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PUBLISHER'S NOTE The history contained in this volume is the re- sult of many years of faithful and painstaking labor on the part of the author. Spending most of the evenings of an active business life, stealing time also from his limited hours for rest in the summer in collecting and recording most accurately what- ever he found to be connected with the history and growth of the Jones family tree since it was planted in the soil of Long Island ; and tracing it in all its branches down to the present time. That it did not reach the perfection and finish intended by the author is owing to his sudden illness and death. Knowing that it was his wish that these records should be made useful to the family and appre- ciating their great value, to them, in the present as well as the future, his friends have assisted in pub- lishing this book, with the desire that it should be a loving tribute to his memory. Helen F. Jones. April, 1907. M PRLFACL " By an exact and scrupulous diligence and observation out of the monuments, names, words, proverbs, traditions, private records, and evidences, fragments of stories, passages of books that concern not story, and the like we do save and recover somewhat from the deluge of Time." How well this was understood and made an integral part of the life-work of one of our collateral relatives is plainly shown by the heritage he has left us in the shape of family, and historical records (many of which were unfortunately destroyed by fire just previous to his death), from which the ground work of the one now before us formed but a small part. Some years before his death a friendship sprung up between us that increased with time, during which in- terval he gave me not only what was the nucleus of this work, but many hours of historical instruction from a mind well ripened by the observations and investigations of one past three score years and ten, and for whose scholarly learning so generously given, we are most deeply indebted in the person of the late Mr. Charles B. Moore, a charter member of the New York Genealogical and Bio- graphical Society, and a long and well-known member of the New York Bar. This record of the Jones family, as we now have it, is the result of investigations made by Mr. Moore and myself after many years of labor. All of the facts herein recorded pertaining to the family ancestor. Major Thomas Jones (excepting as other- wise specified), have been entirely compiled by me. Tliose pertaining to the judicial career of David Jones (II. 2), the first Judge; Thomas Jones (III. 3), the second Judge; Samuel Jones (III. 8), the third Judge ; Samuel Jones lo PREFACE (IV. 3), the Chancellor ; and David R. Floyd- Jones (7), the Lieutenant-Governor, are mostly the work and views entertained by Mr. Moore ; to which are added many facts obtained from other sources. (J. H. J., VI. 76). The history of this family of Long Island has never been written as yet to any great extent. Numerous bio- graphical accounts of individual members have from time to time found their way into print, and local historians have pursued it in a measure. Edward Floyd de Lancey, the editor of "Thomas Jones History of New York during the Revolutionary War," in his introduction to the same, has given us a very fair and satisfactory account of the family embracing the first three generations. William Alfred Jones (V. 49), called the family historian, a writer of some repute, has written a sketch of the family in his "Memorial of the Hon. David S. Jones" (IV. 7), his father; and Mrs. Wm. Sidney Smith, a daughter of Major William Jones (IV., 4), has given us a similar account in her "Golden Wedding Mementoes" of herself and hus- band. Thompson in his "History of Long Island" has given us the earliest account we have in printed form, but he as well as more recent historians were prone to record fictitious and hearsay family matters, which when put in form of history are hard to disprove. His biographical sketch of the family was, we are told, in the main written by the Hon. David S. Jones (IV. 7). Concerning the orthography of the family name we are told by William Alfred Jones that the "primitive orthography, Johnes, retained by the latest translators of Froissart, and to be found in this city, is undoubtedly the correct way of spelling it. It is sometimes written Johns, evidently a contraction of the former, and which again softened appears as one of the standard names of the Welsh." Long Island, the exclusive home of this family, con- tains the descendants of several distinct families bearing the name of Jones and Johns whose ancestors are of such an early date, and concerning whom we have such meagre PREFACE 1 1 records, that the existing kinship, if there is any, is indefinable. In the small village of Cold Spring Harbor we find three distinct families of Jones with a similarity of Christian names, that to a later day compiler would cause much confusion. Thus in the Jolines family of Southamp- ton, Suffolk Co., L. I., whose history has been written, we find an evidence of this in the statement on page four, that Rear- Admiral Melancton Smith married Mary Johnes, daughter of Thomas Johnes, from which we would infer that she was of that family, when in reality she was the daughter of Thomas Jones (IV. 6) of this family. In the matter of Armorial rights pertaining to this family, there seems to be some diversity of opinion. So far as can be learned the earlier generations did not use or claim any coat-of-arms. Judge Thomas Jones (III. 3), grandson of Major Thomas Jones (1. 1) appears to have been the first of the family to use or have in his possession a coat-of-arms. After his death in 1792 in England, his widow became possessed of his seal ring which bore upon its face the following device : His widow being a daughter of Lieut. Gov. James de Lancey, and leaving no issue, the ring descended to certain members of that family, who at a very recent date exhibited the same with the suggestion, that the coat-of- arms was that of the Jones family. 12 PREFACE Another coat-of-arms, and one that has been in general use by the family is shown by the following print : The original print from which this is taken is now in my possession, and which descended to me from Maj. Walter Jones (III. 13) was formerly in the possession of Samuel Jones (IV. 3), the Chief Justice and Chancellor, and bears his name underneath the inscribed motto. The Townsend coat-of-arms, to which family the mat- ernal ancestor of the Jones family belonged, is as follows : (See New England Hist, and Gen. Register, XXIX, p. 97.) ^^ Crest — A stag, passant, proper. Motto — Faith gave these honors to our name. (I.i) MAJOR THOMAS JONE.5 Ancestor of the Jones Family of Long Island There were other and earlier Joneses on Long Island, some of whom for their day and generation gained considerable repute and were in good standing with the early Dutch and English set- tlers. There were some bearing the same family Christian names who were contemporaneous with our ancestral immigrant, and who must have been known to him at least; but no clue can be found from any records, either private or public, to show that he was in any way related to a single individual bearing his name in this country. On this point he was singularly reticent; even history, which generally professes or assumes to know something about such matters, is painfully quiet, and has not a word to say as to who his progenitors were. He himself sums up his whole life previous to his immigration in these few words: "From distant lands to this wild waste he came," and bequeathed that only information to us in letters of stone, it being a part of the epitaph he caused to be placed upon his headstone. Further in the same epitaph he prays "that nj ill fate his offspring e'er annoy." This, generally speaking, has been granted him, for his descendants (barring those who died in infancy) with but few exceptions have lived long and honor- able lives ; in fact, the longevity of the family is one of its noted characteristics. This apparent reluctance on his part to give to posterity his earlier history became the entering wedge for local historians to write fictitious stories concerning him. If his children knew of his antecedents, the knowledge lies buried with them, and it is only from very limited sources that any authentic facts or records concerning him, previous to his immigration, can be found. Mr. Charles B. Moore, of whom we have spoken, and who married a great granddaughter of Maj. Thomas Jones (I. i), en- 14 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND deavored to trace his ancestors in England, but his efforts were in a measure fruitless. Knowing the course he pursued here, and of those under the Crown who favored him in this country, he sought to find and connect with him, if possible, those bearing his name in Eng- land who might have acted his part. Acting on this assumption he was of the opinion that he was descended from Edward Jones, Bishop of Cloyne in Ireland, who later became Bishop of St. Asaph's in England, a son of Sir Thomas Jones, Chief Justice of the Court of Common Pleas of Westminster. The only memoranda we have seen regarding Major Thos, Jones's antecedents are as follows, and were recently found among the papers left by Charles H. Jones (IV. 34 ), and bear the date of 1833, but no signature: "The heiress and daughter of an Irish ( ) was said to be the mother of Maj. Thos. Jones, and that he was probably born in Ireland, his father having been a William from some part of Wales." The other, in a different handwriting, recites: "Thomas Jones came from Strabane, in Ireland, to Rhode Island, where he married Ereelove, daughter of Thos. Townsend. He fitted out a privateer and was absent three years, during which time he made several captures. His father-in-law moved to Oyster Bay with his wife (perhaps meaning Mrs. Jones), and on hi?, return he came to Oyster Bay also and from there he went to Fort Neck, on the south side of Long Island." (Dated Aug., 1833.) There were many persons bearing the name of Thos. Jones who came to this country from England previous to 1700, but no records are extant to show that they were in any way related to Maj. Thos. Jones. (See Hotton's "Original Lists of Persons of Quality, &c., who came from Gt. Britain.") An early Thos. Jones, who settled in Huntington, L. I., left a will, proved at Southampton, 2 Mch, 1699, naming his wife Katharine as executrix, with legacies to his children, Thomas, John and Martha (Liber i, folio 72, N. Y. City). His widow was living at Huntington in 1681 and conveyed land there to her children. (Huntington Reeds, by C. R. Street, vol. i, p. 301.) (For other early Joneses of L. L, see appendix.) It is a matter of family tradition that Maj. Thomas Jones was THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 15 descended from an Irish family that intermarried with one from Wales, supposed to have originated in Alerionetshire or Glamor- ganshire. The origin of the family is, beyond a doubt, Welsh ; not only is the name indicative of this, but the traits and characteristics of the Welsh race are very pronounced in all its leading members, the transmission of which can be noted in the female lines in many of its allied families. To quote the words of Edward F. de Lancey, whose great aunt, Anne Charlotte de Lancey, daughter of Gov. James de Lancey, married Judge Thomas Jones (IIL 3), "The distinguish- ing characteristics of the family are penetration, judgment, in- dependence, resolution, clearness of intellect, strength of memory, coolness, determination of action, and high honor, united with a temperament sanguine and choleric, great fearlessness, and a dis- position extremely social and hospitable." Other characteristics of the family, those not based upon the ideas of any one individual, are its longevity, the excellence of its matrimonial alliances, the great eminence which many of its mem- bers have obtained in legal jurisprudence, and the continuance of the latter through successive generations. On this point the great novelist, James Fenimore Cooper, in a letter to the Home Journal under date of 6 May, 1848, wrote: "The Jones family has fur- nished legislators and jurists to the colony and State for more than a century." To more fullv set forth the judicial calling of the family the following resume will suffice: Commencing with Maj. Thos. Jones (L i), we find him shortly after his arrival on Long Island (about 1704) holding the official position of High Sheriff, and in 17 10 was Justice of the Peace for Queens Co. (Doc. Hist, of N. Y., Vol. III., p. 215). After his decease his eldest son, David (11.2). became Judge of Queens Co. in 1734, who in 1763 was 2d Justice of the Supreme Court of N. Y., sitting for ten years, when he was succeeded by his son Thomas (TIL 3), who was Recorder of the City of New York and Judge of the Supreme Court, which latter office he held until the close of the Revolutionary War, when for his ad- herence to the Crown he was forced to leav2 the country for England, where he wrote his history of "New York During the Revolutionary War." i6 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND Following him we have his cousin, Samuel Jones (III. 8), a son of William Jones (II. 7), called the "father of the New York Bar," who in 1789 was Recorder of the City of New York and from 1797 to 1800 was Comptroller of the State of New York. Next in order of succession we have his son, Samuel (IV. 3), who in 1825 was Chancellor of the State of New York, and at the age of 75 years was judge of the Supreme Court of the City of New York, then judge of Court of Appeals, and later, after his retirement from the Bench, practised law until his death in 1853, when he had attained the age of 85 years. Then Samuel W. Jones (V. 13), son of Maj. William and nephew of Samuel (IV. 3), who was County Judge, and Surrogate of Schenectady Co. Then David S. (IV. 7), a brother of Samuel (IV. 3), and lastly Samuel (V. 8), a son of Samuel (IV. 3), the seventh and last judge of the family, who in 1892 was judge of the Supreme Court of N. Y. City. Thus for a period of nearly 200 years, embracing the time from 1700 to 1892, the Bar and Bench of the City and State of New York have been represented by some member of the family and almost without intermission. The descendants of Maj. Thos. Jones, now at the close of the 19th century, are very numerous and widespread, and the families of the earlier generations were large and generally attained great age. Maj. Thos. Jones left seven surviving children, who for the third generation gave us thirty-five children. Beyond this we can give no accurate estimate, as the records through the female lines are somewhat incomplete. Of these thirty-five children, fifteen were of the family of William Jones (II. 7), to whom we are indebted for the preservation of the family name, as his elder brother, Thomas (II. 4), never married, and the children of David Jones (II. 2), his next oldest brother, left no male issue. He, in all justice to his father, we might call the head of the fam- ily. He was born in 1708, and died in the 72d year of his age, leaving to posterity a record of fifteen children and ninety-five grandchildren, eighty-five of whom were born previous to his de- cease. His widow (daughter of the 2d Col. John Jackson), sur- vived him twenty years and died at the age of 86, who previous to her death stood a living testimonial of this large number of grandchildren. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 17 Another characteristic of the family is its longevity. Maj. Thos. Jones (I- i) attained the age of 60 years (this is conject- ural) ; his son, David (II. 2), died at age of 76, and his youngest son. William (II. 7), died in his 72d year. Of the children of this William (II. 7), David (III. 7), died at the age of 85 ; Samuel (III. 8), at 85 ; William (III. 9), at 84: John (III. 12), at 65 ; Walter (III. 13), at 71 ; Richard (III. 14). at 84; Jackson (III. 15), at 76; Margaret (III. 20), at 71 ; Free- love (III. 16), at 79; Phebe (III. 19), at 83 ; and Sarah (III. 18), at 84. John (III. 12), son of William (II. 7), left a family of nine children, of whom William H. (IV. 25), died at the age of 83; John H. (IV. 27), at 74; Sarah (IV. 28), at 84; Walter R. (IV. 30), at 62; Phebe (IV. 31), at jy \ Elizabeth (IV. 32), at 71; Joshua T. (IV. 33), at 54; and Charles H. (IV. 34), at 78. Following in the line of John H. Jones (IV. 27), son cf John (III. 12), whose children are of the 5th generation, we note Frances, who died at age of 80 years ; Townsend, at 70 ; William E., at 66 : John D., at 81 ; and Samuel A., at 82. In the matter of religious belief we find a remarkable fact. From Maj. Thos. Jones down to the present time all, with but very few exceptions, have been members of the Episcopal Church. and where these exceptions have occurred their religious calling has been that of the Friends. In view of the fact that Maj. Thos. Jones's wife was the daughter of a noted Quaker (who was forced to leave Long Island by the Dutch settlers), we consider this quite remarkable. This adlierence to the Episcopal Church seems to have been be- queathed to the family as an inheritance (if I may use the ex- pression) from its ancestral immigrant, Maj. Thos. Jones; for we find him very soon after his arrival here strongly supporting the Church of England against all dissenters, and at the same time his wife baptized into the faith by the Rev. Geo. Keith, while she in her turn also watched over the spiritual welfare of her children and had them baptized in that faith also. Curiouslx' enough his earliest identification in an official way on Long Island was his election by the freeholders of the town of Oyster Bay to the office of Church Warden, and later, at the close of his life, we find him naming his "beloved wife, Freelove," and his "loving friend. John Thomas," executors of his will. This John Thomas i8 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND was the first and noted rector of St. George's Episcopal Church of Hempstead, L. I. In politics we find much diversity of opinion. The first three generations generally supported the Court or Royal party, but William Jones (II. 7), son of Maj. Thos. Jones (I. i), who to all intents and purposes supported the Royal cause, yet at heart was strongly in favor of the Congressional party, to which the Jackson family (to which his wife belonged) vigorously adhered. Matrimonial alliances and the prestige that in some cases fol- lowed had much to do in shaping the political courses of the earlier members. Many during the Revolutionary War and after its close were Whigs, but at the period of the Civil War (1861) those who held positions in public life were mainly Democrats. Through- out that war many supported the Republican party. Some were in active service and took up arms in defence of their country. Among the first were Lieut. David Jones (III. 5), who lost his life in the French and English War, and Maj. Thomas Jones (II. 4), a son of the first Major Thomas. Others, though remaining passive throughout the Revolutionary War, received at its close various military commissions. Of these Walter Jones (III. 13), then living at South Oyster Bay, was commissioned First Major of the Oyster Bay Militia in 1786. Of the later ones we note Col. Delancey Floyd-Jones (16), who served with distinction in the war with Mexico and also the Civil War. As Maj. Thos. Jones (I. i), favored his posterity with no account of himself previous to his immigration, various traditions have descended to us concerning him. One of these represents him to have been a pirate, in which vocation the same tradition assures us "he amassed incredible wealth." This alleged piracy we must refute, as no facts can be had to sustain it. For this and other accusations of a like nature, we have to thank Thompson, the Long Island historian, who no doubt made up his story from an allusion to the same in William Smith's History of N. Y„ or perhaps from Lieut. Gov. Colden's letter to his son written in 1759 (now published in the N. Y. Hist. Soc, Pub- lications for 1869, Vol. 2, p. 206) wherein he says, "While Colonel Fletcher was Governor the inhabitants of New York carried on a trade to Madagascar while that island was frequented by pirates, and that many of the pirates came and dispersed on Long Island THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 19 and around Delaware Ray. It has often been remarked that none of the pirates made any use of their money to any real advan- tage excepting one Jones, who settled on the south side of Long Island, and whose son made a remarkable figure as Speaker of Assembly while Mr. Clinton was Governor; excepting this one no remains of the others are to be discovered." In refutation of this we will say that Maj. Thos. Jones (I. i) was in action at the Battle of the Boyne, 1690, and as compensation for services rendered King James II. granted him a commission to cruise against Spanish property. If this constituted his so- called piratical career it was a short one, for two years later he was located at Portsmouth, Rhode Island, from whence in 1695 he removed to Long Island. Russel in his life of the noted pirate. Dampier, and Esquemeling, in his history of the "Bucaniers of America," printed in 1685, gives us many names of the pirates of those times, but none bearing the name of Jones. Concerning his movements during the period elapsed between his arrival in Rhode Island and his removal to Oyster Bay on Long Island, we know nothing. He then in all probability was engaged in the privateering business, but that was far from being a pirate. Privateers were private citizens, owners of vessels, whom the government in times of war commissioned to proceed against the enemy, who, if captured, the commission entitled them to be treat- ed as prisoners of war. Todd, in his History of N. Y., states that "these privateers sometimes returned to N. Y. and entered their cargo in the Admiralty Court where it was sold ; others would run to the island of Madagascar, where merchant ships were to be found in waiting sent out by some firm in New York." Privateering in those days was a legitimate business, and all who could enter into it did so. Governor Fletcher openly granted private captains licenses and shared their spoils ; for this he was recalled. From 1692 to 1698 (while Fletcher was Governor) Maj. Thos. Jones was connected with the enterprising trader, Thomas Town- send, of Rhode Island, who later became his father-in-law, and who had interests on Long Island. Wilson, in his Hist, of N. Y.. Vol. III., p. 31, states "even Quakers tolerated occasional visits from pirates because they spent their money freely." (Thomas Townsend was a Quaker.) That Maj. Thos, Jones was charged with being a pirate was 20 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND nothing- strange. Coming as he did to Oyster Bay when it was the chief centre of the privateering business during Gov. Fletcher's administration, and being on friendly terms with him, as he was also with Matthias NicoU and Thos. Willett, members of Fletcher's Council, who later were suspended by Gov. Bello- mont for being involved in piracy, we are not surprised that Maj. Thos. Jones soon gained the ill will of the latter governor. Gov. Bellomont was a strong supporter of William as against James 11., and his hostile attitude against Maj. Thos. Jones may have commenced during the struggles between those two monarchs. To show the extent of his bitterness against Maj. Thos. Jones, we cite a letter written by Gov. Bellomont in 1698 to the Lords of Trade, in which he says "that Col. Wm. Willet concealed pirate money from him, and that one Jones, formerly a pirate, endeavors in his deposition to clear Wm. Willett, besides which his oath is negative, and he is under a very ill character in the country, and T cannot for my part give credit to his evidence." (Doc. Relating to Col. Hist. N. Y., IV., p. 398.) In another letter written by him to the same under date of 22 Oct., 1698, he states that Nicoll (whom he removed from the Council) stated that "by discountenancing piracy I should im- poverish the county," and further in his letter Bellomont adds "that Jones, formerly a pirate, endeavors in his deposition to clear Willett." (Doc. Relating to Coll. Hist. N. Y., IV., p. 398.) "This deposition of Jones is bound up in MSS. No. 8, along with those of Whitehead, Walters and Harrisons." This we have not seen. In another letter from Bellomont to same, dated 14 Nov., 1698, he inclosed a letter from Jones which he states "will shew what a madness the people are in, in this Province, because I look sharp after pirates, etc." The letter is in Jones' own hand- writing and refers to one Smith, a pirate, whose money was seized last summer of £2,300." (Doc. Relating to Coll. Hist. N. Y., IV., p. 432.) The inhabitants of Long Island, especially in the vicinity of Oyster Bay, were at a very early period engaged in trading, both legal and otherwise In 1660 Gov. Stuyvesant complained to the Directors of the West India Company that the people near Oyster Bay exchanged their cattle, etc., for beaver skins, the latter of which were exported through New England and on which no duty was paid. (Doc. Rel. Coll. Hist. N. Y., XIV., p. 469.) Gov. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 21 Bellomont, speaking of this in 1699, complains of the private trade carried on by the merchants of Oyster Bay and adds, "To prevent this I have constituted one John Townsend a custom house officer with a salary of £30 per annum." (Doc. Rel. to Coll. Hist, of N. Y., IV., p. 516.) This John Townsend (who was a brother-in-law of Maj. Thos. Jones) soon resigned, saying "the people of his town were mostly his relations, and had threatened his life." In a letter from the Boards of Trade to Gov. Cranston, of Rhode Island, dated 9 May, 1696, the Governor was warned that piracy was not to be allowed in His Majesty's colonies, and that complaints had been received charging one Wm. Mayse as a pirate, who had fitted out at Rhode Island, and that Thomas Jones was concerned in the "Old Bark" with Captain Want. The com- plaint further alleges that Jones lives in Rhode Island, and that Capt. Want gave up about three years ago. In reply to this, under date of 8 May, 1698, the Governor informed the Boards of Trade that "His Majestic had been misinformed in relation to the mat- ter, and that Mayse had his clearance from the custom house here, and as for Capt. Want we neither know the man or ever had sight of his ship." (See J. Carter Brown MSS. cited in Col. Records of Rhode Island, III., p. 322, 337.) In a letter from Jeremiah Basse, Gov. of New Jersey, dated London, 26 July, 1697, he speaks of one Ive, a pirate, that came to Rhode Island and thence to New York, fitted out again and carried with him one Want in a brigantine. Thev are said to have since strengthened themselves by taking a vessel belonging to merchants of New York, commanded by one Glover, and it is reported they have made some remittances to the owners to make some satisfaction for that depredation. (New Jersev Archives. Vol. II., p. 158.) From all this we can readily see that many false charges were made, and all by persons who were directly connected with the Crown, and in all probability personally interested themselves. That some of the enterprising 17th century seafaring traders occasionally picked up some Spanish trade we do not doubt, but we must not confound such acts with the lawful captures of the day and place them in the same category with Kidd and others. When we consider that during the last quarter of the 17th century there were more seafaring men, shipbuilding and the 22 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND putting up of sea stores in New Amsterdam than any other part of the country we can but claim that such men as Maj. Thos. Jones, pirates or otherwise, had, and did play no little part in the making of the New World. Their enterprises were widespread and legitimate, but they were followed by a lawless set of sea robbers, and early in 1700, when piracy reached its height, our ancestor and his contemporaries were in their graves. To further prove that Maj. Thos. Jones was a regularly com- missioned privateer under King James IL, we have the following remarkable record of the trial of a Thomas Jones and others in England, for being pirates. The facts in this trial so tally with the various family traditions, dates, and historical accounts handed down to us concerning Maj. Thos. Jones there can be but little doubt that it is one and the same person. The trial, which can be read at length, is printed in the old English law reports en- titled "State Trials," Vol. XII., paragraph 1269. "Trial of Thomas Jones and others as pirates, though acting under King James II. commission, 5 William and Mary, A. D. 1693— " etc., since the commencement of King William's war several privateers were taken and detained in prison acting by King James II. commission." On July, 1692, it was resolved by the Lords of the Privy Council that they be tried as pirates having no commission from Kings, and during that year Dr. Oldish was ordered to proceed against them as pirates, but he declined and gave his opinion that they were no pirates, etc., etc. He gave his reasons before the Council that these men, viz., John Golding, Thomas Jones. John Ryan, Darby Collins, Richard Shivers, Patrick Quidley, John Slaughter and Constantine de Hartley showed a commission signed J. R., dated at the Court of St. Germain, with articles of instruction, etc., in the same form as privateers have, giving caution and security to bring prizes into the Court of Admiralty, etc. Dr. Oldish was removed as King's Advocate, and Dr. Lit- tleton, who succeeded him, tried the case and condemned them. All claimed that they were natives of Ireland and in actual ser- vice of King James IL, and had acted under his commission from the time the Prince of Orange invaded England to the surrender of Limerick, etc., etc. After condemnation they petitioned the THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 23 House of Peers that they might be tried by juries and have coun- sel assigned them. Thomas Jones in his testimony stated "we accepted the King's commission and acted under it, and for wliich we were con- denmed as traitors, and we never received any protection from King WilHam, but served all along as subjects to King James II., etc., etc., and that after the surrender of Limerick we (and thou- sands more) were conveyed as enemies into France with our arms, brass guns and ammunition, and that being thus conveyed to France continued to act under King James II. as our King, and he all along, while we were in Ireland and after, commissioned us as his subjects, and that the ship and goods we took by virtue of a commission as privateers, etc., etc., and that therefore we ought to be treated as only enemies and prisoners of war, etc. Some of these men were executed, not all." In the life of King James II., Vol II., p. 527, by the Rev. J. S. Clarke, LL.B., it is stated that "these men were prosecuted by order of the Prince of Orange as pirates, and although Mr. Oldish declared it to be against all law and justice to repute those persons as robbers in time of war who acted by commission from crowned head, one Golding was judged as having no commission and was hanged." Prior to 1690 no trace of Maj. Thos. Jones (I. i) has been discovered that can be fully relied upon. His family were early in England, but undoubtedly were of Welsh extraction, and had long lived in the north part of Ireland. He was born about 1665 in Strabane, Tyrone County, Ireland, and was actively engaged in the civil war of his time. "There were persons of his name born in Ireland who might act his part, and one Thomas Jones, with others, including the Clarendon family, who generally took the other side, followed King James II. from England over to France and Ireland. This one probably received a commission to serve in Ireland in his support and was there in 1689. (MSS. C. B. Moore.) King James arrived in Ireland in 1689 and called a Parlia- ment in the following year. "Many of the Protestant gentry of Ireland thought that tht rights of the British Crown should not be forfeited because of the religion or the political errors of the wearer of that crown for the time being, and hence took up arms in defence." (Introduc- 24 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND tion to Thos. Jones' Hist, of N. Y., by Edward F. de Lancey, Vol. I., p. liv.) 'Xiving at the time, and in a country widely disturbed by the political actions of James II., Maj. Thos. Jones actively supported this idea, and was engaged in the battle of the Boyne, in 1690. and remained there in service for a short time ; this is his earliest identification, and although strongly supporting his royal master, King James II., it is doubtful as to whether he was in action at the battle of Aghrim ; but he may have been included in the capitu- lation of Limerick in 1691." (MSS. C. B. Moore.) By this defeat the Irish were obliged to sue for peace, and a treaty was signed by which the Romanists were restored to the enjoyment of those liberties in the exercise of their religion which they possessed under Charles II., and the soldiers and others were permitted to leave Ireland for any other country excepting Eng- land and Scotland. (Hume's Eng., Vol. VII.). In consequence of this over ten thousand persons who fought under James II. went to France. This revolution of 1688 ended the Stuart power and transferred the crown of England from James II to William and Mary, (Green's English People.) Maj. Thomas Jones sailed from Strabane in Ireland in 1692, and landed at Port Royal in the island of Jamaica, where he was at the time of the great earthquake in June of that year. Letters of the rector of Port Royal and descriptive accounts appear in the Gentlemen's Mag. for 1750, page 213. An armed vessel was there called the Swan frigate, and another the Siam Merchant. Morse in his Universal Geography (printed in 1796) has much to say concerning the disaster and adds that the Swan frigate, which lay in the dock, afforded a retreat to hundreds of people. (See also Edward's West Indies.) Tradition tells us one of these vessels was under the commanfl of Maj. Thos. Jones, but there is nothing to verify it. It is not known whether he possessed any distinguishing title at the time of his arrival in Port Royal, but he was engaged there in the privateering business under letters of marque from James n. On his arrival in Rhode Island in 1692, it is said he held a commission as captain. Col. Fletcher was Governor of New York from 1692 to 1698, and perhaps allowed him a commission THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 2$ or recognized him as a captain to cruise against Spain while she was at war with England. (MSS. C. B. Moore.) In Rhode Island he became associated with Capt. Thomas Townsend, an active trader, married his daughter Freelove, and took part in his numerous enterprises. Capt. Thomas Townsend was a son of John Townsend and his wife Elizabeth, who were very early on Long Island (N. Y. Gen. and Biog. Rec, Vol. IV.. p. 128). Thompson's Hist, of L. I., Vol. II., p. 343, asserts that John Townsend, with his brothers Henry and Richard, were in Boston in 1637, from whence they removed to Flushing, L. I. He came from Norwich, County of Norfolk, England, before 1645, as in that year he had a patent, with others, from Gov. Kieft for the town of Flushing. (Memorial Townsend Brothers, p. 121.) The Townsends were Quakers and were soon at variance with the Dutch authorities, both in politics and religion. John Townsend was named by Gov. Stuyvesant as among those principal persons who resist the Dutch mode of choosing sheriff, and who refuse to contribute their share to the maintenance of Christian ministers, and on Jan. 23, 1648, he with others were summoned to appear before the Governor and Council at Fort Amsterdam. (Memo, of Townsend Brothers.) Capt. Townsend was baptized in the Reformed Dutch Church of New York, having his uncle Henry Townsend (as spelled in the record Hendrick Tousen), Rebecca Breton, and Claertje Ger- rits as his sponsors, on 16 Dec, 1642. (N. Y. Gen. and Biog. Rec. 5, p. 32.) From this we infer that his wife, Elizabeth, was not of the Quaker faith. Capt. Thomas Townsend was in Rhode Island after the Dutch and English war, and was engaged in trading at that place, but later returned to Hempstead Harbor and Oyster Bay, L. I. He obtained land at the latter place and built a house there about 1673. In 1677 he was named as a patentee, thereby securing his title to land in Oyster Bay, and was next in Portsmouth, Rhode Island, in 1686, where he was chosen sheriff in 1696. (Col. Rec. Rhode Island, III., p. 312.) At a town meeting held at Portsmouth, 4 May, 1698, it was voted "that whereas Thos. Townsend, late sheriff, did by his neglect let Wm. Downs, a pirate, escape from jail, voted that said 26 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND Townsend be brot to trial for said act." (Col. Rec. R. I., III., p. 333.) Shortly after this he removed to Tiverton, as in a confirma- tion of a deed dated July, 1702, to his daughter Sarah, now the wife of Abraham Underbill, he calls himself "now living in Tiver- ton, county of Bristol, Provmce of Mass." This deed, found among the papers of Maj. Thomas Jones (I. i), was acknowledged before Joseph Sheffield, assistant, on 6 July, 1702, at Portsmouth, R. I., and witnessed by Christopher Almy, John Hoggeshall (or Cogge- shall) and Isaac Lawton. His first wife, the mother of his children, according to the MSS. of Geo. W. Cox, of Glen Cove, L. I., was Sarah, daughter of Robert Coles, of Rhode Island, and his wife Mary, daughter of Samson Hawxhurst. If this is correct (which his researches seem to prove), then his father John Townsend's wife Elizabeth must have been other than a daughter of this same Robert Coles, as has been asserted by Savage, and also by Austin in his Gene. Dictionary of Rhode Island, and further it is highly improbable that the father and son should have married sisters. The three brothers, John, Henry and Richard Townsend, were in Oyster Bay about 1661, and married, according to Savage and Austin, respectively Elizabeth, Ann and Deliverance Coles, daugh- ters of Robert Coles, of Rhode Island. In this the Townsend family records differ, and state that the elder brother, John, mar- ried Elizabeth Montgomery. The Hawxhurst family records, re- cently published in the N. Y. Gen. and Biog, Soc. Reeds., Vol. XXXII., p. 173, name her as a daughter of Robert Coles and his wife Mary, daughter of Samson Hawxhurst. This we doubt, as stated before, and hold that Elizabeth Montgomery is possibly more correct. Robert Coles, the ancestor of the Coles family of L. I., came with Winthrop to Ipswich, Mass., about 163 1. He married Mary, daughter of Samson Hawxhurst, of Warwick Co., Eng, (N. Y. Gen. and Biog. Soc. Rec, XXXIL, p. 173). Fuller's Hist, of Warwick, Conn., states he had at least three children ; a son, John, and two daughters, who married Richard and Henry Townsend, of Oyster Bay. His great grandson, Thomas Coles, of Muskeeta Cove. L. I., married Amelia, daughter of Divine Hewlett, of Cold Spring Harbor, L. I., 15 Nov., 1808. Capt. Thomas Townsend married as his second wife Mary, THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 27 widow of Col. Job Almy, and daughter of Christopher and Susan- nah Unthank, of Warwick, R. I., by whom he had no issue. (Austin Gene. Diet, of R. I.) The children by his first wife were Temperance, Sylvanus, Freelove, Sarah and John, of whom Freelove, the maternal an- cestor of the Jones family, was born 29 Dec, 1674. He was a man of "untiring energy and for many years took an active and leading part in the early matters of Oyster Bay, and in the set- tlement of the boundary disputes between the towns of Huntington and Oyster Bay, and in the dealings between his townspeople and the Indians the services of our trusty and beloved friend, Thos. Townsend, were indispensable." ITis title of captain was of military order, and during his so- journ in Oyster Bay he held the offices of Constable, Recorder and Justice. He appears there in an official way as late as 171 2, when he returned to Rhode Island, where he died. His children, as above named, were all born upon Long Island. In his official position as Justice we find him performing the marriage ceremony, and it has been thought he performed that rite between his daugh- ter and Maj. Thos. Jones. James Townsend (a brother of Capt. Thomas), whose grand- daughter married into the Hewlett family of Long Island, and died in 1697, married first Delivered, probably a daughter of Peter Wright, of Oyster Bay, and secondly Jane Ruddick, 16 Oct.. 1677. ^6 ^v^s town surveyor and laid out the lands upon Unqua and Lattius Neck on Long Island, which later became the property of his brother-in-law, Maj. Thos. Jones. Ruemourn Townsend, son of James, married Mary, daughter of Capt. John Allen, of Great Neck, L. I. She survived him and married Wm. Moyles, by whom she had no issue. By her first husband, Ruemourn, she had Mary, Sarah and Restore. Mary, the eldest, b. 5 Dec, 1729, married Wm. Willis, and had issue six children, one of whom, Esther, b. 21 Sept., 1762, married Walter Jones (III. 13) ; another, named Townsend, married Hannah Bowne, whose daughter, Abigail, married Samuel Jones as his second wife. Sarah Townsend, another daughter of Ruemourn, b. 18 March, 1736, d 9 Sept., 1808, married John Hewlett, of East Woods, L. I., son of John and Hannah, his wife, daughter of Col. John Jackson, of Jerusalem, L. I. Hannah Hewlett, daughter of 28 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND this John Hewlett, b. 4 Feb., 1762, d. 9 Dec, 1850, married John Jones (III. 12), son of William (II. 7). This Ruemourn Townsend was a posthumous child, and tra- dition states "that his mother comparing the bitterness of her grief to rue named him Ruemourn." John Townsend, son of Capt. Thomas, married in Rhode Island 28 April, 1692, Rebecca Almy, and removed to Oyster Bay, where he was Supervisor and Justice, and for his services in sec- tling the new allotments of land in the "New Purchase of Oyster Bay," the owners presented him with a tract of land. His wife d. 24 Feb., 1703, and he married secondly Rose, daughter of Mary Townsend and John Wright, and widow of Nathaniel Coles, Jr. He d. on 6 Nov., 1709 of the smallpox. He is called in the records "Rhode Island John," and by his deeds and his formal family record in the Town Clerk's office of Oyster Bay (Liber C. folio 177) furnishes very substantial data for his brother-in-law, Maj. Thos. Jones (I. i). The early history of Maj. Thomas Jones (I. i) and his allied family, the Townsends, is so interwoven with the early settle- ments of the towns of Oyster Bay and Hempstead that some ac- count of these places seems necessary. Long Island was originally peopled by several tribes of In- dians, of whom the Merrick (or Merikoke) tribe claimed all the lands south of the middle of the island from Rockaway on the west to the west line of the town of Oyster Bay on the east, and were probably a part of the Massapequa tribe, whose principal set- tlement was at Fort Neck, and north to the middle of the island. The Matinecock tribe claimed all the lands east of Newtown to Smithtown (possibly to Nesaquake River). They were a large tribe and had settlements at Flushing, Glen Cove, Cold Spring, and Huntington. The island was very much coveted by the Dutch and English, each claiming ownership on the grounds of prior discoveries, the Dutch having settled on the west, and the English on the east end of the island. They had traded largely with the Indians, and found the beaver skins very profitable, the largest beaver dams being in the middle of the island, near Southampton. Difficulties soon arose between them, and some of the English settlements that were within the jurisdiction of the Dutch were forced to swear allegiance to the latter by Gov. Stuyvesant, even after the THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 29 boundaries had been settled by the commissioners, who met in Hartford, Conn., on 15 Sept., 1650. In 1640 the EngHsh attempted a settlement at Oyster Bay, but the Dutch Gov. Keift drove them away. In 1644, Gov. Keift granted a patent for Hempstead to John Fordham and other Eng- lishmen, which extended from Hempstead Bay west to Matthew Garetson's Bay, and extending southwardly to the South Sea ; this included the present towns of Hempstead and North Hempstead. In 1647 ^ division was made of this Patent between sixty-seven proprietors. "In the Dutch towns generally the lands were purchased by the Governor, and by him granted out to individuals ; purchases from the Indians and actual occupation being necessary to both the Dutch and English for a good title. In the English towns on Dutch territory the lands were bought directly from the Indian chiefs." (MSS. C. B. Moore.) The war of 1653-4 nearly destroyed the Hempstead settlement, and many of the English went to Oyster Bay and Huntington. In 1665 the English were in possession of the country, and the first Provincial Assembly under British rule was held in that year. The Dukes Laws "were passed, boundaries settled and Long Island was divided into Ridings — what is now Suffolk Co. constituted the East Riding, Newtown the West Riding, and the remainder of Queens and what is now Nassau Co. the North Riding ; also persons who had bought lands from the natives were required to obtain patents of confirmation to establish their titles." From 1672 to 1674 the Dutch were again in possession of the colony, and orders were issued to the towns of Long Island to send their commissioners to New^ York with powers to make their submission to the Prince of Orange. Oyster Bay complied, but Huntington refused. In 1674 the government was again restored, and on 17 Oct., 1683, the first Colonial Legislature (consisting of Gov. Dongan and members chosen by the people) assembled in New York and elected Matthias Xicoll their Speaker. The Ridings were abol- ished, some of the Dukes Laws were repealed, a Court of Sessions established in each county, and a court in each town on Long Island. In 1693, by an Act of Assembly, the name of Long Island was 30 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND changed to Nassau, and although never repealed soon became ob- solete. Acts were passed for settling and maintaining the ministry, subject to the approval of the Governor (who favored Episco- pacy), and Queens County was taxed £120 for their maintenance. Much dissatisfaction ensued. Lord Cornbury came over as Gov- ernor in 1702. He was a son of Henry Hide, second Earl of Clar- endon, and a brother of Anne, wife of King James H. He was also a cousin of Queen Ann, and was among the first to desert the army of James H. He was a strong supporter of the Church of England, and his zeal caused him to commit acts in Queens Co. that brought out strong opposition from the dissenters, who were mainly Presbyterians, and who were the popular party of the day. The town of Oyster Bay was, as before stated, long disturbed by dissensions between its early settlers. Its settlement in some respects was peculiar. It was claimed by the Dutch who had early settled there on what is now called the Oyster Bay Cove Road, extending from the village of Oyster Bay to Syosset and the Hempstead Plains. Some Englishmen had also settled there as early as 1640, probably on Hog Island (now Centre Island), but were driven away by the Dutch. By the boundary line of 1650 the English were to have all the land on Long Island east of a line drawn from the west side of Oyster Bay Harbor, "and so in a straight and direct line to the sea," and the Dutch all the land to the west of this line. This boundary line was never ratified or signed by the Governors, and therefore never became a regular boundary of the town, but for a long time was adhered to as the division line between the two parties. (MSS. C. B. Moore.) In 1654 some English again settled at Oyster Bay, but at a meeting of the Council (Gov. Stuyvesant being absent) orders were given the commissioners to visit the "new settlement at Oyster Bay, and order the withdrawal of all Englishmen who had settled there during 1654." (Doc. Rel. Col. Hist. N. Y., Vol. XIV., p. 311.) The large trading business carried on at Oyster Bay was a source of much trouble, and customs duties were wholly evaded. To prevent this the Directors in Holland ordered a block house to be built "at our limits advanced to Oyster Bay," but as the LON Q /SLA N :d Sf«Le . 3M,.rt Tc .«, ;„7r~ A T L ;( ITTIC THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 31 boundaries were then in dispute, the house was never built (Doc Rcl. Col. Hist. N. Y., XIV., p. 430.) Gov. Stuyvesant, alluding to this block house, states in a letter to the Directors under date of 21 April, 1660, "We cannot assure yon that it will prevent the invasions of the English, etc.," and "that the English under your jurisdiction here sell their cattle, etc., for beavers, and take the latter overland to their villages, and ex- change them for English goods imported there without inspec- tion." The disputes concerning the boundary line of 1650 can be readily understood by reference to Gov. Stuyvesant's letter to the Directors in 1659, wherein he remarks: "We have had but little intercourse with our neighbors of New England, but we cannot persuade them that they deviate from the boundary agreement of 1650. The only question is about the location of Oyster Bay ; the oldest inliabitant of New Netherland places it two and a half leagues farther east than the oldest inhabitant of New England. The land comprised in these two and a half leagues is very poor, but the convenient location of the bay is of greater consequence, for if it remains in possession of and is settled by the English it will be an open door for smugglers." Speaking of the block house he adds : "If built according to the statements of the Dutch, two and a half leagues further east, the English village of Huntington would come within the limits of New Netherlands, and we would meet with opposition." (Doc. Rel. Col. Hist. N. Y. XIV., p. 440.) The settlement of Oyster Bay began soon after the agreement of 1650. The earliest conveyance for land there was from the Matinecock sachem in 1653 to Peter Wright, Samuel Mayo, and Wm. Leveridge. On 16 Sept., 1661, Henry Townsend had land granted him there "on the west side thereof," for the purpose of erecting a mill on the stream later called Mill River. The scene now changed. The Westminster Treaty had been signed in 1673, and by it all the New Netherlands was ceded to the English. The Dutch power in America ended, and all those who had been driven away began to return. y\ndros was made Governor, and on 16 Sept., 1677, he issued a patent of confimia- tion for the lands already purchased from the natives in the town of Oyster Bay. Many purchases of lands were now made from the Indians, 32 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND and in 1695, when Maj. Thos. Jones (I. i) came upon the scene, the Townsend family and others were firmly located there as free- holders. Capt. Thomas Townsend, and his son-in-law, Maj. Thos. Jones, made many and large purchases of land from the Indians, and their transactions in these matters show them to have been on friendly terms with them. These purchases on the part of Maj. Thos. Jones became very numerous, and at the time of his death he was possessed of several thousand acres of land in the town of Oyster Bay, a large part whereof is now {1900) in the possession of his descendants. From all this we can form some idea of the state of affairs existing in Oyster Bay when Maj. Thos. Jones settled there in '1695, with his young wife, then only twenty years of age. On their arrival there her father gave them a house in which he had formerly lived, and a lot of land on the easterly side of what was called South Street. This house, now (1900) standing, is in a good state of preservation, but somewhat changed in appearance by the addition of two dormer windows, and is one of the oldest houses in Ovster Bay. Late in the year following ( 1696) they removed to Oyster Bay "at the south," as it was called, where Maj. Thos. Jones had erected a house on Fort Neck, on the easterly bank of Massapequa River, which later became known as the "Old Brick House." This river was sometimes called Brick House Creek, and Jones's Creek. The house and lot of land first mentioned, in the "Town spot of Oyster Bay," was built by Thomas Townsend in 1660. From records left by Maj. Thos. Jones we learn that it was conveyed by John Townsend, of Susum (now Jericho) to John Rogers on 14 Jan., 1686, and contained six acres of land. Rogers conveyed to Ephraim Carpenter, Jr., 30 March, 1695, who on 9 June, 1696, conveyed the same to Capt. Thos. Townsend (Liber B., folio 408, Oyster Bay Reeds.) (Liber 4, foHo 118, Queens Co.) On 29 June, 1696, Capt. Thos. Townsend assigned his conveyance from Carpenter to "Maj. Thos. Jones, of Rhode Island, my son-in-law, and his wife Freelove, my daughter" (Liber B, folio 408, Oyster Bay Reeds.), reserving the right to repurchase the same within five years, for the sum of ^71. The deed from Carpenter embraced several other small pieces of land. We infer that Capt. Thos. Townsend lived there during his c •< H P! X c c > c 5» I - rr; SB M r c z tr Z t n H C Z c THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 33 stay at Oyster Bay, or until 24 June, 1712, when Maj. Thos. Jones sold the place to George Townsend for £80. (Liber 6, folio 496, Queens Co.) On 17 July, 1713, the surveyors of the town "laid out to Geo. Townsend on ye right he bought of Thomas Jones" this house lot, and by their report contained 7^2 acres of land. (Lib. D, folio 2^, O. Bay.) From this time until about 1859 it remained out of the possession of the Jones family, when they again became possessed of some interest in it through Eleanor Burtis, daughter of Elbert H. Jones (IV. 5), and wife of James M. Burtis, of Oyster Bay. The history of this house is interesting. We quote from an article published in the Oyster Bay Pilot of 1896: "Thos. Townsend and his wife lived there but a year or two, when Joseph Weeks moved in. Joseph was a son of Francis, owner of the land." (I have seen no such conveyance.) "John Weeks, his son, married Rebecca Coles, and succeeded to the homestead. Jane Summers, his daughter, lived there after her parents, with her husband. Samuel S. Summers. In 1859 the place was sold to Jane Summers' nephew, Townsend W. Burtis, when it later came into possession of his son, James M. Burtis, who with his wife Eleanor Jones lived there some years. "A house more peculiarly constructed could not be found now. It is bullet proof, although to look at it one might suppose a pin might be thrust through its outer walls. Its exterior is covered with shingles, then comes three inches of solid oak, behind which are two inches of loam and sea weed. Wood covers this, and in turn is covered with plaster, the whole making a wall seven or eight inches in thickness. The house contains thirteen rooms, and in some may be seen the portholes for rifles used in defending the house against attack from the Indians." Maj. Thos. Jones was now a freeholder, and this "Home Lot" in the "Town Spot of Oyster Bay" gave him certain rights in the common or undivided lands of the town, one of which was the general herding of cattle in one large herd under the mutual pro- tection of the freeholders. This necessitated marks of ownership, called cattle marks, and each freeholder had one alloted to him which was registered in the records of the town. In addition to this, each town had its own mark, the town of Huntington being the letter E, while that of Oyster Bay was F. These marks were 34 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND branded upon the cattle, and furnished proof of ownership when a pubHc division of them was made at the close of the season. The original record of Maj. Thos. Jones' cattle mark is lost, but his son William (II. 7), to whom it was assigned after his father's death, caused it put on record in his name on 21 April, 1734. (Liber G, folio 19, Oyster Bay Conveyances.) This record recites "it was his father's, Thomas Jones', mark." The record is accompanied by the following diagram, and describes it as " a swallow fork on ye right ear, and a half penny under ye left ear." Many of the earliest records of the town have been lost, some of which were never recorded, and others were kept by the own- ers and put on record several at a time long after the execution of the papers, and even then, in many instances, only such ones as the grantee or owner thought best. The earliest and original book of records of the town (called Vol. A), has long since disappeared and with it much early history. The present Volume A is a copy in part of the old one, and was transcribed by Samuel Underbill and Samuel Willis in 1742, who were ordered to do so by the freeholders of the town, and who at a town meeting held on 21 Jan., 1743, reported that they "had transcribed 2d record into a new book, etc., etc., or so much thereof as we convened to be any ways essential for the estab- lishment of any title of land, etc., and such part of the old record which we did not apprehend to be needful or worthy of memory, which constitutes chiefly of Justice Courts, marriages, and such like matter of small moment we have left blank." (Liber A, folio I, Oyster Bay.) In the following year the freeholders of the town were ordered by David Seaman and Penn Townsend (Justices of the Peace) "to assemble together at ye church or town house in order to viev/ the book of records A, which is now transcribed." Major Thomas Jones (I. i), as well as some of the early members of the Townsend family, had much to do in laying out the town lands, and as late as 28 Apl., 17 13 (only eight months before his death), he was engaged in laying out land for the "BCVN^R. /rcH or* Map of "The Town Spot" of Oyster Bay, L. I., showing (approximately) the relative positions of the " Home Lots " of its early settlers, and the succeeding ownerships to each. The roads or streets as indicated being the only ones probably in use at that day. The map is not drawn to any scale, and distances cannot be calculated from it. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 35 proprietors of the "New Purchase" of Oyster Bay, or Matinecock lands, for which service rendered the town he and others were granted eighteen acres of land in that purchase, at a town meeting then held. At this same meeting there were also granted him individually 37 acres of land lying upon the highway leading from Oyster Bay to Cedar Swamp, "which land was laid out to Thomas Jones in consideration of £21, which he paid for the proprietors of the New Purchase in the law suit against Andrew Gibbs." (Liber 7, folio 45, Queens Co.) Both families were noted for the active parts taken by them in the development of the town, both politically and otherwise, and at a later period, when some rivalry existed between them as to political prestige, the warcry of the Townsend supporters was. "The Joneses have the money, but the Townsends have the brains." On March 2, 1699, he was admitted (by deed under seal) as associate freeholder under the original Patent of Oyster Bay, granted by Gov. Andros on 29 Sept., 1677. This deed, executed by Josias Latting and Maj. Thos. Jones' (I. i) father-in-law, Thos. Townsend, recites "that at its date except themselves none of the other patentees were left alive." On 30 Dec, 1701, he and many other "Protestant subjects" signed a petition to his Majesty King William III., begging to be relieved of being unjustly accused of infamy, and of being un- faithful subjects, and of being turned out of the government by the late Earl of Bellomont (Doc. Rel. Col. Hist. N.Y., Vol. 4, p.- 937), and on 2d of Oct., 1702, he signed, with others, a petition to Lord Cornbury declaring his "sincerity and fcrver of affection to his Lordship." (Ibid., Vol. 4, p. 1008.) Of the early settlers of the "Town Spot of Oyster Bay" — those who were contemporaneous with him — we might say more. The map on the preceding page will give some idea as to who they were, and the relative situations of the "Home Lots," also the boundary line established between the Dutch and English in 1650. The location of each "Home Lot," as indicated by dotted lines, with the name of its owner, and those succeeding him, arc mainly taken from the "Memorial of the Townsend Brothers." Maj. Thos. Jones (L i) apparently never intended to reside 36 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND permanently in Oyster Bay, yet he was always more or less iden- tified with it and its immediate vicinity. On 29 June, 1696, his father-in-law gave him a large tract of land on Fort Neck, on the south side of Long Island, where he built the "Old Brick House," and remained there until his death in 1713. The deed embraces two pieces of land, consisting of 300 acres, and shows in a remarkable way the cordial relations existing between father and son-in-law, and other points of note. ABSTRACT OF DEED. Thomas Townsend to Thomas Jones, June 29, 1696- (Liber 4, p. 114, Queens Co.) Etc. "Be it known that I, Captain Thomas Townsend, of Portsmouth, on Rhode Island, for and in consideration of my natural love and affection to Thomas Jones, of Rhode Island, my son-in-law, and to Freelove, his wife, my natural daughter ; and for their well demeaning themselves to guarde me, and for other good causes and considerations, me, ye sd Thomas Townsend especially moveing, have given, granted and assigned unto this Thomas Jones, and Freelove, his wife, as a free gift, all of a certain parcell of land, lying and being upon Massapequa on Fort Neck at ye south of Oyster Bay in Queens Co., &c., &c., con- taining in all, more or less, &c., &c., which said tracts is att large to be seen in and by ye Indian deed to me bearing date ye 31st day of May, 1693. and ye other ye first day of June, 1694. Together with all rights, &c., &c., with priveledge to set up mills on said Fort Neck River, &c., reserving to myself the right to improve any of the above granted lands, and to build and plow, and pasture, &c.„ and what I shall see cause, and ye same to possess, and enjoy during my natural life, and the life of my new wife Mary, and after her decease to return to sd Thomas Jones and his wife." — Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of John Newman, Nathaniel Coles, Sr., Her Sarah X Coles. mark. Thomas Townsend [L. S.l. Before these purchases (as cited in this deed) were made of the Indians, Capt. Thomas Townsend obtained a license from (jOv. Andros, on 18 Oct., 1677, "to purchase lands of the Indian pro- prietors adjoining their meadows on the south, and also on the north, so much of their land called Matinecock." (Doc. Rel. Col. Hist., Vol. 14, p. 731.) This deed to Maj. Thos. Jones, with several later ones, gave THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 37 him possession of the whole of Fort Neck, embracing some 680 acres, which at his death he bequeathed to his son David (II. 2). Of these latter mentioned deeds, the principal one was from the Indians under date of 21 Apl., 1707, and conveyed all their lands at Alassapequa, bounded on the south by the Salt Meadow, on the north by Thomas Powell's and Thomas Whitson's land or pur- chase, and on the west to West Neck, and on east to make a north and south line from the east side of Latting's Neck, con- taining in quantity more or less. Consideration, £5. This deed embraced a large extent of country, and ]\Iaj. Thos. Jones' brother-in-law, John Townsend, was a joint purchaser in it with him, but on 15 Nov., 1707, the latter released all his rights in this deed to Maj. Thos. Jones. On June 4, 1707 (after this purchase from the Indians), a town meeting was held at Oyster Bay and "there was granted to Thomas Jones and John Townsend, by a free and unanimous vote, all their rights which they have to all the land at the south which the sd Thomas Jones and John Townsend bought or purchased of the Indians, bearing date ye 21 April, 1707, etc., reserving to ourselves all }e land we formerly bought and laid out on Uncoway Neck." (Liber B, No. 2, folio 662, Queens Co.) By referring to map on previous page it will be seen that this deed included Unqua Neck (excepting such as reserved), and also Little Neck. Thompson's L. I. (publication of 1839, page 338) speaking of the deed of gift to Maj. Thos. Jones in 1695, remarks "He re- ceived a valuable tract of land called Fort Neck, and where he erected the first substantial dwelling house made of bricks burned upon the place, in that part of Long Island, and which stood for more than one hundred and fifty years, and familiarly known for the last fifty years as the "Old Brick House." He further states (Vol. I, p. 508) "That of the many traditions of this extraordinary personage very little can be relied upon." When Maj. Thos. Jones built this house there was not an- other one standing within several miles of it. It was a wild and desolate region, and the Massapequa meadows (whereon the house stood) were bounded on the north by dense woodland, the abiding place, perhaps, of hostile Indians, and on the south by the "Great South Bay." Touching this we quote from Denton's Hist, of N. Y. : "Ap- proaching westerly through the island we meet with an ancient 38 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND dwelling on Fort Neck, which a century ago or more was known as the Haunted House, and had many strange and wonderful stories connected with it, and a lonely grave marked by an old tombstone some little distance from the house, on the banks of a small stream; a most solitary spot surrounded by a low earth wall." An article in the New York Mirror (copied by Thompson) states: "This venerable edifice is still standing though much di- lapidated, and is an object of awe to all the people in the neigh- borhood. The traveller cannot fail to be struck with its reverend and crumbling ruins as his eye first falls upon it from the turn- pike, and if he has heard the story he will experience a chilly sensation and draw a long breath while he looks at the circular, sashless windows in the gable end. Those windows have been left open ever since the old man's death. His sons and grand- sons used to try all manner of means in their power to close them up. They put in sashes, and they boarded them up, and they bricked them up, but all would not do ; so soon as night came their work would be destroyed, strange sights would be seen and awful voices heard." Furman, in his Antiquities of L. I., has this to say of it : "Ap- proaching westwardly through the island, we meet Fort Neck, with an old-fashioned brick house which was many years ago owned and occupied by a Captain Jones, who is reputed to have been a pirate, and in it he died. Tradition (he adds) says that at the time of his death a large black crow (which the people supposed to be a demon) hovered over his bed, and when life was extinct the crow made its exit through the west end of the house. The story is still told by the oldest inhabitant as a fact, and further that the hole through which the crow made his departure cannot be stopped, and as often as it is closed it is opened by some un- known means." Furman tells us he saw the house in 1827, and it was then a venerable looking building, "and was pointed out to me as the Haunted House," and further he adds that Captain Jones was buried not far from the house and his grave is to this day desig- nated as the "Pirate's Grave." This property of Maj. Thos. Jones (I. i), known as the Fort Neck property, was at the confluence of the Massapequa River with the Great South Bay, and nearly opposite an opening of the C w 3 y. O ^. ~—> tfl If) < s r^ o ^^ I 5^ E-i ^ -^. X -O -d cc ^t ^ > u rt f4 CA H o n UJ X a o ^ r- w u C/J OJ U ^ o en X — t J >s C u 1) n OS X X J 2 J o O fc M I THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 39 latter into the ocean, at a place called Jones' Inlet. The neck of land lying- to the west of the Massapcqua River was called West Neck, and adjoined land of the Seaman family, while that one to the east of Fort Neck is called Unqua. On the east bank of the Massapequa River, and but a short distance south of where the highway now crosses it, stood the "Old Brick House," which after withstanding the storms of one hundred and forty years was taken down in 1837 by the Hon. David S. Jones (IV. 7). Edward F. de Lancey in his introduction to Thomas Jones' Hist, of N. Y. (Vol. I, p. Iv), describes it as "A large and heavy building of two stories, with a wing on one side ; had a high roof, windows in its gables, and walls of great thickness, which were panelled inside with wood. The beams were moulded and cased in the style of that day in England." (See also Thompson L. I., Vol. i', p. 508.) The Old Brick House was an object of much interest, and on Feb. 7, 1867, at the first meeting of the Long Island Hist. Soc. John Fowler, Jr., read a paper on the "Ancient Homestead of the Jones Family of Queens Co." but no record of it appears to have been kept by the society. Respecting the so-called Indian forts on Fort Neck, which were occupied by the Indians, and taken from them in 1653 by Capt. John Underbill, under a commission from the English au- thorities of Rhode Island "To go against the Dutch or any ene- mies of the Commonwealth of England," Samuel Jones (III. 8) addressed a letter to John Pintard, secretar}^ of the N. Y. Hist. Soc, enclosing the following memoranda written by him in 1812: "When this part of Long Island was first settled by the Euro- peans they found two fortifications in the neighborhood upon a neck of land ever since called Fort Neck ; one of which is nearly square, each side of which is about thirty yards in length. The breastwork or parapet is of earth, and there is a ditch on the outside which appears to have been about six feet wide. The other one was on the southernmost point of the salt meadow ad- joining the bay, and consisted of palisadoes set in the meadow. The tide has worn away the meadow where the fort stood, and the place is now covered with water, but my father, Wm. Jones (II. 7), has told me that in his memory part of the palisadoes were standing." (N. Y. Hist. Soc. Col., Vol. III.) See Furman's Antiquities of L. I., p. 95, respecting these forts. 40 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND These necks of land were on their southern extremity cov- ered with salt meadows, and were separated from another body of salt meadows (lying to the south of them) by the Great South Bay. These were considered by the early purchasers as part and parcel of the whole, and in general terms were called by the In- dians their Massapeage meadows. As Maj. Thos. Jones and his sons in course of time became possessed of the greater part of all these necks and meadows lying between the town of Hempstead on the west and the town of Huntington on the east, their early history may not be out of place here. While the Colony was much disturbed by the alternating su- premacy of the Dutch and English, the inhabitants of the town of Oyster Bay procured a release of them from the Indians on 17 March, 1658, and were described as "All our meadows at the south side of this island, commonly called by the name of Mas- sapeage meadows ; on the west side bounded with the river called Warrasketuck, and on the east with the river called Arras- quaugue." On 29 Sept., 1677, Gov. Andros issued Letters Patent confirm- ing these purchases (cited Vol. i, p. 238, Mend. Repts.) to Henry Townsend, Thomas Townsend and others, as patentees (the sam.'i who had received the Indian deed). In the Indian deed no mention is made of the southerly bound- ary, but in the Patent the south bounds are particularly described as being the "South Sea." In 1771 this "South Sea" bound became the source of a long lawsuit between the town of Oyster Bay and the Jackson and Jones families. The town claimed that the South Sea meant what we now call the Great South Bay, and not the Atlantic Ocean as claimed by the Jacksons and the Joneses, the former of whom had a patent from Gov. Cornbury, on 12 Sept., 1708, for "Beach and meadow land, bounded on the south by the sea on the south side of the beach to low water mark, and on the north by the Bay," extending from the town of Hempstead on the west to the town of Huntington on the east. This was granted to John Jackson, Sr., and John Jackson, Jr. The meadows in dispute were those lying on the south side of the Great South Bay, and next to the Atlantic Ocean (see map on preceding page). The Jacksons were defended by Samuel Jones (III. 8), and THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 41 the suit was decided in their favor by the Supreme Court of the Colony, Judge David Jones (II. 2) sitting. William Jones (II. 7), a brother-in-law of the Jacksons, held a two-fifths interest in these meadows, and was much interested. See under William Jones (II. 7.) The beaches and meadows thus granted were held by the Jacksons in joint tenancy, and on the death of John Jackson, St., his son John Jackson, Jr., had a lawful right to the whole, and at his death bequeathed the whole equally between his sons John, Samuel and Richard Jackson. These meadows were of but little use in those days except to the Jacksons, who kept large herds of cattle and horses there, and the property remained in their hands until 19 Sept., 1762, when John, Samuel and Richard Jackson sold a one-fourth interest in the whole to their brother- in-law, William Jones (11. 7). Shortly after this the Hempstead people began to cut grass on the meadows and carry it away, which finally terminated, in 1769, in a lawsuit against Charles Simonson as a trespasser, in the Supreme Court, where judgment was rendered as just stated. In order to consult what steps were necessary in this matter, a special town meeting was called, and the freeholders of the town of Oyster Bay assembled at the house of George Weeks, "Where the elderly and most wise men of the town took a room upstairs to consult upon proper measures, and in this cabinet it was agreed that the town had no right to the beach and meadows southward of the bay that divides the Massapeage meadows from the beach." Notwithstanding this they agreed to assist Simonson in his suit, and appointed Zebulon Seaman, Benjamin Townsend, and George Townsend as his counsel, and the case went to the Supreme Court. From this time until about the close of the Revolutionary Wa*- the inhabitants did not attempt to trespass upon the meadows. From its close until 1787 (during which time William Jones (II. 7) had died and the country was much disordered by the war) the inhabitants frequently cut the grass from the meadows with- out much interruption, and a movement was set on foot to put the meadows under town regulations, and by that means make a good title to the town. A town meeting was held, and it was voted to raise the sum of i20O to go to law with the Jacksons. After choosing their committee for that purpose, they were informed by James Townsend, of Duck Pond (who had known 42 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND the Jacksons for a long time, and was well informed about their former suit), "That the town had no right in them premises," and advised the town to purchase some rights under the Jacksons. The committee acted in accordance with this advice, one of whom, Isaac Smith, went to New York to purchase Thomas Jones' (III. 3) confiscated rights of the commissioners of forfeited estates, and the others went to Cold Spring to see if David Jones (III. 7) would sell his right, which he finally did; and the town thereby became tenants in common with the Jacksons and the Joneses. Just where the northerly limit of these necks of land was considered to be by the early proprietors is difficult to say. In 1671 tlie owners professed to divide them into shares, and allotted them in severalty, but this appears only to have applied to that portion then covered by the salt meadows and adjoining the main- land. The earliest deed from the Indians (17 Mch., 1658) fails to give any northerly boundary, but a later one from them, dated 20 Apl., 1690, to John Townsend, describes their extent "north- ward to ye Great Plains." This deed was for the whole of West Neck (exclusive of the salt meadows), of which no part came into possession of the Jones family until after the death of Maj. Thos. Jones (I. i), excepting such rights as the latter may have had under the general assignment to him by Thomas Townsend on II May, 171 1. These indefinite boundaries caused much trouble later on. On 18 of 8 month, 1695, the Indians executed a deed to Thomas Powell, Sr., for a large tract of land in the central part of the town of Oyster Bay, in which the bounds were fairly well described. Of these the southerly boundary (as shown on the map, opp. p. 31, and designated as Frost's and Jones' line), ap- proximately gives us the northerly limits of these necks of land. This places it a little south of the present village of Farming- dale, and embraces an area of country extending into the interior about four and one-half miles northerly, and two and one-half miles east and west, or 7,000 acres of land. Deducting y^ from this for the West Neck, we have 4,700 acres which was vested in the children of Maj. Thomas Jones (I. i), which later became the property of the Floyd- Jones family, and by actual survey contained 4,792 acres. Of this, 1,138 acres is meadow land and THE JONES FAMILY QF LONG ISLAND 43 lies south of the "Old Indian Path" that formerly led across these necks, and now known as the South Side Tumpike Road. The deeds of gift to Maj. Thcs. Jones (before alluded to) have been claimed by historians as embracing the whole of Fort Neck and much of the surrounding country. I do not so construe them. They embraced but a small part of this neck, possibly 300 acres, but gave him control of that part between the "Old Indian Path" and the "Great South Bay," and had for its western boundary th^r Massapequa River. Prior small purchases had been made by the freeholders, individual allotments made, and the Indians were gradually forced into the interior. Many of these allotments or rights were given up or forfeited, and were transferred to Capt. Thomas Townsend in consideration of his assuming the rates levied upon them, and by him conveyed to Maj. Thomas Jones (I. i) in consideration of various sums of money. More than one hundred of these deeds and assignments of rights are now in possession of the family. On the north of the Powell purchase was an extensive tract of land lying between Bethpage and the high ridge of hills within the limits of Syosset, East Woods, Woodbury and Cold Spring. This was purchased of the Indians by Maj. Thomas Jones, Capt. Thos. Townsend, Edward White, John Williams and Hope Will- iams, on the 2d June, 1697, for i6 current money and one barrel of good cider. (Liber 4, folio 3, Queens Co.) This was heavily wooded and valuable, and many controversies arose over its relative boundaries between the Williamses, who owned the Great Plains on the south and west, and the Mayos, who had very early rights on the north, and other inhabitants of the town. This piece was described as beginning "at ye edge of ye Plains on ye south side ye old cart path that leadeth from Hemp- stead to Huntington town by ye head of Cold Spring, to ye line of division between ye town of Oyster Bay and ye town of Hunt- ington north bounder, thence from ye sd cart path south by ye line of division to ye land of Thomas Powell, at ye place called Bethpage, from thence westward by ye sd lands of Thos. Powell to ye edge of ye Great Plains, and from thence northward by ye edge of ye sd Great Plains to ye above sd cart way," etc.. etc. Subsequently Maj. Thos. Jones purchased other rights or shares in this, but disposed of the greater part of tliem before his 44 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND death, and bequeathed the remainder to his sons David and William. On the north of this purchase was a large tract of woodland which he also owned in common with other people of the town, mainly the Mayos and Wrights, the boundaries of which also dis- turbed the people for several years, but was finally settled by ar- bitrators in 170T, whose decision, signed by Peter Cortilieau, sur- veyor, on 16 vSept. of that year, fixed its northerly boundary as "Which line doth begin at a hole of water, ye head of Cold Spring, or which is concluded to be ye head of ye sd spring, and from thence west thirty-five degrees southerly to a point of trees called Cantiague." This was a long, narrow strip of land extending from Cold Spring to Jericho and Hicksville, embracing the high ridge of hills running between those places. Cantiague was within tlie limits of Hicksville proper, and on line of division between the towns of Oyster Bay and Hempstead. It was probably an Indian settlement. Maj. Thos. Jones' rights or allotments in this were mostly in its eastern end, and extended westerly to "Round Swamp," now a small pond just west of the village of Syosset. His interests were large, as records show, but how he disposed of them is not shown. Some papers now extant show that Maj. Timothy Bagley (who married his widow) obtained possession of some and dis- posed of them later. His sons, Thomas and William Jones, ob- tained some under his will. On March 23, 1709, a Patent was issued by Queen Anne foi 3,000 acres of land in Orange Co., N. Y., to Rip Van Dam, Adolph Phillipse, David Provoost, Jr., Lancaster Syms and Thomas Jones. It was situated about six miles west of Cornwall, and was formerly a part of the land included in the Patent granted to Capt. John Evans by Gov. Dongan in 1694. (Ruttenber's Hist. Orange Co., p. 16.) Evans' patent was annulled by an Act of Assembly in 1699, and repatented at later dates. On 21 Aug., 171 1, Maj. Thos. Jones conveyed one-half of his interest in this to John Thomas, Rector of St. George Parish, Hempstead, L. I. I do not find that he made any disposition of THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 45 his remaining interest, but on 2d Aug., 1721, his son David, "As heir-at-law of Thomas Jones, late of Fort Neck on L. I., de- ceased," conveyed his right in it, as did also the four surviving patentees, to Vincent Mathews, of Ulster Co., for £1,000. (Liber B, folio 284, Orange Co.) The considerations named in the Patent were that the patentees should "pay every year from hence- forth two shillings and sixpence for every 100 acres, reserving to our heirs, etc., all trees of ye diameter of 24 inches in diameter, as shall be fitt for our Royal Navy, and such other trees as shall be fitt to make plank and knees for our Navy aforesaid, and also all gold and silver mines, etc. "Signed, Richard Ingoldesby, "Lieut. Gov." (Liber 7. folio 395 of Patents, Secy, of State office.) Why Maj. Thos. Jones went to Rhode Island on his arrival in this country is not known. He may have been known to the Townsends before his advent here, and possibly had some busi- ness relations with them. His religious convictions certainly did not cause him to seek a home there, for he was a warm supporter of the Church of England and would not have chosen a place that was a refuge for all religious sects and where re- ligious toleration worked little good for the Colony. As a pri- vateersman he may have made use of the Rhode Island ports (as many of his time did), but the records of the Colony contain no records of him. Shortly after his settling upon L. I. he was actively engaged in Church matters, first at Oyster Bay and then at Hempstead and Jamaica, where religious diflferences early commenced be- tween the Church of England and the dissenters, who were of the popular party, and who looked upon the Church of England, or Court party, with distrust. The Colonial Government was desirous that Episcopacy should be established and that ministers of the Gospel be called and set- tled in each town, to which it gave much the same offices and form of government as the parish churches in England. The in- habitants were compelled to contribute to their support by taxa- tion, even though they difTered on points of religion. This to tlie dissenters was obnoxious and was strongly opposed ; to them "the libertv of all was the best guarantee for the liberty of each." This 46 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND hostile feeling reached its culmination during the Revolutionary War, when the Court party, who were all Episcopalians, were roughly handled. Had Maj. Thos. Jones lived later he would have suffered much at the hands of his political and religious opponents, but he died long before the struggle for independence began and never knew the extent of the religious controversies in which Queens County became involved. Lord Cornbury was Governor in 1702, and was a great pro- moter of the English Church, especially on Long Island, and Maj. Thos. Jones was soon in his favor. On Jan. 12, 1703, Maj. Thos. Jones (under a colonial law for organizing parishes and church wardens), was elected at Oyster Bay at a general town meeting as church warden, and Edmund Wright, Isaac Doty, Samuel Dickinson, Richard Willis and Na- thaniel Coles as vestrymen. (State Reeds. D, page 114.) (Queens Co. in Olden Times, Onderdonk.) June 14, 1707, he was elected, with Thos. Gildersleeve, by a "major vote of the people of Hempstead, as church wardens, to which office he was annually re-elected until 1709." (Hempstead Records, Vol. i, p. 429, etc.) The office of church warden had jurisdiction in civil as well as ecclesiastical matters, the authority for its jurisdiction being vested in an Act of Legislature passed Sept., 1693. Under this act ten vestrymen and two church wardens were to be annually elected by the freeholders of each county, and the tax to be raised for the support of the ministers was to be levied by the vestrymen and justices, and to be paid to the church wardens, who were re- quired to give an account to the vestrymen of all receipts and disbursements, and to pay to their respective ministers their sal- ary. Although Maj. Thos. Jones married into a Quaker family he strongly adhered to the Episcopal Church, and, as we have stated, caused his wife to be baptized into that faith. Further than this he intrusted the early education of his children to his "loving friend John Thomas" (the first Rector of St. George's Epis. Church of Hempstead), who was inducted as its rector by order of Lord Cornbury, 26 Dec, 1704. His return or Certificate of Induction was signed by Wm. Vesey, Wm. Urquhart, Thomas Jones and Thos. Gildersleeve, wardens, on 2.y Dec, 1704. It is THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 47 written in Latin (much abbreviated), and recorded in New York Surrogate's Office, Liber 7, folio 227 of Wills.) Very little of the parish work of the Rev. John Thomas has been preserved to us. In his letter to the "Society for the Propa- gation of the Gospil in Foreign Parts," he states that his parish register was used by the justices and civil vestry acting as over- seers of the poor. This church was built in 1648, and much can be read concern- ing it in the Rev. John Keith's Journal, who was then a mis- sionary on Long Island. (See also Hist, of St. George's Church, by Moore, and Doc. History of New York, Vol. III.) On 29 Jan., 1702-3, Governor Cornbury issued a commission to "our loyal subjects" Thos. Willet, John Jackson and others, authorizing them to administer the oath appointed by Act of Parliament instead of the oath of allegiance, to all officers, civil and military, that are or shall be commissioned by us, etc., in our county called Queens, and the commissions to continue in force during our will and pleasure. (Liber A, folio 214, Queens Co.) On 12 March, 1702-3, this oath was administered to all of the officers of the Queens Co. Regiment, and a certificate to that ef- fect was recorded by them. (Liber A, folio 215, Queens Co.) Of the Oyster Bay company there were named : John Dickinson, captn. ; Isaac Doty, lieut., and Nathaniel Coles, Jr., ensign, of yi one company, and Thomas Jones, captn. ; John Townsend, lieut., and Samuel Dickinson, ensign, of ye other company. On 14 Oct., 1704, Maj. Thos. Jones was appointed by Gov. Cornbury as High Sheriff of Queens Co. (Commissions, Vol. 3, p. 98, N. Y. State Library.) (Thompson's L. I., Vol. 2, p. 503.) (Thomas Jones' Hist. N. Y., Vol. i, p. Iv.) Thomas Jones, Commission as High Sheriff of Queens Co. : "A commission to Thomas Jones to be High Sheriff of Queens Co. — Anne, by the grace of God; of England, Scotland, France, and Ireland; Queen defender of the Faith, to Thomas Jones, Esq. Greeting, \vc com- mit unto you our county of Queens County to keep from the date of these presents until the fourteenth day of October now next ensuing, 3'eilding unto us, and our successors our dues, and other things to us belonging, and we command all our loving subjects in our said county, that to you in the execution of the office of High Sheriff, they be aiding, helping and assisting. In testimony whereof we have caused the great seal of our Province 48 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND of New York to be hereunto affixed. Witness our Right Trusty, and well beloved cousin, Edward, Viscount Cornbury, Captain General and Gover- nor in Chief of the Province of New York, New Jersey, and of all the Territories and Tracts of land depending thereon in America, and Vice Admiral of all the same, &c., this fourteenth day of October, in the third year of our Reigne. On the 3d of April, 1706, he was appointed Major of the Queens Co. Regiment of Militia. (Calendar of N. Y. Historical MSS., page 352.) (N. Y. Colonial MSS., Vol. LIL, p. 13.) On the 4th Sept., 1710, Governor Hunter appointed him as Ranger General of the island of Nassau (now Long Island). (Vol. 10, page 259 of Deeds, Secry. of State Office.) Ranger General was a sworn officer of the Crown, to whom was granted the royal rights or franchises of waifs, estrays, hunt- ing, royal fish, forfeitures, etc. (Thos. Jones' Hist. N. Y., Vol. I, p. Ivii.) What rights and duties were conferred upon him under this commission we are unable to say, but at a later period, during the Revolutionary War, the duties of a Ranger "were arduous," and no person was permitted to sell a horse or leave the Province without being first viewed by the Ranger. During Maj. Thos. Jones' time in all probability it had some reference to a military watch against foreign attack. (MSS. C. B. Moore.) His original commission is now in possession of the family. It is well preserved, and bears Gov. Hunter's seal of arms, and is countersigned by George Clark, secretary. It is as follows : Robert Hunter, Esq., Captain General and Commander in Chief of the Provinces of New York, New Jersey, and Territories depending thereon in America, and Vice Admiral of the same, &c. Major Thomas Jones, greeting, be it known to all whom it may concern, that I, reposing special trust and confidence in your ability, prudence and fidelity, have given and granted, and by these presents do give and grant unto you, the said Thomas Jones, the office of Ranger General of the island commonly called Long Island, in the Province of New York, and I do hereby constitute and appoint you, the said Thomas Jones, to be Ranger General, yourself, your sufficient deputy or deputies in each respective county within the said island, to have, hold, and exercise the said office of Ranger General, together with all fees, salleries, profits, benefits, customs, tolls, perquisites or advantages to ye said office, and place belonging, or which ought or may in any ways belong or appertain, according to ye former usage and custome of any of ye Rangers in her Majestie's Plantations in America; given under my hand and seal att arms, att Fort Ann in New York, this THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 49 fourth day of September, 1710, in ye ninth year of ye reign of our Sover- aign Lady Anne, by ye Grace of God, Queen of Gt. Brittain, France, and Ireland, defender of ye faith, &c. By His Excell'ys Command. As early as 1705 Maj. Thos. Jones was engaged in the whale fishery on Long Island. On the 13th of Dec. of that year he had from Gov. Cornbury a license "to take drift whales on ye gut ad- joining Mr. Nicoll's land, and the west end of Gravesend Beach." (Calendar of N. Y. Hist. MSS., p. 340.) (Rev. MSS., Vol. L, p. 183.) The Great South Beach, on Long Island, had been used as a place to catch whales from, long before his arrival, and the busi- ness being lucrative, was sought after by many persons. Denton in his Hist, of N. Y., written in 1670, says: "Upon the south side of Long Island, in the winter, lie store of whales and crampasses, which the inhabitants begin with small boats to make a trade, catching to their no small benefit also innumerable multitude of seals which make excellent oyle." While Lovelace was Governor no duty was demanded ; but during Gov. Hunter's administration a duty was imposed on whale fishery. Many early laws were passed concerning this in- dustry and several lawsuits resulted concerning individual rights. In 1672 Gov. Lovelace ordered that the hire for one Indian to go whaling was not above one trucking cloth coat for each whale he and his company shall kill, or half the blubber without the whalebone. In the year following he granted the right to several companies to use the beach for whaling, and to cut wood in the adjacent woodland, and ordered the Indians not to disturb thetn any more by demanding a barrel of oil out of every whale taken. He also gave the right to persons engaged in the whale fishery "to sell truck, powder and shot, and a moderate amount of strong liquor to the Indians as shall be useful for their whaling de- signe." (Doc. Rel. Col. Hist. N. Y. XIV., p. 646.) Maj. Thos. Jones was engaged in this business for several years, and as late as 4 Sept., T710, he had a license for this pur- pos<=' granted by Gov. Himter, and is recorded in Vol. 10 of Deeds, Secy, of State Office, and is as follows: Robert Hunter, Esq., Captain General and Governor in Chief of the Provinces of New York, &c.. &c., to Major Thomas Jones, reposing espe- cial] trust and confidence in your care, and dilligencc, and integrity, I have thought fit, and I do hereby impower you to sicze, secure, and take into 50 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND your custody and possession all Driffts, drifft whales, and whatsoever other fish or wrecks you shall find floating upon the sea or shall be driven or cast on shore or any part of the sea coast between the gut joining to Mr. Nichols land, and ye west end of Gravesend Beach, and Brookhaven, com- monly called Seatawcut, on the north side of Long Island, and saw, cut up, try, and make into oyle, all such drifft whales or other fish as aforesaid within said bounds, yeilding and paying unto me at New York, one half part of the oyl, and whale bone which you shall make or gett thereout aforesaid, and also one half of all other wrecks and driffts, detaining and keeping ye other half thereof to your own proper use and behoofe, giving me an account from time to time what you shall have done herein; and for so doing this shall be your sufficient warrent; given under my hand and seal at Fort Anne in New York, this 4th day of Sept., 1710. Several of these returns (which this license required) were made by him and can be seen in the N. Y. Coll. MSS., in the N. Y. State Library, and are in his own handwriting, one of which, filed in Vol. LIV., p. 179, is as follows: "An acompt of what oyl and whale bone is taken one Mereck Beach." Oyl. Bone. Coll. Jackson 6 50 John Tredwell 6 50 Thos. Carman & Joseph Smith 20 300 Thos. Jones 80 900 At Rockaway Beach. Thos. Cornell, John Cornell & others 21 300 To the eastward of me at Beach by Miles and Richard Miles 60 600 A true acompt taken pr me the 26th day of March, 171 1. Tho: Jones ^7f/ ■ > Fac-simile of his signature to the above account. This license gave him control of the whale fishery on Long Island, and the returns as made by him show that he probably sub-let the right to various persons. It was a lucrative business THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 51 and afforded employment to the Indians, whose pay was regulated by laws made for that purjjose. Frequently they were paid in "strong liquor," and Maj. Thos. Jones brought much to Long Island, possibly for that purpose. This got him into trouble with the custom house, and on 17 Sept., 1708, he petitioned Lord Corn- bury "for some redress in relation to rum seized by the revenue officers." (N. Y. Coll. MSS. LII., p. 167.) It is as follows : The petition of Thomas Jones, of Nassau Island, most humbly sheweth that your petr having some eflfects at Rhode Island, ordered his coorespondent there to send of it in Rum for his winter provision (Rum being very cheap there then) and to consigne the same to Mr. Barthd Furt, here in town, for your Pet'rs acc't, and at the same time ordered sd Barth'd Furt to enter the same, and to pay the duty here at the Cus- tome House, about two months ago a vessel coming from Rhode Island, (the same whereof is yet unknown to your Pet'r) three small barrils con- taining about eighty gallons in all, where at is seems among many other things put on board said vessel, and for what reasons your Pet'r doth not know said casks were put on shore at Doctor Taylor's at White Stone, unknown to your Pet'r, and were there seized last Saturday by Mr. Byer- ley and Mr. Chambers among other goods found there at the same time. Where as all these has been transacted and done without your Pet'r's knowledge, and contrary to his orders so farr that had not Mr. Chambers sent him notice thereof your Pet'r should be a stranger to it to this day, and whereas by ail the circumstances which yo'r Pet'r offers to prove upon accts if required, it plainly appears that no fraud was intended or designed, yor Pet'r humbly prays that he may have an order for to enter the said Rum and receive the same paying the duty. And yor Pet'r shall ever pray, &c., &c. Tho: Jones. Endorsement — Major Jones petition read in Councill 17th Septr, 1708, and referred to the Gent of the Councill or any 3, and the Pet'r Mr. Byerley or Mr. Chambers to attend- Reported 17th Septr, 1708. (See N. Y. Coll- Mss., Vol ui, p. 167.) On 21 May, 1709, Maj. Thos. Jones, Col. Henry Smith, and Col. Richard Floyd were ordered by Lieut. Gov. Ingoldesby "to engage the Long Island Indians to join the expedition to Canada." (N. Y. Coll. MSS. LIII., p. 74.) In 171 1 he subscribed £2 towards building Trinity Church steeple in N. Y. (Bcrrian's Hist. Trinity Church.) As early as 1710 he held the office of Supervisor of the Town of Oyster Bay, and was annually re-elected until his death in 17 14. 52 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND (Liber D, folios 13 and 17, Oyster Bay Conveyances.) In 1710, while holding- office, he was one of the Supervisors who applied to the Assembly for a central hall and jail, and for authority to sell the old hall and two jails not central, before used, which was granted on day following. (Ass. Journal 1-274.) And on 2 March, 1712, he ordered the freeholders of the town of Oyster Bay to meet in the church at that place to arrange for the sale of land to pay the expenses of the town. (Oyster Bay Reeds. D, p. 12.) On 2d Sept., 1709, he was appointed assistant Justice of the Court of Common Pleas for Queens Co., Thos. Willet, first Judge and John Jackson, second Judge. (Liber A, folio 175, Queens Co.) At a special meeting of that court, held at Jamaica, 8 March, 1709, there were present Thos. Willet, Esq., first Judge, John Jackson, Esq., second Judge, and William Hallett and Thomas Jones, assistant Justices. At this meeting the will of John Town- send, dated 3 Aug., 1709, was proved. (Liber A, p. 175, Queens Co.) His name frequently appears as Justice in the "Minutes of Court of Common Pleas, Queens Co." After 1692 this court had power to grant marriage licenses, licenses to school masters, and in taking proof of the installation of clergymen, and had control over highways and apportioned the county tax. (See Redfield's Law and Practise of Surrogate Court.) Many anecdotes have been handed down concerning Maj. Thos. Jones, but few of them are worthy of preservation. One of these, founded upon facts, is as follows : Having occasion to drive across the island with his wife from Fort Neck to Cold Spring, she became very thirsty, and as they approached the latter place she noticed a small stream of water by the roadside, whereupon she insisted upon getting out to allay her thirst. He remonstrated with her for wanting such poor water, and remarked that there was much better drinking water a short distance ahead. On reaching the place mentioned, he sprang out and carried some water to her in his hat. Having allayed her thirst, his own, and that of his horse in the same manner, he resumed his journey, and remarked to his wife, "I shall give this stream to the town for a watering place forever." He kept his promise, and the place has ever since been known as a "Public Watering Place" and is now known as "The Spout." THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 53 Its location is a short distance south of where the present Long Island Railroad depot at Cold Spring Harbor is located. Tlie highway on which they were journeying was the "Old Cart Path" between Hempstead and Huntington, "by ye head of ye Cold Spring" (so called in the early land conveyances), and was Uun the northerly boundary of a large tract of land in which he liad considerable interest. His right to this spring of water and land was vested in a deed from the Indians under date of 2 June, 1697. to Thos. Townsend (his father-in-law) and others, who on 6 June, 1697, admitted Maj. Thos. Jones with them as "an equal partner." (Liber B, folio 363, Oyster Bay Reeds.) Of this we have spoken before. Many years after, when this "Old Cart Path" was laid out by the road commissioners, it was ordered by them that "The Spout be a public watering place" (Liber A, folio 20 of High- ways, Oyster Bay), and on the 25 Nov., 1825, a confirmator>- order was granted by them concerning the same. (Liber A, folio 161 of Highways, Oyster Bay.) Another anecdote (showing the cordial relations that existed between Maj. Thos. Jones and Lord Cornbury) concerning a visit made to him by the latter, of which Mr. C. B. Moore has told us that he had seen a printed record, has come down to us from Maj. Genl. Henry Floyd- Jones, a great grandson of Maj. Thos. Jones, and is as follows: "During the administration of Governor Cornbury, the Sheriff issued a requisition for the arrest of Maj. Thos. Jones, but the latter being forewarned of the approach of the Sheriff's posse, caused a table to be placed before the entrance of his house that completely blocked up the doorway, and had a fine luncheon arranged upon it, while upon the side next the door were j^laccd his pistols. The Sheriff's posse upon arrival encountered the major in the doorway, who, after reading the papers served upon him, sat down and wrote a note to Gov. Cornbury. This he handed to them, remarking that he would not subject himself to arrest, and, pointing to his pistols, added that if they insisted upon arresting him he would then and there fight it out ; but if Gov. Cornbury, after reading his note, would send him an answer requesting him to give himself up he would go without further resistance. After a short parley among themselves they con- cluded not to push matters, and at his invitation sat down and par- c 54 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND took of his feast. This over they returned with only the note, and shortly after the Governor with his retinue visited the major, and were royally entertained by him in the 'Old Brick House.' " On 7 Dec, 1713, he made his will, and, as tradition states, wrote it himself. It is not overburdened with the usual phraseology of the early wills of his time, but is somewhat brief and made with considerable care. It was proved in Queens Co., on 2d Feb., 1714, and is recorded in N. Y. Surrogate's Office, Liber 9, folio 259; new number Liber 8, folio 301. By the provisions of his will his wife Freelove had the entire use and control of his estate during her widowhood, and an equal one-fourth part of i 1,109, the remaining three-fourths part he gave equally between his three daughters. The principal part o his estate, including the Old Brick House and land adjoining, he devised to his eldest son David in-tail male. To his sons Thomas and William he gave his lands at the east end of the Great Plains, and northward of Mannetto Hill, and all his lands near Cold Spring, and land adjoining the Plains ; also forty acres of salt meadow on West Neck, lying on the east side of the meadow given his son David. He appointed as his executors his wife Freelove, and his friend the Rev. John Thomas, to whom letters of adms. were granted on 16 March, 171 3. He died in the Old Brick House on 13 Dec, 1713, and was buried a short distance south of the house on the east bank of the Massapequa River. Thirteen years after his decease his widow (who had married again) was buried at his side, and later his son David and his wife Anne (nee Willet) found a resting place there. The ancient burialplace, not larger than thirty feet square, was long kept sacred by his descendants, but serious inroads were made upon it by the tides, which in 1893 necessitated its removal. His headstone and that of his wife are of hard red sandstone, and are now (1900) in a good state of preservation. Thompson's Hist, of L- I., speaking of his grave, states that he was interred agreeably to his own desire within one of the Indian forts on Fort Neck, near the bottom of the upland upon his farm, and Furman's Antiquities, in 1827, states his resting place was then known as the "Pirate's Grave." THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 55 H^re Lyei iNter'^ The 3o3 y oP Major Tb»>na3 lones Who Cowe frem S^ral;J^nt /-n. TA« Kingiorm. o^ )>elaTt"a.Settlfl Hyir^Her< A-n-ncy. Here L^tf6 /-nf-erl T^ie "Bc^^ o^ freelove Ba^le^ Dao^fitet oP llno«Le lsL%h3. pii-«t- MamcdL To Maj T/iomiS iones, yfl^ter HisDeoU To Maj Tiynothj "Bag-Ley . She l>iii For many years after his death it was the common beHef that some of Maj. Jones' wealth was buried with him, and so deeply rooted had this become that his grave was opened by vandals in the quest of relics and the ancient bones left strewn upon the ground. Shortly after their reinterment it was discovered that one of his bones had been kept by some one in the hopes of get- ting a reward. This finally came into possession of one of his descendants, and was kept by him until 1893, when all that re- mained of those who were interred in the little burial spot was removed and placed in the burying ground adjoining Grace Church at South Oyster Bay — this bone with the rest. This bone, which was the upper half of the skull, was placed for a moment in the hands of the writer, nearly one hundred and eighty years after it had been first laid at rest. The personal effects of Maj. Thos. Jones that have been pre- served to us are few in number and widely scattered. A chair of his is now (1900) in the possession of Mrs. Samuel B. Ro- maine, and a very curious secretary is now owned by Mrs. John D. Jones. This also has a story. It was sent from Spain to some person of rank in Russia, and was captured by Maj. Thos. Jones during one of his privateering cruises. His silver, which hi.« daughters inherited, is lost to the immediate family. .A.n old silver tankard of his, lately in the possession of the Smith family of 56 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND Centre Island, has, we are told, an ancient copper coin marked with the letters T. J. inlaid upon its cover, and is one that in the division of his estate fell to the lot of his daughter Freelove, who married Jacob Smith, and whose descendants have guarded it with religious care. Concerning its later ownership, many questions have been brought to light, and its whereabouts were but little known until the year 1893, when the will of Richard L. Parrish, of Oyster Bay, disclosed the fact that he (the then doubtful owner as claimed) had bequeathed it to an alien blood. (See under Jacob Smith and Freelove Jones.) The date of Maj. Thos. Jones' birth is only conjectural; he died on 13 Dec, 1713, leaving six surviving children all under age. After his death his widow married (before 1716) Major Timothy Bagley, a retired British officer, by whom she had no issue. Lit- tle is known respecting her after her second marriage, but there are various traditions concerning her care for the property and her children. Although of a Quaker family she, shortly after her marriage to Maj. Thos. Jones, was baptized into the Episcopal faith by the Rev. John Keith, at Oyster Bay, on 19 Nov., 1702 (Keith's Journal, p. 45.), and (Digest of the Records of the Soc. for the Progagation of the Gospel, p. 57.) She remained steadfast in her new faith and carefully watched over the spiritual welfare of her children, in which matter she was much aided by the Rev. John Thomas, Rector of St. George's Church, Hempstead, L. I. WILL OF MAJOR THOMAS JONES (I. i). In the name of God Amen — In the seventh day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and thirteen, I, Thomas Jones, of Fort Neck, in the township of Oyster Bay, in Queens County, on the island of Nassau, in the Province of New York, Gentleman, being very weak in body but of perfect mind and memory, thanks be to God therefore, calling to mind the mortahty of my body, and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my last will and testament. That is to say, principally and first of all I give and recommend my soul into the hands of God who gave it, and for my body, I do recommend it to the earth to be buried in a Christian like and decent manner at the discretion of my executors, nothing doubting but at the general resurrection I shall receive the same again by the mighty power of God. As to my worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me in this life, I do give, divide and dispose of the same in the following manner and form — THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 57 Imprimus — I give and bequeath unto my well beloved son David, and his heirs legally begotten of his body, all my houses, mills, lands, and meadows except what will be hereafter occupied, situate, lying and being at the Massapcqua at the South side of Oyster Bay, bounded on the West by West Neck purchase, and on the North by Powell's purchase, and East so far as my lands extend, as may at large appear by my deeds and conveyances ; the said houses, mills, lands, and meadows to have and to hold to him the said David, and his heirs naturally begotten of his body for ever, and in default of issue to my said son David, to my next sur- viving male child, to him and his heirs naturally begotten of his body for ever. Likewise I give to my well beloved son David, and two horses, when capable of entering upon the estate aforesaid. Then I give to my two sons Thomas and William Jones, all my lands lying and being at the East end of the Great Plains, and northward of Maunetto Hill, so called, containing in quantity more or less. Then I give unto my said two sons all my lands lying and being at or nigh to the head of Cold Spring, and all my land adjoining to the Plains, both wood land, and Plain land, all to be equally divided between my two said sons Thomas and William, freely to be enjoyed by them and their assigns forever. Also I will and ordain that my right of land, and meadow at Oak Neck, my twenty-five acres of land to be taken up in the undivided land of the "New Purchase," to be sold and disposed of at the discretion of my executors, and laid out in educating my two said sons Thomas and William. Then it is my will and desire that my sons Thomas and William, have each of them two oxen and two horses out of my moveable estate when at the age of being capable to improve the lands willed as aforesaid. Then I give unto my two sons aforesaid, Thomas and William, forty acres of salt meadow lying on West Neck at the South of Oyster Bay, lying on the East side of the meadow bequeathed to my son David, twenty acres to each of them, to have and to hold all and singular the said meadows unto them my two said sons; the said forty acres to be equally divided between them, freely to be enjoyed by them, their heirs and assigns forever. That it is my will and desire, that in case of death of either of my said sons Thomas and William or default of issue, then the lands afore- said bequeathed to them as above shall be the surviving of my said two sons, to his own proper use and behoof, freely to be enjoyed by him, his heirs and assigns forever. Then I give unto my two sons Thomas and William Jones, all my Neck at the South of Oyster Bay, to be equally divided between them, to have and to hold to them, their heirs and assigns forever. Then I give and bequeath unto my three sons, David, Thomas, and William Jones, swords and pistols to be equally divided between them. Then I give and bequeath to my dearly beloved wife Frcclovc. and to my beloved daughters Freelove, Sarah, Margaret and Elizabeth Jones, the sum of eleven hundred and nine pounds, to be equally divided between 58 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND them, and in case my said daughters should die before marriage, or full age, or having lawful issue, that her or their part to be equally divided among the survivors, also it is my will and desire that whatever of my moveable estate is not valued and comprehended within the eleven hun- and nine pounds, be and remain in the hands of my beloved wife Free- love, to rear and bringing up my said daughters, and that each of them to receive their particular parts or portion of the said sum at their marriage or full age in law. Then I give unto my beloved wife Freelove, the whole command, power and management of my whole estate, real and personal, during her widow-hood, or my aforesaid sons being under age. Then I constitute and ordain my beloved wife Freelove, and loving friend John Thomas, executors of this my last will and testament. Lastly I do appoint my well beloved friends John Treadwell, Jim, and Walter overseers of this my last will and testament, to be aiding my beloved wife, and to see this my last will duly and truly performed. I do hereby utterly disannul and revoke all and every other testaments, wills, legacies, executors by me, and in any ways before this time named. Willed and bequeathed satisfying and confirming this and no other to be my last will and testament. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the day and year above written. Thomas Jones [L. S.J. Signed, sealed, published and delivered by the said Thomas Jones as his last will and testament, in the presence of us the subscribers. Joseph Dickinson. Samuel Macoune. Abraham Underbill. Proof of name and parentage of Thomas Townsend's wife. State of New York, Nassau Co. This is to certify that I, George W. Cock, of Glen Cove, N. Y., skilled genealogist, locril historian, through the grouping together of various fragments of information, having discovered that which James and Aurelia Townsend, in the "Memorial of the Townsend Brother;?," assert in 1866 to have been hitherto unknown; i. e., the name and parentage of the first wife of Capt. Thomas Townsend, and the mother of Freelove, wife of Maj. Thos, Jones, Mary the wife of William McCoun, and Sarah the wife of Abraham Underbill, consider I am justified in desigiiating as the wife of said Thomas Townsend, Sarah, youngest daughter of Robert and Mary (Hauxhurst) Coles, of Warwick, R. I. Robert Coles died about 1654, and his estate was settled by the Town Council of Warwick; in that settlement mention is made of a daughter Sarah, and both Austin and Savage state that the widow, Mary Coles, married Matthias Harvy (as he wrote it), and with her children removed to Oyster Bay, L. I., and it would appear from the town records that THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 59 Matthias Harvy with his stepsons settled on lots to the eastward of the Church Yard, probably at Ship Point, and before 1684 he removed to Flushing, N. Y. Dr. Peter Townsend, of Oyster Bay, in company with a nephew Isaiah, about 1844 made a pilgrimage to Rhode Island in quest of his- torical matter concerning Townsend and allied families. They found in the house of Peleg Almy, Portsmouth, an old memorandum book of Thomas Townsend's, with a record of sundry transactions extending over a period from 1676 to 1713. The items pertinent to the matter in hand are as follows, viz. : 1685 John Robinson. Credit. Sept. 16 By making my wife's coffin 05.00 By making my child's coffin 02.06 John Rogers. Credit. By digging a grave 01.05 By digging my child's 01.03 By going to Flushing for father Harvy 04.00 (doubtless on account of the funeral.) Having seen the writings of Robert Coles, the second (now in my custody) a similar mention of father "Harvy," and believing that each of these expressions refer to Matthias Harvey, and knowing his relationship to Robert Coles was that of step-father, I feel justified in the deduction that for Thomas Townsend to have been warrented in addressing Matthias Harvy as "father," he must have been the husband of Sarah Coles, as the most diligent search showeth neither any own daughter of Matthias Harvy, nor any step-daughter other than Sarah for him to "wife." As supporting this contention I have in possession an original instrument in the hand writing of Matthias Harvy, of date of 1666, being a deed or conveyance from Marke Meggs to Nathan Burcham of Matinecock, wit- nessed by Matthias Harvy and Sarah Townsend. There being no record of wife or daughter of any Townsend at that period bearing the name of Sarah, and this witnessing having probably been done at the residence of Matthias Harvy, and Sarah's mother, I am prone to believe that Sarnh. daughter of Robert and Mary Hauxhurst) Coles was, in i665, the wife of Thomas Townsend, the son of John and Elizabeth. The ancient ac- count book also shows the existence of living children, John, Mary, Free- love and Sarah. Sworn to and subscribed before me this Sept. 15, 1900. John H. NewhoflF, Notary Public, Nassau Co., N. Y. Geo. W. Cock. Mary Hauxhurst is supposed to have been a sister of Christopher Hauxhurst, of Warwick, R. I. and of Oyster Bay, on a reading of thi- records at Jamaica, L. I., wherein Daniel and Nathaniel Coles mention their uncle, Christopher Hauxhurst. (MSS. Geo. W. Cock.) 6o THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND (I. I) MAJOR THOMAS JONES, b. about 1665; d. Dec. 13, 1713, at Fort Neck, South Oyster Bay, Long Island; m. about 1695, Freelove, dau. of Capt. Thomas Townsend, of Rhode Island. Sheb. Dec. 29, 1674; d. 1726. issue: (She m. 2dly Maj. Timothy Bagley — noi issue) supra. -j-II- I. Sarah L., b. 1695; d. Aug. 18, 1696. +2. David, b. Sept. 16, 1699; d. Oct. 11, 1775. -)-3. Freelove, b. 1700; d. before 1768. +4. Thomas, b. 1701 ; d. Nov. 13, 1741. -\-$. Sarah, 2d, b. 1703. -j-6. Margaret, b. about 1706; d. before 1768, +7. William, b. April 25, 1708; d. Aug. 29, 1779. +8. Elizabeth, b. about 1710; d. after 1768. RESUME. 1690 Engaged in the Battle of the Boyne under King James 11. 1692 At Port Royal in the island of Jamaica. 1693 In Rhode Island. 1693 Owner (probably) of a vessel called the "Old Bark." 1695 Married, and settled in Oyster Bay, L. I. 1696 Built the "Old Brick House" at Fort Neck, L. I. 1696 Removed and settled at Fort Neck. 1700 Engaged in purchasing lands from the Indians. 1702 Appointed Captain of the Queens Co. Militia. 1703 Elected Church Warden at Oyster Bay. 1704 Appointed High Sheriff of Queens Co. 1705 Engaged in making whale oil. 1706 Appointed Major of the Queens Co. Regiment. 1707 Elected Church Warden at Hempstead. 1708 In trouble with the excise commissioners. 1708 Ordered to be arrested by the Sheriff. 1709 Appointed Justice of the Peace for Queens Co. 1709 Recruiting Indians to go to Canada. 1 710 Elected Supervisor of Queens Co. 1 7 10 Appointed Assistant Justice of Court of Common Pleas. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 6i 1710 Appointed Rangier General of Long Island. 171 1 Admitted as patentee under the original Patent of 1677. 17 1 3 Engaged in laying out lands for the town of Oyster Bay. 1713 Made his will. MAJOR TIMOTHY BAGLEY, who m. Freelove, widow of Maj. Thomas Jones (I. i), was a retired British officer. The date of their marriage is not known, but it probably occurred about 1 716, as on the 5th of June of that year, he and his wife Freelove executed a deed to Samuel Prier, of Oyster Bay, for land in the "New Purchase" of that town that was formerly Daniel Whitehead's. (Liber 7, p. 372, Queens Co.) "Presumably he was from Ireland, as the name there was one of military fame." (MSS. C. B. Moore.) Some papers now extant show he was in some way connected with a Thomas Bagley, of Skibbereen, County of Cork, Ireland. Soon after his marriage he became prominent in the town of Oyster Bay, both in a civil and military' way, and had many rights of land granted him. Some of these were possibly granted him for some military service rendered. (Official notice can be had of him in the N. Y. Hist. MSS. for 1664-1776, Report of N. Y. State Historian, Vol. i, p. 449, and in the Colonial Laws of N. v., by the Commissioners of Statutory Revision, Vol. 1, p. 756.) On 25 March, 1715, he was Capt. of a Troop of Horse of Queens Co. (See N. Y. Hist. MSS. LX., p. 54-58.) John Johnson, who was Mayor of N. Y., in a certificate dated May 17, 1 7 16, states that Maj. T. Bagley and other British sub- jects were sent over by Queen Anne in a regiment of foot for the expedition against the French in Canada, and that he was then alive. (N. Y. Hist. MSS. LX., p. 104-108.) Broadhead. in a footnote to Vol. 5, p. 984 of Doc. Rel. to Coll. Hist, of N Y„ states that he had a license dated 12 Feby, 1720, to manufacture oil from whale driven on shore on the south coast of Long Island, and a commission dated 25 June, 1723, appointing him as Ranger General on the island of Nassau, vice Hicks. "Vide Comms. III., p. 275, etc." On 13 April, 1724, at a town meeting held in Oyster Bay. he and others were chosen Trustees of that town and given power to defend the town's rights in any court of law, with the right to 62 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND sell any of the undivided lands in the "Old Purchase" of the town, etc. (Liber E, p. 164, Oyster Bay.) He was Justice of the Peace for Queens Co., and was fre- quently chairman of the Grand Jury. (Minutes of Court of Genl. Sessions.) Between the years 1716 and 1730 he purchased and sold many pieces of land in the town of Oyster Bay. During this period he became possessed of a large piece of land near Cold Spring Harbor, containing 312 acres, a large part of which in later years came into the possession of the descendants of Maj. Thomas Jones (Li). This land was held by him until the 4th of Nov., 1741, when for the consideration of £375 he conveyed it to James Doughty. It embraced what is now (1899) the estate of Benjamin Schauck, the lands of Joseph and John H. Doty (descendants of James Doughty), a part of the lands of Helen Stewart and Samuel A. Jones, and all of Memorial Cemetery. The deed (not recorded) describes it as "being lands partly purchased by him, and partly taken up by him on account of his rights in the same 'Old Pur- chase' (of Oyster Bay), and was formerly surveyed and laid out to me by James Townsend, surveyor (now deceased) and lately to wit in the year 1736, resurveyed by Wm. Moyles, deputy sur- veyor." From what proprietors he purchased this land, and what part of it was "taken up on his own rights" we are unable to state, but it is supposed that some of "his rights" were derived in some way through Maj. Thos. Jones (L i). The earliest matter of record respecting this is the survey made by James Townsend and recorded in Liber E, folio 17, Oyster Bay. This survey made on 28 Nov., 1729, differs somewhat from the one made by Moyles in 1736; the latter differing in some of the boundary lines and included fifty acres "purchased of ye Cooper's" (as shown by his map), apparently not included in Townsend's survey. Notwithstanding this, Townsend's survey embraced nearly the same in area, viz., 296 acres. For further particulars and a reproduction of Moyles' map see under Walter Jones (HL 13). Later than this but little trace can be found of him on Long Island. Wm. Pinhorne, who was 2d Judge of Supreme Court of N. J., and who died in 1719, left a daughter, Elizabeth, who had THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 63 married a Timothy Bagley. (Winfield's Hist. Hudson Co., N. J., p. 127.) (Do, "Land Titles, p. 131.) Facsimile of his signature from his deed to Jas. Doughty, 4 Nov., 1 74 1. More frequently he spells his name Bagley. (H. I) SARAH L. JONES, dau. of Maj. Thomas Jones (I. i), b. probably 1695; d. Aug. 18, 1696, and was buried at Newport, R. I., in the Quaker burying ground called Clifton Grave Yard. (See records of Newport Hist. Soc.) (H. 2) JUDGE DAVID JONES, son of Maj. Thomas (I. i), ranking as the first judge of the family in America; b. at Fort Neck, Long Island, Sept. 16, 1699; d. at that place in the "Old Brick House," Oct. 11, 1775; m. Nov. 22, 1722, Anna, then aged 18, called the 2d dau. of Col. Wm. Willett, of Willett's Point, Westchester Co., and great granddaughter of the early settler Thomas Willett, of Bristol, Eng., who m. Sarah Cornell, at New York, in 1643 (N. Y. Gen. & Biog. Soc, Vol. 10, p. 18O, the latter of whom left sons, William, b. 1644, and Col. Thomas, b. 1645. His wife, Anna, d. Jan. 31, 1750, ae 46, and as Thompson Hist, of L. I. states, m. as his second wife Margaret, widow of John Treadwell, by whom he had no issue. His first wife, Anna, was named in the will of her brother, Gilbert Willett (prob. 11 Mch., 1732), also in will of her father. Col. William (prob. 4 May, 1733). Margaret, his 2d wife, was a dau. of Col. William Willett. of West. Co., and his wife, Alice, dau. of Gov. Colden, and therefore a niece of his first wife, Anna ; and may have been the widow of John Treadwell. She was named in the will of her brother, William Willett, prob. Dec. 13, 1765. Sarah Cornell, the great gr. mother of Judge David Jones' (II. 2) children, came from Essex, Eng., with her father, Thos. Cornell, and his wife, 64 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND Rebecca Briggs, about 1635. (See Ancestry of Adam and Anne Mott, by Thos. Cornell.) -}-in, I, Anna, b. 11 May, 1724. 2. Sarah, b. 12 Feb., 1728; d. April, 1828. +3. Thomas, b. 20 April, 1731 ; d. 25 July, 1792. +4. Arabella, b. 7 Dec, 1734. +5. David, b. 30 April, 1737; d. 9 Sept., 1758. +6. Mary, b. 29 April, 1743. The date of Judge David Jones' (11.2) marriage, and the dates of the births of his children as above, are taken from a record of the same endorsed upon the back of a deed from Henry Lloyd to Maj. Thomas Jones (I. i), dated May 19, 1713, and somewhat differ from those given by E. F. de Lancey in his intro- duction to Thos. Jones Hist of N. Y., Vol. i, p. Iviii. (See under David Jones (HI. 5). HERE LIES INTERRD THE BODY OF THE HONORABLE DAVID JONES, WHO WAS BORN SEPT. 16, 1699, AND DIED OCT. II, 1775, AGED 76 YEARS AND I4 DAYS. HERE LIES INTERED THE BODY OF ANNA JONES FIRST WIFE OF THE HON. DAVID JONES, ESQ. SHE WAS THE 2D DAUGHTER TO COL. WILLIAM WILLET, OF WESTCHESTER, AND DIED 31 JANY, 1750, AGED 46 YEARS. They were originally interred in the old burying ground of Maj. Thos. Jones (I. i), on Fort Neck, but were re-interred later in Grace Church Yard, at South Oyster Bay. (See under Maj. Thos. Jones (I. i.) The father of Judge David Jones (H. 2) dying when the lat- THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 65 ter was only fourteen years of age, we can suppose the boy sent to a proper preparatory teacher, and that his father's plans were probably followed by his mother and the Rev. John Thomas as his guardians. Mr. Thomas had been to England for an ordi- nation in 1703, and must have been a man of education. He was at Hempstead, L. I., in 1704, and married, as believed, Margaret, daughter of the 2d Richard Floyd, of L. I., and Margaret Nicoll, his wife. On Oct. II, 1723, he gave a deed to his stepfather, Maj. Tim- othy Bagley, for sand on the north side of L. I., and was a wit- ness with him to Col. John Jackson's will. Judge David Jones (H. 2) was then of age, and must have been in fair accord with the noted colonel (who had been many years in office and who had married a daughter of John Seaman), and the strong and numerous family of Seaman and Jackson (N. Y. Gen, & Biog. Rec. 2, p. 3) doubtless increased his prestige. His father-in-law, Wm. Willett, doubtless lived in Westchester Co., and associated with but did not belong to the Quakers. We can allow him only about ten years for pursuing the prac- tice of the law, forming friends, but not attracting much atten- tion. We have not the particulars of the legal studies of the young man. It is inferred that his wife was not an Episcopalian. After Queen Anne's death in 17 14, the Guelph Kings George I. and George 11. favored Presbyterians and dissenters, and the high church Episcopalians soon lost political power and popular favor. His father, Maj. Thos. Jones, did not live late enougii to see or be affected by it. The next minister of Hempstead Parish after Mr. Thomas was the Rev. Henry Jenney, in 1725, who has favored us with records lately printed (N. Y. Gen. & Biog. Rec. 9, p. 183). Be- fore this we have no records. Before 1731 we notice none of the name of Willett or Jones, but many Cornells. Mr. Jenney 's father was of Suffolk or Sussex Co., Eng., and had recently preached in a small parish in Ireland, where it is probable there were some Quakers. His father was perhaps one of the sons of George Jenney, of England. Wm. Vesey, at Hempstead, in 1695, called the first Episcopal clergyman of N. Y. City, was of an old family settled in Ireland. The war under Charles I. broke out in 1640. with the native Irish, called Confederate Catholics, against the Protestants, called 66 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND Presbyterians, and was violently prosecuted and left irreconcilable feelings of hostility between them. The Bishops supported the King, who made terms with the Confederate Catholics, and were all overthrown. In 1650 the Catholics were subdued by Cromwell and their lands were parcelled out. Charles II. recovered the throne in 1660 and tried to reinstate tlie Episcopalians, but could not keep the Papists quiet. James II., after his second marriage, favored also the anti-Cromwellians, but he and his supporters were mastered by William of Orange in 1690, and many were driven away. Out of all this we must derive our opinions respecting those who came from Ireland to America, and we find it clear that Episcopalians and Presbyterians generally took different sides in this country. As early as 1734 Judge David Jones (II. 2) had from Gov. Cosby (who came from Ireland) the appointment of Judge of Queens Co., sitting in its Court of Common Pleas. In 1735 Gov. Cosby and household and Chief Justice de Lancey attended the consecration of the new Episcopal church at Hempstead, L. I., favored by the Jones family (N. Y. Gen. & Biog. Rec. 9, p. 183). This was after the Zenger trials, and the Chief Justice, perhaps, was not long to gain favor from the neu- trals which he had lost among the Presbyterians. On June 2, 1737, at an election for Members of Assembly for Queens Co., Col. Isaac Hicks had 432 votes, David Jones (II. 2) 390, Capt. Benj. Hicks 342, and Thos. Alsop 287. As reported, the electors were treated handsomely by the two first when elected. The Quakers were divided; only freeholders were permitted to vote ; two women (widows) voted as freeholders. The Hicks family, a large one, was generally voted for and supported by the Quakers. No subsequent contest was so close as affecting our estimate of him personally. (Queens Co. in Olden Times, Onderdonk, p. 21.) In 1738 he witnessed the will of his neighbor, the 2d Col. John Jackson, into whose large family his brother William (II. 7) had married before his election to Assembly. From 1737 to 1758 he was Member of Assembly, and also in 1761, and for thirteen years presided as Speaker of the House ; here he made a decided mark, a part of public history. On Dec. 15, 1737, he introduced a bill in the Genl. Assembly THE JONES FAMILY -OF LONG ISLAND 67 to repeal so much of the law of this Colony concerning Quakers as required them to produce certificates. This bill was lost, Chief Justice de Lancey dissenting. (Jour- nals of Leg. Council of N. Y. S., 1743-1775-) Oct. 20, 1737, he introduced a bill "to restrain tavern keepers from selling strong liquors to servants and apprentices," etc. Passed. Sept, 14, 1738, he, with Col, Isaac Hicks and others, were ap- pointed by the Legislature as a committee to prepare an address of condolence to his Majesty on the lamented death of her late Majesty Queen Charlotte. Nov., 1739, a bill was introduced by him and passed, to prevent setting on fire or burning the old grass on the Hempstead Plains. At a meeting of Genl. Ass. held on 4 Oct., 1752, at the house of Jacob Dyckman, in the Out Ward of N. Y. City, he was chosen Speaker, "a choice His Excellency the Governor was pleased to approve of." (Journal of Leg. Council, 1743- 1775.) July 4, 1753, he and John Thomas and others were appointed commissioners to examine and consider the encroachments made on this Province by the neighboring Colonies. (N. Y. Coll. Laws, pub. 1898, HL, p. 912.) Sept. 3, 1750, at an election then held, the vote for David Jones, late Speaker, was 452 votes, and for Thos. Cornell 477, elected. For Judge Hicks 293, and David Seaman 288, both defeated. (Queens Co. in Olden Times, p. 24.) In 1752 the two late members, Jones and Cornell, "who car- ried the election by a great majority," were said to be opposed to the Court party, then directed, as supposed, by the English Ad- miral Clinton, who did not favor de Lancey. In 1758 there was a warmly contested election for Members of Assembly. Mr. Hicks, who was called a partisan of the Gov. Admiral Clinton, and also of his colleague, Zebulon Seaman, were elected over Mr. Justice Jones and Mr. Cornell, who were termed of the Livingston party. (Queens Co. in Olden Times, p. 31.) Judge David Jones (II. 2), although an Episcopalian, was not of the high church party that his son. Judge Thomas (III. 3), adhered to, and, we infer, inclined somewhat to the Presbyterians and other religious sects among whom, his son. Judge Thomas (III. 3), tells us, "most of his constituents were." Allied as he was to the VVillett family, and being strongly endorsed by the 68 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND Jackson, Seaman, and Livingston parties, we can readily under- stand how his son, Thomas (III. 3), was not wilHng to endorse him poHtically as against the de Lancey party. In 1754, while Speaker of Assembly, he had much to do in procuring the charter for the College of the City of N. Y, (now Columbia). A clause in this charter provided that its president should always be a member of the Church of England. This created a furious storm of opposition, and David Jones was much abused for favoring it. His son Thomas tells us "it threw the whole Province into a ferment, and Presbyterian pulpits thun- dered sedition." We infer from the following article that he was not entirely in favor of this clause, but he lost much politically, as later elections for Members of Assembly proved. We refer to article published in the N. Y. Gazette and Weekly Post Boy of July 28, 1755, and although not over his signature he was prob- ably cognizant of it and allowed its publication, viz. : "Whereas it has been reported to the reproach and predjudice of David Jones Esq. Speaker of Gen. Assembly, that he used his endeavours for obtaining a charter for establishing the college w^ith the exclusion of all professions (but those of the Church of England) from being President. These may serve to show^ that we have had great opportunities to know his sentiments in the affair, and never have observed or discovered in any one instance his application or inclination for having the charter in the form and manner it now is touching the limitation aforesaid, but on the contrary have often seen him shew his dislike thereunto, and have heard him declare his opinion against it." New York, July 5, 1755. William Walton, Eleazer Miller, William Nicoll, Jacobus Mynderse, Johannes Lott, Peter Winne, Thomas Cornell. Whatever his convictions may have been upon this point, he nevertheless strongly supported the College against the attacks made upon it by Presbyterians and others, based upon what they were pleased to call its "narrow Church of England basis." He was then Speaker of Assembly, and during the controversy he was the recipient of many anonymous letters, and intense excite- ment prevailed ; but James de Lancey was Lieut. Gov., the Epis- THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 69 copalian or Court party were in power, and the war between Gt. Britain and France breaking out in 1775 the matter was dropped. These attacks made apparently at the Church of England, were but some of the not far distant rumblings of 1776. His son, Thomas (III. 3), has much to say (in his Hist, of N. Y.) upon this affair, and from his Royalistic standpoint denounces the on- slaught in most bitter terms. For integrity of purpose and ad- herence to the Church when it was one of the principal grievances made against the mother country (which, unfortunately, became a great factor in alienating the feelings of the people) we can but allow both father and son the highest praise. We may not en- dorse them politically, but both lived up to the truth of their convictions through the most trying times. — J. H. J. Feb. 24, 1 76 1, at an election for Members of Assembly for Queens Co. (total vote 650), David Jones received 382, Thos. Cornell 363, Thos. Hicks 342, and Zebulon Seaman 217. This was close and not satisfactory. A new election was ordered, per- haps by arrangement or compromise — de Lancey dying ; Mr. Cornell and Mr. Seaman became seated as members. (Assembly Journal, 2, 648.) "It was common for a large town to nominate and generally vote for two members, leaving other towns to vote for either or to scatter their votes, by which course sometimes both were elected. It was unfair toward the small towns, and it compelled them to unite and have caucuses." (MSS. C. B. M.) This election was successfully contested by Messrs. Hicks and Seaman, and the Sheriff, who returned Jones and Cornell, was reprimanded by the House for illegal behavior, and a new election was held on 20 April, 1761, when he made a double re- turn, viz., Thos. Cornell and David Jones, and Thos. Cornell and David Seaman. On 9 June an examination of the votes was made, and a decision made in favor of Seaman. (Ass. Jour. 2-648, 687.) Onderdonk states that the poll clerks were cited before the com- mittee, and the House decided that seven persons who had pur- chased freeholds within three months of the time of voting, should notwithstanding be allowed their votes, thus deciding in favor of Seaman. The second French War occurred in 1755 and greatly affected the northern and western boundary of the Colony of N. Y. The judge's son, Lieut. David Jones (III. 5), took part in it, and suf- 70 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND fered an "ill fate." The soldiers were poorly protected, but as natives probably fared better than stran^jers. On Oct. 10, 175s, letters to Messrs. Jones and Cornell, mem- bers of Assembly, were written by Genl. Sir Wm. Johnson, ex- pressing thanks for cheeses and sheep sent from Queens Co. for the relief of the army on the frontier. (Doc. Hist. N. Y., Vol. II., p. 702). These show that the Genl. had received 69 cheeses and 200 sheep, being part of the lopoo raised in Queens Co., and further "Your cheeses were highly acceptable and reviving, for unless among some of the officers, food was scarcely known among us," etc. (N. Y. Gazette and Weekly Post Boy, Sept. 15, 1755.) Tlie office of judge formed in popular estimation no objection to action as a politician; nearly all of the judges were partisans, but not all the lawyers. It was an old abuse in England to pro- mote a partisan to be judge, but it has taken the course of having the Chancellor and Chief Justice from the politicians, and the others from the lawyers. There were four judges of the Supremx Court of N. Y., ranking as first, second, third and fourth. (MSS. C. B. Moore.) Judge David Jones (II. 2) was a judge for fifteen years. He was first appointed in 1758, as fourth judge, or youngest and low- est in rank, when James de Lancey, the previous judge and Chief Justice was acting as Governor. He was re-appointed in 1761 under George III. The rule was that all went out of office on the death of a King, but Judges were generally re-appointed. In 1762 he was re-appointed as third judge, and in 1763 as second judge, Horsmanden being chief. This position was apparently held by Mr. Jones until 1773, when he probably resigned in favor of his son, Thomas (III. 3), no other appointment as second judge in the meantime being made. William Smith became a junior judge in 1763, and held until 1769. Robert Livingston also became a judge in 1763. Geo. Duncan Ludlow became a junior judge in 1769, and lived in Queens Co. We have very few accounts of their decisions. Perhaps the absence of complaints, and the general good standing which the Court attained until the war broke out are their best eulogy or defense. We infer that Wm. Smith on the Bench more often agreed with Jones than with Ludlow. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 71 David Jones' (II. 2) position and action as Speaker was more prominent. In 1737. when first elected, he perhaps had no occasion to act as a partisan. Admiral George CHnton was Governor from 1743 to 1753, whose family was somewhat incHned to the Presbyterians, and who did not favor de Lancey or the Episcopahans. In 1745 England was still at war with France, and the great grandson of James II. (called the Young Pretender) landed iii Scotland and attempted to secure the crown of Great Britain. The effect in this country was to exhaust Spain and France as well as England, and make them less formidable here in the Provinces. The strain against Admiral Clinton as Governor of N. Y. (1743-1753) while the English gained at sea turned much upon reports made in the English Privy Council respecting occurrences here, and directions made in England about affairs here werr based upon such reports. The reports had been made by the Governor, who would take care to urge his own views and interests, and would take care not to report the acts of the Colonial Legislature adverse to them, and neglecting to protect colonial interests. The Privy Council had called for the appointment of colonial agents to reside in London and present the matters of the colony and advocate colonial interests. The Governor had before ap- pointed these agents and they had considered themselves bound to advocate the views of the Governor. The result was the Colonial Legislature of N. Y. resolved to appoint a London agent them- selves, and appointed Robert Charles their agent and directed him to correspond with their Speaker, David Jones (II. 2). The N. Y. Coll. Documents (Vol. 5) give us some opportunity of study- ing their acts. He died before serious fighting occurred on L. I., but not before the preparations for the war. Lieut. Gov. Colden acted as Governor on the death of Lieut. Gov. de Lancey in 1760, and repeatedly afterwards. He was willing to disparage Judge David Jones (II. 2) when first ap- pointed judge, and while still Speaker, and while by authority of the Colonial Assembly he was corresponding with the colony's agent residing in London. We note a letter of Colden to his son, dated July 5, 1759 72 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND (before he was Lieut. Gov.), which has been published in the N. Y. Hist. Soc. Coll. for 1869, Vol. 2, p. 206. He was profess- ing to comment upon Judge Wm. Smith's Hist, of N. Y., to whom in politics he was much opposed, and who had criticised very sharply and often inaccurately the character of the previous Governors of the colony. Mr. Golden reviewing Gov, Fletcher's course said "that while Col. Fletcher was Governor the inhab- itants of New York carried on a trade to Madagascar while that island was frequented by pirates, and many of the pirates came and dispersed on Long Island and Delaware Bay." We notice that everyone who came was called a pirate. He proceeded: "It has often been remarked that none of the pirates made any use of their money to any real advantage to themselves except one Jones, who settled on the south side of Long Island, whose son made a remarkable figure as Speaker of the Assembly while Mr. Clinton was Governor; excepting this one no remains of the others are to be discovered." It is plain that Mr. Golden as well as Mr. Smith spoke of oc- currences before he came to this country, and of which he per- sonally knew nothing. We have no voucher but his own for the slanderous story, as he did not tell us by whom "it had often been remarked." It is true "no remains of the others are to be discovered." Persons named and directly accused by the blustering Irish- man Coote, Earl of Bellomont, such as Gardiner of Gardiner's Island ; Everett, the lawyer ; Thos. Clark, of New York, and the like, who were never accused to their faces nor prosecuted so as to have a trial, shook off without difficulty the vile accusations. This Coote blindly speaks of one Smith and Jones having a vessel which was seized or subject to seizure, but this is all we know about it. No matter how many partisan tongues were started nor how "often it has been remarked," by no one knows whom, we have to conclude that there was no truth in the story, and in fact no evidence of it deserving attention. (MSS. C. B. Moore.) Golden, who became Lieut. Gov. on the death of Chief Justice de Lancey in 1760, was soon at variance with the Assembly, which was then controlled by the Smith and Livingston party (or popular party of the day), who were Presbyterians, and therefore strongly opposed to the Royalists with their Church of England views. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 73 The popular party were desirous of having judges independent of the Court party, while Colden, on the other hand, took op- posite views, and refused to renew the commissions of the judges of the Supreme Court excepting on terms of "during pleasure." At the death of Chief Justice de Lancey, the puisne judges on the Bench were John Chambers, Daniel Horsmanden and David Jones (II. 2), men whom the latter's son. Judge Thomas Jones (III. 3) characterized as "gentlemen of unblemished character, undoubted ability and affluent fortune." Later, speaking of his father. Judge David Jones (II. 2), he resumes, "He ever bore the character of an honest, modest, sensible man ; his religion was that of the English Church, and his reputation stood fair and un- blemished in the estimation of mankind." Mr. Piatt, who succeeded to the Chief Justiceship, died in 1762, and Daniel Horsmanden was appointed in his place, with David Jones (II. 2) as 2d judge, Wm. Smith as 3d, and Robert Livingston as 4th. The appointment of the last two, we are told, "was a piece of policy." Before their appointment an attempt was made by the Smith-Livingston party to have Wm. Smith appointed as 2d judge in preference to David Jones, who had been on the Bench many years. This, we are told by Judge Thomas Jones (III. 3), was done because Horsmanden was an old man and likely to die, and Smith would then succeed him, and also because David Jones was a Churchman and a friend to the established constitution. Their petition was rejected and David Jones was appointed as 2d judge. Smith died in 1769 and Ludlow (a strong Episco- palian and Loyalist) was appointed. (MSS. C. B. Moore.) This adherence of the Court party to the Established Church caused bitter feelings and a long struggle between dissenting sects and the government. (Lodge's Eng. Colonies in America.) It had its beginning under Lord Cornbury, and what Maj. Thos. Jones (I. i) supported in its infancy in this country, his son. Judge David (IL 2), lived to be an active participator in, but died just as the thunderings of 1776 broke upon the scene. In 1773 Judge David Jones (II. 2), built a large house on his estate at Fort Neck, which he called Tryon Hall in honor of Gov. Tryon. (See particulars under Judge Thomas Jones (III. 3.) In 1773 Judge David Jones (II. 2). being in ill health and in the 75th year of his age, resigned his position as judge of the 74 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND Supreme Court, and Gov. Tryon, with the advice of His Majesty's Council, appointed his son, Thomas Jones (III. 3), to the seat vacated by his father. He retired to his estate on Fort Neck where he died in the 77th year of his age, on Oct. 11, 1775. "He possessed the clearness of mind and incisiveness of char- acter which is so marked a characteristic of his race, never hesi- tated in doing anything he beheved to be right regardless of the consequences, and always commanded the confidence of the public throughout his long career." (Ed. F. de Lancey in Thos. Jones Hist, of N. Y.) For thirteen years he filled the office of Speaker of Assembly, and on one occasion had the firmness to order the doors of the Asssembly closed against the Governor until a bill then under dis- cussion and about to be passed, which was not acceptable to the Governor, which his Excellency had determined to prevent by an immediate prorogation. (Thompson's L. I.) "During his whole life he was the unyielding advocate of the rights of the people against every species of royal encroachment, and no m.an participated more largely of the public confidence and respect." (Thompson's L. I.) To Judge David Jones (H. 2) and his heirs in-tail was devised the greater part of his father's estate at South Oyster Bay, who by suffering a Common Recovery the life estate thus devised to him was changed into a fee, which he devised to his son Thomas (HI. 3) during life, with remainder on failure of issue, to his (David (H. 2) daughter Arabella (HI. 4) and her issue in- tail-male. Common Recovery was a mode of conveying lands by matter of record through the forms of law, formerly in frequent use but now obsolete. The fee (or fee simple) being an estate of inherit- ance belonging to the owner, and transmissable to his heirs abso- hitely and simply, without condition attached to the tenure. The entailment of the property by David Jones (H. 2) on his son Thomas saved it from being forfeited, as he adhered to the royal cause during the Revolutionary War. and on the restoration of peace was "attainted" and forced to leave the country for Eng- land, where he died without issue. The large estate thus devised him under his father's will was by a provision in that will vested in the testator's daughter Arabella (HI. 4) and her heirs in-tail- male. She married Richard Floyd, who in accordance with a THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 75 further provision in the will of his grandfather, David Jones (II. 2) took the surname of Jones in addition to his own, and also the entailed estate, hence the origin of the double name, Floyd-Jones. The will of David Jones ;^II. 2) was a long and special one. It was dated 26 July, 1768, and proved in N. Y. City, Oct. 27, 1775. To which he later added three codicils. (See Vol. 30, pages 36-45, N. Y. City Surrogate's Office.) ABSTRACT. After recommending his soul into the hands of Him who gave it, he orders his body to be laid out in homespun linen, put in ■\ plain coffin and to be buried in his own burying ground on the left side of his first wife, in a decent and Christianlike manner without pomp. All his beaches, lands, marshes, and grounds covered with water in Oueens Co., he gives his son Thomas (III. 3) for his use during his life, and after his death to the use of the first son of his said son Thomas, and the heirs male of such first son, etc., and in failure of such issue to the use of the second son, and sons of his said son Thomas during their lives, etc. On failure of heirs male of his son Thomas, he gives all the said real estate to and for the use of the oldest daughter of his said son Thomas during life, etc. In case of a total failure of issue of his son Thomas, he gives the same to and for the use of his grandson David Richard Floyd, the oldest son of his daugh- ter Arabella, for his life, and after his death to and for the use of the first son of his said grandson, in-tarl forever, they taking the surname of Jones. In case of total failure of issue of all his children, he gives said lands to the College of the City of N. Y., the rents and issues to be applied yearly to the maintenance of charity schools, etc., two of said schools always to be in Queens Co., one at Jamaica and the other in the town of Oyster Bay. To his wife Margaret he gives all the money, debts, slave.?, goods and chattels she had as her own estate or was due her at the time of her marriage with me, and all the increase thereof, the large silver tankard and silver teapot which have been made since our marriage and paid for with her money, my riding chaii*. horse, and £500. and the use of his slave Lucretia to attend upon her during her widowhood. 76 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND To his daughter Anna ii,ooo for Hfe. To his daughter Arabella i 1,500 and his slave girl Rose, with all the children she now has or may have. To his daughter Mary i 1,000 for life and his negro woman Lilly and all her children ; also his secretary and all his plate and silver. To his grandson David Richard Floyd, and the eldest son of his daughter Arabella, his gold watch, sleeve buttons, and knee and shoe buckles. To his grandson David Jones (IV. 13) the eldest son of his daughter Mary, his lands in Ulster County on the Walkill River, etc., and his Frontenack gun, with the initial letters of my son David's name writt upon a silver plate on the stock. To the Parish Church of Hempstead £300, the interest thereof to be used for the instruction of poor children of the town of Oyster Bay. To his son Thomas he gives all the remainder of his estate after his funeral expenses are paid, and my wife supplied with provisions and firewood for herself and her domestics, and hay and provender for her horse as long as she shall think proper to live with my family not exceeding one year. By a codicil dated 3 Oct., 1768, he revokes such part of his former will as relates to lands in Queens Co., given his son Thomas in-tail, and bequeaths the same to his said son Thomas for life, with remainder to William Nicoll, Jr., of Suffolk Co., and Samuel Clowes, of Queens Co., and to their heirs during the life of his said son Thomas, etc., to hold the same in-tail male, and in default of such issue, to the eldest daughter of hi? said son Thomas for life, with remainder to first son of said daughter, etc., with express conditions that the devisee taking the estate shall at the age of 21 years and always thereafter to take the sur- name of Jones in addition to his own, etc., etc. By a codicil dated Dec. 21, 177 1, he gives his daughter Mary the use of his lands in Ulster Co. and £200 to build her a house thereon, and to his grandson David all his meadows at West Neck. By a codicil dated Jan. 9, 1772, he orders that his son Thomas shall live and dwell with my family on that part of my plantations called Fort Neck, yearly during his life for the space of three months at a time, and in case of his refusal, etc., then all his afore- THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND n said real estate shall immediately vest in and be the property of such persons to whom it ought to go as if my said son Thomas was naturally dead. a )a^icL iofvS^ Facsimile of his signature from his acknowledgment in the deed from John Townsend to Thos. Townsend, June 19, 173 1. The original will of David Jones (after its probate in 1775) was in the possession of his daughter, Arabella Floyd, the wife of Col. Richard Floyd, until 1783, when at her request and upon the advice of her brother, Thomas Jones (III. 3), then in Eng- land, it was given in charge of the wife of Genl. Nathaniel Wood- hull, and deposited in her house along with the General's will for safekeeping. The reason for this we are told was "that there was at that time reason to believe that the house of Mrs. WoodhuU was not in danger of being plundered by the Americans," etc., but in the year following her house was destroyed by fire, and the wills and all Mrs. Floyd's plate entirely lost. (Thos. Jones Hist, of N. Y., Vol. II., p. 593.) As the troubles of the Revolutionary War followed soon after Judge David Jones' death, little was done toward administering upon his estate. The executors named in his will had qualified, but owing to the death of one, Wm. Nicoll, and of the treasonable actions of the others, Thomas Jones and Richard Floyd, further execution of the will was delayed. In 1786 letters of administra- tion were granted to Samuel Jones (III. 8), of Oyster Bav (at- torney of John Gale and Anna, his wife, and of Thos. Jones (III. 10), and Mary, his wife), the said Anna and Mary being daugh- ters and legatees of David Jones; and to Samuel Clowes, Esq.. of South Hempstead. (Liber 39, folio 54, Queens Co. Adms.) As the laws concerning the care of moneys for the poor, in force at the time of his death, had later been repealed, there was no one to whom his bequest of £300 could be paid, and it remained in his administrators' hands until 24 March, 1795, when a special Act was passed authorizing the Overseers of the Poor of the town of Oyster Bay to receive the same. 78 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND Following his noble example, a grandson of his brother Will- iam (Samuel Jones (IV. lo), of Jericho, L. I., made a bequest of $30,000 (to be called the "Jones Fund"), the interest of which was to be used for the relief of the poor of that town. This was in 1836. Fourteen years later (1850) a similar bequest of $5,000 was made by another member of the family, Walter R. Jones (IV. 30) for the same purpose. The moneys thus bequeathed to the town are now under the care and management of five trustees, elected by the people, and officially known as "Trustees of the Jones Fund." Judge David Jones (11. 2) was long a member of St. George's Episcopal Church, of Hempstead. A deed for his pew in this church (now in the possession of the family) is curious; we give it below : The Rector and Inhabitants of the Parish of Hempstead, on Nassau Island, in communion of the Church of England as by law established — To all whom these presents shall come, greeting — Know ye that we, the said Rector and Inhabitants, &c., for and in consideration of ten pounds ten shillings New York money paid by David Jones, Esq., Thos. Cornell and Micah Smith, gents : Have given and granted and by these presents "do give and grant unto the said David Jones all that the full equal third part of a certain pew in the body of St. George's Church in Hempstead aforesaid marked number eighteen. To have, use and enjoy the said third part of the said pew unto the said David Jones, and the heirs of his body, he and they cleansing, maintaining and keeping the same in good repair at his or their own proper costs and charges. Saveing and reserv- ing unto the said Rector and Inhabitants and their successors not only the reversion thereof failing the heirs of the said David Jones, but also the free use and disposition thereof for the benefit and advantage of the said Church during his or their absence from the Parish aforesaid. In testimony whereof we have caused the seal of our corporation to be here- unto affixed. Witness, the Rev. Mr. Robert Jenny, Rector, and John Cor- nell, and Micah Smith, present Church Wardens of the said church this I2th day of October in the year of our Lord 1740. Per order of vestry Gerardus Clowes. Robert Jenny, Rector. John Cornell, -> Church Micah Smith, / Wardens ;} (II. 3) FREELOVE JONES, dau. of Maj. Thomas (I. i) ; b. about 1700, d. before 1768; m, 1719, Jacob Smith, of Herricks, THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 79 Queens Co., L. I., prob. a son of Isaac and his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Capt. John Underbill. Issue: Thomas, b. Aug. 28, 1720; d. Aug. 26, 1795. Isaac, b. Sept. 9, 1722. Elizabeth, Jacob, bap. June 5, 1744 Named in Bockie Family Genealogy. Daughter; m. Miller, of Utica, N. Y (See under Smith Family.) (II. 4) MAJ. THOMAS JONES, son of Maj. Thomas (I i); b. about 1702, drowned in Long Island Sound, Nov. 13, 1741, being the first of his father's family to suffer an "ill fate." He never married, and died intestate. In 1713 he was named in his father's will and then under age. On Aug. 23, 1734, lie received his father's military title, and that of his stepfather, being commissioned as Major of the Queens Co. Regt., which regt. was Colonel John Jackson's and Major Jones*. "It was an old English fashion to call regiments by the names of the colonels, and the titles would be kept in the same families as long as possible." (MSS. C. B. Moore.) In 1739 he was one of the incorporators of the ferry from Matinecock, Long Island, to Connecticut, "Then ranking as a public improvement." It was controlled and managed by him, and was in active operation until his death in 1741. It was known as a horse boat ferry from the fact that the motive power was derived from a movable platform worked by horses. It was much used because at that period there were no bridges across the Harlem River (excepting King's Bridge), nor across the Bronx, and other streams emptying into Long Island Sound ; and until after the Revolutionary War the course of travel from New York for New England was through Queens Co. to convenient crossing places along the north shore of L. I. By a newspaper report (copied in Queens Co. in Olden Times, p. 22) we learn that "The ferryboat of Maj. Thomas Jones, of Oyster Bay, was overset in the Sound, and himself, his negro, three men and one woman who were passengers, with six horses, were all drowned on Nov. 13, 1741." 8o THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND A patent for this ferry, which later became known as "Major Jones' ferry,'" was granted on July 13, 1739, by His Majesty's Council to John Budd, Hachaliah Brown and Jonathan Brown, of Westchester Co., and gave the inhabitants of Oyster Bay the right to establish a ferry between Oyster Bay Harbor and a point between the Bryam and Mamaroneck rivers in Westchester Co A "table of fees" was made by the Council on March 27, 1739, regulating the charges. (Col. N. Y. Hist. MSS., p. 534-537.) (Land Papers XH., p. 132.) On 21 Aug., 1739, these three patentees admitted Saml. Mac- coune, Thomas Jones, Penn Townsend and others of Oyster Bay 9S patentees with them, "as was proposed and designed by them before obtaining their patent," for the consideration of £37.10, which amount was due from them toward the expenses of pro- curing the patent. (Liber 10, p. 369, Queens Co.), and on 27 Oct., 1739, a confirmation of this patent was obtained by them from the town. (Liber F, p. 37, Oyster Bay.) On Nov. 2, 1739, Maj. Thos. Jones (H. 4) purchased their interests for £31.8, with the conditions that he should at his own cost and charge keep sufficient boats of need required at some convenient landing on ye bounds of Oyster Bay, with able and skilful servants to attend said ferry from ye bounds of Oyster -Bay to Rye in Connecticut. (Deed not recorded; in possession of family.) This purchase with others (Liber 10, p. 369, Queens Co.) probably made him sole owner of the franchise, and on 12th of Nov., 1739, he purchased of Wright Frost, Daniel Underbill, John Prior, Henry Cock, Jonas Latten, Jacob Frost and Daniel Frost, the then proprietors of Fox Island in Matinecock in the town of Oyster Bay, all their interest in said island, "bounded on north by the bank, on south by the edge of the meadow, on east by the beach, and on the west by the beach, it being all woodland, three acres more or less, with privilege to build a wharf and pier for accommodating a ferry and boats, and also ye privilege of ye creek called Fox Creek, nigh unto said island ; that is, to pass and repass to and from said creek with passengers and freight to said island, etc., etc. (Deed not recorded ; in possession of the family.) After his death in 1741 the ferry was abandoned, and on Sept. 4, 1770, his brothers. Judge David Jones (H. 2) and William Jones (H. 7) conveyed to Deborah Prindle, of Derby, Conn. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 8i (wife of Enoch Prindle), "all their right in the house and lands at Matlnecock Ferry lately belonging to our brother Major Thos. Jones, with the land at Fox Island, and the privilege of the ferry." (Liber 12, p. 163, Queens Co.) On Sept. 13, 1783, Enos J. Prin- dle, of Derby, Conn., conveyed the same to Daniel Cock. (Lib. I, folio 34, Oyster Bay.) For the privilege of running the ferry the patentees were to pay to the town on the 25 of March (commonly called Lady's Day), a yearly rental of two shillings and sixpence. Some of the ferriage charges as fixed by the Council were as follows : One per.son £0 o 6 One man and horse o 3 o One full barrel o i o One empty barrel o o 4 For every twenty sheep, hogs and sows o 5 o Horned cattle, two years old and upwards. . . . o 2 o Horned cattle, under one year old o i o For each 100 weight of gunpowder o i 6 Under his father's will he was given jointly with his brother William several pieces of land on the north and south sides of Long Island, but dying without issue the lands thus bequeathed to him reverted to his brother William. His estate does not ap- pear to have been administered upon by any duly authorized person. Some papers preserved to us show that his brother David, "who called himself executor thereof/' submitted an ac- count on 4 Oct., 1768, to the heirs at law, placing the value of his personal estate at £768.15.0. This was divided into six equal parts, one-sixth to each of the following: David Jones, Sarah Clows, representatives of Margaret Johnson, William Jones. Thomas Smith, and Elizabeth Lawrence, From this we infer that a mutual division of his estate was to be made between his brothers and sisters, or their representatives, and that his sisters Margaret and Elizabeth had each married a second husband. Judge David Jones (II. 2) died in 1775. and the estate (then unsettled) was cared for bv the only surviving brother, William (11.7). The judge's son, Thomas (III. 3), in behalf of David R. Floyd (the only son of his sister Arabella (III. 4), had already laid claim to part of the estate, and some litigation may have en- 6 82 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND sued. He evidently did not know of the deed from his father and his uncle William (II. 7), of Sept. 4, 1770, cited under this article. Cfkc^ J/^^i-ctf- Facsimile of his signature from the deed of John Budd and others, 21 Aug. 1739. (II. 5) SARAH JONES, 2nd, dau. of Maj. Thos. Jones (I. i) ; b. 1703 (the second child bearing that name in her father's family) ; m. Oct. 19, 1719, Gerardus Clowes, b. 27 Apl, 1699; d. Oct. 12, 1752, son of Samuel, of Jamaica, L. I., and his wife, Catharine Douw. Issue: Samuel, b. July 31, 1722; d. May 10, 1800. Catharine, b. 1720. John, b. 1727; d. 1758. Timothy Bagley, b. Aug. 21, 1724. (See under Clowes family.) (II. 6) MARGARET JONES, dau. of Maj. Thos. Jones (I. i) ; b. about 1706 ; d. before 1768 ; m. first, Ezekiel Smith, prob. of Stoney Brook, near Princeton, N. J., and by another account, Clark. She m. as her 3d husband (perhaps as her 2d) John Hill, 3 strong Royalist who at the close of the Revolutionary War set- tled in Canada in the vicinity of Niagara Falls. In the settlement of the estate of her brother, Maj. Thos. Jones (II. 4) » her share was called "the representatives of Margaret Johnson (perhaps meaning Jones), and there was charged against it a bond of John Hill for iioo, and of Ezekiel Smith of £50, leaving her share in debt to the estate. Issue by her last husband, John Hill : Margaret, who m. John Robins, of Southampton, L. I., whose son Ezekiel left a dau. Mary, b. Nov. 7, 1806, who. m. William Townsend Jones (IV. 42). (II. 7) WILLIAM JONES, son of Maj. Thos. Jones (I. i) ; b. Apl 25, 1708; d. Aug. 29, 1779, on West Neck, at the south THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 83 side of Long Island; m. Apl 22, 1731, Phoebe, b. Aug. 6, 1715; d. May 10, 1800. dau. of the 2d Colonel John Jackson (7), of Jerusalem South, L. I., and his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel Hallett, and great grand dau. of Annie Winthrop, sister of Gov. John, of Mass. His father-in-law, the 2d Col., was the eldest son of the ist Col. John Jackson, whose will was made Aug. 26, 1724. This 2d Col. John Jackson had a large family ; his will, dated Feby 2"], 1738, names his children, including his dau. Phoebe Jones. (Lib. 15, p. 76, N. Y. City.) (See under Winthrop and Jackson families.) Issue : -fill. 7. David, b. 1733; d. Feby 11, 1818. -f8. Samuel, b. July 26, 1734; d. Nov. 21, 1819. -I-9. William, b. Jan. 6, 1737 ; d. June 13, 1819. -I" 10. Thomas. + 11. Gilbert. -|-I2. John, b. June 26, 1755; d. Aug. 21, 1819. + 13. Walter, b. Feb. 14, 1757; d. May 7, 1828. -f 14. Richard, b. July 10, 1760; d. Oct. 10, 1844. + 15. Jackson Hallett, b. 1761 ; d. Feby. 29, 1836. -f 16. Freelove, b. 1742; d. Oct. 21, 1821. -f-17. Elizabeth. -f-i8. Sarah, b. 1756; d. Sept. 16, 1841. -f-19. Phebe, b. 1758; d. Feby., 1841. -|-20. Margaret, b. Feby. i, 1759; d. Mch. 31, 1825. 21. Esther. This William, alone of the sons of Maj. Thos. Jones (I. i), left descendants to perpetuate the family name, as neither of the sons of David (II. 2) left issue, and Thomas (II. 4) died un- married. From this fact he was commonly called "the head of the family of Long Island." His family of fifteen children and ninety-five gr. children gives him a good claim upon this title. In 1726, at his mother's death (before he was of age), he became possessed of land on West Neck under his father's will. Some letters of his preserved indicate that he learned to write very well, but his pursuits were mainly agricultural. In 1 73 1 (by his marriage) he became connected with the large 84 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND and active Jackson family, which afterwards afforded great sup- port to Congress. His son Samuel (III. 8) did not fancy the same political set as Thomas (III. 3), son of David (II. 2), but studied law in an opposite office. In 1764 his son Thomas (III.), marrying a dau. of Judge David Jones (II. 2), his family became much divided in political action. From 1764 to 1770 he was Justice of the Peace for Queens Co., and the minutes of the Court of Gen. Sessions give evidence of his frequent attendance at its sittings. He built a house on West Neck, a little west of the "Old Brick House" of his father's, which served for his large family during his life. The house and land which later came into the possession of the Bronson family stood a short distance east of the old Conk- lin Vande water Hotel and just north of the present South Side Turnpike Road. "A road north, across the island, was west of and near his house." He was largely interested in the raising of horses and cattle with his wife's family (the Jacksons), who owned the salt mead- ows lying on the south side of the Great South Bay, where they jointly pastured large numbers of animals. These meadows in which he was a tenant in common, by purchase from the Jack- sons in 1762, became the source of a long and bitter lawsuit be- tween the Jacksons and the Joneses, and the town of Oyster Bay. For details, see under Maj. Thos. Jones (I. i). The animals were carried to these meadows in boats, and while there were comparatively safe from the marauding expe- ditions of the British, and were easily cared for. Being the only farmer in his father's family, he was given the cattle mark that was assigned his father by the town, and on Sept. 21, 1734, the same was transferred to him on the books of the town. For his cattle mark see under Maj. Thos. Jones (I. i). In 1749 he was chosen assessor for the town of Oyster Bay. This was probably his earliest public office. (Liber — , p. 33, Oyster Bay.) On April 3, 1764, he was chosen overseer of highways for the south part of the town of Oyster Bay. (Liber H, p. 4, Oyster Bay.) In 1757 he was named as an executor in the will of John Sea- man, of Jerusalem, THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 85 He adhered generally to the royal government during the war. but not in arms. His family, as we have said, was much divided politically, yet he himself, though favoring the royal cause, was at heart strongly in favor of the other party. In 1776, before the battle of Long Island, he signed the re- monstrance against driving off the cattle from the Hempstead Plains. Many of the freeholders signed this remonstrance, and was a protest on their part against an order of the Provincial Congress, "That all cattle and sheep south of the ridge of hills in Queens Co. should be removed to the east end of the Plains to prevent their falling into the hands of the British." On 21 Oct., 1776, after the battle of Long Island, he with five of his sons (some under age) petitioned for protection. Nearly all of the male inhabitants of Queens Co. who had not left the island signed this petition. It was addressed to the King's Com- missioners, and prayed that Queens Co. might be restored to royal favor. Many of the signatures were reluctantly given. (Revo- lutionary Incidents of Queens Co., p. 117.) On June 12, 1778, he made his will, and on July 24, 1779, added a codicil. He named his sons John and Walter as execu- tors, and gave them the homestead land on West Neck on condi- tions, paying legacies, etc. He gave all his beaches and marshes to his nine sons equally, personal property to his wife, legacies of £100 each to his daugh- ters, Elizabeth, Margaret, Phebe and Sarah; to Wm. Jones £100 for the use of my dau. Freelove, to Thomas £150 for use of Gil- bert, and legacies to Richard and Hallett with minor directions. It may be inferred from his will that at this time he despaired of the success of the Congressional cause, whatever may have been his wishes, and considering the dimension of the British army on L. I. and in New York City, and the little knowledge he could have in the remote interior, it may not be strange that he should so despair. (MSS. C. B. Moore.) His will was proved Jan. 17, 1781, and letters of adms. granted nearly two years after his death. He was buried (according to the MSS. of his son Walter) on West Neck, in a new burying ground given for that purpose by his sons John and Walter, by deed of gift, "containing y2 an acre on the south side of the highway, east of or nearly opposite his house, to be enlarged as required." 86 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND His widow survived him over twenty years, and for some time kept together the large family, with her sons John and Walter as managers. CiATkS. Cn&i (II. 8) ELIZABETH JONES, dau. of Maj. Thomas Jones (I. i) ; b. about 1710; d. after 1768; m. (by license dated May 30, 1730) Jacomiah Mitchell, son of Robert, of North Hempstead, L. I., and Hannah, his wife. She probably survived her husband and married again, as in the settlement of her brother, Maj. Thos. Jones (II. 4), her share was called Elizabeth Lawrence (or Laremore). Issue by first husband : Phebe, bapt. Aug. 19, 1733. Freelove, bapt. June 15, 1734- Jacomiah, bapt. Nov. 20, 1746. Margaret, bapt. Nov. 20, 1746. Elizabeth, bapt. Nov. 20, 1746. Sarah. William, bapt. June 11, 173 1. (See N. Y. Gen. & Biog. Rec. IX., p. 185.) Will prob. June 17, 1747 (Lib. 16, p. 495, N. Y. City), naming wife Elizabeth, his brother John, and Jacob Smith (husband of Freelove Jones (H. 3), as executors; names son Jacomiah and five daughters as above. (III. I) ANNA JONES, dau. of Judge David Jones (II. 2) ; b. May 11, 1744; m. by license, May 10, 1756, Dr. John Gale, of Goshen, N. Y., great gr. son of Edmund Gale, of Boston, Mass. Issue : Arabella Jones, m. July 18, 1790, Sanford Clark, of Goshen. Anna Mary, m. John Joline, of Goshen. Margaret, m. John Hurtin, of Goshen. (III. 3) JUDGE THOMAS JONES, son of Judge David (II. 2), ranking as the 2d judge of the family ; b. Apl. 20, 1731, at THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 87 Fort Neck, L. I., bapt. in St. George's Epis. Church, Hempstead. Dec. 29, 1731. (N. Y. Gen. & Biog. Rec. IX., p. 185) ; d. in Hod- desdon, Eng., July 25, 1792, without issue. On Dec. 9, 1762, he m. Anne, dau. of Lieut. Gov. James de Lancey. (See Reeds. Trinity Church and N. Y. Gen. & Biog. Rec. v.. p. in). She b. 1746, survived her husband, and d. in Hoddesdon, Eng., Dec. i, 1817, in the 72d year of her age. He was hberally educated. In 1746 he entered Yale College at the age of 15, when Thomas Clapp was prest., and during a part of his collegiate course Ezra Stiles (who after became prest.) wa.*^ a tutor. Among his fellow students were Richard Morris, who later became Chief Justice ; Saml. Seabury, who after became Bishop ; Rev. Dr. Ogilvie, Saml. Hopkins, Richard Woodhull, and Genl. Gold S. Silliman, the latter of whom, 29 years later, in 1779, being a prisoner of war in the hands of the British, was exchanged for Thomas Jones. The discussions which led to the Rev. War early appeared there. (N. Y. Gen. & Biog. Rec. III., p. 57.) It seems Mr. Jones disagreed with most of the other students in religion and politics, and he did not endorse even their literary acquirements. (See his (Thos. Jones) Hist, of N. Y., Vol. i, p. 5.) In 1750 he graduated as A. B. and very soon commenced the study of law with Joseph Murray, a lawyer of N. Y. City, and not in the law office of Wm. Smith, St., or Jr., where his cousin, Samuel Jones (III. 8), afterwards found a place, being about three years his junior. Their legal preceptors and associates were of different politics ; they took different lines ver\^ early. Mr. Murray was a member of the Governor's Council from 1744 to 1756, and a Governor of King's College in 1756. Thomas Jones was admitted to practise law (Doc. Rel, Coll. Hist. N. Y., Vol. 8, p. 685), while James de Lancey was acting Governor, and soon commenced the practice in N. Y. City. We have little knowledge of what he did. Before 1769 he had trans- acted legal business for Saml. Rogers, of Cold Spring Harbor. L. I., who had sold out the greater part of his land at that place, and who probably became an unsuccessful merchant or vessel owner in N. Y. City. In July. ^7^7, Mr. Rogers confessed a judg- ment in his favor for £266.16.6, penalty of a bond, and £18.5.6 88 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND for costs of judgment. It is stated that the debt was for legal services. An execution was issued to the Sherifif of Suffolk Co., and some small pieces of land on the east side of Cold Spring Harbor were sold in Jan., 1768, for £39 15s. by Geo. Meurson, Sherifif of Sufifolk Co., who had married into the "Tangier" Smith family. Some deeds and records yet preserved give us informa- tion respecting this. On Feby. 8, 1757, Mr. Jones was appointed Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Queens Co., an office then generally filled by deputy. (N. Y. Comms., Vol. 84, p. 118.) (Doc. Rel. to Coll. Hist. N.V., Vol. 8, p. 685.) (Lib. D, p. 213, Queens Co. Reeds.) This office he held only one year, retiring when his father became a judge of the Supreme Court. His appointment was much op- posed and his right was contested by Whitehead Hicks, who claimed to be such clerk, and by Benjamin Hinchman, who re- fused to deliver up the records. (Col. N. Y. Hist. MSS., p. 671.) In 1758 he was named as an executor of his legal preceptor, Jos. Murray, who gave his library to the New York College, then called King's, afterwards Columbia. This introduced him favorably, and he was later attorney for King's College, and had no good words for Yale. King's College was founded in 1756, and its charter favored the Church of England ; the consequence of this was a hostile feel- ing which caused both political and family quarrels between the Livingstons, who were of the Presbyterian party, and the de Lanceys of the Church of England. Mr. Jones adhered to the latter ; the war was fast approaching and "these facts gave color to the larger strife to come, and de- termined the taking of sides." It may be remembered that Lieut. Gov. Jas. de Lancey plumed himself upon the charter of this college, while Wm. Livingston opposed it. Mr. Jones was one of the Governors of King's Col- lege, and for several years was its attorney, his commission for the same being signed by Whitehead Hicks, Mayor, Dec. 18, 1771. In 1762 Mr. Jones' father, Judge David (II. 2), had attained distinction as a member and Speaker of Assembly, and had become a judge ; his harmony with the previous judge, Chief Justice, mem- ber of the Council and Lieut. Gov. James de Lancey, who had appointed him, can readily be traced. Mr. de Lancey was ap- pointed Lieut. Gov. in 1753, and held until 1755. In 1757 he THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 89 was acting- Gov., until July 30, 1760, when he died leaving a large estate and a noted family. One of his sons, John P., of West- chester Co. (the father of Bishop de Lancey), married Elizabeth, dau. of Col. Richard P'loyd (5), and his wife Arabella, a sister of this Thomas Jones. It is fair to suppose that the marriage of the promismg lawyer Thos. Jones (then aged 31) with Lieut. Gov. Jas. de Lancey 's daughter Anne (then only 16 years of age) was a topic of much discussion between Judge David Jones (II. 2) and her father's eldest brother, James de Lancey, who had been a member of Genl. Assembly of N. Y. and "the head of the family and the party known by his name from his father's death to the Rev. War." (Thos. Jones Hist, of N. Y., Vol. i, p. 658.) It seems to have been an agreeable one to the family, and as her mother, Anne de Lancey, was the daughter of Hon. Caleb Heathcote and a sister of Sir Wm. Draper's wife, Mr. Jones became connected with the families of Sir Peter Warren, of the British navy, and of Sir Wm. Johnson, the latter of whom died in 1774, and Mr. Jones (then judge of the Supreme Court) was one of his pall bearers. Some land set off to her is shown by deeds embracing a large piece of land now bounded by Grand St., N. Y. City. Deeds re- specting this recorded in 1780 and 1781 can be seen in Secy, of State Office, Liber 21, folio 2;j, 64, 74-75. In 1763 her brother, Jas. de Lancey, gave her two acres of land in N. Y. City between the Bowery and the East River, where in 1765 Mr. Jones built a large house on its highest part known as Mount Pitt or Jones' Hill. During the war the Americans built a fort upon this place, called Jones' Hill Fort, which was destroyed by the British. The house, by report, remained standing until the early part of the nineteenth century. On. Nov. 19, 1769, Mr. Jones was appointed Recorder of the City of N. Y. by Lieut. Gov. Colden, and held until 1773. This probably made him a member of the Common Council and of the City Courts. (N. Y. Comms., Vol. VI., p. 91.) This was his first judicial appointment ; two years later h.e was reappointed by Gov. Tryon "during pleasure," and on Oct. 13. 1773, was succeeded by Robert Livingston, Jr., who held one year, and the office was conferred upon John Watts, Jr., a cousin of Judge Thos. Jones' wife. 90 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND On Oct. 8, 1 77 1, Judge Thos. Jones was appointed attorney or counsel for the Corporation of N. Y. City. (N. Y. Comms. VI., p. 20.) This was in the line for promotion, and on Sept. 29, 1773 (his father retiring), he was appointed a judge of the Su- preme Court of the Province. (N. Y. Comms. VI., p. 91.) This appointment, which was made by Gov. Wm. Tryon, he held until the close of the Rev. War, which with its results dis- placed him. Judge Thos. Jones held the last courts under the Crown in the Province of N. Y., concerning which he gives us much in- formation in his "Hist, of N. Y. during the Rev. War." As judge of the Supreme Court his circuit embraced a large district, in- cluding Westchester Co., and while sitting at the latter place in 1776 he discharged from custody several persons arrested for loyal sentiments ; this he tells us was given as a reason for placing him on the Act of Attainder and confiscating his property. This judicial act was probably but the beginning of the end. His con- nections with the de Lanceys and his training made him a devoted Royalist and a far greater partisan than his father. We cannot judge this a harsh measure when we consider his political career and actions. His advice in the matter of the battle of Lexington alone was enough to brand him an enemy to the American cause. When the news of this battle reached N. Y. the whole city was thrown into a state of great excitement and confusion. His Majesty's Council was summoned at the house of the Lieut. Gov., who had requested the attendance of the judges of the Supreme Court, the Attorney General, the Mayor and the Recorder of the City. The Gov. desired their advice in the critical state of affairs ; several things were proposed but to no purpose ; Judge Jones, then present, proposed "that the military should be called out and the riot act read, and if the mob did not thereupon disperse, to appre- hend and imprison the ringleaders." The war was now on, and Judge Jones retired to his home on Fort Neck, L. I., where on June 27, 1776 (the year following), he was arrested by Major Abell on an order of the Provincial Congress, charged with being "an enemy to the American cause on account of his holding offices from the King, and refusing to associate with his fellow citizens." He was shortly afterwards discharged by Gov. Morris upon his parole and returned to his THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 91 home "tliere to await the further order of said Congress." On Aug. nth of that year he was again arrested and carried before Lord StirHng, Genl. Scott and Col. McDougal, and on an order from Genl. Washington was sent to Connecticut as a prisoner of war. On Dec. 7, 1776, he was again paroled, promising "not to give notice or intelligence to the enemy of America, not to take up arms, and to return to New York when required." He returned to Long Island, where three years after his house was broken open (as he tells us) "and robbed of everything that could be taken," and he himself carried to Conn., where he was kept a prisoner during the years 1779 and 1780, and was then exchanged for Genl. Silliman, who some 30 years previous was his classmate in Yale College. (Sabine's Loyalists, Rev. Incidents of L. I. and Thos. Jones Hist, of N. Y.) While a prisoner in Conn, much of his property, including his horses and cattle, was taken by the Continental Army, which, after the evacuation of L. I., fell into the hands of the British. After his return he made a demand upon the British Commissary Genl. for the value of his fat cattle, but payment was refused on the grounds that the commissary did not know ''which regiment eat the cattle." Among those taken to Conn, and retained there, besides Judge Jones, were Danl. Kissam, Jr., Adam Seabury, Benj. Hewlett and Isaac Smith, some fourteen in all. On Oct. 23, 1779, the N. Y. Legislature passed an Act of At- tainder, by which all persons mentioned therein "were attainted, their estates, real and personal, forfeited, and themselves pro- scribed, and each and every one of them who shall at any time hereafter be found in any part of this State shall be and are de- clared guilty of felony, and shall suflfer death as in causes of felony without benefit of clergy." The judge's name was included in this Act of Legislature, and on Mch. 21, 1781, he sold at auction at the house of James Dur- yea, at Fort Neck, all his working oxen, cows, and horses, most of them full blooded, etc., etc., and all his implements of farming. In June, 1781, he sailed for England with his wife and niece. Elizabeth Floyd, in one of a fleet of six vessels. On their departure Dr. Benj. Moore (who later became P>ishop of N. Y.) presented Mrs. Jones with the following tribute: 92 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND "By the rude storms of faction blown, Enough of dangers you have known. Witness the hour when rebel bands A husband seized with ruthless hands, And dragged to vile captivity, From comfort far and far from thee. No pity touched the hardened train. Affection prayed and prayed in vain." Peace was declared in 1782, and as no treaty stipulations were made in favor of Loyalists and the Act of Attainder not repealed but became operative, Judge Jones was obliged to remain in exile, and the remainder of his life was passed in Hoddesdon, Hertford- shire, Eng., where he died. Under the Act of Attainder all of his real estate not entailed by his father's will was confiscated, and also all his personal prop- erty, the former of which included lands in Queens, Westchester, Ulster, Orange and Tryon counties. In compensation for these losses the British Government paid him the sum of ^5,447. On 2d Aug., 1785, his real estate in N. Y. City was sold by the Commissioners of Forfeiture for ^970, described as being in the Out Ward of the city, etc., and comprised about two acres of land (Liber 43, p. 36, Conveyances N. Y. City), situated on the highest part of Grand St., near the East River. It was known as Mount Pitt, and here Judge Jones had his town house. This land was given to the judge's wife Anne in 1765 by her brother, James de Lancey. Much can be read concerning his confiscated estates in the judge's Hist, of N. Y., before alluded to. On 5 March, 1793, Simon De Witt, Surveyor General, adver- tised for sale at Norwich, Queens Co., L. L, "all the lands deemed to be forfeited by the attainder of Thos. Jones, viz., all the meadow, fresh and salt, lying on the south side of L. I., joining the beach between the gut called Massapage, west or thereabout, and the west gut called Merrick Gut, and the hammocks and broken meadow lying between Oyster Bay meadow and the beach, with the privilege of the beach to the salt sea. Deed given without warrantee." (Queens Co. in Olden Times, p. 82.) Conveyed probably to Isc. Smith, who perhaps bought for the town of Oyster Bay; see lawsuit concerning meadows under Maj. Thos. Jones (Li). THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 93 His house on Fort Neck, L. I. (then called Tryon Hall), in which he was living at the time of his arrest, was built for him by his father, Judge David (H. 2) in 1770. "It is ninety feet long, east and west, and overlooks the Great South Bay. The foundation is of free stone, and the framework is of hewn timber. The entrance hall is thirty-six feet long by twenty-three wide, floored with heavy Southern pine. The stairs of this house are a puzzle to modern architects, as they are open underneath from bottom to top and have no support except from the wall to which they are attached, and yet have never yielded a particle in the lapse of more than a century of continued use." During the war it was commonly called the "Refugee House," from the fact that Judge Jones permitted several of His Majesty's loyal subjects to live in it. A story recently published (1900) under the title "For a Maiden Brave," the scene of which includes the house of Judge Jones and its immediate vicinity, gives a spirited account of his capture. Judge Thos. Jones was a man of "rare penetration and great independence. He was very kind to his family, and in his business transactions very exact. His legal papers preserved to us are models of brevity and precision." A letter of his to his nephew, David R. Floyd, under date of 1787, well portrays the man. Quoting from this he says, "Con- sult your father-in-law in everything." This was Hendrick On- derdonk, whom he calls in his History "an arrant rebel." "He was a friend of your grandfather's ; he was a friend to all our family ; he was a friend of mine, and tho' he and T differed in politicks during the last war, T know him to be an honest man." (Thos. Jones Hist, of N. Y., Vol. i, p. Ixxiv.) Judge Thos. Jones left no issue. He adopted as his daughter Anne Charlotte de Lancey, the eldest daughter of John P. de Lancey (Mrs. Jones' brother), who later became the wife of John Loudon McAdam, of N. Y. City. While living in England, "where he sailed for," as he mildly puts it in a letter to his sister, "on account of ill health, and that his intentions were to return after peace was declared if he could keep his neck out of the halter," he wrote his history, recently published under the title of "History of New York During the Revolutionary War." At his death the manuscript fell into the 94 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND possession of his widow, who in 1817 bequeathed it (and all her property) to her adopted daughter, Mrs. McAdam. The latter gave it to her brother, Wm. Heathcote de Lancey (Bishop of N. Y.), who in 1865 bequeathed it to his son, Edward Floyd de Lancey. It remained in the latter 's possession until 1879, when through the liberality of Mr. John D. Jones (V. 79), who had donated the N. Y. Hist. Society a sum of $6,000 for historical purposes, it was published by the society under the title above named, Mr. de Lancey ofifering the MSS. to the Society "as the first issue to be made under the terms of the endowment." His history speaks for itself. He saw the beginning and the end of the struggle for independence, and a loyalist of the strong- est kind, he closely studied the tendencies toward revolution, and had no love for the adoption of republican ideas. Historically his work is of much value, and furnishes us with a clear view of that period in our history as it appeared to those who lost all by their loyalty to the British cause. It has been stated that "Anne de Lancey's eyes determined his politics, and was, therefore, a Tory of a savage sort." Be this as it may, he has given us a clear account of the stirring events of his day, and in a fairly impartial manner. He was, it is true, embittered by party feelings, yet he does not hesitate to expose the wrongdoings of his party. He tells us that "for resistance to the Revolution he and others were rewarded by the utter and inexcusable failure on the part of the ministry of Lord North to protect them." Shortly after its publication a book was published under the title of "Observations on Judge Jones' Loyalist History of the American Revolution : How Far is It An Authority ?" It was edited by Henry P. Johnson, and questions many of the judge's statements. In 1785, Judge Thos. Jones made his will as follows — I, Thomas Tones, late of the Province of New York, in North Amer- ica, do make this my last will as follows : I give and devise unto my wife, Anne Jones, and to her heirs and assigns forever, my whole real and personal estate, in which I include whatever shall be owed me by government as a compensation for my losses in America. I appoint my said wife executrix of this my will. I hereby revoke all former wills. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal this gth day of December, 1785. Thomas Jones [L. S.]. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 95 This with the attestation clause and the three witnesses names is all. He died at Hoddesdon, near London, Eng-., on the 25th July, 1792, and was buried under the south aisle of Broxbourne Parish Church in Hertfordshire, where a slab recently covered over bears his name. Near it is placed a mural tablet bearing the following^ inscription ; also one to the memory of his widow, and another to Mr. and Mrs. McAdam. NEAR THIS PLACE LYES INTERRED THE BODY OF THOMAS JONES ESQ. LATE ONE OF HIS MAJESTIES JUDGES OF THE SUPREME COURT FOR THE PROVINCE OF NEW YORK IN NORTH AMERICA WHO HAVING SUFFERED GREAT HARDSHIPS AND GREAT PERSONAL INJURIES DURING THE TROUBLES IN AMERICA FOR HIS FIRM ATTACHMENT TO THE BRITISH CONSTITUTION, AND LOYALTY TO HIS PRESENT MAJESTY, UNDER WHOM HE HELD DIFFERENT CIVIL COMMISSIONS, CAME TO ENGLAND FOR THE RECOVERY OF HIS HEALTH; AND BEING BY AN ACT OF ATTAINDER PASSED IN THE STATE OF NEW YORK, DEPRIVED OF HIS LARGE PROPERTY AND PREVENTED RETURNING TO HIS NATIVE COUNTRY, SETTLED AT HODDLESDON IN THIS PARISH, AND HAVING BY THE POLITE AND FRIENDLY ATTENTIONS OF ITS INHABITANTS FOUND IT A MOST DESIRABLE RESIDENCE. HE DIED THERE JULY 25"" 1792 AGED 61 YEARS HIS WIDOW FROM TENDER RESPECT TO HIS MEMORY, ERECTED THIS MONUMENT TO AN AFFECTIONATE AND MOST INDULGENT HUSBAND, A SINCERE FRIEND, A KIND MASTK.R, A BENEVOLENT MEMBER OF SOCIETY, AND A LOYAL SUBJECT. " BY STRANGERS HONOURED AND BY STRANGERS MOURNED." Next to this mural tablet is one to the memory of his wife Anne, bearing^ the followinp^ inscription: 96 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND ANNE JONES SACRED TO THE MEMORY OF MRS. ANNE JONES OF HODDLESDON, WIDOW OF THOMAS JONES ESQ, WHO AFTER A LIFE BASED IN THE EXERCISE OF EVERY CHRISTIAN VIRTUE, DIED UNIVERSALLY LAMENTED ON THE I** OF DECEMBER 1817 IN THE 72"* YEAR OF HER AGE. Between these tablets is the Jones escutcheon, having the Jones arms blazoned in full in their appropriate color. Mrs. Jones' will, copied from the Registry of the Consistory Court of London, is as follows: I, Anne Jones, of Hoddesdon Herts, widow, do make and ordain this to be my last will and testament, I give, devise and bequeath unto my dear and adopted daughter, Anne Charlotte de Lancey, all my personal property, of what kind it may consist of at the time of my decease, in- cluding all my property in the funds in the Bank of England, be it in any of the stocks, as also the lease of the cottage and premises I now hold for twenty-one years under Genl. John Adolphus Harris, together with all the household furniture, pictures, linen, plate, glass, china of any and every description whatsoever, and to her the said Anne Charlotte de Lancey, and to her heirs assigns absolutely for ever, and I hereby con- stitute, nominate and appoint the said Anne Charlotte de Lancey, my nephew. Major John de Lancey, at present on the island of Guernsey, and Capt. Walton, of the Royal Navy, executors of this, my said last will. In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal this 8th day of December in the year of our Lord 1807. Anne Jones [L. S.]. Signed, sealed, published and declared to be the last will and testa- ment of the testatrix in our presence and in the presence of each other — Edward Arthur Bush, Minister H. W. Worthington, Surgeon, Hoddesdon Herts H. Martha Dunn, Servant to Mrs. Jones. Sworn under Five thousand Pounds. This will of Anne Jones, late of Hoddesdon, in the County of Hert- ford, widow, deceased, was proved at London, 12th day of Dec, 1817, be- fore the worshipful Samuel Pearce, Parson, Doctor of Laws and Surro- gate, by the oaths of Anne Charlotte de Lancey, spinster, the niece of the said deceased, and Jacob Walton, Esq., a Captain in the Royal Navy, the executors to whom administration was granted having been first sworn duly to administer. Jno. Sheppard, Dep. Register. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 97 (III. 4) ARABELLA JONES, dau. of Judge David Jones (IL 2) ; b. Dec. 7, 1734; bapt. as an adult, Jan. 26, 1750, in St. George's Epis. Church at Hempstead, L. L; d. May 29, 1785; m. Nov. 2, 1757, Col. Richard Floyd (5) (fourth of that name), of Brookhaven, L. L ; b. Feb. 26, 1731 ; d. at Halifax, N. S., Feb. 6, 1791, a son of Richard (3) and his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Benj. Hutchinson. Issue : 8. David Richard, b. Nov. 14, 1764; d. Feb. 10, 1826. 9. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 8, 1758; d. May 7, 1820. 10. Anne Willett, b. Aug. 17, 1767; d. June 8, 1813. (See under Floyd family.) Of this Arabella (III.4) we have little personal history. Her husband supported the Royalists with the de Lanceys ; under arms in the Rev. War, and, failing, became a refugee and died in a foreign land. He was a Or. Master in de Lancey's 3d Battalion in 1782, and Col. of the Suffolk Co. Militia under a commission from Gov. Try on. It is supposed that she did not follow her husband to Halifax, but if she did she shortly returned. On the death of her brother Thomas (III. 3), in 1792, without issue, and of her husband, it appears she had not been attainted by statute, nor done anything to forfeit her title to land, and her father's will by the entailment (then valid and operative) had vested his large landed estate in her and her heirs male. In pursuance with his will, and with her consent, and with that of her brother. Judge Thos. Jones (III. 3) (who became civilly dead by reason of the Act of Attainder), her only son, David R. Floyd (8), took the whole of the Fort Neck estate and further, in compliance with his will, took also the name of Jones, thereby becoming David Richard Floyd-Jones (i). This change of name was confirmed by Act of Legislature on 14 March, 1788. See under David Jones (II. 2) and Thos. Jones (III. 3). The large landed estate thus entailed by Judge David Jones (II. 2) was enjoyed by his grandson David Richard Floyd-Jones (i) until 1826, when the latter's son. Brig. Gcnl. Thomas Floyd- Jones (3) succeeded to it, and was its last possessor under the en- tail. At his death the estate was divided between his four chil- dren, the eldest of whom, David Richard Floyd-Jones (7), re- 98 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND ceived the Fort Neck house, the old homestead of Judg^e Thomas Jones (III. 3), Col. Richard Floyd (5), the husband of Arabella Jones, lived on his father's farm at Mastic, L. I. (a part of the manor of St. George), which was forfeited by his adherence to the British cause and sold by the commissioners of forfeited estates on 5 Aug., 1784, to his brother, Benjamin Floyd, who sold the same for ^2,750. He was a leading man in the town of Brookhaven, a strong supporter of the Crown, and suffered much at the hands of the Americans. Judge Thos. Jones (III. 3) calls him "as loyal a subject as ever the King could boast of." In 1776, after the capture of N. Y. City by the British, he, with others, signed a petition to re-establish the civil government, but the Declaration of Independence soon following put an end to it. Among those who signed the petition we note Genl. de Lancey, Benj. Seaman and Christopher Billop, all of whom were included in the Act of Attainder of 22d Oct., 1779. (III. 5) LIEUT. DAVID JONES, son of Judge David (II. 2) ; b. April 30, 1737; d. Sept. 9, 1758; bapt. in St. George Prot. Epis. Church, Hempstead, L. I., Jan. 26, 1750. Never married. In 1754 he attended school at Hempstead, L. I., under the tuition of the Rev. Saml. Seabury, father of the Bishop. This school obtained much repute, and many of the leading families of Queens Co. sent their sons there, among whom were Wm. Law- rence, Jos. Kissam, Benj. Onderdonk (son of Hendrick), and Thos. Truxton, afterwards the Commodore. In 1758 he was appointed First Lieut, in the 3d Company of the Queens Co. Regt. in the campaign against the French in Canada. The quota of soldiers to come from Queens Co. was fixed at 290 men, divided into three companies, and on April 18, 1758, a list of these companies then under pay of the Province was given. Of the 3d Co., Petrus Stuyvesant was Capt., and David Jones First Lieut. (See Report N. Y. State Historian, Vol. i, p. 847.) The 2d Co. was under the command of Capt. Richard Hewlett. (Queens Co. in Olden Times, p. 30.) These L. I. companies with the other Provincial troops were w z o < Q H W O Q o Ci) z o >• Ph < in Q O o h ^ z ^ z i, ^ < --I u z Z a Q Q CJ THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 99 more efficient than the "English Regulars" (so-called), who were billeted upon the inhabitants and acquired their hatred. The Regt. fell under the command of Col. Bradstreet and Col. Chas. Clinton, and were sent to Lake Ontario. On 27 Aug., 1758, they captured Fort Frontenack, but were obliged to endure great hardship and labor, besides being short of supplies. (N. Y. Gen. & Biog. Rec. IX., p. 173). Lieut. David Jones was taken sick shortly after the capture and died at the "Oneida Carrying Place," near Rome, N. Y., on 9 Sept., 1758. Among the MSS. papers of his grandfather, Maj. Thos. Jones (Li), we find the following record concerning him. It is en- dorsed on the back of a deed from Henry Lloyd to Thos. Jones (I. i), dated 19 May, 1713, viz.: "David Jones married to Anna Willet, daughter to Col. Wm. Willet, of Westchester Co., on Nov. 22, 1722. Had by her: Anna Jones, b. Tuesday, May il, 1724. Sarah Jones, b. Saturday, Feb. 12, 1728; d. Apl. following. Thomas Jones, b. Tuesday, Apl. 20, 1731. Arrabella Jones, b. Saturday, Dec. 7, 1734. David Jones, b. Saturday, Apl. 30, 1737. Mary Jones, b. Friday, Apl. 29, 1743- "David Jones died Sept. 9, 1758, at the Oneida Carrying Place, after his return from taking Fort Frontenac while under Col. Bradstreet's regiment, with whom he went a volunteer officer in that regiment, and it is said 'behaved in the action with becom- ing bravery.' " Another memorandum concerning him states "he went to the north in the army, having one of the McCoons for his waiter, and died of fatigue during the march ; his powder horn was brought home." (MSS. Chas. H. Jones (IV. 34)). He was brevetted Captn., and a sword presented him by Col. Hewlett, of East Woods (now Woodbury, L. I.), is still in pos- session of the family, and has the following inscribed upon the hilt. Capt. JOHN HULOT TO DAVID JONES Jun'r In Commissary Wilson's Orderly Book (now in the Lenox Library) relative to this expedition (pub. in 1759), no mention Lt)rc loo THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND is made of either Lieut. Jones or Capt. Hewlett. This book has many biographical notes. This omission may, perhaps, be ac- counted for from the fact that "in England little notice was taken of the Colonial officers, while the English officers, seeking pro- motion, glorified their acts." (III. 6) MARY JONES, dau. of Judge David Jones (II. 2) ; b. April 29, 1743 ; bapt. St. George Prot. Epis. Church, Hemp- stead, L. I., 26 Jan. 1750; m. by license. May 24, 1764, her cousin, Thomas Jones (III. 10), son of William (II. 7). Issue, nine chil- dren. (See under Thomas Jones (III. 10) (III. 7) CAPTAIN DAVID JONES, son of William (II. 7) ; b. 1733, at West Neck, L. I. ; d. Feb. 11, 1818; m. by license, Jan. 4, 1768 (then aged 35), Elizabeth, b. Nov. 19, 1749; d. March 26, 183 1, dau. of Thomas Seaman, of Jerusalem, L. I. Issue : 4-IV. I. William D., b. Sept. 5, 1771 ; d. Sept. 2, 1845. -f 2. Thomas, b. June 30, 1776; d. Jan. 13, 1847. On 14 July, 1772, by a certificate of that date, he was an Ensign, ae 39, in Capt. John Hewlett's Company, acting in place of Lieut. Thos. Van Wyck, who refused to go after being drafted from the militia for the expedition against the French, when Fort Wm. Henry was taken by the latter. He went with the Co. until orders from the commander-in-chief directed their return. (MSS. C. H. Jones.) In 1779 he was Capt. of a local militia force and had a swivel gun near his house, which he used more than once. (Revo. In- cidents Queens Co., p. 195.) On 25 Sept., 1 78 1, he and Capt. Thos. Seaman attempted to capture the sloop Restoration, then driven on shore in the town of Hempstead, but were taken prisoners and soon after exchanged. (Revo. Inc. Queens Co., p. 201.) On 12 Jan., 1782, he was ordered by Col. Upham, who was then in command of Lloyds Neck, to accompany Benj. Birdsall back to that place, as John Hewlett, Esq., in whose care Birdsall was, was obliged to go to New York. Col. Upham was then in command of the British troops, and Birdsall was a son of Col. Benjamin Birdsall, the Revolutionary patriot. (War Claims in THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND loi Huntington Town Reeds., Vol. i, p. 57.) He probably parted with his interest on the south side of L. I. or had it protected by his brother Samuel (HI. 8), and after the close of the Rev. War removed to Cold Sprin^ Harbor, L. I. He had a deed from Philip Youngs for some land at that place on 12 Feb., 1785, which was subject to mortgages. He obtained title also under the mortgages. This land was on the westerly side of the Harbor, and extended southerly to or near the head of the same. By report he rebuilt some portion of the house then standing thereon, and was living there in 1791. This house later became the homestead of John H. Jones (IV. 27), but was de- stroyed by fire in 186 1. It was one story and a half high, covered with shingles, and had one large chimney in the centre. On its westerly end was a smaller chimney leading to a large brick oven standing upon four wooden posts. In 1790, Sept. 14, he joined with his brothers in adjusting and releasing claims to the South Beach and meadows. (Lib. 29, p. 329, Queens Co.) On 2d May, 1794, he received a deed from Samuel Jackson and Jemima, his wife, for 43 acres of land at Cold Spring Harbor, and woodland adjoining the pond and the fulling mill dam, on the east side of Ireland's path, surveyed by Saml. Willis on 24 June. 1767 (map professed to be copied in the town record book), called an allotment in the right of Abraham Underbill, and 28 acres on the west side of the Upper Mill Dam. In 1801 he signed, with his brother John, a paper about the Episcopal church at Oyster Bay. In 1806, by deed dated 15 of 5 month, he conveyed to his brother John Jones land at Cold Spring Harbor where he had resided, and released beaches. On the same day he conveyed to his cousin, Maj. Wm. Jones (IV. 4), son of his brother Samuel, land on the west side of Cold Spring Harbor north of that con- veyed to John, After these transfers were made he returned to Jerusalem South, Queens Co., where on 15 June, 1806, he made his will, naming his wife Elizabeth, and sons Thomas and William, the latter receiving the remainder of his estate on condition that he support his son Thomas for life. Witnesses, Joseph and Freelovc Birdsall and Solomon Sea- man. (W^ill prob. 18 May, 181 5. Liber C, p. 423, Queens Co.) 102 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND (III. 8) JUDGE SAMUEL JONES, the Senator and Judge, ranking as the 3d judge of the family ; son of William (IT. 7) ; b. 26 July, 1734; d. 21 Nov., 1819; m. first, Oct. 31, 1765, Eleanor, dau. of Cornelius Turk, son of Ahasuerus, of New York City, by whom he had no issue. M. 2d, July 7, 1768, Cornelia, b. Feb. 15, 1741 ; d. July 29, 1821, dau. of Elbert Haring (now spelled Herring) and his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Nicholas Bogart by his 2d wife, Margaret, dau. of John Conselyea, and widow of Jan Van Tilburg. They were married at the home of her brother-in-law, Cornelius Roose- velt, in N. Y. City, by Johannes Ritzema, minister of the Old Dutch Church. (See Dutch Church Marriages, by E. S. Purple, p. 229.) Issue: -fIV. 3. Samuel, b. May 26, 1770; d. Aug. 9, 1853. 4-4. William, b. Oct. 4, 1771 ; d. Sept. 16, 1853. +5. Elbert H., b. Aug. 6, 1773; d. Sept. 5, 1854; twin. -f6. Thomas, b. Aug. 6, 1773; d. Feb. i, 1852; twin. -I- 7. David S., b. Nov. 3, 1777; d. May 10, 1848. 8. William, 2d; d. in infancy. 9. Walter, b. March 13 ; d. Sept. 14 of the same year. Cornelia (Haring) Jones' great grandfather, Jan Louis Bo- gart (the first of his name in this country), came from Schoonder- wold in 1663 and settled in Bedford, L. I., with his wife, Cornelia Everts, and several children, one of whom, Nicholas, b. 1668, m. 1703, Margaret Conselyea as his 2d wife. Nicholas d. Jan. 5, 1727, leaving many children, one of whom, Elizabeth, b. 1714, m, Elbert Haring (as his 2d wife) and had a dau., Cornelia, who m, Samuel Jones (III. 8). The Haring fam.ily was a large and influential one. The an- cestor, John Haring, son of Peter of Hoorn, Holland, b. 1633, m. 1662 Margaret Cozine, and d. 1683. John Haring's eldest son, Peter, m. Dec. 4, 1687, Margaret, dau. of Jan Louwrie Bogart and Cornelia Evert, his wife. Elbert, b. 1706 (son of Peter), m. 2d, his cousin Elizabeth, dau. of Nicholas Bogart (his mother's brother), by whom he had Margaret, b. 1733, m. Cornelius Roose- velt; Elbert, b. 1735; Elbert, b. 1737; Peter, b. 1738; Cornelia, b. 15 Feb., 1741, m. Samuel Jones (III. 8) ; EHzabeth, b. 1743, m. John de Peyster. Besides these he had other children, and a dau. Sarah, b. 1753, who m. Gardiner Jones, a descendant of THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 103 Johnes family of Southampton, L. I., who by an Act of Legis- lature changed his name to Jones. He was named in the will of his mother-in-law, Elizabeth Herring, with his son Nicholas and dau. Elizabeth Jones. Judge Samuel Jones' early education was rather limited ; he went to school at Hempstead, L. I., and was probably instructed there by the Rev. Saml. Seabury. He did not enter college, and when young made several voy- ages to Europe as a sailor in the merchant service. Shortly after this he became a clerk in the office of Judge Wm. Smith, and studied law with him or his son, Wm. Smith, the historian and Judge, with whom George Clinton also studied law. This Wm. Smith (the judge) had been one of the counsel for Zenger in 1732, and had been ill treated, being discharged by Judge de Lancey, but afterwards restored, and in 1763 became Judge of the Supreme Court. Judge David Jones (II. 2) was well acquainted with both, and, for aught that appears, on good terms with the senior sit- ting on the Bench with him for six years, but the breach between Wm. Smith and the de Lancey party or family was never made up, and political and religious parties perpetuated it. Mr. Smith ranked as a Presbyterian (N. Y. Gen. & Biog. Rec. 4, p. 99) and followed generally the course of the Presbyterians in N. Y. Presbyterians and Episcopalians had been at war and became political antagonists, and the studying of Saml. Jones with Wm. Smith perhaps led him to a set of opinions and action, or at least brought him into association with a set of legal and political friends very different from his cousin, Judge Thomas Jones (III. 3). The date when Saml. Jones commenced to study law is not known. It is stated that a part of the time he devoted to legal studies was passed in the office of the old lawyer, Samuel Clowes, of Jamaica, L. I., whose son Gerardus married Sarah Jones (ii.'s). We have little account of the struggles of the young lawyer. It is inferred that he was practising law in N. Y. City before his first marriage in 1765. His father-in-law, connected with the Dutch, was a merchant in N. Y. City (N. Y. Gen. & Biog. Rec. 13, p. 84) and his associations and intermarriage with the Dutch' indicate him not an Episcopalian, and as early as i76ck, and his son Divine married Ann, dau. of Jac. Coles, of Duck Pond. His dau. Elizabeth married Samuel Jones, son of William. It will be noticed how strongly the members of the family were tied together ; living near the boundary line between Queens and Suffolk Co., through a long civil war, the hostilities and jealousies which convulsed the whole country doubtless taught them to adhere firmly to each other and avoid giving offence. (MSS. C. B. Moore.) THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND iic The East Woods extended across L. I., east of the Hempstead Plains and near the county Hne, embracing what is now Wood- bury. Several grantees of these deeds may be noticed ; one, his son Isaac Hewlett, had land in Suffolk Co. on the high ground east of the mill ponds at Cold Spring Harbor, on which Isaac lived ; one, his son Divine had land also in Suffolk Co., bounding Isaac's on the north, on which Divine lived ; and another his dau. Han- nah, whom this John Jones had married, had land in Queens Co. on the west side of the mill ponds, near which John and Hannah Jones had fixed their residence. The deeds to these parties embraced the mills, mill ponds, mill dams and water rights at Cold Spring Harbor, ^ to each as ten- ants in common. On 30th of 3 mo., 1804, this John Jones received from Divine Hewlett and his wife, for his son John H. (IV. 27), then under age. a deed for two small pieces of land on the east side of Cold Spring Harbor (cons. $175), which in 1807 he conveyed to his son John H. Here commenced the large general store and whal- ing business carried on by the latter for many years, and here was his first dwelling house. In 1807 he conveyed to his son, John H. Jones, land on the west side of Cold Spring Harbor, which had been conveyed to him by his cousin, David Jones (III. 7) and in i8to conveyed to him a share in the "Lower Mill" property (grist mill, dams, etc.). In 1812 the second war with Gt. Britain broke out. a great expense was incurred at a time of high war prices upon a new and large grist mill, and in starting also a woollen factory. Grain was purchased at the mill, ground and barrelled up for sale, and sent to New York. Divine Hewlett and Wm. H. Jones (IV. 25) undertook to keep a store at New York for the sale of flour. The war ended in 181 5 before expensive arrangements could be recom- pensed, and prices fell with flour on hand. Some losses also oc- curred by seizures of shipments by the French ; John Jones and Divine Hewlett had to suspend payments, bargain with their cred- itors for time, and raise money on their lands to settle with their creditors. Mr. Jones' health failed and he soon became disabled. On 21 Aug.. 1814, he made his will giving the use of lii'^ property to his wife for life to bring up and educate his minor children, and ii6 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND appointed his three eldest sons executors with a large power of sale. (MSS. C. B. Moore.) Hannah Hewlett, the wife of this John Jones, was a woman of strong personal character and of untiring energy. She inherited that strong religious feeling and love of family so marked in her ancestors, and we are told "her will was a law in the land." Her few letters preserved to us are well and neatly written, and indicate a woman of no small learning for her day. Of these the following strongly marks the woman : Cold Spring, 4th day, 5th mo., 1812. Dear Brother and Sister. These will inform you that we have experienced great changes in our family since you left the island. On the 22d of the 2d mo. our son John, in returning from New York in a severe gale of wind, was thrown over- board by the jib sheet cleut giving way, he having at that instant the mainsail halliards in his hand, which proved an instrument in the hands of God to save him, to the astonishment of all the beholders. He was much strained in the breast and arms by the vessel carrying him with such velocity, and so far through the water before the hands on board could get him in, but through the mercy of God he is in prospect of recovery. On the 4th of the 4th mo., our aged parent departed this life, being but two days confined to his bed; nine days after, our brother John de- parted this life, being confined from the day our father was buried. On the first day of this month our little granddaughter, Anne (William's daughter), who lived with us, departed this life after four days' illness. Physicians do not agree what disorder prevails, but certain it is there is a great mortality prevailing here, many depart this life from a few hours to one day. There have been several of the family attacked with, we be- lieve, the same complaint. Divine has been slightly, those of brother John's children more severe, brother Townsend, and Isaac Hewlett, . . . but we are in hopes they are all in prospect of recovery, but when the malady will cease or the cause be known, God only knows. The sea- son is very much against health, the snow is now several inches deep, and is still falling. We have been much disappointed in not receiving a letter from you since you left the island after having a promise from so many sincere friends, and so near relations. I still flatter mj'self with the pleasing hope of once more reading a letter from some of you, but especially from thee, my dear sister, who is near and dear to me, although at so great a dis- tance from each other; if not, I shall still indulge the pleasing hope through the mercy of that good God, and meritorious suffering of a blessed Saviour Jesus Christ, when time to us shall be no more we shall meet on the happy shores of eternal blessedness, never more to be sep- arated, is the prayer of thy sister, and not only us, but my desire and THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 117 prayer to God is that thy dear partner and all thy family, as well as my own, with all the heritage of God, may so walk in this world that when time shall be no more, that they may enjoy that happy ... 01 eternal rest which God has in store for all those that love him. Tell and ... I often think of the pleasing hours we spent when they were here, and hope they will pursue the path of kindness with unimpaired faith, love and charity to their life's end, that they may receive the reward of well doing. Tell them to kiss the dear babe for me. Our particular family, through the mercy of God, are enjoying health at present, thanks be to Him for the same, and all other blessings we enjoy, and my prayer to Him is that you and all yours may enjoy the same blessing. My family all join with me in unfeigned love to you and all the family and friends, and remain your sister and well wisher, farewell. Hannah Jones. (III. 13) MAJOR WALTER JONES, son of William (II. 7) ; b. Feb. 14, 1757; d. May 7, 1828; m. 1784, Esther (his first wife), b. Sept. 21, 1762; d. June 2, 1800, dau. of William Willis, b. 1721, of Cedar Swamp, L. I., and his wife Mary, dau. of Rue- mourn Townsend ; m., 2d, Phebe, b. i Apl, 1779; d. June 22, 1863, dau. of Samuel Hewlett, of Gt. Neck, and his wife Ruth, dau. of William Willis, of Cedar Swamp, L. I., by whom he had no issue. She was a niece of his first wife, Esther. Issue by first wife, Esther Willis : +IV. 35. John Jackson, b. Sept. 6, 1785; d. Oct. 12, 1824. 36. Mary Willis, b. Sept. 17, 1787; d. Sept. 22, 1872, unm. 37. Sarah Willis, b. Jan. 16, 1789; d. Nov. 22, 1855, unm. -I-38. Phebe, b. Apl. 27, 1791 ; d. 1858. +39. Abagail, b. July 12, 1794; d. Oct. 12, 1836. 40. Walter, b. Apl. i, 1796; d. Sept. 8, 1797. 41. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 9, 1789, twin. +42. William Townsend, b. Nov. 9, 1789, twin. This Walter Jones was not of ag^e at the commencement of the Rev. War, and, according with the Quakers, avoided taking arms. It appears he had a good education. In 1779 the farm at West Neck, on the south side of L. L being left to him and his brother John, charged with debts and legacies, some to be paid at their father's death, some at their mother's, and younger children to be educated and apprenticed, he ii8 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND remained on the place and carried on the farm with John until 1784. They delayed proving the will until 1781. The agreement in 1779 about the burying plot has been de- scribed under John (III. 12), and the sale by John to Walter and John's removal to the north side of L. I. The name of his eldest son, after the war ended, indicates that he (Walter Jones) looked to the Jackson family, then powerful under the new government. The 4th John Jackson was at this date the head of that family and had married Charity Treadwell, of a strong family supporting Congress. In Nov., 1786, he was appointed first Major of the Queens Co. Regiment, then commanded by Col. Samuel Youngs, with Nathaniel Coles, Jr., as 2d Major. (See Council of Appointment of State of N. Y., by Hastings, Vol. i, p. 74.) A letter preserved to us concerning his appointment may be of interest: Oyster Bay, nth Nov., 1786. Sir. Col. Samuel Youngs, who is commissioned on the new establishment of the militia has requested me to inform you that he has received a letter from M. Clerkson, Brig. Genl., enclosing an extract from General Orders, and a list of the officers appointed, in which you are appointed first Major, also the Adjutant General's orders for the regiments or the companies to be paraded this fall, he therefore in concurrence with the other officers appointed this way has concluded to meet all the officers appointed in this regiment on Tuesday next at the house of Daniel Dodges, in Jericho, at one o'clock in the afternoon. Inclosed you have a roll of your officers in the 2d Battn. and he requests you will give them which are on the South speedy notice of the day which they are to meet to accept or refuse their commissions, which acceptance or refusal must absolutely be done in a few days, according to law. I am, with respect, Your most obedient servant, WiL TOWNSEND. On 26th March, 1787, he was commissioned by Gov. Clinton as "Salvor or Wrecker," to aid vessels in distress on the coasts of Queens Co. This office was created by an Act of I^egislature passed Feb. 16, 1787. He was the first to be appointed under this act, and was to hold office "during pleasure." (See Comms., Vol. 6-D, 1770-1789, folio 407, Secy, of State office.) Under this commission he was obliged to keep all vessels or merchandise cast up by the sea and cause the same to be appraised, so that any per- THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 119 son within a year who could prove ownership might have his goods restored to him on his paying the expenses of saving, etc. His pay was a "reasonable allowance out of the goods so saved.'' (Laws of N. Y., Vol. i.) On 9 Aug., 1786, there was a release executed to him by Jacob Conkling (his brother-in-law) of rights in the "Bating Place Pui- chase" of the town of Huntington, near modern Amityville. He became the active representative of his father and mother and the scattered family. On 30 of 7 mo., 1788, John and Walter, with their wives Hannah and Esther, conveyed to their brother William meadow land at Oyster Bay South, cons. £210. On 30 Aug., 1790, receiving a deed from John, he conveyed the home- stead to his brother Samuel (the Judge and Senator) who at that time was a strong and important man, and who rebuilt the old house. Walter remained still in charge. On 4 Sept., 1790, he united with his brothers in releasing to the town, the large claim to the South Beach and Meadows, reserving some by agreement. (Liber 69, p. 329, Queens Co.) He signed as attorney for Gilbert (HL 11), and it is stated he acted for and with Samuel (HL8) and was in fair accord with him. On 16 Apl., 1801, he signed a formal covenant with his brother Samuel, and the latter's son Thomas, for levying and acknow^ledg- ing a Fine and Recovery for the West Neck homestead and land (to give Samuel a formal title and bar all entails and limitations). A Fine was levied. He still agreed to remain on the farm, and to board the carpenters while repairing the house. On 28 May, 1802, he received a further release of land from Jacob Conkling and Elizabeth, his wife, for land in the Bating Place Purchase. Shortly after this date he removed to the north side of L. L and settled on land he bought of Garret Van Cott, Mch. 12, 1802. This land was situated next west of his brother John, and was separated from it by the highway leading from Cold Spring Har- bor to Syosset, then called Ireland's Path, and contained 120 acres. After their removal the family resided in a very old house then standing on the westerly side of Ireland's Path, and directlv in front of the residence now ( 1900) owned bv Mrs. Oliver L. Jones. This old house, of which only the foundation stones (and an old well still used) now remain, was by report built by John Wooden (or Worden) who owned land there as early as 1736. 120 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND In May, 1806, he received a deed from his brother David and his wife EHzabeth for 43 acres of land joining this purchase (of 12 March, 1802) on the south. These two pieces of land, with several smaller pieces purchased later, comprised his homestead of 180 acres, on which he erected a new house, the cornerstone of which bears the mark W. J. 18 10. Later he erected two stone walls marked with the dates 1819 and 1822, forming, with his barns, an enclosure for his cattle. One of these barns, of which no vestige remains, contained a curious and crude machine used for threshing grain, and must have been made at a very early period. It consisted of a circular depression in the earth lined with stones set in mortar, with a post erected in its centre, around which a large stone drawn bv horses moved freely. Tradition tells us it was sometimes used as a cider mill and was probably made or used by John Wooden be- fore mentioned. On 7 Feb., 1820, he and his 2d wife, Phebe, united in a con- veyance of his real estate to his son, John Jackson Jones, who had advanced money to build and improve the place, and who, in 1822, conveyed the same to his four sisters. On 25 Jan., 1850, Sarah and Mary Jones, two of the four sis- ters just named, who had become possessed of the entire real es- tate of their father, Walter Jones, conveyed the same to Samuel A. Jones (V. 81), who had married a granddaughter of this Walter Jones (III. 13). Walter Jones preserved many old memoranda about the family, and it is to him we are indebted for many facts concerning it. He took much interest in public affairs, and was instrumental in having a public highway laid out across the island, following generally an old route called Ireland's Path, which on the north side of the island ran between his house and his brother John's, passing through Syosset and east of Hicksville. On the south side of the island it passed near his father's house, terminating at the highway running east and west across the various necks of meadow land on that part of the island. Milestones were set up on this road throughout its entire ex- tent. One of these, still standing, is on the westerly side of the highway a short distance south of his old homestead, and near the southeast corner of the land he purchased of David Jones in THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 121 1806. It is marked W. J. XIII., and indicates that number of miles from the south side of the island. His will, dated 28 April, 1828, was proved on 9 June following He bequeathed to his wife Phebe everything that belonged to her at the time of "our marriage." To Mary Esther Mott, daughter of James and Abigail Mott, a set of silver plate of the value of $150. To his daughters, Mary, Phebe, Sarah, and Abigail, all his furniture and cattle and implements of husbandry. To William H. Jones and John H. Jones (his brother John's children) a piece of Plains Lands near the island of Trees, bequeathed him by his father William. To his son Townsend, a piece of salt meadow called the "Bating Place Purchase," being all the land I own in Suffolk Co. Residue of his real estate to his daughters Mary ai:d Sarah Jones, and wife Phebe. To his wife Phebe his Bank of America stock. His son, Wm, Townsend Jones, and David W. Jones, executors. All of his homestead at Cold Spring Harbor (excepting per- haps the piece he bought of his brother David in 1806) and much of the adjoining land, all of which is still in possession of the Jones family, was between the years 1716 and 1740 owned by Maj Timothy Bagley, who married the widow of Maj. Thomas Jones (I. i), much of which (as we have formerly stated) possibly be- longed to the latter at an earlier date. The original map embracing this land of Maj. Timothy Bag- ley is now (1895) ^n the possession of John H. Doty, of Cold Spring Harbor. The highway or "Ireland's Path," as indicated by dotted lines, is not in the original map, but has been added by me to shov/ approximately the location of the land with reference to the pres- ent time. Esther, his first wife, was interred in the West Neck burying ground at South Oyster Bay, and Phebe, his 2d wife, in the Epis- copal Church Yard at Manhasset, L. I. (III. 14) RICHARD JONES, son of William (II. 7) ; b. July 10, 1760; d. Oct. 10, 1844; m. Ruth, dau. of John Mott (by one account of Ulster Co., and called by Walter Jones (III. 13) as "late of Long Island"). She b. Jan. 11, 1775; m. as above, Oct. 30, 1794 ; d. Aug. 22, 1834. He settled in Michigan about 1837. Issue : 122 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND +IV. 43. Phebe, b. Aug. 10, 1795; d. Dec. 31, 1849; ^- 21 Feb., 1840. John Hammond, no issue. 44. Abigail, b. Jan. 31, 1798; d. Aug. 4, 1830; not m. 445. Gideon M., b. Oct. 10, 1799; d. Sept. 11, 1876. +46. James, b. Nov. 21, 1801 ; d. 1863. -I-47. Lydia Mott, b. Feb. 28, 1803 ; d. Aug. 3, 1861. +48. William R., b. April 21, 1805; d. Feb. 13, 1880. +49. Esther, b. Oct. 20, 1806; d. June 24, 1888. 4-50. John Mott, b. Nov. 4, 1808; d. 1867. + 51. Thomas Elwood, b. Oct. 3, 1813; d. Dec. 7, 1869. By report he removed from L. I. to Dutchess Co., thence to Jonesville, near Rochester, and from there he went to Michigan, where he died at the home of his son Gideon, in Litchfield, Hills- dale Co. In 1778. under his father's will, he was spoken of as under age and directed to be brought up at some trade. Walter A. Scott, the son of his daughter Esther, states that his grandmother, Ruth Jones, was the daughter of John and Lydia Mott, and that she came from L. L to Poughkeepsie, N. Y., where she died before her husband's removal to Michigan. (III.I5) JACKSON HALLETT JONES, son of William (II.7), commonly called Hallett Jones, b. 1761 ; d. Feb. 29, 1836; m. 8 mo. 31st, 1784, Keziah, d. Dec. 13, 1837, dau. of Daniel Aldrich, of Suffolk Co., who by report was living in Newburg during the Rev. War. Issue: IV. 52. David, b. July 19, 1785; d. July 15, 1809; unm. 53. Gilbert, b. Jan. i, 1788; d. Oct. 14, 1813. 54. Richard, b. Oct. 30, 1790; d. Oct. 27, 1796; unm. +55. Hallett, b. Oct. 18, 1792; d. April 1, 1847. 4-56. Richard Restored, b. April 21, 1797. 57. Mary, b. April i, 1798; d. April 26, 1826; unm. +58. Daniel, b. Jan. 8, 1801. +59. Elizabeth, b. March i, 1803 ; d. Jan. 10, 1882. He took an active part in the Rev. War against the British. and in 1779 seized a gunboat (the crew of which had gone on shore) and by firing a gun drew a company of militia to the spot who captured the crew. (Onderdonk's Queens Co., p. 203.) THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 123 He studied medicine but did not follow the profession. In 1785 he was living in Newburg but soon returned to L. I. and lived on his place at Cold Spring Harbor, on the easterly side of what is known as "Turkey Lane." (HI. 16) FREELOVE JONES, dau. of William (H. 7) ; b 1742; d. Oct. 21, 1821 ; m., Jan. 5, 1763 (by license Dec. 30. 1762), Lieut. Col. Benjamin Birdsall, b. 1736; d. 20 July, 1798 son of Capt. John of Jerusalem South, L. L In Thompson's L. I. 2, p. 492, he was called a son of Thomas Birdsall, which we must treat as an error. Issue, eight children. (See under Birdsall family.) Her will, dated 28 of 7 mo., 1821, prob. at Rocky Hill (near Flushing), Dec. 19, 1821, names son-in-law James Jackson, gr. daus. Margaret Elizabeth and Deborah Ann Jackson, daus. Mar- garet Tredwell, Mary Wright, and Elizabeth Althouse. Ex. my dau. Margaret Tredwell. Margaret Tredwell died before the probate of the will, and Wm. Wright. Jr., of Flushing (a gr. son of Freelove Jones Bird- sail) was appointed adms. Dec. 19, 1821. (Liber E, p. 34, Queens Co.) Lieut. Col. Benj. Birdsall was of an old Queens Co. family, and of a branch that intermarried with the Seamans and Jacksons of the north side of L. I. He was called a "drover farmer," one who raised cattle on the Hempstead Plains, and fed them in winter on the wild meadow grass. He lived on the south side of L. I. a short distance west of his father-in-law, Wm. Jones, He took an active part in the Rev. War. His colonel was John Sands, an active supporter of Congress. In 1777- 1783 was Mem- ber of Assembly. In 1776 he mustered 60 volunteers and aided Gen. Putnam in erecting intrenchments on Brooklyn Heights. He was captured by the British and imprisoned in the "Provost," at which time Genl. Washington had his wife and children conveyed to Dover, in Dutchess Co., where they remained during the war In 1794 he disposed of his property and settled in Jerusalem, where he died. (MSS. C. B. Moore.) (III. 17) ELIZABETH JONES, dau. of William (II. 7). By license of Jan. 28, 1757, m. Jacob Conkling, son of Israel, of 124 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND Huntington, Suffolk Co., h. I. By report he survived her and married a 2d wife. Issue, nine children. (See under Conkling family.) Israel Conkling, the father of Jacob, lived in the town of Huntington, on the south side of L. I. He was a son of Jacob, who was a son of the 2d Timothy, a son of the first Timothy, who was a younger son of the first John, of Southold and Huntington. In 1775 he signed to support Congress and was a soldier in Capt. Rogers' Company. On 6 Aug., 1778, he made his will, naming eight children, in- cluding Jacob. Prob. 4 July, 1780. (Lib. 32, p. 476, N. Y. City.) In 1774, Oct. 13, the deed from Israel Conkling to Gilbert Jones (HI. 11) has been noticed, whose children conveyed to Walter Jones (HI. 13), 18 April, 1818. (HI. 18) SARAH JONES, dau. of William (II. 7);' b. 1756; d. Sept. 16, 1841 ; m. John Willis; d. 1837, son of John, of Cedar Swamp, L. I., and his wife Margaret, dau. of Caleb Cornwell and Elizabeth Hayner, his wife. Issue, five children (See under Willis family.) (HI. 19) PHEBE JONES, dau. of William (IL7); b. 1758; d. 1841 ; m. by license of 6 March, 1775, Benjamin Row- land, of Flushing, h. I., son of Jonathan. (N. Y. Gen. & Biog. Rec. XIV., p. 71.) Issue: Cornelia, m. John Hoagland, or (Hoogland), and had issue: Benjamin. Susan. Cornelia. Elbert. Catharine. William. Ludlow. Deborah. Elizabeth. (IH.20) MARGARET JONES, dau. of William (H.7); b. Feb. I, 1759; d. March 31, 1825; m. Feb. i, 1779 (license Jan. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 125 12, 1779), Tovvnsend Hewlett, b. June 7, 1753; d. Aug. 6, 1832, son of John Hewlett, the justice. Issue, six children. (See under Hewlett family.) In 1778 she was named in her father's will as unmarried, and given a small legacy. (IV. I) WILLIAM DAVID JONES, of Jerusalem, L. I., son of Capt. David (III. 7) ; b. Sept. 5, 1771 ; d. Sept. 2, 1845; m. Almy, b. Feb. 5, 1787; d. April 6, 1843, (^^u. of Israel Seaman, of Jerusalem, L. I. Issue : V. I. David, b. May 23, 1807; d. Jan. 28, 1831. +2. Samuel S., b. March 26, 1809; d. Nov. 27, 1893. +3. Israel S., b. Aug. 12, 1812; d. Jan. 21, 1893. +4. William D., b. June 17, 1814; d. July 23, 1866. +5. Elbert T., b. April 5, 1816; d. Aug. 16, 1846. +6. Townsend, b. March 16, 1818; d. Oct. 21, 1884. +7. John, b. April 20, 1822; d. Aug. 9, 1874. His will, 13 of 5 mo., 1843, prob. Sept. 22, 1845, gives his sons as above certain legacies. To his brother Thomas (IV. 2), the use of certain sums of money for his support during life. (IV. 2) THOMAS JONES, son of Capt. David (in.7): b. June 30, 1776; d. Jan. 13, 1847; unm. He proved unfortunate or ill, and settled in Cold Spring Harbor with his father after the Rev. War. In 1806 he was named in his father's will and directed to be supported. (IV. 3) SAMUEL JONES, the Chancellor and Chief Jus- tice, ranking as the fourth judge of the family, son of Judge Samuel (III. 8) ; b. May 26, 1770; d. Aug. 9, 1853, at Cold Spring Harbor, L. I. ; m. Catharine, b. 1793 ; d. Nov. 20, 1829, dau. of Phil. J. Schuyler and his first wife, Sarah Rutsen, of Rhinebeck, N. Y. Both were interred in the Schuyler Cemetery at Rhine- beck, but removed in 1893 to the cemetery at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. Issue : -f-V. 8. Samuel, b. 1825; d. Aug. 11, 1892. +9. Mary Ann S., d. Feb. 6, 1890. -f-io. Catharine C, d. Nov. 4, 1893. + 11. Catharine, d. Aug. 9, 1853. 126 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND -{-12. Sarah. Cornelia (doubtful). He practiced law and during his father's lifetime was known as Saml. Jones, Jr. He resided in N. Y. City, and from 1809 to 1817 was Alderman. In was Corporation Counsel. He prepared the draft of the long statute relating to the City of N. Y. contained in the Revised Laws of 18 13. In 181 1 he was one of the original members of the Committee of Defense, appointed by the Common Council, which consisted of four Aldermen and three Assistant Aldermen. (Wilson's Memo. Hist. N. Y. 3, p. 239.) He was the last surviving member of the "Drone," a literary society founded in 1792. (See Francis "Old New York"), and also a member of the Kent Club. His mother's family (Herring) brought him into familiarity with the real estate of the city. The Kip family employed him in the partition and conveyancing of a farm on Kip's Bay. Be- fore the regular streets were laid out by law, the owners had laid out roads and lots, which were intersected and injured by the new streets. A great deal of conveyancing and law was the result, in which he had a large share. In 1812-1814 he was a Member of Assembly from N. Y. City, sitting during the principal part of the period of the 2d war with Great Britain, and generally sustaining De Witt Clinton and the war. In 1812 his brother William became a member, and in 1813 to 181 5 his brother Elbert H. was in the Senate. His wife's father was only a few years his elder, born in 1768 Mr. Schuyler married first Sarah Rutsen, connected with the De Witts, and 2d Phebe Carman, probably from the L. I. family. He was a son of Genl. Phil. Schuyler, and he became a member of Congress from Dutchess Co. in 1817-1818. These items may be sufficient to indicate the political position and standing of Mr. Jones. As a lawyer he had a general practice, and was counsel for several insurance companies (most of which were crippled by the war), and particularly for the United States Ins. Co., after his cousin, Walter R. Jones (IV. 30), was connected with it. This THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 127 compelled him to study maritime law, and many cases argued by him are scattered through the books. (See Johns Report 15, 523; 14, 22'j; 16, 128; 17, 23, etc.) His mother dying in 1821, he with his brothers became interested in the Herring farm, above Canal St., N. Y. City. In 1823-4, he was Recorder of N. Y. City, following the career of Judge Thos. Jones (HI. 3), and of his father. Judge Samuel Jones (HI. 8). On 24 June, 1825, he was nominated by Gov. De Witt Clinton, and confirmed by the Senate, as Chancellor of the State of N. Y. (the highest law office in the State) in the place of Nathan San- ford chosen as U. S. Senator, who had presided over the con- stitution that framed the new constitution of 182 1. Both were from L. I., and on no other occasion had the island filled such high places, both at once. The appointment of Mr. Jones was treated by many as ema- nating especially from the personal estimate of him by De Witt Clinton, who was sure of his knowledge, fairness, and industry, and no one denied his general competence. He was recognized as "very learned in the law." He had counselled patiently and examined the cases argued before him with great thoroughness. After writing an opinion he would hear a further argument, if an error was strongly urged, and be very ready to correct an error if he discovered one. His written opinions reviewed the disputed questions of law and fact in various aspects, answering objections, and perhaps with too great minuteness. As Chancellor Mr. Jones was a member of the Court for the correction of Errors to decide upon writs of error returned from the Supreme Court. He was near sixty years of age, the new limit appointed by the new constitution in hostility to his friends Kent and Spencer. He must have found the office laborious and more than any man could master. His patron, De Witt Clinton, who had been elected Governor in op- position to the party of the new constitution, died on 11 Feb.. 1828. The Lieut. Gov. was not unfriendly, and Mr. Jones re- signed the office of Chancellor in April, 1828, sitting three years, and took the office of Chief Justice of the Superior Court in the City of N. Y., a new court of common law, called local and in- ferior, to which the limited term of sixty years of age was held 128 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND not to apply, and he was succeeded in the office of Chancellor by Judge Walworth. Mr. Jones filled the office of Chief Justice of the Superior Court from the first organization in 1828 until by the new third constitution of 1846 judges were made elective, and the limited term of sixty years of age was changed. In 1848 he was elected Judge of the Supreme Court of the City of N. Y. for the short term, and held only for two years. He was then nearly seventy- seven years of age. About 1833 he entered into an arrangement with Jas. Lorimer Graham (then an active lawyer) for Mr. Graham to attend to all the work (and have about one-quarter), while the judgment of both would be consulted in purchasing city lots, relying upon the growth of the city for a rise of prices. They bought largely, and gave many mortgages, but the political warfare about cur- rency and fall of prices overtook them and they fell, mortgages were foreclosed, property lost, and no profits realized, and he met with disaster. He bore all courageously, he abandoned house and home and lived at boarding houses. He lost his library, but was permitted to use it, and, laboring until the last, went to his brother William's in the country to bear his illness. He lamented for his family, and was anxious at the very last to have a long report engrossed on opening a street in time to have his signature to it, so that the pay for it might be fully earned and his son might secure it. But all in vain. After all we are obliged to lament that his long life so worthily spent had so poor an appre- ciation of it by those he benefited. He attended the Church of the Annunciation in N. Y. City (Rev. Dr. Seabury) and became one of its wardens. He had decided religious opinions, but made little show of them. His family seemed to have acquired a strong religious disposition, but not in the line he favored or desired to lead them. (MSS. C. B. Moore.) At his death in 1853 a meeting of the New York Bar was held (Hon. Judge Duer presiding), and resolutions were passed eulo- gistic of his high public and private character. Quoting from one of these resolutions, "his profound learning, his astute dis- cernment, and great powers of endurance, his close reasoning, and skilful logic, placed him in the first rank of that Bar of which his honored parent was called 'the father.' He brought to the THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 125 Bench a vast professional experience, great learning, sound judg- ment, spotless integrity, and a pure love of justice. Before a Bench which reflected high honor upon our State, our late ven- erable brother maintained his high standing until 1826, when Gov. Clinton appointed him Chancellor of the State of N. Y. He per- formed the duties of this office with great dignity and firmness until 1828, when he was appointed Chief Justice of the Superior Court of N. Y. City. The duties of this important office at the head of the Court which had been more occupied with important questions of commercial law than any other tribunal in our coun- try, were discharged with unbending integrity, unsullied purity, and gentlemanly courtesy for a period of twenty years." (IV. 4) MAJOR WILLIAM JONES, son of Judge Samuel (III. 8) ; b. Oct. 4, 1771 ; d. at Cold Spring Harbor, L. I., Sept. 16, 1853; m. Oct. 4, 1790, Keziah, b. Feb. 12, 1773; d. May i, 1847, d^u- o^ Capt. Daniel Youngs, of Oyster Bay, L. I., and his wife Susanna, dau. of Timothy Kelsey, of Huntington, L. I. Is- sue : +V. 13. Samuel W., b. July 6, 1791 ; d. Dec. i, 1855. -t-i4. David W., b. May 3, 1793; d. July 6, 1877. -4-15. Cornelia H., b. April 22, 1796; d. Dec. 29, 1839. -f 16. Susan M., b. April 20, 1802. 17. Elbert W., b. July 17, 1803; d. Jan. 14, 1826; unm. -I-18. Eleanor T., b. May 7, 1805. -f-19. Hannah A., b. June 10, 1807; d. Sept. 18, 1852. 4- 20. Daniel Y., b. July 9. 1809. He was educated at the Academy in Oyster Bay, of which he later, in 1802, became one of its trustees. He was baptized in the New Dutch Church, N. Y. City, Elbert and Elizabeth Haring being his sponsors (his maternal grandparents) ; at an early age he was sent to live with Townsend Hewlett and his wife Martha, at Buckram, L. I. He was married by Rev. Andrew Fowler, of the Episcopal Church, at Oyster Bay, and settled at South Oyster Bay, residing there imtil 1793. when they removed to Cold Spring Harlx)r, where, in 1806, he built a large house on the westerly side of the Harbor at the foot of a beach called "Major Jones' Beach." In 1796, before his removal to Cold Spring Harbor, he was I30 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND appointed Captn. of a troop of horse formed from the Queens Co. Regt. commanded by Lieut. Col. Nathaniel Coles (see Council of Appointment, Vol. i, p. 326), and in 1807 (after his removal) he was appointed Major of a company of cavalry (Council of Appointment, Vol. i, p. 937). In 1814, the cavalry being trans- formed into horse artillery, he was appointed as Lieut. Col. of 2d Regt. of Horse of Queens Co. (Council of Appointment, Vol. 2, p. 1491.) In 18 1 5 he was elected to the Assembly by 1,057 votes as a Federalist, the Republican vote being about 750, and from 1816 to 1825 he was regularly re-elected (except in 1818, 1820 and 1822). In 1817 the previous members, Carman, Jones and Kis- sam, were elected without opposition. In that year an Agricultural Society was formed for Queens Co., which he favored, assisting on the Committee of Arrangements, In 1818 two of the old members of Assembly, Kissam and Carman, were elected from the other towns, and John A. King (son of Rufus, the U. S. Senator) was chosen from Jamaica as a new member. There were five towns in the county, and this probably was an alternation claimed by that town. In 1819 Wm. Jones, from Oyster Bay ; John A. King, from Jamaica, and Thos. Tredwell, from Hempstead, were elected by 752 votes over 483. In 1819 Mr. Jones was Vice Pres. of the Agricultural Society. In 1820 Kissam, Jones and Tredwell were defeated by John A. King, and others ; King, 972 and Jones, 866 votes. In 1821, Jones, Tredwell and Nostrand were elected; Jones, 1,378, and King, 1,018; a large vote, indicating a sharp contest. In 1822 (under the new constitution, two members for the county) there was much disaffection, and he was defeated ; Jones, 653 votes; for others 715 and 703. In 1823 he was elected with Tredwell by 669 and 616 votes, others having only 499 and 446. In 1824 he was elected by a larger vote, viz., 923 and 985, over 708 and 649. In 1825 he was again elected with the same associate by 965 and 895 votes over 767 and 723. He was not again a candidate ; the brother of his son-in-law, viz., Henry Floyd- Jones (5), became the representative of the family from the town of Oyster Bay. "He was noted for his fondness for thoroughbred horses, with THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 131 which his stables were well filled, which brought him in close as- sociation with turfmen of high and honorable repute." (Gen. of Youngs family.) His house was known as "an open house, where always was to be had good brandy and Holland Gin," and from his great love for horses it was commonly said of him "that next to his family he loved his horse." Directly in front of his house was the long, sandy beach that divides Cold Spring Harbor into two bodies of water. This beach, called Maj. Jones' Beach, is about half a mile in length, and was used by him as a training ground for his horses. His daughter Eleanor (who married William Sidney Smith) in her "Golden Wedding Mementos" of herself and husband, writes of him thus: "While a member of the State Legislature, Mr. Jones exhibited those marked traits of character for which he was so eminently distinguished and which rendered him one of the most popular and useful members of that body." His wife Keziah was a woman of strong religious principles, and inherited all of the estimable qualities of her mother and grandmother, the latter of whom was Hannah, dau. of Peter Un- derbill. Throughout her whole life she was devoted to the Church, and a mural tablet was erected to her memory in St. John's Prot. Epis. Church at Cold Spring Harbor, with the following inscription: Sacred to the memory of Keziah, wife of William Jones, a devoted communicant, and constant worshipper in this church. Born Feb. 12, 1773; died May i, 1847. In grateful remembrance of their mother this tablet is erected by her children. "Her strong religious principles and personal traits are strongly marked in her four daughters and their descendants, all of whom are Church members and, with few exceptions, com- municants. Of her daughters all were eminently qualified by inherent virtues and early training for wives and mothers ; all of them attained this state." ("Gen. of Youngs Family," by D. K, Youngs.) (IV. 5) ELBERT HARING JONES, son of Judge Samuel (HL 8) : b. Aug. 6, 1773 ; d. Sept. 5. 1854; m. Dec. 26, 1825, Mar- 132 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND gery Fleet Youngs, b. Sept. 2, 1808; d. Sept. 6, 1863, dau. of Samuel Youngs, of Oyster Bay, L. L, and his wife Hannah, dau. of John and Margery (Tobias) Fleet, of Oyster Bay, L. I. Issue: 4-V. 21. Elbert Haring, b. April 3, 1827 ; d. Nov. 2, 1862. -f-22. Susan Cornelia, b. Nov. 10, 1828; d. Mch. 17, 1852. 23. George Washington, b. Aug. 30, 1831 ; d. June 22, 1854 , at Havana, Cuba, of the yellow fever; unm. +24. Samuel Youngs, b. Aug. 4, 1832; d. June 22, 1858; unm, 25. Sarah Eliza, b. Oct. 15, 1834; d. Mch. 24, 1850; unm. 26. William E., b. July i, 1836; d. Dec. 6, 1884; unm. -\-27. Thomas E., b. Feb. 18, 1838. 28. John Jay, b. May 6, 1840 ; d. unm. Kept a store at Oyster Bay, I,. I. 29. Twin with John Jay, b. May 6, 1840; d. May 6. 1840. +30. Eleanor Turk, b. Mch. 19, 1842. 31. Frederick F., b. Feb. 9, 1844; twin. -I-32. Marianna F., b. Feb. 9, 1844 ; twin. -I-33. Samuel Seabury, b. June i, 1846. In May, 1812, he was a candidate for the State Senate as a Federalist and received in Queens Co. 791 votes, and Maj. Robert Moore, of Newtown, 153 votes as a Republican. From 1 8 12 to 181 5 he was a member of the State Senate, sup- porting De Witt Clinton. He resigned his seat in the Senate on 6 March, 181 5, on account of ill health. In June, 1821, he was elected a member of the convention to revise the State Constitution, Rufus King receiving 1,138 votes and he 814. He lived with his brother, William Jones, until his marriage in 1825. He was then 52 years of age, and removed to Oyster Bav Cove, where he settled upon lands formerly in the possession of Billop Seaman, whose granddaughter, Catharine Howard, mar- ried Tov/nsend Jones (VI. 80). (IV. 6) THOMAS JONES, son of Judge Samuel (III. 8) ; b. Aug. 6, 1773: d. Feb. i, 1852; m. ist, Mary, b. Nov. 6, 1784; THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 133 d. Nov. 24, 1801, dau. of Jacob S. Jackson (64), son of Obadiah, of Jerusalem, L. I. Issue : V. 34. Child, not named; b. Nov. 20, 1801 ; d. Nov. 21, 1801. M. 2d, Ruth, b. Sept. 2y, 1786; d. Jan. 11, 1807, dau. of Thomas Jackson, son of Samuel. Issue : +V. 35. Samuel Jackson, b. Dec. 8, 1803 ; d. June 27, 1873. 36. Infant. 37. Infant. M. 3d, Elizabeth, b. Feb. i, 1796; d. Nov. 17, 1868, the 2d dau. of Jacob S. Jackson (64) and sister of Mary, his first wife. Issue : +38. Jacob S. Jackson, b. Aug. 31, 181 1 ; d. March 5, 1894. +39- Cornelia Alma, b. Sept. 26, 1813; d. Nov. 6, 1891. -f-40. Mary Jackson, b. March 7, 1817; d. April 4. +41. Thomas William, b. March 21, 1821. -I-42. Phebe Elizabeth, b. May 9, 1823. Obadiah Jackson, b. 1730, d. 1802, was the eldest son of Justice John Jackson, son of the 2d Colonel John, who was a brother of Phebe, wife of William Jones (II. 7). He m. Almy, dau. of Jacob Seaman, and lived at Jerusalem South, near the old mill where his father lived. His brother Parmenas was murdered dur- ing the Rev. War. (See Thos. Jones Hist. N. Y., Vol. 2, p. 93.) By the death of an older brother this Jacob S. Jackson, b. 1763, became the only son and heir, and succeeded to his father's estate. He became a Major, in 1789, of one of the Queens Co. regiments (Council of Appointment, Vol. i, p. 169), and Brig. General in 1808 (ibid, Vol. II., p. 1019). His oldest son dying in , his two daus., who successively married this Thos. Jones, became his only heirs at law. Thomas Jones' pursuits were mainly agricultural and the rais- ing of cattle and horses. He had two cattle marks registered in Queens Co., Aug. 14, 1829. (IV. 7) JUDGE DAVID SAMUEL JONES, the sixth judge of the family, son of Judge Samuel (III. 8) ; b. Nov. 3, 1777; d. at South Oyster Bay, L. I., .May 10, 1848; m. ist, Nov. I, 1802, Margaret, d. 2j Jan. 1825, dau. of Dr. Thomas Jones, of 134 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND N. Y. City, and his wife — , b. 1782; d. July 2, 1855, dau. of Philip Livingston, "The Signer." Catharine Jones, sister of Mar- garet (above), m. Gov. De Witt Clinton as his 2d wife. Dr. Thomas Jones was of an entirely distinct family from the one we are tracing. Issue: -(-V. 43. Henry Philip, b. Aug. 9, 1803 ; d. March i, 1883. 44. Cornelia Catharine, b. June 24, 1805 ; d. 1817; unm. 45. Samuel, b. July i, 1807; d. July 27, 1808. 46. Ellinor, b. May 5, 1809 ; d. March 30, 1822 ; unm. 4-47. Philip Livingston, b. Sept. 24, 1812; d. Oct. 10, 1883. 48. Rensselaer Westerlo, b. April 30, 181 5; d. May 18, 1815. +49. William Alfred, b. June 26, 1817 ; d. May 6, 1900. 50. Clinton, b. Sept. 27, 1820 ; d. Aug. 2, 1822. 51. De Witt Clinton, b. Dec. 23, 1824; d. May 28, 1825. M. 2d, Feb. 13, 1827, Susan, d. May 25I, 1832, dau. of Her- man Le Roy, of N. Y. City, and his wife dau. of Hon. Samuel Cornwell, of Flushing, L. L, son of Samuel, of South Carolina. Issue : ~|-V. 52. Herman Le Roy, b. Oct. 23, 1827 ; d. Nov. 24, 1880. 53. Margaret Livingston, b. March 2, 1829; d. March 5, 1832. 54. Mary Le Roy, b. May 28, 183 1 ; d. April 27, 1880 ; unm. M. 3d, 1833, Mary, d. Aug. 19, 1872, dau. of Gov. De Witt Clinton and his first wife, Maria, dau. of Walter Franklin and his wife, Maria Bowne. Issue: +V. 55. De Witt Clinton, 2d., b. June 30, 1834. 56. John Jay, b. Nov. 10, 1835; d. Oct. 13, 1836. 57. David Thomas, b. March 13, 1837; d. March 21, 1837. -I-58. Walter Franklin, b. Feb. 16, 1840. 59. Julia Catharine, b. Sept. 6, 1842. 60. Florence Clinton, b. March 14, 1847 ; d. 189 — . Judge David S. Jones was a graduate of Columbia College, class of 1796. Soon after leaving he was appointed by Gov. Jay as his private secretary, which position he held for three years. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 135 He then returned to New York and was soon admitted to the Bar. From 1813 to 1816 he was Corporation Counsel of the City of New York ; 1833 to 1848, trustee of Columbia College ; 1840 to 1843, County Judge of Queens Co., L. I. In the quasi war with France he was First Lieut, in a vol- unteer Co., commanded by Peter A. Jay. (MSS. William Alfred Jones, his son.) Mr. Jones was a churchman and was at the time of his death senior warden of St. Saviour's Church, Maspeth, L. I., which church he greatly aided in organizing. From 1 82 1 to 1829 he was Lay Delegate from St. Mark's Church, N. Y. City, and in 1822 trustee of the General Theologi- cal Seminary. In 1836 he relinquished his practice in N. Y. and retired to his place at Massapequa, South Oyster Bay, L. I., where he erected a handsome residence, but owing to financial troubles was forced to give up his property and return to the Bar. The last five years of his life were spent at his residence at Maspeth, L. I. (the former country seat of De Witt Clinton). His remains were interred in St. Mark's Church Yard Vault, at that place. Chief Justice Duer speaking of him said, "He had few su- periors in our profession," and further adds, "as one of the oldest of his friends, no one had a deeper sense of thjs responsibility which the relation of lawyer and client creates — none more faith- ful in discharging the duties which the relation imposes." (IV. 10) SAMUEL JONES, son of William (III. 9) ; b. 9 of 3 mo., 1765; d. 19 of 5 mo., 1836; m. first. May 9, 1785, Eliz- abeth, b. March 15, 1771 ; d. Dec. 28, 1816, dau. of John Hewlett, and his wife Sarah Townsend, and sister of Hannah Hewlett, who m. John Jones (III. 12). No issue. M. 2d, March 24, 1825. Abigail, b. Oct. 15, 1792; d. i of 9 mo., 1866, dau. of Townsend Willis, of Jericho, by whom he had no issue. She survived her husband and m. Robert Seaman, b. T79T. d. 1870. of Jericho, L. T.. as his 2d wife. THE MARRIAGE CERTIFICATE. Samuel Jones, of Jericho, Town of Oyster Bay, County of Queens and State of New York, son of William Jones and Mary. 136 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND his wife, deceased, and Abigail Willis, daughter of Townsend Willis and Hannah, his wife, of Cedar Swamp, town, county and state aforesaid, having laid their intentions of marriage with each other before two Monthly Meetings of the Religious Society of Friends held at Westbury in the county and state above said, they having consent of Surviving parents and nothing appearing to obstruct, their proposal of marriage was allowed by the Meet- ing: These are to certify that for the accomplishment of their intention this twenty-fourth day of the third month in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty-five they the said Samuel Jones and Abigail Willis appeared in a public Meet- ing of the Said Society held at Matinecock, and the said Samuel Jones taking the said Abigail Willis by the hand did on this Sol- emn occasion declare that he took her to be his wife, promising through Divine assistance to be unto her a faithful and affectionate husband until separated by death ; or words to that effect : And the said Abigail Willis did in like manner declare that she took the Said Samuel Jones to be her husband, promising through Divine assistance to be unto him a faithful and affectionate wife until separated by death, or words to that import; and they the said Samuel Jones and Abigail Willis, she according to the custom of marriage assuming the name of her husband, as a further con- summation thereof did then and there to these present set their hands — And we being present have subscribed our names as Witnesses Thereof, SAMUEL JONES, ABIGAIL JONES. Elias Hicks, Isaac Downing, Phebe Rushmore, George Townsend, Silas Valentine, Charles Latting, Obadiah Willets, Roland R. Willets, Mary Robbins, Joseph L. Townsend, Joseph Hicks, William Hicks, Sarah R. Seaman, Elizabeth Hicks, Mary Thorne, Harmot C. Willis, Henry Coles, Margaret Simonson, John Weeks, Richard LTnderhill, Samuel Weeks, Pamelia Underbill, Abigail Townsend, David Cock, THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 137 Sarah T. Jackson, Sarah T. Underhill, CaroUne Hicks, Mary Wood, Ehzabeth VV. Jackson, Mary T. Hicks, Amy Kirby, Alfred Underhill, Phebe T. Rushmore, Mary T. Jones, Elizabeth H. Jones, Oliver H. Jones, Phebe Jones, Jacob B. Willis, William M. Willis, John J. Hewlett, Mary J. Hewlett, Hannah Willis, Sarah W. Simonson, Obadiah Jackson, Thomas Jones, Joshua T. Jones, Eliza A. Hewlett, Martha R. Wicks. Charles H. Jones, Betsey J, Franklin, Stephen Rushmore, Mr. Jones became a lar^e land owner, some of which prob- ably included the homestead of his father, whereon he resided, a little south of the village of Syosset. He left a remarkable will (Liber i, p. 213, Queens Co.) cre- ating the "Jones Fund," for the support of the poor in the towns of Oyster Bay and North Hempstead, for which purpose he be- queathed the sum of $30,000, to be put in charge of five trustees, who were to be appointed by the Legislature and to be known as the "Trustees of the Jones Fund," the income of which sum he directed to be used for the support of the said poor, who were to be kept in some suitable place where they may be engaged in some manual employment. Other small legacies were given to friends. To his wife he gave $175 yearly during widowhood, and in case of her remarriage she was to receive only $50 yearly for life. The probate of his will in 1836 was objected to by his widow, on the ground that he was not of sound mind, but proof was allowed by the Surrogate. In pursuance of this bequest the Legislature in 1838 passed an act naming three of the inhabitants of the town of Oyster Bay, and two of the town of North Hempstead as such trustees, to hold for two years, whose successors were to be chosen by the inhabitants of said towns at their annual meetings. This "Fund" was later augmented by a bequest from Walter R. Jones of $5,000. (IV. II) TOWNSEND JONES, son of William (III. 9) > b. July 5, 1769; d. Aug. 26, 1818; m. Phebe, b. Feb. 23, 1774; d. 138 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND June 8, 1841, dau. of Capt. Charles Hewlett, and a sister of Capt. John Hewlett. No issue. Will prob. Sept. 25, 1818, calling himself of Flushing. Legacy to wife of iioo in furniture, and £700 in provisions, and use of his house, and right to get five loads of salt hay yearly. Also the right to keep poultry for her use during widowhood. Remainder of est. to his brother Samuel, he paying my wife Phebe $60 year- ly, etc. (IV. 12) THOMAS JONES, son of Thomas (HI. 10) ; d. near Albany, N. Y., ae about 74 years ; m. Huyder (or Huy- den). Issue: V. 61. David. 62. Mary Ann, d. unm. 63. Cornelia, m. Eaton. 64. A daughter. He was a merchant in Albany. His wife survived him and lived with her two sisters and brother, near Albany. (IV. 13) DAVID JONES, son of Thomas (III. 10) ; named in the will of his gr. father, David Jones (II.—), m 1771, and given land at South Oyster Bay, L. I. Went to Orange Co. with his father. Studied law with Samuel Jones in N. Y.. and died at age of 30 years, being hurt by the upsetting of a carriage. (IV. 14) WILLIAM JONES, son of Thomas (IIL 10). Issue : V. 65. A daughter. (IV. 15) ANNA JONES, dau. of Thomas (III. 10) ; m. Ed- ward Hallock; b. 22 of 4 mo., 1754; m. as his 2d wife, a son of Edward and his wife, Phebe Clapp. (See Bunker's L. I. Gen.) Issue : Arabella. Mary. Ann. Susan. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 139 They lived near Pleasant Valley. Ed. Hallock's first wife was Susanna Smith. (IV. 16) ARABELLA JONES, dau. of Thomas (III. 10) ; m. Joseph Barney. (IV. 17) PHEBE JONES, dau. of Thomas (III. 10) ; m. Henry Hombeck, M. D., of Montgomery, Orange Co., N. Y. Issue : Henry. Lived in Phillipsburg, Orange Co. ; m. Phillips. (IV. 18) MARY JONES, dau. of Thomas (III. 10) ; m. James Halliday. Issue: A daughter. (IV. 19) CORNELIA JONES, dau. of Thomas (III. 10) ; m. Jonathan Thorne. They lived in the town of Cornell, Orange Co. Issue: Mary J,, m. James Isaacs. Phebe Jane, m. Wm. P. Roach. Anna Eliza, m. Wm. Caldwell. Jonathan J, Jonathan Thorne was born in Westchester Co. and settled with his family near Orange Lake (the west side). He had a brother. After his wife's death he m. 2d, Charity C. Ryder, dau. of King Ryder, by whom he had a dau. named . They lived in the town of Cornwall, 6j^ miles south of Newburg. Cornelia Jones moved from Orange Co. to Warwasing, Ulster Co. Had a farm there and died six years after removal. Her husband moved back to Monroe, Orange Co., and lived there twelve years, and thence to Cornwall, where he lived upon a place his 2d wife's father gave him. (MSS. C. H. Jones.) (IV. 21) GILBERT JONES, son of Gilbert (III. 11) ; m. Hannah, dau. of . Settled in Orange Co. and in 1816 was living in Carmel, Putnam Co. Issue: I40 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND V. 66. Elizabeth, named in 1822 in will of her aunt, Elizabeth Jones (IV. 24). In 1816, May i, he with his sisters, Elizabeth Jones and Mary Hull (the two latter under date Aug. 19, 1816), gave a power of atty. to Walter Jones (III. 13) to sell their rights in meadow land at Jones Creek, L. I. (Liber 69, p. 331 and 355, Queens Co.) (IV. 22) HANNAH JONES, dau. of Gilbert (HI. 11) ; m. David Woodruflf, of Montgomery, Orange Co, Issue : A daughter. (IV. 23) MARY JONES, dau. of Gilbert (HI. n); m. Hull, of Newburg, Orange Co. (IV. 24) ELIZABETH JONES, dau. of Gilbert (III. 11) ; d. 5 of 10 mo., 1824. Not married ; lived and died in Newburg. Orange Co. Will Oct. i, 1822, prob. June 5, 1824. (Liber G, p. 215, Orange Co.) To Elizabeth Jones, my brother's daughter, I give my best bed and silver when she arrives at age of 18 years; to Abigail Jones, daughter of Walter Jones, of Long Island, my gold beads. To Phebe Hombeck, Merinda Wood and Esther Young, small legacies. To my sister, Mary Hull, the remainder of my estate. Two years' interest of the money she has at her death she directs to be used in purchasing a library for the benefit of persons who are deprived of attending Christian worship, the books to be marked with my name, and put in the dwelling of my sister Mary, etc., and to remain in her care for her life, and after to be under the care and direction of the New Jerusalem Church. Executors, Solomon Thorne, of Newburg, and Henry I. Hornbeck, of Montgomery, Orange Co. Witnesses, Jonathan Thorne, John T. Birdsall and Simeon Wood. (IV. 25) WILLIAM H. JONES, son of John (HI. 12) ; b. Aug. 13, 1780; d. July 7, 1863; m. Feb. 11, 1798, Elizabeth, b. Sept. 8, 1780; d. Nov. 12, 1864, dau. of Isaac Hewlett and Rhoda Van Wyck, his wife. Issue: -f-V. 67. Oliver H., b. Feb. 11, 1801 ; d. Dec. 16, 1870. 68. Eliza, b. March 29, 1804; d. July 2, 1805. +69. Isaac H., b. Oct. 6, 1805; d. Oct. 13, 1887; unm. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 141 70. Hannah Anne, b. June 11, 1807; d. May i, 1812. 71. Martha, b. Feb. 16, 1809; d. May 2, 1865; wnm- ^2. Henry J., b. April 11, 1810; d. Feb. 22, 1865; unm. -^-y}). EHzabeth, b. Aug. 11, 1813; d. Dec. 9, 1893. +74. Hannah, b. June 16, 1816; d. Feb. 9, 1904. +75. Samuel W., b. Nov. 5, 1818; d. Feb. 8, 1878. +76. Walter R., b. May 7, 1821 ; d. Dec. 28, 1884. jj. Arabella S., b. Dec. 29, 1824 ; d. July 26, 1845 ; unm. Lived on his farm at East Woods (Syosset) that was conveyed to him by his parents on May 6, 1799 (before he was of age). He became interested in the management of the mills at Cold Spring Harbor with his father and others, and with Divine Hewlett opened a store in New York for the purpose of selling flour made in the mills; see under John Jones (HI. 12). In 1828 he was elected Justice of the Peace in Queens Co. (IV. 2y) JOHN H. JONES, son of John (III. 12) ; b. May 18, 1785; d. Dec. 20, 1859; m. Oct. 6, 1810, Loretta, b. June 25, 1791; d. Feb. 2y, 1838; dau. of Judge Divine Hewlett and his wife Anne, dau. of Jacob Coles. Issue : -|-V. 78. Frances Maria, b. Oct. 7, 181 1 ; d. May 28, 1891. +79. John Divine, b. Aug. 15, 1814; d. Sept. 22, 1895. +80. Helen, b. Feb. 23, 1817. -|-8i. Samuel A., b. June 20, 1819; d. Oct. 4, 1901. +82. Townsend, b. Oct. 28, 182 1 ; d. Dec. 21, 1891. +83. William Edward, b. April 9, 1824; d. Jan. 20, 1890. -1-84. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Jan. 16. 1827 ; d. Mch. 19, 1853. +85. Walter R. T., b. Feb. 20, 1830; d. March 26, 1906. 86. Anne Josephine, b. Oct. 3, 1833 ; d. Aug. 18, 1838. He was named for his grandfather, John Hewlett, and when a boy went to live with him in his old age and assist in taking care of him, but returned to Cold Spring Harbor before the death of the aged man. In 1804 Mr. Jones' father-in-law, Judge Divine Hewlett, con- veyed to Mr. Jones' father two small pieces of land just north of the grist mill on Cold Spring Harbor, and on the west side of the highway on which were afterwards built the first dwelling house and store of John H. Jones. 142 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND On June lo, 1807, Mr. Jones received from his father a deed for these two pieces of land, including also land on the west side of Cold Spring Harbor which his father had received from David Jones (III. 7). The store became the place of his first business enterprise and the centre of a widespread business, embracing a large whaling industry and grist and woolen mills. The grist mill first mentioned was built in 1809. He enlarged and improved the house on the west side of the Harbor (which had been built by his uncle, David Jones (HI. 7)), and removing there made it his home for the rest of his life, building around it at different dates houses, factories and shops, and improving the place, which was much dilapidated. The title to that portion of the David Jones (HI. 7) purchase (about ten acres), on which stood the old house of John H. Jones, is interesting. On 2d July, 18 10, he received from his father and mother a deed for one-half of the Lower Mills, north of the Lower Mill Dam, with the canal down to the Harbor, and the grist mill and its site, and one-half of the Cooper's Shop, land, shore and Harbor as conveyed in 1791 and 1794 to his father, and to Isaac and Divine Hewlett, in equal thirds. (Liber D, p. 316, Suffolk Co., May, 1814.) (MSS. C. B. Moore.) On 20 Oct., 1819, a deed was executed by Wm. M. Hewlett to John H. Jones and Walter R. Jones (his brother) to give them color of title, for the site of the Lower Factory building just west of the house of John H. Jones, extending westerly one hundred and eighty feet on the highway (one-quarter to Walter R. Jones) ; this, it is understood, was before the death of their father. (MSS. C. B. Moore.) In 1820 he and his brother, Walter R., having erected build- ings and obtained machinery, commenced the prosecution of the Woolen Factory. Their advertisement may be deemed of inter- est, viz. : Cold Spring Harbor Woolen Factory. Wool will be received and manufactured into Broadcloth, Ker- seymeres, Satinets, Flannels, Blankets and Carpetings. Cloth will be given in exchange for wool. Fulling, dressing and coloring cloth at any season of the year. Extra machines having been put into operation for the purpose of carding only, it can be done with dispatch, and in the best manner. Persons in haste by taking their wool to the factory can have it carded immediately. Wool for manufacturing and carding, and cloth for dressing will be received and forwarded by Jacob Smith at the turnpike I THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 143 gate, Brooklj-n ; Skidmore Hendrickson, on the Plains ; David Seely, at the Court House, Long Island, or by Wm. R. Hitchcock & Co., corner of Peck Slip and South St., N. Y. John H. and Walter R. Jones. Cold Spring, 29 May, 1820. In Oct., 1 82 1, they exhibited their manufactures at a fair held in N. Y. City, and were awarded premiums for cassimeres, cloths, and blankets, and in 1823 for flannels and blankets. The woolen mills were kept running until the death of Walter R. Jones in 1855, but business dwindled until in later years the coarse flannels and thick cloth (which were used by the whale men of that place) became the principal productions. In 1823 Isaac Hewlett and wife conveyed to John H. Jones one-sixth of four pieces of land, comprising the Upper Factory, with machinery and fixtures in the mill, and Woolen Factory (3^ was conveyed by Mr. Hewlett to Walter R. Jones, and yi to Wm. H. Jones). In 1825, Jan. 12, Wm. H. Jones conveyed to John H. Jones Ye of the four pieces comprising the Upper Factory property, and John H. conveyed to Walter R. Jones 1-12 of the Lower Factory property. On 1827, Mch. 10, Mr. Jones and his brother Walter R. applied to the Legislature to incorporate the Cold Spring Steam Boat Company. They had to buy or hire land and build a dock in the lower Harbor. The steamboat American Eagle (Capt. Peck), made daily trips from there to New York. In July, 1827, he was secretary of a meeting held at the Court House of "Friends of the American System," so-called, favoring a protective tariff, and was appointed delegate to a State Con- vention held in Albany. The tariff failing to protect manufact- urers he turned his attention to the whaling business (an incor- porated Co.), of which he was the managing agent. This for a while was a profitable business, but a scarcity of whales, the loss of several ships and the outbreak of the Civil War caused a dissolution of the company. Mr. Jones was always a leading spirit in his native place, and during the last years of his life was actively engaged in building an extension of the Long Island Railroad from Hicksville to Syosset. Regarding this Mr. C. B. Moore tells us: "The L. I. R. R. Co. (incorporated in 1832) consumed its stock and all the money it 144 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND could borrow in getting as far as Hicksville, and then, turning, took a route through the middle of the island via Farmingdale to Greenport. "It forfeited stock not paid for, and gave its bonds to contract- ors in such a way that its apparent cost to stockholders was over $50,000 a mile from Jamaica to Hicksville, and over $30,000 a mile from Hicksville to Greenport. It needed branches, and had power to build them, but had neither money nor credit sufficient. It was deemed important to show that the cost in money need not be so great, and also desirable to approach Cold Spring much nearer with the road. So he (Mr. Jones) and his sons and his brother Walter, and some friends, obtaining a charter of the Hicksville and Cold Spring Branch R. R. Co., chose him its pres- ident and built a branch from Hicksville to Syosset (four miles) at a cost of less than $11,000 a mile, under an agreement with the L. I. R. R. Co. to run their cars on the road and to pay seven per cent, interest on the cost, and the taxes imposed on the road, being allowed to superintend the building and permitted to pur- chase the road at cost when they choose. "It was successful and much increased the number of passen- gers. It was used about ten years, when the L. I. R. R. Co. wanted it built further east, and Mr. Jones had his hopes strongly enlisted. The work of extension was commenced under his su- perintendence, but he died and war prices occurred, and about 1863, after his death, the L. I. R. R. Co. professed to elect to purchase and pay the cost in greenbacks (then worth much less than the money by which the branch road had been built) ; when this was ready to be accepted and deed executed the L. I. R. R- Co. made objections and tried to keep the road without paying either the purchase money or the rent for its use. Oliver Charlick was then the Co.'s president, but after a sharp litigation (Horace F. Clark assisting Charlick) this plan failed, and its officers paid principal and interest and costs, and, building a continuance of the branch road less convenient for Cold Spring, borrowing funds by bonds payable ahead when money would be more valuable, it suc- ceeded in making a much more costly road and in crowding aside from public view the injustice committed." (MSS. C. B. Moore.) Mr. Jones' early education was derived in the public schools near his home, and was eminently a self-made man. He was a THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 145 churchman and warden of St. John's Epis. Church at Cold Spring Harbor from its organization in 1835 until his death in 1859. He made his will Aug. 15, 1851, and on 31 Oct., 1857, he added a codicil. His will was in favor of his children. Prob. Jan. 23, i860, Queens Co. (IV. 28) SARAH H. JONES, dau. of John (HI. 12) ; b. 22 July, 1787; d. July 26, 1871. She did not marry, and lived at home. As her parents grew infirm (and her brothers had left home) she became the active head of the family. She was a woman of great mental activity and was familiarly known as "Lawyer Sarah." In 185 1 her brother Walter R. made her one of his executors. She left a long and curious will, generally in favor of her younger brother Charles H., and her sister Phebe, who had lived at home with her. (Prob. Nov. 3, 1871, Queens Co.) (IV. 29) MAkY TOWNSEND JONES, dau. of John (III. 12) ; b. June 4, 1790, d. Oct. 12, 1858. She never married, and when young went to live with her cousin, Samuel Jones (IV. 10), and remained there until his death. She had some legacies by his will. Her religious calling was that of the Friends. Will prob. Dec. 13, 1858. (IV. 30) WALTER RESTORED JONES, son of John (III. 12); b. April 15, 1793; d. April 7, 1855. Mr. Jones never married ; his middle name of "Restored" was added to his original Christian name at the request of his mother. His eldest brother Walter having been killed in an accident, it was her wish to pre- serve the name, hence the epithet "Restored." When only eleven years old his elder brother, Wm. H. Jones, employed him in his flour business in N. Y. City. While here he devoted all his spare time to school and studies. The embargo of 1807 destroyed the business, and his gr. father, John Hewlett, sent him to Fresh Meadows, where he stayed for a short time. He later became associated with his brother, John H., in the general store business at Cold Spring Harbor, and in 1820 in the man- agement of the woolen factory (see advt. under John H. (IV. 27)). He kept an interest in the latter during his life, and in several of the enterprises conducted by John H. Jones (IV. 27). 10 146 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND In 1809 he returned to New York and became a clerk in the United States Insurance Co., favored by his cousin, John Jackson Jones (IV. 35), which situation he held until the losses by the French decrees against commerce and the subsequent war with England injured the marine insurance business. This company was one of the first if not the first marine insurance company in this country, and in it Mr. Jones laid the foundation for his later high standing in marine insurance. In 1816 he was appointed Secy, of the Co., but its diminished capital induced the directors to close the business. In 1817 a new company was formed called the Pacific Ins. Co., of which Mr. Sands was Vice Prest. and John Jackson Jones Secy. Mr. Jones became a clerk in that company, and later they being promoted he became secretary, which office he held until 1824. During that year he became connected with the Niagara Ins. Co. (then incorporated) and soon with the first Atlantic In- surance Co. (chartered in 1824) as Vice Prest., of which Arch- ibald Gracie was Prest., holding until 1828, when its capital was divided and paid off and a new company was chartered. From 1829 to 1842 Mr. Jones was Vice Prest. of the second Atlantic Insurance Co., with Josiah L. Hale as Prest. Mr. Hale had procured a majority of the stock to be subscribed in Boston on account of the difficulty of obtaining subscriptions in New York in consequence of the large losses of marine insurance com- panies ; the new company was a very successful one. It did a large business on a small capital, and its dividends of profits were large. Its most successful competitors were mutual companies. The great fire of 1835 demonstrated that it needed a larger capi- tal for safety. On nth April, 1842, a charter was obtained from the Legis- lature for a mutual Co., and in May following the Atlantic Mutual Insurance Co. was organized and it was resolved to transfer the business to that company, of which Walter R. Jones was elected Prest. and Mr. Hale, Vice Prest., and in 1843 John D. Jones (V. 79) became Secretary. In 1849 Mr. Hale retiring, John D. Jones was elected Vice Prest. This company became one of the largest insurance com- panies in the world, and Walter R. Jones remained at its head until his death in 1858. The great success which had attended the company's work on the mutual plan was largely attained by the THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 147 judicious management of its president. It may be stated here that from 1844 to 1854 an actual dividend of 35% had been de- clared annually by this company. Mr. Jones was one of the incorporators of the "Life Saving Benevolent Association of N. Y.," incorporated under an Act of Legislature passed March 26, 1849, ^^^ it is principally owing to his labor and zeal that this institution was formulated. He was chosen its first Prest. and John D. Jones its Secy. At the time of his death he also held the following offices : Prest. of Board of Directors of the American Exchange Bank, which office he held for ten years; director of the Leather Manu- facturers' Bank ; director of the Screw Dock Company ; member of the Chamber of Commerce ; director of the N. Y. Life and Fire Insurance Co. ; president of the Board of Underwriters. In 1850 he received a deed for six acres of land near the old homestead of his father, on which he commenced the erection of a large mansion house that was barely completed when his death occurred. The mansion later became the residence of Charles H. Jones (IV. 34). On 22 Nov.. 1853, a complimentary dinner was given Mr. Jones by the trustees of the Atlantic Mutual Ins. Co. and other merchants of N. Y. City. It was held in the Astor House, and a handsome silver dinner service was presented him. Toasts and speeches were made which were published in the papers of the day. and an account published in the U. S. Insurance Gazette, Vol. I, No. II, June, 1855. At this dinner there were present all of the directors of the Co. and many other distinguished persons. The then directors were: Walter R. Jones, Josiah L. Hale, Thos. Tileston, Henry Coit, E. D. Hurlburt, Wm. S. Wetmore, Elisha Riggs, Leroy M. Wiley, Henry W. Hicks, Danl. S. Miller, S. T. Nicoll, Jos. Gaillard, Jr., Robt. C. Cxoodhue. Augustine Averill, John D. Jones, Lovell Holbrook, Benj. ^'. Nash, P. A. Hargous. Lewis Curtis, J. H. Bugy, Jas. Brice, Cornelius Grin- nell, David Lane, Joshua J. Henry, W^m. E. Dodge, Hamilton McCall. E. H. Gillian, M. Cans, Wm. C. Pickersgill, Ramsay Crooks, Caleb Rarstow, A. P. Pillot. L. S. Suarez, Wm. Sturges, Jr.. Henry K. Bogart, A. A. Low, Dennis Perkins, Mortimer Liv- ingston, and Wm. Wood. Thos. Tileston acted as Prest.. and Henry Coit, Ramsay Crooks, J. J. Henry, Jas. Brice and Wm. E. Dodge, Vice Prests. 148 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND On the left of the Prest. sat Mr. Jones ; on his right the Rev. Mr. Osgood ; elsewhere sat Hon, F. B. Cutting, ex-Mayor Kingsland and others. On a table parallel with this one was arranged the presenta- tion plate, consisting of the following articles, viz. : Eight large dishes, four vegetable dishes with covers, two gravy tureens, two large salvers, six covers for dishes, two large pitchers, one large waiter, two large soup tureens, and one magnificent epergne with branching candelabra, the base surmounted by a cover worked in imitation of a sea shell, upon which stood a figure of Neptune with his trident, all except the epergne bearing the inscription: TO WALTER R. JONES FROM THE TRUSTEES OF THE ATLANTIC MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. 1853. On 26 July, 185 1, he made his will, appointing his brother, Charles H. Jones, and his three sisters as executors. He gave legacies to the amount of $150,000, and life interests to five of his brothers and sisters, with remainders to the children of his brother Charles H., and sister Elizabeth. He left also a legacy of $1,000 to St. John's Prot. Epis. Church, at Cold Spring Harbor, and another of $t,ooo to the trustees of a school to be erected within 100 rods of the said church. To the Trustees of the "Jo^^s Fund" as founded by Samuel Jones, he gave $5,000. He died April 7, 1855, and his funeral service was held in Trinity Church, N. Y. City, the Rev. Drs. Higbee, Seabury and Hale, Prest. of Geneva College, officiating. His remains were deposited in the family vault at Cold Spring Harbor, toward the erection of which he bequeathed the sum of $500. (IV. 31) PHEBE JACKSON JONES, dau. of John (HI. 12) ; b. Dec. 13, 1795; d. Jan. 3, 1873; m. Mch. 20, 1839, Charles Hewlett, b. Aug. 13, 1801 ; d. Oct. 9, 1874, son of John, of East Woods, L. I. No issue. She became possessed of the old house of John Hewlett, at Inscription on monument on ivesi side of St. John's Church, Cold Spring Harbor, L. I. WALTER RESTORED JONES SON OF JOHN AND HANNAH JONES DIED APRIL 7 A. D. 1855 IN HIS 62'' YEAR DEPOSITED IN THE FAMILY VAULT. AS MANAGING PRESIDENT OF THE ATLANTIC MUTUAL INSURANCE CO. OF N. V. FROM 1828 UNTIL HIS DEATH HE GREATLY SERVED THE COMMERCE OF HIS COUNTRY. BY HIS WISDOM AND UPRIGHTNESS THE KINDNESS OF HIS HEART AND THE VIGOR OF HIS CHARACTER HE ADORNED AN EMINENT PRIVATE POSITION OF A LIFE WITHOUT REPROACH. ACTIVE IN PRACTICAL BENEVOLENCE HE DREW TO HIMSELF EVERY MARK OF PUBLIC AND PRIVATE ESTEEM. B\ HIS DEATH HE LEFT A NAME WHICH OUGHT NOT TO BK. FORGOTTEN HE THAT WALKETH UPRIGHTLY WALKETH SURELY CI ?,=^'f .riMiA Y TtMA riso'i.-^n J ^i IV. H '(■ .' i/oq-1 'TA,?P THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 149 East Woods (Syosset), and preserved it, but she and her husband lived with her brother, Charles H. Jones. (IV. 32) ELIZABETH JONES, dau. of John (III. 12); b. Dec. 9, 1798; d. Jan. 13, 1869; m. Dec. 31, 1828, Jacob C. Hewlett, b. Sept. 23, 1800; d. Dec. 28, 1879, son of Judge Divine. Issue: Mary Elizabeth, b. July 2, 1831 ; m. Townsend Jones (V. 82). John Divine, b. Feb. 3, 1834. Sarah E., b. July 6, 1836; m. Wm. E. Jones (V. 83). Walter R., b. Sept. 30, 1839. Phebe Jones, b. Feb. 18, 1842; d. March 27, 1870. (See under Hewlett family.) Jacob C. Hewlett resided at Cold Spring Harbor on a farm which his father had conveyed to him. He deeded to his wife a lot on this farm on which she built a house, and which by will she gave to her son, John Divine Hewlett. He held several public offices and for several years was Sur- veyor of the Port of that place under a special statute passed to favor the whaling industry established there. (IV. 33) JOSHUA T. JONES, son of John (III. 12) ; b. July 10, 1801 ; d. Sept. 14, 1854. Never married. In was interested with John H. Jones (his brother) in the management of a general store at Cold Spring Harbor under the name of J. T. Jones & Co. Shortly after this he obtained considerable property at Haverstraw, on the Hudson River, where he conducted large brick yards, but later becoming financially em- barrassed sold out his interest to his brother, Charles H. Jones. (IV. 34) CHARLES HEWLETT JONES, son of John (III. 12) ; b. Nov. 6, 1804; d. Jan. 23, 1882; m. July 12, 1838, Elizabeth Gracie, b. Oct. 13, 1815; d. Sept. 26, 1871, dau. of Jon- athan Gardiner, of Eaton's Neck, L. I., and his wife, Fanny Ry- sam Peck, b. 1792; d. April 12, 1849, ^^^- of Jabez Peck and his wife, Nancy Rysam. Issue: V. 87. John Gardiner, b. June 22, 1839; d. March 10, 1873; unm. ISO THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 88. Fanny Hannah, b. April i8, 1842 ; d. Aug. 27, 1871 ; unm. 89. Phebe Jackson, b. Aug. 20, 1845; d. July 8, 1870; unm. +90. Mary Elizabeth, b. July 5, 1854; m. Oliver L. Jones (VI. 65). Mr. Jones, the youngest of the ten children of John Jones (III. 12), was born at Cold Spring Harbor in the house built there by his father in 1783-4. The house, still (1900) well pre- served, stands on the easterly side of the highway and near the one built by Walter Jones (III. 13) on the westerly side of the highway in 18 10. His early education was obtained at the public schools of his native place. His two elder brothers, Wm. H. and John H., hav- ing settled in their respective homes on lands given them by their father, he remained at home with his parents, and at his father's death in 1819 succeeded to the old homestead. This was the nucleus of what later became, under his care, the largest agri- cultural interest in the possession of any one person in that part of L. I. During his younger days he greatly aided his father in his agricultural pursuits, and later was interested with him in his woolen and flouring mills at that place. On the death of his uncle, Walter R. Jones (IV. 30), he fell heir to the large mansion he (Walter R. Jones) had just com- pleted in 1855, very near the old home of John Jones (III. 12), and shortly after removed there with his family, and in it he died, having survived all of his children excepting his daughter, Mary E., who became the wife of Dr. Oliver L. Jones (VI. 65). His new home has since been known as "Jones Manor House." On the death of Mr. Jones' only son, John G., without issue, his descendants in the male line became extinct, but through his daughter, Mary E. (who married as above stated), the male line was restored. In later life Mr. Jones owned and conducted large brick yards at Cold Spring Harbor, and also at Haverstraw, the latter of which he purchased of his brother, Joshua T. In 1870 he was elected Prest. of the Queens Co. Agricultural THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 151 Soc, a position of honor, to which he was re-elected for several years. As a churchman he was devout and sincere. In the organiza- tion of St. John's Church, of his native place, in 1835, he bore a prominent part, and from that time until his death he was its senior warden, a period of forty-seven years. He was a man of great firmness of character and deliberation, and commanded the respect of all who knew him. His varied business interests brought him in close touch with the leading men of his day, and also afforded employment to a large number of laboring men, whose friend, it can be truly said, he was. "His hospitality to the poor was unbounded, and no applicant, either for charity or work, who was in any way deserving was ever turned away unaided." (IV. 35) JOHN JACKSON JONES, son of Major Walter (HI. 13); b. Sept. 6, 1785; d. Oct. 12, 1824. He never married. A curious certificate now in possession of the family recites that "he first entered school March ye 28th, A. D., 1790, being then but four years, seven months, and nine days old." He was sent to New York at an early age and became a clerk in the Pacific Insurance Co. His advancement there was rapid, becoming its Secy, in 1823, and in the year following its Vice Prest. Mr. Jones was the first one of the Jones family to engage in the insurance business, and it was through his influence that his cousin, Walter R. Jones (IV. 30), was introduced into the ofiice of the United States Ins. Co. as a clerk. He greatly aided his father in keeping up the old homestead and perhaps advanced him money for that purpose. On 7 Feb., 1820, he received a deed from his father for the farm and homestead at Cold Spring Harbor, and in 1822 con- veved the same to his four sisters. (See under Walter Jones (III. 13)). (IV. 38) PHEBE JONES, dau. of Major Walter (III. 13) ; b. April 27, 1791 ; d. 1858; m. Augustus Hammett, son of Jona- than and his wife, Mehitable Woodward, of Brooklyn, L. I. Au- gustus Hammett had been previously married and had a son, Samuel. Issue by second wife : 152 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND Augustus Jones Hammett, b. March 30, 183 1 ; d. June 8, 1898; m. April 13, 1852, Lucy, b. Dec. 4, 1832, dau. of John Westcott, of Almeyville, Conn., and had a dau. Clara Jones Hammett, b. Oct. 9, 1857; m. Feb. 17, 1887, Frank- lin D. Fuller, son of Jos. B. Fuller, M. D., of Norwich, Conn. (IV. 39) ABIGAIL JONES, dau. of Major Walter (III. 13) ; b. July 12, 1793; d. Oct. 12, 1836; m. 15 of 4 mo., 1824, James Willis Mott, b. June 18, 1793 ; d. Feb. 22, 1849, son of Will- iam, and his wife, Mary Willis, and gt. grandson of Lieut. Adam Mott, of Hempstead, L. I. Issue: William Jones, b. Feb. 22, 1825; d. May 13, 1894. Mary Esther, b. Oct. 11, 1827; d. July 3, 1898; m. Samuel A. Jones (V.81). James Henry, b. Sept. 26, 1830; d. Dec. 8, 1830. John Jones, b. July 23, 1833; d. Aug. 8, 1892; unm. (See under Mott family.) (IV. 42) WILLIAM TOWNSEND JONES, son of Major Walter (III. 13) ; b. Nov. 9, 1789; d. Feb. 6, 1865; m. April 12, 1828, Mary, b. Nov. 7, 1806; d. Feb. 25, 1891, dau. of Ezekiel Robins, of N. Y. City. Issue : -j-V. 91. Clara, b. Sept. 4, 1831 ; m. June 9, 1862, Saml. B. Romaine. William T. Jones lived at Southampton, L. I. In 1855 he was Secy, of the Atlantic Mutual Ins. Co. of N. Y. Will, 25 May, 1843; prob. April 6, 1865 (Liber 158, p. 243, N. Y. City) giving all his property to wife Mary. (IV. 45) GIDEON MOTT JONES, son of Richard (IIL 14); b. Oct. 10, 1799; d. Sept. II, 1876; m. March 3, 1841, Samantha, d. Sept. 9, 1887, widow of Frisbie, and dau. of Ira Spencer, of Litchfield, Michigan. Issue: +V. 92. Annie R., b. Feb. 23, 1842; d. Aug. 31, 1901 ; m. Jacob Walker. -f93. Mary E., b. March 24, 1844; d. June 22, 1888; m. Hugh Pruden. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 153 4-94. Louisa M., b. March 8, 1847; ^- John S. Warn. -{-95. Emma M., b .Aug. 11, 1857; m. F. A. Hunt. -f-96. Rinda E., b. Feb. 6, 1853 ; m. E. D. Crittenden. +97. Walter R. He removed with his father and settled in Litchfield, Hills- dale Co., Michigan. His wife Samantha had two sons by her first husband, Frisbie, viz., John S. and . (IV. 46) JAMES JONES, son of Richard (HL 14) ; b. Nov. 21, 1801; d. 1863; settled in Michigan; m. ist, Sarah David- son (or Davison). M. 2d, Phebe Austin. Issue: V. 98. William. (IV. 47) LYDIA MOTT JONES, dau. of Richard (III. 14) ; b. Feb. 28, 1803 ; d. Aug. 3, 1861 ; m. Feb. 3, 1841, Austin Wright, b. in Vermont, May 11, 1802; d. July 3, 1891. Settled in Michigan. Issue : William Willis, b. July 2:^, 1842; m. 1866, Mary Bellany, and settled in Hespiria, Hewaygo Co., Mich. Issue, two sons and two daughters. Edward A., b. June 23, 1844 ; settled in Pentwater, Mich. ; m. Oct. 3, 1866, Eva Tuller, of Jonesville, Mich. Issue: Edna, b. 1877. William A., b. 1883. (IV. 48) WILLIAM R. JONES, son of Richard (III. 14) ; b. April 21, 1805; d. Feb. 13, 1880. Settled in Litchfield Co., Michigan ; m. Jan. 5, 1840, Lucinda Shipman, dau. of John, of New Jersey. She b. Nov. 14, 1818, in Columbia Co., Pa. Issue: +V. 99. Mary E., b. Nov. 14, 1841 ; d. Nov. 25, 1865. -fioo. Elizabeth P., b. March 2, 1843. loi. Walter S., b. June, 1847; d. June, 1848. -|-I02. Jennie L. 103. John R., b. 1845; d 1851. -f 104. Estella Y., b. March i, 1858. 105. William W., b. Aug., 1850; d. July, 1851. 154 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND (IV. 49) ESTHER JONES, dau. of Richard (III. 14) ; b. Oct. 20, 1806; d. June 24, 1888; m. Nov. 9, 1839, Archibald Scott, of Litchfield, Mich. Issue: Walter A., b. Aug. 5, 1847 ; m. 12 July, 1868, Luella Miller. They settled in Litchfield, Hillsdale Co., Mich., and had a dau., Carrie M., b. Oct. 30, 1869, who m. Dec. 4, 1889, William Moore, of Allen Township, Mich. (IV. 50) JOHN MOTT JONES, son of Richard (III. 14) ; b. Nov. 4, 1808; d. 1867. Settled in the northern part of Mich- igan. M. first ; m. 2d ; m. 3d . Issue : V. 106. Richard, d. 1867. 107. Miles, d. 1866. 108. Philo, d. 1863. (IV. 51) THOMAS ELWOOD JONES, son of Richard (III. 14) ; b. Oct. 3, 1813; d. Dec. 7, 1869. Was a farmer and lived in Michigan. M. first, Oct. i, 1837, Cynthia Warner. Issue: V. 109. Miles L. Living in 1892 in Michigan ; served in the Civil War, and was married three times. M. 2d, Ruth, dau. of St. John Young. Issue: V. no. Hattie, d. young. (IV. 55) HALLETT JONES, son of Jackson H. (III. 15) ; b. 18 Oct., 1792; d. April i, 1847; m. first, Feb. 15, 1822, Char- lotte Kelsey, b. 1795 ; d. 12 April, 1825. He resided in Hunting- ton, L. I.; constable there in 1827. Issue: V. iioa. Keziah, b. 23 May, 1827; d. 26 Dec, 1903; m. Richard Higbee, of Babylon, L. I. Issue : Richard (the Senator). Samuel. Louisa. Marie. Eugene. M. 2d, 10 June, 1825, Mary, dau. of Henry Peters, of Melville, L. I. She b. 1799; d. 27 May, 1830. Issue: V. nob. William, b. 9 Feb., 1830; d. 10 Feb., 1830. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 155 M. 3d, 9 Oct., 1830, Elizabeth (sister of his 2d wife, Mary), b. 1812; d. 30 Sept., 1852. Issue: V. HOC. Mary Jane, b. 18 Sept., 1831; d. 29 Sept., 1887; unm. nod. Phebe Elizabeth, b. 19 Sept., 1833 ; m. first, Richard Conkling ; m. 2d, . iioe. William C. H., b. 23 Nov., 1835 ; killed in the Civil War. + iiof. Richard H., b. 8 Sept., 1838. irog. Antoinette, b. i Oct., 1840; d. 1858. (IV. 56) RICHARD RESTORED JONES, son of Jack- son H. (III. 15) ; b. 21 April, 1797. Issue: V. III. Richard. (IV. 58) DANIEL JONES, son of Jackson H. (III. 15) ; b. 8 Jan., 1801 ; m. i Jan., 1824, Mary, b. 1799; d. 30 Jan., 1871, dau. of Smith. Issue: H-V. 112. David. (IV. 59) ELIZABETH JONES, dau. of Jackson H. (III. 15) ; b. I March, 1803; d. Jan. 10, 1822; m. 3 March, 1827, Car- man Smith, of Huntington, L. I., b. 5 Feb., 1801 ; d. Oct. 9, 1877, son of Carman, of Hoboken, N. J. (of the Rock Smith family of L. I.), and his wife, Hannah Rogers, sister to Moses Rogers, of Cold Spring Harbor, L. I. Hannah Rogers m. 2d, Titus Lefferts, of Cold Spring Harbor. Issue : a. Mary Elizabeth Smith, b. 14 April, 1829; m. 23 June, 1852, Joseph Sammis, of Huntington, L. I. Issue: Emma E., b. 29 April, 1853. Edgar S., b. 19 May, 1855. Bethia F., b. 12 March, 1861. Luella J., b. 24 March, 1865. b. Gilbert Carman Smith, b. 2 Feb., 1832 ; d. 14 May, 1898. c. Richard H. J. Smith, b. 29 Dec, 1835 ; d. 19 June, 1836. d. Jones Smith, b. 27 Aug., 1839; d. 27 Aug., 1839. IS6 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND (b) GILBERT CARMAN SMITH, son of Elizabeth Jones, (IV. 59), and Carman Smith, b. 2 Feb., 1832; d. 14 May, 1898; m. 16 Feb., 1851, Sarah J. Ketcham, b. 10 May, 1831 ; d. 27 Dec, 1900; dau. of Phineas, of Clay Pitts, L. I., and his wife Phebe A. Smith. Issue : A daughter, named Frank Gladson, b. 27 Nov., 1856; m. 27 Nov., 1875, John S. Caire, of Huntington, L. I., son of Fredk. J. Caire and Angeline Ketcham. Issue: A son, Gilbert F. Caire, b. 4 Nov., 1876; m. 29 Jan., 1897, Bessie Longbotham, dau. of George S. and his wife, Anna Tappen. (V. 2) SAMUEL S. JONES, son of William D. (IV. i) ; b. March 26, 1809; d. Nov. 27, 1893; m. 7 June, 1834, Eleanor, b. Oct. 26, 1816; d. July 31, 1875, dau. of Elwood S. Althause, d. 29 March, 1859; son of John, and Martha Seaman, his wife, of Jerusalem, L. I., now Seaford. Issue : -fVI. I. Edgar Townsend, b. Nov. 27, 1839; ^- ^^y ^7' 1890. -|-2. Albert Gallatin, b. June 13, 1842. In early life he lived at Cold Spring Hbr., and later at Jerusa- lem. (V. 3) ISRAEL S. JONES, son of William D. (IV. i) ; b. Aug. 12, 1812; d. Jan. 21, 1893; m. Elizabeth, b. Sept. 5, 1814; d. Jan. II, 1887, dau. of Thomas Seaman, of Jerusalem, L. I. They resided at Jerusalem, L. I. Issue : -fVI. 3. David S., b. Sept. 27, 1836. 4. Sarah E., b. Oct. 12, 1838; unm. 4-5. Marrietta A., b. Dec. 24, 1840; d. Jan. 31, 1873. 6. Alma, b. April 24, 1843; d. Oct. 6, 1892; unm. +7. Phebe W., b. April 14, 1845 ; d. July 19, 1875. 8. Emma A., b. July 30, 1849; d. unm. 9. Eleanor, d. se 6 months. (V.4) WILLIAM D. JONES, son of William D. (IV. i) ; b. June 17, 1814; d. July 23, 1866, at Jerusalem, L. I. ; m. Dec. 18. 1841, Martha, dau. of Elwood Althause. Issue: THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 157 VI. 10. Adelia, b. July 25, 1845 ; d. Nov. 15, 1845. II. Sarah Maria, b. March 23, 1848. (V. 5) ELBERT T. JONES, son of William D. (IV. i) ; b. Apri 5, 1816; d. Aug. 16, 1846; m. Mary Jane, b. July 31, 1820; d. Sept. 14, 1849, dau. of Samuel and Jemima Seaman, of Jerusa- lem, L. I. Issue : +VI. 12. William Henry, b. March 10, 1841. -I-13. Samuel Seaman, b. April 21, 1842. 14. Martha, b. 1845 '> unm. (V. 6) CAPT. TOWNSEND JONES, son of William D. (IV. i) ; b. March 16, 1818; d. Oct. 21, 1884. He never married and for several years followed the sea. In 1862 he gave up his sea life and was later in the employ of the Atlantic Mutual Ins. Co. for twelve years as an inspector of captains, an office which required him to pass upon them relative to their qualification and standing. He was a member of the Society of Friends. (V. 7) JOHN JONES, of Jerusalem, L. I., son of William D. (IV. i) : b. April 20, 1822; d. Aug. 9, 1874; m. July 9, 1843, Elizabeth, b. Feb. 5, 1823; d. Aug. 18, 1890, dau. of Stephen Wood, son of Miles, of Hicks Neck, L. I., and his wife Anne, dau. of Joseph Smith, of Merrick E. I. Issue : -f VI. 15. Margaret Ann, b. Aug. 21, 1844. + 16. John Tredwell, b. Oct. 6, 1847. (V. 8) JUDGE SAMUEL JONES, the seventh judge of the family, son of Judge Samuel (IV. 3) ; b. 1825; d. Aug. 11, 1892; m. Martha, dau. of Judge Joseph F. Barnard of the Supreme Court of the State of New York. Judge Jones left no issue. He commenced the practice of the law when young, and in 1866 was elected Judge of the Superior Court of N. Y. City, holding until 1872. He was prominent in political circles, favoring the Tammany party. On the downfall of that party in he failed of re-election and resumed the practice of the law. After his retirement from the Bench he was appointed reporter of the Superior Court, and at his death in 1892 was Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas. 158 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND Will March 19, 1881 ; prob. Sept., 1892. (Liber 484, p. 146, N. Y. City.) (V. 9) MARY ANN SCHUYLER JONES, dau. of Judge Samuel (IV. 3) ; d. Feb. 6, 1890, at Cambridge, Mass; m. Rev. Samuel Seabury, D. D., son of Rev. Charles, and gr. son of Samuel Seabury, D. D., Bishop of Connecticut. She was his third wife. (V. 10) CATHARINE CORNELIA JONES, dau. of Judge Samuel (IV. 3) ; d. Nov. 4, 1893; m. Rev. Isaac Peck, rector of Christ's Prot. Epis. Church, of . She later embraced the Roman Catholic faith. Issue: Samuel Jones. (V. II) CATHARINE JONES, dau. of Judge Samuel (IV. 3) ; d. Aug. 9, 1853. She did not marry, and became a Sister in the Order of the Holy Communion of the Prot. Epis. Church, and also a member of St. Luke's Hospital, founded by Rev. Dr. Muhlenberg. (V. 12) SARAH JONES, dau. of Judge Samuel (IV. 3). She embraced the Roman Catholic faith and later became Abbess and Superior Vicar of the Convent of the Sacred Heart, near Albany, N. Y. (V. 13) JUDGE SAMUEL WILLIAM JONES, the fifth judge of the family, son of Major William (IV. 4) ; b. July 6, 1791; d. Dec. I, 1855; m. Nov. 26, 1816, Maria Bowers Duane, b. Oct. 23, 1793 ; d. Dec. 23, 1858, dau. of James Chatham Duane and his wife, Marianne Bowers, of Schenectady, N. Y., son of Hon. James Duane and Maria Livingston, of N. Y., and Duanes- burgh, N. Y. Marianne Bowers, wife of Charles C. Duane, was a dau. of Henry Bowers and his wife, Mary Meyer, and was b. Nov. 29, 1773; d. Feb. 10, 1828. Mary Meyer was a dau. of John Ray Meyer and Ann Crommelin. Issue : VI. 17. James Duane, b. Nov., 1818 ; d. Dec. 26, 1822. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 159 i8. William Samuel, b. April 19, 1820 ; d. Dec. 9, 1898 ; unm. 19. Henry Duane, b. Feb. 14, 1822; d. July 24, 1824. 20. Marianne Duane, b. Dec. 9, 1823 ; d. Jan. 10, 1887 ; unm. -\-2i. Cornelia, b. Dec. 2y, 1825; d. Dec. 7, 1901. +22. James Duane, 2d, b. Jan. 20, 1828; d. Dec. 31, 1879. -f 23. Daniel Francis, b. Feb. 27, 1830; d. July 26, 1863. Judge Jones was a graduate of Union College, Schenectady, N. Y., and from 1827 to 1850 was vestryman of St. George's Church, Schenectady. In 1833 he was Judge of the Court of Com- mon Pleas, and from 1835 to 1840 was County Judge of that county. In 1842 he was Corporation Counsel, and later Surrogate and Mayor of Schenectady. He later removed to New York and occupied a position in the Custom House until his death in 1855. His widow was buried in St. George's Church Yard at Schenec- tady, where a mural tablet is placed to her memory on the walls of the church. (V. 14) DAVID WILLIAM JONES, son of Maj. William (IV. 4) ; b. May 3, 1793; d. July 6, 1877; m. July 4, 1822, Dor- othy, b. Dec. 30, 1792 ; d. May 7, 1885, dau of Thomas Adams and his wife Dorothy. Issue: +VI. 24. Edmund, b. March 10, 1824; d. Feb. 11, 1900; unm. 25. Robert, b. Dec. 14, 1825; d. Aug. 22, 1868; unm. -f 26. David, b. Dec. 2, 1828. +27. Charles, b. April 30, 183 1. -f 28. Elbert W., b. Jan. 9, 1834. 29. Kezia, b. Nov. 9, 1837; d. Sept. 13, 1838. Comms. 1816, Capt. 117 Reg. Queens Co. Infantry; comms. 1821, Lieut. 117 Reg. Queens Co. Infantry. (See Vol. 2, p. 1682; Vol. 3, p. 2296, Council of Appointments.) He resided upon his father's farm at Cold Spring Harbor, and was a farmer and breeder of horses and cattle. He was a frequent contributor to the "Spirit of the Times" under the nom de plume of "Long Islander." He wrote an article on the "Horses i6o THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND of Long Island,'' which was embodied in Henry W. Herbert's book upon horses. (V. 15) CORNELIA HARING JONES, dau. of Maj. Will- iam (IV. 4); b. April 22, 1796; d. Dec. 29, 1839; m. Jan. 28, 1812, Brig. Genl. Thomas Floyd-Jones, son of David R, Floyd- Jones. Issue: (See under Floyd-Jones family.) (V. 16) SUSAN MARIA JONES, dau. of Maj. William (IV. 4) ; b. April 20, 1802; m. Dec. 10, 1818, James H. Weeks, of Oyster Bay, L. I., and his wife, Miriam Doughty. Issue : William Jones, d. Sept. 2, 1897. (See under Weeks family.) They lived at Oyster Bay, L. I., where their only child, Will- iam Jones Weeks, was born. In 1828 they removed to Yaphank, L. I., where they resided during their lives. They were buried in St. Andrew's Epis. Church Yard at that place. This church was erected through their instrumentality, and the land on which it stands was given by them for that purpose. (V. 18) ELEANOR TURK JONES, dau. of Maj. Will- iam (IV. 4) ; b. May 7, 1805; m. May 7, 1823, William Sidney Smith, b. 1797; d. Feb. 2, 1879, eldest son of William and Han- nah P. Smith, of Yaphank, L. I. Issue, ten children. (See under Smith family.) (V. 19) HANNAH AMELIA JONES, dau. of Maj. Will- iam (IV. 4); b. June 10, 1807; d. Sept. 18, 1852; m. Nov. 17, 1835, Rev. Samuel Seabury as his 2d wife; son of Rev. Charles. Issue : William Jones (D. D.), b. Jan. 25, 1837. Susan Maria. Kezia. Mary. Ellen. (See under Seabury family.) (V. 20) DANIEL YOUNGS JONES, son of Major Will- iam (IV. 4); b. July 9, 1809; m. June 15, 1848, Eliza, b, Jan. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND i6i 15, 1824; d. Dec. 4, 1869, dau. of William Hall and Amy Rogers, his wife, of Cold Spring Harbor, a sister of Scudder Hall, of Huntington, L. I. Issue: -f-VI. 30. Kezia, b. Oct. 9, 1849. 31. Hannah Amelia, b. Sept. 19, 1852; d. Aug. 14, 1853 ; unm. 32. Amelia, b. July 9, 1855; d. Dec. 31, 1855. +33. Alice S., b. 1858. 34. Infant son, b. Nov. 14, i860; d. Nov. 21, i860. Lived near Jamaica, L. I., and later at Flushing. (V.21) ELBERT HARING JONES, son of Elbert H. (IV. 5) ; b. April 3, 1827 ; d. Nov. 2, 1862. Never married. Was a private in the Civil War in a regt. of cavalry called Harris Light Cavalry, 2d Regt., and died at Alexandria, Va. (V. 22) SUSAN CORNELIA JONES, dau. of Elbert H. (IV. 5) ; b. Nov. 10, 1828; d. March 17, 1852; m. April 28, 1847, Elijah Peck, b. 1825; d. Feb. 2, 1856, son of Capt. Elijah Peck, of Flushing, L. I. Issue: Francis, b. April 24, 1850; d. Nov. 24, 1851. Julia Cornelia, b. Feb. 19, 1848; m. 1869, John H. Tredwell, of Port Washington, L. I., son of John H., and Martha Dodge, his wife. Issue: Margaret U., b. 1870. Emma A., b. 1874 ; d. young. Martha D., b. 1876. Henry Edmund, b. 1877. (V.24) SAMUEL YOUNGS JONES, son of Elbert H. (IV. 5) ; b. Aug. 4, 1832; drowned at St. Louis, June 22, 1858. Not married. (V. 27) THOMAS E. JONES, son of Elbert H. (IV. 5) ; b. Feb. 18, 1838. Issue, two children ; probably more. VL 35- 36. II i62 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND Removed from Oyster Bay, L. I., and settled in the West. Living in Shanghai, China, in 1883. (V.30) ELEANOR TURK JONES, dau. of Elbert H. (IV. 5) ; b. March 19, 1842; m. Oct. 22, 1862, James M. Burtis, of Oyster Bay, L. L Issue: James Munroe, b. 1865. Margery Jones, b. 1867; m. June 25, 1894, Adolph Bierck. Susan Cornelia, b. 1873. (V. 32) MARIANNA FLEET JONES, dau. of Elbert H. (IV. 5); b. Feb. 9, 1844; m. Sept., 1872, Alfred S. Jewell, of Anersbury, Mass., son of Alfred and Sally Clifford Jewell, of Southampton, New Hampshire. Issue: Adelaide Clififord, b. 1873. Margery Youngs, b. 1875. Edith Jones, b. 1882; d. young. (V. 33) SAMUEL SEABURY JONES, M. D., son of El- bert H. (IV. 5) ; b. June i, 1846; m. March 6, 1877, Maude, dau. of Matthews. Issue: VI. 37. Elbert Haring, b. Nov. 6, 1880 ; d. Dec. 17, 1880. 38. Beatrice Cleveland, b. April 24, 1882. 39. Natalie Rathbone, b. 1887. He was a physician and resided in N. Y. City. (V. 35) SAMUEL JACKSON JONES, son of Thomas (IV. 6) ; b. Dec. 8, 1803. Lived at South Oyster Bay, L. I., where he was murdered by negroes on June 27, 1873. He never mar- ried and was commonly known as "the Recluse." The murderers were hung Jan. 15, 1875. (See N. Y. Times, Jan. 16, 1875.) (V.38) JACOB SEAMAN JACKSON JONES, son of Thomas (IV. 6), and his 3d wife, Elizabeth Jackson, b. Aug. 31, 181 1 ; d. at Jerusalem, March 5, 1894; m. Rebecca T., b. Nov. 27, 1815 ; d. June 4, 1887, dau. of Obadiah Jackson and his wife, Sarah Boerum. Issue: THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 163 VL 40. Thomas Jackson, b. July 14, 1834; d. Oct. 12, 1880; unm. 41. Elizabeth, b. Jan, 18, 1840; d. May 19, 1882; m. Jan. 22, 1868, Wm. Henry Jackson, son of Hon. Thos. B., and had only one child, William L., b. May 19, 1882; d. Aug. 21, 1882. 42. Melancton Smith, b. Aug. 21, 1842 ; d. April 2, 1891 ; unm. -I-43. Samuel Jackson, b. June 12, 1844. -j-44. Clarence, b. Oct. 15, 1846; m. Mary Smith. 45. Emily Glentworth, b. Nov. 22, 1850; m. Dec. 10, 1873. Clarence, son of Isaac Rapelyea, of New- town, L. I. 46. Mary Smith, b. June 26, 1852; m. June 26, 1889, William H. Jackson, son of Hon. Thos. B. Jack- son. 46a. Eleanor Turk, b. July 4, 1857; d. May i, 1891. (V. 39) CORNELIA ALMA JONES, dau. of Thomas (IV. 6) ; b. Sept. 26, 181 3 ; d. Nov. 6, 1891 ; m. Henry Rabineau. (V.40) MARY JACKSON JONES, dau. of Thomas (IV. 6) ; b. March 7, 1817; d. at South Qyster Bay, L. I., April 4, 18 — , interred in Green Bay, Wisconsin ; m. Admiral Melancton Smith, U. S. N., commissioned as Rear Admiral, July i, 1870. He was a gr. son of Hon. Melancton Smith, member of the first Pro- vincial Congress of 1775, and his wife, Margaret, b. Sept. 21, 1749, dau. of Richbell Mott, of Hempstead, L. I., and his wife, Deborah Dodge, son of Edmund Mott. (V.41) THOMAS WILLIAM JONES, son of Thomas (IV. 6) ; b. March 31, 1821 ; d. at Massapequa, L. I.; m. Miriam, dau. of Samuel T. Jackson. Issue: VI. 47. Albert. 48. Mary. 49. Samuel T. 50. James. 51. Alice. ^iC£f ! >4.U- 164 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND (V.42) PHEBE ELIZABETH JONES, dau. of Thomas (IV. 6) ; b. May 9, 1823; m. 1842, John Mildeberger Smith, of Richmond, Va. Issue: Anne, d. Dec. i, 1900. Catharine Mildeberger. Emily Glentworth, m. Andrew Jackson, son of Hon. Thos. B. Jackson. (V.43) HENRY PHILIP JONES, son of Judge David S. '4^ (IV. 7) ; b. Aug. 9, 1803; d. March i, 1883. ■ ^, , Studied law and in 1833 was an attorney in N. Y. City, but went to Marshall, Mich., thence to Burlington, Mich., where he died. He was an astronomer of some reputation, and an artist. (V.47) PHILIP LIVINGSTON JONES, M. D., son of Judge David S. (IV. 7) ; b. Sept. 24, 1812; d. Oct. 10, 1833; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Kellogg, of N. Y. City. (V. 49) WILLIAM ALFRED JONES, son of Judge David S. (IV. 7) ; b. June 26, 1817; d. May 16, 1900; m. first, Dec. 15, 1841, Mary, b. in Norwich, Conn., Jan. 18, 1808; d. March 14. 1872, dau. of Gurdon Bill, and sister of Rev. Dr. Samuel Sea- bury's first wife, by whom he had no issue. M. 2d, Sept. 4, 1873, Mary Judith Davison, by whom he had no issue. Graduate of Columbia College, class of 1836, and from 185 1 to 1865 was librarian of that college. He was educated as a lawyer, but turned his attention to literary pursuits. He was in charge of the literary department of the Churchman under the editorship of the Rev. Samuel Seabury, and in 1841 he wrote for the Church Record a series of articles on the great divines of the Church of England. Besides many articles for periodicals he was the author of several books, viz., the Analyst, Literary Studies, Essays on Authors and Books, and Characters and Crit- icisms. Mr. Duyckinck, editor of the Literary World, said of him in 1847, "No man has done more through the American periodicals to introduce among unprofessional readers a knowl- edge of the great minds of the literature of the Church of Eng- land than Mr. Jones." THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 165 He also published two valuable pamphlets, "The First Century of Columbia College," and "The Library of Columbia College." (V. 52) HERMAN LE ROY JONES, son of Judge David S. (IV. 7) ; b. Oct. 23, 1827 ; d. Nov. 24, 1880; m. April 15, 1868. Augusta L., dau. of Ambrose C. Kingsland, of N. Y. City, and Mary Lovatt, his wife. Issue : VI. 52. Ambrose Kingsland, b. April 24, 1869. 4-53. Mary Kingsland, b. Oct. 4, 1870. 4-54. Herman Le Roy, b. Oct. 19, 1872. (V. 55) DE WITT CLINTON JONES (2nd), son of Judge David S. (IV. 7); b. June 30, 1834; m. Dec. 18, i860, Josepha, b. March 17, I835 ; d. 4 Aug., 1904, dau. of William H. Crosby, b. June 28, 1808 ; d. 1892, and his wife Josepha, dau. of Dr. John Neilson, of New York City. William H. Crosby was a son of Wm. Bedlow Crosby, b. 1768 ; d. 1865. and his wife, Harriet Ashton Clarkson. Issue: -f VI. 55. De Witt Clinton, b. Dec. 25, 1862. 56. Josephine Neilson, b. April 17, 1865; d. July 12, 1865. 57. Mary Franklin, b. July 9, 1866. 58. Henry Crosby, b. Nov. 13, 1868. 4-59. Ellen Roosevelt, b. Feb. 23, 1874. He practised law in N. Y. Citv, and resided in Elizabeth, N. J. (V. 58) WALTER FR-A.NKLIN JONES, son of Judge David S. (IV. 7) ; b. Feb. 16, 1840; m. June 12, 1867, Henrietta, (iau. of Daniel Glover, of N. Y., and his wife Mary, dau. of Bertram Cruger, of N. Y. and the island of Santa Cruz, Danish West Indies. Issue : VI. 60. Catharine De Nully, b. 1868. 61. Walter Clinton, b. 1871. 62. Mary Glover, b. 1878. (V. 67) OLIVER HEWLETT JONES, son of William H. (IV. 25) ; b. Feb. 11, 1801 ; d. Dec. t6, 1870; m. March 30, 1848, i66 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND Louisa, b. May 5, 1826; d. April 13, 1876, dau. of James Duane Livingston, and his wife, Sarah Swift. Issue: VL 63. Alice Livingston, b. Jan. 2, 1849; d- Aug. 19, 1849. -j-64. Elizabeth Coralie, b. Dec, 185 1. -I-65. Oliver Livingston, b. May 4, 1850. +66. Rosalie Adele, b. Nov. 16, 1853. -i-67. Martha Louisa, b. March 19, 1856. -f-68. Lilian, b. March 17, i860. He was born at East Woods, L. L, and when young went to N. Y. City, where he became interested in the insurance busi- ness, and in later life dealt considerably in real estate. His coun- try home was on the west side of Cold Spring Harbor, at a place lately called Laurelton, and is now (1904) owned by Louis C. Tiffany. In he was elected Prest. of the N. Y. Fire Insurance Co., afterwards the N. Y. Fire and Marine Ins. Co., of which Co. he was also Prest. for several years. His brother, Walter R., and his uncle, Walter. R (IV. 30), were on its board of directors. (V.69) ISAAC HEWLETT JONES, son of William H. (IV. 25) ; b. Oct. 6, 1805; d. Oct. 13, 1887. Never married, and lived in the old homestead of his father's at East Woods. He was buried in the old burying ground of the Hewlett family at that place on a hill called Mount Nebo. (V.73) ELIZABETH JONES, dau. of William H. (IV. 25) ; b. Aug. II, 1813; d. Dec. 9, 1893; m. April 27, 1836, Piatt Stratton, of College Point, L. I. Issue: Mary. William. Jane. Eliphalet Piatt. (See under Stratton family.) (V. 74) HANNAH JONES, dau. of William H. (IV. 25) ; b. June 16, 1816 ; d. Feb. 9, 1904 ; m. Sept. 16, 1844, Josiah Wood- hull, b. Sept. 13, 1815; d. June 29, 1863, at San Antonio, Texas. Issue, seven children. (See under Woodhull family.) THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 167 (V. 75) SAMUEL WILLIAM JONES, son of William H. (IV. 25) ; b. Nov. I, 1818; d. Feb. 8, 1878; m. Sept. 28, 1S52, Susan, b. March 2, 1827 ; d. May 29, 1900. dau. of Joseph L. Hew- lett, of Great Neck, L. I., and his 2d wife, Elizabeth Van Wyck. Issue: +VI. 69. Helen, b. July 13, 1853. +70. Elizabeth Hewlett, b. July 29, 1856. +71. Samuel Van Wyck, b. June 6, 1858; d. 1902. -f 72. Susan M., b. Dec. 17, 1863. 73. William Robert, b. Nov. 27, 1865; d. Dec. 21, 1900; unm. Was a merchant in San Francisco, Cal., for several years, but returned and resided on his place at Oyster Bay Cove, and later in Huntington, L. I. (V.76) WALTER R. JONES, son of William H. (IV. 25) ; b. May 7, 1821 ; d. Dec. 28, 1884; m. Jan. 8, 1848, Virginia E., b. in London, Eng., Aug. 13, 1828, dau. of William Sidney Warwick, late of Woodstock, Va. Issue : 4-VI. 74. Virginia, b. Oct. 21, 1848. +75. William Hewlett, b. March 18, 1855. He went to N. Y. City in early life, and later became a part- ner in the firm of Jones & Johnson, Marine Adjusters. He was interested in a line of steamers running between New York and Havana. (V. 78) FRANCES MARIA JONES, dau. of John H. (IV. 2.-]^ ; b. Oct. 7, 181 1 ; d. May 28, 1891 ; m. March 21, 1839, Charles B. Moore, b. Dec. 8, 1808; d. Dec. 10, 1893, son of Col. Jere- miah, of Southold, L. I., and his wife, Julia Brush. Issue: Caroline Loretta, m. Theophylact B. Bleecker. Frances Maria. (See under Moore family.) Mr. Moore was born in Southold, L. I., and was a lineal de- scendant of the first Thomas Moore, who settled there in 1651. Though brought up as a Presbyterian he never sought to en- force his religious views upon his family, preferring to remain i68 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND a passive agent and allowing them to follow in that faith so strongly adhered to by his wife and her ancestors, viz., the Prot. Epis. Church. He came to N. Y. when quite young, and was soon admitted to the Bar. In 1834 he became the law partner of Mr. C. G. Havens, and in 1844 he was associated with Francis B. Cutting, under the firm name of Cutting, Moore & Havens, which finally merged into the firm of Moore, Hand and Bonney, in which firm he remained an active partner until his death in 1893. In his later years he became an indefatigable genealogist, and was a charter member of the New York Genealogical and Biographical Society. In 1872 he was its corresponding secy., and for the first ten years of its existence "his pen yielded more for its Quar- terly Record than any other man." His labors in this line closed only with his death, and it is to him we are indebted for much of this Jones genealogy (see under preface). He was a warm and trusted friend of this family, and especially so of that branch to which his wife belonged. For many years he was their sole legal adviser, and his death was a great loss to them as well as others. Politically he was a strong JefTersonian Democrat, but in the struggle for the Union he was a warm supporter of Prest. Lin- coln. No more fitting tribute to his memory can be paid than to quote from the resolutions passed upon at his death by the Havens Relief Fund Society, viz., "His private life was pure, unselfish and irreproachable. As friend and adviser he was loyal and svm- pathetic, and every trust undertaken by him was discharged as a sacred duty." (V. 79) JOHN DIVINE JONES, son of John H. (IV. 27) ; b. Aug. 15, 1814; d. Sept. 22, 1895, at his home in South Oyster Bay, L. I. ; m. June 9, 1852, Josephine Katharine, dau. of Maj. General Henry Floyd-Jones, by whom he had no issue. Mr. Jones was born in the old homestead of his father at Cold Spring Harbor, L. I., built upon land that was at one time in the possession of Maj. Thomas Jones (I. i), the first ancestor of the family in this country. His early education was obtained from the public schools of his native place. In 1829, at the age of fifteen years, he went to THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 169 N. Y. City and accepted a clerkship in the Atlantic Insurance Co. (commonly designated as the 2d Atlantic Co.), of which his uncle, Walter R. Jones (IV. 30), was then vice-prest. Here was laid the foundation of his future high standing in the mercantile world ; here was the beginning of a good and exemplary career. For several years he lived with his brother-in-law, Mr. C. B. Moore (who later became his legal adviser), employing much of his spare time in attending night schools, and in study. His ad- vancement was rapid. His early letters to his father and the various members of the latter's family are examples of neatness and precision, and from the Christian-like spirit and fairness as evidenced by them in his dealings with the younger members of the family we can readily portray the character of the rising man. At the death of his father in 1859 the old homestead descended to Mr. Jones, who greatly improved the place and made it his country residence until it was destroyed by fire in 1861. This occurred during the excitement of the Civil War, and as Mr. Jones had many negroes in his employ (descendants of slaves once owned by his father) the destruction of his house was supposed to have been the outcome of various threats of a similar character directed against him and other members of the family. Mr. Jones and his brothers were strong supporters of the Union and had no love for slavery and secession. Soon after this Mr. Jones made his country residence at South Oyster Bay, L. L, in the house formerly owned by his wife's father, Maj. Genl. Henry Floyd-Jones. Here he continued to reside during the summer months and in it he died. In 1842 the business of the 2d Atlantic Insurance Co. was transferred to a new company organized on the mutual plan, and in the year following Mr. Jones was chosen its secy., with Walter R. Jones (of the old Atlantic) as prest., and Josiah L. Hale, vice prest. In 1849 Mr. Hale retired, and John D. Jones was elected as 2d vice prest. of the new company (organized under the name of the Atlantic Mutual Ins. Co.), and on 15 Feb., 1854. he became its vice prest. In 1859, after the death of Walter R. Jones, Mr. Jones became prest., and continued in that office by annual elections until his death in 1895, at which time his relations with the two Atlantic companies embraced a period of sixty-six years. The success of this company was phenomenal, and its officers under Mr. Jones' I70 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND long administration as president were men of ability and sound business principles. Mr. Jones died Sept. 22, 1895, widely lamented and mourned, and it is for other pen than mine to speak of his personal char- acteristics and private life. His funeral took place from old Trinity Church, N. Y. City. The services were conducted by Bishop Littlejohn, assisted by the Rev. Dr. Dix and others. The buildings in Wall St. displayed their flags at half mast, and the U. S. Sub-Treasury lowered its flag during the services. He was interred in Memorial Cemetery, at Cold Spring Harbor, L. I. We quote from a beautiful tribute to his memory written by C. A. Hand, a personal friend of Mr. Jones: "The record of the company has, from the beginning, been a proud one, not only by reason of its extraordinary material prosperity, but for the better reason that in its department of na- tional and international commerce it has uniformly upheld the highest standards of equitable and honorable dealing and ad- ministration. While the foundations were well laid by Josiah L. Hale and Walter R. Jones, yet the carrying up and mainte- nance of the superstructure was, to a greater degree, under the wise direction and fostering care of John D. Jones. His policy was broad and enlightened, his sense of justice was clear and un- equivocal, his judgment was far-sighted and well balanced, his devotion to trust duty was unfaltering, his integrity was unas- sailable, and his zeal was indefatigable. It was intended that no honest merchant need appeal, beyond the president, to an out- side tribunal. No deserving claimant could hope to win favor through underhanded diplomacy. In the light of these salient characteristics of management, so steadily and resolutely upheld for so many years by Mr. Jones and the officers associated with him and the employees selected and disciplined by them, the re- markable success of the company is but the natural result of ob- vious and adequate causes. "Beyond the daily routine of business there were, moreover, exceptional emergencies which tested the institution and its con- trol. A notable instance was that of the Civil War, adding, as it did, critical peril of the nation to the ordinary perils of its commerce. The "Atlantic" was a prompt subscriber to the first issue of government bonds for replenishing an empty treasury to THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 171 enable President Lincoln to meet his extraordinary expenditures. Soon arose the grave and delicate responsibility of so dealing with the hazards of privateers as, consistently with other rights and interests, to shield, in so far as might be, the American mer- chant marine, not merely from physical destruction but from total disuse occasioned by fear of such destruction. The major- ity of the underwriting organizations betrayed an inclination to stand aloof from this hazard. Not so with the 'Atlantic' In company with Capt. Chas. H. Marshall, then one of the trustees, Mr. Jones visited Washington and had full and frank conferences with Mr. Lincoln and Mr. Seward, who welcomed his explana- tions of the co-relations of American credit and war resources with American commerce. Ascertaining from them that not a single cruiser was, at that moment, available to patrol the main commercial highways, he obtained assurances that this need would be supplied as soon as practicable, and a further assurance that the administration would receive and duly represent claims upon England, for losses inflicted by cruisers issuing from her ports, and for which, as he contended, she ought to be held responsible. Upon the faith of these assurances, Mr. Jones promised that his company would do its full part in sustaining the government by undertaking the risks in question. How faithfully and amply the promise was fulfilled is best shown by the company's record of war risks freely assumed, and of losses promptly paid through- out the period of devastation wrought by the 'Alabama' and 'Shenandoah' and their comrades. How faithfully Mr. Lincoln and his Secy, of State performed their part of the mutual under- standing was testified by the receipt of claims and proofs (sup- plied to a large extent by the company) and by the presentment of and insistence upon them at London. It needs not to be said that these great statesmen were in no wise blamable for the ulti- mate diversion of proceeds of the claims, long after they had passed from the stage, through misinformation and evil influences prevailing with Congress in its disposition of the fund. And in this connection it would be interesting to trace the substantial although unproclaimed services of Mr. Jones in promoting the final settlement of post-bellum disputes between the two kindred nations, a settlement of infinitely greater consequence than the collection of a sum of money, in that it was a grand precedent for a peaceful arbitrament and in that it established rules of 172 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND neutral duty and obligation of incalculable benefit to ocean com- merce." While the attention of Mr. Jones to the interests under his immediate care was never relaxed, yet it was not limited to them. He was a member of the Chamber of Commerce, and prest. of the N. Y. Board of Underwriters for twenty-five years. The pilot, the wrecking, and the coast life-saving systems are among the affairs of public concern which owe him a heavy debt of gratitude. To the pilots in particular, as a reliable licensed and disciplined force, he was a life long bulwark against adverse legislation as well as against errors of policy on their own part. So with the merchant marine ; it is indebted to his foresight and humanity for the nautical school, and its tendency to gradually lift the sailor out of his degradation and to make his calling skilled and properly trained and self respecting. In all things and always Mr. Jones proved himself to be one of nature's noblemen, true as steel, incorruptible, unselfish and magnanimous, modest and retiring, gentle as a woman, yet in- flexible for the right. In the expressive language of Mr. George Bliss (one of the members of the Board of Directors), "He was one of those pure men who always inspired confidence, and of that child-like nature that those who really knew him could not but love him." In his annual address to the Convention of the Diocese of L. I., May 19, 1896, Bishop Littlejohn paid the following tribute to Mr. Jones: "The Church at large and the Church in this diocese have suf- fered less by death than in previous years. Only one of our bishops, and comparatively few leaders among the clergy or laity, have been taken. In the death of the late John D. Jones, and Wm. Floyd-Jones, this diocese has lost two of its most promi- nent and useful laymen. They belonged to the same parish, Grace Church, Massapequa, and were members of its vestry for more than a generation. For many years John D. Jones was a trustee and the treasurer of our Episcopal Fund. He cared for this fund as he would have cared for a private interest. His constant and most generous gifts to the Archdeaconry of Queens Co. will be sadly missed. To me he was most helpful in emergencies that demanded the ready will and the open hand. He was as much respected and beloved in the business world as in the Church. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 173 Everywhere his name was a sign and pledge of integrity and sagacity that no man ever doubted. He was a man whose strict regard for duty in all the relations of life proved how thoroughly his religion was wrought into his character. His faith, at once simple and sincere, was so much in his life that no one had oc- casion to ask what he believed. Without question he now dwells in God's holy hill, for he walked uprightly, worked righteous- ness, spoke the truth from his heart, and did no evil to his neigh- bor." Mr. Jones was a member of the Church of the Annunciation of N. Y. City and one of its vestry during the rectorship of the Rev. Dr. Samuel Seabury. He was Junior Warden of the parish from 1853 to 1871, and from that time until his death in 1895 its Senior Warden. He greatly aided in the maintenance of this parish, and was, in fact, its principal supporter. Touching this we quote from an entry made upon the minutes of its vestry at a meeting called by its Rector in regard to the decease of Mr. Jones. "It is natural that those who have had the care of the maintenance of a parish struggling against vicissitudes and bur- densome want of means should recur particularly to the bounty of one who was in this respect their chief helper. It would, in the judgment of this vestry, be an injustice to Mr. Jones not to commemorate at this time the fact that without his munificence they would have been unable to maintain the services of the church so long as they were maintained, and they think it only due to say that without his aid the vestry would have been obliged to close its doors thirty years ago." Of the many positions of trust held by Mr. Jones we can but briefly note : He was one of the founders of the Atlantic Trust Co., and a director of the Citizens' Insurance Co. for twenty-five years. He was also a director of the Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U. S. for twenty years, and one of the trustees of the Metropolitan Throat Hospital, an institution that owes its existence mainly to his bounty, and of which he was its first president. He was one of the Board of Managers of the Prot. Epis. Church Missionary Society for Seaman in the City of N. Y., and "liberally contributed to its treasury." his connection with that society as manager covering a period of twenty-seven years. (V. 80) HELEN JONES, dau. of John H. (IV. 27) ; b. Feb. 174 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 23, 1817, at Cold Spring Harbor, L. I. ; m. Jan. 24, 1839, Charles P. Stewart, b. Oct. 8, 1814; d. April 12, 1900, son of Charles, of N. Y. City, and his wife, Ann Pers. Issue: Anne, b. Nov. 4, 1839; d. Jan. 24, 1898; unm. Charles Jones, b. Sept. 21, 1842; d. Nov. 6, 1887. Elizabeth Jones, b. Oct. 25, 1847 ; d. Oct. 9, 1849. Helen Jones. John H. Jones, b. Feb. 7, 1851. Walter Jones, b. Sept. 17, 1852. (See under Stewart family.) Charles P. Stewart resided in N. Y. City until his marriage, when he removed to Cold Spring Harbor, where he erected a fine residence and lived there during the remainder of his life. (V.81) SAMUEL A. JONES, son of John H. (IV. 27) ; b. June 20, 1819; d. Oct. 4, 1901 ; m. May 13, 1847, Mary Esther, b. Oct. II, 1827 ; d. July 3, 1898, dau. of James W. Mott, of Great Neck, L. I., and his wife Abigail, dau. of Walter Jones (III. 13). Issue : -t-VI. 76. John Henry, b. Dec. 27, 1851 ; d. Jan. i, 1905. -^-77. Walter Mott, b. Sept. 6, 1854 ; d. Feb. 7, 1902. 7'^. Abbie Estelle, b. Aug. 3, 1862. 79. Mary Katharine, b. July 29, 1865 ; d. Aug. 8, 1867. He alone of all the children of John H. Jones remained at liome, and at an early age was taken as a clerk in his father's business at Cold Spring Hbr. His younger brother, William E., returning from N. Y. City, later became a partner with Mr. Jones in their father's business under the name of John H. Jones & Sons. After their father's death in 1859 they continued on the business for many years, but the whaling industry and the woolen mills formerly carried on by them and their father not remain- ing profitable, the business resolved itself into a large general country store. This proved successful for a while, but the large and extended credits they were forced to give (many of which were never collected) on account of many new competitors in the neighboring villages, caused them to discontinue it in 1867. Mr. Jones retired to his farm at that place, where he spent the remainder of his life, and his brother, Wm. E., formed a new THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 175 partnership with his brother-in-law, Walter R. Hewlett. This co-partnership existed for several years, when Mr, Hewlett with- drew, and Mr. Wm. E. Jones was left the last manager of what was once the largest and most extended enterprise in that part of Long Island. At the latter's death, in 1890, the business be- came a thing of the past, and shortly after the old store of John H. Jones, once the centre of many large industries, was destroyed by fire. Mr. Jones (the subject of this sketch) was much interested in the affairs of his native place. For several years he was one of the trustees of the Public School, and at the outbreak of the Civil War he was engaged in enlisting men for the army, for the advancement of which he was authorized at a special meeting of the inhabitants of the town of Oyster Bay to borrow certain funds, or to use his own, if necessary, for which the town further agreed to hold itself responsible. He was a Republican in politics, and for many years was postmaster of his native place. He was a Churchman, and from 1850 until his death in 1898 was one of the vestry of St. John's Prot. Epis. Church. (V.82) TOW^NSEND JONES, son of John H. (IV. 27) ; b. Oct. 28, 1821 : d. Dec. 21, 1891 ; m. June 15, 1852, Mary Eliz- abeth, b. July 2, 183 1 ; d. Feb. 8, 1901, dau. of Jacob C. Hewlett, of Cold Spring Harbor, and his wife Elizabeth, dau. of John Jones (III. 12). Issue: -|-VI. 80. Townsend, b. May 14, 1854. -|-8i. Joshua Thomas, b. Sept. 8, 1855; d. Oct. 5, 1905. He went to N. Y. City when a boy as a clerk in the auction house of John Rudderow & Co. This business was originally established by John Broome previous to 1800. Broome was Lieut. Gov. in 1804, and his daughter married in 1806 James Boggs, of Phila., who in 1808 established the house of Boggs & Livingston (Livingston was his brother-in-law), who in 1815 were succeeded by Boggs, Livingston & Thompson, then Boggs, Thompson & Samson, then Thompson & Samson, then Joseph Samson & Co., then John Rudderow & Co.. then Rudderow, Jones & Co.. then Jones, Underbill & Scudder, then Jones & Underbill, then again Jones, Underbill & Scudder, and finally Underbill & Scudder. It is 176 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND worthy of note that throughout this long period of successive partnerships, at each change thereof one of the old firm continued in the new. Mr. Jones became an associate in the business under the firm of John Rudderow & Co., and during his day was considered one of the ablest auctioneers of the city. He resided at Cold Spring Harbor, and was vestryman of St. John's Church from 1858 to 1869, when he was elected Junior Warden. At the death of Mr. Chas. H. Jones, in 1882, Mr. Jones succeeded him as Senior Warden, and held successively until his death in 1891. In politics he was a Republican, and at the outbreak of the Civil War was one of a committee of five persons appointed by the town of Huntington to raise the sum of $30,000 for the ex- penses of procuring its quota of soldiers, and was chairman of the financial committee that controlled the disbursement of the funds so raised. He was one of sixty-two persons who pledged their credit to the amount of $500 each to this fund. (Hunting- ton Town Reeds., Vol. 3, p. 474.) (V.83) WILLIAM EDWARD JONES, son of John H. (IV. 27) ; b. April 9, 1824; d. Jan. 20, 1890; m. April 16, 1856, Sarah Elizabeth, b. July 6, 1836, dau. of Jacob C. Hewlett, of Cold Spring Harbor, and sister to his brother, Townsend Jones', wife. Issue : VI. 82. Alice, b. Sept. 28, 1859; d. Nov. 28, 1862. 83. Sarah Elizabeth, b. April 12, 1857. 84. Florence Loretta, b. Jan. 20, 1862. 85. Harriet Augusta, b. Jan., 1866; d. May 22, 1867. -|-86. W^illiam Edward, b. Nov. 10, 1869; d. Nov. 30, 1906. He was for a time in the employ of the Atlantic Mutual Ins. Co. of N. Y. City, but resigned on account of ill health, and be- came an associate with his father in his various enterprises, and also with his brother Samuel, and brother-in-law, Walter R. Hewlett. (See under Samuel A. Jones (V. 81). He resided at Cold Spring Harbor, on the easterly side of the "Lower Mill Pond" (St. John's Lake), in the old house of his wife's grandfather, Judge Divine Hewlett. He was a de- voted member of St. John's Church, being on its board of vestry THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 176 A (V. 85) WALTER R. T. JONES was long prominent in American underwriting circles as the leading marine in- surance adjuster of the country, whose ancestors settled at South Oyster Bay, now Massapequa, where some of the land acquired by them is still in the hands of their descendants, the country seat of W. R. T. Jones being on this ground. He received his rudimentary education in the Jamaica schools, subsequently taking a course at Columbia College, from which he was graduated in 1850, being a classmate and close friend of F. R. Coudert, afterward destined to attain high eminence as a lawyer, the intimacy thus established continuing through- out his entire life. It was Mr. Jones' original purpose to adopt the legal pro- fession, with which end in view he prepared himself for the bar, but he never practiced and took up the interests in which he achieved distinction, although it must be conceded that his knowledge of law proved of the fullest value to him in his other field of effort. Making a special study of admiralty law in all its phases, he became the authority on everything per- taining thereto, and had no superior as an expert adjuster of averages in marine losses. He founded the firm of Jones & Whitlock, with offices on Wall street, in New York, and the concern was unquestionably the most representative enterprise of its class in the United States, enjoying a standing, influence and support that placed it foremost among the undertakings of like type. Mr. Jones possessed a natural ability that peculiarly fitted him for the adjusting business, and the accuracy of his findings won him a wide repute as one of the ablest men ever allied with the marine insurance calling. He was a Republican in his political affiliations, but never active as a politician. He was noteworthy as the only man not a practicing lawyer who held membership in the New York Bar Association. He was also a member of the Union League, the University Club, the St. Nicholas Society, the Seawanhaka Corinthian Yacht Club, the Downtown Club, the New York Chamber of Commerce, the Shipmasters' Association, the Association of Average Adjusters, and the American Bureau of Shipping. He was treasurer of the American Geographical Society, and governor of the Wawepex Society at Cold Spring Harbor, which was founded by his brother, John D. Jones. He was an attendant at the Protestant Episcopal Church of 176 B THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND the Incarnation, New York, and was a gentleman of upright, moral character, richly endowed with intellectual strength, and well deserving of the general regard in which he was so widely held. He visited Europe frequently, and it was one of his pleasant recollections that he had been in London on the occasion of the America winning the Queen's Cup in the first of the international contests for that trophy. He was married in 1854 to Anna Pierson Bailey, daughter of Rear Admiral Theodorus Bailey, of the United States Navy, a gallant officer, whose place in the history of his country is assured by his famous achievement in leading Admiral Farra- gut's fleet past Fort Jackson and Fort St. Philip during the Civil War. To this marriage were born two children, a son and a daughter, namely, Theodorus B., who was educated at St. Paul's School at Concord, N. H., and who died there in 1879, before he completed his sixteenth year, and Josephine Katherine, who became the wife of Major Charles William Whipple, of the United States Army, an officer well and favorably known for his efficient services in connection with the ordnance department, but who is now retired, five children being the resulting issue as follows: Walter Jones, William, Sherburne, a second lieutenant in the regular service, Annette Bailey, and Eleanor Sherburne. Mr. Jones died at his home in New York City, March 26, 1906. The Bulletin of the American Geographical Society in an obituary says: " Mr. Jones possessed rare qualities of mind and heart, yet modesty and simplicity were his chief characteristics. He was wise in counsel and of unswerving integrity; strong in attachments, generous and considerate with his adversaries," The Association of American Adjusters of the U. S. pay the following high tribute to Mr. Jones in resolutions adopted at the time of his decease: "The members of this association will miss our friend's sturdy form and kindly personality at their meetings, where he was wont to take part in discussions, and by his large ex- perience and ripe judgement, frequently aided in the solution of difficult questions. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 177 from 1855 until his death in 1890, twenty years of which period he was its secy, and collector. (V. 84) SARAH ELIZABETH JONES, dau. of John H. (IV. 27) ; b. Jan. 16, 1827; d. March 19, 1853; m. May 12, 1852, J. Otis Averill, of Brooklyn, L. I., b. Sept. 22, 1830; d. Dec. 29, 1889, son of Augustine, and his wife, Caroline Beach, of Wood- bury, Conn. Issue: Sarah Elizabeth, b. March 16, 1853 ; d. May 28, 1853. He m. 2d, Mary E., dau. of ; she b. Jan. 25, 1834; d. March 21, 1894, leaving several children. (See under Averill family.) (V.85) WALTER R. T. JONES, son of John H. (IV. 27) ; b. Feb. 20, 1830; d. March 26, 1906; m., 1854, Anna Pierson Bailey, d. July 5, 1882, dau. of Rear Admiral Theodorus Bailey, U. S. N., and his wife, Sarah Piatt, of Plattsburg, N. Y. Issue : -I- VI. 87. Josephine Katharine, b. July 3, 1855. +88. Theodorus Bailey, b. Oct. 10, 1863 ; d. March 27, 1879. (V.90) MARY ELIZABETH JONES, dau. of Charles H. (IV. 34) ; b. July 5, 1854; m. Nov. 5, 1873, Oliver Livingston Jones (VI. 65) ; b. May 4, 1850, son of Oliver H. (V. 67), and his wife, Louisa Livingston. Issue: -|-VI. 89. Louise Elizabeth, b. Sept. 18, 1875. +90. Charles Herbert, b. Dec. 18, 1877. +91. Oliver Livingston, b. April i, 1880. -f92. Rosalie Gardiner, b. Feb. 24, 1883. +93. Arthur Eaton, b. Aug. 20, 1884. +94. Philip Livingston, b. May 5, 1890. Oliver Livingston Jones (VI. 65), familiarly known as "The Doctor," after his marriage as above, settled at Cold Spring Harbor in the Jones Manor House, built by Walter R. Jones (IV. II 178 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 30). He graduated at Bellevue Hospital Medical College in 1871 . Studied surgery under Dr. James R. Wood, of N. Y. City, but did not follow the profession. In 1875 was treasurer of St. John's Epis. Church, Cold Spring Harbor, L. I., and in 18 — was elected one of the vestry. 1876 vice prest. of Queens County Agricultural Society. (V.91) CLARA JONES, dau. of William T. (IV. 42) ; b. Sept. 4, 183 1 ; m. June 9, 1862, Samuel B. Romaine, b. Aug. 6, 1819; d. Oct. 22, 1889. Issue: Mary Robins, b. Feb. 13, 1863. William Jones, b. Feb. 15, 1865. (See under Romaine family.) (V.92) ANNIE R. JONES, dau. of Gideon M. (IV. 45) ; b. Feb. 23, 1842; d. Aug. 31, 1901 ; m. Jacob Walker, of St. Johns, Michigan. Resided in Clinton Co., Mich. Issue: Frederick. (V.93) MARY E. JONES, dau. of Gideon M. (IV. 45) : b. March 24, 1844; d. June 22, 1888; m. Oct. 19, 1862, Hugh Pruden, of Clinton Co., Mich. Issue: Dora A. Frederick. Ella. Edith. Sophia. Louisa. Efiie. Eva. John. (V. 94) LOUISA M. JONES, dau. of Gideon M. (IV. 45) ; b. March 8, 1847; "i- May 12, 1875, John S. Warn,* of Aliens * John S. Warn, d. June 19, 1881. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 179 Prairie, Hillsdale Co., Mich., son of John T., and his wife Mary, dau. of Mason Fuller. Issue: Leslie, b. Sept. 10, 1877. (V.95) EMMA M. JONES, dau. of Gideon M. (IV. 45)'; b. Aug. II, 1857; m. Sept. 15, 1880, Francis A. Hunt, of Jackson, Mich., son of Philo and his wife Maria, dau. of Wm. Howard. Settled in Battle Creek, Michigan. No issue in 1901. (V.96) RINDA E. JONES, dau. of Gideon M. (IV. 45) ; b. Feb. 6, 1853 ; m. Sept. 4, 1889, E. D. Crittenden, of Howell, Mich., son of Rev. A. S. Crittenden. Resided in Charlotte, Eaton Co., Mich. Issue: « Olin M., b. Sept. 12, 1893 ; d. Aug. 10, 1894. (V. 97) WALTER R. JONES, son of Gideon M. (IV. 45). Settled in Jonesville, Michigan. Issue: VI. 95. A son. (V. 99) MARY E. JONES, dau. of William R. (IV. 48) ; b. Nov. 14, 1841 ; d. Nov. 25, 1865; m. Aug. 13, 1861, Justus Todd, of Elkhart, Ind. (V. 100) ELIZABETH P. JONES, dau. of William R. (IV. 48) ; b. March 2, 1843; m- Sept. i, 1861, Myron H. Wolcott, son of Rev. William, of Genesee Co., N. Y. Settled near Jonesville, Michigan. Issue: Leroy R., b. Aug. 28, 1862. William W., b. March 8, 1864 ; d. March 30, 1866 ;. A daughter, b. Oct. 22, 1874 ; d. Oct. 22, 1874. Merton Newell, b. March 17, 1876. (W. 102) JENNIE L. JONES, dau. of William R. (IV. 48) ; m. Samuel Roluson. Issue: Henry, b. 1883. Clyde, b. 1885. Ida L., b. 1887. i8o THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND (V. 104) ESTELLA Y. JONES, dau. of William R. (IV. 48) ; b. March i, 1858; m. April 9, 1879, Barker Allen, son of Lewis. Issue : Mary C, b. 1880. — ■■ , b. 1881. Roswell W., b. 1887. (V. iiof) RICHARD H. JONES, son of Hallett (IV. 55) ; b. 8 Sept., 1838 ; m. 24 Oct., 1870, Mary E., dau. of James P. Roe, of Huntington, L. I., son of Joseph Smith Roe, son of Thomas. of Port Jeflferson, L. I. Issue: H-VI. 96. Richard Everett, b. 26 Oct., 1874. (V. 112) DAVID JONES, son of Daniel (IV. 58). Lived at Gravesend, L. I. Issue: +VI. 97. Walter. 98. Daughter. 99. Daughter. (VI. I) EDGAR T. JONES, son of Samuel S. (V. 2) ; b. Nov. 27, 1839; d. May 17, 1890; m. first, June 8, 1865, Sarah W. Van Wyck, dau. of John, of Flatlands, L. I. Issue : VII. I. William D., b. Aug. 29, 1866; d. March, 1890; unm. I a. Eleanor Townsend, b. Feb. 20, 1869. M. 2d, 1872, Elizabeth, widow of Williams, of Brook- lyn, L. I. (She had three children by her first husband.) Issue: VII. 2. Samuel S., b. May 15, 1873 ; m. and has one child in 1903. (VI. 2) ALBERT GALLATIN JONES, son of Samuel S. (V. 2) ; b. June 13, 1842; m. Dec. 27, 1865, Mary E., b. Aug. 8, 1842, dau. of Edward N, Applegate, of Brooklyn, L. I., and his wife, Cordelia Sheffield. They reside in Morristown, N. J. Is- sue: VII. 3. Lily May, b. July 19, 1868; m. Harris A. Freeman, THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND i8i son of Cornelius W and Susan H., of Morristown, N.J. (VI. 3) DAVID S. JONES, son of Israel S. (V. 3) ; b. Sept. 2y, 1836: m. Sept. 25, i860, Sarah Clem. Issue: VII. 4. Nellie, b. March 28, 1863 ; m. Edgar J. Phillips. Was in the flour business, 15 Whitehall St., N. Y. City; firm of D. S. & A. G. Jones. (VI. 5) MARRIETTA A. JONES, dau. of Israel S. (V. 3) ; b. Dec. 24, 1840; d. Jan. 31, 1873; m. Abraham C. Underbill. Issue : Townsend. Harry. (VI. 7) PHEBE W. JONES, dau. of Israel S. (V. 3) ; b. April 14, 1845 ; d. July 19, 1875 ; m. Asa C. Hendrickson. Issue: , d. in infancy. , d. in infancy. (VI. 12) WILLIAM HENRY JONES, son of Elbert T. (V. 5) ; b. March 10, 1841 ; m. Alma, dau. of Benjamin and Jemima Seaman. Resided at Rockville Centre, L. I., and is en- gaged in the coal business in Brooklyn, L. I., firm of Wm. H. Jones & Co. Issue: VII. 5. Mary E., b. April 2, 1862 ; m. Oscar L. Tuthill, son of Samuel H. and his wife, Henrietta Oswald, of Jerusalem. +6. Edith S., b. July 18, 1864; m. Clemence De Mott Davison. +7. Alice P., b. Feb. 28, 1869; m- Winfield Davison. 8. Ella A., b. April 7, 1867 ; d. Aug. 18, 1867. 9. Elbert B.. b. July 17, 1871. -(-10. Townsend S.. b. June i. 1876; m. Agnes, dau. of Herman J. and Anna Masters, of Baldwins, L. I. (VI. 13) SAMUEL SEAMAN JONES, son of Elbert T. i82 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND (V, 5) ; b. April 21, 1842; m. Mary E., dau. of Benjamin and Harriet Southard. (VI. 15) MARGARET ANN JONES, dau. of John (V. 7) ; b. at New Bridge, now Belmore, L. I., Aug. 21, 1844; m. April 25, 1867, Stephen H. Linington, b. Feb. 23, 1843; d. 1903, son of Stephen, of Brooklyn, L. I., and his wife Maria Anne, dau. of Timothy and Maria A. Baxter, of Brooklyn, L. I. Issue: Stephen Wood, b. Nov. 30, 1868; m. Oct. 18, 1900, Gertrude Ellen, b. May 27, 1875, dau. of Joseph Watson, of Newport, R. I., and his wife Mary Anna, dau. of Wm. Bradley Win- die, of England, and Sophia Clausen, of N. Y. City, his wife. Issue : Argyle Watson Linington, b. Oct. 4, 1901. (VI. 16) JOHN TREDWELL JONES, son of John (V. 7) ; b. Oct. 6, 1847; m. Nov. 27, 1876, Anne, dau. of Wm. H, Smith, of Baldwins, L. I. Issue: VII. II. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 4, 1878. 12. George T., b. Jan. 11, 1883. (VI. 21) CORNELIA JONES, dau. of Judge Samuel W. (V. 13); b. Dec. 27, 1825; d. Dec. 7, 1901 ; rn. Dec. 26, 1850. John Bleecker Miller, of Utica, N. Y., son of Judge Morns Smith Miller, and his wife Maria, dau. of Rutger Bleecker, of Albany, N. Y., and his wife, Catharine Elmendorph, of Kingston, N. Y. Issue: Maria Duane Bleecker, m. Dec. 26, 1896, Wilmot Townsend Cox, son of Townsend Cox, and his wife, Anne Helme Townsend. John Bleecker, m. Sept. 9, 1893, Mary Berthenia Dunn, of Baltimore, Md., dau. of Rev. Ballard Dunn, of Vir., and his wife. Elizabeth Stansbury, of Md. Issue: Cornelia Stansbury. John Bleecker, b. Jan. 29, 1899 ; d. Sept. 14, 1900. Cornelia Jones, m, Nov. 20, 1878, Rear Admiral French THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 183 Ensur Chadwick, U. S. N., son of Daniel C. Chadwick, and his wife, Margaret Eliza Evans, of Morgantown, W. Va. (VI. 22) JAMES DUANE JONES, 2d, son of Judge Sam- uel W. (V. 13) ; b. Jan. 20, 1828; d. Dec. 31, 1879; m. 1873, Mary Yates Dollilier, widow of . No issue. (VI. 23) DANIEL FRANCIS JONES, son of Judge Sam- uel W. (V. 13) ; b. Feb. 27, 1830; d. in Florida, July 26, 1863; not married. He was a Lieut, in the Confederate Army during the Civil War in Col. Dummitt's Reg. (VI. 24) EDMUND JONES, son of David W. (V. 14) ; b. March 10, 1824; d. Feb. 11, 1900; not married. Went to Cali- fornia when young and was interested there in gold mining and assaying. He later became shipmaster, and during the Civil War served as on the monitor "Itaska," under Admiral Farragut. (See Commander Mahan's "The Navy in the Civil War," Vol. 3, p. 67-72.) At the close of the war he went to the West, but soon returned and settled in Cold Spring Harbor, where he died. (VI. 26) DAVID JONES, son of David W. (V. 14) ; b. Dec. 28, 1828; m. Aug. 2, 1870, Julia, b. 1838; d. Dec. 22, 1903. dau. of William Coles Neilson, of N. Y., and Maria, his wife, dau. of Henry Kelsey, of L. I., by whom he had no issue. They resided in the old homestead of his father at Cold Spring Harbor until 1895, when he sold the place and settled in Flush- ing, L. I. William Coles Neilson was a son of James, of N. Y., and his wife Sarah, dau. of Genl. Nathaniel Coles, of Dosoris, L. I. (VI. 2-]) CHARLES JONES, son of David W. (V. 14) ; b. April 30, 183 1 ; m. Aug. 25, 1862, Clara Patterson Forrest, b. Feb. 20, 1846, dau. of Alexander Patterson Forrest and his wife, Mary Drummond, dau. of William and Jannet Drummond, who lived at Perth, of Perthshire, Scotland, and came to this country in 1829. William and Jannet Drummond were married in N. Y. City in 1835. «^"^ resided there until 1854. Mr. Jones removed from Cold Spring Harbor when young i84 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND with his brother Elbert W., and settled in Waupun, Wis., where they conducted a large general store. Issue: VII. 13. Eleanor Forrest, b. July 29, 1863 ; d. July 24, 1890. -[-14. Mary Dorothy, b. Nov. 16, 1872. 15. Robert Edmund, b. Feb. 23, 1877; d. Jan. 31, 1880. 16. Edith Lenore, b. Feb. 27, 1881 ; d. Sept. 14, 1880. (VI. 28) ELBERT WILLIAM JONES, son of David W. (V. 14) ; b. Jan. 9, 1834; m. Aug. 29, 1864, Margaret Hope For- rest, b. April 10, 1843, ^ sister of his brother Charles' wife, Clara. Issue : +VII. 17. David William, b. Aug. 11, 1865. 18. Frederick Elbert, b. May 9, 1869. He resides in Waupun, Wisconsin. (VI. 30) KEZIA JONES, dau. of Daniel Y. (V. 20) ; b. Oct. 9, 1849 ; "^- July 16, 1872, Henry F. Aldworth, of Brooklyn, L. I., son of Henry and his wife, Almira Baxter, b. 1826, dau. of Francis Baxter, and his wife, Rebecca Ham. Issue: Daniel Jones, b. Feb. 16, 1873. Henry Francis, b. April ii, 1875. Rosetta Baxter, b. Dec. 23, 1878. Alfred, b. March 19, 1881 ; d. July 16, 1881. Eliza, b. July 27, 1885. (VI. 33) ALICE S. JONES, dau. of Daniel Y. (V. 20) ; b. 1858 ; m July 5, 1883, Harris Dobell Baker, of Flushing, L. L, son of George C. Baker, and his wife Phebe, dau. of Robert White, and his wife, Hannah Gibbs. No issue in 1892. (VI. 43) SAMUEL JACKSON JONES, son of Jacob S. J. (V. 38) ; b. June 12, 1844; m. Oct. 21, 1869, Julia Elizabeth Wel- wood, dau. of Arthur Welwood and his wife Elizabeth, dau. of George and Elizabeth Overis, of England. Issue: VII. 19. Florence C, b. Oct. 20, 1875. 20. Ella Margarite, b. Oct. 24, 1877. 21. Julia Elizabeth, b. Oct. 9, 1880. Lived at Jerusalem, now Wantagh, L. I. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 185 (VI. 44) CLARENCE JONES, son of Jacob S. J. (V. 38) ; b. Oct. 15, 1846: m. Mary Smith, dau. of . Issue: VII. 22. Laura. (VI. 53) MARY KINGSLAND JONES, dau. of Herman Le Roy Jones (V. 52) ; b. Oct. 4, 1870; m. Feb. 8, 1892, William H. Bradford, son of Wm. H., and his wife, Anna A. Issue : William, b. Nov. 20, 1893 ; d. March 20, 1900. George Dexter, b. June 12, 1897. (VI. 54) HERMAN LE ROY JONES, son of Herman Le Roy Jones (V. 52) ; b. Oct. 19, 1872; m. Feb. 17, 1896, Margaret, dau. of Philip Hone, of N. Y. City, and Emma Alward, his wife. Margaret Hone had been married twice before ; her first husband was Archibald K. Mackay, and her second Paul T. Wilkes, from each of whom she was divorced. Issue by her 3d husband (Jones) : VII. 23. Philip Hone Le Roy Jones, b. Jan. 19, 1899. By her husband Mackay (from whom she was divorced in 1892), she had one daughter. She m. her 2d husband, Wilkes, in Oct., 1892. (VI. 55) DE WITT CLINTON JONES, son of De Witt C. (V. 55) ; b. Dec. 25, 1862; m. Jan. 20, 1891, Bessie Duncan Cannon, dau. of Henry Rutgers Cannon, M. D., of Elizabeth, N. J., and his wife, Mary C. Brinkerhoff. They reside in Eliz- abeth, N. J. Issue: VII. 24. De Witt Clinton, b. Nov. i, 1892. 24a. Rutgers Brevort, b. Nov. 12, 1897. (VI. 59) ELLEN ROOSEVELT JONES, dau. of De Witt C- (V. 55) ; b. Feb. 23, 1874; m. Sept. 23, 1891, Frederick Glover Pyne, U. S. N., son of Rev. Charles M. Pyne and Eliza Glover, his wife, dau. of Daniel and Mary (Cruger) Glover. Living in 1904 at Richmond Hill, L. I. Issue : Frederick Cruger, b. Sept. 8, 1902, at U. S. Naval Station, Ag^na, Island of Guam. i86 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND Frederick G. Pyne is asst. paymaster in U. S. N., and is a descendant of Genl. Phil. Schuyler and Alexander Hamilton. (VI. 64) ELIZABETH CORALIE JONES, dau. of Oliver H. (V. 67) ; m. John Lyon Gardiner, the twelfth Proprietor of Gardiner's Island, L. I. Issue: Coralie Livingston; m. Nov. 10, 1892, Alexander R. Cox. Adele G. Lion. Winthrop. John. (See under Gardiner family.) (VI. 65) OLIVER LIVINGSTON JONES, son of Oliver H. (V. 67) ; b. May 4, 1850 ; m. Nov. 5, 1873, Mary E. Jones, dau. of Charles H. Jones (IV. 34). Issue, six children. (See under Mary E. Jones (V. 90) (VI. 66) ROSALIE ADELE JONES, dau. of Oliver H. (V. 67) ; b. Nov. 16, 1853; m. Jan. 20, 1876, Walton Oakley, b. Dec. 13, 1839; d. Feb. 11, 1883, son of Chief Justice Thos. J. Oakley, of N. Y. City. Issue: Walton Livingston, b. Jan. 14, 1877. Louisa Cruger, b. May 9, 1879; d. Feb. 26, 1881. Henry Cruger, b. May 11, 1882; d. March 26, 1884. Walton Oakley was a son of Chief Justice Thomas Jackson Oakley and his 2d wife Matilda (whom he married March 29, 1831), dau. of Henry Cruger, of N. Y. City, and a grandson of Jesse Oakley, of Huntington, L. I. ; b. 28 April, 1748 ; d. 9 Nov., 1827, who m., Feb. 12, 1775, Jerusha, b. Feb. 23, 1756; d. 12 Feb., 1808, dau. of George Peters (4A). Chief Justice Thos, Jackson Oakley was b. Nov. 10, 1783; d. May II, 1857. (VI. d-]) MARTHA LOUISA JONES, dau. of Oliver H. (V. 67) ; b. 1856 ; m. June 7, 1877, Walter Rutherfurd, son of Walter, b. 1812, d. 1868, and his wife Isabella, dau. of Capt. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 187 David Brooks, U. S. A., and his wife, Frances Morris. Issue, two children. (See under Rutherfurd family.) (VI. 68) LILIAN LIVINGSTON JONES, dau. of Oliver H. (V. 6^) ; b. March 17, i860; m. Charles Remsen, son of Will- iam and his wife, Jane, dau. of John Suydam, of N. Y. City. Issue : Charles, b. 1891 ; d. March 22, 1899. William. (See under Remsen family.) (VI. 69) HELEN JONES, dau. of Samuel W. (V. 75) ; b. July 13, 1853; m. Feb. 24, 1876, Rev. Timothy O'Connell, by whom she had no issue. (VI. 70) ELIZABETH HEWLETT JONES, dau. of Sam- uel W. (V. 75) ; b. July 29, 1856; m. Nov. 19, 1879, William W. Wood, son of William W., of Huntington, L. I., and his first wife, Eliza S. Scudder, widow of W. W. Kissam, and dau. of Henry and Elizabeth (Hewlett) Scudder. Issue: Elizabeth Hewlett, b. Oct. 25, 1880. Anna Lawton, b. May 30, 1882. William Wilton, b. Aug. 2, 1883. Susan Jones, b. May 11, 1886. Henry Lawrence, b. Nov. 10, 1893. (See under Wood family.) (VI. 71) SAMUEL VAN WYCK JONES, son of Samuel ^- (V. 75) ; b. June 6, 1858; m. first, June 5. 1882, Anna, d. July 25, 1882, dau. of Cyrus W. Lawton, of New Rochelle, and his wife Sally, dau. of Newbury Davenport (2d), son of New- bury. 1st, and his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph Hewlett. Issue: VII. 25. . M. 2d, Sept. 14, 1892, Elena, dau. of Sefior Pedro Pont, of Largos, State of Jalisco, Mexico, and his wife, Librada Zamora. i88 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND He bom in France, came to America and served in Maximilian's army. Issue : VII. 26. Elena Maria, b. 1894. 27. Samuel William, b. 1895. 28. Maria Louisa, b. 1896. 29. Joseph Robert, b. 1898. When young he went to N. Y. City, and in 1877 he went to Texas where he was interested in wool growing. In 1887 he removed to Mexico, where he became a dealer in agricultural im- plements. (VI. 72) SUSAN M. JONES, dau. of Samuel W. (V. 75) ; b. Dec. 17, 1863 ; m. Oct. 6, 1885, William Negley, of Texas, for- merly of Hagerstown, Md. He b. 1854; was a son of Peter, and his wife, Laura Rickenbaugh. Issue: William Robert, b. July 17, 1886. Richard Van Wyck, b. Dec. 22, 1887. William Walter, b. 1895. Gertrude, b. 1896. William Lewis, b. 1898. (VI. 74) VIRGINIA JONES, dau. of Waher R. (V. 76) ; b. Oct. 21, 1848; m. Oct. 19, 1875, Oliver Jones Woodhull, b. Nov. 19, 1846, son of Josiah and his wife Hannah, dau. of Will- iam H. Jones (IV. 25). They removed from Woodbury, L. L, and settled in San Antonio, Texas, where he is engaged in the cattle and wool growing business. No issue in 1904. (See under Woodhull family.) (VI. 75) WILLIAM HEWLETT JONES, son of Walter R. (V. 76) ; b. March 18, 1855 ; m. first, Jan. 7, 1879, Lucy, b. i860; d. June 17, 1886, dau. of Van Gaasback Du Mont, of Bath- on-the-Hudson, and his wife, Henrietta Mosier, of Esopus. Issue : VII. 30. Henrietta L., b. July 29, 1885. 31. Child, d. in infancy. M. 2d, Jan. 21, 1891, Helen Agnes, dau. of Charles C. Smith, THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 189 of Huppague, L. I., and his wife, Adelia Hawkins, of Islip, L. I. Issue : VII. 32. Virginia Martha, b. May 21, 1894. 33. Adele, b. Feb. 8, 1896. He resided in the old homestead of his father at Woodbury, L. I., and for several years was Commissioner of Highways. In he was elected Supervisor of the town of Oyster Bay. (VI. 76) JOHN HENRY JONES, son of Samuel A. (V. 81) ; b. Dec. 2^, 185 1 ; m. first, Oct. 2, 1879, Nora Jarvis Scudder, b. March 30, 1854; d. June 7, 1886, dau. of Henry G. Scudder, of Huntington, L. 1., and his first wife, Eleanor E. Murray, of New Jersey; no issue. (See Scudder family.) M. 2d, June 18, 1890, Helen Folsom Baker, b. Feb. 4, 1868, dau. of Rev. E. Folsom Baker and his 2d wife, Sarah A. Watson, of Unadilla, N. Y. (See Baker family), by whom he also had no issue. He received his early education at the schools of his native place (Cold Spring Harbor, L. I.) and in 1866 was sent to Col. Marlborough Churchill's Military Academy at Sing Sing (now Ossining), N. Y., where he remained until 1869, when he went to N. Y. City as a clerk in the office of his uncle, Townsend Jones (V. 82), then of the firm of Jones, Underbill & Scudder, and remained in their employ and in that of their successor, Underbill & Scudder, until the latter's dissolution in 1902, when a new firm was formed under the name of Ladd, Burling & Co., with John H. Jones as a member of the company. In 1904 Mr. Jones with- drew and settled upon his father's place at Cold Spring Harbor, L. I., where he finished the compilation of this Jones genealogy. (See preface.) (VI. Tj) WALTER MOTT JONES, son of Samuel A. (V. 81); b. Sept. 6, 1854; d. Feb. 7, 1902; m. Dec. 4, 1886, Ellen Shepherd Van Cleef, dau. of James Spencer Van Cleef, of Pough- keepsie, N. Y., and his wife, Harriet Mulford Howell, of East- hampton, L. I. Issue: VII. 34. Walter Rysam, b. Oct. 7, 1887. 35. Elizabeth Van Cleef, b. June 22, 1889. igo THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 36. Esther Mott, b. June 6, 1893. 37. Harriet Howell, b. Dec. 4, 1894; d. June 15, 1896. His early education was derived from the same schools as that of his brother, John H. In 1872 he accepted a clerkship in the Atlantic Mutual Ins. Co., of N. Y. City, of which his uncle, John D. Jones (V. 79), was then prest. Under the latter's guidance he arose from one official position to another and was finally ap- pointed by him as assistant secy. The duties of this office were faithfully and conscientiously carried out by Mr. Jones, and dur- ing the last three years of his life he was, by reason of the illness of the secretary, discharging the duties of that office also. It was the wish of the prest. and of those under him that Mr. Jones might succeed to the secretaryship, but he did not live to see his wishes fulfilled. In 1902 the secy, resigned, and Mr. A. A. Raven, who had in the meantime succeeded Mr. John D. Jones as prest., not favoring the latter's nephew as secretary, handed in to the Board of Directors the name of another, who confirmed the same. This was a terrible disappointment to Mr. Jones and had much to do with the latter's illness and subsequent death. Thus were the wishes of one undone by those of another who had been most befriended by him. Throughout his long career in the employ of the company Mr. Jones faithfully and honorably discharged the duties incumbent upon him, but an early death cut short a career of untiring energy and devotion in all his business and family relations. (VI. 80) TOWNSEND JONES, son of Townsend (V. 82) ; b. May 14, 1854; m. April 30, 1879, Catharine, b. May 21, 1858, dau. of Rev. Robert T. Howard, of Cold Spring Harbor, L. I., formerly of Charleston, S. C, and his wife, Hester M., dau. of Billop Seaman. Issue: VII. 38. Mary Catharine, b. March 19, 1880; m. Nov. 6, 1905, MacAllaster Moore. Issue: Townsend Merriam Moore, b. Aug. 26, 1906. 39. Townsend Howard, b. April 30, 1882; d. Feb. 19, 1884. 40. Elise Howard, b. Nov. 26, 1886. 41. Marguerite Howard, b. Dec. 31, 1890. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 191 Mr. Jones is a graduate of Columbia College, class of 1876. He studied law in the office of Moore, Hand &. Bonney, of N. Y. City, and was soon admitted to the Bar. In 1882, Mr. C. B. Moore withdrawmg, he was admitted as the junior partner. Mr. C. A. Hand dying later, his nephew, Augustus N. Hand, took his place, and the business continued under the firm name of Hand, Bonney & Jones. (VI. 81) JOSHUA THOMAS JONES, son of Townsend (V. 82); b.'Sept. 8, 1855; d. Oct. 5, 1905; m. June 16, 1886, Alethea Augusta, dau. of Isaac Labagh, of N. Y. City. No issue. In 1872 he was in the employ of the Atlantic Mutual Ins. Co. of N. Y. City. In 1879 he was engaged in the manufacture of chemicals in Burlington, Vt., but returned to N. Y. City, where in 1885 he was connected with the Ship Masters' Association. In 1886-1889 he was again connected with the Atlantic Mutl. Ins. Co., but in 1890 resigned and returned to Cold Spring Harbor, L. I., and resided in the homestead of his father. (VI. 86) WILLIAM EDWARD JONES, son of William E. (V. 83) ; b. Nov. 10, 1869; d. Nov. 30, 1906. Resided in the old homestead of his father at Cold Spring Harbor, L. I., and was engaged in the real estate business in N. Y. City. At the time of his death he was Warden and Treasurer of St. John's Church, and held several other offices of responsibility and trust in the town in which he resided. (VI. 87) JOSEPHINE CATHARINE JONES, dau. of Walter R. T. (V. 85) ; b. July 2, 1855 i m- April 3, 1877, Major Charles William Whipple, U. S. A., son of Major Genl. Amiel Weeks Whipple, and his wife, Eleanor Mary, dau. of Col. John N. Sherburne. Issue: Walter Jones, b. July 17, 1878. William, b. Jan. 27, 1880. Sherburne, b. May 2, 1881. Annette Bailey, b. Aug. 21, 1883. Eleanor Sherburne, b. May 13, 1887. (See under Whipple and Sherburne families.) 192 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND (VL88) THEODORUS BAILEY JONES, only son of Walter R. T. (V. 85) ; b. Oct. 10, 1863, and d. at St. Paul's School, Concord, N. H., March 27, 1879, from the effects of a violent fever caused by overexertion in gymnastic exercises. He was an exceptionally bright and promising young man, and his early death was a great loss to the family. He was a great favorite with both teachers and scholars, and stood high in his class, rank- ing first or second among thirty-three members. His teachers spoke of him as "a young man of pure and tender feeling, and left a high record for one dying on the threshold of life." We quote from a tribute to his memory by the members of his class : "We testify to the honorable and conscientious conduct of our fellow scholar, to his perfect truthfulness, to his pure and un- stained life and conversation, and to his loyalty and manliness in all his relations to the school and to his classmates." (VI. 89) LOUISE ELIZABETH JONES, dau. of Oliver L. (VI. 65) ; b. Sept. 18, 1875. (VI. 90) CHARLES HERBERT JONES, son of Oliver L. (VI. 65) ; b. Dec. 18, 1877. (VI. 91) OLIVER LIVINGSTON JONES, son of Oliver L. (VI. 65) ; b. April i, 1880. (VI. 92) ROSALIE GARDINER JONES, dau. of Oliver L. (VI. 65) ; b. Feb. 24, 1883. (VI. 93) ARTHUR EATON JONES, son of Oliver L. (VI. 65) ; b. Aug. 20, 1884. (VI. 94) PHILIP LIVINGSTON JONES, son of Oliver L. (VI. 65) : b. May 5, 1890. (VI. 96) RICHARD EVERETT JONES, son of Richard H. (V. iioF) ; b. 26 Oct., 1874. Lived in Huntington, L. I. Not married in 1904. (VI. 97) WALTER JONES, son of David (V. 114) ; b. at Gravesend, L. I. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 193 (VII. 2) SAMUEL S. JONES, son of Edgar T. (VI. i), and his 2d wife, Elizabeth, b. May 15, 1873. Issue: VIII. I. Child, b. before 1903. (VII. 6) EDITH S. JONES, dau. of WilHam H. (VI. 12) ; b. July 18, 1864; m. Clemence De Mott Davison, son of Lewis and Mary, of Rockville Centre, L. I. Issue: Hazel Osborne, b. Aug. 15, 1896. Lois Stanhope, b. Dec. 5, 1897. Lewis William, b. July 2, 1899. Edith Mildred, b. April 26, 1901. (VII. 8) ALICE P. JONES, dau. of William H. (VI. 12) ; b. Feb. 28, 1869; m. Winfield Davison, son of Alexander and Mary, of Rockville Centre, L. I. Issue: Edith Lam, b. Nov. 27, 1889. Marion C, b. Dec. 15, 1890. Alma Mary, b. Oct. 16, 1900. (VII. 10) TOWNSEND S. JONES, son of William H. (VI. 12) ; b. June i, 1876: m. Agnes Mastens, dau. of Herman J. and Anna, of Baldwins, L. I. Issue: VIII. 2. Catharine A., b. June 3, 1901. 3. William H., b. March 10, 1903. (VII. 14) MARY DOROTHY JONES, dau. of Charles (VI. 27) ; b. Nov. 16, 1872; m. Oct. 9, 1895, George Edgar New- comb, of Atchison, Kansas. Issue: Clara Forrest, b. Aug. 21, 1898. (VII. 17) DAVID WILLIAM JONES, son of Elbert W. (VI. 28) ; b. Aug. II, 1865; m. July 21, 1891, Maud Jennings, dau. of . They reside in Waupun, Wisconsin. Issue: VIII. 4. Margaret Elizabeth, b. April 26, 1892. 5. Elbert William, b. March 31, 1894. 6. Mabel Jennings, b. May 6. 1898. »3 194 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND (i) COL. RICHARD FLOYD, the first of his name on Long Island; b. in Wales about 1620; came to Setauket, L. I., 1656; d. about 1690; m, Susannah, b. 1626, d. 1706, dau. of . Was a justice and Col. of the Suffolk Co. Militia. (2) COL. RICHARD FLOYD, son of Col. Richard (i) ; b. May 12, 1661 ; d. Feb. 28, 1737; m. Sept. 10, 1686, Margaret, b. 1662, d. 1718, dau. of Col. Matthias Nicoll (Secy, of Colony of New York), and his wife, Abigail, dau. of . Issue: Susannah, b. 1688 ; m. Edmund Smith, son of Adam, son of Richard, of the "Bull" Smith family, of Smithtown. Margaret, b. 1690; m. Rev. John Thomas, of Hempstead. Charity, b. 1692; d. 1758; m. ist, Benjamin Nicoll; m. 2d, Dr. Samuel Johnson. Eunice, b. 1694; m. Wm. Stephens. Ruth, b. 1699; m. Walter Dongan. 3. Richard, b. 1703; d. 1771 ; m. Elizabeth Hutchinson. 4. Nicoll, b. 1705; d. 1752; m. Tabitha Smith. (3) COL. RICHARD FLOYD, son of Col. Richard (2) ; b. Dec. 29, 1703; d. April 21, 1771 ; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Col. Sam- uel Hutchinson, of Southold, L. L, March 4, 1730. Issue: +5. Richard, and others. (4) COL. NICOLL FLOYD, son of Col. Richard (2), b. Aug. 27, 1705; d. 1752; m. Tabitha, dau. of Jonathan Smith, of Smithtown. He resided at Mastic, L. I. Issue: 6. Ruth; m. Genl. Nathaniel Woodhull. 7. William, b. Dec. 17, 1734 (the "Signer" of the Declara- tion of Independence) ; m. ist, , dau. of Wm. Jones, of Southampton (not of this Jones family) ; m. 2d, , dau. of Selah Strong, of Setauket, L. I. Nicoll. Charles, and other children. (5) COL. RICHARD FLOYD, son of Col. Richard (3) ; b. Feb. 26, 1731 ; d. Feb. 6, 1791 ; m. Nov. 2, 1757, Arabella, b. Dec. 7, 1734; d. May 29, 1785; dau. of Judge David Jones (II. 2). Issue : THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 195 -f-8. David Richard, b. Nov. 14, 1764; who became David Richard FLOYD-JONES (i). +9. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 8, 1758; m. John P. de Lancey. -|-io. Anne Willett, b. Aug. 17, 1767; m. Samuel B. Nicoll. (See account of Col. Richard (5), under Arabella Jones (III. 4).) (9) ELIZABETH FLOYD, dau. of Col. Richard (5); b. Aug. 8, 1758; d. May 7, 1820; m, Sept. 28, 1785, John P. de Lan- cey, b. July 15, 1753 ; d. Jan. 30, 1828, son of Lieut. Gov. James de Lancey and his wife Anna, dau. of Hon. Caleb Heathcote. Issue: Thomas James, b. Aug. 12, 1789; d. Dec. 22, 1822. Edward Floyd, b. June 18, 1795 ; d. Oct. 19, 1820. William Heathcote, b. Oct. 8, 1797; d. April 5, 1865. The first Bishop of Western New York. Anne Charlotte, b. Sept. 17, 1786; d. May 29, 1852; m. Dec. 10, 1827, John Loudon McAdam ; no issue. Susan Augusta, b. Jan. 28, 1792; d. Jan. 20, 1852; m. Jan. i, 181 1, James Fenimore Cooper (the novelist). Maria Frances, b. Aug. 3, 1793 ; d. Jan. 17, 1806. Elizabeth Caroline, b. March 4, 1801 ; d. Feb. 25, i860. Martha Arabella, b. Jan. 10, 1803. John P. de Lancey was Major of the Pennsylvania Loyalists, a corps of provincial troops commanded by Col. Wm. Allen. James (eldest brother of John P. de Lancey), b. 1732, became an aide to Genl. Abercrombie, with the rank of Captain. After his father's death in 1760 he became "the head of the family and of the party known by his name until the Revolution." He was a member of the Genl. Assembly. 1768- 1775, and member of the Governor's Council. His whole family opposed the Congressional Party and supported the English King. He went to England in 1775, and was later attainted and banished by the Act of Attainder of 1779. in which his brother-in-law. Judge Thomas Jones (III. 3). who had married his sister Anne, was included. ( 10) ANNE WILLETT FLOYD, dau. of Col. Richard ( 5) ; b. Aug, 17, 1767: d. June 8, 1813 ; m. Dec. 6, 1784, Samuel Ben- J96 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND jamin Nicoll, b. Sept. 4, 1764, son of William, of Shelter Island, L. I., commonly called "Clerk Nicoll." He d. Sept. 19, 1828, with issue as follows: Richard Floyd. William, b. Dec. 6, 1787. Elizabeth Floyd, b. Feb. 9, 1790. Anna Willet, b. Feb. 14, 1792. Samuel B., b. March 25, 1794. Thomas E., b. Jan. 2, 1796. Maria C, b. Nov. 2, 1798. John C, b. April 17, 1800. Glorianna, b. May 24, 1803. Arabella Jones Floyd, b. Jan. 26, 1807. FLOYD-JONLS FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND. David Richard Floyd (8), son of Col. Richard Floyd (5) and his wife, Arabella Jones (III. 4), in pursuance with the will of his grandfather, Judge David Jones (II. 2), and an Act of the Legislature of March 14, 1788, took in addition to his own sur- name that of Jones, and thereby became known as David Richard Floyd-Jones, the first of the family bearing that double name on Long Island. (i) DAVID RICHARD FLOYD-JONES, formerly David Richard Floyd (8), b. Nov. 14, 1764; d. Feb. 10, 1826; m. Sept. 20, 1785, Sarah, b. March 26, 1758; d. Feb. 29, 1844, dau. of Hendrick Onderdonk and his wife Phebe, dau. of Col. Benjamin Tredwell. Issue : 2. David Thomas, b. April 25, 1787; d. June 12, 1787. -f3. Thomas, b. July 23, 1788; d. Aug. 23, 1851 ; Brig. Genl. 4. Arabella, b. Feb. 6, 1790; d. May 5, 1790. +5. Henry Onderdonk, b. Jan. 3, 1792; d. Dec. 20, 1862; Maj. Genl. 6. Andrew Onderdonk, b. Jan. 9, 1794; d. Feb. 11, 1794. Hendrick Onderdonk, his father-in-law, was of the 3d genera- tion of America, being a son of Andries and his wife, Gertrude Lott. Some of his family supported the American side. He was b. Dec. II, 1724; d. March 31, 1809. His wife Phebe, whom he m. May 20, 1750, was b. July 12, 1730; d. Dec. 19, 1801. As David Richard Floyd-Jones' grandfather, Judge David Jones (11.2), by his will entailed his Fort Neck property in-tail male upon his only son, Judge Thomas Jones (HI. 3), and in default of such issue, to his daughter Arabella in tail-male, this David Richard Floyd- Jones (i), by reason of such default, and being the only son of Arabella, became possessed of the large landed estate and enjoyed it during his life. Shortly after his succeeding to the estate he was admonished iqS the JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND by his uncle, Judge Thomas Jones (III. 3) in the following words : "Behave with caution and prudence, and let me beg of you by your conduct never to disgrace the families of your two grand- fathers. Always remember, one was first in Queens, the other in Suffolk." That he regarded this advice and lived with probity and honor there is every evidence. He was a faithful churchman, never failing on Sunday mornings to drive ten miles to St. George's Church, at Hempstead, which was his nearest parish church. (3) BRIG. GENL. THOMAS FLOYD-JONES, son of David R. (i) ; b. July 23, 1788; d. Aug. 23, 185 1; m. Jan. 28, 1812, Cornelia H. Jones, b. April 22, 1796; d. Dec. 29, 1839, dau. of Maj. William Jones (IV. 4). Issue: +7. David Richard, b. April 6, 1813 ; d. Jan. 8, 1871 (the Lieut. Gov.). +8. William, b. March 10, 1815 ; d. Feb. 7, 1896. +9. Elbert, b. Feb. 7, 1817; d. Feb. 17, 1901. -f 10. Sarah Maria, b. Dec. 10, 1818; d. Jan. 2, 1892. He succeeded to the Fort Neck estate on his father's death in 1826, and was the last possessor under the entail created by his great-grandfather, Judge David Jones (II. 2), in 1768. In 1830 the law of entail was abolished, and he became possessed of the whole estate in fee simple. He died in 185 1, intestate, and the estate was divided between his four children above named, each one receiving about 1,200 acres of land. (5) MAJ. GENL. HENRY O. FLOYD-JONES, son of David R. (i) ; b. Jan. 3, 1792; d. Dec. 20, 1862; m. Helen, b. Nov. 24, 1792 ; d. July 18, 1872, dau. of Charles Watts, of South Carolina. Issue : 11. Sarah, b. Oct. i, 1818; d. Aug. 10, 1900; unm. 12. Henry, b. March 10, 1820; d. Feb. 20, 1849; unm. -f-13. Charles, d. 1874. -I-14. Josephine K., m. John D. Jones (V. 79). H-I5. Edward, b. Jan. 26, 1823; d. Jan. 23, 1901. -|-i6. De Lancey, b. Jan. 23, 1826; d. Jan. 19, 1902. 17. Helen Watts, b. Dec. 9. 1827; d. July 25, 1855; unm. In 1829 and 1830 was Member of Assembly from Queens Co., THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 199 and from 1836 to 1840 was Senator for First District, comprising Long Island, Staten Island, and the City of New York. (7) LIEUT. GOV. DAVID RICHARD FLOYD-JONES, son of Brig. Genl. Thomas (3) ; b. at Fort Neck, L. I., April 6, 1813; d. Jan. 8, 1871 ; m. June 25, 1845, Mary Louisa, b. Aug. 14, 1818, dau. of George W. Stanton, of Albany, N. Y., and his wife Sally, dau. of Theophilus Morgan, of Killingworth, Conn. Issue : 18. Stanton, b. June 11, 1846; d. Feb. 17, 1848. -I-19. George Stanton, b. Dec. 25, 1848. 20. Thomas Richard, b. Dec. 15, 185 1 ; d. Feb. 4, 1857. 21. Mary Louisa, b. Sept. 29, 1853. 22. Henrietta, b. Oct. 22, 1855; d. Nov. 13, 1897. +23. Sarah Hall, b. Sept. 18, 1857. 24. Thomas Langley, b. Oct. 7, 1859; d. Aug. 30, 1861. His early education was obtained at a public school near his father's homestead on Fort Neck. He commenced his classical studies in Christ Church School. Manhasset, L. I., and en- tered the sophomore class in Union College, Schenectady, where he graduated in 1832. He studied law in the office of Judge Samuel W. Jones (V. 13). of Schenectady, and in 1835 com- menced practice in N. Y. City with Jas. P. Howard. In 1840 he began his political career in N. Y. City and prominently iden- tified himself with the Democratic party. In 1840 to 1842 he was a Member of Assembly from N. Y. City, and from 1844 to 1846 was a member of the State Senate. In 1847 he was appointed Clerk of the Superior Court of N. Y. City by Chief Justice Oakley, which office he held until 1852, when he retired from public life. In 1857 he again entered public life and represented his native county of Queens in the Assembly. In 1859 he was nominated for the office of Secy, of State, and after being unanimously rati- fied by the State Convention at Utica was elected to that office. At the outbreak of the Civil War he took a decided stand against the Southern States, and in a speech made by him on July 4, 1862 (then printed), he set forth his views upon the crisis in strong and unmistakable words. In the fall of that year he was elected Lieut. Governor of the 200 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND State of N. Y., "The duties of which he discharged with un- swerving devotion to the Union." One who had known him intimately in pubHc Hfe, and was a pohtical opponent, spoke of him in the following manner in the House shortly after his death: "He passed through life from the beginning to the end of it, I believe, without a single blemish upon his reputation or standing before the entire community of this State. No man in the heat of party strife or conflict, no man in the heat of debate upon the floor in either branch of the Legislature, was ever heard to say aught against his pure and upright character, and no man who watched him can say aught than that he worked with his whole heart and soul for the benefit of those who had placed him in position." He was a devout churchman, and, quoting from an article in the Church Journal of 1871, "His influence and usefulness in the councils of the Church need no other record than the important positions which he filled in the Diocese of N. Y. previous to its recent division, and subsequently in the Diocese of Long Island. In the new diocese his important services were immediately rec- ognized and acknowledged at its Primary Convention by his be- ing elected a member of the Standing Committee, a deputy to the General Convention, and also a deputy to the Federal Council. He was appointed on the Special Committees on Canons, and on the Revision of the Constitution and Canons, in both of which he served with marked ability. "As a churchman he has left his record, 'read and known of men.' " (8) WILLIAM FLOYD-JONES, son of Brig. Genl. Thomas (3) ; b. March 10, 1815; d. Feb. 7, 1896; m. Caroline Amelia, b. July 31, 1822; d. Dec. 9, 1886, dau. of Robert Black- well, of N. Y. City, Issue: -f-25. Fanny, b. 1849. 26. Robert Blackwell, b. 1850. +27. Ella, b. 1852. -h28. Jeannie, b. 1853. 29. William Chauncey, b. 1855. 30. Royal Phelps, b. 1859; d. March 18, 1900. +31. Frederick, b. i860. +32. William, b. 1867 ; d. Dec. 16, 1899. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 201 He resided at Massapequa, L. L, the former home of Hon. David S. Jones (IV. 7). Unlike his brothers he took but Httle active interest in poUtics, and was engaged in the hardware busi- ness in N. Y. City until 1856. He succeeded his brother, Lieut. Gov. David R. (7), in the Councils of the Prot. Epis. Church on L. I., being a member of the Standing Committee of the Diocese, and a Trustee of the "Cathedral Foundation." (9) ELBERT FLO YD- JONES, son of Brig. Genl. Thomas (3) ; b. Feb. 7, 1817; d. Feb. 17, 1901 ; m. first, June 5, 1838, Emily, b. 1815, d. April 29, 1845, dau. of Plunket F. Glentworth, M. D., of Phila., and his wife, Harriet Bostock, dau. of James Budden, of Phila. Issue: -I-33. CorneUa, b. April 23, 1839; d. Nov. 24, 1890. -I-34. Thomas, b. March 21, 1841. +35. George, b. Dec. 31, 1842. -t-36. Emily Glentworth, b. April 18, 1845. M. 2d, Jan. 25, 1848, Mary Caroline, b. April 16, 1828; d. Nov. 19, 1867, dau. of Isaac Wigham, of N. Y. City, and his wife, Mary Seaman. Issue: 37. William, b. Jan. 24, 185 1; d. Oct. 14, 1857. 38. Mary Wigham, b. Aug. 12, 1853; d. June 16, 1855. 39. Elizabeth Underbill, b. March 31, 1858. -i-40. Edward Pearsall. b. Oct. i, i860. 41. Arthur, b. Oct. 31, 1862. 42. Elbert, b. April 7, 1867. M. 3d, Oct. 21, 1869, Martha A., b. March 24, 1836; d. Oct. 17. 1870, dau. of Thorne, of Middletown, Conn., and his wife Sarah, dau. of Townsend, of N. Y. City. Issue : 43. Sarah Thorne, b. Oct. 9, 1870; d. Oct. 12, 1870. M. 4th, Jan. 17, 1872, Elizabeth Morrison, dau. of Jeremiah Smith, of N. Y. City, and his wife Emily, dau. of , by whom he had no issue. He was educated at Clinton Academy, Easthampton, L. I. In politics he was a Democrat of the old school of Jefferson and Jackson, and during the Civil War was an ardent supporter of the l^nion. In 1844 he was elected as Member of Assembly 202 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND from Queens Co., and after thirty years of retirement he was again elected a Member of Assembly in 1877 and 1878. The Glentworth family to which Mr. Floyd- Jones' first wife belonged are descended from Thos. Glentworth (i), and his wife, Mary Green, who came from London to Phila. in the 17th century. (See Debrett's Peerage, p. 468.) He had a son Thomas (2), of Phila.. who m. Bankson. Dr. George (3), a son of Thomas (2), b. in Phila., 1735; d. 1792, was a surgeon in the British Army. He m. 1764, Margaretta Linton, b. in Phila. 1743, d. 181 5, dau. of John and Martha Linton. Dr. Plunket F. Glent- worth (4), son of Dr. George (3), and father of Emily, who m. Elbert Floyd-Jones, was b. in Phila. 1768, d. 1832, m. 1794, widow Bostock, of Barbadoes (nee Harriet Buden), dau. of Capt. Jas. Buden, of Phila., and a son of Wm. Buden and Marguerite de Vandie. (10) SARAH MARIA FLOYD-JONES, dau. of^ Brig. Genl, Thomas (3), b. Dec. 10, 1818; d. Jan. 2, 1892; m. 1854, Coleman Williams, b. 1805 ; d. Dec. 27, 1891, of N. Y, City, for- merly of Halifax Court House, Virginia, and his wife, Mary Lewis. Issue : Coleman Gandy, b. 1858; d. May 28, 1900, at Massapequa, L. I. ; m. Jan, 24, 1894, Edith Hawley, b. 1868, dau. of Henry E. Hawley and his wife, Elizabeth Lockwood. Issue : Sarah Floyd-Jones, b. Feb. 5, 1895. Edith, b. May 3, 1896. Coleman Hawley, b. March 3, 1898. (13) CHARLES FLOYD-JONES, son of Maj. Gen. Henry O. (5) ; d. 1874; m. Isabella M. Semple, d. Nov. 3, 1888, dau. of . Issue : 43a. Robert. 43b. Henry. 44. Semple. (15) EDWARD FLOYD-JONES, son of Maj. Genl. Henry O. (5) ; b. Jan. 26, 1823; d. Jan. 23, 1901 ; m. Mary, b. Dec. 14, THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 203 1839; d. May 23, 1874, dau. of Dr. Frederick Lord, of Greenport, L. I. Issue : 45. Helen Watts, b. Sept. 9, 1863. -t-46. Louisa Ackerly, b. Sept. 13, 1867. +47. Edward Henr>', b. Jan. i, 1869. He received his education at the Union Academy, Jamaica, L. I. In 1849 he went to California and was engaged in the sell- ing of agricultural implements under the firm of Jones & Hewlett, at Stockton. Cal. Henry Hewlett, his partner, later was prest. of the Bank of Stockton. On his return from California Mr. Floyd- Jones settled in the old homestead of his fathers at South Oyster Bay, and in 1886 was elected Supervisor of Queens Co. In 1891 he was elected State Senator, receiving in Queens Co. r 1,537. while Roswell P. Flower, who was elected Governor, received 11.543 votes. The Senatorial district was No. i, and consisted of the counties of Queens and SuflFolk. (16) COL. DE LANCEY FLOYD-JONES, son of Maj. Genl. Henry O. (5) ; b. Jan. 23, 1826; d. Jan. 19, 1902; m. first, June 24, 1852, Laura Jeannie, dau. of Warcham Whitney, of Rochester, N. Y., by whom he had no issue. M. 2d., . Graduated from West Point in June, 1846, when he was only twenty years of age, and in Sept. of that year was commissioned 2d Lieut, in the 7th U. S. Infantry, serving under Genl. Zachary Taylor in Mexico, and served with distinction throughout the Mexican War. In 1848 he was commissioned ist Lieut, for gal- lant conduct in the battle of Molino del Key, and on 31 July, 1854, promoted to the captaincy. In 1856 he was sent to California to serve against the Kalmath Indians. On 14 May. 1861. he was commissioned as Major of the nth Infantry, and served in the battles of Yorktown, Gaines Mill and Malvern Hill. In 1863 he became Lieut. Col. of the 19th Infantry. On 25 June, 1867, he was made Colonel of 3d Regt. of Infantry and served against the Indians in the West from 1868 to 1879, when he retired from active service. 204 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND ( 19) GEORGE STANTON FLOYD-JONES, son of Lieut. Gov. David R. (7) ; b. Dec. 25, 1848; m. Feb. 4, 1880, Anita, dau. of Thomas J. Owen, of N. Y., and his wife, Emihe Ketchum, d. Aug-. 21, 1901, dau. of Medad Piatt. No issue in 1904. He was for many years connected with the Atlantic Mutl. Int Co. of N. Y. City, and in 1902 succeeded Mr. G. Mitchell as secy, of the Co. He was a member of St. Ignatius' Church, N. Y. City, and was a member of its vestry until 1894, when he and his wife joined the Roman Catholic Church. He resided at South Oyster Bay, L. L (22) HENRIETTA FLOYD-JONES, dau. of Lieut. Gov. David R. (7) ; b. Oct. 22, 1855; d. Nov. 13, 1897. She was a graduate of St, Mary's Hall, Burlington, N. J., and spent much of her time in study and intellectual pursuits. In 1892 she joined the Sisterhood of St. John the Baptist and devoted the remaining years of her life to religious work under the direction of that community. She died of pneumonia in St. Andrew's Hospital. Just before her death she had been spoken of as the possible suc- cessor of the "Mother Superior" of that Sisterhood. (23) SARAH HALL FLOYD-JONES, dau. of Lieut. Gov. David R. (7) ; b. Sept. 18, 1857 ! m- J""^ 28, 1892, Capt. Nathaniel W. Barnardiston, an officer in the Duke of Cambridge's "Own Middlesex Regt.," England, eldest son of Col. Nathaniel, of the Ryes, Sudbury, Suffolk Co., Eng., and Lady Florence Barnardis- ton, dau. of the 4th Earl of Dartmouth. Issue : Joan, b. Jan. 31, 1897, at Colchester, Eng. (25) FANNY FLOYD-JONES, dau. of William (8) ; b. 1849; "1- 1870, Charles D. Leverich. Issue: Caroline Duncan, b. 1875 ; m. Dec. 12, 1900, John L. Riker (the second), a son of Samuel Riker, of Corona, L. I., and his wife, Mary Stryker. Mathilde Gertrude, b. 1880. Gertrude Riker, b. 1887. (27) ELLA FLOYD-JONES, dau. of William (8), b. 1852 ; THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 205 d. Oct. 9, 1892; m. 1878, Wm. Carpender, of New Brunswick, N. J., son of J. S. Carpender and gr. son of Col. William, of U. S. Army. His maternal grandfather was Dr. John Neilson, of N. Y. City. Issue: Edith, b. 1880. Noel Lispenard, b. 1882, Jeannie, b. 1887. (28) JEANNIE FLOYD-JONES, dau. of William (8), b. 1853; m. Nov. 9, 1880, William Robinson. Issue: Margaret, b. 1881. (31) FREDERICK FLOYD-JONES, son of William (8), b. i860 ; m. 1882, Florence L., d. Feb. 28, 1888, dau. of Jas. W. Conroy, of South Orange, N. J., by whom he had no issue, (32) WILLIAM FLOYD-JONES, son of William (8) ; b. 1867; d. Dec. 16, 1899; m. Nov., 1896, Lillian I. Ferris, dau. of Dr. E. H. Ferris, and a stepdaughter of Oscar Livingston. Issue : 48. William. (33) CORNELIA FLO YD- JONES, dau. of Elbert (9) ; b. April 23, 1839; d. Nov. 24, 1890; m. Jan. 11, 1857, R. V. W. Thome, of Brooklyn, L. I. ; d. 1875, son of Richard and his wife, dau. of Sullivan. Issue: Richard, d. young. Ellen Cox, b. Sept. 12, 1859; m. Feb. 17, 1881, Frank Wash- bume, Jr., of Brooklyn, L. I. ; d. 1891, son of . Issue: Margfuerite Glentworth, b. July 24, 1882. At the time of Cornelia Floyd- Jones' (33) birth she had five grandparents living, viz., great-great-grandmother, Susannah Kel- sey Youngs; great-grandparents, Maj. William and Kezia (Youngs) Jones (IV. 4) ; gr. parents Brig. Genl. Thomas Floyd- Jones (3), and his wife Cornelia. (34) THOMAS FLOYD-JONES, son of Elbert (9) ; b. March 21, 1841 : m. Dec. i, 1870, Julia Haines, b. April 31, 1851. 2o6 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND dau. of Napoleon J. Haines, of N. Y., and his wife, Mary E. Husted. Issue : 49. Maud Glentworth, b. Jan. 5, 1872 ; m. Nov. 18, 1887, Al- fred B. Sturges. 50. Thomas Linton, b. Aug. 5, 1875 ; m. Sept. 24, 1901, Sarah N. Boese. 51. Grace Floyd, b. June 8, 1879; m. March i, 1897, Oscar Bayard. Issue : Jas. Swinton Bayard, b. Dec. 28, 1897. (35) GEORGE FLOYD-JONES, son of Elbert (9) ; b. Dec. 31, 1842; m. June 18, 1865, Annette, b. Sept. 6, 1844, dau. of Royal Wood, of Suffolk Co., and his wife, Charlotte Kort- right. Issue : 52. George, b. Oct. 29, 1865 ; d. April 16, 1866. 53. Emily Glentworth, b. Dec. 22, 1869; d. Oct. i, 1870. 54. Glentworth, b. July 25, 1876; d. June 26, 1890. (36) EMILY GLENTWORTH FLOYD-JONES, dau. of Elbert (9) ; b. April 18, 1845 ; m. Jan. 7, 1869, Howard Malcom Giles, b. July 7, 1842; d. Oct. 17, 1900, son of John, of N. J., and his wife, Morse. Issue : Clara Butler, b. Oct. 5, 1869; d. June 13, 1878. Robert Malcom, b. June 28, 1875 ; d. July 24, 1875. John Randolph, b. Sept. 26, 1876; m. Sept. i, 1900, Jennette Cecil. Howard Glentworth, b. April 26, 1879 ; m. Dec. 4, 1900, Alice W. Lockwood. Gertrude Evelyn, b. July 8, 1881 ; d. March 3, 1882. Lillian Willard, b. Feb. 9, 1885. (40) EDWARD PEARSALL FLOYD-JONES, son of El- bert (9) ; b. Oct. I, i860; m. April 17, 1894, Margaret, d. Nov. 24, 1900, dau. of Peter Duff, of Brooklyn, L. L, and his wife Elizabeth. Issue : 55. Kenneth, b. Feb. 7, 1895. 56. Constance Muriel, b. June 24, 1899; d. April 18, 1900. (46) LOUISA ACKERLY FLOYD-JONES, dau. of Ed- ward (15) ; b. Sept. 13, 1867; m. Oct. 30, 1889, Conde Raguet Thome, son of Mortimer, of N. Y. City. Issue : THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 207 56a. Edward Floyd-Jones, b. Aug. 16, 1890. 56b. Conde Raguet, b. Feb. 26, 1898; d. April 19, 1901. 56c. Katherine de Lancey, b. Nov. 19, 1900. (47) EDWARD HENRY FLOYD-JONES, son of Edward (15); b. Jan. 1, 1869; m. Nov. 22, 1905, Edith, b. April 1, 1880, dau. of Ella Floyd-Jones, dau. of William (8). Every early settler of Long Island should have on record a full and authentic account of himself and family. His descend- ants will take especial interest in it. By intermarriages these may extend into many families and be very numerous. His account may largely aid others, and will be read by many students, and all combined are needed to make out a thorough and reliable gen- eral history. The family origin of each in the old country aids to a correct general view, but is remote and cannot be expected with certainty nor in much detail. The Jones family emanating from Wales was numerous in England before the emigration to America. The Welsh origin and English cultivation, which bore their own marks in the Long Island family, need no other verification. The Welsh retain personal types and training with local and family customs fully as long as any other race. A similar mode of reasoning justifies us in taking some notice of prominent persons of Welsh descent and English training bearing the same name in England. Those of the legal profession, viz., one named William and one named Thomas, are most attractive for an introduction to the history of several American lawyers and judges. The lawyer. Thomas Jones, who became an M. P., sergeant-at-law. Knight, Judge of K. B. and C. J. of C. P., deserves notice historically, though he may not have been the immediate ancestor of any early settler of Long Island. He was rather the cotemporary of the earliest settlers of New England. Born about 16 14, in the reign of King James, he lived through an exciting and eventful period until May. 1692. As reported, he was the second son of Edward Jones, of Sandford in Shropshire, adjoining Wales, by his wife Mary, daughter of Robert Powell. Esq.. of that county. His descent was traced by the Welsh Heralds from a period earlier than the Conquest, but upon that we need not rely. 2o8 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND Of the Powell family we may read a little in the life of Milton. It was numerous, and from Wales, and it was early on Long Island. Roger Jones became an alderman of London, and was wealthy in the time of King James, and, attaining property in Ireland, he sent his son Thomas to flourish there. We suspect him a rela- tive. In 1629 (at the age of 15) Thos. Jones entered college, and at the same time had his name entered at Lincoln's Inn, in Lon- don, as a law student, then a common course with the ambitious to secure a precedence. The early care taken of him is note- worthy. He had profited by a free school at Shrewsbury to pre- pare for this, and probably the success of Judge William enticed him. In 1632 he graduated as A. B. In 1634 he was called to the Bar, and then for some years we have no account of him. But of the "ill-fated" period embracing the agitations, etc., which preceded the evil war and the convulsions of it, we can read. His brother (not named), as reported, was Recorder of Shrews- bury, and from the Bench declared him "well afifected" to the Parliament, and was chosen "Town Clerk" by the Parliamentary party, from which office he was dismissed before the Restoration. The first distinct account we have of the future judge is that he was elected to fill up the old House of Commons dispersed by Cromwell, just before the return of Charles II. to England, and it is further stated that Sir Edward Hyde, son of Judge Nicholas Hyde, a lawyer, afterwards the first Earl of Clarendon, wrote letters from abroad, where he was the advisor of Charles II., to his friends in England, requesting them to get elected, of which letters this Thomas Jones received one. In 1669 he was Knighted and made a sergeant-at-law. In 1671 he was prosecuting officer for the King. He is not supposed related to Col. John, the regi- cide. In 1676 he was appointed associate Judge of the King's Bench. In 1680 he was impeached with Scroggs for irregularly stopping a prosecution of Duke James by dismissing a grand jury, etc., but Parliament was soon prorogued and the proceedings were not renewed. In 1685 he would not declare to James II. in favor of his kingly claim of a general power to dispense with statute law or to dispense with the law as settled by the courts. In 1686 he was dismissed and retired to private life. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 209 In 1689, under William of Orange, it was apprehended that he was using his influence in favor of James 11. against William of Orange, and was committed to prison by the House of Com- mons. He died in 1692 and was buried in St. Alkmund's Church, Shrewsbury. Foss, in his "Lives of the Judges," gives only a slight account of his family and states that he married Jane, dau. of Daniel Bernard, of Chester. In Le Neve's Knights, p. 269 (which may be doubtful), he states that of his sons, the first, William,* married 1st, a daughter of Andrew Floyd, of Ashton, Co. Silop, and 2d. Grace, daughter of Peter Pindar, and that he had a daughter Mary (not traced), and a son Thomas, who was living in 1705. but no marriage nor children of this Thomas were mentioned. If he was abroad that would be a good excuse for not reporting his family. The 2d son, Thomas, married Jane, daughter of Wilkinson, of Kirkbred, Yorkshire, and had issue: Charles (not the Earl of Ranelagh), Grace, Jane and Elizabeth. Capt. Daniel, the third son, was Capt. of Windsor Castle, but no marriage nor children are mentioned. Edward, the 4th son, was Prebendary of Windsor, and Sub-Dean. He married a daughter of the Rev. Dr. Fulliam, and as Foss says, "From this Edward descended Catharine, daughter of Rev. John Jones, who married Capt. John Tyrwhett. " (See i Burke's Commoners.) Another (or possibly the same) clergyman, Edward Jones, attracts attention in another line. He was appointed Bishop of Cloyne, in Ireland, and in 1692, when William of Orange would soon reach and disturb the prelates of James, was translated from Cloyne to be Bishop of St. Asaph's, in England, to succeed Bishop Wm. Lloyd. The diocese of St. Asaph's was in Wales. Bishop Jones was tried on charges in 1699 . Burnett says that the Bishop of that diocese generally named the clergyman for parishes. The charge against Jones related to his receiving rewards from clergy- men for promoting them. It was a time of great struggling for places between different sets of clergy. The old Bishops were re- quired to swear allegiance to William and Mary, and upon refusal, excluded. In Ireland the Bishops had received a share of the tithes or other payments collected in a parish ; he might say. *See letter in appendix concerning Sir Wm. Jones, by Sarah Van Deusen Merritt. 210 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND "why not in Wales ?" We have . little of his history. It seems he left issue. If he left a son or relative Thomas, in Ire- land, would not the latter, of course, resist William of Orang-e? These accounts do not mention daughters of the Judge (Thomas Jones), nor have we trace of any. But one of the twelve sons of Sir Thos. Littleton (member of Parliament in 1642), by report married a daughter of Judge Jones, and died in America. ( i . . . . Bar. 322.) If his wife was a daughter of this Judge, the move- ments of the Lyttletons would aid in an understanding of the Judge's family. (MSS. C. B. Moore.) Constantine L>'ttleton, son of Sir Thomas, died in Jamaica in the West Indies, Dec. 31, 1662. (See 7 Coll. Peer, 445 and 450.) Sir Charles, another son, early took arms and was in Col- chester when it surrendered. He escaped to France and returned to England in 1659. He was praised by Sir Ed. Hyde, and was sent to Jamaica (and succeeded Lord Windsor as Governor), where he rebuilt the town of Port Royal after its destruction. We note that Major Thomas Jones (I. i) was, by report, in Port Royal at the time of its destruction. (J. H. J., VI. 76). Patent to Thomas Jones and others for 3,000 acres of land in Orange Co., N. Y. Anne, by the grace of God of Great Britain, France and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &c., To all whom these Presents may come or in any wise concern, sendeth greeting. Whereas, our loving subjects, Rip Van Dam, Adolph Phillipse, David Provoost, Junr., Lancaster Symes, and Thomas Jones, by their humble Petition presented to our trusty and V, ell beloved Richard Ingoldesby, Esqr., our Lieut. Governor and commander in chief in and over our Province of New York and territories depending thereon in America, and Vice Admiral of ye same, &c., in Councill have prayed our grant and confirmation of a certain tract of land situate, lying and being in the county of Orange on the west side of the Hudsons River (being part of ye land fonnerly granted to Capt. John Evans and now resumed), beginning at a certain station bearing from Maringemand Wig wam West 24° South 85 chains, and runs thence North 11° East 120 chains, thence East 11° South 200 chs, thence South 11° West 180 chs, thence West 2^° North 211 chs to the station above said, Bounded on all four sides by unpatented lands, containing in the whole three thousand acres be it more or less, the which petition we being willing to grant. Know ye yt of our especial grace, certaine knowledge and mere motion wee have given, granted, ratified and confirmed and by these presents for ourselves, our heirs and successors do give, grant, ratify and confirm unto the said Rip Van Dam, Adolph Phillipse, David Provost, Junr.., Lan- caster Symes and Thomas Jones, all andi singular the said tract of land THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 211 above mentioned and all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging within the bounds and limits above in these presents mentioned and expressed, together with all woods, underwoods, trees, timber, feedings, pastures, meadows, marshes, swamps, pounds, pooles, water, watercourses, rivers, rivolets, runs and streams of water, ffishing, flFowling, hawking, hunting, mines and minerals standing, growing, lyeing, and being or to be used, had or enjoyed within the bounds and limits aforesaid, and all other profits, benefits, priviledges, liberties, advantages, hereditaments and appurtenances whatsoever unto ye said tract of land and premises or any part or parcell thereof belonging or in anywise apper- taining, and all our estate, right, title, interest, benefit, advantage, claim and demand of in or to ye said tract of land and premises, with their appurtenances or any part or parcell thereof, and the revercon and rever- cons, remainder & remainders, together with the yearly & other rentS; issues and profitts of ye premises and of every part and parcell thereof in five equall parts to be divided, except and always reserved out of this our present grant unto us, our heirs and successors, all trees of ye diameter of twenty-four inches and upwards att twelve inches from ye ground or root thereof, as shall be fitt for masts four our Royall Navy, and also all such other trees as are or shall be fitt to make plank, &c., for knees for the use of our Navy aforesd, Only which are now standing, growing and being and which hereafter shall stand, grow and be in and upon the said tract of land and premises or any part or parcell thereof, with ffrec liberty and license for any person or persons whatsoever by us thereunto appointed, with workmen, horses, waggons, carts and carriages, or without, to enter in and come into and upon said tract of land and premises hereby granted or any part thereof, there to fell, cutt, root up, hew, sawe, rive, have, take, cart and carry away the same at his and their will and pleasure for the use aforesaid, and also except and reserved out of this our grant all gold and silver mines, To have and to hold one ffith part of the said tract of land and premises with their appurtenances hereby granted as aforesd (except before excepted) unto ye said Rip Van Dam, his heirs and assigns forever, to the only proper use and behooff of ye said Rip Van Dam, his heirs and assigns forever, one other ffifth part thereof unto ye said Adolph Phillipse, his heirs and assigns forever, one other ffifth part thereof unto ye said David Provost, Jr., his heirs and assigns forever, one other ffifth part to ye said Lancaster Symes, his heirs and assigns for- ever, and the other ffifth part thereof unto the said Thomas Jones, his heirs and assigns forever. To be holden of us, our heirs and successors in fFree and common soccage as of our Mannor of Elast Greenwich in ye County of Kent within our Kingdom of Great Brittain, yeilding, rendring and paying therefore yearly and every year from henseforth unto our heirs and successors at our Custome House att New York to our collector or receiver Generall there for the time being att or upon ye flFeast of St. Michael the Arch Angell (commonly called Michaelmas Day) the rent or sume of two shillings and six pence of current money of our Province of New York for every one hundred acres of land of the beforementioned 212 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND three thousand acres of land herein before granted and confirmed, in lieu and stead of all other rents, dues, duties, services and demands whatso- ever. Provided always, and these presents are upon this condition, that they ye said Rip Van Dam, Adolph Phillipse, David Provost, Lancaster Symes & Thomas Jones, some or one of them or some or one of their heirs and assigns shall and will within the space of three years now next en- sueing from ye date hereof settle, clear and make improvement of three acres of land at the least for every ffifty acres of ye said tract of land and premises of three thousand acres hereinbefore granted, and in default thereof or if the said Rip Van Dam, Adolph Phillipse, David Provost, Lancaster Symes and Thomas Jones, their heirs and assigns or any other person or persons whatsoever by their means, consent or procurement, or by the means, consent or procurement of any or either of them shall sett on fire or burn ye woods on ye said tract of land and premises hereby granted or any part or parcell thereof to clear ye same, that then and in either of these cases this our present grant and every clause and article herein contained shall cease, determine and be uttrly void, anything herein contained to ye contrary hereof in anywise notwithstanding, and we doe hereby will and grant that these our Letters Pattents or the record thereof in our Secretaries office of our said Province of New York shall be good and eflfectuall in the law to all intents and purposes notwithstanding the not true and well reciteing or menconing of ye premises or any part thereof or the limitts and bounds thereof or of any former or other Letters Patents or grants whatsoever made or granted of ye said premises or of any part thereof by us or of any of our progenitors unto any person or persons whatsoever. Body poUitick or corporate or any law or other restraint, incertainty or imperfection whatsoever to ye contrary in anywise not withstanding. In Testimony whereof we have caused these our Letters to be made Patents and ye seal of our said Province of New York to our said Letters Patents to be affixed and ye same to be recorded in our Secretary's Office of our said Province. Witness our trusty and well be- loved Richard Ingoldesby, Esqr.., our Lieut. Govr. and Commander in cheife in and over our said Province of New York and Territories de pending thereon in America and Vice Admirall of ye same, &c., in councill at our Fortt at New York this twenty-third day of March in the ninth year of our reigne Anno Domini 1709. I do hereby certify the aforegoing to be a true copy of the origmal record, Word any, 44th line, page 435, being obliterated. Compared therewith By me, Lewis A. Scott, Secretary. Record of the oaths administered to the officers of the Queens Co. Regiment, recorded in Liber A, foHo 215 of Conveyances. Queens Co., L. I. "In pursuance of her Majesties writ of Dedimus protestatem (dated the 29th day of January last past in the first year of her Majestiess reigne") to us directed, we have this day administered the oaths appointed instead THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 213 of ye oath of allegiance and supremacy unto Thos. Willet, Jr., captain, Elbert Willet, Lieut., and Jonathan Whitehead, Colonel of ye troop in Queens Co. ; George Woolsey, Capt., Anthony Waters, Lieut., and John Smith, Ensign of one of ye foot companies of ye militia for ye town of Jamaica in ye said county ; John Carpenter, Capt., Joseph Smith, Lieut., and Daniel Smith, Ensign, of ye other foot company for ye said town. John Maston, Capt., Wm. Fowler, Lieut., and Thos. Yates, Ensign, of ye foot company of ye militia for ye town of Flushing in said County; Peter Titus, Ensign of one of ye foot companies of militia for ye town of Hempstead in said county, and John Jackson, Jr., Ensign of another foot company in said town. Joseph Dickinson, Captn., Isaac Doty, Lieut., and Nathaniel Coles, Jr., Ensign of one of ye foot companies of ye militia for the town of Oyster Bay, in said County. Thomas Jones, Captn., John Townsend, Lieut., and Samuel Dickinson, Ensign, of ye other foot company of ye militia for said town, and unto Jonath Hight, Quarter Master to ye regi- ment for Queens Co., and have also seen them all subscribe ye test, as witness our hands at Jamaica in Queens Co. this 12th day of March, 1702-3. Thos. Willet, John Jackson, Daniel Whitehead, Ed. Burroughs. This oath was administered to Col. Thomas Willet, Lieut. Col. John Jackson, Major Daniel Whitehead, and Capt. Samuel Moore, on the 22 Mch, 1702-3. (Liber A, folio 215, Queens Co. Con- veyances.) The above oaths were administered by order of Lord Corn- bury, under date of Jan. 29, 1702-3. (See Liber A, folio 214, Queens Co. Conveyances), viz., "Our loving subjects, Thos. Wil- let, John Jackson, Daniel Whitehead, Ed. Burroughs and Samuel Moore, are authorized to administer the oath appointed by Act of Parliament, instead of the oath of allegiance, to all officers, civil and military, that are or shall be commissioned by us or our Captain General and Govcrnor-in-Chief within our County called Queens, and this commission to continue in force during our will and pleasure. Witness our Right trusty and well beloved cousin Edward. Viscount Cornbury, Captn. General and Govemor-in-Chief of the Province of New York. &c.. this 29 day Jan., 1702-3. HoNAN, Secy. Letter of Sara A. Van Deu.sen Merritt relative to Sir William Jones of London. 214 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND Kingston, N. Y., May 3, 1904- Mr. J. H. Jones, Dear Sir: I greatly regret that I cannot give you any information concerning the Joneses excepting that my grandmother, Arabella Jones Gale, was distinctly related to Sir Wm. Jones, of London, Eng., and to some of the Joneses of Babylon, Long Island. An engraving fac-simile of the statue erected to Sir William, in St. Paul's Cathedral, London, was sent to some of those in America who were "related by blood" was the wording. My grandmother received one. I am exceedingly desirous of ascertaining how I am related to Sir William, and I hope you will be able to inform me. My cousin, Arabella Clark Bucklin, now in her eighty-sixth year, told me that a Gale or a Jones married a De Lancey. She thought he was a brother of the De Lancey who was Provincial Governor of New York. I will just add that I am the only surviving one of fourteen children of my parents, Dr. and Mrs. Jacob Lansing Van Deusen. Yours sincerely, Sarah Van Deusen Merritt. 273 Clinton Ave. Arabella Jones Gale, above named, was a granddaughter of Judge David Jones (IL 2), through his daughter Anna, the wife of Dr. John Gale. ADDENDA Since the untimely and lamented death of Mr. John H. Jones, the undersigned has had correspondence with Mrs. Sara A. Van Deusen Merritt, and has received from her a dainty little volume from the Knickerbocker Press, written by her for private circulation entitled, " My Mother's Girlhood." From this, and from her letters to me, I have taken what relates to Sir William Jones. Had Mr. Jones lived longer, he might have found here a clue to the relationship of Sir William, with the Jones fam- ily ; and with his energy and untiring perservance he might have traced the parentage and early history of Maj. Thomas Jones (i). A few words about Mr. John H. Jones seem to be due to him, and may be of interest to those members of the family who did not know him. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 215 An acquaintance with him of more than twenty years, and during the last ten years of his life an intimate acquaintance with him, gave me the opportunity of knowing him well. He was in the first place a man of strict integrity, and in- dependence of thought and action, and religiously conscien- tious, and he was a man of fine literary tastes. He was a friend to those in the humble stations of life, generous to a fault, sympathetic, just, and fearless. It was characteristic of him, when he once said: " I would like to be rich enough to give a man ten dollars when he asked for o?te." His last illness was induced, probably, by his unselfish work for others, by which his strength was overtaxed. For several years he had been an active and useful vestry- man in the parish of his father and forefathers; and he had the same love and loyalty for that church which he has chron- icled as a peculiar trait of his ancestors. Requiescat In Pace. At an early age the mother of Sara A. Van Deusen, and the daughter of Sanford and Arabella (Jones) Clark, was sent to the classical school at Goshen, N. Y., of which at one time Noah Webster, the lexicographer, was the preceptor. In this place she had "kinsfolk living," with whom she spent Saturdays and Sundays. In the little book of her "girlhood " she says: " One great source of pleasure to me, on Saturdays, was reading and re- reading old letters of wh' my kinsfolk had several packets, many of them more than a hundred years old." * * * ♦ " I was especially interested in the ones wh' had been written by the DeLanceys, who were kinsfolk of my mother's family, the Jones." * * * * "My kinsfolk had also a small packet of letters written by Sir William Jones, letters he had written to his kinsfolk during the time he was Judge of the Supreme Court in Bengal, India. He was a very intelligent man, and also a great linguist, speaking and writing in more than twenty languages. For translating Hindu and Mohammedan law, morals, religion, etc., he was knighted by King George III. He was not only distinguished for learning, my kinsfolk told me, but also for his sincere piety." * * * * "The Most Honorable East India Company erected a life-size statue to his memory in St. Paul's Cathedral, London; and a monument 2i6 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND in Bengal where he died." * * * * "A facsimile of the statue erected in St. Paul's Cathedral had been sent to ' those living in America who were related to Sir William by blood,' was the wording. My kinsfolk at Goshen received one, and also my mother. That engraving was burned in a fire which destroyed the house and nearly all its contents. In the house at the time there was an old mahogany desk, wherein in a secret drawer were valuable legal documents, old letters, and the engraving of the statue of Sir William." In this little book from which these quotations are taken, Dinah, the old family servant, is made to say to the mother of the writer of it: ' You are a good child Miss Nancy, and so is Miss Katherine, but neither of you will ever be just like your mother in this wide world.' ****<' g^t your blessed mother ! Why I heard Aaron Burr say that your mother, ' Madam Clark ' he called her, was the most queenly mannered lady he had ever known. I heard him say that with my own ears." INSCRIPTION ON THE STATUE IN ST. PAUL's CATHEDRAL. " To the memory of Sir William Jones, Knight. One of the Judges of the Supreme Court of Judicature at Port William in Bengal. This statue was erected by the Most Hon. East India Company in testi- mony of their greatful sense of his public services, their admiration of his genius and learning, and their respect for his character and virtues. He died in Bengal, Apr. 27th, 1774, aged 47. (John Bacon, R. A. Sculp- ture in 1777)." (Sic.) In one hand of the statue is a book, and on it is: "Translations of Die. Institutes of Menu." In the other hand, hanging by his side, is a map, which has on it: " Plans of the Asiatic Society." It is unfortunate that the letter which came with the en- gravings has been lost. Mrs. Merritt writes that none of her "kinsfolk" at Goshen are now living. It is evident that the one who wrote the letter accompany- ing the engraving of the statue knew the relationship between Sir William Jones and Maj. Thomas Jones. Why these engravings were sent to the "kinsfolk" living in Albany and Goshen, and none to those living on Long Island is a mystery which will probably never be solved. E. F. B. ALLIED FAMILIES WILLETT FAMILY Ancestry of Anna and Margaret Willett, the first and second wives of Judge David Jones (II. 2), and of Deborah Willett, the wife of Joseph Hewlett, and great-great-grandmother of Eliza- beth H. Jones (VI. 70), wife of William Wilton Wood. (i) THOMAS WILLETT, of Bristol, Eng., probably a relative of Capt. Thomas Willett, the first Mayor of New York City, settled in Westchester Co., where on ist Sept., 1643, he married Sarah, dau. of Thomas Cornell, the first of his name in this country, and his wife, Rebecca Briggs, of Essex, Eng. (Reeds, of Dutch Church, N. Y.) (Ancestry of Adam and Anne Mott, p. 334.) Issue: 2. William, bap. 6 July, 16/^4; d. 1701 ; no issue, -7-3. Thomas, bap. 26 Nov., 1645; d. 1722; the Colonel. (3) THOMAS WILLETT (the Colonel), son of Thomas (i) ; bap. 26 Nov., 1645; ' (Allen) Hewlett, and gr. dau. of George and Susannah (Peters) Hewlett. Issue: 34. Mary, b. 28 Feb., 1828; d. 9 Jan., 1890; m. 13 Sept., 1848. N. S. Mills. 35. Anne. 36. Susannah. 37. Jane. -f-39. Whitehead H., m. Mary K. Fleet. { 39) WHITEHEAD H. VAN WYCK, son of Joshua (29) ; b. 7 March, 1838 ; d. 26 May, 1888, at Huntington. L. I. ; m. 17 Dec, 1857, Mary K., b. 24 Sept., 1840; d. 6 Jan., 1884, dau. of John and Margaretta (Selleck) Fleet. Issue: 40. Helen, m. 15 Oct., 1901, Myron A. Lockman. 41. Francis, d. Jan. 30, 1890. 42. Albert B. 43. Edward W. 44. Mary K. (3) JOHANNES VAN WYCK, son of Cornelius Barentse (i) ; bapt. 1677; m. Femnetze Kortwright (Riker's Harlem). Issue : +45. Cornelius, m.ist, Mary Hicks; m. 2d, Sarah Ryerson. 46. . 15 226 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND (45) CORNELIUS VAN WYCK, son Johannes (3) ; m. 1st, Mary Hicks; m. 2d, Sarah Ryerson. Issue: -\-47. Gilbert. (47) GILBERT VAN WYCK, son of ComeUus (45) ; m. Abigail, dau. of Rev. Samuel Seabury (sister of the Bishop). Issue : 48. Maj. Cornelius, b. 1769; d. 11 June, 1844; unm., at Hempstead, L. I. 49. Elizabeth, b. 1771 ; d. 1851 ; unm. 50. Samuel, m. Sarah Bartow. 51. Mary, b. 1773; m. Samuel Hewlett, son of Lieut. Daniel Hewlett. (32) WILLIAM VAN WYCK, son of Abraham (23), b. 1803 ; d. at Huntington, L. I. ; m. Lydia, b. 1814, dau. of Samuel Maverick, of Charleston, S. C, and his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Genl. Robt. Anderson. Issue: 52. Samuel M., m. Margaret A. Broyles. 53. Robert, b. 1849; Mayor of N. Y. City, 1900-1901. 54. Augiistus, m. Lela Wilkins, of Brooklyn. 55. William, m. Mary Battelle. 56. Zeruab, m. Charles, son of David Banks. 57. Lydia, m. Robert Hoke, of N. C. 58. Mary. 59. Benjamin S. (M. D.) 60. Son. 61. Son. 62. Son. (10) THEODORUS VAN WYCK, son of Theodorus (2) ; b. 15 Oct., 1697; d. 15 Sept., 1776; m. Elizabeth, b. 26 March; d. 5 Jan., 1764, dau. of William Creed. Both are interred in Fish- kill, N. Y. His will, I Oct., 1775, prob. 14 Aug., 1782, names his wife Janiche (prob. Dutch for Elizabeth), and children as follows: ^J^ 63. Theodorus. "^ ^ "^ 64. William. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 227 65. Margaret, m. Isaac Adriance. 66. Letitia. 67. Elizabeth, m. Graham. 68. Altje; m. John Bailey (5), the Colonel. 1^,. . fSlt^Mt^ 69. Mary, m. -Zephaniah^ Piatt. > j^-j/^'^''^ > ^ WOOD FAMILY OF HUNTINGTON, SUFFOLK CO., L. I. (i) EDMOND WOOD, the ancestor of this family, came with his two sons, Jonas (2), and Jeremiah (3), from Oakham, Eng., to Stamford, Conn., thence to Hempstead, L. I., where his sons were two of the Patentees named in Govr. Kieft's Patent of 1643. Jeremiah (3) d. in Hempstead, 1686, leaving sons Jere- miah, Joseph and John. (Printed Hempstead Reeds., Vol. i, p. 63.) (2) JONAS WOOD, son of Edmond (i); b. in Eng., ^595; removed to Huntington, L. I., with his father, "then an aged man," and died there 12 June, 1689. Will dated 20 Feb., 1688. He m. Elizabeth, dau. of — '■ — Smith, perhaps James Smith, Magistrate 1660, Lieut. 1687. (See Huntington Reeds., Vol. I, p. 347-506.) In a record of his land (Huntington Deeds, Vol. I, p. 11) in 1669 he was called a son of Edmond. Issue: +4. Jonas. 5. John. ^ A. fr 6. Phebe, m. Isaac Piatt. - ;>>>^^ 7. Elizabeth, m. Epenetus Piatt, (4) JONAS WOOD, son of Jonas (2); d. before 1711; m. Elizabeth, dau. of John Conklin, "the first." Issue: 8. Elizabeth, b. 26 Feb., 1668. 9. Phebe, b. 14 May, 1671. 10. Martha, b. 29 Jan., 1675. 11. John, b. 15 April, 1677. -|-I2. Jeremiah, b. 18 Aug., 1679. 228 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 13. Jonas, b. 8 Dec, 1681. 14. Timothy, b. 17 July, 1683. 15. Anne, b. 11 Aug., 1687. Children as above recorded in Huntington Printed Reeds, i, P- 503- (12) JEREMIAH WOOD, son of Jonas (4) ; b. 18 Aug., ^ 1679; d. 1748. Issue. + 16. Jeremiah, b. 17 Nov., 1713. 17. Jonas. 18. Abigail. (16) JEREMIAH WOOD, son of Jeremiah (12); b. 17 Nov., 1713; m. Mary , b. 30 May, 1715; d. 26 June, 1797. Issue : 19. Stephen, b. 18 Sept., 1738. 20. Mary, b. 15 March, 1741. 21. Jeremiah, b. 10 Jan., 1744. 22. Anne, b. 18 Aug., 1746. 23. Isaac, b. 9 Oct., 1749. -I-24. Peleg, b. 10 April, 1752. 25. Anne, 2d, b. 11 Feb., 1755. (24) PELEG WOOD, son of Jeremiah (16) ; b. 10 April, 1752; m. 10 Sept., 1785, Esther, d. 12 Sept., 1796, dau. of Joseph Brush. Issue : +26. John, b. 6 June, 1788. (26) JOHN WOOD, son of Peleg (24) ; b. 6 June, 1788; d. 3 Nov., 1853 ; m. 18 Nov., 1812, Deborah, b. 9 Sept., 1795 ; d. 6 April, 1862, dau. of Arnold and Judith Fleet, of Oyster Bay, L. I. Issue: -f-27. William Woodend. 28. Judith Fleet, m. Isaac Hull. 29. Esther, m. Ruben Rolph. 30. Elizabeth, m. Ruben Rolph. 31. James, m. Mary Frances. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 229 32. Arnold, m. Sarah Reynolds. 33. John, m. Sarah Slote. (27) WILLIAM WOODEND WOOD, son of John (26) ; b. II Sept., 1818; m. 1st, Eliza S. Scudder (widow of W. W. Kissam), and dau. of Henry and Elizabeth (Hewlett) Scudder; she d. 10 Nov., i860. Issue: 34. Henry Scudder, b. 16 Oct., 1849 5 d. 19 April, 1875. +35. William Wilton, b. 6 March, 1852. M. 2d, Sarah Amelia, d. 27 July, 1865, dau. of Coles. No issue. M. 3d, Anna J. Hewlett. No issue. (35) WILLIAM WILTON WOOD, son of William W. {27) ; b. 6 March, 1852; m. 19 Nov., 1879, Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel William Jones (V. 13), and his wife, Susan Hewlett, dau. of Joseph L. Hewlett. Issue: 36. Elizabeth Hewlett, b. 25 Oct., 1880. 37. Anna Lawton, b. 30 May, 1882. 38. William Wilton, Jr., b. 2 Aug., 1883. 39. Susan Jones, b. 11 May, 1886. 40. Henry Lawrence, b. 10 Nov., 1893. ANCESTRY OF ISAAC S. ALLEN, ^A^HO MARRIED SUSAN S. MOTT ( 1) INCREASE ALLEN, came with his brothers, Othaniel and Jedadiah, from Devonshire, Eng., to Dartmouth, R. I. (now Dartmouth, Mass.), thence to Nine Partners, Dutchess Co. He m. Rachel . Issue: Benjamin, b. 27 Jan., 1682, and seven others. (2) JEDADIAH ALLEN, the fourth child of Increase (i) ; b. 22 Jan., 1691 ; d. 26 Oct., 1745 ; m. June 2, 1721, Penelope Trip. (3) INCREASE ALLEN, the fifth child of Jedadiah (2) ; 230 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND b. 12 Dec, 1731 ; d. at Queensbury, N. Y., 2 Feb., 1809; m. first, Mary M. Springer. Issue, nine children, all of whom died in infancy. M. 2d, Mary Spencer, by whom he had fifteen children. (4) SAMUEL ALLEN, the eleventh child of Increase (3), and his 2d wife, Mary, was b. ii Oct., 1779; d. 8 May, 1862; m. 16 April, 1803, Rachel, dan. of Buffett, of Huntington, L. I. Issue : +5. Isaac Spencer, b. 5 Jan., 1804; d. 10 Oct., 1881. 6. Josiah Buffett, b. 7 March, 1806; d. 21 Oct., 1885. 7. Hannah, b. 26 Sept., 1807; d. 6 Dec, 1883. 8. Mary, b. 30 April, 1810; d. 1812. 9. Mary Ann, b. 7 March, 1815 ; d. 1830. (5) ISAAC SPENCER ALLEN, son of Samuel (4) ; b. 5 Jan., 1804 ; d. at Auburn, N. Y., 10 Oct., 1881 ; m. 18 Aug., J831, Susan, dau. of Joseph Mott. She b. 10 May. 1802; d. 5 Dec, 1883. Lived at Auburn, N. Y. He was the editor of the Cayuga Patriot, published in Auburn, and later was a director in the National Bank of Auburn, of which bank his son Frederick later became vice-president. Issue: 10. Elizabeth, b. 2 Aug., 1832. -f-ii. Henry Mott, b. 7 July, 1834. ■4-12. Frederick, b. 5 Nov., 1836. 13. Susan, b. 24 April, 1839. (Ti) HENRY MOTT ALLEN, son of Isaac (5); b. 7 July, 1834; d. 29 Oct., 1865, at Binghamton, N. Y. M. 25 Aug., 1859, Sarah, dau. of Chubbock. Issue : 14. Susan Mott. b. 2 July, 1862. 15 Mary Louise, b, 25 June, 1865 ; m. 10 June, 1896, Henry Hayes, of Newark, N. J. (12) FREDERICK ALLEN, son of Isaac (5) ; b. 5 Nov., X836 ; m. 7 Oct., 1874, Harriet A. Grandine, of Waterford, N. Y. ; 1900, vice-prest. of Aubiirn National Bank. Issue: 16. Henry Mott, b. 21 Aug., 1875. 17. Harriet 0., b. 12 Jan., 1877; d. 12 Feb., 1877. 18. Frederick G., b. 3 April, 1878. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 231 BELL FAMILY (i) ISAAC BELL, b. 20 Sept., 1736; d. 1809; ancestor of the New York Bells. Was a son of James, b. 1709, in Stamford, Conn., and his wife Sarah, and a gr. son of Francis Bell. (See Selleck's Norwalk, p. 94); m. ist, Hannah Holly; m. 2d, 14 Sept., 1761, Susannah, d. 1807, dau. of Ephraim Smith, of Stam- ford. Issue : 4-2. Isaac, b. 1768, and other children. (2) ISAAC BELL, son of Isaac (i) ; b. 16 Feb., 1768; m. 18 10, Mary, dau. of John Ellis, and his wife, Marie Fangeres, b. 1767, dau. of Lewis Fangere and his wife. Eve Remsen, of New Lotts, L. I. Issue : -f 3. Isaac, and others. (3) ISAAC BELL, son of Isaac (2) ; b. 4 Aug., 1815; d. in N. Y. City, 30 Sept., 1897 ; m. 4 Sept., 1844, Adelaide, dau. of Dr. Valentine Mott. Issue : 4. Isaac, b. 1846; d. 1889; m. 1878, Jeanette, dau. of Bennett, and a sister of Jas. Gordon Bennett. Issue, four children : 5. Valentine Mott, d. young. 6. Olivia, d. 1896 ; m. James Barclay. 7. Louis v., m. Anna, dau. of Dr. James R. Wood, of N. Y. City. She d. 10 May. 1896. Issue, a dau., Louisa Mott Wood, m. 15 Oct., 1895, Stephen Whitney. 8. Edward, b. 1862 ; m. Helen A. Wilmerding. (See Selleck's Hist, of Norwalk.) (Prominent Families of N. Y., by L. H. Weeks.) WEEKES— WICKES FAMILY (0 THOMAS WEEKES (probably a brother of the early Francis Weekes, of Oyster Bay), was born in England in 1612, whence he left for New England in 1635, and settled in Hunting- 232 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND ton, L. I., 1640, thence to Oyster Bay, where he died, leaving a will dated 30 June, 1670. He married Isabella, dau. of Richard Harcutt, of Oyster Bay, and left several children, who changed the spelling of their name to Wickes. (2) THOMAS WICKES, son of Thomas (i) : b. about 1650 ; m. Deborah, dau. of . (3) THOMAS WICKES, son of Thomas (2) ; b. about 1676; d. 24 Oct., 1749; m. Margaret, b. 1682, d. 18 Sept., 1767, dau. of . Issue : 4. Thomas, b. 1703 ; d. 20 Dec, 1749. 5. Silas. -J-6. Eliphalet (6) ELIPHALET WICKES, son of Thomas (3) ; b. 1707; d. 30 June, 1761 ; m. ist, 1730, Hannah Piatt, d. 1731 ; m. 2d, 8 Dec, 1732, Jemima Scudder, b. 1708; d. 3 Nov., 1776. Issue, six children. (7) THOMAS WICKES, son of Eliphalet (6) ; b. 10 Aug., 1744; m. 13 May, 1762, Sarah Brush. M. 2d, 8 Sept., 1767, x\bigail, b. 1748; d. 15 March, 1816, dau. of Barent and Hannah r Carman) Van Wyck, of Oyster Bay. Issue, ten children. (8) HANNAH WICKES, dau. of Thomas (7) ; b. 1781 ; d. 8 March, 1816; m. 20 Aug., i8, Joseph L. Hewlett, of Great Neck, L. I. (9) VAN WYCK WICKES, son of Thomas (7) ; b. 29 April, 1779; m. 19 Sept., 181 1, Eliza, b. 16 Dec, 1789; d. 24 May, 1864, dau. of Stephen Herriman, of Jamaica, L. I. Issue, ten children. ( 10) VAN WYCK WICKES, son of Van Wyck (9) ; b. 24 April, 1832; m. 3 Oct., 1861, Josephine L., dau. of Joseph L. Hewlett. Issue : 11. Albert E., b. 10 Sept., 1862. 12. Eliza H., b. 3 Oct., 1867. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 233 (13) MARY WICKES, dan. of Van Wyck (9) ; b. 28 Jan., 1817; d. 24 May, 1864; m. 29 Aug., 1843, Lucius T. Rossiter, he b. 1810 ; d. 1879, leaving a large number of children, one of whom, Edward Van- Wyck Rossiter, b. 13 July, 1844, m. Estelle, dau. of Joseph L. Hewlett. (14) JOHN WICKES, son of Thomas (i) ; b. 1653; m. 1673, Hester Ketcham, of Huntington, L. I. (15.) JONATHAN WICKES, son of John (14) ; b. 5 July. 1686; will prob. 1749; m. Mary , (16) HEZEKTAH WICKES, son of Jonathan (15); b. 1729; d. 26 Nov., t8oo; m. 1755, Louisa, dau. of Stephen Jarvis, of Centreport. L. I. She d. 1819. (17) NATHANIEL WICKES, son of Hezekiah (16); b. rj April, 1768; m. Betsey Scudder; d. 1807; m. 2d, 1809, Sarah Pine (widow). ( 18) JOHN H. WICKES, son of Nathaniel (17). Lived at Deer Park, L. I.; b. 16 Oct., 1798; m. 1821, Abigail Hayward, of Taunton, Mass. (19) GEORGE F. WICKES, of Deer Park, L. I., son of John H. ,(i8) ; b. 6 Sept., 1832; m. 19 Feb., 1855, Maria Louisa Mott : b. 10 Nov., 1830. BIRDSALL FAMILY (i) NATHAN BIRDSALL, the gr. grandfather of Benja- min Birdsall, who m. Freelove Jones (HI. 16), settled in Jerusa- lem, L. I., where he bought land of Thos. Ireland in 1679. In 1666 he appears among the first purchasers of land at Matinecock, L. I. By report he was of a Huguenot family who fled from France in 1640-1650 and settled in Queens Co. He d. 1696, having mar- ried Temperance, dau. of Richard and Elizabeth (Alsop) Bald- win. Issue: +2. Benjamin. 234 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 3. Stephen. 4. Nathaniel. 5. WilHam. 6. Henry. 7. Nathan, 8. Samuel. (2) BENJAMIN BIRDSALL, son of Nathan (i); m. Mercy, dau. of Samuel Forman and his wife, Miriam Hoyt. Lived at Jerusalem, L. I. Issue: 9. Elizabeth, b. 1683 ; m. Townsend. 10. Susannah, b. 1685; m. Underbill. 11. Samuel, b. 1687; m. 1716, Rose, dau. of ; m. 2d, 1726, Sarah, dau. of Townsend. 12. Benjamin, b. 1691. -I-13. John, b. 1696; d. 1764. 14. Nathan, and other children. (13) JOHN BIRDSALL, son of Benjamin (2) ; b. 1696; d. 1764; m. first, Elizabeth, dau. of Thos. Langdon, of Jerusalem (she named in her father's will, prob. 27 May, 1734) ; m. 2d, . Issue : 15. Thomas. 16. John. 17. Joshua. + 18. Benjamin. 19. Joseph, m. Mary, dau. of Saml. Clowes. 20. Samuel. (18) BENJAMIN BIRDSALL (Lieut. Col.), son of John (13) ; d. 1799; m. 1763, Freelove, dau. of William Jones (II. 7). Issue : 21. David, m. Smith. 22. Benjamin, m. ist, a sister of S. Nichols; m. 2d, Mott, of Rockaway. 23. Phebe, m. James Jackson. 24. Elizabeth, m. Jackson Althouse (issue, Jackson and Jane). THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 235 25. Margaret, m. ist, Jacob Seaman; m. 2d, Timothy Tred- well (M. D.). 26. Mary, m. Wm. Wright. 27. Charlotte, b. 1764; m. Zebulon Seaman. 28. Thomas, m. Phebe, daii. of Jacob Jackson (issue, Jackson and Eleanor), For further account of Lieut. Col. Benjamin (18), see under Freelove Jones (III. 16). ANCESTRY OF MAJ. CHARLES WILLIAM WHIPPLE, WHO MARRIED JOSEPHINE K.JONES (I) MATTHEW WHIPPLE, b. about 1605; d. 28 Sept., 1647. Came from Essex, Eng., and settled in Ipswich, Mass., 1638. Issue: -\-2. Joseph, d. 1708. 3. John, m. 1658, Sarah , and had a son Matthew, the gr. grandfather of Genl. William Whipple, "the Signer." 4. Mary. 5. Ann. 6. Elizabeth. 7. Matthew, d. 1658. (2) JOSEPH WHIPPLE, son of Matthew (i) ; d. 1708. Issue : 8. Joseph, b. 31 Oct., 1666. 9. Margaret, b. 28 Aug. 1668. 10. Sarah, b. 16 March, 1670. 11. Matthew (Capt.), b. 1672 12. Mary, b. 1674. + 13. James, b. 1681. 14. John. 15. Jonathan. 16. Ruth. 17. Anna. 236 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND (13) JAMES WHIPPLE, son of Joseph (2) ; b. 1681 ; d. 3 Nov., 1766; m. 1703, Mary Fuller. Issue: 18. James, b. 12 ApL, 1705 ; d. 1759. -f-19. Jacob, b. 1707. 20. Daniel, b. 17 13. 21. Mary. (19) JACOB WHIPPLE, son of James (13); b. May, 1707; m. Jerusha, b. 1710; d. 1789, dau. of Leland. Issue: -f-22. James, b. 1732, and other children. (22) JAMES WHIPPLE, son of Jacob (19) ; b. 1732; d. 1767; m. 29 Dec, 1750, Lydia Powers. Issue: 23. Lydia, b. 1753. 24. Jacob, b. 1755. +25. David, and others. (25) DAVID WHIPPLE, son of James (22) ; b. 1759; d. 1842 ; m. first, Betsey Davis ; m. 2d, Thayer ; m. 3d, Arethusia Brooks. Issue by 3d wife: -f-26. David, b. 1783, and other children. (26) DAVID WHIPPLE, son of David (25) ; b. 1783, in Hadwick, Mass.; m. first, 1806, Abigail (Brown) Pepper, of Easthampton, Mass. She d. 1823, and was a gt. grand dau. of Constant Southworth, and gr. niece of Constant Freeman, senior officer of artillery upon the reorganization of the army after the Revolution. Issue : 27. Emeline, m. John Farwell, of Amherst, Mass. +28. Amiel W. By his 2d wife, Deborah Phinney, he had a son, George (29). (28) AMIEL WEEKS WHIPPLE, son of David (26) ; b. 1818, in Greenwich, Mass.; graduate of West Point, 1841. Bvt. Maj. Genl. U. S. A., commanding 3d Division, 3d Corps, Army of the Potomac. Killed at battle of Chancellorsville, Va., May, THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 237 1863. Married 12 Sept., 1843, Eleanor Mary, d. April, 1874, dau. of Col. John N. Sherburne (21). Issue: 30. Elizabeth Sherburne, m. 18 Sept., 1879, Capt. Robert W. Huntington, U. S. Marine Corps. +31. Charles William (Major). 32. David, Lieut. U. S. Marine Corps ; m. 1872, Georgiana Colgate, of Washington, D. C. She d. 20 Aug., 1873 ; he d. I March, 1884. (31) CHARLES WILLIAM WHIPPLE (Major), son of Amiel (28) : graduate of West Point, 1868; b. Sept. 28, 1846; m. 3 April, 1877, Josephine Katharine Jones, dau. of Walter R. T. Jones (V. 85), and his wife, Anna Pierson Bailey, dau. of Rear Admiral Theodorus Bailey, U. S. N. Issue: 33. Walter Jones, b. 17 July, 1878. 34. William, b. 27 Jan., 1880; m. June, 1905, Genevieve Ran- dolph. Issue : Walter Jones, b. 22 March, 1906. 35. Sherbime, b. 2 May, 1881. 36. Annette Bailey, b. 21 Aug., 1883; m. Nov. 14, 1906, Arthur Morris Colleus. 37. Eleanor Sherburne, b. May 13, 1887. SHERBURNE FAMILY Ancestry of Eleanor M. Sherburne, whose son. Major Charles William Whipple, married Josephine K. Jones. (i) JOHN SHERBURNE, b. 1617; d. 1692; settled in Portsmouth, N. H., 1646; married Elizabeth Turk. Issue: -f-2. John. 3. Henry. 4. Mary. 5. Elizabeth. (2) JOHN SHERBURNE, son of John (i); b. 1650; d. 1690; m. Mary, dau. of Thos. Jackson. Issue: -\-6. Joseph. 238 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 7. John. 8. Edward. 9. Ambrose. ID. Samuel. (6) JOSEPH SHERBURNE, son of John (2); b. 1680; d. 1744; m. Mary, d. 1745, dau. of . Issue: 4-1 1. John. 12. Joseph. 13. Mary. 14. Nathaniel. (II) JOHN SHERBURNE, son of Joseph (6); b. 1705; d. 1745; m. Eleanor Mendrum. Issue: » + 15. Nathaniel. (15) NATHANIEL SHERBURNE, son of John (n) ; b. before 1735 ; d. 1805 ; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Capt. Tobias and Elizabeth (Hall) Lear. Issue: 16. Eleanor. 17. John. + 18, Nathaniel. 19. Tobias. 20. Elizabeth. (18) NATHANIEL SHERBURNE, son of Nathaniel (15) ; b. 8 Oct., 1746; d. 5 Aug., 1794; m. 26 Jan., 1792, Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel and Elizabeth (Wentworth) Warner, and gr. dau. of Gov. John Wentworth. His wife Elizabeth d. 16 Feb., 1846. Issue : -f-2i. John Nathaniel, b. 1793 (the Colonel). (21) COL. JOHN NATHANIEL SHERBURNE, son of Nathaniel (18) ; b. 20 Sept., 1793; d. 30 June, 1859; m. June 6, 1822, Eveline, dau. of Charles and Abigail (Leighton) Blunt. Col. of N. H. Militia and member of State Legislature. Issue: 22. Elizabeth. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 239 -I-23. Eleanor M. 24. Charles. 25. Nathaniel, 26. John, Adjt. Genl. (23) ELEANOR MARY SHERBURNE, dau. of Col. John N. (21) ; d. 1874; m. Amiel Weeks Whipple (28), 12 Sept., 1843, ^t Portsmouth, N. H. (Issue, see under Amiel W. Whip- pie (28).) BAILEY FAMILY Ancestry of Ann Pierson Bailey (21), wife of Walter R. T. Jones (V. 85). (i) NICHOLAS BAILEY, of Westchester, N. Y. Magis- trate and Deputy to Genl. Court at Hartford, 1663. (2) JOHN BAILEY, son of Nicholas (i); d. 1719; m. Elizabeth, dau. of , who survived him, and m. as her 2d husband, Wm. Collins. Issue : +3. John. 4. Sarah. (3) JOHN BAILEY, son of John (2). Lived at Fishkill, N. Y. ; b. 1704: m. 1731, Mary, dau. of Johannes Ter Boss, of Fishkill. Issue: +5. John (the Colonel) ; b. 1732. 6. Esther, b. 1735, and others. (5) COL. JOHN BAILEY, son of John (3). Lived at Poughkeepsie, N. Y. ; b. 1732; d. 1806; m. 1756, Altje, dau. of Theodorus Van Wyck (10). She b. 10 Nov., 1740; d. 9 Nov., 1807; was gr. dau. of Abraham Joris Brinckerhoff. Issue: 7. Theodorus (the Genl.), b. 1758; d. 1828; m. Elizabeth Hoffman, dau. of Col. Robert, of N. Y. +8. William (the Judge), b. 1763; d. 1840. 240 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 9. Mary, b. 1766. 10. Elizabeth, m. Chancellor Jas. Kent. 11. James, b. 1770; d. 1832. 12. Esther, b. 1780. (8) JUDGE WILLIAM BAILEY, son of Col. John (5), of Plattsburg, N. Y. ; b. 1763; d. 1840; m. first, Hannah Hege- man, b. 1763; d. 1798, dau. of . Issue: 13. Catharine, b. 1791 ; m. Maj. John Walworth, U. S. A. 14. Charlotte, b. 1796; m. Maj. Mordecai Myers, U. S. A. M. 2d, Phebe Piatt, b. 1779; d. 1859, dau. of . Issue: 15. Phebe A., b. 1799; m, first, Capt. Sidney Smith, U. S. A. ; m. 2d, Asa Hascall, 16. William. 17. John. 18. Mary. -I-19. Theodorus (Rear Admiral), b. 1805. 20. John W., b. 1807. And other children. (19) THEODORUS BAILEY (Rear Admiral), son of Judge William (8) ; b. 12 April, 1805 ; d. 10 Feb., 1877 ; m. Sarah Ann, dau. of Isaac S. and Dolly (Smith) Piatt, son of Nathaniel, of Plattsburg, N. Y. Issue: +21. Anna Pierson, m. Walter R. T. Jones (V. 74). 22. Theodora, 23. Sarah, m. T. Salter Tredick. 24. Mary. 25. Margaret. 26. Edmund S., m. Mary Beekman McKnight. He was appointed midshipman, i Jan., 1818, and promoted Lieut, in 1827. In 1846 he was in command of the Lexington and rendered valuable service during the Mexican War. In 1855 he was appointed Captn., and a little later commissioned as Com- modore. In 1862 he was in command of the Gulf blockading squad- ron with the rank of Acting Rear Admiral, and was second in command at New Orleans under Admiral Farragut. when he THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 241 was sent to demand the surrender of New Orleans. In his offi- cial report of that victory he wrote, "It was a contest of iron hearts in wooden vessels against iron clads with iron beaks ; and the iron hearts won." On 25 July, 1866, he received his com- mission as Rear Admiral, and in 1876 was placed upon the re- tired list, his death occurring soon after. On 5 Dec, 1899, at the launching of the torpedo boat de- stroyer named the "Bailey," in honor of the Admiral, his family presented that boat with a loving cup bearing the following in- scription : "In honor of Rear Admiral Theodorus Bailey, born 1805, ^^^^ 1877, who in peace or war for fifty-nine years so gallantly served in the navy of our land, this cup is dedicated. "In the U. S. S. Cayuga he led the fleet of Admiral Farragut through the fire of forts Jackson and St. Philip and opposing vessels, April 24, 1862." (Then follows his memorable words quoted above.) (21) ANNA PIERSON BAILEY, dau. of Rear Admiral Theodorus Bailev ( 19) ; d. 5 Julv, 1882 ; m. Walter R. T. Jones (V.74). UNDERHILL FAMILY (I) CAPT. JOHN UNDERHILL, the ancestor of all of that name in this country, came from Warwickshire, Eng., to Boston, 18 Aug., 1630, in a vessel under his command called the "Mary and John," named for his father and mother. He brought with him from Holland his wife, Helena Kruger. He was b. 7 Oct., 1597 (O. S.), and was a son of Sir John E. and Mary (Moseley) Underbill. He removed to Matinecock, L. I., where he d. 21 of 7 mo., 1672. His wife Helena d. 1649. Issue: 2. Benoni, went to New Hampshire. 3. Elizabeth, bap. 14 Feb., 1636; d. in Southold, L. I. -I-4. John, b. 1642; settled on L. I. He m. 2d, Elizabeth, d. 1674, dau. of Robert Fceke, of Water- town, Mass., and his wife Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Fones. and widow of Henry Winthrop, son of Gov. John. Robert Feeke had by his wife Elizabeth (nee Fones) another dau., Hannah, who m. 16 242 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND John Bowne, of Flushing, L. I. Robert Feeke died in , and his widow, Elizabeth, m. as her 3d husband WilHam Hallett (see "Evidences of the Winthrops of Groton"), who removed to Flush- ing, L. I., "taking with him her children." (N. Y. Gen. & Biog. Rec, Vol. IL, p. 17.) Issue by 2d wdfe, Elizabeth: 5. Deborah, b. 29 Nov., 1659; m. Henry Townsend, of Oyster Bay. 6. Nathaniel, b. 1663. 7. Hannah, m. Richard Alsop, of Newtown, L. I. 8. Elizabeth, b. 1669; m. Isaac Smith, of Herricks, L. I. -\-g. David. (4) JOHN UNDERHILL, son of Capt. John (i) ; b. 11 April, 1642 ; d. 29 Oct., 1692 ; m. i of 8 mo., 1668, Mary, b. 1652 ; d. 1698, dau. of Matthew Prior, of Matinecock, L. I. Issue: -f-io. John. II. Daniel. -|-I2. Samuel. • 13. Mary. 14. Abraham. 15. Deborah. -I- 1 6. Sarah. 17. Jacob. 18. Hannah. (9) DAVID UNDERHILL, son of Capt. John (i); b. 1672: m, dau, of Moses and Hannah Forman. Issue. + 19. Peter. ■ 20. Benjamin. 21. Samuel. (10) JOHN UNDERHILL, son of John (4); b. i July, 1670; d. at Cedar Swamp, L. I., 28 July, 1728; m. Elizabeth, b. 1674, d. 1713, dau. of Thomas and Dinah (Townsend) Willets, of Jericho. Issue: 22. Daniel, b. 1700. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 243 +23. Amos, m. 1729, Elizabeth, b. 1710, dau, of Benjamin and Jane (Mott) Seaman. 24. Isaac, and other children. (12) SAMUEL UNDERHILL, son of John (4); b. 18 of 12 mo., 1674; m. Hannah, d. 1753, dau. of Thos. Willets. Issue: 25. Amee, b. 1702. 26. Dinah. -\-2y. Samuel. 28. Abraham. (16) SARAH UNDERHILL, dau. of John (4); b. 17 of 6 mo., 1687; m. 25 of 9 mo., 1708, Thomas PearsoU, b. 1679, son of Nathaniel, of Hempstead ; they had a dau., Sarah Pearsoll, who m. first, Richard Mott, and 2d, Richard Alsop. (27) SAMUEL UNDERHILL, son of Samuel (12) ; b. 8 of 9 mo., 1708; d. 1780; m. 1737, Ann, b. 1716; d. 1803, dau. of Joseph Carpenter, of Oyster Bay. He settled in Mamaroneck, and had with other children a dau., Mary (29), b. 31 of i mo., 1745; d. 1776; m. James Mott. (25) AMEE UNDERHILL, dau. of Samuel (12) ; b. 9 of 9 mo., 1702; d. 7 Sept., 1779; m. 27 July, 1729, William Latham. (22) DANIEL UNDERHILL, son of John (10) ; b. 1700; d. 29 May, 1790; m. 1728, Abigail, b. 1703; d. 1765 (prob. a dau. of Wm. and Sarah (Hauxhurst) Crooker, of Wheatley, L. I.). Issue : -f-30. John, and other children. (23) AMOS UNDERHILL, son of John (10); m. 1729, Elizabeth, b. 1710, dau. of Benjamin and Jane (Mott) Seaman. Issue : 31. Isaac, b. 1732. 32. David, b. 1743 ; m. 1773, Elizabeth, b. 1747, dau. of Wm. Mott. 33. Solomon, b. 1749; m. 1780, Lydia, dau. of Adam and Sarah Mott. 244 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND (30) JOHN UNDERHTTX, son of Daniel (22) ; b. 25 Jan., 1729; d. 22 Oct., 1798; m. Rebecca, b. 1731, d. 17 April, 1808, dau. Geo. and Anne (Underbill) Frost. Issue: 34. Daniel, b. 1764; and others. (34) DANIEL UNDERHILL, son of John (30); b. 11 July, 1764 ; d. 23 March, 1842 ; m. 22 June, 1785, at Centre Island, Margaret, b. 23 June, 1764; d. 16 April, 1841, dau. of Thomas and Phebe (Allen) Smith, of Oyster Bay. Issue: 35. Ann, b. 1787. 36. Smith, b. 1790. 37. Elizabeth, b. 1793. 38. Phebe Smith, b. 1798. 39. Sarah, b. 1804. 40. Thomas F., b. 24 April, 1813; m. 1847, Anna, dau. of William Coles. (19) PETER UNDERHILL, son of David (9); m. Penelope, dau. of Abraham and Mary (Hauxhurst) Ailing. Issue: -|-4i. Rev. Peter. 42. Hannah ; m. Daniel Youngs. 43. Daniel ; m. Sarah Townsend. 44. Joseph. 45. Theodosia; m. Townsend Weeks. (41) REV. PETER UNDERHILL, son of Peter (19), resided in Oyster Bay; b. 24 Jan., 1737; d. 24 June, 1806; m. (by license, 31 Jan., 1760), Ethelinda, b. 1740, dau. of John and Sarah (Wright) Townsend. Issue: 46. Jacob, b. 31 July, 1776; d. 21 April, 1812; m. Sarah, dau. of Ebenezer Sillock, of Stamford, Conn. HOWARD FAMILY Ancestors of Katharine Howard, who married Townsend Jones (VI. 80). The Howards came from England to the Barbadoes in , and thence to South Carolina. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 245 C I ) ROBERT HOWARD was an active and zealous Whig, and was one of the twenty-six men who met after the repeahng of the "Stamp Act" around the famous "Liberty Tree," in Charleston, and pledged themselves to resist the fetters of Gt. Britain. He is said to have descendants living in England of whom the Whitticlds are perhaps the best known. He had a son Robert (2), and perhaps other children. (2) ROBERT HOWARD, son of Robert (i) ; b. 10 Jan., 1773; d. 21 Feb., 1850; m. 10 April, 1810, Harriet, b. 25 July, 1786; d. II May, 1859, dan. of Lee. Issue: 3. Theus, b. April, 1812; m. Frances Beekman Lee. Issue, one son and five daus. The family went to Alabama. 4. Lee, b. March, 1813 ; d. in infancy. 5. Beekman, b. April, 1815; d. in infancy, -\-6. Robert Theus, b. 2 May, 1816; d. 16 Jan., 1885; m. 11 Oct., 1838, Hester Mary Seaman, b. 27 July, 1818; d. 5 May, 1897, dau. of Billopp Seaman. 7. William Lee, b. April, 1817; d. in infancy. 8. Henry Middleton, b. Aug., 1818; d. 10 Sept., 1858; m. Rebecca Lee, of Camden, S. C. No issue. 9. Thomas Lee, b. Feb., 1821 ; d. 1862 ; unm. 10. Stephen Lee, b. March, 1822 ; m. Emily Chisholm. Is- sue, two children ; d. young. 11. Mary Lee, b. June, 1823; m. Wm. E. Snowden. Issue: Wm. Henry. Robert. Theodore. 12. Harriet Lee, b. May, 1824; m. Charles Snowden. Issue: Thomas. William. Robert. Harriet. 13. Susan Lee, b. April, 1825; d. in infancy. 14. Beekman, b. July, 1826 ; d. in infancy ; twin. 15. Lee, b. July, 1826; d. unm.; twin. 16. Joseph Lee. b. Dec, 1827; d. 1868; unm. 246 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 17. Susan S., b. March, 1829; d. 2 Dec, i860; m. Richard Taylor Walker. Issue, seven children, all dec. before 1894. One of these. Sue Howard Walker, m. Gaston Hardy, and died without issue. (6) REV. ROBERT THEUS HOWARD, son of Robert (2) ; b. at Charleston, S. C, 2 May, 1816; d. 16 Jan., 1885, at Cold Spring Harbor, L. I., where he was rector of St. John's Prot. Epis. Church from 1872 until 1882. He m. 11 Oct., 1838, Hester Mary, b. 27 July, 1818, at Oyster Bay, L. I. ; d. 5 May, 1897, dau. of Billopp Benjamin Seaman and his wife, Hester Mary, dau. of John Kortright and Catharine Seaman, his wife, dau. of Edmund Seaman. They were married at St. Luke's Church, N. Y, City, by Rev. Dr. Forbes. Issue : 18. Harriet Kortright, b. 14 Aug., 1839; d. 14 Aug., 1870. 19. Billopp Seaman, b. 7 Oct., 1840. 20. Gouvenour Kortright, b. 4 Dec, 1842 ; d. 4 April, 1843. 21. Edmund Kortright, b. 27 March, 1844. -j-22. Alice, b. II Dec, 1846; m. 4 April, 1866, Chas. Henry King, M. D. ; b. 3 Aug., 1844; d- 18 March, 1883. +23. Hess Lee, b. 30 July, 1850 ; d. 25 Dec, 1896; m. 17 April, 1879, Timothy B. Linington. -I-24. Henry S., b. 14 May, 1853 ; m. 18 Sept., 1879, Cornelia Ketchum. 25. Robert Lee, b. 7 Feb., 1857; ^' '5 June, 1857. 26. Katharine Seaman, b. 21 May, 1858; m. 30 April, 1879, Townsend Jones. (22) ALICE HOWARD, dau. of Rev. Robert T. (6) ; b. II Dec, 1846; m. 4 April, 1866, C. Henry King, M. D. Issue: Hester Mary, b. Mch. 2, 1867 ; d. Aug. 12, 1867. Charles Henry, Jr., b. April 2, 1868; d. July 24, 1870. Alice Howard, b. June 19, 1872; m. Oct. 30, 1901, Julian Verplanck, Jr. Robert Howard, b. Aug. 2, 1873. Ross Woodruff, b. June 27, 1876; d. Dec. 19, 1905. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 247 Eleanor Jane, b. July 30, 1880; d. July 3, 1882. William Bruce, b. July 30, I880; d. July 18. 1881. Harry Lee, b. May 3, 1882. (23) HESS LEE HOWARD, dau. of Rev. Robert T. (6) ; b. 30 July, 1850; d. 25 Dec., 1896; m. 17 April, 1879, Timothy B. Linington, son of Stephen, of Brooklyn, L. I. Issue: Howard, b. Feb. 26, 1880. Maud, b. Dec. 6, 1883; m. Nov., 1904, Henry Martindale Clark. 24. HENRY S. HOWARD, son of Rev. Robert T. (6) ; b. 14 May, 1853 ; m. 18 Sept., 1879, Cornelia, dau. of Ketchum. KORTRIGHT FAMILY (1) CORNELIUS JANSEN KORTRIGHT, the ancestor of Hester Mary Kortright, who m. Billopp Seaman, was b. 1645, at Beest, in Gelderland ; m. Metje, dau. of Bastiaen Elyessen, widow of Caes Van Appledorn. (2) LAURENS CORNELIUS KORTRIGHT, son of Cor- nelius Jansen ( i) ; b. 1681 ; d. 1704; m. 1703, Helena, dau. of Capt. John Benson. (3) CORNELIUS KORTRIGHT, son of Laurens Cor- nelius (2) : b. 1704; d. 1745; m. Hester, dau. of John Cannon, of N. Y. City. (See Riker's Harlem, p. 516-518.) (4) LAWRENCE KORTRIGHT, son of Cornelius (3) : b. 1728; d. 1794; m. 6 May, 1755, Hannah, dau. of John and Sarah Aspinwall. (5) CAPT. JOHN KORTRIGHT, son of Lawrence (4) ; 248 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND d. i8io; m. 2 May, 1793, Catharine, dau. of Edmund Seaman, and had with others a dau., Hester Mary Kortright, who m. Billopp Seaman. ASPINWALL FAMILY (i) PETER ASPINWALL, ancestor of that name in this country, m. as his 2d wife, Rember, dau. of John Palfrey. (2) JOSEPH ASPINWALL, son of Peter (i) ; b. 9 Oct., 1673 ; m. 1700, Hannah, dau. of Christopher Deane. (3) JOHN ASPINWALL, son of Joseph (2) ; b. 1705; d. 5 July, 1774. Settled in Flushing, L. I.; m. 28 Aug., 1728, Sarah, d. 1765, dau. of Capt. James and Sarah (Cornell) Sands, of Oyster Bay, L. I. (4) HANNAH ASPINWALL, dau of John (3) ; m. 6 May, 1755, Lawrence Kortright, b. 1728; d. 1794, son of Cor- nelius Kortright and his wife Hester, dau. of John and Maria (Le Grand) Cannon (she, Hester, b. 1706; d. 1784). Issue, five children. Their eldest son, Capt. John Kortright, m. 2 May, 1793, Catharine, dau. of Edmund Seaman, and had a dau. Hester Mary, who m. Billopp Seaman. REMSEN FAMILY Ancestry of Charles Remsen, who married Lillian Livingston Jones (VI. 64). (i) REM JANSEN VANDERBECK (ancestor of the Remsen family), came from Westphalia to Albany, N. Y., in 1650. He m., 1652, Annetje Rapelye, and removed to L. I. He left a large family of children, "Who took as their surnames their father's Christian name, with a suffix to denote the sonship, which is the origin of the Remsen family." (See Prominent Families of N. Y., by L. H. Weeks.) THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 249 (2) HENDRICK (HENDRICK REMSEN), son of Rem Jansen Vanderbeck (i), b. 1780. (3) HENRY REMSEN, son of Hendrick (2) ; b. 1762; d. 1843 ; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Abraham R. de Peyster. (4) WILLIAM REMSEN, son of Henry (3) : b. 13 Jan.. t8t5 : ni. Jane. dau. of John Suydam, of N. Y. (5) CHARLES REMSEN, son of William (4) ; m. Lillian Livingston Jones, dau. of Oliver H. Jones (V. 67). Issue: 6. Charles, b. 1891 ; d. 22 March, 1899. 7. William. RUTHERFORD FAMILY (i) MAJ. WALTER RUTHERFURD, b. 1724, in Scot- I ij Iffi ' '^"*^ • ^- ^^40. in N. Y. City, was a son of Sir John, of Edgerston, Scotland. He m. Catharine (her 2d husband), b. 1727, dau. of James Alexander, of Scotland. (2) JOHN RUTHERFURD, son of Maj. Walter, b. 1760; d. 23 Feb., 1840; m. 1781, Magdalena, dau. of Lewis Morris. (3) ROBERT W. RUTHERFURD, son of John (2) ; b. T788; d. 185 1 : m. Sabina. dau. of Col. Lewis Morris. (4) WALTER RUTHERFURD. son of Robert W. (3) : b. 1812; d. 1868; m. Isabella, dau. of David Brooks, Capt. U. S. A.., and his wife, Frances Morris. (5) WALTER RUTHERFURD. son of Walter (4) ; m 7 June, 1877. Martha Louisa Jones, dau. of Oliver H. Jones (V. 57). Issue: 6. John Morris Livingston, b. 23 Sept., 1888. 7. Ronald Gordon Stirling, b. 26 Sept., 1897. (See N. Y. Gen. & Biog. Rec, Vol. 12, p. 159.) 250 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND SMITH FAMILY ("TANGIER SMITH FAMILY") Ancestry of William Sidney Smith, husband of Eleanor T. Jones (V. i8). (i) COL. WILLIAM SMITH, b. , in Eng.; m. 26 Nov., 1675, Martha, dau. of Henry Tunstall. He was appointed by Charles II., in 1675, as Gov. of Tangier, Africa. He came to this coimtry in 1686 and settled in Setauket, L. I., where he died 18 Feb., 1705, having been Chief Justice of Supreme Court from 1693 to 1700. (2) WILLIAM HENRY SMITH (Maj.), son of Col. Wm. (i) ; b. 13 March 1690; m. as 2d wife, Hannah Cooper, of South- ampton, L. I. (3) WILLIAM SMITH, son of Wm. Henry (2) ; b. 1720; d. 1799; m. as his 2d wife, Ruth, dau. of Nathaniel Woodhull, a sister of Genl. Nathaniel. (4) WILLIAM SMITH, son of William (3) ; b. 30 April, 1768; m. Hannah, dau. of Philetus Smith, of Smithtown, L. I. (He, William, d. 22 July, 1803.) (5) WILLIAM SIDNEY SMITH, son of William (4) (the eldest son) ; b. 1797; d. 2 Feb., 1879, at Yaphank, L. I.; m. 7 May, 1823, Eleanor Turk Jones (V. 18), dau. of William (IV. 4). Issue: +6. William Henry, b. 1824 ; d. 1890. 7. Elbert Jones. +8. Charles Jeffery. -I-9. Robert Russell. -f 10. Amelia, b. 1832; d. 27 Jan., 1899. -f-ii. Apollos. -f-i2. Sidney Tangier. 13. James Weeks, d. 30 Sept., 1901. + 14. John Tredwell. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 251 15. Susan Maria W., b. 1840; m. 1867, Rev. Hamilton Bishop ; no issue. Supervisor of town of Brookhaven and Treasurer of SuflFolk Co. (6) WILLIAM HENRY SMITH, son of William S. (5) ; b. 1824; d. 1890; m. 1st, 1854, Alice, dau. of Miles White, of N. Y. City. M. 2d, 1881, Jean M. Berrien. No issue. (8) CHARLES JEFFRY SMITH, son of William S. (5) ; b. 1828; killed by a cloudburst in Plainsburg, Cal., 1880; m. 1864, Julia, dau. of Anson Russell, and his wife, Harriet Riggs Spauld- ing, of Westminster, Mass. Issue: 16. Jeffry Tangier, b. 1864. 17. Elbert Haring, b. 1866. 18. William Sidney, b. 1869. . 19. Julia Riggs, b. 1871. 20. Amelia, b. 1874. (9) ROBERT RUSSELL SMITH, son of William S. (5) ; b. 1829; d. 1885; m. 1875, Cornelia, dau. of Henry and Cornelia (Kelsey) Thorne, of Lakeville, L. I. Settled in Yaphank, L. I. Issue : 20a. William Henry T., b. 1877, d. 1879. 20b. Helen Tangier, b. 1880. 21. William Sidney, b. 1883. (ro) AMELIA vSMITH, dau. of William S. (5); d. 27 Jan., 1899. Resided at Yaphank, and was President of the Women's Home and Foreign Missionary Soc. of the Presbytery of L. I., from its organization in 1883 until her death in 1899. (II) APPOLLOS SMITH, son of William S. (5), b. 1844; d. 2 June, 1891 ; m. 1877, Caroline R., dau. of Asa Cook Brownell and Caroline Field, his wife, of Brooklyn, L. I. Issue: 22. Hamilton Holmes, b. 1878 ; d. 1879. 23. Russell Brownell, b. 1883. 24. Miriam Tangier, b. 1890. 252 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 25. Eleanor S., b. 1880 ; d. 4 Feb., 1900. 26. Royal H., b. 1885. (12) SIDNEY TANGIER SMITH, son of William S. (5) ; b. 1834; m. 1865, Edith, dau. of Philip Rhinelander and Frances Blackwell Robert, his wife, of Brooklyn, L. I. Issue: 27. Eleanor Jones, b. 1866. 28. Henry Youngs. (14) JOHN TREADWELL SMITH, son of William S. (5); b. 1838. Settled at Beaver Dam, Wis.; m. 1872, Emilie, dau. of Isaac P. and Julia Langlois Perritt-Gentil, of Prairie du Chien, Wis. Issue: 29. Edith S., b. 1875. 30. Amelia T., b. 1877. 31. Julia Jones, b. 1880. 32. Clara Forest, b. 1884. 33. Emilie M., b. 1890. KISSAM FAMILY (i) JOHN KISSAM, b. in Eng., 1644, settled in Flush- ing, L. I. The earlier spelling of his name, Ockersen (probably Dutch), was retained by some of his children, and in the early records of Hempstead was generally spelled Okeson. He m. 10 June, 1667, Susannah, dau. of Wm. Thorne, of Jamaica, L. I. Issue: -f-2. Daniel. +3. John. 4. Thomas (went to New Jersey). (2) DANIEL KISSAM, son of John (i) ; b. in Flushing, L. I., 1669; d. 26 Dec, 1752; will prob. 10 Jan., 1753; m. Eliza- beth Coombs, b. 1673, d. 1736. Settled on Great Neck, L. I. (She was dau. of Francis Coombs.) Issue: 5. Hannah, b. 1699; d. 3 July, 1750; m. Lewis Hewlett (2d wife). THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 253 -\-6. Daniel. 7. Elizabeth. 4-8. Joseph. 9. Martha. 10. Levina. (3) JOHN KISSAM, son of John (i) ; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Lieut. Adain Mott (i), of Great Neck, and settled in Freehold, N.J. (6) DANIEL KISSAM, son of Daniel (2), of Gt. Neck; b. 1 70 1, d. 1728; m. Ann, b. 1700; d. 20 Sept., 1796, dau. of Rich- bell Mott. She after m. ii Oct., 1730, Jotham Townsend, of Oyster Bay. Issue: + 11. Daniel. 12. Elizabeth. (8) JOSEPH KISSAM, son of Daniel (2); b. 1705; m. 7 Feb., 1727, Deborah, dau. of Jonathan Whitehead and Sarah Field. Issue : + 13. Joseph, b. 22 Aug., 1731. + 14. Elizabeth, and others. (II) DANIEL KISSAM, son of Daniel (6); b. 13 Oct., 1726; d. 1782; m. 20 April, 1746, Peggy, b. 1728, dau. of Col. Benjamin Tredwell. Issue: 15. Maj. John. 4-i6. Phebe, b. 1750; m. i April, 1767, Richard Jackson, And other children. (13) JOSEPH KISSAM, son of Joseph (8) ; b. 22 Aug., 173 1 ; m. 9 Oct., 1752, Mary, b. 1725, d. 13 June, 1804, dau. of George and Hannah Hewlett (nee Hannah Smith). Issue: -I-17. Benjamin. 18. Phebe. + 19. Daniel Whitehead. 20. Hewlett. 254 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND (14) ELIZABETH KISSAM, dau. of Joseph (8) ; m. 20 Oct., 1761, Jacob Mott. Issue: Mary Whitehead, m. Morris. Deborah. (16) PHEBE KISSAM, dau. of Daniel (11) ; b. 1750; m. I April, 1767, Richard Jackson, b. 1740, d. 1826. Issue, several children. (See under Richard Jackson.) (17) BENJAMIN KISSAM, son of Joseph (13) ; b. 1753, d. 1808; m. 20 Dec, 1773, Martha, b. 20 Jan., 1745; d. 8 Nov., 1805, dau. of Hewlett, of Oyster Bay. Issue : -|-2i. Charles. -f-22. Samuel, and others. (19) DANIEL WHITEHEAD KISSAM (M. D.), son of Joseph (13) ; b. 1763; d. 21 Nov., 1839; m. ist, 26 June, 1787, Elizabeth, b. 1767, d. 1803, dau. of Dr. Benjamin Tredwell. Issue: -}-25. Elizabeth, and others. M. 2d, Phebe, b. 1777 ; d. 1861, dau. of Wilmot Oakley. Issue: +26. William. +27. Edward, and others. (25) ELIZABETH KISSAM, dau. of Daniel (19); b. 26 Nqv., 1798 ; d, 1875 ; m. Jud^e Richard M. Conklin, of Cold Spring Harbor; he d. 22 Aug., 1877. Issue: Richard M., m. Emma J. Seaman. Elizabeth, m. Wm. Kissam. Benjamin K., m. Sarah A. West. Mary. Margaret S., m. Eben G. Piatt. Buel, d. 5 April, 1882. (26) WILLIAM KISSAM, M. D., son of Daniel (19) ; b. 1806, d. 1842; m. 1st, 1 83 1, Jane, dau. of Whitehead Hewlett. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 155 No issue. M. 2d, Eliza Strong, b. 1820, d. 10 Nov., i860, dau. Henry Scudder. Issue: William Wilmot. ' (27) EDWARD KISSAM, son of Daniel ( 19) ; b. Hunting- ton, L. I., 28 April, 1818; m. ist, 1846, Ellen, b. 1859, dau. N. R. Van Brunt ; m. 2d, 16 Sept., 1863, Mary Ann, dau. of Samuel Fleet, of Brooklyn, a descendant of Admiral Fleetwood, of Eng., whose son Thomas dropped the latter part of his name and set- tled in Huntington, L. I. (21) CHARLES KISSAM, son of Benjamin (17); b. Whitestone, L. I., 1775 ; m. 25 June, 1790, Elizabeth, b. 1781 ; d. 1863, dau. of Mott. Issue: Jackson, b. 1804; m. Sarah A. Mott. (And other children.) (22) SAMUEL KISSAM, son of Benjamin (17); b. 5 April,, 1788; m. Phebe Mott, b. 1788; d. 1855. Issue: Joseph. Charles, m. Elizabeth Mott. And other children. CORNELL FAMILY (i) THOMAS CORNELL (in Eng. spelled Comewell) ; b. in Eng., 1595, came to Boston with wife, Rebecca Briggs, and d. in Rhode Island, 1655. She d. 1673, leaving issue, nine children. Issue : -f2. Richard, b. 1630; d. 1694. +3. John, b. 1637, fl- 1704- 4. Rebecca, m. Geo. Woolsey. 5. Sarah, m. ist, 1643, Thos. Willett; m. 2d, Chas. Bridges; ro- 3cl. John Lawrence. 6. Elizabeth, m. Christopher Almy. 256 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND (2) RICHARD CORNELL, son of Thomas (i) ; b. 1625, d. 1694. Settled in Rockaway, L. I. Issue: 4-7. Thomas, b. 1675, d. 1719. 8. Elizabeth, m. John Lawrence. 9. William, m. ist, Smith; m. 2d, Jane Whitehead. (3) JOHN CORNELL, son of Thomas (i) ; b. 1637, ^^ 1704; settled on Cow Neck; m. Mary Russell. Issue: 10. Richard. 11. Joshua, m. Sarah, dau. of John Thorne. iia. Caleb. (10) RICHARD CORNELL, son of John (3) ; b. 1678, d. 1757 ; m. Hannah, dau. of John Thorne, son of William. Issue: + 12. Benjamin. 13. Deborah, b. 1705 ; m., 1723, Matthew Franklin. (12) BENJAMIN CORNELL, son of Richard (10); b. 1723, d. 1771 ; m., 1742, Abigail, dau. of Stephen Stephenson, of Rye, and his wife Jane Clement, of Flushing, L. I. Issue, ten children. (14) BENJAMIN CORNELL, son of Benjamin (12) ; b. 1761, d. 1841 ; m. 1st, 1783, Alice, dau. of Wm. Sutton, of Green- wich, Conn., and had with others a son, Silas Cornell (15), b. 1789, d. Rochester, N. Y., 1864; m. 181 5, Sarah, dau. of Adam Mott, whose eldest child, Thos. C. Cornell (16), m. Jane Bashford, of Yonkers. N. Y. (He, Thos. (16), was compiler of "Ancestry of Adam and Anne Mott.") (iia.) CALEB CORNELL, son of John (3) ; lived on Cow Neck, L. I. ; b. 1683 ; m. 1705, Elizabeth Hagnei. Issue: 17. John, b. 1716 ; m. ist, Martha, dau. of Lewis Hewlett ; m. 2d, Phebe, dau. of Lewis Hewlett. 18. William, b. 1721, m. Ruth, dau. of Lewis Hewlett. (7) THOMAS CORNELL, son of Richard (2) ; b. 1675, d. 1719; m. and had son. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 257 19. Thomas, b. 1702, d. 1764; m. Sarah Doughty, who had son, 20. Thomas, b. 1722, d. 1766; m. Helena, dau. of Whitehead. (21) WHITEHEAD CORNELL, son of Thomas (20). m. Abigail Hicks, and had son Thomas (22), who m. Hannah Hewlett. (9) WILLIAM CORNELL, son of Richard (2) (m. twice; see under No. 2). Issue: 23. Richard, m. Miriam Mott. VALENTINE FAMILY Thomas Valentine (and his brother Robert) lived on the farm of their father in West Hills, L. I., which later was in possession of Benjamin Brush. ( I ) THOxM AS VALENTINE, m. Elizabeth Hewlett, sister of Capt, Chas. Hewlett. Issue: 2. Obadiah, m. Rachel Waters. 3. Abraham. 4. Hewlett. +5. Jeremiah. 6. Elizabeth, m. Benj. Waters, of West Hills. 7. Hannah, m. Danl. Travis. 8. Ruth, m. Wm. Weeks (called Penn). 9. Mary, m. Gerrit Suydam, of East Woods (now Syosset). 10. Sarah, m. Gerrit Van Nostrand, of East Woods. 11. Martha, m. Saml. Wright, of Rockaway. (5) JEREMIAH VALENTINE, son of Thos. (i) ; b. 21 June, 1762; d. 15 June, 1850; m. 28 May, 1784, Mary Van Velsor. (12) SAMUEL VALENTINE, son of Jeremiah (5) ; b. 30 Aug., 1792; d. 1865; m. 1st, Maria Riker; m. 2d, Mary Mott 258 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND ADAMS FAMILY OF SUFFOLK CO., L. I. Thomas Adams and his wife Dorothy came from Eng, in 1790, to Smithtown, L. I. He d. 12 Feb., 1792. She d. 11 Nov., 1793 (prob.), and left a dau. Dorothy, b. 30 Dec, 1792; d. 7 May, 1885, who. m. David W. Jones (V. 14). Thomas and Dorothy Adams had other children. A prayer book in possession of Edmund Jones, son of this David W. Jones (V. 14), contains the following names, but can- not be placed: William Adams, b. 10 Nov., 1784; d. 7 June, 1876. Mary Adams, b. 14 Dec, 1795 ; d. 13 June, 1872. Dorothy Ann Adams, dau. of Wm. ; d. 18 Feb., 1896. Thomas Adams, son of Wm. ; d. 26 July, 1896. George Adams, son of Wm. ; d. 11 Oct., 1896, se 60 yrs. THORNE FAMILY Ancestors of Conde R. Thorne, husband of Louisa A. Floyd- Jones. (i) WILLIAM THORNE, probably from Eng., came to Flushing, L. I., from Lynn, Mass., with his wife Sarah, in 1638. Issue : 2. William, settled on Great Neck, L. I. (prob. the ancestor of Elizabeth Thorne, who m., 1696, Richbell Mott). -f 3. John. +4. Joseph. -f 5. Samuel. -1-6. Susannah, m., 1667, Wm. Kissam. (3) JOHN THORNE, son of William (i) ; b. 1643, d 1709; will 5 Jan., 1697, prob. 3 July, 1709; m. Mary. (4) JOSEPH THORNE, son of John (3); d. 1753; m., 1695, Martha J. Bowne, dau. of John Bowne, of Flushing, L. I. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 259 (5) THOMAS THORNE, son of Joseph (4) ; b. 1704, d. 1764, in Flushing; m. 1st, Penelope, dau. of Joseph and Elizabeth (Wright) Coles, of Oyster Bay. (6) DANIEL THORNE, son of Thos. (5) ; b. 1726, d. 1765; m. Mary, dau. of Wm. and Susannah (Coles) Frost. (7) CHARLES THORNE, son of Daniel (6) ; b. 1755, d. 1818; m. Anne, b. 1752, d. 1845, dau. of Daniel and Hannah (Latting) Kirby. (8) WILLIAM THORNE, son of Chas. (7) ; b. 1777, d. 1861 ; m. Anne Knapp, of Greenwich, Conn. (9) LEONARD M. THORNE, son of Wm. (8) ; b. 1816; m., 1858, Augusta A. Raguet. LAWRENCE FAMILY (1) WILLIAM LAWRENCE, b. 1623, in Eng. ; d. 1680, in Flushing, L. I., where in 1645 he was one of the Patentees. M. (by license) 4 March, 1664, as his 2d wife, Elizabeth, dau. of Richard Smith, Patentee of Smithtown, L. I. (2) MAJ. WILLIAM LAWRENCE, son of Wm. (i), and his first wife, Elizabeth Hager; m. first, 1675, Ann Edsall ; m. 2d (by license), i June, 1680, Deborah, dau. of Richard Smith, Patentee of Smithtown. Issue: 3. William 4-4. Obediah. 5. Samuel. +6. Adam. 7. Richard 8. Daniel. 9. Joshua. 10. Caleb. a6o THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 11. Elizabeth, m. John, son of Capt. Thos. Willett. 12. Stephen. (4) OBEDIAH LAWRENCE, son of Maj. Wm. (2) ; d. 1732 ; m. Sarah . Issue. 13. Sarah, m., 1735, Joseph Brown. + 14. William, M. D. 15. Deborah, m. Jonathan Willett. And other children. (6) ADAM LAWRENCE, son of Maj. Wm. (2) ; was Sheriff of Queens Co.; m. Sarah, dau. of Capt. Thos. Willett. Issue : 16. Deborah, m. S. Van Wyck. 17. Sarah, m. James Hewlett. And other children. (14) WILLIAM LAWRENCE, son of Obediah (5) ; set- tled in Oyster Bay; m. Zipporah. Issue: 18. Elizabeth, m. Seaman. 19. Deborah, m. Jacob Mott, son of Jacob. 20. Mary, m. Richard Lawrence. 21. Jordan, m. 11 June, 1747, Ruth, dau. of Jacob Mott. 22. William, M. D. (23) JOSEPH LAWRENCE, son of William (i), and his 2d wife, Elizabeth Smith. (24) RICHARD LAWRENCE, son of Joseph (23). (25) JOSEPH LAWRENCE, son of Richard (24); b. 1741 ; m. Phebe, dau. of Henry Townsend. Issue : 26. Elizabeth. 27. Henry, m. ist, Harriet Van Wyck ; m. 2d, Ann Pearsoll. 28. Phebe, m. Obadiah Townsend, and had a dau., Lydia, who m. James W. Mott. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 261 CHASE FAMILY ( i) JOHN CHASE, of Eastport, Maine ; b. 1770; m. Louisa Spinney. She survived him and m. 2d, Timothy Jones. (2) JOHN CHASE, son of John and Louisa; b. 1800; m. Carohne E. Simes. (3) JOHN E. CHASE, son of John and Caroline, b. 1837, in Portsmouth, N. H. ; d. 25 Oct., 1886, in Brooklyn, L. I. M. ist, Phebe, J., dau. of Jacob C. Hewlett, and his wife, Elizabeth Jones (IV. 32). M. 2d, 17 Sept., 1873, Helen, dau. of Charles P. Stewart. Issue : Caroline, b. 17 July, 1875. John, b. 27 March, 1878. SHELTON FAMILY (i) DANIEL SHELTON (and his brother Richard) came from Norfolk, Eng., before 1690. Richard settled in Virginia and Daniel in Stratford, Conn. (0 DANIEL SHELTON, b. about 1668, d. 1728; m., 4 April, 1692, Elizabeth, b. 1670, d. i April, 1747, dau. of Hon. Samuel Welles, of Wethersfield, Conn., and his wife Elizabeth, dau. of John Hollister Jr., and his wife Joanna, dau. of Hon. Richard Treat. (Saml. Welles was son of Hon. Thos., Gov. of Conn.). Issue: 2. Elizabeth, b. 2 Jan., 1693. +3. Joseph. +4. Samuel, and others. (4) S.\MUEL SHELTON, son of Daniel (i), b. 1704; d. \2 Nov., 1772; of Huntington, Conn.; m. Abigail, b. 1714, d. 21 262 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND Feb., 1794, dau. of Capt. Joseph and Mary (Curtis) Nichols. Issue : 5. Mary, b. 13 Feb., 1736. -j-6. Andrew, and others. (6) ANDREW SHELTON, son of Samuel (4) ; b. 5 Nov., 1746; m. Sarah, dau. of Booth. Issue: +7. Nathan (M. D.), and others. (7) NATHAN SHELTON, M. D., son of Andrew (6) ; b. 6 June, 1784; settled in Jamaica, L. I., in 1806, where he prac- tised medicine for fifty years. He m. ist, Eliza H, Starman, dau. of Frederick and Mary (Dundass) Starman. Issue: 8. Frederick W., d. 2 May, 1813. 9. Frederick 2d. 10. Mary S. -j-ii. John Dundass. 12. Sarah Graves. (11) JOHN DUNDASS SHELTON, M. D., of Jamaica, L. I., son of Nathan, M. D. (7) ; b. 11 July, 1816; d. 10 Dec, 1862; m. Fanny P., b. 9 Sept., 1817; d. 28 April, 1896, dau. of Jonathan Gardiner, and his wife, Fanny Peck, on 21 June, 1843. Issue : 13. Eliza, b. 31 Aug., 1844; d. 25 Aug., 1845. 14. Nathan, b. 12 Oct., 1846; d. 7 July, 1896; m. 4 June, 1872, Maria, dau. of Robert and Mary Jordan. Issue : Nathan, b. 12 Oct., 1873. 15. Eliza H. S., b. 30 April, 1848. -|-i6. John D., b. 12 Aug., 1850; m. 11 Sept., 1890, Susan, dau. of Wm. and Henrietta (List) Mentz, of Bethlehem, Pa. 17. Fanny G., b. 11 July, 1853 ; d. 8 July, 1854. 18. Mary A., b. ii Jan., 1856; d. 6 June, 1878. 19 Fanny G. 2d, b. 20 June, 1857. 20. Charles Jones, b. 7 Sept., 1858 ; d. 23 May, 1896. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 263 (3) JOSEPH SHELTON, son of Daniel (i) ; b. 24 June, 1696; d. 10 Aug., 1782; m. II May, 1726, Mary, dau. of Joseph Hollister, of Conn. She b. 1704, d. 26 May, 1782. Issue : 21, Joseph, b. 1727 Ann. Elizabeth Mary. William. Esther. WILLIAM SHELTON, son of Joseph (3), b. 26 July, 1733: d. 2'j Jan.. 1812; m. i Oct., 1764, Susannah, b. 1743, d. 13 April, 1816, dau. of Thomas Strong, of Brookhaven, L. I., son of Selah, son of John, the emigrant. MARY SHELTON, dau. of Joseph (3), b. 1735; d. 12 Jan., 1819; m. Andrew Hurd, of Stratford, Conn., b. 1730. Issue: William, b. 14 Oct., 1756; d. 1826; m. Martha, dau. of Smith, of L. I. Issue, 3 children. Abigail, b. 26 Nov., 1758 ; m. Wm. Birdsall, of Peekskill, N. Y. Issue : William. And a dau., who m. Bloodgood, of Flushing, L. I. ESTHER SHELTON, dau. of Joseph (3) ; b. 1746, d. 1799; m. George Tliompson, of Scotland, b. 1744, d. 1777, They had issue several children, one of whom Polly (the eldest), m. Capt. Wm. Whitney, of Derby, Conn., who left, besides others, a dau., Harriet Whitney, who m. Dr. Kellogg, of Oyster Bay, L. I. JAMES DUNDASS, b. 1734. Came to America after the battle of Coloden. He had a dau., Eliza, b. 1761, who m. Fred- erick Starman. The latter's dau., Elizabeth H., m. Dr. Nathan Shelton (7), of Jamaica, L. I. (16) JOHN D. SHELTON, son of John D. (11); b. 12 Aug., 1850; d. 1904; m. 1st, II Sept., 1890, Susan, dau. of Will- 264 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND iam and Henrietta (List) Mentz, of Bethlehem, Pa. ; m. 2d, 1904. No issue by either wife. Resided in Orange, N. J. JAGGAR FAMILY Jaggar ancestors of Mary Robins, wife of Wm. T. Jones (IV. 41). JOHN JAGGAR came to Southampton, L. L, 1650. Issue: John. Sarah, b. 21 July, 1669. Jeremiah. Benjamin. JEREMIAH JAGGAR, son of John ; m. Hannah . Issue : John. Jeremiah. William. Nathan. Daniel. Sarah, m. Hildreth. Hannah, m. Halsey. Patience, m. Howell. His will, 31 March, 1742, prob. 23 Oct., 1744, ex. wife Han- nah. WILLIAM JAGGAR, son of Jeremiah and Hannah. Issue: Jeremiah. Jehial. JEREMIAH JAGGAR, son of William. Issue: Clara, m. Ezekiel Robins, and had a dau., Mary Robins, b. 7 Nov., 1806 ; d. 25 Feb., 1891 ; m. William T. Jones (IV. 42), and another dau., Mary Robins. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 26? WEEKS FAMILY Ancestors of and descendants of James H. Weeks, who m. Susan Maria Jones (V. 16). JAMES WEEKS, of Oyster Bay, L. I. ; m. Mirriam Doughty. Issue : James H. JAMES H. WEEKS, son of James and Miriam; m. 10 Dec, 1818, Susan Maria, dau. of William Jones (IV. 14). Lived at Cold Spring Harbor until 1828, when they removed to Yap- hank, L. I. Issue: William Jones, b. 1820; d. 2 Sept., 1897. WILLIAM JONES WEEKS, son of James H. and Susan M., b. 1820, d. 2 Sept., 1897; m. Mary, dau. of Archibald Croswell, of Gilboa, N. Y. Issue : Susan Maria. Archibald C. Susan A. James E. William J. Harry C. Harriet P. Clara W Julia E. Francis W. Laura A. Reginald C. HARRISON FAMILY (I) DR. HARRISON, and his brother, Admiral Har- rison, were in the British Admiralty service. Dr. Harrison came to this country and m. Elizabeth, dau. of Capt. Thomas Barnes, of N. Y., and had issue : 266 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND -f 2. David, b. March 24, 1769. And dau. Phoebe, who m. Fortescue Cuming, of Roches- ter, N. Y. His wife survived him and m. 2d, Fry. (2) DAVID HARRISON, son of Dr. Harrison (i); m. Abigail, b. 1759, dau. of James Ferris,* of Westchester Co.. and his wife Charity, dau. of John Thomas, son of Rev. John, of Hempstead, L. I. Issue : -f-3. Thomas. 4-4. David. (3) THOMAS HARRISON, son of David (2), m. May 19, 1796, Hannah, dau. of Divine Hewlett, of Cold Spring Harbor. Issue : 5. Abby Ann, b. Dec. 3, 1819; m. William H. White, of Watertown, N. Y. Settled in Cold Spring Harbor, and had issue : a. Thomas Harrison White, b. Nov. 8, 1839; d. Feb. 7, 1884. b. Wm. Hubbard White, b. Aug. 10, 1841. c. James Cameron White, b. Jan. 19, 1847 ; settled in Penn. 6. Harriet Augusta, b. May 20, 1827 ; d. Sept. 20, 1865 ; m. first, James Fraser ; m. 2d, John D. Hewlett. (4) DAVID HARRISON, son of David (2) ; m. Mary Conkling, of New Rochelle, a sister of Richard M. Conkling, of Cold Spring Harbor. Issue: 7. Mary. 8. David, m. and had a son Francis. AVERILL FAMILY ^ ISAAC AVERILL came from Wales to Kent. Co., Conn., in ♦James Ferris will, 4 Feb., 1780, prob. 11 June, 1783 (Lib. 36, p. 114, N. Y. City), naming wife Charity, sons James, David, George, Thomas and Edward, and daus. Ann, Abigail and Marcy. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND . 267 1748. He had three sons of whom Samuel, b. 1775, m. Patience Perry, of Rehoboth, Mass., and d. 1786, leaving a son, Perry. PERRY AVERILL, son of Samuel, b. 1754; m. 1774, Dorothy Whittlesey, and had a son, Augustine, b. 1795, m. 1825, Caroline Beach, gr. dau. of Hezekiah Thompson, of Woodbury, Conn. She b. 1802, d. 1837. AUGUSTINE AVERILL, son of Perry, resided in N. Y. City and had several children, one of whom, James Otis Averill, b. 22 Oct., 1830, d. 29 Dec, 1889; m. first, 12 May, 1852, Sarah E., b. 16 Jan., 1827, d. 19 March, 1853, dau. of John H. Jones (IV. 27), of Cold Spring Harbor, L. I., and had a dau., Sarah E., b. r6 March, 1853 ; d. 28 May, 1853. He m. 2d, Mary E., b. 25 Jan., 1834; d. 21 March, 1894. Issue by 2d wife: Helen A., b. 16 March, 1856; d. 10 Sept., 1856. Henry R., b. 20 Aug., 1861 ; d. 6 July, 1894. William Judson, b. 27 May, 1870; d. 21 Jan., 1896. Ellen M., m. 17 Sept., 1895, Charles M. Charmley. Mary F., d. 28 Oct., 1901. And prob. a son called Otis. PECK FAMILY OF CONNECTICUT d) HENRY PECK, d. 1651 ; will 30 Oct., 1651 ; ancestor of Jabez, who m. Nancy, dau. of Capt. Wm. Johnson Rysam ; set- tled in New Haven, Conn., 1638, where he was a member of Gen- eral Court. He had a son Benjamin (2), bap. 1647; will 3 March. 1730, who m. Mary, dau. of Richard Sperry, who had a son Ben- jamin (3) ; d. 31 May, 1742, at Norwich, Conn., who m. Mary d. 1728 ; issue, a son, Joseph (4). (4) JOSEPH PECK, son of Benjamin (3) and Mary, b. 14 Nov., 1706; m. as his first wife. 1729, Hannah Carrier, b. 1708. d. 1741, and had a son Simeon (5), b. 1732, who m. 29 Jan., 1775. Ruth Willis, and had a son, Jabez (6), d. 1791. (6) JABEZ PECK, son of Simeon (5) ; d. 1791, m. Nancy, dau. of Capt. Wm. Johnson Rysam. who survived him, and m. as 268 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND her 2(1 husband, Archibald Gracie, of N. Y. Jabez Peck (6) had issue a dau., Fanny R., who m. i May, 1813, Jonathan Gardiner, of Eaton's Neck, h. I., and perhaps other children. LIVINGSTON FAMILY Ancestors of Louisa Livingston, wife of OUver H. Jones (V. 67). REV. JOHN LIVINGSTON, b. 21 June, 1603; d. 1672; m. 23 June, 1635, Janet Flemming, dau. of Bartholomew Flemming, and his wife, Marion Hamilton. ROBERT LIVINGSTON, son of Rev. John, b. 13 Dec, 1654; d. 20 April, 1728; m. 9 July, 1679, Alida Schuyler, b. 28 Feb., 1655 ; d. 27 March, 1729, dau. of Philip Pieterse Schuyler, of Beverwyck ; d. 1683, and his wife, Margaret Van Schlichtenhorst, d. 22 Jan., 171 1. Robert Livingston came to this country in 1640, and was Magistrate of Albany, 1656-79; Capt. of Militia, 1669. PHILIP LIVINGSTON, son of Robert, b. 9 July, 1686; d. 15 July, 1749; m. 9 Sept., 1707, Catharine Van Brugh, bapt., 10 Nov., 1689; d. 20 Feb., 1756, dau. of Peter Van Brugh, b. 14 July, 1666; d. in New Amsterdam, 1738, and his wife, Sarah Cuyler, d. 1742, whom he m. 2 Nov., 1688. He was Mayor of Albany, 1699, and was son of Johannes Pieterse Van Brugh, b. in Holland, 1624; d. in New Amsterdam, 1697, and his wife, Catrina Roeloffe Jansen, who were m. 24 April, 1658. ROBERT LIVINGSTON, son of Philip and Catharine, b. 16 Dec, 1708; d. 27 Nov., 1790; m. 30 May, 1731, Maria Thonge, b. 3 June, 171 1 ; d. 30 May, 1765, dau. of Walter Thonge, d. 1724, and his wife Sarah, b. 31 Oct., 1686, dau. of Rip Van Dam, b. 1660, d. 1749 (the Gov. of New Amsterdam, 1731) (Walter Thonge and Sarah, m. by license 16 Oct., 1704.) (Rip Van Dam m. 24 Sept., 1684, Sarah, dau. of Laurens Vanderspiegle). ROBERT CAMBRIDGE LIVINGSTON, son of Robert and Maria, b. 1742, d. 23 Aug., 1794; m. 22 Nov., 1778, Alice Swift, THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 269 b. 1750, d. 4 Feb., 1816, dau. of John Swift, b, 1720, d. 1802, who m. 20 May, 1749, Magdalen Kollock, b. 1724, d. 27 March, 1790, dau. of Hon. Jacob Kollock, of New Castle, Del., and widow of Jasper McCall. Hon. Jac. Kollock was Justice and member of Assembly from Sussex Co., 1760, and Col. of Sussex Co. Regt., 1771. He m. 7 Sept., 1718, Alice Shepard, dau. of Hercules Shepard, and his wife Mary, dau. of Capt. John Avery, Justice of Peace, Sussex Co., Del. (See Book B, No. 16, p. 130, Georgetown Reeds., Sussex Co., Del., and Whitney Genealogy.) See Return of Proprietary Quit Rents, Sussex Co., for 18 of 12 mo., 1756, wherein John Avery divided certain lands between his two daus., Mary and Jemima ; "Mary intermarried with Her- cules Shepard, and R. Hinman married her, being his widow." The marriage of Jacob Kollock (as stated in N. Y. Gen. & Biog. Rec. 7, p. 184) to Alice Phillips is incorrect, vide. Georgetown Reeds., B. 16, p. 130. JAMES DUANE LIVINGSTON, son of Robert C, bapt. i Sept., 1786; m. 9 Oct., 1809, Sarah Swift, b. 14 Dec, 1716; d. 17 June, 1835, dau. of Chas. Swift, b. 26 Aug., 1756; d. 8 Oct., 1813, son of John 2d, of Philadelphia, b. 1720, d. 1802, mem. of Ass. of Phil., 1763, son of John (i), member of Ass. from Bucks Co., Pa., 1689-1718. Chas. Swift m. 31 Dec, 1783, at Phila., Mary, b, 1775, dau. of Thomas Riche, b. on Long Island, 22 Dec, 1725; d. 2 Nov., 1792, and his wife, Sarah Peel, b. 1732, d. 29 June, 1791. whom he m. 19 Dec, 1751. He was son of Philippe Riche, b. in France ; d. in Hempstead, L. I., 1733-4, who m. 25 June, 1718, at Jamaica, L. I., Mary, b. 1694, d. 19 Aug., 1763, dau. of Thos. Hicks, b. 1640, d. 1717, and his 2d wife, Mary Doughty, whom he m. 6 July, 1677. Sarah Peel, wife of Thos. Riche, was dau. of Oswald Peel, of Peel Hall, Phila. Co., Pa., and his wife, Lydia Robinson (See Reeds. Christ Church, Phil., Pa.). (Archives Penn., 2d Series, VIII., p. 208.) LOUISA LIVINGSTON, dau. of James D., b. 5 May, 1826; d. 13 April, 1876; m. 30 March, 1848, Oliver Hewlett Jones (V. 67) ; b. II Feb., 1801 ; d. 16 Dec, 1870, Oliver Livingston Jones (VI. 65), son of Oliver Hewlett Jones 270 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND (V. 67) ; m. 5 Nov., 1873, Mary E. Jones (V. 90), dau. of Chas. H. Jones (IV. 34). Issue: Louise Elizabeth Jones (VI. 89). Charles Hewlett Jones (VI. 90). Oliver Livingston Jones (VI. 91). Rosalie Gardiner Jones (VI. 92). Arthur Eaton Jones (VI. 93). Philip Livingston Jones (VI. 94). (See under Mary E. Jones (V. 79)). GARDINER FAMILY OF EATON'S NECK, L. I. ( I ) JOHN GARDINER, of Eatons Neck, L. I., son of John, the 5th Proprietor of Gardiners Island, b. 19 May, 1747; d. 29 May, 1813; m. first, 9 Sept., 1771, Joanna, b. 1745, d. 1809, dau. of Conkling; m. 2d, Rachel, b. 175 1, d. 181 1, dau. of Col. Abraham Gardiner and widow of Maj. David Mulford; m. 3d, Hannah, widow of Havens. She b. 1762, d. 1813. Issue by first wife only, viz. : 2. Matthew, b. 2'j March, 1772. -j-3. Jonathan, b. 13 Aug., 1773 ; d. 7 March, 1833. 4. Elizabeth, b. 18 July, 1775. 5. John H., b. 17 Sept., 1777; d. 9 June, 1854; m. Abigail Scidmore. 6. Phebe, b. 8 June, 1779. 7. Abigail, b. 18 May, 1782; d. 1793. 8. Mary, b. 6 June, 1784; d. i860. 9. Jerusha, b, 3 May, 1786; m. Azel Lewis. 10. Phebe, b. 10 July, 1789; d. 20 Oct.; m. Henry C. Mather. (3) JONATHAN GARDINER, son of John (i); b. 13 Aug., 1773; d. 7 March, 1833; m. ist, Sally, d. 10 Sept., 1803, dau. of John and Phebe Gelston. Issue : 11. Albert G., b. 6 Aug., 1803 ; d. 22 Dec, 1842 ; unm. M. 2d, I May, 1813, Fanny, b. 1792, d. 12 April, 1849, dau. of GARDINER FAMILY OF GARDINER'S ISLAND. LION GARDINER, the First Proprietor, of Gardiner's Island, b. 1599; d. 1663; m. Mary VVilemson, b, 1601; d. 1665; dau. (jf Derike Wilemson Darcant. DAVID (2d Proprietor), b. 29 April, 1636; d. July 10, 1689; in. June 4, 1657, Mary Lering- man of England, wid. of . MARY, b. Aug. 30, 1638; d. June 15, 1727; m. about 1658, Jeremiah Conk- ling(^). ELIZABETH, b. 14 Sept., 164 1 ; m. about 1657, Arthur, son of Edward HowellC). She d. Feb., 1657-8. JOHN (3d Proprietor), b. 19 April, 1661 ; d. 25 June, 1738; m. (i) Mary, h. 1670; (1. 4 July, 1707; dau. of Samuel King of Southold, L. I. UAVID (4th Proprietor), (son of John by first wife Mary King), b. 3 Jan., 1691; d. 4 July, 1751; m. (I) 15 April, 1713, Rachel, d. 16 Dec, 1744; dau. of Abraham Schellinger and his wife Joana Hedges. JOHN (5th Proprietor), b. 9 June, 1714; d. 19 May, 1764; m. 26 May, 1737, Elizabeth, b 22 Aug., 1714; d. 21 Oct., 1754; dau. of Matthew Mulford(*') and his wife Elizabeth Chatfield. DAVID (6th Proprietor), b. 8 Oct., 1738; d. 8 Sept., 1774; m. 15 Dec, 1766, Jerusha, dau. of Rev. Samuel Buell; she b. 5 Nov., 1749; d. 24 Feb., 1782. JOHN LYON (7th Proprietor), b. 8 Nov., 1770; d. 22 Nov., 1816; n^ 4 March, 1803, Sarah, dau. of John Griswold of Lyme, Conn.; she b. Aug. 12, 1781; d. 10 Feb., 1863. SAMUEL B. doth Proprietor) 1). 6 April, 1815; d. 5 Jan., 1882; m. Mary G., dau. of Jonathan and Elizabeth (Havens) Thompson ; she b. 23 March, 1807; d. 5 Aug., 1887. JOHN LYON (i2th Proprietor) m. Elizabeth Coralie Jones, dau. of Oliver H. Jnnes (V, 57). Issue: Coralie L. Adele G. Lion. John. Winthrop. JOHN, of Eaton's Neck, L. I., b. 19 May, 1747; d. 29 May, 1813; m. (i ) Joanna Conklin of East Hampton, 9 Sept., 1771; she b. 8 Dec, 1745; d. 30 Sept., 1809. JONATHAN, JOHN, b. 13 Aug., 1773; d. 7 1j- 1777- March, 1833; m. (2) i May, 1813, Fanny R., dau. of Jabez Peck ; she d. 12 April, 1849,36.57. ELIZA GRACIE GARDINER, b. 30 Oct., 1815; d. 27 Sept., 1871; m. 12 July, 1838, Charles H. Jone.s (I\', 34). MARY E. JONES, b. 5 July, 1854; m. 5 Nov., 1873, Oliver L. Jones (VI, 65). Issue: Louise E. (\T, 89) Charles H.(\T,9o) Oliver L. (\'l,9i) Rosalie G. (VI, 92) Arthur E. (VI, 93) Philip L. (VI. 94) I THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 273 Jabez Peck and his wife Nancy, dau. of Capt. Wm. Johnson Rysam. Issue : 12. Ehza G., b. 30 Oct., 1815; d. 27 Sept., 1871 ; m. 12 July, 1838, Chas. H. Jones (IV. 34). 13. Fanny P., b. 9 Sept., 1817; d. 28 April, 1896; m. 2i June, 1843, John D. Shelton. + 14. George C, b. 21 June, 1819; m. 5 Jan., 1843, Mary C. Bryant. + 15. William G., b. 29 March, 1821 ; m. 30 Aug., 1846, Mary Scudder. -f 16. Nancy R., b. 6 March, 1823; m. 6 Sept., 1842, John J. Van Nostrand. 17. Sally G., b. 9 Jan., 1827 . (14) GEORGE CONKLIN GARDINER, son of Jonathan (3) ; b. 21 June, 1819; m. 5 June, 1843, Mary C. Bryant, b. 1823, d. 21 May, 1888. Issue: 18. Fanny Rysam, m. Hen-v Brush, of Huntington, L. I. Issue : Henry, (15) WILLIAM GRACIE GARDINER, son of Jonathan (3) : b. 29 March, 1821 ; m. 30 Aug., 1846, Mary, b. 5 March, 1825, d. 13 Feb., 1885, dau. of Charles Scudder. Issue: 19. Nannie V. N., m. 1875, Joseph H. Raymond, M. D., of Brooklyn, L. I. 20. Mary E., m. 1872, James H. Bach. Issue : Mary, b. 26 Jan., 1874. James B., b. 17 Nov., 1879. 21. Louise C, m. D. Willis James. (16) NANCY RYSAM GARDINER, dau. of Jonathan C3) ; b. 6 March. 1823; m. 6 Sept., 1842, John J. Van Nostrand. of Brooklyn, L. I. Issue : 22. John. b. II Aug.. 1843; "i- Louise Leonard. 23. Sarah Middagh. b. 7 Sept., 1844; ni. 16 April, 1868, Geo. H. Marvin. M. D., of Brooklvn. L. I. Issue: 274 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND Nannie V. N., b. 8 Dec, 1870. Mary E., b. 18 Dec, 1872. John James, b. 19 Jan., 1875. 24. Gardiner, b. 9 Nov., 1852; m. 15 April, 1875, Anna B. Stanton. 25. Fanny, b. 10 May, 1861. HALLETT FAMILY (1) WILLIAM HALLETT (prob. a brother of Andrew, of Lynn), b. in Eng., 1616, d. on Long Island, 1705; m. Elizabeth (her 3d husband), widow of Robert Feeke, of Watertown, Mass., and dau. of Thomas Fones and his wife Anne, dau. of Adam Winthrop, brother of Gov. John, of Mass. (See "Evidences of the Winthrops of Groton," p. 25-87.) ("Some Colonial Man- sions," by Glen, Vol. II., p. 116.) Her first husband, Henry Winthrop, whom she m. in 1629, died in 1630, and she m. 2d be- fore 1632, Robert Feeke, from whom she was divorced about 1647. William Hallett removed to Flushing, L. I., in 1649, taking with him his wife Elizabeth and her children by her 2d husband, Robert Feeke. (N. Y. Gen. & Biog. Rec. 11, p. 18.) Appointed Sheriff, 1656. (See foot note.) (For earlier Halletts see Howland Gene, and "Freeman's Cape Cod," Vol. 2, p. 199.) (2) WILLIAM HALLETT, son of William (i) ; b. 1647, d, 18 Aug., 1729; m. Sarah, dau. of Geo. Woolsey, of Jamaica (see Riker's Newtown, p. 403), Justice of Peace She (Sarah) b. 1650, named in her father's will, 1691. Issue; 3. William, b. 10 I>ec., 1670. 4. Sarah, b. 19 March, 1673. -I-5. Rebecca, b. 1675; m. Jas. Jackson (8). 6. Joseph, b. 1678. And other children. (5) SAMUEL HALLETT, son of William (i) ; b. 1651, d. 27 Dec, 1724, at Mastic, L. I.. Issue: WINTHROP, FONES and HALLETT Ancestry of PHEBE JACKSON(') WIFE OF WILLIAM JONES (11,6). (I) ADAM WINTHROP, of Suffolk, Eng., m. Joane, dau. of . (2) ADAM WINTHROP, of Groton. Eng., b. g Oct., 1498; d. 9 Nov., 1562; m. (2d wife) 20 July, 1534, Agnes, b. 1516; d. 1565; dau. of Robert Sharpe. (3) ADAM WINTHROP, of London, Eng., b. 10 Aug., 1548; d. 28 March, 1623; m. (2d wife) 20 Feb., 1579, Anne, d. 19 April, 1629; dau. of Henry Browne. (4) JOHN, Gov. of Mass., b. 12 Jan., 1587; d. 26 Jan, 1649. (5) JANE. (6) ANNE,— m. b. 16 Jan., 1585; d. 16 May, i'6i9. (I) THOMAS FONES, m. Priscilla, dau. of John Burgess, D.D., of War- wick, Eng. -(2) THO.MAS FONES, m. Anne, dau. of Adam Winthrop(3), (7) JOHN, Gov. of Conn., b. 12 Feb., 1606; d. 5 April, 1676; m. 1635, Elizabeth (2d wife), dau. of Henry Reade. (8) HENRY. (3) ELIZABETH FONES, m. (I) Henry Winthrop (8), brotherof Gov. John ofConn.; m. (2) Robert Feake of Watertown, Mass.; m. (3) William Hallett(i), of L. I., b. 1616. SAMUEL HALLETT(3), b. 165 1 ; d. 27 Dec, 1724. Col. JOHN JACKS0N(6),—m.— ELIZABETH HALLETT(6) PH^,BE JACKS0N(i7), b. 1715; d. 1800: m. VViL- LiAM Jones (11^). .■I ■! . ,'< , • '-> ''. Ji _'/-.{_ ,.^ujL,jlloB.-" V ^OHHTmW MAQA. (I) . io .uBb ,9ni3ot .m tn .uj?b ;?<^?i .en :^' t'Ci .d THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 277 7. Hannah, m. 14 Oct., 1704, John Washburn. (N. Y: Gen. & Biog. Rec. 2, 27.) 8. Samuel, b. 1678, d. 1756; m. Bridget, dau. of Robt. Blackwell. 9. EHzabeth, m. Col. John Jackson. 10. Grace, m. Lewis Hewlett, son of George. 11. Mercy, m. Cornell. 12. Martha. Note. — Wm. Hallett (i) survived his wife Elizabeth, and, according to MSS. of G. W. Cock, of Glen Cove, m. Susannah (widow Thome), mother of Joseph Thorne. One Wm. Hallett, Senr., m. Katharon. See deed from him, 9 Apl, 1684. One Wm. Hallett, Senr., m. Rebecca. See deed from him, 30 Nov., 1686. See Newtown Reeds., Vol. I., p. 385, and Queens Co. Reeds. B. No. I, p. 69. Wm. Hallett, according to MSS. of C. B. Moore, m. before 1648, Susan- nah Booth, and before 1693 m. Rebecca, widow of John Bailey, who died at Setauket, L. I. MULFORD FAMILY (I) WILLIAM MULFORD, and his brother John (2). came from Devonshire, Eng., to Salem, thence to East Hampton, L. I., in 1643. He (i William), b. 1620, d. 1687, m. Sarah Akers. Issue : -I-3. Thomas. William. Benjamin. Sarah. Rachel. (3) THOMAS MULFORD, son of William (i) ; b. 1650, d. 2 Nov., 1732; will 14 Feb., 1726, m. Mary G., b. 1658, d. 15 June, 1743, dau. of Jeremiah Conkling and his wife, Mary Gardi- ner, dau. of Lion Gardiner, the first Proprietor of Gardiner's Island. Jeremiah Conklin was son of Anannias, of Salem, Mass. (4) JEREMIAH MULFORD, son of Thomas (3) ; b. 1687. d. 5 Oct., 1766; m. Abigail, b. 1689, d. 10 May, 1764. 18 278 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND (5) EZEKIEL MULFORD, son of Jeremiah (4) ; bap. 24 Sept., 1727; d. 15 April, 1819; m. Amy Mulford, widow of , Capt. in Col. Smith's Suffolk Co. Regt. (6) EDWARD MULFORD, son of Ezekiel (5) ; b. 17 Sept., 1767 ; m. Fanny Rysam, dau. of Capt. Wm. Johnson Ry- sam. Issue : William R. Jeremiah. Ezekiel. Nancy. Eliza Grade. Ursula Pierce, m. Georg^e Howell. (2) JOHN MULFORD, brother of William (i) ; b. 1606, d. 1686; m. Friedeswiede, widow of Wm. Osborn, of Salem, Mass. (Hist. Easthampton, L. L, Hedges). Issue: -\-y. Samuel. John, b. 1650. Mary, m. Jeremiah Miller. Hannah, m. Benjamin Conkling. (7) SAMUEL MULFORD, son of John (2) ; b. 1644, d. 1725; m. ist, Esther ; m. 2d, Sarah Howell, b. 1663, d. 6 April, 1760. Issue by first wife: Samuel, b. 1678. Timothy. Elias. Matthew. (8) MATTHEW MULFORD (the Capt.), son of Samuel (7) ; b. 1687, d. 1754; m. 25 Dec, 1712. Elizabeth Chatfield. Is- sue: 9. Elizabeth, b. 22 Aug., 1714; d. 21 Oct., 1754; m. 26 May, 1737, Hon. John Gardiner (5th Proprietor of Gardi- ner's Island). 10. Jerusha (twin with Elizabeth), m. 1736, Jeremiah Hedges. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 279 11. Esther, b. 10 July, 1719. 12. Col. David, b. 10 Sept., 1722; d. 1778; m. Phebe Hunting. 13. Mary, b. 1725, d. 30 June, 1729. STEWART FAMILY (i) CHARLES STEWART, b. 175 1, in Edinburgh, Scot- land, d. in N. Y. City, 28 March, 1805. When very young he sailed for this country under the care of his uncle, then in the British Admiralty service, bearing by report the name of Grant or Marshall. During the voyage he was taken sick with yellow fever and left in charge of an old woman then living on the island of , where the vessel touched. He recovered and re- turned to Edinburgh, where he studied navigation, and later en- tered the British navy. At a later period he was in command of a trading vessel running between N. Y. City and the West Indies. On 24 Jan.. 1780 (then called Captain), he was elected a member of the New York Marine Society. Nov, 11, 1790, elected member of the St. Andrew's Society. He m. 27 Oct.. 1781. Katharine, b. 6 Dec, 1752, d. 31 Jan., 1812, dau. of Capt. Thomas Bagley. Issue : 2. Charles, b. 2 March, 1783 ; d. 5 June, 1783. -I-3. Charles 2d. b. 23 Nov., 1784; d. 8 May, 1819. 4. James, b. 3 April, 1787; d. 3 March, 1789. 5. Catharine, b. 26 Jan., 1790; d. 10 Aug., 1791. 6. James, b. i Jan., 1793 ; d. 1795. (3) CHARLES STEWART (2). son of Charles (i); b. 23 Nov., 1784; d. 8 May, 1819; m. 19 Aug., 1810, Ann, b. 1790, d. 14 Sept., 1849, dau. of William and Elizabeth Pers, of N. Y. City. Issue : fl 7. Catharine, b. 8 Dec, 1812; d. 30 Dec, 1870: m. Wm. A. Hunter, M. D. -|-8. Charles Pers, b. 8 Oct.. 1814; d. 12 April, 19CXD. 9. Elizabeth, b. 2 May, 1816; d. 10 Aug., 1816. (8) CHARLES PERS STEWART, son of Charles (3); b. 8 Oct., 1814; d. 12 April, 1900. Resided at Cold Spring Har- bor, L. I.: m. 24 Jan., 1839. Helen Jones (V. 80) : b. 23 Feb., 1817. dau. of John H. Jones (IV. 27). Issue: 28o THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND lo. Ann, b. 4 Nov., 1839; d. 24 Jan., 1898; unm. + 11. Charles Jones, b. 21 Sept., 1842; d. 6 Nov., 1887. 12. Helen Jones, b. 18 March, 1845 5 ^n- John E. Chase. 13. Elizabeth Jones, b. 24 Oct., 1847; ^- 9 Oct., 1849. 14. John H. Jones, b. 7 Sept., 185 1. + 15. Walter Jones, b. 17 Sept., 1852. (11) CHARLES JONES STEWART, son of Charles P. (8) ; b. 21 Sept., 1842; d. 6 Nov., 1887; m. 22 April, 1873, Jane Elma, dan. of James A. Fleury, of Jamaica, L. I., and his wife Hannah M., dau. of William Seaman. Issue: 16. Helen, b. 12 Dec, 1874; d. 6 Aug., 1875. 17. Charles, b. 15 July, 1876. + 18. James F. (M. D.), b. 21 Nov., 1877; d. 11 Dec, 1900. (15) WALTER JONES STEWART, son of Charles P. (8) ; b. 17 Sept., 1852; m. 16 Sept., 1875, Helen Paris. Settled in San Francisco, Cal., 1874. Issue: 19. Catharine, b. Dec, 1878. 20. Robert Wakefield, b. i April, 1881. 21. Helen Elizabeth, b. 21 Jan., 1887. (18) JAMES STEWART (M. D.), son of Charles J. (11) ; d. II Dec, 1900, not married. Was a graduate of the Friends Academy at Locust Valley, L. I. He was continuing a post graduate course of the College of Physicians and Surgeons in New York at the Smith Infirmary, Staten Island, when death ended a career that was unusually promising. PERS FAMILY WILLIAM PERS, d. 1816, son of William; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Collister, and his wife Hannah.* Issue : Phebe, m. 29 April, 1805, James Wallace. *Hannah Collister, will prob. 15 March, 1803, calling herself of N. Y. City, "mantua maker," names her son Thomas, and dau. Elizabeth, wife of Wm. Fers. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 281 David, b. 8 Jan., 1784. Sarah, m. 10 Nov., 1807, Fredk. McCready. Ann, b. 1790, d. 14 Sept., 1819; m. 19 Aug., 1810, Charles Stewart. Archibald, b. 16 June, 1794. Thomas. William, m. Elizabeth. His will, prob. 11 Feb., 1817 (Lib. 53, p. 430, N. Y. City), names only two children, viz. : Thos. and Wm. FLEURY FAMILY BALTHAZAR FLEURY, m. Anne, dau. of Archibald Elliot, of town of Manlius, N. Y. Issue : James A. JAMES A. FLEURY, of Jamaica, son of Balthazar, m. Han- nah M., dau. of William Seaman, and his wife, Hannah Weed, of Stamford, Conn. His wife, Hannah M., d. 2 Sept., 1888, at Jamaica, L. I. Issue: Henry. John B. Jane E., m. Charles J. Stewart (10). Margaret. Martha. Hannah. James. YOUNGS FAMILY (T) REV. JOHN YOUNGS, b. 1597, in Eng., came to New England, 1638, with his wife, Joan Herrington, thence to South- old, L. I., 1640, where he was pastor of First Church of Southold from 1640 to 1672. M. 2d, Mary Warren, d. 1678, dau. of Thomas Warren, of Southold, England. (2) THOMAS YOUNGS, son of Rev. John (i), and his 282 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND first wife, Joan, b. 1625, d. after 1707. Came to Oyster Bay in 1670, from Elizabeth, N. J. ; m. Rebecca Mapes. (3) SAMUEL YOUNGS, son of Thomas (2), b. 1680; m., 1 7 14, Penelope Allen. (4) DANIEL YOUNGS, son of Samuel (3), b. 1718; m. 1746, Hannah, d. 1769, dau. of Peter Underbill. Issue: -I-5. Capt. Daniel. 6. Samuel. 7. Penelope. M. 2d, Hannah, dau. of Rev. Benj. Woolsey (widow of Saml. McCoun). (5) CAPT. DANIEL YOUNGS, son of Daniel (4) ; b. T748; m. Susannah, b. 1752, dau. of Timothy Kelsey, of Hunting- ton, L. I. Issue : 8. Hannah, b. 1770; m., 1786, Joseph Townsend, son of Joseph. 9. Kezia, b. 12 Feb., 1773; m., 1790, Maj. William Jones (IV. 4). + 10. Samuel, b. 1777; m., 1800, Hannah, b. 1782, d. 1814, dau. of John and Margery (Tobias) Fleet, of Oyster Bay Cove, L. I. Issue: a. Margery F. Youngs, b. 1808; m., 1825, Elbert Harring Jones (IV. 5). b. John F., and other children. II. Daniel, b. 1783; m., 1815, Maria, d. 1864, dau. of John Baker, b. 1794, d. 1884. Issue: a. Daniel K., b. 1817, d. 16 Oct., 1894; m., 1850, Sarah E., b. 1823, d. 20 March, 1895, dau of Daniel and Frances (Wortman) Smith, of Centre Island, Oyster Bay. Issue: William Jones Youngs, b. 1851. b. William Jones. c. Thomas. d. Susan M. Five other children, d. young. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 283 ( 10) SAMUEL YOUNGS, m. 2d, 181 5, Phebe, dau. of Jas. Reynolds, of Oyster Bay. Issue : David Jones, and Hannah. WOODHULL FAMILY WoodhuU ancestry of William Sidney Smith, husband of Eleanor T. Jones (V. 30). (1) RICHARD WOODHULL, b. in Eng., 13 Sept., 1620; d. 17 Oct., 1690, at Brookhaven, L. L, where he emigrated to with his wife Deborah about 1650. Issue : +2. Richard, b. 9 Oct., 1649. 3. Nathaniel, d. 16 June, 1680. 4. Deborah, b. 1654; d. 6 Jan., 1742; m. John, son of Thomas Lawrence, of Newtown, L. I. (2) RICHARD WOODHULL, son of Richard (i) ; b. 9 Oct., 1649; d. 18 Oct., 1699; m. 19 Aug., 1680, Temperance, dau. of Rev. John Fordham, of Southampton, L. I. ; m. 2d, Temper- ance, dau. of Topping. (Southampton Reeds., also MSS. of F. S. Woodhull, Wading River, L. I.) (This 2d marriage not noted in N. Y. G. & Biog. Rec, Vol III., 1872.) Issue: +5. Richard, b. 1691. +6. Nathaniel, d. 9 March, 1760. +7. Josiah, b. 9 Sept., 1695. 8. John. 9. Dorothy. TO. Temperance. (6) NATHANIEL WOODHULL, son of Richard (2); d. 9 March, 1760. Lived at Mastic, L. I.; m., 1716, Sarah, dau. of Richard Smith (Bull Smith), of Smithtown, L. I. Issue: 4-II- Genl. Nathaniel, b. 30 Dec, 1722. 12. Richard, b. 22 May, 1729. + 13. Ruth. 284 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 14. Juliana, b. 6 April, 1736; d. 1816; m., 1767, Hezekiah Howell. And other children. (13) RUTH WOODHULL, dau. of Nathaniel (6); b. 5 Dec, 1740; m. first, 1755. M, 2d, Judge WilHam Henry Smith, ("Tangier Smiths") ; b. 1720, d. 17 March, 1799. Issue, a son, William Smith, b. 30 April, 1768; d. 22 July, 1803 ; m. Hannah, dau. of Philetus Smith, of Smithtown, L. I., who left a son, William Sidney Smith, d. 1879 ; m. 7 May, 1823, Eleanor T., dau. of Maj. William Jones (IV. 14). (11) GENL. NATHANIEL WOODHULL, son of Na- thaniel (6) ; b. 30 Dec, 1722; d. 10 Sept., 1776; m., 1761, Ruth, b. 1732, d. 1822, dau. of Hon. Nicoll Floyd, and sister of Genl. Wm. Floyd, "The Signer." Issue: 15. Elizabeth, b. 30 Nov., 1782; d. 14 Sept., 1839; ^- i^t, Henry, son of Benjamin Nicoll. Issue, Edward H., m. Mary, dau. of Solomon Townsend ; Eliza W., m. Richard Smith (Bull), and Henry W., m. Mary, dau. of John Ireland. Elizabeth survived her husband, and m. 2d, Genl. John Smith (Tangier), and had Egbert T., Robert, Chas. Jeffrey, and Sarah. WOODHULL FAMILY Ancestry of Harriet L. Woodhull, wife of E. Piatt Stratton. (5) RICHARD WOODHULL, son of Richard (2) ; b. 2 Nov., 1691 ; m. Mary, dau. of John Homan. (N. Y. G. & Biog. Rec, April, 1873, p. 54; ibid. Jan., 1872, p. 10.) (16) JOHN WOODHULL, son of Richard (5) ; b. 15 Jan., 1719; d. 3 Jan., 1794; m. 27 Nov., 1740, Elizabeth, b. 1718, d. 1761, dau. of Maj. Wm. Henry Smith ("Tangier Smiths"). THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 285 (17) JEFFREY AMHERST WOODHULL, son of John (16) ; b. I Jan.. 1759: d. 19 Jan., 1839; m. 3 Nov., 1784, Eliza- beth, b. 16 Oct., 1765 : d. 9 Feb., 1843, dau. of William Davis. (18) SMITH WOODHULL, son of Jeffrey (17); b. 27 March, 1797: d. 6 Jan.. 1868; m. first, 7 Jan., 1818, 'lannah ; d. 23 May, 1835, dau. of Samuel Skidmore. Issue: + 19. Jeffrey Amherst. 20. Harriet. 21. Samuel. 22. Caleb. 23. ^Eleanor. M. 2d, 21 June, 1836, Mary, d. 1843, dau. of Timothy Case ; no issue. M. 3d, 28 Jan. 1845, Marrietta, dau. of John Saxton ; she d. 1867. (19) JEFFREY AMHERST WOODHULL, son of Smith ( 18) ; b. 18 Feb., 1822. Lived at Hempstead, L. I. ; m. Ann Eliza, dau. of Chas. Scudder. Issue: 24. Charles Smith. 25. Harriet Louise, m. 27 April, 1871, E. Piatt Stratton, son of Piatt Stratton, and his wife, Elizabeth Jones (V. 73). Issue: Jeannie. Harriet. WOODHULL FAMILY Ancestors of Josiah Woodhull (41), who married Hannah Jones (V. 74). (7) JOSIAH WOODHULL, son of Richard (2) ; b. 9 Sept., 1695; d. 4 Dec, 1761 ; m. Clemence, d. 15 March, 1774, dau of Homan. Issue : 26. John. 286 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 27. Zebulon. 28. Benjamin. 29. Temperance. -I-30. Josiah. 31. Clemence. 32. Charity. 33. Nancy. (30) JOSIAH WOODHULL, son of Josiah (7) ; b. 1733, d. 1787; m. Hannah, b. 1742, d. 21 Oct., 1805, dau. of Robert Terry. Issue : 34. Hannah. 35. Nathaniel. 36. Polly. 37. Experience. 38. Fanny. -I-39. Samuel T. (39) SAMUEL TERRY WOODHULL, son of Josiah (30); b. 1784, d. 1847; m. Hannah, b. 1786, d. 1857, dau. of Daniel Emmons. Issue: 40. Daniel E. -I-41. Josiah. 42. Samuel. 43. Helen. (41) JOSIAH WOODHULL, son of Samuel (39); b. 13 Sept., 1815; d. 29 June, 1863; m. 16 Sept., 1844, Hannah, b. 16 June, 1816, dau. of William H. Jones (IV. 25). Issue: 44-46. Three children, died in infancy. +47. Oliver Jones, b. 19 Nov., 1846. 48. Samuel T., b. 26 Sept., 1848. -i-49. Josiah T., b. 3 Oct., 1853. 50. Martha L., b. 22 Aug-., i860 ; d. 27 July, 1894 ; m. 5 Dec, 1893, Louis A. Abbott, of St. Stephens, New Bruns- wick, Canada. Josiah WoodhuU (41) removed from Wading River, L. L, THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 287 to Woodbury, L. I., and after his death his widow and children settled in San Antonio, Tex. (47) OLIVER JONES WOODHULL, son of Josiah (41) ; b. 19 Nov., 1846; m. 19 Oct., 1875, Virginia Warwick Jones, dau. of Walter R. Jones (V. 76), of Woodbury, L. I. Settled in Texas. (49) JOSIAH TOWNSEND WOODHULL, son of Josiah (41) ; b. 3 Oct., 1853 ; m. 3 June, 1885, Lula, dau. of Frost, of San Antonio. Issue: 51. Thomas Frost, b. 2 June, 1887. 52. Josiah Townsend, b. 15 March, 1890. 53. Josephine, b. 27 April, 1894. MOORE (MORE) FAMILY (i) THOMAS MORE, b. in Eng. before 1600, d. before July, 1636; m. Ann , who survived him and was living in Aug., 1668. Issue: -}-2. Thomas. 3. Mary, who before 1636 m. Thomas Grafton, and d. Nov., 1674. And other children. (2) THOMAS MORE, son of Thomas (i); b. in Eng. about 1615-16; d. at Southold, L. I., 27 June, 1691. Before July II, 1636, m. 1st, Martha, dau. of Rev. Christopher Youngs, vicar of Revdon, Suffolk Co., Eng., and of Margaret, his wife. She bapt. July I, 1613 ; d. before 1680. He m. 2d, in 1682, Katharine, widow (i) of Thomas Doxy, of New London, and (2) of Daniel Lane, of Brookhaven. Issue : -f4- Thomas, bapt. Oct. 21, 1639. 5. Martha, bapt. Oct. 21, 1639; m. John Seaman, of Hemp- stead. 6. Benjamin, bapt. Aug. 2, 1640; m. Anne, dau. of James Hampton, of Southampton. 288 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 7. Nathaniel, bapt. July 3, 1642; m. Sarah, dau. of Robert Jackson, of Hempstead. (See under Sarah Jackson (4).) 8. Hannah, bapt. Dec. 29, 1644; m. (prob. Richard) Sy- mons. 9. Elizabeth, bapt. Aug. 31, 1647; ^- Simon Glover. 10. Jonathan, bapt. June 3, 1649; "^- Martha Herbert. 11. Mary, bapt. Dec. 15, 1650. 12. Sarah, m. Samuel Glover. 1636, July II, with wife admitted inhabitant of Salem, Mass. 1642, Dec. 22, admitted freeman of Mass. 165 1, removed with family to Southold, L. I. 1658-9, Deputy to New Haven General Court. 1673, named Magistrate by the Dutch, but refused to serve under them. 1685, Magistrate. He was a shipbuilder and mariner. (4) THOMAS MORE, son of Thomas (2) ; bapt. at Salem. Oct. 21, 1639; d. at Southold, L. L, about 171 1 ; m. about 1662, Mary (prob. dau. of John Herbert, bapt. at Salem, 29 March, 1640). Issue: -)-i3. Thomas, b. 1663. 14. Nathaniel, m. prob. Patience, dau. of John Mayhew. 15. Samuel, b. about 1674; unm. 16. Martha, b. about 1675 ; m. John Peck. 17. Eliza. 18. John (prob.). (13) THOMAS MOORE, son of Thomas (4) ; b. Jan. 8, 1663; d. 30 Dec, 1738; m. 1695, J^^e, dau. of (prob.) John Mott, of Hempstead or Mamaroneck; b. about 1677, d. Nov. 18, 1736. Issue : 19. Mary, b. Jan. 11, 1696; m. Silvanus Davis. 20. Rachel, b. 1698. 21. Phebe, b. 1701 ; m. Alsop Paine. 22. Deborah, b. 1703. +23. Thomas, b. 1706; d. 1767. 24. James, b. 1708. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 289 25. Joshua, b. 8 Nov., 1710. . 26. David, b. 25 Nov., 1713 ; m. Hepsibah, dau. of Alexander VVilmot. 2^. Samuel, b. 8 Feb., 1717; m. Rachel, dau. of Jas. Landon. 28. Henry, b. 17 Dec, 1719; m. (i) Temperance, dau. of Henry Conkline; (2) Patience Youngs; (3) Mary. 29. John. 30. Lydia. (23) THOMAS MOORE, son of Thomas (13); b. at Southold, L. I., 10 April, 1706; d. same place, 10 May, 1767; m. 30 Nov., 1732, Hannah, dau. of (prob. Jacob) Conkling, b. 1705, d. 31 Dec, 1783. Issue: +31. Thomas, b. 1733. 32. Luther, b. 1741 ; m. Mary, dau. of Samuel Hazard. 33. Calvin, b. 14 Feb., 1744; m. Margaret, dau. of John King. 34. Hannah, m. Rev. John Storrs. 35. Mary, b. 28 Aug., 1747 ; m. Silvester Lester. 36. Dau., d. 1737. 37. Jonathan, d. 1754. (31) THOMAS MOORE, son of Thomas (23); b. Oct. 6, 1733; d. Aug. 6, 1803; m. Sept. 17, 1755, Mary, dau. of Jere- miah Vail. b. July 20, 1736; d. 20 Feb., 1806. Issue: 38. Thomas, b. 14 March, 1756-7 ; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Joseph Wickham. 39. Jonathan, b. May 15, 1759. 40. Benjamin, b. May 3, 1761 ; m. Matzey, dau. of Christo- pher Tuthill. 41. Jane, b. Aug. 16, 1763; m. Rev. Joseph Hazard. 42. Hannah, b. Jan. 2, 1766; m. Samuel Billard. 43. Mary, b. Sept. 28, 1770; ni. Elcazer Hutchinson. 44. Elizabeth, b. July 30, 1772; m. (i) James Bailey; (2) David Fanning. 45. Luther, b. Dec. 24, 1774. 46. Jeremiah, b. Aug. 13, 1776. -f47. Jeremiah, b. 6 March, 1779; d. 1837. 290 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND (47) JEREMIAH MOORE, youngest son of Thomas (31) ; b. 6 March, 1779; d. 21 Jan., 1837; m. 26 Sept., 1807, JuHa, dau. of Daniel Brush ; she b. July, 1782 ; d. 29 Aug., 1873. Issue : -)-48. Charles Benjamin, b. Dec. 2, 1808. 49. Frances Maria, b. 28 Feb., 1810; m. Rev. Wm. Huntting. 50. Mary Adaline, b. 7 Dec, 1813. 51. Julia Brush, b. 19 Feb., 1816; d. Nov. 19, 1886. 52. Jeremiah, b. 5 May, 1820; d. 9 June, 1890; unm. 53. William Henry Helm.e, b. Feb. 13, 1824; m, 1862, Ade- line Louise, dau. of Isaac Lewis. 1805 Capt. of Suffolk Co. Regt. 1812 Lieut. Col. of Suffolk Co. Regt. (48) CHARLES B. MOORE, son of Jeremiah (47) ; b. 2 Dec, 1808; d. 10 Dec, 1893; m. 21 March, 1839, Frances Maria Jones (V. 78), dau. of John H. Jones (IV. 27). Issue: (See under Frances Maria Jones (V. 78). Ancestry of Gardiner Jones (formerly Johnes), of the South- ampton, L. I., family of that name. (i) EDWARD JOHNES, in Charlestown, Mass., 163 1 ; m., 1640, Anne, dau. of George Riggs. Settled in Southampton, L. L, 1650; d. 1659. Issue: -|-2. Samuel. 3. Mary, b. 1641 ; m. John Trumbull, of Mass. 4. Elizabeth. (2) SAMUEL JOHNES, son of Edward (i) ; d. 1693; m. Sarah. Issue : 5. Phebe, m. Joshua Howell, of Southampton. 4-6. Samuel. 7. Ephriam. (6) SAMUEL JOHNES, son of Samuel (2) ; b. 1672; d. 1760; m. Esther, dau. of Capt. Thos. Stevens. Issue: 8. Samuel. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 291 9. Stephen. + 10. Obediah. 11. Timothy. 12. Mary, -f 13. WilHam. (10) OBEDIAH JOHNES, son of Samuel (6) ; b. 7 Feb., T715; d. 8 Dec, 1790; ni. first, 1741, Esther Fithian, b. 1720, d. 1759; m. 2d, Elizabeth Miller. Issue: 14. Edward, b. 1742. 15. David. 16. Thomas. 17. Mary, m., 1777, Capt. Jeremiah Rogers. -f-i8. Gardiner. And other children. (18) GARDINER JOHNES, son of Obediah (10); b. 16 Feb., 1745. By Act of Legislature he changed the epelling of his name to Gardiner Jones ; m. Sarah, dau. of Elbert Harring, and a sister to Cornelia, who m. Samuel Jones (III. 8) "The Sena- tor." Issue: 19. Nicholas. 20. Elizabeth. 21. Mary, m. Genl. Osborne. 22. Cornelia, m. Col. Melancton Smith, son of Hon. Melanc- ton Smith, of Dutchess Co., and his wife Margaret, dau. of Richbell Mott. 23. William G., m. Cornelia, dau. of Elbert Haring. Other children. (13) WILLIAM JOHNES, son of Samuel (6); lived in Southampton, L. I., where he was a privateer, and in 1812 his descendants removed to Central, N. Y. ; m. Mary . Issue: 24. Hannah, b. 1741. 25. Phebe. 26. Elias. 27. Paul. 28. Isabella, m. Wm. Floyd, "The Signer." 292 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND SMITH FAMILY HON. MELANCTON SMITH was a son of Samuel Smith, of Jamaica, L. I., where he was born, 1744. He removed to Dutchess Co., and was one of the first proprietors of Plattsburg. In 1775 he represented that county in the First Provincial Con- gress, and Judge of Court of Common Pleas, 1780. He d. 29 July, 1798, in N. Y. City; m. (i) Sarah, d, 1770, dau. of Smith, of N. J. ; m. 2d, 1771, Margaret, dau. of Richbell Mott, of Cow Neck, L. I. Issue: Richbell, b. 1780; d. 23 Oct., 1800. Col. Melancton. Sidney, capt. U. S. Army. Phebe, m. John Bleecker. COL. MELANCTON SMITH, son of Hon. Melancton; m. first, Cornelia, dau. of Dr. Gardiner Johnes, M. D., of N. Y. City ; m. 2d, Anna, dau. of David Green, of Dutchess Co. Issue : a. Rear Admiral Melancton, m. Mary Jackson Jones (V. 40), dau. of Thomas Jones (IV. 6). b. Dau., m. Martin, of Green Bay, Wisconsin. SKIDMORE FAMILY GENL. JAMES H. SKIDMORE, of Great Neck, L. I., m. 1st, 17 Sept., 1826, Susannah Peters Hewlett, dau. of Whitehead Hewlett, and Mary Allen ; no issue. M. 2d, 27 April, 1835, Mary Ann Hewlett, b. 1812, d. 6 April, 1901, sister to his first wife. Issue : Susannah Hewlett, m. 6 Oct., 1859, John T. Willis. Samuel Tredwell, m. 2 June, 1870, Rosa Messinger. Mary Jane, m. 15 Oct., 1874, Fredk. K. Edwards. Sarah Maria, m. 15 Oct., 1869, Daniel R. Porter. Caroline. George Whitehead, m. 17 Nov., 1870, Josephine Delatour. Charles Peters. James H. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 293 WILLIS FAMILY Ancestors and descendants of John Willis, who m. Sarah Jones (III. 18), dau. of William Jones (II. 7), (i) HENRY WILLIS, b. in Eng., 1628, came to Oyster Bay, 1675 ; m. Mary Pease. (2) WILLIAM WILLIS, son of Henry (i) ; b. in Eng., 1663; d. at Westbury, L. I., May, 1736; m., 1687, Mary, dan. of Edmund Titus (she b. 1665, d. 1747) and his wife Martha, dau. of Wm. Washburne. (3) JOHN WILLIS, son of William (2) ; b. 15 Feb., 1693; d. 9 May. 1777: m. about 1713 Abigail, dau. of Richard Willets, of Jericho, and his 2d wife, Abigail, dau. of Thos. Powell. (4) JOHN WILLIS, son of John (3) ; b. 1726, d. 1813 ; m. Margaret Cornell, dau. of Caleb and his wife, Elizabeth Hayner. (5) JOHN WILLIS, son of John (4) ; b. 3 Jan., 1764; d. 26 March, 1833; m. Sarah Jones (III. 18), dau. of William Jones (II. 7) ; she b. 15 Feb., 1758; d, 16 Sept., 1841. Issue: +6. Samuel Jones, b. 20 Feb., 1796; m. Maria Miller. 7. William Townsend, b. i May, 1798; d. 28 Aug., 1864; unm. -f 8. John, b. 7 Oct., 1800 ; m. Phebe Cornell. 9. Phebe, b. 5 Nov., 1792; d. 17 May, 1863; unm. 10. Margaret, b. 6 July, 1794; d. 1858; m. Thomas Town- send, prob. son of Richard. Issue : Mary, b. 1833 ; d. 1835. (6) SAMUEL JONES WILLIS, son of John (5) ; b. 20 Feb., 1796; d. 20 April, 1867; m. Anna Maria, b. 23 Nov., 1804; d. 22 March, 188 1, dau. of Nicholas Miller, of Denmark, and his wife, Sarah Clarke, dau. of George Terry, of Wales, and his wife, Anna Maddox. Issue: 11. Sarah, b. 18 Feb., 1830; m. William J. Willis. 19 \ 294 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 12. Mary Townsend, b. 29 Aug., 1843; d. 5 July, 1874; m. Isaac Smith.* 13. Virginia, b. 17 Aug., 1834; d. 21 Oct., 1879; unm. 4-14. John Townsend, b. 6 July, 1832. (8) JOHN WILLIS, son of John (5) ; b. 7 Oct., 1800; d. at Roslyn, L. I., 15 April, 1867; m. 1824, Phebe, dau. of Hewlett Cornwell, of Port Washington, L. I., and his wife, Elizabeth Willis. Issue : + 15, William Jones, b. 21 June, 1829. 16. Elizabeth, b. 24 July, 1825 ; d. 24 Aug., 1886 ; unm. 17. Sarah, b. 24 Dec, 1836. 18. John, b. I June, 1833; d. 31 Aug., 1838. (15) WILLIAM JONES WILLIS, son of John (8) ; b. 21 June, 1829; m. 15 March, 1854, Sarah, b. 18 Feb., 1830, dau. of Samuel Jones Willis (6). Issue: 19. Samuel Jones, b. 24 July, 1856. 20. William Townsend, b. 23 Feb., 1858. (14) JOHN TOWNSEND WILLIS, son of Samuel Jones (6); b. 23 July, 1832; d. 1904; m. Susannah, b. 29 July, 1836, dau. of Genl. James H. Skidmore, of Gt. Neck, L. I., and his 2d wife, Mary Ann, dau. of Whitehead Hewlett. Issue: 21. Caroline, b. i July, i860. (3A) SAMUEL WILLIS, son of William (2) ; b. 30 June, 1704; d. 24 Dec, 1782; m. 2 Aug., 1728, Mary, dau. of John Fry, of Jericho, L. I. Issue: 22. Mary, b. 173 1 ; m. Thomas Jackson. +23. John, b. 1734, d. 1789; m., 1755, EHzabeth, dau. of Adam Mott, and his wife, Phebe Willits. 24. Sarah, b. 1735, d. 1783 ; m. 5 of 3 mo., 1755, Adam Mott, son of Adam Mott. 25. Amy, b. 1738; m. Stephen Mott, son of Adam. 26. Jane, b. 1741 ; m. James Parsons. *Isaac Smith was son of Chas. H. and Lucretia. Issue, Spencer, b. 1874, d. 1878. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 295 2y. Fry, m. Ann, dau, of Thos. Seaman, of Westbury. And four other children. (23) JOHN WILLIS, son of Samuel (3A) ; b. 8 Feb., 1734; m., 1755, Elizabeth, dau. of Adam Mott; she b. 31 of 5 mo., 1733; d. 13 of 9 mo., 1783. Issue: 28. Adam, b. 13 of 7 mo., 1757; d. 9 of 3 mo., 1758. -j-29. Samuel, b. 7 of 3 mo., 1759. 30. Phebe, b. 5 of 4 mo., 1761. (See N. Y. Gene. & Biog. Rec. XVII., p. 220.) (4A) WILLIAM WILLIS, son of John (3) ; b. 23 March, 1 72 1 (See "Ancestry of Adam and Anne Mott,'^ by Cornell, p. 281) ; m. Mary, b. 5 Dec, 1729, dau. of Ruemourn Townsend. Issue : 31. Ruth, b. 7 Sept., 175 1 ; m. Samuel Hewlett. 32. Sarah, d. 8 May, 1787; unm. 33. Abigail, b. 18 Nov., 1755 ; m. Richard Townsend, son of George. -{-34. Townsend. 35. Mary. 36. Esther, b. 21 Sept., 1762; d. 2 June, 1800; m, Walter Jones (in. 13). (34) TOWNSEND WILLIS, son of William (4A) ; b. 23 June, 1757; m. March, 1783, Hannah Bowne, b. 17 Aug., 1762. Issue : 37. Mary, b. 13 Dec, 1783; m. John J. Hewlett, son of Townsend, of East Woods, L. I. 38. Sarah, m. William Simonson. -I-39. Townsend, m. Mary Coles. 40. Hannah, d. unm. 41. Abigail, b. 15 Oct., 1792; d. i of 9 mo., 1866; m. first to Samuel Jones (IV. 11); 2d to Robert Seaman. 42. Jacob, m. Phebe, dau. of Hewlett. 43. William, m. Letitia Downing. (39) TOWNSEND WILLIS, son of Townsend (34) ; m. Mary Coles. Issue: 296 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 44. Townsend, m. Mary, dau. of Jacob Jackson. 45. Ethelinda, m. Timothy Jackson. 46. Hannah, m. Whitson. 47. Esther, m. Thos. Jackson. (29) SAMUEL WILLIS, son of John (23) ; b. in Syosset, L. I., 7 of 3 mo., 1759; d. 1839; "i- Rachel, dau. of Thos. Pear- sail and his wife, Ann Williams, a gr. dau. of Thos. Powell, of Hempstead, L. I. (48) HENRY WILLIS, son of Samuel (29) ; b. 1786, d. 1865 ; ni-j 1813, Phebe, dau. of Edmund Post. (49) SAMUEL WILLIS, son of Henry (48) ; b. in Syos- set, L. I., 17 Jan., 1815; d. 4 June, 1870; m. 5 Dec, 1865, Cath- arine Post. Issue: 50. Mary, m. 7 June, 1888, Augustus Albertson. RYSAM FAMILY (i) CAPT. WILLIAM JOHNSON RYSAM, b. 1734, d. in Sag Harbor, L. I., 1806. It is not known when he first came to this country. His earliest identification here is found in the records of the Fourth Church, of Portsmouth, N. H., where on 26 Dec, 1773, three of his daughters, viz., Mary, Nancy and Phanny, were baptized by the Rev. Samuel Haven. During the Rev. War he was in command of a privateer named the "British Queen," and by report made his headquarters at Norfolk, Va., where his two youngest daughters, Hanna Frippe, and Sophia, were born. His first wife, the mother of his chil- dren, was Ursula, dau. of Thomas Pierce, of Portsmouth, N. H. On 8 Oct., 1777, Mrs. Rysam, then in Portsmouth, was permitted "under a flag of truce" to go with her husband to Rhode Island, and in the following year his name was included in an Act of Legislature of N. H.. "as one who had left the State and joined the enemy." In 1780 his property in Portsmouth was "sett oit" or confiscated. (See N. H. State Papers, VIII., p. 703-850.) He was a strong Tory, and at the burning of Norfolk, Va., by THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 297 the British in 1779, he, his wife and five daughters (the youngest. Sophia, being then eight months old) were forced to leave. He made his escape on his vessel, but was intercepted by the Ameri- cans who, finding nothing contraband on board, allowed them to depart. He landed in Rhode Island, and soon after left for East Hamp- ton, L. I., where he arrived in 1780, when by report his youngest daughter, Sophia, was fifteen months old, and his eldest daugh- ter, Mary, was fifteen years of age. It is supposed he crossed L. I. Sound and landed on Lloyds Neck, where the British had their headquarters under Col. Oliver De Lancey, and proceeded overland to his destination. This seems evident from the fact that during his journey there his wife died from exposure and was buried in the "Old Cemetery" at Huntington, L. I. He mar- ried in Easthampton, L. I., as his 2d wife "the widow Mulford," by whom he had no issue. He died there in 1806 leaving five daughters who, as tradition says, "not being pleased with their father's will, burned it up." Issue: 2. Mary, b. 1765; m. Col. Abraham Miller; no issue. 3. Nancy, m. first, Jabez Peck; issue, a daughter, Fanny R., b. 1792, d. 12 April, 1849; m- Jonathan Gardiner, of Eatons Neck, L. I. (his 2d wife), who had with others a dau., Eliza Gardiner, b. 181 5, m. Charles H Jones (IV. 34). She, Nancy (3), m. 2d, Archibald Gracie, of N. Y., and had issue, Mar}', William and Archibald. 4. Fanny, m. Edward Mulford. 5. Hannah, m. Cornelius Sleight 6. Sophia, b. 1778; m. Sayre. NEVIUS FAMILY (I) JOANNES NEVIUS, b. in Holland, 1627 (the name being variously spelled Nevyus, Neafe, Neefus, etc.), came to this country with his wife, Adriaentje Bleijck, whom he m. 18 Nov., 1653. (Vol. 5, p. 158, N. Y. Gene. & Biog. Rec.) She was dau. of Swantje Jaus, wife of Cornelius Potter. She, Adri- aentje, was probably a dau. by a first husband, Bleijck. He be- 298 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND came Clerk of the Council in New Amsterdam, and d. in Brook- lyn, L. L, 1672. (Wilson's Memo. Hist. N. Y., i, p. 319.) (2) PIETER NEVIUS (OR PETRUS), son of Joannes (i) ; bapt. 4 Feb., 1663; d. 29 April, 1740; settled in Flatlands, L. I. ; m. 22 June, 1684, Janetje Roelifse Schenck, dau. of Roelof Martense Schenck, and Neeltje Gerritse Van Couwenhoven, she being then nineteen years of age. (Holland Soc. Year Book, 1898, p. 91.) (3) MARTEN NEVIUS (OR MARTINUS), son of Pieter (2), of Marlboro, Monmouth Co., N. J.; b. 1693, d. 1766; m. 27 Aug., 1715, Willemptje Lucasse Van Voorhees. (4) LUCAS NEVIUS, son of Martin (3), of Millstone, N. J.; b. 1725; d. 18 Sept., 1783; m. 23 May, 1749, Mayche Cornell, b. 20 Sept., 1729; d. i July, 1795. In the Haelingen Church Records she was called Martha. (5) WILLEMPE NEVIUS, dau. of Lucas (4); b. 25 Dec, 1756, in Harlingen, or Millstone, N. J. ; d. 9 May, 1837; m. 24 Nov., 1774, Cornelius Kershaw, b. 2 Sept., 1750; d. 1834, at Harlingen, N. J. Issue: George Kershaw, b. 4 Aug., 1776; m. Elsie Baird. Margaret Kershaw, b. 7 Sept., 1778; d. 20 April, 1856; m. 17 Feb., 1798, Cornelius Van Cleef, of Poughkeepsie. VAN CLEEF FAMILY (i) JANS VAN CLEEF, b. 1628, settled in New Utrich, L. I., 1659; m. before 1661, Enjelye Lowerens, dau. of Lowerens Preterse. Issue: Catharine, bapt. 1681 ; Benjamin, bapt, 1683; Joseph, Angelica, Isbrant, Nelke and Cornelius, whom. Femmetje Van Dewater, and had issue : John, of Gravesend, L. I., and Lau- rens, of New Jersey. (2) BENJAMIN VAN CLEEF, son of Jans (i) ; bapt. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 299 1683. Issue: Lysbcth, m. Wm. Cowenhoven ; Jans, m. ist, Maria Kreffert; 2d, Sarah Cowenhoven; Derick, Marike, m. Jane Ber- ken ; Derrick, m. Elizabeth Leek; Benjamin, m. Helen Cowen- hoven, in 1741 ; Nelke. m. Hendrick Vanderbilt; Laurens, Helen, m. John Brown; Joseph, Elsie and Antje. (3) LAURENS VAN CLEEF, son of Benjamin (3) ; d. before 1780; m. Jannetje Laan. Issue: Jacob, b. 1731 ; Fcm- metje, b, 1733 ; Laurens, Jannetje, Isaac and Jacob. (4) ISAAC VAN CLEEF, son of Laurens (3) ; b. 1742; d. 30 June, 1804; m., 1769, Doreas Pumyea, b. 13 April, 1749; d. 28 March, 1812. Issue: Jane, b. 1770, d. 1851 ; Mary, b. 4 Oct., 1771 ; d. II Feb., 1861 ; Laurens, b. 1773, d. 1852; Peter, Cornelius, Jacob, b. 27 March, 1779; d. 19 Nov., 1847; Isaac, b. 16 Feb., 1781 ; d. 2 Feb., 1863 ; Abraham John, b. 1786, d. 3 Dec, 1858; m. Jane Duryea, of Millstone, N. J.; Margaret, b. 1789, d. 1790 ; and Van Marter, b. 21 May, 1792. (5) CORNELIUS VAN CLEEF, son of Isaac (4) ; b. 21 Jan., 1779; d. 10 July, 1855; m. 17 Feb., 1799, Margaret, b. 7 Sept., 1778, dau. of Cornelius Kershaw, and his wife Willempe, dau. of Lucas and Martha (Cornell) Nevius. Issue: -(-6. Cornelius (the Rev.), b. 16 Sept., 1799; d. 13 June, 1875. 7. Isaac, of Harlingen, N. J. ; b. 15 Aug., 1801 ; d. 6 Aug., 1877. 8. George, b. 2 July, 1804; d. 4 Dec, 1865. 9. Jane, b. 8 Feb., 1808 ; d. i June, 1834. TO. Matilda, b. 13 June, 181 1 ; d. 24 Nov., 1889. (6) CORNELIUS VAN CLEEF (the Rev.), of Pough- keepsie, N. Y., son of Cornelius (5); b. 16 Sept., 1799; d. 13 June, 1875; m. 15 Oct., 1828, Sophia Sommers Stilwell, of Phil- adelphia; b. 1800, d. 1852, dau. of James Savage Stilwell, and Susannah Mason. Issue: 1 1. Sophia, b. 1829. -|-I2. James Spencer, b. i Aug., 1831. He m. as his 2d wife, 30 Oct., 1856, Ellen Shepherd, of Al- bany, N. Y. 300 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND (12) JAMES SPENCER VAN CLEEF, of Poughkeepsie, N. Y,, son of Rev. Cornelius (6) ; b. i Aug., 1831 ; d. 1902; m. 17 May, 1862, Harriet Mulford Howell, dau. of George Howell. Issue : 13. Elizabeth Howell, m. Beverly O. Kinnear, M. D. 14. Ellen Shepherd, m. Walter Mott Jones (VI. yy). 15. Henry Howell. Howell ancestry of Ellen S. Van Cleef, wife of Walter Mott Jones (VI. 77). (i) HENRY HOWELL, of Westbury in Marsh Gibbon. County Bucks, Eng., d. July, 1625, was descended from Howell, Prince of Caerleon upon Uske, in Monmouthshire, whose arms are gules, three towers, triple towered ar. (See Memorial of Reading Howell, Yerkes and Latham Families, by J. G. Leach.) (2) EDWARD HOWELL, son of Henry (i), came to Lynn, Mass., in 1638, with his family, and in 1640 he and others, under an agreement with Lord Stirling's agent, Wm. Farret, en- deavored to make a settlement at Cow Neck, Long Island, but were driven off by Gov. Kieft, and proceeded to the eastern end of Long Island, where in April of that year they commenced the settlement of the town of Southampton. May 20, 1647, chosen Magistrate. (See Col. Reeds, of Conn., 1636-1665.) 1647-1653 member of the Governor's Council of Conn. (See Newhall's Lynn, p. 171, 193, 214, etc. ; also New Eng. Hist, and Gene. Register, 1861.) He d, at Southampton, L. I., 1655. He m. as his first wife, Frances, d. 1630 ; m. 2d, Eleanor. Issue : -\-\ Major John, b. 1625 ; d. 3 Nov., 1696, at Southampton, L. I. 4. Edward, b. 1626, d. 1699. 4a. Arthur, m. Elizabeth, dau. of John Lion Gardiner, the first Proprietor of Gardiners Island. 4b. And other children. (3) MAJOR JOHN HOWELL, son of Edward (2) ; b. 1625, d. 3 Nov., 1696; m. Susannah . He probably came to Southampton with his father in 1640 under the agreement with s ft ^ " Z'/-K'~ r.n'd--. = -§ > — 5 -> /" — o-cr [U • C „ ■ vn O -^> Wc f, - ») — cLvO c r— T 00 Cu -■ n 3 IT • to y. a' -^ n c 00 o o > to C 2- ■ ^ O- w « n ■n =r re 3 o TO fti "t V) G G- r > n c —•10' i --• O c to ?0y £ ft -- ■< . ft t;; ^ c ^ — — D* -^10 ;> a\ • 01 o " ' ■ p ? o SSs?'. to < ^■~' — c .— ^ <* <_ 2. til 5>-^ 3 P N » _ r-- 3 y to 3 ^j j^ I" ■ V ft « o 11- oor' > n — > ^ en" :^ — "~>:i: y. •--^ < ."1^ 7i ^_ -< C/2 ac > z z o C -1^ O CX5 ■a '• 2 ^. o a • 3 C _ ZL' OS 3 "^^ • CS — I R ■3 3 - '^- "ft,£^ O — " z c as 2 > — ""^ '.^ t^ T~ -.- 3 n C- 3 ft p" ■ o-O ^ ft n ft § 5J 3 - ^ ^, "■ ty: - 3 " • ■— . ft — 3 C ft - ft ?r ^ ■ -J 'r ■^•^ 3 Z ~ J. 4^ fri- ^-^= 3 3 a. i~ c-o 3 • *- — • — ^ «^ ■^ -3 ;::•?= C ft r-i cT »J " o c r" ^ ^ PC •^ G- ■ ^^ CO — W G G ;^ — z c 3- y 3 si cr 3* ^.1 ^ •-• — ' On _,^J • ^ tfll^i ^^ •-i = ^M • OS 00 5^_ s5 - ^' ~^ '.^ >^ > l^"S pc?^ 8^G »5 ON |3- 5 G d^ •—I , 4^ -— K ~r^ ^ >^ C>i 2 g- v*^ 3 7q' J V> >^ o r c- "■ p ^ cL o ft" o o" &. 2 n 3 cr 3'r'O . -1 »^ ?r — " On — ' Q^ "-J '^^ - . • pj TO -- J = o-cl-J - fa w • i-U c 3 F to O r- ^'^C L.3-— 'O fi- to rt 3-.' 00 s^ or or 3 ^ 3- o Cl- ?3 -t t/l Os [— I Q-O -O ^^ 3-3^ S^ 3 5 3" >?" ft OnH <« to I— 1 ■ O i_ Q.5> ooG ^ C -• r P o &j - , On ^^ to ON Ln 3 ?"• PI ^G~ « > ^G to-| c '_ > I > ■ ' > ON~ > o > S X o z o H z PJ G O < r G r O PC — ; z ?o r 5* z oP "" < > z n r M > z o O Z "> cr. ^ > t; ft X po 5 5 X c ^-^> z S C .lass .... 1. m ?o • -• > •■"- Z z - ON — - 4- 7n On IJ — re Ln • • ^ C/l r; H • Z •-i^. ;e v> 9:17- •fl ft — H I 17 5 z i£.^ n &>??■> X 5 C ^ r ~2 ^ 33 -rz PI z ?B O 13 * THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 303 Wm. Farret, but was not named as one of the grantees. Much trouble arose concerning this Patent between the Dutch and Eng- Hsh, and on i Xov., 1676 (after the Dutch power became extinct), a confirmatory Patent was obtained and Capt. John Howell and Edward Howell were two of the patentees. Later, a second Patent was obtained from Gov. Dongan, in 1686, in which John Howell (then called Major) and Edward Howell were included as patentees. 1644-1651, Deputy to Genl. Court of Conn., and 165 1 -1658 was Justice of town of Southampton, that town then being under the jurisdiction of Conn. Commissioned Major on 2 June. 1684. (4) EDWARD HOWELL (LIEUT), son of Edward (2) ; b. 1626, d. 1699; ni- 1st, II Nov., 1664, Sarah, b. 1645, dau. of Lieut. Joseph Judson, of Stratford, Conn. He b. 1619, d. 1690; m., 1644, Sarah, b. 1626, d. 16 March, 1696, dau. of John Porter, of Wind- sor, Conn., and was a son of William Judson, of Yorkshire, Eng., who died in Stratford, Conn., 1660. (See Cothren's Hist. Ancient Woodbury. Vol. i. p. 587; Vol. 3, p. 684). M. 2d, Mary, dau. of Robert Fordham, of Southampton, L. L (See New Eng. Hist, and Gene. Register 54. p. 136.) In a division of the estate of Robert Fordham in 1672, her share was 40 acres of land. (See Liber i, p. 185 Wills, N. Y. City.) BAKER FAMILY Ancescry of Helen Folsom Baker, 2d wife of John H, Jones. (i) EDWARD BAKER came to Boston in 1630 with Win- throp, and in 1638 was freeman in Lynn, where he d. 16 March, 1687; m. Joan. d. 9 April, 1693. Issue: +2. Edward, and other children. (2) EDWARD BAKER, son of Edward (i) ; m. 7 April, 1685, Mar)-, dau. of Capt. Thomas Marshall (see Newhall's Lynn, p. ri6), of Lynn, Mass. Capt. Thos. Marshall returned to Eng. and was given a captain's comm. in the Parliamentary anuy under Cromwell. He returned to Lynn and was Rep, to Genl. Court, 304 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 1659-1668, and Captain in the "Ancient and Honorable Military Co." of Mass. (See Hist, of Ancient and Honorable Military Co., Vol. I, p. 108.) (Hurd's Hist. Middlesex Co., Vol. i, p. 322-4, 508.) Edward Baker (2), was Ensign of Militia in Lynn. Issue: +3. Edward, and others. (3) EDWARD BAKER, son of Edward (2) ; b. in Lynn, Mass., 16 July, 1696 ; settled in Westborough, Mass. ; m. 22 Nov., 1721, Persis, dau. of Samuel and Elizabeth (Howe) Brigham, of Marlborough. Issue, ten children. He was the third child bearing the name Edward. (4) JOSEPH BAKER, son of Edward (3); b. 19 May, 1736; d. 19 Nov., 181 1, in Limerick, Maine; m. 15 Nov., 1758, Martha Death, b. 1738, d. 13 May, 1809. He settled, in 1789, in Bakersfield, Vt., and was Commissary Genl. in Rev. War. He left issue, eleven children. (5) EDWARD BAKER, son of Joseph (4), b. 9 Oct., 1772 ; d. in Enosburgh, Vt.; m., 10 June, 1795, Achsah Griswold, b. in Windsor, Conn., 20 Oct., 1772; d. 23 July, 1861. (See Hist. Enosburgh, Vt.) He left issue, ten children. (6) EDWARD WORTLEY BAKER, son of Edward (5) ; b. in Enosburgh, Vt., ii July, 1796; d. 2 Aug., 1880; m. 20 Aug., 1823, Clarissa Edna, b. 4 April, 1800; d. 10 Oct., 1890, dau. of Thomas and Edna Folsom. Issue: Joseph D., b. 18 Nov., 1824: d. 13 April, 1834; Louisa Folsom, b. 19 Sept., 1826; m. 5 June, 1849, Stevens G. Palmer, of Boston; Edna Ela, b. i Dec, 1828; d. 16 Dec, 1896; Rev. Edward Folsom, b. 1831 ; Charles, b. 1834, d. 1836 ; John White, b. 1837, d. 1871, and George Folsom, b. 1840, d. 1843. (7) REV. EDWARD FOLSOM BAKER, son of Edward W. (6) ; b. 8 Nov., 1831 ; m. ist, Frances H., b. 15 Jan., 1839; d. II Dec, 1861, dau. of Abraham N. Wagener, of Penn Yann, N. Y. Issue: 8. George, b. and d. 1859. FOLSOM. — Ancestry of Hklen Folsom Baker, 2D WIFE OF John H. Jones (VI, 76). JOHN FOLSOM, came from England in 1638; b. ; d. 27 Dec,. 1681; m. 4 Oct., 1636, Mary, dau. of Edward and Mary Oilman. Samuel. JOHN, Nathaniel Israel. Lt. PETER, Mary. Ephriam b. 1640; d. 1715; m. Abigail, dau. of Abraham Perkins, 10 Nov., 1675. ABRAHAM, b. 1678; d. 1740; m. (i) Anna, dau. of Aquila Chase; m. (2) Elizabeth, dau. of . DANIEL, b. 1704; d. 1756; m. (I) prob. dau. of Nathul. Fol- snm; m. (2) Huldah East- man, dau. of John. ABRAHAM (by 2d wife), b. 1741; m. 1772, Eliza- beth Moody. ASA. b. 1782; d. 1813; m. Fanny Beimett. JOHN B.. b. 181 1 ; m. Clarinda C. Harndeii. OSCAR, b. 1832; d. 1873; m. 1863, Emma C. Harmen b. 1649; d. 1717; m. Susanna Cousins (or Coffin). ER, PET m. Catharine, dau. of Oilman. JAMES, b. 171 1 ; d. 1748; m. Eliza- beth, dau. of Capt. Jona- than Thing. lAMES, b. 27 June, 1737; m. 1763, Elizabeth, dau. of Thos. Webster, b. 1740; d. 1824. THOMAS, b. 10 Mav. 1769; m. Edna Ela, dau. of ohn Ela. CLARISSA EDNA, b. 4 April, 1800; m. 20 Aug., 1823, Edward Wort- leyC*) Baker, son of Ed- ward('). REV. E. FOLSOM BAKER(- b. 1831. FRANCES,— 7th cousin of-HELEN FOL.SOM BAKER, m. Hon. Orover Cleve- m. John H. Jones (\T, 76) land, Pres. United States. i/CiP Tm 'O .rn f-fr— ?' THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 307 9. Edward F., b. i860, d. 1865 . M. 2d, 4 Jan., 1865, Sarah A., dau. of Arnold B. Watson, of Unadilla, N. Y., and his wife Susan, dau. of Isaac Hayes. Issue: 10. Susan Watson. 11. Helen Folsom, b. 4 Feb.; m. 18 June, 1890, John H. Jones (VI. 76). 12. Edna Ela. -{-13. John Henry, 14. Arnold Watson. 15. Francis Folsom, m. June 26, 1906, Geraldine, dau. of George Rumsey Howard, of Buffalo. (13) JOHN HENRY BAKER, son of Rev. Edward F. (7) ; m. 24 Oct., 1900, Blanche, dau. of Edward H. Hutchinson, of Buffalo, N. Y. Issue : 16. Sarah Hutchinson, b. 15 Oct., 1901, 17. Jean Watson, b. 27 April, 1903. 18. John Hutchinson, b. 9 July, 1905. Folsom ancestry of Helen Folsom Baker, the 2d wife of John H. Jones (VI. 76). (i) JOHN FOLSOM came from Eng., 1638; d. 27 Dec, 1681 ; m. 4 Oct., 1636, Mary, dau. of Edward and Mary Oilman. (2) PETER FOLSOM (LIEUT.), son of John (i), b. 1649, ^- ^l^T^ '^- Susanna Cousins, of Wells, Me. (3) PETER FOLSOM, son of Lieut Peter (2) ; m. Cath- arine, dau. of John Oilman. (4) JAMES FOLSOM, son of Peter (3) ; b. 1711, d. 1748; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Capt. Thomas Thing. (5) JAMES FOLSOM, son of James (4); b. 27 June, 1737; m. 1763, Elizabeth, b. 1740, d. 1824, dau. of Thos. Web- ster. 3o8 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND (6) THOMAS FOLSOM, son of James (5) ; b. 10 May, 1769; m. Edna, dau. of John Ela. (7) CLARISSA EDNA FOLSOM, dau. of Thomas (6) ; b. 4 April, 1800; m. 20 Aug., 1823, Edward Wortley Baker (6), son of Edward (5), and had a son. Rev. E. Folsom Baker (7), whose dau., Helen Folsom Baker (11), m., 18 June, 1890, John H. Jones (VL76). SCUDDER FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND THOMAS SCUDDER, of Salem, Mass., ancestor of the Scudders of L. L, was in all probability a near relative of Wm, Scudder, of Darent, Kent, Eng., who left a will, prob. 4 Nov., 1607, naming wife Margary, and daus. Pamel, Mary, Margaret and Joan ; legacy to Henry Scudder, the son of my deceased brother, John; also Thomas and Henry Scudder, sons of my deceased brother, Henry. Thos. Scudder and others, executors. (See New Eng. Hist. & Gene. Register, July, 1893.) One John Lowers, of Darent, Kent, Eng., by his will (prob. 5 Feb., 1650), gave his sister "Scudder and Henry Scudder, her son," part of Rugby Wood; also "to my sister Scudder's sons, Thomas, Henry, William and John, and to her daus., Elizabeth and Martha Scudder, 10 shillings each." (New Eng. Hist. & Gene. Reg., July, 1893.) (i) THOMAS SCUDDER, d. 1658, in Salem, Mass.; m. Elizabeth, d. 1666. Issue: 2. John. I -{-3. Thomas. 4. Henry. 5. Elizabeth, b. 1622, d. 1682 ; m. Henry Bartholomew, of Mass., b. 1600, d. 1692. 6. William, d. about 1658, who left a son, Thomas (7). who m. Sarah Maverick. (3) THOMAS SCUDDER, son of Thomas (i), came from THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 309 Salem, Mass., in 165 1, to Huntington, L. I., where he d. 1690; m. Mary. Issue : -\-y. Timothy. +8. Benjamin. 9. Mary, m. Robert Arthur. 10. EHzabeth, m. Waher Noaks. 11. Sarah, m. Conkling. 12. Cleman, m. Clements. 13. Mercy. (8) TIMOTHY SCUDDER, son of Thomas (3) ; d. 1740; m. Sarah Wood, d. 1738. Issue: 4-14. Timothy. 15. Henry. 16. John. 17. Abigail, m. Jos. Lewis. (9) BENJAMIN SCUDDER, son of Thomas (3) ; d. 1735 ; m. first, Mary; m. 2d, Sarah. Issue: 18. Thomas. 19. Ezekiel. 20. Benjamin. 21. Joseph. 22. Isaac, who removed to Conn. 23. Isaiah. 24. Moses, who d. before 1754, and left a son Samuel, of N. Y. City. 25. Peter. 26. Sarah, who m. Epenetus Piatt. 27. Ruth, m. Rogers. 28. Anne. ( 14) TIMOTHY SCUDDER, son of Timothy (8) ; b. 1696, d. 25 April, 1778; m. Mary, dau. of Daniel Whitehead. Issue: 29. Jemima, b. 1728; m. David Roscoe. 30. Hannah, b. 1730; m. Ananias Carll. 31. Jerusha, b. 1732 ; m. Timothy Carll, who had a dau., Julia 310 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND Carll; m. Scudder Lewis, and a son, Phineas Carll, who left issue, Selah (M. D.), David, Piatt, and Mary. 32. Timothy. 33. Sarah, b. 1736; m. Jesse Buffett. 34. John, b. 1740. +35. Henry, b. 1743. 36. Joel, b. 1746. (35) HENRY SCUDDER, son of Timothy (14); d. 21 Jan., 1822. Served in Rev. War as aide to Genl. Nathaniel Tal- madge. He was a member of State Legislature. M. Phebe, dau. of Ananias and Hannah Carll. Issue: 37. Youngs Prime, b. 30 June, 1771. -f-38. Henry, b. 26 April, 1778. 39. Phebe, b. 21 May, 1782; m. Azel Lewis, and had a dau., Gloriana Lewis, who m. John Bunce. 39a. Phebe. 39b. Henry, who settled in Central New York. 39c. Joel, m. Charity Lewis. 39d. Amelia, m. Piatt Lewis. (38) HENRY SCUDDER, son of Henry (35) ; b. 26 April, 1778; d. in Huntington, L. L, 1863; m. ist, Phebe, dau. of Jonah Wood. Issue : 40. Amelia, m. Seabury Bryant. 41. Phebe, m. Melancton Bryant, and had dau., Henrietta Bryant; m. F. L. Blanchard. M. 2d, Elizabeth, dau. of Judge Divine Hewlett, of Cold Spring Harbor, L. I. Issue: 42. Eliza Strong, b. 1802; m. ist, Wm. W. Kissam, M. D. ; and 2d, William W. Wood, of Huntington, L. I. 43. Anne Cornelia, b. 26 April, 1822; d. 15 April, 1884; m. Henry G. Scudder (90). +44. Henry Joel, b. 18 Sept., 1825. 45. Townsend, b. 14 Dec, 1829. 46. Hewlett, b. 25 July, 1833. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 311 (44) HENRY JOEL SCUDDER, son of Henry (38) ; b. 18 Sept., 1825; d. 10 Feb., 1886; member of 426 Congress, 1872. M. first, 21 June, 1853, Louisa Henrietta, d. 28 Dec, 1864, dau. of Chas. Davies. Issue: +47. Henry Townsend (the Rev.), b. 7 Sept., 1854. +48. Charles Davies (M. D.)., b. 24 Sept., 1856. 49. Edward Mansfield, b. 1 May, 1858. 50. Mary E., b. 21 Sept., 1859; d. 22 Jan., i882. 51. Elizabeth, b. 26 Feb., 1861; d. 31 Aug., 1865. M. 2d, Emma, dau. of John H. Willard, of Troy, N. Y. She d. 23 May, 1893. Issue: 52. Willard. 53. Louisa Henrietta. 54. He>'ward. 55. Emma Willard, b. 27 Feb., 1871; m. 17 Nov., 1898, Edward Loughborough Keyes, M.D. Issue: Edward Lawrence, b. 5 Nov., 1899; Emma Willard, b. 11 Oct., 1902; Elizabeth Hewlett, b. 27 Sept., 1905. 56. Annie Hewlett. 57. Hewlett. (45) TOWNSEND SCUDDER, son of Henry (38) ; b. 14 Dec, 1829; d. 30 July, 1874; m. Sarah, dau. of Philomen Frost. Issue : +58. Philomen Halstead. +59. Elizabeth Hewlett. +60. Townsend. 61. Lorin Kent. +62. Sarah Maria. +63. Cornelia. His wife survived him and m. 2d, Seigfried Strakosh, and had issue a dau., Josephine, d. 13 April, 1889, ae 6 ms. and 22 dys. (47) REV. HENRY T. SCUDDER, son of Henry J. (44) ; m. 5 June, 1889, Margaret Mott Weeks, dau. of Jac M. Weeks. Issue: 64. Edna Hewlett, b. 28 April, 1890. 65. Henry Holloway, b. 24 Sept., 1895. 66. Dorothy Weeks, b. 3i March, 1899. 312 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND (48) CHARLES DAVIES SCUDDER (M. D.), son of Henry J. (44); b. 24 Sept., 1856; d. 19 July, 1892; m. 3 April, 1883, Louisa Wardner, dau. of Hon, Wm. M. Evarts. Issue: 67. Louisa Henrietta, b. 14 April, 1884, (58) PHILOMEN HALSTEAD SCUDDER, son of Townsend (45) ; b. 22 July, 1861 ; m, 14 Aug,, 1889, Sarah E., dau. of George H. Townsend, of Glen Cove, L. I, Issue: 68. Townsend, b, 1892; d. Nov., 1895. 69. Hazel L. (59) ELIZABETH HEWLETT SCUDDER, dau. of Townsend (45) ; b. 20 Oct., 1871 ; m, Edward V, Thebaud; d, 21 June, 1900, ae 'j'j (as his 2d wife). He was a son of Edward Thebaud and Emma Van Schalkwyck de Boisauvin, of New York. Issue: 70. Leo Hewlett, b, 15 Feb., 1880. (60) TOWNSEND SCUDDER, son of Townsend (45) ; b. 26 July, 1865 ; m. 3 June, 1891, Mary Dannet, dau. of Geo. A. Thayer, of Brooklyn, L. I. Issue : 71. Atela. ^2. Thayer. 73. Elizabeth Hewlett. 74. Townsend. (62) SARAH MARIA SCUDDER, dau. of Townsend (45) ; b. 22 Oct., 1869; m, Thos, Irving Van Antwerp, of Albany, N. Y. (63) CORNELIA SCUDDER, dau. of Townsend (45) ; b. 2 Oct., 1871 ; m. 16 May, 1893, James B. Hendrick, son of Col. James, of Albany. ( 18) THOMAS SCUDDER, son of Benjamin (9) ; d. 1775 ; m. Rebecca, dau .of Sammis. Issue : 75. Gilbert. -f-76. Thomas, b, 1725. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 313 (76) THOMAS SCUDDER, son of Thomas (18); d. 25 Feb., 1809; m. Abigail, dau. of John Sammis, she d. on the same day as her husband. Issue : -]■]. John. 78. Rebecca. +79. Gilbert, b. 1764. 80. Thomas. (79) GILBERT SCUDDER, son of Thomas (76) ; b. 1764, d. 1855; m. Abigail Buffet. Issue: 4-81. Isaiah, b. 1791. 82. Hetty, m. Phil. Udall. 83. Sarah, m. Jos, Lewis. 84. Phebe. 85. Mary, m. Moses Jarvis and had issue Abigail Jarvis, who m. Theodore Lounds, of Conn. 86. Naomi, m. Prof. Shallum B. Street. Issue, Chas. R. Street, of Huntington. 87. Gilbert, of Conn. 88. Judge Henry C, of Idaho. 89. Mary A., m. Fayette Gould. (81) ISAIAH SCUDDER, son of Gilbert (79) ; b. 1791, d. 13 Feb., 1875; m. Rhoda, dau. of Daniel Jarvis. Issue: -I-90. Henry G. (90) HENRY G. SCUDDER, son of Isaiah (81); b. 24 May, 1818; d. 27 Jan., 1886; m. ist, Eleanor, dau. of Mur ray, of Middletown, N. J. Issue: 91. Wm. Murray, d. 1881 ; m. Ella Handley ; no issue. 92. Nora Jarvis, b. March 30, 1854; d. June 7, 1886; m. John H.Jones (VI. 76). 93. Henry G., m, 1883, Harriet Lewis. M. 2d, Anne Cornelia, dau. of Henry Scudder (38). Issue: 94. Gilbert, m. Nellie, dau. of ex-Gov. Wm. G. Ritch, of Santa Fe, New Mexico. Settled in Huntington, L. I. Issue, two children. 314 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 95. Elizabeth, d. unm. 96. Victor, d. unm. 97. Hewlett, m. Ella, widow of his half brother, Wm. M. Scudder (91). (34) JOHN SCUDDER, son of Timothy (14); b. 1740; m. Mary Budd. Issue: 4-98. John B. 99. Mary. (98) JOHN B. SCUDDER, son of John (34) ; m. Hannah, dau. of Skidmore. Issue: 100. Richard. loi. Deborah, m. Havens Kelsey. 102. Timothy. + 103. Charles. 104. Joseph. 105. John. 106. Hannah. 107. Sarah, m, Joseph Lewis. Issue: Egbert, Joseph S., m. Phebe, gr. dau. of Henry Scudder (35), and others. (103) CHARLES SCUDDER, son of John B. (98); m. Sarah Vail. Issue: 108. Ann Eliza, m. J. Amherst Woodhull, of Huntington, who had son Charles V., m. Martha Leek, and a dau. Harriet, wife of E. Piatt Stratton. 109. Mary, m. William G. Gardiner, son of Jonathan, no. Charles, m. dau. of John Fleet. III. Louisa, m. Covert. SCUDDER FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND AND NEW JERSEY (2) JOHN SCUDDER, son of Thomas (i), of Salem, Mass. ; m., 1642, Mary, dau. of Dorothy King. Came to South- old, L. I., 1651, thence to Newtown, L. L, 1660. Issue: THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 315 -f-ii2. Samuel. 4-113. John. 114. Mary. 115. Elizabeth. 115a. Hannah. (112) SAMUEL SCUDDER, son of John (2); d. 1689, at Newtown, L. I. ; m. Phebe, dau. of Edmond Titus, of West- bury, L. I. Issue : 116. Samuel. 117. Mary. 118. Sarah. 119. Deborah. 120. Samuel, d. 1771. (113) JOHN SCUDDER, son of John (2); m. 1669, Joanna, dau. of Capt. Richard Betts, of Newtown, L. I. Issue : -f-i2i. Richard B. 122. John. (121) RICHARD B. SCUDDER, son of John (113) ; b. 1671, d. 14 March, 1754. Settled in Trenton, N. J.; m. Hannah Reeder. Issue : -I-123. John, and others. (123) JOHN SCUDDER, son of Richard B. (121) ; d. 10 May, 1748, ae 47 yrs. ; m. Phebe, dau. of Daniel Howell. Issue: -j-124. Amos. 125. Daniel, and others. (See Early Settlers of Trenton, by Cooley.) (124) AMOS SCUDDER, son of John (123) ; b. 14 Feb., 1739; d. II May, 1824; m. Phebe, dau. of John Rose. (See Early Settlers of Trenton, p. 212; Cooley.) Issue: -f-126. John, and others. (126) JOHN SCUDDER, son of Amos (124) ; b. 1764; d. 3i6 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 15 April, 1830; m, Mary, dau. of John Keen and Hannah Holme. Issue: 127. Phebe, d. 8 Sept., 1834, ae 42; m. Gershom, son of John Mott, and had issue, Maj. Genl. Gershom Mott, and other children. ROMAINE (ROMEYN) FAMILY (i) CLAES JANSEN ROMEYN came to this country in 1660 and settled in Amersfort, L. I. He was a son of Jan Ro- meyn, of Amsterdam, who, as the family claim, was a descendant of Peter de Ferentino (of Italian lineage), who had been edu- cated in Rome and took the surname of Romaeyn (Peter the Roman). Claes Jansen Romeyn, m. about 1680, Styntie Alberts Terhune, and removed to Hackensack, N. J., and later to New York City, where he died. (Gene. Hist. Hudson and Bergen Co., p. 142; Harvey.) His will, 30 Oct., 1719, prob. 16 Nov., 1730, names his wife Christyntie, and several sons and daughters. (2) JOHN ROMEYN, son of Claes Jansen (i), left a son, 3. Isaac, with issue, Elias (4), and others. (5) BENJAMIN ROMAINE, son of Elias (4) ; b. 1762 ; d. 1844; m. Mary Brower, b. 1763; d. 1845, ^au. of Samuel, of N. Y. Issue: 6. Washington. -I-7. Samuel B. (7) SAMUEL B. ROMx\INE, son Benjamin (5) ; b. 4 Oct., 1789; d. 28 Nov., 1861 ; m. Grace, b. i Nov., 1793; d. 6 Jan., 1865, dau. of George Hunter and his wife, Grace Brick. Issue: 8. Benjamin, b. 4 Jan., 1818 ; d. 31 Dec, 1841. +9. Samuel B., b. 1819. 10. George H., b. 1821, d. 1886. 11. Worthington, b. 1822, d. 1888. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 317 -f-i2. Charles, b. 2 March, 1827; d. 1884. 12a. Graham, b. 1829, d. 1854. -I-13. William, b. 28 Oct., 1837; d. 7 Sept., 1864. 14. Mary, b. 1816, d. 1896; m. Lawrence, 15. Grace J., b. i Aug., 183 1 ; d. 15 Feb., 1852. t6. Washington, b. 1834, d. young. (9) SAMUEL B. ROMAINE, son of Samuel B. (7) ; b. 6 Aug., 1819; d. 22 Oct., 1889; m. 9 June, 1862, Clara, b. 4 Sept., 1831, dau. of William T. Jones (IV. 42). Issue: 17. Mary Robins, b. 13 Feb., 1863. 18. William Jones, b. 15 Feb., 1865; ^n. 3 April, 1893, Rose, b. 8 May, 1868, dau. of George W. Bond, son of George W., of Boston, and his wife Rebecca, dau. of Alfred Huidekoper. Issue : Lawrence Bond, b. 13 Oct., 1900. (13) WILLIAM H. ROMAINE, son of Samuel B. (7) ; b. 28 Oct., 1837; d. 17 Sept., 1864; m. Victoria, dau. of John W. Hite. Issue : 19. Grace H. 20. George H., b. 1861, d. 1862. 21. Elizabeth; all died young. (12) CHARLES ROMAINE, son of Samuel B. (7) ; b. 2 March, 1827; d. 8 March, 1884; m. Victoria A., dau. of Joseph Mason ; she b. 4 Jan., 1836. Issue : +22. Charles, b. 1862, d. 1894. 23. Mason, b. 1857. 24. Dora, b. 1864; m., 1895, John F. Peebles, of Norfolk, Va. 25. Grace, b. 1855; d. 1861. 26. Elizabeth, b. i860, d. infant. (22) CHARLES ROMAINE, son of Charles (12) ; b. 1862, d. 1894; m. Ella, dau. of Thos. Lawrence. Issue: 27. Charles, b. 1889. 28. Lawrence, b. 1892. 29. Mason, b. 1894. 3i8 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND DUANE FAMILY Ancestors of Maria B. Duane, wife of Hon. Samuel W, Jones (V. 13). (i) AIsTTHONY DUANE, born of a Protestant family in Co. Galway, Ireland, in 1682; came to America in 1700 as Pay- master in the British Navy. He resigfned from the navy and settled in N. Y., v^^here he d. 14 Aug., 1747. In 1741 he pur- chased a large tract of land in what is now the town of Duanes- burg, near Schenectady, He m. first, 171 7, Eve, dau. of Dirk Benson, of New York. He m. 2d, 24 May, 1730, Altea, dau. of Abraham Keteltas and Anneke Coerten. (2) HON. JAMES DUANE, the fourth child of Anthony (i), and his 2d wife, Altea, was b. 6 Feb., 1733; d. at Duanes- burg, I Feb., 1797. Was delegate to Genl. Congress, 1774, and Mayor of N. Y. City, 1784-1789. He m., 21 Oct., 1759, Maria, dau. of Robert Livingston (3d Lord of the Manor), and Mary Thong. His wife Maria d. 6 May, 1821. (3) JAMES CHATHAM DUANE, son of James (2) ; b. 3 Dec, 1770; d. 25 Dec, 1842; m. 6 Dec, 1792, Marianne, d. 10 Feb., 1828, dau. of Henry Bowers, of Swansea, Mass., and his wife Mary Meyer. Issue : James, m. Harriet Constable. Maria Bowers, b. 23 Oct., 1793 ; m. Hon. Saml. W. Jones (V.13). William N. (M. D.), m. Eliza, dau. Capt. Jonathan Walton. Robert L. John B. Elizabeth, m. Rev. Thos. Reed. MILLER FAMILY Ancestors of John Bleecker Miller, who married Cornelia, dau. of Hon. Samuel W. Jones (V. 13). (i) JOHN MILLER came from Maidstone, Kent, Eng., and settled in Easthampton, L. I., in 1649. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 319 (2) JEREML\H MILLER, son of John (i) ; lived at East- hampton, L. L (3) ELEAZER MILLER, son of Jeremiah (2) ; b. 1697, d. at Easthampton, 13 March, 1788; m., 1718, Mary, dau. of Mathias Burnett, she b. 1701, d. 1743. He was a member of Colonial Assembly, 1746- 1769. Issue: 4-4. Burnett, b. 3 Jan., 1719. 5. Elizabeth, b. 3 Dec., 1721. 6. Jeremiah, b. 12 June, 1724. 7. Mary, b. 18 Sept., 1725. 8. Mehitable, b. 29 April, 1733. 9. Eleazer, b. 18 April, 1736, 10. Annanias, b. 17 Dec, 1737. 11. Abraham, b. 23 Jan., 1743. Some of his sons went to Dutchess Co. and there intermarried with the Smiths of Long- Island, who had settled there just be- fore the Rev. War. (See under Freelove Jones Smith (4).) (4) BURNET MILLER, son of Eleazer (3) ; b. 3 Jan., 1719; m., 1748, Elizabeth, dau. of John Hunting- and Clemence Parsons, widow of Henry Conkling (all of Easthampton). He removed to Dutchess Co. in 1777, but returned to N. Y. after the Revolution. (12) MATTHIAS BURNET MILLER, son of Burnet (4) ; b. 15 Oct., 1749, at Easthampton, L. I.; m. Phoebe, dau. of Judge Isaac Smith, of Dutchess Co., and Margaret Piatt, 9 March, 1777. He d. in N. Y. City, 2 Feb., 1792. ( 13) MORRIS SMITH MILLER, son of Matthias B. ( 12) ; b. 1779, d. 16 Nov., 1824. Lived at Utica, N. Y. M., 1804, Maria, dau. of John Rutger Bleecker and Catharine Elmendorf, of Esopus. Issue : 14. Rutger Bleecker. b. 18 July. 1805; m. Mary Seymour, 28 July. 1828. dau. of Henry (brother of the Gov.). 15. Genl. Morris Smith (U. S. A.) ; m. Jane, dau. of Genl. Alexander Macomb, U. S. A. 320 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND i6. Sarah, m. Edward S. Brayton, of Utica, 17. Charles Dudley, m. Elizabeth, dau. of the Abolitionist, Gerrit Smith, of Peterborough. 18. John Bleecker, b. 1820, m. 26 Dec, 1850, Cornelia, dau. of Hon. Samuel W. Jones (V. 13). PETERS FAMILY (i) DR. CHARLES PETERS, of Hempstead, L. I.; will 17 Feb., 1731, prob. 3 April, 1733 ; m. Mary, dau. of George Hew- lett. Issue : +2. Dr. Charles, d. 1766. 3. Mary, m. by license, 8 April, 1736, Richard Titus, son of Peter and his wife Martha, dau. of Col. John Jackson. 4-4. Valentine Hewlett. -|-4a. George, b. 1726. (2) DR. CHARLES PETERS, son of Dr. Charles (i) ; b. about 1710; d. 1766; m. 22 May, 1736, Jeane Denton. M. 2d, 1759, Rachel Latham, who survived him and married as her 2d husband, John Symonson. Issue: 5. Charles, bapt. 1739. 6. Jane, m. Samuel Skidmore. 7. Mary, m. 1761, James Willis. 8. Susannah, m. 1776, George Hewlett, son of Benjamin. 9. Charity, b. 25 Aug., 1756; d. 9 Jan., 1836; m. 13 July, 1777 (as her first husband), Lawrence Hewlett. 10. And other children. (4) VALENTINE HEWLETT PETERS, son of Dr. Charles (i), b. in Perth Amboy, N. J., 10 Aug., 1716; d. at Hempstead, L. I., 6 Oct., 1786; m. Ruth, b. 18 Nov., 1720; d. 14 Aug., 1783. Issue: 11. Miriam, b. 18 April, 1742; d. 1786; m. Adam, son of Rev. Saml. Seabury. 12. Rebecca, b. 17 Nov., 1748; m. 1767, Jacob Smith (See Peter's Gene., p. 48). THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 321 13. Sarah, b. 16 Dec, 1751 ; m. 29 Dec, 1767, Wm. Tredwell (M. D.), son of Col. Benjamin and Sarah Allen. 14. Catharine, b. 25 Feb., 1756; m. 10 July, 1770, Jacob Jackson. 15. And other children. (4a) GEORGE PETERS, son of Dr. Charles (i); b. at Hempstead, L. I., 13 April, 1726; d. in Pleasant Valley, Dutchess Co., 1782; m. 23 July, 1749, Sarah, b. 31 Oct., 1732, dau. of Abel Smith and Ruth Jackson, dau. of Samuel Jackson. Issue : 16. Jerusha, b. 1756; m. Jesse Oakley, of Huntington, L. I. And other children. TITUS FAMILY (i) ROBERT TITUS, b. in Eng., 1600; settled on L. I. probably first at Huntington, in 1654 ; m. in Eng., Hannah, b. 1604, d. 1769, Issue: 2. John. +3. Edmond. 4. Samuel, settled in Huntington, L. I. 5. Susannah. +6. Abial. 7. Content, of Huntington, L. T. (3) EDMOND TITUS, son of Robert (i); b. 1630, d. 1715; m., 1655, Martha, dau. of Wm. Washburne. Issue: 8. Samuel. 9. Phebe, m. ist, Samuel Scudder ; m. 2d, Robert Field. 10. Martha. 11. Mar>'. m. William Willis. 12. Hannah. 13. Jane. + 14. John. 15. Peter. 16. Silas. 322 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 17. Patience. 18. Temperance. (6) ABIAL TITUS, son of Robert (i) ; b. 1640; d. in Hunt- ington, L. I. ; m. Mary, dau. of Scudder. Issue : 19. Mary, b. 1673. 20. Rebecca, b. 1676, and others. (14) JOHN TITUS, son of Edmond (3) ; m., 1695, Sarah, dau. of Henry and Mary Willis. Issue: 21. Mary, b. 1696. -\-22. John, b. 1698. 23. Sarah, b. 1708; m. (as her 2d husband), Isaac Doty. And other children. (22) JOHN TITUS, son of John (14) ; b. 1698, d. 1757; m. Sarah, d. 1753, dau. of George Pearsoll. Issue: 24. Mary, b. 1724; m. 1751, John, son of Jas. Mott. And other children. (15) PETER TITUS, son of Edmond (3) ; b. 1674, d. 23 of 10 mo., 1753 ; m. Martha, d. 10 of 12 mo., 1753, dau. of Col. John Jackson. Issue: 25. James, m. Jane Seaman. 26. John. +27. Richard, m. Mary, dau. of Dr. Chas. Peters (i), 28. Elizabeth, m. Henry Townsend. 29. Peter, m. Mary Scudder. 30. Robert. {27) RICHARD TITUS, son of Peter (15) ; m. by lie, 8 April, 1736, Mary. dau. of Dr. Charles Peters (i). Issue: 31. Charles P. +32. Peter. 33. Mary. 34. Zipporah. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 323 (32) PETER TITUS, son of Richard (27); m. by lie, 3 Jan., 1761, Elizabeth Mudge. Issue: 35. Mary, m. Leonard Seaman. 26. Sarah, m. Oliver Hewlett. 37. Phebe, m. Jacob Carle. -(-38. Michael, m. Alice Hicks. 39. Margaret, m. Whitehead Hicks. (38) MICHAEL TITUS, son of Peter (32); m. Alice Hicks. Issue : 40. William H., m. Eliza Mott. And other children. (33) MARY TITUS, dau. of Richard {27) ; m. 20 Dec, 1 76 1, Richard Townsend. Issue: 41. Richard Townsend, m. by lie, 20 April, 1781, Mary Hew- lett. 42. Mary Townsend, m. Samuel Titus. COLES FAMILY ^ (1) ROBERT COLES, b. in Eng., came to New England, 1630, and d. before 1656. In 1632 was member of the first rep- resentative body from Roxbury, Mass. He removed to R. I. and is said to have died in 165 1 at Providence, where an order of the court was issued for the distribution of his estate. His wife Mary survived him, and removed with her 2d husband, Matthias Har- vey, to Oyster Bay, L. I. Issue : 2. John, d. 1676; m. Ann. +3. Daniel, d. 1692; m. Maer Gorton (prob. Martha). 4-4. Nathaniel, b. 1640 ; m. 1677, Martha Jackson. -I-5. Robert, d. 1715; m. 1670, Mercy, dau. Nicholas Wright. 6. Ann, m. Henry Townsend.* 7. Elizabeth, m. John Townsend.* *Gene. of Coles Family, by F. T. Coles, states that Henry and John Townsend were sons of Thos., of Lynn, Mass., and that they settled in Oyster Bay, L. I. 324 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 8. Deliverance, m. Richard Townsend. 9. Sarah, m. Capt. Thomas Townsend. Authority for Nos. 2-8, Austin's Gene. Diet. R. I. Authority for No. 9, MSS. of Geo. W. Cocks, Glen Cove, L. I. Mary, his wife, was prob. a dau. of Rev. Sampson Hauxhurst, Vicar of Nuneaton, Eng. She d. 2 Nov., 1684 (MSS. G. W. Cocks), and was prob. a sister of Christopher Hauxhurst, of O. Bay. (2) JOHN COLES, son of Robert (i) ; m. Ann , who survived him and m. about 1683 Wm. Lynes. Will in her favor. Release to her son Solomon in 1683. J (3) DANIEL COLES, son of Robert (i); b. 1642, d. 9 Nov., 1692; m,, according to Austin, Mahershallalhasbaz (prob. Martha), dau. of Samuel and Elizabeth Gorton, of R. I. Set- tled in Oyster Bay, L. L Issue: ID. Samuel. II. Benjamin. -f-i2. Joseph. 13. Susannah. 14. Anne. 15. Mary. 16. Dinah. 17. Sarah. His will (Lib. B, p. 289 Conveyances, Oyster Bay) names be- sides children as above, sons-in-law Ichabod Hopkins and Derrick Albertson, and gr. son Samuel. 1693, Sept. 12, instrument executed to children: Sarah Hop- kins, Susannah Latting, Ann Coles, Josiah Latting, Mary Down- ing and Benj. and Jos. Coles, by Martha L. H. Coles (prob. his widow). (4) NATHANIEL COLES, son of Robert (i) ; b. 1640; d. about 1712, in Oyster Bay, L. I. ; m. ist, 30 Aug., 1667, Martha THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 325 Jackson, dau. of Robert.! She d. 17 Dec, 1668; m. 2d, Deborah Wright. (See under Hauxhurst Family, N. Y. G. & Biog. Rec., July, 1901, p. 174.) (5) ROBERT COLES, son of Robert (i) ; d. 16 April, 1715: m. T May, 1670, Mercy, d. 21 Oct., 1708, probably dau. of Nicholas Wright. Issue: + 18. Nathan, b. 18 March, 1672; m. Rachel, dau. of Hopkins. 19. Tamar, b. 18 May, 1673 ; m. 1690, Nathaniel Carpenter. 19a. Dorcas, b. 15 May, 1675. 20. Robert, b. 9 April, 1677; d. 12 June, 1703. 20a. John, b. 15 Nov., 1678. 20b. Charles, b. 4 March, 1679. 20c. Freegift, b. 1682; d. 1683. 2od. Mary, b. 30 March, 1686 ; m. Wm. Thorneycraft. 2oe. Mercy, m. Wm. Carpenter. (MSS. C. B. Moore.) 1689, Feb. 19, he was comm. by Gov. Leisler as Capt. of a Co. of Foot of Oyster Bay. (Rept. N. Y. State Historian, Vol. i, p. 409-) Will. 17 March, 1689, naming wife Mercy, cousin John Town- send, mv sister Ann's son, and my cousin Nathaniel Coles, my brother's son. Codicil 27 July. 1712, sons Nathan and John, execs. (12) JOSEPH COLES, of Mosquito Cove, L. L, son of Daniel (3) ; b. 1675, d. 20 May, 1767. ae. 92, at Glen Cove, L. L; m. Temperance, dau. of David Valentine or Derrick Albertson.* Issue: 21. Caleb. 22. Albert. 23. Joseph. +24. Daniel. tSee American Ancestry, Vol. 10, p. 83. *Jos. Coles (12), will prob. 5 Jan.. 1769; ex. his bro.-in-law, Derrick Albertson. r /- 1 1 a Munsell's Am. Ancestry says he m. Elizabeth, dau. of Caleb and Elizabeth Wright. 326 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 25. Anna, m. John Weeks. 26. Jemima, m. Rushmore. 26a. Phebe. 26b. Amelia. 26c. Derrick. 26d. William. 26e. Benjamin. 26f. Rachel, m. Wm. Hopkins. See under David Valentine (supra), who names his gr. dau., Phebe Coles. Will, 5 Aug., 1768; prob. 5 Jan., 1769; ex. his bro. -in-law. Derrick Albertson, and friend Jacob Albertson. (18) NATHAN COLES, son of Robert (5) ; b. 18 March, 1672; m. 21 Feb., 1691, Rachel, b. 12 April, 1672, dau. of Hopkins. Issue : 26a. Anne, b. 3 Dec, 1692; m. Saml. Cheeseman, of West. Co. (Will 1722.) 26b. Charity, b. i Sept., 1695 ; m. David Valentine. 26c. Deborah, b. 10 Jan., 1697; m. Benj. Carpenter. 26d. Content, b. 25 April, 1700. 26e. Rachel, b. 15 Jan., 1703. 26f. Martha, b. 4 Nov., 1706 ; m. 4 April, 1726, John Latting. 26g. A dau., prob. m. Jos. Horton. 26h. A dau., prob. m, Wm. Mudge, gr. son of Coles Mudge. (24) DANIEL COLES, son of Joseph (12); b. 1713; d. 24 Oct., 1804, ^t Cedar Swamp, L. I. ; m. Ann, dau. of Benjamin Carpenter and his wife Mercy, dau. of Robert Coles (5).t Issue: -I-27. Jacob, b. 3 March, 1743 ; m. Sarah, dau. of Daniel Cock. +28. Isaac, b. 6 Nov., 1746; m. Keziah, dau. of Henry Whit- son. (27) JACOB COLES, son of Daniel (24) ; b. 3 March, 1743 ; d. 3 June, 1808. Lived at Duck Pond, near Glen Cove, L. I. M. prob. 1765, Sarah, dau. of Daniel Cock, of Duck Pond. fCarpenter Genealogy. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 327 She b. 6 of 3 mo,, 1748; d. 18 of 9 mo., 1798. (See Cock family.) Issue: 30. Sarah, b. 18 of 9 mo., 1766; m. Isaac, son of Thomas Titus. 31. Anne, b. 23 Augf., 1768; d. 22 April, 1855; m. Divine Hewlett (122). +32. Daniel C, b. 24 May, 1771 ; d. 27 Dec, 1827. -I-33. Amelia, b. 7 of 5 mo., 1773; d. 1799; m. Benjamin Hicks.5 34. Loretta, b. 2 of 4 mo., 1775 ; d. 10 of i mo., 1802 ; m. Richard Kelsey. Issue: Loretta, b. 1800; d. 2 Dec, 1878. -(-35. Solomon, b. i of 5 mo., 1778; d. 31 of 10 mo., 1834. 36. Jacob, b. 15 of 12 mo., 1780; d. 5 Sept., 1798. 37. Ethelinda, b. 9 of 7 mo., 1782; m. Hewlett Townsend. 38. Martha, b. 5 of 8 mo., 1784; m. William M. Hewlett. 39. Phebe, b. 22 of 5 mo., 1792 ; d. 7 of 9 mo., 1793. 40. Joshua, b. 21 of 4 mo., 1794; d. 28 of 8 mo., 1798. (28) ISAAC COLES, son of Daniel (24) ; b. 6 Nov., 1748; d. 5 Dec, 1819; m. 5 March, 1777, Keziah, b. 1753, d. 6 July, 1788, dau. of Henry and Hannah (Powell) Whitson. Issue: -f-4i. Thomas, b. 11 April, 1782; d. 26 Jan., 1859. (32) DANIEL COCK COLES, son of Jacob (27); m. Eleanor, dau. of John Kashow, and niece of Margaret, wife of Samuel Mott. Issue: 41a. Jacob, m. Matilda Bedell ; 2d, Lydia Simonson. 41b. Silas ; unm. 41C. Sarah, m. Henry Eldert. 4id. John, m. Lydia Davis. 4ie. Solomon ; unm. 41 f. Joshua, m. Mary Jennings. 4ig. Daniel, m. Mary Van Cott. 4ih. Margaret, m. Thomas Clowes. 4ii. Elizabeth, m. Auning Maubry. §Son of Silas and Rachel (Seaman) Hicks. 328 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND (35) SOLOMON COLES, son of Jacob (27) ; b. i of 5 mo., 1778; d. 31 of 10 mo., 1834; m. Phebe, dau. of Samuel and Eliza- beth (Jimerson) Travis. Lived at Cold Spring Harbor, L. I. Issue : 42. Sarah, m. Capt. Bunce. 43. Ann, m. Valentine. 44. Daughter, d. unm. 45. Susan, m. Wm. H. Wood. (41) THOMAS COLES, son of Isaac (28); b. 11 April, 1782; d. 26 Jan., 1859; m. 15 Nov., 1808, Amelia, b. 28 Sept., 1789, d. April, 1878, dau. of Divine Hewlett. Issue: 46. Isaac, b. 7 Jan., 1817; d. 3 Nov., 1897; m. 20 Nov., 1845, Mary, b. 1821, d. 5 June, 1895, dau. of Richard and Mary (Titus) Willets. Issue: Thomas H., Isaac R., Franklin A. and Oscar L. 47. Sarah Amelia, m. Wm. W. Wood. 48. William Hewlett, b. 1832 ; d. 2 March, 1900, (33) AMELIA COLES, dau. of Jacob (27) ; b. 7 of 5 mo., 1773 ; m. 22 Feb., 1763, Benjamin, son of Silas and Rachel (Sea- man) Hicks. Issue: Sarah, m. Saml. Willets. Jacob. TREDWELL FAMILY COL. BENJAMIN TREDWELL, b. 1702; d. Sept., 1782; m. first, 25 Aug., 1727, Phebe, dau. of Epenetus Piatt, of Huntington, L. I. Issue: Benjamin, b. 11 May, 1735; d. 19 June, 1830. M. 2d, 6 Jan., 1739, Sarah Allen. Issue: William (M. D.), b. 19 Oct., 1744. BENJAMIN TREDWELL, son of Col. Benjamin, b. 11 May, 1735; d. 19 June, 1830; m. 7 Dec, 1762, Elizabeth, dau. of Rev. Samuel Seabury, of Hempstead (sister of the Bishop). BENJAMIN TREDWELL, son Benjamin; b. 6 May, 1770; THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 329 d. 16 Nov., 1855 ; m. 13 May, 1803, Rebecca, dau. of Richard Hewlett. TIMOTHY TREDWELL, son of Benjamin and Rebecca, b. 25 Feb., 1848 ; m. 10 June, 1874, Anne M., dau. of Henry T. Hew- lett, of Great Neck, L. I. WILLI A^I TREDWELL (M. D.), son of Col. Benjamin and his 2d wife Sarah, was b. 19 Oct., 1744; d. 15 June, 1818; m. 29 Dec, 1767, Sarah, b. 6 Dec, 1751 ; d. 12 May, 1806, dau. of Valentine Hewlett Peters. Issue: James (M. D.). Henry b. 6 March, 1771 ; d. 21 March, 1813; m. Sarah, dau. of Lawrence Hewlett. William, and others. SAMUEL TREDWELL, of Success, L. I.; m. by lie, 21 Nov., 1764, Susannah, dau. of Benjamin Hewlett. Issue, as by his will, prob. 18 June. 1782: William, Elizabeth and Susannah. His will names as exs. his father-in-law, Benjamin Hewlett, his brother, Benjamin Tredwell, and his bro.-in-law, Uriah Piatt. COCK FAMILY OF OYSTER BAY (1) JAMES COCK came from Setauket, L. I., to Oyster Bay in 1662. Will, 23 July, 1699 : probate 10 of 11 mo., 1699 ; m. Sarah, d. 16 Oct., 1715. (Register of children in Friends Records, 20th St. Meeting House, N. Y. City. See N. Y. Gene. & Biog. Rec, about 1880.) (2) JOHN COCK, son of James (i) : b. 22 Nov., 1666; d. 1716 Will, 1716; m. 1st, ; m. 2d, Dorothy, will, 31 Jan., 1739, dau. of Richard and Elizabeth (Potter) Harcurt, of R. I. (3) DANIEL COCK, son of John (2) ; b. 5 Aug., 1699; will prob. 1778; m., 1748, Sarah, dau. of Thomas Rushmore* and ♦Thomas Rushmore, at Hempstead, 1698. Issue: Ann, Martha, Thomas, John, Sarah. 1698 on Hempstead census list. ai 330 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND wife Sarah ; m. 2d, 1765, Susannah, dau. of (prob.) Ogden, and had a dan. Sarah, who m. Jacob Coles (28). MSS. of G. W. Cocks states he m. 2d Susannah Prince, widow of Joseph Youngs, HEWLETT FAMILY Crest: — An owl's head erased and a£frontee arg. ducally gorged or. Family tradition states that "George Hewlett, the first of his name in America, was a judge of the Court under Cromwell's Commonwealth who refused allegiance to Charles II. and fled to America with his four sons, Daniel, George, Lewis and John. They settled at Merrick, on the south side of L. 1., where Daniel, the eldest son, succeeded to the homestead and left five sons and three daughters. George settled on Great Neck, L. I., and left three sons and two daughters. Lewis settled on Cow Neck, and left two sons and five daughters, and John settled at Rockaway and left two sons and four daughters, and from this John are de- scended all the Hewletts of L. I." Another tradition recites that "George Hewlett came to L. I. with his brothers John and Lewis, and settled on Riker's Island, but were driven away by the Indians to L. I., where, excepting George, all died without issue." Thompson's L. I. states he "mar- ried the widow of Guisbert Riker," but of this we can find no proof. There were many Hewletts in the New England Colonies at any early period. One Thomas went to Ipswich, Mass., with John Winthrop, Jr., in 1633. (Shurtliff's Mass. Hist. Reeds, i, p. 103). Another, one William, came to Virginia in 1635, ^ ^9^ from Lon- don. (Hotton's Original Lists.) In 1664 Gov. Wm. Coddington came from Rhode Island to Monmouth Co., N. J., bringing with him George Hulate, "then in his employ." Gov. Coddington returned to R. I., and Hulate became one of the early settlers of Monmouth Co., N. J. In 1675 warrants were issued to the proprietors for the location of their lands, and George Hewlett and his wife's share was 240 acres, (Salter's Monmouth Co.) Austin's Gene. Dictionary of R. I. states that his wife was THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 331 Mary, b. 1647, dau- of Robert Taylor of R. I. The N. J. Archives, Vol. I, p. 51, name him on 27 Feb., 1667, as then Hving in Nave- sink. By one account he had a dau. EHzabeth, who in 1694 m. Geo. Allen, of Shrewsbury. We cannot identify him as the first George Hewlett, of L. I., but believe him to be a near relative. An early Louis Hewlett (claimed by the compiler of the Peters Gene, to have been the ancestor of the Long Island fam- ily) came to New Amsterdam from Buckinghamshire, Eng. In 1644 he was ordered by the Dutch to prove that one Jas. Bier was his servant. (Trans. Dutch MSS., Albany, Vol. IV., Part i, p. 199.) On 15 Aug., 1646, he m. Helena Appelgate, widow of Thos. Farrington. (N. Y. Gene. & Biog. Rec. 6. p. 37. Reeds. New Amsterdam, Vol. i, p. 235.) This was his 2d wife. He m. 3d, 1648 (according to Peters Gene., p. 9) Marwyn, of Eng., and had issue: Jane, m. Adam Mott ; John, Lewis and George, the latter of whom by the same authority is identified as the first George Hewlett, of Hempstead, L. I., who m. Mary Bayles. This we must regard as an error, as the first George of Hempstead was born in 1634 and could not have been a son of Louis, at least by his 3d marriage. JENNE HULET, of Buckingham, Eng. (prob. dau. of Louis, above named), m. 28 July. 1647, Adam Maet (so spelled), mean- ing Mott of Essex, Eng. (N. Y. Gene. & Biog. Rec. 6, p. 37.) (See under Lieut. Adam Mott (i).) ( I ) GEORGE HEWLETT, of Hempstead, L. I., ancestor of the Long Island Hewletts, b. 1634, d. 1722; m. 1680, Mary b. 1654 d. 1733, dau. of John and Rebecca Bayles, of Jamaica, L. I. She is named in her father's will dated 18 Oct. 1682, Liber i, p. 451, N. Y. City. (See N. Y. Gene. & Biog. Rec. 4, p. 199.) He and his wife Mary were buried in the "Old Town Burying Ground" at Hempstead. Their headstones are simply marked G. H. 1722. M. H. 1733, ge. 78. In 1681 his wife, then giving her age as 2'] years, was witness in a lawsuit in Hempstead. (Hemp. Reeds., Vol. i, p. 373.) He first appears in the Hempstead Reeds, in 1^)57, and after held various local offices. In 171 5 he was in Capt. Joshua Cor- 332 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND nell's Co. of Foot in Queens Co. (N. Y. State Hist. MSS., LX., p. 6i.) Issue: -\-2. George, d. about 1770 ; m. Hannah Smith. +3. John, d. 1717; m. Mary Smith. 4. Mary, d. 1744; m. Dr. Chas. Peters. -I-5. Lewis, b. 1686. +6. Daniel, b. 1689; d. 1757; m. Sarah, b. 1697, dau. of Col. John Jackson (7) and Elizabeth Hallett. (2) GEORGE HEWLETT, son of George (i) ; d. about 1770 ; m. Hannah Smith. (According Van Wyck family MSS., of Great Neck, L. L) Issue: +7. George, d. 1778; m. Hannah Emery. 8. Hannah, b. 1712; d. 1798; m. John C. Toflfey, b. 1705, d. 1792. +9. Benjamin, b. 1715, d. 1782; m. I737(?)» Susannah, b. 1717, d. 1802, dau. of Jonathan Whitehead and Sarah Field. 4-10. Joseph, d. 1777 ; m. Deborah, dau. of John Willets. 11. Phebe, b. 1721 ; d. 1757; not married. 12. Rebecca. 13. Mary, b. 1725; d. 1804; m. Oct. 9, 1752, Joseph, b. 1731, d. 181 5, son of Joseph Kissam and Deborah White- head. 1742 was Justice of the Peace. Will, 15 Sept., 1756, prob. 26 June, 1770. Liber 27, p. 534, N. Y. City. (3) JOHN HEWLETT, son of George ( i ) ; b. before 1683 ; d. 1717-18 ; m. Mary Smith, who before or after was the wife of Jones, of N.J. (MSS. C. B. Moore.) Issue: + 14. John, b. 1702, d. 1790; m. 1728, Hannah, b. 1697, d. 1787, dau. of Col. John Jackson and Elizabeth Hallett. 15. Mary, m. John Jones, of N. J. Tradition says he had two sons and four dauo. (5) LEWIS HEWLETT, son of George (i) ; b. 1686; m. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 333 first, 1710, Grace, b. 1686, dau. of Saml. Hallett; m. 2d, Hannah, b. 1699, d. 1750, dau. of Daniel Kissam. Issue: -|-i6. Samuel, b. 1712; d. 1800; m. 19 Nov., 1775, Ruth, b. 1751, d. 1837, dau. of William Willis and Mary Townscnd. 17. Mary, b. 1713, d. 23 June, 1781 ; m. about 1744, Francis, b. 171 5, d. 1797, son of Francis Davenport and Martha Newberry. 18. Sarah, b. 1715; m. 8 April, 1740, Joshua Carman. + 19. James, b. 1717, d. 1805; m. ist, Sarah, dau. of Adam Lawrence ; m. 2d, Oct. 25, 1772, Jemima, b. 173^ 1741, dau. of Saml. Jackson and Mary Townsend. 20. Phebe, b. 1719; m. 1761, John, b. 1715, d. 1790, son of Caleb Cornell. 21. Ruth, b. 1721 ; m. Nov. 2, 1749, William Cornell, b. 1721, d. 1797, son of Caleb. 22. Martha, b. 1723: m. 13 Feb., 1750, John Cornell, same who m. her sister Phebe (his 2d wife). 23. Hannah, b. 1725; m. 22 Oct., 1758, Joshua Cornell, b. 1726, d. 1800. Lewis Hewlett (5) lived at the head of Cow Bay (now Man- hasset) on land lately owned by Henry T. Hewlett. (6) DANIEL HEWLETT, son of George (i) ; b. 1689, d. 1757-8; m. Sarah, b. 1697, d. 1765, dau. of Col. John Jackson (7) and Elizabeth Hallett. Lived at Merrick, L. I. Issue: -t-24. Daniel, d. 1778; m. 1737, Elizabeth Dusenbury. 25. Sarah, m. 19 Feb., 1738, Timothy Townsend, son of Richard. +26. George, b. 1723 ( ?), d. 1787; m. 13 Jan., 1754, Elizabeth, b. 1724, d. 1794, dau. of Thos. Williams and his first wife. 4-27. Richard (the Colonel), b. 1729, d. 1789; m. 1753, Mary, b. 1734, d. 1 81 9, dau. of John Townsend and Phebe Carmen, -■-28. Stephen (the Capt.), b. 1734, d. 1809; "i- 1761, Hannah Hewlett, dau. of James and Sarah. 29. Jemima, b. 1738, d. 1821 ; m. 12 Nov., 1766. Capt. Ben- jamin Hewlett, b. 1739, d. 1829, son of Benjamin. 334 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 30. Mary, in. April 9, 1761, William, son of Israel Horsfield. +31. John, d. 1797; m. 1766, Anne, b. 1737, d. 1799, dau. of Justice John Jackson ( 16) and Kezia Alott. Will, 5 Aug., 1757 ; prob. 3 April, 1758. (Liber 20, p. 498, N. Y. City.) Sarah (his widow), will 20 June, 1765; prob, 29 Oct., 1765. (7) GEORGE HEWLETT, son of George (2) ; d. 1778 ; m. Hannah Emery. Issue: +32. William, b. 1744, d. 1781 ; m. 1762, Phebe Kirby. -I-33. Richard, b. 1746, d. 1794; m. 6 April, 1778, Martha Car- man, b. 1752, d. 1835. 34. Emery, b. 1754; m. Mary Baker. 35. Hannah, b. 1755-8; d. 1821-4; m. 4 March, 1778, Richard Hewlett, son of Col. Richard and Mary Townsend. Will, 12 Feb., 1778; prob. 10 Nov., 1778. (9) BENJAMIN HEWLETT, son of George (2) ; b. 171 5. d. 1782; ni. 1738, Susannah Whitehead, b. 1717, d. 1802. Issue: +36. Benjamm (the Capt.), b. 1738, d. 18 Aug., 1829; m. 1766, Jemima, b. 1738, d. 3 Feb., 182 1, dau. of Daniel Hew- lett and Sarah Jackson. -i-37. George, b. 1740, d. 1824; m. 1766, Susannah, b. 1748, d. 1806, dau. of Dr. Chas. Peters and Jeane Denton. 38. John. 39. Rebecca, bapt. i May, 1743; m. 1764, John Mitchell. 40. Susannah, b. 1744, d. 1808; m. ist, Saml. Treadwell ; m. 2d, Daniel Stevenson. 41. Deborah, bapt. 1748; m. 6 Dec, 1785, Saml. Wooley. 42. Hannah, b. 1752, d. 1809; unm. 43. Jane, b. 1754; m., 1793, John Mitchell. 44. Sarah, bapt. 1764; m.. 1807, Richard Townsend, son of Timothy and Sarah Hewlett.* Will, 13 Aug., 1782: prob. 3 Oct., 1782. *Richard Townsend m. ist, 1775, Deborah Underbill; m. 2d, 1781, Mary, dau. of Geo. Hewlett; m. 3d, 1807, Sarah, dau. of Benj. Hewlett. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 335 (10) JOSEPH HEWLETT, son of George (2) ; d. 20 Oct., 1777 ; m. Deborah, dau. of John Willets. Lived at Great Neck, L. I. Issue : 45. Siisannali, b. lO Nov., 1761 ; d. i March, 1773. 4-46. Lawrence, b. 1750, d. 17 Feb., 1790; m., 1777, Charity, dau. of Dr. Charles Peters. 47. EHzabcth : m. 20 Feb., 1774. Newberry Davenport, son of Francis and Mary Hewlett. 48. Helena ; ni. 1772, John Boyd. Will, 28 Sept., 1777 ; pi"ob. 7 Nov., 1777. (14) JOHN HEWLETT, of East Woods (now Wood- bury), L. L, son of John (3) ; b. 1702, d. 5 March, 1790; m. 3 Sept.. 1728, Hannah, b. 1697, d. 3 March, 1787, dau. of Col. John Jackson and Elizabeth Hallett. Issue : +49. John (Esq.) b. 16 Feb., 1731 ; d. 4 April, 1812; m. 29 June, 175 1, Sarah, b. 27 March, 1736; d. 9 Sept., 1808, dau. of Ruemourn Townsend. 50. Hannah, b. 26 April, 1734; d. 16 May, 1808; m. 3 Sept., 1766, Samuel, b. 15 Aug., 1739; d. 5 Nov., 1810, son of Barent Van Wyck. +51. Charles (the Capt.), b. 2 Aug., 1742; d. 18 Jan., 1801 ; m., 1770, Martha, b. 24 Nov., 1748; d. 18 June, 1829, dau. of Francis Davenport and Mary Hewlett. 52. Mary, b. 16 June, 1737 ; d. 23 Oct., 1771 ; m. i Nov., 1767, Jacques Cortelyou, son of Peter and Agnes De Hart. 53. Martha, b. 1745, d. 1808; m. 20 Dec, 1773, Benjamin, b. 1 753) son of Joseph Kissam and Mary Hewlett. 54. Elizabeth, bapt. 20 May, 1736; m. Thos. Valentine. 54a. Ruth, bapt. 20 May, 1736. (N. Y. Gene. & Biog. Rec. 9, p. 187.) '775 Justice of the Peace. He was buried in the family burying ground on his place, on a small hill called Mount Nebo. He was Superintendent of Forage on L. I. during the Rev. War, and one of the first orders issued by the British while in possession of N. Y. City was to John Hewlett, Esq.. of Long Island, by Commissary General James Christie, on Oct. 2, 1776, "to seize all the cattle of the Rebels who 336 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND have left their habitations and bring them to me."' (See "The Market Book," p. 163. See also the New York Packet, 20 Feb., 1786.) (16) SAMUEL HEWLETT, son of Lewis (5); b. 1712, d. 1800; m., 1775, Ruth, b. 1751, d. 1837, ^^^- o^ William Willis and Mary Townsend. Issue: 55. Lewis S., b. 1776, d. 1846; m. ist, 1802, Hannah, b. 1777, d. 1812, dau. of Lieut, Danl. Hewlett and Mary Mott. M. 2d, 1817, Phebe, dau. of Archibald Cornell. 56. Samuel, ist, b. 1777, d. 1781. 57. Phebe, b. 1779, d. 22 June, 1863; "^v 1819, Walter Jones (HI. 13), his 2d wife, son of William (II. 7). 58. James, b. 1780, d, 1805. 59. Samuel, 2d, b. 1782; m., 1822, Mary V. W., dau. of Isaac Hewlett and Rhoda Van Wyck. 60. William H., b. 1784, d. 1866; m. ist, 1812, Martha, dau. of Thos. Thorne; m. 2d, 1852, Susan Armstrong. (19) JAMES HEWLETT, son of Lewis (5) : b. 1717, d. 1805 ; m. 1st, Sarah, dau. of Adam Lawrence. Issue: 61. Hannah, b. 1741, d. 1800; m., 1761, Capt. Stephen Hew- lett, b. 1734. 62. Katharine, bapt. 1745, d. infancy. M. 2d, 25 Oct., 1772, Jemima Jackson, dau. of Samuel and Mary Townsend. No issue. (24) DANIEL HEWLETT, son of Daniel (6); d. 1778; m., 1737, Elizabeth Dusenbury. Issue: 63. Jane, m. 1760, Benj. Creed. 64. Daniel (the Lieut), d. 1816; m. 22 Jan., 1769, Mary Mott, b. 1744, d. 1804. 65. Elizabeth, m. 28 Dec, 1766, Adam Mott. 66. William, m. 16 June, 1769, Elizabeth Dusenbury. 67. John, b. 1765, d. 1843 ; m., 1790, Martha Denton, b. 1772, d. 1841. (26) GEORGE HEWLETT, son of Daniel (6) ; b. 1723, THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 337 bapt. 7 June, 1733, d. 1787; m. ist, 1754, Elizabeth, b. 1724, d. 1794, dau. of Thos. Williams. Issue: 68. Anne, b. 1755, d. 1824; m., 1774, Hewlett Townsend, son of Timothy and Sarah Hewlett. 69. Mary,* b. 1758, d. 1805 ; m., 1781, Richard Townsend, son of Timothy. 70. George, b. 1763; d. 1847; m. ist, Jane, dau. of Valentine Williams; m. 2d, 1825, Phoebe (Hewlett) Jones, b. 1774, d. 1841, widow of Townsend Jones, and dau. of Capt. Chas. Hewlett (no issue). (^2-]) RICHARD HEWLETT (the Colonel), son of Dan- iel (6) ; b. I Nov., 1729; d. 1789; m., 1753, Mary Townsend, b. 1734, d. 1819, dau. of John and Phebe Carman. Issue: 71. Phoebe, b. 1754, d. 1793; m., 1774, Jacob Hicks, son of John. 72. Richard, b. 1755, d. 1836; m., 1778, Hannah Hewlett, dau. of George. 73. Thomas (Capt.), d. 1780; unm. 74. Mary, b. 1785, d. 1831 ; m., 1777, Stephen Hicks, son of John. 75. Jane, b. 1761, d. 1826; m. 9 Nov., 1777, Samuel Cornell, son of William, and Mary Mott, his wife. 76. Oliver, b. 1762, d. 1833; m., 1786, Sarah, dau. of Peter Titus. ']']. Ruth, m., 1785, Richard Townsend, son of Richard and Mary. 78. Sarah, m. John Van Nostrand. 79. Hannah, m. ist, 1785, Geo. Watts ; 2d, Peter Henderson. 80. Charlotte, b. 1770. d. 1794; m. Thos., son of John Leon- ard. 8t. Joseph, b. 1772, d. 1821 ; m. Clarissa, dau. of Ephraim Winslow. Lived at East Rockaway, L. I., and died in Gagetown, New Brunswick. (28) CAPT. STEPHEN HEWLETT, son of Daniel (6) ; ♦Mary was 2d wife of Richard Townsend. He was a son of Richard and Mary Titus. (Bunker 125.) 338 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND b. 1734, d. 1839; m., 1761, Hannah Hewlett, dau. of James and Sarah. She b. 1744, d. 1803. (31) JOHN HEWLETT, son of Daniel (6), bapt. 7 June, 1733 ; d. 1797 ; m., 24 Aug., 1766, Anne Jackson, b. 1737, d. 1799, dau. of John and Kezia (Mott). (N. Y. Gene. & Biog. Rec. XHL, p. 141.) Issue: 82. Daniel, b. 1767, d. 1809. 83. Sarah, b. 1768, d. 1799; m., 1797, Jacob Seaman, son of Thos. 84. Hannah, b. 1770; m., 1791, Hermones Lott. 85. Jemima, b. 1771, d. 1797. 86. Nancy, b. 1773, d. i860. 87. John J., b. 1776, d. 1862; m. ist, Elizabeth Hewlett; m. 2d, Jane Hewlett ; m. 3d, Jemima Hewlett, daus. of Wm. and Elizabeth Hewlett. 88. Stephen, b. 1778, d. 1803. 89. George, b, 1780, d. 1803. (32) WILLIAM HEWLETT, son of George (7) ; b. 1744, d. 1781 ; m., 1762, Phoebe Kirby. Issue: 90. Isaac, m. Anne Wheaton. 91. Samuel, m. Charlotte Kipp, dau. of James. 92. Rosannah. 93. Phoebe. 94. Hannah, m. Benjamin H. Hewlett, son of George and Susannah. Removed to Westchester Co. (33)RICHARD HEWLETT, son of George (7), b. 1746, d. 1794; m., 1778, Martha Carman, b. 1772, d. 1835. Issue: 95. James. 96. Rebecca, b. 1779, d. 1852; m., 1804, Dr. Benjamin Tread- well. 97. Mary. 98. Richard, b. 1788, d. 1857; unm. (36) BENJAMIN HEWLETT (CAPT.), son of Benjamin THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 339 (9): b. 1738, cJ. 18 Aug.. 1829; m., 1766, Jemima Hewlett, b. 1738, d. 3 Feb., 1821, dau. of Daniel. Issue: 99. Stephen, b. 1767, d. 1849; m., 1788, Mary, dau. of Thos. Moore. 100. Lewis, b. 1769, d. 7 Aug., 1832; m., 1793, Jemima Bird- sail, dau. of Samuel. loi. Benjamin, b. 4 July, 1772; d. 2 Feb., 1846; m., 1799, Mary Sands, b. 1776, d. 10 Aug., 1831. T02. James, b. 6 May, 1775 ; d. 21 Dec, 1844; ""m. 103. Whitehead D.. b. 1779. d. i Sept.. 1817. (Called Daniel.) (37) GEORGE HEWLETT, son of Benjamin (9) ; b. 1740, d. 19 June, 1824; m., license, 1766, Susannah, b. 1748, d. 11 Jan., 1806, dau. of Dr. Chas. Peters and Jane (Denton). Issue: 104. Jane. b. 1769, d. 1794; m., 1789, Wm. Mitchell, b. 1761. 105. Susannah, b. 1772, d. 22 Aug., 1780. 106. George, m. Rebecca Wooley, dau. of Joseph, and had son George. 107. Charles P., b. 1778, d. 1791. + 108. Whitehead, b. 1784, d. 1845; "i. ist, Hannah Hewlett, dau. of William and Phebe ; m. 2d, 1831, Maria T. Mitchell. No. issue. 109. Mary. b. 1785, d. 185 1. -(-109a. Benjamin. (46) LAW^RENCE HEWLETT, of Great Neck. L. I., son of Joseph (10); b. 1750. d. 17 Feb.. 1790; m. 13 July, 1777, Charity, b. 25 Aug., 1756, d. 9 Jan., 1836, dau. of Dr. Charles Peters and Jane Denton. Charity P. H. m. 2d, 1796, Philip Allen, Jr. Issue: + 110. Sarah, b. 14 Jan., 1778; d. 20 July, 1817; m. Capt. Henry Treadwell, b. 1771, d. 1813. 111. Joseph L., b. 1780, d. 1849: m. ist. 1800, Hannah, dau. of Thos. Wicks ; m. 2d, Elizabeth, dau. of Abraham Van Wyck. 112. Elizabeth, b. 1782, d. 28 Sept.. 1783. 113. Susannah, b. 1784, d. i860; m., 1804. Henry W. Thorne. 114. John Willett, b. 1788, d. 31 July, 1793. 340 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 114a. Henry Willett, b. 1786, d. 1793. 114b. Charles, b. 1787. Will, 8 Jan., 1790; prob. 2 March, 1790. (Liber A, folio 68, Queens Co.) CHARITY (PETERS) HEWLETT, widow of Lawrence Hewlett (46) ; m. 2d, 20 Feb., 1796, Philip Allen, Jr. Issue: a. Charles P., b. 14 Sept., 1797. b. Sally M., b. 21 March, 1799; d. 11 May, 1836; m. 26 June, 1816, Newbury Davenport, b. 1785, son of Newbury Davenport and Elizabeth Hewlett (47), son of Francis and Mary Hewlett (17). (New Eng. Hist. & Gene. Reg. IX., p. 146.) NEWBURY DAVENPORT, b. 1785, and Sally M. Allen, had issue several children, one of whom, Sally M., m. 14 Jan., 1852, Cyrus Lawton, and had a dau., Anna Lawton, who m. 5 June, 1882, Samuel Van Wyck Jones, of Huntington, L. I. (49) JOHN HEWLETT, ESQ., son of John (14) ; b. 17 Feb., 1731 ; d. 4 April, 1812; m. 30 June, 1751, Sarah, b. 18 March, 1736; d. 9 Sept., 1808, dau, of Ruemourn Townsend and Mary Allen. Issue: 115. Townsend, d. in infancy. 116. Mary, b. 11 May, 1756; d. 20 Aug., 1819; m., 1773 (by license, 7 Jan., 1772), Isaac Youngs. -f-117. Townsend (Lieut.), b. 7 June, 1758; d. 6 Aug., 1832; m. I Feb., 1779, Margaret, b. 2 Aug., 1754; d. 21 March, 1825, dau. of William Jones (11. 7). -|-ii8. Isaac, b. 28 March, 1760; d. 16 May, 1838; m. 24 Feb., 1779, Rhoda, dau. of Capt. Abraham Van Wyck. 119. Hannah, b. 4 Feb., 1762; d. 9 Dec, 1850; m. 3 May, 1779, John Jones (III. 12), 120. Sarah, ist. 121. John, 1st, b. 1764, d. 1766. + 122. Divine, b. 5 Feb., 1767; d. 23 Oct., 1846; m. 25 May, 1786, Anne, b. 1768, d. 1855, dau. of Jacob Coles. 123. Sarah, 2d, b. 28 June, 1769; d. 14 June, 1772. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 341 124. Elizabeth, b. 15 March, 1771 ; d. 8 Dec, 1816; m. 9 May, 1785, Samuel Jones (IV. 10) (his first wife), son of William (III. 9). 125. Martha, b. 30 June, 1773 ; d, 8 June, 1781. -(-126. John, 2d, b. 3 Dec, 1775 ; d. 13 April, 1812; m. 31 Oct., 1797, Mary, b. 18 May, 1782; d. 18 July, 1848, dau. of Capt. Chas. Hewlett. Will, 14 Aug.. 181 1 ; prob. 8 April, 1812. Liber C, p. 202, Queens Co. Resided at Woodbury where his gr. son, John J. Hewlett, afterwards lived. Some account of him under John Jones (III. 12). Following the record of the marriage of John Hewlett (49) and Sarah Townsend in the family Bible of John Hewlett ( 14) , is this memorandum: First God hath endowed her with virtue. Her fortune given by her father £1,040 By her mother 500 By her stepfather Moyles 460 By heirship from her cousin, Noah Townsend. . . 1,000 £3,000 (51) CHARLES HEWLETT (CAPT.), son of John (14) ; b. 27 Aug., 1742 ; d. 18 June, 1801 ; m. 1770. Martha Davenport. b. 2 Jan., 1748 ; d. 18 June, 1829, dau. of Francis and Mary (Hew- lett). Issue: 127. Lewis, b. 4 Dec, 1770; d. i Sept., 1856; m., 1793, Eliz- abeth, b. 28 Oct., 1768; d. 2 June, 1838, dau. of Henry Wooley. 128. John C, b. 23 April, 1772; d. 10 Oct., 1827; m., 1804, Sarah, dau. of Divine Hewlett. 129. Phoebe T., b. 23 Feb., 1774: d. 8 June. 1841 : m. ist, Townsend Jones; m. 2d. George Hewlett, b. 1763, son of George. 130. Charles, b. 2 July. 1776; d. 1829: m. ist. 1807, Sarah Piatt, dau. of Benjamin ; m. 2d, Sarah Brush. 342 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 131. Hannah, b. 22 Feb., 1780; d. 19 Jan., 1856; unm. 132. Mary, b. 18 May, 1782; d. 18 July, 1848; m. 31 Oct., 1797, John Hewlett (126), b. 1775, son of John. 133. Henry, b. 19 April, 1784; d. 24 Oct., 1847; "^- 22 July, 1824, Mary Harper. 134. Frances, b. 31 Oct., 1786; d. 1856; m. Abitha Rhodes, b. 1774, d. 1850. 135. Newberry, b. 31 May, 1789; d. 12 Jan., 1821 ; m. Celesta Hicks, dau. of John M. -I-136. Martha, b. 14 May, 1793 ; d. 28 April, 1852 ; unm. ; intd. Grace Church Yard, Jamaica, L. I. (108) WHITEHEAD HEWLETT, son of George (37) ; b. 1784; d. 12 Oct., 1802; m. Mary Allen. Issue: 136a. Sarah Maria, m. 30 Oct., 182 — , Joshua H. Van Wyck. 136b. Susannah P., m. 17 Sept., 1826, Jas. H. Skidmore. 136c. Jane, m. 21 Dec, 1831, Wm. W. Kissam, M. D. I36d. Mary Anne, m. 27 April, 1835, Jas. H. Skidmore. (109a) BENJAMIN HEWLETT, son of George (37) ; m. first, Hannah Hewlett ; m. 2d, Maria Mitchell. (no) SARAH HEWLETT, dau. of Lawrence (46) ; b. 14 Jan., 1778; d. 20 July, 1817; m. Capt. Henry Tredwell, b. 1771, d. 1813. Issue: 1366, Henry. i36f. James. I36g. Edward L., b. 1808, d. 1873; m., 1837, Sarah V. W. Hewlett. I36h. Nancy. (Ill) JOSEPH L. HEWLETT, son of Lawrence (46) ; b. 12 July, 1780; d. 3 July, 1849; ^n- ist, 1800, Hannah, b. 1782, d. 8 March, 1816, dau. of Thomas and Abigail Wicks. Issue : + I36a. Joseph L., b. 4 Jan., 1809; d. 23 Dec, 1898 ; m. 20 Jan., 1836, Mary T. Cornell. 136b. Harriet W., b. i Nov., 1814; m. 23 May, 1838, Wm. N. Smith, son of Wm. M., of Gt. Neck. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 343 Thomas, b. and d. 1816. M. 2d, 1818, Elizabeth, b. 15 March, 1796; d. 29 Aug., 1875, dau. of Abraham and Zeruah Van Wyck. Issue: 136c. Sarah V. W., b. 1820; m. Edward L., son of Henry Treadwell. I36d. Ehzabeth, b. 5 Oct., 1822; d. 26 Dec, 1833; unm. I36e. Mary, b. 1824; d. unm. I36f. Susan M,, b. 2 March, 1827; d. 29 May, 1900; m. Samuel W. Jones. i36g. Abraham V. W., b. 1829. I36h. Helen, b. 30 May, 1833 ; d. 14 June, 1849. 136J. Josephine L., b. 1837, d. 1841 ; m. Van Wyck Wickes, Jr. Issue, 2 children. 136k. Cyrus, b. 23 May, 1839; d. 14 Feb., 1841. + 136I. George, b. 1841 ; m. Maria Livingston Wells. (117) LIEUT. TOWNSEND HEWLETT, son of John (49) ; b. 1758, d. 1832; m. i Feb., 1779, Margaret, b. 1754, d. 1825, dau. of William Jones (11. 7). Issue: 137. William Moyles, b. 1779, d. 1864; m., 1801, Martha, b. 1784, d. 1859, dau. of Jacob Coles. 138. John J., b. 1781, d. 1868; m., 1804, Mary, b. 1783, d. 1865, dau. of Townsend Willis. 139. Sarah, ist, b. 1783, d. 1784. 140. Phoebe, b. 1785, d. 1831. 141. Mary, b. 1788. m., 1808, Jacamiah Allen. 142. Sarah, 2d. b. 1789, m. ist, Walter Frost, b. 1775 ; m. 2d, Jacob Tilley, 143. Hannah, b. 1793, d. 1845; unm. (118) ISAAC HEWLETT, son of John (49) ; b. 28 March,, 1760: d. 16 May, 1838; m. 24 Feb., 1779, Rhoda, b. Sept. 11, 1762 : d. 6 June, 1852, dau. of Capt. Abraham Van Wyck. Issue: 144. Elizabeth, b. 8 Sept., 1780; d. 12 Nov., 1864; m. 11 Feb., 1798, WiUiam H. Jones (IV. 25), son of John (IIL 12). + 145. John V. W., b. 22 Feb., 1783; d. 15 Dec, 1863; m., 1807, Mary, dau. of Peter Waters. 344 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 146. Sarah V. W., b. 20 July, 1787; d. 16 April, 1871 ; unm. 147. Isaac, b. II July, 1789; d. 15 Sept., 1856, at Omaha, Neb.; m. Juliana Lewis, b. 1791. 148. Mary V, W., b. 14 May, 1793 ; m., 1822, Samuel, b. 1782, son of Samuel Hewlett. T49. Martha, b. 28 July, 1798; d. 13 March, i860; unm. Will, Lib. 7, p. 270, Suffolk Co. 150. Abraham V. W., b. i May, 1800; d. 28 July, 1855. -)-i5i. Alfred J., b. 9 May, 1807; d. 5 Aug., 1889; m. i Dec, 1840, Lydia Darling. 152. Oliver, b. 25 April, 1802; d. 10 May, 1867; unm. 152a. Van Wyck, b. 13 March, 1785 ; d. 15 Nov., 1790; unm. 152b. Van Wyck, 2d, b. 14 May, 1790. (See Alfred J. Hew- lett's (151) Bible.) Lived at Cold Spring Hbr., on east side of the Lower Mill Pond. Some account of under John Jones (HL 12). Will, 3 April, 1838; prob. 13 Feb., 1839 (Liber H, p. 31, Suffolk Co.), calls himself of Huntington; names wife Rhoda, daus. Sarah and Martha, and sons Abraham, Oliver and Alfred. (122) DIVINE HEWLETT (the Judge), son of John (49) ; b. 5 Feb., 1767, d. 23 Oct., 1846; m., 25 May, 1786, Anne Coles, b. 23 Aug., 1768, d. 22 April, 1855, dau. of Jacob Coles and Sarah Cock.* Issue: 153. Sarah, b. 22 Feb., 1788; d. 4 Sept., 1871 ; m. ist, 1804, John C. Hewlett, b. 1772, son of Capt. Charles ; m. 2d, 183 1, Judge Singleton Mitchell. 154. Amelia, b. 28 Sept., 1789; d. 7 April, 1878; m., 1808, Thomas Coles. 155. Loretta, b. 25 June, 1791 ; d. 27 Feb., 1838: m., 1810, John H. Jones. 156. Elizabeth, b. 22 Oct., 1792; d. 1870; m., 1818, Henry Scudder. 157. Martha, b. 16 March, 1795; d. 3 Mav, 1800. 158. A son, b. 18 June, 1797; d. 15 July, 1797, ae. 28 days. 159. Hannah, b. 17 Aug., 1798, d. 1884; m., 1819, Thomas, b. 1796, d. 1885, son of David Harrison. *Jacob Coles, b. 3 March, 1743; d. 3 June, 1808. Sarah Coles, b. 6 March, 1748; d. 18 Sept., 1798. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 345 + 160. Jacob C, b. 23 Sept., 1800; d. 28 Dec, 1879; m. 31 Dec, 1828. Elizabeth H. Jones, daii. of John Jones (IV, 32). i6r. Phoebe, b. 5 May, 1803; d. 22 Feb., 1807. + 162. John Divine, b. 30 Sept., 1805 ; d. 23 Nov., 1863 ; m. ist, 1829, Jane P. Townsend, b. 1806, d. 1832, dan. of Hewlett Townsend and Ethehna Coles. M. 2d, 1833, Elizabeth T. Townsend, b. 181 1, d. 1841, sister of Jane P. 163. William, b. 22 Aug., 1808; d. i860; unm. (Will, Liber 7, p. 253, Sufifolk Co.) 164. Margaret Ann, b. 16 June, 181 1 ; d. 1850; m., 1837, Ed- ward K. Bryar, b. 1814, d. 30 May, 1890, son of James. Some account of under John H. Jones (IV. 27). (126) JOHN HEWLETT, son of John (49), b. 3 Dec, 1775 ; d. 13 April, 1812; m. 31 Oct., 1797, Mary, b. 18 May, 1782; d. 18 July, 1848, dau. of Capt. Charles Hewlett and Martha Daven- port. Issue : 165. John, b. 25 June, 1799; d. 4 June, 1840. 166. Charles, b. 13 Aug., 1801 ; d. 1874; m., 1839, Phoebe J. Jones, b. 13 Dec, 1795; d. 3- Jan., 1873, dau. of John Jones (III. 12). + 167. Townsend, b. 21 Oct., 1803; m. Sarah Key. + 168. Samuel, b. 10 June, 1806; d. 21 Sept., 1876; m. 21 Jan., 1861, Catherine Key. + 169. Divine, b. 10 June, 1809; d. 1881 ; unm. 170. Martha, b. 21 March, 1812; d. 11 July, 1863; """''• Buried Grace Church Yard, Jamaica, L. I. i7aA. Catharine, prob. See under Divine Hewlett (169). ( 136a) JOSEPPI LAWRENCE HEWLETT, son of Joseph L. (ill) ; b. 4 Jan., 1809; d. 23 Dec, 1898; m. 20 Jan., 1836. Mary Tredwell Cornell, of Gt. Neck. L. L, b. 26 Jan., 1820; d. 23 Nov., 1899. Issue: 170B. Mary E., b. 6 Aug., 1838; d. 21 Feb., 1840. 17OC. Estelle, b. 30 March, 1845; "i- 16 June, 1869, Edward V. W. Rossiter. 170D. Joseph L., b. 18 Jan., 1843; d. 19 Jan., 1843. 17OE. Mary Cornell, b. 25 Nov., 1840; d. 6 Nov.. 1881. 22 346 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND (136I) GEORGE HEWLETT, of Gt. Neck, son of Joseph L. (in) ; b. 1841 ; m. Maria L. Wells. Issue: 170f. Grace. 17oG. Josephine. Removed to Huntington, L. I. (i45j JOHN VAN WYCK HEWLETT, of Woodbury, L. 1., son of Isaac (118) ; b. 22 Feb., 1783; d. 15 Dec, 1863; m. Mary, dau. of Peter Walters. She b. 3 Nov., 1786; d. 6 Feb., 1849. Issue : 170a. Louisa, b. 4 Sept., 1807; d. 22 May, 1863; m. Paul H. Borland, of Maryland, b. 8 Aug., 1802; d. 15 Feb., 1855- 170b. Julia, b. 15 Feb., 1809; d. 17 July, 1886. 1 70c. Susannah. 4-i7od. Abraham V. W., m. Jane Withensbusy, b. 1816, d. 1892. i7oe. Marian, b. 15 Sept., 1812; d. 17 March, 1892. -f i7of. Edgar, d. 30 Sept., 1853, ae. 43, 5, 3. i7og. Ruth. i7oh. Elizabeth. (151) ALFRED J. HEWLETT, son of Isaac (118) ; b. 6 May, 1807; d. 5 Aug., 1889; m. i Dec, 1840, Lydia Ann Darling, b. 9 Feb., 1813; d. 27 July, 1849. Issue: -f-i7oi. Jane Augusta, b. 6 Oct., 1841 ; m. 13 Aug., 1868, Jas. B. Simonson. 170J. Alfred Alonzo, b. 6 Jan., 1846; d. 31 Oct., 1848. 170k. William Divine, b. 8 April, 1848; d. 26 July, 1849. 170I. Edgar. ( i7oi) JANE AUGUSTA HEWLETT, and Jas. B. Simon- son (he b. 6 May, 1843), had issue: John H. Simonson, b. 24 Feb., 1871. Jas. B. S. was son of Geo. Simonson, of Norwich, L. I-, and his wife Eliza, dau. of Chas. Peters, of Oyster Bay, and his wife, Catharine Doughty. ( 160) JACOB C. HEWLETT, of Cold Spring Harbor, son THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 347 of Divine (122) ; b. 23 Sept., 1800; d. 28 Dec, 1879; m. 31 Dec., 1828, Elizabeth, b. 9 Dec., 1798; d. 13 Jan., 1869, dau. of John Jones (III. 12), and Hannah Hewlett. Issue: 171. Mary Elizabeth, b. 2 July, 1831 ; d. 1901 ; m. Townsend Jones (V. 82). -)■ 172. John Divine, b. 3 Feb., 1834; d. 1903; m. ist, 1863, Harriet Augusta, b. 1827, d. 20 Sept., 1865, dau. of Thos. Harrison and widow of James Eraser ; m. 2d, 19 June, 1872, Emma E. Labagh, dau. of Isaac Labagh. 173. Sarah E., b. 6 July, 1836; m., 1856, William E. Jones (V.83). 4 174. Walter R., b. 30 Sept., 1839; m,, 1866, Henrietta Muhl. 175. Phoebe A., b. 18 Feb., 1842; d. 27 March, 1870; m. 10 Nov., 1868, John E. Chase. Some account of under John Jones (III. 12). Some account of under Elizabeth Jones (IV. 32). Elizabeth, his wife; will, 6 Feb., 1866; prob. 16 March, 1869. (Lib. 10, p. 183, Suffolk Co.) (162) JOHN DIVINE HEWLETT, son of Divine (122) ; b. 30 Sept., 1805 ; d. 1863 ; m. ist, 1829, Jane, b. 1806, d. 1832, dau. of Hewlett Townsend. Issue: 176. Anna Jane, b. 183 1 ; m. William W. Wood. M. 2d, 1833, Elizabeth H. Townsend, b. 181 1, d. 1841, a sister of his first wife, Jane, Issue: 177. Elizabeth, b. 1835 ; d, 1836. 178. Emma. b. 1838. 179. Edward T., b. 1839; d. 1897; m. Eliza Marriott. ( 167) TOWNSEND HEWLETT, son of John ( 126) ; b. 2t Oct., 1803. Settled in the island of Abico, West Indies. M. Sarah Key, of that place. Issue : 179a. John A., m. in the West Indies and returned to L. I., and settled at Plain Edge, near Farmingdale, with his wife and children. 179b. Mary, m. Key. 348 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND (i68) SAMUEL HEWLETT, son of John (126); b. 10 June, 1806; d. 21 Sept., 1876; m. 21 Jan., 1861, Catharine Key, of Abico, West Indies, who survived him and m. again, Issue : 179c. Charles N., b. 25 June, 1874; d. 9 Oct., 1876. (169) DIVINE HEWLETT, son of John (126); b. 10 June, 1809; d. 1881. Will prob. 16 Jan., 1882 (Liber 15, p. 438, Suffolk Co.), naming following as legatees. He settled in South- ampton, L. I. : Nephew, John A. Hewlett (the son of my brother), and his children, nieces Elizabeth Sparks and her children ; Martha F. Key and her children, Mary Key, Jane Kates and Phoebe Saunders ; Solomon Divine Key, son of my niece, Martha F. Key, sister Catharine K. Worthington, Florence Key, dau. of my niece Martha F. Key, John A. Hewlett, son of my nephew, John A. Hewlett, and gr. son of my brother Townsend; Mary Key, dau. of my brother Townsend ; Hannah Ann Key. (I70d) ABRAHAM VAN WYCK HEWLETT, son of John V. W. (145); m. Jane Withensbury, b. 1816, d. 1892, of Conn. Issue: I79d. John. I79e. George. I79f. Walter R. I79g. Walter R., 2d. I79h. Susan L. ; m. Rev. John Faucett, Montclair, N. J. 179!. Jennie V. W. 179J. Fanny Cook. (I70f) EDGAR HEWLETT, son of John V. W. (145); b. 2y April, 1810; d. 30 Sept., 1853; m. Harriet, dau. of Richard CoUyer, of West Hills, L. I., uncle of Richard C. Collyer, of Wood- bury. Issue: 179k. Sarah E. ; m. Dudley Velsor, son of Charles, of Cold Spring Hbr. He survived her and m. 2d, a dau. of John Nichols, of same place. 179I. Mary W. ; m. Edward Bassett. 179m. Julia E. ; m. Edgar Sammis. I79n. A dau., d. 1843. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 349 ( 172) JOHN DIVINE HEWLETT, son of Jacob C. ( 160) ; b. 3 Feb., 1834; d. 1903; m. ist, 1863, Harriet Augusta, b. 1827, d. 20 Sept., 1865, dau. of Thomas Harrison and widow of James Fraser, Issue : 1790. A child. M. 2d, 19 June, 1872, Emma E. Labagh, dau. of Isaac, by whom he had no issue. He was for many years connected with the Atlantic Mutual Ins. Co., of N. Y. City, being its 3d Vice President from 1864 to 1875, when he retired to his place at Cold Spring Hbr., L. I. Vestryman of St. John's Church, and Warden. ( 174) CAPT. WALTER RESTORED HEWLETT, son of Jacob C. (160) ; b. 30 Sept., 1839; d- 4 Nov., 1904; m. 18 Sept., 1866, Henrietta, b. 17 March, 1844, dau. of Louis Muhl, of Germany, and his wife, Smith. His wife Henrietta was a niece of Dr. Rudolph Fernau, who d. in Fulda, Germany. Issue : 180. John Jacob, b. 26 June, 1867; d. 1870. 181. Walter Jones, b. 13 Jan., 1869; twin. 182. Thomas F., b. 13 Jan., 1869; d. 1870; twin. 183. Phoebe E., b. 23 Jan., 187 1 ; m. 9 June, 1906, Joseph Hewlett Willets. 184. Louis, b. 17 Nov., 1872. 185. Frederick W., b. 20 July, 1875 ; d. 18 Feb., 1876. 186. Robert, b. 27 May, 1877. 187. Henrietta A., b. 10 May, 1880. 188. Rudolph C, b. July, 1883. At the outbreak of the Civil War he organized a company of volunteers and entered the service as Capt. in the I02d Rcgt., Company C. He resigned on account of ill health and was hon- orably discharged on 27 Nov., 1862. The company was mustered into service 27 Nov., 1861, under the command of Col. Thos. Van Buren. Chas. E. Jayne, ist Lieut. ; Geo. T. Walters, 2i\ Lieut. (See Huntington Town Reeds. III., p. 529, pub. 1889.) 350 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND TOFFEY FAMILY JOHN TOFFEY, b. 1705, d. 1792; m. Hannah, b. 1712, d. 1798, dau. of George Hewlett. Issue : John. Georg-e. Mary ; m. Jos. Wooley, of Poughkeepsie. Rebecca ; m. Jas. Hutchins, of Hempstead. Phoebe ; m. Thos. Pell, of West. Co. Sarah; m. Thos. Smith. Levine; m. Saml. Searing. Daniel, m. Phebe. DANIEL TOFFEY, son of John ; m. Phebe Hewlett (prob. a Kirby and widow of Hewlett) . Issue : Mary; m. Smith. Phebe ; m. Schenck. Hannah ; m. Isc. Hagner, and had son : Judge Henry Hagner, of Jamaica, L. I. ^ MARY TOFFEY, dau. of Daniel ; m. Smith, and had dau. Lavinia; m. 2d, John L. Riker. REBECCA TOFFEY, dau. of John; m. Jas. Hutchins, of Hempstead. She left a will dated 17 Sept., 1810; prob. 11 Feb., 181 1 (C. P. 160, Queens Co.), naming sisters, Sarah Smith and Levina Pearsoll ; brother, George Toffey ; nephews, Richard and George Smith ; nieces, Rebecca Hewlett, and her son, Geo. Hew- lett, Hannah Underbill. Names Thos., son of Peter Underbill, and Thomas's mother, Hannah Underbill. Exs. Peter Underbill, of Oyster Bay; Benj. Hewlett, of Great Neck. JACKSON FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND ROBERT JACKSON, of Scrooby, Eng., was accused of being a Separatist, and on 15 Sept., 1607, he was imprisoned in the Guildhall along with Wm. Brewster and others. He later fol- THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 351 lowed Brewster to New England. (Pilgrim Fathers in New England, J. Brown, D. D., p. 98-109.) (1) ROBERT JACKSON, of Hempstead, L. I., probably a near relative of' Robert, of Scrooby, settled in Stamford, Conn., in 1640^ but being dissatisfied with the franchises granted by the New Haven Colony, he and other colonists "left there and settled on land under the Dutch Government on the south side of Long Island." (Allison Family Gene., p. 249.) They settled at Hemp- stead, L. I., on land patented them by Gov. Kiefe on 16 Nov., 1644. Land laid out to him there 29 Nov., 1658, and on 21 June, 1671, he was chosen Constable. (Hemp. Reeds., Vol. i, p. 278.) He b. about 1620; d. 1684; m. Agnes, dau. of William and Jane Washburn. Will, 25 May, 1683, Liber A, p. 11, Queens Co. Conveyances. Issue : +2. John (Colonel), d. 1725. 3. Samuel. +4. Sarah ; m. Nathaniel Moore. 5. Martha, d. 1668, m., 1667, Nathnl., son of Robert Coles (I)- -f-6. Mary ; m. John Ferris, of Westchester Co. George W. Cocks, of Glen Cove, L. I., says Robert Jackson was b. 1620, and was son of John and his wife Sarah, dau. of Jas. Hubbard and Nannie Cooke. (2) COL. JOHN JACKSON, of Jerusalem, L. I., son of Robert (i) ; b. about 1645-50; d. 1725 ; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Capt. John Seaman, and his first wife, dau. of John Strickland, of Hempstead, L. I. (MSS. C. B. Moore.) Will 26 Aug., 1724; prob. 6 Dec, 1725. (Liber 10, p. 106, N. Y. City.) Issue: +7. John (Colonel) ; b. about 1692; d. 1743. -f-S. James. -f-9. Samuel, b. 1684. + 10. Martha; m. Peter Titus, son of Edmond. (N. Y. Gene. & Biog. Rec. 12, p. 94.) -f-ii. Elizabeth; m. Charles Doughty (his will 30 May, 1733). -f-i2. Hannah; m. Richard Seaman, 13. Mary; m. Jacomiah Scott (issue 4 daughters). 352 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 14. Sarah ; m. Joshua Barnes. 15. Richard. His will recites that his dau, Martha had a dau. Elizabeth, and his dau. Mary Scott was then deceased. Sheriff, 1691-1695 (Cal. N. Y. Hist. MSS., p. 213). Member of Assembly, 1693-1700. Judge, Queens Co., 1685. (Cal. N. Y. Hist. MSS., p. 141.) Lieut. Col. Queens Co., 1700. (Rept. N. Y. State Historian i, p. 421.) (4) SARAH JACKSON, dau. of Robert (i) ; d. 18 June, 1733; m. before 1683, Nathaniel Moore, son of Thomas (2), of Southold, L. I. Issue : Nathaniel ; Hannah, m. John Terry ; Abigail, m. Isc. Overton; Elizabeth, m. Christopher Youngs, of Southold; Debora, m. John Boisseau. (MSS. C. B. Moore.) (6) MARY JACKSON, dau. of Robert ( i ) ; m. John Ferris, Patentee of Westchester Co.; b. 1639, d. 1715 (his first wife). She was not named in her father's will, but is named in a deed from him to his son John, and the latter's two sons, John and James, under date 5 May, 1653, conveying "all his lands in Hemp- stead, etc., excepting that which I have already given my daugh- ter, Mary Ferris, of Westchester Co." (See Vol. 7, p. 32 of Deeds, Secy, of State Office, Albany, N. Y.) Their dau., Hannah Ferris, b. 3 of 5 mo., 1679; d. 24 of 6 mo., 1759; m. 2 April, 1705, William Mott, son of Lieut. Adam Mott, of Hempstead, L. L (MSS. Wm. J. Mott, Great Neck, L. L), and left issue, four children, of whom Hannah, b. 22 of 2d mo., 1714; m. 5 of 3 mo., 1731, Philip Pell, of Westchester Co., son of Hon. Thomas and his wife Anna, who, as Bolton says, was a dau. of an Indian chief of Westchester Co. (7) COL. JOHN JACKSON, son of Col. John (2) ; b. about 1692; d. 1743; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Samuel Hallett (5), son of William (i), and brother of William (2), who m. Sarah Woolsey. Will, 27 Feb., 1738; prob. 3 Aug., 1743; Liber 15, p. 70, N. Y. City. Issue: -f-i6. John ; m. Keziah, dau. of Richbell Mott, son of Adam (i). -ri7. Samuel. -t-i8. Richard; m. Jane Seaman, dau. of Jacob and Mary. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 353 19. Sarah, b. 1697, d. 1765; ni, Daniel Hewlett (6). 20. Hannah; m. John Hewlett (14). 21. Mary; m. Samuel Titus. 22. Phebe, b. 6 Aug., 1715; d. 10 May, 1800; m. William Jones (H. 7). 23. Elizabeth. (8) JAMES JACKSON, of Flushing, L. I., son of Col. John (2) ; m. Rebecca, b. 1675 ; d. 12 of 2 mo., 1730, dau. of William Hallett (2). (See Riker's Newtown.) Lived in Flush- ing, L. I. Issue: 24. James; m, 10 of 12 mo., 1725, Sarah, dau. of Joseph Thorne. ( N. Y. G. & B. Rec. VI., 104.) 25. Elizabeth; m., 1725, Nathan Field, son of Thomas, of Flushing. 26. Phebe; m. 3 Oct., 1734, Edward Fitzrandolph, son of Edward, of Woodbridge, N. J. 2y. Mary; m. 26 Dec, 1717, Jacob Willets, son of Richard. -f-28. Thomas ; m. Mary Townsend. 29. Martha. July 24, 1724, he collected funds for Queens Co. Court House. (See Vol. 2, p. 231, Colonial Laws N. Y.) (Some account of in Shotwell's Ancestry, p. 265.) (9) SAMUEL JACKSON, son of Col. John (2) ; m. first, Ruth ; m. 2d, Abigail, dau. of Thos. Seaman, son of Capt. John Issue : 30. Samuel, d. unm. 31. Richard, d. unm. 32. Jemima. 33. Ruth, b. 1709 ; m. Abel Smith, son of John, of Hempstead. 4-34. Thomas, m. Mary, dau. of Saml. Willis. (See Ancestry of Adam and Anne Mott, p. 282.) 4-35. Isaac. 36. Jerusha. 37. Abigail; m. Jacob Mott, 16 July, 1735. His wife Abigail survived him and m. David Battey, whom her 354 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND son, Isaac Jackson (35), calls in his will "his father-in-law." and by him had issue: John, Elizabeth and Abigail Batty. One Geo. Battey, mariner of Newport, R. I., master of the brigantine Mary, left a will, 20 Aug., 1796; prob. 15 May, 1799 (Liber 42, p. 475, N. Y. City), naming his mother Phoeby, and bro.-in-law Benj. Thayer, of R. I, (10) MARTHA JACKSON, dau. of Col. John (2) ; d. 10 Dec, 1753 ; m. Peter Titus, b. 1674, d. 1753, of Westbury, L. I. Issue : 38. James ; m. Jane Seaman, 39. John; m. Amy Barker, dau. of Samuel. 40. Richard; m. Mary Peters. 41. Elizabeth; m. Henry Townsend. 42. Peter; m. Mary Scudder. 43. Robert. (11) ELIZABETH JACKSON, dau. of Col. John (2) ; b. 1668, d. 1758 ; m. Chas. Doughty, of Flushing. His will, 30 May, 1733, names children, viz. : 44. John. 45. Hannah. 46. Phebe. 47. Sarah. 48. Martha. 49. Benjamin. 49a. Samuel. (12) HANNAH JACKSON, dau. of Col. John (2); m. Richard Seaman, son of Thomas, son of Capt. John. Issue: Thomas, and Richard, who went to Dutchess Co. THOMAS SEAMAN, son of Richard and Hannah; m. Martha, dau. of John Jackson (16), and Kezia Mott. Issue: 50. John Jackson; m. Jemima, b. 1766, dau. of Saml. Birdsall. 51. Braddock; m. 1783, Almy Seaman, dau. Benjamin, 52. Rosetta ; m. 1770, Richard Townsend. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 355 53. Mary ; m. 1778, Townsend Jackson. 54. Elizabeth; m., 8 Feb., 1769, David Jones (III. 7). (16) JOHN JACKSON (The Justice), son of Col. John (7) ; d. intestate, 12 Jan., 1773 ; m. Keziah, dau. of Richbell Mott, son of Adam (i). Issue: -(-55. Obadiah. + 55a. John. -|-55b. Parmenas. 55c. Martha, b. 1737, d. 1799; m. Thomas Seaman. 55d. Elizabeth ; m. Col. John Sands. 55e. Ann; m., 1766, John Hewlett (31), son of Daniel (6). 56. Mary; m. Benj. Sands. 56a. Jerusha ; m. Morris Peace. 57. Rosetta; m. Richard Jackson, son of Richard (18). 58. Abigail ; m. Jac. Robbins. Letters of Adms. to his widow, Keziah, 14 June, 1784. Vol. 2, p. 115, N. Y. City. (17) SAMUEL JACKSON, son of Col. John (7) ; b. about 1706; m. r6 July, 1738, Mary, dau. of Timothy Townsend. Issue: 59. Richard. 60. Townsend. -{-61. Thomas. 62. Ruth. 63. Elizabeth. 64. Jemima; m., 25 Oct., 1772, James Hewlett (19). 65. Letitia; m.. 1776, Sol. Pool. 66. Mary. 67. Martha ; m. Saml. Birdsall. Will, 6 July, 1778, naming children Nos. 62, 65, 64, 66, 67, 60, 61, 59. Gives his son Richard one-half of the land he bought of Joseph Lockwood and Thomas and Elanthan Hanford, at Cold Spring, and remainder of lands to Townsend and Thomas, whom he makes executors with his nephew, Geo. Hewlett. By codicil. 17 Feb., 1780, he revokes the gift of land to son Richard, and gives same to Samuel Jackson, son of his son Richard. (See deed, Richard to Samuel, 15 May, 1790, F, p. 38, Queens Co.) This 356 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND land given his gr. son Richard became later a part of the estate of Chas. H. Jones. He was called by Judge Thos. Jones Hist of N. Y., Vol. 2, p. 39, "a Quaker and a loyal subject." (18) RICHARD JACKSON, son of Col. John (7); m. Jane, dau. of Jacob and Mary Seaman. Issue: -f68. Richard; m. Rosetta, dau, of John Jackson (16). 69. Micah. 70. Jacob; m. (license, 4 July, 1770) Catharine Peters, dau, of Hewlett Peters. 71. Phebe. 72. Mary ; m, first, John Tredwell ; m. 2d, Creed. 73. Jane ; m. Zebulon Seaman. (28) THOMAS JACKSON, son of James (8) ; m. Mary Townsend. Issue : 74. Robert. 75. James. 4-76. Thomas. yj. Samuel ; m., T773, Deborah Seaman, dau. of Solomon. 78, Amy. 79, Daniel. 80, Benjamin. 82. Rebecca. 83. Phebe ; m,, 1763, Isaac Seaman. (55a) JOHN JACKSON, son of John (16); b. 1733, d. about 1821; m. ist, by license, 2 Feb., 1756, Charity, dau. of Thos. Tredwell ; m. 2d, Margaret, dau. of Wright and widow of Noah Townsend. (See Bunker's L. I. Gene., p. 223.) Issue by ist wife: 84. Thomas T. ; m. Catharine Britt. 85. John : m. Sarah Udall, 86. Tredwell. 87. Samuel. Issue by 2d wife : 88. Charity ; m. John Seaman, son of Willett. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 357 89. Noah, 90. Obadiah. 91. Mary ; ni. Danl. Underbill. 92. Keziah. (34) THOMAS JACKSON, son of Samuel (9) ; d. at Jerusalem, L. I., 10 July, 1750; m. Mary, dau. of Saml. Willis. She b. 1731 ; m. 2d, Thomas Jackson, of Jericho, son of Thos. (see Ancestry of Thomas and Anne Mott, p. 282), by license, 26 May, 1764. Will, 3 Sept., 1750; prob. 7 Oct., 1750. Liber 17, p. 234, N. Y. City. Issue: 93. Mary, b. 1749 ; m. Wm. Seaman, son of Robert, of Jericho. (76) THOMAS JACKSON, of Jericho, son of Thos. (28) ; m., 1764, Mary (Willis) Jackson, widow of Thomas Jackson (34). Issue: 94. David. 95. Charles. 96. Amy, (35) ISAAC JACKSON, son of Samuel (9) ; d. 1750; m, Mary, dau. of Thos. Cornell. No issue. His will, 4 Dec, 1750; prob. 24 Dec, 1750; Liber 17, p. 291, N. Y. City, reciting legatees as follows : Wife Mary, dau. of Thos. Cornell; sisters, Ruth Smith and Abigail Mott; cousin, Mary Jackson, the dau. of my brother Thomas ; mother, Abigail Batty (see under Saml. Jackson (9)) ; father-in-law, David Batty, half brother, John Batty; half sisters, Elizabeth and Abigail Batty. Brothers-in-law, Abel Smith and Jac Mott. Cousins, Samuel, Morris, Sarah and Jennie Smith, children of my sister, Ruth Smith. Cousins, Joseph, Isaac, Miriam, Ruth and Jerusha Mott, children of my sister, Abigail Mott. (55) OBADIAH JACKSON, son of Justice John (16); d. 1802; m., 1756, Alma, dau. of Jacob Seaman. Issue: 97. Isaac, d. 1767. 358 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND +98. Jacob S., b. 22 May, 1763. 99. Elizabeth; m. Thos., son of Samuel Jackson. (55b) PARMENAS JACKSON, son of Justice John (16) ; bapt. 1744, d. 19 Jan., 1781 ; m. ist (by license), 13 Feb., 1768, Elizabeth, dau. of Thos. Birdsall; m. 2d, Downing; m. 3d, . Issue : 100. Parmenas. loi. Thomas. 102. Elizabeth ; m. Micah Jackson. 103. Rosannah, m. Saml. Nichols. 104. John. (59) RICHARD JACKSON, son of Samuel (17). Settled in Dutchess Co. ; m., 1767, Phebe, dau, of Daniel Kissam. Issue : 105. Samuel. 106. Townsend. 107. Margaret. 108. Phebe. 109. Daniel, no. John. 111. Mary. 112. A dau., who m. Saml. Mitchell. (49) TOWNSEND JACKSON, son of Samuel (17) ; m., by license, 1778, Mary, dau. of Thos. Seaman, son of Richard. No issue. His wife's sister, Elizabeth, m. David Jones, son of William. (68) RICHARD JACKSON, son of Richard (18); m., license, i Feb., 1768, Rosetta, dau. of John Jackson (16). Issue: Micah. Jane ; m. John Althouse. Almy ; m. Henry O. Seaman, son of Jordan. (61) THOMAS JACKSON, son of Samuel (17); b. 24 Dec, 1752-4; d. 25 Nov., 1842; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Obadiah Jackson. Issue : THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 359 -I-113. Obadiah ; m. Sarah Boerum, dau. of John. 114. Jacob; ni. Phebe Duryea. -j- 115. Samuel T. ; m. Martha Hewlett, dau. of Lewis. 116. Alma. 1 17. Ruth ; m. Thomas Jones. (113) OBADIAH JACKSON, son of Thomas (50); m. Sarah, dau. of John Boerum. Issue: + 118. Timothy. 119. Thomas. 120. Townsend. 121. Ruth. 122. Rebecca; m. Jacob S. J. Jones. 123. Sarah. 124. Margaret (64) JACOB S. JACKSON, son of Obadiah (38); b. 1763, d. 1828; m. Phebe Coles (by license, i Nov., 1783), dau. of Benjamin Coles. Issue: 125. Thomas Jones, b. 1801, d. 1802. 126. Mary, b. 1784, d. 24 Nov., 1801 ; m. Thomas Jones (IV. 6) ; he m. 2d, Ruth, dau. of Thos. Jackson (50). 127. Elizabeth, b. 1796; m. Thomas Jones (IV. 6), as his 3d wife. (115) SAMUEL T. JACKSON, son of Thomas (50) ; b. 1803, d. 24 July, 1879; m. Martha, dau. of Lewis Hewlett, son of Capt. Charles (51). Issue: 128. Thomas T. 129. Elizabeth. 130. Marian; m. Thomas W. Jones (V. 41), son of Thomas (IV. 6). 131. Phebe. 132. Hannah. (118) TIMOTHY JACKSON, son of Obadiah (66); m. Ethelinda, dau. of Townsend Willis. Issue : Samuel Jones, Caro- line, Oscar, Edward, Belle, Julia. 36o THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND SAMUEL JACKSON, son of Richard (48). He had a deed from his father, 15 May, 1790, for land at Cold Spring Harbor, near the upper mill ponds. (Liber F, p. 38, Queens Co.) SCOTT FAMILY CAPT. JOHN SCOTT ; d. before 1667. Came from Hart- ford, Conn., to Southampton, L. L, where he was made freeman in 1657; m. Deborah. Issue: Jeckamiah, d. about 1749. He first appears at Hempstead, L. 1., in 1657. Hemp. Rec., Vol. I, p. 22, and v/as attorney for the town in 1664. Ibid., Vol. I, p. 156. He died before 1667, as on 7 Nov., 1667, his property at Hempstead was sold for benefit of his widow, Deborah, and her children, to Geo. Hewlett and Wm. Osborne. (Patents, Secy, of State Ofiice, i, p. 97.) JECKAMIAH SCOTT, son of Capt. John ; d. 1749; m. Mary, dau. of Col. John Jackson (2). Issue: Deborah, Mary, Sarah, Anne. Issue, prob. by a 2d wife : John, Lazarus, Jeckamiah, Jackson, Thomas. Will, 5 April, 1749 ; prob. Lib. 16, p. 433, N. Y. City. Justice of the Peace. Lazarus, son of Jeckamiah, prob. removed to Greenwich, Conn. See deed from him to his brothers, 25 March, 1751. Robert Scott, of Boston, prob. brother of Capt. John, sued Jonas Wood, of Southampton, 1652. CONKLING FAMILY (Conklin, Conkline, Conkling.) (i) ANNANIAS CONKLIN came from Salem, Mass., to East Hampton, L. I., 1650; m. Mary Launder, 23 Feb., 1630, at St. Peter's, Nottingham, Eng., and he and John (14) had first "glas hous" at Salem. Issue : THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 361 2. Lewis, b. 1643 3. Jacob, bapt. 18 May, 1649. 4. Elizabeth. (N. Y. Gene. & Biog. Rec. 27, p. 153). According to East Hampton Records he had also : 5. Jeremiah. 6. Cornelius, and others. (5) JEREMIAH CONKLIN, son of Annanias (i) ; b. 1634, d. March 14, 1712; m., 1658, Mary, b. 30 Aug., 1638; d. 15 June, 1727; dau. of Lion Gardiner, and his wife, Mary Deurcant. (Rec. XXXL, 47.) Issue: 8, Jeremiah. 9. Cornelius. 10. David. 11. Lewis. 12. Annanias. 13. Mary; m. Thomas Mulford. (East Hampton Reeds. 3, p. 198-326.) (14) JOHN CONKLING, probably brother of Annanias (i), came to Southold, L. I., 1650. Born in Nottinghamshire, Eng. ; d. at Huntington, L. I., Feb. 23, 1684. (N. Y. Gene. & Biog. Rec. 29, p. 117.) M, ist, Elizabeth Allsaebrook, Jan. 24, 1624-5. (See Reg. St. Peter's Church, Nottingham, Eng.) M. 2d, Mary . Issue: + 15. Timothy. 16. Capt. John. 17. Benjamin. 18. Joseph. On TO March, 1664, he laid claim to Horse Neck (now Lloyds Neck), but could not prove his claim. (Huntington Reeds, i, p. 59.) Hedge's Hist. E. Hampton says he d. 1694. Capt. John d. 1699. (15) TIMOTHY CONKLING, son of John (14). Settled in Huntington, L. I. Issue : 23 362 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 19. Martha, b. 20 Oct., 1668. -}-2o. Timothy, b. 16 Dec, 1670. 21. John, b. 14 March, 1672. 22. Thomas, b. 10 March, 1674. 23. Jacob, b. 15 March, 1676. 24. EHzabeth, b. 15 June, 1679. 24a. Rebecca, b. Jan. 10, 1680-1. 24b. Mary, b. June 10, 1684. 24c. CorneHus, b. Feb. 20, 1686-7. (Huntington Reeds, i, p. 483). Ibid, i, p. 408; 4, p. 436. Sept. 22, 1698, deed to his son Timothy, land that formerly was his father's, John Conkling. (Vol, i, p. 513, Conveyances, Hunt- ington, L. I.) (20) TIMOTHY CONKLING, son of Timothy (15); b. 16 Dec, 1670; d. 1743; m. Abigail . Lived at West Neck, Huntington, where he owned land that was his gr, father John's. This land he received from his father, Timothy, in 1698. (Vol. '» P- 5^3? Conveyances, Huntington.) Issue: -I-25. Jacob, b. I March, 1697. 26. Timothy, b. Feb. 21, 1698; went to North Castle, West. Co. 27. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 14, 1702; m. Rogers. 28. Thomas, b. Dec. 12, 1704. 29. Jeremiah, b. Aug. 12, 1708. 29. Sarah, b. Jan. 28, 1710; m. Joseph Ketcham, July 28, 1729. 29a. David, b. March 29, 1714; twin. 29b. Mary, b. March 29, 1714; m. Josiah Wickes, May 30, 1729; twin. Will, 13 Dec, 1734; prob. 14 Dec, 1743. (Liber 15, p. 147. N. Y. City), naming son Stephen (not cited above) ; gr. son Jacob, and daus. Mary Wickes, Elizabeth Rogers, and Sarah Ketcham. Names as sons, only Thos., Stephen and David. (25) JACOB CONKLING, son of Timothy (20); b. i March, 1697 (Old Times in Huntington, 51) ; m. Hannah Piatt, dau. of Epenetus; d. 1754-5. Will, 15 Dec, 1752; prob. 20 Jan., THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 363 1755 (Liber 19, p. 207, N. Y. City), naming children as follows: 30. Epenetus. 31. Piatt. 32. Jesse. +33. Israel. 34. Phebe ; m. Jacob Smith, 35. Hannah , m. Solomon Smith, of Smithtown. (Names also gr. dau. Phebe, dau. of his dau. Hannah. ) Gives land in the Bating Place purchase to son Israel. (33) ISRAEL CONKLING, son of Jacob (25) ; d. 1780; m. Deborah Smith, April 7, 1743. (Huntington First Ch., ']']^ Lived at Huntington South. Will, 6 Aug., 1778; prob. July 4, 1780. (Liber 23, p. 477, N. Y. City.) Issue: +36. Jacob. 37. Isaac. 38. John. 39. Hannah ; m. Zebulon Ketcham, 40. Deborah ; m. Ketcham. 41. Susannah. 42. Israel. 43. Alexander. 44. Smith. Gives land in Bating Place purchase to sons Jacob and Isaac. In 1775 he signed to support Congress, and in 1776 was private in Capt. Rogers's Company, On 13 Oct., 1774, he deeded land in the Bating Place purchase to Gilbert Jones (III. 11), whose children conveyed same to Walter Jones (III. 13), 18 April, 1818. (36) JACOB CONKLING, son of Israel (33) ; m. Jan. 28. 1767 (N. Y. Marriage Bonds, XL, 17), Elizabeth (III. ), dau. of William Jones (II. ). Issue: 45. Phebe; m. ist, David Seaman, son of John; m. 2d, Jacobs. 46. Hannah ; m. Smith. 47. Hallett. 48. Jacob; m. prob. Whitman. 364 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 49. William. 50. Elizabeth; m. Smith, of Stoney Brook, L. I. +51. Deborah; m. Phil. Waters. 52. Sarah ; m. Isaac Powell. 53. Rebecca; m. Israel Ketcham. By report he survived his wife Elizabeth and married again. (51) DEBORAH CONKLING, dau. of Jacob (36); m. Phil Waters, prob. of Deer Park, L. I. JONATHAN CONKLIN WATERS; killed in battle of Cedar Mountain, 9 Aug., 1862, a volunteer in Capt. Walter R. Hewlett's Co.; m. Eliza J., d. 5 June, 1863. Issue: Ida B., b. 19 June, 1857. Carrie R., b. 20 April, 1859. Winifred, b. 16 July, 1861 ; d. 2 April, 1864. EPENETUS CONKLING, prob. son of Jacob (25); m. Eunice, b. 171 1, d. 25 Oct., 1775 (buried Deer Park, L. I.) (See Mail and Express inquiries, 28 March, 1896.) MOTT FAMILY The ancestors of the Mott family in this country came over at a very early period, and many bearing that name are to be found in the early New England records, John Mott, the ancestor of the family in England, came with the "Conqueror" from La Motte in Normandie, and his descendants settled in Essex and Cambridge, Eng. From them we are told " came the ancestors of all the Motts in this country." (N. Y. Gen. & Biog. Rec, Vol. XX., p. 34.) Talcotfs Gen. Notes of New England cites an early John Mott of England and many descendants, but no particulars. Gov. Winthrop, of Massachusetts, in a letter to his son John (then living in England), dated 9 Oct., 1629, writes: " I have sent down all the late news from New Eng. I would have some of you read it to your mother, and let forth out the observations, and all that follows the J^" and the letter in the THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 365 end and show it Mr. Mott." (See Chronicles of the First Planters of Col. of Mass., by Alden Young, p. 264; Savages Ed. of Winthrop's New Eng., Vol. I., p. 361.) In another letter of his, to his wife, under date of 16 July, 1630, he writes: "Commend me heartily to all our friends . . . remember me to them at Codenham Hall . . . Mr. Alston, Mr. Mott and their wives." etc. (Savage's Ed. of 1825 of Winthrop's New Eng., Vol. I., p. 373.) The Mr. Mott alluded to was probably Thomas Mott, who was one of the 42 adventurers who signed the agreement with Isaac Allerton (the agent of the Mass. Bay Colony) on 15 Nov., 1626, whereby the sum of ^1,800 was advanced the Colonists with conditions. (Bradford's Letter Book in First Mass. Hist. Coll, Vol. III., p. 48.) It is inferred that he did not come to this country, but was instrumental in the immigration of and closely related to Adam Mott, who came in the ship "Defense" on 2 July, 1635, and in 1636 was freeman in Ipswich, Mass. This Adam Mott was probably one of the twelve men who founded the plan- tation of Agawan (after called Ipswich) under Gov. Winthrop's brother John. Of these twelve men nine are mentioned by Winthrop, viz.: Robert Coles, clerk, John Briggs, John Sage, Thomas Hewlett, Thomas Hardy, Wm. Perkins, Thorn- dike, Wm. Sargeant. (Winthrop's New Eng., Ed. 1852, Vol. I., p. lOI.) Of these, Robert Coles was the ancestor of the Coles family of Long Island, and Thomas Hewlett, was probably a near relative of the early George Hewlett of Long Island, and we think a brother to Jane Hewlett (of Essex, Eng.), the first wife of Adam Mott ("the first") of Hempstead, L. I. Following closely upon the Puritan exodus from Great Britain to New England, came the ship "Defense" on 2 July, 1635, with Thos. Bostwick as master, having among its passen- gers Adam Mott (the one just alluded to) and Sarah, his wife, with five children; or in the words of the ship's manifest — "a taylor Adam Mott, 39 years old; uxor, Sarah Mott, 31 years, Jo., 14 years, Adam, 12 years, Jonathan, 9 years, Elizabeth, 6 years, and Mary, 4 years." He landed in New England, and "bro't testimony from the justices and ministers of Cambridge that he had taken the oaths of allegiance, and had also acknowledged his conformity 366 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND to the discipline and orders of the Church of England." (Hot- ton's Original Lists, p. 99.) In 1636 he had land granted him in Hingham, Mass. (New Eng. Hist. & Gen. Reg., Vol. IL, p. 251), and in the latter part of that year he and his wife were members of the first church at Roxbury. His Church of England views soon got him into trouble, and in 1683 he was ordered to be brought before the Governor, in charge of the constable of Hingham. (Mass. Col. Rec, Vol. I., p. 241.) Two years later he removed to Ports- mouth, R. L, where on 2^ of 11 mo., 1638, he was admitted as a freeholder (Col. Rec, R. L, Vol. L, p. 6;^) at a meeting then held by the General Assembly of the Colony. There were eleven members present besides Adam Mott, and rules were enacted for their government, one of which was "that the judge with the elders shall rule and govern according to the general rule of the word of God, and when they have no particular rule from God's word; by the body proscribed as a direction unto them in the case." Roger Williams sought refuge here two years previous. Quakers were tolerated, and one might have whatever religious views he saw fit. Even here he seems to have hesitated about settling, for he was soon ordered to build on land granted him in 1638 within six months, or the land would be disposed of by the company. (Col. Rec, R. I., Vol. L, p. 59.) In 1638 he and his eldest son John were admitted "to be inhabitants of the island of Aqueedneck (now Rhode Island). He seems now to have fully determined to settle in Ports- mouth, R. I., and on 12 of i mo., 1640, at a session of General Court of Newport, he desired to be reunited to that body and ** was readily embraced by it." In 1665 he, and his sons Adam, Jr., John and Jonathan, appear on a roll of freeman at Portsmouth. Austin in his Gen. Diet, of R. I., has given us an account of some of Adam Mott's descendants for several generations. This Adam Mott left a son Adam, 2d, whom Austin says m. 1647 Mary Lott, and d in Portsmouth in 1673. Many conflicting statements have been made concerning this Adam Mott, 2d. Thompson's L. I., Vol. II,. p. 57, says his first wife was Phebe, and that he removed to Hempstead, L. I., in 1665. Savage, Vol. III., p. 247, states his wife was Mary, but does not claim he removed to Long Island. Bolton's West- THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 367 Chester Co. copies Thompson, while Scharf in his Hist, of West. Co., Vol. I., p. 830, inserts an article written by Win. S. Pelletreau of L. I., wherein it is claimed that both Adam the ist, and his son Adam 2d, of Rhode Island, settled and died upon Long Island, All this we must treat as an error, as no records can be found to show that the first Adam Mott of Hempstead was in any way connected with the Motts of Rhode Island, and furthermore the late Thos. C. Cornell of Yonkers, N. Y., in his "Ancestry of Adam and Anne Mott," states "that neither Adam, ist, or his son Adam, 2d, ever came to Hempstead, and that they and their marriages and children can be traced in Massachusetts and Rhode Island till long after the Adam Mott of Hempstead settled there." LIEUT. ADAM MOTT (i). Ancestor of the Long Island family of that name, came from Essex, Eng., and is probably the Adam who emigrated in the ship "Bevis" in 1638, then aged 19 years, and by pro- fession a taylor. As a possible relative of the Motts of New England, he may have followed them there and perhaps was in Rhode Island where the Indian wars not suiting his fancy, he returned to New Amsterdam where under Gov. Kieft's administration lands were granted to many of the New Eng- land immigrants. In 1644 and 1645 he was a witness in the Shepens and Burgomasters Court in New Amsterdam. (See trans, of Dutch Mss. Vol. II., pp. 236-270; Vol. III., pp. 24-265, Albany, N. Y.) On 23 Aug., 1646, Gov. Kieft granted him a patent for 25 morgans of land (50 acres) on the west side of Mespatches Kills (now Newtown Creek, L. I.), opposite the plantation of Richard Brundel. (Doc. Rel. to Col. Hist., N. Y., Vol. XIV., p. 66.) In the year following this grant, he m. on 28 July, 1647, in the Dutch Church of New Amsterdam, Jane, dau. of Lewis Hulett of Buckingham, Eng., which record recites that neither had been previously married. (N. Y. Gen. & Biog. Rec, Vol. VI., p. 37.) See under Lewis Hewlett. This grant of land he soon conveyed to one Wm. Golding, 368 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND but continued to reside in New Amsterdam where he was engaged in trading, and also as an agent for Richard Smith, as late as 165 1. (See Trans. Dutch Mss., Albany, N. Y.) In 1656, he removed to town of Hempstead, L. I., and settled in the village of that name, where he was probably- living when chosen townsman on 17 March, 1657. Feb. 4, 1663, he was one of the commissioners who signed the agree- ment between John Scott, president of the English towns of Long Island, and Gov. Stuyvesant to provide for the free intercourse between the inhabitants under the Dutch and the English. (Doc. Rel. to Col. Hist., N. Y., Vol. XIV., p. 544.) April 22, 1665, he was commissioned by Gov. Richard Nicolls as Lieut, of the Hempstead Militia. (Liber. 2, p. 26, Conveyances, Sec'y of State's Office, Albany.) He m. 2d about 1667, Elizabeth, dau. of Ann Parsons, wife of John Richbell of Westchester Co., by her first husband, Redman. (Descendants of Adam Mott by E. D. Harris.) On 23 April, 1669, John Richbell conveyed to John Ryder of N. Y. City, certain lands in Mamaroneck for the support of his present wife Anne, after his decease, etc. It recites that his marriage with her had long since been solomenized. (Liber., 4, p. i, Deeds, Office of Sec'y of State, Albany.) Adam Mott's will, dated 12 March, 1681, prob. at Queens Co., April 8, 1690. On 5 April, 1690, his estate was inventoried and valued at ^182.9.6. This will was recorded in N. Y. City, Liber., 3 & 4, p. 129, and as no executor was named, the widow, Elizabeth was appointed administratrix by Gov. Leisler, May 12, 1690. On Sept. 25, 1 69 1, Adam Mott (the oldest son) was also appointed administrator on the estate, his petition reciting that his father had died intestate. (See Calendar Hist. Mss., part II., p. 217; Liber. 3 & 4, p. 285, N. Y. City.) Then on p. 292, Letters of Administration were granted to Elizabeth Mott, widow, and Adam Mott, eldest son of Adam Mott of Hempstead, reciting "that since Adam Mott appeared for administration and same was granted him, the said Elizabeth has produced a codicil of the same, and the witnesses being present, etc., etc., do grant to said Adam and Elizabeth ad- ministration, and any grant formerly made to said Adam to the contrary notwithstanding," dated at Fort Wm. Henry, 30 Oct., 1 69 1 Then on p. 294 is recorded the codicil (so called) THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 369 which in all respects is same as the one recorded on p. 129, and was again proved before Richard Ingolsby, 30 Oct., 1691. Lieut. Adam Mott in his will describes himself as " about sixty years of age," this places the date of his birth in 1620, which coincides with the birth of Adam Mott of the ship "Bevis." In 1670, Jan. 28, he purchased land of Henry Dis- browe on Madnans Neck (Great Neck), L. I., that was formerly in the possession of Capt. John Seaman, and settled there soon after. He d. prior to April, 1690, and his widow Elizabeth m. in 1691, Robert Hubbs of Mad Nans Neck. Much controversy arose between Elizabeth Hubbs and her "son-in-law Adam Mott, Jr.," as she calls him, concerning her late husband's will, but on 5 Nov., 1691, an agreement was entered into which recites that "the will of her deceased husband Adam Mott shall stand good, etc., etc., in all par- ticulars hereinafter mentioned, etc., etc." This was signed by Elizabeth Hubbs, and her son Richbell Mott (Mott Family Mss.). This agreement gave Adam Mott, "the elder" son, lands on Mad Nans Neck not bequeathed him under the will, which he conveyed on 12 April, 1694, to "the children his deceased father had by his last wife Elizabeth being six in number." (Queens Co. Conveyances, Liber., B, p. 114.) On 28 June, 1696, Mary Anna Mott, one of the six children named ("then being of full age"), released her rights under the will to her brothers Richbell, William, Charles and Adam "the younger." On 29 Oct., 1703, Elizabeth, another of the six children, and her husband John Okeson, released their rights to same children for ^82. In 1707, April 2, a final agreement was made between the four brothers by which Adam, "the younger," William and Richbell received lands on Great Neck, and Charles land on Cow Neck and Rockaway, each one settling on their respective lands excepting Adam, "the younger," who settled on Cow Neck. The latter in 17 15 conveyed his land on Great Neck to his brother William, whose descendants retained the same until 1870, when the old homestead of seven generations passed into the hands of Wm. R. Grace. Lieut. Adam Mott, and his neighbor Henry Disbrowe, and Cornelius Mott of Hempstead (whom we cannot trace) were 370 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND engaged in the growing of tobacco, and between 1660 and 1670 each one had during that time tobacco houses on Mad Nans Neck. (B, p. 19, Wills, N. Y. City; Hemp. Records, B, p. 156.) The translations of the Dutch Mss., Albany, N. Y., show him as engaged in some enterprise in the South River (now the Delaware). This was in 165 1, and he was in all probability then buying tobacco which at that period was sold in large quantities by the Long Island traders to the neighboring Dutch plantations. Adam Mott was then living in New Am- sterdam, and occupied with Randel Hunt a house owned by Richard Smith, Jr., son of Richard of Conn. (See Trans. Dutch Mss., part 3, p. 265, N. Y. State Library.) He was commissioned by Gov. Rich'd Nicolls as Lieutenant of the Hempstead Militia on 22 April, 1665. The commission is recorded in Liber., 2, folio 26 of Deeds in Sec'y of State Office, Albany, and also name John Symons (Seaman) as Capt., and John Rushmore as Ensign. The old homestead on Mad Nans Neck, where he finally settled and died, and which later became the home of his son William, was purchased on 28 Jan., 1670, of Henry Disbrowe (120 acres, cons. ;!^6i). This was formerly laid out to Capt. John Seaman, who conveyed it to Thos. Seabrooke, 29 Aug., 1669, and from him it passed to Disbrowe (original deeds in possession of Mott family). (i) LIEUT. ADAM MOTT, of Mad Nans Neck (Great Neck), b. 1620; d. 1690; m. ist 28 July, 1647, Jane Hulet (see ante). Issue: +2. Adam, "the elder," bap. 14 Nov., 1649 (N. Y. Gen. & Biog. Rec, Vol. VII., p. loi). +3. James, bap. 5 Oct., 1651. 4. Grace, b. about 1653. +5. John, b. 1658 (see Hemp. Rec, Liber., C, p. i). +6. Joseph, b. about 1661; d. 1735. +7. Gershom, b. about 1663. +8. Henry, b. about 1657. M. 2d Elizabeth (about 1667), dau. of John Richbell of Westchester Co., claimed by E. D. Harris (see ante) to have been a dau. of John Richbell's wife by a former husband Redman. Issue: THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 371 +9. Richbell, b. about 1668. + 10. Mary Anna, b. about 1670. + 11. Adam, "the younger," b. about 1672. + 12. William, b. 20 Jan., 1673; d. 31 of 6 mo., 1740. + 13. Charles, b. 1676. + 14. Elizabeth, b. 1674. (2) ADAM MOTT ("the elder"), son of Lieut. Adam (i); bap. 14 Nov., 1649 (N. Y. Gen. & Biog. Rec, Vol. VII., p. loi); m. Mary, dau. of Nicholas and Ann Stilwell. He settled in Rockaway, L. I. In 17 19, he conveyed land there to John Mott, by deed recorded in Hempstead Rec, Liber, 3, p. 130, at Jamaica, in vi^hich he names his wife Mary. Dec. 9, 1683, chosen Town Assessor (Hemp. Rec, 1898, Vol. I., p. 419). Issue: + 15. Adam. 16. Jane, m. Richard Seaman. 17. Ann. 18. Mary. (3) CAPT. JAMES MOTT, son of Lieut. Adam (i); bap. 15 Oct., 1651; d. 1707, at Mamaroneck, West. Co. (see N. Y. Col. Mss., Vol. LII., p. 41). In 1679, then a prisoner in N. Y., he petitioned to be forgiven for selling liquor to the Indians (Col. Hist. Mss., p. 77), and in April of that year he was given a home lot in the town of Hempstead. On July 14, 1690, then calling himself of Mamaroneck, he conveyed to his brother Joseph of Hempstead, land at Rock- away, which the latter sold in 1692 to his brother Adam (Hemp. Rec, 1898, Vol. I., p. 54). He appears to have left Long Island about this time and settled in Mamaroneck, where he was captain of a company of militia, and on 10 Feb., 1690, was commissioned as Justice (Col. Hist. Mss., p. 194). He ra. (according to Bolton) in 1670, Mary, step-dau. of John Richbell. On 20 Dec, 1670, John and Ann Richbell conveyed to their "son-in-law James Mott, and our daughter Mary, his wife" land in Mamaroneck. There is on file in Albany a marriage license dated 5 Sept., 1670, whereby James Mott is licensed to marry " Mary Redman, daughter-in-law of John Richbell." (See under Lieut. Adam Mott (i).) 372 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND She d. before 1698, and he m, 2d Elizabeth , who ad- ministered upon his estate on 27 Nov., 1707. Issue: + 19. James(?), (m. Jane, dau. of Edward Burling). 20. Grace. 21. Phebe. 22. Martha. Cited in letter to Geo, Clark, Secy., as having d, intestate at Mamaroneck, West. Co. in 1707. (N. Y. Col. Mss., Vol. LII., p. 41.) (5) JOHN MOTT, son of Lieut. Adam (i); b. 1658; lived at Rockaway, L. I.; land given him by his father in 1682; m. i6p Sarah, dau. of Capt. John Seaman (Bunker's L. I. Gen.; N; Y. Gen. & Biog. Rec, Vol. XL, p. 150). Issue: +23. Henry. +24. John, named as executor in 1734 in will of his uncle Joseph Mott. 25. James. 26. Sarah. 27. Martha. 28. Jane. 29. Patrick. Deed to his son Patrick, 16 Feb., 1726 (Hemp. Rec, Vol. IV., p. 245), land at Rockaway, reciting his sons John and James, and wife Sarah. (6) JOSEPH MOTT of Cow Neck, L. I., son of Lieut. Adam (t); b. about 1661; d. 1735; m. Mariam . Will 24 March, 1734; prob. 6 Feb., 1735. Executor: John Mott, son of my brother John. Issue, as by his will: +30. Joseph, settled in Dutchess Co. +31. Samuel. +32. Jacob, b. 9 Aug., 17 14. ^:^. Mariam, m. Samuel Cornell. 34. Jane, d. before 1734; m. Benjamin Seaman. (7) LIEUT. GERSHOM MOTT, son of Lieut. Adam (i); b. about 1663; will prob. 30 March, 1733. On 2 Dec, 1703, he THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 373 took the oath of alleg'iance as Lieut, of Militia at Newtown, L, I. (Queens Co. Conveyances, B, No. 2, p. 11.) He settled in Monmouth Co., N. J. (See account of his descendants in N. Y. Gen. & Biog. Rec, Vol. XXV., p. 49.) (8) HENRY MOTT, son of Lieut. Adam (i); b. about 1657; d. 21 Nov., 1680; m. Hannah . Administration granted the widow Hannah, 13 Nov., 1682. (Liber., i & 2, p. 446, N. Y. City.) Issue, three children, living in 1682. Had land on Mad Nans Neck 1680. (Hemp. Rec, C, p. iii). (9) RICHBELL MOTT, son of Lieut. Adam (i); d. 1734; m. 1696, Elizabeth Thorne of Flushing, L, I,; m. license 14 Oct., 1696, Liber. 5 & 6, p. 128 of Wills, N. Y. City); will 22 Sept., prob. 3 Dec, 1734. Issue: +35. Edmond, b. 1700; d. 1743/4; m. 1726, Catharine Sands. ;i6. Richbell, d. young. +37. Richard. 38. Elizabeth, m. Adam Mott. 39. Mary, m. John Tredwell. 40. Jemima, m. Stephen Wood. 41. Keziah, m. John Jackson. 42. Deborah, m. Joseph Mott. 43. Ann, m.(i) Daniel Kissam; m.(2) Jotham Townsend. The widow Elizabeth left a will, prob. 16 April, 1739, naming besides the above children, gr. son Danl. Kissam, gr. daus. Mary Tredwell, Elizabeth Mott and Phebe Wood, and cousin Phebe Thorne, dau. of Richard. Executor, Richard Thorne. (10) MARY ANNA MOTT, dau. of Lieut. Adam (i). June 28, 1696, release to her brother for her portion of her father's estate. April I, 1700, named in will of her gr. mother Ann Richbell. (11) ADAM MOTT ("the younger"), son of Lieut. Adam (i); b. 1672; d. 1738; will 3 Nov., 1738, prob. 28 Feb., 374 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 1739 (Liber., 13, p. 208, N. Y. City); m. 5 of 11 mo., 1732, Phebe, b. 1699; d. 7 of 9 mo,, 1782; dau. of Richard Willets of Jericho. Issue: 44. Elizabeth, b. 31 of 5 mo., 1733; m. John Willis. +45. Adam, b. 10 of 10 mo., 1734. 46, Stephen, b, i of 2 mo., 1736. Settled at Cow Neck, his widow m. 2d Tristam Dodge. See " Ancestry of Adam and Anne Mott " by Thos. C. Cornell for descendants of this branch of the family. (12) WILLIAM MOTT, son of Lieut. Adam (i); b. 20 of I mo., 1673; d. 31 of 6 mo., 1740; m. 12 Feb., 1705, Hannah, b. 3 of 5 mo., 1679; d. 24 of 6 mo., 1759; dau. of John Ferris of Westchester Co., and not as stated in "Ancestry of Adam and Anne Mott," by T. C. Cornell, as a dau. of John Seaman. Lived at Great Neck, L. I., and was a Friend. Will 22 April, 1740, prob. 13 June, 1740. (Liber., 15, p. 226, N. Y. City.) Hannah, his widow, left will 14 of 4 mo., 1756, prob. 20 April, 1760, naming gr. daus. Hannah, the wife of Danl. Stephenson, and Martha, the wife of John Allyn, Jr., dau. Martha and Ex. son William and cousin Adam Mott of Cow Neck. Issue: 47. Elizabeth, b. i of i mo., 1706; d. 25 of 12 mo., 1721; unm. +48. William, b. 6 of 8 mo., 1709; d. 25 of 3 mo., 1786. +49. Hannah, b. 22 of 2 mo., 17 14. 50. Martha, b. 18 of 9 mo., 17 17; d. unm. (13) CHARLES MOTT, son of Lieut. Adam (i); b. before 1676; d. 1740. Will 10 Feb., 1740, prob. 11 March, 1741, naming gr. son Joseph Starkins, the son of his dau. Mary Ann Carroll, and gr. son Jos. Mott. Lived on Cow Neck, Executor, son Amos. M.Elizabeth . Issue: +51. Charles, b. about 1695, +52. Jacob. +53. Amos. 54. Elizabeth, m. Hunter. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 375 4-55. Gershom. 56. Mary Ann, m. (i) Jos. Starkin; m. (2) Patrick Car- roll in 1730. +57. John. +58. Benjamin. +59. Adam. 1 70 1 he and his brothers Richbell and William had land laid out to them in Hempstead. 1721 deed to his son Gershom. 1726 deed to his son Charles, Jr. 1738 deed to his son Adam. He had land at Kakiat (New Hempstead), Orange Co. (14) ELIZABETH MOTT, dau. of Lieut. Adam (i); b. 1674; m. John Okeson (so spelled) of Freehold, N. J, See re- lease executed by them 29 Oct., 1703, to her brothers, Liber., B, No. I, folio 115, Queens Co. This John Okeson was a son of John Kissam of Flushing, L. 1. (See Kissam family.) (15) ADAM MOTT, son of Adam (2); d. before 1750; m. Elizabeth, dau. of Richbell Mott. Settled in Staten Island. 1 7 13, June 15, deed from his father for land at Rockaway. Issue: 60. Richard, d. before 1778, and left a son Richbell (see under Richard Seaman). 61. Elizabeth, m. Benjamin Seaman. 62. Ann (probably). 6;^. Mary (probably). His widow calling herself of Richmond Co., left a will 30 Jan., 1777, prob. 2 April, 1778, naming children as above, and gr. dau. Elizabeth, the dau. of my dau. Elisabeth Seaman; gr. son Richard Seaman and John Micheau, both of Richmond Co., executors. Member of Assembly from Richmond Co., 1737/1739. County Clerk of Richmond Co., 1728. He d. before 1756, see proof of will of Matthew Johnson, Liber., 20, p. 9, N. Y. City. (19) JAMES MOTT, perhaps son of Capt. James; m. 1717, Jane, b. 17 of 5 mo., 1684, dau. of Edward and Grace 376 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND Burling of Flushing. (N. Y. Gen. & Biog. Rec, Vol. VI., p, I02, Vol. III., p. i88.) (23) HENRY MOTT, son of John; d. 1767; will 21 Nov., 1767, prob. 14 April, 1768. Issue: +64. Henry, m. Mary, dau. of Saml. Southard, 65. Richard. 66. John. 67. Adam. 68. Hannah, m. Lewis. 69. Sarah, not m. in 1767. 70. Mary, not m. in 1767. 71. Abigail (prob.), m. Foster. 72. Elizabeth, m. 1765, Benj. Hicks. Will names also a gr. son, the son of his son Richard; gr. son, the son of his daughter Elizabeth; gr. sons Elkanah and Richbell, the sons of his son Richard. Executors, sons Adam and Henry, and my brother Patrick Mott. (24) JOHN Mott, perhaps son of John; will 5 April, 1750, prob. 20 April, 1751; m. Rebecca . Issue: +73. Samuel, m. Hannah . +74. Jacob, m. 1754, Keziah Seaman. +75. Jehu, m. 1748, Ruth Powell, dau. of Thomas. +76. Micajah, m. Rachel . 77. John, d. before 1750. 78. Sarah, m. Benjamin Hulse. 79. Martha, m. Daniel Carman. 80. Phebe, m. Daniel Wright. 81. Rebecca. Resided at Rockaway, where he reserved land when his son John was buried (see his will). (35) EDMOND MOTT, son of Richbell; b. 1700; d. 1743/4; will 4 of 6 mo., 1741, prob. 13 June, 1744; m. 1726, Catharine, dau. of Capt. John Sands of Cow Neck. Issue: 82. Margaret. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 377 +8;^. Richbell, b. 3 of 6 mo., 1728. 84. Edmond, b. 25 of 8 mo., 1730; d. unm. +85. John, b. I of 8 mo., 1732; d. about 1781. He was a Friend, and resided on Cow Neck. (37) RICHARD MOTT, son of Richbell; b. about 1710; d. 15 of 8 mo., 1743; will 7 of 8 mo., 1743; m. 26 of i mo., 1741, Sarah, b. 17 14; d. 1800; dau. of Thomas and Sarah (Underbill) Pearsall of Hempstead. Issue: 85 A. James, b. 8 of 8 mo., 1742. (30) JOSEPH MOTT, son of Joseph; settled in Charlotte, Dutchess Co.; will 28 Sept., 1762, prob. 13 March, 1765 (25, p. 44, N. Y. City); m. ist, Deborah, dau. of Richbell Mott; m. 2d, 1759, Catharine Boerum.* Issue: 86. Joseph, m. 1748, Phebe Smith. 87. Samuel. 88. Jacob. 89. Richard. 90. Martha. 91. Jane. 92. Elizabeth. 93. Jamima. "Ex., my brother Jacob of Queens Co., and Lawrence Maston of L. I" (31) SAMUEL MOTT, son of Joseph; b. 1707; d. 15 Feb., 1736; m. 27 May, 1728, Martha Smith, who survived him and m. John Hicks. Will 21 Dec, 1736, prob. 26 March, 1737, naming wife Martha, children under age. Exs., brother Joseph Mott, uncle Elias Dorian, brother Saml. Cornell and Jac Smith. (32) JACOB MOTT, of Hempstead Harbor, L. I., son of Joseph; b. 7 Aug., 1714; d. 6. Oct., 1805; will 3 Aug., 1803; m. * (Authority Ed. D. Harris.) 24 378 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND i6 July, 1735, Abigail, b. 18 Nov., 1720; d. 28 Sept., 1781 (N. Y, Gen. & Biog. Rec, Vol. XII., p. 80); dau. of Samuel Jackson, named in will of Samuel's brother Isaac Jackson. She was bap. St. George Church, Hempstead, i Sept., 1743 (N. Y. Gen. & Biog. Rec, Vol. X., p. 19). Issue: 94. Joseph, b. 18 Oct., 1736. 95. Samuel. 96. Jackson, b. 16 Aug., 1740. +97. Isaac, b. 6 May, 1743; d. 1780; m. Anne Coles. 98. Miriam, b. 30 April, 1745; d. young. 99. Ruth, b. 6 June, 1747; m. ist, Jordan Lawrence; m. 2d, Stephen Coles. 100. Samuel J., b. i Feb., 1753. + 101. Jacob, b. 30 June, 1756. 102. Miriam, b. 7 Sept., 1759; m. Benj. Birdsall. + 103. Richard, b. 9 May, 1761; m. 3 Oct., 1780, Martha Sutton. 104. Joseph, b. 21 Aug., 1763; went to S. Carolina. 105. Jerusha, named in will Isaac Jackson, 4 Dec, 1750. (45) ADAM MOTT, son of Adam ("the younger"); b. 10 of 10 mo., 1734; d. 18 of 12 mo., 1790; m. ist, 5 of 3 mo., 1755, Sarah, b. 1736; d. 1783; dau. of Samuel Willis. Issue: 105A. Elizabeth, b. 19 of 7 mo., 1756; d. 10 of 4 mo., 1782; unm. 105B. Lydia, b. 24 of 11 mo., 1759; d. 17 of 5 mo., 1791; m. Sol. Underbill. +105C. Adam, b. 11 of 10 mo., 1762; m. 1785, Anne Mott, dau. of James of Mamaroneck, West. Co. 105D. Samuel, b. 29 of 7 mo., 1773. He m. 2d, 1785, Abigail, dau. of Danl. Beatty of Hempstead. (105c) ADAM MOTT, son of Adam (45) and Sarah; b. II of 10 mo., 1762; m. 1785, Anne Mott, dau. of James Mott of Mamaroneck, gr. son of Richbell Mott, and had issue seven children. Their dau. Sarah, b. 1791; d. 1872; m. 1815, Silas Cornell of Rochester, N. Y., and had issue: Thomas C. Cornell, (the eldest), b. 1819; m. 1850, Jane Bashford of Yonkers, N. Y., THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 370 who published in 1894, "The Ancestry of Adam and Anne Mott." He settled on Cow Neck, L. I. For record of his children see N. Y. Gen. & Biog. Rec, Vol. XVII., p. 219. (48) WILLIAM MOTT, of Great Neck, L. I., son of Wil- liam; b. 6 of 8 mo., 1709; d, 25 of 3 mo., 1786; m, 18 of 6 mo., 1742, Elizabeth, b. 17 19; d. 6 of 11 mo., 1780; dau. of Henry and Mary Allen of Great Neck, L. I., and not as stated in the "Ancestry of John and Anne Mott" by T. C. Cornell, "as dau. of Valentine." (See will of Mary Allen, prob. 22 June, 1747, 16, p. 170, N. Y. City.) Issue: + 106. William, b. 8 of i mo., 1743; d. 30 of 3 mo., 1826. 107. Hannah, b. 4 of 6 mo., 1744; d. 15 of 3 mo., 1750. + 108. James, b. 29 of 8 mo., 1745; d. 16 of 9 mo., 1782. + 109. Elizabeth, b. 5 of 2 mo., 1747; d. 7 of 9 mo., 1829. no. John, b. 17 of 2 mo., 1749; d. 7 of 3 mo., 1750. + 111. Samuel, b. 16 of 12 mo., 1750/1; d. i of 4 mo., 1791. 112. Hannah, b. 18 of 4 mo., 1753; d. 8 of 2 mo., 1805. + 113. John, b. 24 of 6 mo., 1755; d. 20 of 11 mo., 1823. + 114. Henry, b. 31 of 5 mo., 1757; d. 1840. + 115. Richard, b. 20 of 8 mo., 1759; d. 25 of 9 mo., 1795. + 116. Joseph, b, II of I mo., 1762; d. 4 of 12 mo., 1801. + 117. Benjamin, b. 19 of 3 mo., 1765; d. 21 of 10 mo., 1816. All of the above dates appertaining to the children of Wm. Mott, as well as those of his wife, and her name also are taken from a memorandum book left by his son Benjamin, endorsed "Benjamin Mott's Little Book, Great Neck, L. I., 4 mo., 2 d., 1784." Now (1901) in the possession of Miss Elizabeth Allen of Auburn, N. Y., a gr.-granddau. of this William Mott. (See Allen Family.) (49) HANNAH MOTT, dau. of William; b. 22 of 2 mo.. 1714; m. 5 of 3 mo., 1731, Philip Pell, son of Hon. Thomas, of Pelham, West. Co. Issue: 118. Philip J., b. 2 of 9 mo., 1732; d. 1788; m. Glorianna Tredwell. 119. Hannah, b. 9 of 7 mo., 1734; m. Danl. Stevenson. 120. Martha, b. 17 of i mo., 1735; ^n- John Allyn. 38o THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND (51) CHARLES MOTT, son of Charles; b. about 1695; d- before 1740; m. Deborah . (See deed from them to Joseph Mott, land in Hempstead, 17 June, 1729.) Issue: 121. Joseph. 122. Samuel. 123. Sylvanus. (52) JACOB MOTT, son of Charles; will 4 Dec., 1737, prob. 16 Sept., 1738, giving land in Orange Co. to his father Chas., and also his interest in the schooner " Fortune " of N. Y. City. (53) AMOS MOTT, son of Charles; resided in Oyster Bay, L. I. Will 20 March, 1745, prob. 9 March, 1746, giving land to his bro. Benjamin with remainder to Jacob Mott the eldest son of my brother Adam. Exs., brother Adam and Thos. Jackson, the son of Samuel. (55) GERSHOM MOTT, son of Charles; d. 1758. Lived in Kakeat, Orange Co. Issue: 124. Solomon. 125. Gershom. 126. Mary, m. Peter Lott. 127. Elizabeth, m. Chas. Clark. 128. Benjamin. (57) JOHN MOTT, son of Charles; m. . Issue: 129. Benjamin, named in will of his uncle Benjamin Mott in 1748. 130. Maryann. (59) ADAM MOTT, son of Charles; m. Elizabeth Sraith(?). Issue: 131. Jacob, named in will of his uncle Amos Mott. 132. David. 133. Jonathan. 134. Maryana. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 381 (58) BENJAMIN MOTT, of Oyster Bay, L. I., son of Charles; will 17 Sept., 1748, prob. 29 Sept., 1748, Liber., 16, p. 352, N. Y. City, naming his cousin Samuel Mott, son of my brother Charles; brother David, brother Adam and his four children, cousin Joseph, the son of my brother Charles, Ben- jamin Mott, the son of my brother John, Jacob Mott the son of my bro. Adam, cousin Joseph Starkins and Jacob Mott of Oyster Bay. (64) HENRY MOTT, son of Henry; m. Mary, prob. a dau. of Saml. Southard of Hempstead, whose will, prob. 1764, names his dau. Mary, the wife of Henry Mott, Jr. Issue: 135. William. 136. Henry. 137. James. 138. Mary (prob.). 139. A posthumous child b. 1768. Will 12 Dec, 1767, prob. 15 March, 1768. (73) SAMUEL MOTT, of Hempstead, son of John; will 6 of 9 mo., 1775, prob. 23 April, 1781; m. Hannah Wood. Issue: 140. John. 141. Samuel. 142. Richard, m. and had issue before 1775, viz.: Amy; James. 143. Hannah. (74) JACOB MOTT, son of John; b. 1723; d. 1787; m. 1754, Kezia Seaman. Lived in Hempstead, L. I. Munsell's Am. Ancestry, Vol. VII., p. 73, calls him a son of Jacob. This we must treat as an error, as by his will he calls himself "a brother of Jehu." Issue: 144. Samuel N. (75) JEHU MOTT, son of John; will 30 of 12 mo., 1781; prob. 15 Feb., 1783; m. Ruth Powell. Issue: 145. John. 382 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 146. Jehii. 147. Joseph. 148. Mary, m. 1774, Benj. Hicks (his 2d wife) * 149. Ruth, m. 1777, Jos. Carman. (N. Y. Gen. & Biog. Rec, Vol. XIV., p. 73.) 150. Rebecca, m. John Raynor. (76) MICAJAH MOTT, son of John; will 17 of 8 mo., 1781, prob. 24 Jan., 1783; m. Rachel . Issue: 151. Sarah, m. Stephen Beats or Betts. 152. Rebecca. 153. Rachel. 154. Micajah. 155. Israel. 156. John. (83) RICHBELL MOTT, son of Edmond; b. 3 Aug., 1728; d. 9 May, 1758; will 28 April, 1758, prob. 3 June, 1758; m. 1749, Deborah Dodge, b. 15 April, 1728. Issue: Margaret, b. 21 Sept., 1749; m. Hon. Melancthon Smith. Phebe, b. 21 Aug., 1751. (85) JOHN MOTT, son of Edmond; b. r of 8 mo., 1732; d. 1780/1; will 8 of 2 mo., 1773, prob. 15 March, 1781; legacy to Society of Friends, also to niece Margaret, the wife of Melanc- ton Smith, and brother Edmond of unsound mind. (loi) JACOB MOTT, of Hempstead, son of Jacob; b. 30 June, 1756; d. 16 Aug., 1823; m. 25 Aug., 1776 (N. Y. Gen. & Biog. Rec, Vol. XIV., p. 72), Deborah, dau. of William Law- rence of Mosquito Cove, L. I., son of John. Issue: 157. Jordan L., b. 12 Oct. 1798; d. 8 May, 1866. 158. William L., b. 16 Jan., 1777; m. Dorothy Scudder. 159. Richard L., b. 6 June, 1782; m. Elizabeth Deal. 160. Jacob L., b. 13 Sept., 1784; m. Hannah Riker. Benj. Hicks' first wife was Elizabeth, dau. of Henry Mott. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 383 161. Mary, m. Ezekiel Smith. 162. Deborah, m. Charles Smith. Will of the widow Deborah, 3 of 6 mo., 1825, prob. 20 March, 1827, naming besides the above, viz.: the children of my son Wm. L. Mott, gv. dau. Jane Nicoll Mott, the dau. of my son Richard; gr. dau. Mary Smith, the children of my dau. Deborah Smith, and gr. son Jacob Mott", son of Jacob L. Mott. He removed to N. Y. City and was Alderman 1804/18 10. (97) ISAAC MOTT, son of Jacob; b. 1743; will 5 March, 1780, prob. 7 May, 1780; m. Anne Coles of Glen Cove, L. I.; she b. 1748; d. 16 July, 1840. Issue: 163. Samuel, of Sing Sing, N. Y. 164. Jordan, b. 1768; d. 1840; m. Sept. 24, 1801, Lavinia (after called Winifred), dau. of James Striker of Strikers Bay, and Mary Hopper, his wife. Issue: several children, of whom Hopper Mott, b. 1815; d. 1864; m. Ruth A. Schuyler, and had issue: Hopper Striker Mott, b. 19 April, 1854; m. Mary, dau. of E. S. Lenox of N. Y. City. Issue, a son. Hopper Lennox Mott. 165. Jacob. 166. Jerusha, m. Rev. Geo. Strebeck of Jamaica, L. I. Isaac Mott was in the distillery business with Jordan and Stephen Coles. His wife was a sister of Robert Coles. (103) RICHARD MOTT, son of Jacob; b. 9 May, 1761; d. I Nov., 1814 (See Liber., Q, p. 120, Queens Co. Deeds); m. 3 Oct., 1780, Martha Sutton. Descendants in Munsells' Am. Ancestry, Vol. X.) (106) WILLIAM MOTT, of Great Neck, L. I., son of William, b. 8 of i mo., 1743; d. 30 of 3 mo., 1826; m. 2 Dec, 1789, Mary, b. 5 June, 1761; d. 5 of 8 mo., 1842; dau. of William Willis. Issue: + 167. William Willis, b. 20 Feb., 1791; d. 5 of i mo., 1831. 168. James Willis, b. 18 June, 1793; d. 15 Jan., 1795. 384 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND + 169. Robert Willis, b. 26 Oct., 1796; d. 19 Nov., 1846. + 170. James Willis, b. 21 April, 1799; d. 22 Feb., 1849. (108) JAMES MOTT, son of William; b. 29 of 8 mo., «745; d, 16 of 9 mo., 1782. (109) ELIZABETH MOTT, dau. of William; b. 5 of 2 mo., 1747; d. 7 of 9 mo., 1829; m. David Underbill, d. 7 Feb., 181 1. Issue: 171. William, b. 9 of 11 mo., 1774.* 172. Elizabeth, b. 2 of 5 mo., 1784. (no) SAMUEL MOTT, of N. Y. City, son of William; b- i6 of 12 mo., 1750/1; d. I of 4 mo., 1791; m. 7 of 4 mo., 1784, Sarah, b. 25 July, 1756; d. 11 Dec, 1801; dau. of Henry Frank- linf and his wife Mary, dau. of Thos Seaman. Issue: +173. William Franklin, b. 11 Jan., 1785; d. 1867. 174. Walter, b. 4 Dec, 1786; d. unm. 175. Robert, so called in his father's will, but lately called Samuel Franklin, b. 7 Feb., 1789; d. 7 June, 1859- 176. Sarah (posthumous), b. 25 Sept., 1791; m. John Wood. (113) JOHN MOTT, of N. Y. City, son of William; b. 24 of 6 mo., 1755; d. 20 of II mo., 1823; will 9 of 7 mo., 1823, prob. 23 Dec, 1823; not married, naming with other legatees Eliza- beth and Cornelia Underbill, daus. of Wm. Underbill (see under Elizabeth Mott, his sister). (114) HENRY MOTT, M. D., of New York, son of Wil- liam; b. 31 of 5 mo., 1757; d. 17 Dec, 1839; m. i Jan., 1783, Jane, b. 1761; d. 12 April, 1834; dau. of Samuel Way of Mas- peth, L. I., and his wife Esther, dau. of Obadiah Valentine and his wife Martha Willets. Issue: 177. John Way, b. 19 Oct., 1783; d. 25 Oct., 1827; unm. * Wm. Underbill, had daus. Elizabeth and Cornelia named in will of John Mott, prob. 23 Dec, 1823. t Henry Franklin, b. I of 11 mo., 1731; d. i of 5 mo., 1763; m. Mary, dau. of Thos. Seaman. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 385 + 178. Valentine, b. 20 Aug., 1785; d. 26 April, 1865. 179. Esther Way, b. 16 April, 1789; d. 20 March, 1854; unm. 180. Eliza, b. 25 Aug., 1792; d. i April, 1866; unm. 181. Maria, b. 31 Jan., 1796; d. 8 Feb., 1877; m. Setli M. Hobby, and had issue: Henry Mott Hobby, b. and d. 1826. (115) RICHARD MOTT, son of William; b. 20 of 8 mo., 1759; d. 25 of 9 mo., 1795. His estate adms. upon 1798. (116) JOSEPH MOTT, of N. Y. City, son of William; b. II of I mo., 1762; d. 4 of 12 mo., 1801; will 30 of 11 mo., 1801, prob. 18 March, 1802; m. 17 of 3 mo., 1799, Abigail, dau. of Philip and Elizabeth Thorne. His widow Abigail, b. 4 Sept., 1780; d. 3 July, 1836, m. 2d Griffin, by whom she had no issue. Issue: + 182. Joseph S., b. 6 April, 1800; d. 27 Feb., 1881. 183. Susan (posthumous), b. 10 May, 1802; d. 5 Dec, 1883; m. Aug. 18, 1831, Isaac S. Allen, b. 5 Jan., 1804; d. 10 Oct., 1881; son of Samuel and his wife Rachel Buffett of Huntington, L. I. (see under Allen Family). (117) BENJAMIN MOTT, of New York City, son of William, b. 19 of 3 mo., 1765; d. 21 of 10 mo., 1816; m. 27 of 12 mo., 1798, Elizabeth, b. 11 Oct., 1779; d. 3 Feb., 1838; dau. of Jacamiah Akerly of N. Y. Issue: + 184. Benjamin Akerly, b. 31 Dec, 1808; d. 20 Nov., 1838. 185. Alfred Akerly, b. 11 July, 1811; d. 18 June, 1867; unm. i86. Eliza Akerly, b. 26 Oct., 1815; d. 23 Nov. 1888; m. 1832, Wm. H. Titus of N. Y. City, b. 24 March, 1809; d. II Oct., 1874. Issue: Benj. Mott Titus, d. ae. 2 months. Will 21 Oct., 1816, prob. 25 Oct., 1816. (167) WILLIAM WILLIS MOTT, of N. Y. City, son of 386 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND William; b. at Great Neck, L, I., 20 Feb., 1791; d. 5 of i mo., 183 1, intestate; m. Susan, dau. of Henry Franklin and his wife Sarah, dau. of Jackamiah Akerly.* Issue: +187. Mary Franklin, b. 29 May, 1817; d. 1888; m. ist Benjamin A. Mott; m. 2d Wm. P. Jones of Conn. 188. William, b. 29 Jan., 1819; m. Eleanor P. Waring. 189. Henry, d. in infancy. See Liber., 12, p. 331, of Guardianship N. Y. City, for dates above given. (169) ROBERT WILLIS MOTT, son of William; b. 26 Oct., 1796; d. 19 Nov., 1846; m. 17 Sept., 1819, Harriet Broome Cogswell, b. 16 March, 1790; d. 6 Sept., 1843; dau. of Dr. James Cogswell of N. Y. City, and his wife Abigail, dau. of John Lloyd and his wife Sarah Woolsey of Dosoris, L, I. Issue: +200 Harriet Stella, b. 13 Sept., 1820; d. 12 Dec, 1904; m. 7 June, 1843, Wm. H. Onderdonk. (170) JAMES WILLIS MOTT, of Great Neck, L. I., son of William; b. 21 April, 1799; d. 22 Feb., 1849; m. ist 15 of 4 mo., 1824, Abigail, b. 12 July, 1793; d. 12 Oct., 1836; dau. of Walter Jones. Issue: +201. William Jones, b. 22 Feb., 1825; d. 12 May, 1894. 202. Mary Esther, b. 11 Oct., 1827; m. Samuel A. Jones. 203. James Henry, b. 26 Sept., 1830; d. 8 Dec, 1830. 204. John Jones, b. 23 July, 1833; d. 8 Dec. 1892; unm. M. 2d 22 of II mo., 1838, Lydia F., b. 24 of 8 mo., 1806; d. 19 of II mo., 1879; dau. of Obediah Townsend, and his wife Phebe, dau. of Joseph Lawrence, by whom he had no issue. (173) WILLIAM FRANKLIN MOTT, of N. Y. City, son of Samuel; b. 11 Jan., 1785; d. 3 May, 1867; m. 10 Dec, 1807, Phebe, b. i March, 1789; d. 20 Aug., 1859; dau. of John and Phebe (Weeks) Merritt. Issue: * Jackamiah Akerly, m. Susannah, dau. of Amos Dodge, whose wife Sarah was dau. of Thomas Pell. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 387 205. Mary Franklin, b. 27 Feb., 1809; m. 8 July, 1829, Alfred Willis. 206. Anna M., b. 20 Sept., 1813; m. i Sept., 1831; Walter M. Franklin. +207. William Franklin, b. 17 Aug., 1820; d. 25 May, 1882. 208. Edward, b. 15 Oct., 1822; d. 27 Jan., 1824. 209. Maria, b. 15 Aug., 1835; d. 4 Sept., 1847. (175) SAMUEL FRANKLIN MOTT, son of Samuel; b. 7 Feb., 1789; d. 7 June, 1859; m. Anne, b. 1793; d. 25 Sept., 1854; dau. of Thomas Leggett. Issue: 210. Caroline, b. 26 March, 1815. 211. A son, b. and d. 1817. 212. Margaret L., b. 9 of 8 mo., 1818; m. ist George Ring; m. 2d Lindley M. Hoffman. 213. Louisa v., b. 9 of 11 mo., 1820; m. ist James Ring; m. 2d Clinton Graham. 214. Samuel F., b. 22 of 9 mo., 1822. 215. Charlotte, b, 8 of 9 mo., 1824; d. i Aug., 1826. 216. Ann Eliza, b. 17 of 3 mo., 1835; d. 1842. (178) VALENTINE MOTT, M. D., of N. Y. City, son of Henry; b. at Glen Cove, L. I., 20 Aug.. 1785; d. 26 April, 1865; m. 181 7, Louisa D. Munn, dau. of and Sarah of Phila- delphia. She survived her husband and left a will 24 Feb., 1869, prob. 1873. Issue: 217. Luttson, b. 1819; d. before 1872; unm. 218. Louisa D., b. 1820; d. 17 Oct., 1893; m. Wm. H. Vanburen, M. D.. and had a dau. Sarah. + 2 £9. Valentine, b. 22 July, 1822. + 220. Henry A., b. 1825. +221. Alexander B., b. 31 March, 1826; d. 1890. 222. Adelaide, b. 1828; m. 1844, Isaac Bell. 223. Olivia M., b. 1830; m. Blacque. +224. Thaddeus Phelps, b. 7 Dec, 1831; d. 23 Nov., 1894. +225. Francis R., b. 5 July, 1833. (182) JOSEPH S. MOTT, son of Joseph; b. 6 April, 1800; d. 22 Feb., 1881; m. 1829, Mary, dau. of Nicholas Thorne of 388 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND Skaneateles, N. Y. He resided at Delavan, Wis., where he d. Issue: 225. Alice, b. 1833; d. 1868; m. E. W. Bryant. 226. Louisa, b. 27 Oct., 1835; d. May 3, 1837. 227. Robert M., b. 22 March, 1838; d. 1878; m. 1871, Angie, daughter of A. H. Thomas. They resided in Marcellus, N. Y. Issue: Edwin, b. 13 Nov., 1872. Frederic, b. i Aug., 1874. Mary T., b. 3 May, 1877. 228. Benjamin, b. 7 March, 1842. 229. Louisa, b. 3 April, 1844. 230. Alfred, b. 1846. 231. Jennie, b. 1848; d. 4 Dec, 1891; unm. (184) BENJAMIN AKERLY MOTT, son of Benjamin; b. 31 Dec, 1808; d. 20 Nov., 1838; m. 18 June, 1834, Mary F., b. 29 May, 1817; d. 1888; dau. of William Willis Mott, by whom he had no issue. She survived him and m. 2d William Parkin- son Jones of N. Y. City, and d. 7 Nov., 1888, leaving issue, viz.: Franklin M. Jones, b. 1850; d. J7 Oct., 1895; m. 6 June, 1889, Carrie C, dau. of Frederick W. Bruggerhoff of Norton, Conn. Eleanor Mott Jones. William P. Jones. Mary Mott Jones? Virginia R. Jones? (200) HARRIET STELLA MOTT, dau. of Robert Willis Mott; b. 13 Sept., 1820; d. 12 Dec, 1904; m. 7 June, 1843, William H. Onderdonk of Great Neck, L. I., b. 5 March, 1820; d. II Dec, 1882; son of Benjamin T. and his wife Eliza, dau. of Rev. Moscrop and Eliza Handy. Issue: +232. Harriet Cogswell, b. 9 July, 1844; d. 23 March, 1881. 233. Robert Mott, b. 26 Feb., 1846; d. 23 March, 1857. (232) HARRIET COGSWELL ONDERDONK, dau. of William H. Onderdonk; b. 9 July, 1844; d. 23 March, 1881; m. 2 Feb., 1870, S. Vernon Mann, son of Edward J. and his wife Abbey, dau. of Edward Martin. Issue: THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 389 +234. Edith Vernon Mann, b. 2 March, 1871. 235. Alice Mann, b. 11 March, 1872; d. Aug., 1872. +236. Samuel Vernon Mann, b. 2 May, 1873. (234) EDITH VERNON MANN, dau. of S. Vernon Mann; m. 15 June, 1892, Francis May Simonds, son of Frederick W., of England, and his wife Sophie, dau. of Louis Phillippe de Luze (Swiss Consul). Issue: 237. Eleanor Hearn, b. 7 June, 1893. 238. Francis May, b. 17 Oct., 1894. 239. Samuel V. M., b. 25 July, 1899; d. 4 March, 1900. 240. Edith V. M., b. 22 Feb., 1901. (236) SAMUEL VERNON MANN, son of S. Vernon Mann, b. 2 May, 1873; m. n April, 1899, Helen Wagstaff Colgate, dau. of Robert Colgate and Henrietta Craig. Issue: 241. Samuel Vernon, b. 16 Aug., 1900, (201) WILLIAM JONES MOTT, son of James W.; b. 22 Feb., 1825; d. 13 May, 1894; m. 21 June, 1854, Catharine, b. 7 Dec, 1 831; dau. of Theodore Saunders of Albany, N. Y. Issue: +242. James Willis, b. 23 Aug., 1855. +243. William Saunders, b. 19 Feb., 1865. He resided at Great Neck, L. I., on the old homestead of Lieut. Adam Mott(i) (the progenitor of the L. I. family), until 1873, when he sold the homestead to Wm. R. Grace (Mayor of N. Y. City), and later (1879) removed to Dixondale, Gloucester Co., Virginia. (207) WILLIAM FRANKLIN MOTT, of N. Y. City, son of William F.; b. 17 Aug., 1820; d. 25 May, 1882; m. 13 Oct., 1841, Jane, b. 18 June, 1818; d. 23 July, 1891; dau. of John L. Bowne, of N. Y. City, and his wife Elizabeth Howland. Issue: 244. John L. Bowne, b. 23 Sept., 1842; m. 1882, at Bellport, L. I., Lucy Latham Barney. 245. William Franklin, b. 29 April, 1845, of Toms River, N.J. 390 THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 246. Henry Franklin, b. i Oct., 1847; d, 22 June, 1888; m. Mary Jeffrey. Issue: Edith J. Mott, b. 27 Jan., 1876; m. 7 June, 1899, Horace A. Doan. 247. Minnie Howland, b. 7 May, 1851; d. 8 Sept., 1895; m. 18 June, 1879, Edward W. Perry. (219) VALENTINE MOTT, M. D., son of Valentine, M. D.; b. 22 July, 1822; d. 20 Sept., 1854; m. Isabella Fitzpat- rick of Edinburg. Will 26 April, 1852, prob. 11 Oct., 1854, disinheriting his wife. Issue: 248. Frances S. L., m. Samuel Campbell, d. Feb., 1901; son of Geo. W. Campbell. Issue: Frances, and a dau. who m. John J. Boyd of Orange, N. J. (220) HENRY A. MOTT, of N. Y., son of Valentine, M. D.; b. 1825; d. 5 Feb., 1894; m. 1847, Mary, dau. of Joseph B. Varnum* of N. Y.; she d. in N. Y. Oct., 1905. Issue: 249. Mary V., b. 1848. 250. Joseph v., b. 5 Sept., 1849; d. 23 Jan., 1904, in Boston, and had a dau. Marie L., m. 14 Feb., 1899, Edgar Auchincloss of N. Y. City. 251. Emma A., b. 1850; m. Sidney Whittemore. +252. Henry A., b. 1852; d. 1896 at Staten Island. Issue: two daus. 253. Louisa D., b. 1859; d. 1885; m. Frank D. Gunther. (221) ALEXANDER B. MOTT, M. D., son of Valentine, M. D,, b. 31 March, 1826; d. 12 Aug., 1889; m. 1851, Arabella Upson Phelps, b. 1829; d. 1871; dau. of Thaddeus Phelps of Vermont, b. 1785; d. 1847; and his wife Dorintha Ellsworth. (See Loomis Gen., Vol. II., p. 713.) Issue: 254. Louisa. 255. Valentine, b. 17 Nov., 1852; m. Emily L. Irving (or Ervine). * Hon. Jos. B. Varnum, b. 1818, was a son of Hon. Jos. B., b. 1786, and a gr. son of Maj.-Gen. Jos. B., 1750-1781. He m. Mary, dau. of Nathan B. Graham, and his wife Jean, dau. of Jas. Lorimer of London. He left issue as by his will, Julia M., Mary, the wife of Henry A. Mott, and Margaret, wife of James Underbill, a son of Benjamin T. of Oyster Bay. THE JONES FAMILY OF LONG ISLAND 391 He m. 2d Minnie, dau. of Edmund T. Smith, from whom he was divorced. (224) GEN. THADDEUS P. MOTT, son of Valentine (178), M. D.; b. 7 Dec, 1831: d. 23 Nov., 1894, in Spain; m, 1858, Emily J. Daunton, d. 21 Aug. 1893. Issue: 256. Marie Louise, b. 13 May, i860; d. 21 Jan., 1901; m. W. V. Carolin of N. Y. City. 257. Valentine, b. 7 July, 1861. (225) FRANCIS R. MOTT, son of Valentine (178), M. D.; b. 5 July, 1833; d. in Cheshire, England; m. Catharine R. Saul. Issue: 258. Louisa Valentine, m. Dr. Reed of N. Y. City. 259. A son, d. in infancy. (242) JAMES WILLIS MOTT, son of William J. and Catherine Saunders Mott, b. 23 Aug., 1855; m. 25 Oct., 1904, Jennie Baine MacKay. (243) WILLIAM SAUNDERS MOTT, son of William J.; b. 19 Feb., 1865; m. 3 June, 1895, Anne L., dau. of S. J. C. Moore of Clark Co., Virginia, and his 2d wife Ellen Kounslar. Issue: 260. Ellen Kounslar, b. 12 Feb., 1896. 261. James Willis, b. March, 1898. 262. Catharine Saunders, b. 5 March, 1900. He resided at Dixondale, Gloucester Co., Virginia. (252) HENRY A. MOTT, of Staten Island, son of Henry A.; b. 1852; d. 8 Oct., 1896; m. Ella M. . Issue: 263. Genevieve Moffett, m. 15 June, 1897, Isaac B. Brennan of N. Y. 264. Florence M., m. 1905, James Finck. He was Professor of Chemistry in N. Y. Medical College. INDLX Abbott, Louis A., 286 Abell, Major, 90 Abercrombie, Gen., 195 Adams, Dorothy, 159, 258 Dorothy Ann, 258 George, 258 family, 258 Mary, 258 Thomas, 159, 258 William, 258 Adriance, Isaac, 227 Akerly, Elizabeth, 385 Jacamiah, 385 Jackamiah, 386 Sarah, 386 Akers, Sarah, 2^] Aibertson, Augustus, 296 David Valentine, 325 Derrick, 324, 325, 326 Jacob, 326 Temperance, 325 Aldrich, Daniel, 122 Keziah, 122 Aldworth, Alfred, 184 Daniel Jones, 184 Eliza, 184 Henry, 184 Henry P., 184 Henry Francis, 184 Rosetta Baxter, 184 Alexander, Catharine, 249 James, 249 Allen, Barker, 180 Benjamin, 229, 321 Charles P., 340 Elizabeth, 230, 379 family, 379, 385 Frederick, 230 Frederick G., 230 Geo., 331 Hannah, 230 Harriet G., 230 Henry, 379 Henry Mott, 230 Increase, 229, 230 Isaac, 230 Isaac S., 229, 385 Isaac Spencer, 230 Jacamiah, 343 Jedadiah, 229 John, 27 as Allen, Josiah Buffett, 230 Lewis, 180, 230, 292 Mary, 27, 340, 342, 379 Mary Ann, 230 Mary C, 180 Mary Louise, 230 Othaniel, 229 Penelope, 282 Philip, Jr., 339, 340 Rachel, 229 Roswell W., 180 Sarah, 321,328, 329 Sally M., 340 Samuel, 230 Susan, 230 Susan Mott, 230 Wm., 195 Allerton, Isaac, 365 Ailing, Abraham, 244 Mary (Hauxhurst), 244 Penelope, 244 Allyn, John, 379 John, Jr., 374 Martha, 374 AUsaebrook, Elizabeth, 361 Almy, Christopher, 26, 255 Job, 27 Mary, 26, 27 Peleg, 59 Rebecca, 28 Alsop, Richard, 242, 243 Thos., 66 Althause, Elwood, 156 Elwood S., 156 John, 156 Eleanor, 156 Martha, 156 Althouse, Elizabeth, 123 Jackson, 234 Jane, 234 John, 358 Alward. Emma, 185 Anderson, Elizabeth, 226 Robt., 226 Andros, gov., 35, 36, 40 Applepate, Edward N., 180 Helena, i^i Mary E., 180 Armstrong, Susan, ^2,6 Arnold, Isaac, 220 Arthur, Robert, 309 394 INDEX Ashman, John, 219 Robert, 219 Aspinwall family, 248 Hannah, 247, 248 John, 247, 248 Joseph, 248 Peter, 248 Sarah, 247 Auchincloss, Edgar, 390 Austin, Phebe, 153 Averill, Augustine, 147, 177, 267 Ellen M., 267 family, 177, 266 Helen A., 267 Henry R., 267 Isaac, 266 James Otis, 267 J. Otis, 177 Mary E., 267 Mary P., 267 Otis, 267 Perry, 267 Samuel, 267 Sarah E., 267 Sarah Elizabeth, 177 William Judson, 267 Avery, Jemima, 269 John, 269 Mary, 2^ Bach, James B., 273 James H., 273 Mary, 273 Bacon, John, 216 Baker, Arnold Watson, 307 Charles, 304 Edna Ela, 304, 307 Edward, 303, 304, 308 Edward F., 307 Edward Folsom, 304 Edward W., 304 Edward Wortley, 304, 308 E. Folsom, 189, 308 family, 189, 303 family chart, 305 Francis Folsom, 307 George, 304 George C, 184 George Folsom, 304 Harris Dobell, 184 Helen Folsom, 189, 303, 307, 308 Jean Watson, 307 Joan, 303 John, 282 John Henry, 307 John Hutchinson, 307 John White, 304 Joseph, 304 Joseph D., 304 Baker, Louisa Folsom, 304 Maria, 282 Mary, 334 Sarah Hutchinson, 307 Susan Watson, 307 Bagley, Freelove, 55 Katharine, 279 T.,6i Timothy, 44, 55, 56, 60, 61, 63, 65, 121 Thomas, 61, 279 Bailey, Anna Pierson, 177, 237, 240, 241 Ann Pierson, 239 Catharine, 240 Charlotte, 240 Edmund S., 240 Elizabeth, 239, 240 Esther, 239, 240 family, 239 James, 240, 289 John, 227, 239, 240, 277 John W., 240 Margaret, 240 Mary, 240 Nicholas, 239 Phebe A., 240 Rebecca, 277 Sarah, 239, 240 Theodora, 240 Theodorus, 177, 237, 239, 240, 241 William, 239, 240 Baldwin, Elizabeth (Alsop), 233 Richard, 233 Temperance, 233 Banks, Charles, 226 David, 226 Bankson, , 202 Barclay, James, 231 Barker, Amy, 354 Samuel, 354 Barnard, Joseph F., 157 Martha, 157 Barnardiston, Florence, 204 Joan, 204 Nathaniel W., 204 Barnes, Elizabeth, 265 Joshua, 352 Thomas, 265 Barney, Jos., no Joseph, 139 Lucy Latham, 389 Barstow, Caleb, 147 Bartholomew, Henry, 308 Bartow, Sarah, 226 Bashford, Jane, 256, 378 Basse, Jeremiah, 21 Bassett, Edward, 348 Battelle, Mary, 226 .L ! INDEX 395 Battey, Abigail, 354 David. 353 Elizabeth, 354 Geo., 354 John, 354 Phoeby, 354 Batty, Abigail, 357 David. 357 Elizabeth, 357 John. 357 Baxter, Almira, 184 Francis, 184 Maria A., 182 Maria Anne, 182 Timothy, 182 Bayard, Jas. Swinton, 206 Oscar, 206 Bayles, John, 331 Rebecca, 331 Mary, 331 Beach, Caroline, 177, 267 Beats (Betts), Stephen, 382 Beatty, Abigail, 378 Danl., 378 Bedell, Matilda. 327 Bell. Edward, 231 family, 231 1 Francis, 231 James, 231 Isaac, 231, 387 Louis v., 231 Olivia, 231 Sarah, 231 Valentine Mott, 231 Bellany, Mary, 153 Bellomont, Gov., 20, 21 Bennett, , 231 Jas. Gordon, 231 Jeanette, 231 Benson. Dirk, 318 Eve, 318 Helena, 247 John. 247 Berken. Jane, 299 Bernard, Daniel, 209 Jane, 209 Berrien. Jean M.. 251 Betts. Joanna. 315 Richard. 315 Bier, Jas., 331 Bierck. Adolph. 162 Bill, Gurdon, 164 Mary, 164 Billard. Samuel, 289 Billop. Christopher, 98 Birdsall, Benjamin, 100, 123, 233, 234, 235 Benj., 100, III, 378 Charlotte, 235 Birdsall, Col., 112 David, 234 Eleanor, 235 Elizabeth, 234, 358 family, 123,233 Freelove, lOi Freelove Jones, 123 Henry, 234 Jackson, 235 Jemima, 339, 354 John, 123, 234 John T., 140 Joseph, loi, 234 Joshua, 234 Margaret, 235 Mary, 235 Nathan, 233, 234 Nathaniel, 234 Phebe, 234 Rose, 234 Saml., 354, 355 Samuel, 234, 339 Susannah, 234 Stephen, 234 Thomas, 123, 234, 235 Thos., 358 William, 234, 263 Wm., 263 Bishop, Hamilton, 251 Blacque, , 387 Blackwell, Bridget, 277 Caroline Amelia, 200 Robert, 200 Robt., 277 Blanchard, F. L., 310 Bleecker, John, 292 John Rutger, 319 Maria, 182, 319 Rutger, 182 Theophylact B., 167 Bleijck. Ardiaentje, 297 Bliss, George, 172 Bloodgood, , 263 Blunt, Abigail (Leighton), 238 Charles, 238 Eveline, 238 Bockie family, 79 Boerum, Catharine, 2>77 John, 359 Sarah. 162, 359 Boese, Sarah N., 206 Bogart, Elizabeth, 102 Henry K., 147 Jan Louis, 102 Jan Louwrie, 102 Margaret, 102 Nicholas, 102 Boggs, James, 175 Boisseau, John, 352 396 INDEX Bond, George W., 317 Rose, 317 Booth, , 262 Sarah, 262 Susannah, 277 Borland, Paul H., 346 Bostwick, Thos., 365 Bowers, Henry, 158, 318 Marianne, 158, 318 Bowne, Abigail, 221 Hannah, 27, 295 Jane, 389 John, 221, 242, 258 John L., 389 Maria, 134 Martha J., 258 Boyd, John, 335 John J., 390 Bradford, Anna A., 185 George Dexter, 185 William, 185 William H., 185 Wm. H., 185 Bradstreet, Col., 99 Brayton, Edward S., 320 Brennan, Isaac B., 391 Breton, Rebecca, 25 Brewster, Wm., 350, 351 Brice, Jas., 147 Brick, Grace, 316 Bridges, Chas., 255 Briggs, John, 365 Rebecca, 64, 217, 255 Brigham, Elizabeth (Howe), 304 Persis, 304 Samuel, 304 Brinckerhoff, Abraham, 223 Abraham Joris, 239 Aeltic (Strycker), 223 Margretia, 223 Mary C., 185 Britt, Catharine, 356 Bronson family, 84 Brooks, Arethusia, 236 David, 187, 249 Isabella, 186, 249 Broome, John, 175 Brown, Hachaliah, 80 J-, 351 John, 222, 299 Jonathan, 80 Joseph, 260 Mary, 222 Brownell, Asa Cook, 251 Caroline R., 251 Brower, Mary, 316 Samuel, 316 Broyles, Margaret A., 226 Bruggerhoff, Carrie C, 388 Frederick W., 388 Brundel, Richard, 367 Brush, Benjamin, 257 Daniel, 290 Esther, 228 Henry, 273 Joseph, 228 Julia, 167, 290 Sarah, 232, 341 Bryant, E. W., 388 Henrietta, 310 Melancton, 310 Mary C, 273 Seabury, 310 Bryar, Edward K., 345 James, 345 Budd, John, 80, 82 Mary, 314 Budden, Harriet Bostock, 201 James, 201 Buden, Harriet, 202 Jas., 202 Wm., 202 Buffet, Abigail, 313 Buffett, , 230 Jesse, 310 Rachel, 230, 385 Samuel, 385 Bugy, J. H., 147 Bunce, Capt., 328 John, 310 Burcham, Nathan, 59 Burling, Edward, 372, 375 Grace, 375, 376 Jane, ^-72, 375 Burnett, Mary, 319 Mathias, 319 Burr, Aaron, 216 Burtis, Eleanor, 2,2) James M., 2,Z^ 162 James Munroe, 162 Margery Jones, 162 Susan Cornelia, 162 Townsend W., 2>Z Bush, Edward Arthur, 96 Butler, Mary, 220 Richard, 220 Byerley, Mr., 51 Caire, Fredk. J., 156 Gilbert F., 156 John S., 156 Caldwell, Wm., 139 Campbell, Frances, 390 Geo. W., 390 Samuel, 390 Cannon, Bessie Duncan, 185 Henry Rutgers, 185 INDEX 397 Cannon, Hester, 247, 248 John, 247, 248 Maria (Le Grand), 248 Carle, Jacob, 323 Carll, Ananias, 309, 310 David, 310 Hannah, 310 JuHa, 309, 310 Mary, 310 Phineas, 310 Piatt, 310 Selah, 310 Timothy, 309 Carman, Daniel, 376 Hannah, 223, 224 John, 337 Jos., 382 Joshua, 333 Martha, 334, 338 Phebe, 126, 337 Thomas, 224 Thos., 50 Carmen, Phebe, 333 Carpender, Edith, 205 Jeannie, 205 J. S., 205 Noel Lispenard, 205 William, 205 Carpenter, Ann, 222, 243, 326 Benj., 326 Benjamin, 326 Joseph, 222, 243 Ephraim, Jr., 32 Mary, 243 Nathaniel, 325 Wm.. 325 Carolin, W. V., 391 Carrier, Hannah, 267 Carroll, Patrick, 375 Mary Ann, 374 Case, Mary, 28t; Timothy, 285 Cecil, Jennctte, 206 Chadwick, Daniel C, 183 French Ensur, 183 Chambers, John, 73 Mr., 51 Charles, Robert, 71 Charlick, Oliver, 144 Charmley, Charles M., 267 Chase family, 261 John E., 261, 347 Chatfield, Elizabeth, 278 Cheeseman, Saml., 326 Chisholm, Emily, 245 Christie, James, 335 Chubbock, , 230 Sarah, 230 Churchill, Marlborough, 189 Clapp, Phebe, 138 Thomas, 87 Clark, , 82 Arabella (Jones), 215 Chas., 380 Geo., 372 George, 48 Henry Martindale, 247 Horace F., 144 Sanford, 86, 215 Thos., 72 Clarke, J. S., 23 Clarkson, Harriet Ashton, 165 Clausen, Sophia, 182 Clem, Sarah, 181 Clement, Jane, 256 Clements, , 309 Clerkson, M., 118 Clinton, Chas., 99 De Witt, 108, 126, 127, 132, 134, 135 Geo., 104, 106, 108 George, 71, 103 Gov., 19, 20, 67, 118, 129 Mary, 134 Clowes, Alctta, 222 family, 82 Gerardus, 78, 82, 103 Mary, 234 Saml., 106, 234 Samuel, 76, 77, 82, 103, 222 Thomas, 327 Clows, Sarah, 81 Cock, Daniel, 81, 326, 329 David, 136 family, 327, 329 George W., 58, 59, 277 Henry, 80 James, 329 John, 329 Sarah, 326, 329, 330, 344 Cocks, G. W., 324, 330, 351 Coddington, Ann, 222 Wm., 330 Wm., 222 Coe, Benj., 108 Coerten, Anncke, 318 Coggeshall, John, 26 Cogswell, Harriet Broome, 386 James, 386 Coit. Henry, 147 Colden, Alexander, 106 Alice, 63, 218 Gov., 63 Henry, 218 Lieut. -Gov., 18, 71, 72, 89 Colleus, Arthur Morris, 237 Coles, , 229 Albert, 325 398 INDEX Coles, Amelia, 326-328 Ann, 26, 114 323, 324, 328 Anna, 244, 326 Anne, 141, 324, 326, 327, 340, 344, 378, 383 Benjamin, 324, 326, 359 Caleb, 325 Charity, 326 Charles, 325 Content, 326 Daniel, 59, 323, 324, 325, 326, 327 Daniel C, 327 Daniel Cock, 327 Deborah, 326 Deliverance, 26, 324 Derrick, 326 Dinah, 324 Dorcas, 325 Elizabeth, 26, 323, 327 Elizabeth (Wright), 259 Ethelina, 345 Ethelinda, 327 family, 26, 323, 365 Franklin A., 328 Freegift, 325 F. T., 323 Henry, 136 Isaac, 326, 327, 328 Isaac R., 328 Jac, 114 Jacob, 141, 326, 327, 328, 330, 340, 343, 344 Jemima, 326 John, 26, 323, 324, 325, 327 Jos., 325 Joseph, 259, 324, 325, 326 Joshua, 327 Loretta, 327 Margaret, 327 Martha, 326, 327, 343 Martha L. H., 324 Mary, 26, 58, 59, 295, 323, 324, 325 Mercy, 325, 326 Nathan, 325, 326 Nathaniel, 28, 46, 59, 130, 183, 323, 324, 325 Nathaniel, Jr., 47, 118 Nathaniel, Sr., 36 Nathnl., 351 Oscar L., 328 Penelope, 259 Phebe, 326, 327, 359 Rachel, 326 Rebecca, 33 Robert, 26, 58, 59, 323, 324, 325, 326, 3SI, 365, 383 Samuel, 324 Sarah, 26, 36, 58, 59, 183, 324, 326- 328 Coles, Sarah Amelia, 229, 328 Silas, 327 Solomon, 324, 327, 328 Stephen, 378, 383 Susan, 328 Susannah, 324 Tamar, 325 Thomas, 26, 327, 328, 344 Thomas H., 328 William, 244, 326 William Hewlett, 328 Colgate, Georgiana, 237 Helen Wagstaff, 389 Robert, 389 Collins, Darby, 22 Wm., 239 Collister, Elizabeth, 280 Hannah, 280 Thomas, 280 Collyer, Harriet, 348 Richard, 348 Richard C., 348 Conklin, Anannias, 277, 360, 361 Benjamin K., 254 Buel, 254 Cornelius, 361 David, 361 Elizabeth, 227, 254, 361 Jacob, 361 Jeremiah, 361 John, 227, 360 Lewis, 361 Margaret S., 254 Mary, 254, 361 Richard M., 254 Conkline, Henry, 2819 Temperance, 289 Conkling. , 270, 309 Abigail, 362 Alexander, 363 Benjamin, 278, 361 Conklin, Conkline family, 124, 360 Cornelius, 362 David, 362 Deborah, 363, 364 Elizabeth, 119, 362, 364 Epenetus, 363, 364 Eunice, 364 Hallet, 363 Hannah, 289, 363 Henry, 319 Isaac, 363 Israel, iii, 123, 124,363 Jacob, III, 119, 123, 124, 289, 362, 363 . Jeremiah, 277, 362 Jesse, 363 Joanna, 270 John, 124, 361-363 INDEX 399 Conkling, Martha, 362 Mary, 266. 361, 362 Mary G., 277 Phebe, 363 Piatt, 363 Rebecca, 362, 364 Richard, 155 Richard M., 266 Sarah, 362, 364 Smith, 363 Stephen, 362 Susannah, 363 Timothy, 124, 361, 362 Thomas, 362 William, 364 Conroy, Florence L., 205 Jas. W., 205 Conselyea, John, 102 Margaret, 102 Constable, Harriet, 318 Cooke, Nannie, 351 Coombs, Elizabeth, 252 Francis, 252 Cooper, Hannah, 250 James Fenimore, 15, 195 Cornell, , 277 Archibald, 336 Benjamin, 256 Caleb, 124, 256, 293, 333 Deborah, 256 Elizabeth, 255, 256 family, 255 John, 50, 78, 255, 256, 333 Joshua,2s6, 331,332, 333 Margaret, 293 Martha, 298 Mary, 357 Mary T., 342 Mary Tredwell, 345 Mayche, 298 Phebe, 293, 336 Rebecca, 255 Richard, 255, 256, 257 Samuel, 337, 372 Saml., 377 Sarah, 63, 217, 255 Silas, 256, 378 T. C, 218, 379 Thomas, 68, 217, 255, 256, 257 Thomas C, 378 Thos., 50, 63. 64, 67, 69, 78, 357 Thos. C, 256, 367, 374 Whitehead, 257 William, 256. 257, 333, 337 Cornwell, Hewlett, 294 Margaret, 124 Phebe, 294 Richard, 220 Cornwell, Samuel, 134 Cortelyou, Jacques, 335 Peter, 335 Simon, 224 Cortilieau, Peter, 44 Cosby, Gov., 66 Cousins, Susanna, 307 Covert, ,314 Cowenhoven, Helen, 299 Sarah, 299 Wm., 299 Cox, Alexander R., 186 Geo. W., 26 Townsend, 182 Wilmot Townsend, 182 Cozine, Margaret, 102 Craig, Henrietta, 389 Cranston, Gov., 21 Creed, , 356 Elizabeth, 223, 226 Benj., 336 William, 226 Wm., 223 Crittenden, A. S., 179 E. D., 153, 179 Olin M., 179 Crommelin, Ann, 158 Crooker, Abigail, 243 Sarah (Hauxhurst), 243 Wm., 243 Crooks, Ramsay, 147 Crosbv, Josepha, 165 William H., 165 Wm. Bedlow, 165 Croswell, Archibald, 265 Mary, 265 Cruger, Bertram, 165 Henry, 186 Mary, 165 Matilda, 186 Cuming, Fortcscue, 266 Curtis, Lewis, 147 Cutting, F. B., 148 Francis B., 168 Cuyler, Sarah, 268 Darling, Lydia, 344 Lydia Ann, 346 Daunton, Emily J., 391 Davenport, Francis, 333, 335, 340, 341 Martha, 335. 341,345 Newberry, 187, 335, 340 Sally, 187 Sally M.. 340 Davidson (Davison), Sarah, 153 Davies, Chas.. 311 Louisa Henrietta, 311 400 INDEX Davis, Betsey, 236 Elizabeth, 285 Lydia, 327 Silvanus, 288 William, 285 Davison, Clemence De Mott, 181, 193 Edith Larn, 193 Edith Mildred, 193 Hazel Osborne, 193 Lewis, 193 Lois Stanhope, 193 Mary Judith, 164 Lewis William, 193 Alma Mary, 193 Marion C, 193 Mary, 193 Winfield, 181, 193 Deal, Elizabeth, 382 Deane, Christopher, 248 Hannah, 248 Death, Martha, 304 de Boisauvin, Emma Van Schalkwyck, 312 de Ferentino, Peter, 316 De Hart, Agnes, 335 de Hartley, Constantine, 22 Dekey, Jacobus, 217 de Lancey, Anne, 87, 89, 92, 94, 195 Anne Charlotte, 15, 93, 96, 195 Ed. P., 74 Edward P., 15,24,39 Edward Floyd, 10, 94, 195 E. P., 64 Elizabeth Caroline, 195 Floyd, 203 Genl, 98 James, 11, 15, 68, 70, 87, 89, 92, 195 Jas, 88, 89 John, 96 John P., 89, 93, 195 Judge, 103 Lieut.-Gov., 71, 73 Maria Frances, 195 Martha Arabella, 195 Oliver, 297 Susan Augusta, 195 Thomas James, 195 William Heathcote, 195 Wm. Heathcote, 94 Delatour, Josephine, 292 de Luze, Louis Phillippe, 389 Sophie, 389 Denton, Jane,339 Jeane, 320, 334 Martha, 336 de Peyster, Abraham R., 249 Elizabeth, 249 John, 102 Deurcant, Mary, 361 de Vandie, Marguerite, 202 De Witt, Simon, 92 Dickinson, John, 47 Joseph, 58 Samuel, 46, 47 Disbrowe, Henry, 369 Dix, Rev. Dr., 170 Doan, Horace A., 390 Dodge, Amos, 386 Deborah, 163, 382 Martha, 161 Susannah, 386 Tristam, 221, 374 Wm. E., 147 Dodges, Daniel, 118 Dollilier, Mary Yates, 183 Dorian, Elias, 2)77 Dongan, Gov., 29, 44, 303 Walter, 194 Doty, Hannah, 218 Isaac, 46, 47, 322 John H., 62, 121 Joseph, 62 Doughty, Benjamin, 354 Catharine, 346 Charles, 351 Chas., 354 Hannah, 354 James, 62 Jas., 63 John, 354 Martha, 354 Mary, 218, 269 Miriam, 160 Mirriam, 265 Phebe, 354 Samuel, 354 Sarah, 257, 354 Douw, Catharine, 82 Downing, , 358 Isaac, 136 Letitia, 295 Mary, 324 Downs, Wm., 25 Doxy, Katharine, 287 Thomas, 287 Draper, Wm., 89 Drummond, Jannet, 183 Mary, 183 William, 183 Duane, Anthony, 318 Charles C, 158 Elizabeth, 318 family, 318 James, 104, 105, 158, 318 James Chatham, 158, 318 John B., 318 Maria B., 318 INDEX 401 Duane, Robert L., 318 Maria Bowers, 158, 318 William N., 318 Duer, Chief Justice, 135 Hon. Judge, 128 DufF, Elizabeth, 206 Margaret, 206 Peter, 206 Dummitt, Col., 183 Du Mont, Lucy, 188 Van Gaasback, 188 Dundass, Eliza, 263 James, 263 Dunn, Ballard, 182 Martha, 96 Mary Berthenia, 182 Duryea, James, 91 Jane, 299 Phebe, 359 Dusenbury. Elizabeth, ^33, 336 Dyckman, Jacob, 67 Eatop, Cornelia, 138 EdsalL Ann, 259 Edwards, Fredk. K., 292 Ela, Edna, 308 John, 308 Eldert, Henry, 327 Luke, 224 Rachel, 224 Elliot, Anne, 281 Archibald, 281 Ellis, John, 231 Mary, 231 Ellsworth, Dorintha, 390 Elmendorf, Catharine, 319 Elmendorph. Catharine, 182 Emery, Hannah, 332, 334 Emmons, Daniel, 286 Hannah, 286 Evans, John, 44, 210 Margaret Eliza, 183 Evarts, Louisa Wardner, 312 Wm. M.,312 Evert, Cornelia, 102 Everts, Cornelia, 102 Elyessen, Bastiaen, 247 Metje, 247 Fang^res, Lewis, 231 Marie, 231 Fanning, David, 289 Farragut, Admiral, 240 Farret, Wm., 300 Farrington, Thos., 331 Farwell, John, 236 Faucett, John, 348 Feeke, Elizabeth, 241, 242 Hannah, 241 Robert, 241, 242, 274 Fernau, Rudolph, 349 Ferris, Abigail, 266 Ann, 266 David, 266 Edward, 266 E. H.,205 George, 266 Hannah, 352, 374 John, 351.352, 374 James, 266, 352 Lillian I, 205 Marcy, 266 Mary, 352 Thomas, 266 Field, Caroline, 251 Nathan, 353 Robert, 321 Sarah. 253, 332 Thomas, 353 Finck, James, 391 Fithian, Esther, 291 Fitzpatrick, Isabella, 390 Fitzrandolph, Edward, 353 Fleet, Arnold, 228 Deborah, 228 Hannah, 132, 282 Henry, 225 John, 132,225,282,314 Judith, 228 Margaretta (Selleck), 225 Margery (Tobias), 132,282 Mary Ann, 255 Mary K., 225 Samuel, 255 Fleetwood, Admiral, 255 Thomas, 255 Flemming, Bartholomew. 268 Janet, 268 Fletcher, Col., 18, 24 Gov., 19, 72 Catharine E., 225 Fleury, Balthazar, 281 family. 281 Hannah, 281 Henry, 281 James, 281 James A.. 280, 281 Jane E., 281 Jane Elma, 280 John B.. 281 Margaret. 281 Martha, 281 Flower, Roswell P.. 203 Floyd, Andrew, 209 Anne Willett, 97, ig.S Arabella, 77 402 INDEX Floyd, Benjamin, 98 Charity, 194 Charles, 194 David R., 81, 93, 97 David Richard, 75, 76, 97, 195, 197 Elizabeth, 89 Eunice, 194 family, 97 Margaret, 65, 194 Nicoll, 194, 284 Richard, 51, 65, 74, 77, 89, 97, 98, 194, 195, 197 Ruth, 194, 284 Susannah, 194 William, 194 Wm., 105, 284, 291 Floyd-Jones, Andrew Onderdonk, 197 Arabella, I97 Arthur, 201 Charles, 198, 202 Cornelia, 201, 205 David R., 10, 160, 198, 201, 205 David Richard, 97, 195, 199 David Thomas, 197 Delancey, 18, 198 Edith, 207 Edward, 198, 202, 206, 207 Edward Henry, 203, 207 Edward Pearsall, 201, 206 Elbert, 198, 201, 202, 20?, 206 Elizabeth Underbill, 201 Ella, 200, 204, 207 Emily Glentworth, 201, 206 family, 160, 197 Fanny, 200, 204 Frederick, 200, 205 George, 201, 206 George Stanton, 199, 204 Glentworth, 206 Grace, 206 Helen Watts, 198, 203 Henrietta, 199, 204 Henry, 53, 130, 168, 169, 198, 202 Henry O., 198, 202, 203 Henry Onderdonk, 197 Jeannie, 200, 205 Josephine Katharine, 168, 198 Kenneth, 206 Louisa A., 258 Louisa Ackerly, 203, 206 Mary Louisa, 199 Mary Wigham, 201 Maud Glentworth, 206 Muriel, 206 Robert, 202 Robert Blackwell, 200 Royal Phelps, 200 Sarah, 198 Sarah Hall, I99, 204 Sarah Maria, 198, 202 Floyd-Jones, Sarah Thome, 201 Stanton, 199 Semple, 202 Thomas, 97, 160, 197, 202, 205 Thomas Langley, 199 Thomas Linton, 206 Thomas Richard, 199 William, 198, 200, 201, 204, 205, 207 William Chauncey, 200 Wm., 172 Folsom, Clarissa Edna, 304, 308 Edna, 304 family chart, 305 James, 307, 308 John, 307 Peter, 307 Thomas, 304, 308 Fones, Elizabeth, 241, 242, 274 Thomas, 241 Fordham, John, 29, 283 Mary, 303 Robert, 303 Temperance, 283 Forman, Hannah, 242 Mercy, 234 Moses, 242 Samuel, 234 Forrest, Alexander Patterson, 183 Clara Patterson, 183, 184 Margaret Hope, 184 Foster, , 376 Fowler, Andrew, 129 John, Jr., 39 Frances, Mary, 228 Franklin, Betsey J., 137 Henry, 384, 386 Maria, 134 Matthew, 256 Sarah, 384 Susan, 386 Walter, 134 Walter M., 387 Eraser, James, 266, 347, 349 Freeman, Constant, 236 Cornelius V., 181 Harris A., 180 Susan H., 181 Frisbie, , 152, 153 John S., 153 Frost, , 287 Frost, Anne (Underbill), 244 Daniel, 80 Geo., 244 Jacob, 80 Lula, 287 Mary, 259 Philomen, 311 Sarah, 311 Rebecca, 244 INDEX 403 Frost, Susannah (Coles), 259 Walter, 343 Wright, 80 Wm., 259 Fry, — , 266 John, 221,294 Mary, 294 Fulham, Rev. Dr., 209 Fuller, Franklin D., 152 Jos. B., 152 Mary, 179, 236 Mason, 179 Furt, Barthd., 51 Gaillard, Jos., Jr., 147 Gale, Anna, "jj Arabella Jones, 86 Edmund, 86 John, 77, 86 ■ • Margaret, 86 ' Gans, M., 147 Anna Mary, 86 Gardiner, Abigail, 270 Abraham, 270 Adele G., 186 Albert G.; 270 Coralie Livingston, 186 Eliza, 297 Elizabeth, 270, 300 Elizabeth Gracie, 149 Eliza G., 273 family, 186, 270 family chart, 271 Fanny P., 262, 273 Fanny Rysam, 273 George C., 273 George Conklin, 273 Jerusha, 270 John, 186, 270, 278 John H., 270 John Lion, 300 John Lyon, 186 Jonathan, 149, 262, 268, 270, 273, 297, 314 Lion, 186, 2TJ, 361 Louise C., 273 Mary, 270, 277,361 Mary E., 273 Matthew, 270 Nancy R., 273 Nancy Rysam, 273 Nannie V. N., 273 Phebe, 270 Rachel, 270 Sally G., 2JT, William G., 2yz, 314 William Gracie, 273 Winthrop, 186 Garetson, Matthew, 29 Gelston, John, 270 Phebe, 270 Sally, 270 Gerrits, Claertje, 25 Gibbs, Andrew, 35 Hannah, 184 Gildersleeve, Thos., 46 Giles, Clara Butler, 206 Gertrude Evelyn, 206 Howard Glentworth, 206 Howard Malcolm, 206 John, 206 John Randolph, 206 Lillian Willard, 206 Robert Malcom, 206 Gillian, E. H., 147 Gilman, Catharine, 307 Edward, 307 John, 307 Mary, 307 Glentworth, Emily, 201 family, 202 George, 202 Plunket F., 201, 202 Thomas, 202 Thos., 202 Glover. , 21 Daniel, 165, 185 Eliza, 185 Henrietta, 165 Mary Cruger, 185 Samuel, 288 Simon, 288 Golding, John, 22 Wm., 367 Goodhue, Robt. C, 147 Gorton, Elizabeth, .324 Maer (I\Lnrtha). 323 Mahershallalhasbaz (Martha), 324 Samuel, 324 Gould, Fayette, 313 Grace, Wm. R.. 369, 389 Gracie. Archibald, 146, 268. 297 Mary, 297 William, 297 Graham. , 227 Clinton. 387 Jas. Lorimer, 128 Margaret. 218 Mary, 390 Nathan B., 390 Grafton. Thomas. 287 Grandine. Harriet A., 230 Green. Anna, 292 David, 292 Mary, 202 Griffin. .385 Grinnell, Cornelius, 147 404 INDEX Griswold, Achsah, 304 Gunther, Frank D., 390 Hager, Elizabeth, 259 Hagner, Elizabeth, 256 Henry, 350 Isc, 350 Haines, Julia, 205 Napoleon J., 206 Hale, Josiah L., 146, 147, 169, 170 Rev. Dr., 148 Hall, Eliza, 160 Scudder, 161 William, 161 Hallett, Andrew, 274 Elizabeth, 83, 277, 332, 333, 335, 352 family, 274 Grace, 277, 333 Hannah, 277 Joseph, 274 Katharon, 277 Martha, 277 Mercy, 277 Rebecca, 274, 277, 353 Saml., 333 Samuel, 83, 274, 277, 352 Sarah, 274 William, 52, 242, 274, 352, 353 Wm., 277 Wm., Sr., 277 Halliday, James, 139 Hallock, Abigail, 221 Ann, 138 Arabella, 138 Ed., 139 Edward, no, 138 John, 221 Margaret, 221 Mary, 138 Susan, 138 Halsey, , 264 Ham, Rebecca, 184 Hammett, Augustus, 151 Augustus Jones, 152 Clara Jones, 152 Jonathan, 151 Samuel, 151 Hammond, John, 122 Hampton, Anne, 287 James, 287 Hand, Augustus N., 191 C. A., 170, 191 Hamilton, Alexander, 186 Marion, 268 Handley, Ella, 313, 314 Handy, Eliza, 388 Han ford, Elanthan. 355 Thomas, 355 Harcurt, Dorothy, 329 Elizabeth (Potter), 329 Richard, 329 Harcutt, Isabella, 232 Richard, 232 Hardy, Gaston, 246 Thomas, 365 Hargous, P. A., 147 Haring, Cornelia, 102, 291 Elbert, 102, 104, 129, 291 Elizabeth, 102, 129 family, 102 John, 102 Margaret, 102 Peter, 102 Sarah, 102 Harper, Mary, 342 Harring, Cornelia, 291 Elbert, 291 Sarah, 291 Harris, E. D., 368, 370 Ed. D., 377 John Adolphus, 96 Harrison, Abby Ann, 266 Admiral, 265 David, 266, 344 Dr., 26s family, 265 Francis, 266 Harriet Augusta, 266, 347, 349 Mary, 266 Phoebe, 266 Thomas, 266, 344, 349 Thos., 347 Harvey, Matthias, 323 Harvy, Matthias, 58, 59 Hascall, Asa, 240 Hauxhurst, Christopher, 59, 324 family, 325 Mary, 58, 59, 324 Sampson, 324 Havens, , 270 C. G., 168 Hannah, 270 Hawkins, Adelia, 189 Hawley, Edith, 202 Henry E., 202 Hawxhurst family, 26 Mary, 26 Samson, 26 Hayes, Henry, 230 Isaac, 307 Susan, 307 Hayner, Elizabeth, 124, 293 Hayward, Abigail, 233 Hazard, Joseph, 289 Mary, 289 Samuel, 289 INDEX 405 Heathcote, Anna, 195 Caleb, 89, 195 Hedges, Jeremiah, 278 Hegcman, Adrian, 223 Hannah, 240 Joseph, 223 Henderson, Peter, T,i7 Hendrick, James, 312 James B., 312 Hendrickson, Asa C, 181 Skidmore, 143 Henry. Joshua J., 147 Herbert, Henry W., 160 Martha, 288 Mary, 288 Herriman, Ehza, 232 Stephen, 232 Herring, Cornelia, 102 Elbert, 102 Elizabeth, 103 Joan, 281, 282 Hewlett, , 254, 295 Abraham Van Wyck, 348 Abraham V. W., 343, 344, 346 Alfred Alonzo, 346 Alfred J., 344, 346 Amelia, 26, 328, 344 Anna J., 229 Anna Jane, 347 Anne, ?,27 Anne M., 329 Beni.,91,334, 350 Benjamin, 320, 332, 334, 338, 339, 342 Benjamin H., 338 Capt., 100 Catharine, 345 Charity (Peters), 340 Charles, 138, 148, 335, 340, 341, 344, 345, 359 Charles N., 348 Charles P., 339 Charlotte, 2>37 Chas, 257, 337, 341 Col., 99 Cyrus. 343 Daniel. 109, 113, 226, 330, 332, 334. i3(^,?,2,9, 353, 355 Danl., 336 Del)orah, 334 Divine. 26. 114, 116, 141. 142, 149, 176, 266, 310, 327, 328, 340, 341, 344, 345, 347, 348 Edgar, 346, 348 Edward L., 342 Edward T., 347 'Eliza A., 137 Hewlett, Elizabeth, 114, 135, 140, 187, 257. 310. 329. 33 1. J35. 336, 338. 341, 344, 346, 347 Emma, 347 Emery, 334 Estelle, 233, 345 family, 27, 1 13, 125, 149, 166, 330 Fanny Cook, 348 Frances, 342 Frederick W., 349 Geo., 334, 350, 355, 360 George, 113, 225, 253, 277, 320, 330, 339, 341, 343, 346, 348, 350, 365 Grace, 346 Hannah, 27, 112, 115, 116, 135, 224, 253, 257, 266, 332, 334, 336, 340, 342, 344, 347, 350 Harriet W., 342 Helen, 343 Helena, 335 Henrietta A., 349 Henry, 203, 342 Henry T., 329, 333 Henry Willctt, 340 Isaac, 114, 116, 140, 143, 224, 336, i3^. 340, 343, 344, 346 Jacob C, 149, 175, ^7(>, 261, 345, 346. 349 James, 260, 333, 336, 338, 339, 342, 355 Jane, 254, 331, 334, 336, ^37, 339, 342, 365 Jane Augusta, 346 Jemima, 2,2,?,, 334. 338, 339 Jennie V. W., 348 John, 27, 28, 100, 112, 114, 125, 135, 138, 141, 145, 148, 224, 330. i?,2, 334, 336, c,?,^, 340, 342, 345. 347, 348, 353, 355 John A., 347, 348 John C, 341.344 John D., 266 Jolin Divine, 149, 345. 347. 349 John J., 137^295, 338, 341, 343 John Jacob. 349 John Van Wyck, 346 John V. W.. 343. 348 John Willctt, 339 Joseph. 1S7. 217, 219, 332, 335. i?,7, 339 Josephine, 346 Josephine L.. 232, 343 Josepli L., T67, 225, 229. 232, 233. 339. 342, 345 Joseph Lawrence, 345 Julia. '546 Julia E.. 348 Katharine, 336 4o6 INDEX Hewlett, Lawrence, 320, 329, 335, 339, 340, 342 Lewis, 252, 256, 2yT, 330, ZZZ> 336, 339, 341, 359, 367 Lewis S., 336 Loretta, 141, 344 Louis, 331, 349 Louisa, 346 Margaret Ann, 345 Marian, 346 Martha, 129, 254, 256, 333, 335, 341, 342, 344, 345, 359 Mary, 114, 320, 2>^i, 332, 333, 335, 338, 343, 345, 347, 353 Mary (Allen), 225 Mary Ann, 292, 294 Mary Anne, 342 Mary Cornell, 345 Mary E., 345 Mary Elizabeth, 149, 175, 347 Mary J., 137 Mary V. W., 336, 344 Mary W., 348 Newberry, 342 Nancy, 338, 342 Oliver, 323, 337, 344 Phebe, 117, 137, 138, 256, 261, 295, 332, 333, 336, 339, 350 Phebe Jones, 149 Phoebe, 337,33^, 343, 345 Phoebe A., 347 Phoebe E., 349 Phoebe T., 341 Rebecca, 329, 332, 334, 338 Richard, 98, u 3, 329, 333, 334,337, 338 Rhoda, 344 Robert, 349 Rosannah, 338 Ruth, 256, 333, 335, 337, 346 Rudolph C, 349 Samuel, 117, 226, 295, 333, 336, 338, 344. 345, 348 Sarah, 109, 329, 333, 334, 337, 344 Sarah E.. 149, 347, 348 Sarah Elizabeth, 176 Sarah M., 225 Sarah Maria, 342 Sarah V. W., 342, 343, 344 Stephen. 333, 336, 338, 339 Susan, 167, 229 Susan L., 348 Susan M., 343 Susannah. 329. 335. 338, 339, 346 Susannah P., 342 Susannah Peters, 225, 292 Thomas, 330, 337, 343, 365 Thomas P., 349 Hewlett, Timothy, 334 Townsend, 114, 116, 125, 129, 295, 340, 345, 347, 348 Van Wyck, 344 Walter Jones, 349 Walter R., 149, 174, 176, 347, 348, 364 Walter Restored, 349 Whitehead, 225, 254, 292, 294, 339, 342 Whitehead D., 339 William, 330, 334, 336, 338, 339, 34S Whitehead, 225, 254, 292, 339, 342, William Divine, 346 William H., 336 William M., 327 William Moyles, 343 Wm., 338 Wm. M., 142 Hicks, Abigail, 257 Alice, 323 Benj., 66, 376,382 Benjamin, 327, 328 Caroline, 137 Celesta, 342 Elias, 136 Elizabeth, 136 family, 66 Henry W., 147 Isaac, 66, 67 Jacob, 328, 337 John, 220, 337, 377 John M., 342 Joseph, 136 Mary, 225, 226, 269 Mary T., 137 Rachel (Seaman), 327, 328 Robert, 220 Sarah, 328 Thos., 69, 220, 269 Silas, 327, 328 Stephen, 337 Whitehead, 88, 323 William, 136 Hide, Henry, 30 Higbee. Eugene, 154 Louisa, 154 Marie, 154 Richard, 154 Samuel, 154 Higbie, Rev. Dr., 148 Hildreth, , 264 Hill, John, 82 Hinchman, Benjamin, 88 Sarah, 218 Thomas, 218 Hinman, R., 269 Hitchcock, Wm. R., 143 INDEX 407 Hite, John W., 317 Victoria, 317 Hoagland, Benjamin, 124 Catharine, 124 Cornelia, 124 Elbert, 124 (Hoogland), John, 124 Ludlow, 124 Susan, 124 William, 124 Hobbv, Henry Mott, 385 SethM.,385 Hoffman, Elizabeth, 239 Lindley M., 387 Robert. 239 Hoggeshall, John, 26 Hoke, Robert, 226 Holbrook, Lovell, 147 Hollister, Elizabeth, 261 John, Jr., 261 Joseph, 263 Mary, 263 Holly, Hannah, 231 Holme, Hannah, 316 Homan, , 285 Clemence, 285 John, 284 Mary, 284 Hone, Margaret, 185 Philip, 185 Hopkins, , 325, 326 Ichabod, 324 Rachel, 325, 326 Saml., 87 Sarah, 324 Wm., 326 Hopper, Mary, 383 Hornbeck, Henry, 139 Henry I., 140 Phebe, 140 Horsfield, , 334 Israel, 334 Horsmanden, Daniel, 73 Hosack, Dr., 109 Horton, Jos., 326 Howard, Alice, 246 Beekman, 245 Billopp Seaman, 246 Catharine, 1.32, 190 Edmund Kortright, 246 family, 244 George Rumsey, 307 Geraldine, 307 Gouvcnour Kortright, 246 Harriet Kortright, 246 Harriet Lee, 245 Henry Middleton, 245 Henry S., 246, 247 Hess Lee, 246 Howard, Jas. P., 199 Joseph Lee, 245 Katharine, 244 Katharine Seaman, 246 Lee, 245 Maria, 179 Mary Lee, 245 Robert, 245, 246 Robert Lee, 246 Robert T., 190, 247 Robert Theus, 245, 246 Susan Lee, 245 Susan S., 246 Theus, 245 William Lee, 245 Wm., 179 Howell, , 264 Arthur, 300 Daniel, 315 Edward, 300, 303 Eleanor, 300 family, 300 Mulford, Conkling, Van Cleef and Gardiner family chart, 301 Frances, 300 George, 278, 300 Harriet Mulford, 189, 300 Henry, 300 Hezekiah, 284 John, 300, 303 Joshua, 290 Phebe, 315 Sarah, 278 Susannah, 300 Howland, Elizabeth, 389 Ho}^, Miriam, 234 Hubbard, Jas., 351 Sarah, 351 Hubbs, Elizabeth, 369 Robert, 369 Huidekoper, Alfred, 317 Rebecca, 317 Hulate, George, 330 Hulet, Jane, 370 Jenne, 331 Hulett, Jane, 367 Lewis, 2,67 Hull, , 140 Isaac, 228 Mary, 140 Hulot, John, 99 Hnlse, Benjamin, yj6 Hunt. F. h., 153 Francis A., 179 Philo, 179 Randel, 370 Hunter, , 374 George, 316 Grace, 316 4o8 INDEX Hunter, Gov., 48, 49 Robert, 48, 49 Wm. A., 279 Hunting, Elizabeth, 319 John, 319 Phebe, 279 Huntington, Robert W., 237 Huntting. Wm., 290 Hurd, Abigail, 263 Andrew, 263 William, 263 Hurlburt, E. D., 147 Hurtin, John, 86 Husted, Alary E.. 206 Hutchins, Jas., 350 Hutchinson, Benj., 97 Blanche, 307 Edward H., 307 Eleazer. 289 Elizabeth, 97, 194 Hyde, Ed., 210 Edward, 208 Nicholas, 208 Huyder. , no (Huyden), 138 Ingoldesby, Lieut.-Gov., 51 Richard. 45. 210,212 Ingolsby. Richard, 369 Ireland, John, 284 Mary, 284 Thos., 233 Irving or Ervine, Emily L., 390 Isaacs, James, 139 Ive, , 21 Jackson. Abigail, 352, 353, 355, 378 Alma, 359 Almy, 358 Amy, 356, 357 Andrew, 164 Ann, 355 Anne, 334. 338 Belle. 359 Benjamin, 356 Caroline, 359 Charity, 356 Charles. 357 Coll., 50 Daniel, 356, 358 David, 357 Deborah Ann., 123 Edward. 359 Elizabeth, 133, 162, 351, 355. 358. 359 Elizabeth W., 137 Debora, 352 Jackson, family, 18, 83, 84, 118, 350 Hannah, 27, 113, 224, 332, 335, 351,354-359 Isaac, 353, 354, 357, 378 Jacob, 235, 296, 321, 356, 359 Jacob S., 133, 358, 359 James, 123, 234, 351, 353, 354, 356 Jane, 356, 358 Jas., 221, 274 Jemima, loi, 333, 336, 353, 355 Jerusha, 353, 355 John, 16, 27, 41, 47, 52, 65, 66, 79, 83, 113, 118, 133, 277, 320, 322, 332, 335, 338, 351, 352, 358, 360, 373 John, Jr., 40, 41 John, Sr., 40, 41 Julia, 359 Keziah, 357 Kezia (Mott),338 Letitia, 355 Margaret, 358, 359 Margaret Elizabeth, 123 Marian, 359 Martha, 320, 325, 351,355 Mar>', 132, 133, 221, 237, 296, 351, 352, 355. 360 Mar}- (Willis). 357 Micah. 356, 358 Miriam, 163 Nathaniel, 352 Noah, 357 Obadiah, 133, 137, 162, 355, 357, 359 Oscar, 359 Parmenas, 133, 355. 358 Peter, 354 Phebe, 235, 353, 356, 358, 359 Phoebe, 83 Rebecca, 356, 359 Rebecca T., 162 Richard, 41, 253, 254. 352, 356, 358. 360 Robert, 219, 288, 325, 350, 352, 354- 356 Rosannah, 358 Rosetta, 355, 356, 358 Ruth, 133, 321,353, 355. 359 Samuel. 41, loi, 133, 321, 336, 351, 353. 355. 358, .360, 378 Samuel Jones, 359 Samuel T., 163. 359 Saml., 333. 357 Sarah, 288, 332, 334, 351, 353 Sarah T., 136 Thomas, 133, 294, 353. 355. 359 Thomas Jones. 359 Thomas T.. 356, 359 Thos., 237, 29(5, 358, 359, 380 INDEX 409 Jackson, Thos. B., 163, 164 Timothy, 296, 359 Townsend, 355, 358, 359 Treadwell. 106 Tredwell, 356 William H., 163 William L.. 163 Wm. Henry, 163 Jacobs, , 363 Jaggar, Benjamin, 264 Clara. 264 Daniel, 264 family, 264 Hannah, 264 Jehial. 264 Jeremiah, 264 John, 264 Nathan, 264 Patience, 264 Sarah, 264 William, 264 James, D. Willis, 273 Jansen, Catrina Roeloffe, 268 Jarvis, Abigail, 313 Louisa, 2^2 Moses, 313 Rhoda, 313 Stephen, 233 Jaus, Swantje, 297 Jay, Gov., 107, 134 John, 108 Peter A., 135 Ja\Tie, Chas. E.. 349 Jeffrey, Mar>-, 390 Jenney. George, 65 Henn.-. 65 Jennings, Mary, 327 Maud, 193 Jenny. Robert. 78 Jewell. Adelaide. 162 Alfred. 162 Alfred S.. 162 Edith Jones. 162 Margerv Youngs, 162 Sally Clifford. 162 Johnes. . 10 Cornelia, 292 David. 291 Edward. 290, 291 Elias, 291 Elizabeth, 290 Ephraim, 290 family, 11, 103 Gardiner. 291, 292 Hannah, 291 Isabella, 291 Mary, 11, 290, 291 Obediah, 291 Paul, 291 a6 Johnes, Phebe, 290, 291 Samuel, 290, 291 Sarah, 290 Stephen, 291 Thomas, 11, 291 Timothy, 291 William, 291 Johns, , 10 Johnson, Henry P., 94 John, 61 Margaret, 81. 82 ?\Iatthew, 375 Samuel, 194 Wm., 70, 89 Joline, John, 86 Jones, — , 332 Abagail, 117 Abbie Estelle, 174 Abigail, 121, 122, 140, 152, 174, 386 Adcle, 189 Adelia, 157 A. G., 181 Albert, 163 Albert Gallatin, 156, 180 Alice, 163. 176 Alice Livingston, 166 Alice P.. 181. 193 Alice S.. 161, 184 Alma. 156 Ambrose Kingsland, i6<; Amelia. 161 Anna, 64, 76, 77, S6, 99. 1 10, 138 Anne. 54. 94. 95. 96. 116 Anne Josephine, 141 Annie R., 152, 178 Antoinette, 155 Arabella. 64, 74. 75. 76, 81. 89, 97, 98, no, 139, 194, 197 Arabella S., 141 Arrabella, 99 Arthur Eaton, 177, 192, 270 Beatrice Cleveland, 162 Capt.. 38 Catharine. 82, 108, 125, 134, 158, 209 Catharine A., 193 Catharine C. 125 Catharine Cornelia, 158 Catharine De Nully, 165 C. H.. 100, 139 Ch-irlcs. 159. 183. 184. 193. 209. 210 Charles H., 14. 17. no. 112, 137, 145. 147. 148. 149. 177. 186. 297 Chas. H.. 99, 176, 270. 273, 356 Charles Herbert, 177, 192 Charles Hewlett. 149, 270 Clara. 152. 178, 317 Clarence, 163, 185 I 410 INDEX Jones, Clinton, 134 Cornelia, 108, no, 124, 126, 138, 139, 159. 182, 291, 318, 320 Cornelia Alma, 133, 163 Cornelia Catharine, 134 Cornelia H., 129, I9i8 Cornelia (Haring), 102, 160 Daniel. 155, 180,209 Daniel Francis, 159, 183 Daniel Y., 129, 184 Daniel Youngs, 160 David, 9, 15-18, 37, 41, 42, 44, 45, 54, 57, 60, 63-71, 73-78, 80, 81, 83. 84, 86, 88, 89, 93, 97-100, 103, 104, 106, no, 114, 115, 120-122, 125, 138, 142, 155, 159, 180, 183, 192, 194, 197, 217-219, 355, 358 David S., 10, 16, 39, 102, 109, 134, 156, 164, 165, 181, 201 David Samuel, 133 David Thomas, 134 David W., 108, 121, 129, 183, 184, 258 David William, 159, 184, 193 Deborah, 124 De Witt C, 185 De Witt Clinton, 134, 165, 185 D. S., 181 Edgar T., 180, 193 Edgar Townsend, 156 Edith Lenore, 184 Edith S., 181, 193 Edmund, 159, 183,258 Edward, 14, 207, 209 Elbert B., 181 Elbert H., 33, 102, 108, 126, l6l, 162 Elbert Haring, 131, 132, 161, 162 Elbert Harring, 282 ElbertT., 125, 157, 181 Elbert W., 129, 159, 184, 193 Elbert William, 184, 193 Eleanor, 33, 130, 156 Eleanor Eorrest, 184 Eleanor Mott, 388 Eleanor T., 129, 250, 283, 284 Eleanor Townsend, 180 Eleanore Turk, 132, 160, 162, 163, 250 Elena Maria, 188 Elise Howard, 190 Eliza, 140 Elizabeth, 17, 57, 60, 79, 83, 85, 86, loi, 103, III, 112, 117, 120, 122-124, 140, 141, 148, 149, 155, 156, 163, 166, 175, 182, 193, 209, 229, 261, 28s, 291, 347, 363 Elizabeth Coralie, 166, 186 Elizabeth H., 137, 217, 345 Jones, Elizabeth Hewlett, 167, 187 Elizabeth P., 153, 179 Elizabeth Van Cleef, 189 Ella A., 181 Ella Margarite, 184 Ellen Roosevelt, 165, 185 Ellinor, 134 Emily Glentworth, 163 Emma A., 156 Emma M., 153, 179 Esther, 83, 119, 121, 122, 154 Esther Mott, 190 Estella Y., 153, 180 family. 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 15, 27, 121, 207, 214 Fanny Hannah, 150 Florence C, 184 Florence Clinton, 134 Florence Loretta, 176 Frances, 17 Frances Maria. 141, 167, 290 Franklin M.. 388 Frederick Elbert, 184 Frederick F., 132 Frederick G., 186 Freelove, 17. 54-56, 57, 58, 60, 61, 78, 83, 85, 86, no, n2, 123, 233- 235 Gardiner, 102, 290, 291 George T., 182 George Washington, 132 Gideon M., 122, 178, 179 Gideon Mott. 152 Gilbert, 83, 85, ni, n2, n9, 122, 124, 139, 363 Grace, 209 Hannah, ni, n2, 115, 117, ng. 139-141, 166, 188, 285, 286 Hannah A., 129 Hannah Anne, 141 Hannah Amelia, 160, 161 Hallet, no Hallett,85, 122, 154, 180 Harriet Augusta, 176 Harriet Howell, 190 Hattie, 154 Helen, 141, 167. 173, 187, 279 Helen F., 7 Henrietta L., 188 Henry Crosby, 165 Henry Duane, 159 Henry J.. 141 Henry Philip, 134, 164 Herman Le Roy, 134, 165, 185 Isaac, 79 Isaac H., 140 Isaac Hewlett, 166 Israel S., 125, 156, 181 Jackson, 17 INDEX 411 Jones, Jackson H., 154, 155 Jackson Hallott, 83, 122 Jacob, 79 Jacob Seaman Jackson, 162 Jacob S. J., 184. 185, 359 Jacob S. Jackson, 133 James, 122, 153. 163 James Duane, 158, 159, 183 Jennie L., 153, 179 Jane, 209 John, 14, 17. 28, 82-86, loi, 109, 112-121, 125, 135, 140, 141, 145, 148-150, 157, 175, 182, 208, 209, 340, 341-345. 347 John D.. 17. 94, 146, 147, 169, 170, 172. 190, 198 John D., Mrs., 55 Jolin Divine, 141, 168 John G., 150 John Gardiner, 149 John H., 3, 17, loi, 112, 114, IIS, 121, 141-143. 145. 149. 152, 167, 168, \Ty\7'I, 189, 214, 215, 267, 279, 290, 303, 307, 308, 313, 344, 345 John Henry, 174, 189 John Jackson, 117, 120, 146, 151 John Jay, 132, 134 John Mott, 122, 154 John R., 153 John Tredwell, 157, 182 Joseph Robert, 188 Josephine Catharine, 191 Josephine K., 235 Josephine Katharine, 177, 237 Josephine Neilson, 165 Joshua T., 17, 112, 137, 149, 150 Joshua Thomas, 175, 191 Julia Elizabeth, 184 Julia Catharine, 134 J- T., 149 Katharine, 14 Kezia, 159, 161, 184 Kezia (Youngs), 205 Keziah, 109, 130. 154 Laura, 185 Lieut., 100 Lilian, t66 Lilian Livincrston, 187, 248, 249 Lily May, iSo Louisa A. Floyd, 258 Louisa M., 153, 178 Louisa Elizabeth, 177, 192,270 Lydia Mott, 122, 153 Mabel Jennings, 193 Margaret, 17. 57. 60, 75, 82, 83, 85, 124. 133, 134. 340. 343 Margaret Ann, 157, 182 Jones, Margaret Elizabeth, 193 Margaret Livingston, 134 Marguerite Howard, 190 Maria Louisa, 188 Marianna F., 132 Marianna Fleet, 162 Marianne Duane, 159 Marietta A., 156, 181 Martha. 14, 141, 157 Martha Louisa, 166, 186, 249 Mary, 36, 64, 76, 77, 99. 100, no, III, 120-122, 135, 139, 140, 152, 163, 209, 291 Mary Ann, 138 Mary Ann S., 125 Mary Ann Schuyler, 109, 158 Mary Catharine, 190 Mary Dorothy, 184, 193 MaryE., 150, 152, 153, I77-I79. 181, 186, 270 Mary Elizabeth, 150, 177 Mary Franklin, 165 Mary Glover, 165 Mary Jackson, 133, 163,292 Mary Jane, 155 Mary Katharine, 174 Mary Kingsland, 165, 185 Marv Le Rov, 134 Mary Mott, 388 Mary Smith, 163 Mary T., 109, 112, 137 ^Tary Townsend, 145 Mary Willis, 117 Melancton Smith, 163 Miles, 154 Miles L., 154 Natalie Rathbone, 162 Nellie, 181 Nicholas, 103, 291 Oliver, no Oliver H., 137, 140, I77. 186, 249. 268 Oliver Hewlett. 165, 269 Oliver L., 150, 192 Oliver L., Mrs., 119 Oliver Livingston, 166, 177, 192, 269, 270 Phcbe, 17, 83. 85, no, in, 120, 121, 122, 124. 133, 137, 145. 151 Phcbe Elizabeth, 133, 155, 164 Phcbe J.. 112 Phcbe Jackson, 148, 150 Phcbe W., 156, 181 Philip Hone Lc Roy, 185 I'hilip Livingston, 134, 164, 177, 102. 270 Philo, 154 187, 186, 117. 139, 412 INDEX Jones, Phoebe, 83 Phoebe (Hewlett), 337 Phoebe Jane, 345 Rensselaer Westerlo, 134 Rinda E., 153, 179 Richard, 17, 83, 85, no, 121, 122, 152, 153, 154, 155 Richard Everett, 180, 192 Richard H., 155, 180, 192 Richard Restored, 122, 155 Robert, 159 Robert Edmund, 184 Roger, 208 Rosalie Adele, 166, 186 Rosalie Gardiner, 177, 192, 270 Rutgers Brevort, 185 Ruth, 122 Samantha, 153 Saml., 103, 105, 107 Saml., Jr., 126 Saml. W., 318 Samuel, 9, 12, 16, 17, 27, 39, 40, ^^, 78, 82-84, 87, 101-103, los-iio, 114, 119, 125, 127, 129, 131-136, 138, 14s, 148, 157, 158, 176, 291, 29s, 341 Samuel A., 17, 62, 120, 141, 152, 174, 176, 189 Samuel Jackson, 133, 162, 163, 184 Samuel S., 125, 156, 180, 193 Samuel Seabury, 132, 162 Samuel Seaman, 157, 181 Samuel T., 163 Samuel Van ^A^yck, 167, 187, 340 Samuel W., 16, 129, 141, 182, 183, 187, 188. 199, 318, 320, 343 Samuel William, 158, 167, 188, 229 Samuel Youngs, 132, 161 Sarah, 17, 57, 60, 64, 82, 83, 85, 99, 103, 120, 121, 124, 126, 158, 293 Sarah E., 156, 267 Sarah Eliza, 132 Sarah Elizabeth, 141, 176, 177 Sarah H., 112, 145 Sarah L., 60, 63 Sarah Maria, 157 Sarah Willis, 117 Susan Cornelia, 132, 161 Susan M., 129, 167, 188 Susan Maria, 160, 265 Theodorus Bailey, 177, 192 Theophilus, in Thomas, 9, 10, 11-16, 18. 21,23,24, 26, 28, 7,z-Z7, 39, 42-49. .'12, 54-58, 60-64, 67-70, 73-81. 83-87, 89, 94- 96, 100, 102, 103, 104, 107, 108, III, 119, 121, 125, 132-134, 137, 1.38, 139, 162-164, 168, 195, 197, 198, 207-212, 211-216, 292, 359 Jones, Thomas E., 132, 161 Thomas Elwood, 122, 154 Thomas Jackson, 163 Thomas W., 359 Thomas William, 133, 163 Timothy, 261 Timothy Bagley, 82 Thos., 14, 24, 27, 28, 32-38, 40, 42, 53, 55, 56, 58, 62, 64, 65, Tz, 74, 77, 80-84, 86, 89, 90-93, 98, 99, 104, 105, no. III, 127, 133, 208, 222, 356 Townsend, 17, 109, 121, 125, 132, 137, 141, 149, 157, 17s, 176, 189, 190, 191, 244, 246, zzT, 341, 347 Townsend Howard, 190 Townsend S., 181, 193 Virginia, 167, 188 Virginia Martha, 189 Virginia R., 388 Virginia Warwick, 287 Walter, 12, 17, 18, 27, 62, 83-86, 102, 108, I11-114, 117-121, 124, 140, 144, 145, 150-152, 174, 180, 192, 295, 336, 363, 386 Walter Clinton, 65 Walter Franklin, 134, 165 Walter Mott, 174, 189, 300 Walter R., 17, 78, 112, 126, 137, 141-148, 150, 151, I.S3, 166, 167, 169, 170, 177, 179, 188, 287 Walter Restored, 145 Walter R. T., 141, 177, 191, 192, 237, 239, 240, 241 Walter Rysam, 189 Walter S., 153 William, 10, 14, 16-18, 28, 34, 41, 44, 54, 57, 60, 66, 78, 80-83, 100- 102, 104, 108-113, 116, 117, 119, 121-124, 126, 128, 129, 131-133, 13s, 137, 138, 153. 154, 159, 160, 198, 207, 208, 209, 214-216, 234, 250, 265, 282, 284, 293, 336, 340, 341, 343, 353, 358, 363 William Alfred, 10, 134, 135, 164 William C. H., 155 William D., 100, 125, 156, 157 William David, 125 William E., 17, 132, 174, 191, 347 William Edward, 141, 176, 191 William G.,291 William H., 17. 112, 114, 121, 140, 165-167, 188, 193, 286, 343 William Henry, 157, 181 William Hewlett, 167, 188 William R., 122, 153, 179, 180 William Robert, 167 William P.. 388 William Parkinson, 388 INDEX 413 Jones, William Samuel, 159 William T., 152, 178, 264, 317 William Townseiul, 82, 117, 152 William W., m, 153 Wm., 39, 85, 86, loi, 109, no, 112, 123, 130, 194, 209 Wm. E.. 149, 174, 175 Wm. H., 115, 143,145,150,181 Wm. P., 386 Wm. T., 264 Wm. Townsend, 121 Wm. W., Ill Jordan. Maria, 262 Mary, 262 Robert, 262 Judson. Joseph, 303 Sarah, 303 William, 303 Kashow, Eleanor, 327 John, 2,2-] Kates. Jane, 348 Keen. John, 316 Mary, 316 Keift, Gov., 29 Keith, Geo., 17 John, 47. 56 Kelsey. Charlotte, 154 Havens, 314 Loretta, 327 Maria, 183 Richard, 327 Susanna, 129 Susannah, 282 Timothy, 129, 282 Kellogg, , 164 Dr., 263 Elizabeth, 164 Kent, Chancellor, 109 Jas., 240 James, 107 Kershaw, Cornelius, 298, 299 Margaret, 299 Ketch am, , 363 Angeline, 156 He?ter, 233 Israel, 364 John, III Joseph, 362 Phineas, 156 Sarah J., 156 Sarah, 362 Zebulon, 363 Ketch urn, . 247 Cornelia, 246, 247 Ketcltas, Abraham, 318 Altea, 318 Key, , 347 Catharine, 345, 348 Key, Florence, 348 Hannah Ann, 348 Martha F., 348 Mary, 348 Sarah, 345, 347 Solomon Divine, 348 Keyes, Edward Lawrence, 31 1 Edward Lougliborough, 311 Elizabeth Hewlett, 311 Emma Willard, 311 Kieft, Gov., 25, 227. 300, 367 King. Alice Howard, 246 Charles Henry, Jr., 246 Chas. Henry, 246 C. Henry, 246 Dorothy, 314 Eleanor Jane, 247 Harry Lee, 247 Hester Mary, 246 John, 289 John A., 130 Margaret, 289 Mary, 314 Robert Howard, 246 Ross Woodruff, 246 Rufus, 130, 132 William Bruce, 247 Kingsland, Ambrose C, 165 Augusta L., 165 Ex-Mayor, 148 Kinnear Beverly O., 300 Kip family, 126 Kipp. Charlotte, 338 James. 338 Kirby, Amy, 137 Anne, 259 Daniel, 259 Hannah (Latting), 259 Phebe, 334 Phrebe, 338 Kissam, Benjamin, 253, 254, 255, 335 Charles, 254, 255 Daniel, 252, 253, 254, 2,2,},, 358, 373 Daniel Whitehead, 253, 254 Danl.. Jr.. 91 Edward. 254, 255 Elizabeth. 253, 254 family. 252. 375 Hannah, 252, 333 Hewlett, 253 Jackson, 255 John. 252, 253, 375 Jos., 98 Joseph. 253. 254, 255. 332, 335 Levina, 253 Martha. 253 Phcbe. 253. 254. 358 Samuel. 254. 255 Thomas. 252 William, 254 414 INDEX Kissam, William Wilmot, 255 Wm., 254, 258 Wm. W., 3iO, 342 W. W., 187, 229 Knapp, Anne, 259 Kollock, Jacob, 269 Magdalen, 269 Kortright, Charlotte, 206 Cornelius, 247, 248 Cornelius Jansen, 247 family, 247 Femmetje, 223 Femnetze, 225 Hester Mary, 246, 247, 248 John, 246, 247, 248 Laurens Cornelius, 247 Lawrence, 247, 248 Kounslar, Ellen, 391 Kreffert, Maria, 299 Kruger, Helena, 241 Laan, Jannetje, 299 Labagh, Alethea Augusta, 191 Emma E., 347, 349 Isaac, 191,347,349 Lamb, Gen., 107 Landon, Jas., 289 Rachel, 289 Lane. Daniel, 287 David, 147 Langdon, Elizabeth, 234 Thos., 234 Laremore, Elizabeth, 86 Latham family, 300 Rachel, 320 William, 243 Latten, Jonas, 80 Latting, Charles, 136 John, 326 Josias, 35 Josiah, 324 Susannah, 324 Launder, Mary, 360 Lawrence, , 3'^7 Adam, 218, 219, 259, 260, 333. 336 Caleb, 259 Daniel, 259 Deborah, 219, 260, 382 Elizabeth, 81, 86, 219, 260 Ella, 317 family, 259 Henry, 260 John, 255, 256, 283 Jordan, 260, 378 Joseph, 260, 386 Joshua, 259 Mary, 260 Obediah, 259, 260 Phebe, 260, 386 Lawrence, Richard, 259, 260 Samuel, 259 Sarah, 260, 333, 336 Stephen, 260 Thomas, 283 Thos., 317 Wm., 98, 259, 260 William, 219, 259, 260, 382 Zipporah, 260 Lawton, Anna, 187, 340 Cyrus, 340 Cyrus W., 187 Isaac, 26 Leach, J. G., 300 Lear, Elizabeth, 238 Elizabeth (Hall), 238 Tobias, 238 Lee, , 245 Frances Beekman, 245 Harriet, 245 Rebecca, 245 Stephen, 245 Thomas, 245 Leek, Elizabeth, 299 Martha, 314 Lefferts, Titus, 155 Leggett, Anne, 387 Thomas, 387 > Leisler, Gov., 325, 368 Leland, , 236 Jerusha, 236 Lenox, E. S., 383 Mary, 383 Leonard, John, 337 Louise, 273 Thos., 337 Le Roy, Herman, 134 Susan, 134 Lester, Silvester, 289 Leverich, Rev. Mr., 219 Caroline Duncan, 204 Charles D., 204 Gertrude Riker, 204 Mathilde Gertrude, 204 Leveridge, Wm., 31 Lewis, , 376 Adaline Louise, 290 Azel, 270, 310 Charity, 310 Egbert, 314 Gloriana, 310 Harriet, 313 Isaac, 290 Jos., 309, 313 Joseph, 314 Joseph S., 314 Juliana, 344 Mary, 202 Piatt, 310 INDEX 415 Lewis, Scudder, 310 Lincoln, Mr., 171 Linington, Argyle Watson, 182 Howard, 247 Maud, 247 Stephen, 182, 247 Stephen H., 182 Stephen Wood, 182 Timothy B., 246 Linton. John, 202 Martha, 202 Margaretta, 202 Littlejohn. Bishop, 170, 172 Littleton, Dr., 22 Thos., 210 Livingston family, 268 James D., 269 James Duane, 166, 269 John, 268 Louisa, 166, 177, 268, 269 Maria, 158,318 Mortimer, 147 Oscar, 205 Phil, 104, 134, 268 Robert, 70, T^, 268, 318 Robert, Jr., 89 Robert C., 269 Robert Cambridge, 268 Wm.,88 Lloyd, Abigail, 386 Henry, 64, 99 John, 386 William, 209 Lockman. Myron A., 221; Lockwood, Alice W., 206 Elizabeth, 202 Joseph, 355 Longbotham, Bessie, 156 George S., 156 Lord, Frederick, 203 Mary, 202 Lorimer, Jas., 390 Jean, .390 Lett, Gertrude, 197 Johannes, 68 Mary, 366 Peter, .180 Hermones, 338 Lounds, Theodore, 313 Lovatt. Mary, 165 Low. A. A.. 147 Lowers, John, 308 Ludlow, George Duncan. 113 Geo. Duncan, 70. "jz Lynes, Wm., 324 Lyttleton, Constantine, 210 Mackay, Archibald K., 185 MacKay, Jennie Baine, 391 Macomb, Alexander, 319 Jane, 319 Macounc, Samuel, 58 Saml., 80 Maddox, Anna, 293 Maet (Mott), Adam, 331 Mann, Alice, 389 Edith Vernon. 389 Edward J., 388 Samuel Vernon, 389 S. Vernon, 388, 389 Mapes, Rebecca, 282 Marriott, Eliza, 347 Marshall, Chas. H., 171 Mary, 303 Thomas, 303 Martin, • , 292 Abbey, 388 Edward, 388 Marvin, Geo. H., 273 John James, 274 Mary E., 274 Nannie V. N., 274 Marwyn, ,331 Mason, Joseph, 317 Susannah, 299 Victoria A., 317 Mastens, Agnes, 193 Anna, 193 Herman J., 193 Masters, Agnes, 181, 193 Anna, 181 Herman J., 181 Maston, Lawrence, 2,yy Mather, Henry C, 270 Mathews, Vincent, 45 Matthews, , 162 Maude, 162 Maubry, Auning, 327 Maverick, Lydia, 226 Lydia A., 225 Samuel, 226 Sarah, 308 Mayhew, John, 288 Patience, 288 Mayo, Samuel, 31 Mayse, Wm., 21 McAdam, John Ix)udon, 93, 195 Mrs., 94, 95 McCall, Hamilton, 147 Jasper, 269 McCoon, , 99 McCoun, Mary, 58 Samuel, 282 William, ■;8 McCrcady, Frcd'k, 281 McDougal, Col., 91 Genl.. 112 McKnight, Mary Beckman, 240 4i6 INDEX Meggs, Marke, 59 Mendrum, Eleanor, 238 Mentz, Henrietta (List), 262, 264 Susan, 262, 263 William, 264 Wm., 262 Merritt, John, 386 Mrs., 216 Phebe, 386 Phebe (Weeks), 386 Sara A. Van Deusen, 214 Sarah Van Deusen, 209 Messinger, Rosa, 292 Meurson, Geo., 88 Meyer, John Ray, 158 Mary, 158, 318 Micheau, John, 375 Miles, Richard, 50 Miller, , 79 Abraham, 297, 319 Anna Maria, 293 Annanias, 319 Burnet, 319 Burnett, 319 Charles Dudley, 320 Cornelia Jones, 182 Cornelia Stansbury, 182 Dan'l S., 147 Eleazer, 68, 319 Elizabeth, 291, 319 family, 318 Jeremiah, 278, 319 John, 318, 319 John Bleecker, 182, 318, 320 Luella, 154 Maria. 293 Maria Duane, 182 Mary, 319 Mathias B., 319 Matthias Burnet, 319 Mehitable, 319 Morris Smith, 182, 319 Nicholas, 293 Rutger Bleecker, 319 Sarah. 320 Mills, N. S., 225 Minnes, Jannetje, 298 Mitchell. Elizabeth, 86 Freelove, 86 G., 204 Margaret, 86 Maria, 342 Maria T., 339 Hannah. 86 Jacomiah, 86 John, 86, 334 Phebe. 86 Robert. 86 Sam'l. 358 Sarah, 86 Mitchell, Singleton, 344 William, 86 Wm., 339 Monfort, Elbert Peterse, 223 Montgomery, Elizabeth, 26 Moore, Anne L., 391 Benjamin, 289 Benj., 91 Calvin, 289 Caroline Loretta, 167 Charles Benjamin, 290 Charles B., 9, 10, 13, 23, 24, 25, 2g, 30, 290 C. B., 48, 53, 61, 70, 72, yz, 79, 85, 104, 105, 107, 114, 116, 123, 128, 142-144. 167, 169, 191, 210, 277, 325.332,351. 352 David, 289 Deborah, 288 Elizabeth, 289 family, 167 Frances Maria, 167, 290 Hannah, 289 Henry, 289 James, 288 Jane, 289 Jeremiah, 167, 289, 290 John, 289 Jonathan, 289 Joshua, 289 Julia Brush, 290 Lydia, 289 Luther, 289 MacAllaster, igo Mary, 288, 289, 339 Mary Adaline, 290 (More) family, 287 Nathaniel, 351, 352 Phebe, 288 Rachel, 288 Robert, 132 Samuel, 289 S. J. C, 391 Thomas, 167, 288, 289, 290, 352 Thos., 339 Townsend Merriam, 190 William, 154 William Henry Helme, 290 More, Ann, 287 Benjamin, 287 Eliza. 288 Elizabeth, 288 Hannah, 288 John, 288 Jonathan, 288 Martha. 287. 288 Mary, 287, 288 Nathaniel, 288 Sarah. 288 Samuel, 288 INDEX 417 More, Thomas, 287, 288 Morgan, Sally, 199 Theophilus, 199 Morris, , 254 Frances, 249, 287 gov., 90 Lewis, 249 Magdalena, 249 Richard, 87 Sabina, 249 Morse, , 206 Moscrop, , rev., 388 Eliza, 388 Mosier, Henrietta, 188 Mott. , 234, 255 Abigail, 121, 357, 376 Adam, 64, 152, 217, 218, 220, 222, 243, 256. 294, 295, 331. 336, 352, 353, 355. 365, 367, 369. 370, 27^, 37 i, 374, 376. 378, 380, 381, 389 Adam, Jr., 366, 369 Adelaide, 231, 387 Alexander B., 387, 390 Alfred, 388 Alfred Akcrly, 385 Alice, 388 Amos, 374, 380 Amv, 381 Ann, 253. 371, 373, 375 Ann Eliza, 387 .A.nna M., 387 Anne, 64, 217. 218, 220, 222, 256, 295, 353, 357, 367, 374, 378, 379 Benjamin, 375, 379-381. 385. 388 Benjamin A., 386 Benjamin Akerly, 385, 388 Caroline, 387 Catherine Saunders, 391 Charles, 369, 371, 374, 380, 381 Charlotte, 387 David, 380, 381 Deborah, 254, 373, Z77, 380, 383 Edith J., 390 Edmond, 373.376,377.382 Edmund, 163 Edward, 387 Edwin, 388 Eliza, 323 Eliza Akerlv, 385 Elizabeth, 243. 253, 255. 294, 295, 365. 368, 369. 371, 372, 273, 374- 378. 380, 382, 384, 385 Elkanah, 376 Ella M., 3QI Ellen Kounslar, 391 Emma A., 390 Esther Way, 385 family, 152. 364. 370 Florence M.. 391 Frances S. L., 390 Mott, Francis R., 387, 391 Frederic, 388 Genevieve Moflfett, 391 Gcrshom, 316, 370, 272, 375, 380 Grace, 370, 272 Hannah, 373. 374, 376. 379, 381 Harriet Stella, 386, 388 Henry, 370, 2,7^, 2,72, 376, 379, 381, 382, 384. 386, 387 Henry, Jr., 381 Henry A., 387, 390, 391 Henry Franklin, 390 Hopper, 383 Hopper Lennox, 383 Hopper Striker, 383 Isaac, 357, 378, 383 Israel, 382 Jac., 357 Jackson, 378 Jacob, 254, 260, 2S2, 272, 374. 27^, 277, 378, 380, 381, 382, 383 Jacob L.. 382, 383 James, 121, 222, 243, 370, 371, 272. 375. 277, 378, 379, .381, 384 James Henry, 152, 386 James W., 174, 260, 389 James Willis, 152, 383, 384, 386. 389, 391 Jamima, 277 Jane, 288. 371, 372, 377 Jane NicoU, 383 Jas., 322 Jehu. 376, 381, 382 Jemima, 373 Jennie, 388 Jerusha, 357, 378, 379, 383 Jo.. 365 „^ ^ John, 121, 122. 288, 316. 222, 364. 365, 370, 371, 372, 375, 376, 277, 379, 381, 382, 384 John Jones, 152, 386 John L. Bowne, 389 John Way, 384 Jonathan. 365, 366, 380 Jordan, 383 Jordan L., 382 Jos., 374 Joseph, 230. 3=^7. 370. 371. 372. 373. 377. 378, 379. 380, 381. 382. 385. 387 Joseph S.. 385. 387 Joseph v., 390 Kezia, 334. 354 Keziah. 2'^2, 2SS, 272 Louisa. 388, 290 Louisa D.. 387. 390 Louisa v.. 387 Louisa Valentine, 391 Luttson, 387 4i8 INDEX Mott, Lydia, 122, 243, 378 Margaret, 163, 291, 292, 327, 376, 382 Margaret L., 387 Maria, 385, 387 Maria Louisa, 233 Mariam, 372 Marie L., 390 Marie Louise, 391 Martha, zy-z, 374, 376, z^^ Mary, 257, 336, 2,2,7, 365. 37i, 2,7Z, 375, 376, 380, 381, 382, 383 Maryana, 380 Maryann, 380 Mary Ann, 375 Mary Anna, 369, 371, zii Mary Esther, 121, 152, 174, 386 Mary F., 388 Mary Franklin, 386, 387 Mary T., 388 Mary V., 390 Mary Whitehead, 254 Micajah, 376, 382 Minnie Howland, 390 Miriam, 257, 357, 378 Olivia M., 387 Patrick, 372, 376 Phebe. 255, y72, 376, 382 Rachel, 376, 382 Rebecca, 376, 382 Richard, 243, Z7Z, 375, 376, 377, 378, 379, 381. 383, 385 Richard L., 382 Richbell, 163, 253, 258, 291, 292, 352, 355, 369, 371, y?Z, 375, 376, Z77, 378. 382 Robert, 384 Robert M., 388 Robert Willis, 384, 386, 388 Ruth, 121, 260, 357, 378, 382 Samuel, 327, 372, 376, 377, 378, 379, 380, 381, 383, 384, 386, 387 Samuel F.. 387 Samuel Franklin, 384, 387 Samuel J., 378 Samuel N., 381 Sarah. 243, 256, 365, 7,7^, Z7(i, 378, 382, 384 Sarah A., 255 Solomon, 380 Stephen, 294, 374 Susan, 230, 385 Susan S., 229 Sylvanus, 380 Thaddeus P., 391 Thaddeus Phelps, 387 Thomas, 357, 365 Valentine, 231, 385, 387, 390, 391 Mott, Walter, 384 William, 152, 352, 369, 370, 371, 374, 375, 379, 381, 383, 384, 385. 386 William F., 389 William Franklin, 384, 386, 387, 389 William J., 391 William Jones, 152, 386, 389 William L., 382 William Saunders, 389, 391 William Willis, 383, 385, 388 Wm., 243, 379 Wm. J., 352 Wm. L., 383 Moyles, , 341 Wm., 27, 62 Mudge, Coles, 326 Elizabeth, 323 Wm., 326 Muhl, Henrietta, 347, 349 Louis, 349 Mulford, Abigail, 277 Amy, 278 Benjamin, 277 David, 270, 279 Edward, 278, 297 Elias, 278 Eliza Gracie, 278 Elizabeth, 278 Esther, 278, 279 Ezekiel, 278 family, 277 Hannah, 278 Jeremiah, 277, 278 Jerusha, 278 John, 277, 278 Mary, 278, 279 Matthevir, 278 Nancy, 278 Rachel, 277 Samuel, 278 Sarah, 277 Thomas, 277, 361 Timothy. 278 Ursula Pierce, 278 William, 277, 278 William R., 278 Munn, Louisa D., 387 Sarah, 387 Murray, , 313 Eleanor E., 189, 313 Joseph, 87 Jos., 88 Robert, 218 Susan, 218 Myers, Mordecai, 240 Mynderse, Jacobus, 68 INDEX 419 Nash, Benj. F., 147 Negley, Gertrude, 188 Peter, 188 Richard Van Wyck, i88 William. 188 William Lewis, 188 William Robert, 188 William Walter, 188 Neilson, James, 183 Josepha, 165 John, 165, 205 Julia, 183 William Coles, 183 Nevius family, 297 George Kershaw, 298 Joannes. 297, 298 Lucas, 298, 299 Margaret Kershaw, 298 Martin (or Martinus), 208 Martha (Cornell), 299 Martin, 298 Pieter (or Petrus), 298 Willempe, 298, 299 Nevyus, Neafe, Neefus, 297 Newberry, Martha, 333 Newcomb, Clara Forrest, 193 George Edgar, 193 Newhoff, John H., 59 Newman, John, 36 Nicoll, Abigail, 194 Anna Willet, 196 Arabella Jones Floyd, 196 Benjamin, 194, 284 Edward H., 284 Elizabeth Floyd, 196 Eliza W., 284 Glorianna, I9i5 Henry, 218, 284 Henry W., 284 John C, 196 Margaret, 65, 194 Maria C, 196 Matthias. 20, 29, 194 Richard Floyd, 196 Samuel B., 195, 196 Samuel Benjamin, 196 S. T., T47 Thomas E.. 196 William, 68. 196 William, jr., 76 Wm.. 77 Nicoll"?. Richard, 368 Rich'd, 370 Nichols. Abicail, 261 John. 348 Joseph. 262 Marv (Curtis), 262 S., 2^4 Sam'l. 3S8 Noaks, Walter, 309 Oakley, Henry Cruger. 186 Jesse, 186, 321 Louisa Cruger, 186 Phebe, 254 Thomas Jackson, 186 Thos. J., 186 Walton, 186 Walton Livingston, 186 Wilmot, 254 O'ConncIl. Timothy. 187 Ogden, Susannah, 330 Ogilvie, rev. dr., 87 Okeson, John, 369, 375 Oldish, dr., 22 Onderdonk, Andries, 197 Benj., 98 Benjamin T., 388 Harriet Cogswell, 388 Hendrick, 93, 98, 197 Phebe, 197 Robert Mott, 388 Sarah, 197 William H., 388 Wm. H., 386 Osborn. Friedeswiede, 278 Wm.. 278 Osborne, gen'l, 291 Wm.. 360 Osgood, rev. mr.. 148 Oswald, Henrietta, 181 Overis. Elizabeth. 184 George, 184 Overton. Isc. 352 Owen. Anita, 204 Thomas J., 204 Palfrey. John, 248 Rember, 248 Paine. Alsop, 288 Paris. Helen. 280 Palmer. Stevens G., 304 Parrish. Richard L., 56 Parsons, Ann, 36S Clemcnce. 319 James. 294 Peace. Morris. 355 Pearcc. Samuel. 96 Pcarsall. Rachel, 296 Sarah. "^77 Sarah (Underbill). ^77 Thomas, 377 Thos.. 296 Pease. Mary. 293 Pearse. Simon. 222 Pearsoll. Ann. 260 Nathaniel, 243 Lcvina. 350 George. 322 Snrah. 243, 322 Thomas, 243 420 INDEX Peck, Benjamin, 267 capt., 143 Elijah, 161 family, 267 Fanny, 262, 270 Fanny R., 268, 297 Fanny Rysam, 149 Francis, l6l Henry, 267 Isaac, 158 Jabez, 149, 267, 268, 273, 297 John, 288 Joseph, 267 Julia Cornelia, 161 Samuel Jones, 158 Simeon, 267 Peebles, John F., 317 Peel, Oswald, 269 Sarah, 269 Anna, 352 Pell, Anna, 352 Hannah, 379 Martha, 379 Philip, 352, 379 Philip J., 379 Sarah, 386 Thomas, 352, 379, 386 Thos., 350 Pelletreau, Wm. S., 367 Pepper, Abigail (Brown), 236 Phelps, Arabella Upson, 390 Thaddeus, 390 Phillips, , 139 Alice, 269 Edgar J.. 181 Phillipse, Adolph, 44, 210, 211, 212 Phinney, Deborah, 236 Pickersgill, Wm. C, 147 Pierce, Thomas, 296 Ursula, 296 Pillot, A. P.. 147 Pindar, Grace, 209 Peter, 209 Pine, Sarah, 233 Pinhorne, Elizabeth, 62 Wm., 62 Pintard, John, 39 Perkins, Dennis, 147 Wm.. 36s Perritt-Gentil, Emilie, 252 Isaac P., 252 Julia Langlois, 252 Perry, Edward W., 390 Patience, 267 Pers, Ann, 174, 279, 281 Archibald, 281 David, 281 Elizabeth, 279, 281 family, 280 Phebe, 280 Pers, Sarah, 281 Thomas, 281 Thos., 281 William, 279, 280, 281 Wm., 281 Peters, Catharine, 321, 356 Charity, 320, 335, 339 Charles, 320, 321, 322, 335, 339 Chas., 322, 332, 334, 339, 346 Eliza, 346 Elizabeth, 155 family, 320 George, 186, 320, 321 Henry, 154 Hewlett, 356 Jane, 320 Jane (Denton), 339 Jerusha, 186, 321 Alary, 154, 155, 320, 322, 354 Miriam, 320 Rebecca, 320 Richard, 322 Ruth, 320 Sarah, 321, 329 Susannah, 320, 334, 339 Valentine Hewlett, 320, 329 Piatt, Benjamin, 341 Dolly (Smith), 240 Eben G., 254 Emilie Ketchum, 204 Epenetus, 229, 309, 328, 362 Hannah, 232, 362 Isaac, 227 Isaac S., 240 Margaret, 319 Medad, 204 mr., -JZ Phebe, 240, 328 Sarah, 177. 341 Sarah Ann, 240 Uriah, 329 Zephaniah, 227 Polhemus, Anna, 223 John, 224 Theodorus, 223 Pont, Elena, 187 Pedro, 187 Pool, Sol., 355 Porter, Daniel R., 292 John, 303 Sarah, 303 Post, Catharine, 296 Edmund, 296 Phebe, 296 Potter, Cornelius, 297 Powell. Abigail, 221, 293 family, 208 Isaac, 364 Mary, 207 Robert, 207 , INDEX 421 Powell, Ruth, 376,381 Thomas, ^7, 43, 221, 376 Thomas, Sr., 42 Thos., 221, 293, 296 Powers, Lydia, 236 Pretense, Enjelye Lowerens, 298 Lowerens, 298 Prime, Ebenezer, no Prince, Susannah, 330 Prindle, Deborah, 80 Enoch, 81 Enos J., 81 Prior, John, 80 Mary, 242 Matthew, 242 Provoost, David, Jr., 44, 210 Provost, Catharine. 223 David, Jr., 211, 212 Pruden, Dora A., 178 Edith, 178 Effie, 178 Ella, 178 Eva, 178 Frederick, 178 Hugh, 152, 178 John, 178 Louisa, 178 Sophia, 178 Pumyea, Doreas, 299 Purple, E. S., 102 Putnam, gen., 123 Pyne, Charles M., 185 Frederick Cruger, 185 Frederick Glover, 185 Quidley, Patrick, 22 Rabineau, Henry, 163 Raguet, Augusta A., 259 Randolph, Genevieve, 237 Rapelye, Annetje, 248 Rapelyea, Isaac, 163 Clarence, 163 Raven. A. A., 190 Raymond, Joseph H., 273 Raynor, John, 382 Redman, , 368, 370 Mary. 371 Reed. , dr., 391 Thos., 318 Reeder. Hannah, 315 Remsen. Charles, 187. 248, 249 Eve, 231 family. 187, 248 Hendrick. 249 Henry, 249 Willirim. 187, 249 Rej-nolds. Jas., 283 Phebe, 283 Sarah, 229 Rhinelander, Edith, 252 Philip, 252 Rhodes. Abitlia. 342 Richbell, Ann, 371, yji Elizabeth, 368, 370 John, 368, 370, 371 Mary, 371 Riche, Mary, 269 Philippe, 269 Thomas, 269 Rickenbaugh, Laura, 188 Riggs. Anne, 290 Elisha, 147 George, 290 Riker. Guisbert, 330 Hannah, 382 John L., 204, 350 Maria, 257 Samuel, 204 Ring. George. 387 James, 387 Ritch, Nellie, 313 Wm. G., 313 Ritzema, Johannes, 102 Roach, Wm. P.. 139 Robbins. Jac, 355 Mary, 136 Stephen, 224 Robert, Frances Blackwell, 252 Robins, Ezekiel, 82, 152, 264 John. 82 Mary, 82. 152, 264 Robinson. John, 59 Lydia. 269 ^iargaret, 205 William, 205 Rodman, , 218 Mary, 217 Roe, James P.. 180 Joseph Smith. 180 Mary E., 180 Thomas, 180 Roger, capt, 124 Rogers, , 309. 362 Amy, 161 capt.. 363 Elizabeth. 362 Hannah. 155 Jeremiah. 291 John. 2,2, 59 Moses. it^S Sam'l. ?>7 Rolph. Ruben. 228 Rokison. Clyde. 179 Henry. 179 Ida L.. 179 Samuel. 179 Romainc. Benjamin. 316 Charles, 317 Dora, 317 422 INDEX Romaine, Elizabeth, 317 family, 178 George H., 316, 317 Grace, 317 Grace H., 317 Grace J., 317 Graham, 317 Lawrence, 317 Lawrence Bond, 317 Mary, 317 Mary Robins, 178, 317 Mason, 317 Samuel B., 178, 316, 317 Samuel B., Mrs., 55 Sam'l B., 152 Washington, 316, 317 William, 317 William H., 317 William Jones, 178, 317 Worthington, 316 Romeyn family, 316 Christyntie, 316 Claes Jansen, 316 Elias, 316 Isaac, 316 Jan, 316 John, 316 Roosevelt, Cornelius, 102 Roscoe, David, 309 Rose, John, 315 Phebe, 315 Rossiter, Edward Van Wyck, 233 Edward V. W., 345 Lucius T., 233 Rowland, Benjamin, 124 Jonathan, 124 Rudderow, John, 175 Ruddick, Jane, 27 Rushmore, , 326 Ann, 329 John. 329, 370 Martha, 329 Phebe, 136 Phebe T., 137 Sarah, 329, 330 Stephen, 137 Thomas, 329 Russell, Anson, 251 Julia, 251 Mary, 256 Rutherfurd family, 187, 249 John, 249 John Morris Livingston, 249 Robert W., 249 Ronald Gordon Stirling, 249 Walter, 186, 249 Rutsen, Sarah, 125, 126 Ryerson, Sarah, 225, 226 Rysam family, 296 ' Fanny, 278, 297 Hannah, 297 Hanna Frippe, 296 Mary, 296, 297 Nancy, 149, 267, 273, 296, 297 Phanny, 296 Sophia, 296, 297 William Johnson, 296 Wm. Johnson, 267, 273, 278 Ryan, John, 22 Ryder, Charity C, 139 John, 368 Sage, John, 365 Sammis, , 312 Abigail, 313 Bethia F., 155 Edgar, 348 Edgar S., 155 Emma E., 155 John, 313 Joseph, 155 Luella J., 155 Rebecca, 312 Sands, Benj., 355 Catharine, 373, 376 James, 248 John, 123, 355, 376 Mary, 339 Mr., 146 Sarah, 248 Sarah (Cornell), 248 Sanford, Nathan, 127 Sargeant, Wm., 365 Saul, Catharine R., 391 Saunders, Catharine, 389 Phoebe, 348 Theodore, 389 Saxton, John, 285 Marrietta, 285 Sayre, , 297 Schauck, Benjamin, 62 Schenck, , 350 Janet je Roelifse, 298 John, 107 Roelof Martense, 298 Schuyler, Alida, 268 Catharine, 125 Phil, 105, 126, 186 Philip Pieterse, 268 Phil J., 121; Ruth A., 383 Scidmore, Abigail, 270 Scott, Anne, 360 Archibald, 154 Carrie M., 154 Deborah, 360 family, 360 Gen., 91 INDEX 423 Scott, Jackson, 360 Jacomiah, 351 Jeckamiah, 360 John, 360, 368 John Morin, 105 Lazaraus, 360 Lewis A., 212 Mary, 352. 360 Robert, 360 Sarah, 360 Thomas, 360 Walter A., 122, 154 Scudder, , 322 Abigail, 309 Amelia, 310 Amos, 315 Anne, 309 Anne Amelia, 310 Ann Eliza, 285, 314 Anne Cornelia, 313 Annie Hewlett, 311 Atela, 312 Benjamin, 309, 312 Betsey, 233 Charles, 273, 314 Charles Davies, 311, 312 Chas., 285 Cleman, 309 Cornelia, 311, 312 Daniel, 315 Deborah, 314, 315 Dorothy, 382 Dorothy Weeks, 311 Edward Mansfield, 311 Edna Hewlett, 311 Elizabeth, 308, 309, 311, 314, 31^ Elizabeth (Hewlett), 187, 229, 311. 312 Eliza S., 187, 229 Eliza Strong, 310 Ella, 314 Emma Willard, 311 family, 189, 308, 314 Gilbert, 312, 313 Hannah, 309, 314, 315 Hazel L., 312 Henry, 187, 221, 229, 255, 308, 309, 310,311,314,344 Henry C, 313 Henry G.. 189,310,313 Henry Holloway, 311 Henry J., 311, 312 Henr>' Joel, 310, 311 Henry T., 311 Henry Townsend, 311 Hetty, 313 Hewlett, 310, 311, 314 Heyward, 311 Isaac, 309 Isaiah, 309, 313 Scudder, Joan, 308 Joel, 310 John, 308-310, 313-31S John B., 314 Joseph, 309, 314 Jemima, 232, 309 Jerusha, 309 Leo Hewlett, 312 Lorin Kent, 311 Louisa, 314 Louisa Henrietta, 311, 312 Margaret, 308 Margary, 308 Martha, 3C^ Mary, 273, 308, 309, 313-315. 322, 354 Mary A., 313 Mary E., 311 Mercy, 309 Moses, 309 Naomi. 313 Nora Jarvis, 189, 313 Parnel, 308 Peter, 309 Phebe, 310, 313, 314, 316 Philomen Halstead, 311, 312 Rebecca, 313 Richard, 314 Richard B., 315 Ruth, 309 Samuel, 309, 315, 321 Sarah, 309.310, 313. 3^4, 3^5 Sarah Nlaria, 311, 312 Thayer, 312 Timothy, 309, 310, 314 Thomas, 308, 309, 312-314 Thos., 308 Townsend, 310-31 1 Victor, 314 Willard, 311 William, 308 Wm., 308 Wm. M.,314 Wm. Murray, 313 Youngs Prime, 310 Seabring, Isaac, 223 Seabrooke, Thos., 370 Seabury, Abigail, 226 Adam. 91, 320 Charles, 158, 160 Elizabeth, 328 Ellen, 160 family. 160 Kezia. 160 Marv, 160 Rev.' Dr., 128, 148 Samuel, 150, 160, 161, 173,226,328 Saml., 87, 98, 103,320 Susan Maria, 160 William Jones, 160 J 424 INDEX -,260 Seaman, — Abigail, 353 Alma, 181, 357 Almy, 125, 133, 354 Ann, 295 Benj., 98, 104 Benjamin, 181, 243, 35^ 372, 375 Billop, 132, 190 Billopp, 245, 247, 248 Billopp Benjamin, 246 Braddock, 354 Catharine, 246. 248 David, 34, 67, 69, 363 Deborah, 356 Edmund, 246, 248 Elisabeth, 375 Elizabeth, 100, 243, 351, 35s, 358 Emma J., 254 Hannah M., 280, 281 Henry O., 358 Hester M., 190 Hester Mary, 245, 246 Isaac, 356 Israel, 125 Jacob, 133, 235, 338, 352, 356, 357 Jane, 322, 352, 354, 356 Jane Mott, 243 Jemima, 157, 181 John. 65, 84, 287, 351, 353, 354, 356, 363, 369, 370, 372, 374 Jordan, 358 Kezia, 381 Keziah, 2>](> Leonard, 323 Martha, 156 Mary, 201, 352. 355, 356, 358, 384 Mary Jane, 157 Richard, 351, 354, 358, 371, 375 Robert, 135, 295, 357 Rosetta, 354 Samuel, 157 Sarah, 2i7^ Sarah R., 136 Solomon, loi, 356 Thomas, 100, 156, 354, 355 Thos., 100. 295, 338, 353. 358, 384 Willett,3s6 William, 280. 281 Wm.. 357 Zebulon, 41, 67, 69, 235, 356 Searing, Saml., 350 Semple, Isabella M., 202 Seely, David, 143 Seward, Mr., 171 Seymour, Henry, 319 Mary, 319 Sharpe, W. C, 220 Sheffield, Cordelia, 180 Joseph, 26 Shelton, Andrew, 262 Ann, 263 Charles Jones, 262 Daniel, 261, 263 Eliza, 262 Elizabeth, 261, 263 Eliza H. S., 262 Esther, 263 family, 261 Fanny G., 262 Frederick, 262 Frederick W., 262 John D., 262, 263, 273 John Dundass, 262 Joseph, 261, 263 Mary, 262, 263 Mary A., 262 Mary S., 262 Nathan, 262, 263 Richard, 261 Samuel. 261, 262 Sarah Graves, 262 William, 263 Shepard. Alice, 269 Hercules, 269 Shepherd, Ellen, 299 Sheppard, Jno., 96 Shipman, John, 153 Lucinda, 153 Shivers, Richard, 22 Sherburne, Ambrose, 238 Charles, 239 Edward, 238 Eleanor, 238 Eleanor M., 237, 239 Eleanor Mary, 181, 237, 239 Elizabeth, 237, 238 family, 191,237 John, 237, 238, 239 John N.. 191, 237, 239 John Nathaniel, 238 Joseph, 237, 238 Henry, 2},^ Mary, 237, 238 Nathaniel, 238, 239 Samuel, 238 Tobias, 238 Silliman. Gen., 91 Gold S., 87 Sillock. Ebenezer, 244 Sarah, 244 Simes. Caroline E.. 261 Simonds, Edith V. M., 389 Eleanor Hearn. 389 Francis Mav, 389 Frederick W., 389 Samuel V. M.. 389 Simonson. Charles, 41 Geo., 346 Jas. B., 346 INDEX 425 Simonson, John H., 346 Lydia, 327 Margaret, 136 Sarah W., 137 William, 295 Skidmore, , 314 Caroline, 292 Charles Peters, 292 family, 292 George Whitehead, 292 Hannah, 285, 314 James H., 292, 294 Jas. H., 342 Mary Jane, 292 Samuel, 285, 320 Samuel Trc-dwell, 292 Sarah Maria, 292 Susannah, 294 Susannah Hewlett, 292 Slaughter, John, 22 Sleight, Cornelius, 297 Slote, Sarah, 229 Smith, , 20, 155, 227, 234, 256, 292, 349, 350, 363. 364 Abel, 321, 353, 357 Adam, 194 Amelia, 250, 251 Amelia T., 252 Anne, 157. 164, 182 Apollos, 250, 251 Carman, 155, 156 Cartharine Mildeberger, 164 Charles, 383 Charles C, 188 Charles JefFery, 250 Charles Jeffry, 251 Chas. H., 294 Clara Forest, 252 Col., 278 Daniel, 282 Deborah. 259, 363. 383 Edith S., 252 Edmund, 194 Edmund T., 391 Egbert T., 284 Elbert Haring, 251 Elbert Jones, 250 Eleanor Jones, 252 Eleanor S., 252 Elizabeth, 79, 227, 259, 260, 284, 320, 380 Emilie M.,252 Emily. 201 Emily Glentworth, 164 Ephraim. 231 Ezckiel, 82, 383 family, 55. 160, 250, 292 Frances ( Wortman), 282 Prank Gladson, 156 Freelove Jones, 319 Smith, George 350 Gerrit, 320 Gilbert Carman, 155, 156 Hamilton Holmes, 251 Hannah, 250, 253, 284, 332 Hannah P., 160 Helen Agnes, 188 Helen Tangier, 251 Henry, 51 Henry Youngs, 252 Isc, 92 Isaac, 42, 79, 91, 242, 294, 319 Jac, 377 Jacob, 56, 78, 86, 142, 320, 363 James, 227 James Weeks, 250 Jeffry Tangier, 251 Jennie, 357 Jeremiah, 201 John, 353 John Mildeberger, 164 John (Tangier), 284 John Treadwell, 252 John Tredwell, 250 Jonathan, 194 Jones, 155 Joseph, 50, 157 Julia Jones, 252 Julia Riggs, 251 Lavinia, 350 Lucretia, 294 Margaret, 244 Mary, 155, 163, 185, 383 Mary Elizabeth, 151; Mary Morrison, 201 Martha, 263, 377 Melancton, 11, 163,291,292,382 Micah. 78 Minnie. 391 Miriam Tangier, 251 Morris, 357 Phebe, 292, 363. 377 Phebe A., 156 Phebe (Alien). 244 Philetus, 250, 284 Phoebe, 319 Richard, 194, 259, 350. 368 Richard, Jr., 370 Richard (Ruil).284 Richard (Bull Smith), 283 Richard ]l.J., 155 Richbcll. 292 Robert. 284 Robert Russell, 250, 251 Rock. 155 Russell Rrownell, 251 Ruth. 357 Royal H., 252 Samuel. 292. 357 Sarah, 283, 284, 292, 321, 350, 357 426 INDEX Smith, Sarah E,, 282 Sidney, 240, 292 Sidney Tangier, 250, 252 Solomon, 363 Susan Maria W., 251 Susanna, 139 Susannah, 231 Tabitha, 194 Thomas, 81, 244 Thos., 350 William, 18, 70. 160, 250. 284 William Henry, 250, 251 William Henry T., 251 William Henry (Tangier Smiths), 284 William S., 251,252 William Sidnev, 130,160,250,251, 283, 284 Wm., 70, ■/2, 73, 103, 105 Wm.. Sr. or Jr.,87 Wm. H., 182 Wm. Henry, 284 Wm. N., 342 Wm. Sidney, Mrs., 10 Sparks. Elizabeth, 348 Spaulding, Harriet Riggs, 251 Spencer. Ira, 152 Mar}-, 230 Samantha, 152 Sperry, Mary, 267 Richard, 267 Spinney, Louisa, 261 Springer, Mary M., 230 Southard. Benjamin, 182 Harriet, 182 Mary. 376. 381 Mary E., 182 Saml., 376, 381 Southworth, Constant, 236 Snowden, Charles, 245 Harriet, 245 Robert, 245 Theodore, 245 Thomas, 245 William, 245 Wm. E., 245 Wm. H.. 245 Stansbury. Elizabeth, 182 Stanton, Anna B., 274 George W., 199 Mary Louisa, 199 Starkin, Jos., 375 Starkins, Joseph, 374, 381 Starman. Elizabeth H., 263 Eliza H., 262 Frederick, 262, 263 Marj^ (Dundass), 262 Stephens, Wm., 194 Stephenson, • — ,217 Abigail, 256 Danl., 374 Hannah, 374 Stephen, 256 Stevens, Esther, 290 Thos., 290 Stevenson, Charity, 217 Daniel, 334 Danl., 379 Edward, 219 Stewart, Ann, 280 Anne, 174 Caroline, 261 Catharine, 279, 280 Charles, 279, 280. 281 Charles J., 280, 281 Charles Jones, 174, 280 Charles P., 174, 261, 280 Charles Pers, 279 Elizabeth. 279 Elizabeth Jones, 174, 280 family, 174, 279 Helen, 62, 261, 280 Helen Elizabeth, 280 Helen Jones, 174, 280 James, 279, 280 James F., 280 John, 261 John H. Jones, 174, 280 Robert Wakefield, 280 Walter Jones, 174, 280 Stiles, Ezra, 87 Francis, 220 Mary, 220 Stilwell. Ann, 371 James Savage, 299 Mary, 371 Nicholas, 371 Sophia Sommers, 299 Stirling. Lord, 91, 300 Stoothoff. Elbertse, 217 Helena, 217 Storrs, John, 289 Strakosh. Josephine, 311 Seigfried, 311 Stratton. E. Piatt, 284, 285, 314 Eliphalet Piatt, 166 family, 166 Harriet, 285 Jane, 166 Jeannie, 285 Mary. 166 Piatt. 166, 285 William, 166 Strebeck, Geo., 383 Street, Chas. R., 313 Shallum B., 313 Strickland, John, 351 INDEX 427 Striker, James, ^83 Lavinia (Winifred), 383 Strong, Eliza, 255 John, 263 Selah, 194, 263 Susannah, 263 Thomas, 263 Sturpes, Alfred B., 206 Wm., Jr., 147 Stuyvesant, Gov., 20, 25, 28, 30, 31, 368 Petrus. 98 Stryker, Mary, 204 Suarez, L. S., 147 Sullivan, , 205 Summers, Jane, 33 Samuel S., 33 Sutton, Alice, 256 Martha, 378, 383 Wm., 256 Suydam, Gerrit, 257 Jane, 187, 249 John, 187, 249 Swift, Alice, 268 Chas., 269 John, 269 Sarah, 166, 269 Symons, Richard, 288 ( Seaman ) , John, 370 Symonson, John, 320 Symes, Lancaster, 210, 211, 212 Syms, Lancaster, 44 Talmadge, Nathaniel, 310 Tappen, Anna, 156 Taylor, Dr., 51 Francis, 222 Mary, 222, 331 Robert, 331 Zachary, 203 Ter Boss, Johannes, 239 Mary, 239 Terhune, Styntie Alberts, 316 Terry, George, 293 Hannah, 286 John, 352 Robert, 286 Sarah Clarke, 293 Thayer, , 236 Bcnj., 354 ; Geo. A., 312 Mary Dannet, 312 Thebaud, Edward, 312 Edward V., 312 Thing, Elizabeth, 307 Thomas, 307 Thomas, A. H.,388 Angic, 388 Charity, 266 John. 44. 46, 47. 54. 56-58, 65, 67, 194, 266 Thompson, George, 263 Hezekiah, 267 Polly, 263 Thong, Mary, 318 Thonge, Maria, 268 Walter, 268 Thorndike, , 365 Thorne, , 201 Abigail, 3815 Anna Eliza, 139 Charles, 259 Conde R., 258 Conde Raguet, 206, 207 Cornelia, 251 Cornelia Kelsey, 251 Daniel, 224, 259 Edward Floyd-Jones, 207 Elizabeth, 258, 373, 385 Ellen Cox, 205 family, 258 Hannah, 223, 256 Henry, 251 Henry W., 339 John, 256, 258 Jonathan, 139, 140 Jonathan J., 139 Joseph, 258, 259, 277, 353 J. J., no Katherine de Lancey, 207 Keziah, 218 Leonard M., 259 Martha, 336 Martha A., 201 Mary, 136, 224, 258, 387 Mary J., 139 Mortimer, 206 Nicholas, 387 Phebe, 373 Phebe Jane, 139 Philip, 385 Richard, 205, 223, 224, 373 R. V. W., 205 Samuel, 258 Samuel, Jr., 218 Sarah, 256, 258, 353 Solomon, 140 Susannah, 252, 258, 277 Thomas. 259 Thos., 336 William, 256, 258, 259 Wm., 252 Thorneycraft. Wm.. 325 Tiffrmy. Louis C, 166 Tillcy, Jacob, 343 Tilcston, Thos., 147 Titus, Abial, 321, 322 Henj. Mott,385 Charles P., 322 Content, 321 Edmond, 219. 315, 321, 322, 351 428 INDEX Titus, Edmund, 293 Elizabeth, 322 family, 321 Hannah, 321 Isaac, 327 James, 322 Jane, 321 John, 321, 322 Margaret, 323 Martha, 321 Mary, 2Q3, 321, 322, 323, 337 Michael, 323 Patience, 322 Peter, 320, 321, 322, 323, 337, 351, 354 Phebe, 315, 321, 323 Rebecca, 322 Richard, 320, 323 Robert, 321, 322 Samuel, 321, 323, 353 Sarah, 322, 323, 337 Silas, 321 Susannah, 321 Thomas, 327 Willett, III William H., 323 Wm. H., 385 Zipporah, 322 Todd, Justus, 179 Toffey, Daniel, 350 family, 350 George, 350 Hannah, 350 John, 350 John C, 332 Levine, 350 Mary, 350 Phebe, 350 Phoebe, 350 Rebecca, 350 Sarah, 350 Topping, , 283 Temperance, 283 Tousen, Hendrick, 25 Townsend, , 201, 234 Abigail. 136 Anne Helme, 182 Aurelia, 58 Benjamin, 41 Dinah, 221 Elizabeth, 25, 26, 59 Elizabeth H., 347 Elizabeth T., 345 Ethelinda, 244 family, 26, 32 Freelove, 14, 25, 27, 32, 36, 59-61 Geo., 33 George, 33, 41, 136, 29s Townsend, George H., 312 Henry, 25, 26, 31, 40, 242, 260, 322, 323, 354 Hewlett, 327, 337, 345, 347 Isaiah, 59 James, 27,41, 58, 62 Jane, 347 Jane P., 345 John, 17, 21, 25-28, 32, 37, 42, 47, 52, 59, 77, 244, 323, 325, 333 Joseph, 282 Joseph L., 136 Jotham, 253, 373 Lydia, 260 Lydia P., 386 Mary, 27, 28, 59, 109, 117, 284, 293, 295, 323, 333, 334. 336, 337, 353. 355, 356 Noah, 341, 356 Obadiah, 260, 386 Phebe, 260 Penn, 34, 80 Peter, 59 Restore, 27 Richard, 25, 26, 293, 295, 323, 324, 333, 334, 337, 354 Ruemourn, 27, 28, 117, 295, 335, 340 Sarah, 26, 27, 58, 59, 112, 135, 201, 234, 2zi4, 335, 340, 341 Sarah E., 312 Sarah (Wright), 244 Solomon, 284 Sylvanus, 27 Temperance, 27, 322 Timothy, 109, 333, 337, 355 Thomas, 19, 25-28, 32, 35, 36, 40, 43, 55, 58-60, 293, 324 Thos., 14, 25, 26, 27, 32-35, 43, 53, 77 Wil. 118 Travis, Danl., 257 Elizabeth (Jimerson), 328 Phebe, 328 Samuel. 328 Treadwell, Benjamin, 338 Charity, 118 Edward L., 343 Henry, 339, 343 John, 58. 63 Margaret, 63 Saml., 334 Treat, Joanna, 261 Richard. 261 Tredick, T. Salter, 240 Tredwell, Benjamin, 197, 253, 254, 328. 329 Chanty, 356 Elizabeth, 254, 329 Emma A.. 161 family, 328 INDEX 429 Tredwell, Glorianna, 379 James. 329 John, 50, 219, 356, 272 John H., 161 Henry, 329, 342 Henry Edmund, 161 Margaret, 123 Margaret U., 161 Martha D., 161 Mary, 2,7 i Peggy, 253 Phebe, 197 Samuel, 329 Susannah, 329 Thos., 130, 356 Timothy, 235, 329 William, 328 Wm., 321 Trip. Penelope, 229 Trumbull, John, 290 Truxton, Thos., 98 Tryon. Gov., 72,, 74, §9, 97 Wm.. 90 Tuller, Eva., 153 Tunstall. Henry, 250 Martha, 250 Turk, Ahasuerus, 102 Cornelius, 102 Eleanor, 102 Elizabeth, 237 Tuthill, Christopher, 289 Matzey, 289 Oscar L., 181 Samuel H., 181 Tyrwhett, John, 209 Udall, Phil, 313 Sarah, 356 Underbill, , 234 Abraham, 26. 58, lOi, 242, 243 Abraham C, 181 Alfred, 137 Amee, 243 Amos, 243 Ann. 244 Benjamin, 242, 390 Benoni, 241 Cornelia, 384 Daniel, 80, 242, 243, 244 Danl., 357 David. 242-244, 384 Deborah, 242. 334 Dinah, 243 Elizabeth, 79. 241, 242, 244, 384 family, 241 Hannah, 131, 242, 244, 282, 350 Harry, 181 Helena, 222 Isaac, 243 Jacob, 242, 244 Underbill, James, 390 John, 39, 79, 222, 241, 242, 243, 244 John l''., 241 Joseph, 244 Mary, 222, 242 Mary (Moseley), 241 Nathaniel, 242 Pamelia, 136 Peter, 131, 242, 244, 282, 350 Phebe Smith, 244 Richard, 136 Samuel, 34, 222, 242, 243 Sarah, 58, 243, 244 Sarah T., 137 Sol, 378 Solomon, 243 Smith, 244 Theodosia, 244 Thomas F., 244 Thos., 350 Townscnd, 181 Wm., 384 Unthank, Christopher, 27 Mary, 27 Susannah, 27 Upham, Col., 100 Urquhart, Wm., 46 Vail, Jeremiah, 289 Mary. 289 Sarah, 314 Valentine. , 328 Abraham, 257 David. 326 Elizabeth, 257 Esther, 384 family. 257 Hannah, 257 Hewlett, 257 Jeremiah, 257 Martha, 257 Marv. 257 Obadiah,22i,257. 384 Robert, 257 Ruth, 257 Samuel, 257 Sarah, 257 Silas, 136 Thomas. 257 Thos., 257. 335 Van Antwerp, Thos. Irving, 312 Van .Applcdorn, Cnes. 247 Van Brugli, Catliarine, 268 Johannes. Pieterse, 268 Peter, 268 Van Brunt. Ellen, 255 N. R..255 Van Buren. Thos.. 349 Sarah. 387 Wm. H..387 430 INDEX Van Cleef, Abraham John, 299 Van Wyck, Angelica, 298 Antje, 299 Benjamin, 298, 299 Catharine, 298 Cornelius, 298, 299, 300 Derick, 299 Derrick, 299 Elizabeth Howell, 300 Ellen S., 300 Ellen Shepherd, 189, 300 Elsie, 299 family, 298 Femmetje, 299 George, 299 Helen, 299 Henry Howell, 300 Isbrant, 298 Isaac, 299 Jacob, 299 James Spencer, 189, 299, 300 Jane, 299 Jannetje, 299 Jans, 298, 299 John, 298 Joseph, 298, 299 Laurens, 298, 299 Lysbeth, 299 Margaret, 299 Marike, 299 Mary, 299 Matilda, 299 ' Nelke, 298, 299 Peter, 299 Sophia, 299 Van Marter, 299 Van Cott, Garret, 119 Mary, 327 Van Couwenhoven, Neeltje Gerntse, 298 Van Dam, Rip, 44. "i» 210, 2ii, 212, 268 Sarah, 268 Vanderbeck, Rem Jansen, 248, 249 Vanderbilt, Hendrick, 299 Vanderspiegle, Laurens, 268 Van Deusen, Sara A., 215 Van Dewater, Femmetje, 298 Van Nostrand, Fanny, 274 Gardiner, 274 Gerrit, 257 John, 273, 337 John J., 273 Sarah Middagh, 273 Van Schlichtenhorst, Margaret, 268 Van Tilburg, Jan, 102 Van Velsor, Mary, 257 Van Voorhees, Willemptje Lucasse, 298 Van Werven, Catharine, 223 ,225 Abigail, 224, 232 Abraham, 223, 224, 225, 236, 339, 340, 343 Abraham H., 225 Adriantje, 223 Albert B., 225 Altje, 223,227, 239 Anna, 223 Anne, 225 Augustus, 226 Barent, 223, 224, 232, 335 Benjamin S., 226 Catharine, 223 Cornelius, 223, 225, 226 Cornelius Barentse, 223, 225 Edward W., 225 Elizabeth, 167, 223, 225, 226, 227, 339, 343 family, 223, 332 Francis, 225 Gilbert, 226 Hannah (Carman), 232 Harriet, 260 Helen, 225 Jane, 225 Janiche, 226 Jannetje, 223 Johannes, 223, 225, 226 John, 180 Joshua H., 225, 342 Letitia, 227 Lydia, 226 Margaret, 227 Maritje, 223 Mary, 224, 225, 226, 227 Mary K., 225 Theodorus, 223, 224, 226, 239 Thomas, 224 Thos., 100* Rhoda. 114. 140, 224, 336, 340, 343 Robert, 226 S., 260 Samuel, 224, 225, 226, 335 Samuel A., 225 Samuel H., 224 Samuel M., 226 Sarah, 224 Sarah W., 180 Susanah, 223 Susannah, 221; Whitehead H., 225 William, 225, 226 Zeruah, 224, 225, 226, 343 Varick, Richard, 106 Vamum, Joseph B., 390 Julia M., 390 Margaret, 390 Mary, 390 INDEX 431 Vclsor, Charles, 348 Dudley, 348 Verplanck, Julian, Jr., 246 Vesey, Wm., 46, 65 Wagener, Abraham N., 304 Frances H., 304 Walker, Frederick, 178 Jacob, 152, 178 Richard Taylor, 246 Sue Howard, 246 Wallace, James, 280 Walters, Geo. T., 349 Mary, 346 Peter, 346 Walton, Capt., 96 Eliza, 318 Jacob, 96 Jonathan, 318 William, 68 Walworth, John, 240 Judge, 128 Want, Capt., 21 Waring, Eleanor P., 386 Warn, John S., 153, 178 John T., 179 Leslie, 179 Warner, Cynthia, 154 Elizabeth, 238 Elizabeth (Wentworth), 238 Samuel, 238 Warren. Mary, 281 Peter, 89 Thomas, 281 Warwick, Virginia E., 167 William Sidney, 167 Washburn, Agnes, 351 Jane, 221,351 John, 277 William, 351 Wm.,22i Washburne, Agnes, 219 Daniel, 219 Ephraim, 220 family, 219 Frank, Jr., 205 Hope, 2 1 9, 220 Jane, 219, 220 John, 219, 220 Marguerite Glentworth, 205 Martha, 219, 293, 321 Mary, 219, 220 Phebe,2i9 Samuel, 220 Sarah, 219, 220 Susannah, 220 William, 219, 220 Wm., 293, 321 Washington, Gen., 91, 123 Waters, Bcnj., 257 Carrie R., 364 Eliza J., 3O4 Ida B., 364 Jonathan Conklin, 364 Mary, 343 Peter, 343 Phil., 364 Rachel, 257 Winifred, 364 Watson, Arnold B., 307 Gertrude Ellen, 182 Joseph, 182 Sarah A., 189, 307 Watts, Charles, 198 Geo., 237 Helen, 198 John, Jr., 89 Way, Jane, 384 Samuel, 384 Webster, Elizabeth, 307 Noah, 215 Thos., 307 Weed, Hannah, 281 Weekes-Wickes family, 231 Francis, 231 Thomas, 231 Weeks, Archibald C, 265 Clara W., 265 family, 160, 265 Francis, 2>?, Francis W., 265 George, 41 Harriet P., 265 Harry C, 265 Jac. M., 311 James, 265 James E., 265 James H., 160, 265 John, 2,3< 136, 326 Joseph, 33 Julia E., 265 Laura A., 265 L. H.,231,248 Margaret Mott. 311 Miriam, 265 Reginald C. 265 Samuel, 136 Susan A., 26'; Susan M., 265 Susan Maria, 265 Townsend, 244 William J., 265 William Jones, 160,265 Wm., 257 Welles F.li/abeth,26l Samuel, 261 Thos.. 261 Wells. Maria L.. 346 Maria Livingston, 343 432 INDEX Welwood, Arthur, 184 Julia Elizabeth, 184 Wentworth, John, 238 West, Sarah A., 254 Westcott, John, 152 Lucy, 152 Wetmore, Wm. S., 147 Wheaton, Anne, 338 Whipple, Amiel W., 236 Amiel Weeks, 191, 236, 237, 239 Ann, 235 Anna, 235 Annette Bailey, 191, 237 Charles William, 191, 235, 237 Daniel, 236 David, 236, 237 Eleanor Sherburne, 191, 237 Elizabeth, 235 Elizabeth Sherburne, 237 Emeline, 236 family, 191 George, 236 Jacob, 236 James, 235, 236 John, 235 Jonathan, 235 Joseph, 235, 236 Lydia, 236 Margaret, 235 Mary, 235, 236 Matthew, 235 Ruth, 23s Sarah, 235 Sherburne, 191,237 Walter Jones, 191, 237 William, 191, 235, 237 White, Alice, 251 Edward, 43 James Cameron, 266 Miles, 251 Phebe, 184 Robert. 184 Thomas Harrison, 266 William H., 266 Wm. Hubbard, 266 Whitehead, , 218 Daniel, 309 Deborah, 253, 332 Helena, 257 Jane, 256 Jonathan, 253, 332 Mary, 309 Susannah, 332, 334 Whitman, ■ -, 363 Whitney, Harriet, 263 Laura Jeannie, 203 Stephen, 231 Warcham, 203 Wm., 263 Whitson, • -,296 Hannah (Powell), 327 Henry, 326, 327 Keziah, 326, 327 Thomas, 2>7_ Whittemore, Sidney, 390 Whittlesey, Dorothy, 267 Wickes, Albert E., 232 Deborah, 232 Eliphalet, 232 Eliza H., 232 George F., 233 Hannah, 232 Hezekiah, 233 John, 233 John H., 233 Jonathan, 233 Josiah, 362 Margaret, 232 Mary. 233, 362 Nathaniel, 233 Silas, 232 Thomas, 224, 232, 233 Van Wyck, 232, 233 Van Wyck, Jr., 343 Wickham, Elizabeth, 289 Joseph, 289 Wicks, Abigail, 342 Hannah, 339, 342 Martha R., 137 Thomas, 342 Thos.,339 Wigham, Isaac, 201 Mary Caroline, 201 Wiley, Leroy M., 147 Wilkes, Paul T., 185 Wilkjns, Lela, 226 Wilkinson, Jane, 209 Willard, Emma, 311 John H., 311 Willet, Thos., 52 Willets, Abigail, 221, 293 Deborah, 332, 335 Dinah (Townsend),242 Elizabeth, 221, 242 Hannah, 221, 243 Hope, 221 Jacob, 221, 353 John, 221, 332, 335 Joseph Hewlett, 349 Martha, 221, 384 Mary, 220, 221, 328 Mary (Titus), 328 Mercy, 221 Obadiah, 136 Phebe, 221,374 (Willitts, Willetts), Richard, 220 Richard, 221, 293, 328, 353, 374 Roland R., 136 Saml., 328 INDEX 433 Willets, Thomas, 221,242 Thos., 243 Willett, , 219 Abraham, 217 AHce, 63 Andrew, 222 Ann, 222 Anna, 63, 99. 217, 2i8 Anne, 54 Cornehus, 218 Deborah, 217, 219 Edward, 222 Elbert, 217 Ehzabeth, 217,218 family, 67, 217 Francis, 222 Gilbert, 63, 218 Gilbert C, 218 Gloriana, 219 Helena, 218, 219 Isaac, 218 John, 217, 218, 219, 260 Jonathan, 260 Keziah, 218 Margaret, 63, 217, 218 Marinus, 222 Martha, 222 Mary, 217, 218, 222 Richard, 217, 218 Samuel, 222 Sarah, 217, 218, 219, 260 Thomas. 63, 217, 218, 219, 221, 222 Thos.. 20, 47, 221, 255, 260 William, 63, 64, 217, 218, 219 Wm., 20, 63, 65, 99 Wm. M., 223 Willetts, Mary, 221 Richard, 219,221 Williams, , 180 Ann, 296 Coleman, 202 Coleman Candy, 202 Coleman Hawley, 202 Edith, 202 Elizabeth, 180, 333. 337 Hope, 43 Jane, ^37 John, 43 Robt., 220 Roger, 366 Sarah Floyd-Jones, 202 Thomas, 221 Thos., 333. 337 Valentine, 337 Willis, Abigail, 27, I35. UO, 295 Adam, 295 Alfred, 387 Amy, 294 Caroline, 294 Elizabeth, 294 Willis, Esther, 27, 117, 295, 296 Ethelinda, 296, 359 family, 124, 293 Fry, 295 Hannah, 136. 137, 295, 296 Harmot C, 136 Henry. 293, 296, 322 Jacob, 295 Jacob B., 137 James, 320 Jane, 294 John, 124, 221, 293, 294, 295, 296, 374 John T., 292 John Townsend, 294 Margaret, 293 Mary, 152, 294, 295, 296, 322, 343. 353. 357, 383 Mary Townsend, 294 Phebe, 293, 295 Richard, 46 Ruth, 117. 267, 295, 333, 336 Saml., 101,353. 357 Samuel, 34. 294, 295- 296, 378 Samuel Jones, 293. 294 Sarah, 293, 294, 295, 2>22. 378 Townsend, 27, 135. 136, 295, 296, 343. 359 Virginia, 294 William. 117. 293. 294, 295, 321, 333, 336, 383 William J., 293 William Jones, 294 William M., 137 William Townsend, 293, 294 Wm., 27 Willits, Phebe, 294 Wilmerding, Helen A., 231 Wilmot, Alexander, 289 Hepsibah, 289 Windle, Mary Anna, 182 Wm. Bradley, 182 Winne, Peter, 68 Winslow, Clarissa, 337 Ephraim, 337 Winthrop, Adam, 274 Anne, 274 Annie, 83 Fones and Hallett family chart, 275 family, 83 Gov.,'364 Henry, 241,274 John. 83. 241,274 John. Jr.. 330 Withensbusv. Jane, 346. 348 Wolcott. LcroyR.. I79 Morton Newell, 179 Mvron H., I79 I William, 179 I'-L INDEX Wolcott, William \\\ 179 Wood, , III Abigail, 228 Abr?.ha"rn, 112 Anna. 231 Anna Lawton, 187, 229 Anne, 228 Annette, 206 Arnold, 229 Edmond. 227 Elizabeth, 157. 227. 228 Elizabeth Hewlett, 187. 229 Esther, 228 family. 187. 227 Hannah, 1 11. 381 Henry Lawrence, 187, 229 Henry Scudder, 229 Isaac, 228 James. 228 Jeremiah, 227. 228 John, 227, 228, 229, 384 James R,. 178, 231 Jonah, 310 Jonas. 227. 228, 360 Joseph. 227 Judith Fleet, 228 Lotrisa Mott, 231 Martha, 227 Mary. 137, 228 Merinda, 140 Miles. 157 Peleg, 228 Phebe, 227, 31a 373 Ro>aL 206 Sarah. 309 Simeon. 140 Stephen, 157, 228, 373 Susan Jones, 187. 229 Timothy, 228 William W.. 187. 229, 310. 347 William Wilton, i^. 227. 229 William Wilton, Jr., 229 William Woodend. 228, 229 Wm.. 147 Wm. H.. 328 Wm M.. 328 Wooden. John, 120 rWorden). John, 119 Woodhul!. Benjamin, 286 Caleb. 285 Charity. 286 Charles Smith, 285 Charies v., 314 Qemence, ^6 Daniel E.. 286 Deborah. 283 Dorothy. 283 Eleanor. 285 Elizabeth, ^ Experience, ^6 Woodhull, family, 166, iSS, 283-285 Fannv. 2S6 F. S ..'283 Hannah. 286 Harriet, :^^, 314 Harriet L.. 284 Harriet Louise, 285 Helen. 286 J.Amherst, 314 Jeffrey .\mher5L 285 John, 283, 284.285 Josephine. 287 Josiah. 166. 188, 283, 285, 286, 2^ Josiah T., 286 Josiah Townsend, 287 Juliana. 284 Martha L.. 286 Xanc>-. 286 Natiianiel. 77. 194, 2W. ^3, 284. 286 Oliver Jones. 188, 286. 287 Pollv. 286 Richard. S7. 283. 284. 285 Rnth. 250, 283, 284 Samuel. 28^. 286 Samuel T.. 286 Samuel Terry. 286 Smith. 285 Temperance, 286 Thomas Frost, 2^ Zebulon. 286 Woodruff. David. 140 Woodward. Mehitable, 151 Woolen-. Elizabeth, 341 Henry. 341 Jos.. 350 Joseph, 339 Rebecca, 339 SamL.334 Woolsey, Benj., 282 Geo.. 255. 274 Hannah, 282 Sarah. 274. 352, 386 Worthineton. Catharine K 348 W.. 96 Wortman, Coles, 224 Wright, , 356 -Austin, 153 Caleb, 325 Daniel. 376 Deborah. 325 Delivered. 27 Edmund, 46 Edna, 153 Edward A., 153 Elizabeth. 224. 325 John, 28. 22s Margaret 356 Mary, 123 Mercy, 323, 325 INDEX 4J5 Wright, Nicholas, 325, 383 Peter, 27. 31 Rose, 28 Saml., 257 William A.. 153 William Willis, 153 Wm., 235 Wm., Jr., 123 Yerkes family, 300 Young, Alden, 365 Esther. 140 Ruth. 154 St. John. 154 Youngs. Christopher. 287, 352 Daniel, I2q. 244. 282 Daniel K.. 2S2 David Jones, 2S2 D. K.. 131 family, 130, 281 Hannah. 282, 283 Isaac, 114,340 Youngs, Israel, 113 John. 2S1 John F., 2S2 Joseph, 330 Kezia. ^ Keziah, 129 Margaret, 2S7 Margen.- P., 282 Margery Fleet, 132 Martha. 2S7 Patience. 289 Penelope, 282 Philip. loi Samuel, i iS. 132. 282. 283 Susan M.. 2S2 Susannah Kelsey. 205 Thomas. 281. 2$3 William Jones, 282 Zamora. Librada. 187 Zenger. . 103 1 ^ ^ -t ^ i 3 SJD »57 .0^ .,0'' ."^^^U V > , .. _ «^. 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