F 74 .B35 B28 Copy 1 EARLY RECORDS of the TOWN OF BEVERLY ESSEX COUNTY MASS. Volume I Births, Marriages and Deaths Copied by AUGUSTUS A. GALLOUPE Published by EBEN PUTNAM, BOSTON 1907 O' F 74 .B35 B28 Copy 1 EARLY RECORDS of the TOWN OF BEVERLY ESSEX COUNTY MASS. Volume I Births, Marriages and Deaths Copied by AUGUSTUS A. GALLOUPE Published by EBEN PUTNAM, BOSTON 1907 t G'ft iL.'us.Si 23 N'08 PUBLISHER'S PREFACE. This opportunity of printing the early vital records of Beverly is due to the generous co-operation of Mr. Augustus A. Galloupe, long known as one of the most painstaking and accurate of our local historians and genealogists. Mr. Gal- loupe's collection of materials relating to Beverly families, and his lifelong familiarity with the Beverly and Essex County records pointed him out as pre-eminently fitted to make the copy of the difficult first volume of Beverly records. No one now living can qualify with Mr. Galloupe in fitness for this work. Although through physical infirmity not able to use a pen without great discomfort, Mr. Galloupe devoted several months to making first a pencil copy, and from that an ink copy of the records of births, marriages and deaths in the first volume of Beverly Records, in which volume were also entered the records* of the business affairs of the town. Illness and family bereavement prevented his continuing immediately with a like copy of the second volume, and although the intention was to copy and print all of the records to the year 1850, it was decided to make available for genealogical research the contents of the first volume, by printing the same in installments in The Genealogical Magazine, reprinting the matter for future publi- cation in a separate volume. The record of births through 1704, as recorded in the first volume of records, appeared in the maga- zine in accordance with this plan, and also some of the earliest marriages and deaths, and intentions of marriage to 1715. About the time the publication of these records began in the magazine July, 1905, thus making public the fact that the records were being copied, some one appears to have con- ceived the project of forestalling the appearance of a verbatim et literatim copy of the records. In consequence there appeared during the winter of 1905-6 a volume of "Vital Records of Beverly "f to the end of the year 1849, incorporating therein the * These town proceedings have been appearing in generous instalhnents in the yearly City Reports, for several years past. ■f- The copy of the Beverly Records was made under the authority of some one acting for the Essex Institute, but the published book bears on the title page only the name of the Topsfield Historical Society. Mr. George F. Publisher's Preface. baptisms which had already been printed in Putnam's Historical Magazine contributed by Mr. Galloupe, and to a still later date in the Essex Institute Historical Collections at a sub- sequent period, and various entries gathered from bibles in possession of Beverly residents, although by this plan including, in what purports to be a copy of Beverly records, data con- cerning persons not born in or residents of Beverly. Useful as such a compilation of genealogical material may seem to some, the fact that other and more competent hands had already commenced upon the town records proper, and that the baptismal records were already accessible in print, did not deter whoever was responsible for the work from forestalling the better work. It is true, by printing the Beverly records verbatim the publisher and the copyist had to give up hope of State aid,* as the State commissioners by exercise of their arbitrary authority, and evidently in accordance with an understanding with those societies who are chiefly instrumental in publishing " Vital Records," have refused to give any encouragement that they would purchase copies of town records if printed literally, pre- ferring to accept the emasculated records and collections of miscellaneous material prepared in accordance with their plan. In the April, 1905 issue of The Genealogical Magazine may be found a criticism of the publication of the ''Vital Records," which at the time of its appearance was declared by certain interested parties to be unfair, inasmuch as it pointed out the profit to the publishers under the plan adopted. As none of the publishers of the "Vital Records " have seen fit to make public the cost and receipts of the work, it is of course impossible to state accurately what the profit has been, or if none, the reason therefor. But the fact that such haste was made** to forestall the publication of a verbatim copy of the records of Beverly, is Dow is Secretary of both societies, and has been very active in following the lead of the New England Historic Genealogical Society in this work. Among the publications accepted by the State none are so evidently open to criticism as those published by the Topsfield Historical Society and the Essex Institute, especially the former. * The State by act each year appropriates the generous sum of $15,000 to be used for the purchase of copies of the printed vital records of towns. The direction of the expenditure of this money is in the hands of those who co-operate with what might be termed the " Vital Records Trust." ** Although Mr. Galloupe's private manuscript copy of the record was referred to by the copyist for the Topsfield publication, and the printed results of his labors also used, one can search the Topsfield edition in vain for any reference to Mr. Galloupe's work, or to his generous permission to examine his manuscripts, to elucidate difficult readings. Publisher's Preface. probably sufficient proof to any unprejudiced observer that there was and is a profit, which it was feared might be lost if the records had already appeared in print. A person thoroughly imbued with the belief that the best man is the "smartest," and that in the chase of the almighty dollar anything is per- missible could not be expected to permit such an opportunity to slip through his fingers. To some of us, who know what vast amounts of material await publication, because of lack of money and interest, it appears a lamentable waste of money and energy to duplicate, — as in the manner described above, and in so senseless a fashion. In no case can the so-called "Vital Records" of these various towns, printed for sale to the State, ever be considered as taking the place of the records proper, or be admitted as evidence in any court. Aside from errors incorporated in the printed pages, and the addition of material gathered from sources, which, however valuable, are not public records, these books are not even practical as an index, — for references to volume or page of the original record are not given. This omission is the more marked as in the early records, as may be seen in this present volume, the entries do not always fall in chronological sequence, rendering it difficult to find the original record which the abbreviated and edited printed entry is supposed to represent. The expenditure of thousands of the State money has obtained for the State a series of unattested copies of many town records, some very poorly written, few equal and none superior to copies which would have been made under proper official direction and probably at a cost not ten per cent of what has been paid out by the State to date. That an investigation should be made by the Legislature into the way in which the commissioners are executing their duties is evident. Several hundred libraries, it is true, have been furnished free with a handy synopsis of the vital records of many towns. These same libraries might have had, and probably at much less cost to the State, the vastly more valuable printed verbatim et literatim copies of the records. The Index to this volume has been prepared by Prof. S. P. Sharpies, for which kindness the publisher presents his grateful acknowledgment . EARLY RECORDS OF THE TOWN OF BEVERLY, ESSEX COUNTY, MASS. (Vital Statistics.) COPIED BY A. A. GALLOUPE. Volume I. Note. — The folios in the old Record are completely obliter- ated; hence, the word — page — is inserted in this manuscript at the beginning of each page of the Record. Births.* [torn] page. ell the fonne of Lott Connant was borne the 28*^1 of July 1650 Jno Connant the fonne of Lott Connant was borne the 15*^ of December 1652 Lott the Sonne of Lott Connant was borne the 16^^ of february 1657 Elizabeth the Daughter of Lott Connant was borne the 13*^ of May 1660 Mary the Daughter of Lott Connant borne the 14*^ of July 1662 Martha the Daughter of Lott Connant was borne the 15*^ of Au- guft 1664 William and Sarah : twins the fonne & Daughter of Lott Connant weare borne the 19*^^ of February 1666 Rodger the Sonne of Lott Connant was borne the 10*^ of march 1669 Rebecca the Daughter of Lott Connant was borne the laft of January 1670 William Dodge of Cog"" and Elizabeth hafkall weare married the 10t»» of July 1665 * These first 28 entries are inserted here, also occur in the original after the marriage intention of Robert Thorndike, 2 Nov., 1718. See page 47. (1) 2 Early Records of the Town of Beverly. Mary the Daughter of W™ Dodge was borne the 12*^ of may 1667 Elizabeth the Daughter of Will Dodge was borne the IS'** of Aprill 1670 henn.' Baile & Dorothy Bond weare married the 20''» of Septem- ber 1665 [torn] ane & freeborne Sallowes we the 29*'* of July 1664 Anthony the Sonne of Anthony Wood borne 17'^ Decemb^ 16 [torn] Mar\' the Daughter of Anthony Wood was borne the 9*** of Decem- ber 1670 Thomas Weft and Ehzabeth Jackfon weare married the 12"» of December 1661 Elizabeth the Daughter of Thomas Weft was borne the 26*'» of September 1663 Mary the Daughter of Thomas Weft was borne the 22°<^ of Sep- tember 1665 hannah the Daughter of Thomas Weft was borne the 20*** of Oc- tober 1667 John the Sonne of Thomas Weft was borne the 5^^ of October 1669 Ephraim herrick and Mary Croffe weare married the S^^ of July 1661 Jn'^ herrick the Sonne of Ephraim was borne the 31»* of may 1662 Ephraim the Sonne of Ephraim herrick was borne IS*** of Auguft 1664 Mar>' the Daughter of Ephraim herrick was borne H'** of June 1667 Steven the IS'** of march 1670 the Sonne of Ephraim herricke: page — Peeter Woodbern.- & Abigaile Bachellouer were married the of September [1665 Wenham Records.] Peeter the Sonn of peeter Woodbern.- was borne the 12**» of Decem- ber 1666 page — Peeter Woodberr>- and Sarah Dodge weare married the — of Jully 1667* Sarah the Daughter of Peeter Woodberry was borne the 12t'» of December 1668 Abigaile the Daughter of Peeter Woodberry was borne the 13'^ of ApriU 1671 • The following entries are duplicated in the original record as far as sad including. Early R^ords of the Town of Beverly 3 William the Sonne of William Woodbeny Jimr was borne the 10*^ of March 1665 Judith the Daughter of Wdliam Woodbeny was borne the 22'»' Wilkes weare married the 9^^ of Oct- ober 1671 by maio^ hawthome Thomas the Sonn of John Lovett was borne the 25*^ of September 1671 :t Mary the Daughter of John Woodbeny was borne the 6*^ of Sej>- tember 1671 humphreyt Woodbeny & Anna Winder weare marryed the lO*** October 1671 Richard Ober i: Abbigaile Woodberry weare married the 26^'» De- cember 1671 John Swarton it Abbigaile hibbard weare married the S^^ of Jan- uary 1671 -Jofeph hibbard 6: Abisraile Graves weare married the 20*^ October 1670: Thomas herrick John the Sonne of Georg Stanley was borne the 2-4^^ of februarv 1671 page — [Pa ule] [Thon]dike§ and marv patch [wea]re Legally : married the 28^1^ Aprill 1663 : * 12 in duplicate entry. See note preceding page. t 1661 in duplicate entry. 1 humprey in the Liter duplicate entrv. § In the duplicate entry only '"dike' can be read. 4 Early Records of tlie Town of Beverly. Mary the Daughter of paule Thorndike was borne the S^^ of Jan- uary 1663: 4* Elizabeth the Daughter of Paule Thorndike was borne the 14^^ of October 1670: Hannah the daughter of Paul Thorndike was born the H*** may in the year 1673 Jn" Edwards & mary Selare married the 20*** may 1666: Jn« the Sonne of Jn" Edwards borne the IV^ December 1668 Elizabeth y« Daughter of Jn" Edwards borne firft of Aprill 1671 Deliuerance the Daughter of John Dodg Sen^^ was borne the W^ Day of march 1660 John the Sonne of John Dodg Se"" borne the IS^i* Day of Aprill 1662 Jofias the Sonne of John Dodg Sc was borne the 4^^ June 1665 Sarah the Daughter of John Dodge Se"" was borne the 13'^ of Jan- uarj' 1667 Ebenezer the Sonne of John Dodg Se"" was borne the firft of Au- gust 1670 Mary Dodge the Daughter of Jn" Dodge was borne the 15'*» of Auguft 1672 Beniamen the Sonne of John Rayment Deceafed 16"* September anno Dom 1672 Joseph Dodge and Sarah Eaton war maryed the 21^' Day of feb- ruary 1671 Richard Dodge Se"" Deceafed June IS*** 1671 page — Jeffery Thifle the Sonne of Richard Thifle was borne the 2V^ September 1672 John Bradford the Sonne of Robert Bradford was borne the 29*-^ May 1672 John Sampfon and Sarah Pease weare married the 22' *» of October 1667 Sarah Sampfon the Daughter of John Sampfon was borne June the 18»h 1668 Mary Sampfon the Daughter of John Sampfon was borne the 15*^ of November 1670 Cyprian Sam|)son the Daughter of John Sampson was borne the 13^^ of March 1672. Jofiah Woodberry the fonne of hugh Wootlberry was borne the IS'i* of September 1663 priffila the Daughter of hugh Woodberry was borne the 12«'» of Januarii 1665t • 1 is omitted in tlic duplicate entry, t This entry is omittetl in tlic iliiplicate. Early Records of the Town of Beverly. 5 Rebecca the Daughter of hugh Woodberry was borne the 22*i» February 1687 Anna the Daughter of hugh Woodberry was borne the 15*^ of march 1669 EUzabeth the Daughter of hugh Woodberry was borne the 12''» February 1671 Ebenezer the fonne of Ifaicke Dauis was borne the 7*^ of novem- ber 1671 Sufanna the Daughter of Nicholas Groue was borne the 8'^ of may 1672: EUzabeth the Daughter of wiUiam hoop [er] was borne the firft Day of Auguft 1672 Robert the fonne of Ifaicke woodberry was borne the fixt Day of auguft 1672 see p. 59 pencil copy* page — Henry Herri ck and Martin Herrick Twins w-eare borne on the three and Twentieth Day of Janiari [1679] Obidiah Hawthorn the fonne of William and Joan born on the Twelfth Day of Januarie Anno Mary Louett the Daughter of Jofeph and Elizabeth was borne on the Twentieth Day of may in the year of ou"" Lord [1676] Haiyiah Woodberie the Daughter of Wijliam Wood|)errie born oiTFhe EigHf^and Twentieth Day of Mardr[1680]' Eliazar Gyles fon of John and Elizabeth Gyles born on the nineteenth Day of March Anno Domini 1680 John Chubb the fonn of Thomas & Mercy Chubb born on the fourteenth Day of September in the year of ou'" Lord Jofeph Corning the fonn of famuell and Hannah Corning born on the nineteenth Day of nouember in the year of ou"" Lord [1679] Jofeph Balch the fon of famuell and Martha Balch was born on the Twenty and fixth Day of Aprill Anno Domini [1680] Ann Woodberrie the Daughter of Humphry and Ann Wood- berrie was born on the Laft Day of may Anno Domini [1680] ' Elizabeth Williams the Daughter of John and Martha Williams born on the foure and Twentieth Day of May 1680 Jonathan Harris the fon of Jofeph and Dorcas Harris born on the fixth Day of June Anno Domine 1680 Richard Coy the fonn of John and ElizabethCoy bornonthefeauen- teenth Day of June in the year of ou^" Lord 1680 * The preceding entries from the 29"^, on page 2, to this point are duplicated in the original, some slight differences, duly noted on preceding pages, being found. See note page 47 after William Prince and Mary Stone. 6 Early Records of the Town of Beverly. Hannah Williams the Daughter of Anthony and Mary Williams born on the third Day of Augiift Anno Domine 1680 Ebenezer Bennit the f on of John and Deborah Bennit born on the nineteenth Day of may Anno: Domine 1678 Jofeph Bennit the fonn of John and Deborah Bennit born on the Eight and Twentieth Day of June Anno Domine 1680 Dorathy Hoopper the Daughter of William and Elizabeth Hoopper born on the fourth Day of Auguft Anno Domine 1680 Roger Hafcoll the fon of marke and Mary Hafcoll born on the feauenteenth Day of October Anno Domine 1680 Sarah Woodberrie the Daughter of Richard and Sarah Woodberrie born on the Eighteenth Day of nouember in the year of ou"" J.ord God 1680 page [torn] fonn of Thomas and Sarah Gage [was] born and Twentieth Day of nouember Anno 1680 [Chriftian] the Daughter of Ifaak and Mary Woodberrie born onthe [three] and Twentieth Day of March Anno Domine 1677 [Isaac] the fonn of Ifaak and Mary Woodberrie born on the fixth Day of Aprill Anno: Domine 1680 the fonn of Anthony and Mary Wood born on the — Day of December in the year of ou"^ Lord 1680 the fonn of Anthony and Mary Wood Born on y« fifteenthday of March Annod 1682 : 3 [Note, this family had sons Israel and Nehemiah, but no dates.] Woodberrie Daughter of Thomas and Hannah Wood- berrie born on the Twentieth Day of Januarie Anno Domine 1679 [John] Woodberrie the fonn of John and Elizabeth Woodberrie born on the fifth Day of March Anno Domine 1680*" Elizabeth Biles the Daughter of Jonathan and Elizabeth Biles born on the Twenty feauenth Day of March Anno : Domine 1681 : Mary Grouer the Daughter of Nehemiah and Ruth Grouer born on the nineteenth Day of Aprill in the year of ou"" Lord 1681 : Robert the fonn of John Hale minifter of the Gofpell at Beuerly by his wife Rebeckah was born the third Day of nouember in the year of ou"" Lord, 1668 Simon Louett the fon of Jofeph and Elizabeth Louett born on the foure and Twentieth Day of June Anno : Domine 1681 Sollomon Cole the fonn of Sollomon and Mary Cole born on the Twelfth Day of Auguft Anno Domine 1681 Early Records of the Town of Beverly. 7 Abi Gaile Dodg the Daughter of Jofeph and Sarah Dodg born on the Twelfth Day of September Anno : Domine 1681 : Ifrael Balch the f onn of John and Hannah Balch born of the Third Day of September Anno : Domine 1681 John Lagro the fonn of Nicholas and Hannah Lagro born on the foure and Twentieth Day of September Anno : 1681 : Elizabeth Clark the Daughter of William and Elizabeth Clark born on the two and Twentieth Day of October Anno : 1681 Mary Williams the Daughter of John and Martha Williams born on the Eighteenth Day of nouember Anno : Domine : 1681 page — Hezekiah Ober the fonn of Richard and Abigaile Ober born on the ninth Day of nouember in the year of ou"" Lord God 1681 Abigaile Hafkall the Daughter of Roger and Hannah Hafkall born on the Eighteenth Day of October Anno Domine 1681 Tryphofa the Daughter of Jofeph Herrick and Mary his Avife born on the feauen and Twentieth Day of nouember 1681 : Mercy Eliott the Daughter of Andrew Eliott Junio"- and mary his wife born on the Twentieth Day of Auguft Anno q 1681 Abraham Perkins the fonn of Dauid and Elizabeth Perkins born on the Twelfth Day of nouember Anno : Domine 1681 Dauid Standly the fon of Georg and Bethia Standly born on the fixth Day of June in the year of ou^ Lord God 1681 Elizabeth Trafk and Hannah Trafk Twins and Daughters vnto John and Hannah Trafk born on the Seauenteenth Day of Sep- temb'" Anno : 1681 Mercy Eaton the Daughter of Jofeph and Hannah Eaton born on the fifteenth Day of Januarie in the year of ou'" Lord God 1681 Richard Woodberrie the fonn of Richard and Sarah Woodberrie born on the fixteenth Day of ffebruarie in the year of ou"" Lord God 1681 John Hafkall the fonn of Marke and Mary Hafkall born on the fourteenth Day of ffebruarie in the year of ou"" Lord 1681 John Raiment born on the foure and Twentieth Day of nouember fonn of John and Martha Rament in the year of ou"" Lord 1677 Martha Raiment the Daughter of John and Martha Raiment above faid born on the foure and Twentieth Day of May Anno : Domine 1681 Anna Herrick the Daughter of Ephraim and Mary Herrick born on the Laft Day of June in the year of ou' Lord 1677 8 f'Jarb/ Records oj the Town of Beverly. Timothy Ilerrick the fonn of Ephraiin and Mary Herrick born on the fourth Day of Januarie in the year of ou' Lord 168^ Mar<>:aret Sallows the Daughter of John and Elizabeth Sallows born on the fourth Day of May Anno : Domine 1682 Samuell Hutman the fon of Jeremiah and Mehetabell Butman born on the 15"' Day of September Anno Domine 1680 Jofeph Eaton y« fon of Jofeph Eaton by Hannah his wife was Borne on ye feuententh day of May in y^ yea"" of our Lord God 1682 Anna Geare the Daughter of Thomas and Deborah Geare born on the feauenteenth Day of June Anno : Domine 1682 page — Jofiah Woodberrie the fonn of Peter and Sarah Woodberrie born on the fifteenth Day of June Anno 1682 Mary Chubb the Daughter of Thomas and Mercy Chubb born on the Tenth Day of July in the year of ou' Lord 1682 Jabez Baker the fonn of Cornelius and Hannah Baker born on the fixth Day of march in the year of Lord 1682 Jofeph Balch the fonn of Beniamin and Elizabeth Balch born on the fix and Twentieth Day of September Anno : 1677 Ebenozer Balch the fonn of Benjamin and Elizabeth Balch born on the fourth Day of June Anno : Domine 1680 Abigaile Balch the Daughter of Beniamin and Elizabeth Balch born on the feauenteenth Day of May Anno : 1682 Mar)' Coy the Daughter of John and Elizabeth Coy born on the ninth Day of Auguft in the year of ou"" Lord 1682 Abigaile Bradford the Daughter of William and Rachell Bradford born on the fifth Day of September Anno Domine 1682 Mary Dodg the Daughter of Edward and Mary Dodg born on the one and Twentieth Day of Aprill Anno : Domine 1675 Jonathan Dodg the fonn of Edward and Mary Dodg born on the Third Day of July in the year of ou' Lord 1670 Edith Dodg the Daughter of Edward and Mary Dodg born on the Third Day of Januarie Anno: Domine 1680 Jofeph Read the fonn of Chriftopher and Elizabeth Read born on the nineteenth Day of Auguft Anno : Domino 1()S2 Jonathan Woodberrie the fonn of Thomas and Hannah Woodberrie born on the Twelfth Day of September in the year of ou' Lord God 1682 page — Peter Woodberrie the fonn of William and Hannah Wood- berrie born on the third Day of Auguft Anno : Domine 1682 Early Records of the Town of Beverly. 9' Sufannah Woodberrie the Daughter of John and Elizabeth Wood- berrie born on the Eight Day of Januarie in the year of oif Lord 1682 EUzabeth Cue the Daughter of Robert and Sary Cue born on the firft Day of march in the year of our Lord God 1682/3 Freeborn Williams the fon of Anthony and Mary Williams born on the Eight and Twentieth Day of Aprill Anno 1683 : Jonathan Biles the fonn of Jonathan and Elizabeth Biles born on the firft Day of may in the year of ou' Lord God 1683 Abigaile Hafkall the Daughter of Jofiah and Sarah Hafkall born on the fixteenth Day of Auguft Anno: Domine 1683 Dauid Williams the fon of John and Martha Williams born on the: 15^*1 Day of September in the year of o' Lord 1683 Hannah Butman the Daughter of Jerimiah and Mehitoble Butman born on the nine and Twentieth Day of September 1683 Sarah Balch the Daughter of John and Hannah Balch born on the one and Twentieth Day of march Anno : Domine 1683 John Trask the fonn of John and Christian Trask born on the : 27*^ Day of October in the year of ou"" Lord 1683 Rufus Herrick the fonn of Joseph and Mary Herrick born on the Twentieth Day of Nouember Anno Domine 1683 Christian Trask the Daughter of John and Christian Trask born on the Twentieth Day of Januarie Anno: Domine 1680 Mary Coy the Daughter of John and Elizabeth Coy born on the one and Twentieth Day of December 1683 Mary Gyles the Daughter of John and Elizabeth Gyles born on the nine and Twentieth Day of ffebruarie 1681 Bridgett Gyles the Daughter of John and Elizabeth Gyles born on the first Day of Januarie Anno Domine 1683 ffreeborn Lagroe the son of Nicholas and Hannah Lagroe born on the Eleauenth Day of ffebruarie Anno: Domine 1683 Andrew Elliott Quartus ye fonn of And"" and Mercy Elliott borne on ye Eleuenth of ye Seuenth month Anno dom : 1683 page — Margery Dodg the Daughter of William and Elizabeth Dodg born on the nineteenth Day of Januarie Anno : Domine 1683 Jonah Dodg the f-on of Jofeph and Sarah Dodg born on the one and Twentieth Day of August Anno: Domine: 1683 Jael the Daughter of Richard and Sarah Woodberie born on the Twentieth Day of Januarie Anno : Domine 1683 10 Early Records of the Town of Beverly. Mark Haskall the fonn of Mark and Mary Haskall born on the fifth Day of ffebruarie in the year of o\v Lord God: 1683 Dorathy Standly the Daughter of George and Bethia Standly born on the Second Day of March Anno: Domine 1683*: Sarah Clarke the Daughter of John and Sarah Clarke born on the one Twentieth Day of August Anno: Domine: 1683: Elizabeth Bond the Daughter of John and Emma Bond born on the Last Day of ffebruarie Anno: Domine 1683 Jeremiah Hebbert the fon of Joseph and Elizabeth Hebbert born on the nineth Day of Agust Anno Domine 1683 Abigaile Haskall the Daughter of Roger and Hannah Haskeall born on the thirtieth Day of March Anno : Domine 1684 Ruth Hebbert born on the fixth Day of August the Daughter of John Hebbert and Ruth his wife Anno: Domine 1683 Richard Ober the fonn of Richard and Abigaile Ober born on the first Day of March Anno : Domine : 1683 : 84 Hester Clark the Daughter of William and Elizabeth Clark born on the Eleauenth Day of June Anno: Domine 1684 Rachell Bradford the Daughter of William and Rachell Bradford born on the thirteenth Day of July Anno: Domine 1684 Joseph Drinker the son of Joseph and Ruth Drinker born on the nine and Twentieth Day of July Anno Domine 1684 Mary Williams the Daughter of Anthony and Mary Williams born on the fourth Day of August Anno Domine 1684 Michaell Sallows the fonn of John and Elizabeth Sallows born on the Twentieth Day of August Anno: Domine 1684 John Louett the fonn of Joseph and Elizabeth Louett born on the Eight and Twentieth Day of August Anno : Domine 1684 Rebeckah Woodberie the Daughter of Peter and Sarah Woodberie born on the fiue and Twentieth Day of December Anno : Domine 1684 Ruth the Daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth West born on the Eightenth Day of May Anno Domine 1684 (Interlined — "Down in Hardys recording") Josuah Woodberie the fonn of Isaack and Mary Woodberrie born on the nine and Twentieth Day of Januarie A: Domine 1684 Bethia Conant the Daughter of Nathaniell and Hannah Conant born on the Eight Day of Nouember in the year of ou-- Lord 1677 Nathaniell Conant the fonn of Nathaniell and Hannah Conant born on the third Day of Januarie Anno : Domine 1679 Early Records of the Town of Beverly. 11 Josiah Conant the fonn of Nathaniell and Hannah Conant born on the fix and Twentieth Day of Nouember Anno : Do : 1681 Hannah Conant the Daughter of Nathaniell and Hannah Conant born on the fine and Twentieth Day of Januarie Anno 1683 William Thistle the fonn of Richard and EUzabeth Thistle born on the Twentieth Day of ffebruarie Anno : Domine 1684 Tryphena Herrick the Daughter of Joseph and mary Herrick born on the Tenth Day of Aprill in the year of ou*" Lord 1685 Zachariah Stone the fonn of Samuell Stone and Elizabeth his wife born on the three and Twentieth Day of may Anno: Domine 1685 William Whittridg the fonn of Thomas and Charitie Whittridg born on the Twelfth Day of June in the year of our Lord 1683 Charitie Whittridg the Daughter of Thomas and Charitie Whittridg born on the tenth Day of March Anno: Domine 1684: 5 Rebeckah Woodberrie the Daughter of William and Hannah Woodberrie born on the fecond Day of July Anno: Domine 1684 (Interlined — Ruth Drinker y^ Daughter of Jofeph Drinker of Beuerly Abigail his wife was Borne on 3^* firft Day of June in ye year of ou^" Lord God 1695) Peter Balch the fonn of Samuell and Martha: Balch born on the fixth Day of may Anno: Domine 1685 page — Mary Harris the Daughter of Joseph and Dorcas Harris born on the nine and Twentieth Day of July Anno : Domine 1685 Samuell Harris y^ fon of Jofeph and Dorcas Harris Borne on y^ one and Twentieth Day of Nouember in ye year of ou^" Lord God 1689 Wilham Hathern the fonn of William and Joane Hathern born on the fine and Twentieth Day of June Anno : 1685 William Woodburie the fonn of Nicholas and Mary Woodbury his wife born on the nine and Twentieth Day of March Anno : Domine 1685 Richard and Josiah Woodburie the fonns and Twins of Richard and Sarah Woodburie born on the Eighth Day of August in the year of ou"" Lord 1685 Sarah Dodg the Daughter of Joseph and Sarah Dodg born on the Eleauenth Day of August in the year of ou"" Lord 1685 Josiah Haskall the fonn of Roger and Hannah Haskall born on the fixteenth Day of August Anno : Domine 1685 Ruth Dodg the Daughter of Edward and Mary Dodg born on the fifteenth Day of August in the year of ou'' Lord 1685 12 Early Records of the Town of Beverly. James the sonn of John and Sarah Hale born the foureteenth Day of October in the year of ou^ Lord God 1685 Anna the Daughter of Robert and Mary Cue born on the nine and Twentieth Day of September Anno: Do: 1685 Michaell the fonn of William Dodg tertius and Elizabeth his wife born on the Eleauenth Day of October Anno: Domine 1685 Edward Trask the fonn of John and Christian Trask born on the fourteenth Day of Nouember Anno: Domine 1685 John the fonn of John and Elizabeth Coy born on the fix and Twen- tieth Day of December Anno: Domine 1685 Nicholas the fonn of John and Martha Williams born on the Eight and Twentieth Day of October Anno: Domine 1685 Rebeckah the Daughter of Samuell and Ehzabeth Curtize born on the ninth Day of Aprill in the year of ou"" Lord 1686 Deborah the Daughter of John and Deborah Bennit born on the third Day of Aprill Anno: Domine 1683 Samuell the son of John and Deborah Bennit born on the three and Twentieth Day of Aprill 1686 j)age — Samuell Elliott ye Sonn of Andrew Elliott and Mercy Elliott born on ye Eighteenth of Twelfth month Anno : Domine 16 — Elliner Griggs the Daughter of Jacob and Elliner Griggs born on the three and Twentieth Day of September Anno : Do : 1686 Abigail Elathorp the Daughter of John and Mary Elathorp born on the Eighteenth Day of October Anno: Dom: 1686 William Cleans the sonn of William & Margrett Cleans born on the three and Twentieth Day of July in the yeare of our Lord 1686 Nathaniell Clark the son of AVilliam and Elizabeth Clark born on the thirteenth Day of September Anno: Dom: 1686 Martha the Daughter of John and Araie Bond born on the fine and Twentieth Day of August Anno: Domine 1686 Daniell the son of Samuell and Hannah Corning born on the feauen- teenth Day of September := Anno: Domine 1686 John Stone the son of John and Hester Stone born on the feauen and Twentieth Day of August Anno Domi 1686 Richard the sonn of Jonathan and Elizabeth Biles born on the Eighth Day of nouember Anno: Domine 1675 Robert and Rebeckah sonn and Daughter Twins of William Dodg secundus and Johannah his wife, born on the ninth Day of October in the year of ou"" Lord God : 1686 Early Records of the Town of Beverly. 13 Elizabeth the Daughter of Mark and Mary Haskall born on the Tenth Day of nouember Anno: Domine 1686 Hazadiah Smith the sonn of Hazadiah and Hannah smith born on the fine and Twentieth Day of ffebruarie Anno: Dom: 1684 Mary the Daughter of Tobias and Mary Trow born on the four- teenth Day of September in the year of ou"" Lord 1685 John the sonn of Tobias and Mary Trow born on the first Day of December in the year of ou"" Lord God : 1686 Mary the Daughter of Joseph and Mary Herri ck born on the fBf- teenth Day of may in the year of ou^" Lord God 1686 Phillip the sonn of Phillip and Deborah White born on the six- teenth Day of nouember in the year of ou"" Lord 1686 Georg the sonn of Georg and Sarah Trow born on the third Day of December in the year of ou^" Lord God 1686 John the fon of Jofeph and Ruth Drinker was Borne In feptember about the midle of fd month in the year of ou"" Lord God 1688 page — Elizabeth the illigitemate Daughter of Beniamin Trask and Dinah Nowell born on the Twentieth Day of December Anno : Domine 1686 Judeth Woodburie the Daughter of Nicholas and Mary Woodburie born on the Last Day of March in the yeare of ou^" Lord God 1686 Joseph Knight the sonn of John and Elizabeth Knight born on the four and Twentieth Day of December Anno : Domine 1686 Elizabeth the Daughter of Joseph Herrick senio"" and Mary his wife born on the ninth Day of December Anno: Domine 1686 Phillip the sonn of Joseph and Ruth Drinker born on the Twelfth Day of Januarie in the year of ou^" Lord God 1686-87 John the sonn of John and Rebeckah Waltham born on the nine and Twentieth Day of Januarie Anno: Domine 1686: 87 Samuell the sonn of Georg and Bethia Standly born on the nine and Twentieth Day of October Anno: Domine 1686 Mary the Daughter of Beniamin and Katherine Deland born on the seauen and Twentieth Day of nouember Anno Domine 1683 Beniamin the sonn of Beniamin and Katherine Daland born on the Last Day of May in the year of ou"- Lord 1686 Nicholas Ober the fonn of Richard and Abigaile Ober born on the seauenteenth Day of September Anno: Do: 1686 Martha Conant the Daughter of Nathaniell and Hannah Conant born on the foure and Twentieth Day of ffebruarie 168f 14 Early Records of the Town of Beverly. Roger the son of Roger and Ruth Hoskins born on the Last Day of August in the year of ou"" Lord God 1683 Samuell the sonn of Roger and Ruth Hoskins born on the Twelfth Day of March in the year of ou"" Lord God 1686-87 Abigaile the Daughter of Humphry and Abigaile ffrench born on the foure and Twentieth Day of nouember Anno : 1686 Samuell Conant the sonn of Lott and Abigaile Conant born on the Thirtieth Day of march in the year of ou"" Lord God 1687 Samuell the sonn of Samuell Stone born on the fifteenth Day of Aprill (and son of Elizabeth stone the wife of said Samuell stone) in the yeare of ou*" Lord God 1687 page — Thomas Whittridg the son of Thomas and Chartie Whit- tridg born on the third Day of May in the year of ou"" Lord God 1687 Christian the Daughter of John Touy and Mary his wife born on the Twentieth Day of may in the year of ou^ Lord God 1687 Bridgett the Daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth Hebberd born on the Eleauenth Day of may Anno : Domine : 1 687 Susanah the Daughter of Richard and Sarah Woodburie born on the Eleauenth Day of may Anno: Domine 1687 Priscilla the Daughter of Peter and Sarah Woodburie born on the three and Twentieth Day of June Anno : Do : 1687 Deborah the Daughter of Samuell and Mary Hebbert born on the Eighteenth Day of July Anno: Domine 1687 Josiah the sonn of Joseph and Elizabeth Louett born on the six and Twentieth Day of July Anno: 1687: Samuell the sonn of John and Sarah Hale born on the thirteenth Day of August in the year of ou^ Lord 1687 William Sikes the sonn of William and Susana Sikes born on the Eighteenth Day of July Anno : Domine 1687 Elizabeth the Daughter of John and Christian Trask born on the fine and Twentieth Day of August in the year of ou"" Lord God 1687 [torn] the sonn of William and Joane Hawthird [Haw- thorn?] born on the thirteenth Day of September Anno: Domine 1687 Ruth the Daughter of John and Hannah Balch born on the sixth Day of October Anno: Domine 1687 John the fonn of John and Sarah Clark born on the seauenth Day of October Anno: Domine 1687 John the sonn of John and Elizabeth Ellenwood born on the second Day of March Anno: Do: 1685 Early Records of the Town of Beverly. 15 Simon the sonn of Thomas and Abigaile Woodburie born on the sixteenth Day of Januarie Anno: Do: 168|: EUzabeth the Daughter of Isaak and Mary Woodburie born on the seauenteenth Day of Januarie in the year of ou^" Lord God 168^ : page — Abigaile the Daughter of Anthony & Mary WilHams born on the seauenth Day of March 1687/8 Hannah the Daughter of William & : Margret Cleaus born on the one &: thirtieth Day of March Anno: Domine 1688 Elizabeth the Daughter of Joshuah & : Martha Baason born on the thirtieth Day of March in the year of ou"" Lord 1688 Theophylus the son of John and Elizabeth Sallows born on the tenth Day of Aprill Anno: Domine 1688 Hannah the Daughter of Roger and Hannah Haskall born on the three and Twentieth Day of Januarie Anno 1687:88 Samuell the son of Azadiah Smith and Hannah his wife born on the one and Twentieth Day of Aprill Anno: 1688: Ruth the Daughter of Joseph & : Mary Herrick born on the nine & : Twentieth Day of Aprill Anno 1688 Mary the Daughter of William &: Mary Raiment borne on the sixteenth Day of may in the year of ou*" Lord 1688 Deborah the Daughter of Phillip and Deborah White born on the six & Twentieth Day of May Anno : Domine 1688 Elizabeth the Daughter of Beniamin and Elizabeth Balch born on the sixth Day of July Anno : Dom : 1688 Elizabeth the Daughter of Thomas and Mercy Chubb born on the fine and Twentieth Day of June Anno : 1688 Jane the Daughter of Samuell and Elizabeth Curtize born on the fourth Day of August Anno : Domine 1688 John the son of John & Elizabeth Richards born one the Twentieth Day of June Anno: Domine 1682 Elizabeth the Daughter of John: &: Elizabeth Richards born on the Eighteenth Day of may Anno: Domine 1684 William the son of John & Elizabeth Richards born on the six- teenth Day of Nouember Anno: Domine 1685 Nathaniell the son of John & Elizabeth Richards born on the seauenth Day of August Anno: Domine 1688 'page — Sarah the Daughter of Jonathan and Elizabeth Biles born on the one and thirtieth Day of August Anno: Do: 1688 John the son of Beniamin and Katherine Deland born on the four- teenth Day of September Anno: Domine 1688 16 Early Records of the Town of Beverly. Hester the Daughter of WiUiani and Hannah Woodburie born on the feauenth Day of September Anno: Domine 1688 Henry the son of Henry and Mary Herrick born on the ninth Day of September in the year of ou"" Lord God 1688 Sarah the Daughter of John and Sarah Grouer born on the fourth Day of October in the year of ou^ Lord God 1688 Jacob the son of Jacob and Elinor Griggs born on the Eleauenth Day of October Anno: Domine 1688 Andrew the son of Nicholas and Mary Woodburie born on the fine and Twentieth Day of May Anno : Domine 1688 Abell Woodburie the son of Humphry Woodburie and Ann his wife born on the seauenth Day of October 1688 Solomon the son of Tobias and Mary Trow born on the Eleauenth Day of September Anno: Domine 1688 Sarah the Daughter of Georg: & Sarah Trow born on the two & Twentieth Day of februarie Anno : 1689 Edward the son of John Bond Amy Bond born on the fourth Day of march in the year of ou^ Lord 168f Nicholas the sonn of John and Rebeckah Waltham born on the seauen & Twentieth Day of Januarie in the year of ou"" Lord : God 1681 Dauid the fonne of Richard and Sarah Woodburie born on the fifteenth Day of March Anno: Domine 168f Mary Clark the Daughter of William and Elizabeth Clark Born on ye fifteenth Day of Aprill Anno: 1689 Mary the Daughter of John and Hester Stone born on the sixteenth Day of Aprill Anno: Domine 1689 Mary the Daughter of Mark and Mary Haskall born on the three and Twentieth Day of Aprill 1689 page — Samuell the sonn of Thomas & Abigaile Woodburie born on the seauenth Day of may Anno Do : 1689 Beniamin the sonn of Richard and Abigaile Ober born on the fourteenth Day of Aprill Anno: Domine 1689 John the sonn of Samuell and Elizabeth Stone born on the three and Twentieth Day of may Anno: 1689 Joanna the Daughter of M"" John Hale Minister of y« Gospell «fe of Sarah his wife born on the fifteenth Day of June Anno : Domine 1689 Early Records of the Town of Beverly. 17 Sarah the Daughter of Simeon & Agnis Louett born second Day of July Anno: Do 1689 Ann the Daughter of Isaack and Elizabeth Woodburie born on the twentyeth & ninth Day of June in the year of ou"" Lord God 1689 Elizabeth the Daughter of Thomas & Hannah Cox born on the sixteenth Day of August Anno: Domine 1689 Mary the Daughter of Joseph Day of January in ye year of our Lord 170f Abigail ye Daughter of George Rayment by Jerufha his wife was born ye tenth Day of March in ye year of our Lord 170| Ruth ye Daughter of Lott Connant by Elizabeth his wife w^as born ye Eighteenth Day of Nouember in ye year of our Lord 1702 Lydia ye Daughter of Samuell Herick by Sarah his wife was born on ye 26*h Day of June in ye year of our Lord 169f Abigail ye Daughter of Samuell Herrik by Sarah his wife was born on ye 13"i of Nouem in ye year of our Lord 1697 Samuell ye fon of Samuell Herrik by Sarah his wife was born on y® fixteenth day of November in ye year of our Lord 1702 page — Beniamin Lercom ye fon of Corneles Lercom by Abigal his wife was born ye fixth day of february in y^ year of our Lord 1 699 Dauid Lercom ye fon of Corneles Lercom by Abigal his wife was Born ye ninth day of October in ye year of our Lord 1701 Nehemiah Grouer ye fon of Edmond Grouer by mary his wife was Born ye ninth day of auguft in ye year of our Lord 1703 Sarah Woodin ye Daughter of Peter Woodin by Elezebeth his wife was Born ye twenty fecond day of July in ye year 1703 Mary Baker ye daughter of Jonathan Baker by Mary his wife was Born ye tenth day of Auguft in ye year of our Lord 1703 Thomas Woodbery ye Son of Robert Woodbery by Mary his wife Born ye twenty firft Day of June in y* year of our Lord 1703 Hanah Corning ye Daughter of Joseph Corning by Rebekah his wife was Born ye fixth day of October in ye year of our Lord 1703 Efther Dodg ye daughter of Jonathan Dodg iun by Efther his wife was Born y* nineteenth day of March in ye year of our Lord 1703 William Standly ye fon of John Standly by Rebekah his wife was Born ye thirty furft day of Auguft in y* year of our Lord 1700 Early Records of the Town of Beverly. 23 Rebekah Standly y^ Daughter of John Standly by Rebekah his wife was Born y^ thirtieth day of September in y^ year of our Lord 1703 Jofhua Corning y^ fon of John Corning by EHzabeth his wife was Born ye fifth day of Nouember in ye year of ou'" Lord 1703 flfrancis Dodg y^ fon of Jonathan Dodg by Elezebeth his wife was Born ye feuenth day of merch in y^ year of our Lord 1703 Samuell Morgin ye fon of Samuell Morgin by Sarah his wife was Born ye twenty third day of Aprill in ye year of our Lord 1700 Liuermor Witrig ye fon of Thomas Witrig by Sarah his wife was Born ye thirty eth day of October in ye year of our Lord 1703 Jonathan Morgin ye fon of Jofeph Morgin by Sarah his wife was Born ye fifth day of September in ye year of our Lord God 1703 Eunice Griggs ye Daughter of Jacob Griggs by ElUnor his wife was Born ye fecond day of february in ye year of our Lord God 170f Liddea Trafk ye daughter of Edward Trafk by Deberah his wife was Born ye tenth day of december in ye year of our: Lord God 1701 Sarah ye Daughter of Edward Trafk by Deberah his wife was Born ye twentyeth day of december in ye year of oiu- Lord God 1703 Humphry Horil ye fon of Humphry Horil by Elizebeth his wife was Born ye Eightenth day of September in ye year of our Lord 1703 EHzabeth Prid ye Daughter of Jofeph Prid by EHzabeth his wife was Born ye twenty fifth day of february in ye year 170f Robert Conant ye fon of Lot Conant Jun^ by Martha his Wife was Borne on the Twenty fixth Day of ApriH in ye year of o^ Lord God 1699 Johanah Woodbery ye Daughter of John Woodbery by. This Rec- ord for Berths is here in the Rong place page — Remember Ston ye Daughter of John Ston by Sarah his wife Was 'Born on: ye nine day of May in ye year of our Lord God 1704 EHazer ye fon of EHazer Giles by : Lidia his Wife was Born on ye 18 day of October In ye year of our Lord God 1704 Zechariah Herick ye fon of Henery Herick: bySusanahhis wifewas Born Septic ye: 4: In: ye year 1699 Unis Herick y^ Daughter of Henery Herick by Sufanah : His Wife was Born ye 5 day of octber In ye year of our L. G. 1701 24 hJarly Records of the Town of Beverly. Lois Herick y« Daughter of Henery : & Sufanah Herick Waf Born ye; 10: day of Octbr In ye year of our Lord God 1704 John Darby y^ fon of John Darby by Deberah His Wife was Bom Decb"" y^ 27: anno Dom 1704 page — Sarah Wallis ye Daughter of Caleb Wallis by Sarah his wife was Born ye twenty Eight day of Auguft in ye year of our Lord 1694 Caleb WaUis ye fon of Caleb Wallis by Sarah his wife was Born on ye fourtenth day of October in ye year of our Lord 1695 Jofliua Wallis ye fon of Caleb Wallis by Sarah his wife was Bom ye fifth day of March in ye year of our Lord God 169| Nathaniel Wallis ye fon of Caleb Wallis by Sarah his wife was Born on the thirtyeth day of December in ye year of our Lord 1699 Daneil Wallis ye fon of Caleb Wallis by Sarah his wife was Born on ye firft day of July in ye year of our Lord 1701 Abigaill Wallis ye Daughter of Caleb Wallis by Sarah his wife was Born on ye Eighteenth day of November in ye year of our Lord 1702 Martha Cleaues the Daughter of John Cleaues by Mercy : his Wife was Born on the 20 day of October 1703 Rebeckah the Daughter of Ifrael and Ann Wood was Born the 10 day of feptember In ye year of our Lord God 1703 Mary the Daughter of Samuell and Mary Weft was Born on the fixtenth day of May in ye year of our Lord God 1702 Judeth Hafkal ye Daughter of Roger Hafkal by Hanah his wife was Born on ye twenty third day of Aprill in ye year of our Lord 1703 Nicholes Grous ye fon of Peter Grous by Hanah his wife was Born on ye furft day of Janewary in ye year of our Lord 170f Joanah Woodbery ye Daughter of Andrew Woodbery by Emey his wife was Born on ye fiftenth day of September in ye year of our Lord God 1689 Andrew Woodbery ye fon of Andrew Woodbery by Emey his wife was Born on ye forthtenth Day of Nouember in ye year of our Lord God 1691 Pyam Blower ye fon of M"" Thomas Blower Paftur of ye Church in Beuerly By Emey His wife was Born ye twelfth day of Januy in ye year of our Lord 170| Sarah Dodg ye Daughter of Jofeph Dodg iun by Rebekah his wife was liorn on ye twenty firft day of July in ye year of our Lord 1703 Jane Louit ye Daughter of John Louit By Mary his wife was Born on ye thirtyeth day of July in ye year of our Lord 1700 Early Records of the Town of Beverly. 25 Marcy y^ Daughter of Peter Woodbery by Mary his Wife was Born ye 2 : day of Augft in ye year 1703 Jonathan Prid y® fon of Peter Prid by Hannah his Wife was Born on ye 8 day of April in ye year of our L. G. 1702 John the Son of Samuell and Mary Weft was Born on ye 21 day of June in ye year of our Lord God 1702 'page — Martha Balch ye Daughter of Samuel Balch by Martha his Wife Was Borne on ye thirteenth day of September in ye year of o^ Lord God 1676 Samuel Balch ye fonn of Samuel Balch by Martha his Wife was Bo(r)ne on ye fixteenth day of may in the year of our Lord God 1678 Benjamin and John Balch Twins & fons of Samuel Balch by Martha his Wife ware Borne on ye nine & twentieth day of March in ye year of our Lord God 1682 Phebe Balch ye Daughter of Samuel Balch by Martha his Wife was Borne on ye in Aprill neere the begining of fd month in ye year of our Lord God 1684 Cornelius Balch ye fon of Samuel Balch by Martha his wife was Borne in May neere the begining of fd month in ye year of ou^" Lord God 1687 Abigail Balch ye Daughter of Samuel Balch by his Wife Martha was Borne ye Twenty fourth day of May in the year of ou«" Lord God 1689 Thomas Balch ye fon of Samuel Balch by Martha his Wife was Borne on ye firft day of Aprill in ye year of ou'" Lord God 1692 Elizabeth Black the Daughter of John Black by Deborah his Wife was Borne on ye thirty firft day of May in the year of our Lord God 1686 Jofhua Balch the fon of John Balch by Hanah his Wife was Borne on ye fixth day of November in ye year of o^ Lord God 1688 David Balch the fon of John Balch by Hannah his Wife was Borne ye firft day of October in ye year of our Lord God 1691 Roger Balch the fon of John Balch by Hannah his Wife was Borne on ye ffourteenth day Juely in the year of our Lord God 1693 Martha Rayment ye Daughter of John Rayment by Martha his Wife was Borne on the Eleventh day of Auguft in ye year of our Lord God 1692 Thefe vnderwritten are ye Children Whome God hath graciously given unto Jonathan & Sarah Rayment of ye town of Beverly 26 Early Records of the Town of Beverly. Rachel Rayment born y® twentieth & fixth of January in ye year of o\ir Lord God 1689 Anah Rayment born y« fixth day of March in y^ year of our Lord God 1692 Jerufha Rayment born y« twentieth and fixth day of September in y« year of our Lord God 1694 Benerges Rayment born y« fowrtenth in ye of May in ye year of our Lord God 1695 Barnabas Rayment born ye thirtieth day of March in ye year of our Lord God 1701 Noah Louit ye fon of Samuell and Prudenc Louit Borne : ye twenty and fixt day of April in ye year: of our Lord God: 1704 Mary the Daughter of Thomas and Criftian Weft was Born the fixteenth day of March In ye year 170f "page — Jeremiah the son of Mathew & Elizabeth Buttman born the Eighth day of ffebruary 1691 Ebenezer the son of Richard & Elizabeth Thissell born the Eight day of november Anodom 1690 Jonathan the Son of Samuel & mary Hebbard born the twenty forth day of May Anodom 1689 Prefilla the daughter of John & Sarah Stone born the twenty feauenth day of October Anodom 1690 Samuel the Son of Roger & Ruth Haskins born the Seavententh day of October Anodom 1690 Kezia the daughter of Georg & bathiah Stanly born the Seaven- tenth day of August Anodom 1690 Roda the daughter of George & Bathia Stanly born the day of August Anodom 1688 Sarah the daughter of William & Joana Woodbery born the fore- tenth day of december Anodom 1690 Samuell the Son of M' Thomas & Elizabeth Woodbery born the second day of ffebruary: An 1691 George the Son of Benieman & Katherine Deland born the sixtenth day of ffebruary: Ano 169^ Nathan the Son of humphrey & Ann woodbery born the Aight day of march Anodom 16|J Sarah the daughter of Nathanill & Mary Stone born the ffift day of ffebruary Ano Dom 1690 Hanah the daughter of Ebinezer & Hanah woodbery born the twenty seaventh day of ffebruary Anodom 16|i Early Records of the Town of Beverly. 27 Rebecka the daughter of Jacob & Elliner griges born the third day of June Anodom 1691 Patients the daughter of John and Ales Woodbery born the Eight- enth day of May: 1691 Sarah the daughter of John & Sarah Grover born the twentie & Eight 28th day of Aprill 1690 Hanah the daughter of Azadiah & Hanah Smith born the twentie Eighth day of October Anodom 1690 Jonathan the sonn of Robert and Ehzabeth: Cue born the ffirst day of August Anodom 1691 Humphrey the sonn of Humphry and Ehzabeth Harrald Born y« second day of September 1691 Martha the daughter of Luke & martha Perkins Born the ninetenth day of September Anodom : 1691 Josiah the sonn of Nathanill & Mary Stone Born the twenty seav- enth day of August : 1691 Ruth the daughter of Benieman and Ehzabeth Balch born the twentie ninth day of August Anodom 1691 Cahb the sonn of Wilham & Ehzabeth Clarke born y^ tenth day of August Anodom 1691 John the Sonn of Thomas & Sarah gage Born y^ twentie sixt day of novembr Anod; 1691 Dannill the sonn of Wilham & Mary Rayment Born the ffiue & twentieth day of November being wends day About one of the Clock in the Afternoon in the yeare of our Lord Anodom 1691 Robert ye sonn of Joseph & Deborah Morgan born the twelth day of January Anodom 1681 page — Benjeman the sonn of Joseph & Deborah Morgan born the twelth day of March Anodom 1683 Meriam the daughtter of Joseph & Deborah Morgan born the twelth day of July Anodom 1685 Abigaill the daughter of Joseph & Deborah Morgan born in Sep- tember 1687 Moses the sonn of Sargant Joseph morgan and Deborah his wife born y« sixt day of septem^r 1688 Sarah the daughter of Sargant Joseph Morgan & Deborah his wife born y« ffortenth day of October in the yeare of our Lord 1691 William the sonn of Beniamin & Mary EUinwood born y« ffirst day of november Anodom 1691 28 Early Records of the Town of Beverly. Sarah the daughter of John Dodg Jun^ & Mary his wife born the twelue day of november 1690 Josiah the sonn of John & Mary Trask liuing in the bounds of Salem born the tenth of deeember 1691 David the sonn of Nathanill & Rebeckah Rayment born ye thir- tenth day of January 169^ Danniell the sonn of Roger & Hanah Haskill borne y^ eleventh day of January Anodom 169^ Lidia the daughter of Isaack & Elizabeth Woodbery born the fiifteneth day of ffebruary 169^ Daniell the Sonn of Daniell & Mary ColUns born the twentye ffirst day of March Ano 169^ Samuell the fon of Samuell and Abiel Stone born the firft day of Apriell Ano Dom 1691 fage — Elizabeth the Daughter of William & Ruth Haskill : born the 22th day of July Anodom 1688 WilUam y* Sonn of WilHam & Ruth Haskill born y« twentie fforth day of May Anodom : 1690 Robert the sonn of Samuel & Elizabeth Ston born the twentie Eight day of Aprill 1692 Return the daughter of Ralph & Mart her* Ellinwood born y* twenty second day of May 1692 Rebecka & Joseph the twins of Joseph & Elizabeth Hebard born ye thirtenth day of July 1692 Bathia y® Daughter of William & Ratchell Bradford born y« twen- tieeth day of June 1692 Abigell the daughter of Ebenezer & Hanah Woodbery born y® first day of July Anodom 1692 Hanah the Daughter of John And Katharen Sallos born the twentie Eight of deeember Anodom in the year of our lord 1690 Thomas the Sonn of Robert & Elizabeth Cue born y^ thirtieth day of August Anodom 1692 John the sonn of John & Elizabeth Deland born the ninetenth day of August Anodom 1685 Phillip the sonn of John & Elizabeth Deland born y« seaventh day of May Anodom 1687 William the sonn of John & Elizabeth Deland born ye seavententh day of March 1689 * She was Martha Rolandson. Early Records of the Tovm of Beverly. 29 Elizabeth the daughter of John & Elizabeth Deland born the ffirst day of July Anodom 1692 John Louit y« fon of Benjam and Annah Louit Born on the 22 day of April In y^ year of our Lord God 1704 page — John sonn of John Grover Juner & Sarah his wife born y« seaventh day of June 1692 Elizabeth the daughter of Corporall Thomas Whitteridg & Charitie his wife born the twentieth day of May Anodom 1691 Joseph the sonn of Mark & mary Haskill born the third day of november at nine of y^ Clock at night Anodom 1692 Joseph the sonn of Elias & Anah Pickworth born the Eleventh day of September Anodom 1692 Anah the daughter of Phillip & Hanah Babson born 3^* twenty second day of August Anodom 1690 page — Rebecka the daughter of Jacob & Elliner Griggs born 3^ thirtenth day of December Anodom 1692 John the sonn of M"" John Hale Minister of the gospele In beverly In y^ Countie of Essex & Sarah his wife born y^ twentie fforth day of December Anodom 1692 John the sonn of John& Ales Woodbery born y® sixt day of ffebruary Anodom 169f Samuel the sonn of Hazadia Smith & hana his wife born the Sixt of November Anodom 1692 Jofeph Trafk y« fonn of Samuel Trafk of falem by fufanah his Wife Was Born the ninth Day of Aprill in y« year of ou' Lord God 1694 iSlo^^*^) William the fon of ffreeborn and ElizabetH^alch Was Born on the 30 day of fep*^"" Anno Domini 1703 page — Hanah the daughter of William & Joana Woodbery born ye fforetenth day of January Anodom 169f Debora the daughter of Benjamin & Grace Balch born 3^ sixt day of June Anodom 1693 Sarah the daughter of Samuel & Sarah Herrick born the Eight day of December Anodom 1692 Matthew the fonn of Matthew Butman of Beverly by his Wife Elizabeth was Born y^ twenty Eighth Day of Aprill in y« yeare of our Lord God 1693 Abigail Sallowes the Daughter of Thomas Sallowes by his wife 30 Early Records of the Town of Beverly. Abigal was Borne on the Eighth day of Auguft in y« yeare of ou' Lord God 1693 Mark Woodbery y« fonn of Peter Woodbery of Beverly by his Wife Mary was Born the Twenty firft day of October in y« yeare of ou"- Lord God 1693 John the fonn of Samuell Morgan of Beverly by Sarah His Wife was Borne on y« thirtieth day of September in y« yeare of ou*" Lord God 1693 Sarah the Daughter of Lott Conant of Beverly by Abigail his Wife was Borne on the fecond of November in y« year of o"" Lord God 1693 William Trow fonn of George Trow of Beverly by Sarah his Wife was Borne on y« Twenty fourth day of October in y« yeare of ou' Lord God 1691 Mary Smith y« Daughter of John Smith of Beverly by Mary his Wife was Borne on y« fifth day of feptember in the yeare of ou"" Lord God 1686 Jonathan Smith 5^ fonn of John Smith of Beverly by Mary his Wife was Born on y« Twenty fourth Day of feptember in y« yeare of our Lord God 1688 James Smith y« fonn of John Smith of Beverly by Mary his Wife was Borne on y^ Thirty firft Day of May in y« yeare of ou"" Lord God 1692 page — Samuel Corning the fonn of Samuel Corning by Sufanah his Wife was Borne on y^ nintenth Day of December in y« year of ou^ Lord God 1693 Sarah the Daughter of Thomas Whitridge by Charitie his Wife was Borne on y« feaventeenth day of auguft in y« year of o"" Lord God 1693 Mary Cue the Daughter of Roberd Cue by Ehzabeth his Wife was Borne on y« tenth day of December in y^ yeare of ou"" Lord God 1693 Sufanah Geage the Daughter of Thomas Geage by Sarah his Wife was Borne on the tweluth Day of January in y« yeare of ou'' Lord God 169f Nathaniel wood y« fonn of Gabral & Marcy wood was Borne on the third Day of feptember in y^ year of ou'" Lord God 1690 Rebekah wood y« Daughter of Gabral & Marcy wood was Borne on y« Thirty firft day of January in y« yeare of ou' Lord God 169§ Early Records of the Town of Beverly. 31 Sarah Geage the Daughter of Mofes Geage by farah his Wife was Borne on the third Day of April in the yeare of ou"" Lord God 1692 Samuel Ober fonn of Richard Ober by Abigaill His Wife was Borne , on the thirteenth Day of June in ye yeare of ou"" Lord God 1693 ' Prifcilla morgan y* Daughter of Roberd morgan by Ann his Wife was Borne on the Eighteenth day of June in y* yeare of on^ Lord God 1693 Calab Dodg y* fonn of William Dodg by Mary his Wife Was Borne on the nintenth Day of ffebruary in y« year of ou"" Lord God 169| Jonathan Larcom fonn of Cornelius Larcom by Abigail his Wife was Born ye Eighth day of march in y« year of ou"" Lord God 16fx Abigaill fmith Daughter of John fmith by Mary his wife was Born ye Tenth Day of ffebruary in ye yeare of ou^ Lord God 169f Robert Cleaues the fon of Wiliam Cleaues by Margreet his Wife was Borne on the one and twentieth day of July in ye yea"" of c lod 1689 Ebenezer Cleaues ye fonn of William Cleaues by margreet Wife was Borne on 5^ thirteenth day of October in y* yeare of ou"" Lord 1691 Benjamin Cleaues ye fonn of William Cleaues by Margreet his Wife was Born on y* Twentithird Day of October in ye year of ou^" Lord 1693 Mary ye Daughter of George ftandley fen"" by Bethiah his wife was Borne on ye fixteenth day of may in ye year of ou^ Lord God 1693 Patiance Elenwood the daughter of Benjamin Elenwood by Mary His Wife was Borne on the nineteenth day of June in the yeare of our Lord God 1693 Nathaniel Cole 5^ fon of Solomon Cole by Mary his Wife was Born on ye Twentie ninth day of Juely in ye year of o*" Lord 1694 page — Mary Conant the Daughter of William Conant by mary his Wife Was Borne on the fourth Day of Aprill Anodom 1694 Hannah Perkings the Daughter of Luke perkings by Martha his Wife was Bore the twelfth Day of March in ye year of our Lord God 169t Ralph Elenwood ye fonn of Ralph Elenwood by Martha his wife was Born on ye Eighteenth day of April in ye year of o"" Lord God 1694 32 Early Records of the Town of Beverly. Bartholomew Trow fonn of George Trow of Beverly by Sarah his Wife was Borne on y« ninth day of April in y« year of o"" Lord God 1694 Nathaniel Dodg y^ fonn of Jofeph Dodg by Sarah his Wife was Borne on the fevententh day of Aprill in the yeare of ou"" Lord God 1694 Mary Collins the Daughter of Daniel Collins of Beverly by Mary his wife was Borne on y^ fixth day of feptember in y^ yeare of ou^ Lord God 1694 I Merriani Balch the Daughter of ffr eeborn Balch of Beverly by Mer- / riam his Wife was Borne on y^ fecond Day^f Auguft in y^ year of ou-- Lord God 1683 ffreeborne Balch y^ fonn of ffreeborne Bal ch of Beverly by Merriam his Wife was Borne on y« twenty^ UTth Day of november in the \ yeare of our Lord God 1685 Benjamin Balch y^ fonn of ff rgeborne j^jdch of Beverly by Merriam his Wife Wafe Borne on y^ feventeenth of Aprill in y^ yeare of ou"" Lord God 1688 Skepper Balch y^ fonn of f Freeboi^ g_BgIg]i of Beverly by Elizabeth his wife was Borne on y^ twenty fifth Day of July in the year of ou"" Lord God 1692 Elizabeth Elenwood y^ Daughter of John Elenwood of Beverly by Elizabeth his Wife was Borne on y^ fecond Day of ffebruary in the yeare of ou"" Lord God 169f Mary Walles the Daughter of Jofhua Walles of Beverly by Abiah his Wife Was Borne y^ fourth Day of September in the year of ou^ Lord God 1694 Abigaill Woodbery y^ Daughter of peter Woodbery of Beverly by Mary his Wife was Borne on y^ fourteenth Day of September in y« year of ou"" Lord God 1694 Roberd Woodbery the fonn of Robert Woodbery of Beverly by Mary his Wife Was Borne on ffourth Day of September in y« yeare of ou-- Lord God 1694 Jarufha Rayment the Daughter of Jonathan Rayment of Beverly by Sarah his Wife was Borne the Twenty fifth Day of September in y^ year of o"" T^ord God 1694 Jofhua Dodg y^ fonn of Jofhua Dodg of Beverly by Johannah His Wife Was Borne on y« Twentieth Day of Septemb^ in y« year of ou^ Lord God 1694 Early Records of the Town of Beverly. 33 page — Paul Rayment the fonn of William Rayment of Beverly by Mary his Wife was Borne Tufe Day y^ Twenty fecond Day of Janu- ary about one of the Clock in the After noone in y^ yeare of ou' Lord God 169| Elizabeth Conant y« Daughter of John Conant of Beverly by Bathiah his Wife was Borne on y^ fourteenth Day of January, in ye year of ou' Lord God 1681 Bathiah Conant y^ Daughter of John Conant of Beverly by Bathiah his Wife was Borne on ye fourteenth day of Octob'" in y^ yeare of our Lord God 1684 John Conant y^ fonn of John Conant of Beverly by Bathiah his Wife was Borne on y® feaventh Day of July in y^ year of ou'" Lord 1686 Debbrah Conant y^ Daughter of John Conant of Beverly by Ba- thiah his Wife was Borne on y^ Twentieth Day of february in y^ year of o' Lord 1687 Daniel Conant ye fonn of John Conant of Beverly by Bathiah his Wife Was Borne on ye ninteenth Day of novemb'' in ye year of o'' Lord God 1694 Rebecah Rayment ye Daughter of Nathaniel Rayment of Beverly by Rebecah his Wife was Borne on ye Twentieth Day of novemb"" in ye year of ou"" Lord God 1694 Jonathan Trafke y* fonn of Jofeph Trafk of Beverly by Elizabeth his Wife was Borne on ye fixteenth Day of September in ye year of our Lord God 1694 Luke Morgan ye fonn of famuel Morgan of Beverly by Sarrah his Wife Was Borne on ye feaventh Day of ffebruary in ye yeare of o' Lord God 169| Roger Conant ye fonn of Lott Conant of Beverly by Abigail his Wife was Borne on ye Eighteenth Day of ffebruary in yea^ of o^ lord 169^ James Smith ye fonn of Hazadiah Smith of Beverly by Hannah his wife was Borne on ye fecond Day of ffebruary in ye year of o"" Lord God 169| Daniel Woodbery ye fonn of John Woodbery of Beverly by Ales his Wife was Borne on the feven and twentieth Day of January in the year of c lord God 169f Mary Elenwood the Daughter of Benjamin Elenwood by Mary his wife was Borne on the Twenty third Day of Aprill in ye year of ou"" Lord God 1695 34 Early Records of the Town of Beverly. Sarrah Stone the Daughter of John Stone of Beverly by Sarah his Wife was Borne on the third day of Aprill in the year of our Lord God 1693 Merriam Stone the Daughter of John Stone of Beverly By Sarah his Wife was Borne on the twlfth day of Aprill in ye year of ou' Lord God 1695 Anna Rich y* Daughter of Edward Rich of Beverly by Anna his Wife was Borne on the ninth Day of January in y® year of c Lord God 169| "page — Ifrael Woodbury y^ fonn of William Woodbury of Beverly by Johannah his Wife was Borne on y« fix and Twentieth Day of Decemb*" in y« year of o^" Lord God 1694 Mary Trow the Daughter of Tobias Trow by Mary his Wife was Borne on y® Twenty fifth Day of merch in y« year of ou"" Lord God 169f Hannah Corning y« Daughter of Sam" Corning Jun'' of Beverly by fufanah his wife was Borne on y® fourtenth Day of may in the year of ou"" Lord God 1695 Nathaniel Baker the fonn of Cornelius Baker of Beverly by Abigail his Wife was Borne on ye Thirtieth Day of December in ye year of ou-- Lord God 1692 Abigail Baker y® Daughter of Cornelius Baker of Beverly by Abi- gail his Wife was Borne on y® fecond Day of Aprill in the year of ou-- Lord God 1695 Abigail Weltch y® Daughter of John Weltch of Beverly by Sarah his Wife was Borne on y® Thirteenth Day of June in the year of ou^ Lord God 1695 Abigail Parlor ye Daughter of Thomas Parlor of Beverly by Eliza- beth his Wife was Borne on ye Ninteenth Day of may in ye year of ou"- Lord God 1695 Abigail Grigs the Daughter of Jacob Grigs of Beverly by Elenor his Wife was Borne on the Eighth Day of July in y® year of oil' Lord God 1695 David Wheeler the fonne of John Wheeler of Beverly by Mary his Wife was Borne on ye one and twentieth Day of Novemb"" in y« year of ou"" Lord God 1694 Anthony Wood ye fonn of William Wood of Beverly by Elizabeth his Wife was Borne on y® feventh day of January in ye of our Lord Early Records of the Town of Beverly. 35 Luke perkings y^ fonn of Luke perkings of Beverly by Martha his Wife Was Borne on y« feventeenth Day of Septemb'" in y« year of ou-- Lord God 1695 Caleb Wallice y« fonn of Caleb Wallice of Beverly by Sarah his Wife was Borne on fourteenth Day of October in y year of our Lord God 1695 Jofeph Herrick y« fonn of Samuel Herrick of Beverly by Sarrah his Wife was Borne on y« fixteenth Day of Novemb"" in the year of ou^ Lord God 1695 Georg Herrick fon of George Herrick late of Salem by Martha his wife was Borne on ye fecond Day of January in the year of ou'" Lord God 1695/6 page — Nathanale Trafk y« fonn of John Trafk of Beverly By Hannah his Wife was Borne on y^ Twentieth Day of January in ye yeare of o^ lord God 169| Abigail Stone y® Daughter of Samuel Stone of Beverly by Elizabeth his Wife was Borne on y* feventeenth Day of Novemb*" in y* year of ou"- Lord God 1695 Mary Louet y« Daughter of John louit of Beverly by Mary his wife was Borne on y« Twentyninth day of Novemb'" in y« year of ou' Lord God 1695 Lydia Balch y® Daughter of Benjamin Balch fen'' of Beverly by Grace his Wife was Borne on the Twenty Eighth Day of Auguft in y« year of ou"" Lord God 1695 John Dodg y^ fonn of John Dodg Jun"" of Beverly, by mary his Wife was Borne on y® Eighth Day of November in y« year of ou"" Lord God 1694 Robert Cue the fonn of Robert Cue of Beverly by Elizabeth his wife Was Borne on y« Thirteenth Day of Decemb"" in y® year of o' Lord God 1695. Annes fmith the Daughter of John fmith of Beverly by Mary his Wife was Born on y« Eighteenth Day of november in y® year of ou*" Lord God 1695 Jane Stone the Daughter of Samuel ftone of Beverly by Abiall his Wife was Borne on y« Ninth Day of february in y® year of ou*" Lord God 169| William Conant the fonn of William Conant of Beverly by Mary his Wife was Born on the thirtieth day of January in y® year of ou^ Lord God 169^ 36 Early Records of the Town of Beverly. Abigaill Elenwood y® daughter of Ralph Elenwood by martha his Wife was Born on y^ twenty fecond Day of January in y« year of o"" lord god 169^ Elizabeth Morgan the Daughter of Robert Morgan of Beverly by Ann His Wife was Born on the ffourth Day of Auguft in the year of ou-- Lord God 1695 William Butman y^ fonn of Matthew Butman of Beverly by Eliza- beth his Wife was Borne on y^ fifth Day of March in the year of our Lord God 169^ Benerges Rayment the fonn of Jonathan Rayment of Beverly by farah his Wife was Borne on the ffourteenth Day of May in the yeare of o'' Lord 1696 Ebenezer Weltch the fonn of John Weltch by Sarah his Wife was Borne on the Ninteenth Day of may Anod 1696 Sarah Pickworth the Daughter of Elias Pickworth by Anna his Wife was Borne on the firft Day of May in the year of ou'' Lord God 1696 " page — Roger Trow y« fonn of George Trow of Beverly by farah his Wife was Borne on the thirteenth day of June in the year of ou"^ Lord God 1696 Richard Woodbery the fon of John Woodbery of Beverly by [Alice] his wife was Borne on the feventh day of July in the year of our Lord God 1696 fimon Lovit the fonn of fimon Lovit of Beverly by Annis his wife was Borne on the tenth Day of Auguft in the year of our Lord God 1696 Rebekah Dodg the Daughter of Jofeph Dodg Jun of Beverly by Rebakah his wife was Borne on the feventh Day of feptember in the year of our lord God 1696 Jofeph Woodbery the fonn of Peter Woodbery Jun^ of Beverly by Mary his Wife was Borne on y« twenty ninth Day of feptember in the year of our Lord God 1696 Nathaniel Stone y^ fonn of Nathaniel ftone Jun"" of Beverly by Mary his Wife was Borne on y^ thirtieth Day of Novemb'' in y^ year of ou'' Lord God 1694 Sarah Morgan y« Daughter of Samuel Morgan Jun'' of Beverly by farah his wife was Borne on y« firft Day of Januar in y^ year of ou' Lord God 1695 Rebekah Conant y^ Daughter of John Conant of this Towne by ' Early Records of the Town of Beverly. 37 Bathiah his Wife was Borae on the twenty ninth Day of March in ye year of ou^ lord God 1696 Jofiah Wood fonn of Nehemiah Wood of this Towne by Sufanah his Wife Was Borne on y^ Eleventh Day of ffebruary in y^ year of ou^ Lord God 169f John White fonn of Phillip White of this Towne by Deberah his Wife was Borne on y« fourth Day of ffebruary in y® year of ou"" Lord God 169f Prif cilia Elenwood y® Daughter of Benjamin Elenwood by mary his wife was Borne on y® third Day of March in y® year of our Lord God 169f Mary Woodbery the Daughter of Robert Woodbery of Beverly by Mary his wife was Borne on y^ Eighteenth Day of Aprill in the year of our Lord God 1697 Vnice ftone y^ daughter of John ftone of Beverly by farrah his wife was Borne on y^ fixteenth day of October in y® year of ou' Lord God 1696 Elizabeth Herrick y^ Daughter of Jonathan Herrick of Beverly by Elizabeth his Wife was Borne on y® fixth day of May in y^ year of o-- Lord God 1697 Mary Turfs y® Daughter James Turfs by hannah his Wife was Borne on y« fourteenth day of January in y^ year of ou"" Lord God 169f William Woodbery y fonn of William Woodbery of Beverly by Johannah his Wife was Borne on y^ Eleventh Day of Juely in the year of our Lord God 1697 page — Elizabeth Rayment the Daughter of Nathaniel Rayment by Rebekah his Wife was Borne on y fix and Twenty eth Day of may in the year of ou"" Lord God 1697 Ebenezer Elenwood fonn of Ralph Elenwood by Martha his Wife was Borne on y^ Nine & Twentieth day of Auguft in y^ year of our Lord God 1697 Ifrael Dodg fonn of of William Dodg by Mary his Wife Was Borne on ye firft day of feptember in y^ year of our Lord God 1697 Elizabeth Wood y^ Daughter of William Wood by Elizabet his Wife was Borne on y^ fixteenth day of feptember in the year of our Lord God 1697 Jonathan fmith fonn of Hazadiah fmith by Hannah his Wife was Borne on Twelfth day of Auguft in y^ year of ou"" Lord God 1697 •38 Early Records of the Town of Beverly. Roger Hafkall fonn of Roger Hafkall by Hannah his Wife was Borne on y^ fixteenth day of October in y« year of ou'' Lord God 1697 Anna Woodbery Daughter of Benjamin Woodbery by Mary his Wife was Borne on y® three and Twentieth Day of Auguft in y« year of o^ Lord God 1697 Ozman Trafk fon of Jofeph Trafk by EUzabeth his Wife was Borne on ye tenth Day of December in the year in the year of our Lord God 1696 Cornehus Larkum fon of CorneHus Larkum by Abigail his Wife was Borne on the fifteenth Day of february in the year of our Lord God 169^ Ehzabeth Wooding Daughter of Peter Wooding by Elizabeth his Wife was Borne on the Twenty firft day of feptember in the year of ou'- Lord God 1697 Johannah Lovet y« Daughter of John Lovet Jun^" by Mary his wife was Borne on y^ fixth day of January in the year of our Lord God 1691 Nicholas Morgan y^ fonn of Robert Morgan by Ann his wife was Borne on the third day of may in the year of ou'' Lord God 1697 Jonathan Corning fonn of Samuel Corning Jun"" by fufanah his Wife was Borne on y^ firft day of Aprill in y^ year of ou"^ Lord God 1698 Noah Dodg fon of Jofeph Dodg Jun^ by Rebekah his Wife was Borne on y^ feventeenth Day of February in y® year of ou'' Lord God 169| Robert Baker y« fon of Jonathan Baker by Mary his wife was Borne on the three and Twentith day of Aprill in y^ year of ou'' Lord God 1698 Humphrey Woodbery the fon of John Woodbery by Ales his Wife was Borne on the third day of Juely in y® year of o"" Lord God 1698 Deliuerance Parlor the Daughter of Thomas Parlor by Elizabeth his wife was Borne on ye thirteth day of Aprill in y* year of o"^ Lord God 1698 Elizabeth ftone y^ Daughter of Samuel Stone fen"" by Elizabeth his Wife was Borne on y^ firft day of Auguft in y® year of o"" Lord God 1698 Ann Trow the Daughter of George Trow by Sarah his wife was Borne on the fifth day of feptember in y^ year of our Lord God 1698 page — Samuel Horrill ye fonn of Humphery Horrill by Elizabeth Early Records of the Town of Beverly. 39 His Wife was Borne on the feuenth day of June in the year of our Lord God 1698 Emma Taylor y^ Daughter of James Taylor by Emma his Wife was Born'' on y® fixteenth day of January in y^ year of ou"" Lord God 168f James Taylor y^ fon of James Taylor by Emma his Wife was Borne on the feventeenth day of may in y^ year of ou^ Lord God 1686 Mary Taylor y" Daughter of James Taylor by Emma his Wife was Borne on y^ Twenty fixth day of Aprill in y" year of ou^" Lord God 1688 Mercy Taylor y^ Daughter of James Taylor by Emma his Wife was Borne on y« third day of March in y^ year of ou'' Lord God 169f Johannah Taylor ye Daughter of James Taylor by Emma his Wife was Borne on y^ Twenty fixth day of may in y^ year of ou' Lord God 1694 Elizabeth Taylor ye Daughter of James Taylor by Emma his Wife was Borne on the Twenty fixth day of Auguft in y^ year of ou^ ou^ Lord God 1695 Benjamin Conant y^ fon of John Conant by Bethiah his Wife was Borne on y*" Two and Twentieth day of October in y^ year of o^ Lord God 1698 Elizabeth Turfs Daugter of James Turfs by Hanah his Wife was Borne on y^ thirty firft day of Juely in y^ year of ou' Lord God 1698 Ebenezer Conant y® fon of Roger Conant by Mary his Wife was Borne on y^ thirtieth day of December in y^ year of o"" Lord God God 1698 Robert Thorndik y® fonn of John Thorndike by Johana his Wife was Borne on y^ fourth Day of ffebruary in y^ year of o"" Lord God 169f Paul Thorndike y^ fon of John Thorndike by Johanah his Wife was Borne on y^ fifth Day of ffebruary in y® year of o"" Lord God 169f Nehemiah Wood y^ fon of Nehemiah Wood by fufanah his Wife was Borne on y® thirteenth day of ffebruary in y^ year of o"" lord God 169| Ambros Stone y® fonn of John ftone by Sarrah his Wife was Borne on the third day of October in the year of o'" Lord God 1698 Jofeph Dodg y" fon of Jofeph Dodg by Rebekah his wife was Borne on y® ninth day of January in y® year of o"" Lord God 169f 40 Early Records of the Town of Beverly. Meriam White y^ Daughter of John White by Meriam his Wife was Borne on y® Twenty firft Day of Novenib'" in y® year of o' Lord God 1696 ]\Iary White y^ Daughter of philip White by Deborah his wife Avas Borne on y® fixth day of November in the year of o"" Lord God 1698 John Herrick y® fon of John Herrick by Sarah his wife was Borne on y® fecond Day of march in y® year of o"" Lord God 169f Benjamin Woodbery y® fon of Peter Woodbery by Mary his Wife was Borne on y® Eighteenth day of Aprill in y* year of ou"" Lord God 1699 Johanah Herrick y^ Daughter of Jofeph Herrick by Mary his Wife was Borne on y^ Twenty ninth day of May in y® year of our Lord God 1695 Jofhua Herrick y® fon of Jofeph Herrick by Mary his Wife was Borne on y^ fiue and Twentieth day of fTebruary in the year of our Lord God 169f Mary Morgan y® Daughter of Jofeph Morgan by Sarah his wife was Borne on y® Eighth day of feptember in y^ year of o"" Lord God 1696 page — [torn] Morgan y® Dau was Borne on y^ fixteenth Day [Ed]ward Butman fon of Matthew Butman by Elizabeth was Borne on y® thirtieth Day of Aprill Lord God [1699] [Baptized April 30th 1699] Sarah Elenwood y® Daughter of John Elenwood by Sarah his Wife was Borne on y^ fourth day of may in y® year of o"" Lord God 1699 David Elenwood y® fon of Benjamin Elenwood by Mary his Wife was Borne on y^ Eleventh Day of Decemb in y^ year of o'" Lord God 1698 David Conant fon of William Conant by Mary his Wife was Borne on y^ feventeenth day of Auguft in y® year of o*" Lord God 1699 Ruth Ingerfoll y^ Daughter of Richard Ingerfoll by Ruth his wife was Borne on y^ Twenty fourth Day of December in y^ year of o^ Lord God 1698 Ifaac Griggs y® fon of Jacob Griggs by Elener his Wife was Borne on ye Twentieth feventeth Day of June in y® year of o'"lord God 1699 Early Records of the Town of Beverly. 41 William Lovet fon of Simon Lovet by Annis his Wife was Borne on y^ third day of March in y® year of o*" Lord God 169f John Corning fon of John Corning by Elizabeth his Wife was Borne on y® tenth day of Aprill in ye year of our Lord God 1699 Ezekiel Herrick fon of Samuel Herrick by Mahitable his Wife was Borne on the fixth day of Novemb"" in y« year of ou^ Lord God 1699 Margreet Wallice y^ Daughter of Nathaniel Wallice by Anna his Wife was Borne on y^ firft Day of Novemb"" in y^ year of o'' Lord God 1699 Robert Conant y« fon of Lot Conant Jun"" by Martha his Wife was Borne on Twenty fixth day of Aprill in y^ year of o'" Lord God 1699 Johanah Woodbery y« Daughter of John Woodbery by Ales his wife was Borne on y^ fixteenth day of Novemb'" in ye year of C Lord God 1699 Benjamin Woodbery ye fon of Robert Woodbery by Mary his Wife was Borne on the firft day of Auguft in the year of our Lord God 1699 Nathaniel Wallice y^ fon of Nathaniel Wallice by Annah his Wife was Borne on y^ Eleventh day of November in the year of our Lord God 1700 page — [ torn ] enezer Dodg by Lydia his Wife feptemb'" in y® year of o'" Lord God [1699] Hannah Dodg of Andrew Dodg by Hannah his Wife was Borne on y® feventh day of Juely in ye year of o^" Lord 1699 Benjamin Rayment y^ fonn of Nathaniel Rayment by Rebeckah his Wife was Borne on the firft Day of December in the year of C" Lord God 1699 Jonathan Cole y* fon of Solomon Cole by Mary his Wife was Borne on ye fecond da of feptemb"" in ye year of o^ Lord God 1699 Samuell Rayment the fon of John Rayment Jun^ by Deborah his wife was Borne on y® fifth Day of October in ye year of o'" Lord God 1699 William Parlor ye fon of Thomas Parlor by Elizabeth his wife was Borne on ye thirtenth Day of March in ye year of o"" Lord God 1699/70 Jofeph Dodg fon of Jofeph Dodg by Rebeckah his wife was Borne on ye fecond day of Aprill in ye year of o^" Lord God 1700 Hannah Hayward ye Daughter of Nathaniel Hayward by Hannah 42 Early Records of the Town of Beverly. his Wife was Borne on y^ Twenty firft day of feptember Annoq dom 1689 Nathaniel Hayward y^ fon of Nathaniel Hayward by Hannah his Wife was Borne on y^ f ixteenth Day of March in y^ year of o"" Lord God 1691/2 Ebenezer Hayward y* fon of Nathaniel Hayward by Hannah his Wife was Borne on ye fecond Day of feptember Annoq dom 1694 Elizabeth Hayward y« Daughter of Nathaniel Hayward by Han- nah his Wife was Borne on the Eighteenth day of December Annoq dom 1696 Nehemiah Smith y^ fon of Hazadiah Smith by Hannah his Wife was Borne on the fifteenth Day of November in the year of o^ Lord God 1699 Joanna Wood y« Daughter of Ifrael Wood by Anna his Wife was Borne on the Twenty fixth Day of Decemb"" Anno Dom 1699 Thomas Woodbery y^ fon of William Woodbery by Johanna his wife was Borne on ye fifth Day of feptember Annoq Dom 1700 Darcos Wood ye Daughter of Nehemiah Wood by fufanah his Wife was Borne on ye Eightenth day of October in the year of our Lord God 1700 Mary Wooding the Daughter of Peter Wooding by Elizabeth his Wife was Borne on ye Eighth and Twentieth day of Auguft in y® year of o'' Lord God 1700 page — Early Records of (lie Town of Beverly. 43 Marriage Intentions. Jofiah Hall of Exeter in the Proiiince of new Hampfheir and Mary Woodbery of Beverly their Intention of — • — — • Publifhed March 30th Day 1712 William Grouer and Elizabeth Hull Boath of Beverly their Inten- tion of Marriage publifhed may y^ IS^h 1712 John Stone Jun^ of Beverly and Ruth Waldran of Wenham their Intention of Marriage Publifhed May 18th Day 1712 Roger Hafkins and Elizabeth Shaw Boath of Beverly their Inten- tion of Marriage Publifhed auguft IQth 1712 Phillip Piles & Return Ellin wood Boath of Beuerly their Intention of Marriage Pubhfhed on August 24th 1712 Benjamin Webfter & Ruth Gray Boath of Beuerly there Intention of Marriage publifhed on Nouember 8th 1712 Ifaac Hull Jun"" & Ann Wood Both of Beuerly their Intention of marriage publifhed on Nouembr 22^ 1712 Ebenezer Cleues. & Sarah Stone Boath of Beurley their Intention of Marriage publifhed Nouembr 21ft 1712 Samuel Harris and Sarah Biles boath of Beuerly their Intention of Marriag publifhed Decemb: 5th 1712 Jonathan Ober and Rebeckah their Intention of Mar- riage publifhed December 28th day 1712 James Af hby and Abigel Reed Both : of Beuerly their Intention of marriage Publifhed april 19th 1713 Samuel Woodbery of Beuerly and hannah Dodge of Salem their Intention of marriage publifhed Auguft 22^ 1713 Matthew Butman & Martha Herrick both of Beuerly their Inten- tion of Marriage publifhed on October: IQth 1713 Robert Leach Jun^ of manchefter and Elizabeth Hofkins : of Beu- erly their Intention of Marriage publifhed Nouember: 21 : 1713 Daniel Rayment and abigal Balch who Caled them felues boath of Beuerly in their publifhment their Intention of marriage pub- lifhed December 5th 1713 Mofes Morgan of Marble Head and Abigel Baker of Beuerly their Intention of Marriage publifhed January 9th 1713/14 John Conant Jun^ of Beuerly and Martha Dodge of Ipfwich their Intention of Marriage publifhed January 30th 1713/14 44 Early Records of the Town of Beverly. [ torn ] athan Herrick & Bethia their Intention of marriage -page — Benjamin Smith of Salem and Mary Roundey of Beuerly their In- tention of marriage pubhfhed September 18*^ 1714 Eugean Linch and Martha Eliott both of Beuerly their Intention of marriage Publifhed October 11^'^ 1714 Nehemiah Prefson and Abigel AUin both of Beuerly their Inten- tion of marriage Publifhed on October 31" 1714 John Majary of Salem and Keziah Woodbery of Beuerly their In- tention of Marriage Publifhed on Nouember 7*^^ Day 1714 Dauid Wheler of Beuerly and Mary Larcum : of Wenham their Intention of Marriage publifhed on Nouember ye 7*^ Day 1714 Nicholas Lucas and Mary Standly Both of Beuerly their Intention of Marriage publifhed : on Nouember 25*^ Day Anno Domini : 1714 Ebenezer Rayment and Joanna Herrick Both of Beuerly ther In- tentionof Marriage publifhed on Decemb"" 12**1 day Anno : Do : 1714 William Webfter and Sufanah Comer Both of Beuerly their In- tention of marriage publifhed on Nouember \A'^^ 1714 Jofeph Pebody of Boxford and Mary Wheler of Beuerly their In- tention of Marriage publifhed In Beuerly on December 19*^ 1714 Robert Sallows and EUzabeth Larcum both of Beuerly their In- tention of marriage publifhed on January 22^ day anno Domi 1714 Samuel Clark & Sufanah Morgan both of Beuerly their Intention of marriage publifhed February: \Z^^ anno Domi 1714/15 John oufman and anne Fofter Both of Beuerly their Intention of marriage Publifhed February 23: anno 1714/15 John EHott and Elizabeth Balch both of Beuerly their Intention of marriage publifhed March 21^^ 171 page — Thomas Lovel of Ipfwich & Martha Herrick of Beuerly their Intention of Marriage publifhed in Beuerly on March 21^^ 1715 Howett Herrick and Abigel wheler both of Beuerly their Inten- tion of marriage publifhed April 2^ 1715 Jofeph Pickit and Elizabeth Rounded both of Beuerly their In- tention of marriage publifhed April 9*^^ 1715 Anthony ye Freeman of Beuerly and Mary Hall of Portsmouth in ye Prouince of new hampfhier their Intention of marrag pub- lifhed In Beuerly may 15'^ 1715 Samuel Sturtivan of Plymton in ye County of Plymouth and Early Records of the Town of Beverly. 45 Elizabeth Horrill of Beuerly in the County of Efsex their Inten- tion of marriage pubUfhed in Said Beuerly on July: the 23*^ anno Domi 1715 page — Robert Woodbery Jun^ & Prifciia Ellinwood both of Beu- erly their Intention of Marriage publifhed on feptember 10*^^ 1715 WilUam Biles and Prifciia morgan both of Beuerly their Intention of marriage publifhed nouember: 17*^ 1715 Abraham Whitecar & Lidia Stone their Intention of marriage publifhed on nouember 17'^ 1715 being both of Beuerly in new England Jonathan Conant: and Abigel Woodbery both of Beuerly their Intention of marriage publifhed Nouember 17^^ 1715 Samuel Smith and Elizabeth Haward both of Beuerly their In- tention of marriage publifhed Nouember 20*^ 1715 John Grouer Jun"" & Abigel Hoar Both of Beuerly their Intention of marriage publifhed nouember 26^^ 1715 Daniel Corning of Beuerly and Sufanah Burnum of Ipfwich their Intention of marriage publifhed february 12tti 1715/16 Jofhua Ray of Salem and Marcy Taylor of Beuerly their Inten- tion of marriage publifhed February 19^^ 1715/16 Samuel Hofkins of Beuerly & miriam Stone of faid Beuerly their Intention of Marriage publifhed February: 19: 17^t Matthew Butman Junr of Beverly and Faithfull Jewit of Boxford their Intention of marriage publifhed on the Twentyeth Day of march anno Domi: 17^^ Jonathan Biles and Margaret Cleues Both of Beuerly their Inten- tion of marriage Publifhed april 8*^ 1716 Nathanael Trafk and anna Rayment both of Beuerly their Inten- tion of marrige publifhed on april page — Robert Woodbury Jun^ & Prif cilia Ellinwood Both of Beuer. their Intention of marriage Publifhed feptember 15*^ 1715 Jofeph Dodge Jun^ and Ruth Woodbery both of Beuerly their In- tention of marriage publifhed april 29*^ 1716 Jofhua Dodge and Hannah Rayment Both of Beuerly their In- tention of marriage publifhed april 29^^ 1716 -^^ John alien of Capean and Eunes ftone of Beuerly their Intention of marriage publifhed Defen^b I6th 1716 Daniel Conant of Beuerly and Lucy Dodge of Ipfwich their In- tention of marriage Publifhed Def ember 16 1716 46 Early Records of the Town of Beverly. Ebenezer Thiftell and hannah Taylor Both of Beuerly their Inten- tion of marriage Publifhed Defembr 16<^'i 1716 nathaniel Bake[r] & farah morgan both of Beuerly their Intention of marriage publifhed nouembery^ 18 1716 Sam'i Wardell of andiuer & Return pitts of Beuerly their Inten- tion of marrage publifhed nouember — 1716 Nicholas Biles & EUzabeth ober both of Beuerly their Intention of marriag publifhed Def^r 1st 1716 Jofeph Hebard & mary ftone both of Beuerly their Intention of marriage publifhed Defembr 23 1716 Paul Rayment & Tabethy Balch both of Beuerly their Intention of marriage pubUfhed februry 3 1716 Sam" Allen of manchester and Sarah Tuck of Beuerly their In- tention of marriage publifhed march ye 31- 1717 Sam" Stone of Beuerly and Ruth Knights of manchefter their Intention of marriage publifhed march y^ 31 1717 Caleb Coye of Wenham and Mary Welman of Beuerly their Inten- tion of marriage publifhed on april 14: 1717 Luke Morgan and Ruth Stone Both of Beuerly there Intention of marriage publifhed on July 21^* 1717. John Lecody and Ales morgan Both of Beuerly their Intention of marriage publifhed on Auguft y^: llti» 1717 Bifhip Palmer of Marble head and martha Pickit of Beuerly their Intention of Marriage publifhed on July the 31'"* anno Domi page — Samuel Corning Jun"" of Beuerly & Mary Dodge of wen- ham their Intention of Marriage publifhed In Beuerly on fep^' 29th 1717 John Crefe of Salem and Mary Louit of Beuerly their Intention of marriage publifhed: on October 6^^ 1717 Nathanael Cole & prifcila patch Both of Beuerly their Intention of marriage publifhed on October 20*^» 1717 John Bradford and Annes Louit Both of Beuerly their Intention of marriage Publifhed on October 27'** 1717 John Stcuens and Abigel Stone both of Beuerly their Intention of marriage publifhed on October 30^^ 1717 Mofes Bray of Glofter and Mary Woodbery of Beuerly their In- tention of marriage publifhed on Nouem^r ye 3d 1717 Mark Dodge of Beuerly and Sarah Dodge of wenham their In- tention of marriage publifhed on Nouember y^ 10ti» 1717 John Gredly of Beuerly of Joanna Dodge of Wenham their In- Early Records of the Town of Beverly. 47 tention of marriage publifhed on Nouember \0^^ 1717 Jofhua Clark and Rebekah Heberd both of Beuerly their Inten- tion of Marriage publifhed December 1^* 1717 Jofiah Wood and Ruth Denne both of Beuerly their Intention of Marriage publifhed January y® 12t*> anno Domini 1717/18 Jofeph Trafk and Emme Tuck both of Beuerly their Intention of Marriage publifhed on Caleb Clark and Hannah Marfters both of Beuerly their Intention of Marriage publifhed on March ye 2y y*' UoiuMaiul Mr Thomas Blowor nniiiftor of y*" iiofpol in Bouorly on y»' lo''> day oi NoutMn- bor in y' year of our Lord (mhI ITDl CuMn"i>- dray \- Hridgit Hi^mvI hoath of Bouorly waro .loynotl to gothor in inarriai:: l\v y*" Rovoraml Mr Thomas Blowor of Bouorly on y*" 14 day of Xouoiii in y*" yoar of our Lord 1701 Paul Thorudik tic Mary Baoholdor boath of Bevorly ware Married by y Rouorand Mr Thomas BUnvor of Bouoy on y 11 day of Deoembor in y*" yoar of our Lord Ciod 1701 v*N\nuiel Weft «S: Mary Norton waro .Knned together in marriage by y*" Revorand Mr Thomas Blower nuniftor of y<'gofpol in Beuerly on yt* i;>«'» day of January in y^ year of our Lord 170y Jofeph Wallis *S: Elizabeth Black ware Joyneil together in marriage by y*" Roverand Mr Thomas Blower of Beverly on y^ 13 day of January in >•* year of our Lord 170^ Kleazer Giles v^ Lydia Grover ware Joyned together in marriage by >•* Roverand Mr Thomas Blower of Beverly on }-p 24 of April in >•* of our Lord dod 1702 Thomas Weft & Chriftian Woodbery Joyned toger in Marriage by y* Rouorand Mr Thomas Blower of Beverly >-* 15 of June 1702 Jn*^ Iwarton »!i: Abigail Hofkins Joyned together in marriage by y*' Reverand mr Thomas Blower of Beverly on >•« 4 of July 1702 }xtge — The Reverand M"^ Thomas Blower minister of \-« Gofpel in Beverly »!i: Mrs Emma Woodberry ware Joyned together in Mar- riage by the Honenible Mr Jonathan Corwin Efq on >•* 23 day of July in >•* year of Our Lord 1702 S:\muell Balch & EUinor Cleues ware Joyned together in marriage by >•* Roverand Mr Thomas Blower on >-* 23 day of September 1702 Jofeph IMde and Elizabeth Bond ware Joyned together in marriag by >•* Roverand Mr Thomas Blower >"* 17 day of December 170^ Jofeph Corning & Rebekah Woodbery Joyned to gether in Mar- riage by >■* Roverand M"" Thomas Blower on y^ 7'*> day of January' 170^ Hezekiah olx'r \- Anna morgan ware Jo\-ned together in Marriage bv Mr Rol>ert Hale Jul of peace on \-* 5^ of November in ^•« vear 1702 Samuell Walton of Reding «ji: Hannah Leach of Wenham ware Joyneii together in Marriage on >•* 22 day of December 1702 by mr Robert Hale above fd Early Recrmh of the. Tov:n of lieverly. 07 William Hooper & Abif^ail Gale Ware Jf>yned together in marriage by ye above fd inr Robert Hale on y« 5 day of January 170f Robert Morgan (fc Mary Thorndike ware Jf)yned together in mar- riage by Mr Hale above fd on y'' 7"^ day of January in y« year of our Lord 170f James Mecham k lOlizabeth Cue both of Wenham ware Joyned together in marriage by y« above fd Mr Hale on }"= 20 day of Janu- ary in ye year 170^ Jonathan Rayment k Sarah Woodbery ware Joyned together in marriage by ye Reurand Mr John Hale Minifter of ye O^fpel in Beuerly on ye fixth Day of February' in ye year of our Lord Ood one Thoufand fix Hundred Eighty & Eight nine Danie l Ston e & Hannah Woodb err}- both of Jdeuerly ware Jfjyned together in Marriage by ye^^uerand Mr Thomas Blower on y* 14*^> of Janua in ye year 170f Benjamin Dike & Ann Lucas Joyned together in Marriage by ye above fd mr lilower on ye lO'^^ Day of January in ye j'ear of our Lord 170f Peter Groves s2 Andrew 73 B 1683 Andrew 9 B 1683 Andrew 17 D 1688 Andrew 72 1 1722 Emma 50 I 1707 Grace .57 1 1715 John 44 I 1720 .John 48 D 1675 Judith 70 B 1688 Judith 17 1 1709 Judeth 53 M 16S4 Mary 61 1 1711 Marv 51 I 1714 Martha 44 B 1681 Mercy 7 1 1705 Mercy 54 B 16— Samuell 12 M 1681 William 62 B 1685 William 17 I 1708 William 57 ELATIIROPE, ELITIIORP. B 1686 Abigail 12 I 1719 John 48 FALLOWES. I 1710 Hannah 51 FARLE, [FARLEY.] I 1709 Michael .i2 FILLMORE. I 1719 Ablgel 48 FISKE. I 1696 Hannah 54 FOSTER. I 1715 Anne 44 I 1708 Joseph 57 FREEMAN, FREEDMAN. I 1710 Anthony 53 — 1715 Anthony 44 FRENCH. B 1686 Abigaile 14 B 1690 Mary 18 GALLY. D 1686 Florence 71 GAGE, GADGE, GEAGE. B 1680 6 I 1719 Hannah 48 B 1689 Joanna 19 B 1691 .lohu 27 B 1692 Sarah 31 D 1694 Sarrah 75 B 1694 Susanah 30 GALE. M 1703 Abigail 67 I 1696 Abraham 54 I 1696 Anna 55 M 1H96 A nna 64 1 1718 Edmond 47 I 1708 Mary 57 GAINS, GAINES. M 1690 Abiel 62 M 1683 Hester 61 GANETS, [GANNET.l I 17J2 John 50 GARE, GEARE. D 1675 Hanah 69 B 1682 Anna 8 GIDINS, fGIDDINGS.] I 1704 Mary 53 GILMAN. I 1720 John 49 GOLDSMITH. M 1672 Marie 59 GOODALE. I 1698 Thomas 56 M 1698 Thomas 65 GRAVES. M 1670 Abigaile .... 3 M 1681 Emma 61 GRAY. M 1701 Georg 66 B 1703 Georg 20 1 1704 John 63 GREDLY, [GRIDLEY.] I 1717 John 46 GRIGGS, GRIGS, GRIGE8. B 1695 Abigail 34 B 1686 Eliner 12 B 1704 Eunice 23 B 1099 Isaac 40 B 1688 Jacob 16 B 1691 Rebecka 27 D 1692 Rebecka 74 B 1692 Rebecka 29 M 1682 Sarah 61 GROVER, GROUER. D 1682 Edmund .... 70 I 1698 Edmund 56 M 1699 Edmund 65 M 1684 Hannah' 61 B 1692 John 29 I 1715 John 46 M 1702 Lydia 66 B 1681 Mary 6 I 1708 Mary 67 M 1674 Nehemiah 69 D 1695 Nehemiah 74 B 1703 Nehemiah 22 I 1718 Peter 48 I 1698 Ruth 55 M 1698 Rutii 64 B 1688 Sarah 16 D 1689 Sarah 74 B 16!t0 Sarah 27 D 1(192 Sarah 74 M 170:H Sarah 67 I 1712 William 43 GROVES, GROES, GROUE, GROUS. I 1708 Dorrity 67 I 1698 Hannah 66 M 1698 Hanali 66 M 1704 John 68 B 1704 Nicholas 24 M 1703 Peter 67 I 1708 Rebekah 57 B 1672 Susanna 5 GILES, GYELS, GYLES. B 1683 Brldgett 9 D 1689 Bridgett 72 B 1680 Eliazar 6 M 1702 Eleazer 66 B 1704 Eliazer 23 M 1671) John 60 B 1681 Mary 9 1 1700 Mary 56 HADLOCK. I 1722 Mary 60 Index. HALE. I 1720 Elizabeth 49 B 1()85 James 12 B 1689 Jonnna Ki M 1684 Jolui 61 B 1692 Johu 29 I 1698 John 55 D 1700 John 75 D 1681 Rebeckah 70 D 1683 Rebekah 70 I 1718 Rt'bekah 47 B lees Robert 6 I 1699 Robert 56 B 1703 Robert 22 B 1687 Samuel 14 D 1697 Sarah 75 HALL. I 1712 Josiah 43 I Kinsley 67 M 1676 Martin 60 I 1715 Mary 44 I 1720 Mary 49 HARDIE, [HARDY.] I 1699 Marv 56 M 1699 Mary 65 M 1675 Samuell 59 HARRALD. B 1691 Humphrey 27 HARRIS, HERRIS. B 1672 Daniell 3 B 16it3 Elezabeth 21 B 1680 Jonathan 5 B 1685 Mary 11 I 1698 Rebekah ....... 56 M 1671 Samuell 3 B 1689 Samuell 11 I 1712 Samuel 43 HART. I 1698 Sarah 55 HARVEY. M 1677 Georg . 60 HASKALL, HASKELL, HASCALL, HASKEL, HASCOLL. B 16S1 Abigaile 7 D 1681 Abigaile 70 B 1683 Abigaile 9 B 1684 Abigaile 10 I 1698 Benjamin 55 M 1698 Benjamin 65 B 1692 Danniell 28 M 1665 Elizabeth 1 B 1686 Elizabeth 13 B 1698 Elizabeth 28 M 1676 Hannah 60 B 1688 Hannah 15 B 1681 John 7 I 170* John 54 B 1H92 Joseph 29 M 1682 Josiah 61 D 1684 Josiah 70 D 1685 Josiah 71 B 1685 Josiah 11 B 1690 Judeth 19 B 1703 Judeth 24 HASKALL. M 1673 Mary 59 M 1678 Mark 60 B 1683 Mark 10 B 1689 Mary ... 16 M 1703 Patient 67 M 16*<0 Roger 60 B 1680 Roger 6 B 1(;97 Roger 38 M 1764 Ruth 59 M 1679 Sarah 60 B 1690 William 28 I 17U4 William 53 HAWTHORX, HAWTHIRD, HATHORN, HATHERN. B 1687 14 B Obidiah 5 M 1679 William 60 B 1685 William 11 HAWARD, HAYWARD. B 1694 Ebenezer 42 B 1696 Elizabeth 42 I 1715 Elizabeth 45 B 1699 Hannah 41 I 1710 Hannah 53 I 1722 Hannah 50 I 17-20 Lidia .49 B 1692 Nathaniel 42 I 1711 Nehemiah 51 I 1699 Samuel 56 M 1699 Samuel 65 I 1720 William 49 HERRIK, HERRICK, HERICK. B 1697 Abigail 22 I 1718 Abigel 47 I 1722 Abbigall 51 B 1677 Anna 7 B 1669 Beniamen 3 D 1669 Beniamen 3 I 1720 Benjamin 49 D 1679 Daniell 69 M 1684 Elizabeth 61 B 1686 Elizabeth 13 B 1697 Elizabeth 37 M 1661 Ephraim 2 B 1661 Ephraim 2 D 1693 Ephraim 74 B 1699 Ezekiel 41 B 1696 Georg 35 I 1722 Georg 50 I 1706 Hannah 52 B 1679 Henry 5 B 1688 Henry 16 I 1709 Henry 53 I 1715 Howett 44 B 1695 Johana 40 I 1714 Joanna 44 B 1662 John 2 B 1670 John 3 M 1674 John 60 D 1680 John 69 M 1684 John 61 I 1696 John 55 B 1699 John 40 I 1720 John 49 1 1696 Jonathan 54 M 1696 Jonathan 64 M 1665 Joseph 3 B 1667 Joseph 3 B 1695 Joseph 35 HERRIK. I 1721 Joseph 50 I 1722 Joseph 50 B 1699 Joshua 40 B 1690 Judeth 19 B 1704 Lois 24 B 1698 Lv5 Marv 20 B 1696 Sarah 36 PILES. 1 1712 Philip 43 PIPER. 1 1700 Jonathan .... 56 I 1718 Lidia 47 PITTS. 1 1716 Return 46 PLUMB. M 1678 Deborah 60 POLAND. M 1678 Hannah 60 PORTER. I 1708 Anna 57 M 1689 Maiy 62 PRATII. M 1674 Will 59 PRESSON. 1 1720 ]\Iary 49 PRESTON. 1 1719 Dauid 48 I 1714 Nehemiah 44 PRIDE, PRID. I 1698 Elizabeth 55 M 1698 Elizabeth 65 B 1704 Elizabeth . ... 23 B 1702 Jonathan 25 M 1703 Joseph . . . (16 I 1700 Peter .... hi I 1699 William 66 PRINCE. I 1718 William 47 RAY. I 1716 Joshua 46 84 Index. RAYMENT, RAIMENT, [RAYMOND.] B 1703 I) 1675 B lh-9-2 I 1716 B 1701 B 16it,T B 1696 B Ui7-.' D 1672 D 167-2 B 16119 B vm I 1713 B 169-2 1 1714 B 1697 17-20 1698 M 1698 B li^i-S B 1689 R 1(?94 B 1694 T 17i>6 M 1671 V. li;77 I 1699 M i;v-9 1) 1703 B lt!66 M 1*589 B 170-2 D 170-2 B 1681 B 1692 B 16S8 D 1C*9 I i:(Hi B VuO B- 1695 I 1716 M lti76 B 1689 B 16.*9 B 1'94 M 1703 B lti79 B lO^ I 1704 B 1687 1685 1711 Abigail . . Ales Anah .... .Vnna .... Barnabas . Beneruree . Benerges . Benianien Beiiiamen Benjamin . Beujuniin Daunill . . Daniel . . . David Ebent'zer. Eliza belli. Elizabeth. George . . . George . . . Hannah . . James . . . Jeruslia . . Jarusha . . Jerusha . . John John Jolin John John Jonathan . Jonathan . Judith . . . Judith . . . Martha . . . Martha . . . :Mary Mary . . . . Mary . . . . Natlianiel Paul Paul Rachell . . Rachell , . Rachel . . . Rebecah . . Ruth Samuel. . . Saiiuiell . . Samnell . . Thomas . . William . . William . RICH. B 1695 Anna 34 D 1695 Anna 75 I 1698 Anna 55 D 1695 Edward 75 RICHARDS. 1684 1674 lik*2 1688 1686 Elizabeth. John John Nnthaniell William . ROBERTS, ROBERDS. M 1703 John 67 I 1710 Marv -53 I 1707 Nathaniell 57 ROLISON. 1691 Martha ROSS. 1085 Sarah . 6-2 60 ROl'NDED. 1715 Elizabeth. RE A. I 1718 John READ. B 168-2 Josepli . REATH, RETH. l'i-9S SaiTah . 1704 William 26 15 73 57 3 33' 46 59 ; M 18 M 26 i M 33 1 31 67 18 I 41 I 18 iB 18 I 51 _ B I B 47 D B D I ^ M I 1 B . 56 ' . 53 ROUNDEY, ROUNDY. Beuiamen Deborah. . . John Marv Robert 1 ]7.->.> I 1700 M 1703 I 1714 M 1678 67 1 44 I 60 1 SARLET, SALART, SELARE, SELART. 1681 Abisaile 1684 Bethia 1<>66 Marv 1666 Molev SALLOWES, SALLOS, SALLOWS, SOLACE. 1693 1718 1664 1690 1709 168-2 1672 1684 1674 1697 1697 1714 1704 1688 Abigail . . . . A bigel Freeborne . . Hanah Hannah . . . . Margaret . . . Michaell . . . -Michael . . . . Peter Robert Robert Robert . . . Sarah TheophyluB. SAMPSON. SHAW. I 1710 Anne 53 I 1711 Bethia 51 I 171-2 Elizabeth 43 I 1711 Marv 52 I 1705 Pete"r 54 I 1696 Walter 68 M 1696 Walter 64 SIKES. B 1687 William 14 SLU. M 1703 Leonard 64 SMITH. B 1694 B 1695 M 1684 I 1714 B 1690 B 1684 I 1708 B 1692 B 1695 I 1718 B 1688 B 1697 M 1678 B 1686 B 1699 I 17-20 B 1688 D 169'1 B 1692 I 1715 Abigail 31 Annee 86 Azadiah 61 Benjamin 44 Hanah 27 Hazadiah 13 Hazadiah 58 James 30 James 33 .James 47 .Jonathan 30 Jonathan 37 Marv 60 Mary 80 Nehemiah 42 Robert 49 Samuell 15 Samuell 74 Samuel 29 Samuel 45 •29 47 •2 -28 52 8 69 10 69 55 . 64 441 .-13 I 15 SOLARE. M 1676 Mary 59 SPRIGS. I 1721 Phillip 50 STANLEY, STANDLY I 1704 A bigel B 1681 Dauid B 1684 Doiathy I 1719 George , 53 . . 10 .. 48 B 1671 John^. 3 B 1H90 Kezia 26 B 1693 Marv 31 I 1714 Marv 44 B 1703 Rebekah 23 B 1698 Rhoda 26 B 1686 Samuell 13 D 170-2 San? 76 B 1700 William 22 STEUENS, [STEVENS.] I 1717 John 46 I 1708 Joseph 67 I 1719 Joseph 48 I 1704 Marv 53 REDDINGTON. M 1674 Mary REED. I 1713 Abigel STONE. B 1672 Cvprian 4 M m" John 4 ; B 1670 Marv 4 | B 1695 Abigail 35 Abisrel 46 B 1698 Ambros 39 I 17-22 Charetv 50 B 1686 Paniell 12 60 B 1668 Sarah 4 1 L ]'\ I SHATTOCK. 43 M 1680 Mercy 61 i M 1703 Daniel 67 Index. 85 SToyz. B 1698 Elizabeth 38 I 1719 Elizabeth 4« I 1711 Esther 51 I 1716 Eanes 45 B 1695 Jane S5 I 1720 Jean 49 M 1683 John 61 B 1686 John 12 B 1689 John 16 I 1712 John 43 I 1706 Jonathan 52 B 1691 Josiah 27 I 1715 Lidia 45 B 16S9 Marv 16 I 1716 Marv 46 B 1695 Meriam 34 I 1716 Miriam 46 B 16»4 yathaniel 36 B 1690 Pre=iHa 26 B 1704 Remember 23 B 1692 Robert 28 I 1717 Ruth 46 M 1684 Samuell 61 B 1687 Samuell ; . . . 14 M 1690 Samuel 62 B 1691 Samuell 28 I 1717 Samuel 46 I 1719 Samuel 48 M 1687 Sarah 67 B 1691 Sarah 26 B 1693 Sarrah 34 I 1712 Sarah 43 I 1718 S irah 47 B 1696 Vnice 37 B 1686 Zachariah 11 STURTITAX. I 1715 Samuel 44 SWARTOS. I 1708 Abigel 57 M 1H71 John 3 M 1702 John 66 D 1674 Mary 69 SWETLAXD. M 168- Agnea 63 TARBOX. 1 1720 Mehiubel 49 TAYLOR, TAILOR. B 1695 Elizabeth 39 B 1683 Emma 39 I 1704 Emey 54 I 1716 Hannah 46 B 1686 James 39 I 1720 James 50 B 1694 Johannah 39 I 1716 Marcy 45 B 1693 Mercy 39 THISSEL, THI3TELL, THISTLE, THISLE, THISALL. B 1690 Ebenezer 26 I 1716 Ebenezer 46 I 1700 Hannah 57 B 1K72 Jeffery 4 M 1679 Joan 60 M 1697 Mary 64 THISSEL. XBEE. 1697 Mary 55 i I 1696 Joseph 54 1706 Rifhard S i M 1696 Joseph 63 1710 Sarah 61 1 1684 WUliam 11 THORSDIKE, THORXDIK. j 1670 16-73 1699 1711 1718 1696 M U«6 I 1718 I 1706 B 1663 M 1703 M 1663 B l':-99 M 1701 B 1703 B li97 I 1718 Elizabeth 4 Hannah 4 Hannah 56 Herbert 52 Herbert 47 i John 64 John 63 John 47 Martha 52 ! Mary 4: Mary 67 Paule 3 Paul 39 Paul 66 Paul 21 Robert 39 Robert 47 TOUT, [TO VIE.] B 1687 Christian 14 D 1688 Christian 71 , M 1684 John 61 : D 1686 John 71 TRASK. R 1699 Abigail . . . 21 I 1711 Benjamin . . . ...51 B 16.-« Christian ... 9 D 1687 Christian .... ...71 D 1689 Christian ...73 B 1701 Christian . .. 21 R 1702 Dauid ...22 T> 1702 Danid ...76 B 1685 Edward . . . 12 T 1700 Edward ...56 T 1705 Edward . . . 54 M 1679 Elizabeth . . . ...60 B 1686 Elizabeth . . . ...13 B 1687 Elizabeth . . . ...14 M 1691 Elizabeth . . . ... 63 B 1681 Hannah 7 T\r 1679 John ...60 B 1681 John . . . 1 B 1683 John ... 9 y\ 1690 John .. 62 B 1692 Jonathan ... 21 B 1694 Jonathan ...33 B 1702 Jonathan . . . . ... 22 T» 1702 Jonathan . . . . ...76 T 1719 Jonathan . . . . ...48 R 16ft4 Joseph ...29 T 1717 Joseph ...48 I 1718 Joseph ...47 R 1691 Josiah ...28 B 1697 Jo?iah ... 21 R 1701 Liddea ... -23 T 1720 Lidia ...49 R 1697 Marv . . . 21 B 1695 Xatlianale . . . ...35 T 1716 Nathaniel . . . ...46 B 1696 Ozman . . »8 B 16i<0 !i5 Marv 13 B 1693 Marv 34 B 1696 Roger 36 B lf«9 Sarah 16 D 17C0 Sarah 75 B 1688 Solomon 16 B 1691 WilUam 30 I 1720 William 49 TUCK. Mrs 49 1708 Marv 57 1718 Emme 47 16«^8 Joseph 56 1720 Marv 48 in7 Sarah 46 1719 Sarah 48 1711 WiUiam 51 TURi'S B 1698 Elizabeth 39 B 1697 Mary 37 VERIKG. M 1674 Hannah 59 WAKER. M 1679 John 60 WALDROK. WALDRAX. I Abigel 51 I 1720 Hannah 48 I 1712 Ruth 43 WALLIS, WALEIS. WALLICE. Abigail 21 Abigaill 24 Bartholomew . . . 69 Benjamin 63 Benjamin 54 Beojaman iS Caleb 67 Caleb 24 Caleb 35 Daneil 24 Elizabeth 56 Joseph 66 Joshua 62 Joshua 24 Margreet 41 Mary 32 Nathaniel 55 Nathaniel 24 Nathaniel 41 Rebecca 68 Sarah 24 B 1702 B 1702 D 1676 M 16^5 T 1H96 T 1704 M 1687 B 1695 B 1695 B 17U1 I 1700 M 1702 M 1691 B 1696 B 1699 B 1694 I 1698 B 1H9H B 1700 M 1704 B 1694 86 Index. WALTHAM. B 1(187 Jolni 13 B 1C89 Nicholas 16 WALTON. M 170-2 Sanmell 66 WARDWELL. I 1716 Samuel 46 WEBER. I 170S John 52 WEBSTER. 1712 Benjamin 43 1714 William 44 WELTCH. 1695 Abigail 34 1696 Ebenezer 36 WELMAN. 1674 Elizabeth f)9 1717 Mary 46 WEST. I B B D D B D B D M D D B D B D D D B ]\r B B B B B M M B M I 1718 1663 1667 167S 1674 1678 1695 1669 1668 1675 1683 16;»3 17n2 1660 1665 1675 1675 1675 1676 1693 1702 1704 1672 1684 1674 1702 1661 1683 1780 Ann 5 B 1689 Ann 17 B 1697 Anna 38 B 1669 Anna 6 I 1697 Annah 56 I 1708 Ana 58 D 1672 Annice 69 M 1694 Benjamin 63 B 1699 Benjamin 41 B 1699 Benjamin 40 I 1720 Benjamin 49 I 1696 Bethlah 54 M 1696 Bethiah 63 B 1677 Christian 6 M 1679 Christian 60 M 1702 Christian 66 B 1694 Daniel 33 B 1689 Dauid 16 D 1683 Deliuerance .... 70 M 1690 Ebenezer 62 R 1671 Elizabeth 5 M 1674 Elizabeth 59 M 1679 Elizabeth 60 B 1688 Elizabeth 16 D 1688 Elizabeth 72 D 1689 Elizabeth 73 ]\r 1703 Elizabeth 64 I 1718 Elizabeth 47 I 1721 Elizabeth 50 M 1702 Emma 66 I 1702 Emme 67 M 1680 Hannah 60 B 1680 Hannah 5 D 1689 Hannah 72 B 1691 Hanah 26 B 1693 Hanah 29 D 1694 Hanah 74 M 1703 Hannah 67 B 1688 Hester 16 B 1703 Hue 20 M 1671 Humphrey 3 B 169S Humphrey 38 M 1071 Isaack . . ". 3 B 1680 Isaac 6 I 1722 Isaac 61 B 1694 Israel 34 B 1683 Jael 9 I 1698 Jerusha 55 M 1698 Jerusha 64 B Johanah 23 B 1689 Johanna 17 B 1689 Joanah 24 Index. 87 WOODBUBT. B 1699 Johanah 41 B 1682 Jonathan 8 I 1708 Jonathan 57 B 1680 John 6 M 1690 John.: 63 B 1693 John 29 I 1718 John 47 B 1696 Joseph 36 B 1684 Joshua 10 I 1711 Joshua 51 B 1663 Joslah 4 B 1682 Josiah 8 B 1685 Josiah 11 B 1667 Judith 3 B 1686 Judeth 13 I 1704 Judeth 63 I 1714 Kezlah 44 I 1709 Lidla 52 I 1719 Lucy 48 B 1703 Marcj- 25 B 1693 Mark 30 D 1693 Mark 74 I 1720 Martha 49 B 1671 Mary 3 B 1689 Mary 17 M 1694 Marv 63 B 1697 Mary 37 D 1702 Mary 75 " 1703 Mary 67 1709 Mary 52 1712 Mary 43 1717 Mary 46 1717 Mary 48 1722 Majy 50 M 1684 Nicholas 61 D 1686 Nicholas 71 B 1691 Nathan 26 WOODBUBT. B 1691 Patients 27 M 1665 Peeter 59, 2 B ]6(;6 Peeter .... 2 M 1667 Peeter 2 B 1682 Peter 8 D 1704 Peter 76 B 1665 Prissila 4 B 1687 Priscilla 14 I 17— Prisilah 54 B 1667 Rebecca 5 B 1684 Rebeckah 10 B 1684 Rebeckah 11 M 1703 Rebekah 66 M 1679 Richard 60 B 1681 Richard 7 D 1683 Richard 70 B 1685 Richard 11 B 1696 Richard 36 I 1711 Richard 51 B 1672 Robert 5 M 1693 Roberd 63 B 1694 Roberd 33 I 1715 Robert 45 I 1715 Robert 45 B 1689 Samuell 16 D 1689 Samuel 72 B 1691 Samuell 26 I 1713 Samuel 43 B 1668 Sarah 2 B 1680 Sarah 6 D 1680 Sarah 69 M 1689 Sarah 67 B 1690 Sarah 26 I 1711 Sary 51 I 1712 Sarah 52 B 1688 Simon 15 D 1688 Simon ....■> 71 WOODBUBT. B 1682 Susannah 9 D 1684 Susanah ... 70 B 1687 Susanah.. .. 14 M 1690 Thomas 61 B 1700 Thomas 43 B 1703 Thomas ... 22 B 1665 William 3 M lh76 William 60 B 1685 William 11 M 1689 William 62 B 1697 William 37 I 17(14 William 53 I 1720 William 49 WOODING, WOODIN. B 1697 Elizabeth 38 B 1700 JIary 42 I 16116 Peter 54 M 16'J6 Peter 64 B 1703 Sarah 22 WOODWARD. I 1698 Mehitable 56 YARR.4H. I 1709 Sarah 52 YORK. I 1704 Benjaman 53 {&%' LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 077 155 7