.A. .*erate and things to find their true level. The mass of Union savers are Union destroyers, on the principle of philosophy, that " whoso saveth his life shall lose it." On the other hand, the true friend of the Union acts upon that sub- lime and heroic principle of virtue, " whoso loseth his life shall save it." To peaceably and passively allow secession, is the only possible salva- tion of the American Union. THE SECEDING STATES. As to the near future of the seceding States, let us not yet lift the curtain. Let them complete, in national solitude, the fearful tragedy of negro slavery! Let us be kind, magnanimous, and pitiful to them; but uncompromisingly true to humanity. And when they shall have drank sufficiently the dregs of national woe, and been filled with their own devices; and when, under the disciplining effects of their own backslid- ings, they shall have put away slavery as both the curse and crime of a nation, and inaugurated true and impartial democracy, then shall we hail with unalloyed delight the "reconstruction," in a harmonious sisterhood, of these now divided States; the only reconstruction of which the nature of the case admits, and the only one which is worthy of that Almighty Providence whose hand is so visible in the momentous events of ihe day. *°+ % A* * e °o s r ^c? ** i <2> "© . A £*r * . %\ny^ -«> ^ <> , *>??v* .^ V^ ^ *W^C 4^ %' -4 o^ \* .. •*■ '•* *° <$<■ '" \* °* • %/ .* o 4* H I >: 'o, *• . » • A <* *•'TV•• .& T o, o • * * <^> • ,,w