Class _JE^_iXl CoiwightN" ' CQEmiGHT DEMSm V EXCESSIVE VENERY MASTURBATION CONTINENCE THE ETIOLOGY, PATHOLOGY AND TREATMENT OF THE DISEASES RESULTING FROM VENEREAL EXCESSES, MASTURBATION AND CONTINENCE. BY JOSEPH W. HOWE, M. D., Author of " Emergencies," " The Breath," " Winter Homes for Invalids," Late Professoc of Clinical Surgery in Bellevue Hospital Medical College, Fellow of the New Yo/K Academy of Medicine, Member of the New York County Medical, Patho- logical and Surgical Societies, Visiting Surgeon to Charity and St. Francis Hospitals, Consulting Physician to the Hospital for the Treatment of Diseases of Mouth and Throat, etc. NEW YOEK : E. B. TREAT, T71 Broadway. 1887. Price, $2 75. COPYRIGHT, 1887. By E. B. TREAT, N. Y. ^P? PREFACE. This volume contains the substance of a course of lectures delivered in the Medical Department of the University of New- York, on the Results of Excessive Venery, Masturbation and Continence. In addition to the results of my own experience obtained in hospital and private practice, I have added the peculiar methods of treatment employed by various authorities in Europe and America, thus making the volume complete as a book of reference for the student and practitioner of medicine. 38 W. 24th St., New York, J. W. H TABLE OF CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS . Ignorance of Sexual Hygiene and its results — Should Laws Regulating Sexual Functions be taught before years of maturity are reached — Ignorance of function in the married state, and its results — Ignorance as a cause of sexual excess and Masturbation — Cases of Phthisis, from parental excess — The physician as a teacher of Sexual Hygiene— When and How to teach — Lessons to be regulated by the mental and physical peculiarities of the child— Fear as a necessary educational agent — A clergyman's idea of what should be taught of sexual physiology and Hygiene — The schoolmaster as a guardian of school morals. ^7 CHAPTER II. THE GENITAL APPARATUS. Anatomy and functions of portions of the male and female genital organs — Erectile Tissues — Peculiarities of erectile tissues — Blood supply of the erectile tissue of the penis — Buck's fascia — Structure of the corpora cavernosa and corpus spongiosum — Action of muscles attached to these organs — The glans Penis — Changes in the glans from Masturbation and Sexual Excess — Dorsal artery of the penis — Membranous urethra — Cowper's Gland — Character of its secretion — Prostatic Urethra — ^Veru Montanum — Prostatic Ducts — Ejaculatory Ducts — Morbid changes from Masturbation — Intimate structure of Prostate gland — Sphincter Muscle of the Neck of the Bladder 28 CHAPTER III. THE SEMINAL FLUID AND THE MECHANISM OF ERECTION. Physiological properties of seminal fluid — Chemical composition of semen — Gross Appearances — Characters of Spermatozoa — Peculiar movements under the microscope — Chemical composition of spermatozoa — Various quantities formed and ejaculated — Secretion of Prostate and Cowper's Glands, as forming a part of the Seminal Fluid — Natural and morbid secretions that may be mistaken for semen — Muco-Purulent secretion in Prostatitis, Urethritis and Cystitis — Mixture r>{ mucus with epithelial cells — Chylous Urine— Distinguishing characteristics of each — Mechanism of erection — Nerve centers governing erection — Function of the cerebellum — Effects of removal of the organ — Clots and tumors in the cerebellum — Emissions produced by Shampooing the occiput — Location of the genito-spinal center — Sympathetic Nervous Influence — Analogy between the act of blushing and erection — Influence of the mind — Cases of partial erection 43 Xll CONTENTS. / CHAPTER IV. DISEASES FROM EXCESS, ETC. What constitutes Spermatorrhoea ? — Opinions of Hippocrates, Celsus, Lallemand, Acton, Van Buren, Hamilton, Bartholow, McGraw, Gross, Post, Hutchinson, Morse, and others — ^Various causes of Spermatorrhoea and Impotence — Masturbation, Sexual excesses, Mental emotions. Conti- nence, Diseases of nerve centers. Diseases of Testicles and Penis, Congenital and acquired Malformations — Relative indulgence in the vice of masturbation by inhabitants of savage and civilized countries — Masturbation among animals — Age at which onanism is usually begun — Nurses as teachers of immorality — Dangers of intimate companionship — Influence of certain gymnastic exercises in developing masturbation — Varieties of exercises which should be prohibited — Cases in which swing- ing from poles and bars gives origin to the vice — Morbid changes in the genital organs caused by self-pollution — Constitutional changes from the same cause — Why seminal emissions occur when masturbation is dis- continued , 58 CHAPTER V. RESULTS OF SEXUAL EXCESS AND MENTAL EMOTION. Sexual excess not so injurious as masturbation — Seminal losses not unhealthy when they occur from natural causes — Differences between local and general effects of sexual indulgence and masturbation — Excess as a cause of spermatorrhoea and impotence. Mental emotion as a cause of spermatorrhoea and impotence — Effects of emotion in hysteria. Simula- tion of mammitis, peritonitis, etc., by hysterical patients. Graham's bed for impotent patients — Impotence from fear, anxiety, bad odors, business troubles, bad temper, unusual surroundings, etc. — Interesting cases of Hammond's, Rouget's, and others 7^ CPIAPTER VI. DISEASES PRODUCED BY SEXUAL EXCESS AND MASTURBATION. Deterioration of the seminal fluid as a cause of pulmonary consumption- Changes in the healthy character of the secretions — Hereditary weakness, as a source of phthisis — Phthisis developed as a direct result of masturbation — Phthisis among young married persons — Erotic desires of consumptive Patients — Epilepsy — Connection with Onanism — Convulsive seizures during the orgasm — Changes in the nerve centers as a result of the disease — The center of sensation and voluntary motion — -Irritation of the tuber annulare — Causes of the convulsion — Termination of Epilepsy in insanity — Is insanity caused by sexual excess and masturbation — > Opinions of various authorities — Peculiar forms of insanity arising from these diseases — Nymphomania — Its causes — Characteristic cases — Mirriage as a means of cure — Amputation of the clitoris as employed by Baker Brown — Satyriasis — Curious manifestations of the disease — Treat- ment — Aspermatism, et : 92 CONTENTS. XIH CHAPTER VII.