Class _lXS_£-_5_ Book >o fe PRESENTED BV I N I) E X *0K persons in America" 1 CLAIMING, PROPERTIES ABROAD, EITHER AS NEXT OF KIN, HEIRS AT LAW, LEGATEES OTHERWISE. COMPILED BY COLUMBUS SMITH, OF WEST SALISBURY, VERMONT, A. I>. 1868. BTJRLINGIOX : FREE PRESS STEAM BOOK AND JOB PRINTING HOUSE, 1868. TO ALL PERSONS CLAIMING PROPERTIES ABROAD Columbus Smith, of West Salisbury, Vermont, who has bee a successfully engaged in the prosecution ol Claims in Europe for the last twenty-five years, haying in connection with this business du- ring the time, crossed the Atlantic sixteen times, and having pro- cured and brought to America the largest properties ever procured in England for American citizens, having uissolved partnership with Mr. Fisher, has formed a co-partnership with A. B. Herrick, an attorney from Burlington, Vt., for the purpose of continuing the prosecution of claims of persons in America to properties abroad. They will now undertake the collection of property abroad, for persons in America on the most reasonable terms. From their great experience in this business, they have no doubt but they shall be able to give perfect satisfaction to all such as favor them with their business. Mr. Herrick intends soon to leave for Europe, and will for a term of years make his headquarters in London, so as to give bis personal attention there to such business as may be entrusted to him. Mr. Smith intends for the present to remain in America, in order to prepare cases to forward to Mr. Herrick from time to time. Mr. Smith would inform those who think themselves entitled tt> properties abroad, that he claims to have the largest collection of information relative to unclaimed property abroad, to be found either in Europe or America, that while recently in Great Britain he procured lists of the unclaimed dividends of the Bank of England, unclaimed dividends in the Court. of. Chancery, and in the East Indies, also unclaimed properties^ m the possession of the British Government, comprising the nahles and descriptions of several thousand persons entitled to various sums of money, lie also pro- cured the names of some 60,000 persons wdiieh have appeared in advertisements in Great Britain within the last one hundred years, as well as complete copies of many thousand next of kin and betra at law advertisements. Among which may be found the following names : Gift A Adir, Anseomb, Arnold, Atkyns a Axford, Ashford, Andre, Anderson, Austin. Allingham, Adams, Ashton, Armstrong, Allen, Atkinson, Archibold , A bell, Angell, Ains worth, Aid rich, Arthurs, Alexander, B Bethume, Barilett, Braun, Barnes, Bolus, Burnard, Bonnett, Bowen, Buchan, Bradley, Bennitt, Baker. Burton, Broome, Barber, Brittan, Bunting. Burch, Bouchier, Blair, Blackball, Bonn ell, Baker, Blackburn, Bates, Boreman. Barker, Bullock, Brooks, Bolney, Burns, Benson, Brough, Belgrave, Blackman, Barker, Bourke, Burt, Bayley, Bently, Booth, Bourn, Bond, Blake, Brennan , Bradford, Brown, Banner/man Budd, Byrne, Benson. Butts, Bradbury, Bunting, Biggs, Bureau. Blackall, Bland, Burdett, c Clark, Corner. Cumming, Carver, Curren, Carpenter, Crawford, Cooper, Cunning, Casey, Carter, Cozens, Colt, Collier, Cass, Coe, Crab tree, Cook, Chapman, Cropper, Coleman, Campbell, Cummings, Chittenden, Cruiksbank, Cooper, Cowell, Christie, Clarke, Curtis, Claggett, Carson, Coleman, Cheyne, Crowe, Canning, Cyprian. Collins, Cockerili , Clough, Cousin, Clements, D Dunn, Dobbs, Duckett, Durham, Dawson, Deyinny, Dobson, Day, Duval, Davis, Dixon, Dennison, Dolbeare, Dunbar, Daniel, Dexter, Downham, Dolan, Doyle, Deacon, Dool, Drayton, Duncan. Dennis, Danford, Dale, Drew, Douglass, Dent, Duval, Devenport, Dean, Emmons. •' Ea>le, 4 E Edwards, Easterly, Ephriam, Evans, Edmunds, Elmer, Ewing, Eaton, Entwistle, Eves, Eastham. Eccles, Eldridge, Ennis, Ellis, Elliot, Elton, F Farrow, Elmstone, Firguson, Fabian, Fowler, Faye, Fitzgerald , Flemming, Floyd, Forman, Forrest, Frank, Flanegan, Frost, Fowks, Fair, Fremont, Fullerton, Friend, Fletcher, Felwell, Fenton, Felix, ■ Fuller, Farquhar, French, Frill Frazer, Forbes, Farlys, Fancy, Fry, Fenn, Fisher. Ford, Franklin, Furnese, Franks, Faney, G Gill, Glasgow, Greenaway, Gifford, Geary, Galbraith, Gray, Gowland , Gregory, Giles, Gibbs, Gunner, Gartside, Gane, Green, Gorwood, Gwinnett, Grant, Glover, Gillson, Gaubb, Griffith, Gould, Gibson, Geoble, Griffin, Gordon, Graves, Gardner, Gillet, Gold, Graham, Goodall, Goldsborougb , H Hewson, Harrison. Hodges. Hamilton, Hut ton. Hammond, Hall, Hawkins, Hunter, Hard, Henley, Howard, Houghton, Hancock, Hackett, Home, Henning, Harvey, Hays, Hollis, Hart, Hardcastle, Hopkins, Holmes, Henderson. Haire, How, Hungerforu Haching, Hutchinson , Harrington, Harris, Halliday, Hitchcock. Hudson, Haynes, Hughes, Hay ward. Hunstone, Henshaw, Holeman , Hurst, Housch, Hill, Harding, Hyde, Hill," Hardman, Hunter, Holland. Harding, Hunt. Hay, Holden. Horncastle. I, J Irvine, Imhoff, Jackson , Johnson, Irwin, Ingrair, Jay, Jeffrey, Ireland, Jewett, James, Jenney, Inee, Jarrett, Jenkii son, Jacobs. Ingraham, Jones, John , Jocelyn , Innes, Jenkins, Jacques, Jerrold , Isherwocd, Jennings, Jobbins, Jar vis, K Judd, Knowles, Keith, Krahe, Ke3p, Kerby, Kenyan, Kiel. Kruger, Kew, King, Knight, Kilburn, Kendall, Kew. Kibbey, Ken wort hy Krintz, Kent, Keen, Kingsbury, Kelly, Kemp, Kenny, Kane, L Kavanangl Lange, Lawsan, Lester, Lawton, Ludiam, Lamb, Lamberton, Livermoor, Lauglilin, Lewis, Lyman, Leach, Lake, Law, London. Lucas. Lockey, Lawler, Lockhart. Loren , Lawrence, Lambert, Lane, Leman, Lahiffe, Little, Lloyd, Leigh, Leafe, Lynch, Ladd, Lee, Lyon, Latham, Lacy. Lynn, ' Livingston , Love, Linton , Luck, Low, Levy, Lanigan. Large, Long, Lomas, M Morris, Mullen, M'Leod, Morton, Middleton, Miller, Milner, McCluir, Miller, Manwariug. Marsh, Marshall, Moyle, Myers, Mann, Moss, Miles, Morgan , Moor, Mosher, Maggs, Mather, M'Farlane, Martin , Milk, M'lver, Martindale, Moseley, Murphy, Mackintosh , Munroe, Mason. Martin, Mathews, Mitchell, Macdonald Maud, Moore, N Norby. Marriott, Neville, Newman, Nay lor, Nixon, Neal Nicholas. Norton , Newby, Nobl Ncvill, North, Norman, Nash ISicholL Noone, Ni dial son, Nelson, Newton , Newnham, Osmond, Oddy, Orme, Oakes, Omanny, Over den, Ogle, Orton, Oakley, Owen, Ohara, Osborn, Otter, Orr, Oswald, O'Gorman O'Reilly, Ouiseau, Oats, Ostler, O'Gaunt, O'Deen, P Patchett, Pomeroy, Pitcher, Phelps, Paterson, Palmer, Philpott, Payne, Parry, Piercy, Pickett, Parker, Pemberton, Petit, \ } Pritchard, Piatt, Peters, Page, Priest, Penny, Phillips, Perry. Patten, Pearce, Pooley, Pearson, Pilbean , Potter, Powell. Patch, Price, Pope, Pardon. Parkins. Prince, Penn, Penford, Porter, Palmer, Parson. Q Quarks, Quantrill, Quiu, Quince, Queron, Quick, Quinsey, Quidgley, Quiney, 11 Russell, Rogerson, Raffle, Rutter, Robinson, Royle, Ridout, Rigby, Hose, Rogers, Roe, Ray, Rowley, Rotten, Rutherford. Robertson , Reynolds. Richardson. Rankin, Ross, Royle, Rock, Redder, Raybould. Robbarts, Read, Riley, Rockwell, Rollins, Ransom, Richards, s Shackleton, Ratcliffe, Stevens, Stirch, Sheldon, Scovill, Shaw, Sortemboe. Sweetrnan, Simpson, Symonds. Stephens, Sampson , Skyrme. Stirling, Scott, Simon. Seymour , Stone, Spicer, Sweet, Strachweli, Shield, Shackeshaft, Scholey, Smith, Stanley, Slater, Short, Stewart, Strather. Salmon , Stunt, Shepherd, Shubrick, Strong, Spencer, Steinburg, Starridge. Story. Sallty, Blade, Sealey, Saunders, Snell, Stock, Savage, Stevens, T Sinclair. Tobin , Tointon, Trench, Tyndal, Thompson , Thorpe, Town ley, Trineole, Terry, Townsend, Tucker, Thurston , Tanner, Talbot, Tomlinson , Tyler, Talmidge, Tompkins. Trotter, Thomas. Turner. Thacher, Turnbull, Trout. Taylor, Taberner, Thornton, u Underwocd, Underbill, Upbam, Ulrich, Upton , V Yarren , Valder, Vcreal. Vines, Vaux, Vaughn, Vine, Vernon, Valentin, Vincent, Vernon, w Waddup. Whittenbury, W r ren, Wolff, VVhaley, Watson, Williams, Woolew Warbnrton. W T ood, Weldon, Walker. Whitaker, Wyndham , Woodward , Woolley, Whitlow, Weekly, Wade, Wainriglit Welch, W r aite, Wiseman, Wynne. Warren , Walsh, White, Weeks. White, Winter, Woodley, Way, Whits on, Wilson, Wegreen, Willoughb: Wise. Wakefield. Washington, Woodruff/ Worth, Wilks, Woods, YYebber. West, Watkins. Waters, Wilkie, Whorred, Webb, Warner, Wandall, Ward, Wright, Wardeli Y Yuill, Yeovil, Yea ton, Vol mote, Yates, Young, York, Yewbank, Yalding, Yeoman. Copies cf either of the above advertisements will be forward eel by letter on receipt of $3. An Examination of this wh?le Collection, which is claimed to be the most perfect collection of information relative to un- claimed properties abroad, can be had for a reasonable compensa- tion. This country, as is well known, was settled principally by persons from Great Britain and Ireland. So imperfect has been the means of communication between America and Europe, that thousands who came here never heard from their relatives after they emigrated . From time to time persons have died there leav- ing large sums of money by will or otherwise to their friends or relatives in America. In very many cases the persons here en- titled have never heard of such property being left them, and others have heard of it, but had not the means here, or disposition to attend to it ; consequently very many large properties are new there unclaimed belonging to persons in America. In most cases these properties can now be recovered, by the legatees, heirs or next of Kin in this country, on their producing proper proof of title. The amount of property there unclaimed is very much larger than is generally supposed. The amount of money unclaim- ed, disputed or in abeyance in Great Britain and its dependencies, amounts to hundreds of millions of pounds sterling. This may seem an exaggerated account but it is nevertheless true. In the Parli mentary return of the Accountant General of the Court of Chancery, in 1855, the amount of Stock and Securi- ties in Court unclaimed, exclusive of Stock purchased with Suitors cash in Court, is stated to be between 47 and 48 millions of pounds, sterling. In other Parliamentary Returns, in 1845, millions are shown to be unclaimed in the English foreign possessions. There are hundreds of millions unclaimed in the Bank of England, and in South Sea annuities ; and hundreds of millions in the possession of the Government which has escheated to the crown for want of next'of kin, or heirs to claim it. This can now be recovered by the next of kin, or heirs at law. on their showing themselves such next of kin or heirs at law, though some of it may have been in the possession of the Government for over a hundred yeat s. A large portion of the unclaimed property there is in pos- session of Administrators, Executors and Trustees, awaiting proper claimants. Properties so situated can usually be recovered bj* persons legally entitled, with little trouble and expense. Cominuincations are particularly invited from all persons, knowing or supposing themselves to be entitled to property within the Kingdom of Great Britain or Ireland. The next of kin or the heirs at law of the following named persons can easily procure property in England on showing them- selves to be such next of kin. Nearly all of them died in England A Aldersey, Robert died 1834, Alderton, Mary Ann d. 1817, Antrim, or An tram, Eleanor d.Archall, Isabella Day, 1844, Allen, Thompson died 1825, Aldred, Mrs. Ann d. 1857, Adams, Catharine died 1809, Arthurs, or Parkin, Jane d. '34,Arbutlmot, Elizabeth. Arnold, Sally a widow, B Bleakley, Robert died 1850, Bergman, Henry Christopher, Bur,n, Sarah, died 1831, Blyth, Thomas Brown ^Thomas died 1851 , Brains, Francis Bears, Mary died 1848, Bowen, Ann died 18c 8, Burrell, William died 1836, Badaley, Joseph died 1837. Burton, Hannah died 1849, Beale, Anna died 1782, Blay, or Blaye, Hannah d. 1849.Bostock, Sarah widow, Bailey, Thomas died 1843, Bland, Harriet died 1840, Botterrell, Richard Blackman, Ann a widow, " Henry, Bendix, Matilda Benjamin, Mrs. Matilda, Bannerman, Elizabeth died 1810, Burn, Capt. Richard died 1813,Belzous 3 Julius Henri Bleakley. Robert died 1850, Buttler, Ann Bowcroft, Eliz. died 1848, Brock, John died 1835, Blacketter, Jane died 1836, Brownrigg, Alice Amelia d. 1854 Berridge, Catherine died 1844. Brown. Margaretta died 1841, Brandon,Sarah Sophia died 1836. Bockard, Julius Henri. Badderly, Robert Bigg, Hester Brown, Peter died 1843, Baker, Ursula died 1780 : " Thomas, Burford, Elizabeth Cole, Thomas, died 1857 Chester hod, Robert died 18 Castry, John a widow, died Carr, Jane died 1851. Crawford, Jace Carver, George a bachelor, 1847, Cameron, Ann Campbell. John Clark, Eliz. aliasGreen died Clark, Margaret died 18-: 8, Corr, Sarah c Conway , Susa nnah d led 183 6 , , Core, George 1S47, Carter, Susannah Cozins, Thomas Critchell, Mary Ann died Copeland, Tkomisfcu a widow, Crookshank, Ann a widow, d. 42 Challett, Ann a spinster, Castellan, Cecilide Maria d. ? 34, l854,Carmichael, Dugald Clements, Sarah E. died 1815. Collins, Sarah died 1821, D Devinning, John d. at Vera Cruz. Dale, Susannah Davis. Louisa died 1856, Dewdney, Jane died 1857, Downham, Arrabella Dobins, John 10 Denham, Hippolita Anne d. '50, Dyle, Francis Davidson, Elizabeth died 1847, Denheni, Ann Dunbar, Margaret died 1844. Dunbar, Eiiz Dixon, William died 1853, Dunn. Eliz Doherty, Margaret Davis. James Davies, Geo. died 1841, Doggerty, or Doherty, Margaret Day, Isabella Douse, Joseph Dolan, Maria Cecilia died 1861, Duckitt, Samuel Eales, Thomas Elliot Elliot, Mary Elliot Ann E Eldridge, Sarah a widow, d '29, Ellicott, Mary or her next of kin. Franklin Arthur Francis, John died 1838, Fitzgibbon, Michael Freeman, Samuel Fowler, William died 1848, Former, Luke Richard Fabian, Alice Amelia C. d. 1854, Forbes, Elizabeth Fenton, William died 1860, French, Mary a widow,died 1838Feeley William, died 1861, Francis, John died 1838, F Frank. Arthur Fry, Sarah Fenchiui, Nicholas died 1833, Frill, Hugh Fancy, George Fosbrook, Anthony Augustus 1861, d. G- Graham, Mitchell died 1845, Gibberson, George } died in alias > Barcelona, Gibbetson, " ) A. D. 1856 Gunner, Sarah died 1850, Coff. Hannah widow, died 1849, Goldham, Thomas died 1847, Gray, Phoebe Gunn, Elizabeth died 1854, Goodeger, W. M. Fred'k d. '53, Gay, Ann Grazeley, Elizabeth a widow, died 1850, Gregory, Ann died 1852, ,Gepp, Harriot Mary died 1840, Gwillham, Miss Mary died 1842, Gibson, Mary Ann Greenough, Jane a widow, died '32. Gorwood, Wentway died 1814, Guy, Ann died 1820, Gullen, Thomas died 1857, Hayes, Elizabeth died 1807, Houston, Robert Hughes, Win. Hope, Mary Harriett died HHi Sarah, Heney. Mary died 1846, Hind /Mary died 1846, HalL Ann Hudson, George H Hughes. Thomas died 1841, Hornby, Eliz, Hibble, Ann died 1838. 1852,Hyall, Sarah Harvey, Jane -Hollis, Martha died 1841, Hedges, Susannah died 1838, Haynes, Thena Hawkins, John 11 Hughes, Esther or Hester lleapy, Esther Higgles, William Honey man, Eliz. Heyes, Elizabeth Harris, William died 1859, ITarwood, Catherine widow, diedHiggs, John died 1770, '44, I, J Irving, Mary died I860, Jones, Maria James, Mrs. Elizabeth died 1837,James, John Jones, John Hoberts died 1840, Jenktnson, Edna widow. Kelley, Elizabeth died 1842, Knight, Jeremiah died 1830. Kaynston, Thomas King, Esther died 1700; Krahe, Ann Koehler, Geo. Frederick d, 1800, Keimington, Thomas died 1828, Kenney, Peter died 1845, King, Sophia Dorothea d. '46, Kelley, Jane died 1847, Kell, William Kerby, Elizabeth Key, Harriett Kane, Thomas died 1846, Kelle}-, Thomas Edwin died '58, L Lowe, Maria Serena died 1835, London, Ann Lambert, Mary died 1849, Lowlcr, Bridget died 1B3£ Lawrence, John died 1814, Little, Elizabeth Lovett, Cattarn died 1810. Lawton, Edna Lowe, Mary Harriett died 1852, Lloyd, Catherine died 184 Lewis. Eliza, widow, died 1850, Lindey, Thomas Leake, Thomas died 1849, Lewis, Ann died 181 4, Lcgge, Eliza Walker widow, diedLee, Thomas 1848, Lin wood, William died 1846, Logan, Margaretta Lawrence, Mary" Lawton, Sarah Logan, Martha Mack, Ann died 1S43, Murgeritoria, Francisco died 1813, Morton, Katherine Ellen Martindale, Elizabeth died 1847 Milgreare, Margaret died 1855, Mansell, Elizabeth Maddox, Henry died 1840, Monday, Sarah Soph ia died 1836 Lawton* Edna widow, died 1843 Lucas, Sarah died 1841, Lee, John died 1838, Lowler, Eliz. died 1840, Lake, Richard, [ M Merritt, Ann Mead, David Nation, Elizabeth died 1843. Moulton, William Mereton, Robert Moore, Ann died 1824, Michael, Peter P. Messet, Mary died 1S42, , Murray. Ursula dw& 1T80. Marshall, Charles died 1846, M'Mullon, Thomas died 1831, Merry, Ann Mankin, John Nadauld, Sophia Dorothea Norton, Samuel died 1843, 12 Molineux, Arabella died 1838, Minett, Anne widow, died 1782, Mackenzie, Colin died 1858. Martin William Kille died 1861. N Noone, Rebecca North, Mary died 1859, 0, P Osmond, Ann died 1814, Pegg, William died 1858, Pilbrcw, Thomas died 1840, Prichard, Maria Pickett, Elizabeth died 1848, Packman, Elizabeth died 1840, Pardon, Margarett Pryde, Elizabeth Powell, Ann diedl833. Perdine, James Pryer, Elizabeth Pearson, Sarah widow, d. 1845, Pellissier, Elizabeth died 1830, Place, Ann Pyke, Mary died 1820, Pott, John Pottoch, James died 1840. Pool. John died 1836, Parkin, Jane Piggot William died IS 34, Peters, John Polohet, Louis Alphcnse d. U3 Patten, Thomas S. died 1813, . Peace or Pace, Ami Porter, Mary died 1855, Quick, Martha died 1840, Q ll Ross, Maria Ann died 1847, Rayner, Elizabeth Bowie, John Ptoberts, Alice widow, died 1841. Rawlings, Ann died 1847. Rowcroft, Eliz. died 1843 Robinson, or Robertson, Margar-Reavens, Francis died 1S56, etta, Southbrook, Sophia died 1852, Stai ?, Sarah a widow, Steers, Thomas died 1*47, Squire, Harriett Self, Harriett Sidney, John Smith, James died 1813, Smith, Mary a widow, Smith, John Smith, Mary died 1846, Smith, Eaglesfieid Sampson, Mrs. Ann died 1833, Searles, Susannah South, Cecil died 1834, Stale, Ann Sloan, Catherine So van y , M argaret t Stubbs, John died 1S18, Sweetman, Sarah died 1S45, Steele, Ann Sanderson, Elizabeth died 183c Sweeny, Margaret Sugrue, Charles Shepherd, Susannah died 1838, Scales, Ann Soames, Sarah Sophia 13 Sipp, Joseph died 1832, Sheared, Sarah died 1839, Stevens, Richard Simones, died 1616, Scarpelaine, John M. died 18543 Shackeshaft, Charles died 1343, Townley, Rev. William d. 1858. Turner, John died 1843, Townsend, Cattarn died 1810 Trapp, Samuel died 1851, Towers, James died 1852, Tooth, Elizabeth died 1848. Tobin. Ann Thompson , Copeland , Turner, Elizabeth died 1854, Thacher, Sackville Z, died 1848, Vernon, Thomas died 18-38, Watson, Peter Way, Ann died 1839, Warner, Geo. died 1850, Woodward, Jane died 1850, Witlam, Alice Alicia died 1854, Watkins, Richard died 1833, Williams, Ann died 1840, White, Michael died 1839, Wells, Sarah died 1829, Webster, Thomas died 1844, Warne, Hannah died 1845, Wadley, John Watson, John White, Francis White, Nancy Vandome, Hester widow, w Wales, Hannah Wilson, Joseph died 1820, Wilkinson, Berdo Warren, George Winkler, Peter Warner, Elizabeth died 1840. Wooley, Thomas Willett, Ricket Wales, Hannah died 1845, Watne, " " Wilksinson, Sarnes died 1840, Williams, Ann died 1832, White, Mary died 1823, Wood, Clement heir of Isaac wanted, Yeoman s, Sarah a widow, Young, James died 1857, Yeomans, James Proud d. 18K YorK, William 14 The following named cases have been particularly examined, and the parties interested are supposed to be in America. The amount of money unclaimed in each of these eases, varies from one thousand to several millions of dollar. NEXT OF WANTED. A Aberdeen. Miss Eliza Alexander, Jos Win. Ambrose, Geo. Nicholson Andrews, Miss Jane Allan, Miss Enma Anderson. Lieut. John Anderson, James John M. Alleyne, Rich aid, John, Wm. B James, wanted, Allen, Wm. Knox, Ann Kjbox, wanted, Allen, Thomas B Eaines, Geo. Assistant Surgeon, Barber, Edward Henry Esq., Bowles, A. A. Lieut., Barnsley, Miss Eliza Benson, Maj. Geo. Bouchier, Sarah Amelia Breen, James Balfour, Capt. Robert ; Bell, William Bennett, Capt. William Burns, John a Sergeant, Byam, Lieut. W. Willoughy Bonnell, Lucy Bardman, John died in England, Brown, Montague died in JEng. leaving an immense estate, lid Geo. Bureau, Mr. living in London in 1800, wanted, Conner, Henry Cotrell, Thomas Cullen, Lieut. John Cummings, Margaret Campbell, Lieut. A. D. Channing, T. Cooper, Thomas Cotgrove, Lieut. E. C. Crew, Lieut. John Cussen., Lieut. R. G. Campbell, Duncan Esq , Cameron, James wanted, Carter, Capt. Charles Chambers, Maj. Philip Dallas, Lieut Col. Peter Deighton, James Lacy Dickson, Capt. Jos. David, Catherine Johannes o Chambers, Gilbert Collins, Mr. Richard Cooper, Edward Esq. Cardy, Mary came to America about 1833 ; married Ellicott, Cockerill: Alice and Henry, or their next kin wanted, Cooler, or Coleer, Samuel wanted. Collier, Joseph a merchant in Lon- don in 1700, his next of kin, Cotton, Wm. grand son of Thos. Crew, Robert son of John late of Va U.S. A., wanted, D Duckett, Samuel died at sea about 1795, Duckett, Sarah or William issue wanted, 15 De'Lasiie, a Frenchman, Duncan, Dr. Jas. his next of kin Davie, Josiah a merchant in Lon- wanted to claim over $20,000, don in 1700, descendants in U. Dexter, John died 1858, S. A. -wanted, Delannoy, (i " Eennis, Capt. Robert Davis, James died in England. De'Silva, Ann R. E Evans. Edward a bachelor, died Everson, Mark 1B25, Elton, James Marwood or his Elwon, Thomas Capt. in Navy, next of km wanted, Ennis, Capt. E. M. 1* Fernandee, Anne Fraser, Mr. Simon Feazier, Wm. Esq , Fawcell, John Sergt. Fowler, Benjamin Townsman Follett, Francis W. Maj. Fell, Charles Bartlett esq. Forrest, Capt. James Fowkes, Peter a gentleman, liv- ing in London 1700. Forbes, Marias wanted, Finey "Wm. Archer wanted to claim his legacy, now in U.S. A. Forrest, Thomas died in England 1759, his heir at law wanted. G Goard, Mr. James Gordon, Major Sir John Gravatt, George an infant, Graham, Douglas Cunningham Gibson, William Gillespie, Miss Mary Glass, David Capt. of Schooner, Godfrey, Lewellin died in France about 1848 and left a large amount of money for the fam- ilies of Bunnell, Sortembeck, Cognard and Simeon, Greenaway, Henry and Sarah re- lations entitled to a large sum, Griffin, John the legatees wanted, living in London about 1780, Gelding, John died 1858, H Hammond, Martin, a mariner, Harris. William Hay, Helen Howe, Mrs, Elizabeth Halfpenny, Cornelius Hamerton, Lieut. Col. Atkins Heath, Lieut Col. Eobert T. Higgins, James Hatton, John, a boiler maker, Hogg, G. B„ a captain of ship, Harrison, Lieut. G. L. Howleson, Robert Hamfreys, Lieut. Samuel Jas. Hague, Joseph, children of and their descendants wanted, Holt, Robert, his grandchildren wanted to receive a legacy, Hamilton, Robert, the next of kin of his wife his legatees, Hardman, family entitled to a large estate, Hyde, John, son of Mary, left 16 Hawkins, Charles, Esq. with his mother for U. S. A., Hay, Lieut. Wm. Grant A. D. 1714, his heirs entitled Honner, Gapt. C. F. to a property, Harding, Maj. Richard Holeway, Ann Haynes, Miss Nancy Hunt, Capt. William . Holmes, Geo. Gibson, a surgeon. Home, Jacob i, j ■ Innis, William, born in Scotland, Jackson, Charles sen of James 1711, came to America, his de- who came to America, wanted, scendants entitled to millions ofJennens, William, died in Eng- dollars. land in 4798, leaving millions Jones, Charles of dollars supposed to belong to Jackson, Mrs. Catherine Johan- his heirs in Amer. na Jackson, Dr. Isaac, left for his Jenkins, Charles K. a paymaster, next of kin some $60,000. Jordan, Francis, Esq. K Kay, John Esq., died 1831, Kochler, Geo. Frederick, a Gfer- Keny, Lieut. Col. Edward man, Knox, Geo. Macleod, Esq. Kelley, Col. Thomas Edwin, died Kelly, Peter Luke 1858. Leach, Lieut, William wanted to claim a large pro- Lightboddy, Thomas perty, Lawrie, Lieut. James Levy, Benjamin, a merchant in Lawrence, John, died in Va., U. London, in 1700, S. A., 1814, an Englishman. London, Robert, living in Amer- Ladbrook, Thomas, his legatees ica in 1840, wanted to claim a wanted, large property, Lapine, Maria, her next of kin Leeke, Dugald, died 1855, M Mainwairing, Col. Bolton Moore, Capt. Thomas Palmer Martindell, Sir Gabriel K. C. B. Munroe, Miss Catherine Anne, Maxwell, Char'ctte Macklethwait, Joseph, a mer- McCluir, John ne^t of kin in chant in England. A.D. 1700, Canada, his representatives entitled to Mackenzie, Capt. Thomas Allan, cash, Miles, William Moorat, Anna, or her next of km Miller, Thomas wanted, Moore, Henry Stewart Morgan, James, son of John, Montriou, Charles W T . married Miss Seeley in Ameri- Morse, Maj. Henry Charles ca, was working in Detroit in a Myers, Mrs. Mary Rose printing office A. D. 1848-9, he Mather, James is wanted to receive cash. McBain, Mrs. Mary McEvoy, Rev. John McLeod, Mrs. Margarett Meath, Maj. Thomas Meath, Capt. James Merritt, Capt. John Micklejokn, Edward, Sea Capt Miller, Thomas, a merchant London, A.D. 1690, Neild, Lieut. Frederick Jos. Norris, James Barclay Morris, Thomas, a merchant in London, A. I). 1692, his next of kin entitled to considerable money, Mosley, Oswold, daughters of wanted, n,Mallory, William, Eliz, Thomas, in John, Francis, Martha, Ann and Hamlyn, living in Va., in 1770, next of kin, N Nixon, Nichard son of John, last neard of in 1833, working in a ship yard in New York, want- ed to receive cash. 'Riley, H. a Sergeant, Omanney, William, son of John Orme, John, relations of wanted, wa nted, Orme, John, Anne, Osmond andO'Riley, Mrs. Louisa David wanted, P Parker, Maj. Robert Patterson, Charles Peach, Colonel Poulton, Augustus Purser, John Pcoley, Elizabeth, died 1855. Quin, James Stanley Roote, Robert Rhine, Jos. Henry B. ^Ricketts, Cornet Wm. Riordon, Thomas Robertson, Capt. John Robsori, Capt. Thomas Parkins Jane, died in England, A.D., 1835 ; leaving $135,000. Prince. John, his decendants of New England wanted, Price, Wm. Andrew, died 1776, leaving a large property for his next of kin. Q R Russell, Sargt Thomas Russell, Hannah and Jane, liv- ing in England 1780, their re- presentatives wanted, Robertson, John Stark, Surgeon, Robley, John Horatio, eoi John. Santinet, Adolph Smith, James Stachan, John, a surgeon, Slater, Capt. Joseph Shaw, Mr. James Skeppard, Wm., a goldsmith in London, A.D. 1700, Stewart, Thomas, son of Archi- bald, who came to America about 1797, 18 gtackpole , Lieut, Thomas Stewart, Henry, his next of kin Stehilm, Capt. E. B. entitled to $8000, fctunt, Thos. William, Captain ofStone, Edward West, livin* in o* P ! r< x ^ ., Eng., A. D. 1786, legatees°of, btewart, Capt. David Sweetapple, John, living in Lon- fctewart, Chas. surgeon, don, A. D 1700, rcpresenta- fcegerson, George, wanted his son tives of a sailor, who left his ship in Stewart, Rev. Henry, his next America, of kin wanted, T Tyssen, Capt, S. » Taynton, Mrs. Rose, ■Thompson, James, a bachelor, Taylor, Capt. F. F. Thompson, Capt. Wm. Tomkins, Francis Trollcr, Thomas, a surgeon, Teste, Alexis,or next of kin, v YieVers, Mr. T. A., a bachelor, Vasper, Capt, James Henry w Watson. Thomas, Eliza, Sarah, Jemima and Rachel, children of Rachel Watson are wanted. Warburton, Mary, died A. D. 17- 67, leaving considerable mon- ey, due her next of kin, Wegreen,Eric, a Frenchman, left $50,000 for next of kin in U. S. A. Wilson, Sarah living 1788, Wilson, Joseph, died in the 17th century, willing millions of dollars to the descendants of his daughter Sarah, whose on- ly daughter married In gra- ham. The original will sup- posed to be in possession of some of the descendants m America wanted. Williams, James Henry, Capt of Brig, Watkins. S. J., an infant. Watkins^E C. Winton, James Wilkins, Roboit lateman Wood, Lieut. Edward Weddenburn, James Alexander Wood, Benjamin in U. S. navy in 1849, entitled to several thousand dollars. Wood, James, died in England 1836, leaving a very large es- tate. The descendants of Rich- ard Wood, who settled in Phil- adelphia in 169 G, are his next of kin, Woods, Alexander and Margar- et, entitled to a propertv. Wright, Wm. Wynne, Edward, legatees of wanted. ' He died A. D. 1807, Woods, Sharrad, left London for New York 1840, wanted, Wychoff, P. R,, relations wanted, Webb, Wm,, came to America some years since, Waddington, Lieut H. €. S. White. John died in India about 1830, Wiggins, Lieut. C. II. Wroughtcn, Chas. Frank Wilkinson, John Ensign Young, Lieut. A. S. Yonge, Lieut. E. L. Young, Captain James 19 -The following list of cages which I eensider geed have been received recently. A Ash ion, IT. S. cf New York Astor, Jac, a small sttin due hi* wanted, estate, B Barley and Wellis of Kew York Buckan, left England for Canada in 1815, in 1834, Banner, Edward a s.iddler left Barnes, Robert left Ireland for England 20 years since, ' N. Y. 1836, Brissingtcn. Mr. o Cuthbertscn, James who died Canning, Susanm h left Ireland 1854, his next of kin wanted, for U. S. A. 1828, Canning, Win, went to America Colson, Geo. left California for 1841. N. V. Carpenter, Bushwood D Dowland, John died in England, Dernier, Charles a German came his next of kin wanted, to America in 1857 or *oS. Dyle, Frances late of England, Dixon, Thos. and Sarah children ker next cf kin wanted, of Capt. Dixon , Dubcricr-la-Yallette John Pap- Dowling, John tiste, Dugas, Alexander Joseph sen of Dawson, Richard left England Jos. abont 17 years ago, heard of Dufrene, Thos. W. lately resid- a few years since at Meriden ing in Phiia. Ct. Dexter, John died in England, 1858. next kin of E Everett, John of America 1850, Eccles, F FerrandBenj, } Merchants in Fra&ier, Ihcs. D , on officer- in and > Philadelphia the army. His next kin want- Baker William, } in 1820, enti- ed. tied to about £100, Finley, Archer Foot,Frederick Dolier and Berk- ley, sons of Mathew, left Ire- land for America 1 850, 20 G Gates, Elizabeth Greenwood, Ann daughter Giddings, Jas. son of Mathews, Wm. and Elizabeth, in Ameri- a yeoman, been in America ca in 1840. some years, Giddings, John late of EDgla Gordon, John and Ann children his next of kin, of Mrs. Ann, Greenfield, Isabella dau. of Alex. Gough, Thos. of London, lived in Watson wanted, N. Y. in 1855. H Hatton, Sir John Ilendubuigh, Frederick 'John Hargreaves, Wm. son of J L mes, left Prussia for U. S. in 1 844 was in Wisconsin 10 or 12 Housoch, Alexander a German years ago, went to N. Y. in 1799, a large Hearne, Francis and Rev. John property, baptist, left Lond. for Ameri- ca 1850. Johnson, John went to U. S. 10 Jones, Charles formerly of Graf or 12 years ago, ton Hall, went to U. S. 1856 , Johnstone, Charles John Cozens M. D., in America in 1844, K Kelley, John and Cornelius lived on North Paver. M Massey, Kliz. da. of Alex. Wat- MeAdam Marian dau. of Anges sen, who died 1807, wanted, MeAdam, formerly McMurtrie MacCollouch, John died in Eng-. who died in Chatham, Canada land, next of kin of Macowall 1839, or Maconat families in XL S. Mclntyre, Robert Isabella a nd 1815. Daniel, Matheison, James L. of Scot- Middleditch, Love of America, land, went to Ky. in 1850, as Middletown, Wm, left Kent for superintendent of a railway, U. S. 15 years ago. Munson, John a surgeon, left Mil grave, Margaret late of Eng. England 1805, land, her next of kin, McMurtrie formerly of Scotland , died in N.Y.I 860. His child- ren, wanted. o O'Dwyer, Wm. Geo. and Rich, left France for America in 18 S 21 Price, Harriet late of Eng., her Peterkin, Alexander a baker in next of kin, N. Y. 1850. Pastor, Frederick from Prussia, a carpenter, came to the U. S. lately, R Rainton, or Renton came to U. Rowley. ^Ym. of Walsh and Pa. S. 1S43, Rutheiford. James left Ireland Robert, Christopher of N. Y. be- for U. S. ' fore 1816, Sabey, Richard left Herts for Sparrow, Harriet U. S. , Spicer, Ann, Rich Henry, Broome Singleton. Elizabeth Preciila in Charles and Harvey, U. S. 1860, Stevens, James Day, left Wilts Smith, Alexander went many for Ky., years since to New Orleans, Storrs, Ann daughter Jas. Storrs Soward, E. a farmer^in Ky. in of Eng. next kin in America, 1814 his representatives, T Thompson. James Joseph left Trotter, Wm. a Scotchman, came London for ft. Y. 1840, to U. S. w Wilson, Benjamin of Phil. Wood, Clement came to Ameri ca Webb, William left England for about 1785, his descendants "• 8- 1850, entitled to a large sum Wood, James Sharrard went to Wright, William a merchant in N - Y - 18 40 5 Charlestown 1790. •22 INSTRUCTIONS TO CLAIMANTS. Enclose letter stamps to pay return postage. Give the name of the person who was last in possession of the property you claim, and if you claim as a lineal descendant from such last possessor, trace the pedigree from such person to yourself so far as you are able. If you claim as a collateral descendant from such last posses- sor, trace the whole family pedigree from a common ancestor from whom both yourself and such last possessor have descended. If you claim under a will, trace to yourself the whole family pedigree from the devisee or legatee. In tracing pedigrees mention the names of all persons descended from such last possessor, common ancestor, devisee or legatee, giv- ing the names of all persons who have married into such family, with the date and place of each birth, marriage, death and burial. Give the name of the place where each marriage and death took place. Mention the date and the name of the place of your own and your ancestor's departure from Europe, the name of the vessel in which the voyage was made, and the place of landing, with place of settlement. State particularly the locality of the property claimed, when and how you first heard of your claim, with the means 'of informa- tion and character of your informant. State what records are contained in your family Bible ; what tombstones relating to your family, and contents of old family let- ters and other old papers in your possession. Give every fact cr tradition relating in any way to your claim. State what steps have been taken, if any, to recover the pro- perty claimed, with names of persons employed, and their reports relative to the same. W rite plainly your name and your post office address. Address COLUMBUS SMITH, West Salisbury, Vt. Professional men furnishing business will be allowed 10 per cent of the clear profits. ihOc 10