Bnnk ' l~^^ US^ DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. ' SPECIAL REPORT— No. 31. . V CONTAGIOUS PLEURO-PNEUMONIA. f6 THIRD REPORT OF CHARLES P. LYMAN, F. R. C. V. S. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1881. Monofnph 4 k 13 1?^ D. ot D, crf^, CONTAGIOUS PLEURO-PNEUMONIA Sir : Altliougli my recent exaniiaation of American cattle, as lauded and slaughtered in England, had for its chief object the detection of the contagious pleuropneumonia so frequently reported by the English governmental authorities as existing among them, and the subsequent location, as nearly as possible, in the United States, of the herds from which these animals had been taken, I made my last report to you upon this subject before having had sufficient opportunity to examine as thor- oughly as seemed to me desirable, the details connected with this direct investigation, because I considered that, incidentally, matters of the greatest importance connected with our cattle export trade had come to my knowledge, and that under the circumstances it was very impor- tant that these facts should come to the knowledge of Congress early in the session, so that, if they deemed them of as much importance as they seemed to me, they might have time to take such action as they deemed necessary. Therefore the second report was made, and I was obliged to content myself, at that time, with the statement that if pleuro pneumonia ex- isted in the West, or if there were diseased cattle in or about the points through which the animals passed on their journey eastward, the infor- mation already possessed would, after a little further time, insure its location. That time I have now had, and in this report I intend to dis- cnss simply the facts bearing upon these two points of the inquiry. First, by tracing back the condemned animals, so far as I have been able, from England to the States wherein they were raiseaces. The extreme tiiiuness of this band is especially to be noticed. The walls of the alveoli, which form the lung tissue i)roi)er ( Fig. 1, lung tis.), are fine, and have a slightly wavy crinkled outline, and in them are a few scat- tered lymph and epithelioid cells. One or more small bronchi are usu- ally to be found in each lobule. A more highly magnified view of one of these is reiirescnicd in Fig. 2. In this can be distinguished three coats,a mucous or inner coat, a muscular or middle coat, and an external coat. The mucous coat (Fig. 3, muc. ct.) is formed by a layer of colum- nar epithelium, its inner surface resting upon a narrow zone of con- Plate I Contagious Pleuro -PNEmiONL\ A Himii Co lithocaiisticB.itoiuore Plate U. Contagious Pleuro -Pneumonia A.HoPii X- Co litliof tmshr BkHhiio 10 CONTAGIOUS PLEURO-PNEUMONIA. ened bands (see Plate III, Fig. 1, lym. sp. B). The canals about the vessels (Fig. 1, lym. sp. C) are completely filled with lymphoid cell, the vessels are usually plugged, and a more or less extensiv^e hemorrhage may take place into the surrounding tissue (see Fig. 1, art). The alveoli are filled with lymph and epithelioid cells, in many cases degenerated and retracted from the walls into little granular clumps. The walls themselves are much thickened ia some places from an hyper- trophy of the fibers of unstripped muscular tissue, which is normally present in small amount, especially at the place where the bronchus^ passes into the alveoli (see Fig. 2, mus. hyp.) The bronchi in this stage are only distinguished with difficulty, and the explanation lies in the fact that the mucous membrane has become entirely degenerated and cast off from the walls (see Fig. 1, br. muc. ct.),. the cells reduced to a detritus which, together with lymph and blood cells, completely occlude the opening, leaving no characteristics by which to distinguish rt from any other plugged vessel. Upon grouping together the appearances as presented in the different stages, it is manifest that the lymph spaces are at first filled with a coagulable material, and the increased density of this in the later stages- of the disease are due to an increase in the number of cell elements and not to a material increase in the thickness of the walls of the spaces. With the increasing firmness of this exudation the alveoli are filled with cells and exuded material, as are also the lymph canals about the ves- sels ; and when this has reached a marked degree, the mucous coat of the bronchus, which in the earlier stages of the disease has taken part by a proliferation of its epithelium, is cast oft' and the tube is filled with its detritus and an exudation similar to that in the neighboring lymph canals. The muscular coat of the bronchus resists longer and can be clearly distinguished after the mucous coat is destroyed. With this filling of the lymph canals the vessels are occluded and hemorrhage may take place into the surrounding tissue. DISEASED LUNGS FROM LIVERPOOL. The one first examined was marked " Steamer Victoria, from Boston, July 19, 1880, Liverpool," and will be referred to as the Victoria lung. The size and appearance of the diseased portion after a clean cut. had been made through it, is represented in Plate IV. The disease involves about one-half a dozen lobules, representing about 50-75 C. C. in bulk (Plate IV, A). These are quite homogeneous in appearance, and within them are seen one or two small, irregularly rounded cavities, containing a cheesy material. The interlobular tissue between them and the more healthy portion of the lung (Plate IV, B) is very thick and dense (Plate IV, int. tis.). The whole has a resemblance to contagious pleuro-pneumonia in that the lobules and interlobular tissue are involved, but differs in the small amount of tissue implicated When considered in relation to the degree to which the interlobular tissue is affected. What the cause of these changes is, will be understood from the preparation marked S. S. Victoria, &c.^ and from which Plate V has been made. Looking first at the interlobular spaces it will be seen that there is no longer any trace of the lymph spaces, but that the lobes are joined by a firm band of connective tissue, rich in young cells. (Plate V int. tis.) The earlier stages of this are seen in that part of the preparation which shows no changes to the unaided eye (this is not shown in the drawing), and there it appears that this tissue results from a thickening of the Plate m. ju>; - ^ m* -^ '.^.t Contagious Pleitro-Pneitmoma A.Howi «■ Co l,itli(i,;nisu.- B.atun Plate W. Contagious Pleuro -PNEmiONL\ A. Hoeii& Co.lallmcairstir Baltimoi-e. Plate V. ■-^i/ -^\ ^ 1^ M S ^^ CONTAOIOITS PlELTRO -PnELMOMA A. HoPiiA Co.IillioMusUr Baltimoiv. Plate A^. \ I OoNTAGious Pleuro -Pneumonia A.Hopn& foUtlincausUc Bnltuiioiv. CONTAGIOUS PLEURO-PNEUMONIA. 11 walls of the lymph spaces. Later, when this has become dense, an ac- cnmulatiou of cells takes place in the contracted spaces and the whole becomes fused into the tirm mass shown in the drawing. From the action of this connective tissue the alveoli are compressed and the walls are slightly thickened from the presence in them of large numbers of young cells. There is but little tendency, however, to exuda- tion or accumulation of cells within the alveoli. The greatest changes within the lobules are seen about the bronchi and their accompanying vessels. It will be remembered that there i& normally a narrow zone of connective tissue, rich in cells surrounding the bronchus and separating it from the adjacent vessels. These cells have proliferated to such an extent as to form a wide band about the bronchus, involving the blood-vessels, which are, however, still pervious, but compressing the lymph canals to such au extent that their presence is with difticulty made out. The coats of the bronchi are also affected, but in the reverse order from what they are in contagious pleuro-pneu- monia, viz: The muscular coat has almost disa]>peared (see Plate V, mus. ct.), while the mucous coat (see Pate V, muc. ct.) remains quite distinct, and the opening of the bronchus (contrary to the case in pleuro-pneu- monia, when the cellular exudation is as extensive as here) is patent and even slightly dilated (condition known as bronchiectasis). This proli- feration about the bronchi (known under the name of peribronchitis) may become degenerated finally and thus give rise to the small cavities filled with cheesy detritus noted in the description of the specimen (Plate IV, A). The commencement of such a degeneration may account for the appear- ance seen in the middle lobule of the preparation (see also Plate V, tbl.)^ or it may be due to a secondary tuberculosis. The whole process can be classified as one of chronic interstitial pneu- monia, with j)eribronchitis and bronchiectasis with the formation of cavities. STEAMSHIP BRAZILIAN, FROM BOSTON. The next two specimens examined were both marked S. S. Brazilian, from Boston, and will be described as Brazilian lung No. 1 and No. 2. Brazilian lung Xo. 1 consisted of several pieces forming part of the wall of a large abscess. The side of the specimen which lay next to the cavity of the abscess was quite smooth, and the tissue immediately adjoining was firm, dense, and quite homogeueous, so that the outline of the lobules could only be marie out with difficulty. This very dense portion extended for about 1-2^'", when the tissue began to assume more the appearance of normal lung; only that between the lobules were firm bands connecting directly with the dense tissue near the edge. Two preparations were made from this, one from the den^e portion and the other from the more healthy looking part. Upon examining the former (see preparation marked S. S. Brazilian No. 1, near abscess wall, and from which Plate VI has been drawn) it will be seen that the great increase in density is principally due to an increased thickening of the interlobular tissue (see Plate VI, int. tis.), and upon comparing this with the preparation made from the more healthy portion (see ju'eparation marked S. S. Brazilian, recent disease) it will be found that this increase is due, as in the case of the Victoria lung, to a thickening of the walls of the lymph spaces rather than to an organization of a material filling the lymph spaces. In the thick bands of connective tissue traces of small vessels are seen, showing that the process has been of long duration. The bronchi 12 CONTAGIOUS PLEURO-PNEUMONIA. lying" in their midst are still open and to be distinguished by their epi- thelial lining, but their muscular coat has almost disappeared. In the recent preparation the alveoli show simply the results of com- pression, with an increase of round cells in their walls. Near the ab- scess wall the lobule is quite solidified, but this is due not to an exuda- tion into the alveoli, but to the effects of the comi^ression of the con nective tissue and to a thickening of the walls by a round cell infiltration. Scattered throughout the alveoli lobules, replacing one or two alveoli, in the walls of the smaller bronchi and in the bands of new formed con- nective tissue are small circular collections of round cells, having a ten- dency to degeneration with a sharp line between them and the surround- ing tissue (see Plate VI, tbl.); these are probably minute points of chronic purulent inflammation, but may belong to the class of tubercles, although only about half the size of those bodies and lacking in giant cells and stroma. The changes found in this lung are those of chronic induration, which are entirelj'^ explained by the proximity to the large suppurating cavity, and have nothing in them indicative of what mav have been the cause of it. Brazilian lung ]\^o. 2. — In the second specimen from the Brazilian there were two nodules from different parts of the lung, showing differ- ent stages of disease, the one more advanced than the other. In both of these nodules there were only a few lobules which jjre- sented any changes from the normal, and in the more recent specimen it was only in a single lobule that these changes reached a marked degree. In this the lobule, which was tbecenter of the disease, was quite homo- geneous, except in the middle, where a portion of the tissue was separ- ated from the rest by a distinct line of irregularly indented outline. In this portion were numerous small losses of substance, giving to the whole a slightly necrosed look. This central lobule was separated from the adjoining ones by a firm, broad band of tissue, while in the more remote interlobular spaces the walls of the lymph spaces were seen to be thickened and lying in the spaces thus reduced in diameter by this thickening of the walls, were firm, fibrous-looking masses, which were only slightly adherent to the walls, and could in consequence be with- drawn intact. In contagious pleuro-pneumonia, it will be remembered, the substance filling the interlobular spaces is perfectly continuous from side to side, and cannot thus be withdrawn. From this specimen three preparations were made, two from the recent nodule and one from the more advanced. The first of these (see preparation marked S. S. Brazilian No. 2 (A), recent disease) was taken from the recent nodule in the tissue from the neighborhood of the central diseased lobule, and presented to the eye only a thickening of the interlobular tissue with masses in the lymph spaces. Under the microscope it was found that the walls of the lymph spaces were thickened in the same way as in the previous cases, and that the masses lying in the spaces were composed entirely of cells, hav- ing none of that peculiar loose, meshed, fibrillated network character- istic of contagious pleuropneumonia. About the small bronchus, with its accomj)anying vessels, a dense cellular infiltration is seen. The muscular coat is quite degenerated, while in one portion of the wall of the bronchus the cells have assumed an indistinctly circular outline about a centrally degenerated point (tubercle?). The changes in the alveoli with their walls are very slight, consisting only in an increase of cells. * CONTAGIOUS PLEURO -PNEUMONIA. 13- The second preparation was made through the central lobule, in which^ as described above, was a circumscribed necrosis. The thickening- between the lobules (see preparation marked S. S. Brazilian, Xo. 2 (B), recent disease) is due, as in the previous cases, tO' a thickening of the walls of the lymph spaces, with here and there nar- rowed lym[)h spaces filled with cells more or less adherent to the walls. In the preparation colored by h;ematoxylon the necrosed i)ortion is brought sharply out by a deep blue line, lying just within its border, and due to the presence of a large number of cells and nuclei. Within this line the alveoli are filled with yellow, finely granular detritus, in which lie scattered nuclei and cells in the process of degeneration. Very few nuclei or cells are seen in the alveolar walls, and the whole looks dead. Within the center of this necrosed portion are seen the blood vessels still i)ervious, surrounding which is a zone of cell infiltra- tion as shown by the deep color. The bronchus lies between the ves- sels, but can only be distinguished with difficulty, since the external and middle coats are almost obliterated, the mucous coat destroyed, only one or two projections of the submucous coat remaining to mark its character, and the opening of the tube filled with round cells and nuclei. The walls of the alveoli of the tissue bordering this necrosed portion are very much compressed, and, together with the new cells, which have been inflated, farm a sort of wall. The remaining alveoli are com- paratively free, although a few are filled with the same yellow finely granular detritus as are those within the necrosed portion. Within the nodule or more advanced disease was a cavity ^ to 1 cen- timeter in diameter, surrounded by a thick wall, and the lobule con- taining it was separated from its neighbors by thick bands of tissue, which could be followed for some distance among the more health}' lobules. Under the microscope (see preparation marked S. S. Brazilian, Xo. 2, advanced disease) it appears that the interlobular tissue is composed of the same connective tissue, only rather firmer than marks the prepara- tions already examined, and has apparently been formed in the same way. The wall about the cavity is also composed of a similar fibrous tissue rich in cells, and passes insensibly into the walls of the alveoli which are compressed and slightly thickened, but otherwise compara- tively open. Surrounding the bronchi and vessels are an accumulation of cells which have infiltrated the bronchus from without inwards, leaving still a remnant of the epitheleal lining. The general outline of the cavity is such as to indicate that it had been formed by a necrosis of a circumscribed portion of the lung, as in the more recent specimen. This necrosed portion has been gotten rid of, and the slight wall of separation seen in the recent specimen has been thickened and condensed. The whole process is one of chronic interstitial pneumonia with peri- bronchitis and necrosis of the lung tissue. STEAMSHIP ALEPPO, FROM NEW YORK. The specimen was a portion of lung about half the size of the palm of the hand, in which was a firm wedge-shai)ed nodule, the base of which measured 2 x 2.o'^™, and was at right angles to the pleural surface, which was slightly thickened all over the portion of lung. The nodule was quite homogeneous in appearance, with broad bands of tissue sep- arating the lobules. In one of the lobules there were small losses of 14 CONTAGIOUS PLEURO-PNEUMONIA. substance, giving' to that part a houeycombed look, and in another lobule there was a small cavity. The bauds of interlobular tissue (see i)rei)arations marked S. S. Aleppo from Kew York, from diseased nodule, and S. S. Aleppo, &c., section of entire nodule) are conijiosed, as in the i)revious cases, of firm connective tissue quite well vascularized, showing here and there the presence of masses of cells in the narrowed lymph spaces. The lung tissue is compressed and the alveolar walls are thickly stud- ded with round cells and nuclei. In the honeycombed tissue mentioned above (see preparation marked from diseased nodule) these cells are col- lected together in little round groups, which were often degenerated in the centers, causing the little losses of substance referred to. The alve- oli themselves were filled with exuded masses, detritus, and cells. Ihe section through the lobule containing the cavity (see preparation marked section of entire nodule) shows that the cavity is surrounded by a thick wall having a slightlj' reticulated appearance and here and there gi\'ing the outline of a circular body, lu the remaining paren- chyma of the lung are two or three round bodies of a siuiilar size with a rather broad meshed stroma, in which lie round (;ells (miliary tuber- cles). The bronchi and vessels are surrounded by accumulated cells. Many of the alveoli of the lobules bordering upon the diseased nodule are filled with blood corpuscles, which, however, lie freely within them, and have not uniforndy infiltrated all the tissue as is the case in the hemorrhagic infarction of the contagious pleuro-pueumonia. The whole process can be classified as one of chronic interstitial pneu- monia, combined with tuberculosis and the formation of cavities. COACLUSIO N. Looking at the cases as a whole, it will be seen that they are the re- sults of inflammations of ditt'erent parts of the constituents of the lungs, there also being indications in all the specimens that tuberculosis may take part in producing some of the changes. The antecedence of oue process over the other cannot be exactly de- termined, but judging from the thickness of the interlobular connective tissue, and the fact that it can be distinctly traced among the appar- ently unaffected lobules, it is probably implicated among the first, and from the fact of the thickness of this tissue as compared with the small amount of lung involved, the processes must be placed among the chronic ones, which require weeks or months rather than days for their accomplishment, and as such are probably not contagious. Yours, trulv, AY. T. WHITXEY. Therefore, if we may place any value upon f\icts as evidenced by the microscope — and who will say that we cannot i — the absolute fact is well shown that not only were the lungs condemned in my presence as being affected with pleuro-pueumonia contagiosa not affected with that disease, but that the changes noticed in them, in all but one case, were due to a chronic interstitial pneumonia with peribronchitis, with necro- sis and the formation of small cavities at and within the lung tissue projier; and further, there are evidences amounting to a certaiuty, in 1 CONTAGIOUS PLEURO-PXEUMONIA. 15 one case at least, that the disease known as tiibercalosis, probably, plaj's a more or less prominent part in the etiology of these changes. The other lung (Brazilian No. 1) that cannot be included in this class of cases, was, however, very distinctive, in that the lung contained the large abscess, already described, and the microscope shows the changes in the lung tissues, upon which the condemnation was made, to have been chronic induration of these tissues, caused by the pressure upon them of the large abscess found to exist in their immediate neighbor- hood ; in fact just the condition that under the circumstances we would expect to tind. I think that, without pursuing the history of the beasts from which these lungs came, it may be safely stated that they were not affected with contagious pleuropneumonia. The next thing, there- fore, will be to consider these cases that have been reported as being diseased with contagious pleuropneumonia since the time I left Liver- pool, and up to the 21st of November last, of which there were seven, as has been already stated. As the lungs, or diseased portions of them, were not obtainable for examination, it will be possible only to show by negative evidence what the i>robabilities are respecting them. As you will remember they came to Liverpool by various steamships from Bos- ton ; to Boston they came from Missouri, Iowa, Illinois, and Ohio, and none of them were at any time in any of the cattle markets except those of Chicago, Buffalo, Albany, and Boston ; and the only lines of rail over which any of these passed were the Grand Trunk of Canada, New York Central, Fitchburg, Michigan Central, Vermont Central, Boston and Albany, Lake Shore and Michigan Southern. It will be shown further on that there cannot be any disease in Chi- cago or Buffalo, and the same argument will be as true regarding Albany as Buffalo. In the case of Boston I may say that ever since the " stamp- ing out'" of pleuropneumonia from Massachusetts in 1867 there has al- ways existed, and does to-day, in this State a most efficient board of State cattle commissioners, composed, amongst others, of the same vet- erinarian (Dr. E. F. Thayer) under whose administration the disease was " stamped out," and that although this board has, during all these years, kept a most lively lookout for any cases of the disease within their State, and although thousands of animals have been examined in Brighton market, alive and dead, by Dr. Thayer, not one single case of pleuro- pneumonia has been discovered within that State within the last 14 years. Eegarding the native States of these cattle, it may be said that in Missouri this department has 101, in Iowa 81, in Illinois 80, in Ohio 83 correspondents, whose particular duty it is to inform themselves as to the nature of any disease that may at any time show itself among the animals within their district, and that these correspondents have not at any time reported the existence of any disease the symptoms of which at all similated those of contagious pleuropneumonia, although every 16 CONTAGIOUS PLEURO-PNEUMONIA. Special effort possible has l)eeu made to discover it, should it exist there. So far as is known, and equally strenuous efforts have been made to dis" cover the facts, pleuropneumonia does not exist in any region of coun- try through which the lines of rail over which these animals have been carried passes. This, then, leaves as the only possible source of con- tamination the cars in which the animals have been conveyed. That the disease may have been contracted in this way is jiossible, but not at all probable, and as bearing upon this point it may be said that cattle going to Boston for local uses are conveyed in exactly the same way, and often- times in the same cars, as the animals going from thence to Great Brit- ain ; and that, although I myself have examined many hundreds of these, alive and dead, I have never yet found a single case of contagions pleuro- pneumonia ; and this is the fact, as I have before stated, regarding the very extensive examinations made of these same animals by the Massa- chusetts State board of cattle commissioners. In considering this question in all its phases, I am naturally led to a review of the circumstances attending the landing and examination of the cargo of animals ex steamship Ontario, which arrived at the port of Liverpool on the 26th of January, 1879, consisting of 195 cattle and 2 carcasses; 87 head of cattle had been thrown overboard on the voyage, thus making the original shipment 284. These animals were shipped from Portland, Me., but of their origin Mr. Welsh, Minister of the United States at London, says: " From reliable parties in Liverpool I learn that while a part of the cattle by the Ontario came from Chicago, and a i)art from Buffalo, at least 45 head of them came from Toronto, and were so mixed with the others that the Canadian and United States cattle could not be distinguished. It is also beyond dispute that those which came from the United States passed for several hundred miles over the Grand' Trunk Road through the Dominion of Canada ; that all the cattle were exposed to weather of unusual severity ; that they remained for a con- siderable time in Portland without food or water, and that they had undergone an exceptional amount of hardship and bad usage before entering upon a voyage which was made at an inclement season and during excessively rough weather." In a memorandum on the subject, Professor Brown, of the Veterinary Department of the Privy Council, says: "On examining one of the carcasses, the inspector at Liverpool found evidence of pleuropneumonia, and forwarded portions of the lung to the Veterinary Department. This specimen was found to represent the characteristic indications of the contagious pleuropneumonia of cattle so well known in this country. By direction of the Lord President, I immediately instructed Mr. Duguid, one of the inspectors of this depart- ment, to proceed to Liverjiool and report as to the condition of the animals which had been detained there. Mr. Duguid remained at Liverpool and superintended the slaughter of the cattle, and in the course of the post- mortem examination he detected thirteen cases of pleuro-i)neumonia in CONTAGIOUS PLEURO-PNEUMONIA. 17 various stages^ Xow take the statement of Professor Walley, made to me in Edinburgh, in July, 18S0, in regard to this matter, lie says: " I was called to Jjiverpool and there shown animals together in a building which. I was told, came per steamshi]) Ontario from America; a few of them were coughing, I should judge giving the patliognomonic cough of contagious i)leuro-pneumonia. I exumineil them ; they gave no elevation of temperature that amounted to anything as a sign ; they varied a little; some would be a degree higher than others, l>ut nothing re- markable in any. AVhile this examination was going on, and before we had finished to my entire satisfaction, a man came to say that we M'ere wanted in the slaughter-house, where we went at once, and found two animals that Ave were told had been taken haphazard from this cargo of the Ontario, hanging partially dressed, and from these I saw lungs takeu that exhibited to me, withouf any doubt, the well-known lesions of conta- giows pleuropneumonia. I was not at the place for more than an hour." In answer to questions, he further said : "The animals were in as good condition as any of the others; that there were several diseased spots in their lungs ; that the diseased por- tions were 'marbled,' and the parenchyma varied in color from deep red to pink, but it was mostly of a pinkish shade ; that there was no at- tempt towards the fornmtion of a cyst-wall around any of the diseased portions, because the disease had not been of sufficient standing." I have made these extracts because they seem to me to embrace the entire evidence tending to show that the disease on the Ontario was contagious pleuropneumonia : and I think it worth while to put in con- trast with them here what may be called the circumstantial evidence tending to show that there may have been some mistake. The fact seems to be beyond dispute that so far as the animals came from the United States they came from Chicago and Buftalo via Cana- dian Grand Trunk Eoad to Portland. Since 1 877 the Department of Agriculture has had, all through the West, regular correspondents, whose duty it is to collect and forward evidence relating to any disease, contagious or otherwise, that may prevail to any extent in the ditierent localities in which they are located. In this way nearly every disease that animal flesh is heir to has received some sort of mention, but in no case has any description been received that could in any way be con- strued into a description of contagious pleuropneumonia of cattle- Besides this, the department kept Veterinary Surgeon H. J. Detmers at the Chicago live-stock yards, examining cattle with the single view of ascertaining whether any trace of this disease could be discovered in that great depot for western cattle. This examination, which was made in 1879 and continued for some time, showed that it was unknown there. The market of Buffalo is in the State of New York, and therefore came directly under the examination of Prof. James Law, Veterinarian-in-Chief to the State of New York, whose particular business, under a special law, was to find and get rid of, so far as any means at his command would allow of its being done, this very disease— pleuropneumonia of cattle— and with the splendid system of detecting its existence in any 18 CONTAGIOUS PLEURO-PNEUMONIA, cattle within tbo State, and with the great facility which he had for tracing any diseased animals that were found to their starting point, he was never able, in any way, to locate the disease in Buffalo or at any point in the State within 400 miles, or thereabout, of that market Neither has this department, although every means at its command has been tried, ever been able to find that it had any existence at any time nearer to Buft'alo than the points indicated by Professor Law. IS'ow we have in evidence that these animals passed for several hundred miles over the Grand Trunk Eoad. To do this and get to Portland after leav- ing Buffalo, they would not again enter the States until they had reached Vermont, where they cross a small portion of the extreme northeasterly corner of the State ; thence across the extreme northerly portion of New Hampshire ; thence for a short distance across the southerly portion of Maine to Portland; and at no time would they be nearer than Portland to the infected district, the nearest point of which is something over 300 miles away. It may be stated to a certainty that contagious pleuro- pneumonia of cattle dofs not exist in either Vermont, New Hampshire, or Maine. How, then co uld these animals have become infected ? So far as the territory through which they traveled on their way to the sea- port lies within the United States, it can safely be said that no pleuro- pneumonia exists along, or anywhere near, their line of route. The cars in which they traveled could scarcely have been previously con- taminated, for presumably they were those of this great northern trunk line, and would never be sent down into the neighborhood of New York, Philadelphia, or Baltimore for the conversance of local cattle freight. The only way, then, would seem to be that the disease was contracted on board ship during the voyage. But ships that have carried cattle are, on their return to Liverpool, required by law to be thoroughly dis- infected, so that unless the Ontario, on her out voyage, brought to this country from England cattle affected with contagious pleuro-pneumo- nia, she could scarcely convey it to other and hearty beasts on the re- turn trip. That pleuropneumonia did exist among these cattle we have the evi- dence of, first, Mr. Moore, the inspector, who discovered it ; second, that of Professor Dugnid, who was sent down from London for the express purpose of inspecting this cargo; third, that of Professor Walley, who came from Edinburgh for the same purpose, all of them gentlemen who are particularly well qualified to judge of the matter, and give a valuable opinion regarding it. But it certainly does seem that Professor Duguid and Mr. Moore were undoubtedly mistaken as to the lungs condemned by them in my presence last Julj^ and August. May it not be that pleuro- pneumonia contagiosa is, after all, not so distinctive in its appearance as has always been su^iposed, or rather that changes are produced by certain other diseases, the lesions of which resemble so closely those of contagious pleuropneumonia that in the absence of any history of the animal would require a much more carefal examination to detect its difference than veterinarians have heretofore supj^osed to be necessary ? CONTAGIOUS PLEURO-PNEUMONIA. 19 The other gentleman. Professor Walley, says that he shouhl judge that these animals were giving the pathognomonic cough of pleuropneu- inonia, but that he examined them, and even with the thermometer (a most delicate aid in these cases) he could get no indication tliat amounted to a sign that thej^ were diseased; but still, hcfore he had finished his examination to his entire satisfaction, he was called away to the slaughter- house, where he saw lungs removed from two beasts that to him pre- sented "without any doubt the well-known lesions of pleuro pneumonia." These lungs were marbkd, ano.S'^ mo7'tem,vraB a thing requiring a knowledge only of a most superficial sort ? And I ask the authorities in this case if, in view of all the facts, it is not possible, nay, even probable, that a disease of not a sufficientlj' pronounced character to interfere with the well-doing of these animals may exist that shall give to the naked eye, upon examination of the lung post mortem, the exact appearances of contagious pleuropneumonia, but which is not that disease, but the result of some chronic process, the nature of which, in th e absenceof all history of the animal, may require a most careful and minute examination to detect its real differences ? The only gentleman engaged in the aflair who seems at that time to have been of my present opinion and to have realized its importance is Professor Williams, of Edinburgh, who was called to Liverpool in pre- cisely the same manner as was Professor Walley. This gentleman, who spent more time in the examination, who has had at least as large an •experience as have any of the others, said, when he had finished the ex- 20 CONTAGIOUS PLEURO-PNEUMOXIA. aminatiou in Liverpool and was asked for his opinion, ''I have as j'et no opiDion to give, and shall have none nntil I have been able to make a more thorongh examination of the Inng." For this purpose he took with him to Edinburgh j)ortions of the lung, and he received from Mr. Wellsby, a veteriuarj' surgeon in the employ of Messrs. Warren & Co., the steam- ship owners, for the next six months, portions of the diseased lungs which were condemned by the inspector at Liverpool, all of which received a most careful examination by himself and Dr. Hamilton, I>athologist to the Eoyal Infirmary, and demonstrator of morbid anatomy in the L'niversity of Edinburgh, and after all this he declares that he has "not the slightest hesitation in saying that in no case has he found them to exhibit the characteristic lesions of contagious pleuro-pneumonia.*' Therefore it seems to me that there is, at least, fair reason to doubt whether the disease noticed among this cargo of the Ontario was really contagions pleuropneumonia. I have not gone into the discussion of this question in any captiotis spirit of criticism, neither do I mean for a moment to call into question the professional ability of an\- of those gentlemen, which I believe to be of the highest quality, and I most thoroughly believe that their decisions were given in accordance with their honest convictions; but if these convictions were arrived at too hastily, and before proper, and, in view of the gravity of the question, sutiiciently exhaustive examinations of the facts were made, it is cer- tainly my i^rivilege to comment upon them, and show, if i^ossible, that it was so. And if any statement or argument that I have advanced seems to be of sufficient consequence to really throw a doubt upon the decision of the authorities of Great Britain in this matter, I would most respectfully suggest that in fairness to the great interests of the United States, which are by this decision very severely prejudiced, tliat the judgment should at least be reconsidered. My own opinion, arrived at after a most thorough and careful inves- tigation and consideration of the facts, is tliat the lungs which were condemned by the Inspector of the Privy Council at Liverpool during my stay there in parts of July and August last, as being affected with con- tagious pleuro-pneumonia, were in reality not affected with that disease. And further, I do not believe that a single case of contagious pleuro-i)neu- monia has ever existed in the West or has been landed in England from our ports of Boston or Portland, unless, indeed, it may have been com- municated to the animals after they were placed on board the ocean steamer, from previous contamination of the vessel, by transportation in it of diseased animals from Great Britain to America, an event which I must say that in the case of pleuro-pneumonia I think to be very unlikely. Respectfully submitted. CHARLES P. LYMAX, F. R. C. V. S. Hon. Wai. G. Le Due, Commissioner of Agriculture. O LIBRARY OF CONGRESS