^*t^ v^ < G^ \:> . . . s ^" ■••- ^-^ ""° v^* ...» V*^'''/ %.•^^ -^^ /■Q 15i-Ci:iMJtiNJSJAL EDITION. QQ 1002 Revised and Corrected. . l002 HUNT'S Peiladelphia Guide, With Graphic Description OF FAIRMOUNT PARK AND All Places and Objects of Interest. ■ILLUSTRATED.- Containing New and Complete Alphabetically ARRANGED DIRECTORIES OF Tee Streets, Tee Ceurcees, Tee City Railways, Amusements, Hotels, M,.^(^c.^^, ^ Given, Name and Number of Str6fet, any House Jn tbe , ^^ City can he accurately located' and *^^ ^ OO^ COPYRIGHTED 1SS2. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED BY easily found. ^^ o,y.. '7<^'S%^ PHILADELPHIA. p ENN M UTUAL LIFE I NSURANCE QOv No. 921 Chestnut St., Philadelphia. A.SSETS $8,000,000 | SURPLUS $1,700,000 SAMUEL C. HUEY, President. PURELY MUTUAL. Dividends annuaUy. Policies non-forfeitin{; for their value. Endowment policies issued at life rates. Agents ivanted. Apply to H. S. STEPHENS, Vice-Presideut. CONTENTS. Independence Hall — Insane Asylum Masonic Temple Meri hants' Exchange Mercantile Library Moyamensing Prison . Peiin Hospital Philadeli)hia, Academy of ^Nlusic 40 Academy of Natural Sciences 84 Amusement Directory 58 Art Gallery .' 57 AtheneumBuildinos 44 Benevolent Institutions 46 Blind Institute 38 Blockley Almshouse 89 Cemeteries .31 [ Philadelphia I^ibrary Church Directory 58 i Post Office City Hall ' 7 City Railway Directory 63 Deaf and Dumb Asyh'im 36 Eastern Penitentiary 41 Fairmount Park. . . .' 9 Ferries 65 Friends' Insane Asj'lum 39 Cras Works 44 r Jirard ( "ollege .32 High School 44 Hotel Directorv 64 House of Refuge 41 Public Squares Steam Railroad Directory School of Design for Women Street Directory Telegraph Offices l^. S. Arsenal U. S. Custt m House U. S. Mint U. S. Naval Asylum Universitv of Pennsvlvania.. . Water Works .' Wills Hospital Zoological Garden Directory. 60 30 38 67 32 36 41 38 5 36 43 49 65 43 67 64 38 30 32 34 43 44 32 PHILADELPHIA. ■I'Jtie City of Brotherly Love embraces now the entire county and contains nearly a million souls (846,980 by the census of 1880;) in manufactures it is pre-eminent among the cities of the United States ; and, except London, it is be- lieved to be the largest in the world. In the vicinity, and, to som'e extent, within its limits, water power abounds, and the coal mines within the State yield a con- venient and exhaustless sup- ply of fuel for her steam engines. Her laboring popu- lation is numerous, skilled and industrious ; — these ad- vantages, with that of a large home market, offer induce- ments to the manufacturer that cannot be found else- where. Among the manu- factures may be mentioned that of locomotives, whose speed and excellence are celebrated the world over ; large numbers of them are exported. Forges, foundries, and al- .nost every species of. iron manufacture abound in the suburbs. Sugar refining is :a very extensive business in Philadelphia A large num- ber of hands are employed in. lithographing, printing, book binding, etc. ; and throughout the business portion of the city, the upper parts of the buildings are thronged with industrious artisans in numberless useful branches of industry. Philadelphia was planned and settled by William Penn, accompanied by a colony of English Friends or Quakers, in 1682, after a regular pur- chase from the Indians — ratified by a treaty in due form. The nanae of Phila- delphia (Brotherly Love) was given by William Penn, in part as an embodiment of the principles he intended to carry out in its settlement, and which are a part of the Creed of the Society of Friends, and partly after the ancient city of that name, whose church is spoken of in the book of Revelation. The city rapidly increased, and in three years after the Jii'st settlement was made, the population was 2500. In 1771 it was incorporated aa a city. The first Congress of the American States was held X Hi o o. Ui f- bere Sept. 4, 1774, in Car- penter's Hall (a building still standing), in Carpenter's Court, south from Chestnut, below Fourth. The Convention which formed the Constitution of the United States met in Philadelphia in May, 1787. Here resided the first Presi- dent of the United States, on Market St. below Sixth, and here Congress assembled for nearly ten years after the adoption of the Constitution. In consequence of the disas- trous battles of Germantown and Brandywine, the British had possession of the city from Sept., 1777, to June, 1778. A census taken at this time, by order of Lord Cornwallis, showed the population to be 21,334, exclusive of the army and strangers — the whole of the Whig citizens being also absent. The magnitude and extent of its growth will be understood, when it is stated that on the occasion of the Bi-Centennial Anniversary it contained within its limits (about 130 square miles) over 160,000 dwellings, nearly 15,000 miles of streets, about 400 miles of street car lines, Tunning in every direction and traversing all parts of the city, and about 600 school-houses. built in a substantial manner, the maintenance of which costs nearly two millions a year. The above is a brief descrip- tion of the city which Ben- jamin Franklin, when writing of it, called "Dear, dear, Phi- ladelphia." THE NEW CITY HALL. The architectural design of the new City Hall is essentially modern and presents a rich example of what is known as the Renaissance, modified and adapted to the requirements of a great municipality. This im- mense pile is admirably located on the site of the old Penn Square at Broad and Market. It consists of a single building, occupying an area of 4:]- acres, with 525 rooms, probably the largest building on this con- tinent. It is constructed of white marble. The artistic embellishments of decorative stone work, carved in this city from models expressly pre- pared by home artists, chal- lenges the admiration of all. The grand tower will reach the extraordinary altitude of 535 feet, the highest artificial construction in the world, while at the same time pos- sessing all the elements of strength ai':! frmness. FAIRMOUNT PARK. :o: Tlie gloiy of Philadelphia is Fairmount Park. Its situation, its broad expanse, the circumstances of its licquisition, and the peculiar history which is attached to many places within its boundaries, give it an BRIDGE OVER THE WISSAHICKON AT VALLEY GREEN. uusual interest, not only to the inhabitants of the: staid city for whose comfort it has been set apart, but, to Americans generally. It lies to the north-west of the great city, and in it, for the streets are reaching out already on both sides of it, and the buildings are crowding against its boundaries. Its southern ex- tremity, or nearest approach to the city, is at the Fairmount Water-works, and from here it extends along both sides of the Schuylkill river for several miles, and a short distance above a cozy little village,. ON THE WISSAHICKON DRIVE. the Falls of the Schuylkill, where the Wissahickork Creek empties into the river. The park boundaries, leaving the Schuylkill, then betake themselves to thp- Wissahickon, and include that stream and both banks from its mouth nearly to its source, a distance of six miles. But the largei portion of the park is on. the west side of the Schuylkill River. 10 The boundaries of tliia section of tlie land conform to the shape of a very inegular Ixump-backed triangle, the river coursing through the side which would answer for the hyi>othenuse, and bending, when lialf way througli the park, well into the middle of it. The base of the triangle lies towards the city. At its three comers arc the highest altitudes of the included land. The first is the old Water-works ; the second, at the opposite comer of the base, is George's Hill, and the third, Chimouni. is at the apex. From each of these a view of rare beauty and wide expanse is •obtained, and from the three, nearly every part of the vast territory of tlie park is visible, except the Borthem extension of the Wissahickon Park. The boundarif-'S of the park include about twenty- leven hundred acres of eveiy variety of land, part of which is native forest, while the remainder has been subjected to widely different .degrees of cultivation. It exhibits eveiy phase of the picturesque, from the well-kept lawns and highly cultured garden plots, wherein liave bloomed for many generations exotic plants and multitudes of rare flowers, to the roughly- tilled fields of the careless farmer. Its surface is shaped into contours more graceful than science could have conceived or art executed, while bold rugged hil^^ t^.>«» their heads in natural pride and disdain at iie idea of being restrained by plummet and line. DLMENSIOyS OF THE PARK. Pairmormt is the largest jmrk in the United States, and there is but one, of any celebrity, larger in the world. This is Windsor, one ®f tiie Royal parks in the vicinity of London, which contains three thousand acres. Central Park, New York, is less than one- *liird tiie size of Fairmount Park. ES"rRA>X'E TO FAIRMOU>rT. The nearest entrance to Fairmount from the city is but a few minutes' drive from the centre of business, and is approached by several lines of street cars. To the left of the main carriage-way, on entering, are the Reservoir and the Water-works. A succession of terraces, surmounted by paths, give access to the summit ( f the first, whence, on account of its altitude ' 11 and peculiar position, a view of rare interest can be obtained. Close up around the base of the hill on the south, and stretching away as far as the eye can carry, is the great city. Its buildings in set ranks, its spear-like church-steeples, its waving flags, and its overhanging smoke, suggest the idea of an army entering battle — an impression that is heightened by the roar and noise that come creeping up the hill. On the near north-west, and on the east bank of the river, is the Old Park ; and beyond, on the west side of the river, and also on the east, much farther than the eye can reach from this point, lie the new East and West Parks ; while the Wissahickon exten- sion is quite out of sight. . The Old Park, on account of its pretty walks and cooling fountains, is still a popular resort for those who do not care to enter farther into the grounds than merely to cross their threshold. Looking back from Lemon Hill, the next point of interest, the Water-works themselves form a pleasing view, with the stretch of the river above and below the dam. Lemon Hill and Sedgeley, the neigh- boring estates, are points of historic interest, and the inclusion of these, and several others hereafter to be mentioned, within the park limits, by which they will for all time be preserved for the city as the absolute property of its citizens, gives an additional value to Fairmount. LEMON HILL. Lemon Hill, at the close of the Revolution, was the residence of Robert Morris, the celebrated financier. It was then called " The Hills," and contained forty- five acres, which were laid out and adorned with rare taste. Here its owner hospitably entertained many of the most eminent of his compatriots ; and here, iii later times, it is said, when financial ruin overtook him— for while he operated for the government with signal ability, as if ." sky-guarded and heaven-direc- ted, leading to a national end by an over-ruling Providence," when acting for himself all his personal affairs went wrong and to ruin, — ^here he kept out of reach of sheriff's writs. At the close of the last century this fine estate passed into the hands of Henry Pratt, a merchant of liberal means and educated taste, 13 wi ' II Wml under wlxose cztlture it became the pride of Philadel- pliia. In 1836 it was sold for a large sum to those who )30ught it for speculative purposes. The specu- lators, however, failed in their schemes, and through a commercial revulsion it came into the market at. one-third its previous price, and was then purchased by the Councils for the city. SCHUYLKILL NAVY. A short distance from Lemon Hill, and on the edge of the fore bay of the water-works, are the boat-hoases of the ' ' Schuylkill Navy. ' ' These build ings are erect- ed, under licenses from the commissioners, by several clubs and by private individuals. They are models- of beauty, constructed of blue and green stone, and are covered with creeping vines. Every encourage- ment is given to boating, and at evening in the sum- mer the river is covered with various kinds of crafty from the capacious pleasure-boats, filled with jolly parties, to the delicate shells, in which amateur oars- men make contests in speed up and down the stream. The east and west banks of the Schuylkill are united just above Sedgeley by two bridges— the Girard Ave- nue and Connecting Eailroad bridge. They cross in converging lines but at different planes, and so avoid Farther on, above ' ' Egglesfield" is "Sweet-brier," and beyond it ''Landsdowne," which perhaps, of all the historical places in the park, possesses most in- terest to the general public. This was the magnificent residence of John Penn, the last Colonial Governor of Pennsylvania. The mansion-like buildings, which unhappily have been destroyed by fire, were erected about 1770. DRIVES. The finest drive in the West Park, is named after this old estate. It is a well-made road, which is sub- missively led about by the natural character and topog- raphy of the grounds. The engineers have acted wisely in seeking to find rather than make pleasing contours, and have very cleverly adapted the roads and paths to the existing surface. From a rustic bridge, picturesque itself, there is a charming view of Colum- 15 bia bridj^e and the Schuylkill, where the lazy, graceful stream, liemmed in by grassy banks and cooled by the iieavy foliage of the overhanging shade-trees, is curled up as if in an easy slumber. tmne. MONSTER PINES. On this drive also is a group of wonderful trees. It U a grove of five monarch pines, but these "vast IG pillax-te! of glossy green," With their great heads fitretch- iiio- away up, and their branches spread out, and their trunks of "monumental proportions," are so big that ji person at a short distance would think there were fifty instead of five. The tribes of the trees of the park are wonderful, even without these chiefs. Other cities have bought their parks and planted their trees, and then have waited for them to grow, and with their growth furnish shade. But in this instance ready- made trees were procured by incorporating forests and old estates. In Fairmount Park (and the forest bor- ders of the Wissahickon are not included m the enu- meration) the trees of large size, those between eio-hteen inches and twenty-seven feet in girth, num- ber thirty-four thousand seven hundred, embracing, according to the Commissioners' report, thirty-nme genera and sixty species. RAVINES. In this vicinity, and just off from the LandsdowAp drive, is a ravine^two or three of them, in fact— of rare beauty. Deep down below the level of the adioining plain its recesses afford cool retreats, which are securely walled in by green terraces . These places are continually at the disposal of picnic parties, and hardly a day passes but that they are occupied. Ihe park authorities provide a cordon of policemen who warn away intruders from the entrances and minister to the wants of the pleasure party. The efforts of the Commissioners in this respect are indicative ot the lio-ht in which they regard the relation of the people to the park. They have thoughtfully sought to furnish ^o the masses of the people every facility of access to their property, and have only imposed such restraints to their enjoyment of it as were necessary to pre- vent unwarranted license . Steamboats and row-boats have been encouraged to ply on the Schuylkill, and arrangements for cheap fare and frequent trains have been made with railroads that j)enetrate the park. Its broad expanses of campus are the undisturbed play- grounds of the children, and no forbidding signs warn them from intruding on the grass. Croquet parties make the lawns of the old estates, where erst courtly ladies promenaded, ring again with their mirth and 17 hilarity. The very mansions themselves, are, for an afternoou at least, the country residences of the people^ and their spacious apartments and wide halls and cooJ verandas are thronged with private parties who find much pleasure in entertaining and being entertained. The fruits even of these places are at the disposal of RAVINES IN WESTERN PARK. the people, and in former times the school children^ of the city have been given a holidav, and af-^ forded an opportunity to gather the nuts which b^r 18 an October frost were rii:)ciiecl on nearly foar thousand trees. On these occasions the number i)resent was estimated to be quite sixty thousand. It being pro- posed to institute two park liolidays, or rather holiday seasons : one in June for botanical and floral recrea- tion, and the other in autumn for nut-gathering. GEORGE'S HILL. ■ George's Ilill is perhaps, at present, the most popu- lar of all the resorts in the park for equestrian and driving parties. It is the high point in the western Ijase of the triangle. It was presented as a gift by Jesse George and his sister Rebecca George, subject to annuities for life, and consists of eighty-three acres. In a characteristic address accompanying the donation, Mr. George stated that the property had been the liome of his ancestors for many generations, and from the first settlement of the country has retained many of its original features. With a view of preserving it to their memory very much in the same rural condition as when they occupied it, he gave it to the city, to be forever kei)t for park i)urposes. Both of the donors reserved but a small annual payment during their life- time. A few weeks after the grand celebration which attended the opening of the drive to the newly acquired property, Rebecca George quietly passed away, and not long thereafter Jesse followed her. BELMONT. An inviting drive has been run along the western •summit leading from George's Hill to the grounds in front of Belmont Mansion. Belmont was the residence of Judge Peters, a magistrate who exercised his varied functions with rare wit and ability. His hospitality was proverbial, and was enjoyed by many distinguished personages, among whom was George Washington, who set out a chestnut tree on the place, which, with a line of fine hemlocks, planted one hundred and twenty years ago, and many of them covered with ivy, flourished until recently. The hemlocks, many of them are still standing. The arms of the family may yet be seen in the wainscoted iDrincipal room, and on one of the windows is a "good-bye" which some depart- ing guest of the last century has cut with a diamond. 19 TOM MOORE'S COTTAciE. Jnder the bank of Belmont and nestled close to the river is the plainest kind of a plain story-and-a-half cottage, which is said to have been the residence of HEMLOCK GLEN ON THE WISSAHICKON. Tom Moore while in this country. It is of all places along the viver the most prosaic, and we wonder that 20 • thi* should have attracted the attention, even for » moment, of the poet. Of it, however, he sings : — " while I wing'd the hours Where Schuylkill winds his way through banks of flowers, Though few the days, the happy evenings few, So warm with heart, so rich with mind they flew, That my charmed soul forgot its wish to roam," etc. Nearly opposite "Tom Moore's Cottage" are '*0r- miston," "Belleview," and " Edgely, " each invested with peculiar associations. To the grounds about these estates, also, croquet and picnic parties make frequent excursions, and relieve the hobgoblin quiet, for a wonderful ghost is said to have once been joint possessor with the old residents. In close proximity^ to this region, thick with places of historical interest, is a roomy house which was built by Mr, McPherson, uncle of the commander of McPherson' s Blues ; was afterwards the property of General Williams ; but for a time had been owned by Benedict Arnold, who married Miss Shippen, the noted Philadelphia belle. LAUKEL HILL CEMETEEY. Farther up the river is Laurel Hill Cemetery. It is^ like all cemeteries, with its white glistening tombs, its green turf and graveled walks and queer inscriptions. It is like all American cemeteries of to-day, with its frequent soldiers' monuments. But it differs from all others in its sleepy, dreamy appearance, and the beautiful ravines which run through it, conveying brooks with subdued murmurings to the river, and affording opportunities for nestling aeries, from whicli those who come to rest awhile with the dead may look out on one side over the peaceful river, and on the other toward the beautiful grounds. FALLS BKIDGE. Above Laurel Hill is the Falls Bridge across the Schuylkill, and a short distance beyond, on the river- bank, is the pretty village of the Falls of the Schuyl- kill. It is the pleasant place of residence of many- gentlemen who do business in the city, and a popular resort for driving and boating parties from Philadel- phia, who come here to the "cat-fish and coffee" sup- pers which are delightfully served at th® plain hotels- 21 of the village and in the valley of the Wissahickon, The "Falls" of the Schuylkill, however, are a myth, since the clam has covered thorn with water. Here and there an eddy is formed by the . water hurrying around a few intruding rocks which disturb its serenity. I Jut beyond this there is no likeness to falls, or even /apids. The Falls of the Schuylkill, like everything else in the park, as the reader will believe by this time, are BRIOQE OVER WISSAHICKON, NEAR MOUNT AIRY. also celebrated in history. The annals of the ante. Pevolutionary times tell us that at an early era in the eighteenth century an association called the ' ' Society of Fort St. David," having on its list a large and re spectable numbei of the nobility c f those days, wai 22 established in tliis vicinity. Many of the founders of the society were Welshmen, and some were members-- of tlie Society of Friends, companions of William:. Penn, and co-emigrants to the New World. On an elevated and extensive rock contiguous to the eastern bank of the river, and projecting into the rapids that existed at that time, rose the primitive but convenient and strong structure of hewn timber cut from the opposite forest. It was capacious enough for the accommodation of the numerous garrison, who were then ''more celebrated for their deeds of gastronomy than of arms. ' ' The building was seventy feet long and twenty feet wide, and had fourteen ascending steps in front. The sides, which consisted entirely of folding or movable doors and windows, were borne off by the Hessians for their huts in 1777-8, and the place was so changed and injured that it was never used for Its former purposes, after the Revolution. In its early days it was a semi-political as well as social club, and manj^ prominent men of the times were honored by being admitted to its membership. Its ofiicers, who were commissioned with much form and carried high, titles, ruled with supreme sway, and were, in all matters of state, implicitly obeyed. The annals of the official book give an account on the sixteenth of April, 1768, of the election to the "Colony of the gelmylkili'* aii » man who needed not this mark of distinction to cause him to be remembered, and yet was complimented by it. We read: "John, Dick- enson, Esq., the friend of Liberty, the second Pitt, and the author of the Farmers' letters, for his patriotic productions in behalf of the rights, liberties, and privileges of the present as well as the rising and future generations in America, is hereby admitted one of our members, for good services done by him to the interests of the British Plantations in America, ' ' Btc. Althongh the lodge at the Falls had been so much injured during the Revolution as to be untenable, the members, as many of them as could be assembled, and with accessions of loyal spirits, reorganized after the- war, and for some years continued the practice of -annually resorting to the neighborhood to fish and recreate. Duiing this time a reception was given with much. 23 formality vO General Lafayette. A grand banquet was spread and festivities of varijus kinds were introduced in honor of the French General and the hero of Revolutionary battles. It is related of the affair that when the mirth was at its height the distinguished guest insisted upon being provided with towels and an apron, in order that, with the celebrated men around him, he might perform his share of the domestic and culinary duties. PRO BONO PUBLICO. WEST LAUREL HILL CEMETERY. Over the river, above the Falls of the Schuylkill, is West Laurel Hill Cemetery, which is, topographically speaking, on the apex of the irregular triangle which the park boundaries form. From its summit wide sweeping views of the river above and below are 2-i presented, views so attractive that tliey have already- tempted the pencils of several artists. A glimpse is. given on the opposite shore of the Wissahickon at its confluence with the Schuylkill. Fairmount Park, in addition to the extensive lands on the east and west banks of the river, embraces, as has before been suggested, the Wissahickon Creek for six miles from its mouth, and sufficient territory on both sides to make a grand drive. A road at present runs through the valley, and has been in use for many^ years by residents at Chestnut Hill, a collection of handsome country places near the source of the Wissahickonc Although merely a country road, it is d\e most attractive drive out of Philadelphia, on account of the magnificent scenery which it presents. THE WISSAHICKON. There are not many such streams as the Wissa- hickon, — none perhaps in this country, and few in the- world. For several miles it picks its way daintily between two rows of high hills, down to the river, bending first one way and then another ; now darting- straight forward, and again lying still and quiet as if devising new mischief. Sometimes it is only a noisy brook running over pebbly bottoms, and anon a flash- ing cascade leaping from rock to rock with shouting noise. Then it widens out into a sober river which flows into a peaceful lake, so quiet that down in its depths the trees that meet above it are reflected with every delicate outline of foliage . After playing lake for a while, and when it can keep quiet no longer, it is off with a leap over some rustic dam, to repeat its waywardness all along its course to the Schuylkill. It is enclosed all the way by high hills whose bases creep down to the very water's edge, and whose summjts are crowned with lofty peaks and craggy rocks which bristle against the sky. On their sides are — Majestic woods of every vigorous green Stage above stage, high waving o'er the hills ; And to the far horizon wide diffused A boundless deep immensity of shade. So Close do the embracing hills come, as if to guard their precious charge, that it has been necessary to V 25 :«ut the road into their sides, and all day loug it k ighaded by their l'r()wnini» heay -'■)■> (f.i'i in ileptli. 'Iheie ill e accommodations for about 'ZOO pupils, who are treated with every regard for their welfare and improvement.- Visitors are admitted on ap- plication to the Principal, Mr J. Foster. Public exhi- bitions are given in the in- stitution on Thursday after- noons. PENNSYLVANIA INSTITU- TION FOR THE BLIND, At the corner of Twentieth and Race. It was founded in 1833. The building is four stories high, with a front of 150 feet on Race street, with two wings of 60 feet in depth, and accommodates about 100 pupils, who are taught vari- ous avocations, and educated very thoroughly. Particular attention is paid to music ; and many of the pupils be- come so proficient, that they are enabled to gain a liveli- liood by becoming organists, teachers of music, etc. Visit- ors are admitted on applica- tion to the Principal. Very pleasing concerts are given on Wednesday afternoons, ac- companiedbyafull orchestra. A small admission fee (1 Dots. ) is charged, to avoid t o great a crowd. TIIK IMINNSVLVANIA IIOS- riTAL, On the block bounded by Eighth and Ninth, and Spruce and Pine — principal entrance on Eighth. It is sur- rounded by majestic treej<, and exhibits considerable- architectuial beauty, though somewhat venerable in as- pect. It was founded in 1751 by benevolent citiizens o* Philadelphia. Its ler..,!':^ from east to west, is 281 feet» It consists of a centre build- ing 64 feet fiont, by 6i feet deep, and two wings extend- ing north and south, at the end of long connecting wards^ There are also several out- buildings. There is a fine statue of William Penn in lead on the Pine street front, which was presented to the- institution by John IVnn. Vi.-itors are almitted every day between 10 a. m. and sunset, except on Saturdays' and Sundays. THE PENNSYLVANIA JOS- PIT A L FOR THE INSANE. This is a branch of the Pennsylvania Hospital, and is located in West Philadel- phia, between Market street and Haverford road, and For- 38 ty-second and Forty-nintli streets. The grounds, which are beautifully adorned with trees, flowers, and shrubbery, embrace 133 acres. They tire divided into two parts. On each of them a hospital building has been erected, the cost of which, together -with the grounds, was over ;S600,000. Both are built of ^a.m. Spruce &i.)th,5Lhday,10K a. m. Thirtv-Fifth & Lancaster av FRIENDS, (Primitive.) Olive, ab. 11th, 4th day, 10 a. m. HEBREWS. Adaih Jeshwini Juliana 9]^ & 5 Anshe Emeth, New Market, ab. Poplar, 9 a. m. & sunset Beth-EI. Emeth, Franklin, ab. Green, summer, 9}4 a. m., 8 p. m., Avinter, lUa.m.,&5p,m, House of Israel, Crown ab.Kace Friday, 6 p.m,Saturday,9 a.m. Hospital, Olney road, 9 a. m. & sunset Keneseth Isreal, 6th ab. Brown 10 a. m. & sunset Kra-Kaner-Beth-Elohim,Pine,ab. 4th, S}4 a. m. Mikhoe Israel, 7th, ab. Arch, 9 a. m. & sunset Rodef Shalom, Broad & Mt. Ver- non, Friday , sunset, Saturday 934 a. m. LATTER DAY SAINTS. Anti-Polygamous, 9th & Callow- hill Polygamous, Pine. ab. 3d ' LUTHERAN. English, (General Council.) Advent, 5th bel. Norris Christ, Main st. (C. H.) Holy Communion, Broad & Arch SI. John, Race, ab. 5th St. Luke, 4th. bel. Thompson St. Mary, Spring Gard^m,ab.l3th St. Michael, Main St. (Gtn.) St. Paul, 22d, ab, Columbia av St. Peters, 8th & Reed St.Stephen,Powelton av.ab,39th Trinity, Passyunk av. nr. 18th German, (General Council) Emanuel, 4th & Capenter Evangelical, Martin, (Rxb.) Holy Trinity, 16th, nr, Venango Immanuel, Plum, (Fkd.) St. Jacobus, 3d & Columbi ay St. Johannes, 15th, Poplar St. Michael, Trenton av St, Paul, St. John & Brown St. Peter, 42d & Myrtle St. Thomas, Herman, (Gtn.) Zion, Franklin, ab. Race Engiisn (General Synod.) Calvary, 4 .d & Aspen Grace, 35th & Spring Garden Messiah. IGth & Jetterson St. Matthew, Broad & Mt. Vernon Trinity, Main & Queen, (Gin.) INDEPENDENT. Emanuel, 4th, ab, Brown St, Paul, 4th, bel. ( anal MENNONITE. First, Diamond, ab. 5lh Germantown, Main, (Gtn.) METHODIST EPISCOPAL. Alleghany av. & Broad Aramingo, Franklord av. & OH' tario Arch St. & Broad Asbury, Chestnut, ab. 32d Belmont, 43d & Aspen Bethany, llih & Mifflin Bridesburg, Kirkbride (Bdg.) Broad & Christian Bustleton on the Pike Cambria, bel. Kensington av Centennary,41st (feSpringGard'n Central, Vine ab. 12th Central, Frank ford Central, Roxborough Christ, 38th & Hamilton Christian St. ab. 24th Cohocksink, Gin. av. ab 4th Cookman, 12th, & Lehigh av^ Cumberland St, & Coral East Montgomery av & Fkd.av Ebenezer, Manyunk Eden, Lehigh av. ab. 4th Eighteenth St. & Wharton Eleventh St. bel. Carpenter Emanuel, 25th & Brown Emory, Callowhill ab. 18th Epworth, 56th & Race Falls of Schuylkill Fitth St. bel. Green First German, Girard av.ab.l2th Fitzwater,ab. 19th Fletcher, 54th & Paschal Fortieth St. & Sansom Frankford av & Folkrod Franklinvilie, 5th & Erie av. Front St. & Laurel Grace, Broad & Master . Green St. ab. 10th Haddington, 63d & Hamtlton Haines St.. (Gtn.) Hancock St., ab. Girard av OLD SWEDISH CHURCH, Swanson Street. Kensington, Marlborough Main feu, iiicijuiuiid IVlarriners,vvcishiugtonav.ab.2cl Memorial. Sth & Cumberland Messiah, Moyamea»ing av. & Morris Miiestown, York av. & 71st Mt. Carmel, ^^n- av. ab.^iJroad Mt. Olivet, Venango, bel. Rich- mond Mt. Pleasat av. Germantown Mt. Zion, Green la. (Myk.) Nazareth, 13th, ab. Race Nineteenth & Poplar Norris sq.. Maschcr & Eavis Orthodox &t. & Tacony av ^i' kd.) Parl< av. & Norris Pitman, 2od & Lombard Port Richmond, Ricnmond, ab. Ann Ridge av. Roxborough Salem, Lombard & Juniper Sanctuary, oih, beL Girard av. Scott, «ih, ab. Tasker Sepviva St., ab. Huntingdon Siloam, Otis, ab. Thompson Spring Garden St., & 20th St. George, 4th &^e\v St. John, 8d, ab. Beaver SI. Paul, Catherine, ab. Gtli St. Stephen,GermantoAvn Summerfield, Dauphin ^ A. bi. and 5 p. M. Calvary, Maulieim. & Paluski (Gtn) 10 A. M.; 4 P. M. Caivery i\rionumental, 41st ab. As- l.eii, 10 >^ A. M. and 3 p. m. Christ, 2d ab. Market Christ Ch. Chapel, 2Uih bel Pine, llA. M.,4P. M ■ Christ, Tulpehocken (Gtn) Christ, Gth & Venango Church uf the Advent,York av. & Buttonwood Church of the Ascension, Lom- bard ub.ilth Church of the Atonement, 17th & Summer. 10}/^ a. m., 4 p. m Church of the Beloved Disciples, Columbia av. ab. i:Oth Church of the Covenant, Filbert ab. 17th, 10>^ 4 Chi'ic'i of the Crucifiction, 8th ab Bainbridge. lOj^ a.m, 4 p.m Church of the Epiphany, 15tli <^z Chestnut Church of the Evangelist, Gather- ine,ab 7ih Church of the Good Shepherd, Cumberland bel. Franklord Church of the Holy Apostles, 21st & Christian Church, of the Holy Comforter, 48th &. Haverford av Church of the Holy Innocents, Tacony Church of the Holy Trinity, 19th & Walnut Church of the Incarnation, Broad ^ a. m., 4. p. m. Church of the Saviour, SSth beL Market Church of the Transfiguration, o4th & Walnut Emanual, Marlborough Emanual, Holmesburg Gloria Dei, (Old Swedes) Swan- son bel Christian Grace. 12th & Cherry, Grace, Mt. Airy, (G. n) Holy Trinity, 22d & Spruce St. Albans, Roxborough St. Ambrose, 2Gth & Poplar St, Andrews' Sth ab Spruce St. Andrews' 36th bel Baring St. Barnabas, 65th & Hamilton dt. Bartholamew, 19tb, Ward St. Chrysostom, Ridge & Sus- quehanna ave. 103^ A. M., 4 p. M. St. Clements, 20th & Cherry .7, 8, \)^4, Vd}-i A. M., 4. 114, P. M. St. Davids, Centre (Myk) St. Georges, Hazel Av & 61st 9. 10;^ A. M., and 1].^ p. m. St. James, 22d & Walnut. lQyj_ A. M.. and 4 p. M. St. iames the Loss, Nicetown av St. James, 52cl & Kershaw av St. James, woodland av., ab. 68tli St. Johns, Brown ab 2d. St, Johns Free Church, (Fkd) St. John the Baptist, Mehle (Gtn), 7, 103<^ A. M., 4, 73^ P. M. St. John the Evangelist, 3d & Reed St. Jude, Franklin ab. Brown St. Lukes, 13tLi bel. Spruce. St. Lukes, Bustleton. St. Lukes, Main (Gtn) lOj^ A M. and 4 P. M. St. Marks, Locust, ab. 16th, 9, ■ 10^ A. M., 734 p. M. St. Mary, Locust, ab. 39th St. Matthias, 19th & Wallace St. Matthew, Girard av. & 18th St. Michael, High, (Gtn.) St. Paul, 3d, ab. Spruce St. Paul, Chestnut av. (C. H.) St. Paul, Kensington av., nr. Buckius St. Peters. 3d & Pine, 1]4, lOK a. m., 4 p. m. St. Peter, Wayne, (Gtn.) St. Philip, Spring Garden, ab. 13th St. Thomas, (African), 5th, ab. Locust St. Timothy, Reed, ab. 7th St. Timothy, Kidge av. (Myk.) 7, 9, 103^ a. m., 4, and p.m. St. Stephen, luth, ab. Chestnut, 10]4 a. m., 4, and G p. m. St Stephen, Bridge, Bdg.) Trinity, Catherinj, ab. 2d Trinity, Oxford rd., nr. 2d Trinity, 42d bel. Kingsessing av. Zion, Sth & Columbia av. REFORMED CHURCH IM AMER- ICA. (Dutch Reformed.) First, 7tli & Spring Garden Fifth, Otis. ab. Memphis Fourth. Cotton, (Myk.) Second, 7th ab. Brown REFORMED CHURCH IN THE UNITED STATES. Bethlehem, Norris & Blair Christ, Gieeu, nr. 16th Emanuel. HSth & Baring Emanuel, Weisert, (Bdg.) First, Race, ab. 3d Heidleberg, i. th & Oxford Salem, Fairmount av. ab. 3d St. Johns, Huverford ab.40th St. Marks. r>th, ab. Huntingdon St. Paul, 17th & FitzW"ter Trinity, 7th. ab. Oxford Zion, 6th, bel. Thompson REFORMED EPISCOPAL. Holy Trmity, I2th & Oxford Our Redeemer, 16th & Oxford Covenant, Melon, ab. 12th Emanuel, York and Sepviva Frankfordav., Co-operative Hall Grace, Falls of Schuylkill Reconciliation, 13th and Tasket Second, Che!?tnut, ab. '21st St. Paul, Orthodox. (Fkd.) Tliirfl, Wayne, (Gtn.) REFORMED PRESBYTERIAN. (General Synod.) First. Chestnut and Ibth First, Bruad ab. Tine, 103^, & 4. Fifth, Front, ab. York, 10>^ & 33^ Fourth, 18th and Filbert, 103^ & 3 Second, 22d, ab. Vine, 103^ & 3 Second,20th and Vine,103^ & 33^ (Synod.) First, 17th and Bainbridge, 103^ a. m., 4 p. m. Second, l/th, ab. Arch, 103^ a. m., 334 p. m. Third, Deal bel. Frankford av. 103^ a. m., 3 p. B8. ROMAN CATHOLIC. Cathedral of St. Peter & St. Paul. 18th and Race. 6, 73^, 83^, 9, 103^, a. m. All Saints, Bockius, (Bdg.), 8, 10 a. m., 2 and 3 p. m. Annunciation, 10th and Dicker- son, 6y,. 8, 103^, a. m., 3 p. m. Assumption, spring Garden, ab. lUh,';,734,9, 03^ a.m., 33^ p.m. Assumption of the Blessed Virgin. Oak, I Myk), 7,83^, 103^,33^ Church of the Gesu, 18ih and StiJes. 6,7, 73^, :%, 8, 9, 10, 33^ Holy Trinity, (German), 6th and Spruce, 7, 8, 9, 03^, 23^ Immacculate Conception, Front and Canal, 6, H]/., 103^. 33^ Our Lady of Consolation, ( hest- nutav., (C. H.).«, 103^,4 Our Lady of the Visitation, Front and Lehigh av., 63^, 83^, 103^ a. m.. 'r>y p. m. Our Mother of Sorrows, 48th and Decatur av., 7}^, 103^, 33^ Sacred Heart of Jesus, 3d bel. Reed, 6U,83^,103^ a.m.73^p.m. St. Agatha, 38th and Spring Gar. den, (% 8, 10^/^ a m., 33? p.m. St. Alphotisus, 4'th and Reed ,73/c<, 10 a. m.: 23-2 P- ni. St. Ann, Lehigh av. and Cedar, 334, 6%, 8, 83^, 9, 103^ ^iy. St. Augustine, 4th, ab. Hai-c, 6, 8, 9, 1034 a. m., 33^ p. m. St. Bonifa'B^ Diamond .11 id Nor- rissir.,534,7H, 9, 10 3,73^ St. Bridget, Falls of Schuylkill, 8, liji^ a. in., 3>^]). m. St. Charles Borromeo, '20th and Christian, 6, 1}i, sy,, 9, 10>< a. m., 3^^ p. m. " St. Clement, 71st and Woodland av., ly., 1J}4 a. m., sy p. m. Si. Dominie, Holmesburg, ly, IQi^ a. ra.^o;^ p. m. St. Edward th-e Confessor, 8th & York, 7, 8, 'JAOy. .m.,3]^p.m. St. Elizabeth. 23d and Berks, 6i<, sy. loy a. lu., sy p. m. St. Francis Xavier, '25th and Bid- die, 6'.^, 8, 8)^<, lOJ^ 3>^ St. James, 3 th Chestnut, 6y, ^ 7>^, ,>3^, 9^, loy a. ni., 4 p.m. St. Jjacbism, Penn and Pine ( Fkd.), 7, 9, lOy a. m., 3:!^p.m. St. Jolin the Baptist, Hobinson, (VIyk.)6X, 81/0,10^,31^ St. John the Evangelist. 13th. ab. Chestnut, ey, 8. 103^ 4 St. Josephs, Willings al., 6, 7 ^y,loya.m.,5yj).m. St. Malachy, 11th, ab. Muster, 6, 7. 9. 103^ a.m., Sj^ p.m. St. Maiy, 4th, ab. Spruce, 6. sy, 10>^a. m., 31^ p.m. St. Mary i\3agdalene di Pazzi, Merriott, ab. 7th, 8, 10 sy St. Michael, 2d, ab. Master, 6, 7, 8, 9, lui^a. m., 3>^ p. m. St. Stephens, McetoAvn, 7K i^y a. m., zy p. m. ^^' "^^ St. Teresa, Broad & Catherine St. Veronica, 2d (fe Butler, 8 lOU a. m., 3 p. m. St. Vincent de Paul, Price and Evans, 6, 8, 9J4", 1014 4 St. Vincent, Tacony, 103^ 3 ^ SPIRITUAL ASSOCIATIONS. Co-Operative, 240 S. 5th First, 810 Spring Garden t^eystone. 8th & Spring Garden Second, Thompson, s el. Fror" U.MITARIAN. Broad & Spring Garden First, 10th and Locust Germantown, Green & Chelton av. UMITEO BRETHREN. First, 4th. ab. Norris Second, Edgemont & Westmore- land UrySTED PRESBYTERIAN, Eighth, Buinbridge, ab. 11th Fifth, 20th & Button wood First, Broad and Lombard Fourth, 19th and Fitzwater Norris sq., Susquehanna av. &■ Hancock North, Master, ab. 15th Second, Race, ab. loth Seventh, Onhodox & Leiper (Fkd.) Tenth, 08th and Hamilton UNiVERSALIST. Al! Soiils, Broad & Spring Garden Church of the Messiah, Locust, ab. 13th Church of the Restoration, Mas- ter, ab. 16th Academy of Music, Broad and Locust Academy of Fine Arts, Broad antl Cherry, (every other Sunday Free.) Arch St. Opera House, Arch St. ab. 10th Arch St. Theater, Arch, ab. Gth Eleventh St. Opera House, 11th ab. Chestnut Franklin Institute, (Monthly Free Lectures), 7th, ab.Chest- nut Haverly's Theater, Chestnut, ab. ' 12th Horticultural Hail, (Free), West Park Lyceum, Broad ab. Spruce National Museum, (Free), Inde- pendence Hall Opera House, Chestnut ab. 10th Pennsylvania Museum, (Free), Memorial Hall, West Park Wagner Institute, (Free Lect- ure) Montgomery av. Walnut St, Theater, 9th and Walnut Zoological Garden, West Park ZOOLOGICAL GARDEN DIRECTORY. Beautifully and conveniently located, (accessible Ijy the steamljoats wliicli ply at frequent intervals up ami. down the Schuylkill, and the street cars from all pai ts of the city,) on the west side of the Schuylkill, just below thcGirardav. britlgo, in that 2:iart of the park known as ' Solitude," is the Zoclooicai^ Garden. As "we enter by the Gothic structure or gate, on the north end, a little to the right, is The Carnivoua House, the homo of the lions, giraffes, tigers, kangaroos, hj-enas, leopards, etc. Just south of the Carnivo- ra House is The Monkey House, which every one seems desirous of seeing. Out of the Monkey House, by the western door, the road leads us to Thf AvjATiT. winch contains many rare and beautiful birds from all pa.ts of the world. Thk Fox Pens arc west of the Aviary, and adjoin The Wolf Pens ; and on the same road is The Raccoon IIoise, Directly opposite the Aviary is Tni; I'l'.AiniE-DoG Village, after admiring ^vhich, avc goto Tpie Elkphant House and see the eleiDhants, thtni take a iook at the Khixoceros and the Guinea Pigs; not neglecting Tho l^AP.r.iT House, on the way to The Eagle Aviarv, where will be found several fine speci- mens cf these interesting birds ; after Avhich Ave pay a visit to The Deer Enclosure, then on to The Bison Sheds, and take a look at theBulfalo; then last though not least in attractiveness are The r.EAR Pits, which will be found on the eastern side of the Garden on the river walk. There are many other obiecls of interest here which must be seen lo l>e ai)pri'cuite(l. GO '^^i.Jr^^^'^ ■^' CITY RAILWAY DIRECTORY. The following is the running direction of the city railway cars. It frjquently occurs that persons unfamiliar witti the routes get on cars that traverse but a short distance on the streets of other li-ies, they are cautioned not to pay their fare unless certain the car goes the ])roper distance, to prevent such mistakes, state your destination to the conductor when paying fare. On several lines transfer tickets to other branches are given, whilst otliers charge extra on same line and further distance; information relative to this may be obtained of the conductors. Transfer or exchange tickets can be had to Fairmount Parle from most of the lines running north or west, when not running direct to the Park. Those lines running direct to the Park are designated thus* CARS RUNNING NORTH. Pront St., *Chestnut to Vine, Thompson to Ambi-r. Howard, fr, Columbia av. to Huntingdon. Frankfordav.Oxford to Frank- ford. 3d, Miflain to Oxford. oth. Jackson to Lehigh av. 7th, *Spriiig Garden lo Susque- hanna av. Germauiowu av to Gtn. 8tti, Dickinson to Columbia av 9th, *.vicKedn to Spg. Gard'n; Ridge av. *9t:T to Manayunk. lOLh, Diamond to G^rmantown av. lltli, Reed to Snsquehannaav. Brodd, Columbia av. to Somer- set. 15th, Carpentar to Norris Itith, Carpenter to Susquehan- na av. 18t Ii.Sm nsom to Montgomery a v 19th, Carpenter to Norns. 21sC, *Arch to Cailowhill. 23d, *Spruceto Green 3}d, fr. *Spruce to Eadline. 35tii, *fr. Spring Garpen to Zo- ological Garden. 38th, *fr. Sprue© to Lancaster av. 41st,*fr. Market to Elm av. CARS RUNNING EAST. Dickinson, *fr, 12th to 8th. Federal, fr. 7th to Front. Christian, fr. 23d to 5lh. Lombard, fr. 25th to Front. Spruce, fr. 36th to 3d. Chestnut, fr. 42d to Front. Market, Ir. e5th to Front, Baring, fr. 41st to 3od. Filbert, fr. 20th to 7th. Arch, fr .20th to 2d. Race, fr. 22d to 2d. Cailowhill, fr. 26th to Front. Spring Garden 25th to 7ih. Green, fr. 25th to Beach. Wallace, fr. 23d to Franklin. GirariJ Av nue, fr. Belmont av. to Palmer, ThomiiSon, fr. Franklin to Front. J ffers. n, fr. 27th to Franklin. Columbiit, av.tr. 3)th to Howard Berks, fr. 5th to Front. Lehigh av. fr. 5th to Kensing- tou av. CARS RUNNING SOUTH. Front, fr. Cailowhill to Chest- nut and fr. Dock to Lombard Hancock, fr. Huntingdon to Susquehanna av. Frankford av., fr. Fraiikford to Jefferson st. 63 4th, fr. Gcrmantown av. to Dickinson. fith, fr. Lehigh av. to Jackson. 7th, fr. Race to Federal. Franklin, fr. Susquehanna av. to Race. Ridge av. fr. :Manayunk to 10th 10th, fr. Diamo.id to Mifflin. 12th, Susquehanna av. loWliar- ton, & fr. Miiflin to Snyder av. 13th, fr. Somerset to McKean. 17th, fr. Norris to Carpenter. ISth, fr. Filbert to Wharton. 20th, fr. Montgomery av to Fil- bert, 22d, fr. Wallace to Filbert. 35th, Ir. Zoological Garden to Powelton ave. 40th, fr.Elm av. to Baltimore av (ierniantown, fr. Gtn av. to 7th Pasyunk av. fr. South to Sny- der av. CARS RUNNING WEST. Snyder av. fr. 12th to Broad. Ellsworth, fr. 8th to 23d. Wharton, fr. 12th to 17th. and fr. Front to 9th. South, fr. Front to 27th. Pine, *fr. 2d to 23d. Sansom, fr. 6th to 18th. Walnut, *fr. Front to 22d. Cliestnut. *fr. 22d to 41st. Market, *fr. Front to G5Lh. Arch, *fr. 2dto2lst. Vhie, *fr. 3dto23d. Callowh ll,*rr. Front to 26th. Spring Garden, *ir. 9th to 23d. Fainuount av *fr Delaware av to 25th. Poplar, *fr. 7th to 29th. Girard av. *fr. Palmer to Bel- mont av. Lancaster av. *fr. 32d to 52. Richmond, fr. Bridge to Frank- ford av. Master, fr. ==*Frankf d av to 27th Columbia av *fr. Front to 34lh Berks, fr. Front to 6th. Spruce, *fr. 30th to 38th. Lehighav.fr. Kensington av- toGth TELEGRAPH COMPANIES. AIVIERIDAN DISTRICT. 3d and chestnut 8th and Cliestnut Broad and Chestnut 20th and Locust 40th and Locust 36:h and Lancaster av Broad and Wood Sthand Wood 20th and Callowhill Jetterson and Carlisle AMERICAN RAPID. Chestnut, ab. 3d AMERICAN UNION. 102 South 3d CONTINENTAL. 235 Chestnut GOLD & STOCK. 3d and Chestnut MUTUAL UNION. 103 Walnut PHILADELPHIA LOCAL. 10th aud Chestuut PHILADELPHIA & READING. 204 Souili 4lh POLICE & FIRE ALARM. 5th and Chestnut HOTELS. American, Chestnut, ab. 5th Aidiiie, Chestnut, ab. 19th Allagheny, Market, ab. 8th Ballevue, Broad and Walnut Bingham, 11th and Market Colonnade, 15th and Chestnut Continental, 9lh and Chestnut Commercial, Market ab. 8th Girard, 9Lh and Chestnut Guy's, 7tli and Chestnut Lafayetie, Broad aud Chestnut Merchant's, 4th ab. Market Ridgway, Delaware av.& Marlcct St. v/harles, 3d and Arch St. Cloud, Arch, ab. nh St. Elmo, Arch ab. 3d St. George, Broad aud Walnut Washington, Chestnut, ab. 7.h West End, Chestnut, ab. I5th STEAM RAILWAYS. BERK STREET DEPOT. (American and Berks.) Bound Brook R. R. N. Penna. R. R. Lehigh Valley R. R. i»hiladelphia & Reading R. R. BROAD STREET STATION Baltimore and Ohio R. R. Baltimore and Potomac R, R. Belvidere R. R. Cumberland Valley R. R. Del. Lack. & Western R. R. Northern Central R. R. Pennsylvania Central R. R. Phila., Wil. and Bait. R. R. Shenandoah Valley R. R. W.Chester & Philadelphia R.R. Wilmington & Northern R. R. Virginia Midland R. R. CALLOWHILL STREET DEPOT. Catawissa R. R. Callowhili and 13th Philadelphia & Reading R. R. FOOT OF MARKET STREET. Cam. and Amboy Div. P. R. R. West Jersfy R. R. FOOT OF SOUTH STREET, Cam., Gloupea & Mt. Kph. R. R. FOOT OF VINE. Camden and Atlantic R. R. KENSINGTON DEPOT. (Front and Berks.) Pennsylvania Central R. R. PIER 8 S. Wharves. (Delaware av. ab. Walnut.) Philadelphia & Atlantic R Jt. FERRIES. CAMDEN. Fr. South St. to Kaign's Point CAMDEN &PHILADEPHIA. COOPERS POINT. Fr. Vine St. & Shackamaxon . 8t. to Cooper's Pt. GLOUCESTER. Fr, South St. WEST JERSEY. Fr. Market to Market St. Caj den THE CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL. THE NEW STREET DIRECTORY of PHILADELPHIA. Showing lilt' StiTcts, Avenues, Lanes, Courts, Places, Etc. *£6=- The Streets ruiiriing i\! orih and South, across the City, are Irom 2d lo 72d in nuraerical order. Divided by Market they are called- North and South; tliose above Market being called JSTorth, and tho.se below Market South. The decimal system of numbering the houses being used,- 100 is allowed tor each square North and South of Market, and West troni the Dehuvare river: thus No. 200 North Thii'd street would be at Race, 200 South Third at Walnut, 200 Walnut at Second, and 300 at Third, and so on. The even numbers are on the South and West sides, and tlie odd numbers on the North and East sides. TABLE OF THE NUMBERS OF THE MAIN STREETS RUNNING EAST AND WEST. North of Market. '2100 Diamond. 2200 Susqueliauua. 2300 Daupliin. 2400 York. 2.')00 Cuinberlaud. 2600 Huutingdou. 2700 Leliigh Av. 2J-00 Somerset. 2900 Cambria. 3000 Indiaua. 3] 00 Clearfield. 3200 Allegheny. 3300 Westmor'elaud 3400 Ontario. .3500 Tioga. 3fi00 VeuaDgo •8700 Erie. 3S00 Butler. 3900 Pike. 100 Arch. 200 Race. ; 00 Viue. 400 Callow hi 11. r.OO Noble. HOO Green. 700 yairmount av. 800 Brown. 900 Poplar. lOOO Octer. 1100 George. 1200 Girard At. V'.OO Thompson. ]4.)0 Master. l.')00 Jeff.M-sou. KiOO Oxford. 17(10 Columbia Av. ISOO Mo tgomery. 1900 Berks. 2000 Norris. South of Market. 100 200 .300 400 .^00 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 130 t 1400 1500 Chestnut. Waluut. Spruce. Pine. Lombard, South. Bain bridge. Catherine. Chri^^tian. Carpenter. Washington Av. Federal. Wharton. Reed. DickersoH. 1600 1700 1 00 1900 2000 2100 2200 2300 2400 250 ) 2600 2700 2SO0 2900 3000 Tasker. Morris. ISIoore. H Miffliu. McKean. Snyder. .Tack son. Wolf. Hitner. Porter. Shunk. O egou. .Johnston. Bigler. Pollock. 4000 Luzerne. 4100 Koxborough. 4200 Juniata. 4300 Bristol. 4400 Cayuga. 4500 Wingoliocking 46iM) Courtlaud. 4700 Wyal using. 4S00 Wyoming. 4900 Loudon. 5000 Kocklaud, )100 Kuscorab. 5200 Lindley. 5300 Wi^teria. 5400 Fisher. 5.500 Somerville. 5600 Clarkson. 5700 Olney. 5S00 Che\T-. 3100 Packer. 3200 Curtin. 3300 Geary, 3400 Hartranft. 3500 Hoyt. 3600 .S6th Av. .3700 37th Av. 3S00 3Sth Av. 3900 39th Av. 4000 40th At. 4100 41st Av. 4200 42d At. 4.S00 43d Av. 4400 44th At. 4500 45th At. NEW STREET DIRECTORY. Above, North ABBREVIATIONS. ab. C. H. Chestnut Hill My or West of c. Corner N. al. Alley cr. Creek pk av. Avenue ct. Court pl. bel. Below, East E. East rd. or South of Fkd. Frankford S. bet. Between fr. From sqr Bdg. Bridesburg Gtn. Germantown W. A., W. fr. 22d, ab. Thompson A., N. fr. 2500 Kensington av Abbott's et., fr. 529 Fitz water Abel pl., Ir. 1021 Lemon Aberdeen, fr., 214 Spruce Abigail, W. fr. Amber, bel. Otis Abbottaford, fr. 3215 N. 36th Academy, W fr. 10th, ab. Arch Accomic pl., fr. 311 Wildey Acorn al., fr. Locust, ab. 8th Acton pl S. fr. Pearl, ab. Uth Adair av.,fr. 415 N. 13th Adaliue, fr. Margaret (Fkd.) Adams, fr. Frankford, (Fkd) Adams, fr. 2422 Commerce Adams, fr. Walnut la. (Gtn.) Addison, W. fr. 17th, bel. Pine Adelphia, W. fr. 214 S. 5th Adelphia, al., fr. 152 Pegs Adrain, E. fr. Ridge av. (Myk.) Arlrain, N. fr. 45 Otter Alton, W.fr. 1126 S. 16th Agate. N. fr. Ann, bel Tulip Agile's, S. fr. Christian, ab. 10th Airy, N. fr. Thompson, ab. loth Alaska, fr. 618 Passyunk av Albergc-uct., fr. Willow, ab. 7th Albeit, fr, 1028 S. 12th Albert, W.fr. Emerald, bel. Ann Albert av., fr. 1220 Palmer Alberto av., fr. 1210 Palmer Albion, S. fr. Pine, ab. 21st Albion, N. fr. Arch, ab. 21st Albion, N. fr. Spruce, ab. 21st Alder, N. fr. Poplar, ab. iLth Alexander, fr. 624 Fitzwaler Alexander, fr. lo23 Wharton Alfred, fr. Queen, (Gtn.) Alford, E. ir. Gth, bel. Pine Myk. Manyunk North Park Place Koad South sqr. Square West Alice ct., fr. 1013 Sansom Aliens la., S. fr. Gtn. av. (Gtn.) Aliens ct., fr. 925 Rodman Allegheny av., E. & W.,3200 N. Allen, S. W. fr. Mary to 41st Allen, S. fr. Palmer, ab Beach Allen, W. fr. Frankford, (Fkd.) Allen la., fr. Gtn.av. (Gtn.) Allen's ct., fr. 720 Bainbridge Allen's ct., fr. 6i3 Minster Allison, S. fr. Arch, ab. 56th Allison pl., fr. 120 N. Front Almendo, fr. 1029 Cumberland Almira, pl. fr. 722 N. Front Almond, E. fr. 719 S. 2d; Almond, fr. Ash (Bdg.) Almont pl ., fr. 1529 Cadwahid er Alroy, VV. fr. Ridge av., ab. 13th Alter, fr. 1118 S. 17th Alton ct., S. ir. Richard ab. 16th Aman,fr. 1421 S. 12th Amanda pl. fr. 2319 Pearl Amber, N. E, fr. Front &Norris Ami.ler'g ct. fr. 131'.* Heath Amboy, fr. 1321 Jefferson Ameiia, W. fr. 5th ab. Miffln America, fr. Byron, hA. Myrtle American, N. fr. Master, ab. 2d American W. fr. 23 ab. Hare American pl., fr. 221 N. 4th Americus, S. fr. Oxen, ab. 8th Amity, fr. 1421 Stiles ab. 14th Amos p;., fr. 1521 Randolph Anadalepl,,tr. 723N.9th Analine, S.fr. Federal, ab.l7th Annapolis, S. fr. South, bel. 2d Anderson, S.fr.Indiana.ab.l th Andress, S. fr. Mellon, ab. 12th Ang er, iS. fr. Race, ab. 33d Anita, fr. 1120 S. 10th Ann, E. fr. Amber & Indiana Ann, W. fr. 17th, ab. Spruce Ann, W. fr. Trenton av. (Fkd.) Ann, W. fr. 2634 Emerald Ann pi., E. fr, 1319 Wheat Anthony, fr. 722 Dickerson Anthracite, fr. 2631 Belgrade Apple, W. fr. 1328 Wheat Apple.S.f r.Lancaster av.ab.^.Oth Apple, W. fr. Cedar, (Myk.) Appletree al., fr. 226 N. 4th Apsley, S. fr.Gtn,av.ab. Berkley Arabella, fr.522 Washington av Aramingo, fr. 2420 Commerce Aramlngo, W, fr. Paul, (Fkd.) Arazonia, fr. 2320 N. 9th Arch, E. & W., 200 N. Arch av. fr. 517 Dillwyn Archibold pi. fr. 1318 Race Arlington, fr. 1928 N. 17th Arizona, W. fr. 12th ab. Spruce Armand pl.,fr. 720 Marshall Armat, N. fr. Gtn. av. (Gta.) Armstrong ct., fr, 419 Locust Armstrong ct.,fr.l218 Catherine Arrisou,fr. 126 S. 15th Arrott, E. fr. Oakland, (Fkd.) Artisan, S. fr. Ball, (Bdg.) Ash, v\\ fr. Richmond, ab. York Ashburton, W. fr. 23d, bel. Pine Ashbuiy, S. fr. South, ab. 5th Ashhurst, S. fr. Market, ab. 2d Ashhole, Spruce, ab. 33d A&hlaiid, N.fr.Wharton,ab.lOth Ashland, E. fr. Stiles, (Fkd.) Ashland, E. fr. Penn, (Myk.) Ashmead, S. fr. Clinton, (Gtn.) Ashton pi., E. fr. 23d ab. Race Aspen, W. from 500 N. 35th Aspen, Spruie, ab. 21st Aspen St. pL, fr. 415 Albion Astor pi., N. Front, ab. Brown Asylum, E. fr. 15th, bel. Spruce Asylum, S. fr. 1412 Spruce Asylum rd., N.fr.Adam6,(Fkd.) Atherton, S. fr. Marriott, ab. 5th Atkinson ct., N. fr. 529 Lombard Atlanta, W. ir. 17th ab. Tioga Atlantic, E., fr. York ab.l6th Atlee pi. fr. 728 Humes av Atmore. W. fr. 13th, ab. Brown At wood pi., fr. 1020 Hamilton Auburn fr. 1030 S. 8th Auburn. W. fr. Trenton, (Fkd.) Audubon pi., fr. 28 N. 4th A\igustapl.W.fr.Front,ab.Kace Aurora. W. fr. 9th, ab. Spruce Austin, 8. fr. Federal, ab. 10th Austin, pi. fr. 831 St. John, Autumn, S. fr. Barker, ab. 19th Autumn, S. fr. Vine, ab. 17th Avenue C.,E.fr.323New Market Avon pi., E. fr. 433 N. 13th Award's ct., W. fr. 328 Dugan Aydellotte ct., N. fr. Parham Azalia, E. fr, I5th, ab. Race B, W. fr. 23d, bel. Master B., N. fr. Kensington av. ab A Bache ct., fr. 1423 Race, Baden, S. fr. Alaska, ab, 7th Bailey, N. fr. Jefferson, ab. 26th Bailey's ct., N. fr. John, bel. 2d Bailey's ct., W. fr. 1226 Mascher Bainbridge. E. & W., 700 S. Baird, W. fr. Queen, (Gtn.) Baird's av., N. fr. 1323 Brown Baker's al., fr. 515 Powell Baker's ct., fr. 941 Alder Baker pi., W. from 320 St. John Baker, E. fr, 8th ab, Catherine Baker, E., fr. Gtn. av., (Gtn.) Baker, fr. Green la. (Myk.) Baldwin, pi. fr. 529 York. Ball, fr. 2021 Richmond Ballenger av. fr. 1020 Race Ball's ct., fr. Front, ab. Poplar Balsam pi., fr, 747 S, 5th Balston pi., N.fr.Concord, ab. 2d Baltic pi., N.fr. Catharine, ab. 2d Baltimore av. S. W. fr. 39th & Woodland av Baltz, S. fr. Thompson, ab. 30th Bambrey, S. fr. Poplar, ab. 25th Banana, W.fr. 15th,ab.Girard av Bancroft, S.fr. Wharton, ab. 16th Bangor, fr. 730 Lloyd Bank, S. fr. Market, bel. 3d Banker's av.,fr.Warren, ab.39th Bankson, N.fr .Wallace, ab. 13th Barbary pi., E. fr. Vaughan Barber's row, fr. 1129 Mellon Barclay, fr. 610 N. Broad Barcrolt, N.fr.McKean, ab. 10th Baring, W. fr. 32d ab. Race Barker, fr. 18 S. 16th Barker's ct., W. fr. Crease Barley, W. fr. iOth, bel. Pine Barley-Corn, Alaska, ab. 4th Barlow pi., N. fr. Baker, ab. 7ih Barlow, S. fr. Wharton, bel. 5th Barnes' pi., fr. 1123 Charlotte Barnet. W. fr. 1118 S. 8th Barnewell, S. fr. Pine, ab. 25th Barney av., fr. 2217 Shamokin Barnhurst pi., fr. 1825 Francis Barron, S. fr. Gaskill, ab. 2d Barrow, S. Ir. South, ab. 3d Bartholomew ct., fr. 918 S. 5th Barton, N. fr, Wallace, ab, 10th Bartram, N,fr. Jefferson, ab.20th Bartram, fr. 318 S. 6th Bascom pi., N. fr. 1033 Barley Bastion pi., fr. 418 German Bass, E. fr. Pleasant, (Gtn.) Bath, N. fr. William, ab. 12th THE NEW MASONIC TEMPLE, Cor. Broad and Filbert Sts. Bateman, N. fr. Reed, ab. 19th Baton, S. fr. McKean, ab. 2Ulh Baursach's ct., fr. 1330 N. Front Baxter pi., fr. 708 Marshall Bay, \V. fr. 6th, bel. Spruce Bayard.W. fr. Tth.ab.Catharine Bavnon pi., fr. 960 Marshall Baytree pi., fr. Pine, ab. 6th Biivnton, E. fr. Wister, (Gtn.) Beach, N. fr.Willow,bel. Front Beale pi., fr. 1720 St. Joseph's av Bean pi , IS. fr. R5ce, above 2d Beard ct.,W.fr.5th, ab. JefFeraon Beaumont p., N. fr Pegg Beaver, W. fr. 2d, ab. Poplar Beaver, S. Tasker, bel. Ash Beck, fr. 817 H Front Beck pi. fr. 824 S. Front Beckel av., fr. 532 Linden Becker pi., fr. 318 St. John Becket,fr. 634 N. 16th Be-ket's ct , fr. 930 S. Front Beckett. W. fr. Hamilton Ter, Beckman's ct., E. fr.7 1 7 St. John Beck's pi., S. fr. Christian, ab. 2d Beckwith, fr. 11.7 Catharine Beckman pi., fr. 429 Green. Bedioe pi., fr. J32L Carlton Beeler's ct., fr. 835 Charlotte Beech av., K. fr. 24th. ab. Locust Beechwood, N. fr. Columbia av ab. 21st • Bela r, W. fr. Mechanic, (Myk. Belden's row, N. fr. Shellbark. Belfastpl., fr. 43Beck Belgrade, fr. 1431 Frankford av. Belgrade pi., fr. 1119 Columbia Belinda pi. N.fr. Alaska, ab. 7th Bell, N. fi. Market, ab. 40th Bell's ct.. S. fr. Ohio, ab. 11th Bellevue, N.fr. Francif , ab. 17th Bellevue.W.fr. 20th,bel.Oiitario Belm>nt av., N. fr. Lancaster av. & 44th Belrose, N. fr. Willow, ab. 2d B'lrose ct., S. fr. 1244 Catharine Benedict pi., fr. 1015 Hamilton Benezet, E. fr. Uth, ab. Market Benfer's ct.. fr. 1031 St. John Bennett,W.fr.7lh, bel. Chestnut Ben nett ct , N. fr. Cherry, ab. od Benner ille, pi. fr. 724 1 isle Bt-ntley s ct, fr. 86 N. 4ih Benton, 8. fr. Market, ab. 15th Bell's ct., 4th, ab. Spruce Berks, E.&W. 1900 N. Ber in, S. fr. Gaskill ab. 4lh Berge.ss, fr. 2031 Amber I erliu, S ir. Gaskill, ab. 4th B.-nuuhi, Ir. Tucker, (Fkd.) Bernani s ct., fr. 776 S. 2d Berry i ].. S. fr. Locust, ab. 9th Berkley, S. fr. Straw Berry's nv., fr. 13n Charlotte Berry, W.fr. 262N. 41.st Bertfaud pi., fr, 1248 Cadwala- der Bethlehem, fr. 121 E. Venango, Beulah, S. fr, Tasker, ab. 7th Bevan'sav., fr. 213 VVashgt., av Beverly pi., fr. 827 Hninbiidge Bevin, S. W. fr. Keudin :. av. Bickam'8 ct., fr. 620 s. Fr- nt Bicking. fr. 6122 Wood and av Biddle, fr. .- 27 N. 25th Bigler, E. & W. 2900 S. Billington, fr. 9 S 9th Biuder'sct.,S.fr. Poplar, ab. 9th Bingham pi., E. fr.S > bel . Baring Bixl- y, S. fr. Pulaski, ( itii.,) Biugham'sct , fr. 317 Spruce Birch, S. fr. Fitzwater, ab. 1 th Birch, N.W.fr. Salmoii,bel. Ann. Birch il., W. fr. 8th, ab. Arch Bishop, Ir. 649 Richmond Black Horse al., fr. 23 y. 2d Blackburn,N.fr. Miflflin.ab. 10th Bladen ct., N. fr. E freth al Blair, N. fr. Norrisbel. Front Blake pi., fr. 877 Lawrence Blake's ct., S. fr. S< nth. ab. 8th Blai Che. S. fr. 936 IMai shall Blight, N. fr. L-aubard ab.l3th Blighton, 216 S. Broad Blight, fr. 13ilLi mbard Blinn s ci. W. fr. 4th, ab. Brown Bliss, VV. fr. Rasberry Bl'Ck pi., 1724 Richmond Blodgett, N. fr. i"entre,ab. 37th BlunstdU av., 31 S. 19lh Bodine, N. f . Jefferson, ab. 2d Bohemia vL. E. fr. 767 S. 4th Bolivar pi., VV. fr. 2d ab. Vine Bolivia pi., K. f ■. lllh.ab. Race Bolton, E. fr. Jiath, lei. Tioga Bulton, E. tV. 2:'(l ah. Jefferson Bond, \'\ . fr. 9 IkI. Sprui c Bonner pi., N. f . Laurel, bel. 2d Boone, Ir. 1416 Lancasttr Bonlon, fr.l3-'l S. 5th Bosler, 'r.2I.^N 11th B judino' S. fr. Indiana. lb. B Bounty, N. f . Federal, :ib. lUh liouvier al., fr. 1-1 VVuiiint Bouvier. N. ir. 'Ma.ster, ab. 17th Bowen pi., fr. 910 S. 17:h Bower, fr, 1929 Frankfoid av Bnwer i>l., E. fr. 818 Ra( hel Bowery ]>1., fr. ; Sb Dugan, B wery ]>!., W. fr 408 Canton Bowers pi., fr. 1715 Peikiomen Bowman, N. E. fr. 3bbeLQn(ren Bowser. W. fr. Mulberry, (Fkd.) Bovd's av , fr. Inji ISIoryan BuV. rpl.fr. 29 S. lOth Boyer, W, fr. Church la. (Gtn.) il'iiiiiiihiiiiiiiiiiiii'^ Boyle ct. N. fr. Filbert, ab. 6tli Boyd's ct., N. fr. Chant ct Brabant.N. fr.Williambel. Bath Bracelandt's ct., fr. 916 S. Front Braddock, tr. 335 Huntingdon Bradford, S. fr. Spruce, ab. 16th Bradford av., fr. 729 St. Mary Bramble, pi., fr. 747 Passayunk av Branchtown Pike, fr. Beyer, (Gtn.) Branch, W. fr. 3d, ab. Race Brandywine. W. fr. 528 N. 13th Brannen al., S. fr. Vine, ab.5th Bread, N. fr. Arch, ab. 2d Breese, w. fr. Prosperous al Bremau pi., fr. Cadwalader Brewery pi., fr. 722 S. Juniper Bride pl.,N. fr. 1223 Hamilton Bridge,fr. Frankford av. (Fkd.) Brier, pi., N. fr. Spruce, ab. 10th Brighton, E fr. 15th, ab. Spruce Briggs, E. fr. i31 Madison Bright, N. fr.William, ab. Tulip Brilling'sct., N. fr .Union, ab. 2d Bringhurst, N fr. Gtn. av. (Gtn) Brinkley pi., S.fr.Cherry,ab.6th Brinton, E.fr.l3th,ab Catharine Brinton, S. fr. Oxford, ab. 4th Brighton, E. fr. 922 S. 8th Bristol, E. & W. 4300 N. Bristol av. E.fr Front.ab.Laurel Bristol pi., fr. 615 Guilford Bristow pL, "W. fr. Tamerind Broad, N&S..ab. 13th Broad, N. fr. Levering, (Myk.) Brodie pi., ir. 951 St. John Brogan, VV. fr. Raspberry Bromley pi., S. fr. Brown, ab. 2d Brown's ct., fr. 406 N, 23d Brown, N. fr. Bockius, (Bdg.) Brown, E.&W. SOON. Browns ct., fr. 1013 Helmuth Brown's ct., fr. Monroe, ab. 4th Brown's ct., fr. 804 Perkiomen Brown's ct., fr. 735 St. Mary Brown's ct,. fr. 722 South Browker, fr. Hedge, (Fkd.) Brunswick pi., fr. 327 Stanley Brusserspl.,W.fr.5th,bel.Green Buchanan pi., fr.431 N. 23d Buchanan pi., fr. Aberdeen Buck rd., N.W. fr. 2000 Reed Buckingham pi., fr. 221 Poplar Buckley, W. IV. 5th, bel. Spruce Bucknell, N. fr. Hare, ab. 23d Buck's ct., fr. 819 Catharine Buck's ct., W.fr.Uth, bel. Spruce Bockius,fr. Frankford cr.( Bdg) Bucknell, N. fr. Hare, ab. 23d Budd, fr. 4034 Baring Budd, W. fr. 12th, ab. Pine Buddin's ct., N. fr. Buddin's al. Buddin'sal., \V. fr.l2th,ab.Arch. Buisi's c ., fr. 1214 Fitzwater Bulletin, E. fr. 843 S. Front Bummerscheim ct.,fr.l714 N.Sth. Bunting av., fr. Marston Bunyan pL, fr. 1305 Lancaster Burbank pi., fr. Vincent Burbridge.W. fr. Norton, (Gtn.) Burchell's ct., fr. 835 S. 3rd Burd, N. fr. Green, bel. 2d Burges'spl., fr. 322 Columbia Burgundy pi., fr. 830 N. 8th Burlington pi., fr. 235 German Burnett, S. fr.Christian, ab. 25th Burns, fr. 1421 Brow a Burrow's ct., S. fr. Minster Burr's av., fr. 1415 Wood Burton, W. fr. 15th, ab. South Burwickpl., fr.725 New Market Butcher ,\V.fr. Rose, bel. Market Butler, E. & W. 3800 N. Butler av., W. fr. 13 6 Pine Butler pi., S.fr. Sansom, ab. 10th Button, fr. 18 N. 13.h Buttonwood,W.fr..d, ab. Noble Butz, N. fr. Noble, ab. 2d Butz row, fr. 491 St. John. Byron, fr. 3135 Richmond ByroTi pi., E. fr. Gtn. av., ab. 3d C, N fr. Kensington av., ab. B, . Cabin, fr. 1913 Pennsylvania ar Cabot, fr. 12.4 N. 15th Cabot, N. E, fr. Anthracite Cadbury av., N. fr. Jefferson Cadwalader, fr. 141 Girard av. Cadwalader ct., 14i7 Fitzwater' Cahawha pi., fr. 418 S. 12th Cahill pi., fr. 422 N. Front Caldwell, fr. 207 S. 24th Caldwe J,W. fr. 13th, ab. Poplar Caledonia av., fr. 1('21 Filbert California pi., fr. 1117 Rodman. Callowhill, E. & W.40»N Calvert pi., fr. 1718 Vesey Calvert, fr. Metcalf Calvin pi . fr. 829 N. 7th Camac, N. fr. Master, ab. 12th Camac, E. fr. 1621 Lawrence Cambria, E. & W. 2000 N. Cambridge, fr. 925 Carlisle Camoridge, fr. Tucker, (Fkd.) Camelia, S. fr. Deal Cameron, fr. 816 Francis Cameron pi., fr. 14-'0 N. 4th. Cameronian ct., S. fr. Marbl§ Camilla, fr. 1011 S. 11th Camp pi., S. fr. Brown, ab. -Jth- Campbell, fr. 522 Fitzwater Canal, tr. 2620 Walker Canal, fr. 1034 Frankford av Canal, E. fr 5lh, ab. Mifflin Can by, W. fr. i;2th. bel. Walnut Candia pi., fr. 516 FairmountaT Candy row, fr. 108 S. 21th Cane's ct., W. fr. 7th, ab. South Canover, N. fr. Vine, ab. 57th Canning pi., fr. 929 Willow Cantman pi., fr. 678 N, 11th Canton, fr. 917 Callowhill Cantrell, fr. 1918 S. 9th. Cantrell ct., fr. 1028 S. 2d Cantvvell pi., for 319 Cherry Capewell,W.fr.Belgrade,ab Otis Capital, Ir. 2020 Parrish Carath pi., fr. 412 Wharton Carberry ct., fr. 420 Catharine Carbon, S. fr. South, ab. 10th Carbon ct., fr. 517 Mairiott Carbon, fr. Ontario, ab. Del. av. Carlisle, N, fr. 1421 Brown Carlton, W. fr. 10th, ab. Wood Carman pi., fr. 717 Arch Carney av., fr. 225 S. Juniper Carolery, W. fr. 5th, ab. Vine Caroline pL, fr. 1014 Barley Caroline, fr. 429 Wharton Carpenter, E, & W. ICOO S, Carpenter, fr.5464Gtn.av.,(Gtn.) Carpenter's ct.,fr. 330 Chestnut Carpenter la.,S.fr.Gtn. av.,(Gtn) Carrie, tr. Garden, (Bdg.) Carroll pi., Front ab. Adrian Carroll ct., fr. 1528 Lombard Carr's ct., fr. 830 Catharine Carsell av , fr„717 N. Broad Carswell p'l., fr. 1109 Charles. Carters, W. fr. 2d, bel. Chestnut Carver, W. fr. 15th, ab. South Gascon pi., fr. 332 New Market Caseltine av..S.fr. Wood,ab,20th Casper av., S. fr. Jones, ab. 17th Casper, S. fr.Erie av.,ab.Carbon Castle av., fr. 1734 S. 13th Cass,W. fr. 12th, bel.Thompson Cassady's ct., fr. 829 Marriott Cassion pi., fr. 721 Columbia av Castle ct., fr. 1036 Sargeant Castner av., N. fr. Orchard Castor rd., fr. Oxford rd.,(Fkd.) Catawba pi., fr. 215 German Catharine, E. & W. 800 S. Cathcart ct., fr. 1131 Lombard Cathedral av., S. fr. Lancaster av., ab. 48th Cattell av., N. fr. Pearl, bel.20th Cayuga, E. & W. 4400 N. Caven, S. fr. Hamilton, ab. 19th Cedar, N. fr. Berks, ab. Gaul Cedar, N. fr. 4141 Main, (Myk.) Cedar, N. fr. Meadow, (Fkd.) Cedar Hill, (Myk.) Cedar la., E. fr. Haines, (Gtn.) Celeste, W. fr. 2d bel. Moore Cemetery, fr. 3423 Indiana av.. Central pi., W. fr. 5th, ab. Race Central Buildings, N. fr. Pear Centre, fr, 4957 Gtn. av., (Gtn.) Centre, W. fr. 36th, ab. Market Centre, fr. 4547 Main, (Myk.) Ceruse, S. fr. Stone, ab. 15th Chadwick, S. fr. Eeed, ab. 16th Chadwick pi., fr. 858 N. 4th Chalfonte, fr. 3112 Hamilton Chambers' ay., fr. 2015 Carlton Champion pi., E. fr. Dun ton Chance pi., fr. 327 New Market Chancellor,W.fr.32d,ab.Walnut Chancellor, fr. 214 S. 16th Chancery la., fr. 126 Arch Chandler's ct., fr. 1011 Palmer Chant, fr. 23 S. loth Chapman, fr. 751 S. Front Charles, S. fr. South, ab. 4th Charles, N. fr. Federal, ab. 6th Charles pi., fr. 427 Rugan Charlotte, N. fr. Brown, ab 3d Charter fr. 2304 Amber Chartner, fr. 321 N, 24th Chatham, S. fr. Green, ab. 5th Chatham, fr 823 E. Lehigh av. Chauncey, S. fr. Stiles, ab. 18th Chelton av., fr. Gtn. av.(Gtn.) Chenango, E. & W., fr. Sophia Cherry, W. fr. 3d, ab. Arch Cherry, N. fr. Meadow, (Fkd.) Chester, fr. 815 Race Chestnut, E. & W. 100 S. Chestnut, N. fr. Gtn. av. (Gtn.) Chesnut, N. fr. Main, (Myk.) Chestnut av., E. fr. Castle st Chestnut pi., fr. 3520 Sansom, Chew, E.&W., 5800 N. China, fr. 1018 S. Front China, S. fr. Green, ab, 4th Chippewa, N. fr. South, ab. 26th Cholladay's ct., fr. Sheaff' s al. Christian, E. & W., 900 S, Christy pi., fr. 917 St. John Chubb, S. fr. Federal, ab. 8th Church, fr. 319 N. 3d Church, W. ir. 7th, ab. York Church, fr. 1322 Fitzwater Church, fr. 226 S. 37th Church, N. fr. Chestnut, (Myk.) Church,fr.Frankford,av.(Fkd.) Church, av., S. fr. Watts Church la., fr.5477Gtn.av.(Gtn.) Church pi., fr. 1122 Lombard Churnard,N.fr.Tioga,ab.Myr: le Cinnam.inson la., N. fr. Wash- ington, (Myk.) Citron, W. fr. 11th, ab. Wallace Clarkson, E. & W., 2600 N. Clarion, S. fr. Tioga Claflan's ct., fr. 1319 Heath Claghorn pi.. Front, ab. Poplar Clairborn, fr. 1215 Ball Clapier, S. fr. Morris, (Gtn.) ^ Clare, fr. 528 Carpenter Clarion, fr. 251 N. 41st, Clarion, S. fr. Federal, ab. 13th Clarissa, pi., fr. 538 Linden Clarm.nt, E. fr.45th ab.Eadline Clark, N. fr. Lefevre, (Bdg.) Clark, fr. 1024 S. 3d Clark's av.. fr. 418 Buttonwood Clarkson pi., fr. 530 Linden Cliiwge's ct., N. fr. Mulberry al Clay, W. fr. lUh. a'.. Greea Clayton, W. fr. Cherry, ab. 20th < layton, f r. 728 N. 22d Clearfield, E. & W. 3100 N. Clematis av , fr., 114 Christian Colebrook pL, 772 S. Front Coleman, fr. 2120 Dickerson Clemantine, E. fr. 3119 Emerald Clement,s;.fr.Carpenter,ab.lf!th Clemmon's al.,Race, ab. 11th Cliff pi., fr. 1424 Race Clifford, fr. 1823 N. 3d Clifford al.. Front ab. Market Clifton, S. fr. Seymour. (Gtn.) Clifton, S. fr. South, ab. 10th Clinton, N. fr. McFarran Clinton, W. fr.9th, ab. Pine Clinton av., fr. 1921 Pearl Clinton av., fr. Bringhurst, (Gtn.) Clinton ct., fr. 457 Franklin Clivedon,av,N fr.Gtn.av. (Gtn.) Clo^e, W fr. 5ih ab. McKean Clover, f •. 12 h, ab. Chestnut Clyde al. S. fr. Race, ab. 5th Clymer, W. fr. Campbell Cobb N. fr. Queen, ab. 4th Coburn, N. fr. South, ab. 2d Coffin's ct., E. fr. 2d, ab. Race Cohen pi., fr, 812 S. Front Cohochsink, fr. 729 Parrish Colchester, tr. 831 Charlotte CoUum, N. fr. Gtn. av., (Gtn.) Collar (1 al., fr. Far r on pi Columbia av.. E. & W. 1700 N Columbia ct., fr. Landreth Columbia row, fr .20 1 9 X. f r. 12th Comber's ct., S. fr Linton Commerce, W. fr. 22 N. 4th Commerce, N,fr. Yorlc.iiMoyer Commissioner av.. 3129 Gaul Compromise, E fr. 17th ab. Pine Conard's ct., fr. 1617 Becket Conarroe. (Mky.) • * Concor'i,W. fr. 2d,ab. Catherine Concord pi., N. fr. Concord Concordia av., N. fr. Concord Conestoga pi., fr. 1445 Cadwal- der , Conestoga, S. fr. Paschall, ab. 54th Congress, E. fr. 2d ab. Catherine Conlin's ct., fr. 1325 Heath Connelly ct., fr. 524 Christian Conrow ct. , fr. 105 Chenango Conway ct., fr. 311 New Market Coombes, fr. 44 N. Front Cook, N. fr. Pine, ab. 16th Cooke, E. fr. Tulip, bel. Berks Cooper, W. fr. Dixeys Cooper, N. fr. Ontario, bel. 2d Cope, N. fr. Locust, ab. 23d Cope's al . E. fr. 129 S. Water Copia, fr. 810 S. 16th Corinthian av.,S. fr. College av. ab. 20th C-^rn. N. fr. Reed Corwin pi., fr 312 Front Cottage, N. fr. Cedar (Gtn.) Cottagt^ W. fr. Front, ab. South Cottingham pi., fr 5 9 Federal Cotton, fr. Mai ', (Mvk) Coulter, N. E. fr. 3Gth ct Queen Coulston, E. fr. Tho\iron Court al., fr. 722 Beach Courtland av., fr. 330 New Mar- ket Cour.land, E. & W. 4600 N Courtland, S. fr. Tucker, ( Fkd.) Covle pi., fr. 607 St. Mary Cowley, fr. 256 N, 13th <^'owper, fr. Bight's ct Cowperthwait av., fr. 827 New Cowsl p, W. fr. 15th, ab. Race Cox, S. W. fr. 17th, ab. Pine Coxft., fr. 220 Acorn al Cox ct., Ir. 15 N. 9th. Cox's ct., fr. 1119 Ohio Cozzen's av. E. fr. 931 Rachel Cozen, E. fr. 13th b-'l. Carpenter Craig's av.,N. fr. Shackamaxon Craig's ct., fr. 615 Filbert Craig's pi , E. fr. Raspberry Crammer pi., fr. 930 N. 3d Crane fr. 521 N. 4th Crane's ct , fr. 130 Mead Cran's ct., fr. 843 Marriott Craven, fr. 216 N. Front Crawford's ct., fr. 506 N. Front Crawford, fr. 2522 Gaul Crawford, fr. 3610 Ridge av. Crease, fr. 1422 Frankford av Crcsheim rd., fr. Carpenter; (Gtn.) Cresson, \V. fr. 5th, ab. Arch Cresson, W. fr. Green la. (Myk.) Crockett's ct., fr. 28 S. 5th Crooked Billet pi., fr.21 S.Water Crooked pi., fr. 407 New Market Croskev, fr. 2217 Columbia a v. Cross, W. fr. 8th, ab. Tasker Cross al., fr. 723 St. Mary Cross al. S. fr. Green, ab 4th Crown, N. fr. Race, ab. 4th Crown pi., fr. 312 N. Front Crowson, W. fr. Mill, (Gtn.) Crowther's ct., fr. 607 S. Juniper • Cuba, S. fr. Morris, bel. 4th Cuba pi., fr. 116 Poplar €ulbertson's ct., fr. 1616 Fair- mount av. Cullen W. fr. 7th, ab. South Gulp av., S. fr. Cuyler Calvert, N.E. fr. Poplar, ab.4th Culvert, W. fr. 3240 Cedar Culvert, fr. Metcalf Cumbach, W. fr. r2th, bel. Reed Cumberland, E,W. 2500 N. Cumberland, E.fr. Armat,(Gtn) Cunningham av., fr. 1112 Fed- eral Curfew, fr. 3925 Aspen Curran pi., E. fr. 4th, ab. Green Currant al.,N.fr.Spruce,ab.lOth Currant, W. fr. 1914 Cedar Curry's ct., fr. 1109 Bainbridge Curtin, E. & W. 3200 S. Cuscaden's ct., fr. 1109 German Cuthbert, W. fr. 11th, bel. Arch Cuyler, fr. 426 N. 19th Cypress, E. fr. 4th, ab. Pine D, N. fr. Kensington av., ab.C, Dacota, W. fr. 9th ab. Dauphin Dahl's, N. fr. Olive, ab. 13th Daisy av.,W. fr. ISth, ab. iSouth Dale, S. fr. Lehigh av., bel. loth Dallasal., fr.38S. 13th Dallett's ct., fr. 1320 Silver Dalleti's ct., fr. 410 Rugan Daly's ct., fr. 1339 Olive, Damon, N. fr. Indiana, ab. 34th Dana, E. fr. 2d, ab. Noble Daniel pi., fr. 1339 Eavl Danuakci 's av., fr. 227 N. 3d Dauver pi , fr, 137 Nev/ Darcy, fr. 714 Spafford Durien, N. fr. Brown, ab. 8th Darling pi., fr. 324 Willow Darrrt.g'h's, fr. 233 Lybrand Dart, pi., fr. 1119 Hamilton Dan, W.fr. 1412 Hity Darwin, W. fr. 15th, ab. Howard Dauphin, E.& W. 2.S00 N, Davenpt)rt, fr. 2.:.00 S. 9th Davidson, fr. 11-iO St. John Davidson pi., fr. 935Marshan Davis, S. E. ir. Gtn. av., (Gtn.) Davis, fr. 1210 N. 12th Davis av., fr. 145 N. 8th Davis ct., fr. 1532 Lombard Davis ct., N. fr. Race, ab. 23d Davis ct., fr. 604 Fairmount av. D ivis pi., S. fr. Alaska, ab. 13th Dawson pi., fr. 1301 Pearl Dav, fr. 27 Thompson, Dayton, ^v. fr. Cth,ab. Green Deacon, fr. 1111 Girard a v. Deagen pi., fr. 619 Tamarind Deal, fr, 1737 Frankford av,. Deal av., S. fr. Deal Dean, fr. 1212 Wa'nut Dean, fr. 1218 Mifflin Dean's av., N. fr. Day- Decatur, fr. 616 Market Dedaker's ct., fr. 27 Otter Deimiing pi., fr, 236 Un on DeKalb, ct., fr. Aspen, ab. 37th DeKalb's ct., fr. 960 Warnock Delancey pi,, 326 S. 18th Dayman, fr. 3319 Clearfield Deianey pi., fr. 743 S. 7th Delaware av., N. and S. along Delaware river Delaware, I'r. 3230 N, 20th Delhi, N. fr. Diamond, ab. 9th Delta pL, fr. 1343 Olive Demar pL, fr. 110 Bainbridge Demster pL, fr. 1518 Barclay Denmark, E. fr. 2d, bel. Tasker Denny's ct., fr. 425 Marriott Depot, fr, 540 N. 8th Depot, S. E. fr. Gm. ave. (Gtn.) Deringer av , fr. 1513 N. Front Deschong. fr. 1220 S. 25th Desilver's ct., fr. 428 Walnut Desota, fr. 1238 Struthers Devitt'sav.fr. 1128 St. John Devi m pi ., fr. 319 Fairmount av. Dexter, E. fr. Green la., (Myk.) Dial, W. ir. 5th, ab. Morris Diami, E. fr. Llscomb.ab. 23d Diamond, E. & W., 2100 N. Diamond, S. fr. Brinton Diamond ct., fr. 618 South Dickenson, fr. 2519 Commerce Dickerson, E. & W., 1500 S. Dickson's al., fr. 716 S. 7th Dickson's pi., fr. 907 N. Broad Diligent av., fr. 916 Buttonwood Dilk's ct., fr. 904 Wood Dillwyn, N. fr. Vine, ab. 3d Dilmore, S. fr. McKean, ab.9th Dingler's ct., fr. 116 Van Horn Discount pi., fr. 32 N. 6th Di.strict pi , E. fr. 10lh,ab. Vine Divan pi , fr. 117 Fairmount av. Division, fr. 410 N. 11th Divine's ct , fr. 'j015 Naudain Division, fr. ::'123 Cedar Division, fr. Sharpneck, (Gtn.) Division, E. fr. Main, (Myk ) Dixey,fr. 2011 Locust Dixey's ct., fr. 1632 Lombard Doaks, fr. 1."2i Bainbridge Dobbins. W. fr. 18lh, ab. Pine Dock, S. E. fr. 3d, ab. Walnut Dodge pi., N, fr. Metcalf, ab. 2d Doll's ct, fr. 1036 .^t. John Doman's pi., fr. 235 Christian Donley, fr. 922 S. 10th Donnegan's ct., fr. 715 St. John. Donneganna, fr. 1218 S. 15th Donnelly, fr. 833 Marriott Donnelly's ct., fr. 1817 South Doirence, fr. 1820 Carpenter Dorsey, fr. 728 SpafFord Dorsey, fr. 412 S. 13th Dott, N. fr. Jefferson, ab. 20th Dougherty's al., fr. 514 South Dougherty's ct., fr. 730 Alaska Douglass, fr. 3118 Ilavcriord Douglas av., fr. 1J30 Brown Dove ct., fr. 806 Duane Dovepl., fr. 1012S.3d Dover, S. fr. York. ab. 28th Dover ct., fr. 9i4 Poplar Downing, fr.2021 Callovvhill Doyle, fr. 521 S.15fh Doyle's ct., E. fr. 3d, bel. South Draysou pi., fr. 1123 P.ne Drayton, fr. 1232 Rye Dreer, W. fr. Amber, ab. Norris Dreer's ct., fr. 323Griscom Drinker, E. fr. 2d, ab. Arch Drum's av., fr. 808 Buttonwood Drury, W. fr. 13th, ab. Sansom Drydan pi., fr. 228 E. Thomp- son Duane, fr. 1225 Brown Duberry ct., fr. 519 Brooks Dubree, fr. 1821 Wylie Duck al.. S. E. fr. Mattis Dudley, W. fr. 5th, ab. McKean Dudley pi., fr. 512 Christian Duffey's ct., fr. 723 Hubbell Duff"y ct , fr. Crane, ab. 13th Dugan, fr. 1512 Spruce Dugan's ct., fr. 330 Master Duncan, fr. Tacony, (Fkd.) Dungan's av.,W. fr. 2d, ab. Otter Dunlap, S. fr. Chestnut, ab. 22d Dunn'sct, fr. 759S. 6th, Dunsdal pi., fr. 2048 Lombard Dunton, from 19 Otter Duponceau, fr. 818 Walnut Durham pi., fr. 517 Race Duross ct., fr. 784 6th Duross pi., fr. 819 N. 13th Durrs' ct., W. fr. Orchard Dutton, N. fr. Mifflin, bel. Front Dutton's ct., fr. 620 Washington av Dutilh, fr. 412 Conn Duval, N. fr. Adams, (Gtn.) Dyott's ct., fr. 1921 Franklin Dyre, Frankford av., (Fkd.) E, N. fr. Kensington av., ab. D Eadline, fr.420 N. 32d Eageu pl„ fr. 1005 Hamilton Eagle, fr. 1051 Leopard Eagle, W. fr. 4029 Lancaster av Eagle av., fr. 1220 N. Front Eagleston, E. fr. Burnett Earl, W. fr. 24th, bel. Brown Eail, fr. 742 Thompson, Earp, W. fr. bth, ab. Reed Earp, fr. 520 N. J9th East, N. E. fr. Cresson, (Myk.> East ct., fr. 331 Griscom East ct, fr. 1416 Spring Garden East, fr. 940 N. Delaware av East wick av., fr. 1612 Ogden Eaton pi , N. fr. Eagle Eden pi., 224 Catharine Edgar pi., S. fr. Pine, ab. 9th Edgemont, N. fr. Allegheny av., ab. Salmon Edgeley N. E. fr. 33d, & Oxford Ediua pi., fr. 1034 N. 4th Edisto pL, fr. 614 Vincent Edward, E. fr, 2d, ab. Otter Edward, B. fr. Pine, (Fkd.) Edward, fr. Haverford, ab. 31st Edwin, fr. 1720 Ridge av Edmund, S. fr. Bridge, (Fkd.) Effiingham, N. fr. 6l5 Tasker, >-isen av., W. fr. 4th, ah. Master- Elba pi., fr. 939 Ontario Elba pi., fr. 965 Beach Elbow la., W. fr. Bank Elder, S. fr. Morgan, ab. 10th Eldridge pi., fr. 1817 N. Gth Elfreth's al., E. fr.2d, ab. Arch- Elgin pi., fr. 1210 Heath Eliza, W, fr, 15th, bel. Master Eliza av.,fr. 818 N. 12th Elizabeth, N. fr. Church, (Fkd,> Elizabeth pi., fr. 1423 Hop^ Elizabeth, fr, 2630 Emerald Elk, fr. Otter, ab. Front Elkhart, fr. Melvale,ab. Maple Ella, fr. 2304 Amber Ella, N. fr. Cambria, bel. Fill- more Ellen, fr. 928 N. Front Ellen pi., E. fr. Front ab. Mead Ellet's av., N. fr. Race, ab. 5th. Elliott's ct . fr. 732 Lombard Ellis, S, fr. Wallace, ab. 9th E'lis' ct.. fr. 1030 Sansom Ellison. S fr. Peter's al Ellison, W.fr. Mechanic,(Myk,) Ellison pi., N. fr. Vine, ab. 11th Ellis, fr. Mechanic, (Myk.) Ellsworth, W. fr. 1118 d. 8th Elm, fr. 1420 Wildey Elmwood av., S. W. fr. Gibsons Elm av., W, fr. 4000Girard av Elmslie's al., fr. 220 S. 2d Eltonhead ct., fr. 2114 Wood Emery, fr. 115 Bokius, (Bdg.) Ellwood la., fr. 2730 N. 2d Elwyn, S. fr. Race, ab.9th Ely, N. fr. Locust, ab. 10th Ely av. fr. 410 Carpenter Ely av., W. fr, 12th ab. Brown Emanuel pi., fr. 317 Monroe Ember av N. fr. Heath, f)b.l3th Emden, fr. 625 Bain bridge Emerald, ir. 2101 X. Front Emeliue, Ir. GIG S. 8th Emlen, W. fr. Upsal, (Gtn.) Emeline, fr. 419 E. Lehigh av. Emliu, E. fr. Gaul, bel. Adams Emma, N. fr. Burgess Emmet, W. fr. 3d, bel. Wharton Emory, fr. 1533 E. Thompson Eiigle, E. fr. Gtn. av. (Gtn.) Englefreid, W. fr. Elm av. English, N. fr. Powell, ab. 5th Ennis pi., fr. 2307 Vine Ennos, fr. Fraley ct. Enue, W. fr. 7th ab, Wharton Enquirer, fr. 1119 Brown Enterprize, W.fr.4th,ab.Tasker Enue, fr. 1221 S. 7th Eppright's ct., fr. 1408 S. Front Erdman, fr. 1721 Perkioman Erdman's ct., fr. 820 N. Front Erety, W. fr. 16th ab. Spruce Ericsson, fr. 920 South 9th Erie av., E. & W., 3700 N Erie, fr. 1018 Bainbridge Ernst, fr. 1528 S. 9th Esher, N. fr. Girard av. ab. 27th Esher av., fr.l209 Fairmount av Eshner pi., N. fr. 1007 Charlotte Espy. fr. 1326 Fitzwater Essex, N. fr. Christian, ab. 8th Essex al., fr. 24ft Quince Eataw, S. fr. Race, ab. 7th Estaugh, fr. 3420 N. 20th Eustis, W. fr. 4th, ab. Mifflin Evangelist, fr. 720 S. 7th Evans, S. fr. Centre, (Gtn.) Evans, fr. 441 E. Clearfield Evans av., S. fr. Vine, ab. 22d Evans, N. fr. Federal, ab. 2d Evans ct., fr. 706 St. Mary Eveland, fr. 1029 St. John Everett, fr. 908 S. 12th Everett pi. N, fr. Pegg Evergreen, fr. 740 S. 20th Ewing's pi., fr. 714 Guilford Ewald pi., fr, 1811 Naiidain Exchange pi., fr. 240 Chestnut Exeter, fr. 124 S. 16th Eyne, fr. WUdey, ab. Palmer Ezra pi., fr. 312 Catherine F., W. fr. 22d, ab. Spruce F,, N. fr. Kensington av., ab, E Faas pi., fr. 1021 Morgan Fable av., E. fr. 6th, ab. Vine Factory, W. fr. 23d, ab. Pine Factory, N. fr. Pine, (Fkd.) Fail pi., W. fr. Rachel, ab. Brown Fairbank pi,, fr. IJevant Fairchild pi,, fr. 1122 Palmer Fairfax pi., fr, 129 S. 5th Fairfield, fr, 18 N, 20th Pairlamb pi,, fr. 928 Torr Fairhill, fr. 524 Allegheny av^ Fuirmount av.. E. &. W. 700 N' Fairman pi., fr. 917 Torr Farina, fr. Penn, (Fkd.) Fall pL, N. fr. Race ab. 5th Fallon, S. fr. FitzAvater ab.Sth Fame ct., fr. 21 Laurel Fareira's ct., fr. 1013 Barclay Farie's ct., fr. 122 N. Front Earner's pi., fr. 1628 Philip Farrell pi., fr. 1317 Lawreuce Farrell, fr. 1021 McKean Farson pi., fr. 1028 Beach Faulkner, S. fr. Marriott, ab. 3d Fawn, N. fr. Moss, ab. 6th Fawn, N. fr. Master, ab. 12th Fawn av., fr. 1624 Fawn Fayette, fr. 918 Arch Fearon av., fr. 1818 Naudian Federal, E. & W., 1200 S. Feinour pi., fr. 73G Swanson Fell, fr, 1828 N. 19th Felton, W. fr, 30th, ab. Park av.' Felton, fr, 129 Mead Ferguson's ct., fr, 1334 South Fernon, W. fr, 8th, ab, Morris Ferris ct., fr. 220 N. Front Fetter's la., fr. 117 N, 3d Field, W. fr. 10th, bel. McKean Fields, N. fr. Francis, ab. 16th Fife's pi., fr, 1417 Bainbridge Fifty Acre la., (Fkd.) Filbert, W. fr. 6th, ab. Market Filch, fr. 2120 Race Fillmore, fr. 1730 Cox Fillmore av., fr, 128 N. 15th Fillmore, fr. Willow, (Fkd.) Filson, N. fr- Arch, ab. 22d Finch S. fr. Dauphin, ab, 13th Finnegan's ct., fr, 717 Baker Finney's ct,, fr. 631 Lombard Firth, fr, 2521 Kensington av Firth ct., fr. 919 Hamilton Fisher, fr- 1612 S. 6th Fishbourne, pi., fr. 634 Wash- ington av. Fisher, fr, 1929 E. Clearfield Fisher's ct,, fr. 1319 Atmore Fisher's la., fr. Gtn. av. (Gtn.; Fisher's pi., fr. 1321 Charlotte Fitter, fr. 1731 N. 2d Fitzpatrick pi,, fr, 615 St. Mary Fitzwater, W. fr, 729 Passyunk Flanigan's ct., fr- 1386 Beach Fleet, fr . 521 Locust Fletcher, fr. 2220 N. 25th First, fr. 20 N. 23d Fleason, N. fr. Wood, (Myk ) Fleming, W. fr. 21st, ab. Market Flick wir's pi., fr. 227 Grermaa Fling's pL, fr. 1250 Hope Flood's pi., fr. 912 S. 6th Florence, fr. 1715 North Florence, S. fr. Milton, ab. lOtli Florida, N. fr. Haverford av. Florida, fr. 1113 Catherine Florist, f r. 220 N. Front Flower, fr. 720 New Market Flora, W. fr. Reed, ab. 9th Ford, N. fr. Pine, ab. 19th Forder av., fr. 1213 Silver Forrest pi., fr. 123 S. 4th Forrest pi., fr. 621 Guilford Foster, \V. fr. 32d, bel. Arch Foster's row, fr. 1221 Sorral Fothergill, S. fr. Pine, ab. 9th Foulkrod, E. fr Lciper, (Fkd.) Fountain, fr. 2018 N. 15th Fountain, fr. 1618 S. 8th Fox, W. fr. Gaul, ab. Serrill Fox, fr. 29 E. Cumberland Fox's ct., fr. 1215 South Fox's ct., fr. 1218 Fitzwater Frampton jil .,f r . 10] 3 Neclarine Francis, S. fr. Kidge av ,ab.l6ih Francis pi., fr. 813 Marriott Fraacis, fr. 1120S.12tli Franconi pi., fr. 7,1 N. 9th Frank, S. fr. Quiney, (Gtii.) Frank's ct., fr. 4b7 Franklin rranktord,X.fr. Adams, (Fkd.) Frankford nv., N. W. fr. Laurel Franklin, N. fr. Race, ab. 7th Franklin, Jr. 5426 c-tn.av.(Gtn.) Franklin, fr. 23d, ab. Pine Franklin, N. fr. Pine, (Fkd.) Franklin ct., fr, 522 Franklin Flickwerscl, fr. 219 German Frederick, W. fr.:!0th,ab. Mifflin French, W.fr. IGtli, ab Park av I'rcnch, fr. 4031 Baring Free, fr. 2-'iy S. 7lh Frecd's a v., 8. fr. Race. ab. 7th Freeman's ct., W. fr. Quince Frecston pi., fr,1007 Moyamen- singav. Fremont, fr. 2820 Salmon Freytag al., fr. 519 Alaska Frcidlander, fr. 2026 Race Fritndship ct., fr. 621 St. John Fries ct., Jr. 18 N. 11th Fromer's ct., fr. 924 Rodman Front, N. & S. bel. 2d Front, fr. 4050 Frankford,(Fkd.) Fulton, fr. 746 S. 12th Fulton, S. fr. Race, ab. 22d Fulton, W. fr. 2821 Tulip Fulton ct., fr. 11 1 7 Hewson Furlong ct., fr. 707 Clierry Furness, N. fr. Branch G., W. fr. 22d, ab. Spruce G., N. fr. Kensington av., ab. F Gadsby pi., fr. 1722 Lombard GalTney's av., fr. 632 Fitzwater Gaine's pi., fr. 239 Queen Galena, S. fr. Gaskill, ab. 4th ' Gale's ct.. fr. 759 Passyuuk av, Galbraith's ct., fr. 530 New Market Gallager's ct., fr. 1622 Alaska Gallatin ph, fr. 119 China Galloway, fr. 309 George Galloway, fr. 1218 S. 25th Garber pl„ fr. 403 New Market Garden, N. fr. Jenks, (Bdg.) Garden, N. fr. Vine, ab. 8th Gampher av., fr. 505 Catlierine Garibaldi, fr. 3418 N. lOlh Garsiue, N. fr. Race, ab. 2d Garvin pi., fr. 236 Catherine Garden, N. fr. Berks, ab. 1 ulip Garden, N. fr. Myrfle, ab. 4:Kh Garnet, fr. 1915 Jeflerson Garnet, S. fr. Hart's la. Garreston.pl., fr. 827 S. 3d (.ar.side,fr. 1422 N. 23d Gascon av., fr. 320 New Market (iaskill, W. fr. 2d, ab. South (.aizmer, fr. 121S. 2d Gaul, fr, i'21 E. Montgomery av. Gavtun pi., fr. 1207 Kater G;.y, fr. 4771 Cresson (Myk.) Gav'sct., fr. 1242N. 3d Geary, E, & W., 3300 S Geary, fr. Faires ct. (-ieary av., fr. 208 Richmond Gebhard, fr. 1521 Race Gebhart ct., fr. 1628 Carlton Gegan, N. Ir. Norris, ab. 4th Geisler, fr. 3022 Salmon Geiss, fr, 558 E. Dauphin Genoese pi., fr. 319 Mast(^r George, W. fr. 2d, 1100 K. George ct.. fr. 005Sansom (.Jerm ai, W. 732 S. 2d Germant()wnav.fr.l020N. Front Gerrett, W. fr. l.sth, bel. Keed Gerker, fr. Columbia av., ab. Thompson Gerrill, fr. 2519 N. Broad Geiz, N. fr. McKean, ab. 10th Getzell pi., fr. 1221 Poplar Gibs »n's av., fr. Baltimore av Gibson's ct., fr. 819 Charlotte Gideon's ct., N. fr. Wood, ab.8th Giffordpl., N. fr. Ogden,ab.lGth Gihon pi., fr. 1232 Carlisle Gilbert, W. fr. Kessler to 10th Garrison ct., E. fr. Andrew Gilboy ct., E. fr, 2d, ab. Poplar Gillespie ct., fr. 1340 South Giles, AV. fr. 23d ab. Oxford GUlingham, W. fr. Cadwaladcr Gillingham,fr.Mulberry,(Fkd. ) Gillis al., N. Ir. South, ab 5th Gill's av., S. fr. Poplar, ab. 12th Gill's pi., fr. 728 Bainbridge Gilmore 1)1. fr. 926 Sf. John Gilpin, E. fr. 17th, ab. Chestnui Gilpin pi., fr. 840 Lawrence Ginnodo, E. fr. 19th ab. Poplar Girard, W. fr. 20 S. 11th Girardav.,E.&W.,1200N Given pi. , f r. 221 Christian Given 's ct., fr. 2017 Filbert Gladding pi., fr. 724 N. 13th Glaney pi., N. fr. Noble, ab.lOth Glasgow pi., S. fr. Poplar, ab. 2d Glasmire pi., fr. 321 Orchard Glass ct., fr. 1422 Brainbridge Glazier pi., E. fr.Sd, ab. Poplar Glenat's ct., fr. 33 Poplar Glenville pi., fr. 828 N. 15th Glenwood, N. Ir. Pegg Glenwood av.,N.E.fr.317 Master GlQucester pi., fr. 1070 Frank- ford av. rjodey, N. fr. Wall, ab. 5th Godfrey, fr. Lehman, (Gtn.) Godfrey, fr, 1610 S. 2d Godfrey av., fr. 409 Jefferson Gold, W. fr. 2d, ab. Walnut Gold, fr. 2327 Pennsylvania av. Gold, E. fr. Cedar, ab. Ann Goldbeck, fr. 1131 N. 2d Goldbeck, fr. 1224 N. 21st. Goldsmith, ct., fr. 911 Rachel Goldsmith ct., 518 New Market Golser, ct., fr. 1225 N. Front Gonsha, N. fr. Lisbon, ab. 5th Good, W. fr. Gtn. av., (Gtn.) Goodbread pi., fr. 1004 Vernon Goodman, S. fr. Rising Sun la. Goodman's ct., fr. 31 j N. Market Geodwater, E.fr. 8th, ab. Locust Goodwill al., fr. 1328 Race Goodwill ct., 1310 Race Goodwin pi., fr. 1834 Beach Gordon, fr. Geiss Gordon's ct., ir, 1012 Rodman Gordon's pi,, fr. 1831 Naudain Gore's ct., fr. 322 Bainbridge Gorgas, E. fr. Gtn. av., (Gtn.) Gorrel's ct., fr. 920 S. 5th Goshen av.,W. fr. 11th, ab. Pine Goss ct., S. fr. Emeline Gossamer av., fr. 1017 Noble Gothic, E. fr. 2d., ab. Walnut Goujon's pi., fr. 920 Marshall Govett's ct., fr. 915 Rodman Gowen'sla., fr Gtn.av.(Gtn.) Grace, W, fr. 16th, ab. Arch Graff, W. fr. llih, ab. Race Grafton pi., fr. 829 Fallon, Grafton ct., fr. 817 S. 5th Graham, fr. 1315 N. 19th Grament pi., fr. 829 Carpenter Grampian pi. fr. 713 N. 13th Grants W. fr. 9th, ab. Mifflin Granite, fr. 216 S. Front Granville, W. fr. 21st, ab. Pine Grapes fr. 414 N. 33d Grape, fr. 4341 Main, (Myk.) Graiz, N. fr. Oxford, ab. 18th Gravel ct., fr. 1318 Olive Graver's la., fr. Gtn. av. (Gtn.) Gray, fr. 121 Poplar Graydon, N. fr. Cowslip Gray's Ferry rd., fr. 2230 Sou.h Grayson, fr. 720 N. 17th Greaves ct., fr. 1311 Cadwaladcr Green, E. & W. 600 N. Green, N. fr. Manheim, (Gtn.), Green, fr. 3229 Gtn, av. Green's ct., fr. 624 St. Jr hn Green's cu, fr. 512 St. Mary Greenhill, fr. 1620 M=ister Green la., fr. 4501 Main, (Myk.) Greenock pi., fr. 1115 Mark's la. Green's ct,, W. fr. 8th, ab. Race. Greenville pL, fr, Vaughan Greenwich, fr. 1528 S. Front Greenwood pi., fr. 629 N. Front Greer, W. fr. Adrian, nr Otis Grim's av,, W. fr. 3d, ab. Poplar Grim's ct., E, fr. 3d, ah. Poplar Grim's ct., fr. 1115 Lawrence Grindstone al., fr. 220 Market Grinnel pi., tr. 1120 Bainbridge Griscom, N. fr. Pine, ab. 4th Griswald al. fr. 5 2 Metcalf Grove, fr. 1812 PerJtiomen Grover, Ir, 110 Queen Gross, W. fr. 27Lh, ab. Poplar Grubb, E. fr. Sycamore Gram's ct., fr. 1731 Jones Guate, N. fr. Tioga, ab. 9th Gucke's ct., fr. 830 St. John Guest, W. fr. 32d, ab, Oxiord Guilford, fr. 226 South Gulielma, E. fr. 15th, ab. South Gummery, S. Ir. 212 Alta Gurney, N. W. fr. Leamy Guy's Block, E. fr. 309 S. 22d Guy's ct., S. fr. Spruce, ab. 21st Gwinn, E. fr. Main, (Myk.) Gwynn. S. fr. Spruce, ab. 21st Gwynn'spl.,E.fr.l023 Charlotte H., N. fr. Kensington av. ab. G Haas, N. fr. Somerset, ab. 22d Haas'pl.,E.fr.7ilN.3d Hackers pi, fr. 912 S. 4th Hacket's ct., fr. 438 Monroe Hackley, W. fr. 4th, ab. Berks Haddon pi ,S. fr. Poplar ab. 7th Hagedornpl. ,N fr.Lynd,ab.4th Hagert, W. fr. 22d, ab. York Hagner, N fr. South, ab. 11th Hahn, N, fr. Reed, ab. 20th Hahn's ct., fr. 1921 Cuthbert Haines, W. fr. 12th, ab. Poplar Haines, N-fr. 5033 Gtn,av.(Gtn.) Haines' ct.,S.fr.Lemon, ab, 10th Haines' pL, N. fr. Kates Hale's c*-., N. fr. Federal, ab, 9tli Hale, N. fr. Columbia av. ah Cd Hall, fr. 920 S. 9th Hamilton, fr. 1328 N. Front Hansberry.fr. Gtn. av. (Gtn.) ^ Hanley's ct., fr. Gtn. av. (Gtn.) Halleck pi., fr. 1320 Charlotte Hallowell, fr. 1030 S. 6th Hammell's ct., fr. 1710 Lombard Hamilton, W. fr. 9th ab. Noble Hamilton,W.fr .Green la.(Myk ) Hamlet's pi., fr. 1220 Hope Hammit's av., N. fr. Crease Hampton, W. fr. 20th, bel. Pine Hance's pl.,fr. 1528 Cadwalader Hancock, N. fr. 129 Girard av. Hancock, fr. Chutch la., (Gtn.) Hand, W. fr. 20th, bel. Pine Hansen's ct., fr. 1013 Barley Harberger's pi., fr. 1710 Jones Harbeson pl.,fr.l313 Callowhill Hare, W. ir. 720 N. 22d Harbor, fr. 1022 Frankford av. Harden ct., S, fr. Pearl, ab. 15th Harding pi., fr. 322 Gerir^an Harlen, W. fr. 19th, ab. Master Harold, fr. 2620 N. 22d Harper, W. fr. 28th, ab. Poplar Harper's ct., fr. 518 S. 18th Harshaw, fr. 2017 Catherine Hart, fr. 1822 N. 10th Hartranft, E. & W., 3400 S. Hartung, fr. 40 N. 21st Harvey ct., fr. 408 S. 21st Harker's pi., fr. 1814 Baker Harkenson's pi., fr. 713 Baker Harley's ct., fr. 2011 Market Harman's al., fr. 2122 Sansom Harmony, fr. 720 S. 4th Harmony, W. fr. 3d, ab. Walnut Harmony ct., fr. 412 S. 6th Harmstead, fr. 618 S. 19th Harmstead pi., fr. 912 Ogden Harper's ct., fr. 2016 Lombard Harper's pi., 629 Guilford Harriet, S. fr. Ross, ab. 10th Harriet pi., fr. 2015 Pearl Harrison, fr. 1420 Frankford av. Harrison N. fr. Gay, (Myk.) Harrison, E. fr. Penn, (Fkd.) Harrison ct., fr. Pleasant, (Gtn.) Harris's ct., f. 18 Letitia Hartley pl.,S.fr.Cherry,ab. 13th Hartman'sct.,fr.Gray'sFerryrd Hart'sla.,fr. 2820 Kensingtonav Hart's rd., fr. 2616 N, 20th Harton pi. S fr. Race, ab. 8th Hartwell av.,S.fr.Gtn. av.fC.H.) Harvey, fr. Gtn av., (Gtn.) Harvey's ct. W. fr. 2d. bel. Pine Harvey's pi., fr. 1021 St. John Haskin pi., fr. 220 Federal Hassinger av., fr. 118 N, Juniper Havorford av.,W. fr. 500 N. 32d Haviland pi., fr. 232 N. 8th Hawthorn av., fr 1719 Barker Hay, W. fr. 6th ab. Reed Hay dock, fr. 1002 N. Front Hay's ct., fr. 229 St. John Hayward pi., fr. 921 Hamilton Haywood pi., 914 Hamilton Hazel, fr. 1422 N. Front Hazel, fr. 912 N. 11th Hazlewood, fr. 2318 Montrose Hazzard, fr. 2524 Cedar Hazzard ct., fr. 1917 Cuthbert Heath, fr. 920 N. 12th Heberton ct., fr. 1618 Lombaud Hebrew pi., fr. 321 N. 3d j Heck pi., fr. 931 N. 2d ( Heckman pi., fr 817 Willow/ Heckroth pi., fr. 610 Weaver Hedge, N. fr. Unity, (Fkd.) Hedge pi., fr. 928 HamiltoiJ Heilig pi., S. fr. Native I Heins, fr. 318 S. 12th ' Heiss pi., fr. 423 Moyer Helena pl„ fr. 215 Christian Helmuth,fr. 532 S. 16th Hemlock pi., fr. 1420 Soutii Hemphill, fr. 811 Carpenter Hemple ct., fr. 1011 Hamilton Henck's ct., fr. 816 Rachel Henderson ct., 1028 South | Henly's ct., fr. 729 Carpentei Henrietta, fr. 1336 N. 21st Henrietta av., fr. 1020 Highlaxii Henry, fr. 1113 Lombard Henry ct., fr. 1312 Gtn. av. Hepburn, fr. 1618 Bainbridgel Hepburn pL, fr. 746 PassyunH Herald pi., fr. Ledger pi. Herb, fr. 616 N. 19th Herbert pi., fr. 1221 Silver Herdman ct., fr. 814 N. 5th Herman, N. fr. Gtn. av., (Gtn.) Herman, fr. 2314 N. 19th Herman ct.,W, fr. Griscom Hermitage, fr. 329 Green, ab. 3d Hermitage, N. fr. 329 Jackson Hero pi., fr, 419 Carpenter Herschel av.^ N. fr Hand Hedding, N. fr. North, ab. 15tl: Hedleg, fr. 3723 Richmond Hemberger, fr. 2315 Berks Henry, fr. 2016 Howell Henry, fr. 3422 Mascher Helen, S. fr. Harts la. Herdman, fr. 1815 Perkiomen Herds, fr. 1312 Picavi Herman, N. fr. Reed, ab. 17th Hewitt pi., W. fr. Quince Hewson, fr. 2734 Salmon Heyer pi., W. fr, Levant Hibberd, fr. 1123 Girard av Hickey, fr. 1518 Market Hickory ct„ fr. 620 Willow Hide's ct., fr. 821 Filbert Higgln's ct., fr. 139 Carpenter Higgia's pl„ fr. 120 Carpenter HigH, N. fr, Gtn. av,, (Gtn.) Highland, fr. 28 N- 10th Highland av.,S.fr.Gtn.av. (Gtn.) Highland pi., fr. 1019 Highland Hight's av., fr. 2509 Callowhill Hight's ct , fr. 913 Hamilton Hiiand pi., fr, 1420 Cadwalader Hildeburn, fr. 928 Passyunk av Hill, fr. 739 S. 15th Hillerman pL, fr. 321 Garden Hilladale, S. fr. Race, ab. 3d Himmelwright pi., fr. 912 S, 6th Hine's ct., fr. 220 Christian Hine's ct. , fr. 926 Rodman Hippie's la.,fr.Ridge av„(Myk.) Hobensackpl., 118 Fairm'nt ay Hock pi , fr. 1418 Brown Hoc lister, fr. 1020 Hoyt Hoffman, fr. 920 N. 61st Hoffman, W. fr. 4th, ab. Morris Holland, fr. 831 N- 5th Holland pi., fr. 1019 Parrish Hollinger, fr. 3122 Columbia ay Hollingsworth, fr. 1720 N. 31st Holly, fr. 1520 Fitzwater Holly, N. fr. Aspen, ab. 41st Holman ct., fr. 319 Otis, Holme's al., E, fr. 2d, ab. Vine Holt's av., fr. 622 New Market Home pl.,fr, 224 German Homer av., fr. 223 N. 13th Hope, fr 117 Canal Hoopes, fr. Clearfield, ab. Bath Hopkins, S. fr. Race, ab. 57th Hopkinson pl.,fr.l26 N-Juniper Horn's ct., fr. 927 St. John Horstman, fr. 2121 Somerset Horstman, N. fr. Reed, ab. 4th Horstman's row, fr. 741 S. 3d Horstman's ct., fr. 324 German Horstman's ct., f r.214 Carpenter Horst's ct., fr. 1428 Cadwalader Horter, N. fr. Gtn. av., (Gtn.) Houben's pL, fr. 1127 N. 3d Housekeeper's ct. ir. 1438 Beach Houston ct., fr. 938 Rodman Houten row, fr. 1829 N. 6th Howard, N. fr. 129 Girard av Howard, S. fr. Brown, ab. 12d Howard, fr. 4019, Gtn., av Howard ct., fr. 1623 Hamilton Howell, W. fr. 32d, ab. Arch Howell, W. fr. 19th, ab. Pine Hoyt, E. & W. 3500 S Hubbell, fr. 1029 Catharine Hubbs, fr. 1530 N. 20th Hubert pi., fr 841 N. 5th Huckel's ct.. fr. 131 South Hudson, fr. 2718 Walker Hudson, S. fr. Market, ab. 3d Hughes' pl.,fr. 1118 Jefferson av Huhn, N. fr. Rccd, ab, 23th Hull, E. fr. Amber, ab. Ann Hull pi, fr. 812 N. Delaware a. Hulseman ct., fr. 1240 Fitzwater Hulseman pi., fr. 1228 N. Front Humboldt, fr. 2518 N. 22d Humboldt, fr. 3419 N. 11th Humes, fr. 508 Bainbridge Hume's av., fr. 2720 South Hummell, Ir. 1120 S. 22d Hummeli's ct„ fr. 941 N. 3d Humphrey's ct., fr. 1519 Filbert Hunt's la., fr. 2730 Tulip Hutchinson ct.,fr. 203 Dean Hunter's ct., fr. 1519 Vine Hunter's row, fr. 330 S Uth" Huntingdon. E. & W. 2600 N Hunt's ct, fr. 8>5 Charlotte Hutchison, fr. 921 Poplar Hutton, fr. 800 N. 35th Huron pi., fr. 1428 Phillip ' Hurley^ S. fr. Indiana, ab. D Hurst, fr. 513 South Hydra pL, fr. 419 Noble I, N. fr. Kensington av., ab. H Ida, 1928, S. 31st Illinois, S. fr. Locust, ab. 17th Increase ct., fr. 102?Sansom Indiana, E. & W. 3000 N Institute, fr. 1726 Colambia av Innes, W. fr. 112 Allen IngersoU, fr. 1424 N. 18th Ingle, E. fr. Haines, (Gtn.) " Ingliss, E. fr. 2d. ab. Walnut Ingram, fr. 1218 S. 27th Inquirer, fr, 1123 Brown Iowa av. S. fr. Union, ab. 2d Iranstan, fr. 411 German Ireland, S. fr. Harrison Ireland's ct., fr. 718 Brook Iron pL, fr. 88 Laurel Irvin, S. fr. Howell, (Bdg.) Irvin, fr. 540 N. 48th Irving, W. fr. 37th, ab. Spruce Irwin, E. fr. 13th bel. Green Isaac's ct., fr. 918 Vine Isabella, fr. 2732 Emiline Iserminger, fr. 1220 Budd Islington la., N. E. fr. Ridge av. ab. 25th Ivanhoe, S. fr. Pewter, ab. 4th Ivy,fr.3D8 S. 10th J. N. fr. Kensington, av., ab. I Jacob pi., fr. 835 Randolph Jacoby, fr. 1218 Monterey Jacoby av., fr, 131 Oxford Jackson, E. fr. Martha Jackson, fr. 3414 N. 8th Jackson, fr. 1021 Ellsworth Jackson, E «fe W 2200 S Jackson,fr. Washington, (Myk.) Jackson, N. fr. Tucker, (Fyk.) James, W. fr. Edgcmont James, W. fr. Orthodox, (Fkd.) Jamison, fr. 1226 S. 7th Jamison's ct., fr. 2331 Hamilton Jane, fr. 717 Yhost Janney, N. fr. Ann, ab. Tulip Jarvis, E. fr. 4th, bel. Reed Jasper, fr. 2301 N. Front Java pi., S. fr. Vine, ab. 9th Jay, N. fr. Wallace, ab. 8th Jayne, W. fr. 34 S. 6th Jefferson, W. fr. Johnson,'^ Gtn.) Jefferson. N. fr. Oxford, (Fkd.) Jefferson, W. fr, Cresson,(Myk.) Jefferson, E. & W. 1500 N Jefferson pi., fr. 948 N. Front Jeffrey pi., fr. 1108 N. Front Jenning*-3 ct.. fr. 120 Marion Jenks, E. fr, Richmond, (Bdg.) Jenkins, fr. 23 N. 2d Jerusalem pl.,.fr. 121Q Pearl Jessamine, fr. 927 S. 15th Jessup, fr, 1115 Catharine John ct.,fr. 408N. 24ih John, N. fr. Buckius, (Bdg.) John, fr. Wain, (Fkd.) John, ir. Cresson, (Myk.) John, fr. 3520 Mascher John's pi., fr, 1313 Wheat Johnson, E. & W. 2800 S Johnson, fr. Gtn., av, (Gtn.) Johnson. N. fr. Sellers-, (Fkd.) Johnston, fr, 22 S. 20th Joint al., fr. 21 S, 15th Jones, fr. 20 N. 17th Jordan, N, fr. Reed, ab, 20th Jordan's pi,, fr. 2415 Callowhill Josephine, fr. Church, (Fkd,) Joy, W, fr. 10th bel. Pine Joyce, N. fr. Moore, ab. 4th Joyce, S. fr.VenangOjab, Amber Juan pL, E. fr. 13th, ab. South Judd pi , fr, 749 Passyunk av Judge,W. fr, Edgemont,ab,Ann Judson, N. fr. Brown, ab. 23d Julia, fr. 153 Fairmount av Juliana, fr. 517 Vine .Juliuspl., fr, 10o7S, 2d June, S. fr, Seneca, ab. 47th June, fr, 750 S, 7th Juniata, N, fr. Reed, ab. 4th Juniata av., E. & W., 4200 N. Juniata, N. fr. Arch. ab. 62d Justice, fr, 1220 S. 26th Justice's cr.. fr. 528 N. 2d Juvenal , N. fr. Walnut, ab. 10th K., fr. 3100 Kensington a-«^. Ivane, N. fr. Darcy Kane's ct., fr. 921 Rodman Kane's pi., fr. 131 Carpenter ICater, fr. 618 Lloyd Kates, fr. 812 S. 15th Kauffman, fr. 811 S. 4th Ivauffman ct., fr. 121 N. 2a Keating pi., fr. 522 N. 2d Keble, W, fr. 8th, bel. Pine Keefe, fr, 1118 S, Front Keeler's la., fr. 1929 S. Front i Keichliue's ct,, fr. 1137 Char- ! lotte Keichline pi., N. fr. 1133 Olive Kelly, W. fr. 13th, ab. Chestnut Kelly's ct, fr. 317 German Kelley's la., fr. Green la. (Myk) Keenan's ct, fr, 1429 Gtn. av Kelly s ct,, fr, 237 Washigt'n av Kelton, fr. 1416 Race Kemble, fr. 416 S. 12th Kempton, fr. 240 S. 5th . Kenilworth pi", fr. 3319 Emer- ald Kennebec ct, fr. 2D11 Naudian Kennedy, fr. Tacony, (Fkd.) Kennedy's ct., fr. 924 N. Front Kenny pi., fr. 220 Monroe Kensington av., N. fr. 2401 X. Front Kent, W. fr. 22d, ab. Pine Iventon pi., N. fr. Lodge Kenwood pi., fr. 1015 Hamilton Kenworthy's ct., fr. 727 Cherry Kenyon, N. fr. New, ab. 2d Keron ul., fr. 420 bt John Kerr, ff. 930 Lawrence Kerr.S. fr. Pine, ab. 22d Kerr, fr, 829 N, 5th Kershaw av., W. fr. Lancaster av., ab, 49th Kershow, fr, 1434 Raee Kessler, fr. 921 Fairmeunt av Kessler pi., fr. 341 Fairm't av Kessly,fr, 560 N, 41st Kettlewell, fr, 3430 Bath Keturah dL. fr, 1015 St John Keyser, fr, 1327 N, 5th Keyser, fr. Columbia, bel. Wil- dey Keyser's ct, fr. 312 New Mkt Keyser's ct., fr, 920 N. 6th Keyser's la.,fr. Gtn. av.,(Gtn.) Kiblen pi., fr. 123 Green Kiehl, fr. 3114 Amber Kildare, W. fr. Osprey Kilpatrick'sct, fr. 609 Lomb'd Kimball, fr. 1028 S. 19th King's.ct., fr. 2118 Sansom King s ct., fr. 1321 Kates Kiugsessing av., S. W,, fr. 41st and Woodland av Kingston, fr. 3619 Richmond Kingston, fr. 218 S. 13th ICinley'f ct, fr. 1026 Lombsr Kinsley's pi., fr. 253 S. 6th Kirby pi., fr. 419 Garden Ivirk, N. fr. Gtn. av. (Gtn.) ' Kirkbride, E. fr. School,^ Bdg.) Kirkham pi., fr. 718 Race Kirkpatrick ct., fr, 719 H. 6th Kips, S. f. Indiana, bel. Front Kline'sct.,fr. 928N. 3d Kline's row, fr. 1305 Lawrence Kneass, E. tr, 417 N. 15th Knickerbocker pi., fr. 1432 Cherry Knight's ct., fr. 822 Cherry Knowles' av., fr. 2418 Naudian Knorr, N. E. fr. Fillmore Knox, N. fr. Queen, ((itn.) Knox, N. fr. Brown, ab. 9th Kressler pi., fr. 421 Norris Krider's al., fr. 734 S. Front Krider's ct., fr. 719 Alaska Kurtz, N. fr. Poplar, ab. 11th Xiaucoii pi., fr. Krider's al. Lafaye-.te, fr. 1156 S. 9th Latferty's ct, fr. 522 Christian La Grange, fr. 32 N. 2d La Harpe t 1., fr, Rugan, ab. 4th Lambert, W. fr. 13th, ab. Arch .*.anark pL, fr. 938 Beach Lancaster, fr. 3220 Market Lancaster, fr, 112 Marion Lancaster av,, fr. 8201 Market Lancer' s ct. ,fr. 1320 Passy unk av Landis, W. fr. 238 S. 4th Landreth, fr. 122 N. 12th Lane's ct., fr. 1328 Lombard Lansing pi., fr. 419 South Lardner, fr. 118 S. 15th Larkin, fr. 1121 South Lathbury's cr., fr. 518 Alaska Latimer, fr. 234 S. 15th Latimer, fr. 1127 Otis Latimer ct., fr. 223 Germa Latimer pi., fr. 236 S. 17th Latour's ct.. fr. 816 Willow Xaurel, E. fr. 2d, ab. Poplar Xaurel, fr. 4S33 Gtn. av. (Gtn.) Laurens, fr. School, (Gtn.) Lava pi., fr. 211 Duponceau Lawrence, fr. 418 Brown Law's ct., fr. 220 Christian Lawson, fr. 1121 Pearl Leadbeater's av.,E. fr. Lybrand Leaden's ct., fr. 724 Alaska Lebanon, fr. 920 Fitzwater Lafayette, N. fr, Wayne, (Gtn.) La Grange, fr, 1324 Carpenter Lambden, fr. Tasker, ab. 17th Lambert, fr. Cleartiela, ab. Bath Lambert, S, fr. Berks, ab, 20th Landing, fr. 2-501 Green Landsdown, fr. 5322 Lanc't av, Langdon pi., 1308 Corn Larkin, ff. 11 South Lark, N. fr. William., ab. Tulip Latona, fr, 1724 S. 16th L,atona, fr, 1523 N. 21st Lawrence av,, fr. 1318 S. ISth Layman pi,, fr. 725 Jayne i.eagne, fr, 1026 S. 19 th Leamy, fr. 121 Lehigh ay Leander, fr. 16-0 Mifflin LeBrun, E. fr, Harvey, (Gtn.) Ledger pi., fr. 34 N. 2d Lefevre, E. fr, Fkd, or., (Bdg. Lee, fr. 21 Cumberland Lee, W, fr. 18th, bel. Market Leed's av,, fr. 1406 Vine Leed's pi., fr. 1220 Olive Lee's pi., fr. 1018 Alaska Lehigh av., E. & W. 2700 N Lehman, S. fr. Green, (Gm.) Leiper's ct , fr. 41 N. 11th Leib pL, E. fr. Annapolis Leibert. fr. Robinson, (Myk.) Leib, S. fr. Harrison Leinan pi., fr. Harriet L-iper,N. fr. Frankford, (Fkd.) Leiper.E. fr.l9S, 13th Leiper pi,, fr. 514 Marriott Leisenring,fr. 228 N. 12th Leithguw, fr. 417 Poplar Lejee.fr. 918 D:^.uphin Lemon,fr. 614 N. 10th Lemon ct., fr. 1324 Fkd, av. Lena, fr. CoUom, (Gtn.) Lentz, W. fr. 1218 8. 11th Lentz's ct., fr. 1320 Passayunk Leon, fr. lO-.O Washington av Leopard, fr. 17 Richmond Lesher, N. fr. Orthodox, (Fkd.) Letitia, fr. 119 Chestnut Letitia ct., fr. 120 N. 23d Letterlv, fr, 2431 Kensington av Levan pi., fr. 912 S, 9th Levant, S. fr. Pear Leverington av., (Myk.) Levina, fr. 529 S. 3d Levy's ct.,N. fr. Trout Lewellen's av., fr. 920 Beach Lewis, W. fr. 12^')0 S. 36th Lewis, N. fr, Tioga ab. Thomp son Lex, fr. 830 N. 15th Lex, N. fr. Eadline, ab. 44th Leyden's ct., fr. 221 N. 10th Lib rty, N. fr. Myrtle, ab. 40th Liberty, fr. Robinson, (Myk.) Liberty, fr. 217 N.lCth Librarv,W. fr. 4th, ab. Walnut Lilly Ann, fr. 1018 Bainbridge Lima pi,, N. fr. South, ab. 6th Lincoln av., fr, 724 Fallon Linden, fr. Mulberry, (Fkd.) Linden, S. fr. Green, ab. 9th Linden, fr. 1231 Richmond Linden pi., fr. 1824 Alaska Linden pi. E. fr. Main, (Gtn.) Lindsev, fr. 16-0 Bainbridge Lindsey av., fr. 1118 South Lingo, fr. 1722 Carpenter Linn, fr. 41S X. 22.1 Linnard, fr. 133U S. 8th Linney, E. fr, Gaul, ab. Tioga Linton, W. fr. 20th, ab. Walnut Linville, fr, 2416 Green Linwood, W. tr. 48th, ab. Aspen Linwood pi., fr. 12 N. 9th Lippincott, fr. 3124 N. 6th Lisbon, W, fr. Gilles al. Lisle, fr. 814 Bainbridge Lister pi., fr. 320 Bainbridge Lltehfiield, fr. 1223ainbridge Litchfield pi., fr. Annapolis Litford pi., fr. 66 Laurel Little Ann pi,, fr. 1338 Carpnt'r Little Belt pi., fr. 919 S. 2d Little Boy's ct,, fr. \ 14 Arch Little Medina, fr. 1328 S, 7th Little Pine, N. fr. Warren Little Summer, fr. 124 N. 22d Little Wayne, fr, Lehman (Gtn) Livingston, fr, 721 Gold Lloyd, N. fr, 1411 Fitzwater Lloyd, fr. 414 Serrell Lock, W, fr. Penn, (Myk,) Lock pi, , fr. Leopard Lockland pi,, fr, 1321 Fair- mount av * Locust, fr. Garden, (Bdg,) Locust, fr. 228 S. 4th Locust av., N, fr. Willow (Gtn) Lodge, W, fr. 2d,ab, Walnut Logan,fr, 3420 N, 21st Logan square, fr. Race, ah. 18tli Lombard, E. & W., 500 S. Lombard row, fr. 712 Lombard Long, fr. 920 McKean Long la., fr. 1910 Washngt'n av Long's ct,, fr, 748 S, 3d Longfellow pi,, fr, 1216 Bain- bridge Longstreth ct,, fr, Levant Loomis pi,, fr. 2217 Shamokin Lorain, N. fr. Green, ab. 7th Lorain pl„ fr. 1029 N. 4th Loud pi,, fr, 810 Enquirer Loudon, E. & W., 4900 N. Louiwa av., fr, 107 Union Louty pi., fr, 524 Christian Lounden pi., fr, 321 N. 2d Lowber, N, fr. Filbert, ab. 39th Lowndes pi., fr. 321 N. 2d Loxley pL, N. fr. Arch, ab. 3d " Loyel, E. fr. York, ab. Moyer Lucus pL, fr. 1108 Gtn. av ♦ Lucv, E fr. Almond, bel. York I-udlow, fr. 22 S. 29th Ludwig, fr. 4032 Haverford av. Lukens, fr. 1112 S. 15th Luther, fr. 955 St. John Luzerne, E. & W., 40C0 N. Lvbrand, N. fr. 1319 Race Lydia, S, W. fr. Sites Lydia, fr. 222 S. Juniper Lydia, Ir. 4615 Silverton av. Lynch ct„fr. 762 S. 2d Lynd, W. fr. 4th, ab. Gceen Lyndall al., fr. 216 S. 12th Lynn pi., fr. 819 St. John McAfee's ct., fr. 510 South McAllister's al., fr, 150 N. 8th McAllister's ct., fr. 1120 Frank- ford av McAlpin, S. fr. Walnut, ab. 361^1 McAnall's pi., fr. 2129 Spruce McAnally's ct., fr. 735 Carpntr McAtee's ct., fr. 1528 Cadwala- der McAlravy, fr. 1106 Milton McCallum, W. fr. Mortan,(Gtn.> McCann's ct., fr. 417 Christian McCann's pi., fr, 425 Marriott McCanns ct.,fr. 831 St. Mary McCartney's ct.,f r.814 Christian McCaw's row. fr. 775 S. 3d McClaskey's ct , fr. 522 S, 6th McClean's ct.fr .1111 Bainbridge McCleary's ct., fr, 1528 Lombard McClellan, fr. 1818 6. 2d McClellen, S. fr. Vienna McClure's ct., fr, 1520 Pearl McCormick's av., fr. 129 N. 23d McCoy's ct., fr, 926 S, 6th McCrea, fr. 744 S, Juniper McCristle's al,, fr, 1336 Gtn,, av McCurdy, fr. 1130 S. 26th McDavitt's ct,, fr. 527 Marriott McDavitt'sct., fr, 330St. John McDonald pi., 230 N, 15th McDuffle, fr, 522 S. 18th McFaddens ct,, fr, 1014 South McFadden pl„ fr, 1532 Lomoard McFarland, W, fr, 42 bel. Aspen McFarland ct,,fr,1621 Morav ian McFarran.fr ,3801 Gtu.av., (Gtn,) McGaw's Row, fr. 775 S, 4th McGinley's ct ,, fr, 515 Marriott McGrath, fr. &41 Lawrence Mclllwain, fr. 1226 S, 3d Mclntire's ct,, fr, 429 Christian McKean, E. &. W, 2000 S McKeans ct,, fr, 618 Locust McKean's av., fr. Clapier,(Gtn,; McKee's av., fr. 631 St. Mary McKee's ct., fr. 1320 Lombard McKnight's ct.,fr. 1812 Naudain McLean, fr. 123 Otter McLaughlin's av., fr. Little Summer McLaughlin's ct,, fr. 428 Mar- riott - - - McManeman ct,, E. fr. Syca- more McManemy's ct., fr. 428 German McManus, fr. 2143 Gtn. &v. McMutten'8 ct., fr. 424 Walnufe McNally, fr. 2315 Blddle McNickle'spl.,fr. 828 Carpenter McPherson's ct., fr. 2230 Hamil- ton McWilliams av., fr. 106 Thomp- son Mackey, fr. 1324S.2d Mackinaw, fr. 234 N. 8th Mackham, Ir. 724 N. 17th Macleod pi., fr. 418 Race Maddox pi., fr. 729 S. 4th Madison, N. fr. Race,ab. 11th Madison a v.. fr, 3228 Emerald Madison ct., fr. 637 St, Mary Madison sqr., fr. 828 S. 22d Magilton's ct., N. fr. Kates Magnet, S. fr. Green la., (Myk.) Magnolia, N, fr. Willow sh. 5th Magnolia, E. fr. Haines, (utn) Maiden, fr. Letcher, (Myk.) Maiden la.,fr.Lanc'r av. ab. 50th Main, fr. Rittenhouse, (Myk.) Maison pi., fr. 1318 Silver Malcolm pi., fr. 1831 Gtn., av Manayunkav., (Myk.) Manderson, fr.1016 Beach Mangrove pi., fr. 626 South Manhatten pi., fr. 1015 Hamil- ton Manheim.fr. 4552 Gtn av.,(Gtu.) Manley, fr. 1721 Ridge av. Manilla, fr. 924 S. 9th Mannekin, fr. 517 Norrls Manning, W. fr. 22d ab. Spruce Mann's ct., fr. 928 Hamilton Manor, S. E. fr. Adams, (Myk.) Manor, S, fr. Berks, ab. 4th Manor pi., S. fr. Poplar, ab. 3(i Mansfield pi., fr. 540 N. Front Manship, fr. 142 Norris Manship, fr. 1124 Locust Mansine pi., fr. 924 Melon Manton, fr. 1224 S. 17th Maple wood, N. fr. Wyne, (Gtn.) Maple, W. fr. 8th, ab. Race Marble, fr. 18 S. 10th Marble ct., 8. fr. Marble, Margaret, fr.Trenton av., (Fkd.) Margaretta, fr. 419 N. 2d. Margaretta, fr. 622 Wharton Margaretta pi. ,fr.l 17 Margaretta Maria, fr. 718 N. 4th Mariner, fr. 1018 S. 13th Marion, fr. 1122 S. Front Marion pi., fr. 518 Christian Marion, W. fr. Lehman, (Gtn.) Marker, fr. 1626 S. 2d Market, W. fr. Delaware av., No. 1 N. & S. Market al., fr. 429 N. 16th Markham, fr. 722 N. 17th Marklepl., fr. 519S. 2d Markley pi., fr. 130 Spruce Markoe, fr. 4623 Silverton av. Mark's la.. W. fr. 31th, ab. Arch. Marlborough, fr. 1521 Fkd av IViarley's ct., Ir, 1822 Ann Marmion pi., fr. 22S Christian Marmora, fr. 728 Beach Marshall ct., fr. Campbell Marshall, N. fr. Vine, ab. 6th Marsden pi. ,fr,1528 Cadwalader Marseilles pi., fr. 525 N. 15th Marston, N. fr. Budden's al. Marston, fr, 2715 Jefferson Martindale pi., fr. 1428 Spring Garden Martin, fr. 1827 Catherine Martin's ct., fr. 921 St. John Martin's al., fr. 224 S. Dela. av. Marten, E. fr. Peachem, (Myk.) Martha, fr. 340 E. Lehigh av. Martin ct., fr. 218 Carpenter Martin pl„ fr. 2123 Vine Mary, fr. 1326 Thojupson Mary, fr. 927 S. 2d Mary, fr. 1214 S. 7th Mary, fr, Allen, ab, 40th Marriott, fr. 925 S. 9th Mascher, fr, 122 Girard av. Master, E.«&W., 1400 N. Mater, N. fr, Ontario, ab. 15th. Matlack, fr, 1925 Parrish Matamoras, fr. 1115 St, John Matzinger's ct., fr. Landreth Mattis, fr, 341 8. 2d Mattson pi., S. fr. Crease Maurice, fr. 1120 Passyunk av. Maxwell's ct,. fr. 228 Christian Maxwell's ct„ fr. 1217 Alaska May pi., fr. 1728 Lombard May, W. fr. 748 S. 7th May, fr. 4721 Westminster av. Mayer's ct., fr. 245 N. 15th Mayland, N. fr. Race, ab. 5th Maynard pi,, fr. Relief Mead, 741 S, 2d Meadow, E, fr. Paul, (Fkd.) Meadow, N. fr. Bridge, (Bdg.) Mechanic, fr. 520 Carpenter Mechanic, fr. Morton, (Gtn.) Mechanic, N, E. fr. Main, (Myk> Meclaud pi., fr. 429 Monroe Medical, fr. 124 S. 10th Medina, W. fr, 7th, ab. Reed Mcgary, fr. 128 E, ©irard av. Mehl, W. fr. Clinton, (Gtn.) Melcher,fr .526 S usquehanna ar Melina pi., fr. 424 Gajrkill Melloy,fr.26S.15th Melon, W. fr. 9th, ab. Gre'-n Melrose, W, fr. 57th, ab. Vine Melrose, N. fr. Frankford (Fkd) Melvale, fr. 1220 William Melville pi. , fr. 124 Spruce Memhoelzler'sct.jfr. 711 Brook Memphis, N.fr.Vienna.ab.Gaul Mendon pi., fr. 420 N. 5th Meninges ct., fr. 1326 Passayk Mercer, fr. 2024 S. 5th Mercer, Ir. Jefferson, (Gtn.) Merchant, fr. 12 S. -Iih Mercury, l"r. 329 E Montgomery Mercy, fr. 2016 S. 10th Mercer, N. fr. Jefferson, (Gtn.) Mercer, N. fr. Gold Meredith, fr. 728 N. 23d Merida pi., fr. 719 S. Front Merritt, W. fr. Swanson Merino, fr. 1130 N. 2d Mermaid la., E. fr. Gtn.av (Gtn) Merrick, S. fr. 1420 Filbert Mervine, fr. 1 . 21 Stiles Mervine pL, fr. 1424 Mervine Metcalf, fr. Shirker's al Meehan, S. fr. Chew, (Gtn.) Meehan, N. fr. Morris, ab. 11th Meetler, E. fr. 7th, ab. Berks Mica, N. fr. Seneca, ab. 47th Middle al., W. fr. 6th, ab. Pine Middieton, fr. 2028 Tulip Middleton's ct., fr. 418 Dillwyn Mifflin, E.<& W. ,1900 8. Mifflin, E. fr. Ridge av. (Myk.) Milburn, fr. 2.0S.r2th Mildred, S. fr. McKean, ab. 8th Mildenhall, fr. 1720 Jackson Miles, W. f r. 10th, ab. Spruce Milford, fr. 224N.23d Mill, fr. 4779 Gtn. av. (Gtn.) Mill, E. fr. Frankford, (Fkd.) M Her, fr. 822 Washineton av Miller, fr. 3912 Lancaster av Miller, fr. 5660 Gtn. av (Gtn.) Miller's ct., fr. 1932 Belgrade Millicent al., fr. 321 New Mkt. Milligan's ct.,fr, 1618 Lombard Mills, fr. 8:0 Charlotte Milman.fr.920Movamensingav Milton, fr. 930 S. ioth Mineral pi., fr. 121 N. Broad Mineral pi., fr. 122 Bread Mineral,fr. 546N. 13to Minerva, Ir. 53S N. 7th Minor, fr. 28 S. 5th M nster, fr. 320 S. 7th Mintct W fr H tton pi Mintzer, fr 3i8 Brown Mitchell, fr. Green la. (Mvk.) MolTett, N. fr. Ontario a]>.Tulip Moland av., fr. 521 N. 13th Mole, fr. 1518 Wharton Moliere's ct.,fr. 208 Bainbridgd ]NIonckton pi., fr. 1115 Vine Monmouth, fr. 290 Gaul Monroe, fr. 728 S. 2d Montana, fr. 5628 Vine Montcalm, fr. 1010 Fitzwater Montgomery av. E.&W. 1800 N. Montrose, fr. 924 S. 16th Monument, fr. 1928 N. 17h Moore, E.«feW., 1800 S. Moore, fr. 731 S. 15th Moore, W. fr. Amber, ab. Otis Moore's av., fr. 730 N. Front Moore's ct., fr. 1223 Alaska Moravian, fr. 214 S. Broad Morencia pi., fr. 968 Leithgow Morgan, fr. 234 N. 9th Morgan al., N. fr. Vine, ab. 2d Moro, S. fr. Brinton, ab. 12th Morris, fr. 1229 S. 2d Morris, E.&W., 1700 S. Morris, N. fr. Clapier. (Gtn.) Morris ct , W. fr. Latitia Morse, fr. 1834 N. 31st Morses ct., fr. 1019 Nectarine Morton. E. fr. Girard av. ab.Ash Morton, W. fr. Centre, (Gtn.) Morton av., fr, 315 Queea Mosely, fr. 1428 S. 12th Moss, W. fr. Charles Moss Rose pi., fr. 220 Queen l\Iott, fr. 1022 S. 13th Moulder pi., fr. 519 Vincent Mountain, W. fr. 8th,ab.Morris Mount Airy la. (Gtn.) Mount Holly, fr. 1714 Wharton Mount Pleasant, fr. 1236 Taney Mount PI t^asant fr.Gtn.av(Gin.) Mount Vernon, fr. 624 N. 9th Mouse ly pi., fr. 1533 Gtn. av Moyer, fr. 319 E. Columbia Meyer's al., fr. Main, (Myk.) M yamensing av., fr. 901 S. 2d Mulberry, fr. Harrison, (Fkd.) Mulberry, N.fr. Baker, (Myk.'> Mulberry al., W. fr. 220 N. 5th" Mullen's ct„ fr. 814 Essex Mulford, fr. Ashton Mulhollaud ct., fr. Barley Mullen, fr. Slv) Somer.set Muller, fr. 2G13 Christian Mullonev, fr. 229 S. 21sc Munson's ct , fr. 728 S. 4th Muren's pi., fr. 720 Cherry Murgitrovde pi., 220 S. 15th Murray, fr. 234 S. 20th Murray's ct., W. fr. Osprey Murray's ct., S. fr. Sheafs al. Murray's ct., fr. 623 Bainbridge Murray's ct., fr. 748 S. Front Murphy ct., fr. 021 Bainbridge :.Iusgravc, fr.l8:0 S. 31st iMusgrove, fr. Gorgas, (Gtn.) Mustin ct., E. fr. Elder Mutter, N. fr. York, bel. 2d Muttonchop, fr. Oldham ct Myer's av., fr. 242 S. 6th Myer's ct., fr. 219 N. 15th Mvrtle, W. fr. llth, ab. Parrish Myrtle, W. fr. 39th, ab. Oregon Myrtle, N. fr. liinden Nagle, N. Ir. Stiles, ab. 11th Nahant, fr. 729 St. Jotia Narcissus pi., fr. 326 N. 8th Nassau, W. fr. 21st & Ridge av. Nassau, fr. 140 N. 9th Nassau, fr. 2831 Tulip Native, fr. 922 S. 5th Natrona, fr. 3225 Oxford Napa, fr. 3113 Reed Nash, \\. fr. Church, (Gtn ) Naudaln, fr. 518 S. 18th Navy, fr, 1322 S. Front Ndylor.fr. 1232 S. nth Nectarine, fr. 520 N. 8th Neff, E. fr. Gaul, ab. Ann Nellie's ct., fr. 218 N. 22d Nelson, N. fr. Norris,bel.Moyer Nelson, fr. 20 N 40th Nelson's al.. fr. 413 St. John Nelson's et.. fr. 718 Lioyd Neuit's ct.. fr. 821 N. 4th Neville pi., fr. Vine, ab. 5th Nevin pi., fr. 1319 Carlton New, E. fr. 4th, ab. Race New, fr. Gtu av. (Gtn.) Newbold. fr. 1923 Callowhill Newbold, fr, 1418 Moore Newkirk,fr. 531 E.CumberlaniJ New kirk, fr. 2922 Brown New Market, fr. 121 Vine New Marketpl., fr. 317 New Newpoit, fr. Moore, ab. 33d Newton, fr. 324 Carpenter Niblo pi., fr. 1424 Spring Garden Nice, N. fr. McFarran, (Gtn.) Nicetown la., fr. 3410 Cambria Nicholas, fr. 1630 N. 20th Nicholson, fr. 618 Race Nickel pi., fr. 729 S. Front Ni.gley's ct., fr, 1526 Cadwal- lader Ninevah pi., fr. 418 German Nisbet pi., fr. 748 S. Front Noble, E. & W., 500 N. Nolan's av., fr. 1421 Parrish Nonnater's ct., fr. 1020 Arch Norfolk, fr. 850 Swanson Norfolk, fr. 1428 Spruce Norris, E. & W., 2000 N. Norris, fr. McKean av. (Gtn.) Norris pi., fr. 327 New Market North, fr. 24 N. 5th Norlli, fr. 6 4N. Broad Northampton ct., fr. 428 Dill- wvn N. College av., fr. 1332 N. 20th Northeast av„ fr. Marlborough Norton, S. fr. Jefferson, (Gtn.) Norwood, fr, 2125 Columbia av. Norwood av., fr. 1917 Cambria Nugent's ct;, fr. 726 Bainbridg* .Oak, ^V. fr. Baker, (Myk.) Oakford, it. J 21 8 S, Broad Oakford pi., fr. 2'22 Gasklll Oakland, fr. Sellers, (Fkd.) Oat, fr. 1133 Sheaff Ocean, fr. 118 Dana Oddfellows' a v., fr. 513 Brown Ogden, fr. 824 N. 9th O'harra's ct., fr. 724 S. 7th Ohio, fr. 423 S. 12th Oldham ct., fr. 819 St. John Olive, fr. 728 N. 10th Olive ct., fr. 1316 Olive Oliver, fr. 930 S. 10th Olivet pi., fr. 17:8 Lombard Olivia, fr. 3G28 Myrtle Olivia pi., fr. 152i Cadwallader Onas, fr. 732 N. Front One, fr. 1726 M ifflin O'Neal, fr.- 1106 Howard Oneida pi., fr. 819 New Market O'Neil's ct., fr, 1624 Lombard Ony, fr. Ash, (Bdg) Ontario, fr. 1329 Parrish Opal, N. ir. Jefferson, ab. 19th Orange, fr. 238 S. 7th Orchard, fr. 419 Rawle Orchard, N. fr. Mill, (Fkd.) Oregon, E. & W., 2700 S. Oregon, W. fr.39th, ab. Aspen O'Hara's al., fr, 919 South Orion, fr. 3420 Eadline Orion, W. Ir. 3d, ab. Market Orkney, fr. 417 Norris Orleans, fr. 2728 Frankford av. Orleans, S. fr. 1622 Mifflin Ormes, N. fr. Tuscuiam Orr, N. fr. 1817 Francis Orrianna, fr. 329 Diamond Orr's ct., fr. 1321 Rodman Orthodox, E. fr. Leiper, (Fkd.) ■ Osage av., fr. 420 S. 4th Osage av.,fr. Heath, ab. 12th Osbeck pi., W. fr. Jay Osborne's ct., fr. Duponceau Oscar, fr. 3021 Gray's Feny rd. Osceola, W. fr. Herman, (Gtn.) Osier av., N. fr. Noble, ab. 5th Osprey, N.fr. Biddle, ab. 24ih Otis, fr. 2201 N. Front Otsego, fr. 26 Christian Otsego, pL, fr. 124 Prime Outlet, W. fr. 21st, ab. Green Otter, E.fr. 1145 N. 2d Ovington, S. fr. South, ab. 8th Owen, fr. 1230 S. 5th Owen, E. fr. McNally Oxford, E.& W.1600N. Oxford, fr. Frankford. (Fled.) Pacific, fr. 1124 Susquehanna av Pacific, fr. S618 N. 17th Packer, E. & W., 3100 S. Packer pi., N. Ir. Craven Page, W. fr. 16th, ab. Norris Pagoda, fr. Earl, ab. 24th Palethrop, fr. 14.:> Girard av. Paiisada pi., N. fr. Quarry Pallas, fr. 1229 Morris Palm, N. fr. Gilbert, ab 9th Palmer, W. fr. Beach, ab. Elm Palmer's ct., fr. 3;j0 S. 4th Palmetto, fr. 230 N. 15th JPalo Alto, S. fr. Pine, ab. 20th Panama av. fr. 262 S. 20th Paradise al., fr. 414 Market Parade, fr. 1218 S. 12th Park, S. fr. Federal, ab. 27th Park, fr. 1830 Fitzwater Park, fr. 8124 N. 19th Park av., fr. 2100 N. Broad Park av. fr. 1327 Jefferson Parker, fr. 518 Carpenter Parkham, fr. 741 S. Front Parrish, W. fr. 5th ab. Brown Pascal, fr. 1014 S. 10th Paschal, fr. 4924 Lancaster aVc Passyunk av., fr. 432 South Pastorius, fr. Gtn. av , (Gtn.) Path, N. fr. Race, ab. 15th Patterson's ct., fr. 1327 Naudain Patton, fr. 3129 Reed Patton, fr. Coulter, (Gtn.) Patten's al., fr. 1624 Lombard Patton's ct., fr. 732 Alaska Paul, fr. 1022 S. 6th Paul. fr. Frankford, (Fkd.) Paxton, fr. 1118 S. 5th Paynter's ct., fr. 419 German Peach, fr. 121 Green Peach, fr. 4920 Paschall Peacham, fr. Green la., (My>^) Pear, E. fr. 3d, ab. Spruce Pear, fr. 3521 Silverton av. Pear, fr. Mulberry, (Fkd.) Pear, S. E. fr. Peach, (W. P.) Pearl,W. fr. 10th, ab. Vine Pearl, fr. Mechanic. (Myk.) Pearl al., fr. Prosperous al, Peale, fr. Mill, (Gtn.) Pedan's av., fr. 1826 Naudain Peel, S. fr. Vanhorn Pegg, E. fr. 420 N. 2d Pegg al., S. fr. Pegg Pemberton, fr. 730 S. 18th Pemberton, fr. 1322 Wallace Pembroke, S. fr. 1320 Dauphin Pembroke, fr, 524 Noble Pembroke pi., fr. 214 N. 2d Penn, fr. Lefevre, (Bdg.) Pendinnis pi., fr. 855 Charlotte Penn, S. fr. Chew, (Gtn.) Penn, S. fr. 14 Pine Penn, N. fr. 4169 Main, (Myk.) Penn. N. fr. Pine, (Fkd.) Penn al., fr. 320 St. John Pennel's ct., fr. Rose Pennington, fr. 226 Marriott Pennsgrove, fr. 829 41st Pennock, fr. 2719 Hare Pennsyl"ania av., fr. 506 N. Broad Pennsylvania av., fr. 518 Vine Penrose, fr. 1812 Jackson Pensive pi., fr. 1120 Wood Pepper, fr. 2630 Cedar Pequinot pi., fr. 831 St. John Percy, fr. 917 Poplar Percy pi., 417 German Perkenpine's ct., fr. 729 New Market Perkiomen, fr. 1719 Francis Herry,N. fr. Race, ab. 13th Perth, N. fr. Parrish, ab. 7th Peter's fr. 1118 S. 12th Peter's al., fr. 820 Charlotte Petroleum, fr. 123 Walnut Petty, E. fr. Bath, ab. Russell Pharo, fr. 1823 Catharine Phillellena, fr. Gtn. av., (Gtn I Philip, N. fr. Master, ab. M Philadelphia, fr. 1529 Park av Physick la., fr. Gtn. av., (Gtn.) Pierce, W. fr. 4th, ab. Moore Pierce, fr. Frankford cr. (Fkd ) Pincus ct., fr 625 Marshall Pine, E. & W., 400 S. Pine, fr. 4326 Fkd. av., (Picd.) Pike, E. & W., 3900 N. Pike, N. fr. Cherry, ab. 12th Pilling, fr. Pine, (Fkd.) Pine Tree, fr. 222 Willow Pink, N. fr. Master, ab. 3d Piper's ct., fr. 617 St. John Placid pi., fr. 842 S. 2d Plane, fr. 1328 Lancaster Pleasant, fr. 5537 Gtn. aT« (Gtn.) * Pleasant, fr. Mechanic, (Myk ) Pleasant Retreat, fr. 634 N. 7th Pleasant row, fr. 2014 Spruce Pleffenburg pi. fr. 835 Cherry Pleice's ct., fr. 330 Garden Plover, fr. 1136 S. 7th Plum, E. fr Richmond.ab. Ash Plumb, S. fr. Mulberry, (Fkd ) Plumstead pi., fr 1920 Sansoni Plymouth, fr. 220 S. 19th Plynlimmonpl., fr. 224N. Front Pollard, E. fr. Canal, ab. Front Pollock, E- & W. 3000 S. Pollock's ct. fr. 1614 Lombard Poplar, E & W., 900 N. Poplar E. fr Green la., (Myk.) Porcelain fr 19th, 131 6. Porter, E. &. W., 2500 S. Porter's ct., fr. 331 St. John Portland, fr. 420 N. 11th Potts, fr. 670 N. }2th PoulBon, N. fr. Spruce, ab. 25th Poulson, fr. 1840 3. 2d Powder Mill la,fr.Leiper,(Fkd) Powell, W. fr.5th, ab. Pine Powelton av . W. I'r. 221 N. 32d Pratt, N. fr. Melrose, (Bdg ) Presbyterian la., (Gtn.) Prescott pi., fr. 1227 Hamilton Preston, fr. 4031 Eadline Preston, fr. 929 Wallace Price, fr. 2331 Jasper Price, N. fr. Gtn. av. (Gtn ) Price's ct., fr. 1132 Rodman Price's ct., fr. 1115 Bainbridge Price's ct., fr. 304 Lombard Pricilla, N. fr. Soutn, ab. 4th Prime, fr. 1129 S. 3d Princeton pi., fr. 1225 Irwin Pritchett, fr. 1240 S. 13tli Prospect, fr 923 Thompson Prosperous al., fr. 1110 Locust Providence ct., fr. Sargeant Pryor's ct., fr. 229 S. J 0th Pulaski av,E.fr.Frankiin.(Gtn.) Putnam, E. fr. 2d, ab. Oxford Prune, N. fr. Orthodox, (Fkd.) Q,iiarry, W. fr. 2d, ab. Arch Quarry ct., fr. 2533 Callowhili Queen, fr. 823 S. 6th Queen, S. fr. Gtn. av., (Gtn.) Queen av., S. fr. Queen, ab. 3d Queen's ct., fr. 927 Federal Queen's ct., fr. 842 Lawrence Quiggs ct , fr. 2024 Beach Quigg's ct., fr. 9 Vine Quigley's ct., fr. 614 Charles Quincey. fr. Carpenter, (Gtn.) Quince, S. fr. Walnut, ab. 11th Race, E. & W., 200 N Kachel, N. fr. Brown, bel. 2d Pachel's row, fr. 431 Dillwyn Kailroad, fr. Norris, bel. Front Rainbow, W. fr. Blair, bel. Otis Ralston, fr. 417 S. Juniper Randall's ct., fr. 240Duponceau Randolph, fr. 2746 Memphis Randolph, N. fr. Brown, ab.5th Randolph av. fr. 724 Race Ransom pi., fr. 231 N. 5th Ranstead pi., fr. 40 S. 4th Raspberry, fr. 920 Walnut Ratcliffe, fr. Lombard, ab. 7th Rau's ct., fr. 1530 Laekawana Rawle, E. fr. 5th, ab. Brown Ray's av., fr. 18 Marston Reading av.fr.2722 Delaware av Rebecca, fr. Haverford ab. 40th Reckless, fr. 929 S. Front Redner, fr. 1523 N. 22d Redwood, fr. 12318. 3d Reed, E. & W. 1400 S. Reese. S. fr. York, ab. 5th Reeves, W. fr. 20th, ab. Vine Register pL, fr. 1215 Catherine Reid's av., fr. 718 Fallon ReifiPs av., fr. 1231 N. Front Reimer's av. fr. 1129 Poplar Relief, fr. 1121 S. 2d Rementer al., fr. 21 N. 10th Rentscheler, fr. Melon, ab 11th. Rennard, fr. 816 Wharton Rex, W. fr. Gtn. av., (Gtn.) ^Reynolds, fr, Richmond, (Bdg.> Reynolds, fr. 820 Wharton Rhodes, fr. 414 N. 18th Richard, W, fr. 16th, bel. Pine Richard, Ir. 210 George Richardson, fr. 1528 Ellsworth Richardson's ct., fr. 42 1 Race Richland pL, fr. 144 Elfreih Richmond, fr. Front, ab.LaurcL Rickard's ct., fr. 231 George Ridge, W. fr. Leiper, (Fkd.) Ridge av., fr. 9th and Vine Ridgeway, fr. 3419 Powltou av. Ridge way's ct., fr. 907 Torr Ridley av., fr. Berks, bel. Gaul Rigg's, fr. 829Muller Rigler's ct.,fr.ll29 Frankford ar Rihl, fr. Palmer, ab. Belgrade Riley, fr. Ridge av., (Myk ) Rinder pi., fr. 6 8 Marriott Ringold, N. fr. Hare, ab. 24th Ringold pi, , fr. 422 S. 19th Rio Grand pi. fr 1121 Moya'g ar Ripton pi., W. fr. 3d, ab. Poplar Ristine fr. 810 Maple Ritchie- J.S.Fitzwater, ab, IStJu. Ritmeyer's ct„ fr. 223 S. 2d Ritner, E. &W.,2400S. Rittenhouse, fr, 228 S. 17th Rittenhouse, fr. Gtn. av. (Gtn.) Ritter, N. fr. Norris. ab. Gaul Roach ct., S. fr. Savery Robeson, N. fr. Gtn. av. (Gtn.) Roberts av., fr. Gtn. av. (Gtn.) Robeson's ct., fr, 1626 Lombard. Robeson's ct., fr. 918 N. Del. ar Robin. W. fr. 39th, bel. Pine Robinson, fr. Main, (Myk.) Robinson's al.,fr. i632 Lombard. Rock, fr. 331 N. IGth Rockford, fr. 440 N. 19th Rockdale pi., fr. 027 Lombard Rockhiltpl., fr. Gtn. av.bel. 2d Rockland, E. &. W 5000 N. Rockland, fr. 434 N. 35th Rodman, W. fr. 9th, ab. Soutk Rodney, W. fr. 18th, ab. Pine Rogers' ct., N. fr. I'egg Ronaldson, fr. 918 South Roney's ct., fr. 9o0 Sc. John Rorrer, N. fr. Cambria, ab. D. Rose, fr. 718 S. 13th Rose, fr. 2421 Almond Rose al., N. fr. Locust, ab. lOtk Rosehill,fr.Somerset,ab.Leajny Koset, S. fr. Manheim, (Gtii.) lioss, W. fr. Penn (Gtn.) Koss, fr. 1428 Richmond Ross av., fr. bi'SS. 23d Rough & Ready, fr. jO 17 Amber Rowland's ct., fr. 712 Filbert Roxborough, E. &\V.4100 N. Royal, fr. 4(511 Gtn. av., (Gtn.) Ruan. W. fr. Paul. (Fkd.) Rubicam pL, fr. 921 Noble Rubicam, E fr Wister, (Gtn.) Rudolph's ar., fr. 730 Race Rugan, S. fr. Noble, ab. 9th Rule, W. fr. Lancaster,bel. Reed Rulepl.,fr. 729S. 5th Ruudb', fr. 16th, bel. Lombard Rupert, W. fr. 3d, bel. Green Rush, fr. 2829 Frankford av. Rush, W. fr. 20th, ab. Indiana Russell, fr. 826 Bainbridge Russell av., fr. 1529 Parrish JRuth, fr. Hart's la., ab. Stouton Rutter's ct., fr. 221 Federal Ryan's ct., fr. 420 Christian Ryan's pi., fr. 416 Christian Rye, S. fr. Marion, ab. 2d Ryle, S. fr. Palmer Sabine pi., S. fr.Stanley, ab.3d Sabula pi., fr. 811 Mackinaw Sacramento av., S. fr. Day Saffin pi , S fr. Ogden, ab. 9th Salem al., fr. 1231 S. 12th Salmon, N. fr. York, ab. Meyer Salter, fr. 930 S. 7(h Samper pi., fr. 1023 S. 5th Sanders' ct., fr. 1027 St. John Sanderson, fr. 1226 S, 15th Sansom, W. fr. 6th, ab. Walnut Sarah, S. fr. AVikley Sarnuak, W. fr. Rye, bel. Reed Sargent pi , fr. 2518 Fkd. a v. Sargrant, W. fr. 9th, av. Race Saitaiii, N. fr. Poplar, ab. 11th Saner iiv., 1413 Randolph Saunders N.fr.Filbert, ab. 38th Savannah ct., fr. 1921 Beach Savery, W. fr. Wildey Saxon pi., S. fr. Stanley Saxon, fr. 31 14 Bath Say, fr. 5:i3 Bainbridge SaybOifs ct., fr. 213 Noble Soarrett's ct., fr. 705 Minster ScattergoO'l, fr. James, (Bdg.). Scheaff 's a^ ., ir. 228 N. 11th S -hell, S. fr. Vine ab. Sth • Scholield's ct., tr. 2008 1 ombard School, S. fr. 4800 Gtn. av., (Gtn) Schafler, E. fr. Haines, (Gtn.) Schallenger, N. fr. Serrill Schleishman- al., E. fr. Canal School. N. fr. Ash, (Bdg.) Schoolhouse row,34 19 Chestnut Schryer's ct., fr. 820 WilloAV Schuyler av , (Gtn.) Sciota fr. 849 N. 45th Scipio pi., fr. 45 N. 7tli Scott, W. fr. 19th, ab., TasKcr Scott's la,, fr. 3 21 Ridge av. Scranton pi., fr, G2J Filbert «ears, ir. 1320 S, 6th Second, fr. 24 N. 23d Sedgley av., fr. 3201 Oxford Sedgwick, fr. 615 Walnut Seiser's ct„ E. fr. Broad Selfridge, fr, 1716 Bainbridge Selfridge pl.,fr.lll9 Bainbri :ge Sellers, N. fr. Adams, (Fkd.) ' Sellers' ct., fr. 1315 CarltOH Sellers' ct., fr. 1416 Race Seltzer, fr. 2714 N. Front Senate, fr. 729 S. 2d Seneca, W. fr. 43d, ab, Oregon Seneca ct., W. fr. Belrose Senneff, fr. 108 S. 23d SenncfF av., W. fr. Andres Sepviva, N. fr 320 E. Berks Serrill, fr. 2518 Almond Serrill, fr. 1521 N Broad Seubert's ct., E. fr. 1617 Gtn. r.v. Seville, N. fr. Queen, ab. 2d Sevier, E. fr. Manham, (Gtn.) Seville, E. fr. Cresson, (Myk.) Seybert, fr. 15;;4 N. 15th Seymour, fr. Pulaski av. (Gtn.) Shackamaxon, fr. 1301 Fran;:- lord av. Shaefcrs ct., S. fr. Rawle Shamokin, fr. 424 N. 22d Sharkley's al., fr. 1216 Alaskii Sharpncck, E. Ir. Gtn.av. (Gtn.) Sharp's av., S fr. Can by Sharswood, E.fr.24th,ab.Master Shelburne av., fr. 421 Cherry Sheldonpl., fr. 928S Front Shelly.fr. Clcarfield.bel.Myrtle Shellbark, fr. 146 N. 13lh Sheridan, S. fr. Berks, ab. 6th Sherman. W. fr. Kirk, ((^*n.; Shern's ct , fr. 1330 N. 2d Shield'sct.,S.fr. Relief Shield's ct., fr., 1229 Catherin Shiller, fr. 3121 N. Ill* Shirker's av., W. fr. Fawn Shirker's al , fr. 520 Alaska Shirker's ct., fr. 1212 Alasl*a Shirley, fr. 719 N. 19th Shivelev's a v., fr. 811 Duane Shock, fr. 2023 Market Shock, fr. 15 Mead Showaker. 26i0 N. 22d Shoemaker, fr. 23 S. Sth Shoemaker ct., fr. 728 St. John Shoemaker's al.,fr.Main, (Myk.) Shoemakei''s la., ((Jtn.) Short ct.. E. fr. 12ili. ab. Ruce Shotwells av.,fr.lJ21 L.nvrence Shur's la., fr. Main (Myk.) .Shunk. E. & W. 2GoOS. 8idmouth, N. fr. Cope's .al. Sidmouth pi., fr 18lJ Spruce Sidney, fr. 812 Ellswonh Siegel,fr. 1826 S, Front S Legal, W. fr. 6th, ab. Mifflin Gilbert, N. fr. Reed, ab. lUth Sillimen, N. fr. Eadline, ab.43d Silma pi., fr. 1920 Hamilton Siloam, N. fr. Otis, ab. Almond Silver, fr. 23 N. r:th Silver, fr. 2721 Loamy Silver's ct., fr. 4o. fr. Ash, (Bdg.) William's al., fr. Metcalf. ab. 5th William's ct., fr. 917 Cailowhil William's ct., fr.E.Mouigomery Williamsons ct., fr. 9;3 Cherry Williamsuii's ct , 1124 Swanson Williuyton, fr. 1G25 Master Willow, N. fr. Meadow, (^Fkd.) Willow la., E. fr. Haines, (Gtn.) Willow, fr. 418 N. Delaware av. Wilmer, E. fr. 2(1, ab. Vine Wilmer's al., 4tli, ab. Vine Wilson, fr. ; 24 Utsego Wilson, E. fr. Metcalf Wilson, ^. fr. York, ab. Gaul AVilsou, E. fr, Haines, (Gtn.) AVilson's ct., fr. 9 Poplar Winchester ct., 1815 Alaska Winchester pi., fr. 926 Otsego Winfleld, fr. 914 «. Front Wiutield pi., E fr.Sth, ab. Arch Wingohocking, E. &W. 45uo N. Winner pL. fr. 2-4 South Winona, N. fr. Pulaski, (Gtn.) Winslovv, W. fr. r2tb. ab. Race Winter, W. fr. 16th ab. Race Winter's ct., S. fr. Monterey Winton, W. fr. 5tn, ab. Jackson Wirth's ct., fr. 829 N. 5lh Wirt pi., fr. 536 Linden Wiss ihickon av., (.Gtn.) Wiser, E. fr. Aim md, (Bdg ) Wisharl's ct., ir. 104 Beach Wibhner, fr. 10. h, bel. McK' a-.i Wistcr, W. f:-. 10th, bel. Green Wiiter, N. fr. Gtn. av., (Gtn.) Wister pi., 10th ab. Green Wisteria, E. & W. 5300 N. Witte.N. fr. Clearfield, ab Cedar Witzel's ct., fr. 1321 N. 25th WolflF, E. tt W. 2300 S. Woelper's ct., E. fr. 23d, ab. Arch Wolbert, N. fr. Taylor Wolf s ct., S. fr. German ab.3d Wolfs ct., fr. 107 Lombard Wolfs ct., E. fr. Hope.ab Stiles Womroth j)!., fr. 227 Monroe Wonderly pi., fr. 145 Otter Wood, W. fr. ■.;d ab. Vine Wood, E. fr. Green la., (Myk.) Wood, fr. Gtn. »v. (Gtn.) Woodbine, fr. Federfil, a);. T.th Woodbine av. ,S.ir.Chew,(Litii.) Woodland Ter., W, fr. >Nood- land av.ab. 3ath Woodland av,, fr, 3200 Market Woodland, fr. 330 S. 39th Woodvill e pi., fr. St.Joseph's av AVood's ct., W. fr, Greenhiil Woodstock, fr.2020Co]umLi av. AVoodworlh av.,fr. 14 Chrisiian Worrell, E.lr.Frankford.(i kd.) Worth, AV. fr. 3d, ab. Tasker AVorth, N. fr. Oxford, (Fkd.) AVrekin, fr. 21522 Cedar AVright, AV. fr. 1530 N. 21st AV right, AV. fr. 32d ab. Market A\yalusing, fr. 830 N. 42d AVyandotie, fr. AVister, (Gtn.) AVyatt, E. fr. Sidmouth AVykoflF, fr. 3223 Race AVylie, fr. 1648 Ridge av. AVyiikoop, fr. ]3th, ab. Spruce AVyoming, fi*. Ann. iib. Cedar AVyoming, N. fr. 1515Fitzwaler AVyoming av.,fr.Gtii.a\'.,(Gtn.) AVyoming, E. 50 to- contain no lead or sulplnir. Harudt k<^ natural, indetectable, and does not fad* or wash out; gives uniform br(>.\n or black to suit the complexion; no one would be without i" ; ftei" once using it; no ridiculous tints; always takes; never fa s: u» trouble to apply: sold at 50 cents a box; superior to any other, though costing twice as much ; it is not a wash or pretended regen- erator or restorer, yet it certainly benefits the hair, without ii jurinjj the health or skin. Ask your druggist, perfumer or hairdre.>-ser for it. KoTK.— It is the only article that can always be relied upon t*. give a natural un f »iiii color, ihj matter how oiien applied. '^S?~vzr YoxCjus ' :3.^sJ mil _jX- J ^ H # ^'k^ rm- x^ JJDUHMlAJ_lJ^JL_]L_lll j^ ^OLJ!_l_lv^Jl™c]Q^_lJR t —I— lE-iL^i — ^.^i, — I, — :^j]gz][r:j ^i i iDJUJLJ^HeJJuJjLJUlZiyail M^i^ — .|i-^ -^- ^ PHIuftLPHIA iirce College of Business, NEW RECORD BUILDING, 919 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. MAS May Peirce, M.A., LXPERT Accountant), Principal. Rev. John Thompson, Dean, College teaching technical knowledge qualifying for business gements. Possessing all the facilities and having established tiaracter, it is now prepared to give its classes full instruction ommercial and general business vocations. WUM r ^9^"^ ^<"' Holland's Gold Pens and "rilLiCi, Nevv Slide Business Pencil. Mac- md Stylographie Pens. Nq. 335 CHESTNUT Street. Call or send for prices. PENS REPAIRED ^ •^•^0* ^•1°-* j.°-n^. 0' r'" * \ "^ _L/ ••<♦ A i^ _ t • o . ■''^i. 5^ * • o* 4 c* 1? -^ ♦ -N' ' o •^0* '^^ ■ < • o.