mmnHK MKKSSbSBM Wmmm MW tKSliHflBi 1 *Pwfi '-Jw aBBBHSSBm 8P mSBKm fflmmmem IfwitinniiTTitffrri ' 3 - Mwfiwl ^SaHJ«2E B wafi«B lflffg r :•,;•'.-:-,■ nHHHmH9a'Ti' , BiHJ I t-JHSffliiffilj 1MB IHIBilli ■BIHWr ■BBEMXEIJPEKhuM I iff j m B a Pigi M W o aaB WHMWBBWRWHilWlMiBPwyiwIBijMtPlllll mmSsMm ... . G$fis HSOTfc ■HBh IBMWffHllB Bi V ^ NEILSONS GREEK EXERCISES. ABRIDGED AND REVISED IN SYNTAX, ELLIPSIS, DIALECTS, PROSODY, AND METAPHRASISI TO WHICH IS PREFIXED, A CONCISE, BUT COMPREHENSIVE SYNTAX FOR THE USE OF COLLEGES, ACADEMIES AND SCHOOLS, O Greece ! thou sapient nurse of Finer Arts ! Which to bright science blooming fancy bore, Be this thy praise, that thou, and thou alone In these hast led the way, in these excell'd, Crown'd with the laurel of assenting time. In thy full LANGUAGE, speaking mighty things Like a clear torrent close, or else difius'd A broad, majestic stream, and rolling on Through all the winding harmony of sound. THOMSON. BY THE PRINCIPALS OF BALTIMORE COLLEGE. BALTIMORE : PRINTED FOR THE PROPRIETORS BY SWAIN AND MATCHETT. 1809. i>K District of Maryland, to wit : BE it remembered that on the 30th day of August, in the thirty-fourth year of the Independence of the United States of America, Samuel Knox and William Sinclair, of the said District, have deposited in this office the Title of a Book, the Right whereof they claim as Proprietors, in the words following, to wit: " Neilson's Greek Exercises Abridged, in Syntax, Ellipsis, Dialects, Prosody, and Metaphrasis ; Some copies with, and some without a Key, to the whole ; for the use of Colleges, Academies and Schools, by the Principals of Baltimore College." In conformity to the Act of the Congress of the United States, entitled " An Act for the Encour- agement of Learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts and Books, to the Authors and Proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned, and also to the " Act entitled an Act sup- plementary to the Act entitled u An Act for the encouragement of Learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts and Books to the Authors and Proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned,"' and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of De- signing, Engraving, and Etching; Historical and other prints. PHILIP MOORE CVh. of the District of Maryland-- DEDICATION. :h a ^eme ■ 1 *tuo ^\r m TO THE STUDENTS AND PUPILS, OF THE DIFFERENT SCHOOLS, ACADEMIES, AND COLLEGIES OF THE UNITED STATES. Young Gentlemen, THE editors of the following abridged copy of Neil son's Greek Exercises, beg leave to dedicate it to your patronage — For who so fit as the Ameri- can Youth, to patronize an undertaking, solely de- signed for their improvement ? — They are sensible of the importance and utility of such a work ; and their opinion has been sanctioned by the authority of some of the first men of literary eminence in the United States ; on which accoLint, they hope it will make stich impression on your youthful minds, as may induce you, not only to give it a diligent peru- sal, but also, to apply the rules and observations therein contained, by perseverance and indtistry, to study and practice. The knowledge of the Greek language, is an object of the first consideration in a literary course, and its strength and energy, highly necessary to give permanency and stability to our Republican institutions. — Its force and spirit are perfectly congenial with the constitution of our civil government, and its comprehensive ppwers well cal- culated to extend its influence and operation. What citizen — what orator — what statesman — nay, what [ iv J professional character, selected even from the Hum- blest walks of life, couldbear to be ignorant off lan- guage, in which Homer and Pindar's fancy ed — Euclid reasoned — and Demosthenes thu /ed against Philip? — Who would not wish to b ecu* rately acquainted with the sweetness of Pla^o and Xenophon's flowing lines — with the fire and energy of Euripides — the polished elegance of Sophocles, and the animated diction of the inimitable Longi- nus, " who is himself the great sublime he draws !" Besides, an acquisition of the Greek language, is more essentially necessary to a radical and thorough knowledge of our own, than is vulgarly supposed. This might be proved, by the authority of men of the first distinction for science and erudition in the literary world. And it may be further observed, that it is the original language in which the New Testament was written — that sacred book, which as it contains the foundation of our faith — the sources of our hope and consolation, and the terms of our salvation and happiness, to be ignorant of it, would argue an indolent, ungrateful, and almost an im- pious mind. Young Gentlemen, — You will feel the force of these observations, and duly estimate their value. — The editors, therefore, well convinced of the great importance of the knowlege of the Greek language, in a complete system of education, both in order to render its merits and beauties inviting, and as much as possible, to facilitate its attainment by a cheap, prompt and easy method of instruction, have been induced to the publication of this abridgment ; and they fondly cherish the hope, that it will meet with the countenance and support of every seminary in America, where the acquirement of a language so C v ] copious and nervous — so sonorous and majestic — so eloquent and commanding is justly appreciated. Such are the extent, variety, and rapidity of its movement, that it may be compared either to the impetuosity of the mountain torrent, or the depth and smoothness of the soft flowing stream — The Rhine and the Arar, equally illustrate its genius, and its powers. Baltimore College, October ? lOfA, 1809. 5 PREFACE. TO acquire a correct knowledge of any language, it is necessary to study not only the words of it, but the man- ner of their combination, in the construction of sentences. Without this minute analysis, words may be learned, as by rote ; but no taste for elegance of style can be formed ; no understanding of apparently obscure expressions, nor gen- eral idea of the language can be obtained. For this reason, many works have been published, intro- ductory to the making of Latin, and used with the best effect. That, which is now offered to the public, is an attempt to furnish a similar opportunity for improvement, in the most beautiful and important language of antiquity : the language, from which almost all the terms of science are derived, and in which the substance of general knowlege is contained. In the concise Syntax, which is prefixed to the Exercises, the rules, or parts of rules, which differ from Latin construe^ tion, are marked with asterisms ; that the student may see, at once, the agreement, and the difference of the two lan- guages. It is particularly recommended to the teacher, to make the pupil study the Notes on Syntax, at the end of the volume, and give an account of them, when he recites the rules to which they are annexed. The. sentences, of which the Exercises are composed, have been selected from a great variety of the finest authors. It was judged unnecessary to insert the author's name, at the end of each sentence, as this part of the work exhibits those forms of expression only, which are common to all the Greek writers. The sentences are all, except in one or two unavoidable instances, in Attic prose ; for it is evidently improper to distract the learner's attention from syntax, to poetic licenses, or variety of dialects. Each chapter is divided into three parts. The first con- tains plain sentences, rarely anticipating any subsequent rule ; these ought to be all rendered into correct Greek, before the other parts of the chapters are attempted. The second con- tains more variety of expression, and exemplifies the rules \ Vll. promiscuously, as well as the particular one prefixed to each chapter : this part is from 1 to the end of the English senten- ces. Having finished these sentences, in all the chapters on Syntax, the student will be able to translate the third part of each chapter, which consists of Latin sentences, with no corresponding Greek. As there are many elliptical expressions, which cannot be comprehended under any general rules of Syntax, a selection of the most important examples has been made from Bos's excellent work on Ellipsis. The scholar is to supply the words omitted ; which he will do with ease and pleasure, being enabled, by the translation, to find them, and directed by the blank spaces in the Greek page, where they ought to be placed. The Latin language was preferred to English, in these, in the sentences to be translated at the end of each chapter, and in the chapter on Metaphrasis, as we have no English-Greek Lexicon. In order to give a knowledge of the different Dialects, quotations from Ionic, Doric, and iEolic writers, and Homer, are inserted, which are to be rendered into the common Attic Greek. The student will thus learn every thing of importance in each, with much more ease and pleasure, than by committing a number of rules to memory. The lines reduced to Prosaic order, and to be returned into metre, are intended to form a taste for the melody of Greek poetry. And, to impress upon the mind the distinc- tion between a poetic and prosaic style, it is recommended to exercise learners in paraphrasing, or imitating in prose, select passages of the Greek poets. This is usually called Metaphrasis. A short specimen of it is given in the last chapter. It was thought unnecessary to insert more pieces of this kind, as any poet will furnish sufficient exercises. In some sentences of the Exercises, the connective parti- cles are retained, without an express translation : and it was not thought necessary to use the circumlocution which would be requisite, in many sentences, to express the full force of every particle. The abject of the translation is simply to enable the learner to perioral the several parts of the Exer- cises. [ viii ] Remarks necessary to be observed in writing Greek. 1 THE final letter is generally cut off, (except in verbs), from words ending in «, I y, •, or «. when the follow- in* word begins with a vowel ; as, n*vr' tKtycv. I All wofds ending in «, and verbs in . and ., take », when the following word begins with a vowel; as, E,*o„v *" 3 K N is changed into y, in compounds, before *, y, X , and'into », before*, (3, A.y«. , 4 When the following word begins with an aspirated vowel, the tenuis, or intermediate consonant preceding, is changed into an aspirate ; as, A

m, o« tcvto. 6 The Attics use all contractions. _ _' The order of the sentences, in each voice, in the hrst chanter of the Exercises, is as follows: Present, Imperfect, W Future, 2d. Future, 1st. Aorist, 2d. Aonst, Perfect, Pluperfect, and, in the passive, Paulo-post future. The manner of expression, in which each tense ,s trans- lated in the first chapter, is retained in general, throughout the work • but as this could not be always done, and as there are many 'varieties of expression, which the most literal trans- E could not ascertain, small English letters and figures are affixed to such Greek words as might probably be ren- dered improperly. After a Verb. g ^^ Sub j unctive . * denotes Active. d - - - ^tstiye. » . - Middle. f - Infinity. Passive e _ - - Participle. *"...•"..' After a Substantive, Adjec- Present. tive, Pronoun, or Participle. ! lst P Fmure. » - - - Masculine. . . 2d. Future. f - - - Feminine. . 1st. Aorist. »*■ - - - Neuter. 2d. Aorist. . Perfect -> - - - Nominative. Pluperfect. « - - -. Genitive. r i . . . Dative. Indicative. • Accusative. I. RULES OF GREEK SYNTAX THE ARTICLE. THE article is used to make a distinction or empha- sis. With the infinitive it supplies the place of nouns, ge« runds, and supines. With a participle, it is translated by the relative and indicative. With /-tgv and «k it signifies partly; and it is often used for ornament ; as, Atcr%vho$ 6 T^ayuSos. Aeschylus the tragedian. Kkkm tcov 7r%iv juv£*av *x HV ° To remember former evils. T* gfw. The things without. Ev tu) QqQViiv. In wisdom. O g^o^gvo?. He that cometh. T' A^pTrgTov. His eyes shine. KarotJovtriv o^vikg. Birds sing. * 8. Neuters in the plural have commonly verbs singu- lar; as, T<* &Kyi twriiflit. The darts fall out. Tea a>fyv(>ta) \j7TQTcijv -npjv i7roiiiij£ piyochyTQ- Anticlea, the daughter of £0? AvTinKiiob. the magnanimous Autoly- cus. GOVERNMENT. Substantives. 18. One substantive governs another, signifying a differ- ent thing, in the genitive ; as, Tqv kov u#x,£oOv,u<#. The long suffering of God. 19. An adjective in the neuter gender, without a substan- tive, governs the genitive ; as, To xoitqv (pe^os) ryjc ypzQois. The rest of the day. To xpatTHrlov rvjs $ihoov huvrw i^o^iv uvoct. It seemed greatest to him. * 38. X^, n^iru and Jet, it behoveth, govern the accusa- tive, with the infinitive ; as, X^ vp#s iroiuv tovIq. You must do this. * 39. An, and %^ signifying necessity or want, sAAgTrgi, fAihzi, Jixzi, psTtfflty whxvr*h with their compounds, go- vern the genitive and dative ; as, X^ P*XV '•> as > Offlig fov 8TiSv/*s» 7tii$*c§w Whoever desires to live, let vikocv. him try to conquer. £lJi otvTovs [azv £%2 the first. * 42. The Greeks use peAAu, with an infinitive, to ex- press the future, both active and passive, which, in Latin would be rendered by a participle of the future and the verb sum; as, rie§< «v vy,iig pthtert kqivuv. Of which things ye are about to judge* Participles. 43. Participles govern the case of their own verbs; as, Tow? vioonqovg toiocvtx y$y\ ncci- Instructing the younger men Jivovns. in such manners. * 44. The verbs ny>), ruyx&vu, vV&^&j, yivopoH, av%w f iX*9 and some others, are used with participles after them, to express, what in Latin would be rendered by some tense of a single verb ; as, Z;y* vuv !iv. I acquired them by doing kindly. YloHtv *tQiw$t. I go to Phthia. 17 51. The distance of one place from another, is put in the accusative ; as, EQicro? aniyju, T $ tm w*zm Ephesus is distant, three days o$qv. journey. * 52. The time when is commonly put in the genitive, sometimes in the dative ; how long in the accusative ; as, Hut^xg Koci vvktqs. By day and night. Hji«£ T>jv v/k^v uvyjo-aro. He bought the victory with gold. Absolute Cases. * 54. The genitive case of a substantive is often put ab- solutely, the former substantive, hiSa, %#£*v, sx,, g|, or some case of ng or ug, being understood ; as, Ta (tqyce) Tllarmog. The works of Plato. OKvpnixg v\ {i*Y\rn%) AKz%uvtyov. Olympias the mother of Alex- ander. Eirctivw (ivejcet) rv\g j, and pet, govern the accusative ; dp*, and ojuov, the dative ; as, M* Ai<*. By Jupiter. Apa, to) J^ctTi. Together with the water. * 60. Two or more negatives strengthen the negation ; as, Ou Jvvcctgv cvhTTUTroTz ovJiv It is impossible ever to do any rovrcav TT^c&rlitv. of these things. Prepositions. * 61. The prepositions avn, octtq, m or g|, and tt^o govern the genitive ; ty. 9 and cuv, the dative ; as or e?, and «vat, the accusative; as, E? At7«mj?. From Attica. Ev o*>c«. In a house. Eis iy 5 fanra, Upon horseback. £7Ti 19 * 63. Kara, from, or against, commonly governs the ge- nitive ; at, or according to, the accusative. Mst<*, with, the genitive, or dative ; to, or after, the accusative. n#£<* and 7r%Qs,fro?n, the genitive ; at, or mtfA, the dative ; to, beside, or against, the accusative ; as, K*T<* 7rgT£a>v. From the rocks. K#t# Avvauiv. According to my power. MgT# v. With friends. TIxqcc, Kv^tov. From the Lord. n^os yu^vt#. I have seen and borne witness. 66. AV 3 iOCV 3 i7TilSoCV, IVM, '0<$(>M, Q7T00S, OTOCV, 07T0T#V, KCtV, KIV, and «& are, for the most part, joined with the subjunctive mood ; as, Ivce, yveoTz. That ye may know. Kxv ocpuvov y>Mi, y^*- says, yt two write, they two give, 0u y (Map, rfsAAw, , r^vca, will cut, they two will strike. twt«. 5. I wondered, they gave, he &*»[**&, Map, *$**. did, thou placedst, they two re- ,„, t/O^i, pew, y$*. Tlow^w, T\J7TTca 9 7rsiQu>, 10. I was beginning, ye were a^ojk* *, /3A#7r™, ;*V hurting yourselves, they were p. standing. 1 1 . Thou shalt prepare thyself, n#£*, h&vp&- nourished, they are admired. £«. 18. I was struck, they were Twrw, Traqcurmvafy, prepared, it was written. y{*$u. 19. I shall be punished, thou KoA*#», Ag/7r«, cliKKw. shall be left, he shall be sent. 20. Ye will be struck, he will be delivered. 21. It was said, we were found, ye were loved. 22. He was buried, they were manifested, I was sent. 23. It has been done, they have been struck, we have been loved. 24. I had been educated, it had been judged. 25. She shall be buried. Aiyca, tv£*cft>, <*JVft>, cliAhu, PROMISCUOUS EXAMPLES. 26. He was challenging, he was n^o/^Agto m , yiKawt laughing,tomake,havingperceiv- Trow, aurfavouon*, Trgu 22 ed, thou mayest send, to go, he na, no^o^ai, fAipQofjLUt, was blaming, they would guard, , ju#v0#v&>, iV7^*i, he was learning, he had stood, he Mebcbvopai, KonaGaiya 6 , did perceive, having descended, agcta, hapgavca, Jietaju* 6 , yi- seeing, he did take, to give, I vo^iW 5 . may become. 27. I would affirm, they may A(po^fy m5 , api, ct,%x,ta> s , be, I was contented, they might iQoqpoca) 5 , KoLpgavca, g|g^- leap, he would be taken, it has yatypui, % ev^nca 3 , been wrought, I would appear, Trac^a, cov-n^p*, 7rot,qu- being about to find, he has suffer- x,x£a> 5 9 Jwaput, ejc7rA*j, in gender > ?mn%- ber and case. 1. An useful man, a common Y^o-los avr^, noivog no- city, sweet honor, black sorrow, A Iwmg horses. rotx^g- 4. If Sweet peace; horses that Bt^vvi Ww - o nrffog -tt^og-^x ^^ y*z o vance. iroKi^tog. 5. Thou art an happier man; EvJottpw ccv^uTcog slpr all the men sailed wounded ; those r^v^riog^TrccgiTnTrXeca 2 ' tragic actors; that is the temple ; o r^ayiKog v7TQx$iTtig ovrog*' Agamemnon was passing on joy- wwog tlpi o U%ov At^s*- ful; the ranks lately raised, were <*V 7r*Qoixopai y^oc-wog- mOVing On. ViOV lVQ!AZVOg KlW[M m $otKcty%. 6. Wherefore, the law is holy, &j dyiog, k?a ff»- just and good. natog kmi Myabog. 24 7. Homines illustres, capita caduca, cranium muliebre, alia dogmata, laeti et alacres viri, quaenam hera, pulchrum et bonum virum, maxima pars, daemonia multa, medio mari, benedictus rex, priori tempore, humanae speciei, rectam rationem. CHAP. III. A verb signifying actively governs the accusative. 3. For ye have the poor always, O 7r7w^o? ycc% Kurort but ye have not vie always. € % w * fi y w ^ i ou ^«vtot2 e^w. 2. 1 did one work, and ye all Eo€ga> m , o tgvw&, u m o K^iy.a o Oiog ; 9. For it Aas not shoes by the (Wg yap vTrofvipa zx a smith, nor arms by the shoemaker. ou. 3. Let some one having come, n^g^o^* 65 rig Jzmv- shew, either that I do not say these p 5 , »j ug qvk uA^s qvtqs things true; or that those who have tyu kiyw v\ us o i?x7ra,TiuZ been deceived will trust him. 7rig, kai o TeOv^*, Juvos and to be avoided. nat (pivanos- 5. Receive me quickly, O sea, Ag^w** 5 tya, u 0<*A# m . 9. I speak those things, which I Zyw os qqmco **§*, o it&- have seen with my father, and ye t^ zya, ovrog A<*Ag&>, km do the things, which ye have seen c awroff men, nor to reveal ^e secrets, n^os cLttm, ou^g o ano^y rog z!;a,yo()tva). 11. But Athenians, I do not O jugv ow o» m^ a0>j- think it is proper, to relate the vMog, o $iA*7nros g^w f YiyiopM. 12. Perniciosissimum est, non modo domum suam de- struere, sed etiam corpus et animam. 13. Hi multa quidem dicunt atque prasclara, sed nihil intelligunt. 27 CHAP. V. Substantive verbs, verbs passive of naming, and verbs o£ gesture, have a nominative both before and after them, be- longing to the same thing ; as also some other verbs by at- traction. 1. And Cyrus took care, that Eitipi\tou*,i°, h kcci o they might never come in without Kvqog, on tag p^iro-xt avityoo- having sweated, rog yivopxi* zi A , such old persons are lovers of life? wort o r^Kovrog i CtVxAilMVlU 5 . 5. ^ Be such to your parents, Toiqvtqs yivopou m^i o as you would wish your own chil- yovtvg*, oiog av zv^opoiS* dren to be to you. 7T££* m , ng h this case, what Epaminondas *v 7r%a J d **' w °' ypzrzgog 4. Let tills robber Sostratits be o pi* Xvi uxku €7n£ouAoc, K tfy ou see Menippus the Cynic poci e , y>v ttqv aAco 6 Mgwar- in any place. nog o kvm. 4. And she asked him, that he Km sirocco 2 ocvrog hoc o would cast out the devil. Jm^qviov wQolkKoo. 5. And ifyoudesire these things, E^v h km ovrog gfigAw, both to be rich and to govern. %m 7taoutso> km *%yja. 6. If you be fond of learning, you E#v e

e o c$0*A- understand with their heart, and be po?, %ca vosw 5 o na^ia, %m converted^ and I should heal them. S7nc-7£e 6 , &«* j#oju«j* *y- to?. 10. Idcirco et legislator primum hoc posuit in judicum jurejurando, " Sententiam feram secundum leges ;" illud nimirum bene sciens, quod, cum conservarentur civitati leges, servatur etiam democratia. CHAP. VIII. One substantive agrees with another, signifying the same thing, in case. 1. I Paul ihe prisoner. Eyca UocvKog o htptos. 2. Of Goethe Father and the ©go? aran^ km kv$m Lord Jesus Christ. lytrovs X£itu&>v also myself a cur. kai ocvrog tipt. 4. II For Homer, relating the Opj^o? y%, zy<*> Jonta, wounds, dissentions, revenges, 7raQocJi£u)[M rqavfj,* 6go?, tears, chains, and sufferings of eve- «W»?, ripoo^ov, Jxx$v, ry kind, of the gods, seems to me, JW^ov, 7r#6o? 7rap(pv%To$, as much as in his power, to have o [mv tnt o lxict,KQs ?s avfyoo. made the men who fought at Troy, 7ro?, otfliAo?, put out the men a little while. jtgAguw g£&> &%&>%» o <*v0£o>- 7T0? 7T0liea S . 6. You may teach the son of £i%* w^ d . 6. The mind of man upbraids T€^^w I«utov 6 o avfyca- itself when it is hypocritical. "*o? ^Xk* 6rov v7ro-^ivofxoci. 7. Nightly visions are not only O vtutTg^vo? Quvtolchx ou the echoes of daily accidents and ftovov o psQqfASQivos s/p cuv- conversations, but also the produc- rv%ix, aoci ofMXia, ctTrvxw**, tions of a remiss habit. ocxxoc, koci o gccQvfxog yivvv}[Aot,. 8. If He will easily find his lea- YocJuag lu^uncwao ^#$0g£« thern coat again, and his spade, in *v0Kcii7roc^Y)- of truth and freedom, Tr^QCp^ryig zipi fiovXQfAoa. 10. By their present great joy, O7r»^»x^^7rmxot^> they had something of a slight hope, zg o z7tzit& %$Qvog, zXmg nc that, in future, they would not be z%m xoucpo?, p^g ocv uVo consumed by any other disorder, ^aaos- vqcy^q^ kotz st» OlCtC>/\ 33 11. You desire nothing of a dif- OvJug ns x^^^sg ficult matter, wishing to know n^y^a, sTnGvpew, 0ouAo- what the law is. poci yvca(M rig zi(M vopotr. 12. The end of tragedy and of O tiKqs t^aytaha, xou history is not the same, but oppo- Icro^ot ov o avrog, ahha, o site; in the former you must zvavriog- atu pev yae, ^«» strike and captivate the hearers, at 5 , kch ^yj%cLyayw\ words ; in the latter, by real facts k#t# o 7FA^ty,fi, 6 mow and narrations, you must, always, «v(We $t, $i* o ahrfiivog instruct and persuade those who zqyov kcci Koysg, us nag o wish to learn. x% ovog > Jifcttrnw 5 kcci nti- Ow 5 o CpiAo^#Ggw g . 13. Socrates, Homerus, Hippocrates, Plato, eorumque admiratores, quos etiam seque ac deos colimus, tanquam prasiecti quidam, atque Dei ministri. CHAP. XL The relative agrees with its antecedent in gender and number. If there comes no nominative between the rela- tive and the verb, the relative is the nominative to the verb ; but if there does, the relative is governed by some word in the sentence. 1. That the word might be ful- lv* tta^ooj 5 o Koyog og filled which he spoke. awov. 2. Seeing the chariots xvhich E*JV h o dpaZ* oV Joseph sent, the spirit of our father cc7ro glzhhca W*j$, #v*• 7ro)7ron, ovh og n * fish suffers. vrour%a) o i^fiu? ovrog g<^g« 7f . 4. There was a certain rich kv^unog ng api 7rAov. man, who had a steward. aog, og ex M oiKovo^og, 1 34 5. Whom I often saved, when in Og syw ttqKKomis Ao7rc he speaks ; the third, in ^oyog- r^nos, og m^i m- which of another. f off. 10. Such are hyperboles and 7oiQvrog M 7rcag kou ovVs^- plurals ; but we shall shew in the €oA>j, *#* o 7rAvfivvTiKog nt: ' sequel, the danger which they seem JiiMvpi uv Jwo?, og t%u g*?cw m7 . 11. Circumque ipsum omnes ordine instructi sunt, locum unusquisque, quern ille dedit, non relinquentes. 12. Diram quandam narras hominum stultitiam, quitanto amore amant rem pallidam gravemque. 35 CHAP. XII. The prepositions ocvn, ano, gx, or t|, and 7T£o, govern the genitive ; sv, and cm, the dative ; e*? or g?, and <*v#, the ac- cusative. The poets sometimes have avu, with a genitive, or dative. 1. I did proceed, and I come E^w gx o @go? eJs^Qjuau from God; for I have not come x#< >?*«• ou y<*£ «7ro e/A«u- jfowz myself but he sent me. tou e^opou, #aa# gxgivos- gyw oc7Tocflih\ca. 2. He fightsy^r A?V oitw things, n^o o <vioty»arl^ta s i cattle, many fellows. 7roAu? ti$. 5. Pleasure is rather i/z rest, than hJWjj ^cckaov gv j^u** f/z motion, upi, y gv xjv*j, o citizen, to choose the safety of af- o -K^y^a j£oAo? knoxim, with the golden sceptre* X^o-goc #v# ?7rT£ov d - 12. Ego meis posteris generis princeps ero, meumque a me genus incipiet, tuum vero in te desinet. 13. Alii vero, constructo rogo ante tumulos, et effossa fovea quadam^dolentque sumptuosas illas coenas, et infun^- dant vinum, mulsumque in foveas. CHAP. XIIL Aia and vVs^ govern the genitive, or accusative ; #ju?G>j, zyyvg h i nag, %m fulness of all, about you, is near , ing, what was pious, w T hat im- rtg n * svinGw, tig a}- says to Joshua, loose the shoe off yos Kv^og 7t^og lytovg*, thy feet, for the place upon which Av« d J7ro^p& d 7r J'g g7n t£o>?0ga) kxi d-vrog, h* iv&g d a-copa*, from above, went throughout the ocvcafov a^opou 5 , o ne gv d xg- xvhole body. tov l^vu^« x.ot,Kog 14 *f[ If God be^or us, who can E* o Giog vVs^ £y«s, tk be against us ? k«t* g^ W ; 15. But tell me, how the things At*£ uttov iyoo, nu>fyov y.{\ & ovopoc, xch noun, and the pronoun, for a 6 avrmvpux, av-n ovoua. noun. 3. It was terrible, not according Auvos sipi, ou ji*t# hs to one only of the circumstances, f^ovog 6 7r^yfxoc s . 4. The way to be filled is much Uohv dnxoos kxi evta? more simple and straight with us, ttoc^&l tyw o 6^og upi gar* o* than with you. ip-nr^o* 5 *, v\ na^cc is, ovrea %iv t tca^ etAAoj judged. C/TOTg SlKCcfa d . 10. Ego vero fretus venio, primum equidem deis, dein- de legibus ac vobis, existhnans nullum apparatum valerc apud vos, plus quam leges atque jura. 11. Ex his igitur cupiebai aliquid jam negotiorum adver- sus hostes gerere. 13. Cum his et Cyrum contemplabere, et Priamum et Dionysium. CHAP. XV. Adverbs of time, place, quantity, order, exception, and the like, govern the genitive. Njj and ]U# govern the accusative; dpa and opov the da- tive. 1. The world has gone after O Kos de- O Si Kv^og fiovhopai 2 , cree, on account of the opo-ti^oi k&i cevrog htiob o opor^os, themselves. ovros o ^tiQurpa. 3. Within the enclosure, a mul- EvSov Si o 7r?£j£oAov, titude of women was seen. %K^og rig ywvo$occo 2 . 4. From the beginning, to this A^o &(>%*, y-i%^ ovrog part which is last. 6 pi^og og ur^&Tog a pi. 5. A tragedy cannot be without Avgy ptv y*% -*%&&, ova action; but it may be without mo- av yivc^r d r^ayuSict' rals, OiViV Si irfog yiVOUOCl OCV. 6. Between us and you, Mst#£v iyu km ? jSqvyi g^w. 8. That which is called the IIoAko KoehiuzJ*} outos* 1 * law of a state, without obedience of vop>?, ?g*, they come to the sea, andhav- /*#/ ojuw? ar^o? 6 QctAoe, ing gone into the way called Elo- kxi tcGoHva* ig o oSog o rina, they proceeded. EAw^v^aAga^Tro^guoptf* 2 . 14. The Athenians knowing Tvupt h o A^vatog m that they were not concealed, laid ov xavbetvoo™, Kotraxt^y^ down their arms again, except tt^Ajv, 7rA»jv r^tcococtot pa. about three hundred men. Ktglct t<*Aga> 2 - inn h J toe- was out of reach of my dart, he $ivyc*>s 3 %eet i%oo apt fiiXog, said that he was named Ulyssus. O <3Wev? much light ? ttsAu? >t<*T#A<&p7rw&; 21. It has been well said, that Eu§e«, o ne p*j d pa, <*(>%* every end does not appear a/a?2g- n&g tsAo? jc^TflKp^v» ,n . wzVA £/2h i* l XV- The infinitive is often put elliptically, o^ y fixim or c?w x#t# o »%iu wx- should be honored according to his clog Tipaco, Kv^og h 6 *£*- desert, and that Cyrus should be vw g upi. the judge. 4. They brought all things suf- Uag Inavog 7rQor*yu 2 9 cog ficient, so that all the army supped Juttviw 5 naXug dnocg & well. cI^cctioc. 5. I, having put you into the Hyuye, fj,ot,* 9 fAixt 1 ° body, as far as they are useful for %%*i* 4^;^, Trct^akaptot,- the mind. via. 9. Fear, and the law are suffi- $o£og, kou vopog foavog cient to restrain love. tgug aoohvo). 10. Become a friend slowly, Kqahug pw (piKog yivo- but when you are such, try to con- pa>i> yivopai** h, 7rti%ct,a a tinue; for it is equally shameful to Jiaptvoo- opoioog yot$ f*^ us ® lh °s *% u **' ny associates. ttqA-jc zrcu^og p£TtfAA#*»j 5d MK%a.cA^ . 19. And if Cyrus saw any KocioKv^og Jibing 7rov t thing, any place, which would xakog gJtoe d ng o rig an*, be an ornament to the army, get- ovrog utaq^oci faqtopcu* o Ung it, he gave it to the most wor- #£ior vo^ca J?, rtc *#& d 6 ^, he saw him revolting from the ixu o%au 2 uvrog cc vrog 7jw;£w% avlos* av should receive, from the Assyrian, KapGavw 6 , tca^a b A n<*s o Tcc^ccTocg. 21. For they must strike that n**s yiyvopocfi, « c-vynivdwivTiov. whether you ought to do it. For K*i y*$ *v -x^ointov n Qvyyj- flight. 23, Be present then, said he, n*£g^w ow, cpjjp, m o at the doors, clothed with these 6^*% xocpta 5 * J j qV dresses, before the sun rises, and T0 ^ *§"> »?*'0ff oc.vctTifi.Aca> stand as Pheraulas the Persian **' nabuflvipi as av jv, gc to such a degree of misery. ouTo? ne $vij()gj# , k»i ocaig, 26. If I please, I will let down Hv gOeAw?, iyw y,$v & o a chain from heaven, and if ye, ov^ccvog t#&gA>tvw. 27. He had been so habituated, n$o$ to [aitqioc Siopai totherequiringo£moiitY2&et\\mgs, ttou$wu s qvtwc, cJ 2 o i o noKig, >j o ruxog. 2. I heard that they, by certain Ajtcvw 2 h ocvrog, i7rw£v t incantations and charms, could ts aoci tsAstij Tig, avoiyca P 7 &. sons of Alous. 8. He has exceeded all persons As?*? xott Simqiol it*$ in expression and invention. vVg^^AAw. 9. As fire burns those that to o jugv 7rv£ q dirlopcii* touch it, so the beautiful inflame nouco, o At jc«Ao? kch 6 cl- those who view them from afar, TroOgv Qeaopoii vQ»7ftu 9 until they burn with love. &jff 11. All these things have been EKuvog piv dit»g vopog appointed by law. toktitco. 12. Come then, let us consider kyca roivw, Monica 6 iyca all the things that have been done Tr^aecca nag, nar* hg Ik, dn kui J ptyz- greatness of their bodies. 0o? o cwpot, 7roKvs «uto? 5 21. I am neither swift of feet, Zye* upt fjav ovn ttou& nor strong of hands ; and I know, t&%vs 9 ovn yja^ urxvpog' that, of the things which I can do yiyvu 6g zyca o^»u nag av- understanding by nature, as all ^w7rog $v 6 , fiovAofAai 2 puvQavca him. o hSog o uvrog ir %&,v; none of the things worth seeing or ajcoq TrxoxhtiTru 6 . hearing, 5. I think that some have come Ewow or* gjg^op** P iv out with us worthy of better, and jv Sq^gc and the virtue of their ancestors, km o 6 7r$oyovog cl^ty,. 9. Do not fear, said he, that Av>^ h, cp*^/, o kvyot- you will want a husband for your T>j^ d , ^ (po&opui, cog ccxq- daughter, worthy of her. $e« s , ^*o? svto?, 10. In order to have men obe- Utg o nc 7rg<0a> m : cLvfya>7rog dient, nothing is more useful, than £#&>, gvJsj? s*fw Mv pw r,i r^iroo m ^ o best. ayabog Iv^htkooS ccttqKocuu). 16. A short syllable is that ¥>%&%og uui (ruAA<*£>? a which has a short or shortened iX uS fi^X^ a^ tpuvyzv, f 51 more consonants than one simple py viru^a Qio? ftoAvg of the country know, what thing iffvph ns non ovreg 6 juv- this fable may import. boKoyicx, Swapoii*. 2. If the greatest power of the Bi g*g* 6 7roAg^io? g*p o enemies is there. ayabog™. 3. They killed near thirty of the Attoktuvoo tyyvs rgia- light armed men, aovrd o ^iKqs. 4. I think that he was the hap- avrog zvAaiyuv piest of the ?nen, who had been ce- ytvoyon 17 avQ(>ca7rog 3 o iv pa- lebrated for a long time before. nqog q sj>wr§c0-0gv %%qvg$ 0^uAAew s . 5. There were some of the scribes Eiyi rig o y^dyiydnvg sitting there, and arguing in their msixciQv)fAot>i 9 7t.cuft*Koyi£Q- hearts, saying ; Why does this [**t sv o kk$£i* Ioivtqv, ,\e- man blaspheme thus? who can yca-Tiovrog ovroo 0A# -ki^Km- sorrowful. nog. 8. To day I celebrate my ©vyary^ c^^ov Ic7i#&> daughter's birth day feast, and I yivibhia, kch 7ra^uKoiA^ 5 have invited very many of my o tyihpg u#a#tcAvc= friends 53 9. H As are the eyes of bats to £Lthog ayabog good friends to himself and to upt 3 . others. 11. In the same way I think, 0%a> 3 At&vg $z <*$%&' governed ; w/iich then of these ovrog qw 7roTz%og >JJW ot- do you think to live most plea- p*« £*«; *i o eaa^v, gv 6g santly ? or of the Grecians, in **&i avrog etpt, jror^sg o^cca ng u 6 Ku- are not like those. For whatever ^og, ovx, opoiog ovrog wuvog, things they may acquire making o piv av vi> 55 7. Unless one takes pleasure in Ei [xvj ng Qvopct, x^'Z® empty names, ntvog. 8. Then the multitude that O ow o^Ao? 6 i«r7»jp 7K stood and heard, said that there kmi cmovco*, hiyoo* fyovrii had been thunder, others said, ytvopoci. aaao? Agyw, Ay- An angel hath spoken to him. yiKog ocvrog AaAgw. 9. They now serve him, as he E&g/vo? ne vw ovrog $ov- did them before. Agvw, x, ovrog to all those that are governed. zycayi foxzca ptyocg dpctg- rypoe, apt. 13. Jupiter, the great leader in o pev ^ utyag yytpw heaven, goes first, driving a flying gv ov^ocvog Zivg, gA#ww chariot, and an host of gods and tttyivqc d^», -K^rognro^v- deities follows him. opai, o it i-irou&i al^oLnoc hiog noil Jaiucav. 14. The aids of the gods do not (We 6 na^* o Qtog tnt- help treacherous persons ; as is %ov^<* o K^oSorvig Qo^aa- right ; for men do not commit in- unorw ovhis nt y*$ n^on- justice, until they become impious ^ov #<^jiew, y nt^i o ©go?* towards the gods. *crg£ew. 15. When first the desire of E?rg< Tr^ojo-A^j 2 ir^rov gold and silver came into the city, ug 6 noKig oc^yv^og k»i x^- with the possessions of wealth fol- cog (yhog, k&i o-womoKqv- lowed avarice and meanness ; and Ogw 6 nhovrog o jwgv nry Xzya>- A«JWjc#- I entreat thee to loose upon my hog, foop&i ng, him follow me, and where I am, tyca MKohovfou, kui oVou there also will my servant be ; and upi lyw, acu kcu o Siouovog if any one serve me, the father shall o gjuo? eip* koli ixv rig ty. 18. Philip comes and tells An- 'E^opxi $iAi7T7to$ koh drew, and again Andrew and Phi- teyui o AvS^xg, ycoci 7ra,Xiv lip tellJesus. And Jesus answer- AvS^iocg kui QiKiTrnog teyu ed them, saying, The hour has o l^ivg. O Si Ir.covg uno- come, that the son of man should jc^vo^*/ 5 ocvrog, My us, Eg- be glorified. x ^ ° a '£<* * vot So!;a,ty 5 * 19. Simon Peter saith to him; Kiyw avrog y.ipm rig- Lord, whither goest thou ; Jesus r^cr Kv^os, ttqv v7rocyoo ; answered him, Where I go, thou A7rox^vcpai p3 a-vroc 6 i>j~ canst not now follow me; but here- yo^\jca, « more intelligible to you, not to con- viog o\eag py hateyopai, verse at all with young men." 26. Quibuscunque studiorum non est finis utilis ad vitam ? haec non sunt artes. 27. Legationes undique venerunt, omnibus gratulantibus Romanorum sub Pertinace imnerio. 21. Mira fortasse videbor dicere, si Cyro consilium dare velim aliquid dicere pro nobis, cum arma sumpserint ii qui nobis futuri sunt pugnse sociL CHAP. XXL Vnen upi and yivopai signify possession, property or du* ty,u they govern the genitive. Verbs of beginning, admiring, wanting, remembering, ac- cusing, excelling, valuing, sharing, and the like, with their contraries, govern the genitive ; also those which signify distance and sense (except sight). 1. He caught his head. O nzQaht} e 5 <*7ro9v>jou o 7roAsuio** with the enemy. H 4. A certain woman, having Twy t rtg ocKova 5 m^t i heard concerning Jesus, having lqcrovg*, t^o^ai 6 tv o o^Ao; come in the crowd behind him, ottktQzv, ocnlopoct o * pa-no v touched his garment, saying in her- ccv-rog, htyw gv £*vtou, Ot< self, That if I but touch his gar- *<*/ av 6 tuocnov avrog air- ment, I shall be made whole. touoh 3 ccofy. 5. It is a shame to command do- Ata-^og o fjav oiKirvig do- mestics, and be a slave to plea- %w 3 q Jg ^ov^ <£ouAga) a . sures. 6. Verily I say unto you, there A^v Kiyu j^< 7 , oc#T##/>ovg&> ;^- despise riches, and to think the pa ?r <*£&*, Agvw m % xotiotJtot,- possession of them insignificant. $c%og oiopui o^r^cig avrog. 10. Then they threw with their Ev-ravGa fy og pgy /3#a- clods, and some struck breast a&>2 ^ fiwKog, kxi g£a£, >a* thigh, or « greave. yz%$ov, og Si kxi y^og, kxi KvqfAig. 11. It is a voluntary thing, said EQgAovo-io?, cp^i, j/p, he, and every one loves what koci zoxco znouflog 6g av (Sou- things he pleases. kquou. 12. It is entirely necessary, AAA* Ir^og- tirtpiKio- that he who attends to the one, pous, 6 iTi^cg xfAcKzu 5 , nag should neglect the other. ocvocyy^. 13. If you do not take the things Av h koli Tra^a-n^p/* 5 that are offered to you, but even j Aap£ava> 6 , ochXcc J- iespise them, then you will be not "re?g<^ 6 , tots ov povov o-yp- 59 only a guest of the gods, but a nazng J fcog sj?AatA£#vwJ^Ao;-, tions by marriage in the state, if s* vjW)sof, oca- gods themselves. a# xoh avrog vSy o Uog. 17. As the time of the promise &g $i %yyity> o x$ ov °s Q was drawing nigh, which God i7rt£g#? p neither taste flesh nor eat beans ; ywc*) m 3 ^Tg wa^os g yz ow o^ov g*T^- san est food ; and moreover per- n*& *7ro(poitv<*)' tt\ h kcci suading men not to converse for veAia o avfycavog ig tiwrt £ ve 'years. ST0§ " /^ JiMteyop&i. 19. Is it possible that one touch- K*j ttu^ to» s/p 0*yw ^ ing fire should not presently be suOu? kcciw, hpm h lyuyt burned, yet do I not willingly ™ts 7rv% \%m uvea #V7o- touch fire. A**'- 20. If you would be your own Hv m5 avrog n one cease expecting, that he need pev ovJug ikcmtIqs mtw& do nothing himself, but that this sA7n£w, o s ju<*a«*vo?,- 6eAw %** auTo? desire to become philosophers. QiKqcoQw. 22. If then tragedy excels in E< ouv ovrog re $ict,Q*%ia all these things, and moreover in nag o TQayuJi*, kcu in 6 die work of the plot, as it reaches o rixvy sqyov, c<»* N#07A. 2. I go away to Croesus and Ear* q K$oi 3 avrog. 3. Peter and John answering to O h Ylir^og nxi laxzwys them, said; if it is just before ccTCQ^ivo^^ir^og avrogji- God, to hear you rather than God, nov E* hnouog upi zvcajnov jude^eye. ° c ®tos 3 j shua, Lo I give into thy hand °* ou ?j l $ ov *y<* ^^oci^u^i Jericho, and her king, being pow- vvq%uqiqv cm o Ie^w, koci erful in strength. Now do thou c< &#> ^vOsAjcw awog o afoh- dragging him contrary ways. ?t>^ avrog- Tg>cvev 9 -n no. behold thy father and I grieving *£« g^w ovrw; i£gv 6 noo- anfl sorrowing were seeking thee. ry% Q%o<, ovuAi- personhis misfortune; for fortune & 5 - noivog yot,% o tv%v},k avrog o g*g< $i&- are busy there. T£/£w g . 4. First then, I tell you my own Koci Sy\ n^ura, ev Jnt[M opinion, and from whence I was o yva^yj o zpog, %&i o'Gev excited to the descent. o^aco 5 -x^q 6 xaraQcung. 5. Do not accuse the people of Mijjv, o <^/xo? 6 Grecians. A^vcbtog. 6. Demosthenes and Diogenes K#a&>$- %cli o A^ocOgv^ having spoken well ; the one call- kou 6 Aioyiv^g- o [am x^ J - ing rich and ignorant men, golden u&#JV, ov- accuser blames Socrates for this ; tos Sukqxtvis 6 Kocryiyo^os but because Socrates kept them dir toco par or* J*g vios uptf temperate when they were young, avros Xu^ocr^s 7r*^«r^w* does he seem to the accuser wor- cuQquv, ovhts t7ractvos }q- thy of no praise ? >te# 6 aaryiyo^os oc^tos apt ; 11. But the Chaldeans came, o Jg x**£*ios faw 9 ^go- entreating Cyrus to make peace pat o Kvpqs h^vyi os iron® 5 . with them. 12. I manifested thy name to Qavzgou 6 ovopa 7ro?To*ov- such things as they have done to to? 7ra(r^ 3 QMirtQ uv 6 others. **' have prevented him to fortify M*yvqKvu> tu%i£oo. Magnesia. 6. I never said nor didany thing OvJW«7roTe avros ovre to him, for which he was asham- htto. ovn nowo ovJW, iiti 7. They teach their servants Ojugv o/kst>j? g}t^c&> in arts, frequently spending much nipvy,, 7rap7roK\Js ttoKKxhis money upon them, but they ne- a? avro? a$yv$iov avaAtf- glect themselves. ^w 5 £#vtou i 6 pzyag 6 ttoAi? in told it to you. TTA^^oy.ctC u-rov us ce o qmitvis' koh barbarians ; and you have those og paKufla iv^yzrw, ou-roc for enemies, whom you benefited t^os i%6*. most. 12. Bonum aliquid facere in patriam conatur. 13. Pueros et ephebos contraria his docebatis. 66 CHAP. XXV. Participles govern the case of their own verbs. 1. However it is possible that Eiim Si akha, -K&^y^ one giving trouble to the enemy, Tc^cnypa? o Trohtfjuogv- o (pi- may afford safety to his friends. hog ueQaKuu Tra^^w. 2. I having seized some of Kyw fe right, being robbers. jtaTaKpayar a>?g-7>^ nyu. 3. They, seeing their masters O Si, oqoho koii 6 Siciro- obeying, immediately obeyed. t^? 7re<0w m 5 rci^v 7rnboo m 2> 4. If any person thinks things E< h n? o ivctvnog iya> contrary to me, looking into their yiyvw 3 o *%yov ctvrog works, he shall find them bearing e7n, h$i otvrog witness to my words. [tagrvQica o i^og Xoyog. 5. They having forgot the first O Tr^arog g7nA*v(Uvo- things, or rather indeed the whole jw#<% ^olkkqv Si kou 6 wVo- Silbject. §i(>nw * T ' ° c main a safe judge of things useful oC}iQChiW* 67 9. Vidi reges et satrapas nostras, mendicantes apud eos, et primas literas docentes. 10. Plures futuri sunt vos redarguentes, quos nunc ego compescebam. 11. Deos et heroas precati, fines ita transierunt. CHAP. XXVL Passive verbs take a genitive, of the agent, after them, which is governed by a preposition understood or expressed. 1. Such things are done by bad Toiovrog h ttquoo, C%q poets of themselves ; and by good jt*sv 6 QavAog voi^ns $im ones, for the actors. avros*' uVo «fe 6 ayaftoc, £lOt> Q V7T0K,()lTV}g. 2. They are named philoso- QiAottxpog it^og tyu ovo- phers. [tufa. 3. No action of any account n^ir eTg o nn^v^ mi o ror and ignorance. kavrov octtoct^ koci ocyvoiot,. 5. He has been honored by God U^og ®zog kxi n^g ccv and by men. ^omog ripoioo. 6. I was thus taught by my UxJivca^ Kowuo-' 68 Commodus, and called out with Jog d , kui ptyag Qwviirzou- a loud voice, that he had been sent 7rov, vVo o ?v^>cA^to? au- to him by the senate ; and nothav- ro$ d nwripTt®' t^^mm 5 * ing quickly wounded him, but ^ <™aaki%e> z Si o Sypog ovpo- not only being beat down by the vov 0#aaw «Vo o *aa# >c#* vVo o ttAjj- by the multitude. 6o? &>9sw. 9. Pertinax having said such Toiovrog 6 rie£Tj j? o rfia,^Aog y cog a- seemed to be the daughter of a naty xvKvog dvyaryq apt. swan. 16. The man appears magnani- Q>aivco m q ocvyiq o /*sv fyy mous in his life, and correct in v^xqQqm, o £z yvuo-ig his knowledge. ccK^Qyjg. 17. Because the barbarians are Aia, yu% o ne jqvKikqs* more slavish in their manners than u[mq vfiog q ptv fi*%Qu%og o the Grecians, and those of Asia EAA>jv, J Jg ws^i 6 A bodies are members of Christ ? 7ro?, ov ons of things trouble men. 6 -n^y^a, <*aa# o m^ q 7T(>ocy[Ac(,z &,> 72 7. The good things which you Og u c 7r«r^v?ojw** 2 7ronu 3 promised to do to us, when you a>y#Qog iyca, on hap€xva> received the money, have been ac- o X$W**.* wonhzca tia ^gv ^f*ou** yzx sky for an house, and you have Tg *,«< ov^avoc, kAivjj ~, og uvrog o ne J tts- moderate excellence. ^tga>, ah $oy* ent for you, let them always be as p<*> upi. principles. 15. Let silence generally pre- ^outtyi o ttcAv upi, v, vail, or let necessary things be A&Agw o way hum, non spoken, and in few words. iux, oXiyog*. 16. And it shall be, when ye Kcci upi, ug av o^uca" pie shail enter, each one rushing ex,#oc o gv- of my burial. rcc vxamn aivywopto. K 74 5. You say-right, for I cured Eu hiyoo, 6rt cm 6 %y%x\). \ our burns, when lately you came \j-cl ixopoih ore tt^v avz$- up half burned. X ^^ 6 *?/^$ AeKT0? - 6. *SI Co you then my son, be £v ow, t&lvgv tya, gv- strong in the grace which is in Jvv<*jUGw m gv o %&§is o d gv lesus Christ. tyirfos Iv^ovg. 7. If ye keep my command- E^v c gvroXjj g^w T^ew*^ vnents ye shall remain in my love ; pivu) gv o ay any eyu- Kxhwg as I have kept my father's com- iyca o ivrotvi 6 kxty^ zyu mandments, and I remain in his -n^gw, kxi ^w xvrog gv o love. xyx7ry. 8. Now my soul is troubled, Nw 6 4^%*? ty® t*£#\ kxi rig u-xia ; riar^, save me from this hour ; but, for treaty 5 iyw g* o «£# Juror this did I come to this hour. #aa#, Six qvtqs* t^opxi Father, glorify thy name. Then ng oa^etovrog.Uctrtj^y^G^ar' did a voice come from heaven ; I fa cu J ovo^x. ty%o[xxi have glorified it and will again glo- ouv % ©trig viog upi t d A^jAAgu? ,* 4. And he said this, not that he Ei7rov $i dvrog, ovx dr* cared about the poor, but because n*2* o 7r1ta%og* piXii aws, he was a thief, and had the bag, #aa# otj jca^t^ gip, kx. and carried the things that were o yAwcomopv g^&>, kou d put in it. $&XX(a% ficuflcc^ta 2 . 5. Tell me plainly thus, what Aiytadvrtag -ntag olnKtag H is this dress? or what need had «* o c j; rQ(rct7rQ'ATll- vco. 9. You say a pleasant thing, if Xot^ig*? Ktyia,ti tt^ots^ov I must first become a musician jt/fi^wJo? ynopou**, xoci st- and then a wise man. r» n[M f g : - [*i- out the corn. Does not God care Ag* o ®zq$ • about the oxen ? 11. I do not care about you. Ou kcci q $i\ix o as their fortune. 7r#T£tgaj a , ^ J i$icarr,g. be unjust. 15. If you appear to them to Av Sov.ica ccKvfiygv kiyca speak the truth, you will have no gxgivo?, ou^g, km make libations, and to sacrifice, an ■# %x° P "* zk SO long with you, and thou hast ocvrog 6 lyrovg, Toa-ovrog not known me ? x^ 0)>og f t£T< * °* uP «/*«» *<** ou yivctHTKCd zyco ; 21. Sending out the sheep one Movog kmiivjui 6 oir^oQa- by one into the pasture, having rov eg o vopyj, gvTgAA« m: 6 commanded the ram, what things x^o?, oVoo-o? ;^)f it^trca he had to do for me. Mjrog vttzq zyca%. 22. You may use, as winter Tjr^^g* c<- other islands in this place; in *0o?, ««.* o axxog 6 gv ovrog which there are harbors, and corn, ° c ^onog v^og- gv oV x,<*i a<- and all things which are necessary ^ v > *<*' %y a ««mvw~ g* o vo^, law, that Christ remains forever ; ° r * o X£«r7o$- pzvco ug o mw and how dost thou say that the K0Ct 7rw5> °" u tey», o-n Szi son of man must be lifted up? who H^ ^ 5 0< w ' w f ° ctvfyairog ; is the son of man ? T ^ *'p oVro? o Jio? <5 avQ^w- 24. Moreover in the winter, it is AAA* ^gv km gv oxupw, not enough for them to cover only ou juovov kz^mx^^km trap*, the head, and body and feet ; but kmi novg mjkzi uvrog vkz-xm onthe extremities of their hands °s live, yet they do of that which is wJiocforog x,<*Aew, ^grg^w in the mind, which they call inter- 7r^ ne , 6 pzv ^AAov, 6 ?t7cv. 29. Si bonum amicum paraturi simus, nos ipsos bonos oportet esse, et dicere bona et facere. 30. Sive ses, sive aurum dicaveris, aliis quidem aliquan- do possessionem et praedam dicaveris ; deo vero parva est- cura aurificum vestrorum. ■ 73 CHAP. XXXI. A substantive with a participle, whose case depends up- on no other word, is put in the genitive absolute ; some- times, by the Attics, in the accusative, very seldom in the dative. 1. The daughter of Herodias E^re^o/^ 6 o Qvyarvig having entered, and danced, and 6 h$oo£tag, xai o^eo^ 5 , pleased Herod and those that sat *#* a^o-Kca o H£a>JV noa o with him, the king said to the cvvavcwzipotr unov o €a 5 $yta you will, and I will give it to you. *s *** OgAw, koh jAo? k#0#<£w vVo A0*?~ Athenians, in this war 3 and the vaios gv oh 6 ttoAsjuo?, x*i sepulchres being removed; as o ©w avai^a 6, q p6 , appeared to be Carians. 4. When you see any one Ot#v *a#<« g**JV tk gv weeping in grief, either when his TrtvQos, q enroftiptw tskvov, son is going abroad, or when he v #ttoAAvjuj o pa zavrov, has lost his property, beware least 7r%o 5 . in. 5. When God gives his assist- ®tog Mwp, pyJus /tr- ance, malice has no power; and x vw $Govor km py fdupi, when he does not give it, labor is p^hu ijv vavrutov 6 na^a cvujwi o, 6 exposed to view, and the whole T*%rot%og, Mcd^on^ $z ohog w T orld receiving a commotion and km Jiao-lao-ig o Koc-pog A<*p- a rent; all things together, heaven, £#vw nag dp&, ov^xvog, hell, things mortal, and immortal, *JV, o Qvyrog, o a,Q*v&ros a together combat and share the dan- ay** 6 ron trvpitoKipiia km ger in the fight. m ? g , this too, they being but three. km ovrog ne 3 r^ug upf. 14. And it being evening on E

that day, ihe first of the week, wuvog y I hg l ld , uVo 6 l%nzv^ > Q NlKlOtg rvXl7T7rog i&V TQM 16. He prayed to the gods sim- Eu;£o/a#< 2 n^g o 0go? ply to give the things that were dnXug o ayctQog SiSuiu, ug good, as the gods know best, what o Qtog Kaxxivlot, g^go> 7 , q7tqi~ kind of things are good. og &yct,§o$ apt. 17. They who are able pur- OiKiryg [aw o dvy*p ( ? chase servants, that they may uviopat, hoc ^ brothers, as if friends could be jwev yiyvo^xi q>tXog z , ?.£ made of citizens, and not made of #cfgAtg 0< vojfj km apt afluos 6 ©sor who was nourished during three 6s uvaT^Kpu)* ^v r^ig, sv 6 months, in his father's house. otxas 6 irony $. 4. Cyrus wept in silence for O Kv^og %$ovo$ piv ns some time, and then spoke. acairy wvmSglk^i*, iirura &i (pfoyyoy-ai. 5. In this month, ye sent away Ovrog 6 jujjv*, Jvca vavs Charidemus, having ten empty airoxW' with impunity. 7. If a law were made, that per- E* vopog rd*ipt sA 9 y^ ecr. sons not eating should not be hun- Oiw py iruvotu, koli py irt- gry, and not drinking, not be via, pj Ji^occo, p? thirsty, nor be cold in winter, 6 #s/ft«v*, pj^e QaAira> m J nor warm in summer, no law Os^o?, ovfoig av vopos things. irog QVTQS iruQw m . IQC c 83 8. On the first day of the week, O hg o [AVyUilQV. 9. T[ And having sailed from Km uaifav uffoffteu*, o thence, the next day, we came tfftipt 5 , KXTavlaca avr^vg over against Chios; and the day Xior 6 hiring, nct,%ot& 6 ug Zxpog- km uivw gv having staid in Trogyllium, the T$oyvAAtov 3 o i%u mz , e$x°~ next day, we came to Miletus. p*' 6 w M ffohvg AixtqiQu tvJov. 84 15. As he was asking these Ovrog z%oy.ou avrog, ou- things, (Socrates) answered no $m « T * oc7roy,^vo^otr *, xj- a little time, he moved, and the veo> a n, koci q ^v0§«7ro? £*- man uncovered him, and he fixed ^oLKvnrw ocvrog, kai og 6 his eyes. fP »VV*. 16. I say that five hundred of Ovrog h A^vcuos Qqpi these should be Athenians, of ^ *'P rnvroucofw, s| o? whatever age you think right, wtij^hWxMw^ serving an "appointed time, not <^<> £§ovo? t«*tw yi$*-- long, but as much as seems pro- tsv^V^j #«»t$off ovto?, per, in succession to each other. **** oVo? #v Joxs* kgcKw i%(*)j iK JlfrJo^Y} tfAAj^AtoV. 17. It is said, that Alcibiades Atyca, AAx-i&a^, tt^v before he was twenty years old, uko m , ok tni eu-rv- tumult, he thought that the other %^ d » **> o aXhag $z My Jos Medes, except a itw y were in the oio^ocr irot^ipi ev o or ano with the genitive : and by or through what place ? by Atct with the genitive. Adverbs in fa and %ohqs T»$og. .86 8. Having begun from Galilee, a^o^i 5 owo 6 r*A<- to this place. A#*#, lug uh. 9. And then he led me away to Koci q olxkqs other. £bq>££o?. 10. IF I do not think it necessa- Ov tyco Joku vw vxuyu t ry now, that ye should go so long cv us U^otrohv^et 7ro£guc- a way, to Jerusalem, to the city of p*<, us o 6 g%^o? Kohis, our enemies. f^»K^os ovrcas ohs. 11. Epicharmus and Phormis O ^oc 7ronooE7rix^^os began to make fables. This then %a,i $o£p$- *%x u ' o ne ^ugv came first from Sicily. And ow g| a$x*} g* 2<>tgAi« g£- Crates first began, of those at x ^- 0JeA8^ from his insolence, after he had #7ro7r#va> cux, g? pantos o come home, and was raised to (p^voty^A oJsvaOo? o n#A- great vanity. /av^vo?, otv#j^ #$j Kocroavico ^utc^qs o 3 g*, *#* Mwp g^a>, em cp/Aor 18. Descenditque post finem annorum ad Achab in Sa- mariam. 19. Sed mihi neque domo exeunti mane, dei signum ad- versatum est, neque quando hie ascendebam. 20. Laudaverit jure aliquis ilium Athenis legislatorem, qui vetuit parentem a filio ali, quern nullam artem edocuis- set. 88 CHAP. XXXIV. The price or measure of any thing is put in the genitive ; sometimes, the price is put in the dative. 1. The gods sell all good things O novog iruhita tyo* nag to us for labors. o #y*Qos Gso?. 2. If this man be willing to give Hv e6eAw cv unohSus- you, for two pence at most. p m 6 ovrog, o ptyag™ Ave ofioAog. 3. Consider, that calmness is "&7riKiycd 3 on toctovto? purchased at so much, firmness ttuKko u7rochioc y tocouto? at so much, but nothing is got #T#£#fi#, 7t^oikoc Si avSag gratis. 7n$iyivofAUi. 4. The fruits of the palm trees $on'4 xa%7ros n xarot, o being six fingers in size. piyzbog s| ^ktuAo? gjjui. 5. Ye know that ye were not E^gw 017 on ov cpS^-ro^, redeemed with corruptible things, u%yv$tov y xqvciov, Avt- silver or gold, from your vain con- §ow 5 ex, J paraiog cm avoc- versation. 6 , from him gratis, sold them to 7rohvgo uKKog TrwAew 2 . others for a great price. 7. I brought you an anchor for Ayav%oc, w^ity Trevrs five drachmae. J^x^. 8. TI They say unto him ; Shall Azyu avrog- Atts^o- we having gone, buy two hun- jw#*s <*yo%oi& c Jicckqcioi dred penny worth of bread, and ^vufliov #£To? pa , kcci JJw- give tliem to eat, ut ec uvrog (pocyu. 89 9. Tell me, says he, Tigranes, 2u it, w Tiy>z*vr,g, at what price you would purchase, "kiyu iyoa qttqcqs av it pec. to get your wife again? Cyrus, yai, a (fit o yw*i a-nohcLp- says he, I would purchase with €#vw 6 ; Eyu yzv,

notepiog cmor^e- ing f n<» m ; 5. Send to Simon, who is sur- MgT*7rgjU7rft> 5 2^&>v, og named Peter. He lodges with Wi^Aw Uir^og. Outs* one Simon a tanner, who has his £gv<£o> m not^ct rig Yipcav house by the sea side ; he shall /3v^c#* ? o ©go?, J**ot o 7r#£#~ your tradition ? $oo Jgivo?, 7r«§* cv from you, since you condemn nag o h^, zwiJy ciocvrov yourself to death. x#T«^»t«.£w 0*v#Tov^k <£vo (ru^wvo?* 6 g7n- will make the syllable long. ;. 12. Folly, and with it inconti- 1vvrot,%ia h nut o their whole time in revels and the roiovrog an o-wzi t ui s , aocrca like, sink downwards, and err $g£w m , %m •jrKmwtfr ha through life, f&ts*. 91 , 14. And Jesus, having seen E/^« fi h xvro? o lytrovs, her, said unto her ; Woman, thou uttov *vtq$' Tuv»j, olttoKvu? art loosed from thine infirmity ; o o^rGgi/g** **' n^a. immediately she was made x^P* 1 *vo§0oo>% *°" Sot,*. straight, and continued glorifying £a 6 Bios. God. 15. Critias and Alcibiades, K^t/^c kcci akk&ocAw, whilst they w T ere with Socrates, *w ^v Swk^t^ cwh^i 2 , were able to govern their bad in- Jvmuat o pj kkKqs g7n0v- clinations; but being separated p&Jc^Tgw gxsivo? JW7raA- from him, Critias having fled into hoc*, koci tt^qs o Khorog koc- then, to the latter falsehoods, and rviyo^g- iTnnoc h -it^q o the latter accusers. vV7g£ov, x,. o ^*£ who plans his own business ill, *#*«? oveu«, its mtimv Ulyssus? And lately you did not 6 Ofvctrivg ; Km n^v even look towards him, when he ovre %QQt« 2 jw#vrgvnp*/ 3s , did you deign to speak to a man ovn Tr^cwtw ct^iou- cmjq that was your fellow soldier and c-vt/l^aricor^g km ircct^og. companion. 20. Socrates taught his associ- AhWxw o Sow^-n^ 6 ates to refrain from things impi- ous, unjust, and shameful, not on- M^^caitog o^aa, airix** ° ly when they would be seen by Moco mvtqs. fortune. % He loves him for his virtue* $/Agw Mjrog o et^tr^ 93 3. There stood by the cross of Lr7>?p 8 ir*%* o clxv^og o Jesus, his mother, and his mo- I*jtAe<7rw g , wg omitted, 30 much as to commend uvrog 6 sthvoi* km gtimSyi hi n for iiis ingenuity and diligence oc^iog ne ntcuno). itself. 5. The fish called Cephalus is O j^Qv? o Kg^aAoj d gy one of those that live in the fens. o ihog fiioca% upi. 6. Distant many days journey. kmx<*> z ivKum y^a. 7. I admire your virtue. ®a,v potty ct 6 . 10. *J[ I think indeed that you Eyca rot km my- self to know this ; for you require rog ovrog yiyvootrKca' ovhig money from no person on account ya% ow o cvvovfia, Mjyvqiov of his living with you. 7r%ot m . 11. In the tent there was one of Ev 6 c-k^v^ rvy^vco 2 rig the captains, called Aglaitidas ; a. upi%6 roti;ioL%xQg 9 kyXotin- person who, as to his manner, was $<*g ovopaP- m>y\% o r^o7rog 9 one of the harsher men. 6 c-lqvQvog otv^conog. 12. And these elder men serve Ovrog h yz^Mog 6 Jay cannons, my son, said he, these most im- koli oh, QvifM, o piy*;- na- portant things; you should ne- %<& y<*% U^ovkoh o/wvo-pj-re ver attempt anything, neither in ev «$<**>; e^ 00 iV ^wos #'- 15. Then Ammon told a false- Ovkouv o Appw J/gu- hood, saying that you were his £u> m2 3 hiyco kxvrov mon I had not died. A^pwv upi. 16. Si velles hospitem impellere, te, cum murbem ipsius venisses, accipere, quid faceres ? 17. Auscultabunt plurimi inhiantes, admirantes, etfelicem praedicantes te propter vim sermonum, et patrem tuum propter fortunam. 93 CHAP. XXXVII. The dative is often put absolutely, especially after xvtk, /-tev oc^ros kxi k^ccs this : and you desire the same tts qvtos ayca- $u>i noKvg ing up and down through many h ru zhiypos*, ccvco koci »«. round courses, hardly arrive at Tw7rA«vo6w m , ^oAk «-^ t$ mine common men, equally with nat fiocrav^ca o atnvx^v those who are of splendid race. #v0£W7ro?, q &t ywog Actyc- 5. Although excelling none of K#/ iyco roi ovfeig zo the same things with the most *Q%m o Oi^jov. stupid of animals. 96 7. H In one respect, Sophocles O f pgv, 6 avrog w zipt would be the same kind of an imi- pt^ryjg Op^o? Socpox-A*^, tator with Homer, for they borii [Mpuopai yco% ayKpca cnov- represent good men; in another, daiog- o «Tg, A^^o^ocvyjg, with Aristophanes, for they both 7T£ 6 «y«, o'u- of the Grecians would have suffer- ^ o eaa^v o 7rot,%ufM x#jco? ed the present misfortunes. ££&oju«i 8 <*v. 10. Of writers, some made no- O y %»$&*, o pw ovJas thing more than a collection and woAvg y] cwayuyv %ai pi. transcript of the things composed rocyqaQvi o o 7r%z Avviog, n koci Mj?- 11. Quid enim defuit felicitatis illi, qui tales majores ha- buit, quales nemo alius, nisi quis iisdem cum illo ortus ? CHAP. XXXVIII. The Greeks use pgAAw, with an infinitive, to express thfc future, both active and passive, which, in Latin, would be rendered by a participle of the future and the verb sum. 1. He is to be given up. (tra- MgAAw ito^och^^. dendus est). 2. Judas Iscariot the son of Si- lou^*ff2y tf^ot^^u 6 Jiavoia* ing. (dicturus sis). 6. When the nightingale was A^a>v avouftu ^gAA^s. about to be slain, (occidenda' es- set). 7. If Those who are about to be $ voiw s make anything, is ignorant what 7H,7roiia>; he is about to mate ? for he does ov y*% cchoyos Jwa/w aroi- not make it by a power void of *«* reason, (facturus sit), (facturus est). 9. In the (play) Cresphontes E v & Keeo-Qovryf, o Me- Merope is about to kill her son, ^o^ jusaa« o Jio? *7roxTei- and does not kill him, but disco- **, onroKTtivw £i ov, «aa<* vers who he is ; and in the Helle, avayvuvfa 5 - k*i iv o E/A»j> the son, being about to give up o urer, 6 f*y,ry,^ mMupi his mother, finds who she is. (oc- jugAAw, oLvayvcoqity 5 . cisura est), (dediturus). 10. And he was about to do MsAAw 5 fi »v en kou no- still more good things to his sub- Ave gv^mw 3 6 vV^xeo? * jects ; for he had driven the infor- wii koh 6 c-vkoQmtvc J no~ mers from the city, and had or- Ak e

h rvy^avw, Jara^w, yivo^oci, kv^co, z^oo, and some others, are used with participles alter them, to express, what in Latin would be rendered by some tense of a single verb. Participles are often used, instead of the infinitive, after verbs signifying an emotion of the mind. 1. If he always acted soberly, E* (ruQ^ovwlhccTiKuo*, how could he justly have the itmg av futoncag, o ovk g vet- blame, of the evil which was not pi s ocvrog, kxkim ama g^a; in him? (permanebat sobrius es- se). 2. If a companion be polluted, Eotv 6 iroa^og upi pohv- he who touches him must be pol- v^ 7 ', *** o vrog sip* rvy^ocvca 6 am- <*£•£. 3.. We were walking in the Tvy^ot,vca 7ri£i7r*Ttu gv temple of Saturn, in which we q.q K^ovog ig^ov, gv oVttoAv? beaeld many other offerings. [*>& *<** ukhog ma^p* fle- (deambulabamus). «£g«8. 4. What a great desire have &stis ptyagrK t7rAvfjua you raised in us, if these things *[*£*kkca tya, u ovrog ou- are so? And they are so, says he. reag g^w; aaa# u[m, Qqpt, (sunt). oureag t%». 5. I am prepared to obey the Eyca 7roc^c ukt- say this; but be assured I would %ww m kzyca- o Si, r,v pivu> be ashamed to say, that, if ye tt*^ ^w 3 *7ro^o>p'> gv stay with me, I will pay you. (me urtjfM on ovrog jv ^Sarori 7rccvj >c^t€w sc ojV- come, so as to do any of the things h -noma tis og % ^ %%*i noi- which I ought not to do. (desiste- s«. rem contemplari). 1 1 . Gadatas having heard these Akqvw* ovrog* o Tu jp< 3 Jwapai* #v \ 7r%iv 6 rtg Zzvify 5 ayyi~ scii acceperunt). &o?- 13c And during the days, if O h *{**%*, n rig* *io£za> m , on 7tqhoo s ttqi- to thee, for the sake of Jonathan g« 3 ^ta cue gAgor, Ji* Iw- thy father, (faciam). v#Q#v o 7r#T*j£ a (ru. 15. They knew that Socrates, E^ga> 3 2«k£#t>j?, #tt© from the smallest possessions, liv- sA^u? /*gv xW*> avr ~ ed most contentedly, and was most #£xs, o ^ov>j g 3 en-iT^efl-w, them, I predict to you, that you 7r^oAg^&> j p n$ *- time to be some thunder and rain, p# ywoftai 6 , kmi JJ&>£, o the season of the year being now sto? ir^og [mtq7tco%qv y\$yi near to the end of Autumn, (ac- e 0VK heard that he was in Elatea, but <*v ocvrog oacovco zh gv EA#rg<# upon our own borders, (esset), s*ju*, <*aa# tni o ^gre^c? (audivissemus esse). o$iov d . 20. Will you not first tell me, Ovk av d Agyw, g*- if you have perceived that 1 know tis #j 7r&%£ikw jug cu oqxu 2 , wrong, there are laws about all upi vopog -M^t not,g* y km things, and punishments, and tri- t^o^i*, km ayuv, km kqi- als, and judgments, having severe out into the deep, and let down us o /3<*0os-, km £*a* f«° /££g%« 5 oc^og the edge of my lip, when flowing o %giAo? a , *#« . 30. As then you know and are as p iv ovv Su o -n^vy- persuaded, that all persons should jcovP 7ro»?w sGgAw uVc^* be ready, willing to do their duty, etnas IroifAos, «? ^vw>cw^ I cease to speak of it. (ultrovelle), eru p kqu 7rg»6« 7 «, 7r<*vw m Ag^ (desistoloqui). ^a>. 31. When the Assyrian knew o A** 9 orders two or three chariots, Qivyu mXivu d$y,<* s^avi- and a few cavalry, to spring t# o vinaa. (vincendi). 6. It is time for you to depart K#/£g?Agvw m , o 7rAg«rw dering, and consulting, (quaeren- x% ov °s ? honoring, and bestowing gifts, rtpaca, Ka,i%ct,^fypot,i, 6rav when I admired any of the sol- rig ocyufypcuv o c7g#Ti«« diers. (faciendo), (honorando), tv\$. (donando). 105 9. Socrates acts unjustly, in khwca Xwjc^t^?, oV pw not acknowledging those gods, o iraKig voju«£w Ogo?, ou vo- whom the city acknowledges, (ag- 4 ui£o>. noscendo). 10. I went to you, to see how Eyca n^og c^ gvjA d . 15. And what decrees have Qicpot, %&•:& o 7fKqv, -iau ing, and striking, and killing them. /3*AAa>, k*i khtukohvu. (persequendo), (feriendo), (interi- mendo). O 106 17. This is the way leading to Ovrog zifxiooJog, 6 ay® true learning, and it is very difii- rc^og o ahv^vog iru-thta, cult in appearance, (aspectu). *<** \*>clKo, yi yj*Kvxaq tt^o- 18. He was quick in speaking, T<*%v? Kiyu jwgv, %^og $z and with his quickness a certain yi avrog o r&x vg ntda rig persuasion sat upon his lips, (lo- g7n/t#0*£« 2 vm 6 ^€iAo? d e quendo), 19. To love too much is the OKiav $iteu a o py QiKtu cause of not loving, (amandi). «mov. 20. Women are quick in find- teivos o ywy iv^cku ing devices, (inveniendo). nx v n- 21. The historian and poet do O lnos kcu 6 ttq tyryg, not differ in their expressing things ov o v\ g^g-r^o? Myco >? in verse or in prose ; for were the a^ir^og £tot,Qii>a- zi[M d yao writings of Herodotus put into av 6 H^o^orog ug just^ov t*» metre, they would nevertheless be 0>;p a,f , nai ovJug™ putlog a history in metre, as well as with- av g

j avzv pgr^ov. aa- the one telling things as they really x& ovrog JWcpg^&s 6 o a ^gv are, the other, as they may be. o yivopcAfi tey®, o fo } oiog (loquendo), (narrando). «v yivoiAon^. 22. A person may know the Mtkur living, (a vivendo). ov 7ravca m '\ 107 24. When he was prevented E-jni^yj Tr^atta ctvtog from doing public duties himself, kwAvw 2 6 notitiKogV™, Jioo by being employed about greater o a aai m^i [Atyag* aK,d7ro- who have published their opinion avta? # when it is mingled into the form «V7s (p^ovying yiwaoo, It cm of another body? (acogitando). uglti^g nAMcis zyKatx- (A>iyvv[M 5 cca^a; 26. De rebus incertis vero, oracula consultum mittebat suos, an suscipienda essent. 27. At iste certe pater tuus aptior est ad docendum minus quam plus habere. 108 CHAP. XLI. Verbal adjectives, governing a dative of the agent, and the case of their own verbs, are used to signify necessity, 1. We must not overcome wo- Ov crfovog viHyreov (lyta) men by force, (vincendas sunt), yvvy;. 2. If it be not possible to be Av py upi n^os o jt#Ao? nc saved with honor, we must choose c-u^ea, Qavarog tya *<^tmv death, (mors eligenda est nobis). s/ ( u/. 3. All those who speak, and you O Xtyw ot7rotg 3 kui q who hear, must choose the best clkqvw € 3 kxi o q things pleasing to the multitude, noAvg Joku s 7rtQi m 6 fltog. sapienti). . 5. But first we ought to exa- Eyw it iKuvog $K»7ro$y- mine, whether there be any art of nov iv *£%>?, il € 'P v '^o? sublimity or depth ; for some per- rig y\ /3&0o$- nx vv \' inn rig sons think that they are quite mis- oAw? otopou howaroi,(a\hv* taken, who would reduce such o roiovrog uyw s ug rz^vwog things to artificial precepts, (nobis 7ri cl^ocriiar^g Its- (auxilium a vobis negotiis feren- qog. dum esse). log 7. I think that a person should O? o ugi notepog e^yv captivate those, whom he would now ng fiovhopat a-mi^yog wish to make willing assistants of tt^oOu/ao?, ovrog -km tew as, the works of war, by all good tyw ytSow, ayalog 0»j^- words and deeds, (captandosesse). tsov g

2 } cv#{ &C.). QV$t iyu 7T#£#Agi7TT€0V. 10. Si quis, quum tibicen bonus non sit, videri velit, quid ei faciendum sit ? An non imitandi boni tibicines in iis quae sunt extra artem ? ac primum quidem, quum illi instrumenta pulchra habeant, multosque pedissequos eir- cumducant, etiam ipsi hjtk iyw*y(>uj cc$, x*i \tyut z n^g &kxy\- is this, that the sea and the winds Awv Tig a^ct upi ovrog, on obey him ? o baXourta, %ai 6 avisos V7TCC}LQVCti ocvrog ; 4. Then, O Pythagoras, we TowTzvhv, fuimw 2 , u> eat a splendid supper, consisting UvQayoqag, ttoAvovJ/o? rig of many kinds of meat, laid on *#* 7TQMiAog £ti7rvov, tnt much gold and silver; and there x$ vouog, -aoh ^ove* foons. ovgyog, x#i yzXcaT07foiog. 5. You awakened me being 2u tyco ttaout^, kmi j- rich, enjoying the most pleasant fvs ovu^og d s, p^g^ovAo^p^ov confess that you are not injured by *<** 3 e;tg*vt*t nag vfyig gvu- with every kind of abuse, at last, Q^oo 5 , tiAqs, KooSccq- carrying them thus insulted, they pcti^s us o%zrog gurra threw them into the sewers. . 10. Ye have seen, in the come- O^w, gv A%i, (pao-no* rg xzqqQm- walked in the air, and babbling Tgw, jM&*«A.Ao?7roA.u$ cpAv*- much other folly. %i<* $au#§s«. 11. Populo amicus erat, et una fugit hanc fugam. 12. Videntes autem stellam, gavisi sunt gaudio magno valde. 112 CHAP. XLIIL Verbs of sense, with the Attics, take an accusative. 1. It is not safe for you to say, Ovk oarQxXyg outs g o- as you see, being able to be im- §#&>, abotvocrog ^ixt^wocucci. mortal. 3. Now ye seek to kill me, who Nuv &tm tyca a7rox,Tu~ have spoken the truth to you, vus, 6$ o oc\y}hioc A<*Aga> which I heard from God : Abra- og cmouco na^a 6 ©w ham did not this. ovrog kQ^ot,^ ov noma. 4. Every one. loves his own n<*$ o oiKiiog i^yov aya- work. 7ruco. 5. If And why need I speak u^i piv o x.o; Uyt iha, ry day from them, ideas, and in- koci aa-apa, kxi onopog, corporeals, and atoms, and va- >cgvo? ne , k p5 , tot& 6 pi^og- - and blessed him. nov avrog, kmi ivhoyiu otu- rof. 8. Esau, my brother, is a hairy E*p Hz. 9. Bonum gustaverunt Dei verbum. 10. Audio haec de te. 11. Sejitiunt praesentia. CHAP. XLIV. Participles and adjectives are often put, by attraction, in the same case with the noun or pronoun to which they refer. The Attics often put the relative, by attraction, in the same case with the antecedent ; and sometimes the antece- dent in the same case with the relative. relative attracted by the antecedent. 1. In his righteousness that he Ev o Smociqc-vvv oevrog 6g hath done he shall live. no iia> 5 £#« m . 2. Your body is the temple of O cupa > ovft px^ov account of the things which you ovrog hi** v) oV <£<~ ven me, because the}' are thine. <^p ty®, on cog gtpi. 5. And now, O father, glorify K*< vw £q%*& 5 iyco ?. 8. And some of the disciples 2uvg£%ojw#*6 Si koci d from Cassarea came with us, bring- ju*0>?t>j? ano Kaitraquoc a . never to be wise. 10. My wretched fate. T^>j i^ag tAj^wv*. 11. The finest tragedies are O xaAog T(>oiya>fict, trwrt- composed about Alcaemon, and 6^; -m^i aa*//*^ 3 , noa Oedipus, and Orestes, and others OihTrovg, kui Q^goV, xai to whomsoever it has happened o 5 ex, o o^ct^iov og maty vvv. 15. At every disagreeable ap- Um q>ocvroi, or* you think you are able to live vopify a?ju* o 2w- persons were mad, who explored a^oiT^g, d ju#vtsuoju#*&, oV bp divination the things, which d ocvfyunos SiScapi d ©iog the gods permitted men learning jw^O^v JiuKqivca- cp^p m5d , 116 19. His eunuchs and servants o jwsv twovxos mi 6 h~ dug a grave for him, when he ^cLitm ccvrog g o£ocij o 4 died , and his wife sits on the t£Asut#« 5 ' • 6 h ywv) xx- ground, having adorned her hus- by^ou x^* 1 * notpwi 6s band with whatever things she e^a o *vi;£, o>cg$aAty#vTo? had, and having his head upon her s^w vici o yow d - knees. 20. What then does the God T«? ttots Agj/w o ©so? ; say? For indeed I am not con- tyca y*% Sy, outs piyoi outs scious to myself that I am wise, epngov, 6 s povov 6 T£V0 7g . 8. I would wish that we had Eye* x^\l* pzv K$o So- to those for whom it may be re- vug, Mapt, 6g »v Su, &#i quisite, and to honour, and be- T^uocca^oci Jugiopat o j

ccvrog m ag 6 ovopde father, and of the son, and of the o 7rctr^ 9 k^o vtog } %ui 6 holy ghost. dyios rvivfAoc. 3. I say that expression is the Azyoo Ag|#? upi o t0o£gw ; O then did Ulyssus escape ? j £,*- sitting on the ground, and the f^oci ko,6vi[a>ch 9 kch q vikqqs dead man lying, he wept for the ku^ui, ^ock^w re vjci o misfortune, and said, Alas ! O 7r«0o? d , x,gv, « good and faithful soul, thou art aycttiog km 7riv;p7, gone then having left us ! oix°p*i h airoXmm™- iya. 7. There are internal sensations Aoyog tv iKourlog* zyca, og f in each of us, which we call sAttk ovo/a#£«. hopes. 8. Think that the hearing of Uyiopai 6 cMovo-pott many things is better than much 7roAA# naKvg upi x%yp* riches ; for the latter speedily pe- ayabog- o piv y<*(> ret^us rish, the former endures for ever ; M7roAii7r(o, 6 $t nag 6 x$o- for wisdom alone, of all posses- vo? 7r*%<*fMvw eoQioc yoc^ sions, is immortal. povog, 6 *\npcL 9 #0 Ma-tog*. 9. The barbarians are, by na- $vctg 9 to $a%Q f #AA>?Aw f would turn themselves to impede nouca, rpnta* Tt^og o fix- each other ; or if the two feet kuK\ju qlkKyjKu- q zi o novg would impede each other ,• would zpnodity mkkyiKu- qvk xv it not be great ignorance, and un- 7roAv? upoftia upi, kmi k&- happiness? KoSaipovioc, ; 6. They two went reluctant O Sz c&zkm Goitvu 6 ira^a big along the shore of the barren sea, dhg xr^jyzrog, Mv^fjuSw and came to the tents and ships of $z mi rz x,hi 5 ovJug. 2. Why do I say these things ? T*? ht%& ovrogteyca ; I- That ye may know, that nothing v& g*o€z$og- tive ; nor, if you be negligent, any outs, uv o?wy w£go> a , to/outo? thing such as you wish. otog m g» /BouAo^**. \ 3. I would not pay even an ob- Ou* av s - kmi ya% av 6 aKhog escape others, you will be consci- Accy^vco 6 czocvrov yz cwzih- ous to yourself. <*> a3 . 9. ^ When he saw him unable &? ogxta avrog ov p 2 kai ovk j ow pvifo f zyw\ thee. So that we may boldly say, Kv^og zyco d fio^og, km q\> the Lord, is my helper and I m olkqv- viiing, and blaming each other, «, y, kcu o inoog TgAwvjj?. 7. Having seen the star, and E*^« 6 6 a7roAgjWo$-, o h, c-vppa- in war, and partly, having made X *™* **' i«*t»j- ments, and keepeth them, he it is qzoo tivrog, ewvosupto ocya- who loveth me ; and he who loveth 7r»u *yw 1 $i ayomau iyu> 3 me, shall be beloved by my Fa- cLy»7r»(av7ro6 7ra>T^tyuc ther. 13. Pay ye the things which are kirQ$i$a>pi 6 o KaiQiog. which are God's to God. 14. T[ Poverty, and meddling O d a(>ysu* s xot,i with other people's affairs, follow iiropaio** a-xQ^iu^ai o uh- laziness and indolence. Aot^o? 7roKv7r^y^QVica. 15. This word, " man" or, O ^gv, avfycavogj yj, Agu- " white," does not denote the aog ne , ov nqocipaiviorQ no* time when ; but this, " he walks" «• o ne Jz } fiahfy, >?, /3*j- Hercules. vmog u^i o H^^Ag^. 17. Horum minime est, qui prudentiam exercent, vim inferre ; sed illorum est, qui vires habent absque consilio, talia facere. 18. Quo autem modo mihi visus sit familiaribus suis pro desse, partim opere semetipsum demonstrans, qualis esset, partim colloquiis usus, scribam. ELLIPSIS. EAAEI^IS EST DEFECTUS VOCIS UNIUS DUARUM VEL PLURIUM, QUAE AD INTEGRAM ET JUSTAM STRUCTURAM REQJJIRUNTUR. L> Bos. 126 CHAP. L, Nominum, Participiorum et Pfonominum. 1. Qui nesciat, Ephesiorum civitatem aedituam esse magnae deae Dianae, et simulacri ab Jove deiapsi. 2. Qui quam vacuam reperit, plenam reddiddit urbem bonorum. 3. Sum statua Phanodici, filii Hermocratis Proconesii. 4. Quidam de Asiae principibus, qui erant amici ejus, miserunt nuncios ad eum. 5. Postridie sublatis anchoris navigabamus. 6. Alexander autem ex Onchesto tollens cursum. 7. Moriens autem ad amicos respiciens, Magnos, inquit ludos funebres video mihi futuros. 8. Ex sereno et puro as re ambiente sonuit vox. 9. Proposuit victorise prasmia totis ordinibus. 10. Qua de causa Trojani decern annis restiterunt Grse- corum conatibus. 11. Si quod est in hoc viro crimen, accusent eum. 12. Non invenientes causam, quomodo punirenteos. 13. Piaustris onerariis imposuit ligna. 14. De desertis vitibus putabat se adeo facile decerpturum uvas. 15. Ea quae ad Deum pertinent. 16. Dicunt homines. 17. Nam et hoc de mortuis dici consuevit. 18. Omnibus hominibus notum est. 19. A teneris unguiculis. * 20. Qui cum diceret cauponam earn magno pretio ven» dere. 21. Quadragis quidem fecerunt. 22. Rursus de novo principio seditionis moverunt adver^ sus se invicem. 23. Vi se urbe expulsos caussati, ab imperatore qui tunc in Italia imperium obtinebat. 24. Hastasque et scutum bovinum. 25. Et levato artemone secundum aurae fiatum. 127 CHAP. L. 1. 02 ov yivwmiu rv}V Ev 7ro\iv via)K6(>Q%w, ovng avTca CptAoj, TTi^ocvng it^og clvtov, . Act. 19. 5- TjJ g7rjOU ri ftt^ rcav oi^ouivcav k&i rotovro, Liban. 18. Ej? £7r' #AA»jAo;og tov TOTg KOtTg^OVTO? KXTOt, T»JV It#Aj#V jf^gpOVO?. DlOll. HallC. 24. K*» ^ov^flt-Jtflu J3flg»ijv. . Anacr. 25. K#t €7Tflft^yTgff tov #pts,wov# tv\ 7rvgcv7TicifAQVTi$ . Jp$3.n. 28. UifA7TTca «Tg erg* t^? AfittfleSyuov . Pausan. 29' AiOJtAfjS' gV TiJ T^/TJJ T^? E7ri£(>0f/,V}$ JV TToAiV, OUcT g7H TS KQIVQV . Thucyd. 33. E* $1 7T0T i$ yt jLUXV j3ouAgV?0/-4gV. Hom. 34. XJCOTTgiV CC^IO) KQlVq KQt>i 0"g KOtl gJXg. XeilOpllOn. 35. C>V% QTl Y\$YI ZhCC&QV , If Yl$Y\ TtTZAttCdUXL Pill- lip. 3. 36. MgT# TQVTQ IjVOlfgV I&>€ TO cfloyiM OtUTQW, %#* KOCTyflXtfCtTQ t>jv jjjug^atv aurou. Job. 37- ii? okrQtvtfltgta trctgvg* x&> yvrautKita ocTTovifxovrig n~ p?v. 1 Pet. 3. '38. A?v«v octf li^ocg „ r^^zro r& 97tm^o(>T(X> rvjg a^v\VYig cnrQ^nrrtiV, Philo. 45. SzvityvToLTiva ucQi^zig ug rag ocaoocg yj^cov. Act. 17< , 46. Tcvg KiVQVg KMl VWCTg£lVOUff TOOV (/I^OlTZVfAXrUV

o€oC»; 7i7Tig1cav .. 1 Cor. 10* 48. Iv<# gJC TTOAAWV 7T(>0(rh)7ru)V TO g/5" JJ^^C %CL(ii* Six noXXm z\)%&(>nr7Y}fy >jVg£ vifxm. 2. Coi\ 1. 49. EMnQtvyas <*> AotQzg. Aristoph, 50. K<541 7TfltA^V Z^yV 52. n^^^Agjjv wpoigiv a^wv, Horn. 53. AAA#jt*U£l#l KOITMTQV tVtQt-VT&V- L.iJCldf", R 130 $4. Nequaquam putp pessibile est magnum et juvenilem animum eos accipere, qui parva agunt. 55, Gloria Deo in altissimis habitaculis. 86. Jussit eos qui possent natare, projicere se primos, et ad terram ex ire. 57. Regum sententiam immobilem se habere decet. 58. Armeniam et vicinas eidem gentes Lucullus debel lavit, 59. Secundum patriae morem. 60. Singulis diebus, 61. Didicit, ex iis quae passus est, obedientiam. 62. Nondum erat spiritus sanctus effusus ; qui Jesus non dum erat glorificatus. 63. Postquam et mihi dicendi potestatem fecistis. 64. Ssepe blandis verbis alloquutus est. 65. Et a foro venientes, nisi loti fuerint, non edunt. 66. Quot annos natus es ? 67. Qui citharam tenet. 68. Incolarum mansuetum et mite est ingenium. 69. Virtutem a juvenili setate cole. 70. Vespere Sabbathi quae lucescit in primam diem Sabbathi. 71- Multa quidem in terra, multa autem in mari humido. 72 Gubernator autem jam lucescente sole anchoras cum sustulisset. 73. Non ab optimo animo, i. e. sine dolo, ad rempubli- cum aceeduBt. 74. Alhisque alii sacra faciebat immortalium deorum. 75. In severarum Dearum tern plum. 76. Qui mollia vestimenta gestant. 77. Nunc vero me victam malis navigare velis contracts oribus oportet. 78. In praesenti tempore. 79. Interea. 80. Cum producunt arbores fructum scnis quod jam prope est aestas. 81. Et ait iili Petrus, ^Snea, sanet te Jesus Christus. surge et sterne tibi lectum. 131 54. Ecr7< £' ov£z7Tqt oifxoa piyx kxi vixvtxov (Qgovypx A#£gjv piKQt* 7T%arr1ovTjv vtfxkovjv. Heb. 5. 62* OUTTO) }fV TTVcVfJLX XyiQV • On lv\QX7m£oi)VTXl s ovx, gcrOi- ovM *J^S£GV %Xl 7T(>X0V iffliV . ./Elian. 69. A££T>JV gK V€#? XtfKil 70. Ov}/g %QVT&S- Plat. 74. AAAo? oGa,\Uzj /3gAo?. Horn, 94- T# 7t^t<» gM T&VT& Xen. 96- T0Uf g7H T<*^g TCU Tot,V(>Q\J XtfTOIXOUVTtflT . Polyb- 97" Te^v>j jv qpiirtiotv ty}S clgotTiotiS ZTTccyo^zvog , Dion. Hal. 100 Ou y#£ ftzyzftzt twv #£gTO>v, aKKoi, aou tw TrAqGg* sroAu kzi7ro[MVQ$ 6 Avcim. Longin. 101. Mwv ovv iuvYjQvis ^tj;V g/TiVgVOJjXgVtf* g- ^ayg. Lucian. 107. n^ojwy x#* t*jv car* B#£uA«vo?. Xeil» 108. Tocvrtj nut Txvrct, zhzyzro. Plat. 109. TOU? X#T#. T»JV AcH^V g^OVTiSif . Jfeil 110. Eff"7iv auTOif ayogoi, gvO# Tot rg $cL Kv*|*w *y gT * # # Xen. 132. Aous- cTg oivrca iTcxi&g rg jc^ 4"*^ Arrian 133. OTthirli&g gvrovg (piAovg zvTQig yzvzQhioig . Xen 134- Ato T g? «r^ » 0JVfl6ff eW T€W gTTo/ouvro' 1 hucyd. 135. Aug t# #?roygifl& # Luci- 136. rig£j£g£Aj^gvo? (TivJqvm %%i yvpvov . MaTC 137. jj£ £# ifftcyjg ffoer^tSog. Luci. 139. Entry Iff woe, peyxtQfovu. Aristoph- ta? At ^" vw » s * t>j? "j^" 5 " gT W^? . Aristoph, 14 1- ©cevarcocroviriv zi; vpcov . Lucas 1^2. Oujc g(rT/v flfiv^i o/o) Zcvxpctrn tj/gu^g rvis ffoKeag oiKo^o^kura,. LliCian ri/vouo-* oVov gc7*v dfiffoHrxt. Julian- 136 147- Ego vero existimo orationetn hancce noil expcdire civitati, et praeter hoc minime justam esse- 148- Nunc- quidem ad mensam hospitalem te invitamus 149- Cani capilli caput coronant. 150. Ne accipiant hi judiciale triobolum. 151. Ipse dixit, se dudum hoc desiderare, et studere omni modo. 152. Propino tibi, in salutem ducis Herculis. 153. Lotus oceani aqua. 154. Quam profundum dormivisti somnum. 155. Per vanam suspicionem nobis ipsis fingebamus timores. 156. Via, quae ducit ad salutem. 157. Coeperunt una voce omnes excusare. 158. Ad utramque partem fluvii. 159. Dextra manu Dei exaltatus. 160. Una manu aquam, altera ignem ferebat. 161. Zenothemis utraque manu, altera naso, altera oculo prehenso. 162. Duplicem marmoream laenam. 163. Populus, in omni re, jam facilis ipsis evaserat. 164. Res bene se habet. 165. Fiiios divites hortantur parentes, ut servent sua bona. 166. Messenii victoriam brevi tempore Lacedemoniis dederunt. 167. Pro mortuis erogare etiam volo pecunias. 168. Pro viribus date eleemosynam. 169.' Ex quo tempore. 170. Paul ulum et non videbitis me. 171. Nisi imperium brevi dissolutum fuisset- 172. Sufficiet ipsis interim vel hoc supplicium- 173- In omni montana regione dlvulgabantur cuncta- 174. Hie non consenserat consilio illorum. 175- iVcceptam cladem ingenuo animo non retulit. 176- Pater noster qui es in coelis- 177- Qui in foro merces permutant- 178* Ex quo tempore patres sopiti sunt 137 147. Eya> Si yyovfAMi rov Koyov rovSi cLffvptyopov tjj 7ToA?/. ftMf Si KXl QV SlKC&lQV.. DdnOS. 148. Nuv fjtiv S7n %iviot a kolAqvuzv. Luci. 149. Uohiou kxpxv j, 7r&kai tovto gTnSvpeiv, xzi J tt^o? coarr^ictv 157- H^|fl6VT0 Ot TO Wiit? 7T#£#JTgJt# uocpu&Piqv . HoiTl. 163. O Syjixog, us 7T6Cj^>j Titacnro? ^uto/j g^gyovgi* Plut. 164. Kjvjo; t*jv vtKyv q\j Sicc [axkpov Aot,KzSo<,ifjt.Q- vioig iSooK&v. Polyaen* 167. MgAAw yz viai mnvav viri(> vzK^cav. Luci. 168. Ta, iVQvr Son eA^uocvvjjv- Lucas- 169. E|ou . Hom. 170. Mh^ov ^<*i ov Ogw^giTg jitg. Joan* 171. E< ^^ jj #£;/>j <^# Tflt^swv )t^TgAuO)j. Plat- 172. I>C^V>J gV TOCTOUTW KU'i CAWY] TipC)0(>l& ilflcCi #VTOif, Luci. 173- Ev oAij tjj o^givjj SaKocKitro ?r otvrct- Lucas. 174. OUTO? OUX, >JV crvyKOi,TOt,Ti$U[JI>tVQf TJJ /SouAtJ &UT&JV. Lucas. 175. Tjjv jj'rlflfrv ^Tr* gu§gj#$- ovx, g(p£#jua>v, 6 gv To;? ov^voif. Matt 177. O; gv tjj ctyoQcc ^gT^SofrAAOjUgvo; . Xen, 178- k($ v\$ 01 Tt&TiQZS iKQlfAr^^CXY. 2. I tt» s 138 VERBORUM. 179.. Desiderium me tenet audiendi quid dicturus sis. 180. Hoc Cinyras nymphis sacravit rete. 181. Vendidit quemcunque cepit abducendum trans mare indomitum. 182. Et a foro venientes, nisi laventur, non edunt. 183. Necessitas consilii urget me et te. 184. Vide ne facias. 185. Si vero velintet ipsi. 186. Aliae eventurae erant, aliae jam praesentes. erant. 187. Judicavit mori oportere virum. 188. Per Jovem rogo lit una mecum sis. 189. Da O Jupiter, ne prius sol occidat, et tenebrae ad- veniant. 1 90. Dona ad ferentes, quanta quisque poterat. 191. Mirum est, quantum praestant. 192. Veni hue in terram, quamcunque ostendero tibi. 193. Alexander Aristoteli salutem apprecatur. 194. Ab avo meo accepi moris esse candidi. 195. Nunc vero istos dicam, quotquot Pelasgicum Argos habitabant. 196. Si quidem dabunt praemium magnanimi Achivi, desinam. 197. Quid non ego tibi, quid non tu praestitisti mihi? 198. At ille inquit, majus est. 199. Vereor ne quis. mihi Danaorum succenseat. PRAEPOSITIONUM. 200. Non darem triobolum pro Diis. 201. Eunt per campum. 202. Multos perlabores in meas venit man us. 203. Propter ea me aspiciebas. 204. Propter quid me tentatis ? 205. Sequemur in tuam gratiam. 206. Expectans in venientem diem. 207. Lupum ex auribus teneo. 208. Hie peiopa genuit, ex hoc autem x\treus natus. 209. Cum in Sunium sacrum pervenimus. 139 179. UoQog navv pg, o, t* Qoovug g^gj. Aristoph. 180. Toug vu ( w$*/f Kivu^s- ToJ^g Siktvqv. Epigr. 181. Hl^Ot,jV dhog &,T(>vyz- TQio. Horn. 182. Koci ot,7To ayogoig , eocv py $ot,TrTiioi. Aristoph. 189. Zgv — pv\ 7T(>iv iit jjgAiov ivvect, kmi ztti ymiQm gA- ©gtv. Horn. 190. Aw^ rg, #$■ IkoktIoi (pg^ovrg?. x\rrian. 191. A/Jv ccv (Tqi $u%ca. Act. 193. AAg£<*veJ^o$- A^«f. Eurip. 203. T^vt* *£<* X(»i gvg^*? jwo;. Xen. 204. Ti ^g 7rgi^fgTg ; Marc. 205. E^o ( ug9# t>jv jv %#£jv. Aristoph, 206. T>jv ugiov. 208. OUTO? jv, ptXXu. Aristoph. 215. n#v QvipcL ocgyov, C&i J/SO? o'v 5Cfl6TgAg/7TOV. Hoill. 218 A7re%c»)$-/]7T0V TOV Jzt%$ZVTOV $Ag7Tg;V. iEH. 229. &? gv ov£#v«, jc^< g7Tf t^s- )/>j?. Matth. 230. Ttov yt^irm g* fxy rig in^oxn fihz7ru. Aristot. 231. E? Tg t^v ngAo7rovv»j(rov eirftaftw oitz eQikriot, rig yzvyiriTai. Thucyd. 232. liVXl TV,V ZTCl (W#TOl' • 233. Koci jv t^*. Theoph. 142 236. Jussit eos duci ad mortem. 237. Nonne stultum est, quod miser ego domo hue adve- nerim nudo capite. 238. Si ego satis doceo vos, quales erga vos invicem esse oporteat, bene se res habet ; sin vero minus. 239. Qomodo enim tibi dabunt praemium magnanimi Achivi ? nam inique postulas. 240. Non solum castra posuit in solitudine circa plata- num ; sed et pretiosum ex ea ornatum suspendit. CHAP. LL OF THE ANCIENT EGYPTIANS. 1. THOSE Egyptians who live in the cultivated parts of the country are of all whom I have seen, the most ingenious, being attentive to the improvement of the memory beyond the rest of mankind. To give some idea of their mode of life : for three days successively in every month they use purges, vomits and clysters ; this they do out of attention to their health, being persuaded that the diseases of the body are occasioned by the different elements received as food: Besides this, we may venture to assert, that after the Afri- cans there is no people in health and constitution to be com- pared to the ^Egyptians. To this advantage the climate, which is here subject to no variations, may essentially con- tribute : changes of all kinds, and those in particular of the seasons, promote and occasion the maladies of the body. To their bread, which they make with spelt, they give the name of cyllestis ; they have no vines in the country, but they drink a liquor fermented from barley ; they live princi- pally upon fish, either salted or dried in the sun : they eat also quails, ducks, and some smaller birds, without other preparation than first salting them ; but they roast and boil such other birds and fishes as they have, excepting those which are preserved for sacred purposes. 143 . 236- E*gAgv7roi>x^voti . Act. 237- To i tvjv *v ccttiko [Ayjv . T^07T« ^g £o*j? ToiwcTg $v\ ^icavrocr crv^oti^ovct rgzig vjfAZQag ZTVz%v\g fj,y\- VOg ZKOLtrloV, ZU>iTOl vo[m£qv- rzg 0C7TQ rcav rqzQovrcav eiricav irae&g rocg vovcovg roun ccvfyunrouri yivztr^aci. E«n ftzv y#£ koci ccKKcag Aiyvnrioi [Azroc AiGvag vyitj- qzarloiTQi TV&vrcav ocv^ca7Tcav, rcav ca^zcav (g^uo* donzztv) hvzx.<&, on ou fj,ZT<&Kocx^zcavron % ov y&(> 7rtKoi' *;£0v«v J*g rovg jiasv, TT(>Qg ykiov acw]vccvrzg 3 capovg cirzovroci, rovg $' g£ ahfAqg TZT(>t%z\JUZVQvg' o^vi^cav $z rovg rz o^rvyocg, %&i rag vvi zvj Sz rytfi (TuvoiKi^cn ivScuy-Qd c&vTiuiv, i'/rzMv dire ozi7rvov yzvuvrc&i, Trtqrtytqu m%(> vgit^ov zv crc^w |vA;vcv TTeTTOJ^gvov, ^g^ui- [A*I[A,IVQV iq T<% fjt.»kicla,, KClt y (>&$*, KCLl Z^yco' fAiyatioq OCTQV Tg 7T&VTV) irq^vatiov, >j_ dNflr^t)?' SziKwq St ixxiflco rcov cvfj,7TQTZOJv , Agj^s/, Efl" TOUTOV 0£gV TOiOV- ?<3? # T#UT# Ugl> "K&Q > <& TM qv^%QT*jV KCtt fAGWqV (T^KTl yZVZ- QV- rxt. Avn rov 7T^Q(rotyo^vztv ccKK^Kovq sv Tijtfi oSoftri 7T^o l TQV yOWOCTOq TY\V X il ^ CC ' 5. EvlS' i7fl TQVTQkTI Sz Zl^iVZCC h^CCTCi Xzv'iLtt, ZTTCi- vocQXqSov (po^goutrr OU fMV TO* g? }/g T<» l(>ct> zcQzoztcu ZIQIV2M, ovS'i OtTiQV {JsOhoyZOVtri dS TOLVTCt, TOlCi O^(pijco<Y}fJLZV0C UZig Tg KKl V UZ- ^z biCMrli (jioov oTiv zy} rz^arog, V $i Qg#V ,UgTg|gT££0«n. Koii ya,(> H^xAgo? jAocvTmov avroQi zMY! Kara roc$Yj iyg vovtrov zaadlog lYjr^og teli, kxi ov ttKzovcov 7rctvr& A' iy.tqwv g, ocpQ^Awwv iiiTQoi KccTttrlzxffi. 6i $z, %iV. 9. ©fiqVQl t#l Tfltj, to Q»jAv j/gvo? 7T#v to gx. rcav qikvJiw tovt&iv x&t uv z7tKoLjv %v\Kod yj xoci TO TT^OtTOTTOV. X#7TgZVOt>lj koci (potivovccci toi>? f^cc^ovg' Qzg r\J7Trovro!,t, z7rz^co Oi pgv yct(> $v\ tov HooA^v^yiCcov z^ovrzg G^jj- Xg$", X.MI V7TZ(> kiroKKMiYig Tg X,Otl MztTocfA&Qiyg 7T(A)KlOg OlY.Y\lAZVOl, KCt,- Agy/^gvo/ ^g KvqfMcivoii, y.cli Mv\|/«iOi, ccuoc^ri crtpzccg oovrovg not^zSo- colv Aocgziu). Oi «Tg Tzroci^ npog ayvtafAoirvvyiv r^Troy.zvoi, ocvtikoc z^ovAco^y}tOVTJtf T^iflfr g^OVOV #AAOi (pocuzvoi 1MV OCvS^OC KOCXQV ilVOCl. AtTiyfCCUlVOl Si TOVTQV, OCKAOV CC7r07Fi(A7T QV- cr iVTihhovroct Si art ^covrt. qvtoi ot oevrot Quints aoct 7T(>os fiflovryv n vcoct aQV, 12. £1$ Si lyot 7TVV^AVQfJC0Cl TCOV TOV EAAvjCTTOVTOV OiJtgOVTWV EA- A)JV#V XOCl OOVTOV, TOV ZoCUOh^iV TOVTQV lOVTOl UvfydOTTQV , SovAiVCOCt iv l^ocpoo- SovAivc-ott SiYlvfyotyogv] rep Mvyj%QV gvfigtmv Si oevrov yivofMvov gAgvGg^ov, y^^pocroc KTv}jjvwv ov too oc•*]) KocTocffXivoc- ffoccQou oovSpzoovoc, iq rov 7rocvSoKivovroc rcov occlcov rovg ttpcotqvs, noct ivco^iovroc, ocvocSiSoccKiiv cog ovn oevrog, ovn ot cvpTroroct oev- rov, OVTl Ot 2K rOVTiCOV OClii ytVO/XcVOl OC7Y0^0CViQVTOLl, uhh' Vj^ovcri i? %CO%OV TOVTQV hoC OCil TTlQlZOVTig 2^0V(Tt TOC 7T0CVT0C CtyetQot,' iV CO Si iTCQtii roC KQCTOC\i%plVTOC, KCCl ikiyi TOCVTOC, gV TQVTCO KOCTCtyctlQV 01' KYjfAOC iTTQliiTQ' COCT Si Ot 7TOCVTiKiOOg ityi TO OlK^jJCOC, g5C fJCiV TOiV ®{>t{iKM Y&OCVKT^Yl' KOCTCiCag Si KCCTW ig TO KCCTOCyOCtOV QlV.YiyLCl, SlCll- TOCTQ i7C iTiOCrglOC' 01 Si fJAV 27fQ^iQV Tg %OCl i7TiV$iQV COg TlQviWTOi* nrot^rca Si irii i(pocvr, roari 0^i"|< s kcci ovtco 7ri§ccvoc jV ^SJCgW iQg, X ut ~ (>lT(ti. QVTQl fXiV Jy] Tf>07TC*> TQIOVTCO %f>tl*){AiV0l 9 COS g;£g*£0>9>Ji(>i[A\>cu. Kctv oKiyov vvx.Tog Tig i7Ti^otvffyjffi tov vttvqv, hl$Vl$lQV do^V'ogUfHV Z<&lfflol[MVCU {AlklS WV & l . I%$vog ccyg'cvTYiozg opcag Svokuvtq yz^GVTZg, 2,T()it)ffCt[AlVQl B^UOV dVOV V7TQ TThi'ATGlig x,ah.v£ciiffi, Kgx-A^gvo; TQi%u tw (QvAAivu)' lyyvQi 3' oivTOiv KgJTO TOt> TOLIV X il $ 0lV &favj[XXTM 9 TOl KOtkxQlffKQl, Toi KOtA&fAQlj TtoyKlffl^OL, T& ($VKIQZVTj^yOo/, noocg Tg, j^wv [A>Ot> fflhoLVOCg. Tovg Q 152 And make short nights wear heavily away* B. Fair summer seasons you unjustly blame, Their bounds are equal, and their pace the same ; But cares. Asphalion, in a busy throng, Break on your rest, and make the night seem long* A Sa}-, hast thou genius to interpret right My dream ? I've had a jolly one to-night. Thou shalt go halves, and more thou canst not wish, We'll share the vision as we share our fish. 40 I know three shrewd, expert of dreams to spell ; He's the best judge who can conjecture well. We've leisure time, which can't be better spent, By wretched carles in wave-wash'd cabin pent, And lodg'd on leaves ; yet why should we repine While living lights in Prytaneum shine ? B. To thy fast friend each circumstance recite, And let me hear this vision of the night. A. Last evening, weary with the toils of day, Lull'd in the lap of rest secure I lay ; 5® Full late we supp'd, and sparingly we eat ; No danger of a surfeit from our meat. Methought I sat upon a shelfy steep, And w^atch'd the fish that gambol'd in the deep ; Suspended by my rod, I gently shook The bait fallacious, which a huge one took ; (Sleeping, we image what awake we wish ; Dogs dream of bones, and fishermen offish.) Bent was my rod, and from his gills tne blood With crimson stream distain'd the silver Hood. 60 I stretch'd my arm out, lest the line should break ; The fish so vigorous, and my hook so weak ! Anxious I gaz'd ; he struggled to be gene : * You're wounded — I'll be with you, friend, anon — 4 Still do you teaze me V for he plagu'd me sore ; At last, quite spent, I drew him safe on shore, Then grasp'd him with my hand, for surer hold, A noble prize, a fish of solid gold ! But fears suspicious in my bosom throng'd, Lest to the god of ocean he belong'd ; 7© Or, haply wandering in the azure main, Some favourite fish of Amphitritc's train. My prize I loos'd, and strictest caution took, i DO Ttvov etTrotxynvot iT?PXtg Qpzav qgjtfiw coo^yr A. YivJoVTOll (piAg 7TXVTZg QtTQl T AC VV'ATCbC Z$QiCKCV Too ^zpzog ^vvO&jv, org rot>fA>a>ra ucck^x- Qzpzi Zeuc- HcT>j aOjOj' grgiJov ovgj£#T#, Jcouds7To cxw? My} Aocbopyjv ; rt to %&!*& ', yjwov $' di vv.KTZc e^ovTi,. B. A(T(p^A/wv, IXifJf^yi to >c»Acv (5c£or ov j/^ x:;- Auro^^TW? Tra^go^ tov lov Spq^qv. ocKKcc tov vVvev A QPQVTig K,07TTOtcr^, p&X,oo(,V TOCV l/UJGT* 7T0/gf TiV. A. Ao' zuxdzg Koivziv no-*! wwmiot, ; %.pY}jpgV XUOiPOV £lg kxi rxv xypxv, toov&pxtx -ttxvtx uzpi^'cV. Ou j/#£ viKcc^y kxtx tov vqov ovrog XPicrlog TLj.xti, fA>]Sz kxQzvAoov AtTjUgvo? gv qxiavcc ; ro S~z Atr^vjov gv ttpvtxvum' $#vtj yao #jgv oty^xv toJV ^.XV 7VqX\)g£WV OO^Z^XTO' %Xl yxp gV V7TV01C Ylxvx avcav XPToog yLXvrzvzrxt' r^vx v^yoov. Xa> |Wgv TcayKurlqco 7Totz(Pvzto 3 kxi £ggv x,iux- TOV KXhXfJLQV ) Hue [/.zv iKoa piyxv *%9uv xQxvoqtcQokti (ti^olp^c. ElQ'.V7rQ[M[A,VO(,!rKO0V TW TPCt,V[AObT0C 9 Otp' g ( Ug Vuh'.c ; Kelt vv£vj ^xKziroog' xoci ov (^ivyovrog zravx. HvUif' l£(*)V TOV #g0AOV CCVYjAKVfOl %PVC'cQV l^'JV YlXVTOL TOO %PVCt) X7tZK\JSX 7 My} 7TOTg TW (flofACtTO? T XyKKTTPlX ^PUVOV Z^OtiV . 'u 154 For fear some gold might stick about the hook ; Then safe secured him, and devoutly swore Never to venture on the ocean more ; But live on land as happy as a king. At this I wak'd : what think you of the thing ? Speak free, for know I am extremely loth, And greatly fear to violate my oath. 80 B. Fear not, old friend, ; you took no oath, for why ? You took no fish— your vision's all a lie. Go search the shoals, not sleeping, but aw r ake, Hunger will soon discover your mistake ; Catch real fish ; you need not sure be told Those fools must starve who only dream of gold. ODE, 16. More happy than the gods is he Who, soft reclining, sits by thee ; His ears thy pleasing talk beguiles, His eyes thy sweetly dimpled smiles. This, this, alas ! alarm 'd my breast, And robb'd me of my golden rest : While gazing on thy charms I hung, My voice died faultering on my tongue. With subtle flames my bosom glows, Quick through each vein the poison flows., 10 Dark dimming mists my eyes surround, My ears w.ith hollow murmurs sound. My limbs with dewy chillness freeze, On my whole frame pale trembling seize, And losing colour sense and breath, I seem quite languishing to death. 155 Kcci tov fxw 7ru %*Vl Ao*7TCV g^gJ^g Totv yvcopxv O^KOV ^#£ fc^W tov g/Tw^jcra tolqGco. B. K#* zidca erg, figo^zax; jug (pcavag Oudgv gO' foil. AAA# Kot/^tugv ^Aoxnr' tayvi, ocv ^g Astttov AuT/Jttf ^00 7TV{> V7roSi<$(>QU,OLW 07T7tATi(Tffl\l £' OvJiV OQrifAl, fioyLf&ivf €V «T OMQOLl [AOl, KccJJ' W^cog ^v^og ^aroci, r^o/jLog $t Ylcitr&v ayqu, ^Kw^on^tx, GVig, tpfyKfcl (TiTO COV fAZVOC, 0O/} %fiova Av^zvar ov ^&£ gr ot/Ajj Ei tclh7TC*)QYl, Z7TZI Cb\ CVyz 7TQT[AQV Z7T iKOU 7rQTVtOl (AViTY^. HT0< ^i Opz kiov vj[aocti ociSoc zicu>' YlooiTCcg yag kmtzttzQvz TroSa^Kys hag A%ihhzv$, BOVCIV Ziv' ZtKi7T0^Zl M(>yZVVV]$ QiZtftfl. MrjTZ(>oc< «T, jj £otjg, 20 A*^ oyz Tf}V oCTTzhvez, KccQcav ot,7TZ(>ziq<; $' zv pzyoiQQHTi, Goth' k^rzfAis, iQ^zaiqa. Ektq(>' octo,(> c\j (aoi z' g7n wvqyw, M»; TT^i^' o£qtAyTOV l^OpgVJJflt, Hzi£ot,g, KMtTvJzog aAKt^ov v*ov H7T0O TJ? (TCpiV gVJCfTTg 0gO7T£O7n&>V gt> il£ot)$ y H vo x#i #ura>v OujUO? 27Tor^vv2tKoi>i avuyu. THE IONIC PARAGOGE OF $* AND $IV« 18. AAA* ^vcft^w^tj(r i%Q\)(T<&. E0%g*. T&> J"O}£ gTU^ffg £#A«Vo ' ■ E>t Ogo(p ov yvM>ot,os' KoCt 7TQV fJ>iV TTiQlVMHTOtl KilVQV Ot>[/,jA0V Q^iG^&l ViQV, lOVTCii CC7T0 T(>OiV}()zV. AvTOtQ 7TCCVGC7T0r^0g $yv yowccr Of £z Qiog [tot zv\\ j Si iiqvro ocglv kou ocvrovg, TOV (TV ytlziVMg ITgOOyjV > U^VVQf^iVQV TCCiT^yjg 7TZ{>h EKTQQGt' itVi% TOV WV iKGtVCd A%Ot,iUV VytZg, HotBot , EtA^v d\ 01 Tig QV7TU) MhXog i7rt%QoviQg fi^QTOg, QQZyiG^C&l (PlOfAU 7tQTl %il§ TTChSqQQVQIQ OCvS^og, 2. TOV EocoTCC 7VQTZ ilhZTTTOCV KOCKOC jUihltTtTX KiVTOLCi, AcMTvAct v7Tivv%iv 7Voc\^'' o S' cchyzz, %OLl Z<$V(T(Tq %Z£ ' Koct i7rotTctir,i tclv yav, v.&\ dharo' rccS' oMpeoSirot X 162 Then began in a sorrowful tone to complain, That an insect so little should cause so great pain. Venus smiling, her son in such taking to see, Said, " Cupid, you put me in mind of a bee ; 10 " You're just such a busy, diminutive thing, 1C Yet you make woful wounds with a desperate sting. ,y BATTLE. 3. Forth from the portals rush'd th' intrepid pair, Oppos'd their breasts, and stood themselves the war. So two wild boars spring furious from their den, Rous'd with the cries of dogs and voice of men ; On every side the crackling trees they tear, And root the shrubs, and lay the forest bare , The gnash their tusks, with fire their eye-balls roil, Till some wide wound lets out their mighty soul. Around their heads the whistling javelins sung, With sounding strokes their brazen targets rung ; Fierce was the fight, while yet the Grecian powers Maintain'd the walls, and mann'd the lofty towers J To save their fleet, their last efforts they try, And stones and darts in mingled tempests fiy. As when sharp Boreas blows abroad, and brings. The dreary winter on his frozen wings ; Beneath the low hung clouds the sheets of snow Descend, and whiten all the fields below : So fast the darts on either army pour, So down the rampires rolls the rocky shower ; Heavy and thick resound the batter 'd shields, And the deaf echo rattles round the fields. MORAL SENTIMENTS. 4. Who, full of wiles, his neighbour's harm contrives, False to himself, against himself lie strives ; For he that harbours evil in his mind, srs knows. And lo ! the eye of Jove, that all thin^ Can, when he will, the heart of man disclose Open the guilty bosom all within, And trace the infant thoughts of future sin. 163 Tav oSvvocv jV rtJ/VVTOV (TCpfcnv 7Tg£<, EXTfltpvovTfif TQVpvijv, V7T0CI Si Tg ttO^TTO?- O^OVT&JV r/^vgT<*/, g«TOX,g TTiff Tg gA>jT#/ g» Ou^ov j3*Ao»v &? £<*A}COj$svh$ S' wnuv avov, 4. AVVJQ TiVftM XOCKOl UX\U> Tg^g4 KCCKOi Ql »\ H Si /3ouA>J JC04JC); KQMUffJyi TO) /3ovAgV?0g* Oiyv jv n^oo Jrw AKAoc ovftct) ray goA7T# Tg£7njtg£#uvov A<# TgAg(>t a Tig it gGgAj* ocyoqtvztv ra> Smcli TiVOtHTKtoVj Zivg zvpvo7roo SiSoi oa€ov TO) |UgV T . 0$ jTg X-g 2K.0JV [AiycriV QUQffffCCq i7TlQ(>KQV YevcgTot/, gv ,3a*4/#? ^g J'dojv, OCOClT^y] VY}K2Q7r0LPQifav Tyg cT #£gTjj? i^WTtf, KtyccvccTQty J04* gr, l $lYI, 7TZ(> ZQVtfCt, ^CChi7Ty]. OvTOg 7TCt,va(>ljt otjcouojv <*AAo> B^AA^T^i sv Ou,M.a), o oc^yj'iogi 166 CHAP. LIU. A literal Translation of a Paraphrase, by Socrates, of the opposite Greek. VENIT Chryses filiajque redemptionis pretia Mens, et supplex Ach.vorum, pr^cipue autem regum ; et oraba ^quidemdeos dare, capientes Trojam, ipsos etiam ser- van, m,amvero sibi ipsi solvere, accipientes redemptionis pretia, et deum ventos. Talia locuto illo, alii quidem ve- nerabantur et assentiebantur ; Agamemnon vero exaspera- tes est, jubens nunc et abire, et rursus non venire, ne ill! etsceptmm et dei corona non subvenirent ; prius vero quam solv, ilhus fiuam, in Arge dixit senecturam cum se • abireautem jussit et non irritare, ut salvus domum veniret. benex autem audiens timebat et abiit silentio ; disjressus vero e castns, multa Apollini precatus est, et cognomenta dei mclamans, et m memoriam revocans et renetens si unquamvehntemplorumstructuris, vel in victimarum'sa- crificns gratum largitus sit, quorum turn gratia imprecaba- tur ulci^pi Achivos suas lachrymas illius sagittis 167 CHAP. LIH. Metaphrasis, or, poetry to be paraphrased in Prose. O yct,^ >jAOs So*? €?n VYjocg A%ot,iov 9 AvC0V T #7T€£g*j£oAoo A7T0AAwV0?, X^vcgw #v& a)' xou gAi)JpJJfl& JC06* CCyKodCC Si^QCl 0t7rQiV» m AAA* oux. AT£g<vovi yvJavt Ou^ww" AAA# JtOtJCtt? UQltl 9 >t£#Tg£OV f $7Tl [A\)QoV gTgAAg' Ms m vyjucuci^nco, H VVV d^OuVOVT', >J JJ W TO/ OU ^(AKTfAyj (DOJTTT^OV, X&i (fit [A [AM QiOtO. T»JV , 7T(>IV [MV KMt yq(>OLS gTTgNTJV , H|U£T££w gv< ojjcw, gy A^yji', t^AoO* 7Tacr^g, Itflov gTTO^o^usv^y, >t#* g^ov Ag^o? avrioawav" AAA' <0<, ^ jw g^Oi^g* cr^WTg^o? «f )cg vgqaj. £1$ itpOLT gcTJWgV Ggwv TtcA^cA 6iV# 7ToAu(pAo«r£ojo 0<5tAot;^0 J yg^«/o? ATTOAAWVJ OiV^ttT*, TOy qVKQfAQS TgJtg A»JTfc>' KAuOj ^ugu, A(>yv(}QTO<;', og X£ojv XfAQiGiQqKMg, K«AA#v Tg JxGfMV, Tgyg^o*o Tg /<$>* #y#t#T# 7T10VM fAYl(>l ZKqtX, TcLVgWV Y\£ OliyCtiV, To£t [AQl K(>V)Y}VQV ggAi%c£? ; What a deed have you done? Mtra Tavrot, {noayiA&TQC). After these things. 4. £i &vx y ' { cov ) w !* y ^' Jffl"6*7?- 5. Ol 7T&A&J0* {KQWjai) TOOV &1M0&V. l7TGV$6t,lQl (yOVUs) TOOV yovicav. 6. For, Oiouzvoov ( ocvrov;) avai itoQcotcctgvc. 9> For, Taog f (si.uj) o'wogtfv. 11. The expression of this rule is imperfect : it should be. "which may be resolved, or* being understood ; as, * fn strict propriety, the dative expresses acquisition only 5 and it seems a solecism, in Latin, to attach a dative to verbs irri plying deprivation : but it was probably borrowed from the Greek:, which admits no variety of farm in the dative and ab- lative. 169 tf* (on) fiqoToi (pgQVovarw Ktyovct ; Aia, to (ot*) dt&fAtvoi g-J>jA^v- See likewise tne rule prefixed to the chapter XVI. 13. For, U^og Tovroig a Ag^g; ; and, Ovrog idliv avfyuTTog ov 15. Ect7jv diqtToc, (x^f^ctroo). Tec Juiouot (ff$xyfia,T&). 16. To Tfocav a^iG&i JWoi£gyov) iy sin tig as* TuiAvoLfiM y.iv\* (g|) atv^gav. Avatmos' (stt j ) #<££0^. 22. Movo? (g)t) 0£oTa>y. Oi ygwTg^o* (g|) ctv^w7ra>y. 23. (n^o) /3ouA>^ ffv^gy £Ot,WQ[/,tVQf £Tg£OV (fcTjJjUflt) yjygt#<. 27. Alj£#. Ou^g (? ( u#£Tg. ky.tXtig (otTTo) twv <£ avows, I accuse you of folly. 34. A7T06VT# (g/f) (Tg $lS0(,l. X^ ^oc. A7T0(r7g^5i pg (>c#t&) Taft^^jjji*o4T«. (E; ? «h<5Wx,giv touto, I or- der you not to teach this. * Perhaps we are too curious in supplying some of these ellipses, as well as those of genitives attached to adjectives. A verb, or adjective may have so much of the force of the genitive, dative, or ablative in itself, as naturally to require one of these cases after it : as, verbs of giving, the dative ; taking awav, the ablative ; or, being born of some person, the genitive. 170' 42. Judicaturi estis. 44. Sicutes. Socrates ambulat. 49 & 44. These verbs are of singular use and beauty in the Greek language. By associating pzxxod with the infini- tive and ttpi &c. with the participles of other verbs, the time and circumstances of an action are most accurately denned. They may with propriety be called auxiliaries, and they bear a remarkable analogy to verbs of that kind, in the En- glish language. 45. For, ocy&7rciv w-s $iot,Tt\£i, Perseverat amare me ; and, Mgjt*vijjW*i 7ro<>j(rjv. Scribendum est mihi episto- lam, 48. (Ev) pqftoLvctig. (Ev) aqyv^i&is, &C. (E7n) toj Qvojuotrt avTov, In his name*. 49. The preposition is often omitted; as, Zwviov l%ov *$i- jcof*e8% We came to the sacred Sunium. AiGg§* v#qvqv, 53. Av^J#? (fc#T# TO [J.WGC, Or Ol^O?) ^UWym (cuv) 5>cg/vo?a? ^ n whose fa- vor, kxp (^of vpsqccv) 0#v#tov, Till death. 59. M# (o^vu^*) A<#. Apod (crvv) TO) viccri. 62. No precise rule can be given, to ascertain when these prepositions, govern one or other of the cases specified. The general principle is, that when rest is implied, the genitive or dative is used ; when motion toiuards, the accusa- tive. But the proper use of these prepositions will be most readily acquired, by a careful perusal of the best authors. 63. nag* and nqog are joined, in this rule, for the sake of conciseness, as they may commonly be translated in the same words : yet there is a marked distinction in the ideas expressed by them : 7r#£#, in general, implying duration or possession, and v^g, contingency. FINIS, The Errata-page being extended to an unusual length, has not been owing to want of proper attention to the proof sheets ; but chiefly to the compositors, having never been previously employed on Greek ; this being the first work in that language edited in Baltimore. Under these cir- cumstances it is possible that some few other typographi- cal errors may have escaped a very attentive revisal. ERRATA. Syntax, rule 39, for gAAg7rgi read iXKznni. 62, for *[*$' read apQi. Exerc. chap. I. paragraph 26, for kcctoc€ocivoo$ read *#t#€*jv&>7. 29th, place at end of g^mO^* * instead of QtaofAi: viii. parag. 4th, for Tipuqiov read T/ ( ua>^a. x. parag. lstafter guAoyew s insert 7. parag. 5 for g|#Ag;?read gf*Ag* a read a . 14th, for gv read a , 1 9th for Is it, read It is. 20th for pahiv read tt#- A*v xxiii. parag. 15th, for 16 read 15, and for svbjecerent read subjecerunt. xxiv. 7th, for Tg a read y-wcvP. xxxiii. 1.1th, for hopos read Aoyos. 16th, for 7roi%outecti5 read 7r#§#7rAe&>5. 17th, for cjv read cuv. xliv. 11th, for Alccemon read Alcmaon, xlix. 15th, for %£cvoj. 13th, for ;Vg^ read vVg^. 73d, for jr^oa^ovTAs read Tr^oce^ovTai. 109th, for ccfej read *«&\?. 129th, for 7r*cn<* read ttugai. 134th, for Ato Tg? read k-no -nj?. 147th, for rov read to v. li. 3d, for etoir,v read »oi^v. 6th, for «AAogjv, iy^oc^otpiv. 6 HA0OV, Iv£0V 3 lTU7TOjtAgV, g^OTJjV. 7. Ea>£#Jt#, TgTtT£»jJC#^gV, AgAg^TOV, TgT^fcg, TrgTTOVjJJCtfjWgV \ 8. Eygy£fl6$giV, g^VWJtgJTOV, l7ri7T0lVlKW 3 gTgTU Cpg J CT#V. 9. H<3"#; 3 iXSTtfl, T^gTTOVTOtl. 10. H^o^wtjv, g€A^7TTg0(,7rQV[Jl,0(,l. 13. E7T7V, gTgjV. 14. E^o^sQov, gygvovro, gfigro. 15. rig7rov0^, TgTt»7T^jUgv, 7rg7roiO<&$- 9 TTg^uyg-. 16. EAgAoi7Tg;, jjjcogiv, jjAu0gijjJjWg()#. 24. JLTtfyctfJLfJlYlVy gJtgJC^TO. 25. TiQa^irat. 26. ngOVK#AgfTOj gygA#, TTOJgJV, #JW~ &t$xi, lUluQirOy (pv\aj, $$$(>&- UVJKCLS, ^gjAa>0>j, Jtfltu6»jjv, [AifAa%Y,fAoLi, ^iycchw^yj- 31. Noj&o? ttTTi, x^ovog ^ 0Kil > ywuQvjTtf/j o< Troiqroci oiovrai. CHAP. II, 1. XrHSTOS #v>j£, scoivjj flroAis 1 , rt^ yfuct,, Xvxv] (juXxiva, y- biog kclkgv, otv9^ft»7Tft) ^(Wj jjjug^ot dyia 3 TTor^roc ab&vari, (pwy Y/SilCC, QUfAOLTi (JLthOCVZ. 2. ruv»j o^^ovj, tu;^ riiMicecb, (j,x%at%ccg di[j,ctrozj^g/<^' o< i7r7ro< irt>/A7r opou vrgf TT^org^o; o , vvnfly l za oi TroAgp/cj. 5. EvSaitAovtcltgog av^uzog gr rgctvuarioi eg ircLvrig gTrg/TAg- bv tgu? rf>cLyt'A,ovg v7foiogirocg rovrovg- riitivo &nt ro Ig^cv Ar^gi- ©V TT^^W^gTO yY^QCVVGg' VIGV CVVG^lVG^lVC^i JUVUVTC CptftA^^J/gf. 6. £l? dyiot, kmi ^ncotiot kmi ayot&Y\. 7. Av0£O>7TOJ iTTKT^IAOl^ CCfMVyjVM XCt>(>y}V OC, Kg&VlQV yVVOClKZlQV , fl&A- h.<& JoyfAMTOC, TTtfVTOTS £%STg, €^2 ^£ OV 7TCIVTQTZ Z%i- T£. 2. Ev €£^0V Z7TQlVj TOO? ZKCt7rxT00VT0t>g, X^Qq- %-s^oi yotg 7riy t;? Jgf£#Tai, *; cog qvk #A>j0>j t#ut gyw Ktyca' *j #$• Of g^7r#T»JjlAgV0f 7nYlQV VOfM^OVCl %(>y[A,OCTOC V\ Oc£ih' wv n/Mv r ocyocftoc, CC TO) TTCCr^l V [AM , rOCVrOC TTOfgfTg. 10. Ni; Aioc koci -xoKhoc, <»AA' ov fop'.g gK^s^giv #ut# tiros' dnocv* Tfltffj OV^g T# #7T0££>JT# g£#)/0£gUgfV. 4 £ 11. To ^gv ouv, a ocvtyzg A0»jv#ioi, t>jv $'jAf7T7rou ^afjLtjv 3iz%ii- VOll, KOCI JlOC TOUT&JV TWV Aoy&JV, 7T£0T£g7TgfV T# j o A^awtTtf?, o rt g^« #v yivQipw £^c^o*. 4. To^Siavog 7Ti(3i try ffov yiyovcag rgnntouSiKoi avroxgarap »y. 5. Toiovrog ytvov KiPt rovg yovzig, oiovg ocv tv%ato nipt (rg#u- tqv yivurftai rovg aocvrov Ttoci^xg. 6. H^JJ Jg TOK TQIQVTQIS ftMPnTlTGU, TQl? @>CX,$lfyv[JuvM$as } noiog <$ HV M I , IV M jt/VJ JWg^O? g^AjjGjJ?, tag ra 7T(2o£ot,roi. 8. ETTgJTTg^ v zpyw, icoyttv nti rovg 7roAz[Aiovg. f). H?rg£ z7nv*j eotp'ia. 10. Outo? gjWO? iTMlPQg V}V gjcvgov. %!,. Outo? cot#; ypifi&g, gv tok o§gttfj gv to/? pvtifAoltri. 2. -fytoAoyjfcrg x,#i ovw yPvvjeuTQ. 3. EVVOW UTJ g^O|WgV 7T#VTg? T# TTiCT?^ gV Ttfi? q ftiTiPOlig ^V^Ciig zaci gv t^j? yftiTtPXig %g£c*;. 4. O ^gv hyjtrlvjT ovros 'Lu(flpo!,Tog ) zg rov YlvPiQhiyzQovra g/4- CgbA>j(ryw o , xoh TCt^i cevrov tv kvkXoq Kmoept)- jU2VO< ? yi00[J.2T^OCl, KGCl lQuYjTlKOl, KM I ^tKoffQ^Oi, KCil iMTgOl, KOll dPTfjOVOfAQli KC&l yfiOCfAfAoniKQl. 9. Ev rovToic yot^ povoig o hoyog ryjg ciyy\g hqutIuV ev it toig ahhoig upiivov ayeev yteytiv. CHAP. VII. 1. EBOTAET2ANTO $t oi cl^hqus, Ivct kjv QocKAY i q /3A#7TTSGt(pa)U)TQV €T#fgV SV TO) T&>V iOt%V TQVg OCV^P07TQVg 7tQlYl KocXog, 0V% uvS^iug avai ftovKopai. 7. Suyyvw^, ca Aiccv, it uv^oirog cav, ca(>i%Qi So^yjg, >]Sijv Avu%oi,(>C&jA. 2. NUV Yi^lTiq i(f\l TOV KQCfAOV TQVTOV vvv 6 &(>%ov tov %ocpov TOVTQV lKQAy]^(TiTOtl i%U. 3. K&i ivQicag SiY}VQi%§>}tfXv xvtqv xi cCKQcti) kxi sAu§>j o Szcrpog tv\g yKtdcocvqs SuKviTi' Txg Si tuv t£tl IXVTVJV Y\ TOV CtvQqOOTTQV ^V^r} } OTOCV VTrOK^lV^TOCl. 7. A* VVKTi^lVOCl tyCCVTXcriXl OV fXQVOV twv jug6^,w.g l otvwv tin 7Ta>V, KOCl lOCTQQS TCdV 7r#0WV 3 TO 7f^o(py]r^g zivoti fiovKopxt. 10. Tw 7T#£#;££>}jW# 7TZ^l^0C^Zl, 1$ TQV Z7TZITM %£OVOV, gAff^O? T* €*%0V KOUCp)j?, fAY)£' #V fV CfcAAflU V0OCTQg 7T0T8 gT* <^#J- 11. Ou^gv Ti ^^Ag7rou TV^&yy&TQg zTTiQvyzis, fiovKojAivog yvcc- VCCl Tl ZCTl VOfJLQg. 12. To rzKog r^ccycpSictg kcci ifflogiag ov tocvtov, aKXct, tqvvxvti- OV ZKU jU-gV J/<^^ <^gj $1j£#* Jt#J v}/U- ^O^ai^fTtfJ, >0#T# TO 7T#£0V 3 TOU? #X.OUOVT#f gV§#V jpc<)9>j o Koyog dv zittz. 2. iJcav j0#i vVo twV $ £U^WV. 6. Ou? gJWtf? |WgV, g| CtUTWV Qv£zVOt> Wit WAgtf 'Of- . 7. Aaovcrag St Tig, twv trvvava-KiifAivM, t&vtcc, H7VZ' WlAKagi- og og (p&yiTc&i oc-qtov zv Ty fioiGoKai kou r» TrXyQwriKa' Jgi^O- fAiv $' gv roig 27rnroc 3 rov kivJvvqv ov £%ziv eoHC#ci. 11. A[A(p' KVTQV Jjta>* oo yotg clk zpavrov thy*- Av0#> cchh' iKtivog pg #7TgJgi. 8. K#Aov 3 #vt; Ovjjtou (>iTQ$ 9 cligturQou. 10. JsAzya iQ\)g QQCdtflV 3 &V& 7T0C(TCCV V^iPM , CTOOtyPQVOOg £l. ayovrocg. 11. 2Tgjup<& t g^wv gv %g£p?v 0£s|zv $i 7rocvriAug, i7Ti tov iroc^ovrog, #vgAg. 3. Ag%atl TQiyoCgQVV OC7TQ TOOV fJUKQW fXYlSiTTOTi i7Tl [AyJiVGS Sir fpfffj OTJ 0C7VuKZ; tt^vtwv, tts- 5. Auto? £z TTigi rcav ocv^cottucqv ecu JiihiyiTO* 1$' Tl KOChOV, Tl OCKT^OM' XI JiKOCtQV, TJ CcJlKQV. 6. A7T0 TTOAAot, JC#/ ^gAO/#, OTTO TW ifACLTica KOV7TTQ{AZV0t. 7. K#* g|g7rA>j(rj SiSoc^ji cevrov, >jv y#£ Jiioctntuv ocv-i TQvg, (£g il;Qvt?iotv i%a)V } otr£ cag oi y^oc^fAocrug. 8. Kcct Agj/g< q o&^icflgoCTYiyog Kvqiov 7T(>cg 1yi to7To?, i$>' u vvvzarlrzKccg, vx oevrov^ dyiog nrli. 9. EKOCAltfl £' Z7TI JuTTVQV Q Kv^Og oAljV flTOTS T0C%iV 3 foi(>QVT0' kcci $iz%y- g/ yccq $ioc 7rocvrog tov crca^ocvog^ ocvoofov oc^gc^>zvov 3 to g? tjj >tgQCl KCCl 7Ti(>l7rQlVl- STDCi. 17. Zjjs" ^ouy qvt&Si cog voeT 5tv !/$■ Jovhog v-ttq £zjG€K gOgAljCglgV g7T* SuTtVOV gA0gJV , TOtg 'JtKucfoic i(3yia£z0V (XiT OVQ[Jt,Ct,TQ$ y KQLl Y\ aVTOVVfAlM, &VT OVQ[AMTOS. 3. Azivqv yv, ov K»(f gv jU-ovov rcav TC^oLy^arcav. 4. rioAu #7TAov. 7. Tovg r TQiMvroo iru^a rcav fotav 7rvvQ*v optvovg, aQzpurlcc TToiav yyziro. 8. Kara ra nag otvroig g0>?, jv jwgv icwf o* Kv^o? TroAuAoywTg^o?, oV* Y\vay%cc^zro v- 7T0 TOV JlJoHTKCChOV KCU h$QVGtl AOVOV WV g7T0igrf 3 JC#/ Ao^U&XVgtV TTQCp OtAAtoV oVoTg JlKCtfyi. 10. Ej/w jv tj^ Twy 7T£0? tov? 7ToKzy,iovg 12. Mst# tovtwv Jg »#* Kt^ov Ogowif, K04* n.|*otwov XOfi AlOVV^ 14 CHAP. XV. 1. O K0SM02 oTTKTca otvrov a7Ty\bt. 2. O Si Kvgog iQovhzro kai ccvtuv hz%ot> rcav oporipuv touto to 3. EvJov Si to-o 7Tg£»£oAov, ^rK^og ri yvvxmoov ica^ro. 4. An' #>(>%yi$, fAtXZ 1 rovTOxJ rov ^9ovg o g^? O^STJ}? qSovv\\ *%zi. 8. rioAgW? TO KOlXoVJAZVOV Sv\ TQVTQ VOfAQg, OiViV TTgtfioU? TWV X^ufAivw, ffvyy^aufAa gJ K§' iOCVTVjV y) gV- VOJ#, iyiQi£iVVy}C-0[AtVQ\JS. 13. A^U# ?V o'JoV T*JV EAftJ^iVtfV K^Aou^gV^Vj iltO^iVOWO. 14. rvOVTg? «^g 0* AQ>jVtf/Ol 0T« OV A#vO#VOtf(TJ, J&O&T80SVTO 7T#AjV ? -^rAjjv r^toc'KQtnuv fjcccXn/Joc avSpuv. 15. AvgU Jg cf QU, K#J QMOlSz <367Tf SVCt* tg9#. 16. Koti o c pav Accv^cff Sioo^ag <&%£J? ° v ticQ&teS ^tro uvcti, et/ntt^aimo. 17. Oi [Mv ovv Ac£OV 7Tg£lg£<* n^r»i 9 to ps «jU« ^^>? tt#v TgAo? KocrocQMivzirQoit. 22. Aveu Tg eoopccTM £Wi TO 7r#£#7r#v g*? TOV g7rgjT# %povov a &#J gJ^ TWV /3J?, }C#4 7TotvT<* ojo*0<&, Asj^oi? ofcv tjeF*j crotcpws'j *v. 24. Outs 7TqAz[/>zi roig TtzK&g ov$zig y vouv €^wv, Ivsjtgv acvrou tou K^T«^wvicri*crOa* tou? ocvrtTocrlo^zvovg ovrz itKzi tm 7rzAocyy] y %&(>IV TOU 7Tg£#*w9>jV#< jtfOVOV XOtl [AYjV Q\)§Z TO(>g ZfATTZlQlGig KOtlTZ%- vag ot>vrt)g zvzkm r^g z7TiAocfj,Qocvzi* TToivrzg Sz 7rgarlov%iv twv z7Tiyzvca^zvov roig z^yoig y\§zm 3 v\ kaKuv, qffvfst,- <$Z$QVTCOV. 25. 0£«cr#Tg pot, [*z%(>i Ttotm zrcav Szi vo[ai£ziv 3 vzovg zivotir-ovg uvfywjrQvg. 26. Tig yc&Q avzv r&uryg [am^qi n av ayotftov; 27. Tec yz pv}V IpuTioc oi pzTo(,&otXTtOtV. 5. Eycayz j zy&txAw zg tov ^wuAwvot, Trzitrco zivai $z *m to o-ftjju^ y>*Xi l r W X^ iAq $ V %W* naqothoifjLGot,- vtiv. 9. <&o&og 3 xai vopoc iKuvos z^carot* kuAvuv. 10. Bgafzug ju-sv (piKog yivov, yzvo/Mvog $z TM^ca Jiapivuv o- fAQlldS yct,(> OLKT^QV, pqJlVM CP^AOV i%UV 3 XOll TToKKovg ST#J£OUf jWg- 11. EtOJjUO? AgJ/glV >5^V yOUV TO [AiyLM}<7§0U K.&1 ^IZ^lZVOH Tl 7TZ- Ql avrov. 12. K«t fj^oiro naXiv $i£a,7ton 7T«? o o^Ao? 7r^o? t^v 0#Ao4cr tvrvy- yocvovri uttiiv, on oLVTog ttuvtoc oiAt. 14. A7T0(/Javrig jAu0gv, wV7* g7Hcr7gAAg*v Ev£ogu- jJ)j T0fc4UT«? iTTicrlohxg- 16. 2otA>js- g<^*7, ccvrog [mv oiovg $u 7roinv 3 Ev(>i7ri$t}g t#J «3>o£qV yzVOfAiVOV, f} tyv gv otcp0ovo;?j r&(>a touto KTUfMvog zicoQZiTQ TOig oi,^i(arccTOig ' vopifyv 6, Ti JCotAov xcf,yoi- Gov z%ot to (fl^arzvfxa, TovToig cc7T§oi 3 avTog ctv Aot^siv, not^u tov Accvgiov, navTa tcc r£aT<*. 21. Uociziv fjav ya()QVTC0V. 22. OTCiV 3iV\ CvyZlV^VVZVlTOCl QlKOdYl ffOLTtOlJl, [Ay [AOCVTiViffQctl, gi evyKivJvvzvTiov x&A yot>(> ocv TT^oinzviiToi q {/,MVTig 3 QccvKm yzyo- vzvcci roc h,oAj;VWV, gV TQVTQ SvcfJv^iXg xQlKZtfQxi. 25. Kxi trv aiv rxvrx rx fi&Aix 7rgjLt7rgiv, orxv 0K(>ivai xxv u fA-yjdzv ${ xKKo, tjjv Tg 7rxAxixv (rvwfizixv, axi rov xzpx, y,*rpi(arxrov ovrx. 26. Hv gdgA^ [A-xryv 7rovjjJ KxfyzhKVx.ovvrx m •-^28. Qvii irwiron Jsrgjj^gto Ji^xcwxAog zivxi rovrov, xh?^x gA- TTi^av iwom rove QVZiV. 31. T* »JJy oxr1ziv g$gAoutv fAtv TMVYiv zj- /a'&)V o' T07T0? i^'il^yX^lxi. 6. KaT^j/o^ou(r/, K&i x.xrxpxqrvQQvo'i y.xi £izhty%ovc'i rx 7rt7TpXy[MVX VjfAlV 7TX^X TOV €iOV. c 18 7. IloAAot vv|/)j Sl%CC TTotOovg, dg, 7r£0£ jUU£*Oi? dfrAA-Olff, Jt#J T5i, 7Tg£< TOU? AAwtt^W, TO) rio<»jTjJ 7T OLgOLTiTOkfAYjpiVOt,. 8. Ag|g« >Ci(po(,vi Sv\ p&hiflct, SyjAov idoti, o, rt Tg avrav otya- 6ov iifii, KOll o\ Tl KOtKOV. 13. Tot, pzyiclot,, oig ^v%ciyayn »J TgocyaSiot, tou pvtiov pi^r\ zcli. 14. Tot, piv «0VQVY*Ot,l (^OoVOV VttOJ, X#J g^g|tSVTO* 01 S' #AAOJ, pVjSiV ilSoTig, gJCTTgTTA)^- ^.gVOJ JJCT#V TW 7TQCiy[A,0t,Tl. 17* Uyov Tgv 7r^f^g«otv TotrouTojjug/^bv otyaftov avoti rvjg U7rot,t- Sivetotg, oca, rot, piv otKXoc poyJiY,^ TTotvng, Kz^SouvovTzg, ttpolt- loocr ccvry} Si povyx,oii 7T(>ocityptaci rov? iyovrag. 18. OuJC Ot^lOV «T lit l TOUTOU TOU T07T0U, TTCi^KnTilV iV Tl TUV tfpiV TiQza(>Y)[AiVOOV, iclotl Si 7T01VV CWTOpOV. 19. Kctnoi nyi x^Yj Tizpott^ic^oti tjj n yjCv^icc TroXXy zti ov- CVJ, X<36/ T0> X£Vgi, p^SiTta pi TO O£0£»VOV, dc7Ti(> ZiaftiV #7r0XV#<0V- Tl, OU^gTTW piCOti VVKTig £1 hog ccAAov pcthvrot, v. wot^ot, rr^g Qyaas' oiov o l^ovg Ki^ctri irctiw o fairo?, ottKvj' oavav, dcponr q xotTTgog, qSqvti. 19 23. O Ji Kv(>q$ 3 cag v\kov g& 7T«<^<0U gvQu? jtfgV 7r£o£#AAga"8fli| Y}7ri0 toutov, oto) &>jW^v 7rA»jy»jtTtx vot navr tj 7T£o- Alfiiffil Ti%VCtiV £VTU*£»J>CgV. 26. TWV £aOJV, T# jU>gV T^ iTTi^M^tOC TOO $ttygfV OiJ/OUgVOt 7T^0? TO «FgAg#£, ttAKTKgTtfi' T06 Jg 7T0TO) gVg^ov gel; xai £#Ag7rov aXXcas Tg, JC«V WTT* g%$£0O TW TOOTO (TVuQollVV}' UOlXl' V [AM i\jvoiotg K&i ca7ri&$, oV« 7Tg£ JGOit TO TU^,€iV tootwv psyiclof €(iittj. CHAP. XVIII. 1. MErAAHS (pocgw? o7Toj? ^ i^iov gfl*7*v, gv yg^ot to ^p/AopoOov. 2. TOOTOO |UgV TOO <36V0£&)7TQU g^W j 3 (piXoKotXov ovroc j£ 7rot^*A<7rgiv. 5. Evvooj o't/ g£gA>jAo§#a%iM oLfjLoiqos ytvo pivot. 7. TOU Jg ySuflov CLKOVTQG, Z7TCCIVQV 7CO(r%^ntgxv gj£ t»j; ^vyv)$ TgOCTTOfAiVQS, TOV CC^KTIQV ZVgKTKQ [AZVQV #7T0A#Vg. 16. B£*;£€J# €0-7* j >? g^ouc^ ft^ayjo (povyiv *j S^^vvo-, fjtevov, {Ay Z7Ti rzKovg AgJg&Jf ovreog wc, jueT#£u. ccvryg koli rov gv t»j sjjje' c Ttj? %U1>QS rov irar^og fcov. 18. Twv TT^j/^otTwy 7r£>g7rox cav rocg (poovag g^gxv a,%ict>g. 19. H jWgv y#£ rvyyi avroig xgyparot,, kou Sq^olv, koli (pihovg gvg^g«^x#? ctuTOUf avocp%ovp > rotvQvy, oVx OUJC g^Aot'vJ/ 2 j(rgv vi Tr^ocrQzv yjv. 21. E.uox jUgv J>j HcoK^ocryjg zS'gkh n/Ayg x^iog zivai ry TroAgx, nccKKov yj Qavarov. 22. O^otf tou? clvSq&s im gCTgJV#V g^V? T£/#JCOVT# twv ^AwV. 4. OlfAOtl &VTQV Z\)Sct,l[AQViU> TCO ifJt,7T^0Yj 6 ®iOg ,* 6. To Si irocvroov y,zyi(> out' ivrv^wv icy 7rzoi%a,()Y)<;, qvtz Svdlu^oov 7Ti^iK\J7rog. 8. ©vyotTQos ryptgov IffJico yivi§Ktu 3 koci 7r#£g>c#Agv jWrOtAot ttoAAou?. 9. £l(dTOl,T» 7TKVTM. 10* E7r<0"7gfg e^g T«WV £uV0VTO>V OJUTW TOD? OC7ToSi^OifAiVOVg M7TZP OSUTO? iSoKlfAufyv, ZMVTCt) Tg Jt#/ UXXotg (fXAou? #2/<*0OU? g(TgJT>J?, gJCA«p- £#Vg* TWV 5rV T# 'XJ&Kl'K(tiT&T&. 12. Ev tjj A<£vjj, Kflt^>j^ov/oi jWgv ot^ouJ TWV EAAgVWV, gV 0j, ictifioLKi Tig vfiM kQ>(>o(,Sot,TY\v ; $MV[/,ot>£a) yot>(>, ityyj, o'ti 7T^O(T0gV $Ot,{A,l^M i<$' ^Oig VUV QvSoCUOV <$OliViT<%l. T&V QVV UTDj- ^gTWV T(? OS7Tg)C£7rXv}jv. Koti tf'KO^re/Tg gv rovroig nocXiv ocv, ri rv\ 7roXzi fiiXrielov »jv. 5. H ov cm Ko&t rovg ctyoovocg, g

j, w(i*inr*$ koci r» oc^Xoc AA- Xa, pa At', «(p>j o Kvqog ov% ofxoioc rocvra iKiivoig. A pzv &v C(,TZVO[JLiVQl XTyiTCOVTOCl, KOIVOC ZOCvrOig r,yv}j rig ovopocci ^oci^n jcgvois*. 8. O ovv o^Ao? o sV7o>5" *>oci atx-ovc*?, gAg^g^ovTijv j/g^ovgvtfj. AAAoi gAgyov, AyygAoc #uT«AgA#A>;>cg. 9. Ekiivoc> vvv rovrce JqvAivq\j~ gov 10. Ti jwoi o^yi^ij; 11. H; pzyocg ityzyccov gv ou^fltvw Zgu?, gAotvvwv 7r7>jvot> agpoc, ir^corog 7TQ(>ivitcCi, roo «fg intrai ocrioc Ogwv x«f ^ottjUovwv. 14. CW dl7TcC{>CC, rb)V fecOV i7Tl7COV^lOCl TQig 7T(>0$0TCUg Qo^ovciv. ■ziKoroog ootouj«rg tov ttAovtov tjj jwgv x/r^crg* 7rAgovg£«#, x#* fAiytqohoyia. rvj ^g ;^£gt#j anoXocvvii r%v<$Y\ jc#* fxocXocmod koci iroXvnXncb, 16. Koti f^oo #v>?£ #7To tow o;£Aou g£o>}v AiJWxtfAg, i&g KXi QiXiTTTrog Xiyoviriv rco Iyij, MSV<7T5T0? OUTOCTI SlKXCll 7TQTt(>0$ €UjWO£$OT€£Ofc tCTiv. E/Tre, ca Mzvi7T7rZy ov kxKAioov x%£x(>qs uy kxi ZKvQyg- zpoi pzv, ztyq, jj nxrqig ovuJog (gyixr(av ovx, zsAssv TXVT OVK ZHTl Ti^VXl. 27« Il(>i i rov Ivjcou, eA0oo "Zagaq ovo^ot>^ otvyj^ ytvovq fioMriXi- >tou, org >oV [AtfAVVIffQ, TV^Oq TOUC 7TOJ£OVT#?, ivtX Jo- y.^q [AyJt rovrcov ccnovrav oXiyooenv . 9- kXXoq KOlTCiQgOVilV %(>VifJ,ClTCOV 7T#£g}tgAgUgT0 , JCOJ* t&>V, KOLl yZ^COV, 01 Sz X#f ^»J^0U 3 K#* Y^Y^iSoq. 11. EQgA0VJ, €cr7< X,0U 2(>&iKaq1oS UV MV @>QVhv}TCll. 12. AAA* tov gTg^ov gTn^gAov^gvov, TOU £Tg£OU Ot^gAjjCOJJ TTOt- COJ avayxty. 13. Av Jg xos; iraqufovruv trot \iv\ Xct&^q oiXX' viri^iSqs, tots ou uovov &v[A7rcTY]q rcav Og#v gcrjj, #AA# x#* cvva-wav. ~T 14. OuTg TW 7T0A/TJXW J^AOV, g| GV^Qz^Zi TY)q TTOhiOOq 7T£0jv, ootouwv Opj^ou xoti Hc/o^ov 7ToAg- ^tOU? XOJI C CCCTZiq Ar/jyQVjJLZVdOV, QV [AQVQV TWV Y}fM§ZQOV, olXXa XMl otu- TWV *JcT)j TWV OgWV. 17. £1? c^g vyyifyv 6 x$ ovog r W vx uyyiXiaq , v\q zTryyyziXaro a GiOq TO) AQ^MCLfAj Y\V^YijSt/V0>J gV Ai^V7TT0r Ot^^/ c'u ccviclvi (o&j jW^ J'/OiAg^gcOifc*. 19. Kot* Tru^o? to; gc7f O/j/ovto^ p)j guOv? nociztrQai, ofxaq <^g g- ^W^g OVTg 7TV(>Qq gJCOJV g/VOii OtTTTOpoi;. 20. Hv JjKwv avTcov gOgA^o*^Tg yiviYi tig COl >JJu gG*7/, to tuv X lT0l ' l > KccTGcyzXcwa ruv OAoQ>V(>0[/,ZVM Tg )C04< )C#AOUVT&JV #UT*JV. 25. AAA' #AA*j t/v# cctcr^czt gcpgj/ft) #utwv ; 26. Ag|a> Jg 7T£WTOV, $ OCV MTt MhM GCKltpi, 7TAy}, aAAoi ki&qvo^kx,, jc<&/ tu$o?, jc#j ttoAAjj Ttopvfa* TMVTot, >%$ I § (jOfM VTTQ^/Zl- piov cot ryjV IzQiy^oo, Y,cbt rcev QsuriXzoti avrvrf, S'uvnrovg ovr&g iv ic- %vt. 2u,m. 6. EvQ# &#* tov r^vv^j^v &£7r<&t#* tou z^czdlov. 7. K#< gJ7Tg "K^Oq CtvTOV jj p^TY}^ &UTOU* TgfcVOV, Ti gTTO^CTaC jj- ^tiv ovrca? ; t$ov o tt#tjj£ gov Kciym o Swat pivot kc&i AuTcuttgvof g- fyrovpzv erg. 8. Ku^o? K(^* Kvot,j;a(>w cruvTotl^usvoi Trg^igaf.vov, wV 3 g* 7T^o; 7T(3UTOt,, ZS A^YiVOllQl TQVTQ VfAM ^lO^Al. 8. T0l tfifAVOt* OVO- uxrcCy ravTQV av Qoiivqitc> 9 tag n ng Tgc&yiKQv 7r^o tov Ojuq- oqv y t hiu) 3 ov dV^tf t#js" (TCpo^oTjjTOS' 7r#£<*jUgv; to tAiytQog. 10. Hi jt*£v t* iTrKyjppiAvjC-ocTriV Kqiri&g, y.&i Ahx&ioL&vje, rovrou 20JC£04T1JV K&TYiyQQOg OClTlXTCil* OTl dg VgW OVTg #UTW 2«Jt£0&Tlj£ ^r^go^g o*w(p^ovg, o-vtfgvo? g7T&ivcv d""ox.,g* toi KcLTv,yQ(>u oc^iog wcti ; 11. O* £?g Y.CCX$MlQl ifxov, JiOptVQl TOii Kv^QV g<£>JV>jV jc#v, jc#j fjitoi oiuTou? $t$u)Y*&g, aoci tov Ao^ov COU TZTy^yKOtlTt. 13. TV gct)7rioi,g pet/Jos coirli tov Sqvto, n twv id\o;v, x,ai Tfoiy^ccvToc it Q&y jam ov, ryg ^oc^irog »7ro(fle(>iiv. 14. Ti touto ; irocnic^ u TifAiav ; jaoiqtvpovijloii, ca H^jcAsk, 10V tOV 7T(>QKCtiX0V[AObt iKyv wltfiyrMv t^g k#i (0t Oi>ll KOiKQV Tt l^yoO^OVTOCl T0U$ lyyWT 'flfcTO ClVTOOV Qilj- 2. Ei7Tiv o $ot, ttgkt^hv , QiM7ri(> av rovg ahKovg JgoMrooci. 5. K»i yoi(> ZlocyoKrccg utc airuv avrw iktiv i^^kt^ivoi, kmi Mocyv^o-iocv KiKoohvx,vocXtjv %qXiv s %a$iK§M U7TQV ng vpotg. 10. KOCI IV ViLllVV} Ty YlfA'cQOe., IfAl CUJC lf>(a\v\ ovop&ri po\) 3 iuxTii VtAlV. 11. A JW^o? pv\$ivog fiaqQaqoov 7riiQ(av avroov tw.m 9 co^iti^ HKOg v,v> KMTiQxycv Kwlag ovrocg. 28 3. 0/ ^e, ogoovng k&i rovg Sio"7rorag &z:$ofAivovg 3 rayy inti- (jQVTO. 4. E* ^g rig r&vuvrta zpoi yiyvcotrzn, r& ipya, avrwv gTncnco- ■*$Fuv, Iv^jjcrgi oL'jrct, [AXgrvgovvra roig zpotg hoyoig. 5. TWV TT^WTWV gTTjA&tio^gVO/, [AMhhQV Jg X#J T);? V7TQ§ijr. 6. Byovuivog tov #V#£ A«£ovt#, k#i dj#v a-crtpahvi ynvuv ry ttqKii. 7. ToTg «F au 7rg^« t>j? K^unoc iiSour&ovrag y^^ppocrcc. 10. YlKuavg ztrovrai v/j, o(>i<&; CHAP. XXVI. L TOIATTA ai 7roiovyraij Jtto ftiv rcav QaoXcov iroiyruiv ^*- ot>vrovg\ v7ro QS Y< UCOV QVOfACC^OVrAl. _ 3. Ecr7i tlov c&nT^KrlcoV) jiajj povov 7rohicav koci roir-cav, wi/ y,uiv 7TQ~ T€ v.vPioi,

vrcov qvSiv igyov u^tohoyov. 5. Zr.rco rr t v aXr.hiocv, v$' yg ovhig noonon iGhaGy j3A#7TTg- t#i Si o tziaivuv ztti ry t g t&vrov ccTTccry.g koci ayvoiag. 6- Yioog kiov xai 7T(>Qg av^o>7ra}V Tiriy^rcH. . 7. E7T*i^gu9jjv <^g Jtcfci ovrug v7To ry,g luyg Tg >c<3ti vfAirzg&g Tta- r^iiog, roig 7T£s:r£vTg£0K, ou ji*ovoy QLhx$oig> &AA# ^oti 7roAiT^cA>jTou cLvrot iixnrnvip^&f rQafou py ' 29 ^(W#?, «AA' 6V ta nm iqv roov ^parm 7T£oVj ctKKa kxi utto tou 7TA>j- ouf wOoy^ugvo?. 10. Tqiuvtoc a rig£Tiv#| ii7rcav, vV^gjcg Tg t>jv ctu^jcA^tov fiov* Ky]V> %&l 7TQQ$ 7T#VT«V gVfpJJjWlcOg*?, 7!&jv jugv to* «r#? k#i juaotga U7ruv } ovrca ttoAA# vVo J OCVYjhUV |Wg CU figAg^, OV T£07T0V CtVgiAg? g^Og? TOV A/^U7T- Tiov; 3. AAygw rv}V KtQaXyv. 4. 0\>£zig uv^ca7roov avrog dirotvTM jv «§^ijv. 7« TV flfrvO^WTHVlflV Ci)$ ^/^TgOgOj, JCOti TO (TW|U.<36, >C&< T*JV tJ/U^JjV. — 9. Ou^Of ^g &KK0t> Tg 7T0AA# &|/0? g7ro6 to pgv trufAcc uvou <£>iAo7rovo?, T>jv <^g 4 >U ^^ V ^'AofroCpos". Ivcb Tftl //gV gTTiTgAgiV <^UV}J T06 QQ(>CtV £fl**0"7jj T06 (TU|W(pg^evToi. 14. M»J gVO^Ag/ C6UT0V JUJJ^* ObVAKQlVf (Aiftvu yap , wV7g OVX C6V £7roK£iv#*TO coi, t>jv ^AwtI^v ^*oA«rOo6iy«v, 30 15- EjefoV AgUJCJjV [AiV riVOC> XOCl tTClU,*\KV\ TOV T$%y*GV 9 to? gf- XOtrfav KVKVOV VVy0Cri(>0C ZlVOCl. 16. Qocivtroci 6 ocvyiq ?W pw faw JvJ^Ao$£«v, rr,v to JouAw&m^o/ gjv#* roc y$y\ ot fjczv fiocgtocgoi rcav EAA>jva>v, ot jv Ev£Q7T>jv, v7TQ[Aivovin TY\V 3 'i%Y}V, OvSiV fvOtlV0VTtf. 18. GoCrifiOV Si {AtyoO JlTQ\j vJ/lT^Ov) TTAjJ^? 6 T^OCtOg* CCVYtf), roC \IIV OCKXOC, UoCVQg. 19. Oi Tg cjgi£ jc<^/ oi)/^/vot, wV roc ttoXKoc, xot* tt^o? Ta^ o^yocg o%vf>QG7TQi utri, koci ocrlovrzg (ptqovroci, cavm^ roc ocvt(>[A,ccri TTAoiOC. 20. Etj ov rpQ7rov rcav o^oiyzicav roc jwgv sT# $jv agirViV oSov r^oc7roio } carz(>oc. S. Ylocvroc o zftoc zclt. 4. Oux oi^Tg ot* roc ocy[A.ccroc 3 ocKXoc rot ttz^i rcav TT^ocyfjcocrcav Soyuocroc. 7. A Jth^vou 7roi»jtrgtv ccyobQatiiAMGi or iKoc^ocvzg roc x$v,pocrx GC7rorirzXzj^>j. 8. T# 7T(3oGocroc ocvroj ocmoKo^h, ort otfocft tjjv cp«v»jv aurov. 9. TLcag ovx, z Tt^Q&ocroc Qvzi zfiioc, ocAk' Q7rov, Tg koci itihoc ocviyfi. SI 11. belts ttiqi r^ayoihas otSi ckm$cli&s jcoji ^, oj«fg kch 7TiPi WW d [xzv yx$ iiroivoiicc g^g*, v7rot(>%ti tjj r^ocyco^tcc. 12. IlAOUTO*, TlUXl, $Q1 9 TV^OLVVlAiSi KCbl QCOC Jv] Ol,XX(X, i^U ttqAv to g|w0gv, 7r^o«r7^yw^oujWgvov, QVK ccv to) yz (p^ovifAca $o%znv ay&b* u7Tg££&AAovT#, cav uvro to 7rg£t0V0VS 3 hv\yY\7rov us rqv iroXtv. 17. Ootltf ( WgV COl gU g^gt JC«< T ' CCvAgOCTToAct, ftavra, XOS* iVflTO* ia, KCt,l Ofl"fl& ■J6£JtTJJC(,Tav tou ev- TOt^i^cTjWOU jUOU TgT>j£)J>tgV <*UTO. 2. M>j jdg to %oo(>iQV ydicos oqaxriv, gvOot narzxaivav qfAWV TOVS a%QVS. 4. E»7Tg inat tyjv oi>covojLAjoiv ^ov ; o*x,#7r7gjv oujc w;j£V0 3 ' €9r#iTg«v #*«•- %VVQf/,ai, 5. EU XtyUS, OTi (TOU T<* g^K#1^W#TOJ JOJCOipfV, oVg 7T£#^V jJ ^3/ov rtrvtfSYiKM, y.&i uzvto avrov gV T^ C6^jA6ov gi? t^jv u(>av tocutjjv. 32 n#Tg£, $Qt,a TO, yiyqctfAfA-lVX' TOTg gVO^wO^(T^, TIMl iVoJctHTiig T#f oiovg (TOV, KOLl TOTZ (TWYjiTitg. 10. M>? j o( / ^(Tlog• vvv ya% rj^yj 7ruvrccg civ- ^ca7rovg $u zdivoci t& rovrov i(>yot>. 8. Ov% QTl Ct,7rZK.TZlV0t> (TOV TOV VIOV [AiTMfAihil jU»OI, #AA OT/ Otf jt#< o*g 7T£oJ? OU tt#* TJJ?. (p;- A/Ot? TJJff 7T0t,T(>rKVjg JCAlJ^OVO^giV. 13. Ev ou^gv Kocnglyj lapa, oog uniiv, o, t/ %^v k^g^y^ 7&g oXpgAgiV to j/«^ tw %vvzvtyx,ov 9 ctAAov touto g£Ac4.7TTg. 14. To/? j3*J. 17. To) fXiV TMVTOt, JlSoVTl tJ^/V, 7TZlP0C0*QfACi,l TTQlilV, [AY^OTZ lAlTCCfAiKY^Oil TY t g TTPCg tfAZ Q<$0\). 18. X^»j v^tocg fturuv Tovg rot ttocpocvoiaol ypottpovTccg, koci [ayi^zv fAlKPOV YiyUG^OLi ilVOCl TO)V TQIQVTOOV, CC\h' WOLflcV V7Ti(>fAtyt$iS. 19. 27TgV^?iV, JttfJ 6ugiV, KCtl CLT* ii ^ttbcbl , iKOLffloiS 7T PQ(fY\Y~j t7Tk[Aivag i [jLyfe a [At Am y [ay^z yAicr^pugy [ay,- *?g uVe£ JvvoifAiv. 20. Ag^gi 04UTO) GHAiB'TTOf, Kv£ KPtU), GTTQGOt, Z%PY,V TTPUtIziV OLVTQV V7TZP ZUO\J. 22. T7T0(.P%Zl JjtfiV ^iljAGC^KO fA*V Xgqsdoll TVjJvVXfJM, AfffAV^ KXl ®XC0H tllAiVig, KXl GrtOg, noli d %PYj (fl'PXTZVfAXGl Travj' 23. A7rgK^*0»j #vtw o o^Ao?, H^gt? y;a.ovgx[azv ex TOU VOjWOV, p;T< o yLptcrlog (azvzi tig rov xicovx' kxi Trots ?UOt^ JJ 7VCCPCC TY t S TZXVYIS ZKfAOl- 28. £t ^gv [ayjAqKojs Aoyov fAZTztfli tois a?^oyois ovofA»^outvoig (WOK, Ot$YjXQV wfll' KTCOg yot-P, il ZOU TOV IAY\ KOCTOf TyV (QoJVYjV, QV KOtl TrpoQopiKQv ovotAa.tyvc-1, otAKoc Tovyi k&tci ty-v ^/v^nv, ov ivAiotfa- tov xotAoyir<, ( wgTg;/gj wavrot, toc uzv ^uaAAov, to, P iJt7q^. 29. E* iizKKqi^azv ocya^oy ttivoc n,TY, ohiyov jUeAg* rcav &m %PVog ryg HgcoAiaJog, y.oct o^x y r cujMvyjg veil aci,V JiKCUQffVVVlV, CO 7T0t,t, 7TO0g [AaQvjCV) ZvQc&SZj ZTLZl QVTWV CQl rcov $iSot,J Cg r) (P(XVTOtO"<06 CvVOLPTTCCO'Y]. 5. ©gOU $1<$QVTQS 9 fXV^iV KT%yU CpOoVCi?, ttOt* jU)J JlSoVTOC, UyJiV tCyyZt 7TQVQC. 6. T^/* gvt<# Aoyou OL^tot, rot? EAAjjo** v#utjx#. to "Rap vutv, V.CU ro ytj,£Ttgov, kcci to Ko^ivOiwv. 7- TO'JTfcV X,g;v izSicog } Koit rocv- ■. i& ruv c-olS&octcov, kmi rcov Ou^wv jcejtAsitfjwevwv, ottov jjt#J Ag^gf C*U ~ 15. TgAo? Si vac^cov n iroKKoov at ocKAqhoig qSvj x,u[mvm gv r-oo TTOTCCfACO, KOCl Sli(p($OCpUZVQV TOV iV 3 KMTOL TOV ■ 7TQTMUQV, TOU Si, K&1 it Tl Sl0C($vy0l 3 V7T0 TCOt l7t7TiC0V 3 NlKlCCS Y\jKi7T7t0p iOCVTQV 7TOt(>CiSlScoos rovg Qiovg dirXcog rocyccQa SiSovai, cog rovg Ogou? kmAAktIoc iiSorctg, ottoim ccyocQoc &fli. 17. OlKiTCig fAiV 01 SvVOCfXiVQl WVQVVTO&l, lv<* CCg i%QVTOg TOV SgafAOLTOg, OiTToS-ViTOCUiVOg iKOKT" log ocvrcov rv\v %(>vTivoMoc, vvx-rog oCKjj>oc^ovTilhV)ILipiVCOV } OiQlKV QWTOU Q AoClTQg KOCl EteAgJiTOC. CHAP. XXXII. 1. Tvjv jUgv vvxrot, ovrcag i7TO(>ivovTQ. 2. Ovrcov ocvrcov ov 7roXXoccotqv vi^ccro yiVic^cn roig AQvjvocioig. 3. Ev co KociQop iyivv^y; Mcoa-qg, koci jjv octfiuog roo 0gw £g ccv- zrqoctpy [Ayvccg rqng, gv rw qmco rov Trctrqog. 4. O Kv^og %(>qvqv |Wgv T/vot Giairy xa,riSo(,K(>vjv>j g^gToti 7r^cai 3 ng tg [AvyfAtiov, xjtcv. 10. TjjJ' vrltgaiM, o Tg Ku^o? g7Tgw7rg rov #yj/gAov* xot/ o APjUgv/of, jta/ d ^cchSociot c-jvi7T2f/,7rov, ivg rtavwroiTQvg gvojU«£bv tlVCH, KCU (TvUTT^OC^OCl, VLCtl ZiTTUV TTi^l Kv(>OV T CL 7T(>Q^U>jV&ff gy TV} ttqKzi. 13. }3jUg£fitff |UgV g€JOjUJflJtOVT# T*V#ff, OUTftl £lV>TV}QviQOl' Z7rnTjv A6jjVtft/wv, x#* g/T/vgff SocgA/wTwv >j flaAiwrcdv CUV ZtrlgOLTiVfOlV, rov? ahhGvg oi7TiSovro. 1 l. ExgjXg TT*^ YlflOb?' KCCl *JV >;d*>J gyyuff jJaigu Svcpw, y^ovov yct(> TTQhvV Siitqi^iv gvcfov, 15. T#UT& gflOWgVOU t#AvvJ/sv #vtov, X«/ Off T# QUpLOLTM t5V«Ot,TtVQ- MgVOUffj jLtjj [J,CCV.PGV TOUTOV, fltAA' cVoV j cTt^^oucriv wdg. 19. O Ku«|fl6^»Jff, TWV M^JirfV fioLVlAiVg. TJJV JlAgV VUXTOt gV ^ g|ijA6gv o Ku^o? - , auTOff Tg gjWgdvcrKg^o 3 wc g?r' guTv^iot' x*» rovff otA- AoUff d*g MjJ<^OUff OJST0 TT^PgiV^i gV TW clfiOLTOTTlita, ttAijv oAt^wv, «~ XGV&7V Ou^VcOV 5T V 0AUV. 20. IwatTicv tj£it(pj-eQVQV VfAVOVjAZVOi 0#AAovJV Mvtyobf. 2. KkkziQzv avourlocg z^ztqci zig too opim ryjg lovfoiixg, Jim tqv 7TZ(>%ZTOU SVTgU0gV. 4. A7Tzi%ov 6 jjAGov (7T$og) 7toCT^og a^ctiov tmQqv. 8. A^oijj,zvog j? en, SjjcsAjjj? gA0g. Twv <;zv xcc^oKovg 7toiziv Xoyovg v\ [jlvQqvs. 12. A7T0 TOTg ZP^OLTQ lYjVQVg SziMVZlV TOig f/rOlQyiTOCig ccvtqv, on $Zl OiVTQV Zig IZ(>Qeov, kcci otp^izqzeov, %on ygafAfteiTZM. 13. AAAov 7t a gay ay i' juotAAov $z too $vco toutw tov vgAo)VT# TOV A^J^oOgV, JCOti TOV JCAOtiOVTOt TOV Z% E(pg(fGtr #a# V#£ #'JTW 7n7r£flW0#i |3ouAg(T0ov. 14. TOUTOV jMgV fl«V 0MOt,$Z OiU0if ^cp^usvov, >c^< 7tfiog,?QVZl- ctv oc^zvra TtokKvy, M7tz7tccv*}ikzi 6 Uocvhog Tra^ccTtAzvca.i ty\v E(pg7 MVTOd KMTCMTy^ZGig £V TJJ htflX' ZfTTTivS'z yUP Zig Ty)V YjUZPAV rvjg UzvTZKocrlvis yzvwtlai zv Uf>ov g*Tg |3ouAgjV)JV 7T0VWV 7TWXo\J T } TQCQVTQV #T06£#f- iot>, 7T(> Si OvSlV 7TiQiyiVcT0Ll. 4. OmX,WV tttf£7T0» JCC6T& TO fJLiyi^Og g| 0#JtTUA&>V OVTgC. 5. 0<j, u) Kv>£g, kxv t^g t|/V- %yg 7rt>tci>ijj,y}V 9 eocrlz y.^KQ-ri A#T,oguciTQvg haScav TTgVTg t#A#vt#, ttff gCp^OVTicTgV g7T' OtUTO/? 0/V VVKTGiV, OtTTg^WJCgV Gt.VT3 ilTTCOV, Otf TifxatrQcct avrcc ryg g7r o-utojc* ^ovTi^cs". 11. Ni>cjcc?, o NiK,YjPot,rQv y Xiytxui g7njv ug tagyv^iK 12. MyjSi OCV Tl OJVUUM, >JV TTOAJ} Vi(dTi$Qg Tf>l&Y*QVT* ZTM, g- 'G(ti>J,Kct,C, $i TyV 77APA<$C?j0jjff #ut&>v, Sl77kO\)V 7C^OVl X, AT Ay lA COT A. 8. 2uv#vgj 77AjCT#* 3C#t (TUV^JCOAOuOgt TOJff |UgV 7TA0UT0/ff JO#i TAig JwAlTlilAig #V0/<* >C#* ^OgTifc TOCVT^g, AKOAAtTlA. 13. Of (p^ovjjirg&j? not, i ApiTyg A77it^oi > ivca^iAig £i %ai Toig TQlQVTQig All |uV0VTgff, KATCO QlQQVTAl, Y„Al ffkAVOOVTAl £lA filQV. 14. 1$M £l A'JTyjV Q \yit#t AA;a£*<&Cd[/,lVQig. 16. n^WTOV jUgV OUV JtKAlOg llf/,1 A77oXoyy;(rAQy } KAi TOVC vtiliPQVg. 40 cvyytvofj,ivog 3 qvk qi£' onug #vg7rA>jj£ tiv* o*Uju£ovAgvgcrOY**} TUV 1&IUV, QU^gTTOTg V.&Kug j3ouAgUuv!v ovn it^ovi&Kt^&g #utov, effort y^ki [/.olvtiv- COfliVOg, QVTi 7T(>0A ST#/£OV. 20. EcT/J#£gv 6 2 uk (> otTqg Tovg UVTQ } ATViyjcUV 9 UKKOC KCLl G7T0T8 iV 2(*Y}IJUC& titv. 21. E#UTW ^UgV 7ToAA# gAAg*7Tg*V TjJ? ? #j g >j UV. 7. ®Ct>V[AM^U (TOV. 8. Att^^/^^wv #utcv t>j? o^ou gjoj, vVo (poiviKdg TIVM5, TUV MyJlKUV TTiKuV VTToQcCKKilV iKiKtVCiV CCVTU7 9. O Vojfxcciuv fitzci'Azvg, yvtf)ct, 3 TOV TQQTTQV , rtOV C* yotg li^ot, ncct oicovovg {Ayr gv eictvrcp ^Savon, pyjS' gv ry trl^ctrtoi, 7ilvS\JViVjv 3C£jv k%u iv a Si og»v Appcovog cov. 16. El QovKOlO %iVQV TVOlY^OLl ViroSt%St yzvovg Ac^u-tt^ov. 5. Kocyco roi ovSzvog vjacov, ovn £co{Ay 7T(>Q(pz(>cov 9 ovt ivrv^ia Sokcov 7Tqv vcniQQg tov iivcii, vuv gv roi ocvrco kiv Svvco roig (picov. 7. Tjj jWgv 6 oL'jTog ocv iiij {AifAyryig O^^co So^ok-Ajj?, [AipovvTcii yctQ ttpQco G"7rovSiy(>u$, avToig TTkyi^ta^a , $li(P§&()Yi0V 7TiVTy]X,QVT0C XOLl iKOLTQV iV TW YlOVTOO f*V()tQVS OTThiTC&S MVTM Y.OLI TttV (TVfA,[Ajvwv rotg 7Tct(>Qvocqi$ Eojc- XilSyq, KMl &V}[A,OK(>lTQg 3 TLCCl UgOKklVOg- 01 Si 3 [AMgCl KQfM$VI Trgoty- [a&tcl Tr t g roov 7rccKaio0v tdloqiocg o(>7ro[jt.vtjfxovovVTig 3 ug rovg otv- Tovg roTTovg txiivoig i7rz%'ci()Y)oi&i$oqtqv g7n?Q$00yzTijtflt< TOV? CU/.O^^VT^? T'/J? 7f OkiOOg y\V StCD^0Cg 3 KOtl TQ\)g TTfJiVT^OU jjv aokoicr^vxi Kzkzviracg. 11. Toufjugv otvygYiKt, Tovg Siz^ikkv^z. 12. Ev TocvTy} Ty yfA>t(jcc t [Aikkn ZK#z ri 7Toc(><%vQ[j,v) tqvtq flovhoftai (>xKoyt£tT&i yjfAOOV vj 4^%*7 XCLl TO 7T(>0OTQV COC QV . 9. Ev oig kmi Aoyyivog yv y qv crvyy^oc^LuciTcc zcrli pzyoc Toig 7rai- JztOlg [A2TOi7roiQV[J,ZVQig OCpgAo? zvog y qv pyj k^oct^co, eoq TToiUV. 11. AKQvarag tocvtoc q TaJciTocg, qc\ zn v zva znrzv, Ag ovv 9 g(p)j, JvvoufjLvjV otv nrvtrKtvourMfAzvog (p^occrai, tt^iv gA#0cv Tivzg ^zvKravTzg ccyyzXovg. 13. Tag $z ^z^ocg, zt Tivog &kt§qito Jzojiazvov y tqv 7rc67T7rov, i] TQV TY\g {LYlTQQg ClS'zhQQV, ^OtAgTTOV JjV OCKKQV -JsTgTg Tyjg 7T0AlTZlCCg 7T0l()Cl%60()VJi Tivzg dfA'X yzvofAzvai, kcu v£ca(>, tqv zrovg 7T(>Qg [A.ZTQ7T00(>QV V}3v} OVTQg. 18 5 KoLTZUCtQoV CiVTOV QVTZ QvQVTCll TQig OgOIC, OUTg [ACtVTMVj %QW? fAZVQV, dhhct KCCl TCOV 7TQIQVVT00V TCiVTQi KXTCtyzhMTa. 44 19. Ev oitf , on u TQvfr ovrcog irvy^xvzv t%ov , oujc ocv avrov q- ftOVOfAiV iV JLA&TilOC QVT0C } OCX?^ 17T I TQig yf/.tTi(>Qtg QglQS. 20. Ovx ocv (pQavois hiycov, a ri yc^Gou (piAr^ov g7ncr7#jU.£vov, Q lyco ziJcog KiX^x ifAocvrov ; 21. ntaloc ccvtu) ov% av yzifa ovrg intoig ocv, ovti ^zi^xig, coy civrog ev Twy^aviig ttqcq vftoov nXy^ug. 22. E/ Tl xSlKQVVTQC [At vyccg ItaQCbi UCl VQfAQl 7TZ(>1 7T#vtwv, %Al Tiyco^ixi 3 koci xycovig, xxi KQifrug, Ttix^ot koci yzyxXx i^ovtroci t<#. iTTiTiyux, kxi TQvroig z&v octtugi x(*qt. 23. FIoAA>jv ccv too ©g&) %oLm cr;/o;^v, u y,y iixyx^roiyi rqg hv i%wv tczqi gov Tvy%avco. 24. Org §i zttxvgxto XxXoov 3 tint vrgog tov Ziuoovx. En ocv ay oi- yi tig to fixtiog, kxi %ctAccqv 3 ooyim TT^og xvtov ocycov to gIqxtzviax. 27- AilVOTXTQV TTXVTOg Y]V TOV XXKQV v) xOvjAlXj 07T0TZ rig xigvoitx xxyvcov. 28. Qlil QVV XTCOTTXVTOOV TQVTUV TQGXVTyV ^OVyjV ZlVXl 3 QGY\V XTTQ tov Ixvrov Ti*jyei 30. Ilf fX r cV OVV $il TOC TTgQGZKQVTCC TTOltlV Z^KoVTOCg VTTflfr^giV OC- TTOCVTCig ZTQl[AQVC 9 t#g iyVCOXOTCOV vy,00V KCtl TVimifTlAZVUV, 7TQCV0[JL0Cl hzyooy. 31. O kcrtvfiiQSi ug zyvu) 7r^oH,OCTCC g|fltVfltj?, xxi rov zTTiyzKotv nvi 7rocvnhug #7Tg;£ou. 4. Ti g£*jA0gTg Og<* TOO vikxv. i 6. Ktf^O? U^iV TOU CbTtiViAly #71*0 TOO [AOt,%iff{)ot,t. 7. Ev TO) <^TSrvig 3 ou? jWev tj iroKiq vopu^zi Ggou?, ou vopifav. 10. E^0> TT^O? j*#, gTTlOCgJ/OjLfcgVO? 7TW? g^gtff. 11. Ou 7T# rovg (Qi\ovg, 12. Tot^u tou? 7Txrzpag rwv jjAouwtojv #v>j£t>jto o Ku^o?, 7T£0%QfAtVQVS 3 ZTl Jt#/ VUV 3 fli< [A0t,%0tl KPiVOVroCl, 0fl6££O»V OUiFgV #V P&$ZtO'Cp§V\PlQl OlVyhCdXZl, K,ttV, JC&J /3#A- A&JV, KOCl %j gQ rig Z7rzKccQi£zv zffi TOig ^giAgcr/. 19. To hiav (ptAgf/,ZT(>a £iot,Qt(>Qvcriv avj ycifi oiv roc H^o^otou ug fxzr^ Ti§zvai 3 xoct ovJzv vfrlov ocv ziy Irloqia rig [tzToi, uztqqv, y\ ocvzv pgr^ou. AAAcft rovrco JicMpzqzi) rot tov jWgv roc [MvofjLzvoc Azyziv , tov ^g, o'/«. <3tv yzvoiro. 22. MgAtT7wv jjAiJtiotv ^<^yvoi^ rig ocv t tov t^o7Tov toutov at pzv ocvrozrzig cIiKttmc&i Tg g/oioiv' di ^g 7T(>zo6giT0tj, yi octtr- Qyi0V g(TjJ, KMl TQV £»JV qv Ttot,\j<;v\. 24. E7Tg;^ ttpxtIhv xvtqs atoohviTo t TroKniKa, $i& ro %ai TtlPl putyvO, VjCftQhvifQoHy Af>%ta£oCV 3 TQV TQig QiQtg CplAOV, g7T* TQV- 10 %Ci.PiKCtXil. 25. SvvgAovr; zittziv, kopcco {/,qi $qxqvJ? 7T£0 g£^OU yZVQIT OtV , tig <$tzvTOLjVj COcfli t<3JC. 2. Av fjt,yj vi 7TPog rat Who* cutyo-Ooii, Qavxrov >?pv ocipitiov ir\ &VTI TOOV £Ctl 3 TQVg TOt> TQI&VT& uyovTccg ng Tt%vix,oi TrupocyyzhfAotTM. 6. $Y,fA.l $Y\ JtXV ^OY^yjTiQV UVOlt TQig 7T (>OLy pcCG tV C [AlV TU Tg, rug 7rohzig TQig OXvvQioig cw^uv, k&i TQvg tqvto 7TQiv}g ; (fl^cc- T'lcaToig ac7Tiu7riiV next t« tyjv zkuvov ^co^ocv KXKcag 7Tqihv, koh tqi- >]fii? q&tiqv avoii kcci hoyoig koci tpyQig* 47 8. Ei rovg Qiovg iKziag zivoti cot fivvhu, 0g£ot7rguTgov (coi) too? Qiovg' urz v7ro (ptAwv gQgAot? ctyoi.7rot,JV TToAlV oxpiKyjTiov. 9. To h nhivraiov k#* ptyijv gA7nJo& 7raJ ; #£* OU TO, i<;CO TVJ$ Tg^VjJ? fMf^yjTiOV TOO? Ot^ittOov? UvKviTas ; KOLl 7T£ft>T0V ^gV, 0T< gJOg/VOi (HtgUJJ T£ KMhOl KgKT^VTO^, JOOM «JCOAou6ou$- TTOAAOV? 7Tg£J#^0VT#/, Jt#J TQUT&) T#UT# 7T0lV}ri0V. CHAP. XLII. 1. OI ttKqvviqi ttoKv #.9Ai#Tg£ov Vjtcoiv tov fiiov @iovjQ>jx,ovovC#J gX,7rft>jM.0tT<* tyV XQVffCt,, KOil SlOCKQVQl CO(>Ct>lQl 9 X,CA yov0#* ^gAftnTOTTOfO* . 5. 2u |U»j 7tAoutouvt#, x,#j q$i(/lu> ovu^ca %vvQVTct, jcoit Qa,vpa lyjV cvSoClfjLQVtOCV ZvS<&l[/.QVQVVrAXov (TCOfAOCTCl, Kct,i 7rxiv ivvQ^iCtiWig > TgAo?, KiKoiQvj^ivovg ng rovg oxzTQvg z^i^&v (pioovTig. 48 10. EW£0Mt#Tg, SV TV} AqktIqQMVOVG JCWjUtt^ltf, £fc»t£OtT>jV TtVti i%U 7Tt(>t0[*tV0Vj QOUTKOVTOC Tg 04g£o£#TgiV, >C#J #AA>JV 7T0AA»JV $K\)&%lCt,\ <{>Av&£OVVT<*. 11. Tw 7rA>jGg* irai^og *jv 3 x,#j £uvg$v^g t>jv (pu^v t#ut*jv. 12. liovng Jitov aM 9 t%c&(2Y}, cog o^ocg 1 &&&- V&TOg UVCtl £vV»fAtVQ$. 3. Nuv ^vjTun fM airoKTUv&t, og ryv uKyj^iocv AgA#A*jK# vpiv, yv ijKov tv&qc*, rov ©sou* rovTO A&QOL$ et> i KMl OtTOjWOUf, >ttf< JOgV#, JC-a* TOJOVTOV TiVOt O^AOV OVOjUOtT- &>V, 0l, 7t{>' OLVTCOV JjKOVOV. 6. Ag^gt auTo»? o c I»j£ oc<5t< teyn #vito>, not? tfV0£a>7TOS- 7T£«T0V TOV /C^AOV OiVOV TiQ»Jjj£ Aourvg, tyco Si &vy}(> Agios • jktlj 7T0Tg 4"^*$^ f*g 7T#T>^, XQCl iCOfAOil gVOtVTlOV #1>T0D, «$T Jt#T# vy,uv vocog tov gv vpiv dyiov 7tv2v^.xxog z{ gJ^OV, 7T£Q TOU TOV /COC^OV giV#/. 6. MvjjUOVgUgTg TOU Ao^OU OU gyw g*7T0V VfMV, Zl i[M 2$lCd%XV, xxi vpxg $iU)<;Qv%yjV. 8. 2uV>}A0OV $2 >C<54i TCOV fAX^TCOV X7TQ KXi(TX(>2lXg CUV »Jjl*iV, a^ov- Tg?, ttcc£ (J |gvijwgv, Mv«fwv< Tivj, Kv7r^*o), a,Q%cti(a tAX^T^. 9. TO/? TTkiKjloiq 2l[AX(>TXl fJtr t ^27rOT 9 2V 7T^t7oU(T<, (p£0,Vg/V. 10. Tu^jj gjWjj Tkv^ovog. 11. At KXkkicrlxi T^xyooSiXi tgv *j 7TX$21V &tt- V*, Y\ %0^IQV CV i$UY.2V \X"AOdQ> \mtg0tV§XV2lV. 18. ETrgrJgAAgv jjjcgiv xvtov iffi to j(pg(rotv j3ouAgU(T<»iVTO. G 50 19. Ol (AlV tVV iVVQV%0l XOLl 01 ^iP&TtOVriq AvrOV Xapv^OtV O^JOjV TW T£AgUT>$J Si yWvj Y.&V/ITGLI %OCIJ,Cil, KiKQCfAy^Vid 0*£ £<^g TOV C£(pjV #VTOU g;£OV ovri y.iyx ovri g#AAjC#IPZI TOJV iSiCTfAXrcaV ; 6. H'Kiiflob rcav p'yropcay oi 7fiPt7rx^ng iyxcauiaalixoi, *j iy.7txKiv oi v7rV. 8. E;/6-J %Py[AClTO(, jU-gV 7TP0- yov x,ot>i mtz^qv ovdzvog OC^tQV ZlVMl VQ[/,ttyvHTEP0N %at CTFoufaiOTZQQV itoiwig It/lopac HT- 2. McL§y)T€VfAyvtiot,v, o acci nri TWV g^AgT^WV, Y.CH iTTl TOOV KoytOV i%H TJ^V #.VT*JV £vVOt{AlV. 4. H TOU AlOCVTOg gV VZKVlCf, GlOitYl [AiyM, K(X>i Tt&YTQS V^XoTZOdV Aoyov. 5. &g /3#0ov SKOipydtis, to tocvqv, q$ q\jk z%eQoge$ ; O £ ovv OdWcgv? neat; JnQvytv ; 6. ETTg* Ji ilSi TV\V ywctlKOC %Clf/,Cit KOtOtf^UgVJjV, KMl TOV ViXQOV jtgj^ugvov, gJ#x.£u* to& pgv y#£ radius fAOVyj, TOOV TCTYIfJCOCTtOV, OtQctVCiTOV. 9. $VGx(>QV QtXG^PvifAOCTQV, KCtl KlvJvVOJV KOCTCiQ (>QVYl- cavrzg, y\ £t zTTii^ouyjg Koct gcpoJov to %(>zi(*)£zg irpog tov $/ov f " qi^qvtoci, v} fjczyccKcav fAic^tov ryjv g/^vtjv otvTocotTo&AAoKnrovToti. 10. At TroKus ziti rotg fj,zyicr7oig ah)Lv\v*&c#V oujc <^Vj [Aiifyvog kixkov v. 12. K#Aov, v\ roov dvjfiocuav TTg&yfAOrtcdV QvAocky}. 13. TCC gQv»J 7Tg^7roiTg«, gV fXcSTOtlotvjTl TOU V007 *»UTWV, OVTS? ccTC^KKoT^Ka^zvoi Tv;g ^coyjg tov Qiov. 52 CHAP. XL VII. i. TI cvv aycwciKTiis kxt avrcav ; SiSovci ya(> ccu(pu jtotA^y T^V tJV/OjV. 2. IlA);v ccXKa, h jug zXv7ru ov [MTQius' o ©giTjUOTroAi? gvo^Awv, x.** SiSoLcry.m cog di Svo oaro(poccng s [aim kktocQucw #7TOTgAouQV Si TJJ T#£gl, TY[ SvVOCUH Si XV^OITg^OVj 7Tca$ Ot>\ VjfAlV OtVTQ TOVTO, Jt#i J*' WV T*V#V jUgGo^WV X,T»j- TOV yiVQlTQ. 4. K#i TTOTCHfAOl, K&l yOllCl, KOLl 6lV7Ti\'i^i X.#jU.0VT#? Av^wttou? tAvgJ gJ T« 7T0jAw oujc olv ttqKXv) auctbia gj>j, koli kocv.qSxi^.o\ia ; 6. TW JV 7TX(>CC GjA# t# o£vj, cJ? g^,Oi]Wgv oLK^Qarli^ocv t>jv G(, TM T0*0UT6t)V g7T#{V0V ZV hoyu> Ti$g- TOLt, Qiyt 0\)A' OCVTQl ZOtVTOtg OC^Zur%<>ov 7ro^c-ocg t gA7n£g A>? j, koci 7ravToo rcc Jitvoi, (poavofxzvoi, 7T£o OCpOaAjWWV £(r1ft) XV y,MhljG>J(rtJ , OUTg #y<*V £7nGu^%QVTj ouv fj,Yi$i t»jTg^«A€7rov tj twv roiovrcav, d \/*Yfcz tou 13. Ayv(>0; 6 T£07T0f A^KQV^ZVQi TOi? 7T#£0Uj , ouJ 1 ' ou py cz gj/JtotT^A/Trw. Hc#i ou $o£^GvjQg, XV gTT^g/^wpgV #V [AZVTQl KX^CajAZ^X QlKQl, Koi^Q^QV^ZVUiV XKOVOVTZg, KXl XlTlOt)[A>ZVM XKXvjKQVg TWV AgJ/OVTft>V, OU^g 7T0T QV&ZV v'^lV OU MJf ^gV>jT#i TWV J'gOVTOJV. 15. ^XiYjV ocT££OV Scr7* 7T0AA^K,K TO #7rO&#VgjV, TOU ^V. 3. K<*AA*ov to jU.>j ^jjv gc7iv, »j £>jv ^OAiw?. 4. To/? vuv y.xi Toig tt^otz^qv. 5. T<36UTot yz fjLoi k&i tou ot7ro0oivgiv olitim yiyzvr t Toii, Ciy^VTtVKXr XCtl $(>QVTl£zg. 6 AvOpwroi <^uo <3tvg^*}Qg TO QVTTMQQV CVVU^OVCOC, 12. O g;£«v rctg zvToXcxg pov, Jt#* tj^wv #uT7rw \az % 6 Sz ocycc7rcav pz, cbya,TCvfivia>yf/.ovziv m 15. To ^tgv, avfycdTTog, yj> Kzvkqv, ov irf>Q fiaJt^zt, t]y fizSocSmz, to \azv tov 7Tcc^qvtoo xqovov, TO $z tqv TT^^eA^AufioTa. 16. KoUKthiog, o roov ?oofj,ocioov cvyyq&Qzvg, tovto t^ztoci cjj- fJtelOV TOV EKhyjViUQV ZtVOtl KTtffAM TYjV Pw^tjV, TO 7TCCq CtVTy TY}V 7tOt>- rgiov 6v£OV)Jjv rt^adoiv, iu^wv g7r<%gtA*;. Themistoc. 3. ^>^vo^fjLox,ga>TQV$ tov Yl^oKOvyCiovi Itiscrip. Sig. k 4. Tivzg tcov A 7T#VTJ $YlX0V. Athdl. 19. E£ ait&Km ovv^oov. Prov. 20. E7ret jAqv o^^yv^ioa 7roAAou. ./Elian. 21. TlfylTTKA |WgV KQIAQ&TM Z7T01YIC0CV, ^Jliail. 22. Ai>0k gx- viv\g &(>xw vx <*AA>jAo(JV TOTg JCOiTS^OVTO? Jt#T# T>jV It#A<tz[aqvoc ry 7rvzovQ(r$()0l,fJt.QVTig jStf^KHV. ^EHail. 28. ris^TTTw ^g gTg* tij? A^j? Ewi^ojLtjjf cp^ci. Laert. 30. A/#^giv tov /3iov gv g/^v>j. ./Elian. 31. TjJ pgT* T*JV gl^V VfK-TI ^gT^AA&fgV TOV 0iOV. ^Jscllin. 32. Ou 7r£ojv 7roA*y, ouaQziov, >j »j^ rzrzXzica^o^i. Phi- lip. 3. 36. MgT# TOVTO *}VOi|gV Iw£ TO (flofAQt CCV70V, K<%1 KQlTVlQ&O'OtTO T>jV ijA20OiV ^2VgOA«OU C&VTQV-. Job- 56 37. &$ ot,ct) 7rvig yqg yiyovoTis. Hesych. 39. Eo>? in zv y/j tpihitx, zirfAiv. Xen. 40. Ov% olvrocvrzg tyjv EAAjjvwv yAuxr' Tigocpzvog ryv yvcofx^v inrz. Andoc 43. \Li\zg 7Tt>o<; ryv fiovhvjv twv VcdfAoticov zy^oc^z JV a7ro^y}ru)v yftapuoiToov. jjEll&n. 44. Atto tjj? 7raT(>i£os, to &<§ Iz^ccg y^a^tYis, y(>X iro Tzig zig racg MKoot>g y][Auv. Act. 17. 46. Tovg Kzvoxtg kmi WArz^ivovg foov (/J^ocrzvuMrcav xm ^ajjcocroc KhYi'ityuiv. Polyaen. 47. E< efg rig jt#Ag/ vpag tm owiglm tTTiJuirvov. 1. Cor. 10. 48. hoc za^woXXuv 7r^o jf ( uwv. 2. Cor. 1. 49. EK7Ti(pivyocg Siy.yiv (a AaGig, Aristopll. 50. Kgh tvmKiv eitrjjA0gv ng Km7Tz^vmov[a Si ^yki^m. Marc. 2. 51. K#T# T>JV ZUYjV So^ocv. 52. n<3t^(P4Ag>jV QVVj[AOt> Xa^ziv [Aix.()ot, TT^ocrJovrMg. Dem. 55. Ac^tz ©zco zv v^nrloig oixqpcccrt. 56. EJtgAguQQV KM 7T(>X0V ec7*V >J0O?. JEHan. 69. A^tjjv gx. vgot? otcxg/ ihwixg. 70. OvJ/g v tij g7nf m Polyb., 73. OuX OtTTO TOV filKTtclov QvfAQV 7TPQg TX KOIVX TT POGi^OVXXl, Plat. 74. AAAo? OvVTZ$. Mat. 11. 77. NUV S' gV KXKQtg y,Ql 7TAg T* guo* kxi V (T»V K0A7TWV 067Ta£gT#* |3*<*. SopllOC. 84. AAg|«vJ£os' o (ptAoffotpog iSo^i tv,v itti bxvxjco k^ktiv x.xtx- MKgttrfai. Artem. 85« T>JV Tg 17T7T0V X#* tX jV>j DiO- C^SS. 86. Ou yxp piKQXv KiQxSx ug Qy&xim vSooq nrrvtfiv o Aiovv- x%*i SiSxypivog xvriQzqicvxi, A- pollon. 89. Kfltt CJTOV 7T(>0C0TX piqr, tSoOKXV XVTUI. jE\idl\. H 95. T# TV$A# TCU (TCdUtZrQS Y*&1 OiOTThA '/.Oil &%&£& TXVTOt> fM0Y. Xen. 96. Tcuff iTTi roiSi tou Tocvqqv x,ot,ToiY.ovvrc»jff #y>ivov ^vog. 99. OugTOV£*Gff T)JV yfAKTitOLV [AQlQCtV T'/Jff j$£j aroAu Ag*7rojLtevoff"o Auir<*f. Longin. 101. M«v o-vv ipvy.§r t g ;? yj;? tTrav&y&yav oKiyov r%v vavv, LiUC. 5. 103. B^ouiou ttoA/v ga»jc;v vavv. Eurip. 104. n^ 7T#Pg£>jv too? vofxovg ; ri Y t V i7rWZVQ'/jKZVat Q$QV gr. ^a>^g. Lucian. 107. n^ci'wv jcou rv}V q£qv i7Ti Bjv pg* touto y#£ ovqjj,» 7rxrvi^ gQgTO. Eurip. 112. X#£iff VUIV KMl eigYjVVj CC7T0 I*JJ(T#V TOVff OCpSfltAjLtOUff gC0VTt» 7rA^#ff 7T&00(, fUXV eAccQov. 2 Cor- 119. TOTg T3Uff *QUC OKp*»J«riV giff TO EAAljVIXOV clgMTSVfJbOt,, M\ Tyr. 120. Ej ovoizg TTvoyg 7rAgiV. 121. Tfticu tj;v ouoiy,v a,7TQ$L§c\ig 7T0ivv,v 3 ZTfotiVGV zz,iig. Her 122. A^owgvoi ttgv gv fjuzpoig HiHvvi 7roryi^otg. Laert, ..•^'3- V.TTt rovg £vo TroAoig g7rafrV*cr7#.u€V0V o^Oov. Lucian. 59 124. Al^lOt TO (TX,V§(>&7rQV CtVTOV KXt Y.CLt^Qzg Tr^OtfOJTTOV . LuCla. 125. E^i Si IV TQig Ig^OCCAuaO^, i7Tl r-/] 1r%Q%>CCTlY.y 7TvAiJ kg- Au^jjS^a. loan. 126. A/ oAj^wv qvjuxtcov zy^oc^ot. 1. Pet. 127; Ag^gj jU>j jwc^av "fjLWTQi £r,vA#i TJJff ^JS". A- pocai. 130- AvaZofyogag zv rco cvyy^otu^ccri ttzqi fioceiKtiag. ./Euan. 131. 1z,&gv l g o^gTrtj- Xen. 132. AOU? t£z£hy l uzvQg itti yvfxvov cco^xrog. Mare. 137. E| «^^ ? H** tftivw TrocTPiJog. Luci. 138. H< ttqSccv Tcc^vryjTi s^ovcriv, ct,iFQ$i$(>ct,(rv*Q\ii quo Lciokpiatzi ^zv^zc^i, i. e. otog o Swjc. 143. Aob^QuvovClV Z7TI 7T0AAO) T0X-6J TTOlQ ZTZ(>M. Plllt. 144. Kgfro fix(ivc/a6 gv x, Tyg iroXzotg tottoj oj>to^oji>n;6g«rot. Lucian. 146. Fhvoucn tocoutov oVov gr7qs ccoryj^iocv <£>g£cu£ gCpo^gj, tvj Jg gTg^a to 7ru£. 161- Zr,vobt[Ms ay,(pQTt(>ai$ %£%j? pivo?, tjj St tov ocpO^A^uot), gfrgjA^i^gvo?. Lucian* 162. Ai7ThoiKcx> fAMQUMqsriV %Kctivot,v. Hom. 163- O Sy,y,og y ng ttclgocv X^ ii0iv ? y t^*l TiOflKrco? etvTOtg tytyovu. But. 164. To V£jjWfl& X#Aft>? g;£g* gfl&UTO- 165. TOi? 7T<%l TT&gu-ivo-ucrtv. Plut. 166* Oj MejviOi t»jv v/jojv ou Tot Sqtz gAg^i/wcwjjv. Lucas« 169 E| ou ^^ovou. Horn. 170 Mja^ov ^^ovov k#j ou Gg&>0g K(t( OtUTJJ T1UOOP1& KUCLl GlVTQtg. Luci. 173. Ev o'Ajj Ty o^g;vjj X^^ot Sith&KiiTQ TToLVTct,* Lucas. 174. Ovrog ovx, »jv cuyjca.TotTgSgjjUgvo? \J/»jVi#. Xcn. 178. A(P' >J? cJ^Ot? o'l TratTg^g? eKCllAY$yjv c&v croi Jg<|w. Act. 193. KKz^avSpog A(*ijtjv gfcnoucotv y^zPoiv pgvouc*. Eurip, 207. AUKOV gJt TWV WTWV Jt£#T«. 208. Ovto? Qvrzvzi Hiho7ra } gx, touT i§0fxzvv]0g. Horn. 214. Ej/gv«i, jcfltT* yvco^v ifA>Y\v 3 fA.zh.Kn. Aristoph. 215. Kara irav p'ripa ccpyov, oc7roScocrQ\j1 TtGiX^Og Tg KOil VIZOg OV 3C^TgAgi7TOV. Hoill. 218. kirzy^w^YiGoLv ctxjv too clpoirop, Xhucyd. 219. T?rg^ tou cTe p^ gvTgu^gv JW^su^siv, j «7roAgc8«i. Hom. 227. 0£t&T#. TOV TV7T0V TOV J'gJ^QgVTGi d'oi. Hebr. 228. Qvru) Sioc^a^voci rccg o^zig, cog gc[av3(>qv |3A?7reiv, ./Sli. 229. Q? iV 0V£#VO), C 'JTO» X#J g7H Tr,g ^?. PvXatth. 230. Twv Ttqircov n fj,Yi rig kri^coci y, ng hv^v Qaztth. Aristot. 231. Eg Tg t>jv rigAo7rovv>;(rov av£<>jCg. ^Eliail. 234. Ac-TTccccccr^t rovg a$ik$o>jg zx, rcav A£itr7o£ovAou qmitcov Rom. 235. E/ rig ocXXag tx iiV Jw&T&h ^X iig > ft%c$ stoc, [azXocivom tjjv r^xcc, Theoph. 236. Ex.gAgU(TgV KVTOVg GLKC/LxfiYjVOCl £7T/ QcClOCTW. Act. 237. Ou UOO^OV iff! i TO cTg UY\ KUVJJV OiJCoOgV gA0gfV g^ttg TOV JCOiJCG- ^i^tov g^ovTct. Aristoph. 238. E/ gyw Uoivcag SiSocgm v i uccg } Qiovg^z n$os otAAgAov? gj- V<*', KocXeag Z%li' zi Si fjcy,. Xen* 239. Ylcog ya.(> roi JWouj4 /£v #VTJJff K0i rv\v CTrzi^opzy^v Aiy- vnrov oiKQvcrij pv^pyjv ocvQ()ca7ru)V 7TOCVr0i)V Z7TCiY)V. T^07rw $z farlS TQiwJi £i Sy] %(>Ot)VTOLr (TVQfJCOufyvfl TQil$ yUZQOCg Z^Z^g ^Y]~ vog zkoccIov, zpzroig Qyjgcapzvoi rv\v vyiztocv koci x,Xv koci acXXoog AiyvTfnoi pzroc Ai&vocg vyiyi(>ef- loCTOt 7TCCVTQ0V QCV^POOTtCOV , TOOV OOgQOV (zfJLOl JoKZtv) IvZKMj, QTl QV [AZroC- Kot, roeig uzrccQoXocig roig ocv^co7Toig di votoi IAgcXktIoc yivovroci, rcav r? ocXXcav Troevrcav, xcci $?} x,cu rcav ca^cav px- Aio~roc. A^ro crQuriv zig (TlTQVVTOCl, TQVg vsjc^ov zv cro^ca %vXivov 7rg7roi»j//.svav, pzpi- pyipzvov zig roc [/.ocXicrl of, kcci y^ot>irz(>7rov zZV KOL^CC rOC cti pivot, vopoig, ocXKcov ovSzvoc Z77iK,rcdvrociroig" clKXoc Tg zv rz $otvj otoiJipog zjvg, A/- vov ovopoc^ovrzg oc^ovtri" uxrrz 7roKXoc pzv koci kKAoc ot,7ro$MviAot>fav JJ.Z rcav 7TZQI Aiyv7rrov ovroov zv$t §v\ kxi rov Aivov oTToGgv zAcc^ov to ovouoc Qocivovrcii $z oezi iron rovrov cc&ovrzg' zjv 7r^cory]v kxi [/.ovyv zoig i tov yo\>XTog ty,v yjci^x- 5. EvSiSvKXtri Sz yirrnxg Kivzovg, itz^i tx (TKZKy, QvffxvwTovg, ev? Kxhovtfi KxXxci^ig* ziti rovroig Sz zipivzx huxrx Kzvkx zttx- vx&Av.Sov Qooovcrr ov [J,zv tqi tig yi tx hoot, ziQV TVXoxlXKy^lOV TQVTCu yzVqTXl, KXTX TXVTO VOfM^QxHTlV #7To£>?U)V ZjAv yzvog 7rxv to :, 65 £X TWV QtKUWV TQVTCOV KOLT COV ZgTX&TOCTQ T*jV Jt£<£>#A^V TTjjAO) >J fc'&J TO 7r^0(TW7r0V. 7COC7TUTOC £V TOIS QIKUOIS Kt7rOV(TOCl TOV Vg)C£OV, dvTCU a,v<& rvjv 7roAiV crlpoQco^ivoti, rv7Trovrca g7rg£WjU.gv oti, koci (poctvo'jv&t tou? [AM^ovg" tovjv roc^i^ivciv nouifyv&i. 10. n^iv t<&< Mg(X, tov ZotpaA^iv, gvTgAAo^gvo* WV #V gJC^O"7oTg ^gWVT^l. YliUTTOVCri Si CdSi* Ql (AiV OCVTCOV TOffcQiVTiSj tfMCOVTitf T£*# g^OVKTiV * CtKhOl Si SlKhOl&QVTiS TOV TOV Zot>fJLOh%lV rccs yjiw&s HMl TQVS TTqSxc, OCVOCKlVqtfOtVTiS CLVTQV |U£TgM£OV, £l7TT0V(riV US TUS Koyyas. Hv ^wgv ^ ctTToQavvj, otvofnroiQus. to*? Jg *Ag«? o Qso? ^o- JC€* £*V#*' ijV Jg ^tf*j OLTroftcAVy, OC IT I COV TOt> * OiUTOV TOV OC^J/gAOV, $& ( lAgVO* tfUTOV OCvS^C& JC06X.0V g*VjV Tg )C** »ff}p t 0l,'7rr l V TQ^iVOVTiS OtVCd 7T^0S TOV OVgUVQV, XTTZi- A0U(T* TO) @gO>, OV^gVOt OiAAoV 6eOV VQfAlfyvTiS itVObl il {Ay TQV &(pttigQ.V. 12. il? ^ gyw 7r\jvQot,vofjt,oti row tov EAA)jvi[Aa,Ta xrvjcrc&o-Q&i cvy^vee' x-r^oiuivov Si 4 ^7TgA0g*V US TyV iOiilTOV dxi Si KOtKO^olidV Tg OVTOJV TWV 0^JCWV Jtot* u7ro6(p^ovg(r7g^aJv, tov Zauoh%iv rovrov nrKpix^ivov StoLirqv T6 lOcStt, KMl Yjbvj j3«6uTg§fl6 >J KOtTJd- ©P/ZK&S (citi 'EKKyjtTi Tg QUlAv} KQU EAA^VWV OU Tfi) 0>TM croQu/lq no'OotJ/O^a) JCfltT(*CgU«5i-. (T^irQot* OIV S QOJV <& , US OV 7TOtvSoKiVOVTVGVTOt>t 9 CChh' yj;QV? g«^g TO OlVLY;fAC6y i*> ]UgV TOJy QgCCKWV YlQ&Vlfbi]' Y.9,i;0&>a$ Si K&TCd US TO )G#T#y#iGV tf'ix^jUff, £ Si ftoXXoig itkti tv^oti^ov tov Zxy,Qh%iv tovtqv yiviiog 3 %xi- gtTOO. CUTO* jU£V St) TgOTTtti TOlQVTiO ^OOjJLtVQl, «S" l%ll^Ct)^y] #vt£, y.Qvv\ TXg Tiyvxg lyuqti' AvTY] TOV fJLQ^QV StSxCKXXog' QvSl yX(> ivSllV AvSpXCIV IPyXTXig KXKXl 7TXPl%QVjv x.xAvQyiV T^vQigcag 7rpooov Si 20 L7TVQV X7TQCXfAlVQl Xig (pPKTlV Yj^OV OiS^V. A. "YivSovrxi (p IVllSoV QVtlPCLTX, %Xl 0vSl7TCO YjCOg M>j iKyi^ouy,v ; ri to %^}^x ; %(>qvov S' xi vvxrig i^ovcri. B. AcipaAiWv, {iiutpy to xxKov QtPog, ov yxP 6 x-xtPog AvToy.XTcog 7rxPt£y tov ov Spquqv xKKx tov uVvov H tou gjuoy tyxvTXa-pxTog itvxi xy.oi^ov 67 ilg koci Ttjv ocy^ocv, roc ovzigocroc Ttocvroc fjczqt^ziv. Ov yoC(> VlKOCQK(llTy}$, Q $ 1$ OCGKOCKog £ CO VOV$. AK\cag koci c^qKyj zffli' ri yocq 7roiziv ccv zyj*'. rig Kzifjczvog zv CpuAAoK TC^og Kvfjcocri, fjt,v)$ZKoc§zv$M Ao'^CZVOg ZV QOCfJCVCO ; TO Jz AlT^ViOV ZV 7T^VT0CVili0' oczi ocy^ocv roi' zyjciv. B. Ag^g poi Tcorz WKrog Ov]//v, 7Tocvroc }c KocAocpw $z ttKocvqv Kocrzcziov gdwdV. Koci rig rcav rgoKpzqoov ca^z^ocro' koci yoc(> gv vftvoig Tlocu) 7T^z rzivoftzvog, ttzpi KvooJochov Ivgov ocyusvoc, Tlcag [/.zv zKca pzyeev i%Qvv ocQocvQorzooig Ci^yj^oig, EiO' vTrofjufjcwiCKM tou rqocvpocrog, a..f? gjU-g vv^ztg ; ^v Koci vv^vj ^cchZ7Tcag' koci ov Qzvyovrog zrzivoc. Hvv TtzXxyovg iroSoc §ZlVOCl> AAA& uzvziv zfti yv\g y koci tou ^vcqv fioccihzvziv. 6u Tocvroc jug koci z^yziqz. 2u $' ca %zvz Aonrov z^ziJz Ttjv yvupw oqkov yocg zyca ov zTrctiycotroc roc^Qca. B. Koci cv yz uyi r(>z, ov'AvaxnrM pxivov mur M>j v o V7TQcii$QQMGt>'W ZV S' OiKOtXl f/>04, KolTti J* ijpcog ^t' rci^oc, y&(> cz xot>Tot,x,T»vGV(riv A^aioi, Tl&VTtq iQOQf/.rfiiVTZS' ZfJLQl £' OC-V KZP^IQV Z\Y\ XQV CLQcil/.a^TQWi) %$GVM $\JVGCl' OV y#,(> IT #AA)J y:r : ,zi da,A7roo.oy l3 iTTZi &v 2 S' ij z£au>v ofKz^ziaoc wiroiva,' llctTPQg o ?v uzy&pac 3 zQ&hzv ApTZfAig, to^zxipa. JLktqp' frXKa. cry uu zig tt&tzp koci ttotvicc ^YjTyp }]oc KXC-iyVY7GC v \TV Jc UGi §&hZQOq TTC&pciYuOir^g . AAA' ayz vw ekezi, noa avrG^i fj,zvz ziti 7rvpyw 9 Mj; TTcaocc gpQ&viy.gv (hiy,g, XfiPcw rz yvvcirm' , V 7TC4P* iP(VZQV M ZV^Ci UCihlfl.X 69 Av*€aw wl i iroKig, v*ai gTH^opov g Ty y gA0ovTg? iTTn^cocvro oi ot,(>iV gV ZlJyKUg, H VU JCflt/ 04DTWV OojtfO? gTTOT^VVg* )t#i #V«ygf. 17. AAA' #v<*;£a>£>7g. Ex-Avgv g£ E^g^ov?, oi[A>ithi%ov yjTO(> i%Qvo£uwv g7TA>jcrO>jJ(T£ €^A«V. EJC fig&JV 7T0KifAl^it. K#t' IA/OU X-AvTtf Tgi^JJ. AgjAt |WgV 7T0U Jtg/VOV 7Tg£tV#.JgT;v jc#; Achj/ov a[A>vvoit AAA' JJTO* KgtVO? ygj (TgQgV ^deJOVTO? OifcOUWV, X#*£gi T gV Ou^O), gflTl T gA7TgT«J qfJLOlTM 7T<&VT# OvJ/gcOtf* (pjAov vjov, «7ro T£o/*j0gv iqvtm. Avtocq iyu> 7ravcc7TQT[A,Qs, ilea rgjcov via>g a^urlovg T^o/jj gv gu^gijj, t&jv fT' outjv# (ptjjW; AgAg/CpOrt/. TlZVTyKQVTOl jUO* JJ(T#Vj OT >jAt>0OV V/g? A;£#IWV* 10 JLvViOLKMlSlKOL (XiV [AQl iqg gX, VJ^UO? *J(TOtV, Tovg $* ochhovg [aqi g-njcrov gv/ jUgy#£o«n yuv^ixg?. -Twv |wgv 7roAAo)v Ooo£Uy}V iClilVC(>g i OtUVVOptVOV 7TZ(>l 7T0(,T(>yg, EKTO^a* rov vvv uvz% Ikmvw vqug Ay^cuoov, AAA' <»<^2ctuA<» ttolvV v7Tivv^iV 6 S' ot,Kyn, koci yip' g yzXacroccu, rv S' ovx. icog zcci fAzhiccaig ; Xa rvrftog fMv i^g, rot, Sz r^ocvfxaroc dhiyttx, 7roiu$ ; Theocr. 3. E>0 Si TO) #'i£#VTg, TTvAoCiDV 7T£0jv 3#A^o/>tgvwv f^ocAcc y&% xpc&npoog zpci^ovroy Aocoigtv KxQv7r r £<)§i 7rz7roiQoTzg, v t Sz /3/>?yO0V . 10 B#AAov 5 oLfAvvopivoi cQuv r clvt&v,, kcli Khictawv, N>jwv r (t)x,v7TQ(>w viQaSzg S' ug Ttn?\ov zpoc^z, A? t avzy.og favjg, vzQza TZV^Zi &\V\P «AAO) KOlXsOt TgU^WV H Sz K.OCX.YI /3ovA>J TO) $Q\)KZVj? S' gTTiA^figo 7ra>y,7rccv r Tov Si yap clv^pmtcoigv vopov Sttra^z Kpqvioov, Ifrtivet y*zv KMi bijPCi nut oicavoig ttztzzivqis H t ZgU?. O? «Tg >cg (AMgTvgiyffiv g)t#v Z7rio(>KQV opoot,? [AirQ7ricou ^-gvg); jWgT07r«r6gv o&jugjvwv. Xot ^' gyw go-0Atf. vogaiv g£ga>, ^ugj/tf v>j7ng rig^iTij, T»JV jUgVTOJ XMKQTVjTOt, Y.Oii ikX^OV 2ZTv)g iJgcorot, Ogo* 7T£07r#£o;Ogv gfi>jjcc4v, A6&V#T0*, [A.QS 3i ZXl 0(>Qk)S Ql[AQ$ Z7t CiVTyV, KQ0TQV' ZTtYfi QV J>tJj#*, Vvi'iiiy} $Y\7nncc TrgAgi, ^otAg7Dj7rg^ goujTfltJ, 0«T MVT *]iQS Oi,VV](>. HeSlOCL CHAP. LII1. HASgv o X^uo-jj? rr.g Tg Qvyur^og kvr^oc v, Jtoti IkztyjS rav A^O^WV, fJLObhlJ gAOgiv $z hvQvjvcti ctvTOv Ty t v ^vyocri^oc, gv Aqytt 2o(,0t>T07re£QV 9 TTOkkct, TCp A7T0AAWV* gU^gTO, T065" Tg ZTTiOVVtAlCtS TOV OgOV C(3tA &IV, XOti \)7TQ[/,l[AVyi?K,6eV Y,Otl OtTTOtlTWV , g*Tg .7Tft)7rOTg )J gV VtJtWV OiX.O^OjWjjO'gO'iV, )J gV Jgfl&JV Ou(TiOt<5' Jtg^Ot^CjWg- vov Sca(>v\£g%Qe read od%i%§y'. x. 7, for cuvtu^ov read (ruv^iwv. xii. 13, for weavrts read v>j for fda^t read Ji$»xv» xv. 5, for fxivoir read yevorr xvii. 17, for rev read t>jv. 21, for 7roniTco read 7ro/>jcw. xviii. 13, for oTnavoygflt^ov read o7nj. xxxix. 24, for s<^ti read s*tts. 27, for aieboirot, read #*. xli. 21, for pivoptva read yivoptvoc. xiii. 8, for uiTctQoKQs readjwgTfl&SoA.*?. xlviii. 7, for ttov read tov. l. 148, for T£#re£jj read t^tts^. 204, for wu^afari read iruea&ri. 238, fbi ■y-og. read ^^. li. 12, for «i read #. 14, for xA€*t#^ rA A WORLD LEADER IN PAPER PRESERVATION 11 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township, PA 16066 (724) 779-21 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 003 035 591 A nra mn 1MB mm wmm DMH m mSBs BSB BE&B ■Hi HH ma HlRHMflfillWlf ■n «*» WOTIM Hi HI NHIfl BOHM MMDS IH m BHfB&90BiGl£ll ■■bhi MBBHB HMJ HI »■& Hft bppbb Mm noHHS BfflHsBc mmam BfiMMBM raffia