2s57 331 '*s^. .,4^V pPR ■.'^:r^ AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. THE REGULATORS OF NORTH CAROLINA (1765-1771). BY PROF. JOHN S. BASSETT, OF TEINITT COLLEGE, NOKTH CAROLINA. (From the Annual Keport of the American Historical Association for 1894, pages 141-212.) WASHINGTON : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1896. 0, ^f XI.-THE REGULATORS OF NORTH CAROLINA (1765-1771).' By Prof. John S. Bassett, of Trinity College, North Carolina. The recent publication of The Colonial Records of Korth Caro- lina must lead to the rewriting of much of the State's colonial history. The several writers who, before the appearance of these volumes, have written on The War of the Regulation have been handicapped by having to use as sources of informa- tion narratives that have been prepared by one or the other of the parties to the struggle. They have not had access to the now published mass of documents, which, as might have been exi^ected, throw new light on many features of the movement. The desire to use this light has inspired the present paper. It 'The Regulation is one of the best written about subjects of North Carolina history. Caruthers treats it extensively in his Life of Dr. David Cakhvell (1842). He went carefully over the ground and obtained a great deal of his material from old men who had once been Regulators. He is entirely on the side of the Regulators. Caruthers also treats of the subject, but not extensively, in his Revolutionary Incidents (tirst series), pages 24 et seq. Dr. F. L. Hawkes has a sketch in Cooke's Revolutionary History of North Carolina (1853), pages 13 et seq. It deals chiefly with Hiisbaud's Sermons to Asses. Jones treats the matter in his Defence of North Caro- lina (1834), pages 34-56. Wheeler publishes Husband's book under the heading of Orange County (see his History of North Carolina, Vol. II, pp. 301-331), and Martin and Williamson, in their histories, have treated it as fully as the nature of their works would admit. Dr. T. B. Kingsbury published several short articles ou the subject in Our Living and Our Dead (see Vol. II, p. 434 ; Vol. Ill, pp. 39, 314, and 629). The subject is also treated in the North Carolina Journal of Education, October and November, 1859, and in Wiley's Sketch of North Carolina. All the above, except Martin and Williamson, ai'e aj^ologists of the Regu- lation. At first in the history of the State everyone seems to have fol- lowed the accounts of Tryon and his followers as set forth in these two histories. It was about the time that Jones's Defence was published that there came a change in sentiment. Since that time nearly everything written has discovered in the Regulation a worthy struggle for liberty. One book recently published. Colonel Waddell's Colonial Officer and His Times, is an exception to this rule. Writing from the standpoint of the 141 142 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. IS believed that at least two new points in regard to the Regu- lation may now be taken as historical truth. (1) The Regulation was not attempted as a revolution. It was rather a peasants' rising, a popular upheaval. This is a chief new point which, it seems, a study of the records should reveal. A revolution involves a change of the form or prin- ciples of government. It is constitutional in its significance. A peasants' rising aims at a change of agents who administer, or of the manner of administering-, affairs under principles or forms that remain intact. It is a matter of party, chiefly. A revolution may embrace a popular rising, and a popular rising may run into, or in a manner partake of the nature of, a revolution; but we may always find the general difference just mentioned. Could it have had any other fate than it did have, the Regulation might possibly have run into a revolu- tion ; but at the time when it was crushed it had not reached that stage. (2) Another fact that the records emphasize is this: The Regulation was not a religious movement. It was rather of an economic and political nature. It was not only not religious, but it had the opposition of at least four of the five leading- denominations in the disaffected district. The Established biographer of one of the chief men who joined in suppressing- the Regu- Jators, Colonel Waddell has been led to form an opinion unfavorable to them. Many of his points are well taken. There are two contemporary accounts of the movement. The more important of these two is An Impartial Relation of the First Rise and Cause of the Recent Diflerences in Public Affairs in the Province of North Caro- lina, 1770, pages 104. This work, on what seems very good grounds is usually attributed to Heruion Husband. It is a well-written statement of the first part of the struggle. It contains many documents and is usually reliable. It is reprinted in Wheeler's History of North Carolina, II, 301- 331. The other book is A Fan for Fanning and a Touchstone for Tryon by Regulus, Boston. 1771. The author of this work is unknown. It has been ascribed to Husband, but the internal evidence is against such a view. Governor Swain thought it was written by Shubal Stearns, a Bap- tist preacher from New England, who was living in Orange in 1771. It is not nearly so exact a statement of facts as the Impartial" Relation, being characterized by wordy complaints against Tryon and the other officers^ It was reprinted in the North Carolina University Magazine, Vol. VIII," 193 and 289. The most valuable of all sources is The ColonialRecords of North Carolina, Vols. VII and VIII. They contain the documents of the Regulators, the records of the courts and of the assembly, the reports of Tryon to the home government, and many other documents bearing on the subject. They have been freely used in this paper. REGULATORS OF NORTH CAROLINA BASSETT, 143 Cliai'ch, of course, opposed it. The Pi esby teriau pastors united in a letter to tlie governor, iu which they assured him of their ^'abhorrence of the present turbulent and disorderly spirit that shows itself in some parts of this Province." They also wrote a circular letter enjoiniug- all good Presbyterians to have noth- ing to do with the Regulation.' This letter was read at a muster in the Presbyterian county of Rowan, and perhaps in Meck- lenburg, and was of good service in securing volunteers to march against the Regulators in 1708.^ It was signed by David Caldwell, Henry Patillo, Hugh McAden, and James Creswell, names of the highest respect in the history of this denomination in North Carolina. The Baptists were perhaps the strongest in numbers in the vicinity. Morgan Edwards, who in ITTli traveled through this region gathering materials for a history of the Baptists, could hear of but seven Baptists who had joined the movement, and these, in accordance with a regulation of the Sandy Creek Baptist Association, were excom- municated." In 17()8 Governor Tiyou attended divine service at a German church in Mecklenburg County, and the minister " recommended with warmth a due obedience to the laws of the country."^ This same minister a{;companied the troops to Hillsboro and preached before them there. The Quakers were the only other considerable sect in the vicinity, and they took practically the same position that the Baptists took.^ It is not to be thought, however, that members of these separate churches did not join the Regulation. They joined freely, but all the evidence goes to show that it was not from religious motives. Hermon Husband declared that they were of all sects, and that the leaders were of the Established Church. « To understand pro[)erly the struggle which we are about to investigate, we must hrst ac(iuaint ourselves with the physical 1 Colonial Records of North Carolina, VII, 813-816. nb., VII, 822 and 886. 3 lb., VIII, 655-656. ^ lb., VII, 821. ^ Dr. S. B. Weeks, whose forthcoming work on Southern Quakers and Slavery is announced as this monograph goes to the press, is authority for this statement. With such excellent verbal authority, the writer does not hesitate to print the above assertion in advance of the published work. >* Wheeler: History of North Carolina, II, 315. See, also, Purefoy's His- tory of Sandy Creek Association, pages 69-73, where Morgan Edwards is freely quoted. 144 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. characteristics of the locality, the social condition of the inhabitants, and the political institutions of the colony. To these preliminaries we turn. THE BACK COUNTIES. The topography of North Carolina reveals on the east a broad alluvial plain. This is intersected by numerous rivers, along whose banks lies much rich low ground. West of this section is a broken region of red clay soil thickly netted by small streams, which makes the head waters of the larger rivers of the plain. Farther west are high, mountain-studded ])la- teaus, which modern railroad facilities are showing to be perhaps the grandest scenery on our eastern Atlantic Slope. It was in the second of these divisions that the Eegulatiou had its home. At the time of which we write this region was usually known as "the back counties" or "the back country." It is billy upland, and its fertile soil is well suited to the groM^th of grains, grass, and fruit. At the middle of the eighteenth century it was covered by large forests of oak and hickory, broken here and there by open prairie-like tracts of good grass. To a passing observer the country is much like that of eastern Pennsylvania or central Maryland. Indeed, it is part of a continuous geological formation which lies just east of the Appalachian foothills and extends in a southwest direction from Pennsylvania to northern Georgia. As the Keystone State marked the beginning of this forma- tion, it was also the gateway through which came most of its l^opulation. The fertile soil and the liberal government of the Quaker drew to his colony at an early day a strong tide of immigration. So great was the stream that there was soon an overflow. NcM^comers willing to pay good prices for land induced the former owners to sell their holdings and seek others from the cheaper lands of the wilderness. Tims began a stream of humanity very much as the water in a natural depression rises till at last it breaks over the hills and cuts a channel through the plain. The course taken was to the southwest. The Virginia valleys were tilled. Across the boundary into North Carolina' poured the tide. But here there was a halt. 'Mr. WoodmasoD, who seems to lia.ve visited North Carolina in 1766, writes: " Africk uever more abounded with new monsters than Pennsyl- \aniawith new sects, who are continnally sending out their emissaries KEGULATORS OF NORTH CAROLINA BASSETT. 145 Along the lower we-steni valleys of the Yadkin a counter car- rent from the SoLitb was met. The home seekers scattered themselves around in all directions, carefully picking out the best land. They moved to the west till they reached the mountains. A few hunters ventured across and found wide, sloping stretches of luscious grass. With alacrity the monn tain gates were thrown open and the conquering host marched through. It was the beginning of '^ the winning of the West" When viewed in its entirety the whole inovement seems a romance. The peoph^ who led this movement were of pioneer lineage. While still in Europe they had behind them a century of frontier life. Early in the seventeenth century James I moved many Scotchmen to Ireland with an idea of converting the country to Protestantism. In this he failed. The Protestants lived sei)arate from, and often hostile to, the natives. The tide of Puritanism that swept over the country leff them mostly Presbyterians. The country was not a home for them. The soil was poor, and conseciuently many of them turned their faces to the New World. From their association with the two countries they were called Scotch-Irish. They made ideal frontiersmen. ' While others came in their rear and settled close upon them, they were still usually the ones to push on to the next stop, ever restless and fearless. It was shortly before 1740 that this tide reached North Car- olina. Coming down from Virginia, it ran along the head waters of the Yadkin, Haw, Neuse, Tar, Catawba, and Deep rivers, until the whole country from what is now the vicinity of Raleigh on the east to the neighborhood of Morganton on the west was taken up. So rapid was the movement that Governor Tryou reports* that in the summer and winter of 1765 more than 1,000 immigrants' wagons passed through Salis- bury, most of which were bound for parts of North Carolina.' Among those who came one can easily distinguish Scotch- Irish, Germans, Moravians, Welsh, and many Englishmen. around." His uarrative, though utterly untrustworthy in regard to most that he says, shows that it was generally understood that the newcomers, especially the Baptists, were from Pennsylvania. (Colonial Records, VII, 286,287.) ' Those that went on were for Georgia and Florida. Some of these came back to North Carolina. (Colonial Records, VII, 248.) H. Mis. 01 10 146 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Besides tliose who came through the Penusylvauia doors, there Avere considerable mimbers from New Eugland, New Jersey, and Maryhmd. They came by families or by friendly bands, and occasionally by congregations. They placed themselves as chance or association directed. The Germans settled in the district now embraced by Cabarrus and parts of the adjacent (bounties. The Moravians took in common ownership the beau- tiful tract near Salem which they now hold in severalty. The Welsh settled chietly in Duplin. The New Jersey people located in what is now Davie County, and the Quakers placed themselves in what is now B-andolph and Guilford. Arouud Hillsboro there were many people, but they seem to have been drawn from many different localities. The eastern plain had been the tirst part of the colony to be settled. Convenience of transportation and the desire for fer- tile river shores operated to group the earliest settlers along the water courses. In the extreme east streams were so nnmer- oiis that the whole country was practically on water routes. This region was soon settled. Conditions here were favorable to slave labor,' and by the end of a century's growth the coast region was faiily fall of tine estates and wealthy families. Although there were inany of the middle class settled around them, these older families were the intiuential factors in the State and in society. Old settlers, with traditions of their own, and connected chiefly with the State religion, they had no syn\pathy for the new men of the hills. There was also a natural barrier between the two sections. This was a sparsely settled region of pine forest, stretching monotonously from the valley of the Roanoke on the north to that of the Cape Fear on the south. It was so far from the coast that it was ti'aversed by few rivers, and those were hardly navigable. It contained but little '• bottom'' land and had to wait for the day of railroads and cotton cultivation before it was developed. Cut off thus from the men of the east, the men of the " back counties" felt no more sympathy for the former than they received from them. The merchants to whom they hauled ' There were very many more slaves in the east than in the west. In 1766 in Orange there were 33 whites to every 6 blacks. In Johnston there were 10 to 5. In Perquimans there were 5 to 10, and in Brunswick there were 2 to 11. (Colonial Records, VII, 288, 289.) REGULATORS OF NORTH CAROLINA BASSETT. 147 tbeir produce at Cross Creek ' were either Scotchmen or had come from Peuusylvania with the rest of the <,'Oiiutry. The Presbyteriaus received their first ministers from the Synod of New York and Peuusylvania, and later on sent their own ministerial students to Princeton College. Hermon Husband corresponded with Dr. Franklin. The author of the Fan for Fanning printed his work in Boston.^ Indeed, it is likely that the inhabitants of this region knew more about Philadelphia at tliat time than about Newbern or Edenton, The life of the people was that of the pioneer. The neces- saries of subsistence were plentiful, but luxuries were few. Some old men who had been Regulators tokl Caruthers that about the time of the Regulation there was not a plank floor, a feather bed, a riding cariiage, or a side saddle within the bounds of their acquaintance. ' Yet at this time considerable advance had been made toward the cultivated habits of older communities. Many churches had been built, though they were often but rude structures. In Orange there was a regu- larly settled parish clergyman who had his church in Hillsboro. Farther out ii) the county were several cliapels which were served by readers/ In Rowan a clergyman had been provided, but the Dissenters were making it difficult for him to enter into his living,^ Within this district the Presbyterians had four pastors, each of whom had more than one charge. The Germans had pastors there also.*" The Baptists had been organized for some years. In 17.j8 the Sandy Creek" Association was formed. Only two of the churches in it were within the district of the liegulators, but ' NoAV Fayetteville. -This same author shows his feeling for the east as follows: "And such has been the fate of Newbern and other places in North Carolina that for many years they were erected an asylum for all such as fled from their creditors aud from the hand of justice, and such as would not live by work- ing elsewhere, men regardless of religion aud all moral obligation. Hence it was refugees from the western governments aud from Connecticut, found a safe retreat in North Carolina, particularly on the seacoast and places adjacent." (Quoted by Swaiu in Univ. Magazine, Vol. IX, p. 465.) a Life of Caldwell, pp. 139, 140. ■•The site of one of these chapels was selected afterwards for the seat of the University of North Carolina. "Colonial Records, VIII. 202-210, and 502-507. '• lb., VIII, 727-757. 'Sandy Creek was in what is now Randolph County. It was the central field of the Regulation. 148 AMKKICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. there were more churches ten years later.' The Qiiakerts erected their meetinghouses almost as soon as they arrived. Schools were beginning to be built up. Some of the pastors were peda- gogues as well. Still, 't is well to remember that these schools were new and had been in operation hardly long enough to influence materially the adult population. The slight glimpse that we have into the religious life of all of these people shows them to have been honest, sturdy, and independent, and per- haps not always easily managed by their pastors. Coming from a land of liberal ideas of government, they expected to maintain their share in public affairs. Without broad political information, without communication or sympathy with the pre- dominant element in the government of the province, and with strongly impetuous natures, they were just so conditioned that they were likely to redress grievances by other than constitu- tional measures. The political institutions were not of a nature to suit a peo- ple like these. The constitution left them a very small share in government. The exercise of the executive, the judicial, and, to a large extent, the legislative functions was in the hands of the central royal officeholders. The governor was appointed by the King, and represented the royal prerogative. With the council, he was the chief exec- utive agent. The councilors were appointed by the Crown, usually on the recommendation of the governor, and they could be relied on to take the side of the prerogative. The chief justice was regularly named by the Crown. The governor in cuuncil appointed the county justices and the chief justice, tem- porarily, when there was a vacancy, and the two associates.'"* Out of council he appointed the officers of the militia, and selected the sheriff from three freeholders whose names had been submitted by the county court. He must also approve a bill before it became a law, and he was commander of the militia. It was thus that his influence was paramount. Not being paid by the peoiile's assembly, he was not afraid of it. There were two systems of courts, the superior and the infe- rior. The former was divided into six circuits, which were traveled twice a year. The chief justice and the two associates ' See Piirefoy's History of Sandy Creek Association, 62-65. ^Colonial Records, VII, 690, 691. REGULATORS OF NORTH CAROLINA BASSETT. 149 held it. Its miuisterial officers were appointed by some ageut of the central authority. The inferior court was the county court. It was held by the justices of the county and was in nearly every resi^ect the sole unit of local govermiient. The sheriff executed its command, usually through his deputies, of which there was a liberal supply. He also collected all the taxes. The county and parish taxes w ere levied by the county court, and the sheriff returned the same to them. Tlie appoint- ing of the clerks of countycourts was unfortunately an anged. There was a clerk of the pleas, a relic of a past oflice, whose position was now a sinecure, and he appointed the clerks of the thirty- four county courts. The salaries of these clerks ranged from £50 to £500 a year. The clerk of the pleas let out the county clerkships to those who paid him the most rent for them. By this means he liad an office which paid him with- out the least labor £560 a year. Governor Martin said, in 1772, that the county clerks used their influence to get into the assembly, where they were able to keep this arrangement from being abolished.^ The assembly was bicameral. The upper house was the coun- cil. The lower house was elected by the freeholders. Election s were held by the sheriff, but there seems to have been no strict oversight of the polls. Furthermore, there were no party lines. The influential men brought out a man as candidate, and he usually received the election. When a bill had been passed in both houses and signed by the governor, it must be apj)roved by the board of trade before it was a permanent law. The result of all this was that in each county there were a certain number of men who were likely to have in control all the offices. This is suggestive of what we to-day are accus- tomed to call '• court-house rings." The disadvantage was that the continued effectiveness of government depended too much on the personal honesty of these officeholders. In many of the eastern counties this state of affairs seems to have worked Avell. But in the remote sections there is much evidence that the officers were selfish and mercenary, and that they were mutually leagued together to forward their own selfish ends. It was to try to clean out this Augean stable that Eegulation had its existence. ' Colonial Records, IX, 264-266. 150 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. THE GRIEVANCES OF THE REGULATORS. The grievances of the Regulators were excessive taxes, dis- honest sberifls, and extortionate fees.' Each of these was made more intense by the scarcity of money. The stamp-act trouble does not seem to have had any immediate influence on this movement. Tliat the people of the back country sympa- thized with the Sons of T^iberty and could have been aroused to help them had the discontent spread from the Cape Fear inward is undoubtedly true, but this whole movement passed over before the Regulation came into existence.^ The charge of excessive taxation was only relativelj^ true. Taxes were apportioned by the poll. A taxable was an adult white man or an adult black man or woman. A rich man thus paid no more than a poor man in actual money. This injustice was emphasized as between the east and the west by the fact that the wealthy gentlemen of the former section relied on slave labor, while slaves were comparatively few in the west. The manner of collecting taxes made the burden still heavier. The tax bills, although qnestioned by the Regula- tors, seem to have been correct.' In a frontier region, where money was scarce and local trading was confined almost entirely to barter, it was not always convenient for the farmers to keep money in their homes. But throughout the country there were men who lent small sums to the countrymen Avhen there was a sudden demand for cash. Consequently, when the ' In 1771 Goveruor Martiu vsaid that he was told on every side that a chief cause of these troubles was the fact that Earl Granville had no agent in the colony who would give deeds for his lands. The settlers accordingly took possession of the lauds, but refused to pay taxes for the same. This caused ti'ouble with the sheriffs. (Colonial Records, IX, 49.) Granville's land office was closed from 1765 (lb., VIII, 195), and it is likely enough that the result was as just stated, but the fact that in the many statements of the questions at issue no prominence is given by either side to this cause is the author's justification for not putting it into the body of his text. "^ It is well to remember, also, that the leaders of the resistance to the stamp act were among those who afterwards were most active to STippress the Regulation. ' The tax bill for 1767 was 7s., besides county and parish dues. This is whatTryon told the Regulators (Colonial Records, VII, 791), and from the items in the bill for 1768 it foots up the same amount. (lb., VII, 772, 773.) Here it seems there are two bills, the latter of which is that for 1768. The items in the bills were referred to the laws authorizins: them. REGULATORS OF NORTH CAROLINA BASSETT. 151 sheriff would coine uuexpectedly to the taxpayer, the latter would propose to get the money if the officer would accom- pany him to the home of this neighborhood banker. The officer usually refused to do this and proceeded to distrain on some i^roperty, taking a fee of 2s. 8d. for the same. The tax- payer would then hasten to his neighbor's, secure the needed money, and hurry after the sheriff. That officer would take a different route than the one he had promised to take, and the luckless pursuer would arrive m Hillsboro in time to see his property sold to some friend of the officer's for much less than its value. The Regulators charged that officers played into each others hands for this purpose, and that there were men in Hillsboro who had made large sums by dealing in such business. The sheriffs were thought to have taken another step in defiance of popular justice when the assembly in 1708 passed a law requiring the sheriffs to attend five different places in each county, at least two days in each place, during January and February of each year, in order to collect the taxes. If the officer found it necessary to call at the home of the rate- payer for his due, he took an extra fee for doing it. The peo- ple of Orange regarded this law as i>assed at the instigation of the sheriffs. Husband declared ' that the sheriff insulted the people in it, and added that the officer "might have said the asses were obliged to bring their burdens to him in order that one of his deputies might collect the whole in ten days, sitting on his breech, at ease, in five places ouly."^ ' Wheeler, History of Nortii Carolina, II, 305, aud Colonial Records, VII, 771, 772. '^It has been stated that the tax for the governor\s palace, which was erected in Newberu in 1765-1770 at a cost of £15,000, had much to do with working np the discontent that culminated iu the Regulation. There is, however, no evidence that the palace deserves so much distinction. Among all of their complaints the Regulators refer to it only rarely. They seem to have considered this a slight abuse as compared with other mat- ters. (Cf also Caruthers: Life of Caldwell, p. 106.) It is also stated at times that the expense of running the Cherokee boundary line was a cause of the Regulation; but there is very slight reference to it in the published complaints of the Regulators. The fact that Maurice Moore iu his " Atticus" letter arraigned Tryon for these two pieces of extravagance seems to have led most writers to assume that these were important causes of the troubles that came later. Moore served against the Regulators, and his letter indicates that he hardly understood the movement. He cer- tainly does not say that the Regulators couMdered the two occurrences just cited as efficient causes of their oppression. (Colonial Rccor.ls, VIII, 718.) 152 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Another very ijromineut grievance was the dishonesty of the sheritis, who failed to pay into the hands of the pubhc treasury the money they had collected. The public accounts were most inefficiently kept. There was a prevalent opinion among all classes that there was fraud just here. In 1767 Governor Tryon declared it as his opinion that "the sheriffs have embezzled more than one-half of the public money ordered to be raised and collected by them." ' This, he said, was due to the remissness of the treasurers, who feared to sue the sheriffs, lest the friends of these latter should combine to defeat the treasurers of re-election. He made several attempts to secure a statement of all such arrears, and finally in 17C9 John Burgwin was appointed to prepare a statement of the condition of the x^ublic accounts.- In the following year he made his report, ' when it appeared that the several sheriff's were in arrears to the extent of £411,000,^ Many counties were in arrears for ten years, and some accounts reached back to 1754. A good deal of this was reported as worthless. In some instances neither principal nor securities were worth anything, and at times they had all run away. More than half of the amount in arrears, however, was reported good. This was especially true of the eastern counties, which were generally paid uj) until 1705. The bad debts and the long arrears were mostly in the frontier counties — that is to say, in Anson, Orange, Johnston, Rowan, Cumberland, and Dobbs. The failure to i)ay into the treasury the amount collected led to an irritating misunderstanding between the governor and the assembly. In 1700 the provincial government issued £12,000 in currency, to be redeemed by a poll tax of Is. levied each year till the whole amount was sunk. The following year £20,000 was issued, to be redeemed by a poll tax of 2s. In 1768 the assembly, after trying in vain to get a new issue of I Colonial Records, VII, 497 ; also, VIII, 105. •^ lb., VII, 984. ^ lb., VIII, 278-281. ■• This is the amount due for years preceding 1770. There was about £15,000 due for that year, but the report being made out iu that year many sherifl's, especially those inclined to pay slowly, had perhaps not had full opportunity to settle with the treasurers when the report was gotten up. To include tbe amount for this year is therefore hardly fair to the sherifls. The assembly of 1771, second session, decided to distribute in the counties printed copies of Burgwiu's report. (lb., IX, 124.) At the same time they ordered the treasurers to prosecute the delinquents. (lb., IX, 217.) As a result a fair proportion of the arrears was collected. (lb., IX,r)72-576.) REGULATORS OF NORTH CAROLINA BASSETT. 153 paper cnriency, resolved that euongii money bad been collected to redeem these two issues, and that consequently the sheriffs should no longer collect these two items in the tax bill.^ By this means they thought they would lessen taxation and pre- vent the volume of currency from decreasing. The governor, however, vetoed this resolution, because, as he said, he had not seen a statement of the moneys x>aid into the sinking fund.^ Two years later such a statement was prepared, and it shows that at the time in question but little over £25,000 had been burnt since 17(30, ' so that if they had devoted all moneys col- lected for the sinking fund to redeeming the two issues just mentioned there would still have been nearly £7,000 unre- deemed.^ The failure of the governor to agree with the res- olution to cease to collect the 3s. as indicated caused a clash in the authority of government and gave rise to a great deal of misgiving among the people.^ Had the sheriffs paid in their arrears this trouble would have been avoided. Extortionate fees was perhaps the greatest grievance of all. Nearly all the officers were paid in fees. The people of the back counties complained heavily of their offtcers, and in sup- port of their complaint the Orange County Regulators pro- duced affidavits sufficient to satisfy the most skeptical that they were right.^ As soon as counties were organized on the frontier sheriffs, clerks, registers, and lawyers swooped down upon the defenseless inhabitants like wolves. Further than this, the people charged that the superior and county courts conspired to aid the officers in escaping punishment. The fee of a lawyer was fixed by law, but, like usury laws of our own day, it was difficult to enforce this law. The officers would manage to resolve a service for which a fixed fee was due into two or more services, and for each they would demand a fee. Both lawyers and court officials were thought to be in collusion to postpone cases in order that they might get more fees.' The court business was sadly behind, much to the incou- > Colonial Records, VII, 922, 923. ^Ib., VII, 986. ^'Ib., VIII, 213-215. ••The sinking fund received money as follows: Is. to sink two issues in 1748 and 1754 ; Is. for the issue of 1760 ; 2s. for that of 1761, and 4d. a gallon on imported liquors. Perhaps not more than one-half of this fund should have been devoted to the sinking of the two issues in question. ^See Husband's account, Wheeler, II, 311. « Colonial Records, VII, 771-782. 'Governor Martin, in 1772, supports the cliarge of malpractices by the lawyers. ( lb., IX, 340.) 154 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. venience of the people, wlio ofteu were obliged to attend at a distance of from 30 to 60 miles. This was true to sucli an extent that in 1760 there were nearly 1,000 cases on the docket of Halifax superior court, and no civil causes had been tried in any court in the province for six months.' The governor issued frequent proclamations to prevent illegal fees, but without avail. Connected with and influencing each of these grievances was that of the general scarcity of money. The English colonial policy had the effect of withdrawing from the colonies as much gold and silver as possible. So scarce did this money become that in 1765 Governor Tryon said that there was only enough of it in the colony to pay for the stamps which under the Stamp Act would be required on the instruments of writing used in one year in the sui>erior courts of the province.^ The I)eople desired to issue a paper currency sufficient in amount for the demands, but were restrained by an act of Parliament made for the protection of British merchants, which forbade the colonies to issue legal-tender paper. The assembly peti- tioned the King for a relaxation of this injunction, but was un- successful. Distress was everywhere; but in the east, where there were public warehouses for receiving commodities, it was less than in the west, where there were none; because the l)eople used the warehouse certificates as a medium of ex- change among themselves. An inhabitant of Orange related that at this time he had accompanied his father with a load of wheat to Cross Creek, now Fayetteville, where they received 5s. a bushel for the grain, but could get only one-fifth of the price in cash. His father returned home with 40s. and was able to pay his tax, which was more than his neighbors could do.^ All this was caused chiefly by a most shortsighted financial policy on the part of the i)rovincial government. During the times of the French and Indian war the colony had made re- peated issues of currency. After peace was declared in 1 703 this began rapidly to be redeemed. So sudden and wide an extension of the money medium was bad in itself; but when in the face of an immense tide of immigration the currency began rapidly to contract the effect was calamitous. An idea of this ' Colonial Records. VII, 200, 201. 2Ib.,VII, 144. 3 Caruther.s's Life of Caldwell, page 113. Colonel Saunders, with a singu- lar lack of insight, says that this wheat was sohl for a shilling a bushel. Why he should have said nothing of the 4 shillings in barter given also for each bushel is incomprehensible. (Cf. Coh)uial Records, VII, j). xix.) REGULATORS OF NORTH CAROLINA BASSETT. 155 may be gotten from the fact that in IKiS while the ay^)unt of money was decreasing about 10 per cent a year the population was increasing about 7 per cent a yeav." The inhabitants of the back counties, isolated from, and out of sympathy with, the dominant class in the province, were thus ready material to the hand of the political agitator. Weighed down by improjierly adjusted taxes, dishonest oflicers, exces- sive fees, and an insufficient currency, the people only awaited the appearance of a leader under whom they might range themselves in opposition to their oppressors. The first man to appear in this cai)acity was Hermon Husband.^ THE LEADERS. Husband was born in Cecil County, Md., October 3, 1724.^ His familj^ were Episcopalians, but Hermon with some other members of the family became Quakers.* He moved to North Carolina and settled at Sandy Creek, then in Orange County, but now in the northeastern part of Eandolph. Here he accumulated considerable property. Our knowledge of him indicates that he was industrious, shrewd, honest, and much more intelligent than the average man of his neighborhood.'^ By his neighbors he was reported to have been either related to, or connected with, Dr. Benjamin Franklin. It is in evi- dence that he kept up a correspondence with this patriotic Quaker through John Wilcox, a merchant of Cross Creek, who went to Philadelphia twice a year to buy goods. In this way he received many political pamphlets of a patriotic char- acter which he reprinted and circulated among the people. He got the credit of writing some of these, but it does not ap- pear that he claimed the authorshij* of any of them.^ The only one of these of which we have any definite account is a collec- 1 Cf. Colonial Records, VII, 145, 288, 289, and 539, with VIII, 215. 2 This spelling is used advisedly. Mr. Jacob L. Husband, of Baltimore, a relative of Hermon Husband, has a deed written and signed by Hermon Husband ou January 7, 1769, in which the spelling is as here given. sPenn. Mag. of Hist, and Biog., April, 1886, p. 119. •'Dr. S. B. Weeks, who has examined the records of the Quakers, has informed the writer that Husband was expelled from that organization, not because he was immoral, but because of divergence of views. This statement is also in advance of Dr. Weeks's forthcoming book. f'The deed referred to in note 1 was written by himself and is in good form, showing some legal knowledge. ^Caruthers's Life of Caldwell, pp. 119, 120. 156 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. tion called " Seinious to asses." It is adapted from a pro- dactiou of an Enolish clergyman of republican tendencies and was published without the name of the author or editoi." Two sermons were on the nature of asses. One was from the text: "Issachar is a strong ass, crouching down between two bur- dens. And he saw that rest was good, and the land that it was pleasant; and he bowed his shoulder to bear and became a servant to tribute." The other was based on the biblical story of Balaam and his ass. Each contained homely truths vigorously stated.^ Husband's part in the Regulation has been overestimated. He was essentially an agitator, and his plan seems to have been to effect reform by means of public sentiment. When it became evident that the movement was running into violence he held aloof from it, only exerting himself to restrain excesses and to make peace.^ His activity as a pamphleteer had given him such a reputation that it was impossible to convince the provincial government that he was not the chief leader of the popular side. The officeholders produced affidavits to show that he was in the crowd that perpetrated the Hillsboro riots j"* but whether or not he helped to administer the thrashings that some received the deponents did not say. The fact that when a short time afterwards he was expelled from the assem- bly for printing a libelous letter to Maurice Moore no charge was made in connection with this riot may, perhai^s, be owing to lack of evidence on this subject.^ Had it been at all sure that he was concerned in the riots, he would likely have been so charged in the indictment. He was with the Regulators on the morning of the battle on the Alamance endeavoring to bring about an adjustment. When he saw that this was impossible he mounted his horse and rode away. Some have attributed this to cowardice, but it is noticeable that none of the writers who have talked with surviving Regulators have said that the Regulators accused him of deserting their ' It was erroneously supposed to have been adapted from Dr. Franklin's tract, " State aftairs." 2 These two sermons are abridged in Revolutionary History of North Carolina (W. D. Cooke, ed.), pages 19-28. ^ In 1768 the Regulators declared that he was a "gentleman that had never joined the Regulators, had never been concerned m any tumults, and whose only crime was being active in trying to bring on the intended settlement." (Colonial Records, VII, 765.) •> lb., VIII, 245-247. -^Ib., VIII, 268,269. REGULATORS OF NORTH CAROLINA BASSETT. 157 cause. It IS more probable that bis whole conduct was iu keeping with his Quaker principles of not actively participat- ing- in a tight. He was twice elected "to the assembly, being expelled during his second term, and when the officers of Rowan County agreed to leave the dispute between themselves and the Regulators to a committee of arbitration he was put on that committee.' To escape Tryon's wrath he tied the colony and spent the remainder of his life in westera Pennsylvania, where he was prominently implicated in the whisky rebellion. He was captured, tried, and condemned to death, but was released through the intercession of friends. He died before he could reach his hoine.^ There is no one who can be called a preeminent leader of the Regulation. Perhaps this is one cause of its failure. On the morning of the battle, when no one was found to command the people, some asked James Hunter to take command. His answer was characteristic both of himself and of the move- ment: " We are all freemen, and everyone must command him- self." ^ Rednap Howell, James Hunter, and William Butler were leading spirits; yet there were, perhaps, others as prom- inent as themselves. Hunter was spoken of as their "gen- eral."* Rednap Howell deserves to be mentioned as the bard of the movement. He was from New Jersey and was a school- master. With his homely songs he soon set the entire country- side singing at the expense of Fanning, Frohock, and others of their associates.^ ' Colonial Records, VIII, 521. 2 See Carutliers : Life of Caldwell, pages 166-168. sib., p. 163. 4 Colonial Records, IX, 269. ''The following will suffice as specimens: When Fanning first to Orange came He looked both pale ami wan, An old patched coat upon his back, An old mare he rode on. Also this : Bwth man and mare wa'n't worth five pounds, As I've been often told. But by his civil robberies He's laced his coat with gold. — Life of Caldwell, page 116, note. Says Frohawk to Fanning, to tell the plain truth, "When I came to this country I was but a youth ; My father sent for me; I wa'n t worth a cross : And then my first study was to steal for a horse. I quickly got credit, and then ran away. And hav'n't paid for him to this very day. — lb., page 130, note. All that is known of the Regulators' rhymes is reprinted in the Raleigh Begister, June 2, 1825. 158 AMERICAN HISTORICAL AS80CIATIOX. The most prominent leader ou tlie opj)Osite side was Gov- ernor Tryon. Much has been said to this man's discredit, but perhai)S not all of it lias been deserved. ^So far as the records show lie was a man of decided executive ability, great tact, broad ideas, and much firmness. Like Strafford, his public character seems to be summed up in the word '^thorough.'' Like most English gentlemen who were then sent to govern colonies, he expected to make money by the office, and he doubtless did it.' He was a genuine believer in the King's [)rerogative, and as governor he felt bound to permit nothing that would detract from it. From his standpoint it was enough for the people if they submitted to the benign rule of the fatherly King. He came to enforce this kind of govern- ment and at the same time to build up his private fortune. He found that the officeholders in the counties were the friends on whom he might rdy to accomplish both ijurposes. He felt drawn to them, and when the people criticised them he inter- fered in their behalf. As rej)resentatives of his ideas of gov- ernment he felt that they must be sustained. To accomplish his object he shrewdly, and perhaps heartlessly, used the means that i^oliticians of the day were accustomed to use. To his mind a triumph of the Regulators would have been the first step toward undermining the royal authority. He came to ]S"orth Carolina with an ambition to have a tranquil adminis- tration in what had hitherto been a troublesome colony. His very ideas doomed him to failure. It was his misfortune to be the governor Just at the time when quiet was impossible. Edmund Fanning, the local leader of the opposition to the Regulators, was born in Connecticut and was educated at Yale College. He was a man of fine address and superior ability. For some time he was one of the leading men in the assembly, and seems to have won the confidence of such men as Ashe, Harvey, Waddell, Harnet, Caswell, and Maurice Moore, all men of the greatest reputation for jDatriotism, and whose parts in the Revolution have secured for them considera- tion as the fathers of the Republic. Unfortunately for him he • In 1769 Lord Hillsboro told Tryon that the reason he had not named him for the governorship of New York was that he had learned that he (Tryon) was getting more in North Carolina than the New York place paid. (Colonial Records, VIII, 190, 191.) REGULATORS OF NORTH CAROLINA — BASSETT. 159 belonged to tbe of'tice-liolding class, and. like his associates, stretched his authority as much as possible, so as to take more money from the people. He said tliat he thought he had a legal right to take all he did take, and when he had been convicted the best experts of the law acquitted him of any criminal intent. Still, it is improbable that he fooled himself in such a manner as his claim would imply. He was most likely a fuU-lledged office-holding bird of prey, no better and no worse, except as he had more native ability, than the other members of the political cliques in the back counties. EARLY DISPT TES. The early history of North Carolina was not a quiet one. Besides the so-called Culpepper and Carey rebellions, which occurred under proprietary rule, there had been several dis- putes between the people and the royal authority. ' While these difficulties have no direct connection with the llegula- tion, they show that the spirit of independence was abroad in the colony a long time before the day of the Eegulators. A notable outbreak of this si)irit occurred in Mecklen- bnrg County on the 7th of May, 1705. George Selwyn held a large tract of laud in this region, on which he had settled many men who had not received deeds for their holdings. In 1764 Henry Eustace McCulloch was appointed agent for Sel- wyn, with instructions to survey these parcels of land, and either to close bargains for the same or to eject those who held them. McCulloch announced the price at which he would receive payment for the land, and in February, 1765, went up to have a settlement. The settlers indignantly refused to accept the proposition, oftereper. The former represented a mild but firm protest against the wrongdoing of the officers and its transactions are summed up in the papers usually known as tbe Regulators' Advertizemeuts 1, 11, and III.- The latter replaced the former. It was first known as "The Mob," but soon took the name "Regulation," from a South Carolina organization. It grew np when the former had failed and was dominated by a more turbulent spirit than was coun- tenanced bj^ the Sandy Creek organization. It eventually ran into such excesses that the militia of the province was called out twice against it. The Sandy Creek movement began late in August, 1766, when at a county court there was issued a call for each neigh- borhood to send delegates to a meeting " at some place where 1 Wheeler : History of North Carolina, II, 301, 302. 2 These are found in Wheeler, II, 302, 304 and Colonial Records, VII, 249, 251, 252. H. Mis. !«1 11 162 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. there is uo liquor (at Mad dock's Mill, if no objection), at which, meeting let it be judiciously inquired whether the free men of this county labor under any abuses of power or not, and let the same be notified in writing if any is found, and the matter freely conversed upon, and proper measures used for amend- ment."^ This call was read in court, whereupon the officers present acknowledged that it was reasonable, and Thomas Lloyd, one of the assemblymen of Orange, "declared his ap- probation of it '' and suggested October 10 as a convenient day for the meeting.- It is of advantage to note the relation of this movement to the stam])-act resistance. The call begins: Whereas that great good may come of this great designed evil, the stamii law, while the Sons of Liberty withstood the lords in Parliament in behalf of true liberty, let not officers under them carry on unjust oppression in our own province. In closing, the paper says : Take this as a maxim, that while men are meu, though you should see all those Sons of Liberty (who has just now redeemed us from tyranny) set in offices and vested with power, they would soon corrupt again and oppress if they were not called ujion to give an account of their steward- shiy). This passage indicates the sympathy between the Sandy Creek men and the Sons of Liberty. This was possibly due to the influence of Husband, whose correspondence with Franklin made him a center of patriotic ideas of a revolutionary nature. There is no evidence of any connection between the Regula- tion proper and the stamp-act troubles. The idea of giving an account of their stewardship gave the officers an excuse for not going to the meeting at Maddock's Mill; for although they had at first promised to go, yet when on October 10 twelve delegates were met there the officers sent a messenger to say that they had decided not to attend, because the meeting claimed the authority to call them (the officers) to account. The messenger further announced that Colonel Fanning considered the meeting an insurrection. The meeting, liowever, proceeded to draw up a paper, the chief features of which were as follows : Since the county was so large that not more than one-tenth of the voters could know in a reliable manner the qualifications of any man, it was ' Colonial Records, VII, 250. 'Husband. (See Wheeler, II, 303.) REGULATORS OF NORTH CAROLINA BASSETT. 163 deemed right that there .shoukl be au annual meeting similar to the one then convened, so that the people might investigate the actions of their representatives, and that the representa- tives might kuosv the wishes of their constituency. Inasmuch as the matter was new in Orange, " though practiced in older governments," it was hoped that tlie officers would in time be more willing to submit their conduct to these meetings, and that the people could be brought to support the movement more firmly. This paper was read to the messenger, who " said that it was so just and reasonable that no man could object to it."' A copy was given to him, which he agreed to deliver to the officers. ' The claim that representatives are responsible to their con- stituencies was at that time an innovation in the politics of the "back counties" of North Carolina. From the i^oint of view of the officeholders it could not be allowed. Accordingly Colonel Fanning, either at the next county or general muster, read a paper "in repugnance to our requests." Husband did not know its contents. Fanning claimed that he had served it on the Sandy Creek men, but Husband says none of them ever saw it. It was probably but a more formal statement of Fan- ning's charge that the measures proposed were insurrectionary. Further than this, the officers made threats against the chief men of the movement, and when £50 had been collected to prosecute the offending officers it was found that the only lawyer on whom they could rely declined to take the case. In 1767 two men, one a justice of the county court, i)urchased jointly a copy of the revision of the laws of the province.'^ Two others copied from it the fees for registering conveyances and went before the court to register some deeds. The fees charged they thought to be illegal. They protested, but being threat- ened with arrest for contempt of court, they thought best to desist. The justice who was half owner of the law book then went to his partner, who had brought the book to the court, and asked him to be cautious how he lent it out. This he did; because there were so few of these books in this section that the court would easily know who had lent one of them. To this statement Husband adds: "Thus we may see how he apprehended himself under a necessity to conceal his good ' Colouial Records, VII, 25L 252, and Wheeler, II, 304. * Davis's Revisiou, 1765. 164 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. offices and honesty to secure himself in office, but 1 suppose he was found out, for he was soon afterwards put out of couimis- sion." All these obstacles so discouraged the people that the Sandy Creek men abandoned their association.' Thus termi- nated the iirst movement against the officers. THE REGULATION PROPER. It was not till the spring of 17G8 that any further organized resistance was made to Fanning and his associates. The im- mediate cause of this resistance was a notice posted by the sheriff of Orange, stating that he would, according to law, receive taxes at five specified i)laces, and for all not paid there he would distrain at a cost of 2s. Sd. for each distress.'' Many people considered this a misinterpretation or a violation of the law. Along witli it came the rumor that the assembly had given the governor £15,000 for the purpose of building a residence.^ The two affairs combined to bring about a new association, at first known as "The Mob," but later called " The Eegulatiou."^ The movement did not begin in the Sandy Creek neighbor- hood, but it si)read rapidly. The Sandy Creek men refused to join, "because it was too hot and rash, and in some respects not legal." They tried to guide the movement and to modify 1 This accouut follows Husband. See Wheeler, II, 302, 303. ^ A careful examiuatiou of the law theu iu force fails to show any authority for this assertion. Laws of 1768. ch. 6. •' Affairs were further aggravated by the fact that the sheriff at first demauded 8s. 4d., which some paid. Later Fanning arrived and said that the tax should be lOs. 8d. Many paid this with much complaining. The people had lost confidence in their leaders, and not being able to find in the law books the specified tax bills, declared they were being defrauded. (Colonial Records, VII, 76.3,764.) This was an error. Colonial Records, VII, 772, gives the items of this tax of 10s. 8d., and a comparison with the laws in Davis's Collections of 1765 and 1771 shows that the items as given iu the posted notice were correct. (Collection of 1765, Vol. 1, 146; Vol. II, 22, 192, and 222.) The tax to defray contingent expenses is cited incorrectly. Instead of being 1748 it should have been 1767-68. It was passed in 17;")9 for four years. In 1761 it was supplemented by 2s. tax. The original tax was continued iu 1764 (chap. 8) and again iu 1767-68 (chap. 18). ^ The name Regulation was takfen from a South Carolina organization formed to protect the people against the depredations of a lawless baud known (from their leader. Colonel Schovel) as Schofilites. The aftair was settled when the province established courts in the back counties, thus allowing the Schofilites to be brought to Justice. (Quoted by Gover- nor Swain from Johnson's Traditions and Reminiscences. University Magazine, X, 134, 135.) REGULATORS OF NORTH CAROLINA BASSETT. 165 its iutemperauce. A violent paper had been prepared and sent to the officers/ bnt these mikler men persnaded the angered people to have another meeting, at which a new agreement was drawn u\), as follows : We, the subscribers, do voluntarily agree to form ourselves iuto an association, to assemble ourselves for conference for regulating public grievances and abuses of power, in the following particulars, with others of a like nature that may occur: (1) We will pay no more taxes until we are satisfied that they are agreeable to law, and applied to the purposes therein mentioned, unless we can not help it, or are forced. (2) We will pay no officer any more fees than the law allows, unless we are obliged to do it, and then to show our dislike and bear open testimony against it. (3) We will attend all our meetings of conferences as often as we conveniently can, etc. (4) We will contribute to collections for defraying necessary expenses attending the work, according to our abilities. (5) In case of difference in judgment we will submit to the judgment of the majority of our body.- The former of these papers was received by the officers with a storm of indignation, the burden of which fell on the Sandj' Creek men, who, from their association with the other affair, were never able to separate themselves, in the minds 'This paper read as follows: "Whereas the taxes in the county are larger, according to the number of taxables, than adjacent counties, and continues so year after year, and as the jealousy still prevails amongst us that we are wronged, and having the more reason to think so as we have been at the trouble of choosing men and sending them after the civilist manner that we could to know what we paid our levy for, but could receive no satisfaction. * * ■ We are obliged to seek redress by deny- ing paying any more until we have a full settlement for what is past, and have a true regulation with our officers, as our grievances are too many to notify in a small piece of writing. We desire that you. our assembly men and vestrymen, may appoint a time before next court at the court-house and let us know by the bearer, and we will choose men to act for us. * " ' We desire that the sheriffs will not come this way to collect the levy, for we will pay none before there is a settlement to our satisfaction, and as the natui-e of an officer is a servant to the publick. we are deter- mined to have the officers of this county under a better and honester regu- lation than they have been for some time past. Think not to frighten us with rebellion in this case, for if the inhabitants of this province have not as good a right to en(|uire into the nature of our constitution and disburse- ment of our funds as those of our mother country, we think it is by arbi- trary proceedings that we are debarred of that right; therefore, to be plain with you, it is our intent to have a full settlement of you in every particu- lar point that is matter of doubt with us, so fail not to send an answer by the bearer."' (Colonial Records, VII, 699, 700. ) -Wheeler: History of North Carolina, II, 306. 166 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. of the officers, from tlie later movement.' The Eegnlation proper was now fairly launched, and the launching was with such violent language from the officers that many who had not before concerned themselves with the affair joined it outright. On April 4 the Regulators met again and requested the late sheriff and a vestryman to meet a committee of Regulators, on a day to be selected, with a list of the taxables for each year and a list of insolvents, together with a statement of all dis- bursements of the public money. They desired also that their assemblymen would be at the same time and place "to show us law for the customary fees that had been taken for deeds," etc. Two men were appointed to convey this request to the officers, but before they could set off there occurred such a storm of popular fury that the whole matter took an entirely different asi)ect. A Regulator's mare, saddle, and bridle were seized and sold on account of one levy. A party of angry Regulators at once rode to Hillsboro, where they rescued the mare^ and where some of the most uncontrolled spirits fired some shots into the roof of Tanning's house, by way of vent- ing their spite. The Regulators claimed that they were pro- voked to this by a gentleman who came to the door with a pistol and threatened to tire on them.^ Colonel Fanning was at that time attending the superior court at Halifax. Lieutenant-Colonel Gray, who commanded the militia in his absence, reported the matter to his senior officer and was ordered to embody at once seven companies of militia to oppose the Regulators. At the same time Fanning sent a warrant from the chief justice for the arrest of William Butler, Peter Craven, and Ninian Bell Hamilton, who had been leaders of the rescuing party. ^ The militia assembled at once, but it was found that of the seven companies only 120 men presented themselves with arms in their hauds,^ and that ' It was perhaps due to this fact that the officei's were not able to disso- ciate Husbands from the Regulation proper. 'Some old men, *'of great respectability," told Caruthers that the mare was sold to an officer for the amount of the levy and that the Regulators repaid this and restored the property to the former owner. (Life of Cald- well, pp. 118,119.) 3 Colonial Records, VII, 764. "lb., Vll, 705-707. ^ The others gave as an excuse the bad weather and said they would rather pay the tines than attend muster. (lb., VII, 743.) REGULATORS OF NORTH CAROLINA BASSETT. 167 very few of these could be relied upon to act against the peo- ple. It was the opinion of the officers that not over 150 men could be found in the county who could be depended on in the emergency. At this time, according to Husband, not more than one-half of the people had joined the Eegulation.' The remainder, it seems, were so strongly in sympathy with the Regulators they would not light against them. The officers were also, perhaps, a little frightened. They decided to make a truce. This, so they wrote Fanning, was solely to gain time. They appointed three men to meet the leaders of the Regulators on April 20. Whether this meeting was held or not we do not know ; but through the influence of the parish clergyman, Rev. George Micklejohn,^ a further meeting v.as appointed for May 11, at which it was promised that matters would be definitely settled. ^ On receiving this news Fanning set off at once for Hillsboro to take command of his regiment. Arriving there he reported the condition of affairs to Tryon. His ideas of the Regula- tors were based entirely on the paper which they had hastily sent to the officers, but which they had afterwards modified. He accused them of swearing to pay no more taxes, to kill all officers who tried to collect taxes, to prevent the execution oi" the decrees of the courts, and to arraign all officers before "the bar of their shallow understanding," as well as of desir- ing to become the " sovereign arbiters of right and wrong.'" He thought, however, that he should be able to manage the situation and said that inasmuch as the succeeding week was court week he should wait till it had passed, and then on May 1 proceed to arrest the ringleaders of the opi)osition, sending them to Hillsboro for safety. He said that the insurgents had appointed May 3 a day on which they would surround the town, which, if their demands were not satisfied, they would burn. On this day he proposed to make a brave stand. It had been reported that they could bring large reenforcements from Anson, Mecklenburg, and Rowan counties. If these 1 Wheeler: History of North Carolina, II, 308. 2 The Regulators spell this uaiiie McEljohn. As a Scotchman lie possi- bly had some influence over them. (See Colonial Records, VII, 764, 765.) 3 See ib., VII, 710-712, for officers' letter. ■» Fanning said that he was informed that the movement originated in Anson County. Thei'e is no evidence to support this. Fanning was loath to have the governor think his county had been so badly managed as to originate such resistance. 168 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. should come he desired the authority to call out the militia of other counties, though he was desirous of restoring order if possible without going out of his owu county' for resources. To this letter the governor replied in the most cordial man- ner. He offered to go himself to aid Fanning if the latter should think it necessary. He ordered the militia of Burke [Bute], Halifax, Granville, Rowan, Mecklenburg, Anson, Cum- berland, and Johnston, to be held in readiness to march at the command of the Orange colonel, and instructed that gen- tleman to call out his own regiment "to repel all insurrec- tions." He inclosed a proclamation to the j)eople, which was to be published before decisive measures were taken.- Along with this letter came another of the same eal had destroyed much of this confidence. Just about this time a report was circu- lated that about £30,000 had l)een collected more than was necessary to sink the outstanding i^ublic currency. This was given as merely a suspicion; but in popular disturbances a suspicion is often as potent as a fact. The Eegulators had been forbidden to assemble themselves in any more meetings,* and consequently there was much i)rivate talking of no sub- missive nature. A proclamation against illegal fees had been set up at Hillsboro, but it had not brought relief. Husband says that it was followed by higher rather than lower fees.^ 1 Colonial Records, Vll, 759. a lb., VII, 806-80y. 3 lb., VII, 809,810. "* Governor Tryon says they did meet in spite of this injunction. (lb., VII, 819.) 5 Wheeler: History of North Carolina, II, 311, 312. 174 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Ill the meantime Tryou went to Hillsboro, arriving there ou July 0. He remained until August, hoping that the country would be induced to submit. The people refused as stoutly as ever to pay taxes. On August 1 they met to consider, as Hus- band says, the answer to Tryon's reply to their petition. At this meeting there appeared the sheriff of the county, bearing a letter and proclamation from the governor, the import of which was that the attorney -general had been instructed to prosecute officers charged with extortion, and that the Regu- lators should quietly submit to the collection of taxes by the sheriff". Both the sheriff and his deputy deposed that after the public reading of this letter the people refused to pay the taxes and threatened to take the life of the said deponents if they attempted to distrain property.' Husband says they merely told the sheriff that they had decided to refer the mat- ter to the assembly and the whole council, and declared that no insult was offered.^ They also sent a reply to Tryon's answer to their formal petition, in which they claimed that the officers paid no attention to the proclamation against illegal fees,^ and added: "Seeing that these sons of Zeruiah are like to prove too hard for your excellency, as well as for us, * * * we have come to the resolution to petition the lower house, as the other branch of the legislature, in order to strengthen your excellency's hands." * Immediately after this the Regulators were alarmed by rumors to the effect that runners were out arousing the mili- tia, and that the Indians were about to be called down upon them. A great multitude of the people — over a thousand — col- lected about 20 miles from Hillsboro on August 11 and selected eight men to interview the governor. To these the governor rei)lied that he had not had an intention of enlisting the Indians or of leading the militia "to break in upon any set- tlement, as has been falsely represented;" that he was ever ready to do thein justice; that Fanning had agreed to submit his case to the next supreme [superior] court, by whose deci- sion he would abide, and finally that the sheriff''s accounts with the county had been examined and approved. Try on 1 Colonial Records. VII, 798-799. 2 Wheeler, II, 312. ^This proclamation is found in Colonial Records, VII, 795-796. * Wheeler, II, 13, 14; also Colonial Records, VII, 801-803. REGULATORS OF NORTH CAROLINA BASSETT. 175 also appointed August 17 as a day for a meeting of Eegula- t of their leaders from Orange, 2 from Anson, and 2 from Rowan, lay down their arms before the army, and promise to pay taxes in the future they would be pardoned. Husband and Butler, it was stipulated, were not to be included in the 9 excepted persons. About thirty of the people accepted this offer; the others went to their homes. The next day Tryon sent a body of troops to arrest those who were especially wanted. Some submitted to arrest, others resisted, but all who were taken were soon released be- cause a true bill could not be found against them. The mili- tia remained in the town during the session of the court. On the 28th they began to be discharged, and on the 2d of Octo- ber the last of the several detachments marched away. On the 3d, Tryon, by proclamation, i)ardoned all but 13 of the insurgents.' The Regulators soon subsided, and on October 29 Tyree Harris wrote to the governor that on visiting them in in their homes but a short time before he had found them dis- posed to pay the taxes.' Thus ended Tryon's tirst military expedition against the Regulators. It had cost the province £4,844^ and not a drop of blood, but it quieted for some time the turbulent members of the Regulators and it gave the pro- ' Husband says they offered to pay levies, etc., as usual if the governor would let them come into town to testify against the officers, and if he would pardon their past breaches of the peace, the cases of Butler and Husband excepted. The minutes of the council, which we have followed, say nothing of this, although, as they do not contain the written proposal of the Regulators, it is possible that Husband is correct. (See Colonial Records, VII, 840-842. and Wheeler, II, 316.) 2 Colonial Records, VII, 850. 3 lb., VII, 863,864. "lb., VII, 887-888. 180 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. vincial magnates "au easy aud safe means of acquiring military- titles. 1 In the meantime the court had taken up the cases against Husband and Butler as aa'cII as the cases against the officers. Husband was indicted for a rout in four cases; the grand jury returned three of these " ignoramus ;" on the other he was tried and acquitted.^ Butler was tried on two counts and found guilty on each. He was sentenced to pay a fine of £50 and to be imprisoned six mouths. Two others, Phillip Hartso and Samuel Devinney, were tried for the same act, convicted, and sentenced to pay a fine of £25 and to be imprisoned three months. Dennice Bradley, who was indicted for burning the jail of Granville, was acquitted, and three true bills that had been made out against the leading Eegulators who had been arrested were ordered to be quashed because of irregulari- ties, and the attorney- general was ordered to bring in others. Tryon's policy was now to be as lenient as possible, in order to bring the people back to submission, and it is doubtful if it was intended that these indictments should have been revived at the next court. Indeed, he wrote to Lord Hillsborough, tlie secretary for the colonies, that he "imagined " that " these will take'their trial next March." The three prisoners, as men- tioned above, he released-' aud susj)euded the payments of their fines for six months.* On September 9, 1769, Tryon, acting on advice from the King, pardoned, by proclamation, all those who had been found guilty on these charges.^ 'While the troops were in Hillsboro, Rev. Henry Patillo, one of the leading Presbyterian ministers of the early history of that denomination in North Carolina, i>reached to the troops. Mr. Suther was ordered also to J) reach to the Germans in the army; whether he complied or not does not appear; he doubtless obeyed. At the same time Rev. Mr. Micklejohn, the parish clergyman, was "desired " to preach before the troops. The first and the last were liublicly thanked for their services (Colonial Records, VII, 835, 836, aud 886), and the next assembly ordered the sermon of Mr. Mickle- john to be printed at the public expense. (VII, 983.) This sermon was preached from Romans, xiii, 1 and 2, that text which has so often been made to hold up the temjjle of tyranny, and the preacher said in it that the governor should hang at least twenty of the rebels, and that they could not hope to escape hell. (See Foote, Sketches, p. 67.) 2 Wheeler, II, 321, 322. ^Husband says two of them escaped and a discharge was sent after them. The other, Butler, was discharged also. (lb., II, 322.) "See Colonial Records, VII, 844-846 and 884,885. sib., VIII, 17 and 67. REGULATORS OF NORTH CAROLINA BASSETT. 181 The one half of the business of the court, that is to say, to try Regulators, was easily accomplished; the other half, to try the officers, was a harder task. Husband says the troops asked the business of every man who went into the court. If any owned that they came to complain of officers they were bulldozed by the guards, so that many were scared away. Those who persisted in staying were ordered out of town. One of the prisoners, very likely Husband himself, induced several to come back, and these brought charges against Fanning and Francis Nash. The former was register, and on five counts he was found guilty. He pleaded a misconstruction of the law. For each offense he was fined 1 penny. Nash, accord- ing to Tryon, was also convicted, but if he was convicted he must have gotten a new trial, for the court records show that he gave his bond to appear at the next court.' On being con- victed Fanning at once resigned his x)Osition as register. The case against Fanning is worthy of a fuller statement. The fee bill allowed the register 2s. 8d. for registering a con- veyance " or any other writing, or giving a copy thereof." A deed was brought to be registered, which, besides being a mere conveyance, had indorsed on it the certificate of the examination of a feme covert, the certificate of the x^erson ex- amining, and the oath of execution. To the people this was one instrument of writing, but to Fanning it was four. Also, it was in evidence that it was the custom for the officers in general to consider it as more than one. Fanning claimed that for registering the paper he was entitled to 6s. and some pence, but charged only Os. The attorney-general, on bein g consulted, gave it as his opinion that for recording every deed a register was, within the meaning of the statute, entitled to 8s. 7d. Fanning pleaded, also, that not being certain as to this matter he had, on assuming his office, taken the opinion of the Justices of the county court, who had told him that he had a right to 6s. and some pence for every deed. This, it was claimed, removed from the defendant the imputation of a " tortious taking," and so the court held. With such a ruling there was nothing for the jury to do but impose a merely nominal penalty. The matter was referred for an opinion to the attorney- general of England, who gave it as his opinion that the deed m ques- tion entitled the register to three fees. He also stated the question of criminal intent so that with the facts in the case as ' See Colonial Records, VII, 847 and 884. 182 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. claimed Fauning could uot legally be held guilty of extortion.' The matter was also referred to a Mr. Morgan,- of the Inner Temple, whose official capacity, if he had any, is not given. He gave a decided verdict in favor of Fanning, stating that the latter was entitled to four fees, and that he could not be guilty any way ; because he took 6s., " not with intent to extort, but through an involuntary mistake."' He closed by advising that Fanning move for a new trial. ' The whole matter was in a sad state, and the best remedy was, as the English attor- ney-general suggested, to pass an explanatory act to the fee l)ill. At the next superior court at Hdlsboro, March, 1769. there were no troops in the town and many Regulators came to prose- cute the officers. We have no official records of this court, but Husband tells us that the people met with small success. Husband himself was tried and acquitted, while Hunter's case was continued.^ Fanning was tried on the same old charge. As the oft'ense was committed before the previous trial, he made the same plea he had formerly made and was, no doubt, formally convicted. If we make full allowance for any exag- geration tbat Husband's bias may have led him into, it will still appear that the condition of affairs in the courts of Jus- tice must have been far from good. The judge's charges were partial, and the jury was unreliable.^ In Rowan County, in the same year, the Regulators at- tempted to prosecute the officers for extortion. When the plaintiffs arrived at court they found that the grand jury was composed of their enemies, there being not more than three men on it who were uot officers. They applied to William Hooper, recently appointed deputy attorney-general, who drew up a bill against John Frohock for extortion. This was re- turned ignoramus. Three other indictments were made out, but they met the same fate. The Regulators learned on good authority that the grand jury had been packed, the membeis sitting not being those who had been at first chosen.*^ 1 Colonial Kecords, VIII, 27-29. - Morgan seems to have been merely a consulting attorney retained in bebalf of Fauuiug. 3 Colonial Records, VIII., 33-36, 223, and 225, 226. * lb., VIII, 32. nVheeler, II, 323. « Colonial Records, VIII, 68-70. REGULATORS OF NORTH CAROLINA BASSETT. 183 The next step taken by tbe Regulators was in the line of practical politics. Until recently no suspicion had been cast upon the members of the assembly. The people were accus- tomed to leaders and willingly trusted their affairs in their hands. With no widely circulating newspaj)ers and no polit- ical aptness, they formed themselves into no parties, but usually accepted the candidate put forward by the ofiflcehold- ers, who was generally either a member of or closely associated with the oflflceholding class. When they first began their agitation the Regulators had been content to aim at the local officers. They were told to apply to the courts, where justice should be done them. They complied, and found that the laws were in favor of the officers. They concluded that the laws should be changed. At the same time, since the issue had been sharply defined, they saw that the assemblymen were ranged on the side of the county officers. They now determined to attack this office, and here they were more successful than they had been in any of their other undertakings. In the summer of 1700 ' the governor dissolved the assem- bly and ordered the election of a new one. Immediately there came out in Orange an address, written perhaps by Husband, though not signed, which recounted the wrongs of the people, declared that the remedy lay with the people themselves, and called on all to arouse themselves from their '^own blind, stu- pid conduct." - This idea, as we have seen, had taken shape in Anson when the Regulators had nominated Charles Robinson as their candidate for the assembly, making, perhaps, the first political nomination in America. The Regulator spirit was not confined to Orange, Anson, and Rowan. In other counties it was strong enough, Tryon, in 1768, stated to Lord Hillsborough that a party of 30 men from Edgecombe County had tried to release from Halifax jail an iusurgent leader who was confined there, but that they had failed. In August of the same year a party of 80 had tried to break up the court of Johnston County, but they were repulsed also.^ These were attempts by the rasher element of the peo- ple. That they were supported by such small numbers indi- cates that violence was not countenanced here as much as in • Husband says July 10, 1768, but this is an error. The new election was held on July 18, 1769. (Cf. Colonial Records, VIII, 54.) - Wheeler, II, 325-327. » Colonial Records, VII, 884, 885. 184 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. Orange. That there was a strong feeling against the officers throughout tlie x^rovince is attested by the results of the elec- tion for assemblymen. Carteret, Beaufort, Anson, Halifax, Bla- den, Edgecombe, Tyrrell, Orange, Granvdle, and Hyde changed their entire delegations.' Other counties changed their delega- tions in part. Out of the 78'^ members of the new house, 43 were new men.^ That all these new men represented a change in the political sentiments of their electors is not probable. Not in all the counties was the issue made. In Orange, Gran- ville, Anson, and Halifax, where the Eegulator sentiment was strong, the change was complete. In Eowan, a strong Regula- tor county, Griffith Rutherford, considered a moderate friend of the people, was retained, but his yokefellow, Frohock, was dropped and in his place Christopher Nation, an ardent Regu- lator, was returned. Perhaps the opinion of Henry Eustace McCuUoch was but representative of the ideas of eastern families when he wrote from London soon after the election: "The madness of the people must be great, indeed, to trust such wretches as Hermon Husband and Christopher Nation as their representatives.''^ The cause of this political change is to be found in the action of the assembly that met in November, 1768. This session left as a memorial of its incompetency several defunct bills. One of these was a bill to allow the recovery of debts of less than £5 in value before one justice merely. This measure had been asked for in a petition from Orange,' and it was approved in the address to the Orange voters already mentioned. By order Fanning brought in the bill in the lower house, and it safely passed its several readings, until finally on its third reading in the upper house it was attempted to add a "rider" to the effect that persons indicted for riot might be tried in any one of the superior courts of the province, whereupon the other house objected, and as each party remained steadfast the bill ' The list of assemblymen in Colonial Eecorrls, VIII, 106, 107, should be exchanged for that on pages 303, 304, as may be readily seen by compar- ing pages 303, 304 with pages 145-147. 2 There were 80 members in the new house, but two of these represented Tryon, a county erected after the former assembly met, and they are, of course, not competent in such a comparison as we are now making. 3 Husband says thirty-odd were left out this time, and he hoped to lose more the next election. (Wheeler, II, 330.) •» Colonial Records, VIII, 183. 6 lb., YU, 874 and 929, 911-912, 914, and 91.5. EEGULATORS OF NORTH CAROLINA BASSETT. 185 fell tlirougli, Otlier rejected measures that the Eegulators Avoald liave welcomed were bills to erect a new county out of Orange and Johnston, and another out of Orange and Eowan; a bill for triennial assemblies, which was rejected in the upper house,^ and a bill to relieve taxation. The last was intro- duced by Fanning, passed its first reading, but was killed on its second reading in the lower house. ^ The bills to erect new counties were especially desired by the peoi^le, many of them, as they said, having to go as far as 60 miles to attend court as it was. An act, however, to erect Tryon County out of Mecklenburg was safely passed. The assembly was also concerned with i)roviding i)ay for the forces that had gathered at Hillsboro in the preceding autumn. The province had for some time been trying to get an issue of pai)er money, but had been prevented by orders from the English Government. It now occurred to them that this was their opportunity. A bill was brought in voting an issue of £30,000 in paper to be used in paying the troops and for other purposes. The cost of the preceding campaign had been only £4,844.^ The vigorous protest of the governor and the upper house caused the bill to be recast, and it finally passed as an act authorizing the issue of £20,000 to pay the troops collected at Hillsboro, to provide for the pnblic claims, and for the easier collection of taxes.^ It was thus that the governor was induced to allow the jjassage of a bill that increased the paper currency of the colony to a large extent. There was one proviso, however, which robbed the victory of half of its fruits; it was provided that this paper should not be a legal tender. In writing to the English authorities Tryon confessed that he had been induced to sign this bill because the militia declared that if their pay was not forthcoming they would not assemble again at the call of the government. For this same reason the British Govern- ment a])proved the bill.^ It has been claimed that the cost of the campaign of 1768 was a great burden to the i)rovince. So 1 Colonial Records, VII, 911. 2 lb., VII, 908, 961, and 962. 3Ib.,VIT,888. ^ lb., VII, 915, 916, and VIII, 5 and 6. This amount was to pay the troops, to pay for running the Cherokee boundary line, to pay the charge for a garrison at Fort Johnston, to pay arrears of salaries, to pay the salaries, etc., of the assemblies of 1767 and 1768, and to provide £1,200 due for bounties on hemp. (lb., VII, 916.) "lb., VIII, 266, 267. 186 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. far from this being true, it may be asserted with coutideiice that it was considered by a hirge class of people as a posi- tive blessing-.' It afforded a welcome opportunity to increase the volume of currency. This assembly also voted to repay Eev. George Micklejohn, the Orange clergyman, for printing a sermon which he had preached before the troops at Hillsboro, and in which he had declared that the governor ought to have executed at least twenty of the Regulators. Such actions as these were calculated to arouse the opi^osition of those who were dissatisfied with the officers throughout the colony. This class protested. That protest was measured by the political change in the composition of the assembly. Pending the meeting of the new assemblj^ there was but little activity on the part of the Regulators. A few of the leaders, however, were not subdued. In the spring of 1769, when John Lea, the sheriff of Orange, went to serve a capias on Kinian Hamilton and others, he was taken by Hamilton, Samuel Devinney, Jesse Pugh, and their friends and severely thrashed.'^ The parties who did the whipping were indicted, and the council instructed the attorney general to use all legal means to x)unish them.' In Rowan all was not serene. The sheriff appointed in 1769 could get no one to go on his bond, his friends giving the unsettled state of the county as their justification.^ The Anson Regulators prepared a petition to the assembly. It contained a remarkably well-prepared statement of their grievances, and to it were more than two hundred and fifty signatures. It recounted seven kinds of political hardships and proposed seventeen points of redress. The former are but the grievances we have seen alleged all along. The noteworthy items of the latter are as follows: At all elections the vote should be given by ballot ; taxation should be apj)ortioned on a property basis and not per capita; taxes might be paid in commodities; paper money should be issued and loaned on land; debts above 10s. and under £10 should be sued for with out lawyers, and before a county ju.stice and a jury of six; the chief justice should have no fees, but should be given a salary; ' Colonial Records, VTII, 9. 2Il).,yiII, 32. ni)., VIII, 37. ^Ib., VIII, 64. REGULATORS OF NORTH CAROLINA BASSETT. 187 the fees of the cleiks should be restricted, and the asseinbly should inform the King that the governor and council granted laud without regaid to the legal "head rights,"^ by which means it had come about that all the best land was in the hands of a few j)eople, aud poor men were obliged to cultivate i)Oor land. By this means, it was alleged, members of the council aud their friends had gotteu large tracts. They asked for reforms in regard to quitrents, the issuing of land warrants, and the valuing of the improvements on land. They also asked that all denominations have liberty to conduct the mar riage ceremony according to their respective rites; and, finally, that Dr. Benjamin Franklin, or some other known patriot, be ai^pointed agent of the colony in London.^ This petition, it may be said, is the nearest approach of the Begulation to the Revolution. Several of its proposed reforms hinted at a decided change in government, and its hitting on Franklin for an agent looked toward bringing it into close re- lation with the larger movement, which it is well known that Franklin was then leading. The mention of this patriot's name was perhaps due to Husband, who, though not a Eegulator, was doing all he could to spread among the people a greater love of liberty, and who was in frequent communication wjth Franklin. . It is a tribute to the wisdom of the Anson Regula- tors that many of these reforms were afterwards, when North Carolina had become a State, put into laws. Orange and Rowan united in another x'etitiou. It asked that lawyers and clerks of the court should not be allowed to become members of the assembly; ^ that clerks and other offi- cers should be paid a salary; that lawyers should be made to take only their legal fees, which were to be reduced to one-half in compromised cases; that all clerks should be removed and "gentlemen of probity and integrity" put into their places; that ministers of all denominations might perform the marriage ceremony; that taxes be based on property; that small debts be recovered before one magistrate and a jury of six, from ' Fifty acrea for each person brought into the colouy was the legal amount that could be granted. By law, unless in special cases, only 640 acres could be granted to one party. (See the author's Constitutional Beginnings of Noi'th Carolina; .Johns Hopkins University Studies, 12th series, p. 110, note 1.) ' For the petition see Colonial Records, VIII, 75-80. ^ Sheriti's were already forbidden to be asseml)lynien. 188 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. whom there should be no appeal ; that inspectors' certificates for the storage of imperishable commodities be made legal tender; that the county be divided; that the public accounts be iuvestigated; and, lastly, that the "yeas" and "nays" in the assembly should be recorded.^ Besides this petition the Rowan Regulators sent Husband a statement of their wrongs, and begged him, ns a representative, to do what he could to obtain relief for them. A very significant petition on the other side came from the Presbyterians of Mecklenburg. They declare themselves a thousand freemen, " who hold to the Established Church of Scotland, able to bear arms;" that they are faithful and loyal subjects; that they " uphold the courts of justice that the law may have its free course and operation;" and, they add, " We appeal to his excellency the governor how ready and cheer- ful we were to support government in time of insurrection." They then go on to demand for the counties of Mecklenburg, Rowan, and Tryon the repeal of the vestry and marriage acts, so that in this region the Scottish church may be on the same footing with " our sister church of England."^ Two other petitions are worthy of note. One came to Tryon from the Presbyterians of the new county of Tryon, and asked that the ministers of that faith be allowed to perform the mar- riage rites.^ The other came from twenty-five "friends of government," as Tryon had called them on a former occasion, and asked that an inspector of hemp and tobacco be appointed for Hillsboro. It was signed by such antiregulating spirits as Francis Nash, Rev. Henry Patillo, Ralph McNair, and Capt. James Thackston.* The assembly met on the 23d of October.^ In his message the governor informed them that a petition of the former assembly to the King, asking for an issue of paper money, had 1 Colonial Records, VIII, 81-84. 2 lb., X, 1015-1017. 3 lb., VIII, 806. Colonial Records, VIII, 543, 544. 6 lb., VIII, 697. REGULATORS OF NORTH CAROLINA BASSETT. 201 To get these was uot an easy thing. In Bute not a man could be enlisted.! According to Howell other counties were reluc- tant. A bounty of 40s. was offered to each volunteer, and this had its effect. The !20th of April was fixed as the day on which the eastern column should leave Newberu.^ Three days later than that the march began. When the body had reached Johnston Court House there were present detachments from Craven, Carteret, Orange, Beaufort, ITew Hanover, Onslow, Dobbs, and Johnston,^ besides an artillery company. At this place the Wake militia presented themselves, but with no arms. This seems to have been a ruse to keep from serving. A smaller detachment, however, joined the army next day and was detailed to assist the sheriff in collecting taxes in Wake." The majority of this force came from Orange and Dobbs, each having four companies. Craven came next with three. In all there were 917 rank and file and 151 ofticers,^ The western column, which at that time was going its allotted course under General Waddell, contained 230 rank and file and 48 officers, besides an artillery company. They came from Anson. Rowan, Mecklenburg, and Tryon counties.*^ On May 9 the governor reached Hillsboro without any inconvenience. On the same day General Waddell, who had just left Salisbury, crossed the Yadkin, where he was met and stopped by a large body of Eegulators. ' ^ council of officers decided that in view of the numerical superiority of the enemy, and because their own men could not be relied on to fire on 1 Colonial Records, VIII, 552. The colonel was removed from command of this militia because he did not raise volunteers. (lb., 671, 672.) ^Ib., VIII, 540,541. "lb., VIII, 574. ^Ib., VIII, 577. ■^ After the battle of Alamance the detachment from Wake and a com- pany of light infantry rejoined with 100 rank and iile and 16 officers. (Colonial Records, VIII, 677.) The order of battle seems to contradict this, (lb., 583-584.) «Ib., VIII, 607. ^Caruthers says that the Regulators surrounded Waddell and took many of his men and that he iinally escaped across the Yadkin to Salisbury with but few followers. (Life of Caldwell, p. 145.) Neither Waddell's own journal nor Tryon's reports of the campaign mention anything which could be construed into such an occurrence. Caruthers's informa- tion was verbal and was secured seventy years after the events described. He was doubtless misinformed. 202 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. them, it would be prudent to fall back to Salisbury. This they did.' This column liad been seriously hampered by the loss of its ammuuition. Nine young men, later known as "The Black Boys of Cabarrus," disguised themselves and fell upon a convoy that was taking some powder from South Carolina to General Waddell, beat oft" the guards, and burnt the powder.^ On May 11 Tryon moved from Hillsboro in order to relieve his beleaguered lieutenant. His route took him through the heart of the country of the Regulators. He halted on Sunday at Colonel Mebane's for divine service and then marched to Haw River, where he was joined by 23 mounted men under Captain Bullock. This constituted his sole cavalry.^ For the sake of justice or of discipline, or for policy, he issued strict orders against the taking of jjroperty by the soldiers, an abuse that was getting frequent now they were among their foes. On the nth he reached the banks of the Alamance. Here he rested a day, and on the 16th formed his army in line of battle and marched to find the enemy, who Mere assembled about 5 miles farther on. He had formed his army into two lines about 200 yards apart. In the first were the companies from Carteret, Orange, Beaufort, and New Hanover, and three com- panies from Dobbs, as well as the artillery. In the second were the companies from Onslow and Johnston and the remain- ing company from Dobbs.* Two companies from Orange and a number of sick had been left at Hillsboro, and a small com- pany had been left to guard the camp on the Alamance. It is likely, therefore, that the army contained on that morning some less than 1,000 men and officers. The Regulators in the meantime had assembled to the num- ber of 2,000. It is difficult to say how many of these had arms. Caruthers thinks that not over 1,000 had them. They had neither definite aims nor efficient organization. Their leaders seem to have thought that by making a show of force they would frighten the governor into granting their demands. They had much trouble in holding the people under restraint. There w as a considerable element in their camp that could ' Colonial Records, VIII, 608 and 610. "lb., VIII, 622; Wheeler, II, 65. •'lb., VIII, 581. ^ lu this arrangement the company from Pitt was mentioned. This must have been aa error, as the return shows no such company in the expedi- tion. (See Colonial Records, VIII, 583, 584, and 677. REGULATORS OF NORTH CAROLINA BASSETT. 203 not be kei^t quiet. These, against the wishes of the leaders, caught Col. John Ashe and Captain Walker on tlie morning of the 15th, while they were out scouting, and whipx)ed them severely. This action, says Caruthers, "was strongly cen- sured by the great body of the Regulators, and some of them were so much disgusted that they threatened to give up the cause entirely if such acts were repeated."^ The two men were, however, held prisoners. On the same day Dr. Caldwell, who had come along in the interest of peace, went to Tryon in reference to an agreement on the points at issue. A petition was also sent. Possibly Dr. Caldwell carried it.^ He was promised a reply the next morning. On the 16th, as the army was put into motion to move up to the Regulators, the reply was sent. It offered no concession, but required that the people should submit to gov- ernment and disperse, and gave them an hour in which to comply with the conditions.'' The ill-fated people seem not to have realized their position. They remained waiting while Dr. Caldwell again sought the governor. They had not the least idea of what a battle was, and when their envoy returned to report his failure and to advise them to go to their homes they stood stolidly in their i)laces. Hnsband, who, true to his attitude as peacemaker, had come along hoping to help make a compromise, now saw that there was no hope and quietly rode away.^ Dr. Caldwell sadly did the same. So uncon- scious were the men of their danger that they were engaged in wrestling matches, when an old soldier who happened to be among them advised them to look out for a volley. It was but a few minutes before the firing began. Just how the first shot was fired is matter of dispute. All agree that it came from the governor's side. ' •Life of Caldwell, p. 147. 2 Colonial Records, VIII, 610, 641. ^b, VIII, 642. '♦Knowing his dauger, Hnsband fled to his old home in Maryland. Not stopping long there, he went on to Western Pennsylvania, where he made his future home. He was concerned in the whisky rebellion and was taken and condemned to death for his part iu it. Through the interposi- tion of friends he was pardoned, and died a few day afterwards at a tavern in Philadelphia. (Caruthers's Life of Caldwell, pp. 167, 168.) 6 The story of the battle as told by Tryon's friends may be found iu Colonial Records, X, 1019-1022. This account seems to have been inline with that of the earlv historians of the State. 204 AMEKICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The Eegulators had no officer higher thau captain, and each coiupany now took command of itself. At first there was much confusion on their side, the artillery tire being very effective. Some hardy nwin, however, crouched behind rocks and trees and managed to drive away the gunners and to take the guns. They were not supported by their own party, and when the troops rallied against thera they abandoned the pieces, which they had not been able to work. Long before this the remaining Eegulators had taken to flight, and now the field was clear.^ The action had lasted two hours, and the loyalists had lost 9 killed and Gl wounded,^ while the loss of the Regu- lators was 9 killed and a great number wounded.^ About 15 were taken prisoners. One of these, James Few,^ was executed on the spot. He was a visionary man, who had been active in the Eegulatiou. His execution was ordered with the idea of striking terror to the country. It was needlessly summary, as the movement was already crushed. On the 21st the troops marched to Sandy Creek, where the governor remained a week collecting su^jplies from the people and imx)Osing an oath of allegiance on them. On the day after the battle he i^ardoned by proclamation all those who should submit themselves to government and take the oath of alle- giance, except those who were already cai)tured and those who had recently been outlawed.^ This proclamation was for four days, but it was extended at various times until all the country had an opportunity to take it.^ The British Government gave its heartiest approval to the course that Tryon had pursued, 1 We have followed for the chief events of the battle Caruthers's Life of Caldwell, pp. 145-158. ^The Regulators put this number higher, but these ligures are official. (Colonial Records, VIII, 634. ) ^ This is the Regulators' own statement. Others vary. (See Lile of Caldwell, p. 157.) ^Fewhad been indicted and consequently outlawed for participation in the Hillsboro riots. He was a carjienter, and lived just outside of Hillsboro. It is said that his mind had become unbalanced because Fanning had seduced the young woman to whom he was affianced. (Caruthers's Life of Caldwell, p. 1.58.) Fanning insisted that he shoxild be executed on the spot because he had taken part in the destruction of his (Fanning's) house. The Regulators claimed that Few was not present when the house was destroyed. This claim, however, was not advanced by the most reliable authority. (Cf. Colonial Records, VIII, 648.) ■"^Colonial Records, VIII, 608, 609. There is no evidence that any of the cixty-two indictments of the court held at Newbern had come to trial. 6Ib., VIII, 613. About 6,000 had taken it on July 4; lb., IX, 9. REGULATORS OF NORTH CAROLINA BASSETT. 205 aud directed liim to tender publicly the King's tliauks to the troops for their loyal conduct during the campaign. On May 29 the army moved westward. On June 4 it was joined by General Waddell's column, aud ou June 6 the united forces celebrated at the Moravian settlement the King's birth- day and the recent victory.' On June 9 they marched away to Hillsboro, where they arrived on the 14th. Four days later a court-martial tried the prisoners. Some were convicted' of treason. On the next day the army was drawn up to wit- ness the execution of six of these. The other six were par- doned by the English Government at the request of Tryon.-' On the 8th of June General Waddell had led his forces back by the way he had come, and now, with the ]>risoners hanged as an example, nothing remained to be done but to march the governor's column back to Newbern.^ This task Tryon left to Ashe. He himself hastened to Newbern, where on the 30th of June he embarked for his new government, and with his exit there disappeared the w^ar of the Regulation. Two features of this campaign should have further notice. One relates to the trial and execution of the six prisoners. This has been called cruel. All punishment is cruel. Looked at from Tryon's standpoint the prisoners were rebels. They were executed as traitors. It was hoped that their death would strike terror to the Regulators, aud this seems to have been accomplished. They were tried at a special term of the sui^erior court.^ Two were acquitted and twelve condemned. One of those executed was Benjamin Merrill, formerly a captain in the Rowan militia. He died repenting his con- nection with the Regulation, and asking that his wife and children might retain his lands. ^' Tryon recommended that the request be granted. James Pugh, however, died stead- fast in his principles. He read the governor a lecture from the barrel which served as a scaftbld, and was going on to speak to Fanning when the barrel was overturned aud the prisoner was strangled.' 1 Colonial Records, VIII, 592, 593. 2 There had been several courts-martial for the trial of prisoners. (Cf. Colonial Records, VIII, 587, 594, aud 598, 599.) Hh., VIII, 635, aud IX, 274. -»Ib„ VIII, 649-650. ^Ib., VIII, 650, 712. 6Ib, VIII, 650 aud 656. The request was granted (lb., IX, 65-66.) ''Caruthers's Life of Caldwell, pp. 165, 166. 206 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. The other incident relates to Thomas Person, whose later prominent life demands that his connection with the Regula- tors be more fully stated. Just what this relation was does not appear. He was certainly a Regulator in spirit. He seems to have been such a one as Husband, not actively participating in the movement, but sympathizing with it and seeking to guide it. We usually find his name associated in it with Husband's. The two were appointed referees by the Regula- tors of Rowan when the officers there agreed to arbitrate,' and they were members of the assembly on behalf of tlie Regulators. Both were persecuted by the assembly, and some of the Regulators thought that both were expelled.^ This statement is not true as regards Person. He was arraigned for perjury at the instigation of Richard Henderson, before the short assembly of 1770, but the matter was not decided.^ The case was revived and the charge of extortion added in the assembly of 1771.* The matter was referred to a committee, which entirely exculpated Person, and declared that the pros- ecution was due to envy and malice.^ The report was ordered to be printed, and Henderson was commanded to pay the cost of the prosecution, which was £117.*^ This action was taken just before adjournment. Tryon said that it was in a thin house, and that the verdict would be reversed by the next assembly," and it is true that at the next meeting of the assembly that part of the above resolution which taxed the costs on Henderson was rescinded. ^ When Tryon was march- ing through the country he took Person and carried him a prisoner to Hillsboro. Whether he was tried there or not does not appear. There is a story ^ to the effect that evidence of his guilt was removed through the destruction, either by him- self or by Rev. George Micklejoiin, of certain papers at his house, '" ' Colonial Records, VIII, 533. « lb., VIII, 461, 467. 2 lb., VIII, 646. ' lb., VIII, 525. 3 lb., VIII, 118. « lb., IX, 196, 208. * lb., VIII, 326, 333. « lb., VIII, p. xxviii. 5 lb., VIII, 448, 449. '" A letter was published in the Boston Gazette, August 11, 1771, in which an unnamed prisoner was said to have been taken to Wilmington and there released on bail. Saunders supposed that this prisoner was Person (Colonial Records, VIII, pp. xxviii, and 635,636). This is an error. The letter itself contains the strongest evidenre that the prisoner resided at Cross Creek (Fayetteville), and Tryon's letter book makes it certain that it was John Wilcox, a merchant of that place. (Ih., VIII, 718.) REGULATORS OF NORTH CAROLINA — BASSETT. 207 Josiah Martin succeeded Tryon as governor. When he arrived iu the colony he found that the work of his predeces- sor in subduing resistance had been effective. By July 4, 6,409 persons had taken the oath of allegiance.' The com- pleteness of the change in Orange is shown by the election of 1771. Jolin Pryor was dead and Husband was expelled, two vacant seats being thus created. To till these the county cboose Ealpli Mcl^^^air and Francis Nash, both strong anti- Eegulators.'^ Most of the outlawed leaders were in hiding, some being in South Carolina.^ Husband had tied to Mary- land first and then to Pennsylvania.^ They now begged for mercy. Either through friends or in person Jeremiah Field,^ Ninian Bell Hamilton,'^ Matthew Hamilton,'' James Hunter,*' Thomas Welborn,^ William Butler, '" and John Fruit, " peti- tioned the governor for pardon. Martin was unwilling to act on the matter, inasmuch as Tryon had referred the whole affair to the Crown. '^ He recommended waiting, although the as- sembly had asked for the pardon of all but Husband, Butler, and Howell.'^ In 1772, when the governor made a visit to the back counties, the outlawed leaders surrendered themselves, quietly giving bond for their future appearance at Hillsboro court.'* This was, perhaps, not as submissive as it may seem. The riot law, having been made for one year only, was already expired, and it was a question whether or not the defendants could be tried under it. Martin called on the chief justice and the associates for an opinion on the matter. The consensus of the replies was that the defendants could not be treated as outlaws under the above act, but that they could be tried under any other law, as the law of treason.'^ This discouraged further pros- ecution of the suits, and so far as the courts were concerned ' Colonial Records, IX, 9, 78. '2 lb., IX, 177. Fanning seema to have left the province by this time. He went to New York, where he was a Loyalist in the Revolution, and after the war removed to British America, where he waa much honored as the ;;overnor of Prince Edwards Island. (Cf. Wheeler, 11, 331.) -Colonial Records, IX, 20. '" lb., IX, 99, 100. Mb., IX, 14. "lb., IX, 93. sib., IX, 40, 41. '-lb., IX, 57. 6 lb., IX, 38, 39. '3 lb., IX, 169 and 173. ' lb., IX, 84. n lb., IX, 313, 314, and 348. "lb., IX, 37, 85, 86. '^Ib., IX, 333-339. « lb., IX, 25-27. 208 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. the matter stopped there. A general amnesty act by the colonial assembly was all that was needed to close np the case. The British Government advised such an act, but in 1773 the provincial upper house rejected it because the i)ro- posed bill did not contain enough exceptions.' When the Eevolution was beginning the King, as a matter of policy, had the governor to issue a proclamation of pardon for all who had been concerned in the Regulation, with the single exception of Husband.^ The attemi)t to secure reform in local government had thus failed most signally. The people had now either to submit or to move out into the wilderness again. Many of them choose the latter alternative. It was just at the time Avhen the tide of immigration had broken over the mountains into that fertile part of North Carolina which afterwards became Tennessee. The hopelessness of their condition was to many a greater evil than the dangers of the western forest. Accordingly they joined the wagon trains for the west. A number left before the battle of Alamance, and many more after it. Morgan Edwards visited the country in 1772 and wrote: " It is said 1,500 departed since the battle of Alamance, and to my knowl- edge a great many more are only waiting to dispose of their l>lantations in order to follow them."^ The immediate remedial efi'ect of the Eegulation was slight, although some bills were passed that were in line with the purposes of the movement. The oflFeusive county officers re- mained and in some cases the Regulators lost the representa- tives they had gained. It was abroad that the movement had its greatest effect. In Pennsylvania and Massachusetts, where the i^eople were on the verge of revolution, lurid pictures of the struggle of the oppressed J^orth Carolinians were given in the press." For example, the Boston Gazette published the judicial sentence,^ " That you, Benjamin Merrill," be carried to the place from whence you came, that you be drawn from thence to the place of execution, where you are to be hanged by the neck; that you be cut down while yet alive; that your bowels be taken out and burnt before your face; that your head be cut off; your body be divided into four quarters, and ' Colonial Records, IX, 621, 622. nb., VIII, 635-648. ^ lb., X, 90 and 405. b Hj.^ yill, 643. => lb., VIII, 655. 611,,^ X, 90 and 405. REGULATORS OF NORTH CAROLINA BASSETT. 209 tliis to be at His Majesty's disposal ; and the Lord have mercy on your soul."^ This was but the formal sentence for treason and does not indicate any particular cruelty in Tryon's official yet it was doubtless published for effect. A short while later the same paper said that a certain '• glorious triumvirate should consist of Bernard, H n, and Tryou."^ It has often been thought strange that the Eegulators had but little to do with the Revolution. They were mostly Tories. Jeremiah Field was in the habit of saying in his old age that he had fought twice, once for his country and once for the King, and been defeated each time, and that he would fight no more.^ This loj'alty has usually been attributed to the Eegulators' idea of the sanctity of an oath. They have been supposed to have realized in this the biblical ideal of the man who swears to his own hurt and changes uot.^ That the oath of Tryon had an influence on their conduct is very likely; but another strong influence was their distrust for the men who led the Eevolu- tion. The same men who had oppressed them, whom they had tried to turn out of office, whom they had fought, by whom they had been defeated, and who still kept the offices through which theyhad received their wrongs — these mennow came to the Eeg- ulators asking aid in a movement which, to say the least, was of doubtful issue.^ Among those who led the new movement only one man could be found who was of note among the Eegulators: this was Thomas Person, a member of the pro- vincial council. Many of the Eevolutionary officers had led troops at Alamance. In 1775 two regiments were raised for the American service; of the first James Moore was colonel and Francis !Xash lieutenant-colonel ; of the second Eobert Howe was colonel and Alexander Martin was lieutenant-colonel. 1 Colonial Records, VIII, 643. 211)., VIII, 639. ^Caruthers's Life of Caldwell, p. 177. 4 lb., p. 172. "In January, 1776, Governor Martin reported that from 2,000 to 3,000 of the Regulators had given him assurance that they were ready to march to the aid of the King's Government wherever it was necessary. (Col. Recs., IX, 1228, and X, 406.) A mouth later they were preparing to join the governor, who was then on a ship at the mouth of the Cape Fear. (lb., X, 4.52.) A body of Regulators and Highlanders was assembled and marched down the bank of the river. They were intercepted just before they reached Wil- mington, at Moores Creek, and entirely defeated. Among the prisoners were several jirominent Regulators. (lb., X, 465, and 485, 486.) H. Mis. 91 14 210 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. In each superior court district a battalion of militia was formed. In Hillsboro district James Thackston was made colonel and John Williams lieutenant-colonel; while Adlai Os- borne was made lieutenant-colonel of the Salisbury district. Caswell was colonel of the Newbern district and Edward Vail of the Edenton district. All of these had been prominently- opposed to the Regulation. In civil affairs it was the same story. Samuel Johnston, the author of the riot law, exhibited himself at Hillsboro in 1775 as j)resident of the provincial congress. This was a remarkable object lesson.^ In the pro- vincial council there were Samuel Johnston, who j)resided; Samuel Ashe, Abner Nash, Samuel Spencer, and Waighstill Avery, while William Hooper was a prominent member of the provincial congress and a representative of the State in the Continental Congress. All these the Regulators were ac- customed to look upon as enemies.'^ The entire government was in the hands of the ofiflceholding aristocracy of the sev- eral counties. For these the mass of the Regulators had little sympathy and less confidence, certainly not enough to induce them to break an oath which both x^olicy and religious ideas prompted them to keep. In view of their past experience they doubtless asked themselves what good it would be to overthrow the existing government and set up another in which Samuel Spencer, James Thackston, Francis JSTash, John Williams, Thomas Polk, John Ashe,^ and Samuel Johnston were ruling elements.^ Did the Regulation begin the Revolution ? Was Alamance the first battle of the struggle for American independence? 'The Regulators were not indifferent to the sight. It seems that the congress actually apprehencled violence at their hands. (See Waddell: A Colonial Officer, p. 155.) 2 Wheeler, I, 71-82. 3 Thomas Polli was a colonel and John Ashe was a brigadier-general. (lb. 75 and 79. ) "•In 1775 William Hooper and his associates in Congress wrote from Philadelphia to the provincial council of North Carolina, suggesting that two ministers be employed to go among the " Regulators and Highlanders" to teach that the cause of the Colonies was the cause of God and to neu- tralize, as far as possible, the effects of Tryon's oath. Congress had directed that this be done and had offeied to pay the expenses. This, however, was before the American cause meant an assertion of indepen- dence, and Hooper appears to have contemplated only joining the Regu- lators with the others in a protest against British misgovernment. (Cf. Colonial Records, VIII, p. xxiii.) REGULATORS OF NORTH CAROLINA BASSETT. 211 We ought now to be able to answer this question. This inves- tigation leads to the view that the Eegulation could have no direct connection with the Eevolution. I can see no conti- nuity of influence. The Regulation did not make the later struggle inevitable. If it had never happened, the armies of Washington and Clinton, of Greene and Cornwallis, would have fought out their battles much the same as they did fight them. As was remarked at the beginning of this paper, the Eegulation was aimed at agents of government; the Eevolu- tion struggled for princii)les. The one was organized and led by men who were almost entirely hostile to the leaders of the other. It is true that some Eegulators were in the armies of the Eevolution, but the great majority of them were Tories. There is a sense, however, in which the Eegulation influ- enced the Eevolution. The struggle was a grand object lesson to the whole country. It set the people to thinking of armed resistance. Failure as it was, it showed how weak the Britisli army would be in a hostile country.^ It taught the Xorth Carolina troops who served with Tryon to appreciate the feel- ings of such an army. The two cami)aigns of Tryon devel- oped the military organization of the i^rovince. When the Eevolution began, it was only necessary that this organization should be put into motion. It was thus that the brilliant lit- tle victory at Moores Creek was secured, with the result that the most loyal section of the South was kept from joining the British and thus opening a way to cut off from the Federation the three southernmost colonies. History will often be questioned as to the justness of this matter. The answer will be chiefly on the side of the Eegula- tors, The opinion cf Governor Martin is worth quoting. He is generally conceded to have been an honest and sensible man, although he was, by unfortunate conditions, inevitably condemned to defeat. In 1772 he took a journey through the back counties, and while at Hillsboro wrote to the British Government: "I now see most clearly that [the people] have been provoked by insolence and cruel advantage taken of the people's ignorance by mercenary, tricking attorneys, clerks, and other little oflticers, who have practiced upon them every ' It is worthy of note that when the Revolutionary struggle was about to open. Tryon was one of the few British officials in America who warned t le Home Government that to reduce the colonies was a serious task. (Sie Tudor s Life of Otis, p. 428.) 212 AMERICAN HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. sort of rapine aud extortion," and who Lad enlisted tlie aid of government in order to cover tlieir own transgressions. This exasperated the people and "drove them to acts of despera- tion and confederated them in violences which, as your lord- ship knoyrs, induced bloodshed, and, I verily believe, necessa- rily." 1 Three months later, after he had returned to ISTew- beru, he modified his opinion slightly. He then wrote that he was fully convinced that the people had been — grievously oppressed by the sheriffs, clerks, and other subordinate officers of government, and exceedingly moved my compassion; but, on the other hand, I can assure your lordship there was not wanting evi- xlence of most extravagant licentiousness and criminal violences on the part of that wretched people, which [being] provoked by the abuse I discovered, or by other causes that might be inscrutable to me, seems at length to have urged matters to a crisis that necessarily terminated in bloodshed. Upon the whole, I am not without li0j)es, my lord, that the vigorous measures taken by my predecessor under those circumstances may have a tendency to keep under the disorderly spirit.- This view seems eminently correct, and with it we may rest our case. 1 Colonial Records, IX, 330. 2 lb., IX, 357-358. p ^-:^». <«. «i» >.. m ;,■■- •a«B-^, v% LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 014 419 889 A