The Golden Hopes of Men H. H. McMURTRIE .... ■•'. ^ % .^L % ■tp A * A V .v 4 % % c ' ' WW- ^ ^ iV > -o. ex °, % Sj\*° J ^ ^ * V> ,. " * " * -^ -V" ** • ^ c -:v the truth of God's Word. 4 If JAN IH 1916 "HO./* PREFACE, Tin: thought of the world is now changing from daj to day with a rapidity never before known. <)]T*IIK fact is well known thai mankind in general A made as much advancement in a material way during the last hundred years as was made during the (Mil ire previous six thousand years which are supposed to have passed since the creation of the world. And yet with all the marvelous progress which has been made in the way of labor-saving inventions; the development of steam and electric power and their application to the benefit of the human race; the won derful increase in the modern comforts and luxuries of life, all of which are supposed to contribute so largely to the upbuilding and happiness of mankind, the vast majority of people in the Christianized parts of the world are seemingly suffering as much at the present rime from pain, sickness, poverty and discom- fort of mind as the world has ever known at any other period in its history. It is true that now and then momentary times have <-<>me to us all when doors have opened before us into green gardens full of joyous song; moments when it seemed that the curtains were swept hack from the windows of heaven and we caught bright glimpses of wide vistas in a land of beauty and peace, where we .1. 2 THE GOLDEN HOPES OF MEN. stood upon the hill top of happiness, and life was full of sweel contentment free from fetters or fears. Bm all t<><> boos these curtains were pulled back, the doors were closed, and in the words of the Bed Man •The smile of the .ureal spirit was hid"; we reluctantly returned once more to our daily grind, shut in by the hard, narrow walls of whai seemed to be a merciless providence. In the varied efforts of mankind to secure the treas mod boon of happiness, untold millions of people have pressed hard after what seemed to them to be realities; wealth, fame, social or political prestige; but these seeming realities changed into phantoms and vanished away just when they thought happiness was within their grasp. After having chased long enough to find out that the gratification of the sensual, human will never brings any real, permanent happiness, a few people then begin to look up to the source of all good. After finding through perhaps bitter experience that our plans and our unaided efforts failed to bring re- sults that fully satisfy, we then begin to turn our thoughts to Him who created the heavens and the earth. The Christianized world recognizes this great power under the name of God, and accepts His revealed Word as supreme authority. We all recognize His Son, Jesus the Christ as the Redeemer, the Wayshower, who by precept and personal example endeavored to redeem all mankind by teaching and showing men the only way by which they can ever hope to secure true happiness. Jesus only taught and practiced one way of life, and it would be unfortunate for us if bv any means we THE GOLDEN HOPES OF MEN. 3 railed to correctly understand the true meaning of his words, or the demonstrations he made as objecl lessons to more plainly express the practical meaning of those words; to clearly illustrate the results that could be expected by his followers if his teachings were fully complied with, either at the time they were spoken or at any time in the future, for he plainly said: "Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away." When we read that at the birth of Jesus the angels sang "Peace on earth, good will to men"; when we re- member that the meaning of "the gospel" is good news or glad tidings to men: when we consider the many blessings which Jesus said would come to all those who understood and practiced his sayings, teachings and commands; when we fully realize that he spoke the exact truth, and that if anyone performs his part every promise contained in the Bible will be quickly fulfilled; when we fairly comprehend all this and note the appar- ent lack of joy and peace and comfort of mind among so large a proportion of the professed followers of the Christ does it not seem possible that some of these pro- fessed followers have missed "the way"? When we consider the thousands and tens of thou- sands and tens of millions of humble prayers which have been offered by professed Christian people all over the world during a thousand years, would it not seem that if these millions of prayers had ever reached the throne of grace that the world would now be enjoying a far greater realization of the rich promises contained in the Bible? The evident fact that mankind in gen- 4 THE GOLDEN HOPES OF MEN. eral, and the professed followers of the Christ in par i it-ii la r, are qoI receiving 8 Enller measure of these bless ings should tend to incline us all toward a willingness to consider thai possibly our own private beliefs or theological news may be tinged with error or erron- eous conceptions of the true meaning of the glad tid- ings which Jesus proclaimed to the world. The day of wordy theoretical discussion without any practical demonstration of the truth of the views ex- pressed has now passed in all lines of endeavor* The Christian religion is no exception to this general rule which is a distinguishing feature of the thought of this age. Men have not lost faitb in God or in the words of His Son. Jesus the Christ, but whether they publicly acknowledge it or not, they have lost a great part of their former attention, confidence and Faith in any and all systems of theological belief which fail or are un- able from any canst 1 to demonstrate practical results right here and now. We all know thai Jesus plainly stated that all his true followers for all time to come would receive "a hundred Told now in this time, and eternal life in the world to come." The number of people is rapidly grow- ing less and less who are interested in any church which holds to a religious belief or theological doctrine which practically ignores the note part of the teachings of Jesus ami relegates all the joys, comforts and bless- ings of a religious life to the world to come. Great numbers of Christian people in all parts of the world and belonging to every denomination are beginning to Bee thai any failure in realizing tin 1 fullness of God's Tin: GOLDEN HOPES OF MEN. 5 promises right here and now arises from a lack of b correct understanding of "the way" outlined by our Ba viour, and that il is nol possible thai his \\<»rds can fail ,n any time or place. This is an age of investigation, and the proper thing Cor ns all to do is to lay down any narrow, sectarian views we may have acquired, and make a careful and honest examination of the Scriptures; correct any errors we have been taught to believe to be Truth, no matter how old the error may be or who made it at its beginning. To do this with any degfee of success we must l>e open to honest conviction; must be willing to follow Truth no matter where it leads, and not falter or draw hack from its pursuit no matter how many of our old established pet theories may he shattered. When we turn to the first chapter in the Bible we find therein a sweeping account of the creation of the world, including man. We learn from this chapter and three verses in (he next that God while creating all that was made created man in his own image — "male and female created he them." We also learn that God blessed "them" and gave them dominion over all the earth, "and God said unto them, be fruitful and multiply and re- plenish the earth and subdue it." The Hebrew word k (i b a s li. here translated subdue, means to conquer by the exertion of superior power; to bring into permanent subjection ; to overcome and reduce under dominion. In the conclusion of this account of the creation of the world and its inhabitants, we are told that "God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good." -'Thus the heavens and the earth were fin- 6 THE GOLDEN BOPES OF MEN. ished, (completed) and all the host of them." Within these few verses is contained the account of a finished or completed creation. It was absolutely perfect for God pronounced it "very good." -Man was created perfect; blessed and given the power to conquer and have domin- ion over all the earth. The meaning of the Hebrew word radah, here translated dominion, is the right or authority to rule, to tread down, to reign over, to have sovereign power as a lord, master or a king. The word dominion is from the Latin dominium from dominus, meaning mas- ter or lord. Hence, we see that when God created them male and female he blessed them and gave them as a free gift the right or authority to rule over all the earth with kingly dominion. The word dominium is a term in the old Roman law used to signify ownership of a thing, as opposed to a mere life interest; to an equitable right such as a cove- nantee has against a covenanter. God gives us our life, and this free gift is not merely what we call a life in- terest to he terminated at what we call death, for God covenanted to give to man a legal or just claim to pos- session of life forever; known in Bible lauguage as eternal life. Not only this, but man and woman were, in this chapter, given the right to be kings and queens. They were given the authority to tread down all earthly opposition and gain a kingly crown, and there is not a word of authority in the entire Bible for even think- ing that God ever took His gifts of life and dominion away from any man or woman who has ever lived. THE GOLDEN HOPES OF MEN. 7 On the contrary, the Scriptures positively state that God is not a respecter of persons; that is to say, He looks upon all faces alike, whether it is t hi- King on his throne, or the peasant in his humble cottage; all are alike to Him. The Scriptures further declare that He is a God of justice, equity and right, without a shadow of turning, the same yesterday, today and forever; consequently this same dominion and all that it implies which was given to man at the dawn of creation remains in force forever, and is today open to every man and woman in the world who complies with the covenant or conditions upon which God's gifts were bestowed. We read in the first verse of the Bible that tk In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." You are requested to remember these words. Also in the conclusion of the account of the finished or completed creation which God created, remember that it is stated that "God saw everything that he had made and behold it was very good." All of God's creation was good, and we are by in- ference given to understand that if anything is found in the world that is not good, God never created it. He created all that was created or made, so that which is not good can have no existence in Truth or reality. After we have read this account of the finished crea- tion of the heaven and the earth and all that is con- tained therein, including man and woman made in God's image and likeness: after being repeatedly warned that this was all the creation that God created or made and that all of God's creation was good, then 8 THE GOLDEN HOPES OF MEN. we begin to read an account of what appears to be a second creation of the heavens and the earth by the "Lord God." This second account of creation is exactly contrary in all respects to the first creation that God created and finished. The Lord God is the same as Jehovah, the divine sovereign of the Hebrews. In the historic parts of the Old Testament it is usually Jehovah who is referred to under the name of Lord God, and under this Jewish national name of Jehovah, the true idea of God as Elohim seems almost lost. The Jewish tribal idea of God is represented by the name of Jehovah, who is largely represented as a God of war, liable to wrath, repentance and human changeableness. From this im- perfect conception of God has descended to us the sense or belief in a corporeal God ; that is to say, a belief in a God having a body composed of material substance instead of spiritual substance. Consequently we are liable to think of God as a monstrous big man sitting on a golden throne in a distant place called heaven, and that this changeable God is breathing vengeance on all who fail to understand or to do His will. The true meaning of Elohim is God, the Supreme, Omnipotent and Eternal One of whom are all things. Elohim is the only creator. The Jehovistic, or second account of creation, states that "the Lord God (or Jehovah) formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life." And the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep ; then took out one of the man's ribs and made a woman of it. Then comes the talking THE GOLDEN HOPES OF MEN. 9 serpent and the forbidden fruit. It ended by the man being driven out of the garden, and the strangest thing of all things that has ever happened in this world is that the professed church of Christ for more than a thousand years has accepted this second account as the true account of creation. Popular theology not only assumes that it is a true statement of fact, but seems to be opposed to even the mention of the creation which God created and pronounced very good after it was finished. Those who have studied the Bible closely have noticed that its inspired writers used words with a degree of exactness and precision which is truly remarkable. When their words are correctly translated, they convey to our comprehension a uniform meaning throughout the whole Bible from Genesis to Eevelation, although these books were written about sixteen hundred years apart. Words are used to convey an idea, and for us to have any correct conception of the true meaning of any expressed or written word or words, we must be certain to catch from the words the same idea as was entertained in the mind of the individual who expressed the word. You will remember that you were requested to not forget the words "in the beginning," found in the first verse of the Bible. The word. translated beginning, has the sense of first and former. First as here understood has the sense of preceding all others in the order of time. Hence, there can be no question but that God's creation outlined in the first chapter of the Bible takes precedent of any and all other creations, as it refers lo THE GOLDEN HOPES OF MEN. to the finri existence of the world, and previous to (bis creation, If there ever was such a time, the world had no existence. h is not possible that there were two first creations of the heavens and the earth, including man. As God created all things in "the beginning/ 3 and there could nm have been two beginnings, ibis second or Jehovistic account of creation must be a fable, allegory, similitude, simile or other figurative representation intended as a comparison or explanation of something else, which in itself never bad any real existence. The Bible shows thai the early Christians considered this secoftd account of creation as an allegory, parable or comparison. Jesus used these words in which he incidentally credits the Blohistic as being the true accounl of crea- tion. \Ir matters of cbance in tbe Bible. Wben cor rectly translated and property understood, no errors or contradictions can be found in tbe Bible. The world will sometime learn tban nil of