E 199 ■G793 Copy 1 PAPERS RELATING TO THE COMPANIES OF CAPTAIN THOMAS FAKRINGTOI^ AND CAPTAIN SAMUEL TARBELL, BOTH RAISED IN GROTON, MASSACHUSETTS, DURING THE FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. At a meeting of the Massachusetts Historical Society, held May 14, 1891, Dr. Samuel A. Green made the followinf!; remarks : — o At the last May meeting I communicated some papers re- lating to Capt. Thomas Lawrence's company, raised in Groton for the campaign of 1758 during the French and Indian War, which were published in the Proceedings. As supplementary to those papers, I wish now to present " A Return of Men In- listed for his Majestey. Service for the Totall Reduction of Canada 1760." The men were enlisted by Capt. Thomas Far- rington, who raised a company in Groton and neighborhood, which served during the campaign of 1760. His command is referred to in Sergeant David Holden's Journal, printed in the Proceedings for June, 1889. In the copy herewith given I have omitted some of tlie headings ; such as " When Inlisted," " By whome," and " What Rigment." With the exception of James Frye and Philip Barker, both of An- dover, who joined a company in Colonel Osgood's command, they were all enlisted in the regiment of Col. William Law- rence, of Groton. The date of enlistment extended over a pei-iod from February 14 to April 9, 1760. " Barzzealer " [Barzillai] Lew, son of Primus, was a negro, and belonged to a well-known colored family of that day, somewhat noted for tlieir musical attainments. In early times the sturdy yeomanry of Massachusetts often stood in the ranks shoulder to shoulder with the black soldier ; and it was never thought that this juxtaposition lowered their dignity, nor did 2 it create a ripple in the mind of any man. It will Ije noticed that, in the case of minors, the names of parents or guardians are also given. The surnames Kemp and Kendall are written ' Kimp" and " Kindall,' showing how the words were then generally pronounced. The " Return " is found on two separate sheets, and the in- dorsement on each sheet by the mustering-officers is also given. A Return of Men Inlisied for his Majestey' Service for the TotaU Meduction of Cannada 1760. Men' Names Whear born Whear Resedant Age Names of Fathers of son under age and Maiiters of Servants Silous Kimp Groton Groton 18 Hezekiah Kimp Sampson Blood Abijali P.^^ker Do Do 27 17 the Scelectmen Lemuel Ames D" Do 17 William Lawrance Zaclireah Parker D» D» 21 John Gragg Aaron Blood Do DO Do 19 21 Jacob Gragg Joseph Page John Boyden D» D" Do Do 20 25 Joseph Page Stephen Pirce James Fisk D" D° Do 21 22 Joseph Gillson William Parker 1)° D° Do 21 19 William I'arker Nathaniel Green ])» DO 18 William Green Hezekiah Kimp I)° Do 22 Robert Blood John Trowbridge Pepperall Groton Pepperall Groton 25 21 John Erwin Ju'. Do Do 21 John Erwin D" Do 42 Andrew M<:Farland Do Do 18 Maigrat M''Farland Abel Kimp D" Do 17 Hezekiah Kimp Oliver Hartwill I)" D° 20 Scelectmen Jon" Boyden \y Do 17 Josiah Boyden Josiali Blood D" Pepperall 18 John Shattuck Abijah Warren Weston Groton 22 William Hnbart D° Pepperall 18 Shcb'' Hubart Kbenez'. Xiitting Groton Groton 17 Tlio' Farrington .lames Frye Andover Andover 20 Co' James Frye Philip Barker Dover DO 1!) Isaac Blunt Isaac Nutting William Lasley Groton Do Groton Do 21 18 Robert Parker Jonathan Holden D" Do 24 Uubcn Woods Do D" 18 Ruben Woods 33 [Indorsed " Farringtons Roll.' I. \ c\ c( GrT^' MiDDLESS s? March G"' 17G0 I Certifye that Twenty one of the first within Named on the other Side of this with Roll was Mustred by me this Day and that they ware Inlisted at the Time Set against Each of there Names and that ware Duley attested before me 1? William Lawrance \ ^'^f f Commissary of Masters ( and Justice of the Peace Middlesex s? March 10'" 1760 I Certifye that Oliver Hartwill Jonathan Boyden Josiah Blood Named on the other Side of the within Roll was Mustred by me this Tenth Day of March and Abijah Warren within Named was Mustred on March the Ninth and they ware all In- listed at the Time Set against Each of thiere Names and was attested by James Prescott Esq' %! John Bulkley U. Go\ (§• Commissary of Musters MiDDLESX s' April 9"' 1760 I Certifye that William Hubart Named on the other Side of this within Roll was Mustred by me on the fifth Day of April and Ebenezer Nutting Named on this Roll was Mustred by me on April the Ninth and they ware Inlisted at the Time Set against Each of their Name on the with Roll and that they ware Duley attested before me «a 117 T ( Co^. Sf Commisary of Musters l" William Lawrance - ,v • ^ , ,, ( and Justice of the Peace Essex s? Andover March M 1760 I Certifye that James Frye and Philip Barker Named on the other Side of this within Roll was Mus- tred by me this Day and that they ware Inlisted at the Time Set agiaust Each of thire Names and was Duley attested be John Osgood Esq' and Sam" Philips Esq' Ti' John Osgood Co\ and Commiserey of Musters MiDDLESX s" March 25'? 1760 I Certifye that Isaac Nutting Wil- liam Lasley Jonathan Holden and Ruben Woods Named on the other Side of this within Roll was Mustered by me this Day and that they ware Inlisted at the Time Set against Each of there Names and that they all Duley attested before James Prescott Esq' John Bulkley L' Co'. S^ Commissary of Musters A Return of Men Inlisted for his Majesteif. Service for the Totall Reduction of Canada 17 GO Naniea of Fathers of son Men" Names Whear born Whear Resedant Age under age and Mastrs of irervants William Brown Ireland Stow 31 Obidiali Perry Weston Groton 35 Josiah Stevens Townshend D» 18 Martha Stevens David Sartill Grot on D" 33 Moses Keazer Haverall Groton 45 John Archerbill Groton D» 18 John Archerble William Pirte D° D» 17 Elijah Hockwood Joseph Parker D" D° 16 Ephream Ware Jonas Nutting D" D° 16 Seelectmen Joshua Pirce Weston D» 18 Jonas Stone Benj? Willson Groton Townshend 19 Benj» Wilson Nathan Harrington Lexenton Shirley 19 Kichard Harrington John Farnsworth N?4 Groton 18 David Farnsworth William Farwiil Groton D" 17 Olever Farwiil Kichard Sartill DO 1> 22 William Stevens Stow Stow '29 Jabez Kindall Groton Pepperall 18 Jabez Kindi'I Ephream Kinip D" Groton 18 Sam I' Kinip VAm'. Woods D" Pepprall 31 Josiah Fish D" D" 26 - Oliver Shead D» D" 21 William Shead D° Tt" 22 William Farnsworth D" D" 22 Jonathan Williamcs Peprall D° 22 Lemuel Patt Townshend D" 18 John Patt John Avery Do D" 17 Edniand Bancroft Barzzealer Lew Groton D" 18 Primous Lew Oliver Ellott D» ]> 24 Henery Willord Laneester D° 30 Solomon Parker Suresbury Groton 17 Simon Parker Peter Gillson Groton D" 27 Abner Turner Lancester D" 16 Eliab Turner James Lasley Groton Pepperall 2n Benj« Kolf D» D" 18 Benj» Rolf Stephen Gates Canterbuary Litleton 17 Stephen Gates 35 MiDDLESx s' March lO"" 1760 I Certifye that the Sixteen first Born on the other Side of this within Roll was Mustered by me tliis Day and that tliey ware Inlisted at the Time Set against Each of there Names and that they ware Dnley attested before James Prescott Esqr f John Bulkley Z,< Co\ S^ Commissary of Musters Middlesex s^ March 15'i I7G0 I Certifye that William Stevens Jabez Kiiidel and Ephreani Kimp Named on the other Side of this Roll was Mustered by me this Day and that they ware Inlisted at the Time Set against Each of Names, and that they ware Duley attested before James Prescott Esq' ^ John Bulklet R Co\ and Commissary of Musters MiDDLF.sx s^ March 10'^ 1760 I Certifye that Eben' Woods Josiah Fish Oliver Shead William Shead William Favnsworth Jonathan Wil- liams Lemuel Patt John Avery Barzzela Lew Named on the other Side of this Roll was Mustred by me this Tenth Day of March and Oliver Eliott was Mustred on the Eigteenth Day of Said March and Henery Willord was Mustred on March 29'-'^ they all are Born on the otiier Side of this Roll and was Inlisted at the Time Set against Each of there Names and that ware attested by James Prescott Esq' 1! John Bdlkley L' Co' and Commissary of Musters MiDDiLEX s' April 10'-!; [1760] I Certifye that Solomon Parker Named on the other Side of this within Roll was Mustred on April the Ninth and Peter Gillson and Abner Turner was Mustred on the Tenth Instant they are all borne on the other Side of this within Roll and was Inlisted at the Time Set agaiist Each of there Names in Said Roll as have IiecTi Duley attested « -nr,. T , . ,. T . ,„„ . ^T^ ^ S Co' Sc Commiseray of Musfrs f! William Lawkance - , , • ■ r. ( and Justice of Peace MiDDESSEX ss March &^ 1760 I Certifye that Benj'. Rolf and James Lasley Named on the other Side of this witliin Roll was Mus- tered by Me this Day and that they ware Inlisted at the Time Set against Each of theer Names on the Roll afore Said and has been Duley attested •nj T Co'. Sr Commissary of Muster William Lawranok ,^^ . ^ , '^ ■' and Justice oj the Peace I wish also to present a " List " of men that were ordered out in July, 1748, under the command of Capt. Samuel Tar- hell, to scout for Indians in the neighborhood of Groton. At that time there was an alarm among the inhabitants of tlie town, caused by the appearance of the Indians at Lunenburg, and another Groton company also went out for the same pur- pose under Capt. Thomas Tarbell, a brotlier of Samuel ; but they did not find the enemy. For a list of Thomas's company, see "Groton during the Indian Wars " (pages 154, 155). A List of The Names of the men thd icnre ordered mite on a Seattle after the Enemy xoith me the Suhscriher, hy Major Lawrence — on y. 28 - Day of July last Round Part of Toivnshend and Luenhurg — ifc Jonatlian Bancroft 3 days Jonathan Farewell 3 days Nathan fish 3 days Ebenezer Sprague 3 days Caleb Holdin 3 days Amos Holdin 3 days Jacob Ames 2 days Jonathan Nutting 3 days Jonathan Page Ju!' 3 (lays Jonathan Bennet 3 days Aaron Farnsworth 3 days Thomas Laughton 2 days Elisha Rockwood 2 days Joshua Tod 2 days Jonathan Crese Eleazer Tarbell Nathanil Smith Hezekiah Patterson Benjamin Davis Samuel Nickols Jonathan Sawtell Oliver Farnsworth Moses Went worth John Sawtell Scripture frost Jonathan Smith Simeon Green Zechariah Longley 38 2 days 3 days 3 days 3 days 2 days 2 days 3 days 3 days 3 days 3 days 2 days 3 days 3 days 3 days 3H 38 SAMti Tarbell Capt 3 @ 2/1? day 7:18.0 79 days llw:2d MiDD» ss December 19'I) 1748 then the aboue named Cap'. Samuel Tarbell appeared ami made otli that the aboue is a Just and true List of the men and time as aboue mentioned before me William Lawrance Justice uf Paice 76 @ 2/6 9 : 10 Cap' Tarbell 3 days 9 G 9 19 6 9. 19.G Eleazer Tarlxdl & James Sbattuck omitted in a ) former Roll Each 17/G 1.15 £ 11: 14: 6 Ex[amined] Alow'd by tlie Comd' J Osbornk 1^ J Chandler this may Ccrtifie wiionie it may Consarn that whareas the Inden Enemy in July Last Came to T.unenbnrg in the County of Worcester and the People tliere and in the neighbouring towns being there by Putt in to 7 Grate Destress they haueiug haueing [«?"c] but a fue soulders and maney of the Inhabitance Dayly Drawing of & as Co" Willard had Left this affair of my town with me I ordered the Capt within men- tioned and men to Purform a scoute as within mentioned William Lawrance Groton Pecember 19^1' 1748: [Indorsed " Cap' Tarbell Scout July 1748 Warr«. advis'd Jan? 3. 1748 "] During this alarm the Indians made an attack on the house of John Fitch, then situated in that part of Lunenburg after- ward called Fitchburg, but by a later act of incorporation included within the limits of Ashbj', when they burned his dwelling, and carried him and his family into captivity, where they remained one year. Mr. Fitch was a resident of Fitch- burg when it was incorporated, and the new town took its name from him. In Torrey's History of Fitchburg (page 46), the date of the assault is given wrong, as is shown by the following extract from " The Boston Weekly News-Letter," July 14, 1748 : — Last Tuesday was sev'night [July 5] about 30 or 40 of the Enemy, came upon a garrison'd House at the Out-skirts of Lunenburgh, and two Soldiers posted there were both kill'd near the Garrison, one being knock'd on the Head, the other shot thro' tlie Body, as he was endeavouring to escape. The Master of the House, Mr. John Fitch, 'tis tho't was siez'd by them in the Field, as he was spreading Hay, and his Wife as she was bringing Water from a Spring, about 20 Rods Distance, a Pail and her Bonnet being found near the Patli : The House they set on Fire and burnt it to the Ground, and the Body of of [«jc] one of the slain Soldiers lay so near thereto, that the Head was burnt from the Shoulders. The neighbouring Towns being soon alarm'd, above 40 Men muster'd and got upon the Spot before Sundown, but the Enemy had withdrawn ; however they isept a strict Watch and Guard all Night, and just about the Dawn of the next Day they heard a Noise among the Bushes, which they suppos'd to be some of the Enemy that were left as Spies, who perceiving the Number that came against them, skulk'd away without being discoverM : Mr. Fitch, his Wife and 5 Children being missing, 'tis concluded they were taken Prisoners by the Enemy. The Bodies of the two Soldiers were found and buried. Last Thursday a Man at Lunenbourg, was way-laid and shot at by some Indians, as was also another at Township No. 2 [Westminster]. but both happily escap'd. of cowfi' .Rt^^., ^ «v^ if, 331 ^ \ LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 011 696 337 1 HoUinger Corp. pH8.5