, ■. . ««!d.<«C r^ i«:«c: -^' < «3f <«r ^*^ te:«p >- «x««:i c-of ■ '^alloons— the first Settlers — I'eter Miuuits, 115. The Patroons; Van Twiller Governor, 116. Kieft his Successor, 117. Difficulties with the Indians, 118. They seek Protection ; their Massacre, 119. Peace concluded, 122. Stuy ves- ant Governor, 123. The Swedish Settlement on the Delaware; Pavonia, 124. New Netherlands Sin-rendered to England, 126. The Influence of the Dutch, 127. Settlements in New Jersey; Scotch Presbyterians, 12S. CONTENTS. ■ yii CHAPTER XrV. COLONIZATION OF PENNSfLVANIA. The Quakers, 130. William Penn; his Education, 131. Obtains a Charter, 133. Lands at New Castle ; Philadelphia Pounded, 131. Bights of the ludiaus, 135. German Emigrauts, 136. Fletcher the Royal Governor, 1-37. New Charter gi-auted the People — Presliyteriaus from Ireland and Scot laud, 138; Trials of Penn; his Death— Benjamin Franklin, 139. CHAPTER XV. COLONIZATION OF THE CAROLINAS. The first Settlers, Ul. Grants to Royal Favorites— The "Grand Model," 142. Setilemeut at Cape Fear River— Sir John Teamans, 1-13. Emigrants under Sayle, 114. The Huguenots, 145. The People Independent, 146. Churchuien and Dissenters, 147. Rice — Manufactures prohibited, 148. War — Failure to capture St. Augustine, 149. The Ruin of the Apalachees, 150. Religious Con- troversies, 151. Indian Wars — German Emigrants, 152. The People repudiate the Authority of the Proprietaries, 155. CHAPTER XVI. COLONIZATION OF GEORGIA. Founded in Benevolence — Oglethorpe, 156. First Emigration, 157. Savannah— Eucouragemeuts, 158. Germans from the Western Alps, 1.59. The Moravians— Scotch Islanders, 161. TheWesleys — Whitefield; his Orphan House, 162. War with Spain; its Cause, 163. Failure to capture St. Augustine, 104. Repulse of the Span- ish Invaders, 165. The Colony becomes a Royal Province, 166. CHAPTER XVII. NEW ENGLAND TTNDEH CHARLES II. AND JAMES H. The Restoration, 167. The Commissioners — Progress of Trade, 168. Causes of King Philip's War, 169. Death of Wamsutta, 170. State of the Colony— Attack at Swauzey, 171. Philip among the Nip- mucks, 172. Attacks on Nortbfield — on Hadley, Goffe, 173. Tragedy at Bloody Brook— The Narraganset Fort destroyed, 174. Philip Returns to Mount Hope to dif, 175. The Disasters of the War, 176. James II.— his Intolerance, 177. The Charters in Dan- ger — Andros Governor— his Illegal Measures, 178. Charter of Rhode Island taken away— Andros at Hartford. 179. Andros in Jail; the Charters resumed, 180. The Men of influence, 181. CH.VPTER XVIII. COMMOTION IN NEW YORK— ^VTTCHCRAIT IN MASSACHUSETTS. Leisler acting Governor of New York, 182. The Old Council refuses to yield— Sloughter, Governor, 183. Trial and Execution of Leis- ler and Melbourne. 184. Beniamhi Fletcher, Governor; his fail- ure at Hartford, 185. Yale College, 186. The Triumph of a Free Press, 187. Witchcraft; belief in, 188. Cotton Mather, 189. Various Persons accused at Salem, 190. Stoughton as Judge, and PaiTis as Accuser, 191. Minister Burroughs, 192. Calef's Pam- phlet, 193. Mather's stand in favor of Inoculation, 194. VUl • CONTENTS. CHAPTER XIX. MISSIONS AND SETTLEMENTS IN NEW FKANCB. The Emigrants, 198. The Jesuits; their zeal as Teachers and Ex- plorers, 197. The Cliief Ahasistari, l'J8. The Five Nations, or Iroquois, 11)9. Father Jogues, 20U. The Abenaliis; Dreuilettes, 201. French Settlers at Oswego— Father AUouez, 202. James Marquette — The Mississiiipi, 2iM. La Salle, 204. His Enterprise ; his failui-e and Tragical End, 206. CHAPTER XX. IIAKAUDINO EXPEDITIONS ; SETTLEMENT OF LOUISIANA ; CAFTUBE OF LOUISBURG. Mohawks hcstile to the French, 206. Dover attacked ; Major Wal- di-on, 209. Schenectady burned— the inhuman Frontenac, 210. The Colonists act tor themselves — Invasion ol Canada, 211. Heroism of Hannah Dustiu, 212. Ueertteld Taken ; Eunice Will- iams, 213. D'Ibberville plants a Colony on the Pasca^oula, 215. Trading Posts on the Illinois and the Mississippi, 216. The Choo- taws, 217. Destruction of toe Natchez, 218. Attempts to subdue the Chickasaws, 219. King George's War; Capture of Louisburg, 320. The English Ministry alarmed, 222. Jonathan Edwards — The " Great Revival," 223. Princeton CoUege, 221- CHAPTER XXI. FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. The Valley of the Ohio— French and English Claimants, 225. Gist, the Pioneer, 226. George Washington, 2:27. His Character — His Mission to the French on the .Uleghany, 2:39. St. Pierre's Letter unsatisfacDory, 231. Fort du Quesne Imilt — Wasliington sent to defend the Frontier-^ 23:J. The first Conflict of the War— Fort Necessity, 233. British Troops arrive in Ameiica, 234. Plan of Operations — General Braddock, 235. The Army on the March — Captain Jack, 2.36. The Battle of Monougahela, 23.S. Death and Burial of Braddock, 240. Dunbar's Panic — The Effects of these Events, 241. CHAPTER XXn. FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR — CONTINITED. The French Acadiens — Their Industry and good Morals, 245. Their Mom-uful Exile, 246. Expedition agamst Crown Point, 248. The English defeated— Di^th of Colonel Williams, 249. Repulse of the French- Death of Dieskau— Williams College, 250. Kittaning destroyed, 251. Montcalm Acts with Energy, 253. Fort William Henry taken, 254. Canadji Exhausted, 255. CHAPTER XXIH. FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR— CONTrNDID. William Pitt, Prime Minister, 256. Lord Amherst^Plan of Opera- ations— Louisburg captured, :J57. English repulsed— Fort Fron- tenac captured, 258. Washington takes Possession of Fort Du Quesne, 259. Pittsl)urg, 260. The French abandon Tieonderoga, 201. Wolfe before (Juebec, £62 The Battle on the Heights of Abraham, 264. Deaths of Wolfe and Montcalm— their Memories, 265. Quebec Capitulates— Cherokee War, 366. Destruction of their Crops and Villages, 268. Poutiac, 269. Desolations along the Frontiers, 270. General Bouquet, 271. Pontiac's Death, 272. CONTENTS. IX CHAPTER XXIV. CHAKACTERISTICS OP THE COLONISTS. Religious Influences among the early Settlers, 273. Love of domestic Life, 2T4. Laws enjoiuiug Molality, 275. Systems of Education; Common Schools, 276. Fiee Inquiry and Civil Liberty, 277. John Calvin — The Anglo-Saxon Element ; the Norman, 278. The Soutlierner; the Northerner— Influences in Feuusylvauia, 279. In New Yorli— Diversity of Ancestry, 280. CHAPTER XXV. CAUSES THAT LED TO THE REVOLUTION. Restrictions of Trade and Manufactures— Taxes Imposed by Parlia^ meut, 282. Writs of Assistance, 283. James Otis— Samuel Adams, 284. The "Parsons' " Case in Virginia— Patrick Henry, 285. Col- onel Barre's Speech— Tlie Stamp Act, 287. Excitement in ihe Colonies- Resolutions not to use Stamps, 289. " Sons of Liberty," 290. A Call for a Congress; it Meets, 291. Self-Denial of the Colonists- Pitt defends them, 292. Stamp Act repealed— Rejoic- ings, 293. Dartmouth College, 294. CHAPTER XXVI. CAUSES THAT LED TO THE REVOLUTION- CONTINUED. The Engli ehus A Bri Articles of Association proposed by Washington; 298. Tax upon Tea, 299. The Gaspe captured, :Wb. The Resolutions not to re- ceive the Tea, .301. Tea Thrown into Boston Harbor— Its Recep- tion at other Places, 303. Boston Port Bill— Aid Sent to Boston, 304. Gage's DifBeulties, ,305. Alexander Hamilton, 30G. The Old Continental Congress— The first Prayer, 307, The Papers issued by the Congress, 309. Views of Pitt in relation to them, 310. CHAPTER XXVII. The Spirit of the People, 311. They seize Guns and Ammunition, 312. 'I'he Massachusetts Prcjvincial Congress; its Measures, 313. The Restraining Bill, 314. Conflicts at Lexington and Concord, 315. Volunteers fly to Arms, and Beleaguer Boston— Stark— Putnam, 317. BenedictArnold— Ethan Alien and the Green Mountain Boys, 318. Capture of Ticouderoga, 319. Lord Dunmore in Virginia — Henry and the Independent Companies, .320. The News from Lexington rouses a Spirit of Resistance, 321. The Second Conti- nental Congress, 323. Its Mea-sures, 324. Adopts the Army lie- fore Boston, and ajipoiuts Washington Commander-in-Chief, 325. CHAPTER XXVIII. THE WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. . Battle of Bunker Hill, .328. Death of Warren— Generals Charles Lee and Philip Schuyler, 3*3. State of Affairs in New York— Sir William Johnson, 334. Condition of the Army, 335. Nathaniel Greene— Morgan and his Riflemen, .336. Wants of the Army, 337. Expedition against Canada, 338. Richard Montgomery — Allen's Rash Adventure, 339. Montreal captured— Arnold's toil- X CONTENTS. some March to Quebec, 340. That Place besieged, 341. Failure to Storm the Towu— Death of Montgomery, 34;^. Arnold in his Icy Fortress, 343. CHAPTER XXIX. WAR OP THE REVOLUTION— CONTINUED. Meeting of Congress— Alarming Evils, 344. Portland burned — Efforts to defend the Coast, 345. Parliament resolves to crush the Kebels, 346. Henry Knox, 347. DifBculties in the Army— I'rovincial Prejudices, 348. Success of the Privateers— British Theatricals— The Union Flag, 34!). Affairs in New York— Kivington's Gazette, 350. Governor i'ryon— General Lee in the City, 351. Dimniore's Measures— Noifolk burned, 352. Defeat of North Carolina Toiies, 353. Cannon and Powder obtained, 355. Dorchester Height^j fortified— Boston evacuated, 356. Washington in New York, 357. Numerous Disasters— Retreat from Canada, 359. Horatio Gates, 360. A British Fleet I)efore Fort Moultrie, 361. Gloomy Pros- pects, 362. CHAPTER XXX. WAR OF THE REVOLUTION— CONTINITED. The Question of Indejiendence ; Influences in favor of, 364. The Tories— Common Sense, 366. The Declaration ; its Reception b^ the People and Army, ."68. Arrival of Admiral Howe, 3C9. His Overtures for RoiMiiicilintion, .370. The American Army; its Composition, Sectional Jealousies, .371. The t lintons, 872. Battle of Long Island, .37.3. The Masterly Retreat, 376. Incidents. 377. Howe confers with a Committee oi Congress, 378. Nathan Hale, 379. The British at Klpp's Bay, 380. New York evacuated, 381. Conflict at White Plains. .382. Loss of Fort Washington, 384. Retreat Across New Jersey, 385. Waywardness of Lee, 386. CHAPTER XXXI. WAR OF THE REVOLUTION— CONTINUED. Discouragements— Howe's Proclamation, 887. Affairs on I.nkeCham- plaiurSSS. Heroism of Arnold, 389. Capture of Lee, S90. Battle of Trenton, 392. Battlo of Princeton, C98. Dealh of Mercer, 399. Washington returns to Morristown, 400. Coruwallis in his lines at Brunswick, 401. Putnam at Princeton, 402. Ill-treatment of American Prisoners, 403. Appointment of General Officers, Muhleuburg, Wayne, Conway— Medical Department, 404. The Navy, 405. Expeditions— Peekskill—Danbury, 406. Death of Wooster— Retaliation at Sag Harbor, 407. Schuyler and Gates. 408. The National Flag, 409. CHAPTER XXXII. WAR OF THE REVOLUTION— CONTTNUED. The struggle excites an Interest in England and France, 410. Pri- vateers fitted out in France, 411. Munitions of War, 412. Howe;s Maneuvers. 413. Burgoyne on his Wav from Canada, 414. Ti- couderoaa captured, 415. St. Clair's Retreat, 416. Capture ot General' Prescott^The Secret Expedition— The American Army at Germantown, 417. Lafavette, 418. Pulaski and Kosciusko, 419 Aid Sent to Schuvler-Howe lands at Elkton, 420. Battle of Rrandywine, 421. "Possession taken of Philadelphia— Battle of Germantown, 434. Hessians repulsed at Fort Mercer, 426. Win- ter Quarters at Valley Forge, 427. CONTENTS. XI CHAPTER XXXIII. WAR OF THE KEVOLUTION— CONTINUED. Invasion from Canada — Appointment of General Gates, 428. Jenny MoCrea, 429. St. Leger besieges I'oi't Stanwix, 430. The Attempt to relieve it, 431. Battle ot Beuuiugtou, 43~'. Change of Pros- pects, 433. Battle of Behmus's Heights, 434. Tioouderoga be- sieged, 435. Biirgoyue suireuders his Army at Saratoga, 436. The Prisoners — Capture of i<'orts on the Huuson, 438. Bcuuyler, 439. CHAPTER XXXIV. WAS or THE UEVOI.nTION— CONTINtTED. Sufferings at Valley Forge, 440. EnglR,nd disappointed — Conciliatory Measures of Parliament, 441. The War i^resses liard upon the American People, 443. Difaculties in Congiess, 44;i. The " Con- way Caljal," 444. Baron Steuben, 446. Attempt to increase the Army, 447. Exchange of i^ee; his Treason, 44S. Treaty with France— British Commissioners, 449. Battle ot Monmouth, 450. Misconduct of Lee, 451. His death, 453. Combined attack upou Newport fails, 453. Massacre at Wyoming— at Cherry Valley, 454. Invasion of Georgia, 4-56. CHAPTER XXXV. WAR OF THE BEVOLUTION— CONTINTIED. Dissensions in Congress, 457. Expedition against the Indians, 43S. The War in the South, 459. Marauding Kxpeditious sent to Vir- ginia, and up the Hudson— Tryon ravages Counectiout, 4G0. Wayne captures Stony Point, 4G1. Lee surprises the Garrison at Jersey City — Combined assault upon Savannah, 463. Daniel Boone, 463. Geoi-ge Rogers (Jlarke ; Kaskaskia — Pioneers of Tennessee ; Nashville, 434. John Paul Jones, 465. •CHAPTER XXXVI. WAR OF THE REVOLUTION— CONTINtTED. Hardships of the Soldiers, 4GS. British Success at the South, 4C7. Colonel Tarletou, 46t!. Charleston capitulates — Defeat at Wax- haws, 409. Rev. James Caldwell, 470. Maraud into Jersey, 471. French Fleet at Newport— The Partisan Leaders in tlie South, 473. Gates in Command— Disastrous Battle of Camden, 474. Death of De Kalb, 475. Sumter's ^Success r.nd Defeat, 476. The Treason of Arnold— Major Andre, 477. Movements of Corn- wallis, 479. Colonel Ferguson— Tl»o Battle of King's Mountain, 480. Tarleton repulsed, 483. Greene in Command — British tri- umphant in the South — Affairs in Euroije, 4S-3. Henry Laurens — Dangers of England ; her Energy, 484. CHAPTER XXXVII. WAR OF THE REVOLUTION— CONTINUBD. Tlie Spirit of Revolt among the Soldiers, 486. Arnold r.avages the Shores of the Chesapeake, 488. Battle of the Cowpeus, 489." Mor- gan retreats'; Cornwa'.lis pursues, 491. Greene marches South — Lee scatters the Tories, 493. Battle of Guildford Court- House, 494. Conflict at Hobkirk's Hill, 495. The Execution of Hayne, 498. Battle of Eutaw Springs, 497. Plans to Capture New York, 498. Wayne's Daring at James lli-^er, 499. National Finances- Xll CONTENTS. Robert Morris, 500. Clinton deceived — Combined Armies beyond the Delaware, 5U1. French Fleet in the Chesapeake, 5U:.'. New Ijondou burned by Arnold, 503. The Attack, 501. Coruwallis Surrenders, 505. Thanksgivings, 506. CHAPTER XXXVIII. CLOSING EVENTS OP THE WAR— FORMATION OP THE CONS TI TU TI ON. British Efforts Paralyzed, 508. The States form Independent Gov- ernments—Indian Wars, 509. Massacre of tha Christian Dela- wares— Battle of the Blue Lick, 510. Lord North— Commissioners of Peace, 511. Peace concluded— Dissatisfaction in the American Army, 513. The " Anonymous Address," 513. British Prisoners ; the Tories, 514. Disbandment of the Army— Washington takes leave of his UfBcers, 515. Resigns his Commission, 516. Shay's Rebellion, 518. Interests of the States clash, 519. The Constitu- tional Convention, .530. The Constitution— its Ratification, 531. The Territory Northwest of the Ohio, 533. Ecclesiastical Organ- izations, 533. CHAPTER XXXIX. WASHmQTON'S ADMINISTRATION. Reception and Inauguration of the President, .538. An Era in human Progress, 5:29. The Departments of State organized, 530. Hamil- ton's Financial Repoi't, o;31. Congress Assumes the Del)ts of the Nation— National Bank, 533. Commercial Enteii>rise — Manu- factures, 5.33. Indian War, 534. St. Clair defeated, 15.35. Wavne defeats the Indians, 53G. Political Parties-JefTcrson, .^k57. The French Revolution, 5.38. Genet arrives as French Minister— Neu- trality proclaimed by the President — Democratic Societies, 539. The Partisans of France— Recall of Genet, ,540. The first Settlers of Western Pennsylvania, 541. The Whiskey Insurrection, 543. Special Mission to Great Britain, 543. A Treaty concluded, 544. Other Treaties, 545. Washington's Farewell Address, 546. CHAPTER XL. JOHN ADAMS'S ADMINISTRATION. Serious Aspect of Relations with France, 547. Commissioners of Peace, 548. The French Cruisers, 549. The Alien Act— War im- pentliug, 550. Washington Commander-in-Chief — Captui-e of the Frigate L'Insurgente, 551. Peace concluded — Death of Washing- ton, .553. Euloguims on his 'Character, .5.53. The city of Washing- ton l)ecomes the Seat of Go^'ei'nment, 554. CHAPTER XLI. JEFPERSON'S ADMINISTRATION. The President's Inaugural, 555. Purchase of Louisiana, 556. Pirates in the Mediterranean, 557. Burning of the Philadelphia, 558. Tripoli Bombarded, 5.59. Death of Hamilton, 560. Aaron Burr, 561. Opposition to the Navy — Guuboats, 563. The Rights of Neutrals— The unjust Decrees issued by England and France, 563. Imjiressment of American Seamen, ,564. Treaty with En- gland rejected l)y the President — Affair of the Chesapeake, 566. The Embargo ; its effect, 568. Manufactures, 569. The Embai'go repealed, 570. CONTENTS. xm CHAPTER XLn. MADISON'S ADMINISTRATION. Condition of the Country-Erskine's Negotiations, 571. Depreda- tions upon American Commerce— The Bambouillet Decree, 573. Affair of the Little Belt, 574. The Census— Indian Troubles— Teeumseh and tlie Prophet, 575. Battle of Tippecanoe, 5,7. The two Parties— The Twelfth Congress— Henry Clay— John C. Cal- houn, 578. Threatening Aspect of Foreign Relations, 5,9. De- bates in Congress— John Randolph, 580. Another Embargo, 583. War declared against Great Britain, 584. The Academy at West Point, 585. Bi"ts at Baltimore, 586. Operations m the Northwest, 587. Sifrreuder of Hull, 588. Impressment of Amer- ican Seamen, 588. American Ships in English Ports, 589. Fail- ures to Invade Canada, 5SH). Formation of Missionary bocieties, 592. CHAPTER XLIII. MADISON'S ADMINISTRATION— CONTINUED. Vessels of the Navy, .593. The chase of the Constitution— Capture of the Alert, 594. The Guerriere— Incidents, 595. The Macedonian —The Frolic— The Java, 596. The Effects of these Naval Con- flicts in the United States and England, .597. Plan of Operations —Harrison advances on Detroit, .599. General Winchester a Pris- oner; Indian Barbarities— The Kentuckiaus fall into an Ambus- cade, 6110. Repulse at Port Stephenson— The loss of the Chesa- Seake, 601. Perry's Victory, 60,2. Battle of the Thames— Andrew ackson, 003. Leads an Expedition ; its Termination, COS. Tork Captured; Death of General Pike, 60G. Failures, 607. Newark binned, the severe Retaliation, 608. Ravages on Shores of the Chesapeake — Indian War in the South, 609. Jackson and others in the Field— Battle of the Great Horse Shoe, 610. Captain Por- ter's Cruise, GU. Formation of the Bible Society, 612. CHAPTER XLIV. MADISON'S ADMINISTRATION— CONTINIIED. The Thirteenth Congress ; its Members, Daniel Webster, 613. Mani- festo of the British Government, 614. Embarrassments— Com- missioners of Peace, 615. Jacob Brown— Winfleld Scott— Wilkin- son unsuccessful, 617. Battle of Luudy's Lane, C18. Battle on Lake Champlain, 621. The British on the Shores of the Chesa- peake, 6:33. Bladensburg, JK5. Capture of Wa.shington — Public Jauildings burned, 626. Defense of Fort McHenry— Death of General Ross, 627. Bombardment of Stonington— Distress in New England, 028. Debates in Congress, 629. Hartford Conven- tion, 630. CHAPTER XLV. MADISON'S ADSnNISTRATION — CONCLUDED. Jackson enters Pensacola, 633. New Orleans defenseless— The British laud, 634. Jackson's Measures of Defense, 635. Battle of New Orleans, 636. The Distress of the Country— The Relief , 638. Treaty of Peace, 6.39. Frigate President captured, 040. War with Algiers, 641. Treaty with the Indians— National Bank— State of Indiana, 642. John Fitch— Robert Fulton— First Steamboat, 643. CHAPTER XLVI. MONROE'S ADMINISTRATION. A Return to the earlier Policy of the Government, 644. The Presi- dent's Tour in the Eastern "States— The Colonization Society, 645. XIV CONTENTS. Kevolutions in the Spanish Colonies— Indian War, 646. General Ja(!kson in the Piela— Purchase of Florida, 647. The Missouri Compromise, 648. The Monroe Doctrine— Financial Distress, 65'^. Increase of Tariff— Visit of Lafayette, 653. CHAPTER XLTII. JOHN QUINCY ADAMS'S ADMIinSTKATION. Manufactures and Internal Improvements, C55. Indian Lands in Georgia, 656. Death of the ex-Presidents Thomas Jefferson and John Adams, W)7. Free Masonry— Protection to American In- dustry, G58. Debates in Congress— Presid<)utial Contest, 660. CHAPTER XLVIII. JACKSON'S ADMINISTRATION. Appointments to Office, 661. Removal of the Indians from Georgia, 66".i. Bauli of the United States, 603. Hayne and Webster's De- bate— Nullification, 664. Tlie Compromise Bill ; its final Passage, 667. Removal of the Deposits, C6S. Effect upon the Country — Indian Wars, 089. Osceola— Death of Judge Marshall, 670. In- demnity for French Spoliations, 671. CHAPTER XLIX. VAN BURIN'S ADMINISTRATION. Apparent Prosperity, 673. The Specie Circular— Distribution of the Surplus Puurts -Speculation, 674. The Sub-Tieasury, 675. State Indebtedness, G76. • CHAPTER L. HARRISON AND TYLER'S ADMINISTRATION. The Inauguration, 677. Death of Harrison; Tyler President, 678. Bankrupt Law— The Bank Charters; their Vetoes, 679. Proposi- tion to treat with Great Britain— Insurrection in Canada— The Caroline, 680. Trial of McLeod, G81. Boundary Disputes in Maine —Treaty of Washington, 682. Questions of Visit and Impress- ment, 6S3. Exploring Expedition, 684. Texas Colonization ; Strusales, eS;-). Siege of the Alamo, 680. Davy Crockett— Goliad, Siege of— Mus-acrc of Prisoners, 687. Battle of San Jacinto, 688. Houston President- Question ofw^^nuexation in Congress, 689. Texas Annexed— Disturbances inTthode Island, 691. Iowa and Florida become States, 692. CHAPTER LI. FOLK'S ADSnNISTRATION. Difficulties with Mexico, 094. General Taylor at Corpus Christi, 695' Oregon Territorv; respective Claims to, 696. Settlement of Boundary, 698. iTaylor Marches to the Rio Grande— Thornton's Party Sui-prised, 699. Attack on Fort Brown, 700. Battle of Palo Alto, 701. Battle of Kesaca de la Palma, 702. Matamoras occupied— Measures of Congress, 704. The Volunteers— Plan of Operations— Mexico declares War, 705. Capture of Monterey, 707. CHAPTER LH. POLK'S ADJIINISTRATION — CONTINUHU. The President hopes for Peace— Santa Anna, 710. Hostilities to be renewed, 712. Troops withdrawn from General Taylor— Voluu- CONTENTS. ZV teers arrive at Monterey, 713. Santa Anna's Plans and Prepara- tions, 711. Taylor advances to Agua Nueva, 715. Battle of Buena Vista, 716. Tlie Mexican Chiefs Urrea and Romero. CHAPTER LHI. POLK'S ADMINISTRATION— CONTINirED. t Emigration to Oregon, 732. John C. Fremont; his Explorations, ' 733. Difficulties with the Mexican Governor, 735. American Settlers in alarm, 73<3. Califoiuia tree — Monterey on the Pacific captured, 737. Commodores Sloat and Stockton— Expedition of Keai'uey, 738. Santa Fe taken; a Government organized, 739. Doniphan's Expedition, 740. El Paso Taken, 742. Chihuahua oc- cupied, 743. An Insurrection; its Suppi'ession, 744. Trial of Fremont, 745. CHAPTER LIV. POLK'S ADMrNISTRATION— CONCLITOED. Movement of Troops, 746. Vera Cruz invested, 747. Its Bombard- ment and Capitulation, 748. Santa Anna's Energy, 749. Battle of Cerro Gordo, 750. General Scott at Puebla — His Misunder- standings with the Authorities at Washington, 751. N. P. Trist, Commissioner, 753. Dissensions in Mexico, 754. Scott's Manifes- to, 755. Advance upon t'lie Capital, 756. Battle ol Contreras, 757. Of Cliurubusco, 758. Attemijts to obtain Peace, 7G0. Couflict of Molino del Rey, 761. The Castle of ( hapultepec captured, 762. The American Army enters the City, 763. Santa Anna agam in the Field, 764. Treaty of Peace, 765. Misunderstandings among the American Officers, 766. Conditions of the Peace — Discovery of Gold in California, 767. The Effects- Heath of John Quincy Adams, 768. Wiimot Proviso, 769. The Presidential Election — Death of Mr. Polk, 770. CHAPTER LV. TAYLOR AND FILMOIIE'S ADMINISTRATION. Discussion on Slavery — Wiimot Proviso, 772. The Powers of the Constitution; their Api)lication in the Territories, 774. The President's Message; its Recommendations, 770. Debate on the Omniijus Bill, 777. Death of Calhoun — Death of President Tay- lor-Fillmore Inaugurated, 778. The Fugitive Slave Law, 779. The Mormons; their Origin, 780. Troubles — Settlement in Utah, 781. A Disunion Convention, 781. Lopez invades C'uba, 7'82. Search for Sir John Franklin— Dr. E. K. Kane, 783. Death of Henry Clay ; of Daniel Webster, 784. The Tripartite Treaty, 784. CHAPTER LVL PIEaCE'S ADMINISTRATION. Purchase of the Mesilla Valley, 783. Treaty with Japan, 787. The Kansas-Nebraska Bill; the effects of the Measure, 788. Emi- grants to Kansas, 789. Struggles and Conflicts, 790. James Bu- chanan, President, 793. Tlie Contest continues in Kansas, 793. Platforms of Political Parties, 795. CHAPTER LVn. BUCHANAN'S ADMINISTRATION— CONTINUED. Traits of Character, North and South, 797. Comparative Int«lli- g':'nce in the Free and Slave States, 798. Benevolent Operations, 800. Material Progress, 802. Compromises, 803. Republican Party, 804. Democi-atic Convention, 805. The Election, how XVI CONTENTS. receiyed, 800. Intent of Personal Liberty Bills, 807. Legislatures and Conventions, South, 808. Mou-eoerciou; Border States; Finances, 809. Buchanan's Message, 810. Fort Sumter, 811. Yu- lee'a Letter, 813. Mr. Lincoln's Jouiuey, 814. Confederate Con- stitution ; Fallacies, 815. CHAPTER LVin. LINCOLN'S ADMINISTRATION. The luauKuration, 816. Effect of the Inaugural, 817. Sumter Bom- barded, 819. The President's call for Volunteers ; Responses, 8'21. Si>irit of Loyalty, 8:ii. Kiot in Baltimore, 823. Confederate Con- gress at Riclimoud, 8il. Loyalty in 'I'ennessee and Missouri, 825. Advance into Virginia : Death of Ellswortli, 826. Proclamations ; Instructions to United States Ministers abroad, 827. English Neutrality, 828. Big Bethel Skirmish, 829. West Virginia treed of Confederates, 830. Battle of Bull Run. 831. Missouri, 834. Battle of Wilson's Creek; Death of Lyon, 835. FrciiKmt's I'roc- lamation, 837. Kentucky's Legislation, 838. Finaii(ied, 960. Jefferson Davis captured ; Columbia burned, f^l. Johnston sur- renders, 963. The assassination, 96.3. Andrew Johnson; Booth shot, 983. Mr. Lincoln, Grant and Sherman; Interview, 963. Last reviews; Union loss in the Rebellion, 964. Blockade raised; Old Flag on Sumter, 96.5. Amesty Proclamati!^Q; The Kearsarge and the Alabama, 966. Lord Joha Russell's Protest; Louis Napo- leon, 967. Article XIII. ; The Telegraph, 968. Reconstruction ; Article XIV. ; The Impeachment, 969. Presidential Election, 970. CHAPTER LXVL GRANT'S ADMIHISTRATIoil. Pacific Railway; Fifteenth Amendment, 971. Death of General Lee, 9/2. State Rights Influence, 973. Alabama Claims, 974-76. Cen- sus of 1870 ; Election Law, 977. Centennial, 977-78. Presidential Election, 978. Influences binding the Union, 979-82. Conclusion ; Population, increase of, 982. Agricultural Products; Inventions, 98.3. Immigrants; Homestead Bill; Cheap Lands, 984. Public School Funds, 985. Illiteracv of States compared, 986. The Newspapers, 986. Libraries, 987. Art; Temperance, 988. Indi- y?.'*"'!' Responsibility ; EngUsh Language, 989. Christianized CiviUzation, 990. XYUl CONTENTS- PAGE. Analytical Index 991 APPENDIX. Constitution of the United States 1001 PBESIDENTS OS THE CONTINENTAL CONGRESS 1015 Dates of Declaration of Independence and Articles of Con- federation 1015 Chief Justices of the U. S. Supreme Court 1015 Presidents of the United States, with Dates of Administra- tion, Death, etc 1016 Population of the Several States and Territories, Census of 1870 1017 Population of the Twenty Largest Cities 1018 ILLUSTRATIOlsrS. ENQKAVED BY CHARLES SPBEGI/E, NEW YORK. 1. Geobqe WASHrNGTON, FroTitispiece After Marshall's engiaviug of the Stuart portrait in the Boston Athenaeum, owned hy the Christian Union Pub- lishing Company. 2. Christopher Columbus, to f nee p. 74 The discoverer of the New World. From an ancient Italian engi-aving. 3. AMEBiotrs VESPtroci, 74 Whose published account of his voyages caused German geographers to name the new land " America." 4. Sebastian Cabot, 74 Who with his father, John, made the most direct and practioal discoveries of the American Continent. 5. Petrus Stuyvesant, 75 The last of the Dutch Governors of New Amsterdam, before it was ceded to the English and called New Tork. 6. William Penn 75 English Quaker and courtier, grantee of large lands in the New World, and founder of Pennsylvania. 7. John Winthrop, 75 English Justice of Peace, emigrant to America, perma- nent organizer and many yeai's Governor of the colony of Massachusetts Bay. 8. Benjamin Franklin, 140 Boston bom ; a Philadelphia and London printer; pliilos- opher, author, and statesman. 9. Thomas Jefferson, 140 Virginian delegate to Continental Congress; author of Declaration of Independence ; Vice-President and Presi- dent of United States. 10. Alexander Hamilton, 140 Officer of the Revolutionary army ; first Secretary of the United States Treasury ; high financial and Constitutional authority. XX ILLUSTRATIONS. H. John Withbrspoon, 141 Scotchman ; descendant of John Knox; President Prince- ton College, New Jersey ; Coulinental Congressman from New Jersey ; a signer of the Declaration of Independence. 13. Jonathan Edwards, 141 Of Connecticut; celebrated theologian and metaphysi- cian ; pastor in Massachusetts ; President Princeton Col- lege, New Jersey; deeply influential in intellectual theology of New England. 13. Lyman Beeoher, 141 Of Connecticut; born 1775, died 1863; a renowned preacher and theological disputant; advocate of temperance move- ment ; pastor in New England and Long Island ; Presi- dent Lane Theological Seminary, Cincinnati, O. 14. James Otis, .310 Massachusetts lawyer and orator. Fu-st public opponent of "British writs" in America. 15. Patrick Hbnrt , 310 Virginian lawyer and orator. Opponent of royal pre- rogative in American courts. 16. Samttel Adams, 310 Massachusetts lawyer. Early advocate of native rights of the American colonists. 17. Nathaniel Greene, 311 Washington's favorite General ; an officer of rare sagacity, skill and success. 18. Anthonv Wayne, . . ' 311 A natural soldier, of great daring, from which he was called " Mad Anthony." 19. IsEABL Putnam, 311 Of Connecticut ; one of the earliest and best known of the Revolutionary soldiers. - 20. Robert Pulton, . . ' 410 Pennsylvania; pupil of Sir Benjamin West, the painter; inventor of first successful steamboat ever launched. 21. Samuel Pinley Breese Morse, 410 Native of Massachusetts ; resident of New York ; inventor of first practical recording electric telegraph, 23. Elias Howe 410 Inventor of the sewing-machine needle, 23. Daniel Webster, . - . 411 Massachusetts lawyer. United States Senator, and orator. ILLTJSTKATIOIfS. XXl 24. John Caldtveli. Calhoun 411 United States Senator from South Carolina; Vice-Presi- dent of the United States; Secretary of State; powerful orator; original advocate of doctrine of secession. 25. Henky Clat 411 United States Senator fi-om Kentucky; popular Whig leader; renowned orator. 26. Washington Irving, 526 Early and distinguished American author; man of great industry and laro graces of style. 27. Jambs Fennimoke Cooper, 526 Widely known as a novelist, especially of sea tales. 38. Ralph Waldo Emekson, 526 Philosoplier, Poet, Essayist, and general Author; a man of marked originality of thought; a leader in "liberal" as distiuguislietl from " ortliodox " views. 29. William Wibt, 527 Virginian lawyer of commanding forensic ability and success. 30. Rtrpus Choate, 527 Massaehuset' s lawyer, especially noted for power with juries. ,S1. William Maxwell Evarts, 527 New York lawyer; United Srates Attorney-General; counsel for United States in Alaljama Claims Interna- tional Commission; high authority in Cdn-stitutional, criminal, and commercial law; finished oratoi'. 32. William Cullen Bryant, 642 Journalist; editor New York Eveiiintj PuM : in 1876 the oldest living American poet; especially valued for poems of nature, and his admirable version of Homer. 33. Henby Wadsworth Longfellow 642 Professor of Scandinavian Literature in Harvard College ; tlie most i^opular American poet; translator of Dante. 34. John Greenleaf Whittier. 642 Quaker, of Massachusetts; essentially, the American poet of Freedom ; man of remarkable strength, purity and del- icacy of style. 35. James Gordon Ben'nett, 643 Scotchman ; founder and editor of New York Herald ; a gefiius for news gathering ; inventor of the (now common) condensed news-of-theday column. sxii ILLUSTEATIONS. 36. Horace Greeley, 643 Of New Hampshire; a printer by trade; founder and editor of New York Tribune ; foremost in all the social and i^olitical agitations of his lime, especially in the abolition of slavery. 37. George Denison Prentice, 643 Editor of Louisville Journal ; a keen writer, great wit, journalist of intluence and wide repute. 38. Abraham Lincoln, 746 Mississippi boatman ; Illinois lawyer aud politician; Pres- ident of the United States during the great Civil War; destroyer of slavery by military proclamation; victim of a fanatical assassin ; a man remembered and revered for his genius of common sense, patient practical statesman- ship, and unselflsli kindly nature. 39. William Henry Seward, 746 New Yorii lawyer and politician ; United Slates Senator ; Lincoln's Secretary of State during the Civil War. 40. Edwin McMasters Stanton, 746 Ohio lawyer; Buchanan's Seenjtary of State after de- parture of Davis, Floyd, and Toombs; Lincoln's Secretary of War from 18G2 to end of CivU War. 41. Jefferson Davis, 747 Of Mississippi ; United States army officer; United States Senator; cabinet officer; leader of Southern secession; President Confederate States. 42. Robert Edward Lee, . • 747 Of Virginia; United States army officer; commander of Confederate forces, especially " Army of Virginia '' ; a great soldier; after the Civil War, President Washington College, Lexington, Va. 43. Thomas Jonathan Jackson, , . 747 Of Virginia; United States army officer; Military Profes- sor at Lexington, Va. ; General in Coufederata army ; an officer of remarkable energy, persistency, rapidity of action, and success. 44. Ulysses Simson Grant, 898 Of Missouri; United States army officer; successful army commander in Western States during early part of Civil War; General of United States forces, and final conqueror of main Confederate forces; President of United States. 45. William Tectmseh Sherman, 898 Of Ohio; United Stite< army officer; military professor in Mississippi ; lirilUant and successful army commander of United States forces in West and South during Civil War; a soldier of great reputation. ILLUSTEATIOKS, MAPS AND CHARTS. ^^^^11 46. Philip Henbt Sheridan 898 United States army officer ; dashing cavalry general dur- ing Civil War. 47. David Glascoe Fabrag0t, 899 Of Tennessee; United Slates navy officer; midshipman at 11 years; was 60 years old when Civil War began; cap- tured New Orleans, Mobile, etc. ; Congress created grades ViceAdmiral and Admiral in his honor. 48. David Dixon Porter, 899 United States naval officer; midshipman at 16; successful commander during Civil War; succeeded Farragut as Vice-Admiral and Admiral. 49. Andrew Huli, Foote, 899 Of Connecticut; United States naval officer; promoted for gallantry in Chinese expedition, 1856; during Civil War conspicuous in Western gunboat service, especially the reduction of Forts Henry and Donaldson, Tenn. MAPS Al^I) CHAETS. ENGRAVED AND PREPARED ESPECIALLY FOR THIS VOLUME BY Q. W. i C. B. COLTON, NEW YORK. I. Chart, showing the routes of the principal voyages of dis- covery and adventure from the Old World to the New, giving the European ports of departure, names of com- manders, dates, etc., 20 II. Map of the territory occupied by the United States, show- ing boundaries of the " Original Thirteen " as they stood at close of the Revolution ; also, subsequent cessions from States to the General Government, or from foreign Gov- ernments, with dates, giving an idea of the mode and rapidity of the territorial growth of the United States, . 514 III. Map of the United States in 1876, revised and corrected according to the best authorities ; giving the dates of ad- mission of each State, and all important geographical details , . . 970 A CONCISE HISTORY AMERICAN PEOPLE CHAPTER I. COLUMBUS. His Discoveries, Misfortunes, and Death. — Amerigo Vespucci, and the name America. For nearly fifteen hundred years after the birth of our chap Saviour, the great Western Continent was unknown to " the inhabitants of the Old World. liOi. The people of Ein'ope had looked upon the Atlantic Ocean as a boundless expanse of water, surrounding the land and stretching far away they knew not whither. This vast unknown, their imaginations had peopled with all sorts of terrible monsters, ever ready to devour those who should rashly venture among them. But the cloud of mystery and superstition that hung over this world of waters was now to be dispelled — a spirit of discovery was awakened in Europe. The Azores and Madeira Isles were already known. Mariners, driven out by adverse winds, had discovered them. Tradition told of islands still farther west, but as yet no one had gone in search of them. The attention of the people' of maritime Europe was turned in the opposite direction ; they wished to find a passage by water to the eastern coasts of Asia. The stories told by those early X 2 HISTORY OF THE AMEKICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, travellers, Sir John Mandeville and Marco Polo, Lad fired their imaginations ; they believed that among those 1492. distant regions of which they wrote, so abundant in pre- cious stones, diamonds, and gold, was the veritable land of Ophir itself Their intense desire to obtain the treasures of India, led to a result most important in the world's history — a result httle anticipated, but which was to have a never-ending influence upon- the destinies of the human family — the discovery of America. As God had ordered, there appeared at this time a remarkable man ; a man whose perseverance, no less than his genius, commands our respect. He was a native of Genoa, one of the great commercial cities of Italy. He had been from his childhood famUiar with the sea, and had visited the most distant portions of the world then known. His time and talents were devoted to the study of navigation, geography, and astronomy. He began to astonish his countrymen with strange notions about the world. He boldly asserted that it was round, instead oi flat ; that it went around the sun instead of the sun going around it ; and moreover, that day and night were caused by its revolution on its axis. These doctrines the priests denounced as contrary to those of the church. He could not convince these learned gentlemen by his arguments, neither could they silence him by their ridicule. When he ventured to assert that by sailing west, he could reach the East Indies, these philosophers questioned not only the soundness of his theory, but that of his intellect. For years he labored to obtain the means to explore the great western ocean, to prove that it was the pathway to the coveted treasures of the East. This remarkable man was Christopher Columbus. He applied first to John the Second, king of Portugal, to aid him in his enterprise, but without success ; he then applied to Henry the Seventh, king of England, with a similar result. After years of delay and disappointment, COLUMBUS SAILS FROM PALOS. O his project having been twice rejected by the Spanish chap. court, and he himself branded as a wild enthusiast, he sue- ceeded in enlisting in its favor the benevolent Isabella, 1402. Queen of Spain. She offered to pledge her private jewels to obtain means to defray the expenses of the expedition. Thus the blessings, which have accrued to the world from the discovery of America, may be traced to the beneficence of one of the noblest of women. A little more than three hundred and fifty years ago, on Friday, the 3d of August, 1492, Columbus sailed from the Httle port of Palos, in .Spain. . He confidently launched forth upon the unknown ocean. His three little vessels were mere sail-boats compared with the magnificent ships that now pass over the same waters. He sailed on and on, day after day, and at length came within tlie influence of the trade winds, which with- out intermission urged his vessels toward the west. The sailors began to fear— if these winds continued, they never could return. They noticed the variation of the compass ; it no longer pointed to the pole, — was this mysterious, but hitherto trusty friend, about to fail them .'' Ten weeks had already elapsed, and the winds were still bearing them farther and farther from their homes. It is true, there were many indications that land was near ; land birds were seen ;., land weeds, a bush with fresh berries upon it, and a cane curiously carved, were found floating in the water. Again and again, from those on the watch, was heard the cry of land, but as often the morning sun dispelled the illusion ; they had been deceived by the evening clouds that fringed the western horizon. Now, the sailors terror-stricken, became mutinous, and clamored to return. They thought they had sinned in venturing so far from land, and as a punishment were thus lured on to perish amid the dangers with which their imaginations had filled the waste of waters. Columbus alone was calm and hopeful ; in the midst 4: HISTORY OF THE xVMEEICAU' PEOPLE. CHAP, of all these difficulties, he preserved the courage and noble self-control that so dignifies his character. Ilis confidence 1492. in the success of his enterprise, was not the idle dream of a mere enthusiast ; it was foimded in reason, it was based on science. His courage was the courage of one, who, in the earnest pursuit of truth, loses sight of every personal consideration. He asked only for a little more time, that he might prove to others the truth of what he himself so firmly believed. When lo ! the following night the land breeze, fragrant with the perfiime of flowers, greeted them; r|£ver was it more grateful to .the worn and weary sailor. The ships were ordered to lie to, lest they should run upon rocks. Suddenly the ever watchful eye of Columbus saw a light, a moving light ! The alternations of hope and fear, the visions of fame and greatness, or the higher aspi- rations that may have filled his soul on that eventful night, are more easily imagined than described. Frid., The next morning, they saw lying before them in all j2 ' its luxuriant beauty an island, called by the natives Guan- ahani, but renamed by Columbus, San Salvador, or Holy Saviour. With a portion of his crew he landed. Falling on their knees, they offered thanksgivings to God, who had crowned their labors with success. Columbus raised a banner, and planted a cross, and thus took formal possession of the land in the names of his sovereigns, Ferdinand and Isabella. The awe-stricken natives watched the ceremony from amid the groves ; they thought the white strangers were the children of the sun, their great deity. Alas ! the cross did not prove to them the emblem of peace and good-will ! Columbus explored this island — one of the Bahama group — and discovered others, now known as the West Indies. Thus he spent three months ; then taking with him seven of the natives, he sailed for home. On the i5th I4'j3. of March he arrived at Palos. From that port to the court HIS THIRD VOYAGE. O at Barcelona, his progress was a triumphal procession. He chap. was graciously received by the King and Queen, who , appointed him Viceroy or Grovernor of all the countries he 1193. had or should discover. They conferred upon him and his family" titles of nobility, and permission to use a coat of arms. The day he made his discovery, was the day of liis triumph ; this day was the recognition of it by his patrons and by the world. His past Hfe had been one of unremit- ting toil and hope deferred ; but in the future were bright prospects for himself and his family. But his title, the object of his honorable ambition, proved the occasion of all his after sorrows. The honors so justly conferred upon him, excited the jealousy of the Spanish nobility. From this time his life was one continued contest with his enemies. He made more voyages, and more discoveries in the West Indies. On his third voyage he saw the main- 1498. land at the mouth of the Orinoco. It seems never to have occurred to him, that a river so large must necessarily drain a vast territory. He supposed the lands he had dis- covered were islands belonging to Cathay, or Farther India ; from this circumstance the natives of the New World were called Indians. It is more than probable Columbus died without knowing that he had found a great continent. After a few years his enemies so far prevailed, that on a false accusation he was sent home in chains from the island of Hispaniola. Isabella, indignant at the treat- ment he had received, ordered them to be taken off, and all his rights and honors restored. Ferdinand promised to aid her in rendering him justice, and in punishing his ene- mies ; but, double-dealing and ungenerous, he did neither. To the misfortunes of Columbus was added the death of Isabella, his kind and generous patroness. And now he was openly maligned and persecuted. Their work was soon done ; in a short time he died, worn out by disease and 6 HISTOET OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, disappointment. His last words were : " Into thy handSj Lord, I commend my spirit." 1506. His body was deposited in a convent in Spain. Fer- dinand, it is said, ordered a monument to his memory The justice he had denied him in life he was willing tc inscribe ujDon his tomb, — it was to bear the inscription : " Columbus has given a world to Castile and Leon." The body of Columbus was afterwards conveyed to Hispaniola. After a lapse of almost three hundred years that island passed into the hands of the French. Gene- rations had come and gone, but the Spanish nation re- membered that Columbus had " given a world to Castile and Leon ; " and they wished to retain his remains within their own territories. They disinterred them, and with imposing ceremonie's transferred them to Havana in the 1795, island of Cuba, where they still remain. About seven years after the first voyage of Columbus, Amerigo Vespucci, a Florentine gentleman, visited the West Indies, and also landed on the eastern coast of South America. On his return he published a glowing descrip- tion of the newly discovered countries. From this cir- cumstance the name America was given to the New World by a German writer on Geography, who may have been ignorant of the claims of Columbus. CHAPTER II. THE ABORIGINES. In the earliest ages of the world the ancient inhabit- ^^p- ants of America may have come from Asia. The prox- imity of the two continents in the vicinity of Behriag's Straits and the Aleutian Isles, renders such an emigration comparatively easy. There is reason to believe the people found here by Europeans, were not the original inhabit- ants of the land. Throughout the continent, more especially in the val- ley of the Mississippi, are found monuments of a race more ancient, — mounds and enclosures of great extent, — the work, not of roving savages, but of a people who lived in settled habitations, it may be, as prosperous and peace- ful cultivators of the soil. To build these immense monuments, the materials of which were frequently brought from a distance, required the labor and toil of a numerous population. Perhaps in the vicinity of these works, villages and cities once stood. The enclosures were used either as places of defence, or for purposes of worship, and perhaps for both ; the mounds evidently as places of burial for kings or chiefs. The antiquary finds here no inscriptions, which, like those found on the plains of Shinar or in the valley of the Nile, can unfold the mysteries of bygone centuries. He finds only the scattered remnants of vessels of earthen- 8 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, ware, rude weapons of warfare, axes made of stone, and , . ornaments worn only by a people rude and uncultivated. How much of happiness or of misery this ancient people experienced during those many ages, none can tell. In an evil hour came some dire calamity. It may have been civil war, which in its path spread desolation far and wide ; blotted out their imperfect civilization, and drove the more peaceful inhabitants further south, where they fotmded the empires of Mexico and Peru ; while those who remained degenerated into roving savages, and converted those fer- tile plains into hunting-grounds. Or may we not rather suppose that centuries after the first emigration, there came another from the same mother of nations, Asia ; — that the latter were warlike savages, who lived not by cultivating the soil but by hunting ; — that these invaders drove the peaceful inhabitants of that beautiful region to the far south, and took possession of the conquered land as their own home and hunting-ground? Travellers have noticed the near resemblance of the aborigines of North America to the people of north- eastern Asia, not only in their customs but in their physical appearance. " The daring traveller Ledyard, as he stood in Siberia with men of the Mongolian race before him, and compared them with the Indians who had been his old play-fellows and school-mates at Dartmouth, writes deliberately that, 'universally and circumstantially they resemble the aborigines of America.' On the Connecticut and the Obi, he saw but one race." ' More than two thousand years ago, Herodotus wrote in his history, that the Scythians practised the custom of scalping their enemies slain in battle ; that the warrior . preserved these scalps as the evidence of his bravery, and used them to decorate his tent and the trappings of his horse. The wonderful skill of these Scythians in han- ' Bancroft's History of the United States, vol. III., page SI 8. INDIANS FOUR DIVISIONS. 9 tiling the bow and arrow was proverbial in ancient times ^^f-^ Who can teU but the ancestors of the aborigines of America came from Scythia, and brought with them their skill in using the bow and arrow, and the singular custom of scaljjing ? Of the North American Indians there were four general divisions ; these occupied as many separate portions of the United States and Canada. The Algonquin branch, with its various tribes, claimed the territory extending from the north of Maine to Cape Fear, thence to the Mississippi, and north of the great lakes to the vicinity of Hudson Bay ; their territory completely encircled that claimed by their enemies, the powerful Huron-Iroquois, whose central por- tion was along the north shores of the Lakes Erie and Ontario, beyond Georgian bay of Lake Huron, and almost to the Ottawa river, and south of the same lakes to the waters of the Ohio and the Susquehannah, and from the west end of Lake Erie to Lake Champlain and the Hud- son. The Mobilian branch extended from Cape Fear to the south point of Florida ; west along the north shores of the Gulf of Mexico to the Mississippi ; north as far as the Tennessee river and the southern spurs of the Cum- berland mountains. West of the Mississippi were the roving tribes of the Dahcotahs, or Sioux. As the natives of these difterent pertions of the conti- nent closely resembled each other in physical constitution and personal appearance, the first explorers supposed they were one and the same people ; but when their languages became better known, ethnologists classified them as dif- ferent branches of the same great family. In earlier ages they may have been one people, speaking the same lan- guage ; afterward, revengeful wars, unrelentingly waged for ages, separated them. Each little tribe or family wan- dered alone ; as differing circumstances and necessities re- quired, they added new words to the original language ; thus were formed dialects, which philologists have par- 10 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. "^^11^' ^'^^V traced, and which apparently lead to the same mother tongue. Their mode of living, customs, and religious belief were also similar ; their houses, or wigwams, were formed of poles placed in the ground, and bent toward each other at the top, and covered with birch or chestnut bark ; they dressed in the skins of animals ; wore as ornaments the feathers of the eagle and the claws of the bear, — trophies of their skill as hunters, — and valued more than all the scalps of their enemies ; proofs of their bravery and success in war. They believed in a Great Spirit that pervaded all things ; their heaven lay away beyond the mountains of the settinsc sun : it was a land of bright meadows and crystal springs, a happy hunting-ground stocked with wild animals, where the Indian hunter after death enjoyed the chase, and never suffered cold, nor thirst, nor hunger more. Note. — As the several tribes of Indians come within the scope of thia history they will be further noticed. CHAPTER III. SPANISH DISCOVERIES AND CONQUESTS. South Sea. — First Voyage round the 'World. — Ponce de Leon. — Florida, Discovery and Attempt to settle. — Vasquez de Ayllon. — Conquest of Mexico and Peru. CHAP III. In a few years the Spaniards subdued and colonized the most important islands of the West Indies. The poor timid natives were either murdered or reduced to slavery. 150C Unheard-of cruelties in a short time wasted, and almost exterminated the entire race. Not satisfied with the possession of these islands, the Spaniards made further discoveries from time to time around the Gulf of Mexico ; they explored the southern part of the peninsula of Yucatan ; they planted a colony on the narrow Isthmus of Darien. Until this time, no 1510, settlement had been made on the Western Continent. When in search of gold, Nunez de Balboa, the govern- or of this colony, made an exploring tour into the interior, he ascended a "high mountain, and fi'om its top his eyes were greeted with the sight- of a vast expanse of water extending away to the south, as far as the eye could reach. He called it the South Sea. But seven years later, Magel- 1520, Ian, a Portuguese mariner in the service of Spain, passed through the dangerous and stormy Straits which bear his name ; and sailing out into the great field of waters, found it so calm, so free from storms, that he called it the Pacific or peaceful ocean. Magellan died on the voyage, but his ship reached the coast of Asia, and thence returned home 12 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, to Spain by the Cape of Good Hope, thus realizing the vision of Columbus, that the world was a globe, and could 1512. be sailed round. Juan Ponce de Leon, a former governor of Porto Rico, fit- ted out at his own expense three ships to make a voyage of discovery. He had heard from the natives of Porto Eico that somewhere in the Bahama Islands, was a fountain that would restore to the vigor of youth all those who should drink of its waters or bathe in its stream. This absurd story many of the Spaniards believed, and none more firmly than De Leon. He was an old man, and anxious to renew his youthful j)leasures ; with eager hopes he hastened in search of the marvellous fountain. He did not find it, but in coasting along to the west of the islands, he came in sight of an unknown country. It appeared to bloom with flowers, and to be covered with magnificent forests. As this country was first seen on Easter Sunday, which the Spaniards call Pascua Florida, he named it Florida. With great difficulty he landed to the north of where St. Augustine now stands, and took formal possession of the country in the name of the Spanish sovereign. He sailed to the south along the unknown and dangerous coast, around the extreme point. Cape Florida, and to the south-west among the Tortugas islands. He received for his services the honor of being appointed Gov- * ernor of Florida by the King of Spain, — rather an expen- sive honor, being based on the condition that he should colonize the country. A year or two afterward, he attempted to plant a colony, but found the natives exceedingly hostile. They attacked him and his men with great fury — many were killed, the rest were forced to flee to their ships, and Ponce de Leon himself was mortally wounded. He had been a soldier of Spain ; a companion of Columbus on his second voyage ; had been governor of Porto Eico, where he had oppressed the natives with great cruelty ; he had sought VASQUEZ DE AYLLON. 13 an exemption from the ills of old age ; had attempted to ciiai' found a colony and gain the immortality of fame. But he returned to Cuba to die, without planting his coloay or 1512 drinking of the fountain of youth. About this time was made the first attempt to obtain Indians from the Continent as slaves to work in the mines and on the plantations of Hispaniola or St. Domingo. The ignominy of this attempt belongs to a company of seven men, the most distinguished of whom was Lucas Vasquez de Ayllon. They went first to the Bahama Islands, from these they passed to th,e coast of the present State of South Carolina, landing at or near St. Helena Sound. The natives of this region knew not as yet what they had to fear from Europeans. They were, however, shy at first, but after presents had been distributed among them, they received tlie strangers kindly. They were invited to visit the ships. Curiosity overcame their timidity, and they went on board in crowds. The treacherous Spaniards immediately set sail for St. Domingo, reg3,rdless of the sorrows they inflicted upon the victims of their cruelty and avarice. Thus far their plot was successful ; soon how- l5-i(i. ever a storm arose, and one of the ships went down with all on board ; sickness and death carried off many of the captives on the other vessel. Such outrages upon the na- tives were common ; and instead of being condemned and punished, they were commended. Vasquez went to Spain, boasting of his expedition as if it had been praiseworthy. As a reward, he received from the Spanish monarch a commission to conquer the country. When he had expended his fortune in preparations, he set sail, and landed upon the coast. Bitter wrongs had been inflicted upon the natives, and their spirit was roused. They attacked him with great vigor, killed nearly all his men, and forced him to give up the enterprise. It is said that grief and disappointment hastened the death of Vasquez. 14 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP. The Spaniards were more successful elsewhere. The explorers of the west coast of the Gulf had heard of the 1520. famed empire of Mexico and its golden riches. As evi- dence of the truth of these marvellous stories, they exhib- ited the costly presents given them by the unsuspecting natives. Under the lead of Fernando Cortez, six hun- dred and seventeen adventurers invaded the empire ; and though they met with the most determined resistance, in the end Spanish arms and skill prevailed. Defeated at every point, and disheartened at the death of their em 1521. peror, Montezuma, the Mexicans submitted, and their em- 1821. pire became a province of Spain. Just three hundred years from that time, the province threw off the Sjianish yoke, and became a republic. Kumor told also of the splendor and wealth of a great empire lying to the south, known as Peru. Pizarro, another daring adventurer, set out from Panama with only one hundred foot soldiers and sixty-seven horsemen to in- vade and conquer it. After enduring toil and labors almost unparalleled, he succeeded ; and that empire, con- taining millions of inhabitants, wealthy, and quite ci^ilized, 15S1. ^^s reduced to a province. Pizarro founded Lima, which became his capital. He oppressed the natives with great cruelty, and accumulated unbounded vrealth drawn' from mines of the precious metals, but after a rule of nine years he fell a victim to a conspiracy. CHAPTER IV. ENGLISH AND FKENCH DISCOVERIES. John Cabot discovers the American Continent. — Enterprise of his sou Se- bastian. — Voyages of Verrazzani and Cartier. — Attempts at Settlement. Whilst these discoveries, conquests, and settlements chap. were in proCTess in the South, a series of discoveries was '__ going on in the North. 1497- John Cabot, a native of Venice, residing, as a merchant, in Bristol, in the West of England, made application to Henry VII., the reigning sovereign, for permission to go en a voyage of discovery. The king gave to Cabot and his three sons a patent, or commission, granting them cer- tain privileges. This is said to be the most ancient state paper of England relating to America. As Henry VII. was proverbially prudent in money matters, he would not aid the Cabots by sharing with them the expense of the expedition, but he was careful to bind them to land, on their return, at the port of Bristol, and pay him one-fifth part of the profits of their trade. They were, in the name of the king, to take possession of all the territories they should discover, and to have the ex- clusive privilege of trading to them. Bristol, at this time, was the greatest commercial town in the Wfest of England, .and had .trained up multitudes of hardy seamen. These seamen had become habituated to the storms of the ocean, by battling tempests in the Northern seas around Iceland, in their yearly fishing ex- cursions. ^ is quite probable they had there heard the 16 HISTORY OF THE AMEKICAX PEOPLE. CHAP, tradition, that at a remote period the Icelanders had dis- , '_ covered a country to the west of their island. 1497. Cabot and his son Sebastian sailed almost due west, and before long discovered the American continent, it is supposed near the fiftj^-sixth degree of north latitude. What must have been their surprise to find, in the lati- tude of England, a land dreary with snow and ice, barren rocks, frowning cliffs, polar bears, and wild savages ! This discovery was made more than a year before Columbus, on his third voyage, saw the South American coast, at the morith of the Orinoco. Thus the Western continent was discovered by pri- vate enterprise alone. The next year a voyage was under- taken for the i^urposes of trade, and also to ascertain if the country was suitable for making settlements. The king now ventured to become a partner in the speculation, and defrayed some of the expense. Sebastian Cabot sailed, with a company of three hundred men. for Labrador, and landed still further north than at his first voyage. The severity of the cold, though it was the commencement of summer, and the barrenness of the country, deterred him from remaining any length of time. He sailed to the South and explored the coast, till want of provisions forced him to return home. The family of the Cabots derived no benefit from their discovery, as the trade to those barren regions amounted to nothing. It is a matter of regret that so little is known of the many voyages of Sebastian Cabot. Around his name there lingers a pleasing interest. He is represented as being very youthful, not more than twenty years of age, when he went on his first voyage. Mild and courteous in his manners ; determined in purpose, and persevering in execution ; with a mind of extraordinary activity ; daring in his entei-prises, but never rash or imprudent ; he won the hearts of his sailors by his kindness, and commanded their respect by his skill. Such was the VOYAGE OF VERRAZZANI. 17 man who, for more than fifty years, was the foremost iu chap. maritime adventure. He explored tlie eastern coast of South America ; sailed within twenty degrees of the North 140T, Pole, in search of the North-Western passage ; and at dif- ferent times explored the eastern coast of this continent, fiom Hudson's straits to Albemarle sound. The Cabots had noticed the immense shoals of fish 1524 which frequented the waters around Newfoundland. The English prosecuted these fisheries, but to no great extent, as they continued to visit the Icelandic seas. French fish- ermen, however, availed themselves of the way opened by their rivals, and prosecuted them with great vigor. Plans for planting colonies in those regions were often proposed in France, yet nothing was done beyond the yearly visits of the fishermen. Francis I. was finally induced to attempt ' further explorations. For this purpose he cmjdoyed Ver- razzani, a native of Florence, in Italy, a navigator of some celebrity, to take charge of an expedition. This was the first voyage, for the purpose of discovery, undertaken at the expense of the French government. Verrazzani sailed south to tlie Madeira Isles, and thence due west, in quest of new countries. On the passage he' battled a terrible tempest, but at length saw land in the latitude of Wilmington, North Carolina. No good har- bor could be found as he coasted along to the south for one hundred and fifty miles. Then turning north, he cast anchor from time to time and explored the coast. The surprise of the natives and that of the voyagers was mu- tual ; the one wondered at the white strangers, their ships and equipments ; the other at the " russet color" of the simple natives ; their dress of skins set off with various rude ornaments and gaudy-colored feathers. The imagination of the voyagers had much to do with the report they made of their discoveries. Tlie groves, they said, bloomed with flowers, whose fragrance greeted them far from the shore, 18 HISTOET OF THE AMEEICAX PEOPLE. CHAP, reminding them of the spices of the East ; the reddish '_ color of the earth was, no doubt, caused by gold. 15'24. The explorers examined careluUy the spacious harbors of New York and Newport ; in the latter they remained fifteen days. They noticed the fine personal appearance of the natives, who were hospitable, but could not be in- duced to trade, and appeared to be ignorant of the use of iron. They continued their voyage along the then name- less shores of New England to Nova Scotia, and still fur- ther north. There the natives were hostile ; they had learned, by sad experience, the cruelty and treachery of white men. Caspar Cortereal, a Portuguese, some years before, had visited their coast, stolen some of their friends, and sold them into slavery. They were willing to trade for instruments of iron or steel, but were very cautious, fearful of being again entrapped. After his return, Verrazzani published a narrative of his voyage, giving much more information of the country than had hitherto been known. On the ground of his dis- coveries, France laid claim to the territory extending from South Carolina to Newfoundland. 1534. Ten years after, an expedition was sent, under James Cartier, a mariner of St. Malo, to make further discoveries, with the ultimate design of founding a colony. His voyage was very successful ; he reached Newfoundland in twenty days ; passed through the Straits of Belleisle ; sailed to the south-west across a gulf and entered a bay ; which, from the extreme heat of the weather, he named Des Chaleurs. Coasting along still further west, he landed at the inlet called Gaspe, where he took formal possession of the coun- try, in the name of his sovereign. This he did by plant- ing a cross, surmounted by the lilies of France, nnd bear- ing a suitable inscription. Continuing his course still further west, he entered the moiith of a great estuary, into w^hich he ascertained flowed an immense river, larger by far than any river in Europe. These explorations were VOYAGE OF CAETIER. 19 made during the montlis of July and August. It ivas now chap. necessary for him to retirrn home. His account of the chmate as " hotter than that of 1534. Spain," and of the country as " the fairest that can pos- sibly he found ;" of its " sweet-smelling trees ;" of its " strawberries, blackberries, prunes and wild corn ;" its " figs, apples and other fruits," together with his descrip- tion of the great gulf and noble river, excited in France the most intense interest. Immediately plans were devised to colonize the coun- try. The court entered into the scheme. Some of the young nobility volunteered to become colonists. By the following May the arrangements were completed. Cartier, " who was very religious," first conducted his company to the cathedral, where they received the bishop's blessing, then set sail, with high hopes of founding a State in what was then called New France. After a somewhat stormy passage, he reached the northern part of the gulf, on the day of St. Lawrence the 1535. Martyr, in honor of whom it was named — in time, the name was applied to river also. The strangers were received hospitably by the natives. Cartier ascended the river in a boat to an island, on which was the principal Indian settlement. It was in the mild and pleasant month of September. He ascended a hiU, at the foot of which lay the Indian village; he was enraptur- ed by the magnificent scene ; the river before him evidently drained a vast territory ; the natives told him " that it went so far to the west, that they had never heard of any man who had gone to the head of it." He named the hiU Mont-Real, Royal-Mount ; a name since transferred to the island, and to the city. This country was in the same latitude with France ; he thought its climate must be equally mild, its soil equally fertile ; and that it might become the home of a happy and industrious people, and this beautiful island the centre of 20 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAJ^^ PEOPLE. CHAP, an almost unhounded commerce. He did not know that God had sent the warm waters 6f the sonth through the 1535. Gulf Stream to the west of Europe ; that they warmed the bleak west winds, and made the delightful climate of his native France different from that in the same latitude in North America.' A rigorous winter dissipated his visions. His honest narrative of the voyage, and of the intense coldness of the climate, deterred his countrymen from making further attempts to colonize the country. There was no gold nor silver to he found — no mines of precious stones. What inducement was there for them to leave their fertile and beautiful France, with its mild and healthful climate, to shiver on the banks of the St. Lawrence ? 1540. Thus it remained for four years. Among many who thought it unworthy a great nation not to found a State on the shores of the magnificent gulf and river of the New World, was a nobleman of Picardy, Francis de la Roque, lord of Eoberval. He obtained a commission from Fran- cis I. to plant 3: colony, with full legal authority as viceroy over the territories and regions on or near the Gulf and River of St. Lawrence. These were to be known in his- tory under the ambitious name of Norimbega. Gartier was induced by Roberval to receive a commission as chief pilot of the expedition. They did not act in con- cert; both were tenacious of honor and authority, and they were jealous of each other. 15iO. Cartier sailed the following spring, passed up the river, and built a fort near where Quebec now stands. To estab- lish a prosperous colony, virtue, industry, and perseverance must be found in the colonists. The first enterprise, com- ' "The quantity of beat dischargeJ over the Atlantic from the waters of the Gulf Stream in a winter's day, would be sufficient to raise the whole column of atmosphere that rests upon France and the British Isles, from the freezing point to summer heat." Manri/'s Physical Goriniphy of the Sea, p 61. ■^ c A'Ji I ^ 'B-'s A. la'' s i: A ' tBarlia«iDes jde 40 West from 30 Greenwich 20 ATTE3IPTS AT SETTLEMENT. 21 posed of young uoLlemeD and amateur colonists, failed, as chap. might have been expected. In the second attempt they . L went to the other extreme, — the colonists were criminals, 1.342. drawn from the prisons of France. During the winter Cartier hung one of them for theft ; put some in irons ; and whipped others, men and women, for minor faults. In the spring, just as Eoberval himself arrived with a reinforcement, he slipped off to France, heartily disgusted with his winter's occupation. Eoberval remained about a year, and then returned home, perfectly willing to resign the viceruyalty of Norimbega, and retire to his estates in Picardy. After a lapse of fifty years, a successful attempt was made by the French to colonize the same territory. CHAPTEE V. DE SOTO AND THE MISSISSIPPI. CHAP. The name Florida was given by the Spaniards to the " entire southern portion of the United States. Their at- 1539. tempts to conquer this territory had hitherto failed. For some unexplained reason, the most exaggerated stories were told of the richness of the country ; there was no evi- dence of their truth, yet they were implicitly believed. The success of Cortez in conquering Mexico, and of Pizarro in conquering Peru, excited the emulation of Ferdinand de Soto. He had been a companion of Pizarro ; had gained honor by his valor, and, in accordance with the morals of the times, had accumulated an immense amount of wealth by various means of extortion. Still it must be said in his favor, that he was, by far, the most humane of any of the Spanish officers who pillaged Mexico and Peru. Fofeseeing the endless quarrels and jealousies of the Spaniards in Peru, he prudently retired to Spain with his ill-gotten gains. Ambition did not permit him to remain long in retire- ment. He panted for a name, for military glory, to sur- pass the two conquerors of the New World. He asked permission to conquer Florida, at his own expense. The request was graciously granted by the Emperor, Charles V. He also received an honor much more grateful to his am- bition ; he was appointed Governor of Cuba, and of all the countries he should conquer. THE LANDING AT TAMPA BAY. 23 The announcement that he was about to embark on chap. this enterprise, excited in Spain the highest hopes, — hopes . of military glory and of unbounded wealth. Enthusiastic 1539. men said these hopes must be realized ; there were cities . in the interior of Florida as rich, if not richer than those of Mexico or Peru ; temples equally splendid, to be plun- dered of their golden ornaments. Volunteers offered in crowds, many of noble birth, and all })roud to be led by so renowned a chief. From these numerous applicants De Soto chose six hundred men, in " the bloom of life." The enthusiasm was so great, that it appeared more like a holiday excursion than a military expedition. He sailed for Cuba, where he was received with great distinction. Leaving his wife to govern the island, he sailed for Florida, and landed at Espiritu Santo, now Tampa bay. He never harbored the thought that his enterprise could fail. He sent his ships back to Cuba ; thus, in imi- tation of Cortez, he deprived his followers of the means to return. Volunteers in Cuba had increased his army to nearly one thousand men, of whom three hundred were horsemen, all well armed. Every thing was provided that De Soto's foresight and experience could suggest ; ample stores of provisions, and for future supplies, a drove of swine, for which Indian corn and the fruits of the forest would furnish an abundance of food. The company was provided with cards, that they might spend their " leisure time in gaming ;" a dozen of priests, that the " festivals of the church might be kept," and her ceremonies rigidly per- formed ; chains for the captive Indians, and bloodhounds, to track and tear them in pieces, should they attempt to escape ; — incongruities of which the adventurers seemed unconscious. They now commenced their march through pathless • forests. The Indian guides, who had been kidnapped on former invasions, soon learned that they were in search of • gold. Anxious to lead them as far as possible from the 24: HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CRAP, neigliborliood of their own tribes, they humored their fau- cies, and told them of regions far away, where the precious 15i0. metal was abundant. In one instance they pointed to the north-east, where they said the people understood the art of refining it, and sent them away over the rivers and plains of Georgia. It is possible they may have referred to the gold region of North Carolina. When one of the guides honestly confessed that ha knew of no such countiy, De Soto ordered him to be burned for telling an untruth. From this time onward the guides continued to allure the Spaniards on in search of a golden region, — a region they were ever approaching, but never reached. At length the men grew weary of wandering through forests and swamps ; they looked for cities, rich and splendid, they found only Indian towns, small and poor, whose finest buildings were wigwams. They wished to return ; but De Soto was determined to proceed, and his faithful followers submitted. They i)illaged tlie Indians of their jarovisions, thus rendered them hostile, and many conflicts ensued. They treated their captives with great barbarity ; wantonly cut off their hands, burned them at the stake, suffered them to be torn in pieces by the blood- hounds, or chained them together with iron collars, and compelled them to carry their baggage. They moved toward the south-west, and came into the neighborhood of a large walled town, named Mavilla, since Mobile. It was a rude town, but it afforded a better shel- ter than the forests and the open plains, and they wished to occupy it. The Indians resisted, and a fierce battle ensued. The Spanish cavalry gained a victory, — a. victory dearly bought ; the town was burned, and with it nearly , aU their baggage. Meantime, according to appointment, ships from Cuba , had arrived at Pensacola. De Soto would not confess that he had thus far failed ; he would send no news until he DISCOVERY OF THE MISSISSIl'PI. 26 had rivalled Cortez in military renown. They now directed chap. their course to the north-west, and spent the following -^vin- ter in the northern part of the State of Mississippi. From 1540. the Indian corn in the fields they obtained food, and made their winter quarters in a deserted town. When spring returned, a demand was made of the Chickasaw chief to furnish men to carry their baggage. The indignant chief refused. The hostile Indians deceived the sentinels, and in the night set fire to the village and attacked the Span- iards, but after a severe contest they were repulsed. It was another dear victory to the invaders ; the little they had saved from the flames at Mobile was now con- sumed. This company, once so " brilliant in silks and glittering armor," were now scantily clothed in skins, and mats made of ivy. Again they commenced their weary wanderings, and before many days found themselves on the banks of the Mississippi. De Soto expressed no feelings of pleasure or of admiration at the discovery of the magnificent river, with its ever-flowing stream of turbid waters. Ambition and avarice consume the finer feelings of the soul ; they destroy the appreciation of what is noble in man and beautiful in nature. De Soto was only anxious to cross the river, and press on in search of cities and of gold. A 1541, month elapsed before boats could be built to transport the horses. • At length they were ready,, and white men, for the first time, launched forth upon the Father of Waters. The natives on the west bank received the strangers kindly, and gave them presents. The Indians of southern Missouri supposed them to be superior beings — children of the sun — and they brought them their blind to be restored to sight. De Soto answered them, " The Lord made tlie heavens and the earth : pray to Him only for whatsoever ye need." Here they remained forty days ; sent out ex- plorers further north, who reported that buffaloes were so numerous in that region that corn could not be raised ; 26 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, that the inhabitants were few, and lived by hunting . They wandered two hundred miles further west ; then 1541. turned to the south, and went nearly as far, among In- dians who were an agricultural people, living iu villages, and subsisting upon the produce of the soil. In this region another winter was passed. It was now almost three years since De Soto had landed at Tampa bay. With all his toil and suffering, he had accomplished 1542. nothing. In the sj^ring, he descended the Wachita to the Red river, and thence once more to the Mississippi. There he learned that the country, extending to the sea, was a waste of swamps, where no man dwelt. His cup of disappointment was full ; his pride, which had hitherto sustained him, must confess that his enter- prise had been a failure. He had set out with higher hopes than any Spanish conqueror of the New World ; now his faithful band was wasted by disease and death. He was far from aid ; a deep gloom settled upon his spirit ; his soul was agitated by a conflict of emotions ; a violent fever was induced ; and when sinking rapidly, lie called his followers around him, they, faithful to the last, im- plored him to appoint a successor : he did so. The next day De Soto was no more. His soldiers mourned for him ; the priests performed his funeral rites ; with sad hearts they wrapped his body in a mantle, and, at the silent hour of midnight, sunk it beneath the waters of the Mississippi. His followers again wandered for awhile, in hopes of getting to Mexico. Finally they halted upon the banks of the Mississippi ; erected a forge ; struck the fetters off their Indian captives, and made the iron into nails to build boats ; killed their horses and swine, and dried their flesh for i^rovisions. When the boats were finished they launched them upon the river, and floated down its stream to the Gulf of Mexico. 1672. After the lapse of one hundred and thirty years, the Mis- sissippi was again visited by white jnen of another nation. CHAPTER VI. THE REFORMATION AND ITS EFFECTS. From this period we find interwoven with the early Ids- chap. tory of our country a class of 2ierson3 who were not mere • adventurers, seekers after gold or fame — but who sought ^gj^^ here a home, where they might enjoy civil and religious liberty, and who held the principles of which we see the result in the institutions of the United States, so diflerent in some respects from those of any other nation. This differ- ence did not spring from chance, but was the legitimate ef- fect of certain influences. What has made this younger member of the great family of governments to difler so much from the others .'' What were the principles, what the in- fluences, which produced such men and women as our revolutionary ancestors ? The world has never seen their equals for self-denying patriotism ; for enlightened views of government, of religious liberty, and of the rights of con- science. When great changes are to be introduced among the nations of the earth, God orders the means to accomplish them, as well as the end to be attained. He trains the people for the change. He not only prepared the way for the discovery of this continent, but for its colonization by a Christian people. Fifty years before the first voyage of Columbus, the art of printing was invented — and twenty- five years after the same voyage, commenced the Reforma- tion in Germany under Martin Luther. The art of print- ing, by multiplying books, became the means of diffusing 28 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN' PEOPLE. CHAP, knowledge among men, and of awakening the human mind from the sleep of ages. One of the consequences of this 1517. awakening, was the Reformation. The simple truths of the Gospel had heen ohscured hy the teachings of men. The decrees of the church had drawn a veil between the throne of God and the human soul. The priesthood had denied to the people the right of studying for themselves the word of God. The views of the Eefbrnlers were the reverse of this. They believed that God, as Lord of the conscience, had given a revelation of his will to man, and that it was the inherent right and privilege of every human being to study that will, each one for himself. They did not stop here : they were diligent seekers for truth ; the advocates of education and of free inquiry. Throwing aside the traditions of men, they went directly to the Bible, and taught all men to do the same. On the continent, the Reformation began among the learned men of the universities, and gradually extended to the rmeducated people. In England, the common people were reading the Bible in their own language, long before "it was the privilege of any nation on the continent.* Thus the English were prejiared to enter into the spirit of the Reformation under Luther. Soon persecutions of the Re- formers arose ; with civil commotions and oppressions involving all Europe in war. These troubles drove the Huguenot from France and the Puritan from England, to seek homes in the wiklei'uess of the New World. From the Bible they learned their high and holy prin- ciples ; fiery trials taught them endurance. They brought with them to our shores the spirit of the Reformation, the recognition of civil rights and religious liberty. These principles have been transmitted to us in our national institutions and form of government. D'Aubigne's Hist, of the Kcformation, Vol. V. CHAPTER VII. THE HUGUENOTS IN THE SOUTH. Their settlement destroyed.— The Colony of St. Augustine. — De Gourges. Settlements in Xew France. — Chaniplain and his Success. While these contests were going on in Europe between chap the friends of religions liberty and the Roman Catholics, Coligny, the high-admiral of France, a devoted Protestant, i.5fi2 conceived the idea of founding a colony in the New World, to which his persecuted countrymen might flee, and enjoy that which was denied them in their native land ; the inestimable privilege of worshipping God according to the dictates of their own conscience, enlightened by his holy word. The French government took no interest in the matter. Those influences were then at work, which a few years 1572 later produced their dire efi'ect in the massacre of St. Bar- tholomew. Coligny, however, easily obtained a commission from Charles IX. Preparations were soon made, and the expedition sailed under the direction of John Ribault, a worthy man, and a sincere Protestant. They knew the character of the country and of the climate in the latitude of the St. Lawrence, and they wish- ed to find a region more fertile and a climate more genial. They made land in the vicinity of St. Augustine, Florida; then continued further north along the coast, and landed at Port Royal entrance. They were delighted with the May. country, its fine climate, its magnificent forests, fragrant 30 HISTORY OF THE AMEBICAN PEOPLE. f^AP- with wild flowers ; but above all with the capacious har- hor, which was capable of floating the largest ships. Here 1562. it was determined to make a settlement : a fort was built on an island in the harbor, and in honor of their sovereign called Carolina. Leaving twenty-five men to keep pos- session of the country, Ribault departed for Frahce, with the intention of returning the next year with supplies and more emigrants. He found France in confusion ; civil war was raging with all its attendant horrors. In vnin the colonists looked for reinforcements and supplies — none ever came. Disheartened, they resolved to return home : they hastily built a brigantine, and with an insufficiency of provisions, set sail. They came near perishing at sea by femine, but were providentially rescued by an English bark. Part of these colonists were taken to France, and part to England, — there they told of the fine climate and the rich soil of the country they had attempted to colonize. We shall yet see the efiect of this information in directing English enterprise. Two years after, there was a treacherous lull in the storm of civil discord in France ; Coligny again' attempted to found a colony. The care of this expedition was intrust- ed to Landoniere, a man of uprightness and intelligence, who had been on the former voyage. The healthfulness of the climate of Florida was represented to be wonderful : it was believed, that under its genial influence, human life was extended more than one-half, while the stories of the wealth of the interior still found credence. Unfortiinately proper care was not exercised in selecting the colonists from the numerous volunteers who oflered. Some were chosen who were not worthy to be members of a colony based on religious principles, and founded for noble pur- poses. They reached the coast of Florida, avoided Port Royal, 1504. the scene of former misery, and found a suitable location for a settlement on the banks of the river May, now called FOET CAROLINA. 31 the St. Johns. They offered songs of thanksgiving to God ™ap. for his gniding care, and trusted to his promises for the future. They built another fort, which like the first they 1564. called Carolina. The true character of some of the colo- June, nists soon began to appear, — these had joined the enter- prise with no higher motive than gain. They were muti- nous, idle, and dissolute, wasting the provisions of the com- pany. They robbed the Indians, who became hostile, and refused to furnish the colony with provisions. Under the pretext of avoiding famine, these fellows of the baser sort asked permission of Laudoniere to go to New Spain. He granted it, thinking it a happy riddance for himself and the colony. They embarked, only to become pirates. The Spaniards, whom they attacked, took their vessel and made most of them slaves ; the remainder es- caped in a boat. They knew of no safer place than Fort Carolina. When they returned Laudoniere had them arrested for piracy ; they were tried, and the ringleaders condemned and executed ; — a sufficient evidence that their conduct was detested by the better portion of the colonists. Famine now came pressing on. Month after month passed away, and still there 'came no tidings — no supplies from home. JiTst at this time arrived Sir John Hawkins from the West Indies, where he had disposed of a cargo of negroes as slaves. He was the first Englishman, it is said, who had engaged in that unrighteous traffic. Though hard-hearted toward the wretched Africans, he manifested much sympathy for the famishing colonists ; supplied them with provisions, and gave them one of his ships. They continued their preparations to leave for home, when sud- denly the cry was raised that ships were coming into the Aug. harbor. It was Ribault returning with supplies and fami- lies of emigrants. He was provided with domestic ani- mals, seeds and implements for cultivating the soil. The scene was now changed ; aU were willing to remain, and 32 HISTOKT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. ^■V{\^- tlie hope of founding a French Protestant State in the . . New World was revived. 1504. Philijo II., the cruel and bigoted King of Spain, hf^ard that the French — French Protestants — had presumed to make a settlement in Florida ! Immediately plans were laid to exterminate the heretics. The king found a fit instru- ment for the purpose in Pedro Melendez ; a man familiar with scenes of carnage and cruelty, whose life was stained with almost every crime. The king knew his desperate character ; gave him permission to conquer Florida at his own ex^jeuse, and appointed him its governor for life, with the right to name his successor. His colony was to consist of not less than five hundred persons, one hundred of whom should be married men. He was also to introduce the sugar-cane, and five hundred negro slaves to cultivate it. The expedition was soon under way. Melendez first saw the land on the day consecrated to St. Augustine ; some days after, sailing along the coast, he discovered a fine harbor and river, to which he gave the name of that saint. From the Indians he learned where the Huguenots had estab- lished themselves. They were much surprised at the ap- pearance of a fieet, and they inquired of the stranger who he was and why he came ; he' replied, " I am Melendez, of Sept. Spain, sent by my sovereign with strict orders to behead and gibbet every Protestant in these regions ; the Catholic shall be spared, but every Protestant shall die !" The French fleet, unprepared for a conflict, put to sea ; the Spaniards pursued but did not overtake it. Melendez then returned to St. Augustine. After a religious festival in honor of the Virgin Mary, he proceeded to mark out the boundaries for a town. St. Augustine is, by more than forty years, the oldest town in the United States. His determination was now to attack the Huguenots by land, and carry out his cruel orders. The French sup- posing the Spaniards would come by sea, set sail to meet thoin. Melendez found the colonists unj)repared and de- THE MASSACRE. 33 fenceless ; their men were nearly all on board the fleet. A ^^ap, short contest ensued ; the French were overcome, and the fanatic Spaniards massacred nearly the whole numl)er, — lofi-t. meu, women, and children ; they spared not even the aged and the sick. A few were reserved as slaves, and a few escaped to the woods. To show to the world upon what principles he acted, Melendez placed over the dead this inscription : — " I do not this as unto Frenchmen, but as unto heretics." Mass was celebrated, and on the ground stQl reeking with the blood of the innocent victims of re- ligious bigotry and fanaticism, he erected a cross and marked out a site for a church — the first on the soil of the United States. Among those who escaped, were Laudoni^re and Le Moyne, an artist, sent by Coligny to make drawings of the most interesting scenery of the country ; and Challus, who afterward wrote an account of the calamity. When they seemed about to perish in the forests from hunger, they questioned whether they should appeal to the mercy of their conquerors. " No," said Challus, " let us trust in the mercy of God rather than of these men." After en- during many hardships, they succeeded in reaching two small French vessels which had remained in the harbor, and thus escaped to France. A few of their companions, who threw themselves upon the mercy of the Spaniards, were instantly murdered. While these scenes of carnage were in progress, a ter- rible storm wrecked the French fleet ; some of the soldiers and sailors were enabled to reach the shore, but in a des- titute condition. These poor men when invited, surren- dered themselves to the promised clemency of Melendez. They were taken across the river in little companies ; as they landed their hands were tied behind them, and they driven to a convenient place, where at a given signal they were all murdered. Altogether nine hundred persons perished by shipwreck and violence. It is the office of 3 34: HISTOBT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, historj' to record the deeds of the past — the evil and the . good ; let the one be condemned and avoided, the other 1504. commended and imitated. May we not hope that the day of fanatic zeal and religions persecution has passed anvay forever ? The French government was indifferent, and did not avenge the wrongs of her loyal and good subjects ; but the Huguenots, and the generous portion of the nation, were roused to a high state of indignation at such wanton, such unheard-of cruelty. This feeling found a representative in Dominic de Gourges, a native of Gascony. He fitted out, at his own expense, three ships, and with one hun- dred and fifty men sailed for Florida. He suddenly came upon the Spaniards and completely overpowered them. 1568. Near the scene of their former cruelty he hanged about t^'o hundred on the trees ; placing over them the inscrip- tion, " I do not this as unto Spaniards and mariners, but as unto traitors, robbers, and murderers !" Gourges im- mediately returned to France, when the " Most Christian" king set a price upon his head ; and he who had exposed his life, and sacrificed his fortune to avenge the insult offered to his country, was obliged to conceal himself to escape the gallows. Thus perished the attempt of the noble Coligny and the Huguenots to found a French Prot- estant State in the New World. After the unsuccessful expeditions of Cartier and Eo- berval, French fishermen, in great numbers, continued to visit the waters around Newfoundland. As the govern- ment had relinquished its claim to Florida, the idea was once more revived of colonizing on the shores of the St. Lawrence. 1567. The Marquis de la Roche obtained a commission for this purpose. His colonists, like those of Eoberval, were crimi- nals taken from the prisons of France : like his. this enter- prise proved an utter failure. The efforts of some mer- PORT ROYAL SETTLEMENT. 35 chants, who obtained by patent a monopoly of the fur- ™aP' trade, also failed. ■ At length, a company of merchants of Eouen engaged 1603. in the enterprise with more success. That success may be safely attributed to Samuel Champlain, a man of compre- hensive mind, of great energy o^ character, cautious in all his plans ; a keen observer of the habits of the Indians, and an unwearied explorer of the country. In the latter part of this same year, a patent, exclu- sive in its character, was given to a Protestant, the excel- lent and patriotic Sieur De Monts. The patent conferred on him the sovereignty of the country called Acadie — a territory extending from Philadelphia on the south, to be- yond Montreal on the north, and to the west indefinitely. It granted Mm a monopoly of the fur-trade and other branches of commerce ; and freedom in religion to the Huguenots who should become colonists. It was enjoineu upon all idlers, antl men of no profession, and banished persons to aid in founding the colony. The expedition was soon under way in two ships. In due time they entered a spacious harbor on the western part of Nova Scotia, which they named Port Koyal, since Annapolis. The waters abounded in fish, and the coun- try was fertile and level — advantages that induced some of the emigrants to form a settlement. Others went to an island at the mouth of the St. Croix, but the next spring 1607. they removed to Port Royal. This was the first perma- nent Frerfch settlement in the New World ; and these were the ancestors of those imfortunate Acadiens whose fate, nearly a century and a half later, forms a melancholy episode in American history. Aniong the influences exerted upon the Indians was that of the Jesuits, who, a few years afterward, were sent as missionaries to the tribes between the Penobscot and the Kennebec in Maine. These tribes became the allies of the French, and remained so during all their contests 36 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN' PEOPLE. CHAP, with the English. De Monts explored the coast and rivers ____ of New England as far south as Cape Cod, intending 1608. somewhere in that region to make a settlement ; but disas- ter followed disaster, till the project was finally abandoned. Meantime, Champlain, whose ambition was to estab- lish a State, had founded Quebec, that is, it was the centre of a few cultivated fields and gardens. Huguenots were among the settlers ; they had taken an active part in the enterprise ; but there were also others who were of the Catholic faith. Soon religious disputes as well as commer- cial jealousies arose, which retarded the progress of the colony. Champlain, the soul of the enterprise, was not idle ; he made many exploring expeditions, and discovered 1609. t^*^ beautiful lake which bears his name. In sj)ite of the quarrels between the Jesuits and the Huguenots, and the restlessness of the Indians and disappointments of various kinds, the persevering Champlain succeeded in estabHsh- 1684, ing a French colony on the banks of the St. Lawrence. For one hundred and twenty years it remained under the dominion of his native France, and then passed into the hands of her great rival. ■ CHAPTER VIII. ENGLISH ENTERPRISE. Sir Humphrey Gilbert. — The Fisheries. — St. Johns, Newfoundland. — Sir Walter Raleigh.— Exploring Expedition. — Virginia ; failures to colo- nize. — Contest with Spain. — Death of Sir Walter. CHAP, VIII. England never relinquished her claims to North Amer- ica ; they were based upon the discovery and explorations 1569. of Sebastian Cabot. According to the received rules of the times, she was right, as he was undoubtedly the 1497. first discoverer. For many reasons, she was not pre- pared to avail herself of these claims, tiU nearly ninety years after that discovery. This time was not passed by the English sailors in maritime idleness. During the reign of Henry VIII., intercourse was kej^t up with the fisheries of Newfoundland, that school of English seamen, in which were trained the men who gave to that nation the suprem- acy of the ocean, — the element upon which the military glory of England was to be achievedj- The king cherished his navy, and took commerce under his special protection. The reign of Mary, of bloody memory, saw the strug- gle commence between England and Spain for the suprem- acy on the ocean. She married Philip II., the most powerful monarch of the age : he designed to subject the English nation to himself, and its religion to the church of Rome. When this became known, the Protestant spirit rose in opposition. Tliis spirit pervaded the entire people ; 88 HISTOET OF THE A3IEEICAN PEOPLE. ^vui' *^^^ exerted their energies to the utmost. Instead of sub- mitting to the dictation of S]3ain, England boldly assumed 1570. the position of an antagonist. There was a marked con- trast between the two nations. The navy of the one was immense, that of the other was small, but brave and effi- cient : the one drew her wealth from mines of gold and silver in the New World — tbe other obtained hers by the slow process of industry and economy. The one became proud and indolent, luxurious and imbecile — the other may have become proud, but certainly not indolent; luxu- rious, but certainly not imbecile. On her accession. Queen Elizabeth pursued the policy of her father Henry VIII., towards her navy and com- From merce. While some of her subjects were trading by land 1549 . . . with tlie east, others were on the ocean cruising against the Spaniards : some were prosecuting the fisheries around Newfoundland and in the seas northwest of Europe ; some were exploring the western coast of America, and the east- ern coast of Asia : others were groping their way among the islands of the extreme north, in a vain search for the north-west passage. Explorers were still haunted with the idea that mines of exhaustless wealth were yet to be found in the New • World. Great was the exultation when a " mineral-man" of London declared that a stone brought by an English sailor from the Polar regions, contained gold. England was to find in the region of eternal snow mines of the pre- • cious metal, more prolific than Spain had found in Mexico. Soon fifteen vessels set sail for this northern island, where there was " ore enough to suffice all the gold-gluttons of . the world." They returned laden, not with golden ore, but 1578. with worthless yellow stones. Meanwhile, the fisheries around Newfoundland had be- come a certain, though a slow source of wealth. Sir Humphrey Gilbert, a gentleman of distinction and of up- right principles, obtained a commission from the Queen ' o SIR WALTER RALEIGH. 39 plant a colony in the vicinity of these fisheries. He cnxp landed at St. Johns, Newfoiindland, and there in the . presence of the fishermen of other nations, took formal Aiij n'l possession of the territory in the name of his sovereign. He then passed further south, exploring the coast — hut losing his largest ship with all on board, he found it necessary to Bail for home. Only two vessels remained, one of which, the Squirrel, was a mere boat of ten tons, used to explore the shallow bays and inlets. The closing acts of Sir Hum phrey's life afford proofs of his piety and nobleness of char- acter. Unwilling that the humblest of his men should risk more danger than himself, he chose to sail in the boat rather than in the larger and safer vessel. A terrible storm arose ; he sat calmly reading a book — doubtless that book from which he drew consolation in times of sorrow and trial. To encourage those who were in the other vessel, he was heard to cry to them, " we are as near to heaven on sea as on land," — the reality of this cheering thought he was so9n to experience. That night, those on the larger vessel saw the lights of the little boat suddenly disappear. The next attempt at colonization was made by Gilbert's 1534. half-brother, Sir Walter Raleigh, one of the noblest of that age of noble spirits : gallant and courteous in his manners; a scholar, a poet, a benefiictor of his race ; his name should ever be held in grateful remenibrance by the people of this country. He studied the art of war with Coligny, the high admiral of France. When in that country, he determined to i^lant a colony in those delightful regions from which the Huguenots had been driven by the hand of violence. He had learned from them of the charming climate, where winter lingered only for a short time, — where the magnifi- cent trees and fragrant woods bloomed during nearly all the year,^where the gushing fountains, noble rivers, and fertile soil invited the industrious to enjoy the fruits of their labor. When Sir Walter returned home from France, he found the people prepared to enter upon schemes of 40 HISTOEY OF THE A3IERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, colonization in the south. They, too, had heard of those " delightful regions " from the Huguenots, who at sea had 1584. been rescued from death, and brought to England. Ka- leigh without difficulty obtained a commission, granting him ample powers, as proprietor of the territories he was about to colonize. He first sent an exploring expedition, consisting of two ships, under Philip Amidas and Arthur Barlow, to obtain more definite information of the country. They sailed the usual route, by the Canaries and the West Indies, came first upon the coast of North Carolina, landed upon one of the islands forming Ocracock inlet, and took formal possession of the country. They partially explored Albemarle and Pamlico sounds, and the islands and coast in the x-icinity, and then sailed for home. They took with them two of the natives, Wanchese and Manteo ; the lat- ter was afterward very useful to the colonists as an inter- preter. Amidas and Barlow on their return, confirmed what the Huguenots had reported of the excellence of the country. They saw it in the month of July. They described the unrufiled ocean, dotted \vith beautiful islands; the clearness of the atmosphere ; the luxuriant forests vocal with the songs of birds ; the vines draping the trees, and the grapes hanging in clusters. This sunny land, in all its virgin beauty, appeared to these natives of foggy England, as the very paradise of the world. Elizabeth, delighted with the description, named the country Virginia, in honor of herself, as she took pride in being known as the Virgin Queen. April, It was not difficult now to obtain colonists ; soon a fleet of seven vessels was equipped, containing ,one hun- dred and eight persons, who intended to form a settle- ment. Sir Richard Grenville, a friend of Raleigh, and a man of eminence, commanded the fleet, and Ralph Lane was appointed governor of the colony. After a tedious voyage, they landed, in June, fifteen hundred and eighty- five, on an island called Roanake, lying between Albemarle ROANOKE ABANDONED. 41 and Pamlico sounds. Before long they excited the enmity chap of the Indians. On one of their exploring expeditions, a . silver cup was lost or stolen. The Indians were charged June, with the theft ; perhaps they were innocent. Because it was not restored, Grenville, with very little prudence and less justice, set fire to their village and destroyed their standing corn. Little did he know the train of sorrow and death he introduced by thus harshly treating the Indians and making them enemies. A few weeks after the fleet sailed for England, unlawfully cruising against the Span- ish on the voyage. Governor Lane now explored the country, noticed the various productions of the soil, and the general character of the inhabitants. The colonists found many strange plants ; — the corn, the sweet potato, the tobacco plant, were seen by them for the first time. Lane was unfit for his station ; he became unreasonably suspicious of the Indians. With professions of friendship, he visited a prominent chief, and was hospitably received and entertained ; this kindness he repaid by basely mur- dering the chief and his followers. Men capable of such igsg. treachery were necessarily unfit to found a Christian State. Provisions now began to fail and the colonists to despond. Just at this time Sir Francis Drake, on his way home from the West Indies, called to visit the colony of his friend Raleigh. Though they had been but a year in the country, the colonists begged him to take them home. Drake granted their request. They were scarcely out of sight of land, when a ship, sent by Raleigh, laden with supplies, arrived. The colonists could not be found, and the ship returned to England. In a fortnight Grenville appeared with three ships ; not finding the colonists he also returned home, unwisely leaving fifteen men to k.eep possession of the territory. Though disappointed Raleigh did not despair. The natural advantages of the country had failed to induce the 42 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAi'- first company to remain. It was hoped, that if surrounded , by social and domestic ties, future colonists would learn tc 1586. look upon it as their true home. Sir Walter's second company was composed of emigrants with their families, who should cultivate the soil, and eventually found a State for themselves and their posterity. Queen Elizabeth pro fessed to favor the enterprise, but did nothing to aid it The expedition was fitted out with all that was necessary to form an agricultural settlement. Raleigh appointed ■Tail Jtibn White governor, with directions to form the settle- 1587. ment on the shores of Chesapeake bay. They came first to the Island of Eoanoke, there to be- hold a melancholy spectacle — the bleaching bones of the '^'■'yi men whom Grenville had left. All had become a desert. Doubtless they had been murdered by the Indians. Fer- nando, the naval ofiicer in command of the fleet, refused to assist in exploring the shores of the Chesapeake, and the colonists were compelled to remain on the Island of Roanoke. The scene of two failures was to be the witness of a third. The Indians were evidently hostile. The colonists becoming alarmed, urged the governor to hasten Aug. to England and speedily bring them assistance. Previous to his leaving, Mrs. Dare, his daughter, and wife of one of his lieutenants, gave birth to a female child, — the first child of English parentage born on the soil of the United States ; it was approjiriately named Virginia. . White on his return found England in a state of great excitement. The Pope had excommunicated Queen Eliza- 'beth, and had absolved her subjects from their allegiance to her throne ; at the same time promising her kingdom to any Catholic prince who should take possession of it. The revengeful Philip, of Spain, that good son of the Church, had been for three years preparing an immense army and fleet, with which he intended to invade iind con- quer England. The fleet was boastfully named the luvin- 1588. ciblc Armada. The English naval commanders flocked DEATH OF SIR WALTER RALEIGH. 43 home from every part of the world to defend their native <^?|P land, and to battle for the Protestant religion. English . . seamanship and bravery completely triumphed. From 1588. that hour the prestige of Spain on the ocean was gone — it passed to England. It is not strange that in such exciting times the poor colonists of Roanoke were overlooked or for- gotten. As soon as the danger was passed, aid was sent ; but it came too late : not a vestige of the colony was to be found ; death had done its work, whether by the hand' of the savage, or by disease, none can tell. What may have been their sufferings is veiled in darkness. Eighty years after, the English were told by the Indians that the Hat- teras tribe had adopted the colonists into their number. The probability is that they were taken prisoners and car- ried far into the interior. A few years before Sir Francis Drake had broken up the Spanish settlement at St. Augustine. Thus, one hundred years after the first voy- age of Columbus, the continent was once more in the pes • session of the Ked Men. Sir Walter Raleigh had now expended nearly all his fortune ; yet, when he saw no prospect of ever deriving benefit from his endeavors, he sent several times, at his own expense, to seek for the lost colonists and to render them aid. Sir Walter's genius and jjerseverance prepared the way for the successful settlement of Virginia ; he had sown the seed, others enjoyed the harvest. The remainder of his life was clouded by misfortune. n the accession of James I., he was arraigned on a frivolous charge ,of high treason ; a charge got up by his enemies, never substantiated, and never believed by those who condemned him. On his trial he defended himself with a dignity and consciousness of innocence that excited the admiration of the world and put to shame his enemies. His remaining property was taken from him by the king, and for thirteen years he was left to languish in the Tower of London ; 44 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP. James not yet daring to order the execution of tlie patriot '_ statesman, who was an ornament to England and the age J588 in which he lived. After the lapse of sixteen yeara the hour came, and Sir Walter met death on the scafi'old with the calmness and dignity of an innocent and Christian man. • CHAPTEE IX. THE SETTLEMENT OF VIKGINIA. London and Plymouth Companies. — King James' Laws. — The Voyage and Arrival. — Jamestown. — John Smith ; his Character, Energy, Captivity, and Release. — Misery of the Colonists. — New Emigrants. — Lord Dela- ware. — Sir Thom:is Gates. — Pocahontas ; her Capture and Marriage. — Yeardley. — First Legislative Assembly. The bold and energetic Elizabeth was succeeded by the chap • . . . IX. timid and pedantic James I. To sustain herself against _____ the power of Spain, she had raised a strong military force, 16O6. both on sea and land. But James had an instinctive dread of gunpowder, he was in favor of peace at all hazards, even at the expense of national honor. He dis- banded the greater portion of the army, and dismissed many of those employed in the navy. These men, left without regular employment, were easily induced to try their fortunes as colonists in Virginia. They were not good material, as we shall see, but they prepared the way for better men, and ultimately for success. Sir Walter Kaleigh having sacriiiced his fortune in fruitless attempts to found a colony, had induced some gentlemen to form a company, and engage in the enterprise. To this com- pany he had transferred his patent, with all its privileges, on very liberal terms. The company manifested but little energy : they had neither the enthusiasm nor the liberality of Sir Walter. England claimed the territory from Cape Fear, in North Carolina, to Newfoundland, and to the West indefinitely. 4b HISTORY OF THE AMEEICAX PEOPLE. CHAP. This territory King James divided into two parts : Soutli Virginia, extending from Cape Fear to the Potomac ; and 1606. North Vii-ginia, from the mouth of the Hudson to New- foundland. There were now formed two comjianies : one known as the London Company, principally composed of " noblemen, gentlemen, and merchants," residing in Lon- don ; the other the Plymouth Company, composed of " knights, gentlemen, and merchants," living in the West of England. To the London Company James granted South Virginia, to the Plymouth Company North Vir- ginia. The region between the Potomac and the mouth of the Hudson was to be neutral ground, on which the companies were at liberty to form settlements within fifty miles of their respective boundaries. The London Company was the first to send emigrants. King James was enamored of what he called king- craft. He believed that a king had a divine right to make and unmake laws at his own pleasure, and was bound by no obligation, — not even to keep his own word. In main- taining the former of these kingly rights, James sometimes "found difficulty; he was more successful in exercising the latter. He took upon himself the authority and labor of framing laws for the colony about to sail. These laws are a fair specimen of his kingcraft. They did not grant a single civil privilege to the colonists, who had no vote in choosing their own magistrates ; but were to be governed by two councils, both appointed by the king, — one resid- ing in England, the other in the colony. In religious mat- ters, differences of opinion were forbidden ; all must con- form to the rites of the church of England. The Indians were, to be treated kindly, and if possible, converted to Christianity. 1007 Three ships were sent with one hundred and five emi- grants ;. of the whole number, not twenty were agricul- turists or mechanics, — there was not a family nor a woman in the company. The great majority were gentlemen, a » SETTLEMENT OF JAMESTOWN. 47 tevm then api^lied to those who had no regular employment, chap but spent their time in idleness and dissij^ation. The names of those who were to form the governing 1607. council, together with their instructions, were, by order of the king, foolishly sealed up in a box, there to remain until they were ready to form a government. Thus when dis- sensions arose on the voyage, there was no legal authority to restore harmony. Captain Newport, who commanded the expedition, came first upon the coast of North Carolina, intending to visit the island of Koanoke, the scene of Kaleigh's failures, but a storm suddenly arose, and fortunately drove him north into Chesapeake bay. The little fleet soon entered a large river, and explored its stream for fifty miles — then on the thirteenth of May, one thousand six hundred and May seven, the members of the colony landed, and determined to form a settlement. The river was named James, and the settlement Jamestown, in honor of the king ; while the capes at the entrance of the bay, were named Charles and Henry, in honor of his sons. In every successful enterprise, we observe the power of some one leading spirit. In this case, the man worthy the confidence of all, because of his knowledge, and natural superiority of mind, was Captain John Smith, justly styled the " Father of Virginia." Though but thirty years of age, he had acquired much knowledge of the world. He had travelled over the western part of Europe, and in Egypt; had been a soldier in the cause of freedom in Holland ; had fought against the Turks in Hungary, where he was taken prisoner, and sent to Constantinoiile as a slave. He was rescued from slavery by a Turkish lady, conveyed to the Crimea, where he was ill-treated ; his proud spirit resisted, he slew his oppressor and escaped, wandered across the continent, and returned to England just as plans were maturing to colonize Virginia. He entered into the enter- prise with his habitual energy. His cool courage, his 48 HISTORY OF THE AMEKICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, knowledge of human nature, civilized and savage, — but above all, his honesty and common sense, fitted him for the 1607. undertaking. The superiority of Smith excited the envy and jealousy of those who expected to be named members of the coun- cil, when the mysterious box should be opened. ' On false and absurd charges he was arrested and placed in confine- ment. The box was opened — the king had appointed him one of the council. An eifort was made to exclude him, but he demanded a trial ; his accusers, unable to substan- tiate their charges, withdrew them, and he took his seat. Wingfield, an avaricious and unprincipled man, was chosen president of the council and governor of the colony. When these difficulties were arranged, Newport and Smith, accompanied by some twenty men, spent three weeks in exploring the neighboring rivers and country. They visited*Powhatan, the principal Ihdian chief in the vicinity — " a man about sixty years of age, tall, sour, and athletic." His capital of twelve wigwams, was situated at the falls of James river, near where Eichmond now stands. His tribe seems 'to have been fearful and suspicious of the intruding white men from the very first — impressed, it may be, with a foreboding of evil to come. Soon after, Newport sailed for home, leaving the colo- June. nists in a wretched condition. Their provisions nearly all spoiled, and they too idle to provide against the eftects of the climate — much sickness prevailed, and more than half the company died before winter. To add to their distress, it was discovered that Wingfield had been living upon their choicest stores, and that he intended to seize the remainder of their provisions, and escape to the West Indies. The council deposed him, and elected Ratcliffe president. The change was not for the better ; he was not more honest than Wingfield, and mentally less fit for the station. In this emergency the control of affairs passed by tacit consent into the hands of Smith. He knew SMITH A PRISONER. 49 from tlie first what was needed for the colony. As it was ^^^^^• now too late in the season to obtain food of their own rais- . insr, he had recourse to trading; with the Indians for com. 1607. Toward the close of autumn, an abundance of wild fowl furnished additional provisions. The colony thus provided Dec. for, Smith further explored the neighboring rivers and country. In one of these expeditions he ascended a branch of the James river, and leaving the boat in care of his men, took with him his Indian guide, and struck out into the forest. Finding himself pursued by the Indians, he fas- tened his guide to his arm as a shield against their arrows, and defended himself with great bravery, but at length sinking in a swamp, he was taken prisoner. His captors regarded him with strange wonder ; his cool courage and self-possession struck them with awe. He, aware of the simplicity and inquisitiveness of the savage character, showed them his pocket compass. They wondered at the motion of the needle, and at the strange transparent cover, which secured it from their touch. Was their captive a superior being ? — was he friendly to themselves ? — how should they dispose of him ? — were questions that now per- plexed them. They permitted him to send a letter to 1608. Jamestown. The fact that he could impress his thoughts upon paper, and send them far away, they regarded as strong proof of his superiority. He was led from jjlace to place, to be gazed at by the wondering natives of the forest. For three days they performed powwows, or religious ceremonies, in order to learn from the spirit world some- thing of his nature and intentions. Finally, he was sent to Powhatan, to be disposed of as he should decide. The Indian chief received him with a great display of savage pomp, but decided that he must die. Preparations were made, but the eventful life of Smith was not destined to be closed by the war-club of the savage. The heart of Focahontas, a young daughter of Powhatan, a girl of ten • or twelve years of age, was touched with sympathy and 4 •50 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. » *^l'x ^ pity. She pleaded witli her father for his life. She clung tenderly to him as he bowed his head to receive the fatal 1608. stroke. Her interposition was received hy the savages as an indication of the will of heaven, and the life of Smith was spared. Her people have passed away — most of their names are forgotten, hut the name of Pocahontas, and the story of her generous deed, will ever be honored and re- membered. The Indians now wished to adopt Smith into their .number : they strove to induce him to join them against the English. He dissuaded them from an attack upon Jamestown, by representing to them the wonderful eifects of the " big guns." After an absence of seven weeks, he Jan was permitted to return. He had obtained much valuable information of the country, of its inhabitants, their lan- guage and customs. He found the colony reduced in number to forty — in want of provisions, and in anarchy and confusion, while some were making preparations to desert in the jiinnace ; this he iirevented at the risk of his life. The famishing colonists were partly sustained through the winter by the generous Pocahontas, wto with her companions almost every day brought them basketg of corn. In the spring, Newport returned with another com- pany of emigrants ; like the tirst, " vagabond gentlemen," idlers, and gold-hunters. These gold-hunters lighted upon some earth, glittering with yellow mica ; they thought it golden ore. Every thing else was neglected ; the entire company engaged in loading the ships with this useless earth. What a blessing to England and the colony that it was not gold ! While the people of Jamestown were thus foolishly em- ployed. Smith explored the harbors and rivers of Chesa- peake bay, and established friendly relations with the Indians along its shores. From them he learned of the Mohawks, who " made war upon all the world." On his UNWORTHY EMIGRANTS. 51 return, lie was, for the first time, formally elected Prcsi- chap ' ' . J J .IX. dent of the Council. Industry was now more wisely directed ; but in the autumn came another company of 1608. idle and useless emigrants. Smith, indignant that his efforts to improve the colony should thus be frustrated, wrote to the council to send him but a few husbandmen and mechanics, and " diggers up of trees' roots," rather than a thousand such men as had been sent. Tbe com- plaint was just. During two years tliey had not brought under cult'ivation more than forty acres of land, while the number of able-bodied men was more than two hun- dred. The energetic arm of Smith was soon felt. The first law he made and enforced was, that " He who would not work should not eat ;" the second, that " Each man for six days in the week should work six hours each day." In England, about this time, an unusual interest was M.iy, manifested in the colony ; subscriptions were made to its stock, and the charter materially changed. The council was now chosen by the stockholders of the company, in- stead of being appointed by the king. This council ap- pointed the governor, but he could rule with absolute authority. Not a single privilege was yet granted the colonist : his property, his liberty, his life were at the dis- posal of the governor ; and he the agent of a soulless Cor- poration, whose only object was gain. The company had expended money, but the course they themselves pursued prevented their receiving a return. Instead of sending the industrious and virtuous, they sent idlers and libertines ; instead of farmers and mechanics, they sent gold-seekers and bankrupt gentlemen. Instead of offering a reward to industry they gave a premium to idleness, by making the proceeds of their labor go into a common stock. The new charter excited so great an interest in the cause, that a fleet of nine ships was soon under way, con- taining more than five hundred emigrants, and, for the 1609. 52 HISTORY OF THE AMEKICAJT PEOPLE. CHAP, first time, domef?tic animals and fowls. Lord Delaware, a IX. . nobleman of excellent character, was appointed governoi 1009 for life. As he was not prepared to come with this com- pany, he nominated Sir Thomas Gates, Sir George Somers, and Newport, to act as his commissioners imtil his own arrival. Seven of the vessels came safely, hut the shij) on which the commissioners embarked, with another, waF wrecked on one of the Bermuda islands. This company of emigrants appears to have been worse than any before. As the commissioners had failed to reach the colony, these worthies refused to submit to the author- ity of Smith, the acting President, contending that there was no legalized government. But these men, who " would rule all or ruin all," found in him a determined foe to dis- order and idleness ; he compelled them to submit. Un- fortunately, just at this time, he was injured by an acci- dental explosion of gunpowder, and obliged to return to England for surgical aid. He delegated his authority to George Percy, a brother of the Duke of Northumberland. And now the man who had more than once saved the colony from utter ruin, bade farewell to Virginia forever ; from his aiduous labors he derived no benefit, but ex- Qgt perienced at the hands of the company the basest in- gratitude. During the administration of Smith the Indians were held in check ; he inspired them with confidence and respect. When the colonists ^' beat them, stole their corn, and robbed their gardens," they complained to him, and he protected their rights. After his departure, they formed a plan to cut off the white men at a single blow ; but Pocahontas, that good genius of the English, came at night, in a driving storm, to Jamestown, revealed the plot, and saved the colony. 1610. What the Indians failed to do, vice and famine nearly accomplished. In six months after the departure of Smith, of the four hundred and ninety colonists only sixty were EMIGRANTS AND SUPPLIES. 53 living, and they would have perished in a few days had *'^^^- they not obtained relief. Sir Thomas Gates, and those , who were wrecked with him, found means to build a 1611. HmaU vessel, in which, at this crisis, they reached James J^/ river. They were astonished at the desolation. They all determined to abandon the place and sail to New- foundland, • and there distribute themselves among the fishermen. They dropped down the river with the tide, leaving the place without a regret. What was their sur- prise the next morning to meet Lord Delaware coming in with more emigrants and abundance of supplies. They re- turned with a favoring wind to Jamestown the same night. From this tenth day of June, one thousand six hun- 1611. dred and eleven, the colony began, under more favorable cir- cumstances, to revive. Other influences moulded their characters. They acknowledged Grod in all their ways, and their paths were directed by His providential care. Under the just administration of the excellent Delaware, factions were unknown ; each one was disposed to do his duty. Before they commenced the labors of the day, they met in their little church to implore the blessing of heaven. The effects were soon visible in the order and comfort of the community. They cheered their friends in England : " Doubt not," said they, " God will raise our state and build his Church in this excellent clime." In about a year, failing health compelled Lord Delaware to return to England. He left Percy, Smith's successor, as his re2jresentative. The next year Sir Thomas Gates arrived, with six Aug. ships and three hundred emigrants ; a majority of whom were of a better class, temperate and industrious in their habits. A measure was now introduced which produced the greatest effect on the well-being of the colonj : to each man was given a portion of land, which he was to culti- vate for himself. The good result of this was soon seen in the abundance of provisions. The colony became so pros- 1612, 54 HISTORY OF TUB AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, perous that some of the neighboring tribes of Indians '__ wished to be " called Englishmen," and to be subjects of 1 612. King James. Some of the colonists, however, manifested neither gratitude nor justice toward the natives. A neigh- boring chief was won by the gift of a copper kettle to be- tray into the hands of Captain ArgaU, Pocahontas, that faithful friend of the colony. Argall had the meanness to demand of her father a ransom. For three months the indignant Powhatan did not deign to reply. Meantime Pocahontas received religious instruction : her susceptible heart was moved, she became a Christian and was bajjtized ; she was the first of her race " who openly renounced her country's idolatry." John Kolfe, a pious young man, of " honest and discreet carriage," became interested in the youthful princess ; he won her affections and asked her in marriage. Powhatan was' delighted. This marriage con- ciliated him and his tribe, and indeed gave general satis- faction, except to King James, who was greatly scandal- ized that any man, but one of royal blood, should presume to marry a princess. Kolfe took his wife to England, where she was much caressed. She never again saw her native land. Just as she was leaving England for Vir- ginia she died, at the eai-ly age of twenty-two. She left one son, whose posterity count it' an honor to have de- scended from this noble Indian girl. Sir Thomas Dale introduced laws, by which private individuals could become proprietors of the soil. The land- holders directed their attention almost exclusively to the raising of tobacco, which became so profitable an article of export, that it was used as the currency of the colony. At one time, the public squares and streets of Jamestown were planted with tobacco, and the raising of corn so much neglected, that there was danger of a famine. J616. After a rule of two years, Dale resigned and returned to England, leaving George Teardley as deputy-governor. During his administration, industry and prosperity cou- 1019. HOUSE OF BURGESSES. 55 tinued to increase. Under the influence of a faction, chap. Yeardley was superseded by the tyrannical Argall, but in . two years his vices and extortion, in connection with frauds -Tan., upon the company, procured his dismissal, and the people once more breathed freely under the second administration of the benevolent and popular Yeardley. Although the colony had been in existence twelve years, it contained not more than six hundred persons, and they appeared to have no settled intention of making the country their permanent home. Efforts were stiU made to send emigrants, twelve hundred of whom came in one year, and every means were used to attach them to the soil. At different times the company sent over more than one hundred and fifty respectable young women, who be- came wives in the colony, their husbands paying the ex- pense of their passage. This was paid in tobacco, the cost of each passage varying from one hundred and twenty to one hundred and fifty pounds. It was deemed dishonorable not to pay a debt contracted for a wife ; and to aid the husbands, the government, in giving employment, preferred married men. Thus surrounded by the endearments of home and domestic ties, the colonists were willing to remain in the' New World. Governor Yeardley was " commissioned by the com- pany " to grant the people the right to assist in making their own laws, for which purpose they could hold an Assembly once a year. In July, one thousand six hundred and nineteen, met the House of Burgesses, consisting of twenty-two members chosen by the .people. A peculiar interest is attached to this first Legislative Assembly in the New World. The laws enacted exhibit the spirit of the people. " Forasmuche," said the Assembly, "as man's affaires doe little prosper when God's service is neglected, we invite Mr. Bucke, the minister, to open our sessions by prayer, — that it would please God to sanctifie aU our proceedinges to his owne glory and the good of this plan- tation." They passed laws against vices, and in favor of 56 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, iudiistry and good order. "In detestation of idleness,'' the idler was " to be sold to a master for wages till he 1619. shewe ajiparent signes of amendment." Laws were made against playing of dice and cards, drunkenness, and other vices ; and to promote the " jilanting of corne," of vines, of mulberry trees, and the raising of flax and hemp. They made provision "towards the erecting of the University and College." This was designed for the education of their own children, as well as for " the most towardly boyes in witt and graces" of the " natives' children." The gov- ernor and council sat with the Assembly, and took part in its deliberations. It was granted. that a " generall Assem- bly should be held yearly once," " to ordain whatsoever laws and orders would be thought good and profitable for our subsistence." ' This right of the people to have a voice in making their own laws, was rigidly maintained until it found its full fruition in the institutions established one hundred and fifty years afterward by the Revolution. Emigration from England was greatly stimulated ; in a few years the population numbered nearly four thousand, while the inducements to industry and general prosperity increased in the same proportion. The company granted a written constitution, under which the people could have a legisla- ,tive assembly of their own choosing. It was necessary that the laws passed by the colonial legislature should be sanctioned by the company in England. As a check to royal interference, no laws emanating from the court could be valid, unless ratified by the House of Burgesses. Thus it continued until the dissolution of the London com- pany, when King James arbitrarily took away its charter. ' Art. IX., Vot. III., Part I. Second Scries of Collections of the New York Ilistoricul Society. The " Reporte" of the proceedings of this "First Assembly of Virginia," was discovered among the papers of the British State Paper Office. All trace of it had been lost for perliaps more than twc centuries ; at length a search, instituted by Bancroft the historian, was sac cessi'ul. CHAPTEE X. COLONIZATION OF NEW ENGLAND. First voyages to. — Plymouth Company. — Explorations of John Smith. — The Cliurch of England. — The Puiitan.s. — Congregation of John Robinson. — " Pilgrims" in Holland. — Arrangements to emigrate. — The Voyage. — A Constitution framed on board the May-Flower. — Landing at Plym- outh. — Sufferings. — Indians, Treaties with. — " Weston's Men. " — Thanksgiving. — Shares of the London Partners purchased. — Democratic Government. The usual route to America had been by the Canaries and cuap the West Indies. Bartholomew Gosnold was the first _^J_ navigator who attempted to find a shorter one, by sailing 1002. directly across the Atlantic. His effort was crowned with success : after a voyage of seven weeks, he came upon the coast in the vicinity of Nahant. Coasting along to the south, he landed upon a sandy point, which he named Cape Cod ; and passing round it he discovered Martha's Vine- yard, and several other islands in the vicinity. While he explored the coast he also traded with the natives, and when he had obtained a cargo of sassafras root, which in that day was much valued for its medicinal qualities, he sailed for home. The voyage consumed but five weeks, thus demonstrating the superiority of the new route. Gosnold, who saw the country in the months of May and June, was enraptured with its appearance — its forests blooming with shrubs and flowers; its springs of jiure fresh water, and little lakes; its beautiful islands nestling among equally beautiful bays along the coast. His description, 58 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAK PEOPLE. CHAP, together with the shortness and safetj' of the voyage, led to many visits and minor discoveries by Martin Pring and 1607. others, all along the coast of New England. The Plymouth Company, of which mention has been made, attempted to form a settlement at the month of the Kennebec in Maine. ■ The rigors of a severe winter, and the death of their president, so discouraged the colonists, that they abandoned the enterprise, and returned to England. A few years afterward. Smith, whoso valuable services we have seen in Virginia, undertook to explore the coun- try. He constructed a map of the. eastern portion, and noted the jDrominent featuies of the territory. The coun- 1614. try he named New England — a name confirmed by the Prince of Wales, afterward Charles I. After Smith left for England, his associate, a captain named Hunt, treacher- ously enticed twenty-seven of the natives with their chief, Squanto, on board his ship, then set sail. He sold these victims of his avarice into slavery in Spain. A few of them were purchased by some friars, who kindly taught them, in order to send them back as missionaries to their countrymen. Among this number was Squanto. In this age, we are unable to appreciate fully the trials and sufferings experienced by the explorers ancl first settlers of this continent. When we remember the frailty of the vessels in which their voyages were made, the perils of the unexplored ocean, the dangers of its unknown coasts, the hostility of the wily savage, the diseases of an untried climate, the labor of converting the primitive forests into cultivated fields, we may well be astonished that such dif- ficulties were ever overcome. We have now to narrate the causes which led to the settlement of New England. Previous to the time of Henry VIII. the clergy and government of England had been in religious matters the implicit subjects of the church of Rome. While this may be said of the clergy it was dif- ferent with great numbers of the people. The spirit of THE EXILES EETURN HOME. 59 religious truth was pervading their minds and moulding C^ap. their character. They read the Bible in their own Ian- guage, discussed freely its truths, and compared them with 1525. the doctrines and practices of the Romish church. The Pope claimed to be the temporal and spiritual head of the cliurch, and by virtue of this claim to depose princes or absolve subjects from their allegiance. Henry wished to be divorced from his queen in order to marry another ; but ' the Pope, to whom he applied, as the highest authority, hesitated to dissolve the marriage. The angry king, when threatened with excommunication, repudiated the Pope and his authority, and declared the English church iude- 1534. jiendent of that of Rome. Parliament afterward confirmed by law what the king in a fit of anger had done, and recognized him as the head of the church in his own do- minions. Thus England, 'by the act of her own govern- ment, became Protestant. True reformation in religion does not apply so much to its external form, as to its effect upon the hearts and consciences of men. That portion of the English people who had learned this truth from the Word of God, recognized no human being as the head of his church ; they received Christ alone as the Head of his own church, and they refused to acknowledge the pretensions of the king. For the maintenance of this belief they were ] 558. persecuted through a series of years : during the reign of Henry for not admitting his authority in spiritual matters ; during the reign of his daughter Mary, still more fiercely, Ibr denying the authority of the church of Rome. Many at the stake sealed their faith with their lives, and many fled to foreign lands. After the death of Mary the persecuting fires were ex- tinguished, and the accession of Elizabeth was the signal for the exiles to return home. They came back with more enlightened views of the rights of conscience and of free inquiry. Of these some were Presbyterians, some Con- grcgationalists, and others members of the Established 60 HISTORY OF THE AMEKICAX PEOPLE. CHAP. Church. They demanded a more pure and spiritual wor- ship than that of the church of England. For this they 1558. were in derision called Pueitans — a name which they soon made respected, even by their enemies. Elizabeth was a Protestant, but she was far from being a Puritan. She wished to have a church that should reconcile all parties, whose ceremonies should be a happy medium be- tween the showy cliurch of Pome and the simple form of worship asked for by the Puritans. She contended stren- uously for her headship of the church, while the Puritan rejected the presumptuous doctrine. She demanded of her subjects implicit obedience to her in religious matters : the Puritan took the high groimd that it was his right to worship God according to his own conscience. Severe laws were passed from time to time, and they were enforced with unrelenting cruelty. All wei« en- joined to conform to certain ceremonies in worship. Those who did not comply were banished ; if they returned with- 1603, out i^ermission, the penalty was death. The person accused was compelled to answer on oath all questions, whether per^ taining to himself or to his fellow-worshippers. Ministers who would not comply with these laws were driven from their parishes ; the members of their congregations were " beset and watched night and day ;" if they were de- tected in listening to their deprived ministers, or were absent a certain length of time from the services of the Established Church, they were fined and imprisoned, and punished in various ways. To avoid the effects of such intolerable laws, many bade farewell to their native land, and Holland and Switzerland became the asylum of some of the noblest men and women of England. Thus the contest had raged for nearly forty years, when, in the latter part of Queen Elizabeth's reign, the Puritans began to hope that the dark clouds of persecu- tion which had so long overshadowed the land would be dispelled under her successor, James I., who was edu- CONGREGATION OF JOHN KOBINSON. 6i cated in Scotland, principally under Presbyterian intlu- cuap ence. They had reason to believe he would protect them in the exercise of their form of worship. They were grossly 1603. deceived, and cruelly disappointed. When it was for his interest, James professed to be very favorable to the Kef- ormation, and more especially to the Puritan form. Upon one occasion, standing with his hands lifted up to heaven, he " praised God that he was king of such a Idrk — the purest kirk in all the world ; " adding, " As for the kirk of England, its service is an evil said mass." Such was the language of James just before he became king. The mo- ment he ascended the throne he threw off the mask, and openly proclaimed his famous maxim, " No bishop, no king." The Puritans humbly petitioned him for a redress of grievances ; he treated them with the greatest con- tempt. Said he to his bishops : " I will make them con- form, or I will harry them out of the land, or else worse : only hang them — that's all." During all these years they hoped for better times, and were unwilling to separate from the church of their fathers ; but suffering and persecution at length brought that hour. Hitheito individuals and families had gone into exile ; but now, in the north of England, a j^astor, with all his con- gregation, determined to leave their homes and flee to Holland, where there was already a church of English exiles. This was the congregation of John Robinson. These poor people were harassed by the minions of the king and clergy, and subjected to the petty annoyances dictated by religious intolerance. Preparations were made for them to leave. As they were about to sail, the officers of the government, with the connivance of the captain of i G08. the ship, came on board the vessel, and arrested the whole company ; searched their persons, took possession of their efiects, and carried them to prison ; men, women, and children. In a short time most of them were released ; only seven persons were brought to trial. They also 62 niSTOET OF THE AMEEICAX PEOPLE. CHAP were liberated. The court could not convict them of X. crime. 1608. The members of the congregation persevered ; and soon they engaged a Dutch captain to take them from an un- frequented common. The women and children were to be taken to the place of embarkation in a small boat, the men to go by land. The latter reached the ship, and were taken on board. The boat containing the women and children was stranded, and before it could be got off they were seized by a party of their enemies. The cap- tain, lest he should become involved in difficulties with the English authorities, sailed immediately, taking with him the men, overwhelmed with grief for their defenceless wives and children in the hands of their cruel oppressors. The poor women and helpless children were dragged, suf- fering from cold, hunger, and fear, before a magistrate, as if they had been guilty of crime. They were treated very harshly, but were finally permitted to join their husbands and fathers in Holland. Now they were Pilgrims indeed, strangers in a strange land ; "but they lifted up their eyes to heaven, their dearest country, and quieted their spirits." They re- mained about a year at Amsterdam ; not satisfied, how- ever, they removed to Leyden. Their integrity and in- dustry, their piety and self-denial, in what they believed to be the cause of truth, elicited the respect of the Dutch. The government officers would have treated them with marked favor, but they feared to offend King James. From year to year they received accessions from their .brethren in England. They were still surrounded by evils, which made it necessary for them again to change their homes. Their labors were severe ; though frugal and industrious, they obtained a support with great difficulty. The desecration of the Sabbath, the dissolute morals of the disbanded soldiers and sailors among whom they were thrown, caused them to fear for THEY APPLY TO THE LONDON COMPANY. 63 their children. Holland conld not be their permanent chap. home. It dawned upon the minds of the more intelligent, that it was their duty to seek some other land. Their 1616. thoughts were directed to the wilderness of the New World. They express not a wish in regard to worldly comfort, but a desire to consecrate all to the great cause of promoting Christianity. Though they had been so harshly treated by England, they loved her still, and were not willing to accept the offers made them, to colonize under the protection of the Dutch. They had heard of the fine climate and the set- tlement of Virginia, and resolved to apply to the London igi7 Company for permission to emigrate to their territory. For this purpose they sent two of their number, John Carver and Robert Cushman, to confer with the company. Their proposition was favorably received by the excellent Sir Edwin Sandys, the secretary. Their request, signed by the greater part of the congregation, was afterward sent to the company. In it they made a summary of their principles, and a statement of their motives of action. They said, " We verily believe that God is with us, and will prosper us in our endeavors ; we are weaned from our mother country, and have learned patience in a hard and strange land. We are industrious and frugal ; we are bound together by a sacred bond of the Lord, whereof we make great con- igjg^ science, holding ourselves to each other's good. We cfo not wish ourselves home again ; we have nothing to hope from England or Holland ; we are men who will not be easily discouraged."' They were to emigrate under the sanction of the com- pany ; but owing to dissensions in the company itself, the plan was not carried out. At this time the king was op- pressing their brethren in England more and more ; the only favor the PDgrims could obtain from him was a half promise that he would not molest them in the wUds of America In truth, James wished to be freed from those ' 64 HISTOET OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, of his subjects who had any just notions of human right\ _!__ Said he, " I would rather live like a hermit in the forest, 1619. than he a king over such people as the pack of Puritans that overrule the House of Commons !" There wan yet another difficulty. The Pilgrims were poor — poor indeed ; in their persecution and exile they had lost their all. Upon very hard conditions they secured the means to emigrate ; yet they were willing to make any sacrifice could they but worship God in peace, and protect the morals of their children. A company was now formed of London merchants, who agreed to furnish the money, while the emigrant was to give his entire services for seven years ; these services were to constitute his stock in the company. The profits were to be reserved to the end of that time, then a valuation of all the property held by the company was to be made, and 1C20. the amount distributed to each in proportion to his in- vestment. By contract, the merchant who invested ten pounds received as much as the colonist who gave seven years of labor. This throwing of all their labor and capital into a common stock, was the result of necessity, not of choice. They purchased one ship, the Speedwell, and hired another, the May-Flower, a ship of one hundred and eighty tons. As these vessels could carry only a part of the con- gregation, they determined to send the younger and more vigorous, while the pastor, Kobinson, and the aged and in- firm, were to remain at Leyden. Their ruling Elder, William Brewster, who had suffered much in 'the cause, and was respected and loved for his integrity,^ was to conduct the emigrants. Before they left, they observed a day of fasting and prayer. They " sought of God a right way for themselves and their little ones." The parting address of the venerable Kobinson gives us a glimpse of the princij^les in which, from year to year, ■ he had instructed them. As he addressed them for the THE EMBARKATION. 65 ' last time, he said : " I charge you before God and his holy ci^p. angels, that you follow me uo farther than you have seen me follow the Lord Jesus Christ. If God reveal any thing 1620. to you, be ready to receive it ; for I am verily persuaded the Lord has more truth yet to break forth out of his Holy Word. I beseech you remember it is an article of your church covenant, that you be ready to receive whatever truth shall be made known to jou from the written Word of God. Take heed what you receive as truth ; examine it, consider it, and compare it with other scriptures of truth before you receive it ; the Christian world has not yet come to the perfection of knowledge." A number of their brethren came from Leyden to Delft-Haven, where they were to embark. The night before their departure was passed in religious inter- course and prayer : as the morning dawned, they prepared to go on board the ship. On the shore they all knelt, and the venerable Kobinson led them in prayer — they heard his voice for the last time. They sailed first to Southampton ; iu a fortnight they left that place for their distant home. It is soon discovered that the Speedwell needs repairs, and they must return. After the lapse of Aug. eight days of precious time, again they make the attempt, ^• and still again the captain of the Speedwell asserts that his ship cannot cross the Atlantic. They put back to Plym- outh : they there leave the Speedwell, and those whose courage failed them, and to the number of one hundred and one once more commit themselves to the winds and waves, trusting to the good providence of God. Sept. Let us glance for a moment at the circumstances and ®" characteristics of this comjjany. They were bound to- gether by the strong bond of religious sympathy — united in interest and purpose, they expected to endure, to suffer, to rejoice together for many years, even to the end of life. Prominent among them was William Brewster, the ruling elder and lay preacher, already mentioned, who was 5 • bb niSTOKY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, to supply the place of the pastor Eobinson. He was a man ' of education, of refined associations, and above all of a 1620. lovely and Christian spirit. " He laid his hand to the daily tasks of life, as well as spent his soul in trying to benefit his fellows — so bringing himself as near as possible to the early Christian practices ; he was worthy of being the first minister of New England." ' There was also the dignified and benevolent John Carver, the worthy governor of this band of Christian exiles, who in the cause laid down his fortune, and at length his life — for he soon sank beneath the hardships to which he was unused. These two were comparatively old men, but most of the " Pilgrim Fathers " were in the bloom and vigor of life. William Bradford was but thirty-two, earnest, saga- cious, true and steady in piurpose, " a man of nerve and public spirit ;" self-educated, and so ardent in the pursuit of knowledge, that amidst all his trials and labors, he accumulated books, and found time to read and even to study them. As a farmer's boy in England, as a dyer in Holland, as the governor of a small nation in the wilds of America, he acted well his part. Edward Winslow was " a gentleman born," with a mind cultivated by travel and books ; gentle in manner as in spirit, his soul melted at the sorrows of others. Miles Standish was a soldier, fearless, but not rash ; impetuous, but not vindictive : though not a member of the church, he was strongly attached to its institutions and to its most rigorous advocates. Winslow was twenty-six, and Stan- dish thirty-six years of age. ■ ff^,y A tedious voyage of sixty-three days brought them in 10. sight of Cape Cod. They had left their native .land to seek in a howling wilderness an asylum from persecution. They had not the sanction of a charter from their king, and they appealed to no body of men for protection : they ■ Elliott's History of New England. A CONSTITUTION ADOPTED. &1 must have a government ; they were all on an equality, cjiap. and they now drew up a constitution, or compact, to which the men, servants and all, to the number of fortj'-one, sub- 1620. scribed their names, and mutually pledged their obedience. The words of this first constitution, made and adopted by an entire people, plainly indicate whence its principles were derived. They say, " In the name of God, amen : we whose names are underwritten, having undertaken for the glory of God and advancement of the Christian faith, a voyage to plant the first colony in the northern parts of Virginia, do solemnly and mutually in the presence of God, and one of another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a body politic ; and by virtue hereof, to enact such just and equal laws from time to time, as shall be thought most convenient for the good of the colony. Unto which we promise all due submission and obedience." Thus the principle of popular liberty, that laws and constitutions should be framed for the benefit of the entire peoide, found its utterance in the cabin of the May-Flower, by the act of the people themselves. John Carver was elected governor for one year. Miles Standish, who had been an officer in the army sent by Queen Elizabeth to aid the Dutch against the Spaniards, was chosen captain. Winter was coming on — they were anxious to land, but unfortunately the shallop needed repairs. In the mean time Standish, Bradford, and others, impatient of delay, went to seek a convenient harbor, and a suitable place for a settlement. The country was covered with snow ; in one place they found some baskets of com, and in another an Indian burial-ground. In a fortnight the shallop was ready for use, and the governor, Winslow, Bradford, and Standish, with others and some seamen, went to explore the bay. The cold was intense, freezing the spray of the sea on their clothes, until, as they expressed it, they were made as hard as iron. They landed occasionallj^, found graves and a few deserted wig- 68 HISTOKT OF THE AMEEICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, warns, but no other evidence of human beinrrs. On one of ^ these occasions they encamped at night on the shore near 1620. where the shallop was moored. The next morning as they were closing their devotions, they were startled by a strange cry — the war-whoop of the savage — it was accompanied by a flight of arrows. At the report of their guns the Indians fled. All that day was spent in seeking a safe harbor for the ship. Near night a violent storm of rain and snow drove them through the breakers into a cove, protected from the blast by a hill. In the midst of the tempest they landed, and with difficulty kindled a fire. In the morning they found they were on an island at the entrance of a harbor. The next day was the Sabbath ; though urged by eveiy consideration to hasten to the ship, they religiously observed the day. On the morrow, Decemher twenty-second, one thousand Dec. six hundred and twenty — a day ever to be remembered in ^^- the annals of our country, the Pilgrims landed. The place they named after the town in England from which they last sailed. The blessings which have flowed from the settlement of New England are associated with the spot where they first set foot — the EocK of Plym- outh. No time was spent in idleness. A place was selected for the settlement, and divided into lots for families. On the third day they began to build ; their houses went up but slowly ; the forest trees miist first be felled and split into timbers ; the season was inclement — their strength failed them : many from exposure had received into their bodies the seeds of death ; many were sick, and many died. At one time there were only seven of the whole company not disabled by sickness. During the winter, more than forty were numbered with the dead; among these were the wives of Bradford and Winslow, and also Rose, the young bride of Miles Standish. The benevolent Carver lost his son — then he himself sunk in death, soon to be followed PRIVATIONS AND HEROISM. 69 by his broken-hearted widow. They were all buried but chap. a short distance from the rock on which they had landed. Lest the many graves should tell the Indians the story of 1621. weakness and of death, the spot where they rested was f" levelled and sown with grass. At length spring drew near, and warm winds from the south moderated the cold. The trees began to put forth their foliage, and among their t branches the "birds to sing pleasantly," while the sick were gradually recovering. When the May-Flower left for England, not one of these heroic men and women desired to leave the land of their adoption. They had now a government ; they had a church covenant ; they had a constitution under which their rights were secured, and each one according to his individual merit could be respected and honored. So dear to them were these privileges, that all the privations they had suffered, the sickness and death which had been in their midst, the gloomy prospect before them, could not induce them to swerve from their determination to found a State, where these blessings should be the birth-right of their children. Famine jjressed hard upon them, for in the autumn Kov, they were joined by some new emigrants, who had come ^''• ill-provisioned ; and for the succeeding six months they had only half a supply. " I have seen men," says Wins- low, " stagger by reason of faintness for want of food." Their privations for two or three years were greater than those of any colony planted in the country. But their implicit confidence in tl^ goodness of God was never shaken. At times Indian^ were seen hovering around theii * settlement, but no communication had been held with them, as they fled when approached. One day, to their surprise, an Indian boldly entered their village, crying out, welcome Englishmen ! Jffcelcome Englishmen ! It was Samoset. He belongecB^f the Wampanoags, a tribe living 70 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN^ PEOPLE. CHAP, iu tlie vicinity. He had learned a few English words fron? ' the fishermen on the Penobscot. , iiiii. Samoset, in the name of his tribe, told the Pilgrims to possess the land, for the year before those to whom it belonged had been swept away by a pestilence. This an- nouncement was a great relief to their fears. Samoset I soon again appeared, and with him Squanto, who, as has been mentioned, had been kidnapped and sold into slavery in Spain, had been freed, found his way to England, and finaUy home. They announced that Massasoit, the grand sachem of the Wampanoags, desired an interview. The chief and his retinue of warriors had taken their position on a neighboring hill. Squanto acted as interpreter. A treaty of friendship was made between the chief and the English, by which they promised to defend each other when attacked by enemies. For more than fifty yeai's, till King Philip's war, this treaty was observed. The Pil- grims offered to pay for the baskets of corn they had found buried ; this they did six months afterward when the owners appeared. A trade, very beneficial to the colony, commenced with the Indians, who promised to sell them all their furs. Why not remember the humble services of Squanto.!* The Pilgrims looked upon him as " a special instrument sent of God for their good beyond their expectation." He taught them how to plant corn, to put fish with it to make it grow, where to find the fish and how to take them. He was their interpreter and their pilot. Under his tuition they soon raised corn so abundantly as to have a surplus to • exchange with the Indians for furs. By means of these furs they obtained from England the merchandise they wanted. He remained their friend till his death, and when dying asked the governor to pray that he might go to the " Englilfcian's G-nd iu heaven." Massasoit desired the alliance with the Pilgrims as a protection against Canonicus, the chief of the powerful " Weston's men." 71 Narragansetts, who lived on the shores of the beautiful bay ch^p. which bears their name. Canonicus was not, however, to be deterred from exhibiting his hostility. As a challenge 1622. he sent to Plymouth some arrows wrapped in the skm of a rattlesnake. Bradford, who was now governor, sent back the same skin filled with powder and shot. The In- dians looked upon it as containing a deadly influence, to be exerted against the enemies of the English. In terror they sent it from tribe to tribe, none of wjiom dared either keep or destroy it. Finally, the skin and its contents were returned to the colony. Canonicus himself, in a short time, desired an alliance of peace ; evidently more from fear than from good-will. In trade the Pilgrims took no advantage of the igno- rance of the Indians. They became involved in difficul- ties with them, however, through the improper conduct of others. Thomas Weston, a merchant of London, who had in- vested money in the enterprise of founding the Plymouth Colony, now wished to engross the entire profits of the fur trade with the Indians. He obtained a patent for a small district, near Weymouth, on Boston harbor, and sent over about sixty men, chiefly indented servants. These men ill treated the Indians, stole their corn, and thus excited their hostility. The savage seeks redress by murdering those who do him wrong. The Indians did not distinguish between the honesty and good-will of the Pilgrims, and the dishonesty and evil acts of " Weston's men ;" they plotted to involve all the white strangers in one common ruin. Massasoit was dangerously sick ; Winslow kindly visited him ; turned out of the wigwam the Indian doctors, who were making a great noise to drive off the disease, and relieved the chief by giving him medicine and quiet. The grateful Massasoit revealed the plot. The people were greatly alarmed ; they had heard of a terrible massacre in ■Virginia, and they feared such would be their own expe- Mar. 23. 72 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, rience. Not a moment was to be lost ; they must act in self-defence. Captain Standish hastened with eight men 1623. to the assistance of those at Weymouth. He arrived in time not only to prevent the attack, but to surprise the Indians themselves. In the conflict, the principal plotting chief and some of his men were killed. This exploit taught the Indians to respect the English ; many of the neighboring chiefs now sought jDcace and alliance. When the good pastor, Mr. Eobinson, heard of this conflict, he exclaimed, " Oh 'that they had converted some before they killed any ! " One year saw the beginning and the end of this trading establishment at Weymouth. Apprehension of danger from the natives was now removed. As tlianksgiving has now become a national festival, the manner in which it was first instituted has a peculiar interest. In the autumn of 1623, after the fruits of the harvest were gathered in, Governor Bradford sent out a company for game, to furnish dainty materials for a feast. God had blessed their labors, and this was to be a feast of THANKS-GIVING. " So they met together and thanked God with all their hearts, for the good world and the good things in it." The merchant partners in England complained of the small profits derived from their investments. They began to neglect the interests o( the colony, and to manifest their displeasure in various ways. They would not permit Robinson and his family, with the remainder of the church at Leyden, to join their friends at Plymouth. They sold the colonists goods at enormous prices, and sent a ship tc rival them in their limited fur trade. They outraged theii feelings by attempting to force upon them one Lyford, a clergyman friendly to the Established Church. Lyford was expelled from Plymouth, not on account of his rehgious views, but, according to Bradford, for conduct injurious to the colony and immorality. In time industry and frugality triumphed ; the Pil- DEMOCRATIC GOVERNMENT. 73 grims in five or six years were able to purchase the entire chap. stock of those who were annoying them in this ungenerous manner. The stock and the land were equitably divided, Nov. and the arrangement of private property fully carried out, each one becoming the owner of a piece of land. Though the Pilgrims had no charter, they formed a government upon the most liberal principles. They had a governor, who was chosen by the people, and whose power was limited by a council of five. For' more than eighteen years the whole male population were the legislators. 1640. They were the pioneers of religious freedom — the openers of an asylum in the New World, to which the persecuted for religion's sake, and political opinions, have been flocking from that day to this. Says Governor Brad- ford, in his history of the colony: "Out of small begin- nings great things have been produced, by His hand that made all things out of nothing ; and as one small candle will light a thousand, so the light here kindled' hath shone to many, yea to our whole nation." CHAPTER XI. COLONY OF MASSACHUSETTS BAT. A Company organized. — Settlement of Salem. — The Charter tran-sferred. — Boston and Tieinity settled. — Encouragements. — Disputes. — Roger Williams; his Banishment; he founds Pro\idence. — Discussions re- newed. — Anne Hutchinson. — Settlement of Rhode Island. — The Dutch at Hartford ; Disputes with. — Migrations to the fertile Valley of the Con- necticut; Hooker and Haynes. — Springfield. — Fort at Saybroolic. — Pe- quods become hostile. — E.speditions against them; their utter Ruin. — Eev. John Davenport. — Settlement of New Haven. — Sir Ferdinand Gorges. — Xew Hampshire. — -The United Colonies. — The Providence Plantations. — Educated Men. — Harvard College. — The Printing Press. — Common Schools. — Grammar Schools. — Quakers; Persecution of. — Eliot the Apostle. — The Mayhews. — Progress. CHAP. Persecution raged through the reign of James, and '__ threatened to continue through the reign of his son and 1624. successor, Charles I. The various accounts sent to England by the colonists at Plymouth, excited great interest, especially in the minds of the Puritans. They listened to them as to a voice from Heaven, calling upon them to leave their native land, and join their brethren in these ends of the earth. This was not wild enthusiasm, but the calm promptings of duty. Pamphlets were published giving descriptions of the land of promise ; it promised not wealth and ease, but only peace and quietness. There were "many who preferred these, with toils and privations in the wilds of America, to religious persecutions in their own land. >f^ r • s. A •ST y J)3.ir the Indians in open conflict; 7 93 HISTOET OF THE AMEEICAN PEOPLE. ™AP. but ii was necessary to guard against their secret attacks. In their turn, they formed plans to exterminate the 1622. savages, or drive them far hack into the wilderness. Expe- ditions for this purpose were sent against them from time to time, during the space of ten years. In time industry began to revive, and signs of prosperity once more wei-e seen. The London Company wa§ now bankrupt ; endless discussions arose among the numerous stockholders. They became divided into two political parties, — one favored the king's prerogative ; the other, the liberty of the colo- nists. Tliese questions were freely discussed at the meet- ings of the company, greatly to the annoyance of James. When he found it impossible to prevent the stockholders from expressing their opinions, he arbitrarily took away the charter of the company. To console the colonists, he announced that he had taken them under his own special protection. He began to frame laws for their government — laws no doubt in accordance with his peculiar notions of 1625. kingcraft ; but his labors and life were suddenly ended. Charles I., his son and successor, appeared to favor the colony : it conformed to the church of England, and he did not suspect its politics. More than this, he wished to ingratiate himself with the colonists, for he desired the monopoly of their tobacco trade. He even went so far as to recognize the House of Burgesses as a legislative body, and requested them to pass a law by which he alone could purchase the tobacco of the colony. The House, in a dig- nified and respectful manner, refused to comply with the i'j29. royal request, as it would be injurious to their trade. After the death of the liberal and high-minded Yeanlley, the council elected Francis West governor. Charles, piqued at this independence, as well as the refusal to grant him the monopoly, appointed Sir John Harvey. Harvey had been a member of the colonial council, where he was the willing instrument of a faction that had almost SIK GEORGE CALVERT. 99 ruined the prospects of the colony. The enemy of the chap. rights of the people, he was exceedingly unpopular ; he now took special care of his own interests nnd those of his ]G33. friends, hy appointing thera alone to office. The histories of Virginia and Maryland are intimately connected. As has heen mentioned, Captain Smith was the first to explore the Chesapeahe ; the trade with the Indians along its shores had now become profitable. Though the Potomac river was the northern boundary of Virginia, the colonists had extended their trade and influ- ence with the Indians on both sides, up to the head of the bay. William Clayborne, a bold and restless spirit, a sur- veyor of land by profession, was employed by the Governor of Virginia to explore the sources of the Chesapeake. A company was formed in England for the j)urpose of trading with the Indians, who lived on both sides of the bay. . Clayborne, the agent of the company, obtained a license to trade, and established two stations, one on Kent Island, opposite Annapolis, and one at the mouth of the Susque- hannah. During the turmoil of religious parties and persecu- tions in England, Sir George Calvert, afterward Lord Baltimore, left the Protestant church, resigned his office of Secretary of State, and professed himself a Koman Catholic. This did not aff'ect his standing with James on his son Charles. Calvert manifested a strong interest in the cause of colonization. He wished to found a colony to which Catholics might flee to avoid persecution. He first obtained permission to found a settlement on the cold and barren shores of Newfoundland ; that enterprise was soon 1622 abandoned. He tiirned to Virginia, a clime more genial ; there he was met by the oaths of supremacy and alle- giance, to which, as a good Catholic, Lord Baltimore could not subscribe ; Virginia could never be a peaceful asylum for those of his faith. The region north of it attracted his 100 HISTORY OF THE AMEEICAX PEOPLE. CHAP, attention, and lie applied to King Charles for a portion of that territory. 1632 Charles gave him a grant of land, most of which is now included in the State of Maryland ; it was named after Henrietta Maria, the wife of the king. As a proprietary Lord Baltimore deserves all jiraise for his liberality. The colonists were to have a voice in making their own laws ; they were not to be taxed without their own consent. He was bold to repudiate intolerance, and politic to adopt a form of government which alone could insure success. He designed his colony to be an as3dum*for the Catholic, but the Protestant was invited to share it. Just as the charter was about to be issued he died. To his son Cecilj under the same title, the charter was continued ; to him belongs the honor of carrying into effect the inten- ^ tions of his father. Feb., He deputed his brother, Leonard, to take charge of the emigrants, who, to the number of two hundred, after a protracted voyage, arrived safely in the Chesapeake. A tribe of Indians residing on the St. Mary's, a branch of the Potomac, were about to remove, on account of their ene- mies the Susquehannahs ; they sold to the infant colony their cultivated land and their village. The Indian women taught the strangers' wives to make bread of maize ; and soon the emigrants had corn-fields and gardens, and obtained abundance of game in the forest. A few days after their arrival, Governor Harvey, of Vir- ginia, paid them a friendly visit ; it was the desire of Charles that they should be welcomed by the sister colony. Friendly relations were established with the neighboring Indians ; the colonists for a time obtained their necessary provisions from Virginia, bvit as they were industrious, the fruitful earth soon repaid their labor. At the commence- ment of the second year, the freemen of the colony held their first legislative Assembly. . Claybome was the evil genius of Maryland. Hi.'» license 1632. EFFOKTS TO CONVERT THE INDIANS 101 to trade with the Indians was made void by Lord Balti- ^^.^^ more's charter. He attempted to excite a rebellion, but . . was overpowered and compelled to flee to Virginia. The 1635 Governor of Maryland demanded him as a fugitive from justice : to evade the demand Harvey sent him to Eng- land to be Tried. This offended the people of Virginia, ■who sympathized with Clayborne ; to avenge him, they impeached Harvey himself, " and thrust him out of his government." The Assembly appointed commissioners to prosecute the charges against him in England. The commissioners met with no favor from the king ; and soon, April, under a new appointment, the unpopular Harvey came back as governor. Meanwhile peace and plenty continued to be the lot of Maryland. Every year the rights of the people were better understood ; they acknowledged their allegiance to England, and respected the rights of Lord Baltimore. Their lands produced an abundance of tobacco, and com- merce began to prosper. Efforts were now made to con- vert some of the neighboring Indians to Christianity. The priests established four stations among them, and not without effect. One chief, Tayac, with his wife, was bap- ui?,ed,he taking the name of Charles and she that of Mary. Soon after one hundred and thirty other converts received baptism, some of whom sent their children to receive a Christian education under the care of the priests. But, alas ! these efforts were as vain as the other attempts of the times to Christianize the poor natives. The same evil causes were here at work — wars and the influence of bad men. It is said these grateful tribes ever after remained friendly to those who endeavored to instruct them. The persevering Clayborne returned, to mar their 1645. peace by another and more successful insurrection. The Governor of Maryland was now, in his turn, compelled to flee to Virginia. After two years of misrule, peace was again restored, and all the offenders were pardoned. 102 HISTOEY OF THE AMEKICAiT PEOPLE. CHAP. As an interesting fact, it may be mentioned, that ii; this year Maryland passed a law of perfect toleration to 16i9. all Chri&tian sects ; two years previous Rhode Island had granted toleration to all o})iuions, Lijidcl as well as CliriHtian. During the rule of Cromwell the government of Mary- land was very unsettled. The Assembly, finally, repu- diated both Cromwell and Baltimore, and proclaimed the authority of the people as supreme. Scarcely was this ac- complished when the restoration of Charles II. took place. 1060, Lord Baltimore made known to the king that his profes sions of republicanism were made only to obtain the favor of Cromwell, and that really he was a good royalist Charles immediately restored him his proprietary rights. Baltimore was not vindictive ; he proclaimed a general pardon, and for almost thirty years the colony enjoyed repose. Sir William Berkeley, as successor to Harvey, was ap- 1642. pointed Governor of Virginia. The trade of tlie colony ■was crippled by severe restrictions ; as England claimed its trade for herself alone. Thus began a series of acts and infringements on commerce by the home government, wliich annoyed the people of the colonies, and interfered with their industry and commercial prosperity for more than one hundred and thirty years, when these grievances 1776. were swept away by the Revolution. The colony was now permitted for a time to take care of itself, Charles I. being engaged in a contest with his subjects at home. The Vir- ginians were stanch friends of the king, and the party in the mother country contending against him met with no favor from them. The Puritans who were living in Vir- ginia, being identified with republicanism, were looked upon with suspicion ; those of their number who would not conform to the ceremonies m the Church of Englana were banished. A majority of these passed over into Maryland. Thus it was, the Puritan would not permit THE LOYALTY OF VIRGINIA. 103 the Episcopalian to come to New England, and the Epis- <^hap. copalian banished the Puritan from Virginia. No peace was granted to the Indians. After a space lG4i. of twenty-two years, they once more made an effort to free themselves from their enemies. The frontier settlements were suddenly attacked, and about three hundred persons killed. When resisted, the savages fled to the wQderness. They were pursued with great vigor, and after a contest of two years their power was completely broken. Opechan- canough, their aged chief, was taken captive, and soon after died in prison ; his proud spirit deeply wounded that he should be gazed at by his enemies. The neit year a treaty was made, by which they relinquished forever the fertile valleys of their fathers, and with sorrowful hearts retired far into the wilderness. After the execution of Charles I., great numbers of the royalists, "good cavaHer families," fled to Virginia, where they were welcomed as exiled patriots. She was the last of the colonies to acknowledge the authority of the Common- wealth. But when commissioners were sent, who granted the people all the civil rights and pri\'ileges they asked, they submitted. After the death of Cromwell, and before it was known who was to rule in England, the House of Burgesses re- solved, " that the supreme power will be resident in the Assembly." Then Berkeley was elected governor. In accepting office, he acknowledged the authority of the people's representatives, saying, " I am but the servant of the Assembly." We shall see how sincere was that decla- ration. When Charles II. was in exile, he was invited to come and be "king of Virginia;" from this incident, it has been called " The Old Dominion." This loyalty Charles after his restoration repaid, by basely taking away their privileges, and distributing their lands among his favorites. The society of Virginia was peculiar. The first settle- 104 niSTORT OF THE AMEEICAN PEOPLE. "^^AP. ments were made under the protection of the nobility; this favored the growth of an aristocratic class of landholders. 1600. There were two other classes — the negro, who was a slave for life, and the indented white man, sent from the mother country to serve a certain number of years. These white servants were sometimes criminals, but oftener political offenders. The latter, when their term of seiTitude ex- pired, mingled with the jaeople on an equality. The Assembly held their sessions once in two years ; their members were chosen by the people, and only for one session. The first Assembly held after the Restoration, was composed of landholders. Berkeley now declared him- self governor, not because he was elected by the people, but because Charles when in exile had appointed him. 1602. The Assembly went still further, and deprived the peo- ple of the privilege of choosing their own legislators, by assuming to themselves the right to be perpetual. This Assembly remained thus in violation of law for fourteen 1676. years. During this usurpation, all that the people had gained of civil rights for more than a third of a century, this aristocratic House of Burgesses swept away. The only right allowed them was that of petitioning their rulers for redress of grievances — but these petitions were disregarded. The Church of England was declared to be the religion of the State, and all were bound by law under penalties of fines and banishment, not only to attend its services, but to pay a tax to supi:)ort it. Governor Berkeley complained of its ministers : " as of all other commodities, so of this — the worst are sent us, and we have few that we can bi^ast of, since the 25ei'secutions in Cromwell's tyranny drove divers worthy men hither." The cause of education was neglected, and almost prohibited. The poor were pecu- liarly unfortunate — " out of towns," says a chronicler of the times, " every man instructs his children as best he can :" — no aid was afforded them by those in authority. Says the aristocratic Berkeley : " I thank God there are NATHANIEL BACON. 105 no free schools nor printing ; and I hope we will not have •^"'^^• them these hundred j-ears ! " Such was the language of a man who was Governor of Virginia for nearly forty years. 1639. The printing-press was established in Massachusetts ninety 1729. years before there was one in Virginia. The people of Maryland became involved in war with the Indians. A company of Virginians, under John Wash- 1675. ington, great-grandfather of George Washington, crossed over the Potomac to aid them. Six chiefs of the Susque- hannahs came to treat for peace, but the Virginians treach- erously murdered the whole company. For this evil deed the innocent were made to suffer. The Susquehannahs immediately passed over into Virginia to revenge their death, by killing ten persons for each chief. According to their belief, until this sacrifice was made, the souls of their chiefs could not be at rest in the spirit land. The people cried to the governor for protection, which he was slow to give ; they attributed his tardiness to his interest in the fur-trade. They now asked permission to defend them- selves ; to invade the enemies' country, and drive them fi'om their hiding-places ; this was also refused. During this delay, the Indians pursued their murderous work all along the frontiers. There was in the colony a young planter, not more than thirty years of age, a native of England ; a lawyer by pro- fession ; eloquent and winning in his manners ; bold and determined in sjjirit ; a true patriot ; disliked by the gov- ernor, because he was a republican ; but dear to the peo- ple for the same reason : such was Nathaniel Bacon. To him, in their extremity, they turned. Those who had volunteered to go against the Indians, asked of the gover- nor a commission for Bacon to command them. Berkeley obstinately refused to grant it. He would not countenance such presumption on the part of the " common people." The murders continued ; the volunteers waited no longer on the tardy government, but set out under the command 106 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, of Bacon to repel the savages. The moment they were gone, Berkeley proclaimed Bacon a traitor, and his soldiers 167C. rebels, and gave orders for them to disperse. April. The populous counties on the Bay began to show signs of insurrection. Their quarrel was not with the Indians, but with the acts and continued existence of the House of Burgesses. Bacon, meanwhile, had returned successful from his expedition. The haughty old governor was forced to yield ; the obnoxious Assembly was dissolved, and writs issued for the election of members for another, to which Bacon was returned triumphantly from Henrico county. This Assembly corrected the evils of the long one. The unjust taxes on the poor were removed ; the privilege of voting for their legislators was restored to the people, and many abuses in relation to the expenditure of the public money rectified. The House elected Bacon commander ot the army. These measures were very distasteliil to Berke- ley and his advisers- — he would not give them his sanction. Finally, however, he yielded to necessity ; and even went so far as to transmit to England, his own and the council's commendations of Bacon's loyalty and j)atrioti8m. The Indians still continued their attacks upon the settlements, and Bacon with a small force went to punish them : again the insincei-e Berkeley proclaimed him a traitor. Such treachery excited his indignation and that of the army. No confidence could be placed in the gov- ernor's word. " It vexes me to the heart," said the gal- lant patriot, " that while I am hunting the wolves which destroy our lambs, that I should myself be pursued like a savage — the whole country is witness to our peaceable behavior ; but tbose in authority, how have they obtained their estates ? Have they not devoured flie common trea- sury ? What sclnools of learning have they promoted ? " * Such were the questions asked, and such were the senti- ments that stined the hearts of the people. They must JAMESTOWN BURNED. 107 Lavo their rights restored : wives urged their husbands to ™-^'' contend for their hberties. Berkeley with a few royalist followers and advisers, went 1670. to the eastern shore of the bay. There by promises of plun- der, he collected a rabble of sailors belonging to some Eng- lish vessels, and a company of vagabond Indians. When the rumor of the governor's intentions spread throughout the land, the people with one accord met in convention at the Middle Plantation, now Williamsburg, where they deliber- ated all day, even until midnight. They decided it was their duty to defend themselves from the tyranny of the governor. They adjourned, however, and went to their homes, determined to be guided in their conduct by the course he should pursue. They were not long in suspense, for Berkeley crossed over with five ships to Jamestown, to put down what he was pleased to call a rebellion. In a Sett, very short time the little army so successful against the Indians, was gathered once more under the same leader. The conflict was short ; Berkeley's cowardly rabble broke and fled ; deserting Jamestown, they went on board their ships and dropped down the river. The victors entered the deserted town. A council was held as to what was to be done. Should they leave it as a place of defence for their enemies ? It was deemed necessary to burn it. Drummond and Lawrence, men prominent in the popular movement, applied the torch to their own dwellings; the example was followed by others, and, in a few hours, the first town ibunded by Englishmen on this continent was in ruins. A crumbling church-tower is all that now remains to mark the site of old Jamestown. The good results of this struggle were doomed to be lost. Bacon suddenly fell ill of a violent fever, which terminated his life in a few days. He was called a traitor Oct. and a rebel by Berkeley and his royalist party, as was Washington by the same party one hundred years after- ward. 108 niSTOET OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. '^^AP. The people were now without a leader — without any one to plead their cause. Berkeley played the tyrant, i676. ravaged the country and confiscated the property of the patriots. He caused to perish on the scaffold more than twenty of the best men of Virginia. One or two incidents may serve to exhibit his spirit. When Drummond (who is represented as a " sober, Scotch gentleman, of good repute") was brought into his presence, "You are very welcome," said he, bowing at the same time, with mock civility ; " I am more glad to see you than any man in Virginia ; you shall be hanged in half an hour ! " He derided, in vulgar terms, a young wife who came to plead for her husband, to take the blame of his offence upon herself, and to offer her own life for his. If any one dared speak disrespectfully of Berkeley or his rule, he was publicly whipped. The end came at last ; Berkeley left the country, and the people celebrated his departure with bonfires and rejoicings. When he arrived in England he found that public opinion severely condemned his conduct ; and, what was more wounding to his pride, even Charles, to serve whom he had stained his soul with innocent blood, exclaimed, " That old fool has taken away more lives in that naked land than I for the death of my father ! " The names and characters of Bacon and his adherents were vilified, and f jr a century these slanders were not disproved ; the truth was not per- mitted to be published. The facts, as now known, prove that the men who thus opposed the tyranny of Berkeley were not rebels and traitors, but worthy to be num- bered among the patriots of the land. 1d77. The first Assembly held after this unsuccessful strug- gle was devoted to the interests of the aristocracy. All the liberal laws passed by the prccetling one were re- pealed ; henceforth only freeholders could vote for mem- .bers of the House of Burgesses. The poor man was as a CULPEPPER AND EFFINGHAM. 109 heavily taxed as the rich, but unless lie was a landholder chap. XII. he had no vote. The profligate Charles gave Virginia to two of his 1678. favorites — Arlington and Culpepper ; the latter soon after purchased the claim of the former. The king appointed C ul- pepper governor for life. He came authorized to heal differ- ences between the jjeople and the government, but he used 1080. the power for his own interest alone ; he valued Virginia only in proportion to the money his rapacity could extort ; even the soldiers, sent to maintain his authority, he de- frauded of their wages. When he had secured to himself the highest possible revenue, he sailed for England. The condition of the Virginians was wretched in the extreme ; the rewards of their industry went to their rapacious rulers, and they, goaded to desjjeration, were on the point of rebellion. Rumors of these discontents reached England, and the truant governor reluctantly left his jilcasures to visit his domain. Having the authority of the king, Culpepper 1082. caused several men of influence to be hanged as traitors. The people who owned farms in the territory, given him by royal grant, he now compelled to lose their estates, or compromise by paying money. Charles had now another fiivorlte to provide for ; Culpepper was removed, and 1084. Eflingham appointed. This chjinge was even for the worse ; Effingham was more needy and more avaricious. On the accession of James II. what is known in his- tory as Monmouth's Rebellion occurred. After its sup- ic>85. pression, multitudes of those implicated in it were sent to Virginia and Maryland to be 'sold as servants for a term of ten years. Many of these were men of education and of good families. The House of Burgesses, to their honor be it said, declared these poor men free, though the cruel James had forbidden the exercise of such lenity. So little were the claims of humanity respected at this time in the West of England, that it was a common occur- 110 niSTOET OF THE AMERICAN PLOPLE. ^xa^' ^^°*^^ ^^ kidnap persons of the poorer sort, and send them to the colonies to he sold as servants for a term of years 1085. These were principally hrouglit to Virginia and Mary- land, as there the planters required many laborers. The trade was profitable, more so than the African slave trade. 1G88. After the accession of William and Mary an effort was made to establish a college in Virginia, " to educate a do- mestic succession of Church of England ministers," as well as to teach the children of the Indians. The celebrated Robert Boyle made a large donation, and the king gave, in addition to three other grants, outstanding quit-rents, valued at about £2,000. Such was the foundation of the 1^191. college of William and Mary. The Rev. James Blair, said to be the first commissary sent to the colonies by the Bishop of London, " to sujjply the oflice and jurisdiction of the bishop in the out-places of the diocese," was its president for fifty years. Though William was thus moderately liberal, he was by no means the representative of the true feeling of his ministry ; they even looked upon this pittance as uncalled for. Blair, the pious and energetic Scotchman, once urged upon Seymour, the attorney-general, the importance of establishing schools to educate ministers of the gosi)el. " Consider, sir," said he, " that the people of Virginia have souls to save." He was answered by a profane im- precation upon their souls, and told to "make tobacco." This pithy rebuff indicated the spirit and general policy of the home government ; it valued the colonies only as a source of wealth. For mnuy years voluntary emigration to Virginia almost ceased. There were no inducements, no encouragement to industry, all commerce was restricted. The planters were at the mercy of the English trader ; he alone was permitted to buy their tobacco and to sell them merchan- dise. The whole province was given over to the tender TROUBLES IN MARYLAND. Ill mercies of royal favorites and extortioners, while the ^^''^^ printing-press, that dread of tyrants, was still forbidden. How dearly did loyal Virginia pay for tlie honor of being 1685. named the " Old Dominion ! " The struggles of the people of Virginia imder Bacon and others, had an effect on tlie people of Maryland. At tire death of Lord Baltimore, his son and heir assumed the 1C75. government, and ruled with justice till another revolution in liUgland brought a change. The deputy-governor hesi- 1688. tated to acknowledge William and Mary. This was seized upon by some restless spirits to excite discontent in the minds of the people. Among other absurd stories, it was said that the Catholics, who were few in number, were about to in- vite the Indians to aid them in massacring the Protestants. At this time the Jesuits had excited the Indians of New England and Canada against the New England • colonies. This gave a shadow of probability to the charge. Under the lead of some persons, who professed to be very zealous _— Protestants, the deputy-governor was seized, and a con- vention called, which deposed Lord Baltimore, and pro- claimed the people the true sovereign. Two years after, 1691. King William, taking them at their word, unjustly de- prived Lord Baltimore , of his property, and made the, colony a royal province. The people now suffered the penalty for ill treating .their benevolent ^proprietary. The king placed over them a royal governor ; changed their laws for the worse ; established the Church of England, and taxed ,^ them to maintain it ; did not promote education, but pro- hibited printing ; discouraged their domestic manufac- tures ; and finally disfranchised the Catholics, who had laid the tbuudation of the colony sixty years before. The rights of Lord Baltimore were afterward restored to his infant child, and the original form of government was 1716. established. No colony experienced so many vicissitudes as Maryland. CHAPTEK XIII. COLONIZATION OF NEW YORK. Hudson's Discoveries. — Indian Traffic. — Fort on the Isle of llanli.ittan. — ■Walloons the first Settlers. — Peter Minuits. — The Patroons. — Van Twiller Governor ; his Misrule. — Succeeded by Kieft. — Difficulties with the Indians. — They seek Protection ; their IVIa.Ct*y^>^>'r>(^ ^ (yLic^-^^^jL-,-— » /)j^ '^J^t^/Ccv^/L^ I CHAPTER XV. COLONIZATION OF THE CAROLINAS. Tlie first Settlers. — Gi-iints to Eoval Favorites. — Tlie "Grand Model." — Set- tlement at Cape Fear River. — Sir John Yeanians. — Emigrant."! under Savle. — Tlie Huguenots. — The People Independent. — Rice. — Church- men and Dissenturs. — Manufactures prohibited. — War between Eng- land and Spain. — Failure to Capture St. Augustine. — The ruin of the Appalachees. — Indiau Wars. — German Emigrants. — The People repu- diate the Authority of the Proprietaries. We have now to speak of the permanent settlement of chap. the land, wlfich the chivalric Sir Walter Raleigh en- _^ deavored to colonize ; and to which the noble Coligny ]G'22. sent his countrymen to found a Protestant State, and where they perished by the hand of Spanish violence. That vast region, extending from the southern border of Virginia to the northern border of Florida, was repre- sented as a " delightsome land " by the adventurers who had explored it. Thither, during the space of forty years, emigrants had gone from Virginia. These were Dis- senters, a term which now began to be applied to all Protestants not attached to the Church of England. This Church, established by law in Virginia, exercised great illiberality toward those who would not conform to its ceremonies ; and many Dissenters, greatly annoyed by the collectors of tythes, emigrated further south. Among them was a company of Presbyterians who settled on- the |553_ Chowan. Berkeley, governor of Virginia, assumed juris- diction over them by appointing one of their number. 142 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP. William Drummond, governor. Drummond was a Scotch- , man by birth, a devoted advocate of popular liberty, the 1653. same who afterward, as has been related, returned tc Virginia, and was put to death by Berkeley for the j)art he took in Bacon's attempt to vindicate the rights of the 1670. people. Charles II., who gave away vast regions with as much coolness as if they really belonged to him, granted to eight of his favorites a charter and certain privileges, to 1 063. repay them for their loyalty in restoring him to the throne of his father. This grant was of the territory extending from the present southern line of Virginia to the St. Johns, in Florida, and from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Many of these proprietaries were men of influence in their day. Among these were the Earl of Clarendon, who was prime minister ; Sir Ashley Cooper, better known as the Earl of Shaftesbury ; General Monk, Duke of Albemarle, who took an active part in the restoration of Charles ; Sir William Berkeley, whom we have met iff Virginia his- tory ; and Sir George Carteret, a proprietary of New Jersey. They professed to have- " a pious zeal for the spread of the gospel," but their conduct has led the world to believe that they desired more to enrich themselves by means of a vast land speculation. The labor of framing a government for their empire in the New World +hey intrusted to Shaftesbury, and the celebrated jjhilosopher, John Locke. Their joint produc- tion by pre-eminence vvas named the "Grand Model" or " Fundamental Constitutions." In it the right to rule was assumed to belong only to those of noble blood ; and therefore its principles were pronounced immortal. It made provision for Earls, Barons, and Squires, in whose hands, under various forms, should be the entire adminis- tration of affairs ; while the people were to be attached to the soil as tenants. Those who owned fifty acres of land had the privilege of voting, and were termed freemen ; but THE " GRAND MODEL." 143 those who were tenants had no such privilege, neither *^hap. could they ever rise above that station. To the freemen an Assembly was granted, but on such conditions, that its 1663. acts were under the control of the aristocracy. Every re- ligion was professedly tolerated, but care was taken to declare that the Church of England alone was orthodox. Such was the frame of government prepared for the people of the Carolinas by the united wisdom of two philosophers. Had it been designed for a people living in the Middle Ages, it might, at least, have had a trial ; an honor to which the " Grand Model" never attained. It was as easy to convert log-cabins into castles, as to make the people perpetual tenants ; they might be made nobles, but never dependents. Great numbers of them had left Virginia expressly to escape restraint and oppression ; and they had very little respect for the authfirity of the proprietaries, while they certainly did not fear and honor the king. The contest soon began. The proprietaries claimed the territory because the king had given them a charter, and they demanded quit-rents ; the settlers, already in possession, claimed their lands because they had pur- chased them from the Indians. Why should they pay quit-rents .'' A few years before, a-small company from New Eng- icoi, land had formed a settlement on Cape Fear river. Every inducement was held out to retain these settlers, and to encourage others to join them. To each one was oflered one hundred acres of land, at a quit-rent of half a penny an acre ; but the barrenness of the soil neutralized every effort. Many of these colonists returned home, and the distress of the remainder was so great, that contributions in their behalf were taken up in New England. Three years later quite an accession was made to this ]G6t. settlement by a company of planters from the Barbadoes. Sir John Yeamans, their leader, was appointed governor. 14:i FISTOKT OF TUE AMERICAN PEOPLE, CHAP. He was instructed, in order to induce others to come, to XV. be " very tender" toward the New Englanders. The 1664. jjeople did the best they could with theirpine barrens, by uiaking staves and sliingles ; these they sent to the West Indies : a trade carried on to this day from that region. It was enacted that debts contracted out of the colony could not be collected from the emigrant by process of law until he had been a resident five years. It thus be- came a partial asylum for debtors. 1670. A company of emigrants, under the direction of Wil- liam Sayle, was also sent by the projirietaries ; and to superintend their own interests they appointed Joseph West commercial agent. They landed first at Port Eoyal, where the remains of the fort buUt by tlie Hugue- nots, one hundred years before, were still visible. It had been called Carolina, in honor of the reigning French king ; the name was now retained in honor of Cliarles of England. One of the proprietaries, Carteret, gave his name to the colony. For some reason they, before long, removed to another situation further north, where they formed a settlement between two rivers, which, in honor of Shaftesbury, were named the Ashley and the Cooper. A location near the harbor, and better suited for commer- cial purposes, was afterward noticed. In process of time a village grew up on this spot ; it is now known as the city of Charleston. The colony continued to increase from emigration. Dissenters came, hoj^ing to enjoy the religious rights denied them at home ; Dutch and Germans from Europe ; Presbyterians from the North of Ireland as well as from Scotland — the latter furnishing great numbers of " phy- sicians, clergymen, lawyers, and schoolmasters; " — Church- men from England, who expected their church to be established in accordance with the provisions of the " Grand Model ; " emigrants from New York, because of the high-handed measures of the English THE HUGUENOTS. 145 and Huguenots, under the patronage of Charles II. He chap. wished to introduce the culture of the vine and olive, the raising of silk-worms, and ultimately the manufacture of 1670. silk. Great numbers of the Huguenots, from Languedoc, ill tlie South of France, came to the Carolinas, attracted by the genial climate, A law granting toleration to the Protestants of France was made by Henry IV. : this was the famous Edict of 1598. Nantes, thus named from the city where it was given. This law remained in force almost ninety years, when it was revoked by Louis XIV. He had, as long as he 16S5 could enjoy it, spent his life in vice and the grossest de- bauchery ; now he thought to silence the clamors of con- science, that terrible enemy of wicked men, and yet win heaven by converting to the Romish church his Protestant subjects. Encouraged in this by the priests and the wiles of an apostate woman, he let loose upon these indus- trious and well-disposed people the terrors of persecution. Why go into the detail of their wrongs .' — the heart sickens at the remembrance. By a refinement of cruelty, they were forbidden to flee from their native land, and every avenue of escape was guarded by their inveterate enemies. Yet, after encountering unheard-of dangers and trials, many of them did escape, and more than five hun- dred thousand fled to different parts of the world. In the New World they were everywhere welcomed by sympa- .thizing friends. The Huguenots were so far superior to the Catholic portion of the French nation, in intelligence and the knowledge of the mechanic arts, that nearly all the manu- flictures of the country were in their hands. This skill they carried with them, and they thus became desirable citizens wherever they chose to settle. In South Carolina their influence was speci.illy felt. Their quiet and inof- fensive manners won for them respect ; their integrity and Industry gave them influence. Ere lone: they mingled 10 146 HISTOET OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. HHAP. with lie inhabitants ; and their descendants, almost uni- versally, when the hour of trial came, were found on the 1670. side of justice and libertj'. The original inhabitants of the Carolinas were peculiar in their character. Numbers of them went thither from the other colonies to avoid restraint ; they refused to pay taxes to the proprietaries or to the king, or duties on ■ trade ; they were friendly to the buccaneers or pirates, who infested the Southern waters ; they warred against the In- dians, to obtain captives to be sent to the West Indies and sold as slaves. There were no towns in the colony ; the planters were scattered along the streams and valleys. There were no roads ; they travelled along paths through the woods, known only by the blazed trees, or on the rivers by means of row-boats. The jjroprietaries soon saw the impossibility of inducing a people so free and fearless to conform to a government under the " Grand Model." Sir John Yeamans, who had been appointed governor, 1671. brought with him, on his return from Barbadoes, fifty families, and nearly two hundred slaves. This was the commencement of negro slavery in South Carolina. The slaves increased very raj)idly, and in a few years so many had been introduced that in number they were nearly two to one of the whites. Yeamans, "a sordid calculator," had been impover- ished in England, and went abroad to improve his fortune. He took sjiecial pains to guard his own interests ; for this reason he was dismissed by the proprietaries. Under his successor, the wise and liberal West, the colony flourished for some years. He, too, was dismissed, not because he favored himself but because he favored the people. The next struggle came, when an attempt was made to levy duties on the little trade of the colony. The people considered themselves independent of the projirietaries as well as of the king, and under no obligation to pay taxes in any form. That there was much dissatisfaction in the DISPUTES AND PARTIES. 147 colony, may be inferred from the fact that in the ^^af. space of six years it had five governors. To allay these . troubles James Colleton, a brother of one of the pro- 1671. prietaries, was sent as governor. But when he attempted to collect rents and taxes he met with as little success as any of his predecessors : the jjeople seized the records of the province, imprisoned his secretary, and boldly defied him and his authority. Though many of the settlers left Virginia on account of the want of religious privileges, they fovuid but very few ministers of the gosjDel in the country. Quaker preachers were the first to visit the Carolinas ; afterward George Fox himself carried them the truth as he believed it. The people warmly welcomed the messenger of the gospel. The influence of this visit was to strengthen the hearts of his followers, and to make many converts. The Quakers, everywhere the friends of popular rights, exerted much in- fluence against the arbitrary rule of the proprietaries. There arose a party of " Cavaliers and ill-livers," whose morals were fashioned after those of the court of the profligate Charles. Opposition was excited by their high- handed measures, and another party sprang into existence; it was composed of the Presbyterians, Quakers, and the • Huguenots, who had recently been admitted to the rights of citizenship. The disputes were chiefly in relation to rents and land tenures. In the midst of this confusion, an upright Quaker, John Archdale, was elected governor. He assumed the 1034 part of mediator, and attempted, with some success, to reconcile the disputants. In selecting his council he chose men of all parties, and by various judicious regulations partially allayed the strife. By just treatment he made friends of the Indians ; he ransomed and sent home some of their Indian converts, who were held by a neighboring tribe as slaves, and thus conciliated the Spaniards at St. Augustine. The kind act was reciprocated ; the Spaniards 148 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, restored to their friends some English sailors shipwrecked on their coast. 1694. Tlie Dissenters numbered two-thirds of the jjopulatioii. yet, for the sake of peace, they consen'red that one minister of the Church of England should be maintained at the public expense. Upon one occasion the Churchmen and aristocracy accidentally had a majority of one in the Assembly ; they manifested their gratitude for the con- cession just mentioned, by depriving the Dissenters of all their political privileges ; they made the Church of Eng- land the established church, to be maintained at the pub- lic expense, and proceeded to divide the colony into parishes, to which the " Society for the Propagation of 1704. the Gospel" was to appoint pastors. The aggrieved people appealed to the House of Lords for redress ; and the intolerant act of the Legislature was declared to be null and void. The law disfranchising Dissenters was re- pealed, that granting a support to the Church of England remained in force till the Revolution. Notwithstanding these difficulties the colony pros- pered, and increased in numbers from emigration. Among these a company from Massachusetts formed a settlement 1608 twenty miles back of Charleston. During Archdale's ad- ministration, tlie captain of a ship from Madagascar gave him some rice, which he distributed among the planters to be sown. The experiment was successful, and soon Carolina rice was celebrated as the best in the world. The fur trade with the Indians was also profitable, while the forests produced their share of profit in lumber and tar. The colonists attempted to manufacture domestic cloths to supply their own wants ; an enterprise they were soon compelled to abandon. The manufacturers and mer- chants of England complained, as they themselves wished to enjoy the profits that would arise from supplying them. Parliament passed an act forbidding woollen goods to be EXPEDITION AGAINST ST. AUGUSTINE. 149 transported from one colony to another, or to any foreign ^j^^**- port. This unrighteous law, as was designed, broke up nearly all colonial trade and manutactures, and gave the 1699. English trader and manufacturer the monopoly of both. We shall see how this policy affected all the colonists. In tlie Carolinas, they could only engage in planting, and a new impulse was given to the slave trade. War had arisen between England and Spain, and their children in the New World unfortunately took up arms against each other. James Moore, who was now governor of Carolina, undertook an expedition against St. Augus- tine. He is represented as a " needy, forward, ambitious man," who was in the habit of kidnapping Indians and selling them as slaves : now he hoped to plunder the Spaniards at St. Augustine. He })ressed some vessels into 1702. his service, and set sail with a portion of the troops, and sent otliers with the Indian allies by land. The town was easily taken, but the soldiers retired to a well fortified fort, and defied the besiegers. Moore must send to the island of Jamaica for cannon, to enable him to take the fort. Meanwhile an Indian runner had sped through the forest to Mobile, and informed the French settlers there of what was going on. They sent word to Havana. We may judge the surprise of Moore, when he saw two Spanish men-of- war come to rescue St. Augustine, instead of the vessel he expected from Jamaica. He immediately abandoned his supplies and stores, and made his way by land as best he could, to Charleston. The colony, by this unwise and wicked expedition, only gained a debt which pressed heavily upon the people for years. The Appalachees of Florida, under the influence of Spanish priests, had become converts to Romanism ; they built churches, and began to cultivate the soil and live in villages. As free intercourse existed between Florida and Louisiana; the English colonists professed alarm at the influence the French and Spaniards might have over the 150 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLB- CHAP. Indians of that region. This furnished an excuse for the ambitious Moore to lead an expedition against these inoffen- 1705. sive Indians, whose only crime was, that they were willing to be taught religion and agriculture by Spanish priests.' V/ith about fifty whites and one thousand friendly Indians, he went through the wilderness, away across the State of Georgia, down on the Gulf to Appalachee Bay. The first intimation the Indians had of this freebooting expedition was an attack upon their village, one morning at daylight. The assailants met with so warm a reception, that at first • they were forced to retire, but not uniU they had set fire to a church. There happened to be in the bay a Spanish ship, whose commander the next day, with a few white men and four hundred Indians, made an attack on the invaders, but he was defeated. The Indian villages were now destroyed, the churches plundered of their plate, and numbers of Indians taken captive, and removed to the banks of tlie Altamaha, wliile their own country was given to tlie Seminoles, the allies of the invaders. Thus the English placed Indians friendly to themselves between the Spanish and French settlements, while in virtue of this expedition they claimed the soil of Georgia. More than one hundred and twenty-five years afterward, the descendants of these Seminoles were removed beyond the Missfssippi. Even then the ruins of churches marked the stations of the Span- ish missions among the Appalachees. The next year brought Charleston two unexpected enemies — a malignant fever, and while it was raging, a squadron of Spanish and French ships to avenge the attack 1706. npon the Appalachees. The people, under William Rhet and Sir Nathaniel Johnson, were soon ready to meet them. When they landed, they were opposed at every point, and driven back. A French ship was captured ; and of the eight hundred men who landed, more than three hundred were either killed or taken prisoners. This victory was looked upon as a great triumph. RELIGIOUS CONTEOVEESIES. 151 In this conflict tlie Huguenots performed well their ^^^^ part. An unusual number of them had settled in Charles- ton ; here they founded a church, its forms of worship the 1698. same as those to which the}' were accustomed at home. This church still remains, the only one in the land that has preserved inviolate these pristine forms. A general effort was now made to extend the influence of the Church of England in the colonies. The politic William of Orange looked upon the project with a favor- able eye. A " Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in foreign jjarts " was formed in England. Its object, the 1701. conversion of the Indians, was worthy ; but at this time, by means of worldly men and politicians, its influence was directed to the establishment of the Church of England in all the American colonies. The project everywhere met with great composition except in Virginia; there the dissent- ers were few in number. This society founded many churches in the colonies, which remain even to this day. North Carolina was called the " Sanctuary of Run- 1712. aways," a " land where there was scarcely any government," with a population made up of " Presbyterians, Independ- ents, Quakers, and other evil-disposed persons." Such was the language of royalists and those opposed to freedom in religious opinions. The proprietaries determined to estab- lish the Church of England, and maintain it at public ex- pense. Those who refused to conform to this law were debarred from holding ofiices of trust. The people did refuse, and soon there "was but one clergyman in the whole country;" and those in favor of freedom in religious opinions, were stigmatized as a " rabble of profligate per- sons." These tyrannies finally led to open rebellion on the part of the people, who wished to govern themselves, and when unmolested did it well. Thus far North Carolina had escaped the horrors of Indian warfare. There were many tribes west and south of their territory. The greater part of the region now 152 HISTORY OF THE AMEEICAN PEOPLE. '"' vv''' occupied by the States of Georgia and Alabama, was the home of the Creeks or Muscogees, numbering nearly thirty 1712. thousand. The territory of the Yamassees lay immediately west of the settlement on the north bank of the Savannah. In the vicinity were the Catawbas, on the river which per- petuates their name. West of these, a mountaineer tiibe, the Cherokees, roamed through the beautiful valleys of the upj^er Tennessee, while they claimed as their hunting grounds the regions north of them to the Kanawha and the Ohio. A great change had come over the powerful tribes aloug the coast. The Hatteras tribe, which, in Raleigh's time, one hundred and twenty-five years before, numbered nearly twenty thousand, was now reduced to less than one hundred. Some tribes had entirely disappeared ; had retired farther back into the wilderness, or become extinct. Vices copied from the white man had wrought this ruin. The Tuscaroras, a warlike tribe, whose ancestors had emigrated from the north, became alarmed at the en- croachments of the colonists upon their lauds. They determined to make an effort to regain their beautiful valleys. A company of German exiles from the Rhine had come under the direction of De Graffenried. The proprieta- ries assigned them lands that belonged to the Indians. Lawson, the surveyor-general of the province, and Graffen- ried, when on an exploring tour up the Neuse, were seized by a party of Tuscaroras, who hurried them on, day and night, to one of their villages. There several chiefs of the tribe held a council, and discussed the wrongs they had suffered from the English. They finally determined to burn the man, who with compass and chain had marked cut their lands into farms for the settlers. When Graff- enried made known to them that he had been only a short time in the country ; that he was the "chief of a differ- THE TUSCARORAS EMIGRATE. 153 ent tribe from the English," and moreover promised to chap. take no more of their lands, they did not put liim to death with Lawson. He was kept a prisoner five weeks, and 171?. then permitted to return home. During this time, the Tuscaroras and their allies, the Corees, had attacked the settlements on the Koanoke and Pamlico sound. The l71i. carnage continued for three days, and many of the pogr jieople, who had fled from persecution at home, perished by the tomahawk in the land of their adoption. The people appealed to Virginia and to South Carolina 1712 for aid. Only a part of the Tuscaroras had engaged in the attack. With another portion of the tribe, Spots- wood, governor of Virginia, made a treaty of peace, — the only assistance he could give. Governor Craven of South Carolina sent to their aid a small force, and a number of friendly Indians. These drove the Tuscaroras to their fort, and compelled them to make peace. These same troops, as they were returning home, basely violated the Ireaty just made ; attacked some Indian towns, and seized their inhabitants to sell them as slaves. The war was of course renewed. The Tuscaroras, driven from one place of concealment to another, and hunted for their scalps or for slaves, finally abandoned their fair lands of the south ; emigrated across Virginia and Pennsjdvauia to the home of their fathers, and there, at the great council-fire of the Iroquois, or Five Nations, on Onoida lake in New York, were admitted into that confederacy, of which they became the sixth nation. At this time, the people of i7i.p •' XVI. appointed. The genial climate delighted the colonists, and they 1733. went cheerfully to work, building their houses. The chief's of the lower Creeks came and made a treaty ; they acknowledged the English rule from the Savannah to the St. John's, and west to the Chattahoochee, and gave them permission to cultivate the lands not used by their own people. Then came a messenger from the distant Cherokees, pledging the friendship of his tribe. Soon after came a Choctaw chief saying, " I have come a great way ; I belong to a great nation ; the French are among us ; we do not like them ; they build forts and trade with us ; their goods are poor, and we wish to trade with you." Thus the way was opened for a profitable traffic with the tribes north of the gulf, and west to the Mississippi. The fame of this delightful land reached Europe, and penetrated even into the fastnesses of the western Alps. There, long ages before the Reformation, a pure gospel had been taught. Now a persecution was raging, and the sufferings of these Christians, now become Lutherans, deep- ly enlisted the sympathies of the English people. These Germans were invited by the " Society for the Propaga- tion of the Gospel," to emigrate to Georgia, where they could be free from their persecutors, and lands were oifered them ; but they rejoiced more than all in the opportunity given them to carry the gospel to the Indians. Money wai5 subscribed by the benevolent in England to enable them to travel from Augsburg, across the country to Frankfort on the Main. Nearly one hundred set out on their pilgrimage ; they took with them, in wagons, their wives and children ; their Bibles and books of devotion. The men as they travelled on foot beguiled the toils of their journey by singing praises to God, and offering prayers for his guiding hand, and his blessing on their enterprise. 160 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAS PEOPLE. CHAP. They passed down the Main to its junction witli tlie Ebine, and thence floated down to Rotterdam, where they 1733. were joined by two clergymen, Bolziiis and Gronaii. They sailed to England, and w-ere there met and encouraged by a committee of the trustees, and thence to their distant home across the ocean. The faith that had cheered them on their native mountains, sustained them amid the* storms of the Atlantic ; when, during a terrible tempest, the waves broke over the ship, and caused an outcry of alarm from the English, they continued their devotions and calmly sung on. When one of them was asked, " Were you not afraid ? " " I thank God, no," was the reply. " But were not your women and children afraid ? " '■ No, our women and children are not afraid to die." A passage of fifty-seven days brought them to receive a hearty welcome at Charleston from Oglethorpe, and in 1734. less than a week they were at their journey's end. A suitable place had been chosen for their residence, they founded a village a short distance above Savannah, and significantly named it Ebenezer. In gratitude they raised a monumental stone as a memento of the goodness of God in thus bringing them to a land of rest. They were joined from time to time by cithers from their native land. By their industry and good morals they secured prosperity, and also the respect of their fellow-colonists. At the head of boat navigation on the Savannah the town of Augusta was now founded. This soon became an important trading post with the Indians. Oglethorpe gave himself unweariedly to the work of benefiting those he governed. The success of the enter- prise may be safely attributed to his disinterested labors. " He," said Governor Johnson, of South Carolina, " nobly devotes all his powers to save the poor, and to rescue them from their wretchedness." After the residence of a ycal and a half he returned to England, taking with him JOHN AND CHARLES WESLEY. 161 several Indian chiefs, and raw silk — the product of tlie c^^p colony — sufficient to make a robe for the queen. As an inducement for settlers, the trustees offered to 1734. each one who should emigrate, at his own expense, fifty acres of land. On these conditions came a number of Moravians or United Brethren, with the intention of devoting themselves to the conversion of the Indians. 1735. They formed a new settlement on the Ogeechee, south of the Savannah. The same benevolent spirit which had relieved poor debtors in prison, now devised measures to ward off one of the most effective causes of debt and wretchedness ; and accordingly the importation of rum into the colony was prohibited. The trustees also forbid negro slavery, " that misfortune of other plantations." They did not wish to see their province " filled with blacks, the preca- rious property of a few." They looked upon it as cruel and inhuman, and injurious to the '" poor white settlers," for whom, in trust, they held the colony. The next year Oglethorpe returned, with more emi- 1736. grants, among whom was a party of Scotch Highlanders, •with their minister, John McLeod. These founded a set- tlement at Darien, on the Altamaha. There likewise came two young men as preachers to the people, and as missionaries to the Indians. These were the brothers John' and Charles Wesley, — men of ardent piety and zeal- ous in the cause of religion, they hoped to make the colony eminent for its religious character. Enthusiastic in their feelings, and perhaps a little wanting in discretion, certainly in experience, they were soon involved in trouble. For a time, John Wesley drew crowds of hearers ; places of amusement were almost deserted. We doubt not that he spoke the truth plainly, and in accordance with his duty, but his austere manners and denunciation of sin created him enemies. In one ca.se, his severe exercise of church discipline excited bitter feeling against himself, 11 162 HISTOET OF THE AMEEICAST PEOPLE. CHAP, and sympathy for the victim of his injudicious zeal. L Charles Wesley was, for awhile, the secretary of Ogle- 1738. thorpe, but in some unexplained manner he gave offence to his patron ; at length an explanation took place, and a reconciliation. Kind and gentle in his nature, he was unfitted to endure the hardships to be encountered, and to sympathize with the iinpolished colonists of Georgia. After a residence of less than two years, the Wesleys, dis- appointed in their hopes of doing good there, left the colony forever. In their native land they became the founders of the denomination of Methodists, who have been, in that very colony, as well as in others, among the foremost in carrying the gospel to destitute settlements. Thus their labors were blessed, their prayers were an- swered, and their hopes realized ; but, as is often the case in the ways of Infinite Wisdom, not in the form and manner in which they expected. Just as the Wesleys, on their return home, were pass- ing up the channel, their friend and fellow-laborer, the celebrated George Whitefield, the most eloquent preacher of his day, was leaving England to join them in Georgia. Whitefield had commenced preaching when a mere youth, and by his wonderful eloquence drew great crowds. He first preached in the prisons, and then to the poor in the open fields. Now he felt it his duty to visit tbe colonies. When he arrived in Georgia, his sympathies were .much enlisted in behalf of the destitute children, left orphans. He visited the Lutherans at Ebenezer, where he noticed their asylum for poor children, and determined, if possible, to found a similar one. By his fervent zeal in the cause he obtained sufficient funds in England and America. The institution was founded a few miles from Savannah. During his lifetime it flourished ; at his death it began to languish, and finally passed out of existence. The Spaniards were not pleased with the encroach- ments of the English ujion what they deemed their terri- ENGLISH TRADEES ; WAR WITH Sl'AIN. 163 tory, and they sent commissioners to protest against it, ™^^ and to demand the surrender of all Georgia and part of Carolina. When this was unheeded, they prepared to ex- 1738. yjel the invaders. There were other causes, which made it evident that war would soon take place between the mother countries, in which the colonies would certainly become involved. The European governments restricted the commerce of their colonies so as to make them subserve their own interests. Those belonging to Spain must trade only with the port of Cadiz, and the merchandise shipped to them was sold at enormous prices. The English traders per- sisted in smuggling goods into the Spanish ports. To accomplish this they resorted to various stratagems. By treaty, an English vessel was permitted to come once a year to Portobello and dispose of her cargo ; but this vessel was followed by others ; they came in the night time, and slipped in more bales to supply the place of those sold, and continued to do this, till the market was supplied. Somelimes, under the pretence of distress, ships would run into Spanish ports, and thus dispose of their cargoes. Though Spain was rich and feeble, she was haughty and cruel ; and when any of these worthies, who were engaged in violating her laws, were caught, they were severely dealt with. Sometimes they were imprisoned, and sometimes their ears were cropped. This exasperated the traders, and though justly punished, they came with the assurance of ill-treated men, to ask protection from their own government. They were looked upon as mar- tyrs to the cause of free commerce, and merchants, in defence of such men as these, did not blush to clamor for war, in the face of justice and national integrity. In truth, the English government connived at this clandes- tine trade, and secretly rejoiced at the advantage gained over her rival. By this connivance at injustice she gave 164 HISTOKT OF THE AMEKICAlir PEOPLE. ciJAP. her own colonies a lesson on the subject of tlieir trade, which, in less than halt' a century, she found, to her sur- 1738. jH-ise, tliey had fully learned. Another source of irritation to the people of South Carolina, was that slaves, who ran away to Florida and put themselves under Spanish protection, were not only welcomed, but given lands ; organized into military com- panies, and armed at the public expense. A demand made upon the authorities at St. Augustine to restore the runaways, was promjitly refused. Oglethorpe hastened to 1737. England to make preparations for the coming contest, and returned in less than a year, with a regiment of six hun- dred men, which he himself had raised and disciplined. He was now prepared to defend the southern boundary of Georgia. He renewed treaties with the Indian tribes north of the Gulf from the Atlantic to the Mississippi, and hoped to retain them in his interest. War was, at 1739. length, declared by England against Spain, and Ogle- thorpe received orders, as military commander in Georgia and the Carolinas, to invade Florida. With his usual energy, he hastened to Charleston to make the necessary preparations. Supplies were voted and a regiment en- listed ; and, joined by Indian allies, he set out to lay siege to St. Augustine. He found the garrison much more numerous than he expected, and the fortifications stronger. After a short siege, the Indians began to desert, and the Carolina regiment, enfeebled by sickness, returned home. In five weeks the enterprise was abandoned. On this occasion, Oglethorpe exhibited the kindness of his nature ; he endured all the privations of the common sol- diers. The cajjtives taken were treated kindly, no houses 1740. were burned, and but little property destroyed. This war had a very bad effect upon the colony of Georgia. Instead of making farmers of the settlers, it made them soldiers, and their farms were neglected. The Moravians, who were religiously opposed to bearing arms, THE SPANIARDS INVADE GEORGIA. 165 emigrated, one and all, to Pennsylvania, where they ^S-^J" Ibimded the towns of Bethlehem and Nazareth. It was ere long the turn of Georgia to be' invaded. ^'^^0. For this purpose, the Spaniards at Havana and St. Augustine fitted out thirty-six vessels and three thousand 1742. troops. The commauder, Monteano, instead of sailing direct for Savannah, became entangled among the islands, near the mouths of the St. Mary and the Altamaha, while endeavoring to take possession of one or two insignificant settlements. Oglethorpe ascertained the intention of the enemy, but as he had received no assistance from Carolina, was ill prepared to meet them. Having hut eight hun- dred men, he was forced to retreat from Cumberland jyjy island to St. Simons, on which was the little town of Frederica, the special object of the Spanish attack. After the enemy landed he went to surprise them in the night, but as he approached their lines, one of his soldiers, a Frenchman, fired his gun, rushed into the ene- my's camp, and gave the alarm. Oglethorpe employed stratagem to throw suspicion upon the deserter ; he wrote him a letter, in which he addressed him as a spy for the English, and directed him to induce the Spaniards to attack them, or at least to remain where they were until the English fleet of six men-of-war, which had sailed from Charleston, should reach St. Augustine, and capture it. This letter he bribed a Spanish prisoner to carry to the Frenchman. As was to be expected, it was taken imme- diately to the Spanish commander, and the Frenchman soon found himself in irons. In the midst of the alarm, some Carolina ships, laden with supplies for Oglethorpe, appeared in the offing. Thinking these the veritable men- of-war mentioned in the letter, the invaders determined to attack and destroy Frederica, before they should sail to defend St. .Augustine. On the way they fell into an ambuscade, and, at a place since known as the " Bloody Marsh," they were signally defeated. The following night 166 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, they embarked, and sailed to defend St. Augustine from . L the expected attack. Thus Georgia and the Carolinas 1743. were saved from ruin. The following year Oglethorpe left the colony forever. There he had spent ten years of toil and self-denial ; he had for his reward no personal benefit, but the satisfaction of founding a State, and of leaving it in a prosperous con- dition. The form of government was changed from a military to a civil rule, and the various magistrates were appointed. In time, slavery was gradually introduced. Slaves were at first hired from the Carolinas, for a short time, and then for one hundred years. The German settlers were industrious and frugal, and so were the Highlanders. They were opposed to the introduction of slaves. On the other hand, great numbers of the English settlers were idle and bankrupt from their improvidence ; " they were unwilling to labor, but were clamorous for privileges to which they had no right." They contended that rum was essential to health in that climate, and that none but slaves could cultivate the soil of Georgia ; and, in seven years after the benevolent Oglethorpe left, slave ships brought negroes to Savannah, direct from Africa. 1750. The trustees, when the twenty-one years for which they were to manage the " colony for the poor " were expired, resigned their trust, and Georgia became a royal 1753. province. CHAPTER XVII. NEW ENGLAND UNDER CHARLES IL AND JAMES II. The Restoration. — The Commissioners. — Progress of Trade. — Causes of King Philip's War.. — Death of Wamsutta.. — State of the Colony. — At- tack at Swanzey. — Philip among the Nipmncks. — Attacks on Northfield, and on Hadley. — Gofl'e. — The Tragedy at Bloody Brook. — Philip among the Narragansets. — Their Fort captured. — The Warriors take Revenge. — Philip returns to Mount Hope to die. — Disasters of the War. — James II. — The Charters in danger. — Andros Governor ; his illegal Measures ; takes away the Charter of Rhode Island ; not so successful at Hart- ford. — Andros in Jail. — The Charters resumed. » The first intimation of the restoration of Charles II. chap. XVII. was brought to New England by two fugitives, Whalley '_ and Goffe. They came branded as regicides, for they sat iC60. on the trial of Charles I. They had fled for their lives ; ere long came the royal command to deliver them up to their pursuers, that they might be taken back to England and there punished. But royal commands and rewards were of no avail, the stern rej^ublicans were not betrayed ; the people gloried in protecting them. Eumors were afloat that the governments of all the colonies were to be changed, and that soon armed ships might be expected in the harbor of Boston, sent to enforce the royal authority. After a year's delay, it was thought prudent to proclaim Charles as king. It was done ungra- ciously, as all manifestations of joy were forbidden. From time to time intelligence came of the execution of many of their b^t friends in England ; among these were Hugh Peters and Sir Harry Vane : news came also 168 HISTORY OE THE AMEEICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, that Episcopacy .was again in power, and that more than . two thousand clergymen had been driven from their con- 1663. gregations because they would not conform. At length, two agents were sent to conciliate the king, and to make guarded professions of loyalty, as well as to ask permission to make, laws against the Quakers. Connecticut and Khode Island had both received lib- eral charters from Charles, the former obtained principally through the influence of the younger Winthrop. Mean- time the intolerance of Massachusetts had raised up against her a host of enemies, who were continually whis- pering their complaints into the royal ear. The alarm was presently increased, by information that commissioners had been appointed to inquire into the affairs of the colony. To j^rovide for the future, the charter was, for safe-keeping, secretly given to a committee appointed by the General Court. When the commissioners came, they outraged the prejudices of the people by having the Episcopal service jierformed in Boston. The Puritans observed the evening of Saturday as holy time ; after the Jewish custom, tliey commenced their Sabbath at sunset. As if to annoy them, the commissioners habitually spent their Saturday evenings in carousals. They also took in hand to redress grievances, and invited aU those who had complaints to make against the Massachusetts colony, to bring them to their knowledge. Rhode Island came with her complaints, and the Narraganset chiefs with theirs ; but the General Court cut the matter short, by forbidding such proceed- ings, as contrary to the charter. The laws passed by the mother country for the express purpose of crippling the trade of the colonies, could not be enforced, and Boston especially attracted attention by her prosperous commerce. Industry and temperance in- sured the prosperity of the people, a^d they increased in riches and 'in. numbers ; they also found means to indulge CAUSES OF KING PHILIP'S WAE. 169 their taste, and began to embellish their villages. Massa- ^^'^f- chusetts traded not only with the other colonies, but her shij)s were fnund in every sea where commerce invited, 1663. and not only England traded with her, but France and Spain, Holland and Italy, were competitors for her favors For forty years there had been no Indian war in New England ; the fate of the Pequods was not forgotten. During this time the number of the Indians had not , diminished, while that of the colonists had greatly in- creased. Their farms had extended in every direction ; they gradually absorbed the best lands of the country, and crowded the Indians down on the little bays and jieu- insulas, on the southern shore of Massachusetts and Rhode Island. This policy was openly avowed, as thereby they could be more easily watched. The Wampanoags and Narragansets were especially aggrieved. They could not, without great exertion, obtain the means of living ; the animals which they hunted, bad been nearly all driven away, and they were forced to de- pend upon fish, and of these they could obtain but a scanty supply, and they had not learned the art of culti- vating the soil, but in a very rude manner. Massasoit, the friend who had welcomed the early Pilgrims, left two sons, Wamsutta and Metacom. Years before their father's death these young men went to Plym- outh, where they entered into friendly relations with the English, and received from them the names by which we know them, Alexander and Philip. They were no ordi- nary men, they seemed to have perceived from the first the dangers- that threatened their race. If so, they con- cealed their imj^ressions, and could never be won over to the religion of the English. When Massasoit died, and Wamsutta became chief sachem of the Wampanoags, the colonists, incited by Uncas, chief of the Mohegans, his bitter enemy, became suspicious of him. As he reposed 170 EISTOET OF THE AMEEICAN PEOPLE. (^AP. at his hunting lodge with eighty of his followers, he was . suqirised by Winslow, who had been sent with an armed 1671. force to bring him to the court at Plymouth. Wamsutta thought not of danger ; his arms and those of his warriors were outside the lodge and easily secured. When Wins- low, with his pistol at his breast, told the astonished chief he must go with him, his proud spirit was roused to bitter , indignation. His exasperation threw him into a fever so violent, that he was unable to proceed far. In conse- quence of his illness he was permitted to return home. " He died on his way. He was carried home on the shoul- ders of men, and borne to his silent grave near Mount Hope, in the evening of the day, and in the jirime of his life, between lines of sad, quick-minded Indians, who well believed him the victim of injustice and ingratitude ; for his father had been the ally, not the subject of England, and so was he, and the like indignity had not before been put upon any sachem."* It is natural to suppose that the untimely and tragical fate of Wamsutta gave character to the latent hostility that existed in the mind of his brother PhilijD toward the English race. Soon suspicions fell ujDon him, and at one time he was harshly treated, and compelled to give up his fire-arms. A praying Indian, who lived with Philip, told the colonists that the Wampanoags entertained some de- signs against them. There is some doubt as to the truth of this story ; however, a short time after this Indian was found murdered. Suspicion fell upon three of Philip's men, who were apprehended by the authorities of Plym- outh, and brought to trial ; they were pronounced guilty by a jury composed of English and Indians. The execu- tion of these men aroused the slumbering enmity of the tribe. The young warriors were clamorous for war, while the old men dreaded the contest. Philip, from his supe- * Elliott's Hist, of New England. 10 THE WAR BEGINS AT SWANZET. 17i rior sagacity, foresaw that an attempt to regain their ^^^1" lands would end in their own destruction. . The colonists could now have warded off the strife by 1675 conciUating the Indians. No efi'ort was made to soothe their wounded feelings, they were treated as " bloody heathen," whom it was their duty, as " the chosen -of the Lord," to drive out of the land. Avarice, contrary to ex- press law, had been for many years furnishing the savages with fire-arms, and when the contest came, they were far more formidable than the Pequods had been ; to conquer them required a great sacrifice of the best blood of the colony. Though there were settlements more or less extending from Boston to Westfield on the west, and to Northfield in the Connecticut valley on the borders of Vermont, and on the north to Haverhill on the Merrimac, there were vast solitudes, whose secret glens and hiding-places were known only to the Indians. The spirit of the tribes near the settlements was broken by their contact with the superior whites, but Philip had under his control seven hundred brave warriors, who rejoiced in their freedom, and scorned to be the subjects of any white chief beyond the great waters. They not only rejected the religion of the white man, but despised those tribes who had adopted it. In prospect of the threatened war, a day of fasting and prayer was observed ; as the people were returning from church at Swanzey, they were suddenly attacked by a company of Philip's men, and seven or eight persons Jmie killed. Phihp shed tears when he heard that blood had been shed ; the dreaded ruin of his people was drawing near. His tribe, single-handed, entered upon the con- test ; the others were either the allies of the English or indifferent. He scorned to desert his people, or forfeit his character as a warrior, and he threw himself into the con- test with the whole energy of his nature. The war began within the bounds of the Plymouth 172 HISTORY OF THE AMEPaCAK PEOPLE. CHAP, colony ; but volunteers hastened to its aid from Massa- XVII. •' ' chusetts. The army invaded the territory of the Wam- 1675. panoags, and in a few weeks Philip, driven from Mount Hope, became a fugitive among the Nipmucks, a tribe in the interior of Massachusetts. After the flight of Philip and his warriors, the little army went into the territory of the Narragansets, and compelled them to promise neutrality, and also to deliver up the fugitive Indians who should flee to them. They fondly hoped the war w^as at an end ; but this was only its beginning. The Nipmucks were induced to make common cause July witli Philip and his tribe. His warriors, partially armed ^^' with muskets, prowled round the settlements, ruthlessly murdered the whites, and treated their remains with sav- age barbarity. The Indians were familiar with the hidden paths of the wilderness ; not daring to meet the colonists in open conflict, they watched for opportunities of secret attack. It was not known when or where the storm would burst, and the terror-stricken inhabitants along the frontiers fled to the more thickly settled portions. Superstition added her terrors. The people saw an Indian bow drawn across the heavens ; a scalp appeared on the face of the eclipsed moon ; troops of phantom horsemen galloped through the air ; the bowlings of the wolves were more than usually fearful, and portended some terrible ruin ; whizzing bullets were heard in the whist- ■» ling wind ; the northern lights glowed with an unusual glare — the harbinger of the punishment of sin. They be- gan to enumerate their sins ; among these were the neglect of the training of children, the using of profane language, the existence of tippling houses, the want of respect for parents, the wearing of long and curled hair by the men, the flaunting of gaudy-colored ribbons by the women ; and intolerance whispered that they had been too lenient to the Quakers. The Nipmucks had fifteen hundred wai-riors ; with 2 GOFFE THE REGICIDE. 173 Bome of these Philip hastened to the valley of the Cod- ci'f^j necticut, and spread desolation from Springfield, through all the settlements to the flirthest town of Nortlifield. I07i>. An effort was made to win back the Nipmucks to Aug. their old allegiance ; and Captain Hutchinson, son of Anne Hutchinson, was sent with twenty men to treat with them, hut the whole company was waylaid and mur- dered at Brookfield. That jjlace was burned | the people fled to the strongest house, which was besieged two days, and finally set on fire ; but providentially a storm of rain extinguished the flames, and others coming to their assist- ance, the Indians were driven off. The enemy concerted to make their attacks on the same day and hour, in different parts of the country. On the Sabbath, which seems to have been chosen by them as the day most favorable for an attack, they burned Deerfield ; and, as the people were worshipping in church, they attacked Hadley. Suddenly there appeared a tall and venerable looking man, with a white flowing beard, who brandished a sword and encouraged and directed the people in the battle. When the savages were driven off, he disappeared ; some thought him an angel, specially sent by heaven to their aid. It was Goffe, one of the reg- icides of whom we have spoken. These regicides had been hunted by zealous royalists from one place of refuge to another ; now they were sheltered by the good minister, John Davenport, of New Haven ; now by friends at Mil- ford ; now they had wandered in the pathless wilderness, and once they had heard the sound of their enemies' horses, as in hot pursuit of them, they crossed the very bridge under which they were secreted ; they had rested in a cave on the top of " West Rock," New Haven, known to this day as the "Judges' Cave," and at this time they were living secretly in the house of minister Russell, at Hadley. Thus they passed their remaining years ban- ished from society and from the occupations of life. 174 HISTOKT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP. A company of chosen young men, " the flower of the county of Essex," eighty in number, were engaged in 1675. hringing the fruits of harvest down from the vicinity of Deerfield to Hadley, where it was proposed to establish a magazine for provisions. They fell into an ambuscade of seven hundred warriors, and, after a desj^erate encounter, nearly all perished, at the crossing of a little stream, since called the " Bloody Brook." Sept. Ere long the flourishing settlement of Hatfield was attacked ; and the Indians in the vicinity of Springfield were induced to take up arms ; but the people were pre- Oct. pared, and repulsed them. Philip returned home, but finding Mount Hope in ruins, he went among the Narra- gansets. The colonists feared that he would induce them to join him, and in self-defence they resolved to treat them as enemies. The winter, by stripping the trees and bushes of their leaves, had deprived the Indians of their hiding places, and the swamps, their favorite sites for forts, could be passed over when frozen. A company of one thousand men set out to attack their principal fort. This place of defence contained about six hundred wig- wams and nearly three thousand of the tribe ; warriors with their wives and children, and an abundance of pro- visions for the winter. They thought themselves secure ; they had taken no part in the war. Guided by an Indian traitor, the army marched fifteen miles through a deep snow, and finally arrived at the Nar- raganset fort, situated near where the village of Kingston in Rhode Island now stands. Their fort, surrounded by a palisade, stood in the midst of a swamp, and was almost inaccessible ; it had but one entrance, the narrow passage 19?' **^ which was along the body of a fallen tree. After a severe contest of two hours, the English forced themselves within the fort, and applied the torch to the frail and combustible wigwams. A thousand warriors were slain, and hundreds were made prisoners. Their provisions DEATH OF PHILIP. 175 were all destroyed, and those who escaped were left shel- ™f^^- tcrless in the winter storms. They were forced to dig in the snow for nuts and acorns to sustain life, and great 1675. numbers died of exposure and famine before spring. The colonists suffered severely ; they lost six captains, and two hundred and fifty men killed and wounded. The surviving Narraganset warriors took vengeance ; they went from place to place ; they massacred, they burned, they destroyed. The settlements in their vicinity were abandoned. Though Rhode Island had not joined in the war, they made no distinction, and Providence was almost destroyed. The now aged Roger Williams felt it his duty to act as captain, in defending the town he had founded. Bands of warriors swept through and through the territory of Plymouth, and the people were only safe when within their forts. Towns in different parts of the country were attacked at the same time ; the enemy seemed to be every where. The majority of the Indians continued to fight ; and 1676. though they fought without hope, they preferred death to submission. Others quarrelled among themselves, charg- ing one another with being the cause of the war. At length the Nipmucks submitted ; and the tribes on the J»n6. Connecticut, having grown weary of the contest, would shelter Philip no longer. He now appealed, but in vain, to the Mohawks to take up arms. In desperation, he determined to return and die at Mount Hope. When one of his followers proposed to make peace, the indignant chieftain struck him dead at a blow. -It was soon noised abroad that Philip had returned to his old home. Benja- min Church, the most energetic of the English captains, surprised his camp, dispersed his followers, and took pris- oner his wife and little son. Philip's spirit was now crushed ; he exclaimed : " My heart breaks ; I am ready to die ! " A few days after he was shot by a traitor of his Aug. own tribe. His orphan boy was now to be disposed of 176 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP. He was taken to Boston ; some were in favor of putting . him to doath, others of selling him into slavery. Tho 1 076. latter prevailed, and the last prince of the Wampanoags, the grandson of generous old Massasoit, who had welcomed the Pilgrims, and had given them his friendship, was sent to toil as a slave under the hurning sun of Bermuda. After the close of the war, renewed efforts were made to convert the remaining Indians, hut without success The hahits of a peojile are not easily changed. If those who came in contact with them had set them a Christian example, as did Eliot, and the "learned and gentle" Mayhew, the effect might have been different. The war had completely broken the power of the Indians. The more bold emigrated to Canada, and avenged themselves in after years, by guiding war parties of the French against the English settlements. Some went to the west, and, it is said, their descendants are at this day roaming over its wide prairies. But the great majority lost their native independence, and became still more degraded by marry- ing with the negroes. At this day, a few descendants of the warriors who once roved over the hills and valleys of New England, may be seen lingering in the land of their fathers. For a time the effect of the war was disastrous ; though it lasted but little more than a year, a dozen vil- lages were in ashes, and others nearly destroyed. Of the private dwellings, a tenth part had been burned, six hun- dred of the men of the colony had perished in battle, not to mention the women and children ruthlessly massacred. Almost every family was in mourning. The expenses of the war were great, and for years weighed heavily upon the people, while the desolation of the settlements par- alyzed their energies. No aid came to the sufferers from England ; but be it remembered, that a Non-conformist church in Dublin sent them five hundred pounds. Instead of aiding them, DESPOTISM OF JAMES. 177 tte spertdthrift Charles devised means to extort money chap from tliem by taxing tJieir trade. This led to the estab- lishment of a royal custom-house in Boston. To compel 1076. the merchants to pay tribute, he threatened to deprive them of English passes for their ships in the Mediterra- nean, where, without redress, they might be robbed by pirates along the Barbary coast ; and he also threatened to deprive them of their trade with the southern colonies. These threats had little effect upon men who had learned to take care of themselves. James II., the brother and successor of Charles, was i685. bigoted and stubborn ; a Catholic in disguise, he wished to establish that form of rehgion, not only in England, but in the colonies. The more easily to accomplish this object he professed to be very tolerant, and proclaimed what he termed an Indulgence, by which persecution for religious opinions was henceforth to end. This tolerance was only a means to evade the laws, which prohibited the introduction of Romish ceremonies and doctrines into the Church of England. He became a bitter persecutor ; in truth, to comprehend the idea of the rights of conscience or of religious freedom, was far beyond the capacity of James. That time-serving politician, Joseph Dudley, a native of Massachusetts, who, when it was profitable, was a zealous advocate of colonial rights, now became an ear- nest defender of the prerogative of the king. He was appointed the royal president of Massachusetts, until a governor should arrive. There could be no free press under a Stuart, and Edward Randolph was appointed its censor. Randolph disliked the jieople of Massachusetts as cordially as they hated him. The commission of Dud- ley contained no recognition of an Assembly or Represent- atives of the people. James was at a loss to see the use of a legislature to make laws, when his wisdom could be appealed to for that purpose. Dudley, looked upon as the betrayer of his country's liberties, was very unpopu- 12 1688. 178 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP. ]ar, while Randolph took pains to have his character aa L little respected at court, by representing him as having 1686. "his fortune to make," and willing to "cringe and bow to any thing." James had resolved to take away the charters of all the colonies and make them royal provinces. Ere long came Sir Edmund Andros, as governor of all New Eng- land. A fit instrument of a despot, ho was authorized to impose taxes, to appoint his own council, to have the control of the militia, to prohibit printing, to introduce E])iscopacy, and to enforce the laws restricting the trade of the colonies. That he might have the means to fulfil his instructions, he brought two companies of soldiers — the first ever stationed in New England. As a reward for his desertion of the people's rights, Dudley was appointed Chief Justice, and the busy Randolph Colonial Secretary, and William Stoughton, through the influence of Dudley, was named one of the council. Now followed a series of measures exceedingly annoying to the people. Their schools were left to languish. To assemble for delibera- tion on any public matter was forbidden ; but it was graciously permitted them to vote for their town oQicers. The customs of the country were not respected. The usual form of administering an oath was that of an appeal to heaven by the uplifted hand ; the form now prescribed was that of laying the hand on the Bible, which the Pu- ritans thought idolatrous, — a relic of popery. Exorbitant fees were extorted ; those who held lands were told their titles were not valid, because they were oljtained under a charter which was now declared to be forfeited ; and when an Indian deed was presented, it was decided to be " worth no more than the scratch of a bear's paw." No person could leave the colony without a pass from the governor. No magistrate nor minister — who was deemed merely a layman — could unite persons in marriage. The Episcopal clergyman at Boston was the only person in all New Eng- ANDROS AT HARTFOKD. 179 laud authorized to perform that ceremony. Episcopacy chap. was now fully introduced, and the people required to fur- , nish funds to Luild a church for its service. A tax of the 1686. same amount was levied upon each person, poor or rich ; this some of the towns refused to pay. John Wise, the min- ister of Ipswich, was bold to say the tax was unjust, and ought not to be paid. For this he was arrested. When he spoke of his privileges as an Englishman, he was told the only privilege he could claim was not to be sold as a slave ; with others, he was fined heavily. When it was said that such proceedings would affect the prosperity of the country, it was openly avowed that " it was not for his majesty's interest that the country should thrive." " No man could say that any thing was his own." Andros now demanded of Ehode Island her charter, but as she did not send it, he went to Providence, and breaking the seal of the colony declared its government dissolved. He then went with an armed guard to Hart- jgg^^ ford, and demanded the charter of the colony of Connec- ticut. The Assembly was in session. The members received him with outward respect. The discussion of the subject was protracted till evening, and when candles were lighted, the charter was brought in and laid on the table. As the eager Andros reached forth his hand to seize the precious document, the lights were suddenly put out ; when they were relighted, the charter was gone. Captain William Wadsworth had slipped it away and hid it in a hollow tree. Andros, foiled and in a rage, resolved, charter or no charter, the present government should cease, and taking the book of records of the Assemljly, he wrote at the end of the last record the word finis. The tree in which the charter was hid stood for more than a century and a half, and -was visited as an object of his- iSoft torical interest. It was known as the Charter Oak. A few years since it was blown down in a violent storm. Some time before, a lady of Hartford gathered from it an b. 180 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. WIAP. acorn, which she planted. The good citizens of that place . obtained from her the young oak, and with appropriate 1687. ceremonies planted it on the spot where stood the parent tree. Happily the tyranny of Andres was soon to end. James, in his zeal to promote the introduction of the Catholic religion, had aroused against him the entire English people. They invited William, Prince of Orange, the husband of Mary, the eldest daughter of James, to take possession of the throne. After finding that his des- potic measures and insincerity had lost him his kingdom, James fled, and the Prince of Orange, under the title of William III., ascended his vacant throne. 1688. When the news of that great revolution, which estab- ^^^' lished the constitutional rights of the English people, reached Boston, it excited the greatest joy ; now they could rid themselves of the tyrant. Andres imprisoned the messenger for spreading false news. The trained bands soon assembled in arms. The craven and guilty governor, bewildered with fear, fled, with his servile coun- cil, to a fort in the town. The aged Simon Bradstreet, now more than fourscore, who was one of the original emi- grants, and had been a magistrate, was urged to assume the office of governor. A declaration, said to have been written by Cotton Mather, was published, maintaining the rights of the peo- ple, in which they commit the enterprise to " Him who hears the cry of the oppressed." Andros, in the mean time, made an effort to escape ; but he and Dudley, with the troublesome Eandolph, were speedily lodged in jail. Many were clamorous for their punishment, but generous forbearance prevailed, and they were sent to England for trial. Connecticut, paying little respect to the "Finis" of Andros, now brought forth her charter from its hidden place, and resumed her former government. Plymouth THE MEN OF INFLUENCE. 181 resumed the constitution framed on board the May- ^^^^P' Flower, and Ehode Island her charter. The people of Massachusetts voted almost unanimously to resume theirs, 1688. but a moderate party, consisting of the former magistrates, and some of the principal inhabitants, chose rather to defer it for the present ; as they hoped to obtain one from Wilham, more in accordance with their own views. The patriarchs who laid the foundation of the New England colonies had nearly all passed away ; their jjlaces were filled by those who had not experienced the trials of their fathers, biit had learned of them by tradition. The Puritans lived in serious times — times that made rugg-ed Christians as well as rugged soldiers. They may have lacked the gentler graces that adorn those living almost two centuries later, and enjoying greater privileges, when the combined influence of Christianity, science, and refine- ment have produced a more perfect effect. They consci- entiously fUled their sphere of duty in the age in which they lived, and we honor their memories. The influence of their ministers was the influence of mind upon mind, enhanced by that implicit trust reposed iu moral worth. They were peculiarly the educated class ; the people looked up to them as their spiritual instructors. They were the friends of education, and wished to elevate the children of their flocks by cultivating their minds, and training them for usefulness in the world; — what higher position for his children could the Puritan desire ? In'process of time. New England became more inviting to men of education belonging to the professions of law and medicine. In some respects, the great influence of the ministers gradually diminished, not because of dere liction of duty on their part, but because, in temporal affairs, especially, the management passed, by degrees, into the hands of other men of influence. CHAPTER XVIII. COMMOTION IN NEW YORK.— WITCHCKAFT IN MASSACHUSETTS. Leisler acting Governor of New York. — The Old Council refuses to yield. — Captain Ingoldsby. — Sloughter Governor. — Bitterness of Parties. — Trial and Execution of Leisler and Milbourne. — Death of Sloughter. — Fletcher Governor ; he goes to Connecticut. — Yale College. — The Triumph of a Free Press. — Witchcraft ; belief in. — Cotton Mather. — The Goodwin Children. — Various Persons accused at Salem. — Special Court. — Parris as Accuser, and Stoughton as Judge. — Minister Burroughs. — Calefs Pamphlet. — Revulsion in Public Sentiment. — Mather's stand in favor of Inoculation. CHAP. Difficulties with royal governors were by no means con- '_ '_ fined to New England. The people of New York were 1690. ^Iso in commotion, though not so much united, as the Dutch had not yet cordially associated in feehng with the English. James had appointed a Catholic receiver of customs ; this annoyed the Protestants, and Nicholson the governor 108!). was exceedingly unpopular. The military companies went ' j_ ^ in a body to Jacob Leisler, a respectable and generous- hearted merchant, and their senior captain, and urged him to take possession of the fort and to assume the man- agement of affairs. He consented. Leisler, a Presbyterian and a Dutchman, was an enthusiastic admirer of the Prince of Orange. The fort and public money were taken, and the companies j^ledged themselves to hold the fort " for the present Protestant power that rules in England." Leisler was to act as commander-in-chief untU orders came from King William, to whom a letter was sent giv- LEISLEK ACTING GOVERNOR. 183 ing an account of the seizure of the fort and also of the ^f^.- money, which was to be exjiended in building another at the lower part of the island, to defend the harbor. 1689. As a large majority of the people were in favor of Leisler and of the proceedings of the militia, Nicholson, the governor, thought best to carry his complaints to England. The members of his council, claiming to be the true rulers of the province, went to Albany, and de- ^^s. nounced Leisler as a " rebel." He appointed Milbourne, his son-in-law, secretary. Afterward the people at Albany, alarmed on account of an expected attack from Canada, asked aid from New York ; Milbourne was promptly sent with a body of men to their assistance. But the members of the old council refused to acknowledge his authority, or to give him the command of the fort. To avoid bloodshed he returned, leaving them to fight the French as they could. In their extremity, the Albanians obtained assistance from Con- necticut. Presently came a royal letter, directed to Deo. " such as for the time being administer affairs." It con- tained a commission for Nicholson as governor. As the latter was on his way to England, Leisler injudiciously proclaimed himself governor by virtue of the letter, and still more imprudently ordered the members of the refrac- tory council at Albany to be arrested. Meantime an As- sembly was called to provide for the wants of the province. The letter sent to the king remained unanswered, but suddenly an English ship came into the harbor, having on jggi board a Captain Ingoldsby, and a company of soldiers J^"- sent by Colonel Henry Sloughter, who had been appointed governor. Encouraged by the party opposed to Leisler, Ingoldsby demanded the surrender of the fort. He was asked his authority ; as he had none to show, the fort was not given up. Six weeks elapsed before ■ Sloughter made his appearance ; meanwhile, a collision took place between the soldiers and some of the people, and blood 184 HISTORY OF THE AMEEICAlf PEOPLE. ^AP. was shed. The bitterest party spirit prevailed ; the ene- mies of Leisler resolved on revenge ; and when he came 1691 forward to resign his trust to the regularly appointed gov- ernor, he was arrested, and with Milbourne taken to prison. 19 The charge against them was the convenient one of trea- son ; their enemies knew that they were as loyal as themselves, hut it answered their purpose. Immediately a special court was called to try the prisoners. They de- nied the right of a court thus constituted to try them, and refused to plead, but appealed to the king. They were, however, condemned, and sentenced to death by the degenerate Dudley, who, driven away by the indignant people of Massachusetts, now appeared as Chief Justice of New York. Slougliter was unwilling to order their execution, and he determined to leave "the matter to the king. But their blood, and it alone, could satisfy the intense hatred of their enemies. To accomplish their end they took advan- tage of one of the numerous failings of the governor. They gave him a dinner-party ; when overcome by a free indulgence in wine, they induced him to sign the death- warrant of the unfortunate men. About daylight the next morning, lest Sloughter should recover from his stu- por and recall the warrant, Leisler and Milbourne were hurried from their weeping families to the gallows. It was whispered abroad, and although the rain poured in torrents, the sympathizing people hastened in multitudes May to the place of execution. Said Milbourne, when he saw in the crowd one of their enemies, " Robert Livingston, I will implead thee for this at the bar of God." The last words of Leisler were : " Weep not for us, who are depart- ing to our God." Said Milbourne, " I die for the king and queen, and for the Protestant religion ; Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit." "When the execution was over, the people rushed forward to obtain some me- morial of their friends — a lock of hair, or a piece of their- BENJAMIN FLETCHEK AT HAKTFOKD. 185 clothing. This judicial murder increased the bitterness ^f^ of party animosity. The friends of the victims were the advocates of popular rights, in opposition to the royalists. 1691. All that could he was done in time to remedy the wrong. Their estates were restored to their families, and Parlia- ment reversed the attainder under the charge of treason. Dudley even opposed this act of justice. Three months after this tragedy, delirium tremens ended the life of the weak and dissolute Sloughter. It was about this time that the " ancient Dutch usages " gave place to the com- plete introduction of English laws. A year had elapsed, when Benjamin Fletcher came as 1692. successor to Sloughter. He was a military officer, arbi- trary and avaricious. His sympathies were with the ene- mies of Leisler. As New York was on the frontiers "of 1693. Canada, all the colonies were expected to contribute to her defence. To make this more eifective, an effort was - made to put the militia of New Jersey and Connecticut, as well as that of New York, under the command of Fletcher. Accordingly, he went into Connecticut to en- force his authority. To give the command of their militia to the governor of another colony, was to sacrifice the rights of the -people under the charter. The Assembly was in session at Hartford, and the militia engaged in training when Fletcher arrived. He had boasted that he " would not set foot out of the colony untU he was obeyed." When the militia were drawn up, he ordered his secretary to read in their hearing his commission. When he com- menced to read, the drummers began to beat. " Silence," commanded Fletcher. For a moment there was silence, and the reading was renewed. " Drum ! drum ! " ordered Wadsworth, the same who, some years befoie, hid the charter. Fletcher once more ordered silence. The sturdy captain, stepping up to him, significantly remarked, " If 1 am interrupted again I will make daylight shine through you." Fletcher thought it best to overlook the insult, 186 HISTORY OF THE AMEEICAN PEOPLE. '\\^u "^^^ return to New York, without accoinplisliing Lis threat. 161)3. More than half a century before, the Eev. John Davenport proposed to found a college in the colony of Connecticut, but as Harvard would be affected by the establishment of a similar institution, the project was postponed. Now, the ministers of the colony met at Branford, where each one laid upon the table his gift of books, accompanied by the declaration, " I give these books for the founding a college in this colony." Forty volumes were thus contributed. How little did these good men, as they made their humble offerings, anticipate the importance and influence of the college of which they 1701. thus laid the foundation. - The following year the General Court granted a char- ter. The professed object of the college was to promote theological studies in particular, but afterward so modified as to admit of "instructing youth in the arts and sci- ences, who may be fitted for public employments, both in church and civU state." For sixteen years, its sessions were held at diflerent places ; then it was permanently located at New Haven. A native of the town, Eliliu Yale, who had acquired wealth in the East Indies, became its benefactor, and in return he has been immortalized in its name. For forty years succeeding the rule of Fletcher the annals of New York are comparatively barren of incident ; during that time the province enjoyed the doubtful privi- lege of having ten governors, nearly all of whom took special care of their own interests and those of their friends. The last of this number was the " violent and mercenary " WiUiam Cosby, who complained to the Board of Trade that he could not manage the " delegates " to the Assembly ; — " the example of Boston people " had so much infected them. The city Qf New York, at this time, contained nearly THE LIBERTY OF THE PRESS. 187 nine thousand inhabitants. The Weekly Journal, a paper chap. recently estabhshed by John Peter Zenger, contained . articles condemning the arbitrary acts of the governor 1T32. and Assembly, in imposing illegal taxes. This was the finst time in the colonies the newspapers had dared to criticise political measures. This new enemy of arbitrary power must be crushed. Governor Cosby, with the appro- bation of the council, ordered the paper to be burned by the sheriff, imprisoned the editor, and prosecuted him for libel. Zenger employed as counsel two lawyers, and they denied the authority of the court, because of the illegal appointment of the Chief Justice, Delancy, by Cosby, without the consent of the Council. For presenting this objection their names were promptly struck from the roll of practitioners. This high-handed measure intimidated the other lawyers, and deterred them from acting as coun- sel for the fearless editor. 1733. On the day of trial a venerable man, a stranger to nearly all present, took his seat at the bar. The trial commenced, and much to the surprise of the court, the stranger announced himself as counsel for the defendant. It was Andrew Hamilton, the famous Quaker lawyer of Philadelphia, and speaker of the Assembly of Pennsyl- vania. Hamilton proposed to prove the truth of the alleged libel, but Delancy, the judge, in accordance with English precedents, refused to admit the plea. Then Hamilton with great force appealed to the personal knowledge of the jury ;■ — the statements in the paper were notoriously true. He showed that the cause was not limited to this editor alone ; a principle was involved, that affected the liberty of speech and a free press through- out the colonies. In spite of the charge of the judge to the contrary, the jury brought in a verdict of acquittal, which was received with rapturous shouts by the peojsle. Thus, for the first time, had the press assumed to discuss, and even 188 HISTOKT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. xvin condemn political measures, and its liberty to do so was amply vindicated. This was thirty-seven years before the 'i'^'i'^- same principle was established in England by the decision in the trial for libel brought against the publisher of the famous letters of Junius. 3 681. We have now to relate the story of that sad delusion so identified with the early history of the quiet and re- spectable town of Salem, in Massachusetts. The belief in witchcraft appears to have been almost universal in the age of which we write. As Christians were in cove- nant with God, so, it was believed, witches were in cove- nant with the devU ; that he gave them power to torment those whom they hated, by pinching them, pricking them with invisible pins, pulling their hair, causing their cattle and chickens to die, upsetting their carts, and by many other annoyances, equally undignified and disagreeable. As Christians had a sacrament or communion, witches had a communion, also, at which the devU himself offici- ated in the form of a " small black man." He had a book in which his disciples signed their names, after which they renounced their Christian baptism, and were rebaptizcd, or " dipped " by himself. To their places of meeting the witches usually rode through the air on broomsticks. This delusion, absurd as it seems to us, was in that age believed by learned and good men, such as Sir Matthe^ Hale, Lord Chief Justice of England ; Kichard Baxter, author of the " Saints' Rest ; " and Dr. Isaac Watts, whose devotional " Psalms and Hymns " are so familiar to the religious world. For this supposed crime many had, at different times, been executed in Sweden, Eng- land, France, and other countries of Europe. Before the excitement at Salem, a few cases in the colony of Massa- chusetts had been punished with death. As the Bible made mention of witches and sorcerers, — to disbelieve in their existence was counted infidelity. To disprove such infidelity, Increase Mather, a celebrated COTTON MATHER. 189 clergyman of New England, piiLlished an account of the ™^^ cases that had occurred there, and also a description of . the manner in which the bewitched persons were afHicted. 1684. After this publication, the first case that excited general interest was that of a girl named Goodwin. She had ac- cused the daughter of an Irish washerwoman of stealing some article of clothing. The enraged mother disproved the charge, and in addition reproved the false accuser se- verely. Soon after, this girl became strangely affected ; 1688. her younger brother and sister imitated her " contortions and twistings." These children were sometimes dumb, then deaf, then blind ; at one time they would bark like dogs, at another mew like cats. A physician was called in, who gravely decided that they were bewitched, aj they had many of the symptoms described in Mather's book. The ministers became deeply interested in the subject, and five of them held a day of fasting and prayer at the house of the Goodwins, when lo ! the youngest child, a boy of five years of age, was delivered ! As the children asserted that they were bewitched by the Irish washer- woman, slie was arrested. The poor creature was fright- ened out of her senses, if she had any, for many thought she was " crazed in her intellectuals." She was, how- ever, tried, convicted and hanged. There was at this time at Boston a young clergyman, an indefatigable student, remarkable for his memory and for the immense amount of verbal knowledge he possessed ; he was withal somewhat vain and credulous, and exceed- ingly fond of the marvellous ; no theory seems to have been more deeply rooted in his mind than a behef in witch- craft. Such was Cotton Mather, son of Increase Mather. He became deeply interested in the case of the Goodwin children, and began to study the subject with renewed zeal ; to do so the more perfectly, he took the girl to his home. She was cunning, and soon discovered the weak points of his character. She told him he was under a L90 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAK PEOPLE. CHAP, special protection ; tliat devils, though thej^ trit:d hard, , could not enter his study ; that they could not strike 1688. him ; the blows were warded off by an invisible, friendly hand. When he prayed, or read the Bible, she would be thrown into convulsions ; while at the same time, she read with zest Popish or Quaker books, or the Book of Common Prayer. Mather uttered prayers in a variety of languages to ascertain if these wicked spirits were learned. He discovered that they were skilled in Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, but deficient in some Indian tongues. He sincerely believed all this, and wrote a book, " a story all made np of wonders," to prove the truth of witch- craft ; and gave out that, hereafter, if any one should deny ^ts existence, he should consider it a personal insult. Mather's book was republished in London, with an ap- proving preface written by Richard Baxter. This book had its influence upon the minds of the people, and pjre- pared the way for the sad scenes which followed. About four years after the cases just mentioned, two young girls, one the niece and the other the daughter of Samuel Parris, the minister at Salem village, now Dan- vers, began to exhibit the usual signs of being bewitched. They seem to have done this at first merely for mischief, as they accused no one until compelled. !0n2. Between Parris and some of the members of his con- gregation there existed much iU-feeling. Now was the time to be revenged ! And this " beginner and procurer of the sore affliction to Salem village and country," in- sisted that his niece should tell who it was that bewitched her, for in spite of all the efforts to " deliver " them, the children continued to practise their pranks. The niece at length accused Rebecca Nurse, a woman of exemplary and Christian life ; but one with whom Parris was at variance. At his instigation she was hurried off to jail. The next Sabbath he announced as his text these words : " Have I not chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil ? " Imme- TRIAL OF WITCHES AT SALEM. 191 iHately Sarah Cloyce, a sister of the accused, arose and left ^^iK?- the church, — in those days, no small oiFence. She too was accused and sent to prison. The excitement spread, and 1692 in a few weeks nearly a hundred were accused and re- manded for trial. After the people had driven off Andros, Bradstreet had still continued to act as governor. A new charter i691. was given, under which the governor was to be appointed by the crown. Sir William Phipps, a native of New England, " an illiterate man, of violent temper, with more of energy than ability," was the first governor, and William Stoughton the deputy-governor. These both obtained their ofiSces through the influence of Increase Mather, who was then in England, acting as agent for the colony. Stoughton had been the friend of Andros, and a member of his council, and, like Dudley, was looked upon by the people as their enemy. Of a proud and unforgiv- ing temper, devoid of humane feelings, he was self-willed and selfish. The people in a recent election had slighted him ; they scarcely gave him a vote for the office of judge ; this deeply wounded his pride. In his opinions, as to spirits and witches, he was an implicit follower of Cotton Mather, of whose church he was a member. The new governor, bringing with liim the new charter, arrived at Boston on the fourteenth of May. The General 1C92. Court alone had authority to appoint Special Courts ; but ^^^ the governor's first ofiicial act was to appoint one to try the witches confined in prison at Salem. The triumph of Mather was complete ; he rejoiced that the warfare with the spirits of darkness was now to be carried on vig- orously, and he " prayed for a good issue." The illegal court met, and Parris acted as prosecutor, producing some witnesses and keeping back others. The prisoners were made to stand with their arms extended, lest they should torment their victims. The glance of the witch's eye was terrible to the " afilicted ; " for its evil 192 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, influence tbere was but one remedy ; the touch of the XVIII accused couH alone remove the charm. Ahigail Williams, 1692. the niece of Parris, was told to touch one of the prisoners ; she made the attempt, but desisted, screaming out, " My fingers, they burn, they burn ! " She was an adept in testifying ; she had been asked to sign the devil's book by the spectre of one of the accused women, and she had also been permitted tcr see a witch's sacrament. All this was accepted by the court as true and proper evidence. If a witness contradicted himself, it was explained by as- suming that the evil spirit had imposed ujjon his brain. A farmer had a servant, who suddenly became bewitched ; his master whipped him, and thus exorcised the devil, and had the rashness to say that he could cure any of " the afilicted " by the same process. For this he soon found himself and wife in prison. Eemarks made by the prisoners were often construed to their disadvantage. George Burroughs, once a minister at Salem, and of whom it is said Parris was envious, had expressed his disbelief in witchcraft, and pronounced the whole affair a delusion. For this he was arrested as a wizard. On his trial the witnesses pretended to be dumb. " Why," asked the stern Stoughton of the prisoner, " are these witnesses dumb .P " Burroughs believed they were perjuring them- selves, and promptly answered, " The devil is in them, I suppose." " Ah ! ah ! " said the exulting judge ; " how _ is it that he is so loath to have any testimony borne against you ? " This decided the case ; Burroughs was condemned. From the scaffold he made an address to the people, and put his enemies to shame. He did what it was believed no witch could do ; he repeated the Lord's Prayer dis- tinctly and perfectly. The crowd was strongly impressed in his favor ; many believed him innocent, and many were moved even to tears, and some seemed disposed to rescue him ; but Cotton Mather appeared on horseback, and harangued the crowd, maintainintr that Burnniirhp REVULSION IN PUBLIC OPINION. 193 was not a true minister, that he had not been ordained, ™'^'' that the fair show he made was no jiroof of his innocence, for Satan himself sometimes appeared as an angel of light. 1692. Many of the accused confessed they were witches, and by that means purchased their lives : and some, to make their own safety doubly sure, accused others : thus the delusion continued. Then, again, others who had con- fessed, repented that they had acknowledged themselves to • be what they were not, denied their confession, and died with the rest. The accusations were at first made against those in the humbler walks of life ; now others were ac- cused. Hale, the minister at Beverly, was a believer in witchcraft, till his own wife was accused ; then he was convinced it was all a delusion. Some months elapsed before the General Court held its regular session ; in the mean time twenty persons had fallen victims, and fifty more were in prison with the same fate hanging over them. Now a great revulsion took place in public opinion. This was brought about by a citizen of Boston, Kobert Calef, who wrote a pamphlet, first circulated in manuscript. He exposed the manner in which the trials had been conducted, as well as proved the absurdity of witchcraft itself Cotton Mather, in his reply, sneered at Calef as " a weaver who pretended to be a merchant." Calef, not intimidated by this abuse, continued to write with great effect, and presently the book was published in London. Increase Mathei, the President of Harvard College, to avenge his son, had the "weaver's" book publicly burned in the college yard. In the first case brought before the court, the jury promptly brought in a verdict of not guilty. "When news came to Salem of the reprieve of those under sentence, the fanatical Stoughton, in a ' rage, left the bench, ex- claiming, " Who it is that obstructs the course of justice I know not ; the Lord have mercy on the country." Not long after, the indignant inhabitants of Salem w.):i 13 19-i HISTORY OF THE AJIEEICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, drove Parris from tlieir village. Many of tliose who had XVIII. . . . .... participated in the delusion, and given their influence in 1693. favor of extreme measures, deeply repented and publicly asked forgiveness of their fellow-citizens. But Cotton Mather expressed no regret for the part he had taken, or the influence he exerted in increasing the delusion ; his vanity never would admit that he could possibly have been in error. Instead of being humbled on account of the sorrows he had brought upon innocent persons, he la- bored to convince the world that, after all, he had not been so very active in promoting the delusion. Stoughton passed the remainder of his days the same cold, proud, and heartless man ; nor did he ever manifest the least sorrow, that on such trifling and contradictory evidence, he had sentenced to death some of the best of men and women. It is a pleasure to record that, thirty years after this melancholy delusion, Cotton Mather with fearless energy advocated the use of inoculation for the prevention of 1721. small-pox. He had learned that it was successful in Tur- key, in arresting or modifying that terrible disease, and he persuaded Dr. Boylston to make the experiment. Ma- ther stood firm, amid the clamors of the ignorant mob, who even threw a lighted grenade filled with combustibles into his house, and paraded the streets of Boston, with halters in their hands, threatening to hang the inoculators. The majority of the physicians opposed inoculation on theo- logical grounds, contending, " it was presumptuous for men to inflict disease on man, that being the prerogative of the Most High." "It was denounced as an infusion of malignity into the blood ; a species of poisoning ; an at- tempt to thwart God, who had sent the small-pox as a punishment for sins, and whose vengeance would thus be only provoked the more." Nearly all the ministers were in favor of the system, and they replied with arguments drawn from medical science. An embittered war of pam- INOCULATION IN BOSTON. 195 pblets ensued. The town autliorities took decided ground ™f^'- against the innovation, whUe the General Court passed a bill proMbiting tbe practice, but the Council wisely 1721. refused to give it their sanction. At length science and common sense prevailed, and the inoculists completely triumphed. CHAPTER XIX. MISSIONS AND SETTLEMENTS IN NEW FRANCE. The Emigrants few in number. — The Jesuits ; their zeal as Teachers and Explorers. — Missions among the Hurons. — Ahasistari. — The Five Na- tiong, or Iroquois. — Father Jogues. — The Abenakis ; Dreuilettes. — The Dangers of the Missions. — French Settlers at Oswego. — James Mar- quette. — The Mississippi. — La Salle ; his Enterprise ; his Failure and tragical End. CHAP We have already given an account of the discoveries ^^' made in New France, and the settlements founded under 1534 the direction of Samuel Champlain. We now intend to trace the history of these settlements and missions, from that period till the time when the Lilies of France were supplanted hy the Banner of St. George. The climate offered but few inducements to cultiva- tors of the soil, and emigrants came but slowly ; they established trading houses, rather than agricultural settle- ments. To accumulate wealth their main resource was in the peltries of the wilderness, and these could be ob- tained only from the Indians, who roamed over the vast regions west and north of the lakes. A partial knowledge of the country had been obtained from a priest. Father Le Caron, the friend and companion of Champlain. He had, by groping through the woods, and paddling over the waters his birch-bark canoe, pene- trated ftxr up the St. Lawrence, explored the south shore of Lake Ontario, and even found his way to Lake Huron. THE JESUITS. 197 Three years before the death of Champlain, Louis ^iap. XIII. gave a charter to a company, granting them the .: control of the valley of the St. Lawrence and all its trib- 1634. utaries. An interest was felt for the poor savages, and it was resolved to convert them to the religion of Home ; — not only convert them, but make them the allies of France. Worldly policy had as much influence as reli- gious zeal. It was plain, the only way to found a French empire in the New World, was by making the native tribes subjects, and not by transplanting Frenchmen. The missions to the Indians were transferred to the supervision of the Jesuits. This order of priests was founded expressly to counteract the influence of the Reformation under Luther. As the Keformers favored 1534. education and the diffusion of general inteUigence, so the Jesuit became the advocate of education — provided it was under his own control. He resolved to rule the world by influencing its rulers ; he would govern by intellectual power and the force of opinion, rather than by supersti- tious fears. He endeavored to turn the principles of the Reformation against itself. His vows enjoined upon him perfect obedience to the will of his superior, — to go on any mission to which he might be ordered. No clime so tleadly that he would not brave its danger ; no people so savage that he would not attempt their conversion. With their usual energy and zeal, the Jesuits began to explore the wilds of New France, and to bring its wilder inhabitants under the influence of the Catholic faith. To the convert was oflered the privileges of a subject of France. From this sprang a social equality, friendly relations were established, and intermarriages took place between the traders and the Indian women. Companies of Hurons, who dwelt on the shores of the lake which bears their name, were on a trading expedition to Quebec. On their return home the Jesuits Brebeuf and Daniel accompanied them. They went up the Ot- 198 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. ^HAP- tawa till they came to its largest western branch, thence to its head waters, and thence across the wilderness to 1634. their villages on Georgian hay and Lake Simcoe. The faith and zeal of these two men sustained them during their toilsome journey of nine hundred miles, and though their feet were lacerated and their garments torn, they rejoiced in their sufferings. Here in a grove they built, with theii own hands, a httle chapel, in which they celebrated the ceremonies of their church. The Red Man came to hear the morning and evening prayers ; though in a language which he could not understand, they seemed to him to be addressed to the Great Spirit, whom he himself wor- shipped. Six missions were soon established in the villages around these lakes and bays. Father Brebeuf spent four hours of every morning in private jjrayer and self-flagel- lations, the rest of the day in catechizing and teaching. Sometimes he would go out into the village, and as he passed along would ring his little bell and thus invite the grave warriors to a conference, on the mysteries of his religion. Thus he labored for fifteen years. These teachings had an influence on the susceptible heart of the great Huron chief Ahasistari. He professed himself a convert and was baptized. . Often as he escaped uninjured from the perils of battle, he thought some pow- erful spirit watched over him, and now he believed that the God whom the white man worshipped was that guar- dian spirit. In the first flush of his zeal he exclaimed : " Let us strive to make all men Christians." Thousands of the sons and daughters of the forest listened to instruction, and the story of their willingness to hear, when told in France, excited a new interest. The king and queen and nobles vied with each other in mani- festing their regard by giving encouragement and aid to the missionaries, and by presents to the converts. A col- lege, to educate men for these missions, was founded at Quebec, two years before the founding of Harvard. Two THE FIVE NATIONS. 199 years afterward the Ursuline convent was founded at chap Montreal for the education of Indian girls, and three ___ young nuns came from France to devote themselves to 1035 that labor. They were received with demonstrations of joy by the Hurons and Algonquins. Montreal was now chosen as a more desirable centre for missionary operations. The tribes most intelligent and powerfid, most war- like and cruel, with whom the colonists came in contact, were the Mohawks, or Iroquois, as the French named them. They were a confederacy consisting of five nations, the Senecas, the Oneidas, the Ouondagas, the Cayugas, and the Mohawks — better known to the English by the latter name. This confederacy had been formed in ac- cordance with the counsels of a great and wise chief, 1539, Hiawatha. Their traditions teU of him as having been specially guided by the Great Spirit, and that amid strains of unearthly music, he ascended to heaven in a snow- white canoe. They inhabited that beautiful and fertile region in Central New York, where we find the lakes and rivers still bearing their names. Their territory lay on the south shore of Lake Ontario, and extended to the head-waters of the streams which flow into the Chesapeake and Delaware bays, and also to the sources of the Ohio. These streams they used as highways in their war incursions. They pushed their con- quests ■ up the lakes and down the St. Lawrence, and northward almost to the frozen resrions around Hudson's bay. They professed to hold many of the tribes of New England as tributary, and extended their influence to the extreme east. They made incursions down the Ohio against the Shawnees, whom they drove to the Carolinas. They exercised dominion over the IlHnois and the Miamis. They were the inveterate enemies of the Hui'ons, and a terror to the French settlements — especially were they hostile to the missions. In vain the Jesuits strove to teach them ; French influence could never penetrate 200 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, south of Ontario. The Mohawks closely watched the ^^_ passes of the St. Lawrence, and the intercourse between 1035. the missionaries stationed on the distant lakes and their head-quarters at Montreal was interrupted, unless they travelled the toilsome route by the Ottawa and the wil- derness beyond. 1642. An expedition from the lakes had slipped through to Quebec, and now it endeavored to return. As the fleet approached the narrows, suddenly the Mohawks attacked it ; most of the Frenchmen and Hurons made for the op- posite shore. Some were taken prisoners, among whom was Father Jogues. The noble Ahasistari, from his hiding-place, saw his teacher was a prisoner ; he knew that he would be tortured to death, and he hastened to him : " My brother," said he, " I made oath to thee, that I would share thy fortune, whether death or life ; here I am to keep my vow." He received absolution at the hands of Jogues, and met death at the stake in a manner becoming a great warrior and a faithful convert. Father Jogues was taken from place to place ; in each village he was tortured and compelled to run the gauntlet. His fellow-priest, Goupil, was seen to make the sign of the cross on the forehead of an infant, as he secretly bap- tized it. The Indians thought it a charm to kill their children, and instantly a tomahawk was buried in the poor priest's head. The Dutch made great eiforts, but in vain, to ransom Jogues, but after some months of cap- tivity he made his escape to Fort Orange, where he was gladly received and treated with great kindness by the Dominie Megapolensis. Jogues went to France, but in a few years he was again among his tormentors as a messen- ger of the gospel ; ere long a blow from a savage ended his life. A similar fate was experienced by others. Father Bressani was driven from hamlet to hamlet, sometimes scourged l)y all tlie inhabitants, and tortured in every pos- INDIAN MISSIONS. 201 sible form which savage ingenuity could invent, — yet he ^^^ survived, and was at last ransomed by the Dutch. The Abenakis of Maine sent messengers to Montreal 1642. asldng missionaries. They were granted, and Father Dreuilettes made his way across the wilderness to the Penobscot, and a few miles above its mouth established a mission. The Indians came fo him in great numbers. He became as one of themselves, he hunted, he fished, he taught among them, and won their confidence. He gave a favorable report of the place, and the disposition of the tribes, and a permanent Jesuit mission was there estab- lished. On one occasion Father Dreuilettes visited the Apostle Eliot at Eoxbury. The noble and benevolent work in which they were engaged, served in the minds of these good men to soften the asperities existing between the Catholic and the Puritan, and they bid each otlier God sjjeed. At this time there were sixty or seventy devoted mis- 1046 sionaries among the tribes extending from Lake Superior to Nova Scotia. But they did not elevate the character of the Indian ; he never learned to tiU the soil, nor to dwell in a fixed abode ; he was still a rover in the wide, free forest, Uving by the chase. The Abenakis, like the Hurons, were willing to receive religious instructions ; they learned to chant matins and vespers, they loved those who taught them. It is not for us to say how many of them received into their hearts a new faith. The continued incursions of the ferocious Mohawks kept these missions in peril. Suddenly one morning they attacked the mission of St. Joseph on Lake Simcoe, founded, as we have seen, by Brebeuf and Daniel. The time chosen was when the warriors were on a hunting ex- cursion, and the helpless old men, women, and children fell victims to savage treachery. The aged priest Daniel, at the first war-cry, hastened to give absolution to all the io4S, converts he could reach, and then calmly advanced from 202 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAX PEOPLE. t'HAi'- the chapel in the face of the murderers. He fell pierced with many arrows. These marauding expeditions broke 1648. up nearly all the missions in Upper Canada. The Hu- rons were scattered, and their country became a hunting- ground for their inveterate enemies. Many of the Huron converts were taken prisoners and adopted into the tribes of the Five Nations. Some years 1061. after, when a treaty was made between those nations and the French, the presence of these converts excited hopes that they would receive Jesuit teachers. A mission was established among the Onondagas, and Oswego, their jjrin- cipal village, was chosen for the station. In a year or two missionaries were laboring among the other tribes of the confederacy. But the French, \vho had an eye to se- curing that fertile region, sent fifty colonists, who began a settlement at the mouth of tlie Oswego. The jealousy of the Indians was excited ; they compelled the colonists to leave their country, and with them drove away the missionaries. Thus ended the attempts of the French to possess the soil of New York. The zeal of the Jesuits was not diminished by these untoward misfortunes ; they still continued to prosecute their labors among the tribes who would receive them. Away beyond Lake Superior one of their numlier lost his way in the woods and jierished, and the wild Sioux kept his cassock as an amulet. Into that same region the un- daunted Father Allouez penetrated ; there, at the largest town of the Chippewas, he found a council of the chiefs of many diflerent tribes. They were debating whether they should take up arms against the powerful and war- like Sioux. He exhorted them to peace, and urged them 1666 to join in alliance with the French against the Iroquois ; he also promised them trade, and the protection of the great king of the French. Then he heard for the first time of the land of the Illinois, where there were no trees, but vast plains covered with long grass, on which grazed JAUE3 MABQUETTE. 203 innumerable herds of buffalo and deer. He heard of the '^^^• wild rice, and of the fertile lands which produced an abundance of maize, a^d of regions where copper was ob- 1669. tained, — the mines so famous in our own day. He learned, too, of the great river ret farther west, which flowed toward the south, whither, his informants could not teU. After a sojourn of two years Allouez returned to Quebec, to implore aid in establishing missions in that hopeful field. He stayed only to make known his request ; in two days, he was on his way back to his field of labor, accom- panied by only one companion. The next year came from France another company of priests, among whom was James Marquette, who repaired immediately to the missions on the distant lakes. Ac- companied by a priest named Joliet, and five French boatmen, with some Indians as guides and interpreters, Marquette set out to find the great river, of which he had heard so much. The company passed up the Fox river in two birch-bark canoes ; they carried them across the portage to the banks of the "Wisconsin, down which they floated, till at length their eyes were gratified by the sight of the " Father of Waters." They coast along its shores, lined with primeval for- ests, swarming with all kinds of game ; the prairies redo- lent with wild flowers ; — all around them is a waste of grandeur and of beauty. After floating one hundred and eighty miles they meet with signs of human beings. They land, and find, a few nules distant, an Indian village ; here they are welcomed by a people who speak the language of their guides. They are told that the great river ex- tends to the far south, where the heat is deadly, and that the great monsters of the river destroy both men and canoes. Nothing daunted they pass on, and ere long they reach the place where the turbid and rapid Missouri plimges into the tranquil and clear Mississippi. " When I return," 1670 204 HISTORY OF THE AMEEICAN PEOPLE. ciJAP. savB Marquette, " I will ascend that river and pass beyond its head-waters and proclaim the gospel." Further on 1670. they see a stream flowing from th§ north-east ; — it is the Ohio, of which the Iroquois have told them. We can imagine Marquette, noticing the fertility of the soU, looking with awe upon the dark and impenetrable forests, and hoping that in future ages these shores would be the homes of many millions of civilized and Christian men. As they went on they approached a warmer climate ; and now they were sure that the great river flowed into the Gulf of Mexico, and not into that of California, as had been supposed. They met with Indians who showed them tools of European manufacture ; obtained either from the English of Virginia or from the Spaniards fur- ther south. It was deemed prudent to return, as they might fall into the hands of the latter, and thus be de- prived of the privilege of making known their discovery. At the mouth of the Arkansas they began the toilsome labor of paddling their canoes up the stream down which they had so easily floated. They reached the mouth of the Illinois ; thinking it would lead them to the lakes, they passed up that river to its head-waters, and thence across to Lake Michigan. Joliet immediately set out to carry the news of the discovery to Quebec. Marquette was desirous to begin his work, and he chose to remain in the humble station of a missionary in the wilderness. One day he retired to his private devotions, at a simple altar he had erected in a grove. An hour afterward he was found kneeling beside it ; his prayers and his labors for the good of the poor In- dian were ended ; — in that hour of quiet retirement his spirit had passed away. Among the adventurers who came to Canada to seek their fortunes, was Kobert Cavalier de la Salle, a young man who had been educated as a Jesuit, but had re- nounced the order. A large domain at the outlet of Lake ENTEKPKISE OF LA SALLE LOUISIANA. 205 Ontario was granted Lira on condition that he would main- 9?^^.f tain Fort Frontenac, now Kingston. Bnt his main oliject was to obtain the entire trade of the Iroquois. The news 1675 of the discovery of the great river inflamed his ardent mind with a desire to make settlements on its banks, and thus secure its vast valley for his king. Leaving his lands and his herds, he sailed forFi-ance, and there obtained a favora- ie77. ble grant of privileges. He returned, passed up to Lake Erie, at the foot of which he built a vessel of sixty tons, in which, w ith a company of sailors, hunters, and priests, he passed through the straits to the upper lakes, and an- chored in Green Bay. There, lading his ship with a cargo ^gy^ of precious furs, he sent her to Niagara, with orders to Aug. return as soon as possible with supjjlies. Meanwhile he passed over into the valley of the Illinois, and on a blufi" by the river side, near where Peoria now stands, built a fort, and waited for his ship ; but he waited in vain ; she was wrecked on the voyage. After three years of toils, wanderings in the wilder- ness, and voyages to France, during which he experienced disappointments that would have broken the spirit of an ordinary man, we find him once more on the banks of the Illinois. "Now he built a barge, on board of which, with 1682. his companions, he floate'd down to the Mississippi, and April thence to the Gulf Thus were his hopes, after so much toil and sacrifice, realized. He had triumphantly traced the mighty stream to its mouth. He remained only to take possession of the country in the name of his sovereign, liouis XIV., in honor of whom he named it Louisiana. La Salle returned to Quebec, and immediately sa.iled for France. He desired to carry into effect his great de- sign of planting a colony at the mouth of the Mississippi. The enterprise was looked upon with favor by both the French people and the king. He was furnished with an armed frigate and three other vessels, and two hundred 1684 and eighty persons to form a colony. One hundred of 206 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, these were soldiers ; of the remainder, some were volun- XIX '_ teers, some mechanics, and some priests. Unfortunately, 1084. the command of the ships was given to Beaujeu, a man as ignorant as he was self-willed and conceited. After surmounting many difficulties, they entered the Gulf of Mexico, but missed the mouth of the Mississippi. La 1685. Salle soon discovered the error, but the stubborn Beaujeu, deaf to reason, sailed on directly west, till fortunately ar- rested by the eastern shore of Texas. La Salle deter- mined to disembark and seek by land the mouth of the great river. The careless pilot ran the stoi-e-ship on the breakers ; suddenly a storm arose, and ^ery little was saved of the abundance which Louis had provided for the enter- prise. It is said that he gave more to aid this one colony than the English sovereigns combined gave to all theirs in North America. As the ships were about to leave them on that desolate shore, many became discouraged, and returned home. The waters in the vicinity abounded in fish, and the for- ests in game, and with a mild climate and productive soil, there was no danger from starvation. A fort was built in a suitable place ; the trees of a grove three miles distant furnished the material, which they dragged across the prairie. La Salle explored the surrounding country, but sought in vain for the Mississippi. On his return to the fort, he was grieved to find his colony reduced to forty per- sons, and they disheartened and mutinous. He did not despair ; he would yet accomjolish the darling object of his ambition ; he would thread his way through the wilder- ness to Canada, and induce colonists to join him. With f^^' a company of sixteen men he commenced the journey ; they travelled two months across the prairies west of the Mississippi ; but the hopes that had cheered his heart amidst hardships and disappointments were never to be realized. Two of his men, watching their opportunity, murdered him. Thus perished Kobert Cavalier de la DEATH OF LA SALLE. 20V Salle, assassinated in the wilderness by liis own country- '^^j^''- men. He was the first to fully appreciate the importance , of securing to France the two great valleys of this conti- 1687. nent. His name will ever be associated with his unsuc- cessful enterprise, and his tragical fate will ever excite a feeling of sympathy. Retribvition was not long delayed ; his murderers, grasping at spoils, became involved in a quarrel with their companions, and both perished by the hand of violence. The remainder of the company came upon a tributary of the Mississippi, down which they passed to its mouth, where their eyes were greeted by a cross, and the arms of France engraved upon a tree. This had been done by Tonti, a friend of La Salle, who had descended from the Illinois, but in despair of seeing him had returned. The colony of Texas perished without leaving a memento of its existence. CHAPTEE XX. MARAUDING EXPEDITIONS; SETTLEMENT OF LOUISIANA ; CAPTURE OF LOUISBURG. Mohawks hostile to the French. — Dover attacked ; Major Wahhon. — Sche- nectady captured and burned. — The inhuman Frontenac. — Tlie Coloni.sts act for themselves.- — Invasion of Canada. — Settlements in Maine aban- doned. — Heroism of Hannah Dustin. — Deerfield taken ; Eunice Wil- liams. — P'lbberville plants a Colony on thePascagoula. — Trading Post.s on the Illinois and the Mississippi. — Tlie Choctaws; the Natchez; at- tempts to subdue the Chickasaws, — King George's War. — Capture of Louisburg. — The English Ministry alarmed. — Jonathan Edwards. — The " Great Revival." — Princeton College. CHAP. Peace had continued for some time between the Five Na- ^^1_ tions and the French, but now the former were suspicious 1685. of the expeditions of La Salle. James II. had instructed DoDgan, the Catholic governor of New York, to conciliate the French, to influence the Mohawks to receive Jesuit missionaries, and to quietly introduce the Catholic religion into the colon}-. But Dongan felt more interest in the fur trade, which the French seemed to be monopolizing, than in Jesuit missions among the Mohawks, and he rather encouraged the latter iu their hostility. An act of treachery increased this feeling. Some of their chiefs, who were enticed to enter Fort Frontenac, were seized and forcibly carried to France, and there made slaves. When the indignant people of England drove the bigoted James from his throne and invited William of 1688. Orange to fill it, Louis XIV. took up the quarrel in behalf of James, or of legitimacy, as he termed it. He believed DOVER BURNED— MAJOR WALDRON. 209 in the divine right of kings to rule, and denied the right '^^^''■ of a jjeople to change their form of government. Louis had for years greatlj' abused his power, and all Europe had 1688. suffered from his rapacity. Beligious feeling exerted its influence in giving character to the war, and Protestant Holland joined heart and hand with Protestant England in opposing Catholic France. Though the colonies were thus involved in war by the mother countries, they had different ends in view. The New Engianders had an eye to the fisheries and the pro- tection of their northern frontiers ; the French wished to extend their influence over the valleys of the St. Lawrence and the Mississippi, and to monopolize the fisheries as well as the fur-trade. The latter object could be obtained only by the aid of the Indians, and they were untiring in their efforts to make them friends. They could never conciliate the Mohawks, nor induce them to join in an invasion of New York. On the contrary, fifteen hundred of them suddenly appeared before Montreal, and in a few days cap- tured that place, and committed horrible outrages upon the people. Thus stood matters when Frontenac, for the second 1689. time, appeared as governor of New France. To make the savages respect him as a warrior, he set on foot a series of incursions against the English colonies. The eastern In- dians were incited to attack Dover in New Hampshire ; — incited by the French, and also by a cherished desire for revenge. There, at the head of the garrison, was that Major Waldron who, thirteen years before, during King Philip's war, had treacherously seized two hundred of their friends, who came to him to treat of peace. He had proposed to these unsuspecting Indians a mock fight by way of entertainment ; when their guns were all discharged he made them prisoners and sent them to Boston. Some of them were hanged, and others sold into slavery. The Indians in their turn employed stratagem and treachery. U 210 HISTOEY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP. Two squaws came to Dover ; they asked of tbe aged Waldron, now fourscore, a night's lodging. In the, night 1C89. they arose, Tinbarrcd tbe gates, and let in their friends, who lay in ambush. Their hour for vengeance had come ; they made the pangs of death as bitter as possible to the brave old Waldron ; bis white hairs claimed from them no pity. In derision, they placed him in a cbHir on a table. and scored his body with gashes equal in number to their friends he had betrayed ; they jeeringly asked him, " Who will judge Indians now .? Who will hang our brothers ? Will the pale-faced Waldron give us life for life ? " ' They burned all the houses, murdered nearly half the in- habitants, and carried the remainder into captivity. This was only the beginning of a series of horrors inflicted upon the frontier towns. The inhabitants of Schenectady, as they slept in fancied security, were star- tled at midnight by the terrible war-whoop of the savage, — the harbinger of untold horrors. The enemy found easy 1090. access, as the gates of the palisades were open. The ''"*'''• houses were set on fire, more than sixty persons were killed, and many helpless women and children were carried into captivity. A few escaped and fled half clad through the snow to Albany. This attack was made by a party of French and Indians from Montreal, who had toiled for twenty-two days through the snows of winter, breaking the track with snow-shoos, and using, when they could, the frozen streams as a pathway. At Salmon Falls, on the Piscataqua, and at Casco, similar scenes were enacted. •Such were the means the inhuman Frontenac, now almost fourscore, took to inspire terror in tbe minds of the English colonists, and to acquire the name of a great war- rior among the Indians, — they would follow none but a successful leader. Among the early Jesuit missionaries who tau'ght the Indians of New France, there were un- ■'o 'New England History, C. W. Elliott. EXPEDITIONS AGAINST CANADA. 211 doubtedlj' many good men The priests of that generation "^nAP. had passed away, and others had taken their places ; these incited the recently converted savage, not to prac- 1690. tise Christian charity and love, but to pillage and murder the heretical English colonist. King William was busy in maintaining his own cause in England, and left the colonists to defend themselves. Massachusetts proposed that they should combine, and re- move the cause of their trouble by conquering Canada. Commissioners from Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New York inet to deliberate on what course to pursue. They resolved to invade that province from New York, by way of Lake Champlain, and from Massachusetts by way of the St. Lawrence. The exj^edition from New York failed. Colonel Peter Schuyler led the advance with a company of Mohawks, but the ever-watchful Frontenac was pre- pared ; his Indian allies flocked in crowds to aid him in defending Montreal. The Mohawks were repulsed and could not recover their position, as the army sent to sup- port them was compelled to stop short ; the small-pox broke out among the soldiers, and they were in want of provisions. Meantime, the fleet of thirty-two vessels, and two thousand men, which had sailed from Boston, was endeav- oring to find its way up the St. Lawrence. It was under the command of Sir William Phipps, to whose inconljje- tency may be attributed the failure of the enterprise. An Indian runner cut across the woods from Piscataqua, and in twelve days brought the news of the intended attack to the French. Frontenac hastened to Quebec, where he arrived three days before' the fleet. When it came in sight he was prepared to make a vigorous defence. A party landed, but after some skirmishing the enterprise was abandoned. While returning, the men suffered much from sickness, and storms disabled the fleet. The disap- pointment of the people of Massachusetts was very great ; 212 HISTORY OF THE AMEEICAX PEOPLE. OHAP. many lives had been lost, and the colony was laden with XX. ■' ' delit. 1600 The Eastern Indians, in the mean time, were held in check by Captain Church, celebrated in King Philip's war. At one time, he so for forgot himself as to put to death his prisoners, some of whom were women and chil- dren. Such cruelty was inexcusable ; and it was avenged by the savages with tenfold fury. Nearly all the settle- ments of what is now Maine were destroyed or abandoned. The enemy were continually prowling around the farms, watching an opportunity to shoot the men at their work. All went armed, and even the women learned to handle effectively the musket and the rifle. It was a great in- ducement for the Indians to go on these marauding expe- ditions, because they could sell for slaves to the French of Canada the women and children they took prisonei'S. Peace was at length made with the Abenakis, or East- ern Indians, and there was a lull in the storm of desola- tion. It lasted but a year, the Indians broke the treaty. They were incited to this by their teachers, two Jesuits, Thury and Bigot, who even took pride in their atrocious work. 1094 Heroic deeds were performed by men and women. A small band of Indians attacked the house of a farmer named Dustin, near Haverhill. When in the fields he heard the war-whoop and the cry of distress. He hastened to the rescue, met his children, and threw himself be- tween them and their pursuers, whom he held at bay by well-directed shots till the children were in a place of safety. His house was burned ; a child only a few days old was dashed against a tree, and his wife, Hannah Dus- tin, and her nurse, were carried away captive. A toilsome march brought them to an island in the Merrimac, just above Concord, where their captors lived. There Mrs. Dustin, with the nurse and a boy, also a captive, planned an escape. She wished revenge, as well as to be secure DEERFIELD DESTROYED EUNICE WILLIAMS. 213 from pursuit. The Indians, twelve in number, were asleep. *^^Ai' She arose, assigned to each of her companions whom to strilie ; their hands were steady and their hearts firm ; 1694. they struck for their lives. Ten Indians were killed, one woman was wounded, and a child was purposely saved. The heroic woman wished to preserve a trophy of the deed, and she scalped the dead. Then in a canoe the three floated down the Merrimac to Haverhill, much to the astonishment of their friends, who had given them up for lost. Such were the toils and suiFerings, and such the heroism of the mothers in those days. The friendly Mohawks had intimated to the inhabi- tants of Deerfield, in the valley of the Connecticut, that the enemy was plotting their destruction. Tlie anxiety of the people was very great, and they resolved during the winter to keep a strict watch ; sentinels were placed every night. On an intensely cold night in February a company of 1704. two hundred Frenchmen, and one hundred and forty In- dians, lay in ambush, waiting a favorable moment to spring upon their victims. Under the command of Hertel de Eouville, they had come all the way from Canada, on the crust of a deep snow, with the aid of snow-shoes. The sentinels, unconscious of danger, retired at dawn of day. The snow had drifted as high as the palisades, thus ena- bling the party to pass within the inclosure, which con- sisted of twenty acres. The terrible war-cry startled the inhabitants, the houses were set on fire, and forty-seven persons were ruthlessly murdered ; one hundred and twelve were taken captive, among whom were the minister Williams, his wife, and five children. No pen can de- scrilie the sufferings of the captives on that dreary winter's march, driven, as they were, by relentless Frenchmen and savages. Eunice Williams, the wife, drew consolation from her Bible, which she was permitted to read when the party stopped for the night. Her strength soon failed ; 214 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. ^'HAP. her husband cheered her by ijointing her to the " house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." " The 1704. mother's heart rose to her lips, as she commended her five captive children, under God, to their father's care, and then one blow of the tomahawk ended her sorrows." This family, with the exception of one daughter, seven years of age, were afterward ransomed, and returned home. Many years after this, there appeared at Deerfield a white woman wearing the Indian garb ; she was the lost daughter of Eunice Williams, and now a Catholic, and the wife of an Indian chief No entreaties could influence her to remain with her civilized relatives ; she chose to re- turn and end her days with her own children. Humanity shudders at the recital of the horrors that marked those days of savage warfare. Some of the Indians even refused to engage any more in thus murdering the English colonists ; but the infamous Hertel, with the ap- probation of Vaudreuil, then governor of Canada, induced a party to accompany him on a foray. Why repeat the story of the fiendish work, by which the little village of Haverhill, containing about thirty log-cabins, was burned, and all the inhabitants either murdered or taken captive. 1(08. u -jjy heart swells with indignation," wrote Colonel Peter Schuyler, of New York, to Vaudreuil, " when I think that a war between Christian princes, is degenerating into a savage and a boundless butchery ; I hold it my duty to- ward God and my neighbor, to prevent, if possible, these barbarous and heathen cruelties." This reproof was un- heeded ; the cruelties continued. Under the feelings excited by such outrages, can we think it strang-e that the colonists resolved to hunt the Indians like wild beasts, and ofiered a bounty for their scalps ? or that the hostility against the French Jesuit should have thrown suspicion upon the Catholic of Mary- land, who about this time was disfranchised ? or that even LEMOINE D'iBBERVILLE. 215 in liberal Rhode Island, he should have been deprived ^^^^ of the privilege of becoming a freeman ? With renewed energy the French began to press for- 1708, ward their great design of uniting, by means of trading posts and missions, the region of the Lakes and the valley of the Mississippi. The Spaniards had possession of the territory on the northern shore of the Gulf of Mexico, while they claimed the entire regions lying around that expanse of water. The energetic mind of Lemoine d'Ibberville conceived a plan for planting a colony at the mouth of the Missis- sippi. He was a native of Canada, and had, on many occasions, distinguished himself by his talents and great courage. Hopes were entertained of his success. The expedition, consisting of four vessels and nearly two hun- dred colonists, among whom were some women and chil- dren, sailed from Canada for the mouth of the Mississippi. ic99 D'Ibberville entered the Gulf and approached the north shore, landed at the mouth of the river Pascagoula, and with two barges and forty-eight men went to seek the great river. He found it by following up a current of muddy waters, in which were many floating trees. He passed up the stream to the mouth of Red River, where * he was surprised to receive a letter dated fourteen years before. It was from Tonti ; he had left it with the In- dians for La Salle ; they had preserved it carefully, and gave it to the first Frenchman who visited them. As the shores of the Mississippi in that region are marshy, it was thought best to form a settlement on the Gxilf at the mouth of the Pascagorda. This was the first colony planted within the limits of the present State of Mississippi. D'Ibberville sailed for France to obtain sup- plies and more colonists, leaving one of his brothers, Sau- ville, to act as governor, and the other, Bienville, to engage in exploring the country and river. Some fifty miles up the Mississippi Bienville met an 210 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. *^xx^" ■^^'^o^''^^ ^^P ssnt on the same errand. Seventy years before, Charles I. had given to Sir Robert Heath a grant 1630. of Carolina, which as usual was to extend to the Pacific. This worthless grant Coxe, a London physician, had pur- chased, and to him belonged this vessel. From the time of La Salle the Jesuits had been busy ingratiating themselves with the tribes along the shores of the Mississippi, and under their direction trading posts were established, at various points, to the mouth of the Illinois, and up that river to the Lakes. 1700. The following year D'Ibberville returned with two ships and sixty colonists, and the aged Tonti had just ar- rived from the Illinois. AvaiKng himself of his counsel, D'Ibberville ascended the river four hundred miles, and on a bluff built a fort, which, in honor of the Duchess of Pontchartrain, was called EosaHe. These settlements lan- guished for twenty years ; the colonists were mere hire- lings, unfitted for their work. The whole number of emigrants for ten years did not exceed two hundred per- sons. Instead of cultivating the soil, and nwiking their homes comfortable, many went to the far west seeking for gold, and others to the north-west on the same errand, while fevers and other diseases were doing the work of death. Meantime Mobile became the centre of French influence in the south. Once more a special eifort was made to occupy the territory, and a monopoly of trade was granted to Arthur I7H-. Crozart, who was to send every year two ships laden with merchandise and emigrants, and also a cargo of slaves from Africa. The French government was to appropriate an- nually about ten thousand dollars to defray the expense of forts and necessary protection. A trading house was established uj) the Red River at Natchitoches, and one up the Alabama near the site of Montgomery ; Fort Rosalie became a centre of trade, and FOUNDING OF NEW ORLEANS. 217 the germ of the present city of Natchez — the oldest town chap on the Mississippi. Bienville put the convicts to work on a cane-brake to 1716. remove the trees and shrubs " from a savage and desert place," and built a few huts. Such were the feeble begin- nings of New Orleans, which it was prophesied would yet become " a ricb city, the metropolis of a great colony." Still the colony did not prosper ; instead of obtaining their suj>plies from that fruitful region, they were depend- ent on Fi-ance and St. Domingo. Labor was irksome to the convicts and vagabonds, and the overflowings of the river, and the unhealthiness of the climate retarded prog- ress. The chief hope for labor was based on the impor- tation of negroes from Africa. Some German settlers, who, a few years before, had been induced by one Law, a great stock-jobbing and land speculator, to emigrate to the banks of the Arkansas, de- cided to remove. A tract of land, lying twenty miles above New Orleans, known now as the " German coast," was given them. Tlieir settlement was in contrast with i~-2. the others. They were industrious, and cultivated their farms, raised vegetables, rice, and other provisions ; also tobacco and indigo. The fig and the orange were now introduced. The Illinois region had been settled by emi- grants from Canada, who raised wheat and sent flour to the colonists below. The priests meanwhile were not idle in teaching the Indians, and a convent was founded a^ New Orleans for the education of girls. As the colonists had not energy enough to protect themselves, a thousand soldiers weie sent from France for that purpose. 1724. The Choc taws, the allies of the Freucli, occupied the region between the lower Mississippi and the Alabama. The principal village of the Natchez tribe was on the bluft' where now stands the city of that name. They were not a numerous people, unlike the tribes among whom they dwelt, in their language as well as in their 218 HISTOKT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, religion. Like the Peruvians, they were worshippei-s of the sun, and in their great wigwam they kept an undying 1724. fire. Their prineii)al chief professed to be a, descendant of the sun. They became justly alarmed at the encroach- ments of the French, who having Fort Kosalie, demanded the soil on which stood their principal village, for a farm. They suddenly fell upon the white intruders and killed two hundred of their number, and took captive their women and children. The negro slaves joined the Indians. Their principal chief, the Great Sun, had the heads of the French officers slain in the battle arranged around him, 1730. that he m^ht smoke his pipe in triumph ; — his triumph was short. A company, consisting of French and Choc- taws, under Le Sucr, came up from New Orleans, and surprised them while they were yet celebrating their vic- tory. The Great Sun and four hundred of his people were taken captive and sent to St. Domingo as slaves. Some of the Natchez escaped and fled to the Chickasaws, and some fled beyond the Mississippi ; their land passed into the hand of strangers, and soon, they as a people were unknown. The territory of the brave Chickasaws, almost sur- rounding that of the Natchez, extended north to the Ohio, and east to the land of the Cherokees. They were the enemies of the French, whose boats, trading from Canada and Illinois to New Orleans, they were accustomed U< plunder. English traders from Carolina were careful to increase this enmity toward their rivals. 1735, Two expeditions were set on foot to chastise these bold marauders. Bienville came up from the south with a fleet of boats and canoes, and a force of twelve hundred Choctaws ; he paddled up the Tombecbee as far as he could, and then hastefied across the country to surprise one of their fortified places. D'Artaguette hastened down Irom the Illinois country, of which he was governor, with fifty Frenchmen and a thousand Indians, to attack an- EXPEDITION AGAINST LOUISBURG. 219 other of their strongholds. The Chickasaws were too ''5^,''- vigilant to be thus surprised. They repulsed Bienville, . dispersed the forces of D'Artaguette, took him prisoner, l^o5. and burned him at the stake. Once more an attempt was May made with all the force the French could bring to crush this warlike tribe, but in vain ; the patriotic Chickasaws successfully defended their country against the foreign foe. 1740. These reverses did not deter the persevering French from establishing trading houses south of Lake Erie, and down the Alleghany to the Ohio, and thence to the Mis- sissippi. The people of Pennsylvani£\„ Maryland, and Virginia became alarmed at these encroachments on their territory. The Iroquois professed to have conquered all the valley of the Ohio, and they claimed a vast region to the north-west as their hunting grounds. Commissioners from the above colonies met the envoys of the Iroquois at 174,^. Lancaster, and purchased from them for £400 all their -^"'y- claim to the regions which they professed to own between the Blue Eidge and the Alleghany mountains. The colonies had enjoyed nearly thirty years of com- parative freedom from French and Indian incursions, when they were involved in what is known as King George's j^^^ War. The tirst intimation of hostilities was an attack upon the fort at Canso, in which the garrison was cajjtured and carried to Louisburg. Louisburg was the great strong- hold of the French on this continent ; the centre from which privateering expeditions were fitted out, that had nearly destroyed the commerce as well as the fisheries of New England. To prevent these depredations, and the inroads to which the French incited their Indian allies, Governor Shirley, of Massachusetts, proposed to the Gen- eral Court to take Louisburg. No aid was expected from the mother country — she was too much engaged at home ; but the other colonies were invited to enlist in the com- mon cause. New Jersey and Pennsylvania agreed to 220 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. t'HAP furnish money, but declined to send men ; New Tort furnished money and some cannon ; Connecticut offered 1744. five hundred men ; Khode Island and New Hampshire each furnished a regiment. Massachusetts proposed the expedition, was the most interested in its success, bore the greater part of the expense, and furnished the greater portion of the men and vessels. The fishermen, especially those of Marblehead, entered upon the enterprise with alacrity. Their fisheries had been almost ruined and they thrown out of employment, by the continued forays from Louisburg. Farmers, mechanics, and lumbermen volun- teered in great numbers. Here were citizen soldiers, without a single man whose knowledge of military tactics went beyond bush-fighting with the Indians, and all equally ignorant of the proper means to be used in redu- cing a fortified place. A wealthy merchant, William Pej)- perell, of Maine, was elected commander. The artillery was under the direction of Gridley, the same who, thirty years afterward, held a similar position in an American army under very different circumstances. The enthusiasm was great, and what was lacking in means and skill, was supplied by zeal. A strong Protestant sentiment was mingled with the enterprise, and Whitefield, then on his third tour of preaching in the colonies, was urged to fur- nish a motto for a banner. He promptly suggested, " Nil desiJerandum, Christo duce," — " Nothing is to be despaired of when Christ is leader." He also preached to them an inspiriting sermon, and they sailed, like the Crusaders of old, confident of success. jy45 In April the fleet arrived at Canso, l)ut owing to the ice, could not enter the harbor of Louisburg. Intelligence of the expedition had been sent to England, and Admiral Warren, who commanded on the West India station, was invited to join in the enterprise. He declined for want of explicit orders, but afterward receiving permission, he hastened to join them with four men-of-war. LOUISBTJRG CAPTURED. 221 The whole anuaiiient was now put iii motion for Lou- CHAI'. isburg. That stronghold had walls forty feet thick, thirty , — feet high, aod surrounded by a ditch eighty feet wide, 1745. with protecting forts around it, jnanned by nearly two hundred and fifty cannon, small and great, and garrisoned by sixteen hundred men. As the fleet approached, the French came down to the beach to oppose their landing, but in a moment the " whale boats," filled with armed men, were " flying like eagles" to the shore. Their opposers, panic-stricken, fled ; and the following night the soldiers of the royal battery, one of the outside forts, spiked their cannon and retreated to the town. The deserted fort was immediately taken pos- session of, and the gunsmiths went to work to bore out the spikes. The nest day a detachment marched round the town, giving it three cheers as they passed, and took up a position that completely enclosed the place on the land side, while the fleet did the same toward the ocean. They threw up batteries, dragged their cannon over a morass, and brought them to bear upon the fortress. These amateur soldiers soon became accustomed to encamping in the open air, and sleeping in the woods, as well as to the cannon-balls sent among them by the be- sieged. They not only prevented ships from entering the harbor, but found means to decoy into the midst of their fleet and capture a man-of-war of sixty-four guns, laden with stores for the fort. This loss so much disheartened the garrison that, after a siege of seven weeks, Louisburg ' J!!* surrendered. The news of this success sent a thrill of joy throughout the colonies. It was the greatest feat of the war, and was accomplished by undisciplined volun- teers. France resolved, at any cost, to recover her stronghold, and also to desolate the English colonies. The fleet sent for the purpose was disabled by storms, while pestilence wasted the men. The commander, the Duke d'Anville, 222 HISTORY OF THE AMEEICAN PEOPLE. CHAP. suLldonly died, and his successor, a short time after, coin- '_ uiitted suicide. The next year, the fleet sent for the eama 1746. purpose was forced to strike its colors to an English squad- ron under Admirals Anpon and Warren. Though thus successful, the frontier settlements still suffered greatlj', and in self-defence the old project was revived of conquering Canada. The government of Eng- land required all the colonies, as far south as Virginia, to furnish men and means. Eight thousand men were raised, of wliich number Massachusetts furnished nearly one-half The British ministry suddenly changed their mind, and the enterprise was abandoned. Soon after, the treaty of Aix la Chapelle was concluded, by which all places taken by either party during the war were to be restored. Thus Louisburg, the capture of which was so gratifying to the colonists, and so significant of their daring S23irit, passed 1748. again into the hands of the French. The ministry did not relish the ardor and independ- ence of the colonists, who api:)eared to have, according to Admiral Warren, " the highest notions of the rights and liberties of Englishmen ; and, indeed, as almost levellers." It was in truth the foreshadowing of their complete inde- pendence of the mother country, and measures were taken by her to make them more subservient. They were for- bidden to have any manufactures, to trade to any place out of the British dominions, while no other nation than the English were permitted to trade with them. " These oppressions," says an intelligent traveller of that day, " may make, within thirty or fifty years, the colonies en- tirely independent of England." For many years there had been a marked decline in religion in New England. A peculiar union of church and state had led to a sort of compromise between the two, known as the " Half-way covenant," by which per- sons who had been baptized, but without pretensions to OONATHAN EDWARDS. THE GREAT REVIVAL. 223 personal piety, were admitted to the full privileges of '^^y^- church members. In the midst of this declension a religious "Awaken- 1T35. ing," hetter known as the " Great Eevival," commenced at Northampton, in Massachusetts, under the preaching of Jonathan Edwards, a young man remarkable for his intellectual endowments. His sermons were doctrinal and strongly Calvinistic. His religious character had been early developed. At thirteen he entered Yale College ; thoughtful beyond his years, a metaphysician by nature, at that early age he was enraptured with the perusal of Locke on the " Understanding." Secluded from the world by the love of study, he penetrated far into the mysteries of the workings of the human mind. Edwards drew from the Bible the knowledge of the true relation between the church and the world. The contest was long and strenuous, but the lines were clearly drawn, and from that day to this the distinction is marked and appreciated. " He repudiated the system of the Half- way covenant," and proclaimed the old doctrines of " the sole right of the sanctified to enjoy the privileges of church members, and of salvation by faith alone." As the influ- ence of the state in religious matters thus began to fade away, a closer spiritual relation of men to men, not as members of a commonwealth alone, but as members of a great brotherhood, gained in importance. Parties sprang into existertce ; those who favored a more spiritual life in religion were stigmatized as " New Lights," while the steady conservatives were known as the " Old Lights." So bitter was the feeling that in Con- necticut the civil authority was invoked, and severe laws 1742 were enacted against the New Lights. The controversy was so warm that Edwards was driven from his congresa- tion — at that time, "the largest Protestant society in the world." He went as a missionary to the Housatonic In- dians at Stockbridge, Massachusetts. There in the forest. 224 HISTORY OF THE A3IERICAN PEOPLK. CHAP, amid toils and privations, he wrote his far-famed treatise _J__ on the " Freedom of the Will," which has exerted so 1750. much influence in the theological world, while the writer was the first American that obtained a European reputa- tion as an author. 17-iO. During this period Whiteficld came, by invitation, to New England. He had been i^reaching in the south with unexampled success. At intervals, for more than thirty years, he preached the gospel from colony to colony. " Hun- dreds of thousands heard the highest evangelical truths uttered with an eloquence probably never equalled." The influence of the awakening spread till all the colonies were visited by the same blessings, especially the Presby- terians of New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania, and in a less degree in the more southern colonies. These influences were not limited to that age, for similar revivals have continued to our own times. The Baptists, hitherto but few in number, received a new impulse, as many of the New Light chnrches adopted their views ; and the preaching of Whitefield prepared the way for the success of the Methodists. The revival created a want for ministers of the gospel, to supply which, the Rev. William Tennent established an academy at Neshaminy ; an institution where ^young men professing the religious fervor that characterized those prominent in the revival, could be prepared for the sacred ofiSce. This was the germ of Princeton College. This religious sentiment met with little sympathy from the authorities of the colony, and with difficulty a 1716. charter was obtained. The institution was named Nassau Hall, in honor of the great Protestant hero, William III. It was first located at Elizabeth town, then at Newark, 1757. and finally at Princeton. Its success was unexampled ; in ten years the number of students increased from eight to ninety. CHAPTER XXI. FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR. The Valley of the Ohio.— French and English Claimants.— Gist the Pioneer. — George Washington ■, his Character ; his Mission to the French on the Alleghany. — Returns to Williamsburg. — St. Pierre's Letter unsatis- factory. — Virginians driven from the Ohio. — Fort Du Quesne built. — Washington sent to defend the Frontiers. — Conflict at Fort Necessity. — The Fort abandoned. — Biitish Troops arrive in America. — Plan of oper- ations. — General Braddoek ; his qualifications. — The Army marches from Wills' Creek. — Obstinacy of Braddoek. — Arrival on the Mononga- hela. — The Battle. — Defeat. — Death and Burial of Braddoek. — Dun- bar's Panic. — The Frontiers left unprotected. Scarcely an English jcolonist had yet settled in the val- ch.\p. ley of the Ohio. The traders who visited the Indians in ^1_ that region, told marvellous stories of the fertility of the 1749, soil, and the desirableness of the climate. It was pro- posed to found a colony west of the AUeghany mountains. The governor of Virginia received royal instructions to grant the " Ohio Company " five hundred thousand acres of land lying between the rivers Monongahela and Kana- wha, and on the Ohio. The company engaged to send one hundred families ; to induce them to emigrate they offered them freedom from quit-rents for ten years. Meantime, the French sent three hundred men to ex- pel the English traders and take possession of the valley. They also sent agents, who passed through the territory north of the Ohio river, and at various points nailed on the trees plates of lead, on which were inscribed the arms of France. This they were careful to do in the presence 15 226 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. ""xxF" °^ ^^^^ Indians, who suspected they intended to take away their lands. When the English came and made surveys 1749. on the south side of the Ohio, they asked them the puz- zling question : " If the French take possession of the north side of the Ohio, and the English of the south, where is the Indian's land ? " At Wills' Creek, now Cumberland, Maryland, one of the easiest passes over the mountains commenced. Here the Ohio Company established a place of deposit to sup- ply Indian traders with goods. They also wished to explore the Ohio river to the great falls ; to ascertain the location of the best lands, and whether the Indians were friendly or unfriendly. They employed for this dangerous and difficult task the celebrated trader and pioneer Chris- topher Gist, who crossed the mountains and came upon the Alleghany river, at a village occupied by a few Dela- ware Indians. Thence he passed down to Logstown, a sort of head-quarters for traders, situated some miles below the junction of that river and the Monongahela. Here dwelt a renowned chief of tlu3 western tribes, Tana- charison, or half-king, as he was called, because he ac- knowledged a sort of allegiance to the Mohawks. " You are come to settle the Indian lands," said the resident traders, whose suspicions were roused ; " you will never go home safe." Gist traversed the region of the Muskingum and of the Scioto, then crossed the Ohio, and passed up the Cuttawa or Kentucky to its very springs. He gave a glowing account of the beauty and fertility of .the region he had visited. It was covered with trees of immense size, the wild cherry, the ash, the black walnut, and the sugar maple, the two latter giving indubitable proof of the fertility of the soil ; a land abounding in never-failing springs and rivulets, forests interspersed with small mead- ows, covered with long grass and white clover, on which fed herds of elk, deer, and buffalo, while the wikl turkey and other game promised abundance to the hunter and GBOEGE WASHINGTON. 227 pioneer. Such was the primitive character of the territoiy ^-'^j^j^- since known as the State of Ohio. He ascertained that French emissaries were visiting 1T49. all the western tribes, to induce them to take up arms against the English ; that the Indians looked upon both as intruders, and though willing to trade with both, were unwilling that either should occupy their lands. The French saw that if the English obtained a foothold on the Ohio, they would cut off the communication between the Lakes and the Mississippi. The final struggle for the supremacy in the valley was near at hand. While the English, by invitation of the Indians, were approaching from the south, to build a fort at the head of the Ohio, the French were approaching the same point from the north. The latter had built war vessels at Fron- tenac to give them the command of Lake Ontario ; they had strengthened themselves by treaties with the most powerful tribes, the Shawnees and the Delawares ; they had repaired Fort Niagara, at the foot of Lake Erie, and at this time had not less than sixty fortified and well gar- risoned posts between Montreal and New Orleans. They bad also built a fort at Presque Isle, now Erie, one on French Creek, on the site of Waterford, and another at the junction of that creek with the Alleghany, now the village of Franklin. Dinwiddle, governor of Virginia, resolved to send a messenger to remonstrate with the French for intruding on English territory. Where could he find a man of en- ergy and prudence to tnast in this laborious and perilous undertaking ? His attention was directed to a mere youth, in his twenty-second year, a surveyor, who, in the duties of his profession, had become somewhat familiar 1732. with the privations of forest life. That young man was 22. George Washington. He was a native of Westmoreland county, Virginia. The death of his father left him an orphan when eleven years of age. The wealthy Virginia 228 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, planters of those days were accustomed to send their L sons to England to complete their education, and thus 1749. had Lawrence, his half-brother, fourteen years older than himself, been educated. No such privilege was in store for George. His father's death may have interfered with such plans : be that as it may, he was sent to the com- mon school in the neighborhood, and there taught only the simplest branches of an English education — to spell, to read, to write, to cipher. When older, he went for some time to an academy of a somewhat higher grade, where he devoted his time particularly to the study of mathematics. Though his school advantages were so limited, it was his inestimable privilege to have a mother endowed with good sense, united to decision of character and Christian principle, — she inspired love, she enforced obedience. From her he inherited an ardent, impulsive temper— from her he received its antidote ; she taught him to hold it in subjection. The early life of George Washington furnishes an ex- ample worthy the imitation of the youth of his cormtry. We are told of his love of truth, of his generous and noble acts, that he won the confidence of his schoolmates, and received from them that respect which virtue alone can secure. He was systematic and diligent in all his studies. There may yet be seen, in the library at Mount Vernon, the book in which he drew his first exercises in surveying ; every diagram made with the utmost care. Thus was foreshadowed in the youth what was fully developed in the man. At the early age of sixteen, we find him in the woods on the frontiers of Virginia, performing his duties as a surveyor ; making his measurements with so much accuracy that to this day they are relied upon. We must not suppose that the studious and sedate youth, with his rules for governing his " conversation and conduct " carefully written out, and as carefully observed, THE FORMATION OF HIS CHARACTER. 229 was destitute of boyish feelings. He had his youthful *"^^j^- sijorts and enjoyments ; he could exhibit feats of strength and skill ; could ride a horse or throw a stone with any 1749. boy, and was so far military in his tastes as occasionally to drill his school-fellows during recess. His brother Lawrence had spent some time in the Eng- lish navy, and George had often heard of the excitements of the seaman's life, and had boyish longings for adven- tures on the ocean. Circumstances seemed to favor his wishes. When fourteen, it was decided that he should enter the navy. The man-of-war on which he was to go as a midshipman was lying in the Potomac ; his baggage was ready, but when the parting hour came the mother's heart failed. Though deeply disappointed, George yielded to her wish, and relinquished his anticipated pleasure. Though Washington was born and spent his youth in the wdds of Virginia, there were many refining influences brought to bear upon the formation of his character. He was intimate for years in the Fairfax family, who brought with them to their western home the refinement and cul- ture of the English aristocracy of that day. Neither must we overlook the benign influence exerted over him by his educated and benevolent brother Lawrence, who, up to the time of his death, watched over his young brother with a father's care, as well as a brother's love. The influence of Christian principle governing the im- pulses of a noble nature, was the secret of the moral excellence, the dignified integrity, unaffected candor, and sterling worth, which shone forth in the character of Washington, — a name so much blended with the liberties of his country, and so much cherished and honored by the friends of humanity in every clime. Governor Dinwiddle gave his youthful messenger a letter for the French commandant on the Ohio, in which he demanded of him his reasons for invading the territory of England. The very day on which Washington re- 230 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. *^xxi^' ^^^'^'^^ ^^ credentials, (October 30,) he left Williamsburg for Winchester, then a frontier town of Virginia. By the 1750. middle of November his preparations were completed. With a company consisting of the intrepid Gist, who acted as guide, two interpreters, and four others, he set out from Wills' Creek. A. journey of nine days, through solitudes and mountain passes, and across streams swoUen by recent rains, brought them to where the Mouougahela, that river " so deep and still," meets the " swift running Alleghany." Washington explored the neighborhood, and remarks in his journal : " The land at the Fork is extremely well situated for a fort, as it has absolute command of both rivers." Thus thought the French en- gineers, who afterward on that very spot built Fort Du Quesne. Shingis, chief sachem of the Delawares, who afterward took up arms against the English, accompanied him to Logstown. Here, by his instructions, Washington was to confer with the Indian chiefs : he summoned theui to a grand talk. They would not commit themselves ; they had heard that the French were coming with a strong force to drive the English out of the land. But he in- duced three of them to accompany him to the station of the French commandant ; among these was the Half- King. When he arrived at Venango, or Franklin, the officer in commantt referred him to the ChevaHer St. Pierre, general officer at the next post. Meanwhile he was treated with politeness, and invited by the French officers to a supper. The wine passed freely, and the talka- tive Frenchmen began to boast of their plans ; they would " take possession of the Ohio ; the English could raise two men for their one, but they were too slow and dilatory." The sober and cautious Washington marked well their words. The three chiefs had promised well ; they would give back the speech belts to the French ; THE VIRGINIANS DRIVEN FROM TgE OHIO. 231 Ihey were friends to the English. But when \Aied with ^^^.^'■ drink, and hailed by the French as " Indian brothers," . they wavered for a time. 1753. Washington obtained an interview with St. Pierre, '' an ancient and silver-haired chevalier, courteous but ceremonious," and after some delay received an answer to his despatches, and hastened homeward. As the pack- horses were disabled, he left them and the baggage, and with Gist for his only companion struck out into the wil- derness. The cold was intense, the snow was falling, and freezing as it fell. Wraj)ped in Indian blankets, ynth. their guns in their hands and knapsacks on their backs, and a compass to guide them, they pushed on toward the Alleghany river, which they hoped to cross on the ice. Their journey through the pathless wild was marked by some mishaiDS and hairbreadth escapes. Tiieir lives were endangered by a false guide, and Washington in endeav- oring to force his way through the ice in the river, came near perishing ; but, on the sixteenth of January, they 1754., arrived safely at Williamsburg. The answer of St. Pierre was courteous but indefinite. He referred the matter to the Marquis Du Quesne, the governor of Canada. It was clear, however, that he did not intend to retire from the valley of the Ohio. This was still more evident from the preparations of boats, ar- tillery, and military stores, which Washington noticed up the Alleghany, waiting for the spring flood, when they would be taken to their place of destination. The following spring the Ohio Company sent between thirty and forty men to build a fort at the head of the Ohio. The French were on the alert ; a company of sol- diers floated down the Alleghany, who surprised and sur- rounded them at their work. They must surrender in an hour's time or defend themselves against a thousand men. They were glad to leave their unfinished fort and return 232 HISTQKT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, CHAP, to Virginia. The French took immediate possession. finished it, and named it Du Quesne. 1754. At the early age of nineteen Washington had been appointed Adjutant-General of the northern district of Virginia, an office which he filled to the entire satisfaction of his countrymen. Now he received the commission of lieutenant-colonel, with orders to protect the frontiers. He was also offered the command of the expedition against the French at Fort Du Quesne. This he declined on ac- count of his youth ; the command was then conferred upon Colonel Fry, who shortly after fell ill, and it virtu- ally passed into the hands of Washington. His little army was ill provided with tents and military stores, and poorly clad. They moved on very slowly. It was not easy with a train of artillery to pass through the forests, clinil) mountains, and ford swollen rivers. Washington pushed on with a detachment for the junction of the Red- stone and Monongahela. There, on the spot now known as Brownsville, he hojied to maintain his position until the main force should come up, and then they would float down the river in flat-boats to Fort Du Quesne. On the ninth of May this detachment arrived at a place called the Little Meadows. Here they met traders, who informed them that the French were in great force at Du Quesne, and that a portion of them had set out on a secret expedition. There was but little doubt as to its object. Presently came an Indian runner ; he had seen the tracks of the Frenchmen ; they were near. The Half- King with forty warriors was also in the neighborhood. On a dark and stormy night, Washington and forty of his men groped their way to his camp, which they reached about daylight. This faithful ally put a couple of runners upon the enemy's tracks ; they reported that the French were encamped in a deep glen, where they had put up temporary cabins. Washington arranged his company in two divisions, and SUREENDER OF FORT NECESSITY. 233 SO effectually surprised them that few of their number ^^\^^- escaped. Among the slain was the youthful De Jumon- ville, the leader of the party. Here was shed the first 1754. blood in that seven years' struggle, in which the French power on this continent was broken. As no reinforce- ments were sent, Washington was greatly disappointed ; he could not maintain the advantage he had gained. He heard that a numerous force was on its way to attack him. In a letter to his friend Colonel Fairfax he writes : " The motives that have led me here are pure and noble. I had no view of acquisition, but that of honor by serving faithfully my king and countiy." He built a fort at the Great Meadows, which, from the fact of famine pressing upon them, he named Fort Necessity. It is a fact worthy of mention, that at this encampment public prayer was daily obsei-ved, and con- ducted by the youthful commander himself Soon five hundred French and many hundred Indians appeared on the hills in sight of the fort. He drew out his men for battle, but tlie_enemy declined the contest. Then he withdrew them within the inclosure, giving them directions to fire only when an enemy was in sight. This irregular fighting continued throughout the day. The rain poured in torrents, and rendered useless many of thejr muskets. At night the French desired a parley ; suspecting stratagem to introduce a spy, Washington at first refused, but at length consented. Much of the night was spent in negotiation ; finally, the Virginians were allowed to leave the fort with the honors of war, and their equipments and stores, except artillery. The next morn- ing the youthful hero led out his men. The Indians im- julj mediately began to plunder ; Washington, seeing this, '''■ ordered every thing to be destroyed that the soldiers could not carry. The loss of the Virginia regiment, which numbered about three hundred, was nearly fifty ; the loss of the enemy was greater. After much toil and sufi'ering. 234 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAK PEOPLE. ^xxi' ■^''°™ ^^"*' °^ provisions, they arrived at Cumberlancl. Thus ended the first military exjaedition of Washington. 1754. Although unsuccessful, he displayed so much prudence and judgment that the people were impressed by his merits, and which the House of Burgesses acknowledged by a vote of thanks. He was, however, soon after annoyed and mortified by the course pursued by the narrow-minded Dinwiddio, who, unwilling to promote the provincial officers, dissolved the Virginia regiments, and formed them into independent companies, in which there should be no officer of higher rank than that of captain. With a dignity and self-respect worthy of his character, Washington withdrew from the army. When Governor Sharpe, of Maryland, was ap- pointed commander-in-chief by the king, he invited him, through a friend, to join it again under the title of colonel, but really with no higher authority than that of captain. He declined the offer, writing in reply, " If you think me capable of holding a commission that has neither rank nor emolument annexed to it, you must maintain a very contemptible opinion of my weakness, and believe me more empty than the commission itself " He was still further mortified by Dinwiddle's refusal to give up the French prisoners, according to the articles of capitulation at Fort Necessity. While these contests were in progress in the valley of the Ohio, the French and English nations were ostensibly at peace. Each, desirous of deceiving the other, professed to hope that this little colhsion would not interrupt their harmony ; the French still continued to send ships to America laden with soldiers ; and the English matured plans to drive them away. Matters took a more decided form ; war was not de- clared, but open hostilities commenced, and England, foi the first time, sent an army to aid the colonists. GENERAL BRADDOCK THE EXPEDITION. 235 Four expeditions were decided upon : one to capture chap. the French posts near the head of the Bay of Fundy, and expel the French from Acadie ; another against Crown 1754. Point, to be led by William Johnson, Indian agent among the Mohawks ; the third, against Niagara and Frontenac. was to be intrusted to Shirley, Governor of Massachusetts ; the fourth against Fort Du Quesne ; the latter the Com- mander-in-chief, General Edward Brad'dock, was to lead in person. The struggle was about to commence in earnest ; British troops had arrived, and the colonies responded with a good will to the call of the mother country for levies of soldiers. General Braddock was perfect in the theoiy and prac- tice of mere military training ; he had been in the ■' Guards '' many years, where he had drilled and drilled, but had never seen actual service. With the conceited assurance of inexperience, he believed the excellencies of the soldier were alone found in the British regular — the perfection of military skill in British officers. To these qualifications he added a most supercilious con- tempt for the provincial soldier.s and their officers. He was to lead in person the force against Fort Du Quesne. Of the ditScultics of marching an army over 1155^ mountains, and through an unbroken wilderness, he was blindly ignorant. He was unwilling to hear advice, or even receive information on the subject ; and when Wash- ington, whom he had invited to act as one of his aids, suggested that " if the march was to be regulated by the slow movements of the train, it would be tedious, very tedious indeed," he made no reply, but smiled at the sim- pUcity of the young man, who knew so little about the movements of a regular army. Afterward, Benjamin Franklin ventured to direct his attention to the danger of Indian ambuscades. To his suggestion Braddock rephed : '' The Indians are no doubt fonnidable to raw Americans, 236 HISTORY OF THE AJIEKICAIT PEOPLE. CHAP, but upon the king's regulars, and disciplined troops, it is, sir, impossible they should make any impression." 1755. The army assembled at Wills' Creek, to which place Braddock came in his coach, and surrounded by his staff, " cursing the road very heartily " — its roughness had brok- en his coach, and ruffled his temper. He refused to em- ploy Indians as scouts on the march, or to protect the Pennsylvanians, who were making a road for the passage of the army ; hooted at the suggestion of Washington to take as little baggage as possible, and to employ pack- horses instead of wagons. The English officer's could give up neither their cumbrous baggage nor their lux- uries, neither could the general dispense with " his two good cooks, who could make an excellent ragout out of a pair of boots, had they but materials to toss them up with." j„ng_ After a month's delay, the army commenced its march. The difficulties of dragging heavily laden wagons and artillery over roads filled with stumps of trees and rocks, brought the general partially to his senses, and he inquired of Washington what was the best to be done. From recent accounts it was known that the garrison at Fort Du Quesne was small, and he advised that a division of light armed troops should be hurried forward to take pos- session of the place, before reinforcements could arrive from Canada. Accordingly, twelve hundred choice men were "detached from the main body and pushed forward, taking with them ten field-jiieces, and pack-horses to cany their baggage. ,The main division was left under the com- mand of Colonel Dunbar, with orders to move on as fast as possible. The general persisted in refusing to emi^loy either In- dians or backwoodsmen as scouts. There was a celebrated hunter, known all along the frontiers as Captain Jack. He was " the terror of the Indians." He had been their prisoner, had lived years among them, and was familiar THE ARMY AT THE MONONGAHELA. 237 with their habits. Afterward he cleared for himself a ^3^^- piece of land, built his cabin, and, happy in his forest life, . cultivated his ground and amused himself by hunting and 1755. fishing. On his return home on a certain evening he found his wife and children murdered, and his cabin in ashes. From that hour he devoted his life to defend the frontiers, and to avenge himself upon the destroyers of- his worldly happiness. He offered his services and those of his band to act as scouts, and seek the Indians in their lurking- places. Braddock received him very coldly, and declined the offer, saying that he " had experienced troops upon whom he could rely for all purposes." Even the advance di\dsion moved very slowly, not more than three or four miles a day. Says Washington in a letter, " Instead of pushing on with vigor, without regarding a little rough road, they halt to level every mole-hill and to erect a bridge over every brook." A month's slow marcj;i through the woods brought the army to the east bank of the Monongahela, about fifteen miles above Fort Du Quesne. Only the very day before the pro- posed attack on that fort, Washington, who had been detained by a fit of sickness, was able to join them. As July9. the hills came down to the water's edge, it was necessary to cross the river directly opposite to the camp, and five miles below, at another ford, recross to the east side. Colonel G-age — he, who, twenty years afterward, com- manded a British army in Boston — crossed before daylight, and with his detachment moved rapidly to the second ford ; then recrossing, took position to protect the passage of the main force. Washington ventured once more to suggest that the Virginia Eangers, consisting of three hun- dred men, should be thrown in advance. This proposition received an angry reply from Braddock, and, as if to make the rebuke more conspicuous, the Virginians and other provincials were placed as a rear -guard. At sunrise the remainder of the army was in motion. Their equipments 238 HISTORY OF THE- AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, were in the most perfect order : their muskets were hiir- XXI. . ■ ^ . ' . nished, and charged with fresh cartridges, and in high 1755. spirits they moved along, with bayonets fixed, colors flying, and drums heating. About two o'clock in the afternoon, after recrossing the river, as the army was moving along a narrow road, not more than twelve feet wide, with scarcely a scout in front or on the flanks, the engineer, who was marking the way, suddenly cried out " French and Indians." Scarcely was the alarm given, before rapid firing was heard in front, accompanied by most terrific yells. The army was in a broad ravine, covered with low shrubs, with moderately rising ground in front and on both sides. On this eleva- tion among the trees were the French and Indians, in^asi- ble to the English, but from their hiding-places able to see every movement of the soldiers in the ravine, and to take deliberate aim. The regulars were thrown into confusion ; the sight of their companions shot down beside them by an invisible enemy, together with the unearthly yells of the savages, sent a thrill of horror through their souls. They were ordered to charge bayonet up the liill, but no orders could induce them to leave the line. The enemy had been sent to occupy this very position, but had arrived too late ; now they were spreading all along both sides of tiie ravine. The English soldiers lost all control, and fired at random into the woods, wherever they saw the smoke of an enemy's gun. The advance party fell back upon the second division, and threw it into still greater confu- sion. At this moment Colonel Burton came up with a reinforcement, eight hundred strong, but just as they had formed to face the enemy, down upon them rushed the two foremost divisions pell-mell ; all were crowded to- gether in inextricable confusion, and their officers were nearly all slain or wounded. Now came Braddock him- self He ordered the colors to advance, and the respective THE BATTLE. 239 regiments to separate and form in ranks — but in vain. No '^^^■ orders were obeyed. In a few minutes after the battle commenced the Vir- 1755 ginia Kangers were behind trees, and rapidly jiicking off the Indians ; but unfortunately many of these brave men fell victims to the random shots of the regulars. Wash- ington entreated Braddock to permit his soldiers to pro- tect themselves, as the Virginians had done ; but he refused, and still persisted in striving to form them into platoons, and when any sheltered themselves behind trees, he called them cowards and struck them with the flat of his sword. Thus, through his obstinacy, these unfortu- nate men became targets for the enemy. The officers ex- hibited the greatest bravery, and many of them fell, as they were the special objects of the sharpshooters. Two of the aids, Morris and Orme, were severely wounded, and their duties devolved upon Washington. His expo- sure was great, as he passed often from one part of the field to another ; yet he gave his orders with calmness and judgment. When sent to bring up the artillery, he found the Indians surrounding it, Sir Peter Halket, the commander, killed, and the men paralyzed with fear. He encouraged them, leaped from his horse, jjointed a field- piece and discharged it. It was useless ; the men deserted the guns. For three hours the desperate fight lasted. During this time Braddock was in the centre of the con- flict, trying, hi his tvay, to regain the field. His ofiGcers liad nearly all fallen, and his slain soldiers covered the ground ; still he would not permit the remainder to adopt the Indian mode of fighting. Five horses were shot under him, and finally he him- self was mortally wounded. As he was falling from Ms horse Captain Stewart, of the Virginia Guards, caught him in his arms. As they bore him out of danger, he begged to be left to die upon tlie field of his misfortune. All was now abandoned. The fall of the general saved 240 HISTORY OF THE AMEEICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, the army from entire destruction. The soldiers were now J at liberty to save themselves as best they could. " The 1755. regulars fled like sheep before hounds." The Virginia Rangers threw themselves in the rear, and for some time held the enemy in check. The wagoners moimted their team-horses and fled ; all hurried to the ford, fiercely pur- sued by the Indians. The love of plunder restrained the pursuers, and after the fugitives had recrossed the river they were not molested. Washington rode all that night and the next day to Dunbar's camp to obtain wagons to transport the wounded, and soldiers to guard them. When he had obtained these he hastened back to meet the fugitives. Braddock was still able to issue orders, and seems to have had a faint hope that he might hold out till he could receive reinforcements. He was carried by the sol- diers, being unable to mount a horse ; — at length, the fugitives arrived at Fort Necessity. The wounded gen- eral appeared to be heart-broken. He scarcely spoke ; as if reflecting on his past confidence in his troops, he would occasionally ejaculate, " Who would have thought it ? " Tradition tells of his softened feelings toward those whom he had treated harshly ; of his gratitude to Captain Stew- art for his care and kindness ; of his apology to Washing- ton for the manner in which he had received his advice. On the night of the thirteenth of July he died. The next morning, before the break of day, he was buried as secretly as possible, lest the Indians, who were hovering around, should find his grave and violate it. The chaplain was among the wounded, and Washington read the funeral service. Near the national road, a mile west of Fort Necessity, may be seen a rude pile of stones — the work of some friendly hand, — it marks the grave of Braddock. " His dauntless conduct on the field of battle shows him to have been a man of spirit. His melancholy end, too, disarms censure of its asperity. Whatever may have been THE FRONTIERS LEFT EXPOSED. 241 his faults and errors, he, in a manner expiated them by '^^'^^'■ the hardest lot that can befall a brave soldier ambitious , of renown, — an imhonorcd grave in a strange land, a 1755. memory clouded by misfortune, and a name ever coupled with defeat." ' The frightened Dunbar, though he had under his com- mand fifteen hundred effective men, — enough, if properly led, to have regained the field, — broke up his camp, de- stroyed his stores, and retreated with aU speed ; only when he had arrived safely in Philadelphia did he breathe freely. His failure of duty left the frontiers exposed to the inroads of the savages. Of eighty-six officers, twenty-six had perished, and thirty-six were wounded. Among the latter was Captain Horatio Gates, who, twenty-five years later, was conspicu- ous as a major-general in the struggle for independence. Of the soldiers, more than seven hundred were either killed or wounded. The gallant Virginia Kangers had perished in great numbers, for upon them had fallen the brunt of the battle. When it became known that there were only two hundred and twenty-five French, and about six hundred and fifty Indians in the battle, the disgrace was deeply felt, that this handful of men, sent merely to hold the English in check, should have defeated a well- equipped and disciplined army of nearly twice their own number. The religious sentiments of the colonists were greatly shocked at the profanity, Sabbath-breaking, and almost every form of vice and wickedness common in this boastful army. So certain were the expectations of victory, that preparations were made to celebrate it. It is proper to notice the effect of these events upon the minds of the colonists. With them the name of the Brit- ish regulars had lost its prestige — they were not invincible. ' Washington Irving. 16 242 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP. In addition, the haughtiness of the British officers had L inflicted wounds destined never to be healed. The atten- 1755. tion of the people was directed especially to Washington. In a letter to his brother Augustine he says : " By the all-powerful dispensation of Providence, I have been pro- tected beyond all human probability or expectation ; for I had four buUets through my coat, two horses shot under me, yet escaped unhurt, though death was levelling my companions on every side around me." The wonderful manner in which he had been preserved in that day of peril, excited universal attention. No doubt the Kev. Samuel Davies, one of the most celebrated clergymen of the day, expressed the common sentiment, when, in a sermon preached soon after Braddock's defeat, he referred to him as " that heroic youth. Colonel Wash- ington, whom I cannot hut hope Providence has hitherto preserved in so signal a manner for some important ser- vice to his country." Washington was never wounded in battle ; he was shielded by the same protecting hand. J CHAPTER XXII. FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR— CONTINUED. The French Acadiens; their simple Manners, Industry, and good Morals.— Expulsion from their Homes, and mournful Exile. — Expedition ag.ninst Crown Point. — Baron Dieskau. — English defeated. — Death of Colcnel Williams. — Attack on Johnson's Camp repulsed. — Death of Dieskau. — Williams College. — Indian Ravages on the Frontiers of Virginia and Pennsylvania. — Kittanning destroyed. — Lord Loudon Commander-in- chief — His tardiness and arbitrary Measures. — Montcalm acts with Energy ; captures Fort Ontario, then Fort William Henry. — -Exhausted condition of Canada. In the mean time other expeditions were undertaken tyff against the French. For this purpose Massachusetts . alone raised eight thousand soldiers, almost one-fifth part 1755. of her able-hodied men. A portion of Acadie or Nova Scotia was still in the hands of the French. It consisted of the isthmus on the northern part, which was defended by two insignificant forts. For forty years, since the peace of Utrecht, the peninsula had been under British rnle, and now the whole territory was completely subdued. These forts, with scarcely any resistance, fell into the jnne hands of the English. Sixteen years before the Pilgrims ^^■ landed at Plymouth this French colony was established on the Peninsula of Acadie. It was the oldest perma- nent French settlement in North America. For one hundred and fifty years the Acadiens had been gradually clearing and improving their lands, and enjoying the com- forts of rural life. At first their chief sources of wealth had been the fisheries and the fur-trade ; but these had 2ii HISTORY OF THE AMEEICAX PEOPLE. Slxii' g'''^'1^i*ilb' gi^'en way to agriculture. Tlieir social inter- course was governed by a high tone of morals. Their 1755. differences, but few in number, were settled by the arbi- tration of their old men. Seldom' did they go with com- plaints to their English rulers. Early marriages were encouraged, and when a young man came of age, his neighbors built him a house, and aided him for one year, and the wife's friends aided her with gifts. Their fields were fertile, and industry made them productive. Their meadows, which now were covered with flocks of sheep and herds of cattle, they had, by means of dikes, redeemed from the great flow of the tide. Their little cottages dot- tett'the landscape. In their domestic industry each family provided for its own wants, and clothed its members with cloth and linen made from the wool of their flocks, or from the flax of their fields. As Catholics, they were happy in the exercise of their religion ; though they belonged to the diocese of Queliec, they were not brought into close relation with the people of Canada. They knew but little of what was passing beyond the limits of their own neighborhood. Independ- ent of the world, they had its comforts, but not its luxu- ries. They now numbered about seventeen thousand inliabitants, and up to this time their English rulers had left them undisturbed in their seclusion. A dark cloud was hanging over this scene of rural simplicity and comfort. As they were excused from bear- ing arms against France by the terms of their surrender, the Acadiens were known as " French neutrals ;" neither had they been required to take the usual oaths of allegi- ance ; they had promised submission to English au- thority, to be neutral in times of war with France, and it was understood they were to enjoy their religion. This oath was one which, as good Frenchmen and good Catho- lics, they could not take ; it rec[uired them to bear arms against their own brethren in Canada, and it might iu- THE OATHS 01' ALLEGIANCE. 245 volve the interests of their religiuu. " Better," urged *-l^^Yj*- the priests, " surreuder your meadows to the sea, and your houses to the flames, than at the peril of your souls 1755. take the oath of allegiance to the British government." But it was now to be exacted. " They possess the best and largest tract of land in this province," writes Law- rence, Lieutenant-governor of Nova Scotia, to Lord Hali- fax ; " if they refuse the oaths, it would be much better that they were away." This " largest and best tract " seems to have been coveted by their English rulers ; they undoubtedly were suspicious of the Acadiens as Catholics, and it is true some of their more ardent young men be- longed, as volunteers, to the garrisons of the recently captured forts ; but as this simpile-minded people had neither the wiU nor the power to aid the enemies of Eng- land, we cannot suppose that this suspicion alone induced the British to visit upon them a severity so unparalleled. The ijuestion of allegiance was, however, to be pressed to the utmost ; if they refused to take the oath, the titles to their lands were to be null and void. The haughty con- duct of the British officers sent to enforce these orders was to them a harbinger of sorrow. Their property was wantonly taken for the public service, and " they not to be bargained with for payment ; " if they did not bring wood at the proper time, " the soldiers might take their houses for fuel." Their guns were taken, and their boats seized, under the pretence that they intended to carry provisions to the French. The English insisted upon treating this people, so faithful to their country and their religion, as lawless rebels. Wearied by these oppressions, their deputies promised allegiance ; they declared that their consciences would not permit them to rebel against their rulers, and they humbly asked that their arms and boats might be restored. " The memorial is highly arro- gant, insidious, and insulting," said the haughty Law- rence ; " guns do not belong to you by law, for you are 246 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. ^xxu' ■^°™^^ Catholics." After consultation with the jjeople, the deputies offered to swear unconditionally. Then they 1755. were told, as they had once refused, now they should not be permitted to swear. A calamity, as unexpected as it was dreadful, was at hand. By proclamation, " the old men, and young men, as well as aU lads over ten years of age," were called upon to assemble, on a certain day, the fifth of September, at certain posts in their respective districts, to hear the Sept. " wishes of the king." The call was obeyed. At Grand Pre alone more than four hundred unsuspecting and un- armed men and boys came together. They were gathered into the church, its doors were closed, and Winslow, the commander, announced to them the decision of the Brit- ish government. They were to be banished forever from their native province ; from the fields they had cultivated, from the pleasant homes where they had spent their youth. They might not emigrate to lands offered them among friends in Canada, lest they should add strength to the French. They were to be driven forth as beggars among their enemies, a people of a strange language and of a different religion. They were retained as prisoners, till the ships which were to bear them away were ready. As soon as possible, their wives and little children were also seized. On the day of embarkation, the young men and boys were first ordered on board the ship ; as their parents and friends were not allowed to go with them, they refused, fearing that if thus separated, they might never meet again — a thought they could not bear. But resistance and entreaties were useless ; driven by the bay- onet, they were marched from the church to the ship, which was a mile distant ; their way was lined with weep- ing friends, mothers, and sisters, who prayed for blessings on their heads, and they themselves wept and prayed and mournfully chanted psalms as they passed along. Then In the same manner the fathers were driven on board THE SORROWS OF THE EXILES. 247 another ship. The wives and children were left behind ; ^^^■ these were kept for weeks near the sea without proper shelter or food, shivering in December's cold, till ships 1755. could come to take them away. " The soldiers hate them, and if they can but find a pretext will kill them." Thus wrote an English oiijcer who was engaged in this work of cruelty. In some places the object of the proclamation was suspected, and the men and youth did not assemble. In the vicinity of Annapolis some fled to the woods, with their wives and children, some went to Canada, while others threw themselves upon the hospitality of the In- dians, from whom they received a hearty welcome.- That these poor people, who had fled to the woods, might be compelled by starvation and exposure to give themselves up, orders were issued to lay waste their homes, and the whole country was made a desolation, from the village and its church, to the peasant's cottage and barn. " For successive evenings the cattle assembled round the smoul- dering ruins, as if in anxious expectation of the return of their masters ; while all night long the faithful watch- dogs howled over the scene of desolation, and mourned alike the hand that had fed, and the house that had shel- tered them." ' Seven thousand of these poor people were transported and cast helpless on the shores of the English colonies, from New Hampshire to Georgia. Families were separated never to meet again. From time to time, for many j^ears afterward, advertisements in the newspapers of the colo- nies told the tale of sorrow. Now they inquired for a lost wife or husband, now brothers and sisters inquired for each other; parents for their children, and children for their parents. When any in after years attempted to re- turn they were driven ofl". Some of those taken to Georgia 'Haliburton's History of Nova Scotia. 248 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAl^' PEOPLE. xxn^' '-"'^^^^^ endure their banisliment no longer. They obtained boats, and coasted along the shore toward home : but. 1755. alas ! when almost at the end of their perilous voyage, they were ordered away. Some wandered to Louisiana, where lands on the river above New Orleans, still known as the Acadien coast, were assigned them. Tliis work of wanton cruelty was done by men, who un- blushiugly congratulated the approving king that the work of desolation had been so effectively accomplished — a work, which, for its treachery and cowardly cruelty, deserves the reprobation of every human breast. " I know not that the annals of the human race keep the record of sorrows so wantonly inflicted, so bitter and so perennial, as fell upon the French inhabitants of Acadie. The hand of the Eng- lish official seemed under a spell with regard to them, and was never uplifted but to curse them." ' The expedition against Crown Point, on Lake Cham- plain, had been intrusted to General Wilham Johnson. His troops were drawn principally from Massachusetts and Connecticut ; a regiment from N'cw Hampshire joined them at Albany. At the head of boat navigation on the Hudson, a fort was built which, in honor of their com- mander, whom they reverenced as " a brave and virtuous man," the soldiers named Fort Lyman. But when John- son assumed the command he ungenerously changed the name to Fort Edward. Leaving a garrison in this fort, Johnson moved with about five thousand men to the head of Lake George, and there formed a camp, intending to descend into Lake Champlain. Hendrick, the celebrated Mohawk chief, with his warriors, were among these troops. Israel Putnam, too, was there, as a captain, and John Stark as a lieutenant, each taking lessons in warfare. The French were not idle ; the district of Montreal made the most strenuous exertions to meet the invading foe. ' Bancroft. THE ENGLISH FALL INTO AN AMBUSCADE. 249 All the men who were able to bear arms were called into *^'^\'' active service ; so that to gather in the harvest, their places were supplied by men from other districts. The 1755. energetic Baron Dieskau resolved, by a bold attack, to terrify the invaders. Taking with him two hundred reg- ulars, and about twelve hundred Canadians and Indians, he set out to capture Fort Edward ; but as he drew near, the Indians heard that it was defended by cannon, which they greatly dreaded, and they refused to advance. He now changed his plan, and resolved to attack Johnson's camp, which was supposed to be without cannon. Meantime scouts had reported to Johnson, that they had seen roads made through the woods in the direction of Fort Edward. Not knowing the movements of Dieskau, a detachment of a thousand men, under Colonel Ephraim Williams, of Massachusetts, and two hundred Mohawks, under Hendrick, marched to relieve that post. The French had information of their approach, and placed themselves in ambush. They were concealed among the thick bushes of a swamp, on the one side, and rocks and trees on the other. The English recklessly marched into the defile. They were vigorously attacked, and thrown gept into confusion. Hendrick was almost instantly killed, and ^• in a short time Williams fell also. The detachment com- menced to retreat, occasionally halting to check their pur- suers. The firing was heard in the camp ; as the sound drew nearer and nearer, it was evident the detachment was retreating. The drums beat to arms, trees were hastily felled and thrown together to form a breastwork, upon which were placed a few cannon, just arrived from the Hudson. Scarcely were these preparations made, when the panting fugitives appeared in sight, hotly pur- sued by the French and Indians. Intending to enter the camp with the fugitives, Dieskau urged forward his men with the greatest impetuosity. The moment the fugitives were past the muzzles of the cannon, they opened with 250 HISTORY OF THE AMESICAS PEOPLE. f^AP. a tremendous shower of grape, whicli scattered the terrified Indians and checked the Canadians, hut the regulars 1755. pushed on. A determined contest ensued, which lasted five hours, until the regulars were nearly all slain, while the Indians and Canadians did hut little execution ; they re- mained at a respectful distance among the trees. At length the enemy began to retreat, and the Americans leajjed over the breastwork and pursued them with great vigor. That same evening, after the pursuit had ceased, as the French were retreating, they were suddenly attack- ed with great spirit by the New Hampshire regiment, which was on its way from Fort Edward. They were so panic-stricken by this new assault, that they abandoned every thing, and fled for their lives. Dieskau had been wounded oiice or twice at the com- mencement of the battle, but he never left his post ; two of his soldiers generously attempted to carry him out of danger, but when in the act one of them received his death wound ; he urged the other to flee. In the midst of flying bullets he calmly seated himself on the stump of a neigh- boring tree. He was taken prisoner, kindly treated, and sent to England, where he died. Johnson was slightly wounded at the commencement of the battle, and prudently retired from danger. To General Lyman belongs the honor of the victory, yet John- son, in liis report of the battle, did not even mention his name. Johnson, for his exertions on that day, was made a baronet, and received from royal favor a gift of twenty- five thousand dollars. He had friends at court, but liyman was unknown. Colonel Ephraim Williams, who fell in this battle, while passing through Albany had taken the precaution to make his will, in which he bequeathed property to found a free school in western Massachusetts. That school has since grown into Williams College — a monument INDIAN VILLAGE OF KITTANNING DESTROYED. 251 more honorable than one of granite, one fraught with chap blessings to future generations. Johnson, instead of pushing on to take advantage of the 1755 victory, loitered in his camp, and finally built and garrison- ed a useless wooden fort, which he named William Henry. As has been mentioned, the retreat of Dunbar left the frontiers of Virginia and Pennsylvania subject to the hor- rors of savage warfare. Washington was intrusted with their defence, but so few men had he at his command, and they so scattered, as to afford but little protection. The distant settlers of Virginia were driven in, and the beautiful valley of the Shenandoah became almost a deso- lation. Grovernor Dinwiddle, as an apology for not furnish- ing more soldiers, wrote : " We dare not part with any of our white men to any distance, as we must have a watchful eye over our negro slaves." In one of his letters, , Washington says : " The supplicating tears of women and moving petitions of the men, melt me into such deadly sorrow, that for the people's ease, I could offer myself a willing sacrifice to the treacherous enerfiy." The village of Kittanning, twenty or thirty miles up the Alleghany, above Fort Du Quesne, was the head-quar- ters of a notable Indian chief, known as Captain Jacobs. Incited by the French, he and his bands made many mur- derous incursions against the settlements of Pennsylvania. His associate was the Delaware chief Shingis. Benjamin Franklin, who had been appointed colonel by the governor, had organized the Pennsylvania militia to protect the frontiers, and after his resignation, Colonel John Arm- strong, afterward a major-general in the Kevolutionary war, was chosen in his place. He resolved to destroy these Indians and their village. Three hundred Pennsylvanians volunteered for the enterprise. In the latter part of Sep- tember they set out on horseback, across the mountains, and in a few days came into the vicinity of Kittanning, at 252 HISTOKT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, night. They heard the savages carousing and yelling ; '_ they left their horses, approached the village, and arranged 1756 the order of attack. The night was warm, the Indians P soon began to separate, some to sleoj) in the corn-fields near by, and some in wigwams. As day began to dawn, the Americans surrounded the party, and, at a given sig- nal, rushed to the attack. The Indians were taken by surprise, but soon the voice of Jacobs was heard loud above the din, cheering on his waa'riors, and shouting, '• We are men, we will not be prisoners." The wigwams were set on fire, and warriors were heard singing their death-song in the midst of the flames. Jacobs attempted to break through the surrounding foe, but his career was cut short by a rifle-ball. This nest of savage murderers was entirely broken up ; the survivors" went further west, and for a season the frontiers had peace. Lord Loudon was appointed a sort of viceroy of all the colonies. He sent General Abercrombie as his lieutenant, having suspended Governor Shirley, and ordered him to June repair to England. Abercrombie arrived in June, and brought with him several British regiments. It was con- fidently expected that something important would now be done. These royal gentlemen had an army of seven thou- sand men at Albany, but, as the Frenchmen had said, they were " slow and dilatory," — they spent the summer in adjusting the rank of the officers. The soldiers of the colonies, though they had, by their indomitable courage, saved the remnant of the British army on the banks of the Monongahela ; though, at Lake George, they had driven the enemy before them, and had defended their soil and maintained the honor of the English name, yet they were not permitted to elect their own officers, and if they were appointed by the colonial governors, those of the same rank by royal appointment took the precedence. These were the petty annoyances dictated by little minds, that aided so much in alienating the colonists from the FORTS ONTAEIO AND WILLIAM HENRY CAPTURED. 253 mother country, and in the end leading them to independ- ™'^'' ence. While the English were thus trifling, Montcalm, the 1750. successor of Dieskau, was acting. With five thousand Frenchmen, Canadians, and Indians, he darted across the lake, and suddenly presented himself at the gates of Fort Ontario, at the mouth of the Oswego. He met with a vigorous resistance ; not until they had lost all hope of receiving aid, and their brave commander, Colonel Mercer, was killed, did the garrison surrender. An immense ^yik^. amount of military stores fell into the hands of Montcalm ; I*, he sent the captured flags to adorn the churches of Can- ada, and to please the Iroquois, who promised neutrality, he demolished the fort.' Though it was known that this important post was threatened, yet no means were taken to relieve it. Thus Loudon planned and counter- plannel, accomplished nothing, and then withdrew from his arduous labors into winter-quarters. He demanded free quarters for his officers of the citizens of Albany, New York, and Philadelphia. As the demand was " con- trary to the laws of England and the liberties of America," they refused to accede to it. He threatened to bring his soldiers and compel them to submit to the outrage. Tlie citizens, in their weakness, raised subscriptions to support for the winter those who had wasted the resources of the country. Thus a military chief invaded, not merely the political rights of the people, but the sanctities of their domestic life. Montcalm was undisturbed in making preparations to capture Fort William Henry, before which he appeared, 1757 the next year, with a large French and Indian force. The garrison numbered about three thousand men, under Colonel Monroe, a brave oificer, who, when summoned to surrender, indignantly refused, and immediately sent to General Webbe, at Fort Edward, fifteen miles distant, for aid. He could have reUeved Monroe, for he had four 254 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, thousand men at his disposal, but when Putnam obtained permission to go to the aid of the fort, and had proceeded 1757. some miles with his rangers, Webbe recalled him. Then he sent a letter to Monroe advising him to surrender. This letter fell into the hands of Montcalm, who was on the point of raising the siege, but he now sent the letter to Monroe, with another demand to surrender. The brave veteran would not capitulate, but held out till half his guns were rendered useless. Montcalm was too brave and generous not to appreciate nobleness in others, and he granted him the privilege of marching out with the honors „"■ of war. The only pledge he asked, was that the soldiers should not engage in war against the French for eighteen months. They were to retain their private property, and Canadian and Indian prisoners were to be restored. Montcalm held a council of the Indians, who consented to the terms of the treaty, though they were sadly dis- appointed in their hopes of plunder. He refused them rum, and thus he could restrain them ; but, unfor- tunately, the night after the surrender they obtained it from the English. In the morning they were frantic from the effects of intoxication, and when the garrison were leaving their camp, they fell upon the stragglers. The French officers did all they could to restrain them, and some were even wounded in their exertions to save the English soldiers from savage violence. Montcalm, in his agony, cried, " Kill me, but spare the English ; they are under my protection." Instead of an orderly retreat to Fort Edward, it was a flight. Thus the French, with a population in Canada, not one-twentieth part as great as tliat of the English colo- nies, seemed triumphant everywhere. Was it strange that the colonists began to lose their respect for those sent to protect them from their enemies — especially for the officers ? They believed the interference of the home gov- ernment hindered the advancement of their cause, while CANADA EXHAUSTED. 255 the majority of tlie royalist governors seemed to be actu- ^^J'- ated by no worthier motive than that of promoting their own interests. 1757. Though the French were thus victorious, and pos- sessed the valleys of the St. Lawrence and the Mississippi, and apparently all the continent, except a little strip along the Atlantic coast, yet Canada was exhausted. The struggle was virtually over. Her men had been drawn to the battle-field, while their farms were left untilled, and now famine was beginning to press upon the people. Their cattle and sheep were destroyed, and horse-flesh was made to supply the place of beef ; no aid could come from France, as nearly all intercourse was cut ofi' by the ever- present British cruisers. The French owed their success, not to their own strength, but to the imbecility of the English commanders. CHAPTER XXIII. FRENCH AND INDIAN WAR, CONTINUED. Willhim Pitt, Prime Minister. — Lord Aniheist, Conimandpr-in-chief. — Plan of Operations. — Louisburg captured. — Abercronibie on Lalie George ; Repulse and Retreat. — Bradstreet captures Fort Froutenac. — Expedi- tion against Fort Du Quesne. — Colonel Grant. — Washington takes pos- session of the Fort ; resigns his Commission. — Ticonderoga abandoned ; the French retire to Canada. — Wolfe appears before Quebec. — Exer- tions of Montcalm. — The British on the Heights of Abraham. — The Battle. — Deaths of Wolfe and Montcalm; their Memories. — Quebec ca- pitulates. — The Cherokee War. — Destruction of their Crops and Villa- ges ; their Revenge. — Pontiac; his Character and Plans. — Desolations along the Frontiers. — General Bouquet. — Pontiac's Death. *^|'j The people of England were not indifferent spectators of these failures ; they noticed the feeble manner in which 1757. the war was conducted, and attributed the want of success to the inefficiency of those in command. Through their influence William Pitt, one of them- selves, not of the aristocracy, was called to the head of affairs. He appreciated the character and j)atriofism of the colonists. Instead of devising measures that would impoverish them, he, at once, assumed the expenses of the . war ; announced that the money they had already spent for that purpose, should be refunded, and that for the fu- ture such expenses would be borne by the home govern- ment ; also arms and clothing should be furnished the soldiers who would enlist. This act of justice brought into the field fifty thousand men — a number greater than that of the entire male population of Canada at that time. PLAN OF OPERATIONS. 257 Lord Jeffrey Amherst was appointed commander-in- ^^|,^- chief of the British army. He had for his lieutenant the young and talented James Wolfe, who, although but 1757- thirty-one years of age, had spent eighteen of those years in the army, where, by his noble bearing, he had won for himself the admiration of both friends and foes. According to the general plan, Amherst himself was to head the expedition against Louisburg and Quebec ; while General Forbes was to capture Fort Du Quesne and take possession of the valley of the Ohio, and Abercrombie to take Ticonderoga. the French stronghold on Lake Champlain. With Abercrombie was associated Lord Howe, who was characterized as the soul of the enterprise. June, On the 8th of June, Amherst landed with his forces near the city of Louisburg. Under the cover of a fire from the ships Wolfe led the first division. He forbade a gun to be fired, urged on the rowers, and in the face of the enemy leaped into the water, and followed by his men waded to the shore. The French deserted their outposts, and retired to the fortress in the town. After a bombard- ment of fifty days, when the French shipping in the harbor was destroyed, and all hopes of receiving assistance at an end, the fortress surrendered. At the same time were given j^j up the islands of Cape Breton and Prince Edward, five 27. thousand prisoners, and an immense amount of military stores. Abercrombie and Lord Howe advanced against Ticon- deroga. Their army, which amounted to seven thousand English and nine thousand Americans, assembled at the head of Lake George. They passed in flat-boats down to the foot of the lake, where they disembarked and hur- ried on toward Ticonderoga ; but through the ignorance of their guide, missed their way, and the advance fell j^, into an ambuscade of a French scouting party. The ene- 6. iny was soon put to flight, but Lord Howe fell at the head 17 258 HISTOET OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. i^iiAP. of Lis men. His death threw a gloom over the camp — the _i '. soldiers had confidence in no other loader. Their Ibre- 1758. bodings were soon realized. The British engineer recon- noitred the French works, and reported them as weak ; but Stark, who knew their strength, affirmed they were strong and well furnished. Abercrombie believed his en- gineer, and without waiting for his artillery, he ordered an attack. His soldiers performed prodigies of valor, but were forced to retire, with a loss of two thousand of their number. In this battle was wounded Charles Lee, then a cajitain, and afterward a major-general in the Revolu- tionary army. The indefatigable Montcalm had disposed his small army to the very best advantage, and was pres- ent wherever he was specially needed. Abercrombie or- dered his men to attempt an impossibility, but judiciously kept himself out of danger. The Jlnglish army was yet four to one of the French, and could have conquered with the aid of the cannon which had been brought up, yet Abercrombie hastily retreated. As Montcalm's troops were few and exhausted, he did not attempt to pursue him. The monotony of disasters was disturbed by Colonel Bradstreet, of New York, who, after much solicitation, obtained permission to go against Fort Frontcnac, which, from its position at the foot of Lake Ontario, commanded that lake and the St. Lawrence. It was a central point for trading with the Indians ; a great magazine which supplied all the posts on the upper lakes and Ohio with military stores. With twenty-seven hundred men, all Americans, principally from New York and Massachu- setts, Bradstreet passed rapidly and secretly to Oswego, and thence across the lake in open boats, and landed All"-, within a mile of the fort. The majority of the garrison, 2*5- terrified at the sudden appearance of enemies, fled ; the nest day the remainder surrendered. There was found an immense amount of military stores, some of them des- tined for Fort Du Quesne, and a fleet of nine armed ves- THE HIGHLANDERS ROUTED. 259 sels, which held the commaud of the lake. The fort was S^^f razed to its foundation, two of the vessels were laden with '.^ stores and brought to Oswego ; tlie remaining stores and 1758. shijis were destroyed. The troops raised in Pennsylvania for the expedition under General Forbes against Fort Du Quesne were as- sembled at Kaystown, on the Juniata. Washington was at Cumberland, with the Virginia regiment. His j)lan was to march directly upon the fort by the road which Braddock had made. This common-sense plan was re- jected, and the suggestions of some land speculators adopted, and Forbes ordered a new road to be cut through, the wilderness further north. General Bouquet with the advance passed over the Laurel Hill, and established a post at Loyal "Hanna. Without permission he despatched Major Grant with eight hundred Highlanders and a company of Virginians to reconnoitre in the vicinity of Fort Du Quesne. Grant Sept, was permitted to approach unmolested, though the French ^^ knew from their scouts of all his movements. As he drew near, he sent a party to take a plan of the fort, and placed Major Lewis with the Virginians to guard the bag- gage, as if they were not to be trusted in the contest. Not a gun was fired from the fort. Grant self-compla- cently attributed this to the dread his regulars had in- spired. All this time the Indians lay quietly in ambush, waiting for the signal to commence the attack. Presently out rushed the garrison, and attacked the Highlanders in front, while in a moment the fearful war-whoop arose on both flanks. Terrified at the unusual contest, they were thrown into confusion ; their bewildered officers began to manoeuvre them as if in the open field. Major Lewis with some of his party hastened to the rescue, and there fought hand to hand with the savages. The detachment, overpowered by numbers, was completely routed, and 260 HISTORY OF THE AMEBIC AST PEOPLE. CHAP. Grant and Lewis were both made prisoners. The fiigi- ^ '_' tives soon reached the place where they left the baggage. 1758. Captain Bullit hastily formed a barricade with the wag- ons, behind which he waited the approach of the pursuers. When they were within a few yards, the Virginians poured in a fire so direct and deadly as to check them. They soon rallied and again approached. This time, Cajttain Bullit and his men advanced, as if to surrender, but when within eight yards he again poured in an eifective fire, and immediately charged bayonet. The pursuere were so as- tonished at the suddenness and manner of attack that they fled in dismay, while the Virginians retreated with all speed. When the news of this disaster reached the main army, it well-nigh ruined the whole enterprise ; as a coun- cil of war decided to give up the attempt for that year, as it was now November, and there were yet fifty miles of unbroken forest between them and the fort. Just then some prisoners were brought in, from whom the defence- less condition of the fort was learned. Washington was given the command of a division with which to push for- ward. In a few days they arrived in the neighborhood of Du Quesne. Instead of meeting with a ^dgorous resist- ance, they were surprised to learn that the place had been abandoned the day before. The French commander had blown up his magazines, burned every building that would burn, and with his company gone on board of flat-boats Nov. aiif^l floated down the Ohio. On the twenty-fifth of No- 25- vember, Washington marched into the deserted fort, and planted the English colors. An impulse of grateful feel- ing changed the name to Fort Pitt — since Pittsburg, in honor of the Ulustrious man — the first of English states- men, who appreciated the character of the American colo- nists, and who was willing to do them justice. Situated at the head of the Ohio, in a region celebrated for its agri- cultural and mineral wealth, and settled by a moral and PLAN OF OPERATIONS AGAINST CANADA. 261 industrious population, it has far exceeded in importance 2^^^ any other acquisition made during the war. A fit monu- ment to the memory of the " Great Commoner," 1758. The object of the campaign thus secured, Washington, leaving two Virginia regiments to garrison the fort, re- signed his commission, and retired to private life. In the mean time he had been elected a member of the House of Burgesses. A few months afterward, on the opening of the session, the House, by vote, resolved to receive the youthful champion with some befitting manifestation of its regard. Accordingly, when he took his seat as a mem- ber, the Speaker addressed him, giv'ing him thanks for the military services he had rendered his country. Taken by surprise, Washington rose to reply, but words were want- ing ; he faltered and blushed. " Sit down, Mr. Washing- ton," kindly said the Speaker ; " your modesty equals your valor, and that surpasses the power of any language I possess." This year closed with great advantages to the English. The cunning Indians — still true to the winning side — be- gan to desert the French, and to form treaties of peace or neutrality with their enemies. The comprehensive mind of Pitt was devising plans to crush the French power in America. He promptly paid all the expenses incurred by the colonists during the past year, and they with alacrity entered into his schemes. Wolfe was to ascend the St. Lawrence ; Amherst was to advance by way of Lake Cham- plain, and capture Montreal, and then join Wolfe before Quebec ; while General Prideaux was to capture Fort Ni- agara, and then to pass down Lake Ontario to Montreal. As Amherst advanced against Ticonderoga, the French 1759. abandoned that post, and the others as he approached ; ■"^" he wasted his time in fortifying the places deserted by the enemy, as if they who were so exhausted as to be scarcely able to get out of his way, would ever return ! Though General Prideaux was unfortunately killed by the burst- 262 HISTORY OF THE AMEKICAIn" PEOPLE. ^xxiii ^°^ ^^ ^ ^^'^' ^^^ ^^^ William Johnson, on whom the com- mand devolved, took Niagara ; and thus the chain which l75fi. joined the French forts of Canada, with those of the val- ley of the Mississippi, was broken forever. Juue The fleet and troops designed against Quebec, assem- bled at Louisburg. In the latter part of Jime the arma- ment arrived at the Isle of Orleans, upon which the troops immediately landed. The rock on which stood the citadel of St. Louis, could be seen to the west looming up more than three hundred feet, bidding defiance to the invaders. In the rear were the Heights of Abraham, a plain extend- ing for miles, whde all along the shore the high cliffs seemed to be an impregnable defence. To meet this force, Montcalm had only a few enfeebled battalions and Canadian militia. The Indians held them- selves aloof The English fleet consisted of twenty-two ships of the hue, and as many frigates. As master of one of these ships was Captain James Cook, afterward cele- brated as the discoverer of the many isles of the Pacific. Under Wolfe were four young and ardent commanders, Kobert Monckton, afterward governor of New York ; George Townshend, and James Murray, and also Colonel Howe, afterward Sir William, who for a time commanded the British army in the American Kevolution. Quebec, situated on a peninsula between the St. Law- rence and the fiver St. Charles, was defended on three sides by these rivers, leaving only the west exposed. The lower town was on the beach, while the upper was on the clifi' two hundred feet above. The high cliifs of the north shore of the St. Lawrence were deemed a sufiicient de- fence. It was thought impossible for an army to scale them. Below on the St. Lawrence, between the St. Charles and the Montmorenci rivers, was Montcalm's camp, guarded by many floating batteries and ships of war. But the naval superiority of the English soon ren- dered them masters on the water. THE RESOLVE TO SCALE THE HEIGHTS. 263 The French troops were driven from Point Levi, di- ^^j'^'' rectly opjiosite Quebec, and Wolfe erected batteries on that spot, and began to bombard the lower town, which 1759. was soon reduced to ashes ; but owing to the distance, the fortress and the upper town could not be injured. Wolfe then passed over to the north side of the river, below the Montmorenci, intending to pass that stream, and force Montcalm to a battle. When this design was carried into effect, the first division, consisting of the grenadiers, rashly rushed on to storm the French lines before the second division could come up to support them. They were repulsed, with a loss of nearly five hundred men. Diversions were also made above the town to induce the enemy to come into the open field, but without success. Montcalm merely sent De Bougainville with fifteen hundred men to guard against these attacks. The repulse at Montmorenci occasioned the sensitive Wolfe much suffering. He looked for the tardy Amherst, but in vain ! No tidings came from him, and it seemed as if the enterprise, the first under his own command, was about to fail. He was thrown into a violent fever by his anxiety. As a last resort, it was resolved, in a coun- cil held around his bed, to scale the Heights of Abraham. In order to do this, the French must be deceived. There- fore Captain Cook was sent to take soundings and place buoys opposite Montcalm's camp, as if that was to be the special object of attack. Meantime, the shore for many miles above the town, was carefully examined. At one place was found a little indentation in the bank, from which a path wound up the clifi', — there they determined to make the attempt. This is now known as Wolfe's Cove. The troops were put on shipboard and suddenly sailed up the river, as if intending to pass beyond the French lines and there land. At night the ships lay to, and the troops, in boats, dropped down with the tide to Wolfe's Cove, fol- Julv. 264 HISTOET OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, lowed by the ships designed to cover tlieir landing, if neces- ^ '. sary. As they passed, a French sentinel hailed them with 1759. the inquiry, " Who goes there .? " " La France," answer- ed a captain. " What regiment .? " " The Queen's "—that being one of the regiments up the river with Bougainville. The sentinel was deceived. They passed on to the Cove, and quietly landing began to grope their way up the cliff, clinging to the shrubs and rocks for support. In the morning the entire army was on the Heights of Abraham, ready for battle, gg^ Montcalm was thunderstruck, when he heard the news. 3. " It must surely be," said he, " a small party come to pillage, and then retire." More correct information re- vealed to him the whole truth. There was no time to be lost. He sent immediately for the detachment of Bou- gainville, which was fifteen miles up the river. The Indians and Canadians advanced first, and subjected the English to an irregular, and galling fire. Wolfe ordered his men to reserve their fire for the French regvdars, who were rapidly approaching. When they were within forty yards, the Enghsh poured upon them a stream of musket- ry, aided by grape-shot from a few guns dragged up the cliff by the sailors. It was a fierce conflict. The respect- ive commanders were opposite to each other. Wolfe, al- though wounded twice, continued to give his orders with clearness ; but as he advanced with the grenadiers, who were to make their final charge with the bayonet, he re- ceived a ball in the breast. He knew the wound was mortal, and when falling said to the officer nearest to him ; " Let not my brave fellows see me fall." He was carried to the rear ; when asked if he would have a sur- geon, he auswered : " It is needless ; it is all -over with me." As his life was fast ebbing, the cry was raised — " See, they run ! they run ! " " Who run ! " asked the dying man. " The enemy, sir," was the answer. " Do they run already ? " he asked with evident surprise. Sum- WOLFE AND MONTCALM. 265 moning his failing energies, " Go one of you, to Colonel ^^^j^- Burton," said he ; " tell him to march Webb's regiment with all speed down to Charles river, to cut off the retreat 1759. by the bridge." Then turning upon his side, he mur- f^_' mured, " Now God he praised, I die happy." These were the -last words of the young hero, in whom were centred the ho]3es of his soldiers and of his country. Monckton was severely wounded, and the command devolved upon Townshend, who, content with heing master of the field, called the troops from the pursuit. Just at the close of the battle Bougainville appeared with his division ; but the contest was declined. There is a peculiar interest attached to the name and character of Wolfe. A mind sensitive in its emotions and vigorous in its thoughts, animated his feeble body. He maintained a love for the quieter paths of literature, even amid the excitemeats of the camp. On the clear star- light night preceding the battle, as the boat in which he was seated with his ofiicers was silently floating down the St. Lawrence, .he recited to them that classic poem, Gray's " Elegy in a Countiy Church-yard ; " then just jiublished. Death seems to have already cast his dark shadow, upon him, and doubtless many of the finer pas- sages of the poem were in accordance with his subdued and melancholy emotions. Then for a time the aspirations of the man of feeling and poetic taste triumphed over the sterner amhition of the warrior, and at its close he ex- claimed : " I would rather be the author of that poem than to take Quebec to-morrow." The hrave and generous Montcalm was mortally wounded near the close of the battle. When carried into the city, the surgeon informed him that he could survive only a few hours. " So much the better," he calmly re- plied, " I shall not live to see the surrender of Quebec." When asked his advice about defending the city, he an- iS-ll vs. 26G HISTOET OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. ^Af^ swered : " To your keeping I commend tlie lionot of Xilll. ... Fiance. I will neither give orders nor interfere any fur- 1759. ther ; I have business of greater moment to attend to ; my time is short ; I shall pass this night with God, and prepare myself for death." He then wrote a letter to the English commander, commending to his favor the French prisoners. The next morning he died. That generation passed away, and with it the animosity which existed be- tween the conquerors and the conquered. The united people of another generation erected a granite monument, on which they inscribed the names of Montcalm and Wolfe. Sept, Five days after the battle Quebec surrendered. There were great rejoicings both in America and England. Praises were lavished upon Pitt. He in Parliament re- plied, " I will aim to serve my country, but the more, a man is versed in business, the more he finds the hand of Providence everywhere." The next jcar an attempt was made by the French to recover Quebec, but it failed. An overwhelming force was brought against Montreal. Ke- sistance was vain, and Vaudreuil, the governor, surren- dered all the French stations on the Lakes. The troops were to be sent home, and the Canadians, protected in their property, were to enjoy their religious privileges. Thus passed away the French power in Canada. Depend- ents upon the mother country, the inhabitants had never exercised the right of self-government ; they lacked the energy essential to success as an independent people. They have assimilated but little with their conquerors. They still preserve that gay simplicity of manners, so characteristic of their nation, and an ardent attachment to the church of their fathers. Meantime disturbances had occurred on the southr west. The Cherokees had always been the friends of the English, and had undertaken to protect the frontiers soutli of the Potomac, yet for this their warriors, when about to WAR WITH THE CHEROKEES. 267 return home, received no reward from the government — ^-^Jjf; not even supjjHes of food ibr their journey. What the State failed to do was done by Washington and his offi- 1758. cers, who supplied their wants. The next year more Cherokees joined the expedition under Forbes against , Fort Du Quesne. As they were returning home along the western borders of Virginia, to avoid starvation they helped themselves to what they wanted. This led to quarrels with the backwoodsmen, who killed and scalped some of their number. When this was told in the land of the Cherokees, it caused sorrow, indignation, and alarm ; the women, relatives of those who were slain, poured forth deep and bitter wailings for the dead ; the young warriors, indignant, armed themselves for revenge ; the old men cautioned and counselled, and did all in their power to prevent war, but in vain ; two white men fell victims to the rage of the young warriors. Tiftoe and iive other chieftains went to Charleston to beg for peace, and to heal differ- ences. The governor, the haughty and arbitrary Lyttle- ton, demanded that the young men who, according to the Oct. ideas of the sons of the forest, had vindicated the honor ' ° ■ of their nation, " should be delivered up or put to death in their own land." This, the Cherokees thought, would only add fuel to the flame already kindled. The legislature decided unanimously that there was no cause for war. News came from the frontier that all was peaceful ; " there were no bad talks." The obstinate governor jjer- sisted in his demand, and created more disturbance. Then he told the chiefs who wished for peace to come to him and hold a talk, and promised them safe conduct to and from Charleston. Trusting to his word, the great warrior Oconostata came with thirty others. But Lyttleton must obtain for himself the glory of a successful expedition against the Cherokees. He called out the militia in spite of the remonstrances of the people, of the legislature, and of his own council, and basely retained as prisoners, those 238 HISTORY OF THE AMEEICAN PEOPLE. xxm" '''^^ ^^^ trusted his word. He marched into the country of the Cherokees, forced a treaty from a feeble old chief, 1759. who had no authority to make one, and then returned in fancied triumph. Oconostata and a few others were lib- erated. The remainder Lyttleton ordered to be kept pris- oners at Fort Prince George till twenty-four warriors should be given up to him. Oconostata made an attempt to liberate his friends. In this effort a white man was killed ; then, in revenge, the garrison murdered the pris- oners. Now the rage of the Cherokees knew no bounds. They exclaimed : " The spirits of our murdered brothers are flying around us screaming for vengeance." The leg- islature strongly condemned the perfidious conduct of Lyttleton, and asserted their " birth-rights as British subjects," and affirmed that he had " violated their un- doubted privileges." Yet this very man received the highest commendations from the " Board of Trade." The Cherokees, driven to desperation by such treat- ment, called to their aid the Muscogees, and sent to Louisiana for military supplies. The Carolinians applied to General Amherst, who sent them twelve hundred 17(30. men, principally Highlanders, under General Montgomery. They, with the Carolinians, pressed forward, by forced marches, into the land of the Cherokees. Why give the details of desolated settlements ? Village after village was destroyed, and fertile valleys laid waste. On the upper Savannah was the beautiful vale of Keowee, " the delight of the Cherokees." They had become so far civil- ized as to build comfortable houses, and to surround them with cultivated fields. Suddenly appeared the invaders. The great majority of the Indians, after* an attempt at J ^ defence, fled, and fi-om the distant mountain-tops saw the enemy burning their houses and destroying their crops. " I cannot help pitying them a little," writes Colonel Grant ; " their villages are agreeably situated, their houses PONTIAC. 269 neatly built. There were everywhere astonishing mas;a- chap •' . - o o win. zines of corn, which were all consumed." After this dash at the Cherokees, Montgomery imme- 1760. diately returned to the north, as ordered by Amherst. The Indians were not subdued, but enraged ; they con- tinued to ravage the back settlements of the Carolinas. Immediately after the surrender of Canada, all the 17G3. French stations on the lakes were occupied by the con- querors, and the httle stockade posts throughout all that region, and in the valley of the Ohio, were garrisoned by a few men, in many instances not exceeding twenty. The French, either as traders or as religious teachers, had won the confidence and the affection of the Indians, by a friendly intercourse extending through more than half a century. AVas it strange that the contrast appeared great to them, between these friends and companions and the domineering English soldiers, who insulted their priests and vilified their religion ? The French had prohibited the trade in rum, but the English introduced the traffic, and the demoralization of the Indians commenced. The capture of Fort Du Quesne was the signal for a torrent of emigration, which poured over the mountains into the valleys of the Monongahela and Alleghany. The Indians feared the pale-faces would drive them from their homes. Adopted into the tribe of the Ottawas, was a Catawba, who had been brought from the South as a prisoner, but who had, by his genius and bravery, risen to be a chief He had the most unbounded influence over his own and other tribes, and was styled " the king and lord of all the coun- try of the north-west." " How dare you come to visit my country without my leave ? " demanded he of the first Eng- lish- officer who came to take possession of the French forts. Such was Pontiac, the Philip of the north-west, who, in the war which bears his name, made the last great strug- gle for the independence of the Bed Man. This master spirit planned, and partially executeti, one of the most 270 HISTOBT OF THE AHEEICAX PEOPLE. •^HAP. comprehensive schemes ever conceived by Indian sagacity to expel the invaders, and maintain his own authority as 1768. " king and lord" of all that region. He induced the Del- awares, the Shawnees, the Senecas, the Miamis, and many lesser tribes, who roamed over the vast region in the basin of the upper lakes, in the valley of the Ohio, and a portion of that of the Mississijipi, to join in the conspiracy. He sent a prophet . through the land to proclaim that the Great Spirit had revealed to him, " that if the English were permitted to dwell in their midst, then the white man's diseases and poisons would utterly destroy them." This conspiracy was more than a year in foiming, yet it was kept a profound secret. Detroit had the largest garrison, was the great centre for the trade of the upper lakes, and most important in its influence. Here the French were numerous ; they tilled their farms, as well as engaged in the traffic of furs. Pontiac desired to obtain possession of the fort. He inti- mated that he was coming with his warriors to have a " talk " with his English brothers. Meantime, Gladwin, the commander, had learned of the conspiracy. Finding that the plot was discovered, Pontiac threw off the mask, and boldly attacked the fort, but without success. This was the commencement of a series of surprises ; the In- dians, in the short space of three weeks, captured every station west of Niagara, except Detroit and Pittsburg. The soldiers of the garrisons were nearly all put to death, more than one hundred traders were murdered and scalped in the wilderness, and more than five hundred families, after losing hundreds of their members, were driven from their homes on the frontiers. A large force from several tribes concentrated around Pittsburg, the most important post in the valley of the Ohio ; yet the brave garrison could not be caught by their wiles, nor conquered by their arms. Their ravages, in the mean while, extended to all INDIANS DEFEATED PITTSBURG RELIEVED. 271 tlie settlements and posts on the head- waters of the Ohio, chap and on the lakes to the i-egion between the Mississippi and the Ohio. 1763. General Bouquet was sent from Eastern Pennsylvania to relieve Fort Ligonier, just at the western foot of the mountains, and Pittsburg. His army consisted of not more than five hundred effective men, principally Scotch Highlanders. They had with them a train of wagons, drawn by oxen, and pack-liorses laden with miUtary stores anci necessary provisions, and a drove of beef cattle. Passing through a region desohxted by the savages, they saw the remains of burnt cabins, and the harvests stand- ing uncut in the fields. When he arrived at Ligonier, Bouquet could learn nothing from the west, as all intercourse had been cut off. Leaving there his wagons and cattle, he pushed forward to ascertain the fate of Pittsburg. The Indians besieging that place, heard of his approach, and they resolved to place themselves in ambush, and defeat his army. As soon as the battle began, the Highlanders dashed at them with the bayonet, and the Indians fled ; but when the pursuit slackened they rallied, and were again repulsed. At length, the number of the savages increased so mucli that they completely surrounded the Highlanders, who, during the night, encamped on the ridge of a hill. In the morning they could not advance, for their wounded men and baggage would fall into the hands of the enemy. Placing two companies in ambush. Bouquet began to re- treat, and immediately, with exulting yells, the Indians rushed on in pursuit, but when they came to the right point, those in ambush charged them on both sides, and those retreating wheeled and charged also. Panic-stricken by the suddenness of the attack, the savages broke and tied. The division then moved on to Pittsburg. From that day the valley of the Ohio was free from Indian vio- 272 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, vvm' ^'^^'^^- '^^^ stream of emigration began again to pour over the mountains. The tribes, disheartened, began to 1764. make treaties and promise peace. Pontiac would make no treaty, nor acknowledge himself a friend of the English. He left his home and tribe and went to the country of the Illinois, where he perished by the hand of an assassin, who '' was hired for the purpose. CHAPTER XXIY. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE COLONISTS. Religious Influences among the earlier Settlers. — The later Emigrants ; their Influence. — Love of domestic Life. — Laws enjoining Morality. — Sys- tems of Education ; Common Schools. — John Calvin. — The Southerner ; the Northerner. — The Anglo-Saxon Element ; the Norman. — Influences in Pennsylvania ; in New Torli. — Diversity of Ancestry. The conquest of Canada had removed apprehensions of chap. . XXIV. war with France, or of incursions by the Indians. The _J '_ colonists naturally turned to their own affairs. They 1760. were poor and in debt ; a seven years' war had been within their borders ; their men had been drawn from the labor of industry to the battle-field. Yet that war, with its evils, had conferred benefits. It had made known to them their strength, and success had given them confidence. Before relating the events that led to the Revolution, let us take a rapid survey of the people, who were soon to take their place among the nations of the earth. From the first they were an intelligent and a religious people. They were untrammelled in the exercise of their religion, and its spirit moulded public sentiment in all the colonies, whether settled by the Puritan or the Church- man, by the Dutch Calvinist or the Quaker, by the Huguenot or the Scotch-Irish Presbyterian. The two latter were of more recent emigration ; they did not di- minish the high tone of morals already sustained by the earlier settlers. 18 274 HISTORT OF THE AMERICAN" PEOPLE. CHAP. The Huguenots came iu small companies, and seldom \ settled together in large numbers, but mingled with the ]760. colonists, and conformed more and more to their customs, and, in time, became identified with them in interests. Calvinists in doctrine, they generally united with either the Episcopal or Presbyterian churches, and by their piety and industrious habits exerted an influence that amply repaid the genuine hospitality with which they were every- where received. The Scotch-Irish Presbyterians displayed the indomi- table energy and perseverance of their ancestors, with the same morality and love of their church. Even those who took post on the outskirts of civilization along the western frontiers of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina, had their pastor, and trained their children in Bible truth, in the catechism, obedience to parents, — a wholesome doctrine practically enforced by all the colo- nists, — and reverence for the Sabbath and its sacred duties. They were a people decided in their character. They emigrated from their native land to enjoy civil and relig- ious privileges, but they had also an eye to the improve- ment of their temporal affairs. The endearments of home and of the domestic fireside had charms for the colonists of every creed. The educa- tion of their children was deemed a religious duty, while around their households clustered the comforts and many of the refinements of the times. The example of their ancestors, who had sought in the wilderness an asylum, where they might enjoy their religion, had not been in vain ; a traditionary religious spirit had come down from those earlier days, and now pervaded the minds of the people. Though there was neither perfect uniformity in their forms of worship, nor in their interijretation of religious doctrines, yet one sentiment was sacred in the eyes of all — a reverence for the day of Holy Rest. The influences LAWS ENJOINING MORALITY. 275 connected with the Sabbath, and impressed from week to c^^^'' week, penetrated their inner life, and like an all-pervading moral antiseptic preserved, in its purity, the religious 1760. character of the entire people. The laws of a people may be taken as the embodiment of their sentiments. Those enacted by our forefathers may excite a smile, yet they show that they were no time- servers — that they were conscientious and in earnest. In New England the laws noticed those who dressed more richly than their wealth would justify ; they would not permit the man who defrauded his creditors to live in luxury ; those who did not vote, or would not serve when elected to office, they fined for their want of patriotism ; they forbade " drinking of healths as a bad habit ; " they •^jrohibited the wearing of embroidered garments and laces ; they discouraged the use of " ribbons and great boots ; " sleeves must reach to the wrist, and not be more than half an eU wide ; no one under twenty years of age was allowed to use tobacco, unless prescribed by a physician ; those who used it publicly were fined a sixpence ; all per- sons were restrained from " swimming in the waters on the Sabbath-day, or unreasonably walking in the fields or streets." In Virginia we see the same spirit. In every settle- ment there was to be "a house for the worship of God." Divine service was to be in accordance with the canons of the Church of England. Absence from church was pun- ished by a fine ; the wardens were sworn to report cases of " drunkenness, swearing, and other vices." The drunk- ards were fined, the swearers also, at the rate of " a shil- ling an oath ;" slanderers and tale-bearers were j)unished ; travelling or shooting on the Sabbath forbidden. The minister was not to addict himself "to excess in drinking or riot, nor play cards or dice, but to hear or read the Holy Scriptures, catechize the children, and visit the sick." The wardens were bound to report the masters 276 HISTORY OF THE AMEEICA2S' PEOPLE. CUAP. and mistresses " who neglected to catecliize the ignorant . persoHs under their charge." In the Carolinas laws of a 1760. similar character were enacted ; and, in Pennsylvania, against " stage plays, playing of cards, dice, May-games, masques, and revels." Although, at the time of which we write, many of these, and similar laws had become obsolete, yet the influ- ences which dictated them had, for one hundred and fifty years, been forming the character of the colonists. Hedged in on the one side by the ocean, and on the other by a howling wilderness filled with hostUe savages, they acquired a certain energy of character, the result of watchfulness, and an individuality, which to this day dis- tinguishes their descendants. While emigrants were flocking to the colonies, thesa influences were somewhat disturbed, but for three-quarters 1688. of a century — since the great revolution in England had restrained the hand of oppression — emigration had been gradually diminishing. Thus uninfluenced from without, the political and re- ligious principles with which they were imbued had time to produce their fruit. A national sentiment, a oneness of feeling among the people, grew into vigorous being. The common schools of New England had exerted their undivided influence for almost three generations ; the youth left them with that conscious self-reliance which springs spontaneously in the intelligent mind — a pledge of success in things great as well as small. These schools, no doubt, gave an impulse to female education. In the earlier days of New England the women were taught to read, but very few to write. " The legal papers executed in the first century (of the colony) by well-to-do women, were mostly signed by a mark, (X ) ".' The custom of ' Elliott's History of New England, vol. i p. 428. EDUCATION — FKEE INQUIRY AND CIVIL LIBERTY. 2V7 settling in townships or villages made it easy to support ^j"^' common schools. ■ In the middle colonies, especially Pennsylvania and 1760. New York, a system of general education had not been introduced ; the diversity of sects prevented. In the South, except partially in Maryland, common schools were not adopted. The owners of slaves usually held large tracts of the best lands, while the less wealthy were com- pelled to retire to the outskirts of the settlements, where they could obtain farms. The population was thus so much scattered, that generally children could not be con- centrated at particular places in sufficient numbers to sustain schools. Those who, for want of means, could not employ private teachers, taught their own children as best they could. Among this class, from year to year, there was but little increase in general intelligence. The wealthy employed private instructors, or sent their chil- dren abroad. As the nation increased in knowledge, the people cherished the right to exercise free thought and free sjieech. Our ancestors lived not for themselves alone. With the prophet's vision, and the patriot's hope, they looked forward to the day, when all this continent would be un- der the influence of their descendants, and they a Chris- tian people. Was it strange they were self-denying and in earnest, in endeavoring to spread the blessings of education and religion, as the greatest boon they could transmit to their posterity .? Thus they labored to found institutions of learning ; they encouraged the free ex- pression of opinion. From the religious freedom of con- science, which they proclaimed as the doctrine of the Bible, the transition was easy to political freedom. The advocate of free inquiry became the advocate of civil lib- erty, and the same stroke which broke the chain binding the word of God to the iuterj^retation of the church, shat- tered the fetters binding the political slave. 278 HISTOET OF THE AilERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP. Much of this sentiment may be traced to the influence xxiv. , , . . exerted by the opinions of one man, John Calvin. " We 1 760. boast of our common schools, Calvin was the father of IMpular education, the inventor of free schools. The pil- grims of Plymouth were Calvinists ; the best influence of South Carolina came from the Calvinists of France. Wil- liam Penn was the disciple of the Huguenots ; the ships from Holland that first brought colonists to Manhattan were filled with Calvinists. He that will not honor the memory and lespect the influence of Calvin, knows but little of the origin of American libertj'. He bequeathed to the world a republican spirit in religion, wiih the kin- dred principles of republican liberty." ' There were slight differences of character between thu people of the several colonies. In the eastern, the difii- culties arising from a sterile soil had made the people industrious and frugal. There, labor was always honorable, and when the day came " which tried men's souls," great numbers of the prominent men came from the ranks of manual labor. The Anglo-Saxon element greatly pre- dominated amoncr the colonists of New England. As simple in manners as rigid in morals, a truly democratic spirit and love of liberty pervaded their minds, and hence political constitutions of whose benefits all were partici- pants. The Norman element prevailed more in the South, especially in Virginia. Here the wealthy colonists were more aristocratic in spirit and feeling ; were more refined and elegant in manners. This aristocratic spirit was fos- tered, in time, by the system of slavery, while the dis- tinctions in society arising from the possession of wealth were greatly increased. In all the southern colonies, the mildness of the climate, the labor of slaves, and the ready sale of their tobacco, rice, and indigo, made the acquisition of wealth comparatively easy. The planter, " having ' Bancrofl'8 Miscellanies, pp. 40.5-G. INFLUENCES IN PENNSYLVANIA. 279 more leisure, was more given to pleasures and amuse- chap. ments — to the sports of the turf, the cock-pit, the chase, . and the gaming-table. His social habits often made him iTfin. profuse, and plunged him in debt to the English or Scotch merchant, who sold his exported products and furnished him his foreign supplies. He was often improvident, and sometimes not punctual in his pecuniary engagements." • The planters were hospitable. Living upon isolated plan- tations, they were in a measure deprived of social inter- course ; but when opportunity served, they enjoyed it with a relish. As the Si^utherner was hospitable, so the Northerner was charitable. From the hard earnings of the farmer, of the mechanic, of the merchant, of the seafaring man, funds were cheerfully given to support schools, to endow colleges, or to sustain the ordinances of the gospel. In the South, colleges were principally endowed by royal grants. In Pennsylvania was felt the benign influence of the disciples of George Fox, and its benevolent founder. The friends of suffering humanity, the enemies of war, the opponents of classes and ranks in society founded on mere birth, they recognized merit wherever found. There the human mind was untrammelled — conscious of a right de- rived from a higher authority than conventional law ; there public posts were open to all — no tests intervened as a barrier. At this time the ardent aspirations of Ben- jamin Franklin in the pursuit of science received the sympathy of the people. In Philadelphia he was the means of founding an academy and free school, which grew into a university. Here was founded the first medical col- lege in the colonies, the first public library, and the first hospital. Here, Bartram, the botanist, founded the first botanic garden ; and here was formed the American Phil- osophical Society. Here lived Godfrey, the inventor of the quadrant, which bears the name of Hadley. ' Tucker's History of the United States, vol. i, p. 97. 280 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CTM- 1,1 New York, " the key of Canada and the lakes," were blended many elements of character. Here com- 1760. merce began to prevail, and here the arbitrary laws of the Board of Trade were vigorously opposed, and so often eluded, that Holland derived more benefit from the • trade than England herself. It cost nearly as much as the amount of the import duties to maintain the cruisers and the " Commissioners of Customs." The " Dutch Repub- licans " had been for nearly a century pupils in the school where the " rights of Englishmen " were taught ; they profited so much by the instruction, that they paid very little attention to the king's prerogative, and thought their own Legislature quite as respectable as the House of Commons. Although the great majority of the Americans were the descendants of Englishmen, yet there were represent- atives from Scotland, from Ireland, fi-om Wales, from France, from Holland, from Germany, from Sweden, and from Denmark. In religion, there were Churchmen and Dissenters, Quakers and Catholics. Though they differed in many minor points, and indulged in those Httle ani- mosities which unfortunately too often arise between peo- ple of different nations and religions, yet they cherished a sympathy for each other. They were aU attached to the mother country — the South, jjerhaps, more than the North; the former had not experienced so severely the iron hand of royal rule. Some strong external pressure was required to bind them more closely together, if ever they were to become an independent nation. That external pressure was not long wanting. CHAPTER XXV. CAUSES WHICH LED TO THE REVOLUTION. ResU-ictions of Trade and Manufactures. — Taxes imposed by Parliament. — Writs of Assistance. — James Otis. — Samuel Adams. — The "Parsons'" Case in Virginia. — Patrick Henry. — A Stamp Tax threatened. — Colonel Barre's Speech. — The Stamp Act. — Excitement in the Colonies. — Henry in the House of Burgesses. — Resolutions not to use Stamps. — " Sons of Liberty." — A Call for a Congress ; it meets, and the Colonial As- senjblies approve its Measures. — Merchants refuse to purchase English Merchandise. — Self-denial of the Colonists. — Pitt defends them. — FranliUn at tlie Bar of the House of Commons. — Stamp Act repealed. — - . Rejoicings. — Dartmouth College. The industrious habits of the colonists were no less wor- *^^?' thy of notice than their moral traits. The contest with the mother country had its origin in her attempts to de- l'i'50. prive them, by means of unjust laws, of the fruits of their labor. For one hundred years she had been imposing restrictions on their trade and domestic manufactures. They were treated as dep. ndants, and inferiors who occupied " settlements established in distant parts of the world for the benefit of trade." They could purchase from England alone, and only to her market could they send their products. That English merchants might grow rich at their expense, the products of Europe and Asia were first to be landed in England, and then re- shipped to America iu British vessels. The only trade not thus taxed, was that of negroes, they being shipped directly from Africa — a trade against which all the colo- nies earnestly, but in vain, protested. Even the trees 282 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, in the forest suitable for masts were claimed by the l^ing, and marked by his " Surveyor-General of Woods." 1750. " Eolling mills, forges, or tilt-hammers for making iron," were prohibited as " nuisances." The House of Commons said " that the erection of manufactories in the colonies tended to lessen their dependency upon Great Britain ; " and the English ship-carpenters complained " that their trade was hurt, and their workmen emigrated, since so many vessels were built in New England." The hatter, because he could obtain his fur from the Indians without sending to England, was not permitted to sell hats out of his own colony. No manufacturer was permitted to ha\ e more than two apprentices. The government was unwil- ling that the colonists should make for themselves a single article which the English could supply. These measures aroused a spirit of oppositionj. more especially among the frugal and industrious inhabitants of New England, whose manufactures, fisheries, and trade were almost ruined. There the people mutually agreed to buy of British manufacturers only what was absolutely necessary ; rather than i>aj the English merchant exorbi- tant prices, they would deprive themselves of every luxurJ^ Families determined to make their own linens and wool- lens, and to abstain from eating mutton, and preserve the sheep to furnish wool. It became fashionable, as well as honorable, to wear homesp' .n. Associations were formed to promote domestic manufactures. On the anniversary of one of these, more than three hundred young women met on Boston Common, and devoted the day to si^inning flax. The graduating class of Harvard College, not to be outdone in patriotism, made it a point on Commencement Day to be clad in homespun. Kestrictions on trade did not affect the interests of the people of the South so mucli, as England could not dispense with their tobacco, rice, and indigo, and they had scarcely any manufactories. 1763. Before the close of the French war, it was intimated WRITS OF ASSISTANCE. 283 that England intended to tax the colonies, and make ^^^^^• them hear a portion of the hurdens hrought upon herself hy the mismanagement of her officials. Many plans were 1T63. discussed and laid aside. Meantime the colonists denied the right of Parliament to tax them without granting them, in some form, representation in the government ; they claimed a voice in the disposal of their money. They looked back upon their history, and were unable to dis- cover the obligations they owed the king. They loved to think of Old England as the " home " of their fathers ; they rejoiced in her glories and successes, and never dreamed of separating from her, until driven to that re- solve by oppression. Yet visions of greatness, and it may be of indejjendence, were floating through the minds of the far-seeing. John Adams, when a youth, had already written : " It looks likely to me, for if we can remove the turbulent Gallicks, our people, according to the exactest computations, will in another century become more nu- merous than England itself Should this be the case, since we have, I may say, all the naval stores of the nation in our hands, it will be easy to obtain the mastery of the seas ; and then the united force of all Europe will not be able to subdue us." ' A special effort was now made to enforce the naviga- tion laws, and to prevent the colonists from trading with other nations. This policy would have converted the en- tire people into a nation of smugglers and law-breakers, but for the strong religious influences felt throughout the laud. To enforce these laws. Parliament gave authority for using general search warrants, or " Writs of Assistance." ivei. These Writs authorized any sheriff or officer of the customs to enter a store or private dwelling, and search for foreign merchandise, which he suspected had not paid 'Life and Writings, vol. i. p. 23. 284 HISTOKT OF THE AMERICAK PEOPLE. ™AP. duty. The quiet of the domestic fireside was no longer to he held sacred. These Writs, first used in Massa- 1761. chusetts, caused great excitement and opposition. Their legality was soon hrought to the test in a court of justice. On this occasion the eloquent James Otis sounded the note of alarm. He was the Advocate for the Admiralty, whose duty it was to argue in favor of the Writs ; but he resigned, in order to plead the cause of the people. The royaHst lawyer contended that the power of Parliament was supreme, and that good subjects ought to submit to its every enactment. In reply, Otis .exclaimed : " To my Feb. clying day, I wiU oppose, with aU the power and faculties God has given me, all such instruments of slavery, on the one hand, and villany on the other." His stirring elo- quence gave an impulse to public opinion, which aroused opposition to other acts of Parliament. " Then and there," says John Adams, " was the first opjiosition to arbitrary acts of Great Britain. Then and there Ameri- can Independence was born." The writs were scarcely ever enforced after this trial. Of the leading men of the times, none had greater in- fluence than Samuel Adams — in his private life, the devout Christian ; in his public life, the incorruptible patriot. In him the spirit of the old Puritans seemed to linger : mild in manners, living from choice in retire- ment, incapable of an emotion of fear, when duty called him to a post of danger. Learned in constitutional law, he never went beyond its limits. Through his influence Boston expressed her opinions, saying, " We claim Brit- ish rights, not by charter only — we are born to them. If we are taxed without our consent, our property is taken without our consent, and then we are no more freemen, but slav-es." And she invited all the colonies to join in obtaining redress. The same note of alarm was sounded in Virginia, in New York, in Connecticut, and in the Carolinas. Thinking minds saw in the future the coming THE king's PREEOGATIVE PATRICK HENRY. 285 contest ; that the English ministry would persist in their chap. unjust treatment, until, in self-defence, they had driven the whole American people to open rebellion. " They 1761. wish to make us dependent, but they will make us inde- pendent ; these opjjressions will lead us to unite and thus secure our liberty." Thus wrote Richard Henry Lee, of Virginia. " Oh ! poor New England," exclaimed the elo- quent George Whitefield, " there is a deep-laid plot against your liberties ; your golden days are ended." The first collision in Virginia between the prerogative 176.3. of the king and the authority of the legislature occurred '*'■'"• in a county court. Tobacco was the legalized currency of the colony. Occasionally, untoward events, such as war, or failure of the crop, made payments in tobacco very burdensome. The legislature passed a law, authorizing debtors to pay their public dues in money, at the rate of twopence a pound for the tobacco due. The clergymen of the established church refused to acquiesce*in the law ; they had a fixed salary of a certain number of pounds of tobacco a year. At their instance, Sherlock, the Bishop of London, used his influence and persuaded the king to refuse his signature to this law. " The rights of the cler- gy and the authority of the king must stand or fall together," said the Bishop. The law was therefore null and void. To test it, a clergyman named Maury brought a suit to recover damages, or the difference between twopence per pound and the higher price for which tobacco was selling. It became the cause of the people on the one side, and the cause of the clergy and of the king's pre- rogative on the other. The people engaged a young man of twenty-seven to plead against " the parsons." That young man was Patrick Henry. He belonged not to the aristocracy, and was obscure and unknown. On this occasion, that rare and wonderful gift of eloquence, which has made us so familiar with his name, was first 286 HISTOKT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, displayed. He possessed a cliarm of voice and tone that , fliscinated his hearers ; a grasp of thought, a vividness of 1763. conception, and withal a power that allured into sympath)' with his own sentiments the emotions of his audience. For this he was indebted to nature, not to education ; for, when a boy, he broke away from the restraints of school and the drudgery of book-learning, to lounge idly by some solitary brookside with hook and line, or in more active moods to dash away into the woods to enjoy the ex- citements of the chase. He learned a little of Latin, of Greek not more than the letters, and as little of mathe- matics. At eighteen he married, engaged in trade, and failed ; tried farming with as little success ; then read law six weeks, and was admitted to the bar. Yet the mind of this young man had not been idle ; he lived in a world of deep thought ; he studied men. He was now to appear for the first time as an advocate. The wl^ole colony was interested in the trial, and the court-room was crowded with anxious spectators. Maury made objections to the jury; he thought them of "the vulgar herd," " dissenters," and " New Lights." " They are honest men," rejoined Henry. The court overruled the insulting objections, and the jury were sworn. The casp was plainly against him, but Henry con- tended th'e law was valid, and enacted by competent au- thority ; he fell back upon the natural right of Virginia to make her own laws, independently of the king and par- liament. He jiroved the justness of the law ; he sketched the character of a good king, as the father, of his people, but who, when he annuls good laws becomes a tyrant, and forfeits all right to obedience. At this doctrine, so new, so daring, the audience seemed to stand aghast. " He has spoken treason," exclaimed the opposing counsel. A few joined in the cry of Treason ! treason ! Yet the jury brought in a verdict for the " parsons" of a penny dam- ages. THE STAMP ACT. 287 I Henry denied the right of the king to aid in making ^^^• laws for the colonies. His argument applied not only to Virginia, but to the continent. The sentiment spread 17G3. from colony to colony. Parliament assumed the right to tax the Americans, and paid no attention to their protests, but characterized them as " absurd," " insolent," " mad." When they ex- postulated with GrenviUe, the Prime Minister, he warned them that in a contest with England they would gain nothing. The taxes must be levied at all events ; and he graciously asked if there was any form in which they would rather pay them than by means of the threatened stamps. These were to be affixed to all documents used in trade, and for them a certain impost duty was charged. Only the English merchants whose interests were involved in the American trade, appear to have sympathized with the colonists. Franklin, who was then in London as agent for the Assembly of Pennsylvania, wrote home : " Every man in England regards himself as a piece of a sovereign over America, seems to jostle himself into the throne with the king, and talks of our subjects in the colonies." The Stamp Act did not pass without a struggle. Dur- ^'^^^ ing these discussions. Colonel Barre, who, in the war against the French, was the friend and companion of Wolfe, charged the members of the House of Commons with b6ing ignorant of the true state of the colonies. When Charles Townshend, the Chancellor of the Ex- chequer, asked the question, " Will our American chil- dren, planted by our care, nourished by our indulgence, and protected by our arms, grudge to contribute their mite to relieve us from our burdens .'' " Barre indignantly re- plied : " They planted by your care ! No, your oppres- sions planted them in America. They fled from your tyranny to an uncultivated, inhospitable country ; where they exposed themselves to almost every hardship, and to the cruelties of the savage foe. They nourished by your 288 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, indulgence ! They grew by your neglect ; your oare for them was to send persons to rule them ; deputies of dep- 1765. uties, to some members of this house, sent to spy out their liberties, to misrepresent their actions, and to prey upon them ; men who have caused the blood of those sons of liberty to recoil within them. They protected by yonr arms ! They have nobly taken up arms in your defence. Amidst their constant and laborious industry they have defended a country whose frontiers were drenched in blood, while its interior settlements yielded all their little savings to your emoluments. I speak the genuine sentiments of my heart. They are a people as truly loyal as any sub- jects of the king ; they are jealous of their liberties, and will vindicate them, if ever they should be violated." But very few of the members of the house were thus liberal in their sentiments. The great majority looked upon the colonies as subservient to the rule of the mother country. It was the express intention of the ministry " to be very tender in taxing them, beginning with small duties and taxes," and advancing as they found them willing to bear it. The House of Commons, on March 22d, passed the Stamp Act by a majority of nine to one ; ten days after- ward it passed the House of Lords almost unanimously. The king was ill ; mystery whispered of some unusual disease. When George III. signed the Stamp 'Act, he was not a responsible being — he was insane. This act declared that every written agreement be- tween persons in trade, to be valid, must have affixed to it one of these stamps. Their price was in proportion to the importance of the writing ; the lowest a shilling, and thence increasing indefinitely. Truly this " was to take money without an equivalent." AH business must be thus taxed, or suspended. In order to enforce this act, Parliament, two months afterward, authorized the ministry to send as many troops RESOLUTIONS OF THE VIRGINIA ASSEMBLY. 289 as tliey Scaw proper to America. For these soldiers the chat colonies were required to find " qiiarters, fuel, cider or rum, candles, and other necessaries." 1705. The news of the passage of these arbitrarx' laws threw the people into a ferment. They became acquainted with each other's views ; the subject was discussed in the news- papers, was noticed in the pulpits, and became the en- grossing topic of conversation in social intercourse. In the Virginia Assembly, Patrick Henry introduced resolu- tions declaring that the people of Virginia were only bound to pay taxes imposed by their own Legislature, and any person who maintained the contrary should be deemed an enemy of the colony. An exciting debate followed, in which the wonderful jiower of Henry in describing the tyranny of the British government swayed the majority of the members. In the midst of one of his bursts of eloquence he exclaimed : " Cfesar had his Brutus, Charles I. his Cromwell, and George III. " — " Treason !■ trea- May. son ! " shouted the Speaker, and a few others joined him in the cry. Henry fixed his ej'e upon the Speaker, and in the tone and emphasis peculiar to himself, continued, " may profit by their example. If that be treason, make the most of it." The resolutions passed, but the next morning, in Henry's ab.sence, the timid in the Assembly rescinded the last, and modified the others. The governor immediately dissolved the house for this free expression of opinion. Meantime, a manuscript cojiy of the resolutions was on its way to Philadelphia, where they were speedily printed and sent throughout the country. They raised the drooping spirits of the people, who determined to neu- tralize the law — they would never use the stamps. The Legislature of Massachusetts resolved that the courts should conduct their business without their use. Golden, the royalist governor of New York, thought " that the presence of a battalion would prevent mis- eliief ; " Imt the council suggested, "it would be more 19 290 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, XXV. safe for the government to show a confidence in the peo- ple." " I will cram the stamps down their throats with 1765. my sword," said an officer. The churchmen preached obedience to the king — the " Lord's anointed." William Livingston answered, " The people are the ' Lord's anoint- ed,' though named ' mob and rabble ' — the people are the darling of Providence." Colonel Barre, in his famous speech, characterized those in America who opposed British oppression, as " Sons of Liberty." He read them rightly ; Sons of Lib- erty they were, and destined to be free ; they felt it ; they adopted the name, it became the watchword under which they rallied. Associations called by this name sprang up as if by magic, and in a few weeks spread from Massachu- setts to Maryland. They would neither use stamps nor permit the distributers to remain in office. One morning the famous Liberty Tree in Boston was found decorated with the effigies of some of the friends of the English ministry. The mob compelled Oliver, the secretary of the colony, who had been appointed stamp distributer, to resign, and promise that he would not aid Aug. in their distribution. They also attacked the houses of some of the other officials. The patriots- protested against these lawless proceedings. Five hundred Connecticut farmers came into Wethersfield and compelled Jared Ingersol, the stamp officer for that colony, to resign, and then take off his hat and give three cheers for " Liberty, Property, and no stamps." Such was the feeling, and Nov. guch the result, that when the day came, on which the law was to go into effect, not one stamp officer could be found — all had resigned. June. The General Court of Massachusetts issued a circular in June, inviting all the colonies to send delegates to a convention or Congress, to be held at New York, on the first Tuesday of the following October. Accordingly, on » THE CONGRESS IN SESSION. 291 the day named delegates from nine of the colonies met at '^^• the place appointed. The idea of a union of the colonies dates as far back 1765. as the days of William Penn, who was the first to suggest it ; but now the question was discussed by the various committees of correspondence. At a convention which met at Albany eleven years before this, Benjamin Frank- lin had proposed a plan of union. This was adopted and laid before the Assemblies of the colonies, and the Board of Trade, for ratification. It met with a singular fate. The Assemblies rejected it, because it was too aristocratic, and the Board of Trade because it was too democratic. The Congress met and spent three weeks in delibera- Ot. tion. They drew up a Declaration of Eights, a Memorial to both Houses of Parliament, and a Petition to the king. They claimed the right of being taxed only by their own representatives, premising, that because of the distance, and for other reasons, they could not be represented in the House of Commons, but in their own Assemblies. These documents were signed by nearly all the delegates, and transmitted to England. The colonial Assembhes, at their earliest days of meeting, gave to these proceedings of the Congress their cordial approval. Thus the Union was consummated, by which the colonies " became as a bundle of sticks which could neither be bent nor broken." While the Congress was in session, a ship with stamps on board made its appearance in the bay. Placards were posted throughout the city, threatening those who should attempt to use them. " I am resolved to have the stamps distributed," said Colden, the governor. " Let us see who will dare to put the act into execution," said the Sons of Liberty. On the last day of October all the royal governors, except the governor of Pthodc Island, took the oath to carry into execution the Stamp Act. On the next day the law was to go into effect. But not a stamp was to be 292 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPtE. CHAP, seen ; instead, in everj^ colony the bells were tolled, cane] the flags lowered to half-mast — indications that the pas- 1765. sage of this act was regarded as " the funeral of liberty." The merchants of New York, Boston, and Philadel- phia, agreed to send no orders to England for merchan- dise, to countermand those already sent, and to receive no goods on commission till the act was repealed. They were sustained by the people, who pledged themselves not to use the products of English manufacturers, but to encourage their own. Circulars were sent throughout the land in- viting to harmonious action ; these were responded to with a hearty good- will. Luxuries were dispensed with, and homespun was more honorable than ever. The infatuated ministry, in view of this opposition, resolved to modify, not to repeal the law. It would de- tract from their dignity, to comply with the request of the colonists. " Sooner," said one of them, " than mate our colonies our allies, I would wish to see them returned to their primitive deserts." 1766. Infirm health had compelled Pitt to retire from active life. " My resolution is taken," said he, " and if I can crawl OT be carried to London, I will deliver my mind and heart upon the state of America." When accused by Grenville of exciting sedition, " Sir," said he in reply, " I have been charged with giving birth to sedition in America. Sorry I am to have the liberty of speech in this house imputed as a crime. But the imputation will not deter me ; it is a liberty I mean to exercise. The gentleman tells us that America is obstinate ; that Amer- ica is almost in rebellion. I rejoice that America has re- sisted." The sentiment startled the house ; he continued : " If they had submitted, they would have voluntarily be- come slaves. They have been driven to madness by injus- tice. My opinion is, that the Stamp Act should be repealed, absolutely, totally, immediately." The celebrated Edmund THE STAMP ACT REPEALED — REJOICINGS. 293 Burke, then a young man rising into notice, advocated the 'i^^- repeal with great eloquence. The House of Commons wished to inquire still further 1766. of the temper of the Americans before taking the vote. Tliej' accordingly called witnesses to their bar, among whom was Benjamin Franklin. His knowledge was the most perfect, and his testimony had the greatest effect upon their minds. He said the colonists could not pay for the stamps for want of gold and silver ; that they had borne more than their share of expense in the last war, and that they were laboring under debts contracted by it ; that they would soon supply themselves vi^ith domestic manufactures ; that they had been well disposed toward the mother country, but recent laws were lessening their affection, and soon all commerce would be broken up, un- less those laws were repealed ; and finally, that they never would submit to taxes imposed by those who had no au- thority. The vote was taken, and the Stamp Act was Mar. repealed ; not because it was unjust, but because it could not be enforced. The people of the English commercial cities manifested their joy ; bonfires were lighted, the shipis displayed their gayest colors, and the city of London itself was illuminated. Expresses were sent to the seaports, that the news might reach America as soon as possible. The rejoicings in the colonies were equally as great. In Boston, the bell nearest to the Liberty Tree was the first to ring ; soon gay flags and banners were flying from the shipping, from private dwellings, and from the steeples of the meeting-houses. Amidst the joy, the unfortunate were not forgotten, and those immured in the debtor's prison, were released by the contributions of their friends. The ministers, from their pulpits, offered thanksgiving in the name of the whole people, and the associations against importing merchandise from England were dissolved. New York, Virginia, and Maryland, each voted a statue to Pitt, who became more than ever a popular idol. 18. 294 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP. In the midst of these trouliles the cause of education and religion was not forgotten. The Rev. Eleazar Whee- 1T60. lock established at Lebanon, in Connecticut, a school to educate Indian boys, and train them as teachers for theij: own race. Success attended the effort. A grant of forty- four thousand acres of land induced him to remove the school to Hanover, New Hampshire. Under the name of Dartmouth, a charter as a college was granted it, by ppg Wentworth, the governor. The Earl of Dartmouth, a Methodist, a friend of John Wesley, aided it, was one of its trustees, and took charge of the funds contributed for it in England — hence the name. The establishment of tliis institution was one of the effects of the Great Eevival. In the midst of the native forest of pines the work was commenced. The principal and his students dwelt in log-cabins, built by their own hands. CHAPTER XXVI. CAUSES WHICH LED TO THE REVOLUTION— CONTINUED. The English Ministry determine to obtain .1 Revenue. — Massachusetts invites to harmonious Action. — The Romney and the Sloop Liberty. — A Brit- ish Regiment at Boston. — Collision with the Citizens. — -Articles of Asso- ciation proposed by Washington. — The Tax upon Tea. — Whigs and Tories. — ^The Gaspe captured. — The King's Maxim. — The Resolutions not to receive the Tea. — Tea thrown into Boston Harbor. — Its Recep- tion at other Places. — More ojipressive Laws passed by Parliament. — Aid sent to Boston. — Gage's Difficulties. — Alexander Hamilton. — The Old Continental Congress. — The Organization ; the first Prayer. — The " Declaration of Rights."— The " American Association." — The Papers issued by the Congress. — The Views of Pitt in relation to them. Lord Grenville, the head of the ministry, was dismissed, S5^',' and the Marq[iiis of Rockingham took his place. This ministry soon gave way, and another was appointed by 1766. the king, at the head of which was placed Pitt, who, in the mean time, had been created Earl of Chatham. The following year, during Pitt's absence, Charles Townshend, his Chancellor of the Excheqiier, announced that he intended, at all risks, to derive a revenue from \'^" , . , . . , . .June. America, by imposing a duty upon certain articles, which the colonists received from abroad, such as wine, oil, paints, glass, paper, and lead colors, and especially upon tea, as they obtained it cheaper from Dutch smugglers than the English themselves. It was suggested to him to withdraw the army, and there would be no need of a 296 HISTORY OF THE AMEEICAN PEOPLE. CHAP. tax. " I will hear nothing on the subject," said lie ; " it ■ ' '_ is absolutely necessary to keep an army there." ■|7(37_ The colonists were startled by this news. They now remembered the fatal reservation in the repeal of the Stamp Act, that Parliament had tlie absolute right to tax them. " We will form a universal combination to eat nothing, to drink nothing, and wear nothing, imported from England," passed as a watchword from one colony to another, and very soon the non-importation associations were again in vigor. " Courage, Americans ; liberty, relig- ion, and science are on the wing to these shores. The finger of God points out a mighty empire to your sons," said one of the lawyers of New York. " Send over an army and fleet, and reduce the dogs to reason," wrote one of the royal governors to the ministry. Suddenly the Romuey, a man-of-war, appeared in the harbor of Boston. The question soon arose, Why is a vessel of war sent to our harbor ? The people had resisted no law ; they had only respectfully petitioned tor redress, and resolved to dispense with the use of British goods. Since the arrival of the Eomney, the haughty manner of the Commissioners of Customs toward the people had be- come intolerable. The Eomney frequentl)' impressed the New England seamen as thej' came into the harbor. One man thus impressed was forcibly rescued by his compan- ions. These and similar outrages excited the bitterest animosity between the royal oflicials and the people. The Massachusetts Assembly issued a circular to the other Colonial Assemblies, inviting to harmonious action in obtaining redress. A few months afterward the minis- 1768. l-ry sent peremptory orders to the Assembly to rescind .(line, their circular. Through the influence of Otis and Samuel Adarns, the Assembly refused to comj)ly with the arbitrary demand, but instead intimated that Parliament ought to repeal their otfensive laws. Meantime the other Colonial Assemblies received the circular favorably, and also en- A BRITISH REGIMENT STATIONED IN BOSTON. 297 couraged Massachusetts in her resistance to tyranny and ^;^*P injustice. At this crisis, under the pretence that she had made 1768. a false entry, the sloop Liherty, helonging to John Han- cock, one of the prominent leaders, was seized, and towed under the guns of the Romney. She was laden with Ma- deira wine, on which duties were demanded. The news soon spread, and a crowd collected, the more violent of whom attacked the houses of the Commissioners of Cus- toms, who were forced to fly for safety to Castle William in the harhor. Of these outbreaks of a few ignorant per- sons, the most exaggerated accounts were sent to Eng- land, and there it was resolved to send more soldiers, and make Massachusetts submit as a conquered country^' Ven- geance was to be especially taken on " the insolent <^own of Boston." As the Parliament had determined to send troops to the colonies, Bernard, the governor, requested Colonel Gage to bring a regiment from Halifax to Boston. On a quiet Sabbath, these troops were latided under the ■ ggpt. cover of the guns of their vessels, their colors flying, drums beating, and ba)-onets fixed, as if they had taken jiossession of an enemy's town. Neither the leaders of the people, nor the people themselves, were intimidated by this military demonstration. According to law, troops could be lodged in Boston, only when the barracks at the forts in the harbor were full. The Assembly refused the soldiers quarters, and the food and other necessaries which had been demanded. The royalists gravely thought the Bostonians " had come within a hair's-breadth of commit- ting treason." Gage wrote, " It is of uo use to argue in this country, where every man studies law." He would enforce obedience without delay. Boston was held as a conquered town ; sentinels were placed at the corners of the streets, and citizens, when passing to their ordinary business, were challenged ; even the sacred hours of the Sabbath were not free from the 298 HISTORY OF THE AUEEICAN PEOPLE. ^.^^P- din of drums. A collision finally took place, between a citizen and a soldier. This led to an affray between the 1770. soldiers and some rope-makers. A few evenings afterward '2'^ a sentinel was assaulted ; soldiers were sent to his aid, and they were stoned by the mob. At length a soldier fired upon their assailants ; immediately six of his com- panions fired also. Three persons were killed and five wounded. The town was thrown into a state of great ex- citement ; in an hour's time the alarm bells had brought thousands into the streets. The multitude was pacified, only for the time, by the assurance of Hutchinson, who was now governor, that in the morning justice should be done. The next morning the people demanded that the troops should be removed from the town to Castle Wil- liam ; and that Captain Preston, who, "it was said, had, commanded his soldiers to fire, should be tried for murder. Both these requisitions were complied vrith. Captain Preston and six of his men were arraigned for trial. John Adams and Josiah Quincy, both popular leaders, volun- teered to defend them. They were acquitted by the jury of murder, but two of the soldiers were found guilty of manslaughter. The result of this trial had a good effect in England. Contrary to the slanders of their enemies, it showed that the Bostonians, in the midst of popular excitement, were actuated by principles of justice. Those citizens who had been thiis killed were regarded in the colonies as martyrs of liberty. The Virginia Assembly passed resolutions as " bad as those of Massachusetts." The next day, the governor, Lord Boutetourte, dissolved the house for passing " the ...gg abominable resolves." The members immediately held a May. meeting, at which Washington presented the resolutions, drawn up by himself and his friend George Mason. They were a draft of articles of association, not to import from Great Britain merchandise that was taxed. " Such was I THE KING INSISTS ON TAXING TEA. 299 their zeal against the slave-trade, they made a special c^^p. covenant with one another not to import any slaves, nor . purchase any imported." To these resolutions were signed 1TG9. the names of Patrick Henrj-, Washington, Jefferson, Kich- ard Henry Lee, and, indeed, of all the members of the Assembly. Tlieu they were sent throughout the colony for the signature of every man in it. The non-importation associations produced their effect, ^j-^q^ and Lord North, who was now prime minister, proposed to remove all the duties except that on tea. That was retained at the express command of the king, whose maxim was, " that there should be always one tax, at least, to keep up the right of taxing." This removed part of the difficulty, for which the colonists were thanlrful ; but they were still united in their determination not to import tea. For these concessions they were indebted to the clamors of those English merchants whose trade had been injured. For a year there was an apparent lull in the storm of popular feeling. Governor Hutchinson issued a proclamation for a day of thanksgi\'ing ; this he required the ministers to read from their pulpits on the following Sabbath. He thought to entrap them, by inserting a clause acknowledging grat- itude, " that civil and religious liberty were continued," and " trade encouraged." But he sadly mistook the men. The ministers, with the exception of one, whose church the governor himself attended, refused to read the proc- lamation, but, on the contrary, agreed to "implore of Al- mighty God the restoration of lost liberties." The contest had continued so long that party lines began to be drawn. Those who favored the demands of the people, were called Whigs ; those who sympathized with the government, were called Tories. These terms had been long in use in England, the former to designate the opposers of royalty ; the latter its supporters. Scarcely a colony was exempt from outrages commit- 300 HISTOKT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. ^HAP. ted by those representing the royal authority. In New York the people, on what is now the Park, then known as 1770. the Fields, erected a liberty-pole. They were accustomed to assemble there and discuss the afl'airs of the colony. On a certain night, a party of the soldiers stationed in the fort cut down the pole. The people retaliated, and frequent quarrels and collisions occurred. Though these disturbances were not so violent as those in Massachusetts, they had the effect of exciting in the people intense hatred of the soldiers, as the tools of tyranny. An armed vessel, the Gaspe, engaged in the revenue service, took her position in Narraganset Bay, and in an insulting and arbitrary manner enforced the customs. Sometimes she wantonly compelled the passing vessels and market boats to lower their colors as a token of re- spect ; sometimes landed companies on the neighboring islands, and carried off hogs and sheep, and other provi- "sions. The lieutenant in command wa,s appealed to for his authority in thus acting. He referred the committee to the admiral, stationed at Boston. The admiral haughtily answered : " The -lieutenant is fulfilling his duty ; if any persons rescue a vessel from him, I will hang them as pirates." The bold sailors and citizens matured their 1772. plans and executed them. The Providence packet, of a jQ ® light draught and a fast sailer, was passing up the bay. The Gaspu hailed. The packet paid no attention, but passed on. Immediately the Graspo gave chase. The packet designedly ran into shoal water near the shore ; the Gaspe followed, and was soon aground, — the tide go- ing out, left her fast. The following night a company of men went down in boats, boarded her, made prisoners of the crew, and burned the vessel. A large reward was offered for the perpetrators of this bold act ; though well known, not one was betrayed. The warehouses of the East India Company were filled with the " pernicious weed," and the company proposed A TAX IMPOSED ON TEA. 301 to pay all its duties in England, and then export it at "^hap. their own risk. This would remove the difficulty, as there would then he no collections of the duty in American l'i'72. ports. But the king was unwilling to sacrifce his maxim, and Lord North seems to have been incapalile of compre- hending, that the Americans refused to pay the d)ity on tea, not because it was great or small, but because they looked upon a tax thus imposed as unjust. He therefore virtually proposed to the company to pay fTiree-foiirtlis of the duty in England ; to save the king's maxim, the gov- ernment would collect the other fourth, or three pence on a pound, in America. It was suggested to North, that the Americans would not purchase the tea on those con- ditions. He replied : " It is to no purpose the making objections, for the king will have it so. The king means to try the question with the Americans." ^"^ Meantime 23ublic opinion in the colonies was becoming more and more enlightened, and more and more decided. " We must have a convention of all the colonies," said Samuel Adams. And he sent forth circulars inviting them to assert their rights, when there was a prospect of success. He saw clearly that the king and Parliament were resolved to see whether the Americans would or would not acknowledge their supremacy. When the conditions became known on which tea was to be imported, the people took measures to prevent its being either landed or sold. In Philadelphia they held a meeting, and requested those to whom the tea was con- signed " to resign their appointments." They also de- nounced " as an enemy to his country," " whosoever shall aid or abet in unloading, receiving, or vending the tea." Similar meetings were held in Charleston and New York, and similar resolutions were passed. A ship, making a quick passage, arrived at Boston, with intelligence that several vessels laden with tea had sailed. Fi\'e thousand men immediately assembled to de- 302 HISTORY OF THE AMEKICAX PEOPLE. jS\i' li^si'^ts on the course to be pursued. On motion of Samuel Adams, they unanimously resolved to send the 1773. tea back. " Tlie only way to get rid of it," shouted ^ 3 ■ some one in the crowd, " is to throw it overboard." Those to whom the tea had been consigned were invited to meet at Liberty Tree, and resign their appointments. Two of the consignees were sons of Governor Hutchinson, who, at that time, was peculiarly odious on account of his double- dealing. This had been brought to light by a number of his letters to persons in England. These letters had fallen into the hands of Dr. Franklin, who sent them to the Speaker of the Massachusetts Assembly. They dis- clofeed the fact, that nearly all the harsh measures directed against the colony, had been suggested by Hutchinson. According to law, a ship must unload within twenty days, or be seized for non-payment of duties. Presently a ship laden with tea came into the harbor. By order of the committee, it was moored at a certain wharf, and a company of twenty-five men volunteered to guard it. The owner promised to take the cargo back, if the governor would give his permit. Meantime came two other vessels ; they were ordered to anchor beside the first. The committee waited again upon the consignees, but their answer was unsatisfactory. When the committee made their report to the meeting, not a word was said ; the assemblage silently broke up. The consignees were ^S"''- terribly alarmed. That silence was ominous. Hutcliin- son's two sons fled to the fort, to the protection of the regulars. The father went quietly out of town. His ob- ject was to gain time till the twenty days should ex- pire ; then the ships would pass into the hands of the Commissioners of Customs, and the tea would be safe for his sons. Another meeting of the people was protracted tUl after dark ; on the morrow the twentieth day would expire, and the tea would be placed beyond ' their reach. At THE DESTRUCTION OF THE TEA. 303 length the owner of the vessel returned from his mission |^^^.'j- to the governor, and reported that he would not give the , permit for the ships to leave the port. " This meeting," 1V73. announced Samuel Adams, " can do nothing more to save the country." Immediately a shout, somewhat like a war-whoop, arose from a band of forty or fifty " very dark complex- ioned men, dressed like Mohawks," who were around the door. This band moved hastily down to the wharf where lay the tea ships. Placing a guard to protect them from Dee. spies, they went on board and took out three hundred and forty-two chests, broke them open, and poured the tea into the water. In silence the crowd on shore witnessed the aifair ; when the work was accomplished, they quietly retired to their homes. Paul Revere set out immediately to carry the news to New York and Philadelphia. At New York, a tea ship was sent back with her ^^^ cargo ; the captain was escorted out of the city by the 25. Committee of Vigilance, with banners flying and a band playing God save the king. Eighteen chests of tea, found concealed on board another vessel, were thrown into the dock. In Charleston tea was permitted to be landed, but was stowed in damp cellars, where it spoiled. The captain of the vessel bound for Pliiladelphia, when four miles below the city, learned that the citizens would not permit him to land his cargo ; he prudently returned to England. At Annapolis, a ship and its cargo were both burned ; the owner, to allay the excitement, himself ap- plying the torch. Meantime the various committees of correspondence were making preparations to hold a congress composed of representatives from all the colonies. Yet they said, and no doubt honestly, that " their old good- will and affection for the parent country were not totally lost" " If she returned to her former moderation and good hu- mor, their affection would revive." 804 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP. When it became known in England that the anda- cious colonists would not even permit the tea to be landed, 1774. the king and ministry determined to make their power felt ; and especially to make an example of Boston. Ac- cordingly a bill was introduced and passed in Parliament, four to one, to close her port to all commerce, and to transfer the seat of government to Salem. Though her June, citizens offered remuneration for the tea destroyed, yet Massachusetts must be punished ; made an example, to deter other outbreaks. Parliament immediately passed a series of laws which violated her charter and took away her privileges. The Port Bill, it was complacently prophe- sied, will make Boston submit ; she will yet come as a penitent, and promise obedience to British laws. 'Parliament went still further, and passed other laws ; one for quartering soldiers, at the people's expense, on all the colonies, and another in connection with it, by which officers, who, in enforcing this particular law, should com- mit acts of violence, were to be taken to England, and tried there for the offence. This clause would encourage arbitrary acts, and render military and official insolence still more intolerable. To these was added another law, known as the Quebec act ; it granted unusual concessions to the Catholics of Canada — a stroke of policy, if war should occur between the colonies and the mother country. This act revived much of the old Protestant feeling latent in the minds of the jieople. These laws, ©isposed by many in Parliament as unnecessary and tyrannical, excited in America a deep feeling of indignation against the English government. Everywhere Boston met with sympathy. The town of Salem refused to accept the proffered boon of becoming the seat of government at the expense of her neighbor, and Marblehead offered her port, free of charge, to the merchants of Boston. In that city great distress was ex- perienced ; multitudes, who depended upon the daily BOSTON MEETS WITH SYMPATHY. 305 labor they obtained from commerce, were out of employ- ™^^'- ment, and their families suffered. The different colonies sent to their aid provisions and money ; these were accom- 1774. panied by words of encouragement, to stand firm in the righteous cause. The ordinary necessaries of life came from their neighbors of New England. " The patriotic and generous peojile " of South Carolina sent them two liundred barrels of rice, and jjromiscd eight hundi'cd more, but urged them " not to pay for an ounce of the tea." In North Carolina " two thousand pounds were raised by subscription " and sent. Virginia and Maryland vied with each other in the good work. Washington presided at a meeting of sympathizers, and subscribed himself fifty pounds ; and even the farmers on the western frontiers of the Old Dominion sent one hundred and thirty-seven bar- rels of flour. These patriots were determined " that t],ie men of Boston, who were deprived of their daily labor, should not lose their daily bread, nor be compelled to change their residence for want." ' Even the citizens of Quebec, French and English, by joint effort sent them more than a thousand bushels of wheat, while in London itself one hundred and fifty thou- sand dollars were subscribed for their benefit. Notwith- standing all this distress no riot or outbreak occurred among the people. General Gage was now Commander-in-chief of the British army in America, and had been recently appointed governor, in place of Hutchinson. He was sadly at a loss how to manage the Bostonians. If they would only vio- late the law, he could exercise his civil as well as his mili- tary authority. They held meetings, from time to time, and freely discussed their public affairs. They were under ' Bancroft, vol. vii, p. 75. 20 306 HISTORY OF THE AMEKICAN PEOPLE. ^?^AP. tlie control of leaders who never lost their self-possession, XXVI, nor transcended their constitutional rights. The govern- &^ 1774. ment, thinking to avoid the evil, forbade them to hold such meetings, after a certain day. They evaded the law " by convoking the meetings before that day, and keeping them alive." ''Faneuil Hall was at times unable to hold them, and they swarmed from that revolutionary hive into Old South Church. The Liberty Tree became a rallying place for any popular movement, and a flag hoisted on it was saluted by all processions as the emblem of the popu- lar cause." ' During this time, the people throughout the colonies held conventions and chose delegates to the General Con- gress about to meet at Philadelphia. One of these meet- ings, held in the " Fields " in New York, was addressed by a youth of seventeen. The stripling cluxrmed his hear- ers by his. fervor, as he grappled with the question and presented with clearness the main points at issue. When he closed, a whisper ran through the crowd, " It is a col- legian." The j'outh was Alexander Hamilton, a native of St. Kitts, of Scotch and French descent, his mother a Huguenot. The son combined the caution of the Scot with the vivacity of the Gaul. At an early age he lost his mother, whose memory he cherished with the greatest devotion. "A father's care he seems never to have known." At the age of twelve he was thrown upon the world to depend upon his own resources. He came to Boston, and thence to New York, where he found means to enter King's, since Columbia College. He had been known to the people simply as the West Indian, who walked under the trees in the college green, and uncon- scious of the observation of others, talked to himself. Henceforth a brilliant mind and untiring energies were to be conseciated to the welfare of the land that had adopted the orphan. ' Washington Irvinp;. THE OLD CONTINENTAL CONGRESS. 307 When the time came lor the meeting of the General ^.^^^• Congress, known as the Old Continental Congress, fifty- , . five delegates assembled in the Carpenters' Hall, in the 177-i. city of Philadelphia. Every colony was represented, ex- g^ ' cept Georgia. Martin, the royalist governor, had prevented delegates from being chosen. Here for the first time assembled the most eminent men of the colonies. They held in their hands, under the Great Disposer of all things, the destinies of a people num- bering nearly three millions. Here were names now sacred in the memories of Americans. George Washington, Patrick Henry, Richard Henry Lee, Edward and John Rutledge, Gadsden, Samuel Adams, John Adams, Roger Sherman, Philip Livingston, John Jay, William Living- ston, Dr. Witherspoon, President of Princeton College, a Scotch Presbyterian minister, who had come over some years before, but was said to be " as high a son of liberty as any man in America," and others of lesser note, but no less patriotism. They had corresponded with each other, and exchanged views on the subject of their coun- try's wrongs ; they had sympathized as brethren, though many of them were to each other personally unknown. It was a momentous crisis, and they felt the responsibility of their position. The House was organized by electing the aged Peyton Randolph, of Virginia, Speaker, and Charles Thomson, of Pennsylvania, Secretary. A native of Ireland, when a youth he came to America. He was principal of the Quaker High School in Philadelphia, and was proverbial for his truth and honesty. It was suggested that it would be becoming to open their sessions with prayer. This proposition was thought by some to be mexpedient, since perhaps the delegates could not all join in the same form of worship. At length Samuel Adams, who was a strict Cougregationalist, arose and said : " I will willingly join in prayer with any gen- 308 HISTORY OF THE AMEEICAX PEOPLE. xxVi *^^"^^^ "^f P'^-'ty '^"^l virtue, whatever may bo his cloth provided he is a friend of his country." On his motion, IT74. the Rev. Mr. Duche, a popiilar Episcopal clergyman, of Philadelphia, was invited to officiate as chaplain. Mr. Duch6 accepted the invitation. A rumor, in the mean time, reached Philadelphia that General Gage had bom- barded Boston. When the Congress ass-^mbled the next morning, anxiety and sympathy were depicted on every countenance. The rumor, though it proved to be false, excited feelings of brotherhood, liitherto unknown. The chaplain read the thirty-fifth psalm, and then, carried away by his emotions, burst forth into an extem- porary prayer to the Lord of Hosts to be their helper. " It seemed," says John Adams, in a letter to his wife, " as if Heaven had ordained that psalm to be read on that morning. He prayed, in language eloquent and sublime, for America, for the Congress, for the province of Massa- chusetts Bay, and especially for the town of Boston. It has had an excellent effect upon everybody here." When the jirayer was closed, a long and death-like silence ensued, as if each one hesitated " to open a busi- ness so momentous." At length Patrick Henry slowly arose, faltering at first, "' as if borne down by the weight of his subject ; " but the fires of his wonted eloquence be- gan to glow, as he recited the colonial wrongs already endured, and foretold those yet to come. " Rising, as he advanced, with the grandeur of his subject, and glowing at length with all the majesty and expectation of the occasion, his sj^eech seemed more than that of mortal man." He inspired the entire Congress with his liberal sentiments ; they found a response in every heart when he exclaimed : " British oppression has effaced the boun- daries of the several colonies ; the distinctions between Virginians, Pennsylvanians, New Yorkers, and New Eng- landers, are no more. I am not a Virginian, but an American." When he closedj the members were not THE PAPEBS ISSUED BY COKGRESS. 309 merely astonished at his matchless eloquence, but the ^^^f- importance of the subject had overwhelmed them. , 1774. The Congress appointed a committee, which drew up 'a " Declaration of Eights." In this they enumerated their natural rights to the enjoyment of life, liberty, and property ; as British subjects, they claimed to participate in making their own laws ; in imposing their own taxes ; the right of trial by jury in the vicinage ; of holding pub- lic meetings, and of petitioning for redress of grievances. They protested against a standing army in the colonies without their consent, and against eleven acts jtassed since the accession of George III., as violating the rights of the colonies. It was added, " To these grievous acts and measures Americans cannot submit." To obtain redress they resolved to enter upon peacea- ble measures. They agreed to form an "American Asso- ciation," in whose articles they pledged themselves not to trade with Great Britain or the West Indies, nor with those engaged in the slave-trade — which was especially denounced — not to use British goods or tea, and not to trade with any colony which would refuse to join the asso- ciation. Committees were to be appointed in the various districts to see that these articles were strictly carried into effect. Elaborate papers were also issued, in which the views of the Congress were set forth still more fully. A petition to the king was written by John Dickinson, of Pennsylva- nia ; he also wrote an Address to the people of Canada. The Memorial to the people of the colonies was written by Kichard Henry Lee, of Virginia, and the Address to the people of Great Britain by John Jay, of New York. Every measure was carefully discussed, and though on some points there was much diversity of opinion, yet, as Congress sat with closed doors, only the results of these discussions went forth to the country, embodied in resolu- 310 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, fcions, and signed by the members. These papers attracted the attention of thinking men in England. Said Chat- 1774. ham, " When your hardships look at the papers trans- mitted to us from America ; when you consider tlieir decency, firmness, and wisdom, you cannot hut respect' their cause, and wish to make it your own. For myself, I must avow, and I have studied the master states of the world, I know not the people, or senate, who, for solidity of reason, force of sagacity, and wisdom of conclusion, under such a complication of difficult circumstances, can . stand in preference to the delegates of America assembled in General Congress at Philadelphia. The histories of Greece and Kome give us nothing equal to it, and all attempts to impose servitude upon such a mighty conti- nental nation, must be vain." -^>^^^^'^c::>C.-£z.^>'y't^ 2^^^^ ^^^ ruc/^ (fy i^i/f^cpcd beyond it, sanguine and exultant with hope, he exclaimed : " Push on, my brave boys ; Quebec is ours ! " Just then, a single gun loaded with grape-shot was fired from a battery ; he fell, and by his side his aids and many others, who had answered to his cheering call. The sol- diers, disheartened at the fall of their brave leader, were willing to abandon the town, under the lead of Quarter- master Campbell, leaving the bodies of the slain Mont- gomery, Cheeseman, and MacPherson where they fell. By some neglect, no feint movement was made to cover the march of Arnold. He was harassed by a flank- ing fire as he pushed on to the entrance of the town. His leg being shattered by a ball, he was unable to lead his men against the battery. Morgan assumed the command, and with his riflemen stormed it, and captured the men. At daylight he reached the second battery, which was also carried; but now the forces of the British were concen- trated at this point. Morgan's party made a brave resist- ance, but were overpowered by numbers, and compelled to surrender. He himself was the last to submit. When called upon by the British soldiers to deliver up his sword, he refused, planted himself against a wall, and defied them to take it. They threatened to shoot him ; his men expos- MORGAN AND HIS MEN PRISONERS. 343 tulateJ, At length he saw a man — a priest he knew him 9i\i)^ to be frurn his dress ; to him he gave it, saying : " I will give my sword to you, hut not a scoundrel of those cow- 1775. ards shall take it out of my h mds." The bravery of Morgan and his men was appreciated by Carleton ; as prisoners, they were treated with si:)ecial kindness. Arnold now retired about three miles up the river, and there in a camp whose ramparts were formed of frozen snow and of ice, he blockaded Quebec through the winter. Here we leave him for the i^resent. Montgomery was at first buried at Quebec. When nearly half a century had passed away. New York remem- bered her adopted son. She transferred his remains to her metropolis, and with appropriate honors reinterred them 1818. in St. Paul's church-yard. CHAPTEE XXIX. WAR OF THE REVOLUTIOX— CONTINUED. Meeting of Congress ; alarming Evils require its Attention. — British Cruis ers. — Portland burned. — Efforts to defend the Coast. — Congress acts with Energy. — Parliament resolves to crush the Kebels. — Henry Knox. — Difficulties in the Army. — Provincial Prejudices. — Success of the Priva- teers. — British Theatricals. — The Union Flag. — Affairs in New York. — Rivington's Gazette. — Governor Tryon. — General Lee in the City. — The Johnsons. — Dunmore's Measures in Virginia ; Norfolk burned. — Defeat of North Carolina Tories. — Lee at the South. — Cannon and Powder ob- tained. — Dorchester Heights fortified. — Boston Evacuated. — Washing- ton in New York. — British and German Troops in Canada. — Numerous Disasters. — The Retreat from Canada. — Horatio Gates. — A British Fleet before Fort Moultrie. — Gloomy Prospects. OHAP. When the Continental Congress reassembled, delegates XXIX. ! o L from Georgia took their seats, for the first time, and the 1775. style was assumed of The Thirteen United Colonies. ''g'*'^' During the session, a delegate from beyond the moun- Oiit. tains presented himself as the representative of the colony of Transylvania, the germ of the present State of Ken- tucky, (settled by those bold pioneers, Boone, Harrod, and Henderson), but the delegate of the fourteenth colony was rejected, on the ground that Virginia claimed the territory. Alarming evils required the prompt attention of Con- gress. The army was almost destitute of ammunition and military stores ; the coast, to a great extent, unpro- tected ; British cruisers hovered on the shores of New England ; demanded of the inhabitants supplies ; burned PORTLAND BUBNEU PLANS OF DEFENCE. 345 :iud pillaged the towns. The notorious Captain Wallace !^^^' was stationed in Narragansett Bay ; Stonington and Bris- tol had been bombarded, and Newport was threatened 1775. with destruction. The British Admiral, Graves, it was ^ ' said, had issued orders to burn all the rebel towns from Halifax to Boston. This was no idle rumor. At Fal- mouth, now Portland, in Maine, the destruction began. This patriotic little town had, some time before, resolutely 18. repulsed Lieutenant Mowatt of the British navy. One evening he appeared with several vessels in the harbor, prepared to mete out the punishment due for such rebel- lion. He informed the inhabitants of his intention, and allowed them two hours " to remove the human species out of the town." A further 1-espite until nine o'clock next morning was with difficulty obtained. The people removed during the night ; then, by means of bombs and carcasses, this flourishing village of three hundred houses was laid in ashes. The other towns assumed a posture of defence, and avoided a similar ruin. The colonies separately took measures to defend their coasts against such attacks. Already Maryland, Virginia, and South Carolina had appointed Naval Boards, and equipped armed vessels. The British ships had been driven from the harbor at Charleston ; a jjowder-ship had been captured by a South Carolina vessel. Washington had sent cruisers into the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Mas- sachusetts Bay, to intercept supplies intended for the enemy. One of these, the schooner Lee, commanded by Captain Manly, deserves particular mention. She did the country good service. Khode Island, Massachusetts, and Connecticut, now equipped a few small vessels. Al- though a few harbors were thus defended, the force that protected the coast was still insufficient. Congress applied themselves vigorously to remedy these evils They forwarded some of the powder seized by Nov. 25 346 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, •^HAP. tho South Carolinians to the camp ; appointed a secret . committee to import it from the West Indies ; took meas- 1775. ures to establish mills for its manufacture, raid fouuderies for the making of cannon. They licensed privateers, and ordered gun-boats to be prepared for the defence of the harbors ; appointed a Naval Committee, vyhich vras au- thorized to build thirteen frigates ; but, alas ! want of funds interfered sadly vv'ith the accomplishment of these proposed measures. Dec. ]n this Naval Committee we recognize the germ of 13 o o the Navy Department. About this time a secret com- mittee was authorized to open a private correspondence with the friends of the cause in England, Ireland, and elsewhere ; this grew into the State Department. Thus was the Continental Congress gradually laying the foun- dation of the present government of the United States. Parliament, in the mean time, took measures to crush the " rebels ; " enacted laws against them, cruel in the extreme ; gave orders to treat them in warfare not as equals, but as criminals, who should be thankful to escape the gallows. The ministry proclaimed all ships trading to tlie colonies lawful prizes ; and the crews of all cap- tured colonial tiading vessels virtually slaves ; these were doomed to serve in the royal navy as marines. Parlia- ment also voted to increase their army in America to forty thousand men — of this number twentj^-five thousand Kov. had yet to be raised. They could not be obtained in Great Britain ; men would not enlist. Lord Howe had written to the ministry that Catholic Irish soldiers could not be trusted, and suggested the employment of German troops. Negotiations were accordingly commenced with two of the little German principalitie.s, Brunswick and Hesse Cassel ; and the English monarch hired seventeen thousand Germans, or Hessians, to aid him in subduing the descendants of Englishmen in America. In vain did HENRY KNOX COMMITTEE OF CONGRESS. 347 the best and most humane in raiiiament oppose these <^hai' measures. There was in England an honorable minority, who felt for the cause of the colonists. Burke and Barre I77j. stood firm ; Conway and the Duke of Grafton resigned their offices, and joined the opposition ; Lord Effingham and the son of Pitt threw up their commissions in the ariuy, rather than take part in the unnatural struggle. The mercantile interests of the country, and especially the Corporation of -London, were opposed to the measures of Parliament. Intelligence of them aroused the Ameri- cans to greater exertions, and deepened their hostility to the mother country. Since the battle of Bunker Hill, the armies in and around Boston had been inactive — the British from choice, the Americans from want of ammunition. Washington was anxious to be ready, when the bay should be frozen to pass over to the town on the ice. But he must have powder and ordnance. Henry Knox, a bookseller of Boston, had entered with groat zeal into the cause of his country. He had an in- tuitive skill in the use of artillery, which he first displayed ■ on Bunker Hill, and afterward in planning the defences of the camp. His aptness and energy attracted the atten- tion of Washington-. Knox proposed to go to Ticonde- roga and Crown Point, and bring from those places the cannon and powder that could be spared. Washington ap- proved the suggestion, wrote to Schuyler at Albany to give his assistance, and to Congress, recommending Knox as col- onel of a regiment of artillery. Knox immediately set out. Other difficulties surrounded the army. The soldiers had enlisted but for one year, their terms would expire before the first of January. Li anticipation of this, a committee of the Continental Congress, consisting of Doc- tor Franklin, Colonel Harrison, of Virginia, and Thomas Lynch, of Carolina, met at Cambridge, with committees 348 HISTOET OF THE AlIEKICAN PEOPLE. ^,^AP. from the New England colonies, to reorganize the army, and to de\dse means to increase it to thirty-two thousand. 1775. The comuiittees were in favor of an attack upon Bos- ton as soon as practicable. Their plans were well laid, but how could they be carried out .'' The soldiers were unwilling to re-enlist ; the zeal of the patriot army had begun to flag ; winter was coming on ; they were iU-fitted to endure its hardships ; their fuel was scanty and their clothing poor ; their families needed their presence ; the attractions of home presented a delightful contrast to the privations of a winter campaign. Their patriotism was not extinct, but they were weary and discouraged. Says "Washington, in a letter : " The desire of retiring into a chimney-corner seized the troops as soon as their terms expired." Those who were willing to re-enlist, would do so only on certain conditions. They must hnow imder what oifi- cers they were to be placed. Provincial prejudices had their effect ; the men of one colony hesitated to serve with those of another, or under officers not of their own choosing. It is pleasing to record one instance of high- ■ minded patriotism — doubtless there were many. Colonel Asa Whitcombe, a worthy and esperienced officer, was not reappointed on account of his advanced age. His men took offence, and refused to re-enlist. The colonel set them an example by enlisting himself as a private soldier. A j'ounger officer immediately resigned the command of his regiment that Whitcombe might be appointed, which was done. On the first of December, some days before their terms expired, a portion of the Connecticut troops began to re- turn home ; they were unwilling even to remain in camp till their places could be supplied. Their arms were re- tained at an assessed value. In the midst of this gloom, the privateers did good service. The camp was thrown into ecstasies by the DESECRATIONS — THE UNION FLAG. 840 anival of a lonn; train of wao;oiis laden with military stores. pHAP . ° IXIX. The brave Captain Manly had captured off Cape Ann a . brigantine laden with guns, mortars, and working tools, 1775. designed for the British army. Among the camion thus obtained was an immense mortar. This was deemed so great a prize, that in the joy of the moment, it was pro- posed to give it a name. " Old Putnam mounted it, dashed on it a bottle of rum, and gave it the name of Congress." The blockade of the British was so stringent, that they began to suffer seriously for fuel and fresh provisions : they could obtain none from the land side, while the coast was closely watched. Abundant supplies were sent from England, but these were often wrecked or captured. Some of the poorer houses were taken down to supply fuel, and many of the poorer people sent out of the town, in order to lessen the demand for provisions. To the grief of the patriot inhabitants, the Old South Church, that time-honored and sacred edifice, was con- verted into a riding-school for Burgoyue's light-horse, and the pastor's library used to kindle fires. In retaliation, the soldiers converted the Episcopal church at Cambridge into barracks, and melted the leaden pipes of the organ into bullets. The British officers beguiled their time by getting up balls and theatricals. Among the plays per- formed was one, written by General Burgoyne, caricatur- ing the American army and its officers. On the first of January the Union Flag was unfurled, 1776. for the first time, over the camp at Cambridge. It was emblematic of the state of the country. The English cross retained in one corner, intimated a still existing relation with the mother country, while the thirteen stripes of red and white that represented the thirteen colonies, now united for self-government and resistance to 350 HISTOEY OF THE AMERICAN FEOPLE„ CHAP, oppression, were broadly significant of tlie New Republic that was to grow out of this union. 1776, The year opened drearily for the patriots. There were less than ten thousand men in the camp, among whom were many undisciplined recruits, and many without arms. The people were impatient, — why not capture or drive the enemy out of Boston ? they asked on all sides. The situyticm of Washington was painful in the extreme : he could not publish bis reasons, lest the enemy should learn his weakness. Under these circumstances, he writes thus to a confidential friend : " We are now left with a good deal less than half-raised regiments, and^bout five thou- sand militia. * * * If I shall be able to rise superior to these, and many other difficulties, which might be enu- merated, I shall most religiously believe that the finger of Providence is in it, to blind the eyes of our enemies. ''' About this time, ships commanded by Sir Henry Clin- ton left the harbor of Boston on a secret expedition. It was justly surmised that he was bound for New York. We turn once more to the state of affairs in that province. As has been said, much of the wealth and influence of New York was on the side of the Tories. Richmond and Queen's counties had refused to send delegates to the Provincial Congress. Governor Tryon, who had retired to a British man-of-war in the harbor, kept up a corre- spondence with the friends of the royal cause in the city. There was published the most influential Tory journal in the country, " Rivington's Gazette" — "a thorn in the side of the patriots." Many who were opposed to this journal were unwilling to adopt violent measures ; the committee of safety refused to interfere with it. Colonel Isaac Sears, one of the boldest and most energetic of the New York Sons of Liberty, collected, in Connecticut, about a hundred horsemen, dashed into the city, broke the press and carried away the types to New Haven. GEXEEAL LEE IN NEW YORK. 351 . The possession of New York, as it was " the key to g^P- the whole continent, a passage to Canada*, to the great Lakes, and to all the Indian nations," was all-important 1770. to tlie patriots. It was determined to place troops there. Sears, seconded by the authority of Governor Trumbull, proceeded to form regiments in Connecticut. Washington ordered General Charles Lee to take command of these regiments, and proceed with them to New York, put that city in a state of defence, call in aid from New Jersey to disarm the Tories on Long Island and elsewhere — duties which Lee proceeded forthwith to perform. Governor Tryon threatened to bombard the city if he entered it with the Connecticut troops. The people were greatly alarmed. The Provincial Congress requested Lee not to advance for the "present. He was determined to push on with a sufficient number of troops to secure the city, and threatened in his turn, " if they make a pretext of my presence to fire on the town, the first house set on flames by their guns shall be the funeral-pile of some of their best friends." He entered the city on Sunday, February fourth, Feb. and encamped on the spot where the City Hall now stands, '^' then a suburb known as " The Fields." The threats and counter-threats had wrought up the feelings of the people to a state of intense excitement. During the day this was greatly increased ; cannon were heard from the Narrows. Sir Henry Clinton was entering the harbor. Many of the inhabitants hastened from the city ; on the afternoon of that Sabbath day, Kingsbridge was thronged with people and wagons, on their way to the country. But these fears were soon relieved. Clinton gave notice that he came merely to pay a visit to bis " friend Tryon." He remained but a short time, then sailed away to North Carolina. His mysierious expedition and his " whimsical civility" to his " friend Tryon " gave rise to much speculation ; though, as he bad but few 852 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. ^xx\x *™°P^' ^"^ movements had, as yet, created but little alarm. Lee now proceeded to put the city in a state of defence. 1776. Serious difficulties threatened the interior of the prov- ince. Guy Johnson had retired to Canada ; Sir John Johnson had fortified his " Hall," and gathered about him his Highlanders and Mohawks. Schuyler proceeded to J'l"- disarm and disband this dangerous company. Sir John gave his parole not to take up arms against America. A few months afterward he was suspected of breaking his word ; to avoid arrest, he fled to Canada, where he re- ceived a colonel's commission, and organized the regi- ments called the " Royal Greens," afterward so renowned for deeds of cruelty. During this winter. Governor Dunmore, of Virginia, who, like Tryon, had taken refuge in one of the king's June, ships, had been engaged in intrigues against the colonists. Dec. He sent a vessel to Boston with supplies, which, however, was captured. In a letter found on board, he had invited General Howe to transfer the seat of war to the South ; he also landed at Norfolk, carried off a printing press, pub- lished a proclamation that promised freedom to the slaves or indented white servants of the patriots, who would join his cause. With a force thus collected he took possession of the town. Fugitive slaves and others began to flock to his banner. Virginia raised new regiments to dislodge him, and oppose strong movements that were making in Jan., his favor. The second regiment, under Woodford, took 1776. possession of the narrow neck which connects Norfolk with the mainland, and compelled Dunniore to re-embark. Soon after he returned, bombarded the town, and landed a party who burned a portion of it to the ground. The patriots burned the remainder lest it should afford shelter to its enemies. Thus perished the principal shipping port of Virginia, her largest and richest town. TORIES DEFEATED — CHARLESTON THREATENED. 353 The British were secretly planninrr an invasion of the chap. •' ^ ° . xxi.x. South. Governor Martin, of North Carolina, who, like many of the royal governorg of that day, carried on opera- lT7fi. tions from on hoard a ship, was stirring up the Tories of that province, many of whom were Highlanders. He hoped to gather a land force to co-operate with Sir Peter Parker, who was on his way from Ireland with a fleet of ten ships, on board of which were seven regiments. The movements of Sir Henry Clinton could now he accounted for. He had left Boston to take command of the land forces in this intended invasion : he stopped to confer on the sub- ject with Tryon, who had been governor of North Carolina. Martin had commissioned two prominent Scotchmen, McDonald and McLeod — both recent emigrants, and offi- cers of the British army. General McDonald enlisted some fifteen hundred men, and marched for the coast, but the North Carolina patriots were on the alert. He was intercepted at Moore's Creek Bridge, sixteen miles from Feb. Wilmington. Colonel McLeod was killed ; McDonald and eight hundred and fifty loyalists were taken prisoner?. He and his officers were sent away to the north. This defeat, which at the first glance may appear of little consequence, was important in its bearing ; it inter- fered for a time with the plans of Clinton and Martin. This delay was most valuable to the patriots ; they had time to collect forces and mature plans for defence. Gen- eral Lee was appointed by Congress to take command of the southern army and to watch Clinton, who was hover- ing on the coast in exjiectation of the British squadron. After long delays it arrived at the mouth of Cape Fear May. River. Congress learned from intercepted letters that Charlestori was to be attacked. There, at the first alarm, six thousand men, from Virginia and the Carolinas, had assembled. The indefatigable Lee reached the city just as Clinton appeared in the harbor. Had the enemy at- tacked that place at once, they might have taken it with 23 354 HISTORY OF THE AJIEBICAK PEOPLE. CHAP. ease. It was, wrote Lee, " perfectly defenceless." The 1 opportunity was not improved, and both parties began to 1776. fortify and prepare for a contest. Here wo leave them for ™® the present, and return to the camp before Boston. During the month of January there was little im- provement in the state of the army. On the tenth of February Washington writes : " Without men, without arms, without ammunition, lit-tle is to be done." The patriots had looked hopefully toward Canada, only to be disappointed. Montgomery had fallen ; Morgan and his brave band were prisoners ; the remnant of the shattered forces that Hngeted with Arnold in his icy fijrtress before the walls of Quebec, could accomplish notiiing. The whole line of the Atlantic coast was threatened ; and in view of these circumstances Washington was anxious to strike a decisive blow, that should encourage the despond- ing and revive popular enthusiasm. In truth, the state of public feeling demanded such a courfc. Congress had Pec. authorized him to push the attack upon Boston, to the 1775. (jegtruction of the town, should it be necessary. John Hancock, who had large possessions there, said : " Do it, and may God crown your attempt with success." When the bay became frozen, Washington was impatient to cross over on the ice ; again and again he proposed an attack, but a council of war as often decided that the force was still too weak, the ammunition too scant. Meanwhile, Putnam was actively engaged in constructing works on the neighboring heights. Many of the labors conducted by the brave old general had to be attended to in the night- time, to avoid the tire from the enemy's siiips. Toward spring, affairs began to wear a brighter aspect. Ten new regiments of militia were enlisted ; the great want that paralyzed every effort — powder — was supplied from various quarters ; some was obtained from New York, some from Bermuda : the Connecticut mills were also in operation DORnHESTER HEIGHTS TO BE FORTIFIED. 355 Now, to the great joy of the camp, Knox returned with ^|^^'- his long train of sledges laden with ammunition, and can- non of various kinds. With the joy was mingled admira- 1776. tion for the energy displayed. He had travelled more than four hundred miles, over frozen streams and through a wUderness obstructed by the snows of winter. The dull monotony of inaction gave way to bustle and excitement. All was now ready for active operations. The heights that commanded the town must be seized and fortified. Putnam had already fortified Lechmere Point, on the north ; there he had mounted his famous " Congress : " that point had only to be supplied with more large cannon and with powder. Now the main object was to secure Dorchester Heiglits, which commanded the town on the south, and also the harbor. This would compel the enemy to leave the town, or bring on a general engagemenli : plans were laid accordingly. To divert the attention of the enemy while prepara- tions were in progress, Boston was to be bombarded, and cannonaded from difl'erent points. Should the Americans attain the heights, and the enemy. attempt to dislodge them, Putnam, with four thousand picked men, was pre- pared to cross Charles river and attack the north part of the town. Washington, deeply impressed with the importance of the coming struggle, issued orders forbidding " all playing at cards or other games of chance," adding, " In this time of public distress, men may find enough to do in the ser- vice of God and their country, without abandoning them- selves to vice and immorality." He also warned the troops, " If any man in actigh shall presume to skulk, hide him- self, or retreat from the enemy without orders, he wiU be instantly shot down as an example of cowardice." The fourth of March was fixed upon for the enterprise. On the evening of that day, the detachment under Gen- eral Thomas, designed to occupy the heights, moved as Mr.r 4. 856 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. ^^HAP. quietly as possible. In the advance were eiffht hundred men ; then came the carts with the intrenching tools ; 1770 then twelve hundred more men, and in the rear were three hundred wagons laden with bales of hay and bundles of fagots to be used in making the breastwork. They reached the heights about eight o'clock ; amid the roar of artillery — for the enemy were returning the fire directed againsi them with great spirit — the noise of the wagons and the necessary bustle of the movement had been unheard. Though the earth was frozen eighteen inches deep, they threw up an embankment, and used their hay and other material to great advantage. During that night of labor, the Commander-in-chief was drawn by his interest to the spot. In the morning the fortificatioii appeared very formidable. General Howe, as he examined it through the mist, exclaimed : " The rebels have done more work in one night than my whole army would have done in a month." The patriots, at this crisis, watched the move- ments of the enemy with intense interest. A cannonade was opened upon the heights, but without much effect. Howe did not attempt to storm the works. A night attack was resolved upon, but a furious storm arose, the ships of war could render no service, nor could the boats land in the heavy surf Before the storm was over, the Americans were too strong to be assaulted. A council of war advised Howe to evacuate the town, as both it and the shipping were exposed to a destructive bombardment. To insure the safety of his army during the embarkation, Howe appiealed to the fears of the inhabitants ; he inti- mated he would burn the town if his troops were fired upon. A deputation of citizens made this known, in an informal manner to Washington, and the British were suffered to depart unmolested. Eleven days were employed in the embarkation. About • fifteen hundred loyalists made ready to leave with the departing army ; thus was the good city of Boston purged WASHINGTON IN NEW YORK. 357 of its Tory population. Authorized by Howe, the British chap. demanded of the inhabitauts all the linen and woollen goods ; salt, molasses, and other necessaries were destroyed. 1776. Crean Brush, a New York Tory, who was commissioned to take charge of the goods that were seized, took advantage of his authority, and broke open and pillaged stores and private houses, as did some of the soldiers. The embarka- tion was hastened, at the last, by a false alarm that the Americans were about to assault the town. On the next Monday, March eighteenth, Washington ^^j,^ entered the city. He was received with joy by the remain- 18. ing inhabitants. After a siege of ten months Boston was again free ; above it waved the Union flag of thirteen stripes. The British fleet, consisting of one hundred and fifty vessels, lay for some days in Nantasket roads, and then bore away. Washington feared its destination was New York. As soon as possible he hastened thither with the main body of the army. , Five regiments remained at Boston with General Ward. Soon afterward he resigned, but served the cause in the Massachusetts council and in Congress. The land rejoiced greatly at this success. On motion of John Adams, Congress gave Washington a unanimous vote of thanks, and ordered a gold medal to be struck in commemoration of the event. The expenses of the war were so great, that just before ^*^'^- this Congress had been obliged to issue four additional millions of continental paper. A financial committee had been appointed, and now an auditor-general and assistants April. were to act under this committee ; this assumed the form of a Treasury Department. Two months later Congress established a War Office, and appointed a committee of five members to superintend its operations. To act as oliairman of this committee, John Adams resigned the office of chief justice of Massachusetts, 358 HISTORY OF THE AMEKICAK PEOPLE. ^HAP. AVasliingtou reached New York on the thirteenth of April ; there he found much to be done. The Heights 1776. of Long Island, Kingshridge, the main avenue from the citj^ by land, were at best but imperfectly guarded, and many prominent points on the river and Sound were en- tirely undefended. Governor Tryon and the British ships in the harbor were in constant communication with the Tories in the city. To guard against these dangers, external and inter- nal, Wasliington had but eight thousand effective men. General Greene was sent with one division to fortify what is now Brooklyn Heights, on Long Island, as they com- manded New York. He was also to make himself familiar with the surrounding country. U rged by the commander- in-chief, the committee of safety were induced to prohibit all intercourse with Governor Tryon. Any such inter- course, if discovered, was to be severely punished. But Tryon, aided by sjDies and agents, continued his efforts in the king's cause. A conspiracy, to which he had insti- gated the Tories, was fortunately discovered. Some of these may have been true loyalists, but there were others basely won by the promise of reward. In low taverns and drinking-saloons the patriot soldiers were tampered with. The mayor of the city was arrested, as well as some of Washington's body-guard, charged with being concerned in the plot. One of the guard, Thomas Hickey, a deserter from the British army, was hanged, " for mutiny, sedition, and treachery." This example alarmed the Tories, and June we hear of no more plots. 28. For the first time Washington learned of the measures Yi;>' of the British Parliament. The hired Hessian and Ger- 17. ... man troops were landing in Canada. New apprehensions were awakened for the army in that province. Great efforts were made to reinforce it ; regiments were sent under Sullivan and Thompson. Early in the spring Gen- AMERICAN TEOOPS DRIVEN OUT OF CANADA. 350 eral Wooster had joined Arnold, and taken the command chap. at Quebec. But it was not easy for Arnold to act in con- , cert with a superior officer ; as usual, he had difficulty 1776. with Wooster, and retired to Montreal. Soon after Woos- ter was recalled, and Thomas, now a major-general, was appointed to the northern army. General Carleton was strongly reinforced, and Thomas was compelled to make a 'hasty retreat from hefore Quebec — so hasty, that the baggage, the artillery, and even the sick were left behind. The noble humanity of Carleton deserves to be recorded. He sought out the sick, many of whom had hid from him in terror, conveyed them to the general hospitals, and prom- ised that on their recovery they should be permitted to return home. Thomas hastened to the Sorel, where, on June, the second of June, he died of the small-pox, which pre- vailed greatly in the army. Though the army once more changed its commander, there was no change in its pros- pects ; they continued to be of the gloomiest character. Carleton came pressing on with a force of thirteen thou- sand men. General Thompson, with a portion of the American troops, was defeated at Three Rivers ; and he, with bis officers and many of his men, were taken prison- ers. Those who escaped joined Sullivan on the Sorel. Arnold had been equally unfortunate at Montreal. He stationed a detachment of four hundred men at a point called The Cedars, about forty miles above that place, in order to intercept the stores sent to the enemy. As this post was threatened with an attack, it was shamefully surrendered by Colonel Butterworth, without a blow. A reinforcement sent to their aid was also taken prisoners. Arnold now joined Sullivan. A council of war decided upon a retreat, and tbe wreck of the army passed out of Canada, followed by a strong British force. The army was in a deplorable condition when it reached Crown Point. To use the words of John Adams, it was " defeated, discontented, dispirited, diseased, no clothes, 360 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. ^HAP. beds, blankets, nor medicines ; no victuals but salt pork and flour." Thus ended this invasion, famous for its 1776. daring exploits and numerous disasters. Congress approved of Sullivan's prudent retreat ; they did not, however, confirm him in the authority that had devolved upon bim on the death of General Thomas. They appointed Major-general Gates to the command, and awarded Sullivan a vote of thanks — an honor as un- satisfactory to him as it was empty in itself Sullivan was deeply wounded, as was General Schuyler, for Gates claimed the command, not only of the forces on Lake Champlain, but of the whole northern army. Horatio Gates, like Lee, was of foreign birth ; like him, he was a disappointed man. Of his very early life little is known. He served in America under Braddock, in the West Indies under Monckton ; but as he did not receive from his native England the honors which he thought his due, he sold his commission in the British army, and retired to Virginia, where he renewed his ac-' quaintance with Washington, and with his former asso- ciate, General Lee. Gates was ambitious, and the revo- lution opened a path to distinction. As an office-seeker he had, it is said, learned to " flatter and accommodate himself to the humors of others." He could be " the boon companion of gentlemen, and ' hail fellow well met ' with the vulgar." He ingratiated himself with the New Eng- landers, with whom, for some reason, Schuyler was un- popular. Through their influence, it is thought, Gates obtained what he aimed at — promotion. The enemies of Schuyler advanced serious charges against him ; attribu- ted to him the failure of the Canada expedition, and even hinted at treason. There is an instinct common to noble minds by which they discern truth in others. Washington never doubted the integrity of Schuyler, nor did Congress sustain Gates in his claim to supersede him. The appoint- BRITISH FLEET BEFORE FORT MOULTRIE. 361 ment of the latter, they said, referred only to the forces ^?-^{' while in Canada ; elsewhere he was subordinate to Schuy- ler. The difficulty was passed over, as the result of a IVTO. mistake, and the rival commanders assumed the appear- ance of satisfaction. We now return to Charleston, where we left both par- ties preparing for a contest. On tlie fate of Sullivan's Island, the key to the harbor, the result seemed to depend. One party was making ready to attack, the otlier to de- fend it. On the south-west point of this island was a tort commanded by Colonel William Moultrie. Fort Moultrie was constructed of logs of palmetto, a wood soft and spongy ; cannon-balls could not splinter it. Lee, not familiar with the palmetto, thought it madness to attempt to defend so fragile a fort ; he contemptuously styled it the " Slaughter-pen." This important post was threat- ened by sea and land. Before it lay the British fleet under Sir Peter Parker. Sir Henry Clinton, with two thousand men, had taken possession of Long Island, which lay to the east of Sullivan's Island, and was separated from it only by a narrow creek. Here he was erecting batteries to cover his passage across the creek, to assault the fort when the fire of the ships should make a breach. To oppose him the Americans stationed a force under Colonel Thompson on the opposite side of the creek. Lee took his position on a point of the mainland north of the island, where he stood ready, at any moment, to aid either Thompson or Moultrie. The strength of the fort was now to be tested. On the twenty-eighth of June the formidable fleet of Parker advanced and commenced a " most furious fire," which was returned with great spirit. The firing had but little effect upon the low wooden fort, while the ships of the enemy were almost torn in pieces. In the midst of the terrific roar of artillery the Americans stood bravely to June 28. 362 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. XXIX '^^^'"^ »^"^ ' ^°™® °^ them remained at their posts even after they had lost a limb. For ten hours the battle 1776. raged without intermission. Then Sir Peter drew off his shi^js. Among the slain was Lord CamjAiell, ex-governor of the province, who fought as a volunteer on board the admiral's ship. Sir Henry Clinton made repeated attempts to reach Sullivan's Island, but was as often foiled by the batteries of Thoinpson. Several of the ships ran aground ; one, the Acteon, was set on fire with her guns loaded and colors flying, and then abandoned. The Americans, determined to secure a trophy, boarded the burning vessel, fired her guns at the retreating enemy, took possession of her colors, loaded three boats with stores, and departed in safety, before she blew up. Among the many heroic incidents connected with this battle, one is related of Sergeant Jas- per. The flag-staff was cut by a ball, and the flag fell outside the fort. Jasper immediately leaped down, and, amid the " iron hail," picked up the flag, tied it to a pole, deliberately placed it on the parapet, and then returned to his companions at the guns. Governor Kutledge appre- ciated the heroic deed ; a few days after he presented his own sword to Jasjjer, and offered him a lieutenant's com- mission. He accepted the sword, but modestly declined pro- motion, on the ground that he could neither read nor write. June ^'^ ^^^^ ^'^^7 *^'^y ^^^^t ^^^^ battle took place at the 28. South, a British fleet of forty vessels entered the harbor of New York. On board was General Howe, and with him the late garrison of Boston. Since the evacuation of that place he had been at Halifax awaiting the arrival of his brother, Admiral Howe. He landed his forces on Staten Island, where he was received with demonstrations of joy by the Tories. Clouds of deeper darkness were gath- ering around New York. The Admiral with more forces might be expected at any moment ; the crisis so long dreaded was at hand. The American soldiers were ordered A CRISIS AT HAND. 363 to be each day at their alarm posts, aud to be in readiness chap for instant action. Orders to the same effect were sent up the river. Eumors of disaffection in that quarter 1776. added the fear of treachery to the general alarm. Such was the state of things ; — the northern army defeated and broken, the fleet of Sir Henry Clinton on its way from the South, Admiral Howe on his way from England, the har- bor of New York filled with the enemy's ships, — when an event took place, most important in American history. The colonies declared themselves independent of all foreign authority, and took their place among the nations of the earth. CHAPTERXXX. WAR OF THE REVOLUTION-CONTIN tJED. The Question of Independence ; Influences in favor of. — The Tories.— " Common Sense." — The Declaration ; its Reception by the People and Army. — Arrival of Admiral Howe. — His Overtures for Reconciliation. — The American Army ; its Composition. — Sectional Jealousies. — The Forts on the Hudson. — The Clintons.- — Battle of Long Island. — The Masterly Retreat. — Incidents. — Camp on Harlem Heights. — Howe con- fers with a Committee of Congress. — Nathan Hale. — The British at Kipp's Bay. — New York evacuated. Conflict at White Plains. — The Retreat across New Jersey. — Waywardness of Lee. CHAP. The alienation between tlie colonies and the mother conn- XXX. try began at the close of the French war. It was not the 1776. result of any one cause, but of many ; the change of feel- ing was not instantaneous, but gradual. As the struggle took a more decided form, many, who were determined in their resistance to oppression, were unwilling to cast oiF their allegiance to the land to wliich their fathers still gave the endearing name of " home." There were, how- ever, among the true Sons of Liberty a few who had seen the end from the beginning. Such men as Samuel Adams and Patrick Henry foresaw the haughty obstinacy of the British ministry, and foretold the result. " Independent we are and independent we will be," said Adams ; and Henry exclaimed, in the Virginia Assembly : " We must fight ! An appeal to arms and the God of Hosts is all that is left us ! " What had long been felt by the few, now flashed upon THE QUESTION OF INDEPENDENCE. 365 the minds of the many, that they could never enjoy their chap riglits but as a self-governing nation. Would the op- pressions of the home government justify separation, which 1770. would involve all the horrors of a protracted and doubtftil war ? This question became the subject of discussion in tlie Provincial Assemblies, and among the people them- selves. It was not arbitrary and unjust laws alone, nor the refusal of political rights, that had estranged the American people. Eeligious views had their influence in moulding public sentiment in favor of independence. Long-con- tinued and persistent efforts to establish the Episcopal church in New England, had roused the latent hostility of the Congregationalists — they would not submit to Eng- lish control in matters of religion. The Presbyterians of the middle and southern colonies, derived, as they were, from the dissenting Scottish church, had a traditionary feeling of opposition to the same influence. Both j)astors and people were stanch Whigs, and went hand in hand with the ministers and people of New England. Even in Virginia, where the Episcopal church was established by law, and where the majority of the people were its advo- cates, the attempt to place over them a bishop was de- nounced by the House of Burgesses as a " pernicious pro- ject." Though strenuous churchmen, they were jealous of external influences, and repudiated the control of the mother church. On the contrary, the Episcopal clergy, great numbers of whom were Englishmen by birth, from their associations were inclined to favor the royal author- ity. Nor should we judge them harshly ; they acted in accordance with their views of the intimate connection of church and state. These views influenced the members of that church more in the northern than in the southern colonies, and great numbers of them faithfully adhered to the " Lord's anointed," as they termed the king. The peace-loving Quakers, numerous in Pennsylvania, 366 HISTOET OF THE AMEKICAN PEOPLE. ^xxx' -^^^^ Jersey, and Delaware, opposed war as wrong in itself. The Moravians held similar views. These grieved over 177C. the violation of their rights, yet they hoped by pacific measures to obtain justice. There were others who, though not opposed to war, believed it to be wrong to rise in opposition to the rule of the mother country. There were also, the timid, who deemed it madness to resist a power so colossal. There were the low and grovelling, who sought »nly an opportu- nity to plunder ; the time-serving and the avaricious, who, for the gain they might acquire as contractors for the British army, or by furnishing provisions for prisoners, joined the enemies of their country. The evacuation of Boston strengthened the already strong feeling in favor of independence so prevalent in New England. In the South, the recent risings of the Tories in North Carolina, the ravages of Dunmore in Vir- ginia, and the attack upon Charleston, served still more to alienate the affections of the people ; while their suc- cess in re2)elling the invasion gave them assurance. For many reasons they wished to be independent. Then they could form treaties with other nations, and the brand of rebel, so repugnant to an honorable mind, would be re-, moved. In truth, Congress had already taken the ground of an independent government by offering free trade to other nations, in all merchandise except that of British manufacture, and slaves, — the latter traffic they had pro- hibited some months before. About the first of the year, a pamphlet was issued in Philadelphia, under the title of " Common Sense," which had a great influence upon the public mind. Its autlior, Thomas Paine, an Englishman, had been in the country but a few months. In a style adapted to convince the popular- mind, he exposed the folly of delaying any longer a formal separation from the mother country. The pam- phlet had a very great circulation, and a proportionate THE COMMITTEE. 367 influence in deciding tlie timid and wavering in favor of ^:^^^- independence. 1770. On the seventh of June, Richard Henry Lee intro- duced a resolution into Congress, declaring, *' That the United Colonies are and ought to be free and independent States, and that their political connection with Great Britain is and ought to be dissolved." Upon this resolution sprang up an animated discussion. It was opposed, prin- cipally, on the ground that it was premature. Some of the best and strongest advocates of colonial rights spoke and voted against the motion, which passed only by a bare majority of seven States to six. Some of the dele- gates had not received instructions from their constituents on the subject, and others were instructed to vote against it. Its consideration was prudently deferred until there was a prospect of greater unanimity. Accordingly on the eleventh a committee, consisting of Doctor Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, of Virginia, Roger Sherman, of Connecticut, and Robert R. Livingston, of New York, was appointed to prepare a Declaration. To give oppor- tunity for union of opinion, the consideration of the sub- ject was postponed to the first of July. At the same time two other committees were ajipointed ; one to draw up a plan for uniting aU the colonies, the other to devise meas- ures to form foreign alliances. On the twenty-eighth the committee reported the dec- June, laration to the house. It was drawn by Jefferson, and contained a gracefully written summary of the sentiments of the people and Congress. After a few verbal altera- tions suggested by Adams and Franklin, it was approved by the committee. The house, however, struck out a few passages. One of these reflected severely upon the British government ; another denounced the slave-trade ; another censured the king for his attempts to prevent, by the re- fusal of his signature^ the enactment of laws designed to 368 HISTOKT OF THE AMEEICAX PEOPLE. ^^xxx' P^o^^'^i^ *^^* traffic. They were unwilling to offend the friends of the colonies in Britain, and feared lest these 1776. strong expressions might prevent the declaration from receiving a unanimous vote. The vote was taken by States ; the delegates were not unanimous, but there were a sufficient number to give the vote of all the colonies, New York alone excepted, which was given in a few days. The announcement was delayed till the declaration should receive a few amendments, and then, on July the fourth, 4. it was formally adopted, and the thirteen colonies became The Thirteen United States of America. The bell of the State Hou.se, in which Congress held its sessions, has upon it the inscription : " Proclaim lib- erty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof" — words taken from the Bible. Congress sat with closed doors, but it was known far and wide, that the subject of independence was under discussion. Crowds assembled outside the Hall, and waited anxiously to learn the result. At mid-day the appointed signal was given. The bell was struck, and to its tones responded the joyous shouts of multitudes. The friends of liberty and independence breathed more freely ; the declara- tion was made ; the hesitancy of indecision was over, and the spirit of determination arose. It was published ; it was read to the army ; the soldiers received it with shouts of exultation and pledges to defend its prin- ciples ; it was announced in the papers ; from the piilpits, and everywhere the Whigs hailed it with joy. Hopes of reconciliation, which had so much paralyzed measures of defence, were at an end ; there was now no neutral ground. The timid though honest friends of their country, who had so long hesitated, generally sided with liberty. The Tories were in a sad condition ; the great majority of them were wealthy, and had hoped that the difficulties would yet be arranged. Laws passed by the new State authorities had rendered them liable to fines and imprisonments, and their ARRIVAL OF ADMIRAL HOWE — HIS CIRCULAR. 369 property to confiscation. They endured many outrages, chj^P and were subjected to " tarrings and featherings " innu- , merable, by self-constituted vigilance committees. Con- 1776. gress, to prevent these outrages, gave the supervision of Tories to committees of inspection. The most obnoxious were fain to emigrate, and the committee admonished or restrained the others within certain limits. The soldiers in New York manifested their zeal by taking a leaden statue of King George, which stood iu the Bowling Green, and running it into bullets, to be used in the cause ot independence. To impress upon their minds a sense of the dignity of their position, as well as to re- prove this irregularity, Washington, in the orders, the fol- lowing day, referred to the subject. " The general hopes and trusts," said he, " that every officer and soldier will endeavor so to live and act, as becomes a Christian soldier defending the dearest rights and liberties of his country." A few days after the public Declaration of Independ- ence, the booming of cannon from the British vessels in the harbor of New York announced the arrival of Admiral Howe. To his brother and himself had been committed the general control of American aflairs. Before he proceeded to hostilities, the admiral ad- dressed a circular to the people ; he offered them pardon if they would cease to be rebels, lay down their arms, and trust the king's mercy. As soon as this circular reached Congress, that body caused it to be published in all the newspapers, that the people might see that Britain would grant nothing, and accept no concession short of absolute submission. " They must fight or be slaves." Howe also attempted to open a correspondence with Washington. As Parliament refused to acknowledge titles conferred by Congress, his letters were addressed, first to Mr. George Washington, then to George Wash- ington, Esquire, &c., &c., hoping that the &c.'s would 24 370 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, remove the difficulty ; but the Commander-in-cliief, justlj L tenacious of the dignity of his office, and of the honor of 1716. his country, politely hut firmly refused to receive them The messenger expressed his regret that the correspond- ence could not be opened. His lordship, he said, wished for peace ; he was vested with great powers. Washington replied that he understood Lord Howe had power to grant pardons ; the Americans had defended their rights ; they had committed no ciime, and needed no pardon. The Admiral was disappointed, he really desired peace. The reception he had met with bad encouraged his hopes ; he had received loyal addresses from the Tories of New Jersey, Long and Staten Islands ; Governor Tryon had assured him there were many others, secret friends of England, who might be induced to join him. But, to his surprise, his circular, from which he had hoped much, produced little or no effect. He was now convinced that nothing could be accomplished except by force of arms. Meanwhile his army, now on Staten Island, received many accessions ; Sir Henry Clinton had arrived, and more Hessian troops had landed. His whole force was about thirty-five thousand. As it had become more and more evident that New York was to be the theatre of the war, further prepara- tions had been made to defend the city and neighborhood. Pennsylvania had sent four continental regiments, com- manded respectively by Colonels St. Clair, Shee, Anthony Wayne, and Magaw ; three provincial battalions, under Colonels Miles, Cadwallader, and Atlee, and rifle regi- ments, imder Colonels Hand and Allen. These were all commanded by Brigadier-general Mifflin, of that State. Virginia sent troops under Major Leitch, and from Maryland came the brave company known as Smallwood's regiment, who afterward distinguished themselves in many conflicts, while from Delaware came a regiment under Colonel Hazlet. In addition to these, Pennsvlvania, JEALOUSIES AMONG THE TROOPS. 371 Maryland, and Delaware, furnished troops to form what '^l'^^- was called " a flying camp," a sort of reserve, stationed in New Jersey, in a favorable position, and ready to act 177G. in emergencies. This was nndcr Brigadier-general Mercer. In the troops thu.s drawn together from different parts of the country, there were marked differences in appear- ance and discipline. The New England officers were most of them farmers and mechanics — brave, honorable, but plain men. Their soldiers were men of the same stamp ; in many cases their intimates and associates in private life. Their intercourse with each other was less formal than was consistent with strict military discipline. They met not as mere soldiers, but as a band of brethren, united in a cause in which each had a personal interest. With, the portion of the army drawn from the other States, the case was different ; with them, there was a marked dis- tinction between the officers and soldiers. The officers were brave and honorable also, but city bred — " gentlemen," as they called themselves — and from wealthy families, while the " common soldiers, for the most' part, were a very inferior set." Sectional jealousies arose. The Mary- landers, in " scarlet and buff," looked down upon the rustic soldiery in " homesjDun," whUe the officers of the other provinces were inclined to despise their associates from New England. These jealousies became so great an evil, that Washington strongly reprobated them in general orders. As the British were masters of the bay of New York, it was feared they would surround the American army in the city, and take possession of the Hudson, that great highway to the interior. To prevent this, General Mifflin was sent with the Pennsylvania troops to guard the forts at the north end of the island. One of these stood just below, the other just above Kingsbridge, the only avenue to the mainland ; they were known as Forts Washington and Independence. On the west side of the Hudson, 372 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. <^^P. nearly opposite Fort Washington, stood Fort Lee. Neai the entrance to the Highlands, and jvist opposite the ■well- 1776. known promontory of Anthony's Nose, was Fort Mont- gomery. Six miles higher up the river was Fort Consti- tution. The posts last named were under the command of Colonel James Chnton. His brother George commanded the militia of Ulster and Orange counties. These brothers were of Irish descent, natives of New York, and their ancestors were identified with the early settlements on the Hudson. They had been soldiers from their youth-r- like many of the Revolutionary officere — they had been trained in the French war, in which one of them had served as a captain at twenty, and the other as a lieuteu- ant at seventeen years of age. The elder, James, had also served under Montgomery at the capture of Montival, whUe George had been active in the service of his country as a member of the New York Legislature, and as a dele- gate to the Continental Congress. In spite of obstructions thrown across the channel, two British vessels, the Phcenix and the Kose, passed up the Hudson. The latter was commanded by the notorious Captain Wallace, who had pillaged the shores of Rhode Island. They passed the forts unharmed, and gallantly returned the fire from Fort Washington. As they boldly pushed their way up the river, their appearance crcated great alarm. Signal guns were heard from the forts, and Fuly false rumors increased the general excitement. The sturdy ^^' yeomanry left their harvests uncut in their fields, and has- tened to join the forces under Clinton to defend the passes of the Highlands. These fears were in a great measure groundless. The vessels quietly anchored here and there, while their boats took soundings ; but the event proved the inefficiency of the defences at the mouth of the Hudson. The Americans, from the Jersey shore and the citv 22. THE BKITISH LAND ON LONG ISLAND. • ' 373 - continued to watch, with intense interest, the movements chap of .the enemy on Staten Island. A spy reported that they were about to land on Long Island, with twenty thousand 1776. men, and take possession of the Heights, which com- manded New York ; he had heard the orders read, and the conversation of the officers in the camp. The next Aug. day the roar of artillery was heard from Long Island, and soon the news reached the city that the enemy had landed at Gravesend Bay. General Greene had thrown up a line' of intrenchments and redoubts across the neck of the peninsula upon which stood the village of Brooklyn. He had made himself ac- quainted with the ground in the neighborhood, and nearly completed his plans for defence, when he was suddenly taken ill with a raging fever. He was still unable to be at his post, and Sullivan held the temporary command. Between the American intrenchments and Gravesend Bay lay a range of thickly-wooded hills, that stretched across the island from south-west to north-east. Over and around these hills were three roads : one along the shore passed around their south-western base ; another crossed over their centre toward Flatbush ; while a third, which was near the north-east extremity of the range, passed over them from the village of Bedford to Jamaica. Nine thousand of the British had already landed at Gravesend, under the command of Sir Henry Clinton and his associates, the Earls of Cornwallis and Percy, and Gen- erals Grant and Erskine. Colonel Hand, who was sta- tioned there, retired on their approach to a position that commanded the central or Flatbush road. The British continued to land more forces secretly in the night time, but for several days nothing occurred, except skirmishing between the enemy and the troops at the outposts, along the wooded hills. At the first alarm, the Commander-in-chief had hast- ened to send to the aid of Sullivan a reinforcement of six 874 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. ^H^. battalions, — all he could well spare. He exhorted these soldiers to be cool, and not to fire too soon. They ap- 1776. peared in high spirits, though most of them were going into battle for the first time. Aug. On the twenty-fourth, Washington, somewhat relieved from his apprehensions with regard to the city, crossed over to Brooklyn to inspect the lines. Hi3 was pained to observe a great want of system among the officers, and of discipline among the soldiers. A strong redoubt had been thrown up at the central pass, but the plans for defence were impeifect, and afl'airs in much confusion. On his return, he appointed General Putnam to the command, with orders to remedy these evils. The " brave old man " hastened with joy to the post of danger. From day to day the number of tents on Staten Island became gradually less, and one by one ships dropped silently down to the narrows. Washington became con- vinced that the British designed to attack the hues at Brooklyn. He sent over further reinforcements, among which was Haslet's Delaware regiment — troops whose sol- dierly bearing and discipline had won his special regard. He proceeded iq person to aid Putnam with his coun- sel. On the evening of the twenty-sixth he returned to New York, perplexed and depressed, for a dark cloud of uncertainty and danger hung over the future. His fears were soon realized. On that very evening the British proceeded to carry out their plan of attack. By this plan, Sir Henry Clinton was to march along by- paths across to the eastern or Jamaica road, to seize the pass in the Bedford hills, thence proceed onward, and turn the left flank of the Americans ; General Grant was to pass along the shore-road, and attack them on the right, while General De Heister, with his Hessians, was to threaten the central pass, where Colonel Hand was sta- tioned with his riflemen. At nine o'clock. Sir HeniT, guided by a Long Island BATTLE OF LONG ISLAND. 375 Tory, commenced his miiicli toward the eastern road ; ^3J^- about midnight, Colonel Grant's division moved in an op- posite direction, along the western or shore-road. Colonel 1776. Atlee, who was stationed there with a small company of militia, was driven back from point to point. News of Grant's approach soon reached General Putnam. Lord Stirling, with Smallwood's and Haslet's regiments, was sent to the relief of Colonel Atlee. About daylight they came up with him, and soon the front of tlie approaching enemy appeared in view. Presently the redoubt at the central pass was cannon- aded from Flatbush. This firing attracted the attention of Sullivan, who went to the relief of Colonel Hand. Thus the object of the British was in part accom- plished. The attention of the Americans was diverted, their troops were scattered beyond the lines ; silently and rapidly the forces of Clinton were moving on to cut off 27"" their return. He had found the eastern pass unguarded, and continued his march undiscovered, and now signal- guns announced that he was close upon the American lines. The Hessians advanced at once upon the redoubt. Colonel Grant pushed on. Sullivan and Stirling both perceived their danger, and endeavored to retreat, but in vain. The enemy had gained their rear ; they were com- pletely entrapped and hemmed in. It is true, a portion of Stirling's troops escaped by fording a creek ; the re- mainder, most of whom were of Smallwood's regiment, took a brave but desperate stand. A scene of carnage ensued ; more than two hundred and fifty of them were slain within sight of the lines. Some of these were most cruelly and wantonly bayoneted by the merciless Hessians. At length Stirling sought De Heister and surrendered. Sullivan's forces were driven back and forth by the two divisions of the enemy, and treated in a like barbarous manner ; some were taken prisoners, among whom was Sullivan himself ; others fought their way back to the 376 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, CHAP, lines. Some portion of this conflict took place amid the hills now embraced in the beautiful cemetery of Green - 3776. wood. Washington reached the spot just in time to witness the catastrophe. As from the lines he saw his brave troops surrounded and cruelly slaughtered — touched to the heart with deep and humane sorrow, he wrung his hands and exclaimed : " Good God ! what brave fellows I must lose this day ! " The loss of the Americans in this battle was very se- vere ; of the five thousand engaged, nearly* two thousand were slain or taken prisoners, while out of sixteen thou- sand the British lost but about fnir hundred. They inade no assault on the American lines, but encamped directly in front of them, and prepared to carry them by regular approaches. Although reinforced the next' day, by Mifflin's and Glover's regiments, the Americans had still a very inferior force. On the morning of the twenty-ninth, as General Mifflin, with Adjutant-general Reed and Colonel Grayson, was inspecting the outposts at Red Hook, a light breeze, that dispersed the fog for a moment, revealed to them the enemy's fleet. They were justly alarmed ; the unusual stir among the boats convinced them that some great movement was on foot. It was probable the enemy in- tended to pass up the bay and surround them. They hast- ened to Washington, who summoned a council of war, and it was decided that the army should that night be secretly withdrawn from the island. It was a hazardous enterprise, and much was to be done ; boats weie to be collected, and preparations for the removal of nine thou- sand men were to be made, in the face of the enemy, rap- idly, and yet so silently and cautiously, as not to awaken the slightest suspicion. It was already noon, but the or- ders were issued, and all the boats around Manhattan Island were impressed and in readiness at eight o'clock THE RETREAT INCIDENTS. 377 that evening. And at the silent midnight hour the regi- '^^^ mentS; one by one, began to anarch to the ferry, and in boats manned by Glover's regiment, most of whom were 1770. Marblehead fishermen, they were borne to the city. By eight o'clock the entire army, with their military stores, cattle, horses, and carts, were safely landed. Several incidents occurred, which have a peculiar in- tere.st as connected with this famous retreat. General MifHin, who was stationed nearest to the enemy's lines, was to remain at his post until the others had embarked. Colonel Scammell, who was sent to hasten forward a par- ticular regiment, mistook his orders, and sent on MifHin with his whole covering party ; and great was the conster- nation of the Commander-in-chief when they joined the others at the ferry. " This is a dreadful mistake. General MifHin," said he, " and unless the troops can regain the lines before their absence is discovered by the enemy, the most disastrous consequences are to be apprehended." They returned to their post with all expedition. " This was a trying business to young soldiers," says one of their number, " it was, nevertheless, strictly complied with, and we remained not less than an hour in the hues before we received the second order to abandon them." ' A story is told of a woman, wife of a suspected Tory, who lived near the ferry. She sent her negro servant to the British with news that the Americans were retreatins:. He reached the Hessian outposts in safety, but they did not understand his language, and detained him a close prisoner till morning. Then an English officer, who exam- ined him, learned the truth, but it was too late. The British did not reach the ferry till the last boat was be- } ond musket shot. It was an August morning ; but for A"g. a dense fog, the boats which left after daylight must have been discovered. The safe retreat of the patriot army ' ' Graydon's Memoirs. 30. OiS HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLr. ^Il" ^^^ ^y many attributed to a peculiar Providence. It was — — - a trust in this Providence,, a calm assurance of ultimate 1776. success under its guiding care, that strengthened the hearts of the patriots in their darkest hour of trial. A few days after this retreat, Admiral Howe, who hoped the Americans would now accept peace on hi« terms, sent General Sullivan on parole with a letter to Congress. He invited thenf to send, in an informal man- ner, a committee to confer with him on some measures of reconciliation. He would receive them as private gentle- men, as the ministry would not acknowledge the legal ex- istence of Congress. Accordingly, John Adams, Doctor Franklin, and Edward Rutledge, held a conference with him at a house on Staten Island, opposite Amboy. Doctor Franklin and Lord Howe had often conversed together in England on the present difficulties. His lord- ship made known the terms on which peace could be ob- tained. These terms were unconditional submission. When told that the Congress and people would treat on no other basis than that " of a free and independent nation," he expressed regret, that he should be compelled to dis- tress the Americans. Doctor Franklin reciprocated his good will, but quietly remarked, " The Americans will endeavor to lessen the pain you may feel, by taking good care of themselves." Thus ended the much talked-of in- terview. The result was good. The people were strength- ened in the belief that England had no teims to offer, which wuuld lead them to regret the course they had adopted. The British, now in possession of Long Island, ex- tended their lines along the East River, and stationed in them a large number of Hessian troops, of whom reinforce- ments had come within a few days. The defeat at Brook- lyn had a very disheartening effect on the minds of the militia, great numbers of whom deserted, and soon Wash- DISPOSITION OF THE TROOPS NATHAN HALE. 379 lugton's army was less than twenty thousand men, and on c^ap. many of these little dependence could be placed. The question soon arose, Should Now York be defended to the 1770. last, or should it be evacuated ? Some proposed to burn it to the ground, as " two-thirds of the property belonged to Tories," rather than it should furnish comfortable win- ter-quarters for the enemy. Congress decided that the city should not be burned. The sick and wounded, in ifche meanwhile, were trans- ■ ferred to Orange, in New Jersey, and most of the military stores were removed to Dobbs' Ferry, that the garrison might be unencumbered should they be obliged to make a hasty retreat. It was decided by a council of war that Putnam, with five thousand troops, should remain to gar- rison New York, while General Heath, with the main body, was to fortify the heights in the neighborhood of Kings- bridge, where, presently, Washington transferred his head- quarters. Washington was anxious to learn the designs of the ene- my on Long Island. At the suggestion of Colonel Knowl- ton, Nathan Hale volunteered to go on the perilous errand. Hale was a native of Connecticut, a graduate of Yale Col- lege, had thoughts of studying for the ministry, and at the commencement of the war was a teacher of youth. After the battle of Lexington, he hastened to Boston to join the army, in which he served as a lieutenant. On one occa- sion, to induce his men to continue their term of enlist- ment, he offered them his own pay. Soon after he received from Congress the commission of captain. He passed to the island, obtained the knowledge de- sired, notes of which he took in Latin. As he was return- ing he fell in with a i^arty of the enemy, was recognized by a Tory relative, seized and taken to Howe's head- quarters, and, without much ceremony, was ordered to be executed the next morning. The provost-marshal, named Cunningham, treated 380 HISTORY OF THE AMEKICAN PEOPLE. <^J^P. him with great brutality, denied him a Bible, tore up the letter he had writteu to his mother, giving as a reason, 1776. " that the rebels should never know they had a man who could die with such firmness." The hist words of Hale were : " I only regret that I have but oue life to lose for my country." The entire British fleet was within cannon-shot of the city, and some of their vessels had passed up the Hudson - and East rivers. They had landed troops on the islands at the mouth of Harlem river, and there erected a bat- tery. Soon British and Hessians, under Clinton and Colo- nel Donop, crossed over from the camjj on Long Island to Kipp's Bay, three miles above the city. Washington heard the cannonading in that quarter, and, as he was on the way to learn the cause, met the militia, who, on the first approach of the enemy had fled in sad confusion, fol- lowed by two brigades of Connecticut troops, who that very morning had been sent to support them. He strove to rally them, but in vain ; neither entreaties nor com- mands had any eft'ect upon these panic-stricken soldiers. Mortified and indignant at their cowardice, he dashed his hat upon the ground, and exclaimed : " Are these the men with whom I am to defend America ? " The enemy in pursuit were now not more than eighty yards from him, but in his excitement he forgot his own safety, and had not an attendant seized the bridle of his horse and hurried 15.' him from the field, he must have fallen into their hands. Washington ordered General Heath to secure Harlem Heights, and sent an express order to Putnam to evacuate the city, and retire to those heights with all speed ; for he feared that the enemy would extend their lines across the island from Kipp's Bay, and cut off his retreat. Fortu- nately the British did not pursue their advantage. Put- nam retreated along the west side of the island by the Bloomingdale road. His line, encumbered with women and children, was exposed to the fire of the ships lying in the A SUCCESSFUL SKIRMISH. 381 Hudson. He ordered, encouraged, and aided, and by his *^^^- extraordinary exertions, it is said, saved his corps from entire destruction. However, his heavy artillery and three 1776. htnidred men fell into the hands of the enemy. Now the British had possession of the city, and the main body of the Americans was encamped on the northern portion of the island, across which they threw a double row of lines, about four and a half miles below Kings- bridge. Two miles above these lines, was Fort Washing- ton, and a few miles below them were the British lines, extending also from river to river. On the sixteenth the enemy made an attack upon the Sept. American advanced posts, but were repulsed and driven off by Virginia and Connecticut troops, but their com- manders. Major Leitch, and the brave Colonel Knowlton, one of the heroes of Bunker Hill, both fell in this en- counter. The spirits of the soldiers, depressed by repeated defeats and disasters, were somewhat revived by this suc- cessful skirmish. The armies watched each other for some weeks. Many were sick in the American camp ; " it was ihipossible to find proper hospitals ; and they lay about in almost every barn, stable, shed, and even under the fences and bushes." Sir William Howe now began to collect forces at Throg's Neck, a peninsula in the Sound about nine miles from the American camp. This peninsula was separated from the mainland by a narrow creek and a marsh, wliich was overflowed at high tide. By means of the bridge and fords, Howe hoped to pass over to the mainland and gain the rear of the Americans, and cut off their communica- tion with New England, whence they received most of their supjilies. His plans, though well laid, were defeated. General Heath was on the alert ; he was joined by Colonel William Prescott, who commanded at Bunker Hill, and by Hand with his riflemen, and others ; every pass was guarded, and the planks of the bridge removed. Howe, 382 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, with his usual caution, waited six days for reinforcements. 11__ By this time General Lee, now more a favorite than ever, 177C. had returned from his successful campaign at the South, and Sullivan, Stirling, and Morgan had been restored to the army by exchange. While Howe thus delayed, it was decided, in a council of war, that every American post on New York island, excepting Fort Washington, should be abandoned. This plan was promptly executed. The army, in four divisions, commanded by Generals Lee, Heath, Sullivan, and Lincoln, withdrew across Kings- bridge, and gradually concentrated their forces in a forti- 23. fied camp near the village of White Plains. Still hoping to gain their rear, Howe moved on toward New Rochelle, where he was reinforced by light-horse troops, and Hessians under General Knyphausen, who had recently arrived from Europe. He advanced upon the camp. Scarcely had the Americans intrenched them- selves at White Plains, when a rumor of his approach reached them. On the twenty-eighth, as Washington, accompanied by his general officers, was reconnoitring the heights in the neighborhood, the alarm was given that the enemy had driven in the picket-guards, and were within the camp. When he reached headquarters he found the army already posted in order of battle. The enemy did not advance upon them ; they turned their attention to a height known as Chattevton's Hill, which lay a little south of the camp, and was separated from it by the river Bronx. This height was occupied by sixteen hundred men -under General McDougall, and the attack was made at this point. After a feeble resistance, the militia fled, but Hazlet's and Smallwood's regiments, so famous on Long Island, made a brave stand, and repeatedly repulsed the enemy ; but, at length, overpowered by numbers, they retreated across the bridge to the camp. This battle of A NIGHT OF LABOR THREATENED DANGERS. 383 White Plains was a spirited encounter, in which each of c^^P the parties lost about four hundred men. The British took possession of the hill, and began to 17V6 intrench themselves ; and now, for the third time, the "armies lay looking at each other;" they were within long cannon-shot. Could the undisciplined, war-worn, and disheartened Americans hope to escape from a force so well equipped and so powerful ? That night was to them an anxious one. It was passed in severe labor ; they doubled their in- trenchments and threw up redoubts. Some of these were hastily constructed of stalks of corn, pulled up from a neigh- boring field, with the earth clinging to the roots. These piled with the roots outward, presented an appearance so formidable, that Howe, deceived as to their strength, did not attack them, but ordered up reinforcements. Howe's cautious conduct of the war has been severely criticised, and various reasons have been assigned, but it has never been satisfactorily explained ; whatever his reasons may have been, his delay at this time cost him another golden opportunity. Washington withdrew his army in the night-time to the heights of North Castle, a strong position, about five miles distant. His enemy had j^^^ again eluded him, and Howe retired with his forces to 4. Dobb's Ferry, on the Hudson. This movement awakened new fears ; — did he intend to pass down the river to Fort Washington, or to cross into New Jersey ? " He must attempt something," writes Washington, "on account of his reputation, for what has he done yet with his great army ? " To meet the threatened dangers a new disposition was made of the American forces. Lee, with a portion, was to remain at North Castle ; Putnam, with another, was to guard the west side of the Hudson ; Heath, the guardian of the passes of the Highlands, was to encamp at Peeks- kill ; while General Greene commanded at Fort Lee, and 384 HISTORY OF THE AMEEICAN^ PEOPLE. ^^x ^''^'^^^^ Magaw, with the Pennsylvania troops, occupied Fort Washinrrton. 1776. With respect to maintaining Fort Washington, there was a diversity of opinion, as neither that fort nor the ob- structions across the channel had prevented the jmssage of vessels up the Hudson. Washington, with Lee, Reed, and others, was in favor of withdrawing the troops at once. He addressed a letter to Greene, in which he advised this course, but left the matter to his discretion. Greene and Magaw, who were both on the spot, and knew the condi- tion of the fort, decided that it could be maintained, and made preparations accordingly. This was, as the result proved, an injudicious decision. The post was compara- tively useless ; it was accessible on three sides from the water ; the fort was very small, and would not contain more than a thousand men, the lines were very extensive, and the garrison insufficient to man them. Washington visited the posts along the river. When he arrived at Fort Lee, he was greatly disappointed to find that the troops had not been withdrawn from Fort Wash- ington ; and, before he could make a personal examina- tion, the fort was invested. It was attacked on all sides. The garrison, after a brave resistance, which cost the ene- my four hundred men, was driven from the outer lines, and crowded into the fort, where they were unable to fight to advantage, and were exposed to the shells of the enemy. Further resistance was impossible, and Colonel Magaw surrendered all his troops, two .thousand in number. Dur- ing this action, the troops of Cadwallader especially dis- tinguished themselves. Of the officers. Colonel Baxter, of Pennsylvania, fell while cheering on his men. '^g^" From the New Jersey shore, the Commander-in-chief witnessed a portion of the battle, and again he saw some of his brave troops bayoneted by the merciless Hessians, and wept, it is said, ** with the tenderness of a child." It was resolved to abandon Fort Lee, but before it THE EETEEAT. 385 was fully accomplished, Cornwallis, with a force six thou- ^'^'■ sand strong, crossed the Hudson to the foot of the rocky . cliflfs known as the Palisades. The force sent down from ITTG. North Castle was encamped at Hackensack, which lay be- tween the river of that name and the Hudson, and Wash- ington saw at once that the object of the enemy was to form a line across the country, and hem them in between the rivers. To avoid this he retreated, with all his forces, including the garrison of Fort Lee, to secure the bridge over the Hackensack, thence across the Passaic to the neighborhood of Newark. This retreat was made in such haste that nearly all the artillery was abandoned, the tents • left standing, and the fires burning. That night the enemy found shelter in the tents of the deserted camp. From Newark, the army moved on across the Raritan to Brunswick, thence to Princeton, where they left twelve hundred men, under Lord Stirling, to check the enemy, while the main body proceeded to Trenton, and thence be- yond the Delaware. The enemy pressed so closely upon them, that the advance of Cornwallis entered Newark at one end, as their rear-guard passed out at the other, and often during this march, " the American rear-guard, em- ployed in pulling up bridges, was within sight and shot of the British pioneers, sent forward to rebuild them." Thus less than four thousand men — a mere shadow of an army — poorly clad, with a scant supply of blankets, without tents, and enfeebled for want of wholesome food, evaded, by an orderly retreat, a well appointed force that far outnumbered them, well fed, well clothed, well disci- plined, and flushed with victory. When the enemy reached the Delaware, they were unable to cross over, not a boat was to be found ; Washington had taken the precaution to have them all secured for a distance of seventy miles, and transferred to the west side. Thus ended this famous re- treat, remarkable for the manner in which it was con- ducted, and the circumstances under which it took place. 25 386 HISTORY OF THE AMEEICAN PEOPLE. CHAP. CornwalUs was anxious to procure boats and push on to Philadelphia, but Howe decided to wait till the river I7T6. should be frozen. Meanwhile, the Hessians were stationed along the eastern bank for some miles above and below Trenton. During his harassed march, Washington had sent re- peated and urgent orders to Lee to hasten to his aid with reinforcements. Notwithstanding the emergency, which he well knew, Lee lingered for two or three weeks on the east side of the Hudson, and when actually on the march, t proceeded so slowly, that he did not reach Morristown until the eleventh of December. Lee had a high opinion of his own military abilities, and evidently desired an independent command. The deference which the Americans had jiaid to his judgment, and the importance they attached to his presence in the army, had flattered his natural self-conceit ; his success at the South, and the correctness of his views in relation to Fort Washington, had strengthened his influence over them, and now, in this time of depression and discourage- ment, he hoped by some brilliant exploit to retrieve the fortunes of the army, and gain more glory to himself In this mood he writes : " I am going into the Jerseys for the salvation of America." And again : "I am in hopes to reconquer, if I may so express myself, the Jerseys ; it was really in the hapds of the enemy before my arri- Tal." While he pondered over these vain projects, he dis- regarded the authority of the Commander-in-chief, and, to say the least, subjected him to cruel inconvenience. We have no reason to believe that Lee was untrue to the cause he had embraced, but his wayward conduct, at this time and afterward, has diminished the grateful respect with which Americans would have cherished his memory. CHAPTEK XXXI THE WAR OF THE REVOLUTION— CONTINUED. Discouragements. — Effects of Howe's Proclamation. — Affairs on LalieCIiam- plain. — Heroism of Arnold. — Carleton retires to Canada. — Capture of Lee. — Troops from the Northern Army. — Battle of Tienton. — Battle of Princeton. — Death of Mercer. — Washington retires to Morristown. — Cornwallis in his Lines at Brunswick. — Encouragements. — Putnam at Princeton. — Ill-treatment of American Prisoners ; their Exchange un- der Negotiation. — Appointment of General Officer.s. — Muhlenburg. — Wayne. — Conway. — Medical Department. — The Navy. — Marauding Ex- peditions. — Peekskill. — Danbury. — Death of Wooster. — Retaliation at Sag Harbor. — Efforts to recruit the Army. — Schuyler and Gates. — The National Flag. As the news of this retreat went abroad, the friends of the chap. XXXI cause were discouraged. What remained of the army was '_ fast wasting away ; their enlistments were about to ex- 1770. pire, and the militia, especially that of New Jersey, re- fused to take the field in behalf of a ruined enterprise. Many thought the States could not maintain their inde- pendence ; but there were a few who, confident in the justice of their cause, were firm and undaunted. Among these was Washington. In a conversation with General Mercer he remarked : " That even if driven beyond the Alleghanies, he would stand to the last for the liberties of his country." Howe felt certain the game was his own ; he had only to bide his time. He sent forth another proclamation, in 388 HISTOKT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. xxxt' ^^i*^^ ^^ called upon all insurgents to disband, and Con- . gress to lay down their usurped authority ; and offered 1T70. pardon to all who should accept the terjis within sixty days. Many persons, most of whom were wealthy, com- plied. Among these were two of the delegates from Penn- sylvania to the late Continental Congress, and the presi- dent of the New Jersey Convention which had sanctioned the Declaration of Independence, and others who had taken an active jjart in favor of the Revolution. For ten days after the proclamation was issued, from two to three hundred came every day to take the required oath. The movements of the enemy, and the efifect produced by the proclamation, caused great excitement in Phila- delphia. Putnam, who had been sent to command there, advised that, during this season of peril, Congress sliould liold its sessions elsewhere, and it adjourned to meet again 12. at Baltimore. At this time a reinforcement of seven regiments was on its way from Canada. We now return to the forces on Lake Champlain, where we left Schuyler and Gates in a sort of joint command. The army driven out of Canada, broken,, diseased, and dispirited, rested first at Crown Point, and then at Ticon- deroga. During his retreat, Sullivan wisely secured or destroyed all the boats on Lake Champlain. Its shores were an unbroken wilderness ; thus the British were una- ble to follow up their pursuit by land or by water. Sir Guy Carleton, flushed with victory, and* full of ardor, determined to overcome all obstacles and push his victory to the utmost. He would obtain the command of the Lakes Champlain and George, and by that means subdue northern New York, and then proceed to take possession of Albany, where he hoped to take up his win- ter-quarters. From that point, he hoped, by means of the Hudson, to co-operate with the Howes at New York, to cut off the communication between New England and M HEROISM OF ARNOLD. 389 the States west and south. This he believed would bring '^^\- the contest to a speedy close, and secure to himself a share of the honors of the victory. He exerted himself with so 3770. much energy and success, that at the end of three months he had a weU-equipped fleet. The frames of five large vessels, that had been brought from England, were put together at St. John's on the Sorel. These, svith twenty smaller craft, and some armed boats, which had been dragged up the rapids of that river, were now launched upon the lake. The Americans were not idle. General Gates author- ized Arnold, who was somewhat of a seaman, to fit out and command a flotilla. Arnold threw himself into the enterprise with*all the energy of his nature, and soon was master of a force, in vessels and men, nearly half as large as that of Carleton. He moved his little fleet across a narrow strait between Valcour Island and the mainland, in such a position that the whole force of the enemy could not be made to bear upon him at one time ; there he awaited the contest. As Carleton, with a favorable wind, swept briskly up the lake, he passed the island behind which Arnold's flotilla lay snugly anchored, before he ol)served it. The wind was such that the larger ships could not beat up the strait, but the smaller vessels advanced, and a desperate encounter ensued, which was continued until evening came on. Then Carleton arranged his squadron so as to intercept Arnold's escape, and awaited the morn- ing ; when, if his larger vessels could be made to bear, he felt certain of the prize. The night proved dark and cloudy ; favored by this circumstance, Arnold slipped by the enemy, and at daylight was some miles on his way to Crown Point. But as most of his vessels were in bad con- dition, they could make but little headway ; only six reached that place in safety, two were sunk, and the oth- ^ ers were overtaken bv Carleton a few miles from the Point. o. 390 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. xxxr" ^^^''^ o"6 ^^^ captured with the crew. Arnold fought desperately, until his galley, the Congress, was cut to 1770. pieces, and one-third of her crew killed. Determined that his flag should not he struck, he ordered his vessels to be prrounded and set on fire. When this was done, he, with his men, leaped out and waded to the shore, and by well- directed rifle-shots kept the enemy at bay tOl the vessels were consumed, and with them the still waving flag ; then giving a triumphant cheer, they moved off through the woods to Crown Point, where they found the remnant of the fleet. They stayed only to destroy the houses and the stores at the fort, and then embarked for Ticonderoga. Before the enemy arrived, Gates, who commanded at that post, had so strengthened his position that Carletou decid- ed not to attack it, but to retire to Canada, and postpone his wintering in Albany to some future day. As the forts on the Lakes were safe for the present, General Schuyler detached the seven regiments, of which we have spoken, to the relief of Washington. When Lee learned that three of these regiments were at Peekskill, he ordered them to join him at Morristown. The remain- ing four, under General Gates, were passing through northern New Jersey toward Trenton. Gates was detained by a severe snow-storm, and un- certain as to the exact position of the army, he sent for- ward Major Wilkinson with a letter to Washington, stating his j^osition, and asking what route he should take to the camp. Wilkinson learned that Washington had crossed the Delaware ; and as General Lee, the second in command, was at Morristown, he made his way thitlier. Just at this time, Lee with a small guard was quartered, for the night, at a tavern at Baskenridge, three miles from his army, which was left irndcr the command of Sullivan. Here he was joined by Wilkinson, on the morning of tlie Doc. thirteenth of December. ' Lee took his brealrfast in a leisurely manner, discussed the news, and had just finished 13. CAPTURE OF LEE. 391 a letter to General Gates, when, much to his suriirise, the ^^ap. house was surrounded by a party of British dragoons. He had not dreamed that an enemy was near, and his guards 177fi. were off duty. But a Tory of the neighborhood had learned the evening before wliere he intended to lodge and breakfast, and had, during the night, ridden eighteen miles to Brunswick, to inform the enemy, and to pilot them to the spot. For a few moments all was confusion. The dragoons were calling for the General, and the Gen- eral was calling for the guards, who were scattered in all directions. " The scene was soon closed. General Lee, without a hat, clad in a blanket-coat and slippers, was mounted on a horse that stood at the door, and borne off in triumph to the British army at Brunswick." Had Lee, by some fortunate accident, succeeded in re- trieving the fortunes of the army, unsuccessful under Washington, it is probable that the wishes of the people might have turned toward him as commander-in-chief For men are too apt to judge of those who live in the same age with themselves, merely by their success ; and too often they yield to what is self-confident and assuming, the honor and respect due to sober judgment and high moral princi])les. Under t'nese circumstances, Lee's success would have proved most unfortunate for the country, for he had nei- ther the judgment nor the principle necessary to guide it safely through the approaching crisis. After the capture of Lee, the troops under Sullivan moved on at once to join the Commander-in-chief Gen- eral Gates, who had left his regiments at Morristown, reached the camp on the same day. As Washington had now a force of about six thousand men fit for service, he was anxious to strike a blow, that should revive the cour- age of the army and the people, before the disbandment of those troops, whose terms of enlistments were about to 392 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. ^HAP. expire. The prospect of success was doubtful, but he felt that, under the circuiustances, inaction would ruin the 1776. cause, and defeat could do no more. Howe was in New York ; Cornwallis, who was on the eve of embarking for England, was there also. The Brit- ish forces in New Jersey, though strong, were much scat- tered. The Hessians, who were in the advance, were carelessly cantoned at different points along the eastern bank of the Delaware. Colonel Donop was stationed at Burlington, and his forces were quartered above and be- low that point. Colonel Kahl, who had distinguished himself at White Plains and Fort Washington, was at Trenton, with a force of fifteen hundred men. This brave but careless commander took his ease, enjoyed his music and bath, and when it was proposed to throw up works upon which to mount cannon, in readiness against an assaidt, said, merrily : " Pooli ! pooh ! an assault by the rebels ! Let them come ; we'll at them with the bayonet." The Hessians were a terror to the people ; they plundered indiscriminately Whig and Tory. The American soldiers hated them intensely for their savage bayonetings on the battle-field, and were eager to avenge the outrages inflicted upon their friends and countrymen. Washington proposed to cross the river and surprise the Hessians at different points. A council of war was held, and Christmas night was fixed upon for the enter- prise. By the plan proposed, Washington himself was to cross nine miles above Trenton, and march down upon that place. Colonel Ewing, with the Pennsylvania mili- tia, was to cross a mile below the town, and secure the bridge over Assunpink creek, at the south side of it, and thus cut off the enemy's retreat. Adjutant-general Eeed and Colonel Cadwallader, who were statioaed at Bristol, nearly opposite Burlington, were to cross below that place BATTLE OF TRENTON 393 and advance against Count Donop's division. The attacks ^^^j- were to be simultaneous, and five o'clock on the morning of the twenty-sixth was the hour agreed upon. I77b. Just after sunset, on Christmas night, the division un- der Washington, twenty-four hundred in number, began to pass over. With this division was a train of twenty field-pieces, under the command of Colonel Knox. The river was filled with floating ice, and the weather was in- tensely cold. The boats were guided by Colonel Glover, and his regiment of Marblehead fishermen, the same who had guided the boats on the memorable retreat from Long Island. The night was extremely dark and tempestuous, and the floating ice and strong wind drove them out of their course again and again. Washington had hoped to be on the march by mid- night, but hour after hour passed, and it was four o'clock before the artillery was landed, and the troops ready to move on. They marched in two divisions, one led by Washington, (with whom were Generals Greene, Stirling, Mercer, and Stephen,) by a circuitous route to the north of the town, while the other, under Sullivan, with whom was Colonel John Stark, with his New Hampshire band, was to advance by a direct road along the river, to the west and south side. Sullivan was to halt at a certain point to allow time for the main division to make the circuit. It was eight o'clock before this division reached the immediate neighborhood of Trenton ; they had struggled through a terrible storm of hail and snow ; it had impeded ' 'f;c their march, but it had also aided to conceal their move- ments from the enemy. Washington, who had pushed on with the advance, asked of a man who was chopping wood by the road-side the way to the Hessian picket. He an- swered grufliy, " I don't know," and went on with his work. " You may tell," said Captain Forrest, of the ar- tillery, " for that is General Washington." " God bless 394 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, and prosper you ! " exclaimed the man, raising Lis hands to heaven, '• the picket is in that house, and the sentry 1776. stands near that tree." In a few minutes the picket-guards were driven in. Late as it was, the Hessians were completely surprised. According to their custom, they had indulged freely in the festivities of Christmas, and were resting thoughtless of danger, when the drums suddenly beat to arms. All was confusion. At the first alarm. Colonel Rahl, who learned from the lieutenant of the picket-guard that a large force was advancing to surround him, endeavored to rally his panic-stricken troops. He seems to have meditated a re- treat to Princeton ; he had, in fact, passed out of the town, but the ambition of the soldier triumphed in his breast ; how could he fly before the rebels he had de- spised "? He rashly returned to the charge. By this time Washington had gained the main street, and opened a battery of six field-pieces, which swept it from end to end. As Rahl advanced, at the head of his grenadiers, he fell mortally wounded. At the fall of their leader his soldiers attempted to retreat, but they were intercepted by Colonel Hand, with his Pennsylvania riflemen ; and, hemmed in on all .sides, they grounded their arms and surrendered at discretion. Stark, with his detachment, had assaulted the south side of the town, and the firing in that quarter had added to the general confusion. A party of British hght-horse, and five hundred Hessians stationed there " took headlong flight, by the bridge across the Assunpink," and thus escaped and joined Donop at Bordentowu. Had Colonel Ewing been able to cross, according to the arrangement, their escape would have been prevented. The Americans took one thousand prisoners, of whom thirty-two were oflicers ; of their own number, only two were killed, and two were frozen to death on the march. Several were wounded, among whom was James Monroe, PLANS TO DRIVE THE ENEMY OUT OF JERSEY. 395 afterward President of the United States, wlio was at this CHAP, time a lieutenant in the army. The attack designed by Reed and Cadwallader, like 1T7«. that of Colonel Ewing, was prevented by the ice, which made it impossible for them to embark their cannon. Thus the success was incomplete, and Washington at Trenton, encumbered by his prisoners, with a strong force of the enemy below him, under Count Donop, and another in his rear at Princeton, prudently resolved to recross the Delaware. Before he left the town, he, with General Greene, visit- ed Colonel Eahl, who survived until the evening of the day after the battle. The dying Colonel remembered his grenadiers, and during this visit he commended them to the consideration of Washington. Kahl lies buried in the grave-yard of the Presbyterian church in Trenton. When Washington had disposed of his prisoners, and allowed his troops a little time to recruit, he resolved to return and follow up his success, before the enthusiasm it had awakened had time to cool. Meantime, he had re- ceived from Reed and Cadwallader, who had crossed on the twenty-seventh, the encouraging news that all the T't^o. Hessian- posts on the river were deserted ; that Count Donop had retreated with all haste to Brunswick, with a portion of his forces, whilo the remainder had made their way to Princeton. " A fair opportunity is now otFered," writes Washing- ton at this time, " to drive the enemy out of New Jersey," and he formed his plans accordingly. The American forces, now no longer needed to guard the Delaware, were gradually concentrating at Trenton. Parties were sent to harass the retreating enemy, and General Heath was or- dered to make a demonstration from the Highlands, as if he intended to attack New York. The New England regiments, whose terms were about to expire, were induced by a bounty of ten dollars and the persuasions of their 396 HISTOEY OF THE AMEKICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, officers to remain six weeks longer. Men of standing and influence were sent abroad to rouse the militia of New 1776. Jersey to avenge the outrages inflicted upon the people by the Hessians. Matters began to wear a brighter aspect, and hope and enthusiasm were revived. At this crisis, Washington received the highest mark of confidence in the gift of the people — Congress invested him with unhmited military authority for six months. The letter of the committee which conveyed to him this resolution closed with these words : " Happy is it for this country that the general of their forces can safely be in- trusted with the most unlimited power, and neither per- sonal security, liberty, nor property be in the least endan- gered thereby." ' Nothing could exceed the astonishment of Howe when he learned that his Hessians, veterans in war, had fled before the militia. Cornwallis was hurried back to resume his command in the Jerseys. Washington, anxious to ascertain the movements and designs of the enemy, sent forward Colonel Eeed, wiio was well acquainted with the country, to reconnoitre. With Reed were six young horsemen, members of the " Philadelphia City Troop," full of fire and zeal, but who had never seen active service. No reward could induce the terror-stricken people to approach Princeton and bring them information. Nothing daunted, the party dashed on till they were in view of the top of the college building, when they observed a British dragoon passing from a barn to a farm-house. Supj)osing him to be a marauder, they determined to capture him, and obtain the desired infor- mation. Presently they saw another, and another. They charged at once and surrounded the house, " and twelve dragoons, well armed, with their pieces loaded, and hav- ' Correspondence of the Revolution vol. iv. p. .552. 2. BOTH ARMIES OX THE BANK? OF ASSUXPINK CREEK 397 ing the advantage of the house, surrendered to seven ^J\lV- horsemen, six of whom had aever seen an enem}' before, and, almost in sight of the British army, were brought 1770. into the American camp at Trenton, on the same even- ing." ' The sergeant of the dragoons alone escaped. The information obtained from these prisoners was most im- portant. Cornwallis, with a body of picked troops, had joined Colonel Grant the day before at Princeton, and they were ready to march the next day upon Trenton, with a strong force of seven or eight thousand men. In anticipation of an attack, Washington arranged his men, in number about six thousand, in a favorable position on the east bank of Assunpink creek. As the enemy approached, on the second of January, their ad- Jan vance was harassed, and so eflFectually held in check, by forces sent forward under General Greene and Colonel Hand, that they did not reach Trenton till near sunset. The fords and bridge over the creek were carefully guarded and defended by the American batteries. Cornwallis made repeated attempts to cross, but was as often repulsed ; at each repulse a shout ran along the American lines. Think- ing that the struggle might be a desperate one, the British commander concluded to defer it till the next day, and retired with the boast that he would " bag the fox in the morning." Both armies kindled their camp-fires, and once more they rested in sight of each other. Never had the prospect of the Americans been so gloomy. The officers gathered at the quarters of General Mercer to hold a council of war ; to retreat was impossi- ble ; behind them was the Delaware, filled with floating ice. Who could propose an expedient that would relieve them from the present dilemma ? Such an expedient, one of the boldest and best conceived of the whole war, ' Life of Colonel Reed, p. 369. 398 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. ^^P- had crossed the mind of the Commander-in-chief. He judged that the main division of the British forces was 1777. with Cornwallis ; that Princeton and Brunswick, where their stores were deposited, could be but imperfectly guarded. He proposed to march by a circuitous and obscure road, around the left flank of the enemy, to Princeton, capture the forces there, and then push on and seize the stores at Brunswick. The plan was accepted at once, and the officers entered into it with alacrity. The stores were sent down the river to Burlington, and various stratagems were resorted to to deceive the enemy. Small parties were left behind, some to be noisily employed in digging trenches within hearing of their sentinels ; others to relieve the guards and replenish the camp-fires, and preserve all the appearance of a regular encamjjment ; at daylight these were to hasten after the army. About midnight the Americans began their silent march. The road over which they moved was new and rough, and at sunrise they were still three miles from Princeton. Here they halted, and formed into two divi- sions, one of which, under Washington, was to proceed by a cross-cut to the town, while the other, under General Mercer, was to gain the main road, and destroy the bridge, when they had passed over, to prevent the approach of Cornwallis. Three British regiments had passed the night at Jiin. Princeton, and two of them were already on their march to join the forces at Trenton. Colonel Mawhood, com- mander of the foremost, when about two miles from the town, caught sight of Mercer's division. Believing it a party of Americans who had been driven from Trenton, he sent back a messenger to Princeton to hurry on the other regiments, that they might surround them, and cut ofi" their retreat. Presently Mercer espied the British, and now both parties rushed to gain a favorable position on a rising ground. The Americans were successful, and with BATTLE OF PRINCETON. 399 their rifles opened a severe fire upon the enemy, who re- ^^^^• turned it vigorously. Almost at the first fire Mercer's , horse was shot under him, and the second officer in com- 1777. mand fell mortally wounded. The enemy took advantage of the confusion that followed the flill of the leaders, and rushed on with the bayonet. The Americans, who were without bayonets, unable to withstand the charge, gave way. As Mercer, now on foot, endeavored to rally them, he was struck down, bayoneted, and left on the field ap- parently dead. As his men retreated in confusion, a body of Pennsyl- vania militia, which Washington had sent to their aid, appeared in sight. Mawhood instantly checked his pur- suit of the fugitives, and opened upon these fresh troops a heavy fire of artillery, which brought them to a stand. Convinced by the continued firing that the conflict was serious, Washington spurred on in advance of his division, and just at this crisis had reached a rising ground near by, from which he witnessed the scene. He saw the scattered forces of Mercer, the hesitation of the militia ; every thing was at stake. He dashed forward in the face of Mawhood's artillery, exposed both to the fire of the enemy and the random shots of his own soldiers, and waving his hat called upon the faltering and broken forces to follow him. Inspired by his voice and example, they rallied at once and returned to the charge. At this mo- ment a Virginia regiment emerged from a neighboring wood, and with loud cheers engaged in the conflict ; while the American artillery, now within range, began to shower grape-shot upon the enemy. The figlit was desperate, but the field was won. Mawhood, who, a few minutes before, had felt certain of victory, now with great difficulty forced his way back to the main road, and retreated with all haste toward Trenton. The second regiment was attacked by the brigade un- der St. Clair ; broken and scattered, it fled across the 400 niSTOR'S OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, fields towards New Brunswick. Alarmed at the general XXXI. p 1 1 • , • . rout, a part of the third regiment fled in the same direc- 1777. tion, wiiile another portion took refuge in the college building. The American artillery was immediately brought to bear upon it, and they soon suri-endered. The British loss in this battle was about one hundred slain, and three hundred prisoners, while the Americans lost but few ; among these was the brave Colonel Haslet. Mercer, who was left on the field for dead, was after the battle discovered by Colonel Armstrong, still alive, but suffering greatly from his wounds, and exposure to the cold. He was borne to a neighboring farm-house, where, after a few days, he expired. As a soldier, he was brave ; as a man of sterling merit, he was worthy the respect of his adopted countrymen, for, like Montgomery, he was of foreign birth, and like him, he has won an honorable name among the heroes of the Revolution. Washington, eager to secure the stores so necessary for his army, pushed on some distance toward Brunswick. A little reflection convinced him that his troops, in their exhausted condition, could not reach there before they would be overtaken. They had been a night and a day without rest ; they were thinly clad, and some of them were barefoot. He stopped and held a consultation with his officers on horseback. They decided that it was inju- dicious to proceed. Grieved and disappointed, that they were unable to reap the advantage of their recent success, they turned their steps toward Morristown. When mornmg revealed to the enemy on the banks of the Assunpink the deserted camp of the Americans, Corn- wallis was greatly at a loss to divine to what covert tlie " fox " had fled. Soon the booming of cannon at Prince- ton gave him the desired information His thoughts turned at once to the stores at Brunswick : he must save THE BEITISH CONFINED TO THEIR CAMP. 401 tliem from the hands of his enemy. His march back to ^^' Princeton was much impeded. The Americans had not forgotten to throw obstacles in his way. He found the 1777. bridge over Stony Creek, a few miles from the town, bro- ken down, and the party of Americans left for that pur- pose still in sight. Impatient of delay he urged on his soldiers, who, although the waters were breast high, dashed across the stream. Believing that Washington was in full march for Brunswick, he halted not at Princeton, but hurried on in pursuit with so much eagerness, that he did not observe that the Americans had diverged from the road. I The American army retreated to a strong position at Morristown. There the soldiers provided themselves huts, and remained until the last of May. For six months after the battle of Princeton no entei- prise of importance was undertaken by either party. The yeomanry of New Jersey were now thoroughly roused to preserve their State from further depredations. They warmly seconded the efforts of Washington, and greatly aided the detachments from the army, who were on the alert to cut off the foraging parties of the enemy ; and so effectually did they harass them, that they scarcely ventured out of sight of their camp. Thus unable to ob- tain provisions for his army, Cornwallis gradually with- drew within his lines, at Brunswick and Araboy, that he might be in communication with New York by water, whence alone he could draw his supplies. Thus those who, a few weeks before, were in possession of nearly all New Jersey, were now able to retain scarcely more of her soil than was sufficient for a camp. The success that had crowned the American arms at Trenton and Princeton cheered the hearts and revived the hopes of the patriots ; but they knew well that the enemy was checked, not conquered ; that the struggle must be renewed, and the result was still doubtful. 2G 402 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP. Washington had established his head-quarters at Mor- ristown, while the right wing of his army, under Putnam, 1777. was stationed at Princeton, and the left was in the High- lands, under General Heath. Along this extended line, at convenient distances, were established cantonments. Though weak in numbers, the army was so judiciously posted that the enemy, deceived by its apjjarent strength, hesitated to attack it. Putnam, who had with him but a few hundred men, resorted to stratagem to hide his weakness. A British officer, who lay mortally wounded at Princeton, desired the presence of a military comrade in his last mo'tients. The kind hearted general could not deny the request ; he sent a flag to Brunswick in quest of the friend, who en- tered Princeton after dark. Every unoccupied house was carefully lighted, lights gleamed in all the college windows, and the Old General marched and countermarched his scanty forces to such effect, that the Britisli soldier, on his return to the camp, reported them as at least five thousand strong. The winter at Morristown was a season of comparative quiet, during which the Commander-in-chief was engaged in earnest efforts to improve the state of his army. The evil effects of the system of short enlistments adopted by Congress, and repeatedly protested against by Washing- ton, were severely felt at this juncture. The terms of great numbers were about to expire, and new recruits came in but slowly. To guard against the ravages of small-pox, which at times had been fatally prevalent in the army, these were inoculated as fast as they came in. The exchange of prisoners had become a subject of negotiation. At first the British refused to exchange on equal terms, on the plea that the Americans were rebels, but Howe, who had at this time about five thousand on his hands, opened a correspondence with Washington on the subject. Now the Americans in their turn object 1 SUFFERINGS OF AMERICAN PRISONERS. 403 to aa 'exchange. Their captured couutrymen had been chap left to the tender mercies of the New York Tories, crowded into warehouses, which had been converted into prisons, 1777. or into loathsome hulks anchored in the bay ; fed with impure food, and left to languish in filth and nakedness. Thrilling tales are told of the sufferings of those confined in the sugar-house, and on board the Jersey, a prison- ship. More than ten thousand wretched American pris- oners died during the war, and were buried without cere- mony in shallow graves at Brooklyn, on Long Island. Of those who survived, scarcely one ever fully recovered from the effects of these hardships. Washington refused to recruit the British army by an exchange of well-fed and hale Hessian and British prison- ers, for emaciated and diseased Americans, whose terms of enlistment had expired, and who were scarcely able, from very weakness, to return to their homes. His policy was sanctioned by Congress — a severe policy, but author- ized by the necessities of the times. To supply the want of field-officers, Congress com- Feb, missioned five major-generals : Stirling, St. Clair, MifHin, Stephen, and Lincoln. The latter we have seen as the secretary of the first Provincial Congress of Massachu- setts. He was afterward the efficient commander of the militia of that State, and now he was promoted over the heads of all the brigadiers. In these appointments, Ar- nold, whose meritorious conduct on the battle-field, as . well as his seniority as a brigadier, entitled him to promo- tion, was entirely overlooked. He complained bitterly of this injustice ; the wound rankled in his proud breast ; from this hour, till he found consolation in revenge, he seems to have brooded over the disrespect shown him by his countrymen. Eighteen brigadier-generals were also commissioned, among whom were Glover, the leader of the Marblehead fishermen ; George Clinton, of New York, the sturdy 404 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. ^?^?- guardian of the Highlands, and afterward Vice-President ; Woodford and Muhlenburg, of Virginia — the latter an 1777. Episcopal clei-gyman, who at the commencement of hos- tilities had " laid aside the surplice to put on a uniform," raised a company of soldiers, and who continued in the army till the close of the war — and Hand and Anthony Wayne, of Pennsylvania. Wayne was by nature a sol- dier ; even in his school-days he turned the heads of his companions by telling them stories of battles and sieges, and drilled them in making and capturing mud forts. In later years he was so distinguished for his daring, that he became known in the army by the appellation of " Mad Anthony." An Irish adventurer named Conway, who professed to have served for thirty years in the French army, and to be thoroughly skilled in the science of war, was also com- missioned. He proved, however, more famous for intrigues than for military genius or courage. Congress also authorized the enlistment of four regi- ments of cavalry. The quartermaster's department was more perfectly arranged, and General Mifflin was placed at its head. The hospital department was also reorganized, and placed under the charge of Doctor Shippen, of the Medi- cal College at Philadelphia. His principal assistant was Doctor Craik, the friend and companion of Washington in his expeditions against Fort Du Quesne. Doctor Kush, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, and afterward celebrated in his profession, was appointed surgeon-general. The office of adjutant- general, resigned by Colonel Reed, was given to Timothy Pickering, of Massachusetts. Nor was the navy neglected. Of the vessels authorized to be built, several frigates had been finished and equipped, but the want of funds prevented the completion of the remainder, for the Continental money began to depreciate. MARAUDING EXPEDITIONS DANBURY BURNED. 405 and loans could not be obtained. The entire American ^^■ fleet, under Admiral Hopkins, was at this time blockaded at Providence. But privateers, especially from New Eng- 1777. land, were eager in pursuit of British vessels trading to the West Indies, of which they captured nearly three hundred and fifty, whose cargoes were worth five millions of dollars. A profitable trade, principally by way of the West Indies, was also opened with France, Spain, and Holland, but it was attended by great risks, and a large number of Aiuerican vessels thus engaged fell into the hands of British cruisers. In the spring, while Washington still remained at Morristown, the British commenced a series of marauding expeditions. A strong party was sent up the Hudson to seize the military stores at Peekskill. General McDou- gall, finding it impossible to defend them against a force so superior, burned them, and retired with his men to the hills in the vicinity. As General Heath had been trans- ferred to the command in Massachusetts, Washington sent Putnam to command in the Highlands. A month later CornwaUis made an attack on a corps \.,y\] under General Lincoln, stationed at Boundbrook, a few 13. miles from Brunswick. The militia, to whom the duty was intrusted, imperfectly guarded the camp. Lincoln with difficulty extricated himself, after losing a few men , and some cannon. • Presently a fleet of twenty-six sail was seen proceed- ing up the Sound ; anxious eyes watched it from the shore. It was the intriguing Tryon, now a major-general, in com- mand of a body of Tories, two thousand strong, who was on his way to destroy the military stores collected at Dan- bury, Connecticut. He landed on the beach between Fairfield and Norwalk, on the afternoon of the twenty- fifth, and immediately commenced his march. April. 406 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. xxxT' '^^^ alarm spread ; General Silliman, of the Con- necticut militia, called out his men, and sent expresses in 1777. every direction. Arnold, who had been sent by Washing- ton, some months before, to prepare defences at Provi- dence, and obtain recruits, happened to be in New Haven when the express arrived with the intelligence of the in- road. He hastened with some volunteers to join Generals Wooster and Silliman, whose forces amounted to about six hundred militia ; and the whole company moved after the marauders. Tryon, who had marched all night, reached Danbury on the afternoon of the twenty-sixth. He commenced at once to destroy the magazines of stores. Although the inhabitants had abandoned their homes at his approach, he permitted his soldiers to burn almost every house in the village. By morning the work of destruction was complete. The militia were approaching, and the ma- rauders were compelled to run the gauntlet to their ships, twenty miles distant. The Americans were separated into two divisions, one under Wooster, the other under Arnold ; while the former was to harass the enemy in the rear, the latter was to make a stand at a convenient point in advance and ob- struct their progress. The brave Wooster, though sixty-eight years of age, led forward his men with great spirit. When they, un- used to war, faltered in the face of the enemy's musketry and artillery, he rode to the front and cheered them. " Come on, my boys," cried he, " never mind such random shots." At that moment a musket-ball pierced his side, and he fell from his horse mortally wounded. His soldiers now retreated in confusion. Arnold had made a stand at Eidgefield, two miles be- yond the spot where Wooster fell, and while the enemy was delayed by this skirmishing, he had throWn up a bar- ricade or breastwork. He acted with his usual daring. I DEATH OF GENERAL WOOSTEE. 407 but, after a spirited resistance, his little force was over- ^^^^■ powered by numbers and driven back. As he was bring- . ing off the rear-guard his horse was shot under him ; 1777. before he could disengage himself from the struggling ani- mal, a Tory rushed up with a fixed bayonet, and cried out, " You are mj^prisoner." " Not yet," replied Arnold, as he coolly levelled his pistol and shot him dead. He then escaped, rallied his men, and renewed the attack. The determined resistance of the militia retarded the British so much, that they were forced to encamp for the night. The next day they were greeted with the same April galling fire from behind trees, fences, and houses, which continued until they came within range of the guns of their ships. They speedily embarked, fain to escape the rifles of the exasperated yeomanry. General Wooster was conveyed to Danbury, where he died surrounded by his family. His loss was greatly de- plored by the patriots. A neat monument in the ceme- tery of that place now marks his grave. When Congress learned of the gallant conduct of Ar- nold, they commissioned him a major-gjeneral, and pre- sented him with a horse richly caparisoned. Yet even this tardy acknowledgment of his military merit was marred, — the date of his commission still left him below his proper rank. He seemed to feel this second sHght more keenly than the first. The Americans resolved to retaliate in kind, and Colo- nel Eeturn Jonathan Meigs, of Connecticut, with one hundred and seventy men, passed over the Sound to the east end of Long Island. They carried their boats, during the night, fifteen miles across the neck, launched them May 24- on the bay, passed over to Sag Harbor, and destroyed a great amount of provisions and forage, collected there for the British In addition, they burned twelve vessels, 408 HISTORY OF THE AMEKICAN PEOPLE. t'HAP. took ninety prisoners, and returned without losing a man, having passed over ninety mUes in twenty-five hours. 1777. Though strenuous efforts were made to obtain recruits, the smalluess of the American army still continued ; want of funds crippled every measure. At the instance of Washington, Congress declared that tjjose redemptioners or indented servants who enlisted in the army should, by that act, become freemen ; and bounties in land were offered the Hessians to induce them to desert. Meanwhile' General Schuyler labored with great zeal in the northern department. But his feelings were se- verely tried by the aspersions which his enemies cast upon his character, and conduct of affairs. In the autumn of 1776 he wrote : " I am so sincerely tired of abuse, that I will let my enemies arrive at the completion of their wishes as soon as I shall have been tried ; and attempt to serve my injured country in some Other way, where envy and detraction will have no temptation to follow me." But Congress would not accept his resignation. During the winter he made repeated appeals to the .Commander-in- chief for reinforcements and supplies, which, for want of means, could not be sent. There were but six or seven hundred men at Ticonderoga ; Carleton, he thought, might cross Lake Champlain on the ice and attack them ; if successful, he might follow out his original plan and push on to Albany. As the abuse of which Schuyler com- plained was continued, early in April he proceeded to Philadelphia, and demanded of Congress a committee to inquire into his conduct. Meantime General Gates had been ordered to take command at Ticonderoga. Schuyler's patriotism was not an impulse, not a matter of mere words, nor did injustice rouse in his breast, as in that of Arnold, the dark spirit of revenge. However, the committee reported in his favor ; and, with his character and conduct fully vindicated, he returned to the charge of the Northern Department. The ambitious Gates was NATIONAL FLAG. 409 deeply chagrined aud disappointed ; he had flattered him- ^^^^\'- self that Schuyler would never resume his command, and regarded himself as virtually his successor. Professing to 1777. be aggrieved, he hastened to Philadeli:)hia to seek redress at the hands of Congress. The want of a national flag was greatly felt, especially in the marine service. Congress adopted the " Union Flag," with its thirteen stripes, but displaced the " Cross of St. George," and substituted for it thirteen stars ; to "^""''■ which one star has since been added for each additional State. CHAPTER XXXII. WAR OF THE REVOLUTION— CONTINUED. Ths Struggle excites an Interest in England and France. — Baron De Kalb. — Privateers fitted out in France. — Negotiiitions for Munitions of War. — Howe's Manoeuvres. — Burgoyne on his Way from Canada. — Ticonde- roga Captured. — St. Clair's Retreat to Fort Edward. — Efforts to arrest the Progress of Burgoyne. — Capture of General Prescott. — The secret E.xpedition. — -The British Fleet puts to sea. — The American Army at Germantown. — La Fayette. — Pulaski and Kosciusko. — Aid sent to Schuyler. — Howe lands at Elkton. — Battle of Brandywine. — Possession taken of Philadelphia. — Battle of Germantown. — Hessians repulsed at Fort Mercer. — Winter Quarteis at Valley Forge. CHAP '^^^ unfortunate result of the battle of Long Island ; the XXXII. loss of New York and Fort Washington ; ai»d the retreat across New Jersey, were all significant of the weakness of the patriot army. Intelligence of these disasters disheart- ened the friends of the cause in Europe. Edmund Burke, their firm friend, remarked that, although the Americans had accomplished wonders, yet the overpowering forces to be brought against them in the following campaign, must completely crush their hopes of Independence. Said he : " An army that is obliged, at all times, and in all situa- tions, to decline an engagement, may delay their ruin, but can never defend their country." The intelligent portion of the people of France were not indifferent spectators of this struggle ; it was watched with intense interest by her merchants, her manufacturers. 1777. ^-^-^i^^!^^ ..if' -CS' ^^-x^^^A ^>^^ Sz^^^/^^ Z^^,^^^ FRIENDS OF THE CAUSE IN EUROPE ENCOURAGED. 411 her statesmen. From the day on which Canada was wrested ^^Jl- from her, France had ardently hoped that her proud rival might in turn lose her own American colonies. Ten years 1777. before the commencement of hostilities, Choiseul, the en- lightened statesman and prime minister of Louis XV., sent an agent through the colonies, to ascertain the feelings of the people. That agent was Baron De Kalb, the sam who afterward so nobly served the cause in the American army. He was indefatigable in " collecting pamphlets, newspapers, and sermons," which he sent to bis employer. Choiseul gathered from them the proofs that the British king and ministiy, by their blindness and injustice, were fast alienating the good will of their colonists ; and he hoped by offering them, without restriction, the commerce of France, to alienate them more and more. Thus the minds of the French people and government were pre- pared to afford aid, but not under the present aspect of affairs. Early in the spring, intelligence reached Europe, that the American army, which was supposed to be broken beyond recovery, had suddenly rallied, boldly attacked, and driven the invaders out of New Jersey. It was scarcely thought possible. How could a handful of ill- disciplined, ill-armed yeomanry, so destitute of clothes that some of them froze to death while on duty, and oth- ers stained the snow with the blood that flowed from their naked feet, meet and defeat a regular army .P Surely, men who would thus cheerfully suffer, deserved independ- ence ! A thrill of enthusiasm was excited in their favor. They were regarded as a nation of heroes, and Washing- ton, because of his prudence and skill, was extolled as the American Fabius. With the connivance of the government, American privateers were secretly fitted out, and even permitted to sell their prizes in French ports, in spite of the protests 412 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, xxxn ^^ ^^^ British ambassador. The government itself secretly sent arms and military stores for the American army. 1777. This was done by means of a fictitious trading-house, known as " Hortales and Company." These supplies were to be paid for in tobacco, sent by the way of the West Indies. Soon after the battle of Lexington, secret nego- tiations on the subject had been entered ujjon in London by Beaumarchais, an agent of the French court, and Ar- thur Lee, who for some years had resided in that city as a barrister. The latter was a brother of Richard Henry Lee, of Virginia, for which colony he had acted as agent in England. The Secret Committee of Congress, in the mean time, sent Silas Deane to Paris, as an agent to obtain supplies. Though Deane appeared in that city simply as a merchant, he became an object of suspicion, and was closely watched by British spies. Beaumarchais now made arrangements with him to send three ships laden with military stores to the United States. Unfortunately two of these ships were captured by British cruisers ; the third, however, arrived opportunely to furnish some of the regi- April. ments recently enUsted at Morristown. Three months after the Declaration of Independence, Doctor Franklin was sent to join Deane in France, and thither, Lee was also directed to repair. To these com- missioners Congress delegated authority to make a treaty of alliance with the French court. They were admitted to private interviews by Vergennes, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and encouraged, but the government was not yet prepared to make an open declaration of its true senti- ments. The British ministry, by means of spies, obtained in- formatioif of some of these proceedings. They immedi- ately issued letters of marque and reprisal against the Americans, while Parliament cheerfully voted supplies '*"■ and men to prosecute the war. HOWE'S movements NEWS FROM THE NORTH. 413 As tlie spring advanced, the enemy's movements were ^,^^.{1- watched with anxious interest. That he might observe tliem to better advantage, Washington, on the twenty- 1777. eighth of May, removed his camp to the heights of Middle- brook, a strong and central position. Early in June, Sir May. William Howe, who had received large reinforcements, and supplies of tents and camp equipage, established his head-quarters at Brunswick, about ten miles distant. He commenced a series of manoeuvres, and made a feint movement toward Philadelphia,- in the hope of draw- ing Washington from the heights into the open plain, where British discipline might prevail ; the latter was too cautious to be thus entrapped, and Howe, foiled in his attempt, retraced his steps to Brunswick. Presently he evacuated that place, and hastened with all speed toward Amboy. Washington sent an advance party in pursuit, but suspecting this move was also a feint, he followed slowly with the main body. The suspicion was just ; Howe suddenly wheeled, and by a rapid movement en- deavored to turn the Americans' left, in order to gain the passes and heights in their rear, but Washington saw his object in time to gain his stronghold. Unable to bring on an engagement, Howe in a few days withdrew his forces to Staten Island. J«™ Just before this time, important news had been received from the North. Burgoyne, who had succeeded Sir Guy Carleton, was about to advance by way of Lake Cham- plain, while a detachment under General St. Leger and Sir John Johnson, was to make its way by Oswego to the Mohawk river. On the very day that the British left New Jersey, further intelligence came from St. Clair that the enemy's fleet was actually approaching Ticonderoga, where he was in command. The force under Burgoyne was not precisely known ; it was, however, thought to be small, but in truth he had a finely equipped army of nearly ten thousand men, four- 20, 4l4 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. xxxn ^^*^'^ "^ whom were regulars, British and Hessian ; the remainder Canadians and Indians. It was furnished w-ith 1777. one of the finest parks of field-artillery, under the com-- mand of General Phillips, who had acquired his great reputation as an artillery officer in the wars of Germany. He was also ably supported by the second in command, General Fraser, an officer of great merit; and who was characterized as the soul of the army. The Hessians were under Baron Keidesel. Near Crown Point, Burgoyne met the chiefs of the Six Nations in council, and induced four hundred of their .Inno. warriors to join him. A few days later he issued a bom- bastic proclamation, in which he threatened to punish the patriots who woidd not immediately submit, and to let loose upon them the Indians. St. Clair, who had but three thousand men, wrote to General Schuyler at Albany, that he could not defend Ticonderoga unless he had reinforcements, ending his let- ter by saying : " Every thing will be done that is practi- cable to frustrate the enemy's designs ; but what can be expected from troops ill-armed, naked, and uuaccoutred ? " Still unaware of the force of the enemy, he trusted in his position, and that he could hold out for some time. There was an abrupt hill on the edge of the narrow channel which connects Lakes Champlain and George. This hill commanded Fort Ticonderoga, and also Fort Independence, on the east side of. Champlain. It was thought by St. Clair, and others, to be absolutely inac- cessible for artillery. But the " wily Phillips," acting on the principle that " where a goat can go, a man may go ; and where a man can go, artillery may be drawn up," suddenly appeared on this hill-top. For three days he had been at work taking his cannon up the height, and in twenty-four hours he would be ready to " rain iron haU" on both the forts, from his Fort Defiance. The Americans must now evacuate the forts, or be burgoyne's advance — ST. claik's retreat. 415 made prisoners. St. Clair chose the former. He oould P.Svn only escape in the night, and his preparations must he made in the face of the enemy. The two hundred bateaux 1777. were to be laden with stores, the women, the sick and wounded, and sent up South Eiver. St. Clair, with the main body, was to pass to Fort Independence, and with its garrison march through the woods to Skeenesborough, now Whitehall. With the greatest secrecy and speed, the arrangements were made ; the boats, concealed by the July deep shadows of the mountains, were under way ; the ^• main body had passed over the drawbridge to Independ- ence, and was on its march, and the rear division was just leaving Ticonderoga, when suddenly, about four o'clock in the morning, the whole heavens were lighted up ; a house on mount Independence was on fire, and its light revealed the Americans in full retreat. Alarm guns and beating of drums aroused the British. General Fraser was soon in motion with his division, the abandoned forts were taken possession of, and by daylight measures concerted to pursue the fugitives both by land and water. Fraser was to pursue St. Clair with his division, and General Keidesel to follow with his Hessians, while Burgoyne him- self sailed in his ships to overtake the American flotilla. On the afternoon of the next day, the flotilla reached Whitehall ; but scarcely were they landed, when the roar- ing of artillery told that the British gunboats had over- taken the rear-guard of galleys. Presently, fugitives from these brought intelligence that the British frigates had landed Indians, who were coming to cut off their retreat. Every thing was abandoned, and set on fire ; all took to flight toward Fort Anne, at which place, after a most harassing night-march, they arrived. The enemy appeared the same day, but were held in check by sharp skirmish- ing. The Americans thought this the vanguard of Bur- goyne's army, and they set Fort Anne on fire, and retreated 41 G HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, sixteen miles further to Fort Edward, where General , Schuyler had just arrived with reinforcements. i777. General St. Clair continued his retreat, and at night arrived at Castleton ; his rear-guard, contrary to his ex- press orders, stopped six miles short of that place. The next morning, the guard was startled by an attack from Eraser's division, which had marched nearly all night. At the first onset a regiment of militia fled, but the regiments of Warner and Francis made a spirited resistance ; yet they were compelled to yield to superior numbers, and make the best retreat they could. St. Clair, in the mean time, pushed on through the woods ; after seven days, he appeared at Fort Edward, with his soldiers wearied and haggard from toil and exposure. Schuyler sent at once a strong force to put obstructions in Wood Creek ; to fell trees and break down the bridges on the road from Fort Anne to Fort Edward. ^ This being the only road across that rough and thickly wooded coun- ^ try, it took Burgoyne three weeks to remove these obstruc- tions and arrive at Fort Edward. The British hailed with shouts of exultation the Hudson ; the object of their toil. It would be easy, they thought, to force their waj' July to Albany, in which place Burgoyne boasted he would eat his Christmas dinner. Schuyler now retreated to Saratoga. * In these reverses the loss of military stores, artillery, and ammunition was immense, and the intelligence spread consternation through the country. The American army under Schuyler con- sisted of only about five thousand men, the majority of whom were militia ; many were without arms, while there was a deficiency of ammunition and provisions. Just at this time, a daring and successful adventure mortified the enemy, and afibrded no little triumph to American enterprise. The commanding oflicer at New- port, General Prescott, famous for the arbitrary and con- A BRITISH FLEET PUTS TO SEA. 417 temptuous manner iu which he treated the " rehek," S'H}; oifered a reward for the cai^ture of Arnold, who replied to the insult by offering half the sum for -the capture of 177". Prescott. It was ascertained, hy means of spies, that the latter was lodgini; at a certain house in the outskirts of the town. On a dark night a company of select men, with Colonel Barton at their head, crossed Narraganset J"'> . .13. Bay, in whale-boats, threading their way through the Brit- ish fleet. They secured the sentinel at the door, burst into the house, and seized Prescott, who was in bed. The astonished General only asked if he might put on his clothes. " Very few and very quick," replied Barton. He returned with his prisoner across the bay without being discovered. This was a counterpart to the capture of Lee, for whom Prescott was afterward exchanged. The uncertainty as to the designs of the enemy was perplexing. Washington learned from spies in New York that Howe was preparing for an expedition by water, but its destination was a profound secret. Burgoyne was evi- dently pressing on toward the South, to obtain possession of the Hudson. Did Howe intend to move up that river to co-operate with him, and thus cut off the communication between New England and the other States ; to make an at- tack on Boston, and thus employ the militia of those States at home, and prevent their joining Schuyler, or to endeavor to reach Philadelphia by water ? were questions difficult to answer. In the midst of these speculations as to its des- tination, the British fleet, on board of which were about eighteen thousand men, under the command of Howe, passed out through the Narrows, and bore away. Intelli- gence came in the course of ten days that it was seen off Cape May, and Washington moved the army across the .Jn\y Delaware to Germantown, a few miles from Philadelphia. ^^■ Presently it was ascertained that the fleet had sailed to the eastward. Was it to return to New York, or had 41^ HISTORY OF THE AMERICANS' PEOPLE. xxxn ^^ ^^^'^'^^ ^*^*' Boston ? Till the designs of the enemy were more definitely known, the army was held in readiness to UV7. march at a moment's notice. While waiting for time to unravel these mysterious movements of Sir William, Washington visited Philadel- phia to consult with Congress, and to give directions for the further construction of fortifications on the Delaware, to prevent the enemy from ascending to the city. Some months before, Arnold, after refusing the command in tlie Highlands, offered him by Washington to soothe his v/ounded feelings, had accepted that in Philadelphia, and with the aid of General Mifflin, had already partially con- structed defences. The Duke of Uloucester, the brother of the king of England, at a dinner given him Ijy French officers in the town of Mentz, had told the story, and the cause of the rebellion then going on in America. A youth of nineteen belonging to one of the noble families of France was a listener. For the first time, he heard of the Declaration of Independence, and the full particulars of the struggle for liberty then in progress in the colonies beyond the At- lantic. His generous sympathies were enlisted ; he could appreciate the nobleness of their cause, and his soul wag fired with the desire to fly to their aid. Though happily married, and blest with wealth, high social position, and domestic joys, he was willing to leave them all, and risk his life in the cause of freedom. This young man was the Marquis De Lafayette. Though the French government was not prepared to take a decided stand, while the issue seemed doubtful, yet this consideration, instead of checking, inflamed his ardor. " Now I see a chance for usefulness, which I had not an- ticipated. I have money ; I will purchase a ship, which will convey to America myself, my companions, and the freight for Congress." Such were his words : and he se- LAFAYETTE THE FOREIGN OFFICERS. 419 i cretly purchased a vessel, which Deane loaded with military ^^^|'j stores, and accompanied by eleven officers, among whom was the Baron De Kalb, he sailed directly for the United 1777. States. He landed on the coast of South Carolina, and proceeded at once to Philadelphia, to have an interview with Congress. The number of foieign officers who were •applicants for employment in the army was so great, that Congress found difficulty in disposing of them. Deane had been authorized to engage a few competent officers, but he seems to have accepted all who applied ; and many came as adventurers, and " even some who brought high recommendations, were remarkable for nothing but extrav- agant self-conceit, and boundless demands for rank, com- mand, and pay." ' But the earnest disinterestedness of Lafayette capti- vated all hearts. Though he offered to serve as a volun- teer without pay. Congress commissioned him a major- general, but without any special command. A few days after this Washington and Lafayette met — names to be ever linked in the annals of freedom. Congress also ac- Aug 8 cepted the services of Count Pulaski, already famous for his patriotic defence of his native Poland. His fellow- countryman, Thaddeus Kosciusko — a youth of twenty- one — afterward equally celebrated in fighting, though un- successfully, for the liberties of the same Poland, was already with General Schuyler, acting in the capacity of engineer. It was now ascertained that Sir Henry Clinton, whom Howe had left in command in New York, had a force sufficient, not merely to penetrate up the Hudson and co- operate with Burgoyne, but to send detachments and create a diversion in favor of Howe in the vicinity of Phil- adelphia. Just at this time came urgent appeals from Schuyler, I Hildreth, vol. iii. p. 194. 420 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. xxxn *^"'^ Washington detached to his aid two brigades from the Highlands, and soon after Colonel Morgan with his 177V. riflemen, to counteract the Indians, of whom the militia had a great dread. He had already sent Arnold, who would be of special service in that region — the scene of Ro;ne of his brilliant exploits. Now he directed General Lincoln, who was in Mssachusetts, to repair thither with a • portion of the militia of that State, and sent an express to Putnam to hold himself in readiness to repel any attack from Clinton, and prevent his forming a junction with Bur- goyne. We will now leave the affairs in the North till we have disposed of those connected with Howe's expedition. In the midst of uncertainty, Washington was about to issue orders for the army at Germantown to move toward New York, when an express brought him the intelligence that the British fleet had passed into the Chesapeake. The mystery was' easily explained. Howe had learned of the obstructions in the Delaware, and he now designed to land his troops at the head of the Chesapeake, and march thence to Philadelphia, while the fleet should return, and in concert with the land forces, reduce the forts on the Delaware. After being delayed some weeks by adverse winds, his army was now landed at Elkton, about sixty miles from Philadelphia. His first demonstration was to issue another of his famous proclamations ; again he offered pardon to those rebels who would submit, and promised A lie protection to those persons who would remain peaceably 25. at home. The main body of the American army was still at Germantown, where the militia, that had been called out, had assembled. Washington was sadly deficient in men and means to meet the British in ofen conflict ; and there were no hills in the region, which he could occupy. He had only eleven thousand effective men ; there was none of that enthusiasm which was then bringing the militia in BATTLE OF BRANDY WINE. 42] thousands to repel Burgoyne. The Quakers of Dekwaro ciiap. and Pennsylvania were at best but lukewarm in the cause, while the Germans wished to be neutral, and to avoid tlie 1777. expense. Washington concentrated his army in the vicinity of Wilnaington, but after examining the country resolved to fall back beyond the Brandy wine creek, which was every- where fordable. The main road to Philadelphia crossed the creek at Chadd's Ford. This, it was thought, would be the main point of attack. A hill overlooking the ford had been intrenched, and there Wayne was stationed with the artillery. The right wing was commanded by Sulli- van, who had just arrived with three thousand men from Jersey ; his division extended two miles up the creek. The left wing, under General Armstrong — the same who destroyed the Indian town of Kittaning — extended a mile below ; while General Greene, with the reserve, was sta- tioned iu the rear of the centre on the hills. In the morning, the enemy, in heavy column, was sept, descried moving toward Chadd's Ford. This division ^^• could be only partially seen, because of intervening woods, but it appeared to be the main body of the enemy. Skir- mishing soon commenced between the riflemen and the enemy, who made several attempts to cross the ford, but were as often repulsed. Near raid-day a note from Sullivan stated he had heard that Howe, with a large body of troops, was passing up another road, with the intention of reaching the uppei fords of the creek, and then turning the right flank of the Americans. Washington sent a company to reconnoitre. In the mean time, he determined to throw his entire force on the enemy immediately in his front, and rout them be- fore they could obtain assistance from the division march- ing the other road ; his orders were given for both wings to co-ojjerate. This would have been a skilfid move, and. *22 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, xxxfi "^ ^^ probability, have secured the defeat of Knyphauseu, . who, with his Hessians, was in front. IVTT. At the moment Sullivan was comjilying with the order, unfortunately Major Spicer came from the upper fords, and reported that there was no enemy in that quarter. This information was transmitted to the Commander-in- chief, who, in consequence, countermanded the former order, till he could receive further information. After waiting some time, a patriot of the neighborhood, with his horse in a foam, dashed into the presence of Washingtoii, and declared that Howe was really passing the fords, and rapidly gaining the rear of the American army. Wash- ington replied, that he had just heard there was no enemy in that quarter. " You are mistaken, general," exclaim- ed the excited countryman ; " my life for it, you are mis- taken." And tracing the course of the roads in the sand, he showed him the position. All doubts were removed in a few minutes, by the return of the party sent to recon- noitre with intelligence that a large body of the enemy was fast gaining their rear. Lord Cornwallis, led by Tory guides, had marched a circuit of seventeen miles, and Knyphausen was merely waiting at Chadd's Ford for that circuit to be accom- plished. Sullivan was ordered to oppose Coinwallis, and Greene, with the reserve, to give aid where it might be needed. Sullivan made a vigorous resistance, but was forced to fall back to a piece of woods, in which the British became entangled. The Americans rallied on a hill, and there made a still firmer resistance, but were at length com- pelled to fall back. Greene was now ordered to move to their support, which he did with such rapidity, tliat his men marched, or rather ran, five miles in less than an hour. Such was the skilful disposition of his soldiers, that they not only checked the enemy, but opened theii ranks and let the retreating Americans pass through. This AMEEICANS RETREAT TO GERMANTOWN. 42o brave conduct of the reserve saved Wayne's division from ™^^^ a complete rout. He had stuhbornly withstood the Hes- sians at the Ford, hut when he saw the forces under Sul- 1777. hvan retreating, unable to cope with half the British army, he gradually, and in order, fell back. The Hessians were not disposed to press upon their determined foe. Thus ended the battle of Brandywine. The Americans were driven from the field, but the soldiers were not aware that they had suffered a defeat ; they thought they had received only a check. Though some of the militia gave way at once, the great majority fought bravely, met the enemy in deadly conflict with the bayonet, and forced them back ; but, at last, numbers prevailed. Lafayette behaved with great bravery and prudence ; he had leaped from his horse to rally the troops, when he was severely wounded in the leg. Count Pulaski also dis- tinguished himself greatly — riding up within pistol-shot of the enemy to reconnoitre. Congress promoted him to the rank of brigadier-general, and gave him the command of the horse. Sir William Howe loved repose, and he did not press his advantage, but remained two days encamped near the field of battle. During this time, the Americans retreated, first to Chester, and on the twelfth safely crossed the Schujdkill, and thence proceeded to Germantown ; there Washington let them repose a day or two. They were in good spirits, he prepared to meet the enemy again, and with this inten- tion crossed the river. About twenty-five miles from -^epL Philadelphia the two araiics met, but a furious storm pre- vented a conflict. The rain so much injured the arms and ammunition that Washington deemed it prudent once more to recross the river, and retire to Pott's Grove, about thirty miles from Philadelphia. General Wayne was de- tached, in the meanwhile, with fifteen hundred men, to secretly gain the rear of the British army, and cut off their 42-4 HISTORY OF THE AMEBICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, baggage ; but a Tory carried information of the enter- '. prise, and Wayne himself was surprised, and after the loss 1777. of three hundred men forced to retreat, on When it seemed certain that the city must fall into the hands of the British, the military stores were removed, and a contribution levied upon the inhabitants for blank- ets, clothes, shoes, and other necessaries for the army during the approaching winter. It was a time of great danger, and Congress again clothed Washington with absolute power, first for sixty days, and soon after for double that period. This done, that body adjourned, first to Lancaster, and then in a few days to York, beyond the Susquehanna. Howe, by a night march, was enabled to pass the Schuylkill ; he then pushed on a detachment which took ^.^ possession of Philadelpliia, while the main body of his 22. army halted at Germantown. Though the city was in the hands of the enemy, the Americans still held possession of the forts on the lower Delaware. With much exertion, Admiral Howe had brought the fleet round from the Chesapeake, and anchored it below the forts. Fort Mifflin was situated on a low mud island, at the confluence of the Schuylkill and the Delaware. Directly opposite, at Red Bank, on the Jersey shore, was Fort Mercer. These were furnished with heavy cannon. Heavy timbers framed together, with beams projecting, and armed with iron spikes, were sunk in the river by means of weights ; in addition to these obstructions, were floating batteries above. Washington having learned, from intercepted letters, that a detachment had left Germantovvn to aid the fleet m an attack on these forts, resolved to surprise the re- mainder. After a night's march of fourteen miles, he entered German town at sunrise. A dense fog concealed BATTLE OF GERMANTOWN. ^ 425 the outskirts of the town, and he was unable to learn the char precise position of the enemy, or that of his own troops. The British, taken by surprise and thrown into confusion, 1777. gave way on all sides. The Americans, instead of pur- suing their advantage, lingered to attack a strong stone house, in which a few of the enemy had taken refuge, when an unaccountable panic seized them ; the complete Oet. victory within their grasp was lost. The enemy now ral- •*• lied and attacked in their turn ; but the Americans re- treated without loss, and carried off all their cannon and their wounded. Washington, in writing to Congress, says : " Every account confirms the opinion I at first entertained, that our troops retreated at the instant when victory was de- claring herself in our favor." And such is the testimony of many officers in their letters to their friends. The effect of the bold attack upon Germantown was soon perceptible, in the spirit of the Americans. One writes : " Though we gave away a complete victory, we have learnt this valuable truth, that we are able to beat them by vigorous exertions, and that we are far superior in point of swiftness ; we are in high spirits." Again we find expressions of confidence of a different character. An ofiicer writes : " For my own part, I am so fully convinced of the justice of the cause in which we are contending, and that Providence, in its own good time, will succeed and bless it, that were I to see twelve of the United States overrun by our cruel invaders, I should still, believe the thirteenth would not only save itself, but also work out the deliverance of the others." Howe immediately withdrew his troops from German- town. He must either obtain possession of the forts, that his fleel; might come up, or evacuate the city for want of provisions. The Americans, on the other hand, resolved to defend the forts to the last extremity. Howe sent Count Donop, with twelve hundred picked men, grena- 426 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPI-E. 9^^K- diers, to make an assault on Fort Mercer, while the men- of-war should open on Fort Mifflin and the floating bat- J777. teries. The outworks of Fort Mercer were not fully com- tjo'' pleted, when Count Donop suddenly appeared. Colonel Christopher Greene ordered the men — four hundred Rhode Island Continentals — to keep out of sight as much as possible. To deceive the enemy, he made a short stand at the outer works, and then retreated rapidly to the inner redoubt. The enemy advanced in two columns ; the Americans received them with a brisk fire, and then re- treated in haste. The Hessians thought the day their own, and with shouts of triumph rushed to storm the inner redoubt. They were met by an overwhelming discharge of grape-shot and musketry, and completely repulsed, with the loss of four hundred men ; the Americans lost but eight slain and twenty-nine wounded. After the battle, as an American officer was .passing among the slain, a voice called out : " Whoever you are, draw me hence." It was Count Donop. A few days afterward, when he felt his end approaching, he 'lamented his condition. " I die," said he, " the victim of my ambition, and of the avarice of my sovereign." Fort Mifflin was commanded by Colonel Samuel Smith, of Maryland. In their attack upon it, the British .lost two men-of-war — one of which was blown up, the other burned. Meantime the enemy received reinforcements from . New Y.ork, and were able to take possession of another island, on which they erected batteries, and opened an incesssmt fire upon Fort Mifflin. After a most undaunted defence, both forts were abandoned, and the enemy left to ^''"'' remove the obstructions in the river at their leisure. On the twenty-ninth, Washington retired tcf White Marsh, fourteen miles from Philadelphia. Before going into winter-quarters, Howe thought to surprise his camp. A Quaker lady, Mrs. Darrah, overheard some British 6. WINTER QUARTERS AT VALLEY FOKGE. 427 officers speaking of the intended exi)edition ; she imme- S'Mf/ diately gave Washington information of what was going on. Preparations were made to give the British a warm 1777. reception. A company was sent to harass them on their night-march. Finding themselves discovered, they hesi- tated to press on. The next day, Howe labored to draw Deo. Washington into the plain, where British discipline might be successful. When he saw the effort was useless, he retired to Philadeljjhia. Congress now summoned the militia to repair to the main army. A few days after Howe's withdrawal from Germantown, Washington also retired to winter-quarters at Valley Forge, a rugged hollow on the Schuylkill, about twenty miles from Philadelphia. He could thus protect the Congress at York, as well as his stores at Beading. We now turn to relate events — most important in their influence — which, during the last few months, had transpired ih the North. CHAPTER XXXIII. THE WAR OF THE REVOLUTION— CONTINUED. Tlio Invasion from Canada. — Appointment of General Gates. — Burgoyne'i Advance. — Jenny McCrea. — St. Leger besieges Fort Stanwix. — Tlie Attempt to relieve it. — St. Leger retreats. — Battle of Bennington. — Change of Prospects. — Battle of Behmus's Heights. — Ticonderoga be- sieged. — Burgoyne surrenders his Army at Saratoga. — The Prisoners. Capture of Forts on the Hudson. — Schuyler. CHAP. The ualooked for loss of Ticonderoga, with the disasters ' that so rapidly followed, startled the people of the nortli- 1777. ern States more than any event of the war. So little did Congress appreciate the difficulties under which Schuy- ler and his officers labored, that they attributed these misfortunes to their incapacity. John Adams, then Presi- dent of the Board of War, gave expression to this feel- ino- when he wrote : " We shall never be able to defend a post till we shoot a general." In the excitement of the moment, Congress ordered all the northern generals to be recalled, and an inquiry instituted into their conduct. The northern army would thus be without officers ; but, on a representation to this effect, Washington obtained a suspension of the injudicious order. Clamors against Schuyler were renewed with greater violence than ever. In truth, many members of Congress were influenced by an unreasonable prejudice, which had been excited in New England against him. When Washington, whose confi- dence in Schuyler was unshaken, declined to make any 1777. BURGOYNE'S proclamation — JENNY m'^crea. 429 change in the Northern Department, " Congress made the ^f'^^j nomination ; the Eastern influence prevailed, and Gates received the appointment, so long the object of his aspi- rations, if not intrigues." ' The -correspondence between Washington and Schuy- ler makes known the plan upon which they agreed to repel _ tlie invaders. This was to keep bodies of men on their flank and rear, intercept their supplies, and cut off the detachments sent from the main army. We shall see how completely this plan succeeded. Confident of subduing the " rebels," Burgoyue, on his arrival at Fort Edward, issued a second proclamation, in which he called upon the people to appoint deputies to meet in convention at Castleton, and take measures to re-establish the royal authority. To counteract this, Schuyler issued a proclamation, threatening to punish those as traitors who in this manner should aid the enemy. Burgoyne's proclamation had no effect ; the hardy yeo- manry were too patriotic. The whole northern portion of the country was deeply moved, and the militia rallied to arms. The Indians of Burgoyne's army prowled about the country, murdering and scalping. A beautiful girl, Jenny McCrea, the daughter of a Scotch Presbyterian clergy- man, of New Jersey, who died before the war, was visiting a friend in the vicinity of Fort Edward. Her family were Whigs ; she was, however, betrothed to a young man, David Jones, a Tory, who had gone to Canada some time before, and was now a lieutenant in Burgoyne's army. When Fort Edward was about to be abandoned, her brother urged her to leave with the families of the neigh- borhood, who were going out of danger to Albany. Slie lingered ; she hoped, perhaps, to see her lover, but as ' Washington Irving. 430 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAK PEOPLE. 9jJ\Yj danger drew nearer she prepared to comply with her ' brother's request. 1777. At the moment of leaving, a band of Indif^ns, sent by Burgoyne to harass the Americans, burst into the house, and carried her off a captive. Anxious for her safety, she jjromised her captors a reward, if they would take her to the British camp. On the way, the Indians quarrelled as to who should have the promised reward, and one of them in a rage killed the poor girl, and carried off her scalp. This murder sent a thrill of horror throughout the land. The people remembered the murders of former days, when the Indians were urged on by French influence ; and now they asked. Must those scenes be re-enacted by the savage hirelings of England, our mother country ? And they flocked in thousands to repel such an enemy. Thus " the blood of this unfortunate girl was not shed in vain. Ar- mies sprang up from it. Her name passed as a note of alarm along the banks of the Hudson ; it was a rallying- ing word among the green mountains of Vermont, and brought down all her hardy yeomanry." ' St. Leger bad passed up the Oswego, and was besieg- ing Fort Stanwix, or Schuyler. This fort was on the Aug-. Mohawk, at the carrying-place to Lake Oneida. With St. Leger was Sir John Johnson, with his Eoyal Greens, and his savage retainers, the Mohawks, under the cele- brated chief, Brant. This Brant had been a pupil in Wheelock's school — since Dartmouth College — establish- ed for the education of Indians and others. The fort was held by two New York regiments, under Colonels Ganse- voort and Willet. General Herkimer raised the militia of the neighborhood, and went to relieve the fort. But owing to the impatience of his men, he fell into an ambus- cade of Tories and Indians. Johnson's Greens were Tories from this vicinity, and neighbor met neighbor in deadly Washington Irving. 3. DEATH OF HERKIMER RETREAT OF ST. LEGEB. 431 couflict. It was one of the most desperate encounters of the war ; quarter was neither given nor asked. There were instances, when all was over, where the death-grasp HTT. still held the knife plunged into a neighbor's heart. It seems as if the fight had been presided over by demons. The brave old Herkimer was mortally wounded, but lean- ing against a tree, he continued to encouiage his men, till a successful sortie from the fort compelled the enemy to defend their own camp. The Americans retreated, taking with them their worthy commander, who died a few days after. The fort was still in a precarious condition, and must be relieved. When intelligence of this came to the army, Arnold volunteered to march to its aid. To frighten the Indians he employed stratagem. He sent in advance the most exaggerated stories of the number of his men, and proclaimed that Burgoyne had been totally defeated. As anticipated, the Indians deserted in great numbers. The panic became so great, that two days before Arnold arrived at the fort, St. Leger had retreated, leaving Iris tents standing. 22. General Schuyler now moved from Saratoga down to the mouth of the Mohawk, and there intrenched himself. The British had the full command of Lake George ; but, with all their exertions, they were nearly out of provisions. The distance from the upper end of that lake to the Hud- son was only eighteen miles, but so etfectively had the draft-cattle and horses been removed, that it seemed al- most impossible to transport their baggage. To obtain horses for a company of dismounted German dragoons, and seize stores collected at Bennington, Ver- mont, Burgoyne sent a detachment of Indians and Tories, and five hundred Germans, under Lieutenant-colonel Baum. He had been told that the grain and provisions deposited in that place were but poorly guarded. He was 432 HISTORY OF THE AMEBIC AK PEOPLE. CHAP, also made to telieve that five to one of the people were — royalists. ITTT. It was soon noised abroad that the enemy were on the way, and the Green Mountain Boys began to assemble. Colonel Stark having been slighted, as he thought, at the recent appointment of officers by Congress, had withdrawn from the Continental army. He was invited to take com- mand of the assembling yeomanry ; he accepted the invi- tation with joy. Expresses were sent in every direction to warn the people to drive off their cattle and horses, and conceal their grain and wagons, and also to Manchester, tor Seth Warner to hasten to Bennington with his regi- ment. When Baum — wlio moved very slowly, his men stop- ping in the woods every few minutes to dress their lines — ut was within six miles of Bennington, he heard of Stark's approach ; he halted, began to intrench, and sent to Bur- goyne for reinforcements. Colonel Breyman was sent to his aid, with five hundred Hessians and two field-pieces, A severe storm prevented Stark from making an attack, and also retarded the march of Breyman and Warner. During the night the Berkshire militia joined Stark. An incident may show the sjiirit of the times : " Among these militia was a belligerent parson, full of fight, Allen by name, possibly of the bellicose family of the hero of Ticon- deroga." ' " General," cried he, " the peoisle of Berkshire have been often called out to no purpose ; if you don't give them a chance to fight now they will never turn out acain." " You would not turn out now, while it is dark and raining, would you 7 " demanded Stark. " Not just now," was the re})ly. " Well, if the Lord should once more give us sunshine, and I don't give you fighting enough," rejoined the veteran, " I'll never ask you to turn out again. ' ' Irviiiff. BATTLE OF BENNINGTON CHANGE OF PROSPECTS. 433 The next morning the sun did shine, and Stark drew ^¥^i out his forces. When he came in sight of the enemy, . turning to his men he exchiimed : " There are the red- 1777. coats ! We must beat to-day, or Molly Stark's a widow." iJ^' The attack was made in both rear and front at the same time. The Indians and Tories generally fled to the woods. Baum defended his lines with great determination, and his field-pieces were well manned, but after two hours' fighting, the works were stormed. The Americans had no artillery, but they rushed up within a few yards of the enemy's cannon, the better to take aim at the gunners. At length Baum fell mortally wounded, and his men sur- rendered. Scarcely was the battle ended, when Breyman appeared on the one side, and Warner, who had marched all night in the rain, on the other. The fighting was renewed, and continued till night. Favored by the darkness, Breyman left his artillery and made the best of his way back to Burgoyne. About two hundred of the enemy were slain, and six hundred taken prisoners. A thousand stand of arms and four pieces of artillery fell into the hands of the Americans, who had but fourteen killed and forty wounded. What a change a few weeks had produced in the pros- pects of the two main armies ! To the American, the militia were flocking, the brigades from the Highlands had arrived, and Morgan with that terror of the Indians, his riflemen, five hundred strong. Disasters, in the mean while, crowded upon Burgoyne. The side enterprises of St. Leger and Baum had tailed ; the New Hampshire and Massachusetts troops were pressing on toward Ticondfroga to cut off his supplies and intercourse with Canada/ The Indians, in great numbers, were deserting. T^ey had taken umbrage because their atrocities were to be hereafter restrained Burgoyne was a gentleman, humane and cul- tivated ; he abhorred these outrages, and, to his honor be it said, preferred that the savages should leave his army, 28 Sept. 434 HISTORY OS THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, rather than they should remain and be unrestrained. The ' disgrace of employing them belongs to his government at 1777. home, not to him. It was at this juncture that Gates arrived to take command. He found the army in high spirits, nearly six thousand in number, and increasing every day. Schuyler met him with his usual highminded courtesy, explained fully the condition of the two armies, and offered him all the assistance he could give, by his counsel or otherwise. So little could Gates appreciate such generous impulses, that, a few days after, when he called his first council of war, he omitted to invite Schuyler. Leaving the islands at the mouth of the Mohawk, Gates moved up the river and took position on Behmus's Heights — a ridge of hills extending close to the river-bank and lying just south of Saratoga. There he intrenclicd his army by strong batteries on the right and left. Burgoyne had thrown a bridge of boats over the Hud- son, and led over tlie English portion of his army to Sara- toga, while the Hessians remained on the eastern side. Both divisions moved slowly down the river. There were deep ravines and woods between the two armies, and knolls covered with dense forests ; also, in one place, a cleared field. On the nineteenth it was announced that tlie enemy were in motion toward the American left. Here Arnold commanded, while Gates took charge of the right. It was the intention of the British to draw the Americans in that direction, and then to make an assault on their centre, when thus weakened, and cut their way through to Albany. Gates designed to wait the attack in his camp, but Arnold wished to hold the enemy in check, and not permit them to turn the American left. After much solicitation, he obtained permission from Gates to send Morgan with his riflemen to check the enemy. The rifle- men soon met, and put to flight the advance-guard, but pursuing them with two much ardor they came upon a BATTLE OF BEHMUS'S HEIGHTS. 435 stronpr column, and were themselves forced to fall back in ^^^}' confusion. Arnold now came to then- aid with other regi- ments, and soon he was contending almost hand to hand 1777. with the entire British right wing. He sent repeatedly to Gates for reinforcements, whicli the latter refused to send, and excused himself on the groxind that he would thus weaken his own wing ; and Arnold, with only three thousand men, was left for four hours to sustain the attack. The severest conflict was around, and in the open field. The Americans were posted on the one side in a dense ^^ wood, where cannon could not be used ; the British on the opposite side in a thin pine grove, where they could use their artillery. When the British would move into the field, the American riflemen would drive them back, and when the Americans became the pursuers, the British would sweep their ranks with their cannon. A dozen times this field was lost and won. The riflemen repeat- edly took possession of the British artillery, but the rough- ness of the ground would not permit them to secure the guns ; and before they could turn them, they themselves were driven off at the point of the bayonet. Night ended the contest ; the Americans withdrew to their camp, and the British remained on the field of battle. The latter lost more than five hundred, while the Americans lost less than three hundred. They looked uj^on the result as a triumph ; they had accomplished all they intended, and the enemy had failed in their designs. Two days before the battle of Behmus's Heights, a detachment of Lincoln's militia, under Colonel Brown, had seized the posts at the outlet of Lake George ; also a fleet of bateaux laden with provisions for Burgoyne's ar- my, and three hundred prisoners. The same party united with another, and laid siege to Ticonderoga. Burgoyne's intercourse with Canada was thus cut off; his provisions were fast diminishing, and his horses were dying for want of forage. At this moment of darkness 436 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, came a gleam of light — a note from Sir Henry Clinton — infoiming him that in a few days he woukl make an effort IV77. to aiscend the Hudson. In hopes of maintaining his posi- tion until Clinton could relieve him, Burgoyne hegan to fortify his camp. For nearly three weeks the two armies watched each other. Almost every day advanced parties skirmished, but as Gates was deficient in ammunition, he hesitated to attack. Meantime there was trouble in the American camp. The soldiers attributed the success of the late battle to generalship of Arnold. But for some reason, jealousy perhaps, Gates removed him from his command. Hearing nothing further from Clinton, Burgoyne re- solved to risk a battle, and cut his way through the oppos- ing force. He therefore sent a detachment of fifteen hundred picked men to take position within a mile of the Oct American lines. A New Hampshire brigade attacked this division furiously, and Morgan, with his riflemen, managed to cut them off from their camp. Arnold was in his tent, brooding over the treatment he had received, and had almost resolved to leave the army. Suddenly lie heard the noise of battle ; las ruling passion was instantly on fire. Mounting his horse, he rode with all speed to the scene of conflict. Gates, who saw him as he dashed away, exclaimed : " He will do some rash thing," and sent after him orders, by Major Wilkin- son, to return ; but in vain, — Arnold heard only the roar of battle. He rushed into the thickest of the fight, cheered on the men, who answered him with shouts of recognition. To those looking on, he seemed insane. By his exertions the British lines were broken again and again, but as often General Frazer would rally his men and renew the conflict. Piesently Frazer fell mortally wounded by one of Morgan's riflemen. The whole line gave way, abandoned their can- non, and with the greatest efibrt regained their camp. In buegotne's surrender. 437 spite of a shower of grape and musketry, the Americans l.'^^f"; rushed headlong to the assault. Arnold rode directly into _ a sally-port, where his horse was shot under him, and he 1777. himself was severely wounded — a hall had shattered his leg. His men now fell hack. A regiment of Massachu- setts men, more fortunate, forced their way through the German intrenchments, and maintained their position for the night, and secured a large amount of ammunition. The Americans slept on their arms, intending to renew the contest in the morning. But when morning came, Burgoyne's army, drawn up in order of battle, appeared on the heights in the rear. During the night, he had abandoned his sick and wounded, and skilfully led off his men. The next day he retreated to Saratoga, six miles distant. It was to cover this retreat that he ordered Gen- eral Schuyler's mansion and extensive saw mills to be burned. That he might continue his retreat, he sent a party to repair the bridges toward Fort Edward, but they found the way occupied by the Americans, who had taken nearly all the boats laden with provisions for his army. All the passes by which he could extricate himself werL- in the hands of his enemy ; cannon-balls and bullets fell almost every moment in his camp. He had only three days' provisions ; his effective force was reduced to four thousand men, and they were dispirited, worn out with hunger and fatigue. Not a word had he heard from Clin- ton, while the American army, already twelve thousand strong, was increasing daily. Burgoyne now called a council of war, which resolved to open negotiations with General Gates. Having heard that Clinton, a few days previous, had succeeded in taking Oct. two of the forts on the Hudson, and that he might possi- ^'^' bly reach Albany, Gates was disposed to make liberal terms. The conditions of the surrender were : That the British army should march out with the honors of war ; that the soldiers sliould be taken to Boston, and thence 438 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. XXXlfl *° England ; and they were not to serve against tlie United States until exchanged. The number of prisoners 1777. was about six thousand ; the arms, artillery, and military stores were immense. The German regiments saved their colors ; they took them off their staves, and concealed them among the baggage of the Baroness de Eiedesel.' The British garrison of Ticonderoga evacuated that place and retired to Canada. Congress refused to ratify the terms under which Bur- goyne surrendered. His soldiers, if taken to England, would doubtless be placed in garrison, while those thus relieved would be sent to reinforce Clinton at New York. Only Burgoyne himself, with two attendants, was per- mitted to iiroceed to England, while the soldiers were retained as prisoners. The following year they were marched to Charlottesville, in Virginia, where they were quartered in log huts, and where the greater number of them remained till the close of the war. As has been already stated, the garrisons in the High- lands were much weakened, by sending detachments both to the North and to the South. Sir Henry Clinton had received the long expected reinforcements from England, and he now proposed to force liis way up the Hudson, in order to unite with Burgoyne. On the day before that general's last battle, Clinton attacked and captured the 0(t. Jfyj-fg Montgomery and Clinton. Though the New York militia turned out well, the forts could not be maintained. Governor George Clinton commanded. He sent to Put- nam for aid, which he would have received had not the messenger turned traitor, and deserted to the enemy. Under the directions of Governor Tryon, Kingston, or Esopus, was burned. When these marauders heard that ' This lady accompanied her husband, Baron de Riedesel, during thia campaign. She ha.s left a thrilling narrative of the trying scenes at Sara- toga. SCHUYLER A MEMBER OF CONGRESS. 439 Burgoyne had surrendered^ they retreated, setting fire to S5A?, every house within reach. This was about the very time . that Burgoyne and his army were receiving liberal terms 1777. of capitulation. General Gates, in transmitting his report of the sur- render, did not send it to the Commander-in-chief, as was his duty, and as courtesy required, but sent it directly to Congress. The soldiers in the army attributed the success of the battles at Saratoga to the skilful management of Arnold and Morgan. Gates did not even mention their names in his full dispatches to Congress. Soon after, General Schuyler insisted that his manage- ment of the Northern Department, previous to the ap- pointment of Gates, should be investigated. A Court of Inquiry was instituted, and he was not only acquitted of the charge of mismanagement of an)"^ Ifind, but with the highest honor. Though strongly urged by Congress to remain in the army, he declined. He had too much self-respect to continue in a position where he could be made a victim of unfriendly prejudice, yet too patriotic to relinquish his country's cause. Soon after he took his seat as a member of Congress. CHAPTEE XXXIV. WAR OF THE REVOLUTION— CONTINUED. Sufferings at Valley Forge. — England disappointed ; conciliatory meagures of Parliament. — The War presses hard upon the American People. — Difficulties and Jealousies in Congress. — The " Conway Cabal." — Baron Steuben. — Attempt to increase the Army. — Congress in Want of Funds. — Exchange of Lee; his Treason. — Treaty with France.^En- cour:\gcraents. — British Coniniissioners. — Philadelphia evacuated. — Bat- tle of Monmouth. — Misconduct of Lee. — The French Fleet. — Combined- attack upon Newport fails. — Marauding E.tpeditions. — A British Fleet. — Massacre at Wyoniing and Cherry Valley. — Invasion of Georgia. 9^-^Z- The surrender of Buigoyne revived the hopes of the ■ Whigs, and sent dismay into the ranks of the Tories. 1778. Tjje American soldiers suffered intensely in their rude huts at Valley Forge. For days at a time without meat, and again without bread ; no medicines for the sick, nor comfortable lodgings. Many of the soldiers were so defi- cient in clothes that they could not lie down, lest they should freeze to death, but were forced to sit round their camp-fires. These were the men, few of whose names have ever reached us, but who clung to their country's cause in this hour of suffering, and who, in the day of battle, poured out their life's blood. They were, for the most part, the intelligent yeomanry of the land ; from the farm, from the workshop, from the merchant's store ; supporters of their own families, or sustainers of orphan brothers and sisters. What a contrast with the common soldiers of the invading THE FRIENDS OF AMERICA IN PARLIAMENT. 441 army ! They were, in part, the enlisted rabble of the ^{^ British Isles. In their bosoms there was not a throb of generous feeling, nor with them was it a question in what 1778 cause, or on what field they fought ; and yet in the same army were others, even more degraded, drawn from " the Bhambles of petty German despots." The king and ministry were sanguine their jjlans, so wisely laid, would be successfully carried out ; that at the end of the campaign the American army would be broken and scattered-; that they would have a line of posts ex- tending from Lake Champlain to the Bay of New York. Instead of the realization of these hopes, intelligence came that Burgoyne had surrendered his entire army. The sensation produced in England was great indeed. Kumora stole into the country, that France, their ancient enemy, was about to aid the Americans ; that Holland was about to loan them money. England's pride was touched. Should she, who had made all Europe tremble, be baffled in her efforts to subdue her revolted colonists ? A new spirit was awakened ; many of the large commercial towns offered to raise regiments to supply the places of those surrendered at Saratoga, and present them to the king. Yet there were others, moved by compassion, and it. may be by sympathy for the cause, who liberally subscribed money to relieve the wants of the American prisoners in England, whom the government had left to suffer for the. necessaries of life. These sentiments had their effect on Parliament, and when it assembled, the friends of America renewed their assaults upon the policy of the king. They, from the first, had opposed the war as unjust, and had opposed the en- listing of Hessians ; but more especially did they denounce the inhuman policy of employing savages to murder and scalp their brethren beyond the Atlantic. There were other causes of complaint. The merchants clamored for 442 HISTOKT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. xmv' '"*^'^'^"*^^'^ > *^^° American trade was broken up ; debta could not be collected ; especially were tbey aggrieved that 1778. the slave-trade had been reduced four-fifths. American cruisers had already seized nearly six hundred of their vessels. These cruisers swarmed to such an extent, even in the British seas, that it became necessary to convoy by armed ships merchant vessels from one port of the king- dom to another. More than twenty thousand men had perished in the war ; more than a hundred millions of dollars had been expended ; their expectations had been greatly raised, but as yet nothing was gained. Lord North was constrained to bring in two bills, by which the king hoped to reconcile his American subjects. On this occasion, the former declared in the House that he himself had always been opposed to taxing the colonies. The king, in truth, was the pi'ime mover and sustainer of the measure. One of these bills exempted the Americans from taxation, the other appointed commissioners to nego- tiate with them, for the purpose of restoring the royal authority. Thus was yielded, but ungraciously, the whole ground of the contest. * The moment the French government heard of the passage of these bills, it proposed to acknowledge the In- dependence of the United States, and to make with them a treaty offensive and defensive. That the belligerents should fight and weaken each other, France was willing, but rather than they should become reconciled, she de- clared for the Americans. Though the war had cost England much, it had cost the Americans more. In many portions of the country, their ruthless invaders had laid waste their cultivated fields ; in other portions they were unsown, because the husbandmen were in the army ; property was wasting away ; debts were accumulating, with no prospect of pay- ment. The bills of credit issued by Congress were almost THE EMBARRASSMENTS OF CONGRESS. 443 worthless. As with individuals, so with the State ; both ^?^^^: were bankrupt. On the sea-board, foreign commerce, the coasting trade, and the fisheries, were carried on at such 1778. risks, as to be almost annihilated. Nine hundred vessels had fallen into the hands of the enemy. The loss of life had been great ; not so many had perished on the field of battle, but disease, the deficiency of necessary comforts in hospitals, the want of clothes and of wholesome food, had as eff'ectively done the work of death. Multitudes died miserabl)', either in the jails and loathsome prison-ships of the enemy, or contracted diseases which clung to them through life. These calamities, instead of depressing the patriots, roused their indignant spirits to more determina- tion. They would listen to no terms of reconciliation with England, short of absolute independence. Congress was embarrassed more and more. That no- ble spirit of conciliation and mutual forbearance, which distinguished the members of the Old Congress, was not so prominent. Many of the ablest members had retired to take part in the recently organized governments of their own States, or to attend to their private affairs, lest their families should come to want ; and some had been sent on foreign missions, and some were in the army. There were other difficulties ; jealousies between north- ern and southern men still existed in the army, and jeal- ousies between American officers and some of those of foreign birth. Congress, now numbering not more than twenty or thirty members, manifested an undue prejudice against the army, because the officers and soldiers earnestly urged that their wants should be supplied. Washington protested against this spirit, and showed the unreasona- bleness of such a prejudice. After remarking that in other countries the army was looked upon with susjjicion in time of peace, he adds : " It is our policy to be prejudiced against them (the troops) in time of war ; though they 444 HISTORY OS THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, are citizens, Laving all the ties and interests of citizens." J '. In violation of military usage, and contrary to his advice, 3 778. Congress made several promotions in the army, which not only slighted bui wronged some of its best and bravest officers. While Washington labored at Valley Forge to keep the army together, and to prevent its disbanding from sheer necessity, a few were intriguing to remove him from the command. Some members of Congress, a few officers, and jierhaps some others, joined in what was known as the " Conway Cabal," a name derived from the Irish adven- turer, 'already mentioned, who, if not the prime mover in the plot, was a pliant tool of others. The whole truth on the subject can never be fully known, as each actor ever after desired to conceal the part he had taken in the affair. By means of anonymous letters, underhand appeals, de- signed to seduce the officers of the army, and other dis- honorable measures, the attempt was made to defame ' "Washington ; to draw invidious comparisons between his military successes and those of Gates ; and to destroy that confidence which the people and soldiers reposed in his integrity. They dared not attack him openly, but by these means they hoped to disgust him with his office, and induce him to resign ; and General Gates, their hero, would receive the appointment of Commander-in-chief. Thus the intrigue was carried on for months. General Mifflin and Gates himself were prominent in the scheme, but their effi)rts to win over Lafayette signally failed. Anonymous letters were sent to Henry Laurens, President of Congress, and to Patrick Henry, then Governor of Vir- ginia ; but these high-minded men forwarded them at once to the Commander-in-chief. Washington himself^ though he knew, to some extent, of the existence of these plots, never publicly noticed them, nor turned aside a mo- • ment from his great work. He was only anxious lest the THE CONWAY CABAL. 445 enemy should learn of these dissensions. But when it ^^^.^, was proposed in Congress to appoint Conway inspector of , the army, he remonstrated, and in writing to Richard 17T8. Henry Lee, then a member, he says : " General Conway's merit as an officer, and his importance in this army, exist more in his own imagination than in reality." Yet Con- gress, under the influence of the Cabal, appointed Con- way " Inspector of the Armies of the United States ! " — with the rank of major-general. Ere long intelligence of these intrigues stole abroad. So great was the indignation which burst forth from the officers and soldiers, from the Legislatures of the States, and from the people themselves, that the Cabal cowered before it. The effect of this abortive attempt to remove Wash- ington from the chief command was only to strengthen his hold on the confidence of the nation. The invidious com- parisons made between his successes and those of Gates, were unjust, but that some persons should be influenced by them is not strange. " The Washington of that day was not Washington as we know him, tried and jDroved by twenty years of the most disinterested and most suc- cessful public services." The capture of Burgoyne at Saratoga was due to his plan of defence, as concerted with Schuyler, and not to General Gates. In his effort to save Philadelphia, he was surrounded with almost insurmount- able difficulties. His army, ill-equipped and imperfectly disciplined, was smaller than that of Howe's ; the scene of operation was in a region filled with Tories, who gave every fjicility to the British. He says himself : " Had the same spirit pervaded the people of this and the neighbor- ing States, as the States of New York and New England, we might have had General Howe nearly in the same sit- uation of General Burgoyne." We may here anticipate. Conway found his position 446 HISTOET OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. i^P- unenviable, and he sent to Congress a note complainiug that he had been ill-treated, and intimated that he would 17T8. resign because he was ordered to the Northern Depart- ment. His self-complacency never doubted but he would be urged to remain as " Inspector." But Congress, ashamed of having ever appointed him, interpreted it as a resignation, and gladly accepted it. No explanation of Conway, though urged in person, could induce them to change their decision. Some time afterward he was wounded in a duel with General Cadwallader, who had charged him with cowardice at the battle of Germantown, and also of derogatory remarks in relation to the Com- mander-in-chief. When he thought himself near death, Conway wrote to Washington : " You are in my eyes the great and good man. May you long enjoy the love, ven- eration, and esteem of these States, whose liberties you have asserted by your virtues." He recovered from his wound, and soon after he left the country. During the winter at Valley Forge, every effort was made to increase the army, and make it more efiScient. To accomplish this end. Baron Steuben, a Prussian officer of great merit as a disciplinarian, was appointed Inspector, with the rank of major-general. Congress called upon all the States, except Georgia and South Carolina, for their quotas of men to the continental army. These States were excused, except for local defence, in consideration of their large slave population. Several independent bodies of horse were raised by Count Pulaski and Henry Lee, who, because of his success and genius as a commander of light-horse, was known in the army as Light-Horse Harry. Baron Steuben soon infused his own spirit into the officers and men. He was prompt, and they obeyed liim with alacrity. The tactics were taught by system, and the result was very gratifying. Congress designed to raise FINANCIAL DIFFICULTIES. 447 the army to sixty thoiisand, but it really never reached ^^ap. more than half that number. Many of the more expe- rienced officers were compelled by necessity to resign ; 1778 their families were dependent upon them, and they re- ceived scarcely any pay. These resignations were unfor- tunate. Washington appealed to Congress in behalf of the officers, and also of the soldiers. That body promised half pay for seven years to those officers who should serve to the end of the war, and to the soldiers thus serving a gratuity of eighty dollars. But the treasury was empty ; new bills of credit were issued, and the several States were called upon to levy taxes for the public expenses ; but the States were poor, and some of them were negligent. Their bills of credit continued to lose their value ; and to increase the evil, the British and Tories flooded the coun- try with counterfeits. The depreciation became so great, that a pair of boots cost more than seven hundred dollars in some of these bills of credit. Yet it shows the patriotism of the great mass of the people, that at this time of despond- ency and distress, the British, with their promises of gold and protection, coidd induce only three thousand five hun- dred Tories to enlist in their army. The office of quartermaster had been held during the last campaign by Mifflin ; but he was seldom at his post, and the department was in great confusion. Many diffi- culties had grown out of this neglect ; the army was irreg- ularly supplied with provisions and forage, while the country people suffered much on account of the demands made upon them for provisions by unauthorized foraging parties. At the urgent request of Washington, Congress appointed General Greene quartermaster. He assumed the duties of the office, so irksome to him, for one year, but without compensation. The system with which Greene performed all his duties was soon apparent ; the army was regularly furnished with provisions and ammu- 448 ■ HISTOET OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. ^HAP. nition, so tnat it could be ready to march at a few miu- utes' notice. 1TT8. General Lee was returned to the army in exchange for ■ '"' General Prescott. Lee was as selfish as he was destitute of the true nobleness of a man of honor. In a document in his own handwriting, written when a prisoner in New York, dated " March 29, 1777," and endorsed by Lord and Sir William Howe as " Mr. Lee's plan," may be found the evidence of his wiUingness to ruin the cause of Ameri- can Independence. In this elaborate plan, he urged with great earnestness upon the British ministry to send a large force ; part of which to take position at Alexandria, on the Potomac, and part at Aimapolis, on the Chesa- peake. Thus to separate the Northern and Southern colo- nies, and prevent them from aiding each other, while to oppose Burgoyne's advance would require all the force that New England could raise. He was willing to forteit his life, if the measure did not speedily terminate the war and dissolve the " Congress Government." For some reason the ministry did not adopt Lee's sug- gestion, and the document was filed away among British state papers, to bear testimony to the dishonesty of the author three-quarters of a century after his death.' In the Spring, Sir William Howe, after complaining that his government did not furnish him a sufficiency of men and supplies, resigned his command, and Sir Henry Clinton was appointed his successor. With the exception of foraging parties, the British, as yet, made no military ^>^y movements. About tliis time came intelligence of the passage of Lord North's conciliatory bills, and that the commissioners would soon be on their" way to open nego- tiations. The substance of these bills was circulated very extensively by zealous Tories. Congress ordered them to ' " Treason of General Charles Lee," by George H. Moore. Ksq., TREATY WITH FRANCE BRITISH COMMISSIONERS. 449 be printed in the newspapers, accompanied by a severe ^^jy criticism, furnished by a committee of the House. Presently came the news that France had acknow- lf78. ledged the independence of the States, and had entered 30.' into a treaty with them of commerce and defence. The light had dawned upon the American cause ! A thrill of joy went throughout the land. The treaty between the United States and France May produced a great sensation in England. It is madness to protract the war ! said the friends of America. Let us acknowledge the independence of the States, and obtain their good will by liberal terms of commerce, lest our great rival win them to herself But no ! the idea was scouted ; the war must be prosecuted, blood must still flow. In June came the commissioners to treat under Lord North's conciliatory bills. They were the Earl of Carlisle, William Eden, brother of the late governor of Maryland, and George Johnstone, formerly governor of Florida, and who had been a friend of the Americans in Parliament. The commissioners sent their proposals to Congress, but that body refused to treat, until the independence of the States was acknowledged, and the British troops with- drawn. As the commissioners could not grant these de- mands, negotiations were not commenced. Some of the commissioners indirectly resorted to bribery, and by means of a loyalist lady of Philadelphia, made projjositions to General Joseph Reed, of ten thousand pounds, and any office in the colonies he might choose, if he would aid the object of the mission. To which offer he made this mem- orable reply : " I am not worth purchasing, but such as I am, the king of England is not rich enough to buy me." When it was known that a French fleet was expected on the coast, the British hastened to evacuate Philadel- phia, and retreat to New York. Most of the stores, to- is. gather with the sick and wounded, were sent round by 29 •lijO HISTORY OF THE AMERICAK PEOPLE. CHAP, water, while the army, twelve thousand strong, took u]) its line of march across New Jersey. Washington was 1778. soon in pursuit. The weather was excessively warm, and the heavily armed British moved very slowly. The Ameri- cans soon came up. A council of war was held, and the question discussed, whether to attack the enemy and bring on a general engagement, or merely harass tliem on their march. Washington, with Greene and Lafayette, was in favor of the former manner of attack, and Lee, for some reason, strenuously advocated the latter. When it was decided to bring on a general engagement, Lee, as his advice had not been taken, declined to take any com- mand in the affair. Washington therefore sent Lafayette forward with two thousand men, to take jjosition on the hills, and thus crowd Sir Henry Clinton off into the plain. The next morning Lee had changed his mind, and asked to be given a command. Washington sent him forward with two brigades, and when he came up with Lafayette, being of superior rank, he assumed the command of the entire ad- vance division. The British encamped near Monmouth Court-house. There were morasses and groves of woods in the vicinity, a difficult place in which to manoeuvre troops, i'""" When Lee advanced, he found a force of apparently about two thousand on the march, but a portion of the woods obstructed a full view. He made his arrangements to cut off this force, and sent word of his movements to Washington. But when he came u])on the division, he foimd it much stronger than he anticipated — in truth, Clinton had thrown this strong force of German and Brit- ish there, for the express purpose of giving the Americans a severe check. The battle had scarcely begun, before occurred a misap- prehension of orders. The Americans began to retreat, and Lee, in the hurry of the moment, forgot to send word of 28. BATTLE OF MONMOUTH. 451 tlie movemeat to Washington, who was advancing with 59j,y the main body to his support. The retreat had passed into almost a flight. When Washington met the troops 1778. he inquired why they were retreating. The reply was, they did not know, but they had received the order. Sus- pecting that this movement was designed to mar the plan of attack, he spurred on, and presently met Lee, of whom he demanded, in a stern manner : " What is the meaning of all this, sir ?" Lee, disconcerted, hesitated for a mo- ment to reply, and was asked again. He then began to explain, that the confusion had arisen from disobedience of orders ; and, moreover, he did not wish to meet the whole British army. Washington rejoined, " that he un- derstood it was a mere covering party," adding : " I am very sorry that you undertook the command unless you meant to fight the enemy." Lee replied, that he did not think it prudent to bring on a general engagement. " Whatever your opinion may have been," replied Wash- ington, disdainfully, " I expect my orders to be obeyed." This conversation took but a moment. Washington hastily formed the men on a rising ground. The enemy came up in force, and other divisions of the Americans also mingled in the conflict. Night ended the battle. The Americans slept upon their arms, expecting to renew the contest in the morning. But Clinton skil- fully drew off his army during the night, and at daylight was far on his way. Washiugton did not attempt to pur- sue, as the weather was intolerably warm, and the march through a sandy region, destitute of water. The Ameri- cans lost altogether about two hundred, many of them on account of the extreme heat : the British about three hundred in the battle, and on the march two thousand Hessians deserted. After refreshing his men, Washington marched across New Jersey, passed the Hudson, and took position at White Plains, (o be ready to co-operate with the French fleet 452 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, in an attack upon New York. Lord Howe liad scarcely left the Delaware when Count D'Estaing appeared with a 1778 squadron. While at sea, D'Estaing communicated with Washington by letter. Finding that the British had evacuated Philadelphia, he put to sea, and soon anchored off Sandy Hook. The day after the battle, Lee wrote a note, disre- spectful in. its tone, to Washington, who replied ; and this produced another note from Lee, still more offensive, de- manding a court of inquiry, and in the mean time inti- mating that he should retire from the army. The court found him guilty of disobedience of orders and disrespect to the Commander-in-chief, and sentenced him to be sus- pended for one year from the army. He retired to his estate in Virginia, and there beguiled his leisure in writing scurrilous letters concerning the army and its commander. When his sentence of suspension was about to expire, he, for some fancied neglect, wrote an insolent letter to Con- gress. That body immediately dismissed him from the army. Thus ended the military career of Geneial Charles Lee. A few years afterward he died in Philadelphia. His life had been that of the soldier ; and in the delirium of death he murmured, " Stand by me, my brave grena- diers ! " The French fleet brought Monsieur Gerard as ambas- sador to the United States, and also Silas Deane, Doctor Franklin, and Arthur Lee, with whom, on the part of the United States, the treaty had been made. Howe ran his ships within the bay of New York, and as the large vessels of the French could not pass the bar at Sandy Hook, the combined attack upon the city was abandoned. Instead, it was resolved to make an attack upon Newport, on the island of Rhode Island. This was a British stronghold and depot, and garrisoned by six thousand men, under General Pigot. The brutality of these British troops had excited against them the bitterest THE FAILURE AT NEWPORT. 453 hatred, and when called uiDon by General Sullivan, who ™^,^: was in command, thousands of the militia of the surround- iug country flocked to avenge their wrongs. John Han- 117^. cock, on this occasion, led the Massachusetts militia, as general. D'Estaing sailed to Newport, where he arrived a week before the force sent by Washington under Greene and Lafayette, This unavoidable delay ruined the enter- prise. When the Americans appeared, the British guard left the works on the north end of the island, and retired to their inner lines. The Americans immediately passed ^"S- over and occupied the abandoned works. The very day of this occupancy, Lord Howe appeared with a fleet, and D'Estaing went out to give him battle. They both ma- noeuvred their fleets to obtain the advantage of position, when a terrible storm arose and separated them. 12. In the mean time, the Americans moved near the ene- my's works, and commenced to cannonade them, expect- ing that the French fleet would soon return to their aid. D'Estaing did return, but instead of landing the four -" thousand troops on board, he set sail for Boston to refit his vessels, which the late storm had shattered. The Americans now abandoned their lines, and by night retreated, repulsing the division of the enemy sent in pursuit. It was time, for the British were strongly reinforced from New York by four thousand troops, under Clinton himself. To deceive the enemy, and escape safely from the island, Sullivan sent a party to occupy a hill in sight of the British lines. The party began to throw up intrench- ments, and in the evening pitched their tents ; but as soon as it was night, they silently decamped, and in the morning were all safely on the main land. A great clamor arose because D'Estaing failed to co- operate with the Americans at Newport. Subsequent investigation seemed to justify him ; at least. Congress passed a resolution approving his conduct. This may, 454 HISTORY OF THE AMEEICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, however, have oeen mere policy, as Congress was uuwil- ling to offend the French by passing a vote of censure. 1778. The war degenerated into marauding expeditions against defenceless villages. The first object of this bar- barity was the island of Martha's Vineyard, whose inhabi- tants were stripped of every thing the robbers could carry off. The towns of New Bedford and Fair Haven were Sept. wantonly burned, and also seventy vessels in their ports. Scenes of cruelty were enacted in New Jersey, where an Oct. American regiment of horse was cut to pieces, and a com- pany of infantry, when crying for quarter, was butchered with the bayonet without mercy. When it was certainly known that a French fleet had sailed to the United States, the English ministry sent Admiral Byron in pursuit. He appeared off Boston har- bor while the French were refitting, but did not dare at- tack them, and the French were unwilliug to come out of their place of security. Lord Howe resigned his command into the hands of Admiral Byron. At length a storm arose which scattered the English fleet ; then the French N"v. slipped out of the harbor, and sailed to the West Indies. On the same day, five thousand British troops sailed from New York for the same destination. Three weeks after, another expedition of three thousand sailed for Georgia ; yet the British army remaining was far more numerous than the forces under Washington. During the summer, one of the most atrocious outra- ges which disgraced the war, was committed upon the settlement of Wyoming, situated in a beautiful valley on the Susquehanna. There had been previously much con- tention among the inhabitants, some of whom were Tories. These had been seized, and sent out of the settlement ; July, they took their revenge with more than savage ferocity After the defeat of St. Leger at Fort Schuyler, Fort Niagara became the head-quarters of Tories and Indians ; DESTRUCTION OF WYOMING. 45S at that place was planned the murderous expedition, ^^j^ The party was guided by Tories who had lived in the val- loy. The chief leader in this expedition was John Butler, 1778. a Tory notorious for his cruelty. His force, about eleven hundred, was composed of his Eangers, Johnson's Greens, and Mohawks. There were block-houses in the settle- ment ; to these the people fled in times of danger. Nearly all the able-bodied men were absent in the army under Washington. There were left only the women and chil- dren, the aged and infirm. Suddenly the savage enemy appeared at various points in the valley, and commenced murdering the husbandmen in the fields, and burning the houses. It had been rumored that such an attack was meditated, and a small force had already been dispatched by Washington to defend the settlement. They had themselves, under Zebulon Butler, (no relation of John Butler), about three hundred and fifty men. Unfortunate- ly, Butler did not wait the arrival of the reinforcement, but sallied forth to restrain the ravaging of the country. Intelligence of this intended attack was conveyed to the en- emy, and they were fully prepared. The fight began, and the Tories were forced to give way, but the Indians passed round a swamp toward the rear. Butler, seeing this move- ment, ordered his men to fall back, lest they should be surrounded. This order was mistaken for one to retreat ; all was thrown into confusion, and a portion, panic-strick- en, fled. They were pursued by the Tories and Indians with unrelenting fury. The whole valley was desolated. Those of the people who escaped, fled to the mountains, and there women and children perished by hundreds, while some, after incredible sufferings, reached the settle- ments. A month later, similar scenes were witnessed at Cherry Valley, in New York. The Tories and Indians were equally as cruel as at the Wyoming massacre. The peo- Aug. pie were either murdered or carried into captivity. All 456 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. ^^P- the region of the upper Susquehauna, the Delaware, and the Mohawk, was at the mercy of the savages. 1778. Ij2 i\^Q latter part of November, Clinton sent Colonel Campbell, with two thousand men, to invade Georgia. He landed three miles below Savannah, the capital, on the twenty-ninth of December. General Robert Howe, who was in command, could make but little resistance. He and his men behaved no- bly, but a negro guiding the British by a path through a swamp, they gained the rear of the Americans, wlio were now thrown into confusion and defeated. The town of Savannah fell into the hands of the victors. General Prevost, who commanded in East Florida, was ordered by Clinton to pass across to Savannah, and there join Campbell and assume the command. On his march, Prevost took Sunbury, a fort of some importance. Arriving at Savannah, he sent Campbell to take possession of Augusta. Thus was Georgia subdued, in the space of a few weeks. The British now transferred their active operations to the South, which became the principal thea- tre of the war till its close. General Benjamin Lincoln, who had been appointed to take command of the Southern Department, arrived about this time. The delegates from South Carolina and Georgia had solicited his appointment. CHAPTER XXXV. WAR OF THE REVOLUTION— CONTINUED. Dissensions in Congress. — Expedition against the Indians. — The War in the South. — Augusta reoceupied. — Charleston threatened. — Marauding Ex- peditions sent to Virginia, and up the Hudson. — Tryon ravages Con- necticut. — Capture of Stony Point by Wayne. — Lee surprises the Gar- rison at Jersey City. — Combined assault upon Savannah. — -Daniel Boone; Kentucky. — George Rogers Clarke; Kaskaskia. — Pioneers of Tennessee ; Nashville. — John Paul Jones. The American arm}'- was distributed, at the end of the (.g^p year, in a series of cantonments, which extended from the xxxv east end of Long Island Sound to the Delaware ; thus ,,,„„ effectually enclosing the British forces. The head-quarters were in a central position at Middlebrook, New Jersey. The British were so strong at New York and Newport, that to attack them with success was hopeless. The French fleet had been of no practical use to the Ameri- cans, and now Count D'Estaing took with him his land troops to the West Indies. Four years had passed since the war commenced ; the finances of the country were still in a wretched condition. The enemy held important places, and were watching for opportunities to pillage. In the South, the Tories were specially active. Yet there were other elements at work, more injurious to the cause than even these. Congress was filled with dissensions. The prospect 458 HISTORY OF THE AMEEICAN PEOPLE. ^\y of assistance from France caused many to relax theii efforts, as though the war was virtually ended. Wash- 1779. ington wrote, at the beeianin": of the year : " Our affairs ^B are in a more distressed, ruinous, and dej)lorable condition than they have been since the commencement of the war." A large majority of Congress was carried away with the scheme of joining with the French in an expedition against Canada. But when the matter was laid before the Com- mander-in-chief, at a glance he saw the difficulties of the undertaking, and, with the comprehensive views of the true statesman, pointed out the disadvantages of having, on this continent, a power different in nation, in religion, and in customs from the Americans. Moreover, he desired the people of tlie United States to be as little under obli- gations as possible to other nations. For the ensuing campaign, it was evident the British intended to confine themselves to pillaging expeditions, and to cripple the Union in the South. Washington now recommended an expedition against the Indians, to punish them for their outrages at Wyoming and other places. It was to be conducted on their own plan — to invade and lay waste their territory. In April a body of troops suddenly invaded and deso- lated the territory of the Onondagas. The principal ex- pedition, under Sullivan, went against the Senecas, to revenge their attack on Wyoming. With five thousand men he penetrated their country, met them under Brant, with their worthy allies, the Tories, Johnson and Butler, at Newtown, now Elmira, and completely routed them. an' Without giving them time to recover from their panic, SuUis'an pursued them into the valley of the Genesee, and in a few weeks destroyed more than forty of their villages, all their cornfields, gardens, and orchards. It was a ter- rible vengeance ; but the only means to prevent ihoir depredations on the settlements. CHARLESTON THREATENED. 459 Want of food compelled the Indians and Tories to chap emigrate to Canada, yet they soon after renewed their . depredations, and continued them, with their usual fero- 1770 city, till the end of the war. In the mean while, another successful expedition was conducted against the Indian tov^ns on the Alleghany, above Pittsburg. As in the North, so in the South, the British entered into alliances with the Indians — there they induced the Creeks to join them. The Tories desolated the upper part of Georgia ; but as they drew near Augusta, Colonel Pickens suddenly attacked and routed them. Seventy- five were made prisoners and condemned to death, as trai- tors ; however, only five were executed. Feb. The next month, General Lincoln sent General Ashe, viith two thousand nien, to drive Campbell from Augusta. Campbell, hearing of his approach, retreated in haste, and Ashe pursued, but was himself surprised, some days after, and his entire force dispersed. The British now reocciipied Augusta, and opened a communication with the Chero- kees and the South Carolina Tories. While Lincoln recruited his army, Prevost marched slowly in the direction of Charleston ; and Lincoln has- tened to the aid of that city. The inhabitants were indefatigable in their exertions to give the foe a warm reception. They threw up intrenchments across the neck Uay of the peninsula, on which their city stood. Presently, Prevost arrived and summoned them to surrender, but they boldly refused. He prepared to enter upon a regular siege, but hearing of the' approach of Lincoln, he first ravaged the planta- tions in the vicinity, carried off an immense amount of plunder, and three or four thousand slaves, and then re- treated toward Savannah, by way of the islands along the coast. As the hot season apjiroached, hostilities ceased. Juni^ While these events were in progress in the South, Clinton was fulfilling his instructions from the ministry to 460 HISTORT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. ^HAP. send out plundering expeditions. One of these, under General Mathews, he sent from New York, with twenty- 1779. five hundred men, into Virginia. The fleet entered the ^^ Chesapeake, the troops landed, and plundered the towns of Portsmouth and Norfolk. A little higher up, at Gos- port, was established a navy-yard by the State ; there they burned one hundred and thirty merchant ships, and several war-vessels on the stocks. The facilities afforded the enemy by the rivers to pass from point to point, and the danger of the slaves rising, prevented much resistance. When these soldiers returned, Clinton went up the Hudson, against the posts Verplanck's and Stony Points. These forts protected King's Ferry, a verj- important crossing-place, on the main road from the eastern to the middle States. The works at Stony Point— not yet fin- ished — were abandoned ; and the garrison at Verjilanckr's Point were forced to surrender. The next expedition, of twenty-five hundred men, was under Tryon, whose barbarities, on such occasions, have justly rendered his name infamous. Tryon plundered New Haven, and burned Fairfield and Norwalk. In the Jill J course of a few days, he burned two hundred and twenty- five private dwellings, half as many barns and stores, and five places of worship. Many of the inhabitants were murdered, or subjected to the brutal passions of the sol- diers. This "journeyman of desolation," so insensible to the promptings of humanity, contemplated these outrages with pleasure, and afterward even claimed for himself the honor of having exercised mercy, because he did not burn every dwelling on the coast of New England. Clinton had been grossly deceived by the Tories, who assured him that the principal inhabitants of Connecticut were so ranch dissatisfied because their homes were not protected by the American army, that they were about to withdraw from the cause, and put themselves under Brit- 4. CAPTURE OF STONY POINT. 461 ish protection. And it was thought a few more sncli ^^y- expeditions would accomplish this result. Washington now devised a plan to recapture Stony 1779. Point. The fort was so situated, that to surprise it seemed an impossibility. He proposed to General Wayne — " Mad Anthony" — to undertake the desperate enterprise. The proposal was accepted with delight. Washington himself, accompanied by Wayne, carefully reconnoitred the Point. The attempt was to be made at the hour of midnight. Every precaution to secure success was taken, even the dogs of the neighborhood were privately destroyed. A negro, who was in the habit of visiting the fort to sell fruit, and also as a spy for the Americans, was to act as guide. July The men, with fixed bayonets, and, to remove the pos- ^''• sibility of discovery, with unloaded muskets, approached in two divisions, at the appointed hour. The negro, accompanied by two soldiers, disguised as farmers, ap- proached the outer sentinel, and gave the countersign. The sentinel -was seized and gagged, and the second treated in the same manner ; at the third, the alarm was given, but the impetuosity of the Americans was so great, that in a few minutes the two divisions from the opposite sides of the fort met in the centre. They took more than five hundred prisoners. This was one of the most brilliant exploits of the war. How great was the contrast between the humanity of Wayne and the savage cruelty of the British in their midnight attacks with the bayonet ! Sted- man, the British historian, records that " the conduct of the Americans upon this occasion was highly meritorious, for they would have been fully justified in putting the garrison to the sword ; not one man of which was put to death but in fair combat." When Clinton heard of the taking of Stony Point, he hastily recalled Tryon, who was about to move against New London. The exploit of Wayne was speedily followed by another 462 HISTORY OF THE AMEEICAN PEOPLr. CHAP, daring adventure by Light Horse Harry. He had learned by reconnoitring, and by means of sjjies, the exact condi- 1779. tion of the garrison at Paukis Hook, now Jersey City, opposite New York. Thinking themselves secure from attack, because of their nearness to the main army, the officers, as well as men, were careless. Lee asked permis- ^"P- sion to strike a blow within " cannon-shot of New York." Washington directed him " to surprise the -fort, bring off the garrison immediately, and effect a retreat," and not to linger, lest he should himself be overpowered. About two o'clock in the morning they made themselves masters of the fort, and secured one hundred and fifty prisoners, with a loss to themselves of only two men. Soon alarm guns roused the garrison in New York, and Lee com- menced his retreat. The exploit redounded much to his credit, and that of his company of horse. In compliment, Congress voted Wayne, as well as Lee, a gold medal. An effort was again made to take Savannah. Count D'Estaing appeared with his fleet from the West Indies, and General Lincoln marched to aid in the siege. Several North Carolina regiments had been sent by the Com- mander-in-chief, and the militia, turned out well. Prevost made every exertion to defend himself But D'Estaing soon grew impatient ; he must return to the West Indies lest the British fleet might accomplish some enterprise of importance. The siege must be either abandoned, or the Qpt, town taken by assault. The latter was resolved upon ; 9- and it was undertaken with great disadvantages staring the assailants in the face. After they had carried some of the outworks, the Americans were forced to retire. Count Pulaski, when gallantly leading his men, was mor- tally wounded. The French, who were at the post of the greatest danger, were also repulsed, and D'Estaing him- self was wounded. Lincoln now retreated to Ciiarloston. disbanded the militia, and the Count sailed to the West Indies. Thus, for the second time, the French, under the EXPEDITION TO THE SOUTH — DANIEL BOONE. 463 same officer, failed to co-operate efficiently with the chap. Americans. Very great dissatisfaction was excited at this throughout the country. l''^''^^- Clinton obeyed his instructions from home, evacuated Newport, and concentrated his main force at New York, which place he thought in danger of a combined attach from the Americans and French. In truth, Washington, in expectation of such aid, had called out the militia for that purpose, but when he heard that the French had sailed for the West Indies, he dismissed them, and went into winter-quarters near Morristown, New Jersey. 25. When the coast was clear, Clinton sent seven thou- sand men by sea to Savannah, and soon after sailed him- self with two thousand more, leaving a powerful garrison in New York, under the command of Knyphausen. Dec. 29. Some years before the commencement of the war, Daniel Boone, the bold hunter and pioneer, had visited the region of Kentucky. Attracted by the fertility of the soil, the beauty of the forests, and the mildness of the climate, in connection with others, he formed a settlement on the Kentucky river. Thither Boone took his wife and daughters, the first white women in that region. There, ^'^'^• during the war, these bold pioneers were in perils, fighting the Indians and levelling the forests. Hariod, another bold backwoodsman, founded Harrodsburg. The territory on the lower Kentucky, had been purchased of the Cherokees. Though Dunmore, the governor of Virginia, denounced the purchase as illegal, yet in spite of his proclamation, and the hostility of the Indians, the people, in numbers, emigrated to that delightful region. The Indians at the West were becoming hostile under the influence of British emissaries. The principal actor in tliis was Hamilton, the commandant at Detroit, against which place Congress resolved to send an expedition. 464 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. V vvy While this was under consideration, George Eogers Clarke, an adventurous Virginian, set out from Pittsburg on an 1779. expedition against Kaskaskia, an old French town on the Mississippi. Clarke, though a backwoodsman of Ken- tucky, acted under the authority of Virginia. With two hundred men he floated in boats down the Ohio to the Falls, and there, on an island, thirteen families, his follow- ers, made a settlement. Joined by some Kentuckians, he proceeded down the river, to near its mouth. Then hiding his canoes, the company struck through the woods to Kas- kaskia. This town was claimed by the English since the surrender of Canada. The inhabitants were at once con- ciliated, when they heard of the alliance between the United States and France, and when they saw their relig- 1778. ion respected and their property protected. Clarke also " ^' entered into friendly relations with the Spaniards west of the Mississippi, at St. Louis. When he returned to the Falls, he built a stockade fort on the south side of the Ohio ; this was the germ of the present city of Louisville. Virginia claimed the region north of the Ohio, as con- quered territory, erected it into the county of Illinois, and made arrangements to keep possession of it. Other bold pioneers were, about the same time, pene- trating the wilderness further south. James Kobertson, from North Carolina, who, eleven years before, led emi- grants to settle on the head-waters of the Tennessee, now. May. with a company, crossed over into the valley of the Cum- berland. They passed down that river till they found a desirable location, a bluff on its south shore. The com- pany altogether amounted to nearly fifty persons. There, in the midst of the primeval forest, more than a hundred miles from the nearest settlement, they cleared some land and planted corn. Three of their number remained to guard the growing crop, and the others returned to bring their families. Emigration now began : one party set out through the wilderuess, driving their cattle before them ; NASHVILLE JOHN PAUL JONES. 4fi5 another, with the women and children, went on board of £^'^|'' boats, on the head-waters of the Tennessee. They were to pass down that river to its mouth, thence find their 1779. way up the Cumberland to the chosen spot. A laborious journey of more than six months brought them to their anxious friends. The settlement increased with great rapidity, notwithstanding the hostility of the Indians. Such were the beginnings of the now prosperous and beautiful city of Nashville. Congress, from time to time, made efforts to increase the continental navy, but many of the vessels had been lost. The privateers had aroused the ire and the vigilance of the entire British navy. Yet some American cruisers, fitted out in France, fearlessly sailed in quest of the enemy. The most distingtKshed of these commanders was John Paul Jones, a native of Scotland, but who had been brought to Virginia in childhood. He was one of the first officers commissioned by Congress for the navy. Jones, in command of the Ranger, of eighteen guns, spread terror around England, and even made a descent on the coast of Scotland. A small squadron of five French and American ships was fitted out at L'Orient, and placed under liis com- mand, to cruise in the British seas. Off the coast of Scotland, he met with a fleet of merchantmen, convoyed by a frigate and another armed vessel. It was night, and g^p^ the battle, the most desperate in the annals of naval war- 2!i fare, lasted three hours. Jones lashed his flag-ship, the Richard, to the British frigate Serapis, and thus, muzzle to muzzle, they poured into each other their broadsides. At length, both the English ships surrendered. Jones' flag-ship was so damaged, that in a few hours it went to the bottom. 30 CHAPTEE XXXVI. WAR OF THE REVOLUTION— CONTINUED. Hardships of the Soldiers. — British Success at the South. — Colonel Tarle- ton. — Charleston capitulates. — Defeat at Waxhaws. — Rev. James Cald- well. — Maraud into Jersey. — Fleet at Newport. — The South unsubdued ; her partisan Leaders.. — Gates sent to take Command. — Disastrous Bat- tle of Camden. — Death of De Kalb. — Sumter's Success and Defeat. — Treason of Arnold. — Major Andre. ^ — Movements of Cornwallis. — Colonel Ferguson. — Battle of King's Mountain. — Tatleton repulsed. — General Greene in Command. — Rancorous Spirit between the Whigs and To- ries. — British triumphant. — Affairs in Europe. — Henry Laurens. — Dan- gers of England ; her Energy. CHAP. This winter, like the precedincr, witnessed the hardships '_ of the soldiers, who were often in great straits for pro- 1780. visions, and other necessaries. The depreciation of the currency continued ; Congress was in debt, without money and without credit. To preserve the soldiers from starva- tion, Washington was under, to him, the painful necessity of levying contributions upon the people of the surround- ing country. Jersey was drained almost to exhaustion ; but her patriotism rose in proportion to her sacrifices ; at one time, when deep snows cut off supplies from a dis- tance, the subsistence of the whole army devolved upon her. " The women met together to knit and sew for the soldiery," and the farmers hastened to the camp with provisions, " stockings, shoes, coats, and blankets." A committee sent by Congress to inquire into the con- May, dition of affairs at Morristown, reported : " That the army was five months unpaid ; that it seldom had more than BRITISH SUCCESS IN THE SOUTH. 467 six days' provisions in advance, and was, on several occa- ^^^^- sions, for sundry successive days, without meat ; was des- titute of forage : that the medical department had neither 1780. sugar, tea, chocolate, wine, nor spirits." No other prin- ciple than true patriotism could have held men together in the midst of privations and sufferings such as these. In preparation for the ensuing campaign, Congress made great exertions to increase the army ; large bounties were offered, yet recruits came in slowly. The winter was exceedingly severe. The waters around New York were frozen, communication with the sea was cut off, so that the garrison and the citizens suffered for provisions. Knyphausen was alarmed lest the Americans should pass on the ice and attack the city ; his ships of war were frozen fast, and no longer useful to defend it. He transferred the seamen to the shore, and formed them into companies, and placed the entire male population under arms. But his apprehensions were groundless, as Washington was too deficient in men and means to make a successful attack upon the garrison. Id the South, the British were very successful. When Clinton arrived at Savannah, he immediately went North for the purpose of blockading Charleston. General Lin- j^^^ coin made every exertion to fortify the city. Four thou- sand of its militia enrolled themselves ; but the assistance received from the surrounding country numbered only two hundred men. South Carolina had represented to Con- gress her utter inability to defend herself, " by reason of the great number of citizens necessary to remain at home to prevent insurrection among the negroes, and their de- sertion to the enemy." The only hope of Charleston lay in the regiments then on their march from Virginia and North Carolina. These regiments increased Lincoln's 468 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN' PEOPLE. \xxvi ^^^^^ *° seven thousand, only two thousand of whom were continentals. 1780. The British occupied so much time in their approach, that an opportunity was given to fortify the harbor and city. It was of no avail ; the superior English fleet passed by Fort Moultrie without receiving much damage, though lour years before the same fort had repulsed a similar at- tempt. The channel, at this time, was deeper, and tlie vessels could pass. Sir Henry Clinton had lost nearly all his horses on the voyage ; but he had with him Lieutenant-colonel Ban- astre Tarleton, a native of Liverpool. Let us take a glance at the colonel, who figures so largely ip these south- ern campaigns. He was at this time only twenty-six years of age. He is described as short of stature, broad shouldered and muscular, of swarthy complexion, with a countenance lighted up by small, keen black eyes, the embodiment of ardent, prompt energy, and indomitable perseverance, that never pursued without overtaking ; always in front of his men ; as insensible to weariness as he was to fear. To be scrupulous was not one of his virtues. He soon, from friends or enemies, by money or by force, obtained horses for his dragoons. \pril Thirty miles from Charleston, at Monk's Corner, Gen- eral Huger and Colonel William Washington had two regiments of continental cavalry to guard the passes to the north country. On a dark night, Tarleton, guided by a negro, pounced upon them with his dragoons, and scat- tered them. Huger and Washington escaped, with some of their officers and men, but Tarleton took a hundred prisoners, and four hundred wagons laden with stores. Fort Moultrie surrendered, and soon after another division of American cavalry was almost annihilated by Tarleton, and Charleston was now completely invested. As the defences of the town continued to fail in suc- cession, Lincoln thought to abandon the place, and force CHARLESTON CAPITULATES. 469 his wa,y through the enemy ; but the superiority of the ^\^^l'' besiegers in number and position rendered that impossible. _ The British fleet was ready to pour ruin upon the devoted iTn'.'. town. Clinton had thrown uj) iutrenchments across the neck, and at this crisis Cornwallis arrived from New York with three thousand fresh troops. . •^IJj''" On the ninth of May commenced a terrible cannonade from two hundred cannons. All night long bombshc^Us poured upon the town, which at one time was on fire in five different places. The morning dawned, but no hope dawned for the besieged. Their guns were nearly all dis- mounted, their works in ruins, the soldiers exhausted by fatigue. The fleet moved to a position much nearer. The following night an ofi'er to capitulate was sent to Clinton. Negotiations commenced, which resulted in the surrender of the garrison as prisoners ol' war ; the militia were to be dismissed on their parole, not to engage again in the war ; with the promise, that so long' as they kept their parole, their persons and property should be secure. The whole number of prisoners was about six thousand. Mav This was an irreparable loss to the patriots. Immedi- ately after Clinton sent off three expeditions ; one to intercept Qolonel Beaufort, who was approaching with a • Virginia regiment to the aid of Charleston ; a second to- ward Augusta, and the third toward Camden. He also issued a proclamation, threatening terrible punishments on those who would not submit. This was soon after fol- lowed by another, which offered pardon to all those who would return to their allegiance, and assist in restoring the royal authority. When Beaufort heard of the loss of Charleston he commenced to retreat ; but there was no escaping Tarle- ton, who made a forced march of one hundred and five miles in fifty-four hours. He surprised Beaufort at Wax- . haw's, on the boundary of North Carolina, and scattered his men, giving them no quarter, but treating them in the 4:70 HISTOET OF THE AMEEICAK PEOPLE. xxxvi' ^'^^^ cruel and barbarous manner. This act has left a stain upon his reputation. 1780. The other detachments passed through the country, meeting with no resistance, as the people felt it would be useless to attack them. In a short time another procla- mation was issued, calling upon all, except those actually taken in arms, to renounce their parole, and take the oath of allegiance. During this time, the negroes in great numbers deserted their masters and fled to the British. June. South Carolina thus conquered, Clinton returned to New York, leaving Cornwallis to hold the country in subjection. Incidents show the spirit of the times. The Rev. James Caldwell, a Presbyterian clergyman, was pastor of a church at Elizabethtown. He had excited the ire of the Tories and British b^' his ardent appeals in the cause of his country. When he preached he would lay his pis- tols beside him : his eloquence stirred the people, with whom his popularity was unbounded. His church, a sort of rallying point, had been used by the American soldiers as a shelter, while its bell gave the alarm when the enemy approached. The Tories called him a "frantic priest," and " rebel firebrand ; " but the peoi)le spoki^ of him as " a rousing gospel preacher." During the winter a ma- rauding company of the British and Tories from New York burned the church, and Caldwell removed his family to Connecticut Farms, jiuio After Knyphauseu heard of the capture of Charleston, thinking that event would have an influence upon the people of Jer.sey, lie set out on an e.xpedition, landing at Elizabethtown, and penetrated as far as Connecticut Farms. He met, at every step, with the most determined opposition ; but, nevertheless, the village was sacked and burned. Mrs. Caldwell, in the midst of the terror and confusion, retired to a room in the rear of the parsonage, and knelt in prayer, having by the hand one of her chil- 5 THE MURDER OF MRS. CALDWELL. 471 dreii. Presently some one fired through the window, and chap. Bhe fell dead, pierced by two balls. The church and par- . sonage were both burned. Knyphausen, harassed by the 1780 militia, made an inglorious retreat. Meantime, the atrocious murder of Mrs. Caldwell rous- ed a spirit of revenge, unprecedented in its influence. She was highly connected and universally beloved ; the murder was thought to have been designed. Caldwell preached more " rousing" sermons than ever. Three weeks later, Washington moved some of his forces toward the Highlands, and Knyphausen once more landed in Jer- sey, and pushed on toward Springfield, hoping to gain the passes beyond Morristown ; but alarm-guns spread the news of his approach, and General Greene, who had been left in command, was on the alert. Knyphausen found as much opposition as on the other occasion. The Jersey regiment, commanded by Dayton, and of which Caldwell was chaplain, was engaged in the battle. The soldiers were in want of wadding, and the chaplain galloped to the Presbyterian church, and brought a quantity of Watts' psalm and hymn books and distributed them for the pur- pose among the soldiers. " Now," cried he, " put Watts into them, boys ! "' The Americans increasing, Knyp- hausen, after burning the village of Springfield, effected another inglorious retreat. The Baron De Kalb was sent, soon after the surrender of Lincoln, to take command of the army South, and all the continental troops south of Pennsylvania were detach- ed for that service. In the midst of these discourage- jj^roli ments, Lafayette returned from his visit to France. He brought intelligence that a French fleet, with an army on board, had sailed to America, and also there might be ' Washington Irving. 472 HISTOET OF THE AMEBICAN PEOPLE. xixn. ^^pscted soon a supply of arms and clothing from the same source. 1780. The several States were now urged to send forward their quotas of men and provisions, to enable the army to co-operate with the Fr('nch. In the camp there was al- most a famine ; a Connecticut regiment was on the point of marching home, where they cpuld obtain provisions. Congress was laboring to borrow money in Holland in order to supply these wants. A French fleet, consisting of seven shijjs of the line, and also frigates and transports, at length appeared at " •^' Newport. This was the first division, consisting of six thousand land troops. To avoid disputes that might arise from military etiquette, Count Rochambeau, their com- mander, was instructed to put himself under the command of Washington. The expected supplies of arms and clothing did not arrive, and for the want of them, the American army could not co-operate in an attack ujjon New York. The French fleet was followed by one from England, of equal strength, and now Clinton, trusting to his supe- rior naval force, made preparations to attack the French at Newport ; but as he and Admiral Arbuthnot could not agree as to the plan, the project was abandoned. The British, instead, blockaded the French. News came, not long after, that the second division designed for the Uni- ted States was blockaded at Brest by another British squadron. Thus, for the third time, the Americans were disappointed in their hopes of aid from the French fleet, and, instead, the militia of New England was called out to defend it at Newport. In the South was the quietness that reigns in a con- quered country ; but the unsubdued spirit of the patriots was soon aroused by their partisan leaders, — Sumter, Clarke, Pickens, and Francis Marion, the latter a Hugue- not by descent, and who had served against the Cherokees GATES ASSUMES THE COMMAND. 473 at the close of the French war. These leaders, with their ohai'. XXXVi bands, generally horsemen, scoured the country, and im- proved every opportunity to make a dash at parties of 1780. British or Tories. At first they were almost destitute of arms ; these their ingenuity partially supplied by con- verting scythes and knives fastened to poles into lances ; vyood saws into broadswords, while the women cheerfully gave their pewter dishes to be melted into bullets ; from nitre found in caverns in the mountains, and charcoal burned upon their hearths, they made their powder. So effectually did they conduct this irregular warfare, that ere long foraging parties of the enemy dared not venture far from the main army. If these patriots were repulsed in one place, they would suddenly appear in another, as vigorous as ever. While Sumter — characterized by Corn- wallis, as the South Carolina " Grame Cock " — with his band, was on the Catawba, Marion — known as the " Swamp Fox" — was issuing, " with his ragged followers," from the swamps along the Lower Peedee, Congress now resolved to send General Gates to take command of the southern army. Great exjjectations were raised when it was known that the conqueror of Burgoyne was about to assume the command. But General Charles Lee remarked, " That his northern laurels would soon be changed into southern willows." De Kalb, with the regiments under his command, re- tarded by want of provisions, moved slowly south. His soldiers could only by great exertion obtain their necessary supplies in the barren region through which they passed. Because of this want, he was forced to halt three weeks on Deep Kiver, one of the upper tributaries of Cape Fear River ; there Gates overtook him, and assumed the com- mand. Contrary to the advice of De Kalb and his offi- cers, who recommended a circuitous route through the fertile and friendly county of Mecklenburg, Gates imme- 474 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAi'. diately gave orders to march direct on Camden. He said the wagons commg from the north, and laden with pro- 1780. visions, would overtake them in two days. They marched through a region of pine barrens interspersed with swamps, and almost destitute of inhabitants. Their only food was green corn, unripe apples and peaches, and such lean wild cattle as chance threw in their way. The wagons never overtook them, but disease did, and the suffering soldiers were greatly enfeebled. After a toilsome march of nearly Aug. three weeks, he encamped at Clermont, about twelve miles from Camden. His army had increased almost daily, principally from North Carolina and Virginia, and now numbered nearly four thousand, of whom two-thirds were continentals. Lord Rawdon, when he heard of the approach of Gates, retreated and concentrated his forces at Camden, at which place Cornwallis had just arrived from Charleston to take command. Gates made a move the following night to take a po- sition nearer Camden, and Cornwallis made a similar move to surprise Gat«s. The advance guards met in the woods ; after some skirmishing, both armies halted till morning. A.ug. With the dawn, the battle commenced. The British rushed on with fixed bayonets against the centre of the American army, where the militia were posted ; they fled immediately, throwing down their arms lest they should be encumbered in their headlong flight. Gates himself and Governor Caswell were both carried ofl" the held Ity the torrent of fugitives. The continentals stood their ground firmly, until their brave commander, De Kalb, who had received eleven wounds, fell exhausted — then they also gave way. The American army was completely routed, scattered in small parties, and in all directions. Their loss, in slain and prisoners, was nearly eighteen hundred, besides all their baggage and artillery. The road was strewed witb 16. DEFEAT AT CAMDEN DEATH OF DE KALB. 475 tlie dead and wounded, the work of the British cavahy, ^HAP. • n ^ AAA VI which the impetuous Tarleton urged on in pursuit of the . fugitives for twenty-eight miles. I'^'^O Certain of victory, Gates imprudently made no ar- rangements for a retreat, or the preservation of his stores, but instead, he met with the most disastrous defeat ever experienced by an American army. Truly, his northern laurels had degenerated into southern willows ! A few days after the battle, he arrived with about two hundred followers at Charlotte, in North Carolina. De Kalb was found by the British on the field still aiive ; his aide-de-camp, De Buysson, would not leave him, but generously suffered himself to be taken prisoner. The Baron lingered for a few days. His last moments were employed in dictating a letter to the officers and men of his division, expressing for them his warmest affection. Some days before the late battle, Sumter fell upon a convoy of supjjlies approaching Camden for the British, and took two hundred prisoners. When Cornwallis heard of it, he sent Tarleton in pursuit, who rode so hard, that half his men and horses broke down. When he arrived on the Catawba, Sumter had reason to think himself be- yond pursuit, and halted to refresh his men, when he was completely taken by surprise, his company routed, and his prisoners rescued. Thus, within three months, two American armies had been defeated, and scattered in every direction. Gates continued to retreat toward the North, having now about a thousand men. Maryland and Virginia made great exertions to- recruit the army, but with little suc- cess. Cornwallis, instead of conciliating the people by clem- ency, excited them to intense hostility hy cruelty. Of the prisoners taken at Sumter's defeat, there were some who had given their parole not to engage in the war ; a por- tion of these were hanged upon the spot. There was 476 HISTOKT OF THE AMERICAN PEOFLE. 9¥Ay,- more revenge and hatred exhibited in the South Iiv the Whigs and Tories against each other, than in any other 1T80. section of the States. The severity of CornwalUs, how- ever, did not deter the patriots from action. Marion was stUl in the field, and the untiring Sumter soon collected another force, with which he harassed the enemy. Washington wished to strike a decisive blow, and he invited Kocharabeau, who was commanding the French troops at Newport, to meet him at Hartford, to devise a plan of attack upon New York. After consultation, it was found that the French naval force was insufficient to cope with the British fleet at New York. Accordingly, the French Admiral on the West India station was invited to co-operate ; and, until he could be heard from, the en- terprise was postponed. While Washington was thus absent from head-quar- ters, a nefarious plot, which had been in train for some months, came to light. One of the bravest officers of the American army was about to tarnish his fair name as a patriot, and bring upon it the scorn and contempt of all honorable men. It was discovered that Arnold had prom- ised to betray into the hands of the enemy the important fortress of West Point. The wounds he had received at the battle of Behmus's Heights had unfitted him for ac- tive service, and he was placed in command at Philadel- phia. There he lived in a very extravagant style ; in- volved himself in debts, to pay which he engaged in pri- vateering and mercantile speculations, most of whicli were unsuccessful. He was accused of using the public funds, and condemned by a court-martial to receive a reprimand from the Commander-in-chief, who performed the unpleasant dfity as delicately as possible. Yet Arnold felt the disgrace, and determined to be revenged. While in Philadelphia he married into a Tory family, which opened a way to an intercourse with British officers Hit TREASON OF ARNOLD MAJOR JOHN ANDRE. 477 merits as an officer were great, but Congress evidently ^lur took into consideration his private character. The mem- bers from Connecticut knew him well. He was prover- 1780. bially dishonest in his dealings, disregarded the rights of others, indifferent as to what men thought of his integrity, and to those under him cruel and tyrannical. In conse- quence of these inexcusable faults many distrusted him. The question has been raised. Why did Wasliington trust Arnold ? Evidently, because he knew him only as an efficient and brave officer. It is not probable any person took the liberty of whispering to the Commander-in-chief the defects of Arnold's private character. We know that during his whole life, Washington was governed by the principle of apjiointingto office none but honest men. In the midst of his troubles, Arnold's selfishness be- came superior to his patriotism, and he opened a corre- spondence with Sir Henry Clinton, under the signature of Gustavus. For months this continued, when he made himself known. In the mean time, he applied to Wash- ^"n ington and obtained the command of West Point, with the full intention of betraying that important post. In the British army was a young man of jjleasing ad- dress ; accomplished in mental acquirements, and as amiable as he was brave. Disappointed in love, he had joined the army and made fame the object of his ambi- tion ; as capable of planning the amusements for a ball or a masquerade as of fulfilling the duties of his office — that of adjutant-general. He won many friends, and with Sir Henry Clinton was a special favorite. It devolved upon this young man. Major John Andre, to answer the letters of " Gustavus." This he did under the feigned name of " John Anderson." When Arnold revealed his true char- acter, Andre volunteered to go up the Hudson on board the sloop-of-war Vulture, to have an interview with him, and make the final arrangements for carrying out the treachery. 478 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. xxxvi' "^^^ Vulture came to anchor a short distance below the American lines. Thence a flag was sent to Arnold, 17S0. giving him the information. In the evening the latter 2j/ sent a boat to bring Andi'e ashore. The night passed, however, before their plans were arranged, and Andre was compelled, though very unwillingly, to pass the next day within the American lines. During the day the Vulture attracted the attention of some American gunners, who began to fire upon her, and she dropped down the stfeara. For some unexplained reason, the man who had brought Andre ashore refused to take him back to the sloop, and he was forced to return to New York by land. He changed his uniform for a citizen's dress, and with a pass from Ar- nold, under the name of John Anderson, set out. Passing to the east side of the river, he travelled on unmolested until he came in the vicinity of Tarrytown. There he was arrested by three young men, John Paulding, David Williams, and Isaac Van Wart. They asked him some questions, and he, supposing them Tories, did not pro- duce his pass, but said he was " from below," meaning New York, and that he was a British ofBcor, travelling on important business. When lie found his mistake, he offered them his watch, his purse, and any amount of money, if they would let him pass. Their jjatiiotism was not to be seduced. Paulding declared that if he would give ten thousand guineas he should not stir a step. In searching his person, they found in his boots papers of a Sept. suspicious character. They brought him to Colonel Jami- son, the commanding officer on the lines at Peekskill. He recognized the handwriting as that of Arnold. The paper contained a description of West Point, and an account of its garrison. But he could not believe that his superior officer was guilty of treason, and had it not been for the protests of Major Talmadge, the second in command, he would have sent the prisoner to Arnold ; as it was, he sent him a letter giving an account of the arrest, and of 9 TRIAL OF ANDRE HIS EXECUTION. 479 the papers found upon his person. The papers he sent char by express to Washington, now on his way from Hartford. The letter came to Arnold while he was breakfasting 1780. with some officers, who had just returned from that place. Concealing his emotions, he rose from the table, called his wife out of the room, briefly told her he was a ruined man and must flee for his life. She fell insensible at his feet. He directed the messenger to attend to her, returned to the breakfast-room, excused himself on the plea that he must hasten to the fort to receive the Commander-in- chief. Then seizing the messenger's horse, which stood ready saddled, he rode with all speed to the river, sprang into his boat, and ordered the men to row to the Vulture. Thence he wrote to Washington, begging him to protect his wife, who, he protested, was innocent of any partici- pation in what he had done. When Andre heard that Arnold was safe, he wrote to Washington, confessing the whole affair. He was imme- diately brought to trial under the charge of being within the American lines, as a spy. Though cautioned to say g^^ nothing to criminate himself, he confessed the whole, and 29. on his own confession he was found guilty. The commis- sion to try him was presided over by General Greene. Lafayette and Steuben were also members of it. Andre protested that he had been induced to enter the American lines by the misrepresentations of Arnold. • Clinton made every effort to save his favorite. The amiableness of An- dre's private character enlisted much sympathy in his behalf. And Washington wished, if possible, to spare him ; but a higher duty forbid it. Inexorable martial law denied him his last request, that he might be shot as a soldier, and not hanged as a spy. Oct. 2 Cornwallis at length commenced his march toward North Carolina. His army was in three divisions ; one Sept. of which, under Colonel Patrick Ferguson, was to move 480 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, x\w' ^° *^^*^ ^^^^* ^^'^^^ ^^'° mountains, to intimidate the Whigs, and enroll the numerous Tories said to be in that region. 1780. The cavalry, and a portion of the light troops, under Taile- ton, were to move up the Catawba, while the main body, under Cornwallis himself, was to take the route by way of Charlotte, Salisbury, and Hillsborough, through the region in which the Whigs were very numerous. This was with the expectation of forming a juncture with troops sent to the lower Chesapeake from New York. As soon as the . British army began its march, the Whigs sprang into activity, and harassed them ; scarcely did an express sent from any division of the army escape being shot or taken. Cornwallis declared Charlotte " the hor- net's nest of North Carolina." Ferguson, the son of a Scotch judge of eminence, had entered the army from the love of military life, had seen service in Germany, and was deemed by Cornwallis an excellent officer. He excelled in the use of the rifle, and in training others to the use of that weapon. He was generous and humane ; in any enterprise persevering and cool. Over his company of light-infantry regulars he had control, and restrained them from deeds of violence ; but he was joined b}' a rabble of desperadoes and rancorous Tories. As they passed through the country, these Tories committed outrages upon the inhabitants. He met with scarcely any opposition. But information of these out- rages and of his approach had spread rapidly throughout the region. Little did Ferguson think that at this time, when he neither saw nor heard of an enemy — for all his expresses were cut off — that from the distant hills and valleys of the Clinch and the Holston, and from the eastern s])urs of the mountains, companies of mounted backwoods- men — their only baggage a knapsack and blanket, their only weapon a rifle — were passing silently through the forests to a place of rendezvous in his front. The most formidable of these were from Tennessee and' Kentucky, BATTLE OF KIXG'S MOUNTAIN. 481 under Colonels Sevier and Shelby, — afterward first gov- ernors of those States. Rumors stole into his camp that these half-farmers 1V80. and graziers and half-hunters were assembling ; but he scouted the idea that they could oppose him ; though, when he received more correct information, he began to retreat as rapidly as possible. He had not been long on his way when this motley host, three thousand strong, came- together. They held a council ; they were not to be baffled ; about nine hundred mounted their fleetest horses and started in pursuit. They rode for thirty-six hours, part of the time through a drenching rain, dis- mounting but once. Ferguson was astonished at their perseverance. He pushed for a strong position on King's Mountain, near the Catawba. This mountain rises almost like a cone ; its top was sparsely covered with tall forest trees, while at the base they were more dense. On the level space on the top he arranged his men, saying, with an oath, that the " rebels" could not drive him from his ■ .- Oct. position. y The backwoodsmen approached, reconnoitred, held a council, then dismounted to attack the .enemy in three divisions — in front, and on the right and left flanks. The battle .soon commenced, the Americans crept up the sides of the mountain, and with deliberate aim poured in their deadly bullets. Ferguson, on a white charger, rode round and round the crest of the hill, and cheered his men. No impression was made on the assailants. He ordered the regulars to charge bayonet, and they drove the left division down the side of the mountain — for the backwoodsmen had no bayonets. Presently the regulars were taken in flank, and they retreated to the top, where, by this time, the second division had clambered up. This they drove back also ; but before the regulars, now almost exhausted, could regain their position, the third division was on the plain. Thus it was, as often as a division retired before 31 . 482 HISTOKY OF THE AlIEEICAN PEOPLE. nxvi *^^^ tayonet^ another gave relief. Ferguson passed from _ point to point, and cheered and rallied his men ; but sud- 1T90. denly his white charger was seen dashing down the moun- tain-side without a rider : he had fallen by a rifle-ball. The animating spirit was gone ; the Britisli and Tories grounded their arms and surrendered at discretion. Three hundred had been killed or wounded, and more than eight hundred were made jjrisoners. The backwoodsmen lost but twenty slain and a somewhat larger number wounded. Ten of the Tories, who had been especially cruel toward their countrymen, were hanged upon the sjjot. The backwoodsmen disbanded and returned home ; their victory had revived the drooping spirits of the south- ern patriots. The battle of King's Mountain bore the same relation to Cornwallis, that the battle of Bennington did to Burgoyne ; and both were won by the undisciplined yeomanry. When Cornwallis heard of the defeat of Ferguson he retreated from Salisbury to Winnsborough, in South Car- olina. In one portion of the country Marion appeared, but Tarleton foj-ced him to retreat to the swamps. Then the active Sumter appeared in force again, and repulsed a detachment sent against him. Tarleton went in pursuit, but Sumter learned of his approach, and began to retreat rapidly, while Tarleton jaressed on with his usual vigor. Sumter chose an advantageous position ; Tarleton attacked him, but was repulsed, and in turn forced to retreat. Sum- ter was severely wounded : he was compelled to retire for some months ; his band, in the mean time, separated. Gates now advanced South to Charlotte. Here he was overtaken by Greene, who, on the suggestion of Washington, had been appointed by Congress to the com- mand of the southern army. Congress had also ordered an inquiry into the conduct of Gates. Greene found the remnants of the arn.v in a miserable CIVIL WAR IN THE SOUTH THE ARMED NEUTRALITY, 483 condition, without pay, without necessaries, and their S^^^ clothes in rags. To increase the army, divisions were sent from the North. Morgan with a regiment, Lee's body of 1780. horse, and some companies of artillery, were with Gates when Greene arrived. During this time, a civil war, almost savage in its character, was raging all over the Carolinas. Little par- ties of Whigs and Tories fought with each other whenever they met ; they ravaged each others' neighborhoods, and plundered the people of their furniture, and even of their clothes. The year was about to ond, with the British power triumphant in the three southern States. In Georgia the royal government was re-established, while the important points held in the Carolinas gave the enemy almost the entire control of those States. The numerous Tories were exultant, while the whole country was nearly exhausted by the long continuance of the war. During the summer of this year, it was thought Eng- land would find abundant emj^loyment for her armies and navy nearer home. Because she had the power, by • means of a vast navy, she assumed the right to board the ships of any neutral nation, and to search for merchandise contraband of war — a piactice as arbitrary and arrogant as it was unjust and injurious. Queen Catharine, of Rus- sia, would submit no longer to the imposition. She pro- posed to enter into a combination, known as the " Armed Neutrality," with Denmark and Sweden, to enforce the policy that " Free ships make free goods." That, in time of war, ships of neutral nations could carry merchandise without liability to seizure by the belligerent powers. The British ministry hesitated to enlist the whole maritime world against their commerce, that was already suffering much. Holland gave indications that she was willing, not only to join the "armed neutrality," but to enter into a commercial treaty with the United States. This inten- 484 HISTORY OF THE AMEEICAK PEOPtE. x)om' ^^*^° became known by the capture of a correspondence on the subject. The vessel on board of which Henry Laurens. 1780. the American Minister to Holland, had sailed, was cap- tured by an English frigate. Laurens threw the papers overboard, but an English sailor leaped into the water and recovered them. Laurens was descended from one of the many Hugue- not families that sought an asylum in South Carolina ; nor did he belie the nobleness of his ancestry. He was taken to England and confined a close prisoner in the Tower of London, on a charge of high treason, plied with inducements to desert his country's cause, but without avail. He stood firm, and was finally liberated, to pro- ceed to Paris, there to aid in negotiating a treaty with England herself, on behalf of his country, which had fought its way to independence. The British ministry demanded that this correspond- ence should be disavowed, but the States-General, with their usual coolness, gave an evasive answer. England declared war immediately, and her fleet exhibited theii • thirst for plunder by entering at once on a foray against the commerce of Holland throughout the world. England now had reason to be alarmed at surrounding dangers. Spain joined France, and their combined fleets far outnumbered hers in the West Indies. Holland de- clared war against her, while nearer home there was dan- ger. Eighty thousand Irishmen had volunteered to rejiel a threatened invasion from France ; but now these volun- teers, with arms in their hands, were clamoring against the oppression that England exercised over their industry and commerce, and threatened to follow the examjile of the American colonies in not using British manufactures ; and, what was still more ominous, demanded that the Irish Parliament should be independent of English con- trol. The whole world was affected by these struggles. Spain sent her ships to prey upon English commerce, and THE ENERGY OF ENGLAND. 485 an army to besiege the English garrison at Gibraltar, chap. DO xxxvx France had armies against her in America and in India — both aiding rebellious subjects. To meet tbese over- 1780. whelming powers, England put forth gigantic efforts. We must admire the indomitable spirit, that steady energy, with which she repelled her enemies, and held the world at bay. CHAPTER XXXVII. WAR OF THE REVOLUTION— CONTINUED. » The Spirit of Revolt amocg the Soldiers. — Arnold ravages the Shores of the Chesapeake. — Battle of the Cowpeus. — Morgan retreats; Coriiwalhs pursues. — Greene marches South. — Lee scatters the Tories.— Battle of Guildford Court House. — Conflict at Hobkirk's Hill. — The Execution of Hayne. — Battle of Eutaw Springs. — Plans to Capture New York. — Wayne's Daring at the James River. — National Finances. — Robert Mor- ris. — French and American Armies on the Hudson. — Clinton deceived. — Combined Armies beyond the Delaware. — French Fleet in the Ches- apeake. — Cornwallis in the Toils.— The Attack ; Surrender of the Brit- ish Army and Navy. — Thanksgivings. CHAP. The last year of the struggle for Independence opened, _" as had all the others, with exhibitions of distress among 1V81. the soldiers. The regiments of the Pennsylvania line, en- camped for the winter near Morristown, grew impatient at the indifference of Congress to their necessities. In truth, that body was more or less distracted by factions, and made no special . efforts to relieve the wants of the soldiers. Thirteen hundred of these men, indignant at Jan. gygjj neglect, broke out in open revolt, and under the command of their sergeants, marched off toward Philadel phia, to lay their complaints before Congress. General Wayne, to prevent their pillaging, sent after them provisions ; he himself soon followed, and urged them to return to their duty. The sergeants, at his in- stance, proposed to send a deputation to Congress, and to the Pennsylvania Assembly, but the soldiers refused to REVOLTS IN THE ARMY. 487 entertain the proposition, and persisted in going tliem- ^5^|^-jj selves. Though thns mutinous, they scorned the thought of turning "Arnolds," as they expressed it, but promptly \t8\.' arrested as spies two Tory emissaries sent by Sir Henry Clinton to tamper with their fidelity. -These emissaries were soon after hanged. Wayne in his zeal placed him- self before the mutineers and cocked his pistols. In an instant their bayonets were at his breast. They besought him not to fire, saying : " We love, we respect you, but you are a dead man if you fire. Do not mistake us ; we are not going to the enemy ; were they now to come out you would see us fight under your orders, with as much resolution and alacrity as ever." Intelligence of this revolt excited great alarm in Phila- delphia. Congress sent a committee, which was accom- panied by Reed, the President of Pennsylvania, to meet the insurgents and induce them to return to their duty. The committee proposed to relieve their present wants, to give them certificates for the remainder of their pay, and to indemnify them for the loss they had sustained by the depreciation of the continental money. Permission was also given to those who had served three years to with- draw from the army. On these conditions the soldiers returned to the ranks. When ottered a reward for deliv- ering up the British emissaries sent to corrupt them, they refused it, saying : " We ask no reward for doing our duty to our country." The discohtent spread. Three weeks after this afiair, the New Jersey line also revolted ; but that was sup- pressed by a strong hand in a few days. So much discon- tent in the army spread consternation throughout the country ; not, however, without a salutary effect. The patriots were awakened to make greater exertions to pro- vide for the necessities of the soldiers. Their self-denials, labors, and Bufi"erings had been too long overlooked. Urgent demands were now sent to all the States, 488 mSTOET OF THE AMEEICAN PEOPLE. tvxvn especially those of New England, to furnish the army with the proper necessaries. To encourage enlistments, 1781 some of the States promised to provide for the families of the soldiers, and Congress endeavored to obtain a foreign loan. Arnold, as the reward of his treachery, received fifty thousand dollars, and the commission of brigadier-general in the British army. Lost to shame, he put forth a " Proclamation to the officers and soldiers of the Continen- tal Army." He contrasted their privations and want of pay with the comforts and full pay of the British soldiers, and oiFered every man who should desert to the royal cause, fifteen dollars as a bounty, and full pay thereafter. The " proclamation" had no other effect than to increase the detestation in which the soldiers held the traitor. Clinton sent Arnold with sixteen hundred men, British and Tories, to ravage the coasts of Virginia. Thomas Jefferson, who was then governor, called out the miHtia Jan, to defend Richmond ; but only about two hundred men could be raised, and with great difficulty most of the pub- lic stores were removed. After Arnold had taken pos- session of the town, he proposed to spare it, if permitted to bring up the ships and load them with the tobacco found in the place, Jefferson promptly rejected the prop- osition. Arnold destroyed a great amount of private property, burned the public buildings, and some private dwellings. He then dropped down the river, landing oc- casionally to burn and destroy. Baron Steuben, who was at this time in Virginia en- listing soldiers for Greene's army, had not an adequate force to repel the invaders. Washington sent to his aid Lafayette, with twelve hundred men, principally from New England and Jersey. They hoped to capture Ar- nold. On the same errand, two French ships of war con- trived to enter the Chesapeake. Soon after, the whole BATTLE OF THE COWPENS. 489 French fleet, with troops on board, sailed from Newport S?^y(, for the same place. A British fleet followed from New York, and an indecisive engagement took place between 1781. them ofi' the entrance to the bay. The French fleet, worsted in the fight, returned to Newport, while the Brit- ish entered the bay and reinforced Arnold with two thou- sand men, imder General Phillips, who had recently been exchanged for General Lincoln. Phillips assumed the command, much to the satisfaction of the British ofiicers, who disliked to serve under the traitor. Thus, for the fourth time, the French fleet failed to co-operate with the American land-forces; in consequence of which Lafayette was compelled to halt on his way at Annapolis. Phillips, having now a superior force, sent detach- Mar. ments up the rivers and ravaged their shores. One of the vessels sailed up the Potomac as as far as Mount Vernon. The manager of the estate saved the houses from being burned by furnishing supplies. Washington reproved him in a letter, saying, he "would prefer the buildings should be burned, than to save them by the pernicious practice of furnishing supplies to the enemy." Cornwallis, who was at Wiunsborough, detached Tarle- i ton, with about a thousand troops, cavalry and light- infantry, to cut off Morgan's division, which was in the region between the Broad and Catawba rivers. When Morgan heard of Tarleton's approach, he retired toward the Broad River, intending to cross it. Tarleton pursued with his usual rapidity. Morgan saw that he must be overtaken ; he halted, refreshed his men, and prepared for the cunflict. He chose his ground at a place known as " The Cowpens," about thirty miles west of King's Moun- tain, and thus named because herds of cattle were pas- tured in that portion of the Thickety mountains. The '^'"' two armies were about equal in numbers. More than half of Morgan's were North and South Carolina militia, imder 490 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. rS^Yu Co^oi^sl Pickens. Morgan disposed bis men to the best advantage ; the Continentals on a woody hill, and the 1781. militia in a line by themselves. He was deficient in cav- alry, but placed wtiat he had under' Colonel Washington, as a reserve. The British and Tories, though fatigued by their last night's march, were confident of victory ; they rushed on with shouts. The militia stood their ground, delivered their fire, but quailing before the bayonet, they broke and fled. In pursuing the fugitives, the enemy almost passed by the Continentals, who, to avoid being taken in flank, fell back in order. This movement the British mistook for a retreat, arid they commenced a vig- orous pursuit, but when they approached within thirty yards, the Continentals suddenlj' wheeled, ijoured in a deadly volley, then charged bayonet, completely routed them, and captured their colors and cannon. Mean time the British cavalry, under Tarleton himself, continued the pursuit of the militia. While thus rushing on in con- fusion, the American cavalry attacked them in flank, and routed them also. These two repulses occurred almost at the same time, but in different parts of the field. The ■ enemy were routed beyond recovery, and the 'Americans < pursued them vigorously. The fiery Tarleton, accompa- nied by a few followers, barely escaped capture. Of his eleven hundred men he lost six hundred, while Morgan's loss was less than eighty. When Cornwallis, who was only twent3--five njiles dis- tant, heard of Tarleton's defeat, he at once determined upon his course. He thought that Morgan, encumbered with prisoners and spoils, would linger for some time near the scene of his victory. He therefore destroyed his bag- gage, converted his entire army into light troops, and with all his force set out in pursuit. His object was twofold ; to rescue the prisoners, and crush Morgan before he could cross the Catawba and unite his force with that of Gen» eral Greene. THE RETREAT AND THE PURSUIT. , 491 Morgan was too watchful to be thus caught. He knew ^^^^^j, Coinwallis would pursue him, and he left his wounded under a flag of truce, and hurried on to the Catawba, and 1781 crossed over. Two hours had scarcely elapsed before the British vanguard appeared on the opposite bank. A sud- den rise in the river detained Cornwallis two days ; in the mean time Morgan sent off his prisoners, and refreshed bis men. When Greene heard of Morgan's victory, he put his troops in motion, and two days after the passage of the* Catawba joined him and assumed the command. He was not yet able to meet the enemy, and the retreat was con- tinued toward the Yadkin, the upper course of the Peedee. His encumbered army could move but slowly ; just as his rear-guard was embarking on the river, the British van Feb. came up. A skirmish ensued, in which the Americans lost a few baggage wagons. To-morrow, thought Corn- wallis, I shall secure the prize ; and he halted for the night to rest his weary soldiers. The rain had poured in torrents, and in the morning the river was so much swollen, that his army could not ford it, and Greene had secured all the boats on the other side. The latter, though here joined by other divisions, dared not risk a battle with his unrelenting jmrsuers. He called out the militia in the neighborhood to check the enemy at the fords, and hur- ried on to cross the river Dan into Virginia, when'ce alone he could receive recruits and supplies. General Morgan, on account of illness, now withdrew from the army, and Greene left Colonel Otho H. Williams, with some light- armed troops, to keep the pursuers in check. As soon as possible Cornwallis crossed the Yadkin ; if the Americans could get beyond the Dan they would be safe, and he strained every nerve to cut them off. He supposed they could not cross at the lower ferries for want of boats, and that they must go higher up the stream, where it could be forded. With this impression he pushed 492 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. j^^p. for the upper fords, and Colonel Williams kept up Lis delusion by manoeuvring before him in that direction. 1781. But the judicious Greene, anticipating the movement, had taken measures to collect boats at the lower ferries, and sent forward Kosciusko to throw up breastworks to defend them. He now urged on his weary soldiers, at the rate of thirty miles a day, reached the ferries, and carried over his main body, and the baggage. Meanwhile, when they had sufficiently retarded the pursuers, by breaking down , bridges and carrying off provisions, the light-troops, as if for the night, kindled their camp-fires in sight of the foe ; 'T'' tben dashed off, and by a rapid march of forty miles, reached the ferries and passed over. In a few hours, the van of the British appeared on the opposite bank. Corn- wallis, in his movement toward the upper fords, had gone twenty-five miles out of his way. After a chase of more than two hundred miles, the object of his pursuit hiy in sight, but the waters between could not be forded, nor could boats be obtained. As the two armies rested in sig-ht of each other, how different were their emotions ! The one overflowing with gratitude, the other chafed with disappointment. The half-clad Americans had toiled for nearly four weeks over roads partially frozen, through drenching rains, without tents at night ; multitudes were without shoes, and in this instance, as in many others during the war, their way could be tracked in bloody foot-prints. Twice had the waters, through which they had safely passed, risen and become impassable to their pursuers, and again a river swollen by recent rains lay between them. Was it strange, that those who were accustomed to notice the workings of Providence, believed that He who orders all things, had specially interposed His arm for the salvation of the patriots ? After resting his soldiers — who, if they were compelled to march rapidly, were comfortably clad — Cornwallis com- GREENE MARCHES IN PURSUIT THE TORIES DEFEATED. 493 menced to move slowly back. He and his officers were !^!^i^y,, greatly mortified at their want .jf success ; they had made great sacrifices in destroying their private stores, that 1781 when thus freed from encumbrances, they could overtake the Americans and completely disperse them. A few days later, he took post at Hillsboj'ough, whence he issued another of his famous proclamations. General Greene refreshed his troops, of whom he wrote to Washington, that they were " in good spirits, notwith- standing their sufferings and excessive fatigue." He then repassed the Dan, and boldly marched in jiursuit, to en- courage the Whigs of the Carolinas, and prevent the To- ries from rising. It was rumoVed that Taileton was enlisting and organ- izing great numbers of Tories in the district between the Haw and Deep rivers. General Greene sent Colonels Mar. Lee and Pickens, with their cavalry, against him. On their way they met three or four hundred mounted Tories, wiio mistook their men for Tarleton's, and came riding up, shouting " Long live the king ! " It was for them a sad mistake. The Americans made no reply, but sur- rounded them, and without mercy cut them to pieces. Another exhibition of that deadly rancor that prevailed in the South between the Whigs and the royalists. This check taught the Tories caution, and materially dimin- ished their enlistments. Many others, on their way to the British camp, when they heard of this conflict, re- turned to their homes. Cornwallis, almost destitute of supplies, changed his Feb. position, and moved further South. Greene cautiously followed, not daring, from very weakness, to risk an en- gagement with the enemy's veterans, except when they were in small parties. As for himself, he was so watchful against surprise, that he never remained more than one day in the same place, and never communicated to any one beforehand .where he expected to encamp. 494 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP Fresh troops, in the mean time, were gradually joining him from Virginia and Maryland, and when his force 1781. amounted to four thousand, he left his baggage seventeen miles in the rear, and approached the enemy to give them battle. It was in the vicinity of Guilford Court House. 15.' He drew his army up in two lines ; the. militia, in whom he had little confidence, as they were apt to give wf y at the first charge, he placed behind a fence, and stationed sentries in the rear, with orders to shoot the first man who should run. The battle was fought in a region cov- ered with thick woods, with cleared fields interspersed. The North Carolina militia could not withstand the shock ' of the British charge, but threw down their arms and fled. The Virginia militia, under Colonel Stevens, stood their ground, and for a time kept up a destructive fire ; but they too were compelled to yield to the bayonet. Now the enemy pressed on in pursuit, but presently Colonel Washington charged them with bis horse, and drove them back. ■ Then again the British artillery opened upon the American pursuers, and they in turn were checked. Greene depended much on his Continentals, but one of the nevi'ly-raised Maryland regiments gave way before a battalion led by Colonel Stewart. The battalion was presently checked by Colonel Washington's cavalry, and the brave Stewart was himself slain. It was impossible to retrieve what the North Carolina militia had lost, and Greene ordered a retreat, which he conducted with his usual skill. Though Greene retreated from the field, Cornwallis was unable to pursue. More than a thousand of the mili- tia deserted and returned home, and Greene's army was soon as weak as ever. This has been thought one of the severest battles of the whole war. " The wounded of both armies lay scattered over a wide space. There were no houses nor tents to receive them. The night that followed the battle was dark and tempestuous ; horrid shrieks re- CONFLICT AT H^BKIRK'S HILL. 495 sounded through the woods ; many expired hefore morn- jP-SA^-, ing. Such is war ! " Cornwallis's army was so broken by this battle, and 1781. weakened by desertions and sickness, that it numbered but about fourteen hundred men. He was compelled to abandon his position, and fall back to Wilmington, near the seaboard. After recruiting his men, Greene boldly marched into South Carolina, and advanced rapidly upon Camden, where Lord Rawdon with a small force held April command. That central position was connected, on the one hand, with Charleston, and on the other with the strong forts of Ninety-Six and Augusta. Between these important points, there were several smaller posts. Lee and Marion were sent, with their ca.va.hy, to attack some of these. Greene himself advanced within two miles of the British lines, and encamped at Hobkirk's Hill, near a swamp which covered his left. Eawdon thought to surprise the Americans, made a circuit of the swamp, and came suddenly upon the camp ; but the sur- prise was only partial. Greene promptly formed his line. In moving along a narrow passage, the British were ex- posed to a severe fire, and the American infantry were about to attack them in flank, while the horse, under Colonel Washington, moved to charge them in the rear, Rawdon brought up his reserve to. counteract this move- April ment. A regiment of Continentals, in the American "^• centre, and, upon whom Greene depended very much, unexpectedly gave way, and thus threw the army into confusion, and a retreat was ordered. The loss on each side was nearly equal ; the Americans, however, brought off their cannon, and checked the pursuit. In the mean while several fortified places belonging to the British fell into the hands of Lee and Marion, thus breaking up the communication between Charleston and the interior. Rawdon abandoned Camden, and retreated to Monk's Corner, in the vicinity of Charleston. 406 HISTORY OF THE 'AMEKICAN PEOPLE. CHAP. Greene marched against the strong post of Ninety-Six, but after besieging it tor some time, he heard that Eawdon ■ 1781. had been reinforced, and was then hastening to relieve it. After making a vigorous attempt to take the place by assault, he raised the siege and retreated across the Sa- Jiine luda. The heat had now become excessive, and both 18 armies retired from active operations : the American on the hills of the Santee, and the British on the Congaree. Tlie British had lost in the space of seven months the greater part of South Carolina, and were now restricted to the region between the Santee and the Lower Savannah. The partisan warfare continued, although the main armies were at rest. The British resolved to execute as traitors those who had given their parole not to engage in the war or had re- ceived a protection, if they should be taken prisoners with arms in tbeir hands. A distingnislied citizen of Charleston, Colonel Isaac Hayne, had been taken prisoner at the cap- ture of that city, but owing to family afflictions — a sick and dying wife and helpless children — he gave his jmrole to remain neutral, and was promised protection. In vio- lation of this pledge, he was soon after ordered to take up arms against his countrymen. He refused ; but instead deemed himself justified in again joining the American army. He was again taken prisoner, and now condemned to die as a traitor. The inhabitants of Chavlestgu, Whig and Tory, petitioned for his pardon, yet Eawdon refused, and Hayne was hanged. His execution was looked upon as contrary to military rule, cruel and unjust. In the minds of the Whigs the bitterest animosity was excited. Greene thi-eatened to retaliate. The American soldieis were with difficulty restrained from putting to death the British offi- cers whom they took prisoners. When the heat of the weather somewhat abated, Greene moved from the hills up the Wateree to Camden, BATTLE OF EUTAW SPRINGS. 497 and thence across the Congaree and down it to tlie vicinity ^^^^j, of Eutaw Springs. The British, now under Colonel Stuart, retired before him; but the Americans surprised a large 1781. foraging party and took a number of prisoners. The re- mainder escaped and joined their main force, which im- mediately drew up in order of battle. Though the attack was made with great ardor, the enemy withstood it with determined bravery. The contest raged most fiercely around the artillery, which changed hands several times. The British left at length gave v/ay, and the Americans pursued, but presently the fugitives took po.ssession of a large stone house, surrounded by a picketed garden. From this place they could not be immediately dislodged. A Sept. British battalion, which had successfully resisted a charge ^• of the Americans, suddenly appeared a( the rear of th^ assailants. The latter, disconcerted by this movement, and thrown into confusion, began to retreat. The force of each army was about two thousand. The loss of the Biitish was seven hundred, and that of the Americans about five hundred. The victory was claimed by both parties, but the ad- vantage was certainly on the side of the Americans. Colonel Stuart, the British commander, thoiight it pru- dent to fall back to the vicinity of Charleston. Greene re- tired again to the hills of Santee to refresh his men, who were wretchedly oif for necessaries, being barefooted and half- clad, out of hospital stores, and nearly out of ammunition. Greene's military talents had been severely tested during this campaign ; he was as successful in attacking as he was in avoiding his enemies. In no instance was he really equal to them in force and equipments ; but he never fought a battle that did not result more to his ad- vantage than to that of the enemy. Their very victories were to them as injurious as ordinary defeats. It is not strange that he was the favorite officer of the Commander- in-chief 32 1781. Miiv. 4i18 HISTORY OF THE AMEIMCAN PEOPLE. ('HAP v.xxvii. While these events were in progress in the South, a series of important operations were also in train in the North. There were two objects, one of which might be attained : New York might be taken, as its garrison had been much weakened by sending detachments to the South; or Corn- wallis might be captured in Virginia. Bat neitlier of these could bo accomplished without the aid of a French army as well as fleet. While the matter was under con- sideration, a frigate arrived from France bringing the Count De Barras, who was to command the French fleet at Newport, and also the cheering news that twenty ships of the line, under the Count de Grasse, with land forces on board, were shortly to sail for the West Indies, and that a portion of this fleet and forces might be expected on the coast of the United States in the course of a few Till inths. Washington and the Count de Rochambcau had an interview at Wcathersfield, Connecticut, to devise a plan of operations. They determined to make an attack upon New York. The French army was soon to be put in motion to form a junction with the American on the Hudson, and a frigate was despatched to inform the Count de Grasse of the plan, and to invite his coopera- tion. Clinton, suspecting the designs against New York, be- came alarmed, and ordered Cornwallis, who was at Wil- liamsburg, Virginia, to send him a reinforcement of troops. To comply with this order, the latter marched toward Ports- mouth. Lafayette and Steuben cautiously followed. Their men numbered about four thousand ; the army of Corn- wallis was much more numerous and better appointed. Lafayette intended to attack the rear-guard of the British when the main body had passed James River. Cornwallis suspected the design, and laid his plans to entrap the Marquis. He sent over a portion of his troops with the pack-horses, and so arranged them as to make a great dis- play ; then threw in the way of the Americans a negro July 0." BAKING ATTACK BY WAYNE. 499 and a dragoon, who pretended to be deserters, and they xxxvii announced that the main body of the British army had passed the river. Latayette immediately detached Wayne l'i'81- with a body of riflemen and dragoons to commence the attack, while he liimself should advance to his sup- port. Wayne moved forward, forced a picket, which de- signedly gave way, but presently he found himself .close upon the main body of the enemy. In a moment he saw that he had been deceived. Wayne's daring nature de- cided his course : he at once ordered a charge to be sounded ; his men, horse and foot, caught his spirit, and with shouts, as if sure of victory, they dashed against the enemy with great impetuosity, gallantly continued the Hght for a short time, and then as rajiidly retreated. The ruse succeeded admirably. Cornwallis, astounded at the boidnc-s and vigor of the attack, hesitated to pursue, thinking the movement was designed to lead him into an ambuscade. This delay enabled Lafiiyette to extricate himself from his dangerous position. Cornwallis now crossed the river, but while the detach- ment designed for New York was embarking, a second com- munication was received from Clinton. He now announced the arrival of reinforcements of Hessians from Europe, and " also directed Cornwallis to retain all his force, and choose some central position in Virginia, and there fortify himself. " In accordance with this command, the latter chose the towns of Gloucester and Yorktown, situated opposite each other on York Kiver. Here, with an army of eight thou- sand effective men, he threw up strong intrenchments, and also moored in the harbor a number of frigates and other vessels of war. The financial affairs of the country continued in a de- plorable condition. Congress hoped to remedy the evil by 500 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. xxxlii ^PPO^tJDg ^ single superintendent of finance, instead of the committee to whom it had hitherto been intrusted. 178!. Eobert Morris, an eminent merchant of Philadelphia, one of the signers of the Declaration oi' Independence, received the appointment. He accepted the office only on the ex- press condition, that all transactions should be in specie value. The results vindicated the wisdom of the choice ; the genius jn furnishing the " sinews of war " was as efficient as that displayed by others in the field. At his instance Congress established the Bank of North America, with a capital of two millions of dollars, and to continue in force for ten years. The bank was pledged to redeem its notes in specie on presentation. This feature of the institution at once secured the confidence of the public, and the wealthy invested in it their funds. Operating by means of the bank, Morris raised the credit of Congress higher than it ever stood before ; and he was also enabled, in a great measure, to furnish supplies for the army and pay for the soldiers. Whenever pubhc means failed he pledged his own credit. Washington, on his return from the interview with Eochambeau, addressed letters to the authorities of New Jersey and New England, urging them in this emergency to furnish provisions and their quotas of men. But they , were dilatory and unable to complj', and he had but five thousand effective men at Peekskill, and they would liave been destitute of provisions, had it not been for the energy of Morris. The French army had remained inactive eleven months at Newport ; it now moved to join Washington in the July. Highlands. Information was received from the Count de Grasse that he would shortly sail with a large fleet for the United States. Washington and Rochambeau hastened their preparations to cooj^erate with him upon his arrival in the proposed attack on New York. An intercepted lettfer gave Clinton the knowledge of these movements, and CLINTON DECEIVED. THE ARMY ON THE MARCH. 501 he was soon oo the alert to defend the city. The British S^yXjr posts on Manhattan Island were reconnoitred by the Amer- icans, the combined armies were encamped at Dobbs' Ferry 1781. and on the Greenburg hills, waiting for reinforcements and the Count de Grasse. Presently came a frigate from the Count to Newport with the intelligence that he intended Aug. to sail for the Chesapeake. This information disconcerted all their plans ; now they must direct their forces against Cornwallis. To accomplish this effectively Clinton must be deceived and Cornwallis kept in ignorance. To " mis- guide and bewilder " Sir Henry, a space for a large en- campment was marked out in New Jersey, near Staten Island ; boats were collected ; ovens were built as if pre- paring for the sustenance of a laige army ; pioneers were sent to clear roads toward King's Bridge, and pains were taken to keep the American soldiers ignorant of their own destination. General Lincoln was sent with the first division of the army across the Jerseys ; he was followed by the French. Wagons were in company to carry the packs of the soldiers, to enable them to move with more rapidity. Washington sent orders to Lafayette, who was yet in Virginia, to take a position to prevent Cornwallis retreating to North Caro- lina ; to retain Wayne with his Pennsylvanians, and to communicate with General Greene. He also wrote to the Count de Grasse, who would soon be in the Chesapeake. Thus were the plans skilfully laid by which the con- test was brought to a happy issue. When the Northern soldiers arrived in the vicinity of Philadelphia, and found that they were really going against Cornwallis, they mani- fested some discontent in prospect of the long southern inarch in the month of August. At this critical moment, John Laurens, son of Henry Laurens, President of Con- gress, arrived from France, whither he had been sent to obtain aid ; he brought with him a large supply of clothing, ammunition, and arms ; and what was just then very 502 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, mucli wanted, half a million of dollars. By means of this, and with the aid of Morns, the soldiers received a portion 17S1. of their pay in cash. Their good humor was restored, and they cheerfully marched on. De Barras, who commanded the French fleet at New- Aiig- port, suddenly put to sea. Clinton at once divined the object was to unite, in the Chesapeake, with another French fleet from the West Indies ; and he sent Admiral Graves to prevent the junction. The admiral was aston- ished to find De Grasse, with twenty-five sail of the line, anchored within the Capes. De Grasse ran out to sea, as if to give the British battle, but really to divert their at- ^ept. tention until De Barras could enter the Bay. For five days the hostile fleets manoeuvred and skirmished. Mean- while De Barras appeared and passed within the Capes, and immediately De Grasse followed. Graves now re- turned to New York. Until the main body of the combined armies was be- yond the Delaware, Clinton supposed the movement was a Sejit. ruse to draw him out to fight in the open fields. Coru- wallis himself was as much deceived ; thinking he would have Lafayette only to contend with, he wrote to Clinton that he could spare him twelve hundred men to aid in de- fending New York. Not until he was fairly in the toils, when the French fleet had anchored within the Capes, did he apprehend his danger. Thinking that perhaps a portion of the American army might be sent back to defend New England, Clinton sent Arnold with a force, composed principally of Tories and Hessians, on a marauding expedition into Connecticut. But Washington was not to be diverted from his high pur- pose. While he and De Rochambcau are pushing on to- waid the head of the Chesapeake, let us turn aside to to speak of this maraud, which closes the career of f ho traitor in his own country. NEW LONDON BUKNED BY ARNOLD. 503 New London was the first to be plundered and burned, J-jJ^yn and there Arnold destroyed an immense amount of prop- erty. Fort Griswold, commanded by Colonel William 1781. Ledyard — brother of the celebrated traveller — was situated on the opposite shore of the river. This was assaulted, and after an obstinate resistance, in which the British lost two hundred men and their tw'o highest officers, it was carried. When the enemy entered, the Americans laid down their arms, but tlie massacre continued. Major Bromfield, a New Jersey tory, by the death of the two higher officers, became the leader of the assailants. Tra- dition tells that when he entered the fort he inquired who commanded, and that Colonel Ledyard came forward, say- ing, " I did, sir ; but you do now ; " at the same time Sept; handing him his sword : that Bromfield took the sword and plunged it into Ledyard's breast. This was the sig- nal for indiscriminate slaughter, and more than sixty of the yeomanry of Connecticut were massacred in cold blood. The militia began to collect in great numbers from the neighboring towns. Arnold dared not meet his enraged countrymen, and he hastily re-embarked. These outrages were committed almost in sight of his birthplace. Thus closed " a career of ambition without virtue, of glory ter- minated with crime, and of depravity ending in infamy and ruin." The combined armies arrived at Elkton, where they g , found transports sent by Lafayette and De Grasse to con- 27. vey them to the scene of action. Previously De Grasse had landed three thousand troops under the marquis St. Simon, to unite with the forces under Lafayette, Steuben, and Y/ayne. As had been anticipated, Cornwallis endeavored to force his way to the Carolinas, but the youthful marquis, whom some months before he had characterized as a " boy," was on the alert. He then sent off expresses with urgent 504 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. oxv^i ^PP^^^^ *° Clinton to send him aid. In the mean time he was indefatigable in strengthening his fortifications. 1781. The combined forces, French and American, were about twelve thousand, besides the Virginia militia called out by Governor Nelson, who, as the State treasury was empty, .pledged his own property as security to obtain a loan of money to defray the expenses. The Governor was a resident of Yorktown, and when the cannonade was about to commence, he was asked where the attack would be most eifective r "He pointed to a large, hand- some house on a rising ground as the probable head-quar- ters of the enemy. It proved to be his own." The plan of operations were speedily arranged, and the allies began to press the siege with great vigor. Their lines were within six hundred yards of the enemy's works, which they completely surrounded. General Washington himself put the match to the first gun. The heavy ord- nance brought by De Barras was soon thundering at the fortifications. The British outworks were very strong, and beyond these were thrown up redoubts to hinder the approach of the assailants. The cannonade continued for four days ; the enemy's outworks were greatly damaged and guns dismounted, while a forty-four gun ship and other vessels were burned by means of red-hot shot thrown by the French. Cornwallis withdrew his men from the outworks, but the redoubts remained. Two of these were to be stormed ; one assigned to the French, the other to 9';'" the Americans. The assault was made about eight o'clock 14 &'■ in the evening. The Americans, under Alexander Ham- ilton, were the first to enter ; they scrambled over the parapet without regard to order, and carried the redoubt at the point of the bayonet. The French captured theirs, but according to rule, and they sufi'ered more than the Americans in their headlong attack. The emulation ex- hibited by both parties was generous and noble. From 16. SUKKENDER OF CORNWALLIS. . 505 these captiuod redoubts a hundred heavy cannon poured J^'^yjj in an incessant storm of balls. Cornwallis, as he saw his , works one by one crumbling to pieces, his guns disabled, 1781. his ammunition failing, determined to make a desperate sally and check the besiegers. The British soldiers, a httle before daybreak, suddenly rushed out, and. carried two batteries, but scarcely had they obtained possession of them, before the French in turn furiously charged, and drove them back to their own intrenchments. But one avenue of escape was left ; — they must cross the river to Oct. Gloucester, cut a way through the opposing force, and by forced marches reach New York. Cornwallis resolved to abandon his sick and wounded and baggage, and make the desperate attempt. Boats were collected, and in the night a portion of the troops crossed over ; the second division was embarking, when suddenly the sky was overcast, and a storm of wind and rain arrested the movement. ' It was now daylight. The first division with difiiculty recrossed to Yorktown, as on the river they were subjected to the fire of the American batteries. Despairing of assistance from Clinton, and unwilling to risk the efiect of an assault upon his shattered works, or to wantonly throw away the lives of his soldiers, he sent to Washington an offer to sur- render. The terms were arranged, and on the 19lh of ^^ October, in the presence of thousands of patriots assembled from the neighboring country, Cornwallis surrendered seven thousand men as prisoners of war to Washington, as com- mander-in-chief of the combined army, and the shijjping, seamen, and naval stores to the Count de Grasse. At Charleston, when Lincoln capitulated, the Ameri- cans were not permitted to march out with their colors flv- ing, as bad been granted to Burgoyne, but with their colors cased. It was thought proper to deny them the courtesy granted at Saratoga, and the British soldiers wei-e directed to march out with their colors cased ; and Lincoln was deputed by Washington to receive the sword of Cornwallis. 19. 1781. 506 HISTOKT OF THE AMEHICAN PEOPLE. xvxvn Washington sent one of his aids to carry the joyful : news to the Congress at Philadelphia. He reached the city at midnight. Soon the old State-house bell, that five years before signalized to the people that the Declara- tion of Independence was made, now awoke the slumbering city to .hear the watchmen cry, " Cornwallis is taken ! Cornwallis is taken ! " The inhabitants by thousands rushed into the streets to congratulate each other. Con- gress met the next morning and proceeded in a body to a church, and there publicly offered thanks to Almighty God for the special favor He had manifested to their struggling country, then issued a proclamation appointing a day for national thanksgiving and prayer, " in acknowledgment of the signal interposition of Divine Providence." Through- out the whole land arose the voice of thanksgiving from the families of the patriots, from the pulpits, from the army. Never did a nation rejoice more. The clouds of imcertainty and doubt were dispelled ; the patriots were exultant in the prospect of peace and of the established freedom of their country. Their intelligence enabled them to appreciate the blessings for which they had so long struggled. If the battle of Bunker Hill, or the evacuation of Bos- ton, had led to a reconciliation with the mother country, how different had been their feelings. Then an affection, a reverence for England would have lingered, only to re- tard the progress of the Colonists — at best but half-forgiven rebels — and hold ihem subordinate to hei', not so much in political dependence as formerly, but sufficient to stifle that sentiment of nationality, so essential to the proper develop- ment of their character and of the resources of the country. We have seen how long it took illiberal laws, en- forced in a tyrannical manner, to alienate their affections. It now required a seven years' struggle of war, outrage and suffering, dangers and privations, to induce a pervad- ing national sentiment, rouse the energies of the people, THE CONTINENTAL SOLDIERS. 507 give them confidence, and lead them to sympathize with ^^^\'.'„ each other. Congress voted thanks to Washington, to the Counts 1781. De Eochambeau and De Grasse, and to the army gener- ally. Eulogies were showered upon the Commander-in- chief ; — the spontaneous outpourings of a grateful people, who, during tlie darkest hours of the contest, had in him unbounded confidence. Yorktown was now a name to be honored even beyond those of Bunker Hill and Saratoga. How much was involved in that surrender ! The long struggle was virtually ended. It had been a contest not for power, not for aggrandize- ment, but for a great truth and principle, which had been overshadowed by authority and pressed down by arbitrary rule. Said Lafayette to Napoleon, when he sneered at the smallness of the armies engaged in the American Revolution : " It was the grandest of causes, won by the sMrmislies of sentinels and outposts." It is true that the number who feU on the battle-fields was comparatively small. The names of but few of these have come down to us ; they were written only on the hearts of friends and relatives who mourned their loss. Scarcely was there a family but had a precious record ; the cherished memory of some one who had thus sacrificed his life. KoTE. — The number of soldiers furnished by each State to the Con- tinental army, during the war, may be seen by the following table : Massachusetts, . . . 67,907 Connecticut, . . . 31,939 Virginia, .... 26,678 Pennsylvania, . . 25,678 New York, . . . 17,781 Maryland, . . . 13,912 New Hampshire, . . 12,497 New Jersey, . . . 10,726 North CaroUna, . . . 7,263 South Carolina, . . 6,417 Rhode Island, . . . 5,908 Georgia, .... 2,679 Delaware, .... 2,386 231,791 CHAPTEE XXXVIII. CLOSING EVENTS OP THE WAR— FORMATION OF THE CONSTI- TUTION. British Efforts Paralyzed. — The States form Independent Governments. — Indian Wars. — Massacre of the Christian Delawares. — Battle of the Blue Lick. — Carleton supersedes Clinton. — Commissioners of Peace. — The common Distress. — Dissatisfaction in the .\rniy. — The " Anonymous Address." — Peace concluded. — British Prisoners ; the Tories. — Dishand- ment of the American Army. — Washington takes leave of his Officers. — Resigns his Commission. — Shay's Rebellion. — Interests of the States clash. — The Constitutional Convention.- — The Constitution ratified by the States. — The Territory Xorth-west of the Ohio. — Ecclesiastical Or- ganizations. CHAP. On the very clay that Cornwallis surrendered, Clinton -X XXV'IIL ^ %! ' ' sailed to his aid with seven thousand men. When off the 1781. entrance to the Chesapeake, he learned, to his astonish- ment, that all was lost. As the British fleet was much inferior to that of the French, he hastily returned to New York Washington requested Coiint de Grasse to cooperate with General Greene in an attack upon Charleston, but De Grasse pleaded the necessity of his presence in the West Indies, and excused himself. The Americans now returned to their old quarters on the Hudson. The French army wintered at Williamsburg in Virginia, while the British prisoners were marched to Winchester. The capture of Cornwallis paralyzed the efforts of the THE STATE GOVERNMENTS — BORDER WARFARE. , 509 British and Tories. In the Soutii they evacuated all the „^^-^'j- posts in their possession, except Savannah and Charieston ; hefore the latter place Greene soon appeared, and disposed ITSI. his forces so as to confine them closely to the town. In the North, the only place held by the enemy was New York. Washington never for a moment relaxed his watchful- ness, but urged upon Congress and the States to prepare for a vigorous campaign the next year. But so impover- ished had the country become, that to raise men and money seemed almost impossible, while the prospect of peace furnished excuses for delay. The several States now took measures to form inde- pendent governments, or to strengthen or modify those already in existence. Some of these had been hastily formed, and, consequently, were more or less defective. The custom was introduced of sending delegates to con- ventions called for the purpose of framing constitutions, which were submitted to the people for their approval or rejection. The common law of England was adopted, and made the basis in the administration of justice in the courts. A cruel border warfare was still continued by incur- sions of Indians against the back settlements of Pennsyl- vania and Virginia, and against the frontiers of New York, by Indians and Tories. Many of the Delaware Indians, under the influence of Moravian teachers, had become Christian, and so for im- bibed the principles uf their instructors as to be opposed to war. Some of these, nearly twenty years before, had emigrated from the banks of the Susquehanna and settled on the Muskingum, where they had three flourishing vil- lages, surrounded by corn-fields. The hostile Indians from the lakes, in their incursions against the frontiers of Pennsylvania and Virginia, robbed these Delawares of 510 t BISTORT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, their provisions. The Delawares became obiects of sus- XXXVIII '. picion to both the hostile Indians and the whites. The 1781. former accused them of revealing their plans, the latter of conniving at the incnrsions of their enemies, and the hostile Indians compelled them to emigrate to the vicinity of San- dusky. In the mean time, murders had been committed by the 8hawanese in the vicinity of Pittsburg. A company of eighty or ninety backwoodsmen volunteered, under a Colo- nel Williamson, to take revenge on the supposed murderers — the Christian Delawares — a portion of whom had re- turned to their old home to gather their corn. The expe- dition reached the villages on the Muskingum, collected the victims, it would seem, imder the pretence of friend- ship, then barbarously and in cold blood murdered about 2Y.S2' ninety of these inofiensive creatures, — men, women, and children. This success excited to other invasions, and four hun- dred and eighty men, under Colonels Williamson and Crawford, marched from Western Pennsylvania to surprise the remnants of the Christian Indians at Sandusky, and also to attack the village of the hostile Wj'andottes. The ji,i,p Indians learned of their approach, waited for them in am- 6. bnsh, and defeated them ; took many prisoners, among wliom were Crawford, his son, and son-in-law. These three they burned at the stake. About the same time, a large body of the Indians north of the Ohio, led by the infamous Simon Girty, a tory refugee, invaded Kentucky. They were met by the Kentuckians, under Colonels Boone, Todd, and Triggs, at the Big Blue Lick, when a bloody and desperate encounter ensued. But overwhelmed by numbers, nearly one-half the Kentuckians were either killed or taken prisoners. After the capture at Yorktown no battle occurred be- tween the main armies, and but one or two skirmishes. "^'" In one of these, in the vicinity of Charleston, the yonngei PEOPLE OF ENGLAND DESIRE TO CLOSE THE WAR. 511 W'XVIII Laiireni? was slain — a young man (if great promise, who ^«^\| was universally lamented. Among the English people at large the desire to close the war had greatly increased. With them it had ever been unpopular ; they were unwilling that their brethren beyond the Atlantic should be deprived of the rights which they themselves so much valued. The intelligence of the sur- render of Cornwallis created among them stronger opposi- tion than ever to the harsh measures of the Government. Yet the war party — the King and Ministry, and the majority of the aristocracy — were unwilling to yield to the pressure of public opinion. They were thunderstruck at this unex- pected disaster. Says a British writer: "Lord North re- ceived the intelligence of the capture of Cornwallis as he would have done a cannon-ball in his breast ; he paced the room, and throwing his arms wildly about, kept exclaiming, ' Grod ! it is all over ; it is all orer ! ' " For twelve years he liud been prime minister. The pliant servant of the King, lie had ever been in favor of prosecuting the war, but now 1 he voice of the English people compelled him to resign. Sir Guy Carleton, whom we have seen winning the re- i^[ViCt of the Americans, by his upright and honorable con- duct when Governor of Canada, was appointed to succeed Sir Henry Clinton. In the following May he arrived at New York, empowered to make propositions for peace. He immediately addressed a letter to Washington, proposing a cessation of hostilities, and also issued orders, in which he forbade the marauding incursions of the Indians and Tories on the frontiers of Western New York. Congress appointed five commissioners to conclude a treaty with Great Britain. These were : John Adams, Doctor Franklin, John Jay, Henry Laurens, who, lately released from his confinement in the Tower, was yet in London, and Thomas Jefferson ; — the latter, however, de- '•lined to serve. They met at Paris two British Commis- sioners, who had been authorized to treat with "certain 512 HISTORY or THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAi'. colonics" named in their instructions. The American XXXVIII, . . n 1 ... (Jommissioners reiused to enter upon negotiations, unless 1782. in the name of the " United States of America ; " — they claimed the right to be recognized a power among the nations. This right was acknowledged by Britain, and on the 30th of November the parties signed a preliminary treaty, which Congress ratified the following April. Ne- gotiations continued, and the final treaty was signed on 178.3. the 3d of September following. France and England in the mean time likewise concluded a treaty of peace. Tlie American Commissioners also negotiated treaties of com- merce with Spain and Holland. •Though the war was ended, the American people had numberless difficulties with which to contend. The army, that through the many trials of the contest had remained' faithful, was in a deplorable condition. The half-pay for life, which, three years before, Congress had promised to the officers, proved to be only a promise. Washington wrote confidentially to the Secretary of War in behalf of those about to be discharged from the service : " I caunot help fearing the result, when I see such a number of men about to be turned on the world, soured by penury, in- volved in debts, without one farthing to carry them home, after having spent the flower of their days, and many of them their patrimonies, in establishing the freedom and independence of tlieir country, and having suffered every thing which human nature is cajiable of enduring on this side of death. You may rely upon it, the patience and long sufferance of this army are almost exhausted, and there never was so great a spirit of discontent as at this instant," Mar. At this crisis an address, plausibly written, was privately circulated in the camp. It suggested to the officers and men the propriety of taking upon themselves to redress their grievances ; that they should intimidate Congres.*; and compel it to -pny their just demands. THE ANONYMOUS ADDRESSES. 513 The address seems to have been the embodied senti- ments of some half dozen officers, although -written by Captain Armstrong, the son of General Armstrong of Pennsylvania. A call was issued for a meeting of the officers, but the next morning, in the regular orders for the day, Washington took occasion to disapprove of the meet- ing as a violation of discipline. He also named a day for the officers to assemble and hear the report of a committee of their number who had been sent to lay their demands before Congress. The next day a second anonymous ad- dress wa.? issued, but somewhat more moderate in tone than the first. The officers met according to appoint- ment, and Gates, being second in command, was made chairman of the meeting. Washington presently came in, made them a- soothing address, appealed to their patriotism and to their own fair fame in toiling for their country, and now were they willing . to tarnish their name or distrust their country's justice ? He pledged his word to use his influence with Congress to fulfil its promises. He then withdrew. The meeting passed resolutions which con- demned in severe terms the spirit of the anonymous ad- dress. Congress soon after resolved to accede to the proposi- tion of the officers, and change the promise of half pay for life, to that of full pay for five years. And also to advance to the soldiers full pay for four months. Tills was not the only instance in which the influence of Washington arrested plots designed to ruin the prospects of the 3-oung republic. The condition of the country was so desperate that many feared the States could not form a permanent government. At the suggestion of officers who thus thought, Lewis Nicola, a foreigner, a colonel in the Pennsylvania line, wrote Washington an elaborate letter, in which he discussed the expediency of establish- ing a monarchy, and finally offered him the crown. Wash- ington indignantly condemned the scheme. Said he • "I iJ3 514 HISTORY OF THE AlIEEICAN PEOPLE. X?xvrn *^^"'^^*' conceive what I have clone during my whole life, which could sause any one to imagine that I could euter- 1783. tain such a proposition for a moment." When these facts became known, it was not strange that the people feared a standing army. Intelligence came at length of the signing of the treaty between the United States and Great Britain. Congress issued a proclamation giving the information to the nation. April On the 19th of April, precisely eight years from the battle of Lexington, the cessation of hostilities was proclaimed in the camp at Newburg. The soldiers of Burgoyne and Cornwallis were yet pris- oners, and had been marched to New York in order to be sent home. A general exchange of prisoners now took place. The prospects of the Tories were dreary indeed. The se- vere laws enacted against them were still in force, and now several thousand of them had assembled at New York, and were compelled to leave the country. The majority of them were wealthy. During the war many of them had held offices in the British service, and some had grown rich as merchants, landowners, and sutlers for the British army ; others, the unscrupulous, by privateering. Those who lived in the North emigrated to Canada and Nova Scotia, while those of the South went chiefly to the West India Islands. A clause was Inserted in the treaty which prohibited the carrying away of the slaves, large numbers of whom had fled to the British army during the campaigns in the Carolinas and Virginia. Carleton refused to comjdy with the demand, on the ground that it would be higl^ly dishonorable to deliver them up since they had sought protection under the Brit- ish flag. To secure their safety, he s.-nt them away among the very first, while at the same time he kejit an accurate y°ii Map flhowlTig the GrowttL of the UKITED STATES lToml783tol87e J. B. FORD ft Co.NEW YORK. A CPhi 45 i>' S !1 ~^ Cedeil^ :«'• -f<»^ ji' 40 too • I' [e-01195^ ■u X .'^hi^ttiSef 1; ^^* CV.tf'" A (-,.!. jf.^a^^^GysAi. "f'^*"^&..^f^ ■fei«^* 6rf '?«t •1^- ,01iio ^\A1 ._ j^ B.-P 310W &S ol^a" l^fe^ vy/ip;--'*;' "^[■f.jfrfi'.i '"'■ ii^ ,j^(Cr~' ; soiiji»i AT BBIT IS \7 ■o3i»» >i.5e(ii 6-^ .»toi>- sipM'^ Tenitory t^aimed by the TJiired States irrerimts to tfie fT^at}- of 1642 . DL^Dnctaf CoJwnliio £a.sr o^rii elPotoniac.reded f(v2ifl ■ ITSS.'W^Stofriverliy Ta. in 1789. This last Has retro - reded Ac ly/rf/mi/i 1S46 . Strip afttnvitary ISmSes wide ceded by So- Clace. Genet did not return ™^^ home, but became a citizen of the United States. Through much toil and danger had the fertile valleys Fi''"n of the Monongahela and its tributaries been settled. The Hos pioneers were princijially Scotch-Irish Presbyterians, from to eastern Pennsylvania and Virginia. Their trials were as ^'^*- great as those of the early colonists. At first their families lived in blockhouses or forts, through fear of the Indians, while they, as they cleared the forest or tilled the soil, were always armed ; they even carried their rifles in their hands when on the Sabbath they assembled in the grove, or the rude log church, to hear the Gospel. The untrodden mountains lay between them and the settle- ments on the Atlantic slope. Across these mountains the onl}' road was a bridle-path ; the only conveyance a pack- horse. Iron and salt could only be obtained as these pack-horses carried them across the mountains. Salt was worth eight dollars a bushel ; and often twenty bushels of wheat were given in exchange for one of salt. Their fertile fields produced an abundance of grain, especially wheat, from which they distilled the famed Monongahela whiskey, while their orchards were laden witli apples and peaches from which they made brandies. To find a mar- ket for these, almost their only product, they must take a long and dangerous journey in flat-boats down the Ohio and the Mississippi to New Orleans, and thence by ship to the eastern markets. The tax levied upon the manufacture of domestic spirits was opposed by many. It was no doubt looked upon as unequal, a:, it was appropriated to the support of the Federal government, while the tax itself fell upon only a small portion of the community. But nowhere was it so persistently resisted as by these settlers of the four western counties of Pennsylvania. They rose in open rebellion ; not only refused to pay the tax, but drove off' the officers appointed to collect it. This ojiposition was 1. 542 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. ™-^'^ not confined to obscure persons, but some of tbe most in- ' fluential encouraged the multitude to resist the law ; but 1794. their ministers, to a man, exerted all their influence m favor of obedience. The more violent leaders openly boasted they would not only resist the law, but separate from Pennsylvania, and form a new State. They professed to have very little regard for the Federal government, and took encouragement from the same party that sustained G-enet. To discover those who sent information of their high-handed measures to the government, these rebels robbed the mail ; they scoffed at the proclamation of the Governor of the State and also at that of the President. Aug. Thus matters continued for nearly two years. It shows the excitement which prevailed, that at one time with only three days' notice, there assembled on Braddock's Field nearly seven thousand armed men. They had for their motto " Liberty and no excise." The assemblage passed many resolutions, indicating an intention to resort to further acts of violence. This meeting was presided over by Colonel Edward Cook, one of the judges of Fayette county, who had taken an active part in resisting the enforcement of the law. Its secretary was Albert GaUatin, from the same county, a native of Switzerland, who had been in the country but a few years ; a young man of superior education ; an ardent sympathizer with the French school of politics ; a violent opposer of the excise law. He had risen rapidly in popu- lar favor, had been a member of the Legislature of the State, and also of a Convention to amend its Constitution. Governor Mifflin wished to try the effect of a circular addressed to the insurgents, before calling out the militia. The circular was unheeded. The President issued a proc- lamation ordering the rebels to desist from their illegal proceedings ; at the same time he called out .the militia, who responded promptly to the call. The leaders soon found that, after all, the Federal THE WHISKEY INSUEEECTION MISSION TO ENGLAND. 543 authority had the power and was determined to enforce ^^^• the law. The leaders became anxious to screen the people ■ from the anger of the government, and themselves from 179^. the anger of the people. ^'^''' Only when the militia, which had crossed the moun- tains, in two divisions, formed a juncture at Union Town, did the insurgents submit. A few arrests were made ; the most active leaders had fled the country. Thus ended " The Whiskey Insurrection." The vigor and energy dis- played by the Federal government in putting down the insurgents added strength to its authority. The belligerents in Europe, though professing friend- ship, had but little regard to the rights of Americans. While France was detaining their ships in her ports, Eng- hiud was issuing orders to her navy to seize and detain all- vessels freighted with French goods, or laden with pro- visions for any French colony. These measures would ruin American commerce. Congress passed a resolution which forbid any trading vessel to leave an American port for sixty days. This was designed to annoy the British, by not furnishing provisions for their navy, — yet it operated just as much against the French, through whose par- ticular friends the bill was passed. A war with England was impending. To avert such a calamity, and to arrange the difficulties existing April, between the two countries, Washington resolved to send a special ambassador to the Court of St. James. To this important mission he nominated the patriotic and pure-minded Chief Justice Jay. Jay was of Huguenot descent ; as to his revolutionary services second only to the President himself ; of the highest reputation as a jurist ; his integrity, learning and disinterestedness had won him universal respect. In addition, there was a propriety in the selection that conciliated all minds, for he was one of the commissioners who had negotiated the 544 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. i'.^^V- first treaty with Great Britain. It would be a very difS- IXXJDl. •' . . " . — - — cult task to obtain all that the American people thought i'i''Jl- they had a right to ask. There were many assumptions of p)0wer which England would be unwilling to yield. To negotiate under such circumstances required much skill and judgment. On his arrival in England, Jay was treated with great courtesy and respect, and a disj^osition was manifested to amicably arrange the difficulties which had arisen between the two countries. Both parties had their complaints to make. The one, that the Western posts had not been given up according to the treaty ; that their neutral rights were not respected ; that compensation had not been given for the slaves car- ried off at the close of the war ; that their merchants were excluded from the West India trade, and that British sailors, who by adoption had become Americans, were impressed and forcibly taken out of American ships. The other, that debts contracted with English mer- chants prior to the Eevolution could not be collected ; that the property of Tories had not been accounted for. A treaty was finally concluded, not such as Jay wished, nor as justice demanded, but the best that could be obtained under the circumstances. The Western posts were to be given up in two years ; the West India trade was granted on certain conditions, while free admission was given to British ports in Europe and in the East Indies, but no compensation could be ob- tained for the negroes. On the other hand, provision was made for the collection of the debts complained of A great clamor was raised against the treaty, which was grossly misrepresented. One party contended that its ratification would produce war with France, the other that its rejection would lead to a war with England. There were stormy debates on the subject in Congress, and in some of the State Legislatures. But when the difficulties WEPREDATIOXS ON COMMERCE ALGEEINE PIRATES. 545 tliat stood in the way of obtaining more desirable con- ^^^^^ ditions became known, and when the character of the . treaty itself was understood, the more intelligent and con- 1795. . . ,.., 1 • n n i- June, servative portion of the people, were m favor of acceptmg it. After a fortnight's debate in secret session the Senate advised its ratification, and thus was secured peace for some years ; under the circumstances, a very important gain. Treaties were also negotiated with Spain, in which the boundaries between the United States, Louisiana, and Florida were more definitely settled. The free navigation of the Mississippi was also secured to both parties, and the Americans were granted for three years the privilege of making New Orleans a place of deposit for their trade. American commerce, deriving its main resources in the . New England States, had increased very rapidly; the trade to the Mediterranean was, however, much hindered by depredations committed upon it by Algerine pirates. Whether to purchase an exemption from these annoy- ances, as Europe had been in the habit of, or to send a fleet and punish the marauders, was a difficult question to answer. It was thought better, for the present, to re- deem the American sailors held as slaves by these bar- Sept. barians. On this occasion a bill was passed to build six frigates ; this was the foundation of the Navy of the United States. The following j^ear a treaty was made with the Dey of Algiers, and the captives released on the payment of a heavy ransom — nearly a million of dollars were paid for this purpose. This money expended in fitting out an armament, and thoroughly chastising the pirates, vrould have been better policy, — as was proved some years afterwards. Three more States — Vermont, Kentucky, and Ten- I79G, nessee — were admitted into the Union during the adminis- tration. As Washington was unwilling to serve another term, 35 546 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, the two parties arraved their finces for a trial of streno-th XXXIX. ■ ." The Federalists nominated John Adams for President and 1706. the Republicans Thomas Jeiferson. The parties were verj' nearly equally divided. Adams received two more 1797. votes than Jefferson, and was declared to be elected President, and the latter Vice-President. Before retiring from public life Washington published a farewell address to the people of the United States. They responded to it with respect and affection ; the out- burst of a nation's gratitude. It was a truly paternal ad- dress, warning the nation against party strife and sectional jealousies, advising the policy of impartial neutrality toward other nations when at war with each other, and as a safeguard to liberty, the preservation of the Union and the Constitution. Thus ended the eight years of Washington's adminis- tration. When it commenced all was unsettled. Now the government was established. In that short' time it had been severely tested. The general policy of his administration became the fixed policy of the government of the United States. The most enduring monument of his integrity and wisdom ; of his patriotic and Christian principles. Strange as it may seem, the annals of unscrupulous political warfare do not furnish a parallel to the scurrilous slanders that were heaped upon him, not only during his administration, but at its close. Such were the disreputable means used to induce the United States to become the ally of Franco and to join in a war against the hated England. CHAPTER XL, JOHN ADAMS' ADMINISTRATION. Serious Aspect, of Relations witii France. — Commissioners of Peace. — Tlie French Cruisers. — The Alien Act. — War impending. — Washington, Commander-in-Chief. — Capture of the Frigate L'lnsurgcnte. — Peace concluded. — Death of Washington. — Eulogiums on his Character. — The city of Washington becomes the Seat of Government. The policy of the new adtninistration was like that of ^^j'^^- the preceding, the cabinet officers of which were retained. The new President was not more influenced by love for 1797. England than by admiration for France. He had no ex- pectation that the latter country would establish a gov- ernment upon just and righteous principles. He expressed a " determination to maintain peace and inviolate faith with all nations, and neutrality and impartiality with the belligerent powers of Europe." In the mean time relations with France assumed a serious aspect. Nothing would satisfy that power but a willingness on the part of the United States to be used as a dependent. While the French partisans were clam- oring for such an alliance, the Directory exhibited their good will by issuing orders to seize and retain all Ameri- can vessels having on board English manufactured goods. Washington had recalled Monroe from the French Mission, and in his place sent Charles C. Pinckney. The latter sent his credentials to the Minister of Foreign ^.ffairs, but a few days after Monroe was notified that a 548 nisTORY OF the amekican people. CHAP, niinister would not be received from the United States until grievances were redressed ; but Monroe himself was IT'.IT. complimented for his devotion to the French cause ; un- der the circumstances, a compliment somewhat equivocal. Pinckney was treated with studied neglect, bordering on insult ; finally lie demanded his passports and depart- ed for Holland. During this time French 2>rivateers and cruisers were capturing American merchantmen and treat- ing their crews as prisoners of war. Some of the priva- teers were commanded by renegade Americans, who gloried in sailing under the colors of the " Great Eepublic." France also stimulated Holland and Spain to comjilain of the partiality of Jay's treaty with Great Britain ; and was also suspected of an intention to rob Spain of Louisi- ana and Florida. With overpowering successes, and un- scrupulous political morals, she was making rapid strides toward becoming the great power of the world. Still more alarming was the fact that tliere existed in the United States a large party that opposed the neutral policy of the government, and openly favored an alliance with the " Terrible Republic." jfay. The President called a special session of Congress, and laid before it a statement of the relations with France. When it became known that in their rcpiesentative the United States had been deliberately insulted ; and that French aggressions on American commerce were increas- ing, the enthusiasm of the partisans of France somewhat declined. Two special commissioners were appointed to proceed to Paris, and, if possible, adjust the existing difficulties. John Marshall and Elbridgo Gerry were selected for this mission. The former, who was a Federalist, became after- ward Chief Justice of the United Stales ; the latter, a Eepublican in sentiment, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence, became afterward Vice- President. They were authorized to conclude a treaty j Oct. TALLEYRAND AND THE AMEUICAN ENVOYS. 549 one that should not conflict with treaties existing with CHAP. other nations ; and to insist upon the right of the United States to remain neutral. 1798. The envo3's joined Pinekney in Paris, and imme- diately made known to the Minister of Foreign Affairs the object of their mission. This minister was no less a personage than the celebrated Talleyrand, who some years before had been an exile in the United States, where, not receiving the attention which he thought he deserved, had returned home in no very complacent humor. At first he refused an audience to the commissioners, hut soon after sent irresponsible persons to make them propo- sitions, which, if found convenient, he coulil easily disa- vow. Thus for several months they were the victims of diplomatic trickery. Meanwhile French cruisers captured American vessels, and French courts confiscated their cargoes, and imprison- ed their crews. Finally the commissioners were given to understand, if they would advance a little money for the special benefit of Talleyrand and his worthy friends, and also pledge the United States to make France a loan, that negotiations would he commenced in earnest. This proposition was indignantly refused. Marshall and Pinek- ney were immediately ordered to leave the country, and Gerry, whose party at home sympathized with France, was invited to remain and negotiate u treaty. It was by such insults and injuries, that France hoped to intimi- date the United States, and make them as dependent on her boasted magnanimity, as she had already made Spain. The disrespect offered the commissioners excited great in- dignation in the minds of the American people. Strange as it may seem, the opposition insisted that France was not to blame, but their own government, in faithfully en- forcing its policy of neutrality. At length the corre- spondence between Talleyrand's agents and the commis- sioners was published. The French party offered no more 550 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN^ PEOPLE. CHAP, apologies. The spirit of the insulted people was aroused The reply of Pinckney to the corrupt emissaries of Tal- 1798. leyrand — "Millions for defence, not one cent for tribute,'" was echoed throughout the land. Addresses to the Presi- dent, approving his measures, began to pour in from all parts of the nation. The French party soon dwindled to a small minority. The only hope Jefferson cherished was that Congress would adjourn. " To separate Congress now," wrote he, " will be withdrawing the fire from a boiling pot." A large number of French exiles — it was thought nearly thirty thousand — were, at this time, in the country. Some of these acted as spies, at least so thought the gov- ernment ; some had tampered with the people of Ken- tucky to induce them to join in an expedition against Louisiana, then belonging to Spain, and some planned a similar expedition against Florida. Thus did they abuse the hospitality timdered them by endeavoring to create divisions among the people, and opposition to the policy of the government. Under these circumstances Congress passed what was termed the " Alien Act," to continue in force two years, July, by which the President was authorized to order out of the country aliens, who, by their plots might endanger the interests of the government in case of war. The law was never enforced, but nevertheless a large number of these exiles left the country. Presently Marshall returned, and confi.-med all that had been reported of the demands of the French Repub- lic. The President sent in a message to Congress, which contained a statement of the embarrassing relations exist- ing between the two countries. Preparations were made for war. It was resolved to raise and equip an army ; to fortify important posts on the sea-coast ; to prepare a naval armament, and to capture French armed vessels, but not to molest merchantmen. COMMISSIONEES OF PEACE THE TREATY. 55] The people came forward with alacrity to assist. ^'^^^• Money was subscribed liberally, especially in the seaboard towns, to equip a navy. The frigates so long building 1798. were just finished ; and the Constitution, the United States, and the Constellation, the germ of our present navy, were fitted for sea. Washington was nominated as Lieutenant-General and Commander-in-Chief of the army — a nomination unanimously confirmed by the Senate. He heartily ap- proved the measures of the President, and condemned those of France, saying that the administration ought to inspire universal satisfaction, and added, " we can with pure hearts appeal to Heaven for the justice of our cause, and may trust the final result to that kind Providence which has hitherto and so often signally favored the people of the United States." When it was seen that the United States would not submit to insult, but were preparing to repel it by force, the Directory made overtures for peace. This intimation came from Murray, the American Minister at Holland, to whom Talleyrand had communicated the proposition. The President accordingly nominated two commissioners, Oliver Ellsworth and W. R. Davie, who were to join Mur- ray in Paris. President Adams took the ground that they should not enter France, unless assurance was given that they would be received in a " manner befitting the Commission- ers of an ind;. .endent nation." On their arrival in France they found Bonaparte at the head of affairs, and the cunning and politic Talley- rand still in office. Negotiations commenced, and in due time a treaty was concluded, which in its provisions ad- justed nearly all the matters of dispute. g , The fleet which had been fitted out to protect Ameri- can commerce from French depredations had not been idle. More than three hundred private vessels had been 552 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, C^J^P- licensed to carry arms and to defend themselves from the common enemy. But the incident which gave the great- 1799. est satisfaction to the country was the capture of the French frigate L'Insurgente, by the Constellation, under Feb. Captain Truxton. The two vessels were about equal in their complement Of men and guns. After a severe con- test of an hour and a quarter, the L'Insurgente struck her colors, having lost in men twenty to one of her an- tagonist. This was the first time that an American armed vessel had met one of another nation on equal terms. As a presage of future triumphs it was most grateful to the people. Ere long intelligence came of the conclusion of peace. The army was disbanded, but the defences along the coast were still maintained, and also it was resolved to keep the navy afloat. But before it was known in America that the Com- missioners of peace had been kindly received, an event oc- curred which cast a gloom over the nation, and for a season silenced the clamors of party spirit — the death of Wash- ington. In riding about his farm he was exposed to a cold rain. The following morning he complained of a sore tliroat, an inflammation of the windpipe followed, which speedily produced death. With calm resignation he ex- Dec, pressed his willingness to die. 14- A joint committee of both Houses of Congress reported resolutions recommending to the people of the United States, out of respect for his memory, to wear badges of mourning for thirty days, and also that his approaching birth-day be celebrated " by suitable eulogies, orations, and discourses, or by public prayers." Thus did the people honor him " who was first in war, first in peace, iuid first in tiie liearts of his countrymen." The oration before both houses of Congress, was pro- nounced by Colonel Henry Lee, wliom we have seen as the intimate though youthful friend of V/ashington. In DEATH OB WASHINGTON. 553 accordance with the above racommendation, his birth-day t:HAP. A-L. was celebrated throughout the land ; the most eminent in the nation delighted to honor his memory. Nor wns 1799 his name honored only in his native land. When the news reached Europe it elicited euaotions of sadness and tokens of respect. The great British fleet of sixty ships of the line, under the command of Lord Bridport, and at the time lying in the English channel, lowered their flags to half mast. In his orders of the day to the French army, Bonaparte, then First Consul of France, paid a tribute to his memory, and afterward caused a funeral oration to be delivered before the civil and military au- thorities, and the standards of the army to be draped in mourning for ten days. Such were the public tokens of respect. But he had a higher honor — a place in the affections of the good and humane in private life more than any man of any age ; he never received an office in the gift of the people, or at the hands of their representatives, that was not unani- mously given. To him alone has gone forth that heartfelt respect, that reverence and gratitude which can be embodied only in the endearing title, the Father of his cou.ntuy. Says an eminent British statesman and scholar, (Lord John Russell,) " To George Washington nearly alone in modern times has it been given to accomplish a wonder- ful revolution, and yet to remain to all future times the theme of a people's gratitude, and an example of virtuous and beneficent power." " His intellectual, like his moral qualities, were never brought out to display his own talent or enhance his own glory. They were forthcoming as oc- casion required, or the voice of the country called for them ; largeness of combination, quickness of decision, fortitude in adversity, sympathy with his officers, the jurst of impetuous courage, were the natural emanations of this great and magnanimous soul." ' ' Life and Times of James Fox, Vol. I, pp. 366 .and ?.i4 554 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. ^ xl!'" '^^° administration of Adams, now drawing to its close, — ' — was in its policy like that of Washington. During these 1790. twelve years, there was much opposition, but that policy in tlie main has remained unchanged from that day to this. To be free from, the turmoil of European politics was wisdom, but to carry it out required the calm determina- tion of Washington, as well as the impulsive energy of Adams, " who was not the man to quail " when he thought duty called. During the summer the seat of the Federal Govern- 1800. ment was removed to the City of Washington, then " a little village in the midst of the woods," in the District of Columbia. The struggle for political power was renewed with great vigor, and in the bitterness of party spirit. The Federalists nominated Adams and Charles C. Pinckney for President, while the Kepublicans nominated for the same office, Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr. When the electors came to cast their votes it was found that Adams had sixty-five, Pinckney sixty-four, and Jefterson and Burr had each seventy-three. In accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, it became necessary for the House of Representatives to make the choice. After iHOi. thirty-six ballotings, during seven days, Jefferson was JY." chosen President, and Burr Vice-President. CHAPTER XLI. JEFFERSON'S ADMINISTRATION. The President's Inaugural. — Purclia.se of Louisiana. — The Pirates of the Mediterranean. — Captain Bainbridge. — The Burning of the Philadel- phia. — Tripoli Bombarded. — Death of Hamilton. — Aaron Burr. — Oppo- sition to the Navy. — Gunboats. — Right of Neutrals infringed upon. — The unjust Decrees issued by England and France. — American Mer- chants demand the Right to defend themselves. — Impressment of American Seamen. — Treaty with England rejected by the President. — Affair of the Chesapeake. — The Embargo ; its effect. — Public feeling on the subject. — Manufactures. — Embargo rfepealed. On entering upon office Jefferson found the country in a chap, prosperous condition. The revenue was abundant for ]_ current expenses ; the stability of the government had in- igoi. spired the industrial interests with confidence, commerce had increased beyond all precedent, and was pressing on to still higher triumphs. The prospect of a general peace in Europe also gave as- surance that American ships would no longer be subjected to unlawful seizures under the pretense that they carried cargoes contraband of war. The census just taken had shown the population to be, within a few hundreds, double what it was at the commencement of the revolution. The total population being 5,319,762. The number of mem- bers of the House of Representatives was 141. The new President professed to deprecate party spirit : and wished to be recognized as a " moderate republican," proclaiming as " brethren of the same principles, we are 556 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. ^xd^' ^^^^^^ ^y different names, we are all Eepublicans, we are aU Federalists." But in a very short time he began to 1802. remove those from office, who were not of his own political opinions. The bitterness of party spirit was not allayed by this policy. Immigrants had been pouring into the region North- west of the Ohio. In one year twenty thousand persons had passed into that territory to find homes. The people of the eastern portion, presented themselves at the door of Congress, asking permission to be admitted as a State. The request was granted, and the State of Ohio, with a population of seventy .thousand, became a member of the A]>v\\. Union. The Spanish Governor of Louisiana, in violation of an existing treaty — that of 1795 --refused permission to the traders on the Mississippi to deposit their produce at New Oileans. This act, so injurious to their commerce, caused a great commotion among the people beyond the moun- tains. IHie government was called upon to redress these grievances ; the Western people must have the privilege of freely navigating the Mississippi, or they would seize New Orleans, and drive the Spaniards from the territory. At this crisis intimations came from Paris that Spain, by a secret treaty, had ceded Louisiana to France. Bona- parte's vision of restoring the French power on this con- tinent had become somewhat dim, especially as the over- powering fleet of Great Britain would seize and occupy the mouth of the Mississippi, whenever it was known to belong to France. To avoid this contingency, he was willing to sell the entire territory of Louisiana to the United States. Accordingly Robert E. Livingston, American Minister at Paris, commenced negotiations, which resulted in the purchase of that region for fitteen 1803. millions of dollars. The rights and privileges of Ameri- April f o 30. can citizens were guaranteed to the inhabitants of the pu chased territory. ALGEEINE PIRATES BAINBRIDGE. 557 When the sale was completed, Bonaparte is said to ^^^j''- have exclaimed : — " This accession of territory strengthens . forever the power of the United States ; — I have just 1803. given to England a m-iritime rival that will sooner or later humble her pride." In the midst of the turmoil of wars in Europe, the pirates of the Mediterranean had renewed their depreda- Sept tions upon American commerce. Captain Bainbridge in command of the frigate George Washington was sent to Algiers with the usual tribute. The Dcy ordered him to carry some presents and his ambassador to Constantinople. Bainbridge at first refused. The Dey was highly indignant, " You pay me tribute," said he, " by which you become ray slaves, and therefore I have the right to order you as I think proper." However, as he was exposed to the guns of the castle and batteries, and learning that English, French, and Spanish ships of war had submitted to similar impositions, Bainbridge thought it more prudent to com- ply with the arrogant demand, hoping at some future time to avenge the indignity thus offered his country's flag. In closing his report to the Navy Department, he wrote, " I hope I will never again be seot to Algiers with tribute unless I am authorized to deliver it from the mouth of our cannon." As these depredations continued, and, while the tribute became more and more onerous, a squadron, under Com- modore Preble, was sent to capture the pirates and block- ade the harbor of Tripoli. The frigate Philadelphia, commanded by Bainbridge, when chasing an Algerine cruiser, ran upon a sunken rock near the shore. While thus disabled, Tripolitan gun-boats captured her after a contest, which lasted an entire day. Bainbridge and his crew of three hundred men, were made prisoners, and treated as slaves, for whom an exorbitant ransom was de- manded. Finding means, however, to communicate with the American squadron, he suggested the possibility of bura- isoa 558 HISTOET OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, ing the Philadelphia, as she lay moored under the guns , of the castle. Lieutenant Decatur volunteered to act on 1804. the suggestion. A small Tripolitan trader had been cap- tured a few days before. This vessel, now named the Intrepid, was selected for the .enterprise. With a crew of seventy-six chosen men — all volunteers — Decatur sail- ed on his perilous undertaking. Combustibles were pre- pared in bundles, and to each man was assigned his par- ticular duty. 180-t. Passing into the harbor, they approached the Phila- delphia about midnight. When hailed, the interpreter answered they were traders, who had lost their anchor in the late gale, and begged permission to make fast to the frigate till morning. The roquest was granted, and the Intrepid slipped alongside. Suddenly the Turks noticed that she had her anchors, and gave the alarm, shouting Feb. " Americanos." In a moment more, Decatur and his brave companions clambered up one side of the vessel, while the panic-stricken Turks, after slight resistance, as rapidly passed over the other into the water. The fag- gots were handed tip, and carried to every part of the ship, and in thirty minutes she was on fire from stem to stern. So dry had the vessel and the rigging become in that warm climate, that with difficulty the Americans escaped the flames.' When clear of the_ 'frigate cheers of triumph told that the daring attempt had been success- ful. The flames soon, lighted up the harbor ; the castle opened with its guns upon the Intrepid, Avhich, urged on by the rowers, was rapidly passing out of danger. Soon the guns of the burning frigate began to explode and throw their shot in all directions. This was one of the boldest enterprises ever undertaken by our naval heroes. The squadron continued to blockade the harbor of Tripoli, and during the following summer bumbanled the town. The contest was severe, and there was much hand- to-hand fighting on board gun-boats. Intelligence came 16. HAMILTON BCRR. 55t> that other vessels were on their way, and a further attack •"^j*-,^- was postponed. Before the arrival of this reinforcement the Bashaw came to terms, and desired to make peace ; 1804. other causes aided in hastening this event. He had driven his elder brother, Hamet, into exile, and usurped his throne. Captain William Eaton, American Consul • at Tunis, concerted measures with the exiled brother to drive the usurper from Tripoli. With four hundred troops, only nine of whom were Americans, Eaton and Hamet marched a thousand miles across the Libyan desert, and suddenly appeared before Derne, which place, with the aid of the American fleet, they captured in a few days. The Bashaw sent troops against the invaders ; these troops were also defeated, then to save himself he made projDosals to negotiate. Peace was concluded by Lear, the American 1805. consul at Tripoli, but not on as favorable terms as justice "°® demanded. After an exchange of prisoners, man for man, there still remained two hundred Americans ; for these a heavy ransom waS paid. Thus conceding the point in dispute, that the Bashaw had a right to receive ransoms for prisoners taken by his pirates. Jefferson was re-elected President, and, instead of Burr, George Clinton, of New York, Vice-President. Burr's intrigues had become known to both parties, and he experienced the just fate of the insincere — he was sus- pected by all, and trusted by none. Rejected by his own State, his political prospects ruined, and overwhelmed by debts, the result of unsuccessful speculations, his cold and unrelenting spirit panted for revenge. He looked upon the influence of Alexander Hamilton, as one cause of his political failure. To retrieve his political fortufies Burr wag willing to risk his own life, if he could but kill the man whose patriotism and integrity he well knew, and whose influence he dreaded. He laid his plans to force Hamilton into a duel. They met on. the banks of the Hudson, opposite New York, Hamilton previously de- i805. 560 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. ^?A^- clarinsr that to fip-ht a duel was contrary to his itidtrmenl XLI. ; J .1 o and his sense of moral dutj- ; that he wislied Burr no ill, 1804. and should make no elTort to injure Inm. Burr took de- liberate aim, and Hamilton was mortally wonnded ; as he fell his own pistol went oft' accidentally. AVhcn the sur- Jul}' geon approached he ■ said, " Doctor, this is a mortal '^- wound." In twenty-four hours he was no more. Thus fell one of the brightest intellects, and purest, self-sac- rificing patriots of the country — a victim to an unchristian custom, the relic of a barbarous age. His loss to the country was second only to that of Washington. The most imposing funeral ceremony the citj' ever saw revealed the deptli of feeling in the public mind. Presently the correspondence between the parties was published ; this made known the designing manner in which Hamilton had been entrapped, and the disclosure produced in the public mind still greater indignation against Burr. The coroner's jury brought in a verdict of wilful murder against him. Fearful of violence he was fain to conceal himself for a few days in New York, and then to flee to Philadelphia, and finally to Georgia, until, as he expressed it, " the storm would blow over." The sacrifice of a man so eminent, merely to appease the honor of a consummate villain, turned the minds of the people more directly to the moral turpitude, as well as the absurdity of the custom of duelling. Public opinion on this subject became, henceforth, embodied in laws, which banished the custom from some of the States, and will, it may be hoped, eventually banish it from all the others. The- remaining history of Aaron Burr may be told in a few words. His intriguing and restless nature impelled jggg him to other enterprises. The year following the death of Hamilton he went west. That section of the country contained many turbulent spirits, and had, moreover, manifested much dissatisfaction with the General Govern. THE MYSTERIOUS MOVEMENTS OF BUEE DIS DEATH. 561 ment. It was thought Burr had some designs for his own '^^^'' aggrandizement ; either to seize upon New Orleans and draw oflF the people of the valley of the Mississippi from ^^05. their allegiance to the Union, or to make a foray into Mexico, overturn the existing government, and put him- self at the head of the one he should establish. His mys- terious movements from place to place, and the hints concerning his projects, which he threw out to those whom he wished to enlist, excited the suspicion of the federal government. After being permitted to plan and counter-plan for a year or more, he was finally arrested and brought to trial. • But so cunningly had he managed the affair, that no decisive proof could be obtained of his designs. After a prolonged trial, he was acquitted of the charge of treason against the United States. ^.^^Z^- Though acquitted by the jury, public opinion treat- ed him as guilty. Turned upon the world a penniless wanderer, suspected everywhere, even in foreign lands, wliere he lived in the greatest poverty, a pensioner iipon the pittance doled out by a few friends. Ordered out of England as a French spy, and treated in France as a British emissary ; finally, he returned home, to find his family ties all broken, his daughter, an only and beloved child, having, under trying circumstances, recently perisTi- ed at sea. He made no advances to renew former friendships or acquaintance, and would gladly have shunned the public gaze, but he was compelled in his old age to resume the practice of the law as a means of support. With a ban resting upon him, he went down in loneliness to the grave, in his eighty-first year — a melancholy instance of iss6. prostituted talents. The country continued to be very prosperous ; the public expences were lessened, and the finances were leaving every year an increasing surplus ; the belligerents 36 562 HISTORY OF THE AMEBlCAlir PEOPLE. CHAP, in Europe had not yet interfered much with American commerce, the great source of the federal revenue. The 1805. facilities for making money exchanges afforded by the banks had a beneficial effect upon the internal trade of the country. The exportation of domestic produce had tripled in value since the adojjtion of the Constitution, amounting to forty-two millions. There was also a rapidly- increasing, and immensely profitable trade in the import and export of foreign merchandise, exclusively for the supply of foreign nations. Internal improvements were not overlooked, and companies were formed for the con- struction of roads and bridges, and others for insurance. Washington and Adams, in their administrations, both endeavored to place the force of the country on a footing to command the respect of other nations. Hence they strongly urged the creation of a navy to protect American commerce, and the policy of fortifying impor- tant places along the coast. But Jefferson looked upon this as a useless expense. He would prefer to have the public ships hauled out of harm's way into harbors ; in- stead of prosecuting trade upon the ocean, where a cruiser of one of the belligerents might occasionally search a ves- sel for goods contraband of war, he would lay an embargo, and cut off all trade. Harbor fortifications were subjected to the same j)olicy, falsely named economical ; gun-boats were to take the place of other defences. Even the frames of the six ships of the line, commenced by the previous administration, were cut up to make gun -boats. For more than six years not a single vessel was added to the navy, though there were indications that war might speedily occur. The hostility in Congress to that branch of the service was confined principally to the southern members. It was avowed that in case of war it would be good policy to abandon the harbors and sea-coast, and retire into the interior ; that it would be better to give up commerce altogether than protect it by a navy. ENGLISH AND FRENCH DECKEES. 563 The war between France and England had driven ™/^jP- from the ocean all the merchant vessels of those nations. This trade passed into the hands of neutrals, the United 1806. States securing much the largest share. The cruisers of the belligerent powers continued to in- fringe upon the rights of the neutrals. The battle of Trafalgar annihilated the fleets of Spain and France. The dread of French cruisers had passed away ; and the British merchants began to complain of the vast profits made by the Americans in the neutral trade, -whose emol- uments they wished to secure to themselves. It was suspected that the vast amount of property carried by the Americans did not belong to them, but that it was taken to a neutral port merely to acquire a neutral character, and then transhipped to the ports belonging to those na- tions which were at war, — a charge no doubt true in many instances. On this ground American vessels were seized and condemned. The English government passed a decree which de- clared the coast of Europe from the mouth of the river Elbe to Brest, to be in a state of blockade ;— thus forbidding neutrals to trade within these prescribed limits. Napo- May. Icon, unable to contend with England upon the ocean, now issued the famous Berlin decree, which declared the coast of Great Britain to be in a state of blockade. In addition, he prohibited all trade in English merchandise. N'or, Two months later, Gre^t Britain forbade all trade with France whatever. Thus these two nations wantonly dis- regarded the interests and rights of the commerce of the world. Both French and British cruisers, now captured American trading ships, and the commerce which extend- ed to every sea, gradually dwindled down to a coasting trade. Owing to the government's policy — fondly cher- ished as the very essence of economy — the commerce of the nation was left to the tender mercies of ocean despots ; there was no navy to give it protection, except 564 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. ^HAP. a few redoubtable gun-boats, that lay in the harbors, patiently waiting for the audacious cruisers to come within 1806. their range. The condemnation of vessels taken by foreign cruisers, and the forfeiture of their cargoes to the amount of mil- lions, caused an intense excitement among American mer chants. In all the seaport towns, especially, meetings were held to express the views of the people, and petitions ask- ing protection, poured into Congress. These petitions only produced a recommendation of the President t(5 that body to build more gun-boats. Is it strange the policy, which neglected the mercantile interests of the country, should be contrasted with the profusion in which money was spent to purchase territory, and to liquidate Indian claims ? Said one party, it is folly to provide a navy, which, in case of war, wiU fall into the hands of the British. The hardy seamen answered, give us the men- of-war well armed, and we will see that they do not fall into the hands of the enemy. Will not the same energy and spirit, which has extended American commerce to the ends of the earth, defend its interests, and maintain the honor of the country ? In John Adams' adminis- tration, Congress brought to terms the French cruisers on American commerce ; it gave the merchants liberty to protect themselves, and they did it,— why not grant the same permission now ? « To these complaints were added others equally as seri- ous. The British government maintained the doctrine that no subject could expatriate himself, or transfer his alle- giance to another country. The United States govern- ment maintained the reverse, and welcomed emigrants from other nations, and as adopted citizens afforded them protection. The commanders of British men-of-war were accustomed to board American merchant vessels, on the high seas, and search for deserters, as they termed those THE IMPRESSMENT COMMISSIONERS OF PEACE. 565 English or Irish sailors, who had thus entLTcd the Ameri- ^^A^- oan service. In these imjjressments great numbers of native born 1806. Americans were forcibly seized and consigned to the slavery jf a British man-of-war. These high-handed measures, executed in an arrogant manner by the English officers, produced throughout the land a feeling of bitter hostility to England. The English government gave as an apology for these imjiressmeuts, that in her present struggle she needed all her seamen, and if permission were given, they nearly all would desert, and enter American shi2)S. Eng- land herself was to blame for this want of patriotism in her seamen. The iron hand of unfeeling rule had driven these men from her service ; her cruel press-gangs had crushed out their love of home. They had been seized when unprotected and hurried on board men-of-war, where brutal severities had obliterated their nobler feelings. Thus wantonly treated, the English seaman deserted whenever he had the opportunity. Events were evidently tending toward a war, to avoid which the President sent William Pinckney, as joint com- missioner with James Monroe, who was already minister AiuiL at the court of St. James. The English commissioners manifested a great desire not to impress American sea- men, but to redress, as speedily as possible, any mistake of that character. They urged, that to relinquish the right of search for deserters, would be ruinous to the Eng- lish navy in time of war. S^iggesting, also, that stringent laws should be made by both nations, to prevent seamen from passing from the service of the one to the other. The prejudices of the English people would not permit, at least for the present, any formal relinquishment of the right of impressment ; the commissioners further promised, that strict orders should be issued to the naval com- manders not to abuse the right. With the understanding that the question of impress- 566 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, menls was still open, and subject to future adjustment, a treaty for ten years was negotiated between the two 1807. countries. This treaty was more advantageous, upon the ''"■ whole, to the United States, than the one negotiated by Jay, and was certainly better than the existing irritating relations of the two governments. France at this time, by virtue of the Berlin decree, continued to seize and con- fiscate American property, while Great Britain was anx- ious to be on as good terms with the United States as her situation would permit. Yet the President, and Mar. Madison, his Secretary of State, arbitrarily rejected tbe treaty, Without either consulting the rest of the cabinet, or the Senate which was in session. The plea given for this extraordinary act was, that the treaty was not satis- factory on the impressment question. The rejection of the treaty left the relations of the two countries in a worse condition than ever, even endangering their peace. Wash- ington and his cabinet, in ratifying the Jay treaty, secured to the country thirteen years of peace and unexpected prosperity ; the rejection of this treaty was succeeded by four years of ruinous evils, which resulted in plunging the nation into a war. Though the English government itself was disposed to conciliate, and friendly in its expressions, yet its naval commanders were exceedingly insolent in their intercourse with tl*e Americans. The inability of the navy to maintain the nation's honor, tempted these unscrupulous commanders to insult its flag. Thus far they had confined their visits to merchantmen, presently they went a step farther. The United States frigate Chesapeake, of thirty-eight guns, had enlisted four men who, it was said, were de- serters from the British ship-of-war Melampus. It was afterward proved that only one of them was an English- man. Strict orders had been issued by the government to the recruiting officers not to enlist British subjects, knowing them to be such. THE ATTACK ON THE FRIGATE CHESAPEAKE. 567 Several English men-of-war were, at this time, lying '^'!'^'^- in Chesapeake Bay ; of the number was the frigate Leopard, of fifty guns. When it was known that the 1807. Chesapeake was aboiit to put to sea, the Leopard passed out a few hours before, and when some miles from the coast, she neared and hailed the Chesapeake, under the pretense of sending despatches to Europe. A lieutenant came on board with a demand for the English seamen. Jims 22 Commodore Barron refused the demand, on the ground there were no such men on board. This refusal brought a broadside from the Leopard, which killed three men and wounded eighteen others. As the attack was entirely unexpected, and Barron unprepared, he struck his colors, after firing a single gun. The four men were taken from the Chesapeake, and the Leopard passed on to Halifa.x, while the Chesapeake returned to Norfolk, her crew deeply mortified and thirsting for revenge. The indignation of the whole people was intense. The insults of impressing men from merchantmen v\ere as nothing, compared with firing into a national vessel. The President immediately issued a proclamation, in which j^j he complained of the outrage, and ordered the British 2. men-of-war out of the American waters, but as he had not the power to enforce the order it was disobeyed, and the people were enjoined not to have intercourse with the British vessels. He also called a special session of Con- gress, and a messenger was sent to England, with instruc- tions to the American minister to demand satisfaction for the outrage. But a fast-sailing vessel had already left Halifax with the intelligence. The British government immediately disavowed the act, and sent, soon after, a special messenger to arrange the difliculty. In the mean whde France and England vied with each other in issuing and enforcing decrees, which, in their effect, would ruin all neutral commerce. English orders in council required any vessel bound to a port in France Nov 568 HISTOET OF THE AMEEICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, to touch at some English port, and there obtain a license to proceed on the voyage. Any vessel that did not com- 1807. i)ly with this despotic decree was forbidden to export French merchandise, unless the cargo was first brought to an English port and paid duties before it was shij^ped to L'ec. a neutral country. A month later Bonaparte retaliated by another decree, dated at Milan, by which every vessel that complied with the British decree, was declared to be forfeited. Thus American commerce was preyed upon by both parties. As a scheme of retaliation, and to bring the belliger- ents to terms, Congress, on the recommendation of the Dec. President, laid an embargo, which prohibited American commerce with France and England. A measure lauded by its advocates as the only means to save to their country American seamen and cargoes, and at the same time compel France and England to repeal their offensive de- Sov. ci-eej^^ The effect, however, was just the reverse. Bona- parte was delighted with the embargo, because it dimin- ished just so much of England's income, her means tc carry on the war against himself ; on the other hand. Great Britain was not dependent on American piroduce, the trade to Spain and Portugal, and their colonies, had both been recently opened to her merchants, who were very willing that their ■ enterprising rivals should remain at home to experiment on political theories. The em- bargo itself was exceedingly unpopular in the United States. The intelligent portion of the people was un- able to see what benefit could be derived from theii ships rotting in the ports, their seamen out of employ- ment, the industry of the country prostrated, and the millions of surplus property now worthless for want of a market. Some years before Jefferson had expressed the .senti- ment that the United States " should practise neither commerce nor navigation, but stand with respect to Eu- OPPOSITION TO THE EMBARGO. 569 rope precisely on tlie footing of China." Had the people "^^j^j''- submitted implicitly to the embargo, the system of non- _ . intercourse with other nations would have been complete ; 1807. as it wa?, on the recommendation of the Executive, Con- gress found it necessary to pass stringent laws to enforce its observance. The President was authorized to call out the militia and employ ships as revenue cutters to prevent cargoes of American 23roduce leaving tlie country. When it became known that this enforcing act had really become a law, public feeling, in many places, could be no longer restrained. Many of the papers announced its passage in mourning columns, under the motto, " Liberty is dead." General Lincoln, of revolutionary memory, resigned the collectorship of the port of Boston rather than enforce the law ; and great numbers of custom-house officers in other places did the same. In the agricultural portions of the country, the effect of the embargo was not so immediate as in the commercial. The planters and farmers, implicitly trusting in the wisdom of the Executive, stored up their cotton, tobacco and grain, hoping for a market when the belligerents would be pleased to repeal their hostile decrees. Some good grew out of this evil. The tens of thou- sands thrown out of employment by the effect of the em- bargo and kindred measures, were compelled by the iron hand of necessity to seek a livelihood by other means, and their attention was somewhat directed to domestic manu- factures. Opposition to the embargo still continued ; in Con- gress violent debates were held from day to day upon the sxciting topic. At length even the planters and farmers began to waver in their faith, and to see as well as the New Englanders that it was a futile measure ; that in- stead of bringing the French and English to terms it was the subject of their ridicule, while it was becoming more and more ruinous to the nation. 570 HISTORY OF THE AMEKICAN PEOPLE. CHAP. Madison, who had been elected President, jilainly in- timated his wish that the" obnoxious measure should, in 1S07. some way, be got rid of ; and three days before the close of Jefferson's term the arbitrary act, forced upon the country without a moment's warning, and which brought ruin upon thousands in loss of property and of employ- ment, was, to the joy of the nation, repealed. Thus drew to a close Jefferson's administration. Non- importation acts, so effective in colonial times, were futile under other circumstances — a fact which the advocates of the non-intercourse theory were some time in learning. There was as much diversity in estimating Jefferson's character as there was in relation to his policy. His ad- mirers lauded him as the embodiment of political wisdom and republican simplicity. An enthusiastic behever in the power of the masses to govern themselves, he was an advocate for the rights of humanity, not merely in name but in sincerity, and as such deserves to be held in honor. CHAPTER XLII. MADISON'S ADMINISTRATION CoBdition of tbe Country. — Erskine's Negotiation. — Depredationa upon American Commerce. — Bonaparte's Rarabouillet Decree. — Affair of the Little Belt. — The Census. — Indian Troubles. — Tecumseh and the Prophet. — Battle of Tippecanoe. — The two Parties. — The Twelfth Con- gress. — Henry Clay. — John C. Calhoun. — Threatening Aspect of For- eign Relatious. — John Randolph. — Debates in Congress. — Another Em- bargo. — War declared against Great Britain. — Opposition to the War. — Riots at Baltimore. — Operations iu the North-west. — Surrender of Hull. — Impressment of American Seamen. — Failures to invade Canada. The incoraing administration was virtually pledged *^'^f' to continue the foreign policy of its predecessor, though that policy had not 3'et accomplished what its sanguine 1809. friends anticipated. The prediction of the Federalists — the conservative party of those days — that such measures would lead to a war with England, seemed to be near its fulfilment. The prospect was gloomy indeed. The nation was totally unprepared for such an event. Neither army nor navy to command respect ; no munitions of war worthy the name ; the defences of the seahoard almost worthless ; the revenue, owing to the embargo and non- intercourse acts, much diminished and diminishing more and more. The President and his cabinet desired to re- lieve the country of these pressing evils. To accomplish this end, negotiations were commenced with Erskine, the resident British Minister. The youth- ful Erskine was a generous and noble-hearted man ; a 572 HISTOE^S OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, warm friend of the United States, unused to the tricks of diplomacy, he really wished to act generously for the in- 1809. terests of both nations, and not selfishly for his own. lie knew that Britain would derive great advantage from the renewal of trade with the United States, and hoped that the latter might be induced to take sides in the present struggle against France. In accordance with the spirit of certain instructions, Erskine thought himself authorized to oifer " a suitable provision for the widows and orphans of those who were killed on board the Chesapeake," and to announce the conditional repeal of the Orders in Council as far as they applied to the commerce of the United States. Tliis re- peal was to take place on the tenth of the following June. 1810. The President, on this assurance, issued a proclamation, giving permission for a renewal of commercial intercourse 1"' • with Great Britain. The news was hailed with joy throughout the land. In a few weeks more than a thou- sand ships, laden with American produce, were on their way to foreign markets. This gleam of sunshine was soon obscured. Four months after the President issued another ^"g- proclamation ; he now recalled the previous one, and again established non-intercourse between the two countries. The British ministry had disavowed the provisional arrangement made by Erskine, giving as one reason that he had gone beyond his instructions. In the communica- tion accepting Erskine's offer to provide for the sufferers in the Chesapeake affair, the provision was spoken of as an " act of justice comporting with what was due from his Britannic majesty to his own honor." This uncourteous remark gave offence, and furnished another jiretext for breaking off the negotiation. The failure of this arrangement, which had promised so much, greatly mortitietl the President and his cabinet, and as greatly wounded the self-respect of the nation. In consequence of this feeling, Jackson, the special envoy, MERCHANTS ASK PERMISSION TO ARM THEIR SHIPS. 573 sent soon after by England, was not very graciously re- '-^jp ceived. Negotiations were, however, commenced with _ him, but after exchanging angry notes for some months, 1810. all diplomatic intercourse was suspended between the two countries. American commerce had now less protection than ever. In the desperate conflict going on in Europe it was impossible to obtain redress from any of the belligerents. The ocean swarmed with French and English cruisers, wliile Danish privateers infested the northern seas. They all enjoyed a rich harvest in jilundering American mer- chantmen, under the convenient pretence that they car- ried goods contraband of war. Great numbers of ships thus jjillaged were burned at sea to destroy all traces of the robbery. Willing to trust to their own genius to , escape capture, the American merchants asked permission to arm their ships in self-defence. Congress denied the request, on the ground that such a state of affairs would be war ! The people, however, thought there was little to choose between actual war and a system of active legal- ized piracy. Even the planters and farmers, finding on their hands a vast amount of produce, for which a market was denied, were now inclined to strengthen the navy, that it might protect commerce, or if necessary make an irruption into Canada, and by that means compel Great Britain to repeal her odious decrees. France in the mean time was committing greater out- rages on American commerce than even England. Bo- aaparte issued a decree, the Rambuuillct, by which any American vessel that entered a French port or a port of any country imder French control, was declared liable to Mar confiscation. It shows the deUberate design of this pi- ratical decree, that it was not promulgated till six weeks after its date. The first intimation American merchants received of its existence, was the seizure of one hundred and thirty-two of their ships, in French ports. These 574 HISTORY OF THE AilEEICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, were soon after sold with their cargoes, and the money, , amounting to eight milHons of dollars, placed in the isio. French treasury. Expostulations against such high-handed measures were treated with contempt and insult. Tht French minister of foreign affairs even charged the United States " with a want of honor, energy, and just political views," in not defending themselves. Bonaparte's great object was to drive them into a war with England, and thus exclude from her American produce. With this in- tention he pretended he would revoke the Berlin and Milan decrees, on condition the United States would make their rights respected, or in other words, go to war with Eng- land. At this time the only port in Europe really open to American commerce was that of Archangel in Russia. There American ships, after running the gauntlet between French and Danish cruisers, landed their cargoes of merchandise, wliich were thence smuggled into France and Germany. Ere long Bonaparte's want of money mastered his hatred of England, and he unblushingly became the viola- tor of his own decrees, and sold to the Americans, at enor- mous prices, licenses which gave them permission to in- troduce their products into French ports. None felt the national insult given in the Chesapeake affair so deeply as the naval officers. They were anx- iously watching for an opportunity to retaliate. The frigate President, Captain Rodgers, was cruising off the capes of Delaware, when a strange sloop-of-war gave chase, but when within a few miles, her signals not being answered, she stood to the southward. The President now in turn gave chase, and in the twilight of the evening came within hailing distance. Rodgers hailed, but was answered by the same question ; another hail was given with a similar result. The stranger fired a gun, which was replied to by one from the President. These were TECUMSEH AND THE PROPHET. 575 succeeded by broadsides from both vessels. Tlie action ciijj'- lasted about twenty minutes, when the stranger was com- pletely disabled. Rodgers hailed again, and now was 1810. answered that the vessel was his Majesty's sloop-of-war \^^ Little Belt. The disparity in the injury done to the re- spective vessels was quite remarkable. The Little Belt had more than thirty of her crew killed and wounded, while the President was scarcely injured, and had only one person slightly wounded. The ati'air created much ex- citement iu both nations, and served to increase that alienation of feeling which had been so long in existence. The statements of the commanding officers ditfered very much as to the commencement of the encounter, but as each government accepted the testimony of its own officers, the matter was permitted to drop. The census just taken, showed the following result: — the ratio of representation was fixed at thirty-five thou^ sand : Free Whites. Slaves. All others. Totals. Reps. 5,862.093. 1,191,364. 186,446. 7,239,903. 182. Events of serious interest were occurring on the western frontier. Numbers of Indian tribes from time to time had ceded their lands and moved farther west. But the in- satiable white man still pressed on ; his cultivated fields still encroached upon the Indian's hunting-grounds, and game was fast disappearing. When is this grasping at laud to end ? asked the savages of each other. Two brothers, twins, of the Shawnee tribe, resolved to free their brethren from the aggressions of the settlers. Their plans were well laid, and showed an intimate knowl- edge of the secret of influence. The one, Tecumseh, was to play the warrior's part, the other Elskwatawa, more commonly known as the Prophet, appealed to their superstitions ; he professed to be a wonderful medicine- man, and in communication with the Great Spirit. Tecumseh travelled from tribe to tribe, all along the 576 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, frontiers, from north of the great lakes to the Gulf of Mexico, and by his eloquence endeavored to unite them i-Sll. in a universal conspiracy against the common enemy. He knew the attempt to expel the invaders would he vain, but he hoped his people would unite as one man, and refuse to sell them any more of their lands. To ac- complish their purpose the Indians mu^ be independent ; they must dispense with the few comfoits they received from the white man, and they must spurn the religion which missionaries had been laboring to teach them. The Projjliet fulfilled his part ; he awed his simple auditors with imposing powwows ; the Great Spirit had given him marvellous powers. He could at a word make pumpkins, as large as wigwams, spring out of the earth ; or ears of corn, each large enough to feed a dozen men ; he appealed to their reverence for the customs of their ancestors, and sneered at their degradation in being the slave of the white man's whiskey, or fire-water, as he significantly called it. He must be obeyed — they must throw aside the blanket and dress in skins ; instead of the gun they must use the ancient bow and arrow ; and the iron toma- hawk must give place to the stone hatchet of their fathers ; but above all, they must discard the religion of the white man ; it was the rejection of their ancient religion, which made the Great Si^irit so angry. Alarm spread along the frontier settlements. The Miamis had sold a portion of their lands on both sides of the Wabash. Tecumseh was absent at the time, but protested afterward, contending that as all the lands be- longed equally to all the Indians, no tribe had a right to sell a portion of them without the consent of the others. General William Henry Harrison, the Governor of the Territory of Indiana, held a conference with Tecumseh, who at the time professed to be friendly, but his conduct afterward excited suspicion. Lest the Indians should unexpectedly commence hostilities, Harrison marched to BATTLE OF TIPPECANOE. 577 the town lately established by the Prophet, at the junction chap of the Wabash and Tippecanoe rivers. Messengers sent . by the Prophet met the army a few miles from the town. vsn. Though Indians were hovering around the army on its march, yet efforts to hold a conference with them had thus far been unsuccessful. The messengers expressed great surprise that the Americans should approach their town, since the Prophet and his people were very desirous of peace. Harrison assured them that he had no intention to engage in hostilities, unless they themselves should attack him, and he invited the Prophet and his chiefs to an interview the next day. The messengers departed ap- parently pleased with the proposal, and on their part promised full compliance. Knowing the Indian character, Harrison suspected treachery, and encamped with great caution ; his men, placed in a hollow square, slept upon their arms. The next morning, about four o'clock, the Indians suddenly attacked the camp, but failed to break the line. For Nov. three hours the contest was very severe. The Indians would advance with great impetuosity, and then retreat to renew the effort. These movements were regulated by signals given by rattling deers' hoofs. When daylight appeared, the mounted men charged, and the savages fled in great haste. The next day the Prophet's town was found to be deserted. Tecumseh himself was not present at the battle of Tippecanoe. The belhgerents of Europe still continued their ag- gressions upon American commerce. Eecent intelligence from France indicated but little prospect of obtaining re- dress for present grievances, while the impressment ques- tion made the affairs with Great Britain still more com- plicated. Differences of opinion prevailed, as to the best means of obtaining justice for these foreign aggressions. The people of New England, and the merchants of the 37 I 578 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. i^iJAP. commercial cities and seaports of the other States, felt especially aggrieved by the policy of the national govern- 1811. ment. The embargo and non-importation acts had ruined their commerce, and brought distress upon tens of thou- sands. Upon them, almost alone, had fallen the evils resulting from these political experiments. The people of the West, and of the interior of the Atlantic States, were in fxvor of hostilities ; their territory would be exempt from invasion, and they had no seaport towns to suffer from bombardment. Thus there were really two parties, the one in favor of obtaining redress by peaceful measures, the other by resorting to war. In view of these threatening indications, the Presi- dent, by proclamation, convened the twelfth Congress a N^ov. month earlier than the usual time of meeting. This *• Congress and the one si\cceeding are no less remarkable for the measures they introduced than for the unusual number of their members, who afterward filled a large space in the history of the country. It was a transition period. The patriots of the revolution, now venerable with age, were fast passing away from the councils of the nation, while their places were filled by more youthful members. Heretofore the leaders in Congress had been moderate in their measures, and were unwilling, unless for the best of reasons, to plunge the nation into a war. As a member of the House of Representatives, appeared Henry Clay, of Kentucky. The son of a Baptist clergy- man of Virginia, he had been l?ft at an early age a penni- less orphan. Struggling through many trials, his native eloquence had now placed him in the foremost rank of his country's orators. Ardent and generous, bland and yet imperious, as captivating in social life as he was frank in his public acts, he was destined to wield a mighty in- fluence in the councils of the nation. John C. Calhoun, of South Carolina, was also a member ; the close student and ardent theorist, dealing in first principles, he was I THREATENING ASPECT OF FOREIGN RELATIONS. 579 logical and eloquent. His style more suited to forensic ^4?- debates than to popular assemblies. The President, in his message, directed the attention 1811 of Congress to the threatening aspect of Foreign Kelations. This led to animated debates, in which the policy of peace or war ; the defences of the country ; the preliminary measures in case of a declaration of hostilities, came up for discussion. The speeches of the members may be taken as the exponents of the opinions of their constitu- ents. The people of the West were especially clamorous for war. The recent outbreak of the Indians, on the western frontiers, was confidently attributed to the in- fluence of British emissaries. This charge, though based upon surmises, served to increase the prejudice against England, and gave renewed life to the hatred of her pro- duced by the Revolution. Finally, the Committee of Foreign Relations, in their report to the House, recommended, in the words of the President, " That the United States be immediately put Dec into an armor and attitude demanded by the crisis ; that an additional force of ten thousand regulars be raised ; that the President be authorized to accept the services of fifty thousand volunteers ; and also that the vessels of the navy worthy of repair be fitted up and put in commission." Two separate resolutions were offered ; one authorized the merchants to arm in self-defence, and the other, as a j^reliminary to war, to lay an embargo for ninety days. After an animated discussion these were both rejected. Felix Grundy, of Tennessee, avowed that the report of the Committee was designed to prepare the public mind for war. " We are pledged," said he, " to France to con- tinue our restrictions against Great Britain ; we have tied the Gordian knot ; we cannot untie it ; we can cut it with the sword." " Though our restrictive system operates unequally, we must maintain it," He also advo- 580 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, cated the invasion and conquest of Canada, and the re- caption of her inhabitants as members of the confederacy, 1811. in order to preserve the equilibrium of the government. ® ■ " When Louisiana," said he, " will be fully peopled, the Northern States will lose their power ; they will be at the discretion of others ; they can be depressed at pleasure." Therefore he was not only in favor of admitting Canada, but also Florida. John Randolph, of Virginia, in that sarcastic manner peculiar to himself, characterized the embargo and non- importation acts as most impolitic and ruinous measures — they had " knocked down the price of cotton to seven cents and tobacco to nothing," while they had increased the price of every article of first necessity three or four hundred per cent. This is the condition into which we have brought ourselves by our want of wisdom. But is war the true remedy ; who will profit by it ? Speculators, commissioners and contractors. Who must suffer by it ? The people. It is their blood, their taxes, that must flow to support it. Will you plunge the nation into war, because you have passed a foolish and ruinous law, and are ashamed to repeal it ? He indignantly repelled the charge of British attach- ment made against those who were not willing to rush into war with England. " Strange," said he, " that we have no objection to any other people or government, civilized or savage ; we find no difficulty in maintaining relations of peace and amity with the Autocrat of all the Russias ; with the Dey of Algiers and his divan of pirates, or Little Turtle of the Miamis, barbarians and savages, Turks and infidels of every clime and color, with them we can trade and treat. But name England, and all our antipathies are up in arms against her ; against those whose blood runs in our veins, in common with whom we claim Shakspeare and Milton, Newton and Locke, Sidney and Chatham, as brethren. Her form of DEBATES IN CONGRESS HENRY CLAY. ^Sl government, the freest on earth, except our own, and 'arrassment and annihilation — but for pro- tection." 1812. While these debates were in progress in the House, the same general subject was under discussion in the Senate. In both Houses an unusual number of southern members were now in favor of making the navy more efficient. It was urged that the only way to bring Great Britain to terms was by harassing her commerce on the ocean. To do this a fleet was needed. " Create a fleet of thirty frigates," said Lloyd, of Massachusetts, " and New England alone will officer it in five weeks." " How can we contend with the most colossal power the world ever saw, except by our navy, scattered over the -ocean, requiring ten times as many British vessels to watch them P Adopt this policy, and soon the English people would ask their government, Why this war upon our trade ? why violate the rights of Americans .?' For whose benefit 'is this war ? Soon you will force the people of the United States to become their ' "They (the Orders in Council) were grievously unjust to neutrals, and it is now (1S50) generally allowed that they were contrary to the law ol' na- tions, and to our own municipal laws." — Lord Chief Justice Campbell, it his Lives of the Chancellors, vol vM. p. 218. THE PEESIDENT KECOMMENDS WAK. 583 Dwn manufacturers ; you will stimulate them to Ijecome ^3^ a naval power, which one day may dispute with you the supremacy of the ocean." " In a short time the English 1813 government would be compelled to repeal its odious de- crees." " To protect commerce is to aid agriculture, to benefit the northern as well as the middle and southern States. Moreover, it is essential to the preservation of the Union ; the commercial States will not endure that their rights should be systematically trampled upon from year to year, and they denied the defence whicli the God of nature has given them." The discussions of these five months had a great influ- ence upon the public mind. Though unwilling to use liarsher measures than to authorize the merchants to de- fend themselves by arming their ships, the President sent a special message to Congress recommending an embargo for sixty days. The bill was amended by substituting ninety for sixty, in which form it passed, debate being cut A;)rL short by the rule of the previous question. One month and a half later, intelligence from Franco made known that Bonaparte, in violation of his vv'ord, had declared the obnoxious decrees of Berlin and Milan hence- forth the settled policy of the Empire. Thus the Emperor June had entrapped the President. But England was as much in the wrong as France, and if so, why not declare war against both ? — It was openly avowed in Parliament that the offensive decrees and blockades must be maintained, or France could receive raw material from the United States ; continue her manufactures, and thus obtain the means to carry on the war. Great Britain also wished to secure for her own people the monopoly of commerce, as well as that of manufacturing for the world. The President finally sent another message to Congress, in which he recapitulated the wrongs inflicted by England in her impressments and violations of the rights of neutrals. This was plainly a war message, and in accordance with .hine 18. 584 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. '"H-'^f- that view, a bill was drawn up declarins; war agaiiisl xi.ii. . '. . Great Britain. It was passed by a strictly party vote : — 181-2. in the House 79 to 49, in the Senate 19 to 13. The people were far from being unanimous in their approbation of the declaration of war. The minority of the Lower House of Congress published an address to their constituents, in which the views of those opposed to the war found expression. After a review of the contro- versy between the United States and the belligerents, they contend there was equal cause for hostilities against both England and France ; that it was unreas(jnable to expect the full recognition of neutrals' rights while the desperate conflict in Europe was in jjrogress ; that conflict would soon end, and then the cause for warden our part would be removed. The Address says, " The effect of the British orders of blockade, is to deprive us of the commerce of France and her dependencies, while they leave open to us the commerce of all the rest of the world ; the former worth yearly about six millions and a half, and the latter worth thirty-eight millions. Shall the latter be sacrificed for the former ? . A nation like the United States, happy in its great local relations ; removed from that bloody theatre of Europe, with a maritime border opening vast fields of enterprise ; with territorial possessions exceeding every real want ; its firesides safe ; its altars undefiled ; from invasion nothing to fear ; from acquisition nothing to hope, how shall such a nation look to Heaven for its smiles, while throwing away as though they were worth less, all the blessings and joys which peace and such a distinguished lot include ? But how will war upon the land protect commerce ? How are our mariners to be benefited by a war which exposes those who are free, without promising release to those who are impressed ? But it is said that war is demanded by honor. If honor demands a war with England, what opiate lulls that honor to sleep over the wrongs done us by France ? " THE EMBARRASSMENTS OF CONGRESS. 585 Such was the diversity of opinion as to the expediency ^^^• of engaging in war, especially when the country, in every respect, was so unprepared. The opponents of the measure 1812 were assailed as unpatriotic, which they retorted by charg- ing the advocates of war with subserviency to the policy of France. It was easier for Congress to declare war, than to ob- tain the means to prosecute it. The treasury was almost empty, the non-importation acts, and embargoes, liad nearly ruined the revenue ; the army was very limited in number, and very deficient in officers of experience ; while the navy was wanting in ships and munitions. Congress passed a bill to enlist twenty-five thousand men as regu- lars, and authorized the President to accept the services of fifty thousand volunteers. In appointing officers for the army, recourse was had, almost exclusively, to those who had served in the Revolution ; but the most prominent of these had jjassed away, and the remainder, with but one or two exceptions, had been engaged in civil affairs for thirty years ; and men competent to drill the recruits were not to be found. To remedy this want. Congress, now for the first time, made provision for the constant and liberal instruction of two hundred and fifty cadets in the military art, by estab- lishing professorships in the Academy at West Point. Here was another instance of the foresight of Washing- ton. He had, during his administration, urged upon Con- gress to establish and maintain a school in wliich military tactics should be taught to officers, who in turn could easily drill the militia. The wise policy of the measure was amply shown in the rapidity with which the American volunteers were drilled and made efficient soldiers in the late Mexican war. But for the present the nation suffered i84ft severely from false economy in not founding the Academy when first proposed. The first exhibition of the war spirit and the party 586 HISTORY 0J» THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, feeling which existed was an attempt to stifle the freedom of the press. The editor of a paper in Baltimore, Alexander 1812. Hanson, a grandson of a president of the coutinental con- gress, had spoken in moderate terms in condemnation of the June declaration of war. A few days after, the moh, headed by a Frenchman, destroyed his press and compelled him to fly for his life. Receiving no protection in his rights, as the magistrates connived at the outrage, Hanson and same twenty others thought it their duty to vindicate the liberty of the press. Among this number was General ■ Henry Lee, — the chivalric Light Horse Harry of the Rev- olution, — the intimate friend of Washington, his eulo- gist by appointment of Congress, afterward Grovernor of Virginia, and General Lingan, also a worthy officer of the Revolution. They determined to defend the office of the paper. The mob appeared and stoned the house ; the magistrates meanwhile made no effort to quell the riot. Thus the rabble raged during the night ; in their attempts to force their way into the house, one of the ringleaders was shot. Genei-al Lingan was killed outright, and some of the other defenders of the othce were most shamefully mangled and abused. General Lee was maimed for life. The leaders of the riot were never punished, though afterwards brought to trial, — a mere farce, — the district attorney even expressing his regret that all the defenders of the office had not been killed. General William Hull, who had served with some dis- tinction in the Revolution, and now Governor of Michigan Territory, was appointed commander of the forces in that region. The Territory contained about five thousand in- habitants, mostly of French origin. He received orders to invade Canada, the ardent friends of the war comi)lacently thinking the inhabitants of that British province would cheerfully put themselves under the protection of the stars and stripes. Hull, however, found himself in a short time surrounded by a superior force of British and In- GENERAL HULL SURRENDERS HIS ARMY. 587 dians ; the enemy also held possession of Lake Erie, aud ^?}'^f' _had easy communication with the rest of Canada, while . between Hull's army and the settlements, intervened a 1812. vast and unbroken forest of two hundred miles. He urged upon the government to secure the command of the Lake before any attempt should be made at invasion, and also to furnish him not less than three thousand well pro- visioned troojis. But he was told that he must content himself with two thousand men, while nothing could be done to secure the control uf the Lake. When Hull arrived at Detroit, then a village of some /uly eight hundred inhabitants, he had but eighteen hundred men, of whom the greater part were militia ; there he re- ceived orders to invade Canada immediately. But by a strange blunder, the intelligence of the declaration of war, designed for Hull, and franked by the Secretary of the Treasury, fell into the hands of the British. They availed themselves of the information, and immediately seized Mack- inaw ; the first intimation the garrison of that distant post received of the declaration of war. In a short time Hull himself was surrounded, and his communications cut off. The British general Proctor came up the Lake with reinforcements, whilst the British Fur Company enlisted their employees and excited the Indians. To open a road and obtain supplies, HuU sent out a detachment, but it feU into an ambuscade and was defeated. He now fortified himself, and to open communications to the river Eaisin, sent another detachment under Colonels McArthur and Cass ; they became bewildered in a swamp, and were forced Aug to find their way hack to the camp. !*• Presently General Brock, governor of Lower Canada, arrived at Maiden with more reinforcements. He passed over the river and summoned Hull to surrender, who re- fused, and an attack was made upon his position, both from the British vessels and batteries. Brock landed and approached with seven hundred and fifty regulars, and as 16. 558 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. ^[AP. many Indians. Hull had but eight hundred men, and . threatened with destruction, as he imagined, by an over-. 1812. whelming force, he surrendered his army and all Michigan Auk. at the same time. Great indignation was expressed at this failure. The difficulties of Hull's position were very great, and perhaps, while no one doubted his personal courage, he may have wanted that sternness of soul so necessary to a successful commander. Those in authority screened themselves, by making the unfortunate general the scape-goat for their blunders, in sending him with a force and means so inade- quate. When brought to trial, two years afterward, he urged in defence, that all the inhabitants of tlie territory would have been exposed to certain massacre had he at- tempted further resistance. The court, however, found him guilty of cowardice, and sentenced him to be shot ; but in consideration of his revolutionary services, the Presi- dent granted him a pardon. His impers, since published, have revealed the insurmountable difficulties that sur- rounded him. It is remarkable that one of the causes of the war, was removed within four days after its declaration. France unconditionally repealed the Berlin and Milan decrees, then Great Britain repealed her Orders in Council, which had been based on the French decrees. The impressment question still remained unsettled. Nearly six thousand cases of alleged impressment were on record in the State Department at Washington. It was admitted on the floor of the House of Commons, that there were probably sixteen hundred native-born Americans held in bondage in the British navy. Of these several hundred had already been liberated, and a willingness was expressed to dis- charge the remainder, as soon as their nationality was fully known. But the British naval officers complained that the plea of American citizenship was very much abused ; by forged documents, or by certificates, originally AMERICAN SHIPS IN ENGLISH POETS. 589 genuine, but transferred from one seaman to another as oc- '^^J' casion 'required. The English government, moreover, was so trammelled by forms that very seldom could the impressed 1812 sailor obtain redress ; all such cases must be brought be- fore the Court of Admiralty in London, to reach which was almost impossible. This, after all, was to be a war to protect personal free- dom ; to obtain security from the visits to our ships of British press-gangs, led by insolent officers, and as such took hold of the sympathies of the American people. But Britain said, pass a law prohibiting our seamen from enlisting in your service, and we will not search your ships. The reply was, the flag of the United States must shield those seeking its protection. This sentiment ap- peared to England very like an effort to seduce her sea- men from their allegiance. When intelligence of the declaration of war reached England, the government acted generously in relation to the American vessels in its ports. Instead of being con- Aag, fiscated as in France, these ships were permitted six weeks to load and unload, and in addition were furnished with protections against capture by English cruisers on their way home. Yet these very vessels and their car- goes were liable to confiscation, when they should arrive in their own land, and that by a law of Congress ! As one of the causes of the war had been removed, Foster, the British Minister at Washington, proposed a cessation of hostilities until another effort should be made to arrange the impressment question. This proposal was not accepted by the American government. Not until all hope of reconciliation was passed, did the English au- thorities issue letters of marque and reprisal against American commerce ; and they still conthrued to grant licenses and protection to American vessels carrying flour to Spain for the use of the British armies in that country. Hull's surrender threw a shadow over the prospect of 590 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, conquering Canada. Strenuous efforts were made to in- 1 crease the army on the frontiers of New York. Major 1812. General Dearborn, who, when a youth, had served in the Eevolution, and had been Secretary of War, under Jeffer- son, had under his command, in the vicinity of Late Cham- plain, five thousand troops, three thousand of whom were regulars ; and two thousand militia were stationed at different points on the St. Lawrence, east of Sackett's Harbor, while another army, miscellaneous in character, being composed of regulars, volunteers and militia, was stationed at different points from the village of Buffalo to Fort Niagara. The latter troops were under the com- mand of General Van Rensselaer. To insure success the Americans must have the con- trol of the Lakes Erie and Ontario ; on the latter they had already a little sloop-of-war, of sixteen guns, and manned by a regular crew. Captain Chauncey, of the Sept. navy yard at New York, was appointed to the command of the Lakes. He purchased some merchant vessels, and fitted them out with guns and other equipments, brought from Albany, at an immense amount of labor. He soon however swept the Lake of British ships, which took refuge in Kingston harbor ; the Frontenac of the times of French rule in that quarter. Lieutenant Elliot, in the mean time, was sent to equip a fleet on Lake Erie. By a daring exploit he cut out from under the guns of Fort Oct. Erie, two British armed vessels, which had just come ^- down the Lake from Detroit. The invasion of Canada commenced by an attempt to obtain possession of Queenstown, on Niagara river. Owing to a deficiency of boats, only about six hundred men, partly regulars and partly militia, passed over. Colonel S. Van Eenssehier, who commanded the militia, became separated from his men, and Colonel Christie, who com- manded the regulars, failed on account of the rapidity of the current to reach the shore. Those who landed were DEATH OF GENERAL BROCK AMERICAN PRISONERS. 591 immediately attacked with great vigor. Kensselaer soon ^^^'\f- fell, woimded, but lie ordered Captains Ogilvie and Wool to storm the battery, which they did in fine style, 1S12. driving the Briti.sh into a strong stone house, from which they could not be dislodged. General Brock, the same to whom Hull surrendered a few months before, was Oct. . 13. in command. Suddenly he headed a sortie from this house, which was promptly repulsed, and he himself slain. During this time, a space of five or six hours, the Americans were striving to pass the river, but only five or six hundred succeeded. Suddenly a band of Indians emerged from the woods, and joined in the fray ; these were soon put to flight by Lieutenant Winfield Scott, who, with a company of regulars, volunteered for the pur- pose. The want of boats, and the want of system, bad prevented a suitable number of Americans from passing over. In the mean while General Sheafe was advancing from Fort George, with reinforcements for the British. This intelligence, together with the sight of the wounded, who were brought in boats to the American side, somewhat cooled the ardor of the militia, and they refused to pass the river to aid their countrymen. Their wits were also sharpened, and they suddenly discovered that their com- mander had no constitutional authority to lead them into Canada. The result was, that those who had gone over, about one thousand in number, were compelled to surren- der themselves prisoners of war. General Van Kensselaer, mortified at the want of spirit manifested on the occasion, resigned his command in disgust. Inefficiency reigned in triumph all along the frontier. An expedition against Detroit, under the command of Harrison, was abandoned for want of means. The volun- teers from Kentucky, as well as others, became mutinous and refused to advance. One failure followed another in rapid succession. The officers were quarrelling amonsj 1807. 592 HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES. CHAP, themselves, chaiffing each other with cowardice and "STT TT cj E. 619 This first victory, after a fair trial of strength, was rerr ^^■ gratit\-ing to the Americans, privates as well as officersw Brown took possession of Queenstown, but found he had 1S14- not the proper cannon to successfully attack Fort George, and that the fleet could not co-operate. After maintain- July ing his position three weeks, he fell back to the Chippewa. -"*' The British were not idle. On the very day that Brown reached the CWppewa, General Dnimmond ar- rived from York at Fort George, with large reinforce- ments. To prevent them trom sending a detachment to destroy his stores at Schlc>sser, Bn.)wn made an advance upon the enemy. Scott led his brigade, accompanied by the artillery commande*.! by Towson. General Kiall was advancing in force in an opjvsite direction, intendiug on the following morning to attack the Americans. AKiat sunset, when directly opjvisite the falls of Niagara, these parties unexpectedly met. The British took position on s rising ground, and there placed their artillery, consisting of seven pieces. These began to play upon Scott's bri- gade, while, because of their position on the hill, balls frvmi Towson's guns could scarcely reach them. The loss of the Americans was great, yet they maintained their position, exjiecting Brv^wn with the main army. When it wasquite dark, he arrivev^l. One of Scott's regiments under Major Jessup daive the Canadian militia before them, and, gaining the rear of the enemy, captureil a number of prisoners, among whom was General Riall himselt'. who having been wouude«.l, was retiring. It was seen that the key of the position was the park of artillery on the hilL Said Ripley to Colonel James Miller : '" Can you take that battery ? " " I'll try, sir," was the prompt reply. Then silently leading his regiment, which was partially concealed by the fence of a churchyarvl. along which they passed. Miller rushe*.! ujion the artillerists, and dane them from their guns at the point of the bayonet. Presently General Drnmmond advanceil in the darkness to recover the 620 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. XLiv" S'™^ > ^"^ '^^ ™^^ quailed before the terrible fire which they encountered. He rallied tbem again ; and again 1814. they were forced from the hill. With the energy of des- peration, for the third time they advanced, and were again met with a resistance equally obstinate, — the op- posing forces fighting hand to hand with the bayonet. It j^^j was now midnight. The British sullenly retired. The 25. Americans had maintained their ground, supplying their own exhausted ammunition from the cartridge-boxes of their slain foes. The men were almost perishing with hunger, thirst and fatigue. They had marched during the day fifteen miles, and contended with the enemy five hours. Exhausted, they sank upon the ground. The silence was broken only by the groans of the wounded and dying, and the roar of the mighty cataract, whose moan- ing tones was a fit requiem for the dead on that field of blood. The Americans at length retired to their camp, not having horses or any means to carry ofi" the guns which they had captured. The scouts of the enemy soon dis- covered that they had retired, and a strong detachment was sent to reoccupy the hill and recover their artillery. Such was the midnight battle of Bridgewater, or Lundy's Lane. The. Americans lost nearly seven hundred and fifty men — and the British nearly nine hundred ; an un- precedented loss, when compared with tlie number en- gaged. Brown and Scott were both wounded ; as well as nearly all the regimental officers. The next morning there were but sixteen hundred effective men in the American ■ camp. It was now seen that the Americans, when prop- erly led, could and would fight. They had met the vete- rans who fought under WelKngton in Spain, and repulsed them in three desperate encounters. This battle stood out in bold relief, when compared with the imbecility hithert(^r BO characteristic of the campaigns on the northern fron- BRITISH KEPULSED- -BATTLE ON LAKE CHAMPLAIN. 62J tier. It acquired a national interest, as important in its ^Hj^i' effect as the first naval victories. The American army fell back to Fort Erie, the com- 1814 maud of which Brown intrasted to Colonel Edmund P. Gaines. In the course of a fortnight, Drummond ad- vanced with four thousand men, and after bombarding the fort, attempted at midnight to carry it by assault. The British, in the face of a destructive fire, charged again and again, even within a few feet of the intrench- Aug. . .15 ments. They were finally forced to retire, after sustain- ing a loss of nearly a thousand men — the Americans not j losing a hundred. In a few weeks the energetic Brown, now partially recovered from his wounds, assumed the command. He determined to make a dash at the enemy's batteries, which were two miles in advance of their camp. The time, mid-day, was well chosen. Kushing out from Sept. the fort, before assistance could come from the British camp, he stormed the batteries, fired the magazines, spiked the guns, captured four hundred prisoners, and re- turned to the fort, leaving six hundred of the enemy killed and wounded. But this brilliant exploit cost him nearly three hundred men. Drummond immediately raised the siege and retreated beyond the Chippewa. Stirring events occurred on another part of the frontier. The little navy on Lake Chami^lain emulated the deeds of the one on Lake Erie just a year before. General Prevost, himself, marched from Canada with twelve thousand veteran troops to invade the State of New York — the town of Plattsburg was the special object of attack. There on the south bank of the Saranac, General Macomb was intrenched with an army of three thousand men, many of whom were invalids. The main body of the American forces was under General Izard, at Sackett's Harbor. Macomb called upon the militia of Vermont and ®?,P*" New York for aid ; three thousand of whom nobly re- sponded, as did their fathers thirty-seven years before, 622 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, when Burgoyne was moving in the same direction, and for the same purpose. Commodore Macdonough, after lahor- 1814. ing incessantly, had at last equipped a fleet. It consisted of a ship, the Saratoga, of twenty-six guns, a brig ol twenty guns, an armed schooner, and a sloop, besides some gun-boats, in all eighty-six guns and eight hundred and fifty-six men. The British soon appeared, and be- gan to prepare batteries in order to assault Macomb's position. It was useless to force the Saranac, unless 'the command of the lake was secured. Cajrtain Downie had a fleet of one ship of thirty-seven guns, a brig of twenty- four, two sloops each of eleven, and a number of gun- boats, in all ninety-five guns and one thousand men. Macdonough moored his fleet across the entrance of Platts- burg Bay. A strange scene was witnessed on board the Saratoga. As the British fleet drew near, Macdonough knelt in jirayer in the presence of his men, and implored the blessing of Heaven upon his country, and especially upon those about to engage with him in the coming conflict. Downie stood directly into the harbor, reserving iiis fire for a close action, but his largest vessel became so disabled that he was obliged to cast anchor a quarter of a Sept. j^Qg from the American line. During this time one of his sloops was so cut up as to become unmanageable, and drifting within reach, was secured, while the other sloop for a similar cause drifted ashore. All the guns on one side of Macdonough's largest ship were disabled, but he managed to wind her round, and presented a whole side and guns to her antagonist. Downie attempted the same manoeuvre, but failing he struck his flag ; the entire fleet was captured with the exception of a few gun-boats. When the battle began on the lake, Prevost advanced to storm Macomb's position ; he delayed the main attack till a detachment could cross the river above, but before that was accomplished, the fleet had surrendered. The following night, in the midst of a raging storm, the enemy. THE BRITISH FLEET IN THE CHESAPEAKE. 623 Stricken with a sudden panic, commenced their retreat, ^'^^P- abandoned their sick and wounded, and the greater part of their stores. Thus again the navy of the hike had given 1814. a decisive blow. Their great number of vessels enabled the British still to blockade the ports of the United States, and effectually prevent their ships of war from getting to sea. The Wasp was their only one afloat. She was known to have lately cajjtured the British sloop-of-war Avon, and subsequently three other prizes. All trace of her was now lost ; she had gone down, carrying with her the only American flag which waved on the ocean from a national vessel. Chesa- peake Bay became the favorite rendezvous for the British fleet ; its shores affording great facilities for marauding- expeditions As a defence, the gun-boats were of no .ser- vice, except to make a bold front till the enemy came near, and then to run up the creeks, out of harm's way. In the waters of the Chesapeake and its tributaries, there were now sixty ships of war under the command of Admirals Cockburn and Cochrane. On board this fleet was a land force of five thousand troops, under General Eobert Koss. The greatest alarm prevailed in that region in consequence of a proclamation, signed by Cochrane, which promised to persons desirous of emigrating from the United States, employment in the British army and navy, or transportation as '''.free settlers " to the West India Islands, or to Canada. Still more alarming was the Jnlj rumor, based on the proposition of some British officers, that the enemy were about to seize the peninsula between the Chesapeake and Delaware Bays, and there form and drill an army of runaway slaves. General Winder, who was appointed to the command in the emergency, was authorized to call out fifteen thou- sand militia from the neighboring States. This he pro- posed to do some weeks before the enemy appeared, and 0. 624 HISTOET OF THE AMEKICAN PEOPLE. xtfy' *° P^^'^^ them in a central position, tliat they might be able to march to the defence of either Washington, Balti- 1814. more, or Annapolis, as the case might require. This ju- dicious plan was not adopted. Armstrong, the Secretary of War, opposed it on the ground that with an empty treasury it would be unjustifiable to incur the expense ; and, moreover, he was of the opinion that Washington would not be attacked by an enemy who were without horses or cannon, and that Baltimore could defend itself President Madison seems to have been at a loss what to do or advise. In the midst of these discussions the enemy appeared, one portion of their fleet coming up the bay, and another iip the Potomac. At this late hour word was sent, not by express, but by the tardy mail, to the authorities of Pennsylvania and Virginia, asking them to forward their requisition of militia. It was now impossible for them to reach the scene of action. In the mean time at Benedict, .on the Patuxent, about fifty miles from Washington, General ^^- Ross landed five thousand troops, without meeting the least opposition from the militia of the neighborhood. He commenced his march toward the capital, moving very slowly, not more than ten miles a day, the marines, for want of horses, dragging their field-pieces, only three or four. The soldiers were enervated from the eifects of their voyage, and from the excessive heat of the weather. A few spirited troops could have easily checked them. A company of armed and trained negroes marched in front, cautiously exjDloring the country, and receiving from run- away slaves information of the Americans. The soul of the enterprise was the notorious Cockburn, who had been for a year engaged in pillaging that region. The planters were so much alarmed for their own safety, lest the slaves, much more numerous than their masters, should rise in insurrection and join the enemy, that they permitted the invaders to advance for four days without making the least BATTLE OF BLADENSBURG. 625 opposition. They might have been delayed on their S'^^- march much longer, if trees had been felled at certain poin£s where the roads crossed swamps, or if the numerous 1814. bridges on the route had been broken down. Commodore Barney, who was in command of the flotilla of gun-boats, ran them up the Patuxent as far as possible, then set them on fire, and marched with five hundred marines to join the militia concentrating in the vicinity of Bladensburg. Here he was put in command ^"^• of some heavy guns brought from the navy yard. The President himself, accomi^anied by his cabinet, visited the camp, where all was in confusion. The divisions of militia were stationed by General Winder in such posi- tions as to support each other, but these had been changed by self-constituted officers, who accompanied the Presi- dent. It was ascertained that the enemy was moving toward Bladensburg. Rumor had magnified their num- ber to ten thousand ; all veterans. The discreet militia began to retreat, some with permission and some without. On learning this General Winder sent orders for them to make a stand at the bridge and fight. The village was abandoned, and on the other side of the east branch of the Potomac the marines and militia were arranged. Barney had j)laced his men in a ijosition to sweep the road with the guns. About the middle of the afternoon the enemy appeared, but so excessive had been the heat, that they were completely exhausted. When Ross re- connoitred the militia stationed on the risins^ ground, he was somewhat alarmed at their formidable appearance. But he had gone too far to retreat ; the order was given to move forward. His alarm was of short continuance. A few Oongreve rockets put the Maryland militia to flight ; the riflemen followed ; the artillery, after firing not more than twice, rapidly retreated ; then the Baltimore regi- ment, on which some hopes were placed, fled also, carry^ ing with them the President and his cabinet. The "24! 40 Aug C26' HISTOEy OF THE AMEEICAX PEOPLE. 'xnv' -^'^i*''^^ ^^^ moved slowly on until they were checked hy . the guns manned by the marines under Barney. Find- 1814. ing it impossible to force the position of the marines and sailors in front, detachments tiled by the right and left and passed up ravines. At the head of one was stationed the Annapolis regiment, which fled at the first fire. At the head of the other ravine were placed some regulars and militia ; they also showed their discretion by getting out of harm's way as soon as possible. The sailors and marines, thus deserted, and in danger of being surrounded, retired, their guns and wounded companions falling into the hands of the enemy. Owing to the vigorous fire oi the marines, the British lost a large number of men, and others died from fatigue and heat, and it was absolutely necessary to wait some hours before they could march on Washington. Thus ended the battle of Bladensburg, — in one respect the most famous in American annals. In the cool of the evening the British advanced into Washington, which they found almost entirely deserted by its male inhabitants. The enemy proceeded to dis- grace themselves by fulfilling the instructions which Ad- miral Cochrane had previously ofiicially announced, which were "to destroy and lay waste aU towns and dis- tricts of the United States found accessible to the attack of British armaments." They burned the capitol, and with it the Congressional Library, and the buildings used for the Treasury and State Departments, in revenge, as it was said, for the Parliament House at York. Many important Aug. papers were lost, but the most valuable had been removed ^^- some days before. Mrs. Madison had left the President's mansion, taking with her the plate and valuables, and also a portrait of Washington — which was taken from the frame and rolled up. The mansion was pillaged and set on fire, as were some private dwellings, and stores were also plun- dered. A complete destruction followed at the na\7 yard. GENERAL ROSS SLAIN DEFENCE OF FORT m'HENRY. 627 In the midst of a hostile country, General Eoss, with ^^^• a handful of exhausted men, was ill at ease. Perhaps he had read of Concord and Lexington, and was alarmed 1814, lest " the indignant citizen soldiery " would turn out and harass him on his retreat. Early the following ntght he kindled the camp fires, and leaving behind him the sick and woimded, he commenced a stealthy retreat to his ships. His alarm was needless ; in a march of four days not the least opposition did he experience. Four days after the taking of the capital, the British frigates, passing by Fort Washington, which offered but little resistance, came up the Potomac and anchored opposite Alexandria, ^g^ which town saved itself from a bombardment by paying an enormous tribute. When his men were refreshed. General Eoss moved with the fleet iip the Chesapeake, toward Baltimore. The militia of Maryland by this time had assembled for the defence of the city, and also several companies of volun- teers had arrived from Pennsylvania. The enemy, eight thousand strong, landed at North Point, at the mouth of Sept .12 the Patapsco. The land forces commenced their march, and the fleet to ascend the river, intending to capture Fort McHenry, situated two miles below the city. An advance party of Americans were thrown forward. In a skirmish with this party. General Ross was killed, yet the invaders pressed on; the militia, after a spirited encounter, retired in good order. The next morning the enemy ad- vanced, yet hesitatingly, as the neighboring hills were covered with soldiers, field works and artillery, which al- together made a formidable appearance: They were un- der the veteran General Samuel Smith, the same who so gallantly defended Fort MifiBlin in the Revolution. The British hesitated to commence the attack without the co- operation of the fleet, which was then busily engaged in bombarding Fort McHenry, but without much success, as the fort was replying with great spirit. When it was 628 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN- PEOPLE. CHAP, XLIV. ascertained that t-he fleet could not pass the fort, the in- vaders silently retired in the night and re-embarked. 1814. It was amid the excitement of this cannonade that Francis Key composed the popular song of the " Star Spangled Banner." He had gone to ask the release of certain prisoners, and had been detained during the at- tack on board the British fleet. From Eastport in Maine to Sandy Hook, the whole Eastern coast was liable to these marauding expeditions. One of the most serious of these, was the bombardment 'of Stonington in Connecticut, which continued for four days, but after throwmg shells and rockets, and several attempts to land, the enemy retired. They were repelled in every instance by the sturdy militia. Field works, garrisoned by the yeomanry of the country, were thrown up at all points along the coast likely to be an object of Aug. attack. This was done by the State authorities, the na- tional government being so completely enfeebled, as to he unable to afford the least aid to any of the States. The people of New England, with very few exceptions, continued to complain of their grievances. Their dis- tress was great; the embargo, enforced by severe penalties, ruined their fisheries and their coasting trade, and had deprived them of many of the necessaries of life. They looked upon these restrictions as " more odious and un- feeling than the Boston Port Bill, which roused the colo- nies to independence ; a gross and palpable violation of the principles of the Constitution, not to be submitted to with- out a pusillanimous surrender of their rights and liberties." Petitions poured in to the legislature of Massachusetts, asking it to take measures to redress these grievances. A committee to whom these petitions were referred, reported Feb. in terms expressive of the general sentiment of the pe- titioners. They believed that the war, so fertile in failures, and so threatening as to its results, was uncalled foi and DEBATES IN CONGKjiSS — DANIEL WEBSTER. 629 wrong in principle. They saw in the 'future the people ^Y^''- impoverished, deprived of their comforts, and their hopes blasted. And the committee recommended a convention 1814. of delegates from the commercial States, to obtain amend- ments to the constitution that would secure them against such evils. These manifestations of discontent had their effect, and the President himself proposed the abandonment of the restrictive system, not only the embargo, but the non- imjjortation act. In order to encourage domestic manu- Mar factures, instead of the latter he recommended that for three years after the close of the war double duties be imposed upon imported goods, and that the exportation of specie be prohibited. The advocates of the war in Congress, annoyed at the failures of the last two years, attributed their want of success to the influence of those opposed to the war ; in- stead of acknowledging their own imprudence, in thus rushing, without preparation, into hostilities, or ceasing to be infatuated with the idea of conq^uering Canada. In the discussion on a bill to procure enlistments for the army, Daniel Webster in reply to these charges, no doubt expressed the general sentiment of those opposed to the war. In those sections of the country where the population was most numerous, the war was unpopular because of its impolicy ; — it was no detraction from their patriotism that they did not join heart and hand in measures which they deemed the extreme of folly. He continued, — " Give up your futile projects of invasion. Extinguish the fires which blaze on your inland frontiers. Establish perfect safety and defence there by adequate force. Let every man that sleeps on your soil sleep in security. Having performed this work of beneficence and mercy on your inland border, turn and look with the eye of justice and compiassion on your vast population along the coast. Unclench the iron grasp of your embargo. Take 630 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, measures for that end before another suu sets upon you With all the war of the enemy upon your commerce, if 1814. you would cease to make war upon it yourselves, you would still have some commerce. That commerce would give you some revenue. Apply that revenue to the aug- mentation of your navy. Let it no longer be said, that not one ship of force, built by your hands since the war, yet floats upon the ocean. If the war must continue, go to the ocean. If you are seriously contending for mari- time lights, go to the theatre where alone those rights can be defended. Thither every indication of your fortune points you. There the united wishes and exertions of the nation will go with you. Even our party divisions, acrimonious as they are, cease at the water's edge. They are lost in attachment to the national character, on the element where that character is made respectable. In time you may be able to redress injuries in the place where they may be 'offered ; and, if need be, to accompany your own flag throughout the world with the protection of your own cannon." The embargo and non-importation act were repealed, while action on the other recommendations of the Presi- dent was postponed. The delegates to the convention recommended by the legislature of Massachusetts, met upon the appointed day Dwi at Hartford. In accordance with the sentiments express- ed in the call for the convention, the members were en- joined not to propose measures " repugnant to their obli- gations, as members of the Union." They met in a time of trial and distress to confer with each other on the best means to relieve the country of a ruinous war, and secure the blessings of a permanent peace. The Convention, consisting of but twenty-six members, sat with closed doors. After a session of twenty days it adjourned, and, as the result of their deliberations, published an addresi^ to the people. The address disappointed the more violent THE HARTFORD CONVENTION. 631 opponents of the war, who thought the occasion demanded ^^ more decided measures. The President and his cabinet had been much alarmed ; in the Convention, they imagin- 1814. ed lurked some terrible plot of treason ; they breathed more freely when they read this address and the resolutions After recapitulating the evils wliich the war had brought upon the people whom they represented, they ex- pressed their sentiments upon other wrongs ; such as the enlistment of minors and apprentices ; the national gov- ernment assuming to command the State militia ; and especially the proposed system of conscription for both army and navy. " Strange propositions for a government professedly waging war to protect its seamen from im- pressment ! " " The conscription of the father with the seduction of the son, renders complete the power of the national executive over the male pojjulation of the coun- try, thus destroying the most important relations of society." " A free constitution administered by great and in- comparable statesmen realized the fondest hopes of liberty and independence, under Washington and his measures. The arts flourished, the comforts of life were universally diffused, nothing remained but to reap the advantages and cherish the resources flowing from this policy." " Our object is to strengthen and perpetuate the union of these States, by removing the causes of jealousies." In furtherance of these views they proposed amend- ments to the Constitution ; among others, to equalize the representation in the lower House of Congress, by basing it on free population ; against embargoes and non-intercourse laws ; to make the President ineligible for a second term. These amendments were never adopted by the States. The existence of the Convention showed the intense feel- ing on the subject of the war and its consequences, and its deliberations exhibit no other spirit than that of wish- ing to redress grievances by constitutional means. G32 HISTOBT OF THE AMEKICAST PEOPLE. v^fv" Hhortly after the adjournment of the Convention, the legislatures of Massachusetts and Connecticut, viewing 3 814. the law of Congress which authorized the enlistment of minors and aj^jirentices, as a violation of their rights and unconstitutional, passed laws that subjected the recruiting officers to fine and imprisonment ; and required the State judges to release any such minor or apprentice on apph- cation of the parent or guardian. Fortunately the war was soon after brought to a close, and the necessity for enlistments under this oppressive and demoralizing law, was removed. CHAPTER XLV. MADISON'S ADMINISTRATION— CONCLUDED, Jackson enters Pcnsaeola. — New Orleans defenceless. — The British land. — Jackson's Measures of Defence. — Battle of New Orleans. — The Distress of the Country and Knibarrassmcut of the Government. — The Relief. — Treaty of Peace. — The Frigate President captured. — Successes at Sea. — War with Algiers. — Treaty with that Power. — Treaty with the In- dians. — Financial Disorders. — State of Indiana. — John Fitch. — Robert Fulton. — First Steamboat. When arranging affairs with the Creeks, General SJ^'V Jackson learned that the Spaniards at Pensacola had . welcomed the hostile Indians, and also that a British 1814. man-of-war had furnished them with arms. Intelligence of this was sent to Washington, whence orders were trans- mitted to Jackson to seize Pensacpla. That these orders were six months on the way, may illustrate the efficiency with which the War Department was conducted. Mean- time some British men-of-war arrived in the harbor, from which a Colonel Nichols landed men and began to enlist the Creeks. Jackson now sent urgent ajjpeals to his favorite Tennessee mounted men to hasten to his aid. The British soon after attacked Fort Bowyer on the east shore of Mobile Bay. The fort was defended by one hundred and thirty men, under Major Lawrence. The vigorous defence soon repulsed the enemy, one of whose ships blew up and the rest were fain to depart. This success encouraged the people of Louisiana and Missis- sippi in their efforts to defend New Orleans themselves, 634 HISTORY OF THE AMEEICAN PEOPLE. aiM>. without depending upon the General Government. Jack- son wrote repeatedly to Washington for orders and re- 1814. ceived none, but when the three tliousand Tennesseans, under General Coffee, arrived, he took the responsibility to enter Pensacola and demand that the British should Nov. leave the place. He also intimated in emphatic terms to the Spanish governor, that he would hold him responsible for permitting the British to occupy his territory, for the purpose of encouraging the Creeks in their hostility. The British immediately blew up a fort which they had erected seven miles below the town, and took to their ships. 8. Confident that the enemy designed to direct their efforts against New Orleans, Jackson sent in advance General Coffee to some point on the Mississippi, with the mounted men, while he himself followed, as soon as cir- cumstances would permit. The defences of New Orleans were in a deplorable condition ; since Wilkinson left, nothing further had been done to repair them. The city contained nearly twenty thousand inhabitants, not one- half of whom were whites. These were princi})ally ot French origin, and others of foreign birth, none of whom were ardently attached to the United States. Jackson hastened to the point of danger. He availed himself of every possible aid ; he released the convicts in the prisons, and enrolled them for the occasion ; accepted the offered services of Latitte, the head of the Baratarian buccaneers. He also issued an address to " the noble-hearted, gener- ous, free men of color," to enroll themselves for the de- fence of their country. To this call, under an act of the Louisiana Legislature, they heartily responded. While he was thus unprepared, the British fleet cast anchor off the entrance of Lake Borgne. It had on board twelve thousand land troops, besides four thousand saiLirs and marines. Tliese troops had recently been under tlie Duke of Wellington, in the Peninsular war, and were commanded by able and experienced generals ; Sir Ed- JAOKSON'S PREPAKATIONS — CONFLICTS. 635 ward Packingliam, a brother-in-law of the Duke of Wei- 9^j^'- lington, Gibbs, Keene, and Lambert. Three days later, after a severe contest, they captured the entire American 18 u. flotilla on Lake Borgne. The Louisiana militia were immediately called out, but they were ill supplied with arms. Some months pre- vious, Jackson, anticipating this very emergency, had urged upon the War Department at Washington to send a supply of arms from the arsenal at Pittsburg. The government agent, unwilling to pay the usual freight on the only steamboat then running to New Orleans, shipped the arms on board keel boats. Thus twenty-five cents on a hundred pounds of freight were saved by the govern- ment, and Jackson received the muskets after the battle ! General Coffee had reached Baton Rouge, at which place he received orders to hasten with all speed to the scene of action. With eight hundred of his best mounted men — all unerring marksmen, armed with rifles and toma- hawks — he made the extraordinary march of one hundred and fifty miles in two days. Thus, by similar exertions, in the space of a fortnight, Jackson had five thousand men, four-fifths of whom were militia. Other difficulties Deo . . 20 presented themselves. Owing to the want of co-operation on the part of the legislature, and the necessities of the times, he proclaimed martial law. The enemy landed two thousand light armed troops, under General Keene. Jackson marched to meet them with the regulars, and Coffee's men dismounted. Soon after dark the battle began ; the enemy were driven from one point to another, till finally they found protection ^®°' behind a levee. Good service was done in this conflict by the armed schooner Carolina, which ran in near the shore, and with her guns swept their ranks. This success- ful repulse of the invaders greatly encouraged the Ameri- cans. The next day Jackson took a position on solid ground 636 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAK PEOPLE. <^AP. nearly a mile in breadth ; the river protecting one flank, and a swamp the other. Though strongly reinforced, the 18] 0. British made no attempt the following day to retrieve what they had lost, being deterred by the reports of prisoners, who greatly exaggerated the strength of Jack- son's force. This delay was profitably occupied in strengthening the defences ; bales of cotton were used as a rampart, and the ditch was extended to the swamp. Five days after the enemy advanced and drove in the American outposts, and when within half a mile of the ramparts opened with artillery and Congreve rockets. Yet Jackson replied with so much vigor, with his five heavy guns, that after a cannonade of seven hours the enemy withdrew, having suffered considerable loss. Within three days after this repulse, they made Jan. another attack with much heavier artillery. Their move- ments were concealed by a dense fog, and the intimation of their approach was given only by their cannon balls crashing through the American camp, but Jackson had so strengthened his works, that the British — their guns dismounted and silenced — were again compelled to retire ; but it was to make preparations for a grand assault. Presently twenty-two hundred Kentucky riflemen Jan. arrived ; of whom unfortunately one-half were without *■ arms, and could not be supplied. These Jackson placed to throw up a second line of intrenclmaents in the rear of the first line. When prepared, the British moved to the assault, under the cover of a battery of six eighteen-pounders, which had been erected the previous night. The main Jan. column was led by Packenham in person, intending to storm the centre, one column moved along the river and carried a redoubt, another, led by Gibbs and Keene, ad- vanced along the edge of the swamp. As the advancing columns came within range, the American artillery opened upon them with deadly effect, BATTLE OF NEW OELEANS. 637 yet tliey filled up their ranks and moved steadily on. ^^J^- Presently they reached the range of the Kentucky and . Tennessee rifles, which poured in a continuous stream of ISID. urierrinK bullets. The heads of the columns faltered. While endeavoring to rally them, Packenham fell ; Keene and Gibbs were both wounded, the latter mortally. The command then devolved on General Lambert, who made two more unsuccessful attempts to storm the works, but was forced to retire, leaving on the field two thousand men killed and wounded. Jackson had taken the pre- caution to send General Morgan across the river to throw up intrenchments directly opposite his own. The night previous to the battle, Packenham sent a detachment under Colonel Thornton, who drove Morgan from his position, but when the main body was defeated he took to his boats and hastily retreated. In this battle the Americans lost seven men killed and as many wounded. Taking every precaution to guard against surprise, Lambert gradually fell back to the first landing place, and then, in the course of twenty days, re-embarked. Thus virtually ended the war of 1812. The only battles well fought on land, were those directed by new men called into active service by the war itself The victories at Lundy's Lane and New Orleans were gained by soldiers who had been trained but a short time, but they were under commanders in whom they had implicit confidence. Though these successful events were transpiring in that distant region, yet on the Atlantic coast, and at Washington, it was the gloomiest period of the war. Affairs were almost desperate. The treasury exhausted, the national credit gone, the terrible law of conscription, like an ominous cloud hanging over the people, civil dis- cord seemingly ready to spring up between the States ; 638 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. <^^- the coasts of South Carolina and Georgia yet subject to the marauding expeditions of the infamous Cockburn, 1815. while the inhabitants were crying in vain to the General Government for assistance. Nothing favorable had yet been heard from the commissioners of peace at Ghent, nor even from New Orleans. It was known that a very large force of British veterans was in the vicinity of that place, and that Jackson was very ill-prepared to meet them. As a gleam of sunshine in intense darkness, a rumor, by way of Canada, proclaimed that peace had been con- cluded ; at the same time came another from the south- west that the enemy had been defeated. While all were tremblingly anxious for the truth of these rumors, late of a Saturday night, a British sloop-of-war, the Favorite, commissioned for the purpose, arrived at New York, Feb. bringing the treaty of peace, already ratified by the British government. The cry of peace ! peace ! ran through the city. As if by one impulse the houses were illuminated, and the citizens, without distinction of party, thronged the streets to congratulate each other. In the midst of their own rejoicings they did not forget their brethren who were yet ignorant of the welcome news, and messengers were sent in everj' direction. In thirty-two hours, the express with the tidings reached Boston. There the excitement was almost unbounded. The people assembled in crowds to hear the news, which had so unexpectedly brought relief to their distresses. The bells rang their merriest peal, and the schools received a holiday. Flags and streamers were soon displayed on the vessels which had lain so long idle at the wharf. Before night, carpenters and riggers were at work, sailors were engaged, cargoes were gassing on board ; Boston was her- self again in commercial activity. The reception of the news was followed by similar rejoicings all along the coast, and throughout the country. To add "still more to the happiness, as well as the gratification of the nation, in a THANKSGIVINGS — THE FRIGATE PRESIDENT CAPTURED. 639 few days was confirmed the rumor of the total defeat of ^^j^^- the British hefore New Orleans. , The Senate unanimously ratified the treaty within 1815. thirty hours after it was laid before them. The President speedily issued a proclamation, announcing the fact, that once more peace reigned throughout the land. A day for Feb. thanksgiving to Almighty God for the blessing, was ob- served by the nation. The treaty provided for the mutual restoration of aU places taken during the war ; also for deternaining the northern boundary, and other matters of minor importance were amicably arranged. But not a word was said on the impressment question, for the settlement of which the war had ostensibly been continued after the first two months. Both parties seem to have been heartily tired of fighting ; though Great Britain wished to restrain what she thought an alarming grasping spirit in the New Kepublic, as evidenced in the acquisition of Louisiana and the attempts on Canada. A few days after the ratification of the treaty, the President recommended to Congress the passage of a law to guard against incidents which, during the periods of war in Europe, might tend to interrupt peace, enjoining that " American vessels be navigated exclusively by American seamen, either natives or such as are already naturalized," thus endeavoring to gain by legislation what could not be obtained by war. Yet one object had been secured — we hear no more of the impressment of American seamen. Previous to the announcement of peace, the command- ers of some of the national vessels determined to evade the blockading enemy and escape to. sea. Commodore De- jan. oatur, on board the frigate President, commanding the ^^• sloops Hornet and Peacock to follow, attempted to evade the blockade of the port of New York. Passing out in the night, after being unfortunately aground for some 640 HISTOKT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, hours, in the morning he fell in with the British squadron, J 1 by whom he was chased. One of the enemy, the frigate 1S15. Eudymion, commenced an engagement, but after a run- ning fight, she was effectually disabled, and fain to haul off. The President unfortunately was also crippled, and the other British vessels coming up, Decatur was com- pelled to strike his colors. A few days after, the Hornet and Peacock avoided the blockade, and proceeded to their rendezvous, off the Cape of Good Hope. On her way the Hornet, Captain Biddle, Mar. fell in with and captured the British brig Penguin. The latter was made a complete wreck, and as such was set on fire. The Peacock joined her consort, and in company they sailed to the Indian Ocean. The Hornet was soon after chased by a British seventy-four, and in order to escape, she was compelled to throw her guns and nearly all her armament overboard, in which condition she re- turned to New York. The Peacock, Captain Warring- j„pe ton, continued on to the East Indies, where she captureil St'- the cruiser Nautilus. The Constitution, Captain Stewart, also evaded the blockade off Boston harbor. On a moonlight night she fell in with two war vessels off the port of Lisbon. They prepared to engage, but the Constitution manoeuvred to keep the wind at about an equal distance from her an- Feb. tagonists. Captain Stewart, seizing a favorable oppor- "0. tunity, directed all his force upon the vessel nearest, which almost immediately struck ; then he captured the other in a .similar manner. The prizes proved to be the British sloops-of-war Cyane and Levant. These captures were all made after the articles of peace were signed. Soon after the commencement of the war with Britain, the Dey of Algiers, thinking the Americans would have no means of punishing him, renewed his old practice of piracy. Pretending to be dissatisfied with the presents he had received from the American government, be di.s- COMMODORE DECATUR HUMBLES THE DEY OF ALGIERS. G41 missed Lear, the consul, threatening to reduce him and ^^^^.'■ Ills family, and all the Americans in Algiers, to slavery, a fate which Lear escaped by paying a large ransom. Some 1815. American vessels were afterward seized by the pirates, and their crews reduced to slavery. Two months after the conclusion of peace, an Ameri- can squadron, \inder Decatur, consisting of three large frigates and seven other vessels of war, sailed for the Mediterranean. Six weeks later, Bainbridge followed May. with the Independence, the new seventy-four, accompanied by other war vessels ; on the way he was also joined by the Congress frigate. But before his arrival in the Medi- terranean, the energetic Decatur had brought the Dey to terms. On the second day after passing through the Straits of Gibraltar, he fell in with the largest frigate of ,the Dey under his high Admiral, on a cruise for Ameri- can merchantmen. After a fight of less than thirty minutes the Algerine was captured ; two days after another cruiser shared a similar fate. When the squadron appeared before Algiers, the intelligence of these disasters, by which he had lost his best ship, and six hundred men, had greatly humbled the Dey. To escape a worse pun- ishment, he gladly submitted to the indignity of signing, on Decatur's quarter-deck, a humiliating treat}'. He •Juno bound himself to make indemnities for his extortions ; to surrender all his prisoners without ransom, and to re- nounce all claim for tribute from the American govern- ment, as well as his barbarous practice of piracy and re- ducing prisoners to slavery. Decatur proceeded immediately to Tunis and Tripoli, where he demanded and received indemnity for some American vessels, at whose captures, in their harbors, by the English, they had connived. Thus, in a few weeks, these barbarians were taught a lesson which they have not yet forgotten. When Bainbridge arrived, he found all the difSculties arranged. The united navy, consisting of 41 ' Ii42 HISTORT OF THE AlIEEICAN PEOPLE. 'xwv' ^''"'■teen vessels, visited the principal ports of the Medi- . terranean. Their victories over the mistress of the ocean, } 1815. secured them treatment manifesting high respect. The autumn following the close of the war, a great council of the North-western Indian tribes was held, at which they made peace with each other. Afterward they all made peace with the United States. Thus apprehen- Sept. sions of future Indian hostilities were removed. The war left the finances of the country in a very confused state. The banks in existence, except those in New England, were unable to redeem their notes in specie, and confidence in their promises to pay was wanting. The national debt, in consequence of the war, was known to be more than one hundred millions of dollars. In order to remove some of the burdens resting upon the people, the Secretary of the Treasury, A. J. Dallas, proposed to remit some of the internal taxes, which had been levied during the last few years. Instead of which he advised the im- position of duties on imports, not merely to secure a revenue, but also to protect the manufactures which had sprimg into existence during the war. The President likewise, in his annual message, urged the adoption of such a policy. To aid in rectifying the financial disorders in the 1817. coimtry, Congress chartered, for twenty years, a National Mar. Bank, with a capital of thirty-five millions of dollars. It commenced operations at Philadelphia, and, in connection with its branches in other States, afforded the people a uni- form currency redeemable at all times with gold and silver. A bill designed to compel the local banks to paj specie was passed, ordering that all dues to the government should be paid in gold and silver, or " in treasury notes, notes of the Bank of the United States, or in notes of banks payable and paid on demand in specie." The Territory of Indiana having adopted a constitu- A^ept. tion, presented herself for admission into the Union, and was received. o CXlie^^ ^-^^^OaJt^ CX^i^^^T^^il) M?Avs^V/...^C^j^,Xl^^ //<^^^^[^^r^^^ GEORGE DENISON PRENTICE. JAMES GORDON BENNETT. ! FITCH FULTON THE FIRST STEAMBOAT. 643 John Fitch, an uneducated watchmaker of Philadel- 9^j^- phia, conceived the design of propelling boats by steam. He applied to Congress for assistance, but, unfortunately, 1785. was refused ; then, with a similar result, he apjjlied to the Spanish authorities of Louisiana. Some years later he found means to construct a boat, and to make a trial trip on the Delaware. The boat went at the rate of eight miles an hour, but unfortunately the boiler exploded. One disaster followed another, and poor John Fitch died, the victim of disappointment, but full of faith that others would yet perfect his invention : he desired to be buried on the 'banks of the Ohio, that boats propelled by steam might pass near his last resting place. In less than twenty years after his death the steamer Clermont passed up the Hudson from New York to Albany. 1807. The Clermont was the work of Kobert Fulton, a native of Pennsylvania, once a pupil of West, the painter. He had a decided turn for mechanics, and had studied the sub- ject many years in Europe, where he received pecuniary aid and encouragement from Robert R. Livingston, then American minister at Paris. To American enterprise is due the honor of launching the first steamboat and the first Ocean steamer — the Savannah — that crossed the Atlantic. She left New York, 1818. went to Savannah, and thence to Europe, where she was an object of great interest. Twenty years later the April British steamer Great Western came to New York in fourteen days. Madison's Administration, so full of important events, drew to a close. James Monroe, also from Virginia, had been elected his successor, and Daniel D. Tompkins, of New York, Vice-President. The latter had been Governor of that State, and in that capacity been most efficient in aiding the country in the war just closed. At onetime he sustained the garrison of the city by his own private credit. CHAPTER XLVI. MONROE'S ADMINISTRATION. A Return to the earlier Policy of the Government. — The President's Toar in the Eastern States. — The Colonization Society. — Revolutions in the Spanish Colonies. — Indian War ; the Scniinoles. — General Jackson in the Field. — Purchase of Florida.-^The Mi.ssoiiri Compromise. — Manu- factures. — Increase of Tariff. — Visit of Lafayette^ CHAP. Since the close of the war, party distinctions were fast '_ losing their influence. In the minds of the great majonty 1817. of the people, names were giving place to ideas. The na- tion was prepared for the quiet revival of the leading prin- ciples of Wasliington's administration. The people had not in so many words tlms formally decided; — ^but to return to the policy of the earlier days of the Government seemed the only means to remedy existing evils, and to guard against their recurrence in the future. This may be said in relation to the revenue as arising from commerce, the finances, the policy toward foreign nations, and in the means of national defence both by sea and land. The new President in his inaugural fully indorsed these doctrines, and they were echoed and re-echoed throughout the land as the true policy, while some of the old Eepub- licans characterized them as being veritable Federalism under another name. The President pointed to the ex- perience of tlie nation in the last struggle, and unhesi- tatingly advised not only fortifications on the coast with garrisons, but a navy strong enough to maintain the dig- Mar 4. THE president's TOUR COLONIZATION SOCIETY. 645 nity and neutrality of the United States, as well as pro- chap. tect commerce ; he also recommended that a knowledge — __ of naval and military science should be kept up. In ad- 1817 dition, that domestic manufactures be protected by im- posts on foreign merchandise, and also, internal improve- ments be aided by the national government, if such ex- penditure was in accordance with the spirit of the Con- stitution. Though professing to be much gratified that the party spirit lately so rampant was allayed, the President took good care to appoint none but his most devoted adherents to the offices within his gift. John Quincy Adams was recalled from the court of St. James to become Secretary of State. The other members of his cabinet were Wil- liam H. Crawford of Georgia, Secretary of the Treasury ; Crowningshield of Massachusetts, Secretary of the Navy ; John C. Calhoun, Secretary of War, and William Wirt, Attorney-General. The President, some months after his inauguration, made a tour through the Eastern States. The sentiments of his address had become difiused, and prepared the way for his receiving a warm reception in the Federal town of Boston, and throughout New England generally. It was enthusiastically proclaimed that the people were once more to be harmonious in their views of national policy. During the following session of Congress the American Colonization Society was formed at Washington. It was designed to provide a home beyond the limits of the United States for the free people of color who should de- sire " to emigrate. The condition of these people in the slaveholding States, as well as the laws in some of the others, that forbade their settling within their borders, led to the formation of the Society. The enterprise was ardently advocated by Henry Clay, Judge Washington, John Randolph, and other southern statesmen. This So- 646 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP ciety established the now flourishiug Colony of Liberia on the west coast of Africa. 181T. * The influence of the Eevolution had not been without effect upon other nations. The Spanish colonies of South America threw off their allegiance to the mother country, and declared themselves independent. Under the pre- tence of having commissions from these new Republics, a company of adventurers, principally drawn from Cbarles- ton and Savannah, seized Amelia Island, off the harbor of St. Augustine. These worthies soon began to smuggle merchandise and slaves into the United States. Yet, as a cloak to their deeds, they proclaimed they weie block- ading the port of St. Augustine. A similar haunt for buccaneers had existed for some time at Galveston in Texas. Both these establishments were broken up by order of the United States Government. The condition of the South American republics excited great sympathy in the minds of the peojjle. Some were advocates for giving them aid, while others were anxious that Congress should, at least,'ackuowledge their independ- ence. In defiance of the President's proclamation to the contrary, cruisers, bearing the flag of these Republics, were fitted out in some of the ports of the United States to prey upon Spanish commerce. These ditficulties, combined with other causes, led to a new Indian war in the South. Numbers of Seminoles, refugee Creeks, and runaway negroes, living in the Span- ish Territory, south of Flint river, began to pillage the Georgia settlements north of that river. General Gaines, who was in-command at the nearest fort, demanded that these murderers and robbers should be given up. The Indians refused, on the ground that they were not the ag- gressors. Soon after a collision occurred, in which several Nov. Indians were killed. Their death was terribly revenged ^*?- upon the people on board a boat ascending the Apalachi- JACKSON SUBDUES THE INDIANS — PURCHASE OF FLORIDA. 647 cola, with supplies for Fort Scott. More than forty per- chap sons, consisting of men, woinen, and cliildren, were mas- sacred. The War De])artraent ordered General Jackson 1817. to invade the Indian Territory, and " bring the war to a speedy and effectual close." In three montlis he was on the ground, with an army composed of Georgians and Tennesseeans. He moved to the vicinity of where Talla- hassee now stands ; the savages made little resistance, but abandoned their towns, and their cattle and grain. With his usual energy, Jackson pressed on, and, without cere- mony, seized St. Mark's, on Appalachee Bay, the only Mar. Spanish fort in that part of Florida, on the ground that its officers were aiding and abetting the Indians in their hostilities to the United States. One of the American armed vessels on the coast hoisted British colors, and two of the hostile Creek chiefs were decoyed on board. These chiefs Jackson unceremoniously hanged. On one of the April incursions against the enemy, two British subjects, Kobert C. Ambrister and Alexander Arbuthnot, traders among the Indians, were taken prisoners. These two men were put on trial for their lives before a court-martial, on the charge of aiding the Indians. They were found guilty and sentenced to death, and immediately executed. The measure was much censured as uonecessaiy and unwar- ranted. Notwithstanding the protest of the Spanish governor against his invasion of Florida, Jackson soon ap- peared before Pensacola, which place surrendered. The governor in the mean time fled to a fort further down the Maj, bay, and finally to Havana. These arbitrary proceedings were protested against by- Don Onis, the Spanish Minister at Washington. The matter however was not pressed, as negotiations were soon after entered upon to purchase the territory in dispute. American citizens had claims amountins to five mil- lions of dollars against the Spanish government. Don Onis received instructions from home, that authorized 048 HISTORY OP THE AMERICAlsT PEOPLE. xl v^' ^^™ *'' ^^^^ Florida to the United States for these claims The purchase was thus made, the American Government 182]. assuming the debt. Two years later Spain ratified the Treaty. Florida was then organized as a Territory, and General Jackson was appointed its first Governor. The American people have never been indiiferent to the political as well as the moral aspects of slavery. From the adoption of the Constitution till the time of which we write, the conscience and the sympathy of the religious portion of the nation, both North and South, found their expression on the subject in memorials ad- dressed to their ecclesiastical assemblies, whose resolutions in reply condemned the system. 1787. The Continental Congress legislated specially on the subject in adopting the ordinance by which the region north of the Ohio and east of the Mississippi was conse- !7fiu. crated to freedom. During the second session of the First Congress, petitions were presented to that body, praying it to take measures to free the nation of the system. The committee to whom these memorials were referred, re- ported that Congress was not authorized by the Constitu- tion to interfere with slavery as existing in the individual States. In accordance with this view, that body has ever acted, when disposing of the numerous memorials on the subject that have, from time to time, been presented to it. The Northern States, for a quarter of a century, had been gradually freeing themselves of the institution, or making provision to that effect, while in the Southern States a different sentiment had b2en on tlie increase. The acquisition of Louisiana had given to them a vast region in which slave labor was profitable, especially in the cidtivation of cotton. These antagonist opinions were suddenly brought into collision, and a strong sectional ■,?\^' feeling was elicited. Feb. ° 10. The territory of Missouri asked permission to form a DEBATES ON THE RESTRICTION OF SLAVERY. 649 constitution, preparatory to her admission into the Union S?yF- as a State. When the question was before the House of . Representatives, James W. Talhnadge, a member from 1819 New York, proposed to insert a cla.use, prohibiting the further introduction of slaves into the territory, and also another clause granting freedom to the children of slaves already there, when tbey should attain the age of twenty- five years. After a spirited debate both these propositions were adopted. The day following the passage of this bill came up a similar one to organize the Territory of Arkansas. This bill, after a strenuous effort to insert similar clauses, was filially passed without any restriction as to slavery. The States admitted into the Union, since the adop- tion of the Constitution, had happened to come in alter- nately as non-slaveholding, and as slaveholding — Vermont .•md Kentucky ; Tennessee and Ohio ; Louisiana and In- diana ; Mississippi and Illinois. As Alabama had ap- plied for admission as a slave State, it was urged that Missouri should be admitted as free. This proposition soon lost its force by the application of Maine, the north- eastern part of Massachusetts, presenting herself to be admitted as a free State. Here was an offset to Alabama, leaving Missouri to make the next slave State. In the consideration of these bills the subject of slavery restriction in the territories came up for discussion. The members from the Southern States insisted that any restriction upon Missouri would violate the pledge given • to the inhabitants of Louisiana, at the time of its pur- chase, that they should enjoy " all the privileges of citi- zens of the United States ; " that such a restriction would eventually interfere with State rigljts ; that the citizens of slaveholding States had the right to talvC their property into the territories of the Union. It was urged that it would be an act of humanity and a blessing to tBe poor slave, whose lot was so hard in the old exhausted 650 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. <^H^P- States, to transfer him to the fertile plains of the west ; that this would only be the diffusion of the system, but 1819. not its extension, as the number of slaves would not be increased thereby ; and that the prohibition of slaveiy would diminish emigration from the South into the ter- ritories. To these arguments it was replied : it wus true that Congress was forbidden by the Constitution to interfere with slavery in the original thirteen States, but that this did not apply to the territories. They were the property of the Union, and Congress had the control of their or- ganization. Would Congress be justified in spreading over them an institution which even its advocates on the floor of the house had again and again deplored as an evil ? It was contended that slave labor and free labor could nut coexist on the same soil ; and should the introduction of a few thousands of slaves exclude millions of freemen from the territories ? ' The debate was conducted with great animation, mingled with much bitterness, and threats to dissolve the Union. The intense excitement was not limited to the National Legislature ; it extended throughout the country, and it was by no means diminished by the speeches made op the subject on the floor of Congress, nor by the fact, which the discussion revealed, that during the previous year more than fourteen thousand slaves had been smug- gled into the United States, from Africa and the West Indies. The legislatures of some of the Northern States ex- pressed their wish that slavery should not go beyond the Mississippi, whUe the people held conventions and me- morialized Congress. Opposite views were as strongly expressed by some of the Southern States. Thus the country was agitated for nearly two years, and the ditii- ' The Debates in Congress, Niles's Register, Vols 16, 17, and 18. THE MISSOURI COMPROMISE. 651 culty was still unsettled. When the bill came before the chap. •' _ XLVI. Senate, Jesse B. Thomas of! Illinois moved as an amend- mont, a clause forbidding the introduction of slavery into tS2a the Louisiana Territory north of thirty-six degrees and thirty minutes north latitude, and west of the proposed State of Missouri. This was the line of the famous Mis- souri Compromise. The House, however, would not at first agree to this arrangement ; but finally, through means of a committee of conference, Maine was admitted, and Missouri, on these conditions, after she should adopt a constitution. The following year, when the constitution of Missouri was presented to Congress, it was found to contain a clause that prohibited free people of color from settling in the State. Though this clause " was adopted for the sake of peace — for the sake of internal tranquillity— and to prevent the agitation of the slave question," ' yet it* was viewed far differently in Congress, and was the occasion of opening the restriction question with all its bitterness. The insertion of the oifensive clause, under the circum- stances, seemed to manifest as Kttle regard for the Consti- tution of the United States, as respect for the opinions of those opposed to the extension of slavery. The citizens of any one State were, by the Constitution, entitled to the privileges of citizens in the other States. Free people of color were thus recognized in some of the States, but by this clause they were deprived of their rights. Another committee of conference, of wliich Henry Clay was the prime mover, was api»ointed by the Senate and House of Representatives. The difficulty was again compromised by which Missouri was to be admitted on the express con- dition that she would expunge the obnoxious clause, and then the President was authorized to admit her by procla- mation. The Missouri Legislature complied, and the fact ' Benton's Thirty Years' View, A^ol. i. p. 8. 652 HISTORY OF THE AMEKICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, vvas communicated to the President, who proclaimed hei admission to the family of States. Thus the slavery agi- 1821. tation was allayed for a time, but the same question "^' under different phases, has returned again and again, and will no doubt continue thus to do till the conscience of the nation is fully satisfied on the subject — for questions involving the moral and pohtical relations of so many mil- lions cannot be lightly passed over. A new interest was awakened in behalf of the South American Republics. Great eflorts had been made by Henry Clay, during their struggle, to induce Congress to acknowledge their independence, but it was then thought Mar. premature ; now the bill was passed. The next year the """■ President declared in his message that " as a principle the American Continents, by the free and independent posi- tion which they have assumed and maintained, are hence- forth not to be considered as subjects for future coloniza- tion by any European power." This has since been known as the Monroe Doctrine, though its authorship, it would seem, belongs rather to his Secretary of State, John Quincy Adams. Great financial distress prevailed during this period throughout the land. The immense amount of foreign, especially English, merchandise sent, at reduced prices, into the country, paralyzed its industry. These goods were thus sent for the express purpose of ruining the American manufactures, called into existence by the necessities of the war — an object which they effectually accomplished. The distress of the people, reacted upon the general government. When they refused to buy, be- cause unable to pay, the importations fell off, and as a consequence, the revenue was so diminished that the government, from necessity, resorted to loans in order to obtain means of defraying its current expenses. The general distress was not a little increased by the measures of the National Bank. Indeed no confidence could be THE VISIT OF LAFAYETTE. 653 placed in the banks except those of New England, which ^^ap _ A 1j VI. redeemed their notes in specie when presented, while . those in other parts of the Union became bankrupt. The 1824. density of the population of the New England States onabled them to engage with advantage in manufactures, and also in shipping, and the coasting trade, which was especially profitable. For these reasons they withstood the financial crisis, while the agricultural and manufactur- ing interests of the other States were overwhelmed. The country, by its own innate energy, began to re- cover from these financial difficulties. As a means to accomplish that desirable object, an increase of tariff was imposed on imported merchandise, thus to protect do- mestic industry from undue foreign competition, to create a diversity of pursuits, and develop the resources of the nation. Congress also manifested its sense of justice by mak- ing provision for the wants of the surviving officers and 1818. soldiers of the Revolution, and for the widows and orphans of those deceased. The Ust year of Monroe's administration was signal- ized by an event highly gratifying to the people, an event linking the past with the present, the days of conflict and . trial with the days of peace and prosperity. The vener- able Lafayette came to the United States, the invited guest of the nation. Around every fireside tradition had '" fondly cherished his memory, and the people loved him as the noble and generous stranger who, in the days of their fathers, had sacrificed his fortune and shed his blood in their country's cause. They vied with each other in do- ing him honor. His journey from State to State was one continued triumphal procession; compared with this sponta- neous expression of a nation's gratitude, how insignificant the proudest triumph of Roman consul or emperor ! The vessel designated to carry him home was the new frigate Brandywine, a name — given by the new President, John 654 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. <^HAP. Quincy Adams — that conveyed a delicate compliment, as on the banks of that little stream he was wounded in his 1825. first battle in the cause of American freedom. The American people wished to manifest still further their sense of obligation, and Congress conferred upon him two hundred thousand dollars and a township of land. When the time came to choose a successor to Monroe — now in his second term — four candidates were put in nomination ; John Quincy Adams, Henry Clay, General Jackson, and William H. Crawford. No one of the can- didates received a majority of the popular vote, and the election devolved upon the House of Representatives, by whom Adams was chosen. John C. Calhoun had been chosen Vice-President by the popular vote. This election gave the death-blow to the custom of nominating candidates for the Presidency by a caucus held by certain members of Congress. Previous to this, for twenty-four successive years, the candidates had been thus nominated, and consequently chosen from a single State. CHAPTER XLVII. JOHN QUINCT ADAMS' ADMINISTRATION. Maii\ifactures and Internal Improvements. — Indian Lands in Georgia.— Death of the ex-Presidents Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. — Free Masonry. — Protection to American Industiy. — Debates in Congre?8. — Presidential Contest. The new President invited able .and experienced men to ^^^{l- form his cabinet, at the head of which was Henry Clay, as Secretary of State. This administration was one of 1826. remarkable prosperity ; the nation was gradually advanc- ing in wealth and happiness, gaining strength at home, and securing more and more of the respect of nations abroad. Every branch of industry was increasing in pros- perity ; agriculture, commerce, and manufactures. Numerous companies had been formed for the purpose of making iron nails, and also for the manufacture of 1815. broadclotlis, though the latter were soon involved in ruin by " a deluge of English cloths." In those days fine v/ool was worth a dollar and a half a poured, while badly made broadcloth cost from eight to twelve dollars a yard. The wars of Europe opened a wide field for enterprise in the carrying trade. American genius and art produced the style of ship known as the clippei-. These far out- stripped all others in sailing ; they made rapid voyages, and, what was important in those days, they were able very often to evade the French and English cruisers. At first, the United States had but little of their own products 656 HISTOET OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. ^HAP. to send to the old world, but presently Eli Whitney in- vented the cotton-gin, by which the seed was separated 1793. from the cotton, and that gradually became the most im- portant article of export. The great National Road — the wort of the General Government — extending across the Alleghany Mountains, from Cumberland, Maryland, to Wheeling, on the Ohio, and to be continued to the Mississippi, had just been 1820. completed, at an expense of one million seven hundred thousand dollars. It was commenced in Jefferson's ad- ministration, and had been fourteen years in building. Its beneficial effects upon the country were very great, in thus connecting the valley of the Ohio with the seaboard. A still more important work was also finished — the 1S25. Erie Canal, uniting the Hudson and the waters of the great lakes. It was the work of the State of New York, and was completed after a labor of eight years. The pro- ject was at first deemed visionary and impracticable : but owing principally to the energy of De Witt Clinton, privately, as well as a memb.T of the Legislature and as Governor, the work was carried through. The completion and success of these improvements encouraged the con- struction of others in variuus parts of the Union — one, 1832. the Ohio Canal, from Lake Erie to the Ohio river. The first railway was the Quincy, in Massachusetts, designed 1S2T. to transport granite to the sea-shore. The first locomo- tive used in the United States was on the Hudson and 1832. Mohawk Eailroad. A difficult question arose in relation to the removal of the Creeks and the Cherakees, from their lands in Georgia and Alabama, to the region beyond the Mississippi. Georgia claimed jurisdiction over the Indians within her territory. Originally claiming the region west of her 1802. boundary, she ceded it to the United States, on condition that the latter should, by purchase, extinguish the title DEATH OF EX-rKESIDENTS JEFFERSON AKD ADAMS. C57 of the Indian lands reserved within her own limits. The ^.^^}; ALiV 11. national government promised to fulfil its part of the agreement "as early as the same could be peaceably oh- 1825. tained on reasonable terms." Twenty-five years had ]iassed, and these titles had not been purchased. The' Indians were not willing to sell thoir territory. However, A treaty had been recently made by some of the chiefs, who ceded the lands, but the great majority of the Indians declared these chiefs had no authority to seU the property urposes, and filling their places with partisans. The nation was greatly agitated by the confficts grow- ing out of the diversity of opinion on the policy of the President and his adherents. But energy and determina- tion enabled him to carry his points in defiance of opposi- tion and established usages CHAPTER XLIX. VAN BUREN'S ADMINISTRATION. Apparent Prosperity. — The Specie Circular. — The Surplus Funds. — Sue- pension of Specie Payments. — Speculation. — Special Session of Con- gress. — The Sub-Treasury. — State Indebtedness. The last year of Jackson's administration appeared to chap. be one. of very great national prosperity. The public debt had been cancelled two years before, and there were 1837. nearly forty millions of dollars of surplus. This pros- perity was fallacious in the extreme. The State Banks, called in derision the " Pets," with whom the deposits had been placed, loaned money freely, with the expectation that they should continue to have the use of the public funds until they were called for by the Government. That time seemed to be distant, as its revenue was greater than its current expenses. Other banks sj^rang into existence, until the number amounted, throughout the land, to seven hundred and fifty. These institutions had very little gold or silver in their vaults, as a means to redeem the notes with which they flooded the country, giving a fictitious value to every thing that was bought or sold. They rivalled each other in af- fording facilities for the wildest schemes of speculation. The public lands became an object of this speculation, until the sales amounted to millions in a month. Two Slots — the one of the late President ; the other of Con- 43 674 HISTOHY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, gress — combined to hasten the crisis. President Jackson XUX. ? , . , . , 11-,, . m oraer to restrain the undue sales ot the jninhc lands, 1837. had issued, through the Treasury Department, an order known as the Specie Circular, requiring the collectors at the offices to receive only gold and silver in payments \s3ii ^'^'' Ifind. Six months later. Congress jjassed a law to dis- tribute among the Sto.tes the government funds, on de- posit in the banks. They were thus forced to call in their loans to meet this demand, while the Sjiecic Circular arrested the circulation of their notes, and brought them back to their counters, to be exchanged for gold and silver. Within six months after this distribution was ordered, the business of the whole country was 23rostrated : all im- ])rovements ceased, and twenty thousand laboring men were, within a few weeks, thrown out of employment in New York City alone, where the failures amounted to one hundred millions of dollars, while those of New Orleans were as great in proportion, being twenty-seven millions. May. A few weeks later, the banks of New York City suspended specie payment ; an example which the other banks of the country hastened to follow. Previous to the suspension of payments, a large and respectable committee of merchants of New Y'"ork visited Washington, to lay before the new President the state ot the pountry. Similar representations went from almost every section of the land. The President denied the re- quest of the committee to rescind the Specie Circular, but proposed to call a Special Session of Congress, on the first Monday of the foUowing September. The extent to which speculation raged seems almost fabulous. The compromise tariff had nearly run its course, and the duty arrived at its minimum ; foreign merchandise was imported in unheard-of quantities, thus ruining do- mestic industry ; internal improvements, because of the facility in obtaining loans, were projected to an extent almost without limit ; the public lands were bought by SPECULATION— THE GOVERNMENT EMBAERASSED. 675 the millions of acres, and cities and villages were miilti- chap plied on pajjer by hundreds ; and stranger still, the sites of these prospective cities, divided into lots, were fre- 1837. quently made the basis of money transactions. A few months before, the General Government was free from debt, and had a surplus of forty millions. Now the surplus had been given to the States ; the importers had neither gold nor silver to pay duties, and the Govern- ment itself was deprived of the means to defray its cur- rent expenses. When Congress assembled, the President made no Sept. suggestion as to the manner in which the commercial em- barrassments of the country might be relieved, on the ground that the General Government was unauthorized by the Constitution to afford such relief He was there- fore in favor of the people taking care of themselves. The message contained, however, two recommendations ; one the issue of Treasury notes, to relieve the Government's own embarrassments, the other an Independent Treasury for the public funds. The object of the latter was to avoid the liability of loss by depositing the public moneys in banks. These treasuries were to be located at suitable places ; the sub-treasurers to be appointed by the Presi- dent, and to give bonds for the proper fulfilment of their duties. The measure was opposed, lest the withdrawal of so much gold and silver from circulation would injure com- mercial operations. The bill failed in the House, though it passed the. Senate. Three years later it was estab- lished ; the next year repealed — then re-enacted, five years after, and is still the law of the land. The Legislatures of many of the States became imbued with the spirit of speculation, and as a means to obtain loans, issued State stocks 'to the amount of one hundred millions. This was done under the laudable pretext of developing their resources, by internal improvements. G76 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP. Bight of the States failed to pay the interest on these loans or stocks. In time they recovered from the shock, 1H38. and hut one of them, Mississippi, and one territory, Florida, repudiated their debt and defied their creditors. These loans were principally obtained in Europe, where, on the subject of these failures to pay, great indignation was ex- pressed. The whole nation was dishonored ; — ^^two years later, when the National Government wished to obtain a loan, her agents could not induce a capitalist in all Europe to risk a dollar in such investment. As the administration of Van Buren drew to a close, the financial condition of the country did not much im- prove. However, his party nominated him, as well as Vice- President Johnson, for a second term. The opposing can- didate was William Henry Harrison, of Ohio, whom we have seen as a popular general of the north-west during 1812. the last war, as well as filling many civil oifices with honor to himself and profit to the country. On the same ticket was John Tyler of Virginia, as the candidate for 1840. Vice-President. Harrison was elected by a very large majority. The commercial disasters of the country were generally attributed to the interference of the Government with the currency ; this belief had caused a great revul- Bion in the public mind. CHAPTER L. HARRISON AND TYLER'S ADMINISTRATION. The Inauguration. — Death of Hairison. — Tyler President. — Sub-Treasury Act repealed. — Bankrupt Law. — The Bank Charters ; their Vetoes. — Proposition to treat with Great Britain. — Insurrection in Canada. — The Caroline. — Trial of McLeod. — Boundary Disputes in Maine. — Lord Ashburton. — Treaty of Washington. — Questions of Visit and Impress- ment. — Exploring Expedition. — Texas Colonization ; struggles. — Inde- pendence. — Siege of Goliad and the Alamo. — Davy Crocket. — Massacre of Prisoners. — Battle of San Jacinto. — Houston President. — Question of Annexation in Congress. — Texas Annexed. — Disturbances in Rhode Island. — loiva and Florida become States. An immense concourse of peoiile, many of them from cbap. distant parts of the Union, assembled at Washington to 1_ witness the inauguration of General Harrison. His ad- i84i. dress on that occasion was replete with wisdom ; liberal ^f"^' and generous, and patriotic in its tone ; a transcript of the sincerity of his own heart. His selection of officers to compose his Cabinet was unanimously confirmed by the Senate ; at its head was Daniel Webster, as Secretary of State. The certainty of a change of policy in the measures of the General Government inspired confidence in the commercial world, and the nation, made wiser by adver- sity, began to hope. But the expectations of the Presi- dent's friends were doomed to be sadly disappointed. His first official act was to issue a proclamation, calling a special session of Congress, to meet on the 31st of the 678 HISTORY OF THE AMEKICAK I'EOPLE. CHAP, following May, to take iuto consideration the condition of the coiintrj'. Before that day arrived, the President was 1841. no more. Suddenly taken ill, all human remedies failed '"'■ to give relief, and he expired, just one month after his inauguration, in his sixty-nintJi year. For the first time, death had removed the Chief Magistrate of the Union , when in office. The loss came home to the hearts of the peoijle. Throughout the length and hreadth of the laud they vied with each other in doing honor to his memory. Since the death of Washington, the nation had not mourned a loss with such imposing ceremonies. This deep and pervading sentiment of sorrow was the tribute due the memory of a good man ; one who had sensed his country with most scrupulous integrit}' for more than forty years ; whose whole life, public and private, was without reproach. Though in public office the greater part of his life; his salaries had passed away in charities and hospitalities ; to his house the humblest of the land as well as the most exalted, had been welcomed ; the poor man's friend, he himself died poor. At its very first session after his death, Congress, " out of consideration of his expenses in removing to the seat of government, and the limited means which he had left behind," granted his widow one year's presidential salary — twenty-five thousand dollars. JOHN TYLER. The Vice-President became the President, according to the provisions of the Constitution. He retained the Cabinet of his predecessor, giving them assurances of his ''1^ resjiect. Congress convened for the extra session at the time designated. One of its first measures was to repeal the Sub-Treasury act of the last administration. To this regulation for the keeping of the public funds much of the pressure in the money market was attributed. The failures in the mercantile world had brought riiic THE NATIONAL BANK THE VETOES. 679 upon thousands of upright and enterprising men. They chap. had become hopelessly bankrupt, in many instances, by circumstances beyond their control ; involved in debts, 1H42 which would forever crush their energies without bene- fitting their creditors, themselves, or the country. To relieve persons thus insolvent, Congress passed a general bankrupt law. The effect of the measure was beneficial, and when the necessity for its existence had passed away, if was repealed. One of the issues involved in tlie last presidential election, was the policy of establishing a United States Bank or " Financial Agent," which should facilitate mer- cantile exchanges throughout the Union. The result of the election had shown that the majority of the people were in favor of such an institution. In compliance with this expression of the popular will, both Houses of Con- gress passed a bill chartering such a National Bank. Contrary to expectation, the President refused to give it his signature. Another bill was passed, modified in its pro- visions to accord with his own suggestions. This he also refused to sign. These successive vetoes raised a terrible storm of indignation against their author, though when nominated he was known to be opposed to the United States Bank. The great party, by whose votes he held his high position, charged him with double dealing ; with betraying the trust they had committed to his hands. The members of his cabinet immediately resigned their places, and gave to the country tiieir reasons for so doing. Daniel Webster alone remained, lest the public interests would suffer by his withdrawal before tlie completion of certain negotiations upon which he was then engaged. Between the United States government and that of Great Britain two important questions of controversy re- mained unadjusted. One growing out of certain revolu- 680 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, tionary disturbances along the Canada borders ; and tlie ' other in relation to the north-eastern boundary between 1842. the State of Maine and the British province of New Brunswick. The former of these had been pending dur- ing the })revious administration, tlie latter for fifty years. Soon after entering upon his duties as Secretary of State, Mr. Webster, with the sanction of the President, intimated to the British Minister at Washington, that the Government of the United States was desirous to arrange the boundary dispute by agreeing on a line by compromise, or convention. The proposition was received in the friendly spirit in which it had been given, and the British ministry deputed Lord Ashburton, as special minister to the United States, with full powers to settle 1837. all points of controversy between the two governments. During the first year of Van Buren's administration the people of both the Cauadas endeavored to throw ofi their allegiance to England, and to declare themselves in- dependent. This movement enlisted the sympathies of great numbers in the neighboring States. In northern New York associations were formed, called " Hunters' Lodges," whose object was to aid the patriots. These illegal combinations flourished in spite of the efforts made by the President and the Governor of New York to sup- press them. About seven hundred of these " sympathizers," with some of the jDatriots, took possession of Navy Island, in Niagara river, near the Canada shore, to which province it belonged. Thither the steamboat Caroline was employed in transporting men, arms, and provisions from Schlosser, on the American shore. The British authorities deter- mined to destroy this boat. Accordingly a detachment was sent on a dark night in December for that purpose ; the officer in command not finding the boat at Navy Island, as expected, passed over to Schlosser, where she was moored at the dock. He captured the boat, and in • THE AFFAIR OF THE CAROLINE— M'LEOD. 681 the short struggle which ensued, an American was killed, chap The Caroline was taken out into the middle of the stream, . there set on fire, and left to pass over the falls in a hlaze. 18;17. The British Minister at Washington, Mr. Fox, imme- diately avowed the act, and justified it on the ground that it was done in self-defence. This avowal changed the aspect of the controversy — it was now between the gov- ernments. The excitement was by no means allayed, nor the activity of the " lodges " diminished. Three years is+o. afterward a still stronger feeling of hostility sprang up between the two countries. A certain Alexander Mc- Leod, a British subject, living in Canada, it was rumored, had boasted of being at the taking of the Caroline, and also that he himself had killed the American. McLeod visited the State of New York at the time just mentioned, the authorities of which immediately arrested him on the charge of murder. The British government demanded his release, unconditionally, on the ground that he was obey- ing the orders of his government, which alone was respon- sible. The State refused to relinquish, either to the National Government or to Great Britain, her right to bring the prisoner to trial, for the crime it was alleged he had committed on her soil. The trial came on, and Mc- Leod was acquitted, he having proved that he was not ^jresent at the affray at all. In order to prevent, for the future, clashings of State jurisdiction with that of the National Government, Congress passed a law requiring similar cases to be transferred to the United States courts. While these events were in progress in the State of New York, difficulties, equally ominous, were brewing on • the north-eastern boundary. The inhabitants on either side undertook to say where the line should be ; as they could not agree, the more belligerent were in favor of fighting, and consequently some trifling collisions took place. The Legislature of Maine even appropriated money for the defence of her territorial rights — and further 682 HISTORY OF THE AMEEICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, collisions were prevented only Ly the conciliatory and ju- dicious policy oi' General Scott, who was sent by the 1S40. President to maintain the peace. These disputes so long unsettled, very greatly dis- turbed the harmony existing between the two nations. The correspondence between their governments shows that at this time the controversy had assumed a serious and delicate character, and that it required the exercise ot great wisdom, and a mutual conciliatory spirit to prevent actual war. When negotiations commenced, commissioners from the States of Maine and Massachusetts were invited to Washington, that they might be consulted on the subject. The treaty was soon concluded. The United States ob- tained the navigation of the river St. Johu's to its mouth, and the very important military position — Rouse's Point, at the outlet of Lake Champlain. In exchange tor these were given a small territory of swamps, heath, and rocks, and barren mountains, covered with snow the greater part of the year. A territory valuable to Great Britain only because it enabled her to make a direct road from the province of New Brunswick to the St. Lawrence. Both nations were benefited by the arrangement, and the vexa- tious question of more than half a century's standing was amicably settled. Another article provided for the mutual rendition of fugitives from justice ; but only those who had committed acts which would be deemed criminal in the country where they had taken refuge. This important measure has given general satisfaction to both the contracting parties, and has served since as a model for similar treaties between some of the European powers. The two govern- ments also agreed to maintain each a certain number of armed vessels on the coast of Africa to aid in suppressing the slave-trade. After the treaty was concluded two important sub- THE QUESTIONS OF SEARCH AND IMPRESSMENT. 683 jects unexpectedly came up for discussion. One was the chap. right assumed by British cruisers to visit, and if necessary search, merchant vessels belonging toother nations. In a 1842, letter to the American minister at London, and designed for the English secretaiy of Foreign Aifairs, Webster de- nied the " right," and sustained his opinions against its exercise by arguments that have not yet been invalidated. The other subject was the impressment of seamen by British cruisers from American merchant vessels. In a letter to Lord Ashburton the Secretary of State assumed that it did not comport with the self-respect of the United States to enter into stipulations in relation to the right of impressment ; as if for a moment the existence of such a right could be admitted. On the contrary-that the ex- ercise of impressment should be deemed an aggression and repelled as such. In an able and conciliatory discussion he jiointed out the inconsistency of such a right with the laws of nations. Yet in the happiest language expressed the desire that for the welfare of both countries, all occa- sions of irritation should be removed. He announced as the basis of the policy of the United States : '" Every merchant-vessel on the high seas is rightfully considered as a part of the territory of the country to which it be- longs ; " that " in every regularly documented American merchant-vessel the crew who navigate it will find their protection in the flag which is over them," and that " the American Government, then, is prepared to say that the practice of impressing seamen from American vessels can- not hereafter be allowed to take place." ' In the same just and conciliatory spirit was the rejjly of Lord Asliburton. An apology was impliedly given for the invasion of the territory of the United States in the " affair of the Caroline." The negotiators conferred informally upon the subject of the northern boundary of Oregon, but for the ' The Works of Daniel Webster, vol. vi. p. S25. 684 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, preseni agreed to postpone its settlement. The treaty ot Washington marks an important era in our history : — the 1812. time when the United States toolc that position among the nations, to which they were entitled by their power and influence. Four years after, Webster said on the floor of the Senate : — " I am willing to appeal to the public men of the age, whether, in 1842, and in the city of Washington, something was not done for the suppres- sion of crime, for the true exposition of public law, ibr the freedom and securitv of commerce on the ocean, and for the peace of the world ? "' The government had not been forgetful of the ad- vancement of science. It sent out an exploring expedi- 1838. tion, under Lieutenant Charles Wilkes of the United States navy, accompanied by a corps of scientific men, to make discoveries in the Antarctic and Pacific oceans. After four years it returned bringing the results of inves- 1842. tigations in Natural History, not valuable to our own country alone, but to the world. It sailed ninety thousand miles, seventeen hundred of which were along the coast of a great Antarctic Continent never seen before by civil- ized man. The four years of this administration was a period fruitful in measures, destined, in their remote consequences, to have a varied and almost unlimited influence upon the nation. A more important question never came before the Houses of Congress, than when the young Republic of Texas presented herself at their doors, and asked to be annexed to the Union. She came offering a fertile tei-- ritory almost sufllcient in extent to make five such States as Pennsylvania or New York. The " annexation," led to the Mexican war, and that in turn to the acquisition of California. The region known as Texas had been claimed, but on doubtful grounds, as a part of the already purcha.sod tei- MOSES AUSTIN IMMIGRATION TO TEXAS. 685 ritoiy of Louisiana. This claim was, however, waived, and crap. when Florida was obtained Texas was tacitly admitted to belong to Spain, and when Mexico revolted from the 1842. mother country, she became one of the confederattd States which formed the Mexican republic. The American who originated the plan of colonizing Texas, was Moses Austin, a native of Durham, Connec- ticut. He was engaged in working the lead mines in upper Louisiana, when, in his explorations, he became acquainted with the fertile soil and delightful climate of Texas. The Spanish Government encouraged immigra- tion to that part of the Mexican territory, and it gave Austin large grants of land, on condition that he would 181:J. introduce as colonists three hundred Catholic families from Louisiana. Within a month after these arrange- ments were completed, Austin himself died, but appointed his son Stephen F. Austin to superintend the planting of the colony according to the agreement with the Spanish government. To his energy and perseverance may be attributed the success of the enterprise. Little was known at Mexico of what was in jjrogress in that remote region. The Americans, attracted by the liberal grants of land and the fine climate, were pouring in. In a few years they numbered twenty thousand, very igso. few of whom were Catholics, nor did they all come from Louisiana, but from the other Southern and Western States. i^ Meantime in Mexico other great changes were in prog- ress. First came the revolution by which she declared 1821. . herself no longer under the jurisdiction of Spain. This was succeeded by a confederation of States. In that un- happy country one revolution succeeded another in rapid succ<,'ssion, till finally, Santa Anna, overthrowing the ex- isting republic, made himself dictator and tyrant of the people. During this time the Texans did not revolt, nor 686 HISTOBT OF THE AILEEICAS PEOPLE. CHAP, ^d they acquiesce. They fbnned a coDstitution, and sent Austin to Mexico to ask admission into the con- 1835. federacy of the repubKc as a State. This request was de- nied, and their messenger throvrn into prison. Still Texas retained her State officers, and asked that her rights might be respected ; when an armed Mexican vessel appeared off the coast, and proclaimed that her ports were block- aded ; near the same time a Mexican army appeared on her western borders, with the intention of arresting her State officers, and disarming the inhabitants. It was much easier to demand the Texan rifles than to get them. Sept The attempt was made at a place named Gonzales, where 2**- the Mexicans met with a severe repulse. The Texans, though few in number, flew to arms throughout the entire couniry, and in a few months drove the invaders from their soil, and captured and garrisoned the strong forts of the Goliad and the mission house of Alamo. Thus they manfully resisted the designs of Santa Anna to make them submit to his usurped authority, and the struggle commenced for their rights, their liberties and their lives. There were no bonds of sympathy between the Texans and Mexicans : neither in religion nor in customs, nor in form of government. The Texan despised the M&xican, and the Mexican hated and feared the Texan. 1836. Six months after these reverses Santa Anna invaded Texas with a numerous army. The chaiacter of the war he intended to wa§pe may be inferred from his cruel orders to shoot every prisoner taken. The Alamo was invested by Santa Anna himself. The garrison numbered only one hundred and eighty men, while their enemies were as sixteen to their one. When summoned to surrender, they, knowing the treacherous character of the Mexican Chief, refiised. The latter immediately raised the blood-red flag, to indicate that he would give no quarter. After repulsing „ the besiegers several times, the Texans, worn out with 6. watchings and labors, were overcome, and w?ien calling foi DAVT CROCKET PEISOSEBS MURDERED. 687 quarter the survivors — only seven — were mercilessly chap. butchered. Here, surrounded by the bodies of Mexicans who had iSStj, fallen by his hand, perished the eccentric Davy Crocket. Born on the frontiers of Tennessee, his only education -was that received during two months in a common school. Though singular in hi.^ mental characteristics, his strong common sense and imdaunted spirit, won him the respect of his fellow-citizens, and they sent him several times to represent them in Congress. When he heard of the strug- gle in which the people of Texas were engaged, he hastened to their aid, and with untiring energy devoted himself to their cause. At Goliad the little garrison defended themselves with unexampled hravery ; not until their resources failed, their ammunition exhausted, and tamine was staring them in the face, did they accept the terms offered by the Mexi- can in command, and surrendered. Their lives were to be spared, and they aided to leave the country. Other small parties of Texans in different places had been sur- prised and taken prisoners. The following night a courier arrived from Santa Anna, bringing orders to put the prisoners to death the next morning. They were marched in Kttle companies outside the town, and there shot ; those attempting to escape were cut down by the cavalry. The wounded prisoners were then murdered in the same cruel manner ; among the wounded who thus suffered, was Colonel Fanning, their commander. Thus perished three himdred and thirty men, the last words of some of whom were cheers for the liberty of Texas. A Texan physician. Dr. Grant, was among the prisoners, but his hfe was spared on condition that he would attend the wounded Mexican soldiers. He was also promised that he should have a passport to leave the country as soon as they needed his services no more. He G88 HISTORY OF THE AMEEICAN PEOPLE. CH.\P. faithfully performed his part, but when the soldiers were cured, he was tied upon a wild horse, and told to take " his 1S30. passport and start for home." The cords were cut, aud the frightened animal rushed to the woods, where, some time after, the mangled body of the poor man was found. Santa Anna, with an army of seven thousand men, moved on toward the San Jacinto river. G-eneral Samuel Houston had only seven hundred and fifty men, their only weapons rifles, pistols and bowie-knives ; in their element when fighting, they were impatient to attack the enemy. The advance division, consisting of fifteen hun- dred men, under the command of Santa Anna himself, was the flower of the Mexican army. The Mexicans were well posted, and their front, before which was an open grassy space, was carefully fortified. Houston had great difficulty in restraining his men. At three o'clock in the afternoon, when Santa Anna and his officers were en- joying a sleep, and their men engaged in playing cards, Houston passed information along the line that the only bridge by which the enemy could escajie was cut down, with the order to move rapidly to the attack. The sur- prise was complete. In twenty minutes their position was forced, and the panic stricken Mexicans leaving every thing, fled in confusion. More than six hundred were slain, and altogether more than eight hundred taken prisoners. The following day a Mexican was found skulk- ing in the grass. He asked to be led to head-quarters. When brought to the Oak under which were the Texan head-quarters, he made himself known as Santa Anna. He complimented Houston on the renown he had acquired in " conquering the Napoleon of the West." Such was April the battle of San Jacinto; the number engaged were com- -1- jiaratively few, yet it virtually ended the contest. Santa Anna, at the request of Houston, ordered the Mexican army to retire from the Territory of Texas. He also ac- Oct. TEXAS INDEPENDENT QUESTION OF ANNEXATION. 689 kiiowledged tlie independence of Texas, but the Mexican chap. Congre8.s refused to ratify his act. . . A month previous to this battle, a convention of dele- 1836. gates met at a place named Washington, and declared Jj. themselves independent of Mexico. The convention then proceeded to form a Constitution, which in due time was adopted by the people. Six- months later Houston was inaugurated President of the Republic of Texas ; and its first Congress assembled.' When its people threw off their allegiance to Mexico, they naturally turned to more congenial associations ; tliey desired to annex themselves to the United States. One of the last official acts of General Jackson had been to sign a bill recognizing their independence, and now the question of their annexation became the absorbing topic of political discussion in the United States, in every section of which many opposed the measure only on the ground that it would incur a war with Mexico, whose government still persisted in fruitless efforts to re- duce the Texans to obedience. The interminable ques- tion of slavery, as usual, was involved in the controversy. The South was almost unanimously in favor of annexa- iS'U. tion. The genial climate, the fertile soil, and the varied productions of Texas, were so many pledges that slave labor would there be profitable. A strong party in the North was opposed to the measure, lest it should perpetu- ate that institution, while one in the South was devising plans to preserve the balance of power existing between the States in the Senate. The subject of annexation, with its varied conse- quences, was warmly discussed in both Houses of Con- gress, in the newspapers,, and in the assemblies of the people. Calhoun gave his views by saying ;■ " There were ' Yoakum's Hist, of Texas. 44 690 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, jjowerful reasons why Texas should be a part of this . Union. The Southern States, owning a slave population 1844. were deeply interested in preventing that country from having jiower to annoy them." Said Webster : " That while I hold to all the original arrangements and compro- mises under which the Constitution under which we now live was adopted, I never could, and never can, persuade myself to be in favor of the admission of other States into the Union, as slave States, with the inequalities which were allowed and accorded by the Constitution to the slaveholding States then in existence." Under the auspices of Calhoun, who was now Secre- tary of State, a treaty was secretly made with Texas, by which she was to be admitted into the Union. But the Senate immediately rejected it by a vote more than two to one, on the ground that to carry out its provisions would involve the country in a war with Mexico. This rejection was the signal for raising a great clamor through- out the land. Annexation was made a prominent issue in the pending presidential election — the De uocratic party in favor of the measure, and the Whigs opposed. To in- fluence the credulous, it was boldly asserted that England was negotiating with Texas to buy her slaves, free them, and, having quieted Mexico, to take the republic under her special protection. This story General Houston said was a pure fabrication ; yet it served a purpose. In cer- tain portions of the South conventions were held, in which the sentiment " Texas, or Disunion," wasojienly advocated. The threats of secession and uniting with Texas, unless she was admitted to the Union, had but little effect, however, upon the great mass of the people. The following year it was proposed to receive Texas by a joint resolution of Congress. The House of Repre- sentatives passed a bill to that effect, but the Senate added an amendment, appointing commissioners to nego- THE JOINT RESOLUTIONS — TEXAS ANNEXED. 69] tiate with Mexico on the subject. Thus manifesting a chap. desire to respect the rights of Mexico as a nation with whom we were at peace, and at least make an effort to 1844. obtain tlie annexation with her consent, and also the settlement of boundaries. By a clause in the resolutions the President was authorized to adopt either plan. The joint resolutions were passed on Saturday, the 2d of March ; Tyler would leave office two days later. The President elect, James K. Polk, had intimated that if the question came before him he should adopt the Senate's plan, by which it was hoped an amicable arrangement could be made with Mexico.' The retiring President, and his Secretary of State, chose to adopt the mode of annexation proposed in the House resolutions. A messenger was sent on Sunday night the 3d, to carry the proposition with aU speed to the Legislature of Texas. The opposition to annexing slaveholding territory to the Union was so great that Texas came in by compromise. Provision was made that four additional States might be formed out of the Territory when it should become suffi- ciently populous. Those States lying north of the parallel of thirty-six degrees thirty minutes, north latitude — the Missouri Compromise line — were to be free States ; those south of the line, to " be admitted into the Union with or without slavery as the people of each State asking admission may desire." To the original State, the right was accorded to prevent any State being formed out of her territory, by refusing her consent to the measure. Texas acceded to ]845 the proposition, and thus became one of the United States, ''"^y Her population now amounted to two hundred thousand. For nearly two hundred years the people of Rhode Island had lived imder the charter granted by Charles II. This instrument was remarkable for the liberal provisions ' Benton's Thirty Years' View, Chap, cxlviii.. Vol. ii. 692 HISTORY OP THE AMEEICAN PEOPLE. ^^L^^' ^* contained. The desire to change this charter gave rise to two parties, the " Suffrage," and " The Law and 1845. Order ;" each determined to secure to their own party the administration of affairs, and each elected State officers.' Thomas W. Dorr, elected governor by the Suf- frage party, tried to seize the State arsenal ; the militia 1843. were called out by the other party, and he was compelled 18. to flee. In a second attempt his party was overpowered by citizen soldiers, and he himself arrested, brought to trial, convicted of treason, and sentenced to imprisonment for life ; but some time afterward he was pardoned. A free constitution was in the mean time adopted by the people, under which they are now living. Almost the last official act of President Tyler was to sign the bill for the admission of Iowa and Florida into the Union. " Two States, which seem to have but few things in common to put them together — one the oldest, the other the newest territory — one in the extreme north- west of the Union, the other in the extreme south-east — one the land of evergreens and perpetual flowers, the othei the climate of long and rigorous winter — one maintaining, the other repulsing slavery." CHAPTER LI POLK'S ADMINISTRATION. Tlie Presidential Canvass. — Difficulties with Mexico. — General Taylor nt Corpus Christi. — Oregon Territory ; respective Claims to. — Settlement of Boundnry. — Taylor marches to the Rio Grande. — Thornton's Party surprised. — Attack on Fort Brown. — Battle of Palo Alto; of Resaoa de la Palma. — Matamoras occupied. — Measures of Congress.— The Volunteers. — Plan of Operations. — Mexico declares War. — General Wool. — General Worth.; — The Capture of Monterey. Ox the 4th of March, James Knox Polk, of Tennessee, chap. LI was inaugurated President, and George MiiHin Dallas, of . Pennsylvania, Vice-President ; James Buchanan was ap- 1945. pointed Secretary of State. The canvass had been one of unusual interest and spirit. The candidates of the Whig party were Henry Clay and Theodore Frelinghuysen. The questions in- volved were the admission of Texas, and the settlement of the boundary line on the north-west, between the British possessions and Oregon. The latter — for the Whigs were also in favor of its settlement — thrown in by the successful party. The result of the election was assumed to be the ex- pression of the will of the people in relation to the ad- mission of Texas, which measure, as we have seen, the expiring administration had already consummated. We have now to record the events, the consequences in part of that measure. Though France and England, as well as the United 694 HISTORY OF THE AMEPaCAN PEOPLE. cnAP. States, acknowledged the independence of Texas, Mexicc still claimed the territoiy, and threatened to maintain 1845. her claim by force of arms. In accordance with this sentiment, two days after the inauguration of the new President, General Almonte, the Mexican minister at Washington, formally protested against the "joint reso- lutions " of Congress, then demanded his jiassports and left the country. There were other points of disjiute between the two governments. American merchants residing in Mexico, comj^lained that their property had been appropriated by that government ; that their ships, trading along the shores of the Gulf, had been plundered, and they could obtain no redress. The United States government again and again remonstrated against these outrages. The Mexican government, poverty-stricken and distracted by broils, was almost in a state of anarchy ; each party as it came into power repudiated the engagements made by its predecessor. 1831. A treaty had been signed by which redress for these grievances was promised ; the promise was not fulfilled, and the aggressions continued. Nine years later the Mexican government again acknowledged the justness of these demands, which now amounted to six millions of dollars, and pledged itself to jiay them in twenty instal- ments, of three hundred thousand dollars each. Three of these had been paid, when the annexation of Texas took place, and, in consequence of that event, Mexico refused further compliance with the treaty. Even if Mexico gave her consent for the annexation of Texas, another question arose : What was the western boundary of that territory ; the Nueces or the Eio Grande ? Both parties claimed the region lying between these two rivers. The Legislature of Texas, alarmed at the warlike attitude assumed by Mexico, requested the United States government to protect their territory. Ac- TAYLOR AT CORPUS CHRISTI — THE OREGON QUESTION. 695 cordingly the President sent General Zachary Taylor, with ^^^'■ fifteen hundred men, called the " Army of Occupation," " to take position in the country between the Nueces and 1845. the Rio Grande, and to repel any invasion of the Texan territory." General Taylor formed his camp at Corpus Christi, a small village at the mouth of the Nueces. There Sept, he remained till the following spring. Also a portion of the Home squadron, under Commodore Conner, was sent into the Gulf to co-operate with the army. Both " were ordered to commit no act of hostility against Mexico un- less she declared war, or was Jierself the aggressor by striking the first blow." ' Though Mexico, in her weakness and distraction, had temporized and recently rejected an American minister, yet it was understood that she was now willing to receive one, and accordingly he had been sent. It was plain that upon the pending negotiations war or peace between the two republics depended. Meanwhile it was known that Mexico was marshalling her forces for a conflict. "■» The unsettled question in relation to the boundary of Oregon now engaged the attention of the President and his Secretary of State. Great Britain was from the first desirous to arrange the ditHculty, though, as has been stated, the subject was passed over in the negotiations of the Washington treaty. A few months after the ratification of that treaty, Mr. Henry S. Fox, the British minister at Washington, ad- dressed a note to Daniel Webster, Secretary of State under Mr. Tyler, in which note he proposed to take up the subject of the Oregon boundary. The proposal was accepted, but for some reason negotiations were not com- menced. Two years later, Sir Richard Packenham, then British minister at Washington, renewed the proposition ' President's Message, Dec. 1845. 1842 Nov. G96 HISTOKX OF THE AMEKICAN PEOPLE. CHAi'. to Mr. Upshur, Secretary of State. It was accepted, bnt . a few days after Upshur lost liis life by the lamentable isw. explosion on board the Princeton. Six months later ■ Paclcenham again brought the matter to the notice of Mr. Calhoun, then Secretary of State. The proposition was promptly accepted, and the next day named for taking up the subject. The claims of the respective parties may be briefly noticed. The region known as Oregon lay between the par- allels of forty-two and fifty-four degrees and forty minutes north latitude, the Kocky Mountains on the east, and the 1819. Pacific Ocean on the west. By the Florida Treaty, Spain had ceded to the United States all her territory north of the parallel first mentioned ; commencing at the sources of the Arkansas and thence to the Pacific, and Mexico, hav- ing thrown olf the yoke of Spain, since confirmed by treaty 1828. the validity of the same boundary. The parallel of fifty- four degrees forty minutes was agreed ujjon by the United States, Great Britain, and Russia, as the southern bound- 1^1^' ary of the possessions of the latter power. The American claim was based upon the cession of Spain, who was really the first discoverer ; the discovery of 1792. Captain Gray, already mentioned; the explorations of Lewis and Clai-ke, sent by the government of the United States ; and the settlement established at the mouth of the Colum- bia River, by John Jacob Astor of New York. Lewis and isoo' Clarke, during Jefferson's administration, crossed the Rocky Mountains, came upon the southern main branch of the Columbia, and explored that river to its mouth. The British claim was also based on discovery, and 1806. actual settlement founded by the North-West Company, on Fraser's River, and also another on the head-waters of the north branch of the Columbia. 1S44. Calhoun came directly to the point, and proposed as the boundary the continuation of the forty-ninth degree 1811. THE OREGON BOUNDARY SETTLED. 697 of nortli latitude to the Pacific. This line had already chap been agreed ujjon between the United States and Great Britain by the treaty made at London, as the boundary 1844. of their respective territories from the Lake of the Woods isis. to the summit of the Rocky Mountains. Packenham, imwilling to accept that line, jjroposed to follow the forty- ninth degree from the mountains — some three hundred miles — until it should strike the north branch of the Co- lumbia river, and thence down that stream to the ocean. The American Secretary declined this, and as the British minister had no further instructions, the consideration of the subject was postponed. Meantime the Presidential canvass was in progress, and " all of Oregon or none " became one of the watch- words of the Democratic parly. So long as these senti- ments were proclaimed by iJartisan leaders and newspapers, they were harmless ; but when the new President, in his inaugural address, asserted that our title to " Oregon Ter- litory " " was clear and indisputable," and moreover inti- mated that it was his intention to maintain it by arms, the question assumed a far different aspect. The position thus officially taken, when the subject of the boundary was under negotiation, took the British Government by surprise, especially since hitherto each party had courteously recognized the other's claim to a portion of the territory. Four months passed. Meantime the good feeling existing between the two governments was seriously disturbed ; England did not again offer to negotiate. A mere partisan watchword was in danger of involving both nations in war. At length the President himself, directed the Secretary of State to reopen nego- tiations by offering as the boundary the forty-ninth par- . allel ; but the proposition was not accepted by the British minister. To prepare the way for further negotiation, the Presi- 698 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, dent then recommended that the joint occupation of the territory should be abrogated, by giving the twelve 1844. months' notice, according to a provision in the treaties of 1818 and 1828. Congress voted to give the notice. Sir Robert Peel expressed in Parliament his regret that the last offer of the American Secretary had not been accepted, and soon after the British minister, Packenham, communicated to the Secretary of State the information that his government would accept the parallel of forty- nine, as recently offered. The case admitted of no delay. The President was anxious to relieve himself of the responsibility of acting on the proposition. On the suggestion of Senator Benton, of Missouri, he, following the example of Washington, con- sulted the Senate on the propriety of accepting this last proposition, pledging himself to be guided by their decision. That body decided to accept it, " and gave the President a faithful support against himself, against his cabinet, and against his peculiar friends." Presently the treaty was sent into the Senate, when, after a spirited debate for two days, it was ratified.' By this treaty, the parallel of forty-nine degrees North lati- tude was agreed upon as the boundary to the middle of the channel between Vancouver's Island and the Con- tinent, and thence southerly through the middle of the Straits of Fuca to the ocean : — also the navigation of the Columbia River, and its main northern branch, was left free to both parties. 1846. We left General Taylor at Corpus Christi, on the west bank of the Nueces. He now received orders from Wash- Feb. ington, to move to the Rio Grande, and establish a fortified camp and fort on the bank opposite the town of Mata- moras, as in the vicinity of that jdace Mexican troops were assembling in great numbers, with the intention, it ' Benton's Tliirty Ye.irs' View, Vol. U. Chaps. 156-7-8-9, MEXICO THREATENS WAR THORNTON'S PARTY SURPRISED. 699 way said, of invading Texas. Leaving the main portion ^^^^■ of his stores under a guard at Point Isabel, he marched to the Rio Grande, and, witiiin cannon shot of Matamoras, lo46. estabKshed a camp and built a fort. These movements called forth from Mexico strongprotests and threats of war. When the dispute between the two Republics began, Herrera was President of Mexico. He was desirous of arranging the difBculties by negotiation ; but the war spirit prevailed, and at a recent election the Mexican people chose for President, Paredes, an uncompromising enemy of peace. When he assumed office he sent a large force under General Ampudia, to whom he gave orders to drive the Americans beyond the Nueces. That officer soon after sent a communication to General Taylor, in which he warned him of his danger in thus provoking the anger of " the magnanimous Mexican nation," and de- manded that he should " break up his camp and retire beyond the Nueces " within twenty-four hours. Taylor replied that he should maintain his position, and carry out the instructions of his government, which alone was resjoonsible for his presence on the Rio Grande. He con- tinued to strengthen his fortification, and to closely watch the movements of the Mexicans. Ampudia was at a loss how to act ; both commanders were unwilling to light the flame of war. Paredes, dissatisfied with Ampudia, sent General Arista to supersede him. The latter immediately ordered de- tachments of Mexican soldiers to occupy positions between Point Isabel and the American camp, thus cutting off communication with their stores. General Taylor had sent Captain Thornton with a party of sixty dragoons to reconnoitre ; the party was surprised, sixteen of their number killed, the remainder captured. Thornton alone escaped. Here was shed the first blood in the Mexican war. 24. 700 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, CHAP. ^ few days later. Captain Walker, the celebrated , Texan ranger, who with a select company was engaged 181G. in keeping up the communication with Point Isabel, came into camp with information that a large force of Mexicans was threatening the latter place. Leaving Major Brown with three hundred men to defend the fort, Taylor hastened to the"aid of Point Isabel, which place, after a march of twenty-one miles, he reached without opposition. The Mexicans self-complacently attributed this move- ment to fear, and they immediately made preparations to attack the fort. Taylor had concerted with Major Brown that if the latter should be surrounded or hard pressed, he should, at certain intervals, fire heavy signal guns. }j[ay The Mexicans opened with a tremendous cannonade ■^- from a battery at Matamoras, while a large force took position in the rear of the fort, and began to throw up in- trenchments. The little garrison defended themselves with great bravery, and not until Major Brown fell mor- tally wounded, did the next in command. Captain Haw- kins, begin to fire the signal guns. The cautious Taylor first put Point Isabel in a state of defence, and then set out with a provision train guarded by twa thousand two hundred and eighty-eight men to re- lieve Fort Brown — thus afterward named in honor of its commander. The little army was truly in peril ; an overwhelming force of the enemy — three to its one — ^had taken a strong position to intercept its march. The booming of signal guns still continued, and Taylor ar- dently pressed on with the determination to cut his way through. Presently he came in sight of the enemy, posted ^rav ill front of a chaparral — in which were their reserves — • ^- near a small stream, the Palo Alto. The train was im- mediately closed up, and the soldiers refreshed themselves from the stream, and fiUed their canteens. As soon aa the exact position of the Mexicans was ascertained, the American line was formed, Major Einggold's battery was I BATTLE OF PALO ALTO. 701 placed on tLe right, and Duncan's on the left, while the "^■^J'- eighteen-pounders were in the centre on the main road. The Mexicans commenced the action with their artillery, I8i6 but at too great distance to reach the American line. The latter moved slowly and silently up till within suitable range, then the artillery opened, and displayed great skill in the rapidity as well as in the accuracy with which each gun was handled. The eighteen-poimders riddled the Mexican centre through and through, while Duncan scarcely noticed their artillery, but poured an incessant stream of balls upon their infantry. Presently the long grass in front was set on fire, by the wadding from the guns, and the smoke obscured the position of the Mexicans. The American batteries groped their way for three-fourths of an hour throiigh the burning grass, and when the smoke cleared away, they found themselves within range of the enemy ; in another moment they opened their guns with renewed vigor. At this crisis night came on ; the contest had continued for five hours, and was a conflict of artillery alone. The only instance when an efl'ort was made to change the form of the battle, was when the Mexican cavalry endeavored to turn the American flank; but the infantry, with bayonets fixed stood firm and awaited the shock ; as the cavalry hesitated to make the onset, a discharge from the American artillery decided them to wheel and rapidly leave the field. Such was the first battle in the Mexican war ; a pre- sage of those which were to follow. The enemy lost four hundred men, while the Americans had only nine killed and forty-four wounded ; but among the former was Major Ringgold, universally lamented, both as an efficient officer and a Christian gentleman. As his officers ofi'ered him assistance, he said : " Leave me alone, you are wanted forward." To him was due much of the credit for that petfection of drill and rapidity of movement which the American Flying Artillery exhibited on battle-fields ''^02 HISTOET OF THE AMERICAK PEOPLE. CHAP, during this war. The Mexicans manifested here no want of courage ; they stood for four or five hours under these 1S46. murderous discharges of grape. The Americans encamped on the spot, and at three o'clock the next morning were on their march toward Fort Brown. Meantime the Mexicans, leaving: their dead unbuiied, had disappeared ; hut on the afternoon of that day they were discovered posted in a strong position be- yond a ravine, known as the Dry Kiver of Palms or Resaca de la Palma. They had been reinforced during the night, and now numbered seven thousand men. Their right and left were protected by dense brush and chaparral, while their artillery, jjlaced behind a breastwork and beyond the ravine, swept the road for some distance. Miy General Taylor j^laced his artillery on the road in the centre, and ordered divisions on the right and left to grope their way through the chaparral and ferret out with the bayonet the Mexican sharpshooters, who were swarm- ing in the brush which protected them. No order could be observed ; the officers became separated from the men ; each soldier acted for himself, as he broke his way through the chaparral and probed for the Mexicans. The sharp twang of the rifle, the dull sound of the musket, the deep mutterings of the cannon, the shrill cries of the Mexicans, so in contrast with the vigorous shouts of the Americans, produced a tremendous uproar. The right and left had gradually forced their way through the chaparral almost to the ravine, but the Mexican battery, handled with great coolness and execu- tion, still swept the road at every discharge, and held the centre in check. That batterj', the key of the Mexican position, must be taken. General Taylor turned to Captain May, of the dragoons, and pointing to the battery, said : " You must take it." The captain wheeled hia horse and shouted to his troops, " Men, we must take that BATTLE OF EESACA DE LA PALMA. 703 battery!" Just then Lieutenant Kidgely suggested to cH|P- May to wait until he would draw the Mexican fire. The moment a portion of their guns were fired, the bugle was 1846. heard high above the din, to sound a charge. The atten- tion of the combatants was arrested, all eyes were turned toward the road, along which dashed the horsemen, led by their gallant leader. A cloud of dust soon liid them from view ; a discharge of the Mexican guns swept away one-third of their numb r, but in a moment more, the clashing sabres and the trampling' of men under tlie horses' feet, proclaimed that the battery was taken. The Mexi- can cannoneers were paralyzed at the sudden appearance of the approaching foe, and before they could recover, the dragoons were upon them. May, with his own hands, captured General La Vega, the commander, who was in the act of applying a match to a gun. The dragoons then charged directly through the Mexican centre. A shout of triumi)h arose from the American lines, the infantry pressed on and took possession of the guns, from which the dragoons liad driven the men. The entire Mexican force, panic-stricken at the sudden onset, broke and fled in confusion to the nearest point of the Eio Grande ; in their haste to pass over which, numbers of them were drowned. It was a complete victory. General Arista fled, and without a companion, leaving his private papers, as well as his public correspondence. All the Mexican artillery, two thousand stand of arms, and six hundred mules, fell into the hands of the Americans. The latter lost one hundred and twenty-two, and the Mexicans twelve hun- dred. We may well imagine the emotions with which the little garrison, exiiausted by the exertions of six days' in- cessant bombardment, listened to the sound of the battle, as it drew nearer and nearer ; first was heard the cannon, then the musketry ; then the smoke could be seen floating 704 HISTORY OF THE AMEKICAN PEOPLE. '^^Ai' above the distant trees ; now Mexicans here and there appeared in full flight ; presently the victorious American 184(i. cavalry came in sight, and the men mounted the ramparts and shouted a welcome. General Taylor advanced to Fort Brown, then in a few days crossed the Rio Grande, and took possession of ■^jj^^. Matamoras. The Mexicans had withdrawn the previous is' evening and were in full march toward Monterey. The American commander took pains not to change or inter- fere with the municipal laws of the town ; the people enjoyed their civil and religious privileges. They were paid good prices for provisions, which they furnished in abundance ; yet there was evidently in their hearts a deep-toned feeling of hatred toward the invaders. Meanwhile intelligence of the capture of Captain Thornton's reconnoitring party had reached the United States, and the rumor that Mexican soldiers, in over- powering numbers, were between the Nueces and the Rio Grande. The President immediately sent a special message to Congress, in which he announced that " war existed by Mav the act of Mexico ; " Imt surely it was an " act " of self- defence on the part of the Mexicans, and made so by the advance of an American army upon disputed soil, that had been in their possession and that of their fathers' fiithers. The President called upon Congress to recognize the war, to appropriate the necessary funds to carry it on, and to authorize him to call iipon the country for volunteers. Congress, anxious to rescue the army from danger, ap- propriated ten millions of dollars, and empowered the President to accept the services of fifty thousand volun- teers ; one-half of whom to be mustered into the army, and the other half kejit as a reserve. War was not for- mally declared, yet the war spirit aroused was unprece- dented. Throughout the land publ-'c meetings were held, 11. PtAN OF OPEBATIONS — MEXICO DECLARES WAR. 705 and iu a few weeks two hundred thousand volunteers had •^'^|^- oflered their services to rescue the gallant little army from its p'jrils, and, if necessary, to prosecute the war. 1846. Notwithstanding these warlike indications, great diversity of ojiinion prevailed among the people, both as to the justness of the war, or the expediency of appealing to that terrible arbiter, when all the results demanded might be obtair^ed by negotiation. On the suggestions of Major-General Scott, a plan of operations, remarkably comprehensive in its outlines, was resolved upon by the government. A powerful fleet was to sail round Cape Horn, and to attack the Mexican ports on the Pacific coast in concert with a force, styled the " Army of the West," which was to assemble at Fort Leavenworth, on the Missouri, then to cross the great plains and the Kocky Mountains, and in its progress re- duce the northern provinces of Mexico. Another force, " The Army of the Centre," was to penetrate to the heart of the Republic by way of Texas, and if deemed best, co- operate with the force under Taylor, known, as we have said, as the " Army of Occupation." The latter part of the plan was afterward modified, and the country was penetrated by way of Vera Cruz. The apprehensions of the people for the safety of their little army, gave way to a feeling of exultation, when the news reached them that it had met and repelled its numerous assailants. The war spirit was not diminished but rather increased by this success. Congress manifested its gratification by conferring upon Taylor the commission of Major-General by brevet. 30. On the other hand the Mexican people and govern- ment were aroused, and on the intelligence of these dis- asters, war was formally declared against the United May States, and the government commenced to prepare for the ^^■ contest. 4.') 706 HIST0E1 OF THE AMEEICAIT PEOPLE. *^H^P- General John E. Wool, a native of New York, who had seen service in the war of 1812, and distinguished 1846. himself at Queenstown Heights, was commissioned to drill the volunteers. By the most untiring diligence he had, in the short space of six weeks, iasi^ected and taken into the service twelve thousand men, nine thousand oi whom were hurried off to reinforce General Taylor, while the remainder marched under his own command to San Antonio, in Texas, there to he in readiness to act accord- ing to circumstances. General Taylor remained three months at Matamoras, his operations restricted for want of men, hut as soon as reinforcements reached him, lie prepared to advance into the country, in accordance with orders received from Washington. He sent in advance General William J. Worth, witli the first division toward Monterey, the caj ital city of New Leon. Worth took his first lessons in warfare in 1812. From love of military life, when a mere youth he enlisted as a common soldier, but his ready talents attracted the attention of Colonel, now General Scott, and from that day his promotion began. A fort- Aug. night later, leaving General Twiggs in command at Mata- ^^- moras,' Taylor himself moved with the main division, — more than six thousand men, — and the entire army en- ^9^*" camped within three miles of the doomed city. Monterey was an old city built by the Spaniards nearly three centuries ago. In a fertile valley, hedged in by high mountains, it could be approached only in two direc- tions ; from the north-east toward Matamoras, and from the west by a road, which passed through a rocky gorge, toward Saltillo. The city, nearly two miles in length by one in breadth, had three large plazas or squares ; the houses, built in the old Spanish style, were one story high, with strong walls of masonry rising three or four 'o MONTEREY AND ITS FORTIFICATIONS. '707 feet above their flat roofs. The city itself was fortified by chap. . , LI. massive walls, and on its ramparts were forty-two pieces of heavy artillery, while from the mountain tops, north of 1846. the town, the Americans could see that the flat roofs of the stone houses were converted into places of defence, and bristled with musketry, and that the streets were rendered impassable by numerous barricades. On the one side, on a hill, stood the Bishop's Palace, a massive stone building, strongly fortified, on the other were redoubts well manned, in the rear was the river San Juan, south of which towered abrupt mountains. 8uch was the ap-. pearance and strength of Monterey, garrisoned as it was by ten thousand troops, nearly all regulars, under the command of General Ampudia. It was now to be assailed by an army of less than seven thousand men. Ten days elapsed before the vicinity of the town could be thoroughly reconnoitred. In the afternoon, General Worth was ordered, with six hundred and fifty Jg ' men, to find his way around the hill occupied by the Bishop's Palace, gain the Saltillo road, and carry the works in that direction, while a diversion would be made against the centre and left of the town, by batteries erected during the night. The impetuous Worth, by great exertions, accomplished his purpose, by opening a new road over the mountains. In one instance he came to a small stream in a deep gully, the bridge over which had been broken down. A neighboring field furnished the material ; his men soon filled the chasm, and passed over on a corn- stalk-bridge. • The next morning the batteries erected the night be- fore opened upon the enemy, who replied with a hearty good will. At length, after hard fighting, one of the Mexi- can works of great strength, situated in the lower part of the town, was captured. The brigade under General Sept. Quitman, of the Mississippi Volunteers, " carried the work 708 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, CHAP in handsome style, as well as the strong building in its rear." General Butler had also entered the town on the 1846. right ; hoth of these positions were maintained. While these operations were in progress, General Worth succeeded in gaining the Saltillo road, and thus cut off the enemy's communication with the west. He carried, in succession, the heights south of the river and road, and immediately turned the guns upon the Bishop's Palace. During the night, the Mexicans evacuated their works in the lower town ; but the next day they kept up a vig- orous fire from the Citadel. The following morning at dawn of day, in the midst of a fog and drizzling rain, Worth stormed the crest overlooking the Bishop's Palace, Sept. and at noon, the Palace itself fell into the hands of the 23 . Americans. Yet the city, with its fortified houses, was far from being taken. " Our troops advanced from house to house, and from square to square, until they reached a street but one square in the rear of the principal plaza, in and near which the enemy's force was mostly concen- trated."' The Americans obtained the plaza, then forced the houses on either side, and, by means of crowbars, tore down the walls, ascended to the roofs, then drew up one or two field-pieces, and drove the enemy from point to point till the city capitulated. The carnage was terrible. The shouts of the com- batants, mingled with the wail of suffering women and children, presented a scene so heart-rending that even the demon of war might be supposed to turn from it in horror. The Mexicans had effectually barricaded their streets, but these were almost undisturbed, while the invaders burrowed from house to house. The conflict continued for almost four days, in which the Mexicans fought desperately from \jehind their barricades on the house- ' Gen. Taylor's Report. CESSATION OF HOSTILITIES. 709 tops, where they did not hesitate to meet the invaders of chap their hearthstones hand to hand. . . The following morning Ampudia surrendered the town 1846. and garrison. The Mexican soldiers were permitted to 24.' march out with the honors of war. General Taylor was assured that those in authority at the city of Mexico were desirous of peace. In conse- quence of these representations, and also of his want of provisions, he agreed to a cessation of hostilities for eight weeks, if his government should sanction the measure. He now left General Worth in command of the city, and retired with the main force of tlie army to Walnut Springs, about three miles distant, and there encamped. CHAPTER LIT. POLK'S ADMINISTRATION— CONTINUED. The President hopes for Peace. — Santa Anna. — Hostilities to be renewed.— Troops witlidrawn from General Taylor. — Letter from General Scott.^ Volunteers arrive at Monterey. — Despatches intercepted. — Santa Anna's Plans and Preparations. — Taylor advances to Agua Nueva. — Battle of Buena Vista. — Its Consequences. ^HAP. Those in power at WasLington had hoped, indeed, it was .^ confidently predicted, that the war would be ended within 1840. "ninety" or " one hundred and twenty days " from its comuaencement, and a peace concluded, that "should give indemnity for the past and security for the future." These desirable ends were to be attained by treaty, through the means of that incomparable patriot, Santa Anna, then an exile in Havana, who promised, for a certain consideia- tion, if restored to authority in Mexico, to exert his influ- ence in favor of peace. A secret messenger from Wash- ington had made to the " illustrious exile " overtures to this effect, about the time that General Taylor was or- dered to the Rio Grande ; the special act which led to hos- tilities.' In his next annual message the President gives .some Dec. information on this subject. " Santa Anna," said that docu- ment, " had expressed his regret that he had subverted the Federal Constitution of his country," and " that he ■ Benton's " Thirty Years' View," Vol. ii. pp. 561 and 681-2. • SANTA ANNA AND HIS PROFESSIONS. 71 1 was now in favor of its restoration." He was also opposed ^^fV' to a monarchy, or "European interference in the aflixirs . of his country." The President cherished the hope that 1846. the exiled chief would " see the ruinous consequences to Mexico of a war with the United States, and that it would be his interest to favor peace ; " and further the Message said, that Paredes, then President of Mexico, was " a sol- dier by profession, and a monarchist in principle ; " the sworn enemy of the United States, and urgent to prosecute the war. Santa Anna, on the contrary, was in fevor of peace, and only wanted a few millions of dollars to bring about that object so dear to his patriotism ; hence the hopes that the war would be brought to a close in three or four months. It v\ as with this expectation that the Presi- dent, in a special message, asked of Congress an appropria- -^"?' tion of two millions of dollars " in order to restore peace, and to advance a portion of the consideration money, for any cession of territory " which Mexico might make. It was also in accordance with this arrangement, that, on the very day Congress, at his suggestion, recognized the " ex- Mny istence of the war," he issued an order to Commodore Connor, who was in command of the fleet in the Gulf, to permit Santa Anna and his suite to return to Mexico, The latt(ir availed himself of this passport to land at Aug. Vera Cruz. ^• President Polk had been duped. Santa Anna never intended to fulfil his promise, except so far as to forward his own selfish ends. Instead of endeavoring to conciliate the hostile countries and obtain peace, he devoted all his energies to arouse the war spirit of his countrymen ; called upon them to rally under his banner and save their nationality ; issued flaming manifestos expressing the most intense hatred of the people of the United States, and his righteous indignation at the wrongs imposed on his country by the " perfidious Yankees." 712 HISTORY OF THE AMEEICAN PEOPLE, ^Vyj" His extravagant professions of patriotism were not without effect ; his countrymen deposed Paredes, and I8i6. elected him President. Though they had been unfortu- nate in the field, their spirits revived, and in a few months he had an army of twenty, thousand men concentrated at San Luis Potosi. Dec. Meanwhile General Wool had marched from San Sept. Antonio. His indefatigable labors had converted the vol- unteers under his care into weU-drilled soldiers. Part of their way was through a region but thinly inhabited and without roads, and across a desert in wliich they suiiered mucli tor water. A laborious march of six weeks brought him to Monclova, seventy miles from Monterey — here he learned of the capture of the latter place. It was now arranged that he shoidd take position in a fertile dis- trict in the pro\'ince of Durango, that would enable him to obtain supplies for his own men, and the army under General Taylor. The inhabitants cheerfully furnished pro\isions, for which they were paid promj)tly, and in truth received more favor than they had recently ex- perienced at the hands of their own rulers, as General Wool kept his men under strict discipline and scrupulously protected the persons and property of the Mexicans. The cessation of hostilities, by orders from Washing- ton, ceased on the 13th of November. Two days later Nov. General Worth took possession of Saltillo, the capital of "■ Coahuila, and General Taylor himself, leaving a garrison in Monterey under General Butler, marched toward the coast in order to attack Tampico, but as that place had Dec. already surrendered to Commodore Connor, he took pos- 2^- session of Victoria, the capital of Tamaulipas. The United States government now prepared to in- vade Mexico by way of Vera Cruz. Just as General Taylor was ready to commence active operations, Gen- eral Scott was about to sail for that place with the TROOPS WITHDRAWN FROM TATLOE'S AEMT. 713 intention of capturing it, and then, if peace could not be ^^j*"- obtained, to march upon the city of Mexico itself. To carry out the plan of operations, it was necessary 1846. to increase the force under General Scott's immediate control. Troops in sufficient numbers could not be drawn from the United States, and a portion of Taylor's army was ordered to join him bef jre Vera Cruz. He thus in a private letter expresses his generous sympathies with the latter : " My dear General," says he, " I shall be obliged to take from you most of the gallant officers and men whom you have so long and so nobly commanded. I am afraid that I shall, by imperious necessity — the approach of the yellow fever oh the Gulf coast — reduce yon, for a time, to remain on the defensive. This will be infinitely painful to you, and, for that reason, distressing to me. But I rely upon your patriotism to submit to the tempo- rary sacrifice with cheerfulness. No man can better afford to do so. Kecent victories place you on that high emi- nence." General Taylor, though deeply disappointed, at once complied with the orders of the government, and detached Generals Worth and Quitman with their divisions and the greater part of the volunteers brought by General Wool : •in truth, the flower of his army. These troops were speedily on their march from SaltiUo toward the Gulf coast. Thus Taylor was left with a very small force. During the month of January, and a part of February, reinforcements of 1847 volunteers arrived from the United States, increasing his army to about six thousand; but after garrisoning Monte- rey and Saltillo, he had only four thousand seven hundred effective men, of whom only six hundred were regulars. General Scott sent Lieutenant Eichey and a guard of men with a despatch to General Taylor. The Lieu- tenant imprudently left his men, went near a Mexican village, was lassoed, dragged from his horse and murdered, 714 HISTORY OF THE AiTEKICAN PEOPLE. % CHAP, and Lis despatches sent to Santa Anna. From tliese tLe Mexican chief learned the plan for invading his country, 1847. He promptly decided upon his course of action — a ju- dicious one. Trusting that the strength of Vera Cruz, and of the Castle San Juan d'Ulloa, would long resist the enemy, and even if they both should he captured, that the fortified places along the road would still retard the ad- vance of the Americans upon the capital, he deter- mined to direct all his force against Taylor, who was now weakened h'y the loss of thg greater part of his army. Santa Anna's difficulties were almost insurmountable. The city of Mexico was in confusion, torn by factions. He took most extraordinary and illegal measures to enlist men and obtain the means for their sapport; raised money by forced loans ; made the church property contribute its share of the public expense ; the Priests protested and appealed to the superstitions of the people ; he immediately seized one of their number, the most factious, and threw him into prison, and the rest were intimidated. Thus, for nearly four months, he exercised an arbitrary, energetic, and iron rule. With a well-organized army of twenty- j,^„ three thousand men, and twenty pieces of artillery, he com- 26. menced his march for San Luis Potosi in the direction of Saltillo, and within sixty miles south of that place he halted and prepared for battle. Rumors reached General Wool that Santa Anna was approaching Saltillo. Major Borland was sent with thirty dragoons to reconnoitre ; he was joined on his way by Major Gaines and Captain Cassius M. Clay, with another company of thirty-five men. No enemy appeared, and they pushed on during the day, and carelessly encamped for the night, but, in the morning, found themselves surrounded by one thousand horsemen under the Mexican General Minon. They were taken prisoners, and Santa Anna sent them, as the first fruits of the campaign, to be pariidcd through the streets of the city of Mexico. TAYLOR AT SALTILLO — M'CULLOCK'S ADVENTURE. 7l5 General Taylor now advanced from Monterey, and ckap. established his head-quarters at Saltillo. Leaving there ^ his stores, he made a rapid march to Agua Nueva, eighteen 1847 mUes in advance, on the road to San Luis Potosi, thus to secure the southern extremity of the detile through the Sierra Nevada, rather than the northern one at Monterey. Feb. At the former point the Mexicans must fight or starve, be- cause of the barrenness of the country in their rear ; while, had he remained at Monterey, Santa Anna could have had his head-quarters at Saltillo, and drawn his supplies from that comparatively fertile district. Scouts reported that General Minon with a large body of cavalry was to the left of Agua Nueva, and that the American position could be turned. Companies of dra- goons from time to time were sent in different directions to reconnoitre. They at length learned from a " Mexican, dressed as a peon," that Santa Anna had arrived in the neighborhood with twenty thousand men, and that he in- tended to attack the Americans the next morning. The clouds of dust toward the east, and the signal fires that blazed upon the tops of the distant hills, seemed to confirm the report. But that daring Texan ranger, Major McCulloch, was not satisfied ; and, accompanied by some dozen vohmteers, he determined to .ascertain the truth of the " peon's " story. They pushed on across a desert of thirty-six miles to Encarnacion, where they ar- rived at midnight, and found the enemy in force. Send- ing back all his men, save one, McCulloch entered their lines, and, undetected, went from point to point, obtained more correct information of their numbers, then passed out, and escaped to Agua Nueva. On the reception of this intelligence, Taylor, leaving a small guard as an outpost, retired up the valley in expectation that Santa Anna in hot haste would pursue him, while he himself sliould await his approach at a point, which, in passing, he had already noticed. The con- jecture was correct. 716 HISTORY OF THE AMEKICAN PEOPLE. ^hu^' ^^^ta Anna knew well the position of the Americans. ^ He thought they wonld not retreat, and he resolved to 1847. surprise them. But between him and Agua Neuva there intervened fifty miles, the last thirty-six of which were across a desert. His soldiers were each supplied with water and provisions ; in the morning the march com- menced, and at noon they entered the desert ; in the night they halted for a while to refresh, and at dawn they were to attack the unsuspecting foe. The march was rapid and secret ; the silence of the desert was not dis- turbed — not a signal was used, not a drum beat. After so much toil he was sadly disappointed ; his enemy bad disappeared. He firmly believed the Americans were in full fliglit, in order to avoid a battle. Some days before he had sent General Minon with his cavalry across the mountains, to their rear, and he now hoped that Minon would be able to hold the fugitives iu check until he himself could come up with his full force. He halted only to refresh his wearied soldiers, and then pursued with all his vigor. 'b^ The ground chosen by General Taylor on which to make a stand, was the pass — since so famous — known among the Mexicans as Las Angosturas, or the Narrows. It was at the north end of a valley, about twelve miles long, and formed by mountains on either side. Here an ascent rises to a plateau, a little more than a mile wide, on each side of which rugged mountains, inaccessible to artillery or cavalry, rise from two to three thousand feet. Numerous ravines or deep gullies, formed by the torrents rushiug from the mountains during the rainy season, rendered the surface in front and on the sides very un- even. Neither flank could be turned except by light troops clambering up the mountains. The plateau was some- what rough, with here and there open and smooth places, as well as clumps of thorny chaparral. The road through 22. CIRCUMSTANCES OF THE AMERICANS. 717 the defile passes much nearer to the west than to the ^JJj'^^- east side of the Narrows. On this plateau, one mile , south of the hacienda or plantation known as Buena Vista, 1847 the American army awaited the approach of the Mexicans. Early the following morning clouds of dust, extending far down the valley to the south, made known that the Mexican army was near and in motion. Soon after, its cavalry came in sight and halted for the infantiy and artillery to come up. The long roll of the drum called the Americans to arms ; they obeyed the call with hearty cheers. It was the anniversary of the birth of Washington, and on the Feb. imjiulse his name was adopted as their watchword. They were placed under peculiar circumstances. A few months before, they were quietly engaged in the avocations of civil life ; enthusiasm had induced them to volunteer, and now they were on foreign soil, tar from their homes. With the exception of a few hundreds, they were all for the first time going into battle, with the prospect that to them defeat would be certain ruin ; they were about to meet an army, in its numbers nearly five to one of their own. In the unequal contest, their only hope was in their own bravery, and in the skill of their commander. The cautious Taylor had gone to Saltillo, six miles distant, to superintend in person the defences designed to secure the stores from capture. General Wool was left in temporary command at the Narrows, and he directed the arrangements of the troops. Captain Washington's battery was placed to command the road or pass, the key to the position of the army. Colonel Hardin's First Illinois regiment was on a ridge to the left of the pass, and Colonel McKee's Second Ken- tucky on another ridge in their rear. To the left beyond these was posted the Second lUinois, under Colonel Bis- sell, while still further in the same direction, under the mountain, were stationed Colonels Yell and Humphrey 718 HISTORY OF THE AMEBIC Alf PEOPLE. CHAP. Marshall, with the Arkansas and Kentucky volunteers LII. ' . . . •' . The remainder of the army, including Lane's Indiana 1S4-7. brigade ; the Mississippi riflemen, Colonel Jeffeison Davis ; two squadrons of dragoons, and Sherman and Bragg's batteries of flying artillery, were placed in reserve on the rear of the plateau. During the morning, and beyond the range of the American artillery, the main body of the Mexicans was also arranged in order of battle. Their right, a battery ot sixteen-pounders, rested on the base of the mountains. These guns were manned by the San Patricio regiment, composed of Irish and German deserters from the Ameri- can army. Two divisions, Pacheco's and Lombardini's, extended in the rear of this battery ; guns, twelve and eight-pounders, were posted to the left, and a battalion occupied a hill in advance of the main line, directly op- Ijosite the pass. Their cavalry was stationed in the rear of either flank, and to be unencumbered, the baggage of the whole army was left many miles iu the rear. About .noon a Mexican officer brought a note to General Taylor. In pompous terms Santa Anna sum- moned him to surrender at discietion, and trust himself to be treated "with the consideration belonging to the Mexican character." In a brief and courteous note the American commander declined the proposal. Santa Anna noticed that the mountains to the east, beyond the American left, were unguarded, and he sent General Ampudia, with light troops, around a spur to ascend them from the south side. The movement was observed, and Colonel Marshall dismounted his own rifle- men and those of the Indiana battalion, and commenced to ascend to the crest of the ridge. As the lines gradually approached each other, skirmishing began. The Mexicans kept up a continuous roar of musketry, while the Ameri- BATTLE OF BUENA VISTA — SKIRMISHING. 719 cans lay among the rocks, whence could be heard the '?;\^- sharp crack of their rifles. The Mexican batteries occasionally threw a shot, but lS+7 the Americans on the plateau remained silent ; they wished a closer conflict. They were not idle, however, but threw up temporary works to protect Washington's battery in front, and also to the right of the pass close up to the base of the mountain. Thus passed the afternoon, with only severe skirmishing on the mountain sides. When night came on the Americans were recalled to the plain. The Mexicans remained in position, and the night passed without any important demonstration on either side. General Minon had passed through the defile, Palo- mas Adentro, and in the afternoon appeared with his numerous cavalry upon the plains north of Saltillo. Here Santa Anna sent him orders to remain, and be in readi- ness to fall upon the American forces, which he promised to either capture or put to flight the next morning. The appearance of Minon caused no little anxiety, and General Taylor, after night-fall, hastened to Saltillo with aid, to assure himself that any attack upon the stores would be repelled. During the night Ampudia was reinforced ; and at dawn he renewed the attack, and stretched his line farther to the right ; but Colonel Marshall, with a portion of the Illinois volunteers, maintained his position, though pressed F^b. by superior numbers. Soon after sunrise, movements in the Mexican ranks indicated that a~ grand attack was in contemplation. Their strength was nearly all thrown toward the Ameri- can left, where, owing to the smallness of their number and the extent of the ground, the troops were placed at greater intervals. The San Patricio battery was also brought forward and placed on the ridge in front of the 720 HISTOET OF THE AMERICAN^ PEOPLE. CHAP, plateau, while three powerful columns of attack were . arranged — columns composed of the best soldiers of the 18t7. army, and led by its most experienced leaders. As the foremost column advanced, General Lane ordered Captain O'Brien to hold them in check with his guns, and the Second Indiana regiment to support him. O'Brien's shot ploughed through their ranks from front to rear, yet the Mexicans crowded on till the head of the column was literally broken, and thrown into confusion, and refused to advance. Lane now ordered O'Brien to move forward fifty yards nearer the enemy. The Indiana regiment fol- lowed, but came within range of a Mexican battery, which • opened upon tlieir flank. They were ordered to retreat from the face of such overpowering numbers ; the retreat unfortunately soon became a flight, which extended quite beyond the enemy's guns. Now upon O'Brien's artillery was concentrated the entire fire of the Mexican battery and Pacheco's column. His horses were soon disabled ; not a man of his company but was either killed or wound- ed ; he was forced to fall back and leave to the enemy one of his guns as a trophy — a trophy which they seemed to appreciate very highly. These forces now advanced and formed a juncture with the division of Lombardini ; the entire body then moved against the plateau, and opened a heavy fire upon the Second Illinois regiment under Colonel Bissell. Four companies of Arkansas volunteers had been directed to dismount and gain the plateau. They reached it in the midst of this conflict, b^it they soon became panic-stricken and fled. The Illinoians, now unsupported, slowly fell back. While this was in progress, a portion of the Ken- tuckians were forced back, and Ampudia, with his light troops, came down the mountain and completely turned the American left. , The third heavy column, under Mora y Villamil, pressed on against Washington's battery on the road. He waited till thev came within close range, then BATTLE OF BUENA VISTA — WHOLE COMPANIES RETREAT. 721 poured in his shot with surprising rapidity and terrible ^?^^ effect ; the head of the cohimn melted away before the . storm, the whole mass was thrown into confusion, swaj-ed 1847. from side to side, then broke and fled, leaving the plain covered with a multitude of slain and wounded. Just as the three columns of the enemy had failed to force the American centre on the plateau. General Taylor, accompanied by fresh troops, arrived ujion the field ; his presence was needed. He brought with him every avail- able man that could be spared from Saltillo. They were Colonel May's dragoons, a portion of the Mississippi rifle- men, and of the Arkansas cavalry. The natural advantages of the position had been lost ; success depended alone, upon the bravery of the troops ; many of the officers had fallen, and whole companies of the volunteers, both infantry and horse, had left the field, and were in disastrous retreat toward Buena Vista, in spite of the efforts of General Wool and Colonel Davis, and other officers to restrain them. The Mexican infantry, supported by their fine cavalry, right and left, which made shock after shock, continued to press on. By great exertions Davis rallied the majority of his regiment, and a part of the Second Indiana ; they advanced at a quick step, but silent until within rifle shot ; then gave the approaching foe a destructive fire. The Mexicans did not slacken their pace till they came almost to the edge of the last ravine between them and their enemy, when they .halted. The Americans came up to the opposite edge ; thus for a while the two forces con- fronted each other and fired across the ravine. Presently a shout along the American line rose high and clear above the din ; they delivered their fire, dashed into the ravine, lingered a moment to reload, then rose Upon the opposite crest, in the face of the enemy, and with defiant shouts urged home their fire more fearfully than ever. The 46 722 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP. Mexicans, apparently astounded at the apparition which was sending death through their ranks', wavered for a few 1847. minutes, and then in utter confusion rolled back upon the column which was advancing to their support. Scarcely was Colonel Davis free from this when he was assailed by a force coming in another direction. A thousand lancers who had not been engaged approached along the broad ridge ; they were well supported by in- fantiy. To meet this new enemy Davis, was aided by the Second and Third Indiana regiments. He extended his line across the ridge, stationed Captain Sherman on his left, and placed his men in the form of the letter V, the opening toward the approaching lancers. They com- menced to advance at a gallop as if to charge their way through the centre. But as they drew near they gradually slackened their pace ; they expected the Americans would fire, and then they would ride them down before they could reload their pieces. The latter fired not a gun, but awaited their approach. At length the lancers came to a walk at the opening of the angle. The silence seemed to fill them with awe ; they were within eighty yards of a thousand marksmen, every one of whom could take de- liberate aim. At the word, every musket and rifle was poised — a moment intervened — then went forth the mes- sengers of death. The entire front ranks of the lancers were riddled, not a ball appeared to have failed of Its errand. This was followed by grape and cannister from Sherman's battery. The dead and wounded men and horses made a barricade of struggling life, over which they could not pass. Even at this time, their overpowering numbers, had it not been for this obstruction, might have enabled them to break through the line and gain the road in the rear of the plateau, and thus have modified or changed the fortlme of the day. But those in the rear were appalled at the destruction of their companions, and the whole mass fled headlong from the field. As in every BATTLE OF BUENA VISTA TORREJON'S REPULSE. 723 other instance the Americans, for want of numbers and *^^^- cavalry, could not pursue them, and the fugitives passed . south of the plateau to be re-formed for another attack. 1847. Meantime a squadron of cavalry under Torrejon skirted the mountain base to the left, and penetrated to Buena Vista, whither the commands of Marshall and Yell had retired. General Taylor sei!t all the cavalry he could spare, under Colonel May, to reinforce that point. Tor- rejon fell back on his approach, and May returned to the plateau. Then Torrejon advanced again : this time the volunteers received him with a scattering fire ; but the Mexicans, confident in numbers, rode on rapidly toward the hacienda; there they were held in check by a portion of the two battalions. It was here that Colonel Yell, as he made a charge, was killed at the head of his men. Tor- rejon himself was wounded, and Colonel May made his appearance again, this time with two field-pieces, and the Mexicans sejjarated into two divisions and retreated out of danger. On the plateau the battle had raged in one continuous cannonade ; the Mexicans had on the ridge in front, a battery of eighteen and twenty-four pounders, principally manned by the San Patricio regiment, yet they could not silence the American guns. At this point there was a temporary lull in the storm. But on the east side of the valley, to the rear of the plateau, a severe conflict was in progress. One of the Mexican divisions retreating from Buena Vista, had united with a large force sent by Santa Anna to make its way on the extreme left round to the American rear. Colonel May with his dragoons and a portion of the Ulinoians and Indianians was engaged in the unequal con- test. Greneral Taylor sent to his aid apportion of the ar- tillery and the dragoons, with some of the volunteer cavalry. 724 HISTOKT OF THE AMERICAS TEOPLE. CHAP. Ther scH>n acctMnplisheil the object by cntting otf (he retreat of the Mexicans who had j^assed so far Ivyond the 1S4T. Americsin left. They were driven ag-ainst the Ivise of the mountain and throvrn into inextricable confiision. Bmgg advanced within close canister range, and with their wiinted rapidity his guns played upon them : the shot tore and crashed through the bewildered multitude, and those next the mount;iin efldeavore^ to escape by dam- l>ering up its sides. The whole torce, alwut five thousimd, l>ecame utterly helpless, while the wotmded and dying were incK-asing at a fearful rate : the horses frantic with pain and terror added to the confiision. A few minutes more and they must have laid down their arms ; at this crisis, as if to stay the arm of death, a white flag was seen approaching from Greneral Taylor's position. When it came near the artillery ceased to fire. Three Me:xican officers had appeared as if for a parley; they prefessed to bear a message from the Mexican chief. When brought into the pre^^ence of General Taylor they wished TO know " what he wanted." The reply was the surrender of the Mexican army. They asked time for consideration : the trick was not suspected, and the re- quest was granted. A messenger bearing a white- flag was hastened with orders to Captain Bragg to cease firing, as the Mexicans were about to lay down their arms. General Wool was deputed to accompany the officers to Santa Anna, who took care not to be seen. As Wool pereeived that the Mexicans- continued to fire, though the Americans had ceased, he declared the conference at an end. and returned to his own army. Meanwhile, under the protection of the flag of peace, the body of Mexicans in trouble stealthily crept along the base of the mountain out of danger, and joined their main army south of the plateau. Thus, whether designed or not. Santa Aima had extricated his soldiers, and had also learned irom his spies — the Mexican officers — the smali BATTLE or BWaSA TUBTA — IHB lASf AfTACK. 725 aamber ot American tnOps — ody ttoee legiments of itt- ™^ faDtry and three gims — on tbe platean, aod that tbdr main portion was fer to the left, vhither thejr had diiren W*T. the Mexican ri^t wing. Sbiddiog Ids men from s^it bf ravines and spars of die monntan, he had §or boon been concentrating all his stren^h &r a final agwnh open the American central poeitioo at tbe pan. At . tereral points he had met with partial sncces ; but ia the main his jJans had been frastrated br the inddod- table courage, rapid movements, and hud figfatiii^ of Us ^ opponents^ Having concentrated his ixeea, he oov htoa^at bis le- aenre mto action, aided by the tioops ei the right ytiag which had just been lescned from periL Tbe whole ^jrce — twelre thousand strong — tbe ftoat regimosts oompoeed of reterans, with General Perez at their bead, raoTed up the ascent from tbe ralley. The scattered coa^anies (Illi- nois and Kentnckr Tolonteers) in adrance of the Ene were taken by garx>Tise at the sadden appe^aaoe of the enemj in each nombers ; tbe enemy, winch an boor or two be- fore they had seen in utter coufoaoo, letreatiDg fiom tbe field. The mnltitode, pouring in ToQey after roliey a£ musketry, pressed on and compelled these companies to retirt; toward the lines. O'Brien was left almost alone with his artillery, yet £ar a time he maintained his fbee. Hii shot buried themselves in tbe ranks of tbe apjwoacfa- ing enemy ; but the mass closed up the gape and steadily came nearer and nearer. For nnmd shot be sobstitnted canister, and they were checked &t a time ; bat it was thdr last stm^Ie to secure tbe fidd. Trusting to uombea and heedlees of death, the mass again mored on. Pres- ently there was not an in&ntry sddier to saj^mrt the guns, nor a horse to draw them; still tbe gunners stood to their places, and retreated only as their jHeces reccikd. At length overtaken, every officer or gunner either killed 726 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, or wounded, O'Brien himself anfong the latter, they ahan- doned them to the enemy. . 1847. Meanwhile the companies of volunteers took reftxge in a deep ravine to the right of the pass. The Mexicans lined its crest and kept upon them a continuous volley of musketry, to which they could scarcely reply, while their ^ cavalry dashed forward to the mouth of the ravine to cut off their retreat. Fortunately the route of the cavalry brought them within range of Washington's battery at the pass. His guns were immediately brought to bear upon them ; they recoiled, relinquished their object, and began to retreat, while, by throwing shot over the heada of the volunteers who were now moving out, lie harassed them exceedingly. The Mexican infantiy, now unop- posed, descended into the ravine, and cruelly murdered every wounded man they could find. ■ It was in this desperate encounter that Colonels Hardin, McKee, and Henry Clay, junior, (son of the dis- tinguished statesman,) and great numbers of brave and generous men were slain. The crisis of the conflict was near. O'Brien overcome there was no one to oppose ; and,' encouraged by their suc- cess, the Mexicans pushed on with unusual vigor. At the commencement of this last attack the Americans were more or less scattered over the plateau and on the ex- tremes of the field ; but the heavy roar of the battle made known that the issue of the day was about to be deter- mined, and they hastened, of their own accord, to the post of danger. It was an hour of intense anxiety to General Taylor, as he saw this unexpected host advance in such order and with such determination. The battle had already lasted eight hours ; the toil ol" so many rapid movements ovei the rough field had wearied his men, while the approach- ing enemy's force was fresh, and in number four to one THE BATTLE OF BUENA VISTA THE RESULT 727 of his own. Was it possible to hold them in check tUl chap his own troops could come up ? He sent messenger after messenger to urge them on. In one direction could be 1847. seen Bragg, and in another Sherman, driving with whip and spur the jaded horses attached to their batteries ; while in.the distance to the left of the pass, could be seen the Mississippians and Indianians, under their officers Davis and Lane, rapidly advancing, now in sight and now disappearing as they crossed the deep ravines. Bragg was the first to come up. As he drew near he sent to ask for infantry to support his guns ; but Taylor could only send" him word that not a man could be had ; he must fight to the death. The Mexicans were rushing on, and before he could unlimber his guns they were within a few yards of their muzzles ; but his men seemed to be in- spired with an energy beyond human, and with a rapidity greater than ever, discharge followed discharge. The enemy faltered, as if waiting for them to cease but for a moment, that they might rush forward and capture them. No such moment was granted ; they still hesitated, and were thrown into confusion. By this time Sherman came up and opened with his wonted effect ; in a few minutes more Washington's battery at the pass moved forward and did the same. Davis and Lane had just closed with the enemy's right flank and commenced to pour in their fire. The Mexicans recoiled on all sides ; they could not carry the pass ; hope seemed to desert every breast, and pell-mell they rushed from the field. Thus ended the battle of Buena Vista. It had lasted tea hours ; had been a series of enco.unters, in different parts of the field, each one severe in itself, but indecisive in result. Never before had an American army contend- ed with such odds, and under disadvantages, so great. It was won by the superior handling of the flying artillery, which thinned and broke the foremost ranks of the enemy before they could bring their superior numbers to bear. 728 HISTORY OF THE AMEKICAN PEOPLE. I'liAi'. When repulsed, they invariably fell back out of danger, to . . be again re-formed for another attack, while the Ameri- 184T. cans, for want of cavalry and sufficient numbers, could not pursue and disperse them beyond the power of rally- ing. On the part of the latter the day was one of un- remitting toil ; their fewness of numbers, the extent of the field, the roughness of the ground, and the numerous attacks, forced them to be continually in rapid and laborious motion. Greneral Taylor was in the midst of flying balls for eight hours, only one of which passed through his coat. He was ably seconded by his officers, not one of whom swerved from a post of danger nor neglected a duty — especially could this be said of General Wool, who seemed to be at every point where he was specially needed. The superior skill with which the American guns were handled was due to the exertions of the West Point officers, who spared no effort to infuse into the ranks their own spirit of discipline ; and equal honor is due to the volunteers, who, with but few exceptions, cheerfully sub- mitted to the requisite drudgeiy of drill. The Mexicans hoped to win the battle by musketry and charges of cavalry ; their heavy guns they did not bring upon the field, but placed them in battery in front of the pass. The influence of this battle was more important thati any one of the war. It destroyed that fictitious prestige which Santa Anna had obtained over his countrymen by his vain boastings and unsparing censure of their pre- nous commanders, and it greatly increased their dread of the invader's artillery ; henceforth they met them only from behind defences, and avoided them in the open field. JSlight closed in. The Americans took every precau- tion to repel the attack which was expected the next morning. Strong pickets were posted to prevent the enemy from passing round to the right or left. The troops I SANTA akna's betreat. 729 having been supplied with their rations, remained on the ^Vy^' field for the nighl. Fresh companies were brought from . the rear to supply the place of those who took charge of 1847. the wounded, who were carried in wagons to Saltillo. The loss of the day had been two hundred and sixty-seven killed, and four hundred and fifty-six wounded. Feb. The morning dawned, but not a Mexican could be seen. Santa Anna had retreated, leaving his wounded to their fate, and his dead unburied. More than two thou- sand of his men, including many officers of high rank, lay scattered over the field. Scouts hurried on to reconnoitre ; in an hour or two they returned with information that he was far on his way toward Agua Nueva. General Taylor and his staff im- mediately moved on in the same direction, but sent in. advance Major Bliss, with a proposition to Santa Anna for an exchange of prisoners, and a request that he would send for his wounded, as well as another assurance that the American government was desirous of peace. An ex- change of prisoners took place, but as Santa Anna pro- fessed to have no means to remove his wounded, he left them to be cared for by the Americans ; as to the propo- sition for peace he replied, in his usual style of bravado, that he should prosecute the war until the invaders had left his country. The Mexican soldiers were in a truly deplorable con- dition ; they were without hospital supplies, and almost literally without food, and no means to obtain it — a desert before them, and a victorious enemy in their rear. Santa Anna urged on his retreat toward San Luis Potosi, ' whence one month before he had set out sure of victory ; desertions had now reduced his great army to a mere remnant, and that discouraged by defeat, while confidence in his generalship was gone. In addition, signs of another revolution were appearing in the city of Mexico, by which his enemies might triumph. 730 HISTORY OF THE AMEKICAK PEOPLE. CHAP. General Taylor advanced to Agua Nueva ; thence twc . days later he detached Colonel Belknap, with the dra- 1847. goons and a regiment of infantry — transported in wagons 2^ ' across the desert — to surprise the rear guard of the Mexi- can army at Encarnacion. The feat was successfully ac- complished. All along the way from the battle-field were found multitudes of poor Mexican soldiers, left by their heartless companions to die of their wounds, hunger,'and fatigue. As soon as possible the humane Taylor sent them provisions, and had those that could be removed conveyed to SaltiUo and placed under the care of the American surgeons. While these operations were in progress, the two Mexican generals, Urrea and Romero, with their corps of .cavalry, had appeared on the line of communication be- tween Saltillo and the Rio Grande. They had captured some wagons, taken some prisoners, and spread alarm all along the line. A sufficient force was now sent to chastise them, but they rapidly retreated out of danger by the pass of Tula, leaving the vaUey of the Rio Grande to the Americans. General Taylor, by easy stages, retraced his steps, and encamped once more at the Walnut Springs, near 30. Monterey. Whilst the line of communication was broken, vague rumors reached the United States, first, that Santa Anna was approaching Monterey with a large army, then, that the American army had been overpowered. These ap- prehensions were greatly increased by a volunteer Colonel at Camargo, who, in his alarm, sent an urgent apjjcal for fifty thousand men to be sent immediately to tlie seat of war. Presently came intelligence of the battle of Buena Vista ; and the intense anxiety of the people was •changed to admiration for the men who, under such try- ing circumstanceSj had maintained the honor of their GENERAL TATLOr's RECEPTieN. 731 country. Gren. Taylor, of whom so little had been known chap before the commencement of this war, rose higher and higher in public estimation. Some months later, when 1847. he returned to the United States, he was received with demonstrations of the highest respect. CHAPTER LIII, POLK'S ADMINISTRATION— CONTINUED. Emigration to Oregon. — John C. Fremont ; his Explorations ; his diffi- culties with the Mexican Governor. — American Settlers in alarm. — California free from Mexican Rule. — Monterey on the Pacific captured. — Commodores Sloat and Stockton. — Kearney's Expedition. — Santa Fu taken ; a Government organized. — Doniphan's Expedition. — Various Conflicts. — Chihuahua occupied. — An Insurrection ; its Suppression. — Trial of Fremont. ^fm' '^^^ importance of securing Oregon by settlement had especially attracted the attention of the people of the 1812. Western States. The stories of hunters, and the glowing descriptions given in the newspapers of that distant region, imbued the minds of the adventurous with an enthusiasm as ardent as that which glowed in the breasts of the earlier explorers and settlers of this country two and a half centuries before. A thousand emigrants, consisting of men, their wives and children, driving before them their flocks and herds, their only weapon the trusty rifle — alike to protect from savage violence and to procure sustenance from the wandering droves of buffalo and deer — set out from the confines of Missouri. They passed up the lon^ eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains, over them through the South Pass, thence to Lewis' River and down it to the Columbia, on whose shores they found a resting place, after a toilsome journey of six months, through an un- trodden mountainous region. These emigrants were followed the next year by COLONY 0» THE COLUMBIA — FREMONT. 733 another company, consisting of two thousand, who passed ^?^F over the same route. These enterprising settlers, with the few who had pre- 1S43. ceded them, labored under many difficulties, as the United States government did not exercise the jurisdiction which it claimed over the territory. A bill introduced into the (Senate, granted lands to actual settlers, and made pro- vision to maintain their rights as citizens by extending over them the laws of the territory of Iowa. Though this bill passed only the Senate, it gave encouragement to those persons who desired to emigrate to the banks of the Columbia. A colony thus planted by private enterprise, and thus slightly encouraged by the government, became the germ of another State, (Oregon) now added to the 1859. Union. It was in connection with this awakened spirit of emigration that Colonel John C. Fremont, then a lieu- tenant, made his first exploring expedition. He was a young man, once friendless and unknown, but had risen by his own talents and industry, and on the recommenda- tion of Poinsett, then Secretary of War, had been ap- pointed in the Topographical Engineers by President Jack- son. Fremont solicited and obtained permission from the government to explore the Rocky Mountains and their passes, but at this time with special reference to the South Pass and its vicinity. In six months he returned ; he had accurately determined the location of that Pass, which now became a fixed point in the path of emigration to Oregon. Soon after his return, Fremont again asked for orders to prosecute still further explorations in that distant region. They were given ; but after his preparations were made, and he and his party had reached the frontiers of Missouri, the government countermanded his orders, on 734 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAS PEOPLE. CHAP, the singular plea that he had armed his party, in addition . to their rifles, with a small mountain howitzer. But for- 1843. tunately for science and the country, the letter containing the order came to Mrs. Fremont, whom he had requested to examine his letters and forward only those he ought to receive. She deemed the government countermand one that he ought not to receive, and Fremont knew nothing of its existence until he returned from his eventful tour. On his return he was received with honor, his conduct ap- proved, and on the recommendation of the Secretary of War, William Wilkins, the hrevet of captain was con- ferred upon him by President Tyler. He had received special orders to survey the route of travel from the frontiers of Missouri to the tide-waters of the Columbia. This was accomplished by the first of November, after six months' labor, though often he diverged from the main route to make useful observations. He now resolved to return immediately, and when on the way to ex- plore the vast territory which must lie between the route he had passed over and the Pacific. To pass through this region in midwinter was no easy matter. Soon deep snows appeared on the highlands, and the party descended into the valley, now known as the G-reat Basin, out of which flows no stream. On the west, the mountains loomed up with their snowy tops ; every thing was strange ; the Indians, terrified at the approach of white men, fled : a desert appeared, and with it the vision of starvation and death. No place could they find, as they had hoped, where they might winter and derive their sustenance from hunting tjie animals of the forest. They passed down to the latitude of San Francisco, as found by astronomical observations ; but between them and that place, the nearest point where they could obtain aid from civilized man, rose mountains, their snowy tops piercing the clouds ; their sides frowning precipices thousands of feet high. No Indian would act as a guide through their passes. The THE RESULTS OF THE EXPLORATION. 735 whole party, by excessive toil and want of food, were re- *'^^j^- duce^ to skeletons, both men and horses. Finally they " cra.wled over the Sierra Nevada," and arrived at the 1843. head-waters of the Sacramento. " In this eventful ex- ploration, all the great features of the western slope of our continent were brought to light — the Great Salt Lake, the Utah Lake, the Little Salt Lake — at all which places, then desert, the Mormons now are ; the Sierra Nevada, then solitary in the snow, now crowded with Americans, digging gold from its banks ; the beautiful valleys of the Sacramento and San Joaquin, then alive with wild horses, elk, deer, and wild fowls, now smiling with American cultivation. The Great Basin itself, and its contents ; the Three Parks ; the approximation of the great rivers which, rising together in the central region of the Kocky Mountains, go off east and west towards the rising and the setting sun, — all these, and other strange features of a new region, more Asiatic than American, were brought to light, and revealed to public view in the results of this exploration." ' In May, Fremont set out on his third expedition to 1846. explore still further the Great West. There were now indications that war would soon result between Mexico and the United States. But to avoid exciting the sus- picions of the Mexicans, he obtained permission from General De Castro, commandant at Monterey on the Pacific, to pass the following winter in the uninhabitable portion of the vaUey of the San Joaquin. But before long, De Castro professed to believe that his object was not scientific exploration, but to excite a rebelUon among the American settlers, and he undertook to either drive him out of the country or capture the whole party. A messenger, secretly sent by the United States consul at Benton's Thirty Years' View, Vol. ii. Chap. 134. 736 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. *jHAP. Monterey, Mr. Larlrin, suddenly appeared in his camp and . informed him of these unfriendly designs. Fremont im- lB4o. diately chose a strong position on a mountain, raised the American flag, and he and his sixty determined followers resolved to sell their lives as dearly as possible. After waiting four days, as De Castro hesitated to attack his camp, he came down from the mountain and set out for Oregon through the region of the Tlamath lakes. 1846. During the former part of May he was overtaken by a United States officer, Lieutenant Gillespie, who brought a letter of introduction from James Buchanan, Secretary . sent a flag of truce, proposing a cessation of hostilities in . California, and to let the sovereignty of the territory be 1848. determined by the result of the war between the United States and Mexico. Stockton refused to accede to the request, and continued his march. Another flag of truce came in. Now it was offered to surrender the town of Los Angeles, if the rights of the people and their proj^erty should be preserved. On these conditions the capital of Upper California was surrendered a second time, and the possession of the country more firmly established than before tli^ insurrection. Difficulties now arose among the officers in relation to the question who should be governor. But recent orders from Washington relieved Stockton of his civil functions, Mar. which devolved upon General Kearney as he happened to be on the ground. In truth, the civil government was only in name beyond the range of the American cannon. Fremont, however, refused to recognize the authority of Kearney, and was brought to trial charged with diso- bedience of orders and mutiny. The court found him guilty and sentenced him to be dismissed from the ser- vice. The President did not approve of all the findings of the court ; but, because of " the peculiar circumstances of the case and his previous meritorious and valuable ser- vices," remitted the sentence and restored him to his rank in the armj'. Fremont would not accept the clemency of the President, and thus admit that the proceedings of the court were just ; he at once resigned his commission. In a few weeks he set out at his own expense on his fourth tour of exploration in the Rocky Mountains. CHAPTEE LIV. POLK'S ADMINISTRATION— CONCLUDED. Movement of Troops. — Vera Cruz invested. — Its Bombardment and Capitu- lation. — Santa Anna's Energy. — Battle of Cerro Gordo. — General Scott at Puebla. — His Misunderstandings with the Authorities at Washing- ton. — Commissioner Trist. — Dissensions in Mexico. — Scott's Manifesto. — Reinforcements. — Advance upon the Capital. — El Penon turned. — Battle of Contreras ; of Chcrubusco. — Attempts to obtain Peace. — ■ Conflict of Moliiio del Rev. — The Castle of Chapultepec captured. — The American Army enters the City. — Santa Anna ugain in the Field; dis- missed from the Mexican Service. — Treaty of Peace. — Its Conditions. — Evat.'uation of Mexico. — Misunderstanding among the American Officers. — Discovery of Gold in California. — The Effects. — Death of John Quincy Adams. — The Wilmot Proviso. — The Presidential Election. CHAi;. ....While these events were in progress, plans were formed J_ '_ and partially executed to invade Mexico from the east ; 184G. to secure Vera Cruz, the best harbor on the coaat, and then, if peace could not be obtained, to march upon the capital itself. Numerous delays impeded operations, and it was near the end of November before General Scott left Washing- ton for the seat of war. The quarter-master, General Jessuji, was already at New Orleans preparing transports for the troops ; and communications were held with Com- modore Connor in relation to the co-operation of the fleet. The troops, as already mentioned, drawn from Taylor's command, were speedily concentrated at convenient points on the coast, but the want of transports prevented their embarkation. The place of rendezvous was at the island J^/Ult:.^ /r^z y^zyu-i:^^'^-^oO vskWaw fVW.^JXauX: o-u. c^^^'^^^^^^^^^^^^"^ fA^^^^M^^— VERA CRUZ INVESTED. 747 of Lobos, about one hundred and twenty-five miles north ™a'' of Vera Cruz. At length the transports were ready, the troojjs, about twelve thousand strong, embarked, and, on 1847. the morning of the 9 th of March, began to land near Vera Cruz. No enemy appeared to dispute the move- ment. That city contained about fifteen thousand inhabitants. It was protected on its land side by numerous defences, while on the side of the Gulf, upon a reef, stood the Castle of San Juan d'Ulloa, garrisoned by a thousand men, who manned one hundred and twenty-eight heavy guns ; the strongest fortification on the continent, with the exception of Quebec. The next morning General Worth was ordered to com- mence the line of investment, which extended nearly six miles. The Mexicans appeared to oppose, but a few shots from the cannon dispersed them. The weather was excessively hot and sultry, and the march through the deep sand laborious and tedious. The Governor of the State of Vera Cruz now issued a proclamation, calling upion the inhabitants of the town to defend themselves, while he should retire to harass the invaders and "cut off their suppKes. He soon appeared among the sand hills, but after a sh^^rt skirmish, he thought it prudent to keep out of sight. The cannonad- ing from the town and castle was incessant, but without much execution, owing to the distance. The men kept close in their trenches and did not reply. The munitions which had recently arrived were now landed, and the Americans were ready to commence the bombardment. General Scott summoned the city to surrender, stipulating, in order to save the lives and property of the inhabitants, that no batteries should be placed iif the town to attack the Castle, unless the latter fired upon the Americans. General Morales, the commander of both the city and castle refused to comply with the summons. 748 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. 'uv^ At 4 o'clock in the afternoon the bombardment com- racnced. The Mexicans replied with every gun and 1847. mortar that could be brought to bear from the city and 22/ castle. Some of the smaller American vessels crept near and with their heavy guns added to the uproar ; thus through the night the contest lasted. Other guns were brought, and other batteries erected within a thousand yards of the devoted city. They were hidden behind the chaparral ; this was cleared away, and revealed to the besieged a new foe — the battery of Paixhan guns. Their astonishment was great ; upon this new enemy who had dared to take position so near, they resolutely directed all their force for many hours. They fired rajjidly and with precision, but failed to silence this battery. How terrific was this storm ! Twenty-one heavy guns pouring forth an incessant stream of balls and shells ; the heavy shot broke through the solid walls and crashed through the houses, while the shells, still more terrible, scattered ruin and death in the streets, and burned every building that would burn. With scarcely any intermis- sion, for four days this horrid work continued. The in- habitants, to be out of range, left their homes, and help- lessly crowded upon the mole at the north part of the town, but ere long the balls began to come nearer and nearer. For twelve days the town had been invested, and its provisions were now nearly exhausted. The foreign residents implored their consuls to aid them. The latter obtained permission of Morales to send a flag of truce to General Scott. They asked a cessation of hostilities till the foreigners, with their families, and the Mexican women and children could leave the place. The request was properly refused, on the ground that permission had once been offered the foreign residents to leave the town, and that the petition to receive attention must come from the Mexican governor. The American batteries re-opened as soon as the flag VEKA CRUZ CAPITULATES MARCH ON JALAPA. 749 Ptitcred the city, and contimied during the night. At *^^^,^''- break of day another flag was seen approaching. The , firing ceased. Negotiations commenced, and were ter- 1847. minated by the siirreuder of Vera Cruz, the Castle, the armaments and stores of each, and the soldiers as prison- ers of war. These terms were agreed to by General Scott and Commodore Perry, who was in command of the" squadron. The soldiers were to march out, with the honors of war, lay down their arms and be dismissed on Mnr, their parole. The inhabitants were guaranteed in their civil and religious rights. 'o' General Worth was appointed governor of Vera Cruz. -^P""'' The advance division, under General Twiggs, soon com- menced the march for the city of Mexico by way of Jalapa. The whole army amounted to only eight thousand five hundred men, but there preceded them an influence, that threw a shadow of despondency over the minds of the Mexicans. Santa Anna had been very active since his defeat at Buena Vista, (which he labored hard to prove to his countrymen was not a defeat at all ; he only retreated for want of provisions,) in collecting another armj^, and h? had already arrived with twelve thousand men at Cerro Gordo, a mountain pass at the eastern edge of the Cor- dilleras. In the midst of revolutions and distractions, he marched to this, the flrst of the " Thermopylass," which he promised his countrymen to defend. Within two months after a disastrous defeat, without money, without the prestige of success, he had quelled an insurrection and established his own power, raised an army, portions of which had marched from three hundred to six hundred miles ; had constructed the fortifications at Cerro Gordo, and made a ditch twelve miles long to supply the camp with water. 750 HISTORY OF THE AMEEICAN PEOPLE. ^uv^' '^^^^ positioni5 of the Mexicans were reconnoitred, and the attack commenced by the division under General 1847. Twiggs, sent to turn their position. Presently the whole jg_ front was assailed. The Americans seized another hill, El Telegrapho, up the sides of which they dragged heavy cannon, and began to play upon the defences of Cerro Gordo. The Mexicans replied with great vigor. During this mutual cannonade, Colonel Harney led his men rapidly down into the valley between the hills, and began to ascend the slope toward the defences on the top. The declivity was steep and rugged, and soon the entire fire of the battery was directed against these new assailants, but fortunately the balls for the most part passed over their heads. But without wavering they pressed up, carried one breastwork after another, until they presented themselves at the last, the strongest on the summit. Santa Anna, a short hour before, had ordered General Vasquez to defend this i3ost to the last extremity, and he bravely stood his ground, and fell while encouraging his men ; confusion ensued, and the struggle was soon ended. The Americans poured in a stream of balls, forced their way through the breast- work, and then charged with the bayonet. The garrison fled down the western slope in the direction of Jalapa. Twiggs had passed round the hiU, their retreat was cut oQ and thej' made prisoners. At this moment Santa Anna returned. He was enraged beyond bounds at seeing the discomfiture of his troops in a position which he was cer- tain could have been maintained. He ordered General Canalizo to charge up the hill and re-capture Cerro Gordo ; the latter absolutely refused to obey, but led off his cavalry. Then Santa Anna mounted a mule taken from his carriage, and fled, leaving as trophies to his enemies his travelling equipage and his private papers. The Mexican army was annihilated and scattered in all directions ; they had lost more than a thousand men, killed and wounded, three thousand prisoners, five THE yOLU>'TEERS EETUKN HOME. 751 generals, all their artillenr and military stores. This was ^^^^J"- not obtained without a severe loss to the invaders, who, in their rash and headlong charges in the face of batteries, 18^7. and well protected musketeers, had lost four hundred and thirty-one, killed and wounded, of whom thirty-three were otficers. Possession was taken of Jalapa, three days later of "^P"' Perote, a stronghold on the summit of the Cordilleras, which was abandoned almost without a struggle, and then of the city of Puebla — containing eighty thousand inhabitants. At the latter city General Scott established ^ his head-quarters. 15. The volunteers' term of enlistments would expire in one month. They refused to re-enlist, but urged that they should be permitted to return to the United States, and there be disbanded, rather than on the soil of Mexico. They greatly dreaded the vomito, or yellow fever, as the season in which it was most severe was near at hand. Though they had no claims to be thus dismissed, General Scott indulged them, as it would be impossible to secure the capital, if the volunteers insisted on returning home at the end of their term of enlistments. Thus situated he was forced to remain inactive three months, till re-in- ^^ forcements arrived from the United States. 15 During this interval several circumstances occurred which embarrassed the General-in-Chiers movements as well as disturbed his equanimity. First was the effort made, as he thought, to degrade him from his position in the army. This was to be accomplished by appointing over him a Lieutenant-General, a rank never held in the service except by Washington. The measure failed to pass the Senate. The same end was apparently aimed at in another measure by which power was given the Presi- dent to appoint officers to any position in the army, without regard to their previous rank. 752 HISTOBT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP. Instead of money to buy provisions, came an order from the Secretary of War to autljorize the collection of 1S47. duties levied on merchandise entering the Mexican jjorts. In tlie same communication was another order to levy contributions upon the Mexican people. This Scott ab- solutely refused to obey, as General Taylor had also done, giving as a reason the poverty of that part of the country. Says Scott in a letter to the Secretary : " If it is expected at Washington, as is now apprehended, that this army is to support itself by forced contributions upon the cotintry, we may ruin and exasperate the inhabitants and stArve ourselves ; for it is certain they would sooner remove or destroy the products of their farms, than allow them to fall into our hands without compensation. Not a ration for man or horse would be brought in except by the bayonet, which would oblige tlie troops to spread them- selves out many leagues to the right and left in search of subsistence, and stop all military operations." ' And he continued to buy provisions for the army at the regular jjrices of the country, and thus did much to allay a rising feeling of hatred toward the Americans. The Secretary had given as a reason for this order, that the Mexican people thus laid under contribution, and compelled to bear the expenses of the war, would soon become willing to conclude a treaty of peace. This might apply to the public revenues, and that part of the order the General took measures to have complied with. Other difliculties arose. After the capture of Vera Cruz General Scott suggested to the President the send- ing of commissioners to head-quarters to treat for peace, should an opportunity occur. For this important duty, the president appointed Mr. N. P. Trist, whose qualifica- tions were that he had been Consul at Havana, could ' Gen. Scott's letter to lUc Sec. of W.ir, as quoted by Ripley, Vol. ii., p. 9fl. INSTRUCTIONS OF COMMISSIONER TRIST. 753 speak Spanish and professed to understand the Mexican ^,^^P- character, his skill as a diplomatist could be inferred only from the fact that he was "Chief Clerk" in the State 1847. Department. Having in his possession the draft of a treaty fully drawn out at the dejiartment of State, he left Washington and arrived at Yera Cruz. He also bore a Muy. despatch from the Secretary of State, Mr. Buchanan, to tlie Mexican Minister of Foreign Relations. The plan of the treaty and his instructions he was directed to make known confidentially both to General Scott and Commo- dore Perry. The Secretary of War, Mr. Marcy, wrote to tlie General-in-Chief, informing him of the mission, but in general terms, and directed him to suspend active mili- tary operations till further orders, unless he was attacked. Instead of making known to General Scott the designs of his mission as directed, Mr. Trist sent a short note to head-quarters from Vera Cruz, and transmitted the sealed despatch to be forwarded to the Mexican Minister, and the letter from Secretary Marcy ; the latter could not be understood without the explanations which Mr. Trist alone could give. The general could only see in this an underhand attempt to degrade him by making him in some way subordinate to the " Chief Clerk." However, in a few days he wrote to Mr. Trist, what he knew of the views of the Mexican people and government in relation to a treaty of peace, to which at present they were op- posed. In conclusion, he remarked, that the suspension of liostilities belonged properly to the military commander on the field, and not to a Secretary of War a thousand miles distant. In reply Trist gave full explanation of his mission, but in disrespectful and arrogant terras, assumed to be the aide-de-camp of the President, and in that capacity to order the General-in-Chief. ' This correspondence led to ' Ripley's War with Me-tico, Vol. ii., pp. 100, 147. 48 754 HISTORY OF THE AMEBICAJ^ PEOPLE. CHAP, much harsh feeling and retarded the advancement of the • TIT* cause. At length explanations in relation to the goim- 1847. missioner of peace came to the general from the authoii- ties at Washington. The Secretary of State severely censured Mr. Trist " for his presuming to command the General-in-Chief" Santa Anna fled from Cerro Gordo to Orizaha, where he remained some time to organize bands of guerillas to harass the American trains, which would be on their way from Yera Cruz. Afterward he returned to Mexico to find his popularity on the wane. For a time the Mexi- cans were paralyzed with consternation. Their army on which they had depended so much had been totally routed at Cerro Gordo. The invincible enemy was pressing on ; not a barrier intervened between them and the capital. The city was filled with factions ; the national councils were divided ; ambitious men forgot their patriotism in their desire for self-aggrandizement. The treasury was bankrupt, its only resource forced loans. Yet in the face of all these difficulties, Santa Anna did succeed in raising an army of twenty-five thousand men with sixty pieces of artUleiy, and in having the city fortified. After all he was the best commander the nation could afibrd, and the soldiers once more put themselves under his direction, to repel the invaders of their country and their sacred homes. They did not flock to his standard from a prestige of vic- tory, for even when his boasts were still ringing in their ears, he had been ignominiously defeated ; nor were they induced by the confidence reposed in the integrity of a great and good man, to whom, as if to a superior being, the multitude turn in times of great peril ; but from sheer necessity. Santa Anna understood the Mexican character. By intrigue and the exercise of a vigorous arm, he seized property, and imprisoned or banished his opponents ; by pre- PB0CLA3U.TI0S TO THE MEXICAN PEOPLE. 755 tending to be desirous of peace he gained time, and dis- *^^ honestly entered apon negotiations ; offered himself to be bribed, and was accepted. His plans were cunninglr de- 1S47. Aised : if tbev succeeded, the glory would aU redound to his name ; if they feiled, the censure could be thrown upon others. Thus he employed the three months that General Scott was forced to wait for the arrival of reinforcements. Had the volunteers consented to remain in the service six months longer, in all probability the capture of Mexico and a treaty of peace would have ended, the campaign, and the blood spared which was shed in such profusion in the subsequent conflicts. When at Jalapa General Scott issued a proclamation April to the people of Mexico. This manifesto, in its tone and -'^• spirit, was well adapted to the state of affeirs of the country, in showing that the true policy of the Mexican people was to conclude a treaty on the liberal terms offered by the government of the United States. The proclamation was issued at the instance of several Mexi- can gentlemen of influence, one of whom composed it in original Spanish, as it was dictatdi by the generaL It was well received by the people in the country ; but Santa Anna captured a courier, who was bearing copies of it to the capital. He at once discovered by the style that it was not a translation, and he proclaimed with his usual virtuous indignation, that ,it was the production of some Mexican traitor, and thus neutralized its effects on the people of the city. At this time, he had by secret agents intimated to Mr. Trist that he was desirous of peace, and plainly that money would be stUl more acceptable : if a million of dollars were placed at his disposal something might be done. That this proposition might be considered, a re- j conciliation took place between the general and the com- 25. 756 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, missioner ; as neither could well act without the other General Pillow, who had just arrive(,l at Puebla, was also 1847. admitted to these conferences. He was a particular friend of the President, and, owing to the " informal and confidential request " sent from Washington, this partici- pation was granted. Communications were continued with Santa Anna, but with no more important result than that the latter received ten thousand dollars of the secret service money at the disposal of General Scott. As might have been anticipated, it was soon seen that Santa Anna's only object was to obtain money and gain time, and General Scott made preparations to advance upon the city as soon as the reinforcements under Briga- dier-General Franklin Pierce would arrive from Vera Cruz. Meantime, the way to the city had been thoroughly reconnoitred, and General Worth sent forward with the first division. The whole army consisted of not more than ten thousand men, as great numbers had been left in the hospitals at Perote. The region through which they marched was a high table land beautiful in the extreme, well watered, inter- spersed with valleys and mountains, whose slopes were covered with the richest verdure, while in the distance their snow-capped summits glittered in the bright sun- shine of August. Almost from the same spot where more than three hundred years before Cortez and his followers viewed the distant temjiles of the city of Montezuma, the Americans hailed with, cheers the city of Mexico. The passes on the direct route had been well fortified, and were well garrisoned in the confident expectation that their positions could not be turned. The strongest of these was El Penon, to capture which the American engineers stated would require the loss of three thousand lives. General Scott was proverbially careful of the lives of his soldiers; the sacrifice must be avoided. The vicinity of the city was reconnoitred in the most daring manner ; I EL PENON TURNED BATTLE OF CONTKERAS. *7S7 and it was discovered that the defences south and west ^j^.^J' were not so strongly fortified. The general diverted his course to the left and turned 1847. El Penon on the south side, and under the direction of skilful engineers crossed chasms and ravines deemed im- passable, and therefore but imijerfectly guarded. General Twiggs led the advance, and encamjied at Chalco on the lake of the same name. Worth followed, took the lead, and with his division halted at the town of San Augus- Ang. tin, about eight miles from the city. In his front was ^'' the strong fortress of San Antonio, now the head-quarters of Santa Anna, who left El Penon, when he found that the Americans were on their march round to the south side of the city. North-west of San Antonio and four miles from the city was the village of Churubusco, ren- dered strong by a series of intrenchments. Not far to the west of the village of San Augustiu was the fortified camp of Contreras, which contained six thousand men ; in the rear between the camp and the city were placed twelve thousand men in reserve. The whole number of Mexi- cans in these various defences was about thirty-five thousand, with nearly one hundred pieces of artillery of various sizes. General Persifer F. Smith proposed to attack the camp at Contreras, which was under the command of General Valencia. The night had been one of cold rain and storm and intense darkness, except when enlivened by the fitfid glare of the lightning. At three o'clock ^„„ in the morning, the expedition set out ; the soldiers, lest 19. they should become separated on the march, were directed to take hold of each other — at sunrise the conflict com- menced. The Mexicans were but partially surprised, still the impetuous attack effectually routed them ; three thousand of their number were made prisoners, eighty officers and thirty-five pieces of artillery. Among the latter were two pieces taken at Buena Vista, now recap- 758 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, tured by a portion of tee regiment to whicli they originally belonged. Thus commenced this eventful day — severer 1847. conflicts wer« yet to come. Generals Shields and Pierce had, during the night, thrown their divisions between Santa Anna and Contreras. The fugitives from the latter place had fled to Churu- busco, and there fresh troops had also arrived from the city ; it seemed from the preparations, that here a des- perate defence was to be made. A convent, a very strong stone building, was well for- tified and pierced for muskets and cannon, also the head of the bridge over the river was well defended. In an hour or two General Scott arrived ; as he rode along through the army he was received with hearty cheers. The morning's success had filled the soldiers with en- thusiasm, and they hoped on that day to end the war. Santa Anna himself was busily engaged in arranging his men beyond the Churubusco River — whose banks were lined with the maguey plant, which shielded nearly all his force from view. The rain of the previous night had flooded the low- lands in the vicinity ; the fortifications were masked by trees and fields of corn ; the latter flooded,^ and every part well known to the enemy, whose guns were so ar- ranged as to sweep them perfectly. When the Americans commenced the attack, their officers, in the face of these batteries, would advance and reconnoitre the ground, then the men would march up to that point, the officers would again advance, and the same process be repeated. During this time the cannon balls from the unseen enemy came crashing through the corn, the men and officers fell rajridly, yet -as if impelled by some all powerful influence, they moved steadily on until the works of Churubusco were in their hands. General Scott sent round to the other side a division under General Pillow ; they waded through the mud and BATTLE OF CHURUBUSCO. 759 water, in some instances waist deep, before they could ^^iV' reach the enemy. Several companies were entirely broken . . up, Captain Taylor's artillery men were cut up, his horses 1847. killed, when suddenly the Mexicans rushed out of the convent to charge ; but at this moment a company of American infantry came up and repulsed the assailants. The ground was intersected by causeways, and it was impossible to preserve military order ; also owing to their ignorance of the position of the enemy, as well as their own, the Americans were constantly in danger of firing, upon their own friends. The battle raged in every direc- tion. General Worth carried San Antonio, and General Twiggs another fortress. The Mexicans fought bravely, they were more than three to one of their foes, and they made every effort to repel them. For two hours the battle had raged. The smoke completely enshrouded the position of the Mexicans. The roar of their twenty thousand muskets seemed to drown the noise of the artillery, and to render the din of the conflict peculiarly terrific. The Americans could but feel their way through the corn, and across causeways and ditches, ignorant at what moment they might come upon concealed batteries. At length a party were enabled to cross the river Churubusco, and presented themselves in the rear of the enemy, at the same moment Worth's division emerged from the corn- fields in their front ; those in the rear rushed across ditches and over the parapets and carried the works, while the Mexicans at the head of the bridge abandoned it ; their guns were immediately seized and turned upon them. Both divisions pressed forward with the bayonet, the Mexicans recoiled in confusion, and finally fled ; the dragoons pursuing them to the very gates of the city. The victory was won, but it had cost the Americans dear ; a thousand had fallen or been disabled, among these were seventy-six officers. The coolness, the in- 760 HISTOKY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. ^Liv"' illiterate and superstitious, cunning and unpiin- cipled ; when a youth he loved to dupe his companions ; 1850. at the age of fifteen he pre^tended that he had seen visions ; and at twenty-two that he had received a direct revelation from heaven ; that he had been directed to a certain hill, where he would find golden plates, covered with Egyptian characters, which he alone, as a prophet, was empowered to decipher. This was the famous " Book of Mormon." It professed to give a new system of religion, and to chronicle events which occurred on this continent long an- terior to the Christian era. It is said a man named Spaulding, when laboring under ill health wrote the story to alleviate his hours of ennui ; after his death the manuscript fell into the hands of Smith, who unscrupulously used it to deceive his fel- low-men. His system of polygamy led to gross immoralities ; and the vicious, as well as the ignorant, some of whom may have been honest, became his disciples. In five 1833. years he had twelve hundred foUov/ers. At this time the whole sect removed to Jackson county, Missouri. As they professed to be the true saints, by virtue of which they were to become the inheritors of the western country, they became objects of distrust to the Missourians. The militia were called out, but the Mormons avoided a con- 4840. flict by crossing the river to Illinois. They prepared to make that State their home. On a bluff, overlooking the Mississipjji, they founded a city, Nauvoo, and erected an imposing temple. Thefts and robberies were numerous in the vicinity, and these crimes were attributed to the Mormons, some of whom were arrested. The saints, it was said, controlled the courts, for the prisoners were speedily liberated. An intense excite- ment was produced in the country by these proceedings. At length the Prophet himself, and a brother, were ar- rested and thrown into prison in the town of Carthage SALT LAKE CITY DISUNION CONVENTION. 781 A mob collected a few days after, and in the melee the ^?y^ brothers were slain. The spirit aroused against them was so violent that the Mormons could find safety alone in IS-ti. flight, and the following year they sold their possessions, left their beautiful city, which contained ten thousand in- habitants, and under chosen elders emigrated away across the plains and over the Eocky Mountains, and finally found a resting place in the Great Basin. As they were now upon the soil of Mexico, they hoped their troubles were at an end. They significantly called their new home, Deseret — the land of the Honey Bee. To recruit their numbers they sent missionaries to every quarter of the globe ; that these zealous apostles have met with astonishing succass in obtaining proselytes, is a sad reflection. Meantime they labored with great zeal in founding a city on the shores of the Great Salt Lake. It is on ground four thousand three hundred feet above the level of the ocean, and planned on a large scale ; its streets eight rods wide, and every house surrounded by a garden. Presently came the war with Mexico, and the ceding of all that region to the United States. The Mormons were the first to organize themselves as a territory under the name of Deseret, but Congress saw proper to change the name to Utah. President Fillmore appointed Brigham Young, one of their elders, the first governor. 1850. After the passage of the Compromise Bill, the agita- tion by no means ceased in the south. The design of seceding from the Union was openly avowed. A Disunion Convention met at Nashville, Tennessee. It invited the assembling of a " Southern Congress," but the legislatures of only two States responded to the call — South Carolina and Mississippi. The former elected their qtiota of repre- sentatives to the Congress. The great mass of the people were moved but little by these appeals, and the country 782 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAX PEOPLE, CHAP, breathed more freely in the eonfident hehef that the vexed , question was really at rest. iSoO In no previous discussion of the subject did the great majoritj^ of the people of the Union manifest so much interest, not because it had become more important, but a great change had been wrought, since, thirty years be- fore, the country was agitated by the discussions, which led to the enactment of the Missouri Compromise. The number of newspapere had increased at an unprecedented rate, and with them the facilities for publishing general intelligence and reporting the debates in Congress, and now was added the telegraph, which seemed almost to bring the ears of the nation to the Halls of Legislation. Yet in a still greater proportion had the nuaibers of in- telligent readers increased, millions of whom became familiar with the question and the principles involved, and watched with increasing interest every new phase the subject assumed. This may account for the earnestness which characterized this conflict of opinions ; the mass of the people read and judged for themselves. The philan- thropist may not dread the response of their hearts ; — they may be slow to act, but they are untrammelled by pledges and uninfluenced by political aspirations. About the commencement of Taylor's administration, General Lopez, a Spaniard, endeavored to create a revo- lution in Cuba. He represented that the people of that island were anxious and prepared to throw oif the yoke of the mother country ; and by this means he persuaded lai'ge numbers of adventurous spirits in the United States to engage in the enterprise. The pretext was to aid the Cubans ; but the real object was to secure the annexation of the island to the United States. President Taylor promptly issued a proclamation forbidding citizens of the Union to engage in the expedition. The warning was unheeded, and a company of six hundred men, under the SIK JOHN FBANKLIX DR. E. K. KANE. 783 lead of Lujjtz, eluded the United States' authorities, and ^'^^• landed at Cardenas. But not meeting with sympathy from the people whoifi they professed to have come to 1850. liberate, they re-emuarKed, and sailed for Key \Yest, ^'g^ Florida, barely escaping capture on the way by a Spanish Bteam-vessel of war. The following year the attempt was renewed. A party of four hundred and eighty men landed on the island, but were almost immediately overpowered and captured. Lopez and f> nu^i^ber of his deluded followers were put to death by the opaaish authorities at Havana. In 1845, Sir John Franklin sailed from England in quest of the long sought for north-west passage. No tid ings had ever been received from him, and the several efforts to send him aid had been unsuccessful. The sym- pathies of the humane were enlisted in behalf of the daring navigator. Mr. Henry Grinnell, a noble-hearted New York merchant, fitted out, at his own expense, an Wftpedi- tion which, xmder the command of Lieutenant De Haven, of the United States' navy, sailed for the Arctic regions in May, 1850. With De Haven went Dr. E. K. Kane, in the capacity of surgeon and naturalist. The search was unsuccessful, and the vessels returned. The United States' Government ^w sent another 1851. expedition on the same errand of mercy in connection with Mr. GrinnelL The control of this was given to Dr. Kane, whose scientific attainments were of a high order, and whose prudence and indomitable energy excited high hopes of the success of the enterprise. The search was fruitless ; the results of the discoveries made have been embodied and given to the world. Sir John has no doubt long since perished, vvhile his unknown friend. Dr. Kane, broken down in health because of his labors and privations, has also closed his life. Two of our greatest statesmen, with whose names for a third of a century are associated some of the most im- 784 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. *"'lv^' P"^''f^"t measures of the government, passed away. Henry Clay and Daniel Webster : The one at Washington, the 1852. other at his home at Marshfield. 2g No two men were more endeared to the American Oct- people. Henry Clay, by his generous frankness, and nobleness of character won their love. Daniel Webster in Ins mighty intellect towered above his peers, and com- manded their respect ; of him they were proud. Spain became alarmed at the attempts of lawless ad- venturers striving to wrest Cuba from her hands. France and England sympathized with her, and pro2)osed to the United States to join with them in a " tripartite treaty," in which each should disclaim any intention of seizing upon that island, but, on the contrary, should guarantee its possession to Spain. A correspondence to this effect had already commenced, and to the projwsal Edward Everett, who since the death of Webster was Secretary of State, replied in the negative. " The President," said he, " does not covet the acquisition of Cuba for the United States." Yet he " could not see with indifference that island fall into the possession of any other European Gov- ernment than Spain." It was shown that this was a question peculiarly American, from the situation of the island itself ; its i)roximity to our shores ; its commanding the ajiproach to the Gulf of Mexico, and to the entrance to the Mississippi, which with its tributaries forms the largest system of internal water-communication in the world, and also its ability to interfere with the passage to California by the Isthmus route. It was another state- ment of the celebrated Monroe doctrine, that the United States did not recognize European interference in ques- tions purely American. For President the Whigs nominated General Scott, and the Democrats, Franklin Pierce, of New Hampshire. DEATH OF WILLIAM R. KING. 785 The latter was elected, in connection with William K. '^^^^'• King, of Alabama, as Vice-President. Mr. King had been United States' Senator from that State — with the ex- 1852. ception of four years, when he was American minister at the court of France — since 1819, compelled by declining health he went to Cuba, where he took the oath of office. Then he returned home, not to enter upon the duties of the Vice-Presidency, but to die. To avoid the inconvenience of too great a number of members in the House of Representatives, as well as to prevent the waste of time in arranging the ratio of its 1850. members to the population, it was enacted that after the May third of March, 1853, " The House of Eepresentatives will consist of two hundred and thirty-three members, Provided, that after the apportionment of the Representa- tives, under the next or any subsequent census, a new State or States shall be admitted into the Union, the Representatives assigned to such new State shall be in addition to the number of Eepresentatives herein limited, which excess over two hundred and thirty-three shall con- tinue until the next succeeding census.'' .50 CHAPTER LVI. PIERCE'S ADMINISTRATION. Purchase of the MesiUa Valley. — Treaty with Japan. — The Kansas-Ne- braska Bill. — The effects of the Measure. — Emigrants to Kansas.— Struggles and Conflicts. — James Buchanan, President. — The Contest continues in Kansas. — National Progress. '^lvl' The new President inaugurated on the 4th of March, was a native of New Hampshire, a graduate of Bowdoin 1853. College, and by profession a lawyer. He had served in the legislature of his native State, two terms in the House of Eepresentatives at Washington and nearly a term in the Senate of the United States. William L. Marcy, of New York, was appointed Secretary of State. Owing to the incorrectness of the maps used when the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo was made, a dispute arose as to the proper boundaries between New Mexico and the Mexican province of Chihuahua. Both parties claimed the MesiUa Valley, said to be fertile, but more important for affording facilities for a road to California. Santa Jan. Anna, who was again President of the republic of Mexico, and intent, as usual, on driving a bargain, took possession of the territory in dispute. The United States obtained the valley, and the free navigation of the Gulf of Cali- fornia and of the river Colorado, to the American boun- dary by paying the Mexican government ten millions of dollars. 8. TREATY WITH JAPAN THE NEBRASKA BILL. 787 The acquisition of California made the importance of ^f_y\'- commercial treaties with the nations of eastern Asia more and more apparent. During Fillmore's term, Commodore 1853. Perry, brother of the hero of Lake Erie, was sent with a squadron to open communication with the empire of Japan. Tbe inhabitants of those islands from time im- memorial had excluded foreigners. The authorities were greatly astonished at the boldness of the Commodore, when he appeared w ith his steamers — the first that ever floated on those waters — in the Bay of Jeddo. He was ordered to depart ; but he declined and insisted on seeing the proper authorities, and making known to them the object of his friendly visit. At length a Japanese officer appeared, who promised to lay the matter "before the em- peror. The 14th of July was the day named to receive the letter from the President. The Commodore, escorted by a company of marines, landed. He was received with the pomp of an oriental pageant, and an answer to the letter promised the following spring. The answer was received and a treaty concluded. The merchants of the United States obtained permission to trade in two specified ports — Simodi and Hakodadi — and also for the residence of American citizens and con- suls at the ports, as well as to visit without molestation in the interior, ten or twelve miles. April The measure that will render the administration of Pierce famous, was the biU to organize the territories of Nebraska and Kansas. This was an immense region — extending from the confines of Missouri, Iowa and Min- nesota te the crest of the Bocky Mountains, and from thirty-six degrees thirty minutes north latitude, to the British possessions. This vast territory was a part of the Louisiana Purchase, from which, by the Missouri Com- promise, the system of slavery had been excluded. In part this region had been assigned to the various 788 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. ™AP. tribes of Indians, who years before, to make way for set- tiers, had removed from their lands north-west of the 1853. Ohio. The white settlers who had gone to that region wished that the Indian titles should be extinguished, and a territorial government established. In accordance with this wish Senator Stephen A. J Douglas, of Illinois, proposed a bill in the United States' 1854. Senate, to organize this region into two territories, to be known as Kansas and Nebraska. This bill contained a clause repealing the Missouri Compromise, under the plea that it " was inconsistent with the principle of non-in- tervention by Congress with slavery in the States and Territories, as recognized by the compromise measures of 1850 ; " " it being the true intent of the act to leave the people thereof perfectly free to form and regulate their domestic institutions in their own way, subject only to the Constitution of the United States." The people were taken by surprise. The question, so destructive to national harmony, and which it was hoped had been settled forever, had assumed a new form. The Missouri Compromise had been deemed a sacred com- pact between the south and the north, and as such, for the third of a century, had received the sanction of all parties. The irritations caused by the fiery discussions in Congress four years previous were by no means y^t healed. A deep-toned feeling was excited, especially in the northern States. It was just fifty years since the purchase of the ter- ritory, and up to this time nearly all its benefits had been enjoyed by those who held slaves. Meantime emigrants from the free States had been compelled, from their un- willingness to come in contact with slavery, to seek their homes and farms north of Missouri, and forego the ad- vantages of the genial climate found in the latitude of that State. These free laborers, as well as those who intended to EMIGRANTS TO KANSAS. 789 seek homes in the west, complained that this region, ^^^^j**- guaranteed to them by the Missouri? Compromise, should be rendered liable to be made slaveholding. Conventions 1854. were held- and petitions poured into both Houses of Con- gress, imploring those bodies not to disturb the tranquillity of the country, nor violate the compact so long held sacred. The Soutli did not participate so much in this feeling. In reply to these remonstrances it was said, the prin- ciijle of " Squatter or Popular Sovereignty," would obviate all difSculty ; by this principle the people of the territory would be free in their political action, and when they came to form their state constitutions, and ask admission into the Union, they could exercise this right and adopt or reject slavery. With this interpretation the bill passed Congress, after nearly four months' discussion, was signed by the President, and became the law of the land. Msj Now came the struggle to secure the new State by sending emigrants, whose votes were to decide the ques- tion. Two years before, and not with reference to a con- tingency of this kind, the Legislature of Massachusetts incorporated a company known as " The Emigrants' Aid Society." This association had been inactive, but now its aid was invoked, and numbers were assisted to emigrate to Kansas. Similar societies were formed in other north- ern States. The emigrants from the free States went to remain and improve their claims, and foimd homes for their families. Emigrants came also from the Southern States, but with the exception of those who came from Missouri only a limited number have remained in the ter- ritory to improve their claims. Conflicting opinions soon produced political parties known as Pro-Slavery and Free-State, and the practical application of the doctiine of " popular sovereignty" was 790 piSTORT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. ^LV f' ^PP'^'^^^'i to, to test which party had the majority, and according to true deibocracy should rule. 1854. The first territorial election was held to choose a dele- gate to Congress, and four months later — a census in the Mar. meantime having been taken and the territory divided into districts — another election was held to choose members to the Territorial Legislature. In both of these elections, the pro-slavery party claimed that they had chosen theii candidates, but the free-state men repudiated the elec- tion as fraudulent ; giving as a reason that the polls were controlled by armed men from Missouri. The Territorial Legislature assembled at Pawnee and J"'y immediately adjourned to the Shawnee Mission, near the Missouri State line. They passed a series of laws, to which Governor Keeder refused his signattre, on the ground that the Legislature, by the organic act, could not change the place of meeting appointed by himself These laws were however passed by a two-thirds vote. The Free State men held conventious, denied the le- gality of the legislature, and refused to obey the laws en- acted by it, and made arrangements to choose delegates to a Convention to form a Constitution. In due time this Oct. Convention assembled at Topeka, framed a Constitution rejecting slavery, and ordered it to be submitted to the vote of the people, who ratified it. One month later the people chose State ofiicers and members for a State Legis- lature. Soon after Governor Reeder was removed from 2*5 ■ his office by the President. During these ten months confusion reigned in the Territory. Outrages of almost every kind were com- mitted, robberies, murders, illegal arrests and property destroyed, most of which belonged to the Free State settlers. Wilson Shannon, of Ohio, who had recently been ap- pointed Governor, now appeared and assumed office. He CONGKESS APPOINTS A COMMITTEE OF INVESTIGATION. 79] declared himself in favor of the laws enacted at the Shaw- ^^^f- nee Mission. The government, under the Free-State Constitution, 1855. was organized, and tlie contest took the form of civil war. jyjj|._ 4 ' At the opening of the session of Congress, the delegate Dec. from Kansas, chosen as related above, appeared and de- manded his seat. After a spicy discussion the House refused the demand, but appointed a committee to proceed to the Territory and summon witnesses in relation to the recent elections. In a month's time the committee had arrived Mar, in Kansas, and commenced the investigation. Their ^^• report sustained the charge that those elections had been carried by fraud. The summer of 1856 was signalized by the commission of many outrages, committed in different parts of the Ter- ritory. The Free-State men armed themselves, and determined to defend their rights. Several conflicts en- sued and many lives were lost. Presently Shannon received notice of his removal from office, and John W. Geary, of Pennsylvania, soon appeared as his successor. The new governor honestly labored to restore harmony. He ordered " all bodies of men combined, armed, and equipped with munitions of war, without authority of the government, instantly to disband, and quit the territory." Upon this the companies of Free-State men nearly all disbanded, but it was only partially obeyed by the other party, who had concentrated a force of more than two thousand men. The Governor, with the dragoons, threw Sepi himself between them and the town of Lawrence and pre- vented another conflict. The presidential canvass was now in progress. The main question at issue — the extension of slavery into the Territories or its limitation to the States wherein it already existed. 15. 792 HISTORT OF THE AMEEICAX PEOPLE. ^fvf' Within a few years political issues had somewhat changed. A party known as American, had arisen ; their 1853. main principle opposition to foreign influence, and their motto, " Americans should rule America." The foll<\w- ing year they were successful in most of the state elections. Meantime arose another party, composed principally of Whigs and Democrats, who were opposed to the extension of slavery into free territory. They were known as Re- puhlicans. On the other hand the Democrats announced themselves willing to let slavery go into the territories if t e inhabitants thereof desired it. The latter party nominated James Buchanan, of Pennsylvania ; the Re- publicans, John C. Fremont, of California, and the Americans, ex-president Fillmore. The canvass was one of more than usual spirit. The passage of the Kansas-Nebraska hill had even added new interest to the main question at issue. It had taken deep hold of the minds of the people ; and they never before gave such evidence of their independence, and repudiation of mere party ties. Mr. Buchanan was elected President, and John 0. Breckenridge, of Kentucky, Vice-President. Nov. 1856. The House of Representatives at Washington passed a bill, declaring the acts of the Territorial Legislature of Kansas null and void, both on the ground that its enact- ments " were cruel and oppressive," and that " the said legislature was not elected by the legal voters of Kansas, but was forced upon them by non-residents in violation of ^®^- the organic act of the territory.'" This bill failed to pass 1857. the Senate. On the 4th of March, Mr. Buchanan was inaugurated President. He was educated for the legal profession. At the age of twenty-three he served as a member of the Legislature of his native State. He was . afterward a LECOMPTON CONVENTION. 79S member of the House of Kepresentatives ten years ; then *^^^''' Minister to Eiissia — sent by General Jackson — tljen a member of the Senate of the United States ; then Secre- 3857. tary of State, under President Polk, and then Minister to Great Britain. Senator Lewis Cass was appointed Secre- tary of State, by the new President. Under the auspices' jf the Territorial Legislature of Kansas an election was ordered for delegates to a conven- tion for the purpose of framing a constitution, but under conditions to secure a pro-slavery majority of delegates. The Free State men, for the reasons already given, as well as others, refused to take part in the election. It was held, however, and a pro-slavery delegation chosen. June. Meanwhile the other party published an address to the people of the United States, in which they set forth the wrongs they had endured, and to which they were still subject. Soon after Governor Geary resigned, and the President appointed Kobt. J. Walker, of Mississippi. The new Governor endeavored to remedy these evils, and promised the people of the territory a free expression of their wishes at the jjoUs. Owing to the influence of Governor Walker the Free State men consented to vote at the coming election for a delegate to Congress, and members for a Territorial Legis- lature. They, by a vote more than two to one, chose their candidates. Oct. Shortly after this election, the delegates chosen as we have seen, met in convention at Lecompton, and speedily framed a constitution. It contained a provision adopting slavery, and this provision alone, the convention submitted to the people of Kansas to ratify or reject. Connected with this was a clause which made it necessary for those who were challenged at the polls " to take an oath to support the constitution if adopted," before they were 794 HISTOKT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. H'^/' permitted to deposit their vote. This was followed Ly a . provieo that the constitution could not be amended before 185T. the year 1864, and then only by the concurrence of two thirds of the members of both Houses of the Legislature, and "a majority of all the citizens of the State." The Free State men refused to vote on the ratification of this constitution, as they denied the authority that framed it ; but it received some votes, and was declared adopted, and sent as such to Congress. There the discus- sion on the subject was as bitter as ever. It was denied that the people of Kansas were fairly treated in not having the opportunity to vote upon the adoption of the entire constitution as implied by the doctrine of " Popular Sovereignty," said to be the essence of the Kansas-Ne- braska bill. Ay)ril Finally, a bill was passed to submit the constitution to the people of Kansas, but on two conditions ; one, that if they failed to ratify it, they would not be permitted to enter the Union until they had a pojjulation of ninety- three thousand ; the other, if they did ratify it, they should receive certain of the public lands for State purposes. In the face of these strange conditions the people of 1838. Kansas, on the 2d of August, rejected the constitution by an overwhelming majority. Minnesota was admitted into tiie Union, and allowed to have two representatives until the next apportionment of members among the several States. A change was made in the laws in relation to the issue of patents, by which " all patents hereafter granted shall remain in force seventeen years from date of issue, and all extensions of such patents are hereby prohibited." 1860. '^'i'^ Eighth Census of the United States sums up as follows: Entire population, 31,443,790 ; of whom 3,953,529 are slaves. PARTY PLATFORMS. 795 CHAP. LVl. The question of the extension of slavery into the Ter- ritories, was by no means decided in the presidential con- ■ test of 1856. During the subsequent four years the ■^®^'^'' discussion of tlie subject still continued in Congress and among the people. In proportion as they read and judged for themselves, did party spirit lose its despotic influences, and the change in public sentiment, especially in the non-slaveholding States, was unprecedented. Many thou- sands of intelligent voters, who once acquiesced in the policy of the extension of the system, would no longer lend their sanction to measures the tendency of which they now better understood. In view of subsequent events, a more than usual in- terest will ever belong to the exposition of principles as set forth in what are termed " jdatforms " of the parties in nominating their respective candidates for the office of President in 1860. The Democratic party, at a convention held in Charles- ton, South Carolina, became divided into two hostile sec- tions — the Breckinridge and Douglas — thus designated from their prominent leaders. One section — the Breckin- ridge — reaffirmed, with explanatory resolutions, the prin- ciples adopted by the entire party four years before at its convention held in Cincinnati. They proclaimed the 185C. " non-interference of Congress with slavery in the Terri- tories or in the District of Columbia," and " The ad- mission of new States with or without domestic slavery, as they may elect." The other section — Douglas — also adopted the Cincinnati platform, and likewise affirmed " That as differences of opinion exist in the Democratic party as to the nature and extent of the powers of a Ter- ritorial Legislature, and as to the powers and duties of Congress under the Constitution of the United States over the institution of slavery within the Territories," " That the party will abide by the decisions of the Supreme 796 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, LVI. 1860. Court of the United States on the questions of Constitu- tional law." These resolutions are significant. That court had recently given an opinion known as the Dred Scott Decision, which was now assumed to sanction the 1849. doctrine, first announced by John C. Calhoun, that the Constitution recognized slavery, and sanctioned and pro- tected it in the Territories.' On the contrary, the Re- publican party denied that this special decision of the court had a legitimate bearing on the subject, it being a side issue, and therefore null and void ; and now, since other means had failed in Kansas, used only to introduce covertly the system of human bondage into the Terri- tories. The latter party, at their convention held in Chi- cago, announced that " the maintenance of the principles promulgated in the Declaration of Independence and em- bodied in the Federal Constitution, is essential to the preservation of our Republican Institutions." " That all men are created equal ; that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights ; " and " That the Federal Constitution, the rights of the States and the union of the States, must and shall be preserved;" also the rights of the States should be maintained inviolate, " especially the right of each State to order and control its own domestic institutions according to its own judgment exclusively." " That the normal condition of all the Territory of the United States is that of freedom," and they denied " the authority of Congress, of a Territorial Legislature, or of individuals, to give legal existence to slavery in any Territoiy of the United States." Still another party, heretofore mainly known as American, now adopted the designation of " Constitu- tional Union," and proclaimed as their platform, " The Constitution of the country, the union of the States, and the enforcement of the laws." ' See Hist., pp. 774, 775. CHAPTER LVII. Buchanan's administration — continued. Traits of Character, North and South.— Comparative Intelligence in the Free and Slave States.— Benevolent Operations. — Foreign Pop- ulation. — Material Progress.— Compromises. — Republican Party. — Democratic Convention. — Presideutial Election. — Intent of Per- sonal Liberty bills. — Union Men. — The Corner-Stone. — Legisla- tures and Conventions South. — Non-coercion.-Feeling in the Border States. — Finances.— Buchanan's Message. — Fort Sumter Occupied by Anderson. — The Preparations. — Yulee's Letter. — No Vote of the People Allowed.— Mr. Lincoln's Journey. — Convention at Montgomery. — Fallacies — England and Cotton. Before entering upon the narrative of the great Eebellion, chap. and to fully uuderstand its cause, we must notice certain 1 influences that have had a share in moulding the character- istics of the American people both North and South. Though the people of both sections take pride in the same ancestry and cling to the same traditions, cherish the same love of country and have the same belief in Christianity, yet certain influences during a period of two centuries pro- duced slightly marked characteristics. The Southern col- onists, especially of Virginia and the Carolinas, had their notions of rank and aristocracy, and prejudices against the descendants of the Anglo-Saxons who settled in the North- ern portion of the land. The Northern colonists had their prejudices, which grew out of religious differences in the mother country. The seven years' struggle of the Revolu- tion brought the people nearer together by a bond of sym- pathy. The Northern colonists had a better appreciation 1857. 798 nisTORT OF the amekigan people. ci^P. of education, and tliey labored to extend its influence to all, beginning at the most humble, thus eleTating the peo- ■ pie by making them intelligent aud moral ; and for this 23urpose they established common schools.* Massachusetts and New England were in this respect in contrast with Virginia and the Carolinas ; the latter made scarcely an effort to educate the children of the poor, providing no general system of common school education. Just one hundred years before the Declaration of Independence, when free schools were established in the New England colonies, the Governor of Vii-ginia — Berkeley — thanked the Lord there was not a printing-press nor a free school in the colony, f Time has shown the effects of these two systems, for the habits or customs of the several colonies lasted long after the close of the Eevolution. The census of 1860 shows that the five States of New England liad a popula- tion about three times as great as that of Virginia's white IJopulation. In the former there were 72,706 persons over twenty years of age who could neither read nor write, while in Virginia there were 74,055 white persons of the same age who could neither read nor write. Some of the other slave States had a still larger ratio of illiterates in proportion to their number of white inhabitants, while it was forbidden by law to teach the slaves to read and write. In the free States much of the illiteracy was due to a portion of the foreign population and their immediate descendants, while in the slave States there were comjiaratively few foreigners. Those emigrating from the old to the new States passed almost entirely along the same parallels of latitude on which they lived in the old States ; and as they carried with them their institutions aud habits, the contrast, in respect to education and its results, as revealed by the census, was equally great between the new free and slave States as tliat of the old thirteen. Had common schools been as well sup- ported and attended in the slave as in the free States for * Hist. pp. 91, 92. + Hist., pp. 104-6. THE PEOPLE DECEIVED — BENEVOLENT OPERATIONS. 799 the last ceutm-y, it is doubtful whether the system of slavery ^^• could have reached its vast proportions, and more likely it might so far have passed away as not to be a disturbing element in the nation, much less that for its protection and extension a war should be inaugurated. The general iutelligeuce of the Northern portion of the country affected its material progress ; the people of mod- erate means were self-respecting and industrious, and their material progress was continuous from generation to genera- tion. In the Southern portion the people of moderate means unfortunately labored under great disadvantages. They were for the most part wanting in that general intel- ligence needed to secure success, and were stigmatized as the " white trash." With them industry was an irksome necessity, since tiiey looked upon manual labor as the spe- cial province of the slave, and therefore degrading. The dignity of the intelligent fanner or mechanic, who reouring in. and shells were bursting every minute within the iuelosure. The parapet gnus, after a few rounds, were left, as the exposure was too great to man them. The men of the seeoud and thiixl details or reliefs refused to wait their turns, but insisttxi on joining in the fight ; and so vigorous were the diseharges from Sumter that the rcbels thought the fort must have been reiufoived. All were inspired with pitriotic zeal; even some Irish lahorei-s joined in with their native ardor for a fight. Presently one of the officers heard tiie report of a gun on tlie parapet ; going to see, he found a company of the laborers amusing them- selves in that exposed place by firing at the enemy. One of them exclaimed with great glee that he had hit the floating bat'tery in the center. The soldiers characterized them as the *' Irish Irregulars." During Friday night the mortar batteries kept up their fire to prevent the garrison making repairs, and at dawn all the guns opened. Xow was fii-ed red-hot balls, which set the barracks on fii-e, blew np one niag;i7,ine and endaufreivd another, so that to avoid farther danger ninety bari-els of powder were rolled into the sea. The heat and smoke became stifling, yet the brave fellows fought on breathing through wet cloths. For thirty-four hours had the bombai-dment Listed, when a boiit was seen approaching from Fort Moultrie bearing a Xpr. whito flag. Xegotiafions bepiu. and Anderson agreed to ^"'- evacuate the fort. The troops were transferred to the Baltic steamer, which brought them to Xew York. Xo one of the Fniou soldiers nor of the rebels was killed in the conflict. Major Anderson from on board the steamer sent his report to Washington. After describing the ruin of the fort, he says in conclusion: " The troops marched out with colors flying and drums beating, bringing away com- pany :vnd private property, and saluting their flag with fifty ffUUS." THK rslRKKJiVKK — THE 'J.'..', OLCfTEKKS. 821 The firing on Fort Somter fired the Northern heart. JBap The ID-fall to the flag and the nation bad marreloos effect upon the rninda of the people. Bj this act the Msceaaotaeta bad alienated more or lesci their mo«it inflnential friend-; in the non-alaTeholdirig Sute$! ; coald they liare foretold the oatbarit of mingled ssorrov and indignation that aroee from all claisrei) of jiersoni!, titer woald nerer bare fired npoa Fort Sumter wiihont proTocatkm. The hitherto spofo- thizens with the demandu of the slave owners now, with but comf/aratiTelj few exofqition-i, were aa oat^>ken in conrlemnation of the act aa thoi>e who bad for jeara opposed those demand*. There was an indescril/able feeling of emotion perrading the mind^ of all ; one impmbe eeemed to more milHons as one man ; a r|aiet detennination of porpoee took pcegecrioD Off the people more jjowerfnl than if it bad been demooittra- tire. The news of the attack and eorrender bad been seat to whererer the telegraph extended, and cot the day — the Sabbath — the solemnity of the worshipeTS waa deep and ail-absorbing. Earnest prayers went up from the polpits and were earnestly responded to from the congregations, for the nation and for direction in thia roomentooi crisis. Thia gingle act in a few ghort boars bad made rival politk^ partisans a band of brothers; prejodices melted away before the beat of an orerwhelming love of country, as if they had nerer reflected upcm ita bl^ginge, until tbe at- tempt waa made to destroy its unity. On Monday morning came the President's proclamation Apr. calling for T5//Xi men to serve for three months to enforce the law-i which had been oppo^ "and their ezecntion obatracted in the States of 5}outh Carolina, Georgia, Ala- bama, Florida, ili^^gippi, Loni-nana and Texas." An appeal wa^ made to all loyal citizen?, to maintain the honor, the int^rity, and tbe existenc-e of tbe Xational Union. Eesponsea to this appeal came at once from tbe loyal States ; rolunteer; were offered by thousands ; espe- cially prompt were tbe States of Pennsylvania, Massacba- 1861. 822 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, setts, New York and Obio. These anticipating this state of affairs had by legislative enacttnent placed their militia in a condition for prompt action. From the governors of the slave States — Kentucky, Missouri, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee and Arkan- sas — came resjjonses within a few days, all refusing to send their quotas of men, Virginia, North Carolina and Tennes- see threatening to resist any attempt at " coercion" on the part of the National G-overnraent. This was more the sentiment of the individual governors of these States than of the majority of tlie people, as it was afterward shown. Every governor of the Border States was in favor of the secessionists except Governor Hicks, of Maryland. So deeply was the plot laid that at first the National authorities were taken at great disadvantage, the usual case with re- bellions; the insurgents were prepared and therefore at first successful. Never before in the free States was there such an exhi- bition of love of couuti'y. The people were intelligent and familiar witli the merits of the question at issue — union or disunion — and acted accordingly. The flag — the symbol of a united nation — -became almost an idol ; it floated from church steeples, from public buildings, from private houses, from mast heads ; it decorated the shops and ofiices along the streets ; the drayman put it on his horse and the engi- neer on his locomotive, while its beautiful colors were blended in rosettes and ribbons worn by matrons and mai- dens — all these manifestations told that the hearts of the people were with the government- Pennsylvania, being the nearest, was the first to place men in Washington ; six hundred of whom arrived there in four days after the call was issued. Massachusetts was really the first in the field in respect to readiness ; her men were finely di'illed and armed, and within twenty-four hours after the telegram brought the call for troops nearly every company of the four regiments called for were in Boston PROMPTNESS OF VOLUNTEERS — THE ATTACK IN BALTIMORE. 823 1861. rendy to a:arch. The meu left tlieir workshops,, stores and £^^j^- farms at a minute's warning. Benjamin F. Butler was commissioned Brigadier-General of Volunteers, and ordered to Washington with two regi- ments, the Sixth and Eighth ; the Third and. Fourth were sent by sea in steamers to Fortress Monroe, thus securing ' that important place to the nation. The Sixth, in passing through Baltimore, was attacked by a mob in the interest of secession, and thi'ee of the men were killed — the first blood shed in the great rebellion. This was the anniversary of the battle of Lexington, April 19th, 1775, and the nation -^P'- entered upon a secoud struggle as a prelude to a still greater career of humane and industrial progress, to a higher plane of a Chiistianized ciyilization. It took eight years of war to establish our independence, and it took four years of war to make us a united people, in the course of wliich was removed the greatest drawback to the whole nation's pi'og- ress. The spirit of loyalty in the free States continued to furnish men and means to sustain the cause. In less than a month more than $23,000,000 were given as a free offer- ing to the Government, and volunteers' :^r beyond the num- ber called for. Lieutenant Jones, in command at Hai-per's Ferry, learn- ed that a force of about 3.000 Virginians were on their way j^pj to pillage the armoiy. As he had but fifty men, he pru- !*•• dently destroyed all the war material, blew up the magazine and withdrew to Carlisle, Pa. The following day the U. S. Navy-yard at Gosport, near Norfolk, was destroyed. Satis- factory reasons for this wanton destruction of property, amounting to many millions' worth, have never been given. The yard could have been defended with prompt action. About 2,000 cannon were thus furnished to the insurgents, which they used during the whole war. Threats were frequently made by newspapers and ijublic men in the interest of the slave States that Washington would soon be in the hands of the insurgents. Their 824 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, authoiities made the most strenuous exertions to increase ^ and organize ;m army. JefEerson Davis first called for '^'^*'^' 22,000 men, and soon again for 20,000 more. Their Con- gress met in called session, and resolved to remove their seat of government from Montgomery to Richmond, intend- ing, tio doubt, to "coerce" Virginia to pass an ordinance May of secession, which the majority of the peojjle of the State ■ in an impartial vote would evidently oppose, Virginia's self-constituted authorities handed her over, and she was graciously received into the Confederacy by this Congress, just assembled at Richmond. But the people were prom- ised the privilege of voting on this illegal ordinance of secession on the 23d instant; howevg^, before that day came, all persons expressing Union sentiments were either driven out of the eastern portion of the State or compelled to hold their peace. Even the Mayor of Richmond, by proclamation, enjoined the people to inform him of any persons suspected of being Union in their symj^athies (and Northern female teaciiers were advised by one of the news- papers not to talk). The election by the people was a farce. The portion of the State west of the Blue Ridge was almost free of slaves and could not be "dragooned" into secession ; the people there understood the question, and did not choose to fight in the cause, hence they refused to answer the call for troops by Governor Letcher for the Southern confederacy ; they also took measures to become separate from the Eastern portion, and in a short time formed a new State known as West Virginia, which as such June in due time was iidmitted into the Union. The national ^^- government threw a protecting force into the new State under General George B. McClellan, and speedily West Vir- ginia was as free from armed secessionists as old Virginia of Unionists. In Tennessee the people's vote was disregarded, though by a majority of 50,000 they had decided against secession, yet the legislature led by Isham G. Harris, the governor, in secret session adopted the Constitution of the Confederate I -ODTKAGES. 825 States : Upon this act the people were invited to vote on ^^^■ the 8th of the nest month. Meantime, as customary, a 1 ftfii series of outrages were perpetrated on the Union men, to prevent their voting against the usurpation. Arl^ansas also May by resolution of a Convention declared herself out of the Union. The Convention proceeded to pass laws by which all moneys due Northern creditors were to be paid into the treasury of the State. The governor of Missouri — Claiborne F. Jackson — was a secessionist, and refused to furnish troops in response to President Lincoln's requisition. But the peojile themselves, under the leadership of Franli P. Blair and B. Gratz Brown, raised in two months nearly 10,000 men." Captain Nathan- iel Lyon, who was in command at St. Louis, suddenly sur- rounded a rebel camp — Fort Jackson — and captured every man. These had assembled under the pretence of preserv- ing the peace of tlie State, and had been drilling for weeks ; their arms having been secretly sent them from Baton Rouge, Louisiana, whence they had been taken from the United States Arsenal. • Previous to this, the energetic Captain Lyon, under orders from Washington, had trans- feri-ed the arms and war material from the arsenal at St. Louis to Springfield, Illinois. The German element in the population of St. Louis stood bravely for the Union in this crisis. Kentucky hesitated. She wanted to be neutral,but that policy was soon seen to be impossible. Under the influence of John C. Breckenridge, her young men were, for the most part, in favor of aiding the insurgent States. Mass meetings were, however, held in different places, and the most influential men of middle life and upward eame out in favor of the Union. Kentucky was only saved by the presence of nearly 30,000 volunteers from the free States over the Ohio river ; in truth Maryland and Missouri were also saved to the Union by their nearness to the free States. Prom the frequent reconnoisances and surveys made by the confederates it was evident they intended to fortify the 826 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. 1861. CHAP, heights of Arlington, of Georgetown and Alexandria, across the river from Washington ; tliey had already occupied many points on the upper Potomac, ready to pass over into Maryland. The insurgent leaders in the Cotton States had sent several thousand soldiers to this army nov? threatening the National Capital. These leaders had determined, as some of tlieir papers indiscreetly stated, to make the border States, especially Virginia, the battle ground. Tliey were willing to plunge the nation into war, but were anxious to have others sutler the cousequences. Howell Cobb, the recent Secretary of the Treasury under Buchanan, said in a speech: "The people of the Gulf States need have no ap- prehension ; they might go on with their planting and their other business as usual ; the war would not come to their section ; its theater would be along the borders of the Ohio river and in Virginia." In truth the Old Dominion was sadly desolated ; for four years, over her soil army after army passed and repassed. The devastation was inaugura- ted by the Confederates themselves, lest any sustenance or shelter should be found for the ITniou soldiers. General Scott anticipated the movements of the enemy by sending 10,000 troops in three divisions at 2 A. si. to seize the heights and fortify them. The Orange and Manassas railroad was seized, and on it a train having on board 300 Confederate soldiers, who were captured. Alex- May andria was also occupied. In this town over the " Marshall House " had floated for weeks a secession flag, which could be seen from tlie President's mansion, and to which it was given out the flag was designed as a taunt. Colonel Elmer 'Ellswortli, of the Zouaves, seeing tlie flag floating, deter- mined to get possession of it. He ascended to the roof, pulled down the flag, and when descending was shot and instantly killed by the proprietor of the house, who a moment after was shot dead by a private soldier who had accompanied the Colonel. The death of young Ellsworth was felt tliroughout the land, as he possessed remarkable qualities as a commander and disciplinarian. 24. CONCILIATOET SPIRIT — BEAUEEGAED'S PEOCLAMATION. 827 General Irwin McDowell, in command of tbe Union £S^?- 1861. forces, issued a proclamation in which he enjoined all the officers to make " statements of the amount, kind and value of all private property taken or used for government purposes, and the damage done in any way to private prop- erty, that justice niay be done alike to jOTvate citizens and government." This is given to show the conciliatory spirit of the National Government ; these regulations were en- forced. Beauregard, in command of the Confederates, a few days later issued a counter-proclamation to the Virginia people in which he said: "A reckless and unprincipled tyrant has invaded your soil. Abraham Lincoln, regardless of all moral, legal and constitutional restraints, has thrown his Abolition hosts among you, who are murdering and impressing your citizens, confiscating and destroying your property, and committing other acts of violence and out- rage too shocking and revolting to humanity to be enum- erated." It is due to the truth of history that these facts should be noticed, as it was by such gross misrepresentations tbe mass of the peojjle of the South were deceived before and during the war. ' The Secretary of State, Mr. Seward, announced to our ministei's abroad the policy of the Government in relation to foreign intervention. To Charles Francis Adams, at the British Court, he wrote : •' You will make no admissions of ^*y weakness in our Constitution, or any apprehensions on the part of the Government." " You will in no ease listen to any suggestions of compromises by this Government under foreign auspices with its discontented citizens." To Mr. Dayton, Minister to France, he said : " The President neither exijects nor desires any intervention, nor even any favor, from the government of France or any other in the emergency." " If several European States should combine in that inteiTention, the President and the people of the United States deem the Union, which would then be at stake, worth all the cost and all the sacrifice of a contest 828 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PKOPLB. CHAP, with all the world in arms if such a contest should prove inevitable." 1861. ji^ respect to the blockade the Secretary wrote to Mr. Adams : " You say that by our own laws, and the laws of nations, this Government has a clear right to suppress insurrection. An exclusion of commerce from National 2L ports, which have been seized by insurgents in the equitable form of blockade, is a proper means to that end. You will not insist that our blockade is to be respected if it is not maintained by a competent force ; yon will add that the blockade is now, and it will continue to be so maintained, and therefore wo expect it to be respected by Great Britain." The astonishment of the American people at the posi- tion taken by England almost equaled their indignation. For many years invectives wittiout nnmber were thrown upon them, especially those of the free States, by influen- tial persons in England, because they did not take political measures to abolish slavery, and thus violate the com- promises of tlie Constitution made in other days, when the moral, political and economical evils of tlie system were not so well known. But now, when the slave States had entered upon a war to protect and extend slavery, they had. with few excep- tions, the full sympathy of the ruling class of England. Swift sailing vessels and steamers, with little hindrance on the part of the government, were fitted out from her ports laden with munitions of war to aid the Eebollion. The Queen, or ratlier the government, issued a proclamation of professed neutrality, jmtting the Confederates on the same footing as tlie United States Government. The cotton manufacturers and the iron interests, representing many millions of money, and employing several hundred thousand operatives, were in favor of recognizing the Con- federacy. The former of these were nearly mined by the want of cotton, which was cut off by tlie blockade, and the latter by the loss of the American market, as tlie tariffs BIG BETHEL — NATIONAL FORCE IN WEST VIRGINIA. 829 imposed to meet the extraordinary expenses incurred by the PSA?- civil war had also given the American iron-masters reasons 1 ftfil to extend their works, and they soon were able to supply ' the wants of the country. General B. P. Butler was transferred from Baltimore to Fortress Monroe. The Confederates, under General Magruder, occupied prominent points commanding the approaches to Richmond, while Yorktown and Gloucester May Point were also fortified. General Butler resolved, by a ^^^ night movement, to surprise and capture two positions of the enemy in the vicinity — Little Bethel and Big Bethel. The latter the stronger, and under the immediate command of Magruder. Tiie plan was well arranged, and the troops j set out on their night march, in order to attack Little ll. Bethel at daylight. But two of the regiments came into collision, by some mistake made in the darkness, and fired into each other till the mistake was discovered. This firing gave information to the enemy, and those in Little Bethel hastily retreated to the larger and better fortified position. Meantime, the other portion of the Fed.eral troops hearing the filing, fell back, lest they should be taken in flank. In the morning the disappointed Federals came together ; a conference was held, and it was rashly determined to attack Big Bethel, whose gnns commanded the approach. The result was a repulse, as might have been expected, yet the soldiers, some of whom had only been under arms a few weeks, stood the fire well. Here fell two of the most accomplished men in the command — Lieutenant Greble, of the United States Artillery, and Theodore Winthrop, secre- tary and aid to General Butler. An election held in West Virginia shows that the great majority of the people of that section were true and loyal to the National Government. A few days afterward a force was thrown across the Ohio at several points. This force made short work with the armed enemy of West Virginia; driving out both them and the troops sent to their aid by the Confederacy. 830 HISTOKT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP. General McClellan opened the campaign by issuing a '- proclamation, in which was promised protection to the lives and propei'ty of the Union men from the armed enemy who May were preying upon them. Grafton, an important point at ^^* the junction of the Baltimore and Ohio Kailway with that of Northwest Virginia, was occupied by the enemy, who, hearing of the advance, evacuated that place, after destroy- ing, as far as possible, culverts and railway bridges. The next place was Philippi, where the enemy were routed and scattered in a spirited fight, they leaving all their muni- tions ; they, however, made a strenuous but unsuccessful attemiit to recover their lost ground. A great deal of leniency was shown to the disloyal portion of the inhabits * ants, which policy they but little appreciated. A Confeder- ate force was concentrated at Eich Mountain; though strongly entrenched, Genei'al Rosecrans attacked them so vigorously that, under General Pegram, they retreated in the night in order to reach General Garnet's main force at June Laurel Hill ; but they became entangled in the woods, and food failing, sis hundred of them surrendered as prisoners of war. "When this was known. General Garnet rapidly retreated, throwing away his superfluous baggage. He passed along Cheat Eiver, hoping by means of by-paths to reach the Valley of the Shenandoah. Though he impeded the pursuers by breaking down bridges and felling trees across the road, yet in spite of these obstructions the Union forces overtook him at Carrick's Ford. Garnet here made a stand to confront his indefatigable pursuers. He had taken a strong position on a hill whose base was densely covered by a jungle of laurel bushes ; with him were 2.000 men, and a reserve of 3,000 men in the rear. Rosecrans made a dem- onstration in front at the Ford, while a portion of his men, by a flank movement, groped their way through the jungle and to the top of the hill, and with a shout rushed on the enemy, captured one of the guns commanding the Ford, TiBp ^^^ drove them before them. Garnet behaved with 13. great bravery, but presently fell pierced by a rifle ball. BULL Rxm. 831 Then his men, panic-striclcen, fled in confusion, and reach- PS^?- 1861. ing the reserves in the rear, the panic was communicated to them and they also iied, only one regiment of Georgians making a short stand. These prisoners were treated with great kindness, clothed and fed, and unwisely permitted to simply take the oath of allegiance to the United States Government and then dismissed. Large numbers of these men, violating their oath, were soon found in tlie Confeder- ate ranks. The rebel loss in these conflicts was about 1,500 killed, wounded and prisoners, while the Union loss was only 20 killed and 60 wounded. General McClellau was relieved and ordered to Washing- July ton ; General Eosecrans taking command of the Union ^^■ forces in West Virginia. Preparations were made for a general advance of the troops in the vicinity of Washington early in July. The troops under General Patterson on tbe Upper Potomac ; those under MeClellan — the extreme right — from West Vir- ginia ; and the forces under McDowell extending along the river opposite Washington ; these all were to advance and gradually contract their lines around Eichmond. The plan was General Scott's. General McDowell was to move direct upon Manassas Junction, on the railroad twenty-seven miles from Alexandria,' an important strategic position held by the rebels. General Patterson had ali'eady moved from Chambersburg, Pa., and reached the Potomac and passed over, General Joe Johnston, in command of the Confeder- June ates in the Valley of the Shenandoah, falling back, after destroying what was left of the armory at Harper's Ferry and transferring the machinery to Richmond, there to be used in the service of the rebellion to the close of the war. Patterson also issued his proclamation, promising pro- tection to loyal men and private property, and the troops were enjoined to sujipress any insurrection of the slaves. Euin was found along the pathway of the retreating Con- federate army ; it was they who inaugurated the system of desolating the country through which they passed, nor till 16. 832 HISTORY OF THE AMEEICAN TEOPLE. CHAP, tlie next year was any retaliation practiced by the Federal armies, and tliat but seldom. Pattersoa had about 23,000 men, but he seemed to act without a fixed purpose or design ; for some unexplained reason l)e recrossed the Potomac and fell back to Hagers- is"^ town, lie said in consequence of orders from Washington, and the enemy returned to the soutli side of the rivei-. Then again he crossed the Potomac at WilHamsport, and appeared to hesitate, taking no responsibility. The cam- July paigu seemed aimless. The enemy now fell back beyond 2- Martinsburg toward "Winchester, where Johnston was said to have an army of 15,000 men well supplied v,'ith artillery. Patterson occupied Martinsburg. His orders were to press Johnston and prevent his reinforcing Beauregard at Manas- sas ; but he hesitated, and soon it was discovered that Johnston and his whole army had marched southward, yet July he lingered till he heard of the disaster at Bull Kun. The ^^- Government should have put in command of these troops a regularly educated military officer, and not have risked so much by entrusting them to incompetent hands. Meantime the Union troo])s were moving toward Manas- sas Junction, the enemy inaking but little I'csistanco and falling back till they made a stand at Blackburn's Ford at Bull liun Creek, which they strongly fortified. McDowell resolved to tuin the enemy's position and reach the Manas- sas Gap Railway, and thus intercept reinforcements from Winchester, as he fully expected Puttersou to hold John- ston in check so that he could not bring aid to Beaure- gard. McDowell made his arrangements to flank the enemy by crossing the creek at other fords. Parties sent out to reconnoitre on Saturday reported they had heard steam- whistles and the distant rumblings of railroad trains. It was learned after the battle that these trains had brought a portion of Johnston's forces. . The various divisions of the Union army, but not in 21. perfect concert, advanced to cross the fords. Owing to BULL RUN. 838 want of discipline some of these divisions were behind the £^^j^- time appointed — daylight — to cross the fords nearly three ■ hotirs. Of this want of concert the enemy availed them- selves. They soon discovered the attack in front was a feint, and from that point they withdrew large detachments to be used elsewhere. The contest was a brave one on botli sides, but desultory in the extreme, as might be expected from inexperienced me\i, nine-tenths of whom were going into battle for the first time. In different parts of the field the Confederates were driven from time to time and would recover ; batteries of cannon changed bands more than once. Finally the Federals drove the enemy nearly two miles, and deemed the victoiy won. The Union troops had been in. motion from 3 a.m., and had been fighting from ten o'clock, and at 3 p.m., were resting when they were surprised and suddenly attacked by about 5,000 troops fresh from a train from Winchester. At this crisis the other Confederates, thus encouraged, renewed the conflict with vigor. The Union forces were thrown into con- fusion and retreated in disorder, and being undisciplined could not be as a whole effectually rallied. Yet individual regiments one after another stood in the way and fought gallantly, retarding the advance of the rebels till the strag- glers could retire to the rear. While the soldiers of both armies were inexperienced and but jiartially disciplined, they fought worthy of their fathers. The Union forces lost 481 killed and 1,011 wounded, the Confederates 296 killed and 1,533 wounded. This success of the insurgents made known to the people of the free States that the rebel- lion could only be put down by hard fighting. " Beaure- gard's victory at Manassas Junction insjiired the Confede- rates with such confidence that they had not doubted for a single instant but that the North had received a mortal blow." " But a few men, such as General Lee and General Joe Johnston and others, alone recognized the vital impor- tance of the struggle in which they were engaged, and they 834 HISTORY OF THE AMEEICAK PEOPLE. Lvm' ^^^^^'l ^"^^ t° warn the Southern people against their foolish 1861. imprudence. ' Missouri being a Border State, the people were much divided, but the majority were in favor of the union, especially miglit this be said of the entire German popula- tion. Governor Jackson had fled from the capital at Jef- June ferson City after issuing a flaming proclamation calling for 13. 50,000 men to repel thfe invaders, meaning the U. S. troops under Captain Lyon. The Govenior liad slipped oS up the river with steamers laden with the State ordnance. The energetic Lyon went in pursuit in steamers the same evening, and sent troops by land in tlie same direction to seize railroads and protect bridges and to intercept the fugi- tive governor and .his adherents, the main body moving to Rolla, the then terminus of the South Pacific railway. Lyon first .stopped at the capital and installed a Military Governor, Colonel Boernstein, then with three steamers, on board of which were troops and field artillery, he continued the pursuit, landing near Booneville, a few miles below where Jackson and Sterling Price, a former governor of the State, had made an entrenched camp, and had a motley crowd, composed largely of the " Border rufiians " we have seen in the Kansas diflBculties. After landing Lyon marched at once to as.sault the camp, but met the enemy on their way to oppose his landing ; he immediately attacked them and after a few minutes they fled, taking refuge in their camp ; this they also soon abandoned, scattering in J all directions. About 40 of them were killed and great 17. numbers made prisoners. Jackson and Price both fled toward the South, where they expected to join troops from Arkansas and Texas under General Eains and the famous Texan ranger, Ben McCullough. Lyon was sadly in waut of reinforcements, but as all the troops were at that time sent to protect Washington, he was compelled to pursue the enemy with insufficient force. ' Childe'8 Life of Lee, p. 60. THE REBEL RETREAT — SIGEL's MASTERLY RETRiiAT. 835 1861. He sent forward Colonel Franz Sigel, who soon arrived at chap. Springfield, in the south-western portion of the State ; thence he advanced rapidly toward Carthage, to find all tlie insurgents united under Jackson, Price, and other chiefs. Though the enemy numbered 5,500 and a battery of five guns, and Sigel's force only 1,500 men and eight guns, two of wliieh were twelve pounders, yet he did not hesitate to attack. He found them drawn up on a rising ground on the prairie ; that morning they expected, as they expressed it, "to wipe out the Dutch hirelings." The battle com- menced and the centre guns of the rebels were soon silenced, and they pulled down the secession flag and raised that of the State ; upon this Sigel's men were unwilling to fire. Presently the rebel cavalry, being very numerous, began to outflank the Unionists and Sigel fell back to protect his train. He held the enemy in check, pouring in at the proper moment " a shower of canister and shrr.pnel shell" until he reached Springfield, in spite of the hordes of enemies around him. .The next day the insurgents were reinforced by about 5,000 Texans under Ben McCullough. Five days after the battle General Lyon arrived at Spring- field, which place tlio enemy almost surrounded. The Missouri State Convention, largely composed of Union men, took action by electing provisional State offi- July 'cers. The people of the State respected the authority of the convention. General Lyon ascertained that the enemy, 23,000 strong, were concentrating at Wilson's Ci-eek ten miles south of Springfield, and were preparing some onward movement. He resolved to anticipate them. The entire Federal force marched from their entrenchments at Springfield in two divisions — the one under Lyon, the otlier under Sigel — to surprise the enemy before they made their advance. Lyon was to attack the front at daylight, and Sigel the rear at Aug the same time Both were prompt, and one of the fiercest battles thus far began ; in front the enemy were driven from the field. Lyon greatly exposed himself and was wounded 836 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Evm.' twice. The enemy rallied tin J made a desperate effort to re . „. gaiu what they had lost but were most severely repulsed by the cool determination of the lowans, who lying close on the brow of a hill let their foe come within 40 feet before firing upon them. They recoiled in confiisiou and finally fell back down the hill. It was seen that tlicy were about to make another attempt, and Lyon desired his men to charge bayonets as soon as they liad discharged tiieir pieces. " Wlio will lead us?" exclaimed the men. " I will myself," said the general. "Come on. my brave men." The enemy came np but only fired and did not wait for tlie bayonet charge but fled down the hill. General Lyon was killed by this dis- charge. He was universally regretted, being one of tlie most accomplished officers in the United States Army. Meantime General Sigel was also successful in driving the enemy before him, but was at length greatly out- numbered by a rebel force retreating from the front and compelled to retreat, losing five cannons, three of which the soldiers spiked. This was a drawn battle. The Union army lost 263 killed and 731 wounded ; the rebels, 421 killed and more than a thousand wounded. The Union army under Major Sturgis fell back to Springfield, and finally to Eolla, the terminus of the railway, holding the enemy at bay, who now overran Southern Missouri, driving the Union •men from their homes and inllaging tlie people generally. ' General J. 0. Fremont assumed command in Missouri about the last of July. Tlie rebels pushed their line of devastation up to Lex- ington on the Missouri Eiver. This place was defended in the most heroic manner by Colonel Mulligan and his " Lish Brigade"— of 2,640 men, — but finally, when the enemy increased to nearly 20,000, he surrendered. This was but a Oct. barren victory, as the rebels were compelled to retreat rap- idly toward the south, pursued by Fremont, who, after commencing the fortification of St. Louis, and organizing ' the forces already in the State and those collected at h.is call from other State?, had taken the field (Sept. 26) himself. IG THE I^ISH BRIGADE — A PROCLAMATION'. 837 Fremont was crippled for want of transportation, arms, £^|^p- clotlilng-, and men. Yet, at a critical moment came to him an order from the Secretary of War and General Scott "to send 5,000 well-armed infantry to Washington without a moment's delay." Fremont, too, had issued a proclama- tion, in which he had declared the Stale under martial law ; threatening, among the penalties, the freedom of the insurgents' slaves. The latter clause offended those of the Union men who owned slaves, and at the suggestion of President Lincoln he modified that clause to read, "all slaves who have been employed on rebel military works." -^^^^ But it raised a clamor among the politicians that did not 12. cease till Fremont was suspended, when General Halleck assumed command of the " Department of the West." Fremont's career at tlie West was brief — only one hun- dred days; but, being a man of military instincts and ^^J*' training, he showed in that time a sagacity which was not allowed fair practical development. In that brief time he was the iirst to suggest and inaugurate the following jirac- tices, then widely decried, but without which the war would not have been successfully concluded : the free use of cavalry (strongly opposed by General Scott and others) ; exchange of prisoners with the enemy; fortification of large cities, to allow armies to take the field ; building of river gun-boats for interior operations at the West; and, the emancipation of the slaves. In short, he contributed more than is generally credited to him. After the Union disaster at Bull Eun the rebel authori- ties endeavored to regain West Virginia; sending a large force under Henry A. Wise and John B. Floyd. The latter was defeated by Eosecrans at Carnifex Fcriy on Gauley Eiver, but under favor of darkness fled, liis men leaving all their munitions except what they could carry. General •Eobert E. Lee was sent with 9,000 men to drive the Fed- erals from Cheat Mountain, but after several conflicts he ^'P^ was defeated and compelled to retreat east. Kentucky in a recent election for Members of Congress 838 HISTOKT OF THE AMEKICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, had shown herself loyal by a majority of 55,000 ; though her Governor, MacGoflBn, was a secessionist, and so was jyl ■ General Buckner, the commander of the State Guards. 1. The latter, treacherously betraying his trust, went over to the support of the rebellion. John 0. Breckenridge, who was in the United States Senate, and so much exercised because President Lincoln, as he argued, had violated the Constitution in calling out the 75,000 men to enforce the laws, threw all his influence in favor of the enemy, thus more than usual corrupting the loyalty of the young men of the State. Sept. qijig Legislature met and passed laws over the Governor's veto to furnish money to arm the State against invasion on either side, and preserve her neutrality ; that pliautom soon . vanished. A hostile force advanced from Tennessee, and taking possession fortified two points on the Ohio river — Hickman and Chalk Bluffs. On the same day General Zol- licoffer, with an army occupied Cumberland Gap, in the eastern part of tlie State, intending thereby to cut off the Union men of East Tennessee from aid either from Ken- tuclcy or tlie Federal army.. This eonceiied movement made it plain to the most obtuse that the Confederates, as had been their selfish plan, were, in order to save the "Cotton States," about to make the Border States the battle-field. General U. S. Grant, who was in command at Cairo, 111., at the mouth of the Ohio, immediately telegraphed the fact of the rebel invasion to the Kentucky Legislature, then ia session. That body at once passed a resolution inviting General Robert Anderson, of Sumter memory, to enter upon his duties in the " Department of Kentucky," to which he had been assigned by President Lincoln. Thus far there were no United States troops stationed in the State, and the only soldiers were enlisted Kentuckians. Grant did not wait for orders, but at once passed over 6^ ' into Kentucky, landing at Paducah ; issuing a proclama- tion, as was the custom in those days, to the effect that he grant's advance — LOTALTT — CONGRESS. 8S9 had come to protect the people and aid them in driving the PSf^- hostile invaders from the State. General Anderson assumed command, and the Legisla- . ture called out "for defense against the invaders" 40,000 men, and by law disfranchised those Kentuckians who had voluntarily joined the enemy if they did not return to then- oQ ' allegiance to the State. The neutrality of Kentucky was at an end. The disaster at Bull Run rendered the people of the free States intensely anxious ; fears were entertained of a rapid advance on Wasliington itself. That such an advance was not made is due to tlie opposition of JefEerson Davis, who thought tlie measure premature. At this crisis tlie terms of the first men called out were about to expire, and now a call was made for men to serve tliree years. The new rousing of the patriotism of the loyal North was sub- lime : regiments came into existence as if raised by magic ; even the sympathizers with the rebellion cowered before the enthusiasm and determination evoked to repel the advance of the insurgents ; yet they continued to the end to dis- parage evei;y loyal victory and exaggerate every defeat. Congress was equal to the emergency ; they joassed a bill authorising the enlisting of 500,000 men and appropriated 500,000,000 dollars, to carry on the war. They also passed an act confiscating all slaves used by the rebels for military Aug. purposes ; all slaves within the Federal lines were to be em- ployed upon the works and paid as day laborers. General Butler had applied the term "Contraband of war" to the slaves escaping from their masters to his army at Fortress Monroe ; although orders had been issued that such runa- ways should be restored, he delayed to comply with the order. Great care was taken by tlie National Government to conciliate the slave owners, but without success. Gen. McClellan entered upon his duties with commend- ^"2- able zeal ; Washington was fortified thoroughly, there being no less than thirty-tivo forts constnicted at different points 8i0 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Lvm' '^^^ garrisoned. But bis great work was to bring order out of disorder, to discipline the numerous new soldiers that Oct.' liad crowded by steamboat and railway to the capital. 15- This great work he was fully competent to perform, and it was as fully accomplished. By the middle of October he had 150,000 men under his immediate command. No advances were made, except reconnoiteriug expeditions to ascertain the positions of the enemy and their designs. The Confederates, under General Evans, made a feint of evacuating Leesburg, in order to draw some one of these reconnoiteriug parties into an ambuscade. General Stone was in command in that vicinity. He ordered Colonel Baker to cross the Potomac and try the enemy, for it was well known that Leesburg was well fortified. The crossing was made, but the enemy remained quiet until the Federals were within their power. Tlien occurred a terrific battle ^^'- and slaughter, compared witb tiie numbers engaged — and Ball's Bluff disaster is the saddest of the wai\ General Stone sent an order to Colonel Baker warning him of danger, as the enemy were reported to be in strong force. This order was given to Baker on the battle-field, who asked tlie bearer what it was. The answer was, '" All right, go ahead." Colonel Baker put the order in his hat without reading it, and went "ahead" straight into the trap laid for liim by the cunning enemy. After the battle the order was found in the colonel's hat, stained with his own blood. Lieutenant-General Scott asked to be placed on the retired list, on account of bis age and infirmities. This request was granted. The President and his Cabinet going to the general's quarters to respectfully bid him farewell as Oct commander-in-chief of the armies of the Republic. General McClellan was appointed to succeed him, and he at once assumed command. A combined naval and land expedition was planned at Fortress Monroe, where the veteran General Wool was now in command — Butler having been relieved and ordered to active duty. A fleet of three frigates, fifty guns each, and 1861. HATTERAS EXPEDITION. 841 four vessels of smaller size, besides transports and tug-boats 5^^^- to carry the laud force. No person knew the destination, except a few of the ofMcers, till the expedition was fully out at sea. The fleet was under Commodore Stringham, and the land forces under General Butler. The object was to capture and hold the two forts — Hattcras and Clark — at the entrance of Pamlico and Albemarle Sounds, in order to break up the contraband trade by which English blockade runners supplied the insurgents with munitions of war, in exchange for tar, turi3entine and cotton. Fort Hatter'as was a very strong battery, nearly sur- rounded by water ; Fort Clark, 700 yards distant, was not as strong. Almost on their arrival the frigates opened on -*-"£• the forts, while the transports landed their men some four miles distant. Hatteras replied with spirit, but wildly, and the Union frigates poured in their solid shot and shell, literally tearing the fort to pieces. Toward evening a storm arose and the vessels were forced to withdraw to the ofHng ; in the morning the weather was clear and the frigates opened again upon Fort Hatteras. Meantime, the land forces occupied Fort Clark, whicli the enemy had aban- doned. At 11 A.M.. a white flag was run up on Fort Hatteras ; both forts were unconditionally surrendered. More tlian GOO prisoners were taken, while not a Union soldier was injured. For a number of days the men amused themselves in capturing English blockade runners, who, not having -learned of tlie capture, entered the inlet as usual. The blockade was enforced as much as possible along the coast, with its multitude of inlets and harbors, some of which had one or two entrances. Two months later a simiUir expedition set out from Fortress Monroe. Commodore Dupont commanded the navy, and General Thomas "W". Sherman the land forces. This expedition consisted of seventy-seven vessels, of all classes^— steamers and sailers, steam-tugs, and ocean steam- ers as transports, and fifteen gunboats and one steam .frigate, the Wabash. Among the gi'cat ocean steamers was 84:2 HisTOKy OF the ameeicak people. caiVJ'. tlie VanderbiU, afterward presented to the Government by '- Cornelius Vanderbilt. These vessels were nearly all volun- Oh" tsers — the ship-owners were not behind in their sacrifices 39. for the cause. The whole expedition moved from Fortress Monroe ; its destination was not generally known till it arrived oflE Port Royal, South Carolina, the finest harbor on the South Atlantic coast. After some unavoidable delays the gunboats and the Wahash were ready for the bombard- ment of the forts on each side of the channel. The vessels jfov_ moved in an ellipse. As they passed up the stream they '''• poured in a deadly fire of solid shot and shell on the forts on one side of the channel, tlien as they returned paid their respects to the forts on the other side ; the most promi- nent,- Hilton Head, was deemed invulnerable. The vessels thus moving passed in and out of the range of the rebel guns. The Wabash came within sis hundred yards of Hilton Head, while the gunboats of smaller draft came close in shore and enfiladed the enemy's works. The Con- federates could not stand the storm, but leaving everything fled to the woods. The bombardment lasted four hours. The Federals captured about forty pieces of ordnance, mostly of the heaviest caliber and of the most ajiproved patterns, and an immense quantity of ammimition. The Tillage of Beaufort was occupied. It was made the hospital headquarters during the war for that section, and a resting- place for the sick soldiers, weakened so much by tlie debili- tating influence of the climate, i^ter the capture of Hilton Head and the adjacent islands the enemy began to burn the cotton, lest it should fall into the hands of the XTnion soldiers. Tlie whole heavens were lighted uj) night after night by the raging fires. The unanimity with which the people of the free States responded to the calls of the Government, both for men and money, was truly marvelous. From April 15, 1861, when Mr. Lincoln's proclamation was issued, to August 15th, more than 500,000 volunteers had answered to these calls. Of these 375,000 were actually in the field. The COMPOSITION OF UNION ARMIES. Hio Government, from the first, determined to depend upon the ?M^- people theraselve.-, not only for soldiers, but for the means to defray the expenses of the war. In strictness there was not a mci-cmary in the Union armies ; there were those of foreign birth, but they were either citizens by adoption and oath of allegiance, or had declared, according to law, their intention to become citizens ; they received pay for their services, which was just and proper. When the call for money was made, the banks of the principal cities imme- diately loaned the govemmeut fifty million dollars. Then the appeal was made to the people at large, who could sub- scribe in small sums according to their ability. The rapid- ity with which this loan was taken proved the earnest loyalty as well as the inielligcnce of the people of the free States. The interest on this loan was at the rate of seven and thrcc-tcuths per cent., or two cents a day on $100. To raise more revenue a heavy tariff was imposed on foreign merchandise and manufactures. The result was great devel- opment in the manufacturing industries of the land, and an abundance of employment given to those of moderate means, whose only capital was their skill and hands. Never bcfoie did they move so energetically in their industrial pursuits. On a dark and stormy night one of the English blockade ninners, the steamer Theodora, slipped out of Charleston harbor, having on board John M. Mason of Viiginia, axi- thor of the fugitive slave law of 1850, and John fSlidell, of Louisiana, as special envoys to Great Britain and f i-ance. They were landed at Cardenas, Cuba ; thence made their way to Havana, where they went aboard tlie English mail steamer Trent. Captain Charles Wilkes of the United States steam sloop of war San Jacinto, and who, when a lieutenant, had commanded a voyage of scientific discovery -^ round the world, overhauled the Trent and demanded the 8. ■ envoys, who were delivered up to him. Captain Wilkes called at Fortress Monroe, sent his dispatches to Wasliington, and then steamed for New York, where he received orders to send the envo3's to Fort Warren, in Boston harbor, at which su HISTOET OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. 1861. UHAP. place they were delivered. The news of this capture caused LVIII. i •' i uuiDrecedented excitement tlirougliout the land. The peo- ple, with the greatest enthusiasm, aj)i:)roved the action of Captain Wilkes. But tlie absorbing question arose, what will be the result ? Captain Wilkes justified himself, show- ing his authority from writers on international law, but more from English precedent. It was well known that our war with England in 1812 arose in part from the fact that English cruisers assumed the right to board neutral ships on the high seas and search them for articles contraband of war. Wilkes deemed the envoys contraband. The United States Government had always denied the right, and fought to maintain its op^wsite. Tlie British Government, in cour- teous terms, due to the influence of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert, who both sympathized with the North in the rebellion, demanded the release of the envoys. They were returned more in accordance with the American idea that it was wrong to seize neutral vessels on the high seas than from precedent derived from British custom. Indeed before the demand came the matter had been amicably arranged between Lord Lyons, the British Minister, and Mr. Seward, the Secretary of State. As Captain Wilkes, who was on his return from a three years' cruise, liad arrested these men without orders, tlie act was disavowed, and no cause of war remained. Meantime great excitement prevailed in En- gland. War preparations were made in great haste, and troops were sent to Canada. The disappointment of the Confederate authorities was almost unbounded. Tliey had hoped it would lead at least to a collision with England, and pei-haps to their material aid. King Cotton had already failed them, and now they were to derive no benefit from the capture of the envoys. The enemy under Bishop Leonidas Polk, who had been made a Major-General, held a strongly fortified position at Columbus, Kentucky ; on the other side of the river, at Belmont in Missouri, was a well fortified camp. General Grant, then at Caii'o, resolved to break up the latter, as BATTLE OF BELMONT. 845' from there expeditious could be easily sent into Missouri or fHAP, up or down the river. With about 3,000 men aboard steam- 1 ftfil ers and escorted by tlie gunboats Tyler and Lexington, tlie -^^^' Union soldiers landed four miles above Belmont and at once 7. took u}) their march toward the encampment. In about a mile tliey fell in with tlie enemy and drove them "foot by foot and from tree to tree back to their encampment on the river's bank, a distance of over two miles;" as they drew near, suddenly was heard firing and cheers on the rear of the enemy. The lUinoisians, under Colonel Napoleon B. Buford, had made a detour rapidly and were now closing in ; a combined movement was made upon three sides of the enemy's works, which were soon in possession of tlie Union forces; "The rebels passing over the river bank and into their transports in quick time." The object was accom- l)lished ; Grant destroyed all the munitions and jiroperty of the camp, and th.en fell back to his transports. Meantime Polk had sent troops to attack tlie Federals on their way back but without success. Bishop Polk reported ; " It was a hard fought battle lasting from half past ten a.m. to five p.m;" he judged Grant's force to be 7,000 strong. The Federals lost 84 killed and 288 wounded ; the enemy's loss was never accurately known. The enemy had taken possession of Cumberland Gap to prevent the Unionists of East Tennessee from being aided by United States troops. The Union men of that section displayed the most heroic patriotism of any portion of the country ; and the Confederate authorities thought it of the highest importance to prevent that section being occupied by Union forces, lest they should cut in twain " The Empire of the South." General William T. Sherman, who had succeeded Anderson in Kentucky, was of the same opinion, but .the authorities at Washington seemed to think other- wis'e. If that point had been occupied in force, communi- cation with Cincinnati and the North could have been kept open. The persecutions and outrages inflicted upon the 8i6 HISTORY OF THE AMEKICAX PEOPLE. CHAP. Union men were fiercer in East Tennessee than in any por- LVIII. . •' '■ • tion East of the Missjssippi. j^^y' General Biiell assumed command in Kentucky, and ho 15. withdrew the Union forces from the eastern portion of the State as a large rebel force was reported to be in the vicinity of Bowling Green, an important and strategic point, and that tlieir intention was to move North and capture Louis- ville, and a strenous effort must be made to drive tbem from the State. The Union men of the State turned out nobly in aid of the cause more than 18,000 who never flinched in in battle ; and yet the State had furnished many thousands of misguided young men to the very army which was now invading and pillaging their native State. In the eastern poi'tion of tlic State a series of skiruiislies had taken jjlacc in whicli the rebels were generally woi^ted and driven from point to point, but finally they concentrated under General Zollicoffer, and made an attack on tlie Union forces under General Thomas at Logan's farm — this battle is known as that of Mill Spring, thougli tinit was eight miles distant. , "• General Thomas had made his arrangements to attack tlie rebels in their entrenciunents ; but the enemy them- selves had thought to attack Thomas in a similar manner. They, accordingly, left their entrenchments after dark on a Saturday night, and the next morning at seven o'clock drove in the Federal pickets. Word was speedily given tha^ the enemy were in force, and in less thnn half an hour the Union soldiers were in line of battle, a detachment, meanwhile, holding the foe in clieck. The conflict was severe, and the lines wavered hack and forth for honrs. Tlie Confederates had protected themselves by an extempor- ized bulwark of fence rails and a barn. Between them and the woods where the Federal soldiers were, was an open field. Colonel McCook determined to capture these defenses, .and he ordered the Ninth Ohio, Germans, to fix bayonets ; tlien moving along the front, he shouted. " My invincible Ger- mans, charge!" A moment afterward the whole regiment was in the open field, and with shouts rnshed upon the REBEL FINAIfCES — SLATEET AGAIST IN COKGEESS. 847 1861. enemy, who lingered for a moment as if bewildered, and £^^?- then fled. The Union troops with cheers advanced the whole line, and their defeat was complete; nor did they stop till they reached their eutrenehments, eight miles dis- tant. The Union forces pushed on, and late in the after- noon commenced a sharp cannonade. Night came on, and Thomas made preparation to assault in tiie morning. At daylight the ramparts were scaled, but not a man was to be seen. The night before the enemy had fled silently, leaving everything in their camp, lest the noise of destroying their munitions should betray their design. Their commander. General Zollicoffer, had been killed, and they were com- pletely demoralized and abandoned all tlieir fortifications in that region. The way was now open to occupy Cumberland and Pound Gaps, and an entrance into East Tennessee, so much dreaded by the Confederate authorities ; but General Thomas was ordered to cooperate with the Federal advance toward Bowling Green and Nashville. Jefferson Davis sent in a special message to the Confed- erate Congress. This document was evidently designed to produce a cestaiu effect, especially in England and France, to whose courts he had just sent the two envoys. Every ^97- conflict thus far had resulted in a glorious victory for the rebels ; not a word was said of the progress of the Federal cause in Missouri, Kentucky, and West Virginia ; not a word of the capture of Hatteras, or Hilton Head, or Beau- fort. The cotton-spinners of England were kindly admon- ished that the blockade might diminish the supply of that article. He proclaimed that the financial system adopted had worked well, when the general impression was tliat "their National Loan and the Cotton and Produce Loan" were failures. The question of the slave came more directly than usual before Congress on its assembling. A change was in prog- j)ec. ress among thinking minds in the free States in respect to 2. his position in this contest. He was used by the nation's 848 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, enemies to build fortifications, to raise corn and cotton, to support and protect the families of those who were in the 186'* armies of the rebellion. He had been happilj' characterized as a "contraband" of war; yet commanders in the field had usually treated him as a slave, and in some instances, when a fugitive in the Union army, he had been restored to, liis master when the latter was disloyal. The annual repor'" of the Secretary of War, Mr. Cameron, farored negro eman- cipation, and remuneration to the loyal slave owners. The same re2)ort stated that the total number in the army was : infantry, 568,383; cavalry, 59,398; artillery, 34,686; rifles and sharpshooters, 8,395; engineers, 107. In the aggregate, 660,971, of which 30,334 were of the reg- ular army. The rebel army numbered about 350.000 men. There is no data for an accurate estimate, as they usually exaggerated their numbers before a battle and depreciated them afterward. Around Washington an army of about 300,000 was drilling during the summer and the entire autumn, and no doubt was as well disciplined as any such body of men could be. Tlie people became impatient that this numerous and well appointed army should lie idle so long; and the sol- diers themselves became equally impatient. The roads were in perfect order for an advance on the enemy, and the weather all that could be wished. The enemy were almost in sight, flaunting their flags and holding their entrench- ments, while their newsjmpers sneered at the want of energy in the Union commander. In other portions of the country the Union generals made advances and were successful in West Virginia, Missouri and Kentuck}', but " All is quiet on the Potomac "had passed into a proverb. The enemy went deliberately into winter quarters in the vicinity of Ccntreville and along the upper Potomac. The peoi^le began to feel there was something mysterious in this delay. Jan. The President appointed Edwin M. Stanton Secretary of 1^- War in place of Mr. Cameron, resigned. Tlic new Secre- tary, by liis untiring energy and intense loyalty, was most FORT HEXRT CAPTTEED. 849 efiBcieut in promoting tlie Union cause ; stern and inflexible ?5^?- in character, obedient only to the dictates of duty. It was planned, when the stage of water in the Ten- nessee and the Cumberland would admit of the free passage of the gunboats, to penetrate the Confederacy along these rivers, and thus turn the strongholds of the enemy at Colum- bus, on the Mississippi, and at Bowling Green, in Southern Kentucky. Captain A. H. Foote had been detailed from the United States Navy to command the western flotilla of gunboats. These boats were of somewhat different con- struction from the ocean-going, being flat-bottomed and not plated so heavily ; indeed some of them, from the lightness of their armor, were jocosely styled "tin-clads." Grant bad about 30,000 men gathered at Cairo, Paducah and Bird's Point. R^connoissances, which had sorely distracted the enemy, both by land and water, ascertained the positions of their fdrces. At length the expedition was ready to move ; ten regi- F^''- ments, with their artillery and cavalry, embarked on transports at Cairo. The steamers headed up stream to Paducah, at the mouth of the Tennessee, and up that river. The Confederates now learned that Fort Heniy was to be attacked. Captain Foote, with his gunboats, bore the steamers company. Four miles below the fort the troops under General ilcCleniand disembarked, Foote meanwhile shelling the woods in search of the enemy. The following day transports brought more troops and General Grant. Captain Foote wished the attack to be deferred for a day, so that the fort could be so invested as to secure the prisoners, assuming that he himself could subdue the fort before the troops could get in position. The gunboats had not yet been tried, and both Grant and his oflScers evidently did not have the faith in them that the captain had. Feb. Prompt at the hour, 11 a. m.. General McClernand moved ®' to throw his division on the road leading from Fort Henry to Fort Donelson on the Cumberland, Captain Foote also 850 HISTOET OF THE AMEEICAN PEOPLE. Lvm. moved at the same time, and passing up on the west side of -„ an island, through a channel carelessly left unobstructed by the enemy, suddenly came into the river near the fort. The gunboats took their iiosition and began to throw shots and shells, and api^roached nearer and nearer ; so terrible ■was the storm that the earthworks crumbled away and nearly one half of the fort's guns were dismounted, and the infantry supports of the artillery fled, the insurgent flag was hauled down and the fort suiTendered unconditionally. Only 130 prisoners were secured, the remainder escaped, as the Union forces were not yet iu position to capture them, for, true to his word, Poote had subdued the fort in one hour and fifte'en minutes. The astonisliment at the success of the gunboats was as great among the army and its officers as the wholesome dread with which they inspired the Con- federates. Unfortunately the boiler of the Essex gunboat was struck by a cannon ball, and the issuing steam scalded twenty-four of the men and killed four instantly, otherwise the boats were scarcely injuj-cd. The captain sent gunboats in pursuit of tiie steamers, which they overtook and destroyed, and also transports laden with supplies for the enemy. They ascended to Florence, Ala., making clean work of :ill war material on the riA'er. The Union gunboats, at almost every point, were \velcomed by the people. Captain Foote returned on the evening of the battle to Cairo, to repair damages to the boats and prepare for the expedition against Fort Donelson. Fort Donelson was on the west bank, and twelve miles easf of Fort Henry. Tlie Confederates deemed it of the greatest importance to hold this place. Thither General Sidney A. Johnston had sent troops under John B. Floyd and Buckner, the former having chief command. The main fort stood on a gradually rising hill ; the top, or plateau, contained about one hundred acres. The crest of this plateau was encircled by rifle pits, and artillery com- manded every approach, and it was deemed impregnable by FORT DONELSON. 851 the enemy. West and soutli of the fort were hills densely chap. wooded and filled with ravines. Grant moved from Fort Henry and invested Dorielson Yeb on the afternoon of the same day. The next day were 12. iierce artillery duels; sharpshooters on both sides were busy ; desperate sorties by the enemy were repulsed ; and an equally desperate attempt to capture a battery that annoyed the Union army was made by McClernand's order, but after a heroic effort failed. The next morning Captain Foote came up with sis gun- peb. boats, and at 2 p. m. commenced the bombardment of the ^^ fort. The boats came within 350 yards of the water bat- tery. For more than an hour the battle raged. Only two of the enemy's guns were able to reply, when a chance shot cut the tiller chain of the Louisville. The boat veered round and exposed her side, and anotlier such shot broke the rudder post, and she was carried helplessly down the current. Encouraged by this mishap, the enemy directed all their fire on the St. Louis, the flag boat, a heavy battery on the hill joining in. The St. Louis was soon as helpless as the Louisville, one of her side wheels being broken by a solid shot, and she too floated down the stream after having been struck fifty-nine times. An assault had been intended all along the enemy's line when the fleet had silenced the guns in the water forts. After the result was known General Grant consulted with Foote, and it was deemed best to repair the gunboats and wait for the mortar floats, that were not in readiness when Foote left Cairo at the peremptory command of Halleck. Meantime the enemy became alarmed lest they should be so hemmed in that they could not escape, and they resolved to cut their way out by dislodging tlieir besiegers. Accord- ingly at dawn of day the nest morning they moved out in three divisions, intending to converge to one point of Feb. attack on the Federal right next the river ; but they unex- pectedly found the Union army prepared in front of their own earthworks, and before they were formed in line 852 HISTOET OF THE AMEBICAlf PEOPLE. CHAP, of battle they were attacked and held in check, but only — to make another attempt, and thus on the south side of the 1862. j^j.j^ .^.j^g conflict waged for five hours. Eegiment after regiment of these inexperienced Union soldiers took their jjlaces and remained till their ammunition was exhausted, and they were relieved by fresh troops. Many of these when their cartridges failed begged to be led in a bayonet charge against the enemy. Such was the spirit of this whole army. The battle for tlie most part was fought in a forest with a dense undergrowth, which much impeded rapid movements. The Confederates thus far had made desjjcrate aggressive attemj^ts. Now Grant, who had been absent holding a consultation with Captain Foote, in turn determined to assault tlieir lines, and he ordered the Federals, about one p.m., to carry the enemy's position by assault. This was most handsomely done, the enemy being driven at the point of the bayonet to their inner works. Ou the Federal right a similar assault was made, with the same result. The Union army licld all their advanced positions during the night, and were preparing to renew the attack in tlio morning. This gloomy night was passed in bringing witliin the Union lines the wound- ed, scattered over a space of two miles and a half. The Union soldiers and the Confederates fared alike, being cared for with equal kindness. There was evidently commotion in the enemy's camp. In tlie morning, when the Union lines advanced at daylight to the assault, numerous muskets were held up along their ramparts displaying white flags. The advance halted, and General Buckner desired to negotiate. He was left in command ; Floyd and Pillow had slipped off up the river witli some of their followers on board a transport, and left Buckner to bear the stigma of surrendering. He wished for an armistice and terms of capitulation. General Grant refused the request, and replied, " No terms except uncon- ditional and immediate surrender can be accepted ; I pur- pose to move immediately on your works." Buckner at DONELSON CAPTUEED. 853 once surrendered. The number of prisoners was nearly ?^ap. 14.,000, aud their killed aud wounded 1,300 ; and all the guns and military stores, an immense amount. This vic- tory sent dismay into the Confederacy, while the rejoicings in the loyal States were great. The actiyity and energy of the Western undrilled armies were contrasted with the inactivity aud discipline that reigned around Washington. Immediately after this capture the enemy evacuated Bowling Green aud moved toward Nashville, which place tliey merely passed through, destroying the railroad suspen- sion bridge over the Cumberland, one of the finest in the country — an unnecessary destruction of property, as its ruin could not impede the Union army. The Legislature ^^^• with the Governor left in haste. The beautiful city was occupied by Federal forces and order restored. That stronghold Columbus, on tlie Mississippi, was also evacu- 05 ated on the receipt of the news of the fall of Fort Don- elson. CHAPTER LIX. LlNCOLlf's ADMINISTRATION— CONTINUED. Burnside'a Expedition to North Caroliua— Capture of Newbern— Bat- tle of Pea Ridge— Capture of New Madrid and Island No 10— Battle of Pittsburg Landing or Sbiloh— Capture of New Oileans— Death of Admiral Foote— Battle of river iron cladg— Capture of Mem- phis—Evacuation of Corinth— Plans of movements on Rich- mond—The Merrimac and Monitor duel. CHAP LIX. ' On the Atlantic coast a naval and land expedition under jggg Commander Goldsboro and General A. E. Burnside was fitted out, against Roanoke Island — the scene of Sir Walter Raleigh's colony' — and to make a demonstration on the coast of North Carolina, to encourage the Union men, and also create a diversion south of Richmond and Norfolk. In approaching Albemarle Sound the rebel fleet and an earthwork known as Fort Barton were encouuted ; the enc- jny's fleet soon retired out of harm's way, and Goldsboro opened upon the fort, but was not .ible to reduce it after a bombardment of some hours. During the night the troops g • landed, and in the morning, under General Foster, moved to the attack over a swampy and difScult way. On the march they came upon a battery, protected by a swamp on either side ; Foster flanked the battery right and left, and when the Union soldiers came out upon their rear flanks, the enemy threw down their arms and fled. This success was ' Hist, pp. uo, m. KOANOKE — CAPTURE OF NEWBEKN'. 855 followed up and their entire force — about 3,000 — on the '^^^• island of Roanoke was captured. Burnside issued the usual proclamation, promising pro- tection to those engaged in their usual avocatious and enjoining the Union soldiers not to injure private property on their march. Roanoke Island became the base of opera- tions ; and from it were sent out mauy exjjeditions which essentially interfered with the English blockade runners by seizing harbors and filling channels of approach. The most important capture of Newbern on the Neuse lY' was accomi)lished by a combined laud and naval force. The troops landed 17 miles below the town, and marched up the road along the river bank and a railway track from Beau- fort, the gunboats by their shells keeping the enemy at a respectful. distance. About three miles below the town was found a formidable fieldwork, which promised to ofEer much resistance. This fortification was flanked by a swamp and Burnside sent a detachment round, while he pressed the enemy in front ; the detachment appeared on the flank, but the Confederates held their ground until a Rhode Island regiment, on the run, charged bayonet and changed the tide of battle ; other Union troops pressed on and the ront was complete. A portion of the fleeing enemy readied a train of cara and carried the news of defeat to Newbern. ,, Mai'. There, as was their custom, they began to burn a bridge 14. and all the rosin and turpentine, and the steamers at the wharf, two of which were saved by the United States gun- boats. The enemy had wantonly set the town on fire, but the citizens with aid from the United States Marines snc- ceded in putting it out, though not until the best Hotel and the Court House and many private residences were con- sumed. General Foster was installed as Military Governor in Newbern. Other places in the vicinity were captured, such as Beau- fo{t and Washington, on Pamlico River. Fort Macon, a strong fortification built by the United States Government to protect the harbor of Beaufort, was reduced after a bom- 1862. 856 HISTOKT OF THE A3IEEICAX PEOPLE. CH^. bardment of eleven hours. This secured the blockading fleet one of the finest and safest harbors on the coast. Major-General S. E. Curtis was directed by General Hal- leck to drive the rebels, Price and Eaius and theii- hordes, out of Missouri into Arkansas. Curtis was soon on the ^' march toward Springfield, where Price and his band had been for some time. The latter took the alarm and hastily retreated South, Curtis pursuing and the enemy retreat- ing, till at length they reached the Boston Mountains. Curtis learned that they were concentratiug against him under General Van Dorn, whose army numbered about 34,000 men ; of these Ben McCullough had 13,000— out- numbering the Union army more than four to one. These made attacks ou the various Federal divisions as they came up, bat were always repulsed. At length they concentrated at Pea Ridge in Arkansas, and the enemy advanced to give battle, which raged all day on the Federal right with Mar. scarcely a cessation. Tlie ground was hilly and covered ''• with thick underbrush and broken up by ravines. On the left wing the contest was equally stubborn, but more varied in result. Ben McCullough made a desperate assault upon Colonel Oesterhans, of Sigel's division, but Curtis ordered up Davis's troops to the Colonel's aid, and the combined force drove the enemy headloug from the field, they leaving dead their commandiug generals, Mcintosh and Ben McCul- lough — the latter the master-spirit of their army. Success had also crowned the left wing. During the night both armies lay on their arms ; the Union soldiers resting for the first time in two days' marching and sleepless nights. At sunrise tbe battle was renewed, and raged most of the day along the whole line, nearly three miles ; Sigel handling his artillery with wonderful rapidity and effect. Every attempt to break the Union line was foiled. For more than two hours this continued, when Sigel began to advance his part of the line ; the enemy sought shelter ^n the woods, but the Federals charged through their shelter and drove them with the bayonet to an open field beyond. ISLA>.-D xo. 10. 857 ■when tbey broke and fled in all directions. Thus ended '^?^^- the two days' fiirht at Pea Eidge. Xever before had the enemy suffered so disastrous a defeat. Soon after those who had not deserted were transfened to the army of General S. A. Johnston, again to meet the Union soldiers under General Grant. The Xational Goremment never lost sight of the im- portance of the control of the Mississippi river, and to that end Admiral Foote directed bis attention in connection with a land force under General Pope. The enemy made the most strenuous exertions to retain their hold of the great river as a most important source of supplies, both beyond it and on its tributaries. The islands in the Mississippi from the mouth of the Ohio downward are designated by numbers.* The Confed- erates chose available points on the river to fortify, such as New Madrid in Missouri, opposite Island Xo. 10. Tipton- viUe in Kentucky, and Xo. 10 itself — all three within sup- porting distance. To this island they had directed special attention, Beauregard, their best engineer, superintending the works and pronouncing them impregnable. In conse- quence here were collected vast military stores and provi- sions as for a long siege. Admiral Foote was to bombard No. 10, and at the same time Popo ^o capture Xew Madrid. The latter found the jfgj town fortitied by et?rth works and defended by rebel gun- 3. boats, which, because of the high water in the river, were able to sweep its banks, and in the face of these guns it would be impossible to hold the town if captured. He therefore sent to Cairo for siege guns — 24 pounders. These soon came, and during the night time yfere placed in posi- tion within 800 yards of the enemy's main fortification, and in the morning opened upon the astonished enemy, every shot telling with fine effect, dismonnring several of their heaviest guns. The shot also reached their gunboats and steamers in the river, compelling them to hasten out of range. A night of storm and rain came on, and in the 313»!^ -aamm^. alJ£E iUe-;! ft:SwEia.'i^ SXMtt iirr«; SCttBCCUOt 860 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CH^. Federal pickets. The entire division flew to arms and awaited the enemy's advance. After an hour's waiting ^pr' they came on, attacking the center; and, extending their 6. line by an oblique movement, threw an overwhelming force upon the left, driving the Federals back and capturing General Prentiss and his regiment almost entire. They pressed on, turning to the left, but were held in check by three Illinois regiments till they were overpowered and forced to retire, losing three guns. General W. T. Sher- man still held his first line at the meeting-house until the enemy passed round to his rear, when he fell back and took a new position. "My division," he says, "was made up of regiments perfectly new, nearly all having recently received their muskets." Great numbers of these fright- ened men found their way back to the river, two miles distant, and no efforts of their officers could induce them to return. The enemy by main force drove the Union left through their camp toward the river, but were at length held at bay for four Jiours by the pluck of General McCler- nand and his troops. The Confederates bad planned not to attack but in overpowering numbers; thus when they attacked the center they deployed their main force against the left. They well knew that, if at all, they must crush this advanced Union force before Buell could come uji, or troops under Generals Nelson and Thomas could reach the field of battle. At five p.m. was a brief lull in the firing. The enemy fell back, and then suddenly, as if to take the Federals by surprise, threw forward their whole force for the second time, with such fierceness and desperation that the Union army was compelled to fall back. Just then the gunboats Lexington and Tyler came wp the river. They soon learned by a messenger from General Grant the posi- tion of the enemy. The boats took their station and sent in with great rapidity their shot and shell, the latter burst- ing amid the ranks of the Confederates. "The shells hurling death and destruction throirgh the scrub-oak jun- gles under whose cover the euemy fought securely." In BATTLE CONTINUED. 861 less than thirty mimltes they bad silenced the rebel batter- chap. ies. Just before the boats opened fire Buell's advanced division appeared on the Union right, and they successfully ' resisted the last charge of the enemy that day.- This was nearly a great victory. They had the advantage of supe- rior numbers ; on the morrow that would be changed. General Sidney A. Johnston, their commander-in-chief, was among the slain. The Union army in this battle numbered about 38,000, wlijle the enemy had 45,000, under their best generals — S. A. Johnston, Beauregard, Bishop Polk, and Hardee — and the best fighting material they had in the field ; l)ut in endurance and cool, determined courage the Northern soldiers were superior, though the Southern had the more dash. Reinforcements for the Union army began to arrive on the evening of the battle. The remainder of Buell's forces ; Nelson and Crittenden's divisions, some on foot and some on steamers ; two batteries of the regular army, and McCook's division, by a forced march, reached the landing early the following morning. It was General Grant's turn now to take the ofEensive, and a general advance was ordered to begin at 5 o'clock the next morning. The hostile pickets were driven in and the battle became general along the whole line. At 10 a. m. the Union army was moving forward and forcing the enemy ^^' step by step from point to point, and though occasionally checked, tiie Union army moved steadily forward; their fire was regular as clock-work, and the divisions sustained each other admirably. At length tlie enemy, after rejjeated attempts to break through the Union lines and failing, seemed to despair of succeeding. For seven long hours they had fought valiantly. Beauregard made the most strenuous exertions and exposed himself in his efforts to jirevent his army falling back toward Corinth. The pursuit was not pressed vigorously owing to the intervening woods, which imiieded the movements of cavalry, and the infantry 862 Hisrory or the aimzeica^t pre fit, • ^^ <^^^- onJT pTiT^Q?d the Tfiinparmff foe for a mDe or tsro, ll>e ISfii eBemj feD back to tirar entrenchmenis ai Corinth, and R:-- : ^- - - :laimed a irreat CoufederaTe rietorF: thai VI- lie, bni Ms prirate dispaich to Jefferson I>aTia, eaptured at Hnatsxilk by General O. M. Mitchrl, tO- f ': ? srorr. calling for remfojtieinci:t5, and sajing : "I ri here we lose Lbe Mississippi YaHey and prob- aWj ODT eansa." T" "^Jot los in KDed. 1.TS5: -sroimded. T.SSS: the re'-T . l.T^S. and -wounded, S.Olt, The enemy.-for tJ>e most part, were better protected by the dense woods, as the * _ _ ' :' " Jr own choosing. - f were enacting in the West a eoEsb:ned eipeditaon wss fining ont against Xew Oiieans in Ihi '''" ■ ' .! B. F. BT3tler to c^omman' " " " forces an - , - . S. Farragct the nsTaL Tl _ r infln- egjee c^ Batier the mrai for the enternrise were prineipaHy eiZ" ' " '' ^ .land. T' ~ ■'''-. troops wi.: ^ . t^^ ^Jie " ; Tay be- tween 11 i Xew Odeans, by way of Xake Pontchar- tri' ' : ' ' ■ place. 1 ^fnl S-eet of m: jt at t2ie 1 _ Xafy Yard tmdCT' the dirataion of Captain Daiid D. Porter. This flo- Mar. tiOa loined the fleet off the month " ' "".—'. Admiral Fanafiit commanded tl _ _:_._.:. _jii Pon^r. under him. had control o^ the mortar boats. The whole fleet aaid tians" - _ - - - tjasaes, and Apr gTinbcats acted as pdc _ _. ;_ _: : . __-. :.:tic>eof the *• approach of ceruon irM^clads and rams and fire laft* — LagebajTg^lader " ^axwhiehhadbaea poured melted jdieh. K^ :_ _ : „__ly inflammable. One of these rams, tfce Matutsmf. earned Englidi rifled gnns. They also > " - 3 flcating battery, the Lovisvaiia. b^des 18 — ._!. .rs, some of which were protected by an armor of iron. Their naTal oommander, Hollins. an- notmoed that wj-di these be would aimifailate the TTnion fieeL An exceedingly strong chain was stretched on floats roars 3L tzhii ±szi jAoaaes — aaomL f^.^tbt. 9SS vss. asans die ciamitil £~3iii ?irt: JbefcaoK b» de eppobiut ^are. ' ^^^ - B£sr GO F5 oU bansles^y bom. An nigbe a (iesersr esm? ao««eu. iuul mOHrBte^ PoEtEr ndrCuiiL A ^e Sx^. i^Dt b^ scafianeo^ is was : ~ '••iiM ■St be re«foe«I 57r aSTCTal dais. Tbiei gep- Tirnifil F:ir ^13 pjisc ~ tad •iotuM^ wcse j topsepaK z. 1 .. - ^^.izsE^&iffi; .^^.■^i^,,^ Meaiiurng tfte 1 OF-boatE c<9ec<i 30 t&£W ^o^k bafia tbf Sorts. Tbas :: . -aRxesis. bosB (iiu i'.u . " ' ' * -^r' ITEi ju.:^ _._. J — Ckdecs vese fasei zam: . n a^ te ^bip za gre- ipr. ;■!& B» na ^ gs^"' ' . /efo^ bi ube !iu>mia£ ^ 1863. 864 HISTORY 07 THE AMEEICAIT PEOPLE, CHAP, tlie fleet was under way. The dai'kness was so great that the sentinels at the fort did not discover the movement until the first division approached the chain, in a minute more, and both the forts opened. This was the signal for Porter, who, with his mortars, threw a shower of bursting shells inside the fgrts, which interfered materially with their firing ; the vessels as they passed by poured in their broadsides. As they passed beyond the forts they found themselves iu the midst of rebel iron-clads and rams ; the latter butting in every direction. The Union gunboats, generally, were able to dodge them, and in turn pay them the compliment of a broadside. The Cayuga, a swift vessel, passing through compelled three steamers to strike their flags. The ram Manassas was running round butting at anything in tlie smoke and darkness ; finally, she ran foul of the Brooklyn, which gave her a broadside with her Leavy guns, and the ram disappeared in the darkness. Only one vessel was lost, the Varuna, Captain Boggs. The career of this vessel deserves relating. The captain finding liimsclf "in a nest of rebel steamers" started forward, giv- ing broadsides right and left f the first went into a steamer crowded with troops, exploded her boilers and she drifted ashoi-e ; afterward three other vessels- were driven ashore in flames and blown up. Then the Varuna was attacked by an iron-clad ram, which raked her and butted her on the quarter, but she managed, meantime, to plant three 8-ineh shells in the armor of the ram, and a rifle shot, when the ram dropped out of action. At this moment another rebel iron-clad, . with a prow under water, struck the Varuna in the port gangway, doing considerable damage; then the rebel drew off and made another plunge and struck again in the sam^ place, crushing in her sides ; now the Varuna gave her antagonist five S-inch shells ; these settled her, and she floated ashore in flames. The Varuna herself was in a sinking condition ; but her men were taken o2 by boats from the other vessels before she went down. All along the river bank were stranded rebel steamers and 1862. REBEL FLEET DESTROYED — NEW ORLEANS SURRENDERS. 865 rams, nearly all on fire from Union shots and shells ; two chap. or three steamers and the iron-clad battery Louisiana had escaped, and sought protection under the guns of Fort Jack-son ; two or three hundred prisoners were taken. The next day Farragut was ready to move, and the fol- lowing morning the fleet steamed up the river, and after being delayed one-half hour to silence some batteries, he reached N'ew Orleans in the afternoon, and demanded its Apr. surrender, which was complied with by the mayor. General ^^' Lovel, who was in command, before leaving the city had fired the Jong line of ships, steamers and flat-boats, and vast stores of cotton, tobacco and sugar — a most wanton destruction of private property, not all contraband of war. The United States public buildings were taken possession of by Union soldiers to protect them. The forts Jackson and St. Philip also capitulated when the fall of New Orleans was known. General Butler arrived and entered upon his duties as commandant of the city and vicinity. Apr. The city was garrisoned immediately — the troops marching in to the tune of "Yankee Doodle," and order restored under the s]\illful and energetic rule of Butlci-. He pre- pared his proclamation and sent it to the various papers to be jm Wished. They all refused. A sufficient number of practical printers volunteered from the ranks, took possess- ion of one of the offices, and issued the proclamation. This incident was similar to many others that occurred during this war showing the intelligence and industrial skill of the soldiers of the Union armies. Farragut sent the gunboat Iroquois, Captain Palmer, up the river to the capital of the State, Baton Eouge, which surrendered on demand ; then to Natchez, Mississippi, May wliich place surrendered ; and then to Vicksburg, which was ^^■ found to be fortified and garrisoned, and she refused to run up the Stars and Stripes. Her time came in due season. During this time Admiral Foote and General Pope were working their way down the Mississippi, capturing foi-tified places one after another ; delayed a few days at Fort Wright, 866 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN' PEOPLE. OTAP. Chickasaw Bluffs. Here Pope was ordered to joiu Halleek at Coriutb ; and Admiral Foote, at the Imperative orders ^^' of his physician, also retired from the service on account of 13. wounds received in the attack on Fort Donelson. A few weeks later he died, a victim of patriotic ardor, and cheerful in the Christian's hope. Captain J. E. Davis succeeded Admiral Foote ; a few ^?y days after, he defeated a rebel fleet of iron-ckids and armed steamers under Captain Montgomery, in a conflict of thirty minutes; Forts Wright and Pillow were abandoned by the Juno enemy; this opened the way down toward Memphis. 'J'he ^ Union fleet was joined by Captain Ellet's rams of unique construction ; made out of powerful tug-boats. The whole fleet passed down to island No. 45, two miles above Mem- phis, off which place lay the Confederate iron-clads. At four A.M., Captain Davis steamed down to find the enemy's fleet June on the alert. The battle began at long range, but Ellet's 6- two rams, the Queen of the West and the Mnnarrh, passed rapidly by the Union gunboats, and rushed with great im- petuosity into the midst of the rebel boats, firing heavy shots riglit and left, and when opportunity served plying the enemy with hot water by means of a hose of peculiar construction. Then came on the gunboats, and the result of this singular contest was that only one of the ten gun- boats of the Confederates escaped — they either being sunk or blown up. In consequence of this destruction of their whole fleet Memphis surrendered unconditionally. The Confederates deemed Corinth an important strategic point, being at the junction of the Memphis and Charleston and Mobile and Ohio railways, but that importance was gone as soon as the roads were cut and Mempliis in the hands of the Union forces. General Halleek assumed com- mand after the battle of Pittsburg Landing, and advanced into the vicinity of Corinth and commenced digging paral- lels and making approaches. Tiius he spent six weeks. jj The enemy in the meantime, were leisurely carrying away 30. their war material, and when this was done they evacuated COBINTH ABANDONED QUIET ON THE POTOMAC. 867 their strongliolJ, while Halleck kept 100,000 men within chap. strikjnor distance until they were well on their way. Gen 1862 eral Poj)e was sent in pursuit, but captured only about 2,000 prisoners. This was the only instance, thus far, of undue tardiness in a Western army. We have seen the Union soldiers in the West gaining battle after battle, and in no instance failing to accomplish their ultimate object. They met the enemy in superior numbers at Pea Kidge and drove them out of Missouri, they captured Forts Henry and Douelson, and opened up the Tennessee and the Cumberland rivers, compelling the evacuation of that stronghold, Columbus; won the battle of Sliiloh, and compelled the enemy to retire to Corinth, which in turn they were made to abandon. Along the South Atlantic coast battles had been fought, and place after place had been captured and held ; an expedition against New Orleans had been eminently successful, and now, after many conflicts, the whole of the Mississippi was held from above to down below Mcmphi?, and from its mouth, up to Vieksburg. While these advances were pro- gressing, the Army of the Potomac was chafing at their imposed inactivity, and drilling in entrenchments around the National Capital. General McClellan had asked for men till his numbers had gi-adually increased in February to 322,196 names on his roll, of whom 193,142 were fit for duty. In the pre- Feb vious August, in a note to President Lincoln, he says : " I propose with this force to move into the heart of the enemy's country, and crush the rebellion in its very heart." Yet no movement was made. Time passed on, and McClel- lan did not intimate to the anxious President or Secretary of War that he had any plans of a campaign. Several con- ferences were held by the President and some members of his Cabinet, at one of which the President asked the Com- mander-in-Chief what he intended to do with his army. After a long pause, he remarked he " was very unwilling to develop his plans, but would do so if ordered." The Presi- 868 HISTORY OF THE AMEKICAN PEOPLE. CHAP. Jent aslicd if be had fixed any time in his own mind whsn LIX, iie would move the army. The reply was, he liad. '•' Ou jg^" that," rejoined the President, "I will adjourn this meet- 18. ing." Yet McClellan for weeks gave no intimation of moving. At length the President felt it his duty to order a general advance of the Union armies on the 22d of Febru- ary. It is a coincidence that on this day Jefferson Davis was inaugurated at Richmond President of the Confederacy for six years, and Alexander H. Stephens Vice-President. ^1^- Perhaps the President in designating this day had in mind that it was the anniversary of the birth of Washington. Previous to this President Lincoln addressed a note to McClellan, saying, " Your plan is by the Chesapeake, up the Rappahannock to Urbana on the York : mine to move directly to a point on the railroad south-west of Manassas. If you will give satisfactory answers to the following ques- tions I shall gladly yield my plan to yours : Does not your plan involve a greatly larger expenditure of time and monen than mine? Wherein is a victory more valuable by your plan than by mine ? In fact, would it not be less valuable in this, that it would break no great line of the enemy's communications, while mine would ? In case of disaster, would not a retreat be 7Uore difficiiU by your plan than mine?" No direct reply was made to these questions, though a report of the same date by the General-in-Chief was claimed to answer. The plan of the President and his advisers was virtually the one selected by General Grant wben he advanced on Richmond. When the Norfolk navy-yard was destroyed and fell into the hands of the enemy, the Merrimac steam frigate was partially burned and sunk, but was afterward raised by the enemy and made over as an iron-clad of tremendous power. From hints thrown out by their newspapers this mysterious monster became a source of great dread to the fleet in and around the lower Chesapeake and Hampton Roads. Meanwhile Captain Ericsson was building at New York THE MEEBIMAC— THE CUMBERLAND SUNK. 869 a unique iron-clad on a new principle, his own invention, chap. This was a revolving turret, made entirely of successive ■ - layers of wrought iron plates to the thickness of eleven ^^*^'' inches. This turret was turned at will by steam ; within it were two rifled guns throwing each an elongated sliot weighing 175 pounds, and loaded by machinery ; the turret liad two protected port-holes, and was placed on an iron- clad hulk, the deck of v.liich was only about three feet above the water and clear of every thing except the turret. For many weeks the sloop of war Cumheiia.nd and the frigate Congress had watched off Newport News for the expected monster, now called tlie Vin/iiiia by the enemy. On the morning of March 8th she suddenly steamed out fi-om the navy yard at Gosport, and made for the Cumber- Mar. land, but when passing by the Congress gave her a ^• broadside, doing much damage. Tlie Cumherland had a heavy armament of 9 and 10-incli Dahlgreu guns, and she poured in her broadsides with precision ; but these heavy balls glanced harmlessly off the sloping sides of the Merri- mac, while one of her solid shots tore through the wooden sloop's bulwarks. The Cumberland's men fought desper- ately, warping round their vessel to give effective broadsides; presently the Merrimac rushed at full speed upon the Cumberland and pierced her hull below the water line, making a hole four feet in diameter, and crushing in the frigate's upper decks, still pouring in solid shot and making a liorrible slaughter on the crowded decks. Of the 450 men on board not a man wavered in this presence of death ; their vessel was fast filhng; in five minutes the water reached the berth deck where lay the dying and wounded. It was seen by her officers that the vessel must sink ; at the last moment a salute was fired in honor of their country's flag ; hardly had tliis been done when the ship gave a lurch and disappeared under the water. More than 300 of these brave fellows perished, tlie remainder were picked up by boats which put off from shore. Meanwhile the Congress was engaged with the Merri- Q'JQ HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, jnac's two steam fenders — the Jamestown and the Patrick Henrti. She was towed into shallow water and grounded, ^p^' but not out of reach of the Merrimac'is guns, which soon 6. disabled every gun on board the fi'igate and set her on fire. Lieutenant Peudcgrast hauled down his flag to spare further slaugiiter. An officer from the Mcrriinac boarded the Congress and received the surrender, but when on his way back some j)ersons on the shore fired rifles upon his tug. When he returned the Merrimac shelled the shore and resumed fire upon tiie helpless Congress, whose men were not responsible for tlio firing from the sliore. It was a most unwarrantable slaughter of innocent men. The Congress was set on fire by these shells and burned until the magar zine was exploded ; 150 men were lost. The Merrimac now made for the steam frigate Minnesota, which, when coming to engage in tlie conflict, had grounded three miles away. The commander of the Merrimac. afraid of getting into shallow water, contented liimself by firing a few shots at long range which did but little harm. The rebel iron- clad withdrew at seven in the evening to renew her work of destruction in the morning, which was to sink or destroy every ship of war in the roads, and then what could she not do ? The seaboard cities would be at her mercy. No wonder this was a night of gloom in the Roads and of anxiety all over the land, whither the telegraph had carried the news of these disasters. Just after the Merrimac disappeared a singular looking craft ajjpeared in the offing ; it was the Ericsson invention — the Monitor — of which we have just spoken. She reported for duty and took her position near the Minne- sota. Early Sunday morning the Merrimac was seen coming from behind Sewall's Point. She ran down near the Rip Mar. Raps, then turned and ran for the grounded frigate, whose heavy stern guns gave her their solid shot. The Monitor — designated by the sailoi-s as a cheese-box on a raft — ran down to meet the monster, which seemed to look askance THE MEEKIMAC AND MONITOK DUEL. 871 at Hie little craft, and threw a shot at her, as if to say. Get chap. out of the way or you may be hurt ; but instead, placing - herself between the Minnesota and her antagouist, sbe paid her respects by a solid shot of 175 pounds. . The Merrmiac now turned with her broadsides against the turret, but witiiout efEect. The Monitor's two guns deliberately put in their shot. The Merviniac attempted to run down her little antagonist, and only once grazed her. The nimlde Monitor was under such perfect control that she would dodge her enL-my, and as she passed i-egularly gave her a shot. The Mcrrimac now gave up the attempt to run the craft down, but turned her attention to the Minnesota, but the Monitor again interposed by jdacing herself between the combatants ; and the Merrimac, to get rid of her, stood down the bay, the Monitor pursuing. Presently the Merrimac turned and ran full speed at her pursuer, which dodged her enemy, and, as she passed, plunged a shot into her iron roof. The Merrimac soon turned and made for Sewall's Point, pursued for some distance by the Mojiitor ; but as the latter had orders only to act on the defensive, she withdrew as soon as the victory was won. It has never transpired how much injury the Mcrrimac received. It is certain, however, she no more ventured out from her May anchorage, where she was carefully guarded by land batter- ^'• ies, and in the end was blown to pieces lest she should fall into Federal hands. Thus ended the most influential naval duel that ever occurred, as it revolutionized the naval war- fare of the world. All the naval powers now began to build iron-clads and virtiially throw aside wooden men-of- war. The United States Government also began to build monitors of various sizes, some very large, and soon had a fleet of iron-clads more powerful than the war fleets of all the world combined. At the last broadside of the Merrimac, Captain Worden, the commander of the Moyiitor, was in the pilot-house, and when looking througli the eye-crevice a heavy shot struck the house and the concussion knocked him senseless. When \ 372 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. OTAP. consciousness returaed, the fight was over and all was '- silent. He anxiously asked, " Have I saved the frigate "? "Aye, aye, and whipjjed the Me rri mac, " ^\'a.s the answer. " Then I care not what becomes of me," said he. Captain Worden's eyes never recovered from the injury they received from the iron-dust at the concussion of that shot. CHAPTER LX. Lincoln's ADMiNiSTKATioif — continued. Movement of the Army of the Potomac —Evacuation of Manassas. — Yoi'ktown, Siege of. — Battle of Williamsburg. — Snuitary (',. mmis- Bion. — Tlie Retrea:. — Excitement in Rictimond. — Conscription Law. — Jackson in Sbenaudoah Valley. — The Chickahominy. — Bat- tle of Fair Oaks —Lee in Command. — Battle of Gaines' Mill or Cold Harbor.- Chauge of Base. — Battle of Malvern Hill —Harri- son's Landiug. — Cedar Mountain —Secoud Battle of Bull Run. — . Lee Invades Maryland. — Harper's Ferry Captured. — Battle of Antietam. — Lee Retreats. — McClellan's Slowne?s ; His Removal. — Burnside in Command. — Battle of Fredericksburg. Preparations on a larce scale were made to move ihe chap. Army of the Potomac to its destination on the Peninsula. '— There were employed 113 steamers, 185 schooners, and 85 ^^^'^■ barges with tugboats. These were to pass down the bay and up the Rapiiahannoclc to Urbana, and thence to " reach the vicinity of Eichmond before they (the rebels) could con- centrate all their troops there from Manassas." The latter had railroad communication and could place their troops in defense of Eichnaond long before the Union army could make its way across a country more or less woody, with four rivers to pass, proverbial for tlieir marshy banks, which in the spring were always overflowed by freshets. This plan of advance, as the President suggested, was to leave a way open on the right" flank of the army by which a force accustomed to move with the rapidity of the enemy, or, as we have seen, the Union armies in the West, could come 874 HISTORY OF THE AMEKICAIT PEOPLE. CHAP, in overwhelming Bumbers and attack Washington before it would be possible to recall the Potomac army from its posi- ■ tion. For this reason President Lincoln retained McDow- ell's division for some time that the Capital might be secure. As the insurgents had their spies, male and female, in Washington, every fact worth knowing was communicated to them, and the city when known to be in a position of defense was secure from attack. In a note to McClellan the President gives his reason for retainiaig McDowell. Tins reason will always be satisfactory to the people. He says: "After you left I ascertained- tlrat less than 30,000 unorganized men, without a single field battery, were all you designed to be left for the defense of Washington and Manassas Junction, and part of this even was to go to Gen- eral Hooker's old position." The Confederate General T. J. Jackson — afterward •^ar. Venown as "Stonewall" — made a dash at Winchester, where General Shields was in command, but after a day's skir- mishing and fighting retired in tiie night up the valley, destroying all tiie bridges on the route. The Baltimore and Ohio Railway, through the exertions of the chivalrous General Lander, was once more put in order that supplies could be brought to- Washington. General Lander had been wounded in a previous battle, but would not retire, though urged by his physician, -and in consequence his great exertions led to his death. The enemy had been for some time leisurely evacuating Manassas and transporting their war material by railway to Richmond without interference from the Union army. Twenty hours after the fact was known along the front "it was made apparent at headquarters that the enemy was evacuating Centreville and Manassas as well as oa the LTpper Potomac." Yet orders were not issued for a pursuit until the enemy had been gone thirty-six hours. The Union army, after four days' marching, returned and j^' had " gained some experience on the march and bivouac," So said the General-in-Chief. 1862. MOVEMENT OF THE ARMY — MANASSAS ABANDONED. 875 " General Joe Johnston had 44,000 men at Centreville chap. i-iJi.. and Manassas, and Jackson had 6,000 in the Shenandoah Valley. Johnston fSiially fell back behind the Eapidau, deemed a more defensive position than the Rappahannock, of which it is a branch."' Two divisions — General Heintzelman commander — left Alexandria on transports for Fortress Monroe. Several days after McDowell's division was ready to move, and as it Mar. has been said the President retained it to make Washington safe ; but on June Cth, when McClellan might need them, a, large portion of the corps (Franklin and McCall's divi- sions) was dispatched to him, who says in a note to the President, " I shall be in iserfect readiness to move forward to take Richmond tlic moment McCall reaches here and the ground will admit the passage of artillery." 8. The plan adopted by McClellan to reach Richmond was by the peninsula formed by the York and James Rivers ; the latter not used lest the Merrimac should interfere, though she was closely blockaded by the Monitor and other war vessels. For one entire month the Union army was Apr. en-zacred in making the most elaborate redoubts and ijaral- ^^■ - ^ . . to lels, and placing in order siege guns, while the enemy could Jiay leavo at any moment, as their rear was open and unob- ^■ structed. The Confederate government never intended to make a stand at Yorktown, and General Magruder had only about 11,000 men to defend a line "embracing a front from Yorktown to Milberry Point, thirteen and a half miles." But when the comparatively immense force of McClellan appeared, and after a delay of ten days or more began to dig trenches and not attack, General Joe Johnston availed himself of the delay to join Magruder with 53,000 men," and he only remained to make a show of defense until Richmond could be thoroughly fortified. Had the Union army at once advanced with its much superior numbers, Magruder would have fallen back toward Richmond. ' Life of Lee, p. U. ■> Life of Lee, p. 72. y76 HISTORY OF THE AMEKICAN PEOPLE. CHAP. Magruder, surprised that he was not attacked, says : — •'• In a few days the object of McClellan's delay was appa- ^^^'^' rent. In every direction in front of our lines, through intervening woods and along the open fields, earthworks began to appear." McClellan made requisitions upon tlie War Department for siege guns, stating that tlie enemy had within his entrenchments " not less than 100,000 men, probably more," and that " here is to be fought the great battle that is to decide the existing contest," yet the way was open for the Confederates to i-etire to Richmond when- ever they chose. He also complained of his want of men. Mr. Lincoln wrote in reply: •' Your dispatches, complain- ing that you are not properly sustained, while they do not ofifend me, pain me very much. He reminds the General- in-Chief that he has with him 85,000 effective men, and e>i route enough to make 108,000, remarking : " By delay the enemy will relatively gain upon you ; that is, he will gain faster by fortifications and reinforcements than you can by reinforcements alone." After further suggestions and ex- pressions of kindness, he closed by saying — " But you must act." Time passed on, the enemy making a bold front to deceive the Union commander, and when he was ready to May open with his siege guns, it was discovered one morning that the enemy were gone; their rearguard, even, was far on its way toward Kichmond. The Federal gunboats passed up York river convoying transports, carrying Frank- lin's division to West Point, twenty-five miles above Yorktown, wliere it arrived the next day. This capture of Yorktovvn was hailed as an important victory by the people, and excited hopes of the speedy crushing of the rebellion. The Confederates, meantime, retired as best they could on account of the muddy roads, made so by a pouring rain, which continued for thirty-six hours, and halted to retard the pursuit at Williamsburg, twelve miles above Yorktown, at which place earthwork defenses had been tiirowh up some time before, mostly by the labor of slaves. About noon the same day the Union cavalry overtook the BATTLE OF WILLIAMSBURG. 877 Confederate army and ascertained their position, but imper- ^?^^- fectlv. Tbe next morning early Heintzelman arrived with — ' • • • tr} ^ ... 1862 liis division, Smitli's and Hooker's divisions soon after, j^jg.' The latter commenced the battle at 7-1 A. M. At 10 A. m. 5." the enemy endeavored to tarn the Union left, but Hooker persistently held his place, and for six hours the battle raj;ed on this point ; the mire was so deep that artillery could scarcely be handled. There was a lamentable want of cooperation among the division commanders, though General Sumner was nominally in command of the whole force, McClellan being still at Yorktown. Early in tlie afternoon ammunition began to fail Hooker's men. Messenger after messenger had been sent to urge on Kearney's division, which was retarded beyond pre- cedent by the almost impassable roads. Heintzelman and Hooker held their position by bayonet charges alone ; it seemed a carnage to stand any longer owing to the de- ficiency of ammunition. " Siiall we retire ?" said Heintzel- man to Hooker. " No sir," said tiie latter ; "if we must fall, let those responsible for it be made to answer ; tve cannot leave this post." " Just my views," said Heintzel- man. Presently a hurrah was heard above the din ; Kearney's men, begrimed with mud, were coming through tiie forest. Heintzelman waved his wounded arm and shouted them a welcome, and called to the musicians, " Give us Yankee Doodle, boys !" and a cheer of triumph rose along the whole line as these brave men moved to the conflict. "On to the front!" shouted Heintzelman, and Hooker, knowing the ground, led forward the brigade without a moment's delay. The enemy fell back to their earthworks. " Now for the charge, boys !" was shouted, and they carried the rifle-pits and one redoubt at the point of the bayonet. The enemy tried again and again to recover the position, but were as often repulsed. In another part of the field were fimnd two redoubts unoccupied ; of these Generals Hancock's and Smith's divis- ions took iwssession. Soon the Confederates discovered 1883. .g78 HISTOET OF THE AMEEICAX PEOPLE. *^LX.^' their loss, and made an effort to recover them. Hancock feigned to retreat, and they rushed on to make an assault. The Federals, at the proper moment, wheeled and rapidly delivered several deadly volleys, and then charged upon the surprised enemy, secured 500 prisoners, and scattered the remainder. Night came on ; the Union soldiers remained on the field, sleeping for the most part on the. muddy gi'ound, without shelter or food. General McClellan ar- rived just as the battle closed. During the night Johnston withdrew fiom the Williams- burg defenses and passed over to the south side of the Chickaliominy, leaving on the field his dead and badly wounded — about 1,000. Colonel Averil pursued with a cavalry force and captured a large number of prisoners. The Union army lost 456 killed and 1,400 wounded ; the rebel loss was never reported. The exposure and labor sent a great number of the Union soldiers to tiie hospitals. Here is where that blessed institution, "The United States Sanitary Commission,"' came to the rescue of the wounded and sick .soldiers. This " Commission " sprang from the benevolence of the people themselves, who cheerfully gave their money to sustain it, and ladies of the highest culture and refinement often vol- unteered as nurses. Tens of thousands of wounded and sick soldiers were thus aided, and received, under the cir- cumstances, tlie tenderest care. The influence of that "Commission" has been felt throughout Christendom ; and commissions modeled after it have blessed the poor soldiers of Europe in wars since the close of the great rebellion. Meantime, General Huger was destroying all the war material and ships, to the amount of more tlian ten mill- ion dollars, at the navy-yard at Gosport, preparatory to evacuating Korfolk, when Magruder would leave Yorktown. The next day Commodore Tatnal, who commanded her, gave orders to blow up the Merrimac. Now was the time May *°'' ^^^C'lellan to change his base to the James, which he 11. had wished to do when the "monster" was supposed to be EXCITEMENT IN KICHSIOND — LAW OF CONSCKIPIION. 879 iu the way. The gunboats passed up the James, silericing "-'P^P- the hostile batteries, until they reached Drury's Bluff, eight 1862 miles below Kichraond ; ou the Bluff was Port Darling, so jj^y high that the shots from the gunboats passed over, wbile its 16. guns were depressed so as to make plunging shots. These advances caused a thrill of consternation in Rich- mond, for the citizens and the authorities thought the Union army would promptly follow up its successes. The Confederate Congress refused to remain, but adjourned, failing to manifest the proper confidence in the government or army. Even in the Presidciit's mansion was "made a painful exhibition to the South of the weakness and the fears of those entrusted with its fortunes." Preparations were made to remove the public archives to Columbia, S. C. But when it was seen that McClellan, instead of working his way up the James, turned aside to follow uj) the Chick- ahominy, some of the citizens recovered from their alarm, and held a meeting and jiassed resolutions "to stand by the city or lay it in ashes" before it should full into the hands of the Federals. A strange infatuation seemed to seize the Southern leaders to destroy the property of their own peo- ple ; lest towns should bo occupied by Union soldiers, they would burn them. Thus Magruder had laid in ashes the beautiful village of Hampton on the approach of the Union amiy. They seemed to act without reason. If they suc- ceeded in separating from the free States, their towns would be safe for themselves; and if they did not succeed, they would only come back under the old flag, when their homes and property would be as secure to their owners as they always had been. In truth, these leaders were very free with not only the property, but with the individual rights of their own people. Their conscription act was cruel in the extreme and enforced without mercy. It read : "Every male citizen between the ages of 18 and 35 is declared ly virtue of his citizenship to be i)i the military service of the Confederate States." Thus, wherever found, male citizens between these ages could be put in the ranks by the officer 1862. 880 HISTORT OF THE AMEEICAK PEOPLE." <-'HAP. ill command. The 103'alty of the South is proved "by tlie general and continued submission of the people to the impressment system as practiced — such a tyranny, I believe, as no other high-spirited people ever endured."' In the free States, when a draft was necessary and ordered, the person thus drafted could furnish a substitute ; and the people, having ascertained the quotas of their respective counties or districts, came forward of their own accord and provided the means to pay the men who entered t)ie army ; and, if they had families, pledged themselves to support them while the husband was in the field. General Banks was in the Shenandoah Valley, his troops not exceeding 5,000 ; as he had been stripped of two divisions, one that of General Shields, sent to General McDowell at Fredericksburgh ; the other. General Blen- ■ ker's, to Fremont, in West Virginia. General Jackson was sent by Johnston, with 15,000 men, to pounce u2ion Banks, drive him out of tlie Valley, make a demonstration on Wasliington, and delay the movements of McClellan. Gen- eral Banks had a small force stationed at Front Eoyal to protect the people from roving marauders ; this force Jack- son attacked, but, warned hy a contraband, it fell back, skirmishing all the way toward Winchester, wliere Banks May was. The latter made bis arrangements, and at 2 A.M. his ^^' troops, artillery, baggage and hospital stores were on their march to the Potomac. This retreat was one continued skii-misb, and some severe fighting. Banks deserves credit that, with his limited force, he brought nearly all his train and men safely across the river, and then halted to dispute the passage. Jackson did not linger, for he heard that Generals Shields and Fremont were coming to fall upon his rear, but escaped by great skill and joined Johnston, hav- ing accomplished nothing of importance, but lost by death Colonel Ashby. unquestionably the most competent com- mander of cavalry in the Confederate service. In a few weeks Banks was at his old post. ' Johnston's Narrative, p. 425. THE CHICKAHOMINT — FAIR OAKS. 881 As an evidence of the patriotism of the free States, it chap. may be mcutioned that when Mr, Lincoln called upon 1863 those near at hand for volunteers to repel Jackson and j^f^y defend the capital, in a few daj's nearly sixty regiments 28. reported themselves ready to march. The advance of tlie Union army was slow ; it did not reach the Cliickahomiuy until the 31st, when the left wing, unmolested, passed the river at Bottom's Bridge, to the South side, and the right wing remained on the North side; May the whole line extending twelve miles to Cold Hai-bor the extreme right. Says General Barnard, ebief-engineer of the Army of the Potomac: "Tiiis river, at the season we struck it, was one of tlie most formidable obstacles that could be opposed to the marcli of an army," '■ The stream flows through a belt of heavily timbered swamp, which averages three to four hundred yards wide;" "and the water when but a foot or two above its summer level overqireads the whole swamp."' From the White House — the head quarters — on York river, supplies came on steamers. General McDowell had his division at Fredericksburg, and it was designed, if nec- essary, that be should join McClellan. The Union army lay in an exposed position from May 21st to the 31st, the left wing south of this daugei'ous river and the right north : Barnard says, the bridges and pontoons were ready ; and the entire right wing of the army could have passed the river any time after the 24tii. Should a storm arise, the river swamps ■would be impassable for either wing ; for this storm the ^^^ enemy waited : it came, and for two days they attacked the and left wing furiously. This battle is known as that of Fair ^^ Oaks or Seven Pines, one of the most bloody contests of the war, in which both armies displayed heroic bravery. Tlie enemy were compelled to retire, and Heintzelman and Sum- ner wished to march upon Richmond, only five miles distant; — in truth Heintzelman's division reached a point ' Barnard's Reportr, p. 18 1863. 882 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, within four miles, but the General-in-ehief would not per- mit the movement. Heintzelman, foreseeing the peril of having tiie army divided by that dangerous river, had given warning days before, of what the enemy evidently intended ; and General Sumner on his own responsibility passed tlie river from the north side on a temporary bridge, and by the presence of his troops the fortunes of tlie day were saved. These tn'o generals handled their forces independently of each other ; there was no supreme authority on the field, as McOlellan was seven miles away. The Confederate loss was about 8,000, that of the Federals about 5,000. In this bat- tle General Johnston was severely wounded, and General Robert E. Lee was appointed in his place to the command of the Confederate army in front of Richmond. After this battle, the Union army remained in its origi- nal position. The danger of thus separating the two wings by the river w:is still the same, and Lee, the new commander, did not fail to take advantage of the blunder. McClellan was still hesitating, it would seem, whether or not to change his base to the James ; he now telegraplied to tlie President that the enemy had 300,000 men. Says one authority, " the Confederate Capital had for its defence but 100,000 men at most." This included those in garrison in the forts around Richmond, wliile Childe says "on the 20th of June the army of Northern Virginia numbered 70,000 fighting men."' From June 1st to the 30th, the right wing of the Union army lay isolated on the north side of the Chicka- hominy ; a tempting bait which Lee laid plans to secure. '' The Confederate army covered Richmond, extending from the James river, where its extreme right commenced, to the Chickahominy beyond Meadow Bridge, on which its extreme left abutted." General Huger commanded the right. General Magruder the center and General A. P. Hill the left, while the divisions of Longstreet and D. H. Hill, drawn up behind and beyond the left, were to support, at the fitting 1 Life of Lee, pp. 75, 77. 1803. 26. THE SEVEN DATS' BATTLE BEGINS — COLD HARBOK. 883 moment, the turniDg movement of Jiickson. General Lee ^f^^- amused McClellan by making demonstrations on his front, while Jackson, in accordance with orders, was making a long detour to attack the rear of the exiwsed right wing. Meanwhile, Lee sent General James E. B. Stuart with a cavalry force to reconnoiter, which he accomplished effec- "^"^ tively ; bringing confirmation of the exposed condition of the right wing of the Union army. '• The Federal forces offered the strange spectacle of an army invading a country and, altbougli superior in numbers and resources, awaiting the attack, instead of pressing forward and engaging itself in conflict.'" McClellan, on the eve of June 26th, fully determined to Jute change his base ; but now Jackson was almost ready to attack his rig"lit, and. it was a far different matter to move with a persistent enemy pressing on the rear than to move unobstructed. During the forty days in the marshes along the Chickahominy, his army was almost decimated by diseases thus contracted. Two days before, June 24th, a deserter brought word tliat Jackson was preparing to attack the Union army at Mechanicsville, on the extreme right. McClellan sent two trusty negroes to verify the deserter's story. They soon returned, reporting that the enemy's pickets were at Hanover Court Souse. An attack was evi- dently impending. At last the resolution was taken to com- mence changing the base to the James. In the midst of preparations to pass the river, and about 3 p.m.. General D. H. Hill's division, 14,000 strong, tired of waiting to hear Jackson's attack, passed the river at Meadow Bridge, June and assaulted Fitz John Porter's division at Mechanicsville. Here began the famous "seven days' contest." General Porter, seeing the large force of the enemy, fell back to a strong position at a crossing of Beaver Creek, to which the enemy soon came up and endeavored to cross by the two bridges, but were i-epulsed from both, one after the ' Life of Lee, pp. 79 and 86. 26. 1863. ggj. HISTORY OF THE AMEEICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, other; at 9 p. m. the battle ceased, the rebels losing "be- tween three and four thousand ; the Federals much less." The way was open, and during the night Longstreet joined Hill, and both moved round Porter's right to unite with Jackson the next day, and to make an attaclc on McCall's division at Cold Harbor. Learning of this movement McClellau ordered by telegraph that line to be abandoned and a new one taken, extending from near and beyond Gaines' Mill, and to Powhite Swamp, thus covering the approaches to the bridges over the Chickahominy, which must be made in order to change the base. During the night heavy guns were put in position on the South side to protect the bridges, and numerous wagons were passed over. "The delicate operation of witlidi'awing the troops from Beaver Dam Creek was commenced shortly before daylight, and successfully executed." General Lee joined his army in tlie morning, but delayed to attack till he could hear from Jackson's guns ; without •waiting longer he, liowever, began the battle at 4 p. m., and it continued till eight. The greatest bravery was displayed on both sides ; at lialf-past five P. M. Jackson came upon the Union lines. The Federals, meanwhile, rushed and charged D. H. Hill's division, and to aid him Lee ordered Long- street to feign an attack on the center and left of the Federal right wing. But the latter, seeing the strength of the position, found he must make a real attack if ho would aid Hill's troops, and "five brigades rushed to the assault in double-quick time, but were received by a fire so terrible tliat they recoiled cowed." It was just after this that Jackson's troops came upon the ground. General Porter asked for aid, and General Slocum's division crossed the river to his assistance, and also other troops were sent over. At 6 p. m. the rebels made an attempt to break the Union line, but failed. An hour later they made a still more fierce attack, and gained the woods held by the left of the Federal right wing, and the Union soldiers fell back to a hill in the rear. Darkness came on, MAGRUDER'S report — BATTLES. 885 The enemy, having been repulsed several times, did not chap7 press their recent advantage. This battle of Cold Harbor. '— 1S62 or Gaines' Mill, was one of the hardest conflicts of the war. "The losses of the two armies were great — from 7,000 to 8,000 on the Confederate side, and from 6,000 to 7,000 on that of the Federals.'" The Confederates persist in calling the movements of the subsequent days a retreat ; but the Federals call it a change of base, though undertaken too late. During the time this battle was in progress on the North side of the Chickahomiuy, the enemy were making demon- stration on the South side, in front of Heintzelman's, Keyes' and Sumner's corps. According to Childe the number of Confederates thus threatening amounted to only 25,000, while the number of Union soldiers held waiting was 70,000. Says Magruder in his report : " Had McClellan massed his whole force in column, and advanced it against any point of our line of battle, its momentum would have insured him success and the occupation of our works about Eichmond." And Bar- nard says: " As it was, the enemy fought with his wJwle force (except enough left before our lines to keep up ajipearances), and we fought with 37,000 men." The Com- mander-in-Chief's movements were all interfered with by his strange belief of the superior numbers of the enemy. During the following night the Union troops were with- drawn from the north side of the Chickahomiuy ; the trains, having passed over the day before, were far on their way toward the James. All the bridges over the river were blown to pieces- to prevent the enemy's crossing. It is sin- j^jj^ gnlar that not until this Friday evening did the corps 38. commanders learn that they were to " make a flank move- ment to the James river." To abandon strong fortifications on which they had spent twenty days of hard labor had a depressing effect on Life of Lee, p. 97. 886 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, the soldiers, yet they bore up manfully uuder the disap- pointment, though they had been at one time within four miles of Eichmoud. Notwithstanding this depression, in the three succeeding battles of Savage Station, Glendale, White Oak Swamp and Malvem Hill, the last and most 29^0 icoportant, they manifested marvelous courage and endur- July ance. On the morning after the battle of Gaines' Mill McClellau wrote to the Secretary of War a letter closing in the following singular terms : "If I save this army now, I tell you plainly tliat I owe no thanks to you, or to any other persons in Washington. You have done your best to sacrifice this army." The incompetency in leading and directing this unfortunate army, time has placed elsewhere than with the Secretary of War. General Porter's corps rested for a few hours, then pressed forward toward tlie James, through the White Oak Swamp. Nearly GOO wounded men, by order of the Com- mander-in-Chief, were left under a flag of truce at Savage Station, "with a proper complement of surgeons and at- tendants, and a bountiful supply of rations and medical stores." The whole Union army withdrew, slowly and deliberately, and the enemy followed after, but were repulsed from time to time, when they made attacks, and in no in- stance did tlisy in the main delay the withdrawal ; for the corps commanders (as the Commander-in-Cliief was in the advance) managed, under general orders, to take turns in repelling the enemy and holding them in check until the portion of the army in motion moved to a certain point, then those that held the opposing force in check passed on, while fresh troops awaited in well-chosep positions the approaching enemy. A part of the rebel army made detours by taking country roads, but when they came upon the line of march of tlie Union army they found it jireparcd to meet any assault. In this withdrawal the Confederate army lost many more soldiers than the Federal. Finally the advance reached Malvem Hill, on which McClellan an-anged to make a stand. General Frauklin held "Stonewall" BATTLE OF MALVERN HILL. 88 1 Jacksou in check for half a day at Wliite Oak Swamp chap. bridge, then at 10 p.m., without orders, but with wisdom, withdrew : General Sumuer of his own will followed, then Heintzelman and then Hooker, a7id early in the morning they took their position on MalYcrn Hill. This hill, 16 miles below Richmond, " is an elevated plateau about a mile and half long by three-fourths wide, and well cleared of timber, and with several converging roads running over it." On this plateau was the Union army, center and left, right extending to cover the passage to Harrison's Landing ; thither the trains had passed the night before. On the liill sixty pieces of field artillery were placed in position ; and also ten siege guns. This decision to make a stand on Malvern Hill B.arnard says "probably saved the army of the Potomac from destruction." Lee, who had been laboring for days to unite his whole army tliat he might, as usual, attack weak points in force, now found himself in position with his entire army, 60,000 or 70,000 strong under their respective commanders. He resolved to envelope the position of the Union army, but delayed the attack till 4 p.m., as he seems not to have had juiy his preparations made ; meanwhile, the Union soldiers of their own accord were throwing up numerous earthworks to defend certain positions. Tlie attack was made on the Union left ; the Confederates advancing their batteries in an ojien field, in front of woods where lay the men to storm the Union lines when their batterjes had silenced the Federal guns. But their own batteries were soon disabled by the well-directed fire of the Union artillery, and the storming column had no oiiportuuity to carry out their orders. " Instead of oi'dering up a hundred or two hundred pieces of artillery to play on the Yankees, a single battery was ordered up and knocked to pieces in a few minutes ; one or two others shared the same fate," says Hill in his report. "At six o'clock General D. H. Hill, deceived by what he thought was the signal for the attack, charged with all 1. HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, his division ; but findiug himself unsupported, altliough Jaclvsou might have hastened to his aid, he was obliged to retire with great loss. Magruder also, on the Confederate right, made an attempt which ended like Hill's. The flux and reflux of the rival armies lasted till night.'" The gun- boats joined in tbe fray, and made great havoc in the ranks of the Confederates. Tbe Union army, according to the original design, withdrew to Harrison's Landing; and the following niglit Lee fell back with his shattered troops to the Richmoud»fortifications. Tbis ended the seven days' fighting and fearful loss of life, and the campaign became famous as the great failure of the war. The Union loss in killed, wounded and missing was 15,349; the Confederate, 10,533. The most numerous and best drilled army of the nation had accomplished virtually nothing. With but one exception — Williamsburg — it had never been -led against the enemy, but, on the contrary, stood on the defensive. It was kept from May 25th to July 1st in the swamps along tbe Chiek- ahouiiny, where, amid the malarious influences and the broiling sun, tbe men became enervated to an unprece- dented degree. Yet be it said to the immortal honor of the soldiers and ofiicers composing this army, tliat they fulfilled their duty to their country, and under the most trying circumstances. They in every sense were the equals of their Western fellows who had been so much more suc- cessful. Prince De Joinville says: "If their primitive organization had been better, the survivors of this rude campaign, I do not fear to assert, might be regarded as the . equals of the best soldiers in the world.'" "An army which was able in the midst of so many trials and disasters to continue fighting all day, and marching all night, enduring its defeats bravely and without flinching, deserves the respect and admiration of both friends and foes.'" ' Life of Lee, p. 108. "- De Joinville's Army of the Potomac, p. 96. * Life of Lee, p. 110. pope's aemt— cedar mountaik. 889 McClellau at once asked for more men, and tlie goY- *^?^^ ernment sent a sutiicieut number to make in the aggregate, oo o ^ 1862 by July 20th, 101,6yl men, present for active service. The President issued a call for 300,000 more men ; and he also, to secure greater efficiency, consolidated the three small armies of McDowell, Banks and Fremont, to the command of which — known as the "Army of Viroiuia" he api.ointed General John Pope. He was directed to cover Washington, as the way was open for a Confede- rate march on the Xational Capital, and McClellan by his position could offer no obstruction to such a movement. In truth, the enemy, emboldened by his inaction, resolved to try for Washington, and at least force his recall from the James. General Halleck, at the recommeudation of Gen- eral Scott, was appointed "to the command of the whole laud forces of the United States as commandcr-iu-cliief." Halleck assumed command, and after a Cabinet council visited the army on the James to judge for himself whether -^^y it should be withdrawn or not. "The majority of the ofBcers expressed themselves in favor of the withdrawal." The men had become so weakened because of the hot weather and the malaria of the swamps ttiat they were unfit to enter upon an advance. Pope's army when he took the field amounted to 42,000 J"ly men ; 5,000 of whom were cavalry — the latter somewhat • incfiScieut from want of drill and concentration. Detach- ments of cavalry reconnoitered and reported the enemy in force on the Eapidan and also at Madison Court Honse. Pope interposed his forces between them and the National Capital. The movements of the Coniederates puzzled the Union generals. Their presence was made ^f- known by an attack on General Banks. They arranged their forces in such a manner as to amount almost to an ambuscade, into which the Federals fell. At about 3 p.m. the battle began, and soon became general. At 6 o'clock Pope came upon the field and made some changes of posi- tion, which the enemy mistook for a retreat, and pressed on 390 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAK PEOPLE. CHAP, and came into an open field and exposed themselves to a very destructive fire of artillery, which drove them back to 1862 ^ ■ their covert of scrub-oak. Night came on, aod Jackson 11- fell back and disappointed the Federals, who in the morn- ing expected to attack him. Jackson continued to retreat till he reached the south side of the Kapidan, leaving his badly wounded under a flag of truce. This is known as the battle of Cedar Mountain. A few days afterward Pope learned, from papers found on Stuart's adjutant, who had been captured, that the plans of the enemy were to march on Washington. Hal- leck telegraphed an order to McClellan to bring Lis army from tlie James to Washington. The latter asked that the order might be rescinded, and an advance on Richmond made by way of Petersburg. That movement was available two months before, but it was now too late, and Halleck insisted upon the order being obeyed, and it was complied with in a tardy manner. Halleck had already ordered the wounded and sick soldiers to be brought to northern hos- pitals, to remove all obstructions to active operations. At a convocation of tho Governors of the loj'al States it was recommended to tiie President to call for 300,000 more men. The people of these States, though greatly disappointed and mortified at the sad failure, ncvertlieless ■ labored with their usual energy to recruit tlie army and sustain the Government. When Lee learned of this, and that the army of the Potomac was orifered back to its old cpiartcrs, he acted promptly, sending a force under Jackson to crush Pope's army before it could be reinforced either by the new levies or by McClellau's army. He sent forward all tlie troops that could be spared from the fortifications at Richmond, leaving there only the inexperienced. Pope, learning of the number of the enemy in his front, fell back Aug. from tiie Rapidan to the Rappahannock, at all the fords of which they were checked. Soon the great mass of the Confederate army disappeared ; Jackson was making an unusual detour to reach the Shenandoah Valley and THE FIKST BATTLE. 891 come in ou t'nc rear of Pope's army. The latter divined c^hap. the movemeut and wrote to that efEect to McDowell. — ; — Meauwhile,. Jacksou was pressing on over fields and bad roads, and appeared suddenly at Thoroughfare Gap, where the railway of Manassas Gap crosses the hills of Bull Eun. Tlioioughfare Gap was unoccupied, and Jackson, passing through, sent a detachment which overpowered the little garrison at Manassas Junction, and the hungry Confed- erates reveled iu the provisions on hand at that important point. The next day, Longstreel, with his division, joined Jackson ; with, him came Lee, who assumed command. Pope now came up with his forces. They had been march- ing and conntcrmarching for ten days to find the enemy, and wci'c weary. His army amounted to about 54,000 men, and not nioi'e than 500 efiective cavalry; Lee's army to 70,000 efiec'dve men, according to Childe's account.^ Pope pressed on as Jackson witlidrew from the Junction, and prepared to give battle on the old Manassas ground, of July 21, ISGl. Gen. Sigel at 10 A.M. commenced the fight; the posi- tion of the enemy was well chosen behind the embankment of a railroad, and the Federal ai-rangements were equally as well made. The struggle was very severe during the day, and in the end was a drawn battle, though tiie Con- Aug. federates were driven back and the Federals occupied the field. There was want of concert in tlie attack and move- ments of the Union divisions; some of them did not carry out their orders fully, as, for instance, Fitz John Porters "'forces took no part wliatever in the action, but were suffered by him to lie idle on their arms, within sight and sound of the battle during the whole day." Had he come into it with liis 10,000 fresli men, no doubt the victory would have been complete. This was tiie second time within tv.'o days that Porter had delayed or refused to obey Gen. Pope. Ho was afterward tried by court-martial for this conduct and dismissed the service. The next day, about noon, the conflict was renewed : 892 HISTORY OF THE AMEKICAN PEOPLE, CHAP, the line of battle was nearly five miles long. Portei-'s division now taking part and fighting bravely, and other Auff. divisions, such as Heintzelmau's and Reno's, maintaining 30. their old reputation for persistent bravery and endurance. The contest extended along the line and raged for several hours ; the Confederates bringing up heavy reserves, and hurling mass after mass of troops upon the Federal left. These persistent efforts forced the left back one-half or three-fourths of a mile, but at dark they made a stand firm and unbroken. If the forces of McClellan had been at'Acquia Creek by the 20th of August, as ordered, they could have easily aided in this second battle of Bull Run ; but tardiness was the bane of that brave but unfortunate army ; and again there was want of harmony among the commanders of division, owing, it was said, to rivalries. Pope fell back to the intrenchments at Centerville, and Sent within a day or two retired to the defenses of the Capital, 2. on the way to which was the severe skirmish of Chantilly, in which two most excellent officers were killed — General Stevens and General Kearney. General Pope asked to be relieved of further service in that department. The Union losses in all these conflicts amounted to nearly 15,000 men, killed, wounded and missing ; the Confederates lost between nine and ten thoiisand. These disasters caused the most intense excitement in the loyal States ; they were altogether so uncalled for and unexpected that the people were taken by surprise. But the effect was to rouse them to greater exertions and sacrifices than ever before. A party in the Confederacy had urged that their armies should take the offensive rather than the defensive ; and such had been the policy along the line of the Western Border States ; but in these their efforts had signally failed. Now the want of success of the Army of the Potomac and the witlidrawal of Pope's army induced Lee of jiis own Sept. accord to piish on his army, liis vanguard crossing the Potomac at the mouth of Monocacy Creek ; three days after the advance was at Frederick, Maryland. LEE INVADES MARYLAND — HAKPEE's FERRY. 893 While the Confederates were thus moving, great con- chap. LiJv. 1862. fusion reigned at Washington and -vicinity. General McClellan, in virtue of his position in his army and by direction of the President, took command of all the forces thus demoralized in and around tlie capital, and disjilayed his remarkable talents as an organizer by soon bringing order out of confusion. The Uuion army in a few days was jwepared to place itself between the invading foe and the capital, and also to gnard Baltimore. The army moved in the direction of the enemy ; Bnrnside led the left, Sumner the center, and Franklin the right. • General Lee and his officers were greatly chagi'ined be- cause the jieople of Maryland did not hasten to join the Confederates, though Lee Lad issued amoving proclamation, and laid before them in expressive terms the sorrows they endured from the oji^jressions of the United States Govern- ment ; but they — poor people — did not view it in that light. At Harper's Perry was General Miles with 11,500 men ; he had been assured that aid would be sent him. But Lee was unwilling to leave this force in his real', and says he, " The advance of the Federal army was so slow as to justify the belief that the reduction of Harper's Ferry would be accomplished, and our troops concentrated before they would be called on to meet it." Accordingly he sent Jackson, who moved rapidly, seized the heights that com- manded the Ferry, and compelled a surrender of the garri- son — t!ie aid coming just thirty hours too late. The cavalry, ggpt. however, escaped, and, on its way to join the Union army, ^^■ captured an imiiortant train of wagons belonging to the enemy. The Union advance entered Frederick, in which place was found an order of Lee's, dated the 0th, to his sub- ordinate generals, fully explaining his future movements. McClellan availed himself of this information, and ordered his entire force to certain points. There are two passes or gaps through the South Mountain — name given to the Blue Eidgc north of the Potomac — Cramjitou and Turn- 894 HISTORY OF THE AMEKICAN PEOPLE.' CHAP, ers, within five miles of eacli ottier. The former of these '— General Franklin was ordered to seize, which he did after • a sliarp conflict, and passed through into Pleasant Valley to find the enemy in force. Bnrnside also had reached Tnrnei-'s Sent. Gap and found it held by D. H. Hill, with a strong force, and the crest of the mountain for a mile. The battle com- menced by a cannonade at daylight, lasting all day. The enemy withdrew the next night, having lost about 2,500 men. They next appeared drawn up on the west side of Antietam Creek, professing to have gained their point in holding the Gap until Jackson could return from Harper's Ferry. In this battle was killed General Keno, a great loss to the Union army. General Lee's position was very strong, with the creek in his front, Sbarpsburg village one mile in his rear on the way to the Potomac, over which, in case of disaster, he _ could retreat. Over the creek were three stone bridges in a distance of nearly four miles. Lee's army faced east, and on his right he placed Longstrect, opposite the south bridge, then came D. H. Hill, then Hood, and then north of him, Jackson. McClellan's army faced west, and its left was opposite Longstreet and the south bridge. Here was placed Burnside's corps, then came Porter's in the centre, then Hooker's, and a portion of Sumner's on the right. The bridge on the Union extreme right, and also a ford, Sept. were unguarded, and in the aftei-noon, Hoolc^r, in obedience to orders, crossed the bridge and ford without op2:)osition ; but Lee had placed two of Hood's brigades under cover of the woods to receive the Federals as they moved southwest toward their line, and here the combat commenced. By this time it was dark and nothing decisive was done, both parties remaining in the woods. Hood's troops were re- lieved by a portion of Jackson's forces, and General Mans- field crossed the Antietam and joined Hooker, while Sumner had orders to cross at daylight. The sun rose clear and bright, and early in the morning the conflict began in earnest. Hooker taking the initiative. 16. BATTLE OF ANTIETAM. 895 The assault was made by liis centre division — r'ennsjlvania chap. Keseives — under General Meade. The attack was so furious — ; — that after an hour's fighting, with the aid of the batteries on the east side of tlie creelc, the enemy were foi'ced to give Sept. way and retreat across an open field, beyond whicli were ^'- woods where they took shelter. Hooker advanced his centre and left over the open field, but when they ap- proaclied the woods the enemy re-formed, and being rein- forced, met them in tlie,open i:)lain with the most determined vigor. Both equally brave, this was one of the most terrible conflicts of the war, and continued until both sides, ex- hausted, retired as if by mutual consent. The Confederates had suffered greatly; several excellent oflBccrs had been slain or mortally wounded. Hooker's division had been almost bi'oken to pieces ; he called for Mansfield's division, which came on the ground about half- past 7 A.- M. Meanwhile, the Confederates had been rein- forced by D. H. Hill's division, which had been resting in the woods. Now commenced another bitter conflict. Hooker's broken corps and Mansfield's division were forced across the open field to the woods, and there they held their ground. The brave Mansfield was killed as he went to the front to examine the position, and Hooker, severely wound- ed, was carried from the field. At this time, 9 a. m.. General Sumner brought uj) liis corps, and drove one portion of the enemy back to the woods, and another por- tion was withdrawn. These, again reinforced, made an attack upon Sumner's right, which was much a^lvaneed, under Sedgwick, and drove it back ; then the Confederates retired to a safe position in the rear at 11 a. m. Thus, be- tween the rebel left and Union right was the conflict into which were sent reinforcements by both Lee and McClellan. Little was done by either the right or the center of the Union army in the afternoon. Thus far nothing had been done on the Union left. At 8 a.m. Burnside had been ordered to force the lower bridge, and occupy the Sharpsburg heights ; but not till 1 p.m. was HISTOKT OF THE AMEEICAX PEOPLE. ^Y,x7' the bridge carried, aud not till two hoars afterward were the heights captured, and without much struggle. The guns of the enemy had fully commanded the west end of the bridge ; Burnside held the heights for a few hours, and then fell back to the bridge. The next day each army rested ; McClellau was re- inforced by two divisions, and Lee was satisfied to hold his Sept. position. During the following night he withdrew, and the next day crossed the Potomac unmolested. McClellan was urged by the authorities at Washington to pursue and harass the enemy while the roads were good, but he was not ready, and the golden opportunity was lost to crush Lee's army, or drive it on its way to Richmond a disorgan- Oct. ized force. Finally the President visited the army himself, and was convinced that it could move as well as Lee's, and, on his return, consulting with the Secretary of War and ^^*- General Halleck, he sent a peremptory order to cross the Potomac and attack the enemy, lying in the vicinity of Winchester and Martinsburg. Lee, emboldened by McClellau 's inactivity, sent Stuart Qpj on a raid, with nearly 3,000 cavalry, into Pennsylvania. He 10. made a complete sweep around the Union army, passing through Mercersburg, Chambersburg, and several other places, levying contributions on them all. and finally crossed the Potomac safely, scarcely losing a man. McClellan did not obey the order of his superior officer, the President, given October 6th, but still lingered, and the jg President wrote him a letter, dated October 16th, in which he says : " Are you not over-cautious when you assume that you can not do what the enemy is constantly doing? Should you not claim to be at least his equal in prowess and act upon the claim ?" This expostulatory letter was written in the kindest spirit. McClellan at that time iiad an army of 130,000 men, yet he did not move, giving one excuse after another, for the most part trivial. As in the fall of the year before, be permitted the fine weather to pass without putting his BATTLE 01? FEEDERICKSBUEG. 897 army in motion; at length the patient President removed chap. him from the command of the army, and ordered him to report at Trenton, N. J., his home, and appointed General j^^y' A. B. liurnside to succeed him. 5. General Burnside thought it better for tlie army to move direct to Fredericksburg, and crossing the river, force their way to Eichmond. General Halleck, Commander-in- Chief, in an interview with Burnside disapproved of the movement, but finally consented and returned to Washing- ton with the understanding that pontoon bridges should be sent across the country to Fredericksburg for the army to pass over. The army moved at once toward that point, while the enemy were deceived by demonstrations at several places ; but when the army aj'rived opposite Fredericksburg Nov. the pontoons had not come ; by an inexcusable blundering ^^• the proper officers had failed to send them. The object was to seize the heights in the rear of the town, and if storms came on go into winter quarters and then in the spring push on to Eichmond. While Burnside was waiting for the pontoons General Lee arrived with Longstreet's division, soon followed b]' others, and began to fortify the heights. Meanwhile, rains came and the Eappahannock was much swollen. Finally, the pontoons were laid in the afternoon, under the fire of sharpshooters and artillery. The crossings were to be made at three points the nest morning, above the town, opposite Dec. and below, and the attack to follow. The crossings were made in a very herojc manner, but under great disad- vantages to tlic Federals from the position of the enemy and their numbers, for their whole army was on those .heiglits. The Federal right made a series of assaults upon the enemy's enti-enched line, nearly five miles long and crowned with field artillery. The Union heavy batteries on Stafford Heights on the North side of the river could scarcely reach this entrenched line ; between this line and the river was an open space within range of a double row of rifle-pits and 898 HISTORY OF THE AMEEICAN PEOPLE. 1862. CHAP, a strong infantry force concealed right and left. Against these the Union soldiers were led ; it is marvelous that so few of them were killed, and that they inflicted so much injury upon the Confederates. Assault after assault was made, and the brave Union soldiers rushed heroically into this arena of death. In no other instance in the war were Union soldiers led so recklessly. Night came on and the conflict closed. Only about 25,000 of Lee's troops were engaged, and they behind entrenchments. Two days passed without any special movement being made by cither army, except the Federal batteries on Stafford Heights b^ up a cannonade on the enemy's entrenchments. The next night came on a violent storm, during which Burnside ^' skillfully withdrew his army to the North side of the Eappahannock. The Confederates lost 4,101 killed and wounded, and the Union army 10,233. /2f. ^ /^^f-i^^ym.^' .'fL^.A^^ urpose. The march to Chancellor's commenced at once ; they came Apr. 27—29 to the Eapidan at a place where the water was about four feet deep; they did not delay for pontoons, but stripping bv divisions plunged in, and, carrying their clotiies and arms and rations above tlie water, passed over, and clothing themselves in the same order were soon on the move. The crossing continued all night long, and in the morning all were safely over. The afternoon of tlie same day they arrived at Chancellor's. The forces there were surprised and driven back toward Lee's main army, and an advanced position of great importance was secured by General Sykes' regulars, from which he was ordered back — a grievous error, as it afterward proved. Thus far all had been successful in their movements, and Hooker, over-sanguine, exclaimed : "The rebel army belongs to the army of the Potomac!" Other divisions were signaled and passed the Rappahannock on pontoons with but little opposition and marched toward Chancellor's. General Sedgwick had, according to orders, crossed below Fredericksburg and made demonstrations on the Confederates' extreme right. ■ Lee, perceiving this latter to be a feint, left 6,000 men 910 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. c^P- to guard the fortifieations, and hastened with all the force he could muster to ChancellorsYillo. On the march he met ■ "Stonewall " Jackson, who proposed to make a long detour and come in on the extreme right of the Union army. Early in the morning he set out with 22,000 veterans in a direction that induced the Union scouts to think he was falling back toward Richmond. Lee, meantime, with only 13,000 men, kept Hooker's attention by making feints at different points during the day, while Jackson was moving rapidly round to the rear of the Union army. Tliere is certainly no excuse for Hooker and his officers to be thus deceived by this usual maneuver of Jackson. At eight 2 y P.M. the latter fell with unexampled fury upon the Eleventh Corps, General Sigel, whicli was completely surprised and driven back upon the Twelfth Corps. Darkness came on, and the enemy was checked by sc«ne earthworks, hastily thrown up, and by the persistent cannonade into the woods kept up by the Federals. Jackson wished to make a night attack, and gave orders to that effect. Not wishing to trust any one, he himself, with a few attendants, went forward to reconnoiter, leaving directions to his soldiers not to fire unless they saw cavalry approaching from tlie side of the Federals. He was returning, when a brigade of liis own men fired by mistake, and he fell mortally wounded. A few days later he died. General J. E. B. Stuart was ap- pointed to the command of his division. May Both armies prepared for the struggle of the next day. Sedgewick obtained possession of Fredericksburg and moved toward Cliancellor's. Hooker's lines were now in a position that rendered his superiority of numbers unavail- able for a general battle because of dense thickets of scrub- oak. Fighting in certain points continued througli the day, and Lee himself, taking four brigades from in front of Hooker, forced Sedgewick back, though his troops suffered much from the Fedei'al artillery. Sedgewick was com- pelled to recross the river. For three hours there was no responsible head to the army, as Hooker wlien on the BLUNDERS — THE WITHDRAWAL. 911 1803. piazza of tlio inn — his lieadquarters — was stunned by a ^^j^- piece of falling timber knocked down by a cannon-ball from a hostile battery. It is now well known there were a number of inexcusable blunders which made this battle more a disaster than a defeat*. A council of war was held at Hooker's headquarters. Generals Meade, Reynolds, and Howard wished to advance and figbt it out; Slocum was not present, and Coucb and Sickles thought it prudent to withdraw. It was decided by Hooker to withdraw, and Maj' during the night, in the midst of rain and darkness, the army passed safely to the north liank of the Rappahannock. The Union army lost in killed and wounded about 11,000 and the Confederates about lo,000. The disappointment of the loyal people of the country at this disaster was exceedingly great. Hooker, when about to move, sent a large co-operating cavalry force under Stoneman around the enemy's army ta destroy railroads and bridges, and to cut lines of communi- cation between Lee's position and Richmond. This raid, though not fully completing the orders given, did an im- mense amount of" harm to railways; and a portion under Killpatrick passed entirely around Richmond to Gloucester May on the James, and joined the army at Fredericksburg. ^- CHAPTER LXIi; LINCOLN'S ADMINISTRATION — CONTINUED. L^e's Advance North. — Hooker's Movements. — Confederates Across the Pototu:ic. — Gen. Meade in Command. — Battle of Willoughby Run.— Death of Reynolds. — Battle of Gettysburg. — Lee's Defeat. — Vick 1 LXIV. oners, and thirty guus. Hancock moved on and captured a second line of rifle pits ; this brought on a general battle which lasted all day, the latter part in the midst of a violent rain-storm. Grant now delayed to move for several days, in order that the wounded could be sent to hospitals. A large num- ber of surgeons arrived from the North, and members of both the Sanitary and Chiistian Commissions to take care of these wounded ; also reiuforcemcuts and supplies came up. General Sheridan set out at davlight with a large force May *" 1 Q of cavalry, moving toward Fredericksburg to deceive the enemy ; thou southward along the Confederate right, reached the railroad in their rear and destroyed ten miles of it, locomotives, trains of cars, and an immense amount of provisions, and released 400 captured Union soldiers. He, pursued his way, burning depots and breaking railroads. At length he fell in with the noted rebel raider J. E. B. Stnaj't ; they came to blows and the Confederates were defeated, leaving their commander, Stuart, dead on the field. Push- ing on, Sheridan came upon the outer defenses of Richmond itself. These he took, but found the second line too sfrong ; he retired rapidly to and across the Chickahominy, and after a raid of five days returned to the army. This raid, jj^y in its effects, was one of the most important in the war. 24. General Butler put his forces on transports and landed them at a plantation named Bermuda Hundreds, and then fortified his position. Then he sent a force, which after May severe fighting destroyed a railroad bridge and a portion of the track seven miles North of Petersburg ; the force cap- tured some entrenchments at the railroad. Beauregard was in command, and under the cover of a dense fog he made a vigorous attack on the advance, and compelled tiicm to fall back to Bermuda Hundreds, and then threw up en- trenchments paralled to Butler's and prevented his moving. ^ The Union army by a flank movement came upon the 16. 946 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. ^AP. Xorth bank of the North Anna ; Leo was found strongly posted beyoQd the river ; for three days Grant made demon- ■ strations and then in the niglit commenced flanking his adversary, and Lee was again compelled to abandon his position and fall back ; all the Union army passed the Pami-.ukey river and moved on three miles toward Rich- mond. Here the Confederates made a sudden attack in great force, but were repulsed with loss. Then Grant, to test T their works, ordered an assault along the whole line. This June '^ 3. was vigorously done, and the enemy were driven out of their first defenses and took shelter behind their second line. These were too strongly fortified to be easily taken. The Confederates duiing the day made wild charges against the Union lines, but in every instance were repulsed with loss. Lee ordered attacks on three successive nisrhts on .June 7. the Union lines. Every one failed and his army sustained heavy losses. These night attacks showed the desperation of tiie enemy and the watchfulness of the Federals, who were never surprised. By agreement thej:e was now an armistice of two hours, in which both parties buried their dead and removed their wounded. General Grant, finding the fortifications very strong in front, determined to unite with Butler and move on Rich- mond by way of Petersburg, Iwenty-two miles south of tiie former. According to Childe, Lee deemed Richmond more assailable from this direction tlian from the north. 'J'his movement took the enemy by surprise, as it was accom- plished with so much celerity and with scarcely any ditii- culty. A portion of the troops passed by water down the York and up the James, and the remainder by land, cross- ing the James on pontoon bridges. Meantime an impor- tant cavalry raid, under Generals \Yilson and Kautz, was conducted south of Richmond, destroying a portion of the Weldon Railroad and the Southside and Danville — in all . about seventy miles, with I'olling stock and depots — and 38. then, after severe fighting, returned to the army, having GENERAL EARLY IN THE VALLEY. 947 CHAP. LXIV. 1864. lost their light artillery. " The damage done the enemy in this expedition more than compensated for the loss sus- tained." Meanwhile General Sigel, who was in command in May Shenandoah Valley with too small a force — 8,000 men — ^''• was defeated by Breckenridge : General Crook, in West .Virginia, failing to cooperate with Sigel. General Hunter was appointed in Sigel's place, and he was ordered to move up the valley and destroy railroads in the vicinity of Staunton and Gordonsville, and General Crook was to come in from the Kanawha. Hunter hastened on and met the Ju°e enemy within twelve miles of Staunton, and after a conflict of ten hours routed them, capturing 1,500 prisoners ; their commander. General Jones, was killed. Hunter lost only fifty men. Three days later he occupied Staunton. Now joined by Crook's troops, he marched toward Lynchburg, to which place Lee had sent a large force by the railway. Hunter's ammunition had given out, and he, skirmishing on the way with the enemy, fell back, not toward Grant's army as was expected, and from which Sheridan made a raid in order to meet him, but toward West Virginia, This retreat left the valley once more open to the Confederates, who, under General Early, pushed on in force to make a raid into Maryland and Pennsylvania to obtain plunder and supplies, and as usual make a demonstration against Wash- ington and induce Grant to send reinforcements from his army. The latter promptly sent troops from the James, and ordered others to follow who had just arrived in Hamp- ton Roads from New Orleans. Early, with about 30,000 men, moved rapidly down the valley to Martinsburg, where Sigel was in command with a small force. The latter retreated across the Potomac. The enemy followed rapidly, and crossing over arrived at Hagerstown ; the citizens paying them $20,000 they agreed not to burn the town. General Lew Wallace attacked the invaders so vigorously with his Union raw levies as to x'etard them until more troops arrived ; then he, being still July gj.3 HIST0E1 OF THE A3IEKICAS PEOPLE. CHAP, outnumbered, fell back, aud the Confederates moved toward 1884. Auj. Wasbington ; but being met by the bold attacks of General. Auger they retired across the Potomac, and were in turn pursued by Averill with cavalry, who overtook their rear guard at Winchester and captured 500 prisoners. By this time Hunter had arrived from West Virginia, and was ordered to maintain liis position, but Early was reinforced and again began to move down the valley, forc- ing the Union troops back by outflanrking them. At this time another Confederate cavalry raid was made into Pennsylvania under McClausland ; he suddenly ap- jieared before the village of Charabersburg, then defence- less, aud dem'inded •$500,000 ransom. The citizens were unable to raise so large a sum. and the raiders deliberately set the village on fire and burned two-thirds of it. In no instance, as far as known, did tlie Union soldiers purposely burn tlie private dwellings of a village. General Grant, to satisfy himself, hastened from City Point to confer with General Hunter, and directed him to pursue the Confederates up the valley and "to keep the enemy in siylit" ; to sweep the valley clean of provisions tliat might aid them, but protect private buildings as far as possible. Hunter expressed a desire to be relieved ; Grant accepted the resignation and appointed Slieridan to succeed him, and formed the "Military Department of West Vir- ginia, Washington, and Shenandoah Valley." Sheridan soon inspired his men with his owri entluisi- asm, and, being reinforced both by infantry and cavalry, he prepared to act promptly. Grant visited Sheridan to assure liimself, and after an interview he was assured that the vonng commander understood himself and the enemv, and {.j_ ' Ijis simple order was, "Go in." In two days Sheridan moved, aud, early in the morning, attacked Early* and after figliting all day carried his entire position and drove him tiirough Winchester. Early lost 3,500 killed and Sept. wounded and 5,000 prisoners, and he did not dare stop till he reached Fisher's Hill, thirty miles soutli of Winchester. shekidan's ride. 949 Scarec'ly bad lie halted to rest his men when the indomitable ^^^; Sheridan jjoiiuced upon him, driving his forces through ■ Harrisonburg and Staunton and scattering them through the gaps of the Blue Eidge. Sheridan sent forward his cavalry to destroy a portion of the Virginia Central Eail- way, and then fell back to Cedar Creek to rest and refresh 32. " liis men. About a mouth later Early gathered his scattered forces, and, being heavily I'einforced, moving rapidly and secret- ly, he. early in the morning, fell suddenly upon the sleep- ing Union soldiers, who were completely taken by surprise, but soon recovered themselves and sullenly fell back. Sher- Oct. 19 idan was at Winchester, twenty miles distant, when his ear first caught the faint roar of booming cannon. Suspecting what was going on, he mounted his horse and rode at full speed, and met his men retreating, they having been driven four miles. He dashed into their midst, and, waving his hat, exclaimed, "Face the other way, boys; we are going back!" Inspired by his presence, his men, with loud cheers, faced about and fell into line. The enemy, for the most part, had stopped to plunder the Federal camp. The Union cavalry, meanwhile, moved round and attacked them in flank, while the encouraged infantry charged in front. They were in a short time completely routed and driven from the field, abandoning everything ; neither did they stop until they reached Staunton. Thus ended C!oufederate efforts to hold the valley or to invade the North. General Grant telegraphed to the Secretary of War: "This glori- ous victory stamps Sheridan, what I have always thought him, one of the ablest of generals." Sheridan was ap- pointed by the President a Major-General in the regular ariny in place of General McClellan, who had recently Nov. resigned. Colonel Henry Pleasants, of the Pennsylvania Volun- teers, a practical minor, jiroposed to mine a certain jJoint in the enemy's works before Petersburg. The proposition was accepted and the work commenced. In less than a month 950 HISTORY OF THE AMEEICAI^ PEOPLE. CHAP, it was fiinshed. It extended several liundred feet, and ter- minatcd directly under a redoubt. In the mine was placed Juoe ^°"'' *'°'^^ ^^ powder. It was a success, and was exploded 25. with terrible effect, tearing the redoubt to pieces; but un- July fortunately, by some mismanagement, the explosion was not followed up by assault, as it ought to have been, and noth- ing of value was accoraplislied. Around Petersburg the defenses were so well arranged and so well manned that it was madness to throw away human life in assaulting them, as one man within such entrencliments was at least equal to five outside. The •^^S- Union array was not idle. A strong detachment seized Weldon Eailway, and held it in spite of the most strenuous efforts on the })art of the enemy to dislodge them. Several other movements were made, but without material success — Oct 27.' one on the north side of the James, and another at Hatch- er's Run. T!ie capture of Mobile — the main port for blockade runners on the Gulf — had been delayed for lack of coopera- tion on the part of land forces. At length it was under- taken by Admiral Farragut with his iron-clads and war ships, and General Canby, detached from New Orleans for July ^^^ purjiose. The expedition arrived, and arrangements 8- were made on board the flag-ship, the Hartford, with Gen- eral Canby. Mobile Bay is thirty miles long and twelve miles wide, and vras defended by several strong forts, and within were floating the Confederates' main reliance, the .ram Tennessee \xn^ several iron-clads — all under Rear-Admi- ral Buchanan — besides numerous dangerous torpedoes. The troops were landed on the west side of Dauphine Island, on the west side of the Bay. to operate against Fort 5^' Gaines. At 4.45 A.M. the fleet, each vessel having another lashed to it, steamed in between the forts and gave their broad- sides at short distance. Admiral Farragut. lashed to the maintop of the Hartford, had the fleet under his eye, and gave his commands by signals. The monitor Tecumseh, OUTRAGES IN MISSOUEI — WILMINGTON CAPTURED. 951 wliich was to attack . the ram Tennessee, ran foul of a tor- j^^- pedo and was sunk. Tben the Admiral himself turiled his 1864. attention to the ram. Several vessels ran butt against the Tennessee, and poured in their bi'oadsides at short range. Finally the Hartford bore down and gave her a broadside of nine-inch solid shot. The Tennessee surrendered ; Fort Gaines also hauled down its colors. On the east side of the Bay Fort Morgan held out, and was opened upon ; after a bombardment of fifteen hours, it ran up the white flag. ■^"#- This closed the port of Mobile to English blockade runners. As the city was strongly fortified, it was not worth the investment. General Eosecrans" was assigned to the command in Missouri, his headquarters at St. Louis. This State was Jan. infested by disloyal secret societies, and so many soldiers had been sent to reinforce tlie armies in Northern Georgia that it was stripped of its defenders. Bands of bush- whackers were prowling over the State murdering and pil- laging. In one instance they seized a railroad train on which wei'e twenty-two unarmed and sick Union soldiers ; these were taken out and shot! Sterling Price took the opportunity to invade the State in v,hich he was once honored as Governor. General Pleasanton, with a force of Union cavalry, pursued and overtook him at Big Blue, Q^,^ crushed his force, and Price fled still further south, and 22. made another stand at the Little Osage. There he was most disastrously defeated, losing all his guns and 1,000 prisoD(!rs. So eager were some of the Union soldiers to catch him that they rode one hundred and two miles in tbirtv-six hours. This was the last of the enemy's raids Oct. into Missouri ; and the land had rest. Wilmington, N. C, was defended by Fort Fisher, which commanded the harbor. This place became most impor- tant for blockade runners, and the Government resolved to capture the forts and break up this contraband trade. The first expedition failed by mismanagement, and the second captured Fort Fisher, after hard figliting, with its garrison 15.' 352 HISTORY OF THE AMEEICAN PEOPLE. 1884. Lxfv.' ^od entire armament. Two clays afterward the Confed- erates' blew up Fort Caswell. This gave the Union navy complete control of the river, much to the grief of the Feb. Englisli blockade runners. The Union forces took posses- sion of Wilmington. When Sherman set out for the seaboard, Hood moved northward with an army of 35,000 men, he confronted Tliomas's cavalry which checked him near Florence, Ala- bama, and continued to skirmish before him as lie ad- vanced. It was rumored that Hood intended to invade middle Tennessee ; numerous expeditions both of Confeder- ate and Federal cavaliy were made during the montlis of October and November. Thomas, meauwliile, was fortifying Nashville, and having the control of the Cumberland river by means of eiglit gunboats he was at no loss for provis- ions. General Scbofield, who fell back slowly in order to gain time, made a halt at Franklin, his men at once with spade and axe entrenching themselves. This liad become a custom witli tlie Union soldiers, tlieir aptness enabled them to throw up breastworks in an almost incredibly short „ time. Hood assaulted these defenses of logs and earth ao. several times, and was as often repulsed witli great loss ; he liad 1,750 killed and 3,800 wounded while Schofield had only 189 killed and 1,033 wounded. Schofield fell back, in accordance with orders, to Nashville ; the next day Hood's cavalry came up and the day after the infantry ; their prog- Dec, ress was arrested by a series of fortifications on the hills ^- around the city. Much uneasiness was felt in thecountry because Thomas did not attack Hood, and even Grant was on the eve of re- lieving him of command. Dec. When ready the sure but cautious Thomas moved out nf 1^- Nashville, a heavy fog — which did not lift till noon — favor- ing secrecy, with all his troojis in order. A heavy demon- stration was made against Hood's right by General Stedman, by which movement Hood was deceived, and sent reinforce- ments from liis left and center. Then at the proper moment hood's defeat and lo§ses. • 953 Generals Smith and Wilson swung round and attacked the ™ap. 18G4. weak point and carried every thing before them ; in one in- stance, the cavah-y dismounted and carried a redoubt sabre in hand, then a second redoubt the same troops carried in the same manner. Then Montgomery Hill, Hood's most advanced position, was carried and many prisoners captured. Thus the Confederates were driven out of their original line of works and forced back along the base of Haiiicth Hills, a new position. The result of the day was the capture of 1,200 prisoners and sixteen pieces of artillery, arms and wagons ; the Union loss was light. The Federal army bivouaced on the field, ^nd prepared Dec. to drive the enemy on the morrow. At 6 a.m. they drove back the enemy's skirmishers, and came upon a hne of works constructed during the night on Overton's hill. Thomas soon arranged his men with a purpose, and felt of the enemy along their lines, then about 3 p.m. ordered an assault on Overton's hill. This was in full sight of Hood, who sent reinforcements from his right and center. The columns moved to the assault, and thoroughly drew the enemy's fire, but they were finally compelled to fall back to be reformed. The signal was given and then upon the Confederate right and center, thus weakened, rushed the Union forces under Smith and Schofield, and carried all before them with the greatest impetuosity. Meanwhile, the assaulting columns — having been reformed — for the second time moved upon Overton's hill, and carried it at the point of the bayonet. lu this assault the colored troops behaved with great bravery. The whole Confederate line was broken beyond reeovei'y; the pursuit continued till dark. This was a most disastrous defeat. From Hood's entrance till his retreat from Tennessee he lost at least 24,000 men and 53 pieces of artillery. The desertions from his ranks were enormous ; so that the power of the rebellion in the West was now broken forever. Breckenridge was detailed by the Confederate authori- Nov. ties to move into East Tennessee, especially to capture ^^- 954: HISTORY OF THE AilEKICAN PEOPLE. CHAP. Knoxvillo. He had some success at first, but General Stoneman, then at Louisville, was sent to take command, and in the short space of four days drove his forces out of the State. 1864 CHAPTER LXV. Lincoln's administration — continued. Grant's design. — Platforms of Parties.— Second Inauguration — Disposi- tion of Union forces.— Lee's Plans— Battle of Five Forks. — Jefferson Davis Flees. — Lee Surrenders. — Richmond on Fire and Occupied. — Johnston's Surrender. — The Assassination. — Ttie Funeral.— An- drew JuLnfon. — Tbe Interview between Mr. Lincoln and Grant and Sherman.- Union Loss in the Rebellion.— Blockade Raised. — The Old Flag on Sumter. — Amnesty Proclamation — English Cruisers. — Alabama and Kearsage.— Lord John Russell's Protest. — Louis Napoleon. — No French Blockade Runners. — Provisional Gov- ernors. — Telegraph— Reconstruction. — Impeachment Trial. — Presi- dential Election. We now return to before Richmond. The victory of chap. Thomas and the advance of Sherman toward the coast had '■ given a sad aspect to the Confederate cause. It was Grant's •^°^*- design to keep Lee and his forces in and around Richmond till such tinje as he could be captured with his whole army, as he misht possibly retreat by Lynchburg to south westcni Virginia or to western North Carolina, and protract the war still further. The platforms of the two parties, Republican and Dem- ocratic, may be taken as exponents of their political views during this Presidential canvass. The former said : '-We approve the determination of the government not to com- promise with rebels, nor to offer any terms of peace eycept such as may be based upon an unconditional surrender of their hostility, and a return to their just allegiance to the Constitution and laws of the United States." And "as slavery was the cause of this rebellion." and used for its aid, the Convention expressed itself in favor of an amendment to the Constitution that should forever prohibit slavery in the United States. The Convention also approved the Emancipation Proclamation and the ''employment a? Union 1864. 956 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. *lW" soldiers of men hitherto held in slavery"; and "that the national faith, pledged for the redemption of tiie jjublic debt, must be kept inviolate." The Democratic Convention resolved "That this Con- vention does explicitly declare that, after four years of failure to restore the Union by the experiment of war, that immediate efforts be made for a cessation of hostilities, with a view to a Convention of all the States, or other j^eaceable means to the end that at the earliest practicable moment jjeace may be restored on the basis of the Federal Union of the States." The Convention was silent in respect to slavery and the payment of the public debt. Mr. Lin- coln was elected ; only three States east their Totes for McClellan. Why_ the Confederates did not submit with as good grace as they could after their defeat at Gettysburg and the fall of Vieksburg and Port Hudson — all within ten days — is one of the marvels of this marvelous rebellion. They were expecting the Democratic party to come into power in 1864, which they deemed more favorable to them. Says Cliilde : " The choice assured the election of Mr. Lincoln, and the defeat of General McClellan, who was regarded as more favorable to the Southerners."' Tlie inconsiderate boast was made again and again by some of their leaders that they would never submit, but as guerrillas take to the fastnesses of the mountains. Under the circumstances this was nothing short of madness. Had they been fighting against a people of differeat race and civilization, such sen- timents might savor of ])atriotism. On the Fourth of March Mr. Lincoln entered upon his second Presidential term. In the course of his inaugural he uses the following striking language: "Fondly do we hope, personally do we pray, that the scourge of war may speedily pass away. Yet if God wills it to continue until all the wealth piled by the bondman's two hundred and fifty years of unrequited toil shall be sunk, and until every 1 Life of Lee, p. 291. DISPOSITION OF UNION FORCES. 957 drop of blood drawn by the lash shall be paid by another '^^'*- drawn by the sword, as was said three thousand years ago, — ; — so, still it must be said, that the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether." Further on he indicates his purpose, saying: "With malice toward none, with charity for all, with lirraness in the right, as God gives us to see the right." Dispositions were now made of llie Union forces that would in a short campaign break the Confederacy to pieces. Sheridan from the valley was to move toward Lyncliburg, destroying James River Canal and railroads ; and Stoneman to move from East Tennessee witli a cavalry force of 5,000 ; one from Vicksl)urg, 7,000 or 8,000 strong, to sweep through Northei'n Mississippi ; one from East Port, Miss., numbering 10,000 ; General Cauby, from Mobile, with a mixed army of 38,000, to move on Tuscaloosa, Schna and Montgomery ; and 5,000 cavalry were to start fi'om Nash- ville. Thfise movements were to be simultaneous as much as jjossible. Of these, Sheridan was the first to move. He left Win- 1865. Chester with two divisions of cavalry each 5,000 strong. 37 ' Passing up the valley, entered Staunton ; the enemy re- treated, and he pushed on in pursuit to find them in force under General Early in an intrenched position af Waynes- boro. Without waiting to reconnoiter, he assaulted the works and carried them, and secured 1,500 prisoners and eleven pieces of artillery. Thence his men rode to Char- ^J' lottesville, making havoc of railroads and bridges, toward Lynchburg and Richmond, moving along the James River Caual, destroying locks and cutting the banks to let out the water, then passed around and north of Richmond and joined the army before Petersburg. This was the most M^r. effective cavalry raid of the war. Lee had laid plans to evacuate both Petersburg and Richmond, and unite near Danville with the force of John- ston, who was to fall back from before Sherman's advance. To cover this movement he made a vigorous attack on 958 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. ci^P- Grant's army, intending when it was in confusion to march rapidly by the Cox road toward Dauville. Accordingly j£g,.' Confederate troops under General Gordon, at daylight, ^5- furiously assaulted Fort Stedman, a jjoint in the Union lines. The garrison were surprised by the suddenness of the attack, and were overpowered. Tlie triumph was short. The neighboring Union forts poured in their shot so inces- santly that in a short time Gordon's troops, 2,000 in all, were forced to surrender. General Meade now ordered forward the .Second and Sixth Corps, who seized the Con- federate well-intrenched picket line, securing a large num- ber of prisoners. On the extreme Federal left a similar move was made with similar success. At 2 p.m. Lee made an effort to regain these lines, but his'forees were repulsed in eyei-y attempt, and with great loss. To make a junction with Johnston was now impossible. Grant at once resolved to attack the enemy and cut «ff their retreat by the Danville road. In preparation he secretly sent troo23s to his extreme left and gave orders to Sheridan to move on Dinwiddle Court House. Lee learned of these movements, and suspecting the design threw 17,000 of his best men to the support of his right. A severe storm of rain retarded operations for two days. Lee endeavored to use his accustomed tactics of tlirowing a Mar. large force upon a weak point, and in this battle of White Oak road he gained advantage at first, but only to be beaten off ; and finally the Federal troops carried the very earth- works from which the enemy issued, and obtained posses- sion of the road. Lee had fortified Five Forks — a crossing where five roads meet — a strategic point of great importance, by which was his only way of retreat. Toward this place both armies made their way. When the Union cavalry reached Five Forks they found the enemy in position and were com- pelled to fall back. The Confederates at once pushed on vigorously, and fording a stream attacked Sheridan's left center and drove it back ; but presently a fresh brigade, by Mar. 28. BATTLE — PIVE FORKS. 959 a gallant oaset, checked their advance for a time. Sheridan <^hap. dismounted his cavalry and managed them so skillfully as - to repel the attack at every point. At dark the Confcder- ^^^^' ates withdrew to their eutrencliments at Five Forks, where Lee had concentrated his forces. The control of the com- ing battle was entrusted to Sheridan, who was on the field, by Generals Grant and Meade. The former promptly made dispositions of his troops, and in the early morning com- Apr menced the attack. The Union force under General Mer- ■^• lit drove the Confederates in fror/t of them to the Five Forks skirmish line, then by impetuous attacks they were by two P.M. driven witliin their main works. Sheridan in his report says : " The enemy were driven from their strong line of works and completely routed ; the Fifth Corps doubling up their left flank in confusion and the cavalry of General Merritt dashing on to the White Oak road, capturing their artillery and turning it upon them, and riding into their broken ranks so demoralized them that they made no serious stand after their line was carried, but took to flight in disorder." The Confederates were pursued six miles, and lost, besides the killed and wounded, between five and six thousand prisoners. . The following night was made hideous by a constant Apr bombardment along the whole Union line, and at 4 a.m. Sunday, a combined assault was successfully made upon the enemy's works and the South Side Eailroad was seized. The Confederates, driven on their left by Meade and by Sheridan on their right, were broken, and in great confu- sion rushed in a mass westward by the main road along the bank of the Appomattox. The following night was one of terror in Kichmond. At the last moment the citizens were conTinced that their city must fall into the hands of the Federal troops. Jeffer- son Davis had already gone. When in church in the after- noon he received a telegram from Lee, stating that his army had been driven from their fortifications, and Petersburg was occupied, and he must evacuate Eichmond. Lee was / 960 HISTORY OF THE A3IERICAK PEOPLE. ijH^. moviag toward the Danville road, in hopes to form a ]uac- tion with Johnston, who, at his instance, had been put iu ' command of the Confederates hastily concentrated to oppose Sherman. It was of vast importance that both Lee's and Johnston's armies should be captured and the war ended. At length, when Lee was completely surrounded. General ^^P''- Grant sent a note under a flag of truce to him, saj'ing, " I regard it as my duty to shift from myself the responsibility of any further effusion of blood by asking of you the sur- render of the army under your command." Several com- mnnieatioTis passed between the opposing generals. Finally Grant wrote, " The terms upon which peace can be had are well understood. By the South laying down their arms they will hasten that most desirable event, save thousands ^ of human lives, and hundreds of millioub wf property not yet destroyed." An interview was held between the two commanders. The result was the Confederates laid down their arms, and were paroled as prisoners of war and per- ^\^p,. mitted to return to their homes. " The victors were mag- 'J- nanimous ; they abstained from every appearance of insult toward the vanquished. Abundant victuals wore distrib- uted to the prisoners, who were dying of hunger."' On Monday, April 4tb, about noon, General Weitzel occupied Eichmond. which was iu a sad condition, on fire, and iu the bauds of thieves and robbers. The Union sol- diers, as so often before, used their eilorts to extinguish the flames and arrest the plundering. Both of these were accomplished by night, when peace and order once more reigned. Thus it was, from the wanton burning of Hamp- ton village to the firing of Richmond, the private property of the Southern people suffered from the insane folly of her leaders. General Ewell, commanding the rear guard of the Confederate 'army, destroyed the bridges over the James river, and then, obeying his instructions to the letter, but against the earnest protest of the mayor and principal citi- zens, set on fire warehouses and flour-mills. Says Pollard, Life of Lee, p. 321. 1865. DAVIS'S PROCLAMATION — BURNING OF COLUMBIA. 961 " The warelionscs were fired ; the flames seized on the "j^^- neighboring buildings, and soon involved a wide and widen- ing ai'ea. The conflagration passed beyond control, and in this mad fire, this wild, unnecessary destruction of private property, the citizens of Eichmond had a fitting souvenir of the imprudence and recklessness of the departing admin- istration." Jefferson Davis paused in his flight at Danville, Virginia, to issue a proclamation ; after alluding to the abandonment of Petersburg and Eichmond he says : " Virginia, with the help of the people, and by the blessing of Providence, shall be held and defended, and no peace ever be made with the infamous invaders of her territory." A little more than a month afterward, he was captured while in disguise attempt- jj ing to escape. He was brought to Fortress Monroe and there imprisoned under an indictment for treason, but his trial was postjioned from time to time, and finally he was released on bail. When the Union troops arrived at 1867. Columbia, South Carolina, they found the place evacuated by Wade Hampton, who before leaving had ordered the cot- ton stored in the place to be burned, much of it in bales in the street ; the Union soldiers labored to put out the fire and thought they were successful, but at night came up a high wind, the smouldering fire revived and spread in spite of the Provost Marshal and his soldiers ; the greater portion of the beaiitiful village was burned. General Sherman pressed on Johnston, and having re- ceived the news of the surrender of Lee, he moved from Goldsboro to Ealcigh, the capital of the State, which place was occupied, much to the relief of the inhabitants, who were being pillaged by desperadoes from tlieir own array. 1865. Johnston also had heard of Lee's surrender, and sent a flag ^]' of truce to Sherman asking an armistice preliminary to a surrender; a conference was held by the two eommanuers and an arrangement made for the surrender of Johnston's army ; this was so far modified by the authorities at Washington as to conform to the conditions on which Lee 962 HISTOKT OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLK CHAP, had surrendered. The other Confederate armies throngb- LXV L out tlie South submitted, Kirby Smith in Texas being the 1865. ]^g(; . _^qJ tij^g (;i^e greatest rebellion in history collapsed. In the midst of the rejoicings at the downfall of Lee and capture of Richmond, and the sure anticipation of the fate of Johnston's army, the President was assassinated by John ■]j^' Wilkes Booth ; a violent sympathiser with the rebellion, though of Northern birth. Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln were seated in a private box in a theater when the fatal shot was fired, at about half past nine in the evening ; Mr. Lincoln lingered till twenty minutes past seven the follov/ing morn- ing. Never before did the nation manifest such intense grief as this event produced. The sorrow of the army was striking and remarkable ; yet those noble men in the midst of their grief never whispered of retaliation in any form. Says General Johnston in relation to the bearing of the Union army after his own surrender, and just after the assas- sination became known: "The Union soldiers treated the peofde around them as they would have done those of Ohio or New York if stationed among them as their fellow citizens.'" Mr. Lincoln had endeared himself to all, even to great numbers of his political oppoaents, by his self devotion and kindness of heart, and that rare combination of talent and common sense which made him equal to any emergency in which he might be placed. In him the Soutliern people , lost their best friend ; and that truth the intelligent among them recognized. The remains of the Martyr President were carried to Springfield, Illinois, his former place of residence. It was an immense funeral procession, lasting for fourteen days ; the people along the route thronging in crowds to pay honor to his memory. He was laid in his last resting place on the 4th of May. It would seem the conspirators aimed at the same time to assassinate the members of the Cabinet. The attempt was made to kill Mr. Seward, Secretary of State, who at the 'Military Narrative, p. 419. JOHNSON PRESIDENT — BOOTH, 96S time was confined to his room by illness. The assassin chap. failed though he wounded Mr. Seward, and also his son Frederick W. , assistant Secretary. 1865. JOHNSON S ADMINISTRATION. Andrew Johnson, by virtue of his office as Vice-Presi- dent, and in accordance with the law, assumed the duties of President of the TJn ited States. He was a native of Raleigh, ig_ ' North Carolina ; tbence removed to Grreen\'ille, Tennessee. In his youth his education had been much neglected, not even knowing the alphabet at the age of seventeen ; but by his energy and perseverance he not only educated him- self but won the respect of his fellow citizens, who elected him alderman, then Mayor ; then their representative in the Legislature, then to Congress and finally Governor of the State. Booth escaped by leaping from the box to the stage, and then by a side door to the street, where a horse was in readiness, which he mounted and rode rapidly away, accompanied by an accomplice named Harold. He was pursued vigorously, and a few days afterward was traced to a bam in lower Maryland, and when it was surrounded he was ordered to surrender, but refused, though Harold gave himself up. Booth, in desperation, resolved to sell his life dearly, but before he could do harm he was shot down by Sergeant Corbett, one of his pursuers. Others of the conspirators were arrested, tried by court martial, four of them were found guilty and hanged, and the three accom- July plices were sentenced to imprisonment for life. In an interview between President Lincoln and Gen- Mar. erals Grant and Sherman, on board a steamer at City ^8. Point, Virginia, the two generals gave as their opinion that one more bloody battle would have to be fought before the power of the rebellion could be broken. Mr. Lincoln, with deep emotion, exclaimed more than once, "That there had been blood enough shed, and asked if another 964 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. ci|AP. battle could not be avoided." The answer was, "That depended on Jefferson Davis and General Lee." Dnrina; the interim Mr. Lincoln said, "All he wanted for us was to defeat the opposing armies, and to get the men com- posing the Confederate armies back to their homes, at work on their farms and in their shops,"' "and restore all the men of both sections to their homes." In accordance with this sentiment General Grant, as soon as Lee surren- dered, advised the reduction of the armies, that the men might return to civil life and their duties as citizens; he even did not visit Kichmond, bixt hastened to Washington to facilitate the disbaudment. Daring the last weeks of April and the first of May were witnessed many imposing scenes, — the returning soldiers undergoing their last reviews before leaving for their distant homes to be mus- tered out of the service, and to resume their duties as citizens. Such an imposing sight was never before seen of armies so large, the soldiers of which had so intelligent a view of the great principles for the establishment of which they had freely risked their lives in the perils of battle. They were greeted by ovations all along their route, and welcomed home as the saviors of the Union — that heir- loom handed down fi'om the fathers. Yet, also, how sad the occasion ; amid the joy many an eye filled with tears and breast heaved with sorrow for the numbers who went at their country's call but who had laid down their lives on distant battle-fields. Many a regiment with its full complement of men which had set out inspired with hope and patriotism, came back with its banners draggled and bat- tered by hostile balls, and perhaps with not more than one- fourth of its original number. The following is a record copied from the lists at the War Office, at Washington, of the killed and wounded on the Union side during the EebeUion : Killed 35.408 Died of wounds 49,205 Wounded 400,9*5 1 Sherman's Memoirs, Vol. 11., p. 326-7. BLOCKADE RAISED — AMNESTY PEOCLAMATIOlf. 965 There has not been kept a perfect roll or list of the "j^^- Confederate killed and wounded, but the number is esti mated at very nearly the same. The nation incurred a debt of nearly three thousand million dollars, which has been so far paid as to amount now to about two thousand one hundred and twenty-eight millions ; the nation having paid of its debt about eight Dec. hundred and seventy millions in ten years. ^• The Government, as soon as it was proper, raised the i865. blockade of the Southern ports and reduced both the army and navy. The men of the arm}', in a remarkably short time, returned to their homes and families, and entered upon their civil duties with the self-respect natural to those who honestly have performed services in defense of their common country. The immense number of ships, now no longer wanted by the Government, were disposed of to the highest bidders ; all property thus useless was sold, and the proceeds appropriated to paying the debt incurred. Charleston was evacuated, and tlie Stars and Stripes once more floated over the city of nullification and seces- sion. The heart of the city had been burned during the j § ' bombardment, and " the rebel garrison, when leaving, fired the railroiid depots, which fire had spread, and was only subdued by our troops after they had reached the city."' On the fourth anniversary of the surrender of Fort Sumter the veritable flag — tattered and torn — which floated over " that fort during the rebel assault" was replaced by Major, now Major-General, Robert Anderson with imposing cere- monies, and was honored by a salute of one hundred 14. national guns "from every fort and rebel battery that fired on Fort Sumter."" President Johnson issued an amnesty proclamation, in which pardon was offered to all who would take an oath of May allegiance to the United States, except certain si^eeified classes who had held offices in the cause of the rebellion. ' Sherman's Memoirs, "Vol. II., p. 369. Sherman's Memoirs, Vol. II., p. '230. 966 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. Lxv'' ^^ ^^'^ ^*^^ °^ ^^^^^' ^^^^' ^''^^ President granted pardon unconditionally to all who were not at that time under ■ indictment for treason, and finally, December 25th, he ex- tended pardon to all without exception. A number of cruisers, among which were the Alabama, Florida, and the Georgia, were fitted out in English ship- yards to prey on AmericaTi commerce, under the flag of the so-called Confederacy — it not having a single j)ort into which they could enter. These vessels were more or less manned by English seamen under Confederate captains, and into whatever port they catered in the British Empire they were welcomed, furnished supplies and armaments, and permitted to make repairs if needed, and also to enlist men if necessary. Tliough the English Government had issued a proclamation against the reception and aiding these vessels, yet it was a dead letter ; neither did the Gov- erument itself make an efiicient effort to enforce the law or to punish those who violated it. The Alabama was built expressly for this purpose, and was permitted to steam out of the Mersey, whence she went to the Azoi-es, and there, by appointment, received her full armament of guns and stores sent from London. Kapliael Semmes there took command, with a crew of 26 officers and 85 men, mostlj' Aug. British seamen. She, eluding her pursuers, roamed over the ocean for two years, destroying nearly seventy American vessels ; storeships from Liverpool, by arrangement, fur- nishing her from time to time with war material and pro- visions. At lengtli she appeared at Cherbourg in France, but the Amei'ican Minister protested so strenuously that the French Government gave her permission to obtain coal and ])rovisions, but not to use tlie national navy-yard in which to be repaired. Meanwhile, Captain John A. Wins- June low, of the United States gunboat Kearsarge — lying ia a ^"- port of Holland — learned that tlie famous cruiser was at Cherbourg, and he immediately steamed out and soon appeared oil that harbor, watching for the cruiser to put to sea. Semmes, finding he could not escape — as the Kear- EUSSELL's protest — LOUIS KAPOLEON. 967 sarge was a swifter vessel than the Alahama, — proclaimed *^^^- that lie intended to fight his adversary. The Alabama came out of port and the Kearsayc jm,g steamed ahead seven miles, to get beyond French jui-is- 19- diction, and so far that the Alabama could not get back to the neutral line — three miles out — before he could over- haul her. At the right time the Kearsage turned and made for her antagonist, running at half-speed and only firing one gun for her two; coming within close range, her guns were shotted with shells of five seconds' fuse. The 11-inch shells of the Kearsage went through the Alabama's starboard and burst in the port side, and between decks, with terrific e£Eect. Five Englisli trained gunners were put on board the Alabama the evening before the action, but they seemed to lose their skill, as the Kearsage wfts scarcely injured. In an hour and ten minutes' time the Alabama was sinking beyond recovery, and Semmes hauled down his colors. A friendly English yacht was near and Captain Winslow asked the owner to aid in saving the crew of the sinking ship. Semmes was taken on board the yacht which slipped away to Southampton, where much sympathy was expressed for him and his cause. Under date of April 1, 1864, Lord John Eussell, in a communication to Jefferson Davis, as President of the "so-called Confederacy," protested against his employing -^P"^- agents in England to obtain "vessels for war purposes against the United States." Had this protest been made three years before it might have been of benefit, but it was now too late ; tlie mischief was done, and the United States government had a record of all the vessels destroyed by these English-built craisers, and in due time would demand payment for the damage. This fact the English authorities had already learned. Though Louis Napoleon seems to have been desirous in some way to act as mediator to stop the "fratricidal strife," and was thought to be unfriendly to the Union, because it was a Ke public, yet no Frenchman, as far as 18(J5. 968 HISTOKT OF THE AMEEICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, known, endeuvored to advance his pecuniary interest by running tlie blockade, and thus aiding the enemies of the Union by furnishing tliem the munitions of war. The slavery question came up again, and Congress pro- Dec, posed an amendment to the Constitution (Article XIIL), by wliich slavery was to be forever abolished tliroughout the Union. Tliis was ratified by the States — three-fourths of the number voting for its adoption — and became a por- 1866. tion of the organic law of the land. In order to protect !^^' the Freedmen in their new position the Civil Eights Bill was passed over President Johnson's veto. This year a lawless attempt was made by a society known as Fenians wlio wislied to free Ireland from British sway by invading Canada. They were driven back after some skir- mishing. The President issued a proclamation denouncing the enterprise as a violation of neutrality, and cautioning all engaged in it to desist. General Meade, who was sent to the frontier, soon put an end to the movement. Professor Samuel F. B. Morse, a native of Massaoliu- setts, then a resident of New York City, in whose univer- 1844. sity his experiments were first made, gave to the world the electric telegraph. It is vain to conjecture the full benefit that will accrue to tlie human family from this invention. May it be a harbinger of peace, a link to unite the nations in a common union of friendship ! The first attempt to 1857. ].^y .^ cable across the Atlantic ocean succeeded, but for some unknown cause it ceased to act after a few sentences were transmitted. Nine years afterward another cable was 1866. l3'<^> the enterprise owing its success to the energy of Cyrus W. Field, of New Yoi-k City. Other lines have been laid connecting Europe with tlie United States, while others have united us with our southern neighbors. Also sound- ings have been made from San Francisco to Japan, across 1874. the Pacific, and a route on the bed of that ocean found feasible for laying a cable. The reconstruction of the Union — by which the seceding States were to be received back — was one of the most RECONSTRUCTION — IMPEACHMENT. 969 1867. diflScult questions to settle. Congress and the Presi- c^^- dent differed in opinion on tbe subject. Tiie President tbonffht it sufficient for tliese States to repeal tbeir ordi- nances of secession and rei)ndiiito the debt incurred by tbe rebellion, and to ratify simply the amendment to tbe Con- stitution abolishing slavery. But Congress wished to give the Freedman a fair chance, and to avoid, if possible, .any inducement to curtail his rights as a citizen, and to settle forever all questions that might grow out of the old system of slavery. They proposed another amendment. of the Con- stitution (Article XIV.), making it for the interest of the State not to curtail the vote of any of its citizens, inasmuch as in proportion any class of citizens in a State was denied the right of voting, by so much would the representation of that State be diminished in Congress. This amendment became also a portion of the Constitution. The seceded States, under Provisional Governors, held conventions and adopted these amendments, and were restored to tlieir relations to the Union, and their Senators and Representatives were readmitted to their seats in Con- gress. The last to come in were the States of North and South Carolina, Louisiana, Arkansas, Georgia, Alabama, Texas, and Florida. Some of these had been unrepresented in Congress for seven years. Nebraska was admitted into the Union as a State, mak- 1867. ing the thirty-seventh. The same year Alaska was purchased from Russia for the sum of $7,300,000 in gold. This im- mense jegion of 500,000 square miles is chiefly valuable for its fine fisheries, and for seal skins, tbe most important pro- duct, and also for its harbors on the Pacific Coast. Congress had passed a law entitled tlie Tenure of Office Bill, by which the consent of the Senate was necessary to the removal from office of any officer whose nomination by the President had to be confirmed by that body. The President, in violation of this law and during the recess of Congress, desired to remove that most efficient officer Edwin M. Stanton, tbe Secretary of war, from his position. 970 HISTOKI OF THE AMEKICAIf PEOPLE, CHAP. Great political excitement grew out of these proceedings, which resulted in the impeachment of the President, by a resolution of the House of Representatives, "for high crimes and misdemeanors." His trial ended in his acquittal, as a two-thirds vote of the Senate failed, by one vote, to pro- nounce him guilty. This is the only instance of a President of the United States being impeached. An important treaty was made with the Chinese Empire by whicli religious toleration was guaranteed to citizens of igg8_ the United States residing in China, and tlie same privilege was extended to Chinese residents in this country. This treaty was followed by an embassy from that empire to the United States, which it is hoped will have a most favorable influence iipon the policy of that secluded empire. In the election for President the Republican party nomi- nated for the presidency and vice-presidency General U. S. Grant of Illinois, and Schuyler Colfax of Indiana, and the Democratic party Horatio Seymour of New York and General Francis P. Blair Jr., of Missouri. 1 he former were elected and General Grant was inaugurated President 4th of March 1869. • ac-s.coLTonico.N.v CHAP TEE LXVI. grant's administrations. Pacific Railway. — The Fifteenth Amendment. — Death of General Lee. — State Rights Influence. — Alabama Claims. — Census of 1870. — Election Law. — The Centennial. — Presidential Election. — Influ- ences binding the Union. — Conclusion. — Progress. — Agricultural Products. — Immigrants. — The Effect of Cheap Lands. — Home- stead Settlers. — Public School Funds. — Illiteracy of Stat'::s Com- pared. — Newspapers. — Public Libraries. — Art. — Benevolent Associ- ations. — Individual Respoasibility. — English Language, Influence of. — Christianized Civilization. When Ulysses S. Grant entered upon the office of Presi- chap. dent the civil war had been concluded about four years ; . L the direful effects on the South had been rapidly disappear- 1869- ing ; all the States, by means of reconstruction,, were once 4.' more under the old flag, and the nation had already en tered upon a career of progress untrammeled by the incumbrance of slavery to retard advancement and to serve as an irritat- ing element, as it liad been for two geuerations. The President appointed ex-Governor Hamilton Fish, of New York, Secretary of State. During this year the Pacific Railroad, extending from Omaha, Neb., to San Francisco, 1,913 miles, was finished; it supplied the link uniting the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. This was a work of great magnitude — entered upon in time of civil war, but pressed to the end by untii'ing energy. The United States aided in building this road by liberal grants of public lands and otherwise. The Fifteenth Amendment, which reads, " The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States, or by any State, on account 1870. of color or previous condition of servitude," was adopted, g^"^ and became the law of the land. This completed the 1870. 972 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. LxvF.' amendments to the Constitution deemed necessary for the protection of the f reedmen in their new relation as citizens. They have manifold difficulties to overcome, but their prog- ress in industry and their endeavor to educate themselves and their children, and to acquire frugal habits, are the cheering features in their case. Too much, unfortunately, has been expected of them as citizens. The degradation of their previous condition has not produced that self-respect so necessary to success in life, and it will take time, and botli moral and intellectual improvement, to obliterate the effects of such an influence. A feeling of kindness between the former masters and the f reedmen is increasing from year to year, and as the industries of the late slaveholding States increase and their resources develop, the latter, aa laborers at least, will doubtless perform tlieir share in this general progress. 1875. -'Now," wrote Vice-President Wilson, "the colored race, though little accustomed to habits of economy and thrift, 'possess millions of proi)erty, has hundreds of thou- sands of ohildrou in schools, has been clothed witli civil and political rights, occupies high positions at home, and has representatives in Congress." 1870. General Robert E. Lee died October 12, 1870. He had Oct. ^on for himself the resj)ect of the people of the loyal States, and was the idol of those of his own section. He was a Christian and a gentleman ; reserved in manner, but of the kindliest disposition. He was opposed to the secession leaders, and had but little respect for their states- manship ; looking upon them as only ambitious politicians, and tliat the war might have been avoided had it not been for that class in both sections. Says he, "I did believe at tiie time that it was an unnecessary condition of affairs, and might have been avoided if forbearance and wisdom had been practiced on botli sides." He wrote, Jan. 6th, 1861, "1 cannot anticipate so great a calamity to the nation as tlie dissolution of the Union." When the war was over he accepted the situation, and used his mfluence DEATH OF GENEBAL LEE — STATE EIGHTS INFLUENCE. 973 for the reconciliation of the North and South. He was chap. LXIV. elected president of Washington College in liis native State, in which important and useful office he spent the ^^''^' remainder of his life ; and tliere used all his influence to direct the young men to become Christians and good citizens, and true lovers of the tchole country. A mother brought her two sons to enter the college, and in liis presence loudly expressed her hatred of the North ; the dignified president, interrupting her, said, "Madam, don't bring up your sous to detest the United States government. Eecollect that we form but one country noui; abandon all these local animosities, and make your sons Americans."' He foresaw the ruin of his own Virginia in case of a civil war, and it was through agonies of spirit that he decided to go with her. "My husband has wept tears of blood," Mrs. Lee wrote to a friend, "over this terrible war; but he must, as a man and a Virginian, share the destiny of his State, which has solemnly pronounced for independence."* His decision, no doubt, was owing much to the insidious influence of the extreme views taken of the doctrine of State Eights, which poisoned the minds of many of the Southern statesmen of that period to such an extent as to cramp their political ideas. They were so much engaged in plans of special legislation for their own section and "the peculiar institution,'" that their statesmanship was dwarfed ; in consequence their views of policy were more sectional than national ; never grasping the wliole land in its diversities of climate and manifold industries and insti- tutions. Governments, in theory at least, have been formed to last for all time, and these leaders betrayed their want of true statesmanship wlien in their Constitution they embodied the doctrine of State Eights to such an extent as to provide, in the very organization of their government, for its own dissolution — the only instance known to history of such inconsistency. During the rebellion and at its close the loyal people and 1 Life of Lee, p. 331. « Life of Lee, p. 31. 974 HISTOET OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. 1870. LXvT.' Congress felt keenly indignant that the English rulers should have given aid to the Confederates and manifested so much sympathy for their cause. " We charged and believed that Great Britain and her colonies had been the arsenal, the navy-yard, aud the treasury of the Confederacy." But "with generous forbearance" the United States Govern- ment chose to obtain redress by neg9tiation, and a treaty was made, the Earl of Clarendon acting on the part of the English Government and Hon. Reverdy Johnson, an emi- nent lawyer, acting on the part of the United States. Senator Charles Sumner made a scathing analysis of this treaty when it came before the Senate for ratification, and it was rejected. His argument and the rejection irritated the English people exceedingly ; but time and reflection revealed to them tliat Sumner's statements were so clear and so true that the United States had just reason to com- plain of England's lack of good faith as a neutral, and they began to sincerely regret there should be differences of an unfriendly character between the two nations of all others so nearly related, which feeling came now to be reciprocated by the people of the United States. General Grant, soon after the rejection of the treaty, be- came President, and he recommended to Congress to appoint a commission to audit the claims of American citi- zens on Great Britain for losses by Confederate cruisers permitted to leave English ports to prey on American com- merce, in order to have them assumed by the government itself. Soon after this the English government proposed to 1871. ^^^^ °^ ''^^^ United States a joint High Commission, to hold Jan. its sessions at Washington, to settle some questions in respect to boundaries between the two countries. The President consented on condition that the Alabama claims, so-called, should also be considered. This led to the second treaty of Washington (the first in 1842).' Five Commis- si sioners were sent by the British Government, men of emi- 8. nence, who met the same number, of equal character, 1 Hist., pp. 681-83. ENGLISH CRUISERS — TREATY OF WASHINGTON. 975 appointed by the President. Tins treaty, fi'om the prin- chap. ciples involved in its action, is a noble example of '- nations settling their controversies by negotiation, and the arbitration of justice and reason, rather than by tiie barbar- ous arbitrament of the sword. The Commissioners made their work complete. By authority of the Queen the Brit- ish negotiators expressed " in a friendly spirit the regret felt by Her Majesty's Government for the escape, under July whatever circumstances, of the Alabama and other vessels" — there were eighteen, including tenders — from British ports and for depredations committed by them. There were in all five different subjects of controversy between the two nations, and the treaty arranged that these should be submitted to disinterested arbitrators whose award both nations were bound by agreement to accept as final. The points at issue were the claims of American citizens against Great Britain for damages sustained by cruisers fitted out in British ports to aid the Confederates in making war against the United States, and all claims of the citizens of either Government for injuries received during the civil war ; also for the regulation of the Atlantic coast fisheries of the United States and of the British provinces touching on the Atlantic and its estuaries ; and for the free navigation of the St. Lawrence and certain canals in the Canadian Dominion ; and in the United States for the free navigation of Lake Michigan, and also for reciprocal free transit across the territory either of the United States or of the Canadian Dominion ; and, finally, the true boundary between Washington Territory and Brit- ish Columbia, which had been postponed to a future time by Daniel Webster and Lord Ashburton when they nego- tiated the first treaty of Washington. As long as Lord John Russell, through whose negli- gence the Alabarria and other vessels were permitted to escape, had charge of the foreign affairs of Great Britain no redress could be obtained. Though admitting the wrong, he stubbornly refused to make any concession, on 976 HISTOET OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE, LxvF' '''"'^ gfounc] that the "honor of England would not permit lier to make any reparation to the United States." 1871 All these claims and questions of differences, in accord- ance with the treaty of Washington, were to be referred to a tribunal of five arbitrators, appointed in the following manner : namely, one by the President of the United States and one by the Queen of the United Kingdom, with requests to the King of Italy, the President of the Swiss Confedera- tion, and the Emperor of Brazil each to name an arbitrator. The friendly Powers, as requested, designated each an arbitrator of eminent abilities and learning. The Queen appointed Sir Alexander Cockburn arbitiator and President Grant, Charles Francis Adams. Each party employed coun- sel : in behalf of the United Kingdom was Sir Roundell Palmer aided by two others, and in bc-half of the United States the eminent lawyers William M. Evarts, Caleb Cush- ing, and Morrison R. Waite — the latter now Chief-Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States. The arbitrators, in accordance with this arranrjemcnt, Ju'ue "^^'' ^y appointment at Geneva in Switzerland, and after a 15- laborious session in examination ■ — first, whether Great Britain failed to fulfill the duties laid down in the treaty in respect to preventing vessels leaving English ports to enter upon a war against American commerce in the service of the so-called Confederacy : and, secondly, to name the award which was to be in the gross, and paid in coin twelve months after the date of the decision ; the United States Government was to examine the claims of its own citizens and pay them out of the award — the decision was in the following terms : " The tribunal, making use of the authori- ty conferred upon it by Article VII. of the treaty of Wash- gg J ington, by a majority of four voices to one awards to the 14. United States the sum of $15,500,000 in gold as the indem- nity to be paid by Great Britain to the United States, for the satisfaction of all claims referred to the consideration of the tribunal.'" The money has been paid, and at this 1 CusUing on the Treaty of Washington, p. 380. THE CENSUS— OENTEXNIAL, 977 writing the Court to adjust and pay the claims is in chap. session. '- 1874. 1871. The Census of 1870 gave the population of the States ^^^^' and Territories of the Union as 38,533,191 ; about 7,000,- 000 more than that of 1860. This was the most eventful decade of our history. Tlie nation since the close of the rebellion has exhibited remarkable elasticity, and has beer rapidly recovering from the strain of an extraordinarily ex- pensive civil war, both in precious lives and treasure. Congress passed a law by which, hereafter, all oflScei-s of the national Government elected by the people are to be chosen on "the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November" — to take effect in 1876. As the time drew near when the nation would be one hundred years old. Congress made arrangements to celebrate its Centennial in an appropriate manner, properly selecting the city of Philadelphia as the place of the national celebra- tion, because in that city was made the Declaration of Mar. Independence, July 4, 177G. ' " The act provides for cele- brating in a becoming manner the one hundredth anniver- sary of American Independence, by holding an International Exhibition of Arts, Manufactures and products of the soil and mines, at Philadelphia, in 1876." Congress authorized first a "Commission to consist of not more than one delegate from each State and territory, to be appointed by the governors thereof, whose duty it shall be to prepare and superintend the execution of a plan for holding the Exhi- bition, and its general supervision ; they to continue in oflBce to the end of the Exhibition ; " and secondly a corpora- tion known as "The Centennial Board of Finance," com- posed of prominent citizens from each State and Territory of the United States, equal in number to twice the number of their senators, members, and delegates in Congress. The corporation to hold its meetings in Philadelphia. The President was authorized to invite the co-operation of foreign powers in the celebration. iHlst. p. 368. 978 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. 1870. OTAP. This invitation was responded to in a most gratifying manner, and nearly forty of the civilized nations of the earth have been represented in innumerable forms of their manufactures and arts, manifesting unusual national courtesy and good will ; this it is hoped will become an " Era of good feeling" among the nations of the world. The circumstances are such as to command attention ;' the independent growth of the nation in a brief period of a century, the result of its starting on its career with the elements of national greatness in abeyance ready to he developed as occasion required ; the energy of a people every one imbued with the self-respect and self-reliance of an in- telligent freeman. The buildings of the Exhibition are in Fairmount Park and are of immense size, finely arranged for the purpose designed. By means of the proper adjustment of glass in iron frames, the light is diffused in the most perfect manner. The main structure covers an area of twenty acres — the same as that of the London Exhibition in 1851 — the other bviildings, in all, occupy forty acres more. Tliese are of different styles and finished in accordance with each, dis- playing much taste, and withal an appropriateness of design. The buildings combined cover an area about the same as that of both the Great Exhibitions of London and Paris,. (1862-7) while they contain ten acres more than the odc at Vienna, (1873). This Exposition, it is hoped, will prove to be a school for improvement in the mechanical and tasteful arts, as here can be seen the finest specimens of man's mechanical skill or inventive genius. Every well-wisher of human progress — moral and intellectual — will look with interest upon the effects of this great gathering of the repre- sentatives of the nations of the earth thus commingling, and, we trust, in the interest of " peace and good will to men." In tlie Presidential election in 1872 President Grant 1873. ^"^^ the candidate of the Kepublican party, and Horace Greeley of the Liberal Republicans and Democratic party. The former was elected for a second term. CENTENNIAL. 979 Horace Greeley died on the 2flth of November, 1873. 9^^- Born in New Hampshire, the son of a humble farmer in ■ very limited circumstances, through many trials he ac- ^^^ quired self-reliance. True to himself and his integrity he rose by his own energy, and won the respect of his country- men. Kind in heart and proverbially benevolent, the friend of the oppressed of every land and the unrelenting opponent of every system of oppression. At the age of fifteen he began as an apprentice in a country printing oflSce, and after many changes and trials and disappoint- ments he came to the city, and in time founded the New York Tribune. Through that medium lie exerted a great influence in promoting the cause of temperance, and the industrial interests of the land. The death of no American private citizen had, hitherto, elicited so much sympathy and respect. Charles Sumner was born in Massachusetts, and died at Washington, March 11, 1874. Sent direct from the people to the United States Senate, he remained a member of that body for twenty-two years, and in the active duties of his position till his death. In varied learning and refined taste and mature scholarship he towered above his fellows. He maintsiined his influence in the nation by the purity of his political character and his commanding intellect, his most thorough knowledge of every important subject brought before the Senate, and his comprehensive views of national policy. Unswerving in opposition to the system of slavery and tlie untiring friend of the colored man — whether a bondman or a freedman — he labored to remove obstructions to his success in life, if he himself chose to make the proper exertion as a citizen by industry, and culti- vating habits of economy and thrift. The nation having just passed through a fearful struggle t6 preserve its integrity, the question occurs. Will there ever be another attempt to destroy the Union ? No doubt questions of national policy will arise in the future, on which will be differences of opinion, but never, probably, 1867. 980 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAK PEOPLE. CHAP, of a class involving principles of morals, of ligb.t and justice, wounding the conscience of the people, as was the case in respect to the system of slavery. The signs of the times indicate that the principles of religious freedom will forever secure that perfect toleration in matters of con- science so dear to tlie heart of the American people. Our system of common schools is destined to bo a great har- mouizer of the nation, by preparing the people to become more and more intelligent, uniting them by the strong bond of the same language and its literature, in contrast witli the other nations or empires of the world occupying immense areas of territory. The school-books used througli- out the land are the same in character. The language of the newspaper, the pulpit, the lecture, the myriads of books published from year to year, is the same, while it is spoken throughout the Union with scarcely a difference of intonation, much less amounting to a dialect. The continuous changes of residence by emigration from one part of the country to another, and tlic facilities of ti-avel, bringing together the people of the various sections in social intercourse, assimilate their characteristics, while the small fraction, comparatively, of the foreign pojuilation scarcely affects tlie homogeneity of the nation, for they soon affiliate, and their children, taught in the public schools, grow up genuine Americans. The numerous railways con- necting all portions of the Union, and affording easy com- munication for travel or transportation of mercliaTidise, are so many bands to hold us together ; while the national system of finances have a binding influence by cheapening exchange from one section to another, and thus saving an immense sum every year to the commercial interests of the land. The conformation of our territory is suited to be occu- pied by one nation alone ; and the very diversities of climate with us have a binding influence, inasmucl) as they afford us cheaply tlie necessaries of life and many of its luxuries. The great valley of the Mississippi, extending north and THE COKTINUANCB OF THE UKIOK. 081 soutli, with its varied climate, will ever be the indispensa- chap. ble storehouse of cereals and live stock, furnishing, in - exchange for manufactures and merchandise, most of the ^^^^' food for the inhabitants of the Atlantic slope, and also for the mining regions of the Rocky Mountains ; while the States along the South Atlantic and on the Gulf are equally as important in furnishing cotton and sugar. These com- mon wants will make the people of all sections of the land mutually dependent one upon another. Should questions of national policy hereafter arise, under such influences they will be considered in a conciliatory spirit, and decided in the light of truth and justice. The rapid and easy communication by means of railways from one section of the land to another precludes the dan- ger of sectional divisions of territory on account of its great extent ; while the telegraph almost brings the listen- ing ear of the nation to the halls of Congress to hear the discussions of questions of national importance, thus en- abling the people to form an intelligent judgment and to decide such questions by tlieir vote in the light of jiatriot- ism and in the spirit of the Golden Rule. The moral influences existing among the various Chris- tian denominations of the land serve to unite the whole people in sympathy of a purer type and to a greater extent than before the civil war, as the greatest obstacle to a genuine national Christian fellowship was removed by the extinction of slavery, which brooded over the cinirches of the land like a moral incubus and precladed perfect unity of Chris- tian feeling because of the conflicting views held by Chris- tians, both North and South, on the moral character of that system. Now the various benevolent and Christian institutions can have full play ; their power is increasing rapidly from year to year, while they are extending their influence and helping hand into fields of labor in every section of the country, inciting a stronger national interest and brother- hood of feeling. Not the least will be the influence for 982 HISTORY OF THE AMEKICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, good of that mutual respect which prevails between the surviving Union and Confederate soldiers who met in battle and tried each other's mettle, and which in due time will banish far away bygone prejudices. LXVI. 1876. { COKCLUSION. This Government, founded on the recognition of the civil and religious rights of man, may be regarded as an experiment in process of trial, but with the highest hopes of success. It is natural that under such a Government the people should make progress in literature, in science, and in those mechanical arts and inventions tiiat promote the comfort and advancement of mankind. Let us take a rapid glance at the progress made by this youthful nation in the short life of one hundred years. Since the Declaration of Independence the number of inhabitants, then estimated at three millions, has increased more than twelve-fold ; and since the first census (1790) the number has increased from 3,939,214 to 38,555,983 — 1798 Jo almost ten-fold. In the same period foreign commerce has 1875. increased in value from twenty to four hundred million dollars, while the internal trade has reached more than six hundred millions. In connection with this has been a steady increase in the facilities of communication and trans- port, first by means of steamboats, which now abound upon 1809. our rivers and great lakes ; by means of canals connecting the lakes and the great valley of the Mississippi with the Atlantic, and railroads extending to all parts of the land, 1827. and which have increased to an aggregate length of nearly sixty thousand miles, in operation or in process of construc- tion, at an expense of three thousand million dollars. A steady progress has been made in agiiculture, in which a greater number are engaged than in any other 'employment, as farmers in the Northern and planters in the Southern States. As an agricultural product, Indian com stands first in value, eight hundred and four million 1676. AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS — INVENTIONS. 988 ■•'dollars; wheat, three hundred and forty-two; hay, tliree ^-^J"' hundred and thirty-seven, and cotton ahout two hundred 1876 and fifty millions, and so on "through the list of crops; while the cattle numbered twenty-one million, and the swine forty-seven. The products of the cotton and woolen *^,^*]?^' manufactures amounted respectively to one hundred and seventy-seven, and one hundred and fifty-five million dol- lars. '- The inventive genius of the people has been active in 'securing the powers of nature in adding to the comforts of human life. In implements for cultivating the soil there ^-have been innumerable improvements, from the simjile hoe ' "to the steam plough ; and from the primitive sickle and scythe to the reaping and mowing machine. As sti'iking have been the improvements in the steam engine: in ship- building, from the swift sailing clipper to the sharp-prowed ocean steamer — copied now by England's steam marine ; and in printing-presses, by means of one — Hoe's — thirty thousand impressions can be taken in an hour. The sewing macliiue, tliat friend of woman, is a purely American in- vention, and so is that not less useful machine, the cotton gin. Fifteen thousand patents have been taken out in a single year at Washington. " We have seen the character of the first settlers of this land : their intelligence, their zeal in founding institutions imbued with the spirit of civil and religious liberty. The -time came to welcome another immigration. in 1819 '•' Congress first directed the collectors of ports to take cog- '^'nizanct of the foreigners who arrived in the country, and ^°^^ V make returns of tlie same to tlie Secretary of State. That immigration, subject to great fluctuations, in one year amounted to three hundred and seventy-two thousand. Of ^^"^ '•'these the majority had no higher skill than to engage in '•"the simplest forms of manual labor. They aided immensely '"in the develcnment of the country ; for none but the ener- •'getic emigrate to better their condition, and they bring 'with them that element of cliaracter so valuable. Without 984 HISTOET OF THE AMEEICAK PEOPLE. <;hap. their toil our canals would never have been dug, nor our railroads built, nor the improvements in our towns and ■ cities. Tlicy have received the recompense of their daily labor, yet, as a nation, we acknowledge to them our obliga- tions. Since Lhen, especially during the three last decades, the ciiaracter of immigrants from beyond the Atlantic has materially changed. As the manufacturing industries of the country developed its resources the inducement for skilled labor was greatly increased, and a much greater proportion of skillful mechanics have come among us to become valued citizens, and train tlieir children in our common schools to be Americans. The public lands, as 1863. offered by the Homestead Bill, has brought an immense 2^y number who have settled upon them as industrious, eco- nomical and thrifty farmers, especially in the West and Northwest. Intelligent merchants from abroad have aided in extending our commerce, and also an increasing number of educated men have found here a home and a field of usefulness, both as lawyers and physicians, and as ministers of the Gospel and professors in our colleges, and teachers of our youth. The whole number of immigrants since 1820 now amounts to about eight millions. The cheap lands of the great West offered inducements to the enterprising in the older States to emigrate, and while tliey leveled the forests or brought the prairies under cultivation, the industry of the States they had left was stimidated, and. by means of manufactures and commerce they supplied the wants of those who had gone West, and were themselves benefited in return by exchanging the product of their mills and workshojis for cheaper food brought from the great valley. As reported by the Secretary of the interior, it appears that under that beneficent measure the Homestead Bill, during the twelve years it has been in operpcion, an area greater than that of the five New England States has been 1875. taken up and occupied as farms by more tton two hundred / HOMESTEAD SETTLERS — PUBLIC SCHOOLS. 985 and seventy five thousand families, and the yearly average 55-^?' of area settled under this bill almost equals that of the states of Connecticut and Rhode Island combined ; and, in ' addition, an average of about one-third as much area has been yearly sold by the national Government to settlers, who preferred to purchase their farms in certain localities, especially along railroads ; besides the amount sold by rail- way corporations from lands granted them by the Govern- ment in aid of the construction of such roads. Tims can bo seen a vast array of peaceful warriors, their front extending from South to North, nearly one thousand miles, steadily marching West, and by the ax and the ploughshare subduing the forest, the fertile valleys and plains ; advanced divisions have taken position on the shores of the Pacific, while a line of posts keeps up communication with the main force. The youth of the land have not been forgotten. Public schools,' having their origin in Massachusetts, have become 16*7. the heritage of all the States. At convenient points. Con- gress has set apart a liberal portion of the jiublio lands for the special support of the common schools in the new States and territories. The older States, meanwhile, have been making laudable exertions to increase their school funds. The number of pupils in academies, and in the public and i87e. private schools, is nearly seven millions ; and in colleges, theological seminaries, medical and law schools, the students number more than twenty thousand. The Census of 1860 shows for that year the general education of the people, and also reveals the causes why it was not more universal — the influx of those of foreign birth who were illiterate, and the system of slavery ; in the slave States foreigners were com- paratively few in number. Wheu, for convenience, we compare Virginia with New England, the latter having about three times the white population of the former, we find, in these five States, that of persons over twenty years of age, only one of the native born in five hundred and 1 Hist. pp. 81-82. 986 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, twenty was unable to read and write ; while in Virginia, of the same class there was one in fifteen. Of the illiterates in 1876 New England about fifteen-sixteenths were foreigners ; in Virginia they were about one-twenty-fifth. Of the entire population of the free States of the Old Thirteen, one iuone liundred and forty one was unable to read and write ; of the whites in the corresponding slave States, there was one in tiventy-one. Of tlie illiterates of the same free States, eZ«i'«w- fourteenths were foreigners, and in the corresponding slave States they were only one-twenty -second part. In the free States admitted after tlie Revolution, there was found one illiterate in forty-nine of the population ; in the corre- sponding slave States one in twenty : in the tormcvone-tJiird of this class were foreigners, in the latter, one-fourteenth. Of these two impediments to a universal education, one has disappeared ; and the other is diminisliing rapidly, as the numerous immigrants, especially from Northern Europe and Germany, are superior in respect to their education to those of former times. If no young man, when becoming of age, was permitted to vote unless he could read and write, we should have in less than a score of years a nation in wliich there would scarcely be an illiterate voter. In these days of free schools, the young man who has not suflBcient mental power to learn to read and write should be sot aside on the score of imbecility; and if he has the power and not the will much more is he derelict of duty, and unworthy to exercise the privilege. In no respect has the mental energy of the nation mani- fested itself so much as in the encouragement given to the public press. The common schools taught the youth to read ; the innate desire of acquiring knowledge was fostered, and the fascinating newspaper, as it statedly enters the domestic circle, reflects the world and records the progress of tlie ago. By this means the most retired can be brought into sympathy with the world, in its yearnings after excel- lence, peace, and happiness. At the commencement of the Eevolution there were but 1876. NEWSPAPERS — LIBRARIES. 987 thii'ty-five newspapers, and they of a very limited circula- chap. tion; now, of all classes, there are about seven thousand. The population since that time has increased twelve-fold, while the newspapers have increased two hundred-fold. Educated and accomplished minds discuss in their columns the important questions of tiie time, und upon these ques- 'tions the nation acts; thence they pass into history. If the issues of tiie press are kept pure, the blessing in all its greatness far transcends mortal ken. Public opinion has been termed a tyrant; but it is a tyrant that, if vicious, can be made virtuous— can be reformed if not dethroned. Let the virtue and the intelligence of the nation see to it that it is a righteous tyrant, and submission to its iron rule will become a blessing. In intimate connection with this intellectual progress is the increase of public libraries, found in so many of our cities. There are now more than ten thousand, and they contain about eight million volumes. These storehouses of knowledge are as diversified as the wants of the people. Among them are found the Sunday-school libraries, each with its few hundred volumes; the social or circulating libiaries, in almost every village or large town, and the numerous private as well as public libraries, containing much of the current literature of the day. An important feature was introduced at the formation of the public library in New York City bearing the name of its founder, John Jacob Astor, and since increased by his son. It is designed to furnish standard works on the varied subjects of useful human knowledge — an armory for the practical student, througli whom the influence is to reach those who cannot personally avail themselves of its treasures. In the departments of human knowledge and literature we have names that are held in honor wherever the English language is read : in History, Prescott, Bancroft, Hildreth, and Motley ; in Systematic Theology, Dr. Timothy Dwight, whose works have had a great influence in this country and in England, and Professor Charles Hodge ; in Mental Phi- 988 HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, losophy, Jonathan Edwards ; in Biblical Literature, Edward Kobinson ; in Poetry. Bryant, Longfellow, and Whittier; ■ iu Light Literature, Irving, Cooper, and Hawthorne ; in Lexicography. Noah Webster ; in Mathematics, Bo wd itch — many other eminent names might be added. In art we have those who have esliibited evidence of genius that may yet give the nation a name honored among those eminent in painting and sculpture. Her sons have not been surrounded by models from great masters to awaken in early life the slumbering genius, nor have they been encouraged by a traditionary reverence arnong the people for such manifestations of talent. It has been in the face of these disadvantages that they have reached their present high position, not by passing through a training laborious and preparatory, but almost at a bound. We rejoice to see the great body of the people associating themselves for purposes of doing good or for self-imijrove- ment. There are iu the land many religious and benevo- lent associations. Of the latter class is the Temperance movement, promoted greatly by the eloquence of Dr. Lyman Beecher, and which has had an immense influence for good upon the nation. The moral 2>hase of the subject has taken deep hold of the minds and conscience of the people, and in the end the cause must prevail. There is also no more cheering sign of the times than tlie people themselves becoming more and more acquainted with their civil rights and duties, and in their demanding virtue and political integrity in those who serve them in a public capacity, and, when there is a dereliction of duty, their, promptly appealing to the ballot-box. Governments had hitherto interfered more or less with the liberty of conscience. They assumed that in some way — though indefinable — they were responsible for the salvation of the souls of their subjects. Free inquiry and a knowledge of the truths of the Bible, and the separation of Church and State, shifted that responsibility to the individual himself, and in consequence it became hisrecog- INDIVIDUAL EESPONSIBILITT — BENEVOLENT BEQUEST?. 989 nized duty to support schools of learning and sustain relig- chap. ious institutions. This change in the minds of the people commenced in tlie great awakening' under Jonathan Ed- wards, and its influence had full effect in the separation of Church and State after the Kevolution." To this principle of individual responsibility may be traced the voluntary support and the existence of the various benevolent opera- tions of our own day, in which all the religious denomina- tions participate. These in their efforts are not limited to the destitute portions of our own country, but in many foreign lands may be found the American missionary, a devoted teacher of Christianity and its humanizing civiliza- tion, supported and encouraged by the enlightened benevo- lence of his own countrymen. The same principle pro- duces fruits in founding asylums for the purpose of reliev- ing human suffering and distress, or smoothing the pathway of the unfortunate. The men of wealth in our day more fully appreciate their responsibility, and the mental energy exercised in its accumulation has more than in former times been consecrated to doing good. Millions have thus been given by individuals to found or aid institutions of learn- ing, that the youth may be secured to virtue and intelli- gence — a blessed influence that will increase in power from age to age. We inherit the English language and its glorious asso- ciations — the language of a free Gospel, free speech, and a free press. Its literature, imbued witli the principles of liberty, civil and religious, and of correct morals, belongs to us. We claim the worthies of the mother country whose writings have done so ranch to promote sound morality with no less gratitude and jaride than we do those of our own land. The commerce of the world is virtually in the hands of those speaking the English language. On the coasts of Asia, of Africa, in Australia, in the isles of the Pacific it has taken foothold — may it be the means of disseminating > Hiat., p. 233. s Hist., p. 525. 990 • HISTORY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. CHAP, truth and carrying to tlie ends of the earth the blessings of '- Christianity. 1876. rpjjg nltitnate success of this Government and the stabil- ity of its institutions, its progress in aU that can make a nation honored, depend upon its adherence to the princi- ples of truth and righteousness. Let the part we are to perform in the world be not the subjugation of others to our sway by physical force, bat the noble destiny to subdue by the influence and the diffusion of a Christianized civili- zation. THE END. IKDEX. Atienakis, 201 ; war with, 212 Aberuroml.ie, General, Oil Abo'.iiiou, ">ts HOI Abori;jiues, 7-10 Acaflie'nrS'; expatriation, ^248 ^n"ice''°p1-esidfn,,"^iTfp."^iaent; 547-054; death, 667 . ^^-"^'S'Q^u^:;er6i5?P-irnt, Ahasistan. 1H8, 200 Alabama claims, 9i5-u Alamo, The, 086 Alaska purchased, 96» Alien Act, 550 Algerinc pirates, M& Algiers, Ppy of'J^l Alaonqnms. 9, 199 AUen, Ethan, 318, 338, 339 Alloupz, 202 ^ „ „.„ ^, Amherst, Lord Jeffrey, 25., 261 Ampudia, General, 699, .0,,nJ Anderson, Robert. Major, 811, 819, »3», 90S Andre, Major, 4 1 .-4,9 Andros, Sir Edmond, 178, 1.9 Annapolis Conyention, 519 Antietam, battle, 893-896 Appalachecs,149 Archdale, Johii, 147 Arista, General, 099, 703 ArkwriKht, Sir Bu-hard, 533 Armed Neutrahty, 4^3 Armstrong, Gen.. Tobn,2=n,fl^, sec. Arn''o'ld%^eS!?!V,m^.^^^^ 408- Behmus's Heights, 434; trea- son, 476-479, 488, 503 Ashburton, Lord, 680, 6S5 - » -. Assembly, Legislative, The first, 55^ Associations, non-importation, i)^ 293, 298, 309 Astor Library, 987 Atlanta, iron-clad taken, 9Z5 citv taken, 940 Augustine, St., 32. 149, 164, 648 Austin, Moses. 685 Averill, Col.. 878,948 Ayllon, Vasquez de, 13 Banon. Nathaniel,,105-107 Bainhridee, Captain, 557, 888 Balboa, Nunez de^ Baltimore, Lord, 99, lOU I Ball's Bluff, disaster, MO Bancroft, Georue, 5t), .i78, 737, asi Bank of North America, 500 United States, 632, li42, 663 Banks, Gen. N. P., 880, 823, 934 ' Barre. Colonel, 287 Barti-am, 279 Beauniarchais, 412 ^^ Beauregard, P. G. T., 818, 859, 861, »4B Beeeher, Dr. Lyman, 988 Belmont, battle ot, b44 Benevolent operations, 800, H»i Bennington, battle, 431 Benton, Thomas H, 698, 1.7 ,», -Qa Berkeley, Sir William, 102, 103, im-iuo, Bible Society formed, 612 Big Bethel, 829 Bills of credit, 442 Bladensburg, battle, 625 Blair, Rev. Janies, 110 Blair, Frank P., 625,9,0 Blockade, 828; raised, 905 I Blue Lick, battle, 510 i ErnLtar*.?rd''e'eV^-«ecti^ Ameri- Boone, Dani«^V,ro"^,A'" E^s^^'„'77%5;^^^irBill,301;evaeua- ted, .355 Bouquet, General, ZiX Boyston, Dr., 194 „.„ Brdddock, General, 235^240 Bradford, William, b6, ,1, «i Bradstreet, Sanon- -„^ Brandywine. battle, 4^ Bree'Sli«e;fc..«)5«i5,838,953 Brewster, William, 64, 65 rofn,rn';:^'ifobT^«« dent, 7152, 810 Buckner, Gen., «»!% .^ Buell, Gen., ?«.*;*' S?28' Buena Vista, battle, a6-.-» Buford,N. B.,Gen.845 l"untnn?'"bl?tle'?*831-«3..; 2d hattl«. Ko7n^;Ge'n^™t'^.«3;surrend. I BurkI; ground, 293. 410. 429 992 INDEX. Burnside, A. E. Gen., 8&1; in com- mand, Sur, 930 Burr, Aaron, 554, 559-661 Burroughs, George, l'J2 Butler, B. F., tes, 829, 841, 862, 944, 945 Cabot, John, 15 Sobastien, 16, 17 Calef, Robert, 19B Caldwell, Rev. James, 470 Calhoun, John C, 578 ; V. President, 651, 1)64, 666; Sec. of State, 690, 696, 7i'4 ; death, 778 Cavin, John, 378 Camden, battle, 474 Canada, invasion of, 590, 618 Capitol The, burned, 626 Carleton, Sir Guy, 340, 369, 388, 511 Canonicus, 71, 79, 86 Carolina, 30, 141 Caroline affair, 681 Caron, Father le, 196 Carroll, John, bishop, 525 Cartier, James, 18-21 Carver, John, 63, 67 Cass, Lewis, 587, 769 < Catawbas, 153 Catholic Church, 525 Census, 555, 575, 794, 977, 983 Centennial, 977-78 Cerro Gordo, battle, 750 Charabersburg burned, 948 Chami>lain, Samuel, 35, 36 Chapultepec taken, 763 Chancellor's Battle, 9U9, 911 Charities, 799 Charters, colonial, 46, 51, 91, 133, 143, 157, 168 Charleston, 144, 150 : taken, 469, 965 Chase, Salmon P., 817 Chattanooga, 939, 933 Chaunces', Captain, 590 Cherokees, 152: war with, 366, 656; removal of, 662 Chesapeake, aiEfair of, 566: capture of, 601 Chickahominy, 881 Chiekamauga, battle, 929 Chicbasaws. 35, 318 Chihuahua tiiken, 743 Chinese policy, effects, 569 Chippewa, battle, 618 Choctaws, 159, 217 Christianized civilization, 530, 990 Church ol England, 59, 104, 111, 141, 151 Episcopal, 178, 179, 524 and State, separation of, 535, 989 Congregational, 534, 536 Methodist, 534 Presbyterian, 525 Churubusco, battle, 758 Cincinnati Society, 515 Claims against France, 671 Clarke, George Rogers, 464 Clarke and licwis's explorations, 696 Clay, Gen. Green, 600 Clay, Henry, 578, 581, 616, 651, 776; death, 784 Clayborne, William, 99, 101 Clayton, John M., 667, 771 Clinton, De Witt, 656 George, 335, 373, 515, 539 ; i Vice Pres., 559 I Clinton, Sir Henry, 337, 332. 353, 43& 448, 453, 40U, 463, 408, 498, 508 Clouds, battle above, 931 Cobb, Howell, 826 Cockburn, Sir Alex., 976 Coddington, William, 81 Coercion, 808, 810, 817 Coke, Thomas, bishop, 534 Cold Harbor, battle, 884 Coligny, 29, 34 Colleges, 91, 110, 186, 234, 250, 279, 294 Colonization Society, 645 Columbia burned, 961 Columbus, Christopher, 3-6 Common sense, 366 Common schools, 91, 376 Commerce, increase of, 561 Commissioners, British, 449 of peace, 511-615 of customs, 303, 616 Company, London, 46, 98 Plymouth, .58, 75 Dutch E. India, 114 Compromises, constitutional, 531 Missouri, 648, 651 of Texas, 1833, 667 of 18.50, 779 Concord and Lexington, battle, 314 Congress, Stamp Act, 291 old Continental, 307 the second " 3SJ Provincial, Mass., 313 Connecticut colony, 81 : emigration to, 88, 168 Constitution, federal, 521 ; amend- ments to, 969, 970; powers of in the territories, 774, 7*5 Constitution, Confederiite, 815, 973; Conscription, Confederate, 879; debt, 908 Constitutions, colonial, 00, 67, 88; contrast, of States, 797-801 Convention, Democratic, 895, 805 Disunion, 781 Republican, 796 Conway, Cabal, 414 Cook, Col. Edw., M3 Cooper, Sir Ashley, 112 Cooper, J. Fenniniore, 988 Corinth evacuated, 867 Cortez, 13 Cornwallis, Lord, .S73, 385, 397, 474,490; at Yorktown, 498, 505 Cowpens, battle, 489 Craven, Governor, 153 Creeks, 152, 151, 159, 609, 656 Crockett, Davy, 687 Crown Point, 348, 33:1 Cruisers, French, 519; and EnirUsh, 56:3, 573 Cruisers, American, 345, 465 Confederate, 966 Cuba, 782, 781 Culpepper, 109 Curtis, Gen. S. R., 856 Gushing, Caleb, 976 Dahcotahs or Sioux, 9, 208 Dalgren, Admiral, 934 Dallas, George M., 6U3 Dauburv burned, 106 Daniel, Father, 197, 201 Dartmouth College, 294 Davenport, Rev. John, 88 I INDEX. 993 Davis, Jefflerson, 718, 722 ; senator, 777, 815, 824, SJ'J ; t^puoUll uloS3aK£', ^7 ; inaugiiratfd, SUK, '.en, iMU; Uia-Lit, 'JaJ: capture, '.nil, 9ii,' Daris, Cape. J. E., smi Beane, Silas, 4V4 Bearboni, Gen. Henry, StlO, 607 Decatur, Stepheu, 55i^, till Declaratiou of riylits, 2yi, :!09 ludepeudeiice, Meeh- leuburg, 322 Declaration of ludopendence by Con- gress, 368 of war opposed, 584 Decrees affecting- American coaj- mttrce, &&, ai,S, .573 Delaware, Lord, .53 Uelawares, Christian, massacre of, 509 D'Estainu-, Count, 4.52, 453, 402 De Joinvlile, Prince, 888 Deposits, removid of, 668 De Vries, 116, 118-120 Deserot, 781 Dictatorsliip, Washington, 396, 424 Diesliau, 24ii. 250 Dinwid:iie, Gov., 227, 229, 251 Dissenters, 141, 144, 148, 313 Disunion convention, 775, 781 Donop, Count, -380, 426 Doniphan's E.xpedition, 741 Dorr, Thomas W., 092 Dover destroyed, 209 Doubleday, Gen., 820, 915 Douglas, 8. A., 805 Dralie, Sir Francis, 41, 43 Dreuilettcs, Father, 301 Drummoud, William, 107, 106, 1-12 Dudley, Thomas, 75, 76 .Joseph, 177, 180, 181 Duchfe, Kev. Jacob, 308 Dunbar, Colonel, 236, 241 Dunmore, Lord, 330, 352 Dupont, Commodore, 811, 93t, 925 Dustiu, Hannah, 213 Duties imposed, 395 Dwitfht, Timothy, OS- Early, General, 916, 946, 949, 957 Ecclesiastical organizations, 523-526 Edwariis, Jonathan, 223, 988 Eliot, John, 93 Elizabeth, Queen, 60 Ellet's ram.s, 860 Ellsworth, Colonel, 826 Embargo, under Washington, 540 Jefferson, 5B8 Madison, 583 Emigration, 801, 983 : West, to the, 964 Endicott, John. 75, &4 " English enterprise, 37 ; pluck, 484 language, 989 Enterprise, Amei-ican, 533 Episcopal chuich, .523 Era in human progress, 539 Erskiue's negotiations, 571 Eutaw Springs, battle, 497 Evarts, Wm. M., <.m Ewell, Gen., 913, 916, 960 E.vploring E.xpedition, 684 Fair O.aks, battle of, 881 Farragut, Admiral, 862, 950 Federal Union, 324 Federalist, tbe, 522 Fedei-alist and anti-Federalist, 537 Ferguson, Colonel, 479 Fieltl, Cyrus W., 968 Filirni.re Millard, 778, 7S3 i'luancial disorders, 642, 652, 809 Fish, Hamilton, 971 Fiteh, John, 643 t ive Forks, battle of, 958 Fletcher, Henjamin, 13?, 185, 287 Florida, 13, 22; purchased, 648; a State, 692 Foote's resolutions, debate, 66;J Foote, Admiral, A. H., 849, 857 ; death, 866 Fort Donelson, R51 Frontenac, 327 Niagara, 237 Du Quesue, 232, 260 Necessity, 233 Edward. 348 Henry, 849 Hindman taken, 905 Fort PilJciw Massjiere, 934 Fort William Henry, 203 France, relations with, 547-.553 Franklin, Ueigamin, 139,23,5,251,279, 393, 323, 378, 412, .511, 521 Fr.anklin, Sir John, 783 Fredericksburg, Battle of, 897 Free Masonry, 6.58 Fremont, John C, 7E3, 7Si, 744, 745, 793, SVi, 880 Frencli Pa.stors' Address, 936 Freueau, Philip, .540 Frolic, the, taken, 596 Frontenac, 209 J'ugitive slave law, 779, S07 Fulton, Robert, 643 Gage, General, 237, 297, 305, 312, 328, 333 Gallatin, Albert, .542, 599, 015 Garnet, General, 830 Gaspe, revenue vessel, 300 Gates, Horatio, 241 ; sketch, 360, 389, 434; in the South, 473 Georgia, 156-166, 446; subdued, 483; Indian lands in, 656, 663 Genet's mission, .5.^9, 540 Geruiantown, battle, 424 Germans in the colonies, IK, 13G, 159, 317 Gerry, Elbridgc, .520, 548 Gettysburg, battle, 914-920 Gilbert, Sir Himiphrev, 38 Gilmore, Q. A., General, 934, 943 Gist, Christopher. 2'26, ;31 Gloyer, Colonel, 376, 377 Goffe, 167, 173 Gold discovered, 767 Gorges, Sir Ferdinand, 89 Gosnold, Bartliolomew, 57 Gourges, Dominic de, 34 GratTenried de, 152 Grand Model, the, 143 Grant, Colonel, 259, 268 Dr., 687 tr. S., General, 8.38, 844, 8.50. 859, 801,904; Lieutenant-General, 934, 964 ; President, 971, 974 Grasse, Count de, 498, 5(«, .505, 5C8 Greeley, Horace, 978, 979 Green Mountain Boys, 319 Greene, Nathaniel, General, 336. a58. 431, 447 ; in the south, 483, 491, 494 Gridley, Colonel, 318, 328 Grlerson, Colonel, 924 994 IKDEX. Grundy, Felix, 579 Guerriere captured, 595 ' Gunboate. Juffersou's, 5iJ3, 5G4 Hale, Niitlian, 379 Halluek, General, 837, 800, 889, 914, 942 Hamiltu]), Aloxtinder.aoti, 504, 530,531, 537; death, 5ti0 Hamilton, Andrew, 187 Hamlin, Hannibal, 804 Hampton, Wcide, 901 Himooek, Jolni, U97, 313, 324, 354, 453 General, 877, 944 Hand, Colonel, 373, 397 Hanson, Alexander, 586 Harmcr, General, 534 Harris, Isham G., 824 Harrison, William Henry, 576, 599: Prt'Sident, ti77 Harnshnr^JT Convention, 658 Harper'o Ferry, 823, 831, 893 Hartford Convention, 630 Harvard Co:ieg(.s 91 Harvey, Sir John, 98, 101 Haslet, Colonel, 374, 400 Hatteras cai>tured, 841 Hawkins, Sir John, 31 Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 988 Hayne, Isaac, 496 Robert Y., 663 Haynes, John, 83 Heath, General, 316, 379, 380 Heintzi?lman, General, 875, 877, 882 Heister de. General, 374 Hemy VIII., 58 Patrick, 285, 289, 308, 220 Herkimer, General, 430, 431 Hessians, hired, 340, 415 Hiawatha, 199 Hill, D. H., General, 883, 887, 894, 915 ■^ilton Head captured, 842 flobkirk's Hill, battle, 495 Hodge, Charles, Professor, 987 Homestead Bill, settlers under, 984 Hood, 933-940, 952-953 Hooker, J., General, 877, 894, 908, 912, 931 Rev. Thomas, 83, 85 Horseshoe, battle, 610 Houston, Samuel, 088, 689 Howard, O. O., General, 910, 939 Howe, Admiral, the, 369, 424, 452, 4.54 Sir William, 262, 327, 3G9, 378, 381,413,420, 4:;2, 423, 448 Robert, General, 456 Hudson, Henry, 112-114 Huguenots in the south, 29-34; in Canada, 35, 145 Hull, Isaac, Captain, 595 William, General, 686, 587 Hunter, General, 947, 9(8 Hurons, 197, 199, 202 Hutchinson, Anne, 80, 81 Governor, 299, 302 D'Ibtierville, Lemoine, 215, 216 Illiteracy compared, 985 Immigrants, skilled, 894 Impressment, Ifritish, 564, .583, 588, 6.S3 Incidents, 103, 1C8, 120, 158, KM, 377, 595, 611 Indented servants, IM, 110, 408 Independence, question of, 364, 368 Indians, divisions of, 9 ; see names of tribes. Indians, efforts to convert, 93, 101, 123. 176, 663 Indiana, State, 643 Indigo, 282 Individual responsibility, 988 Influence, men of, 181 of the Dutch, 127 Influences, religious, 2r3-27'6, 365, 981 Inoculation, 19i Internal improvements, 502, 656 Inventions, *J83 Iowa a State, 698 Irving, Washington, 988 Isabella, Queen, 3, 5 Island No. 10, 867 Jack, Captain, 236 Jackson, Andrew, 608, 610, 633, 647; President, 661-072 Jackson, C. P., 825, 8:>4 T. J. (Stonewall), STl, 880; death, 910 James I., 45, 46. 61, 03. 97 II. 177, S08. Jamestown, 47 ; burned, 107 Jasper, Sergeant, 362 Java, the, taken, 596 Jay., John, 809, 611 ; Chief Justice, 531 ; Mission, 543 Jefferson, Thomas, 32.3. 367, 533 ; Sec. of State, 531, .537 ; V. P., 540; Pres- ident, 555-570 ; death, 657 Jesuits, 35, 197, 202, 212 • Jogues, Father, 200 JoEuson, Andrew, 808 : President, 9G3 ; amuestv, 905; impeached, 969 Sir William, 2:i5, 248, 331 John, 362, 480 Colonel Rich, iyi.,603; V.P., 672 Johnson, Eevcrdy, 974 Johnston, J. E., General, 831 922: su- persedes Bragg, 933, 936-938 ; sur- renders, 961-9ti2. Johnston, Sidney A., General, 850,859, 861 Joliet, Father, 203 Jones, John Paul, 465 Kaib, Baron de, 411, 419, 471, 475 Kane. Dr. E. K., 78.3 Kansas, affairs in, 790, 814 Kearney, General, 744, 758, 892 Kearsarge and Alabama. 968 Kentucky, iieutraliiv, 825 Kieft, WiUiara. 117-:'22 King's Mountain, battle, 481 Klttanning destroyed, 251 Knowlton, Colonel, SJO, 381. Knox, Henry, 347, 356, 393, 515; Sec. of War, 5.30 Knyfjhausen, General, 432, 470 Kosciusko, Thaddeus, 419, 492 Lafayette, Marquis de, 418, 450, 503; visit of, 653 Lake Champlain, action on, 622 Erie, " 619 Lander, General, 874 Lane, James H., General, 718, 764 Ralph, 40, 41 La Salle, 2IM-200 Laurens, Henry, 322, 484, 611 Lawrence, James. Captain, 601 Lawrence, Massacre, 933 INDEX. 995 Lecompton Convention, 793 Ledyard, the traveler, 8 Cokiuel, 51)3 Lee, Arthur, 412 Loe, Charles, General, 358, 333, 331, 386, 'i'M ; treason, 448 ; death, 45:3 Henry, Genei-al, 446, 462, 4',i3, 553, Richard Henry, 285, 307. 309, 367 Robert K., General, 837, 882, 890, 893-8ati, 91U, 014-920, 943, 94(1, 957; surreniiers, 960 ; death, 972 Leisler, Jacob, 182-185 Leon, Juan Ponce de, 12 Levant and Cyane captured, 640 Lexington and Concord, battle, 314 Libraries, 987 Lincoln, iJuiijamin, General, 313, 435, 456,459,462,467,501,569 Ahra'^am, 804, 803, 806, 814 : inaugural, 816, 818; the call, 821; plan of campaign, 868; retains SIcDowell, 874, 876: emancipation, 901-906; 2im inauguration, 956 ; death, 96.2 L'Insurgente, frigate, captured, 552 Little Belt, affair of, 575 Livingstou, llohert E., 323, 367, 556, 643 WiUiam, 290, 307 Lloyd, Senator, 582 Locke, John, 142. Long Island, battle, 373-377 Longfellow, H W., 98S i,ongstreet. General, 914,917,931,944; Lopez, General, 782 Loss on Union side, 964 Louisburg taken, 220; again, 2.57 Loudon, Lord, 252, 255 Louisiana, 205 ; purchased, 558 Lyman, General, 248 Lyon, N., 825, 8.34, 836 Lyttleton, Lord, 267 Lundy's Lane, battle of, 620 Lutherans, 136, 140, 159, 162 Madison, James. 522; Sec. of State, 566; President, 671, 579, 583, .598, 615, 624. 629, 639, 643. Macedonian taken, .596 Macdonough, Commodore, 622 Magruder, General, 875, 885, 888 Magazine, first American, 140 Magaw, Colonel, 384 Malvern Hill battle. 886 Mani fosto of the British government, 014 Manufacttires, colonial, restrictions on, 148, 168, 282 Manufactures, domestic, 63.3, 655, 658, 769. 907 Mansfield, General, 8% Jlarcy, William L., 738, 752, 753 Marion, General Francis, 472, 495 Marquette, James, :.'03, 204 Marshall, John, 548, 530, 663; death 670 Colonel Humphrey, 717 Maryland, 100, 102 ; troubles, HI, 277 Mason, George, 298, 521 Captain John, 86, 87 J. M., 843 Massachusetts, 74, 90, 168, 220, 615, 628, 632 Massasoit, 70, 71, 176 Matamoras occupied, 704 Material Progress, 799 Mather, Cotton, 189-194 Increase, 188 May, Colonel, 702, 723 Mahew, Thoma.-^, 94 Meade, Geo. S., General, 9U, 914-920, 9.38, 968 Mechlenburg declaration, 323 Megapolensis, Uomine, 122, 200 Mcigs, Colonel, 407, 6U0 Merimi'C and Monitor duel, 868-871 McClellan, G. B., 8l'4, 8:jO, 839, 876, 890, 893 ; removed, SU6, 949, ; candidate, 958 McClernand. General. 849, 905, 981 McCook, Colonel. tMii, 861, 90;j McCrea. Jennv, 429 MoCulloch, Major, T1.5, f;U. 856 ilcDowell, General, 8i'7, 8:^S McHenry, Fort, defended, 627 Mcpherson. General, 939 Meleiidez, Pedro, •■13, Si Mercer, General Hugh. 371, 398 Fort, defended. 406 Mesilla Valley purchased. ^86 Methodist Episcopal Church, 162, 634, 800 Miftlin. Thomas, 321, :J70, 517 ; Gov., 642 Miantonomoh, 85, 86 Mill Spring, battle of, 846 Minuits Peter, 11.5, Ki Mitchell, O. M., General, 862, 899 Mississippi, 25, 203 Missions, Jesuit, 35, 158, 201, 202, 208 Spanish, 149 Missionary Societies formed, 592 Missouri Compromise, 648-651 Mobile, taken, 4S0 Mobiiian tribes, 9 Mohawks, or Huron-Ironuois, 9, 117, 119, 199, 208, .3*4, 414 Mohegans, 84, 118, 121 Monongahela, battle, 387 first settlers oti, 541 Molino del Eey, battle, 760 Monmouth, battle, 450 Monroe, James, 394, .547, .565; Sec. of State, 607 ; President, 644-654 Monroe doctrine. 652 Monterey captured, 706 Montcalm, 253, 254, 258 ; death. 265 Montgomery, Richard, 339,-342 Mouts, Sieur de, 85 Morality, laws enjoining, 56, 1.35, 275 Moravians, 161, 164, .509 Morgan, Daniel, .■i36,:148. 420, 484, ''.fS J. H., raid, 924 Mormons, 779-781 Morris, Gouverneur, 540 Robert, 500 Morse, Samuel F. B..96a Moultrie, Fort, 361 Muhlenburg, Colonel, 4IM Rev. H. M.. 140 Murfrecsboro, battle, M3-904 Narragansets, 169, 174 Nashville, 405 ; occupied, 853 Natchez, 217, 218 National Bank, 532 debts assumed, 5S2 Bank, 642 flag, 409 996 INDEX. Naval efforts, »4o, its Navy, tLe, 4W, 545, 662, 593 WoK 1 department of, 530 SP':'''*'V^ bill, 787 : the Stlte, MS Nelson, Governor, 5M Newspapers, 7!)a, 8u«, 988 Newark burned, 608 Newbern captured, 855 New Amsterdam, 115, i-M York City, 113, 114, 674 York province, 187 Netherkind, 115, 126 Sweden, 124 Jersev, 128 Haven, 88 IVanee, 196 Orleans, 217: battle, a3o; cap- ^ tured, 863-865 ' '^ liigrhts. 2-Si, 286 London burned, 503 Madrid captured, 857 Nicholson, Francis, 156, 182 Nipmur-ks, i?2, 175 Noil-ci)er<-inn, 808 Norfolk liiirned, :352 North, Lord, 299, 301, MJ, 511 NuUiflcation, 666 O'Ri-ien. Captain, TOO, 735 OsIrtli()i|ie. 156-166 Ohi.p Cinripanv, 225 State of,' 536 Old Lia-hts, 2-Si Opechanuanoiijfh, 96, 97, 10;J Orders in Council, .581, 588 Ordinauee of 1787, 522 Oregon, boundary, 696-698 «'™i|ration to, 732; State of, Otis, James, 284, 296 Pacific Railway, 971 Packenham, General. 635, 637 Palmer, Sir Roundel, 976 Palo Alto, battle, 700 Parker, Sir Peter, 361 ^Parliament, measures of, 346 Parris, bamuel, 190-194 Patroons, 116 Patterson, General, 831 Pea Ridg-e, battle of, R56 Peace Paity, 912 Peace rumors, 6.38 pi'IP'^'^w'!?' •'■ ^- General, 901, 921-33 Peuu, William, 131-139 291 136^' P^^j".- ^?' settlers, German, 136, Presbyterian, 1S8; Western; Peppercll, William, 220 Pe.juods. war with, 84-«8 ferry. Commodore, 787 O. H., 602 Personal Liberty bills. 80r PetersburjT taken, 959 Philadelphia, 1.34; taken, 424 Pill ip s, Kina-, war, 169-175 PhiHips, General, 414, 489 Phipps, Sir William, 191, 211 Pickett, (J-ncral. :il8 Pierce, Franklin, T.TIj, 786 Pirrnin.^ in Holland, 63-64 Pilt'iim FalluM-s, llli Pintkncy, Cliaili.s C, ,W7 Pittsburg, 260, 270 Pizarro.'w^'"''""^- ^^"'e of, &59-M Platf.jiuis ot- parties, 795, 855 j lc-asoi,t,,n. Gen, 851 lorahontas, 49. 52,54 Pollard, 932, 960 m^m''^ ^■' ''"^^ P'-e.sident, 693. ''°'l9>SY^f^7'"*°P-*^'=°- ^ Pontiac, 269-273 Pope, John, Gen, 857, 865, 889-93 Porter, Captain, 611 D. D Admiral, 863, 921, 934 p„,..i f "z John, Gen., 884, 886 Portland burned, 345 Port Hudson taken, 9:i3 Position of nttairs, 9*5 Powhatan, 4;l, 49 pI.i'-';"H'-''?' **ectional, .348, 371, 977 "^"s^nTiSi' ^"•'- ^=«- ^"- ^« Sfesidont, frigate, taken, 640 Piescott, Coh.nel William, 338, 381 Gen"M;l, capture of, 416 HLstuiian, 987 151, i-itt, William, 336, 393, 310 Press, the, 91, 103, lai, 177, 797 liberty of, vindicated, 187 increase, 986 Preston, Captain, 398 Price, Sterling:, 834, 901, 951 Princeton, battle, .397 Prisoners of war, 402, 5U Pi-evost, Sir George, .599, 631 Provost, Bishop, feg Pulaski, Count, 419, 433, 463 Puritans, 60, 103, 168 Putnam, Israel, 348, 317, 330, 374, 403 Qiialters, 93, 130, 136, 147, 37i) Quebec Act, :304 "■-'•' '^""""leii, 31), 263. 366. 341 Queenston n attacked, 690 Qumcy, Jiishili. 39S Josiah, jr 5S3 Quitman, John, General, 707 Raisin River, battle, .199 R'ihlinh.ucl-.i'.rj.m Ran;is!;;i^'^^^;^^;ii:'y,''eath,43 John. .580 Kawdon, Lord, 495, 496 Reeonstnicrion of States, 968 Reed Ad.)inant-ii,.neral, .392, 39« KedRiver Exp., »:« Keforination, the, 27 28 Representatives, House of 78r, ^ tion in, 521, 63^ ,S?R„3''''P"'''«°^ Renoh l"^'' ^°"*^ American. 64fi Kepublican parties, 5:38, 792 fm Repudiation, 676 Rosaea de la Palma, battle, 702 Re\ere. Paul, .303, 315 Revival, great, 223 Revo t of soldiers, 486 Revolution, war of, 311-612 „ , . French, 5m Reynolds, General, 913 Rice 1.« »1, 91, 92, 168, 691 Richmond, 879, taken, 9.59 Kmsffold, Major, 701 INJJEX. 997 Riots at Raltimore, 586 New York, 92o Rivinjftou's Gazette, 350 Roberval, Lord of, a), 21 Robertsou, James, 4t>4 Robinson, Rev. Joiiii, 61, 64 Ewd., Pi-ot., U68 Hocliambeau, Count de, 472, SOO RodKers, Captain, 574 Roseerans, General, S30, 837, flOl, 903, 951 Ross, Genei-al Robert, 623, 627 Russell, Lord Joliu, 553; protest, 967; neglig:ence, 975 Rulledjse, Edward, 378 Sabbath, the, 135, SMI, 275 Sainoset, 70 Sanitary Commission, 878, 945 Santa Anna, 685, 688, 71U, 714, 716-728, 71i), 754, 764 Santa Fe taken, 739 San Jacinto, battle, 688 Saratoga, the surrender, 437 Sassacus, 8(i, 87 Savannah, 158, 4, 96 Volunteers; Jloxican Wai', 705 Wadsworth, Gen.. 914 Waiti!, Morriso!! R., 976 Waldron, Major, 3U9 Walker, Robert J., 793 Walloons, first settlers on Long Is- land, 115 Wampanoaits, 169. 173 Waiusutta, death of, 170 Warren. Dr. Joseph, 314, .333 War dt'riared against England, .584 Dpparfment, 3.57 Wars with Eng-Lmd, .584-643 Ensrland and Spain, 149, 163, 164 Wars, Kin? George's, 319 Indian, 84-83, 97, 103, 105, 117- 133, 169-175, .534. 646, 670 Wars of the Revolution, 311-513 Tripoli. .557 Kinar William's, 308 Washington, Fort, taken, 384 George, vouth, 337-329, 330, 333, 2:W, 36:1; commander-in- chief, 3i5, 337, 3-)5, ;«). 383, 385, 393- 398, 413, 431, 43.3, 451, 466, ,500, 515 ; retirement, .517, 530; President, 537-546; death, 553 Washington, John, 105 Colonel William, 490, 495 City pillaged, 636 Wayne, Anthony, 404, 423; Stony Point, 461 ; 499, 536 Webster, Daniil, 613, 629, 664; Sec. of State, 680, 774 ; death, 784 Noah, 988 Wesley, John and Charles, 161, 163 Wetherlord, the chief, C09, 610 Wheeloek, Kev. E., 294 Whigs, 399 Whiskey Insurrection, 541-,543 Whitefleid, George, 162, 230, 234 White Plains, battle, 382 Whitney, Eli, 656 Whittier, J. G.,988 Wilderness, battles of, 943. 944 Wilkinson, James, General, 390, 605, 607, 617 Wilkes, Chas. Capt., C84, M3 Williamsburgh, battle of, 877 William III., 136, 180 Williams, Eunice, 213 Colonel E., 249, 250 O. H.. 491 Eoger, 78, 79, 85, 91, 175 College, 592 Wilmot Proviso, 773 WiLson, Gen., 946 Wilson, Henry, 972 Wilson'.s Creek, battle of, SSi Winchester, Gen., 599 Winder, General, 623-625 Winslow, Edward, 66, 69, 71, 79 Wintlirop, John, 76 John, jr., 168 Wise, Rev. John, 179 Witchcraft, Salem, 188-194 Witherepoon, Dr. 307 Wolfe, James, 257, 26.3-265 Wool, John E., 591, 7C6, 717, 713, 738, 840 Wooster, General, 339, 4C8 Wort.h, William J., 700, 709, 713, 749, 757, 761 Writs of Assistance, 283 Wyoming, ruin of, 454 ; revenged, 458 Tamasees. 152, 154 Yearaans, Sir John, 14.3, 146 Yeardlev, George, 55, 98 York, taken, 606 Yorktown, siege of, 50.3-505 ; 2(J siege, 875 Youthful Nation, 529 Yulee's letter, 813 Zenger, John Peter, 187 Zollicoffer, Gen, 846 APPEITDIX. THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. We the People of the United States, in order to form a more per- fect tluiou, establish Justice, insure douiestic Tranquillity, pro- vide for the <»mmon defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Pos- terity, do ordain and establish this Consiitution for the United States of America. ARTICLE L Section. 1. All legislative Powers herein granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist of a Senate and House of Rejiresentatives. Section. 2. The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States, and the Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State Legislature. No Pei'son shall be a Representative who shall not have at- tained to the Age of tweuty-five Years, and been seven Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State in which he shall be chosen. Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three-Ufths of all other Persons. The actual Enumeration shall be made within three Years after the first Meeting of the Congress of the United States, and within every subsequent Term of ten Years, in such Manner as they shall by Law direct. The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least one Representative; and until such enumeration shall be made, the State of New Hampshire shall be entitled to chuse three, Massachusetts eight, Rhode Island and Providence Plantations one, Connecticut five, New York sL\, New Jersey four, Pennsylvania eight, Delaware 1002 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. one, Maryland six, Virginia ten. North Carolina five, South Caro- lina five, and Georgia three. When vacancies happen in the Representation from any State, the Executive Authority thereof shall issue Writs of Election to nil such Vacancies. The House of Representatives shall ehuse their Speaker and other officers ; and shall have the sole Power of impeachment. Section. 3. The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, chosen by tlie Legislature thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one Vote. Immediately after they shall be assembled in Consequence of the first Election, they sliall be divided as equally as may be into three Classes. The Seats of the Senators of the first Class shall be vacated at tlie Expiration of the second Year, of the second Class at the Ex.iiration of the fourth Year, and of the third Class at the Expiration of the sixth Year, so that one-third may be chosen every second Year; and if Vacancies happen by Resignation, or otherwise, during the Recess of the Legislature of any State, tlie Executive thereof may make temporary Appointnients until the next meeting of the Legislature, which shall then fill such Va- cancies. No Person shall be a Senator who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty Years, and been nine Years a Citizen of the United States, and who shall not, when elected, be an Inhabitant of that State for which be shall be chosen. The Vice-President of the LTnited States shall be President of the Senate. liut shall have uo Vote, unless they be equally divided. The Senate shall ehuse their other Officers, and also a President jiro tempore, in the Absence of the Vice-President, or when he shall exercise the Office of President of the United States. The Senate shall have the sole Pov. er to try all Impeachments. When sitting for that Purpose, they shall be on Oath or Affirma- tion. When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no Person shall be convicted without the Concurrence of two-thirds of the Members present. Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend further than to removal from Office, and Disqualification to hold and enjoy any Office of honour, Ti-ust or Profit under tlie United States: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, accord- ing to Law. Section. 4. The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the places of chusing Senators. Tho Congress shall assemble at least once in every Year, and APPENDIX. 1003 such Meeting shall bo ou the first Mondayln December, unless they shall by Law appoint a different Day. Section. 5. Eaoh Hovise shall be the Judge of the Elections, Returns and Qualiiicatious of its own Members, and a Majuiity of each sliall constitute a Quorum to do Busiue.-s ; but a smaller Num- ber may adjouru from day to day, and may be authorized to com- pel the Attendance of absent Meml)ers, in such manner, and under such penalties, as each House may provide. Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expsl a Member. Each House shall lieep a Journal of its Proceedings, and from time to time publish the same, excepting such Parts as may in their Judgment require Secrecy; and the Yeas and Nays of the Mem- bers of either House ou any question shall, at the Desire of one fifth of those Present be entered ou the Journal. Neither House, during the Session Of Congress, shall, -without the Consent of the otlier, adjourn for more than thiee days, nor to any other Place than that iu which the two Houses sliall be sitting. Section. 6. The Senators and Representatives sliall receive a Compensation tor their Services, to be ascertained by Law, and paid out of the Treasuiy of the United States. They shall in all Cases, except Treason, Felony, and Breach of the X'eace, be privi- leged from Arrest during their Atteud-.ince at the Session of their respective Houses, and in going to and retui'uiug from the same; and for any Speech or Debate in eitlier House, they shall not be questioned in any other Place. No Senator or Representative shall, during the Time for which he was elected, be aiipointed to any civil Office under the authority of the United States, which shall have been created, or the Emolu- ments wliereof shall liave been encreased during suoli time; and no Person holding any Office under the United States, shall be a Member of either House during his Continuance in OfHce. Section. 7. All Bills for raising Revenue shall originate in the House of Representatives; but the Senate may propose or concur with Amendments as ou other Bills. JEvery Bill which shall have passed the House of Representa- tives and the Senate, shall, before it becomes a Law, he presented to the President of the United States; tf he approve he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his Ob.iections to that House in whicli it shall have originated, who shall enter the Objections at large on their Journal, and proceed to reconsider it. If after such Reconsideration two thirds of that House shall agree to pass the Bill, it sliall )je sent, together with the objections, to the other House, by which it sliall likewise he reconsidered, and if approved by two thirds of that House, it shall become a Law. But in all such Cases the Votes of both Houses shall be determined by yeas 1004 COKSTITUTIOSr OF THE UNITED STATES. and Nays, and the Names of the Persons voting for and against the Bill shall be entered on the Journal of each House respectively. If any Bill shall not be returned by the President within ten days (Sundays excepted) after it shall have been presented to him, the Same shall be a law, in like Manner as if he had signed it, unless the Congress by their Adjournment prevent its Return, in which Case it shall not be a Law. Every Order, Resolution, or Vote to which the Concurrence of the Senate aud House of Representatives may be necessary (except on a question of Adjournment) shall be presented to tlie President of the United States; aud before the Same shall take Effect, shall be approved by him, or being disapproved by him, shall be re- passed by two thirds of the Senate and House of Representatives, according to the Rules and Limitations prescribed in the Case of a Bill. Section. 8. The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts aud Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Wel- fare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States; To borrow Money on the credit of the United States ; To regulate Commerce with foreign Nations, aud among the several States, and with the Indian Tribes; To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, and uniform Laws on tho rabjectof Bankruptcies throughout the United States; To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof, and of foreign Coin, and fix the Standard of Weight.-; and Measures ; To provide for the Punishment of counterfeiting the Securities and current Coin of the United States; To establish Post Oflices and post Roads; To promote the progress of Science and useful Arts, by secur- ing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries ; To constitute Tribunals inferior to the supreme Court; To define and punish Piracies and Felonies committed on the high Seas, and Offences against the Law of Nations; To declare War, grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal, and make Rules concerning Captures on Land and Water ; To raise and support Armies, but no Appropriation of Money to that Use shall be for a longer Term than two Years ; To provide aud maintain a Navy; To make Rules for the Government and Regulation of the land and naval Forces ; To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions ; To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be eanployed in the APPENDIX. 1005 Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the authority of training the Militia auconiiug to the Discipline prescribed by Congress; To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases wbatsoever, over such District (not exceeding tea miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, be- come the Seat of the Government of the United States, and to ex- ercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the Same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, Dock-Yards, and other needful Buildings ;— And To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Goverumeut of the United States, or in auy Department or OfBcer thereof. Section. 9. The Migration or Importation of such Persons as auy of I lie States now existing shall think proper to admit, shall not be proliibited by the Cougn^ss prior to tlie Year one thousand eight hundred and eight, but a Tax or Duty may be imposed on such Importation, not exceeding ten dollars for each Person. The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Coriins shall not be sus- pended, unless when in Cases of Eebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it. No Bill of Attainder or ex post facto Law shall be passed. No CapiDation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Pro- portion to the Census or Enumeration herein before directed to be taken. No Tax or Duty shall be laid on Articles exported from any State. No Preference shall be given by any Regulation of Commerce or Revenue to the Ports of one State over those of another: nor shall Vessels bound to, or from, one State, be obliged to enter, clear, or pay Duties in another. No money shall be drawn from the Treasury, but in Conse- quence of Appropriations made by Law; and a regular Statement and Account of the Receipts and Expenditures of all public Money shall be published from time to time. No Title of Nobility shall be granted by the United States: And no Person holding any OiHce of Profit or Trust under them, shall, without the cousent of the Congress, accept of av.y present, Emolument, Ofiiee, or Title, of any kind whatever, from any King, Prince, or foreign State. Section. 10. No State shall enter into any Treaty, Alliance, or Confederation; grant Letters of Marque and Reprisal; coin Money; emit Bills of Credit; make any Thing but gold and silver Coin a Tender in Payment of Debts; pass any bill of Attainder, ex post 1006 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. facto Law, or Law impaiiing the Obligation of Contracts, or grant any Title of Nobility. No State shall, without the consent of the Congress, lay any Imposts or Duties on Imports or Exports, except what may be absolutely necessary for executing its inspection Laws : and. the net Produce of all Duties and Imposts, laid by any State ou Im- ports or Exports, shall be for the Use of the Treasury of the United States; and all such Laws shall be subject to the Eevision antt Controul of the Congress. No State shall, without the Consent of the Congress, lay any Duty of Tonnage, keep Troops, or Ships of War in time of Peace, enter into any Agreement or Compact with another State, oi' with a foreign Power, or engage in War, unless actually invaded, or in such imminent Danger as will not admit of Delay. ARTICLE II. Section. 1. The executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Oiilce during the Terra of four Years, and, together with the Vice President, chosen for the same Term, be elected, as follows Each State shall appoint, in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct, a Number of Electoi's, equal to the whole Number of Senators and Representatives to which the State may be entitled in the Congress: but uo Senator or Representative, or Person holliug an Office of Trust or Proflt under the United States, shall be appointed an Elector. [* The Electors shall meet in their respective Slates, and vote l)y Ballot for two Persons, of whom one at least shall not be an luhabi.'aut of the same State with themselves. And they shall make a List o£ all the Persons voted for, and of the Number of Votes for each; which List they shall sign and certify, an(? transmit sealed to the Seat of the Government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate. The President of the Senate shall, in the Presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the Certificates, and the Votes shall then be counted. The Person having the greatest Number of Votes shall be the President, if such Number be a Majority of the whole Number of Electors ap- pointed; and If there be more than one who have such Majority, and have an equal Number of Votes, tlien the House of Representa- tives shall immediately chuse Viy Ballot one of them for President; and if uo Person have a Majority, tlien from the five highest on the List the said House shall in like JIanner chuse the President. But in chusing tlie President, the Votes shall be taken by States, the Representation from each State having one Vote; A Quorum for ♦This clatise within IjriickPts has been superseded and annulled by the Xllth amendment, on page 1013. APPENDIX. 1007 this Pnrpose ahall consist of a Member or Members from two thirds of the States, aud a Majority of all the States shall be necessary to a Choice. lu every Case, after the Choice of the President, the Person having the greatest Number of Votes of the Electors shall be Vice President. But if tlieie sliould remain two or more who have equal Votes, the Senate shall cliuse from them by Ballot the Vice President.] The Congress may determine the Time of chusing the Electors, aud the Day on which they phall give their Votes ; which Day shall be the same throughout the United States. No Person except a natural bora Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the OfBoe of President; neither shall any Per- son be eligible to that Office who shall not have attained to the Age of thirty-Uve years, and been fourteen Years a Resident within the United States. In Case of the Removal of the President from Office, or of his D.eath, Resignation, or Inability to discharge the Powers and Duties of the said Office, the same shall devolve on the Vice Presi- dent, aud the Congress may by Law provide for the Case of Re- moval, Death, Resignation, or Inability, both of the President and Vice President, declaring what Officer shall then act as President, and such Officer shall act accordingly, until the Disability be re- moved, or a President shall be elected. The President shall, at stated Times, receive for his Services, a Compensation, which shall neither be eucreased nor diminished during tlie Period for which he shall have been elected, aud he shall not receive within that Pei'iod any other Emolument from the United States, or any of them. Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation :— " I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." Section. 3. The President shall be Commander in Chief of the Army and Navy of the United States, and of the Militia of the several States, when called into the actual Service of the United States; he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the princiiial Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices, aud he shall have Power to grant Reprieves and Pardons for Offences against the United States, except in Cases of Impeachment. He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of i the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Ad- vice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other 1008 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law : but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Departments. The President shall have Power to fill up all Vacancies that may happen during the Recess of the Senate, by granting Com- missions which shall expire at the End.of their next Session. Section. 3. He shall from time to time give to the Congress Information of the State of the Union, and recommend to their Consideration such Measui-es as he shall judge necessary and expe- dient; he may, on extraordinary Occasions, convene both Houses, or either of them, and in Case of Disagreement between them, with Respect to the Time of Adjournment, he may adjourn them to such Time as he shall think proper ; he shall receive Ambassa- dors and other public Ministers; he shall take Care that the Laws be faithfully executed, and shall Commission all the officers of the United States. Section. 4. The President, Vice President, and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeach- ment for, and Conviction of. Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors. ARTICLE in. Section. 1. The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish. The Judges, both of the supreme and inferior Courts, shall hold their Offices during good Behavior, and shall, at stated Times, receive for their Services, a Compensation, which shall not be diminished during their Continuance in Office. Section. 2. The judicial Power shall extend to all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution, the Laws of the United States, and Treaties made, or which shall be made, under their Au- thority ; — to all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers, and Consuls;— to all Cases of admiralty and maritime Jurisdic- tion; — to Controversies to which the United States shall be a Party; — to Controversies between two or more States;— between a State and a Citizen of another State ;— between Citizens of different State?, — between Citizens of the same State claiming Lands under Grants of different States, and between a State, or the Citizens thereof, and foreign States, Citizens or Subjects. In all Cases affecting Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, and those in which a State shall be Party, the supreme Couii: shall have original Jurisdiction. In all the other Cases be- APPENDIX. 1009 fore mentioned, the supreme Court shall have appellate Jurisdics- tion, both as to Law and Fact, with such Exceptions, and under such Regulations as the Congress shall make. The Trial of all Crimes, except in Cases of Impeachment, shall be tay Jury ; and such Trial shall be held in the State where the said Crimes shall have been committed ; but when not committed within any State, the Trial shall be at such Place or Places as the Congress may by Law have directed. Section. 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying War against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort. No Person shall be convicted of Treason unless on the Testimony of two Witnesses to the same overt Act, or on Confession in open Court. The Congress shall have Power to declare the Punishment of Treason, but no Attainder of Treason shall work Corruption of Blood, or Forfeiture except during the Life of the Person attainted. ARTICLE IV. Section. 1. Full Faith and Credit shall he given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof. Section. 2. The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and Immunities of Citizens in the several States. A Person charged in any State with Treason, Felony, or other Crime, who shall flee from Justice, and he found in another State, shall on Demand of the executive Authority of the State from which he fled, be delivered up, to be removed to the State having Jurisdiction of the Crime. No Person held to Service or Labour in one State, under the Laws thereof, escaping into another, shall, in Consequence of any Law or Regulation therein, be discharged from such Service or Labour, but shall be delivered up on Claim of the Party to whom such Service or Labour may be due. Section. 3. New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union ; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the (;;onsent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress. The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Con- stitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any claims of the United States, or of any particular State. 1010 COisSTITUTIOX OF THE UlTITED STATES. Section 4. The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a, Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legisla- ture, or of the Executive (when tlie Legislature cauuot be con- vened) against domestic Violence. ARTICLE V. The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Anieudmeuts to this Constitution, or, on tile Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for jiroposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may lie made prior to the Tear one thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth (Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate. ARTICLE VI. All Debts contracted and Engagements entered into, bsfore the Adoption of this Conslitution, shall be as valid against the United States under this C'onstitution, as under the Confederation. This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States whicli shall be made in Pursur.nce thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the aul hority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land ; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding. The Senators r.n 1 Representatives before mentioned, and the Members of the several State Le.gislatures, and all executive and judicial Officers, both of the United States and of the several States, shall be boimd by Oath or Affirmation, to support this Constitu- tion ; but no religious Test shall ever be required as a Quallflcatiou to any Office or public Trust under the United States. ARTICLE VII. The Ratification of the Conventions of nine States, shall be sufficient for the Establishment of this Constitution between the States so ratifying the Same. APPENDIX, 1011 ARTICLES IN ADDITION' TO, AND AMENDMENT OF, THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMEBIC A. Proposed by Congress, and ratified by the Legislatures of the several States, pursuant to the fifth article of the original Constitution. (ARTICLE I.) Congress shall make no law respecting au establishment of re- ligion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the fj-eedom of speech, or of the press; or of the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a re- dress of grievances. (ARTICLE II.) A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. (ARTICLE III.) No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be pi'escribed by law. (ARTICLE lY.) The right of tlie people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against imreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants sliall issue, but upon prob- able cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly de- scribing the place f o be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. (ARTICLE V.) No person shull be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in casca arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any Criminal Case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall 1012 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. private property be taken for public use, without just compensa- tion. (ARTICLE VI.) In all criminal prosecutions, the accused shall enjoy the right to a speedy and public trial, by au impartial Jury of the State and district wherein the crime shall have been committed, which dis- trict shall have been previously ascertained by law, and to be in- formed of the nature and cause of the accusation ; to be confronted with the witnesses against him; to have Compulsory process for obtaining Witnesses in his favour, and to have the Assistance of Counsel for his defence. (ARTICLE VII.) In Suits at common law, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of trial by jury shall be preserved, and no fact tried by a jury shall be otherwise re-examined in any Court of the United States than according to the rules of the com- mon law. (ARTICLE vrn.) Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines im- posed, nor cruel and imusual punishments iutUcted. (ARTICLE IX.) The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. (ARTICLE X.) The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitu- tion, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. (ARTICLE XI.) The Judicial power of the United States shall not be construed to extend to any suit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted against one of the United States l)y Citizens of another State, or by Citizens or Subjects of any Foreign State. (ARTICLE XII.) The Electors shall meet in their respective states, and vo*^e by ballot for President and Vice President, one of whom, at least, shall not be an inhabitant of the same state with themselves ; they shall name in their ballots the person voted for as President, and in distinct ballots the person voted for as Vice-President, and they, shall make distinct lists of all persons voted for as President, and APPENDIX. 1013 of all persons voted for as Vice-President, and of the number of votes foi- each, which lists they shall sign and certify, and transmit sealed to the seat of tl>e government of the United States, directed to the President of the Senate;— The President of the Senate shall, in presence of the Senate and House of Representatives, open all the certificates and the votes shall then be counted; — The person having the greatest number of votes for President, shall l)e the President, if such number shall be a majoi-ity of the whole number of Electors api^olnted ; and if no person have such majority, then from the persons having the highest numbers not exceeding three on the list of those voted for as President, the House of Repre- sentatives shall choose immediately, by ballot, the President. But in choosing the President, the votes sliall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote ; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-tliirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a Presi- dent whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in the case of the death or other constitu- tional disability of the President. The person having the greatest number of votes as Vice-President, shall be the Vice-President, if such number be a majority of the whole number of Electors ap- pointed, and if no person have a majority, then from the two highest numbers on the list, the Senate shall choose the Vice- President ; a quorum for the purpose shall consist of two-thirds of the whole number of Senators, and a majority of the whole num- ber shall be necessary to a choice. But no person constitutionally ineligible to the ofiice of President shall be eligible to that of Vice- President of the United States. (ARTICLE xm.) 1865. 1. Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a pun- ishment for crime, whereof the party shall have been duly con- victed shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction. 3. Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appro- priate legislation. (ARTICLE XIV.) 1868. Section. 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or im- munities of citizens of the United States, nor shall any State de- 1014 CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES. prive auy person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law, nor deuy to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws. Section. 3. Representatives shall be apportioned among the several States according to their respective numbers, counting the whole number of persons in each State, excluding Indians not taxed. But when the right to vote at any election for the choice of electors for President and Vice-President of the United States, representatives in Congress, the executive and judicial officers of a State, or the members of the legislature thereof, is denied to any of the male inhabitants of such State, being tweuty-oiie years of age, and citizens of the United States, or in any way abridged, except for participation in rebellion or other crime, the basis of representation therein shall be reduced in the proportion which the number of such male citizens shall bear to the whole number of male citizens twenty-one years of age in such State. Section. 3. No person shall be a senator or representative in Congress, or elector of President or Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who having previously taken an oath as a member of Con- gress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial offieer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or com- fort to the enemies thereof; but Congress may, l)y a vote of two- thirds of each house, remove such disability. Section, i. The validity of the public debt of the United States, recognized by law, including debts incurred for payment of pensions and bounties for services in suppressing insurrection or rebellion, shall not be questioned. But neither the United States nor any State shall assume or pay any del)t or obligation incurred in aid of insurrection or rebellion against the United States, or any claim for the loss or emancipation of any slave ; but all such debts, obligations, and claims shall be held illegal and void. Section. 5. The Congress shall have power to enforce, by ap- propriate legislation, the provisions of this article. (ARTICLE XV.) i'8ro. Section. 1. The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. Section. 2. The Congress shall have power to enforce this article by appropriate legislation. APPENDIX. 1015 PRESIDENTS OP THE CONTINENTAL CONGRESS, From 1774 to 1788. Peyton RandolpU Virgiuia September 5, 1774. Henry Middleton South Carolina October 22, 1774. Peyton Randolph Virginia May 10, 1775. John Hancock Massachusetts May 24, 1775. Henry Laiu-ens South Carolina November 1, 1777. John Jay New York December 10, 1778. Samuel Huntington Connecticut September 28, 1770. Thomas McKean Delaware July 10, 1781. John Hanson Maryland November 5, 1781. Elias Boudinot New Jersey November 4, 1782. Thomas Mifflin Pennsylvania November 3, 1783. Richard Henry Lee Virginia November 30, 1784. Nathaniel Gorham Massachusetts June 6, 178G. Arthur St. Clair Pennsylvania February 2, 1787. Cyrus Grifilu Virginia January 22, 1788. American Independence declared July 4, 1776. Abticubs of Confederation adopted July 9, 1778. CHIEF JUSTICES OF THE UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT, 1789-1876. John Jay New York September 26, 1789. John Rutledge South Carolina July 1,1795. (Ratification refused by the Senate.) William Cushing Massachusetts January 27, 179G. (Appointment declined.) Oliver Ellsworth Connecticut March 4,1796. John Jay New York December 19, 1800. (Appointment declined.) John Marshall Virginia January 31, 1801. Roger B. Taney Maryland December 28, 1835. Salmon P. Chase Ohio December 6, 1864. Morrison R. Waite Ohio January 21, 1874. 1016 APPENDIX. PRESIDENTS OP THE UNITED STATES, FROM 1T89 TO 1876. Name. Born. Died. Age George Washington . . Va., 1732, Mt. Vernon, Va., 1799, 67 John Adams Mass., 1735, Quincy, Mass., July 4 Monticello, Va., July 4 1836 91 Thomas Jefferson Va., 1743, ,1836, 83 James Madison Va., 1751, Montpelier, Vt., 1836, 85 James Monroe Va., 1758, New York, July 4 ,1831, 73 John Quincy Adams. . Mass., 1767, Washington, D. V., 1848, 81 Andrew .Tacksou N-. C, 1767, Hermitage, Tenn., 1845, 78 Martin Van Bureu . . . N".Y., 1782; Kinderhook, N. Y., 1863, 80 Wm. Henry Harrison. Va., 1773, Washington, D. C, 1841. 68 Va., 1790, Richmond, Va., Nashville, Tenn., 1862 73 .54 James K. Polk N. C, 1795, 1849, Zachary Taylor Va>., 1784, Washington, D. C, 1850, 66 Millard Fillmore N.Y., 1800, Buffalo, N. Y., 1873, 73 Franklin Pierce N. H., 1804, Concord, N. H., 1869. 65 James Buchanan Penn.,1791, Wheatland, Penn., 1868, 77 Abraham Lincoln Ky., 1809, Washington, D. C, 18K), .56 Andrew Johnson N. C, 1808. Greenville, Teun., 1875, 67 Ulysses S. Grant Ohio, 1822, APPENDIX. 1017 POPULATION OF THE UNITED STATES. ACCOKDING TO LATEST CENSUS, 1870. States. Population. Alabama 996,992 Arkansas 484,471 CaUforuia 560,247 Connecticut 537,454 Delaware 125,015 Florida 187,748 Georgia 1,184,109 niiuois 2,539,891 Indiana 1,680,637 Iowa 1,194,020 Kansas 364,399 Kentucky 1,321,011 Louisiana 726,915 Maine 626,915 Maryland 780,894 Massachusetts 1,457,351 Michigan 1,184,059 Minnesota 439,706 Mississippi 837,92:J Missouri 1,721,295 States. Population. Nebraska 122,993 Nevada 42,491 New Hampshire 318,300 New Jersey 906,096 New York 4,382,750 North Carolina 1,071,364 Ohio 2,665.:«>0 Oregon 90,920 Pennsylvania 3,521,951 Rhode Island 217,353 South Carolina 705,000 Tennessee 1,258,520 Texas 818,579 Vermont 330,551 Virginia 1,22,5,163 West Virginia 442,014 Wisconsin 1,0.54,670 Total of States 38,115,041 Dtstriets and Po-pula- Teii'itorics. tion. District of Columbia 131,700 Arizona 9,658 Colorado ■■ 39,864 Dakotah 14,181 Idaho 14,999 Montana ; 20,595 Districts and Pnjnda- Territories. tion. New Mexico. 91,874 Utah 86,786 Washington 23,955 Wyoming 9,118 Total of Territories. . . 442,730 Total of States 38,U5,641 Total United States 38,558,371 1018 APPENDIX THE TWENTY MOST POPULOUS CITIES IN THE UNITED STATES. No. Cities. 1870. 1. New York 943,292 3. Philadelphia .674,033 3. Brooklyn 39G,099 4. St. Louis 310,864 5. Chicago 298,977 6. Baltimore 267,354 7. Boston 250,526 8. Cincinnati 216,239 9. New Orleans 191,418 10. San Francisco 149,473 U. Buffalo 117,715 12. Washington 109,199 13. Newark 105,059 14. Louisville 100,753 15. Cleveland 92,829 16. Pittsburgh. 86,078 17. Jersey City 81,744 18. Detroit 79,580 19. Milwaukie 71,499 20. Albany 69,422 Increase 1860. Per Cent 805,658 14.6 565,539 19.2 206,661 48.7 160,773 93.4 109,360 173.7 213,411 25.9 177,840 40.9 101,044 34.3 168,675 13.5 56,803 163.2 81,129 45.1 61,132 78.8 71,941 46.1 68 033 48.1 43,417 113.9 49,217 75.3 29,226 179.7 45,619 74.5 45,246 .58.1 62,367 11.4 u ul ■- <:i«: :