0^ c' * '^ <4 -<-/. ^ * ft ^ \ * '^.. ts- % ■-lis y^^. \0. '-a^ s'"> T , > V •j> .^^ V* "*- -^ > r \0 r/ "-> ■' V %/»TT««'\o' .. *e./*..o^ v-j -^^ "^-^ ^ 0* V '^ .N^''-^- .0^'°-'-/'°. -V./-^' 0^ ^ ^,^^^:^ V ^^ r<' " ''^ -^^ ^\ s^' 0' o'^- -^' ^ \ir-'''^j J^-' i \4^ S'^^^y <^% ^.y(W/^/\\%n ^' ^■ ■^ ^^ '' ■>> ^■9-' O- ^ ^? .Ok MODEEI GREECE: A NARRATIVE OF A RESIDENCE AND TRAVELS IN THAT COUNTRY OBSERVATIONS ON ITS ANTIQUITIES, LITERATUKE, LANGUAGE, POLITICS, AND RELIGION. BY HENRY M. BAIRD, M.A. ILLUSTRATED BY ABOUT SIXTY ENGRAVINGS. ■^,.-^- NEW YORK: HARPER & BROTHERS, PUBLISHERg^ FRANKLIN SQUARE. 1856. Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six, by / Harper & Brothers, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New York. .^ PREFACE. The author of this volume spent a year at Athens, for the prosecution of special studies, and traveled ex- tensively, both in Peloponnesus and in Northern Greece. During repeated tours, nearly every site famous in the ancient history of the country was visited, together with those places which have figured prominently in more recent transactions. The following pages are the result of observations noted at the time, although, for various reasons, the form of a diary has not been retained throughout. Several chapters have been devoted to the literature of Modern Greece — a subject to which little attention has been given, out of that country itself. The man- ners and customs, politics, religion and religious festi- vals, and the state of popular education, have been made the topics of separate examination. The author has taken great satisfaction in chronicling the unexampled progress of the Greek race in civilization and intelli- gence ; and, while advocating no particular theory as to its origin, has felt that sufficient interest and sympathy have not been entertained in Christian Europe and Amer- ica for the struggles of that race to free itself from the trammels of tyranny — poHtical, religious, and intellect- ual — with which so many centuries of barbarism had invested it. IV , PREFACE. About forty of the illustrations in this volume have been executed after original sketches from nature. The author can not abstain from expressing in this place his obligations to the Rev. Jonas King, D.D., and his estimable lady, whose house was his home for so many months, and whose suggestions were so useful to him in the prosecution of his plans. Nor would he fail to mention the Rev. Dr. Hill, and the Rev. Messrs. Ar- nold and Buel, who did all in their power to render his sojourn at Athens so fruitful of pleasant reminiscences. He would do injustice to his feelings were he to leave unnoticed the open cordiality that characterizes the Athe- nian men of letters, whether professors or students, an^ their readiness to facilitate the researches of the stranger. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. APPKOACH TO ATHENS. On the JEgean. — First Sight of Athens. — Importunate Boatmen. — Pirseus and its Harbor. — A Sciote Merchant. — Matrimonial Negotia- tions. — Plain of Athens. — A Panoramic View. — Kariskakis. — Olive Grove and Vineyards. — Oriental Habits. — An Unpatriotic Irish- man Page 13 . CHAPTER n. FIRST IMPEESSIONS. Labjrinthine Streets. — Dr. King. — Scene at the American Consulate. — The Old Town. — Cypress and Palm-trees. — Post-office. — Medrese. — Market-place. — Grapes. — Mustale-\Tia. — General Church. — (Consti- tution of 1843. — Adventures in Italy. — Mr. Finlay, the Historian. — Mediaeval History. — American Missionaries 21 CHAPTER in. THE ACROPOLIS. ^ Streets in Ancient Athens. — Walls of All Ages. — An Imprecation. — Turkish Prophecy. — Panathenaic Procession. — Propylaa. — Mutilated Statues. — Ancient Galleries of Paintings. — Ducal Tower. — Temple of Victoiy Apteros. — A'ea of Acropolis. — Parthenon. — Venetian Plunderers. — Chryselei^hautine Statue. — Frieze. — Excavations. — Antique Vases. — Erechtheum. — The Caryatids. — A Colossal Statue. — ^British Vandalism 30 CHAPTER IV. AIS'TIQUITIES OF THE LOWER TOWN. The City of Hadrian. — His Gate. — Olympium. — Vicissitudes. — A New Simon Stylites. — Hissus. — Stadium. — Dandelion Salad. — Monument of Lysicrates. — Street of the Tripods. — Theatre of Bacchus. — Virgin of the Cave. — Odeum of Herodes. — Singular Fragments. — Monument of Philopappus. — The Long Walls. — Prison of Socrates. — Pnyx. — Demosthenes. — HiU of Mars. — Ancient Clock-tower. — Stoa of Ha- drian.— Gate of the New Market. — Stoa Poecile. — Theseum 48 VI CONTENTS. CHAPTER V. WALKS ABOUT ATHENS. Festival of St. Demetrius. — Visits. — Sweetmeats. — The Promenade. — Palace Garden. — Costumes of the Athenians. — Beads. — Greek La- dies. — Priests' Dress. — Long Hair worn in Token of Mourning. — Plan of Modern Athens. — House of a former Minister. — Digging through a "Wall. — Position of the Female Sex. — Mercenary Motives in Marriage Page 68 CHAPTER VI. STUDENT LIFE IN ATHENS. University of Otho. — Professor Asopius. — University Lihrary. — Pro- fessor Bambas. — Translated the Bible. — Singular Meeting. — Other Professors. — Students' Quarters. — Low Salaries. — Student at the Cafe. — The Four Faculties. — Number of Professors and Students. — University educates Greeks from Turkey. — Crowded Lecture-room. — Popular Education. — Scientific Schools 77 CHAPTER Vn. MODEEN GREEK CUSTOMS. Wedding in the Upper Circles. — A Greek Party. — The Bride and Groom. — Entrance of the Bishop. — Crowning the Pair, — A Cup of Wine. — A Circle made. — Sugar Plums. — A Compulsory Marriage. — Marriage among the Lower Orders. — Eelatives make the Match. — Preliminary Steps. — Gifts to the Bride's Father. — Nuptial Procession. — Bride carried away. — Termination of the Festivities. — A Greek Baptism. — Trine Immersion. — A Token given to Witnesses. — A Fu- neral Procession. — Colly va. — Offerings to the Dead 88 CHAPTER Vin. THE COUET AND POLITICS OF GREECE. American Vessels of War, — Colocotroni, Master of Ceremonies. — Ad- venture of an American Lieutenant. — Cautious Officers. — Presenta- tion at Court. — Queen Amelia. — King Otho. — The Constitution. — Con- stitutional Provisions. — Liberty Guaranteed. — Elections. — A Political Measure. — Kussian, French, and English Parties. — The Cro-wn in- dependent. — Bad State of Koads. — Banditti in the Mountains... 103 CHAPTER IX. THE GREEK CHURCH. Nationality and Religion. — The Holy Sjmod. — Separation from the Patriarchate. — The Synodical Tome. — Pharmakides. — Differences from the Latin Church. — The Catechism of Plato. — Mariolatry. — The Parish Priests. — Ignorance and Corruption. — Pilgi-ims to the Holy Places. — Ecclesiastical Parties. — Obstacles to Missionary Suc- cess, — Dr. King. — Dr. Hill. — Hopeful Indications. 115 CONTENTS. Vii CHAPTER X. CHURCH FESTIVALS AT ATHENS. Silent Streets. — The Twelve Gospels. — Persecution of the Jews. — Good Friday at St. Irene's. — The Epitaphion. — A Torchlight Proces- sion. — Kyi'ie Eleyson. — Easter Dawn. — Christos Aneste. — The Sec- ond Anastasis. — Dances at the Temple of Theseus. — The Romaica. — Blessing the Sea. — Feast of the Three Hierarchs. — Interior of a Church. — Celebration of the Mass, — Standing in Worship. Page 128 CHAPTER XL THREE DAYS IN ARGOLIS. Passports. — Leaving Pirseus. — A Party on Deck. — A Representative Electioneering. — Island of Hydra. — The Home of Liberty. — Nauplia from the Bay, — The Lernian Hydra. — Streets of Nauplia. — Plain of Argos, — Wall of Tiryns, — Description by Pausanias, — Mycense. — The Treasury of Atreus, — Acropolis of Mycenae, — Gate of Lions. — Its History. — A Dish of Snails. — Beggars at Argos, — Theatre in the Rock, — Market-place of Argos, — Murder of Capo d'lstria, — Pass of Troetus. — ^Rout of Drami Ali. — A Rainy Morning. — The Temple of Nemea. — Khan of Courtessa. — Shepherds' Huts. — The Inn at Cor- inth. — The Acrocorinthus, — St, Paul at Corinth. — The Isthmus. 137 CHAPTER XII. ^GINA AND EPIDAURUS, Mode of Traveling, — Selection of a Guide, — Delay at Pirasus, — ^Be- calmed on the Saronic Gulf, — Devotions of the Sailors. — The Island of vEgina. — Temple of Jupiter Panhellenius. — Sail to Epidaurus. — Declaration of Independence. — Ruins of Epidaurus, — Nicholas and the Agoyates. — Hiero of -^sculapius, — An Ancient Watering-place. —Nauplia 160 CHAPTER XIII. MANTINEA—TRIPOLITZA— SPARTA, The Argolic Plain, — Routes into Arcadia, — A Katavothron, — Hysiee, — Plain of Mantinea, — Ruins of the Wall. — Battles at Mantinea. — -Small- ness of Grecian States, — Fair at Tripolitza, — A Murderous Assault, — Tegea. — A Country Papas. — Tardy Vegetation. — Battle-field of Sella- sia. — Vourlia. — A Portable Cradle. — Site of Ancient Sparta. — Roman Ruins. — Modern Sparta. — A Sarcophagus. — Interior of a Khan... 173 CHAPTER XIV. MEGALOPOLIS AND MESSENE. Ride to " The Great City." — The Theatre. — Inquisitive Scholars. — Mo- reote Shepherds. — Messenian Plain. — Mount Ithome. — Struggles of Freedom. — Policy of Epaminondas, — Monastery of Vurcano. — Ruins of Messene. — The Great Gate. — Rustic Wonderment. — ^Dragoi,, 192 viii CONTENTS. CHAPTEK XV. PHIGALEA, OLYMPIA, AND AECADIA. Phigalea.— The Sirocco.— Temple of Apollo Epicurius.— Andritzena.— Banks of the Alpheus.— Tributaries of the Alpheus.— Vale of Olym- pia. — Temple of Jupiter.— Eide to Lala. — A Scene in the Kevolu- tion. — An Afternoon at Tripotamo. — Psophis. — A New Koute. — Village Discussion. — Clitor. — Ancient Coins. — Arcadian Shepherds. — Primitive Ploughs. — Greek Oaths. — Outlet of Lake Pheneus. — A Serious Mishap. — The Monastery of Phonia Page 203 CHAPTEE XVI. STYX, MEGASPELION, AND VOSTITZA. A Costly Shrine.— A Monk's Views of Philosophy.— The Village of Solos. — Patriotic Exploits. — A primitive Lamp. — The " Eiver Styx." — Its mysterious Properties. — View of the Corinthian Gulf. — Birth- place of the Eevolution. — Calavryta. — Cross-questioning. — Monas- tery of Megaspelion. — The Monks. — St. Luke as a Sculptor. — The Wine-cellar. — Library. — History of Megaspelion. — Eide to Vostitza. — Bargaining for a Boat 218 CHAPTER XVII. DELPHI— PARNASSUS— CHJSRONEA. Crossing the Corinthian Gulf. — Scala of Salona. — Crissa. — Necropolis of Delphi. — Village of Castri. — Castalian Fount. — Oracle of Apollo. — Ascent of Mount Parnassus. — Corycian Cave. — A Disappointment. — Schiste. — Daulis. — Panopeus. — Battle-ground of Ch^ronea. — Tumulus and Colossal Lion. — Population of Greece. — Lebadea or Livadia. — Cave of Trophonius. — Monastery of Scripu — Treasury of Minyas. — Acropolis of Orchomenus. — Lake Copais. — Victory of the Catalans. — A "Kake Scala." — Euins of Abse 232 CHAPTER XVIII. THERMOPYLJi AND EUBCEA. Costume of the Women at Exarcho. — Hyampolis. — Masonry of the Ancients. — Elatea. — Seizure of Elatea by Philip. — Consternation at Athens. — The Papas at Pundonitza. — Pass of Thermopylge. — Change of Physical Aspect. — The Hot Springs. — Thessaly Phthiotis. — Lamia or Zeitun. — Eobbers. — Their Inroad into Eachi. — Tortures. — Larissa Cremaste. — Detention by a Health-officer. — Crossing to Euboea. — Oreos or Histisea. — Xerochori. — Fine Scenery.' — An Englishman's Estate. — Insecurity.— Traveling in Euboea. — Chalcis. — Discovery of Ancient Armor 249 CONTENTS. ix CHArTER XIX. THEB12S AND ELEUSIS, Chalcis under Venetian Rule. — Euripus. — Bridge. — An Ancient Greek Road. — Site of Aulis. — Plain of the Asopus. — Tanagra. — Thebes. — ThebanPlain. — SiteofThespice. — Fountainof Aganippe. — Battle-field of Leuctra. — Plataa. — Battle-ground. — Ascent of Mount Citharon. — Acropolis of CEnoe. — Interior of a Tower. — Ancient Fortifications. — Hellenic Tower. — Village and Acropolis of Eleusis. — The Sacred- Way. — Monastery of Daphne. — Return to Athens Page 208 CHAPTER XX. RAMBLES IN ATTICA. Excursion to Marathon. — Cephisia. — Pass of Deceleia. — Plain of Mara- thon . — Cynosura. — Funeral Mound. — Battle-ground. — Numbers en- gaged. — Temple of Minerva Hellotis. — Marathona. — Return. — Ex- cursion to Sunium. — Fountains built by the Road-side. — Silver Mines of Mount Laurium. — Temple of Minerva at Sunium. — Excursion to Phyle. — Cephissus. — Colonos. — Caly\'ia of Khassia. — Fortress of Phyle. — View of Athens. — Thrasybulus at Phyle. — Excursion to the Marble Quarries of Pentelicus. — Village of Calandri. — The Ai-butus. — Quarries. — Inclined Plane. — Prospect from the Summit of Mount Pentelicus. — Mount Hymettus. — A Warrior Abbot. — Honey of Hy- mettus. — Straits of Salamis. — Battle of Salamis 283 CHAPTER XXI. THE MODERN GREEK LANGUAGE. Close Resemblance to the Ancient. — Its Disadvantage in Comparison with other modern Languages. — Sounds of its Consonants and Diph- thongs. — Pronounced according to Accent. — Grammatical Changes. — Introduction of Words from Foreign Tongues. — Reaction within the present Century. — Influence of the University, the Government, and the Press. — Number of Newspapers and Periodicals at Ath- ens 307 CHAPTER XXn. THE MODERN GREEK LITERATURE. Low Condition of Greece in the Last Century.— A Revival of Learn- ing. — New Schools. — A Religious Literature. — Remarks of Lord Byron. — " Cathreptes Gynaicon" — -Adamantius Coray. — His Early Life. — Taught by Bernard Keun. — Removes to France. — Translates Strabo.— Various Publications.^T-His Prolegomena. — Papa Trechas. — Religious Views of Coray. — Translates the "Advice of Three Bishops." — Considers the Revolution premature. — Neophytus Doukas. — His Views in respect to the Modern Greek, and those of Coray. — Publications of Doukas. — Panagiotes Soutsos. — Alexander Soutsos. — A2 X CONTENTS. Eangabes. — Salomos. — Coumanoudes. — Lyric Poems of Christopou- los. — Neophytus Bambas. — Translation of the Bible. — A Text-book in the Schools. — Professor Asopius. — A. Kadinos. — Antiquities. — Pit- takes. — Archaological Society. — Historical Studies. — Germanos. — Speliades. — Tricoupes.— Mamoukas. — Mediaeval History. — Oriental Eesearches. — ^Demetrius Galanos. — A Greek Book in Roman Char- acters. — Pharmakides. — Influence of the Learned Professions. — Speech of Saripolos. — Greek Lexicography Page 313 CHAPTER XXIIL BALLAD POETEY. Popular Songs of Greece. — Their Value. — Very short-lived. — Subjects of Ballads. — Principles of Greek Poetry. — The Kleftic Songs. — His- tory and Manners of the Klefts. — Their Head-quarters. — Incidents referred to in the Ballads. — Lament of a Wounded Kleft. — Death of Metros. — Parallelisms. — Song of Boucovallas. — Th&Panegyri. — SongS of the Plains. — On special Occasions. — At Parting. — At a Wedding. — Mcerologia, or Laments. — Religious Poems. — Remains of Popular Superstitions 343 CHAPTER XXIV. TRIAL OF DR. KING. A Trial appointed. — Distribution of printed Handbills. — Appearance of the Court-room. — Trial not by Jury. — Witnesses for the Prosecu- tion. — Vagueness of the Testim6ny. — Its Irrelevancy. — Partiality of the Court. — Speech of the King's Attorney. — Counsel for the Ac- cused. — ^Dr. King not allovv^ed to defend himself. — Decision. — Sen- tence of Imprisonment and Banishment. — Excitement after the Trial. — Crafty Delay of the King's Attorney. — Appeal to the Areop- agus. — Its Decision. — Dr. King protests. — Opinions of the Press of Athens. — Other Grievances. — Mission of Mr. Marsh. — Evasive Policy of the Court. — The Greek Government finally yields. — Results of the Trial.... 355 CHAPTER XXV. DEPARTURE FROM ATHENS— SYRIA— CORFU. Pirseus. — ^Daughter of Marco Bozzaris. — Mr. Contostaulos. — Manufac- ture of Silk. — The "Maid of Athens." — Remains of Piraus. — Altar of the "Unknown God." — Antipathy of Greeks to pubhc Executions. — Hermopolis, or Syra. — Its Commerce. — Schools of Rev. Mr. Hild- ner. — Bay of Navarino. — Zante. — Corfu. — Shrine of St. Spyridon. — A reputed Miracle. — Mission among the Jews. — Ancient Cor- cyra. — Ionian Confederation. — Italian Language supplanted by the Greek 368 ILLUSTRATIONS. View op Athens from the Stadium Title-page. Gate of Hadrian at Athens 13 Acropolis from the Pntx 21 The PROPYLiEA 30 Temple op Victory without wings 37 The Parthenon 38 Frieze of the Parthenon .\ 41 The Erechtheuim 43 A Cartatis 44 The ERECHTHEuai restored 46 The Bema of the Pntx at Athens 48 Choragic Monument op Lysicrates 55 Street of the Tripods 56 Odeum of Herodes = 58 MoNuiviENT OF Philopappus 60 Bas-relief from the Monument of Lysicrates 67 HoROLOGiuiM OF Andronicus Cyrrhestes 68 EuiNS OF the Temple of the Olysipian Jove 76 University of Otho at Athens 77 The Acropolis restored 87 The Acropolis, from the Hill op the Museum. 88 View of Athens '. 103 A Greek Church 115 Tezviple op Theseus at Athens 128 Nauplia, from the Bay 137 Arch in the Wall of Tiryns 144 Gate of Lions at Mycen^ 149 Temple of Jupiter at Nemea 155 View op Corinth and the Acrocorinthus 159 Temple op Jupiter at ^gina 160 Interior of the Khan of Georgitzana 173 Xll ILLUSTRATIONS. Wall of the Citadel at Argos 174 View of Mount Taygetus from the Site of Sparta 184 The Great Gate of Messene 192 Ithome, from the Stadium of Messene 201 Temple of Apollo Epicurius at Bass^e 203 EuiNS OF the Temple of Jupiter at Oltmpia 218 Monastery of Megaspelion 226 Interior of the Acropolis of CEnob 232 View of Delphi and Mount Parnassus 237 The Plain of Chjeeonea 241 Ruined Tower near CEnoe 249 Peasant Woman of Exarcho , 250 View of Thermopylae 255 The Acropolis of CEnoe 268 Interior of a Tower at CEnoe 277 The Plain of Marathon 288 The Mound at Marathon 286 View of Phyle 293 Temple of Minerva at Sltjium 307 Fortress of Phyle 313 The Straits of Salamis 343 House of Jonas King, D.D 355 Gate of the New Agora 368 JATE OF HADKIAJS AT ATHKNS. MODERN GREECE. CHAPTER I. APPEOACH TO ATHENS. "Whoever does not wish to see Athens, is foolish ; he who sees it and is not pleased with it, is more foolish ; but the climax of folly is to have seen it, to be pleased with it, and yet to leave it." — Ancient Author. On a beautiful morning toward the end of September, I found myself on board the French steam-ship Lycurge, off the eastern coast of Lacedgemonia. For the last three days, since leaving Yaletta, we had been sailing slowly and quietly over a motionless sea in a direct course for Cape Matapan. Only at noon, on the previous day, had the faint outline of distant mountains become perceptible ; and at dusk we approached the shores of Messenia. We were not yet near enough, how- ever, to view with any distinctness the island of Sphacteria, behind which was fought the Battle of Navarino. 14 APPROACH TO ATHENS. The wind had been contrary all night, and we made but little progress after doubling Cape Matapan. When I came on deck in the morning, the first objects visible on shore were the high mountains, not very distant, that skirt this side of Peloponnesus. So barren did they seem, that scarce a patch of verdure relieved their rugged uniformity. Below this rocky chain could be descried, as though rising out of the waves, the sea-girt walls and towers of Monembasia, a locality which finds no record in ancient history, but has appeared conspic- uous in recent wars. Built, not unlike Gibraltar, on the end of a small peninsula, it is so strongly fortified both by nature and by art as to be nearly impregnable. The sea was calm and unruffled. Not a ripple could be seen disturbing its placid surface. The sky was cloudless, and the day one of the fairest of autumn. The clear atmosphere gave to all around a deceptive appearance, which was quite new to me. The most distant objects seemed close at hand, and I could scarcely credit the assertion of the captain that we were at least five or six miles from shore. The steamer plowed its way as over the dark blue waters of some small inland lake. We were n,ot many hours in crossing the mouth of the Ar- golic Gulf, and approaching the group of islands that lie off the extremity of the northeastern peninsula of the Morea. The pretty town of Spetzia appeared on our left, built upon the side of a hill and running down to the water's edge; In. half an hour more we were opposite the picturesque town of Hydra, where were born most of the distinguished naval com- manders in the Revolution. At length, about noon, wie en- tered the Saronic Gulf, and Attica itself came into sight. The passengers collected on the bows, and watched with eagei eyes the shore, which seemed rather to recede as we advanced. The only unconcerned spectators were a group of Frenchmen, who, seated on a pile of luggage on the forecastle, were div€*rting themselves with a game of cards. Running by the islaiid of ^gina, on whose height we could easily distinguish with a glass the ruined columns of the temple of Jupiter, in the midst of a wild and desolate district, we made toward the port of Piraeus. For miles far out on the Saronic Gulf, a white building served as a beacon to indicate the site of Athens it- PIR^US ^VND ITS HARBOR. 15 self. It was the palace of King Otho. The rest of the town was hidden from our sight by the hill of the Acropolis. Pres- ently we could see the high signal-pole standing on the prom- ontory Munychium. At about four o'clock we had rounded it, and were entering Piraeus through a narrow opening, guard- ed on both sides by the ruins of ancient moles. The paddle-wheels had scarcely ceased to move before we were surrounded by a multitude of row-boats, each manned by a Greek in the native costume, wearing the bright red fezi slouched on his head, and a long blue tassel fluttering in the wind. All were loud in their appeals ; but as the quarantine officers had not yet made us their visit, they kept a respectful distance. ''Have a boat, sirf^ '' Voulez-vous im Idteauf re- sounded from all quarters ; while the less favored linguists, re- lying mainly on the strength of their lungs to make themselves understood, poured forth a volley of unintelligible Greek, Though I had been schooling myself to the native pronuncia- tion under the friendly direction of a pleasant Sciote, whose lessons had relieved the tedium of the passage from Marseilles, their volubility was too much for my small practice. Rather than resign myself to the tender mercies of the boatmen, I re- solved to make common cause with my companion, the Greek merchant. After a short delay, leave was given us to land, and this served as a signal for the simultaneous onset of half a score of couriers and runners for the hotels, each eager to get custom. We soon found the one we wanted, and, having secured our luggage, embarked in one of the boats for shore. We left the motley group of watermen, expecting every mo- ment to see them fall from brawling to fighting; but their dis- putes never result in any thing more serious than the success of one in supplanting the rest. The harbor of Pirseus is less than three-fourths of a mile in length, and opens toward the west; where, between the piers that project from either side, a heavy chain was stretched during the earlier ages. The modern town lines the eastern side with a continuous row of neat white houses, generally two stories in height. A number of sloops and caiques were drawn up to the wharves, but the brigs and larger vessels stood out at anchor in deeper water. 16 APPROACH TO ATHENS. A custom-house officer and a dozen idlers awaited our ar- rival on Grecian soil. The examination of our effects was brief, owing, perhaps, partly to the happy influence of a silver coin or two, which my companion managed to slip dexterously into the hand of the inspecting officer. We were in no mood after our long sea-voyage to remain longer than necessary at Piraeus. My friend and myself were equally intent upon reaching our journey's end, and enjoying a respite from the fatigue and vexation of travel. I am wrong, however, in representing our eagerness as equal. I had before me only the prospect of a long, though, it is true, far from uninterest- ing course of study, on classic ground. The Sciote who stood beside me, an intelligent man of five-and-forty, had accumu- lated a handsome fortune in foreign parts, and was connected with the extensive mercantile house of A. and Co.* He had come hither, as I subsequently learned, on an errand of love. * Mr. A., from his extensive business connections, was able to give me much valuable information respecting the Greek mercantile houses, which are every year increasing in number and in importance. I was astonished to learn how numerous they are. They already abound in England. Manchester may be styled their head-quarters, for there are no fewer than sixty Greek establishments in that city. London possesses forty more, and Liverpool seven. Trieste boasts of seventy, and Mar- seilles, Odessa, and Leghorn, each of more than twenty. How many are to be found in Constantinople it is quite impossible to state : cer- tainly one hundred would be a very small estimate. Such were the statements of a merchant, than whom no one could be found with bet- ter means of acquiring accurate information. The wonderful success of these commercial houses he attributed to their unity of action more than to any other single cause. Prudence in all their investments, com- bined with rare sagacity, has insured them against loss of capital and rep- utation. The great houses of Eallis, Argentis, and others, have branches all over the globe, each to a certain degree independent, and yet each reposing an implicit confidence in the others. In this way, by their tact and by their union, the Greek houses have begun to exercise an impor- tant influence on the trade of the East, which is little by Httle falling into their hands. Through their instrumentality, Manchester fabrics are distributed over Asia Minor in exchange for native produce. The Eastern war has doubtless augmented their influence upon the grain market of the world, and the number of Greek merchants at Liverpool must now be far greater than in 1851. Mr. A.'s statements are con- firmed in almost every particular by the writer of an able article on this subject in the New York Daily Times of October 20, 18.55. PLA.IN OF ATHENS. 17 Having "vvell-nigli, if not quite, attained the age of an old bachelor, he had bethought himself of matrimony ; and, cast- ing about for a wife, had fixed his choice upon a certain dam- sel whose good looks and good qualities he had taken upon trust. The negotiations between the parents and himself (for it is not customary to attach much weight to the young lady's choice in such matters) had proved mutually satisfactory. The happy man was now on his way to Athens for the first time to find his betrothed, of whose personal appearance, ex- cept by means of a portrait and descriptions, he knew about as much as I did. The lady in question was also a native of Scio, whose children rarely marry into families of foreign extraction. Our courier had provided a carriage, one of the best the place could boast of, and we jumped in ; the Greek official touched his cap, and we rattled off through the streets of Piraeus. We noticed, in passing, that the streets along the wharves were well paved, and all the thoroughfares laid out with strict regard to symmetry and a regular plan. The bet- ter class of houses, too, were built of stone, neatly stuccoed. It was not long ere we emerged from the town, and entered upon the road which leads in a nearly direct line to Athens, a distance of about five miles. Nothing was requisite to be- guile our attention as we rode toward "the city," as the Athe- nian of the olden time was wont to style it by pre-eminence. We sat watching with no common emotion the various ob- jects that successively presented themselves to the eye. For the first time I began to realize that I was at length in Greece, and that the curtain was soon to rise upon the scene of so many triumphs of art and eloquence. As we issued from the streets of Pirseus, the heights back of the town intercepted the whole prospect ; but presently the plain of Athens unfold- ed itself before us in all its loveliness. On the right, but a few hundred yards distant, was the bay of Phalerum, running parallel to the road, and afterward making a gradual bend where the sea is nearest to Athens. Beyond it stretched the long ridge of Mount Hymettus, barren of trees and uncultivated. To the left, in the distance, rose the more pointed summit of Pentelicus, whose marble rock, exposed by the quarryings 18 APPROACH TO ATHENS. weighed down under the heavy load of the dark-blue clusters, of past centuries, reflected the rays of the sun like new-fallen snow. Then came Mount Parnes, and a chain of lower hills running down from it to the sea-shore opposite the Straits of Salamis, whose rugged isle, cleft with many a deep ravine, terminated the panorama. In the midst of the plain could be descried, far on before us, the city of Athens itself, or rather a portion of it ; for the greater part lay concealed behind the Acropolis, on whose summit could barely be distinguished the columns of the Parthenon, so discolored by time as to have assumed a sober autumnal tint. For two or three miles the dusty road along which we drove has been built on the foundations of one of the " Long Walls" connecting Athens with its port. Adjoining it is a low, marshy meadow, in the middle of which stands a lonely mon- ument, small and plain, marking the grave of Kariskakis, who fell here in a conflict with the Turks during the Revolution. The ground about it is strewn with the bones of his brave comrades, and ever and anon, as the plough or some accident reveals to the sight a skull or a solitary bone, the peasant adds it to the heap which has accumulated within a neighboring in- closure, where the remains of so many heroes lie bleaching in the sun. Passing this spot, the road crossed the scanty bed of the Cephissus, and "entered the olive-grove which clothes either bank of the river with its dark-green foliage. The trunks of the olive-trees were thick, and occasionally assumed fantastic shapes like the willows that grow in some parts of Switzer- land. Emerging from the grove, which only flourishes where the trees can be constantly supplied with water, we came to vineyards, each surrounded with its low wall of sun-dried clay, and protected from the effects of sunshine and rain by a sort of thatch of straw or brush. The vines, like all surrounding vegetation, had a dry and dusty aspect. Not a green patch of grass was any where to be seen. The distant fields were brown, as if parched by the prevailing heat ; for since April or May no rain had fallen, with the exception, perhaps, of one or two transient showers. The vines were kept trimmed within a short distance of the ground, and the branches were ORIENTAL HABITS. 19 The vintage had begun some weeks previous, but was not yet half over. At length, winding about the base of the hill of the Observ- atory, we found ourselves at the very portal of Athens. The various objects that struck the eye were already familiar to me through descriptions and delineations. The Greek mer- chant was astonished to see a stranger from the New World pointing out with readiness the ruins which he had never be- fore surveyed. The Parthenon, with its brown columns tow- ering above the town on the lofty Acropolis, was not to be mistaken. The Pnyx, witness to the eloquence of Demos- thenes, and the Hill of Mars, where St. Paul addressed the men of ancient Athens, were both on the right ; while the Tem- ple of Theseus, the oldest, yet the best preserved monument of Greece, stood but a few steps from the entrance to the modern town. I had been much interested in speculating upon the proba- ble aspect of the modern town, and the condition of its inhab- itants. From the desponding accounts of former travelers, I had formed rather low conceptions of Greek civilization and intelligence. The descriptions of the people, their appearance and manners, had left me in doubt whether they were not to be classed among semi-barbarous nations of the earth. Yet there lurked a secret hope that I might find that some prejudice had inclined those travelers to look with too little sympathy upon the struggles of a nation shaking off the chains of twenty centuries of servitude. Their foibles, I imagined, ought to be viewed rather with the eye of a Democritus than with that of an Heraclitus. Whether my anticipations were correct or not will be gathered from the sequel. I, at least, looked with de- light upon every symptom of refinement, and congratulated myself upon the prospect of comfort in my future sojourn. We had arrived on Sunday. The day being universally kept rather as a period of recreation than as one sacred to re- ligious purposes, the streets were thronged with people engaged either in promenading or in visiting their friends. Their strik- ing costumes, so different from any thing to be seen in western cities, gave peculiar animation to the scene. A characteristic, however, which could not but force itself on the observation. 20 APPROACH TO ATHENS. was the fact that so few well-dressed women were to be seen in the crowd ; and on closer investigation I learned that they were never allowed to walk out alone or unaccompanied by husband or father. Such is still the strength of Eastern hab- its and notions of propriety, notwithstanding the increased communication with the rest of Europe. We drove through a number of winding streets to the Ho- tel d' Orient, an old and inelegant edifice fronting on a neglect- ed square in the immediate vicinity of the Eoyal Mint. The building had formerly served as the palace of the young King Otho, on occasion of his first coming to Greece ; and I was, I am credibly informed, so fortunate as to occupy his majesty's bedchamber, in which I spent my first night at Athens. The only other lodgers at the hotel were a couple of Irishmen, with whom my Sciote companion and I partook gayly of a good dinner at the table d'hote, ending off with a dessert of delicious grapes and figs, and a taste of the famous Hymettus honey. The younger Irishman was the correspondent of a London journal, but stood in daily expectation of a post under the Greek gov- ernment. He considered liimself secure of a professorship of English in the royal gymnasium of Patras, to which he con- ceived himself entitled by reason of services rendered during the late difiiculties between Great Britain and this country. His rather unpatriotic effusions in defence of the Greek min- istry attracted considerable notice at the time of their publica- tion in England. ACROPOLIS FROM THE PNTX. CHAPTER n. FIRST IMPRESSIONS. The hours were too fashionable at the Hotel d' Orient. I was impatient to sally forth ; but breakfast could not be served before nine o'clock. Instead, therefore, of undertaking to ex- plore the labyrinth of alleys we had passed through the night before, I received from my good friend the Sciote a parting les- son in pronunciation, with which I graduated from his school. Fortified with a good meal and a store of Greek phrases, I set out to find the individuals for whom I brought letters of intro- duction. I had too little confidence in my own proficiency to trust myself alone, and mine host committed me to a guide, who should conduct me first to the house of Dr. King. Avoid- ing the principal thoroughfares, he led me by the nearest route, which happened to be through a maze of crooked lanes branch- ing off at every possible angle. Their average breadth could scarcely exceed twenty feet, and they were often lined with blank walls, or houses without a single window opening on the street. More frequently the heavy iron bars with which the latter were provided conveyed the impression that the in- mates lived in hourly apprehension of a burglar's attack. "We issued from one of these alleys into a wider street, paved with 22 FIRST IMPRESSIONS. stone, and dignified by the name of Hadrian. The garden attached to Dr. King's house fronts upon this street ; but, to reach the gate, we had to go through a narrow lane which runs along its side. Here my conductor left me engaged in a men- tal discussion whether I should ever be able alone to retrace my steps to my hotel. On pushing open the heavy door, I found myself in a mod- erate-sized garden, the end of which is bounded by a long two- story stone house, with a broad flight of steps in front leading to the upper floor. Dr. King himself was walking in the gar- den. He courteously invited me to enter the house, and in- troduced me to his wife, who received me with equal cordial- ity. Mrs. King is a native Greek, born at Smyrna, and had never visited the United States ; but she speaks English with fluency and grace. Mrs. King wore, like most of the Greek ladies, the dress of her native city. The most characteristic portion of this costume is the head-dress, consisting of a small YQdifezi, or skull-cap, around which the braided hair is wound. Dr. King is a man of some sixty years, rather below the me- dium stature, and apparently of a weak constitution. His head is large and intellectual. His face is a fair index of his character, in which suavity of manner and warmth of heart are associated with an unusual measure of determination and energy. In its well-defined lineaments one may read the man " whom no contumely, no violence, no danger can move from the cause he has undertaken, and the opinions he has es- poused."* Principle has been weighed in him, and has not been found wanting. Dr. King had already been acquainted by letter with the objects of my coming to Greece. He entered into them with warmth, and expressed his desire to assist in their furtherance to the extent of his power. He concluded by kindly insisting on my spending at least the first months of my sojourn under his roof, where the Greek is almost exclusively spoken, until I should become more familiar with the manners and customs of the country. I felt no disposition to decline an invitation so cordially extended, and that very afternoon I found myself domiciled at his house. * Cicero pro Ligario, o. 9, SCENE AT THE AMERICAN CONSULATE. 23 Besides his duties as missionary of the American Board, Dr. King was then also discharging the functions of consul of the United States. The latter office, though not one of his own seeking, and, indeed, forced upon him by circumstances beyond his control, had lately been of considerable service. One Sabbath morning, not many months before my arrival, his Greek service was attended by an uncommonly large num- ber of persons. Among the rest came some beardless youths, as it soon became evident, for the express purpose of creating a disturbance. At the close of the discourse, one of them arose, and taking up the theme of the day, commenced a vio- lent harangue. In answer, the missionary stated that he would willingly enter into a discussion with him on any day that might be appointed, with the exception of Sunday. But the people would not hear of such a thing as putting it off to an- other time, and filled the air with their outcries. "This is my private house," said Dr. King, "and I do not wish this uproar; but furthermore it is the Consulate of the United States, and I will not have it." "We know it is the Consul- ate of the United States, but we mean to have the discussion now," cried the mob, in reply. They went so far as to threat- en the servants for interfering, and turned some of the family quite out of the room. It so happened, by a singular coinci- dence, that Dr. King had only the day previous received from Washington a tin box containing an American flag, sent un- der seal of the Department of State. A happy thought struck him. With the assistance of his old man-servant, Barha Con- stantine, he hoisted the flag on one of the columns of the porch. The wind filled its ample folds, and displayed every star and stripe to the wondering gaze of the crowd below. Instantly the tumult of voices was stilled. They had dared to insult the consul of the United States, but they were afraid of his flag. No sooner did they catch a glimpse of it, than the chief aim of each seemed to be to reach the gate before the others. In half a minute not a man of them was to be seen upon the premises. This part of Athens is the old town, if that appellation can be given to the portion which is only a quarter of a century old. Looking from my window, I have the northeastern cor- 24 , FIRST IMPRESSIONS. ner of the Acropolis before me at the distance of a few hun- dred feet, crowned by the old Turkish and Frank walls which tower far above. On this side their base can scarcely be reached, by reason of the steep ledges of rock that occupy most of the acclivity. In one or two places, however, 'a slope of grass stretches up to the very foot of the wall, which, on account of this facility of approach, has been built stronger and higher. Wherever a patch of grass exists, flocks of goats and black sheep are to be seen clambering over the rocks and browsing on points apparently the most inaccessible. From the veranda on the opposite side of the house the eye glances over a collection of houses standing in a slight depression. Beyond the more remote of these, the little white chapel of St. George, on the summit of Mount Lycabettus, just appears. The trees that are scattered about stand in gardens ; for there are not a dozen in the streets of the old town. All of them look strange to an American. The cypress is, perhaps, the most striking. Its spire-like form, so regular and tapering, is associated in the traveler's mind with Eastern cemeteries ; but here it is also a favorite in the vicinity of houses. We have one near us which waves most gracefully, and creaks most lu- gubriously at the lightest breeze. In an adjoining inclosure there is a fine old laurel which has attained a size rare in Western Europe, and a mulberry-tree of only twenty years' growth overshadows nearly the whole garden. The greatest curiosity of this kind in Athens is the palm-tree that stands in the "Hodos Hermou," very near the western entrance, where it constitutes one of the first objects that greet the stranger's eye. It is a date-palm, introduced, doubtless, by the Turks, but in too high a latitude to yield fruit. My anxiety for letters led me first to the post-office, where, as the French mail had been distributed, I hoped to find a package of them from America. But I was disappointed, not having made due allowance for the increased time demanded for communication. A month is the average time a letter takes in coming from New York to Athens ; though I remem- ber once to have opened one precisely three weeks after date. The post-ofiice is a low wooden house with a rickety portico. All the business of the establishment is transacted by half a THE MARKET-PLACE. 25 dozen clerks. Like the employes of some other post-office de- partments, they are not above the suspicion of occasionally violating the sacredness of epistolary correspondence. And whenever trouble of any kind is brewing, the Government fre- quently finds it very convenient to ignore that provision of the constitution which forbids all tampering with the mails. From the post-office I strolled through the market-place — the agora or hazari, as it is indifferently called. On the way thither I walked by the common prison, a one-story building without a window opening on the street. But through the grated door I saw a crowd of miserable looking creatures, wandering aimlessly about an open space. A motley crew they were. Men and women and children, the condemned and the accused as yet untried, the petty thief and the mur- derer, the hardened villain and the neophyte in vice, all hud- dled together to the number of one hundred and fifty in a court fifty feet square. The building was erected years ago, and used to serve as a Medrese or school ; it still bears that Turkish appellation. But I doubt if the instruction once given in letters was half so complete as the lessons of crime and wickedness imbibed by those who are confined for a fort- night within its walls. The market-place was nearly empty of purchasers, albeit the traders still sat cross-legged in their booths, which nestle about the old gray walls of Hadrian's porticoes. Though now near the end of September, the sun continues to pour down his rays with scorching power, and the air is insufferably hot, even in the shade. Every body keeps to the house during five or six hours of the day ; and at noon the streets are almost as de- serted as at night. Strangers are warned by residents not to deviate from this practice, unless they are willing to pay for the imprudence by a dangerous and often fatal disease. An hour or two of exposure in the sun is pretty sure to bring on an attack of the Greek fever, which is the curse of Athens at the present day. Although late in the season, fruits of every sort are yet in their prime. Those that belong to southern climates peculiarly are to be found here in the greatest profu- sion, and at what would seem to us a ridiculously small price. On the other hand, apples are a rarity, and those for sale are B 26 FIRST EMPKESSIONS. small and inferior ; nor will the peaches compare with those of our American orchards. But the apricots, pomegranates, and melons of all kinds are excellent. The francosyca are a puzzle to the stranger till he recognizes them as the fruit of the common prickly-pear, whose curiously-jointed stems grow here to an astonishing size. The Greeks I meet will not credit my assertion that this plant is a native of the American con- tinent originally, for they say that it grows wild in the re- motest parts of Mani. The Greek grapes are decidedly the best I have ever tasted. The choicest Fontainehleau or Muscat can not approach the luscious flavor of the Smyrniote. Some of these varieties resemble the Malaga grapes of our shops. Another species, from Tenos I believe, is peculiar, the fruit not showing a vestige of a seed within. It is very sweet, and smaller than the rest. There is a large black grape, one of which frorn curiosity I measured, and found it over four inch- es in circumference. The produce of the vineyards around Athens, though not of such choice kinds, is excellent and plentiful. An oke (nearly three pounds) of the black grape, is sold for a copper coin answering to one cent and two-thirds of the American currency, and the price of the white is but just double. As the vintage has been in progress for some time, the must, or unfermented juice of the grape, can be pro- cured. It enters into the composition of a number of national dishes. Mixed with flour it forms the mustalevria, a refresh- ing food of about the consistency of the " apple-butter" of our Western States, which it resembles in color also. In its per- fection the mustalevria has a sprinkling of almonds, and is or- namented with the red pomegranate seeds. It is also dried in sticks that are as hard as stone. On the other side of the narrow alley that runs along one side of the Consulate, lives Sir Eichard Church, whose acquaint- ance I had the pleasure of making on the third day after my arrival. Upon introduction he adverted at once to the friend- ship he had formed flve years before with my father, and asked what news I brought with me from America, a country in which he takes a lively interest. Conversation naturally turned on the thrilling scenes in which General Church him- self had been an actor, and the combats of the patriots whom GENERAL CHUKCH. 27 he had come from England to head. He expressed his regret at the fact that Greece has to so great an extent failed to an- swer the expectations, perhaps too sanguine, of her well-wish- ers. This failure he attributed, not to the people themselves, but to the weak and injudicious government under which they live. A government that squanders on frivolous objects the revenue which should be expended on the improvement of the roads and the education of the masses, can not merit the es- teem and affection of thoge who are true friends of the nation- al welfare. The expenditures, he informed me, exceed the revenue by several million drachms annually ; and this deficit is every year helping to swell the public debt. General Church is at present one of the most prominent mem- bers of the opposition. He is regarded by King Otho, it is to be presumed, with the personal dislike which that monarch contin- ues to cherish toward all, without exception, who took an act- ive part in the formation of the Constitution of 1843. Cal- lerges, who was its prime-mover, and who sat upon one of the cannon that were pointed at the palace, ready to be fired in case the king should refuse to ratify that document, was at first treated with marks of the highest favor. But when the storm was past, the first opportunity was seized to send him away from the royal presence, in a sort of banishment, to Ar- gos. General Church, who occupied a high post in the army, resigned in consequence of some slight shown him by the min- istry, and the latter were only too glad to rid themselves of a man too upright and inflexible for the doing of their behests. He retains a seat for life in the Greek senate, where, rather by his private influence and his vote than by public speeches, he seeks to promote pure and patriotic legislation. Unfortu- nately the country needs something more than good laws — it needs their faithful execution. General Church expressed the lively interest he had taken in reading the newspaper accounts of the brilHant engagements of our Mexican campaigns. He spoke with the warmest admira- tion of the conduct of the war by Generals Scott and Taylor, and made particular inquiries whether any reliable history of the whole conflict had recently appeared in the United States. Few men living, probably, have had a better opportunity to 28 FIRST IMPRESSIONS. become thoroughly acquainted with the history of the Greek revolution. I was pleased to learn from his own lips that he had collected all the materials for such a record of it as the world demands, and that he himself either had commenced, or intended soon to commence reducing them to the shape of a systematic narrative. Sir Richard's previous career in Italy and elsewhere, during which he earned in the British service his present rank of Lieutenant General, was varied and thrill- ing. I had subsequently the pleasure of perusing a manuscript account of some of his adventures in ridding the kingdom of Naples of the banditti who infested it. They were so full of romantic interest, that I regretted the limitation of a perusal of them to a very small circle of friends. Were it proper, I would gladly transcribe one or two of them upon these pages. Among the most distinguished English residents in Athens there was none I more desired to see than Mr. George Finlay, the historian. He had been upon a visit to his native land, from which he returned not long after I reached Greece. One day Dr. King proposed a call upon him. His name was al- ready familiar to me from the various works he has recently published on the modern history of Greece, as well as from his connection with the recent difficulties between the Greek and English governments. The most eligible spot in the city was chosen for the site of the king's palace, and some lands of Mr. Finlay were among those that were absorbed by the garden attached to it. But the ministry refused to make to the owners any adequate indemnification for the loss of the ground they had appropriated. Mr. Finlay having little faith in the power or inclination of the law-courts to grant him re- dress, appealed to his own government, who enforced his claims by a powerful fleet which for one hundred days blockaded the ports of Greece. We entered Mr. Finlay's house, situated in the old quarter of the city, through a garden well stocked with flowers, and were received in his study. The walls, besides being stored with perhaps the choicest private library in the capital, were further ornamented with a valuable collection of antiquities found in this country, and a candelabrum and a curious bra- zen mirror graced the mantle. Mr. Finlay is a tall and some- AMERICAN MISSIONARIES. 29 ^v\mi slender mtm, about fifty years of age. His face is one of those which inspire confidence and respect, and his eye is bright and intellectual. I have seldom met one whose con- versation is more entertaining. No subject can be started with which he does not seem perfectly familiar, and, where you least expect it, he is able to rectify your misapprehen- sions, or unravel what before seemed an enigma. History, however, is his favorite topic. With the Mediseval history of Greece no man living is better acquainted ; and few, besides the Frenchman Buchon, have made it so careful a study. Mr. Finlay told me that he was still engaged upon his work, which is to contain in four independent volumes the vicissitudes of Greece, from the fall of Corinth to the conquest by the Turks. This is a portion of history which should have been treated by Gibbon, but to which that writer never deigned to devote more than a stray paragraph. Those who have read Mr. Fin- lay's able productions must, I think, acquiesce in the greater number of his conclusions. On the great controverted point of the origin of the modern Greeks, he adopts a middle course between those who declare them of Sclavonic ancestry, and those who affirm them to be scions of the noble stock of the Hellenes. As a natural consequence, he displeases the advo- cates of both theories. I only regret that, in delineating the mutations of the Greeks under the Frank domination, he has chosen to look at them from the foreign rather than the na- tive point of view, and given us the chronicles of the conquer- ors instead of those of the vanquished. To my countrymen, the Rev. Dr. Hill of the Protestant Episcopal Mission, and the Rev. Messrs. Arnold and Buel of the Baptist Mission, I shall have opportunity to refer in an- other connection. The kindly offices of these gentlemen con- tributed essentially to the attainment of the ends for which I visited Greece. Of the more private evidences of friendship received by me, in common with so many wayfarers, at their hospitable homes, I can^ of course, make no adequate mention in these pages. THE PEOPYIi^A. CHAPTER III. THE ACKOPOLIS. Much as I desired to see the Acropolis and its classic con- tents, I was obliged to defer my first visit until late in the aft- ernoon. The hill was already casting its long shadows over the eastern quarter of the town when, with a party of friends, I sallied forth. The heat was yet oppressive, and many of those whom we met were, like ourselves, provided with white cotton umbrellas, and wore white shoes, so pleasant for the feet in this sultry season. Two or three steep lanes, inter- rupted by an occasional stairway, led us to the clear ground at the foot .of the Acropolis ; but without a guide we would indubitably have lost our way, and come to a stand in some filthy court. It is a consolation to know that, if modern Ath- ens can boast of an intricate maze of streets, ancient Athens would seem to have been but little better off in this respect. The father of Greek verse must have used some poetic license when he spoke of the wide streets of Athens. For a writer, WALLS OF ALL AGES. 31 who flourished some three centuries before the Christian era, and had traveled in foreign parts, expresses his regret at their narrowness and irregularity. He contrasts the capital with its port, Pirceus, and states that the former was badly laid out as to its streets and squares, on account of its antiquity. "If a stranger," adds he, "were to be suddenly set down in the midst of the town, so small, inconvenient, and ill-situated are the houses, that he would doubt whether he were actually in famous Athens. But of this he would be speedily convinced, if, looking up in some more open spot, he should catch a glimpse of the Odeum, the most handsome in the world ; the theatre, magnificent, great, and wonderful ; the sumptuous, conspicuous, and admirable temple of Minerva, called the Par- thenon, rising aloft, and striking the beholder with admira- tion."* We, however, had reached a point whence we could survey the whole city, while we obtained a good view of the Acrop- olis itself It is an oblong height, perhaps three quarters of a mile in circuit at the base, with a barrier of steep rocks rising on every side to prevent the approach of invaders. Above these tower the grim old walls, to whose foot, even, it is in most places all but impossible to ascend. On this side they are said to have been raised by the Pelasgians, when the Athe- nian state was yet in its infancy; but these original works have probably been destroyed to the very foundation. Much of those which now exist, were built by the Athenians when they regained their city after the retreat of Xerxes. In such haste were the citizens to restore the crumbling fortress, that they are said to have seized whatever first came to hand, and converted it to use. It is interesting to notice, to this very day, stones evidently drawn from some more ancient, and per- haps ruined edifice, deeply imbedded in the midst of other ma- sonry. At one place there is a conspicuous row of drums of marble columns, which probably belonged to the old Parthenon, a temple burned by the Persians when they ravaged Attica with fire and sword. The rest of the wall is a singular med- ley of works of every age. Here a bit of Roman brick-work, there a Prankish bastion or Turkish parapet, all mixed in in- * Diccearchus Vit. Grcec, p. 8. 32 THE ACKOPOLIS. extricable confusion. Every conqueror has left some traces of his power, while Time, the greatest conqueror of all, has been undoing their boasted work. But we must now approach the entrance, and to reach it we were obliged to make half the circuit of the hill. On the way we passed a small portal, in what was once a Turkish defence. One jamb was formed of an old marble slab that had once graced some sacred inclosure, as the following imprecation against all sacrilegious trespassers indicates. The similarity it bears to those curses which the monks of the Middle Ages used to insert on the fly-leaves of their books, is striking, to say the least. " I intrust the guardianship of this Chapel to the Infernal Gods, to Pluto, and to Ceres, and to Proserpine, and to the Furies, and to all the Infernal Gods. If any one shall deface this Chapel, or mutilate it, or remove any thing from it, either himself or by means of another, to him may not the land be passable, nor the sea navigable, but may he be utterly uproot- ed. May he experience all evils, fever and ague, and quartan ague, and leprosy. And as many ills as man is liable to, may they befall that man who dares to move any thing from this Chapel." We reached the entrance of the Acropolis at the western end, where it connects with the lower height of the Areopa- gus, or Hill of Mars, the scene of St. Paul's masterly defence. Here the slope was originally more gradual, and offered the easiest, or, in fact, the only approach. Formerly there stood here a splendid gateway, strongly defended by walls and over- looking towers on either side, and a broad flight of steps led directly up behind it. More recently this was found too dif- ficult to protect, and now the visitor passes through no fewer than three portals before he can say that he is fairly within. Over the outermost of these a Turkish inscription is to be seen. I understand that its import is the boast that the Christian giaour shall never again hold possession of this citadel. If so, it stands there a sufficient refutation of its own falsehood. I was unable to vouch for the correctness of the interpretation ; and having no Turkish dragoman at hand, we went on to the second gate, which was closed. A loud rap brouglit to tlie I'ANATliENAIC PKOCESSlUN. 33 door a soldier dressed in rather rusty European uniform, who, on our presenting a printed permit good for the whole season, opened the gate, and admitted us into a small court. Here was a lodge, before which half a dozen guards were lounging and smoking their chehouks. A classic air was given to their abode by a promiscuous collection of fragments of statuary ; while a number of marble cannon-balls, made during the re- cent wars out of the pillars of the Parthenon or Propylsea, lay scattered about. Some were evidently intended for guns of large calibre. One of the guards now opened a third gate, and passing through we found ourselves at the base of an acclivity, above which rose the Propylsea. A series of marble steps, some of which were discovered beneath the rubbish of a Turkish bat- tery that formerly encumbered the spot, and others in their original places, have been partially restored under the direc- tion of the Archaeological Society. The centre is paved with large slabs of stone, and served in old times as a carriage-way. The pavement was grooved to give a foothold to the yoke of oxen that annually drew the car of Minerva up to the temple of the goddess. In these Panathenaic festivals a vast con- course of people were accustomed to attend the solemn con- voy, the men carrying offerings, or baskets containing the sa- cred utensils, the women shouldering jars of pure water, while comely virgins brought the most pleasant flowers to bedeck the virgin goddess, and form a fragrant bed around her statue. Most conspicuous in the throng was said to be the new peplus with which the figure of Minerva was to be clothed or screen- ed. It was a magnificent robe woven by the maidens of the noblest families, who disputed the right of having a part in the honorable task. The conflicts of Minerva with the giants were the subject of the embroidery, which was fastened, as a sort of sail, to the mast of a boat laid upon the sacred car. We stood upon the threshold of the wonderful inclosure, with somewhat of the same awe and reverence that inspired the ancient pilgrim as he entered the precincts of the gorgeous temple. If he was filled with superstitious dread of the au- gust deities whom he imagined the tenants of the spacious fabric, we were overwhelmed with wonder and admiration of B2 34 THE ACKOPOLIS, the genius that planned the graceful architecture, and the lib- eral statesman who shrank from no expense to decorate his native city and render it the gem of Greece. The Propylcea, which we had now reached, was a fit introduction to the host of temples, statues, and altars within. Less famous now than in former times, it was placed by the ancients on a level with the Parthenon, so far as beauty of design and exquisite finish were concerned. While yet entire, it stood directly in view of the people assembled for deliberation on the Pnyx; and Demosthenes and JEschines often took occasion, from the sight of its magnificence, to exhort a declining age to emulate the glory and renown of their forefathers. It is said that Epami- nondas was heard to exclaim, that he would never rest satis- fied until he had transported the Propylsea, and set it down at the entrance of the Cadmean hill in Thebes. The object of the edifice seems to have been two-fold. It was designed to be ornamental, and at the same time a strong military fortification, commanding the sole access to the cita- del. The combination was difiicult, but seems to have been admirably attained. Let me attempt to give an idea of the arrangement. The main structure consists of a massive mar- ble wall pierced by five portals, of which the central one is much the largest. With its bronze gates, it might easily with- stand the assaults of the enemy who should succeed in bursting through the lower walls, while exposed to the galling arrows of the troops from the heights on either side of the ascent, which afforded them every advantage of situation. This is the defensive part. The ornamental consists of wide por- ticoes on either front. That which faces the steps is the deeper. It is, I think, a circumstance worthy of note, that wherever it was desirable, as in the present case, to impress the beholder with a sense of awe and reverence, the Doric style of architecture was uniformly resorted to by the ancients. Its massive proportions, the simplicity of its outlines, and the stern baldness of its capitals, seem to be the natural expression of majesty and inflexible severity. It symbolizes reverence without affection. Accordingly the stately front of the Pro- pylaea was composed of six stout Doric columns, each four feet and a half in diameter, and twenty-nine feet high. They have ANCIENT GALLERIES OE rAINTINO. 35 been sadly ill-used by father Time, who has spared little more than half their height. Behind this line, and before reaching tke wall, is a space of forty feet and more, the roof of which was once supported by six Ionic columns. The reason for the adoption of another order here, was that the slender pro- portions of its pillars obstructed the view much less, and ena- bled the eye to gaze more freely on a ceiling adorned with sunken panels, all variegated with the most brilliant coloring. The front vestibule of the Propylasa has been converted, for lack of some more convenient receptacle, into a sort of muse- um of antiquities. All the broken heads, fractured legs, mu- tilated arms, and fragmentary hands, dug up in every quarter of the Acropolis, are ranged on benches upon the strictest an- atomical principles. This classification has at least the merit of enabling the visitor to gain a pretty complete acquaintance with the whole collection. My own attention was specially drawn to one or two large heads, in which the eye had been excavated, evidently for the purpose of filling the cavity with an eyeball of ivory, or some precious metal. We turned from the main building to our left, and entered a wing of the Pro- pylaea, a square chamber with a narrow colonnade before it. This served in ancient times as a picture-gallery, ov pinacotheTce. True, it is difficult to suppose that many paintings could have been contained within the limits of a room about thirty feet square ; but the merit of the pictures probably made up for their fewness. And if the space here allowed was but small, there were certainly much larger collections in the lower city, where they adorned the inner walls of the long porticoes with which the city abomided. It was doubtless the ambition of the young painter to hang his first production in some such public place, where the philosophers, as they walked to and fro, and the tradesmen, hurrying toward their shops, might pause a moment to admire its execution, and inquire the art- ist's name. The Battle of Marathon seems to have been a fa- vorite subject at Athens, just as the brilliant victories of Na- poleon abound in the galleries of Versailles, where you look in vain for any representation of Waterloo. We crossed next to the right side of the entrance, where a smfiUer wing of the same building is for the most part con- 36 THE ACKOPOLlSi. cealed under the great square tower that occupies so promi- nent a place in every picture of the Acropolis. It is usually called a Turkish tower ; but it was much more probably built by the Christian dukes of Athens in the thirteenth century. The Vandalism that has busied itself for the past thirty years in destroying every relic of the mediasval history of the coun- try, has thus far spared this venerable monument. How long it will be permitted to stand is very doubtful. From a mis- taken pride, the modern Greeks have thought it incumbent on them to signalize their admiration of antiquity, by obliter- ating every vestige of an age of barbarism and subjection. How different was the policy of those for whom they affect to entertain such enthusiastic admiration ! Every work of their uncultivated forefathers was cherished with the most sedulous care ; for it served as an index of their own progress in the arts of life. Even the traces of the Persian invasion were gladly preserved, that they might teach posterity the authen- ticity of achievements, which otherwise would have appeared too gigantic to be worthy of credit. The more powerful they could picture the Persian host, the more did they enhance their own prowess, since victory had crowned them in the unequal contest. As I have said, the Propylsea was, until recently, encum- bered with the remains of a dilapidated Turkish battery. In removing these ruins, a number of columns and bas-reliefs were discovered, belonging to a small temple of the Ionic or- der. It was then remembered that such an edifice had been described by travelers of the seventeenth century, as standing in advance of the Propylaea, on the southwestern corner of the wall. The exact spot was easily found by means of the re- maining foundation. In 1835 its restoration was commenced; and so many pieces were found that scarcely a stone had to be supplied. The roof only is wanting, with the greater part of the continuous frieze that ran around the top of the building, sculptured with figures of the Persians. This was unfortunately discovered earlier, and shared the fate of Lord Elgin's spoliations. Though but twenty-seven feet long by eighteen broad, the temple of Victory had a double front, adorned with four lopic fluted columns executed in the most rKMPLK OF VICTOKY. O i TEMPLE OP VICTOKY WITHOUT WINGS. finished style. It was Cimon who built it, in commemora- tion of glorious defeats inflicted upon the Persians, both by land and by sea. But the jealous eye of the republican Athe- nians would not suffer him to indulge in private ostentation ; and prevented him from recording his own astonishing suc- cesses on the dwelling-house of a deity. He chose for its dec- oration the achievements of older generals, whose merits the populace could better endure to hear praised, since they had gone into a banishment whence no popular vote could recall them. Cimon dedicated this exquisite little temple to Victo- ry ; but fearing lest the fickle goddess should some day take it into her head to desert his native city, he robbed her of her wings. Perhaps he hoped in this way to fix her irrevocably to her present seat ; but succeeding generations discovered to their cost, that if Victory had lost the power of soaring away on her airy pinions, she could, in a more prosaic manner, aban- don her beautiful niche, and give them leg-bail. We paused for a few minutes within the temple of Victory luithout wings, to admire the few sculptured slabs that have been collected there. Thev refer mo.«tlv to Victorv, and orifr;- o8 THE ACROPOLIS. inally formed a parapet around the platform of the temple. One was so exquisite that I could have stopped an hour be- fore it without weariness. It represents the goddess just alighting on her favorite hill. She stoops to unbuckle her sandal, indicating the determination here to cease her wander- ings and take up a perpetual abode. Nothing can be more elegant than the posture and the finish of the well-turned an- kle. From the steps of the temple we obtained a delightful view of the sea, on the very spot whence ^geus is said to have precipitated himself upon the rocks below, when he saw the black sails which Theseus, on his successful return from Crete, had forgotten to lower. But we were impatient to visit the Parthenon, the grand object of attraction. So passing once more through the por- tal of the Propylsea, we stood in the presence of that majestic pile, which for beauty of proportion, excellence of material, and grace of ornament, is yet proclaimed by all who can ap- preciate the arts of architecture and sculpture, as unequaled by any fabric of more modern date. The first impression upon the mind is that of perfect symmetry and grandeur. Less au- gust than when the dazzling brilliancy of its Pentehcan marble was undimmed, it is perhaps more picturesque now. Its ruined pillars and tottering architraves are now laden with the tra- ditionary interest of more than two thousand years. It is not the size alone that strikes the fancy ; for the Olympium itself, though much larger, has never attained a tithe of its celebrity. ^ - ' ^y^; Tins PATITIIKNON. THE PARTHENON o9 The summit of the Acropolis is not perfectly level, but is shaped into a number of distinct platforms, hewn out of the solid rock when Athens was confined to the limits of this hill. In after times temples took the place of dwelling-houses, and the inhabitants were compelled to descend into the valley. The entire area thus cleared is one thousand feet long and five hundred feet in its greatest width, containing about sev- en acres of ground. The greatest length is precisely east and west. A modern architect, perhaps, would have placed the Par- thenon directly in front of the entrance, so that only the west- ern fagade might be seen, thus preserving symmetry, or, rather, uniformity. Without doubt, however, the site was purposely chosen a little to the right upon the highest part of the cita- del. This gives us the most favorable view of the temple, whose base is full forty feet above the ground on which we stand. The devotional feelings of an ancient pilgrim were deepened, too, as, in the long circuit he was obliged to make in order to reach the principal entrance at the opposite end, his eye could examine in detail the sculptured works upon its sides, products of the chisel of Phidias and his scholars. As we walked up toward the Parthenon we met a small man, rather beyond the prime of life, who was introduced as ]Mr. Pittakes, the Inspector General of the antiquities within the kingdom of Greece. He is affable in conversation, and wholly absorbed in his favorite pursuit. His duty it is to see that the statuary and other works of art, discovered from year to year, are not carried from the country or broken up for lime by the ignorant peasantry. Of all the Greeks he is doubtless the best informed as to the topography of Athens, respecting which he has written a v/ork of considerable merit. Notwithstanding his dry manner and a certain nasal indis- tinctness of utterance, there was no one whom we were more delighted to meet. I do not know that a better idea of the Parthenon can \)e given, than by saying that its exterior is the prototype of the Madeleine at Paris, and the Bavarian WalhaUa. Around the whole body of the edifice runs a continuous portico, sustainer by seventeen Doric columns on either side, and eight in eaci 40 THE ACKOPOLIS. front. The vestibule at either end of the temple was deepen- ed by the addition of a second row of columns to support the roof. Such was the condition of the Parthenon a century and a half ago. Since that time it has incurred the severest losses. At one time a powder magazine was recklessly placed within the building by the Turks. During the bombardment by the Venetians under Francesco Morosini, in 1687, a bomb hap- pened to fall into the very centre of the temple, and a fearful explosion was the result. A great part of the lateral walls was overturned, and more than half a dozen columns on either side fell prostrate to the ground. From that time the build- ing, which at one period had served as a church dedicated to the Virgin, was .almost deserted. During an attack of three days, the Venetians did more damage to the Parthenon than it had sustained since the year of its erection. They consum- mated their outrage by a robbery of the movable statuary which adorned the triangular pediments on the fronts. It is related of them, that, as their general was lowering the car and horses which were most prominent in the group, the ropes either broke or slipped, and the statues were shivered into a thousand fragments upon the pavement below. The interior of the Parthenon was divided into two unequal parts. Rather more than two-thirds were taken up with the temple proper, while the remainder, toward the west, served as the treasury of the state, and went by the name of Opistho- domus. The great statue of Minerva, from whom the temple obtained its name of Parthenon, or the Virgin^ s House, occupied the centre, and drew the undivided attention of every visitor. It was the master-piece of Phidias, and was no less precious for its material than for its workmanship. The statue was all of the purest gold, except the face, hands, and feet, which were curiously wrought of ivory brought from the remote and almost unknown depths of India. It was not to be expected that a work of such intrinsic value should escape the rapacity of either Romans or barbarians. We know comparatively little of the internal arrangements of the Parthenon ; but we -may be confident that they were embellished as lavishly as the exterior. Indeed the prodigal expenditure of ornament seems to have been one of the most FRIEZE OF THE PARTHENON. 41 FBIEZE OF THE PAKTHENON. Striking peculiarities of this temple. Although its length was only two hundred and twenty-eight feet, yet it was loaded with a profusion of sculpture such as would have been more than sufficient, according to the rules ordinarily followed, for an edifice of thrice that size. Not only were all the metopes immediately below the exterior cornice made to represent the single combats of centaurs and other fabulous monsters, but an uninterrupted frieze was placed on the walls of the body, or cella, within the colonnade. This inimitable work of art, when entire, was no less than five hundred and twenty feet long, with a width of more than a yard. It represented in high relief the yearly procession at the Panathenaic festival. In addition to these decorations, a group of statues filled each of the pediments, one representing the birth of Minerva, the other her contest with Neptune for the possession of Attica. What is more astonishing than even the quantity of statuary, is its quality. Slabs of marble intended to be seen at the height of thirty to fifty feet above the spectator, were finished with as much care as though designed for a close inspection. Of this I satisfied myself, not only from the pieces collected below, but by a nearer examination of those which remain in their places. In one of the walls of the Parthenon we found a narrow winding staircase, from which we emerged on the top of the front. Probably the same means of gaining a bet- ter view of the statues on the pediment was privately afforded of old to the artist and the more curious visitor. 42 THE ACROPOLIS. Mr. Pittakes took us up to the eastern end of the edifice, and pointed out some excavations, undertaken within a few years, with the view of examining the substructure. The workmen have brought, to light what a spirited writer has called the workshop of the Parthenon. Huge heaps of chip- pings from the marbles, unfinished drums of columns, appar- ently abandoned on account of some defect in the stone, are mingled with traces of works made by all the nations who have ruled here in succession. Not least remarkable was the discovery of a quantity of burnt wood still lower down, at a depth of fifteen or twenty feet below the present surface of the ground. . These timbers, from their position, must evi- dently have been older than the erection of the present Par- thenon by Pericles, in the middle of the fifth century before Christ. According to the most probable hypothesis, they are traces of the conflagration kindled by Xerxes when the old Hecatompedon, the predecessor of the Parthenon, shared the common destruction of all that was most precious in Athens. Blocks of marble belonging to the same structure were also found, with a great variety of antique bronzes and vases. Architects have been much interested of late in the results of some new and very accurate measurements of the Parthe- non, which have revealed a number of startling facts. For instance, it has been found that of the apparently straight lines, few, if any, are strictly such, but, in reality, describe curves of a figure that may be calculated with the utmost pre- cision. Thus, the platform and steps in front of the temple, though to all appearance perfectly level, have been shown to be three or four inches higher toward the middle than at either end. And as each side is similarly shaped, the base of the Parthenon slants in all directions toward the four corners. The same holds good, in some measure, with all the other lines, some of which actually curve in two directions. The columns, too, are found not to stand perfectly upright, but to slant inwardly, and so are some inches longer on the outer edge than on the inner. Nor do they taper uniformly toward the summit, but bulge out a little at the middle. Archaeolo- gists affirm that they have now discovered the secret of the undoubted superiority of all the ancient temples over even THE ERECHTHEUM. 43 their most servile imitations in modern times. If such care was taken in the construction of the Parthenon and the Pro- pylaea, we can no longer wonder that the enormous sum of a thousand talents, equivalent to $1,100,000, should have been expended upon the former of those buildings alone, at a time when that sum would command three times as much labor as at present. We followed Mr. Pittakes from the Parthenon to a small ruinous frame-house, where, under lock and key, are pre- served a number of antique vases and other remains. But in this department no Grecian collection can compare with the vast assortment of the British and Neapolitan museums. De- scending the rotten stairs, I picked up a human skull, which I noticed bleaching in the sun close by : whether it belonged to some gallant defender of the Acropolis, or to a Turkish sol- dier, it was too late to inquire. The guard who accompanied us, and whose only duty was to see that we took away none of the antiquities, did not evince much surprise or feeling for the relic of one who may have been a former comrade in arms. Instead of giving it Christian burial, he threw it into a dark cor- ner, and it rattled down into a hole, where it doubtless still lies. So much for the remains of the combatants in the revolution. We next passed to the only other remaining group of ruins on the Acropolis, the curious cluster of temples that stand near the northern wall overlooking the modern town. I call it a cluster of temples, for the Erechtheum comprises several sanctuaries dedicated to various gods and fabulous personages. THE EEECHTHEUM. 44 THE ACROPOLIS. Its singularly irregular shape adds propriety to the expression, while it renders description the more difficult. It consists of an oblong edifice, which formed the most important part, and three dissimilar porches covering almost as much more ground. We approached it from the east, which, as in the case of all the more ancient temples, was the principal front. Passing through a portico of six Ionic columns, we jumped down some eight or ten feet, and found ourselves in the sanctuary of Mi- nerva Polias, the defender of the city, a shrine at one time held in even greater esteem than its more pretending neighbor, the Parthenon. Clambering over stones and bushes, we came to a partition wall. Beyond it was the part dedicated to Pan- drosos, one of the daughters of Cecrops, who was worshipped here with almost divine honors. Thence we reached a nar- rower space along the western end of the structure, which seems to have served as a mere passage between the northern and southern porticoes, the greatest orna- ments of the Erechtheum. The former is a large and spacious porch of the Ionic order, which here is to be seen in its most perfect expression. Less grand, perhaps, than the stately Doric when gazed upon from a dis- tance, the richness and chasteness of detail is calculated to make this order a more gen- eral favorite. The adjacent soil here is sev- eral feet lower than in front, and the col- umns are consequently much larger than those of the chief entrance. But the southern portico, that of the Car- j/atides, to which we next repaired, was an object of far greater curiosity and interest. Its dimensions are much smaller than those of the others; but here the place of pon- derous columns has been assumed by six colossal damsels, whose marble heads sup- port the ponderous roof. Some say that the statues represent the captive women of Carya, a town of Peloponnesus, destroyed by the Athenians for siding with the Per- A OAUTATIS. THE CARYATIDES. 45 si an invaders against their country. But 1 prefer the other story, which makes them portraits of the fairest and most dis- tinguished of Athens' daughters, chosen on account of their beauty to sit for this honorable distinction. Theirs are no meretricious charms, but a dignified and devout expression, mingled with indescribable grace : "A group Of shrinking Caryatides, they muse Upon the ground, eyelids half-closed, . . . To linger out their penance in mute stone. " KoBERT Browning. Fitting guardians of the sacred olive-tree, which probably stood in this portico ; the same tree that Minerva was fabled to have caused to grow, when she contended with Neptune for supremacy in Attica. The salt-spring, created by one stroke of the sea-god's potent trident, was also within the temple. Antiquarians will probably have a puzzling search before they find it. I have spoken of six Caryatides : in reality there are but five ; the sixth is replaced by a wooden effigy. Its prototype is far away in a museum, where, by foul means and fair, the plunder of the choicest monuments of antiquity has been col- lected. Lord Elgin, the spoiler of the Parthenon, in robbing that building, confined himself to taking away all the mova- ble bas-reliefs. Here, with a more ruthless hand, he removed one of the statues that supported this graceful portico — as a sample of the thing, I presume. The consequence was, that the roof fell, but was recently restored, and a fictitious Ca- ryatid has taken her place in the midst of the lovely sister- hood. With the Erechtheum we terminated our survey of the Acropolis and its edifices. The whole area of the summit was once stocked with statues of benefactors and altars dedi- cated to the gods. Nearly all these have disappeared. The most precious and beautiful were undoubtedly carried away at a very early date, to grace the imperial palaces and private villas of Rome and Constantinople. A semicircular pedestal was, however, recently discovered by the side of the Propylaea, where we saw it, with an inscription "To Minerva the Health- 46 THE ACKOPOLIS. ._2'-'«-0UR S;^ * *11 I. ? THE EKECHTHEUM EEBTOKED. giver." It is said to have been erected in consequence of the following circumstance: A favorite workman of Pericles, while engaged in the construction of the magnificent portal, missed his foothold and fell to the ground. Strange to say, he was not killed by the fall, and his miraculous preservation, ascribed by his master to the guardianship of the goddess, was the occasion of the erection of this monument. But the most striking object that greeted the eye, as ancient travelers inform us, was a colossal statue of Minerva, standing between the Parthenon and the Erechtheum. It was surnamed Promachus, or " the Champion," from the threatening mien with which it confronted those who entered the sacred precincts. Armed with helmet and spear, it seemed about to take speedy venge- ance on the audacious mortal who should dare to disturb, with sacrilegious hands, the consecrated temples on either side. The valiant warriors of Marathon had dedicated this statue, made of the spoils of battle, in token of their gratitude. Standing on a pedestal, the goddess was full seventy-five feet above the STATUE OF MlNP^llVA. 47 platform of the hill, and towered head and shoulders over all surrounding objects. The mariner, as he doubled Cape Suni- um, caught a glimpse of the crested helmet and the spear-head, and shaped his course accordingly. It was a legend of the IVIiddle Ages, that the conquering Alaric had advanced, in the fourth century of our era, to the city of Athens, and climbed the Acropolis, intending to rifle the time-honored localities of their accumulated treasures of gold, silver, and precious stones. But as the creaking gates of the Propylsea were thrown open at his command, he saw before him the gigantic statue of Pallas Minerva armed with spear and buckler. She seemed to threat- en the trespasser with sudden destruction. The barbarian, who had feared neither God nor man, shrunk from what he deemed so unequal a combat, and retired from the place animated with mingled admiration and awe. Whether the story be true or apocryphal, the visitor is tempted to wish that our modern Vandals might have beheld some like vision, or at least, an- ticipating the universal execration of posterity, have been in- duced to withhold their hands from spoiling the most beauti- ful monuments of human skill. We bade Mr. Pittakes good-evening, and retraced our steps toward the entrance, observing as we passed a lofty pedestal, standing opposite the temple of Victory, which was surmount- ed at first by the equestrian statues of the two sons of Xeno- phon. In later times, however, Agrippa, the favorite of Au- gustus, supplanted them, and now there is scarcely a trace of either of the statues. In descending the outer slope of the hill toward the town, we found the ground covered with a sin- gular vine, which an old Greek servant who accompanied us called picra angouria, or bitter cucumbers. If the ripe fruit be merely touched the rind splits, like the common " touch-me- not," and the seeds are scattered in all directions. I found that it was the momordica elaterium, a powerful cathartic, and, in large doses, a virulent poison. It seems to abound most in the neiffhborhood of ancient ruins. TUK HEM A OF THE PNYX AT ATHEJSS. CPIAPTER IV. ANTIQUITIES OF THE LOWEK TOWN. Having gratified my curiosity with a brief survey of the Acropolis, a visit often to be repeated during my sojourn in Athens, there remained to be seen the antiquities of the lower town. The buildings of the Acropolis have the advantage of belonging exclusively to a single age, and present us with the outlines of a picture of Athens in the time of Pericles : its lights and shades the imagination can easily supply. Those structures, on the contrary, whose ruins are scattered over the plain, date from various epochs. Some carry us back to the glorious times of liberty, when the name of Greek was synon- ymous with that of freeman. Others tell of foreign domina- tion, when gold and tinsel could scarcely disguise the galling chains of the Roman Emperors. Though not so numerous as the ruins of the city of the Caesars, nor spread over so extens- ive a surface, they are, on the whole, better preserved, and more interesting in themselves. They can scarcely be brought within the compass of a single excursion. My first walk led me to that quarter of ancient Athens which the Emperor Hadrian took under his special protection, and was ambitious to have named from himself. Early one morning, issuing forth into the street upon which the Consul- ate faced, I followed it in the opposite direction from the Market, and in five minutes reached the open fields. Here, as on all sides of Athens, there stood formerly a low wall: but it has been destroyed since the time of the Turks, although the town has not spread at all in this direction. The view was THE GATE OF IIADKIAN. 41) t quite unobstructed. But a few paces fi'om me rose a light and airy gateway, through whose open arch appeared in the distance the remnant of a noble colonnade, on a platform overlooking the bed of the River Ilissus. Beyond the latter Avere some low hills lining the opposite bank, in which was embedded the stadium, or ancient race-course. The "Flow- ery hill Hymettus," a rugged mountain, formed the background of the tableau. Nearer on the left were the king's palace and the English church. Approaching the arch, I recognized in it the " Gate of Hadrian," marking the entrance into Hadri- anopolis. Directly over the arch an inscription is cut in large letters, which in English would read thus : "this is ATHENS, THE ANCIENT CITY OF THESEUS." But on the eastern side are the words, "this IS THE CITY OP HADKIAN, NOT THAT OF THESEUS." They indicate conclusively that the Emperor arrogated to him- self the founding of this part of Athens, as Theseus had erect- ed the older portion. But though the Emperor was a noble patron of the arts and sciences, and strove ineffectually to re- kindle the half-extinguished embers of Grecian genius, we can only give him the credit of restoring and embellishing the dilapidated city. Over the archway there were columns of the Corinthian order, supporting a pediment of graceful pro- portions. Between the columns there were three compart- ments ; the central one doubtless containing the statue of the royal benefactor, and the others statues of his favored friends. All the great threshing-floors of Athens are situated near this gateway and the adjoining temple. From the fields for miles around the city, the wheat is brought on the backs of horses or asses to the public floor. This is generally a circu- lar area of fifty feet in diameter, paved with common rough stones. Great heaps of sheaves are collected, until there is a sufficient quantity to give occupation to the threshers. Then the wheat is evenly distributed over the entire floor to the depth of several inches. Half a dozen horses with drags per- form the operation of treading out the grain. The drag is furnished with iron teeth on its under side, and is rendered more effective by the weight of the driver, who stands ©n it with a rope to guide his horses, and a long stick in his hands. C 50 ANTIQUITIES OF THE LOWEK TOWN. The entire number of horses run abreast, and as they whirl around, considerable skill is necessary, to prevent collision. The air, meanwhile, re-echoes with the merry shouts of the threshers. In a short time the grain is separated from the stalk, and the straw is removed with great wooden pitchforks. Should the wind be strong enough, the remaining wheat is winnowed by being thrown into the air by means of wooden shovels. Passing by these threshing-floors toward dusk one evening, I found that the grain not yet thoroughly cleansed of chaff had been piled up in various places in long low heaps. As we approached two or three peasants simultaneously shout- ed to us to take care not to touch the wheat. In seeking a cause for their solicitude, we found that the smooth surface of the heap had been stamped in various places, or, as they said, it had been sealed — " boulonetai." Impressions had been made by means of a board a foot long, with a few letters deeply cut into it, at intervals of a few inches, over the entire surface. The object was to prevent the owner from coming stealthily and removing any part of his produce, without pay- ing the usual contribution of one tenth to the government. The owner is consequently obliged to lie down by the floor at night, and prevent any stray cattle from marring the impres- sion of the seal. The custom is of Oriental origin, and it may be readily imagined how oppressive it is to the Greek farmer. The archway is still a thoroughfare ; for I met a long line of donkeys laden with brush, entering the town through it ; while another string came, on their way from the market, with empty paniers on their backs. I walked to the columns that I had seen in the distance, belonging to the Temple of Ju- piter Olympius. From afar some conception of their size could be formed, by comparing them with two or three wooden drink- ing-shops in their immediate neighborhood. But when I stood by the pedestal of one of these enormous piles, it seemed to tower almost to the skies. The square block on which one of them rested measured, I found, about eight feet and a half on each side. The base of the column was twenty-one feet in circumference, and it was more than sixty feet high. Of these immense pillars only sixteen were standing, and one of these has fallen since. They belonged to the southeastern corner of THE OLYMPIUM. 51 the edifice. Of the magnitude and appearance of the Olym- piura, the following particulars will convey some idea. It was 359 feet long and 173 broad. The whole was surround- ed by a spacious portico, sustained on the sides by a double, and at the ends by a triple row of Corinthian columns. Twen- ty stood in each row on the sides, and ten formed the facade. There were, besides, a few columns in the entrance of the main body, or cella of the temple ; so that the entire number em- ployed in the adorning of the outside was no less than 120 or 122. The cost of quarrying such immense blocks of stone as make up these columns, must necessarily have been enormous ; for they were brought with little or no mechanical assistance from the marble quarries of Mount Pentelicus. They have sufiered less from the effects of earthquakes than the Parthe- non ; but the hand of man has dealt even more hardly with them. For ages the unfortunate Olympium has served as a marble mine for the inhabitants of Athens. As late as 1760 a seventeenth column was demolished by order of the Turkish governor, who used its materials in the construction of a new mosque in the bazar. Such also has doubtless been the fate of the whole interior of the temple, of which not a vestige has been left. And yet "Thou art not silent I — oracles are thine Wliich the Avind utters, and the spirit hears, Lingering mid ruin'd fane and broken shrine, O'er many a tale and trace of other years ! Bright as an ark, o'er all the flood of tears That Wi?»^s thy cradle-land, thine earthly love, "Wliere hours of hope mid centuries of fears. Have gleamed, like lightnings through the gloom above. Stands, roofless to the sky, thy home, Olympian Jove !" T. K. Hervey. The history of the Olympium adds interest to its ruins greater than the mere statement of their dimensions could give. No ancient structure in Greece has undergone such vicissitudes of fortune. About twenty-four centuries have rolled away since the first stone was laid, not far fi-om a hundred years be- fore Pericles commenced the Parthenon. To Pisistratus, about the year 530 B.C., may be ascribed the idea of erecting in Ath- ^2 ANTIQUITIES OF THE LOWER TOWN. ens a temple to the Jupiter of Mount Olympus : but his plan was slowly executed during the period of the Athenian com- monwealth. For ages the Olympium, like the shrines of Co- logne and Milan, remained in an unfinished condition. The limited resources of the Athenian state could ill afford the vast sums needful for the completion of a temple, which, after that of Diana at Ephesus, was probably the greatest structure of the Greek world. All her own revenues, and those of her al- lies, were swallowed up in a rapid succession of useless civil wars, or lavished in the decoration of the smaller but more ex- quisite models of the Acropolis. To cap the climax of mis- fortune, when Sylla captured Athens with a Roman army, after an obstinate siege, he plundered the Olympium of all its newly-prepared columns, which he transported to Rome, and placed around the more potent Jupiter of the Capitol. After so severe a loss, more than two centuries elapsed before the Emperor Hadrian undertook to finish it. Those fine columns of Pentelican marble which we now see, were doubtless erected by this prince, and nothing older remains, but the massive stone walls supporting its platform, strengthened at regular intervals by strong buttresses. An Athenian friend pointed out to me a piece of modern wall on the top of the architrave of one of the columns, be- tween sixty and seventy feet above the ground. "That," said he, " was the cell of a solitary hermit, who many years ago took up his abode there for the remnant of his life. His superior sanctity soon became known throughout the town. Multitudes flocked out to see this new Simon Stylites, who spent his time, as was reported, solely in the exercise of med- itation and devotion. Since, however, neither the one nor the other could satisfy his bodily wants, he was accustomed at stated intervals to lower a basket, which the devout old women were but too glad to fill with all necessary food. Un- fortunately the old hermit has gone the way of all living; and no one has been found sufficiently devout or courageous to take his place, even in hope of living on the public during the term of his natural life." Descending from the platform of the Olympium, I presently reached the bed of the Ilissus. It was as dry as the ground THE STADIUM. ,j3 • about it, except in one spot where there was a spring. At this spot the women were already busy washing clothes ; while half a score of boys played about the water, and filled the air with their outcries. This, it is now well agreed, was the fount- ain Callirrhoe, or Enneacrunus, as it was called from the nine pipes that fed it. Its water was considered the purest, and maidens before their marriage, as well as priestesses, were wont to bathe in its mystic bosom. 1 followed the dry channel for some distance. In winter the rains swell the Ilissus to the size of a moderate creek ; but it never deserves the name of a river, in our sense of the word. At present it was overgrown with shrubs. Among the rest, I noticed particularly the ag- nus castns, and the oleander, both of which flower in spring. They grow here in the greatest profusion. A few steps brought me to the piers of an ancient bridge across the Ilissus : which was undoubtedly a much more con- stant, and, perhaps, a more abundant stream, when the country was more thoroughly cultivated, and the mountains were cov- ered with dense forests. The bridge served as an approach to the Stadium, occupying a hollow between two low hills on the opposite, or southern bank. The ravine was naturally well adapted to the construction of a stadium, and it required com- paratively little labor to give it the form required. This was done about the middle of the fourth century before Christ, for the celebration of the games annually observed during the Panathenaic festival. The hills on either side were crowded with benches for spectators, of whom twenty-five thousand might be accommodated with seats, besides the multitudes who could stand on the summit. The length of the level space at the bottom is 675 feet, and its width at the end toward the Ilissus is 137 feet. At the other, or rounded end, where the chariots were to turn, it is nearly twice as wide. Here the judges sat far aloft. The benches, which were originally of the common limestone, or else of wood, were replaced by the bounty of a single private citizen, Herodes Atticus, a subject of Hadrian, by marble seats ; which, however, have been all taken away. The effect of those imposing games was further increased by two temples crowning the hill on both sides of the Stadium. 5 -J ANTIQUITIES OF THE LOWEK TOWN, • I made my way, through the clumps of bushes that cover the bottom of the Stadium, to the rounded end. Here I found a man busy at work, picking dandelion leaves, of which he was going to made a salad. This dish is said, by those who like sal- ads, to be quite palatable ; but I must confess that it was not to my taste. A little to the right of the judges' seat is a large opening in the side of the hill, which I explored. Following it a short distance, I found it nearly choked up in places by the falling of stone and earth from overhead. After a bend the passage comes out upon the opposite side of the hill. The ob- ject of this outlet was obvious enough. The charioteers who had been vanquished, drove, or rather sneaked out through it ; while their victorious competitor proceeded to the city by the direct road, and received the loud acclamations of the multi- tude. The heat was already growing oppressive, and I hastened to return. Beyond the Ilissus from the Stadium, a stone wall bounds a small inclosure which now serves as the English and American cemetery. Here are buried a number of our coun- trymen who have died far from home and native land. The whole is well laid out, and in time will be a cool and pleas- ant spot. Upon another morning I went to visit the ruins on the south- ern side of the Acropolis. During the previous day there had sprung up a strong north wind, called by the Greeks Meltem- pi. While it continued the air was filled with sand and dust, raised in its course over the dry plain, upon which scarcely a drop of rain had fallen. It is said to continue at least three days; and during that time it is exceedingly disagreeable to venture out. It was quite impossible to make even the rough- est sketch. Clouds of dust concealed the distant mountains from view. Not far below the southeastern comer of the Acropolis, I came to a half-ruined building, said to be part of the monastery where Lord Byron resided while at Athens. Just beyond it was the singular little structure that goes by the popular name of the Lantern of Demosthenes. More prop- erly it is the Choragic Monument of Lysicrates. Its plan is quite unique. Upon a square foundation, now almost entirely buried beneath an accumulation of earth, rises a round building, COMBATS OF liAOOHUS. an CHORAGIC MOHUMEST OF LYSICEATE8. scarcely six feet in diameter. Six graceful Corinthian col- umns support an entablature, upon which are sculptured with exquisite skill, though on a small scale, the contests of Bac- chus and the Tyrrhenian pirates. These criminals are seen fleeing before the wine-god and his attendant satyrs. In two or three places they are represented at the very moment when, by the mandate of Bacchus, their bodies are undergoing a trans- formation into dolphins. The fish's head already grows on the man's shoulders, and the unfortunate monster is about to plunge into ocean's depths. Elsewhere, Bacchus is seen relax- ing from his toils, and playing with a huge lion, upon a lone- ly rock. On the top of the roof there is a triangular pedes- tal. This explains the use of the whole monument, or temple. Lysicrates, as indeed we learn from an inscription still legi- ble on the architrave, was a wealthy citizen of Athens, and one of those who were expected to defray the expenses of train- 56 ANTIQUITIES Oi< THE LOWER TOWN. ing the orchestras, for the great musical performances in the neighboring Theatre of Bacchus. On one occasion, the same year that Alexander the Great invaded the Persian empire, his chorus gained the victory ; and the prize, a highly ornamented brazen tripod, was adjudged to Lysicrates. This little temple was erected expressly to serve as a support for the honorable reward. The common people give it the name of Lantern of Demosthenes, because they have a tradition that the noble Athenian orator made it his study. The chief difficulty that naturally occurs to every one at first sight, is that the ancient worthy would have been at a loss to know how to enter the building, for the space between the columns was closed by curved slabs of marble, and there was no door. Besides, the dark interior of a monument scarce six feet in breadth, could not have furnished him a very pleasant place of meditation. The modern town does not extend much further in this direc- tion. The neighborhood can muster, however, a goodly num- ber of boys ; who, on another occasion, when I came to sketch the "lantern," or "/b!?2an," gathered around me, to my no small amusement, and watched me as narrowly as they did my drawing. A friend of mine, an American artist, not long after, while engaged in the same occupation, was equally en- tertained in observing the interest that these urchins manifest- ed in his proceedings. In fact, they came up closer than nec- essary ; and on his return to the hotel he found that his hand- kerchief had been skillfully abstracted from his pocket. Having turned the southeastern corner of the Acropolis, I STREET OF THE TRIPODS. STREET OF THE TRIPODri. 57 reached a slope once occupied by the Theatre of Bacchus, of which scai'cely a trace remains, except in the shape of the soil. The ancient approach to this celebrated edifice was by a thor- oughfare running by the Monument of Lysicrates, and called the Street of the Tripods, from the number of those trophies displayed on every side. Directly above the theatre there is a natural cavern, which was formerly adorned with a faQade by some successful leader in the orchestra ; and two columns of unequal height standing at the very foot of the citadel's walls, were likemse surmounted by tripods. I climbed up to the cavern, which is now turned into a sort of chapel dedicated to the '■^ Panagia Speliotissa,^^ or the "Virgin of the Cave." A solitary lamp was burning in broad daylight before a rude pic- ture ; but not a soul was in sight. It is a pleasing feature of the Greek character, that even the vilest pay a sincere respect to religion. However mistaken their notions of morality and devotion in general, even the Heft, or professed robber, would never dream of touching with sacrilegious intent any thing- belonging to the Church ; though the unfortunate curate hap- pening to fall in with him finds no pity at his hands. The churches and chapels in the most lonely places are left open without the least fear of desecration. Before the entrance of the cave lie one or two inscriptions bearing the name of Thra- syllus, the builder of the architectural part. Following the base of the southern side of the Acropolis, I passed over the site of the Stoa or Porch of Eumenes, where the people used to take refuge, when a sudden shower of rain drove them from the roofless theatre. I noticed there several deep wells, and a bath made of stone, with an inscription dif- ficult to be deciphered. I now entered the Odeum of RegiUa, built by Herodes Atticus in honor of his wife. This private citizen was, next to his sovereign Hadrian, the greatest bene- factor of Athens, where he left ample indications of his mu- nificence. So great was his wealth, that the story was current that his father had unexpectedly discovered a treasure hidden under gTound. According to law, it belonged to the crown ; and Herodes wrote at once to the Emperor, to ask what he should do with it. "Use it," was Nerva's direction. The treasure was so considerable, that the Athenian replied he C2 58 ANTIQUITIES OF THE LOWER TOWN. ODEUM OF HEEODES. knew not how to use it. " Abuse it then," the generous mon- arch at once rejoined.* Accordingly the son lavished his money with a freedom that knew no parallel ;. but he had at least the merit of making it conduce to the public good. I found the remains of the Odeum more extensive than I had anticipated. The spectators sat on marble benches on the side of the hill ; but these have been carried away. The mas- sive wall, however, behind the orchestra, rises to the height of three or four stories. The scene was formed by the reced- ing of the wall toward the centre ; and the windows behind it were closed, that the attention of the spectators might not be distracted by a sight of the landscape beyond. The other windows were large and arched, and plenty of light was ob- tained from overhead, since all the performances took place dur- ing the daytime. Lest, however, the people should be incom- moded by the sun, a huge tent of canvas was stretched over the audience. It has been calculated that about six thousand people could be contained within the Odeum, whose diameter is about two hundred and forty feet; while the Theatre of Bacchus is stated to have been capable of holding twenty or even thirty thousand spectators. I climbed with ease to one of the windows, and sat there a while, enjoying an extended view reaching to the Saronic Gulf on the left. The hill of * Gihbon, chap. H. THE MUSEUM. . 5ij the Museum, which I intended to visit next, was directly in front. At the western end of the scene I found an ancient winding stairway by which I attained the exterior ; and then iiscended to the level of the groulid by an ancient flight of steps. A dry and dusty field stretched between the Odeum and the Museum. It was a veritable field of stones, mixed with frag- ments of broken pottery. A friend walking with me over the same ground, picked up the handle of a jar of common earth- enware, with a stamp containing the name of the archon in whose time it was made. Such fragments are not unfrequent- ly found, and seem to indicate, from the frequent occurrence of the names of Rhodes, Cos, etc., that most of the vessels were made in the islands of the Archipelago. Less fortunate, I discovered, nevertheless, two pieces of baked clay in the form of square truncated pyramids, above two inches high, and an inch and a half broad at the base. Dr. K. supposes them to have been used for plumb-lines, from their similarity to the weights now employed for that purpose ; but Mr. Finlay in- clines to think that they were weights used by weavers, or, perhaps, even registered weights. The two that I found had each a hole passing through near the top, for a string or han- dle, and were originally covered with glazing. There were a number of men dressed in the common peas- ant's costume, with their wide baggy trowsers, engaged in col- lecting the stones into heaps — an endless task, as it seemed to me. How any thing can grow in so arid a soil passed my comprehension. Yet it is difficult to judge of the productive- ness of the land, at a season when it has been parched during five or six months of uninterrupted drought ; that is, since the middle of May. The Museum is a hill of almost the same height as the Acropolis, though altogether different in shape, and present- ing an easy ascent on this side. It is situated a few hundred yards to the south or southwest. The name is derived from a poet, Musgeus, who is fabled to have sung his last songs here, and to have been buried on the spot. The chief object of in- terest is a very conspicuous ruin on the summit, which can be descried from afar on the plain. It is the Monument of Phi- lopappm, the last descendant of the Seleucidae, the ruling dy- 60 ANTIQUITLE8 OF THE l.OWER TOWN. MONUMENT OF PHILOPAPPUS. nasty of Syria until its conquest by the Romans. Semicircu- lar in form, the concave portion is turned toward the city, and is adorned with sculptures of considerable merit, executed about A.D. 105, during the reign of Trajan. Originally there were three niches, separated by pilasters ; but as the western third has fallen, there now remain but two niches. The principal one is filled by a mutilated statue of Philopappus himself, who seems to have become an Athenian citizen, and distinguished himself for his public liberality and munificence. This ac- counts for the permission granted him to erect his tomb with- in the walls by the Athenians, who were so much opposed to intermural interments. The niches on either side were small- er, and contained statues of Antiochus and Seleucus. Below them is a spirited bas-relief representing a triumphal proces- sion — most probably that of the Emperor Trajan. As usual, not one of the heads of the figures has been preserved. The Turks, believing them to be the idols of the infidels, uniformly mutilat^ the countenances, that they mi^ht no longer be ob- LONG WALL8 OF ATHENS. 61 jects of adoration. The whole edifice seems to have been about thirty feet broad. The opposite or convex side was probably devoid of much ornament ; and, indeed, any decora- tion would have been quite useless, since the city wall was di- rectly in the rear. On the Museum the fortifications of Athens joined the Long Walls, which served to keep up a safe and constant communi- cation between it and Piraeus. Standing on the top, I could readily trace the direction of the two walls, running parallel for nearly four miles, at the distance of five hundred and fifty feet apart. When they reached the heights above Pirasus, these huge arms of the city opened and received the entire port within their embrace. The northern wall encompassed the principal harbor, while the other ran down to the sea- shore. Themistocles, who erected the powerful fortifications of Piraeus, is said to have planned this immense undertaking ; but it was executed by Pericles, and ranked among his great- est works. For the space between the walls not only offered a safe refuge to the villagers and country-people, but the walls were a long intrenchment defending all the fields to the south from armed invasion. The possession of so strong a system of fortification was naturally an object of envy to the Spartans ; and when Athens fell into their hands, at the conclusion of the Peloponnesian War, they set about the work of destruc- tion to the sound of joyous music, and crowned with festive chaplets.* It was fourteen years later that the Athenian ad- miral, Conon, supported by a Persian fleet, restored the walls to their original strength. I walked down the western side of the hill, and in the hol- low between it and the Pnyx I saw a curious tomb hewn out from the solid rock. Farther on I reached what goes by the name of the Prison of Socrates. There are three doors in the face of the rock. The left and middle one lead into a square chamber with rough walls. The other opens into an oblong room of small size, in the farther corner of which there is a doorway conducting to a third chamber, ten or fifteen feet in diameter. The ceiling is dome-shaped, and a round aperture lets in a flood of light from above. What these excavations * Thirlwall's History of Greece, c. XXX. 62 ANTIQUITIES OF THE LOWER TOWN. served for, I was quite at a loss in settling to my own satisfac- tion. It seems improbable that they should have been used for a prison ; and being inside of the walls, they can scarcely have been tombs. The notion has long prevailed among the Athenians that they were occupied by the Attic sage whose name they bear, and that he expired within their vaults. Walking along the Pnyx, which is a ridge much lower than the Museum, I soon found myself on the level platform where the assemblies of the people were held. The ground seems to have been reduced to its present condition by artificial means. Its plan is semicircular ; and the base, which appears to be straight, is in reality curved inwardly. Whether this was ac- cidental, or answered the purpose of improving the acoustic effect, I am not informed. The arrangement, however, seems eminently to favor the conveyance of sound over a large area. The perpendicular face of rock, some ten feet in height, bound- ing the Pnyx on this side, is interrupted in the centre by a square stand projecting some feet out of the line. By means of steps on one side of it, I mounted to the top, and stood upon the bema, or rostrum, whence Demosthenes delivered some of his most stirring orations. On the crowded space before him were collected thousands of auditors who hung upon his words. Since no part of the area was occupied by seats, the number within reach of his voice must have been immense. Every voter could be accommodated with ease, for it contain- ed no less than twelve thousand yards ;* and six thousand hearers are mentioned as having been present on some partic- ular occasions. The lower side of the platform is supported by a wall of stone drawn from the vicinity. These attracted my attention from their unusual size. One that I measured was twelve feet in length and six or seven high ; its breadth I was unable to ascertain. The bulk of these blocks entitles them almost to be ranked among the Cyclopean constructions of the earlier period of Greek history. Between the Pnyx and the Acropolis is a still lower hill, one of the same system of elevations, and I directed my steps thither as I returned to the consulate. It is a mere rock, rough and precipitous on three sides, especially toward the * Wordsworth's Athens and Attica, p. 69. , THE HILL OF MARS. G3 Acropolis, where a large mass has broken off and fallen. This is the Ai'cbpagus, or Hill of Mars. Nothing in its external appearance would convey the least intimation that here was the seat of the most venerable court of Athens, or indeed of Greece, whose first duty is said to have been to try the god Mars on a charge of murder, while among its last scenes was the no- ble defence of the Apostle Paul. Here, in full view of the whole city, whose gorgeous temples, the resort of a devout and superstitious multitude, towered above the other buildings: the orator was called upon to defend the introduction of a new and strange religion. Unterrified by the fear of punish- ment for a crime that four centuries before had cost Socrates his life, St. Paul boldly preached a God, whom they ignorant- ly worsliipped, and the resurrection of the dead, which they laughed to scorn. Of no site in Athens can there be less rea- son to distrust the identity. It has been proved beyond the shadow of a doubt. And though it be divested of all save these hallowed associations, the Christian can stand on no spot, even in this classic land, that calls up such thrilling rec- ollections. It is well for us, perhaps, that besides some six- teen steps cut in the limestone rock, and a bench near the top, little remains to indicate the precise locality where the re- nowned court held its sessions. I felt that we might be in- duced to pay too much reverence to the scene of so great a transaction, and forget the truths the Apostle meant to incul- cate. Strangely enough, the Greeks have built no chapel on the illustrious rock, though, until lately, there were the ruins of a small church of St. Dionysius the Areopagite at a short distance below. I had now made most of the circuit of the Acropolis, and I brought my walk to a conclusion by strolling along the north- ern side until I entered a narrow lane, and found my way home. To complete our survey of the antiquities of Athens, we must explore those that lie concealed in the modern town. Almost directly in front of the post-office is a singular octag- onal building. The common name it goes by is the Temple of JEolus, or of the Winds, from the winged figures upon the sides. Each is the impersonation of the wind blowing from t)4 ANTIQUITIES OF THE LOWEll TOWN. that particular point of the compass. Boreas looks northward down the principal thoroughfare of the city, toward the mark- et-place. Zephyrus meets the mild western breezes that blow from the plains of Eleusis. A curious triton formerly adorned the top like a weather-cock, and the wand in his hand point- ed out the wind that prevailed. This interesting monument, which was in reality a Horologium, or "clock-tower," built by a single public-spirited Athenian, Andronicus Cyrrhestes, served to keep time for the whole town. On the sides are to be traced as easily as ever the lines of the old sun-dials. A few years since new rods of iron were inserted as gnomons at each of the corners ; and now the passer may read the time from the face of the marble, chiseled two thousand years ago. For cloudy weather a water-clock, the only time-piece the an- cients were acquainted with, was placed for inspection in the interior of the edifice. This was, in fact, its principal design. An aqueduct, a few arches of which still remain, conducted the water of a small spring into a reservok just behind the tower, and so supplied the clock. At present the Horologium stands in a hole full fifteen or twenty feet deep. This furnish- es a pretty accurate standard to determine the accumulation of soil during the past twenty centuries. What treasures of art lie concealed beneath the rubbish it is now impossible to determine. The modern town has grown over it again since the revolution, and there are slender grounds for expecting that any thorough system of exploration will be undertaken in our day. Walking down into the market-place our attention is imme- diately drawn to the gray stone walls overtopping the wooden shanties, and contrasting singularly with their weakness. I penetrated through the crowd of peddlers and buyers, and found myself within the inclosure of the Stoa of Hadrian. It was a great quadrangle, 376 feet long and 252 broad, with a stout wall of marble surrounding it. Externally the face was merely supported at intervals by massive buttresses, except on the west, where a stately row of Corinthian columns still shows that this was the principal entrance. Around the court on the inside ran a broad portico ; and the court itself was perhaps cultivated as a garden. It contained a library GATE OF THE NEW MARKET. (35 and other buildings. But what a metamorphosis has the entire structure undergone ! The whole interior, for I know not how long, has been used as a bazar. The quiet retreat of philosophers is the most noisy part of the city ; the beauti- ful paintings of the walls are defaced ; the costly marbles have disappeared. Where the library stood is seen an unsightly clock-tower erected by Lord Elgin himself, as a sort of indem- nification, I presume, for his pilfering from the Parthenon. He has chronicled his own munificence in a long Latin inscrip- tion, which I have heard the more educated Greeks read with the greatest indignation. The government for a long time has been talking of procuring a more suitable place for the market, and clearing this whole area. This were a consum- mation much to be desired. As it was, in hunting out the spot where a few traces of the inner portico were said to re- main, I was obliged to make my way through a butcher's shop, and past the heaps of new hides from a slaughter-house, to a place where, looking into a dilapidated hovel, I saw three or four columns supporting an architrave. How much more remains concealed, will only appear when the plan of the gov- ernment is put into execution. I left the busy scenes of the market, and a few minutes after found myself standing before a stately portal of four large marble columns of the Doric order. The precise object of this solitary monument is not, at first sight, quite evident; but it has been pretty well settled that it graced the entrance to the New Market, or Agora. This was not the space de- voted to the purposes of trade in the palmy days of Athens ; for that covered the ground south of the Acropolis and Areop- agus. It was here, however, that St. Paul was in the habit of engaging in discussion, alike with the learned and the lowly. I found close by an upright slab of marble, on which were in- scribed the prices of various commodities sold in the market, as regulated by an ordinance of the Emperor. One would think that with so strict precautions the hucksters could find few means of cheating their customers; but such does not seem to have been the fact. The maximum prices of many of the articles would furnish a striking contrast with their value in money at the present day. 66 ANTIQUITIES OF THE LOWEK TOWN. I wished next to find my way to the Temple of Theseus ; and for this purpose followed a westerly direction. Passing through what was once perhaps the most populous portion of the city, I could find but few remains. One of small extent is attributed to the Stoa Poecile, the most famous of all the por- ticoes of which Athens could boast. A room in it, which I entered through a garden, was formerly used as a chapel ; but has now been degraded into a store for all manner of rubbish. Further on there is another and more extensive collection of walls, which, from their construction with alternately wide and narrow layers of stone, are known to have been erected about the Macedonian epoch. In one obscure court I came across a statue of elegant workmanship, representing a Triton. His well-shaped body is terminated by a scaly tail twisted nearly up to his head. The general expression is one of suffering and despair. Hence Pittakes supposed the colossal effigy to have belonged to the monument of Phorbas, whom Erechtheus wished to slay.* The Theseum, whose serene front soon appeared over the top of the mud walls in the vicinity, stands upon a slight eminence on the very outskirts of Athens toward the west. More per- fect outwardly than any other temple extant, it gives a better notion of the imposing character of a Grecian shrine, executed according to the strictest requirements of art. It has under- gone little change since the day of its foundation. The col- umns are intact ; their sharp edges occasionally somewhat softened down by the wear of time, and a stray block in their lofty shafts moved slightly from its firm foundation, by the ir- resistible force of repeated earthquakes. The building was considerably smaller than the Parthenon. There are but six columns on the front and thirteen on the sides. Its length of one hundred and four feet scarcely exceeds the width of the Parthenon, and its breadth is but forty-five feet. Its antiquity, however, is greater than that of the shrine of the Acropolis, and dates as far back as 465 B.C. It is said to have been erected to cover the bones of the famous hero Theseus, which had been re- cently found on the island of Scyrus, and had been brought witli superstitious care to this spot. In respect to sculpture, the The- * L'Ancienne Athenes, p. 95 (1835). TI1E6EUM, ()7 seum presented a marked contrast to the richness of ornament that loaded every available part of the Parthenon. Of the square metopes on the architrave above the columns, merely those of the fronts were adorned with works of the chisel ; on the sides they were quite plain, with the exception of those nearest either end. I found a porter at the side door ready to conduct me into the interior of the temple. In the present lack of a grand public museum, the government have suffered this edifice to be turned into a hall for the reception of a val- uable collection of statues and inscriptions. Many of them are well worthy of protracted study. I was more particular- ly interested in a slab of marble carefully preserved under a glass cover. It was recently dug up on the site of a small temple at Marathon, and from the name of the artist chiseled upon it, has been supposed to have been wrought in the sixth or seventh century before Christ. The figure represented at full length is in low relief, and the execution is of that stiff and hard character which belongs to the infancy of art in ev- ery land. Its perfect preservation is indeed almost a miracle, considering the lapse of time. BAS-RELIEP FEOM THE MONUMENT OF LTSICRATES. m^ 1_ mkrAM HOEOLOGIUM OF ANDRONICUS CYKKHESTES, CHAPTER V. WALKS ABOUT ATHENS. On Sundays, and especially on the great feasts of the Church, the streets of Athens are thronged with men, women, and chil- dren, all intent upon recreation. At such times the shops are closed, and business transactions suspended. The early morn- ing is spent in attendance on divine service ; while the remain- der of the day is devoted to visits or amusements. The 26th of October (Old Style) was the festival of St. De- metrius — that holy man who acted the part of Lot with vari- ations. So, at least, the legendaries would have us believe. Once upon a timd, say they, the wickedness of Salonica had risen to such a pitch, as to render its destruction imperatively necessary. Angels were accordingly dispatched to bear intel- ligence to the saint, then sojourning in the doomed city, and bid him depart from its precincts. Demetrius, upon hearing the mandate, begins to remonstrate with the messengers, and endeavors to persuade them to spare Salonica. They answer A VISIT. 69 that this is quite impossible: they have express commands. The holy man stops for a moment to reflect, and then exclaims, " I shall not depart. Go tell your Master that he must not destroy the city !" Notwithstanding the peremptory charac- ter of the instructions they have received, the angels dare not execute their commission. They return, and Salonica is spared ! Such is the blasphemous history given of this highly- esteemed saint in the Greek legends. All the Athenians who happen to be named after St. Deme- trius, receive the visits of their acquaintance on his day ; and these, in return, are honored in like manner on the festivals of their respective patrons in the calendar. Falling in with the custom, I walked out in the afternoon with a few friends, and called upon Mr. L. at his house in Hermes Street, not far from the solitary date-palm, so conspicuous an object in this part of the town. After passing through a narrow cOurt-yard, we were ushered into a small but neatly-furnished parlor. Our host, a portly Greek of five-and-forty, rose to meet us, and received with smiling countenance our congratulations on his continued health and prosperity. "We were invited to sit down, and were soon engaged in agreeable conversation. The ladies of the house contributed to our entertainment, and, be- fore the termination of our short stay, brought in some refresh- ments. A favorite jar of sweetmeats — a curious preserve com- pounded solely of rose-leaves and sugar — was offered success- ively to each person, who helped himself to a single spoonful. By most persons the taste is considered very delicate and pleas- ant ; while others think that the flavor of the flower is scarce- ly sufficiently smothered in quadruple the weight of sugar. Being forewarned, I limited myself to the usual supply, and thus avoided the mistake of some foreigners, who have com- mitted the unpardonable offence of dipping the spoon a second time into the common jar. After tasting the rose preserves each guest took a very small glass of Samian wine, or a tum- bler of water, as his inclination or his principles directed. From the house of our Greek friend we proceeded to the public promenade, which, since the heat had diminished, was every evening crowded with the " elite" of Athens. The prin- cipal walk is on the road leading northward toward the village 70 WALKS ABOUT ATHENS. of Patissia — a continuation of ^olus Street. Pedestrians oc- cupy the greater part of the hard and smooth surface of this road, scattering upon the approach of any vehicle. It is also a favorite resort of the king and queen, who may be seen al- most any afternoon riding out on horseback in this direction, attended by a few guards. Their subjects on such occasions stop and do them homage as they pass, and receive a bow in return. A stranger need not be astonished, if, when he meets the royal party in some solitary place, he is honored with this mark of condescension on the part of their Hellenic majesties. A more pleasant spot for recreation is the palace garden, to which I repeatedly gained access by permission of one of the king's adjutants. Its grounds are tastefully laid out with handsome walks and shrubbery, and the cultivated flowers are mostly the same as those that are favorites with us. In the midst of a labyrinth on the southern side is a small pond, whose surface is covered with the gigantic leaves of the Victoria regi- na — the monster water-lily of the tropics. The climate seems to be well adapted to its development ; but I am not aware of its having flowered as yet. That this ground was once in- cluded within the populous portion of the city, is evident from the discovery of a number of antiquities. In one part of the garden a mosaic floor, by far the most perfect of its kind at Athens, was uncovered a few years ago, and is now protected by an arbor densely shaded by varieties of beautiful creepers. It is long and irregular in shape, and in an excellent state of preservation. Aquatic birds and other unmistakable symbols show that it was the floor of some elegant private bath at- tached to the villa of a rich Athenian citizen. Not far from this mosaic are the prostrate columns of a small temple, whose foundations are seen close by. Just beyond the fence on the east a long arched channel was found a few months after my arrival ; but I have heard no satisfactory solution of its use. The land-owners in the vicinity of the royal grounds have ev- ery thing to fear from their gradual enlargement. It has even been proposed to extend their limits to the banks of the Ilissus, and take in the Temple of Jupiter Olympius itself; but as this would include one of the most popular resorts of the Atheni- ans, the project was abandoned as infeasible. COSTUMES OF THE ATHENIANS. 71 The picturesque costumes of the Greeks — so different from tliose of other countries — give a strange liveliness to the scene on the promenade. Many of the gentlemen have adopted the common European dress ; but the rest cling to that which their ancestors have worn for ages. The higher class usually wear the Albanian costume, consisting of a tight vest, and over this a short coat with the sleeves slit and hanging loosely from the elbow. From the waist, a white skirt, ov fustanella, reaches to the knees, and is confined to its place by a wide sash or gir- dle. By the Greeks of the old school a very slender waist is esteemed the greatest point of beauty in a man ; and some are said to draw the sash so tightly, that after the lapse of years it becomes painful to loosen it even at night. Most of the lower class retain the nautical trowsers, differ- ing from the Turkish in that, whereas the latter have a bag for each leg, in the former both legs are thrust through one large blue sack in such a way that the greater part remains flapping behind. With this dress, a thick girdle, or some- times a broad leathern belt is substituted for the sash. The belt is made a general receptacle for pistols and daggers, whose projecting handles give the stranger an impression of insecurity, augmented by the fierce countenances of those that carry them. On the promenade, as well as in society, the Greek generally carries a string of beads, frequently of large size, which a stranger would naturally mistake for a rosary, until informed that it has no religious significance. In fact, it is only a play- thing to occupy the fingers, while the mind and lips are busy with something else. When engaged in calm conversation, the beads pass slowly through the fingers ; but as the speaker becomes more and more heated in debate, their motion in- creases in rapidity. Playing vdth his beads, which are apt to distract the attention of a foreigner, thus comes to facilitate the utterance of a Greek ; and even a public speaker does not disdain to make use of them in his forensic efforts. The ladies are gradually abandoning their pecuhar provin- cial attire ; and if now and then the graceful Smyrniote, or the odd Hydriote dress is met with, it is much more rare than the French fashion. Not unfrequently a lady will take a half- way course, and continue to wear the red fezi, or cap, such 72 WALKS ABOUT ATHENS. as is worn by the men. Set negligently on the head, with its long blue tassel hanging down on one side, it gives the female face too boyish a look to be becoming. In the midst of the crowd, the priests may readily be detect- ed by their long black robes reaching to the feet, and their large caps of the same color. Another distinctive mark of the order is their long hair, gathered up under their caps, and their long and flowing beards. A youth who contemplates embracing a monastic or priestly life, begins his preparation by allowing his hair to grow for a year or two. It is said that in some portions of the peninsula of Maina, the southernmost part of Lacedasmonia, it was customary for the men to suffer their beards to grow, until they had revenged themselves for any injury they might have received. In the midst of the civil feuds which rent that unhappy district, this practice was adopted as a badge to indicate a thirst for re- venge.* A singular, but I believe an authentic instance of this custom was seen in the following occurrence, some twenty years since. When the President, Capo d'Istria, on a certain visit to Maina, was entertained in one of the villages, he no- ticed an individual sitting at the further end of the same room ; a man of gloomy and forbidding aspect, -with long hair and unshaven face, who seemed to shun all intercourse with those around. Calling him, the President asked him whether he was a candidate for orders; and the man replied that he was not. "What are you then?" — "What you have made me," was the reply. The stranger proceeded to say that, a few months before, his son had been killed in a private quar- rel. According to immemorial custom, it became his duty to * This practice is the more interesting, from the fact that Herodotus tells us of a similar usage among the ancient Peloponnesians. In a bat- tle between the Argives and Spartans, the former were routed, and lost the important town of Thyrese. "From this time," says the historian, "the Argives cut their hair short (for formerly they wore long hair, ac- cording to fixed custom), and made a law, enforced by a curse, that no Argive should wear long hair, nor the women deck themselves with gold ornaments, until they should regain Thyreas. But the Lacedaemonians, on the contrary, passed a law ordaining that, although previously it had not been their custom to wear long hair, they should do so thenceforth." a 82.) LONG HAIR WORN FOR REVENGE. 73 slay the murderer ; but from doing this he was prevented by the new laws introduced under the President's administration. He had, therefore, waited for justice to be done him ; but months had elapsed, and yet the murderer was at large. " Now," added he, " if within forty days I am not avenged, I shall take the law into my own hands." The President prom- ised to attend to the matter, even though much blood might be spilled in capturing the culprit. But after his departure, he forgot his promise, and so nothing was done. Two months after, the injured man went stealthily to his enemy's house, and killed, not only him, but four others of his family. He then sat down, and penned a letter to Count Capo d'Istria, somewhat to this effect : " I have waited not only forty, but sixty days, and no justice has been done me. I have now tak- en my revenge with interest." The perpetrator of the bloody deed was yet alive a few years since. The influence of Oriental notions of propriety is observable in the restraints put upon the freedom of the gentler sex. A lady is thought to have broken all rules of decorum when she ventures out alone into the streets, even at mid-day. A stout man-servant must follow to protect her ; or, at least, she must be accompanied by a trusty maid. There is much of the old Grecian feeling in this : for in Athens " no respectable lady thought of going out without a female slave ; and the husband always assigned one to his wife. At a later date the number of these attendants was greatly increased."* The dwelling-houses in Athens are of a character much su- perior to those of the rural districts and towns. True, the old portion surrounding the base of the Acropolis has been rebuilt on a plan very similar to that of the town before the Rev- olution; every wall that had not been ruined in that dis- astrous period was put to use by the returning citizens : and such was the scarcity of timber of suitable size, that the houses were necessarily constructed of a long and narrow shape. But the greater part of the city has since been erected in a more symmetrical manner. Unfortunately, three or four plans were successively submitted to the government, and in turn adopted. Any one of them would have made Athens a * Becker's Charicles, p. 469, D 74 WALKS ABOUT ATHENS. finely laid-out city. Scarcely, however, had the Athenians begun to rebuild their houses in conformity with one plan, before it was replaced by another. The palace of the king was the single point whence all the principal avenues must radiate ; and the palace, according to one plan, was to be sit- uated on the 'high ground toward the Cephissus ; and, accord- ing to another, at the northern end of the city. The citizens were ready to chant a Jubilate, when at length their doubts were removed, and the corner-stone of the regal mansion was laid with great pomp on a third site, near the banks of the River Bissus. All these adverse circumstances have not prevented the New Town, as it is called, from presenting a very comely ap- pearance : and numbers of costly edifices, public and private, are continually rising. One of these gave the people a fine oc- casion for indulging in bitter sarcasm. The owner, a former member of the king's cabinet, had been noted for the peculiar facility with which an office could be obtained from him, by any one that was able to cross his hand with gold. To satisfy his vanity, the ex-minister inscribed his initials P. D. on the front of his palatial residence. But the people, supposing them to denote the source whence his wealth was obtained, chose to read them proxenica dora — that is, " consular bribes"-— instead of simple Peter Deliannis. In every house great precautions are adopted against rob- beries. These a few years since were frequently committed. A band of ten or fifteen robbers has been known to enter one of the largest houses in the city, by the connivance of the por- ter, and to plunder it of all its valuables. The poorer class of houses are entered with comparative ease. One of these — a small shop at the corner of the next street to my resi- dence — ^was one morning found rifled of a small amount of money that had been left in the drawer. But instead of break- ing through the thick door, the robber had effected an entrance by digging a hole in the wall, which he had found the easier task of the two. This little incident brought forcibly to my mind the passage of Holy Writ — "In the dark they dig through houses, which they had marked out in the daytime." Allusion to the same insecurity of earthen walls is made in POSITION OF THE FEMALE SEX. 75 the description of houses (as it reads in the original), " where thieves dig through and steal;" and in the remarkable passage where the prophet Ezekiel is represented as conveying his goods out, through a hole that he had made in the wall of his own house. Our modern ideas of gallantry are gi'eatly shocked by the open disparagement of the female sex, characteristic of Greek society. The birth of a daughter is as much a subject of con- dolence, as the birth of a son is one of congratulation. A for- eign resident at Athens, the father of a large family of girls, is looked upon by his neighbors as the most unlucky of men. They wonder at his failure to appreciate their sympathy. A story is told of an Athenian, who had set his heart on obtain- ing a son to perpetuate his name. Upon learning the disap- pointment of his expectations, he endeavored to conceal his chagrin, and shame also, in the grove of the Cephissus; where he skulked for three days, before he could regain sufficient as- surance to meet his acquaintance. The anecdote may be some- what exaggerated; but the fact that such feelings exist can not be doubted. This remarkable preference of the male sex is somewhat ac- counted for, by the prevalence of the custom of giving a large dowry with a daughter at marriage. In Maina alone the re- verse is true : the husband purchases his bride at a heavy cost. Elsewhere a portion of the family estate must be sac- rificed at the marriage of each daughter ; and he w^ho is able or willing to give most, is generally sure of seeing his daughters first established in life. Such is the mercenary light in which the marriage relation is regarded. Qualities of mind are but little taken into account. Nor is it considered an objection of any moment that the parties to the contract be totally un- acquainted with each other's characters and tastes. Since the lady's consent is altogether unessential, her preferences are not necessarily consulted. The father's great concern is to marry off his daughter at as small a loss as possible ; that of the suitor, to obtain the most advantageous match. Mon- ey being the chief object on either side, the unfortunate maid- en is apt to fare badly between the two. Hence the frequency of ill-sorted marriages — a fruitful source of domestic misery. 76 WALKS ABOUT ATHENS. The wife who has been forced into so unfortunate a union, is not free even from abuse and corporal chastisement ; of the prevalence of which we need no stronger proof than is afford- ed by the frequent allusions to it in the proverbs most current among the people. KUINS OP THE TEMPLE OF THE OLYMPIAN JOVE. s'-^-- -,-S;^P'te ^- ■^^■•^tf^i/ TJNIVEESITY OF OTHO, AT ATHENS. CHAPTER VI. STUDENT-LIFE IN ATHENS. " Let those that will believe it : I, for one, Can not thus read the history of my kind : Remembering all this little Greece has done To raise the universal human mind." MiLNES. It may sound strange and incongruous to many an ear to talk of education and literature in connection with modern Greece. We have been wont to think of the Greeks as the most barbarous and illiterate nation of Europe. We began by ignoring the natural consequences of long ages of servitude, and expected them to emerge from the slime with a robe of unsullied brilliancy. Having been disappointed in our unrea- sonable anticipations, we have long since ceased to take any account of their struggles in the path of improvement. The wonderful development that popular education has undergone is unknown to most ; and few are aware of the existence of any schools of learning that will favorably compare vdth our own. When, therefore, I say that the University of Otho at Athens possesses at least as many students, and twice as large a corps of professors, as the largest of our colleges, I am stat- ing a fact that may excite some surprise. Shortly after my arrival at Athens I was desirous of visit- 78 STUDENT-LIFE IN ATHENS. ing the University, and making some inquiries as to the course of instruction. I had long intended to avail myself of the public lectures as the most convenient means of accustom- ing the ear to the sound of the modern language when spoken in its greatest purity. In company with Dr. King, who had promised to introduce me to some of the more distinguished professors, I walked thither one morning at about ten o'clock. The winter term had not yet commenced, after a long vaca- tion of four months, from June to October. Although the regular day for opening was close at hand, only a few stu- dents were to be seen in the halls. The spell of summer con- tinued as yet unbroken by a single refreshing shower ; and neither professors nor students were in any way anxious to recommence their occupations until the oppressive heat should have somewhat abated. The edifice is spacious, and by no means faulty in point of taste. Though built in the form of an H, only one of the two main portions is entirely finished and in use. The efiect of the structure is good, but suffers in dignity from the lowness of the roof, contrasted with the size of the building. The principal front is said to be constructed in imitation of one of the galleries of the Erechtheum. A wide portico runs almost the entire length, and is supported by short pillars resting upon a high wall that half incloses it. The entrance is be- tween two large Ionic columns of fine Pentelican marble pre- sented by the king. . In the secretary's office we found the Secretary, Mr. Dokos, and one of the most distinguished professors, Constantine Aso- pius. He is an elderly man, some seventy years of age, I should judge. Born at Jannina, in Epirus, he studied there under the best teachers. Next he taught school J^r the Greek residents of Trieste. Lord Gilford — whose memory to this day is held in grateful honor by many Greeks, not only for his personal kindness, but on account of the lively interest he en- tertained in the whole nation — appreciated his fine abilities, and sent him at his own expense to perfect his education in Germany, France, and England. On his return he appointed him teacher of Greek philology in the Ionian Academy.* * A. Sotitsos, Panorama of Greece, Part II., p. 76. UNIVERSITY LIBRARY. 79 Wlien the University was founded at Athens, Asopius was called thither to fill a similar chair. He enjoys the reputa- tion of being perhaps the best living philologist among the Greeks ; and his learning is by no means confined to a single department. A fine intellectual head, and a face indicative of that rare attainment — a placid old age, ruffled by no impatient or peevish disposition — attract the admiration and affection of all the students. In their welfare Professor Asopius takes a warm interest ; nor is there any one of whom the student is more ready to ask counsel. It may, indeed, be remarked that in general the coldness and hauteur which mark the relation of teacher and pupil in many of our institutions is here re- placed by a friendly and even familiar intercourse. Professor Asopius was evidently pleased at the idea that an American had come to Athens to find out what facilities this city afford- ed to those who wished to gain a thorough knowledge of both ancient and modern Greek. He expressed the hope that I might be only the forerunner of a multitude of American scholars, and cordially invited me to his lecture-room. His lectures on the Odyssey, and on philology, and the history of the Greek poets, are held in high esteem. I began to attend them as soon as they commenced ; but the indistinct utterance of the speaker is a difficulty which meets one at the very threshold. The library was the only part of the building that was open to inspection. It took me quite by surprise. I had an- ticipated seeing at most a few thousand books. The librarian, Mr. G. Typaldus, informed me that there were not less than 70,000 volumes, and that the annual increase was six or eight thousand. Nor does it consist of works of small value or merit. As far as my subsequent observation went, the selection seemed to be excellent ; while some works — such as Napoleon's Expe- dition d^Egypte — are rare and costly. In the English depart- ment, however, the library is singularly incomplete ; and with the exception of the Smithsonian Institute's " Contributions to Knowledge" (of which the set is defective), there are no Ameri- can publications of importance. This rapid rise of a collection of books which equals, if it does not exceed, any similar one in the United States, is the more astonishing as the outlay of 80 STUDENT-LIFE IN ATHENS. money has been very small. Most of the additions have been by gifts of wealthy Greeks, and foreigners, among whom I am sorry not to be able to mention the names of any American benefactors. , From the library we walked a short distance to the house of Neophytus Bambas. An old woman answered our knock ; and on asking for the Tcyrios, we were conducted through a cor- ridor to a small back room, where we found Professor Bam- bas. He recognized Dr. King at once, and set about finding us chairs to sit down. A Greek student's room is not usually well provided with such furniture ; but by the moving of a number of books and piles of manuscript, seats were provided, while the worthy Professor found a place for himself on the edge of a cot that occupied a corner of the room. One or two students, friends of his, who attended him as did the dis- ciples of the ancient philosophers, stood just within the door, listening respectfully to our conversation. Professor Bambas was a short old man, with white hair, and long flowing beard, dressed in the monastic costume. His tone in conversation was distinct, but somewhat nasal. For the past thirty or forty years he had occupied a distinguished rank among the scholars of Greece, and he was a friend and contemporary of the great Coray. A native of Scio, so far back as 1816, after completing his studies at Paris, he taught in the Lyceum of his native city. In 1821 he joined the standard of Demetrius Ypsilantis, and for a single year followed a soldier's profession. But he soon abandoned an occupation so foreign to his inclin- ations, and retired to Cephallenia, and thence to Corfu, to oc- cupy the chair of Philosophy. I was the more interested in him as having been associated with Rev. Mr. Lowndes and Mr. Nicolaides, of Philadelphia, in Asia Minor, in translating the Bible into modern Greek. The translation was made at the expense of the British and Foreign Bible Society. It was at first opposed by many natives on the ground that the lan- guage was so nearly the same as to render a version quite un- necessary. But the educated laity will now readily concede that the Scriptures must remain a dead letter to the people until they are supplied with it in an easier idiom than the original text, or the Septuagint. A second edition has, however, been NEOPHYTL'S BAMBAii. 81 greatly altered, so as to exclude many vulgarisms whose in- troduction seemed unavoidable in the first, and to meet the de- mands of the improved state of the language. It is to be regret- ted that of late years Professor Bambas has shown a disposition to stand aloof from the liberal movements both in Church and State. During the invasion of Turkish territory he was among the prominent advocates of that ill-starred measure. While we were conversing a visitor was announced, who proved to be my friend the Sciote merchant, Mr. A. He had come to revive old reminiscences and forgotten acquaintance. He was once a pupil of Bambas in Scio, where he learned the first rudiments of knowledge, at a time when his native island was still the garden of the Archipelago. The master and pu- pil had not met since that fearful massacre which sent every family into mourning for the greater part of its members. Bambas did not know but that the boy had fallen a victim to the devouring sword, or lingered only to meet the more appall- ing doom of perpetual servitude. The scene was truly touch- ing, when the old man learned from his own lips the merchant's name. He threw his arms affectionately around his former scholar's neck, and his flowing silvery locks mingled with the young man's darker hair as he kissed him, in true Oriental style, on either cheek. Then came a host of questions to be answered by each party — of friends long lost, of acquaintances in foreign lands, and of their own personal history. I felt that my presence would tend to mar the interest of the interview, and I rose to leave with a cordial invitation to come often to the Professor's sanctum. I regret to be obliged to chronicle the recent death of Neophytus Bambas — an event which de- prived Greece of an honest and intelligent man whom she could ill spare, and of one who had always endeavored to serve his country to the best of his knowledge. The number of students in attendance upon the University was daily increasing, and in about a week the various courses of lectures were successively commenced. Meanwhile I had formed the acquaintance of some more professors. Among them were Mr. Rangabes, who unites the apparently incom- patible qualities necessary for the pursuit of archaeology and the more graceful culture of the muse ; Mr. Benthylus of the D2 82 STUDENT-LIFE IN ATHENS. Philosophical School ; and Mr. Manousis, lecturer on Univers- al History. The latter, as I subsequently learned, is partic- ularly obnoxious to the English, and to those who espouse their side, for the violence with which he attacked them dur- ing the differences between the British and Hellenic govern- ments in 1850. I found no difficulty in augmenting my circle of friends among the students, whose warm reception at once set me at ease with them. There are no dormitories within the Uni- versity, or Panepistemion ; the students consequently lodge in various quarters of the town. Their rooms are generally shared between two occupants ; and as the most of them are in reduced circumstances, the stock of furniture and books is very small. This fact, however, attracts little notice at Ath- ens, from the rarity of large fortunes, and the simple style of living. The salaries of the employes of the government are singularly low — so low, indeed, as to be utterly insufficient for the maintenance of a respectable appearance, without the means derived from peculation and bribery. Yet the profess- ors of the University, most of whom are single men, without the exercise of any uncommon degree of frugality, contrive to live on salaries of six hundred dollars a year, and even to save some part of that sum : and even with such paltry emoluments, it is the highest ambition of numbers of young Greeks to occu- py a chair in that institution. The Athenian student always takes his meals at the eating- house, and his fare is simple and wholesome. The warmth of the climate reduces the necessity and relish for animal food, which rarely appears on the table in any considerable quanti- ty, except at Easter. On that great festival, the most august of the year, it is a universal and immemorial custom to have a whole lamb roasted in every family. There is no one so poor within the realm as to be unable to have some part in the gayety and good cheer to which the day is devoted. On other occasions the only recreation that the student takes con- sists in a visit to the theatre, or a walk on the public prome- nade with a friend. He will then invariably insist upon ac- companying him to the cafe to partake of the rahat-lakoumi, a Turkish sweetmeat deservedly popular throughout the East. GREEK PROFESSORS. H'd In imitation of the German plan, the University is composed of four distinct Schools — those of Theology, Law, Medicine, and Philosophy. The whole number of professors whoso names appear on the programme of studies published soon after my arrival, was forty-six ; of whom twenty-five were or- dinary professors, and the remainder extraordinary, honorary, and adjunct ; the distinction consisting merely in the differ- ence of the exQolument they enjoyed, and not in the character of their instruction. All these gentlemen are native Greeks, with the single exception of Professor Landerer, who has long resided in the country, and is a naturalized citizen. One of the faculty is annually elected by his associates as Prytanis, or President ; but the powers attached to this honorable post are very limited, and extend little farther than the delivery of an oration at the yearly Commencement in June. The Pry- tanis of the previous year had been the Archimandrite Misael Apostolides of the Theological School, a man of talent and high attainments, but thoroughly wedded to the Russian par- ty. He vv^as now to be succeeded by Mr. Pellicas, one of the most prominent jurists and law professors of Greece. The distribution of instructors in the several departments was exceedingly unequal ; as likewise that of the hours de- voted weekly to the branches of study. In Theology the three professors gave but fifteen hours of instruction ; while in Law there were eleven professors and upward of forty lectures ; in Medicine twelve professors and between sixty and seventy lec- tures ; and in Philosophy and the kindred studies twenty pro- fessors and eighty-two lectures. The total number of lectures delivered within the compass of a week was, consequently, more than two hundred, embracing every department of sci- ence and art. There is a similar inequality with respect to the apportionment of students in attendance. Of 397 regu- larly matriculated students, during a previous year, 242 were studying medicine, 86 law, 62 philosophy, and only 7 theology. And though the number had now increased to 455, the same inequality was still observable. Besides these students who were inscribed on the books, and who expected to pursue a regular course of study (the phoetetce), there were at least three hundred more attending certain branches with greater or less 84 STUDENT-LIFE IN ATHENS. regularity for a year or two, who receive the designation of acroatce, or " listeners." The number of students may, there- fore, be safely set down at 750, without including those who occasionally frequent the lecture-room as they find time. It is a cu'cumstance well worth the noticing, that rather more than one half of the matriculated students are from districts under the rule of the Sultan. Thus " Free Greece," as she is proudly styled, is furnishing to the millions of the same blood that are subject to the tyrant's sway, the benefits of a liberal education; and thus is she gradually preparing the way for their total emancipation from the shackles of ignorance and superstition. As in Germany, instruction is given wholly by means of written lectures.* From the great lack of suitable text-books, the students labor under serious disadvantages, and are com- pelled to make the mere taking of notes an arduous undertak- ing, wasting in the manual exercise much time that might be far more profitably expended in reading on the subjects treated in the public discourses. It becomes the more indis- pensable to commit .to paper the entire substance of the lec- tures, from the fact that the only examinations are those to which the candidate for a degree must submit. They embrace all the subjects comprehended within the course, and are so severe that comparatively few succeed in undergoing them. Their difficulty arises in part from the want of any prescribed order of study. Any lack of adequate preparation is conse- quently apt to remain undetected until the final trial, "f" As the admission is entu^ely free, on a pleasant afternoon the lecture-room of a popular mstructor will be crowded to overflowing. Step with me, for instance, into the hall where Professor Manousis daily holds forth, and you will find it thronged not only with regular students, but with others who eagerly seize the opportunity to hear an entertaining discourse * The only recitation is one that is intended exclusively for those who expect to devote themselves to teaching. t See the preface to " Directions to the students of each School, re- specting the succession of the various sciences, and the preservation of Method and Order in the pursuit of the stvidies in the University" — a pamphlet published by the Prytanis in 1838, in order to diminish the danger of serious mistake. POPULAR EDUCATION. 85 on Universal History. Here is the soldier, off duty, in his gay uniform, and by his side the parish priest wearing his long black gown and large cap. The youth on another bench, who is distinguished by his long hair, is a candidate for deacon's orders. Here and there, mingled with these, is a fair repre- sentation of the townspeople who have escaped from their day's toils, and drop in for an hour or two before returning home. If the discourse be consecrated to Chemistry, the crowd of auditors will be still greater — the aisles crowded, and several standing even upon the lecturer's platform. Connected with the University, there is on the hill of the Nymphs an excellent astronomical observatory, the munificent gift of a single wealthy Greek residmg in Austria — the Baron Simas — who gave not less than $50,000 to build and furnish it with suitable instruments. Among these the chief is a re- fracting telescope, magmfying about five hundred diameters. On a clear evening the observatory is a favorite resort of the Athenians of all classes. That an institution so well organized, presided over by men of the greatest distinction for talents and learning, and jesLrly attended by seven hundred and fifty youth, has been reared within the short space of twenty years, in spite of formidable obstacles from ignorance and prejudice, is a fact of which Greece may well be proud. But a yet higher claim to the respect of civilized Europe and America can be based on the completeness of her system of gratuitous and popular educa- tion, extending from the primary school to the very threshold of the University. It may be affirmed with confidence that none need be deprived of a respectable education, save in con- sequence of their own willfulness or want of industry. The whole area of Greece, containing, according to the official re- turns, 992,643 inhabitants, is divided into 272 demi, or town- ships. In these there were, in 1852, 325 common schools i^eg- ularly organized, with 29,229 children, and in 1853, about 40,000. The studies are such as are most essential for the pursuits of ordinary life. It is not a little remarkable that over 4000 of these scholars are girls. Thu'ty years ago it was esteemed preposterous for a parent to teach his daughter any thing beyond reading and writing ; and such a thing as a 8d STUDENT-LIFE IN ATHENS. school for girls was unheard of. Yet, at present, there is a sort of female college under the care of Madame Mano, where several hundred young ladies are educated : it occupies an imposing edifice recently erected by the contributions of many, and the liberality of a few wealthy citizens. Of the school in- stituted many years since by our countryman, the Rev. Dr. Hill, and his estimable lady, mention is made in another place. Next in rank above the common or demotic schools, are the Hellenic schools, eighty-five in number; and the six or seven gymnasia, corresponding to our grammar-schools, and, in part, to our colleges. Thence the transition is easy to the Univers- ity, where the professional studies are first undertaken. These seminaries of learning are frequented by about 10,000 stu- dents. Besides these institutions, there are a number of others more special in their character. The Rizarian School is a sort of theological seminary for the education of young men for the priesthood, founded by a wealthy Greek after whom it is named. Of the height of its standard in a literary point of view, I am unable to speak with certainty. It was brought prominently into notice during my stay in Athens by a rebell- ion of its sixty students. Their ostensible ground was the coarseness of the bread they were fed upon ; but it was stated in the journals that the true reason was the dissatisfaction of the bigoted students with the more liberal views and practice of one or two of their professors. It was only by the inter- vention of the police, and the capture of a few of their num- ber, that peace was restored among these bellicose theologians. There is a Military School at Athens, a Naval School at Syra, and an Agricultural School situated but a few rods from the ruins of ancient Tiryns, in Argolis. But the latter, though possessing, it is said, some fifty students, is generally consid- •ered a failure. Perhaps the most singular institution is the Polytechnic School, " where on feast days and Sundays the mechanics of the capital resort to be taught chemistry applied to the arts, drawing, etc."* * I am indebted for most of the statistical information respecting the schools of Greece, to a manuscript paper " On the State of Education PROSPECTS OF EDUCATION. 87 Such are a few of the data by which we may form an opin- ron of the present intellectual position of Greece. The sys- tem of education, though carefully planned on French, and es- pecially German models, is doubtless capable of considerable improvement ; but it is truly wonderful, considering the rapid- ity of its rise. In Athens alone there are five thousand souls, out of a population of about thirty thousand, engaged in study. Under such circumstances, no one can deny that the present condition of Greece is full of promise. Seed has been planted that must yield a plentiful harvest. Greece needs, however, a higher tone of morality, and a purer form of religion. This is the dark side of the picture. Would that clearer indications of a change so much to be desired could be presaged in the future. Then might we confidently abide the time, when, though insignificant in size beside the overgrovni states of mod- em Europe, Greece would wield an influence disproportioned to the extent of her territory or the number of her inhabitants. in Greece," procured from the Bureau of the Minister of Public In- struction, through my friend Mr. Pittakes. It has never been published, I understand. THE ACKOPOLIS EESTOEED. - — ^^^^ THE ACEOPOLIS, FKOM THE HILL OF THE MTTSBTTM. CHAPTER VII. MODERN GREEK CUSTOMS. A WEDDING IN THE UPPjeU CIRCLES. A MARRIAGE ceremonj at Athens is a celebration very differ- ent from one in the country. In the former we find exhibited somewhat of European civilization and cultivation ; while into the remote villages, the influence of foreign customs has not yet penetrated. There, people are married, as well as baptized and buried, according to the good old customs of their fathers. And yet, even in the city, so many characteristic peculiarities have been preserved, that they appear novel and interesting to a stranger. I was therefore greatly pleased upon receiving one day an invitation to the wedding of a young Greek couple, who were to be married a few evenings later. The rite takes place generally at the house of the bride- groom, though in some provinces the parish church is resorted to. But in this respect, as in most others, each petty district has its own customs, immutable as the laws of the Medes and Persians. "We went at an early hour to the scene of the evening's festivities. It was a mansion of the old style, built of stone and stucco, and facing upon one of the small streets that abound in the more ancient part of the town. A crowd A WEDDING l^AKTV. 89 of the lower classes, who, though not among the invited, made bold to collect in force around the door, seemed to preclude our entrance. A small company at a drinking-shop some distance down the street were keeping up their spirits with frequent potations, and made merry with the music of a stringed in- strument, whose notes grated harshly upon our ears. This entertainment was every now and then interrupted by the jo- cose comments of the party iipon the appearance of the guests, as they successively came into the light cast by a flaming torch fastened near the door. When at length we had work- ed our way up the thronged staii's, we found that some sixty or eighty persons were already assembled in the moderately large parlor, which though it seemed rather bare of ornament and furniture to one who had come from the West, had some pretensions in common with the drawing-rooms of Paris and London. The assembled company, composed as usual of a much greater proportion of ladies than of gentlemen, were mostly dressed in the latest style of Paris fashions. Yet there was a sprinkling of gentlemen clad in the genuine Albanian dress, comprising your free-and-easy people who wish to pass for the more independent class of society, and scorn to adopt the perpetually changing mode. There were not wanting a considerable number of pretty faces among the ladies (who, according to the common practice, congregated on one side of the room) ; but it was a beauty that consisted rather in fresh- ness of color, and a good healthy look, than in delicacy of feat- ure. If, however, fame speaks truly, some of the color is borrowed, and the belle of the ball-room makes but a sorry figure the next morning. All the tight lacing in the world could not give an Athenian young lady the wasp-like contour which is the admiration of French dressmakers and misses in their teens. Disguise it as they may, there is a tendency to embonpoint among the ladies, many of whom waddle about with a grace which would seem charming in the eyes of our Dutch progenitors. The men, on the other hand, are a lean, lank race, whose dark complexions acquire an additional touch of ferocity from the formidable mustaches which, when theii- hands are not otherwise employed, they may be seen twirling bv the hour. 90 MODERN GREEK CUSTOMS. The company were all assembled, and on the tip-toe of ex- pectation, when the bridegroom and the bride entered, and took their stand at the further extremity of the room. Each of them held a long, lighted waxen taper, and the groomsman and bridesmaid carried similar ones. The bride, arrayed in a white satin dress, covered with lace, and having for a head- dress a wreath of flowers, from behind which a long white veil hung down over her shoulders, looked charming — as what bride does not ? She bore the classic name of Athena. The bridegroom was dressed entirely in Frank costume. The priests came in at the same time with the couple — or, more properly, there were present at the beginning of the service two priests, with a deacon and a young man who read the responses, and who corresponded to the enfant de choeur of the Latin Church. There are two distinct services in the Greek Church per- taining to this ceremony; and the rite of marriage can not take place unless the parties have been previously betrothed. Sometimes, however, as in this instance, the one service takes place immediately before the other. The liturgy was read by one of the priests from an elegantly-bound service-book. In one part of the ceremony he stopped, and taking up a ring from the small table, on which were deposited the various utensils which the deacon had brought in, he thrice made the sign of the cross over the book. Then he touched it to the forehead of the bridegroom and to that of the bride. Last of all, he placed it successively upon the finger, first of one, and then of the other, after divers crossings performed in the air. When the parties were thus lawfully betrothed, there was a short pause ; and then the bishop, whom the relatives had invited to officiate, in order to give more brilliancy to the wedding, entered the room, and the priests hastened to do him homage. His ordinary episcopal costume consists of a black cloak and gown, and the clerical cap, over which a black veil hangs down behind as a distinguishing mark of his office. But on this occasion his head was covered with a crown, and he carried a heavy silver crozier, such as is only to be seen in the Grreek Church — Roman Catholic bishops rarely appearing in public with it. The handsome dresses of MARRIAGE CEREMONY. 91 the priests added to the singularity of the scene. The bishop now took a principal part in the services, reading from a book of solid silver binding, which one of the priests held be- fore him. Whenever he found it necessary to lay aside his crozier, one of the attendant ecclesiastics took it, at the same time kissing his hand ; and when he resumed it, the same cer- emony was gone through, to the no small disgust of those of us who were not accustomed to such abject servility. The service was protracted, and we became rather weary of it ; for it was chiefly made up of prayers, hurried through, and of passages of Scripture, mumbled over in such a manner as to be quite unintelligible. Some portions of the written form are in themselves so utterly senseless, that no one can have the least idea of what they mean. The great and essential part of the rite was the crowning of the couple. The crowns were, in this case, merely wreaths of artificial flowers, numbers of which may be seen in the shops every day. The groomsman held one over the head of the bridegroom, and the bridesmaid held a similar one over the bride's head during the whole time, and they appeared quite fatigued before the end of the ceremony was reached. At last, the proper moment arriving, the bishop took one of the wreaths, touching it to the forehead of the bridegroom, and afterward to that of the bride, and made with it the sign of the cross between the couple. This he repeated three times, at the same time reciting the words that follow : *' Thou, the servant of the Lord, Gregory, art crowned (or married) to the servant of the Lord, Athena, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost." He then crowned the bridegroom with this wreath, and with the other performed the same ceremony in respect to the bride. Subsequently, the groomsman, who is usually the godfather, or nonnos of the bridegroom, and is expected to be hereditary sponsor, ex- changed the wreaths, and then replaced them on the heads of the couple. A cup was next handed by the bishop, first to the man, and then to the woman, and each of them drank a portion of the wine it contained. This very pleasing cere- mony was symbolic of the obligation that both parties assume to participate equally in all the pleasures and suflferings of 92 MODERN GREEK CUSTOMS- life, in its joys and its sorrows. I had heard it stated that a bitter ingredient is mingled with the wine; but those of whom I inquired assured me that nothing of the kind was customary. It was singular that so affecting an incident should be closely followed by another of a ludicrous char- acter. The bishop took the hand of the priest ; he, in turn, grasped that of the deacon ; and so Tvdth the married couple, the singers, and all, a string was made, which the chief ec- clesiastic led around the table in the centre of the room. The whole bore an amusing resemblance to some of the games that children play in America. With this the service ended, to the satisfaction of every one present. When the priests had retired, the company pressed around the bride- groom and bride to offer congratulations, some formal, and others affectionate. The guests remained but a few mo- ments more. A servant came, bringing in a large waiter covered with candies, and each was expected to help himself plentifully to them, as well as to carry some home. A few of those present seemed to measure their kind feelings to the couple by the quantity they heaped together ; and, judging by this criterion, their benevolent feelings were not small. Two or three drew out their handkerchiefs, and carried them away full. After this the company began to disperse, and we fol- lowed the general example. It struck me as a very singular feature, that during the en- tire service I had been listening to, not a single response was made by the couple, nor had the consent of the parties been expressed, or any promise exacted of them. In fact, the bridegroom may arrange the whole matter with the parents or guardians of the lady, without her knowledge, and even against her will. And let not any one suppose that such an arrangement, while sanctioned by law, never actually occurs in point of fact. We must assure him that such things do happen, and not unfrequently. A case of this kind was re- lated to me, as having taken place not long since at Smyrna ; and the story was romantic enough, in its details, to form the subject of a tale of no ordinary interest. A wealthy inhab- itant of that city, an old Greek subject, had an only daughter, named Theodosia. Her hand had been souoht, and her affec- COMPULSOKY MAKKIAQE. 93 tions had been gained by a respectable young English resident of the place. But the father was too proud to let his daughter marry a foreigner, and a heretic besides ; and he commanded her to think no more of him. As an offset, he promised her in man-iage to a boorish Greek from the East. But the affec- tions, it is well known, are sometimes most unreasonably stubborn, and the young lady preferred an elopement. A rendezvous was fixed upon by the two lovers ; but unfortu- nately there was a misunderstanding as to the spot, and Theo- dosia, after waiting for hours at the place agreed upon, was finally discovered and brought back to her father's house. Threats, and even chastisement were employed, ineffectually, with the hope of gaining her consent to the match. Notwith- standing this persistency, a day was appointed for the nuptials, the priests were called in to perform the rite, and the young girl was brought into the room by main force. While the service was being read Theodosia fainted, and the priests stop- ped until she recovered her senses, when they proceeded, and she was wedded to a man whom she loathed. This compul- sion may appear the more remarkable from the fact, that at this time she was nineteen or twenty years of age. So in- auspicious a wedding was not likely to introduce a happy union. It was not very long before she was forced to be sep- arated from her husband, who treated her in a most cruel manner. Her father had been the strenuous advocate of the marriage ; but for a long time he found himself utterly unable to persuade her to leave the man whom he* had compelled her to wed.* MARRIAGE AMONG THE LOWER ORDERS. The customs that characterize a country are to be found in their purity chiefly in those remote portions where the man- ners of other nations have not as yet intruded. The increas- ing facilities of intercommunication, while they improve the condition of the poorer classes, so far as material interests are affected, destroy those striking contrasts 5i the mode of living * Such is the story as related by one who had been a neighbor and intimate acquaintance of the jsai-ties ; and it was confirmed by several esteemed Athenian friends. 94 MODERN GREEK CUSTOMS. which excite the curiosity of the stranger. An American walking the streets of Athens, hears at every turn the cry of the peddler, who, under the name of "pania Americanica," hawks the fabrics of the Lowell mills ; and the Grecian mother finds it cheaper to clothe her daughters in these, than to occupy her leisure hours at the loom. In secluded vUlages the ceremony of marriage, which in the capital has become gradually assimilated to the stereotyped form of other countries, includes a number of curious rem- nants of ancient usages. Every petty hamlet, or at least every small district, possesses its own customs, which entire- ly regulate the performance of the ceremony, and which none even of the more polished citizens attempt to abrogate. It would, therefore, be quite a hopeless task to describe all the different modes ; and the customs that prevail in the province of Maina, at the southerly extremity of the country, may be taken as a fair specimen of the rest. The connection, long since projected, and fully discussed in family council on either side, has at length been approved, and the ^ time for its con- summation determined, by all the nearest relatives of the in- terested parties. Indeed, such a thing as a clandestine mar- riage, or one celebrated without the authorization of friends, is almost unheard of. Whoever should marry a young lady without first asking the consent of her relatives, would in Maina inevitably draw upon himself their fiercest animosity, and cause an irretrievable breach, sooner or later ending in revenge and bloodshed. We have heard the instance of one young man, who eloped with a girl of his acquaintance, and who, after forty years had passed, when surrounded by grown-up sons and daughters, fell a victim to the relentless hatred of those whom he had so long since offended.* The more important preparations for the wedding uniformly commence on Thursday evening. Toward dusk, the young men who have been invited bring the wood necessary for cook- * This incident is ei?fbodied in one of those pathetic moerologia, or laments, which are repeated over the tombs of the deceased. In this poetic history the leading events of the man's life are related with con- siderable detail. Some persons have acquired a singular reputation for their skill in composing them. PKEPARATIONS FOR A WEDDING. 95 ing purposes ; while the young women meet to sift the coarse flour that is to be employed. On Friday, they again assemble to cleanse the wheat and to grind it in the hand-mill. The flour thus obtained is used that very evening, when the maid- ens gather round the kneading-trough to fashion several kinds of cake. One of the girls, who according to ancient custom must have both her parents living, begins the kneading; whiles the others, standing around, throw in various coins, and sing! ditties which are mostly quite unintelligible, but have been handed down traditionally from dame to daughter for genera- tions. The cakes made of this dough are sent to all the friends of the parties, as invitations to attend the wedding. Another large cake is prepared at the same time, to be cut on Sunday evening, at the house of the bridegroom, as a signal for the termination of the festivities. The bridegroom and his intended father-in-law each invite their friends to their houses. If they live in the same village, this is accomplished in person ; but if they live too far off, the invitation is equally well understood on the reception of the small cake, which in these hamlets takes the place of the gilt and crested envelope, and the "At home" card of our more refined countries. After its reception a person is in duty bound to go on the same day to the house to which he is bid- den, where a convivial party is thus assembled. Its occu- pation for the afternoon consists in cleansing, and sometimes grinding the wheat, though this latter operation is often de- ferred for a day or two. While they perform these offices of friendship, the company enliven their labors by singing va- rious songs, for the most part curious and characteristic, but few of which have ever yet been collected into a permanent form. The remainder of the week is spent in a quiet manner, and it is not until the ensuing Saturday that the same parties re- assemble, at the house of the bridegroom or bride, as the case may be, for no one is invited to both places. The bridegroom, who according to the custom of the district bears all the ex- penses, has agreed previously to provide a stipulated number of rams or sheep, which never number less than three, and rarely exceed a dozen. These he now sends to the house of 96 MODERN GREEK CUSTOMS. his intended fatlier-in-law, and with them, three times as many loaves of bread as there are sheep, and three times as many oJces of wine* as there are loaves of bread. The men who are dispatched with these gifts — intended, of course, for immediate consumption — expect to be entertained and lodged at the house of the bride for the night. Such an addition to the domestic circle might terrify an American housekeeper ; but as beds are a commodity unknown or unused, so far as the greater part of the population are concerned, even a large number of guests can be easily accommodated. The Greek peasant, provided that he finds plenty to eat, and especially to drink, lays himself down in perfect contentment, wrapped up in his huge capote, or shaggy cloak, by the side of the fire, kindled on a stone hearth, in the middle of the room ; mean- while the family, perhaps, occupy a small inclosed space at one of the ends of the house, to which access is gained by a ladder of two or three steps. At about midnight another set of men are dispatched from the bridegroom's house. They carry a complete attire for the bride, who is dressed in it immediately. Then on Sunday morning, at about three or four o'clock, the bridegroom pro- ceeds thither in person, accompanied by a few of his more in- timate friends. And now the marriage ceremony, that is to say, the stephanoma, or crowning, takes place in the presence of all ; the parish priest, who has quitted his slumbers at this early hour, officiating. Upon the conclusion of the service the priest retires to his home, and so does the bridegroom, leaving the lady at her father's house. But at perhaps nine o'clock, in broad daylight, he proceeds on horseback, attended by all his friends, to claim and carry home his newly-married wife. On either hand walk two of his nearest female rela- tives, on his father's and mother's side. When the procession reaches the house, the bridegroom does not enter, but, accord- ing to custom, stops in some part of the court, while the guests of the bride's father come severally to greet him. First his mother-in-law embraces him, at the same time placing about his neck a handkerchief, as a gift. All the women follow her * Wine and oil are in Greece measured by weight, and an olce is nearly equal to three pounds of our standard. 3MUPTIAL GIFTS. 97 example, and place a similar present on his shoulders, so that before they get through he finds himself loaded down with a pile of handkerchiefs. These, of course, he does not wish to keep, and within a few days disposes of, without compunc- tion, by sale. As the custom is universal in that region, the matter is merely one of exchange, for each receives in the end about as much as he gives. And now the bridegroom and his friends may enter the house, where they are gener- ously entertained, and for a while conviviality reigns. But this must end. The father takes his daughter, and^ committing her to the husband's care, gives him such advice and exhortation as he may think proper. Then, leading them both into the court, he makes them tread on some firm stone — a ceremony which, if it has any meaning at all, as, with regard to many of these more trifling particulars, seems rather improbable, is intended to convey the idea of the unanimity that should exist between them.* The parents now take leave of their daughter, and the friends accompany the new- ly-married couple to their home. The guests of the bride- groom as they go, divert themselves with songs of little poet- ical merit, indeed, but lively enough, in which they represent themselves as having "robbed a neighborhood, and spoiled a country, to carry off the bride whose praises thousands sing." This nettles the friends of the bride's father, who retort upon them by wishing that "the bride may shine upon them like the sun, or like the moon ; that she may trample them under foot like the earth, and be in no way dependent on them for any thing." The same ceremony that took place at the dwelling of the father-in-law is now repeated at that of the bridegroom ; and the bride is not allowed to enter her new home before her hus- band's friends have all pressed around her to load her with presents, which consist of various little commodities, or of * Strange to say, a custom very similar prevails among the Hindoos. " A stone being placed before her (the bride), she, with her hands joined in a hollow form, was made to tread upon it with the toes of her right foot dviring this address of the bridegroom : ' Ascend this stone — be firm like this stone — distress my foe, and be not subservient to my enemy.' " — India and the Hindoos^ hy F. de W. Ward, p. 248. E 98 MODERN GREEK CUSTOMS. money. All the assembled company then follow the couple into the house, where, after a few unimportant forms, they sit down to a collation, with which the entire ceremonial comes to an end. Those acquainted with the customs of the ancient Greeks will scarcely fail to remark the very striking points of resem- blance presented by these observances. The wedding, the bridal procession, the songs of the friends, and many of the inferior details preserve a similarity truly wonderful, when we take into consideration the varied circumstances, and the long space of time that has intervened. The fact must, how- ever, be borne in mind, that the habits of the people in vari- ous districts are so extremely diverse, that the description of those which prevail in one place will by no means convey a correct idea of those of a village only a few miles distant. A GREEK BAPTISM. One of the tenants of a friend was about to have his child baptized, and we were included among those invited to wit- ness the ceremony. The small cottage, which stood with its end to the street, was entered from the court on its side, and here a part of the family, in then' gala dress, were awaiting the arrival of the priest who was to officiate. There is a large fund of kindness in the Greek heart, even among the poorest ; and the inmates of the cottage received us with pleasure, and exerted themselves to the utmost to entertain us. The priest kept us waiting for him. When he came, I found that he was an acquaintance, and officiated in the neighboring church of St. Nicholas Rangaves, whose shrill little bell, ringing to call the people to their devotions, used to break in upon my morning slumbers. A good heart beats beneath that coarse black cloak, and a ruddy face beams with good-nature from under the priestly cap ; but a plentiful use of the snuff-box does not improve its appearance as to clean- liness. A large brass vessel, two feet in diameter, was brought in by a young man, and placed in the centre of the room, and several bucketfuls of warm and cold water were poured in until the temperature was judged to be suitable. But before TRINE IlVrMERSION. 99 the water was fit to be used, another operation was neces- sary ; for the presence of any evil spirits or magic in the wa- ter would infallibly impair, if not destroy, the effect of the ordinance. If any such beings or influences lay concealed, they were surely dispelled by the manipulations of the priest, who, baring his arm, three times drew it through the water, making the sign of the cross. And if this had been ineffect- ual, they could scarcely remain after he had blown upon the surface, making on it the same sacred sign. The water being thus consecrated, the child was brought in, neatly dressed in white, and presented by its godfather for baptism. And now it was stripped of every article of clothing, and taken by the priest, who held it up before the whole company, in order, I presume, that all might be witnesses to the act. A small bottle of oil was taken, and with its contents the infant's en- tire body was rubbed. This is not considered part of the re- ligious rite, but is merely intended to prevent any injurious effects of the application of cold water to its body at so ten- der an age, as is customary among the Greeks. And the pre- caution, if it be of any avail, is certainly needed. The com- mon people consider the performance of the ceremony al- most, if not quite, a sine qua non of salvation, believing fully in its regenerating hifluence. So, the more delicate the babe's constitution, the more anxious are the parents to have the rite performed as early as possible. Notwithstanding all their precautions, however, I have heard that great num- bers of infants die yearly m consequence of the shock they receive. The act of baptism itself consisted in three times entirely immersing the child. The priest managed this very adroitly, and prevented its strangling by covering its mouth and entire face with one of his hands. After this was done (the name being given at the same time), the priest returned the crying and shivering baby into the hands of the godfather and the others who stood by, who immediately wiped and dressed it. The baptism is completed by the application of a little of the " holy unguent" to the baby's forehead, ears, hands, and feet. This "holy unguent" is, or was until lately, compounded only by the Patriarch at Constantinople, and dispensed once a year 100 MODERN GREEK CUSTOMS. to all the cnurches.* The child was now taken away, and the godfather distributed to each of the persons present a small, bright, silver coin, with the date of the current year, and a ribbon passed through a hole in it. The person who receives this piece of money is bound to keep it safely, that it may remind him of his having witnessed the baptism of that child. And this testimony he is expected to render, if necessary, before men, and also before the angels at the judgment day. The glittering coin that lies on the table be- fore me as I write these lines, its neat knot of blue ribbon tied to it, recalls the image of that little departed innocent, who no longer needs here on earth a witness to its christening. The godfather bears all the contingent expenses, which were in this case but small, though sometimes they amount to a considerable sum. Hence, it is esteemed quite a mark of friendship to be willing to stand sponsor for a neighbor's child. But the most important consideration, by far, is that the connection thus formed is no less binding than a natural relationship, and forever precludes all intermarriage between those who become so related to each other, to the same extent as with members of the same stock — that is, according to Greek law, as far as the ninth degree, I believe. FUNERAL PROCESSIONS AND OFFERINGS TO THE DEAD. Look with' me for a moment at the procession which is slowly passing, on its way to the cemetery beyond the Ilissus. During the summer months, while the fever is making its fearful ravages on the population of this unhealthy city,! many such may be counted every day. * It has been the policy of the Patriarch and the "Holy Synod" to attach the Greeks to the "Mother Church" by making them dependent in this manner for the articles necessary for the celebration of the ordi- nances of religion. t With a population of about 27,000 souls, Athens, in 1851, had 1105 deaths ; while the births, according to the same official reports, were only 526. Evidently the population of Athens at this rate would soon become extinct, were it not for the great influx of strangers. It is stated that the previous year there were as many as 1400 deaths. The greater part of these Avere undoubtedly from Greek fever. It is a fact worthy of note, that of the 526 children born in 1851, only ten were illegitimate. The same year there were 122 marriages. — ^on, Jan. 30, 1852. OFFERINGS TO THE DEAD. 101 The melancholy nasal chant of the priests as they come along, betokens the approach of the train, and as it draws nearer, the litanies they recite become distinguishable. The corpse of the deceased is borne in a light wooden box or coffin ; and the body, decorated with flowers, and clothed in white, is exposed to the gaze of all : for the lid has been removed, and is carried by a man or boy at head of the train. This lid has invariably a large cross painted upon it. As it approaches every by-stander reverently raises his hat, and stands uncovered until it has passed ; but this mark of respect is paid not to the departed, but to the sign of the cross, as my Greek friends assure me. It must be confessed, there is something rather repulsive in this parading of death through the thronged streets of a city, especially when its subject has been chosen from among the aged, or bears the marks of great and recent suffer- ing. Such is the manner in which the common people are borne to their last resting-place : but the death of a bishop occasions much more display of pomp. He is carried through the most public thoroughfares, dressed as in the discharge of his ecclesiastical functions, and placed in a sitting posture upon the bier. The place of burial being reached, he is in- terred in the same position, a distinction allowed to no one else. The interest entertained by survivors for the memory and the souls of the dead, is evinced by the prayers that are said in their behalf, although the Greeks do not profess to believe in the existence of a purgatory. A singular practice calls up their remembrance yet more vividly. Several successive Fri- days are set apart as especially devoted to the dead. The bell of the little church of Saint Nicholas Rangaves, situated at the very base of the Acropolis, attracted my attention on one of these occasions. Upon entering the church — a small edifice, scarce exceeding in size an ordinary room — I found a few per- sons waiting for the commencement of the services ; the men and boys standing near the altar, while the women, as usual, remained somewhat farther off. Ever and anon some person would come in, carrying a small dish covered with a napkin, and after devoutly crossing himself, placed the dish upon the floor in front of the screen of the hieron, or holy place. These 102 MODERN GREEK CUSTOMS. plates contained a peculiar sort of cake, which is called Collyva. It is, in fact, an offering made to the manes of the dead, and can certainly claim a pagan rather than a Christian origin. It is carefully made, the principal ingredients being boiled wheat and currants. The surface of the top is ornamented with various degrees of neatness, by means of the eatable red grains of the pomegranate, or almonds, or any thing of the kind. These cakes were sent by the relatives of those who had died within a year or two, and if handsome were allowed to remain before the chancel. If more commonly prepared, the contents were thrown together into a basket. In every plate oi collyva, and in every basket, were stuck a number of little lighted waxen tapers, which burned during the service. The notion of the common people respecting this usage was expressed to me by a person whom I asked to explain its pur- port. " The soul of the deceased," said he, " for whom the collyva is offered, comes down during the service, and eats a single grain of the wheat." But what manner of good this could do the disembodied spirit he was not able to explain; nor did he give me any satisfactory reason for offering so large a quantity, when the spirit is so moderate in its desires. The parish priest during the short service I attended took notice of the names of all those for whom collyva had been offered. At the conclusion he helped himself to his share of the cakes, after the spirits had enjoyed an ample opportunity of eating to their hearts' content. The rest was distributed by handfuls to every person present, to be carried away and eaten at home — a feast for the dead. VIEW OF ATHENS. CHAPTER Vin. THE COURT AND POLITICS OF GEEECE. The arrival of tlie American frigate Cumberland in the harbor of Piraeus, followed shortly by the steamship San Jacinto, produced some commotion in the city of Athens. An intervention on the part of the United States in behalf of Dr. King had been threatened, but was not generally expected. No American vessel of war had done more than touch at Piraeus for a number of years past ; and multitudes had never even seen one of our frigates. The unusual circumstance was, therefore, set down at once as having some connection with the trial and imprisonment of the only representative of the United States within the boundaries of the kingdom. The Hon. Mr. Marsh, American Minister to Constantinople, having been commissioned to investigate the heavy charges of 104 THE COURT AND POLITICS OP GREECE. injustice preferred against the courts of law by the joint testi- mony of all the Americans residing at Athens, was a pas- senger on board the San Jacinto. Though not accredited to the Court of Athens at this time, his official character ren- dered it imperatively necessary that there should be a formal presentation to the queen, who was regent during the tempo- rary absence of King Otho in Germany. To arrange the pre- liminaries, Dr. King and myself called on Mr. Colocotroni, the master of ceremonies {aularches), whom we found living in very simple style, in the northern quarter of the town. He was a middle aged man, of slender form, and pleasing address. The interview was a short one, and we left, Mr. Colocotroni promising to send early notice of the time when it would suit the queen's convenience to receive the American Minister and officers. Meanwhile an amusing incident occurred at Piraeus. A young American lieutenant had long been desirous of procur- ing a block of genuine Pentelican marble, to serve as a pedes- •tal for the bust of his father-in-law, a warm admirer of Greece. In the garden of a friend in Athens, he found a piece that exactly suited his purpose. The owner cheerfully presented him with it, and had it neatly inclosed in a box. One even- ing, after a call in the city, the officer placed it in his carriage and rode down to Piraeus, expecting to find one of the ship's boats in waiting. It was late, however, and none were to be found ; but there were other boats at hand, and he deposited himself and his prize in one of these. On reaching the frigate he stepped on board, telling the boatmen to bring his box on deck. Instead of doing so, they demanded an exorbitant fare ; and when he refused to pay it, quietly shoved off, and put back to shore. The lieutenant, who was on deck and un- armed, was unable to stop the rogues ; and retired to his state-room for the night, as may be imagined, considerably vexed at the occurrence. Early the next morning, application was made for the arrest of the dishonest boatmen. They were readily identified, and in their house was found the box, which they had conveyed thither with no little trouble, and had broken open to discover its contents. They had evidently been deceived by its great weight ; and doubtless their chagrin PRESENTATION AT COURT. 105 was considerable, when instead of a small treasure in gold or silver, they found inside nothing but a worthless block of stone. But for an unlucky discovery, the box would now have been restored to its owner. The marble had once been embedded in some church or chapel, as was manifest from a large Byzantine cross rudely carved on one face. The custom- house officers declared that this cross was old, and that the stone came under the category of antiquities, whose exporta- tion is prohibited by law. There was no use in arguing the matter with them. The only resource was to send up to the city for Mr. Pittakes, the General Superintendent of Antiqui- ties ; who, on his arrival, laughed at the simplicity of the officials, and readily granted permission to export that block, and as many more such as could be procured. On the day appointed by the queen, we rode to the palace, and were ushered into the waiting-chamber, upon the second story near the northeastern corner. Here we were met by Mr. Colocotroni, who was introduced to Mr. Marsh, Commo- dore Stringham, and fourteen other officers. Having been desired by Mr. M. to assist him in the translation of the vari- ous Greek documents relating to Dr. King's case, it was thought proper by Mr. Colocotroni, that I should be pre- sented at the same time; which would otherwise have been out of order. The usual routine of commonplace remarks having been gone through on either side, Mr. Colocotroni seated himself by my side, and inquired privately respecting the rank and names of the several officers ; for the purpose, as T afterward learned, of informing the queen on the subject, and furnishing her with appropriate staple of remark. He then retired ; and after a brief interval returned and ushered us into the adjoining presentation-room. Queen Amelia was standing near the centre of the room, which, though on no great scale of magnificence, was hand- somely decorated and furnished. She was attired very tastefully : her dress was not remarkable for costliness ; and she wore but little jewelry. Her height is good ; and though well-formed, she is rather disposed to be fleshy. By most persons she is considered handsome. She is certainly better- looking than most of the crowned heads of Europe, At the E 2 106 THE COURT AND POLITICS OF GREECE. age of thirty-two or three she had, however, naturally lost much of her former beauty. A few paces behind the queen was the grande maitresse, Madame Pulsky, who during the entire ceremony of presentation stood in the same spot, im- movable as a statue. On entering the room each individual bowed profoundly, and then all ranged themselves in the form of a crescent, oc- cupying positions corresponding to their official rank. Mr. Colocotroni first presented Mr. Marsh ; and the queen having advanced, stood for some five or ten minutes engaged in con- versation with him. Then Mr. Marsh accompanied her along the line, introducing each one in succession. To the superior officers a few questions were addressed, which had to be in- terpreted to those who were so unfortunate as not to know a single word of French — the language that the queen had chosen to make use of The junior officers were, for the most part, honored with but a single interrogatory; and that re- lated to their own department of naval service. The cap- tain of the marines, for instance, was merely asked how many men he commanded, or some other similarly trivial question. I have no doubt all were equally delighted when the awk- ward ceremony was dispatched, and a bow from the queen announced that we were at liberty to retire from the royal presence. If our entrance had been punctilious, our departure was still more so ; and we literally bowed ourselves out of the room ; for it would have been a gross violation of all courtly etiquette to turn our backs upon the queen. Although the retrograde motion was neither convenient nor graceful, we made good our retreat to the door. Most of the party seemed much pleased with the result of the interview, the conse- quence of which was an invitation sent to the American Min- ister, Commodore, and Captains, to dine at the palace on a specified day. Strange to say, only IMr. Marsh and one of the captains were forthcoming ; the attractions of royalty not being sufficiently powerful to induce the Commodore to post- pone his departure for Constantinople, where the presence of an American frigate was imperatively demanded to protect our citizens. KING OTHU. 107 The king enjoys a ftir smaller share of personal popularity than Queen Amelia. Nor has it been on the increase of late years. Chosen by the three powers of England, France, and Kussia, formerly in alliance to form a protectorate of Greece, he was elevated to the throne while a mere youth, after the as- sassination of the " Governor," Count Capo d'Istrias. The crown had previously been offered to the young Leopold, now King of Belgium ; who was unwilling to accept it, unless cer- tain of the hearty good- will of the people. Well would it have been for Greece had she been so fortunate as to receive such a ruler ! Otho was the son of Louis, late King of Bavaria, and a younger brother of the present occupant of the throne. He was, consequently, educated a strict Roman Catholic, and en- tirely under the influence of the priesthood. From the date of his arrival in Greece until the first of June, 1835, his twen- tieth birth-day, the government was administered by a Ger- man Regency, whose conduct has been regarded in a very dif- ferent light by those w^ho have viewed it from opposite sides. The first' eight years of King Otho's reign were a continuation of the same line of policy with that previously pursued. With- in eighteen naonths after his accession, he gained the hand of the princess Amelia, of Oldenburg, who was some four years younger than himself, and a Protestant in point of religion. The Regency had filled most of the posts of honor and emolu- ment with their own countrymen. Under the young monarch there was a German ministry : German generals commanded troops, many of whom were themselves Germans : and not a few professors in the university were of foreign birth. The fact that both king and queen were strangers, as well in faith as in nationality, to the great mass of their subjects, was never palatable to the Greeks, who regard their religion as a precious heir-loom, and as the bond of union in the Hellenic state. But it was quite insupportable to the poor but proud revolutionary soldiers and klefts, to see a horde of foreigners reaping the rewards of their toils, and occupying the situations to which they considered themselves entitled. A constitution, too, had been promised from time to time ; but it was a mere promise. The monarchy was in fact autocratic : the king's edict having the full force of law. 108 THE COURT AND POLITICS OF GREECE. At length the people grew tired of waiting for the change that was to put an end to the disorders complained of. On one of the first days of September, 1843, a crowd gathered in front of the palace, gradually increasing by fresh arrivals from town and country, till the spacious square was one dense mass of human beings, all loudly demanding a constitution. It was now no time for delay, and promises could no longer avail. The troops themselves had caught the general enthu- siasm, and siding with the citizens, were loudest in their vo- ciferations. Cannon were even pointed at the palace, and Callerges, who sat on one of them, threatened to fire, if, at the expiration of a few hours, the king still refused to satisfy the popular desire. Otho was disposed to be obstinate. No- thing was farther from his wishes, than to be trammeled by a constitution, and to share his legislative functions with the representatives of the nation. His wife, though no less at- tached than himself to unlimited power, grasped the full con- sequences of resistance ; and is said to have begged him with tears to bend, rather than break, before the approachiug storm. Perceiving that the people were in no mood to be trifled with, Otho reluctantly yielded. The 3d of September (old style) is annually kept as a festival to commemorate the auspicious event. A representation of the people was at once called to draft a proper constitution; which, on the 18th of the next March, was solemnly sworn to by the king, in the presence of all the officers of the government. In accordance with this instrument,* the legislative powers are vested in a Congress composed of two bodies, the Senate (gerousia), and the House of Representatives (boule). The former, which is intended to be the conservative branch, should be composed of not less then twenty-seven members, nor of more than one half the number of representatives in the other House, save with its own consent. The senators are chosen for life by the king ; but the classes of individuals * A Greek work entitled " Hippodamus ; Principles of Constitutional Law, or the Greek Constitution Annotated, by N, Pappadoukas, " con- tains a lucid and able commentary. The true author is reported to be the well-known Demetrius Kyriakou, some time Minister of Justice, one of the best lawvers of Athens. CONSTITUTIONAL PROVISIONS. 109 from which they may be selected, are carefully enumerated. They are chiefly those who commanded the armies in the gi'eat revolutionary struggle, or have occupied high stations of honor and trust in the civil, judicial, and military depart- ments for a specified period, varying from four to ten years.* The senator must be at least forty years of age. The other House is composed of the representatives of the people, one be- ing elected for about ten thousand inhabitants. Their num- ber can not be less than eighty. No male citizen above twenty- five years, with the exception of the clergy, is debarred from the right of voting ; but none are eligible to office until they are thirty years old. The members of both houses are remunerated for their services, the senators receiving $83, and the represent- atives $43 per month, during the session. The intrusion of foreigners into office is effectually precluded by the provisions of the constitution, which expressly declare that no foreign army shall be allowed to pass through, or be maintained in Greece, unless permission be specially granted by law. To obviate future inconvenience from the anomaly of a king professing a religion different from that of the great mass of the inhabitants, the successor to the throne must embrace the Greek religion. The crowns of Greece and Bavaria, it is farther stipulated, shall never be united on the same head. The king's annual stipend is fixed by law at one million drachms ($166,000). Such are some of the most important provisions of the Con- stitution, inaugurating a government theoretically perhaps the most liberal in Europe. All citizens are equal in the eye of the law ; for the creation of titles of nobility is expressly for- bidden, and there is no room for an hereditary aristocracy. And though the prevailing or established religion is declared to be the " Orthodox Oriental Church of Christ," yet one of the chief excellences of the Constitution is its liberality to- ward other creeds. "Every known religion is tolerated, and its worship conducted without hindrance under the protection of the law, proselytism and every other encroachment upon the dominant religion being forbidden." "Every one may publish his opinions orally, in writing, and by the press, ob- * See Article 72 of the Constitution, 110 THE COURT AND POLITICS OF GREECE. serving the laws of the State."* How these principles have been violated in Dr. King's condemnation I shall elsewhere narrate. Meanwhile, the checks upon the power of the crown are apparently as great as are compatible with the ex- istence of the regal system. The budget is, of course, submit- ted by the ministry to the chambers. As the latter alone have the right to provide the revenue necessary for carrying on the government, by authorizing the levy of taxes and the' col- lection of duties, the entu^e control of the Executive is appar- ently intrusted to their hands. The ministers are made per- sonally responsible for their actions; and all members of the royal family are excluded from the cabinet, in order that they may not be liable to impeachment. In practice, however, the throne may be said, under the present administration, to be almost unrestrained by the pop- ular element in the accomplishment of the measures it has determined upon. It is notorious that the government of Otho is generally unpopular throughout the land, and yet it constantly succeeds in securing a majority in the chambers sufficient to attain its ends. The representatives are, it is true, chosen by the people at large, but the government is rarely at a loss for means to obtain a favorable result. Un- der the pretext of allowing the greatest freedom for voters, the election is made by ballot ; but during the eight days of the election the ballot-boxes are left in the keeping of an election- committee. | In some cases the boxes are known to have con- tained a number of votes larger than the entire number of regis- tered voters in the district. During the election, as well as before, the greatest exertions are made by all the government officers, in conjunction with the friends of the candidates, to influence the people to vote for those who are known to be most favorable to the measures of the kmg. But even in the House of Representatives there can not exist for any great length of time a numerous and determined opposition. Every method — bribes, offers of promotion, and of the patronage of friends, are employed, and most of those elected are soon in- duced to yield support to the government. * Articles 1 and 10. t Act to regulate the Election of Eenresentatives, tit. 3, arts. 18, 22. A POLITICAL MEASURE. Ill An instance of the determination of the ministry to carry- its plans at any cost was seen in the passage of a certain law in the summer of 1851. Its object was the creation of a large number of epJiori, or officers for the collection of the revenue. Its introduction was the signal for opposition from those who were not attached to the courtly party, and saw no necessity for so considerable an increase of the places in the gift of the throne. It passed the Lower House, however ; but on being brought up in the Senate, although the king had, in anticipa- tion, created three or four new members, that body refused to concur in the proposed act. Thereupon the king prorogued both Houses for the space of some forty days. In the mean while ten or more additional senators were appointed, for the most part from the officers of the king's own household, or from the ministry, and all of them persons devoted to himself. The party thus reinforced was now enabled to reconsider the bill in the Senate, and it was passed in accordance with the desires of the ministry. In this manner, and by means of the most flagrant corruption, the throne is usually able to control with ease the deliberations of the legislative bodies. And this is much facilitated by the Constitution, which, although it declares that representatives cease to be such the moment they accept any post under the government, yet permits ex- ecutive officers to be elected representatives.* Thus it hap- pens that many military officers are at the same time mem- bers of one of the legislative bodies, where, as they retain their commissions merely during the sovereign's pleasure, they constitute the warmest adherents of the crown. A remarka- ble clause is, however, inserted in the Constitution, providing that in such a case the individual is not entitled to the emol- uments of both offices, but only to those of the more lucrative of the two. "I" In respect to foreign relations, the politicians of Greece may be divided into three parties — the E-ussian or Napist, the En- glish, and the French : a result which the acute mind of Co- ray long since foresaw and deplored. For it was not, he ar- gued, until Greece was divided into the Macedonian and anti- Macedonian parties that Philip found an entering wedge for * Article 64. f Article 68. 112 THE COURT AND POLITICS OF GREECE. his ambition. The Russian party is undoubtedly the most numerous and influential. It stands forth the advocate of a close political and religious connection with Russia. Hence, almost the entire clergy are, from policy or conviction, among its adherents. Ambition to restore a Greek empire embracing all who profess the Greek creed and speak the Greek language, is its animating principle. Despairing of success in this vast undertaking with their own unaided resources, the Napists cast about them for some more powerful ally. France and England are unfortunately too much interested in the main- tenance of the balance of power, to offer any hope of assist- ance, or even of countenance. - The same policy that excluded from the map of the new state of Greece one half of the terri- tory that had asserted and upheld its independence, restoring it once more to the Sublime Porte, would never help to weak- en and destroy the Ottoman Empire. On the other hand, a community of religion naturally draws the Greeks to look to the great Russian empire for means to realize their ambitious projects. Some are simple enough to imagine that, after con- quering Constantinople at his own expense, the Czar will be so generous as to make it over without equivalent to his friends the Greeks. While others assert that he will annex Asia Minor to the kingdom of Greece, and set one of his younger sons over the united empire. The English and French parties are the advocates of dem- ocratic principles. To them belong the most liberal and in- telligent statesmen, the Tricoupis, the Mavrocordatos, and, in general, the men of the largest patriotism. But they are in a minority, and their influence can scarcely be a positive one for good. They rather counteract the iU-advised measures of the dominant politicians. Th^ king, for his part, identifies himself with none of these sections, and strives, as far as possible, to employ them all as tools for the furtherance of his plans. The court is given to gay- ety and pleasure, and the revenue, which should be expended for the benefit of the nation, is lavished on balls and entertain- ments. The queen, Amelia, has the reputation of being the best rider and dancer at Athens. Her passion for the latter accomplishment is such, that whoever can dance well is a wel- BAD STATE OF ROADS. 113 come guest at the public balls, and can readily secure her as a partner. Meanwhile, the country is suffering for the want of atten- tion paid by the government to the improvement of its natu- ral resources. Probably the greatest obstacle to the prosper- ity of Greece is to be found in the difficulty of the interchange of commodities. No country in the world stands in more pressing need of good roads : in none are they more difficult of construction. Successive ranges of mountains, with their branching spurs, divide the cultivable ground into a thousand small valleys, each deprived of easy communication with its neighbors. From one township to the next nothing can be transported but by the horses and mules accustomed to climb the rugged mountain-paths, and tread firmly on the ladder-like ascents. The only carriage-roads in Greece are a few short ones about Athens, one, twelve or fifteen miles long, near La- mia, and others at Corinth, Chalcis, and a few other large towns. The ordinary mode of transportation is so expensive that it can not be much employed, nor is it available for any but the most valuable products. In this way it happens that Greece is often compelled to import wheat for its sea-board towns, whereas, at the distance of but a day's journey inland, there is, or might be produced enough to furnish an ample supply. With a revenue of twenty-one or two millions of drachms (^^3,500,000), obtained from its million subjects, the government is unable, or unwilling, to expend even a million annually upon the most indispensable improvements. The demi, or towns, on the other hand, are too poor, too ignorant, or can not sufficiently combine their efforts to construct and maintain good roads. Yet while such have been the shortcomings of the govern- ment, there are other respects in which it is entitled to the highest commendation. It can not be denied that it has sue- ceeded in destroying many relics of a darker age. In Maina, particularly, it has broken up the tyrannical and lawless clans, whose perpetual wranglings and hereditary animosities among themselves, made the entire district the scene of oft-recurring deeds of bloodshed. To appreciate the value of the change, one should hear some of the sanguinary recitals that are yet cur- 114 THE COURT AND POLITICS OF GREECE. rent among the people. The klefU^ or mountain robbers, from whose depredations no village was safe, have now been mostly brought to justice, or expelled. For years none have been heard of in Peloponnesus. The few that remain infest the mountains forming the boundary line of Turkey, or the sparsely inhabited districts of Acamania and^tolia. It is true that in reaching this end much needless suffering has been inflict- ed, by the rapacity and oppression of the soldiers and petty officers quartered upon the villages in the vicinity of the rob- bers; but this was to be expected, and it has been merely temporary in its duration. By far the greatest eulogium, however, that can with truth be conferred on the government of King Otho, is that it has spared no expense or efforts to dif- fuse education and intelligence among the people. Henceforth no one need remain in ignorance except from his own choice. To the diligent a free course of instruction is offered, extend- ing from the primary school to the university. The present system of education promises to make Greece one of the most intelligent and well-informed nations of Europe ; and the light of literature and science is again commencing to dawn upon its ancient seat of Athens. Toward religion the government assumes rather an attitude of unconcern than of partiality. The king and queen have respectively their Roman Catholic and Protestant chaplains ; but otherwise they appear quite indifferent to the subject. It is more to please the bigotry of the priesthood, than to gratify any preferences of their own, that any infringements upon the freedom of religious worship have been countenanced. A GREEK CHUKCH. CHAPTEE IX. THE GREEK CHURCH. A ciECTJMSTANCE that adds to the interest and importance of the consideration of the religious state of Grreece, is the in- timate connection which the prevalent faith has ever sustain- ed with the national fortunes. To one even who should feel no concern in a subject most vital to the welfare of individuals, the consequence of its political bearings would commend it for careful scrutiny. There are few facts in history more striking than the tenacity with which the Eastern Churches have clung to their religious belief, through ages beset with temptations and perils : when they were exposed, not only to the seduc- tive influences of power and wealth, but, at times also, to more open trials, under the form of political disfranchisement and persecution. This steadfast adherence to their ancient tenets it was, that alone preserved the nationality of the Greeks, dur- ing theu' subjection to the Mussulman power ; this it was that rendered the resuscitation of their separate existence possible. It is even now the sole connecting link between the Hellenic kingdom and the provinces that are yet enslaved. The Greek denomination, comprising a vast majority of the inhabitants of the Russian Empire, in addition to seven or eight millions in the Turkish dominions, embraces, probably, 116 THE GEEEK CHURCH. between sixty and seventy millions of souls. Compared, how- ever, with the body of Protestants, whose numbers are but little superior, the Greek Church can scarcely be said to ex- ert a sensible influence upon the intellect of the world. It is but just awaking from that lethargy in which the East has for centuries been plunged. It produces no theologians of any note, and it has made no contributions to current literature. The clergy, instead of being, as in the West, among the best- informed members of the community, have sunk to the com- mon level ; or, often, seem to be the enemies of learning and intelligence. It is this that adds so much to the singularity of the fact, that, tried by the test of purity of doctrine, the Greek Church is so far superior to the Roman Catholic. In many respects the two Churches closely resemble each other; and in none more than in their hierarchical systems. Yet even here there are striking points of contrast, which point out the Oriental as by far the less corrupt. It has never allowed an ecclesiastical authority to arrogate supreme do- minion in the Church. The four Archbishops of Constanti- nople, Alexandria, Antioch, and Jerusalem, have, it is true, obtained, under the title of Patriarchs, an acknowledged as- cendency over the other bishops and archbishops. But the ground of this pre-eminence, as stated in the acts of Councils, is merely the existence of the custom of attributing to the prelates of those cities a great degree of honor- Consequently they have never claimed a more direct apostolic succession, an absolute power, or infallibility. The Patriarch, by his own confession, is simply a superior bishop, basing his pre- tensions, at farthest, upon the decrees of the Councils. Until 1821, the Church of Greece retained a close connec- tion with the " Holy Synod" of Constantinople. When, how- ever, the Revolutionary Wa^ broke out, the Patriarch, who was suspected — no doubt with justice — of friendliness to the cause of freedom, fell a victim to the jealousy of the Porte ; and another, a mere creature of the government, was in- stalled in his place. The clergy of Greece, under the guid- ance of Germanos, Bishop of Patras, had taken a prominent part in the revolt. To reduce them to submission, the spirit- ual influence of the Patriarch was invoked. After having SEPARATION FROM THE PATRIARCH. 117 fulminated, near the commencement of the conflict, an edict of excommunication against all the belligerent Greeks, the Patriarch and his Synod, on the 20th of February (March 3d, N. S.), 1828, issued a second letter, addressed to "all Chris- tians inhabiting Peloponnesus and the ^gean Sea." In this remarkable production they are reminded of " the submission and fidelity they owe to the lawful Ottoman Empire watched over hy God;'"' and are warned not to lose precious moments in deceitful procrastination. They are allured by the prospect of a speedy restoration to the spiritual graces in the gift of the Church. "But if," it is added in conclusion, "we should again meet — which God forbid ! — with stubbornness and dis- obedience, arising from the delusive ideas that lead you astray — the ax is laid at the root of the tree. See you to that /"* A document of such a tenor, and issued at so inauspicious a juncture — -when the exertions of seven years of continual warfare had been crowned with success for the Greek arms, in the decisive victory of Navarino — was not calculated, as may be imagined, to heal the breach. This injudicious meas- ure too clearly proved, what had long been asserted — that the Patriarchate was but a tool in the hands of the Sultan. Ev- ery link that connected the Church in Greece to that in Turkey was sundered ; and the former remained independent, though lying under interdict, until the year 1850. By the second article of the Constitution of 1843, now in force, it is ex- pressly declared that "the Orthodox Church of Greece, ac- knowledging our Lord Jesus Christ as its head, is indivisibly united to the Great Church of Constantinople, and every other Church of Christ that holds the same faith ; adhering, pre- cisely as they do, to the holy canons of the apostles and coun- cils, and to the holy traditions : yet it is independent, exer- cising its sovereign functions free from the control of any other Church." Notwithstanding this declaration, the difficulties of the po- sition of the Greek Church were felt in so lively a manner, that no new bishoprics were erected, and the vacancies cre- ated by the death of the incumbents were not filled. At * The letter was republished in the form of a small pamphlet, at the office of the Euterpe^ a literary periodical ; Athens, 1852. 118 THE GREEK CHURCH. length the necessity of giving some more definite shape to the ecclesiastical affairs of the state, had become so evident, that the Ministry resolved to send a commission to the Church of Constantinople, with letters from the government and from the Synod of Greece, requesting them to " approve their ec- clesiastical constitution ; and, recognizing the Synod of the kingdom of Greece erected in accordance with it, to receive it as a sister-church holding the same doctrines, and equal in honor ;" and to announce it as such to the other three Pa- triarchates. The reply received to these letters was a master-piece of cunning. It was styled The Synodical Tome, and the Russian party in the state not only el:tolled it to the skies, but advo- cated its immediate ratification and adoption as an organic law of the realm. Such must have been the inevitable result, had not an antagonist appeared in the author of an anonymous work upon the subject, who was soon known to be the theolo- gian Theophilus Pharmakides, a distinguished professor in the university. He stigmatized the entire movement as one which, if consummated, would lead to the virtual surrender of the established polity. The Patriarchal letter, instead of recognizing the Hellenic Church as already independent, pro- ceeded, on certain conditions, to decree it such. This implied the right to revoke the privileges that were granted, if the terms of the contract should not be observed. The conditions were the following : The establishment of a perpetual Synod of bishops, to be the highest authority in matters of religion, and to exercise its functions independent of secular interfer- ence ; the insertion of petitions for the Patriarch and his ad- visers m the public services ; the procuring of the " Holy Myron," or anointing oil used after baptism, directly from Constantinople ; the consultation of the Great Church on all important matters needing reflection. On these and other equally humiliating conditions, the Patriarch was pleased to remove the sentence of excommunication, and recognize the validity of the ordination of the Greek clergy.* * The Tome^ and all tlie documents relating to the discussion, may be found in the work of Professor Pharmakides, entitled The Synodical Tome, or Of Truth: Athens, 1852, THE SYNODICAL TOBIE. 119 It was too evident that the Tome was but a fresh attempt to foist upon the Greeks the yoke of their ancient masters ; and, when its impudent design was thus clearly exposed, no alternative remained but to reject it altogether. The only visible result it produced, was to awaken the jealousy of the nation, and call attention to many points in ecclesiastical his- tory, of which the multitude had hitherto been entirely igno- rant. How the Church insensibly passed from a democratic, representative form -of government, to an arrogant oligarchy under the sway of the bishops and patriarchs, was fully dis- cussed by Professor Pharmakides. By a law framed in 1852, the ecclesiastical polity of the kingdom has been completely remodeled. It increased the episcopal sees to twenty-four — a large number, assuredly, for a population of scarce a million souls.* To each of these is annexed a salary payable by the government, and varying from seven hundred to a thousand dollars. The Bishop of Attica was, at the same time, promoted to be Metropolitan of Athens. Measures were at once taken to fill as many of the vacant episcopal chairs as possible. In order to allay the vexation naturally entertained by the Patriarch and his Syn- od, in consequence of the indignity offered to them in the rejection of the "Tome," a special messenger was dispatched by the king, with full power to confer on the mortified ecclesi- astics as many decorations of the honorary Greek " Order of the Saviour" as might be found necessary; besides covering the insult with a profusion of empty compliments. The differences between the Latin and Greek Churches, as already stated, are no less marked than their points of resemblance. It Is not my intention to enter with minute- ness upon a subject so strictly theological. It is rather my * The Holy Synod of Greece was to be composed of one metropolitan, of Athens, the capital of the nome of Attica, and of Greece ; ten arch- bishops, nine of them taking their titles from the capitals of the other nine nomes into which the kingdom is divided ; the tenth from Corinth, "which, though not the capital of a nome, on account of the antiquity of the church founded there by Paul," is raised to the dignity of an archbishopric ; and thirteen bishops complete the list of the hierarchy. The Synod nominates three candidates to fill every vacancy, and the king selects one from this number. — 'E^rjfieplc rov Aaov, July 2, 1852. 120 THE GREEK CHUKCH. aim to convey a general idea, that shall at the same time be a correct one, of the present attitude which the " Orthodox" Church, as it styles itself, assumes in relation to the great religious movements of the day. A fact lying on the surface is, that its doctrinal perversions, unlike those of its Latin sister, have never become part of a deliberately-formed system, ratified by successive generations, and codified, as it were, by a Council like that of Trent. Nor have its pretensions reached so daring a point. Its degeneracy arises rather from the ignorance of the Middle Ages than from a willful perversion of truth. It acknowledges but seven general Councils, whose authority is binding on Christians, the last in a. d. 786 being that which condemned the doctrines of the Iconoclasts. Yet, by the high esteem in which tradition is held, the multiplica- tion of feast-days and of superstitious practices, the complica- tion of the ritual, and a few cardinal errors of doctrine, a state of things has been induced, little superior to that existing in the West. On the other hand, the Greeks have never ad- mitted the claims of the Pope to be the Vicar of God on earth. This, indeed, was the primary cause of the schism between the two Churches ; the occasion was the insertion of the words Jtlioque in the Nicene creed. The doctrine of the existence of a purgatory has never been admitted ; although, practically, by offering prayers for the dead, such a notion is sanctioned. The Apocrypha has never been received into the canon of Scripture, " though containing many praiseworthy moral pas- sages." Still, many intelligent men would be quite at a loss to discriminate between the books which their own fathers pronounce canonical, and those that are not. It ought also to be said, to the praise of the Eastern Church, that the read- ing of the Scriptures by the common people has never been forbidden by the Church ; however individuals among the clergy may have endeavored, sometimes by open, and more frequently by secret opposition, to repress it. The Catechism of Plato, Archbishop of Moscow, translated by Coray, and approved by the Holy Synod and the Minister of Public Instruction, is, I believe, required to be taught in all the higher schools of the kingdom. It is, therefore, a fair ex- ponent of the doctrines of the Greek Church ; while its com- THE CATECHISM OF PLATO. 121 pleteness and orderly arrangement would entitle it, under any circumstances, to a careful perusal.* The Orthodox Chris- tian, according to this catechism, recognizes Christ as sole Head of the Church, the clergy being shepherds of his flock ; the bishops as first, and the priests as second in rank. The Church can follow no leader but Christ. The " power of the keys" committed to the Church, is the authority to reprove or exclude from its communion the unworthy participant. The Sacraments of the New Testament are seven : baptism, the Lord's Supper, chrism, confession, orders, marriage, and the anointing of the sick ; but of these, the first two are superior m importance, and the last three are not binding on all Chris- tians. The doctrines of baptismal regeneration, and the real presence in the Eucharist, are clearly set forth. The import- ance of the traditions and customs of the Fathers is insisted on, as an essential part of Christian doctrine and worship. The invocation of saints is defended, upon the usual grounds, against the imputation of violating the first commandment of the Decalogue. In the explanation of the second, the Greek Church discriminates between the graven image and the pic- ture of a saint, declaring the former alone to be reprehensible. Yet it condemns as idolatrous " those that consider one picture more holy than another; that expect more benefit from one than from another ; that bring into the Church a picture and will worship no other; that honor the picture with costly ornaments, more than that which is without, or the old one more than the new ; or that are unwilling to worship in a place where there are no images." To a Protestant there is, perhaps, no part of the Greek sys- * The Catechism of Plato, translated from the German by the able hand of Coray, is a compend of Theology, rather than an elementary treatise, as its name would give us to expect. It is a volume of about 140 pages in 8vo. The first part, treating of Natural Theology, enters with detail into the examination of the proofs of God's existence, the nature and attributes of God, the natural estate of man, and his con- scious ill-desert. The second and main division sets forth the Evangel- ical Faith, that is, Eevealed Religion, with the exception of the Law of God, which forms the subject of the third part. The discussion of the particular doctrines is mostly full and satisfactory, while the notes of the translator are characterized by an evangelical spirit. F 122 THE GREEK CHURCH. tern more shocking than the worship of the Virgin Mary, as it exists, and as it is countenanced by the standards now in use. To say that many of the common peasants are unable to make that distinction which the Church pretends to enjoin, and from mere veneration easily step over into the domain of a most culpable religious worship — is stating a fact which no intelligent eye-witness of their devotions can find reason to deny. It may not be so generally known that the prayer- books in common use, even more than the public service, abound with passages well calculated to mislead the worship- per, and induce him to look to the blessed Virgin for assist- ance which God alone can grant.* * A single example of such a prayer may not be altogether out of place ; and its completeness and elegance must atone for its length. It will be noticed that the several parts — adoration, confession, and suppli- cation — are clearly marked and impressively conveyed. Yet so strong are the ascriptions of divine attributes, that were the prayer addressed to the Deity, no expression would be found inconsistent with His char- acter. I translate from the Hiera Synopsis, a small volume of prayers intended for the use of private Christians (p. 44). " JL Prayer to the Most Holy Mother of God. "O spotless, undefiled, uncorrupted, uncontaminated, pure Virgin, Queen, the Bride of God ! Who didst unite God the Word to men, by thy wonderful conception ; and join the alienated nature of our race to heavenly things. The only hope of the despairing, and help of them that be warred against ; the ready defence of those that fly unto thee, and the refuge of all Christians. Do not abhor me a sinner and ac- cursed ; who, by base thoughts, words, and deeds, have rendered myself utterly vile. . . . But, as Mother of the compassionate God, kindly pity me a sinner and prodigal, and receive my prayer offered to thee by my polluted lips. And do thou, making use of thy motherly liberty, impor- tune thy Son, and our Lord and Master, to open to me, too, the kind bowels of his goodness, and, passing by my numberless offences, turn me to repentance, and make me a tried doer of his precepts. And be present unto me alway merciful, compassionate, and good: both in this life as a warm protectress and helper, warding off the assaults of them that be against me, and leading me unto salvation; and in the time of my departure, caring for my miserable soul, and driving far from it dark visions of evil spirits. And in the fearful day of judgment, deliver me from everlasting punishment, and make me an heir of the unspeakable glory of thy Son and our God. Which may I attain unto, my Queen, all Holy Mother of God, through thy mediation and inter- cession ; by the gi-ace and compassion of thy only-begotten Son, our Lord, God, and Saviour," etc. THE PARISH PKIEST. 123 The condition of the clergy is an important topic for consid- eration. Like most other topics, to a general view it has a dark as well as a bright side. The priest, or 2)(ipas, it is true, has not necessarily sundered, by a prescribed celibacy, all the ties that serve to unite him, m sympathy and affection, with his spirit- ual flock. In fact, many of the parish priests are married men ; nor is tliis circumstance considered in the least discredit- able. There is, how&ver, this restriction: the aspirant for orders must marry, if at all, before becoming a deacon ; and so it happens that while a priest may be a married man, yet a priest is prohibited from marrying. Although the priest's tenure of office does not depend, as has been asserted, at least in Greece, upon the life of his wife, he can not marry a second time without forfeiting his priestly character. Happily, neither law nor public opinion place any obstacles in the way of his retiring. There are not a few curates who have renounced their sacerdotal functions from this cause ; while a much larger number who took up arms m the Revolutionary War, and imbrued their hands in blood, are on that account incapacitated from officiating. The ignorance and degradation of the clergy forms the gloomier aspect of the picture. Springing fi'om the lowest class of society, they are notoriously illiterate and immoral. So deeply rooted has the notion of their debasement become in the popular mind, that when a boy is unruly, and his parents have failed in persuading him to learn some honest trade, they frequently consider the Church their last and only resource. This idea is embodied in a current proverb, which may be rendered in English by the couplet, "Vicious and ignorant, gluttonous beast, Nothing remains but to make him a priest." But when the fact is known, that until lately there has been no provision for their education, beyond schools where they might learn to read and write, such a state of things will scarcely excite surprise. It is even asserted that a few ecclesiastics may still be found, unable to read their service, and consequently relying either upon their own memory or upon the assistance of others. I have myself met with several who gloried in the scantiness of the opportunities for instruc- 124 THE GREEK CHUKCH. tion enjoyed by their order, asserting that a more liberal edu- cation had the effect of making atheists of the youth. Unfor- tunately this is not far from being the case in Greece. I have known several deacons and others in the University that were skeptics even as to the truth of religion, and would gladly cut oif their long hair,* and lay aside their sacerdotal robes, could they be sure of gaining a livelihood by some other profession than that they had embraced. The monks are even more ignorant and degraded, while they display an inveterate hos- tility to every measure tending to enlighten and elevate the people. Corruption is, unhappily, equally common in Church and State. It is notorious that no one can obtain the appoint- ment of Greek Consul for the more frequented ports — such as Trieste, Marseilles, or Odessa — without jSrst obtaining the in- fluence and support of some important man near the king's person, by means of a costly present. A similar practice holds good with respect to the ordination of priests. So flagrant is this system of bribery in every department of the Church, that in a" letter-writer" published at Athens, not many years ago^ and now lying before me, a number of forms are given for such occasions as the following. In one, the writer beseeches a bishop not to grant a divorce in the case of his daughter, and accompanies his petition with a present of 5000 piastres — a little more than $200. Another is an application to a prelate for a dispensation to permit a man to marry a third time. It will be remembered that a third marriage is an abomina- tion in the eyes of the Greeks, and is considered criminal un- less the previous permission of the Patriarch be obtained. The applicant states that the prelate's agent, to whom he had addressed himself, had demanded the sum of three thousand piastres ; and he therefore begs not to be compelled to pay any thing more than that which is customary. The charac- ter of the transaction is more frequently veiled under the ap- pearance of a gift. The Patriarch of Jerusalem grants ple- nary pardon to all that devoutly visit the Holy Places : but the pilgrim must first gratify his avarice by a present of some * Letting tlie hair grow long is considered indispensable to the exer- cise of any of tlie priestly functions. ECCLESIASTICAL PARTIES. 125 two- hundi-ed dollars* Having satisfied his conscience at so cheap a price, the Hadgi, as he is now called, returns to his own country, with a store of acquired righteousness so ample, as to be quite sufficient, both in his own estimation and in that of his neighbors, to cover all his future sins. He rarely fails to make large drafts on this imaginary deposit. "As bad as a Hadgi^' has become a proverbial expression to denote the most abandoned of characters. On similar grounds, all who contribute twenty-five piastres to the treasury of the mkacle- working church of the Evangel- ista at Tenos, have their names inscribed in a particular book^ and receive the bishlop's special benediction. The beatitude has been reversed, so as to become, " Blessed are the rich." The Greek clergy may, like the laity, be divided into two parties, differing not on doctrinal points, but in their tenden- cies. The first is the Russian, or JVapist, party — embracing by far the larger portion of the clergy — desirous of more inti- mate connection with Russia, in both Church and State. Op- posed to liberal sentiments, jealous of religious liberty, and of English and French influence, it includes not only the few ad- mirers of Russian despotism, but the more numerous class of those that hope, through the agency of Russian arms, to ob- tain Constantinople, and set up a new Greek empire. The other and less powerful party, on the other hand, expects more permanent advantage from the influence of Western let- ters, than from Oriental power. Here are' found the friends of religious liberty — though opposed to proselytism — the pa- trons of education, the more consistent and strenuous enemies of every form of tyranny. It requires no very great amount of penetration to discover, that one formidable obstacle to the success of missionary en- terprises in Greece is the political ambition of the people. With the mass even of intelligent men, the contemplation of the future prospects of their country excludes from their minds all consideration of religion as a personal concern. To em- brace a purer type of Christianity seems to them, not only to be forsaking the religion of their forefathers, but to be severing * A translation of the certificate given to pilgrims was publisiied a few years since in the 3Iissionary Herald. 126 THE GREEK CHURCH. every tie that binds together the scattered members of the Hellenic race. "It will be time enough to consider the truth or falsity of our tenets," is a common remark, "when Con- stantinople has fallen into our hands." Meanwhile they are ready to regard every one that endeavors to disturb their ec- clesiastical unity, as conspiring against the high and manifest destiny of Greece. Three distinct missionary enterprises, undertaken by Evan- gelical Christians of America, have been prosecuted for a num- ber of years. The earliest is that commenced about the year 1828 by Eev. Jonas King, D.D., under the auspices of the American Board. Shortly after. Rev. J. H. Hill, D.D., w^as sent out by the Protestant Episcopal Board. And the Baptist Missionary Union has until lately been represented on Greek soil by Rev. Messrs. Buel and Arnold — the latter having been for some years previous stationed on the island of Corfu. Dr. King's labors were at first directed to the establishment of schools for the education of boys chiefly. But the American Board having deemed it inexpedient to continue the large ap- propriations requisite for prosecuting this enterprise, it became necessary to abandon it. As far as respects the mere intel- lectual education of boys, the necessity of private schools has been removed by the establishment of an extensive system of popular education, including higher seminaries of learning and a noble university. During the last few years. Dr. King has devoted himself to preaching and publishing useful religious books and tracts.* Dr. Hill has long superintended a large female school, at one time containing several hundred girls, belonging to families that occupy the highest social position. Many of his former pupils are already exerting an extended, and, it is hoped, a very healthful influence in society. Mr. Buel — after having in vain attempted to establish schools at Piraeus, in which the * I am happy to learn that, since I left Greece, Dr. King has gathered a number of pious youth, chiefly, if not wholly, Greeks from Turkey, and has begun to give them systematic instruction in Theology. There are already ten of these students, and there is a prospect of farther ac- cessions. These are the men, we trust, that are to become instruments of great good, in the reformation of the nineteenth century, among the Eastern Christian Churches. HOPEFUL INDICATIONS. ^ 127 Gospel might be taught without the introduction of the Greek Catechism, as prescribed by the government — now devotes himself (as did also JNIr. Arnold, at Athens) to a work similar to that of Dr. King. Of the Rev. Mr. Hildner's schools at Syra, I shall speak in another connection. It can not be denied that Greece has hitherto proved a diffi- cult field of labor. To those that look for immediate results, and estimate success only by the abundance of present fruit, the seed may seem to have fallen upon a barren soil. But there are those who can not persuade themselves that more than a quarter of a century of incessant toils has been thrown away ; that the multitudes that have heard the gospel preached in its purity will retain none of its elevating principles ; that the child, who gained his first lessons of knowledge in an American school, has not been permanently benefited ; above all, that thousands of copies of the Scriptures, scattered broad- cast over the land, can fail, sooner or later, to be a potent ele- ment in the forces that shall bring about the reformation of the Greek Church. To such the progress of education and enlightenment, and the advance toward complete religious lib- erty, constitute a favorable omen of the approach of the time when the results of so much toil shall become manifest to all. TEMPLE OE THESEUS AT ATHENS. CHAPTER X. CHUECH FESTIVALS AT ATHENS. The shops throughout Athens were kept closed all day on Good Friday. Their exterior was decorated with a profu- sion of waxen tapers, combined in a variety of ways, and giv- ing them an appearance of considerable liveliness. At a num- ber of stalls temporarily erected in the street of JEolus, crowds of citizens were seen providing themselves with torches — al- most the only article exposed for sale — in anticipation of the great season of rejoicing so soon to succeed. Passing by this busy scene I walked on to the Church of St. Irene — the most important in the city as long as the Cathedral remains un- finished. Last night, being *' Great Thursday," as the Greeks call it, there was a service said in the various churches of the city lasting several hours. What are called the " Twelve Gospels" — that is, twelve selections of Scripture relating to the Pas- sion of our Lord — were read at that time. During the pro- tracted reading, or at its close, an image representing the blessed Saviour on the cross, was brought out by the priests, and laid in the midst of the church. It has been customary to produce, at the same time, an effigy of the apostate Judas, GOOD FKlbAY AT ST. IRENE' S. 129 and to burn it in public. This immemorial practice has, however, of late years been abandoned, and is now prohibited by the government, in consequence, I understand, of the ani- mosity that such a sight naturally revived in the breasts of the uneducated classes against the Israelitish population. The last outbreak of this feeling took place on the 4th of April, 1847, when a bigoted mob attacked the house of Mr. Pacifico, an unofiending Jewish resident. The doors were burst open ; various members of his family were insulted or maltreated ; while the more cunning took advantage of the opportunity to appropriate all that they could lay hands on. Happily for Mr. Pacifico, he was a British subject ; and, since he found it impossible to obtain redress for his injuries, be- cause of the inefficiency or partiality of the courts of justice, he appealed to his own government. It was only after a de- lay of three years, and the blockade of the port of Piraeus by an English fleet, that the dreek ministry could be induced to pay the required indemnity. There was no extraordinary service to-day at St. Irene's ; but the image of our Lord was still lying in state beneath a rich canopy directly under the dome. An image, or ikon, in the Greek sense of the word, is nothing more than a simple painting ; for, in the ecclesiastical works, a distinction is made, as we have stated, between images and statues : the worship of the latter being considered idolatrous, while the reverence given to the former is regarded as not only allow- able, but even praiseworthy. The more devout, who seemed to consist chiefly of women and children, came in from time to time to say their prayers, and kiss the hands and feet of the image. An attendant sat near by at a table. As each wor- shipper was about to leave the church, he placed a piece or^ two of silver upon the waiter, or one of the holy discs, for the benefit of the church. In return he received a blessing, and a flower was handed to him from a pile that was doubtless consecrated. In the evening I went again to St. Irene's, to hear the " Epitaphion," a sort of funeral service, in which every cir- cumstance is carefully adapted to express sorrow and mourn- ing, in commemoration of the burial of our Saviour. The F 2 130 CHURCH FESTIVALS AT ATHENS. ceremonies in the church being ended, a procession formed. Standing in the street at a distance, its coming was announced by the glare of a thousand torches borne by the throng that accompanied the funeral pageant. As it drew nearer I could catch more distinctly the mournful tones of the priests, as with measured chant they carried on a bier the image that I had seen in the church itself. It was preceded by a great wooden cross, before which the spectators crossed themselves repeat- edly and bowed profoundly. The bier was followed by a num- ber of distinguished persons, among whom was Mr. Paicos, Minister of Foreign Affairs, with other members of the govern- ment. Last year the ministers carried the pall. The convoy was accompanied by a military band, with muffled drums, play- ing a dead march, and followed by a large crowd, whose torches threw a dazzling brilliancy on every object as they passed. Still more characteristic and impressive was the procession from a smaller church, which I met a few minutes later not far from the same spot. Without a band, or the presence of men of distinction, it advanced amidst a host of flitting lights. Instead of musicians it was preceded by a hundred or more children and youth, continually shouting rather than chant- ing that solemn petition so frequently occurring in their litany: '-^ Kyrie eleyson?^ — "Lord have mercy!" But though there was a certain earnestness of manner, it was too evident that few in their boisterous shouts remembered the full im- port of the cry. Next came the priests, repeating portions of the service, and carrying, instead of the picture of Christ, a genuine coffin, covered with a black pall. Whenever the procession approached a church it paused, and did not pro- ceed till a certain number of prayers were repeated. Saturday is observed as a day of mourning rather than of festivity; but toward night the churches are crowded with worshippers. At about ten in the evening I took my station on a balcony opposite St. Irene's, to which I had been kindly invited by the occupants of the apartments. Until near midnight the time passed in agreeable conversation with our Greek host and hostess, and those of their acquaintance that had been invited to attend. A few minutes before twelve the king and queen, with their suite, drove up, and, preceded EASTER DAWN. 131 by the Bishop of Attica, ascended the platform erected in the centre of the square in front of the church. While they stood there facing the people, I could not but think of the feelings that must fill their breasts : the one as a Roman Catholic, probably abhorring the rites of an inimical faith ; the other as a Protestant, grieved, if she reflected at all on the subject, at the superstitious observances in which she was compelled to act a studied part. For a quarter or half an hour the priests chanted the " Anastasis," a service commemorative of the resurrection of our Lord ; but owing to the absurd prac- tice of ringing the church bells incessantly, nothing could be understood. The number of tapers carried by the crowd be- ing much greater, the effect was still more brilliant and pleas- ing than on Good Friday. This service was then transferred to the interior of St. Irene's, where it lasted a while longer. To me the most interesting part of the occasion was at the conclusion of the exercises. Easter was now regarded as actually begun, commemorating the Saviour's resurrec- tion. Each, as if animated by the joyful thought, turned to his neighbor, and kissing him, exclaimed, " Christos aneste'^ — "Christ is risen!" To which the other in turn respond- ed : '^Alethos aneste" — " He is risen indeed !" The salutation was first given by the ministers of state to each other, and from them it spread to the rest of the assembly. For weeks after I occasionally saw the same thing repeated ; but it was only between acquaintances, when they met for the first time since Easter. Usage is said to limit the employment of this mode of address to the space of forty days. After the termination of these ceremonies, all is mirth. The bells from all parts of the city send forth a joyful peal. Generally the Easter festivities have been accompanied by fi:equent discharges of fire-arms, after the manner of our "Fourth of July;" but this year the practice has been for- bidden, and the prohibition strictly enforced. Various have been the surmises respecting the cause of this sudden rigor. The ostensible reason is the numerous accidents that have resulted from the use of balls. More probably the govern- ment feared lest the occasion should be seized by the discon- tented to make a revolution, or an attempt to assassinate the 132 CHURCH FESTIVALS AT ATHENS.. king. For months previous rumors had been circulated of an intention to overthrow the constitution of September, 1843 ; as was first alleged, by the king a la Napoleon III., afterward by the people, or by some ambitious demagogues. An investi- gation was at this time in progress, conducted by committees of the Legislature. The whole matter seemed to be very much involved in obscurity. A second service on Easter Sunday concluded the festivities of the Holy Week at Athens. It is styled the second Anasta- sis, and is chiefly remarkable for the recital of the gospel of the day in as many languages as the clergy can muster. It is currently reported that they "cram" for the occasion with whole pages of languages of which they do not understand a single word — a very natural result, since quantity, not quali- ty, is the requisite for the occasion. At the conclusion of Lent, whose fast has been kept with a strictness for which no parallel can be found in Western Eu- rope, the rejoicings of the people are the greater, in proportion to their protracted abstinence. The fare of the peasant on Easter-day is the best of the whole year. There is no family so poor that, on this day at least, it does not have for dinner an entire lamb, roasted on the coals. Then the following Tues- day is kept as a general holiday. All business is suspended, and almost the entire population resorts to the fields about the Temple of Theseus, and the hills of Mars and the Nymphs, to join in dances, or to witness them. It is no exaggeration to say that on the occasion when I was present, there were thou- sands of men, women, and children assembled, all in their best attire. It was curious to notice the animated scene, so close upon the most venerable monument of Athenian art. The Romaic dance, which can here be seen to great advant- age, is quite peculiar to Greece. The dancers, who are always of the same sex, rarely number less than twenty or thirty. Having selected a leader, they form a sort of train, always preserving somewhat of a circular position, and often clinging to each other by means of a handkerchief passed around their neighbor's waist. Within this partial circle sits sometimes one musician, but oftener two or three. One plays discord- antly on the pipe ; a second laboriously endeavors to extract BLESSING THE SEA. 1^33 harmonious tones from an instrument not very much unlike a banjo; while a thii'd, at measured intervals, thumps with a large stick upon a cracked drum. The music, however, seems to be of secondary importance. The motions of the dancers are slow and dignified, partaking of the nature of pantomime, ■in which the chief abject of each is to reproduce the action and gestures of the leader. But at times the action becomes more violent, varying with the nature of the subject of song, and the temperament of the leader. It is a favorite idea among the learned Greeks with whom I have conversed respecting it, that the Momaic is but a modification of the Pyrrhic dance of the ancients, and its character, so utterly unlike the frivolous dances now in vogue, goes far toward establishing at least a connection between them. The Romaic resembles what I would fancy to be the war-dance of our Indians. On the morning of the festival of Epiphany, a singular cer- •emony took place at Piraeus, analogous to the marrying of the «ea practised by the ancient doges of Venice. At an early hour the Archbishop of Athens, attended by a large company of ecclesiastics, repaired to the margin of the harbor. A vast throng, especially of boatmen, gathered around while he pro- ceeded to bless the waters according to a formula provided for such occasions. At the same time he cast a small cross into the waves. By the contact, the waters of the bay are pre- sumed to be hallowed, and the shipping in some measure in- sured from shipwreck and other perils of the deep. From the annual repetition, it would seem that the blessing is sufficient only for a single year ; and were it not renewed, it would be almost impossible to persuade a Greek sailor to embark upon the unsanctified element. Scarcely had the cross disappeared from sight before a crowd of boatmen plunged in to find the glittering prize. And then began a strife in the deep water, until one, more fortunate than his competitors, emerged, clutch- ing the cross in his hand. Amidst the congratulations of his friends, he now hastened home. Having equipped himself with his best suit of clothes, he next rode to Athens and pre- sented himself with his cross at the palace. It is customary for the king to make the finder the handsome gift of one hun- dred or more drachms. The ministers of state, and then al ]o4 CHURCH FESTIVALS AT ATHENS. others, follow the royal example ; and, even before the day has closed, it not unfrequently happens that the boatman's gains amount to a hundred dollars. The festival of the Three Hierarehs occurred on the eleventh of February, New Style ; or twelve days sooner, according to the old method of computing time. It was observed in a spe- cial manner by the University. Not only were all exercises suspended, but most of the professors and students repaired early in the morning to the church of St. Irene, to attend a long and tedious service. The chief feature of interest was the delivery of a written discourse by the Archimandrite Mi- sael, perpetual secretary of the Holy Synod. Preaching is of • such rare occurrence in the Greek Church, that I was curious to know what a man holding so elevated a station in that com- munion would select for his theme. Taking for his text the sixteenth verse of the fifth chapter of St. Matthew, the archi- mandrite enjoined on his hearers the necessity of leading a good life, as well as professing the orthodox faith. And as suitable examples for imitation, he held forth the virtues of the three " Hierarehs," in honor of whom the day was ob- served : St. Gregory the Theologian, St. Basil the Great, and St. John Chrysostom. The discourse was a fair moral hom- ily ; but that was all. A pagan or a deist could have found little fault with its Christianity ; for it ignored alike human inability and divine grace. The churches in Greece are very numerous, but mostly small and inelegant. The village church is often no more than twenty or thirty feet long, without bell or belfry, and the exterior disfigured by a coating of whitewash. Some in Ath- ens, even, are equally unpretending. On entering one of these humble structures, a narrow space at the farther end is found to be separated from the part occupied by the people by a high- ly-decorated wooden screen. It is adorned with several paint- ings, on canvas or wood, according to the wealth of the church. Those of our Saviour and the Virgin Mary occupy the most conspicuous places, on either side of the main entrance into the hieron, or "holy place," as the room behind the screen is called. One who is skilled in recognizing the saints by their appropriate symbols, can generally determine at first glance tp CEKEBKA^TION OF THK MASS. 135 whom the church is dedicated ; for the picture of the patron is usually placed next to that of our Saviour. In the poorer chapels, instead of costly paintings, there are sometimes very- mediocre engravings ; but a curiously-wrought lamp of tradi- tional shape invariably burns before them, and its flickering light is usually kept up all night. In the larger churches there are three doors opening into the " hieron." Through the middle entrance appears the " sa- cred table," to which the name of altar is, I believe, never ap- plied. It is there that the consecration of the elements em- ployed in the Lord's Supper is performed ; but this portion of the service is not witnessed by the people. When it takes place, the curtains are drawn over the door, and now only the low plaintive tones of the officiating priest are heard by the worshippers who stand with bowed heads without. The scene is certainly more impressive than the more gorgeous ceremo- nial of the Latin Church. As a reason for observing this se- crecy, it is alleged that the solemnity of the service might oth- erwise be marred by the levity and irreverence of the audience. On either side of the principal entrance into the hieron are stalls in parallel rows facing each other. One, larger and handsomer than the rest, is set apart for the bishop, whenever he is present : the others are occupied by the men and boys that chant parts of the service. Women are not allowed to sing ; nor, indeed, are they permitted to stand so near the "holy table." In St. Irene's they occupy the galleries; and elsewhere the sides or farther end of the nave is appropriated to them. Still more singular, in the eyes of one who has often wit- nessed the devotions of Roman Catholic assemblies, and their numerous genuflexions, does it appear that a Greek auditory, no less reverent in their demeanor, should never prostrate themselves, but retain the primitive Christian custom of stand- ing in prayer. Not only chairs, but kneeling-stools, even, are entirely wanting. The tottering bishop himself stands erect during a great part of the service. The stranger will, howev- er, easily distinguish the more impressive portions of the mass, by the number of times that the sign of the cross is employed. The Greek rarely crosses himself less than three times in sue- 136 CHURCH FESTIVALS AT ATHEls'S. cession, and irequently does it nine times. In the use of this sign he is much more deliberate and reverential than the Lat- ins, whom he regards as highly irregular in their practice; because, while he makes it from right to left, they make it in the opposite direction. With equal tenacity does he insist on the use of three fingers in pronouncing the benediction, thereby testifying his belief in the Holy Trinity. He likewise employs, in certain parts of the service, two bundles of waxen tapers. The first, composed of three, has the same symbolical sense as that just mentioned. The two tapers bound in the other, are used to set forth the two Natures in the one Person of our Saviour. NATJPLIA, FEOM THE BAY. CHAPTEK XL THREE DAYS IN ARGOLIS. "These massive walls^ Whose date o'erawes tradition, gird the home Of a great race of kings, along whose line The eager mind lives aching, through the darkness Of ages else unstoried, till its shapes Of armed sovereigns spread to godlike port, And, frowning in the uncertain dawn of time, Strike awe, as powers who ruled an older world. In mute obedience." Talfotjed's Ion. It was between six and seven in the evening of one of the first days of April before I could make the necessary arrange- ments for a tour with a party intending ta start on the mor- row for Nauplia. Mr, Newton, late an antiquarian attached to the British Museum, but recently appointed Vice-Consul for the Island of Mitylene, and C, son of a prominent London publisher, were to be my companions^ and we had engaged Demetrius, familiarly called Demetri, for our guide. By the time we had fully concluded to make the excursion, it was well- nigh dark ; and yet neither Demetri nor I had procured our passes, without which we were liable to be stopped at any 138 THREE DAYS IN ARGOLIS. moment on our way, and perhaps subjected to considerable trouble in clearing ourselves from the suspicion of being either robbers or vagrants. The passport office was closed ; but the timely disbursement of two or three drachms readily opened it for us. A fresh difficulty presented itself; for not a blank pass could be found in the office. The ingenuity of the clerk easily surmounted this obstacle. An old pass which had seen service was discovered ; the name upon it was transmuted to what might be supposed to bear a slight resemblance to mine ; and the words " with his man, Demetrius," were added. So were we permitted to visit Argolis. The next morning saw us on our way to Pirasus, by the Macadamized road, which for three-fourths of the distance runs in a direct line across the meadows. The German sur- veyors chose for its substruction the northern of the Long Walls of Themistocles, and every violent rain uncovers tem- porarily the upper course of stones. Our driver did himself credit, and we reached the harbor in three quarters of an hour, and in ample time for the little Austrian steamer upon which we took passage for Nauplia. The weather was cloudy and dull when we started ; but as we advanced the atmosphere grew clearer, and we saw with great distinctness the shores of the Saronic Gulf, upon which we entered. Just beyond the narrow entrance of the harbor, our attention was drawn to the simple monument of Miaulis ; and only a few feet farther were the fragments of what popu- lar tradition has dignified with the name of Themistocles' Tomb. Whether this be the exact spot of his sepulture or not, the bones of the great general of ancient times, and those of the most famous admiral of modern Greece, lie mouldering on the shores of the ^gean, within a few yards of each other. Themistocles, it is well known, was buried by the sea-side, in full view of the Straits of Salamis, the scene of his most splen- did victory over the Persian fleet. We altered our course as soon as we had cleared the prom- ontory of Munychia, and, leaving on our right the island of Sal- amis, headed for the eastern cape of Argolis. This brought us within a very short distance of the Temple of ^gina, ded- icated of old to Jupiter Panhellenius. Through the captain's A I'AUTY ON DKCK. 139 glass we could distinguish without difficulty its standing col- umns. It is one of the most perfect edifices out of Athens it- self; but we saw it to little advantage, and I reserved a visit for a future occasion. There were quite a number of passengers on board our little steamer, and as the day was fair and mild, every body congre- gated on deck. Indeed, the trip being a short one, most of them were deck passengers. The Greeks are so talkative and so easy of access, that it is not difficult to make a number of acquaintances in a short time. Oiir company was a lively one, too. As they had nothing else to do, most of them amused themselves by playing cards. One party of eight or ten were seated in Turkish fashion near the helm, forming a circle around a cloth, on which figured a cold leg of mutton and several bottles of wine. The men helped themselves plen- tifully, and, disdaining the use of forks, cut the meat with their jack-knives, or tore it to pieces with their fingers. These were evidently all from the same neighborhood, and members of the same clan. Some had that free-and-easy look, united to a considerable share of fierceness, that distinguishes the old Tdeft ; others, who were younger, belonged to the no less en- ergetic, but more tractable class, that is now springing up to take the place of the mountain brigand. I fell into conversa- tion with some students of the University that were returning home to spend the Easter Week vacation. Like all the rest of Greek students, they were poor, and evidently self-made men. Another set was collected around a musician, who af- forded entertainment by playing on an instrument not unlike the banjo, and by singing some country songs. There were but two cabin passengers besides ourselves, and they were members of the House of Representatives. One of them, Mr. Axelos, who represents the city of Nauplia, was dis- posed to be very communicative. He informed me that an election was about to be held at Argos the next day, or the day after, and that he was going thither to attend it. Being a partisan of the king, he seemed to be commissioned to pro- cure as favorable a result for the ministry as he could. The officer to be chosen on this occasion was the demarch, or may- or of the city, the most important municipal authority. The 140 THREE DAYS IN AKGOJJS= mode of election, as Mr. Axelos described it, is a most curious one. The people choose twelve men as electors, and twelve more as substitutes. The first twelve choose from their own number four men with their substitutes ; and finally three can- didates are selected by these for the ofiice of mayor. Their names are presented to the king or ministry, and these desig- nate the one who shall be mayor. Out of the three candi- dates, i presume, the monarch may safely depend on finding one that will advocate the ministerial measures, for the sake of gaining office. And, of course, in so complicated a proced- ure, the government will find, abundant opportunity for wield- ing an influence over the election. It would be too great a stretch of charity to believe that my friend, Mr. Axelos, had no part to take in the election at Argos, as he was furnished by the ministry with an order for an escort of soldiers through the dangerous pass from Argos to Corinth, of which he invited me to avail myself in returning to Athens. By eleven o'clock we had crossed the Saronic Gulf, passing close to the island of Poros, remarkable of late years for the burning of the Greek fleet in its harbor ; but more famous under the name of Calauria, as the scene of the death of Demosthenes. It is a bleak, barren rock, without the sign of a habitation on this side. We kept on our course, near to the main land, and inside of the island of Hydra, which rises high and rocky from the sea. The town itself is divided by a ridge, which, running out into the sea, forms two harbors, the smaller serving for quarantine. The house of Condurriotti, the famous Hydriote, stands on the narrow tongue of land be- tween the two, and was pointed out to me. The commerce of Hydra has never recovered from the shock it received dur- ing the Revolutionary war. The prizes captured did not com- pensate for the great drains upon its resources. Since the Revolution, its neighbor, Spezzia, has regained some of its for- mer importance ; but Hydra has never sent forth such extens- ive fleets as those which it sent annually into the Black Sea. The privileges enjoyed by the islanders were so singular that they had little reason to complain of the tyranny of the Turks. Hydra was almost independent of the Porte, governing itself, permitting no infidel to set foot on its soil, and merely paying HYDRA, THE HOME OF LIBERTY. 141 a small annual tribute. Commerce has usually the effect of removing national prejudice, and of making men more tolerant of the religion, manners, and customs of their neighbors ; but at Hydra it seems to have had a result directly the reverse. A Smyrniote lady at Athens told me that her father once nearly lost his life for presuming to enter Hydra in Frank dress. So inveterate was the dislike entertained for the for- eign costume, that he was pursued and hooted at in the streets, and compelled to take refuge in a house. It was a character- istic outburst of patriotism that led the admiral Tombazi to reply to one who exclaimed "What a, spot you have chosen for your country!" "It was liberty that chose the spot, not we." But along with this noble sentiment, and with others distinguishing them above the rest of their countrymen, the Hydriotes possess a considerable measure of the sordid love of gain. It is said that there actually existed in their city, at the time of the Eevolution, three mints for the manufacture of counterfeit Turkish coin, which was taken to Turkey, and there put in circulation.* Our steamboat stopped but a few moments off Hydra, to land passengers, and then continued its course until, coming between Spezzia and the continent, we entered the Gulf of Argos. The town of Spezzia is less picturesquely situated than Hydra ; but the island is lower and not so rocky. The harbor is long and narrow. The remainder of the afternoon was spent in steaming up the Gulf, with the bare rocks of the Argolic peninsula on the right, and the equally precipitous hills of Laconia on the other side, coming down to the very margin of the water. After turning a promontory, our steamer anchored directly between Nauplia and the little fort of St. Nicholas, or Bourtzi, on a small island opposite the city. Nauplia is finely situated, and appears to great advantage from the water. The houses are generally built of white limestone, with tiled roofs but slightly inclined. They rise gradually one above another on the side of a hill that forms the end of the promontory, and is crowned by the fort of Itch- kali. But these works are slight compared with those on the Palamede, a hill 740 feet in height, which commands the town * Howe's Greek Revolution, p. 155, note in fine. 142 ^ THREE DAYS IN ARGOLIS. from the southeast, and renders Nauplia one of the three strongest places in the Morea — the Acroeorinthus and Monem- basia being the other two. It is singular that so remarkable a situation as this should not have been occupied, in the times of the ancients, by a populous town. But Nauplia is scarcely mentioned by historians and geographers until a comparatively modern date. Even toward the bay the town is protected by a high wall, which rises from the water's edge, and allows the landing of boats only in a single place. It is said, also, that a double chain used to be stretched from the fort Bourtzi to the main land. It is no wonder that the Turks were foiled in the attempt to take this place by storm from the hands of the Greeks. Although it was not late in the afternoon when we arrived off Nauplia, we were deterred from landing by a violent thun- der-storm ; and we concluded, following Demetri's advice, to spend the night on shipboard. The sun rose, on the morrow, in a clear sky, revealing all the features of the surrounding landscape. Northward we saw the low and level plain of Argos bounded by mountains; and on the west, at the base of the high hills that ran southward as far as the eye could distinguish them, was the low, marshy ground, where now stand the few houses of Myli. That was the ancient Lerne, the haunt of the famous Lernian Hydra, whose slaughter con- stituted one of the great achievements of Hercules. If the Hydra — as German critics pretend — ^was only symbolic of the pestilential vapors, which Hercules effectually removed by draining it, the monster is now as active as ever: for the neighborhood of Lerne, like all other low and boggy grounds in this warm country, is infested with fever and ague during" nearly two-thirds of the year. After waiting a long while impatiently for our guide, who had gone off to the shore, Demetri at last appeared ; and we repaired in a boat to the landing-place, where we found the horses that had been procured for us. "We set off at once, without stopping to look at Nauplia, for the old ruined cities of Tiryns, Mycenae, and Argos. Through a number of nar- row lanes we rode at full speed, brushing past the little open shops, and now and then drawing our beasts near the wall, in PLAIN OF ARGOS. 143 order to avoid a train of mules laden with sacks or baskets, or a row of donkeys carrying huge bundles of brushwood, un- der which they were almost hidden. As for foot-passengers, they shifted for themselves ; and, in case the street was too narrow to allow more than a couple of horses to pass at the same time, they took refuge in some open doorway or shop. We left Nauplia through the only land gate, over which the old winged lion of St. Mark still exists sculptured on a slab of marble, a witness to the former supremacy of the Venetian Republic. We saw the same emblem, more or less entire, on various other portions of the wall. The Turks, when they gained possession of the city, after carefully destroy- ing the head of the lion, which they supposed, doubtless, to be one of the idols of the Christians, cared little whether the re- mainder of the monument was still there or not. Passing the narrow strip of ground used as a promenade, at the foot of the Palamede, we came to the suburb of Pronia, which, when Nauplia was the capital of the government, as it was for many years after the Revolution, was crowded with country- seats of all the principal families. Pronia has witnessed some stormy scenes. The congress that assembled there was broken up by force of arms, and its deputies dispersed. On the cliffs that encircle the recess in which Pronia is situated, we noticed, in riding by, a lion cut out of the solid rock, in imitation of the famous monument at Lucerne. It commemorated the Bavarians who died in Greece. We now turned northward, and entered the plain of Argos. A remarkable plain it is, indeed, and the scene of interesting historical events, from the time of Hercules, the Pelasgians, and the heroes of the Trojan war. The names of its cele- brated cities, Mycenae, Tiryns, and Argos, are mentioned as the seats of potent monarchs, at a time when proud Athens itself was mentioned by Homer as only a " demus," or town. The fertility of the soil, and its advantageous situation for commerce, led to its early selection for the principal kingdom of Greece ; and it still enjoys the reputation of being superior in productiveness to any other part of the country, except Messenia. We certainly could not fail to be struck with the vast difference between this plain and that of Athens, than 144 THREE DAYS IN AKGOLIS. which a more rocky and arid district would be difficult to find. The Argolic valley, measuring, perhaps, a dozen miles in length — from Nauplia to Mycenae — and not less than seven or eight in breadth at its southern end, gradually contracted as we rode on, until above Mycense it became a narrow defile. Fields of wheat, and vineyards of the Corinthian currant, oc- cupied both sides of the road. The products of both are said to be excellent. But there are none of those fine old olive- groves that give such a light-green tinge to the landscape in Attica. No one that travels across it, as we were about to do, just after a heavy rain, and is obliged to wade through pools of waters covering the entire road, or to stem the cur- rent of the Inachus, would be likely to style the plain of Ar- gos — as both ancients and moderns have done — "a thirsty land." Yet such it generally is, in consequence of the mea- greness of the Inachus, the only torrent it possesses. In half an hour we reached Tiryns. The long and nar- row eminence is a striking object. Rising in the midst of a perfectly level country, it has been compared to a large ship upon the calm surface of the sea. The road runs parallel to its western side. Having turned into the fields on the right, we rode up to the principal entrance of this acropolis. We alighted at the walls, and, while our guide led the horses around the hill to the road, we explored the remains of Greek masonry. To reach the mouth of a passage running through the thick- ness of the wall on the eastern side of the place, it was neces- sary to thread our way through the mass of tangled vines and stinging nettles that had grown up luxuriantly during the rains of spring. The wall was built of large, rough, and ap- parently unwrought stones, heaped one upon another, with smaller ones frequent- ly filling up the interstices. Some of the stones meas- ured five or six, and others as much as ten feet in length. The passage-way was vaulted, not accord- ing to the principle of the Micir IN Tur, ■s\'ATx or tikyxs. KUINS OF TIKYNS. 145 arch, but with large stones projecting more and more, until the highest courses met entirely ; their balance being preserved by their being proportionately longer, so that the centre of grav- ity should fall within the wall. We entered this curious gal- lery, and found it some eight or nine feet high, and stretching about one hundred feet in depth, when it comes to a sudden termination. A single stone at the end has fallen, and the light entering through the vacant space shows that the gallery never extended any farther. By the same dim light we could distinguish five or six openings, or doors, on the right, which served at some time or other as entrances leading from the ex- terior of the city. They have all since been walled up. What could their use have been ? Perhaps for making sallies upon the enemy that might undertake to besiege the town. We found another similar passage on the opposite, or west- ern side of the great entrance ; but it was less interesting. The vault was perfect for a short distance only, the remainder being quite destroyed. We passed on, and ascended to the top of the citadel, which appeared to be elevated some thirty to fifty feet above the plain — one part being much lower than the other, which was a sort of interior fortress. The summit is about seven or eight hundred feet long from north to south, and usually about one-fourth as wide, although it varies con- siderably. On these three or four acres of ground stood the city of Tiryns, one of the oldest cities in Greece, and princi- pally famous for the wars with its neighbors. It is curious to see that in the time of that most invaluable of ancient topog- raphers, Pausanias, sixteen or seventeen hundred years ago, it was in the same ruinous condition as at present. " The wall," he tells us, " the only part of the ruins that remains, is the work of the Cyclops ; and built of unwrought stones, each of which is so large that a yoke of mules could not move even the smallest of them. Small stones have been of old fitted in with them, so as each to form a connection between the large stones."* Nothing but an earthquake could make much im- pression on these gigantic masses ; and so most of the circuit of the wall remains quite perfect. The view over the vicinity is extensive. Near the hill a neat-looking building has been * Pausanias. II.. 25. r; 146 THREE DAYS IN AKGOLIS. erected by the government for an agricultural college, which thus far has not met with much success. The Greek taste, I imagine, does not incline much to agriculture. Demetri came to us before we had fully satisfied our curi- osity, and reminded us of the long ride we had yet before us ; but promised that if there were time, we should have the op- portunity of spending half an hour more at Tiryns on our re- turn. So mounting again, we rode toward the upper end of the valley, over a level district, abounding in villages and well cultivated, leaving the city of Argos far to the left. Near Mycenae the soil became lighter, and the country less popu- lous. At the little khan of Kharvati we diverged from the main road; and took a path which led us up to the village of the same name. Our arrival was greeted by some dozens of boys who came to beg, and by as many dogs that came to bark at us ; but we set both at defiance, and pursued our way. We were struck with the miserable condition of the inhabitants, who live in low stone or mud hovels, thatched with brush- wood and plants gathered in the vicinity. • A few rods beyond the village we reached the neighborhood of Mycense, and before entering the inclosure of the wall, de- scended into the far-famed Treasury of Atreus. An inclined plane, bordered on either side by massive stone walls, led us down to the building, which is excavated in the bowels of the hill. On advancing through the wide portal, we found our- selves in a great circular, vaulted chamber, about fifty feet in diameter, and forty in height. The walls gradually approach as they rise in a series of regular courses of squared stone, and form a conical dome — ^if I may be allowed the expression. Architecturally, the most remarkable feature of the construc- tion is, that its solidity does not depend upon the vertical strength of the arch ; but each successive circle of stones is so nicely adjusted, as not only to be firmly held together by its own weight, but also to support the pressure of the circles above it. A single stone — now displaced — capped the entire structure. The gateway, through which we had entered, was one of the most wonderful portions of the Treasury. Though scarcely more than eight feet wide, it is spanned by an enor- mous soffit twenty-eight feet long, nineteen feet broad, and three THE TKEASURY OF ATliEUS. 147 feet and nine inches in thickness! How that mass, weighins: ^ Do many tons^ was brought to this spot, and raised to the height of twenty feet above the floor — and that, too, without the aid of modern improvements in machinery — is a mystery difficult of solution. Certainly the architects of Agamemnon's age possessed no mean skill. Above this ponderous slab there is a triangular window that serves to let a faint light into the building. Leaving our horses here, we groped our way through a similar, but much smaller door, almost choked up with rub- bish, into a lateral chamber. Demetri brought in an armful of brush, and kindled a fire, whose flame revealed to us the shape of a damp room some twenty feet square, by our meas- urement, and fourteen feet high, cut out of the hard rock, and left with rough walls. The use of this portion of the building is uncertain. Our guide persisted in calling it the Tomb of Agamemnon, while the rest he styled the Treasury of Atreus. The reverse, however, is the more reasonable supposition : the costly chamber may have been the monument of the illustri- ous monarch, while the rough chamber, protected by the in- violable sanctity that attached to the resting-places of the dead, may have served as a treasury for the living. Since the structure stood outside the walls of the city — the most ancient walls, at any rate — it is not impossible that this should have been a tomb ; but some authors endeavor to prove, and with a show of plausibility too, that it was in some way connected with the worship of those early races that inhabited Greece before authentic history, and concerning whom the amount of knowledge we possess, notwithstanding the bulky tomes written about them, might be summed up in a few pages. Possibly the walls of this inner chamber were coated with marble, while those of the dome undoubtedly were covered with copper plates, as is evident from the abundant remains of copper nails studding their entire surface. Riding along the crest of the hill, on which ran the more recent walls of the city, we came unexpectedly to a hole, through which the traces of a monument, precisely similar to that we had been visiting, were visible. The upper part of the dome had fallen in, disclosing some of the lower courses 148 THEEE DAYS IN ARGOLIS. of masonry. Most of this " Treasury" is buried below the ac- cumulated rubbish. There are two more outside the walls. On reaching the acropolis of Mycenae, we dismounted, and made a great part of the circuit on foot, observing the differ- ent kinds of construction that were here exhibited. Some- times, as at Tiryns, there were great masses of stone heaped together, apparently without any attempt to give them a more symmetrical shape. In other places the masses, though scarce- ly smaller, were hewn into large and almost regular courses, the occasional crevices being filled with small fragments. In walls of a yet more recent date the stones were much smaller, but of a polygonal form, and generally so admirably fitted as hardly to leave a visible joint between. We entered the acropolis by a gate built, in the most simple manner, of three stones — two upright slabs covered by a third. On either jamb there were projections, against which the door rested, and on one side were two holes, in which was placed the heavy bar that secured it. From the elevated platform on which we stood we could look far and wide over the plain, where reign- ed ''Agamemnon, king of men." This was the capital of the kingdom, while Tiryns to the south, and Argos, at the foot of that high hill almost as far toward the southwest, were the older and later capitals of the Atreidae. The ground we stood on was perhaps occupied of old by the royal palace celebrated for the misdeeds of Clyteemnestra and JEgisthus, and where the victorious monarch, Agamemnon, was assassinated, with the laurel still fresh on his brow.* We descended from the top of the hill to the object of great- est interest in the place — the Gate of Lions, Two enormous * Agamemnon was sometimes styled King of Argos ; but under this name was included not only the city of Argos — this being the capital of Diomede's dominions — but a large portion of the Peloponnesus, includ- ing particularly the cities of Mycenee and Tiryns. (Heyne, Excurs. 1, ad II. 2.) The scene of the play of ^schylus was more probably laid at Argos, whose site certainly accords better with the description given by the poet, of the signal fires that transmitted to Clytsemnestra the news of the fall of Troy, and of her husband's speedy return. I have not deem- ed it necessary to enter upon this discussion. The reader may find some remarks upon it in a note by Professor Felton on Lord Carlisle's Di- ary in Turkish and Creek Waters, p. 252, MYCEN^. 149 GATE OF LIONS AT MYCENJE. stones, standing on end, support a slab equally ponderous; and on the top of this is a triangular piece of gray limestone, ten feet long and nine high, upholding the only statuary to be found at Mycenae. A couple of lions are represented in high relief erect on their hind legs, and facing each other. Their front feet rest on a low pedestal between them, which is, in fact, a short Doric column reversed. Unfortunately, the heads of the lions are entirely destroyed, and so, also, is any object that may have been upon the top of the column : thus every clew to the meaning of this curious monument has dis- appeared, and it is impossible to tell, with any degree of cer- tainty, whether it was connected with the worship of the mys- terious builders of Mycenae. The artist who executed this work was not devoid of skill in portraying nature. Every muscle of the lion' s body is expressed, and even exaggerated, though there is a certain stiffness about the whole that marks an early period of art. At a glance one is struck with the resemblance of the figures to Egyptian works ; and no one that has seen the Assyrian monuments in the London and Parisian museums can fail to notice an equal likeness to their rigid outlines. It is a well-authenticated tradition that the Egyptians sent colonies to this part of Greece ; but it seems very doubtful whether these monuments resemble each other 150 THREE DAYS IN ARGOLIS. any farther than as to the mere clumsiness that characterizes all works of remote antiquity. The ruins of Mycenas are the more interesting from the fact, that since the time of Pausanias they have undergone little or no change. " The inhabitants of Argos," says the historian, " destroyed Mycenae out of envy ; for while the Argives re- mained at rest during the invasion of the Medes, the Mycen- ians dispatched eight men to Thermopyl^, who took part in the contest with the Lacedaemonians. This brought destruc- tion upon them, since it excited the emulation of the Argives. There remains, however, besides other portions of the inclos- ure, the gate with the lions standing over it. They say that these are the work of the Cyclopes, who constructed the wall at Tiryns for Proetus." The great topographer also mentions the treasuries of Atreus and his children, his tomb, and those of Agamemnon and Clyt^emnestra We lingered for an hour or two among the ruins of Mycenae, and then hurried back to Kharvati, to take our lunch at tk^ khan. While we were partaking of such food as our guide had provided, some peasants brought us the ancient coins they had found in ploughing. Most of them were of the Byzan- tine period. They set an enormous value upon them, prizing especially all those that bore the impress of a Christian em- peror. It is said that when a medal of Constantine is found, it is kept as an heir-loom in the family, and nothing can tempt the fortunate possessor to part with it. Some peasants at the same khan were taking their mid-day repast ; but as it was still Lent, they rigidly abstained from meat and fish. They had before them a panful of snails, which they ate raw with their bread, seeming to regard them in the light of a delicacy. We were almost tempted to follow their example ; but our prejudice against snails was too powerful to be overcome, and we confined ourselves to that which the more civilized Deme- tri had set before us. In returning to Nauplia we took a longer road, which passes by Argos. This consumed more than two hours; for our horses were poor, and the road, though good in dry weather, led across the swollen stream Inachus, which is quite a re- spectable creek at this season of the year. We found Argos THEATRE OF ARGOS. 151 utterly unlike Nauplia in appearance. The houses are new- er, and not so high ; and many are surrounded by gardens and vineyards, forming a populous but straggling town. Nauplia is its rival, and for a long time entirely overshadowed it : but now Argos contains, if I am rightly informed, ten or twelve thousand souls, while Nauplia has only eight. Gur object here was to see the remains of a Greek theatre. To reach it, we were obliged to traverse the greater part of Argos ; and a crowd of boys seeing the milordi coming, quitted their games to follow our steps. We had seen enough of their character to know that nothing could be gained by commanding them to be gone. Each who had been loudest in his play but a mo- ment before, pressed us in piteous tones to give him a penny ; and when we alighted, half a dozen called us in different di- rections to show us the ruins. If we walked behind any one of them, he was satisfied that we had engaged him as guide ; so that, by the time we were through, we found ourselves indebted to them, by their own calculation, in quite a considerable sum. The theatre itself, however, was interesting enough, not- withstandino; the disturbance of our clamorous attendants. The seats are cut out of the solid rock, and, rising one above the other, are divided by alleys into three divisions. Al- though the lower part of the theatre is covered over with soil, and a flourishing wheat field occupies the arena, some sixty-seven seats are still visible. In one or two places on the neighboring rocks, small bas-reliefs were rudely sculptured, of which we could make little. A friend of mine at Athens told me that he was a member of one of the chief congresses dur- ing the Greek revolution, which held its session in open air in this splendid monument of antiquity. Behind the theatre, which could seat about 20,000 persons, according to calcula- tions made from the number of seats, rises the lofty Larissa, the castle of modern, and the acropolis of old Argos. Its name is sufficient evidence of a Pelasgian origin. It is cover- ed by Venetian fortifications. The summit of the hill was probably the station of that watchman whom the Tragic poet represents as watching for ten long years, wet with the dews of every night, for the signal-fires that were to announce the capture of Troy by the Grecian troops. 152 THREE DAYS IN AKGOLIS. From the theatre of Argos we returned to Nauplia. Our route led through the agora, or market-place of Argos. The name is not confined here to a building or an open square, but is applied to the portion of the town where provisions and other commodities are sold. There were few or no shops, every thing being exposed for sale on cloths and carpets spread upon the ground on either side of the way. Like the Turkish bazars, the place is noisy and crowded ; every seller screams in your ear, extolling the quality of his wares, and you find yourself heartily glad when no longer within hearing. There were but few houses between Argos and Nauplia, a distance of six or seven miles ; but the traffic and intercommunication was evidently considerable. We reached the harbor a few minutes prior to the departure of the steamer on its return to Athens, and my companions hastened on board. As for my- self, I concluded to vary the excursion by crossing to Corinth by way of Nemea, and taking the steamer thence to Piraeus. Since Demetri was to accompany the rest of the party, I had a new pass made out, and soon domiciled myself in the small old "Hotel of Peace," opposite the public square. Mine host, who rejoiced in the name of Elias Giannopoulos, finding that we could converse in his own native language, was disposed to show me every attention. It was too late in the afternoon to procure permission of the mayor to visit the Palamede ; but he volunteered to show me the other curiosi- ties of the place. He took me to the Church of St. Spiridon, a small building in an, obscure lane. "This," said he, "was the spot where Capo dTstria, the first president of Greece, was slain by the sons of Petron Bey. The two Mavromichalis, the assassins, stood a few feet down the alley, and when the president, at the conclusion of divine service, issued from the door of the church, they gave him a mortal wound." My friend Elias, though he disapproved of the bloody deed, and admitted its utter uselessness, did not exhibit, I must confess, much sorrow for the murdered man, who was the head of the Russian party. He grew very animated in describing the abuses of the government at Nauplia, and the corruption in- troduced even into the municipal authority. My window at the inn looked out upon the monument erected to the memory PASS OF TRCETUS. 153 of Ypsilanti, of whom Elias was a great admirer. He seemed very much interested in learning that a town in America had been named after the favorite hero of this part of Greece. As Elias was about to send to Corinth to bring travelers to Ills hotel, I had no difficulty in procuring a horse and a guide to cross the Argolic isthmus. On rising the next morning, we found that the weather had undergone a sudden change during the night ; and instead of a clear, bright day, such as we had enjoyed, the clouds hung threateningly upon the sides of the hills, offering but a poor prospect for our long day's journey. Again we traversed the plain of Argos, following the same road as on the previous day ; and again we lunched at the khan of Kharvati, near the ruins of Mycenee. Here the plain contract- ed into a valley, that shortly terminated in a narrow ravine. This was the entrance into the Pass of Troetus, famous in an- tiquity for its difficulty. It was here that, in 1822, eight thou- sand Turks, under Drami Ali Pasha, after having ravaged the whole Argolic plain, and utterly destroyed Argos, attempted to cross the mountains into Corinthia. A handful of Greeks, with Nicetas at their head, were posted at the most defensible point in the pass, while sixteen hundred more occupied the heights about the entrance. For a time the Turks were per- mitted to advance unmolested ; but when they had fairly en- tered on the intricacies of the defile, they were assailed from behind rocks and bushes with volleys of shot. In vain did the Turks attempt to dislodge their unseen enemies ; they had to contend with mountaineers, trained in the rocky heights of Mount Taygetus. Drami Ali hoped, by pressing onward, to free himself from his perilous situation. But after two hours' march, with the enemy continually killing numbers of his men, he reached the narrowest part of the pass, where Nicetas had been impatiently awaiting his approach. Out of the entire army of the Turks, only two thousand succeeded in dashing through the opposing force. About as many more retreated to Nauplia ; but between three and four thousand perished in the fearful conflict. Quarter was sued for by many ; but the Greeks massacred to the last of their enemies. The spoil was very great, for the Turks were laden with the plunder of Ar- gos and many Greek villages. How changed the scene now ! G2 154 THREE DAYS IN ARGOLIS. The pass was the picture of loneliness, and not a sound was to be heard. It is noted only for robbers, who have infested it until lately. It is -even now considered the most likely place for their reappearance; although Peloponnesus is, at the present moment, entirely free from depredations. The rain that had been threatening since morning now be- gan to descend in torrents. In addition to this, the cold was excessive for the season of the year ; and I found an overcoat and an umbrella poor protection. My guide, Sideri, wrapped in his great capote of camel's hair, fared much better. The Pass of Troetus is long, and we sought for shelter, hoping that the rain would cease, or at least diminish. At length we reached a hut ; but, upon opening the door, we found the dark interior crowded by a set of Greek peasants, who were en- deavoring to console themselves with the bottle for the un- promising aspect of the weather without. Not relishing their society, we pressed onward, my guide and a fellow-traveler with whom we had fallen in amusing themselves by singing, in the nasal tone peculiar to this country, some Greek love ditties. Our new companion left us, and pursued his way to Corinth by the direct road, while we turned to the left, and proceeded to the little valley of Hagios Georgios, the ancient Nemea. I was determined to visit the ruins, whatever the chances of the continuation of the storm. Some caves were to be seen as we approached Nemea ; they were those fancied by the poets of old to have been the haunts of the Nemean lion slain by Her- cules. At length, from a small elevation, we saw before us the retired valley of Nemea — apparently about three or four miles long, and one mile broad — isolated among the high hills of Argolis. A few minutes more brought us to the Temple of Jupiter. It was raining as hard as ever ; but I dismounted and tramped through the high grass, to examine this famous struc- ture. There are only three columns standing — two of which belong to the " pronaos," or chief entrance, and the third to the portico that ran before it. Yet the shape of the edifice can be made out with distinctness, from the lower course of stones belonging to the wall. All the columns of the portico that surrounded the temple lie strewn about the surface of the TEMPLE OF NEMEA. 1F)5 TEMPLE OF JUPITER AT NEMEA. ground. The numerous earthquakes with which this portion of the globe has been visited have thrown down one stone or one pillar after another ; and where a whole column has fallen at once, its pieces lie on the ground beside each other in regular succession. The capital upon one of the remaining columns has, by the same convulsion of nature, been singular- ly shifted from its place ; and a few more movements of the same kind will cause its fall. The inferiority of the coarse, gray limestone of which the temple was constructed, but espe- cially the distance of Nemea from any modern Greek city, have saved the temple from spoliation. It seems very prob- able that there remain sufficient materials to reconstruct the greater part of the edifice. I sat down upon the wet stones, and, ^under the shelter of an umbrella, succeeded in transfer- ring to paper a sketch of the ruins. The temple was of the Doric order, with a front of six columns. A ruined chapel near by was built of the ruins of this or some other ancient edifice of the same material. Instead of the busy scene which this valley must have presented two thousand years ago, when crowds of pleasure-loving Greeks thronged it, to behold the games celebrated here eveiy third year in honor of Archem- orus, not a single habitation stands within sight of the temple. The surrounding fields are partly sown in wheat ; while a few shepherds tend their flocks of black sheep and goats on the neighboring hills. We had entered the valley from its southern end : we left 156 THREE DAYS IN ARGOLIS. it by crossing the hills on the eastern side, near a fountain, which was perhaps that of Adraste. Then we followed the course of a ravine, until, descending to the khan of Courtessa, we rested a while to dry ourselves and drink a cup of hot Turkish coifee. A khan is a cottage provided for the enter- tainment of the traveler, in which the farm-house and the hotel are combined under one roof. The khan of Courtessa is not very different from other khans throughout Greece, but as we sat warming and drying ourselves, I had a good opportunity of observing it. It is a small building, with a hard clay floor, in the centre of which a rude hearth is built, and the smoke must find its way out through the chinks of the roof, or the open doors and windows. At the farther end, a little room, or closet, is raised above the general level, with a boarded floor ; while the other end is fitted up as a country store. The sides of the room are covered with the various products of the neigh- borhood. The floor is generally occupied at night as a sleep- ing-place, not only by the family, but by the countrymen who put up there. At Courtessa, we entered upon a clayey country, where a torrent, now quite full on account of the recent rains, has cut itself out a deep channel. Our path crossed it very frequent- ly, and sometimes we were obliged to wade for a considerable distance. At one place we crossed by means of a bridge, which, my companion informed me, had been the head-quarters of a celebrated Tdeft named Tambouris, who was accustomed to strip the passers-by, but was at last captured and put to death. The ancient city of Cleonse occupied, it is supposed, an eminence very near Courtessa, commanding the passes. At intervals we saw, on the sides of the hills, caverns which had been converted into sheep-folds, by constructing a fence of brushwood around their mouths. The huts of the shepherds were built of the same fragile materials, and, being destitute of chimney and windows, were quite blackened with smoke. It was after five o'clock when we began to descend into the plain of Corinthia. The rain had ceased, and we would have enjoyed a fine view of the Gulf, had not heavy clouds shut out the distance. As it was, a broad plain, partly cov- ered with a flourishing olive-grove, was extended at our feet, THE INN AT CORINTH. 157 stretching far beyond Sicyon toward the west. When we reached the small "Hotel de Bretagne" at Corinth, the day was too near its close to allow of my ascending to the Acro- corinthus ; besides, I hoped that the weather might become more propitious by morning. I found that my friend, the deputy, who had so kindly in- vited meto come from Nauplia under the protection of his escort, had arrived before me, and occupied the only decent room in the establishment. My own was bad enough. Mme host, a red-faced Ionian, who spoke Italian better than Greek, came to know what I T\dshed to eat. " What would you like," said he, "lamb, beef, or eggs, with bread and butter f I expressed myself perfectly satisfied if I could procure some of either of the former. " I am really most sorry," replied he ; " but there is not a particle of meat in the house." " Can you not procure some in the village ?" I asked, quite alarmed at the idea that, after solacing myself all day with the pros- pect of a good dinner, I stood a fair chance of being starved. " It is quite impossible ; there is not a bit to be found in town." " What in the world have you, then f I demanded, with some repressed indignation. "Why, please your honor, there is nothing but some bread and eggs." So I dined on a piece of brown bread and two or three eggs, which, in absence of spoons, were dispatched as best might be. After which feast, I soon threw myself on my bed to await the morrow ; and solilo- quized — "Non cuivis homini contingit adire Corinthum." In the morning I found that the weather had not improved. Having an hour or two to spare, I concluded, nevertheless, to ascend the Acrocorinthus, the acropolis of ancient Corinth. It is a great hill, more than 1800 feet in height, lying south of the city. The Corinthians call it an hour's ride to the top ; we accomplished the ascent in somewhat less time, I believe. From the Acropolis of Athens, it differs in every respect ; being not only more lofty, but inclosing a far greater space within its walls. The summit, too, is not a level surface; but it could contain, as we know it has contained, a large town. Evidences of this fact are to be seen in the numerous cisterns, etc., of more ancient times. A ruinous mosque or two attest 158 THREE DAYS IN ARGOLIS. the rule of the Turks. We woke from his morning slumbers one of the six soldiers that formed the entire garrison, and he led us around the fortifications. These seemed strong enough ; but one would say that, even without them, the rocky preci- pices below would render the position impregnable. Only five or six guns, I understood, were mounted. We lost all that extensive prospect for which the Acrocorinthus is cele- brated ; but had a good view of the two gulfs, and of the Bays of Cenchrea and Lecheum, with the adjacent country. On our return to Corinth, we spent a short time in the ex- amination of the only objects of interest that remain on the site of a city which once exceeded Athens for commerce and population — a temple in the very midst of the modern village, and an amphitheatre about three-fourths of a mile east of it. The former is a hexastyle Doric temple, of which only five columns belonging to the front, and two on one of the sides, are yet standing. Besides the noteworthy fact, that the only temple of which any trace exists at Corinth is of the Doric order, it is observable that the columns are '^'monoliths," or composed of a single block of stone. The temple could never, I think, have possessed much pretension to beauty, the propor- tions being too heavy. All the loose stones have been incor- porated into the buildings of the village, to which they were so conveniently situated. The amphitheatre is small but in- teresting, with a subterranean passage under the seat of the presiding officers. Such are the only ruins of consequence on the site of one of the most remarkable cities of Greece. How familiar must every feature of the natural scenery have been to the Apostle Paul, who resided here upward of a year and a half (Acts 18: 11, 18), devoting himself to the sacred func- tions of his office! He seems, by implication, to have come to Corinth from Athens by land ; and, when he departed, he sailed in a ship from Cenchrea for Ephesus. The village of Corinth barely contains a couple of thousand inhabitants. Its houses are low and poorly built ; and Corinth, famous of old for its luxuries and pleasures, now presents the aspect of a miserable hamlet, with nothing but the ancient name to uphold its reputation. The ride from Corinth to Kalamaki occupied about an TH.E ISTHMUS. 159 hour and a half. The distance is about seven miles. Until reaching the village of Hexamili, the road was covered with water from the continual rains. There the road to Cenchrea branched oif to the right. In the vicinity of Kalamaki, we passed first the ruins of the ancient isthmic wall, and not long after the site of the great ship canal that was undertaken to unite the waters of the Saronic and Corinthian Gulfs. Here the width of the isthmus of Corinth is the least. It is to be hoped that the enterprise of the present day will soon con- struct a new canal, from which advantages so great would re- sult to the commerce of the world. The isthmus is but three miles and a half wide in a direct line, and the utmost eleva- tion is 250 feet above the sea. In this neighborhood the famous Isthmian games were celebrated once in four years. A theatre, situated on the hill above Kalamaki, can even now be recognized, and may have been connected with their cele- bration. At Kalamaki I found the Austrian steamer waiting for the passengers and merchandise that had landed from the other steamer at Lutraki, on the Corinthian Gulf. At three o'clock we started for Piraeus, which we reached at half past six that afternoon. VIEW OF COBTNTH AND THE ACBOrOEINTHUS. TEMPLE OF JTJPITEK AT ^GINA. CHAPTER XII. ^GINA AND EPIDAUEUS. "And thence from Athens turn away our eyes, To seek new friends and strange companies." Midsummer Night's Dream. The months of April and May are the most pleasant of the year for traveling in Greece, and I had been waiting some time for agreeable companions only to commence my long-contem- plated tour. By accident I fell in with two gentlemen — the one an Englishman, and the other a Frenchman — who pro- posed pursuing the same route, and who had reached Athens at the most suitable season. In other countries the traveler is left comparatively independent of the rest of mankind in form- ing his plans. Almost every where he will find good roads, regular conveyances, and tolerable hotels. He may spend at a given place just as much time as he shall find agreeable ; and, on leaving, is certain of meeting fellow-travelers similar to those from whom he has parted. Not so in Greece. Here the tourist is tied down to the same party, from the time of departure until he once more sets foot in Athens — unless, in- deed, he prefers proceeding in solitary glory, with no better com- pany than an illiterate guide and one or two stupid peasants. SELECTION OF A G LID K, Itji We found that the organizing of an expedition so extensive as that which we had planned was the work of some days. Guides there were in abundance willing to undertake, at a fixed rate per diem, to conduct us into any part of Greece. We put an end to their rival pretensions by a personal in- spection of their equipments. The harness of the horses ; the portable bedsteads, table, and chairs ; the cooking utensils — all underwent a rigid scrutiny : the result of which was that we chose Nicholas Combotteca for our guide. I should not fail to mention, however, that the candidates for that honor were questioned as to their knowledge of the route, and we satisfied ourselves that Nicholas was better acquainted with the locali- ties we were to visit than any of his competitors. Tuesday, April 27th, was fixed upon as the day for our departure, and our guide was empowered to engage a caique at Pireeus, as well as to send on horses to await our arrival at Epidaurus. We did not forget to obtain the requisite passes for our whole company at the police-ofiice ; our passports were hap- pily laid aside for the time, and we could travel with a sim- ple order from one part of the country to the other. With- out this we should have been subject, at every town or mount- ain pass, to be arrested as brigands — the only class that take the liberty of dispensing with this formality in Greece. At an early hour on the appointed day a carriage was waiting at my door to carry my companions and myself to Piraeus. Our luggage, in view of the fact that every thing was to be carried hereafter on horseback, was limited, by mutual consent, to a moderate carpet-bag, or something of equal bulk. In this bag we must, some way or other, find room to stow away our wearing apparel for more than a month, and sundry guide-books, which we severally contrib- uted to the general stock. On the top of the carriage, and in another which had been sent on before, were piled baskets, mattresses — every thing, in short, that was to conduce to our future comfort. We had scarcely started, when my comrades discovered that I had brought a watch with me, at w^hich they informed me that they had left theirs in the hotel-keeper's hands for fear of robbers, and were quite destitute of any jew- elry to tempt the avarice of the klefts. Profiting by their ex- 162 ^GINA AND EPIDAURUS. ample, I deposited mine in the safe-keeping of Mr. Buel at I*iraeus, and we then drove to the wharf. An unexpected de- lay awaited us here. The caique we had engaged was at hand, and ready to sail ; but the captain — whose crew consisted of two men and a boy — was missing. He had gone, we were informed, to get his clearance papers. The previous day had happened to be a holiday in honor of the French vessels lying- in port, and as none of the public offices had been open, we were now obliged to wait till the necessary papers could be obtained. The consequence was the delay of an hour or more on the wharf, and great indignation on the part of Nicholas against the unoffending master, as well as against custom- houses in general. Our order finally came, and we jumped into the small boat that was to take us to the caique, lying in deeper water. Sails were soon set, but the breeze, though favorable, was light, and we advanced at a very slow rate. We left the harbor, and passed the ruined moles at its outlet, adorned during the Mid- dle Ages by two lions* to guard the entrance, across which a chain was stretched with ease. We coasted for a time along the promontory of Munychia, and then struck into the Gulf, in a direct line toward -iS^gina. The Temple of Jupiter Pan- hellenius, the principal object we wished to see on the island, occupies the nearest, or northeastern corner, about twelve miles distant. We were hardly half way across before the favorable breeze gradually died away, and at noon a souther- ly wind sprang up. Our man Nicholas, with the assistance of the Arab cook, set us a table on the deck, around which we collected with the best of appetites ; and the dinner, in truth, was not a bad one. Indeed, we never had the least reason to complain of our fare. The only inconvenience ex- perienced at this time was an occasional roll of the boat ; and once or twice we narrowly escaped having our viands precip- itated into the sea by the shifting of the boom as the sail flapped to and fro. Meanwhile we were making little or no * The lions, which were of marble, were carried away by the Vene- tians during their invasion of Greece, and now grace the entrance of their arsenal. Notwithstanding their loss, the harbor long continued to j-etain the name of Porte Leone, DEVOTIONS OP THE SAILORS. ]G3 progress. To console ourselves, I lay upon the deck of our caique reading whatever books we had providently placed in our carpet-bags, and my companions solaced themselves by smoking their long chehouks. We had a small cabin, for our craft was of twelve or fifteen tons burden; but as it was, we gave it as wide a berth as possible. The smell of the confined air and bilge-water was unendurable, and we would have preferred being thoroughly drenched on deck to taking refuge in the hold. On one side of this cabin was hung a small painting," or icon, of Saint Nicholas, before which the devout sailors lighted a small lamp in his honor. Beside it was another religious print, such as are found in abundance about here, but the subject we could not make out by the dim light. Every class of society in Greece has for its patron some one of the saints, or the Vir- gin Mary, who is presumed to look down with complacency upon his or her worshippers. The manufacture of these mis- erable engravings, or still more wretched daubs in oil-colors upon wood, is a lucrative employment. Every house must have one of the precious representations. It is a well-attest- ed fact that even the burglar, who breaks into your house at midnight, and the pirate, who assassinates upon the high seas, are no less devout in this respect than their more honest neigh- bors. One of the modern saints has usurped the place of Mer- cury, the god of robbers. The shrine of this patron is enrich- ed with the full tithe of the unholy gains of the avowed out- law, who promises himself, in return, not only success and immunity in this world, but a bright crown and plenary for- giveness in the next. It is said that the visitor may have pointed out to him at one of the most celebrated shrines in the land — that of the Evangelista at Tenos — votive offerings well known to have been hung on its walls by the pirates in return for some fancied benefit received. Such ideas of com- mon morality as this circumstance implies may well shock the sensibilities of those who have been educated in a more en- lightened land ; but they are the legitimate offspring of a sys- tem which elevates the ecclesiastical above the moral duties of man. Some saints appear to have a stronger hold upon the religious feelings or imaginations of the people than oth'- 164 ^GINA AND EPIDAURUS. ers. It may be doubted whether the faithful in Greece do not possess as many representations of St. George and the Dragon as does the whole island of Great Britain, while there is certainly more honor paid to St. Nicholas than even in the goodly city of the Manhattoes. All day we enjoyed a very extensive and beautiful view. The eye ranged over the whole circuit of the Saronic Gulf, and the prospect included, besides the Acrocorinthus, the snow-capped summits of Cithseron, of Cyllene, and of Khel- mos. The plain of Athens, too, was visible in almost its whole extent. On the right of it, Mount Hymettus, which, from Athens, appears to be one continuous ridge, was seen to be separated into two distinct masses. By one o'clock in the afternoon we were lying almost be- calmed within a mile or two of the island. Leaving the caique to come on more leisurely, we got into the small boat and rowed to the nearest point of the shore. We reached an an- cient landing-place, and proceeded by the shortest path to the temple. The island is high and rugged", measuring about eight miles on each of its three sides — its shape being that of an equilateral triangle. The soil is rocky and barren, and it can at the present time support but a small population. It was probably in consequence of this infertility of the soil that the ^ginetans early turned their attention to commerce, and so became the rivals of Athens in the fifth and sixth cen- turies before the Christian era. The town of ^gina, howev- er, was situated farther westward. We crossed in our walk a few cultivated fields, but for the greater part, the ground on either side was too rough to be tilled, and was very dry. It was, nevertheless, a very paradise of flowers, of those rich and varied hues that are characteristic of this climate. Before we regained our boat, we had gathered a variety of species, of which we were compelled, though with reluctance, to throw the larger part away. The Temple of Jupiter Panhellenius, which some antiqua- rians suppose to be rather that of Minerva, occupies the sum- mit of an eminence at the very northeastern corner of the isl- and, and overlooks the sea on two sides. There were origin- ally six columns on the fronts, and thirteen on each side of the TEMPLK OF JUPITER PAKHELLENILS. 165 temple, forming a portico that ran around the entire building. Most of these are yet standing, much corroded by the action of the storms that beat with resistless violence upon this un- sheltered spot. They are of the Doric order, and are distin- guished from those of the Parthenon and Theseum by their less slender shape. The inside of the inclosure is now an al- most indiscriminate pile of blocks of stone, overgrown with ivy, and with small shrubs of prickly oak. No vestige remains of the numerous sculptured slabs which used to adorn the structure. The fragments of statuaiy fotind in the vicinity, in the year 1812, were purchased by the late King of Bavaria for the sum of £6000, and are now in the collection at Mu- nich. Among the principal peculiarities of these representa- tions is their strict adherence to nature ; but they are less graceful than the subsequent works of Phidias on the Parthe- non, and preserve more of the stiffness that characterizes the labors of an earlier age. It has sorely puzzled the learned to find upon them the traces of paint ; from which it appears that the drapery, eyes, lips, and arms were colored. Many of the figures would seem to have been covered with armor of bronze fastened on by means of nails, the holes of which are to be seen. Some preconceived ideas of the taste of the an- cients, too, have been sadly shocked by the discovery that the building itself was not suffered to retain its natural color. The cella. or body of the temple, was painted red, the tympanum sky-blue ; the architrave, above the columns, was variegated with yellow and green foliage, the triglyphs, still higher up, being colored blue.* While I sat down near by the southwestern corner of the temple to sketch it, J. was measuring the temple by means of the tape he carried with him — a practice to which he was very much addicted. The dimensions of the building, the size of the columns, and the proportions of the architectural details, were noted in a pocket-book. Thence they were transferred in the evening to a journal, after a careful comparison with those given by Leake and others, with as much satisfaction as * See C. O. Muller's Ancient Art and its Remains, translated by Leitch, p. 48. The temple is supposed to have been erected near the same time with the Temple of Theseus, about B.C. 465, 166 ^GINA AND EPIDAUEUS. a cockney experiences when, having read the description of the Apollo Belvidere in the Vatican, he pronounced Murray " all right." It is but justice to J. to add that he was much interested in architecture, and that his painstaking was not in reality so useless as it appeared. We were loth to leave the charming site, with its extensive prospect over the island and the surrounding gulf; but we had to hurry back to our boat. I believe that we did not meet a single man on our way, so small is the population of this bar- ren part of ^gina. On the distant left we saw the ruined town, which the inhabitants abandoned for the coast in the time of Capo d'Istria's rule. We passed.no dwelling-houses at all, but several churches, one of them built on the summit of a hill. We found our captain had in the mean while suc- ceeded finally in getting the caique along shore. The place where we re-embarked was a miniature harbor of a nearly cir- cular shape, cut out of the rock, which is almost level with the water's edge. It was evidently made by the ancients, to whom it probably served as the port of the Temple, which was completely isolated from the habitations of men. We no- ticed on its shores the foundations of a building or bath in a depression of the rock. With a fair wind we sailed rapidly along the northern side of -^gina ; then, as we turned southward, passed on our left the modern city of ^gina, a place of some note in the time of the Revolution, until the removal of the capital to Athens. In ancient times the Athenians laid the first foundations of their maritime supremacy on the ruins of the wealthy -