ss,«eccr cc . r (CCCCCd fc cr d CCC d - 1 m* cX CTdd r «CeC«Jr r assise pxd coed zee ^ c r ,rc re r ;er £ c d cc ^ ccdeec fCC CC CCC r eee ' ' e c«c c c c c^c: c c - ddcC fc. ; and he contended strongly for the right of free communication and consultation. He observed, that the gentle- man from Prince George had said, that these acts of congress having been passed by a majority of that body, the members of which had taken an oath to support the constitution of the United States, could we suppose they were unmindful of it. The members of this assem- bly, Mr. Foushee said, had taken the same oath, in addition to other obligations. That they must therefore pursue their duty, in discharge of their solemn obligations to this state and the United States, with- out regard to the conduct of other people, although they may have acted also under oath. He then recapitulated various arguments of those who approved the resolutions, and observed, it had been said by the member from Prince George, that this law, (meaning the alien law,) although passed, would affect very few comparatively, indeed it would be almost as one man only. In this light, he (Mr. Foushee) considered it so much the more to be dreaded, as an exertion to its repeal might not be sufficiently made, and thus a precedent be estab- lished. Small beginnings he said, often produced great ends and re- quired therefore to be more narrowly watched. He then made a com- parison between the structure of the constitution and the universe. The latter he represented to be a system composed of atoms. If, said he, it were once to be ascertained that we had a power to destroy or annihilate one atom, it would soon be seen that we had a pOwer to destroy more atoms ; and thereby we should establish a principle, which might go to the total destruction of the universe. The same 131 consequences as to the right of power over the constitution, he said, might ensue, for the power over such was Hoiked. Danger too, he said, had been repeatedly assigned as' a cause for those Jaws. He again asked, what would be the consequence of subscribing implicitly to that doctrine? The principles of such a measure he repeated, would be to establish in a designing man, or set of men, at the head of the government, all power , which might be continued, even when the danger spoken of no longer existed. Precedent, he again said, would be thus founded and resorted to : and be urged upon us on every occasion, by saying, the same thing has been done before. But if danger alone, added he, had been the cause of passing those laws, and they could be justified* even on that score, that danger, he said, was now nearly over, or greatly lessened. He then referred to histo- rical facts to prove the force of his remarks. These, he said, were worthy of being attended to. He again declared himself in favor of the resolutions, especially the first. After which he observed, that he had confined his observations generally to the alien law, as he had understood the gentleman from Prince George to say, early in the de- bate, that the arguments on the sedition law would not be gone into, until those on the alien law had been urged and decided on. However, he said, he considered the sedition law of much the greater consequence of the two, as the evils were by that law, in his judgment, much aggra- vated ; and that all the arguments urged against the alien law, applied with accumulated force against the sedition law ; and that he could as yet only account for the selection of the alien law in argument, as being the most distant from, and least to be felt by, the citizens at large. He then proceeded to state the purport of the sedition law, the con- struction which had been given to it, and the consequences resulting from its operation. And although he admitted, that speaking might not be expressly enumerated, yet he said the free communication of opinion was prevented, and particularly in the mode of writing, print- ing, & that the friends of the present measures had already begun to insinu- ate, that an " established church was one of the strongest props to government :" and inasmuch, that the same reasons might be urged in its favor, as in favor of the abridgment of the liberty of the press. But it was said, that the press was still left free to print truth : " its licentiousness and abuse" are only forbid. So it might be said of re- ligion : true religion only ought to be tolerated : the abuse of religion ought to be forbidden : the " licentiousness" of particular sectaries ought to be restrained. 150 He said, he was fearful that he had already trespassed upon the pa- tience of the committee, and he would hasten to a conclusion, with a few remarks on the particular shape and address of the resolutions. It had been objected by gentlemen, that it was going too far to de- clare the acts in question, to be " no law, null, void and of no effect :" that it was sufficient to say they were unconstitutional. He said, if they were unconstitutional, it followed necessarily that they were " not law, but null, void and of no effect." But, if those particular words were offensive to gentlemen he had no objection to any modification, so the principle were retained. As to the objection, that they were improperly addressed to the other states, Mr. Daniel said, he supposed that this mode was extremely eligible. If the other states think with this, that the laws are unconstitutional, the laws will be repealed, and the constitutional question will be settled by this declaration of a ma- jority of the states: thereby destroying the force of this precedent, and precluding from any future congress, who might be disposed to carry the principle to a more pernicious and ruinous extent, the force of any argument which might be derived from these laws. If, on the contrary, a sufficient majority of the states should declare their opi- nion, that the constitution gave congress authority to pass these laws, the constitutional question would still be settled ; but an attempt might be made so to amend the constitution, as to take from congress this authority, which in our opinion was so pernicious and dangerous. He then concluded by saying, that something must be done: the people were not satisfied : they expected that this legislature would adopt some measure on this subject : that the constitution of the United States was the basis of public tranquillity ; the pledge of the sovereignty of the states, and of the liberties of the people. But, said he, this basis of public tranquillity, this pledge of liberty and security is but a name, a mere phantom, unless it be strictly observed. It be- came our duty to watch attentively, to see that it was not violated ; to see that it was equally observed by those who govern, and by those who are destined to obey. To attack the constitution was an offence against society ; and if those guilty of it were invested with authority, they added to the offence a perfidious abuse of the power with which they were intrusted. It was our duty, said he, to suppress this abuse with our utmost vigor and vigilance. It was strange to see a free constitution openly and boldly attacked by those who were put in power under it. It was generally by silent and slow attacks, that free governments had progressively changed, till very little of their original texture and principles remained : that the doctrine of implication had introduced innovations, under the influence and operation of which, the freest governments had been enslaved. It was our duty to guard against innovations. The people of Virginia had been attentive to this sub- ject. The petitions and remonstrances, which had been read to the committee, proved that the people were seriously alarmed at the inno- vations of the federal government. He said they proved more : they proved that the people thought that their servants, in the administra- tion of the federal government, were not even modest enough to wait the increase of their power by progressive change. That their ambi- tion exceeded the resources of the doctrine of implication : that their 151 thirst of power could not be satiated, but by a direct attack upon the constitution, and a prostration of the great rights of the people. He said, this apprehension of the people, which he thought just, would be satisfied. He thought the mode proposed by the resolutions was most likely to effect this purpose, as well as other important purposes. He said, if they who were the representatives of the people, would not act for them when called upon, the people will speak for them- selves; and as the voice of God, they would be heard. He hoped this final and dreadful appeal would never be necessary. He pre- ferred the resolutions, and hoped they would be adopted by the com- mittee. Mr. CURETON arose next, and said, that he wished to make some few observations. He confessed, that he had before had some doubt about the alien law ; but that the gentleman last up had con- vinced him of the propriety of it, and was proceeding to show how, but observed, that as the committee appeared to be impatient, he would not trouble them any longer, and therefore moved that the com- mittee should rise, but upon general Lee's rising to speak, he with- drew his motion. General LEE then proceeded to observe, that as the subject re- quired the fullest deliberation, he hoped that all the papers respecting it would be read that evening, to prevent any interruption in the de- bate the next day. By this arrangement time would be saved, and perspicuity in argument promoted. It was too late in the evening then to enter at large upon the subject. This he would defer till the next day, when he should with frankness and candor deliver his sen- timents, with a view of showing the pernicious tendency of the reso- lutions on the table. He begged to know how many counties in the state had presented petitions to the assembly on this subject ; any one of which petitions, with the alien law, he must trouble the clerk, he said, to read, as he believed this law particularly to be much misunderstood. He himself considered it as going only to -enable the chief magistrate to remove dangerous aliens, thereby preventing the commission of crime, and not punishing crimes committed. The sedition law, he said, so far as he recollected it, was free from the charges contained in the resolutions. If then, on examination, it was found that these laws were constitutional, the resolutions proposed must be rejected. If they were found unconstitutional, it was proper to interfere and restore the constitution to its original purity. In this salutary wish he would cheerfully join, but he must take steps becom- ing a portion of the same people to take, full of friendship, full of mutual respect, and tending to perpetuate union and brotherly love, not disunion and hatred. Mr. NICHOLAS arose next, and said that the gentleman last up wished to save time, by having all the papers read that evening, but he wished to know how that would save time? The gentleman had said too that the alien law extended to prevent only, and not to punish 152 crimes. Mr. Nicholas asked, if banishment was no punishment? He had always understood, he said, that it was; and then observed, that he should have been glad that the gentleman had been present from the commencement of the discussion, that he might perfectly have understood the nature of it. Mr. John Taylor's resolutions were then read, together with those laid upon the table by other gentlemen, and the memorial from the people of Caroline county. Mr. BROOKE then arose, and observed, that laboring under all the diffidence that a person unaccustomed to public speaking would naturally feel, in delivering his sentiments upon so momentous an oc- casion as the present, he was sensible of the disadvantage he must have labored under, in delivering his sentiments upon the subject the day before ; and on this account, he felt more sensibly the attack made upon him by his colleague, and the attempt made by him to distort the observations, which, in the midst of his confusion and embarrass- ment, Mr. Brooke said, had fallen from him. These observations that gentleman had undertaken to caricature. A more proper person for a task of this kind could not have undertaken it. Pie would do jus- tice to every subject he ever did undertake. Mr. Brooke then said, that he would proceed to repeat to the committee his observations just as they were expressed, which, notwithstanding the diffidence he felt on the occasion, he perfectly recollected; and he believed that other gentlemen, not disposed to distort his meaning, would agree with him in his statement. He had observed, he said, that he was opposed to the resolutions offered by the gentleman from Caroline, however mo- dified; that he was under no instructions; and that if the people of his county should be so degenerate, (to the best of his recollection was the term ; but if the term debased, which his colleague had stated as a stronger expression, would suit his purpose better it might be so) as to instruct him to vote for resolutions having so dangerous and alarm- ing a tendency as those referred to, he should go into mourning; he should bid. adieu to legislation, and seek an asylum in some other re- gion of the globe, amongst a race of mortals who had more respect for peace and order, and who set a higher value upon the blessings of good government. Mr. Brooke then concluded by observing, that he had thus recapitulated the observations used by him, no less to gratify his colleague who had called upon him, than that the people of his county might know that these were his sentiments. Mr. BOOKER then moved that the committee should rise. Mr. JOHN TAYLOR hoped that the committee would not rise, but that they would proceed. Several days, he said, had already been spent in the discussion of the business before them ; and much more time might be spent, unless they should adopt a different mode. They had until then been in the habit of receiving only one speech a day ; and the only way to dispatch the business he thought, would be to meet early and sit late. 153 Mr. GEO. K. TAYLOR said, that he intended to say something further upon the subject ; but wished not to hurry the committee. Mr. COWAN also observed, that he intended to deliver his senti- ments to the committee, tending to show that the alien law was con- stitutional ; but wished not to press the matter then. Mr. NICHOLAS hoped that the committee would not rise. They had as yet proceeded but slowly. He hoped therefore, that the gen- tleman last up would proceed : he should be glad to hear him. The same being also requested by others at the same time, Mr. COWAN proceeded, by observing that much had been said upon the subject already. It was a question of great importance, and the great attention which had been given by the committee, was a proof of the talents of the speakers. He confessed that he had no such claim, but came forward on another ground. He felt it a duty to his constituents and the whole community, to engage in the discus- sion. He had noticed, he said, that the observations of the gentle- man from Prince George had been objected to on one particular ground, that of their mingling the affairs of France with the subject, of the laws under consideration. But he (Mr. Cowan) thought that could not be avoided. The present question he said, had its root in French transactions. The rights of citizens and aliens, he thought had been confounded ; and in order to have a clear apprehension of them, a standard ought to be fixed upon to try them. That standard he pronounced to be, as to citizens, the constitution ; as to aliens, the law of nations. Every sovereign nation he said, was possessed of cer- tain rights. Amongst them the right to govern aliens, was a perfect right. It vested a power to restrain them. That right, he said, con- tained two things ; the first, was that of obliging aliens to depart, the second, was to allow them to remain. An alien, said Mr. Cowan, entering into a country, as the condition of such entrance, doth agree to submit to the laws of its sovereignty. Submitting to them did imply, that when required, he was bound to retire. Where did the exercise of this power rest? By the constitu- tion the power to exclude, remains in the states for a limited time. It was true that the powers not particularly granted are reserved. It had been said that the state was sovereign. It was so, but not in the latitude contended for. For, if it were so, the clause in the constitu- tion respecting the migration and importation of persons, was an ar- gument to the contrary. How did the state derive this right? If it had it before the adoption of the constitution, the constitution gave it to no purpose. , It was a supererogation. By the adoption of the con- stitution, Mr. Cowan conceived, the states accepted that right. Where was it then? It was with the people, who, in order to the distribu- tion of powers therein specified, and for that purpose, had resumed their full, their native rights. That, indeed, was a matter of moment. For, could they once ascertain where the right then was vested, they might then find the key to unlock the constitution, so as to find the power to pass an alien law. If congress had not the right, the states 20 154 must have a paramount right to protect aliens. If congress had it not, the states could suffer aliens to remain within them, in despite of congress. Could the states then confer a perfect right on aliens? If they could not, they had no power to keep them here. For, if they could keep them here one hour, they might keep them here until 1808. But, Mr. Cowan said he would attempt to show that the states had no such right. He hoped gentlemen would answer him on that point. A state could confer a perfect right only in two ways : First, by naturalization ; but this subject was conveyed to congress. Se- condly, by treaty with the state from which the alien comes ; but, this power, too, was vested in congress, and prohibited to the states. Could an act of assembly confer a perfect right? No; because, "a perfect right being that to which is joined the right of constraining those who refuse to fulfil the obligation resulting from it." An alien could not oblige a compliance with the terms of it. It had been said that the alien law violated that part of the constitution which gives the state a right to exclude aliens, if it thinks proper. But, if the state could not give the right to them to remain, it must be with con- gress, and therefore no violation. By the constitution, a power was given to congress to repel and to protect against invasion, and to make any law to carry its measures into effect. What could be the mean- ing, then, of those clauses 1 The terms to repel invasion, and protect against invasion, gave different powers. Could it be thought proper, that the general government should have no power to defeat a plan before it was matured, It must be inferred, then, from such words, that congress had the power to take such measures as would secure the people. There was no necessity, then, of resorting to the last clause of the eighth section of the first article, for the power in ques- tion. The general powers of congress would be sufficient to give it. When bound to accomplish an end, are not, said he, the means in- cluded ? Or are they withheld ? But, if the state had no such power, it was in congress. For, if it was not there, where was it? Thus much, Mr. Cowan said, for the constitutionality of the alien law. He proceeded next to discuss its nature. It had been said, that it blended different powers. But, Mr. Cowan said, that the constitution of the United States, in his opinion, was not such an one as that the powers of government were necessarily kept separate and distinct. It was true they were so in the state constitution, but that they are not so in the former, was proved by the instance of the president's ratifying a treaty. For, as the treaty when made, becomes a law, his ratification has the effect of a legislative act. He must often act with an union of powers. By approving laws, particularly, he legislates ; and in cases where no person is pointed out by a law to enforce its execu- tion, the president perhaps is the proper person to do it. This is proved by that clause in the constitution which directs, that the pre- sident shall take care that the laws be faithfully executed. There- fore, even if the president had not been named to carry the alien law into effect, by the constitution, he must have done it so far as was ex- ecutive. Two powers, then, are united by the constitution in him. Mr. Cowan then observed, that if the committee could be convinced that the law was constitutional, they certainly must conceive the wis- 155 dom of congress adequate to the policy of such a law. The alien enemy laws passed by the legislature of this state, and also by the con- gress of the United States, had been admitted by the gentleman from Caroline to be necessary. He (Mr. Coivan,) considered that law of congress as being very analogous to the law now the subject of de- bate. For, if such enemy alien law be necessary in a state of war, the law of congress now under the consideration of the committee, under defensive operations, was necessary in proportion. It had been urged too, that aliens, by the law of nations, had the same rights as citizens. But that the alien was so entitled, he said, was necessary to be shown. There certainly was a distinction between the alien and citizen. An alien is not subject to all the laws of a country, but such only as regulated the affairs of private life. Mr. Cowan then read the seventh amendment to the constitution, containing the prin- ciples and regulations which were to govern in criminal cases. Gen- tlemen had derived rights to aliens under this clause, and seemed to rely much upon the word persons used in this clause. But he (Mr. Cowan,) asserted that aliens were entitled to their privileges from a principle of the law of nations, and not under the constitution, as a party thereto. For the alien could not be made a soldier, he owing alle- giance elsewhere. The expressions too, used in the seventh amend- ment, " except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the mil ilia when in actual service in time of war or public danger," prove that aliens were not the persons contemplated by that clause, but citizens, they only being subject to those kinds of service. In- deed, an Indian or a negro might, by such doctrine as gentlemen held, be as well entitled as an alien. But none of these were parties to the constitution. Gentlemen who argued thus, would prove too much for an alien. They would place him in a better situation than our own citizens. It had been said banishment is a crime. But banishment of a citizen, said Mr. Cowan, exists not under the con- stitution. He said, also, that an alien on coming into, admitted the right of sovereignty of the country over him. This was the condition of his admission into every country : to illustrate which, he repeated the observations which he had before made upon that point. He also recapitulated his preceding arguments about perfect right, and then observed that it had been said that this assembly ought to adopt the resolutions before them, and not use force ; but by means of them, produce an effect on the general government. And it was further said that the compact was between states. But, Mr. Cowan said, he could not agree with gentlemen in these points. What effect could the resolutions have? It ought to be supposed that congress had wis- dom : that, if they thought they were right they would not recede. If they thought they were wrong, he believed they would endeavor to do what was right. He thought too, that the compact contained an union both of the states and people. What, said he, would be the effect of declaring the laws null and void ? The principle would ex- tend to all laws of congress whatever. What then would be the re- sult? It would shake the foundations of tranquillity. It would shake the faith of the people in their government, as well as the faith of fo- reign nations in it. It would be setting up powers paramount to the 156 government. Because a few of the people had directed them to act upon the subject, could they think they had the power 1 Had the peo- ple empowered them to declare the laws null and void 1 On the con- trary, if the people on their return should hold a different language, how could the members of this house justify themselves to the peo- ple 1 Would it be by telling them that they, their representatives, had all powers 1 He again stated the consequence of exercising such a power. And if the compact were to be dissolved, he asked, what would be the consequences ? The resolutions would give a pause to the acts under consideration. For they recommended to the people to obey or not obey. And if without power from the people, this as- sembly should attempt to exercise their rights to control the general government, he asked what would be the consequences'? He enume- rated them much at large, and concluded with an earnest request that they would not adopt the mode proposed by the resolutions. On motion, the committee then rose, the chairman reported pro- gress, asked, and had leave for the committee to sit again. IN THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES, Thursday, December 20, 1798. The house resolved itself into a committee of the whole house, on the state of the commonwealth, Mr. Breckenridge in the chair, when Mr. John Taylor's resolutions being still under consideration, General LEE arose, and said that he was sorry he had been pre- vented from attending his duty in the house earlier in the session. He had thereby lost the opportunity of combating the pernicious sys- tem in operation at its commencement, as well as that of obtaining the information which previous discussion must have afforded. Dis- advantageous^, however, as he felt himself situated, he could not re- frain from presenting to the committee those reasons which influenced him in opposing the resolutions. There were, he believed, three pro- positions on the table: the resolutions proffered by the worthy mem- ber from Caroline : counter resolutions proposed by his worthy friend from Prince George, and a resolution proposed by a worthy member from Prince William. To the counter resolutions he gave his cordial assent : To the last proposition he also assented, as it breathed a spirit congenial to true American policy, and afforded an innocent way of disposing of the resolutions from Caroline. But inasmuch as the rejection of the first resolutions would necessarily involve the ap- probation of those proposed in opposition, he should apply his obser- vations to effect that object only. General Lee then contended, that the ruling principle in the resolu- tions was erroneous. They asserted as a fundamental position, that the existing constitution was a compact of states. He denied this po- 157 sition : declaring the constitution to be a compact among the people. The ancient confederation was a compact among the states : it was so in style, manner and power. But the government under which we now live, was precisely the reverse. What is its style 1 " We the people." What is its manner ? Executed by functionaries appointed mediately or immediately by the people. What is its power 1 That of the people : derived from them, and based upon them. How then could it be asserted that the present constitution is a compact of states? And would the committee sanction by their approbation, a declaration palpably wrong ? It was true, there was to be drawn from the consti- tution some faint support for this erroneous construction. The senate, one branch of the federal government, was elected by the states, as states. This deviation from the general system could not be relied on to destroy the system itself. It was the result of our peculiar situation. The smaller states could not be induced to renounce their existing equality entirely. It was necessary to compromise, in order to obtain the happy constitution we possess. To this compromise was attributed the federal feature just men- tioned. But this partial departure from the general principles of the system, could not be regarded as covering the broad ground taken in the resolutions. All the branches of government ought to be elected by the states, as states, to maintain the position assumed. This was not the case, and consequently the resolutions were radi- cally erroneous. General Lee then proceeded to the examination of the alien and sedition laws. He began with the alien law, which he contended was not a breach of the constitution. If the law was unconstitutional, he admitted the right of interposition on the part of the general assem- bly; nay, it was their duty: and every good citizen was bound to up- hold them, in fair and friendly exertions, to correct an injury so seri- ous and pernicious. He would himself cordially contribute his hum- ble mite ; but even in that case, he should adopt a very different man- ner from that contained in the resolutions. Friendship should be the ground, friendship the dress, and friendship the end of his measures. The resolutions inspired hostility, and squinted at disunion. The objections made to the alien law were : 1st. It transcends the power of congress. 2dly. It violates that article of the constitution which leaves to the states the right of admission of emigrants. 3dly. It deprives an alien friend of trial by jury. 4th. It unites legislative, executive and judicial powers. To the two last, he said, he should particularly attend, as gentlemen preceding him had, he understood, fully noticed the two first. General Lee read some passages from the law, tending to show that the prevention of commission of crime, and not the punishment of a crime committed, was its only object. He then proceeded to show that trial by jury could only apply on charge of crime committed. It was ludicrous to attempt to apply it in the alien law ; and it was consequently absurd to stigmatize that law, and those who framed it, with violation of the constitution, by denial of trial by jury, where trial by jury could not possibly apply. The law was in its nature preventive, and sprung from the right of duty of government to protect the states from invasion. The exercise 158 of this right belonged to congress, and they were the sole judges of the expediency. In their decision all ought to acquiesce. In case of error or vice, the revolving elections presented a proper corrective, which could be applied to without commotion or disturbance ; and which, fairly and judiciously applied, could not fail to cleanse the body politic. During the debate, it had been well observed by the worthy mem- ber from Lunenburg, that the injustice of France might be considered as the root of these measures, and that it was not easy to discuss the latter, without reference to the former. This remark was certainly true, and must have been felt by every gentleman engaged in the dis- cussion. In case of an invasion, a measure dependent only on its practicability, of which practicability our venomous and insatiable foe was the sole judge, what keen and operative aid might not be afforded by the numerous aliens, long fostered by American hospitality, and anxious for an opportunity to display their ingratitude, if we might be permitted to form an opinion of their future conduct by the zeal with which they laboured to expel from the breasts of our citizens, all re- spect for religion and government ; preparing, as far as was in their power, the American people for the re-action of the French and Saint Domingo tragedies. Ought not then congress to have taken measures to rid their coun- try of such eventual misery ? It was their first duty so to do ; and supineness on their parts would have been criminal. But it seems that aliens have rights under our constitution. It was wonderfully kind, he said, in our fathers to devote their time and mo- ney to the care of the Turk, Gaul, and Indian, when the proper ob- ject was that of their children. This spurious doctrine, however con- fidently asserted, was not credited by the gentlemen themselves. They might impose on others, but the discernment of their own minds for- bade success in imposing on themselves. An alien would claim no right in this country, unless he could show a treaty for it ; excepting his participation in the usual rights of citizens, which he held upon courtesy, and which courtesy could be withdrawn at the pleasure of the sovereign power. Be done then, he said, with all these pretences. They were groundless, and seized only to excite more and more the begun ferment. The sedition law, general Lee said, was also declared to be a viola- tion of the constitution. Let us, said he, examine it. Let us refer to the clause in the constitution securing the freedom of the press, which we are told by the above law is abridged. By the law you must conspire to oppose a measure of government ; or utter, write or pub- lish, with the intention of opposing, or exciting opposition to govern- ment. The publication must also be false, malicious and scandalous. General Lee then asked, if government was worth preserving? If not, let it be annulled. If it was, deny not to it, he said, the means of preserving itself. The constitution must be very defective, if it held not the power of self-preservation. It was not defective ; and a fair construction of it would warrant the sedition law. Government with us depended for its existence upon the affections of the people. In its preservation the people were interested. Any attempt, by the 159 publication of falsehood to discredit government, and thereby to im- pair the public confidence in it, was an offence against the people ; it was wrong in morality, and ought to be punished. What honest man would complain of a law, which forbids the propagation of malice, slander and falsehood ? What good citizen would not delight in a law, which, while it punishes the above vices, tends to perpetuate the government of his choice? And yet a law of that sort, he said, af- forded a fertile topic of abuse and misrepresentation. General Lee then observed that, " thou shalt not lie, 55 was one of the ten commandments : it was one of the injunctions of the sedition law. Whoever considered the freedom of speech abridged by the di- vine law 1 No man unless lunatic ; nor could the freedom of the press be so deemed, without a misconstruction of the constitution, or of the sedition law. This state, he said, had from the revolution enacted laws of the same sort. In 1776, a committee was appointed for the revision of our laws. Messieurs Pendleton, Wythe, Jefferson, Mason and Lee, composed the committee ; able, honourable and eminent citizens. Among their proposed bills, was to be found one on the subject of li- bels. A reference to this bill would show its minute resemblance to the sedition law. Authority such as that just quoted, general Lee said, could not fail in guarding the committee from accrediting the intemperate censures issued against congress. He would proceed, he said, to another authority in point of time and subject, though one of the respectable gentlemen just named, and the very one of all others to whom gentlemen on the other side attached most weight. Mr. Jefferson, in his correspondence with Mr. Madison, respecting the new constitution, maintains, said general Lee, the doctrine we contend for. He (Mr. Jefferson) expressly says, that in preventing the abridgement of the freedom of the press, punishment for uttering falsehoods ought not to be inhibited. The same doctrine is expressed by the same gen- tleman in his Notes on Virginia. However, general Lee said, he would refer to an authority still higher, the general assembly of this state in 1776. That august body, the champions of American rights, the patriots who composed our state constitution, passed a law on this subject in the following words : " That, if any person residing, or being within this commonwealth shall, from and after the publication hereof, by any word, open deed, or act, advisedly and willingly, maintain and defend the authority, ju- risdiction, or power of the king, or parliament of Great Britain, the person so offending, being legally convicted thereof, shall be punished with fine and imprisonment, to be ascertained by a jury, so that the fine exceed not the sum of twenty thousand pounds, nor the imprison- ment the term of five years : 55 " and that any person who shall mali- ciously and advisedly endeavour to excite the people to resist the go- vernment of this commonwealth as by law established, or persuade them to return to a dependence upon the crown of Great Britain, or who shall maliciously, or advisedly terrify and discourage the people from enlisting into the service of the commonwealth, or dispose them to favor the enemy, every person so offending, and being thereof legally convicted, shall be punished with fine and imprisonment as aforesaid. 55 160 These men, general Lee said, formed our constitution, and these men passed the law of which the quotation is an extract. They must have understood their own work : they could not mean to violate the constitution. The law then was not unconstitutional in their opinions, and yet it must be so, if the doctrine now advanced be accurate. The constitution of the state and of the United States, provide in terms equally strong for the security of the freedom of the press. The law above quoted, passed by the state, and the sedition law, passed by congress, were of the same sort in word, spirit and object. If the first be no violation of the state constitution, the second could not be deemed a violation of the United States constitution. Other laws passed by the state, all tending to justify the opinions which he and those who thought with him held, general Lee said, might be re- ferred to ; especially the law against the divulgers of false news and the law against treason. It had been fully observed by the worthy member from Prince George, that the word " freedom" of the press had a definite meaning ; and he had proved incontestibly what this technical meaning was, to wit, a freedom from every restraint in print- ing, but not a freedom from punishment, if the printing was in its tendency injurious to an individual or to the community. It appeared plainly to his mind then, that the resolutions asserted an untruth, when they charged the two laws with violation of the constitution. But it seems, said he, that the laws are inexpedient and unwise. Of their expediency and wisdom the people have made con- gress the sole judge. They have the best information : their object must be the public good, and it was presumable that the measure was wise and necessary, or their adoption would not have taken place. He would not, he said, examine the question of expediency of the laws, but would examine the expediency of the resolutions. Admit- ting for a moment that the laws were unconstitutional, he con- tended that the course pursued by the resolutions was inadmissible. Prudence frowned on the indecorum and hostility which their face showed, nor was it to be presumed that contumely to the sovereignty of the union was the likeliest way to obtain a repeal of the laws. The very reverse must happen. Why then recur to such an expe- dient, if the object of repeal be the real object? He hoped that he should be pardoned, he said, when he suspected that repeal of the laws was not the leading point in view. Promotion of disunion and separation of the states, struck him as objects which the resolutions covered. What evils so great could befall the American people? Every measure squinting at such disasters ought to be spurned with zeal. Let us, then, said he, put our veto on the resolutions. Was an individual, he observed, to apply to his friend for redress of some supposed injury, the application would be conveyed in terms polite and friendly. So ought it to be when a state applied to the United States. But why not wait for the operation of the constitutional checks? The united system was made by the whole people, for the management of all affairs national. The same people instituted state governments, for the management of all state affairs. These systems held concurring jurisdiction over some subjects, and of course might occasionally interfere. Who then was the proper arbiter be- 161 tween them? Not the state government : the people had given them no such power. The people themselves, the creators of both systems, were the proper judge. Their decision was obtainable under the rules of the constitution in the revolving elections. The judiciary also was a source of correction of legislative evil ; a source fixed by the constitution, and adequate to cure violations of the same like those now alleged. The state legislatures might also act, but it must be by proposing amendments to the constitution in either way therein de- lineated. V If then the laws were deemed unconstitutional, let the question, he said, be left to the people, to the judges : or let the legislature come forward with a proposition for amending the doubtful parts of the con- ") stitution ; or with a respectful and friendly memorial, urging congress to repeal the laws. Thus would our union be strengthened, our friendship perpetuated. / The state judges, he said, had on many occasions interposed when • this legislature had passed laws unconstitutional. The remedy had cured the disorder, and tranquillity remained undisturbed. So would do the federal judges. They were as respectable, as trust-worthy as were the state judges: in them as much confidence ought to be re- posed. For his part, he said, he felt as much confidence ; nor could he admit the force of those distinctions which gentlemen labored to establish, tending to discriminate in favor of state judges and state officers. They were all citizens alike, bound to do their duty ; clothed with the authority of the people, and directed by the will of the people. Whether called state or federal judges, sheriff or mar- shal, was a light and unimportant circumstance. The resolutions, general Lee said, struck him as recommending re- sistance. They declared the laws null and void. Our citizens thus thinking, would disobey the laws. This disobedience would be pa- tronised by the state, and could not be submitted to by the United States. Insurrection would be the consequence. We have had one insurrection lately, and that without the patronage of the legislature. How much more likely might an insurrection happen, which seemed to be advised by the assembly ? The scene in Pennsylvania turned out to be a comedy : the same attempt here, he feared, would issue in tragedy. Let us, said he, avoid these numerous ills. All the states are interested in our decision, both as to their reputation and tran- quillity. He requested gentlemen then to be temperate, to reject the proffered paper, and adopt some other course. Division among ourselves at this time, he said, encouraged invasion. He could not bring himself to believe that gentlemen meant to invite the enemy to our country. He could not attribute to gentlemen such motives. But what signified the goodness of their intentions, if their measures produced the effect 1 General Lee then concluded by intreating gentlemen to pause. Take this one rash step, said he, and you will be carried step by step till you land in misery, or submit quietly with derision settled upon your heads. Should my efforts, Mr. Chairman, be unavailing, I shall lament my country's fate, and acquiesce in my country's will ; and 21 162 amidst the surrounding calamities, derive some consolation from re- collecting my humble exertions to stop the mad career. Mr. CURETON said, that there had been silence in the commit- tee for some time ; and if no other gentleman was disposed to speak, he hoped the question would then be put. The debate had engaged their attention for several days past, and he expected that every mem- ber of the committee had made up his mind upon the question. Mr. John Taylor's resolutions were read by the clerk. Mr. PETER JOHNSTON then arose, and acknowledged his in- competency to throw any light upon the subject, but hoped to be in- dulged with a few observations in answer to the gentleman from West- moreland. He had contended that the states were not parties to the compact, but the people. Mr. Johnston denied the position, and said that every fact in the history of the government would contradict it. If the confederation was formed by states, the states alone possessed the power of dissolving it. And when it was found incompetent the States, and not the people, directed a convention to frame the consti- tution. W-hen that was framed, their power was at an end. The members of it, it was true, were the representatives of the mass of the people of America. But when the system was framed, it was submitted to the conventions of the people of the several states. If those conventons then, assembled under the auspices of the legisla- tures of the different states, the states were parties. Should the words, " we the people," then change the nature of the compact, con- trary to the historical facts of the day? He thought not. Mr. Johnston then cited the fourth section of the fourth article of the constitution, which declares, " that the United States shall gua- rantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, &c^> Also the fifth article, which declares, that "the congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall pro- pose amendments to this constitution, or on the application of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments, which in either case shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this constitution, when ratified by the legislatures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions of three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the congress, &,c." From these clauses, he conceived, an irrefragable argument was deducible in favor of his idea. It had been said, however, that from the expression conventions, in this arti- cle, the states were not parties. Mr. Johnston contended that they were, as the other expressions in this article were as strongly in favor of the states being parties, as the word conventions could be in favor of the people being parties. The truth was, that both the states and the people were parties. He then made several observations in answer to general Lee's argu- ment upon the matter of compromise between the states. This gen- tleman too, he said, had asserted that the alien law extended to pre- vent offences, and not to punish them. This Mr. Johnston denied, and proceeded to point out the real case of the alien under the law of 163 congress. He understood the law was designed for alien friends. There was also an alien enemy law ; and if the former related to alien enemies, it would have had reference to the latter. But it was general ; it related therefore to both. He mentioned the argument of general Lee respecting the entry of aliens into a country, but ob- served that this point had before been spoken to. Mr. Johnston also referred to the remarks of Mr. George K. Tay- lor upon the rights of aliens, and contended that an alien was entitled to justice. If so, he was entitled to the means of obtaining justice, to which a fair trial was indispensable, but was deprived of it by this law. It was in vain to say, that the president would not abuse the power. If it was not warrantable by the constitution, it was still ob- jectionable. It had been said too, that citizens might live in peace notwithstanding the law. That neither was any argument, if the law was unconstitutional. The gentleman from Westmoreland had placed a particular construction on the word persons. In doing that, the gentleman should have recollected the case of a certain descrip- tion of persons excluded by the laws of this state from entering the same. The same gentleman had read extracts too from the sedition law, to show that there must be intent and purpose, in order to bring men within the law. Mr. Johnston asked, how intent and purpose were to be made out, but by words'? To illustrate which, he men- tioned Lyon's case; and then asked, how an intent could be proved, but by deductions from words? Was that any security ? An evil in- tent might be deduced from words, by which none was ever designed. He mentioned as an instance, the story lately circulated amongst them respecting Mr. Tazewell, our senator. It would be moreover in the power of the tools of government to place a construction on words, which might destroy the person speaking them. The gentleman from Westmoreland had also read extracts from the law of the state re- specting aliens, and insisted that congress had the same right as the state to pass such a law. This Mr. Johnston denied, and contended, \^f that the states in that respect had sovereign power, and that congress ^ had no such power, but a denned and limited power only. To prove which, he read the first clause of the ninth section of the first article, in the following words : " The migration or importation of such per- sons as any of the states now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be prohibited prior to the year 1808, &c. ;" and then asked, if any law having that effect had been passed before the adoption of the constitution? There had not; therefore such clause was in- serted. Mr. Jefferson's letter too had been produced, but was that to be quoted to govern the committee on the occasion? The constitu- tion should be their guide. And even Mr. Jefferson's letter, as it was stated, did not extend to the business in question ; it related only to private regulations. Mr. Johnston then proceeded to consider the consequences of the sedition law; and among others, conceived that the public opinion, heretofore found so useful, would be repressed, would be punished by it. Was that the liberty, which was guaranteed by the constitu- tion ? No ; it was a shameful attack upon both. All the gentlemen who had spoken upon this question, (except the gentleman from Caro- 164 line,) instead of arguing the constitutional point, had addressed them- selves to the passions. He then asked, what would be the conse- quence, if responsibility was taken from public servants? The style of the resolutions too had been complained of. But, whether the laws were said by the committee to be null and void or not, was a matter he thought of little consequence. For, if they were unconsti- tutional, they of course were null and void. He justified the mode of communication which the resolutions proposed. The people might petition if they thought proper. But the state, when addressing its own servants, ought to act as the resolutions proposed. It had a right to instruct its senators, and the people their representatives. Howe- ver, Mr. Johnston said, as the subject was exhausted, he would be satisfied with the remarks he had made, Mr. CURETON arose next, and proceeded to deliver his opinion in respect to the powers of the general government and the state go- vernments. How were their powers derived? From the people. The convention that framed the constitution was called by the states. The constitution when framed was submitted to the people, who by conven- tion ratified it. He asked, what would be the consequence of an opi- nion that the states had the balance of power alone? What was it? One sixteenth part only. He considered that the people had powers ; and contended, that they had the only right to act upon the sedition law. And if congress had usurped a power, which should appear to be an innovation on their rights, they would have the power in March next to make an example of those who had trampled on those rights; and this mode of proceeding was consistent with the constitution. He then asked, why did the resolutions embrace both laws? He also made several observations respecting the power of passing such a law as the alien law. He agreed with the gentleman from Lunenburg, that the power properly belonged to congress ; and asked, how could aliens dangerous to the country be sent out of it, if the power was not vested in the president. Mr. Cureton then proceeded to answer the objections of gentlemen in respect to the corruption of the officers of the general government; and hoped, that they should be confined to the constitutionality of the laws: but he still contended, that the people had the only right to act upon the sedition law. The states never had the power alone ; there- fore it could not be reserved. It belonged to congress, who were un- der the correction of the people only. As far as the resolutions rela- ted to the alien law, he had no objection, he said, to do what was pro- per : for instance, if it should appear that the law was an infringe- ment on the state government, to recommend it to our senators in congress to endeavour to have the same repealed ; for that was sanc- tioned by precedent. But the plan of the resolutions, Mr. Cureton said, was a new one. He looked upon it as an innovation on the rights of the people, and stabbing fundamental principles. He con- cluded, by hoping therefore that the resolutions would not be agreed to. Mr. JOHN TAYLOR arose next, and observed, that though it was late, and the debates had been protracted to great length, he 165 hoped the importance of the subject would be considered as a justifi- cation for his replying to the extraordinary and dangerous arguments which had been urged in opposition to the resolutions he had intro- duced. A member of Lunenburg had even asserted them to be an act of perfidiousness to the people ; because, by undertaking to declare one law of congress unconstitutional, the legislature would assume a power of declaring all their laws unconstitutional. Let the proposition then be reversed, to discover if there be perfidiousness in the case, the side to which it attached. Would it be said, that the legislature could not declare this law of congress unconstitutional, because it could declare no law of congress unconstitutional 1 Admitting such a position, did not these consequences evidently follow, that the check meditated against congress in the existence of the state governments, was de- molished. That congress might at its pleasure violate the constitu- tional rights of these governments. That they must instantly become dependent, and be finally annihilated. Could it be perfidious to pre- serve the freedom of religion, of speech, of the press, and even the right of petitioning for a redress of grievances? Gentlemen, in de- fining the laws of congress, had taken their stand upon this broad principle, namely, " That every government inherently possesses the powers necessary for its own preservation." Apply this principle to the state governments : for, if it be a sound one, they are equally en- titled to the benefit of it, with the general government. Under this principle then, to which his adversary had resorted, and which he therefore could not deny, it followed that the state governments have a right to withstand such unconstitutional laws of congress, as may tend to their destruction, because such " a power is necessary for their preservation." To illustrate this, suppose congress should be of opi- nion, that an arrangement of men into different ranks would tend to the order of society, and should, as preparatory to this end, intermed- dle with inheritances, and re-establish primogeniture. It could be only urged against such a law, that it was unconstitutional ; but if the state could not declare any law of congress unconstitutional and void, even such an one as this must be submitted to, and of course all powers whatsoever would gradually be absorbed by, and consolidated in, the general government. He observed, that the right of the state to contest the constitution- ality of a law of congress could, however, be defended upon better ground, than by the re-action of the doctrines of gentlemen on them- selves. That a principle literally constitutional, theoretically sound, and practically useful, could be advanced, on which to rest it. It was this : the people and the states could only have intended to invest con- gress with a power to legislate constitutionally, and the constitution expressly retains to the people and the states, every power not surren- dered. If therefore congress should, as was certainly possible, legis- late unconstitutionally, it was evident that in theory they have done wrong, and it only remained to consider whether the constitution is so defective as to have established limitations and reservations, with- out the means of enforcing them, in a mode, by which they could be made practically useful. Suppose a clashing of opinion should exist 166 between congress and the states, respecting the true limits of their constitutional territories, it was easy to see, that if the right of deci- sion had been vested in either party, that party, deciding in the spirit and interest of party, would inevitably have swallowed up the other. The constitution must not only have foreseen the possibility of such a clashing, but also the consequence of a preference on either side as to its construction. And out of this foresight must have arisen the fifth article, by which two thirds of congress may call upon the states for an explanation of any such controversy as the present, by way of amendment to the constitution ; and thus correct an erroneous con- struction of its own acts, by a minority of the states ; whilst two thirds of the states are also allowed to compel congress to call a convention, in case so many should think an amendment necessary for the purpose of checking the unconstitutional acts of that body. Thus, so far as congress may have the power, it might exe,rt it to check the usurpa- tions of a state, and so far as the states may possess it, an union of two thirds in one opinion might effectually check the usurpations of congress. And, under this article of the constitution, the incontro- vertible principle before stated, might become practically useful ; other- wise no remedy did exist for the only case which could possibly de- stroy the constitution, namely, an encroachment by congress, or the states, upon the rights of the other. The case was even strongest in favor of a check in the hands of the states upon congress : for although congress could never alter or amend the constitution, without the con- currence of three fourths of the states ; yet such a concurrence would be able so to alter or amend it, as to check the encroachments of con- gress, although the whole of that body should disagree thereto. The reason for this will exhibit the unconstitutionality of the argument, which supposes, that the states hold their constitutional rights by the courtesy of congress. It was this : congress is the creature of the states and of the people ; but neither the states nor the people are the creatures of congress. It would be evidently absurd, that the crea- ture should exclusively construe the instrument of its own existence ; and therefore this construction was reserved indiscriminately to one or the other of those powers, of which congress was the joint work ; namely, to the people, whenever a convention was resorted to, or to the states, whenever the operation should be carried on by three fourths. Mr. Taylor then proceeded to apply these observations to the threats of war, and the apprehension of civil commotion, towards which the resolutions were said to have a tendency. Are the republicans, said he, possessed of fleets and armies'? If not, to what could they appeal for defence and support? To nothing, except public opinion. If that should be against them, they must yield; if for them, did gentle- men mean to say, that public will should be assailed by force 1 If so, should a minority, by the help of the powers of government, resort to force for its defence against public opinion ; and against a state which was pursuing the only possible and ordinary mode of ascertaining the opinion of two thirds of the states, by declaring its own and asking theirs? How could the fifth article of the constitution be brought into practical use, even upon the most flagrant usurpations ? War or insurrection therefore, could not happen, except congress should at- 167 tempt to control public opinion by force ; and this it could not be sup- posed they would ever do, not only because the will of the people is the sovereign in all republics; but also, because both that will and the will of the states, were made the constitutional referee in the case under consideration. Hence a movement towards this referee could never be admitted as leading to war or commotion, except in those countries where an armed and corrupt minority had usurped the go- vernment, and would of course behold with abhorrence an arbitra- ment of a majority. Such however he hoped would be the respect to public opinion, that he doubted not but that the two reprobated laws would be sacrificed, to quiet the apprehensions even of a single state, without the necessity of a convention, or a mandate from three fourths of the states, whenever it shall be admitted, that the quiet and happi- ness of the people is the true end and design of government. With respect, he said, to the remedy proposed in the talents and integrity of the continental judges, without regarding the prejudices which might probably exist in favor of the government, from which an appointment should flow, it might be remarked, that the judges by the constitution are not made its exclusive guardians. That if continen- tal judges were the proper referees as to the constitutionality of con- tinental laws, state judges were the proper referees as to the constitu- tionality of state laws ; that neither possessed a power over the other, whence a clashing of adjudication might ensue ; and that if either had been superior, the same consequences would result as would flow from a superiority of congress, or of the states over the other, with this additional aggravation, that the* people could not by their elec- tions influence a constitutional question, to be decided by the judges, as they could to a certain extent, when it was to be decided by a ge- neral or slate legislature: an influence however insufficient; because it would require six years to change the senate of the United States, and four that of Virginia, during which an unconstitutional law would have done its mischief, which was yet greatly preferable to no influence at all. He observed, that the resolutions had been objected to as being couched in language too strong and offensive, whilst it had also been said on the same side, that if the laws were unconstitutional, the peo- ple ought to fly to arms, and resist them. To this, he replied, that he was not surprised to hear the enemies of the resolutions recommend- ing measures which were either feeble or rash. Timidity, it was known, only served to invite a repetition of injury, whilst an uncon- stitutional resort to arms, would not only justly exasperate all good men, but invite those who differed from the friends to the resolutions, to the same appeal, and produce a civil war. Hence those who wished to preserve the peace, as well as the constitution, had rejected both alternatives, and chosen the middle way. They had uttered what they conceived to be truth, in firm yet decent language ; and they had pur- sued a system which was only an appeal to public opinion, because that appeal was warranted by the constitution, and by principle : and because it gave an opportunity to the general government to discover whether they would be faithful to the same principle, and thereby es- tablish a precedent, which would both now and hereafter have a strong 168 tendency against civil war. That this firmness, which was both ex- hibited and felt, was really necessary as an act of friendship to the general government, if it was true, as some thought, and as the com- motion in the public mind plainly indicated, that a farther progress in their system was full of danger to itself, and misery to the people. If, said he, we beheld our friend already advanced to the brink of a pre- cipice, without having discovered it, ought we in friendship slightly to admonish him, that the very next step might precipitate him into an abyss below ; or strenuously to warn him of his danger 1 Again : If a country was to be defended, into which the foe could only enter at a single pass, which was fortified and garrisoned, ought the resistance of this garrison to be feeble and cowardly, and ought they traitorously to surrender this key into their country, from a confidence in the enemy ? Liberty was that country — our constitution the fortress — and ourselves the garrison. Shall we, he said, desert our post without even a parley with the assailants ? If we did, the inevitable consequence must be a consolidation of these states into one great sovereignty, which will from its vast extent, as inevitably settle with rapidity into a monarchy; and like all other great empires it must resort to those oppressions to support itself, which make the cup of life bitter to man. That such a degree of timidity would be as dishonorable as the vio- lent measures which gentlemen on the other side recommended, in cases of constitutional infractions, would be immoral and unconstitu- tional. That firmness as well as moderation could only produce a desirable coincidence between the states, an example of which having been al- ready set by Kentucky, it behoved us so to act as to avoid a difference of opinion as to the mode, when we united in the end ; because divi- sions respecting either, would undoubtedly destroy every hope of a successful issue. In opposition to the propriety of soliciting this coin- cidence, the constitution, prohibiting the states from entering into a confederation among themselves, had been quoted. In reply to which, he would ask, if an application from one state to another to learn its sentiments upon a point relative to the constitution, was to be consi- dered as unconstitutional, as amounting to a confederation ? In what way could two thirds of the states consult or unite, so as to exercise their right of calling a convention under the fifth article, or in what way could three fourths ever amend the constitution ? This observa- tion evinced the incorrectness of such a construction, as had also the practice of the states, in submitting each other's resolutions to mutual consideration, in a variety of instances. Mr. Taylor then said that the constitutionality of the laws had been defended by the common law. It had been said, that the common law attaches the rights arising from the law of nations to a sovereignty wherever it resides : that therefore a power over aliens devolved under the common law upon congress ; and that sedition being also a com- mon law offence, they had a right to punish it. If the common law bestowed powers upon congress, it was unnecessary to controvert these laws, because there was hardly any species of oppression which it would not justify. Heresy and witchcraft were common law offences : the former was a complete engine for tyranny. But the constitution 169 of the union did no where adopt the common law, or refer to it as a rule of construction. That as the state constitutions or laws had done so under the different forms, it evinced that the states must have con- sidered an adoption necessary to give it force, and thinking so, it was impossible that the state conventions which assented to the constitu- tion, could ever have supposed that they were establishing a govern- ment which could at pleasure dip their hands into the inexhaustible treasuries of the common law and law of nations, and thence extract as much power as they pleased. On the contrary, the constitution of the union does in its face plainly erect a government of powers ex- pressed and limited, and not left to be new modelled at random, or by ambition, by a reference to obsolete or little known codes of law, which had never been taken into contemplation during its discussion in any state convention. Having now gotten rid of objections rather collateral, Mr. Taylor said that he would come to those which more immediately referred to the objectionable laws. It had been said that aliens had no rights : that if they had, such rights were only held by the law of nations, which allows them to be removed whenever their residence is thought dangerous by the sovereignty ; and assuming it as granted that the sovereignty of America is in congress, it was therefore concluded that the law was constitutional. In reply to this argument, he observed, that congress only possessed a special and limited sovereignty, to be exercised in a special and li- mitted manner, so as not to conflict with that portion of sovereignty retained to the several states, and so as not to violate those constitu- tional principles prescribed for the preservation of liberty. That aliens, under the law of nations, were entitled and subjected to the sanc- tions of municipal law ; and however their rights as foreigners may be unimportant to us as natives, yet it was of vast importance that the fundamental principles of our municipal law should not be destroyed, because an alien only was the present victim, since it established pre- cedents, and produced consequences, which would wound citizens through the sides of aliens. To apply this general remark, he said, the constitution was a sacred portion of municipal law, it had em- powered congress " to define and punish offences against the law of nations," and it had declared, " that the judicial power shall extend to all cases in law and equity arising under this constitution, or the laws of the United States ; and that the trial of all crimes shall be by jury." The law of nations was therefore in contemplation whilst de- fining the judiciary power. If an alien has done wrong, must it not be a case in law or equity, or a crime ? At any rate, must it not be a case arising under the constitution, or the laics of the union 1 If so, his punishment, supposing the act criminal, is to be inflicted by a jury : if not criminal, it is yet referred to the judiciary, by the comprehen- sive terms " all cases." Might not precedents then, violating these essential principles of our municipal law, be dangerous to citizens, when it was recollected that no difference is contemplated by the law of nations, or that municipal law, between aliens and citizens touching these rights, during the residence of the former. Again : were not the checks contemplated by the constitution weakened by making a 22 170 president in fact a king of the aliens? Our towns will abound with men whose every interest depends upon executive pleasure. Might they not be used to influence elections ? And what would prohibit their being forced into the volunteer corps, then to be armed and of- ficered by the executive? Here then, except for the virtues of* a tem- porary chief magistrate, was a mode struck out, by which a large force might be embodied and armed, possessing no rights, and completely dependent on the will of one man. Was this to adjust the balances? Or did it comport with the principles of republicanism ? If not, in this mode also might citizens be wounded through the sides of aliens. A gentleman from Prince George, he said, had urged, that except for this law, the state of Virginia might admit a French army with Buonaparte at their head. Of this, he said, there would certainly be as little danger, as that under it a president should admit an English army. Because, although it was obvious that no nation would call in a foreign force to destroy itself, yet history was not deficient in cases wherein individuals have resorted to a foreign force to enslave the na- tion. That he meant not to insinuate any thing to the injury of the present president ; but by retorting the argument, to show its weak- ness, by exhibiting the difference between suffering the residence of foreigners to depend upon the national legislatures; and surrendering it as a great prerogative to one man. It had been argued too, that the power given to congress to protect each state against invasion, comprised a power of expelling dangerous incendiary aliens; for that congress ought to be enabled to nip dan- gerous designs in the bud. If power could be gotten by inferences as loose as these, all at- tempts to limit it might be relinquished. Dangerous designs ought to be nipt in the bud. Was it the danger to which the power attached, and not the alienage? If so, dangerous incendiary citizens might also be nipt in the bud without trial, and exported at executive will. The protection of a state against invasion, is imposed upon congress as a duty, secondary only to the guarantee of a republican form of government, and not bestowed upon them as an enlargement of power ; and the reason of it is, that the states are prohibited from keeping troops or ships of war in time of peace, which prohibition does not extend to the union. Greatly as this argument had been re- lied on, the propriety of this construction was evinced by two obser- vations; one, that the states might as far as they could protect them- selves against invasion, and even raise troops in time of war, proving that this was a duty imposed upon congress, and not an executive power. The other, that it is also made the duty of congress to pro- tect the states against domestic violence, but only on application of the state legislature or executive. The jealousy evidently exhibited here against the interposition of congress, even in cases of actual do- mestic violence, by no means warrants the supposition, that they might interpose where apprehensions of danger only existed. Fur- ther, if congress obtained the power constructively from that of re- pelling invasions, there was nothing to limit its exercise to aliens. Again, and again, the committee were told of the common law and the sovereignty of congress. An attempt to excite an insurrection 171 had been called an offence at common law ; and a power to regulate all cases arising under the law of nations, it was said, follows sove- reignty. Thus every power was bestowed arising from these copious sources. He asked, by what part of the constitution congress were empowered to punish all common law offences, and whether that bar- barous, feudal, gothic and bloody criminal code was to be let loose upon us by inference and implication ? Domestic violence, said he, is insurrection. Why was congress specially directed how to act in this common law offence, if they had an unlimited power to punish all common law offences? As to these rights of sovereignty, it was fair reasoning to urge, that a particular donation of a part excluded the idea of a donation of the whole by way of inference. If this splendid thing called sovereignty had invested congress with all the powers arising from the law of nations, why was it necessary particu- larly to invest congress with the power of punishing offences against the law of nations? And if congress under this sovereignty derived to themselves an unlimited power over aliens, how could it have been necessary to bestow upon congress the special power of naturalizing these very aliens? This doctrine of the rights of sovereignty was as dangerous as false. Dangerous, because its extent could be never foreseen : false, as violating the idea of limiting a government by constitutional rules. From this unlimited source, the British parlia- ment derives its claim of unlimited power. King, lords and com- mons, because sovereign, may do every thing. If it was admitted here, being in fact a common law doctrine, it not only would absorb the common law powers and those arising from the laws of nations, but also the royal prerogatives, and whatever else it bestows upon the British parliament. Such a sovereignty would speedily swallow up the state governments, consolidate the union, and terminate in monarchy. Mr. Taylor said, that the laws objected to had been largely de- fended within and without doors, upon the ground of laws with simi- lar provisions having been passed in this state. Without stopping, he said, to point out the strong distinguishing features between the state laws and those of congress, it would suf- fice to show the inefficacy of the argument upon other grounds. The powers surrendered to congress and reserved to the states, are by the constitution evidently designed to be defined, whether success- fully or not, it was yet impossible to deny the intention of that instru- ment to concede certain powers to the one, and to reserve certain other powers to the other. # If then it was a sound argument to as- sert, that congress may legislate upon a subject because a state has al- ready done so; that is, that the exercise of the reservation by a state shall enlarge the concession in favor of congress, it followed that the reservation so soon as it was used was lost, and that even the limita- tions upon congressional power ought to be understood as only de- signed to extend it. Further, perhaps no state constitution in America exhibits that clear and explicit restraint upon a legislative interposi- tion respecting the freedom of religion, the press, and petitioning, which was to be found among the amendments of the general consti- tution. Was it defensible then to assert that congress, though opposed by this positive constituent barrier, were yet empowered to legislate 172 co-extensively upon these subjects with a particular state having no such obstruction to surmount. He said that this extravagant and unjustifiable mode of construing the constitution had even been carried so far as to quote Blackstone, and a private letter of Mr. Jefferson; so that if this instrument was to be expounded, not by itself, but by the law of nations, the common law of England, the laws of the several states, the opinions of English judges, and the private letters of individuals, it had only launched us upon the ocean of uncertainty, instead of having conducted us into a safe and quiet harbor. That Blachstone's definition of the liberty of the press, considered as accurate by the gentleman on the other side, amounted to this : " the right of publishing any thing not prohibited by law without the necessity of obtaining a previous license" He wholly quibbles away the liberty of the press, in the whim of con- sidering the necessity of a license as the only mode of destroying it, whilst he also admits that government may prohibit it from printing whatever it pleases. Was it not obvious that the end meditated by the liberty of the press, can as effectually be defeated in one mode as the other, and that if a government can by law garble, suppress and advance political opinion, public information, this great end, upon which public liberty depends, will be completely destroyed. Accord- ing to this construction, the constitution of America has only declared that congress shall not intercept writings by a previous examination, and allowance or rejection ; but that they may make whatever writings they please illegal and penal in any extent. Read, said he, the con- stitution, and consider if this was all it meant to secure. Mr. Jefferson's letter, he said, was written before the amendment to the constitution which it recommended; but upon which it could not of course be a comment; and therefore this letter, if it had lent any aid to the gentlemen on the other side, would be more than ba- lanced by that sublime and just construction of the constitution itself, as to the liberty of the press, to be found in the negociations of the late envoys to France. But this letter, as well as plain legal princi- ples, had been egregiously misunderstood, and both upon examina- tion, would be found to support the argument against the laws. The letter, whilst recommending those securities, for which the amendment to the constitution was afterwards designed, urges as an argument, that all were legally answerable for false facts published injuring others. This is the letter, and this the legal principle upon which a common action of slander was grounded : and laws reaching this evil, existed before the sedition act, in every part of the union. By a small but important deviation both from the letter and the law, a great and dangerous delusion was resorted to by the gentlemen on the other side. Falsehood, said they, is punishable by law, and Mr. Jefferson admits that it ought to be so ; and the sedition law punishing false- hood only, both the laws and Mr. Jefferson have united in its approba- tion previous to its existence. The great error in this doctrine arose from dropping the word " fact," and taking that of " falsehood," which includes "opinion," as well as fact. Fact was capable of proof, opi- nion was not. To say that such laws as the alien and sedition ex- isted, would be to assert a fact, and if he (Mr. Taylor) was prosecu- 173 ted for it it might be proved. But to assert that these laws were un- constitutional and oppressive, and productive of monarchy, would be an opinion, constituting a degree of criminality under the sedition law, subjecting a man to punishment, and yet it was not a fact capa- ble of being proved. Hence, therefore, the laws of the land, and Mr. Jefferson's letter, unite in confining punishment to the publication of false facts, and hence opinions were only made punishable in tyranni- cal governments; because there was no standard to determine the truth or falsehood of opinion. But, he said, it had been violently objected that, supposing these laws are unconstitutional, the state legislature could have nothing to do with the subject ; because the people alone are parties to the com- pact, called the constitution of the United States. To this objection he answered, that although the framers of the con- stitution chose to use the style, " we the people," yet it was notorious, that in every step from its commencement to its termination, the sense of the people respecting it, appeared through the medium of some re- presentative state assembly, either legislative or constituent. That the constitution itself, in many parts, recognizes the states as parties to the contract, particularly in the great articles of its amendment, and that of admitting new states into the union without a reference to the people ; and that even the government of the union was kept in motion as to one house of the legislature, by the act of the state sove- reignties. That added to these incontestible arguments to show that the states are parties to the compact, the reservation of powers not given, was to the states as well as to the people, recognizing the states as a contracting party, to whom rights were expressly reserved. From all which it followed, though it be not denied that the people are to be considered as parties to the contract, that the states are parties also, and as parties, were justifiable in preserving their rights under the compact against violation ; otherwise their existence was at an end ; for, if their legislative proceedings could be regulated by congressional sedition laws, their independency, and of course their existence, were gone. And although it had been within and without doors often as- serted, that the sedition act does not extend to words spoken, yet if any gentleman would read the first section, and consider the terms " counsel or advise," he would find that words are clearly within its letter, and that this part of the law seems particularly adapted for a deliberative assembly. He said he could not but observe, that this doctrine, that the people are to be considered as the only parties to the compact, was incomplete. The idea of a person's contracting with himself was absurd. Where was the other party ? He feared, though it was not avowed, that the gentlemen were glancing toward the old doctrine of a compact between government and people ; a doctrine which effectually destroyed the supremacy of the people and the inde- pendence of government, no less than the monstrous doctrine of alle- giance and protection, which falsely supposes, that the people are in- debted to the government for safety, whereas it is they who erect, sup- port and protect the government. That it was also curious to observe, that gentlemen allow the state governments to have been proper or- gans of the will of the people, whilst binding them by the measures 174 leading to the constitution, and that they still allow these organs to be capable of expressing their will in the election of senators, and doing any other acts for the execution of the constitution, whilst they deny that they are any organs of public will, for the sake of opposing an infringement of the same constitution. Thus, in framing it, and in executing it, in a great variety of ways, the will of the people was al- lowed to express itself through this medium ; but in saving it from violation, it shall be closed up against them; so that there shall be as few obstacles as possible against this violation. The people may peti- tion congress, said gentlemen, against the violation, and this was the only proper remedy. Let us, said Mr. Taylor, apply this remedy to another case. Suppose a state should by law violate the constitution. Would there be no other remedy, but for the people to petition that state, or for the judges of that state to decide upon the constitution- ality of the law 1 Why would there be another remedy 1 Because the constitution, having bestowed rights upon the general government, a violation of the constitution which should infringe those rights, would justify that government to take measures for its own preservation ; be- cause the constitution does not leave the remedy to depend upon a pe- tition of the people to the aggressor. Reverse the case, said he. If congress should unconstitutionally infringe rights reserved to the state governments, should they depend upon a petition of the people to the aggressor for their defence? They were then conducted, he said, to this clear position, that as congress holds the rights bestowed by the constitution under that, and independent of the states; so the states hold the rights reserved by the constitution under that, and indepen- dent of congress ; and of course that each power possesses the further right of defending those constitutional rights against the aggressions of the other ; for otherwise it would follow, that the power having con- stitutional rights, to maintain which was however unconstitutional, must presently disappear. He said, that the last argument in favor of the sedition act had been drawn from the law of Virginia respecting treason, which had been read. With respect to this law, he replied, that the same arguments ap- plied, which he had before used, to show the impropriety of quoting state laws, to justify congressional. It would be as just to say, that a state could pass laws for raising fleets and armies, because congress had done so, as that congress could infringe the liberty of speech, be- cause the states had done so. The states are expressly forbid to do the one, and congress the other. But this reference to the treason law of Virginia furnished a strong argument to prove the unconstitution- ality of the sedition act. The law evidently considers sedition as beino- one species constituting that genus called treason, which was made up of many parts. It therefore accurately expresses the idea of Virginia of the word " treason" and shows how she understood it, as used in the constitution. By that, treason is limited to two items, with the punishment of which only the general government is en- trusted. Hence it was evident, that Virginia could not have con- ceived that congress could proceed constitutionally to that species of treason called sedition ; and if this was not the true construction, what 175 security was derived from the restriction in the constitution relative to treason? Congress might designate the acts there specified by that term, and they might apply other terms to all other acts, from correct- ing which, that clause of the constitution intended to prohibit them ; by doing which, as in the case of sedition, they might go on to erect a code of laws to punish acts heretofore called treasonable, under other names, by fine, confiscation, banishment or imprisonment, until social intercourse shall be hunted by informers out of our country ; and yet all might be said to be constitutionally done, if principles could be evaded by words. Mr. Taylor concluded with observing, that the will of the people was better expressed through organized bodies dependent on that will, than by tumultuous meetings; that thus the preservation of peace and good order would be more secure ; that the states, however, were clearly parties to the constitution, as political bodies; that rights were reserved to them, which reservation included a power of preservation ; that the legislature of the state was under a double obligation to op- pose infractions of the constitution, as servants of the people, and also as the guardian of those rights of sovereignty, and that qualified in- dependence reserved to the state governments by the constitution ; and to act up to this duty, was the only possible mode of sustaining the fabric of American policy, according to the principles prescribed by the American constitution. Mr. BAYLEY arose next, to reply, he said, to the very extraor- dinary arguments which had fallen from the gentleman from Caroline, and was proceeding to do so ; but, finding that such a noise prevailed, from the impatience of the committee to rise, that he could not be distinctly heard, he declined, and sat down. On motion, the committee then rose, the chairman reported pro- gress, asked, and had leave for the committee to sit again. IN THE HOUSE OF DELEGATES, Friday, December 21, 1798. The house resolved itself into a committee of the whole house, on the state of the commonwealth, Mr. Breckenridge in the chair, when Mr. John Taylor's resolutions being still under consideration, Mr. GEORGE K. TAYLOR arose and said, that when these re- solutions were first submitted to the committee, they had been disap- proved by him ; and that the time which had since elapsed, with the most mature reflection, had quickened his disapprobation into com- plete aversion and entire disgust. The resolutions contained doctrines and principles the most extravagant and pernicious ; declarations un- substantiated by fact; and an invitation to other states to concur in a 176 breach of that constitution, which they professed to support. To sub- stantiate this charge, he would beg the pardon and patience of the committee, while he examined and criticised certain parts of the re- solutions, and while, agreeably to a promise given on a former occa- sion, he should offer some few remarks on the constitutionality of what is called the sedition law. The third clause of the resolutions begins in the following terms: " That this assembly doth explicitly and peremptorily declare, that it views the powers of the federal government as resulting from the com- pact to which the states alone are parties." This declaration, how- ever explicitly and peremptorily made, was unfounded and false : the states are not the only parties to the federal compact. Considered as particular sovereignties of detached parts of the union, they did not give it birth or organization : the state legislatures were not consulted respecting its adoption. It was the creature of the people of united America ; their voice spoke it into birth ; their will upholds and sup- ports it. To demonstrate this, it would be necessary to recur to the history of the present constitution, and to examine some of its features. When the British colonies in America, now the United States, dis- solved their connection with the parent country, and declared them- selves independent, they entered into certain articles of confederation and union. This was an act of the states. It was begun by the state representatives in congress. The articles of confederation, when di- gested, were sent to the legislatures of every state for consideration. They were ratified -by the legislature of each state in the union. They profess themselves to be articles of confederation and perpetual union between the states: they relate, in every article, not to the peo- ple, but to the states : they were submitted to, and adopted by, not the people, but the states ; and of them it may truly be said that they were " a compact to which the states alone were parties." As these articles of confederation acted exclusively on the states, and as they prescribed no method of compelling delinquent states to obey the requisitions of congress, their weakness and inefficacy be- came shortly visible. The most pressing demands were disregarded, or partially obeyed ; and the evils and expenses of war were thus pro- tracted and increased. Still however, the American spirit and love of freedom rose superior to every difficulty, and obtained after an ar- duous struggle, peace and independence. No sooner was the danger removed which had hitherto compelled some respect to the recom- mendations of congress, than the impotence of that body became con- spicuous, and the futility of that plan of government which possesses no sanction to enforce obedience to its laws, was demonstrated. In defence of our liberties a considerable debt had been incurred. Jus- tice and policy called on the United States to pay the interest of this debt, if they could not discharge the principal ; but they called in vain. Congress indeed recommended that a duty of five per cent, ad valorem should for this purpose be laid on all goods imported into the United States; but their recommendation was disregarded. The cer- tificate given to the soldier for his toil and blood in the day of battle, depreciated and became worthless; every public contract was uncom- plied with; a total disregard prevailed as to national sentiment and 177 honor ; symptoms of distrust, jealousy and rivalship among the several states appeared. The union seemed fast crumbling into annihilation, and the national character at home and abroad was sunk and degraded. The people of America began to be sensible of their situation. Dele- gates were at first sent from a few of the states to Annapolis, for the purpose of devising and recommending commercial arrangements. These delegates recommended that a convention from the several states should be appointed for the purpose of revising and amending the articles of confederation. Their idea was adopted. Each state appointed delegates to this convention, and it assembled at Philadel- phia, for the purpose of proposing amendments to the articles of con- federation. The deliberation of a few days convinced the convention that an amendment of that instrument was impracticable, and that no govern- ment could be efficient or permanent which operated not on the indi- viduals of the community, but altogether on the state sovereignties, and which could not compel obedience to its laws by the punish- ment of the disobedient and refractory. They adopted therefore a plan at once bold and judicious. It was to recommend a new form of government for general purposes, by taking from the states the control of all matters relating to the general welfare, and vesting these in the government of the union : by dividing this government into legislative, executive and judiciary departments, which should at once prescribe and enforce the rules of general conduct, without the aid or intervention of the state legislatures, and which should have power to punish the disobedient and refractory. Here it was to be observed, he said, that the convention acted with- out the express authority of the state legislatures. They were de- puted to amend the old articles of confederation : they were not au- thorized to propose new forms of government. Their love of country indeed, induced them to attempt a scheme or project of government to be submitted to their fellow-citizens, and their wisdom enabled them to accomplish its structure. But the state governments were no parties to this project, since they deputed the authors of it for different pur- poses, and were ignorant of the change about to be recommended. That the convention itself did not consider that the states were, or would be the only parties to this compact, was evident from the lan- guage used in the commencement of the new constitution : " We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, &c. ;" not "we the states of New Hampshire, &c.;" yet they had the old articles of confederation before them, where the states were constantly mentioned, and the people not once named. Why was the word " states" purposely discarded, and the word " people" purposely introduced, if as these resolutions declare, the states alone are parties to the compact. The convention, after having finished the constitution, came to the following resolutions : " Resolved, That the preceding constitution be laid before the United States in congress assembled, and that it is the opinion of this convention that it should afterwards be submitted to a convention of delegates chosen in each state by the people thereof, under the recommendation of its legislature, for their assent and rati- 23 178 fication ; and that each convention assenting to and ratifying the same, should give notice thereof to the United States in congress assembled." " Resolved, That it is the opinion of this convention, that as soon as the convention of nine states shall have ratified this constitution, the United States in congress assembled should fix a day on which elec- tors should be appointed, &c." The former articles of confederation being in truth a compact of tlie states, were submitted to the state legislatures. The constitution of the United States was " submitted to a convention of delegates chosen in each state by the people thereof." The articles of confede- ration were assented to and ratified by the state legislatures. The constitution of the United States was assented to and ratified by con- ventions chosen in each state, by the people thereof. If the states in their political corporate capacity, be as the resolutions declare, the only parties to the latter compact, why was its consideration submitted not to the state legislatures, but to the people of the United States, in their several conventions ? Again : so soon as the conventions of nine states should have rati- fied the constitution, the convention recommended that a day should be fixed for the appointment of electors, &c, in order that the go- vernment should be put into operation. Why should the commence- ment of the operations of the government be postponed until the con- ventions of nine states should have ratified the constitution ? Because the states were extremely unequal in size and population, and conse- quently a majority of conventions might have ratified the constitution, when in truth a majority of the whole people had rejected it : but this could not be the case when the conventions of nine states had ratified ; because any nine states formed a majority of the people contained in the thirteen. Did not this circumstance then prove, that the present is a government proceeding from the people, and that they are mate- rial, if not the exclusive original parties to it? If so, how could it be said that the states alone are parties to the compact? Further : the fifth article of the constitution declares that " the con- gress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments to this constitution, or on the applications of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a con- vention for proposing amendments." In each of these modes of ob- taining amendments, the people are evidently recognized as parties to the compact : — " Congress, whenever two thirds of both houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose amendments:" but one house of con- gress, the house of representatives, is the immediate representative of the people, the other house, the senate, is the immediate representa- tive of the states ; whenever then two thirds of the representatives of the people and two thirds of the representatives of the states shall con- cur in deeming it necessary, they may propose amendments. Was not this a recognition that the people generally, as well as the parti- cular state sovereignties, are interested in the operations of the go- vernment? How then could the states alone be said to be the parties to it? "Or, on the applications of the legislatures of two thirds of the several states, shall call a convention for proposing amendments." Here the idea was still supported, that the representatives of a majo- 179 rity of the whole people must combine in the application, which majo- rity it is supposable, will be two thirds of the states. The article pro- ceeds " which (amendments) in either case shall be valid to all intents and purposes, as part of this constitution, when ratified by the legisla- tures of three fourths of the several states, or by conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other mode of ratification may be proposed by the congress." Thus congress might if they should think proper, divest the states in their political corporate character, of all agency in ratifying amendments by submitting them not to the legis- latures of the states, but to conventions of the people. Did this prove that the states alone are parties to this compact." * At the time of our separation from the government of Great Britain, the people of each state in the union, represented in convention estab- lished for that state a constitution or form of government. This having been established by the immediate representatives of the peo- ple, deputed for that particular and especial purpose, is not amenda- ble or alterable except by the same people or their representatives, de- puted for that special purpose ; yet the second clause of the sixth arti- cle of the federal constitution, is in the following words : " This con- stitution and the laws of the United States, which shall be made in pursuance thereof, and all treaties made, or which shall be made un- der the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land, and the judges in every state shall be bound thereby, any thing in the constitution or laws of any state to the contrary notwithstanding." By this clause, the constitution, laws and treaties of the United States, are declared to be paramount and superior to the constitution and laws of every particular state ; and where they may come into collision, the latter must yield to the former. Who could have deprived the state constitutions of their former supremacy, and made them subservient not only to the constitution, but to the constitutional laws and treaties of the United States, except the sovereign people, the source and fountain of all power. And after this should we be told that the states alone are parties to the compact, when so plain and palpable a proof was exhibited to the contrary 1 Let those, said Mr. Taylor, who charges us with anti-republican sentiments, and with political blindness or heresy, examine this part of their own creed, and declare whether it savours of republicanism or orthodoxy ? We have long and fondly cherished the idea, that all government in America was the work and creature of the people ; we have regarded them with reverence and bowed down before their supremacy. But it was reserved for this period and for this legisla- ture to convince us of our error, and to prove that in America, as in Turkey and in France, the people are nothing, and that the state le- gislatures are every thing. The fourth clause of the resolutions is in the following words: " That the general assembly doth express its deep regret, that a spirit has in sundry instances been manifested by the federal government to enlarge its powers by forced constructions of the constitutional char- ter which defines them ; and that indications have appeared of a de- sign to expound certain general phrases, (which having been copied from the very limited grant of powers in the former articles of confe- 180 deration, were the less liable to be misconstrued,) so as to destroy the meaning and effect of the particular enumeration, which necessarily explains and limits the general phrases, and so as to consolidate the states by degrees into one sovereignty, the obvious tendency and inevi- table result of which would be to transform the present republican system of the United States into an absolute, or at best, a mixed monarchy" The charge against the federal government, contained in this clause, Mr. Taylor said, was of the most serious nature, and merited mature deliberation before it should be adopted. If it be true, that government was criminal indeed, and merited, not reprehension only, but the severest chastisement; if it be true, the present administra- tors of that government should be hurled from their seats with univer- sal execration, and submitted to the vengeance of a justly enraged people. If it be true, it was our duty to advise, and it was the duty of our constituents to practice opposition and resistance ; to draw the sword from the " sleep of its scabbard," and to cut out this foul can- cer before its roots shall have taken too fatal a spread. But, was it true? If it be, in what instances was it so? The resolutions de- clared, that <( a spirit to enlarge its powers, and to consolidate the states, so as to introduce monarchy, has been manifested by the ge- neral government in sundry instances." What were those instances ? Would it not have been kind and proper to enumerate them, when it was to enlighten the blindness of those less keen sighted than our le- gislative illuminati? For we, said he, who approve not these resolu- tions, discern not in the government these " forced constructions of the constitutional charter ;" those " designs to consolidate the states by degrees into one sovereignty;" those unconstitutional efforts " to enlarge its powers so as to transform the present republican system into an absolute, or at best, a mixed monarchy." On the contrary, said he, we suppose that we see the best form of government ever de- vised by human sagacity, wisely administered, so as to promote and increase the general prosperity and happiness of the people. We ask, where is there seen so much real happiness, prosperity and liberty as in these United States? We demand, whether the sun, from his rising in the morning, until his setting beams are quenched in the west, beholds so fortunate a people? Why, then, should we interrupt their repose, disturb their harmony, and poison their tranquillity, by unfounded suggestions, that their government means to rivet monarchy upon them? The "sundry instances" of this intention, mentioned during this debate, were a fleet, an army, taxes, the alien and sedi- tion laws. What causes have given birth to these measures? A pre- concerted plan of the government to introduce monarchy ? No ! They derive their origin from a more noble source; from a determi- nation to reject, with disdain, the insolent demand of tribute to a fo- reign nation ; from a proper care to protect our commerce from the piratical depredations of that nation, and from a fixed resolve to vin- dicate our soil from hostile invasion. Let us, I pray you, said he, re- collect the history of late events. Has not our government sent re- peated embassies to France, and have not those embassies been re- peatedly and contumeliously rejected ? Was not general Pinckney 181 threatened with imprisonment? Were not the three envoys insulted with a demand that their country should become tributary to France ; and was not that country threatened with the fate of Venice if the demands should be refused ? Was there a man among us who could bear the idea of paying tribute to any foreign country ? And when the consequence of the refusal, has been aggravated depredations on our trade, and the threat of erasing us from the list of nations, was there one so base who would not prepare for defence 1 What was the situation of things when our small navy was first equipped ? Num- bers of French picaroons at the mouths of all our principal rivers, lay in wait for our ships, and few of them escaped. What, said he, has been the consequence since that navy has been equipped? These pirates have been chased to their homes ; our coasts are no longer in- sulted ; the price of the productions of our soil has increased, and our flag floats on the ocean, respectable and respected. Was not this measure more wise, more patriotic, and more economical than to have permitted our trade still to be the prey of French cruizers, and to have suffered a vital wound to be inflicted on the industry antThappi- ness of our citizens, from the diminished value of their commodities, which would have been the unavoidable result? Will not, said he, this navy enable us, in case of invasion, to transport men and the munitions of war immediately and expeditiously from one port to ano- ther of the union ? Will it not be able to gall and distress an invad- ing enemy ? Why, then, shall so wise and so necessary a measure be construed into an effort to crush republicanism and establish monarchy on its ruins? But the regular army which is to be raised, will be the death of our liberty. Standing armies in all countries have been the engines of despotism, and they will become so in this. Fortunately there are two clauses in the constitution of the United States, which prove that so long as the representatives of the people remain uncorrupt, no great danger can be apprehended from standing armies. The first clause of the seventh section of the first article de- clares, that " all bills for raising revenue, shall originate in the house of representatives." The twelfth clause of the eighth section of the same article gives congress power " to raise and support armies," but declares, " that no appropriation of money for that use shall be for a longer term than two years." It is congress, and not the president, who are to " raise and support armies." Armies cannot be raised and supported without revenue. The bills for raising this revenue must originate in the house of representatives. Appropriations of money to raise and support an army, shall not be for a longer term than two years. The house of representatives itself is elected for two years only. After a first, or at most a second appropriation for this purpose, a new election of representatives must take place. If the new house of representatives deem the army useless or dangerous, they will refuse to appropriate for its support, and it must be disbanded. Thus the danger to be apprehended from an army raised for an inde- finite period appears not to be great. But the present army, from the terms of its enlistment, was to continue in service only during the ex- isting differences with France. After they shall cease it will be dis- 182 banded, and while they continue it must be necessary. For let it be remembered, that our foe possesses a lust of dominion insatiable ; ar- mies numerous and well disciplined, inured to conquest and flushed with victory ; officers alert and skilful ; commanders distinguished and renowned. Let it be remembered, that she is as destitute of friends as of principle, and that as she has sent one army under Buonaparte to pillage the East, as a compensation for their services, she may send another for the same purposes to rifle the West. Against this host of invaders, hungry as death, and insatiable as the grave, shall we op- pose only militia? In such a conflict what would be our chance ? A band of militia illy armed and completely undisciplined, to measure weapons with men inured to blood, and with whom murder is a sci- ence ! How long would our militia be able to remain in the field ? Each man among them would at first be hurried from his plough, and from the embraces of his wife and children, with scarcely a moment's warning. That wife and those children would soon require his re- turn, or the farm would remain uncultivated, and distress and misery would be their portion. The first detachment of militia must then within three or four months be relieved by another. At the moment when they have formed an idea of the first rudiments of war, they would be succeeded by others completely new and undisciplined. Was an army thus composed likely to prove effectual in resisting the invasion of veterans inured to combat and accustomed to victory ? Did the experience of the late war with Great Britain demonstrate the superlati/e efficacy of militia ? Why were the southern states plundered, ravaged, and for a time subdued by Cornwallis? Because he was opposed principally by militia, whose want of skill could not resist the British bayonet. Was the patriotism of the men of 1776 to be now disputed ? It could not be : yet they had recourse to regular soldiers, by whom the great and important victories of America were obtained, and who when peace was re-established, although unpaid and distressed, returned peaceably to their homes and their fire sides. Of whom was that army composed ? Of our fathers and our brethren. Of whom will the present army be composed? Of our brethren and our sons. Who led that army to battle and to conquest? Washing- ton. Who will conduct this ? The same great and good Washing- ton. Will he whose virtue and honor have been proved in the most trying seasons ; whose fame has never been surpassed in the annals of mankind, and who is the constant theme of applause and admira- tion throughout the globe, in his latter days prove so degenerate as to become the tool of ambition and the destroyer of liberty ? Of that liberty which his exertions established, and of that constitution which he contributed to frame, to organize and to administer ? The idea was too absurd to be seriously entertained ; and therefore this part of the subject, he said, he would dismiss with the following observation: A regular army was principally composed of men, who having from choice embraced the military profession, did not by their absence ma- terially impede the labor of the society, or occasion domestic difficul- ties and distress : Of militia, a great proportion were fathers of fami- lies, whose absence from their homes was extremely inconvenient and ruinous. The death of the regular soldier was of little comparative 183 importance : the death of the militiaman, who leaves behind him a wife and family of young children, was a serious evil. The regular army was prompt, skilful and effectual : the militia army must always be languid in its operations, undisciplined and ineffectual. Instead then of aiming at monarchy, our government labors by the establish- ment of this army, to secure success to our efforts for freedom, and to spare a lavish and ruinous waste of the blood of our citizens. Taxes, he said, are the necessary result of warlike preparations. These we have been compelled to adopt, by the insolence, the machi- nations, and the hostilities of France. They are the present price of our independence : and where the stake is so precious, no real Ame- rican could begrudge them. In the fifth clause of the resolutions, " the general assembly doth particularly protest against the palpable and alarming infractions of the constitution, in the two late cases of the alien and sedition acts passed at the last session of congress." On the subject of the alien law, Mr. Taylor observed, that he had before given his ideas at large, and should at present only repeat that from the authorities adduced by him on a former occasion, and from the reason of the thing, it appeared that the entry of an alien into any country was matter of favor in the sovereign power of that coun- try, and not matter of right on the part of the alien. During his stay, the country to which he has migrated, affords him hospitality and pro- tection : during the same period, he owes respect and obedience to its laws. But the country exacts from him no allegiance : he is not bound to fight the battles of that country : he is exempt from serving in the militia : he is not subject to the taxes that have only a relation to the citizens : he retains all his original privileges in the country which gave him birth : the state in which he resides has no right over his person, except when he is guilty of crime : he is not obliged like the citizens to submit, to all the commands of the sovereign : but if such things are required from him as he is not willing to perform, he may at will quit the country. The government has no right to detain him except for a time, and for very particular reasons. The writers on the law of nations therefore universally agree that the nation has a right to send him away whenever his stay becomes inconvenient or dangerous to its repose. The constitution of the United States, from its preamble, and 'from every article and section of the instrument, demonstrates that it was the intention and design of its framers to vest every power relating to the general welfare and tranquillity of the union in the general go- vernment. Each particular case could not be foreseen ; and there- fore the powers are given in general terms, and conclude with the par- ticular power "to make all laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by the constitution in the government of the United States, or in any department or officer thereof." With this palpable intention of its framers in our view, we ought to give to the instrument a liberal as well as candid interpretation. If the general government possesses not the power of removing dangerous aliens, but that power is vested exclusively in the particular states, one of the principal views of the 184 old confederation would remain in all its vigor. While through the instrumentality of these characters insurrection and treason are ma- turing into birth, the government will of itself be unable to avert the mischief, and must humbly supplicate sixteen independent and jealous sovereignties, to carry its designs for the public safety into effect. It must disclose to each state the most important and delicate secrets, as that state will require testimony before it begins to act. It may in re- peated instances be subjected to the mortification and danger of a re- fusal, and the alien might frequently depart from one state willing to exclude him, and take refuge in another determined to protect him. Thus the peace and safety of the union might at all times be endan- gered ; and the same government which can declare war against the foreign nation, shall not before that event takes place, be able to ex- clude from its soil the most dangerous and abandoned subject of that nation, although his residence may be the bane of public tranquillity. Congress has power " to provide for calling forth the militia, to exe- cute the laws of the union, suppress insurrections, and repel inva- sions." When the insurrection or invasion has taken place, congress may by the militia suppress the one, and repel the other. But the constitution declares further, that " the United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government ; and shall protect each of them against invasion ; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive, (when the legislature cannot be con- vened,) against domestic violence." The power before recited had given congress power to call forth the militia to suppress insurrections, and repel invasions. The section last mentioned directs them to pro- tect each state against invasion and domestic violence. Are these two clauses of precisely the same meaning and import? Then the framers of the constitution were guilty of tautology. But they are not of the same import. The first gives the power of suppressing in- surrections, and repelling invasions, when insurrections or invasions should exist : the latter directs congress to protect each state against invasions or domestic violence, which might threaten and impend. Protection necessarily implies and includes the prevention of mischief and danger. In protecting the states then against invasion, congress must use the means of preventing the evil ; and the clause before re- cited gives them in express terms the power to make all laws neces- sary and proper for carrying into execution any power vested in them by the constitution. Congress then foresaw, from the dispute existing between the United States and France, that war might be the proba- ble result, and that invasion might be the consequence of war. To protect the states against this invasion, a proper measure appeared to be the exclusion of dangerous aliens. They were vested by the con- stitution with powers to pass all laws necessary and proper to protect the states against invasion, and they therefore constitutionally passed the alien law. But against this construction of the constitution, Mr. Tar/lor said, a gentleman from Orange had given the committee an extract from Publius, of which it could only be said, that the doctrine contained therein, although unquestionably sound and incontrovertible, did not apply to the present question. To prove this, let the extract itself, he 185 said, be read again. It is in the following words : " It has been urged and echoed that the power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts, and provide for the common defence and ge- neral welfare of the United States, amounts to an unlimited commis- sion to exercise every power which may be alleged to be necessary for the common defence or general welfare." No stronger proof could have been given of the distress under which these writers labor for objections, than their stooping to such a misconstruction. Had no other enumeration or definition of the powers of the con- gress been found in the constitution, than the general expressions just cited, the authors of the objection might have had some colour for it; though it would have been difficult to find a reason for so awkward a form of describing an authority to legislate in all possible cases. A power to destroy the freedom of the press, the trial by jury, or even to regulate the course of descents, or the forms of conveyances, must be very singularly expressed by the terms " to raise money for the gene- ral welfare." Publius afterwards proceeds to state other arguments exposing the fallacy of the opinion urged by the opposers of the con- stitution against this article. But let it be remembered that the sub- ject which Publius was discussing was this, whether the power given congress " to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts, and provide for the common defence and general welfare," gave to congress a right of legislating on every subject whatsoever. Now, who among us, said Mr. Taylor, has cited this clause in favor of the alien law? Has any one of us, continued he, contended that congress possesses the right of legislating on every subject? And be- cause this clause does not give them such a power, did it follow that the power to protect the states from invasion does not authorize them, on the prospect of war, to exclude dangerous aliens ? Some authority more applicable must be produced before we shall be proved to be in the wrong. In defence of the alien law, Mr. Taylor observed, that he would make no further observations, but would call the attention of the committee for a few minutes, to what is called the sedition law. In his remarks on this, from the wide range he had taken, he should be compelled to be much more concise than he had intended to be. He presumed that it would be conceded by all who heard him, that each individual possessed from nature certain rights of great value and importance. Among these was the right to liberty and to life; and what was of no smaller importance than the other two, the right to his good name and reputation. For even in a state of nature, where the will of each individual was his law, and his power the measure of that law, and where consequently eternal strife and confusion must pre- vail, a good name would be of no small importance to its possessor. He, who when chance or misfortune had thrown his brother savage into his power, did not rob or abuse him, but bound up his wounds and dismissed him in peace, would be respected by the man he had benefitted, and by all others who should hear of the circumstance, and would in consequence be in some degree secure against insult and at- tack. But in a state of society the possession of reputation must for obvious causes be of infinite importance. This state was the result of a compact formed by the component individuals for the enjoyment 24 186 of their natural rights to greater advantage and with greater certainty. Each owes to the regulations of the society implicit obedience ; and the society is equally bound to guarantee and to vindicate to each his natural and social rights. Invasions therefore against property, liberty or life, have been punished in every society and under every form of government; but the natural right to reputation is as dear and inva- luable to its possessor as any other whatsoever; it is essential to his comfort and happiness ; he could never be supposed to have consented to its surrender ; and invasions of it ought therefore to be punished by the society as well as invasions of property, liberty or life. For no possession whatsoever is of such real value as an honest fame : in comparison with it, the possession of property is of little consequence. Property in reality adds nothing to the respectability of its possessor. When lost it may be regained; or if forever lost, its former owner may still be respectable. But the loss of reputation is a much more serious mischief. It is irretrievable. Who could bear to be regarded by his fellow-citizens as destitute of principle and honor, and to be viewed by the world with contempt and detestation? Who would be unaffected at being deprived by the stroke of calumny of the friend he loved 1 Whose feelings would remain untortured, when the mis- tress he adored, whose smiles were those of affection, and whose eyes proclaimed the dominion of love, should be everlastingly estranged from him? When that bosom which before glowed with genial and sympathetic fires, should, touched by the breath of calumny, become cold and icy as the everlasting snows that envelope the pole? Such were the mischiefs accruing from the loss of reputation to the indi- vidual in his private capacity. But suppose him possessed of those virtues which dignify human existence, and of those talents which adorn it, and wishing to exert those virtues and those talents in a public capacity for the benefit of his fellow-citizens, if his reputation be blasted, or his character tainted, he would be spurned by those citizens from their presence : his talents would render him an object of greater odium : he would remain hated and despised through life, and execrated even after his death. Was the loss of property then to be compared with this injury? Nay, was not the loss of character equal or superior in mischief to the loss of existence? The murdered man dies an object of universal sympathy and regret — the recollec- tion of his virtues is cherished, and his foibles and vices are excused or forgotten. But the man whose reputation is tainted, lives an object of universal contempt and disgust, and dies the theme of infamy and execration. Accordingly in every society, and throughout all time, a remedy has been afforded to the injured individual for calumnious at- tacks upon his reputation. And what would be the consequence of impunity to such an offence? The injured man having no redress from the laws of his country, would arrogate to himself the right of revenge, and a mournful scene of assault, bloodshed and death, would be the unavoidable and melancholy result. These things could not be tolerated in a state of society; and accordingly slander and libels are punished with us by the common law. By the common law is un- derstood the unwritten law of nature and reason, applying to the com- mon sense of every individual, and adopted by long and universal 187 consent. This common law attaches itself to every government which the people may establish. It existed in Great Britain when our an- cestors migrated from that country, and it followed them to this. It prevailed in every state throughout the union, before their separation from the British empire, and it regulates the whole American people now. A government, then, established by that people for the general safety and general happiness, will of necessity be guided in cases of general interest and concern, by the principles and regulations of the same common law. By that common law unfounded calumny of ma- gistrates generally, was matter of punishment, of a more severe pu- nishment than in cases affecting the reputation of private individuals, because in the former instance the function rather than the man was the object of attack. And whenever magistrates of a new descrip- tion are appointed, the old principles of the common law immediately apply to them, and calumnies against them are of course punishable. Thus when these states became independent of Great Britain, a num- ber of officers of government was created unknown to the former co- lonial establishments; but no one had ever thought it necessary to declare by statute that slanders of them shall be punishable. When the constitution of the United States was formed, a new description of officers before unknown was created : the common Jaw pervaded and regulated every portion of the people which formed that constitu- tion ; and consequently the rules of the common law immediately at- tached themselves to those officers. Consequently slanders of the president of the United States, of members of congress, and of other officers of the general government, are punishable by the common law ; because slanders of those characters are injuries not so much to the man as to the community, Ours is a government which must rest for its support on the public sentiment. While the people approve it, it will flourish ; when they withdraw their affections, it must expire. Unfounded calumnies against the officers of government, who admi- nister and conduct it, tend to weaken the confidence and affection of the people for the government itself. The constitution of the United States, it is acknowledged by all, authorizes the government to punish acts of resistance to its measures. Would it not be strange, if when it authorizes them to punish acts of resistance, it should prevent them from punishing acts tending to introduce resistance? That the go- vernment must look on tame and passive while the mischief is pre- paring, and be incapable of action until that mischief has ripened into effect, when its actions and operations may perhaps be unavailing. That it shall be fully able to suppress and punish actual insurrection, but shall be incapable of preventing it. This would surely be absurd. And as the constitution of the United States is the work of the whole American people; as every man of that people is regulated by the common law ; as that common law attaches itself to the state govern- ments, established by that people, and punished unfounded calumnies of state magistrates, why shall it be said not to attach itself to the government of the whole American people? And why shall it not punish unfounded calumnies of the magistrates of the general govern- ment? Why is the state magistrate protected by the common law? Because he is a public functionary, and calumnies of him injure the 188 public. Was not a magistrate of the general government also a public functionary? Would not calumnies against him also injure the pub- lic? And if the functionary of the part be protected by law, how shall it be said that the functionary of the whole is left unprotected ? Surely reason proclaims, that in proportion to the magnitude of the trust reposed in the functionary, would be the mischief arising from false, scandalous and malicious representations of his conduct. The most unfounded calumnies against the governor of a particular state could only rouse the discontent, or excite the opposition of that state. But unfounded calumnies against the president of the United States, may paralyse, convulse and destroy the union. The reason of the common law applies therefore more powerfully to the magistrate of the general government than to the magistrate of the state government. But this is the general feature of that law, and of reason, that the person being a magistrate of whatever grade or description, and being vested with the authority of the laws, ought to be protected. That the principles of the common law apply to the general go- vernment, is obvious from the second section of the third article of the constitution, which declares, that " the judicial powers shall extend to all cases in lavy and equity, arising under this constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made, or which shall be made under their authority," and "to controversies to which the United States shall be party." The judiciary, in cases arising under the laws of the United States, will be regulated by those laws ; and in cases arising under treaties, by those treaties and the law of nations; but what cases can arise under the constitution, as distinguished from cases arising under the laws of the United States and under treaties, except cases to be decided by the rules and principles of the common law ? And these in " controversies to which the United States shall be party," will, unless altered or modified by law, operate in their full extent. This is not the only instance in which the common law is recog- nized in the constitution : for the ninth amendment is in these words : "in suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved ; and no fact tried by a jury shall be otherwise re-examined in any court of the United States, than according to the rules of the common law." When in the re-examination of facts tried by a jury, the courts of the United States are expressly prohibited from observing any other than the rules of the common law, the constitution itself declares, that the common law applies to those courts; and if it applies in one instance, it must apply in all others coming within their sphere, unless where it is al- tered by act of congress. The common law has been thus shown to apply to the government of the United States as well as to the governments of the particular states and to particular individuals. One rule of the common law is, " that he who writes, utters or publishes a false, scandalous and mali- cious libel against a magistrate or the government, shall be punished by fine and imprisonment." The writer, utterer or publisher, there- fore, of a false, scandalous and malicious libel against the government 1S9 of the United States, or any magistrate thereof, is at common law punishable by fine and imprisonment. The objection to the punishment of libels, that truth is the suffi- cient antagonist of error, and needs no assistance, Mr. Taylor said, was not correct : that falsehood was light and volatile ; she flew on the wings of the wind, she spread her mischiefs with inconceivable velo- city : that truth was the child of experience, and the companion of time ; she scarcely ever outstripped, and rarely kept pace with her companion. What mischief in all ages and in all countries have been occasioned to individuals, and to the public, by malignant falsehoods, before truth could arrive to detect and protect them. How would those mischiefs be aggravated, if they should remain unpunished by the laws! The fairest reputation, when frequently assailed, must be diminished in the public esteem. Each scandalous report finds some believers ; and at length the most charitable will be disposed to think that such repeated charges could not be made without some founda- tion. They will increase in proportion to the talents and the station of the injured individual, and unless they be punished by the laws, the most splendid abilities, and unsullied virtues, must cease to be useful, and sink into disgrace. > Mr. Taylor said, from what had been said, it would appear that the right to punish libels against governments, or its officers, is founded in the principles of nature, of reason, and of common law. The act of congress on this subject, said he, punishes nothing before unpunish- able : it creates no new crime ; it inflicts no new punishment : but on the contrary, it mollifies and alleviates the rigors of the common law; for at common law, the amount of the fine, and the time of imprison- ment, are unlimited, and regulated only by the discretion of the court trying the offence : by the act in question, the fine is limited at the utmost to two thousand dollars, and the imprisonment to two years. But the opposers of this law assert, that however the principles of the common law may apply to the government of the United States, in ordinary cases, and whatever might have been their original power to punish libels, this power is now taken away by the third amendment to the constitution. This amendment is in the following words : " Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof, or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press." The difference of the terms used in this amendment, Mr. Taylor said, was remarkable. " Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." Consequently, they dare not touch the subject of religion at all. But further, they " shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press;" not "respecting the freedom of speech, or of the press." When religion is concerned, congress shall make no law respecting the subject: when the freedom of the press is concerned, congress shall make no law abridging its freedom; but they may make any laws on the subject which do not abridge its freedom. And in fact, the eighth section of the first article of the constitution authorizes them in express terms " to promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times, to authors and inventors, the exclusive 190 right to their respective writings and discoveries." Now if congress could not make any laws respecting the freedom of the press, they could not secure for limited times to authors their respective writings, by prohibiting those writings from being published and vended, except by those whom the authors should expressly permit. They may con- sequently make laws respecting the press, provided they do not abridge its freedom. To abridge the freedom of the press, Mr. Tay- lor said, was to impose upon it restraints or prohibitions which it did not experience before ; or to increase the penalties attached to former offences accruing from its licentiousness. If then the sedition law does impose upon the press restraints or prohibitions which it did not experience before that act was passed, or if it increases the penalties attached to former offences arising from its licentiousness, it was con- ceded to be unconstitutional. But it had been demonstrated, he said, that the common law em- braces and attaches itself to the constitution and government of the United States ; and that it punishes with indefinite fine and imprison- ment the writing, uttering or printing false, scandalous and malicious libels, when the act in question then only punishes the same false, scandalous and malicious writings by fine and imprisonment to a de- finite amount, and for a definite period, it does not impose upon the press restraints or prohibitions which it did not experience before, nor does it increase former penalties; it therefore does not abridge its freedom, and is consequently constitutional. To suppose that because congress are prohibited from making laws abridging the freedom of the press, they cannot punish the vile slanders and infamous calum- nies which from time to time issue from it, against the government, Mr. Taylor said, was to suppose that the people of America had given a solemn and constitutional sanction to vice and immorality ; that they had completely privileged the infamous offence of lying; and that every individual had consented, in case of his being employed by the United States, to release the society from the protection and vindica- tion of his natural right to reputation. The persons who framed the amendments to the constitution of the United States, were certainly men of distinguished abilities and infor- mation. Among them was a great proportion of lawyers, whose pe- culiar study had been the common law. Perhaps every one of them had read and maturely considered BlacJcstone' s Commentaries; these would inform him, that in England, the terms " freedom of the press," had an appropriate signification, to wit : exemption from previous re- straint on all publications whatever, with liability, however, on the part of the publisher, to individuals or the public, for slanders affect- ing private reputation or the public peace. Certainly every one of them was acquainted with the laws of his own slate, where the terms " freedom of the press," had precisely the same meaning as in Eng- land. When, then, in the amendments to the constitution they speak of " the freedom of the press," must it not be presumed they intended to convey that appropriate idea, annexed to the term both in England and in their native states 1 And a reference to Blackstone will clearly point out, both the emancipation of the press in that country from its former shackles, and the true import and meaning there and here, of 191 the term " freedom of the press." " The art of printing," says that valuable writer, "soon after its introduction, was looked upon (as well in England as in other countries) as merely a matter of state, and subject to the coercion of the crown. It was, therefore, regulated with us by the king's proclamations, prohibitions, charters of privi- lege and of license, and finally, by the decrees of the court of star chamber, which limited the number of printers and of presses which each should employ, and prohibited new publications, unless pre- viously approved by proper licensers. On the demolition of this odious jurisdiction in 1641, the long parliament of Charles I. after their rupture with that prince, assumed the same powers as the star chamber exercised with respect to the licensing of books, and in 1643, 1647, 1649 and 1652, issued their ordinances for that purpose, founded principally on the star chamber decree of 1637. In 1662, was passed the statute 13 and 14 Car. II. c. 33, which (with some few alterations) was copied from the parliamentary ordinances. This act expired 1679, but was revived by statute 1 Jas. II. c. 17, and con- tinued till 1692. It was then continued for two years longer, by sta- tute IV. W. &, M. c. 24; but though frequent attempts were made by the government to revive it in the subsequent part of that reign, yet the parliament resisted it so strongly, that it finally expired, and the press became properly free in 1694, and has ever since so continued." The same writer thus elegantly defines the liberty of the press. " The liberty of the press is, indeed, essential to the nature of a free state ; but this consists in laying no previous restraints upon publica- tions, and not in freedom from censure for criminal matter, when published. Every freeman has an undoubted right to lay what senti- ments he pleases before the public : to forbid this, is to destroy the freedom of the press ; but, if he publishes what is improper, mis- chievous or illegal, he must take the consequence of his own temerity. To subject the press to the restrictive power of a licenser, as was formerly done, both before and since the revolution, is to subject all freedom of sentiment to the prejudices of one man, and make him the arbitrary and infallible judge of all controverted points in learn- ing, religion and government. But, to punish (as the law does at pre- sent) any dangerous or offensive writings, which, when published, shall, on a fair and impartial trial, be adjudged of a pernicious ten- dency, is necessary for the preservation of peace and good order, of government and religion, the only solid foundations of civil liberty. Thus the will of individuals is still left free ; the abuse only of that free will, is the object of legal punishment. Neither is any restraint hereby laid upon freedom of thought or inquiry ; liberty of private sentiment is still left; the disseminating or making public of bad sen- timents, destructive of the ends of society, is the crime which society corrects." " A man (says a fine writer on this subject) may be al- lowed to keep poisons in his closet, but not publicly to vend them as cordials. And to this we may add, that the only plausible argu- ment heretofore used for the restraining the just freedom of the press, 'that it was necessary to prevent the daily abuse of it, 5 will entirely lose its force, when it is shown (by a seasonable exertion of the laws) that the press cannot be abused to any bad purpose, without 192 incurring a suitable punishment ; whereas it never can be used to any good one, when under the control of an inspector. So true will it be found, that to censure the licentiousness, is to maintain the liberty of the press." In England, said Mr. Taylor, the laying no previous restraints upon publications, is freedom of the press. In every one of the Uni- ted States, the laying no previous restraints upon publications hath al- ways been, and still is deemed freedom of the press. In England, notwithstanding the freedom of the press, the publication of false, scandalous and malicious writings is punishable by fine and imprison- ment. In every one of the United States, notwithstanding the free- dom of the press, the publication of false, scandalous and malicious writings is punishable in the same manner. If the freedom of the press be not therefore abridged in the government of any particular state, by the punishment of false, scandalous and malicious writings, how could it be said to be abridged when the same punishment is in- flicted on the same offence by the government of the whole people. If it should be thought that this point required further elucidation, let us, said Mr. Taylor, look for it in the constitution of the state of Virginia. It had been said, that the general government, being con- stituted for particular purposes, possesses only such powers as are granted : and this was conceded to be true. It had been also said, that the state governments, being constituted for the general regula- tion of the people in each state, possess all powers which the people have not expressly retained to themselves : and this, for the sake of argument, shall also be granted. Yet it would not be disputed, that the powers retained by the people to themselves in their state consti- tution, are as sacred and inviolable as those retained by the people to themselves in the constitution of the United States. Now the people of Virginia in their state constitution, appear to have been as jealous of this freedom of the press, as were the people of the United States in the formation of the federal constitution. For if the constitution of the United States declares, that congress shall " make no law abridg- ing the freedom of speech or of the press," the constitution of Virgi' nia, in the twelfth article of the bill of rights, declares, " that the free- dom of the press is one of the great bulwarks of liberty, and can ne- ver be restrained but by despotic governments." The legislature of Virginia, therefore, Mr. Taylor said, could no more pass a law re- straining the freedom of the press, than congress could pass a law abridging the freedom of the press. The liberty of the press could not be restrained without being abridged. Yet it had never been doubted that false, scandalous and malicious writings are punishable in Virginia. In the year 1792, the legislature of this state passed a law " against divulgers of false news," and no one suggested that the liberty of the press was thereby restrained. In the same session ano- ther act was passed, declaring "that any person who shall, by zoriting or advised speaking, endeavour to instigate the people of this common- wealth to erect or establish any government separate from, or inde- pendent of, the government of Virginia, within the limits thereof, without the assent of the legislature of this commonwealth for that purpose first obtained, shall be adjudged guilty of a high crime and 193 misdemeanor, and on conviction, shall be subject to such pains and penalties, not extending to life or member, as the court before whom the conviction shall be, shall adjudge." Neither was this law deemed unconstitutional. Now if the legislature of Virginia could pass laws punishing divulgers of false news, and writers advising the people to particular detrimental acts, without restraining the freedom of the press, could not the legislature of the union punish false, scandalous and malicious writings tending to destroy the government, or to bring it into hatred and contempt, without abridging the freedom of the press? To say that they could not, was to declare that punishing the licentiousness is abridging the freedom of the press; and that licen- tiousness and freedom are synonimous terms. Every man, continued Mr. Taylor, has a right to freedom of ac- tion ; but no one supposed that this bestowed upon him the right to assault another on the highway. Every one has a right to the free- dom of the press ; but should he use it so as to assault the happiness of an individual or the repose of society, without being liable to punish- ment for the mischief he had occasioned? It had been said, that false, scandalous and malicious libels against the government of the United States, or any officer thereof, are punish- able in the courts of each state respectively ; but this was believed to be incorrect. Libels against state magistrates, or such officers of the general government as reside in Virginia, are punishable in our state courts, because the injured persons reside within the limits of the state, contribute to its support, and are entitled to protection from it : but libels against the magistrates of a foreign nation, or of a sister state, or of the general government, residing out of this state, are not punishable in our courts, because the injured individuals in these cases are not bound by our state laws, do not sustain the burthens, or contribute to the support of the commonwealth, and are consequently not entitled to its protection. But it would not be denied, that an in- famous slander of the president of the United States, tending to pro- duce insurrection, was equally mischievous, if published by a citizen of Virginia, as if published by a citizen of Pennsylvania. The courts of the United States, therefore, must take cognizance of the case, or the offence would remain unpunished. Every public incendiary would, by palpable misrepresentations and abominable falsehoods, continually agitate and convulse the minds of the people. That affection towards the government which alone supports it, would shortly be withdrawn, and would speedily fall, to rise no more. On the sedition law, Mr. Taylor said, he would make no further remarks, but would proceed to other parts of the resolutions. The seventh resolution is in the words following : " That the good people of this commonwealth having ever felt and continuing to feel the most sincere affection to their brethren of the other states, the truest anxiety for establishing and perpetuating the union of all, and the most scrupulous fidelity to that constitution which is the pledge of mutual friendship and the instrument of mutual happiness, the gene- ral assembly doth solemnly appeal to the like dispositions of the other states, in confidence that they will concur with this commonwealth in declaring, as it does hereby declare, that the acts aforesaid are unconsti- 25 194 tutional and not law, hut utterly null, void, and of no effect, and that the necessary and proper measures will be taken by each for co-opera- ting with this state in maintaining unimpaired the authorities, rights and liberties reserved to the states respectively, or to the people." On this resolution, Mr. Taylor said, two remarks would be submit- ted. The legislature of one state in the union, declare two acts passed by a majority of the representatives of the whole American people, to be unconstitutional, and not law, but utterly null, void, and of no ef- fect. They declare this, not as an opinion, but as a certain and in- controvertible fact; in consequence of which, the people of the state owe no submission to the laws. Have, continued he, the representa- tives of a part, a power thus to control and to defeat the acts of the whole ? In the congress of the United States,- the people of each state are fairly and equally represented in proportion to the population of that state. If, after a majority in that congress have decided that cer- tain laws are constitutional and expedient, the legislature of Virginia hath a right to annul those laws by declaring them to be unconstitu- tional, the old republican maxim that the majority must govern, was exploded, and the union would be dissolved. If the state of Virginia could repeal and annul the alien and sedition laws, she could repeal and annul any other acts of congress ; and if she hath the right, every other state must possess it likewise. If any act passed by congress be unconstitutional, the judges of the federal court, who are unbiassed by party, and unwarped by pre- judice, and who are selected for their superior talents and integrity, afforded a constitutional check upon the legislature. The people themselves are another most powerful check ; for they will know the vote of their representatives, and if they deem the law for which they voted to be unconstitutional, they will order them to depart at the ensuing election, and replace them with others more wise and more virtuous. Here were two peaceable and happy modes of correcting the mischief: whereas, for one or more jealous state legislatures to endeavour to repel or control the acts of congress by their sovereign power, was at once to introduce disunion and civil war. The govern- ment of the union, which might have yielded to fair reason and argu- ment, will never give way to the threats or force of these rival sove- reignties. If they do, the powers and energies of the federal govern- ment would be from that moment destroyed. They will determine to try the experiment whether the union shall govern a few states, or a few states shall rule the union. The certain consequence will be a resort to arms, civil war and carnage, and a probable dismemberment of the union. Of such consequences, in such an event, the framers of the consti- tution were aware. They therefore wisely in the tenth section of the first article declared that "no state shall, without the consent of the congress, enter into any agreement or compact with another state or with a foreign power." The resolution last cited, however, invited the other states to " take the necessary and proper measures, for co- operating with this state in maintaining unimpaired, the authorities, rights and liberties reserved to the states respectively, or to the peo- ple." Could other states co-operate with this for these purposes, un- 195 less by virtue of some previous agreement or compact ? To co-operate, was to act in concert. Must not some agreement or compact among the states precede their acting in concert'? It must, in the nature of things. Does not the constitution forbid this agreement or compact in positive and express terms? Were we not then inviting our sister states to a deliberate and palpable breach of the constitution ; and this at the moment when we were so liberally reviling congress for an imputed breach of the same instrument. Did their example autho- rize us to violate what we had solemnly sworn to support and preserve ? Or did an act which was not to be tolerated in the wicked congress, become venial or laudable when committed by the saints composing this assembly? These resolutions, continued Mr. Taylor, must have some ultimate object; and it had been demanded what that object was? The gen- tleman from Caroline had answered that it was ultimately to induce the states to call another general convention for the amendment of the constitution. How unfortunate and ruinous such an experiment would be, the reflection of a few moments must convince us. When the circumstances and the time when the convention assem- bled which formed our present constitution, and the importance and difficulty of the task which they undertook and executed, were con- sidered, we had ample cause to return our fervent thanks to the Al- mighty for the issue of their labors. At that time the weakness and inefficacy of the articles of confederation was perceived and acknow- ledged by us all ; our contracts were undischarged ; our credit was destroyed ; and our character as a nation was contemptible both at home and abroad. All America united in the sentiment that a change was essential : all America deputed members to the convention which introduced that change. Foreign nations despised us too much to in- terfere in the deliberations of that body, or of the state conventions which afterwards adopted the instrument. Even under these circum- stances, the harmony with which the plan was recommended, and the unanimity with which it was adopted, were subjects of amazement and wonder. But what would be the consequence and effect of a convention summoned to amend the constitution at the present moment. Now, said he, party spirit unfortunately flames and rages. Some think the constitution as perfect as it could be made, while others consider it as the harbinger of monarchy, and others again, suppose that the powers of government require an increase of energy and power. A spirit of mutual concession could no longer be expected. The delegates from the northern and southern parts of the union would behold each other with jealousy and suspicion. They would never unite in the same project. They might agree indeed in pulling down the present build- ing, but they would never agree in erecting another. This too is a period when the whole European world is convulsed and in arms ; our rising importance attracts their attention and ex- cites their fears. Even in the present state of things, their ministers and agents were continually intriguing among our citizens. Would they remain idle and unemployed while the convention was delibe- rating ? Would they not afford fuel to the flame of party, and pre- 196 pare the public mind to reject every scheme which might be proposed ? Was it not reasonable to be expected that the consequence of their exertions, and our own ferments, would be confusion, anarchy, civil war and disunion? Enjoying, then, as we do, every happiness to which reason can aspire, shall we, said he, wantonly attempt a change by which little could be obtained, and every thing might be sacrificed. In Virginia, Mr. Taylor said, the general sentiment was that the government of the United States verges towards, and will ultimately settle in a monarchy. But the measures of that government are sup- ported by a majority of the house of representatives, and by a still greater majority of the senate. From this obvious proof of the pre- vailing sentiment throughout the union, was it to be expected that another government would be framed vesting smaller or fewer powers in the executive than he at present exercises? Would not our object on the contrary, be defeated, since the general convention would pro- bably enlarge instead of diminish the powers of the national govern- ment? No other consequence, therefore, could at the present time, and under existing circumstances, follow such an experiment, but in- crease of dissatisfaction and disgust, and a more ardent disposition to dissever the bonds of union which now connect all America. In such a convention, in vain should we reckon on the superior im- portance, power and influence of Virginia. A majority of states would never agree to summon another convention unless it should be previously agreed and declared that the votes shall be taken as in the former convention, by states. In such a convention, where the influ- ence of Delaware or Rhode Island would be as great, and their re- spective votes would weigh as much as those of Virginia and Penn- sylvania, what would be our chance of carrying our particular objects into effect. The smaller states already behold us with jealousy and apprehension. Each representative would come prepared to watch, to oppose and circumvent every other. Northern and southern, eastern and western parties and interests would immediately appear; and the convention, after a restless and turbulent session, which would increase instead of diminish the rage of faction among their constituents, would rise in confusion. The sound of peace would be no longer heard ; the sentiment of union would no longer continue, but the sword would be drawn, the union forever dismembered, and the bloody history of Europe would be retraced in the melancholy annals of di- vided and hostile America. How sad and gloomy a contrast would such a state of things afford to the present flattering and happy aspect of our affairs. At this day, said Mr. Taylor, America, united under one government, experiences an increase of wealth and population unknown to any other country. Mild and equal laws, industrious and enterprising citizens, peace among ourselves and respect from foreign nations, render us the envy of every other part of the globe. Mr. Taylor then concluded with the following observations : May He who rules the hearts of men, still dispose us to yield obedience to the constitutional acts of the ma- jority ; may He avert the mischiefs which these resolutions are calcu- lated to produce ; may He increase the love of union among our citi- 197 zens ; may no precipitate acts of the legislature of Virginia convulse or destroy it ; and to sum up all in one word, may it be perpetual. Mr. GILES arose next, and said, as he had but lately appeared be- fore the committee, he would not have obtruded any observations upon it, had not some remarks, which had fallen from gentlemen, made some impression upon him. Therefore, though unprepared, he would make a iew observations. He then observed, that for several years past he had had an opportunity of considering the systems pursued by both the state government and general government. Of those he considered the system of Virginia the best and mildest. For after twenty years operation, little mischief could be proved to have pro- ceeded from it; but on the contrary, much good had been done by the administration of it in that time. There had been no complaint that he had heard respecting the injury of person or property ; and there had been at the same time less energy in it than in any other government whatever. The injunctions of law had been duly obeyed, and the laws of the United States particularly as much so here as in any other state. What had been the cause of this? Not the rigor, but the mildness of the laws. And were such principle always to be attended to, the necessity of energy in the executive branch would never exist. Mr. Giles then asked what was that energy ? It was despotism. Whence had sprung the distinction of parties? Not while Virginia was left to herself. He then proceeded to pass an high eulogium on her system, which had been felt by him in private life; for he confessed that he had never acted in a public character in this body before. Whence then did party spirit arise? It had been since that new doctrine had taken place of strengthening the hands of the executive of the United States to give it an energy. And proceeded to show of what kind that was. Since that period, he said, efforts to resist had originated. Mr. Giles then requested the committee to examine the powers of the ge- neral government, and observe what was the opinion formed of them at its commencement. He then mentioned certain systems which had been established in the course of its operation, such as the funding system, bank, &c. These*systems being established, it would be thought necessary from time to time to give them energy. He said, there was a kind of sophistry used by the general government in as- signing that for the means which was in fact the end ; and stated for example the case of invasion and insurrection. The sedition law had been called the means for preventing them : but he (Mr. Giles) de- clared the contrary to be the fact. The sedition law was truly the end, and an invasion was made use of as the means to introduce it. He would examine the constitution he said : and there he found the language as plain as the English language could be. Still, however, that language, plain as it was, was avoided by calling an end a means. The sedition law then, was an end to suppress a certain party in the United States. But it had been predicted by gentlemen, that many mischievous consequences would attend the adoption of the plan pro- posed by the resolutions before the committee. Mr. Giles contended, however, that if such consequences did take place, they would not 198 proceed from any act of this assembly, but from these acts of con- gress already passed. As for himself, he wished as much as others to preserve happiness. His efforts were tending to that end. An oath too had been spoken of. What was it? " To support the constitu- tion of the United States." It became then the duty of the members of this assembly, who had taken such an oath, to support the consti- tution. But it had been said, that on this occasion a resort must be made to the judiciary and to the people. Why so? said Mr. Giles. The members of this assembly have taken the same oath to support the constitution as the judiciary and the people. It became then as much their duty to support it, as it was that of the others. He then asked, how was the constitution to be supported ; and said, that it was by resisting all attacks upon it, not any particular acts only. But the right of the members of this assembly to speak their opinions upon the subject was questioned. It was said, that they must inform the people so, that they must do it, that the judges must do it, and that they their representatives wished not to do it themselves. Mr. Giles then said, that the measures of our present government tended to the establishment of monarchy, limited or absolute. It had been said too that the people only were parties to the compact. But Mr. Giles asked what was an association of people? A federal. No; it was a social compact. How then would they support it as a federal government, if it were only a social compact. The state government was truly of the latter kind. The general government was partly of each kind. The objection to the word only then was correct, and before he con- cluded, he should move to strike it out. But he acknowledged that they were then acting as a state. The gentleman from Westmoreland had delivered his opinion respecting the formation of the government. In this opinion, Mr. Giles said, the gentleman was partly correct, and partly incorrect. The United States would perhaps have been in a different situation, if what the gentleman had asserted, had been es- tablished. He then proceeded to show in what manner several states in the union appointed their electors to choose a president, which was by their legislatures. The federal idea then of the other side was not correct. And if on the other hand, the government were a social compact, he pronounced monarchy to be near at hand, the symptoms and causes of which he particularly pointed out: And concluded that the state legislatures alone at this time prevented monarchy. He then said, that in proportion as the powers of the government were extended, new excuses for more energy would arise. And what was energy ? A coercing of the public will. He then observed how little energy was exerted in Virginia. The energy of the laws was sufficient. He hoped then that the right of the committee to proceed to examine the subject would not be denied. The gentleman from Prince George had dwelt upon the present happiness of the people, to disprove which Mr. Giles called to mind the rigorous proceedings of the government, and particularly cited the case of Matthcio Lyon, whom notwithstand- ing the reports propagated to his prejudice, he said he would aver to be a man of much worth. The effects of these laws of congress were not yet sufficiently known. The medium of information had hereto- fore been contracted and imperfect. This house was then underta- 199 king to make them more known. The critical situation of the United States too, had been mentioned : that France and England both had a view towards us; and that therefore great caution should be used. He then proceeded to take notice of the measures adopted by the last congress. The cause for them held out, was the danger to be appre- hended from a certain foreign power. This cause had produced the laws respecting the navy, the army, aliens, and the sedition law, which last operated upon citizens, and not foreigners. Those gentlemen, he said, who never had been about the seat of government, could form no conception of the exertions of persons who were continually infusing into men's minds the notions of energy. Mr. Giles then read an answer of the president of the United States, to show what he had in view in respect to that foreign power so much feared. It was his answer to the address of the people of Bath. He read it, and pro- ceeded to comment on the latter part of it respecting a party in Virginia to be crushed into dust and ashes. He asked, what was that party ? They were said to be French partizans. But by whom were they so called? He asked too, who were the favorers of the resolutions? Not Frenchmen ; but good citizens. This was the party then to be crushed, before the schemes of the president could be effected. He said, that he could produce more answers of the president avowing the same principles and design as that already cited : but he would not tire the committee with them. He declared himself however to be as good a citizen as the president. Why then was he to be crushed into dust and ashes? He then expressed his disapprobation of the measures adopted by the government respecting the army and navy. He asked, of what characters would they be composed ? Of the idle and dissipated part of the community. On the contrary, who were the patriots, who would protect their country ? This very party mentioned by the presi- dent, would repel any invasion. It was true they had no arms; but they would find arms. Mr. Giles then said, that he approved of the argu- ment used by the gentleman from Caroline, respecting the volunteers, but wished it to be somewhat more extended. He thought it a much more serious matter than any other. The gentleman from Caroline had used it in regard to the president's enlisting aliens merely. But Mr. Giles said, he would ask further, of whom those companies were to be composed ? Not of farmers or farmers' sons, but chiefly of aliens. He himself believed that the operation of the last mentioned law was intended to unite both. But it was said, the people would protect the constitution ; that the judges would protect it. He then observed, that opposition to foreign power was always the pretence to usurpation. To prove that, he instanced the case of Rome. There, he said, whenever the people found themselves oppressed, and soli- cited redress, they were told by their rulers that was not the time ; that the commonwealth was in danger; that the Volsci were at their gates. Mr. Giles then said, that by the measures adopted by the last congress, nothing had been left undone to carry us into monarchy. But, union was now said to be necessary. What was that union for? To abridge the freedom of the press. Was that desirable 1 He com- pared this to the case of robbers forming an union for the purpose of robbing. And said, that good was the object of the union of the 200 states, and not mischief. He then adverted to the distinction between opinion and fact. He said Mr. Jefferson's was a good distinction. And that the assertion of false fact was punishable before the sedition law was passed ; but the assertion of false opinion was not. There was no standard to ascertain that; there was, however, in respect to false fact. This sedition law, then, deprived men of the freedom of speech. It prescribed the punishment of a new thing. Opinion heretofore had ranged at large, had always prevailed. Mr. Giles then asked, how was the restriction of opinion introduced in France. It was brought about in Robespierre's reign of terrorism. He then asked how this party mentioned by the president, was to be crushed? Incarceration would not be sufficient. In regard to the restric- tion of opinion, he compared our situation to that of France in the reign of Robespierre. As for himself, he feared not the sys- tem, but thought the most effectual mode was now pursued to in- troduce the same despotism here as had prevailed in France. He approved the mode adopted by the resolutions, in making a declara- tion to conflict with other opinions. He then referred to our situation, and said, that he felt himself as much interested as any one to ward off war; but he thought the worst of all things was ultimately sub- mission; and that a constitutional violation was more degrading than any thing. But the resolutions had been charged with containing invective. He said, if there were any, it must arise from simple lan- guage expressing simple truths. However, if better could be used, he would be willing to agree to it. But, he doubted whether should even the Lord's prayer be introduced before them, and undergo a criticism, they could be brought to agree to it. It had been said, that if this assembly critically examined the measures of the general go- vernment, they should use more pleasant terms. But, Mr. Giles said, they were not terms, but truths that were unpleasant. He proceeded next to consider the alien law, and to answer the observations of gen- tlemen in respect to aliens having no rights. In advocating the rights of aliens, he said, he did not consider what was popular, but what was justice. A stranger coming into a country, had a right to protection. It was not a matter of favor only. A great number of persons al- ready admitted into this country, he said, were not citizens. They would be affected by this law. He insisted that aliens were not only entitled to a trial by jury, but to that particular benefit of a jury de medietate Ungues by the law in force both in England and here. It had been said, however, that this was not a trial of guilt, but to pre- vent it. That, he said, made no difference. A trial was still neces- sary. He conceived that there was no foreign, but a domestic reason for this law. It was said that the French were ambitious. But, was this a ground for the laws to affect our domestic operations? If they were repealed, the government would be as firm as it was now. The administration, he said, was not the government. The government could subsist without it. For instance, it was once thought in Swit- zerland, that it was necessary to keep a bear amongst them for their prosperity and safety. After a while, the bear broke his chain and run away. For some time after, the people continued to lament his escape, and expected that some dreadful calamity would befall them. 201 But, after waiting some time, and finding that no such calamity ar- rived, they began to bring themselves by degrees to believe, that the bear was of no use, and that they could do as well without him as with him. Mr. Giles then said, that he was as much in favor of go- vernment as any man, and would contribute as liberally to its support, but was not an advocate for improper measures. He then proceeded to consider the sedition law. He observed, that the gentleman from Prince George had mentioned the God of Heaven. But, he had nothing to do with the constitution. If he had, it was omnipotent. On the contrary, Mr. Giles said, that the powers of government were derived from the constitution, and not from the reason and nature of things. Implication, he said, was a dangerous doctrine. There was an express prohibition of all powers not granted by the constitution. The constitution and this law convey to the mind different impres- sions. The derivation of power, he again insisted, could not be proved otherwise than from the constitution. The powers not given by that, were retained to the states or to the people. What, then, was given to each? The general government, he said, should not be en- trusted to decide upon character, or in case of murder. That power was reserved to the state. That was the proper authority for regu- lating and deciding upon these matters. Mr. Giles made some fur- ther observations on the last clause of the law last mentioned, and then said, that declaring these acts of congress unconstitutional, satis- fied the oaths of the members of this assembly. He would agree to stop after that, if they thought proper, and to strike out every thing beyond it. If gentlemen thought the laws were unconstitutional, they were bound to say so ; otherwise, it would be a dereliction of the oath which they had taken. For his part, he said, he should vote for some- thing which would express his opinion upon the subject. He would, however, at any rate, move to strike out of the resolutions before the committee, the word alone. Mr. NICHOLAS seconded Mr. Giles's motion for striking out of the resolutions the word alone; and further observed, that either the gen- tleman from Prince George or himself, misunderstood the gentleman from Caroline in respect to calling a convention. He hoped, there- fore, that the gentleman from Caroline would explain himself upon that point. Mr. Nicholas then stated what he understood that gentle- man to say, which he himself approved; but on the contrary, did not approve the calling a convention. Mr. BOLLING said, that he understood the gentleman from Caro- line in the same manner that the gentleman who was last up did, in respect to calling a convention. Mr. Boiling also made several ob- servations to show that the gentleman from Prince George had misun- derstood Mr. Jefferson's letter which had been quoted by him. Mr. JOHN TAYLOR said he would explain in a few words what he had before said. That the plan proposed by the resolutions would not eventuate in war, but might in a convention. He did not admit, or contemplate, that a convention would be called. He only said, that 26 202 if congress, upon being addressed to have those laws repealed, should persist, they might by a concurrence of three fourths of the states, be compelled to call a convention. Mr. Taylor further said, that while up he would himself move to strike out certain words of the resolu- tions, if the same were in order ; which being agreed to without a question taken, Mr. Taylor proceeded to do so. The original resolutions offered by him to the house, and referred to the committee of the whole house on the state of the common- wealth, were in the following words : Resolved, as the opinion of this committee, that the general assem- bly of Virginia doth unequivocally express a firm resolution to main- tain and defend the constitution of the United States, and the consti- tution of this state, against every aggression, either foreign or domes- tic, and that they will support the government of the United States in all measures warranted by the former. That this assembly most solemnly declares a warm attachment to the union of the states, to maintain which, it pledges all its powers; and that for this end it is their duty to watch over and oppose every infraction of those principles, which constitute the only basis of that union, because a faithful observance of them can alone secure its ex- istence, and the public happiness. That this assembly doth explicitly and peremptorily declare that it views the powers of the federal government as resulting from the com- pact, to which the states alone are parties, as limited by the plain sense and intention of the instrument constituting that compact; as no fur- ther valid than they are authorized by the grants enumerated in that compact; and that in case of a deliberate, palpable and dangerous exercise of other powers not granted by the said compact, the states, who are parties thereto, have the right, and are in duty bound, to in- terpose for arresting the progress of the evil, and for maintaining within their respective limits, the authorities, rights and liberties ap- pertaining to them. That the general assembly doth also express its deep regret that a spirit has in sundry instances been manifested by the federal govern- ment, to enlarge its powers by forced constructions of the constitu- tional charter which defines them ; and that indications have appeared of a design to expound certain general phrases (which having been copied from the very limited grant of powers in the former articles of confederation, were the less liable to be misconstrued,) so as to destroy the meaning and effect of the particular enumeration, which necessarily explains and limits the general phrases, and so as to consolidate the states by degrees into one sovereignty, the obvious tendency and inevi- table result of which would be to transform the present republican sys- tem of the United States into an absolute, or at best a mixed monarchy. That the general assembly doth particularly protest against the pal- pable and alarming infractions of the constitution, in the two late cases of the " alien and sedition acts," passed at the last session of congress, the first of which exercises a power no where delegated to the federal government; and which by uniting legislative and judicial powers to those of executive, subverts the general principles of free government, as well as the particular organization and positive provisions of the 203 federal constitution ; and the other of which acts exercises in like manner a power not delegated by the constitution, but on the contrary expressly and positively forbidden by one of the amendments thereto ; a power which more than any other ought to produce universal alarm, because it is levelled against that right of freely examining public cha- racters and measures, and of free communication among the people thereon, which has ever been justly deemed the only effectual guardian of every other right. That this state having by its convention which ratified the federal constitution, expressly declared, "that among other essential rights, the liberty of conscience and of the press cannot be cancelled, abridged, restrained or modified by any authority of the United States," and from its extreme anxiety to guard these rights from every possible attack of sophistry or ambition, having with other states recommended an amend- ment for that purpose, which amendment was in due time annexed to the constitution, it would mark a reproachful inconsistency and crimi- nal degeneracy, if an indifference were now shown to the most palpa- ble violation of one of the rights thus declared and secured, and to the establishment of a precedent which may be fatal to the other. That the good people of this commonwealth having ever felt, and continuing to feel the most sincere affection to their brethren of the other states, the truest anxiety for establishing and perpetuating the union of all, and the most scrupulous fidelity to that constitution which is the pledge of mutual friendship, and the instrument of mutual hap- piness, the general assembly doth solemnly appeal to the like disposi- tions of the other states, in confidence that they will concur with this commonwealth in declaring, as it does hereby declare, that the acts aforesaid are unconstitutional, and not law, but utterly null, void, and of no force or effect, and that the necessary and proper measures will be taken by each, for co-operating with this state in maintaining un- impaired the authorities, rights and liberties reserved to the states re- spectively, or to the people. That the governor be desired to transmit a copy of the foregoing resolutions to the executive authority of each of the other states, with a request that the same may be communicated to the legislature thereof. And that a copy be furnished to each of the senators and represen- tatives, representing this state in the congress of the United States. The word " alone" in the third clause, and the words " and not law, but utterly null, void, and of no force or effect," in the seventh clause, were stricken out of the foregoing resolutions. Mr. John Taylor's resolutions thus amended, being then read by the chairman, Mr. Brooke moved to amend the same, by substituting in lieu thereof the resolution which he had offered to the committee on Tuesday, the 18th instant, and which was then laid upon the table. The question was put thereupon, and the amendment disagreed to by the committee. The main question was then put on Mr. John Tay- lor's resolutions as amended by himself, and agreed to. The committee then rose, and Mr. Breckenridge reported, that the committee of the whole house on the state of the commonwealth had had the same under their consideration, and had come to certain reso- lutions thereupon, which he handed in to the clerk's table, (being Mr. 204 John Taylor's resolutions, as above stated, amended and agreed to by the committee.) General LEE then arose and observed, that although desirous of ending the debate, yet wishing, with the gentleman from Amelia, to meliorate the paper before them, by striking out some other part of the resolutions, he would move an amendment to that effect. He then read the fourth clause of the resolutions, and objected to the same as containing assertions which he could not believe, and at the same time also a high charge against the general government. He therefore moved to strike out that clause. Mr. BOLLING said, that in order to convince the gentleman from Westmoreland of the futility of his proposition, he hoped that no other gentleman would disgrace himself and the wisdom of the house, by gratifying the gentleman with a reply on the occasion. He (Mr. Boi- ling) had arisen, therefore, to second the gentleman's motion, and to give him complete satisfaction by bringing the question to an end. Mr. GILES made some remarks in favor of the clause proposed to be stricken out. He stated several reasons to show why it should be retained ; and concluded by expressing his objection to its being stricken out. Mr. NICHOLAS hoped the motion made by the gentleman from Westmoreland, for expunging the clause in question, would not pre- vail. Without that clause, it was true, he would vote for the resolu- tions, but his anxiety about them would be very much lessened if it was expunged ; for then it would appear, that none of the measures of the federal government were objected to but the alien and sedition bills. This was not the fact ; and it must also be in the recollection of many gentlemen in that house, that some of those members who were now most loud in support of the measures of which he and his friends complained, and who denied with most confidence the right of the assembly to interfere, had themselves upon other occasions acted very differently, and justified that interference. One of the gentle- men distinguished himself in a particular instance, for which he had his most hearty approbation, as he considered it a subject highly in- teresting to the happiness of his country. How gentlemen could re- concile their opinions at past periods with those they supported at this day, it was incumbent upon them to show. Mr. Nicholas said, it was with the deepest regret that he reviewed the principal measures of the federal government, as they appeared to him to tend directly to a con- solidation of the state governments, which he believed would eventu- ate in monarchy. Upon all questions about the division of power, every thing had been given to the executive from congress, every thing to congress from the states. The general phrases in the constitution, which were only intended to explain and limit the powers of the ge- neral government, have been considered as giving powers, thereby de- stroying the effect of the particular enumeration of powers, and of the security derived from the twelfth amendment to the constitution. He 205 would state the particular acts which he thought most obnoxious. The first in point of time were the bank and assumption laws, for which he could find no authority in the constitution of the United States, and by which the commercial and monied interests of this country had been devoted to certain individuals and their theories, and concentred a force more powerful and operative than an army of twenty thousand men. The British treaty and its effects were so well known to this house, that it was unnecessary to dilate upon that subject. The doc- trine about appropriations of money was so important in its conse- quences, that it merited the most serious attention of the people of America. The constitution declares, that " no money shall be drawn from the treasury but in consequence of appropriations made by law;" notwithstanding which, it is now contended, that the president may by his single act bind the congress to make appropriations, whether they deem them proper or not, thereby transferring from the represen- tatives of the people to the executive magistrate the command of the national purse. The stamp act subjects the people to an obnoxious and inconvenient tax, and changes already, and may change still more hereafter, the system of evidence which the state laws required in their own courts. The ultimate effect of this may be to shut up the state courts ; for it is even contended, that delivery bonds are subject to the tax. If this be true, other process may be taxed, and so highly as may amount to a denial of justice : the transferring the important powers of borrowing money and raising armies, vested by the consti- tution in congress, to the president : the utter neglect of the militia : the attempt to render them useless and unnecessary, by raising stand- ing armies, and by authorizing the. president to employ any number of volunteers that he may think proper, when the only reason for a preference of volunteers that occurred to him was, that the president had the appointment of the officers of those corps, whereas the militia officers were appointed by the state governments, greatly excited his suspicion. He confessed, his objections to these corps had been very much increased since he had seen a letter from the secretary of war,* from which it appeared to him that the design was to arm one part of the people against the other. He well remembered, that when the constitution was under discussion, great stress was laid upon this cir- cumstance; and it was believed it would give great security to the state governments, and to the liberties of the people ; but so great a revolution had a few years produced, that some gentlemen were wil- ling to abandon principles that have been heretofore deemed the most sacred. The conduct of the executive in bestowing offices, more in the style of rewards for the support of particular measures, than from * Extract of a letter from the secretary of icar to an officer of high rank in the mi- litia of Virginia, who had communicated the wish of several volunteer companies to tender their services. " It being deemed important not to accept of companies composed of disaffected persons, who might from improper motives be desirous to intrude themselves into the army under pretence of patriotic association, it will be proper certificates from prominent and known characters, setting forth the principles of the associates, those of the officers elect, especially ; and that the company have complied with the pre-requisite condition of the law, be also presented." 206 any regard to the general merits of the citizens called to fill them, and upon the same ground removing from office every man who ven- tures to hazard an opinion in opposition to any of the measures that have been pursued, necessarily created alarm. He mentioned the re- moval from office of Mr. Tenche Coxe and Mr. Gardiner, in support of what he had said, and expressed a fear, that by these means that numerous and influential class of citizens, who ought to consider themselves as the public servants, might be made the creatures of ex- ecutive power ; and if, said Mr. Nicholas, the day should ever come that the office of president should devolve upon an ambitious man, public officers might be made the most powerful instruments to pro- mote his views. The influence would operate upon all those who ex- pect or want public employment. Mr. Nicholas then observed, there was another subject, which he felt the greatest pain at mentioning. Nothing but its importance and connection with the subject in discussion should induce him to do it. The judiciary department of every government should be most pure; there should not be a suspicion of a previous bias upon the mind of the judge. Every man who goes into a court ought to consider him- self as in a sanctuary. The utmost ingenuity of man had been exer- cised to form a judiciary that should be beyond the reach of influ- ence. Was the conduct of the judiciary what it ought to have been? He had always supposed courts were instituted to dispense justice be- tween man and man, between individuals and the society; but he feared that facts might be stated from which it might be inferred that it was considered by some that there were other objects, such as the propagating of particular opinions; that there was united in the same man the duties of a missionary and of a judge. He said this point of his argument was so disagreeable to him, that he would not dwell upon it, but would dismiss it with a declaration that he felt great pleasure in saying that there were judges to whom he had never heard extra- judicial interference in political matters attributed. Mr. Nicholas ob- served, that thinking of the measures that he had stated as he did, he could not consent to expunge the clause. Indeed, if he did not give his full assent to what was stated in that clause he would have been willing to confine the efforts of the house to procure the repeal of the alien and sedition bills. But considering these as a part of a system that brought into jeopardy the dearest interests of his country, he thought it was their duty to represent to the other states the whole ground of the public uneasiness. As to the alien and sedition laws, he had intended at an earlier part of the debate to have made some observations, but other gentlemen on the same side with himself, had expressed his opinions better than he could have done. He would therefore only say that he considered them as unconstitutional, and that if the principle was once established that congress have a right to make such laws, the tenure by which we hold our liberty would be entirely subverted. Instead of rights independent of human control, we must be content to hold by the courtesy and forbearance of those whom we have heretofore considered as the servants of the people. Mr. Nicholas said he had been a member of the convention that adopted the constitution ; that he had been uniformly a friend to it ; 207 that he considered himself as now acting in support of it; that he knew it was the artifice of those on the other side to endeavor to at- tach a suspicion of hostility to the government, to those who differed with them in opinion. For his part, he despised such insinuations, as far as they might be levelled at him. He appealed to his past life and to his situation for his justification. Upon what gentlemen's claim to exclusive patriotism was founded, he was yet to learn. The friends of the resolutions yielded to none in disinterested attachment to their country, to the constitution of the United States, to union, and to liberty. The conduct and the motives of all would be judged of by the people of this country, to whom they were all known. Mr. Nicholas had full confidence that the amendment would be rejected, and the resolutions without further alteration, would meet the appro- bation of a great majority of that house. General LEE said, that he wished to refute the observations of the gentleman last up, in favor of retaining the clause. (He was proceed- ing to do so, when he was interrupted by Mr. Nicholas, who observed that the gentleman had misunderstood him, and then declared in sub- stance what he had before actually said.) After such explanation, general Lee proceeded to justify the mea- sures of the general government in respect to the removal of persons from office. As to Mr. Coze, as far as he could recollect the circum- stances of his conduct, he thought his removal proper. And as to Mr. Gardiner, he confessed it was a case with which he was quite unacquainted. In respect to the judiciary being forward in deliver- ing their opinions on public measures, he would observe that the state judges had done, and still did the same. He blamed them not for it. For the appointment of men as judges did not deprive them of their rights as citizens. But nothing of this kind, he said, would prove the propriety of the clause proposed to be stricken out. General Lee then observed, that he considered the argument of the gentleman from Amelia, in respect to the connexion between the alien law, and the law concerning volunteers, weak. For his army of aliens being soldiers by compulsion, would turn against the president instead of assisting him. The gentleman too, had called in question the ends which the government had in view in raising an army and navy. General Lee proceeded to answer the objections upon that head, by pointing out those ends. As to the alien and sedition laws, he contended that the only real view in passing them, was to protect us from foreign invasion. He denied that there was an inclination in the general government to crush a party. The construction placed by the gentleman from Amelia, upon the president's answer to the ad- dress of the people of Bath was erroneous. General Lee then read part of that answer, and placed a different construction upon the ex- pressions which it contained. He conceived the president's meaning only to be, that it depended upon Virginia to say whether or not there was a party in the United States to be crushed, &c. ; not positively asserting on his part that there was such a party. General Lee then observed, that if the people could govern them- selves, how could that be done but by obedience to the laws ? Their 208 freedom could not be preserved by any other mode. For if the prin- ciple of obeying the will of the majority was once destroyed, it would prostrate all free government. But the gentleman from Amelia had considered himself as one of the party to be crushed, alluded to by the president. He (general Lee) was surprised at such an idea. That gentleman had committed no crime. He had for some time be- fore been honored with a seat in congress. And there, although he had generally been in a minority, yet it was nothing more than the situation in which he (general Lee) had often been placed here. In neither was there any criminality. A difference, it was true, did exist between these cases ; and he derived consolation from reflecting, that though he himself was in a minority here, he was still in a ma- jority with that body which properly had the determination of national matters. He concluded with hoping that the amendment would pre- vail. Mr. TYLER arose next, and said that an able general would fight and struggle to the last. When driven from one stronghold, he would retreat to another; and finding himself no longer able to oppose supe- rior numbers, he would attempt to divide his enemy. Mr. Tyler be- lieved the plan on the present occasion, was to divide the republican members, but he hoped the gentleman's plan would not succeed ; and that the clause would be retained. He thought it contained solemn truths. He doubted not but that many of the measures of the gene- ral government had a tendency to monarchy, absolute or limited. These measures had been pointed out by the gentleman from Albe- marle. He would however state them over again. Mr. Tyler did so. He particularly relied on the growing influence of the executive, and the probability of an alliance with a corrupt monarchy, and an open rupture with a republic, which he said had been openly advocated by gentlemen of high character. He enquired what had been the effects of executive influence in Great Britain? He said, that by the revo- lution of 168S, and by several statutes of parliament passed about that time, many of the great rights of the people, and the principles of freedom, had been established ; but that it might at this time be well doubted if the people were more free than they were before the revolution. This was to be ascribed to the immense influence of the crown, which had three millions at disposal. He demanded what other cause had prevented a reform in parliament, upwards of three hundred of whose members were chosen by a fewer number of elec- tors. He asked if there was not some similitude between the systems pursued by our administration and that of Great Britain ? He said that the people of Great Britain were clamorous for peace, and lord Malmesbury was sent to make peace ; but he returned and made no peace. He would not follow the comparison. Our fears, he said, had beeen assailed. He enquired whom were we to fear? He feared no man, and no measure, but that of offending the people; and he believed that the people were never offended at any effort to maintain their rights, or to protect their liberties. The gentleman from West- moreland had said, that the gentleman from Amelia could not con- sider himself as one of the party to be crushed, and had asked what 209 crime that gentleman had committed. Mr. Tyler said, that the gen- tleman from Amelia had committed a crime ; the crime of differing in opinion with the administrators of the government. This was the crime that had incarcerated Mr. Lyon. He asked what prospect have we of a change of these measures, which he viewed as the har- bingers, the forerunners of monarchy, either limited or abolute. Were we not told that they must have more men, and a little more money ; augment our standing army, and increase our navy ; and force the construction of the constitution to warrant alien and sedition bills? Mr. Tyler concluded by hoping that the clause would be retained. He believed it contained the truth, and was very important; and thought that the people of Virgina called for some such measure. Mr. John Taylor's resolutions as amended, agreed to by the com- mittee, and reported to the house, are as follows : Resolved, That the general assembly of Virginia doth unequivocally express a firm resolution to maintain and defend the constitution of the United States, and the constitution of this state, against every ag- gression, either foreign or domestic, and that they will support the government of the United States in all measures warranted by the former. That this assembly most solemnly declares a warm attachment to the union of the states, to maintain which, it pledges all its powers; and that for this end it is their duty to watch over and oppose every infraction of those principles, which constitute the only basis of that union, because a faithful observance of them can alone secure its ex- istence, and the public happiness. That this assembly doth explicitly and peremptorily declare that it views the powers of the federal government as resulting from the com- pact, to which the states are parties, as limited by the plain sense and intention of the instrument constituting that compact ; as no fur- ther valid than they are authorized by the grants enumerated in that compact; and that in case of a deliberate, palpable and dangerous exercise of other powers not granted by the said compact, the states, who are parties thereto, have the right, and are in duty bound, to in- terpose for arresting the progress of the evil, and for maintaining within their respective limits, the authorities, rights and liberties ap- pertaining to them. That the general assembly doth also express its deep regret that a spirit has in sundry instances been manifested by the federal govern- ment, to enlarge its powers by forced constructions of the constitu- tional charter which defines them ; and that indications have appeared of a design to expound certain general phrases (which having been copied from the very limited grant of powers in the former articles of confederation, were the less liable to be misconstrued,) so as to destroy the meaning and effect of the particular enumeration, which necessarily explains and limits the general phrases, and so as to consolidate the states by degrees into one sovereignty, the obvious tendency and inevi- table result of which would be to transform the present republican sys- tem of the United States into an absolute, or at best a mixed monarchy. 27 210 That the general assembly doth particularly protest against the pal- pable and alarming infractions of the constitution, in the two late cases of the " alien and sedition acts," passed at the last session of congress, the first of which exercises a power no where delegated to the federal government ; and which by uniting legislative and judicial powers to those of executive, subverts the general principles of free government, as well as the particular organization and positive provisions of the federal constitution ; and the other of which acts exercises in like manner a power not delegated by the constitution, but on the contrary expressly and positively forbidden by one of the amendments thereto ; a power which more than any other ought to produce universal alarm, because it is levelled against that right of freely examining public cha- racters and measures, and of free communication among the people thereon, which has ever been justly deemed the only effectual guardian of every other right. That this state having by its convention which ratified the federal constitution, expressly declared, "that among other essential rights, the liberty of conscience and of the press cannot be cancelled, abridged, restrained or modified by any authority of the United States," and from its extreme anxiety to guard these rights from every possible attack of sophistry or ambition, having with other states recommended an amend- ment for that purpose, which amendment was in due time annexed to the constitution, it would mark a reproachful inconsistency and crimi- nal degeneracy, if an indifference were now shown to the most palpa- ble violation of one of the rights thus declared and secured, and to the establishment of a precedent which may be fatal to the other. That the good people of this commonwealth having ever felt, and continuing to feel the most sincere affection to their brethren of the other states, the truest anxiety for establishing and perpetuating the union of all, and the most scrupulous fidelity to that constitution which is the pledge of mutual friendship, and the instrument of mutual hap- piness, the general assembly doth solemnly appeal to the like disposi- tions of the other states, in confidence that they will concur with this commonwealth in declaring, as it does hereby declare, that the acts aforesaid are unconstitutional, and that the necessary and proper mea- sures will be taken by each, for co-operating with this state in main- taining unimpaired the authorities, rights and liberties reserved to the states respectively, or to the people. That the governor be desired to transmit a copy of the foregoing resolutions to the executive authority of each of the other states, with a request that the same may be communicated to the legislature thereof. And that a copy be furnished to each of the senators and represen- tatives representing this state in the congress of the United States. The said resolutions being read the second time, a motion was made, and the question being put, to amend the same by expunging from them the fourth clause in the following words : " That the general assembly doth also express its deep regret, that a spirit has in sundry instances, been manifested by the federal go- vernment to enlarge its powers by forced constructions of the consti- tutional charter which defines them ; and that indications have ap- peared of a design to expound certain general phrases (which having 211 been copied from the very limited grant of powers in the former arti« cles of confederation, were the less liable to be misconstrued) so as to destroy the meaning and effect of the particular enumeration, which necessarily explains and limits the general phrases, and so as to con- solidate the states by degrees into one sovereignty, the obvious ten- dency and inevitable result of which would be to transform the pre- sent republican system of the United States into an absolute, or at best a mixed monarchy." It passed in the negative, ayes 68 — noes 96. On a motion made by general Lee, seconded by Mr. Boiling, or- dered, that the names of the ayes and noes on the foregoing question be inserted in the journal. The names of those who voted in the affirmative, are Messieurs Bailey, Ware, Anderson, Porterfield, Poage, White, Otey, Logwood, Tate, Baker, Breckenridge, M'Guire, Moorman, Spencer, Bedford, Harrison, Herbert, Magill, Bynum, Reives, John Mathews, Cavendish, Royal, Snyder, King, Fisher, Simons, Godwin, Young, Richard Cor- bin, Thomas Lewis, Turner, Wallace, Pollard, Gregory, Powell, Clap- ham, Cowan, Evans, Ingles, James Taylor, Watkins, Upshur, Darby, Claughton, Clarke, Divan, Cureton, George K. Taylor, Brooke, Ro- binson, Ellegood, M'Coy, Coonrod, Wilson, Glasscock, Caruthers, An- drew Alexander, Davis, Charles Lewis, Blow, Booth, Lee, Bradley, Drope, Crockett, Griffin, Andrews — 68. And the names of those who voted in the negative, are Messieurs Cabell, Nicholas, Walker, Giles, Fletcher, Boiling, William Allen, Colwell, Perrow, John Taylor, Buckner, Tyler, Cheatham, Thomas A. Taylor, Daniel, Roberts, Shackelford, Peterson Goodwyn, Pegram, Booker, Daingerfield, Webb, Jennings, Horner, Haden, Payne, Greer, Benjamin Cooke, Hall, Pleasants, Heath I. Miller, Jones, M'Kinzie, Starke, Thompson, Jackson, Prunty, Selden, Price, Martin, Redd, John Allen, Tazewell, Shearman, Joseph Carter, Callis, Meriwether, Chad well, Francis Eppes, Hudgins, Litchfield, Roebuck, Hill, Nelson, Mark Alexander, Segar, Richard H. Corbin, Scott, Butt, James S. Mathews, Willis Riddick, Josiah Riddick, Semple, Hurst, Freeman Eppes, Dupuy, M'Kinley, Barbour, Wright, Moseley, Woodson, Pur- nail, Johnston, Pope, Rentfro, William Carter, Hadden, Barnes, Cock- rell, Browning, Gatewood, Dulaney, Mercer, Stannard, Nathaniel Fox, John Fox, Faulcon, Seward, Mason, Cary, Burnham, Hungerford, Meek, Shield, Foushee, Newton— 96. A motion was then made, and the question being put, to amend the said resolutions, by striking out from the word " Resolved," to the end of the same, and inserting in lieu thereof the following words : " That as it is established by the constitution of the United States, that the people thereof have a right to assemble peaceably, and to pe- tition the government for a redress of grievances, it therefore appears properly to belong to the people themselves to petition, when they con- sider their rights to be invaded by any acts of the general government ; and it should be left to them, if they conceive the laws lately passed by the congress of the United States, commonly called the " alien and sedition laws," to be unconstitutional, or an invasion of their rights, to petition for a repeal of the said laws." 212 It also passed in the negative, ayes 60 — noes 104. On a motion made by Mr. Brooke, seconded by Mr. Griffin, ordered, that the names of the ayes and noes on the foregoing question be in- serted in the journal. The names of those who voted in the affirmative, are Messieurs Bailey/ Ware, Anderson, Porterfield, Poage, White, Otey, Logwood, Tate, Baker, Breckenridge, M'Guire, Moorman, Spencer, Herbert, Magill, Bynum, Reives, J. Mathews, Cavendish, Royall, Snyder, King, Fisher, Simons, Nelson, Evans, Ingles, Jas. Taylor, Watkins, Upshur, Darby, Clarke, Divan, Cureton, George K. Taylor, Brooke, Robinson, Ellegood, M'Coy, Coonrod, Wilson, Davis, Charles Lewis, Blow, Booth, Lee, Bradley, Drope, Crockett, Griffin, Andrews, Godwin, Tho- mas Lewis, Turner, Wallace, Pollard, Powell, Clapham, Cowan — 60. And the names of those who voted in the negative, are Messieurs Cabell, Nicholas, Walker, Giles, Fletcher, Boiling, William Allen, Colwell, Perrow, John Taylor, Buckner, Bedford, Harrison, Tyler, Cheatham, Thomas A. Taylor, Daniel, Roberts, Shackelford, Peter- son Goodwyn, Pegram, Booker, Daingerfield, Webb, Jennings, Hor- ner, Haden, Payne, Greer, Benjamin Cooke, Hall, Pleasants, Heath I. Miller, Jones, M'Kinzie, Starke, Thompson, Jackson, Prunty, Sel- den, Price, Martin, Redd, John Allen, Tazewell, Young, Richard Corbin, Gregory, Shearman, Joseph Carter, Callis, Meriwether, Chad- well, Francis Eppes, Hudgins, Litchfield, Roebuck, Hill, Mark Alex- ander, Segar, Richard H. Corbin, Scott, Butt, James S. Mathews, W. Riddick, J. Riddick, Semple, Hurst, Claughton, Freeman Eppes, Du- puy, M'Kinley, Barbour, Wright, Moseley, Woodson, Purnall, John- ston, Pope, Rentfro, William Carter, Hadden, Barnes, Glasscock, Ca- ruthers, Andrew Alexander, Cockrell, Browning, Gatewood, Dulaney, Mercer, Stannard, Nathaniel Fox, John Fox, Faulcon, Seward, Mason, Cary, Burnham, Hungerford, Meek, Shield, Foushee, Newton — 104. And then the main question being put, that the house do agree with the committee of the whole house in the resolutions as reported, It passed in the affirmative, ayes 100 — noes 63. On a motion made by Mr. John Taylor, seconded by Mr. Nicholas, ordered, that the names of the ayes and noes on the foregoing ques- tion be inserted in the journal. The names of those who voted in the affirmative, are Messieurs Cabell, Nicholas, Walker, Giles, Fletcher, Boiling, William Allen, Colwell, Perrow, John Taylor, Buckner, Harrison, Tyler, Cheatham, Thomas A. Taylor, Daniel, Roberts, Shackelford, P. Goodwyn, Pe- gram, Booker, Daingerfield, Webb, Jennings, Horner, Haden, Payne, Greer, Benjamin Cooke, Hall, Pleasants, Heath I. Miller, Jones, M'Kinzie, Starke, Thompson, Jackson, Prunty, Selden, Price, Mar- tin, Redd, John Allen, Tazewell, Young, Richard Corbin, Gregory, Shearman, Joseph Carter, Callis, Meriwether, Chadwell, Francis Eppes, Hudgins, Litchfield, Roebuck, Hill, Mark Alexander, Segar, Richard H. Corbin, Scott, Butt, James S. Mathews, W. Riddick, J. Riddick, Semple, Hurst, Claughton, Freeman Eppes, Dupuy, M'Kin- ley, Barbour, Wright, Moseley, Woodson, Purnall, Johnston, Pope, Rentfro, William Carter, Hadden, Glasscock, Cockrell, Browning, Gatewood, Dulaney, Mercer, Stannard, Nathaniel Fox, John Fox, 213 Faulcon, Seward, Mason, Cary, Burnham, Hungerford, Meek, Shield, Foushee, Newton — 100. And the names of those who voted in the negative, are Messieurs Bailey, Ware, Anderson, Porterfield, Poage, White, Otey, Logwood, Tate, Baker, Breckenridge, M'Guire, Moorman, Spencer, Bedford, Herbert, Magill, Bynum, Reives, John Mathews, Cavendish, Snyder, King, Fisher, Simons, Godwin, Thomas Lewis, Turner, Wallace, Pollard, William Clarke, Royall, Powell, Clapham, Cowan, Nelson, Evans, Ingles, James Taylor, Watkins, Upshur, Darby, Divan, Cure- ton, George K. Taylor, Brooke, Robinson, Ellegood, M'Coy, Coon rod, Wilson, Caruthers, Andrew Alexander, Davis, Charles Lewis, Blow, Booth, Lee, Bradley, Drope, Crockett, Griffin and Andrews — 63. The house then ordered that the clerk do carry the said resolutions to the senate for their concurrence. IN SENATE, Monday, December 24, 1798. The house, according to the order of the day, resolved itself into a committee of the whole house, on the resolutions of the house of delegates, concerning certain acts of the congress of the United States, passed at their last session ; and after some time spent therein, Mr. Speaker resumed the chair, and Mr. Preston reported, that the committee had, according to order, taken the said resolutions under their consideration, and had gone through the same, and directed him to report the same without any amendment. A motion was then made to amend the fifth resolution, by striking out the words " two late cases of the alien and" and on the question to agree to the same, It passed in the negative — Ayes 5, noes 12. The ayes and noes were required on the above question. Ayes — Burwell Bassett, Francis Peyton, Benjamin Temple, John Haymond, John Eyre — 5. Noes — Creed Taylor, Richard Kennon, Thomas Royster, Archi- bald Stewart, French Strother, Hugh Holmes, George Carrington, John Preston, John Hoomes, Thomas Newton, Nicholas Cabell, George Penn — 12. And then the main question being put, that the house do agree to the said resolutions, It was resolved in the affirmative. Ayes 14, noes 3. Ordered^ That the clerk do acquaint the house of delegates there- with. On the above question the ayes and noes were required. Ayes — Creed Taylor, Richard Kennon, Burwell Bassett, Thomas Royster, Archibald Stewart, French Strother, Hugh Holmes, George Carrington, John Preston, John Hoomes, Benjamin Temple, Thomas Newton, Nicholas Cabell, George Penn — 14. Noes — Francis Peyton, John Haymond, John Eyre — 3. 214 An act concerning Aliens. [Approved June 25, 1798.] Section 1. Be it enacted by the senate and house of representa- tives of the United States of America, in congress assembled, That it shall be lawful for the president of the United States, at any time during the continuance of this act, to order all such aliens as he shall judge dangerous to the peace and safety of the United States, or shall have reasonable grounds to suspect are concerned in any treasonable or secret machinations against the government thereof, to depart out of the territory of the United States, within such time as shall be ex- pressed in such order; which order shall be served on such alien, by delivering him a copy thereof, or leaving the same at his usual abode, and returned to the office of the secretary of state, by the marshal, or other person, to whom the same shall be directed. And in case any alien, so ordered to depart, shall be found at large within the United States, after the time limited in such order for his departure, and not having obtained a license from the president to reside therein, or having obtained such license, shall not have conformed thereto, every such alien shall, on conviction thereof, be imprisoned for a term not exceed- ing three years, and shall never after be admitted to become a citizen of the United States : Provided always, and be it further enacted, That if any alien so ordered to depart, shall prove, to the satisfaction of the president, by evidence, to be taken before such person or per- sons as the president shall direct, who are for that purpose hereby au- thorized to administer oaths, that no injury or danger to the United States will arise from suffering such alien to reside therein, the presi- dent may grant a license to such alien to remain within the United States for such time as he shall judge proper, and at such place as he may designate. And the president may also require of such alien to enter into a bond to the United States, in such penal sum as he may direct, with one or more sufficient sureties, to the satisfaction of the person authorized by the president to take the same, conditioned for the good behaviour of such alien during his residence in the United States, and not violating his license, which license the president may revoke whenever he shall think proper. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for the president of the United States, whenever he may deem it necessary for the public safety, to order to be removed out of the territory thereof, any alien who may or shall be in prison in pursuance of this act ; and to cause to be arrested and sent out of the United States, such of those aliens as shall have been ordered to depart therefrom, and shall not have obtained a licence as aforesaid, in all cases where, in the opinion of the president, the public safety requires a speedy removal. And if any alien so removed or sent out of the United States by the president, shall voluntarily return thereto, unless by permission of the president of the United States, such alien, on conviction thereof, shall be imprisoned so long as, in the opinion of the president, the public safety may require. 215 Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That every master or comman- der of any ship or vessel which shall come into any port of the United States after the first day of July next, shall immediately on his arri- val make report in writing to the collector or other chief officer of the customs of such port, of all aliens, if any on board his vessel, specify- ing their names, age, the place of nativity, the country from which they shall have come, the nation to which they belong and owe alle- giance, their occupation and a description of their persons, as far as he shall be informed thereof, and on failure every such master and commander shall forfeit and pay three hundred dollars, for the pay- ment whereof, on default of such master or commander, such vessel shall also be holden, and may by such collector or other officer of the customs be detained. And it shall be the duty of such collector or other officer of the customs, forthwith to transmit to the office of the department of state true copies of all such returns. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the circuit and district courts of the United States shall respectively have cognizance of all crimes and offences against this act. And all marshals and other of- ficers of the United States are required to execute all precepts and orders of the president of the United States, issued in pursuance or by virtue of this act. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful for any alien who may be ordered to be removed from the United States, by virtue of this act, to take with him such part of his goods, chattels, or other property, as he may find convenient ; and all property left in the United States, by any alien who may be removed as aforesaid, shall be and remain subject to his order and disposal, in the same manner as if this act had not been passed. Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That this act shall continue and be in force for and during the term of two years from the passing thereof. An act in addition to the act, intituled, " An act for the punishment of certain crimes against the United States." [Approved July 14, 1798.] Sec. I. Be it enacted by the senate and house of representatives of the United States of America, in congress assembled, That if any per- sons shall unlawfully combine or conspire together, with intent to op- pose any measure or measures of the government of the United States, which are or shall be directed by proper authority, or to impede the operation of any law of the United States, or to intimidate or prevent any person holding a place or office in or under the government of the United States, from undertaking, performing, or executing his trust or duty ; and if any person or persons, with intent as aforesaid, shall counsel, advise, or attempt to procure any insurrection, riot, unlawful 216 assembly, or combination, whether such conspiracy, threatening, coun- sel, advice, or attempt, shall have the proposed effect or not, he or they shall be deemed guilty of a high misdemeanor, and on conviction be- fore any court of the United States having jurisdiction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding five thousand dollars, and by im- prisonment during a term not less than six months, nor exceeding five years ; and further, at the discretion of the court may be holden to find sureties for his good behaviour, in such sum, and for such time, as the said court may direct. Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That if any person shall write, print, utter or publish, or shall cause or procure to be written, printed, uttered or published, or shall knowingly and willingly assist or aid in writing, printing, uttering or publishing any false, scandalous and ma- licious writing or writings against the government of the United States, or either house of the congress of the United States, or the president of the United States, with intent to defame the said government, or either house of the said congress, or the said president, or to bring them, or either of them, into contempt or disrepute ; or to excite against them, or either or any of them, the hatred of the good people of the United States, or to stir up sedition within the United States ; or to excite any unlawful combinations therein, for opposing or resist- ing any law of the United States, or any act of the president of the United States, done in pursuance of any such law, or of the powers in him vested by the constitution of the United States ; or to resist, oppose or defeat any such law or act ; or to aid, encourage or abet any hostile designs of any foreign nation against the United States, their people or government, then such person, being thereof convicted be- fore any court of the United States having jurisdiction thereof, shall be punished by a fine not exceeding two thousand dollars, and by im- prisonment not exceeding two years. Sec. 3. And be it further enacted and declared, That if any per- son shall be prosecuted under this act, for the writing or publishing any libel aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the defendant, upon the trial of the cause, to give in evidence in his defence, the truth of the mat- ter contained in the publication charged as a libel. And the jury who shall try the cause, shall have a right to determine the law and the fact, under the direction of the court, as in other cases. Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That this act shall continue and be in force until the third day of March, one thousand eight hundred and one, and no longer : Provided, That the expiration of the act shall not prevent or defeat a prosecution and punishment of any offence against the law, during the time it shall be in force. APPENDIX. Mr. Madison to Mr. Everett. MoNTPELIER, AugUSt 1830. Dear Sir, I have duly received your letter, in which you refer to the " nullifying doctrine," advocated as a constitutional right, by some of our distinguished fellow-citizens ; and to the proceedings of the Virginia legislature in '98 and '99, as appealed to in behalf of that doctrine ; and you express a wish for my ideas on those subjects. I am aware of the delicacy of the task in some respects, and the difficulty in every respect, of doing full justice to it. But having in more than one instance, complied with a like request from other friendly quarters, I do not decline a sketch of the views which I have been led to take of the doctrine in question, as well as some others connected with them ; and of the grounds from which it appears, that the proceedings of Virginia have been misconceived by those who have appealed to them. In order to understand the true character of the constitution of the United States, the error, not uncommon, must be avoided, of viewing it through the medium, either of a con- solidated government, or of a confederated government, whilst it is neither the one nor the other, but a mixture of both. And having, in no model, the similitudes and analogies applicable to other systems of government, it must, more than any other, be its own interpreter, ac- cording to its text and the facts of the case. From these it will be seen, that the characteristic peculiarities of the constitution are, 1, the mode of its formation; 2, the division of the supreme powers of government between the states in their united capacity, and the states in their individual capacities. 1. It was formed, not by the governments of the component states, as the federal government for which it was substituted was formed. Nor was it formed by a majority of the people of the United States, as a single community, in the manner of a consolidated government. It was formed by the states, that is, by the people in each of the states, acting in their highest sovereign capacity ; and formed conse- quently by the same authority which formed the state constitutions. Being thus derived from the same source as the constitutions of the states, it has, within each state, the same authority as the constitution of the state, and is as much a constitution in the strict sense of the term within its prescribed sphere, as the constitutions of the states are within their respective spheres ; but with this obvious and essen- tial difference, that being a compact among the states in their highest sovereign capacity, and constituting the people thereof one people for certain purposes, it cannot be altered or annulled at the will of the 28 218 states individually, as the constitution of a state may be at its indi- vidual will. 2. And that it divides the supreme powers of government, between the government of the United States, and the governments of the in- dividual states, is stamped on the face of the instrument; the powers of war and of taxation, of commerce and of treaties, and other enu- merated powers vested in the government of the United States, being of as high and sovereign a character as any of the powers reserved to the state governments. Nor is the government of the United States, created by the consti- tution, less a government in the strict sense of the term, within the sphere of its powers, than the governments created by the constitu- tions of the states are, within their several spheres. It is like them organized into legislative, executive and judiciary departments. It operates, like them, directly on persons and things. And like them, it has at command a physical force for executing the powers commit- ted to it. The concurrent operation in certain cases, is one of the features marking the peculiarity of the system. Between these different constitutional governments, the one opera- ting in all the states, the others operating separately in each, with the aggregate powers of government divided between them, it could not escape attention, that controversies would arise concerning the boun- daries of jurisdiction, and that some provision ought to be made for such occurrences. A political system that does not provide for a peaceable and authoritative termination of occurring controversies, would not be more than the shadow of a government; the object and end of a real government being, the substitution of law and order, for uncertainty, confusion, and violence. That to have left a final decision in such cases, to each of the states, then thirteen, and already twenty-four, could not fail to make the constitution and laws of the United States different in different states, was obvious; and not less obvious, that this diversity of inde- pendent decisions, must altogether distract the government of the union, and speedily put an end to the union itself. A uniform autho- rity of the laws, is in itself a vital principle. Some of the most impor- tant laws could not be partially executed. They must be executed in all the states, or they could be duly executed in none. An impost, or an excise, for example, if not in force in some states, would be de- feated in others. It is well known that this was among the lessons of experience, which had a primary influence in bringing about the existing constitution. A loss of its general authority would moreover revive the exasperating questions between the states holding ports for foreign commerce, and the adjoining states without them ; to which are now added, all the inland states, necessarily carrying on their fo- reign commerce through other states. To have made the decisions under the authority of the individual states, co-ordinate, in all cases, with decisions under the authority of the United States, would unavoidably produce collisions incompatible with the peace of society, and with that regular and efficient adminis- tration, which is of the essence of free governments. Scenes could not be avoided, in which a ministerial officer of the United States, and 219 the correspondent officer of an individual state, would have rencoun- ters in executing conflicting decrees; the result of which would de- pend on the comparative force of the local posses attending them ; and that, a casualty depending on the political opinions and party feelings in different states. To have referred every clashing decision, under the two authorities, for a final decision, to the states as parties to the constitution, would be attended with delays, with inconveniences and with expenses, amounting to a prohibition of the expedient; not to mention its ten- dency to impair the salutary veneration for a system requiring such frequent interpositions, nor the delicate questions which might pre- sent themselves as to the form of stating the appeal, and as to the quorum for deciding it. To have trusted to negotiation for adjusting disputes between the government of the United States and the state governments, as be- tween independent and separate sovereignties, would have lost sight altogether of a constitution and government for the union ; and opened a direct road from a failure of that resort, to the ultima ratio between nations wholly independent of and alien to each other. If the idea had its origin in the process of adjustment, between separate branches of the same government, the analogy entirely fails. In the case of disputes between independent parts of the same government, neither part being able to consummate its will, nor the government to proceed without a concurrence of the parts, necessity brings about an accom- modation. In disputes between a state government, and the govern- ment of the United States, the case is practically as well as theoreti- cally different ; each party possessing all the departments of an orga- nized government, legislative, executive and judiciary; and having each a physical force to support its pretensions. Although the issue of negotiation might sometimes avoid this extremity, how often would it happen among so many states, that an unaccommodating spirit in some would render that resource unavailing? A contrary supposition would not accord with a knowledge of human nature, or the evidence of our own political history. The constitution not relying on any of the preceding modifications, for its safe and successful operation, has expressly declared, on the one hand, 1, "that the constitution, and the laws made in pursuance thereof, and all treaties made under the authority of the United States, shall be the supreme law of the land ; 2, that the judges of every state shall be bound thereby, any thing in the constitution and laws of any state, to the contrary notwithstanding ; 3, that the judi- cial power of the United States shall extend to all cases in law and equity arising under the constitution, the laws of the United States, and treaties made under their authority, &c." On the other hand, as a security of the rights and powers of the states in their individual capacities, against an undue preponderance of the powers granted to the government over them in their united capacity, the constitution has relied on, 1, the responsibility of the senators and representatives in the legislature of the United States to the legislatures and people of the states ; 2, the responsibility of the president to the people of the United States ; and 3, the liability of 220 the executive and judicial functionaries of the United States to im- peachment by the representatives of the people of the states in one branch of the legislature of the United States, and trial by the repre- sentatives of the states, in the other branch ; the state functionaries, legislative, executive and judicial, being, at the same time, in their appointment and responsibility, altogether independent of the agency or authority of the United States. How far this structure of the government of the United States is ade- quate and safe for its objects, time alone can absolutely determine. Ex- perience seems to have shown, that whatever may grow out of future stages of our national career, there is, as yet, a sufficient control, in the popular will, over the executive and legislative departments of the government. When the alien and sedition laws were passed in con- travention to the opinions and feelings of the community, the first elections that ensued put an end to them. And whatever may have been the character of other acts, in the judgment of many of us, it is but true, that they have generally accorded with the views of a majority of the states and of the people. At the present day it seems well understood, that the laws which have created most dissatisfaction, have had a like sanction without doors ; and that, whether continued, varied or repealed, a like proof will be given of the sympathy and re- sponsibility of the representative body, to the constituent body. In- deed, the great complaint now is, against the results of this sympathy and responsibility in the legislative policy of the nation. With respect to the judicial power of the United States, and the authority of the supreme court in relation to the boundary of jurisdic- tion between the federal and the state governments, I may be per- mitted to refer to the thirty-ninth number of the " Federalist,* for the light in which the subject was regarded by its writer, at the period when the constitution was depending; and it is believed, that the same was the prevailing view then taken of it, that the same view has continued to prevail, and that it does so at this time, notwithstand- ing the eminent exceptions to it. But it is perfectly consistent with the concession of this power to the supreme court in cases falling within the course of its functions, to maintain that the power has not always been rightly exercised. To say nothing of the period, happily a short one, when judges in their seats did not abstain from intemperate and party harangues, equally at variance with their duty and their dignity ; there have been occasional decisions from the bench, which have incurred serious and extensive disapprobation. Still it would seem, that, with but few ex- * No. 39. It is true, that in controversies relating to the boundary between the two jurisdictions, the tribunal which is ultimately to decide, is to be established under the general government. But this does not change the principle of the case. The decision is to be impartially made, according to the rules of the consti- tution ; and all the usual and most effectual precautions are taken to secure this impartiality. Some such tribunal is clearly essential to prevent an appeal to the sword, and a dissolution of the compact ; and that it ought to be established under the general, rather than under the local governments ; or, to speak more properly, that it could be safely established under the first alone, is a position not likely to be combatted. 221 ceptions, the course of the judicary has been hitherto sustained by the predominant sense of the nation. Those who have denied or doubted the supremacy of the judicial power of the United States, and denounce at the same time a nullify- ing power in a state, seem not to have sufficiently adverted to the ut- ter inefficiency of a supremacy in a law of the land, without a supre- macy in the exposition and execution of the law ; nor to the destruc- tion of all equipoise between the federal government and the state go- vernments, if, whilst the functionaries of the federal government are directly or indirectly elected by and responsible to the states, and the functionaries of the states are in their appointment and responsibility wholly independent of the United States, no constitutional control of any sort belonged to the United States over the states. Under such an organization, it is evident that it would be in the power of the states, individually, to pass unauthorized laws, and to carry them into complete effect, any thing in the constitution and laws of the United States to the contrary notwithstanding. This would be a nullifying power in its plenary character ; and whether it had its final effect, through the legislative, executive or judiciary organ of the state, would be equally fatal to the constituted relation between the two go- vernments. Should the provisions of the constitution as here reviewed, be found not to secure the government and rights of the states, against usurpa- tions and abuses on the part of the United States, the final resort within the purview of the constitution, lies in an amendment of the constitution, according to a process applicable by the states. And in the event of a failure of every constitutional resort, and an accumulation of usurpations and abuses, rendering passive obedience and non-resistance a greater evil, than resistance and revolution, there can remain but one resort, the last of all; an appeal from the cancelled obligations of the constitutional compact, to original rights and the law of self-preservation. This is the ultima ratio under all govern- ments, whether consolidated, confederated, or a compound of both ; and it cannot be doubted that a single member of the union, in the extremity supposed, but in that only, would have a right, as an extra and ultra-constitutional right to make the appeal. This brings us to the expedient lately advanced, which claims for a -single state a right to appeal against an exercise of power by the go- vernment of the United States decided by the state to be unconstitu- tional, to the parties to the constitutional compact ; the decision of the state to have the effect of nullifying the act of the government of the United States, unless the decision of the state be reversed by three fourths of the parties. The distinguished names and high authorities which appear to have asserted and given a practical scope to this doctrine, entitle it to a respect which it might be difficult otherwise to feel for it. If the-doctrine were to be understood as requiring the three fourths of the states to sustain, instead of that proportion to reverse the de- cision of the appealing state, the decision to be without effect during the appeal, it would be sufficient to remark, that this extra-constitu- tional course might well give way to that marked out by the constitu- 222 tion, which authorizes two thirds of the states to institute and three fourths to effectuate an amendment of the constitution, establishing a permanent rule of the highest authority, in place of an irregular pre- cedent of construction only. But it is understood that the nullifying doctrine imports that the decision of the state is to be presumed valid, and that it overrules the law of the United States, unless overruled by three fourths of the states. Can more be necessary to demonstrate the inadmissibility of such a doctrine, than that it puts it in the power of the smallest fraction over one fourth of the United States, that is, of seven states out of twenty-four, to give the law and even the constitution to seventeen states, each of the seventeen having as parties to the constitution, an equal right with each of the seven, to expound it, and to insist on the exposition ? That the seven might, in particular instances be right, and Jhe seventeen wrong, is more than possible. But to establish a positive and permanent rule giving such a power, to such a minority, over such a majority, would overturn the first principle of free govern- ment, and in practice necessarily overturn the government itself. It is to be recollected that the constitution was proposed to the peo- ple of the states as a whole, and unanimously adopted by the states as a lohole, it being a part of the constitution that not less than three fourths of the states should be competent to make any alteration in what had been unanimously agreed to. So great is the caution on this point, that in two cases where peculiar interests were at stake, a proportion even of three fourths is distrusted, and unanimity required to make an alteration. When the constitution was adopted as a whole, it is certain that there were many parts, which, if separately proposed, would have been promptly rejected. It is far from impossible, that every part of a constitution might be rejected by a majority, and yet taken together as a whole be unanimously accepted. Free constitutions will rarely if ever be formed, without reciprocal concessions; without articles conditioned on and balancing each other. Is there a constitution of a single state out of the twenty-four that would bear the experiment of having its component parts submitted to the people and separately decided on? What the fate of the constitution of the United States would be if a small proportion of the states could expunge parts of it particularly valued by a large majority, can have but one answer. The difficulty is not removed by limiting the doctrine to cases of construction. How many cases of that sort, involving cardinal provi- sions of the constitution have occurred? How many now exist? How many may hereafter spring up? How many might be inge- niously created, if entitled to the privilege of a decision in the mode proposed ? Is it certain that the principle of that mode would not reach further than is contemplated. If a single state can of right require three fourths of its co-states to overrule its exposition of the constitution, because that proportion is authorized to amend it, would the plea be 223 less plausible that, as the constitution was unanimously established, it ought to be unanimously expounded 1 The reply to all such suggestions seems to be unavoidable'and irre- sistible; that the constitution is a compact, that its text is to be ex- pounded according to the provisions for expounding it — making a part of the compact ; and that none of the parties can rightfully renounce the expounding provision more than any other part. When such a right accrues, as may accrue, it must grow out of abuses of the com- pact releasing the sufferers from their fealty to it. In favor of the nullifying claim for the states, individually, it ap- pears as you observe, that the proceedings of the legislature of Vir- ginia, in '98 and '99, against the alien and sedition acts, are much dwelt upon. It may often happen, as experience proves, that erroneous construc- tions not anticipated, may not be sufficiently guarded against, in the language used ; and it is due to the distinguished individuals, who have misconceived the intention of those proceedings, to suppose that the meaning of the legislature, though well comprehended at the time, may not now be obvious to those unacquainted with the con- temporary indications and impressions. But it is believed that by keeping in view the distinction between the governments of the states, and the states in the sense in which they were parties to the constitution ; between the rights of the par- ties, in their concurrent and in their individual capacities ; between the several modes and objects of interposition against the abuses of power, and especially between interpositions within the purview of the constitution, and interpositions appealing from the constitution to the rights of nature paramount to all constitutions ; with an intention, always of explanatory use, to the views and arguments which were combatted, the resolutions of Virginia, as vindicated in the report on them, will be found entitled to an exposition, showing a consistency in their parts, and an inconsistency of the whole with the doctrine under consideration. That the legislature could not have intended to sanction such a doctrine, is to be inferred from the debates in the house of delegates, and from the address of the two houses to their constituents, on the subject of the resolutions. The tenor of the debates, which were ably conducted, and are understood to have been revised for the press by most, if not all, of the speakers, discloses no reference whatever to a constitutional right in an individual state, to arrest by force the operation of a law of the United States. Concert among the states for redress against the alien and sedition laws, as acts of usurped power, was a leading sentiment ; and the attainment of a concert, the immediate object of the course adopted by the legislature, which was that of inviting the other states " to concur in declaring the acts to be unconstitutional, and to co-operate by the necessary and proper measures in maintaining unimpaired the authorities, rights and liber- ties reserved to the states respectively and to the people."* That by See the concluding resolution of 1798. 224 the necessary and proper measures to be concurrently and co-operatively taken, were meant measures known to the constitution, particularly the ordinary control of the people and legislatures of the states, over the government of the United States, cannot be doubted ; and the in- terposition of this control, as the event showed, was equal to the oc- casion. It is worthy of remark, and explanatory of the intentions of the legislature, that the words " not law, but utterly null, void and of no force or effect," which had followed, in one of the resolutions, the word " unconstitutional," were struck out by common consent. — Though the words were in fact but synonymous with " unconstitu- tional ;" yet to guard against a misunderstanding of this phrase as more than declaratory of opinion, the word " unconstitutional" alone was retained, as not liable to that danger. The published address of the legislature to the people, their con- stituents, affords another conclusive evidence of its views. The ad- dress warns them against the encroaching spirit of the general go- vernment, argues the unconstitutionality of the alien and sedition acts, points to other instances in which the constitutional limits had been overleaped ; dwells upon the dangerous mode of deriving power by implication ; and in general presses the necessity of watching over the consolidating tendency of the federal policy. But nothing is said that can be understood to look to means of maintaining the rights of the states, beyond the regular ones, within the forms of the constitu- tion. If any further lights on the subject could be needed, a very strong one is reflected in the answers to the resolutions, by the states which protested against them. The main objection of these, beyond a few general complaints of the inflammatory tendency of the resolutions, was directed against the assumed authority of a state legislature to declare a law of the United States unconstitutional, which they pro- nounced an unwarrantable interference with the exclusive jurisdiction of the supreme court of the United States. Had the resolutions been regarded as avowing and maintaining a right, in an individual state, to arrest, by force, the execution of a law of the United States, it must be presumed that it would have been a conspicuous object of their denunciation. With cordial salutations, JAMES MADISON. 225 Mr. Madison to Mr. Ingersoll. Montpelier, Feb. 2, 1831. Dear Sir, I have received your letter of January 21, asking — 1. Is there any state power to make banks? 2. Is the federal power, as has been exercised, or as proposed to be exercised by president Jackson, preferable? The evil which produced the prohibitory clause in the constitution of the United States, was the practice of the states in making bills of credit, and in some instances appraised property " a legal tender." If the notes of state banks, therefore, whether chartered or unchartered, be made a legal tender, they are prohibited ; if not made a legal ten- der, they do not fall within the prohibitory clause. The number of the " Federalist" referred to was written with that view of the sub- ject; and this, with probably other cotemporary expositions, and the uninterrupted practice of the states in creating and permitting banks without making- their notes a legal tender, would seem to be a bar to the question, if it were not inexpedient now to agitate it. A virtual and incidental enforcement of the depreciated notes of state banks, by their crowding obt a sound medium, though a great evil, was not foreseen ; and if it had been apprehended, it is question- able whether the constitution of the United States which had so many obstacles to encounter, would have ventured to guard against it by an additional provision. A virtual, and it is hoped, an adequate remedy, may hereafter be found in the refusal of state paper when debased, in any of the federal transactions, and in the control of the federal bank, this being itself controlled from suspending its specie payments by the public authority. On the other question I readily decide against the project recom- mended by the president. Reasons more than sufficient appear to have been presented to the public, in the reviews and other comments which it has called forth. How far a hint for it may have been taken from Mr. Jefferson, I know not. The kindred ideas of the latter may be seen in his memoirs, &,c. vol. 4, pages 196, 207, 526, and his view of the state banks, vol. 4, pages 199, 220. There are sundry statutes of Virginia prohibiting the circulation of notes payable to bearer, whether issued by individuals or unchartered banks. These observations, little new or important as they may be, would have been promptly furnished but for an indisposition in which your letter found me, and which has not yet entirely left me. I hope this will find you in good health, and you have my best wishes for its con- tinuance, and the addition of every other blessing. JAMES MADISON. Charles J. Ingersoll, esq. Harrisburg, Pa. 29 226 Mr. Madison to Mr. lngersoll. Montpelier, June 25, 1831. Dear Sir, I have received your friendly letter of the 18th inst. The few lines which answered your former one of the 21st of January last, were written in haste and in bad health: but they expressed, though without the attention in some respects due to the occasion, a dissent from the views of the president, as to a bank of the United States and a substitute for it; to which I cannot but adhere. The objections to the latter have appeared to me to preponderate greatly over the advan- tages expected from it, and the constitutionality of the former I still regard as sustained by the considerations to which I yielded in giving my assent to the existing bank. The charge of inconsistency between my objection to the constitu- tionality of such a bank in 1791, and my assent in 1817, turns on the question, how far legislative precedents, expounding the constitution, ought to guide succeeding legislatures, and to overrule individual opinions. Some obscurity has been thrown over the question, by confounding it with the respect due from one legislature to laws passed by prece- ding legislatures. But the two cases are essentially different. A con- stitution being derived from a superior authority, is to be expounded and obeyed, not controlled or varied by the subordinate authority of a legislature. A law on the other hand, resting on no higher authority than that possessed by every successive legislature, its expediency as well as its meaning is within the scope of the latter. The case in question has its true analogy in the obligation arising from judicial expositions of the law on succeeding judges ; the consti- tution being a law to the legislator, as the law is a rule of decision to the judge. And why are judicial precedents, when formed on due discussion and consideration, and deliberately sanctioned by reviews and repeti- tions, regarded as of binding influence, or rather of authoritative force, in settling the meaning of a law? It must be answered, 1st. because it is a reasonable and established axiom, that the good of society re- quires that the rules of conduct of its members should be certain and known, which would not be the case if any judge, disregarding the decisions of his predecessors, should vary the rule of law according to his individual interpretation of it. Misera est servitus ubi jus est aut vagum aut incognitum. 2d. Because an exposition of the law publicly made, and repeatedly confirmed by the constituted authority, carries with it, by fair inference, the sanction of those who, having made the law through their legislative organ, appear under such cir- cumstances to have determined its meaning through their judiciary organ. Can it be of less consequence that the meaning of a constitution should be fixed and known, than that the meaning of a law should be so? Can indeed a law be fixed in its meaning and operation, unless the constitution be so? On the contrary, if a particular legislature, 227 differing in the construction of the constitution, from a series of pre- ceding constructions, proceed to act on that difference, they not only introduce uncertainty and instability in the constitution, but in the laws themselves; inasmuch as all laws preceding the new construc- tion and inconsistent with it, are not only annulled for the future, but virtually pronounced nullities from the beginning. But it is said that the legislator having sworn to support the consti- tution, must support it in his own construction of it, however different from that put on it by his predecessors, or whatever be the conse- quences of the construction. And is not the judge under the same oath to support the law? yet has it ever been supposed that he was required, or at liberty to disregard all precedents, however solemnly repeated and regularly observed ; and by giving effect to his own ab- stract and individual opinions, to disturb the established course of practice in the business of the community'? Has the wisest and most conscientious judge ever scrupled to acquiesce in decisions in which he has been overruled by the mature opinions of the majority of his colleagues, and subsequently to conform himself thereto, as to autho- ritative expositions of the law? And is it not reasonable that the same view of the official oath should be taken by a legislator, acting under the constitution, which is his guide, as is taken by a judge, act- ing under the law, which is his? There is in fact and in common understanding, a necessity of re- garding a course of practice, as above characterised, in the light of a legal rule of interpreting a law: and there is a like necessity of con- sidering it a constitutional rule of interpreting a constitution. That there may be extraordinary and peculiar circumstances con- trolling the rule in both cases, may be admitted : but with such ex* ceptions, the rule will force itself on the practical judgment of the most ardent theorist. He will find it impossible to adhere to, and act officially upon, his solitary opinions as to the meaning of the law or constitution, in opposition to a construction reduced to practice, du- ring a reasonable period of time ; more especially where no prospect existed of a change of construction by the public or its agents. And if a reasonable period of time, marked with the usual sanctions, would not bar the individual prerogative, there could be no limitation to its exercise, although the danger of error must increase with the increas- ing oblivion of explanatory circumstances, and with the continual changes in the import of words and phrases. Let it then be left to the decision of every intelligent and candid judge, which, on the whole, is most to be relied on for the true and safe construction of a constitution, that which has the uniform sanc- tion of successive legislative bodies through a period of years, and under the varied ascendancy of parties ; or that which depends upon the opinions of every new legislature, heated as it may be by the spi- rit of party, eager in the pursuit of some favorite object, or led astray by the eloquence and address of popular statesmen, themselves, per- haps, under the influence of the same misleading causes. It was in conformity with the view here taken, of the respect due to deliberate and reiterated precedents, that the bank of the United States, though on the original question held to be unconstitutional, re- 228 ceived the executive signature in the year 1817. The act originally establishing a bank had undergone ample discussions in its passage through the several branches of the government. It had been car- ried into execution throughout a period of twenty years with annual legislative recognitions; in one instance indeed, with a positive rami- fication of it into a new stale: and with the entire acquiescence of all the local authorities, as well as of the nation at large, to all of which may be added, a decreasing prospect of any change in the pub- lic opinion adverse to the constitutionality of such an institution. A veto from the executive under these circumstances, with an admission of the expediency and almost necessity of the measure, would have been a defiance of all the obligations derived from a course of prece- dents amounting to the requisite evidence of the national judgment and intention. It has been contended that the authority of precedents was in that case invalidated by the consideration, that they proved only a respect for the stipulated duration of the bank, with a toleration of it until the law should expire, and by the casting vote given in the senate by the vice president in the year 1811, against a bill for establishing a national bank, the vote being expressly given on the ground of un- constitutionality. But if the law itself was unconstitutional, the sti- pulation was void, and could not be constitutionally fulfilled or tolera- ted. And as to the negative of the senate by the casting vote of the presiding officer, it is a fact well understood at the time, that it re- sulted not from an equality of opinions in that assembly on the power of congress to establish a bank, but from a junction of those who ad- milted the power, but disapproved the plan, with those who denied the power. On a simple question of constitutionality, there was a de- cided majority in favor of it. Mrs. Madison joins me in hoping that you will not fail to make the intended visit to Virginia, which promises us the pleasure of welcom- ing you to our domicil, and in a sincere return of all the good wishes you kindly express for us. JAMES MADISON. 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