moving Oils, Apparatus for hoiling Oils, fats, and glue Oil-stills Oil-stones Oil-tanks, Sealed Oil-wells, Blasting Oil-wells, Torpedoes for Ointments Oleometers Olivers Omnibuses ... Open links „ Open rings Opera-glasses Operating ordnance Ophthalmoscopes Optical instruments Ordnance Ordnance, Attaching trunnions to Ordnance, Instruments for disabling... Ordnance-manufacturing Ordnance, Mounting rdnance, Operating Ordnance-projectiles Brakes and Gins Boats Boats Boats Wood- Working; 3 Wood-Working; 3 Wood- Working ; 3 Saws Wood- Working ; 1 Dryers and Kilns Educational Surgery Hydraulic Engineering Optics Measuring-Instruments Manures Dryers and Kilns Manures Oil, Fat, and Glue Stationery Presses Preserving Food Paint Furniture Printing Journals and Bearings . Journals and Bearings . Oil, Fat, and Glue Oil , Fat, and Glue Presses Presses Stills.. Oil, Fat, and Glue Stoves and Furnaces . . . Oil, Fat, and Glue Stills Grinding and Polishing. Preserving Food Projectiles Projectiles Chemical Miscellaneous. Measu ring-Instruments . Metal- Working ; 3 Carriages and Wagons. . Clasps and Buckles Clasps and Buckles Optics Ordnance Surgery Optics ...... Ordnance Ordnance Ordnance Metal -Working ; 3 Ordnance Ordnance Proj ectiles 13 9 9 9 144 144 144 110 142 34 35 128 61 88 73 71 34 71 87 120 100 99 91 45 101 04 64 87 87 100 100 124 87 126 87 124 51 99 102 102 23 73 78 21 24 24 88 89 128 88 89 89 89 78 89 89 102 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 269 SUBJECT. Ore-crushers . Ore-disintegrators Ore-dressers Ore-mills Ores, Calcining Ores. Desulphurizing Ore-separators Ores, Furnaces for reducing Ores, Oxidizing Ores, Roasting Ores, Smelting Ore-stamps Ore-washers - Organ-actious Organ-bellows Organ-couplers Organ key-hoards Organ- pipes Organs Organ sound-hoards : Organ-stops Organs, Tremolo attachments to Organ-swells Organ-tuning Organ wind-chests Ornamental yarns Ornamentation , Ornamenting glass Ornaments. Compositions for plaster Ornaments for sheet-metal ware, Die. .. Ornaments, Small metallic Ornaments, (small metallic,) Manufac- ture of Orreries Orthopedic apparatus Oscillating steam-engines . Oscillating-valves Osier-cutting Osier-peelers Otoscopes - Ottomans Outriggers Oval frames, Machines for turning Ovens, Bakers' Ovens, Coke Ovens for biscuit, (Clay) Ovens for enameling Ovens for pottery Ovens. Portable Ovens, Reel Ovens, Rotary Ovens, Stove Overshoes Oxshoes Oxygen, Processes and apparatus for obtaining Oxhydrogen lights Ox-yokes, bows, and pins Oyster-cans Oyster-culture 19 Name of class — official classifi- cation. Ore Ore Ore Ore Metallurgy Metallurgy Ore Metallurgy Metallurgy Metallurgy Metallurgy Ore Ore...' Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music Music „ Music Cordage Fine Arts Glass Stone, Lime, and Cement Sheet-Metal Clasps and Buckles Hardware Manufactures Educational Artificial Limbs Steam ; 1 Valves - Garden and Orchard. ... Wood-Working; 3 Surgery Furniture Boats Wood-Working ; 1 Stoves and Furnaces . . . Dryers and Kilns Dryers and Kilns Dryers and Kilns Dryers and Kilns Stoves and Furnaces ... Stoves and Furnaces . . . Stoves and Furnaces . . . Stoves and Furnaces ... Boots and Shoes Horseshoes Gas Lamps and Gas-Fittings . Carriages and Wagons. .. Preserving Food Fishing 90 90 90 90 75 75 90 75 75 75 75 90 90 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 28 41 49 125 113 A 24 53E 35 3 121 136 47 144 128 45 9 142 126 34 34 34 34 126 126 126 126 12 59 48 67 21 99 43 1.3 o , O Q._0 . S * o =0 pliances for teaching .. Pen-racks Spinning Weaving Weaving Weaving Casting Apparel Paving Paving Paving Paving Paving Paving Saws Paving _ Paving Stone, Lime, and Cement Clay , Paving Mechanical Powers Ships; 1 Kitchen Utensils Kitchen Utensils Mills Stoves and Furnaces Kitchen Utensils Dryers and Kilns Fuel Fuel Presses Measuring-Instruments . . Kitchen Utensils Boots and Shoes Boots and Shoes Boots and Shoes Boots and Shoes Boots and Shoes Boots and Shoes Boots and Shoes Wood-Working ; 3 Wood- Working ; 3 Wood- Working ; 3 Wood- Working ; 3 Wood-Working ; 1 Boots and Shoes. Stationery Stationery Stationery Stationery Stationery Stationery Stationery Wood-Working ; 3 Mechanical Powers Horology Electricity Stationery Hardware Manufactures . Stationery Educational Stationery 118 139 139 139 22 2 94 94 94 94 94 94 110 94 94 125 25 94 74 114 65 65 83 126 65 34 44 44 100 73 65 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 144 144 144 144 142 12 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 144 74 58 36 120 531 120 35 120 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 273 SUBJECT. Name of class — official classifi- cation. Pens Pens, Cattle and hog Pens, Fountain ....... Pens, Galvanic Pens, Manufacture of Pens, Rubber Pens, Ruling Penstocks Pen-trays Pepper-boxes Perambulators Percbes, Wagon , Perch-plates, Manufacture of Percolators for medicinal solutions Percussion-cap-tilling macbines Percussion-cap holders Percussion-cap-liniug macbines Percussion-caps Percussion-caps, Manufacture of Percussion-cartridges Percussion-shells Perfurning-apparatus Permutation-locks Perspective apparatus Pessaries Petroleum, Apparatus for treating Petroleum-burners for stoves Petroleum-cars Petroleum-stills - Pew-fittings ' Pewter-ware, Casting processes for Pharmaceutical apparatus Philosophical toys Phosphates for fertilizers, Treatment of . Photogalvanography Photographic albums Photographic apparatus Photographic cameras Photographic card-mounts Photographic paper Photographic-plate holders Photographic printing Photographic prints, Coloring Photographic processes Photographic toning Photography Photolithography Photometers Photo-sculpture Piano-forte actions Piano-forte attachments Piano-forte cases Piano-forte frames Piano-forte keys Piano-fortes Piano-fortes combined with reed instru- ments Piano-forte sounding-boards Piano-fortes, Scales for Piano-fortes, Stringing Stationery ! Stabling ! Stationery ; Electricity Hardware Manufactures . Stationery Drafting Water- Wheels Stationery Kitchen LJtensils Carriages and Wagons. . . Carriages Hardware Manufactures. Surgery , Projectiles Projectiles , Projectiles « Projectiles Hardware Manufactures . Projectiles Projectiles Chemical Miscellaneous.. Locks and Latches Drafting Surgery Stills Stoves and Furnaces Railways ; 2 Stills Furniture ' Casting Surgery Games and Toys Manures Photography Stationery Photography Photography Fine Arts Photography Photography Photography Photography Photography Photography Photography Thotography Measuring-Instruments . . Photography Music Music Music Music „. Music Music Music I Music Music ' Music 120 119 120 36 53 1 120 33 138 120 65 21 21 53C 128 102 102 102 102 53A 102 102 23 70 33 128 124 126 105 124 45 22 128 46 71 95 120 95 95 41 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 73 95 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 O 03 O 146 144 146 146 136 146 15 167 146 88 31 31 31 98 55 55 55 55 55 32 105 86 93 97 156 47 154 121 47 62 33 156 143 96 HI 146 111 111 54 111 111 111 111 111 111 111 54 157 54 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 112 274 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. SUBJECT. Name of class— official classifi- cation. Piano-fortes, Swell-attachment to. Piano-fortes, Tuning Piano-locks Piano-movers , Piano-stools , Picker-checks Picker-motions Pickers Picker-staves Pickers, Wool or Cotton, (Factory) Picket-fences Picket-pointers Pickets, Machines for making Picking fur Picking rope Picks Picks, Millstone Picture-cases Picture-frames Picture-hangers Picture-holders, Photographic .... Picture-knobs Picture-mounting Picture-nails Pie-crimpers Pier-glasses Piers, Bridge and abutment Piers, Landing Pie-trimmers Pigeon-holes, Desk Pigments , Pigments, Manufacture of Pikes Pile-cutters Pile-drivers Piles Piles and fagots for rolling Piles, Instruments for treating Piles, Protection of Piles, Screw Pile-wire actuating-mechanisms . . Pile-wires Pills, Machines for making Pillows Pilot-stands Pin-boxes Pinchers , Pinchers, Lasting Pinchers, Shoemakers' Pin-cushions Pinking-machines Pinking-punches Pins, Breast Pins, Diaper Pins, Dress — Pins, Machines for cutting clothes . Pins, Machines for making Pins, Machines for papering Pins, Machines for slotting clothes. Music Music Locks and Latches Furniture Furniture "Weaving Weaving Weaving Weaving Carding Fences , Wood- Working ; 3 Wood-W T orking ; 3 ...... Felting and Hats Cordage Garden and Orchard Stone, Lime, and Cement Fine Arts .' Fine Arts Furniture Photography Nails „ , Fine Arts Nails Kitchen Utensils Furniture Bridges Hydraulic Engineering . . Kitchen Utensils Stationery Paint Paint Cutlery Hydraulic Engineering .. Hydraulic Engineering . . Hydraulic Engineering . . Metal- W r orking ; 5 Surgery Hydraulic Engineering .. Hydraulic Engineering .. Weaving Weaving Surgery , Beds Ships; 1 Apparel Metal-Working; 6 ...... Boots and Shoes Boots and Shoes Apparel Apparel Clasps and Buckles Jewelry Jewelry Jewelry Wood-Working ; 3 Needles and Pins Needles and Pins W T ood- Working ; 3 84 84 70 45 45 139 139 139 139 19 39 144 144 38 28 47 125 41 41 45 95 85 41 85 65 45 14 61 65 120 91 91 30 61 61 61 80 128 61 61 139 139 128 5 114 2 81 12 12 2 2 24 63 63 63 144 86 86 144 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 275*. SUBJECT. Pius. Machines for turning bedstead and clothes Pins, Scarf Pins, Shawl Pipe, Cement Pipe-couplings Pipe-cutters Pipe-protectors Pipes, Chain-locker Pipes, Clay Pipes, Compositions for making Pipes, Draining Pipes, Non-conducting covering for steam Pipes, Tobacco Pipes, Water and gas Pipes, Wooden Pipe-tongs Pipettes Pipe-wrenches Pisciculture Pise-building. Implements and modes for Pistols Pistol-swords Piston-blowers Piston-packing Piston-rod packing Piston-rods Pistons Piston-valves Pitchforks Pitch-heaters Pitchers, Beer , Pitchers, Ice Pitchers, Molasses Pitman connections , Pitmen Pitmen for harvesters Pitmen for sewing-machines Plaiters for sewing-machines Plaiting-machines Planchets from bars and plates, Cutting Plane-bits Plane-making Planers Planes, Carpenters' Planes, Coopers' Planes, Joiners' Planes, Splint Plane-stocks Plane-stocks, Machines for making ■ Plane-tables Planetariums Planimeters Planing machines, Metal Planing-machines, (wood) Planing stone Planispheres Planking-clamps Name of class — official classifi- cation. if Wood- Working ; I Jewelry Jewelry Clay Wafer-Distribution Metal- Working ; 6 . Water-Distribution Ships; 1 Clav Clav Clav Fishing- . Steam; 2 Tobacco Water-Distribution Wood-Working ; 1 Metal- Working ; 6 Measuring-Instruments Masonry Fire-Arms Fire- Arms Pneumatics Steam; 1 Steam; 1 Steam ; 1 Steam; 1 Valves Garden and Orchard Stoves and Furnaces Kitchen Utensils Kitchen Utensils Kitchen Utensils Mechanical Powers Mechanical Powers Mechanical Powers Mechanical Powers Se wing-Machines Apparel Metal-Working ; 4 Wood- Working ; 4 Wood-Working; 4 Metal-Working ; 7 Wood-Working; 4 ..- Wood-Working ; 4 Wood- Working ; 4 Wood-Working ; 2 Wood-Working ; 2 Wood- Working : 3 Optics Educational Measu ring-In st rum en t.s . . . Metal- Working ; 7 Wood- Working ; 2 Stone, Lime, and Cement. Educational Wood- Working : 4 142 63 63 25 137 81A 137 114 25 25 25 122 131 137 142 81A 73 81A 43 72 42 42 98 121 121 121 121 139 47 126 65 65 65 74 74 74 74 112 2 79 145 145 82 145 145 145 143 145 144 88 35 73 82 143 125 35 145 ! £: ft 17S 8& 86* 20 167 10O 167 138 20 20 148 160 167 173. 100 150 100 14S 4 55> 55 12 151 151 151 151 152 141 126 88- 88 ; 8S 67 67 74 134 134 38 119 29< 29 10O 29- 40 20 29 29 29 157 157 97 100 173 153 157 29: 276 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS, SUBJECT. Planking hats Planning-instruments Plant-boxes Planters, Corn Planters, Cotton-seed Planters, Hand Planters, Seed - Planters, Tobacco-seed Plant-frames Planting-tools Plant-labels Plastering-machines Plastering-tools Plaster-mills Plasters, Adhesive Plasters, Machines for spreading Plate-engraving Plate-glass Platening glass Plates Plates, Bending metallic Plates, Corrugating metallic Plates for artificial teeth Plates, Straightening metallic Platform-bridges for railway-cars Platform-cars Platforms for railway-cars Platforms, Railway Platinizing . . Playing-cards. Pliers Pliers, Wire-cutting Plotting-instruments Plow-beams Plow-cleaners Plow-clevises Plow-colters Plow-handles, Machines for bending... Plow-handles, Machines for dressing... Plow-handles, Machines for turning Plow-holders Plow-irons Plow-landsides Plow mold-boards Plow-points Plow-regulators Plows, Book-binders' Plows, Ditching Plows, Double mold-board. . . „' Plows, Double-shovel Plows, Draining Plows, Drain-tile Plows, Expanding Plows, Gang Plows, Garden Plows, Hand Plowshares Plows, Hill-side Plows, Marking Plows. Mole Xame of class— official classifi- cation. Felting and Hats Drafting Garden and Orchard . . Seeders and Planters . . Seeders and Planters . . Seeders and Planters . . Seeders and Planters . . Seeders and Planters . . Garden and Orchard- . , Garden and Orchard . . Stationery Masonry Masonry Ore Chemical Miscellaneous Surgery Fine Arts Glass Glass Kitchen Utensils Metal- Working ; 1 Metal-Working,- 1 Dental Metal-Working; 1 Railways ; 3 Railways ; 2 Railways ; 3 Railways ; 1 Plating Games and Toys Wire- Working Wire-Working Drafting Plows Plows Plows Plows Wood-Working; 3 Wood- Working ; 2 Wood- Working ; 1 Plows Plows Plows Plows Plows Plows Book-Binding Plows Plows Plows Plows Plows Plows Plows Plows , Plows Plows Plows Plows Plows 38 33 47 111 111 111 111 111 47 47 120 72 72 90 23 128 41 49 49 05 76 76 32 76 106 105 106 104 96 46 140 140 33 97 97 97 97 144 143 142 97 97 97 97 97 97 11 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 277 SUBJECT. Plow-soles Plows, Paring Plows, Prairie Plows, Rotary Plows, Seeding Plows, Single-shovel Plows, Snow Plow-standards Plows, Steam Plows, Subsoil Plows, Sulky Plows, Tile-laying Plows, Wheel. Plow- wheel colters Pluggers Plugs, Machines for cutting wooden.. Plugs, Machines for turning Plumbers' hooks, manufacture of Plumbers' tools - Plumbs Pneumatic car-brakes Pneumatic dispatch-tubes Pneumatic hammers Pneumatic railways T ocket-book fastenings Pocket-books Pockets Pockets, Safety « Pointing rails, pickets, matches, &c . . Pointing wire „ Pokers, Fire Pokes for animals ., Polariscopes Polarizing-apparatus Poles, Wagon , Police batons Polishing-compounds Polishing glass Polishing-machines Polishing-machiues, (wood) Polishing marble Polishing-materials Polishing metals Polishing slate Polishing stone Polishing yarns, threads, &c Pomatum-cases Pontils Ponton-bridges Pontons Porcelain materials and manufacture Porcelaiu, Printing Portable engines Portable forges Portable houses Portable houses, (metallic) Portable presses Portable railways Portable safes Porte-caustic Name of class — official classifi- cation. Plows Plows Plows Plows Plows Plows Railways ; 3 Plows Plows Plows Plows Plows ,. Plows Plows Dental Wood- Working ; 1 Wood- Working ; 1 Hardware Manufactures.. Metal-Working ; 6 Measuring-Instruments . . . Steam ; 1 Railways ; 1 Metal- Working ; 3 Railways ; 1 Stationery Stationery „ Apparel * Apparel Wood-Working ; 3 Wire-Working Stoves and Furnaces Harness Optics Optics Carriages and Wagons Games and Toys Grinding and Polishing . . . Grinding and Polishing... Grinding and Polishing . . . Wood-Working ; 2 Grinding and Polishing... Grinding and Polishing . . . Grinding and Polishing... Grinding and Polishing... Grinding and Polishing . . . Cordage Toilet Glass Boats Boats Clay Printing Steam ; 3 Metal- Working ; 3 Carpentry Masonry Presses Railways ; 1 Safes Surgery 97 97 97 97 97 97 106 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 32 142 142 53J 81A 73 121 104 78 104 120 120 2 2 144 140 126 54 88 88 21 46 51 51 51 143 51 51 51 51 51 28 132 49 9 9 25 101 123 78 20 72 100 104 109 128 114 114 114 114 114 114 122 114 114 114 114 114 114 114 46 174 172 136 136 157 122 120 60 120 146 146 38 38 174 170 154 144 157 157 31 143 70 68 70 173 153 70 70 153 153 17 161 68 13 13 115 54 94 60 30 4 7 120 128 156 278 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. SUBJECT. Name of class — official classifi- cation. Porte-crayons Portemonnaies Portfolios Portfolios, Making Portfolio-stands Port-hole closers Port-holes, Submarine Portmanteaus Postage-stamp holders Postage-stamps Postal cards Post-borers Post-drivers Post-hole borers .., Posting bills and placards Post-office boxes Post-office letter-stamping apparatus . . . Post-drivers Post-pullers Potato-digging machines Potato-forks Potato-hooks Potato-mashers Potato-peelers Potato-planters Potato-scoops . Pot-covers Pots, Glass Pottery materials and manufacture Pouches, Tobacco * Poudrette, Treatment of Poultices, Compositions for Poultry-coops Poultry-feeder and houses Poultry-houses Poultry-nests Pouncing hats Powder-blowers Powder boxes, Cosmetic Powder-cans, Air-tight . Powder-flask chargers Powder-flasks Powder-injectors Powder-kegs Powder-mills Powder-mixers Powders, Appliances for putting up Power-hammers Power-looms Precious stones, Setting Preserving-cans Preserving- cars Preserving fermented liquors Preserving food Preserving-houses Preserving-processes for food Preserving timber Press and strainer combined Presser-feet for sewing-machines Presser-fiyers Stationery Stationery Stationery Book-Binding Furniture Ships ; 1 Ships ; 1 Trunks Stationery Fine Arts Stationery Wood- Working ; 3 Fences Excavators Fine Arts Stationery „ Printing Hydraulic Engineering Fences Plows Garden and Orchard . . . Garden and Orchard. .. Kitchen Utensils Kitchen Utensils Garden and Orchard. . . Garden and Orchard. . . Stoves and Furnaces. . . Glass Clay Tobacco Manures Chemical Miscellaneous Stabling Stabling Stabling Stabling Felting and Hats Garden and Orchard- .. Toilet Preserving Food Projectiles Projectiles Surgery Gunpowder Mills .... Kitchen Utensils Surgery Metal-Working ; 3 Weaving Jewelry „ „ Preserving Food Preserving Food Beer and Wine Preserving Food Preserving Food Preserving Food Chemical Miscellaneous Presses Se win g-Machines Spinning 120 120 120 11 45 114 114 133 120 41 120 144 39 37 41 120 101 61 39 97 47 47 65 65 47 47 126 49 25 131 71 23 119 119 119 119 38 47 132 99 102 102 128 no 83 65 128 78 139 63 99 99 7 99 99 99 23 100 112 118 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 279 SUBJECT. Name of class — official classifi- cation. Presses, Brick =, Presses, Canceling , Presses, Copper-plate Presses, Copying ~... Presses, Embossing Presses for obtaining relief-printin< surfaces ,. Presses for oils, stearine, fats, &c Presses, Hand-printing , Presses, Hydraulic Presses, Lithographic Presses, Printing Presses, Seal Pressing garments Pressing machines, Leather Pressing metals, scrap, &c. Pressing silk Pressure-indicators, Eegistering de vices of steam Primers Primers, Friction Priming for paint Printers' blankets Printers' blankets, Washing Printers' boxes Printers' cases Printers' furniture Printers' lapping Printers' quoins Printers' rollers Printers' rules Printers' rules, Cutting and mitering . , Printing cloth Printing fabrics Printing floor-cloth Printing-frames, Photographic ....... Printing oil-cloth Printing-presses Printing-processes Printing surfaces Printing surfaces, Presses for obtain ing relief Printing wall-paper J Printing-wheels Prisms ! Privies J Privies, Cleaning Probangs ' Probes j Profiling apparatus Projectiles, Casting i Projectiles, Compositions for coating j and packing , j Projectiles for fire-arms j Projectiles for ordnance Prolapsus, Instruments for treating J Propagating-boxes Propagating by cuttings Propellers Clay Printing ,.. Printing Printing Fine Arts Fine Arts Presses Printing Pumps Printing Printing Printing Apparel Glass Leather Metal- Working ; 3 Silk Measuring-Instruments Projectiles Projectiles Paint. .. Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printiug ,. Printing Sheet-Metal Printing Printing Printing Photography Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Printing Optics Masonry Manures Surgery Surgery Optics Casting Projectiles u Projectiles Projectiles Surgery Garden and Orchard- .. Garden and Orchard. .. Ships; 2 25 101 101 101 41 41 100 101 103 101 101 101 2 49 69 78 117 73 102 102 91 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 113A 101 101 101 95 101 101 101 101 101 101 101 88 72 71 128 128 88 22 102 102 102 128 47 47 115 20 146 117 146 54 54 26 117 118 117 117 146 38 68 92 60 140 148 105 105 107 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 117 11 11 56 111 56 117 117 117 54 109 117 157 51 96 156 156 157 105 105 32 105 156 63 63 139 280 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. SUBJECT. Name of class— offick cation. classifi- Propellers, Screw Propelling in shoal water Propulsion of vessels Protecting bulwarks Protecting tiller-ropes Protectors, Plant and shrub Protectors, Tree Protractors Provision cans, jars, &c, Air-tight .. Provision-cars Provision-safes Pruning-knives Pruning-saws .,.,.-. Priming-shears Puddlers' balls, Rolling and squeezing Puddling , Puddling-furnaces Puddling-processes ^Puffing-irons Puffs Pug-mills Pulley-blocks Pulleys, Belt - Pulleys, Calisthenic Pulleys, Fast and loose Pulleys, Sash Pulls, (bell,) Manufacture of Pulmometers Pulping-machines Palp, Reducing materials to Pump-brakes Pump-motions Pump-piston rods Pump-pistons Pumps Pumps, Air Pumps, Cattle Pumps, Centrifugal Pumps, Chain Pumps, Circular brake Pumps, Double-actiug Pumps, Feed Pumps, Force '. Pumps, Hydraulic-press Pumps, Lift Pumps, Oil Pumps, Oscillating Pumps, Packing for Pumps, Rotary Pumps, Ships' , Pumps, (steam,) Engines of , Pumps, Stomach Pumps, Submerged Pumps, Water Pumps, Wind-propelled „ Pump-valves Punches, Leather, paper, and ticket . Punching-machines for bar or plate . . Punching machines, Leather Punching sheet-metal Ships ; 2 Ships; 2 Ships; 2 Ships ; 1 Ships ; 1 Garden and Orchard Garden and Orchard Drafting Preserving Food Preserving Food Kitchen Utensils . „ Cutlery Saws Cutlery Metal- Working ; 5 Metallurgy Metallurgy Metallurgy Toilet Toilet Clay Hoisting Journals and Bearings. .. Games and Toys Journals and Bearings . . . Builders' Hardware Hardware Manufactures. Mechanical Powers Paper-Making Paper-Making Pumps Pumps Pumps Pumps Pumps , Pumps Pumps Pumps Pumps Pumps Pumps Pumps Pumps Pumps * Pumps Pumps .' Pumps Pumps Pumps Pumps Steam ; 1 Surgery Pumps Pumps Pumps Valves Clasps and Buckles Metal- Working ; 4 Leather Sheet-Metal 115 115 115 114 114 47 47 33 99 99 65 30 110 30 80 75 75 75 132 132 25 57 64 46 64 16 53B 73 92 92 103 103 103 103 103 98 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 103 121 128 103 103 103 136 24 79 69 113A ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 281 SUBJECT. Name of class — official classifi- cation. Puppet-valves Purifiers, Gas Puttying-mackiues for sasli Putty ing-machines for vessel-seams Puzzles Pyrometers Pyrotechnic compounds Pyrotechnics Pyroxyline Q. Quadrants Quarrying Quarrying-inachines . Quartz-mills Quays Quilling yarn Quill-pen makers Quills, Yarn and silk . Quill thread fastener. Quilting-frames Quoins for ordnance . Quoins, Printers' . R. Rabbeting-machines Racking wines, &c - Racks, Boot, hat, and brush . . Racks, Hay-feeding Racks, Hay- wagon Racks, Sheep Radiators Rafter-hooks Rafting-dogs Raftiug logs Rafts Rag carpet, Cutting cloth for. Rag-engines Rail-jacks Railroad earth-works Railroad excavatiug Railroad-rail pieces, Piling.. . Railroad-rails, Capping Railroad-rails. Repairiug Railroad-rails, Re-rolling Railroad-.rails, Rolling Railroad-signals Railroad-spikes Rails, Bending or straightening Rails, Railway Railway bum ping-posts Railway-car heaters Railway-car irons, Making ... Railway-car spittoons Railway cars, Refrigerating . - Railway cattle-guards Railway-chairs Railway-chairs, Making Valves Gas Glass Ships ; 1 > Games and Toys Measuring-Instruments Gunpowder Gunpowder Chemical Miscellaneous Optics Stone, Lime, and Cement Stone, Lime, and Cement Ore Plydraulic Engineering.. Cordage Stationery Cordage Cordage Apparel Ordnance Printing "Wood-Working ; 2 Beer and Wine Furniture Stabling Carriages and Wagons. . . Stabling Stoves and Furnaces Hoisting Boats Boats Boats Cloth Paper-Making Hoisting Excavators Excavators Metal-Working ; 5 Metal- Working ; 5 Metal- Working ; 5 Metal-Working ; 5 Metal- Working : 5 Signals Nails Metal- Working ; 1 Railways; 1 Railways; 1 Stoves and Furnaces Railways ; 4 Furnitui e Ice Railways ; 1 Railways ; 1 Railways ; 4 136 48 49 114 46 73 52 52 23 88 153 153 90 61 28 120 28 28 2 89 101 143 7 45 119 21 119 126 57 9 9 9 26 92 57 37 37 80 80 80 116 85 76 104 104 126 107 45 62 101 104 107 °.2\2 O =0 O 152 66 68 137 143 101 71 71 71 157 124 124 3 82 17 146 17 17 38 105 117 173 19 62 144 31 135 154 79 13 13 13 95 108 79 51 51 125 125 125 125 125 120 120 125 120 120 154 121 121 121 120 120 120 282 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. SUBJECT. Railway-crossings Railway-crossing, Making Railway fish-bars Railway-frogs Railway-frogs, Making Railway-gates Railway-joints Railway metallic mountings, Making . . Railway-rails, Making Railway-rails Railways Railway safety-guards Railways, Elevated Railway-signals, Electrical Railway -sleepers Railways, Marine Railways, Pneumatic Railway-splice pieces Railway-splice pieces, Making Railways, Portable Railways, Street Railways, Track-laying Railway-switches » Railway-switches, Electrical Railway-telegraphs, Electrical Railway-ticket holders Railway-ties Railway-ties, Machines for dressing Railway-track layers ^ Railw ay- track platforms Railway turn-outs Railway turn-tables Railway- wheels, Making Rain-water cut-offs Raising sunken vessels Raisin-seeders Rakes for harvesters Rakes, Garden Rakes, Hand hay Rakes, Horse hay Rakes, Oyster , Rake-teeth, Machines for making. . Rammers for ordnance Rammers for small-arms Rammers, Paviors' Ramrods Rams, Naval , Rams, Water Rand-machines Rands Ranges Rasps Rasps, Machines for making Rasps, Wood Ratchet-drills Ratchet- wrenches Ration-packages for animals. , . Rats Rattan, Machines for cutting Rattan, Machines for dressing Name of class — official classifi- cation. Railways ; 1 Railways; 4 Railways; 1 Railways ; 1 Railways ; 4 Railways ; 1 Railways; 1 Railways ; 4 Railways ; 4 Railways ; 1 Railways ; 1 Railways ; 1 Railways ; 1 Electricity Railways ; 1 Hydraulic Engineering Railways ; 1 Railways ; 1 Railways ; 4 Railways ; 1 Railways ; 1 Railways ; 1 Railways ; 1 Electricity Electricity Stationery Railways ; 1 Wood-Working; 2 Railways ; 1 Railways ; 1 Railways ; 1 Railways ; 1 Railways ; 4 Water-Distribution . . . Ships ; 1 Kitchen Utensils Harvesters Garden and Orchard. -. Garden and Orchard . . . Harvesters Fishing Wood- Working ; 1 Ordnance Fire-Arrns Paving Fire-Arms Ships ; 1 Pumps Boots and Shoes Boots and Shoes Stoves and Furnaces- .. Files Files .,, Wood-Working ; 4 Metal- Working ; 2 Metal- Working ; 6 Stabling Toilet Wood-Working ; 3 Wood- Working; 3 .... 104 107 104 104 107 104 104 107 107 104 104 104 104 36 104 61 104 104 107 104 104 104 104 36 36 120 104 143 104 104 104 104 107 137 114 65 56 47 47 56 43 142 89 42 94 42 114 103 12 12 126 40 40 145 77 81A 119 132 144 144 O oa ■ ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 283 SUBJECT. Name of class — official classifi- cation. Rattan, Machines for polishing Rattan, Machines for reducing Rattan, Machines for slitting Rattan, Machines for splitting Rattan, Machines for stripping Razors Razor-strops Razor-strops, Compositions for Reading-cards Reading-desks Reamers for metal . .. Reaming-hits, (Wood) Reaper-knife sharpeners Reaping-hooks , Reaping-machines Rebaling-presses Reciprocating steam-engines Reckoning-instruments Record-books Recording-instruments Rectification of spirits Rectifying liquors Reducing furnaces, Metal , Reducing processes, Metal , Reed instruments Reed-setter , Reeds for looms , Reeds for looms, Machines for making. Reefing-apparatus Reefing sails Reeling silk , Reels, Fishing-line « , Reels for clothes-lines Reels for harvesters Reels for spinning-machines , Reels for winding yarns and thread Reels, Telegraph , Refining- furnaces Refining liquors Refining oils Reflecting-circles Reflectors for lamps Reflectors for windows Refrigerating-cars Refrigerating-cellars , Refrigerating processes , Refrigerators Register-hooks Register books, Hotel , Registering-devices for meters Registering-devices of air, steam, and water gages Registering devices of fluid-meters Register-locks , Register-points for printing-presses Registers Registers, Billiard Registers, Counting Registers, Grain Registers, Hot-air Wood-Working ; 3 Wood- Working ; 3 Wood-Working ; 3 Wood-Working ; 3 Wood- Working ; 3 Cutlery Grinding and Polishing . Grinding and Polishing. Games and Toys Furniture Metal- Working ; 2 Wood-Working; 4 Grinding and Polishing . Harvesters Harvesters Presses Steam ; 1 Measuring-Instruments . Stationery Measuring-Instruments . Stills Stills Metallurgy Metallurgy Music Weaving , Weaving •. Weaving Ships ; 1 Ships ; 1 Silk Fishing Laundry . Harvesters Spinning Cordage Electricity Metallurgy Stills Stills Optics Lamps and Gas-Fittings Lamps and Gas-Fittings Ice Ice Ice Ice Stationery Stationery Measuring-Instruments . Measuring-Instruments . Measuring-Instruments . Locks and Latches Printing Measuring-Instruments . Measuring-Instruments . Measuring-Instruments . Measuring-Instruments . Stoves and Furnaces 144 144 144 144 144 30 51 51 46 45 77 145 51 56 56 100 121 73 120 73 124 124 75 75 84 139 139 139 114 114 117 43 68 56 118 28 36 75 124 124 88 67 67 62 62 62 62 120 120 73 73 73 70 101 73 73 73 73 126 169 169 169 169 169 44 70 70 143 62 100 29 70 74 74 7 150 42 146 42 47 47 99 99 106 95 95 95 138 138 140 143 91 74 142 17 50 99 47 47 157 90 90 58 58 58 58 146 146 66 167 167 93 117 42 143 42 132 154 284 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. SUBJECT. Registers, Measuring Registers, Passenger , Registers, Printing-press Registers, Steam-engine Registers, Street-car Registers, Telegraph . Registers, Time Registers, Weighing Regulators, Draft Regulators, Exhaust Regulators for millstones Regulators, Heat Regulators, Steam Rein-holders , Rein-pulls Reins, Safety Reins, Slides for Relays Relief valves Rendering lard and tallow Rendering-tanks Repeaters Repeating fire-arms Reservoirs, Canal Resistance-boxes Resistance-coils Resist printing £ Respirators Respiring-apparatus Rests for metal-lathes Rests for wood-lathes Retorts, (except Coal, Class 48) Retorts for gas-making Retorts for glass Retort-stands Revenue guards „ Revenue-stamp cancelers Revenue-stamps Reversing-gear for steam-engines Reversing motion, Apparatus for Revolving-breech cannon Revolving cars Revolving fire-arms Rheometers . Rheotomes Rheostats Rheotropes Ribbons for hand-stamps, Preparing . .. Ribs, Iron Rice-cleaning machines ...... Rice-hullers Rice-polishers Riding-bitts Rifled ordnance Rifles Rifles for whetting Rifling-machines Rifling small-arms Rigging Rigging-clasps Name of elf ; — official classifica- tion. Measuring-Instruments Measuring-Instruments Measuring-Instruments Measuring-Instruments Measuriug-Instruments Electricity Horology Measuring-Instruments Stoves and Furnaces . . Steam ; 3 Mills Stoves and Furnaces. . . Steam ; 2 Carriages and Wagons . Harness Harness Harness Electricity Valves Oil, Fat, and Glue , Stoves and Furnaces ... Electricity Fire- Arms Hydraulic Engineering Electricity Electricity , Bleaching and Dyeing. . Surgery Surgery Metal- Working ; 7 Wood-Working; 1 Chemical Miscellaneous Gas Glass Chemical Miscellaneous Stills .-, , Printing Fine Arts Steam ; 1 Mechanical Powers Ordnance Railways ; 2 Fire- Arms Electricity Electricity Electricity Electricity Stationery Ships ; 1 Mills Mills , Mills Ships ; 1 Ordnance Fire- Arms Grinding and Polishing. Metal- Working ; 7 Fire- Arms Ships ; 1 Ships; 1 73 73 73 73 73 36 58 73 126 123 83 126 122 21 54 54 54 36 136 87 126 36 42 61 36 36 8 128 128 82 142 23 48 49 23 124 101 41 121 74 89 105 42 36 36 36 36 120 114 83 83 83 114 89 42 51 82 42 114 114 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 285 SUBJECT. Name of class — official classify cation. O o an 53 I .2 W y Rigging, Running Rigging, Setting up Rigging, Standing Rigging-stoppers Rings Rings for spinning Rings, Machines for cutting wooden Ring-travelers Ring-travelers, Manufacture of Rinks Ripping-tool Ripples for flax, broom-corn, &c River-bars, Removing Rivers, Improving channels of Rivers, Protection against inundations of Riveting Riveting-machines Rivet-making Rivets Rivets, (harness,) Manufacture of. Riving splints, Tools for Road-making Road-paving Road-rollers Road-scrapers Roasters Roasting ores , Rock-blasting Rock-drills Rock-drills, Air-engines for Rock-drills, Steam-engines for Rocket-harpoons Rockets Rockets, War. Rocking-horses Rod-cutters , Rods, Bending or straightening Rods for gathering glass Roll-blotters Roller and harrow, Combined Roller-heaters Rollers, Barn-door Rollers, Covering Rollers, Flanged Rollers for delivering silk Roller-sheaves for doors Rollers, Land Rollers, Printers' , Rollers, Sash,, Rollers, Sliding-door Rolling glass Rolling machines, Leather Rolling metals Rolling pins Rolling wire Roofing-compositions Roofing-paper Roofing-processes 20 Ships ; 1 Ships ; 1 Ships; 1 Ships; 1 Clasps and Buckles Spinning Wood-Working ; 1 Leather Spinning Hardware Manufactures . Carpentry Apparel Brakes and Gins Hydraulic Engineering.. Hydraulic Engineering . . Hydraulic Engineering . Metal -Working ; 3 Metal- Working ; 3 , Bolts, Nuts, and Rivets., Bolts, Nuts, and Rivets .. Hardware Manufacture , . Wood- Working ; 2 Excavators Paving Paving Excavators Stoves and Furnaces Metallurgy Projectiles Stone, Lime, and Cement. Pneumatics Steam ; 1 Projectiles Gunpowder Projectiles Games and Toys Metal- Working ; 6 Glass Stationery Harrows Stoves and Furnaces Builders' Hardware . Spinning Harrows Silk Builders' Hardware . Harrows Printing Builders Builders : Glass Leather Metal-Working; 5 Kitchen Utensils . . Tubing and Wire . Roofing Paper-Making Roofing Hardware Hardware 114 114 114 114 24 118 142 69 118 53H 20 2 13 61 61 138 138 138 138 23 142 175 72 142 142 30 38 78 82 82 61 82 78 100 78 100 10 14 10 14 53F 14 143 174 37 51 94 110 94 110 37 51 126 154 75 99 102 124 125 124 98- 2 121 150 102 143 52 71 102 71 46 143 81A 100 76 119 49 68 120 146 55 73 126 154 16 24 118 142 55 73 117 140 16 24 55 73 101 117 16 24 16 24 49 68 69 92 80 100 65 88 134 163 108 126 92 126 108 126 286 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. SUBJECT. Roofing-tiles Roofing-tiles. Manufacture of Roofs, Compositions and means for pre- serving Roof-seaming machines Roofs, (except Trusses, Class 14) Roofs Roosts for fowls Root-cutters Root- diggers Root-peelers Root-washers Rope-clutches Rope coiling Rope-making machines Rope-ways Rope, Wire Roping bales Rose-engines . „,, fRose-heads Roses for door-knobs Rosettesfor horses ....._ Rossing bark Rossiug dye-stuffs , Rossiug-machines Rotary blowers Rotary brushes Rotary harrows Rotary spaders ........ . . . Rotary steam-engines Rotary valves Rotting flax and hemp Roughening glass Roughening pavements Roulettes- Rounding machines, Rein Roving-frames . « Row-locks Rubber boots , Rubber erasers Rubber, Hard Rubber hose Rubber, India Rubber rolls for wringers .Rubber shoes Rubber soles Rubber type Rubber, Vulcanizing Rubber, White :Rubbing-apparatus for medical treat ment Rudders Rudders, Attachments for Rudders, Hanging ^Rudders, Protecting iRuffiers for sewing-machines ..Ruffles Ruffles, Machines for making Rule-cutters for printers Rulers; Desk ,..-,, Name of class— official classifi- cation. Roofing Clay Roofing Sheet-Metal Roofing Roofing Stabling Stabling Plows Kitchen Utensils Stabling Mechanical Powers Cordage Cordage - Railways ; 1 Wire- Working Presses Metal- Working ; 7 Water-Distribution Locks and Latches Harness Wood- Working ; 3 Wood- Working ; 3 Wood-Working; 3 Pneumatics Brushes and Brooms . . . Harrows Plows Steam ; 1 Valves Brakes and Gins Grinding and Polishing Paving Drafting Harness Spinning Boats Boots and Shoes Stationery Caoutchouc Hose and Belting Caoutchouc Laundry Boots and Shoes Boots and Shoes Printing Caoutchouc Caoutchouc Surgery Ships; 1 Ships ; 1 Ships ; 1 Ships ; 1 Sewing-Machines Apparel Apparel Sheet-Metal Stationery 108 25 108 113A 108 108 119 119 97 65 119 74 28 28 104 140 100 82 137 70 54 144 144 144 98 15 55 97 121 136 13 51 94 33 54 118 9 12 120 18 60 18 68 12 12 101 18 18 128 114 114 114 114 112 2 2 113A 120 § Is i m ©mo ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 287 SUBJECT. J3* ll Name of class — official cation. Eulers, Parallel Rules, Measuring Eules, Printing Ruling-apparatus, Electrical Ruling-machines Ruling-machines, Pens for Ruling-pens Running-gear of vehicles "Russian" sheet-iron, Imitations of Saher-hayonets Sabers, Manufacture of Sabots for projectiles Saccharomet ers Sack-fasteners Saddle-bags Saddle-blankets Saddle-cloths Saddle-girths Saddle-pad machines Saddles Saddles, Cart Saddles for suspension-bridges Saddles, Harness Saddles, Pack Saddles, Pad Saddles, Riding Saddles, Side Saddle-trees, Manufacture of Saddle-trees Saddle trees, Side Sad-iron heaters Sad-iron holders Sad-irons Safe-locks Safes Safes, Lining for Safes, Match Safes, Meat Safes, Wire-work for kitchen Safety-cars Safety-fuses Safety-guards for car-platforms Safety-guards for gun-hammers Safety-guards for hatchways Safety-guards for railway-tracks Safety-guards for watches and pocket books Safety-guards for windows Safety-guards in paper Safety-guards on cars Safety-guards to locks Safety-plugs for steam-boilers Safety-straps of vehicles Safety-tubes for steam-boilers Safety-valves „ Sail-clutches Sail-hoops Drafting Measuring-Instruments Printing Electricity Book-Binding Book-Binding Drafting Carriages Metal- Working ; 5 Fire- Arms Hardware Manufactures. Projectiles Measuring-Instruments . . Mills .-..- Trunks Harness Harness Harness Harness Harness Harness Bridges Harness Harness Harness Harness v Harness Hardware Manufacture.. Harness Harness Stoves and Furnaces Laundry Laundry Locks and Latches Safes Safes Lamps and Gas-Fittings . Kitchen Utensils Wire-Working Railways ; 2 Projectiles Railways ; 3 Fire-Arms Carpentry Railways ; 1 Apparel Carpentry Paper-Making Railways ; 3 Locks and Latches Steam ; 2 Carriages and Wagons. Steam ; 2 Valves Ships ; 1 Ships ; 1 33 73 101 36 11 11 33 21 42 53A 102 73 83 133 54 54 54 54 54 54 14 54 54 54 54 54 53F 54 54 126 68 68 70 109 109 67 65 140 105 102 106 42 20 104 2 20 92 106 70 122 21 122 136 114 114 97 97 117 50 15 15 97 31 136 55 44 105 155 57 162 72 72 72 72 72 72 21 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 72 91 91 91 93 128 128 90 58 88 121 105 121 55 29 120 38 29 108 121 93 148 31 148 152 138 138 288 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. SUBJECT. Name of class — official classifi- cation. Sailing-carriages Sails Sails, Furling Sails, Making Sails, Reefing Saline-meters Saliva-removers Salt-furnaces Salt-packers Salves Sample-frames . Sampling-tubes Sandals Sand-blowers Sand-cleaning machines Sand-paper — Sand-paper holders Sand-papering machines Sand-papering machines Sand-pumps Sand-screens Sand-washer Sap-bucket hooks Sap-conductors . Sap-spiles Sap-troughs Sarcophagi, Clay Sash Sash-bolts Sash-centers Sashes, Fasteners for meeting rails of.. Sash-fasteners Sash-frames Sash-hangings Sash-holders, Manufacture of Sash-locks Sash, Machines for making Sash, Machines for mortising Sash, Machines for planing Sash-pulleys Sash-pulleys, Manufacture of Sash-rollers , Sash-springs Sash-stops Sash- weights Sash-weights, Manufacture of Satchel-fastenings Satchels Sauce-pans Sausage-cutters Sausage-stuffers Saw-bore Saw-bucks : Saw-dust carriers Saw-filing Saw-filing machines Saw-frames Saw-gages Saw-gates Saw-grinding Carriages and Wagons. . . Ships; 1 Ships ; 1 Ships; 1 Ships ; 1 Measuring-Instruments . . Dental Sugar Presses Chemical Miscellaneous . . Furniture Water-Distribution Boots and Shoes Pneumatics Stone, Lime, and Cement Grinding and Polishing. . Wood-Working ; 2 Wood- Working ; 2 Wood-Working; 3 Excavators Wire- Working Ore Garden and Orchard. . . . Garden and Orchard Garden and Orchard Garden and Orchard Clay Carpentry Builders' Hardware Builders' Hardware Builders' Hardware Builders' Hardware Carpentry Builders' Hardware „ Hardware Manufactures . Builders' Hardware Wood- Working ; 3 Wood- Working ; 3 Wood-Working ; 3 Builders' Hardware Hardware Manufactures. Builders' Hardware Builders' Hardware Builders' Hardware Builders' Hardware Hardware Manufactures . Trunks Truuks Kitchen Utensils Butchering Butchering Wood- Working ; 4 Wood-Working ; 4 Wood- Working ; 4 Grinding and Polishing.. Grinding and Polishing.. Grinding and Polishing. . Grinding and Polishing.. Grinding and Polishing.. Grinding and Polishing . . 21 114 114 114 114 73 32 127 100 23 45 137 12 98 125 51 143 143 144 37 140 90 47 47 47 47 25 20 16 16 16 16 20 16 53B 16 144 144 144 16 53B 16 16 16 16 53B 133 133 65 17 17 145 145 110 51 51 110 110 110 51 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 289 SUBJECT. ISTame of class — official classifi- cation. £ Saw-grinding machines Saw-gummers Saw-horses Saw-jacks Sawing-machines Sawing-machines for chaif -backs. .. Sawing-machines for clapboards. .. Sawing-machines for combs Sawing-machines for hoops Sawing-machines for laths Sawing-machines for match-splints Sawing-machines for oars Sawing-machines for shingles . . , . Sawing-machines for splints Sawing-machines for staves Sawing-machines for yeneers Sawing stone .' Saw-j acks , Saw-making Saw-mills Saw mills, Circular Saw-mills, Dogs for . . Saw-mills, Feed for Saw-mills, Gates for Saw-mills, Head-blocks for Saws Saws, Amputation Saws, Annular Saws, Band Saws, Bow Saws, Circular Saws, Cross-cut Saws, Cylindrical Saws, Diamond , Saws, Drag Saw-sets Saws, Gate Saws, Hand Saws, Hanging Saws, Ice Saws, Key-hole Saws, Meat Saws, Metal Saws, Pruning Saws, Scroll Saws, Stone Saws, Straining Saws, Tempering Saws, Tenon Saw-swages Saws, Web Saws, Whip Saw-teeth Scaffolding Scagliola , Scalding-tubs and appliances ...... Scale-board, Working Scales, Drafting Scales, Sliding Grinding and Polishing . . Metal- Working ; 4 Saws Wood-Working ; 4 Wood- Working ; 4 Wood- Working ; 3 Wood-Working ; 3 Wood- Working ; 3 Wood-Working ; 3 Wood- Working ; 3 Wood- Working ; 3 Saws Saws Wood-Working ; 2 Wood-Working; 3 Wood-Working ; 3 Stone, Lime, and Cement Saws Metal-Working; 4 Saws Saws Saws Saws Saws Saws Saws Saws Saws Saws Saws Saws Saws Saws Stone, Lime, and Cement Saws Metal-Working; 4 Saws Saws Saws Saws Saws Saws Saws Saws Saws Stone, Lime, and Cement Saws Metallurgy Saws Metal- Working ; 4 Saws Saws Saws Carpentry Stone, Lime, and Cement Butchering Wood-Working ; 1 Drafting Measuring-Instruments . . 51 79 110 145 145 144 144 144 110 144 144 110 110 143 144 144 125 110 79 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 125 110 79 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 110 125 110 75 110 79 110 110 110 20 125 17 142 33 73 131 131 131 131 131 130 130 161 40 174 174 13 174 174 40 176 153 131 131 130 130 130 130 130 130 131 156 40 130 131 130 131 40 153 130 131 130 131 130 131 131 131 131 131 130 153 131 131 131 131 131 131 131 29 153 25 173 97 97 290 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. SUBJECT. Name of class — official classifi- cation. ° o . =n & O ft Scales, Tailors' Scales, Weighing Scaling boilers, Tools for Scaling fish Seal loping glass Scalpels Scarfing and other timber-joints Scarf-pins Scarificators Scarifiers School-charts and maps School-furniture Scissors Scissors, Manufacture of Scissors-sharpeners Scoops, Flour Scouring cloth Scouring glass Scouring-machines Scouring stone Scrap-books Scrap, Bundling and rolling Scrapers, Box Scrapers, Cane Scrapers, Cotton Scrapers, Deck Scrapers, Earth Scrapers for fire-arms Scrapers, Grading Scrapers, Mast Scrapers, Millstone Scrapers, Tree Scraping and dressing cord Screens, Fire Screens for window Screens of wire Screw-blanks, Cutting Screw-blanks, Feeding Screw-blanks, Making Screw-blanks, Threading Screw-bolts Screw-caps, Making sheet-metal. Screw-cutting lathes Screw-drivers Screw-forming, Sheet-metal Screw-nails, Manufacture of Screw-nuts Screw-piles Screw-presses Screw-propellers Screw-rings, Making sheet-metal Screws, Swaging Screw-taps Scribing- gages Scroll-saws Scrubbing-brushes Scrubbing-machines Scrnbbing-pails Scuffle-hoes Scufflers Measuring-Instruments . . Measuring-Instruments . . Steam ; 2 Butchering Glass Cutlery.. Carpentry Jewelry Surgery Harrows Educational Furniture Cutlery Hardware Manufactures . Grinding and Polishing.. Kitchen Utensils Cloth Grinding and Polishing.. Mills Grinding and Polishing.. Stationery Metal- Working ; 5 Wood- Working ; 4 Plows Plows Wood-Working ; 4 Excavators Fire- Arms Excavators Wood- Working ; 4 Stone, Lime, and Cement Garden and Orchard Cordage Furniture Carpentry Wire-Working Wood-Screws Wood-Screws Wood-Screws Wood-Screws Bolts, Nuts, and Rivets. . Sheet-Metal Metal- Working ; 7 Wood- Working ; 4 Sheet-Metal Hardware Manufactures . Bolts, Nuts, and Rivets . . Hydraulic Engineering . . Presses Ships; 2 Sheet-Metal Wood- Screws Bolts, Nuts, and Rivets.. Wood-Working ; 4 Saws Brushes and Brooms Brushes and Brooms Brushes and Brooms Garden and Orchard Harrows 73 73 122 17 49 30 20 63 128 55 35 45 30 53A 51 65 26 51 83 51 120 80 145 97 97 145 37 42 37 145 125 47 28 45 20 140 141 141 141 141 10 113B 82 145 113A 53G 10 61 100 115 113B 141 10 145 110 15 15 15 . 47 55 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 291 SUBJECT. Scuppers Scutcheons for key-holes Scutchin g-inachiues Scythe-fastenings Scythe-nibs Scythe-rifles Scythes Scythe-snaths Scythe-stones Sealing cans and jars Seal-locks Seals Seaining-machines, Sheet-metal Seats, Carriage Seats for harvesters Seats for railway-cars - . Seats, Garden Seats, School Seats, Spring-wagon Sectional boats Securing cables and hawsers Securing hatches Sediment-collectors for steam-boilers. .. Seed-drills Seed-droppers Seed for planting and sowing, Preparing. Seed-planters Seeding-bags and pouches Self-fastening buttons Self-loading carts. . Self-loading fire-arms Semaphores, Electrical Separating fibers of plants for use in textile fabrics , Serving rope Settees Setting gems Setting glaziers' diamonds Sewage for fertilizers, Treatment of Sewer-cleaners Sewers Sewing-birds Sewing-boxes Sewing-gnards Sewing-machines Sewing-machines for boots and shoes .. Sewing-machines for embroidery Sewing-machines for making button- holes Sewing-machines for sewing straw goods Sewing-machine needles, Making Sewing-pins ewing-presses Sewing-stands Sewing- work holders Sextants Shackles Shades, Lamp haft-couplings, Manufacture of Name of class — official classifi- cation. Ships; 1 Locks and Latches Brakes and Gins Harvesters Harvesters Grinding and Polishing . Harvesters Harvesters Grinding and Polishing. Preserving Food Locks and Latches Printing Sheet-Metal Carriages Harvesters Railways ; 2 Furniture Furniture Carriages Boats Ships; 1 Ships; 1 Steam ; 2 Seeders and Planters . . . Seeders and Planters . . . Seeders and Planters . . . Seeders and Planters . . . Seeders and Planters . . . Clasps and Buckles Carriages and Wagons . Fire- Arms Electricity Brakes and Gins Cordage Furniture Jewelry Glass Manures Manures Masonry Apparel Apparel Apparel Sewing-Machines Sewing-Machines Sewing-Machines Sewing-Machines Sewing-Machines Needles and Pins Apparel Book-Binding Apparel Apparel Optics Harness Lamps and Gas-Fittings Hardware Manufactures I .2 114 70 13 56 56 51 56 56 51 99 70 101 113A 21 56 105 45 45 21 9 114 114 122 111 111 111 111 111 24 21 42 36 13 28 45 63 49 71 71 72 2 2 2 112 112 112 112 112 86 2 11 2 2 88 54 67 53C 137 93 78 49 49 70 49 49 70 58 93 117 136 31 74 121 62 62 31 13 137 137 148 133 133 133 133 133 23 31 55 50 78 127 62 86 68 96 96 51 38 38 38 134 16 134 134 134 104 38 15 38 38 157 72 90 87 292 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. SUBJECT. Name of class — official classifi- cation. O =o " Shaft-couplings Shaft-hangers Shafting Shafts, Bending or straightening Shaft-tugs Shampooing appliances Shauk-cntters Shank-! asters Shank-markers Shanks, Boot Shanks for cloor-knohs Shauk-stiffeners Shaping machines, Metal Shaping ships' timbers , Sharpeners, Picket and pole .. Shaving-cases Shaving-horses Shawl-pins Shawls Shawl-straps Shearing cloth Shearing-machines for bar or plate Shears Shears, Bench Shears, Button-hole Shears, Cattle-marking Shears, Clipping Shears, Edging Shears, Garden Shears, Grass-edging . . - Shears, Hair-clipping Shears, Hair cutting Shears, Hand Shears, Hedging Shears, Lopping Shears, Manufacture of Shears, Pruning '. Shears, Sheep Shears, Sheet-metal Shears, Tailors' Shears, Tinmen's Sheathing-nails Sheathing vessels Sheaves, Manufacture of Skedding-apparatus. Sheds and stables, Portable Sheep-holders Sheep-racks Sheep-shearing machines Sheep-shearing tables Sheep-shears Sheep-shears Sheep-sheds Sheep-taggers Sheep-troughs Sheers, Masting Sheet-glass Sheet-iron, Chemical processes in man ufacture of Sheet-iron, Furnaces for , Journals and Bearings. . Journals and Bearings. . Journals and Bearings. . Metal-Working ; 1 Harness , Toilet Boots and Shoes Boots and Shoes Boots and Shoes Boots and Shoes Locks and Latches Boots and Shoes Metal- Working Ships ; 1 Wood- Working ; 3 Toilet Wood-Working ; 3 Jewelry Apparel Trunks Cloth Metal- Working ; 4 Cutlery Cutlery Cutlery Cutlery Cutlery Cutlery Cutlery Cutlery „ ^ Cutlery, Cutlery Cutlery Cutlery Cutlery Hardware Manufactures Cutlery Cutlery Cutlery Cutlery Cutlery Nails Ships ; 1 Hardware Manufactures Weaving . Carpentry Stabling Stabling Stabling Stabling Cutlery Cutlery .- Stabling Stabling Stabling Hoisting Glass Metal-Working ; 5 Metallurgy 64 64 64 76 54 132 12 12 12 12 70 12 7 114 144 132 144 63 2 133 26 79 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 53A 30 30 30 30 30 85 114 53B 139 20 119 119 119 119 50 30 119 119 119 57 49 80 75 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 293 SUBJECT. Sheet-iron, Boiling Sheet-iron, Scraping and cleansing Sheet-lead, Boiling Sheet-metal barrels and casks, Making. Sheet-metal boilers and cisterns, Mak- ing Sheet-metal boxes and cans, Making. . . Sheet-metal buckets and pans, Making. Sheet-metal capsules and rings, Making Sheet-metal gutters and spouting, Mak- ing Sheet-metal kitchen and table ware, Making . .. Sheet-metal, Machines for working Sheet-metal making Sheet-metal planishing Sheet-metal, Processes for working Sheet-metal screw caps and rings, Mak- ing Sheet-metal table-ware, Making Sheet-metal, Tools for working Sheet-metal ware, Making Sheet-metal workers' tools Shelf-brackets - Shellers, Corn Shell-f uses Shells Shells, Incendiary Shelves, Folding Shelving for stores, &c Shields for horses Shields for tunneling > Shingle-binders Shingles, Compositions and means for preserving Shingles, Machines for jointing Shingles, Machine for planing Shingles, Machines for riving Shingling-brackets Ships' armor Ships' berths Ships' capstans Ships' knees Ships' logs Ships, Propulsion of Ships, Propulsion of Shipwrights' clamps Shipwrights' tools Shipwrights' tools, Manufacture of Shirt and collar fastenings, Manufac- ture of Shirt-bosoms Shirts Shoal-alarms Shock-tyers Shoe-binding Shoe-brushes Shoe-buttoners Shoe-buttons, Manufacture of Shoe-clasps Name of class — official classifi- cation. Metal- Working ; 5 Metal- Working ; 5 Me tal- Working ; 5 Sheet-Metal Sheet-Metal. Sheet-Metal. Sheet-Metal. Sheet-Metal. Sheet-Metal . Sheet-Metal . Sheet-Metal Metal- Working ; 5 Metal- Working ; 5 Sheet-Metal Sheet-Metal. Sheet-Metal. Sheet-Metal. Sheet-Metal. Furniture. Mills Projectiles Projectiles Projectiles Furniture Furniture Harness Hydraulic Engineering Wood- Working ; 3 ... Booting. Wood-Workin< Carpentry Ships; 1 Ships; 1 Hoisting Ships ; 1 Measuring-Instruments . Ships ; 1 Ships; 2 4 Wood- Working ; Wood- Working ; 4 Metal- Working ; 6 Hardware Manufactures. ... Apparel Apparel Signals Harvesters Boots and Shoes Brushes and Brooms Clasps and Buckles Hardware Manufacture Boots and Shoes 80 80 80 113B 113B 113B 113B 113B 113B 113B 113B 80 80 113A 113A 113 A 113A 113A 81A 45 83 102 102 102 45 45 54 61 144 108 144 144 144 20 114 114 57 114 73 114 115 145 145 81B 53E 2 2 116 56 12 15 24 53E 12 I * C aa W 125 136 125 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 136 62 59 105 105 105 62 62 72 82 174 126 174 174 174 29 137 137 79 137 138 139 139 137 137 137 23 38 38 138 77 16 16 23 23 23 294 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. SUBJECT. Shoe-distenders Shoe-fasteners Shoe-haminers Shoe-holders Shoe-hooks Shoe-horns Shoeing-tools, Blacksmiths' Shoe-lacing. Shoe-lacing, Machines for tagging Shoe-lacing hooks Shoe-linings Shoemakers' benches Shoemakers' tools Shoe-nails Shoe-patterns Shoe-pegs, Machines for making Shoes Shoes for car-brakes Shoe-soles Shoe-soles, Machines for making wooden Shoe-stays Shoe-straps Shoe-tips, Manufacture of Short-hand reporting Shot Shot-cartridges Shot-chargers Shot-hole stoppers Shot making, Cast Shot, Making, (Pressed) Shot, Manufacture of Shot-pouches - Shot-sorting machines Shotting-machines Shoulder-braces Shoulder-straps Shoulder-supporters Shovel-handles, Machines for making . . Shovel-plows , Shovels Shovels and tongs Show-cards Show-cases Show-stands Shutter-bars Shutter-fasteners Shutter-fasteners, Manufacture of Shutter-hinges Shutter-lifts Shutter-locks Shutter-operators Shutters Shutters, Fire-proof Shutter- workers, Manufacture of Shuttle-boxes . Shuttle-boxes, Actuating Shuttle-checks Shuttle-drivers for sewing-machines... Shuttle-frames, Manufacture of Shuttles for sewing-machines Name of class — official classifi- cation. Boots and Shoes Boots and Shoes Boots and Shoes Boots and Shoes Boots and Shoes Boots and Shoes Metal- Working ; 6 Boots and Shoes Boots and Shoes Boots and Shoes Boots and Shoes Boots and Shoes Boots and Shoes Nails Boots and Shoes Wood- Working; 3 Boots and Shoes Railways: 3 Boots and Shoes Wood- Working ; 3 Boots and Shoes Boots and Shoes Hardware Manufactures Educational Projectiles Projectiles Projectiles Ships; 1 Casting Hardware Manufactures Hardware Manufactures Projectiles Hardware Manufactures Casting Apparel Apparel Apparel Wood-Working ; 3 Plows Garden and Orchard . . . Stoves and Furnaces ... Stationery Furniture Furniture Builders' Hardware Builders' Hardware Hardware Manufactures Builders' Hardware Builders' Hardware Builders' Hardware Builders' Hardware Carpentry Masonry Hardware Manufacture. Weaving Weaving Weaving Sewing-Machines Hardware Manufactures Sewing-Machines No. of class — < classificatic CS o d o . Siding of houses Sieve-cloth, Weaving Sieves of wire Sitters Sifting-rnackines Sights for ordnance Sights for small-arms Signal-hells Signal-boxes for electric telegraphs Signal-codes Signaling-apparatus Signal-lanterns Signals. Electrical Signals, Fog Signals, marine Signals, Pyrotechnic Signals, Railroad Siguals, Semaphoric Signal-towers Signs , Signs. Illuminating Silk filature Silk manufacture Silk-worm culture Silk-worm frames Silvering Silver-platiug Singeing-apparatus , Singeing cloth Singeing-tools Single-shovel plows Single-trees Sinkers for knitting-machines Sinks Sinks. Kitchen SiphoLi-hottles Siphons Sirup-fountains Sirup-gages Sirup. Treatment of Size-markers for hats Size. Preparation of Sizing fabrics Sizing silk Sizin g yarn, thread, &c Skate-fasteners Skates , Skate-sharpeners Skates, Parlor Skates, Poller Skating-rinks Skeins of axles , Skelp and blank furnaces Skewers, Machines for making Name of class — official classii cation. "Weaving Weaving Apparel Hardware Manufactures Harvesters Paving Carpentry Weaving Wire- Working Wire-Working Wire-Working Ordnance Fire-Arms Signals Electricity Signals Signals Signals Electricity ... Signals Signals Signals Signals Signals Signals Stationery Stationery Silk Silk Stabling Silk Plating Plating Butchering -, Cloth Stabling Plows Carriages and Wagons. . Knitting and Netting . . Baths and Closets Baths and Closets Aeration and Bottling. . Water-Distribution Aeration and Bottling. . Aeration and Bottling. . Sugar Felting and Hats Bleaching and Dyeing. . Bleaching and Dyeing. . Silk Cordage Games and Toys Games and Toys Grinding and Polishing. Games and Toys Games and Toys Carpentry Carriages and Wagons. ., Metal-Working; 3 Wood-Working ; 3 139 139 2 53H 56 94 20 139 140 140 140 89 42 116 36 116 116 116 36 116 116 116 116 116 116 120 120 117 117 119 117 96 96 17 26 119 97 21 66 4 4 1 137 1 1 127 38 8 8 117 28 46 46 51 46 46 20 21 78 144 | y S3 . 6 »« ft 95 95 38 95 49 110 30 95 170 170 170 105 105 24 50 50 158 158 50 138 138 158 120 158 158 146 54 140 140 140 140 113 113 25 37 144 114 31 89 8 8 1 1 1 1 155 76 11 11 140 17 143 143 70 143 143 30 31 125 175 296 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. SUBJECT. Name of class— official classifi- cation. Skids Skillets Skimmers, Culinary Skimmers for steam-boilers Skimmers for sugar-pans Skinning appliances Skins, Treatment of Skips Skirt-covers Skirt-elevators Skirt-hoops, Covering wire with wire for Skirts and corsets combined Skirts, Binding for Skirts, Clasps for Skirts, Covered wire for hoop Skirts, Hoop Skirts, {except Crinoline, Class 29) Skirts, Printing Skirt-supporters Skiving machines, Leather Skylights Skylights, Operating Slashers •. Slate, Artificial Slate-cleaners Slate-frames Slate-frames, Machines for making Slate-pencils Slates Slates, Artificial Slate- working machines Slating Slat-mats Slatted floor-covering - Slaughtering-apparatus . . , . . Sled-brakes Sled-runners Sleds... Sleds for furrowing ground Sled-soles „ „ Sleepers, Eailway Sleeping-cars Sleeve-buttons , Sleeves ..... Sleigh-bell attachments Sleigh-bells , Sleigh-bells, Manufacture of Sleighs Slide-valv es , Sliding-door rollers „ . Sliding hills Sliding-gages , Slinging-accoutermeuts Slippers , Slips, Marine Slitting timber, Machines for Slivering-machines Slivers, Cans for Slop-buckets ......................... Hoisting Stoves and Furnaces ... Kitchen Utensils Steam ; 2 Sugar Butchering Tanning Hoisting Apparel Apparel Wire- Working Crinoline and Corsets . . . Apparel Clasps and Buckles Crinoline and Corsets . . . Crinoline and Corsets . . „ Apparel Printing Apparel Leather Carpentry Carpentry". Cordage Stone, Lime, and Cement Educational Educational Wood-Working ; 3 Educational Educational Educational Stone, Lime, and Cement Roofing Brushes and Brooms Brushes and Brooms Butchering Carriages and W'agons. . Carriages and Wagons. . Carriages and Wagons. . Plows Carriages and Wagons. . Railways ; 1 Railways ; 2 Clasps and Buckles Apparel ... Harness Harness Hardware Manufactures Carriages and Wagons. . Valves Builders' Hardware Carpentry Measuring-Instruments . Trunks Boots and Shoes Hydraulic Engineering. Wood-Working; 3 ...... Wood- Working ; 2 ..... Carding Kitchen Utensils ....... 57 126 65 122 127 17 129 57 2 2 140 29 2 24 29 29 2 101 2 69 20 20 28 125 35 35 144 35 35 35 125 108 15 15 17 21 21 21 97 21 104 105 24 2 54 54 53B 21 136 16 20 73 133 12 61 144 143 19 65 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OP INVENTIONS. 297 SUBJECT. Name of class — official classifi- cation. Slop-jars Slotting machines, Metal Slubbing-frauaes Sluice-gates Small-arms Smel ting-furnaces Smelting glass - Smoke-bells Smoke-burners Smoke-bouses Smoke-jacks Smoke-pipes for boiler-furnaces Smoking meat and fish Smoking-pipes Smoothing-irons Smut-machines Smut-mills Snag-boats Snags, Removing Snap-hooks Suap-kooks, Manufacture of Snap-rings Snaths, Machines for bending Snaths, Machines for finishing Snaths, Machines for rounding Snaths, Machines for turning Snout-rings Snow-plows Snubbers Snuff-boxes Snuffers Snuff-sifters Soap Soap-cutting machines Soap-holders Soap-making machines Soap-making processes Soda-fountains Soda-fountains, Apparatus for chargin Soda-water apparatus Sod-cutters Sofas Solar cameras Solder Soldering-furnaces Soldering-implements Soldering-processes Soldering-tools Soles for boots and shoes Sounds Sorghum-evaporators Sorghum manufacture Sorghum-mills Sorghum-strippers Sorting-apparatus, Electrical Sorting machines, Leather Sorting silk . . Sounders Sounding-apparatus Kitchen Utensils ...=... Metal- Working ; 7 Spinning Hydraulic Engineering . Fire-Arms Metallurgy Glass Lamps and Gas-Fittings Stoves and Furnaces ... Dryers and Kilns Stoves and Furnaces . . . Steam ; 2 Dryers and Kilns Tobacco Laundry Mills Mills Hydraulic Engineering . Hydraulic Engineering. Clasps and Buckles Hardware Manufactures Clasps and Buckles Wood- Working ; 3 Wood- Working ; 3 Wood- Working ; 1 Wood- Working ; 1 Harness Railways ; 3 Ships ; 1 n — Tobacco Lamps and Gas-Fittings Tobacco Oil, Fat, and Glue Oil, Fat, and Glue Furniture Oil, Fat, and Glue Oil, Fat, and Glue Aeration and Bottling.. Aeration and Bottling. . Aeration and Bottling . . Plows Furniture Optics Sheet-Metal Sheet-Metal Sheet-Metal Sheet-Metal Sheet-Metal Boots and Shoes Surgery Sugar Sugar Mills Garden and Orchard . . . Electricity Leather Silk Electricity Measuring-Instruments . 65 82 118 61 42 75 49 67 126 34 126 122 34 131 68 83 83 61 61 24 53F 24 144 144 142 142 54 106 114 131 67 131 87 87 45 87 87 1 1 1 97 45 88 113A 113A 113A 113 A 113A 12 128 127 127 83 47 36 69 117 36 73 100 142 82 55 88 68 90 154 48 154 149 58 160 91 159 159 82 82 23 23 23 175 175 175 175 144 122 137 160 90 160 26 26 26 26 26 1 1 1 114 62 111 136 136 136 136 136 16 156 155 155 155 155 50 92 140 50 137 298 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. SUBJECT. Name of class— official classifi- cation. -8 D2 » Sounding-boards for musical instru- ments Sounding, Instruments for marine Sowers, Broad-cast Sowers, Fertilizer Sowers, Seed Spaces for printers Spade-bayonets Spades Spading-macliines Spangles to skirts, Attaching Spanners for hose-couplings Spark-arresters Spark-consumers Sparring steamboats Spars, Handling and hoisting Spaying device Speaking-trumpets Speaking-tubes Specific-gravity apparatus Spectacles Speculums, Anal Speculums, Vaginal Speeder-flyers, Manufacture of Speeders Speeders for capstans Speed-indicators Spermatorrhea, Instruments for treat- ing Spherical-case shot Sphygmographs Spice-boxes Spice-mills Spiders Spike-bar rolling Spike-extractors Spikes Spikes, Machines for making Spikes, Railroad Spikes, Screw Spikes, Self-clenching , Spinal curvatures, Instruments for treat- ing Spindle-heads for flyers, Manufacture of Spindles, Banding Spindles for door-knobs Spindles for spinning-machines Spindles, Lubricating Spindles, Mill Spindle-steps Spinning glass Spinning-machinery Spinning sheet-metal ware Spinning silk Spinning-wheels Spiral stock-drills Spirals, Instruments for drawing Spirit-meters Spirits, Distillation of Spirits, Rectification of Music Measuring-Instruments . Seeders and Planters . . . Seeders and Planters . . . Seeders and Planters . . . Printing Fire-Arms Garden and Orchard Plows Crinoline and Corsets . . . Hose and Belting Steam ; 2 Ships; 1 , Ships; 1 Surgery Signals Signals , Measuring-Instruments . Optics , Surgery Surgery Hardware Manufactures Spinning Hoisting Measuring-Instruments . . Surgery Projectiles Measuring-Instruments . Kitchen Utensils Mills Stoves and Ranges Metal- Working ; 5 Wood-Working; 4 Nails Nails Railways ; 4 Railways ; 4 Nails Artificial Limbs Hardware Manufactures Spinning Locks and Latches , Spinning Journals and Bearings . . . Mills Spinning Glass , Spinning Sheet-Metal Silk Spinning Metal-Working; 2 Drafting Pumps Stills Stills , 84 73 111 111 111 101 42 47 97 29 60 122 122 114 114 128 116 116 73 88 128 128 53H 118 57 73 128 102 73 65 83 126 80 145 85 85 107 107 85 3 53H 118 70 118 64 83 118 49 118 113A 117 118 77 33 103 124 124 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 299 SUBJECT. Spirometers Spits for roasting meat Spittoon-envelopes Spittoons, Railway-car Spittoons Splice pieces, Railway Splices for railways, Making Splicing timbers Splint-brooms Splint-planes Splints Splints for baskets, blinds, brooms, and matcbes . , Split-rings Split-rings, Manufacture of Splitting fire-wood, Macbines for Splitting macbines, Leatber Splitting slate Spoke-sbaves Spokes, Machines for driving Spokes, Macbines for planing Spokes, Machines for polisbing Spokes, Macbines for tenoning Spokes, Macbines for turning Spokes Spoke-sockets Sponge-cups Sponge for stuffing, Preparing Sponges for ordnance Sponging clotb ... Spool-cases ! Spool-holders Spooling-macbines Spool-printing Spools Spools, Macbines for boring Spools, Macbines for turning Spool-stands Spoons Spoons, Making Spoons, Medicinal Spouting Spouting for eaves Spouting, Making Spring-bolts Spring-brim bats Spring-beads, Manufacture of Spring-hinges Spring-punches Springs, Car Springs, Carriage Springs, Door Springs for artificial teeth Springs for beds , Springs for sofas, chairs, &c Springs, Watch and clock Spring-testing presses Sprinklers for clothes Sprouting-beds for plants Sprue-patterns Name of class— official classifi- cation. Measuring-Instruments . . Stoves and Ranges Furniture Furniture Furniture Railways; 1 Railways ; 4 Carpentry „. Brushes and Brooms Wood- Working ; 2 .. Artificial Limbs Wood- Working ; 2 Clusps and Buckles Hardware Manufactures - Wood-Working; 3 Leatber Stone, Lime, and Cement Wood- Working ; 4 Wood-Working; 3 Wood- Working ; 3 Wood-Working; 3 Wood- Working ; 3 Wood-Working ; 1 Carriages and Wagons. . . Carriages and Wagons. .. Stationery Beds Ordnance Cloth Apparel Apparel Cordage Printing Cordage Wood- Working ; 1 Wood- Working; 1 Apparel Kitchen Utensils Sheet-Metal Surgery Water-Distribution Roofing Sheet-Metal Builders' Hardware Felting and Hats Hardware Manufactures . Builders' Hardware Clasps and Buckles Railways ; 3 Carriages Builders' Hardware Dental Beds Furniture Horology Presses Laundry Garden and Orchard Castings 13 Q WW 73 126 45 45 45 104 107 20 15 143 3 143 24 53E 144 69 125 145 144 144 144 144 142 21 21 120 5 89 26 2 2 28 101 28 142 142 2 65 113B 128 137 108 113B 16 38 53C 16 24 106 21 16 32 5 45 58 100 68 47 22 156 154 62 121 62 120 120 30 22 29 156 174 23 23 174 92 153 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 146 62 105 37 38 38 17 117 17 173 172 38 88 136 156 167 126 136 24 76 24 24 72 122 31 24 46 62 62 36 7 91 63 33 300 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. SUBJECT. Sprues Spuds Spurs Spurs for saw-inills Squares Squeezers for puddlers' balls „ Stable-cleauers Stables Stackers Stage-properties Staging for boats Staging for loading and unloading ves- sels , Staining Staining-com positions for marble and stone Staining glass, wood, &c Stains, Composition for removing Stair-covers Stair-pads - Stair-plates Stair- rod fastenings Stair-rods Stair-rods Stair-rods, Manufacture of Stairs = Staitbs Stalk-choppers Stalk-pullers Stalls for horses and cattle Stamp-cancelers Stamp-holders Stamping fabrics Stamping-mills Stamps, Address Stamps, Branding Stamps for sheet-metal working Stamps, Hand Stamps, Postage Stamps, Post-office Stamps, Revenue Stamps, Seal 1 . Stanchions .-*?. Stands, Hat and cloak Stands, Towel Stands, Umbrella ., Staples Staples, Machines for making Starch, Manufacture of , Startiug engines off their centers , Stationary steam-engines , Stationery, Articles of. Stationery, (metallic articles of,) Man- ufacture of , Station-indicators, {non-automatic) Staves, Machines for bilging Staves, Machines for crozing Staves, Machines for dressing Staves, Machines for howeling Staves, Machines for jointing Name of class— official classifi- cation. Castings Garden and Orchard Harness Saws Measuring-Instruments . . Metal- Working ; 5 Stabling Stabling Thrashing Fine Arts Hydraulic Engineering.. Hydraulic Engineering . . Paint Stone, Lime, and Cement Fine Arts Chemical Miscellaneous . . Furniture Furniture , Furniture Builders' Hardware Builders' Hardware Furniture Hardware Manufactures . Carpentry Hydraulic Engineering.. Harrows „ Harrows Stabling Printing . : Stationery Apparel Ore Printing Printing Sheet-Metal , Printing Fine Arts Printing Fine Arts Printing , Stabling Furniture Furniture Furniture Nails Nails , Bleaching and Dyeing Mechanical Powers Steam ; 1 Stationery Hardware Manufactures . . Stationery Wood- Working ; 3 Wood-Working ; 3 Wood- Working; 3 Wood-Working ; 3 Wood- Working : 3 61 91 125 41 23 45 45 45 16 16 45 53D 20 61 55 55 119 101 120 2 90 101 101 113A 101 41 101 41 101 119 45 45 45 85 85 8 74 121 120 531 120 144 144 144 144 144 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 301 SUBJECT. Staves, Machines for riving Staving metals Steam-actuated car-brakes Steam-boiler covering Steam-boiler furnaces Steam-boilers Steam-blast for furnaces „ . . Steam carving-tables Steam-chests of engines Steam-cocks Steam-cooking apparatus Steam-cultivators Steam-cylinder beads '. Steam-cylinders Steam-engines Steam-engines for car-brakes Steam-engines for hammers Steam-engines for hoisting Steam-engines for pumps Steam-engine indicators Steam-engines, Lubricators for Steam-engines, Valve-gear for Steam-finishing presses for cloth Steam fire-engines . - . Steam fire-engines, (Eugines of) Steam fire-proof safes Steam -gages Steam-generators Steam-governors Steam-hammers Steam-hammers, Engines of Steam-heaters Steam-heaters, Boilers of Steam-heating tables Steam in furnaces, Use of Steaming-apparatus, Boilers of Steaming cloth Steam-packing Steam-pipes Steam-pipeSjNon conducting covering for Steam-piston packing Steam-pistons Steam-plates for cloth-presses Steam-plows Steam-pressure gages Steam-pressure indicators Steam-pressure regulators Steam-pumps Steam-pumps, Engines of Steam-regulators Steam spading-machines Steam-traps Steam vacuum-pumps Steam-valves Steam-whistles Stearine Stearine-presses Steel, Compositions in manufacturing.. Steel, Machinery in manufacturing Steel pens, Manufacture of 21 Name of class — official classifi- cation. Wood-Working; 3 Metal- Working ; 3 Steam ; 1 Steam ; 2 , Steam ; 2 Steam ; 2 Steam; 2 Stoves and Furnaces Steam ; 1 Valves Stoves and Furnaces Plows Steam ; 1 Steam ; 1 Steam ; 1 Steam ; 1 Steam; 1 Steam ; 1 Steam ; 1 Measuring- Instruments . Journals and Bearings. . Steam ; 1 Presses Pumps „ . Steam ; 1 Safes Measuring-Instruments . Steam ; 2 Governors Metal- Working ; 3 Steam ; 1 Stoves and Furnaces . . . Steam ; 2 Stoves and Furnaces . . . Steam ; 2 Steam ; 2 Cloth Steam ; 1 Steam ; 2 Steam ; 2 Steam ; 1 Steam ; 1 Presses Plows Measuring-Instruments . Measuring-Instruments .. Steam ; 2 Pumps Steam; 1 Steam ; 2 Plows Steam ; 1 Steam ; 1 Valves Steam ; 2 Oil, Fat, and Glue Presses Metallurgy Metallurgy Hardware Manufactures 13 'm 6 o o* ° o « « 144 40 78 100 121 122 122 149 122 149 122 148 122 12 126 154 121 150 136 148 126 154 97 114 121 150 121 150 121 150 121 150 121 150 121 150 121 150 73 148 64 87 121 150 100 37 103 118 121 118 109 128 73 148 122 148 50 69 78 100 121 150 126 147 122 147 126 147 122 149 122 148 26 37 121 151 122 149 122 149 121 151 121 151 100 7 97 114 73 148 73 148 122 148 103 118 122 118 122 148 97 114 121 150 121 150 136 152 122 148 87 26 100 26 75 85 75 85 531 136 302 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. SUBJECT. Steel, Processes in manufacturing Steels Steering-apparatus Stem-winders Stench-traps Stencil-plates Stencil-printing machines Step-ladders Stereoscopes Stereoscopic-picture holders Stereotype-molds, Machines for produc- ing -• • Stereotyping Stereotyping, Compositions for Stereotyping, Processes for Stethometers Stethoscopes Stills Stilts Stirrups Stirrups, Manufacture of Stirrups, Safety Stitches for sewing-machines Stitching horses Stock-cars Stock-feeders Stocking and sock machines Stocking-supporters Stockings, Toe and heel protectors for.. Stocks and dies Stocks, Bit Stocks for fire-arms Stocks for refractory animals Stocks for shoeing animals Stocks, Neck Stomach-pumps Stone and cement, Indurating Stone and slate tanks, Construction of.. Stone, Artificial Stone-hreakers Stone bridges Stone, Channeling Stone, Compositions for porous Stone-crushers Stone-dressing Stone-drills ..'. Stone facing for houses Stone fronts for houses Stone-gatherers Stone, Indurating Stone, Manufacture of paving Stone-polishing Stone-saws Stone-staves for millers Stone, Tools for working Stone-ware Stone-working machines Stone-working tools. Manufacture of. . . Stone-work of buildings Stools Name of class — official classifi- cation. Metallurgy Grinding and Polishing. Ships ; 1 Horology Baths and Closets Fine Arts , Printing Carpentry Optics Fine Arts Printing Printing Printing Printing Measuring- Instruments Surgery Stills Games and Toys Harness Hardware Manufactures . . . Harness Sewing-Machines Harness Railways ; 2 . . Stabling Knitting and Netting Apparel Apparel Bolts, Nuts, and Rivets Wood- Working ; 4 Fire-Arms Stabling Stabling Apparel Surgery Stone, Lime, and Cement. . . Masonry Stone, Lime, and Cement. .. Ore Bridges Stone, Lime, and Cement- . . Stone, Lime, and Cement. . . Ore Stone, Lirne, and Cement. .. Stone, Lime, and Cement. . . Masonry Masonry Harrows Stone, Lime, and Cement. .. Stone, Lime, and Cement. .. Grinding and Polishing Stone, Lime, and Cement.. Stone, Lime, and Cement. . . Stone, Lime, and Cement. . . Clay Stone, Lime, and Cement. .. Metal- Working ; 6 Masonry Furniture o o 75 51 114 58 4 41 101 20 88 41 101 101 101 101 73 128 124 46 54 53F 54 112 54 105 119 66 2 2 10 145 42 119 119 2 128 125 72 125 90 14 125 125 90 125 125 72 72 55 125 125 51 125 125 125 25 125 81B 72 45 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 303 SUBJECT. Name of class — official classifi- cation. ** "5S Tl © =« « Stools, Camp Stools, Folding Stools, Foot Stools, Piano Stop-cocks Stop-mechanisms for looms Stop-motions for carding-inackines Stop-motions for knitting-machines Srop-motions for spinning-machines Stop-motions for steam-engines Stopping crevasses Stops, Door , , Stop-valves Store-houses Store shelving Storm-signals, Electrical Stove-aprons Stove- hoilers Stove-cover holders Stove-covers Stove-door handles , Stove-door linings Stove-doors Stove-drums Stove-fasteners Stove-flues Stove-furniture, Making sheet-metal . . . Stove-illuminators Stove-irons Stove-leg casters Stove-legs Stove-lid holders Stove-lids Stove-linings Stove-pipe cleaners Stove-pipe drums Stove-pipe shelves Stove-pipes Stove-pipes, Making Stove-pipe thimbles Stove-plates Stove-polish Stoves Stoves, Base-burning Stoves, Camp Stoves, Coal Stoves. Coal-oil Stoves, Cooking Stoves, Foot Stoves, Gas Stoves, Heating Stoves, Lamp Stoves, Soapstone Stoves, I 'tensils Stoves, Window Stoves. Wood Strabismus-goggles Straightening bars and plates Straightening gnu-barrels Straightening rails Furniture Furniture Furniture Furniture Valves Weaving Carding Knitting and Netting Spinning Steam; 1 Hydraulic Engineering Builders' Hardware Valves Carpentry Furniture Electricity Stoves and Furnaces Stoves and Furnaces Stoves and Furnaces Stoves and Furnaces Stoves and Furnaces Stoves and Furnaces Stoves and Furnaces Stoves and Furnaces Stoves and Furnaces Stoves and Furnaces .Sheet-Metal Stoves and Furnaces Stoves and Furnaces Stoves and Furnaces Stoves and Furnaces Stoves and Furnaces Stoves and Furnaces Stoves and Furnaces Stoves and Furnaces Stoves and Furnaces Kitchen Utensils Stoves and Furnaces Sheet-Metal Stoves and Furnaces Stoves and Furnaces Grinding and Polishing Stoves and Furnaces Stoves and Furnaces Stoves and Furnaces Stoves and Furnaces Stoves and Furnaces Stoves and Furnaces Stoves and Furnaces Stoves and Furnaces Stoves and Furnaces Stoves and Furnaces Stoves and Furnaces Stoves and Furnaces Stoves and Furnaces Stoves and Furnaces Surgery Metal-Working; 1 Metal-Working; 1 Metal- Working ; 1 45 45 62 62 45 62 45 62 136 152 139 95 19 28 66 89 118 142 121 150 61 82 16 24 136 152 20 30 45 62 36 50 126 154 126 154 126 154 126 154 126 154 126 154 126 154 126 154 126 154 126 154 113B 136 126 154 126. 154 126 154 126 154 126 154 126 154 126 154 126 154 126 154 65 154 126 154 113B 136 126 136 126 154 51 70 126 154 126 154 126 154 126 154 126 154 126 154 126 154 126 65 126 154 126 154 126 65 126 154 126 154 126 154 128 156 76 125 76 163 76 125 304 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. SUBJECT. Straightening rods and shafts Strainer-presses Strainers Strainers, Milk Straw-boards Straw-carriers Straw-cutters Straw for paper, Treating Stra w-scatterers ,.. Straw-stackers Street-car heaters Street-cars . Street-indicators , ... Street-levelers Street-paving Street-railways Street-rammers Street-scrapers Street-sprinkling carts . . . : Street-sweepers Street- washers Stretchers Stretchers for pictures Stretching cloth Stretching machines, Leather Stretching silk Stringed instruments Strings for musical instruments Strops Studs Stuffers, Collar Stuffing-boxes Stuffing-box packing Stuffing for mattresses, pillows, &c . Stuffing for upholstering purposes . . Stump-extractors Stumps, Machines for cutting Snb-aqueous foundations Sub-aqueous railways Snb-aqueous tunneling Sub-fluvian tunnels Submarine armor Submarine cables, Laying Submarine excavating Submarine excavators Submarine helmets Submarine lamps Submarine operators ,. ... Submarine ordnance Submarine vessels ... Subsoil-plows Sugar-breakers Sugar Sugar-cane cutters Sugar-cane mills Sugar-crushers Sugar-filters Sugar from grain, Obtaining Sugar-furnaces ... Sugar-furnaces Name of class— official classifi- cation. Metal- Working ; 1 Presses Wire- Working Dairy Paper-Making Thrashing Stabling Paper-Making Harvesters Thrashing Stoves and Furnaces Eailways ; 2 Stationery Paving Paving Railways ; 1 Paving Paving Water-Distribution Paving Water-Distribution Carriages and Wagons. u Fine Arts Cloth Leather Silk Music Music Grinding and Polishing. Clasps and Buckles Harness Steam; 1 Steam ; 1 Beds Beds Hoisting Wood-Working; 3 Hydraulic Engineering. Hydraulic Engineering. Hydraulic Engineering . Hydraulic Engineering. Hydraulic Engineering. Hydraulic Engineering. Hydraulic Engineering. Excavators Hydraulic Engineering. Lamps and Gas-Fittings Hydraulic Engineering. Ordnance Ships; 1 Plows Sugar Sugar Harvesters Mills Mills S"gar Sugar Sugar Sujiar , 76 100 140 31 92 130 119 92 56 130 126 105 120 94 94 104 94 94 137 94 137 21 41 26 69 117 84 84 51 24 54 121 121 5 5 57 144 61 61 61 61 61 61 61 37 61 67 61 89 114 97 127 127 56 83 83 127 127 127 127 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 305 SUBJECT. Name of class— official classifi- cation. o <3 "Sugar-making processes Sugar-mills Sugar-mixing machine Sugar-packers Sugar-pans Sugar-pan skimmers Sugar-presses Sugar-refining Su^ar-strainers Sulkies Sulky-seats Sulphuric acid, Recovering Sun-shades Sun-shades for horses Super-heaters for steam-hollers Supporters, Ahdominal Supporters, Menstrual Supporters, Obstetrical Supporters, Pile Supporters, Uterine Supporters, Vaginal Supporters, Window Supporting vessels Suppositories Surcingles Surf-boats Surge-relievers Surveying-instruments Surveyors' chains Surveyors' compasses Surveyors' marks Suspenders Suspending ships' boats Suspension-bridge cables Suspension-bridges Suspension-cable anchors Suspension-cable saddles Suspension-cable wire-carriers . Suspensory bandages Suture-instruments Swaging metals Swaging sheet-metal Swarm-indicators , Sward-cutters Sweat-leathers for hats Sweet-potato cultivators Swells for musical instruments Swifts Swimming, Appliances for Swing-bridges Swings Switch-boards Switches, Electrical Switches, Hair Switches, Eailway , Switch-indicators Switch-signals Swivel-hooks Swivel-hooks. Manufacture of . Swords, Manufacture of Sugar Mills Sugar Presses Sugar Sugar Presses Sugar Sugar Carriages Carriages Stills Umbrellas and Fans. Harness Steam; 2 Surgery Surgery Surgery Surgery Surgery Surgery Builders Ships ; 1 , Surgery Harness Boats Ships; 1 Optics Optics Optics Optics Apparel Boats Wire- Working Bridges Bridges Bridges Bridges Surgery Surgery Hardware Sheet-Metal Bee-Hives Harvesters Felting and Hats Plows Music Spinning Games and Toys Bridges Games and Toys Electricity., i Electricity Toilet Railways ; 1 Signals Signals Clasps and Buckles Hardware Manufactures . Hard ware Man ufactures . 127 83 127 100 127 127 100 127 127 21 21 124 135 54 122 128 128 128 128 128 128 16 114 128 54 9 114 2 9 140 14 14 14 14 128 128 78 113A 6 56 38 97 84 118 46 14 46 36 36 132 104 116 116 24 53F 53A 155 155 157 5 155 157 5 155 151 31 31 47 165 72 149 156 156 156 156 156 156 24 82 156 72 13 138 157 157 157 157 38 13 170 21 138 21 21 156 156 100 136 9 75 76 114 106 142 143 21 143 50 50 161 120 120 120 23 23 44. 306 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. SUBJECT. Name of class — official classifi- cation. I « O CO O Sympiesometers Syringes Syringes, Catarrhal Syringes, Elastic-bulb Syringes, Enema Syringes, Eye Syringes, Hemorrhoidal Syringes, Penis Syringes, Vaginal T. Table-bells, Manufacture of Table-cars Table-covers Table-forks Table-furniture, Making sheet-metal Table-knives Table-leaf supporters Table-leaves, Jointing Table-mats Tables - Tables, Arithmetical Tables, Card Tables, Computing Tables, Drawing Tables, Extension Tables for glass-manufacture Tables for molders Tables, Ironing Tables, Operating Tables, Self- waiting Table, Sewing-machine Tables, Ships' cabin Tables, Writing Table-trays - . . . Tablets, Compositions for Tablets, Writing Tack-extractors Tackle and blocks Tackle-blocks Tackle, Hoisting Tackle, Safety Tacks Tacks, Leathering Tacks, Machines for making Tag-holders Tag-machines, Paper Tags Tags, Machines for cutting shoe .... Tags, Printing Tail-boards for wagons Tailoring Tailors' ironing-machines Tail-supporters Take-up motions for looms Tallies for grain, lumber, &c Tallow Tallow, Treatment of Tank-cars ...... Measuring-Instruments Pumps Surgery Surgery Surgery Surgery Surgery Surgery Surgery Hardware Manufactures Kitchen Utensils Furniture Cutlery Sheet-Metal Cutlery Furniture Wood- Working ; 2 Kitchen Utensils Furniture Measuring-Instruments . Furniture Measuring-Instruments . Furniture Furniture Glass Casting Furniture Furniture Furniture , Sewing-Machines Ships ; 1 Furniture Kitchen Utensils Stationery Stationery Wood- Working ; 4 Hoisting Hoisting Ships ; 1 Ships ; 1 Nails Nails , Nails Stationery Paper Manufacture Stationery Boots and Shoes Printing Carriages and Wagons . . Apparel Apparel Harness Weaving Measuring-Instruments . . Oil, Fat, and Glue Oil, Fat, and Glue Railways ; 2 73 103 128 128 128 128 128 128 128 53B 65 45 30 113B 30 45 143 65 45 73 45 73 45 45 49 22 45 45 45 45 114 45 65 120 120 145 57 57 114 114 85 85 85 120 93 120 12 101 21 2 2 54 139 73 87 87 105 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 307 SUBJECT. class — official classifi- cation. O B! O Tanks for storage, Excavated Tanks for tenders. , Tanning Tanning-machines Tanning-materials Tanning-processes Tape Tape-fuses Tape-primers Tapes for skirts Tape-trimming, Machines for making Tape-worm, Apparatus for removing. Taps.... Taps for liquors Tar, Extracting Targets Tassels Tatting-machines Tatting-shuttles Tawing leather Tea-kettles Tea-pots Teazel-grading machines Teazeling cloth Teazel-trimmers Tedders, Hav - - Teeth, Artificial Teeth, artificial, Conrpositions for Teeth, Insertable saw Telegraphic codes Telegraphic signals Telegraph-instruments Telegraphs, Acoustic Telegraphs, Electric Telegraphs, Electro-chemical Telegraphs, Electro-magnetic ,-» Telegraphs, Magneto-electric Telegraphs, Optical Telegraphs, Pneumatic Telegraph-posts Telegraphs, Printing Telegraphs, Semaphoric Telegraphs, Submarine Telephones , Telescopes Tellurians Temperature-alarms Tempering glass Tempering steel Tempering tools Temples, Loom Temporary binders Tenaculums Tender-loaders Tenders Tenoning-machines Tenon-saws Tension-devices for sewing-machines. Tenter-bars for cloth Tents Masonry Steam ; 3 Tanning Tanning Tanning Tanning Weaving Projectiles Projectiles Crinoline and Corsets — Sewing-Machines Surgery Bolts, Nuts, and Eivets.. Valves Stills Games and Toys Cordage Knitting and Netting Apparel Tanning Stoves and Furnaces Stoves and Furnaces Cloth Cloth Garden and Orchard Harvesters Dental Dental Saws , Electricity Electricity Electricity Signals Electricity Electricity Electricity Electricity Signals Signals Fences Electricity Signals Electricity Electricity Optics Educational Signals Glass Metallurgy Metallurgy Weaving , Stationery Surgery Hoisting Steam ; 3 Wood- Working ; 2 Saws Sewing-Machines Cloth Trunks 72 123 129 129 129 129 139 102 102 29 112 128 10 136 124 46 28 66 2 129 126 126 26 26 47 56 32 32 110 36 36 36 116 36 36 36 36 116 116 39 36 116 36 36 88 35 116 49 75 75 139 120 128 57 123 143 110 112 26 133 51 94 92 92 92 92 17 105 105 80 17 156 14 167 47 143 127 89 38 92 136 154 37 37 63 77 46 46 136 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 50 158 158 52 50 158 50 50 157 146 101 85 96 15 156 79 173 173 131 134 38 162 308 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. SUBJECT. Terra cotta Terrets, Manufacture of Tethers Theatrical scenery and effects Theodolites Therapeutic applications of heat, cold, air, vacuum Thermometers Thermostats Thill-couplings — , Thill-couplings, Manufacture of Thills , Thill-tugs Thimble-machines for vessels Thimbles, Nautical Thimbles Thrashing-floors , Thrashing-machines Thread and spool boxes Thread assorting, balling, dressing, gassing, measuring, packaging, pol- ishing, reeling, sizing, spooling, ty- ing, winding Thread-controllers for sewing-machines Thread-cutters for sewing-machines . . . Thread-cutters Thread-envelopes Threaders Thread- waxers for sewing-machines . . Thresholds Throstles Throttle-valves Throwing horses, Apparatus for Throwing silk Ticket-boxes Ticket-holders Ticket-punches Ticket-racks Tickets, Eailway Tidal docks Tidal valves Tide-basins Tide-gates Tide-powers Tide-powers Tide- wheels Ties for bales Ties, Eailway Tightening standing rigging Tile-laying plows Tile-machines , Tiles, Drain Tiles, Fire Tiles, Floor Tiles, Garden Tiles, Mosaic Tiles, Paving Tiles, Hoofing Tiling for roofs Timber, Preservation of Name of class — official classif cation. Clay Hardware Manufactures Harness Fine Arts Optics , Surgery Measuring-Instruments . Measuring-Instruments . Carriages and "Wagons. . Hardware Manufactures Carriages and Wagons. . Carriages and Wagons. . Ships ; 1 Ships ; 1 Apparel Thrashing Thrashing ,. Apparel Cordage Sewing-Machines Sewing-Machines Apparel Apparel Apparel Se wing-Machines Carpentry Spinning Valves Harness Silk Stationery , Stationery , Clasps and Buckles , Stationery Stationery Hydraulic Engineering . Hydraulic Engineering .. Hydraulic Engineering . Hydraulic Engineering ., Hydraulic Engineering . , Mechanical Powers.. Wa cer- Wheels Presses Railways ; 1 Ships ; 1 Plows ... Clay Clay Clay Clay Clav • Clav Clay.... Clay Hoofing Chemical Miscellaneous.. 28 112 112 2 2 2 112 20 118 136 54 117 120 120 24 120 120 61 61 61 61 61 74 138 100 104 114 97 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 108 23 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 309 SUBJECT. Time-balls, Electrical Time-iuclicators, Automatic Time-indicators, (non-automatic) Time-fuses Time-locks Time-registers Time-reporters Time-tables Timothy-headers Tin cans and boxes, Making Tinmen's shears - Tinners' tools „> Tinning .. -. Tin-plate working Tin-scrap, Utilizing , , Tippets Tips, Shoe Tire-coolers Tire-making Tires, Bending and upsetting Tire-setters Tires, Making , Tires, Securing Tires, Tightening Tire-tigbteners Tire-upsetting Toasters Tobacco-cartridges Tobacco-curing Tobacco-curing, (except Drying, Class 34) Tobacco-cutting Tobacco-dryers Tobacco-flavoring Tobacco, Flavoring Tobacco-granulating machines Tobacco-hooks Tobacco packing Tobacco-paper Tobacco-pipes Tobacco-pipes, Machines for making- wooden Tobacco-pipe stems Tobacco-pouches Tobacco-preparing Tobacco-presses Tobacco-sheeting Tobacco-stemming Tobacco-stoppers Toe-caps Toilet-mirrors Tolling devices for grain-mills Tombstones Tompions « Tongues, Carriage and wagon Tongs, Blacksmiths' Tongs, Oyster Tongs, Pipe Tonsils, Instruments for operating on the of class — official classifi- cation. Electricity Horology Stationery Projectiles Locks and Latches Horology Horology Stationery Harvesters Sheet-Metal Cutlery Metal- Working ; 6 Plating Sheet-Metal Sheet-Metal Apparel Boots and Shoes Metal- Working ; 3 Metal- Working ; 3 Metal- Working ; 3 Wood- Working ; 3 Metal-Working ; 3 Carriages and Wagons. Carriages and Wagons . Carriages and Wagons. Metal Working ; 3 Stoves and Furnaces Tobacco Garden and Orchard Tobacco Tobacco Dryers and Kilns Tobacco Chemical Miscellaneous Tobacco Tobacco Tobacco Paper-Making , Tobacco Wood- Working ; 1 Tobacco Tobacco Tobacco Presses Tobacco Tobacco Tobacco Boots and Shoes Furniture Mills Fine Arts Ordnance Carriages Metal- Working ; 6 Fishing Metal- Working ; 6 Surgery 128 50 36 146 105 93 36 36 146 75 136 44 136 113 136 136 38 16 60 60 60 60 60 31 31 31 60 154 160 160 160 160 48 160 160 160 160 160 108 160 175 160 160 160 160 160 160 16 62 57 54 105 31 60 143 100 156 310 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. SUBJECT. Tool-grinding Tool-handles, {except Turning, Class 142). Tool-holders Tool-holders for grindstones Tool-holders for lathes Tool-rests for lathes Tool-rests for wood-lathes Tools for glass manufacture Tools for metal-lathes, Turning Tools for molding clay Tools for scaling boilers Toois for wood-lathes Tools for wood-working Tools for working sheet-metal Tools for working wire Tool-stocks „ Tools to handles, Attaching Tooth-brushes . Tooth-picks Tooth-picks, Machines for making Tooth-powder Topical applications, Appliances for Tops, Carriage Tops, Spinning Torpedoes Torpedoes for oil-wells Torpedoes, Submarine „ Torpedo-vessels Tortoise-shell, Machines for working in. Tourniquets Tournures Tow-hooks Tow-lines Towel-racks Towel-stands Toy-blocks Toys Trace-couplings Traces Traces, Safety-attachment of Tracing-table Track-clearers , Track-clearers for narvesters Tracking vessels Track-layers' tools, Manufacture of Track-laying railways , Track raisers, Railway Track raisers, Railway Traction-engines Traction- wheels Tramways for ferry-boats Trammels Tramming millstones Tram-staffs for mills Transfer, Methods of pictorial Transit-instruments Transmitting motion, Apparatus for . .. Transplanting-machines Transplanting-tools Trap-doors Name of class — official classifi- cation. Grinding and Polishing Wood-Working; 4 Wood-Working; 4 Grinding and Polishing Metal-Working; 7 Metal-Working ; 7 Wood-Working; 1 Glass Metal-Working ; 7 Clay Steam ; 2 Wood- Working ; 1 Wood-Working ; 4 Sheet-Metal Wire-Working Wood- Working ; 4 Wood-Working ; 4 Brushes and Brooms. .. Toilet Wood- Working ; 3 ..... Chemical Miscellaneous Surgery Carriages and Wagons. Games and Toys Projectiles Projectiles Projectiles Ships; 1 Wood-Working ; 3 Surgery Crinoline and Corsets . . Ships ; 1 Ships ; 1 Furniture Furniture Games and Toys Games and Toys Harness Harness Carriages and Wagons . Fine Arts Railways ; 3 Harvesters Ships ; 1 Metal- Working ; 6 Railways ; 1 Railways ; 1 Hoisting Steam; 3 Carriages and Wagons . Hydraulic Engineering Drafting Mills Mills Fine Arts Optics Mechanical Powers Garden and Orchard .. . Garden and Orchard .. Carpentry 51 145 145 51 82 82 142 49 82 25 122 142 145 113A 140 145 145 15 132 144 23 128 21 46 102 102 102 114 144 128 29 114 114 45 45 46 46 54 54 21 41 106 56 114 81B 104 104 57 123 21 61 33 83 83 41 88 74 47 47 20 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 311 SUBJECT. Name of class— official 'classifi- cation. . "-J3 o ©•3 d "A . 3 H o •» o ft 46 143 46 143 47 63 47 63 43 143 94 110 45 143 94 110 121 150 4 8 4 8 114 138 133 162 133 162 89 105 65 88 65 88 65 88 144 174 65 88 74 67 74 67 47 63 47 63 47 63 114 138 142 174 142 172 47 63 47 63 12 16 54 72 47 63 47 63 47 63 47 63 84 106 37 51 128 156 2 38 114 138 88 157 43 143 119 144 144 174 72 4 47 63 81 B 100 72 4 21 31 106 121 84 102 133 162 133 162 133 162 133 162 120 146 133 162 133 162 Traps, Animal Traps, Bird Traps, Curculio Traps, Earth-worm Traps, Fish Traps for gutters Traps, Household insect Traps in pavements, Coal Traps, Steam Traps, Stench Traps, Water Travelers for masts and Dooms Traveling-bags Traveling-flasks Traverses of guns.. Trays, Dish Trays, Food , Trays, Fruit Trays, Machines for making wooden... Trays, Tea Treadle-machines Treadles ^ Tree-boxes Tree-diggers Tree-dwarfers Treenails Treenails, Machines for making Treenails, Machines for turning Tree-planter Tree-protectors Trees, Boot Trees, Saddle Tree-training Trellises ■__ Trellises, Grape Trellises, Hop Tremolo-attachments for musical in- struments Trenches Trephines Trimmings for garments Trimming vessels Tripods, Surveyors' Trolling-devices Troughs, Feed Troughs, Machines for making wooden . . Trowels, Bricklayers' Trowels, Garden Trowels, Manufacture of. Trowels, Plasterers' Trucks Trucks, Car Trumpets Trunk-corners Trunk-frames Trunk-guards Trunk-handles Trunk-labels Trunk-lid guides Trunk-lid supporters Games and Toys Games and Toys Garden and Orchard . . Garden and Orchard .. Fishing Paving Furniture Paving Steam ; 1 Baths and Closets Baths and Closets Sbips ; 1 Trunks Trunks Ordnance Kitchen Utensils Kitchen Utensils Kitchen Utensils Wood-Working ; 3 . . . . Kitchen Utensils Mechanical Powers Mechanical Powers Garden and Orchard — Garden and Orchard. .. Garden and Orchard. . . Sbips ; 1 Wood-Working ; 1 Wood- Working ; 1 Garden and Orchard — Garden and Orchard- .. Boots and Shoes Harness Garden and Orchard Garden and Orchard.. . Garden and Orchard.. . Garden and Orchard. . . Music Excavators Surgery Apparel Sbips; 1 Optics Fishing Stabling Wood- Working ; 3 Masonry Garden and Orchard. .. Metal-Working; 6 Masonry Carriages and Wagons Railways ; 3 Music Trunks Trunks Trunks Trunks Stationery Trunks Trunks 312 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. SUBJECT. Trunk-locks Trunk-rivets, Manufacture of , ... Trunk-rollers , Trunks Trunks and traveling-bags, Special tools for Trunk-stays Trunnions for steam-engines Truss-bridges . Trusses Trusses for bridges, floors, and roofs. . Trusses for vessels . Trusses of iron or wood Truss-hoops Tube-cleaners for steam-boilers Tube-couplings Tube-expanders Tube-filters Tube-plugs for steam-boilers Tubes Tubes, Bushing Tubes, Casing Tubes for steam-boilers Tube-sheets Tube-sheets, Punching Tubes, Ornamenting Tube-wells , , Tubing Tubing, Coating of elastic Tubing, Compositions for elastic Tubing, Elastic Tubing for gas, Flexible Tubing, Lining of elastic Tubing, Well Tubs, Machines for making leather Tubular boilers Tubular bridges „ Tuckers for sewing-machines Tug-carriers Tumblers for small castings Tumbler-washers Tumbling-boxes . . _ «. Tuning instruments Tunneling, Rock Tunnels, Iron Tunnels, Sub-aqueous Turbines Turf-cutters Turf-cutting machines Turning cannon Turning balls, bullets, and shells Turning gun-barrels Turning irregular forms Turning lathes, Metal Turning stone Turnip-peelers Turnip-toppers Turn-out, Railway Turn-tables, Railway Turpentine-stills Name of class — official classifi- cation. Locks and Latches Hardware Manufactures . Trunk-Rollers Trunks Trunks Trunks Steam ; 1 Bridges Surgery Bridges Ships ; 1 Bridges Ships ; 1 Steam; 2 Water-Distribution Metal- Working ; 6 Water-Distribution Steam ; 2 Tubing and Wire Tubing and Wire Tubing and Wire Steam ; 2 Steam ;2 Metal- Working ; 4 Tubing and Wire Excavators Tubing and Wire Hose and Belting Hose and Belting Hose and Belting Hose and Belting Hose and Belting Excavators Leather Steam ; 2 , Bridges Sewing-Machines Harness Casting « Kitchen Utensils . . Casting Music Stone, Lime, and Cement Hydraulic Engineering. . Hydraulic Engineering.. Water- Wheels Garden and Orchard Plows Metal- Working ; 7 Metal- Working ; 7 Metal- Working ; 7 Wood-Working ; 1 Metal- Working ; 7 Stone, Lime, and Cement Kitchen Utensils Garden and Orchard Railways ; 1 Railways ; 1 Stills 70 53J 16 133 133 133 121 14 128 14 114 14 114 122 137 81A 137 122 134 134 134 122 122 79 134 37 134 60 60 60 60 60 37 69 122 14 112 54 22 65 22 84 125 61 61 138 47 97 82 82 82 142 82 125 65 47 104 104 124 ALPHABETICAL INDEX OF INVENTIONS. 313 SUBJECT. Turrets Turtles Tuyeres Tuyeres, Manufacture of Twine-cutters Twine-holders Twine-machines Twist-drills Twisting bars, rods, and fagots Twisting silk Twisting wire Twist-lace machines Tying yarn Type - Type, Casting Type, Composing Type-cutting machines Type, Distributing Type-tinishiug Type, Flexible : Type, Founding Type-scouring Type-setting Type-writing machines Typography U. Umbrella and cane combined Umbrella-cases Umbrella-covers Umbrella-fasteners Umbrella-ferrules Umbrella-frames Umbrella-joints Umbrella ribs and stretchers Umbrella-runners Umbrellas Umbrella-supporters Umbrella-supporters on carriages Umbrella-tips Umbrella-trimmings, Manufacture of. Under-garments, {except Knitted, Class 66) Under-sleeves Universal joints Unloading-machines Untwisting rope, Machines for Upholstering-stuffing Upholstery Uppers, Machines for cutting Upsetting machines, Tire Upsetting metals Urinals Urinal 8, Portable Urinometers Urn-stands . Urn-stands and heaters Urns for coffee,