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The writings of Jeremiah inform us who the Ethio- pians were, when he speaks of them as contra-distinguished from the rest of the race by their colour, as the leopard is from the rest of the feline tribe by his spots. The first step in the providence of God towards an amelior- ation of the spiritual condition of the negro race was their dis- persion among other races of mankind. This work, both cruel and bloody, had not been completed, when Christian philan- thropy, ever vigilant, sought them out in bondage, and bore to them the cup of divine consolation, which the gospel offers to all, and especially to the sons of sorrow. As early as the year 1732, the United Brethren commenced missions to the negroes in the Danish West Indies, viz., St. Thomas, St. Croix, and St. Jan. In 1754 they began their labours in Jamaica: in 1756 in Antigua: in 1765 in Barbadoes: in 1775 in St. Kitts: in 1790 in Tobago. In 1735 they began their labours among the free negroes of Surinam, and in 1736 they commenced a mission in South Africa. The same zeal led the same people to labour amongst the slaves at and near Paramaribo. One mission was at Paramaribo and one at Sommelsdyke. The difficulty of estabhshing the first missions among the negroes can scarcely now be conceived. This difficulty was neither blindly contemned, nor timidly feared. With a zeal which Christ knows how to reward, " two of the Brethren at Hernhutth offered to sell themselves as slaves, should they find no other way of obtaining an opportunity of instructing the negroes." In almost every instance some ignorant or viciously disposed persons chose to misunderstand and misrepresent the object and tendency of this missionary labour ; and thus at first opposition wus frequently violent. But in every case ibis hos- tility was found to be unreasonable and died away. Thus in St. Thomas ihrori^gh the bitterness of some, of whom better things might have been expected, the missionaries were at one time imprisoned for fifteen weeks ; but soon after the governor and most of the planters on the island were convinced, by experience, that the instruction of the negroes in the principles oi" religion, instead of impairing, promoted the interests of their masters ; and therefore they were pleased to see their slaves attend on the preaching of the gospel. Thus also in St. Croix, when a dangerous plot was discovered among the slaves, who had bound themselves to njurder all the white people on the island in one night, certain malicious persons reported, that some of the negroes baptised by the missionaries were concerned in this conspiracy; but their ignorance was soon vindicated by the criminals themselves. As long as the disturbances lasted, the Brethren by the governor's advice, omitted the large meetings of the negroes; and when he authorized them to begin them again, he'and some other gentlemen were present and encouraged the negroes m their attendance. On another occasion when an order was issued that no negro should be seen on the streets or roads after seven o'clock in the evening, he made a regulation that such negroes as had attended the meetings of the Brethren, and could produce a certificate to that effect, signed by their teacher, should pass unmolested by the watch. Such was the confidence the governor placed in the missionaries, and the ilaves under their care. Indeed it has invariably occurred in the missions to these people that the planters have perceived the good effects of their labours on the slaves, and found it in every respect best to have the gospel preached upon their estates. While on this general subject, it may be proper to assert what none will or can with truth deny, viz., that no class of negroes well instructed in Christianity, and connected with churches under the care of while pastors, have ever been engaged in any insurrectionary disturbances. Thus the poor, miserable fanatic, who a few years ago headed a band of drunken murderers in one of the counties of Virginia, was not himself a member of any Christian church ; nor had he any follower who had ever received sound and systematic religious instruction ; or was connected with any church having a white man for a pastor or teacher. So also in reference to the plot of 1822 in Charleston, S. C, the coloured members of the Methodist Episcopal Church were by report accused of some participation. But the Hon. Charles Cotes- worth Pinckney, Lieutenant Governor of the State, and himself iiot a Methodist, in his address before the Agricultural Society of South Carolina, says ; " On investigation it appeared that ail concerned in that transaction, except one, had seceded from the regular Methodist Church in 1817, and formed a separate establishment, in connection with the African Methodist Society in Philadelphia; whose Bishop, a coloured man, named Allen,^ had assumed that office being himself a seceder from the Metho- dist Church of Pennsylvania. At this period, Mr. S. Bryan, the local minister of the regular Methodist Church of Charleston, was so apprehensive of sinister designs, that he addressed a letter to the City Council, on file in the Council Chamber, dated 8th November, 1817, stating at length the reasons of his suspicion." In proof of the imporlanceof Christianizing the negroes, even in a political point of view, it is not unworthy of notice, that soon after the commencement of the war between England and France during the last quarter of the last century, the governor of Tortola received information, that the French inhabitants of Guadaloupe meditated a descent on the island. He immedi- ately sent for Mr. Turner, the superintendant of the Methodist Missions in Tortola and the other Virgin Islands, aj.d having informed him of this report, added that there was no regular force in the colony to defend it against the enemy, and that they were afraid to arm the negroes unless he would put himself at the head of them. Mr. Turner was sensible that such a step was not properly within the line of the ministerial office ; but considering that the Island was in imminent danger, that if it were conquered by the French, the religious privileges of the negroes would probably be lost, and that the war on their part was purely defensive, he consented to the governor's request, and was accordingly armed with the negroes. About a fort- night after, a French squadron made its appearance in the bay ; but being informed, it is supposed by some emissaries, of the armed force on the Island, it abandoned its design and retired. Soon after this the Governor-general of the Leeward Islands sent an order to the Methodist Missionaries to make a return of all the negroes in their societies who were able to carry arms. The return was accordingly made; and a great part if not the whole of them were armed for the defence of the several Islands. Such was the confidence the Governor-general had in the loyalty of the missionaries and their flocks. Let these facts suffice, especially as there are none on the other side, respecting the safety of teaching the negroes to know and love God. Another great difficulty, which the Brethren met in their missions among the negroes was the unhealthinessof the climate. Thus many of them scarcely arrived on the islands, when they were attacked by diseases, which in a short time put a period to their labours and their hves. Thus from the commencement of the mission in the Danish Islands in 1732 to the year 1766 (or in thirty-four years) no fewer than sixty-six Brethren and Sisters died in St. Thomas, St. Croix and St. Jan. But though the mortahty was so great, it is surprising with what cheerfulness others came forward to hll the raniis of those, who had so prematurely fallen. Bishop Spangenburg informs us, that on one occasion when it w^as made known to the congregation at Bethlehem in Pennsylvania, that five persons had died within a short time on the Island of St. Thomas, no fewer than eight Brethren voluntarily offered, that ver}'- day, to go thither and replace them. Disease and death as they did not dishearten them, so neither ought they to dishearten us in this work, even if they stared us in the face. The Brethren had often great difficulties, with regard to the marriages of slaves, even after their baptism. When a planter in the West Indies, for instance, died in debt, his slaves and other property were sold at auction ; and in these cases, part of the negroes were frequently purchased by proprietors from other islands, by which means it not only often happened that parents and children, but husbands and wives were forever parted from each other. How to act in such circumstances, the Brethren were at first quite at a loss, and they appear for some time to have prohibited the converts from contracting another marriage, apprehending this to be inconsistent wdth the princi- ples of Christianity. Now, however, though they do not advise, yet neither do they hinder a regular marriage whh another person, especially if alamily of children, or other circumstances, seem to render a helpmate necessary. The course of the English Baptist Missionaries in the east, on the same subject, may properly be here stated. Among the trials which their converts had to endure, their situation in respect to marriage was not the least considerable. In some cases the converts were obliged at the time of their conversion to forsake their homes, their friends, and even the wife of their bosom, nor would she afterwards have any correspondence with them, or if willing herself she was forcibly prevented by her relations. By this means they were to all intents and purposes reduced to a slate of widowhood, and were in no small danger of falling into sin. It therefore became a question among the Missionaries, whether it was not lawful for a person in such circumstances to marr}^ a second wife, while the first was still living, after he had in vain employed all possible means to induce her to return to him and not being able to recover her, had taken gome public nnd ^olrmn measure.'' to acquit himself of the blame. This question they at length resolved in the atiirma'- tive. A decision involving the same principles, as those referred to in the case of the removal or estrangement of a husband or wife was had in the S\mod of North Carolina at its sessions at Salisbury in the year iS27, whereby it was declared that the wife of a member of the church being sold to the far south-west, and having herself married again, the husband was at liberty to marry again. Notwithstanding the difficulties before stated and many similar ones, the Great Head of the Church greatly blessed the labours of the Brethren ; so that in 3S33 they had in the Danish Islands 7 settlements with 36 missionaries, and 9435 negroes, of whom about 4000 were communicants. In Jamaica, 7 settle-^ ments, 20 misssionaries, 5146 negroes, of whom 1478 were communicants. In Antigua, 5 settlements, 23 missionaries, 14,362 converts, and 5442 communicants. In St. Kitts, 3 settlements, 10 missionaries, 5035 converts, and 1137 commu- nicants. In Barbadoes, 2 settlements, 6 missionaries, 1374 converts and 282 communicants. In Tobago, 1 settlement, 4 missionaries and 253 in the congregation. In Surinam, after 99 years labour, they had 1 settlement, 16 missionaries, 3353 converts and 1200 communicants. In South Africa, after labouring 98 years but with a long interruption, they had 6 stations, 38 missionaries, 2963 converts and 1043 communi- cants. The}^ have also one settlement in Paramaribo, and one in Sommelsdyke. The general summary view of these mis- sions then gives us about thirty-five stations, one hundred and fifty missionaries — having in their congregations and under catechetical instruction about forty-two thousand souls, most, if all of whom profess conversion, and have been baptised — of whom about fifteen thousand are communicants. These sta- tistics come down only to the year 1833. Since that time most of the missions have had great success, but we have not complete statistics at hand. In the foregoing statements, one fact of great importance is brought to hght, viz.: that the gospel, as dispensed by the Moravians, has, other things being equal, been more success- ful among slaves than among free negroes. So that the civil condition of these people cannot be pleaded against an honest discharge of our duty to them. Though the United Brethren need the testimony of no man to the importance and utility of their labours ; yet as the authority of Brsan Edwards, Esq., may have some influence with persons of a certain description, who are predjudiced against missionary exertions in general, we shall here subjoin a short extract from the work of that writer: "It i? very much," 8 says he, *' to the honour of the legislature of Antigua that h presented to sister islands the first example of the amelioration of the criminal law respecting negro slaves, by giving the accused party the benefit of trial by jury, and allowing in case of capital conviction, four days between the time of sentence and execution. And it is still more to the honour of Antigua, that its inhabitants have encouraged in a particular manner, the laudable endeavours of certain pious men, who have under- taken, from the purest and best motives, to enlighten the minds of the negroes, and to lead them to the knowledge of religious- truths. In the report of the lords of the committee of council on the slave trade, is an account of the labours of the society know by the name of the Unitas Fratrum, commonly called Moravians, in this truly glorious pursuit ; from which it appears that their conduct in this business display's such sound judg- ment, breathes such a spirit of genuine Christianity, and has been attended with such eminent success, as to entitle i^ Brethren and missionaries to the most favorable reception from every man, whom the accidents of fortune have invested with power over the poor Africans, and who believe (as I hope every planter believes) that they are his fellow-creatures, and of equal importance with himself in the eyes of an all-seeing and impartial Governor of the Universe." — Edward^ s History of the West Indies. Vol. 1, page 487. Fourth Edition. In the autumn of 1786 the Rev. Dr. Coke, accompanied by three other Methodist preachers, destined for Nova Scotia, sailed from England for that country, but after being ten weeks at sea, the violence of the gales, a leak in the ship, and appre- hensions of the want of water, forced the captain to change his course, and bear off for the West Indies. Having landed on the island of Antigua, the Dr. and his companions resolved, that, instead of proceeding to the original place of their desti- nation, they would attempt to begin a mission on this and some of the neighboring islands. Of these establishments we shaE now give a short account. In the course of their labours the Methodist Missionaries established missions among the slaves in Antigua — in Do- ra inico — in St. Vincents — in St. Kitts — in St. Eustatia — in Nevis — in Tortola and the Virgin Islands — in Jamaica—in Barbadoes — in St. Bartholomews — in Grenada — in Trinidad — in St. Thomas — in New Providence — and the other Bahanna Islands. In these labours the Methodists often met with little encouragement. Thus in Nevis many of the most opulent planters at first opposed the design, from an apprehension that it would introduce a spirit of insubordination among the negroes. Hence for a considerable time they would not permit the Methodists to have access to the slaves on their estates j anil when some at length ventured to invite them, they observed the utmost caution in ilicir manner of proceeding : and in some instances, the missionaries, afier having preached a few times, were discarded, without being informed ofan}'^ reason for such a singular mode of treatment. They were rarely however without employment. When dismissed from one plantation they were solicited to visit others, and after a short season were treated in the same manner as they had been before. In Jamaica, matters were still more unpleasant. A number of tl]e white ])eople at Kingston, soon after the opening of a chapel becaine so riotous that it was impossible in the evening to meet for the worshij) of God in peace, both the preacher and hearers being often in danger not only of mischief, but of losing their lives. Mobs and riots were raised agdnst the missionaries. Their chapel was presented as a nuisance. The chapel was stoned — its gates were lorn down. Si(nilar outrages were committed at Morart Bay about 30 miles from Kingston. Op- position rose even higher, and the Assembly of Jamaica began the work of legislative persecution and carried it on with great zeal, but not being sup{)orted by the Crown, they were not able to accomplish all their purposes, though much inconvenience and even suffering f(jllowed. This opposition has continued, until within the last twelve or fifteen years, against the labours of these people, notwiihstanding the law was fairly on their side. Yet were they not disheartened so as to abandon a field, where God had been with them from the first. And now we can all see how a gracious God has overruled all these things for good, 'J'he Anniversary of the Wesleyan Missionary Society in 1S34 was attended with an unusual degree of thanfulness on account of the cessation of this opposition and the readiness of the people to hear the word of God. What has been the entire success of their labours up to this date is not known- But in ISll, twenty-five years from the commencement of the first missions in the Islands, there were 27 missionaries, and between 11,000 and 12,000 converts. That the number both of missionaries and converts has been more than doubled since that time is at least very probable. In reference to the good effects of these missions, one, who may be regarded both as a competent and credible witness says: "Among the members of the Methodist societies in the West Indies, there are not a few, we hope, w^ho are sincere con- verts to the Christian faith, though we fear there is a consider- able tincture of enthusiasm among them. All of them so far as is known fulfil with propriety, the relative duties of life, even their own masters being judges, or if any occasionally 2 10 transgress the rules of morality, they are excluded from (htf connection, at least after neglecting due reproof. They have abandoned the practice of polyganriy, the besetting sin of the negroes; and the fatal hifluence of Obcah or witchcraft, which is often productive of the most terrible mischief, among the slaves, is effectually destroyed wherever Christianity prevails. As a proof of the general good conduct of the converts, it is not unworthy of rrotice, that when an office which requires trust and contidence becomes vacant, such as that of a watchman^ it is a usual practice with the planters and managers to enquire for a reUgious negro to fill it. Indeed in Antigua, Nevis, Tor- tola and St. Vincent's, the proprietors of estates, and the other inhabitants, are so fully satisfied with the conduct of the mis- sionaries, and so sensible olthe political, as well as moral and religious advantages resulting from their labours, that they entirely support the missions in the island by their voluntary contributions." The London Missionary Society has also laboured in this field to a limited extent. In 1807 they established a mission on the river Demarara in Surinam, in South America. This- mission from the first was encouraging. Many attended the preaching. Many came asking in the greatest earnestness, the way of salvation. The intemperate were reformed, and " some whom the whip could not subdue lor years, the gospel subdued in a tew months." Prejudice and opposition here were never violent and soon gave way. A place of worship was soon erecteti, at w^hich not less than 400 generally attended. A credible witness says : " Perhaps a more attentive congrega- tion was never seen." Ungodly men testified to the good effects of this work. They declared what every Christiaa would expect, viz : that the reception of the gospel made the indolent, industrious, the noisy, quiet, the rebellious, obedient, the ferocious, gentle. The great promoter of this mission was a rich planter, whose name was Post, and to whom it occurred as it often does to others, that his labours and expenditures seemed to be much more blessed to the slaves on the neigh- bouring plantations than to his own. The same society has established a mission at Berbice, a neighboring colony, which is highly favoured. They had 34 years ago an immense chapel at Georgetown, attended by great numbers of people of different colours, among whom were supposed to be more than a 1000 negroes. At this place the slaves esteemed it a privilege to contribute to the funds of the Missionary Society. Did time permit, we might also give some account of the labours of the "Society for the conversion and religious in- struction of the Negroes in the West India Islands." But 11 there is nothing very peculiar or marked in its history. We therefore pass on to notice missions among the slaves in the United Stales, Of those who have laboured in this field in our own country, , the earliest, that are known, were the United Brethren. Tlie associates of Dr. Bray, a gentleman in England, who had by his last will made some provision for the conversion ol' the negroes in South Carolina, having solicited Count Ztnzendorf to send some missionaries to that colony, the Brethren, Peter Boehler and George Schulcus, were sent thither in the year 1738. In consequence however of the sinister views of those /■ who ought to have assisted them, they were hitidered from prosecuting the great object of their mission. Both of them, indeed, soon fell sick. Schulcus died in 1739; and Boehler, who was at the same time minister of the colony of the Brethren in Georgia, retired with these to Pennsylvania, in consequence ■of being required to carry arms in the war that was carried on against the Spanish. The next labourers, so far as known, in this field were Rev. y Samuel Davies, afterwards Piesident of Nassau Hall, and Rev. John Tod, of Hanover Presbytery in Va. Mr. Davies began his ministry in Hanover in 1747, and in 1755 he gives the following account in a letter to a member of " tlje Society in London f(>r promoting Christian Knowledge among the poor." " The inhabitants of Virginia are computed to be about 300,000 men, the one-half of which number are supposed to be negroes. The number of those who attend my ministry at particular limes is uncertain, but generally about 300, who give a stated attendance ; and never have I been so struck wiih the appear- ance of an assembly, as when I have glanced my eye to that part of the meeting-house where they usually sit, adorned, for so it appeared to me, with so many black countenances eagerly attentive to every word they hear, and frequently bailied in tears. A considerable number of them (about five hundred) have been baptised, after a proper time ior instruction, and having given credible evidences, not only of their acquaintance with the important doctrines oard of Missions show that his labour was not in vain in the Lord. In IS07 I:lanf)ver I'resbylery ad- dressed a circular to the chmches uinler iheir care, solemnly exhorting ihem not to neglect their duty to their servants.* About the time of the labours of Mr. Henry at Cnb-Crcek, the Rev. Henry Patillo, pastor of Grassy Creek and Nutbush churches in Granville county, North Carolina was labouring *Vireinia Magatine, Vol. III. p. K9. t4 successfully among ihe same class of people. But we are unabh; to give particulars. Of one thing however we are well cerlitied, and that is that the ooud effecis of his labours have not ceased to be felt extensively to tliis day. Dr. Semple's history of the B;ijjiisis in Virginia, contains many evidences that from the earHest beginnings of that branch of Christ's church in the South, the salvation of the negroes hias not been forgotten or slighted in their ministrations. In- deed the vast numbers connected with their churches show that they have laboured much among them. Very soon after the IMetiiodists begnn to preach in the United States, the negroes ckiimed much of their attention. As early as the year 1S04, the .Methodists had in the United States 23,531 coloured members, of whom most were slaves. S.nce that time their numbers have been almost incredibly increased. For besides their regular system of itineracy, they have for some years had very flourishing Planlaiion Missions, especially in South Carolina and Georgia. The testimony in favour of their labours is not to be i(>un(l merely in their own official reports, veritable as no doubt they are ; but in the increasing desire of planters of all denominations and of no denomination of Christians to have their slaves instructed by them, 'i'he Hon. CC. Pinckney in the address previously referred to, says: ** On a plantation in Georgia, where in addition to supeiior management, the religious instruction of the blacUs is s^'stem- atically pursued, the crops are invariibly the best in the neighborhood. The neatness and order which the whole establishment exhibits, prove that the prosperity of the master, and the best interests of the negro are not incompatible. The same state furnishes another instance of this position. The people of an absentee's plantation, were proverbially, bad from the abuse and mismanagement of an overseer, (the pr(»prietors residing in England and the attorneys in Carolina.) The latter dismissed the overseer as soon as his misconduct was discov- ered, and employed another wlio was a pious man ; he not only instructed the negroes hin)self to the best of his abilities, but accompanied them every Sunday to a Methodist church in the neighborhood. At the end of five years their character was entirely changed, and has so continued ever since. After nearly fifteen years more, the surviving attorney is now in treaty for the purchase of these very negroes, whom he formerly considered as a band of outlaws. Other examples in favour of this plan have occurred in Carolina. In one instance a gentle- man invited a missionary to attend his plantation. After some time, two black preachers, who bad previously acquired popularity fell into disrepute, and were neglected by their IS former congregation. These statennents are derived from unquestionable sources. The last case presents a view of the subject, which m;iy have weight with those who think other insufficient." 'Ihe \n\e Bishop Dehon of South Carolina, turned his atten- tion somewhat to this people and not without success. We have spoken thus iiir of the labours of the dead only. Did time permit, inieresting details ol" the labours of many Hv- ing miMi might be^ given. It has been clearly ascertained that in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, (Georgia, and in all the Southern Slates, there are many who are fired with love to the souls of the dying negroes, aud are, with various success labouring for their salv;nion. It will appear by statements already made, and yet tf) he made, that all denominations of Christians are fairly pledged to this work, so that they cannot consistently retreat from it. In makir.g the foregoing statements nothing more than an introduction to a great sul)ieci was intended. That great sub- ject is our duty res|')ecting the eternal well being ol" negroes. A friend once inquired respecting IVesident Davies' practice as to the baptism of slave children. We know not what that excellent man's praclice was ; but we are happy in stating that the highest court in the Presbyterian church has determined in a maimer, that is thought satisfactory, all questions on this point. Thus in the minutes of the Synod of New York and Philadelphia for the year 17S(3, p. 413, it is said : "The following case of conscience from Donnegal Presbytery was overtured, viz.: whether Christian masters or mistresses ought in duty to have such children baptized, as are under their care, though born of parents not in communion of any church? Upon this overture, the Synod are of opinion, that Christian masters and mistresses whose religions profession and conduct are such, as to give them a right to the ordinance of baptism for their own chihlren, ma}^, and ought to dedicate the children of their household to God. in that ordinance, when they have no scruple of conscience to the contrary." On the next page (414) of the same record, it is said that "It was overtured, whether Christian slaves having children at the entire discretion of unchristian masters, and not having it in their pov^'er to instruct thenj in religion, are bound to have them baptised ; and whether a christian minister in this predicament ought to baptize them? The Synod determined in the affirm- ative." Again on the 315 page of vol. iii., containing the minutes of the General Assembly for 1816, is this entry : " The committee to which was referred the following ques- 16 tion, viz : Ought baptism on the promise of the master, to be ad* miiiisu'recl l<> the cfiildren of shives, repf)rlt'* .../"V-'-- ♦•'JJ*, o ^ 4 .0^ .1 r-. ■> "• .4' ^^^•.o' V* ..iii.'. -Tj. .* ..-. .**.-^^^'.\. oo\.i:;iJ4..% .,**\.ii^.X **o< :^li^«*! "ov*** :«^S''. '*--o* 'c .^^ 4>- ^^•^^. .- .^''■% .-j-^-v. ^ .- .^^^-. / .L*' ■** ^^ -.*' *o. i^'-*^ V '•"■ ,» " \<<^ v"^ .♦ij;^'* '<^-* ♦>„^^% ^_,^^^,-s* .-.^ai-v:. 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