PS 1039 .P47 H6 1887 Copy 1 Holy days AND "iOLIDAYS. iLLUSriip^ATED. ■ » 1i»f^W— — ^^— tmmtm^i^^manmmmM HOLY DAYS & HOLIDAYS, ( ////// Orioiiial Illustratio)is,) Sarah h. Iloag Anthony, J Drawings by Miss Minnie Clemen f, Reproduced in /uie-Sinii/e by (he Photo- Electrotype Com- ^ pany, of Boston, Mass. iSSj. G. B. Taylor, Publisher, Smyrna, Del. 3 / S Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1887, By Sarah E. Hoag Anthony, of Smyrna, Del., In the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington. CONTENTS Look Up, 6 The Holy Mo'licr, Illustrated, • 7 Cliristnias Carol, S-9 Cruciji.xion. Illustrated, lo-r I Resurrection, Illustrated, 12 Ascension, Illustrated, '3-^4 The Oil of Joyfcr Mourning, . iji-i6 Poetry, • V Childreiis Corner, lS-20 Whosoever, 21 The Infant Jesus, Illustrated, . 22 If J ft' /\'ne7a, • ^3 Jolni /)'. (rough. Illustrated, 24-5 Decoratioji, Illustrated, . 26 His Children 27 Well-Springs of Life 2S-^ lOOK up ! look upward •^5fj^ And behold the light, In looking downward Darkness may surround thee. 0i?.liPOSING there in tlie perfumed hay, (r?!,- An infant child in a mancrer lay ; A child to become a Kinj^ in time. Of the kingdom Heavenly and Divine. CHRISTMAS CAROL. ARK ! a sound of Christmas music, Hark ! a sound of Christmas mirth, Hark! a carol full of crladness Is now soundinor dirou'jh the earth ; Advancing through the dark of ages, Rinoino- loud this Christmas morn, " Giory i i the Highest, Glorv ! Unto you a Christ is born ! " I II Humble shepherds calmly listened To the Angelic sonir that ni^rht, Bowincr low in sacred silence. Rendering praise to Bethlehem's light ; To the city quickly hastened. Just before the day had dawned. Bearing joyful tidings with them — " Unto us a Christ is born ! " li Far away in other countries. Wise men saw the sacred lii^ht Brij^htly biirnino^. onward i^uiding, As it irlows ai^ain this ni