,^^ "*, .A>' ■ •*>/. V' -f- ^ % "'^y .,A^> .5 t.. -^'^^ <^ '-^^ V^' ■^ ■a ^^. v-^^ i,' -s-^ V •^A V i."* '».~^' N>'.-::'^ '^-^ V*' .^'■^■^ »^\l^-' ■•^ .0 o ,0'^ „*'^' ,0 o ^ 0' ^.■. %,.^ '^ ^^M^ s^>»^^>j^ Q/ A V > (!) -^1 ■^-TT^ )^§$;^ rai: tea) ^: V ( (^ s '> / -^^^^k^ -=-_L. >^ -S^^*>- fG f ^^r?^^^ T^C^^ ■7<^[la>;Dil^:>:-r^■ > ^^B ^ "^ sua 4 i E HAVE completed our labors in writing and compiling the Tor trait and Biogr.aph- , :CAL Album of Midland Countv, and wish, in presenting it to its patrons, to speak .efly of the importance of local works of this nature. It is certainly the duly ". oi the present to commemorate the past, to perpeiuatethe names of the pioneers, to furnish a record of their early settlement, and to relate the storj- of their progress. The civilization of our day, the enlightemnent of the age, and this solemn duty which - • ^ '^ men of the present time owe to their ancestors, to themselves and to their posterity demand that a record of their lives and deeds should be made. In local historj- is found a power to instruct man by precedent, to enliven the mental faculties, and to waft down the river of time a safe vessel in which the names and actions of the people who contributed to raise this region from its primitive state may be preserved. Surely and rapidly the noble men who in their prime entered the wild forests of Midland and claimed the virgin soil as their heritage, are passing to their graves. The number remaining who can relate the history of the first days of settlement is becoming small indeed, so that an actual necessit)- exists for the collection and preservation of his- torical matter without delay, before the settlers of the wilderness are cut down by time. Not only is it of the greatest importance to render history of pioneer times full and accurate, but it is also essen" tial that the history- of the count)-, from its settlement to the present day, should be treated through its various phases, so that a record, complete and impartial, may be handed down to the future. The present the age of progress, is reviewed, standing out in bold relief over the quiet, unostentatious olden times ; it is abrilliant record, which is destined to live in the future; the good works of men, their magnificent enterprises, their lives, whether commercial or militarj", do not sink into oblivion, but, on the contrar}-, grow brighter with age, and contribute to build up a record which carries with it precedents and principles that will be advanced and observed when the acts of soulless men will be forgotten, and their very names hidden in obscurity. In the preparation of the personal sketches contained in this volume, unusual care and pains were taken to have them accurate, even in the smallest detail. Indeed, nothing was passed lightly over or treated indifferently, and we flatter ourselves that it is one of the most accurate works of its nature ever published. As one of the most interesting features of this work, we present the portraits of numerous representa- tive citizens. It has been our aim to have the prominent men of to-day. as well as the pioneers, represented in this department ; and we congratulate ourselves on the uniformly high character of the gentlemen whose portraits we present. They are in the strictest sense representative men, and are selected from all the call- inss and professions worthy to be represented. There are others, it is true, who claim equal prominence with those presented, but of course it was impossible for us to give portraits of all the leading men and pioneers of the county. We are under great obligation to many of the noble and generous people of Midland County for kindly and material assistance in the preparation of this Albcm. CHAPMAN BROTHERS. Chicago, S€pUmbfr, 1884. t T I f ( r r 'jc < -^v ■^-^^n!i>:iin>>^ -^4^-^xy^ I '^ --^^ ^T^:D^>^:DIl^>r^ :^^^ 4^^5(©V^ (9JJ T ;^ '-!) C< (■ :^ ^. <^D!]:^tia;>^ mtf^y^^ -:2^^ eV^^DDi^IlD^^ J^ r^^^^^^ 4^^f^<^) (^ ) :^ 5§ yto; ^>'. ^ (^ ^V^^^^#- is^C^J^ K^ -^C^D [1 ^ DI];>^ Si^)5-_ .J W}-/^^^^ ^^^^ ^V<^llH^tlI]r>r-^ :^^^ Vto) ) >5 V ^^n!i:<^iiti;> C< ( ^ ^ /y ^: 1 /Hk^- IB i'^^^/^l>)^tf^ kLviT^U h > t ^ # 7 'A s^TnrTmjrf^fB^^^mr HE Father of our Country was ^ born in Westmorland Co., Va., ^ Feb. 22, 1732. His parents were Augustine and Mary (Ball) Washington. The family to which he belonged has not been satisfactorily traced in England. His great-grand- father, John Washington, em- igrated to Virginia about 1657, and became a prosperous planter. He had two sons, Lawrence and John. The former married Mildred Warner and had three children, John. Augustine and Mildred. Augus- tine, the father of George, first married Jane Butler, who bore him four children, two of whom, Lawrence and Augustine, reached maturity. Of six children by his second marriage, George was the eldest, the others being Betty, Samuel, John Augustine, Charles and Mildred. Augustine Washington, the father of George, died in 1743, leaving a large landed property. To his eldest son, Lawrence, he bequeathed an estate on the Patomac, afterwards known as Mount Vernon, and to George he left the parental residence. George received only such education as the neighborhood schools afforded, save for a short time after he left school, when he received private instruction in mathematics. His spelling was rather defective. Remarkable stories are told of his great physical strength and development at an early age. He was an acknowledged leader among his companions, and was early noted for that nobleness of character, fair- ness and veracity which characterized his whole life. When George was i4years old he had a desire to go to sea, and a midshipman's warrant was secured for him, but through the opposition of his mother the idea was abandoned. Two years later he was appointed surveyor to the immense estate of Lord Fairfax. In this business he spent three years in a rough frontier life, gaining e.xperience which afterwards proved very essential to him. In 175 i, though only 19 years of age, he was appointed adjutant with the rank of major in the Virginia militia, then being trained for active service against the French and Lidians. Soon after this he sailed to the West Indies with his brother Lawrence, who went there to restore his health They soon returned, and in the summer of 1752 Lawrence died, leaving a large fortune to an infant daughter who did not long survive him. On her demise the estate of Mount Vernon was given to George. Upon the arrival of Robert Dinwiddle, as Lieuten- ant-Governor of Virginia, in 1752, the militia was reorganized, and the province divided into four niili- tar)' districts, of which the northern was assigned to Washington as adjutant general. Shortly after this a vet)' perilous mission was assigned him and ac- cepted, which others had refused. This was to pro- ceed to the French post near Lake Erie in North- western Pennsylvania. The distance to be traversed was between 500 and 600 miles. Winter was at hand, and the journey was to be made without military escort, through a territory occupied by Indians. The 9 A ^' ^ f no;^ -i^^f^ ■3^5>tf^r GEORGE WASHIXGlOy t 1^ >: V J \ -^ trip was a perilous one, and several limes he came near losing his life, yet he returned in safety and furnished a full and useful report of his expedition. A regiment of 300 men was raised in Virginia and put in cxmu- mand of Col. Joshua Fn". and Major Washington was commissioned lieutenant-colonel. Acuve war was then begun against the French and Indians, in which NVashington took a most imfonani part. In the memorable event of Jaly 9, 1755. known as Brad- dcx:k"3 defeat, Washington was sJmost the onlyoflScer of distinction who escaped from the calamities of the day with life and honor. The other aids of Braddock were disabled early in the action, and Washington alone was left in that capacity on the iield. In a letter to hb brother he sa)-s : " I had four bullets through my coat, and two horses shot under me, yet I escaped unhurt, though death was leveling my companions on every side." An Indian sharpshooter said he was not bom to be killed by a bullet, for he had taken direct aim at him seventeen times, and failed to hit him. .•\fter having been five years in the military semce, and vainly sought promotion in the royal army, he look advantage erf the fall of Fort Duqcesne and the expulsion of the French from the valley of the Ohio, to resign his commission. Soon after he entered the Lesislaf.:re. where, although not a leader, he took an active and important part. January 17. 1759, he married Mrs. Martha (Dandridge) Cusris, the wealthy widow of John Parke Cusris. \\"hen the British Parliament had closed the port of Boston, the cry went up thtougboat the provinces that "The cause of Boston is the cause of us all." It was then, at the suggestion of Virginia, that a Con- gress of all the colonies was called xo meet at Phfla- del •;>hia,Sept. 5, r774.tosecuretheircommonliberties, peaceablv if possible. To this Congress Col. Wash- ington was sent as a delegate. On May 10, 1775, the Conjres^ re-assembled, when the hostile intentions erf England were plainly apparent. The battles of Coi>- cord 3u»d Lexington had been fought, .\inong the first acK of this Congress was the election of a com- mander-in-chief of the colonial forces. This high and lesponsTole ofiBce was conferred upon Washington, who was still a memberof the Congress. He accepted it on Tune 19, bat upon the express condition that be receive no salary. He would keep an exact accoant of expenses and expect Congress 10 pay them and nothing mote. It is not the object of this sketch to trace the military acts of Washington, to whom the fortunes and liberties of the people of this countir were so long confided. The w.\r was conducted hf him under every" possible d!5adv.-j.ntage. and while his forces often met with reverses, yet he overcame every otetade, and after seven )-e3rs of heroic devotion and matchless skill he gained liberty for the greatest nation of earth. On Dec 23, rySs, Washington, in .\ ranins address dition of the country, owing to the war and want of credit; trials fiom the b^nnin^ of party strife. He was ik> partisan. His clear judgment could discern the golden mean ; aiMi while perhaps this alone kept our government £rom sinldng at the very outset, it left him exposed to attacks from both sides, which were often biner and very anrmring. .\t the exiMration of his first term he was unani- mously re-elected. At the eixi of this term many were anxious that he be re-elected, but he abscdutely refused a third nomination. On the fourth of Match, 1797, at the ex^raton of his second term as Presi- dent, he returned to his home, hoping to pass there his few remaining years free fitHn the annoyances of public life. Later in the year, however, his rep(Ke seemed likely to be interrupted by war with FraiK^e. .\t the prospect of such a war be was again urged to take ct»nmand of the anaies. He chose tuis sab- ordtnate cheers and left xo them the charge of mat- ters in the field, which be superintecded from his home. In accepting the command he made the reservation that he was not to be in the field nntD it was necessary. In the midst of these preparations hce of all parties, and principles, and na- tions, and to win a fame as extended as the limiis of the globe, and which we cannot bot bdieve will be as lasting as the existmoe of man. The person of Washington was unosally tall, erect and well proportioned. Hb moscalar strength was great. Hb features were of a beantifal symmetry. He commanded respect witboot any appearance of ha airiness, and ever soioas withoat bang duIL ^ < A t=; r i ■f»>. "Vf X:^ " ■^^€^^ -V <: y- -^^^ " f ^ ^X v^ M'nMam ^ ■VT-)5i^?i*- -:^^ ■'r^mmh^^ ■^^^ 'f^st 4^^^i^'^ ^- > "^ a I SECOXn PRESJDEXT. -»5 V JOHN ABAMS. ""*'■' t V > .^^ OHX ADAMS, the second -President and the first Vice- " President of the United States. was bona in Braintree ( now Quincy \Mass., and about ten ,^3- -a - miles from Boston. Oct. lo. - -' ^'~_;;_c 1735. His greai-grandtather, Heniy .\dams, emigrated from England about 1 640, with a family of eight sons, and settled at Braiutiee. The parents of John were John and Susannah (Boylston) Adams. His father was a fanner of limited means, to which he added the bus- ^sSk iness of shoemaking. He gave his '"*?■ eldest son, John, a classical educa- tion at Harvaid College. John graduated in 1755, and at once took charge of the school in Worcester. Mass. This he fouiMl but a "■ school of afSictJon." from which he endeavored to gain relief by devoting himself, in addition, to the study of law. For this purpose he placed himself under the tuition of the only lawyer in the town. He had thought seriously- of the clerical profession but seems to have been turned from this by what he termed " the frightful engines of ecclesiastical coun- cils, of diabolical malice, and Calvanistic good nature,"' of the operations of which he had been a witness in his native town. He was well fitted for the legal profession, possessing a clear, sonorous voice, being ready and fluent of speech, and having quick percep- tive powers. He graduaUy gained practice, amd in 1764 married Abigail Smith, a daughter of a minister, and a lady of saperior intelligence. Shordy after his marriage, (1765), the attempt of Parliamentary taxa- tion turned him from law to politics. He toct initial steps toward holding a town meeting, and the resolu- V ^ A tions he offered on the subject became very popular throughout the Province, and were adopted word for word by over forty different towns. He moved to Bos- ton in 1 7 68, and became one of the most courageous and prominent advocatesof the popular cause, and was chosen a member of the General Court (the Leg- lislature) in 1770. Mr. Adams was chosen one of the first delegates fnxu Massachusetts to the first Continental Congress, which inet in 1774. Here he distinguished himself by his capadt)- fot business and for debate, and ad- = vocated the movement for independence against the ^ majority of the members. In May, 1776, he moved = and carried a resolution in Congress that the Colonies should assume the duties of self-government. He was a prominent member of the committee of five appointed June it. to prepare a declaration of inde- pendence. This article was drawn by Jefferson, but on Adams devolved the task of battling it through Congress in a three days debate. On the day after the Declaration of Independence was jxjissed, whfle his soul was yet warm with the glow of excited feeling, he wrote a letrer tc his wife, which, as we read it now. seems to have been dictated by the spirit of prophecy. '"Yesterday." he says, "the greatest question was decided that ever was debated in America; and greater, perhaps, never was or will be decided among men. A resolution w as passed without one dissenting colony, " that these United States are, and of tight ought to be, free and inde- pendent states.' The day is piassed. The fourth of July. 1776. will be a memorable epoch in the historj- of America. I am apt to believe it will be celebrated by succeeding generations, as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance by solemn acts of devotion to .Almi^ty God. It ought to l>e solemnized with pomp, showi r ■^•«y=- - V <-D!l>:ODi>^ •^^^^ i^ z^^K ^^V<4nil'^DIlf>':^^ :J&is- ^ i ^ @x @vM' dj 1 f JOHN ADAMS. games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations from one end of the continent to the other, from this time forward for ever. You will think me transported with enthusiasm, but I am not. I am well aware of the toil, and blood and treasure, that it will cost to maintain this declaration, and support and defend these States; yet, through all the gloom, I can see the rays of light and glory. I can see that the end is worth more than all the means; and that posterity will triumph, although you and I may rue, which I hope we shall not." In November, 1777, Mr. Adams was appointed a delegate to France and to co-operate with Bemjamin Franklin and Arthur Lee, who were then in Paris, in the endeavor to obtain assistance in arms and money from the French Government. This was a severe trial to his patriotism, as it separated him from his home, compelled him to cross the ocean in winter, and ex- posed him to great peril of capture by the British cruis- ers, who were seeking him. He left France June 17, 1779. In September of the same year he was again chosen to go to Paris, and there hold himself in readi- ness to negotiate a treaty of peace and of commerce with Great Britian, as soon as the British Cabinet might lae found willing to listen to such pvoposels. He sailed for France in November, from there he went to Holland, where he negotiated important loans and formed important commercial treaties Finally a treaty of peace with England was signed Jan. 21, 1783. The re-action from the excitement, toil and anxiety through which Mr. Adams had passed threw him into a fever. After suffering from a con- tinued fever and becoming feeble and emaciated he was advised to goto England to drink the waters of Bath. While in England, still drooping anddespond- ing, he received dispatches from his own government urging the necessity of his going to Amsterdam to negotiate another loan. It was winter, his health was delicate, yet he immediately set out, and through 5torni, on sea, on horseback and foot, he made the trip. February 24, 1785, Congress appointed Mr. Adams envoy to the Court of St. James. Here he met face to face the King of England, who had so long re- garded him as a traitor. As England did not condescend to appoint a minister to the United States, and as Mr. Adams felt that he was accom- plishing but little, he sought permission to return to his own country, where he arrived in June, 1788. When Washington was first chosen President, John Adams, rendered illustiious by his signal services at home and abroad, was chosen Vice President, .\gain at the second election of Washington as President, Adams was chosen Vice President. In 1796, Wash- ington retired from public life, and Mr. Adams was elected President.though not without much ojjposition. Serving in this office four years, he was succeeded by Mr. Jefferson, his opponent in politics. While Mr. Adams was Vice President the great French Revolution shook the continent of Europe, and it was upon this point which he was at issue with the majority of his countrymen led by Mr. Jefferson. Mr. Adams felt no sympathy with the French people in their struggle, for he had no confidence in their power of self-government, and he utterly abhored the classof atheist [ihilosophers who he claimed caused it. On tiie other hand Jefferson's sympathies were strongly enlisted in behalf of the French people. Hence or- iginated the alienation between these distinguished men, and two powerful parties were thus soon organ- ized, .'\dams at the head of the one whose sympathies were with England and Jefferson led the other in sympathy with France. The world has seldom seen a spectacle oi more moral beauty and grandeur, than was presented by the old age of Mr. Adams. The violence of party feeling had died away, and he had begun to receive that just appreciation which, to most men, is not accorded till after death. No one could look upon his venerable form, and think of what he had done and suffered, and how he had given up all the prime and strenj,th of his life to the public good, without the deepest emotion of gratitude and respect. It was his peculiar good fortime to witness the complete success of the institution which he had lieen so active in creating and supporting. In 1824, his cup of happiness was filled to the brim, by seeing his son elevated to the higliest station in the gift of the people. The fourth of July, 1826, which completed the half century since the signing of the Declaration of Inde- pendence, arrived, and there were but three of the signers of that immortal instrument left upon the earth to hail its morning light. And, as it is well known, on that day two of these finished their earthly pilgrimage, a coincidence so remarkable as to seem miraculous. For a few days before Mr. Adams had lieen rapidly failing, and on the morning of the fourth he found hmiself too weak to rise from his bed. On being requested to name a toast for the customary celebration of the day, he exclaimed " In- dependence FOREVER." When the day was ushered in, by the ringing of bells and the firing of cannons, he was asked by one of his attendants if he knew what day it was? He replied, "O yes; it is the glor- ious fourth of July — God bless it — God bless you all." In the course of the day he said, "It is a great and glorious day." The last words he uttered were, "Jefferson s\irvives." But he had, at one o'clock, re- signed his spirit into the hands of his God. The i)ersonal appearance and manners of Mr. .'Vdams were not particularly prepossessing. His face, as his portrait manifests,was intellectual ard expres- sive, but his figure was low and ungraceful, and his manners were frequently abrupt and uncourteous. He had neither the lofty dignity of Washington, nor the engaging elegance and yracefulness which marked the manners and address of jeffersoi. r ®,^^^^^ -^r^ 1. ^M mm>^' "^Mtz^ ^>/^)«^# ZJ^^ ■7 5^ (f> THOMAS JEFFERSON. 4^^f^(^;' man — what the emotions that swelled his breast — who was charged with the preparation of that Dec- laration, which, while it made known the wrongs of America, was also to publish her to the world, free, soverign and independent. It is one of the most re- markable papers ever written ; and did no other effort of the mind of its author exist, that alone would be sufficient to stamp his name with immortality. In 1779 Mr. Jefferson was elected successor to Patrick Henry, i.s Governor of Virginia. At one time the British officer, Tarleton, sent a secret expedition to Monticello, to capture the Governor. Scarcely five minutes elapsed after tlie hurried escape of Mr. Jef- ferson and his family, ere his mansion was in posses- sion of the British troops. His wife's health, never very good, was much injured by tiiis excitement, and in the summer of 1782 she died. Mr. JetTerson was elected to Congress in 1783. Two yeirs later he was apiwinted Minister Plenipo- tentiary to France. Returning to the United States in September, 1789, he became Secretary of State in Washington's cabinet. Tliis position he resigned Jan. r, 1794. In 1797, he was chosen Vice Presi- dent, and four years later was elected President over Mr. Adams, with Aaron Burr as Vice President. In 1804 he was re-elected with wonderful unanimity, and George Clinton, Vice President. The early part of Mr. Jefferson's second adminstra- tion was disturbed by an event wliicli threatened the tranquility and peace of the Union; this was the con- spiracy of Aaron Burr. Defeated in the late election to the Vice Presidency, and led on by an \inprincipled ambition, this extraordinary man formed the plan of a military expedition into the Spanish territories on our southwestern frontier, for tlie purpose of forming there a new republic. This has been generally supposed was a mere pretext ; and although it has not been generally known what his real plans were, there is no doubt that they were of a far more dangerous character. In 1809, at the expiration of the second term for which Mr. Jefferson had been elected, he determined to retire from political life. For a period of nearly forty years, he had been continually before the pub- lic, and all that time had lieen employed in offices of the greatest trust and responsibility. Having thus de- voted the best part of his life to the service of his country, he now felt desirous of that rest which his declining years required, and uiK>n the organization of the new administration, in March, rSog, he bid fare- well forever to public life, and retired to Monticello. Mr. Jefferson was profuse in his hospitality. Whole families came in their coaches with their horses, — fathers and mothers, boys and girls, babies and nurses, — and remained three and even six months. Life at Monticello, for years, resembled that at a fashionable watering-place. The fourth of July, 1S26, being the fiftieth anniver- sary of the Declaration of American Independence great preparations were made in every part of the Union for its celebration, as the nation's jubilee, and the citizens of Washington, to add to the solemnity of the occasion, invited Mr. Jefferson, as the framer, and one of the few surviving signers of the Declara- tion, to participate in their festivities. But an ill- ness, which had been of several weeks duration, and had been continually increasing, compelled him to decline the invitation. On the second of July, the disease under which he was laboring left him, but in such a reduced state that his medical attendants, entertained no hope of his recovery. From this time he was perfectly sensible that his last hour was at hand. On the next diiy, which was Monday, he asked of those around him, the day of the month, and on being told it was the third of July, he expresjed the earnest wish that he might be permitted to breathe the air of the fiftieth anniversary. His prayer was heard — that day, whose dawn was hailed with such rapture through our land, burst upon his eyes, and then they were closed for- ever. And what a noble consummation of a noble life ! To die on that day, — the birthday of a nation,- - the day which his own name and his own act had rendered glorious; to die amidst the rejoicings and festivities of a whole nation, who looked up to him, as the author, under God, of their greatest blessings, was all that was wanting to till up the record his life. Almost at the same hour of his death, tlie kin- dred spirit of the venerable Adams, as if to bear him company, left the scene of his earthly honors. Hand in hand they had stood forth, the champions of freedom ; hand in hand, during the dark and desper- ate struggle of the Revolution, they had cheered and animated their desponding countrymen; for half a century they had labored together for tlie good of the country; and now hand in hand they depart. In their lives they had been united in the same great cause of liberty, and in their deaths they were not divided. In person Mr. Jefferson was tall and thin, rather above six feet in height, but well formed; his eyes were light, his hair originally red, in after life became white and silver)'; his complexion was fair, his fore- head broad, and his whole countenance intelligent and thoughtful. He possessed great fortitude of mind as well as personal courage ; and his command of tem- per was such that his oldest and most intimate friends never recollected to have seen him in a passion. His manners, though dignified, were simple and un- affected, and his hospitality was so unbounded that all found at his house a ready welcome. In conver- sation he was fluent, eloquent and enthusiastic ; and his language was remarkably pure and correct. He was a finished classical scholar, and in his writings is discernable the care with which he formed his style upon the best models of antiqiiity. *^ A r y^m ^ niiv^v^ — ^^^ -«®s |^^5f I .m // / i^^^U-^^ ■^-^H^oc^^^^ fi-^y^ FOURTH PR f SI DENT. -4^^f(®V(^ 31 IJW^^ n]:aDisoi]. ^\ AMES MADISON, "Father g) of the Constitution," and fourth President of tlie United States, was born March 16, 1757, and died at his home in Virginia, "^'' June 28, 1836. The name of Tames Madison is inseparably con- nected with most of the im[X)rtant events in that heroic period of our country during which the founda- tions of this great repubUc were laid. He was the last of the founders of the Constitution of the United States to be called to his eternal reward. The Madison family were among the early emigrants to the New World, landing upon the shores of the Chesa- peake but 15 years after the settle- ment of Jamestown. The father of James Madison was an opulent planter, residing upon a very fine es- tate called " Montpelier," Orange Co., Va. The mansion was situated in the midst of scenery highly pictur- esque and romantic, on the west side of South-west Mountain, at the foot of Blue Ridge. It was but 25 miles from the home of Jefferson at Monticello. Tlie closest personal and political attachment existed between these illustrious men, from their early youth until death. The early education of Mr. Madison was conducted mostly at home under a private tutor. At the age of 18 he was sent to Princeton College, in New Jersey. Here he applied himself to study with the most im- prudent zeal; allowing himself, for months, but three hours' sleep out of the 24. His health thus became so seriously impaired that lie never recovered any vigor of constitution. He graduated in 177 i, with a feeble body, with a character of utmost purity, and with a mind highly disciplined and richly stored with learning which embellished and gave proficiency to his subse- quent career. Returning to Virginia, he commenced the study of law and a course of extensive and systematic reading. This educational course, the spirit of the times in which he lived, and the society with which he asso- ciated, all combined to inspire him with a strong love of liberty, and to train him for his life-work of a statesman. Being naturally of a religious turn of mind, and his frail health leading liim to think that his life was not to be long, he diiected especial atten- tion to theological studies. Endowed with a mind singularly free from passion and prejudice, and with almost unequalled powers of reasoning, he weighed all the arguments for and against revealed religion, until his faith became so established as never to be shaken. In the spring of 1776, when 26 years of age, he was elected a member of the Virginia Convention, to frame the constitution of the State. The next year (1777), he was a candidate for the General Assembly. He refused to treat the whisky-loving voters, and consequently lost his election ; but those who had witnessed the talent, energy and public spirit of the modest young man, enlisted themselves in his behalf, and he was appointed to the Executive Council. Both Patrick Henry and Thomas Jefferson were Governors of Virginia while Mr. Madison remained member of the Council ; and their appreciation of his Vto) (^ ^ t )^^# -^. A <>D!i:^niiv>'r^3 — ^*€»^ ^ i. '^ i 1 V s >v* 32 JAMES MADISON. intellectual, social and moral worth, contributed not a little to his subseiiuent eminence. In the year 1780, he was elected a member of the Continental Congress. Here he met the most illustrious men in our land, and he was immediately assigned to one of the most conspicuous jwsitions among them. For three years Mr. Madison continued in Con- gress, one of its most active and influential members. In the year 17 84, his term having expired, he was elected a member of the \'irginia Legislature. No man felt more deeply than Mr. Madison the utter inetticiency ot the old confederacy, with no na- tional government, with no iwwer to form treaties which would be binding, or to enforce law. There was not any State more prominent than Virginia in the declaration, that an etticient national government must be formed. In January, 1786, Mr. Madison carried a resolution through the General Assembly of Virginia, inviting the other States to apjioint commis- sioners to meet in convention at Annapolis to discuss this subject. Five States only were represented. The convention, however, issued another call, drawn up by Mr. Madison, urgmg all the States to send their delegates to Pliiladelphia, in May, 1787, to draft a Constitution tor the United States, to take the place of that Confederate League. The delegates met at the time apix)inted. F,very State but Rhode Island was represented, tieorge Washington was chosen president of the convention ; and the (iresent Consti- tution of the United States was then and there formed. There was, perhaps, no mind and no pen more ac- tive in framing this immortal document than the mind and the pen of James Madison. The Constitution, adopted by a vote 81 to 79, was to be presented to the several States for acceptance. But grave solicitude was felt. Should it be rejected we should be left but a conglomeration of independent States, with but little [wwer at home and little respect abroad. Mr. Madison was selected by tlie conven- tion to draw up an address to the people of the Lhiited States, exix)unding the principles of the Constitution, and urging its adoption. There was great opixjsition to it at first, but it at length triumphed over all, and went into effect in 1789. Mr. Madison was elected to the House of Repre- sentatives in the first Congress, and soon became the avowed leader of the Republican partv. While in New York attending Congress, he met Mrs. Todd, a young widow of remarkable ix)wer of fascination, whom he married. She was in person and character queenly, and probably no l.ndy has thus far occupied so prominent a position in the very peculiar society which has constituted our republican court as Mrs. Madison. Mr. Madison served as Secretary- ot State under Jefferson, and at the close of his administration was chosen President. \x this time the encroach- ments of England had brought us to the verge of war. British orders in council destioyed our commerce, and our flag was e.xiwsed to constant insult. Mr. Madison was a man of peace. Scholarly in his taste, retiring in his disi»sition, war had no charms for him. But the meekest spirit can be roused. It makes one's blood boil, even now, to think of an .American sliip brought to, u[x)n the ocean, by the guns of an English cruiser. A young lieutenant steps on board and orders the crew to be paraded before him. With great nonchal- ance he selects any number whom he may please to designate as British subjects ; orders them down the ship's side into his boat; and places them on the gun- deck of his man-of-war, to fight, by compulsion, the battles of England. This right of search and im- pressment, no efforts of our Ciovernment could induce the British cabinet to relinquish. On the 1 8th of June. 1S12, President Madison gave his approval to an act of Congress declaring war against Great Britain. Notwithstanding the bitter hostility of the Federal party to the war, the country in general approved; and Mr. Madison, on the 4th of March, 1S13, w'as re-elected by a large m.-ijority, and entered ui>on his second term of office. This is not the place to describe the various adventures of this war on the land and on the water. Our infant navy then laid the foundations of its renown in grap- pling with the most formidable power which ever swept the seas. The contest commenced in earnest by the appearance of a British fleet, early in February, 1813, in Chesapeake Bay, declaring nearly the whole coast of the LTnited States under blockade. The Emperor of Russia offered his services as nie ditator. -America accepted ; England refused. .4 Brit- ish force of five thousand men landed on the banks of the Patu.vet River, near its entrance into Ches.a- peake Bay, and marched rapidly, by way of Bladens- burg, upon Washington. The straggling little city of Washington was thrown into consternation. The cannon of the brief conflict at Kladensburg echoed through the streets of the metropolis. The whole population fled from the city. The President, leaving Mrs. Madison in the White House, with her carriage dr.awn up at the door to aw.iit his speedy return, hurried to meet the officers in a council of war. He met our troops utterly routed, and he could not go back without danger of being captured. But few hours elapsed ere the Presidential Mansion, the Capitol, and all the public buildings in Washington were in flames. The war closed after two years of fighting, and on Feb. 13, 18 15, the treaty of peace was signed at Ghent. On the 4th of March, 1817, his second term of office expired, and he resigned the Presidential chair to his friend, James Monroe. He retired to his beau- tiful home at Montpelier, and there passed the re- mainder of his days. On June 28, 1836, then at the age of 85 years, he fell asleep in death. Mrs. Madi- son died July 12, 1849. ^ A V < r K^^^S^^ ^^^^^ -vs ;t>A ^^x ■Nx^ y - -A-- /^-^ FIFTH PRESIDENT. ^^^^^^mM, PEQES n]OI?^OE. ""^W^P^T^e^ AMES MONROE, the fifth residentof The United States, i^^was born in Westmoreland Co., Va., April 28, 1758. His early , .^ ^ life was passed at the place of U"^.-'--^./ nativity. His ancestors had for -/'lv,_L^ many years resided in the prov- ince in which he was born. When, at 17 years of age, in the process )Si hi ^ of completing his education at }^pM ^\ illiam and Mary College, the Co- lonial Congress assembled at Phila- delphia to deliberate u[K)n the un- just and manifold oppressions of Great Britian, declared the separa- tion of the Colonies, and promul- gated the Declaration of Indepen- dence. Had he been born ten years before it is highly probable that he would have been one of the signers of that celebrated instrument. At this time he left school and enlisted among the patriots. He joined the army when ever\'thing looked hope- less and gloomy. The number of deserters increased from day to day. The invading armies came pouring in ; and the tories not only favored the cause of the mother country, but disheartened the new recruits, who were sufficiently terrified at the prospect of con- f> tending with an enemy whom they had been taught I to deem invincible. To such brave spirits as James Monroe, who went right onward, undismayed through difficulty and danger, the United States owe their jwlitical emancipation. The young cadet joined the v-- ranks, and espoused the cause of his injured country, ^ with a firm determination to live or die with her strife for liberty. Firmly yet sadly he shared in the mel- ancholy retreat from Harleam Heights and \\'hite Plains, and accompanied the dispirited army as it fled before its foes through New Jersey. In four months after the Declaration of Independence, the patriots had been beaten in seven battles. At the battle of Trenton he led the vanguard, and, in the act of charg- ing ujx)n the enemy he received a wound in the left shoulder. As a reward for his bravery, Mr. Monroe was jjro- moted a captain of infantry; and, having recovered from his wound, he rejoined the army. He, however, receded from the line of promotion, by becoming an officer in the staff of Lord Sterling. During the cam- paigns of 1777 and 1778, in the actions of Brandy- wine, Germantown and Monmouth, he continued aid-de-camp; but becoming desirous to regain his position in the army, he exerted himself to collect a regiment for the Virginia line. This scheme failed owing to the exhausted condition of the State. Upon this failure he entered the office of Mr. Jefferson, at that period Governor, and pursued, with considerable ardor, the study of common law. He did not, however, entirely lay aside the knapsack for the green bag ; but on the invasions of the enemy, served as a volun- teer, during the two years of his legal pursuits. In 1782, he was elected from King George county, a member of the Leglislature of Virginia, and by that body he was elevated to a seat in the Executive Council. He was thus honored with the confidence of his fellow citizens at 23 years of age ; and having at this early period displayed some of that ability and aptitude for legislation, which were afterwards employed with unremitting energy for the public good, m>^-^ — ^^^^ ^i Z< r '\: t 36 ^ JAMES MONROE. 4^^K^' •■^ ^ i ^ A :-<-? V ^ he was in the succeeding year chosen a member of the Congress of the United States. DeeplylisMr. Monroe felt the imperfections of the old Confederacy, he was opposed to the new Constitution, thinking, with many others of the Republican parly, that it gave too much iX)Wcr to tlie Central Government, and not enough to the individual States. Still he re- tained the esteem of his friends who were its warm supporters, and who, notwithstanding his opposition secured its adoption. In 1789, he became a member of the United States Senate ; which office he held for four years. Ever)- month the line of distinction be- tween the two great parties which divided the nation, the Federal and the Republican, was growing more distinct. The two prominent ideas which now sep- arated them were, that the Republican party was in sympathy with France, and also in favor of such a strict construction of tlie Constitution as to give the Central Government as little power, and the State Governments as much [wwer. as the Constitution would warrant. The Federalists symjiathized with England, and were in favor of a liberal construction of the Con- stitution, which would give as much jxjwer to the Central Crovernment as that document could possibly authorize. The leading Federalists and Republicans were alike noble men, consecrating all their energies to the good of the nation. Two more honest men or more pure patriots than John Adams the Federalist, and lames Monroe the Republican, never breathed. In building up this majestic nation, which is destined to eclipse all Grecian and Assyrian greatness, the com- bination of their antagonism was needed to create the light equilibrium. And yet each in his day was de- nounced as almost a demon. Washington was then President. England had es- poused the cause of the Bourbons against the princi- ples of the French Revolution. All Europe was drawn into the conflict. We were feeble and far away. Washington issued a proclamation of neutrality be- tween these contending jKiwers. France had helped us in the struggle for our liberties. All the despotisms of Europe were now combined to prevent the French froni escaping from a tyranny a thousand-fold worse than that which we had endured. Col. Monroe, more magnanimous than prudent, was anxious that, at whatever hazard, we should help our old allies in their extremity. It was the impulse of a generous and noble nature. He violently opposed the Pres- ident's proclamation as ungrateful and wanting in magnanimity. Washington, who could appreciate such a character, developed his calm, serene, almost divine greatness, by apiiointing that very James Monroe, who was de- nouncing the {X)licy of the Government, as the minister of that Government to the Republic of France. Mr. Monroe was welcomed by the National Convention in France with the most enthusiastic demonstrations. Shortly after his return to this country, Mr. Mon- roe w'as elected Governor of Virginia, and held the office for three years. He was again sent to France to co-operate with Chancellor Livingston in obtaining the vast territor)' then known as the Province of Louisiana, which France had but shortly before ob- tained from Spain. Their united efibrts were suc- cessful. For the comparatively small svmi of fifteen millions of dollars, the entire territorj' of Orleans and district of Louisiana were added to the L'nited States. This was probably the largest transfer of real estate which was ever made in all the history of the world From F'rance Mr. Monroe w^ent to England to ob- tain from that countrj- some recognition of out- rights as neutrals, and to remonstrate against those odious impressments of our seamen. But Eng- land was unrelenting. He again returned to Eng- land on the same mission, but could receive no redress. He returned to his home and was again chosen Governor of Virginia. This he soon resigned to accept the jwsition of Secretary of State under Madison. While in this office w-ar w-ith England was declared, the Secretary of War resigned, and during these trying times, the duties of the War Department were also put uix)n him. He was truly the armor- bearer of President Madison, and the most efficient business man in his cabinet. LTjwn the return of peace he resigned the Department of War, but con- tinued in the office of Secretar>- of State until the ex- \)iration of Mr. Madison's adminstration. At the elec- tion held the pres'ious autumn Mr. Monroe himself had been chosen President with but little opixjsilion, and \\[x>n March 4, 1S17, was inaugurated. Four years later he was elected for a second term. .Vmong the important measures of his Presidency were the cession of Florida to the United States; the Missouri Compromise, and the " Monroe doctrine."' This famous doctrine, since known as the " Monroe doctrine," was enunciated by him in 1823. At that time the United States had recognized the independ- ence of the South American states, and did not wish to have European powers longer attempting to sub- due jwrtions of the .\merican Continent. The doctrine is as follows: "'That we should consider any attempt on the part of Eurojiean powers to extend their sys- tem to any jKirtion of this hemisphere as dangerous to our peace and safety," and "that we could not view any interjxjsition for the purjwse of oppressing or controlling American governments or provinces in any other light than as a manifestation by European ix)wers of an unfriendly disj^sition toward the l'nited States." This doctrine immediately affected the course of foreign governments, and has become the approved sentiment of the United States. At the end of his second tenn Mr. Monroe retired to his home in Virginia, where he lived until iSjio. when he went to New Vork to live with his son-in- law. In that city he died,on the 4th of July, 1S31. V A !^: f -^^^ ^ •«§?: V ^ W ^•■j J, oL. e/htc/rrx^ 8«^ .^ik. SIXTH PRESIDENT. -^®t?^ '^^®\Wii 39 />\ \> V^3 Wi^ Qnii]6Y ^D^n]s. !:i]Dv>^ -^ l^t^ l^/^^>)«^#^- -2«^fj^ r^-7r -4^^5f(®Vi^ /C^TV^ QUINCY ADAMS. J ) :<^ ^ I He reached Berlin with his wife in November, 1797; where he remained until July, 1799, when, having ful- filled all the purposes of his mission, he solicited his recall. Soon after his return, in 1802, he was chosen to the Senate of Massachusetts, from Boston, and then was elected Senator of the United States for six years, from the 4th of March, 1804. His reputation, his ability and his experience, placed him immediately among the most prominent and influential members of that body. Especially did he sustain the Govern- ment in its measures of resistance to the encroach- ments of England, destroying our commerce and in- sulting our flag. There was no man in America more familiar with the arrogance of the British court upon these points, and no one more resolved to present a firm resistance. In 1809, Madison succeeded Jefferson in the Pres- idential chair, and he immediately nominated John Quincy Adams minister to St. Petersburg. Resign- ing his professorship in Harvard College, he embarked at Boston, in August, 1809. While in Russia, Mr. Adams was an intense stu- dent. He devoted his attention to the language and history of Russia; to the Chinese trade; to the European system of weights, measures, and coins ; to the climate and astronomical observations ; while he kept up a familiar acquaintance with the Greek and Latin classics. In all the universities of Europe, a more accomplished scholar could scarcely be found. All through life the Bible constituted an important part of his studies. It was his rule to read five chapters every day. On the 4th of March, 1817, Mr. Monroe took the Presidential chair, and immediately appointed Mr. Adams Secretary of State. Taking leave of his num- erous friends in public and private life in Europe, he sailed in June, 1819, for the United States. On the i8th of August, he again crossed the threshold of his home in Quincy. During the eight years of Mr. Mon- roe's administration, Mr. Adams continued Secretary of State. Some time before the close of Mr. Monroe's second term of office, new candidates began to be presented for the Presidency. The friends of Mr. Adams brought forward his name. It was an exciting campaign. Party spirit was never more bitter. Two hundred and sixty electoral votes were cast. Andrew Jackson re- ceived ninety-nine; John Quincy Adams, eighty-four; William H. Crawford, forty-one ; Henry Clay, thirty- ■^even. As there was no choice by the people, tlie question went to the House of Representatives. Mr. Clay gave the vote of Kentucky to Mr. Adams, and he was elected. The friends of all the disappointed candidates now combined in a venomous and persistent assault upon Mr. Adams. There is nothing more disgraceful in the past history of our country than the abuse which was poured in one uninterrupted stream, upon this high-minded, upright, patriotic man. There never was an administration more pure in principles, more con- scientiously devoted to the best interests of the coun- try, than that of John Quincy Adams; and never, per- haps, was there an administration more unscrupu- lously and outrageously assailed. Mr. Adams was, to a very remaricable degree, ab- stemious and temperate in his habits; always rising early, and taking much exercise. When at his home in Quincy, he has been known to walk, before breakfast, seven miles to Boston. In Washington, it was said that he was the first man up in the city, lighting his own fire and applying himself to work in his library often long before dawn. On the 4th of March, 1829, Mr. Adams retired from the Presidency, and was succeeded by Andrew Jackson. John C. Calhoun was elected Vice Presi- dent. The slavery question now began to assume ixjrtentous magnitude. Mr. Adams returned to Quincy and to his studies, which he pursued with un- abated zeal. But he was not long permitted to re- main in retirement. In November, 1830, he was elected representative to Congress. For seventeen years, until his death, he occupied the post as repre- sentative, towering above all his peers, ever ready to do brave battle' for freedom, and winning the title of " the old man eloquent." Upon taking his seat in the House, he announced that he should hold him- self bound to no party. Probably there never was a member more devoted to his duties. He was usually the first in his place in the morning, and the last to leave his seat in the evening. Not a measure could be brought forward and escape his scrutiny. The battle which Mr. Adams fought, almost singly, against the proslavery party in the Government, was sublime in Its moral daring and heroism. For persisting in presenting petitions for the abolition of slavery, he was threatened with indictment by the grand jury, with expulsion from the House, with assassination; but no threats could intimidate him, and his final triumph was complete. It has been said of President Adams, that when his body was bent and his hair silvered by the lapse of fourscore years, yielding to the simple faith of a little child, he was accustomed to repeat every night, before he slept, the pra}er which his mother taught him in his infant years. On the 2 1 St of February, 1848, he rose on the floor of Congress, with a paper in his hand, to address the speaker. Suddenly he fell, again stricken by jiaraly- sis, and was caught in the arms of those around him. For a time he was senseless, as he was conveyed to the sofa in the rotunda. With reviving conscious- ness, he opened his eyes, looked calmly around and said " This is Ike end of earth ;"\.\\t\\ after a moment's pause he added, " I a>/i eonteitt" These were the last words of the grand "Old Man Eloquent." S)J ^ A \. i F r ^!®|?^^ # y ^2u^^t^ cri^'^^e^ T2*^-£ -ler sex :>m5 5 bDr:±- After a loa^ iDi>ss A->dTg»" ■ ■ _ be — , X. C. He. hofwever. > K * n- - err V 3<~ Xordi Caioima. ol — : Tbis involved i fHwgeis of rw teas. toa : jmr sara^i. s Oidae^ _^_ :: _ : _ a pi II irf mai; i skeduadessboy. T^e tvaie diEV Ib ! blow at sbe head of tbe h.lt i fi.s yoog jHis i wrt Aadiev laBed bb land, sad tbcs mm a w a d two fen- falgasftes,— fMeoaShekadaadtkeaikeripaB tke bead. The ofiterikaa tamed to Us baaker Kober: ««ftthesaMe '^'^'^^ Qe also irfased. aac t- cdraed ablov faoH &e bBe»-e%3d sdbR, vted : i:adbled iM. aid lAicb pnfadUf^ sooB afie: r: ereTTtaa^ bat Andiev : - - - - r - :Hws kad ao Oc~. • - lip Knife. - ji, Hr. Jacisaawas .'- -^ ifc.'isiJf dJmwjtad fwam her ianiiT fai^nvd. Greir: vas Ae smpnseof ba&|Biii^t«D;^Rislatec, : jMfcinasrfiiiefeoioe had jast been ;._.- bf the fist bisinDd. TheBaimge : ZT was pf iliMMt'd a second tBae,bittlheoocaf- ; rsed bj-hs enpaaps to bob^ Mz. : - ae aodsd hand at hb paifes- :' T'Tie or iHae dadb on kuid, ■ rjed DiciessoB. was escec- at R- Tacfe: "en Jie z eie«i>-re' 7^& ^ ^ #@^$> /7 ^ 7^zf(^ ^^ /3^^^ <<^ ^}S^: T<^DD>:DDr>T- -4^^^(^-= 7^ EIGHTH PRESIDEXT. 47 ^^-Vf^l ^■p:^Vr^^I>^^5^5M) m^lRTID Y;-?!! BUREl). ^- ^v^' I i iCt^JVOG-^^fvs) .#» i?^ ; "^ ^ ' ARTIN VAX BUREN", the eighth President of the United States, was born at Kinderhook, N". Y., Dec 5, 17S2. He died at the same place, July 24, 1S62. His body rests in the cemetery at Kinderhook. Above it is .^^^K, ~ pliin granite shaft nfteen feet ^A^ high, bearing a simple inscription K about half way up on one face. V The lot is unfenced. unbordered or unbounded by shrub or flower. There b but little in the life of Martin Van Buren of romantic interest. He fought no battles, engaged in no wild adventures. Though his life was stormy in political and intellectual conflicts, and he gained many signal victories, his da)-s passed uneventful in those incidents which give zest to biography. His an- cestors, as his name indicates, were of Dutch origin, and were among the earliest emigrants from Holland to the banks of the Hudson. His father was a farmer, residing in the old town of Kinderhook. His mother, also of Dutch lineage, was a woman of superior intel- ligence and e-\emplary piety. He was decidedly a precocious boy, developing un- usual acrivity, vigor and strength of mind. At the age of founeen, he had finished his academic studies in his native village, and commenced the study of law. As he had not a collegiate education, seven years of study in a law-office were required of him before he could be admitted to the bar. Inspired with a lofty ambition, and conscious of his powers, he pur- sued his studies with indefatigable industry. After spending six years in an office in his native village. he went to the city of New York, and prosecuted his studies for the seventh year. In 1S03, Mr. Van Buren, then twenty-one years of age, commenced the practice of law in his native \-il- lage. The great conflict lietneen the Federal and Republican part)- was then at its height. Mr. Van Buren was from the beginning a politician. He had, perhaps, imbibed that spirit while listening to the many discussions which had been carried on in his fathers hoteL He was in cordial svmpathy with JeflFerson, and eamesdy and eloquendy espoused the cause of State Rights ; though at that time the Fed- eral party held the supremacy both in his town and State. His success and increasing ruputation led him, after six years of practice, to remove to Hudson, the county seat of his county. Here he spent seven years, constandy gaining strength by contending in the courts with some of the ablest men who have adorned the bar of his State. Just before leaving Kinderhook for Hudson. Mr. Van Buren married a lady alike distinguished for beauty and accomplishments. After twelve short years she sank into the grave, the \-ictim of consump- tion, leaN-ing her husband and four sons to weep over her loss. For twenty-five years, Mr. Van Buren was an earnest, successftil. assiduous lawyer. The record of those years is barren in items of public interest. In tSi 2. when thirty years of age, he was chosen to the State Senate, and gave his strenuous support to Mr. Madison's adminstration. In 1S15, he was ap- pointed Attorney-General, and the next year moved to Albany, the capital of the State. AMiile he was acknowledged as one of the most prominent leaders of the Democratic party, he had A f s«s**— • ■^*^^ — ^^-D D :-v-: Diii>A ■^^€»^ «g 3 A g^^^ -■?5 % i^ ■^2^^ T <^:i]ii>^nnr>v MARTIN VAN BUR EN. > A V V f the moral courage to avow that true democracy did not require that " universal suffrage" which admits the vile, the degraded, the ignorant, to the right of governing the State. In true consistency with his democratic principles, he contended that, while the path leading to the privilege of voting should be open to ever)- man without distinction, no one should be invested with that sacred prerogative, unless he were in some degree qualified for it by intelligence, virtue and some property interests in the welfare of the State. In 182 1 he was elected a member of the United States Senate; and in the same year, he took a seat in the convention to revise the constitution of his native State. His course in this convention secured the approval of men of all parties. No one could doubt the singleness of his endeavors to promote the interests of all classes in the community. In the Senate of the United States, he rose at once to a conspicuous position as an active and useful legislator. In 1827, John Quincy Adams being then in the Presidential chair, Mr. Van Buren was re-elected to the Senate. He had been from the beginning a de- termined opposer of the .\dministration, adopting the "State Rights" view in opposition to what was deemed the Federal proclivities of Mr. Adams. Soon after this, in 1828, he was chosen Govemorof the State of Xew York, and accordingly resigned his seat in the Senate. Probably no one in the United States contributed so much towards ejecting John Q. Adams from the Presidential chair, and placing in it Andrew Jackson, as did Martin Van Buren. Whether entitled to the reputation or not, he certainly was re- garded throughout the United States as one of the most skillful, sagacious and cunning of politicians. It was supposed that no one knew so well as he how to touch the secret springs of action; how to pull all the wires to put his machinery in motion ; and how to organize a political army which would, secretly and stealthily accomplish the most gigantic results. By these ix)wers it is said that he outv.atted Mr. Adams, Mr. Clay, Mr. Webster, and secured results which few thought then could be accomplished. When Andrew Jackson was elected President he api)ointed Mr. Van Buren Secretarj' of State. This position he resigned in 1831, and was immediately appointed Minister to England, where he went the same autumn. The Senate, however, when it met, refused to ratify the nomination, and he returned home, apparently untroubled ; was nominated Vice President in the place of Calhoun, at the re-election of President Jackson ; and with smiles for all and frowns for none, he took his place at the head of that Senate which had refused to confimi his nomination as ambassador. His rejection by the Senate roused all the zeal of President Jackson in behalf of his repudiated favor- ite; and this, probably more than any other cause, secured his elevation to the chair of the Chief Execu- tive. On the 20th of May, 1836, Mr. Van Buren re- ceived the Democratic nomination to succeed Gen. Jackson as President of the United States. He was elected by a handsome majority, to the delight of the retiring President. " Leaving New York out of the canvass," says Mr. Parton, "the election of Mr. Van Buren to the Presidency was as much the act of Gen. Jackson as though the Constitution had conferred upon him the jxjwer to appoint a successor." His administration was filled with exciting events. The insurrection in Canada, which threatened to in- volve this country in war with England, the agitation of the slavery question, and finally the great commer- cial panic which spread over the country, all were trials to his wisdom. The financial distress was at- tributed to the management of the Democratic party, and brought the President into such disfavor that he failed of re-election. With the exception of being nominated for the Presidency by the "Free Soil" Democrats, in 1848, Mr. Van Buren lived quietly uiX)n his estate until his death. He had ever been a prudent man, of frugal habits, and living within his income, had now fortunately a competence for his declining years. His unblemished character, his commanding abilities, his unquestioned patriotism, and the distinguished positions which he had occupied in the government of our countr)-, se- cured to him not only the homage of his party, but the respect ot the whole community. It was on the 4th of March, 1841, that Mr. Van Buren retired from the presidency. From his fine estate at Lindenwald^ he still exerted a powerful influence upon the politics of the countn,-. From this time until his death, on the 24th of July, 1862, at the age of eighty years, he resided at Lindenwald, a gentleman of leisure, of culture and of wealth ; enjoying in a healthy old age, probably far more happiness than he had before experienced amid the stormy scenes of his active life. >V C^' ^ V r^ ^ T ^^ *~ _:^. ':^!^^ ■^mnm^>^^ — ^^^ P-- s^-f>-- y^ ^^a^^^^^^'^^ ILLIAM HENRY HARRI- SON, the ninth President ol the Linited States, was liorn at Bcrkele) , Va., Feb. 9, 1773. His tathei, Benjamin Harri- son, was in comparatively op- ulent circumstances, and was one of the most distinguished men of his day. He was an intimate friend of George Washington, was early elected a member of the Continental Congress, and was conspicuous among the patriots of Virginia in resisting the encroachments of the British crown. In the celebrated Congress of 1775, Benjamin Har- rison and John Hancock were both candidates for the office of speaker. Mr Harrison was subsequently chosen Ciovernor of Virginia, and was twice re-elected. His son, I William Henry, of course enjoyed in childhood all the advantages which wealth and intellectual and cultivated society could give. Hav- ing received a thorough common-school education, he entered Hampden Sidney College, where he graduated with honor soon after the death of his father. He then repaired to Philadeliihia to study medicine under the instructions of Dr. Rush and the guardianship of Robert Morris, both of whom were, with his father, signers of the Declaration of Independence. Upon the outbreak of the Indian troubles, and not- withstanding the remonstrances of his friends, he abandoned his medical studies and entered the army, having obtained a commission of Ensign from Presi- dent Washington. He was then but rg years old. From that time he passed gradually upward in rank until he became aid to General Wayne, after whose death he resigned his commission. He was then ap- pointed Secretary of the North-western Territory. This Territory was then entitled to but one member in Congress and Capt. Harrison was chosen to fill that position. In the spring of 1800 the North-western Territory was divided liy Congress into two portions. The eastern portion, comprising the region now embraced in the State of Ohio, was called " The Territory north-wesl of the Ohio." The western portion, which included what is now called Indiana, Illinois and Wisconsin, was called the "Indiana Territory." Wil- liam Henry Harrison, then 27 years of age, was ap- ixjinted by John Adams, Governor of the Indiana Territory, and immediately after, also Governor of Upper Louisiana. He was thus ruler over almost as extensive a realm as any sovereign upon the globe. He was Superintendent of Indian Affairs, and was in- vested with powers nearly dictatorial over the now rapidly increasing white population. The abilitv and fidelity with which he discharged these responsible duties may be inferred from the fact that he was four times appointed to this office — first by John .Adams, twice by Thomas Jefferson and afterwards by Presi- dent Madison. \Vhenhe began his adminstration there were but three white settlementsin that almost boundless region, now crowded with cities and resounding with all the tumult of wealth and traffic. One of these settlements was on the Ohio, nearly opposite Louisville; one at Vincennes, on the Wabash, and the third a French settlement. The vast wilderness over which Gov. Harrison reigned was filled with many tribes of Indians. About I o) ^r#*- ^si^^ @^A<^|j||^:,tJtl^^^a^^^ is^^^n. -^#^^5^(®>| g«*- ■T^v4:Bfl^flll^>? WILLIAM HENRY HARRISON. » ' y ^T¥L T V V K^ ■ HX TYLER. lie a-Hh Co. Va^ MjuKk 29. i79(v He «»£ the farnxed cUd of af- Aitc M ut and M^ sodbl po- silnn. At t^ eiriy a^e ol twehre. loin emieKd WaibM aad ^iarr CoB^fe aad god- 3ui»d vKk ^»ck koaor viKa batagi g aa ccai yeaisqid. Aices- he devoted yi»- _ xsadiBKT o the of lav. ponlif «iA hib .xad pis^with FidM»ri ^ ^ not KaBdoiph.oneol the moss ! I of Co^ge^ Heie he acBed caiBSsH- aiad Aly»iAthe DriyTOiir panr. ojipoeang a iwfinwal >. h^L BBamal iMj—m m\ nt br t^ Geoexsl Goveim- :^>^^ -=^*^^ .- V MCK. a pMiiecirne canC and adxtocanag a snia ooo- aUMU B U M of die GoiasncaiKn, ajad the nost cxie£al T^fawse <»rer Scase lights. Hk labois ia CoDgiess ««K so aidaoss that hefixe the cfase of his secoMl tenaheiiauid s Dee:'-- -^'sis^ juad leobe » hts esxaee ia Ckades-dti ^-cnrii hib beakh. He, ho«ev>er, soob after coetsessid to takae h«s seat ia the State Le^i^ame. where his iadaence was pa wetfi J in fownring jieblac woiks of gteat stStr. With a repottatiaM thxs ciassaadr iacreass^. he was chosee br a veiT lariie ^AiicxitT of xces;. Goveioor of las aaiire Ssue. His nlwiiii iimiwi was ^nallr a soc- oesakloae. Hk mpdbtin- aecaied ^ le-deaaon. Joha Kiwdnlpk. a brSKaBt. enaiic. halikiaxed laan. dkes lepresencsd Vusiaxa ia the S^iate of 1^ Uoiaed Scales. A pcnaoa of the Bkemociazic piarnr was dbpfeased widt Mr. Raadolph's wavwud coeise. and baoE^K kxwaid John TTkr ^ te opponewt, o»a(feti^ ya the otdr saaia Vn^xacaof safideM popdbikr s> sacceed agaiast tke ie-j--a— •e- . — ;^«Tr « Rnaanhf Mx. T^fer wasthe vktc- la aoondaace w^ hb prnfesicr - ^ bjs seat ia the Seaate. he joined the lar ■ - 70s- tiaau He opposed die taiif; he s . ::st and ToiedagaiB3tti»elitaak.£S ^ S3ie<::>- 3ai^r opposed all tessriv - . ;• . lesst- iag all pnfec^ of intetaal iaapKmenegtts b^ the Gea- eral Gov^xaoMBt. aad avowed his snapathr wi^ Ms. Calhceas new of aaJKcanoa: hededared t^ai Gea. Jaefcaoa, b*r kts oppoawioa ao the aalS&exs, had ^Ehaiadcaed she piSBdples of tbe Deaaociadc paKr. S jch WIS Mi Tjr^er s leootd is Co^wss. — a lecoHi dosdaace wkh the piwiptes which he - i-powed. Kecaiaiag ao Vii^i^^ be jesaaied Iks' rnrtire of his paofesaoak. There wis i -Tfe ^- :>« T^sEOcriik ^ 'Or V > 4 (^ i ■^^7^nm^i>t^ -#^5(^V,^^; JOHAT TYLER. party. His friends still regarded him as a true Jef- fersonian, gave him a dinner, and showered compli- ments upon him. He had now attained the age of forty-six. His career had been very brilliant. In con- sequence of his devotion to public business, his pri- vate affairs had fallen into some disorder; and it was not without satisfaction that he resumed the practice of law, and devoted himself to the culture of his plan- tation. Soon after this he removed to Williamsburg, for the better education of his children ; and he again took his scat in the Legislature of Virginia. By the Southern Whigs, he was sent to the national convention at Harrisburg to nominate a President in 1839. The majority of votes were given to Gen. Har- rison, a genuine Whig, much to the disappointment ot the South, who wished for Henry Clay. To concili- ate the Southern Whigs and to secure their vote, the convention then nominated John Tyler for Vice Pres- ident. It was well known that he was not in sympa- thy with the Whig jiarty in the Noith : but the Vice President has but very little power in the Govern- ment, his main and almost only duty being to pre- side over the meetings of the Senate. Thus it hap- pened that a Whig President, and, in reality, a Democratic Vice President were chosen. In 1 84 1, Mr. Tyler was inaugurated Vice Presi- dent of the United States. In one short month from that time. President Harrison died, and Mr. Tyler thus found himself, to his own surprise and that of the whole Nation, an occupant of the Presidential chair. This was a new test of the stability of our institutions, as it was the first time in the history of our country that such an event had occured. Mr. Fyler was at home in Williamsburg when he received the une.vpected tidings of the death of President Harri- son. He hastened to Washington, and on the 6th of April was inaugurated to the high and responsible office. He was placed in a position of exceeding delicacy and difficulty. All his longlife he had been opposed to the main principles of the party which had brought him into power. He had ever been a con- sistent, honest man, with an unblemished record. Gen. Harrison had selected a Whig cabinet. Should he retain them, and thus surround himself with coun- sellors whose views were antagonistic to his own? or, on the other hand, should he turn against the party which had elected him and select a cabinet in har- mony with himself, and which would op|)Ose all those views which the Whigs deemed essential to the pub- lic welfare? This was his fearful dilemma. He in- vited the cabinet which President Harrison had selected to retain their seats. He reccommended a day of fasting and prayer, that God would guide and bless us. The Whigs carried through Congress a hill for the incorporation of a fiscal bank of the United States. The President, after ten days' delay, returned it witli his veto. He suggested, however, that he would approve of a bill drawn up upon such a plan as he proposed. Such a bill was accordingly prepared, and privately submitted to iiim. He gave it his approval. It "A-as passed without alteration, and he sent it back with his veto. Here commenced the open rupture. It is said that Mr. Tyler was provoked to this meas- ure [)y a published letter from the Hon. John M. Botts, a distinguished Virginia Whig, who severely touched the pride of the President. The opposition now exultingly received the Presi- dent into their arms. The party which elected him denounced him bitterly. All the members of his cabinet, excejiting Mr. Webster, resigned. The \Vhigs of Congress, both the Senate and the House, held a meeting and issued an address to the people of the United States, proclaiming tliat all iwlitical alliance between the Whigs and President Tyler were at an end. Still the President attempted to conciliate. He appointed a new cabinet of distinguished Whigs and Conservatives, carefully leaving out all strong party men. Mr. Webster soon found it necessary to resign, forced out by the pressure of his Whig friends. Thus the four years of Mr. Tyler's unfortunate administra- tion passed sadly away. No one was satisfied. The land was filled with murmurs and vituperation. Whigs and Democrats alike assailed him. More and more, however, he brought himseli into sympathy with his old friends, the Democrats, until at the close of his term, he gave his whole influence to the support of Mr. Polk, the Democratic candidate for his successor. On the 4th of March, 1845, he retired from the harassments of office, tothe regret of neither party, and probably to his own unspeakable lelief. His first wife, Miss Letitia Christian, died in Washington, in 1842; and in June, 1844, President Tyler was again married, at New York, to Miss Julia Gardiner, a young lady of many i)ersonal and intellectual accomplishments. The remainder of his days Mr. Tyler passed mainly in retirement at his beautiful home, — Sherwood For- est, Charles-city Co., Va. A polished gentleman in his manners, richly furnished with information from books and experience in the world, and jxissessing brilliant powers of conversation, his fr.mily circle was the scene of unusual attractions. AVitli suffic-ient moans for the exercise of a generous hospitality, he might have enjoyed a serene old age with the few friends who gathered around him, were it not for the storms of civil war which his own principles and policy had helped to introduce. When the great Rebellion rose, which the State- rights and nullifying doctrines of Mr. John C. Cal- houn had inaugurated. President Tyler renounced his allegiance to the United States, and joined the Confed- erates. He was chosen a member of their Congress; and while engaged in active measures to destroy, by force of arms, the Government over which he had once presided, he was taken sick and soon died. I A ^. V ( r jLim d2/^«-*-<-<-C^ *^ :o ?• /v V «>^» V ;#< .^^C^^:: — 6V4?tlti:t:onr>v -i^^C(®vM ^'Z^' VENTH PRESIDENT. AMES Hv. PDIK v^ '■f-~ ANtES K. POLK, the eleventh ?n:' fiia President of the United States, s born in Mecklenburg Co., C.,Nov. 2, 1795. His par- ents were Samuel and Jane (Knox) Polk, the former a son of Col. Thomas Polk, who located at the above place, as one of the first pioneers, in 1735. In the year 1S06, with his wife and cliildren, and soon after fol- lowed by most of the members of tlie Polk farnly, Samiitl Polk emi- grated some two or three hundred miles farther west, to the rich valley of the Duck River. Here in the midst of the wilderness, in a region which was subsequently called Mau- ry Co., they reared their log huls, and established their homes. In the hard toil of a new farm in the wil- derness, James K. Polk spent the early years of his childhood and youth. His father, adding the pur- suit of a surveyor to that of a farmer, gradually increased in wealth until he became one of the leading men of the region. His mother was a superior woman, of strong common '^ sense and earnest piety. Very early in life, James developed a taste for ,: reading and expressed the strongest desire to obtain ^^ a liberal education. His mother's training had made MV him methodical in his habits, had taught him punct- uality and industry, and had inspired him with lofty principles of morality. His health was frail ; and his father, fearing that he might not be able to endure a sedentary life, got a situation for him behind tlie counter, hojjing to fit him for commercial pursuits. This was to James a bitter disapixjintment. He had no taste for these duties, and his daily tasks were irksome in the extreme. He remained in this uncongenial occupation but a few weeks, when at his earnest solicitation his father removed him, and made arrangements for him to jirosecute his studies. Soon after he sent him to Murfreesboro Academy. ^Vith ardor which could scarcely be surpassed, he pressed forward in his studies, and in less than two and a half years, in the autumn of 1815, entered the sophomore class in the University of North Carolina, at Chapel Hill. Here he was one of the most exemplary of scholars, punctual in every exercise, never allowing himself to be absent from a recitation or a religious service. He graduated in 1S18, witli tlie highest honors, be- ing deemed the best scholar of his cbss, both in mathematics and the classics. He was then twenty- three years of age. Mr. Polk's health was at this time much impaired by the assiduity with which he had prosecuted his studies. After a short season of relaxation he went to Nashville, and entered the office of Felix Grundy, to study law. Here iMr. Polk renewed his acquaintance with .Andrew Jackson, who resided on his plantation, the Hermitage, but a few miles from Nashville. They had probably been slightly acquainted before. Mr. Polk's father was a Jeffersonian Republican, and James K. Polk ever adhered to the same politi- cal faith. He was a jxipular public sjieaker, and was constantly called u]X)n to address the meetings of his party friends. His skill as a speaker was such that he was popularly called the Naiwleon of the stump. He was a man of unblemished morals, genial and (^! ^ c^: 0) ^' ^¥^(s^J^ 6o JAMES K. POLK. rr -*%?@s §§ ^) courteous in his bearing, and with that sympathetic nature in the jo) s and griefs of others which ever gave him troops of friends. In 1823, Mr. Polk was elected to the Legislature of Tennessee. Here he gave his strong influence towards the election of his friend, Mr. Jackson, to the Presidency of the United States. In January, 1824, Mr. Polk married Miss Sarah Childress, of Rutherford Co., Tenn. His bride was altogether worthy of him, — a lady of beauty and cul- ture. In the fall of 1825, Mr. Polk was chosen a member of Congress. The satisfaction which he gave to his constituents may be inferred from the fact, that for fourteen successive years, until 1839, he was con- tinued ill that office. He then voluntaril)- withdrew, only that he might accept the Gubernatorial chair of Tennessee. In Congress he was a laborious member, a frequent and a popular speaker. He was always in his seat, always courteous ; and whenever he spoke it was always to the point, and without any ambitious rhetorical display. During five sessions of Congress, Mr. Polk was Speaker of the House Strong passions were roused, and stormy scenes were witnessed ; but Mr. Polk per- formed his arduous duties to a very general satisfac- tion, and a unanimous vote of thanks to him was passed by the House as he withdrew on tlie 4th of March, 1839. In accordance with Southern usage, Mr. Polk, as a candidate for Governor, canvassed the State. He was elected by a large majority, and on the 14th of Octo- ber, 1839, look the oath of office at Nashville. In 1841, his term of office expired, and he was again the can- didate of the Democratic party, but was defeated. On the 4th of March, 1845, Mr. Polk was inaugur- ated President of the United States. The verdict of the country in favor of the annexation of Texas, exerted its influence upon Congress ; and the last act of the administration of President Tyler was to affix his sig- nature to a joint resolution of Congress, passed on the 3d of March, approving of tlie annexation of Texas to the American Union. As Mexico still claimed Texas as one of her provinces, the Mexican minister, Almonte, immediately demanded his passports and left the country, declaring the act of the annexation to be an act hostile to Mexico. In his first message. President Polk urged that Texas should immediately, by act of Congress, be re- ceived into the Union on the same footing with the other States. In the meantime. Gen. Taylor was sent Sl'\®))«^#- A<^I1!1 with an army into Texas to hold the country. He was sent first to Nueces, which the Mexicans said was the western boundary of Texas. Then he was sent nearly two hundred miles further west, to the Rio Grande, where he erected batteries which commanded the Mexican city of Matamoras, which was situated on the western banks. The anticipated collision soon took place, and war was declared against Mexico by President Polk. The war was pushed forward by Mr. Polk's administration with great vigor. Gen. Taylor, whose army was first called one of "observation," then of '"occupation," then of " invasion, "was sent forward to Monterey. The feeble Mexicans, in every encounter, were hopelessly and awfully slaughtered. The day of judgement alone can reveal the misery which this war caused. It v.'as by the ingenuity of Mr. Polk's administration that the war was brought on. ' To the victors belong the spoils." Mexico was prostrate before us. Her capital was in our liands. We now consented to peace upon the condition that Mexico should surrender to us, in addition to Texas, all of New Mexico, and all of Upper and Lower Cal- ifornia. Tins new demand embraced, exclusive of Texas, eight hundred thousand square miles. This was an extent of territory equal to nine States of the size of New York. Thus slavery was securing eighteen majestic States to be added to the Union. There were some Americans who thought it all right : there were others who thought it all wrong. In the prosecution of this war, we expended twenty thousand lives and more than a hundred million of dollars. Of this money fifteen millions were paid to Mexico. On the 3d of March, 1849, Mr. Polk retired from office, having served one term. The next day was Sunday. On the 5th, Gen. Taylor was inaugurated as his successor. Mr. Polk rode to the Capitol in tlie same carriage with Gen. Taylor; and the same even- ing, with Mrs. Polk, he commenced his return to Tennessee. He was then but fifty-four years of age. He had ever been strictly temperate in all his habits, and his health was good \Vith an ample fortune, a choice library, a cultivated mind, and domestic ties of the dearest nature, it seemed as though long vears of tranquility and happiness were before him. But the cholera — that fearful scourge — was then sweeping up the Valley of the Mississippi. This he contracted, and died on the 15th of June, 1S49, in the fifty-fourth year of his age, greatly mourned by his countrymen. v^ i 0) i TWELFTH PRESIDENT. 63 f A ^ ^ / ACHARV TAYLOR, iwcltih President of the United States, was born on tiie 24111 of Nov., 1784, in ( )range Co., Va. His father, Colonel Taylor, was Yy a Virginian of note, and a dis- '■] tinguished [latriot and soldier of the Revolution. When Zathary was an infant, his father with his wife and two children, emigrated to Kentuck) , where he settled in the pathless wilderness, a few miles from Louisville. In this front- ier home, away from civilization and all its refinements, young Zachary could enjoy but few social and educational advan- tages. When six years ot age he attended a common school, and was then regarded as a bright, active boy, rather remarkable for bluntness and decision of char- acter He was strong, feailess and self-reliant, and manifested a strong desire to enter the army to fight the Indians who were ravaging the frontiers. There is little to be recorded of the uneventful years of his childhood on his father's large but lonely plantation. - In 1 80S, his father succeeded in obtaining for him the commission of lieutenant in the United States army ; and he joined the troops which were stationed at New Orleans under Gen. Wilkinson. Soon after this he married Miss Margaret Smith, a young lady from one of the first families of Maryland. Immediately after the declaration of war with Eng- land, in 18 1 2, Capt. Taylor (for he had then been promoted to that rank) was put in command of Fort Harrison, on the Wabash, about fifty miles above Vincennes. This fort had been built in the wilder- ness by Gen. Harrison, on his march to Tippecanoe. It was one of the first points of attack by the Indians, led by Tecumseh. Its garrison consisted of a broken m ?^ ^i&s- companyol intantry numbenn.n fifty men, many of whom were sick. Early in the autumn of 181 j, the Indians, stealthily, and in large numbers, moved ujwn the fort. Their approach was first indicated by the murder of two soldiers just outside of the stockade. Capt. Taylor made every possible preparation to meet the antici- pated assault. On the 4th of September, a band of forty painted and plimied savages came to the fort, waving a white flag, and informed Capt. Taylor that in the morning their chief would come to have a talk with him. It was evident that their object was merely to ascertain the state of things at the fort, and Capt. Taylor, well versed in the wiles of the savages, kept them at a distance. The sun went down ; the savages disappeared , the garrison slept upon their arms. One hour before midnight the war whoop burst from a thousand lips in the forest around, followed by the discharge of musketry, and the rush of the foe. Every man, sick and well, sprang to his post. Every man knew that defeat was not merely death, but in the case of cap- ture, death by the most agonizing and prolonged tor- ture. No pen can describe, no immagination can conceive the scenes which ensued. The savages suc- ceeded in setting lire to one of the block-houses- Until six o'clock in the morning, this awful conflict continued. The savages then, baffled at every point, and gnashing their teeth witli rage, retired. Capt. Taylor, for this gallant defence, was promoted to the rank of major by brevet. Until the close of the war, MajorTaylor was placed in such situations that he saw but little more of active service. He was sent far away into the depths of the wilderness, to Fort Crawford, on Fox River, which empties into Green Bay. Here there was but little to be done but to wear away the tedious hours as one best could. There were no books, no society, no in- % ZACHARY TAYLOR. > tellectual stimulus. Thus with him the uneventful years rolled on Gradually he rose to the rank of colonel. In the Black-Hawk war, which resulted in the capture of that renowned chieftain, Col Taylor took a subordinate but a brave and efficient part. For twenty-four years Col. Taylor was engaged in the defence of the frontiers, in scenes so remote, and in employments so obscure, that his name was unknown beyond the limits of his own immediate acquaintance. In the year 1S36, he was sent to Florida to com])el the Seminole Indians to vacate that region and re- tire beyond the Mississippi, as their chiefs by treaty, had promised they should do. Tiie services rendered here secured for Col. Taylor the high appreciation of the Government; and as a reward, he was elevated to the rank of brigadier-general by brevet ; and soon after, in May, 1838, was appointed to the chief com- mand of the United States troops in Florida. After two years of such wearisome employment amidst the everglades of the peninsula, Gen. Taylor obtained, at his own request, a change of command, and was stationed over the Department of the South- west. This field embraced Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Georgia. Establishing his headcpiarters at Fort Jessup, in Louisiana, he removed his family to a plantation which he purchased, near Baton Rogue. Here he remained for five years, buried, as it were, from the world, but faithfully discharging every duty imposed upon him. In 1846, (jen. T;iylor was sent to guard the land between the Nueces and Rio Grande, tlie latter river being the boundary of Texas, which was then claimed by the United States. Soon the war with Mexico was brought on, and at Palo Alto and Resaca de la Palma, Gen. Taylor won Ijrilliant victories over the Mexicans. The rank of major-general by isrevet was then conferred upon Gen. Taylor, and his name was received with enthusiasm almost everywhere in the Nation. Then came the battles of Monterey and Buena Vista in which he won signal victories over forces much larger than he commanded. His careless habits of dress and his unaffected simplicity, secured for Gen. Taylor among his troops, \.\\^ sohriquet of "Old Rougli and Ready.' The tidings of the brilliant victory of Buena Vista spread the wildest enthusiasm over the country. The name of Gen. Taylor was on every one's li|)s. The Whig party decided to take advantage of this wonder- ful popularity in bringing forward the unpolished, un- lettered, honest soldier as their candidate for the Presidency. Gen. Taylor was astonished at the an- nouncement, and for a time would not listen toit; de- claring that he was not at all qualified for such an office. So little interest had he taken in politics that, for forty years, he had not cast a vote. It was not without chagrin that several distinguished statesmen who had been long rears in the iniblic service found their claims set aside in behalf of one whose name had never been heard of, save in connection with Palo Alto, Resaca de la Palma, Monterey and Buena Vista. It is said that Daniel Webster, in his haste re- marked, " It is a nomination not fit to be made." Gen. Taylor was not an eloquent speaker nor a fine writer His friends took possession of him, and pre- pared such few communications as it was needful should be presented to the public. Thepoi)ularity of the successful warrior swe[jt the land. He was tri- umphantly elected over two opposing candidates, — Gen. Cass and Kx-President Martin Van Buren. Though he selected an excellent cabinet, the good old man found himself in a very uncongenial position, and was, at times, sorely perplexed and harassed. His mental sufferings were very severe, and probably tended to hasten his death. The pro-slavery party was pushing its claims with tireless energy , expedi- tions were fitting out to capture Cuba ; California was pleading for admission to the Union, while slavery stood at the door to bar her out. Gen. Taylor found the political conflicts in Washington to be far more trying to the nerves than battles with Mexicans or Indians. In the midst of all these troubles, Gen. Taylor, after he had occupied the Presidential chair but little over a year, took cold, and after a brief sickness of but little over five days, died on the 9th of July, 1850. His last words were, "I am not afraid to die. I am ready. I have endeavored to do my duty." He died universally respected and beloved. An honest, un- pretending man, he had been steadily growing in the affections of the people; and the Nation bitterly la- mented his death. Gen. Scott, who was thoroughly acipiainted with Gen. Taylor, gave the following graphic and truthful description of his character: — " With a good store of common sense, Gen. Taylor's mind had not been en- larged and refreshed by reading, or much converse with the world. Rigidity of ideas was the conse- quence. The frontiers and sm:ill military posts had been his home. Hence he was quite ignorant for his rank, and quite bigoted in his ignorance. His sim- plicity was child-like, and with innumerable preju- dices, amusing and incorrigible, well suited to the tender age. Thus, if a man, however respectable, chanced to wear a coat of an unusual color, or his hat a little on one side of his head ; or an officer to leave a corner of his handkerchief dangling from an out- side pocket, — in any such case, this critic held the offender to be a coxcomb (perhaps something worse), whom he would not, to use his oft repeated phrase, ' touch with a pair of -tongs." "Any allusion to literature beyond good old Dil- worth's spelling-book, on the part of one wearing a sword, was evidence, with the same judge, of utter unfitness for heavy marchings and combats. In short, few men have ever had a more comfortable, labor- saving contempt for learning of every kind." % ^ A V I i <^lltl^^tlllf>^-^=^ — ^^^^ ^^^^^M^ vY'>^;V; \ M-/^)^^^ -^^K @V4itlll^llD>D>v=^'e5 :^^ THFRTEENTH PRESIDENT. > 1 1 ^ (h % > \—^ -Jt- I MILLARn FILLMORE-'^ -5M- ILLARD FILLMORE, thir- ty teenth President of the United ^' States, was born at Summer Hill, Cayuga Co., N. Y ., on the 7th of January, 1800. His father was a farmer, and ow- ing to misfortune, in humble cir- cumstances. Of his mother, the daughter of Dr. .\biathar Millard, of PittsfieUi, Mass., it has been said that she possessed an intellect of very high order, united with much ])ersonal loveliness, sweetness of dis- position, graceful manners and ex- quisite sensibilities. She died in 1831 ; having lived to see her son a young man of distinguished prom- ise, though she was not permitted to witness the high dignity which he finally attained. In consequence of the secluded home and limited means of his father, Millard enjoyed but slender ad- vantages for education in his early years. The com- mon schools, ivhich he occasionally attended were very imperfect institutions; and books were scarce and expensive. There was nothing then in his char- acter to indicate the brilliant career upon which he was about to enter. He was a plain farmer's boy ; intelligent, good-looking, kind-hearted. The sacred influences of home had taught him to revere the Bible, and had laid the foundations of an upright character. When fourteen years of age, his father sent him some hundred miles from home, to the then wilds of Livin<;ston County, to learn the trade of a clothier. Neai the mill there was a small villiage, where some enterprising man had commenced the collection of a village library. This proved an inestimable blessing to young Fillmore. His evenings were spent in read- ing. .Soon every leisure moment was occupied with books. His thirst for knowledge became insatiate; and the selections which he made were continually more elevating and instructive. He read history, biography, oratory, and thus gradually there was en- kindled in his heart a desire to be something more than a mere worker with his hands; and he was be- coming, almost unknown to himself, a well-informed, educated man. The young clothier had now attained the age of nineteen years, and was of fine personal appearance and of gentlemanly demeanor. It so happened that there was a gentleman in the neighborhood of ample pecuniary means and of benevolence, — Judge Walter Wood, — who was struck with the prepossessing ap- pearance of young Fillmore. He made his acquaint- ance, and was so much impressed with his ability and attainments that he advised him to abandon his trade and devote himself to the study of the law. The young man replied, that he had no means of his own, r.o friends to help him and that his previous educa- tion had been very imperfect. But Judge Wood had so much confidence in him that he kindly ofTered to take him into his own office, and to loan him such money as he needed. Most gratefully the generous offer was accepted. There is in many minds a strange delusion about a collegiate education. .\ young man is supposed to be liberally educated if he has graduated at some col- lege. But many a boy loiters through university halls and then enters a law office, who is bv no means as i r^) ^ ^ -«®§ ^t§5f ^^^^ (S, -e^^ ^^ rr -«^ |^^(( MILLARD FILLMORE. well prepared to prosecute his legal studies as was Millard Fillmore when he graduated at tire clothing- mill at the end of four years of manual labor, during which every leisure moment had been devoted to in- tense mental culture. In 1S2J, when twenty-three years of age, he v/as admitted to the Court of Common Pleas. He tlien went to the village of Aurora, and commenced the practice of law. In this secluded, peaceful region, his practice of course was limited, and there was no opportunity for a sudden rise in fortune or hi fame. Here, in the year icS26, he married a lady of great moral worth, and one capable of adorning any station she might be called to fill, — Miss Abigail Powers. His elevation of character, his untiring industiy, his legal acquirements, and his skill as an advocate, gradually attracted attention ; and he was invited to enter into partnership under highly advantageous circumstances, with an elder member of the bar in Buffalo. Just before removing to Buffalo, in 1.S29, he took his seat in the House of Assembly, of tlie State of New York, as a representative from Erie County. Though he had never taken a very active part in politics, his vote and his sympathies were with the Whig party. The State was then Democratic, and lie found himself in a helpless minority in the Legislature , still the testimony comes from all parties, that his courtesy, ability and integrity, won, to a very unusual degree the respect of his associates. In the autumn of 1832, he was elected to a seat in the United States Congress. He entered that troubled arena in some of the most tumultuous hours of our national history. The great conflict respecting the national bank and the removal of the deposits, was then raging. His term of two years closed ; and he returned to his profession, which he pursued with increasing rep- utation and success. After a lapse of two years he again became a candidate for Congress ; was re- elected, and took his seat in 1837. His past expe- rience as a representative gave him strength and confidence. The first term of service in Congress to any man can be but little more than an introduction. He was now prepared for active duty. All his ener- gies were brought to bear upon the juiblic good. Every measure received his impress. Mr. Fillmore was now a man of wide repute, and his popularity filled the State, and in the year 1847, he was elected Comptroller of the State. m <^ Mr. Fillmore had attained the age of forty-seven years. His labors at the bar, in the Legislature, in Congress and as Comptroller, had given him very con- p>^ siderable fame. The Whigs were casting about to find suitable candidates for President and Vice-Presi- dent at the approaching election. Far away, on the waters of tlie Rio Grande, there was a rough old soldier, who had fought one or two successful battles with the Mexicans, which had caused his name to be j)rocIaiined in tiumpet-tones all over the land. But it was necessary to associate with him on the same ticket some man of reputation as a statesman. Under the influence of these considerations, the namesofZachary Taylor and Millard Fillmore became the rallying-cry of the Whigs, as their candidates for President and Vice-Peesident. The Whig ticket was signally triumphant. On the 4th of March, 1849, Gen. Taylor was inaugurated President, and Millard Fillmore Vice-President, of the LTnited States. On the 9th of July, 1850, President Taylor, but *- about one year and four months after his inaugura- tion, was suddenly taken sick and died. By the Con- stitution, Vice-President Fillmore thus became Presi- dent. He appointed a very able cabinet, of which the illustrious Daniel Webster was Secretary of State. Mr. Fillmore had very serious difficulties to contend with, since the opposition had a majority in both Houses. He did everything in his power to conciliate the South; but the pro-slavery party in the Soutli felt the inadequacy of all measuresof transient conciliation. The population of the free States was so rapidly in- creasing over that of the slave States that it was in- evitable that the power of the Government should soon pass into the hands of the free States. The famous compromise measures were adopted under Mr. I'illmore's adminstration, and the Japan Ex[)edition "J/ was sent out. On the 4th of March, 1853, Mr. Fill- more, having served one term, retired. In 1856, Mr. Fillmore was nominated for the Pres- idency by the " Know Nothing " party, but was beaten by Mr. Buchanan. After that Mr. Fillmore lived in retirement. During the terrible conflict of civil war, he was mostly silent. It was generally supposed that his sympathies were rather with those who were en- deavoring to overthrow our institutions. President Fillmore kept aloof from the conflict, without any cordial words of cheer to the one party or the other. He was thus forgotten by both. He lived to a ripe old age, and died in Buffalo. N. Y., March 8, 1874. A fe T Si <-^Il!l^Iini>^r^ -«e§ ^^5^_ f^,.>>^w >iWj:j-^< > c^^ V ^ e?i^ FOURTEENTH FRESIDEAiT. -4^^(®^^<^ .-^ff,g^jft? ^FHflNKLIN FIERCE.^ ^C ^ (Aft t.',A;3i" "&&;\S>£i) \ 1 RANKLIN PIERCE, the fourteenth President of the ' L'nited States, was born in Hillsborough, N. H., Nov. 23, 1804. His father was a Revolutionary soldier, who, with his own strong arm, hewed out a liome in the wilderness. He was a man of inflexible integrity ; of strong, though uncultivated mind, and an unconipromis- Democrat. The mother of Franklin Pierce was all that a son could desire, — an intelligent, pru- dent, affectionate, Christian wom- an. Franklin was the sixth of eight children. Franklin was a very liright and handsome Ijoy, gen- erous, warm-hearted and brave. He won alike the love of old and young. The boys on the play ground oved him. His teachers loved him. The neighiwrs looked upon him with pride and affection. He was by instinct a gentleman; alwaj s speaking kind words, doing kind deeds, with a peculiar unstudied tact which taught him what was agreeable. Without de- veloping any precocity of genius, or any unnatural devotion to books, he was a good scholar ; in body, in mind, in affections, a finely-develoi)ed boy. When sixteen years of age, in the year 1S20, he entered Bowdoin College, at Brunswick, Me. He was one of the most pojiular young men in the college. The purity of his moral character, the unvarying courtesy of his demeanor, his rank as a scholar, and genial nature, rendered him a universal favorite. There was something very peculiarly winning in his address, and it was evidently not in the slightest de- gree studied : it was the simple outgushing of his own magnanimous and loving nature. Upon graduating, in the year 1824, Franklin Pierce commenced the study of law in the office of Judge Woodbury, one of tlie most distinguished lawyers of tlie State, and a man of great private worth. The eminent social qualities of the young lawyer, his father's prominence as a public man, and tlie brilliant political career into which Judge Woodbury was en- tering, all tended to entice Mr. Pierce into the faci- nating yet perilous path of political life. With all the ardor of his nature he espoused the cause of Gen. Jackson for the Presidency. He commenced the practice of law in Hillsborough, and was soon elected to represent the town in the State Legislature. Here he served for four years. The last two years he was chosen speaker of the house by a very large vote. In 1833, at the age of twenty-nine, he was elected a nieml)er of Congress. Without taking an active part in debates, he was faithful and laborious in duty, and ever rising in the estimation of those with whom he was associatad. In 1S37, being then but thirty-three years of age, he was elected to tlie Senate of the United States; taking liis seat just as Mr. Van Buren commenced his administration. He was the youngest memberin the Senate. In the year 1834, he married Miss Jane Means .Appleton, a lady of rare beauty and accom- plishments, and one admirably fitted to adorn every station with waich her husband was honoiod. Of the A • 'V. •smf> ^^k/^^:^^^ zJ^^^ ^-VC^D D >: II llf>v^^ -4^^^ ,^.^ I FRANKLIN PIERCE. three sons who were born to them, all now sleep with their parents in the grave. In the year 1838, Mr. Pierce, with growing fame and increasing business as a lawyer, took up his residence in Concord, the capital of New Hampshire. President Polk, upon his accession to office, appointed Mr. Pierce attorney-general of the United States ; but the offer was declined, in consequence of numerous professional engagements at home, and the precariuos state of Mrs. Pierce's health. He also, about the same time declined the nomination for governor by the Democratic party. The war with Mexico called Mr. Pierce in the army. Receiving the appointment of brigadier-general, he embarked, with a portion of his troops, at Newport, R. I., on the 27th of May, 1847. He took an important part in this war, proving him- self a brave and true soldier. When Gen. Pierce reached his home in his native State, he was received enthusiastically by the advo- cates of the Mexican war, and coldly by his oppo- nents. He resumed the practice of his profession, very frequently taking an active part in political ques- tions, giving his cordial support to the pro-slavery wing of the Democratic party. The compromise measures met cordially with his approval; and he strenuously advocated the enforcement of the infa- mous fugitive-slave law, which so shocked the religious sensibilities of the North. He thus became distin- guished as a " Northern man with Southern principles.'' The strong partisans of slaver)' in the South conse- quently regarded him as a man whom they could safely trust in office to carry out their plans. On the 1 2th of June, 1852, the Democratic conven- tion met in Baltimore to nominate a candidate for the Presidency. For four days they continued in session, and in thirty-five ballotings no one had obtained a two-thirds vote. Not a vote thus far had been thrown for Gen. Pierce. Then the Virginia delegation brought forward his name. There were fourteen more ballotings, during which Gen. Pierce constantly gained strength, until, at the forty-ninth ballot, he received two hundred and eighty-two votes, and all other candidates eleven. Gen. Winfield Scott was the Whig candidate. Gen. Pierce was chosen with great unanimity. Only four States — Vermont, Mas- sachusetts, Kentucky and Tennessee — cast their electoral votes against him Gen. Franklin Pierce was therefore inaugurated President of the United States on the 4lh of March, 1853. s^ m^\^)¥^k His administration proved one of the most stormy our country had ever experienced. The controversy be- tween slavery and freedom was then approaching its i!^= culminating point. It became evident that there was ] an " irrepressible conflict " between them, and that ito, this Nation could not long exist " half slave and half free." President Pierce, during the whole of his ad- ministration, did every thing he could to conciliate the South ; but it was all in vain. The conflict every year grew more violent, and threats of the dissolution of tlie Union were borne to the North on every South- ern breeze. Such was the condition of affairs when President Pierce approached the close of his four-years' term of office. The North had become thoroughly alien- ated from him. The anti-slavery sentiment, goaded by great outrages, had been rapidly increasing; all the intellectual ability and social worth of President Pierce were forgotten in deep reprehension of his ad- ministrative acts. The slaveholders of the South, also, unmindful of the fidelity with which he had advo- cated those measures of Government which they ap- proved, and perhaps, also, feeling that he had rendered himself so unpopular as no longer to be able acceptably to serve them, ungratefully dropped him, and nominated James Buchanan to succeed him. On the 4th of March, 1857, President Pierce re- tired to his home in Concord. Of three children, two had died, and his only surviving child had been killed before his eyes by a railroad accident ; and his wife, one of the most estimable and accomplished of ladies, was rapidly sinking in consumption. The hour of dreadful gloom soon came, and he was left alone in the world, without wife or child. When the terrible Rebellion burst forth, which di- vided our country into two parties, and two only, Mr. Pierce remained steadfast in tlie principles which he had always cherished, and gave his sympathies to that pro-slavery party with which he had ever been allied. He declined to do anything, either by voice or pen, to strengthen the hand of the National Gov- ernment. He continued to reside in Concord until the time of his death, which occurred in October, 1869. He was one of the most genial and social of men, an honored communicant of the F^piscopal Church, and one of the kindest of neighbors. Gen- erous to a fault, he contributed liberally for the al- leviation of suffering and want, and many of his towns- people were often gladened by his material bounty (J^ ^ •o- V (o) mw>^ A. ^Tn^^ (2^'^%,C^^^^^'Z-^^^>i^?j!^ t®r ^2j€^te^ — ev<:iin:r -«eg FIFTEENTH PRESIDENT. »» 1 '^'i' gi'^'?'a':^^'ga'5:5itij^'^'^'^'^'^' ''^' J. :> ■ 'i v>Vt^'<^^Ji^S3t»^>^Sir:?.Jt^tg'JPi'-. ■■ •. 'i -. 'i -. «<«; ^ te'^i) )»» AMES BUCHANAN, the fif- teenth President of the United Stntcs, was born in a small frontier town, at the foot of the eastern ridge of the Allegha- nies, in Franklin Co., Penn.,on 1 S r: -s^Xs the 23d ot April, 1791. The place where the humble cabin of his father stood was called Stony Batter. It was a wild and ro- mantic spot in a gorge of the moun- tains, with towering summits rising grandly all around. His father was a native of the north of Ireland ; a poor man, who had emigrated in 1783, with little property save his own strong arms. Five years afterwards he married Elizabeth Spear, the daughter of a respectable farmer, and, with his young bride, plunged into the wilder- ness, staked his claim, reared his log-hut, opened a clearing with his axe, and settled down there to per- form his obscure part in the drama of life. In this se- cluded home, where James was born, he remained for eight years, enjoying but few social or intellectual advantages. When James was eight years of age, his father removed to the village of Mercersburg, where ^ his son was placed at school, and commenced a I course of study in English, Latin and Greek. His J progress was rapid, and at the age of fourteen, he I entered Dickinson College, at Carlisle. Here he de- ' ^K ^''^'ops'i remarkable talent, and took his stand among •' the first scholars in the institution. His application ' ^ to study was intense, and yet his native powers en- ^«^# -5*€^^ j^^ abled him to master the most abstruse subjects with facility. In the year 1S09, he graduated with the highest honors of his class. He was then eighteen years of age; tall and graceful, vigorous in health, fond of athletic sport, an unerring shot, and enlivened with an exuberant flow of .inimal spirits. He immediately commenced the study of law in the city of Lancaster, and was admitted to the bar in 1812, when he was but twenty -one years of age. Very rapidly he rose in his profession, and at once took undisputed stand with the ablest lawyers of the State. When but twenty-six years of age, unaided by counsel, he suc- cessfully defended before the State Senate one of the judges of the State, who was tried upon articles of impeachment. .'X.t the age of thirty it was generally admitted that he stood at the he.-id of the bar; and there was no lawyer in the State who had a more lu- crative practice. In 1820, he reluctantly consented to run as a candidate for Congress. He was elected, and for ten years he remained a member of the Lower House. During the vacations of Congress, he occasionally tried some important case. In 1831, he retired altogether from the toils of his profession, having ac- quired an ample fortune. Gen. Jackson, uixjn his elevation to the I'residency, appointed Mr. Buchanan minister to Russia. The duties of his mission he performed with ability, which gave satisfaction to all parties. Ujwn his return, in 1833, he was elected to a seat in the United States Senate. He there met, as his associates, Webster, Clay, Wright and Calhoun. He advocated the meas- ures proposed by President Jackson, of making repri- r^ <>unm>^ 76 ■ev^itm^nDr^r^ JAMES BUCHANAN. (0 ^ sals against France, to enforce the payment of our claims against that country ; and defended the course of the President in his unprecedented and wholesale removal from oftice of those wlio were not the sup- porters of iiis administration. Upon this cpiestion he was brought into direct collision with Henry Clay. He also, witli voice and vote, advocated expunging from tlie journal of the Senate the vole of censure against Gen. Jackson for removing the deposits. Earnestly he opposed the abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia, and urged the prohibition of the circulation of anti-slavery documents by the United States mails. As to petitions on the subject of slavery, he advo- cated that they should \>e respectfully received; and that tlie reply should be returned, that Congress had no power to legislate upon the subject. " Congress," said he, "might as well undertake to interfere with slavery under a foreign government as in any of tlie States where it now e.xists." Upon Mr. Polk's accession to the Presidency, Mr. Buchanan jjecame Secretary of State, and as such, took his share of the responsibility in the conduct of the Mexican War. Mr. Polk assumed that crossing the Nueces by the American troops into the disputed territory was not wrong, but for the Mexicans to cross the Rio Cirande into that territory was a declaration of war. No candid man can read with pleasure tlie account of the course our Covernment pursued in tliat movement Mr. Buchanan identified himself thoroughly with the party devoted to the perpetuation and extension of slavery, and brought all the energies of his mind to bear against the Wilmot Proviso. He gave his cordial approval to the compromise measures of 1850, which included tlie fugitive-slave law. Mr. Pierce, upon his election to the Presidency, honored Mr. Buchanan with the mission to England. In the year 1856, a national Democratic conven- tion nominated ^Ir. Buchanan for tlie Presidency. The political conllict was one of the most severe in which our country has ever engaged. All the friends of slavery were on one side; all the advocates of its re- striction and final abolition, on the other. Mr. Fre- mont, the candidate of the enemies of slavery, re- ceived 114 electoral votes. Mr. Buchanan received 174, and was elected. The popular vote stood 1,340,618, for Fremont, 1,224,750 for lUichanan. On March 4th, 1S57, Mr. Buchanan was inaugurated. Mr. Buchanan was far advanced in life. Only four years were wanting to fill up his threescore years and ten. His own friends, those with whom he liad been allied in political jirinciples and action for years, were seeking the destruction of the (Government, that they might rear upon the ruins of our free institutions a nation whose corner-stone should be human slavery. In this emergency, Mr. Buchanan was hopelessly lie- ■wildered. He could not, with his long-avowed prin- ciples, consistently oppose the State-rights party in their assumptions. As President of the United States, bound by his oath faithfully to administer the laws, he could not, without perjury of the grossest kind, unite with those endeavoring to overthrow the repub- lic. He therefore did nothing. The op|)onents of Mr. Buchanan's administration nominaled Abraham Lincoln as their standard bearer in the next Presidential canvass.. The pro-slaverv party declared, that if he were elected, and (he con- trol of the Government were thus taken from their hands, they would secede from the Union, taking with them, as they retired, the National Capitol at Washington, and the lion's share of the territory of the United States. VIr. Buchanan's sympathy with the pro-slavery party was such, that he iiad been willing to offerthem far more than they had ventured to claim. All the South had professed to ask of the North was non- intervention upon the subject of slavery. Mr. Bu- chanan had been ready to offer them the active co- operation of the Government to defend and extend the institution. As the storm increased in violence, the slaveholders claiming the right to secede, and Mr. Buchanan avow- ing that Congress had no power to prevent it, one of the most pitial)le exhibitions of governmental im- becility was exhibited the world has ever seen. He declared that Congress had no power to enforce its laws in any .State which h;id withdrawn, or which was attempting to withdraw from tlie Union. This was not tlie doctrine of Andrew Jackson, when, with his hand upon his sword-hilt, he exchiimed, " The Union must and shall be preserved!" South Carolina seceded in December, i860; nearly three months before the inauguration of President Lincoln. Mr. Buchanan looked on in listless despair. The reljel flag was raised in Charleston • Fort Sumpter was besieged ; our forts, navy-yards and arsenals were seized; our depots of military stores were plun- dered ; and our custom-houses and post-offices were appropriated by the rebels. The energy of the rebels, and the imbecility of our Executive, were alike marvelous. The Nation looked on in agony, waiting for the slow weeks to glide away, and close the administration, so terrible in its weak- ness Atlength the long-looked-for hour of deliver- ance came, when Abraham Lincoln was to receive the scepter. The administration of President Buchanan was certainly the most calamitous our countiy has ex- perienced. His best friends cannot recall it with pleasure. And still more deplorable it is for his fame, that in that dreadful conflict which rolled its billows of flame and blood over our whole land, no word came from his lips to indicate his wish that our country's lianner should triumph over the flag of the rebellion. He died at his Wheatland retreat, June i, 1868. m^ ( (^ %7^MM\(<>^ ^^€»^ I m ^i^^rt^ -^^^^ ^VC:Illl^^HIl^>r SIXTEENTH PRESIDENT. i^^e^-!^ I 79 < ABRAHAM > W^^"^ < LINCOLN. > | 1 ) iBRAHAM > ^>^K^ - \\hen he was eight years of age, his father sold his cabin and small farm, and moved to Indi.ma. Where (wo vears later his mother died. -■Xbrahum soon became the sciibe of the uneducated community around him. He could not have had a better school than this to teach him to put thoughts into words. He also became an eager reader. The books he could obtain were few ; init tliese he read and re-read until they were almost committed to memory. As the years rolled on, the lot of this lowly family was the usual lot of humanity. There were joys and griefs, weddings and funerals. Abraham's sister Sarah, to whom he was tenderly attached, was mar- ried when a child of but fourteen vears of age, and soon died. The family was gradually scattered. Mr. Thomas Lincoln sold out his squatter's claim in 1S30, and emigrated to Macon Co., 111. Abraham Lincoln was then twenty-one years of age. With vigorous hands he aided his father in rearing another log-cabin, .\braham worked diligently at this until lie saw the family comfortably settled, and their small lot of enclosed prairie planted with corn, when he announced to his father his intention to leave home, and to go out into the world and seek his for- tune. Little did he or his friends imagine how bril- liant that fortune was to be. He saw the value of education, and was intensel)' earnest to improve his mind to the utmost of his ix)wer. He saw the ruin which ardent spirits were causing, and became strictly temperate; refusing to allow a dro|i of intoxi- cating liquor to pass his lips. And he had read in God's word, "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy (Jod in vain ;" and a profane expression he was never heard to utter. Religion he revered. His morals were pure, and he was uncontaminated by a single vice. Voung .\braham worked for a time as a hired laborer among the fanners. Then he went to Springfield, where he was employed in building a large flat-boat. In this he took a herd of swine, floated them dowii the Sangamon to the Illinois, and thence by the Mis- sissippi to New Orleans. Whatever Abraham I,in- coln undertook, he performed so faithfully as to give great satisfaction to his employers. In this adven- *^ si/ * Cf)\ ^DIl^DDn>- -^^m^^m^ ■^ V4^D0^IiBr>r -^a'^^ ABRAHAM LINCOLN. ^^^ -«s r^ t m ■%■ '^P?vU^nD^iin^^ ry- -S8^ 84 ANDRF. IV JOHNSON. ) > s ^ I s._ ity, and proved himself the warm friend of the work- ing classes. In 1857, Mr. Johnson was elected United States Senator. Years before, in 1845, he had warmly advocated the annexation of Texas, stating however, as his reason, that he thought this annexation would prob- ably prove " to be the gateway out of which the sable sons of Africa are to pass from bondage to freedom, and become merged in a population congenial to themselves." In 1850, he also supported the com- promise measures, the two essential features of whicli were, that the white people of the Territories should be permitted to decide for themselves whether they would enslave the colored people or not, and that the free States of the North should return to the South persons who attempted to escape from slavery. Mr. Johnson was never ashamed of his lowly origin: on the contrary, he often took pride in avowing that he owed his distinction to his own exertions. "Sir," said he on the floor of the Senate, " I do not forget that I am a mechanic ; neither do I forget that Adam was a tailor and sewed fig-leaves, and that our Sav- ior was the son of a carpenter." In the Charleston-Baltimore convention of i860, he was the choice of the Tennessee Democrats for the Presidency. In 1861, when the purpose of the South- ern Democracy became apparent, he took a decided stand in favor of the Union, and held that " slavery must be held subordinate to the Union at whatever cost." He returned to Tennessee, and repeatedly imperiled his own life to protect the Unionists of Tennesee. Tennessee having seceded from the Union, President Lincoln, on March 4th, 1862, ap- pointed him Military Governor of the State, and he established the most stringent military rule. His numerous proclamations attracted wide attention. In 1864, he was elected Vice-President of the United States, and upon the death of Mr. Lmcoln, April 15, 1865, became President. In a speech two days later he said, " The American people must be taught, if they do not already feel, that treason is a crime and must be punished ; that the Government will not always bear with its enemies ; that it is strong not only to protect, but to punish. * * The people must understand that it (treason) is the blackest of crimes, and will surely be punished." Yet his whole administration, the history of which is so well known, was in utter inconsistency with, and the most violent oppositiori to, the principles laid down in that speech. In his loose policy of reconstruction and general amnesty, he was opposed by Congress ; and he char- acterized Congress as a new rebellion, and lawlessly defied it, in everything possible, to the utmost. In the beginnirig of 1868, on account of "high crimes and misdemeanors," the principal of which was the removal of Secretary Stanton, in violation of the Ten- ure of Office .\ct, articles of impeachment were pre- ferred against him, and the trial began March 23. It was very tedious, continuing for nearly three months. .\ test article of the impeachment was at length submitted to the court for its action. It was certain that as the court voted upon that article so would it vote upon all. Thirty-four voices pronounced the President guilty. As a two-thirds vote was neces- sary to his condemnation, he was pronounced ac- quitted, notwithstanding the great majority against him. The change of one vote from the not guilty side would have sustained the impeachment. The President, for the remainder of his term, was but little regarded. He continued, though impotently, his conflict with Congress. His own party did not think it expedient to renominate him for the Presi- dency. The Nation rallied, with enthusiasm unpar- alleled since the days of Washington, around the name of Gen. (irant. Andrew Johnson was forgotten. The bullet of the assassin introduced him to the President's chair. Notwithstanding this, never was there presented to a man a better opportunity to im- mortalize his name, and to win the gratitude of a nation. He failed utterly. He retired to his home in Gree«ville, Tenn., taking no very active part in politics until 1875. ^" J'^"' -''• '^ft<2r an exciting struggle, he was chosen by the Legislature of Ten- nessee, United States Senator in the forty-fourth Con- gress, and took his seat in that body, at the special session convened by President Grant, on the 5th of March. On the 27th of July, 1875, the ex-President made a visit to his daughter's home, near Carter Station, Tenn. When he started on his journey, he was apparently in his usual vigorous health, but on reach- ing the residence of his child the following day, was stricken with paralysis, rendering him unconscious. He rallied occasionally, but finally passed away at 2 A. M., July 31, aged sixty-seven years. His fun- eral was attended at Geenville, on the 3d of August, with every demonstration of respect. (51 ^ (^^ ^^nmm> A4=i- #*'■- ^ d^t^t^O^ ^)^^#« ■^V<^tlll^llll^>r ^>ii ) >j EIGHTEENTH PRESIDENT. SSES S. GRANT, the hteenth President of the ^^•- United States, was born on the 29th of April, 1822, of Christian parents, in a hnnible home, at Point Pleasant, on the banks of the Ohio. Shortly after his father moved to George- town, Brown Co., O. In this re- mote frontier hamlet, Ulysses received a common-school edu- cation. At the age of seven- teen, in the year 1839, he entered the Military Academy at West Point. Here he was regarded as a solid, sensible \oung man of fair abilities, and of sturdy, honest character. He took respectable rank as a scholar. In June, 1843, he graduated, about the middle in his class, and was sent as lieutenant of in- fantry to one of the distant military posts in the Mis- souri Territory. Two years he past in these dreary solitudes, watching the vagabond and exasperating Indians. The war with Mexico came. Lieut, (jranl was sent with his regiment to Corpus Christi. His first battle was at Palo Alto. There was no chance here for the exhibition of either skill or heroism, nor at Resaca de la Palma, liis second battle. .\t the battle of Monterey, his third engagement, it is said that he performed a signal service of daring and skillful horsemanship. His brigade had exhausted its am- munition. A messenger must be. sent for more, along a route exposed to the bullets of the foe. Lieut. Grant, adopting an expedient learned of the Indians, grasped the mane of his horse, and hanging upon one side of the animal, ran the gauntlet in entire safety. From Monterey he was sent, with the fourth infantry, to aid tien. Scott, at the siege of Vera Cruz. In preparation for the march to tlie city of Mexico, he was appointed quartermaster of his regiinent. At the battle of Molino del Rey, he was promoted to a first lieutenancy, and was brevetted captain at Cha- pultepec. At the close of the Mexican War, Capt. Grant re- turned with his regiment to New York, and was again sent to one of the military posts on the frontier. The discovery of gold in California causing an immense tide of emigration to flow to the Pacific shores, Capt. Grant was sent with a battalion to Fort Dallas, in Oregon, for the protection of the interests of the im- migrants. Life was wearisome in those wilds. Capt. Grant resigned his commission and returned to the States; and having married, entered upon the cultiva- tion of a small farm near St. Louis, Mo. He had but little skill as a farmer. Finding his toil not re- munerative, he turned to mercantile life, entering into the leather business, with a younger brother, at Ga- lena, 111. This was in the year i860. As the tidings of the rebels firing on Fort Sumpter reached the ears of Capt. Grant in his counting-room, he said, — ■'LTncle Sam has educated me for the army; though I have served him through one war, I do not feel that I have yet repaid thedebt. I am still ready to discharge my obligations. I shall therefore buckle on my sword and see Uncle Sam through this war too." He went into the streets, raised a company of vol- unteers, and led them as their captain to Springfield, the capital of the State, where their services were offered to Gov. Yates. The Governor, impressed by the zeal and straightforward executive ability of Capt. Grant, gave him a desk in his office, to assist in the volunteer organization that was being formed in the State in behalf of the Government. On the 15th of ■V®))^^€- ^^^^ ^7^>Il!l^(ltlf^^ ^ (V d; 1 1=3 ■^^v<^^iiD;^iioi>7- 4^^ UL YSSES S. GRA NT. June, 1 86 1, Capt. Grant received a commission as Colonel of the Twenty-first Regiment of Illinois Vol- unteers. His merits as a West Point graduate, who had served for 15 years in the regular army, were such that he was soon promoted to the rank of Brigadier- General and was placed in command at Cairo. The rebels raised their banner at Paducah, near the mouth of the Tennessee River. Scarcely had its folds ap- peared in the breeze ere Gen. Grant was there. The rebels fled. Their banner fell, and the star and stripes were unfurled in its stead. He entered the service with great determination and immediately began active duty. This was the be- ginning, and until the surrender of Lee at Richmond he was ever pushing the enemy with great vigor and effectiveness. At Belmont, a few days later, he sur- prised and routed the rebels, then at Fort Henry won another victory. Then came the brilliant fight at Fort Donelson. The nation was electrified by the victory, and the brave leader of the boys in blue was immediately made a M.njor-General, and the military district of Tennessee was assigned to him. Like all great captains, Gen. Grant knew well how to secure the results of victory. He immediately pushed on to the enemies' lines. Then came the terrible battles of Pittsburg Landing, Corinth, and the siege of Vicksburg, where Gen. Pemberton made an unconditional surrender of the city with over thirty thousand men and one-hundred and seventy-two can- non. The fall of Vicksburg was by far the most severe blow which the rebels had thus far encountered, and opened up the .Mississippi from Cairo to the Gulf. Gen. Grant was next ordered to co-operate with Gen. Banks in a movement upon Texas, and pro- ceeded to New Orleans, where he was thrown from his horse, and received severe injuries, from which he was laid up for months. He then rushed to the aid of Gens. Rosecrans and Thomas at Cliattanooga, and by a wonderful series of strategic and tactical meas- ures put the Union army in fighting condition. Then followed the bloody battles at Chattanooga, Lookout Mountain and Missionary Ridge, in which the rebels were routed with great loss. This won for him un- bounded praise in the North. On the 4th of Febru- ary, 1864, Congress revived the grade of lieutenant- general, and the rank was conferred on Gen. Grant. He repaired to Washington to receive his credentials and enter upon the duties of his new office. Gen. Grant decided as soon as he took charge of the army to concentrate the widely-dispersed National troops for an attack upon Richmond, the nominal capital of the Rebellion, and endeavor there to de- stroy the rebel arnries which would be promptly as- sembled from all quarters for its defence. The whole continent seemed to tremble under the trampof these majestic armies, rushing to the decisive battle field. Steamers were crowded with troops. Railway trains were burdened with closely packed thousands. His plans were comprehensive and involved a series of campaigns, which were e.xecuted with remarkable en- ergy and ability, and were consummated at the sur- render of Lee, April 9, 1865. The war was ended. The Union was saved. The almost unanimous voice of the Nation declared Gen. Grant to be the most prominent instrument in its sal- vation. The eminent services he had thus rendered the country brought him conspicuously forward as the Republican candidate for the Presidential chair. At the Republican Convention held at Chicago, May 21, 1868, he was unanimously nominated for the Presidency, and at the autumn election received a majority of the popular vote, and 214 out of 294 electoral votes. The National Convention of the Republican party which met at Philadelphia on the 5th of June, 1872, placed Gen. Grant in nomination for a second tenii by a unanimous vote. The selection was emphati- cally indorsed by the people five months later, 292 electoral votes being cast for him. Soon after the close of his second term. Gen. tirant started upon his famous trip around the world. He visited almost every country of the civilized world, and was everywhere received with such ovations and demonstrations of respect and honor, private as well as public and official, as were never before bestowed upon any citizen of the United States. It is not too much to say that his modest, courteous, and dignified demeanor in the presence of the most dis- tinguished men in the different nations in the world, reflected honor upon the Reixiblic which he so long and so faithfully served. The country felt a great pride in his reception. Upon his arrival in San Fran- cisco, Sept. 20, 1879, the city authorities gave him a fine reception. After lingering in the Golden State for a while, he began his tour through the States, which extended North and South, everywhere mark- ed by great acclamation and splendid ovations. V^ i Hmm\^i>^ o. ^4^^^ 'II 6 L>tA^<2Lv>-^ ■^n!<>Mm\ii>^ NINETEENTH PRESIDENT. 4^^(@V^ ^ RUTHERi:ORD B. HAYES. I' r.^v ■^;jj^^^;^|^^^l^;.'■.Vl^;l^;^.^;v^^'l^-:^'??jl>:l!i^^^^'i^.n^v f'l 1 5 1 ^ ■i.'"'C3 UTHERFORD B. HAVKS, the nineteenth President of l^'^the United States, was born in Delaware, O., Oct. 4, 1822, al- most three months after the "-^ deatli of liis father, Rutherford Hayes. His ancestry on both the paternal and maternal sides, was of the most honorable char- acter. It can be traced, it is said, as farb.ackas i:!8o, when Hayes and Rutherford were two Scottish chief- tains, fighting side by side with Baliol, William Wallace and Robert Bruce. Both families belonged to the nobility, owned extensive estates, and had a large following. Misfor- tune overtaking the family, George Hayes left .Scot- land in 1680, and settled in Windsor, Conn. His son George was born in Windsor, and remained there during his life. Daniel Hayes, son of the latter, mar- ried Sarah Lee, and lived from the time of his mar- riage until his death in Simsbury, Conn. Ezekiel, son of Daniel, was Ijorn in 1724, and was a manufac- turerof scythes at Bradford, Conn. Rutherford Hayes, son of Ezekiel and grandfather of President Hayes, was born in New Haven, in August, 1756. He was a farmer, blacksmith and tavern-keeper. He emigrated to Vermont at an unknown date, settling in Brattleboro, where he established a hotel. Here his son Ruth- erford Hayes, the father of President Hayes, was born. He was married, in September, 1813, to Sophia Birchard, of Wilmington, Vt., whose ancestors emi- grated thither from Connecticut, they having beeri among the wealthiest and best famlies of Norwich. Her ancestry on the male side are traced back to 1635, to John Birchard, one of the principal founders of Norwich. Both of her grandfathers were soldiers in the Revolutionary War. The father of President Hayes was an industrious, frugal and opened-hearted man. He was of a me- chanical turn, and could mend a plow, knit a stock- ing, or do almost anything else tliat he choose to undertake. He was a member of the Church, active in all the benevolent enterprises of the town, and con- ducted his business on Christian principles. After the close of the war of 181 2, for reasons inexplicable to his neighbors, he resolved to emigrate to Ohio. The journey from Vermont to Ohio in that day, when there were no canals, steamers, nor railways, was a very serious affair, k tour of inspection was first made, occupying four months. Mr. Hayes deter- mined to move to Delaware, where the family arrived in 1817. He died July 22, 1822, a victim of malarial fever, less than three months before the birth of the son, of whom we now write. Mrs. Hayes, in her sore be- reavement, found the support she so much needed in her brother Sardis, who had been a member of the household from the day of its departure from Ver- mont, and in an orphan girl whom she had adopted some time before as an act of charity. Mrs. Hayes at this period was very weak, and the 9 ^ ^ (^ g)^s ^4| ^ -i^ A^^n!i^iinf> ■:2j€»^ 6VC^lID^IIII^>r TT •^2^^ -^^5((®VM 92 RUTHERFORD B. HAYES. ) (. 'O subject of this sketch was so feeble at birtli tluU he was not expected to Hve beyond a month ur two at most. As the months went by lie grew weaker and weaker, so iluit the neighliors were in the habit of in- iHiiringfrom time to time '" if Mrs. Hayes' baliy died last night." On one occasion a neighbor, who was on famihar terms with tlie family, after alluding to tiie boy's big head, and the mother's assiduous care of him, said in a bantering way, " That's right ! Stick to him. Vou have got him along so far, and I shouldn't wonder if he would really come to something yet." "You need not laugh," said Mrs. Hayes. "You wait and see. You can't tell but 1 shall make him President of the United States yet." The boy lived, in spite of the universal predictions of his speedy death; and when, in 1S25, his older brother was drowned, he became, if possible, still dearer to his mother. The boy was seven years old before he went to school. His education, however, was not neglected. He probably learned as much from his mother and sister as he would have done at school. His sports were almost wholly within doors, his playmates being his sister and her associates. These circumstances tended, no doubt, to foster that gentleness of disix)- /S sition, and that delicate consideration for the feelings a of others, which are marked traits of his character. ^ His uncle Sardis Birchard took the deepest interest •^ in his education ; and as the boy's health had ini- ° proved, and he was making good progress in his studies, he proiX)sed to send liim to college. His pre- S^ •::• paration commenced with a tutor at home; but he was afterwards sent for one year to a professor in the Wesleyan Lhiiversity, in Middletown, Conn. He en- tered Kenyon College in 1838, at the age of sixteen, and was graduated at the head of his class in 1842. Immediately after his graduation he began the study of law in the oPRce of Thomas Sparrow, Esq., in Columbus. Finding his opportunities for study in Columbus somewhat limiteil, he deterniintd to enter the Law School at Cambridge, Mass., where he re- mained two years. In 1845, after graduatmg at the Law School, he was admitted to the bar at Marietta, Ohio, and shortly afterward went into practice as an attorney-at-law with Ralph P. Buckland, of Fremont. Here he re- mained three years, acquiring but a limited practice, and apparently unambitious of distinction in his pro- fession. In 1841) he moved to Cincmnati, where his ambi- tion found a new stimulus. For several years, how- ever, his progress was slow. Two events, occurring at this period, had a (wwerful intluence u[K)n his subse- quent life. One of these was his niarrage with Miss Lucy W.ire Webb, daughter of Dr. James Webb, of Chilicothe; the other was his introduction to the Cin- cinnati Literary Club, a body embracing among its members such men as Chief justice Salmon P.Chase, Gen. John Pope, Gov. Edward F. Noyes, and many others hardly less distinguished in after life. The marriage was a fortunate one in every respect, as ever) body knows. Not one of all the wives of our Presidents was more universally admired, reverenced and beloved than was Mrs. 11 ayes, and no one did more than she to reflect honor upon American woman- hood. The Literary Club brought .Mr. Hayes into constant association with )oung men of high char- acter and noble aims, and lured him lo display the qualities so long hidden by his bashfulness and modesty. In 1856 he was nominated to the office of Judge of the Court of Common Pleas; but he declined to ac- cept the nomination. Two years later, the ofifice of city solicitor becoming vacant, the City Council elected him for the unexpired term. In 1 86 1, when the Rebellion broke out, he was at the zenith of his jirofessional life. His rank at the bar was among the the first. But the news of the attack on Fort Sumpter found him eager to take up arms for tlie defense of his country. His military record was bright arid illustrious. In October, 186 1, he was made Lieutenant-Colonel, and in August, 1S62, ))ronioted Colonel of the 79tli Ohio regiment, but he refused to leave his old comrades and go among strangers. Subsequently, however, he was made Colonel of his old regiment. At the battle of South Mountain he received a wound, and while faint and bleeding displayed courage and fortitude that won admiration from all. Col. Hayes was detached from his regiment, after his recovery, to act as Brigadier-tieneral, and placed in command of the celebrated Kanawha division, and for gallant and meritorious services in the battles of Winchester, Fisher's Hill anil Cedar Creek, he was promoted Brigadier-General. He was also brevetted Majur-General, "forgalfant and distirguished Fcrvices during the campaigns of 1S64, in West Virginia." In the course of his arduous services, four horses were shot from under him, and he was wounded four times. In 1864, (len. Haves was elected to Congress, from the .Second Ohio District, whicli had long been Dem- ocratic. He was not present during the campaign, and after his election was inqiortuned to resign liis commission in the army ; but he finally declared, " 1 shall never come to Washington until 1 can come by the way of Richmond." He was re-elected in 1866. In 1867, Gen Hayes was elected Governor of Ohio, over Hon. .\llen G. Thurman, a popular Democrat. In 1869 was re-elected over George H. Pendleton. He was elected Governor for the third term in 1873. In 1876 he was the standard bearer of the Repub- lican Party in the Presidential contest, and after a hard long contest was chosen President, and was in augurated Monday, March 5, 1875. He served his full term, not, however, with satisfaction to his party, but his administratior, was an average one ^ s k ca: ^ jsi^y^ ■K-nn ^nDit>-^^- -~v- 4^^^ T i ? TWENTIETH PRESIDENT. 95 *'^^Sii'ir' ^, \^ A >: ^ s :) ^ ft ^ES A. GARFIELD, twen- ;th President of the United States, was born Nov. 19, 1 83 1, in the woods of Orange, Cuyahoga Co., O His par- "* ents were Abram and Eliza --,, y c, (Ballou) Garfield, both of New England ancestry- and from fami- lies well known in the early his- ;*M? '- 'OT of that section of our coun- trj-, but had moved to the Western Reserve, in Ohio, early in its settle- ment. The house in which James A. was born was not unlike the houses of poor Ohio farmers of that day. It was about 20x30 feet, built of logs, with the spaces be- tween the logs filled witli clay. His father was a hard working farmer, and he soon had his fields cleared, an orchard planted, and a log barn built. The household comprised the father and mother and their four children — Mehetabel, Thomas, Mary and James. In May, 1S23, the father, from a cold con- tracted in helping to put out a forest fire, died. At this time James was about eighteen months old, and Thomas about ten years old. No one, perhaps, can tell how much James was indebted to his biother's toil and self-sacrifice during the twenty years suc- ceeding his father's death, but undoubtedly verj- much. He now lives in Michigan, and the two sis- ters live in Solon, O., near their birthplace. The early educational advantages young Garfield enjoyed were verv limited, yet he made the most of them. He labored at f.-'.rm work for others, did car- penter work, chopped wood, or did anything that would bring in a few dollars to aid his widowed mother in her struggles to keep the little family to- gether. Nor was Gen. Garfield ever ashamed of his origin, and he never forgot the friends of his strug- gling childhood, youlh and manhood, neither did they ever forget him. When in the highest seats of honor, the humblest friend of his boyhood was as kindly greeted as ever. 'I'he ]worest laborer was sure of the sympathy of one who had known all the bitterness of want and the sweetness of bread earned by the sweat of the brow. He was ever the simple, plain, modest gentleman. The highest ambition of young Garfield until he was about si.xteen years old was to be a captain of a vessel on Lake Eiie. He was anxious to go aboard a vessel, which his mother strongly opposed. She finall)- consented to his going to Cleveland, with the understanding, however, that he should tr)- to obtain some other kind of employment. He waliced all the way to Cleveland. This was his first visit to the city. After making many applications for work, and trying to get aboard a lake vessel, and not meeting with success, he engaged as a driver for his cousin, Amos Letcher, on the Ohio &: Pennsylvania Canal. He re- mained at this work but a short time when he went home, and attended the seminary at Chester for about three years, when he entered Hiram and the Eclectic Institute, teaching a few terms of school in the meantime, and doing other work. This school was started by the Disciples of Christ in 1850, of which churcli he was then a member. He became janitor and bell-ringer in order to help pay his wav. He then became both teacher and pupil. He soon " exhausted Hiram " and needed more ; hence, in the fall of 1854, he entered Williams College, from which he graduated in 1856, taking one of the highest hon- ors of his class. He afterwards returned to Hiram College as its President. As above stated, he early united with the Christian or Diciples Church at Hiram, and was ever after a devoted, zealous mem- ber, often preaching in its pulpit and places where he happened to be. Dr. Noah Porter, President of Yale College, savs of him in reference to his relision : A I ^pHiP*^# ~^^^^" u^-i^ii ^ 96 JAMES A. GARFIELD. m 1=3: i " President Garfield was more than a man of strong moral and religious convictions. His whole history, from boyhood to the last, shows that duty to man and to God, and devotion to Christ and life and faith and spiritual commission were controlling springs of his benig, and to a more than usual degree. In my judgment there is no more interesting feature of his character than his loyal allegiance to the body of Christians in which he was trained, and the fervent sympathy which he ever showed in their Christian communion. Not many of the few 'wise and mighty and noble who are called ' show a similar loyalty to the less stately and cultured Christian communions in which they have been reared. Too often it is true that as they step upward in social and political sig- nificance they step upward from one degree to another in some of the many types of fashionable Christianity. President Garfield adhered to the church of his mother, tlie church in which he was trained, and in which he served as a pillar and an evangelist, and yet witli the largest and most unsec- tarian charity for all 'who loveourLord in sincerity.'" Mr. Garfield was united in marriage with Miss Lucretia Rudolph, Nov. 11, 1858, who proved herself worthy as the wife of one whom all the world loved and mourned. To them were born seven children, five of whom are still living, four boys and one girl. Mr. Garfield made his first political s[)eeches in 1856, in Hiram and the neighboring villages, and three years later he began to speak at county mass-meet- ings, and became the favorite speaker wherever he was. During this year he was elected to the Ohio Senate. He also began to study law at Cleveland, and in i86i was admitted to the bar. The great Rebellion broke out in the early part of this year, and Mr. Garfield at once resolved to fight as he had talked, and enlisted to defend the old flag. He re- ceived his commission as Lieut. -Colonel of the Forty- second Regiment of Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Aug. 14, 1861. He was immediately put into active ser- vice, and before he had ever seen a gun fired in action, was placed in command of four regiments of infantry and eight companies of cavalry, charged with the work of driving out of his native State the officer (Humphrey Marshall) reputed to be the ablest of those, not educated to war whom Kentucky had given to the Rebellion. This work was bravely and speed- ily accomplished, although against great odds. Pres- ident Lincoln, on his success commissioned him Brigadier-General, Jan. lo, 1862; and as "he had been the youngest man in the Ohio Senate two years before, so now he was the youngest General in the army." He was with Gen. Buell's army at ShiloJi, in its operations around Corinth and its marcli through Alabama. He was tlien detailed as a member of the General Court-Martial for the trial of Gen. Fitz-John Porter. He was then ordered to report to Gen. Rose- crans, and was assigned to the " Chief of Staff." The military history of Gen. Garfield closed with l-\®))^#— r^^^^ .^-A^\i\^ his brilliant services at Chickamauga, where he won the stars 01 the Major-General. Without an effort on his part Gen. Garfield was elected to Congress in the fall of 1862 from the Nineteenth District of Ohio. This section of Ohio had been represented in Congress for si.xty years mainly by two men — Elisha Wliittlesey and Joshua R. Giddings. It was not without a struggle that he resigned his place in the army. At the time he en- tered Congress he was the youngest member in that body. There he remained by successive re- elections until he was elected President in 1880. Of his labors in Congress .Senator Hoar says : "Since the year 1864 you cannot think of a question which has been debated in Congress, or discussed before a tribunel of the American people, in regard to which you will not find, if you wish nistruction, the argu- ment on one side stated, in almost evefy instance better than by anybody else, in some speech made in the House of Representatives or on the hustings 1 Mr. Garfield." Upon Jan. 14, 1880, Gen. Garfield was elected to the U. S. Senate, and on the eighth of June, of the same year, was nominated as the candidate of his party for President at the great Chicago Convention. He was elected in the following November, and on March 4, i88i, was inaugurated. Probably no ad- ministration ever opened its existence under brighter auspices than that of President Garfield, and every day it grew in favo; with the peo]3le, and by tlie first of July he had comiileted all the initiatory and pre- liminary work of his administration and was prepar- ing to leave the city to meet his friends at Williams College. While on his way and at the depot, in com- pany with Secretary Blaine, a man stepped behind him, drew a revolver, and fired directly at his back. The President tottered and fell, and as he did so the assassin fired a second shot, the bullet cutting the left coat sleeve of his victim, but inilicting no farther injury. It has been very truthfully said that this was " the shot that was heard round the world " Never before in the history of the Nation had anything oc- curred which so nearly froze the blood of the people for the moment, as this awful deed. He was smit- ten on the brightest, gladdest day of all his life, and was at the summit of his power and hope. For eighty days, all during the hot months of July and August, he lingered and suffered. He, however, remained master of himself till the last, and bv his magnificent bearing was teaching the country and the world the noblest of human lessons — how to live grandly in the very clutch of death. Great in life, he was surpass- ingly great in death. He passed serenely away Sept, 19, 1883, at Elberon, N. J., on the very bank of the ocean, wliere he had been taken shortly previous. The world wept at his death, as it never had done on the death of any other man wlio had ever lived upon it. The murderer was duly tried, found guilty and exe- cuted, in one year after he committed the foul deed. vs- ^5 (I) • I I%N f > ^$^#' TWENTY.FIRST PRESIDENT. W'.^mirm'L\^-. wl mm §k^ MM'V'iimm, m i ^ s b ^ ^^±JiL HESTER A. ARTHUR, ^i_,__^twenty-first President of the United States, was born in Franklin County, Vermont, on ^ !o thefifthof October, 18^0, andis ?/ the oldest of a family of two WM: ''^n i sons and five daughters. His father was the Rev. Dr. William Arthur, a Baptist clergyman, who emigrated to this countr)' from the county Antrim, Ireland, in his i8th year, and died in 1875, in Newtonville, near Albany, after a long and successful ministry. Young Arthur was educated at Union College, Schenectady, where he excelled in all his studies. .\f- ter his graduation he taught school in Vermont for two years, and at the e.vpiration of that time came to New York, with $500 in his jxjcket, and entered the office of ex-Judge E. D. Culver as student, .\fter 1 being admitted to the bar he formed a partnership with his intimate friend and room-mate, Henry D. Gardiner, with the intention of practicing in the West, and for three months they roamed about in the Western States in search of an eligible site, but in the end returned to New York, where they hung out their shingle, and entered upon a success- ful career almost from the start. General Arthur soon afterward married the daughter of Lieutenant Hemdon, of the United States Navy, who was lost at sea. Congress voted a gold medal to his widow in recognition of the bravery he displayed on that occa- sion. Mrs. Arthur died shortly before Mr. Arthur's nommation to the Vice Presidency, leaving two children. Gen. Arthur obtained considerable legal celebrity in his first great case, the famous Lemmon suit, brought to recover possession of eight slaves who had been declared free by Judge Paine, of the Superior Court of New York City. It was in 1852 that Jon- athan Lemmon, of Virginia, went to New York with his slaves, intending to ship them to Texas, when they were discovered and freed. The Judge decided that they could not be held by the owner under the Fugitive Slave Law. A howl of rage went up from the South, and the Virginia Legislature authorized the Attorney General of that State to assist in an appeal. Wm. M. Evarts and Chester A. Arthur were employed to represent the People, and they won their case, which then went to the Supreme Court of the United States. Charles O'Conor here espoused the cause of the slave-holders, but he too was beaten by Messrs. Evarts and Arthur, and a long step was taken toward the emancipation of the black race. .\nother great service was rendered by General Arthur in the same cause in 1856. Lizzie Jennings, a respectable colored woman, was put off a Fourth Avenue car with violence after she had paid her fare. General Arthur sued on her behalf, and secured a verdict of $500 damages. The next day the compa- ny issued an order to admit colored persons to ride on their cars, and the other car companies quickly C) y «; A $^: :35^^r^ ^;A<^>n j] g IlBf>it^ s^^^jK. ^^8^ loo -^=nr<>nil^llll^> CHESTER A ARTHUR. 4^^^ ) ^. :>5 1=3 > t followed their example. Before that the Sixth Ave- nue Company ran a few special cars for colored per- sons and the other lines refused to let them ride at all. General Arthur was a delegate to the Convention at Saratoga that founded the Republican party. Previous to the war he was Judge- Advocate of the Second Brigade of the State of New York, and Gov- ernor Morgan, of that State, apjwinted hnii Engineer- in-Chief of his staff. In i86i, he was made Inspec- tor General, and soon afterward became (Quartermas- ter-General. In each of these offices he rendered great service to the Government during the war. At the end of Governor Morgan's term he resumed the practice of the law, forming a partnership with Mr. Ransom, and then Mr. Phelps, the District Attorney of New York, was added to the firm. The legal prac- tice of tliis well-known firm was very large and lucra- tive, each of the gentlemen composing it were able lawyers, and possessed a splendid local reputation, if not indeed one of national extent. He always took a leading part in State and city politics. He was appointed Collector of the Port of New York by President Grant, Nov. 21 , 1872, to suc- ceed Thomas Murphy, and held the office until July, 20, 1878, when he was succeeded by Collector Merritt. Mr. Arthur was nominated on the Presidential ticket, with Gen. James A. (iarfield, at the famous National Republican Convention held at Chicago in June, 1880. This was perhaps the greatest political convention that ever assembled on the continent. It was composed of the leading politicians of the Re- pubHcan party, all alile men, and each stood firm and fought vigorously and with signal tenacity for their respective candidates that were before the conven- tion for the nomination. Finally Gen. Garfield re- ceived the nomination for President and Gen. Arthur for Vice-President. The campaign which followed was one of the most animated known in the history of our country. Gen. Hancock, the standard-bearer of the Democratic party, was a popular man, and his party made a valiant fight for his election. Finally the election came and the country's choice was Garfield and Arthur. They were inaugurated March 4, 1881, as President and Vice-President. A few months only had passed ere the newly chosen President was the victim of the assassin's bullet. Then came terrible weeks of suffering, — those moments of anxious suspense, when the hearts of all civilized na- tions were throbbing in unison, longing for the re- covery of the noble, the good President. The remark- able patience that he manifested during those hours and weeks, and even months, of the most terrible suf- fering man has often been called upon to endure, was seemingly more than human. It was certainly God- like. During all this period of deepest anxiety Mr. Arthur's every move was watched, and be it said to his credit that his every action displayed only an earnest desire that the suffering Garfield might recover, to serve the remainder of the term he had so auspi- ciously begun. Not a selfish feeling was manifested in deed or look of this man, even though the most honored jxjsition in tlie world was at any moment likely to fall to him. At last God in his mercy relieved President Gar- field from further suffering, and the world, as never before in its history over the death of any other man, wept at his bier. Then it became the duty of the Vice President to assume the responsibilities of the high office, and he took the oath in New York, Sept. 20, 1881. The position was an embarrassing one to him, made doubly so from the facts that all eyes were on him, anxious to know what he would do, what policy he would pursue, and who he would se- lect as advisers. The duties of the office had been greatly neglected during the President's long illness, and many imix)rtant measures were to be immediately decided by him ; and still farther to embarrass him lie did not fail to realize under what circumstances he became President, and knew the feelings of many on this point. I'^nder these trying circumstances President Arthur took the reins of the Government in his own hands ; and, as embarrassing as were the condition of affairs, he has happily surprised the Nation, acting so justly, so wisely, so well, that but few have criticised his administration. Should he continue during the remainder of his term to pursue the wise policy he has followed thus far, we believe President Arthur's administration will go down in history as one of the wisest and most satisfactory our country has ever enjoyed. His highest ambition seems to be to do his duty to the whole Nation, even to the sacrifice of his warmest personal friends. With the good of the people at heart, and guided by the wisdom already displayed, he will surprise his opponents, gratify his friends, and bless the .\merican Republic, during the years he occupies the Presidential chair. (^ ^^'i* ^^*'^^ — ^H-^nii;^iii]it>A^ ^^r^>^m^ '-^^^ — ^v4^tin§iiti>^^:^er ^p (b e ) k} ^ (' 'c^ \m^»- AV«~5 -^«»^^^ — ^^-inn^ntin ^a,^. 9^^ '^^^^ -:2^^^ t;7V4^Il n^ n nv>r^:r 3i«»sr -«# WB v^ A >5 V s. 1 l^v^^«^# .^^^^^e: — e^^iiii^nn;i>A;^^ — ^^j?^ c^ I ^ Wrf^^^^ -^^^ '^=rr(^M:&Wt>T m (^) />< :«- 4. -'V i ^ I i ^) I -3!i^^JS^ o ,^^-^ ^^^^^^ 4^ ^ ^ ^^^^^(^ ^^ik/^ -^^^ K ^^ v|) 9 1=3 r^, g|>vr)«^-^ *-*^ -l^5C@>N^ > ♦1 ^. # '/ M>-€^ys^ Il !]'^]iav>A;^3 — ^^^^ -^^((®>i Zii^^^ ■'6^r^\imm>7-^ V ^ ^ S Qt O STEPHEN T. MASON. \\ from the names of the surveyors. The territory' was valuable for its ricli agricultural lands; but the chief value consisted in the fact that the harbor on the Mauinee River, where now stands the flourishing city of Toledo, was included within its limits The town originally bore the name of Swan Creek, afterwards Port Lawrence, then Vestula, and then Toledo. In February, 1S35, the Legislature of Ohio passed an act extending the jurisdiction of the State over the territory in question; erected townships and directed them to liold elections in April following. It also directed Governor Lucus to apjxjint three com- missioners to survey and re-mark the Harris line ; and named the first of April as the day to cominence the survey. Acting Governor Mason, however, anticipated this action on the part of the Ohio Legislature, sent a special message to the Legislative Council, appris- ing it of ("Tovernor Lucas' message, and advised imme- diate action by that body to anticipate and counteract the proceedings of Ohio. Accordingly, on the 1 2th of February, the council passed an act making it a crimmal offence, punishable by a heavy fine, or im- ^ prisonment, for any one to attempt to exercise any f^ official functions, or accept any office within the juris- diction of Michigan, under or by virture of any au- thority not derived from the Territory, or the United States. On the 9th of March, Governor Mason wrote General Brown, then in command of the Michigan militia, directing him to hold himself in readiness to meet the enemy in the field in case any attempt was made on the part of Ohio to carry out the provisions of that act of the Legislature. On the 31st of March, Governor Lucus, with his commissioners, arrived at Perrysburgh, on their way to commence re-surveying the Harris line. He was accompanied by General Bell and staff, of the Ohio Militia, who proceeded to muster a volunteer force of about 600 men. This was soon accomplished, and the force fully armed and equipped. The force then went into camp at Fort Miami, to await the Governor's orders. In the meantime. Governor Mason, with General Brown and staff, had raised a force 800 to 1200 strong, and were in possession of Toledo. General Brown's Staff consisted of Captain Henry Smith, of Monroe, Inspector; Major J. J. Ullman, of Con- stantine, Quartermaster ; William E. Broadman, of Detroit, and Alpheus Fekh, of Monroe, Aids-de- camp. When Governor Lucas observed the deter- mined bearing of the Michigan braves, and took note i»v®))«^ti- -^^ ^=!r^-^DI] of their nmiiber, he found it convenient to content himself for a time with " watching over the border." Several days were passed in this exhilarating employ- ment, and just as Governor Lucas had made up his mind to do something rash, two commissioners ar- rived from Washington on a mission of peace. They remonstrated with Gov. Lucus, and reminded him of the consequences to himself and his State if he per- sisted in his attempt to gain possessionof the disputed territory by force. After several conferences with both governors, the connitissioners submitted proix)si- tions for their consideration. Governor Lucas at once accepted the propositions, and disbanded his forces. Governor Mason, on the other hand, refused to accede to the arrangement, and declined to compromise the rights of his people by a surrender of jxissession and jurisdiction. When Gov- ernor Lucus disbanded his forces, however. Governor Mason partially followed suit, but still held himself in readiness to meet any emergency that might arise. Governor Lucus now supjxssed that his way was clear, and that he could re-mark the Harris line with- out being molested, and ordered the commissioners to proceed with their work. In the meantime, Governor Mason kept a watch- ful eye upon the proceedings. General Brown sent scouts through the woods to watch their movements, and re[X)rt when operations were commenced. When the surveying party got within the county of Lena- wee, the under-sheriff of that county, armed with a warrant, and accompanied by a posse, suddenly made his appearance, and succeeded in arresting a portion of the party. The rest, including the commissioners, took to their heels, and were soon beyond the dis- puted territory. They reached Perrysburgh the fol- lowing day in a highly demoralized condition, and reported they had been attacked by an overwhelm- ing force of Michigan malitia, under command of General Brown. This summary breaking up of the surveying party produced the most tremendous excitement throughout Ohio. Governor Lucas called an extra session of the Legislature. But little remains to be said in reference to the "war." The question continued for some time to agitate the minds of the opposing parties ; and the action of Congress was impatiently awaited. Michigan was admitted into the Union on the condition that she give to Ohio the disputed territon', and accept in return the Northern Peninsula, which she did. % "^ '4^ V$ (> ■^ 1 V (I I f ^'^/^^^:^2y~t/P-T^^^yC:> ^^^^@))^^- ve^tm^nii?^' ^^ ^ :) {o\ SECOND GO VERNOR OF MICHIGAN. S., ;:?f 1^ ILLIAM WOODBRIDGE, jg» second (iovernor of Michigan, % was l)orn at Norwich, Conn., r Aut;. 20, 1780, and died at Detroit Oct. 20, 1861. He 9t» • ,j\ was of a family of three brothers '' 1 and two sisters. His father, Dudley Woodbridge, removed to \ Marietta, Ohio, about 1790. The I life of Wm. ^Voodbridge, by Chas. ^ Lauman, from which this sketch is largely compiled, mentions noth- ing concerning his early education beyond the fact that it was such as was afforded by the average school of the time, except a year with the French colonists at Gallipolis, where he acquired a knowledge of the French language. It should be borne in mind, however, that home education at that time was an indispensable feature in the training of the young. To this and and to a few studies well mastered, is due that strong mental discipline which has served as a basis for many of the grand intellects that have adorned and helped to make our National history. Mr. Woodbridge studied law at Marietta, having as a fellow student an intimate personal friend, a young man subsequently distinguished, but known at that time simply as Lewis Cass. He graduated at the law school in Connecticut, after a course there of nearly three years, and began to practice at Marietta in 1806. In June, 1806, he married, at Hartford, Con- necticut, Juleanna, daughter of John Trumbell, a distinguished author and judge ; and author of the peom McFingal, which, during a dark period of the Revolution, wrought such a magic change upon the spirits of the colonists. He was happy in his domes ■ tic relations until the death of Mrs. W., Feb. 2, ig, i860. Our written biographies necessarily speak more tuUy of men, because of their active particijiation in public affairs, but human actions are stamped upon the page of time and when the scroll shall be unrolled the influence of good women upon the history of the world will be read side by side with the deeds of men. How much success and renown in life many men owe to their wives is probably little known. Mrs. W. en- joyed the best means of early education that the country afforded, and her intellectual genius enabled her to improve her advantages. During her life, side by side with the highest type of domestic and social graces, she manifested a keen intellectuality that formed the crown of a faultless character. She was a natural poet, and wrote quite a large number of fine verses, some of which are preserved in a printed memorial essay written upon the occasion of her death. In this essay, it is said of her "to contribute even in matters of minor importance, to elevate the reputation and add to the well being of her husband in the various stations he was called upon to fill, gave her the highest satisfaction " She was an invalid during the latter portion of her life, but was patient and cheerful to the end. In 1807, Mr. W. was chosen a representative to the General Assembly of Ohio, and in 1809 was elected to the Senate, continuing a member by re-election until his removal from the State. He also held, by ai> pointment, during the time the office of Prosecuting Attorney for his county. He took a leading part in the Legislature, and in 181 2 drew up a declaration and resolutions, which passed the two houses unamiuously o 9 ^ WILLIAM WOODBRIDGE. > :^ Q^ I and attracted great attention, endorsing, in strongest and most emphatic terms, the war measures of Presi- dent Madison. Daring the period from 1804 to 1814 the two law students, Woodbridge and t'ass, had be- come widely sei)arated. The latter was Governor of the Territot}- of Michigan vmderthe historic "Governor and Judges" plan, with the indis|)ensable renuisite of a Secretary of the Territorry. '{"his latter jK)sition was, in 18 14, without solicitation on his part, tendered to Mr. \V. He accepted the position with some hesita- tion, and entered upon its duties as soon as he could make the necessary arrangements for leaving Ohio. The office of Secretary involved also the duties of collectorof customs at the port of Detroit, and during the frequent absences of the Governor, the dischargeof of his duties, also including those of Superintendent of Indian Affairs. Mr. W. officiated as Governor for about two years out of the eight years that he held the office of Secretary Under the administration of "Gov- ernor and Judges," which the people of the Territory preferred for economical reasons, to continue some time after their numbers entitled them to a more popular representative system, they were allowed no delegate in Congress. Mr. W., as a sort of informal agent of the people, by correspondence and also by a visit to the National capital, so clearly set forth the demand for representation by a delegate, that an act was passedin Congress in iSigauthorizingone to be chosen. Under this act Mr. W. was elected by the concurrence of all parties. His first action in Congress was to secure the passage of a bill recognizing and confirming the old French land titles in the Territory according to the terms of the treaty of peace with Great Britain at the close of the Revolution ; and another for the construction of a Government road through the "black swamps" from the Miami River to Detroit, thus open- ing a means of land transit between Ohio and Mich- igan. He was influential in securing the passage of bills for the construction of Government roads from Detroit to Chicago, and Detroit to Fort Gratiot, and for the improvement of La Plaisance Bay. The ex- pedition for the exploration of the country around Lake Superior and in the valley of the Upper Mis- sissippi, projected by Governor Cass, was set on foot by means of representations made to the head of the department by Mr. W. While in Congress he stren- uously maintained the right of Michigan to the strip of territory now forming the northern boundary of Ohio, which formed the subject of such grave dispute between Ohio and Michigan at the time of the ad- mission of the latter into the Union. He served but • one term as delegate to Congress, de- clining further service on account of personal and family considerations. Mr. W. continued to discharge the duties of Secretary of the Territory up to the time its Government passed into the "second grade." In 1824, he was appointed one of a board of commissioners for adjusting private land claims in the Territory, and was engaged also in the practice of his profession, having the best law library in the Ter- ritory. In 1828, upon the recommendation of the Governor, Judges and others, he was appointed by the President, J. t^. Adams, to succeed Hon. James With- erell, who had resigned as a Judge of what is conven- tionally called the "Supreme Court" of the Territory. This court was a|)parently a continuation of the Terri- torial Court, under the "first grade" or "Governor and Judges" system, .\lthough it was supreme in its ju- dicial functions within the Territory, its powers and duties were of a very general character. In 1832, the term of his appointment as Judge ex- piring. President Jackson appointed a successor, it is supposed on political grounds, much to the disappoint- ment of the pubhc and the bar of the Territory. The partisan feeling of the time extended into the Terri- tory, and its people began to think of assuming the dignity of a State government. Party lines becom- ing very sliarply drawn, he identified himself with the Whigs and was elected a member of the Conven- tion of 1835, which formed the first State Constitution. In 1837 he was elected a member of tie 'rotate Senate. This sketch has purposely dealt somewhat in detail with what may be called Judge W's. earlier career, because it is closely identified with the early his- tory of the State, and the development of its politi- cal system. Since the organization of the State Gov- ernment the history of Michigan is more familiar, and hence no review of Judge W's career as Governor and Senator will be attempted. He was elected Gov- ernor in 1839, under a popular impression that the affairs of the State had not been prudently adminis- tered by the Democrats. He served as Governor but little more than a year, when he was elected to the Senate of the United States. His term in the Senate practically closed his polit- ical life, although he was strongly urged by many prominent men for the Whig nomination for Vice President in 1848. Soon after his appointment as Judge in 182S, Gov- ernor W. took up his residence on a tract of land which he owned in the township of Spring Wells, a short distance below what v/as then the corporate lim- its of Detroit, where he resided during the remainder of his life. Both in his public papers and private communications, Governor W. shows himself a mas- ter of language; he is fruitful in simile and illustra- tion, logical in arrangement, happy in the choice and treatment of topics, and terse and vigorous in expres- sion. Judge W. was aCongregationalist. His opinions on all subjects were decided; he was earnest and energetic, courteous and dignified, and at times ex- hibited a vein of fine humor that was the more at- tractive because not too often allowed to come to the surface. His letters and addresses show a deep and earnest affection not only for his ancestral home, but the home of his adoptiim and for friends and family. ski i r^ ^^■'¥ -^^^ ^^A<-^0!l^g>DDr^A;9 ^^^ I .'^^'•'^^'''^^■^^^'■^^-•■^^^^^ a_xJOHNS. BARRY OHN STEWARD BARRY, J Governor of Michigan from Jan. 3, 1842, to Jan. 5, 1846, and from Jan. 7, ,850, to Jan. I, 1852, was born at Amherst, N. H., Jan. 29, 1802. His par- ents, John and Ellen (Steward) Barry, early removed to Rocking- ham, Vt., where he remained until I'ebecameofage, working on his father's fami, and pursuing his studies at the same time. He mar- ried Mary Kidder, of Grafton, Vt., and in 1824 went to Georgia, Vt.' where he had charge of an academy for two years, meanwhile studying ,, . c- '''''''■ "'^ afterward practiced law in hat State. Wh.le he was in Georgia he was for some t.me a member of the Governors staff, with the title of Governors Aid, and at a somewhat earlier period was Captamof a company of State militia In ,8^r he removed to Michigan, and settled at White Pigeo'n where lie engaged in mercantile business with I w' Willard. Four years after, ,834, Mr. Barry removed to Con- stantme and continued his mercantile pursuits. He became Justice of the Peace at White Pigeon, Mich , >" 1831, and held the office until the year 183^ Mr Barry s first public office was that of a member of the first constitutional convention, which assembled and framed the constitution upon which Michigm was admitted into the Union. He took an important and prominent part in the proceedings of that body and showed himself to be a man of far more than ordinary ability. Upon Michigan being admitted into the Union Mr. Barry was chosen State Senator, and so favorably were his associates impressed with his abilities at the first session of the Legislature that they looked to him as a party leader, and that lie should head the State ticket at the following election. Accordingly he re ceived the nomination for Governor at the hands o his party assembled in convention. He was elected and so popular was his administration that in 1842, he was again elected. During these years M chigan was embarrassed by great financial diffi- culties, and it was through his wisdom and sound judg- ment that the State was finally placed upon a solfd nnancial basis. During the first year of Gov. Barry's first term, the University at Ann Arbor was opened for the reception 1=1 1=3 ^^^ JOHN STEWARD BARRY. ^^^^ > 1 of students. The Michigan Central and Michigan Southern railroads were being rapidly constructed, and general progress was everywhere noticeable. In 1842, the number of pupils reported as attending the public schools was nearly fifty-eight thousand. In 1843, a State land office was established at Marshall, which was invested with the charge and disposition of all the lands belonging to the State. In 1844, the tax- able property of the State was found to be over twenty-eight millions of dollars, the tax being at the rate of two mills on the dollar. The expenses of the State were only seventy thousand dollars, while the income from the railroads was nearly three hundred thousand dollars. At this time the University of Michigan had become so prosperous that its income was ample to pay the interest on the University debt ; and the amount of money which the State was able to loan the several progressing railroads was one hundred and twenty thousand dollars. Efforts were made to increase the efficiency of the common schools with good results In 1845, when Gov. Barry's sec- ond term expired, the population of the State was more than three hundred thousand. The constitution of the State forbade more than two consecutive terms, but he was called upon to fill the position again in 1850 — -the only instance of the kind in the history of the State. He was a member of the Territorial Legislature, of the Constitutional Conven- tion, and afterward of the State House of Represent- atives. During Mr. Barry's third term as Governor the Nor- mal School was established at Ypsilanti, which was endowed with lands and placed in charge of a board of education consisting of six persons. A new con- stitution for the government of the State was also adopted and the " Great Railway Conspiracy Case " was tried. This grew out of a series of lawless acts which had been committed upon the property of the Michigan Central Railroad Company, along the line of their road, and finally the burning of the depot at Detroit, in r85o. At a setting of the grand jury of Wayne County, April 24, 185 1, 37 men of the 50 under arrest for this crime were indicted. May 20, following, the accused parties appeared at the Circuit Court of \Vayne, of which Warner Wing was resident judge. The Rail- road Company employed ten eminent lawyers, in- cluding David Stuart, John Van Arman, James A. Van Dyke, Jacob M. Howard, Alex. D. Fraser, Dan- iel Goodwin and William Gray. The defendants were represented by six members of the State bar, led by William H. Seward, of New York. The trial occupied four months, during which time the plaintiffs exam- ined 246 witnesses in 27 days, and the defendants 249 in 40 days. Mr. Van Dyke addressed the jury for the prosecution ; William H. Seward for the defense. The great lawyer was convinced of the innocence of his clients, nor did the verdict of that jury and the sentence of that judge remove his firm belief that his clients were the victims of purchased treachery, rather than so many sacrifices to justice. The verdict of " guilty " was rendered at 9 o'clock V. M., .Sept. 25, 1851. On the 26th the prisoners were l)ut forward to receive sentence, when many of them protested their entire innocence, after which the pre- siding judge condemned 12 of the number to the fol- lowing terms of imprisonment, with hard labor, within the State's prison, situate in their county : Ammi Filley, ten years; Orlando L. Williams, ten years; Aaron Mount, eight years; .Andrew J. Freeland, eight years; Eben Farnham, eight years; William Corvin, eight years; Richard Price, eight years; Evan Price, eight years; Lyman Cliamplin, five years; Willard W. Cliamplin, five years; Erastus Champlin, five years; Erastus Smith, five years. In 1840, Gov. Barry became deeply interested in the cultivation of the sugar beet, and visited Europe to obtain information in reference to its culture. He was twice Presidential Elector, and his last public service was that of a delegate to the National Democratic Convention held in Chicago in 1864. He was a man who, throughout life, maintained a liigh character for integrity and fidelity to the trusts bestowed upon him, whether of a public or a private nature, and he is acknowledged by all to have been one of the most efficient and popular Governors the State has ever had. Gov. Barry was a man of incorruptible integrity. His opinions, which he reached by tlie most thorough investigation, he held tenaciously. His strong con- victions and outspoken honesty made it impossible for him to take an undefined jx)sition wlien a principle was involved. His attachments and prejudices were strong, yet he was never accused of favoritism in his administration of public affairs. As a speaker he was not remarkable. Solidity, rather than brilliancy, char- acterized his oratory, wliich is described as argument- ative and instructive, but cold, hard, and entirely wanting in rhetorical ornament. He was never elo- quent, seldom humorous or sarcastic, and in manner rather awkward. Although Mr. Barry's educational advantages were so limited, he was a life-long student. He mastered lioth ancient and modern languages, and acquired a thorough knowledge of history. No man owed less to political intrigue as a means of gaining posi- tion. He was a true statesman, and gained public es- teem by his solid worth. His political connections were always with the Democjatic party, and his opin- ions were usually extreme. Mr. Barry retired to private life after the beginning of the ascendency of the Republican party, and car- ried on his mercantile business at Constantine. He died Jan. r4, 1870, his wife's death having occurred a year previous, March 30, r869. They left no children. t 'e- (^. I :# > \ # i\ (^ ■ -^V4>D11§I1D^>7'^^^^ — 5i4^^ ^^m\'^ GOVERNORS OF MICHIGAN. "7 s > (!) 'S:g»i^;g*SJg*S;g. ^ ('. ^fl" .Li. A<^D!ii^nnn>Ar^- mi V r^i^K 6V^I] BSD Di^r^e) 3it«C^^ GO VERNORS. -^^^^®^/m (5^ % # LLIAM L. GREENLY '^Crovernor of Michigan for the year T847, was born at Hamil- ton, Madison Co., N. Y., Sept. 8,1813. He graduated at Un- ion College, Schenectady, in 1 83 1, studied law and was ad- mitted to the bar in 1834. In 1836, having removed to Michi- gan, he settled in Adrian, where he has since resided. The year following his arrival in- Michigan he was elected State Senator and served in that capacity until 1839. In 1845 he was elected Lieut. Gov- ernor and became acting Governor by the resignation of Gov. Felch, who was elected to the United States Senate. The war with Mexico was brought to a successful termination during Gov. Greenly 's administration. We regret to say that there are only few records e.xtant of the action of Michigan troops in the Mexican war. That many went there and fought well are points conceded ; but their names and nativity are hidden away in United States archives and where it is almost impossible to find them. The soldiers of this State deserve much of the credit of the memorable achievements of Co. K, 3d Dragoons, and Cos. A, E, and G of the U. S. Inf. The two former of these companies, recruited in this State, were reduced to one-third their original num- ber. In May, 1846, the Governor of Michigan was noti- fied by the War Department of the United States to enroll a regiment of volunteers, to be held in readi- ness for service whenever demanded. At his sum- mons 13 independent volunteer companies, 1 1 of infantry and two of cavalry, at once fell into line. Of the infantry four companies were from Detroit, bear- ing the honored names of Montgomery, Lafayette, Scott and Brady upon their banners. Of the re- mainder Monroe tendered two, Lenawee County three, St. Clair, Berrien and Hillsdale each one, and Wayne County an additional company. Of these alone the veteran Bradys were accepted and ordered into ser- vice. In addition to them ten companies, making the First Regiment of Michigan Volunteers, springing from various parts of the State, but embodying to a great degree the material of which the first volunteers was formed, were not called for until October follow- ing. This regiment was soon in readiness and pro- ceeded by orders from Government to the seat of war. (^ * f\®)^^^ m]\y>^^' ^si^^ -iiiis^^insr •r7 '7<>MmU'r>: ^T7- -ZH^^^^ ^ V ^ ^ ^ s O <^iin:^tinn> A^:^ ■-S»^ft/wJ I V^"-^ ,_'Jt u,^ yZc ) '^ :2ii€^^ '^Dll^ll]^:>r GOVERNORS. ^=^ -^tj^^^C^Tvli ^^^' V^s r.'^JU^^Yn^ EP^pi^RODiTog pi]sorr|. is HE HON. EPAPHRODI- TUS RANSOM, the Seventh "^^ Oovernor of Michigan, was a native of Massachusetts. In ' that State he received a col- legiate education, studied law, and was admitted to the bar. \)i{^^^}k Removing to Michigan about ^M Iw ' '^*^ \\xm of its admission to the t\ \y \^ Union, he took up his residence at Kalamazoo. Mr. Ransom served with marked ability for a number of years in the State Legislature, and in 1837 he was appointed As- sociate Justice of the Supreme Court. In 1843 he was promoted to Chief Justice, which office he re- tained until 1845, when he resigned. Shortly afterwards he became deeply interested in the building of plank roads in the western portion of the State, and in this business lost the greater portion of the property wliich he had accumulated by years of toil and industry. Mr. Ransom became Governor of the State of Michigan in the fall of 1847, and served during one term, performing the duties of the office in a truly statesmanlike manner. He subsequently became President of the Michigan Agricultural Society, in which ix)sition he displayed the same ability that shone forth so prominently in his acts as Governor. He iield the office of Regent of the Michigan Univer- sity several times, and ever advocated a liberal f»licy in its management. Subsequently he was a|)[)ointed receiver of the land office in one of the districts in Kansas, by Pres- ident Buchanan, to which State he had removed, and where he died before the expiration of his term of office. We sum up the events and affairs of the State un- der Gov. Ransom's administration as follows: The Asylum for the Insane was establised, as also the Asylum for the Deaf, Dumb and Blind. Both of these institutes were liberally endowed with lands, and each of them placed in charge of a board of five trustees. The appropriation in 1849 for the deaf and dumb and blind amounted to $81,500. On the first of March, 1848, the first telegraph line was com- pleted from New York to Detroit, and the first dis- patch transmitted on that day. The followmg figures show the progress in agriculture : The land reported as under cultivation in 1848 was 1,437,460 acres; of wheat there were produced 4,749,300 Ijushels; other grains, 8,197,767 bushels; wool, 1,645,756 pounds; maple sugar, 1,774,369 pounds; horses, 52,305; cat- tle, 210,268; swine, 152,541; sheep, 610,534; while the flour mills numbered 228, and the lumber mills amounted to 730. 1847, an act was passed removing the Legislature from Detroit to Lansing, and tempo- rary buildings for the use of the Legislature were im- mediately erected, at a cost of $12,450. I ( ^ •^i' ^iv ^ K^ll!l^Illlf>^ r<4Bn^im^^ ry- .) i 1 <> 'o ^5 r^ u -^^^^ ^?K^Il!l^lDf>^^ ^^€»^ ^jf® "'r ~ ;^^^^:f. ^w "^ f ^^* GOVERNORS OF MICHIGAN. 't^\&i 129 t Sl£iKi£aa£>^ ■'*5=! t^^^&^i^^ ;jvy'^:''^;y-j?yy'jy^i;»^H-yy'y^^^^ ■caegli ^. -^^- laraM) ^iL;a^«i. ^m^o%^ >^5|rps^^ .) > OBERT McClelland, i'pCiovernor of Michigan from Jan. I, 1852,10 March 8, 1853, was born at Greencastle, Frank- ■;@ lin Co., Penn., Aug. i, 1S07. Among his ancestors were several officers of rank in tlie Revohition- ary war, and some of his family con- riections were distinguished in the war of 1812, and that with Mexico. His father was an eminent physician and surgeon who studied under Dr. Benj. Rush, of Philadelphia, and liracticed his profession successfully until si.\ months before his death, at the age of 84 years. Although Mr. McClelland's family had lieen in good circum- stances, when he was 17 years old he was thrown upon his own resources. After taking the usual pre- liminary studies, and teaching school to obtain the means, he entered Dickinson College, at Carlisle, Penn., from which he graduated among the first in his class, iii 1S29. He then resumed teaching, and having completed the course of study for the legal profession, was admitted to the bar at Chambersburg, Penn., in 1831. Soon afterward he removed to the city of Pittsburgh, where he practiced for almost a year. In 1833, Mr. McClelland removed to Monroe, in the Territory of Michigan, where, after a severe ex- amination, he became a member of the bar of Michi- gan, and engaged in practice with bright prospect of success. In 1835, a convention was called to frame a constitution for the proposed State of Michigan, of which Mr. McClelland was elected a member. He took a prominent part in its deliberations and ranked among its ablest debaters. He was appointed the first Bank Commissioner of the State, by Gov. Mason, and received an offer of the Attorney Generalship, but declined both of these offices in order to attend to his professional duties. In 1838, .Mr. McClelland was elected to the State Legislature, in which he soon became distinguished as tlie head of several imix)rtant committees. Speaker pro tempore, and as an active, zealous and efficient member. In 1840, Gen. Harrison, as a candidate for the Presidency, swept the country with an overwhelm- ing majority, and at the same time the State of Michi- gan was carried by the Whigs under the popular cry of " Woodbrtdge and reform " against the Democratic liarty. At this time Mr. McClelland stood among the acknowledged leaders of the latter organization ; was elected a member of the State House of Representa- tives, and with others adopted a plan to regain a lost authority and prestige. This party soon came again into power in the State, and having been returned to the State Legislature Mr. McClelland's leadership was acknowledged by his election as Speaker of the House of Representatives si/ t '^^^> ^^i -^""C^^^^ ^T^^HIl^llIlf^A^ sijig^r: in 1843. Down to this time Michigan had consti- tuted one congressional district. The late Hon. Jacob M. Howard had been elected against Hon. Alpheus Felch by a strong majority ; but, in 1 843, so thoroughly , had the Democratic party recovered from its defeat (S/ of 1840 that Mr McClelhmd, as a candidate for Con- gress, carried Detroit district by a majority of about 2,500. Mr. McClelland soon took a prominent posi- tion in Congress among the veterans of that body During his first term he was placed on Committee on Commerce, and organized and carried through what were known as the " Harbor bills." The continued confidence of his constituency was manifested in his election to the 29th Congress. At the opening of this session he had acquired a National reputation, and so favorably was he known as a parlimentarian that his name was mentioned for Speaker of the House of Rep- resentatives He declined the offer in favor of J. ^^^ Davis, of Indiana, who was elected. During this term he became Chairman of Committee on Commerce, in which position his reports and advocacy of important measures at once attracted public attention. The members of this committee, as an evidence of the es- teem ill which they held his services and of their personal regard for him, presented him with a cane which he retains as a souvenir of the donors, and of his labors in Congress. In 1847, M"" McClelland was re-elected to Con- gress, and at the opening of the 3olh Congress be- came a member of the Committee on Foreign Rela- tions. While acting in this capacity, what was known as the " French Spoliation Bill" came under his spe- cial charge, and his management of the same was such as to command universal approbation. While in Congress, Mr McClelland was an advocate of the right of petition as maintained by John Q Adams, when the petition, was clothed in decorous language and presented in the proper manner. This he re- garded as the citizens'constitutional right which should not be impaired by any doctrines of temporary expe- diency. He also voted for the adoption of Mr. Gid- dings's bill for the abolishing of slavery in the District of Columbia Mr McClelland was one of the few Democrats associated with David Wilmot, of Penn- sylvania, in bringing forward the celebrated "Wilmot Proviso,'* with a view to prevent further extension of slavery in new terrilorv which might be acquired by the United States. He and Mr Wilmot were to- gether at the time in Washington, and on intimate and confidential terms Mr McClelland was in sev- eral National conventions and in the Baltimore con- vention, which nominated Gen. Cass for President, in 1848, doing valiant service that year for the elec- tion of that distinguished statesman. On leaving Congress, in 1848, Mr. McClelland returned to the practice of his profession at Monroe. In 1850 a r-^ convention of the State of Michigan was called to ^ revise the State constitution. He was elected a i 1 s member and was regarded therein as among the ablest and most experienced leaders. His clear judgment and wise moderation were conspicuous, both in the committee room and on the floorp in debate. In 1850, he was President of the Democratic State convention which adopted resolutions in supix)rt of Henry Clay's famous compromise measures, of which Mr ^IcClel- land was a strong advocate. He was a member of the Democratic National convention in 1852, and in that year, in company with Gen Cass and Governor Felch he made a thorough canvass of the State. He continued earnestly to advocate the Clay com- promise measures, and took an active part in the canvass which resulted in the election of Gen Pierce to the Presidency. In 185 t, the new Stats constitution took effect and it was necessary that a Governor should be elected for one year in order to prevent an interregnum, and to bring the State Government into operation undei the new constitution Mr INIcClelland was elected Governor, and in the fall of 1852 was re-elected for a term of two years, from Jan. i, 1853. His admin- istration was regarded as wise, prudent and concilia- tor)-, and was as popular as could be expected at a time when party spirit ran high There was really no opix)sitioii,and when he resigned, in March, 1853, the State Treasury was well filled, and the State otherwise prosperous. So widely and favorably had Mr. McClelland become known as a statesman that on the organization of thecabinet by President Pierce, in March, 1853, he was made Secretary of the Interior, in which capacity he served most creditably during four years of the Pierce administration He thoroughly re-organized his department and reduced the expend- itures. He adopted a course with the Indians which relieved them from the impositions and annoyances of the traders, and produced harmony and civilization among them. During his administration there was neither complaint from the tribes nor corruption among agents, and he left the department in perfect order and system In 1867, Michigan again called a con- vention to revise the State constitution, Mr. McClel- land was a member and here again his long experi- ence made him conspicuous as a prudent adviser, a sagacious parliamentary leader. As a lawyer he was terse and pointed in argument, clear, candid and im- pressive in his addresses to the jury. His sincerity and earnestness, with which was occasionally mingled a pleasant humor, made him an able and effective advocate. In speaking before the people on political subjects he was especially forcible and happy. In 1870 he made the tour of Europe, which, through his extensive personal acquaintance with European dip- lomates, he was enabled to enjoy much more than most travelers Mr. McClelland married, in 1837, Miss Sarah E. Sabin, of Williamstown, Mass. They have had six children two of whom now survive. C). ^ c^: f ^(]t|;>L^. ■^V^-^n 0-^ n l]y>v^^5 ::^&^ im -l^^«®^-ill GOVERNORS OF MICHIGAN. 133 ANDREW PARSONS. g > ^C3 :K 1?* 4^ a^ NDRP:\V parsons, Gover- nor of Michinan from March 8, 1853 to Jan. 3, 1855, was liorn in the town of Hoosick, County of Rensselaer, and State of New York, on the 22d day of July, 1817, and died June 6, 1855, at the early age of 38 years. He was the son of John Parsons, born at Newburyport, (Mass., Oct. 2, 1782, and who was the sonof Andrew Parsons, a Revolutionary soldier, who was the son of Phineas Parsons, the son of Samuel Parsons, a descendant of Walter Parsons, born in Ireland in 1290. Of this name and family, some one hundred and thirty years ago, Bishop Gilson remarked in his edi- ^ nion of Camden's Britannia: "The honorable family Cjp of Parsons have been advanced to the dignity of Viscotints and more lately Earls of Ross." The following are descendants of these families : Sir John Parsons, born 1 481, was Mayor of Hereford; Robert Parsons, born in 1546, lived near Bridgewater, England. He was educated at Ballial College, Ox- ford, and was a noted writer and defender of the Romish faith. He established an English College at Rome and another at Valladolia. Frances Parsons, born in 1556, was Vicar of Rothwell, in Notingham; Bartholomew Parsons, born in 1618, was another ^ noted member of the family. In 1634, Thomas Parsons was knighted by Charles i. Joseph and Benjamin, ^ brothers, were born in Great Torrington, England, ^ I v|) and accompanied their father and others lo New England about 1630. Samuel Parsons, born at Salis- bury, Mass., in 1707, graduated at Harvard College in 1730, ordained at Rye, N. H.,Nov. 3, 1736, married Mary Jones, daughter of Samuel Jones, of Boston, Oct. 9, 1739, died Jan. 4, 1789, at the age of 82, in the 53rd year of his ministry. The grandfatherof Mary Jones was Capt. John Adams, of Boston, grandson of Henry, of Braintree, who was among the first set- tlers of Massachusetts, and from whom a numerous race of the name are descended, including two Presi- dents of the United States. The Parsons have be- come very numerous and are found throughout New England, and many of the descedants are scattered in all parts of the United States, and especially in the Middle and Western States. Governor Andrew Parsons came to Michigan in 1835, at the age of 17 years, and spent the first summer at Lower Ann Arbor, where for a few months he taught school which lie was compelled to abandon from ill health He was one of the large number of men of sterling worth, who came from the East to Michigan when it was an infant State, or, even prior to its assuming the dignity of a State, and who, by their wisdom, enterprise and energy, have developed its wonderful natural resources, until to-day it ranks with the [)roud- est States of the Union. These brave men came to Michigan with nothing to aid them in the conquest of the wilderness save courageous hearts and strong and willing hands. They gloriously conquered, how- ever, and to them is due all honor for the labors so nobly performed, for the solid and sure foundation which they laid of a great Commonweallh. 9 ^ V) a^^'i — %^m'mii> -^M k 6^v mrM^i>^ -4^^5((svS ANDREW PARSONS In the fall of 1835, he explored the Grand River Valley in a frail canoe, the whole lengtli of tlie river, ^» from Jackson to Lake Michigan, and spent tlie following winter as clerk in a store at Prairie Creek, in Ionia, County, and in the spring went to Marshall, where he resided with his brother, the Hon. Luke H. Parsons, also now deceased, until fall, wlien he went to Shia- w"asseCounty,then with Clinton County, and an almost unbroken wilderness and constituting one organized township. In r837 this territory was organized into a county and, at the age of only 19 years, he (An- drew) was elected County Clerk. In 1840, he was elected Register of Deeds, re-elected in 1842, and also in 1844. In 1S46, he was elected to the .State Senate, was appointed Prosecuting Attorney in T848, and elected Regent of the University in 1851, and () Lieutenant (Governor, and became acting Oovernor, ^ in 1853, elected again to tlie Legislature in 1854, and, A^ overcome by debilitated health, hard labor and the =3 responsibilities of his office and cares of his business, ^ retired to his farm, wliere he died soon after. ?^ He was a fluent and persuasive speaker and well jC calculated to make friends of his acquantances. He [( -^ was always true to liis triist, and the whole world could not persuade nor drive liim to do what he con- ceived to be wrong. When Governor, a most power- ful railroad influence was brought to bear ujxjn him, to induce him to call an extra session of the Legisla- ture. Meetings were held in all parts of the .State for that purpose. In some sections the resolutions were of a laudatory nature, intending to make him do their bidding by resort to friendly and flattering words. In other places the resolutions were of a demanding nature, while in others they were threatening 1 eyond measure. Fearing that all these influences might fail to induce him to call the e.\tra session, a large sum of money was sent him, and liberal offers ten- dered him if he would gratify the railroad interest of the State and call the e.xtra session, but, immovable, he returned the money and refused to receive any favois, whether from any party who would at- tempt to corrupt him by laudations, liberal offers, or (f) by threats, and in a short letter to the people, after giving overwhelming reasons that no sensible man could dispute, showing the circumstances were not "e.vtraordinary," he refused to call the extra session. This brought down the wrath of various parties upon his head, but they were soon forced to acknowledge the wisdom and the justice of hii? course. One of his greatest enemies said, after a long acquaintance: "though not always coinciding with his views 1 never doubted his honesty of purpose. He at all times sought to perform his duties in strict accordance, with the dictates of his conscience, and the behests of his oath." The following eulogium from a [lolitcal op- ponent is just in its conception and creditable to its author: "Gov. Parsons was a politician of the Dem- ocratic school, a man of pure moral character, fixed and exemplary habits, and entirely blameless in every public and private relation of life. As a politician he was candid, frank and free from bitterness, as an ex- ecutive officer firm, constant and reliable." The highest commendations we can pay the deceased is to give his just record, — that of being an honest man. In the spring of 1854, during the administration of Governor Parsons, the Republican party, at least as a .State organization, was first formed in the Ihiited States " under the oaks " at Jackson, by anti-slavery men of both the old parties. Great excitement pre- vailed at this time, occasioned by the settling of Kansas, and the issue thereby brought u|), whether slavery should exist there. For the purpose of permit- ting slavery there, the " Missouri compromise " (which limited slavery to the south of 36" 30) was re- repealed, under the leadership of Stephen .X, Douglas, riiis was repealed by a bill admitting Kansas and Nebraska into the Union, as Territories, and those who were opposed to this repeal measure were in short called "anti-Nebraska" men. The epithets, "Ne- braska" and "anti-Nebraska," were temporally em- ployed to designate the slavery and anti-slavery parties, pending the desolution of the old Democratic and Whig parties and the organization of the new Democratic and Republican parties of the present. 9 I ^^/^^^^^ i ^ GO VERNORS OF MICHIGAN. % — — ^ M KiNSLRY S. BlNOHAM. 1 1=3 t iNSLEY s. binc;ham, : W Governor of Michigan from ■ "" 1855 to 1859, and United States Senator, was born in Camilhis, Onondaga County, N. v., Dec. 16, 1808. His father was a farmer, and his own early Hfe was consequently de- voted to agricultural pursuits, but notwithstanding the disadvan- tages related to the acquisition \ '^ of knowledge in the life of a farmer he managed to secure a good aca- demic education in his native State and studied law in the office of Gen. James R. Lawrence, now of Syracuse, N. Y. In the spring of 1833, he married an estimable lady who had recentl\- arrived from Scot- land, and obeying the impulse of a naturally enterprising disposition, he emigrated to Michigan and purchased a new farm in company with his brother-in-law, Mr. Robert Worden, in Green Oak, Livingston County. Here, on the border of civilization, buried in the primeval for- est, our late student commenced the arduous task of preparing a future home, clearing and fencing, put- ting up buildings, etc., at such a rate that the land chosen was soon reduced to a high state of cultivation. Becoming deservedly prominent, Mr. Bingham was elected to the office of Justice of the Peace and Post- master under the Territorial government, and was the first Probate Judge in the county. In the year 1836, when Michigan became a State, he was elected to the first Legislature. He was four times re-elected, and Speaker of the House of Representatives three years. In 1S46 he was elected on the Democratic ticket, Re[> resentative to Congress, and was the only practical farmer in that body. He was never forgetful of the interest of agriculture, and was in particular opiX)sed to the introduction of " Wood's Patent Cast Iron Plow " which he completely prevented. He was re- elected to Congress in r848, during which time he strongly opposed the extension of slavery in the territory of the United States and was committed to and voted for the Wilmot Proviso. In r854, at the first organization of the Republican party, in conse(iuence of his record in Congress as a Free Soil Democrat, Mr. Bingham was nominated and elected Governor of the State, and re-elected in 1856. Still faithful to the memory of his own former occupation, he did not forget the farmers during his administration, and among other profits of his zeal in their behalf, he became mainly instrumental in the establishment of the Agricultural College at Lansing. In 1^59, Governor Bingham was elected Senator in Congress and took an active part in the stormy cam- paign in the election of Abraham Lincoln. He wit- i 3=3 ^ ®))^^^'^ .^^^A <^Dii$^iin^ r^ §^^(®y" KINSLEY S. BINGHAM. 1 nessed the commencement of the civil war while a member of the United States Senate. After a com- paratively short life of remarkable promise and pub- lic activity he was attacked with appoplexy and died suddenly at his residence, in Green Oak, Oct. 5, 1861. The most noticable event in Governor Bingham's first term was the completion of the ship canal, at the Falls of St. Mary. In 1852, August 26, an act of Congress was approved, granting to the Slate of Mich- igan seven hundred and litty thousand acres of land for the purpose of constructing a ship canal between Lakes Huron and Superior. In 1853, the Legislature accepted the grant, and provided tor the appointment of commissioners to select the donated lands, and to arrange for building the canal. A company of enter- prising men was formed, and a contract was entered into by which it was arranged that the canal should be finished in two years, and the work was pushed rapidly forward. Every article of consumption, ma- chinery, working implements and materials, timber for the gates, stones for the locks, as well as men and supplies, had to be transported to the site of the canal from Detroit, Cleveland, and other lake ports. The rapids which had to be surmounted have a fall of seventeen feet and are about one mile long. The length of the canal is less than one mile, its width one hundred feet, depth twelve feet and it has two locks of solid masonary. In May, 1855, the work was com- pleted, accepted by the commissioners, and formally delivered to the State authorities. The disbursements on account of the construction of the canal and selecting the lands amounted to one million of dollars ; while the lands which were as- signed to the company, and selected through the agency at the Sault, as well as certain lands in the Upper and Lower Peninsulas, filled to an acre the Government grant. The opening of the canal was an important event in the history of the improvement of the State. It was a valuable link in the chain of lake commerce, and particularly important to the interests of the LTpper Peninsula. There were several educational, charitable and re- formatory institutions inaugurated and opened during Gov. Bingham's administrations. The Michigan Ag- ricultural College owes its establishment to a provision of the State Constitution of 1850. Article 13 says, " The Legislature shall, as soon as practicable, pro- vide for the establishment of an agricultural school." For the purpose of carving into practice this provision, legislation was commenced in 1855, and the act re- quired that the school should be within ten miles of Lansing, and that not more than $15 an acre should be paid for the farm and college grounds. The col- lege was opened to students in May, 1857, the first of existing argricultural colleges in the United States, Until the spring of i86i,«it was under the control of the State Board of Education; since that time it has been under the management of the State Board @! }f\®^^^^ ■A^DIl^Olli^ of .\griculture, which was created for that purpose. In its essential features, of combining study and labor, and of uniting general and professional studies in its course, the college has remained virtually un- changed from the first. It has a steady growth in number of students, in means of illustration and efficiency of instruction. The Agricultural College is three miles east of Lansing, comprising several fine buildings; and there are also very beautiful, substantial residences for the professors. There are also an extensive, well-filled green-house, a very large and well-equipped chemical laboratory, one of the most scientific apiaries in the United States, a general museum, a meseuni of me- chanical inventions, another of vegetable products, extensive barns, piggeries, etc., etc., in fine trim for the purposes designed. The farm consists of 676 acres, of which about 300 are undei" cultivation in a systematic rotation of crops. Adrian College was established by the Wesleyan Methodists in 1859, now under the control of the Methodist Church. The grounds contain about 20 acres. There are four buildings, capable of accom- modating about 225 students. Attendance in 1875 was 179; total number of graduates for previous year, 121 ; ten professors and teachers are enqiloyed. Ex- clusive of the endowment fund ($80,000), the assets of the institution, including grounds, buildings, furni- ture, apparatus, musical instruments, outlying lands, etc., amount to more than $137,000. Hillsdale College was established in 1855 by the Free Baptists. The Michigan Central College, at Spring Arbor, was incorporated in 1845 It was kept in operation until it was merged into the present Hillsdale College. The site comprises 25 acres, beautifully situated on an eminence in the western part of the city of Hillsdale. The large and impos- ing building first erected was nearly destroyed by fire in 1874, and in its place five buildings of a more modern style have been erected. They are of brick, three stories with basement, arranged on three sides of a quadrangle. The size is, respectively, 80 by 80, 48 by 7 2, 48 by 7 2, 80 by 60, 52 by 72, and they con- tain one-half more room than the original buildmg. The State Reform School. This was established at Lansing in 1855, in the northeastern ]X)rtionof the city, as the House of Correction for Juvenile Of- fenders, having about it many of the features of a prison. In 1859 the name was changed to the State Reform School. The government and dicipline, have undergone many and radical changes, until all the prison features have been removed except those that remain in the walls of the original structure, and which remain only as monuments of instructive his- tory. No bolts, bars or guards are employed. The inmates are necessarily kept under the surveillance of officers, but the attempts at escape are much fewer than under the more rigid regime of former days. n£> (', is 'P^S^. > f OSES WISNER. Governor of '-'^_^ Michigan from 185910 1861, I ,:)f'\vas horn in Springport, Cayu- gJ] ga Co., N Y., June 3, 1815. ^^Sli His early education was only what could be obtained at a ^common school. .Agricultural labor and frugality of his parents gave him a physical constitution of unus- h ual strength and endurance, which Swas ever preserved by temperate hab- its. In 1837 he emigrated to Michi- an and purchased a farm in Lapeer County It was new land and he at $,-k once set to work to clear il and i)lant ■* crops. He labored diligently at his task for two years, when he gave up the idea of neing a farmer, and removed to Pontiac, Oakland Co. Here he commenced the study of law in the office of his brother, George \V. Wisner, and Rufus Hosmer In 1841 he was admitted to the bar and established himself in his new vocation at the village of Lapeer. While there he was apppointed by Gov. Woodbridge Prosecuting Attorney for that county, in which capacity he acquitted, himself well and gave promise of that eminence he afterward at- tained in the profession. He remained at Lapeer but a short time, renroving to Pontiac, where he became a member of a firm and entered fully upon the practice. In politics he was like his talented brother, a Whig of the Henry Clay stamp, but with a decided anti- slaver) bias. His practice becoming extensive, he took little part in politics until after the election of Mr. Pierce to the Presidency in 1S52, wlien lie took an active part against slavery. As a lawyer he was a man of great ability, but relied less upon mere book learning than upon his native good sense. Liberal and courteous, was he yet devoted to the interest of his client, and no facts escaped his attention or his memory which bore upon the case. He was no friend of trickei)' or artifice in conducting a case As an ad- vocate he had few equals. When fully aroused by the merits of his subject his eloquence was at once grace- ful and powerful. His fancies supplied the most original, the most ix)inted illustrations, and his logic became a battling giant under whose heavy blows the adversary shrank and withered. Nature had be- stowed upon him rare qualities, and his powers as a ]X)pular orator were of a high order. On the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854, reiiealing the Missouri compromise andoiiening the Territories to slavery, he was among the foremost in Michigan to denounce the shamful scheme. He actively participated in organizing and consolidating the elements opposed to it in that State, and was a member of the popular gathering at Jackson, in July, 1854, which was the first formal Republican Conven- tion held in the United States. At this meeting the name " Republican " was adopted as a designation of the new party consisting of Anti-slavery, Whigs, Liberty men. Free Soil Democrats and all others dp- posed to the extension of slavery and favorable to its expulsion from the Territories and the District of Columbia. At this convention Mr. W. was urged to acceyrt the nomination for Attorney General of the I ^=^^^ @r^Il!l®D(li^ w MOSF.S n'JSNF.R. ^^^^^\^0i :^o V I State, but declined. An entire State ticket was nom- inated and at the annual election in November was elected 1>\ an average majority ol nearly 10,000. Mr. \\'. was enthusiastic in the cause and brought to its support all his personal influence and talents. In his views he was bold and radical. He believed from the beginning that the political power of the slave- holders would have to be overthrown before quiet could be secured to the country. In the Presidential canvass of 1856 he supported the Fremont, or Re- publican, ticket. At the session of the Legislature of 1857 he was a candidate for United States Senator, and as such received a very handsome svipport. In 1858, he was nominated for Governor of the State by the Republican convention that met at De- troit, and at the subsequent November election was chosen by a very large majority. Before the day of the election he had addressed tlie people of almost every county and his majority was greater even than that of his popular predecessor, Hon. K. S. Bingham. He served as Clovernor two years, from Jan. i, 1859, to ]ax\. I, 1 86 1. His first message to the Legislature was an able and statesman-like production, and was read with usual favor. It showed that he was awake to all the interests of the State and set forth an en- lightened State policy, that had its view of the rapid settlement of our uncultivated lands and the devel- opment of our immense agricultural and mineral re- sources. It was a dotument that retlecled the higliest credit upon the author. His term having expired Ian. i, 186 [, he returned to his home in Pontiac, and to the practice of his profession. There were those in the State who counselled the sending of delegates to the peace con- ference at Washington, but Mr. VV. was opposed to all such tentporizing expedients. His counsel was to send no delegate, but to prepare to fight. After Congress had met and passed the necessary legislation he resolved to take part in the war. In the spring and summer of 1862 he set to work to raise a regiment of infantry, chiefly in Oakland County, where he resided. His regiment, the 22d Michigan, was armed and equipped and ready to march in September, a regiment whose solid quali- ties were afterwards proven on many a bloody field. Col. Ws. commission bore the date of Sept. 8, 1 862. Before parting with his family he made his will. His regiment was sent to Kentucky and quartered at Camp Wallace. He had at the breaking out of the war turned his attention to military studies .uui Ije- came proficient in tlie ordinary rules and discipline. His entire attention was now devoted to his duties. His treatment of his men was kind, thougji his disci- pline was rigid. He possessed in an eminent degree the spirit of command, and had he lived he would no doubt liave distinguished himself as a good officer. He was impatient of delay and chafed at l)eing kept in Kentucky where there was so little prospect of getting at the enemy. Hut life in cam so different from the one he had been leading, and his incessant labors, coupled with that impatience which was so natural and so general among the vol- unteers in the early |>art of the war, soon made their influence felt upon his health. He was seized with typhoid fever and removed to a private house near Lexington. Every care which medical skill or the hand of friendship could bestow was rendered him. In the delirious wanderings of his mind he was dis- ciplining his men and urging them to be prepared for an encounter with the enemy, enlarging upon the jus- tice of their cause and the necessity of their crush- ing the Rebellion. But the source of his most poig- nant gnet was the jirospect of not being able to come to a hand-to-hand encounter with the "chivalry." He was proud of his regiment, and felt that if it could find the enemy it would cover itself with glory, — a distinction it afterward obtained, but not until Col W. was no more. The malady bafiled all medical treat- ment, and on the 5th day of Jan., 1S63, he breathed his last. His remanis were removed to Michigan and interred in the cemetery at Pontiac, where they rest by the side of the brave (ien. Richardson, who re- ceived his mortal wound at tlie battle of Antietam. Col. W. was no adventurer, although he was doubtless ambitious of military renown and would have striven for it with characteristic energy. He went to the war to defend and uphold the principles he had so much at heart. Few men were more familiar than he with the causes and the underlying principles that led to the contest. He left a wife, who was a daughter of Ctcu. C. C. Hascall, of Flint, and four children to mourn his loss. Toward them he ever showed the tenderest regard. Next to his duty their love and welfare engrossed his thoughts. He was kind, gen- erous and brave, and like thousands of others he sleeps the sleep of the martyr for his country. (^ ^ ^' m^<> A. .^f^^ri ^> GO VERNORS OF MICHIGAN. ^— '45 % 1) V -^ v^ ;f. • ■ \r^P2)''"-'^--'*'--'^'"^«-'*'--'l^'-'^'''-'fe"t>d-».tv;K-A . '-J- m USTIN ULAIR, Governor of Micliigan from Jan. 2, i86r, to Jan. 4, 1865, and kown as the War (iovernor, is and illustration of the benifi- cent influence of republican in- stitutions, having inherited neith- er fortune nor fame. He was born in a log caliin at Caroline, Tomp- kins Co., N. Y., Feb. 8, 181 8. His ancestors came from Scot- land in the time of Ceorge I, and for many generations followed the W pursuit of agriculture. His father, I George Blair, settled in Tompkins County in i8og, and felled the trees and erected the first cabin in the county. The last 60 of the four- sc'ore years of his life were spent on that spot. He married Rhoda Beackman, who now sleeps with him in the soil of the old homestead. The first 17 years of Mr. Blair's life were spent there, rendering his father what aid he could upon the farm. He then spent a year and a half in Cazenovia Seminary pre- paring for college; entered Hamilton College, in Clinton, prosecuted his studies initil the middle of the junior year, when, attracted by the fame of Dr. Nott, he changed to Union College, from whicli he graduated in the class of 1839. Upon leaving col- lege Mr. Blair read law two years in the office of Sweet & Davis, Oswego, N Y., and was admitted to practice in 1841, and the same year moved to Michigan, locat ^^$^#« ^ ^T-. Q^^m w^'^>^^^ ing in Jackson. During a temporary residence in Eaton Rapids, in 1842, he was elected Clerk of Eaton County. At the close of the official term he returned to Jackson, and as a Whig, zealously espoused the cause of Henry Clay in the campaign of 1844. Hewas chosen Representative to the Legislature in 1845, at which session, as a member of the Judiciary Committee, he rendered valuable service in the revision of the gen- eral statutes ; also made an able supix)rt in favor of abolishing the color distinction in relation to the elec- tive franchise, and at the same session was active in securing tlie abolition of capital punishment. In 1848 Mr. Blair refused longer to affiliate with the Whig party, because of its refusial to endorse in convention any anti-slavery sentiment. He joined the Free-soil movement, and was a delegate to their convention which nominated Van Buren for President that year. UiX)n the birth of the Republican party at Jackson, in 1854, by the coalition of the Whig and Free-soil elements, Mr. Blair was in full sympathy with the movement, and acted as a memlierof the Committee on Platform. He was elected Prosecuting Attorney of Jackson County in 1852 ; was chosen State Senator two years later, taking his seat with the incoming Re- pulilican administration of 1855, and holding the imsition of parliamentary leader in the Senate. He was a delegate to the National Convention which nominated Abraham Lincoln in i860. Mr. Blair was elected Governor of Michigan in i860, and re- elected in 1862, faithfully and honorably discharging the nrdunns dutio= nf the office during that most mo- ^ X :^ r^^^K — ^v^>ii n;^: n h>T- r2^^^^ -4^^ A [/ST/AT BLAIR. Xvr>.„i^in7' .1^; <:|] n :^ IIDi>^ :svf?^(^ ^V<^^IlIl*^Illl^>r GO VERNORS OF MICHIGAN. -^^^^^M} 149 HENRY K. CBilPO.. > /- ^ s V ■'.3 I ENRY ROWLAND CRAPO, (lovcrnor of Michigan from ';4S"'iS65 to 1869, was born May 24, 1804, at Dartmouth, Bris- ~i~. tol C"o., Mass., and died at Flint, Mich., July 22, 1869. He was the eldest son of Jesse and Phctlie (Rowland) Crapo. His fatlier was of French descent and was very poor, sustaining his family by tlie cultivation of a farm in Dartmouth township, which yielded nothing beyond a mere livelihood. His early life was consequently one (5if3 of toil and devoid of advantages for i intellectual culture, but his desire for an education seemed to know no bounds. The in- cessant toil for a mere subsistence upon a compara- tively sterile farm, had no charm for him ; and, longing for greater usefulness and better things, he looked for ihem in an education. His struggles to secure this end necessitated sacrifices and hardships that would have discouraged any but the most courageous and persevering. He liecame an ardent student and worker from his boyhood, though the means of carry- ing on his studies were e.xceedingly limited. He sorely felt the need of a dictionary; and, neither having money wherewith to purchase it, nor being able to |)rocure one in his neighliorliood, he set out to compile one for himself. In order to acquire a knowledge of the English language, he copied into a book every word whose meaning he did not comprehend, and upon meeting the same word again in the newspapers an-£^^ ^sj^^n ^^^ -^^^ — 6V4^tl 11^:11 llf>r ^ -#^f®A-^ HENRY ROWLAND CRAPO. :0 1 V a severe examination. Receiving a certificate that lie was qualified, he walked back to his home the same night, highly elated in being possessed of the acquirements and requirements of a master of the high school. In 1832, at the age of 28 years, he left his native town and went to reside at New Bedford, where he followed the occupation of land surveyor, and oc- casionally acted as an auctioneer. Soon after becom- ing a citizen of this place, he was elected Town Clerk, Treasurer, and Collector of ta.xes, which office he held until the municipal government was changed, — about fifteen years, — when,- upon the inauguration of the city government, he was elected Treasurer and Collector of taxes, a position which he held two or three years. He was also Justice of the Peace for many years. He was elected Alderman of New Bedford ; was Chairman of Council Committee on Education, and as such prepared a report ujwn which was based the order for the establishment of the free Public Library of New Bedford. On its organization, Mr. Crapo was chosen a member of the Board of Trustees. This was the first free public lil.irary in Massachusetts, if not in the world. The Boston Free Library was es- tablished, however, soon afterwards. While a resident in New Bedford, he was much interested in horticul- ture, and to obtain the land necessary for carrying out his ideas he drained and reclaimed several acres of rocky and swampy land adjoining his garden. Here he started a nursery, which he filled with almost every description of fruit and ornamental trees, shrubs, flowers, etc. In this he was very successful and took great pride. He was a regularcontributorto the New England Horticultural Journal, a position he filled as long as he lived in Massachusetts. As an indica- tion of the wide reputation he acipiired in that field of labor, it may be mentioned that after his death an affecting eulogy to his memory was pronounced by the President of the National Horticultural Society at its meeting in Philadeliihia, in iS^g. During his resi- dence in New Bedford, Mr. Crapo was also engaged in the whaling business. .\ fine barque built at Dart- mouth, of which he was part owner, was named tlie "H. H. Crapo" in compliment to him. Mr. C. also took [)art in the State Militia, and for several years held a commission as Colonel of one of the regiments. He was President of the Bristol County Mutual Fire Insurance Co., and Secretary of the Bedford Conmiercial Insurance Company in New Bedford; and while an officer of the municipal gov- ernment hecompiled and published, between the years 1S36 and 1845, fi^*^ numbers of the New Bedford Directory, the first work of the kind ever published there. Mr. C. removed to Michigan in 1856, having been induced to do so by investments made principallv in pine lands, first in 1837 and subsequently in 1856. He took up his residence in the city of Flint, and en- gaged largely in the manufacture and sale of lumber at Flint, Kentonville, Holly and Detroit, becoming one of the largest and most successful business men of the State. He was mainly instrumental in the construction of the Flint & Holly R. R., and was President of that corporation until its consolidation with the Flint & Pere Marquette R. R. Company. He was elected iSLayor of that city after he had been a resident of the [ilace only five cr six years. Li 1862 he was elected Stale Senator. In the fall of 1864 he received the nomination on the Republican ticket forCioveriior of the State, and was elected by a large majority. He was re-elected in 1866, holding the office two terms, and retiring in January, 1869, having given the greatest satisfaction to all parties. While serving his last term he was attacked with a disease which terminated his life within one year afterwards. During much of this time he was an in- tense sufferer, yet often while in great pain gave his attention to jiublic matters. A few weeks previous to his death a successful surgical operation was jier- formed which seemed rapidly to restore him, but he overestimated his strength, and by too much exertion in business matters and State affairs suffered arelapse from which there was no rebound, and he died July il., 1869. Li the early part of his life. Gov. Crapo affiliated with the \Vhig party in politics, Init became an active member of the Republican party after its organization. He was a member of the Christian (sometimes called the Disciples') Church, and took great interest in its welfare and prosperity. Mr. C. married, June 9, 1S25, Mary A. Slocum, of Dartmouth. His marriage took place soon after he had attained his majority, and before his struggles with fortune had lieen rewarded with any great meas- ure of success. But his wife was a woman of great strength of character and possessed of courage, hope- fulness and devotion, qualities which sustained and encouraged h.er husband in the various pursuits of his early years. For several years after his marriage he was engaged in teaching school, his wife living with her parents at the time, at whose home his two older children were born. While thus situated he was accustomed to walk home on Saturday to see his family, returning on Sunday in order to be ready for school Monday morning. As the walk for a good part of the time was 20 miles each way, it is evident that at that period of his life no common obstacles deterred him from performing what he regarded as. a duty. His wife was none the less consci- entious in her sphere, and with added responsibilities and increasing reipiirements she labored faithfully in the perfonnance of all her duties. They had ten children, one son and nine daughters. His son, Hon. \\m. W. Crapo, of New Bedford, is now an honored Representative to Congress from the First Congressional District of Massachusetts. €- 9 'A ■^ r ■^^^^^ %^^llll'^1lti;i>-^-^ .-^s^C^^ ^^;^ «^«-x«Jl£a'®f£- l^gP^ <"'^'**"S«'©^SWJ3Wn~%Sf ) ENRY P. BALDWIN, Gov- ernor of Michigan from Jan. 1869, to Jan. I, 1873, is a lineal descendant of Nathan- iel Baldwin, a Puritan, of Buck- inghamshire, England, who set- tled at Milford, Conn., in 1639. His father was John Baldwin, a graduate of Dartmouth Col- lege. He died at North Provi- dence, R. I., in 1826. His paternal grandfather was Rev. Moses Baldwin, a graduate of Princeton College, in 1757, and the first who received collegiate hon- ors at that ancient and honored institution. He died at Parma, Mass., in 1813, where for more than 50 years he had been pastor of the Presbyterian Church. On his mother's side Governor B. is descended from Robert Williams, also a Puritan, who settled in Rox- l)ury, Mass., about 1638. His mother was a daughter of Rev. Nehemiah Williams, a graduate of Harvard College, who died at Brimfield, Mass., in 1796, where tor 21 years he was pastor of the Congregationalist Church. The subject of this sketch was born at Coventry, R. I., Feb. 22, 18 14. He received a New England common-school education until the age of 12 years, when, both his parents having died, he be- came a clerk in a mercantile establishment. He re- mained there, employing his leisure hours in studv, ^ until 20 years of age. "1 At this early period Mr. B. engaged in business on }.^ his own account. He made a visit to the West, in ;^) 1837) which resulted in his removal to Detroit in the ^ spring of 1838. Here he established a mercantile "^ house which has been successfully conducted until the present time. Although he successfully conducted ? ^ a large business, he has ever taken a deep interest in all things affecting the prosperity of the city and State of his adoption. He was for several years a Director and President of the Detroit Young Men's Society, an institution with a large library designed for the benefit of young men and citizens generally. .\n Episcopalian in religious belief, he has been prominent in home matters connected with that de- nomination. The large and flourishing parish of St. John, Detroit, originated with Governor Baldwin, who gave the lot on which the parish edifice stands, and also contributed the larger share of the cost of their erection. Governor B. was one of the foremost in the establishment of St. Luke's Hospital, and has always been a liberal contributor to moral and relig- ious enterprises whether connected with his own Church or not. There have been, in fact, but few public and social improvements of Detroit during the past 40 years with which Governor B.'s name is not in some way connected. He was a director in the Michigan State Bank until the expiration of its char- ter, and has been President of the Second National Bank since its organization. In 1S60, Mr. Baldwin was elected to the State Senate, of Michigan ; during the years of iS6i-'2 he was made Chairman of the Finance Committee, a member of Committee on Banks and Incorporations, Chairman of the Select Joint Committee of the two Houses for the investigation of the Treasury Depart- ment and the official acts of the Treasurer, and of the letting of the contract for the improvement f>f Sault St. Marie Ship Canal. He was first elected Governor in 1868 and was re-elected in 1870, serving from 1S69 to 1872, inclusive. It is no undeserved eulogy to say that Governor B.'s happy faculty of es- timating the necessary means to an end — the knowing of how much effort or attention to bestow upon the thing in hand, has been the secret of the uniform o, ^ ^ (^ ^[\®^^0^ _Nrn>, /'^,Tjfi:^_ -^^Il!l^lltlf> -iVo- -4^^^(®>ite 154 • ;^ rC>BP^IDy> HENR V p. BALD WIN. -2K«^^^ -*'f?;g^^ ^^^ success that has attended his efforts in all relations of life. The same industry and accuracy that dis- tinguished him prior to this term as Governor was manifest in his career as the chief magistrate of the State, and while his influence appears in all things with which he has had to do, it is more noticeable in the most prominent position to which he was called. With rare exceptions the important commendations of Governor B. received the sanction of the Legislat- ure. During his administration marked improve- ments were made in the charitable, penal and reforma- tory institutions of the State. The State Public School for dependent cliildren was founded and a permanent commission for the supervision of the several State institutions. The initiatory steps toward building the Eastern Asylum for the Insane, the State House of Correction, and the establishment of the State Board of Health were recommended by Governor B. in his messa;j,e of 1873. The new State C'apitol also owes its origen to him. The appropriation for its erection was made u])on his recommendation, and the contract for the entire work let under this administration. Governor B. also appointed the commissioners under whose faithful supervision the building was erected in a manner most satisfactory to the people of the State. He advised and earnestly urged at different times such amendments of the constitution as would per- mit a more equitable compensation to State officers and judges. Thelaw of 1869, and prior also, permitting municipalities to vote aid toward the construc- tion of railroads was, in 1870, declared unconstitu- tional by the Supreme Court. Many of the munici- palities having in the meantime issued and sold their bonds in good faith. Governor B. felt that the lionor and credit of the State were in jeopardy. His sense of justice impelled him to call an extra session of the Legislature to propose the submission to the people a constitutional amendment, authorizing the payment of such bonds as were already in tlie hands of hona- fidc holders. In his special message he says : "The credit of no State stands liigher than that of Michigan, and the people can not afford, and I trust will not consent, to have her good name tarnished by the repu- diation of either legal or moral obligations." A spe- cial session was called in March, 1872, principally for the division of the State into congressional districts. A number of other important suggestions were made, however, and as an evidence of the Governor's la- borious and thoughtful care for the financial condition of the State, a series of tables was prepared and sub- mitted by him showing, in detail, estimates of receipts, expenditures and appropriations for the years 1872 to 1878, inclusive. Memorable of Governor B.'s admin- istration were the devastating fires which swept over many portions of the Northwest in the fall of 187 i. A large part of the city of Chicago having been re- duced to ashes, Governor B. promptly issued a proc- lamation calling ufjon the people of Michigan for liberal aid in behalf of the afflicted city. Scarcely had this been issued when several counties in his State were laid waste by the same destroying element. A second call was made asking assistance for the suf- fering people of Michigan. The contributions for these objects were prompt and most liberal, more than :«!7oo,ooo having been received in money and supplies lor the relief of Michigan alone. So ample were these contributions during the sliort period of about 3 months, that the Ciovernor issued a proclamation expressing in behalf of the people of the State grate- ful acknowldgment, and announcing that further aid was unnecessary. Governor B. has traveled extensively in his own country and has also made several visits to Europe and other portions of the Old World. He was a pas- senger on the Steamer Arill, which was captured and bonded in the Carribean Sea, in December, 1862, by Capt. Semmes, and wrote a full and interesting ac- count of the transaction. The following estimate of Governor B. on his retirement from office, by a leading news])aper, is not overdrawn: "The retiring message of Governor B., will be read with interest. It is a characteristic document and possesses the lucid statement, strong, and clear practical sense, which have been marked features of all preceding documents from the same source. Governor B. retired to private life after four years of unusually successful adminis- tration amid plaudits that are universal throughout the State. For many years eminent and capable men have filled the executive chair of this State, but in painstaking vigilance, in stern good sense, in genuine public spirit, in thorough integrity and in practical capacity, Henry P. Baldwin has shown himself to be the peer of any or all of them. The State has been un- usually prosperous during his two terms, and the State administration has fully ke|;)t pace with the needs of the times. The retiring Governor has fully earned the pubhc gratitude and confidence which he to-day possesses to such remarkable degree." ^ 9 s ^ ^ Sua-^^'Y^' ^ y J ^ -^ ,/ -'.X ^ OHN JUDSON BAGLEY, ■^^ Governor of Michigan from if^7 3 to 1877, was born in Medina, Orleans Co., N. V., July 24, 1832. His father, John Bagley, was a native of New Hampshire, his motiier, Mary M. Bagley, of Connecticut. He at- tended the district school of Lock- ' *^ port, N. Y., until he was eight years old, at which time his father moved to Constantine, Mich., and he at- tended the common schools of that village. His early experience was like that of many country boys whose parents removed from Eastern States to the newer portion of the West. His father being in very poor circum- stances, Mr. B. was obliged to work JuMu as soon as he was able to do so. wij( Leaving school when 13 years of age he entered a country store in Constan- j?j tine as clerk. His father tjien re- Lj,|) moved toOwosso, Mich.,and he again I engaged as clerk in a store. From early youth Mr. B. was extravagantly fond of reading and devoted every leisure moment to the perusal of such books, papers and periodicals as came within his reach. In 1847, he removed to Detroit, where he secured employment in a tobacco manufactory and remained in this [X)sition for about five years. In 1853, he began business for himself in the man- ufacturing of tobacco. His establishment has become one of the largest of the kind in the West. Mr. B. has also been greatly interested in other manufactur- ing enterprises, as well as in mining, banking and in- surance corporations. He was President of the Detroit Safe Company for several years. He was one of the organizers of the Michigan Mutual Life Insur- ance Company of Detroit, and was its President from 1867 to 1872. He was a director of the Amer- ican National Bank for many years, and a stock- holder and director in various other corporations. Mr. B. was a member of the Board of Education two years, and of the Detroit Common Council the same length of time. In 1865 he was appointed by Gover- nor Crapo one of the first commissioners of the Metropolitian police force of the city of Detroit, serv- ing six years. In November, 1872, he was elected Governor of Michigan, and two years later was re- elected to the same office, retiring in January, 1877. He was an active worker in the Republican party, and for many years was Chairman of the Republican State Central committee. Governor Bagley was quite liberal in his religious views and was an attendant of the Unitarian Church. He aimed to be able to hear and consider any new thought, from whatever source itmay come, but was not bound by any religious creed or formula. He held in respect all religious opinions, believing that no one can be injured by a firm adherence to a faith or de- nomination. He was married at Dubuque, Iowa, Jan. 16, 1855, to Frances E. Newberry, daughter of Rev. Samuel Newberry, a pioneer missionary of Michigan, who took an active part in the early educational mat- ters of the State and in the establishment of its ex- cellent system of education. It was principally c> I i «;. ( ^ i^%^ A^ mmm^ XX -^^ 1^^ '58 JOHN J. BAGLEY. ) ^ % > ^ I through his exertions that the State University was founded. Mr. B.'s family consists of seven children. As Governor his administration was charac- terized by several important features, chief among which were his efforts to improve and make popular the educational agencies of the State by increasing the faculty of the University for more thorough in- struction in technicalstudies,by strengthening the liold of the Agricultural ("ollege uix)n the public good will and making the general change which has manifested itself in many scattered primary districts. Among others were an almost complete revolution in the management of the penal and charitable institutions of the State; the passage of the liipior-ta.x law, taking the place of the dead letter of prohibition; the estab- lishing of the system of dealing with juvenile offend- ers through county agents, which has proved of great good in turning the young back from crime and plac- ing the State in the attitude of a moral agent; in se- curing for the militia the first time in the history of Michigan a systematized organization uix)n a service- able footing. It was ujxDn the suggestion of Gov. B. in the earlier part of his administration that the law creating the State Board of Health, and also the law creating a fish commission in the inland waters of the State, were passed, both of which have proved of great benefit to the State. The successful representation of Michigan at the Centennial Exhibition is also an honorable part of the record uf Gov. B.'s adminis- tration. As Governor, he felt that he represented the State — not in a narrow, egotistical way, but in the same sense that a faithful, trusted, confidential agent rep- resents his employer, and as the Executive of the State he was her " attorney in fact." And his intelli- gent, thoughtful care will long continue the pride of the people he so much loved. He was ambitious — ambitious for place and power, as every noble mind is ambitious, because these give opportunity. How- ever strong the mind and powerful the will, if there be no ambition, life is a failure. He was not blind to the fact that the more we have the more is required of us. He accepted it in its fullest meaning. He had great hopes for his State and his country. He had liis ideas of what they should be. \\'ith a heart as broad as humanity itself; with an intelligent, able and cultured brain, the will and the power to do, he asked his fellow citizen to give him the opportunity to labor for them. Self entered not into the calculation. (?^ i 5^^ His whole life was a battle for others; nnd lie entered- \' tlie conflict eagerly and hopefully. ^ His State papers were models of compact, busi- ^« ness-like statements, bold, original, and brimful of T practical suggestions, and liis administrations will long t6) be considered as among tlie ablest in this or any other State. His noble, generous nature made his innumerable benefactions a source of continuous pleasure. Liter- ally, to him it was " more blessed to give than to receive." His greatest enjoyment was in witnessing the com- fort and happiness of others. Not a tithe of his char- ities were known to his most intimate friends, or even to his family. Many a needy one has been the recipi- ent of aid at an opportune moment, who never knew the hand that gave. At one time a friend had witnessed his ready re- sponse to some charitable request, and said to him : "Governor, you give away a large sum of money ; about how much does your charities amount to in a year?" He turned at once and said: " I do not know, sir; I do not allow myself to know. I hope I gave more this year than I did last, and hope I shall give more next year than I have this." This expressed his idea == of charity, that the giving should at all times be free '^ and spontaneous. During his leasure hours from early life, and espe- ( cially during the last few years, he devoted much time to becoming acquainted with the best authors. Biog- ra])hy was his delight; the last he read was the "Life and Work of John .Adams," in ten volumes. In all questions of business or public affairs he seemed to have the power of getting at the kernel of the nut in the least possible time. In reading he would spend scarcely more time with a volume than most persons would devote to a chapter. After what seemed a cursory glance, he would have all of value the book contained. Rarely do we see a business man so familiar with the best English authors. He was a generous and intelligent patron of the arts, and liis elegant home was a study and a pleasure (^ to his many friends, who always found there a | hearty welcome. At Christmas time he would spend %,^ days doing the work of Santa Claus. Every Christmas 7X eve he gathered his children about him and, taking \l^ the youngest on his lap, told some Ciiristmas story, ^ closing the entertainment with "The Night Before ^J Christmas," or Dickens's " Christmas Carol." ^L A<^o!i^nni^A^ T (^n^M \M\\. ; ^•f««^ z^^K — ^v<^tin^iiiy^^ ) ' ) { i GOVERNORS OF MICHIGAN. ^m CHARLES M. CROSAVELE, ^ HARLES M. CROSWELL, I') (lovernor of Michigan from "Jan. 3, 1877 to Jan. i, 1881, was born at Newburg, Orange County, N. Y., Oct. 31, 1825. He is the only son of John and Sallie (Hicks) Croswell. His father, who was of Scotch-Irish extraction, was a paper-maker, and carried on business in New York City. His ancestors on his mother's side were of Knicker- bocker descent. The Croswell family may be found connected with prominent events, in New York and Connecticut, in the early exis- tence of the Republic. Harry Cros- well, during the administration of I't] President Jefferson, published a pa- per called the Balance^ and was w®' prosecuted for libeling the President 7iM under the obnoxious Sedition Law. 'w' He was defended by the celebrated I Alexander Hamilton, and the decis- ion of the case establised the important ruling that the truth might Ije shown in cases of libel. Another member of the family was Edwin Croswell, tlie fam- ous editor of the Albany Ar^iis ; also, Rev. William Croswell, noted as a divine and poet. When Charles M. Croswell was seven years of age, his father was accidentally drowned in the Hudson River, at Newburg ; and, within three months preced- ing that event, his mother and only sister had died, — thus leaving him the sole surviving member of the family, without fortune or means. Upon the death of his father he went to live with an uncle, who, in 1837, emigrated with him to Adrain, Michigan. At sixteen years of age, he commenced to learn the car- penter's trade, and worked at it very diligently for four years, maintaining himself, and devoting his spare time to reading and the acquirement of knowledge. In 1846, he began the study of law, and was ap- pointed Deputy Clerk of Lenawee County. The du- ties of this office he performed four years, when he was elected Register of Deeds, and was re-elected in 1852. In 1854, betook i)art in the first movements for the formation of the Republican party, and was a member and Secretary of the convetion held at Jack- son in that year, which put in the field the first Re- publican State ticket in Michigan. In 1855, he formed a law partnership with the present Chief-Jus- tice Cooley, which continued until the removal of Judge Cooley to Ann Arbor. In 1862, Mr. Croswell was appointed City Attorney of .'\drian. He was also elected Mayor of the city in the spring of the same year; and in the fall was chosen to represent Lenawee County in the State Senate. He was re-elected to the Senate in 1864, and again in 1866, during each term filling the posi- tions above mentioned. Among various reports made by him, one adverse to the re-establishment of the death penalty, and another against a proposition to pay the salaries of State officers and judges in coin, which then commanded a very large premium, may be mentioned. He also drafted the act ratifying the Thirteenth Amendment to the Federal Constitution, for the abolishment of slavery, it being the first amendment to the instrument ratified by Michigan. In 1863, from his seat in the State Senate, he de- livered an elaborate speech in favor of the Proclama- ^: A^-in a^niif>^ — ^^^^ i^^Jf 5^^ -:2i^^?^ eVC^nD^lll]r>r 162 CHARLES M. CROSWELL. ^^m^^ > A S tion of Emancipation issued by President Lincoln, and of his general [Xjlicy in the prosecution of the war. This, at the request of his Reiniblican associ- ates, was afterwards published. In 1S67, he was elected a member (>( the Constitutional Convention, and chosen its presiding officer. This convention was composed of an able body of men ; and though, in the general distrust of constitutional changes which for some years had been taking possession of the people, their labors were not accepted by the pop- ular vote, it was always conceded that the constitu- tion they proixjsed had been prepared with great care and skill. In 1868, Mr. Croswell was chosen an Elector on the Republican Presidential ticket; in 1872, was elected a Representative to the State Legislature from Lenawee County, and was chosen !^peaker of the House of Representatives. At the close of the session of that tody his abilities as a parliamentarian, and the fairness of his rulings were freely and form- ally acknowledged by his associates ; and he was pre- sented with a superb collection of their portraits handsomely framed. He was, also, for several years, Secretary of the State Board for the general supervis- ion of the charitable and penal institutions of Michi- gan; in which position, his propositions for the amel- ioration of the condition of the unfortunate, and the reformation of the criminal classes, signalize the be- nevolence of his nature, and the practical character of his mind. In 1876, the general voice of the Republicans of the State indicted Mr. Croswell as their choice for Governor; and, at the State Convention of the party in .\ugust of the same year, he was put in nomination by acclamation, without the formality of a ballot. .At the election in November following, he was chosen to the high position for which he had been nominated, by a very large majority over all opposing candidates. His inaugural message was received with general favor; and his career as Governor was marked with the same qualities of head and heart that have ever distinguished him, both as a citizen and statesman. Governor Groswell has always prepared his ad- dresses with care ; and, as his diction is terse, clear, and strong, without e.xcess of ornament, and his de- liver)- impressive, he is a popular speaker; and many of his speeches have attracted favorable comment in the public prints, and have a permanent value. He has always manifested a deep interest in educational matters, and was for years a member and Secretary of the Board of Education of .\drain. .\t the formal opening of the Central School building in that city, ou the 24th day of April, 1869, he gave, in a public address, an " Historical Sketch of the Adrian Public Schools." In his private life. Governor Croswell has been as exemplary as in his public career he has been suc- cessful and useful. In February, 1S52, he was mar- ried to a daughter of Morton Eddy, Lucy M. Eddy, a lady of many amiable and sunny qualities. She suddenly died, March 19, 1868, leaving two daugh- ters and a sou. Ciovernor Croswell is not a member of any religious body, but generally attends the Pres- byterian Church. He pursues the profession of law, but of late has been occupied mainly in the care of his own interests, and the quiet duties of advice in business difficulties, for which his unfailing pru- dence and sound judgment eminently fit him. Gov- ernor Croswell is truly jiopular, not only with those of like political faith with himself, but with those who differ from him in this regard. During Gov. Croswell's administration the public debt was greatly reduced ; a policy adopted requiring the State institutions to keep within the limit of ap- propriations; laws enacted to provide more effectually for the punishment of corruption and bribrery in elec- tions; the State House of Correction at Ionia and the Eastern Asylum for the Insane at Pontiac were opened, and the new capital at Lansing was completed and occupied. The first act of his second term was to pre- side at the dedication of this buildiiig The great riot at Jackson occured during his administration, and it was only bv his promptness that great distruction of both life and properly ^ .<= invented at tha" time. (^ ^ GO VERNORS OF MICHIGAN. vxii ; ) >5 1=1 :) ^ 165 »( irn-i)).,.. ^^a.O-lt'i.'Wf DAVID H. JEROME, Gover- Ifoiior of from Jan. i, 1881, to Jan. I, 1883, was born at De- troit, Mich., Nov. 17, 1829. His parents emigrated to Michigan from Trumansburg, Tompkins Co., N. Y., in 1828, locating at Detroit. His father died March 30, 1831, leaving nine children. He had been twice married, and four of the children living at tlie time of his death were grown up sons, the off- spring of his first union. Of the five children by his second marriage, David H. was the youngest. Shortly after Mr. Jerome's death, his widow moved back to New York and settled in Onondaga County near Syracuse, where they remained , until the fall of 1834, the four sons by the first wife continuing their residence in Michigan. In the fall of 1834, Mrs. Jerome came once more to Michigan, locating on a farm in St. Clair County. Here the Governor formed those habits of industry and ster- ling integrity that have been so characteristic of tlie man in the active duties of life. He was sent to the district school, and in the acquisition of tlie funda- mental branches of learning he displayed a precocity and an application which won for him the admiration of his teachers, and always placed him at the head of his classes. In the meantime he did chores on the farm, and was always ready with a cheerful heart and willing hand to assist his widowed mother. The heavy labor of the farm was carried on by his two i Si/ older brothers, Timothy and Cieorge, and when 13 years of age David received his mother's permission to attend school at the St. Clair Academy. While attend- ing there he lived with Marcus H. Miles, now de- ceased, doing chores for his board, and the following winter performed the same service for James Ogden, also deceased. The next summer Mrs. Jerome moved into the village of St. Clair, for the purpose of ^ continuing her son in school. While attending said academy one of his associate students was Sena- tor Thomas W. Palmer, of Detroit, a rival candidate before the gubernatorial convention in 18S0. He completed his education in the fall of his i6th year, and the following winter assisted his brother Timothy Ml hauling logs in the pine woods. The next summer he rafted logs down the St. Clair River to Algonac. In 1847, M. H. Miles being Clerk in St. Clair Coun- ty, and Volney A. Ripley Register of Deeds, David H. Jerome was appointed Deputy to each, remaining as such during 1848-49, and receiving much ])raise from his employers and the people in general for the ability displayed in the discharge of his duties. He spent his summer vacation at clerical work on board the lake vessels. In i84g-'5o, he abandoned office work, and for the proper development of liis physical system spent several months hauling logs. In the spring of 1850, his brother "Tiff" and himself chartered the steamer "Chautauqua," and "Young Dave" became her mas- ter. A portion of the season the boat was engaged in the passenger and freight traffic between Port Huron and Detroit, but during the latter part was used as a tow boat. At that time there was a serious obstruction to navigation, known as the "St. Clair Flats," between Lakes Huron and Erie, over which f&) u mmMi> mi ^^ ^7A VID H. JEROME. ^^f®V^ vessels could carry only about 10,000 bushels of grain. Mr. Jerome conceived the idea of towing vessels from one lake to the other, and put his plan into operation. Through the influence of practical men, — among them the subject of this sketch, — Congress removed the obstruction above referred to, and now vessels can pass them laden with 60,000 or 80,000 bushels of grain. During the season, the two brothers succeeded in making a neat little sum of money by the sum- mer's work, but subsequently lost it all on a contract to raise the "(len. Scott," a vessel that had sunk in Lake St. Clair. David H. came out free from debt, but possessed of hardly a dollar of capital. In the spring of 185 i , he was clerk and acting master of the steamers "Franklin Moore" and "Ruby," plying be- tween Detroit and Port Huron and Goderich. The following year he was clerk of the propeller "Prince- ton." running l)etween Detroit and Buffalo. In January, 1853, Mr. Jerome went to California, by way of the Isthmus, and enjoyed extraordinary success in selling goods in a new place of his selec- tion, among the mountains near Marysville He re- mained there during the sunnner, and located the Live Yankee Tunnel Mine, which has since yielded millions to its owners, and is still a paying investment. He planned and put a tunnel 600 feet into tlie mine, but when the water supply began to fail with the dry season, sold out his interest. He left in the fall of 1853, and in December sailed from San Francisco for New York, arriving at his liome in St. Clair County, about a year after his departure. During his absence his brother "Tiff" had located at Saginaw, ana in 1854 Mr. Jerome joined him in his lumber operations in the valley. In 1855 the brothers bought Black- mer & Eaton's hardware and general supply stores, at Saginaw, and David H. assumed the management of the business. From 1855 to 1873 he was also ex- tensively engaged in lumbering operations. Soon after locating at Saginaw he was nominated for Alderman against Stewart B. Williams, a rising young man, of strong Democratic principles. The ward was largely Democratic, but Mr. Jerome was elected by a handsome majority. When the Repub- lican party was born at Jackson, Mich., David H. Jerome was, though not a delegate to the convention, one of its "charter members." In 1862, he was com- missioned by Gov. Austin Blair to raise one of the six regiments apportioned to the State of Michigan. Mr. Jerome immediately went to work and held meetings at various points. The zeal and enthusiasm displayed by this advocate of the Union awakened a feeling of patriotic interest in the breasts of many brave men, and in a short space of time the 23d Regiment of Michigan Volunteer Infantry was placed in the field, and subsequently gained for itself a liril- liant record. In the fall of 1862, Mr. Jerome was nominated by the Republican party for State Senator from the 26th district, Appleton Stevens, of Bay City, being his op- ponent. The contest was very exciting, and resulted in tlie triumphant election of Mr. Jerome. He was twice renominated and elected both times l)y in- creased majorities, defeating George Lord, of Bay City, and Dr. Cheseman, of Gratiot County. On tak- ing his seat in the Senate, he was appointed Chair- man of the Committee on .State Affairs, and was ac- tive in raising means and troops to carry on the war. He held the same position during his three terms of service, and introduced the bill creating the Soldiers' Home at Harper Hospital, Detroit. He was selected by Gov. Crapo as a military aid, and in 1865 was appointed a member of the State Military Board, and served as its President for eight consecutive years. In 1873, he was appointed by Gov. Bagley a member of the convention to prepare a new State Constitution, and was Chairman of the Committee on Finance. In 1S75, Mr. Jerome was appointed a memberof the Board of Indian Commissioners. In I876 he was Chairman of a commission to visit Chief Joseph, the Nez Perce Indian, to arrange an amicable settlement of all existing difficulties. The commission went to Portland, Oregon, thence to the Blue Hills, in Idaho, a distance of 600 miles up the Columbia River. At the Republican State Convention, convened at Jackson in August, 1880, Mr. Jerome was placed in the field for nomination, and on the 5 th day of the month received the highest, honor the convention could confer on any one. His opponent was Freder- ick M. Holloway, of Hillsdale County, who was sup- ported by the Democratic and Greenback parties. The State was thoroughly canvassed by both parties, and when the polls were closed on the evening of election day, it was found that David H. Jerome had been selected by the voters of the Wolverine State to occupy the highest position within their gift. ^ ^ W^!\m^^-^- ^^'^^ ^^^-^^Dfl'^^ntli^V^ ^""^^ r^ » ^i^3£--*^:2>^^)^w^^^.^-t^ i^),:^/^i))^#^»- T -cr ^ v<>nn^iii^^ T-'rr GOVERNORS OF MICHIGAN 169 T josyya w, EEGtLi, 1 > ) ~> ;< OSIAH \V. BEGOLE, the ;jj» present (1883), Clovenior of ^ Michigan was born in Living- ston, County, N. V., Jan. 20, 18 15. His ancestors were of French descent, and settled at an early period in the State of Maryland. His grandfather, Capt. i BoUes, of that State, was an offi- 'Xfy\ cer in the American army durinjj ' \^ the war of the Revolution. .\l.out » ; M the beginnmg of the present cent- ury both his grandparents, liaving become dissatisfied with the insti- tution of slavery, although slave- \'f holders themselves, emigrated to \ Livingston County, N. Y., then a new country, taking with them a number of their former slaves, who volunteered to accompany them. His father was an officer in the American army, and served during the war of 18 12. Mr. B. received his early education in a log school- house, and subsequently attended the Temple Hill Academy, at Geneseo, N. Y. Being tlie eldest of a family of ten children, whose parents were in moder- ate though comfortable circumstances, he was early taught habits of industry, and when 2 1 years of age, being ambitious to better his condition in life, he re- solved to seek his fortune in the far West, as it was then called. In August, 1836, he left the parental roof to seek a home in tlie Territory of Michigan then an almost unbroken wilderness. He settled in Genesee County, and aided with his own hands in luiilding some of the early residences in what is now known as tlie city of Flint. There were but four or five houses where this flourishing city now stands when he selected it as his home. Li the spring of 1839 he married Miss Harriet A. Miles. The marriage proved a most fortunate one, and to the faithful wife of his youth, who lives to en- joy with him the comforts of an honestly earned com- petence, Mr. Begole ascribes largely his success in life. Immediately after his marriage he commenced work on an unimproved farm, where, by his perse- verance and energy, he soon established a good home, and at the end of eighteen years was the owner of a well improved farm of five hundred acres. Mr. Begole being an anti-slavery man, became a member of the Republican party at its organization. He served his toivnsmen in various offices, and was in 1856, elected County Treasurer, which office he held for eight years. .\t the breaking out of the Rebellion he did not carry a musket to the front, but his many friends will bear witness that he took an active part in recruiting and furnishing supplies for the army, and in looking after the interests of soldiers' families at home. The death of his eldest son near .\tlanta, Ga., by a Confed- rate bullet, in 1864, was the greatest sorrow of his life. When a few years later he was a member in Congress ^ i) T<>DIl^;DDr1>v 170 P <^ JOSIAH W. BEGOLE. Gov. Begole voted and worked for the soldiers' bounty equalization bill, an act doing justice to the soldier who bore the burden and heat of the day, and who should fare equally with him who came in at the eleventh hour. That bill was defeated in the House on account of the large appropriation that would be required to pay the same. In 1870, Gov. Begole was nominated by acclama- tion for the office of State Senator, and elected by a large majority. In that body he served on the Com- mittees of Finance and Railroads, and was Chairman of the Committee on the Institute for the Deaf and Dumb and Blind. He took a liberal and public- spirited view of the importance of a new capitol building worthy of the State, and was an active mem- ber of the Committee that drafted the bill for the same He was a delegate to the National Republi- can Convention held at Philadelphia in 1872, and was the chosen member of that delegation to go to Washington and inform Gen. Grant and Senator Wilson of their nominations. It was while at that convention that, by the express wish of his many friends, he was induced to offer himself a can- didate for the nomination of member to tlie 43d Con- gress, in which he was successful, after competing for the nomination with several of the most worthy, able and experienced men in the Sixth Congressional Dis- trict, and was elected by a very large majority. In Congress, he was a member of the Committee on Agricultural and Public Expenditures. Being one of the 17 farmers in that Congress, he took an. active part in the Committee of Agriculture, and was ap- pointed by that committee to draft the most impor- tant report made by that committee, and upon the only subject recommended by the President in his message, which he did and the report was printed in records of Congress ; he took an efficient though an unobtrusive part in all its proceedings. He voted for the currency bill, remonetization of silver, and other financial measures, many of which, though defeated then, have since become the settled policy of the country. Owing to the position which Mr. Begole occupied on these questions, he became a "Greenbacker." In the Gubernatorip.l election of 1882, Mr. Begole was the candidate of both the Greenback and Dem- ocratic parties, and was elected by a vote of 154,269, the Republican candidate, Hon. David H. Jerome, «-V®^$^ -=-<^Ill]^llIli>^ receiving 149,697 votes. Mr. Begole, in entering upon his duties as Governor, has manifested a spirit that has already won him many friends, and bids fair to make his administration both successful and pop- ular. The very best indications of what a man is, is what his own townsmen think of him. We give the fol- lowing extract from the Flint Globe, the leading Re- publican paper m Gov. Begole's own county, and it, too, written during the heat of a political campaign, which certainly is a flattering testimonial of his ster- ling worth : " So far, however, as Mr. Begole, the head of the ticket, is concerned, there is nothing detrimental to his character that can be alleged against him. He has sometimes changed his mind in politics, but for sincerity of his beliefs and the earnestness of his pur- pose nobody who knows him entertains a doubt. He is incapable of bearing malice, even against his bit- terest [wlitical enemies. He has a warm, generous nature, and a larger, kinder heart does not beat in the bosom of any man in Michigan, He is not much given to making speeches, but deeds are more signif- icant of a man's character than words There are many scores of men in all parts of the State where Mr. Begole is acquainted, who have had practical demonstrations of these facts, and who are liable to step outside of party lines to show that they do not forget his kindness, and who, no doubt, wish that he was a leader in what would not necessarily prove a forlorn hope. But the Republican party in Michigan is too strong to be beaten by a combination of Demo- crats and Greenbackers, even if it is marshaled by so good a man as Mr. Begole." This sketch would be imperfect without referring to the action of Mr. B. at the time of the great calamity that in 1881 overtook the people of Northeastern Michigan, in a few hours desolating whole counties by fire and destroying the results and accumulations of such hard work as only falls to the lot of pioneers. While the Port Huron and Detroit committees were quarrehng over the distribution of funds, Mr. Begole wrote to an agent in the "|bumt district " a letter, from which we make an extract of but a single sentence : "Until the differences between the two committees are adjusted and you receive your regular supplies from them, draw on me. Let no man suffer while I have money." This displays his true character. K f V t i. r^- ^Si l'^. ^-^^yTammwy^-^ --^^^C(®viii ?Ay--: (^ ) > i 1=3 I lit T^T^T^ ^ f :^-liL/fl^lMJ gii^^s)^^ (^ ^' $:^: ^y^MnMi>^ — s^C^ ^ - ^4^^f(^ ^^^^ >^ > ^^f|.^- ■r^C:tltj^|]|]^•>v-e-r- ^ ^ V3^ ' (■ ■•^ I «»< <:iimiia;^ :y ^ >@^^^aS, '^)>/^>^#^ ^J ^m'^M-^>T ^.S^\3\\V) ^m •^ ^ ) ■ ^ • ^. V ei^ 1r^ S_«, fB!"!c^ .^- Gl-' *<. V^ (^ ^ $>: Ky ^ a 11 K ^^^^ '^-^^:Il!l^ll!l^>^- — ^^^^:— ^4^^f@>| (») y^(i,^:| E©^'ii (b IV^ :^0 <^ 9 /5s c>: i) (q) 'l^\mm^ ^^^^^ — ^-^<^[i g ^ titi^-^r^ — ^^^ (^ <>tlll^DIl^>? rr MIDLAND COUNTY. "^as^^^ irlNXRODUQT^ORY.i: V -9 (^ — 5- HE value of history lies, in a great degree, in the biog- raphy of the personages con- cerned therein. The annals of the settlers delineate the pioneer period, while those of the later residents exhibit the progress of the country and the status of the present generation. Midland County gives a vivid illustration of these statements ; but its won- derful pioneer era laps upon its present period in a manner so grad- ual that there is really no dis- tinctive line of demarcation. Many of those whose efforts gave the country its earliest impetus may still be seen upon its thoroughfares ; many of the characters in the day of its first things are still on the stage, and watch with keen-eyed alertness the manipulations, successes and reverses of the present day, still jealous for the reputation of the county and eagerly solicitous for her substantial and permanent progress. The compilers of these records strive to establish their claim for biographical integrity, preparing the matter from the stand-point of no man's prejudice. The full scope of the personal record here is to demonstrate the exact relation of every individual #>#- C^ represented to the generations of the past and of the present. Succeeding ages sweep away the debris of human errors and perpetuate the real greatness of a com- munity. Character stands out statuesque, and events cluster about individuals, forming the grandest and truest historical structure of which any age is capable. Only biography can fitly represent the foundation, progress and idtimatujti of local history, and portray with perfect justice the precise attitude and relation of men to events and conditions. Midland County is justly proud of her pioneer record, and, so far as possible, the publishers have endeavored to honor the representatives of that pe- riod as well as those of to-day. Labor and suffering, undergone in the light of hope and the earnestness of honest effort and toil, established this county in permanent prosperity, and is rounding up a period of glorious completeness. Her villages are creditable, and her agricultural community is composed of the best classes. In collecting the following sketches the purpose has been to collect the main points of personal record, through which the enterprise of decades to follow may complete a perfect and continuous histori- cal outline from the earliest settlement of the county to the present time. <^. ^mM\i<>^. — ^^^f^ #^f -^VP D=^ n nf ^'t'^^ :2!^»sr V \ m^. -4^^^C(®^'-!^ v§) X=I ( /^ ^(^«|S9- /-^ A. <^Dg5^Dtln>A@ ^m^ ?i^i ^ IMn^^^^^ ;i-i^®- 1> / ?) t -\ ^i\ V MIDLAND COUNTY. \\(m. HENRY HART, Judge of the 2 1 St Judicial Cir- cuit of Michigan, resident at Midland, was born May 13, 1840, in China, St. i<>j-^. ,. . ^-..n.- . -^^^' Clair Co., Mich. His line ''^Nr^ ' ^ °^ descent is purely Anier- ©j'-^pK" ican, the ancestors of iiis parents ^'j|^ having been born in the State of 6\^|@^ New York. His father, Silas S. Hart, ^' was a native of Long Island, and was born July 20, 1804. His mother, Maria (Hart) Hart, was born July 27, 1807, in the western part of the Empire State. Her demise occurred in June, 1875. The death of the father took place in September, 1870. Not long after the event of their marriage the parents of Judge Hart settled in St. Clair Co., Mich. The Peninsular State was then in its Territorial days, and they were among the pioneer element whose labors and efforts established the prosperity and rank of one of the best sections of Michigan. They located in primeval forest, built a humble home and devoted tlje strength of their lives to tlie progress and advancement of the place of their choice, and the community of which they were a part, which they lived to see in a condition that creditably rivaled the old-settled places in the East. They reared their family of five children in the pur- suit of labor on the farm, which was alternated by attendance at the common schools. At the age of 15 years Judge Hart went to Mt. Clemens and became a member of the household of R. P. Eldridge, attorney. He remained there about 20 months, engaged in alternate labor and study. He became respectably proficient in scholarship and engaged in teacliing a district school in the winter prior to his reaching the age of 18 years. He pur- sued that calling six winters, spending the remainder of the years in the pursuit of agriculture, save one summer' when he attended school at St. Clair. He determined upon the profession of an attorney and returned to Mt. Clemens, where he read law under the direction of Mr. Eldridge, and in the fall of 1863 he matriculated in the Law Department of the University of Michigan, where he was graduated in the spring of 1865 with the degree of B. LL. In July following he fixed his residence at Midland, where he entered upon his career as an attorney and in a brief time secured a substantial practice and a firm hold on the confidence of the community, to which he proved a valuable accession. Judge Hart was married Feb. 4, 1869, to Maria Parsons. She was born April 17, 1844, in China, i 3=3 Si/ ^? ^^Ve^DD^OIIs> 178 V MIDLAND COUNTY. ~^%^^^sr # ^ w ) ■ ■>. 0^% ) and is the daughter of William and Lavinia (Weeks) Parsons. Two children, Ray and Mary, constitute the issue of this marriage, the one born April 21, 1872, the other Feb. 27, 1876, at Midland. His public life commenced in the fall of 1866, when he was appointed Justice of the Peace to fill an unexpired term. In the fall of 1866 he was elected Prosecuting Attorney of Midland County, and in 1868 was re-elected to the same position. In the fall of 1870 he was elected Circuit-Court Com- missioner, and two years later was his own successor by re-election. He was elected Representative from his district in the autumn of 1874 and dis- charged the duties of the position through the session of the winter of 1874-5. His personal service in the Legislature included the Chairmanship on the Committee on Municipal Corporations, and he officiated as a member of the Committee on Enroll- ment and Engrossing of Bills. In the spring of 1875 he resigned his post as Representative to render himself eligible to the posi- tion of Circuit Judge, which he has since held con- tinuously. His circuit includes the counties of Midland, Isabella, Clare, Gladwin and Gratiot. The character and career of Judge Hart afford a lesson of intense significance to the aspirants of the times. The traits by which he is characterized have won for him his unwavering popularity, and substan- tiated his position in public life from the outset. His course has been marked by no comet-like brilliancy or spasmodic prominence. He has kept the even temper of a man of inflexible principle, sound judg- ment and manly dignity. The two latter character- istics make him eminent on the Bench. His bearing is always compatible with the character of the posi- tion he occupies, and his perfect self-poise secures the utmost degree of harmony in the sessions over which he presides. The advocates who plead in his courts acknowledge the power and the influence of his unwavering demeanor ; and his entire official record is marked by the traits which distinguish him. His deliberation amounts nearly to dilatoriness, but the character of his decisions is evident from the favor they meet in the higher tribunals. He is an excellent jurist, an impartial judge and an admirable exponent of law. The rectitude of his private character, his dignified solicitude for the faithful dis- charge of the trusts confided to him, his manner and methods in the management of his judicial obliga- tions and connections, render him conspicuous. His official position sought him out at the threshold of his prime, and his character and acts have made his subsequent career one of credit to himself, and re- flects honor upon his constituency. 1'^! pf'||t'nstice C. Perry, mechanic and farmer, sec- yit^^iu" tion 20, Lee Township, was born in Chau- l^''^ • t^'"l"a Co., N. Y., July 18, 1827 ; when he ^ gharri ved at the age of nine years, the family It moved to Ashtabula Co., Ohio, and in that S county, when of age, he married Miss Eliza A. Herrick, who was born in Hampshire, Mass., Dec. 14, 1829, and whose parents were New Englanders, of English ancestry. At the age of ten years she was taken by her parents, changing residence, into Berkshire County, same State, afterward to Ashta- bula Co., Ohio, where she remained with them until her marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Perry are now the parents of six children, all living and married, and residing in this and Isabella Counties. Their names are Theo- dore, Flora, Charlotte, Charles, Medora and Ellen. After their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Perry settled in Colebrook, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, where Mr. P. fol- lowed his trade as carpenter, which he had learned as a regular apprentice when a youth. During the war he enlisted for the Union, in Co. E, 6th Ohio Cav., in the Army of the Potomac, his company being commanded by Capt. Wm. J. Gray. He was in the service 27 months, the whole time as Sergeant, being in all the engagements of that division of the army until he was wounded at Aldie, Va. His horse being shot under him, he fell and his right hip was put out of joint. Shortly afterward, Jan. 15, 1865, he was dis- charged for disability. Returning from the war he located again at Cole- brook, where he remained until the spring of 18S0, when he came to this county and settled upon a quarter of section 20, where he now resides, which he had purchased in 1875. Here he has made con- siderable improvement, and deeded most of the place to his children. He and his wife are members of the Old-School Baptist Church, he j# a Republican in his political views, and he has held the minor offices of his townshij). ^' A :< V i^v®))(^fi^ -^^nn^niir^ &% !»#5» <>DD^:DUs:>^ MIDLAND COUNTY. ■;2S>(Jr''<^" *r9 ^«^ 4^^^C ship, Jefferson Co., N. Y., Feb. 22, 1821. His minority was passed on a farm, attend- ing school in the winter seasons. Attaining his majority, he left home, and having learned the ship carpenter's trade near Sackett's Harbor, he followed this for a number of years. About 1854 he came to Marine City, St. Clair County, this State, where he was similarly engaged for two years. At the expira- tion of this time he rented a farm a mile and a half north of Midland City, but was soon after burned out, losing his household goods and clothing and part of his crops. In the fall of 1865 he came to Mid- land City and built a residence on Larkin Street, with four lots, where he still lives. He followed teaming for three or four years, then was appointed Deputy Sheriff, which office he held several years, and he is now Constable. For the last two years he has been chiefly occupied in training horses, in which he is very successful. He was married in Jefferson Co., N. Y., to Miss Adeline Read, daughter of Samuel and Sally Read, and a native of Jefferson County. Three daughters have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Mixer. Hattie is now the wife of Rev. Benjamin Reeve, pastor of what is known as the Penoyer Farm Church (M. E.) at Saginaw. Addie is the wife of William Cook, a fanner of Midland Township. Blanche, who is still at home, is a teacher in the city schools. — ■-^' f\% -e^ vL Syron Bureh, attorney, at Midland, was |£ born Oct. 12, 1850, in London, Canada. His father, Lewis Burch, was born in the ( N State of New York, Aug. 8, 1825. He was a farmer and bridge-builder, and died Nov. 26, /A^ i860. The mother, Julia (Freeman) Burch, a was born Aug. 15, 1826, and is yet living, in London, ^» Canada. ^ Mr. Burch came to St. Clair Co., Mich , in his boy- hood on a -visit to friends, and several repetitions of his visit awakened in him a liking for the regulations and customs in that section of the Peninsular Slate, and he finally came to Brockway and engaged one year in teaching in the vicinity. He taught one winter near Lakeport in the same county, and went thence to Ypsilanti, for the purpose of obtaining the advantages of the State Normal School. He studied there three terms, alternating each with teaching. He went next to Amadore, Sanilac County, where he taught school one year. He also operated in a like capacity at Ruby, St. Clair County, and returned to Amadore, teaching a year at each place. As oppor- tunity had served, he had passed considerable time in reading law with Messrs. Devine & Wexon, of Lexington, and also at Port Huron. In the fall of 1875 he went to Ann Arbor, where he entered the ^G) Law Department of the University and completed 1 the required course of study. He came to Midland ti^ in the spring of 1876 and became associated with ^ M. H. Stanford, with whom he remained until the J^ fall of 1877, when he opened his present office. (vTj Meanwhile, in September, 1876, he was admitted to ^ ®^«^t|- ■^>Dii/^Da;> Aa=i- .-..ff-^:>J^(® I (b <9® ■ 'J "5 practice in the State Courts of Michigan at Port Huron. His legal practice is extended and pros- perous, and he combines therewith transactions in real estate and operates as an insurance agent, rep- resenting the following companies : Fire Associa- tion and Insurance Company of North America at Philadelphia, Traders' of Chicago, Northern Insur- ance and Norwich Union of England, and the Grand Rapids Insurance Company. Associated with Dr. W. E. Burtless, he owns upwards of 2,000 acres of land in Larkin Township, and has other heavy real- estate interests. In 1878 he acted as Attorney and Clerk of the village of Midland. He is a member of the Masonic Order. The marriage of Mr. Burch to Lena Cline occurred June 15, 1872, at Port Huron. The three children which constituted the issue of this marriage were born as follows: Lewis, June 6, 1874, at Amadore; Floyd, June 8, 1876; Edna was born Jan. 8, 1881, and died .Sept. i, 1882. The two youngest were born at Midland. ! f B. Simons, farmer, merchant and shingle Si manufacturer, residing at Coleman, Warren r ^ Township, was born Oct. ig, 1846, in Ayl- mer, Onl. The father of Mr. Simons, John K. Simons, was born Oct. 19, 1810, in West Flamboro, Can., and died in Aylmer, Ont., in June, 1868, and was of Scotch descent. The mother, Margaret (Hopkins) Simons, was born June 22, 1812, in East Flamboro, and is of English and German descent. Slie is living with her son, the subject of this notice, with whom slie has resided for seven years. The father's family consisted of eight children, all of whom lived to the age of maturity e-xcept two. One died at the age of four years and the other in in- fancy. T. B. Simons, the subject of this biographical notice, remained under the parental roof-tree until he attamed the age of 17 years, when he came to this State, but shortly afterward, on the death of his father, returned to Canada and assisted Iiis mother in conducting a bakery, which his father had left, for a few years. In 1870 he came back to this county, and with the exception of one year has resided here ever since. He was united in marriage July 3, 1876, to Miss Mary E., daughter of S. W. and Lorinda (Ben- nett) Hubbell. Her father's family were the second to locate on the present site of Coleman, this county, Ira Adams and his family being the first, and only settling three days previous to Mr. Hubbell. The railroad was not completed to Coleman when Mrs. Simons' parents settled there, and the hand of im- IJrovement was hardly visible. He (Mr. Hubbell) brought the first shingle mill to that place (Mr. Ira Adams the first saw-mill), and the family of Mr. Hubbell underwent all the trials of pioneer life. They lived in a tent for six weeks, and during the entire time were not discommoded by rain. Mr. Hubbell's family consisted of 15 children. He lived in Coleman for seven years and then moved to Tuscola Co., this State, where he is engaged in farming. Mr. Simons was born June 11, 1857, in "Big Flats," Chemung Co., N. Y. She has borne four children to her husband, two ot whom are deceased. The living are Frank Wm., born Feb. 19, 1882, in Coleman, and an infant, born Feb. 29, 1884, at Cole- man. The deceased are Gertrude, born April 6, 1877, and died Feb. 14, 1879; and Leonard, born Sept. II, 1880, and died Sept. 17, 1882. After his marriage to Miss Hubbell, Mr. Simons took his bride to Saginaw and was there engaged in buying and selling shingles and in conducting the running of a shingle-mill as employe for about a year. He then returned to Coleman, in 1877, and took charge of the mill his father-in-law, Mr. Hub- bell, had erected at that place, and lived in the same house his father-in-law had vacated. He soon after- ward purchased the mill property and ran it for his own profit. Mr. Simons is a true representative, in a financial point of view, of what energy and perseverance, backed by good judgment, can accomplish. He started life's journey with comparatively nothing, and by energetic effort has banished want from the household, and content sits in the lap of plenty around the family hearthstone. He owns a shingle mill three miles north of Coleman, and store build- ing stocked with goods. His landed interests in- clude some 1,700 acres, 600 of which is pine timber land, and 1,100 acres hard wood. It is calcu|ated there is some six or seven million feet of pine lumber *.^ 9 ^ c< ( ^ -^>^ r c^A ^^n g g {|t]v>a^ ^i,^ 4i^^^(®y^^ "7 <-^D[l^Il!]f^-r -es» ^^^S\M: MIDLAND COUNTY. >J on his 600 acres, and he is constantly engaged — the year round — in converting this timber into lumber. The capacity of his shingle-mill per day is 45,000 feet, which average it has maintained for the last three years; and Mr. Simons contemplates the utiliz- ation of the most of his timber in that way. Mr. Simons has been Township Treasurer for two terms, and was Highway Commissioner last year. He belongs to that class of citizens who are regarded as a benefit rather than a hindrance to the com- munity in which they live, and is identified with the moving, advancing element residing in his township. tohn Carrow, farmer, section 33, Homer |p Township, was born Sept. 3, 1850, in Nor- ^ folk Co., Ont. He is the son of Joseph and Margaret (Smith) Carrow, both of whom are natives of Canada, and of mixed French, English and German extraction. They now reside with their son in Homer Township. Their family comprised two sons and four daughters. Mr. Carrow is the fourth child of his parents in order of birth, and is the second son. He came to Michigan in 187 1, and purchased 40 acres of land on section t,t,. It was in heavy timber, and he now owns 100 acres additional, which he has since pur- chased. He has cleared and finely improved 75 acres, and has built a fine large stock and grain barn and a good residence. In political connection he is a Democrat. [;-f"(iCohn Sias, lumberman and farmer, resident ■^ML^ at Midland, was born Dec. 23, 1S30, at .^J^F*^ Dover, Maine. He is the son of Samuel and Ann (McLean) Sias. His father was born in New Hampshire and followed the double occupation of a farmer and lumberman, to which he was reared. Mr. Sias owned a fine, farm of 75 acres about three miles from Dover. He was married May 15, 1S53, at Dover, to Catherine O. Maddox, a native of Ellsworth, Hancock Co., Me., and a daughter of John H. and Eliza Maddox. Of this union ten children have been born — five sons and five daughters. One son is deceased They were born in the following order: Warren L., a merchant at Midland; Frank; John, a farmer in the township of Midland; Freddie, Ada B., Maud H., George A. and Lottie. In the fall of i860 Mr. Sias removed from Maine to Michigan and at once engaged in lumbering at Midland. In company with his brother, Samuel Sias, he bought extensive tracts of pine land, and after conducting their affairs jointly three years, they dis- solved. In 1866 Mr. Sias formed a business relation with Fred Babcock, which existed three years. On its termination, he continued the management of his business alone. His real estate includes 3,000 acres of pine land and a farm of 500 acres on sections ig, 20 and 21. This includes 300 acres cleared and improved, and in first-class farming condition. It is largely devoted to stock-rearing. The herds on the place comprise a fine lot of graded Durhams and about a dozen thoroughbreds of the same breed, also some fine Southdown sheep. The place ranks among the most valuable and best conducted in the county. The buildings, orchards and farm fixtures generally give evidence of the character of management that has placed the property in its present most creditable condition. In his lumber interests Mr. Sias employs about IOC men. He is a stockholder in the Salt & Bromide Company at Midland. ^-^^^^^-v^ — I- a Kflp?enry W. Goold, farmer, section 24, Inger- ^.jp^r^^i soil Township, is a son of Cruth and Eliza i^ Goold, natives of Canada, who came to Mid- T^ land County in 1868, settling in this township. \ In the forest fires of 1871 it is supposed that his father lost his life, as nothing has since been heard of him. His mother resides in Saginaw County. He was born in the county of Simcoe, Ont., April 10, 1849. In the spring of 1865 he came to Mich- igan and for 14 years has been mostly engaged in lumbering, in connection with farming. In 1870 he purchased 40 acres of land on section 23, Ingersoll Township, and in 1872 he added 40 acres to his possessions, half of which is cleared. A substantial and well equipped home is in prospect, under the good management of Mr. Goold. In this county, Oct. 10, 1876, Mr. Goold was mar- «' k ^to) <' A "O' (.) G", I I :^ iiD;t>-^^ — ^.^j^ >v /i. C^. e^a^^ou^ rC>nil§IlDi^^ (b > /7s > ) MIDLAND COUNTY. ried to Miss Adelaide D., daughter of Sylvester and Lydia Holbert, who were natives of New York State and now reside in Midland Township. Mrs. G. was born in New York State, April 5, 1856. One child, Freddie H., was born June 2, 18S1, to Mr. and Mrs. Goold. -•'&' — j|;enjamin Dean, deceased, a former resi- J|p dent of Midland City, was born March '"^ 17, 1806, at New Ashford, Berkshiie Co., Mass. He was of unmistakable Yankee ex- traction, his parents, Isaac and Rhoby (Mar- tin) Dean, having been born in New England and descended from parentage of the same nativity. He attained to manhood in the Bay State and re- ceived an excellent English education. The pre- dominating traits of his character became manifest in early life, and made him prominent through their strength and peculiarity. He was a keen and shrewd observer, reading voraciously and with wide scope, but reducing his ideas by reflection to the basis of utility. He was inherently honest ; he rec- ognized the principles of the golden rule in all his dealings with mankind, and shaped all his operations in accordance with his understanding of the obliga- tions to which every man is the heir by natural entail. He acquired a fund of information which is justly characterized only by the term marvelous, and his mental resources were the obedient servants of his demands. He was as familiar with classical literature as though he had completed the curriculum of the schools, and it would be difficult to convince many who knew him intimately that he was not college-bred. His versatility of thought and ex- pression was equalled only by the scope of his intel- lectual acquisitions. Had he chosen literature as a profession he would have been among its leaders. The kingdom of his mind was so vast that he either knew not its bounds or was indifferent to the possi- bilities It afforded, through "embarrassment of riches." Versificatioa and rhyme were as involuntary as his breath, and just as practical. They were so far from theory that beyond their accidental use they were independent of technical prosody. He hated and abhorred all shams with the strength of his strong, just nature, which admitted no sem- blance of falsehood or hypocrisy. Liberal, just and m§,\^^^^^ .^=1^ <^ii!]^nti;^' humane, he was the adherent of no " ism " and the harborer of no vague Will-o'-the-wisp ideas, in which the past half century has been so prolific. His habit of maturing conclusions detained him from identifying himself with movements of seeming im- portance; hence he never retrograded. He was a Spiritualist in the sense in which the term is accepted by Victor Cousin and other phil- osoi)hers who delve amid the phenomena of the immaterial with pure hearts. Who shall say how far short of Christianity are such minds, albeit they do not discover the touchstone which reveals the dependence of the human upon the divine? He passed through a long and arduous business career, and experienced the vacillations in results common to men of extensive and varied interests. In all his operations with his fellows he never swerved from his fundamental principle of giving due weight to the just claims of others. This sometimes involved disaster, which brought to the front the trait which is most reverently cherished in the memories of his sons. He counted no loss as absolute unless no one was benefited. If no good arose from his adversity, he mourned as did the Roman emperor who bewailed as lost the day in which the recording angel had registered no good deed on the credit side of his account with immortality. The best exposition of his character and views and the ([uality of his intellect may be gleaned from the extracts from his writings which are herein in- corporated. He wrote much, — any current event that met his views in a peculiar manner or conflicted with the theories he had adopted, seeming as an in- centive for his prolific pen, and his efforts were always in demand by the local press wherever he lived. The poetry he wrote would fill a volume, but he was entirely without self-consciousness in its pro- duction, and never had an idea of a collective pub- lication of his literary work. Though it found ready local appreciation and publicity, even that was be- yond his ambition for notoriety. His sole delight in his gift existed in giving formative expression to his thoughts. He read all poetical literature with avid- ity, but centered his tastes upon Pope's '' Essay on Man," which was ever the source of unlimited grati- fication. In 1859 he published the longest poem he ever wrote, which was named " Man in the 19th Century : V^ C^ $>: *0' -^v4>illi:^|]iiv->-rT MIDLAND COUNTY. -^Sf^ ) <^. 'an Unsolved Problem for Classical Experts, with Quotations and Questions for Ecclesiastic Theorists, ,M. D's, D. D's, LL. D's, Elders, Scribes or Pharisees to Solve at their Leisure." From first to last it is a scathing rebuke to those who pervert God's manifest laws to the accomplishment of their own selfish ends and purposes. It has the merit of equalized strength in every line, and quotations as samples are therefore inadequate, as it is a complete mosaic of the principles it advocates. Several are given, which are their own exponents : Fie! gentlemen; don t be alarmed ; Don't cry " Rebellion," " Infidel ;" I AM will see there's nothing harmed : Who made the world will rule it well. Were principalities and powers In chaos, where they all belong, Refreshing pentecostal showers Might substitute for legal wrong. To close this problem, I would say The author's universal plan (Though Scribes and Elders go astray) Will make a peer of every man. Or girt, or beam, or brick, or brace. However humble or conceited, Lo! all will find their proper place. And find the structure all completed — Where Nature's clock its final blow Will strike, and time will be no more. Where such immortal ideas flow As mortals never heard before. Willi these ideas I'll close my song. Not claiming for them aught that's new; However old, they may be wrong. However young, they may be true. The following lines afford a complete example of the versatility of his mind and the readiness with which Ills faculties obeyed his summons : the annual message of president lincoln. (anticipated.) Gentlemen of a republic distracted, We sit on a trembling throne, Reaping the fruit of the scenes we enacted, . The fruit of the seed we have sown. Our foreign relations all look very bad. Too gloomy to put into writing ; The lion and frog call us foolish and mad. And laugh in their sleeves at our fighting. The millions we've spent already is more Than we shall receive for our game. And rivers of blood stain the sea and tlie shore. Alas! what blind zeal for a name! ^* (■> Our army and navy are potent, alas ! 1 To return a poor fugitive slave ; yo) But too big a load broke the back of the ass When freedom wilh us found a grave. By pandering too long to the genius of cotton, We've written our doom in the mud. And proved to the world our system is rotten. And cannot be saved but by blood. All the wisdom you've got, and as much again more. Won't save us, I fear, from our trouble ; Our eagle is plucked, and our ensign is tore, And we're all passing off like a bubble. I trust you will bring all your wits now to bear To sustain the original plan : Direct your attention to right everywhere. And think less of cotton than man. In the live Declaration that Jefferson wrote. You'll find a sublime text to think on ; Hence, during this session your time you'll devote To equalize men, ABRAHAM LINCOLN. BY TIMOTHY TWIST. Lee, Mass., Nov. 23, 1861. His abilities and character won for him unqualified respect, and though his incessant promulgation of his views invited criticism they engendered nothing inimical, and he lived an honored, useful life, and his death was sincerely lamented. Although a foe to so-called orthodoxy, he never wrote a word or held to a principle contrary to the acknowledged essence of Christianity; on the contrary, he urged unceasing warfare on the "scribes, Pharisees and hypocrites" of modern times. The parents of Mr. Dean removed in the days of his early life to South Adams, Mass., where his father operated as a tanner. On arriving at a suit- able age, the son became an assistant in the business to which he devoted many years. On embarking in that business for himself he combined therewith the manufacture of boots and shoes, according to the New England custom in those days. Subsequently (c^i himself and his brother, Stoel E. Dean, established the same business at a point three miles east of Pitts- field. They continued its management five years, when they converted their works into a paper-mill. Two years later they sold out, and Mr. Dean bought a tannery at Pittsfield, which he conducted four ( .^^^ <^I]!]^IItl>1>-^' »' (ip @fK g8 I r if >^ > ) d -3 MIDLAND COUNTY. 189 years. In 1850 he went to East Lee, and, in com- pany with May Bros., engaged heavily in the manu- facture of letter-paper, owning three mills. This re- lation existed three years, when Mr. Dean sold his interest to his partners and went to Lee, where he embarked in the manufacture of bank-note paper with a man named Linn. The latter became a his- torical character during the war, through his con- nection with a shipment of his wares to the Soutliern Confederacy aljout the date of the blockade of South- ern ports. He was arrested, but proved that lie re- ceived and filled the order previous to the action of the United States authorities. In 1858 Mr. Dean closed his connection in the last-named business and came to Michigan, where he had large landed investments which had come into his possession through securities for his friends who had met reverses. He held about 9,000 acres of wild land, and passed the next ten years alternately in Michigan and Massachusetts, where his family re- sided until 1868, when he established his home at Midland City. Mr. Dean was the second in order of birth of seven children. Martin, eldest child, resides in the city of New York; Stoel E. lives at South Adams; Nelson and Alanson, twins, were next in order of birth ; the former is deceased, the latter is a resident of Owego, N. Y. Alanson Dean is the maker of several canes of unique workmanship, some of which have attained considerable notoriety. One was presented to Presi- dent Hayes on his inauguration, and also to President Garfield. P. T. Barnum is the owner of one, and the eldest son of Mr. Dean, of this sketch, holds another as an heirloom. It was presented to Mr. Dean by his daughter Alice. The latter is made of Virginia boxwood. The hand-rest is in the exact shape of a sword-hilt. The "stop" is a perfectly carved dog's head. On one side of the thumb rest is an exquisite spray of rose, leaves and bud ; and on the counter side are grapes and foliage, all carved. On the base of the hilt is a lion holding in his mouth and claws a serpent whose fangs are buried in the head of the beast. The spotted length of the snake forms the lower portion of the hilt, and the ex- tremity of the tail twines around the end of the thumb rest. A space of two feet on the shaft is cov- ered with carved lettering. The upper portion, next the hilt, contains the following : "March 17, 1806. Benjamin Dean. Midland, Michigan. Dec. 25, 1879. The chief of earthly arts is the art of keeping always young. It is very diffi- cult to grow old gracefully. Compliments of Alice. It is not what you have in your chest, but what you have in your heart, that makes you rich. Family Record: Jerusha Dewey, born Dec. ig, 1816; Benj. Franklin Dean, July 12, 1839; Cecile E. Dean, Feb. 12, 1841; Caroline J. Dean, Nov. 4, 1843; Gertrude R. Dean, Sept. i, 1845; Stoel E. Dean, Nov. 4, 1847; Alice B. C. Dean, April 29, 1850; Nelson K. Dean, May 12, 1852; Mary A. Dean, March 8, 1854; Jessie F. Dean, June 23, 1856. Revelation 9: 7, 8: And the shapes of the locusts were like unto horses prepared unto battle, and on their heads were crowns like gold, and their faces were as faces of men, and they had hair as the hair of women, and their teeth were as the teeth of lions.'" In this there are six hieroglyphics of the locusts, horses, crowns, men, women and lions. The in- scriptions pass around the cane spirally below the family record, the above being in relief The follow- ing is countersunk: "I find the great thing in the world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving." The cane is a marvel of hand-carving, every portion of which was done with a "jack-knife," and represents 50 days of labor of ten hours each. The maker has been for many years a sufferer from a nervous disease, and "whittled" for relief, finally utilizing the specific in the manufacture of canes. The one referred to as being presented to President Hayes was sent to him in 1876. The fol- lowing description is from the pen of the ex-Executive of the United States, a portrait and condensed sketch of whom appears in its assigned order in the first part of this volume : Fremont, O., 23 June, 1884. The cane referred to is well remembered. It is beautifully carved by a skilled and careful hand. It was from A. P. Dean, Owego, N. Y., in 1876. The head or handle projects at right-angles from the cane and is about six inches long. On the extreme end is carved " A. P. Dean." On one side of the end of the handle is a little girl sitting on a handsome long- haired dog; on the other side is a child resting against a tiger. On the cane at the topis the follow- ing: "1776-1876 — Centennial." Next below it is, " Owego, N. Y." On the side at this point is the coat-of-arms of the United States, — eagle, arrows and stars. On the other side is carved an anchor, and (^ ^ c^: --\®^^<|.. ^ ^f <.^II!l§Iltlvt>A d. -^^ V >^ ■^ s ) (^ 190 MIDLAND COUNTY. above it, " Hope." Next below on the outside, "Oct. 4, 1822." On the side is the legend, "Temperance is a bridle of gold. He who uses it rightly is more like a God than a man." On the opposite side is, "Ruther- ford B. Hayes, Governor of Ohio." Next below is carved, " Behold, I send you forth as [here are carved three sheep] in the midst of [here are four wolves]. Be ye therefore as wise as [here two serpents] and harmless as [here four doves]." Next below, around the cane, "Matthew 10:16." Next below is carved, " The way to fame is like the way to heaven, — through much tribulation," and by the side begins and runs around the cane spirally the following: "The [here are two foxes] have [here is a fox entering a hole and another hole is near it] and [here are two birds] of the air have [a nest with eggs]; but the [a boy] of [a man sitting] liath not where to lay his [a man's head]. Matthew 8:20." Next around the cane is carved," Mythology," and below, Pegasus [a winged horse], and Nereid [a female figure on a dolphin]. Next below are a sphinx (a lion with a woman's head) and a sea-horse (the figure of a sea horse). The lower end is a handsome silver ferule and the usual point. The foregoing will give you no idea of the appear- ance of the cane, but shows very well the labor and pains taken by Mr. Dean in its workmanship. R. B. Haves. Mr. Dean was married Dec. 19, 1816, in Lenox, Mass., to Jerusha Dewey, daughter of Erastus and Matilda (Millard) Dewey. The sketches of B. F. Dean, S. E. Dean and N. K. Dean, the tiiree sons born of this marriage, will be found elsewhere in this volume. Cecile E. died Sept. 13, 1865, at 24 years of age, in the full flush of her young and promising life: Gertrude R. married Charles Taylor, of Lee, Mass., and died March 3, 1S70; Alice married G. W. Foole, of Pittsfield, Mass.; Mary A. is Mrs. Wil- liam Plumer (see sketch), of Midland City; Jessie is the wife of George A. Rockwell, also of Midland City. Mr. Dean died April 27, iSSo, of a disease of the stomach. The wife and mother died April 17, 1883. Li their portraits, which appear on other pages, are fair types of the element so often found in collecting historical data of the Peninsular State. They came of the stock which established the stability of New England ; they brought their resources to the West and founded their house and home. Passing to the land of the hereafter, they left their honorable name in the keeping of their bons, who are worthily fulfill- ing their trust. i!(;enry Stuart, farmer, section 32, Midland ^jM^* Township, is a son of Silas and Polly (Kimplin) Stuart, parents natives of the Green Mountain State. He was born in Orleans Co., I N. Y., April II, 1836; when 12 years of age he ' came to Genesee County, this State, where he remained 16 years, engaged in farming; and in August, 1864, he came to Midland County and bought 80 acres on section 32, Midland Township, where he has since resided and at present has 66 acres in a good tillable condition. Mr. Stuart was married in Genesee Co., Mich., Aug. 30, 1863, to Sarah A. Richardson, a native of Canada. They have had five children — Lenora B., George D. and an infant, living, and Eugene and an infant, deceased. Mr. Stuart has been Overseer of Highways, and was appointed a member of the committee to examine the roll of Supervisors in 1882. Of national issues, Mr. S. maintains Democratic views. ^aharles Martindale, farmer, section 29, "jfiB^rS^ Midland Township, is a son of Alpheus w]ij< and Eliza (Angell) Martindale, natives of f)L Vermont. He was born in Genesee Co., N. '1^ Y., April 16, 1832. He remained under the parental roof-tree until 20 years of age, as- sisting in the maintenance of the family and attend- ing the common schools. On attaining that age, for four years he was employed in a shingle manufac- tory, and then came to Wayne County, this State. He remained there for about three years and then went to St. Clair County, where he was variously employed for six years. From the latter county he moved to Sanilac County, where he remained until the summer of 1871. During that season he came to this county and purchased 40 acres of wild land on section 29, Midland Township, where he has since resided. He now has good substantial build- ings erected on his land, and about 37 acres under cultivation. Mr. Martindale was united in marriage in Sanilac County, Nov. 3, 1S55, to Miss Ann, daughter of Joseph Marshall, a native of Canada. She was >" i elson K. Dean, farmer, section 24, Homer Township, was born in the township of '^ Lee, Berkshire Co., Mass., May 12, 1852. His parents, Benjamin and Jerusha, (Dewey) Dean, were natives of Massachusetts, and in 1854 moved their family and interests 'o Becket Township, in the same county. Ten years later they came to Midland, where they resided dur- ing the remainder of their lives. Mr. Dean is the seventh of nine children born to his parents, and is the youngest of three sons. He remained a member of the paternal household until his marriage, which occurred Sept. t4, 1875, to Elizabeth S. Stowits, daughter of Henry B. and Car- oline C. (Huff) Stowits. (See sketch of H. B. Stowits ) She was born in Grand Blanc, Genesee Co., Mich., Aug. 13, 1854. Her parents removed to Midland County when she was 13 years old. Later she went back to Genesee County, where she re- mained until 1874, when she returned to Midland County, and during the following year she was married. Mrs. Dean is a woman of decided char- acter and justly appreciated in the community where she resides. After the event of his marriage, Mr. Dean took possession of his farm of 160 acres, which is finely situated at the junction of Chippewa and Pine Rivers. He has improved 90 acres and placed it under a high degree of cultivation. The place is rated among the most valuable in the county. In political connection Mr. Dean is a Republican, and he has discharged the duties of his citizenship in the various local township and county and school offices. ^ ijjKSHftlexander Dunn, farmer, section 10, Geneva \ Township, is a native of Glasgow, Scotland, where he was born Jan. 12, 1843. The parents of Mr. Dunn were George and Agnes (Curry) Dunn, and were of Scotch de- scent. They emigrated to America when Alexander was five years of age, in 1848, and landed at Quebec, Can. The father purchased a farm in Gray Co., Ont., of 50 acres, but soon sold it and purchased an- other consisting of 100 acres and located about six miles distant from the first. On the latter named farm Alexander lived and de- veloped into manhood. On attaining his majority he engaged in working on various farms by the month and followed that vocation for four or five years, when he came to this State. The first work he engaged at on arriving in this State was for the Detroit & Milwaukee Railroad Company, at Linden. He remained in their employ for six or seven months and then went back to Can- ada, on business and pleasure, but soon returned to Birmingham, this State, and engaged in railroading for another season. His next move was to Loomis, Isabella Co., where he worked for the Flint & Pere Marquette Railroad Company one year. After leav- ing tlieir employ, he purchased 80 acres of wild land from a party who had homesteaded it. There was a small shanty on the place and the trees had been cut on a few acres, but no clearing had been done. Mr. Dunn moved on this land, on section 20, Geneva Township, in May, 1875, and has made it his resi- dence ever since. June 4, 1873, Mr. Dunn was united in marriage to Harriet, daughter of Peter and Eliza (Shell) De Groat. Her father died while serving his country in the late civil war, and the mother is living with her daughter at Buttonville. Mrs. Dunn was born March 9, 1855, in Dorchester Co., Quebec. The husband and wife are the parents of four children, namely: Agnes E., born Aug. 20, 1874; r i; §%-r^:^m^ — 2^^ gV<::IlllS{lil>> ) 2 / Charles H., born Feb. 7, 1876; James Alex., born Nov. 9, 1877 ; and Etta May, born Jan. 30, 1881. Politically, Mr. Dunn is a Greenbacker. He has lield tlie offices of School Treasurer, and he and his wife are members of the Baptist Church. *^^€^'-SP MIDLAND COUNTY. illiam M. Wallace, farmer and lumber- man on section 11, Homer Township, was born in the State of New York, Feb. 29, 1840, and when a child his parents moved to Ontario, Can. He lived in that province with his parents until 18 years old, and was then apprenticed to the blacksmith's trade. He served his time, and then worked as a journeyman. In 1872 he came to Michigan, and the ensuing two years he worked in Newaygo County, on the Muske- gon River. In the spring of 1874 he came to Mid- land County, and one year later he purchased ten acres of land on section 11, Homer Township. Here he has since farmed in the summer season, and fol- lowed lumbering in the winters. He is a Republi- can, and has held various school offices. He was united in marriage Dec. 25, 1S62, in Ox- ford Co., Ont., to Miss Mary J. Martin, who was born in that county April 12, 1842. Of this mar- riage there have been born three sons and one daughter; one of the former, and the daughter are dead. vv^^f-^^S-v^^v-J- homas .T. Richardson, farmer, section 35, Midland Township, is a son of Thomas and Esther D. (Mann) Richardson, the former a native of Massachusetts and the latter of Canada. Mr. Richardson, Sr., died in that Dominion, and his widow came to Midland about 1866, and died in January, 1873. The subject of this sketch was born in Canada March 26, 1846, and was seven years of age when he came to this State with his mother; at the age of nine he went to live with a farmer in Genesee Co., Mich., until of age, but at the end of four years he left, to work out by the month, which he did for six years. In February, 1863, he came to this county and worked in the woods during the winters and at car- pentering in the summer time, until 1873, when he moved upon the farm owned by H. M. Ellsworth, where he has since resided. He has been School Assessor of his district for three years, and in politics is a Republican. Mr. R. was married in Midland City, March 26, 1872, to Mary E., daughter of H. M. and Rosetta (Whittington) Ellsworth, born in Midland Township July 23, 1S52. Mr. and Mrs. R. are the parents of six children, namely: Marion A., Arthur T., William M., Morley E., Sarah M. and Leo C. Mr. Ellsworth was a native of New York State, came to this county in 1850, at first buying 30 acres in Midland Township, to which he added 59 acres by subsequent purchase, and at the time of his death, Sept. 14, 1882, had almost 50 acres under cultiva- tion. He owned also considerable property in Mid- land City. He was County Sheriff four years and Township Treasurer several years. In early times Mr. Ellsworth took considerable delight in the chase. He would often go out in the morning and bring in as many as three deer before nine o'clock. His wife was a native of the Key-stone State. Their chil- dren are, Amanda C, Lois A., Mary E. and Melvina L. Mrs. E. now resides in California. ^JS-l ?!; r WMr ®>^fe^'l A toseph Hooper, farmer, section i, Edenville 11^ Township, was born Oct. 20, 1843, in Corn- wall, England, and is the son of Edward and Merrell (Higgins) Hooper. The father died in England; the mother resides in Camp- bellford. Can., and has remarried. Mr. Hooper spent his early life in his native land. He belonged to a class among whom the point of self-sustenance is one of the first prominence in the education of the young. At the age of nine years Mr. Hooper commenced his struggle with life in the capacity of a farm laborer. In r857 he came to America and settled at Coburg, Can., where he was employed by the month as a farm laborer until 1865, when he went to Monroe Co., N. Y., and engaged as assistant on the seed farm of R. W. Wilson, m the ■ ■ vicinity of the city of Rochester. He served in that capacity five years, and in the fall of 1869 he came ^' to Edenville Township, where he bought, in 187 i, an (i,\ unimproved farm of 50 acres, of which he has im- ^ r dm-^M^^^^^- #t^(®>^ — yt.-^ V MIDLAND COUNTY. "i^^isi^fi^ #^^c®vii 193 ^ .'5) proved 40 acres. The first two years he passed in Midland County he worked a farm on shares. Mr. Hooper was married Oct. 5, 1865, to Isabella, daughter of A. L. and Harriet (Wait) McAllister. Her father was a native of Vermont, and of Scotch descent. He died July i, 1 861, at Vernon ville, Can. The mother was born in Canada, of Welsh parentage, Mrs. Hooper was born Aug. 14, 1841. Mary Emma, eldest child, was born Aug. 12, 1866, in Monroe Co., N. Y. Amelia Belle was born Jidy 16, 1872. Hes- ter Luella was born June 13, 1874. The last named children were born at Edenville, Mich. The parents are members of the Seventh-Day Adventist denomination. Mr. Hooper has been Highway Com- missioner two terms and Township Treasurer one term. i f olin O. Parker, railroader, residing at But- ^^ tonville, Geneva Township, was born in -''^^ Greece, Monroe Co., N. Y., April 21, 1839, and is a son of Henry and Nancy A. (Norton) Parker. The father of our subject was born Oct. 28, 1804, in New York, and died June 8, 1873, in this county. He was of Welsh, Dutch, French, Danish and Irish descent. The mother was born Feb. 25, 1809, in Pennsylvania, and was descended from the English, Scotch and Irish. She is still living, with the subject of this biographical notice. The father and mother moved from New York to Washtenaw Co., this State, in 1847, ^.nd there purchased a farm of 160 acres. They lived on that farm for ten years, when they sold it and moved to Oakland County, and purchased another on wliich tliey resided for seven years. John O. remained on the farm, assisting the father, until the expiration of the time last men- tioned, and then, for two summers, engaged in farm- ing by the month. He then went to Hampton, Rock Island Co., 111., and purchased 40 acres of land in that viciniry, also some village property. He made Hampton his residence for ten years, and dur- ing that time visited Washington, Oregon and the Indian Territories. When the news was flashed across the continent that Sumter had fallen" and the martyr Lincoln called for brave hearts and strong arms to battle for the perpetuity of the Nation's flag, Mr. Parker, whose heart beat in unison with the cause of justice, responded. He enlisted in Co. D, Ninth 111. Cav., Col. Harper. His company was attached to the Fifth Division, Second Brigade, and was under com- mand of Gen. Nelson and Gen. Hatch. He partici- pated with his company in the, battles of Chicka- mauga, Nasliville, Corinth, Lookout Mountain, and all through "Sherman's march to the sea." He was in 72 battles and skirmishes, and was wounded only twice during his entire service. His first wound was in the right leg, just below the knee, and was received at Chickamauga. The second wound was a saber cut on the right hand, and was received at the battle of Corinth. Neither of his wounds incapacitated him from service for any considerable length of time, nor was he sent to the hospital. His record as a soldier is certainly a brilliant one, and his escape from death, considering the numerous engagements in which he participated, would seem to be miracu- lous. He was honorably discharged at Springfield, 111., having been mustered out at Selma, Dallas Co., Ala., Nov. 18, 1865. On receiving his discharge, Mr. Parker returned to his farm near Hampton, Rock Island Co., 111. He remained on the farm for about a year, when he went to Chester, Randolph Co., same State, and engaged in buying wood for the St. Louis market. He re- mained in that business for some eight months and lost over $r, 000 at it. His next move was to Ari- zona, where he engaged in herding cattle, in which vocation he remained until the year 1873, when he returned to Hampton, 111. He only remained at Hampton a short time and then came to Midland, this county. Remaining at Midland three weeks, he went to Averill, and engaged with the Flint and Pere Marquette Railroad Company, laying their track, and continued in its service for 14 months. Oct. 16, 1874, he went to Buttonville, and has re- sided tliere ever since, in charge of a gang of track repairers. Mr. Parker was united in marriage. May g, 1874, to Julia A., daughter of Joseph and Julia A. (Hos- kins)Danoe. Her father died when she was five years old, in Canada. Her mother is still living in Sycamore, De Kalb Co., 111., aged 60 years. Mrs. D. was born Aug. 7, 1855, in Lansdowne, Leeds Co., Ontario. She has borne Mr. D. three children — Her- C N ^ &> -^.ih -^^W^ @!AC^fl!]^Iini>i^ '^f>r^^m^^ ^T^M'Mh^-:- 194 MIDLAND COUNTY. bert L., Feb. 15, 1875 ; Luella M., Sept. i, 1877 ; and Ira J., Feb. 26, 1883. Mr. Parker is a Republican politically, and is pres- ent Drain Commissioner He and wife are both members of the Methodist Episcopal ChLirch. -KJ h h 'T^T A J. €S- tmos Braley, farmer, section 35, Midland ) ^ r-T 1=3 ^) ij)/3j. J i Township, is a son of Ephraim and Patience (Deranville) Braley, who were natives of Mas- sachusetts, and of American and French de- scent. He was born in Massachusetts Feb. 3, 1820, and at the age of three years his parents moved with him to New York State, where he at- tended school and worked on the farm until he came to Michigan. He first lived in Saginaw County awhile, and then, in December, 1854, he came to this county, where he has since resided. After various purchases and sales from time to time, he now owns a tract of 76 acres in Midland Township, 35 acres of which is in a tillable condition. Mr. Braley, in political affairs, is a Republican, has held the offices of Assessor and Pathmaster, and, with his wife, belongs to the VVesleyan Methodist Church. He was married in Saginaw County, Nov. 15, 1842, to Miss Marilda Foster, who was born in Oakland Co., Mich., Oct. 12, 1827. They have two children, — Emily M. and Oliver A. I L'ohn J. Watts, farmer on section 14, Eden- ,'- ville, was born Dec. 8, 1844, in Whitby, '■' Can., the son of John and Flora (Pollard) Watts, of English descent. The father died in Bosanquet, Lambton Co., Can., in November, 1854. The mother died at the same place 19, 1870. Their family included five sons and three daughters, all of whom reached maturity except one, which died in childhood. They are named Grace, Isaac (deceased), Phoebe, Maria (deceased), Jordan (died in childhood), John J., Richard J. and George. The subject of this biographical sketch was reared on a farm, and remained vi^ith his father until of age. He then followed lumbering in winter and farming in summer until 1870, when he came to Saginaw Coun- ty, this State. There he was similarly engaged for four years, owning a farm of 200 acres. Selling this, he then came to Edenville Township, this county, and bought his present farm of 136 acres. He par- chased of two farmers, and each tract had some im- provements. To the value of these he has greatly added. He is unmarried, and liis sister, a widow lady, keeps house for him. Politically, he is a Democrat. He took out his naturalization papers but two years ago. As a farmer and a citizen he stands exceptionally high in his community. •'^ami/(S^^~^^^^^:-,-'^®fima^ JSiharles Kirtay, farmer, section 10, Geneva j^ Township, was born in the town of Law- rence, Lawrence Co., N. Y., March 7, 1833, and is a son of Charles R. and Ann (Warren) Kirby. His father was a native of New Eng- land, of Puritan stock, and died in Plattsburg, N. Y. Charles' mother was born in the Empire State, of Puritan ancestry, and died also in Plattsburg. When the subject of this sketch attained his legal majority he worked in a saw-mill for five years; then, for four years, he ran a stage, on the John Brown tract in Franklin Co., Northern New York, from Martin's Hotel to Keysville; thence he went to Mill Point, Canada, and worked in a mill three or four months; then for a year he followed teaming for Horton & Wisner at Saginaw, Mich.; next, was in a mill again for four years; and finally, about 12 or 14 years ago, he came to Midland County and worked around for a time in mills and in lumbering. He then located his present homestead, and about two years afterward purchased it. At first he had 80 acres, but he has sold 40 acres, of which 15 are im- proved. Mr. Kiri)y is a Republican in his political senti- ments, and he holds the office of Justice of the Peace. He was married May 18, 1864, to Miss Harriet E., daughter of Henry and Laura (Tripp) Plew. Her father, a Hollander, was born May 6, 18 16, and her mother April 13, 1823, and they are living at Clio, % ^ < (q) mmm^ z. -I^i^(® -^^&K 6VC>tl lli^ M^> ^v MIDLAND COUNTY. 1 95 Genesee Co., Mich. Of the ii children in her father's family all are living, and she is the eldest daughter and second child, and was born Feb. 13, 1847, in the State of New York. Mr. and Mrs. Kirby have had five children, only one of whom is living. Viella E., born March 10, 1865, died Jan. 4, 1883; Franklin, born July lo, 1868, died July 5, 187 1 ; Freddie, born Sept. 27, 1870, died Nov. 24, following; Etta May, born May 14, 1873, died June 4, following; and Pely C, born May 30, 1877, is living. As no pain is so intense as the loss of a child, the affliction suffered by this family must be beyond all description, if not even beyond all imagination also. V I \ than Taft, farmer, section 20, Midland Township, is a son of Jesse and Sabra |i5»P Joseph and Jemima (Alley) Plumer, were born in New York, moved from Jefferson County, that State, 10 Orleans County, and about 1866 came to Oakland Co., Mich., where the former died, in February, 1879; the latter is still living, a resident of that county. Their children were Moses, John, William C, Elizabeth, Mary and Sarah. The youngest son, the subject of this sketch, was born in Jefferson Co., N. Y., May 18, 1840; from the age of 18 to 24 he was in Wisconsin, employed in a hotel and otherwise; and since 1870 he has been a resident of this county. His present farm of 30 acres he traded for in 1882. He owns 130 acres in Midland County, and has 20 acres under cultivation. He also owns numerous village lots in the city of Midland. Politically he is in sympathy ivith the Republican party. He was married in Midland City, Feb. 5, 1872, to Miss Mary A., daughter of Benjamin and Jerusha (Dewey) Dean. (See sketch of Benjamin Dean.) Mrs. Plumer was born in Lee, Mass., March 8, 1854. Her family now comprises three children, viz.: Cecile A., Alice S. and Arthur D. She is a member of the Presbyterian Church. EjsH^S^ |iiM'i hilip Flock, farmer, residing at Edenville, I ySl£ was born in Hamilton, Can., July 10, 1827, Jjifej- ^"'^ '^ '•'^^ *°'^ '^^ Philip and Ellen (Hoff- Jijg "^ man) Flock. The parents were natives of 'iv Pennsylvania. The father died in Canada. The mother resides in Waterford, in the Dominion, and is about 70 years of age. Mr. Flock obtained his education in the common schools of Canada and was under the guidance of his mother until he attained his majority, his father hav- I •^ < d «s^ .dci. ^C^D g^ i;^A-^i ^s^C3^ ^Sii>- ^djr'T -^sC^ MIDLAND COUNTY. J i) \ ^ ing died previous to that date. He remained and worked on the lionie place until he was 25 years old. He was married Feb. 5, 1856, to Joanna, daughter of John W. and EUinor (Robbins) Grover. Her parents were natives of Pennsylvania. They died and were buried at Edenville. Mrs. Flock was born June 10, 1836. Following is the record of the three children born to Mr. and Mrs. Flock: Geddes P. was born Nov. 24, 1857, at Fredericksburg, Can., and has been a salesman in the store of Ralph Dun- ton ten years. He has been Township Clerk seven years. Samuel W. was born Aug. 16, 1858, at Wind- ham, Can. Carrie was born May 21, 1868, at Eden- ville. Mr. Flock conducted a hotel at Fredericksburg the year following his marriage, and then returned to the old homestead, which he managed two years, after which he engaged in coopering. He employed a force of men to work at the business and continued its management seven years, with satisfactory results. At the end of that time he again spent two years in farming on the family homestead. In 1867 he came to Michigan, arriving at Saginaw on the 15 th day of November. Four days later he came to this-' county and engaged in keeping a hotel at Averill Station. A year after he bought a town lot at Edenville and built a house, where he has since resided. In 1869 he bought 40 acres of land on section 13, Edenville, and in February, 1877, he purchased another 40 acres, in Tobacco Township, Gladwin County. On each of these pieces of property he has made fine improvements. Mr. Flock has been School Director eight years and Township Treasurer one year. j.j VjKaL-j fw /Jra0\li;.,ugald C, Mclntyre, farmer on section 31^ ' '^MiSl. Midland, is a son of Jacob and Anna •^ji^ijfy ^ (McCall) Mclntyre, natives of Pennsylva- t)>« nia and Scotland, respectively; and he was ^ born in Elgin Co., Can., Dec. 28, 1840. He * lived in the Dominion until 12 years old, then was employed for three years in a pail and tub fac- tory at Detroit, and from 1855 to 1867 followed the lakes as a sailor. The last seven years of this ])eriod he held the position of mate. In 1870 he came to Oakland Co., this State, where two years later he bought a farm. This he cultivated until 1876, in the spring of which year he made an exchange of prop- erty and came to this county, where he has since made his residence. He has a nice farm of 80 acres, half of which is under cultivation. Nov. 19, 1 87 1, in Northville, Oakland Co., Mich., he was united in the bonds of matrimony with Miss Anna, daughter' of George and Barbara Weber. Both parents and daughter were born in Switzerland. Mrs. Mclntyre was born Dec. 25, 1853. Carl A., Barbara L. and Willie S. are the children now grow- ing up under the parental care of Mr. and Mrs. Mclntyre. The father is in political sentiment a Republican, and he has been Deputy Sheriff, Con- stable and School Director (five terms). He is a member of the Masonic Order. Mrs. McI. is a faith- ful member of the Baptist Church. ^j #-# y- ('^'-toelE. Dean, farmer, section i, Ingersoll i^"^ Township, is a son of Benjamin and ^ ' Jerusha (Dewey) Dean, natives of Massa- chusetts, and resided in Berkshire County. His father was extensively engaged in various manufacturing interests until about 1862, when he disposed of his interests there, having come to Michigan and settled in Midland, where he became a prominent citizen, a leader in the interests of the county and a safe counselor in public affairs. He died in this county, April 27, 1880, and his widow April 17, 1883. They had six daughters and three sons, namely: Benj. F., Cecile E., Jerusha C, Ger- trude R., Stoel E., Alice B. C, Nelson K., Mary A. and Jessie F. Carrie died in infancy, and the re- maining children grew up. The subject of this sketch was born in Pittsfield, Mass., Nov. 4, 1847. At the age of 22 he purchased a farm in Berkshire County, which he managed about eight years, and in December, 1S77, came with his family to this county and bought 500 acres of land mostly in the "stump," in the vicinity of Coleman. He settled on his father's old place of 150 acres, which he had deeded to him : 140 acres of this is in good tillable condition. He cut annually about 100 tons of hay, and keeps 70 head of sheep, 25 head of cattle and 5 head of horses. He also owns 60 acres in Bay County, mostly improved. It is claimed that Mr. Dean has the finest farm in Midland County. w r *<_ ' r^ fS^'g'^f**^ -<-^Qa>^i]i)^:>- T^ *-*-5r7' y^^:sif^ <>llll^fltl^> MIDLAND COUNTY. Mr. Dean has been Township Supervisor one year, and politically he sides with the "Nationals." In Lee, Mass., Nov. 15, 1871, Mr. Dean mariied Lovica A., a daughter of Luke L. and Annis L. (Chapel) Dennison, natives of the Bay State. Her father died in that State, June 4, t86o, and her mother is still living, a resident of this county. In (her family were three children, — Cliarles, Lovica A. and Luke. The daughter was born in Nortii Lee, Berkshire Co., Mass., April 24, 1849. Mr. and Mrs. Dean have three children, as follows: Blanche C, born April 13, 1873; Mabel A., born April 26, 1875 ; and Robert B., Oct. 2, 1877. ?N j Y\\ lt)ei't Higgins, farmer, section 36, Midland [^~t':X^ Township, is a son of Harvey and Laura ^I^S* (Whitman) Higgins, who were natives of Con- i]aX necticut. (See sketch of Wm. Higgins.) Al- 1 bert was born in New York Oct. 8, 1834, and at 18 years of age started out in life for himself For nearly si.x years he worked out by the month on a farm. In the fall of 1S58 he came to Midland County and purchased 80 acres of land in Midland Township, on section 26, which he afterward disposed of He now owns 40 acres on section 36, where he resides and has about 25 acres finely improved. Mr. Higgins was married in this county Aug. 28, 1862, to Anna, daughter of William and Nancy (Taylor) Fair, who were natives of Ireland. Mrs. H. was born in Canada West, March 15, 1842. Their family record comprises the following children: William A., Rose J. (deceased), Florence M., George A., Arthur A. and Robert J. (deceased). Mr. and Mrs. H. are members of the Wesleyan Methodist Church, and in political matters he is counted a Rei)ublican. \ ' r Y' enry Rockwell, farmer, section 23, Homer ^-.jft^^tii Township, was born July 7, 1845, in Craw- s' ford Co., Pa. His parents, Darius and Eunice (Herrick) Rockwell, were natives respectively of Pennsylvania and Massachusetts. They re- side in Crawford Co., Pa., the father being 67 years of age and the mother 64 years old. Of five sons and five daughters born to them, four sons and two daughters are living. Mr. Rockwell is the eldest son and fourth child of his parents. He spent the first 20 years of his life working on the farm of his father, and was married Oct. 31, 1864, in the county where he was born; to Lydia Fuller. She was born July 28, 1845, '■'' Chautauqua Co., N. Y., and is the daughter of James and Lydia (Garrett) Fuller, both natives of New York. They died in Crawford Co., Pa. The family circle of Mr. Rockwell includes eight children, born as follows: Seymour E., Oct. 18, 1866; William H., Sept. 17, 1868; Ernest E., May 2, 1872; Cora B., Aug. 20, 1875; James D., Nov. 27, 1878; Orpha L., Feb. 5, 1880; Sarah R, March 21, 1882; George E., Oct. 19, 1883. Soon after marriage, Mr. Rockwell went to Fayette Co., 111., and engaged one year in farming. They then came to Midland, purchased 40 acres of land in Homer Township, on which they resided two years. At the end of that time they returned to Pennsylvania, where they passed five years in the oil regions. Mr. Rockwell purchased 90 acres of land in Crawford County, where he engaged in farming until December, 1882, when he sold out and returned to Midland Co., Mich., and bought 103 acres of land on the same section on which he had formerly rented. It was under partial improvements, and he has added materially to its value and improved his farm build- ings. He is one of the best farmers in Midland County and is highly esteemed and respected for his fine traits of character and abilities. He is a Re- publican and has held positions of trust in the town- ship where he resides. He and wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Ky>~'l homas Cunningham, carpenter and joiner, ^It^yi residing at North Bradley, was born March xif^^ ^ 14! 1834, in Prince Edwards Co., Ont. He ^vP^ ^^* ^ ®°'^ '■^^ Robert and Margaret (Tice) fc^ Cunningham. The parents both died in Can- I ada, the father some 16 and the mother some seven or eight years ago. The family of the parents comprised ten children, five boys and five girls, and Thomas, the subject of this notice, was the third from the youngest, or eighth, child. The father was X c i iixv^^^§i# «g-.sa- ^^/i^^ ■^m9M<>^ ^t#^ 198 MIDLAND COUNTY. ;■■) ' > 2 a carpenter and joiner by trade, but spent the greater portion of his Hfe farming. Thomas hved at home until lie attained to the age of manhood. His days, prior to majority, were spent mostly on the farm and his labors contributed toward the maintenance of the family. He spent a portion of his time, under the supervision of his father, in learning his trade, and finished the same shortly after arriving at man's estate. He followed his trade in Canada, jobbing and working by the day, for some time. In the spring of 1874 he came to Oakland Co., this State, and in the fall of that year came to North Bradley, this county, where he has since resided, with the exception of one year that he lived in Flint, Genesee County. Mr. Cunningham was united in marriage Jan. 10, 1856, to Miss Orilla, daughter of Jabez and Mary (Haley) Tripp. The father died in Canada and the mother is living with her son Charles, in Freeland, Saginaw Co , this State. There were eight children in hfr father's family, and she was born in May, 1839, in Percy Township, Northumberland Co., Out. She is the mother, to Mr. Cunningham, of seven chi - dren, three of whom are deceased. The living are Dorinda E., Mary E., Sylvester and Eula; and the deceased, Jesse, Jonathan and Emma C. Mr Cunningham is independent in politics. He has held the office of Justice of the Peace four years, Highvvay Commissioner two years and Town- ship Treasurer two terms. He and his wife are both members of the Methodist Episcopal Cliurch, and are respected and esteemed citizens of their township. I l^iCohn C. Ostrander, farmer on section 27, ^[1" Midland Township, is a son of Solomon &■'' and Ruth (Childs) Ostrander, natives of the t^ State of New York; and he was born in Gene- IC see County, that State, July 6, 1816. He re- ceived the rudiments of an English education, and remained at home until 14 years of age. He then (1830) Clime to Washtenaw County, this State, where he lived three years, and then removed to St. Clair, which was his home until the spring of 1861. At that date he came to Midland County, and in 1865 he bought 63 acres, where is his present home, 40 acres being in a good state of cultivation. He was first married in St. Clair, to Miss Annie Brat, a native of Canada. She died July 2, 18^6, leaving seven children— Edward J. (now deceased), Ruth A., Emma J., Ellen A., Alonzo F., Izza M. and Sarah A. Sept. 20, r857, at St. Clair, Mr. O. chose as the partner of his joys and sorrows Miss Ursula S., daugliter of Francis and Polly (Stevens) Green, natives of the State of New York. Mrs. O. was born in Jefferson Co., N. Y., June 14, 1836, and has borne to Mr. O. three children — Dora F., John E. and Effie E. Mr. Ostrander is in political sentiment a Republi- can, and he and his wife are members of the Baptist Church. •'y*JLQaf®^^'-hi ;_ :•?— ^.^-S/aZTOv ^^^tr» A mm liJl^aniel O'Donnell, farmer, section 13, In. |(^Sg^c. gersoll Township, is a son of John and ■^W^Mary (McNulty) O'Donnell, natives of County A. Mayo, Ireland, who emigrated to Canada in i 1831 and passed the remainder of their lives there. The father died in December, 1872, and mother in May, 1882. Their eldest son, the subject of this sketch, was born in Ireland, Oct. 15, 1824, and was about seven years of age when the family moved to Canada. July I, 1855, he married Miss Margaret, daughter of Donald and Christina (Forbes) Mcintosh, natives of Scotland. Mrs. O'Donnell was born in Port Dover, Canada, Oct. 7, 1837. After marriage Mr. O'Don- nell was engaged principally in mercantile business in Canada, for about eight years, and in 1865 he came to Michigan and settled in East Saginaw, engaging in different pursuits for about 13 years. In August, 1878, he came to Midland County and bought 39 acres of land in Ingersoll Township, where he has since resided, and now has about 15 acres cleared. Mr. O'Donnell is a strong advocate of the princi- ples of the National jxarty and is a zealous anti- monopolist. He formerly held a commission as Lieutenant in the British army, which office he sold, — according to a practice permissible at that time. f 1 V (^ c^: (■ y ^ I t ) ^ MIDLAND COUNTY. 199 His father was a Lieutenant Colonel in the British army. Mr. and Mrs. O'Donnell are the parents of 1 1 children, whose names are John M. (who died when eight months old), Mary C, Ignatius D., Margaret E., Eugenia A., Francis J., Teresa C, Charles A., Anna C, Arthur A. and Grace I. Parents are members of the Catholic Church. ioung Swanton, farmer, section ii, Eden- -iMatt ville Township, was l.iorn Nov. 29, 1S36, in Toronto, Can., and is the son of John and Elizabeth Ann (Aikens) Swanton. His father died in Devon's Creek, ("an., in 1S44. His \ mother afterwards married Thomas Gransden, and is living in Edenville Township. After the death of his father, Mr. Swanton went to live with a man named Robert Archibald, but he ran away at the end of a year on account of cruel treatment. He then fell under the care of a Catholic priest, who had charge of him one year, but who did not understand the art of managing other men's children, and he abandoned the plan at the end of the time named. Mr. Swanton tells that one important reason the priest dispensed with his presence, was that he kept two kegs of wine, for sacrament purposes, in the room where Young slept; and the quantity of wine which would under ordinary circumstances last ten years, disappeared in as many weeks. The result was that Young was anxious to whip all the boys in the neigh- borhood. Hecontinued to maintain himself until he ar- rived at man's estate, and was married April 11, 1859, to Lucy J., daughter of Thomas and Ann (Pringle) McConnell. She was born June 15, 1841. Of eight children born of this union, seven are living. Fol- lowing is the record of their births: Etta A. was born March 2, i860; Thomas Y., Oct. 23, 1861; John S., Dec. 25, 1863; George E., Jan. 6, 1865 (died July 30, 1866); Lafayette,"-ftdy 7, 1868; Flora B., March 14, 1870; Sidney A., April 12, 1874; Bertha, Nov. 2, 1876. Mr. Swanton came to Midland County in the fall of 1864. He spent the winter here, and in the spring of 1865 brought hither his family. He purchased city lots in Midland, on which he netted $1,000. He resided in that place a year, losing $6,000 indirectly as the result of Lincoln's assassination, and finally purchased 136 acres of land in Jerome Township. After a residence there of one summer he exchanged rX^ the property for 193 acres of pine land. The farm ^ on which he now resides comprised but five acres of >k chopped land, and he now has 75 acres improved and under tillage and supplied with two good barns. Mr. Swanton is a Republican and has served one term as Highway Commissioner. He has spent many winter seasons of his life in lumbering in his own interests and as foreman of the camps of other parties. The first wife of Mr. Swanton died Aug. 7, 1880, and he was a second time married June i, 188 1, to Elizalieth, widow of Alexander Kesler. One child was born of her first marriage. The second Mrs. Swanton died March 12, 1884. 3'!'i^|:L".,dwiri P. Powers, hotel-keeper at North „;l'\VS'-^i; Bradley, is a son of William Gj and Har- 0v'sj'^' riet (Elrick) Powers, and was born in "aj^ Franklin, Franklin Co, Vt., Jan. 16, 1833. The father of Edwin was of Welsh descent and was born in Castleton, Rutland Co., Vt., and died in Canton, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., in 1880. His (Edwin's) mother was born in Milton, Chittenden Co., Vt., and is at present living with her daughter in Nicholville, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. Her father was from Scotland and her mother a native of the Green Mountain State. Edwin's father followed the vocation of lumber- ing all his life. His family consisted of nine chil- dren, five boys and four girls, and all lived to attain the age of maturity except one. At the present writing there are four girls and two boys living. One son died prior to attaining his majority, and two died while serving their country in the late civil war. One of the latter died of a wound received in a bat- tle near Fortress Monroe; he received the wound in his shoulder, which necessitated the amputation of the arm and caused his death after some two weeks of pain and suffering. The other son died of typhoid fever contracted while in the service. Edwin P. made his own way in the world from the time he was ten years of age. At that time he went to work for a stipulated amount and contributed of his earnings a sufficiency to pay his way. He soon r—r Si/ ^ i I e5^4is> M^ntM^ ry e > ^ MIDLAND COUNTY. -es# began working in a saw-n.ill summers, and spent his winters lumbering, giving all his wages, except suffi- cient to clothe himself, to his parents. He also re- quired a fair common-school education in the schools of Vermont and New York, and continued working as an employe in the saw-mills until 1862. The late civil war having broken out, and the sym- pathies of Mr. Powers being with the cause of the North, he enlisted in Co. G, nth N. Y. Vol. Cav. (" Scott's 900"), Aug. II, 1862. The company was commanded by Col. James B. Swain. It was ordered to Washington, U. C, and on its arrival was detailed for provost duty. One company (Co. A) was President Lincoln's body guard and were all mounted on black horses. Mr. Powers was on pro- vost duty in Washington 18 months and was then sent to New Orleans to guard plantations and hunt guerrillas. The plantations had been forfeited to the U. S. Government and rented to Northern men for raising cotton, and it was necessary for a time to keep a guard to protect their crops and buildings. From New Orleans he was sent to Memphis, Tenn., and at the latter place received his discharge from the service. On receiving his discharge Mr. Powers returned to St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., and again engaged in the mill business, which he continued until 1876. Dur- ing that year he located a homestead of 160 acres of land in Wisconsin, and finally traded his homestead for the hotel he is at present conducting in Button- ville, or North Bradley. Mr. Powers was united in marriage, Jan. 31, 1858, at Canton, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., to Miss Sarah A. Foote, daughter of Michael and Margaret (Debar) Foote. Her father was of French and English de- scent, a farmer by occupation and was l)orn in Can- ada. His children were 15 in number, i i of wliom grew to the age of maturity, and nine of whom are now living. He died June 16, 1865. The mother is of English descent, and is still living in Canton, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. Mrs. Powers was born April 4, 1836, in VVadding- ton, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. She is the mother, to Mr. Powers, of two children, namely : James E., born Jan. 29, 1862, in Hopkinton, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., was united in marriage with Miss Altha Don- aldson, Nov. I, 1883; and Harriet, born Nov. 3, 1859, in Canton, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., died Jan. 6, 1 86 1. In national affairs Mr. Powers affiliates with the Republican party. Li religion, h'j and wife were both members of the Methodist Episcopal Church and still incline to that belief. S>^ ' '•' v^ m ^ dwin C. Berryman, photographer at il^iiij Midland, was born June 27, 1859, in 0v^^'' ° Cayuga Co., N. Y. His parents, William and Catherine (Spears) Berryman, removed to Leslie, Ligham Co., Mich., in 1862. His father is a farmer and both parents now reside in Fentonville, Genesee Co., Mich. Mr. Berryman spent 17 years in Leslie, engaged in securing a fair common-school education and passing a short period in clerking. In April, 1879, he came to Midland, where he passed three years as a salesman in the mercantile establishment of the Reardon Bros. In 1882 he became proprietor of a photograplier's outfit and traveled some time. In October, 1882, he located at Midland, where he is engaged in a prosperous business. His artistic work includes all varieties of photography, copying, enlarging and portrait-painting, crayon, water colors, etc. He owns his residence, place of business, a village lot and 40 acres of land in Homer Town- ship. He was married in Plymouth, Wayne Co., Mich., Sept. 21, 1 88 1, to Miss Delia Glympse. She is a native of Plymouth, Wayne Co., Mich. Mr. Berry- man is a member of the Knights of Maccabees. — ^--Kef^f^J.).. '^££^P 9 i |^,r. Andrew J. Bowman, resident at Eden- ville, was born July 11, 1836, in Herkimer '=" Co., N. Y. His parents, William and Polly (Chaffee) Bowman, were born respectively in ^j Vermont and New York. They are both de- ceased and their remains are buried in the cemetery at St. Clair. Dr. Bowman was reared to the age of 16 years on his father's farm. He then took the making of his fortunes into his own hands and went to Lakeport on Lake Huron to learn the trade of builder. After two years he returned to St. Clair County, where he tarried but a short time. He went to Detroit, where (^ ^ <^II!I :^nti;^A^ MIDLAND COUNTY. 4?^^ (h V he began the study of medicine with Dr. Stockwell, and afterwards continued his course of reading with Dr. Cornell, of Ionia. He attended two terms of lectures at Ann Arbor, and has been in active prac- tice about 1 6 years. Dr. Bowman is a Republican in political sentiment. He owns a fine place, witli a new house and barn. He was married Aug. 15, 1883, to Mizeth, daugh- ter of Edwin and Rhoda (Ellis) Eraser. Her par- ents are natives of Canada and are respectively of Scotch and English descent. Tliey live in Hope Township, Midland County, where they have resided about 12 years. Five years previous to that they re- sided in Lincoln Township. Mrs. Bowman was born April 6, 1864, in Strathroy, Can. ^*H^Sifc % harles B. Peer, farmer, section 31, Mid- pi?asS land Township, is a son of Abraham and ^ Polly (Ballard) Peer, who were natives of the V State of New York. He was born in Genesee I County, that State, Feb. 11, 183 1, and wlien 14 years old he came to Wayne Co., Mich., where he remained eight years; he then resided in Parke Co., Ind., until 1S70, when he came to Midland County and purchased 5 2 acres of land, where he has since resided, and now has 35 acres under cultivation. He had charge of the County House in 1879 and 1883. Mr. P. is a member of the Masonic friternity, and in politics is a Democrat. He was married in Indiana, Aug. 8, 1859, to Miss Lucy Fossett, daughter of Jockway Fosset. She was born in the Empire State, June 3. 1836. Mr. and Mrs. Peer are the parents of one child, Frank- lin, who died when about 18 months old. They adopted Otis J. Davis when he was 15 months old, and gave him their own name of Peer. '-aS(= ^lo^lisha S. Day, f;irmer, sections i and 2, Edenville Township, was born Oct. i, 1842, at Lyndon Center, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., and is the son of Thomas and Dorothy (Smart) Day. His parents are natives of Eng- land and became residents of America previous to their marriage. They now reside at Lyndon Center. Mr. Day was under the guidance of his father ^ until he was 21 years of age. He remained at his work on his father's farm about six weeks after reach- ing the period of his legal freedom, and received 31 dollars, with which he set out in the world. His first employ was in cutting cord-wood, at two shillings and si.x pence a cord, and he boarded himself He next engaged as a farm assistant and worked by the month some time, after which he operated in buying and selling stock in his own interest. The field of his operations was chiefly Canada, whence he shipped his purchases to the State of New York. He con- tinued this business several months, after which he returned home and worked a year on his father's farm. In 1866 he came to Romeo, Macomb Co., Mich., and went to work by tlie month. In the spring of 1867 he rented a farm for a year. He was married April 2, 1867, to Justina C, daughter of Snover F. and Eliza (Smith) Chrisman. The parents are both living, near Romeo. She was born March 5, 1844, and died Aug. 15, 1877, of ^ consumption. She and a child were buried in one coffin in the cemetery at Romeo. Three children survive, born as follows: Brice, Oct. 24, 1868; Florence E., March 6, 1872; Clyde Evart, March 29, 1874. Mr. Day was a second time married, April 2, 1878, to Arilla, daugliter of John W. and Ellen (Robbins) Grover. She was born April 10, 1840, in Windham, Norfolk Co., Can. Her parents both died in Edenville, Mich. Mrs. Day was the widow of C. J. Axford. The family of Mr. Day in- cludes an adopted son — Freddie Strong — born May 13, 1876, in Massachusetts. On the expiration of his lease of the first farm, Mr. Day rented one situated two miles distant, on which he operated two years, when he again rented anotjier farm and continued its management five years. In 1875 he purchased 320 acres of land in Macomb County, and two years later made an addi- tional purchase of 54 acres. He remained resident on the place six years. In 1878 he bought 166 acres of land on sections i and 2, Edenville, where he now resides. He has also kept a hotel for two years at Edenville, but has leased it for five years to L. G. Porter. The farm was under partial improvements and has increased greatly in value since it has been under his management. He has erected one of the finest 9 ■^ £ S ^ ( ii-v®^^^# .j^^^jL mmm>^ — ^=«^ f^M: ^7<>IlIl§IIIlf>T^ MIDLAND COUNTY. -f^^^C(®vSP houses and most valuable barns in the township. He made a later purchase of 200 acres, which he improved to some extent, and sold in 1SS3. He now owns 540 acres of land, besides the hotel in the village of Edenville. Among other acts of well- considered and well-directed benevolence which Mr. Day has performed, has been the contribution of $600 to the erection of a church at Romeo, and $200 toward the construction of a church edifice at Edenville. Mrs. Day is one of the earliest settlers in Midland County. She came to Edenville in the fall of 1866, with her father, mother and husband, making the route from Saginaw to Midland on the " Belle Sey- mour," a steam tug, and thence to Edenville on a scow, which conveyed the family and their effects. The place then contained a hotel, in which the only store in the vicinity was conducted. They bought ten acres of land and the farm on which the family now reside, moved into a shanty and set up hotel-keep- ing therein, until they were enabled to build a suit- able structure for that purpose. After doing so they continued its management 1 1 years, and then sold it. The principal business of Northern Michigan at the time of their arrival was lumbering, and the hotel was chiefly patronized by the men engaged in the woods. At the dates of opening and closing the lumber season, the resources of the hotel were taxed to the uttermost, as all supplies were transported thither by canoes or scows from Saginaw, there being no roads of any use, and sometimes hundreds of men were entertained in a day. The experiences of Mrs. Day were unusually trying. 1 mos Turney, carpenter and builder, resi- dent on section 16, Homer Township, was born June 26, 1837, in Northumberland Co., Ontario. At the age of 11 years, he was bound out to Levi Walker, in the State of New York, with whom he resided one year. He returned to his native province and passed his time in various occupations until he was 16 years old, when he placed himself under indentures with David Turney, his cousin, to learn the trade which has since been his vocation. At the age of 18 years he came to St. Clair Co , Mich., where he was engaged chiefly in A^^[]!i^i]t];i> the pursuit of his trade three years, when he came to Midland County. Two years later he returned to Ontario, and spent a year in the en.ployment of the cousin of whom he learned his trade. At the end of that time they formed a partnership and trans- ferred their interests to St. Clair, Mich., where they engaged in an extensive business. Mr. Turney had the core of his father in Ontario, and passed his time alternately in Michigan and in the Dominion until he was married. That event occurred Aug. 22, 1867, when Sarah M. Windover became his wife. (See sketch of John Windover.) She was born June 26, 1849, in Ontario. Five sons constitute the issue of this marriage. They are William H., George, Amos, Reynold and John W. Mr. Turney is a zealous Republican, and has served as Highway Commis- sioner. The family attend the Methodist Episcopal Church. it ames B. Burtless, farmer, section 24, Mid- land Township, is a son of William and Mary (Petty) Burtless, natives of New Jersey. His father came from that State to Central New York when a boy, and drove a cow the entire distance. Both his parents re- sided in New York State until their death. They had eiglit sons and one daughter. Jymes B., the eldest of the children, was born in Seneca Co., N. Y., April 8, 1822. At the age of 21 he came to Jackson Co., Mich., and purchased a tract of 103 acres. After improving about 18 acres he sold the place, and a year afterward returned to New York Stale and worked a farm on shares for four years, when he came again to Michigan and lived one year in Lenawee County. During this time he bought a farm in Branch Co., Mich., and lived upon it almost ten years, when he again sold out, and in February, 1864, enlisted for the Union in the First Michigan Light Artillery, serving till the close of the war. He then bought a farm in Bay Co., Mich., and occupied it till January, 1881, when he sold and came to Midland City, lived with his son, Dr. Burtless, two years, and a few months later he bought 40 acres of land in Midland Township, on which he built a residence and where he still lives. He was first married in Lenawee Co., Mich , Feb. 25, 1846,10 Susanna Cairnes, a native of New A \ ^ €? ill t i ■^^v <^l]tlsllllf^' -:2#^^^ .d^ \> ) ^ MIDLAND COUNTY. York State. Their children were William E., Hattie and Charlie. Mrs. B. died Dec. 30, 1859, and Mr. B. married Jeannette Cameron Fray, in Sanilac County, Aug. 19, 1874. Latona A. and Erie were the children by this marriage. The latter died when nearly three years old, and the mother in November, 1879. Sept. 19, 1SS2, Mr. B. married, for his present wife, Mrs. Sarah A., daughter of John and Wilhel- mina Fleming and widow of David Stephens, who died Feb. 19, 1879. Mr. Burtless, a Republican, has been Highway Commissioner in Bay County, and both himself and wife belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church. . — ^~;-4 — o-^^c — g>-H- — ohn Haywood, farmer on section 13, Homer Township, was born in St. John's, ■>"*^' Can., Oct. 22, 1843, and lived with his parents until 16 years old. During this time they removed to Prince Edwards Island ; and later they went to the State of Maine, where both parents died, the father in i860 and the mother in 1868. Commencing as a common laborer at tlie age men- tioned, he found employment at ti.nes in the lumber woods and on the river, and at other times worked at farming. He was thus engaged, in the State of Maine, until the spring of 1865, when he came to Michigan. Here he worked in the woods and on the river until 1877, when he settled on 40 acres in Homer Township which he had purchased in 1869. He has since devoted his time mostly to farming, and has now 25 acres improved, a fair residence and -a good stock and grain barn. June 29, 1874, at Midland, he was joined in wed- lock with Miss Nettie Fisk, daughter of Mark H. and Mary (Cronnnett) Fisk, natives of Maine, and of Welsh and English descent, respectively. Mrs. Fisk now lives with her daughter, Mrs. Haywood. She is a lineal descendant of Oliver Cromwell, some one of her ancestors having changed the name to Crommett. Mr. Fisk died in the Pine Tree State June 18, 1858. Mrs. Haywood was born May 14, 1854, in Levant, Penobscot Co., Me.. Losing her father wlien four years old, she was under her mother's care until 20 years old. At that age she came to this State and county, where she was shortly after married. The family includes two children — Ernest G., born Feb. 5, 1874, and Herbert A., Feb. 11, 1882. Mr. H. has held the offices of Drain Commissioner and Constable, and is in political opinion a Repub- lican. -vSs- — illiam O- Burtless, M. D., medical prac- titioner at Midland, was born near the »<^''(~s city of Jackson, Mich. His parents, 'Ire*^ James B. and Susan (Carnes) Burtless, set- tled soon after their marriage in Seneca County, N. Y., where they were members of the agricultural class of society. They came to Michi- gan about the year 1845, and in 1847 returned to Seneca County, where they resided three years, re- turning at the end of that time to Michigan. They settled near Coldwater and maintained their resi- dence there a number of years. The mother died about the year 1856. The father is still living, and resides in Midland Township, this county. Dr. Burtless attained to man's estate in Branch County, and passed the years of his early youth ob- taining his elementary education and alternately as- sisting on the farm of his father. He became inter- ested in the progress and issues of the Civil War, and at last decided in risking the fate of the soldier. He enlisted Jan. 10, 1864, in Co. M, nth Mich. Cav., under Capt. Frisby. The regiment was as- signed to the Western Army, and was in active ser- vice, chiefly among the guerrillas of North and South Carolina, Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee and Vir- ginia. Dr. Burtless was wounded in a skirmish in Kentucky, April 12, 1864, and during the attack on Saltville, W. Va., he received a minie-ball wound in his left foot, and soon afterward the leg was shat- tered by a bursting shell. He was taken prisoner and placed in a rebel hospital, located opposite the notorious Libby Prison at Richmond. He was in vigorous health at the time and weighed 168 pounds. After being wounded he lay three days on the field, without food or drink, and suffered the loss of a large amount of blood. His privations after he was cap- tured were after the pattern that have stamped the Southern character of that period with an ineffaceable stigma, and which he was only enabled to withstand Ijy his splendid powers of physical endurance. He K^ s 9 V/ 0) ^^^fL p^^;!] j]^ ntji^-a^. -^4^^j(@y^i ■:^^^ K C^v <^Mm]\^> MIDLAND COUNTY. I (b (0 (c^ was paroled at the end of three weeks and weighed 93 pounds. Three months before his discharge from the service of the United Stales, he rejoined his regi- ment and served during the remainder of his period of enHstnient in the capacity of Corporal. On being mustered out, he came to Tecumseh, Lenawee Co., Mich., and became a stiident in the union school at that place. He completed a course of study, a''ter which he passed a year in the Baptist College at Kalamazoo. In the fall of 187 i, he ma- triculated in the Literary Department of the Uni- versity of Michigan at Ann Arbor. He withdrew from the University at the end of his Sophomore year, in the spring of 1873. Soon after, he embarked in a mercantile enterprise at Auburn, Bay County, a;ssociated with L-a Swart. The relation terminated at the end of two years. While attending school at Tecumseh, he gave some attention to the study of medicine, and in the fall of 1876 he entered the Medical Department of the University, where he was graduated in the spring of 1878, in medicine and surgery. In July of the same year, he initiated his practice at Midland, where he has since continued its prosecution and leads his profession. His business in the department of surgery is especially extensive, and includes a wide-spread territory. He belongs to the State Medical Society, also the American Medi- cal Association. Dr. Burtless owns a fine residence and grounds in Midland, several building lots variously situated in the village, and 155 acres of farming land adjoining the corporation. He holds a third interest in 2,000 acres of timber lands in Larkin Township, and has the same claim in 130 acres of land located adjoin- ing his farm, before named. He is also a member of the Star Flouring Company at Midland. Dr. Burtless was married in 1874, at Tecumseh, Mich., to Sarah, daughter of Dr. J. S. and Sarah Hainilton. She died in Jajiuary, 1875, leaving a son — Earl — who died when 1 1 months old. Dr. Burtless was a second time married, June 22, 1877, to Emma C. Blodget, daughter of Charles S. and Laura P. Blodget. The only child of this marriage • — Hattie — died at the age of 1 1 months. Charles S. Blodget was born in Vermont, Jan. 3, 18 1 8, and was the son of ("harles and Content (Waite) Blodget. A few years after his birth his parents removed to Brownhelm, Lorain Co., Ohio, where they passed their remaining years. In 1864 they celebrated their golden wedding. The father died at the age of 93 years. The mother died in 1877, at 90 years of age. Mr. Blodget received a careful elementary educa- tion at the district schools and afterward at Oberlin, Ohio. He was married in 7840, to Laura P. Graves, a lady of rare personal and mental traits. Slie was born July 31, 1824, in Camden, Ohio. The husband was employed in the lake service during a few sea- sons, where he bought a saw-mill and farm at Brown- helm. The mill was burned and replaced by another, which was also burned, and the proprietor in 1852 sold his agricultural interests and removed to Mich- igan, settling in Midland Township on a tract of un- improved land, where he once more began his con- test with the world. He entered vigorously into the work of wresting success through persistent effort from the wilderness of woods, and he prosecuted the business of lumbering in connection with that of agri- culture. He was a man of earnest Christian char- acter, and exerted his influence as such in every possible avenue. The population of Midland Township was chiefly composed of unlettered people, whom circumstances compelled to exert every faculty to the acquisition of a livelihood, and to whom the Sabbath brought only respite from arduous toil and was spent in such re- creation as the place afforded, consisting mainly of hunting and fishing. Through the eftbrts of Mr. Blodget, ably seconded by his wife and the few Chris- tian people in the vicinity, a Sunday-school was in- stituted and the services of a minister secured. His house was the center of hospitable entertainment and the headquarters of chance travelers, clergymen and Indian missionaries. He was keenly alive to the portentous issues of the times in which he lived. Patriotic and loyal, as he was, to the dignity and claims of the standard of the United States, the in- solent attack upon the Federal authority at Fort Sumter aroused in him all the indignation of one whose dearest and best is ruthlessly assaulted, and he was deterred from joining the defenders of the Union only by the feeble health of his wife. But, as events progressed and the reverses of 1862 involved the hopes of the North in seeming ruin, he responded to the appeals of the Executive for aid and succor in the most trying hour of the nation's peril. He be- 1 ( N ^@tf5®- J^ A<:^il a .^ IIti;>^^ — ^^^^^ ^51 ip 4-IIDSPIl-$V rrr MIDLAND COUNTY. -«^ 207 T 4 e ^ ^ came a soldier Oct. 17, 1862, enlisting in Co. H, 27th Mich. Vol. Inf., under Capt. Bingham. He went to the field as a Sergeant and was in active ser- vice nearly two years. In March, 1864, he was seized with camp diarrhea, resulting from the fatigue and exposure of a forced march of several days' con- tinuance. He was placed in an ambulance prepara- tory to removal to the hospital at Knoxville, Tenn., becoming unconscious during the transfer. He re- mained insensible and died a few hours later. His demise occurred March 12, 1864. His widow was left with seven young children, all daughters except the youngest. She was in frail health, but rallied to the double responsibilities thrown upon her by the death of her husband. She devoted herself to the education and rearing of her children, assuming control of the property and so managing her resources as to secure the object of her efforts. She died March 8, 1873, of consumption from which she suffered three years. She was warmly regarded beyond the limits of her own family, having proved invaluable among the friends and neighbors of her sphere, who found in her a sympathetic friend and assistant in tlie emergencies of life. The portrait of Dr. Burtless appears on another page. It is presented with peculiar satisfaction, as that of an able practitioner, a conscientious man, and one who is ever sensible of the claims of his genera- tion. (^ lanson Marey, farmer, section 35, Inger- aj^'aTX-^ soil Township, is a son of Stephen and '5^1^ Achsy (Howe) Marcy, natives of Vermont, and jk^ was born in Cayuga Co., N. Y., Oct. 16, 1807. 'j Coming to this State, he first lived several years in Lapeer County, and in March, 1856, he came to Midland County and purchased 80 acres of section 25, Ingersoll Township, where he settled and lived till the fall of i8S3,when he sold this farm and bought a house and small tract of land on section 35, his present residence. He was first married in Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., to Mary Bowen, a native of New York, and they had six children, viz.: Almira, Charles F., Harriet H., William H., Martha A. and Susan D. Almira and Martha are deceased, and their mother died Ti"ie 21, 1S5T. Mr. M. was again married Sept. 2, 1853, in Oakland Co., Mich., to Mary A., daughter of William and Phebe (Herrimon) Upton, natives of the State of New York, and of the eight children by this mar- riage four survive, viz.: Achsy O., Polly R., Seth N. and Orrin J. The deceased were Phebe, Tillie A., Lydia J. and Ira E. Mr. and Mrs. Marcy belong to the Wesleyan Methodist Church. In regard to national ejuestions Mr. M. votes with the Republican party. j::^ M^m [Ivin Marsh, farmer, section i, Edenville C Township, was born Oct. 13, 1823, in Mc- Lean village, Tompkins Co., N. Y., and is V?jlja^ the son of Joseph and Mary (Bailey) Marsh, '1^ both of whom were natives of Vermont. The ; mother was of genuine Yankee extraction, and is deceased. The father was born Dec. 29, 1795, and died at the home of his son Aug. 22, 1865. Mr. Marsh was the third son of four children born to his parents, and when he was seven years old, ac- companied them in their removal to Allegany Co., N. Y. The township was named New Hudson and the immediate vicinity was known as the Marsh set- tlement. He was reared to the profession of a farmer and remained on his father's farm until he attained his majority. In company with his father and two brothers, he owned an equal share in 200 acres of land and a saw-mill, and in 1S53 he came to Mich- igan to prospect for a location. He returned and sold his claim, and in October, 1854, settled in Sagi- naw County. He understood the trade of a builder, and he was occupied in the pursuit of that business several years. In 1857 he removed to Saginaw City and two years later, in the fall of 1859, he settled in Midland County. Motile residing at Saginaw he bought 160 acres of land in Hope Township, which he exchanged for the farm on which he is at present established, which includes 160 acres. It comprised 30 acres of cleared land, and was supplied with a log house and a log barn. He now owns 120 acres of his original purchase, having sold 40 acres. Eighty acres ot the homestead are under creditable and valuable improvements. Mr. Marsh is a Republican in political faith, and has been Supervisor of his township two terms. Mr. Marsh built, in the autumn gllll<>V=* ^5 rrv4i(lD^:iiIlri>v-e ■:^&^ MIDLAND COUNTY. ^. ^SjS5 i® ^m^ <) <^ of 1855, the first frame structure, at Midland City, for John Larkin. He is quite a successful Nimrod, having killed up to date 142 bears, 200 wolves, and from 1,200 to 1,500 deer. For some years he made quite a handsome income by working at his trade in the summers, and trapping in the woods winters. He was married at Rushford, N. Y., Oct. 12, 1846, to Laura Ann Holmes, who was born March 17, 1826, in Onondaga Co., N. Y. Her father, Jeremiah Holmes, was born July 7, 1800, in Herkimer Co., N. Y., and died Oct. 19, i85S. He was of English origin. The mother, Laura (Smith) Holmes, is a native of Massachusetts, of English descent, and is living with William Magee. Emily Adelaide, the eldest of two children of Mr. and Mrs. Marsh, was born in New Hudson, Allegany Co., N. Y., Sept. 30, 1847, and became the wife of Gilbert B. Goff, of Edenville Township, April 10, 1866. John Owen Marsh was born July 10, 1853, in New Hudson. Mr. and Mrs. Marsh are members of the Church of Seventh-Day Adventists. I illiam A. Greenleaf, farmer, section 33, Midland Township, is a son of Thomas and Mary (Young) Greenleaf, natives of Maine. He was born in Mercer, that State, ^ June 9, 1835, attended school until iS years of age, and then learned the trade of carriage- making. He then worked at his trade five years in South Carolina. Returning to his native State, he en- listed, April 18, i86i,in the Sixth Maine Volunteers, and served until the close of the war. During the first three years of his service he was in 23 general engagements. After the war he returned to Maine, and two months afterward he came to Michigan. The first winter he worked in the woods, and in May, 1866, he came to Midland City, where he was employed two summers in carpentry, but continued in the lum- (9^ ber woods during the intervening winters. About 186S he purchased 80 acres of land where he now resides; but from 1870 to r88i he lived in Midland ^ City, continuing at carpentry and lumbering, accord- ^ ing to the season, as above mentioned. He now has (^ 25 acres under cultivation. ^ Mr. G. was married in Oakland Co., Mich., in September, 1866, to Mrs. Julia, daughter of Lambson and Roxy Livermore and widow of Amos Witter, who died in the army. She had by her first marriage one child, Alice by name, and by her present mar- riage one child, Ro.xy M., born Aug. 21, 1868. In general politics, Mr. Greenleaf votes with the Republicans. i 0S«5«;«t#«"»-lf^ illiam McKay, farmer, section 32, Mid- land Township, is a son of James and J^^f^O Jessie (Mcllrath) McKay, natives of Scot- 4?^ land, who. shortly after their marriage, emi- |Y grated to New York city. Here, Mr. James -> McKay engaged in mercantile pursuits for a while, then in Paris, Ont., for three years ; then sold out and established himself in agricultural pursuits for five years ; next he exchanged his property for a distillery, which he ran for ten years, and finally pur- chased the farm where he now resides. His wife died in 1853. They were the parents of seven chil- dren, of whom the subject of this sketch was the second. The latter was born on "Scotia's Isle," Feb. 15, 1840, and was therefore but an infant when his par- ents emigrated with him to this country. When r6 years of age he started out in the world for himself, in the pursuit of agriculture. In September, 1859, he returned to Scotland and remained until May, 1861. He received his education mostly in the common schools of Ontario, and he also attended the academy at Dumfries, Scotland, near the home of the poet Burns. He returned to Canada in 186 r, and for two years was engaged in the live-stock business. He had previously purchased a farm in Norfolk Co., Ont., on which he settled at this time, and remained there till he came to Midland County, in June, 1865. On his arrival here he purchased 40 acres of unimproved land, to which he has since added ten acres, and he now has the entire place under fine cultivation. Mr. McKay was married in Midland City, May 25, 1867, to Julia, daughter of Joseph and Abigail (Taylor) Smith, who were natives of New York. She also was born in that State, in Onondaga County, Oct. 5, 1839. James D., born May 25, 1871, is the only child born to Mr. and Mrs. McKay. V&^ V ®>)^T#* rzi^P^sr — ^=r7^':UU^PU>-:>v ) :-§ ^ MIDLAND COUNTY. The subject of this biographical sketch has held the offices of Higliway Commissioner, Justice of the Peace and School Director, in his political sentiments is a National, and, with his wife, is in sympathy with the doctrines of the Presbyterian Church. cries Kelly, farmer, section 26, Homer Township, was born in this township '^ Oct. 24, i860, and is the son of William '^^^ and Elizabeth (Barton) Kelly. His parents are residents of the village of Midland. The leading event of the life of Mr. Kelly thus fa.r was his marriage to Mary McDermott. She was born in Homer Township, March 12, 1865, and is the daughter of Clement and Ellen (O'Con- nell) McDermott. Her parents were natives of New York, of Irish descent. Laroy is the only child yet born to Mr. and Mrs. Kelly. They reside on the family homestead, and Mr. Kelly owns 80 acres on section 30, of this township, 30 acres of which are under the plow. •'x*£ai2»©iC-^— l§|^^^&^^i- •^^^msrm^ ri^CS:^ illiam Simmons, farmer, section 28, Mid- land Township, is a son of Nicholas and „ Sabine Simmons, who were natives of '' Germany and emigrants to America in the summer of 1847, settling in St. Clair Co.^ Mich. Mother died in Port Huron. . William was born in Germany, Aug. lo, 1839, and was eight years old when he came with his parents to this countr)' ; attended school two years in his native land, and several terms in Midland. At the age of 13 he left home, and three months afterward was apprenticed for three years to learn the black- smith's trade, which he followed until rS6i, when he enlisted in the Fifth Mich. Cav. and served three years. He was the first to enlist from Midland Township. At the battle of Gettysburg he was taken prisoner and conveyed to Belle Island ; four months afterward he was paroled. Excepting his time in the army he has resided in this county since 1858. In i860 he bought 38 acres of land in Midland Township, to which he has since added 80 acres, and he has almost 70 acres under cultivation. Mr. Simmons was married in Midland City, May r, 1865, to Phebe E., daughter of Jeremiah and Laura E. (Smith) Holmes, and widow of M. E. Goodrich, who died Dec. 20, i860. Mrs. S. was born in Allegany Co., N. Y., July 11, 1840. By her first marriage there was one child, which died in in- fancy. By her second there have been three chil- dren, viz : Avis V., William R. and Ernest H. — the last of whom died when eight years old. Mr. S. has been Township Treasurer one year. Highway Commissioner three years (re-elected in 18S4), and has held the various school offices. In political matters he votes with the Republican party. Mrs. Simmons is a Seventh-Day Adventist. * R'C"J;-.',avid Berthune, farmer, section n, Geneva C^\{[}/rf'' . . . ^ ': "iP..^J'- Township, was born in the Province of Quebec, Can., May g, 1847. He is a son of Louis and Shia (Be Dor) Berthune. His father was a native of Canada, of French 'S descent, and was born in 1815. He owned a small farm (33 acres) in the Dominion, and fol- lowed farming and buying and selling stock for a livelihood, and died in September, 1857. The mother of David was a native of Canada, of English and French descent, born in 1826 and died in the Do- minion in January, 1876. David left home when 12 years of age and worked in the lumber woods winters, and on the rivers sum- mers, running logs, until 187 I. In the summer of that year he came to Saginaw, this State. He engaged as employe to a Mr. Peter McCarthy, and worked in the woods in that gentleman's interest until he came to this county. June 23, 18S0, he purchased his present farm on section 9, Geneva Township, and moved on it in March, 1882. March 12, 1873, Mr. Berthune was united in mar- riage to Miss Salina, daughter of Louis and Mercy (Brandow) Bresan. Her mother died in the summer of 1 88 1, in Mecosta County, this State, and her father still resides in that county. -She was born Jan. 6, 1850, and departed this life Feb. 11, 1858, leaving to the care of her husband two children. r ? .1 )^€- %®- -©TK^iingntif^^^^ — ^«^ -est ^^^^ !2?Ti,J?^C" MIDLAND COUNTY. I t \ / t namely. Louis Edward, bom Feb. 15, 1874; and Mercy, born Feb. i, 1S7S, died April 6, 1S7S. One child preceded the mother to the better land, namely, Sophia, bom Jan. 8, 1S76, and died Oct. 13. TS77. March 26, 1SS2, he was again married, to Miss Jennie M., daughter of Hiram and Maria Bartlett. Her father was a native of Maine, of English descent, followed the occupation of lumberman, was bora March 16, 1829, and died March 6, 1S82. Her mother is of English and Irish descent, and is living with her son in Buttonville. Mrs. Berthune was born Aug 28, i860. She is the mother to Mr. B. of one child, David Edwin, bom June 2, 18S3. Politically, Mr. Berthune is a believer in the doc- trines of the Republican party. He is a quiet, un- ostentatious farmer and a respected and esteemed citizen of his township. i eter Skym, farmer, section 2,2,, Homer : Township, was born June 27, 1836, in Albany, N. V. His parents, John and S"^ Susan (Thoroughgood) Skym, were natives of ' |!^ London, Eng., and of mixed Welsh and Eng- lish extraction. The father was employed as an as- sistant in a silk factor)- in London, and emigrated to America some years ago. He settled with his family in r84o in Ashtabula O)., Ohio, where he fol- lowed farming until his death, which occurred Jan. 4, 187S. The mother died Nov. 3, 1S74, in the same countj\ Mr. Skym was a small child when his parents settled in Ohio, and he remained under the direction of his father until he was 22 years old, when he engaged as a farm assistant in the ^-icinity where he had grown to manhood. He was married Feb. 23, 1S65, to Celia Miller. She was bom in Ashtabula Co., Ohio. Oct. 30, 1S39, and is the daughter of Jus- tus and Laura (Holbrooks) Miller. Her parents were bora in Ohio, and her father died there about the year 1S70. Her mother is yet living in the Buckeye State, and is aged 78 years. Frank E., Stella E., Clinton J. and Arthur are the names of the children bom to Mr. and Mrs. Skym. The latter is deceased. After their mani.ige they remained in Ashtabula Count)' until the fall of 1879 and were engaged in farming. In the year named they removed to the count)- and township in which they ha%-e since re- sided. Mr Skym bought 80 acres in a wholly un- improved condition, which he has cleared and greatly increased in value. He is a Republican in his politi- cal views. X^ ■- - -- - « 1 %^%j^^^^^t^«-ii-i- •ajnthony Dagle, farmer, section 10, Midland J^S^^ Township, is a son of .\nthony Dagle, a £ ^:^ native of Lower Canada, who died in Detroit, *- ft '-.i^ Mich., about 1856. Of the mother of the i subject of this sketch very little is known, as she died when he was a child. Anthony. Jr., was born in Lower Canada, July 4, 1S36, and spent the first 12 years of his life in the Dominion. He then came to Detroit, Mich., and six years later to East Saginaw, where for five years he was employed ;is engineer on the river, for John Lar- kin. He first came to Midland County- in the fall of 1859, since which date he has most of the time resided here. In 1S6S he purchased 40 acres of land in Midland Township, where he now lives. Since then he has added 20 acres to his original purchase, and of the total he now has 30 acres in good culti- vation. For nearly 20 years his residence was in the village of Midland, and at one rime he owned valua- ble land within the village limits. He has also been employed in a saw-mill for many years. Mr. Dagle was married in Midland, Dec 25, 1S5S, to Esther, daughter of Thomas and Jane McCartney, who was bom in Canada Oct. 12, 1838. She is a member of the Presbyterian Church. The children of Mr. and Mrs. D. have been, Olivia L^ Orville (who died when iS months old) and Omiille. In general politics, Mr. Dagle is in sympathy with the Republican party. alph Dunton, Postmaster and merchant at Edenviile. and farmer on section 2, Eden- '°' ville Township, was bom in Onondaga Co., X. v., Oct. 9, 1S30. He is the son of Ruel K. and Phebe M. 0^'eeks) Dunton. The mother died in St. Clair Co. Mich. The father is an inmate of the home of his son. Mr. Dunton remained under his parental guidance <' A r m 'Vl)«^^-»- ■^^^y=^ — ^^-D!i:<^ODv>^ -t^^fiy-^ ^1 ■^^y^rr IV- MIDLAND W^> COUNTY. ..i^ ^1^^? V ^ >i until the age of f 7 years, devoting his time to the assistance of his father in his farm labors. After that period he engaged as a laborer on farms during the agricultural seasons, and spent the winters in the lumber woods. He operated thus about ten years. He made several trips to Midland County, and in January, 1S65, he came here to make a per- manent location. He managed a saloon during the first year thereafter and then bought 1 14 acres of wholly unimproved land, on which he went vigor- ously to work. Two years later he bought out the mercantile interests of his father-in-law, and since that time has combined the two callings. He has conducted the postoffice at Edenville for 13 years. Mr. Dunton has persistently declined public ofl&ce. He is a Republican in political faith. He was married Dec. 24, 1868, to Alice, daughter of Henrj- and Esther (Bowman) Church. She was born Dec. i, TS4S. Maud M., born Nov. 23, 1S69, and Edith, bom June S, 1S77, are the only children of Mr. and Mrs. D. ^ylvester B. Halbert. farmer, section 22, Midland Township, is a son of Seth and Sally (.\lden, descendant of a Mayflower Pilgrim) Halbert. The former was a native of Massachusetts and was of Irish descent. They settled in Cortland Co., N. Y., where they lived until their death. She died in June, 1S28, and he in September, 1882. The subject of this sketch was bom in Cortland -Co., N. Y., April 22, 1828. When nearly 18 years of age he went to Rochester, that State, and worked by the month there and at other places, mostly at farming, for about five years. For a while he was engaged in boating wood to Rochester. Returning to Cortland County, he purchased a farm, which he managed about two years, when, in 1850, he was robbed by an iron-clad mortgage. He then spent a year in this count)-, engaged in lumbering in the winter. In the spring, in company with John Lar- kin and Elihu G. Battles, he commenced farming, and clearing 50 acres, which they "took up" in part- nership, Mr. Larkin securing the tax title. After- ward Mr. Battles bought the original tide. He taught school several months, and in Decem- . ^^^^^ — ^t^m • ber, r856, he moved his family from New York to their new home in what was then a wild forest, in this county. He first rented a farm for about two years, and then bought a brick-yard in Midland, where he followed brick-making for 16 years. Mean- while he bought 40 acres on section 22, where, after quitting the former business, he has since followed farming. By subsequent purchase he has added to his landed estate, so that at present he owns an ag- gregate of 123 acres, about 40 of which is in good cultivation. Mr. Halbert has spent three years of his life in the army, enlisting Aug. 2S, 1S61, in the Second Mich. Cav. Most of the time he was militar)- store- keeper at Detroit, Mich.; about six months he was in Tennessee, or. detached ser\nce. He was discharged Sept. 25, 1864, at Louisville, Ky., and returned to Midland, where he has since lived. Politically, he is a National and an anti-monopolist. He was married in Cortland Co., N. Y., July 4, 1854, to Lydia, daughter of Abel and Emeline (Chaniplain) Sanders, who were natives of Vermont and Rhode Island. Mrs. H. was bom in Chenango Co., N. Y., Oct. 27, r834. Mr. and Mrs*. H. are the parents of five children, viz.: Adelaide D., Edward, Willie, Seth and Duane B. Edward, WiUie and Seth are deceased. ames Major, farmer, section 35, Midland Township, is a son of Timothy and Esther (Bennett) Major, who were natives of Bris- tol, England. In their family were seven jC children : Eliza, James, John, Charles, George, \ Emma and Matilda. The eldest son, the subject of this biographical sketch, was bom in Bristol, June 18, 1828. At the early age of 10I3 years he was bound out for five years to a ship owner, who was a resident of the island of Jersey. Young James served his time, and received his license to command a sailing vessel. He then went on a trip to the East Indies as a common sailor, and made various voyages, until he was 19 years old, when he took command of a Dublin brig to Ham- burg, Germany, thence to the White Sea, and re- turned to Dublin. This trip required si.x months of time. Then, in 1847, he sailed under the United I 3>: a r 'M^^ /'.-N T <>[iD§ii(i;> ^^ [(^vm" MIDLAND COUNTY. ') >: States flag and came to America. He was on the sea for ii years, on the lakes three years. In Octo- ber, 1851, he came to Midland County and bought 54 acres of land, in Midland Township, where he has since resided. He has since added 40 acres, in IngersoU Township, to his original purchase, and has now about 65 acres in cultivation. Mr. Major has been honored with the offices of Township Treasurer one year, Township Clerk one year, Justice of the Peace four terms (still holding this office), and School Director 23 years. He votes the Republican ticket. Mr. Major was married in Cleveland, Ohio, Sept. 12, 1850, to Martha, daughter of William and Kittie (Beatty) Glass, natives of Ireland and of English and Scotch ancestry, who settled in Londonderry, Ireland, where she died in 1845 • he afterward came to America, and died in Philadelphia, Pa., in 1852. Mrs. Major was born in Londonderry, Dec. 12, 1833, and the record of the children in Mr. and Mrs. M.'s family is as follows: Ada A., born July 29, 185 1; William G., Oct. 8, 1853; Ehza J., Feb. 20, 1856; James E., Sept. 21, 1863 ; Bently A., .\pril 18, 1870; and Kittie £., March 10, 1873. Mrs. Major is a member of the Methodist Episco- pal Church. "^'' Ibert M. Button, farmer on section 12, Geneva Township, was born in Ashtabula Co., Ohio, Jan. 7, 1853. He is a son of Wm. R. and Sarah Jane (Harris) Button, the former a native of Ithaca, Tompkins Co., N. Y., and the latter of Ohio. His father left Tompkins County in 1840 and went to Ashtabula Co., Ohio. He was a ship-builder and carpenter by trade, and spent 25 years of his life on the " bosom of the deep," being engaged 1 2 years of that time as master of a vessel. He also had five brothers who followed the same vocation. He cleared a small farm (40 acres) in Ashtabula County, then sold it and purchased another some six miles distant from the first. On this latter farm his family lived and he followed his vocation on the waters summers and re- mained at home winters. In 1869 he came with his family to this State and county. At that time there was but little improvement here. The railroad through Geneva Township was being graded and tied, but was not finished until the June following. Having faith in the future development of the county, he, in company with four others, purchased all of section 12, Geneva Township, except 120 acres. Albert M. Button, the subject of our biographical notice, remained on the parental homestead, with the exception of four years, until he attained his majority. \ portion of the four years he was engaged in railroading, and one summer of the time sailed on the brig " E. N. Peck." During his latter service, while on the brig, he was taken sick with typhoid fever and went home to recuperate. On arriving at the age of majority his father gave him a saw-mill. The mill was given on condition that the son would give up railroading and accepted on that condition. He ran the mill for some time, when it was burned, and in about 60 days his father had an- other built and running, near the depot. It was a planing, shingle, lath and circular saw-mill. He ran this mill for his father with signal success for three or four years, and then ran a mill on Harrison Branch, called the " Button Mill," and belonging to his father, for two years. At the expiration of the latter date he brought the machinery from the latter named mill to Buttonville and started an upright saw-mill. He ran this for five months and then moved it three miles below, where he again ran it for about three months, and then sold it, reserving the "power." He then engaged for about ten months in railroading for the Flint & Pere Marquette Railroad Company, when he returned home and purchased a circular saw-mill and again engaged at his former occupation, which, together with that of making shingles, he has continuously followed to the present time. May 28, 1884, his mill was burned, and at this writing he is re-building. Mr. Button was united in marriage Aug. 5, 1875, to Miss Mary, daughter of James and Mary (Welsh) Martin. Her father was of Irish descent, a native of the Empire State, and died in Canada when the daughter was only eight months old. The mother was born in Canada, and is of Irish descent. Mr. and Mrs. Button have two children, namely, Minnie Rose, born March 25, 1877, and Willie Burt, born Sept. 20, 1878, both in Buttonville. Mr. Button has a farm of 80 acres, on 30 acres ot which he has chopped the trees, and he has cleared 15 acres. He has no buildings erected on his land, 9 '-V- ( P %/ 1 (^ X S :a5 O (-) •^^ mmm> MIDLAND COUNTY. but contemplates the erection of a house and barn this summer. Politically, Mr. Button is a believer in and sup- porter of the principles of the Republican party. He has held the office of School Commissioner, and is an esteemed and respected citizen of his township. Religiously, he is a member of no Ciuirch. Mrs. Button belongs to the Catholic t'hurch. / . ohn Currie, farmer on section 31, Mid- land Township, is a son of John and Mary (McDonald) Currie, natives of Scotland; and he also was born in that country, June 15, 1847. When two years old he was brought by his parents to Canada, where they lived till r86o. He then came to this county, which has since been his home. In 1867 he purchased 80 acres of wild land where he now resides, to which he has added eight acres by purchase. Of the whole, 55 acres are under cultivation. April 23, 1868, in Midland Township, he was united in marriage with Miss Jane, daughter of Archibald and Annie (Nesbitt) Yule. Parents and daughter were natives of Scotland, where the latter was born May 20, 1845. Mr. and Mrs. C. have one son, John. They incline to the Presbyterian faith, and Mr. C. is politically independent. -.f — «^/\/V; •- I ( - ,>! enjamin Lee, farmer and builder, section '\ L-1^,- 13, Edenville Township, was born March 5ft» iv{p, His parents were natives of the Emerald cyi^ ' 16, 1843, in County VVicklow, Ireland. '4? Isle, and came to Canada in 1852. They settled in the county of Victoria, and in the town of Omemee, an Indian name signifying pigeon. His father was a miner and was employed on the railroad. When Mr. Lee was 14 years old his mother died, and he was apprenticed for five years by his father to learn the wagon-maker's trade, but the indentures were broken at the end of the first year by his em- ployer's abandoning the business in consequence of falling heir to a considerable property. Mr. Lee then turned his attention to farming, to which he devoted himself one year, after which he went to learn the trade of builder. He was a natural me- chanic, and soon acquired sufficient technical knowl- edge of the use of tools to operate in his own in- terest, and he has pursued the same vocation to the present time. He came to Edenville Oct. 17, 187 i, and after working as a builder for a year he bought ten acres of unimproved land. He has placed the entire property under cultivation, with good house, barn, well and orchard. He is a Republican and has served four years as Justice of the Peace. He was married Aug. 29, 1867, at Bobcaygeon, Can., to Mary Ann, daughter of John P. and Mary Ann (Reith) Patterson. The mother of Mrs. Lee died in Ireland at her birth. The father died in Hope Township, in 1883. Both parents were natives of County Antrim, Ireland. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Lee are named and were born as follows: Eldward, Sept. 6, 1869; John P., June 29, 1873; George D., Jan. 26, 1876; Martha Jane, Aug. 9, 1882. ■^^ V V E>- Wnk illiam W. Allen, farmer, section 24, Mid- iti i ^ \^ 1>. A^i^^^ land Township, is a son of Ashab^l and \yv-'ya'- Catherine (Baldridge) Allen, natives of '> Vermont. The latter, after marriage, resided awhile in their native State, then removed to St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., then to Oneida County, same State, and finally to Geauga Co., Ohio. He was a blacksmith, and died at Akron, Ohio. After his death, his widow continued for some time to reside in Geauga County, and then removed to Eaton, Lorain Co., Ohio, where she died March 20, 1862. In their family were three sons and one daughter, viz.: Matilda S., born May 16, 1831. Ethan P., born in 1834, enlisted in Co. G, 12th Ohio Cav., and died at Lexington, Ky., in July, 1864; William W., the subject of this sketch, born Feb. 28, 1837 ; and Henry N., Dec. 31, 1839. Mr. Allen remained at home, farming and attend- ing school, until 18 years of age, and then for six years he worked by the month at farming, and taught school during the winter seasons. In 1858 he at- tended school one term at the Hiram Institute, when the late President Garfield was Principal, and Mr. Allen was in his class, in analysis and mathematics. The next year he attended the Baldwin University, 0) MIDLAND COUNTY. ■55SiC^?!Sr I f .0 >J V at Berea, Ohio, one term, and the following year, i860, he attended one term of the High School at Elyria, Ohio. He was married in 1861, and went to Henry Co., Ohio, and bought a farm, where he lived a year and a half. In October, 1S63, he enlisted in the 12th Ohio Cav., for the cause of the Union, and served to the close of tlie great life-and-deaih struggle of this nation. Most of the time he was in Kentucky, in scout and border service. The principal battles in which he was engaged were Mount Sterling, Ky., and Cumberland Gap. After the close of his military service he returned to his home in Lorain County. Having disposed of his farm in Henry County, he bought a farm, which he carried on 11 years, and then sold and came to Bay City, Mich., wliere he remained two years. In February, 1879, he came to Midhmd Connty and settled on an 80-acre tract of land in Midland Town- ship, which he had bought in 1876, and where he has since resided. He now h?s about 25 acres under cultivation. Mr. Allen, in religion, is a member of the Presby- terian Church; in politics, of the Republican party; in social affairs, of the G. A. R., Dwight May Post, No. 69. In August, 1883, he was elected a County Examiner on the School Board ; has been School Moderator two years. School Director, and Road Master four years. In the spring of r884 he was elected Treasurer of Midland Township. July 3, 1861, at Eaton, Lorain Co., Ohio, Mr. Allen married Miss Mary, daughter of James and Sarah A. (Fleming) Burns, — the latter, natives of Pennsylvania. Mr. B. died in Pittsburg, Pa., in September, 1844, and Mrs. B. came to this county in 1880, and is now tlie wife of James B. Burtless, residing in Midland Township. Mrs. Allen was born in Pittsburg, Pa., Jan. 23, 1845, is a member of the Methodist Episco- pal Church, and is the mother of three children, namely. Bert E., Charles H. and Mabel M. ill J. Shepherd, farmer, section 2, Edenville ^^^a|j Township, was born Nov. 11, 1844, in the town of Scruple, Oswego Co., N. Y. He is the son of Peter D. and Laura (Hoffcaling) Shep- herd. His parents were natives of New York, and descended from Holland Dutch ancestry. His mother resides in Tobacco Township, Gladwin Co., Mich. In 1857 they emigrated to Wayne Co., Mich., where they settled on a farm and resided five years. The father died and the family removed to East Saginaw, where they remained five years. Mr. Shepherd came to Midland County several times previous to his final settlement, which he made about the year 1868. He engaged in the liquor busi- ness at Edenville, in which he was occupied about four years. He went thence to Clare, where he re- mained nearly one year. He bought the farm where he now resides in 1873. He was married July 20, 1872, to Eleanor R., daughter of William and Adelia Idella (Belote) Mitchell. Her parents live in Vernon Township, Isabella County, and are members of the farming community. They are natives of New York, and the father is of Irish parentage. The mother is of un- mixed Yankee descent. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Shepherd were born in the following order: Carrie Agnes, Oct. 4, 1873; Laura Adelia, Dec. i, 1875; William Case, Aug. 18, 1877; Edna May, March 23, 1879; George Presley, April 3, 1883. Mr. Shepherd is a Democrat in political faith. "giskJK' I^V®^(^#- j^S|i ylvester Leonard, farmer, section 9, Mid- ^^P~ land Township, is a son of Robert and ^"> Susan Leonard, natives of the Empire State. He was born in Tioga Co., N. Y., April 22, 1827, in which State he remained, engaged n farming and lumbering, until about 1864; then was in Lapeer County, this State, about two years, managing a farm of his own; then sold, and bought a farm in Saginaw County, where he lived until the fall of 1870; then, for six years, he followed teaming at Midland City, during which period he bought his present place, of 40 acres, and since about 1876 this has been his residence. Thirty acres are improved. Mr. Leonard was first married in Tioga Co., N. Y., to Miss Samantha Butler, a native of that State, and by this marriage were three children, — Robert, de- ceased, Oliver and Sidney. Mrs. L. died about 1862, and Mr. L. was again married, June 23, 1868, in Genesee Co , Mich., to Mrs. Argina Allen Alger, widow of George W. Alger, who died in the army in 1862. She had by her first marriage five children: T f ( < A ¥. f ^. Mn^^^^ -c^ MIDLAND COUNTY. -««^?^ f.^ - Vf David, Eugene, Leonard, Sophia and Virginia. Mrs. 'R L. was born in Monroe Co., N. Y., April 30, 1826; is . '\ a member of tbe Methodist Episcopal Church. Her f grandfather was one of the first American soldiers to \ enlist in the Revolutionary war. On national questions Mr. Leonard is a Repub- lican. I V /n f^'Tfi C oseph D. Short, farmer, section 12, Mid- '^iSMiitT I'lnd Township, is a son of William and • , ,i "^ Elizabeth (Dolamore) Short, who were na- ''^ tives of England and came to this county in 1878. Father died March 28, 1882, and mother survives, aged 73, and resides in Mid- land. The subject of this sketch was born in Lorain Co. Ohio, Aug. 15, 1844, and has resided in this county since the immigration of the family. His father bought 400 acres of land on his arrival here, and at his death 120 acres were left to Joseph. Of this tract, 40 acres have since been disposed of, and a small portion of the remaining 80 is cleared. Mr. Short was married in Jackson, Mich., Oct. 27, 1872, to Miss Elizabeth Lester, who was a native of Sturgis, this State. In regard to political affairs, Mr. Short is counted a Republican. Tteaar©-^* javid Burton, retired farmer, section 12, „,. Edenville Township, was born in Fairfield, Somerset Co., Me., Sept. 13, 1801. His tW parents, John and Peace (Bowman) Burton, were Quakers and of English origin, born re- spectively in Maine and Massachusetts. They died at Dexter, ALiine, and are buried in the cemetery in that place. The father was a black- smith by trade, and sometimes pursued it to a limited extent in connection with his chief occupation as a farmer. Mr. Burton passed the entire period of his minority with his parents, and on reaching the age of 21 he bought 80 acres of land in the adjoining township of Garland, and went to work by the month to obtain money to pay for it. He remained three years in the employment of one man, and at the end of that time he had saved $200, the amount he required to dis- charge his indebtedness for his land During his first year of service he received S9.50 per month for eight months ; during the second year of labor he was paid monthly $10.80, and during the last year about $r I for the same time. He attended school winters and did chores for his board. At the end of three years he entered upon the work of improving his farm, and erected a frame house and frame barn. He was married Nov. 22, 1830, to Sarah. R. daughter, of Isaac and Hannah (Bartletl) Copeland, by whom he had two children : Hannah, born Aug. 13, 1831, and an unnamed infant, who died a month after birth. The mother died at Dexter, Maine. Mr. Burton was a second time married Oct. 29, 1834, to Enieline Copeland, a cousin of his first wife. She was born Aug. 24, 1815, and died in April, 1881. Eight children were born of this marriage, as follows: Elizabeth L., Sept. 29, 1835; Edwin N., June 20, 1837 (see sketch); Augusta A., June 4, 1839; Fran- ces E , April 17, 1841: Caroline A., Oct. 15. 1843; Frank S , July 17, 1845 ; Frederick M., April 3, 1847 ; Lillian A., May 14, 1859. Elizabeth married George Jacobs, of Midland, and died in child-birth, July 6, 1863. Her babe died a few days later. Frances married Daniel Judge, of Osceola County, and died in child-birth, Feb. 21, i860. The life which was the price of the young mother's existence was preserved, the child — Walter Judge — being brought up by his maternal grandfather. He is married and resides in Edenville Township. Mr. Burton resided on his farm four years, sold out and went to his father's homestead to take care of his parents and a younger brother, but matters did not progress smoothly, and Mr. Burton purchased too acres of his father's farm, on which he resided four years. At the end of that time he sold again, and bought 80 acres of land, where he resided until 1 85 1. In that year he came to Washtenaw Co., Mich., and bought 80 acres. Three years later he sold out and went to East Saginaw, where he left his family through the winter and came to this county and managed a lumber camp, where Midland is now situated, as he had done the previous winter. In March, 1855, he removed his family and interests to Edenville Township, where he became the proprietor by purchase of 160 acres of land, paying therefor 50 i -i rp # ^^D^>^ 4^^C@>i 2l6 MIDLAND COUNTY. -^^^ -#^«®V^ cents an acre. He removed hither on the last day of March, transporting his effects on the ice in two sleigh loads. The family moved into a log house which had been used for a camp the previous winter. Mr. Burton took charge of the men in the woods, and proceeded to chop and clear in the interests of Tift Jerome, in order to raise food to supply the camp the coming winter. He also cleared two acres of his own property, and planted it with turnips and potatoes. In the fall he built a log house and took possession of it with his family, commencing his pioneer life. He has resided on the place ever since, and has been identified with the interests and progress of his town- ship. He is a Democrat in political connection, and was the first Supervisor after the organization of the township. He was Town Clerk several years, and has served as Township Treasurer. i,harles H. L. Hubbell, farmer, section 9 H| Midland Township, is a son of Charles W^ B. and Anna A. (Metier) Hubbell, the Mp former a native of Connecticut and the latter ^ of New Jersey. The subject of this sketch was born in Bridgeport, Conn., Oct. 31, 1840. At the age of 19 he came to Oakland Co., Mich., and for two years, worked out by the month, at Rose. Aug. to, 1861, he enlisted in the Seventh Midi. Inf, and served until Jan. 8, 1863, when, on account of having re- ceived a severe wound, he was honorably discharged. His left leg was broken by a musket ball, in the bat- tle of Antietam. He also participated in the battles of Winchester, Yorktown, Williamsburg, Fair Oaks, White Oak Swamp, Malvern Hill, Bull Run (2d), South Mountain, etc. • On leaving the army, he returned to Oakland Co., Mich., and resided there till the spring of 1872, when he came to Midland County and purchased 60 acres of land, in Midland Township, where he has since resided. He now has half this tract under cultivation. Mr. Hubbell was married in Fentonville, Genesee Co., Mich., July 2, 1863, to Miss Angeline, daughter of Nicholas and Nancy (Hall) Yorton, who were natives of the Empire State. She was born in Holly, Oakland Co., Mich., Oct. 30, 1843. The chil- dren of Mr. and Mrs. H. are five in number, namely: George B., Nora A., Fayette S., Myron H. and Anna H. Mr. Hubbell has been Overseer of Highways for several years; is a member of the Masonic and Odd Fellows fraternities, and also of the G. A. R., Dwight May Post, No. 69. In politics he is in sym- pathy with the Democratic party. eslie F. Babcoek, farmer on section 9, and acting Postmaster at North Bradley, was born May r9, 1855, in Grant Co., Wis., and is the son of William and Angeline R. (Con- /^ verse) Babcoek. His father was born Feb. ri, 1818, in the State of New York, of English an- cestry. The mother was born Sept. 10, 1824, in Cayuga Co., N. Y., and comes of the genuine New England Puritan stock, as indicated by her family name of Converse. The family of the senior Bab- coek moved to Wisconsin in 1849, and settled in Grant County. After a residence there of r i years they started, in the spring of r86o, for Pike's Peak, traveling thither in a prairie schooner, in a caravan train. They remained among the mountains six weeks and retraced their steps to Manchester, Del- aware Co., Iowa, where the father opened a shop for the prosecution of his trade of wagon-making. He conducted his interests in that line two years at that place, selling his wagons to farmers. In 1863 he came to Livingston Co., Mich., and spent eight years at Leroy and Fowlerville. While in that county he managed a hotel at Leroy and at a point two miles west of Fowlerville, on the road from Detroit to Lan- sing, before the construction of the railroads through that region. In 1870 he sold out and moved to San- ford, where he operated three years as a hotel-keeper. In 1873 he removed his family to Cedar Rapids, Iowa, where he remained a few months. He bought two two-horse teams, one saddle horse and seven head of cattle, and went to the eastern part of South- ern Iowa, and settled for a winter opposite Nebraska City, where he sold out all his stock except one team, with which he moved back to Michigan. He built a hotel at North Bradley, this county, and the family continued to conduct it until 1878. The father died Dec. 1 9, 1874. His eldest son was the first Post- ©) v&; (5 0) %\®^^&k^ -^^^ ^-^<-^D D M ^'i>^ ^^^r- -«9S |?^(^ @)$^t#'^ MIDLAND COUNTY. -:^f4)^^sr 219 (h master at North Bradley, and still retains the position, with his mother as deputy. The family included four sons and an adopted daughter: Charles J., born Aug. 2, 1847, died Dec. 21, of the same year; William A., born March 10, 1849; Franklin M., born Feb. 19, i85i,died May 12, 1S62; and Alice (adopted). Mr. Babcock is a Republican in political connec- tion and has been active in local official positions. He has served five terms as Supervisor, two terms as Town Clerk, two terms as Treasurer and is now Deputy Sherifir. He was married Aug. 9, 1878, to Alice, daughter of Joseph and Rachel (Emlan) Geary. Her father was born in Kent, England, and died Feb. 2, 1879; her mother is of French descent and resides at Cen- tral Lake, Antrim Co., Mich. ^'^^~ J-vw^-f- (0 t eorge W. Covert, of the firm of Haley & Co., lumbermen and agriculturists, and as- sociated with John Haley in the livery business, located at Midland, was born Aug. 31, 1844, in Yates Co., N. Y. His father, Isaac Covert, was a farmer and lumberman and died in Penn Yan, N. Y., in 1882. The mother, Margaret (Mitchell) Covert, died in February, 1846, in the State of New York. Mr. Covert passed the first 14 years of his life in his native State, the most of that time as canal-driver on the Erie Canal; and in 1859 went to Allegany Co., N. Y., where he operated in the lumber woods three years. He came to Midland March 4, 1865, and entered the employment of .John Larkin, in whose service he continued 14 years, acting as foreman in the lumber woods and on the drive. In 1882 he formed an association with John Haley, and has since operated in lumber jobbing in the interest of various parties. Their outfit includes 26 double horse teams, and they generally employ about 1 25 men. In the winter of 1885-4 they put in 15,000,- 000 feet of lumber. They own 200 acres of land, known as the Eastman farm, rated as one of the most valuable pieces of property in the county. They also own 160 acres of farming land in Larkin, Midland County. Mr. Covert is a Republican in political faith, and has served several terms as a member of the Village Board. His marriage to Emma White occurred Oct. I, 1865, in Belvidere, Allegany Co., N. Y. She was born in the township of Amity, Allegany Co., N. Y., Jan. i, 1850, and is the daughter of Henry and Alniira White. Maud, born Sept. i6, 1872, Jesse, born Jan. 7, — and George E., born April 9, 1883, are the children of Mr. and Mrs. Covert. The portrait of Mr. Covert, which appears on the opposite page, is that of a popular and influential citizen of this county. Ifames Rocker, farmer, sections 14 and 15, Kdenville Township, was born June 2, ■' 1825, and is the son of Ichabod and Sylvia (Barden) Rooker, both of whom are deceased. His father descended from English parentage, and was by trade a tanner and currier. Mr. Rooker is the eldest of the children born to his parents, and left home when a mere boy, since which time he has taken care of himself. He lived for some time with a Mr. Kendall, of Algonac, St. Clair Co., Mich., and lie passed his time alternately between Canada and Michigan, until he was 23 years old. He was married Nov. 23, 1848, to Mary Ann Shier. Her father died in Ireland in her in- fancy, and her mother resides in Dresden, Canada She is 80 years of age. Mrs. Rooker was born Feb. 9, 1822, near Limerick, Ireland, and came to Amer- ica with her mother. Of the seven children born of her marriage with Mr. Rooker, five are living — Joseph Augustus, Arthur L., Sarah L , Orlando C. and Cyrus A. William Henry and Caleb James were drowned in the Tittabawassee River, in 1870. The life of Mr. Rooker has been spent in agricul- tural pursuit and in lumbering. In 1870 he removed to Midland County with his family, and purchased 40 acres of land in a good state of cultivation. He has since added 260 acres to his purchase, and has improved about 70 acres. He has spent the summers in farming, and devoted the winters to his lumbering interests. His business has met with varying success, and he has twice been tried by sharp misfortune and been obliged to witness the sweeping away of his frugal earnings. In the fall and winter of 1879 and 1880, he lost $r,8oo by an adverse sea- m •r^• ^^^ j^ M>mmii>^ VC:ail^lli]s>v MIDLAND COUNTY. % ^) son, and in the fall of 1880 lie was again overtaken by disaster in the form of fire, which destroyed his house and its contents, involving a loss of $1,200, with no insurance. He immediately rebuilt his house, and two years later increased the value of his property by the erection of ne.v barns. He has been in the employ of the Hon. Amasa Rust, of Saginaw, 12 years, engaged in buying logs. He is a Republican in political sentiment. riw i> ougiiei, laiuie l^^ft' Township, is a son 1 IS?''^ Sugnet, natives resf 4Ml^ ^^^^tt'ohn Sugnet, farmer, section g. Midland ~ ■ ' of Louis and Catherine spectively of France and Switzerland. He was born in Erie Co., N'. Y., Sept. 28, 1849, lived in that State until the fall of 1867, then three years in this county, then a year in his native State, when lie returned to Midland County and has since made his residence here. About 1872 he purchased 40 acres of land, where he now lives. He once sold the place, however, but bought it back. He has about 18 acres improved, and has a prospect of a home ever increasing in value. In his political views, Mr. S. is a Repub- lican. Mr. Sugnet was married in Saginaw City, Mich., June 21, 1879, to Philomene, daughter of Frank and Angeline Yott, natives of Canada. She was born on the Island of St. John's, Ont., May 7, 1858. The two living children of Mr. and Mrs. S. are William and Mary L. One died in infancy. 'VJ'fc?<,-.-|v ^t^i^-?i. J illiam R. Haskins, farmer, section 9, ^J4 Geneva Township, was born in Starks- ■M^^C' borough Township, Addison Co., Vt., Feb. 1^K|' 22, 185 I. His father, Leonard Haskins, was a native also of Vermont, of English ancestry, and died in June, 1869; and his mother, Louisa E., nee Grace, is a native of Maine, and is now living with ht-r three unmarried sons in the above mentioned township in the Green Mountain State. Of the seven children in this family, six are living, and the subject of this sketch is the third. The latter worked out by the month from the age of 10 to 21, contributing a part of his wages to the support of his parents. When a grown man he bought a farm in Vermont, but soon sold it, and in 1879 came to Midland County, worked a rented farm a year and a half, and then purchased 80 acres of unimproved land, where he has resided since the fall of 1883 and has four acres improved. Mr. Haskins was married Dec. 12, r876, to Alzina A., daughter of Alvin H. and Mercy (Eddy) Lilly, in Starksborough, Vt. Her father, a native of Ver- mont and of Scotch descent, died when she was ten years of age ; and her mother, also a native of that State, of immediate American and remote English ancestry, died when she, the daughter, was 20 years old. Mrs. H. was born in Starksborough, Vt., Sept. I, 1842. Mr. and Mrs. Haskins have had si.\ chil- dren, three of whom have died. Following is the record: Willie D., born Jan. 6, if 67; Minnie M., July 24, 1S69, and died April 13, 1870; Bertha Anna, born June 6, 1872; Flora A., Oct. 3, 1875; Letta L., April 16, 1878, and died May 29, 1880; an infant unnamed, born in Detroit, Dec. 26, 1880, died May 17, 1881. All except the last one were born in Starksborough, Vt. Mr. Haskins is at present a school officer, and in politics is a Republican. psk4: I A ca: l^amuel Wilkinson, farmer, section 11, ^HC Edenville Township, was born Dec. 29, .^' 1832, in Galesburg, Kalamazoo Co., Mich, v^ His parents, Samuel and Hannah (Martin) Wilkinson, were born respectively in New York and Ohio. They removed when the son was in early childhood, to Augusta, where they resided 1 2 years. His father was a blacksmith by trade, and followed that calling 50 years. In 1845 the family removed to Barry County, where the father bought 120 acres of land in Johnstown Township, and established a shop on his farm for the pursuit of his trade. Later on, the senior Wilkinson removed to Gratiot County, where he bought 160 acres of land and again followed his two-fold calling. Mr. Wilkinson is the eldest of eight children born to his parents, with whom he remained until he was 23 years of age. His first marriage occurred in t ^1/ I r^<^[l!l:^:DDf>^ MIDLAND COUNTY. 221 <^ V* V v) 1 April, 1861, when Susan Warren, of Clinton County, became his wife. Of this union one child — Mary Elma — was born, March 8, 1862. The daughter is the wife of Jared Roclcford. The second marriage of Mr. Wilkinson, to Margaret Anderson, daughter of James and Elizabeth (Reid) Anderson, took place Jan. 2, 1865. Her parents are natives of Scotland, and are residents of Lapeer County. Mr. Wilkinson became a resident of Midland County in 1861, arriving in the township of Eden- ville on the 15th day of November. He spent all the seasons of two years in lumbering, and in 1863 he became the proprietor by purchase of 160 acres of unimproved land. On this he made some im- provements and sold the entire tract for the purpose of relieving himself of all other responsibilities, in order to open a blacksmith shop at Edenville. He conducted that business three years, sold out and bought 40 acres of land in Hope Townshi]), on which he repeated his former experience of slightly improving and selling. Later, he bought 15 acres of land under improvements and fair cultivation, which he sold after a brief ownership and bought his present homestead, which includes 80 acres. Of this, r2 acres are improved, and the place is made more valuable and avai able by a good house and barn. -13= 'T^r &- atson Harris, farmer, sec. 28, Hope Tp., ^ was born in Tora Tp., Oxford Co., Can., iP July 2, 1838, the son of Alanson and Polly (Halleck) Harris. Mr. H., Sr., came to La- peer County, this State, in 1842, and died within a month of his wife, at Matamora, that county. Their son Watson was reared on the farm until 16 years of age, when he learned the blacksmith trade. This he followed in Lapeer County for 18 years. He bought his farm in tliis county in 1878, and first lived in a log house just below his present frame house.' He first bought 80 acres, but has since added 60 acres. Of this estate he has 75 acres improved. Feb. 12, 1882, was the date of his marriage to Miss Ada Thomi.ison, daughter of Howley and Betsey (Gooder) Thompson. Mr. T. died in Marcli, 1872, aged 52, and Mrs. T. lives at Midland. Mrs. Harris was born Aug. 28, 1841, in Ray Township, Macomb Co., Mich. By a former marriage, Mr. T. has two daughters, Ella E., born June 13, i860, married Feb. 12, 1S79, to John J. Ryan, of Midland; and Miiiiue B., born Dec. 3, 1862, married Jan. i, 1S79, to Carl Tower, of Roscommon Tp., Roscommon County. L |ffl|k illiam Higgins, farmer, section 26, Mid- ^jfl land Township, is a son of Harvey and j|- ><(■"! Laura (Whitman) Higgins, the former a V/f&\ native of Connecticut and the latter of Cat- '^ taraugus Co., N. Y. They moved to Penn. - sylvania, thence to Trumbull Co., Ohio, and two years later, namely, in the fall of 1858, they came to Midland County. He died in the fall of 1859, and she Aug. 7, 1875. They had eight chil- dren, named Albert, Alvin, Mary, Henry, Henrietta, William, Lydia J. and Leonard, — all of whom lived to the age of maturity. The subject of this sketch was born in Crawford Co., Pa., Aug. I, 1847. In August, 1863, when he was but 16 years of age, he enlisted in the war for the suppression of the great insurrection, in the i6th Mich. Inf., and served three years. He participated in the second battle of Bull Run, and in the battles of Gettysburg, Petersburg, ("hancellorsville, the Wilderness, etc., etc. At the battle of Gettysburg he received a slight wound in the hand. Since the war he has resided in this county. He now owns 170 acres of land, 140 of which he has in good cultivation. In regard to political views he is counted among the Republicans. =|ge^,— ^ X=I 1 I Sylvester Erway, farmer, section 12, Eden- ville Township, was born Nov. 23, 1828, in Catherine Township, Chemung Co., N. Y. His parents, Daniel and Hilah (Clark) Erway, were natives of the State of New York. His father was born Sept. 2, 1807, of Irish and Dutch parentage, and died Sept. 26, 1883. The mother was born Jan. 17, 1807, and is of Dutch descent. On attaining his majority, Mr. Erway launclied his boat in the tide of effort, by working by the ^^iIl!i:^DIlf>^r^ i^ifs^ -::^^^K 6VC^D n :^ Mi>^ :25€^ 222 MIDLAND COUNTY. ) > >:> O month and also engaging in the manufacture of shingles for his own benefit. He was thus occupied five years, and then removed to St. Clair Co., Mich., where he was engaged one year in the management of a shingle mill. At the end of that time he came to Edenville Township, Midland County, arriving during the last days of November, 1854. There was but one settler in the township before him, and his marriage was the first event of the kind within the limits of Midland County. His first business move- ment was to buy 160 acres of land. It was in an unbroken state of nature, and of the 100 acres he now owns he has placed 60 acres under cultivation. He sold 60 acres in 1858 to his brother. Mr. Erway was married April 6, 1855, to Julietta, daughter of Daniel and Jane T. (Dempster) Bow- man. The mother was born of Scotch descent in May, 1S20. The father was born of Dutch and French ancestors, Sept. 12, 1819. The birth of Mrs. Erway occurred Sept. 23, 1840, in Gorham, N. Y. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Erway, seven in number, were bora as follows: Highley, May 20, 1856, at Saginaw; Dora H., Aug. 6, 1858; a third child was born July 24, i860, without life; Charles W., March 16, 1864, and died Sept. 28, 1865; Wil- lard Lincoln, Feb. 2, 1866; Mandana, Feb. 20, 1869; Susan Viola, Feb. 18, 1872; Matilda M., March 23, 1874; Leslie G., June 29, 1878. The parents are members of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church. Mr. Erway is a zealous Repub- lican, and during the days of struggle through the civil war was an active member of the committee which regulated war matters in the community to which he belonged. He has been Supervisor a num- ber of years. eorge A. Thurber, farmer, section 9, In- gersoll Township, was born in Canada, _ J*- "^ May II, 1845; his parents were Calvin ' Vj? * and Frances (Craig) Thurber, who were also natives of Canada. He was engaged in farm- ing, in his native domain, until March, 1872, when he came to Midland County and purciiased So acres of land, in Ingersoll Township, where he has since resided and has 30 acres under cultivation. He has been School Treasurer nine years. In politics Mr. Thurber was married in Ingham Co., Mich., Nov. 2, 1870, to Miss Maria, daughter of Nicholas and Elizabeth (Robinson) Lewis, the latter natives of New York State. Mrs. T. was born in Onondaga Co., N. Y., Jan. 15, 1838. ^*H^^ he is identified with the Democratic party. S *t;.> V^y >?jK" Gter L. Tremper, farmer and real- estate l[^SIs° agent, residing on section 2, Midland Town- J j^"^ ship, is a son of Wilham and Catherine y? ^ (Vanderbogart) Tremper, natives of New York, "iv and of German and English extraction. The parents were married and settled in Rockland Co., N. Y., from which place they came to Oakland County, tliis State, in 1846, where, Nov. 26, 1882, the father died, and in which county the mother is still residing. Their family comprised seven children, namely: Thomas N., John \V., Peter L., Albert D., Sarah C, Mary A., and William I. Peter L. Tremper, the third son of his father's family, and the subject of this sketch, was born in Rockland Co., N. Y., Oct. 15, 1842. He received the advantages afforded by the common schools, and at the age of 14 years attended the high school at Port Washington, Wis. He remained at the latter school for about 16 months, when he returned to Oak- land County. He soon afterward, in about four months, began the study of medicine with Dr. F. S. Smith, and continued under his instruction for a year and a half, at the expiration of which time he aban- doned the study, and again returned to Oakland County. In April, 1861, Mr. T. enlisted in the sth Mich. Vol. Inf , Co. A, and served eight months. July 26, 1862, he re-enlisted in the 2 2d Mich. Vol. Inf., and served for three years and nine months, receiving his discharge at Detroit, Mich. He participated in five regular engagements and numerous skirmishes, and while skirmishing opposite Atlanta, Ga., he re- ceived a flesh wound in his right leg, which however did not incapacitate him from service. After receiving his discharge he returned to his home in Oakland County. He remained there for about two months, and then moved to Colorado. His intention was to engage in and continue mining in that State, but he was taken sick with typhoid fe- ver soon after he began mining, and returned to Oak- f5 A CAC' •<■■,■ ('■ ? ^g^^asz.^ ?:»!-^s®- ^^' r^^^ f% (h J V .^^ ■eV<^tlll^llllv>T MIDLAND COUNTY. land County. He remained in the latter county until 1877, and then came to Midland, this county, where he resided for one and a half years, following the carpenter's trade for a livelihood. In the spring of 1879 Mr. Tremper purchased 60 acres of wild land on section 2, Midland Township, on which he located. He has since added 80 acres to his purchase, and of the total has about 38 acres under improvement. Mr. Tremper was married in Oakland County, this State, Nov. 6, 1867, to Miss Mary E., daughter of Robert and Mary (Neat) Crickmore, natives of Eng- land. Mrs. T. was born in Oakland County May 29, 1848. She is the mother, by Mr. T., of eight chil- dren, namely: Robert T., William V., Mary C, Harry P., Mabel A., Grace E., Thomas N. and Ger- trude. Mr. Tremper has been Moderator of his school district for several years. He is a member of the Masonic Order, and also a member of Dwight May Post, No. 69, G. A. R., of Midland City. He is also an honorary member of three different sports- men's associations, and is President of the Midland Sportsmen's Association. Politically he is a National. He is largely interested in the affairs of this county, and in the fall of 1SS2 ran against Michael Ryan for the office of Sheriff, but was defeated by 151 votes. He is at present a real-estate agent, and has a large number of acres of land entrusted to him for sale. He furnishes abstracts and gives warranty deeds. — ^'^^Sf-i^S-^'^'^ — -a-feL-^t. jilonzo M. Hawley, farmer, section 35, Eden- ^ ville Township, was born April 5, 1846, in Allegany Co., N. Y., and is the son of Daniel '■jjir and Sarah (Huff) Hawley. The father died ] Jan. 28, 1880, in Jerome Township; the mother, now Mrs. William Mattliews, resides in Ros- common County. The parents of Mr. Hawley removed to Sanilac County in 1859. After a residence of two years tliey came to Midland County, where the father bought a farm of 80 acres. He soon disposed of the property by sale, and trafficked in lands about ten years, when he settled upon a farm, which included 20 acres, wliere he passed the remainder of his life. Mr. Hawley was under the paternal guidance until ■nirtis J. Winslow, farmer, section 2, Rich- ^ land Township, Saginaw County, is a son Vto) he was 17 years old, and worked winters in the lum- S^ ber woods and during the spring seasons on the '^ river. When he reached the age of 21 years he ^, bought 147 acres of land on which he made a small 1" inij)rovement, and sold the place. His ne.xt invest- ment was in I 20 acres, which he retained about six years, removing the lumber from it. He then sold it and bought the farm, which is now his homestead. It contains 72 acres, and at the time of his purchase was under slight improvements. He has placed 22 acres in a highly creditable condition, and built a small frame house and a large barn. He is a Re- publican in political connection, and has served in the school offices. He was married Oct. 8, 1864, in Midland County, to Alida, daughter of Harrison and Mahala (Fox) Averill. Her father was born April 7, 181 3, and is living at North Bradley. The mother died near London, Can. Mrs. Hawley was born May 15, 1846. Their two children are: Ada M., born Aug. i, 1865, is now the wife of Richard Trim, of Montcalm County; Frank A., born July 23, 1876, died March 13, 1880. 9 of Loring S. and Mary (Brown) Winslow. (See sketch of J. J. Winslow.) He was born in Barnard, Windsor Co., Vt., April 13, 185 1 ; at the age of 15 he came thence to Midland County, with his brothers, J. J. and Loring S., and for about four years he worked at clearing up the land which had been taken up by his father some 20 years pre- viously. He was next employed for about four years in lumbering, in the woods and on the river, and in the spring of 1873 he purchased the small stock of groceries — including a small house — then owned by Levi B. Chamberlain, at Lee's Corners. Two years later he formed a partnership with James A. Cham- berlain, under the firm name of Winslow & Cham- berlain, and thus continued over a year, when Mr. W. bought out the entire stock of goods and continued in business at Lee's Corners until Jan- uary, 1883, when he sold out to his brother Charles. He then went to a point in Saginaw County on the Midland County line and purchased ^- -caij^^ 224 MTDLAND COUNTY. -^^^^^\M) ;0 t 74 acres of land; and, on quitting business at Lee's Corners, he at once began to build a fine house of modern style, which he now occupies. Ten acres of his land is cleared and in a good state of cultiva- tion. Mr. Winslow has held the office of Supervisor of Ingersoll Township one year, and of Township Clerk four years. In 1S73 he was appointed Postmaster at Lee's Corners, under President Grant, and still holds that commission. By Mr. Winslow's influence, this postoffice was established. Politically, he is a Democrat. Mr. Winslow was first married in Ingersoll Town- ship, April, 1873, to Miss Clara A., daughter of Erial and Mary A. Chamberlain, and they had two chil- dren, — Rollin C. and Frank. The latter died in August, 1877. Mrs. W. died April 12, 1875, and Mr. W. was again married, in the same township, Jan. 6, 1877, to Miss Eva A., daughter of Solon T. and Joanna (Cooley) Hutchins. (See sketch of S. T. Hutchins.) Mrs. W. was born in Ingersoll Town- ship, Midland County, Jan. 6, i860. By the latter marriage there have been two children, — Susan D. and Cora E. homas Brine, farmer, section 12, Midland Township, is a son of James and Ann * (Kehoe) Brine, natives of the Emerald Isle, in which country the subject of this sketch was also born, March 5, 1S47. When he was six years of age the family emigrated to Canada, where he lived till the fall of 1865, when he came to Midland County. Here he has been engaged in the lumber woods during the winters and on the river during the summers. In the summer of 1877 he bought 80 acres of land where he now lives, and settled upon it the following year. He now has 30 acres of this in a well improved state of cultiva- tion. Mr. Brine was married at Port Huron, Mich., May 22, 1876, to Miss Maggie Haley, a native of Canada. She was born Jan. 18, 1855. Her father, John Haley, and her mother, Ann (Dolan) Haley, are natives of Ireland, and now reside in this county. The three children of Mr. and Mrs. Brine were born as follows: Annie, June 22, 1877; Thomas, Jan. i. 1880; Margaret E., Jan. 30, 1883. ■)(^f|.3 -^^^L. € f Thomas died when ig months old. Mr. and Mrs. Brine are members of the Catholic Church, and in politics Mr. B. is a " National." ^l^'ohn M. Hall, farmer, section 8, Midland §Mm s' Township, is a son of James and Margaret ■* (Ferguson) Hall, who were natives of the State of New York. He was born in Genesee Co., Mich., Feb. 26, 1S39, received a common- school education, and remained at his parental home until he was 27 years of age, engaged in farm- ing and other occupations. August II, 1862, he enlisted in Co. E, 23d Mich. Inf., participated in all the battles in which his regi- ment engaged, — as the siege of Knoxville, Tenn., Duck River, Tenn., siege of Atlanta, etc., — and was discharged in July, 1865. He then lived in Saginaw Co., Mich., until the spring of 1867, when he came to Midland County and purchased 80 acres, where he has lived since 187 i. The intervening time he spent in Midland City, following carpentry. He now has 20 acres of his land in a good state of cultiva- tion. March 4, 1866, in Saginaw Co., Mich., Mr. Hall was married to Miss Frances, daughter of William and Margaret (Francis) Hopton, natives of England. She was born in Ireland, Jan. 23, 1839. Their. living children now are, Charles W., Guy E. and Curtis J.; and the deceased, Lewis C, John R. and an unnamed infant. Mr. Hall has been constable and Pathmaster since his residence in Midland County. He is a charter member of Dwight May Post, No. 69, G. A. R., of Midland City, and in politics votes with the Demo- cratic party. :; — ^. " ^^i ott S. Holmes, farmer, section 35, Eden- ville Township, was born Jan. 15, 1838, in (o'> V I' Ridgeway, Orleans Co., N. Y., and is the feju son of Jeremiah and Laura (Smith) Holmes. His father was born in 1800, in Herkimer Co., N. Y., where he was brought up to the pro- fession of farmer, and was also taught the trade of carpenter. The mother was born in Bristol Co., c < ^ <^ii!i^nti;>^@- Xn^^ ?v^? DIi:<(1tl^>^ G>. -^^5f ^^^^> ^ (: A ca: V (^ ^ ^J^t#* ■:a€ ^ O ^ ^^QU^UUr ^v ^' M »^' f :a5 V > ^ MIDLAND COUNTY. spring of i88r, when he sold out and came to Mid- land County. Here he purchased 80 acres, where he resides and has nearly all his land under cultivation. His farm is in a good productive condition. Feb. 28, 1863, in Ottawa Co., Mich., Mr. See mar- ried Mrs. Tane, daughter of Horace and Priscilla (Gray) Goodrich and widow of John Herrinian, who died in 1862. She was born in Columbus, Ohio, May 12, 1842. By her first marriage she had one child, Elizabeth J., and by her present, throe chil- dren, — Delila P., Nathaniel G. and .-^lice P. Mr. See is a member of Dwight May Post, No. 6g, G. A. R.,and in politics is a Republican. ^<®!-«iiHe>^ ^^iSenson B. Bailey, farmer and stock-raiser, ^3 iP section 34, Jasper Township, was born in ^^''^ Stei-.ben Co., N. Y., April 27, 1825. His jC® parents, Alson L. and Ann (Benson) Bailey, were natives of New York, were of New Eng- land ancestry and of English descent. His father was a general laborer, and died at the resi- dence of his son, Benson, May 20, 1873, at the age of 73 years. His mother died when he was si.x days old, in Steuben Co., N. Y., May 3, 1825. They were the parents of three children, — two sons and one daughter. The subject of this sketch, the youngest child in the above family, was nine years old when the family moved to Medina Co., Ohio; five years later they came to Michigan, locating in Seneca Township, Lenawee County, being among the first settlers in that county. When 20 years of age, Mr. Bailey set out as a common laborer on his account, and was thus engaged until his marriage. This event took place at Elkhart, Ind., his choice for life's partner being Miss Mary Ludlow, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Bruglar) Ludlow, natives of New England and of German and English descent. Her father died near Elkhart, Ind., some years ago, and her mother in Pennsylvania, July 28, 1830. Mrs. B. was born March 25, 1829, in Franklin Township, Lycom- ing Co., Pa. Being left an orphan when very young, she was brought up by her relatives, residing at first for a time in Crawford Co, Pa., then at Akron, Ohio, and then at Elkhart, Ind. Shortly after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Bailey settled on a farm in Lenawee Co., Mich., and in 1864 they came to Midland County, where Mr. B. purchased a quarter of section 34, Jasper Township, being the sixth settler in the township. His land at that time was of course entirely wild, and he had to go to St. John's, a distance of 37 miles, for market goods, paying "war" prices for their provisions. But he kept on industriously at work, and adding to his land property till he now has 465 acres, with 150 im- proved. He has recently erected a large granary, 36 by 50 feet, in addition to other important farm build- ings; has also a good residence, besides smaller dwellings on the various divisions of his estate. His specialty in stock-raising is the old Durham breed of cattle. Altogether, he has the largest and best im- proved farm in the township. For sixteen winter and four summer seasons Mr. Bailey also followed lumbering e.xtensively, " putting in " two to three million feet of logs in one season. He also built nine miles of the State road, which'runs through the county. Mr. Bailey was the first County Drain Commis- sioner of Midland, was Township Treasurer three years, and Road Commissioner for nine consecutive years. In his political views he is a Republican. Mr. and Mrs. B. have had four children, namely: Lester M., born Oct. 29, 1855; William, born April 15, 1857, died Aug. 15, 1872; Ella R., born April i, i860; and Mary E., Sept. 25, 1865. #^ -{— A |.olomon Parker, farmer, section 12, Inger- soll Township, is a son of Robert and Sarah |(-i' (Boyd) Parker, natives respectively of Ver- i\^ mont and Canada. The former died in Can- ada, and the latter still survives, residing in this county. Mr. Parker, the subject of this biographical notice, was born in the township of Mountain, Ontario, Can- ada, April 21, 1827; when 19 years of age he went upon the lakes as engineer, which vocation he followed several years. He learned the machinists' trade in Lockport, N. Y. After leaving the lakes he followed his trade about 10 years in Canada, and then for one season he ran a tug on Saginaw Bay. In 1S68 he built, for other parties, the first saw and shingle mill north of Midland; he built two mills in this county. In 1862 Mr. Parker purchased a quarter-section of 5«^# ^s^^ — ^T^^DH^nni^^^^^ — ^^^ «^^^_ r<4lll]^llll^>v MIDLAND COUNTY. wild land in IngersoU Township, and continued pur- chasing until he had 578 acres; but he has since dis- posed of all but 140 acres. He now has go acres well improved, equipped with- good buildings, etc. In politics Mr. Parker is classed with the Repub- licans, and he has been honored with the offices of Drain Commissioner and Justice of the Peace. Mr. Parker was married in Niagara Co., N. Y., Aug. 26, 1847, to Miss Sarah A., daughter of Richard and Margaret Ault, who were natives of Canada. Mrs. P. was born also in Canada, April 5, 1833. Their living children are, Edward M., born March 8, 1857; Agnes A., born April 21, 1856; Wesley M., Nov. 2, 1859; and Berkley A., born Dec. 25, 1868. The deceased are William F., born Feb. 18, 1854; and two who died in infancy. J^^mSdi^ \ iehard Ashby, farmer, section 29, Midland Township, is a son of William and Jane (Milson) Ashby, natives of England, and Vi^ was born in that country May 10, 1833. When about 25 years old he came to the United States, and soon went to Canada, where he lived until the spring of 1868. He then came to Midland County and bought 80 acres of land on section 29, Midland Township, where he has since made his residence. He has a well cultivated farm of 45 acres. Mr. Ashby was married in Canada, Feb. 24, 1865, to Mary A. Davison, who was born in that country. May 2c, 1848. The children of Mr. and Mrs. A. are Jennie, George J., William H. and Gertrude L. One child died in infancy. In respect to general political issues, Mr. Ashby is in sympathy with the National party. si ' hilip Alguire, farmer on section 36, Mid- land Township, is a son of Henry and M R3^ Mary (Warner) Alguire, natives of Canada, ■^ where he also was born, Sept. 12, 1S49. He V 11^ resided in the Dominion until 1873, when he selected this county as his home, and has since followed agriculture here. iA,®)>^^#- He owns a good farm of 40 acres, all of which is in a creditable state of cultivation. He was married in Canada, March 6, 187 1, to Miss Mary J. Thompson, a native of that county. Their only "troubles" have been little ones, and their names are Myrtle and Mary J. O. The former is not living. Politically, Mr. A. is a Republican. '■ 1.', f^fi L oseph H. Tripp, farmer, section 18, Jerome ■ '£iiJ.," Township, was born Feb. 16, 1855, and is : ' the son of Joseph and Charlotte (Chatter- ton) Tripp. Joseph Tripp, senior, was born April II, 1805, in Perry, Northumberland Co., Can., of English parentage. He died June 27, J 88 1, aged 69 years. He was the first white settler on the line of the Flint & Pere Marquette Railroad west of Sanford in Midland County. In the spring of 1857 he bought of H. Averill 160 acres of land on the Salt River bottoms, where he built a log cabin and made preparations to till the soil, which occupa- tion he carried on until his death. He was widely known and respected as a hospitable, honorable, in- dustrious pioneer. He was a soldier in the War of the Revolution and received a pension from the American Government for his seven years' service in the struggle for national independence. The eight children included in the family of the sen- ior Tripp are all living, and were born in the follow- ing order: James, Sept. 11, 1839; Charles, March 30, 1841 ; Jane, April i, 1844 ; Nancy, Nov. 10, 1846 ; Jacob, Jan. 23, 1849; George, Dec. 9, 185 i ; Joseph (as stated above); Alfred, April 16, 1S57. The mother was born Feb. 14, 1819, and resides in Je- rome Township. At the age of 16 years, Mr. Tripp, of this sketch, went to Ogle Co., III., where he engaged by the month as a farm laborer. He remained in the Prairie State seven years, and then came to Michigan and passed two winters in the lumber woods. In 1878 he was employed by his father in the manage- ment of the homestead, and the following year he settled on his present place. He was married Feb. 27, 1878, to Nancy A., daughter of L. H. and Emily A. (Jacques) Stevens. Her father is living in El- mi ra, Otsego Co., Mich., and is a mason by trade; he is of English descent. Her mother died Oct. 28, VS V I ^0^r^^m^ MIDLAND COUNTY. -^^ mvm^ 229 «>:o3 1876, in East Saginaw. The daughter was born Oct. 31, 1862. The two children of Mr. and Mrs. Tripp were born as follows: Joseph Ernest, Jane 24, TS79; Myrtle May, March 13, 1882. Mr. Tripp is a Republican in political faith. He owns 40 acres of land, 10 acres of which are im- proved. 5*H^*^ V :) I m. H. Howe, farmer, on section 4, Larkin, is a son of James C. and Fidelia (Go- tham) Howe, natives of the State of New York ; and he was born in Clayton, Jeffer- son Co., N. Y., Aug. 17, 1848. He received a common-school education, and at the age of 16 started out to make his own way in life, following the lakes as a common sailor for 11 years. He first came to Midland County about 1868, but remained only a short time. After visiting various sections of the country, he returned the following spring, and has since made his home in this county. In 1878 he purchased 53 acres in Larkin Township, where he now lives, and at the present time 16 acres are cleared and under cultivation. May 20, 1875, at Loomis, Isabella County, Miss Lucinda M. Wilson became Mrs. Wm. H. Howe. She was born in Beloit, Wis., Jan. 3, 1859, and is the daughter of Wm. C. and Rachel (Wells) Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Howe have had, as children : Frederick O., Dora A. and Ada E. Mr. H. has held the offices of Township Clerk and School Moderator. Politically, he votes the , National ticket. He and wife are members of the Christian Church. ^ % He received a common-school education. Since he was 19 he has been employed in the woods, on the river during the spring, and farming. In t88i he bought a tract of 8b acres on Pine River, which he afterward disposed of, and in January, 1882, he pur- chased 132 acres on section 18, where he now re- sides. He was married in Homer Township, Midland County, Oct. 16, 1882, to Maloa, daughter of Joseph and Margaret Cariow, the latter natives of (Canada. Mr. Barton has been Overseer of Highways one year, and in his political views is a Republican. Mrs. B. is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Ai.vj' ^^^^^^^^^^^^•^"^^ rank Barton, farmer, section 18, Midland Tovirnshi]), is a son of Anthony and Amelia (Foot) Barton; the latter, natives ^ of New York State, came to Midland about 1854, and were therefore among the earliest pioneers. The subject of this sketch, the eldest of the chil- dren in the above family, was liorn in Midland County, March 8, 1855, and from the age of one year to 16 years he lived with his grandmother; she then died and he lived at home until 19 years old. ^^^ ^^^ — ^T^^in !i % (®j f) s ■^ (') : I I'^f^f] C ohn Post, farmer and saw and planing mill '5'I:l. ^ proprietor, residing at Coleman, Warren ' Township, was born March 19, 1834, in Allegany Co., N. Y. The parents of Mr. Post are Peter and Mary =i i"* (Reynolds) Post. The father was born April >> 6, 1807, in Belfast, Allegany County, and is of Ger- c= man descent. He is at present engaged in the hotel business at Belvidere, his native county, and has fol- lowed that occupation for 30 years. The mother was born Dec. 12, 1808, and was married on her 21st birthday, Dec. 12, 1829. The subject of this biographical notice was brought up in his father's hotel, attended the common schools and assisted in the cultivation of a small farm until he attained the age of 21 years. His father's family consisted of nine children, six boys and three girls, who all grew to maturity except one (a girl), who died in infancy. John was the oldest of the boys, and on him a great portion of the labor in the maintenance of the family devolved. On arriving at the age of maturity he engaged with his father in the hotel business and in cultivating the f-um. He continued the business for some three years, and then engaged with his father in the grocery 'P^ trade. John managed the business for about two years, when the partnership was dissolved and he con- tinued alone for a year, when he disposed of his stock ( !>' for a farm. The farm was located two miles from Belvidere, and when he made the exchange he did (^ so for the purpose of procuring the tiniber on the ^ -m, -^m^ ^4^^^^J-^ zJ^K — 6v<-:nii:<^:iiii^i>v 4^^5f(svfii MIDLAND COUNTY . ) >0 ;^) and. He soon found lie had no outlet in which to get his timber to market, and was compelled to )Kir- .-^ chase 60 acres additional in order to procure one. % He moved on this land and engaged in cutting and ^ marketing his lumber, in which vocation he met with "^ signal success. June II, 1863, Mr. Post enlisted in Co., M, 4th N. Y. Heavy Artillery. His company was attached to the 6th Army Corps of the Army of the Potomac, and participated in the battles of Spottsylvania Court-House, Wilderness and others. The 4th N. Y. Heavy Artillery was divided into batteries, and the one to which Mr. Post belonged was known as the 3d N. Y. Ind. Light Artillery. It participated in nu- merous engagements up to the date of Lee's surren- der, and holds an honorable place in the history of that campaign, and was honorably mustered out in August, 1865. After discharge from his country's service, Mr. Post returned to Belvidere and moved his family, which had remained in Belvidere during his absence in the army, on his farm. He then spent some time in the oil regions, but wisely concluded not to invest, and, returning, purchased a team and engaged in lumbering. In 1867 Mr. B. e.xchanged his farm for a stock of merchandise, and for two years conducted the mer- cantile business at Belvidere. He then disposed of his stock and came to this county, leaving his family at that place. He arrived here in the fall of the year and remained until the following spring, when he re- turned to Belvidere and spent about a year in dis- ]K)sing of his property, and then returned with his family to Midland City, this county. He remained in Midland, variously occupied, for about two years, and then moved to Clare, Clare County. In the latter place, he purchased some mill property, and for four years conducted the business until the mill was destroyed by fire. His loss was about $4,500, with no insurance. In 1880 Mr. Post came to Coleman, this county. He purchased a mill near Clare, Clare County, moved it here and commenced operations. Soon afterward he erected a store building, and placed a stock of goods in the same, and has lately disposed of the mill, store building and stock. Mr. Post was united in marriage Aug. 30, 1856, to Miss Fannie M., daughter of Redding and pAinice (Scott) Gleason. Her father was born in Steuben Co., N. Y., June 25, 181 2, and died Sept 12, 1865. He was of Dutch descent. The mother was born May 22, 18 1 9, in Vermont, and is living with her daughter Alice, in Clare, Clare County. There were seven children in her parents' family, all of whom grew to maturity except one who died in infancy. Fannie M., wife of Mr. Post, was lioni Jan. 7-, 1839. Mr. Post has 120 acres of hind near Buttonville, on which he has 30 acres cleared and 25 improved. He also owns 200 acres of land in the vicinity of Coleman. His son, Floyd Lewellyn, is a full partner with his father, which relation has existed ever since he became of age. Mr. and Mrs. Post have had three children born to them, all in Belvidere, N. Y., one of whom is deceased The living are: Floyd L., born April 11, 1857; Ada May, born July 15, 1861 ; Florence A., born Dec. 6, 185S, was married May 19, 1877, to Josiah Horning, and departed this life Jan. 29, 1879. Politically, Mr. Post is a Republican, and is at present a Justice of the Peace. Mrs. Post is an active, working member of the Episcopal Church. ^ A ¥, gi^lg^SC oseph A. Morrison, manufacturer of shin- ll ^all ii" glcSi P'^'l '"i^d tub staves and heads, in ll©'''^^ Geneva Township, was born in Armstrong iM> ^°'' ^''■' ^^^- -^' '844. His parents, Robeit ■|r and Jane (Hill) Morrison, were respectively of y Scotch and Irish descent, and were natives of New Bethlehem, Armstrong Co., Pa. They also died there, the demise of the mother occurring about the year 1857, that of the father in 1850. Mr. Morrison, in his first contest with the world, which he commenced at the age of 13 years, engaged as a farm laborer by the month, and spent about a year in that capacity. He enlisted Aug. 28, 1861, soon after the disaster of the first battle of Bull Run, enrolling in Co. C, 105th Pa. Vol. Inf., Col. McKnight, his regiment being assigned to the divis- ion of Gens. Heintzelman and Kearney and attached to the Third Army Corps. Mr. Morrison was in active service throughout the entire Peninsular cam- paign under Gen. McClellan. At the battle of Wil- liamsburg he received a slight bayonet wound while sustaining a charge from the enemy in ambush be- t I ^^^^4- <^il!i:^:titiv>- r*? d- 'X-> -•<#= II ■I ,#^ tamm ^lyia (b > >5 V > :) ^ <> MIDLAND COUNTY. hind a fence. He was in the second battle of Bull Run, and went thence to the hospital at Point Look- out, Md., where he spent a month struggling with typhoid fever. He went thence to the convalescent camp at Alexandria, and was discharged on the sur- geon's certificate. He was mustered out Feb. ii, 1863, and returned to his friends at New Bethlehem. After recovery he attended school one year at an academy at Glade Run. He next entered into a ])artnership witli a man named John Shaddock, in the draying business, in which he was interested about eighteen months. On the termination of that relation he engaged in transporting oil from Oil City to Pittsburg, and after a year sold his interest to his partner. He next engaged in drilling oil-wells, which he followed in Pennsylvania two years ; after this he went to the oil regions of Canada and was simi- larly interested there one year. His next change of base was to Detroit, where he entered into a contract to get out 150 cords of last timber, at $4 per cord. He came to the Saginaw Valley to fulfill the obliga- tions of his contract, and has since remained chiefly in the territory included under that name. About 1867 he bought a wood lot some three miles north- east of Midland, and set himself to the task of con- verting it into a farm; but the stumps appeared too formidable for the short period allotted to man, and after spending one summer in tlie pursuit of his project, he returned to Saginaw and followed the business of a drajman one summer. He then came back to Midland and formed a partnership with a Mr. Fletcher, and built a shingle mill, but the enter- prise was not feasible, and he disposed of his interest to his partner. He then engaged to manage a mill above Freeland, where he operated one season, at the termination of which he went to Freeland and spent two years in the shingle business, getting out that commodity by the thousand. He went thence to Sanders' Point, Delta Co., Upper Peninsula, where he spent two years running a mill in the interests of Whitney Bros., of Cincinnati. He returned to Free- land and managed a mill there about one year, when it was destroyed by fire. He went next to Averill and rented a mill, which he devoted to shingle man- ufacture, and operated a year, going thence to Loomis, where he engaged by the day, in the shingle business, and remained two years. He came to his present location in 1877. The first year he ran a shingle-mill on shares, and during the two years following he was interested in lumber- ing. In 1880 he established the business which he has since prosecuted with satisfactory results, although two years after the purchase of his mill his property was burned without insurance. He immediately rebuilt his works, and has been prosper- ously engaged since. He has owned a fine farm of So acres, with 60 acres under cultivation. On this he resided one year and sold it in 1883, The aggre- gate of his business interests is about $100 per day. Mr. Morrison was married in August, 1865, to Ellen Foote. She was born May 18, 1843, at Can- ton, N. Y., and is the daughter of Mitchell and Margaret (De Bar) Foote. Her father was a soldier of the Union army, and died June 5, 1865. He was made a prisoner and was confined in Libby Prison three months, was released on parole, and returned home, but died before he was exchanged. Her mother is 78 years old, and lives at Canton, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y. Nellie May, born Feb. 8, 1869, and Harrison Allen, born April r, 1874, are the two children born to Mr. and Mrs. Morrison. The latter died in 1876. Mr. Morrison belongs to the National Greenback party, and has officiated one term as Town Clerk. — -'^^^i"^^'v/>^ 'tlyil'. xl. I.I e ohn A. Whitman, farmer, section i, Inger- '^^ soil Township, is a son of John and Dor. '■O ' cas (Davis) Whitman, natives of New ®:^^^^ Hampshire, who lived 30 years in Rutland Co. Vt., then in Genesee Co., N. Y., Livingston County, same State, Saginaw County, this State, five years, and finally IngersoU Township, this county, where they died, — the former in April, 1865, and the latter in the fall of 1862. Of their family of five sons and three daughters, John A., the subject of this sketch, is the eldest son, being born Jan. 18, T814, in the township of Tin- mouth, Rutland Co., Vt. On arriving at 21 years of age he went to Crawford Co., Pa.; three years after- ward to New York State, and finally to Michigan. On coming to Saginaw County he followed land- clearing for five years; cleared 100 acres for Jis. Fracier, then known as the Bloomfield farm, now owned by A. B. Payn ; then he purchased a tract of 600 acres, in Midland and Saginaw Counties, settled ••f^• ^? «34 ^^89- MIDLAND COUNTY. -#^c®vl ) V in this county, in Ingersoll Township, on the Titta- bawassee River, building a log house and commen- cing to clear his land. This was in 1844. In 1872 he built the house which he now occupies. He has since disposed of all his land but 250 acres, 200 of which he h.as in a fine state of cultivation. He keeps about 300 head of sheep, 10 head of cattle and seven head of horses. Mr. Whitman was the first settler in Ingersoll Township and the first per- manent settler in Midland County. His eldest daughter, Jane, who is now the wife of Joseph Bar- ton, of Mt. Haley Township, was the second white child born in Midland County, and the first in Inger- soll Township. Mr. Whitman was first married in Livingston Co., N. Y., in June, 1833, to Lucinda Cogswell, a native of that State, and they had four children, namely : John, James, Mary and Jane. John died when about 14 years old. Mrs. W. died in 1848, and Mr. W. was again married, June, 1850, in Saginaw County, to Joanna Moran, a native of Waterford, Ireland, and by this marriage there have been nine children, seven of whom are living, viz.; George W., Daniel W., Ellen, Ellis, Frank, John and Laura. The two deceased were named John and Kate. Mr. Whitman has held the office of Township Treasurer, in Saginaw County, for five years. Justice of the Peace, in this county, before the township of Ingersoll was organized, six years, and was the first Treasurer of the county, being appointed at its or- ganization by the County Board. Also, before the county was organized, he was Highway Commissioi:er two years, and has been School Director several years. With reference to national issues he is a Re- publican. The portrait of Mr. Whitman may be found on another [lage of this work. ^Sf'i.J'ial Roekwood, deceased, was a resident PSM of Midland Township from 1874 until his His parents, Reuben and Polly Ig^ ' death Roekwood, were natives of the Bay .Slate. He was born in Erie Co.,N. Y., March i, 1820 and lived in his native State, following the vo- cation of agriculture, until March, 1867, when he came with his family lo Saginaw Co., Mich., and bought 80 acres of land at Freeland, which he sold seven years afterward and, in the spring of 1874, came to Midland County and bought 40 acres in Midland Township. Here he lived until his death, which occurred Feb. 19, 1884. He was an active temperance worker and a worthy citizen. He was married in Erie Co., N. Y., May 25, 1856, to Emily, daughter of Orin and Rowena (Ross) Bab- cock, parents natives respectively of Otsego Co., N. Y., and Massachusetts. She was born in Erie Co., N. Y., May 27, 1831. Mr. and Mrs. R. had three children, viz.: Eliza R., Frank H. and Emma A. The first named married Milton M. Boies, whose sketch is given elsewhere in this Album. Mrs. R. is a member of the Baptist Church. -13= ifWdfiM. M. V. Chambers, farmer on section ^-aaL 34, Hope Township, was the first male white born in the city of Milwaukee, -Jlfs^^ ^Vis. He was born Nov. 2, 1843, the son of M/"' Robert and Eliza Ann (Stevens) Chambers. t Mr. Chambers, Sr., was of English and German descent, was born near Hamilton, Ont., and was a pioneer in the State of Wisconsin. He owned 80 acres in Kilbourn Township, now the heart of the city of Milwaukee; and after selling this, bought a farm ten miles north of the Cream City, on the Green Bay road. He shortly sold this, and bought a place near Sheboygan, where he lived eight years. He then came to St Clair Co., Mich., where he cul- tivated five or six years a farm rented of a widow by the name of House, before his death, at the age of 72. His wife was 62 years old at her death, in 1875' The subject of this biograhy left home in his 13th year, and commenced to earn his own livelihood, working at whatever employment offered. He came to Saginaw in 1857, and was a fireman on a river steamer for three years, then engineer two years. Nov. 24, 1862, he enlisted in Co. H, 28th Bat. Mich. Vol. Inf., which was incorporated with the 27 th, under Col. Fox. The regimer.t was assigned to the 9th Army Corps, and contained two of Mr. Chamber's brothers, Joseph and Robert. He was discharged at Ypsilanti, on account of disability, in March, 1863, betbre his command left for the front. Coming to Edenville, this county, the following »^ c ca: ®:^^^#^ ■^T^<:^D!l^nni>^ ^5€^^ ©■?i^tf^« vC:llIl^DIlr^-? () >^ O 'O MIDLAND COUNTY. autumn, he engaged in lumbering in the winter and driving logs in the summer. He bought his present farm of 38 acres in 1872, and moved upon it in 1878. He has worked in the woods every winter but two. Previous to making hi-s location here, he owned 40 acres in Edenville Township, which he sold. He bought 80 acres in Minnesota, but sold this also, and returned to Midland County. He also made a start in Gladwin County. He was married March 9, 1878, to Miss Almira Holden, daughter of Augustus Holden, who resides seven miles east of Clio, Genesee County. Mrs. Chambers was born March 9, 1853, and is the mother of one daughter, Laura Ann, born June 20, 1879, in Hope Township. Mr. C. is politically a Greenbacker. "leiieiz/®^^— i| -^^yzrawn. -^ «/9 r t" ames Odell, farmer, section 7, Jerome Town- ^ ship, was born April 16, 1844, in Onondaga Co., N. Y., and is the son of Palmer and JemimaOdell. The father was drowned in 1855 in Jack Rift's River, Onondaga County. The mother is living at Fremont, Steuben Co., N. Y. She married a second time, and is again widowed. Both parents were natives of the Empire State, and the mother is of mixed German and English descent. The family included si.x children, all of whom are dead but two. Susan Ann (Odell) Monroe, sister of Mr. Odell, survives. Jacob, a brother, became a soldier for the Union, and was twice wounded at the battle of Pittsburg Landing, and was taken to 'Mound City Hospital, where he died. Mr. Odell came to the township of Orrin, Branch Co., Mich., when he was 17 years old, and has since been a residentof the Peninsular State, with the excep- tion of one year, which he spent in Onondaga County. While he remained in Branch County he labored by the month as a farm assistant. In the spring of 1869 he came to Lansing and spent a summer in Ingham County. In the fall of that year he bought 80 acres of land in Jerome Township, three miles from his present location, for whicli he paid one- fourth of the purchase money. He retained its ownership about five years, sold out and bought 10 acres, for which he paid and entered upon the work 80 acres of Charles Cochrane, — with the privilege of paying for it at his own convenience, — on ivhich he remained about 15 months. He decided tliat he should not be able to pay for it, and he returned to his lo-acre farm, to whicir he has added eight acres additional. He also owns 80 acres on the same sec- tion, but not adjoining. Fifteen acres of his property is in tillage. Mr. Odell was married Dec. 25, 1869, at Midland, to Charlotte M. Lavier. She was born Jan. i8, 1854, in Canada, and is the daughter of Charles and Philadelphia (Parks) Lavier. Her mother was of English descent, and died in 1873, in Jerome Township. Her father is residing in Cana- da. The children born to Mr. and Mrs. Odell are recorded as follows: Reuben J., born Jan. 24, 1871 ; an infant, born June 10, 1872, died the same day ; Mabel J., June 23, 1873; Cora A., May 4, 1876; Clare M., July 7, 1877 ; Pearl VV., Nov. 21, 1881. Mr. Odell is a Republican in political sentiment and action, and has been in public life to considera- ble extent in the township where he resides. He has served two years as Justice of the Peace, and has filled the school offices. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. (5) --»5- avid E. Thurber, farmer, sec' ion 9, Inger- soil Township, is a son of Calvin and ■'i.^Jiy ^ Frances (Craig) Thurber, natives of Can- '^^). ->5-4 w-c J>-5<- '■ f^P f^f'j ichael E. Kane, farmer, section 9, Mid- '■iiiiliMaf land Township, is a son of Lawrence and ; .'^■.' "'^ Esther (Fox) Kane, parents natives re- y ^^'\ speclively of Ireland and Canada. He was '•'^ also born in Canada, Ai)nl 29, 185 1, went to common school and worked on the farm until 187 I ; then spent three summers in Washtenaw Co., Mich., working in the woods during the winter; next, he bought a farm in Lenawee Co., Mich., where he lived until the spring of 187 8, when he exchanged this farm for 90 acres of land where he now resides, and has 20 acres in cultivation. Mr. Kane was married in Flint, Genesee Co., Mich.. July i, 1879, to Miss Eliza, daughter of Alson and Alice (Butler) Sanborn, ihe latter natives of Canada: she is a native of the Peninsular State. Mr. and Mrs. K. are members of the Catholic Church. They have had three children, namely : Lawrence, Michael, who died when about a year and a half old, and James Alson. On national questions Mr. Kane holds the views of the "National" party. ^"ohn Swanton, farmer, section i2,Edenville Ijl^ Township, was born Feb. 24, 1842, in To- '"^^^*^ ronto, Can., and is the son of John and Elizabeth Ann (Aikens) Swanton. His father was born in Ireland, in 1S07, and died in Pick- ering, Can., in March, 1847. His mother was born in Ireland, and is now the wife of Thomas Gransden, Sr., of Edenville Townshii). The parents emigrated to Canada in 1819, and the father made the first brick used in the construction of tlie cele- brated Gore bank building at Toronto. On the death of his father, Mr. Swanton became an inmate of the family of Augustus Simons, with whom he remained until he was 11 years old. They removed to Erie Co., Pa. Mr. Simons was a man of unsteady habits and finally abandoned his family. and Mr. Swanton was placed under the charge of a farmer in Erie County, named John Melhorn, with whom he resided until the age of 18 years. In i860 he went to the township of Walsingham, Can., where he worked one year as a farm assistant. At the end of that time he returned to Pennsylvania and spent several months of the year 1862, in the employ of Mr. Melhorn, with whom he had previously resided. He became interested in the issues of the civil war and determined to risk the fate of a soldier. He en- listed .\ug. 15, 1862, in Co. A, i4Sth Pa. Vol. Inf., Col. H. L. Ihown, and was mustered out of the United States service Aug. 9, 1865, at Baltimore. The command was assigned to the Second Army Corps, First Division, and was attached to several brigades. It was a part of the Army of the Potomac, during the engagements at Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. In the fall of 1863 Mr. Swanton was wounded near Bristow Station, dur- ing the retreat from the Rapidan. He became dis- abled by a wound in the hip from a fragment of shell, was captured by the rebels and sent to Belle Isle. After five months he effected his escape by strategy, and made his way to Annapolis. He rejoined his command at Cold Harbor and continued in active service until June 16, 1864, when he was wounded by a grape shot, in an attempt to capture a rebel battery near Petersburg. He was sent to Lincoln Hospital at Washington, D. C, and two months later was transferred to the Haddington Hospital at Phil- adelphia. In the spring of I S65 he was transferred to the Invalid Corps, and sent on duty to Jarvis Hospital, Baltimore, where he was mustered out of service. He returned to Erie, Pa., and went to work for his former em[iloyer, Mr. Melhorn, with whom he re- mained until April, iS67,when he came to Edenville Township, in Midland County. He worked during the summer on a farm and through the winter in the lumber woods. He returned to Fairview Township, Erie Co., Pa., and was married June 9, 1868, to Catherine, daughter of Christian and Catherine (Fry) Brown, a native of Wirtemburg, Germany. Her par- ents were also born and died there, and at the age of 13 years, accompanied by a sister three years older, she emigrated to America, and joined two brothers in Erie Co., Pa. They landed in the city of New York, in 1S57. The children of Mr. and Mrs. ^ V. sy ^ ('.' ^^ — cwi<:;t]||:^tlti;>i^ _N:rT-. ,-'T"-»\<'T^_ l^^f ^^^^ Z^^^^iST ■ry Tdm'Mh^T >s^~^W MIDLAND COUNTY. f Swanton were born in Edenville Township, as fol- lows: Ida May, Aug. 7, 1869; Alma Edith, July 12, 1872; Otto C. B., May 12, 1878; Katie Mercedes, July 14, 1881. Mr. Swanton has served his townsmen five terms as Township ("lerk. -f =f- ) 1 I ^ I '.[iKffll i ra B. Cronkright, farmer, resident on sec- •^i|^3i t'on 26, Jasper Township, was born Jan. 12 ;V|^T 1841, in Midland Township. He is the C a son of Charles and Lydia (Snyder) Cronkright^ /^ and is the second white male born in Midland County. He grew to manhood on the Michigan frontier, his first e.xperiences in life being those of the l)iuneers. He remained with his parents until he was 27 years old, working on the farm summers and in the lumber woods winters, after he attained suitable age and strength. After tlial he operated as a lum- berman until his marriage, which took ])Iace Nov. 9, 1867, in Homer Townshij), Midland County. His wife was Adriana V. Adams, daughter of Ransom and Sarah J. (Westbrook) Adams, formerly residents of Oakland Co., Ont., wlierc the daughter was born Jan. 30, 184S. She came to Michigan when she was 13 years old witii her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Cronkright have had eight children, six of whom are living: William, Minnie A., Edna A., R. B. Hayes, Clyde E. and Eftie P. The deceased were named Edward and Arthur. Mr. C. is a Republican in political faith and has held various local offices. ^»hJh*^ oseph C. Townseud, Midland. One of the most familiar faces in Midland County is that of the man whose name heads this sketch. From Saginaw to tlie northern frontier everyone knows " Uncle Jo," as he is famil- iarly called. Reared within the corporation of Midland, and living here continuously for more than 30 years, he is possessed of an intimate acquaint- ance with the growth and prosperity of the county he loves so well. The historian is under special ob- ligations to him for information upon many subjects. He is the youngest of 1 1 children, of whom three survive. His parents, Joseph and Polly (Cronkright) Townsend, emigrated from Mt. Morris, Livingston Co., N. Y., in 1842, and after residing a short time in Saginaw County, settled near the "Forks," now Mid- land City. Joseph was a lad 12 years old when his parents came to Midland, and his schooling in New York to that date was very limited. When Henry Ashman taught the first school in the county Joseph was one of the first scholars, nearly all of whom were Indians. In fact, for several years after coming here, Indian children were the only play- mates the Townsend children had. Together they hunted, fished, swam the rivers and played hide-and- seek among the bushes; but a mere handful of the race yet remain that were the friends of his boyhood. Joseph w^as a great lover of the chase, and a number of his exploits are related in another part of this work. As he grew to manhood, he wooed and married Miss Evaline Patterson, the daughter of Henry W. and Harriet Patterson. The former is one of the most influential and worthy citizens of Midland, who still resides near his daughter, and is fully satisfied with Midland County as a place in which to spend his declining years. The marriage of Mr. Townsend and Miss Patterson was celebrated in 1856, by Chas. Fitzhugh, Esq., who for many years was a resident of the township and one of its first settlers. Joseph and his wife have lived happily together for more than a quarter of a century, and have been the par- ents of II children. Harriet, the eldest daughter, wedded George Pick, and now resides at To.iawanda, N. Y. lantha is the wife of Albert Sidelinker, and Angelina married John Bancroft. Both the latter live in Midland City, and the younger children, Chester, Sophronia and Geneva, are with their par- ents, thus forming an almost unbroken family circle. Five children are buried beneath tlie trees in the village cemetery, which is thus made the dearest spot on earth to the parents who loved them so dearly. Joseph is a radical Republican, but the Greenback and Independent parties have maintained him in office for a long term of years. Gov. Jerome ap- pointed him a Notary Public, and Gov. Begole, County Agent of the State Board of Charities, which office he has filled acceptably for many years. He has been for 14 years Superintendent of the Poor, and County Coroner for 12 years. i^. I ^)( ^ f|s»- ^m^m^ .^^^i- -S'-^' -<§S5^ MIDLAND COUNTY. e <^. :« i^ Owning a dray line, and having a comfortable home in the suburbs, his days are passed in compar- ative ease and comfort. He is always the same jolly, good fellow, an honest man, a courteous neigh- bor and an upright Mason. \ illiam E. Hewitt, lumberman on section a^ L 8, Larkin Township, is a son ot Benjamm Jj^^n ' ^' ^"*^ Sarali (Westcott) Hewitt, natives ^' of Vermont, and was born in that State '^'' Aug. i8, 185 1. He came to Midland County in 187 i, and has since made his home here. In October, 1883, he purchased a shingle mill on section 8, Larkin, where he is now doing a thriv- ing business. He emplnys seven men, and his mill has a capacity for turnitg out 25,000 shingles daily. He was first married in TJncoln Township, March 8, 1873. to Miss Christina J. Howe, daughter of James Howe, of Larkin Township. Mrs. H. died Oct. 24, 1883, leaving two daughters, Sarah E. and Phebe £.;_ and Feb. 22, 1884, he chose for his present wife Miss Viola Howe, a sister of the first Mrs. Hewitt. Politically, Mr. H. is a Democrat. ^+- section 27, Hope jV^A Mi illiam Mills, farmer, j ['•-^VO'! ^ Township, was born Sept. 29, 1851, in '' Ontario, Can., and is the son of Samuel ' and Sarah (Filmore) Mills. The parents are of English descent and were born' in Nova Scotia. The family moved to Ontario in 1849, where they remained until their removal to Midland County in i86r. Mr. Mills, of this sketch, was si.K years old when he made his first acquaintance with the Peninsular State, and grew to man's estate in the township in which he now resides. He is the proprietor of 70 acres of land, which includes 30 acres inipioved and cultivated. His marriage to Annie Oslrander occurred June 11, 1877. She was born March 8, 1859, in St. Clair Co., Mich., and is the daughter of John C. and Anna (Pratt) Ostrander. The mother of Mrs. Mills died before she was three years old, and, her father marry- ing soon afterward, she grew to womanhood under the care of a step-mother. Following is the record of the children born to Mr. and Mrs. Mills : Ernest W., Nov. 19, 1878; Estella R., Nov. 10, 1880; Clay- ton D. \V., .\iig. 2, 1883. They were born in Hope Township. Mr. Mills has been Township Clerk two terms, and is now discharging the duties of Treasurer for the second time. j'f S^Jjenjamin G. Beden, farmer, section 25^ ^iEi^iJ^- Iniiersoll Township, is a son of Sinithfield ^j'jg^ "^ and Rebecca (Melvin) Beden, the former 'Ito '^ native of the Green Mountain State and the latter of the old Granite State. Their residence was first in Wyoming Co., N. Y., then in Wayne County, same State, and finally, in 1836, they emigrated to Lapeer Co., Mich., where he died Feb. 26, 1853. She afterward lived with her daughter in Genesee Co., Mich., and died Feb. 10, 1874. In their family were ten children : Walter M., Calista, Diana, Benjamin G., William, Seth N., Amanda, Laura, William (2d) and Susan. The subject of this sketch was born in Wayne Co. N. Y., Feb. iS, 1822; was 14 years old when his parents came to Lapeer Co., Mich., and lived at home witli them until 20 years of age, assisting on the farm and attending school. At the age men- tioned he started out in the world for himself, at first working by the month for a few years. He then learned the cooper's trade, which he followed about two years ; then for about 16 months he worked at farming and as clerk in a store. Then he purchased a farm in Hadley, Lapeer Co., Mich., where he lived from 1848 to 1858; he then sold out, and in the fol- lowing February he came to Midland County and settled on 120 acres of land in Ingersoll Township, which he had bought the previous year. He has since added 40 acres by purchase, and he now has about 60 acres in a good state of cultivation. Mr. Beden has been Justice of the Peace si.x years. Deputy Clerk several years and Township Treasurer one year. He was once elected Coroner, but did not accept the office. In his political views he is a Re- publican. In 1873 he joined the Patrons of Hus- bandr)\ VS 9 ( t ^ ®))^^|- -:^^^i^ ^ <^n :^ni]f>^^9- 4^^ \^}S^^^^^ MIDLAND COUNTY. ^^efv^ 239 At the time of the Revolutionary war, his grand- mother was met by some American soldiers who de- sired some flannel for making cartridges. She gave them her petticoat, which they hung on a pole, and X around this they cheered and vowed they would die ^^ rather than suffer defeat. Mr. Beden was married in Oakland Co., Mich., March 16, 1853, to Harriet P., daughter of Harvey C. and Melinda (Compton) Mills. (See sketch of David A. Mills.) Mrs. Beden was born in Pose, Wayne Co., N. Y., Oct. 12, 1836. They iiave one child, Rodney A., born April 24, 1858. V ^ (l> I i'homas Moore, farmer and proprietor of L^ I Moore's Hotel at Edenville, was born Aug. ^ 18, 1839, in Dundas C"o., Can., and is the ^d^ son of Michael and Alice (O'Connor) Moore. Tlie parents were natives of Ireland, and are deceased. They emigrated to Canada respect- ively in 1828 and in 1830. Mr. Moore spent the first 14 years of his life on a farm and at school. He had a natural taste and aptitude for books, and at the age of 14 years he be- gan teaching in the Dominion. At the age of 17 years he went to Syracuse, N. Y., and spent some time as a farm laborer. He then entered a drug store, in which he operated four years, when he re- turned to Canada and engaged in rafting one season on the river Trent. The season following he spent in assisting his father on the farm, when he returned to his former employment as a raftsman. In the fall of that year (1862) he came to Ann Arbor, and after working there three months as a farm assistant, he went to East Saginaw with the intention of engaging in lumbering; but happening to meet his former em- ployer from Syracuse he entered his store at Saginaw as a salesman. He served in that capacity three years. On terminating that connection he engaged ni hand- ling dairy products, and in si.x months netted $1,000. Associated with two partners, he purchased a mer- cantile establishment at Chesaning, Saginaw Co., Mich., and four months later sold his interest to his partners. He then engaged in hotel life at Chesan- ing, and conducted the Chesaning House one year. At the expiration of that time he came to Edenville, and engaged in the same business in which he has since continued, wi'.h the exception of six months. Eight years after establishing himself in the business, his hotel was destroyed by fire. At that time he had $3,200 in cash and a well-stocked farm of 200 acres. After the fire he felt disposed to try fortune in a more extended sphere, and went to Saginaw, where he bought the Franklin House. Six months later he had tested the abiding qualities of all his ready money and S400 besides, and found the climate not adapted to his abilities. He swallowed his losses and ex- periences, and returned to his farm at Edenville. In one year he made $800, and built a part of the hotel he is now managing. He has continued in the same business ever since, with various degrees of success. He was married at Saginaw June 21, 1S64, to Caro- line E., daughter of .Mexander and Harriet N. (Bab- cock) Ladow. Her parents are natives of the State of New York, and are residing in Tama Co., Iowa. Her father is a minister of the Baptist Church. Mrs. Moore was born Aug. 19, 1838, in Camden, Lorain Co., Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. Moore have had one daugh- ter, — Georgiana, born Jan. 16, 1866, and died March 16, 1872. Mr. Moore is a Democrat, and is serving his third term as Supervisor of Edenville Township. ^imeon Kent, farmer, section 22, Midland 1^ Township, is a son of James A. and Rachel (Crane) Kent, natives of New York State, who emigrated thence to Midland County, in 1S54, settling in Midland Town- ship, where ihey Iiave since resided. Of their five children, three grew up to maturity, namely: Harriet, Catherine and Simeon. The two deceased were Eliza J. and an infant. Simeon was born in Saginaw County, Oct. 21, 1840. In February, 1864, he enlisted in the cause of the Union, in the ist Mich. Cav., and while engaged in the battle of Winchester, ^'a., Sejjt. 19, 1864, he received a bullet wound in his right arm, which necessitated an amputation. He was discharged in June, 1865. Is now a member of the Dwight May Post, No. 69, G. A. R., and concerning political questions takes generally Republican views. % \^ 9 i 11 sniif^A^ <^llIlSlln^>: 240 MIDLAND COUNTY. ■5 <> '^) rS^ Mr. Kent was married in Saginaw Co., Mich., /^ Sept. 12, 1869, to Sarah E., daughter of Wilham and S^ Amanda (Holt) Morrison, natives of Pennsylvania. \ Mrs. K. was born in Armstrong Co., Pa., Maj- i, J 1852. To Mr. and Mrs. Kent have been born five Y children, namely : James A., Amanda J., George L., Gertrude R. and Hattie I. — -^ ^^£ii ~ aniel Wilcox, farmer, section 28, Midland ,.-. Township, is a son of Henry and Cath- kcTi ^ erine (Collins) Wilco.x, who were natives JPS" of the Empire State. He was born in Erie County, that State, Feb. 5, 1822, followed farming a portion of the time, and for 12 years was employed in a hotel and on the lakes as "berth-maker." Four months of the above period, however, were spent in Wiscon- sin. In the fall of 1852 he came to Midland County and purchased 80 acres of unimproved land where he has since resided. He is therefore one of the oldest pioneers of the county. He has sold si.x and a half acres of his first purchase, and of the re- mainder he has about 60 acres well improved. His is a fine farm. Mr. Wilcox was married in Buffalo, N. Y., to Mar- garet Derig, a native of Ireland, who came to America when a young child. Mr. W. has been School Assessor in his district. In politics he is a Reiniblican. Mrs. \\ . is a mem- ber of the Catholic Church. .ames Whitman, farmer and lumberman, section 9, Porter Township, was born in Saginaw Co., Mich., May 31, 1843, and is a son of John A. and Lucinda (Cogswell) ^Vhitman. (See sketch.) The parents moved into Midland County when their son was but a year old, being among the first settlers in the county, locating in IngersoU Township, where he, the father, now resides. James' mother is deceased. The subject of this biographical notice remained at home until 2r, when he set out for himself, pur- chasing a piece of land in Homer Township, which he managed for a year and then lumbered one season for Horace Jerome, after which he merged into the lumber business with his father. Thus they operated together two years, furnishing railroad lumber and supplies. Then for some time he prosecuted a simi- lar business in comiiany with Mr. Gordon, of Mid- land, then in connection with the Saginaw Boom Company for about seven years. On leaving them, in the fall of 1880, he settled on a quarter of section 9, Porter Township, which tract he had purchased two years previously. Here he has improved 40 acres and built a good, large barn, a comfortable residence, etc. He is not married. Mr. W. is a Republican in his jx)litical principles, and has held the minor offices of his township. 'ir^^:i=rts *t#rt-r5- ^^i dwin N. Burton, farmer, section 12, Eden- ^^K ville Township, was born June 20, rS37, ??j^^° in Dexter, Me., and is the son of David j)^ and Emeline (Copeland) Burton. The parents i were born respectively in Maine and Massa- chusetts, and removed in 1851 to Dexter, Washtenaw Co., Mich. In 1854 the family went to East Saginaw and remained one winter, the father operating as foreman of a lumber camp in the em- ploy of one of the heaviest firms of Saginaw. In the spring of 1855 they settled in Midland County, where he completed the period of his minority. He obtained his education wholly in Maine and Wash- tenaw Co., Mich., and, after coming to Midland County, devoted his increasing strength to clearing and improving the homestead and contributing to the support of the family. When he was 22 years old he enlisted in Co. D, 1 6th Mich. Vol. Inf., under Col. Stockton, of Flint. The date of his enrollment as a soldier in the service of the United States was Aug. t, 1S61. The regiment was assigned to Butterfield's Brigade, Fitz John Porter's Division, of the Army of the Potomac. Tlie first service of any importance in which Mr. Burton was engaged was the siege of Yorktown. During the Peninsular Campaign under Gen. Mc Ctellan, while the army was lying in the swamps of the Chickahominy River, he was seized with illness, and June 27, 1862, he was sent to the Highgee Hos- pital at Fortress Monroe. Three weeks later he was removed to Long Island (N. Y.) Hospital. He was 'Slf\S^^^ t V^ A ca: ( t -^4S^ ^ <-^Dar^iinit> MIDLAND COU.VTY. r^^^^^ -4^5C(sVS -A >^ V 1 241 discharged thence Oct. 20, 1862, on a surgeon's cer- tificate, by the orderof Gen. Brown. On leaving the hospital he made his way to Rochester, Oakland Co., Mich., where lie remained six weeks with his sister, being too weak to proceed further. At the end of that time his father came for him and removed him to his home. His disease was of a malarial charac- ter, contracted in the deadly miasmas which laid thousands of Northern soldiers under the sods of the valley in that murderous, fruitless waiting for move- ment, and which was more disastrous to the cause of the Union and resulted in a greater loss of life than active service on the field could have done. Three years elapsed before Mr. Burton recovered his nor- mal strength and endurance. He belongs to the type of politicians distinguished as "War Demo- crats," and has served his generation in many promi- nent and responsible positions. He has been Super- visor two terms, Treasurer five years, Clerk three years, and has been recently elected Justice of the Peace. Mr. Burton was married Nov. 8, 1868, to Mary M., daughter of Richard and Elizabeth (McConnell) Willis. Her father was born Nov. iS, 1816, in Ireland, and is yet resident in Edenville Township. Her mother was born Nov. 18,1833, in Canada, and died Oct. 14, 1863. Mrs. Burton was born April 3, 1853, in Sparta, Elgin ("o.. Can. Following is the record of five children born to Mr. and Mrs. Burton: Frank E., born Feb. i, 1870; Willis A., April 10, 1 87 2, died Jan. 9, 1880; Bessie, March 20, 1874, died Jan. 11, 1880; Emeline A., March 5, 1876; Winfield Scott, Sept. 30, 1880. All the children were born in Edenville Township. Tliose deceased died within two days of each other, of diphtheria. I rancis L. O. Banks, farmer, section 27, -Midland Township, is a son of Wright and Ann (Brotherton) Banks, who were natives of Connecticut. He was born in Sherman, Fairfield Co., Conn., Aug. 31, 1830, coming to Oakland Co., Mich., with his parents when 11 years of age. He attended the High School at Pon- tiac. At 18 years of age he began and worked out by the month for five years. In 185 1 he came to Midland County and settled on 43 acres of land in Midland Township, which he had bought three years previously, and where he has since resided. To the original purchase he has added 64 acres, and now has about 75 acres in a good state of cultivation. He has held the offices of School Director and Con- stable, and in regard to political questions he votes with the Republicans. He and his wife are mem- bers of the Baptist Church. Mr. Banks was married in Saginaw Co., Mich., March 16, 1854, to Miss Margaret E. Lire, a native of Massachusetts, and of Scotch parentage. They have had five children, viz.: Charles, Adelbert R., Clara F., Frederick and William U. Charles and Frederick are deceased. ■»>«ec£r!S^S-«— tj^^ oel A. .^^^3OTSv ,, _^, — — Brewer, farmer and lumberman, Sft^ resident on section 27, Homer Township, was born Aug. 4, 1844, in Allegany Co.. N. Y. His parents, Daniel and Julia A. (Bas- sett) Brewer, were natives of the State of New York, where the former still resides, aged 78 years. The mother died in .Mlegany Co., N. Y., March 17, 1876. Their family comprised nine chil- dren, three of whom are deceased. Mr. Brewer is the eighth child of his parents in the order of birth, and is the fourth son. He is the only one of the family who has left his native State. He received a fair common-school education, and when he was 17 years old he went South in the em- ployment of the Government. He was present at four of the important battles of the Army of the Cumberland. He was at Nashville the day of Lin- coln's re-election, and heard a speech by Andrew Johnson. He returned to his liome in the State of New York, where he remained but a brief period, going thence to Pennsylvania, where he engaged as a mill assistant for some months. He returned home for a time and again went to Pennsylvania and interested himself in the chances of the oil regions. In 1867 he went back to Allegany Co., N. Y., where, July 15 of that year, he was married to Julia F., daughter of John and Sophia Wirt. Her paren?^ were natives of Canada, of French descent. They became resi- dents of the Empire State in early life, where they married and have since resided. The daughter was c< ( eMs (T-A -^^^^^ ^ <^^D!l^Dnf^ .^^ '--^^f MIDLAND COUNTY. s3i '1^ :^ s/ ') she is a member of the Presbyterian Church. Mr. H. is a Democrat in politics, and has held the posi- tion of Fire Police in Midland City for about a year, as well as a local position in his township. ■•<-^^4##'^- ^Jj-Uc'>^ Kp (5;0;, loyd L. Post, attorney, Coleman, was born ij'KSj'lp April 1 1, 1857, at Belvidere, Allegany Co., l''^'^^ N. Y., and is a son of John and Fannie M. m" (Gleason) Post, both of whom are yet livinij;. ^1^ In their family were one son and two daugh- ters, one of the latter being now deceased. Mr. Post had a common-school education, read law in the office of Wheaton & Perry at Clare, Mich., for two years, and also at home, and was admitted to the Bar at Harrison, Clare Co., Mich., in March, 1882, since which time he has practiced his profession, being in company with his father in his business matters. Together they own about 240 acres of land, of which 45 are improved. Mr. P. has been Super- visor one year. Clerk of Grant Township, Clare County, one year, and of Warren Townshi[), this county, one year, and Village Clerk one year. Polit- ically he belongs to the Republican party. March 22, 1S84, Mr. Post was married to Miss Isa- i)ella v., daughter of Miciiael Doherty, who is now living on a farm in Belfast, Allegany Co., N. Y. Mrs. Post is a graduate of that place, is a school and music teacher and is a member of the Catholic Church. She was born in Belfast, Feb. 17, 1859. ustus B. Johnson, fanner on section 36, _^|jt" Midland Township, is a son of John A. ^'^ and Sally (Barden) Johnson, natives of New Jersey and Massachusetts respectively; the former died in Genesee Co., N. Y., in 1859, and the latter in Midland Township, this county, at the home of the subject of this sketch, Aug. 18, 1872. Their family included nine children — four sons and five daughters. The third son, Justus, was born in Monroe Co., N. Y., May 8, 1820, and lived at home until 17 years of age, receiving a good, common education. He learned the cooper's trade, which he followed most of the time until 1869. In the fall of that year he came to Midland County, and purchased 80 acres of wild land, where he has made his home since the fall of 187 I, when his family moved upon the place. He has purchased 160 acres additional, and has now about 60 acres under the plow. April 4, 1846, in Erie ("o., N. Y., occurred his nuptials with Hiss Margaret, daughter of William and Elizabeth (Vanderbilt) Wyckoff, natives of the State of New York. Mrs. Wyckoff was a cousin of Cor- nelius Vanderbilt, father of the present railroad magnate. Mrs. Johnson was born in the Empire State, Nov. 17, 1817, and died in Erie Co., N. Y., Aug. 21, 1870, having been the mother of five chil- dren — Charles A., Myron J., Alphonso (died when four months old), Elizabeth S. and Alice S. Mr. J. is a member of the Wesleyan Methodist Church, in politics is a Republican, and has been Overseer of Highways for three years. SllpWra' .rederick M. Burton, favnier, section 12, xJibsSJ'j Edenville Townshi[), was born April 3, Kp^""" 1849, in Dexter, Penobscot Co., Me. His ^p parents, David and Emeline (Copeland) Bur- -'l^ ton, were natives of Maine and of English de- l scent. The father was born in September, 1 80 1. The mother was born Aug. 14, 1815, and died April 20, 1881, in Edenville Township. The family removed to Webster, Washtenaw Co., Mich., in November, 1851, and there resided until 1854, when they made another transfer to East Sagi- naw, where they passed the winter of 1854-5. The father owned a farm in Washtenaw County during the three years in which he was a resi- dent there, and was foreman of a lumber camp at Saginaw for Tift Jerome the winter previous to his removal. Meanwhile he took advantage of an oppor- tunity which presented of buying the farm on which he has since resided, in Edenville Township, paying therefor 50 cents per acre. Mr. Burton was not cpiite seven years of age when liis parents settled in Eden Township, and he grew to manhood and obtained a common-school educa- tion under his father's care and supervision. He spent some years in his employ after he was 21, re- maining at home until his marriage. On the occur- rence of that event he purchased 30 acres of unim- ^: ■)(v ^ f|^»— .^:;^.JL <>D!l^:iltlf> Zu:^ ^^^^ &-'TT- '^^^^iVS MIDLAND COUNTY. ' proved land of his father, on which he has since resided, and he now has 15 acres under cuhivation. Mr. Burton belongs to the National Greenback party I in political affiliation. He has held the oftice of X Drain C'ommissioner, and has been re-elected for an- other term. He was married jNIay 13, 1873, to Lizzie P., daugh- ter of Thomas and Elizabeth Ann (Aikens) Grans- den. Her parents reside in Edenville and are respectively of English and Irish descent. Her mother was born Nov. 18, 1814, in Ireland, and her father was born in England, Feb. 14, iS'io. Mrs. Burton was born Nov. 27, 1852. Three children have been born of her marriage, as follows : David C, July 30, 1874; Stephen L., Feb. 15, 1876; Mary Rosa, April 14, 1878. Mr. Burton is a UniversaUst in religious belief; his wife is a Roman Catholic. -tSs. — Jx -if^^l^gbert Bradley, farmer, sec. 27, Midland, is ■^- ej irMili)' son of Joseph and Mary (Emmons) Bradley, =1 (0^^^ the former a native of Connecticut ar.d the •^ °^i£ latter of New York, who emigrated to this =1 t' State in 1842, setthng in Livnigston County, 'J* 1 where she died, in June, 1844. He afterward removed to Ionia Co., Mich., where he died, Sept. : ) 19, 1880. Egbert was born in Niagara Co., N. Y., July 30, 1829, and was about 13 years of age when he came to Michigan with his parents. He started out for himself in the world when about 20 years of age, first finding employment in a saw-mill at Port Huron for about six months; then ten months in a mill in the Upper Peninsula: then returned to Livingston County ; then followed lumbering and blacksmith- ing about four years in Genesee County. Next, in i860, he went to Colorado in search of gold, meeting with some success, earning the coveted metal by farming, mining and milling; was tliere six years. He returned to Ionia County, and in the fall (aS of 1867 came to this county, where he has since re- I sided. He now owns 177 acres of land, in Midland Township, besides village property in Midland; has 50 acres of his farm land in a good state of cultiva- tion. He has held the office of Highway Commissioner two years; is a member of the Masonic Order; in politics, is a Republican, and cast his first Presidential vote for (ien. Winfield Scott. Mr. Bradley was married in Ionia Co., Mich., Nov. 17, 1867, to Mrs. Hannah, widow of Darius P. Thompson and daughter of John and Hannah Steers, who was born in Homer, Cortland Co., N. Y., Dec. 15, 1845. She had by her first husband one child, named Darius P. Thompson, Jr., and by her jjresent mar- riage has had two children, namely, Mary F^. and Joseph R. Mrs. Bradley's father died when she was a child, and her mother resides with the suliject of this sketch. She is 76 years old, and blind. 'irSJ^^o^v ?C^i>»T-i^ j^aniel E. Grover, farmer and lumberman, residing at Edenville, was born March 22, -^fi^" 1843, in Detroit, this State. His parents Tjfi, were James C. and Catherine M. (Hough) ^ Grover. The father was a cari>enter and joiner % by trade, and died at Bay ('Ity, Bay County, this State, .\pril 5, 1877, in the 59th year of his age. He descended from that class of Puritans who were known as "Independents," who established the first colony at Plymouth. His family consisted of seven children: three boys and four girls. The mother was born at St. Catherine's, Can., and was of German descent. The family moved from Detroit to Shia- wassee County, this State, where the father followed his trade for three years, and then removed to Port Huron, St. Clair Co., and there followed his trade for two or three years. From Port Huron he went to Point aux Barques, where he remained for two years. During his stay at the latter place he built a saw- mill and was engaged for some time in running the same. His next move was to East Saginaw, where he engaged in the grocery business and worked at his trade for about three years. F"rom East Saginaw he moved to Bay City, where he died, as before stated. Daniel E. Grover, the subject of this biographical notice, was the fourth child of his father's family. He lived at home under the care of his parents, assisting in the maintenance of the family, and develo|)ed into manhood. On arriving at the age of maturity he set forth upon the road of adversity to battle against the trials of hfe. He engaged in lumbering and running on the rivers for a time, when I X=l 0) gKVg))^^#- ui^-1. mwM^^>^^ — ^^f^ -*^ E3RT" /»*HV1VJ '< HHtattMJ MIDLAND COUNTY. f :^ ^ m he went to Cleveland, Ohio, and worked on the Cleveland & Pittsburg Railroad for two years. From Cleveland he went to Pittsburg, Pa., and worked on the railroad for a time, when he obtained a position on the police force, and served on that for two years and ten months. From Pittsburg he moved to West Bay City, this State, where he remained for two years, and during a part of that time he was Marshal of the City. His ne.\t move was to Edenville, this county, where he built a house and where he now resides. He has a farm of 80 acres, which he culti- vates during the summer, and he follows the voca- tion of " lumbering " winters. Mr. Grover was united in marriage Dec. 25, 1865, to Miss Kate, daughter of John W. and Ellen Grover. Both her parents were of German de- scent, and died in Edenville, her father at the age of 89 years. Mrs. Kate Grover, wife of the sub- ject of this notice, was born in Norfolk Co., Can., May 16, 1844. She is the mother, to Mr. Grover, of seven children, four of whom are deceased. The living are Daisy, James Henry, Samuel L. and Catherine M. The deceased are John Worthington, Geddes and Daniel. Politically, Mr. Grover is a Democrat. He has held the office of Justice of the Peace, and socially is a genial-hearted citizen and an ardent worker for the interests of the community in which he resides. eorge Miller, farmer and mill proprietor, ^j. residing on section 29, \Varren Township, ^^i and one of the representative as well as self- made men of the county, was born Sept. 20, I 1845, in Hagerstown, Wayne Co., Ind. He is a son of Henry and Elizabeth (Sexton) Miller. The father of Mr. Miller went to California when George was only four years of age, in 1849, during the great overland rush to that country. He was ambitious to secure a competency, and, tliough limited in education, possessed that faculty of push and de- termination which seldom fails to overthrow and con- cpier all obstacles. He learned the trade of black- smith and followed the same for a while in the "land of gold," but soon abandoned it and went to San Francisco and Sacramento. He was very successful in California, and sent his family some $3,500; but before he had secured a sufficiency he was taken sick and died. His death occurred in 1858, some eight years after he arrived in the " Golden State," and none of his family saw him from the time of his de- parture from his home in Indiana. George Miller, the subject of our biographical notice, remained with his mother in Wayne County, assisting in the maintenance of the family and attend- ing the common schools, until he attained the age of 18 years. On arriving at that age, he learned the painter's trade and followed it for five years. He then engaged as an employee in a saw-mill at New Lisbon, owned by his brother. He remained with his brother in the mill for three years, and in the fall of 1869 came to this county. He and his brother erected a steam mill on the Tittabawassee River just below Sanford, and he was actively engaged in operating it for two years. He sold the mill at the expiration of the time mentioned, to Benj. Dean, and went to Coleman. In 187 I, Mr. Miller purchased a portable mill and erected it at Coleman, in this county. He added to its capacity nearly every year until Oct. ir, 1883, when it was destroyed by fire. The mill property was worth about $6,000, and was insured for only $2,700, causing a net loss in its destruction of $3,300. In the winter of 1883, Mr. Miller erected another, larger and more costly mill than the one destroyed by fire. He runs about seven months during each year, and his mill has the capacity to produce about $4,000 worth of stock per month. It is a saw-mill, shingle-mill and hoop-mill. The saw-mill has a ca- pacity of about 1,000 feet an hour; the shingle-mill 40,000 shingles every 1 1 hours, and the hoop-mill 12,000 hoops every 11 hours. The mother of Mr. Miller died in Bloomington, 111., in June, 1863. She was the mother of ri chil- dren, eight boys and three girls, all of whom, except one, lived until they attained the age of manhood and womanhood. Two died while fighting for their country's flag in the late civil war. One son was wounded at the battle of Chickamauga, Sept. 19, 1863, and died on the 21st of the same month. An- other son died, after leaving the army, from disease contracted while on duty. Mr. Miller was united in marriage Oct. 31, 1870, to Miss Catherine Adella, daughter of Charles C. and Eliza B. (Burton) Sanford. Her father is still living, I 9 r=i 1=: < ^f^# j^ M^unMi^ Au=i. IM 348 >ii5%ar''^ MIDLAND COUNTY. "isirwisr" ^i!^(^ .Of :<0 V > / at Sanford, and has attained the venerable age of 65 years. The motlier died some six years ago. Mrs. Miller was born Dec. 24, 1S51, at Geneva, Ashtabula Co., Ohio. The husband and wife were the parents of two children : George Ora was born Aug. 31, 187 i, in ('oleman, this county, and died at Sanford Nov. 22, 1874, of scarlet rash. Cora was born Junes, 1874, in Sanford, and died Oct. 29, 1879, at Coleman. Politically, Mr. Miller is a ijclicver in and sup- |X)rter of the princi[)les of the Republican party. He has been Justice of the Peace four years, Supervisor three terms. Township Treasurer one term and Higli- way Commissioner two terms. He was a Democrat until the tariff question was introduced into politics, and then joined the Republican party. Socially, Mr. Miller holds a high posilton in tiie estimation of the citizens ot his township. He possesses that push about him which adds to the development and pros- perity of the community in which he resides and makes many warm and true friends. He owns the three farms in Warren Township ad- joining the village of Coleman, comprising 330 acres. He has 170 acres of this land improved, 40 acres in wheat and 60 in meadow. Mr. Miller was the first man to manufacture shingles and hoops in the town- shij), and has done much to advance the interests of the same. The jwrtrait of Mr. Miller, which a])pears on an- other iiage, is a fitting addition to the Biogr.mmiicai. AND POUTRAIT Al.lUIM OF MlDI.ANU CoU.N IV. He has been prominent in the best interests of his town- ship and county since he became resident therein, and has contributed his inllncnce and effort to the snlislanti.d progress of bolii. -^-3-E-<^- -^— "'"indrew Fransen, farmer, section 34, Jerome rownshi|), was born Jan. 10, 1844, in Ring- ster, Denmark. His parents, Nels and Anna (Hansen) Fransen, are naiivesof Denmark, and emigrated to America in 1869. They made their first location al IMoomfield, Saginaw Co., Midi., where they remained one year, and in 1870 settled in Jerome Township. Tlie fatlicr died May 2, 18S4, and the mother survives. In that year Mr. Fransen entered a homestead claim of So acres, of which he took [wssession in tiie spring. The entire tract was in a wild condition, and he has improved about 30 acres. Mr. Fransen is a Lutheran in his religious connections; is now serving as Justice of the Peace. He was married Dec. 15, 1877, in Midland, to Helen, dangiiter of Samuel and Maiy Ann (Nugent) Winters. The mollier was born at Rockville, Md. The fatlier was born May 5, 1S09, al Emmettsburg, Frederick Co., Md. Mrs. Fransen was born April 14, 1852, at the last named place. The children horn of her marriage are recorded as follows: Mary Ann was born Jan. 21, 1881 ; John Thomas was born May 31, 1882. An unnamed infant died a week after birth. genjamin F. Slough, farmer, section 32, Porter Township, was born May 23, 1828, in Lycoming Co., Pa. Benjamin and Es- ther (Smith) Slough, his (larents, were natives of the Keystone State, of German ancestry. Tiiey belonged to the agricultural class and died in their native State, — the one in 1862, tlie otlier in 1849. Their family comprised seven sons and two daughters. Two of the former are deceased. Mr. Slough is the sixth child of his parents, and accompanied them, when he was six years old, to Snyder Co , Pa., where he passed the years of liis minority in obtaining his education in the common schools. On attaining to the period of his legal freedom, he went to work as a canal-boat builder, in which he was employed five years. For some time thenceforward he operated as a carpenter and joiner at Freeport, Illinois, and he traveled at odd times ihruugh 15 States. In 1854, he vvent to Summit Co., Ohio, and again engaged in the construction of canal boats on the Ohio ("anal. He came to Midland Co., Mich., in 1S56, and at once entered a homestead claim of ifio acres in Porter Townsliip, where he was the Inst permanent settler. Tliere was not a single tiioroughfave in its whole extent, and when Mr. Slc)iigli built his liouse, which was the first within the township limits, he was under the severe necessity ol obtaining all supplies from St. Louis, Gratiot County, a distance of 1 2 miles, and of paying for them at extravagant rates. The route, was made by water and over Indian trails. This kind of life continued six years before they could obtain a team. On set- I 4 t t; ■'-• I 0!i ^ £-»s=J«e- -^i >; V > I V 1 MIDLAND COUNTY. tling on his estate he abandoned his trade and has since given his attention wholly to the improvement of his property. He claims one of the best farms in the township, on which he has improved 40 acres and erected suitable and creditable farm buildings. Mr. Slough was married March 29, 1859, at Free- port, 111., to Sarah J. Holmes, who was lx)rn in Car- roll Co., Ohio, Oct 13, 1832. She went in her child- hood with her parents to Seneca County, where she was educated and reared to womanhood. Her par- ents still reside there, aged respectively 75 and 76 years. One child bom of her marriage is living, — Mrs. Ida .S. Kirne. (.See sketch of J. W. Kime.) She was bom Nov. 27, 1862. Lillie D. (Slough) Kime was born Aug. 17, i860, and died Sept. 4, 1880. Mr. Slough is independent in political views, and has been Township Treasurer, besides having held the minor local offices. ieary Baymond, fanner on section 15, Hope Township, was bom at Port Huron, St. Clair Co., Mich., April 11, 1840, the son of Nicholas and Sophia (Lavier) Raymond. The father, a blacksmith by occupation, died when Henry was 12 years old. The mother still lives at Port Huron. The subject of this sketch was reared on a farm, and left home to make his own way in life when 15 years old. He commenced by working by the month as a farm laborer. He has been in this county since May 3, i860. Shortly after coming, and before he was 21, he bought 40 acres of Willjam McCrary. He afterwards sold this and bought 58 acres of Amasa Rust, in what is now Exienville Township, which he at once set about improving. In 1867, he settled on his present place of 80 acres in Hope Township. Jan. 31, 1864, in Jerome (now Exienville) Town- ship, he was united in wedlock with Miss Rosaltha Erway, daughter of Daniel and Hilah (Clark) Erway. i£r. E. is dead; Mrs. E. resides with her son Sylves- ter. Mrs. Raymond was bom Aug. 9, 1846, in the State of New York. Of this marriage six children are living, and three deceased. Ettoile I^., bom Nov. 13, 1864, died Aug. 19, 1866; Effa V. was bom Jan. 14, 1868; Sophia L., Dec. 13, 1869; William Isaac, July 5, 1872; next in order, two infants died when two days old ; Hilah R. was born March 24, 1878; Henry Garfield, Oct. 10, 1880; and Jesse H., Nov. 6, 1882. Mr. R. is a Republican, and has been Highway Commissioner. ll^harleB Overton, farmer, section 14, Mid- land Township, is a son of Thomas and Elizaljeth A. (Temple) Overton, natives of England and America respectively. Charles Overton, the subject of this sketch, was bom in Onondaga Co., N. Y., June 26, 1846. He lived in his native State, where he followed the occupation of fanner, until 1866, when, in November of that year, he came to Midland City, this county, and for three years engaged as an employe in the lumber woods. After that he was variously em- ployed in Midland City, unril 1878, when he moved upon the farm of 40 acres on section 24, Midland Township, which he had purchased when he was 18 years old, and on which he at present resides, and of which he has about 20 acres improved. Mr. Overton was married July 2, 1876, to Sarah A., daughter of George and Harriet Morgan, natives of England, in which countrj- the daughter was bom, Sept. 22, 1847. Religiously, she is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Politically, Mr. O. is a believer in and supporter of the Republican party. ■Sr^-^fi^- .IK-lexander J. Baymond, farmer on section f^^ff^^, 14, Hoi^ Township, was bom in Wayne t »S Co., Mich., March 4, 1837, the son of Nicho- '*(il las and Sophia (Lavier) Raymond. Mr. R., i' Sr., was killed in Kimball Township, St. Clair Co., Mich , about 1850, by the falling of a limb of a tree. His widow was subsequently married to David Moore, and now lives just outside the corporation limits of the city of Port Huron. Her living chil- dren by Mr. Raymond are named Henry, Sylvester, Richard, Julia and Joseph D.; and by Mr. Moore, Eber B., Louisa and Elvira. Although his father was by occupation a black- smith. Alexander worked while a boy on a farm. At '^: \ m -:^^K — 6v<- ^a D >: n n^ i>v MIDLAND COUNTY. t ) S the age of 1 6 he set out for himself. In September, 1854, he came to Edenville Township, this county, and commenced working in tlie woods for Tift Jerome, in wliosc employ he remained most of the time for 15 years. He was in Edenville from Sep- tember to March, then in St. Clair County during the summer, returning to this county in the fall. The ensuing three years he traveled througli a number of the Western States, working at lumbering, farming, etc., after which he worked two years at lumbering in this county, and on the river. In the spring of i860 he bought So acres of land under the Graduation Act, paying 25 cents per acre. He built a shanty and commenced to improve his place, but in this he was interrupted by the breaking out of the civil war. Aug. 13, i85i, he enlisted in Co. D. 1 6th Mich. \'ol. Inf, under Col. Stockton and Capt. Benj. Fisher. He was assigned to the Third Brigade, First Division, Fifth Army Corps, under Cien. Fitz John Porter. With the exception of three months in hospital, from a wound, he served entirely throughout the war. He was wounded at Gaines' Hill, June 27, 1862, in the left middle finger, which was amputated just below the middle joint. He participated in McClellan's Peninsular campaign, and was with Porter when the latter was ordered to assist Pope, at the second Bull Run, but disobeyed orders, resulting in his dismissal from the army. He fought in the Fifth Corps, under Gen. Warren, from the battle of the Wilderness to the surrender of Lee ; fought at Gettysburg, Antietam and Fredericksburg; and was mustered out July 25, 1865, when he re- turned to his farm in Edenville. Thence he subse- quently removed to Hope Township. He now owns 72ji$ acres in the latter townshi)), of which 25 are improved. February 14, 1864, while home on a veteran fur- lough, he was married to Miss Carrie A. Burton, daughter of David and Emeline (Copeland) Burton. Mr. B. is living on a part of the old homestead with his son Edwin. Mrs. B. is deceased. Mrs. Ray- mond was born Oct. 13, 1844, in Penobscot Co., Me. She is the mother of nine children, as follows: Ada E., born Nov. 12, 1865; Alfred J., Oct. 26, 1866; Nelson E., June 18, i86g; David N., April 6, 1870; Joseph A., April 26, 1872; Clyde W., May 25, 1874; Guy M., March 21, 1876; Royal J., May 5, 1878; Julia A., June 25, 18S1. The first four were born in Edenville, the last five in Hope Town- ship. Mr. Raymond has been Supervisor three years, and Township Treasurer an e(iual period; also Highway Commissioner between two and three years. In political sentiment he is a Republican. He was the sixth wiiite man to settle in what is now F.deiiville Township, the five before him coming in the following order: Abraham Egbert, Jacob Hagar, John Hoose, Daniel Bowman, Zenas Weaver. ►^ ^^^-i^S'v> J— ^ 11^2*; hilip Woodcock, farmer, section 32, Mid- ; latSi'''', land Township, is a son of Isaac and Nancy j\^ (Seeves) Woodcock, who were natives of Sjj^ Canada. He too, was born in that country )!§^ July 10, 1846, and lived there until October, 1868, when he came to Midland County and pur- chased 60 acres where he has since lived and now has almost 45 acres in a fine state of cultivation. Mr. W. was first married, in Midland City, May 9, 1S70, to Elizabeth Smith, who was a native of Homer Township, and they had two children, Elda and Wil- liam, the latter dying when an infant. Mrs. W. died July 26, 1872, and Mr. Woodcock was again mar- ried, in Midland City, May 12, 1883, to Eunice, daughter of William and Elsie Jose. Mr. W. has been School Moderator, and in politics is a National. Ibyn L. Bellinger, farmer, section 36, Lee .^^^i Township, was born in St. Lawrence Co., |1^^ N. Y., July 17, 1845. The parents of Mr. 'S-^ Bellinger were Christopher and Clarissa, na- il^ tives of the Mohawk Valley, N. Y., and de- 1 scendants of the early German settlers of that valley. The father followed the blacksmith's trade for a livelihood and he and his wife both died in St. Lawrence County. Albyn L. Bellinger, the subject of our 'uiographical notice, is the only living son and the youngest child of his father's family of nine children, si.x boys having died previous to the birth of our subject. He lived on the parental homestead, assisting his father and attending the common schools, until he attained the v^ C); CA' r 1/ $«^#«^ U "V ^ <>tl n >: D li^>;^e^ — :i<€^%^ 4^ ^ ^ ) "a: V f,. o t MIDLAND COUNTY. age of 17, with the exception of two years. During the latter period he attended the academy in Gouve- nour, the same county. At this period in his Hfe, the nation was startled from her peaceful sleep of years by the firing on Sumter, and our martyr President calling for brave hearts and strong arms to defend the cause of justice, Mr. Bellinger resiwnded. He enlisted in Co. B, 1 06th N. Y. Vol. Inf, which was attached to the Army of the Potomac, Sixth Corps, whicli was com- manded by Gens. Sedgwick and Wright respectively. He participated in a large number of active engage- ments and was in some of the most hotiy contested battles of the war. Among the engagements in which he took part were the battles of Belmont, Martinsburg, Culpeper, Kelly's Ford, Locust Grove, Cedar Creek, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor, Petersburg and Monocacy. At the latter engagement he was taken prisoner and sent to Danville, Va., and from there was removed to Libby Prison. He was incar- cerated in these two prisons for seven months, when he was paroled and joined his regiment in time to witness Lee s surrender. After the latter event, he participated with his regiment in the pursuit of John- son until his army surrendered, when his regiment returned to Washington, D. C, and June 29, 1865, Mr. B., with the rest of his companions in arms, re- ceived an honorable discharge from his country's service. Mr. Bellinger then returned to his native home and shortly afterward, July 5, 1865, at Ogdensburg, St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., he was united in marriage with Miss Hannah Davison. She was a daughter of Samuel and Rebecca (White) Davison. The parents were of Scotch descent and nativity, and emigrated to Canada at an early day, where they were married and where the daughter was born, Feb. 17, 1845. Mrs. B. lived in Canada until 18 years old, and then went to St. Lawrence County, two years previous to her union with Mr. B. After marriage, Mr. Bellinger followed the occupa- tion of farming, in St. Lawrence County, for six years, when, with his family, he went to Ontario. He re- mained at the latter place about two years, when he removed to Porter Township, this county and State, and purchased 90 acres of land. He made consider- able improvement on this place, then sold it and moved to Jasper Township. He lived in the latter ^J^^^s:i&« ^^^^ 9-^^^ DO for some time, during which period he spent two years lumbering on the Chipjjewa River, and at vari- ous other occupations, and then removed to Lee Township, where he is at present residing. He has a well improved farm of 80 acres on section 36, and in addition to its cultivation he devotes his winters to lumbering. Mr. and Mrs. Bellinger are the parents of two chil- dren, Rutledge R., born Oct. 15, rS66; and Gertrude, born Aug. 8, 1873. Politically, Mr. B. is a staunch Republican; and he has held the offices of Justice of the Peace, Deputy Sheriff, Superintendent of Schools and is at present a Supervisor. Socially, he is a member of the L O. O. P., of Lindsay, Ont , and is identified with the edu- cational interests of his community. illiam Dunning, farmer on section 22, Hope Township, was born at Saginaw, „ Mich., April 15, 185 i, the son of Ransom i> and Christina (McDonald) Dunning. Mr. ^^ Dunning, Sr., was a native of Connecticut, and died at Midland City Nov. 19, 1880. The mother was born in Scotland, and died six miles from Saginaw, in Jamestown Township, June 16, 1868. Malcolm, John and William are the names of their three sons. Their third son, William, was reared on a farm until 15 years old, then followed lumbering in the winters and worked on the river in summers, until Dec. 2, 1880, when he arrived in Hope Township, this county. Here he has since made his home. He moved into the house of his father, the latter having died the month previous, and is now living in the oldest log house in Hope Township, his father having bought it of Zenas Weaver. While Mr. Weaver was building this house, a wolf came to the window hole, put his feet on the sill, looked in quietly and went away. Mr. Dunning bought 40 acres of land of Mr. Weaver, and 60 of James Riggs. He was married July 3, 1875, to Lizzie McPeak, daughter of Richard and ^fargaret (Cane) McPeak. Mr. McP. died Aug. 14, 1869, at Saginaw, and Mrs. McP. is now living at Saginaw, on the old Pennoyer farm, which has been cut into lots. Mrs. Dunning V^ 9 A (.V <|) ct. 15, 1882, in Hope Township. Mr. D. has been Township Treasurer for two terms. '''Sirthur W. Dorr, farmer and lumberman^ ^^ resident on section 3, Porter Township, was ^1^ born Jan. 9, 182S, in Piscataquis Co., Me. '•lisr His parents, M. D. and Eliza (Lowe) Dorr, were natives of Maine and belonged to the agricultural class. Their family included 1 1 children, four of whom are deceased. The father now resides at Dover, Me., and is 84 years old. The mother died when she was 7 i years of age. Mr. Dorr is the second son and fourth child of his parents. He followed the pursuits common to his native county, working on his father's fiirm and in the lumber woods until he was 23 years old, when he went to California. He made the journey by sea and was five months and 20 days en rouU, landing at San Francisco April 20, 1S53. He went to Eldo- rado County, in the Golden State, where he engaged in placer-mining. He e.xperienced the vicissitudes of the miner's life with results which enabled liim to embark in the lumber business, which he did in the same county, and also managed a hotel three years. He was occupied in his various enterprises in Eldo- r.ado County until the fall of 1869, when he went to Soloma County, in the same State, where he spent three years as a carpenter and builder. Returning to Eldor.ado County, he remained there until the fall of 1873, when he returned to his native State. After a short stay there he came to Michigan and engaged in lumbering on the Pine River in the interests of his brother-in-law, S. L. Wiggins, of East Saginaw. In 1875 he bought the farm he now owns and man- ages, consisting of 240 acres of stump land, on which he at once began the work of improvement. He has 65 acres under the plow, a comfortable residence and one of the most commodious and conveniently arranged barns in this section. In political affilia- tion Mr. Dorr is a Republican. He has been Town- sin'p Clerk six years, and in 1879 was appointed Postmaster at tlie i)lace now known as Bradford. Tlie first marriage of Mr. Dorr occurred May 16, 1863, at Genoa, Nev., to Eliza Brown, a native of Ijsndon, Eng. She came to California from her native land when she was 23 years old. She died in California, Nov. 28, 1S72, aged t,t, years, 6 months and 16 days. Four children survive her — Ella M., born M.ty 20, 1864; Arthur D., June 20, 1366; Frances M., March 28, 186S, and Harry R., July 22, 187 I. Mr. Dorr was a second time . married July 9, 1875, in Saginaw Co., Mich., to Mrs. Sarah E. (Ful- ler) Hart. She was born Dec. 23, 1827, at Free- dom, Me. Her parents removed to Dover, Me., where she grew to womanhood and became the wife of Peleg Hart, who died in February, 187 i, leaving one child — Edna M., born May 15, 1865. Mr. and Mrs. Dorr are members of the Congregational Church. m ^^^# Konathan Pierce, "mine host" of the Ex- |||^■ change Hotel in Coleman, was born Feb. ^** 19, 1 82 1, in Oswego Co., N. Y. He was a son of Benjamin B. and Polly (French) Pierce. His father was born in August, 17S5, and died Jan. 10, 1875. Jonathan's grandfather was one of tlie early settlers in the Wyoming Valley, Luzerne Co., Pa., and his wife and three children were among the 300 who in July, 1778, were massa- cred by the Tories and Indians. The family of Jonathan's father embraced five children, of whom our subject was the third child from the eldest. He lived at home and assisted on the farm during the summer months, and occupied his time winters in lumbering and teaching school, until he was 27 years old. He was also engaged in the lumbering and wood business in Oswego County until 1869. The following year, 1870, Jonathan came to Midland City, this county. He engaged in partnership with a gentleman in the milling business at that place, but in the Hill of the same year he went to Coleman and erected a steam saw-mill, which was destroyed by fire in 1874. It was supjiosed to have been the work of an incendiary. His fiimily did not arrive until the fall of 1S71. While the station house was being built at Coleman he boarded the railroad men. «^ A < ( > • ?'^>!^ -^^ m ^ ^^a^^^^ <^.w^m>T r ■ -I. T MIDLAND COUNTY. -^^^ •J >; A ^ his wife doing the cooking and sending the meals to the hands. Mr. Pierce was united in marriage April 13, 1848, in Cortland Co., K. Y., to Miss Celista, daughter of James and \j)\s (Johnson) Burnhara. Her parents died in Cortland County. She was bom Dec. 9, 1824, in Cortland Co., N. Y. Mr. and Mrs. Pierce are the parents of four chil- dren living, and one deceased. The li«ng are Lois A., bom Oct. 13, 1849; Priscilla A., Feb. 13, 1854: aifion J., Dec. 25, 1858; Effie C, March 2, 1861 ; Leila B., Jan. 20, 1870, died Feb. 5, 1881. JSHGMfe^ % 1 1 ester M. Bailey, lumberman, section 34, __^^ Jasj^r Township, is a son of Benson B. >;-^T and Mary (Ludlow) Bailey. (See sketch of Benson B. Bailey.) He was bom in Seneca Township, Lenawee Co., Mich., Oct. 29, 1856, \ and was eight years old when he came with his parents to this county, where he now resides. Here he grew up, assisting on the farm and attending school. After he became of age he commenced lumbering on Pine River, and has followed the busi- ness ever since. At his home he has a very fine frtece of projjerty, owning 80 acres on section 34 and 440 acres in Montcalm Co., Mich. Fifty acres of the former place is in 2 good state of cultiv^on. In his political views, Mr. Bailey is a zealous Re- publican. He is a member of Lodge No. 144, I. O. O. F., at St. Louis. Feb. 2, 1880, Mr. B. married Miss Sarah P., a daughter of John and Julia (Dcpue) Fields, resident at S;. Louis. She was bom May 23, 1859, in Isa- bella Co., Mich., and when a young woman accom- panied her parents in change of residence to St. Louis. ' &^6' °^^ ■**" Chamberlain, fanne^ section 36, ■ „^H Ingersoll Township, is a son of Eriel. and •'■ Marj- A. (Barnes) Chamberlain, and was - y born in Saginaw Co., Mich., May 8, 1848. % When he was 15 years old bis father enlisted y in the war, and consequently the cares of the homestead devolved upon him at so early a time in his youth. He was thus employed for three years. Although farming has been his life business, he has been employed considerably in the lumber woods and on the river. In the spring of 1866 he bouaht 30 acres of land in section 36, where he now resides. When he came to it there was very little im]>rovement there, but by in- dustry, guided by good judgment, he has added 30 acres to his estate and has now 38 acres in a well cultivated condirion. OflScially, Mr. C. has been Justice of the Peace two years; politically, he prefers the "National" party ; and religiously, both himself and wife belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church. He was inarried in Saginaw City, Mich., July 2. 1867, to Miss Ann J., daughter of Da\-id and Paulina (Wood) Cromton, who were natives of VermonL Mrs. C. was bom in Hadley, Lapeer Co., Mich., June 20, 1850, and came with her parents to Midland County when three years old. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Chamberlain are, Daniel C, .■^da B., Clarence E. (deceased), Oliver R., Claude D. and Bennie A. 4 Peter Baymond, farmer on section 15, Hope Township, was bom in Detroit, Mich., -y,p- "^ June 15, 1828, the son of Peter and Char- ts lotte (Boullar) Raymond, of French descent. ^ The father died of small-pox at Windsor, Can., y when J. P. was but four years old. The mother, a native of Canada, has married again, and lives in Wayne Co., Mich., three miles from Rock- wood Station. The subject of this sketch was reared on a farm and remained at home until of age. His first em- ployment after attaining his majority was in the lum- ber woods in the winter seasons and in saw-mills in the summers. He came to Michigan in 1852, stop- ping in St. Oair County. Here he lived for 16 years, working at various things — in the woods, at farming, or anything else which could yield a liveli- hood. In the fall of 1868 he came to Midland County and bought his present fami of 80 acres in Hope (then Lincoln) Township. To this he has added 40 acres. It was then in its primitive state of wild forest. He has now 55 acres under the plow, and several acres more chopped. Mr. Raymond enlisted July 18, 1862, in Co. E, ^: (> k 3 f)^\i^m^ ^^^f^ u=—L. <:?D!l^DDf^ MIDLAND COUNTY >: 0^ v) (^ 22d Mich. Vol. Inf. His company was commanded first by Capt. Henry Carlton, and afterwards by Capt. H. P. Wands. His first Colonel was Moses M. Wisner, and his second Eber Le Favour. He was assigned to the First Brigade, Second Division, 15th Reserve Corps. At the battle of Chickamauga> he was attached to tlie brigade known as the "Iron Brigade," commanded by Gen. Whittaker. Here he was taken prisoner and sent to Richmond. He was for two months confined in the Pemberton House Prison, and then he was in the Danville Prison until the spring of 1864. Next, he spent six months in that iniquitous pen, Andersonville, after which he was at Florence, S. C, then at Charleston, S. C, and Wilmington, N. C, at which latter place he was paroled. He was taken with the camp fever the next day after arriving within the Union lines, and was for four or five weeks confined in the hospital at Indianapolis. He then received a furlough of 30 days, with orders to report at Camp Chase. At De- troit he received another order to return home and await his discharge. This he did, and soon came the welcome notice to report at Detroit, where he was finally mustered out of the military service of the United States June 7, 1865. He was reduced to a skeleton by his sufferings in rebeldom, and he was so weak mentally and bodily, and so changed by his terrible experience, that his neighbors did not recognize him when he returned from his three years' absence. Mr. Raymond was married in Clyde (now Kimball) Township, St. Clair Co., Mich., Jan. 18, 1855, to Sarah E. Wheaton, daughter of George M. and Har- riet (Bartlett) Wheaton. Mr. W. was a native of Canada, and died at Victoria, in that country, when Sarah was eight years old. Mrs. W., a native of New York State, died a year after her husband. Her father, Christopher Bartlett, was one of the first set- tlers of St. Clair County. He was the great wolf hunter of that section and literally cleared the county of wolves. Mrs. Raymond was born in Lon- don, Can., Jan. 17, 1840, and is the mother of nine children, seven of whom are living. Following is the record : George W. was born Dec. 22, 1S55, in Kendall Township, St. Clair Co., Mich., and was married at Midland, April 15, 1884, to Anna Grice ; Chancy B. was born Oct. 4, 1857, in St. Clair County, and was married Sept. 25, 1883, to Delia R Wright; Collins E. was born Dec. 3, 1859, in same county; Wallace L. was born Dec. 28, 1861, in same county; Elmer E. was born March 8, 1867, and died April 16 following, in same county; Lillian E. was born Oct. 28, 1868, in Lincoln (now Hope) Township, this county; Almond J. was born July 22, 1871, in same township, and died May 2, 1872; Alden N. was born Jan. 4, 1876, in same township; Shirley C. was born Aug. 8, 1879, in same township. Mr. R. is in political sentiment a Republican. He has been Highway Commissioner one term and Sciiool Inspector two years. ^{ I^Sharles Smith, farmer, lumberman and ^iW.^s^ blacksmith, resident on section 34, Homer y^ Township, was born Dec. 9, 1842, in On- PJM tario. Can. His parents, Charles and Mary I (Labreche) Smith, are natives of Ontario, and are respectively of Irish and French extraction. They yet reside in the Dominion and are 64 and 74 years old. Of 13 children born to them 12 are living. Mr. Smith is the third child and eldest son of his parents, and resided at home until he was 1 4 years old, when he went into the lumber woods. He con- tinued to operate as a lumberman in his native prov- ince until he was 24 years old, when he came to Bay Co., Mich., and was similarly engaged on the Rifle River six years. In 1869 he made another transfer to Midland County, and spent two years lumbering on the Pine River. He then bought 40 acres of land in the township of Homer, on which he settled and began the work of clearing and improv- ing. He remained thereon about 18 months, when he went to Midland and remained nine years, opera- ting as a farmer summers and as a lumberman win- ters. At the end of the period named he returned to liis farm, to which he had added 123 acres, and now has one of the most valuable and desirable farms on the Pine River. He has 63 acres under advanced cultivation, with good residence and barns. In poli- tics he is a Republican. Mr. Smith was first married March i, 1871, in Midland County, to Delilah Stevenson. She was one of the first white children born in the county «^ /^ -^^^ — ^-^^^n nsn n^'^'r^ — ^^^^ -^j ^/^®)$^r#* V ^'^ Township, was born in Nova Scotia, Aug. >lw^ 24, 1820, the son of Peter and Phebe (Williams) Mills. The father was born about 1795 in Nova Scotia, and died in Southwould, Can., Nov. 17, 1856. The mother was born in the Prov- ince of Nova Scotia in 1799, and di6d also in South- would, Can. Samuel's grandparents, who were of the same surname but no connection, were natives of the State of New York. The subject of this narrative came to Southwould, Ont., in 1870 — one year later than his parents. There he rented a farm, which he cultivated on shares. In 1857 he came to Macomb Co., Mich., where for four years he was similarly engaged ; and then he came to Midland County, arriving Oct. 5, 1861. For a few months he lived in a shanty near his present farm, while he erected a good log house and made a little clearing. There were then no regularly laid out roads, and he made his way to his new home over an old lumber trail. He first home- steaded 40 acres ; but he has since added by pur- chase two forties on the east, one on the west and one on the south, making a fine farm of 200 acres, of which 70 are improved. He operates also a saw and shnigle mill, with a circular saw, and is able to cut 10,000 feet of luniber and 25,000 to 30,000 shin^ gles per day. He has dealt considerably in real estate at different times. Jan. 9, 1849, in Nova Scotia, he formed a life part- nership with Miss Sarah Fillmore, daughter of Will- iam and Sarah (Hollis) Fillmore. Mr. and Mrs. F. were of English descent, natives of the Province of Nova Scotia, and died in Southwould, Ont., the former in November, i88r, and the latter Sept. 12, 18S1. Mrs. Mills was born in Nova Scotia, Feb. 26, 1827, and is the mother of 11 children. Three are deceased, and five sons and three daughters survive. Following is the record: Josiah, born Oct. 5, 1849, in Nova Scotia; William H., Sept. 27, 185 1, in Can- ada; Stephen, June 20, 1853, in Canada; Welling- ton, Aug. 20, 1855, in Canada; Burton, April 9, 1857, in Canada; Sarah M., July 8, i860, in Ma- comb Co., Mich.; Edwin, Nov. 22, 1863, in Lincoln (now Hope) Township; Phebe A., Feb. 22, 1866, in the same township; Priscilla R., May 22, 187 1, in Hope Township. Freeman, an infant, died when nine months old, and an unnamed infant died two days after birth. The parents were formerly members of the Chris- tian Church. Mr. Mills is politically a Greenbacker, and has been Township Clerk three terms, Justice of the Peace two terms, or eight years. Township Treasurer one term, and Highway Commissioner two terms. For four or five years after settling in this county, he obtained but fecv of his supplies at Midland, go- ing to Saginaw for most of them. He would go to Edenville, and then go in a canoe down the Tittaba- wassee. Loading up with his purchases, he then poled back. When night overtook him, he hitched his boat and camped out. Arrived at Edenville, his supplies were transported in whatever manner was most convenient, over lumber trails, to his home. ^[^^fcacob Hager, farmer, section t,t„ Lincoln jj^^t? Township, was born Feb. 29, 1820, in Erie i^T ^^■' ^^"' ^""^ ^^ ''■ ^°" °^ George Hager. '^s£ His mother is deceased and his father resides ^U with a son in the Keystone State. The pa- \ rents were natives of that State, and about the year 1832 the father received an injury which ren- dered him unable to support his family for a time, ( ■': (^ m! ^y^nm (i[i;> d. -si^^ -«i^^^^ mmm^^ 256 ■rrr MIDLAND COUNTY. ^4^^^ (' 6 and their maintenance absorbed the earninj^s of the son until he was 21 years of age. On the arrival of that period he engaged in farm- ing and bought a tract of land half a mile from his father's location, where he maintained his own do- mestic affairs after the method commonly styled "keeping bachelor's hall," until he was 25 years old ; then he sold his farm and came to Milford, Mich., where he remained two months, assisting in the con- struction of a grist-mill, for which he hewed the timbers. He then came to the Saginaw Valley, where he spent two years with the Indians, engaged in their pursuits — hunting, fishing and trapping. He succeeded in securing a livelihood, which was the extent of his success. He then engaged in lumber- ing in the winter, and began to prepare for better for- tunes by the purchase of 21 acres of Government land, five miles above his present location, upon which he spent the summer seasons in clearing. He afterwards added 24, 44 and 74 acres by successive purchases, and ke|)t |the property about ten years, when he came to the place where he has since been located, and bought 64 acres, to which he afterward added 40 acres. He is the proprietor of the tract still, and has cleared 60 acres. Mr. Hager came to the county of Midland in 1847, and believes himself to be the first permanent white settler now living in the county. He has been married three times. His first wife was Mena Titmore, to whom he was married May i, 1856. One daughter, Anna, was born by this union, Feb. 4, 1857, who is now living in California. He was a second time married in September, 1857, to Louisa Snyder, who died June 10, 1877. Albert, only issue of this marriage, was born March 28, 1858. Mr. Hager was again married July 8, 1878, to Gene- vieve Hecht, widow of George Hecht, who died Aug. 25, 187 1, in Homer Township, Midland County. She was born Dec. 18, 1822, in Austria. / \) ;'\).;^uncan Wayne, farmer, and Supervisor of F Mt. Haley Township, resident on section 4, was born in Simcoe, Norfolk Co., Ont., pi» Jan. 7, 1858. His father, John Wayne, was ^ born in England and was a distiller by voca- \ tion. The mother, Elizabeth (Wilson) Wayne, was a native of Ontario, Can. The fatlier died Jan. 20, 1859, in Ontario. The mother is 58 years of age and resides with her son in Mt. Haley Township. She is now Mrs. Vanderburg. In 1868, accompanied by his mother and step- father, Mr. Wayne came to Michigan, settling first at St. Charles, Saginaw County. Later on, they went to the city of Saginaw, returning thence to St. Charles. In the spring of 1872 he located on Pine River in Homer Township, and in the spring following they purchased So acres of land in Mt. Haley Township. It was all in heavy timber, and the estate now in- cludes 120 acres, with 70 acres improved and culti- vated. Its value is greatly increased by the erection of a fine barn 34 by 50 feet, and a good convenient residence, which latter is now in process of construc- tion. Mr. Wayne has yet to consummate the most important epoch of his life, and is securing the fairest prospects by his correct habits and stable character- He is a zealous Republican of wide influence, and has held the position of School Director since April, 1S80. He has recently l)een elected School Inspector and Township Supervisor. (K^M#5 illiam Vance, farmer, section 20, Midland i LjyM' Township, is a son of William and Mar- _ * gs^ret (Gordon) Vance, who were of Irish '^> ancestry. He was born in Monroe Co., N. Y., Jan. 22, 1836; when 13 years of age he came to Saginaw County and about three years later to Midland County. He has been engaged in various occupations for several years, principally lum- bering on the river and farming. In 1859 he pur- chased a quarter-section of land, which he afterward sold; and lie has since bought and sold several tracts of land. In 1866 he purchased 40 acres, on which he has since resided. He has sold ten acres of this place, and all the remainder is in a good state of cul- tivation. Mr. ^'ance was married in Midland, March 21, 1855, to Lucy M., daughter of John and Sarah (Sny- der) Wyman, the former of whom was a native of Vermont and the latter of Pennsylvania. Mrs. \'. was born in Midland City, Dec. 14, 1839. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Vance are, Charles H., John B., Emma L., Lillie M., Frederick E. and Mar- garet J. I I 9 t \^^ mL <^ii!i^iiaii> z. ^ mh/^^^^^- •^ V 1 MIDLAND COUNTY. if^ -«®^ f^t^^f^H 257 Mr. Vance and his wife are niembers of tiie Baptist Church, and on national issues Mr. V. is in sympathy witli the National party. (b ^i pg^-h^i'l^" S- Brown, general farmer, section 2 1, Jasper Township, and acting Post- master of Pleasant Valley, was born in Sidney Township, Hastings Co., Ont., Feb. 28, 1819. His ftither, John Brown, was a native of New England, and his mother, Anna (Myers) Brown, was born on the " Genesee Flats," near the Mohawk River, in New York, of New England an- cestry. His father was a miller by occupation, and died in Belleville, Ont., in 1831 ; and his mother in Murray Township, Ont., in 1862. In their family were four sons and two daughters; two of the former died in Ontario, after they were married. They were all natives of Canada, and the living are still residing in the Dominion, except the subject of this sketch, and one sister, now living at Rochester, N. Y. Charles S., the third child and second son, was 12 years old when his father died, and he had to help support the bereft family by working at farm labor. May 30, 1848, in his native county, he was married to Hester A. Lott, second daughter and third child of George and Hannah (Barager) Lott, both deceased, in Sidney Township, Ont., their native place, — the former in i86g, aged 74, and the latter in 1871, aged 66. In their family were three sons and four daugh- ters ; two of the former and one of the latter are de- ceased. Mrs. Brown was born in Sidney Township, April 25, 1825. The following are the three children of Mr. and Mrs. Brown: John E., born July 29, 1850, married, Nov. 24, 1873, Miss Louisa Christ- man, a native of Gratiot County., Mich., and has one child, James C; George N., born Dec. 7, 1852, mar- ried, in Jasper Township, June i, 1873, Miss Mary A.'Turner, a native of Wisconsin (see sketch of Sam- uel Turner); and Nancy M., born Oct. 29, 1862, married, Nov. 7, 1883, Clayton A. Davis, a native of Hillsdale Co., Mich., and resides in Coe Township, Isabella Co., Mich. All the above mentioned belong to the farming community, — John E. and George N. Brown in Jasper Township. After their marriage, Mr. and Mrs. B. lived in Hastings Co., Out., until 1869, then two years in ^ Cm c< Saginaw City, Mich., and since that time in this county, settling on a quarter-section of land. In connection with his son, he now has 240 acres. He has dealt considerably in real estate, having bought and sold i,ooo acres of land. Although not a stick had been cut when he first located here, he now has a good farm of 75 acres of well improved land. Many wearisome seasons, too, has he had to contend with the disagreeable features of a swampy county, — water, mud and mosquitoes. The latter were so nu- merous and noisy at times tha' they had to be smoked away from the premises by " smudges," so that the people of the house could hear the tinkling of the cow-bells in the roads not far distant. Even the Sunday-schools, held in the primitive log school- house by pioneers, had to be guarded by " pillars of smoke" by day, to keep off the ''pesky critters" SLifficiently to enable the teachers an'd children to proceed with any degree of progress. March 5, 1875, when the family were all absent, a fire consumed Mr. Brotvn's dwelling, with all its contents, leaving not even a second suit of clothing for any of the family, and entailing a loss of about feoo. Mr. Brown is a staunch Republican in his political ^ views, and he has been Township Treasurer four «^ years. Highway Commissioner three years, and has *^ held other offices. He and his wife have been zeal- ( .] ous members of the Methodist Episcopal Church for the last five years. HQ= f ndrew J. Davis, general farmer and lum- berman, section 14, Lee Township, was "■ born in Chenango Co., N. Y., March 3, 1849. His parents, Washington and Adaline (Shepherd) Davis, were also natives of the Empire State, but of New England ancestry. They are both still living, in charge of their sons, the former in Illinois and the latter in New York, aged respectively 65 and 67. The father came to this country in 1873, and after three years went to Illinois. When 22 years of age, Andrew J. enlisted in the Union army, Sept. 15, 1861, and served over three years, participating in the battles of Corinth, Shiloh and Atlanta, and was discharged in November, 1864- ^c^na^iBf^^^^^ — ^^&^ Il# ■^V<>I]tl:^DII^>v ry -^<^m\^ 258 MID LA NJ) CO UNT V. During the next n.onth he came to Michigan and bought .-i i|u;irlcr of scclion 14, I,ec Township, where he has since lived, followin}^ Uimbeiing to a considerable extent, especially during the winter seasons. Of his farm he has inii)roved 60 acres, adding the necessary buildings. Mr. Davis has just closed his third term as Super- visor of his Township, has been School Inspector, and is now Drain Commissioner, Justice of the Peace and Township Treasurer. In res[)ect to national affairs he votes witli the Republicans. / 'J (q^ 11 y/ /s ^J^> M^ '4 ndrew J. Martin, general farmer, section ^^^Ji .3°> J'isper Township, of which township he ^7 is at i)resent also Supervisor, was born in Port- r age Co., Ohio, July 22, 1839. His father, Thomas Martin, a native of Ohio, was of .}^ I-higlisli-Irish descent, a farmer by vocation, lived in r— r Ohio until 1860, when he came to this county and y^ took 240 acres of land under the Pre-emption .'\cl, CT on section 30, Jasper Township, where he has ever S/^ since resided. He was one of the first settlers in > this township. He is 79 years of age, yet hale and active. Andrew's mother, Mary, nee Craig, was born on the Atlantic Ocean wliile her parents were on their way to this country from Ireland. They located in Trumbull Co., Ohio, in which county Mrs. M. died, in 1849, aged 37. The subject of this sketch was the first son and second child in the above family of five children ; until of age he was engaged on his father's farm in his native county. Oct. 6, 18C0, in Sliaron, Pa., he married Miss Alvira Waterman, who was born in Warren, Ohio, Sept. 13, 1837, of New England parentage and of English and German ancestry. She lived at home, and ten years with Rev. Isaac Errett, who preached President (jarfield's funeral sermon. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Martin are: Robert, Charles, Alice, John and Lucy, besides Mary, Addison and Lottie, deceased. ^ One year after marriage, Mr. Martin enlisted in W/ Co. I, Sixth Ohio Vol. Cav., of the Army of the Cumberland, commanded by Gen. Pope. He was discharged May 30, 1862, before he had partici[)ated in any action on the field; but April 27, 1864, he re- enlisted in the 17 ist Ohio National Guards, and took part in several engagements. He was captured by John Morgan, at Cynthiana, Ky., July 11, 1864, but was sh(jrtly afterward paroled. He then served on guard duty until the expiration of his enlistment. Honorably discharged Aug. 20, 1864, he returned to Warren, Ohio, where he served as engineer until March, 1866, when he came to this county and set- tled on 80 acres of section 30, Jasper Township, which he had purchased three years previously and where he still resides. Here he has improved 35 acres and erected all necessary farm buildings. He is at present Supervisor, which office he has held every year since 1873, excepting the year 1877. He has also been Highway Commissioner three years, 1868-72, Townshi[) Clerk, and has held all the minor offices. He maintains the Republican plat- form with regard to national affairs. ••<-^-'##-^^>- mained with him for about six months, when b.e again returned home and once more went to work in the mill. January 8, i860, Mr. Simons was united in mar- riage to Miss Ursula, daughter of Caleb and Pris- cilla (Roberts) Ray. Her father was of English descent and died June 6, 1853, in Middleton, Can., and lier mother is living in Bad Axe, Huron ('ounty, this State. She was married a second time and is now living with her second husband, Mr. Joseph Watson, at the jilace named. Mrs. Simons was born Dec. 15, 1842, and is one of six children of her father's family, all of whom v|) 9 ^ A ;p^!ii^dwin Simons, residing in Coleman, War- ° 1 4^";.; rcn 'I'ownship, was born near Grand Rap- ^ •■'''' ids, this State, Oct. 22, 1838. = His parents were John K. and Margaret (Hop- kins) Simons. (See sketch of T. B. Simons). Edwin was brought up under the parental roof-tree, in Canada, and worked on his father's farm and in saw and shingle mills until he attained the age of 19 years, when he went forth to fight the bat- tles of life single-handed and alone. He engaged to learn the mason's trade, but did not remain long at it. He returned home and worked in the mill for a while, and then went to London, Can., where he engaged with a brother-in-law in a bakery. He re- r r Mm^m'iy' Uii- .-s^^p^ mamsT^smnKK^ y/ij^yK&yi/ a/i^ y^hr^L,o4.^_^ -z^K — ^^v4^ti ii>: n nr^v^e? — :3^&^ -H8S« ^$^ ^ :aj (^ MIDLAND COUNTY. are living. She is the mother, to Mr. Simons, of eiglit children The living are: John K., born Jan. i8, 1861, in Walsingham, Can.; Mary A., born June 26, 1865, in Walsingham; Walter William, born Jnne 30, 1868, in \Valsingham ; Thomas L., born Aug. 22, 1877, in Coleman, this Slate; Edwin, born June 15, 1881, in Coleman. The deceased are Mattie S., born July 22, 1870, and died Nov. 30, 1872; Norton F., born July 3, 1863. died March 7, 1883; and an infant twin sister of Edwin died when II hours old. Both Mr. and Mrs. Simons were members of thfj Methodist Episcopal Churcli while residents of Can- ada, but have not united, since coming to this State, with the Church. Mr. Simons, politically, is a Republican, and socially is a member of the Masonic Order, being a Master Mason. lOses B. Marsh, farmer, section 26, Homer Townshi|), was born April 20, 1830, in Chautauqua County, N. Y. His parents, ■\ Mason and Lavinia (Creel) Marsh, were na- 'i^' tives of New England, of English ancestors, and were among the earliest settlers in Chau- tauqua County. Tire family descent is traced to two brothers who came to the New World in the "good old colony times." The father was a General during the Florida War of 1S3S. They removed in 1842 to Crawford Co., Pa., and two years later went to Ashta- bula Co., Ohio, where the mother died in 1854, and the father in 1856. Mr. Marsh remained with his parents as long as they lived, and managed the homestead property until the fall of 1868, when he purchased 120 acres of land where he now resides. It was all in a wild, unbroken condition, and in the midst of a wilderness. The exact condition of things may be apprehended from the fact that soon after their arrival a daughter of Mr. Marsh, aged 13 years, killed a deer which had been chased by a dog upon the drive in the river. The animal could not run over the logs, and she followed it with an ax, with which she killed it by a blow on the head. Mr. Marsh has now 35 acres of his farm under cultivation. In the year 1883 he conducted the Desermia House at Ithaca. He has held the offices of Justice of the Peace for eight years, has been Township Clerk three years, and Highway Com- missioner two terms, besides holding the minor local offices. He is a Republican in ])olilical connection. Mr. Marsh was married July 30, 1855, in Ashta- bula Co., Ohio, to Nancy, daughter of James and Almira (Herrick) Sargent. She was born May 18, 1836, in Pittsfield, Mass. Her parents removed, when she was about 18 months old, to Erie Co., Pa. and later to Ashtabula Co., Ohio. She was at that time 13 years old and obtained the greater part of her education in the Buckeye State. Following is the record of the five children born to Mr. and Mrs. Marsh: Adell was born Jan. 26, 1S59, and was mar- ried Sept. 24, 1877, to George Freeland, a native of Saginaw Co., Mich., and a farmer of Homer Town- ship, by whom she has become the mother of one child — Pearl — born July 21, 1878. Lavinia was born March 21, 1863, and was married in November, 1883, to William Fox, now resident at St. Louis, this State. Louis was born March 22, 1867; May Belle, Aug. 30, 1870; James L., Dec. 18, 1876. == The ijortraits of Mr. and Mrs. Marsh form valua- ^» ble additions to the collection of likenesses of promi- = nent personages in Midland County, and are given Si/ on pages in proximity to this sketch. (^ f=L!23d±ii3_ If: ewis Rogers, farmer, section 17, Warren li Township, was born in Saginaw Co., Mich.^ ■ Iflp^ Sept. 18, 1854, and is a son of Henry D. and Rebecca (Ellsworth) Rogers. His father \ was born in Litciifield Co., Conn., June 20, 1817, and died March 7, 1875. His ancestry was English. Lewis' mother was born March 1, 1818, in the town of Phelps, Ontario Co., N. Y. (calls herself a " Yankee "), and came to Midland County in 1862. She is now living with her daugh- ter, Nettie, in this county, but she visits around among her children. She has had 14 children, — four at one birth, which, however, died before they were a month old. Mr. Rogers, the subject of this sketch, remained at home until of age, when, Jan. i, 1876, he married Miss Lucy L., daughter of Samuel and Martha (Putnam) Ellsworth. Mr. E., a Yankee of Puritan <^I]!]^[|tl<^ MIDLAND COUNTY. <®vi ^^ ^^^ ^^ l)5^#- TSr-7<^^DD^im^^v^^ :^^»sr jj i \ O ^ o* ) r^ MIDLAND COUNTY. 265 operated until the spring of 1868. At that date he began to take contracts in the lumber business and to conduct matters in liis own interest. Later on he became a clerk in the sloic of Dr. Whitehouse, and during thai period lie bought aloton Ellsworth Street and built a dwelling. He sold the property and engaged in tjie grocery and provision trade, in which he was interested about three months. He disposed of that business and embarked in the manufacture of shingles, in which he operated nearly five years. In 1.S73 he sold out and bought 165 acres of land in Homer 'I'ownship, which he occui)ied and managed until 1.S76. In that year, associated with James Herrick and John R. Evans, he built the first grist- mill in Midland County, and named after Midland C'ity, where it is located. Two years later he and Mr. Herrick became sole projirietors by puvchasiug the interest of Mr. Evans. They continued its management one year, when the business finn of James Herrick & Co. was formed. The concern sunk a salt well and built a salt block. The relation existed until March, 1881, when Mr. Rockwell sold his claim and bought 180 acres of land in the township of Ingersoll. He retained the l)roperty until the spring of 1S82, when he sold and embarked in real-estate and lumber business. In political mailers Mr. Rockwell is a Rejiublican of decided principles. His marriage to Jessie F. Dean occurred Dec. 20, 1.S7 i. She w,is born June 23, 1856, in Herkshire Co., Mass., and is the daughter of Ben- jamin and Jerusha Dean (see sketch of Benjamin Dean). T-enora Iv, eldest child of Mr. and Mrs. Rockwell, was born Sc)jI. 27, ICS74, and died July 20, 1876; Dewey Dean was born Sept. 20, 1876; liennie D. was born March 15, 1880, and died July 15 of the same year. "'|<3^> ilas E. Wright, farmer on section 34, Hope ^^m\ Township, was born in Gramme, Ont., Oct. k^-" 7> '836, the son of Ebeii and Lucy (Mc \^^ Allister) Wright. (See sketch of Eben Wright.) I He came with his parents to this State in 1855, and lived for three and a half years in St. Clair County, on a rented farm. From St. Clair County they came to this County in 1858. After one year in what is now Edenville Township, they settled on the present homestead, where Mr. Wright '^ has since lived. /^ He was married Se[)t. 30, i860, to I^ouisa Erway, ^^^ daughter of Daniel and Hilah (Clark) Erway. Mr. % Fj. is deceased, and Mrs. E., 78 years old, and nearly Jk blind, lives with her son Sylvester. Mrs. Wright was born Oct. 25, 1843, in Steuben Co., N. Y. She is the mother of 11 children, as follows: Sibyl .\., born April 25, 1861 ; Delia R., Oct. 16, 1862; I<:dgar L., Dec. 14, 1864; Cierlrude A., March 31, 1867; Eben D., Feb. 8, 1869: Walter M., July 16, 187 i ; Bertha Kate, Sejit. 6, 1873; Albert, March 10, 1876; I'klna A., -Sept. 23, 1878; Elsie R., Dec. 8, 1S80; Clara M., Feb. 27, 1883. They were all born in Ho|ie Townslii|). Mr. W. is in political matters a suppoiterof the Republican party. He has been Justice of the Peace several years, and Highway Commissioner three years. He and wife are members of the Christian C'liurch. J :< O. Mcrarland, merchant at Averill, and propiielor of the Hamilton House, was liiun [uly 9, 1856, in Hancock C'o., Me. He A-.'" is the son of Charles and Mary Eli/.aljeth (Hig- ^^ gins) McFarland. His father is a sea captain and resides in the I'ine-Tree State. His mother died in i 860, in the county of Hancock in that State. Mr. McFarland was but four years old when his mother died, and he went to live with his grand- parents, in whose charge he remained until he was 15 years of age. In 1861 he went to Ellsworth in his native State, where he continued about one year, officiating as a clerk in a mercantile establishment. He was again employed in a similar manner in tlie same place, and a few months afterward went to Bangor, where he served ujjwards of a year as a clerk, going thence to Boston, Mass., where he became connected with the Oriental Tea Store as traveling salesman. Less than a year later he termi- fp) nated that connection and returned to EUswoith, I Me., and passed a year in the caijacity of a sales- tih man. His next remove was to Kingsfield, Franklin Co., Me., where he spent one winter in the lumber ^- woods. In 1876 he came to Midland (Jounly, where he has since resided. The first winter he passed in i^V|))f^#*- u— ^mm^ A^. ^ <^I1I1^IjD^>' j66 MIDLAND COUNTY. -z^^^ > the lumber woods and the two succeeding he engaged in teaching. He was occupied [Kirt of tlie time summers in a store at Midland, and the remainder of the time he followed the river. On the first day of May, 1 88 1, he went into business with Messrs. Wright & Ketchum, and has since been associated with them as an employe. He is a Republican in political sentiment and is serving his second year as Township Clerk ; he also holds the [wsition of Justice of the Peace. Mr. McFarland was married Aug. i, 1883, at Toledo, Ohio, to Clara A.,, daughter of Caleb J. and Cynthia A. (Blakely) Mallory. Her parents reside at Smith's Creek, St. Clair Co., Mich. -(OS — f^Pf^ben Wright, retired farmer on section 17, ^:iL5^^ Hope Township, was born May 14, 1800, ^j^p in Addison, Addison Co., Vt., the son of Ebenezer and Polly (Warren) Wright. Ebenezer Wright was of English descent, was born about 1776, and hved most of his life in Vermont, in the pursuit of agriculture. He died at Bredport, Vt., aged 68. His first wife was of English descent, and died about 1807. He had by this marriage two daughters, and by a subsequent marriage he was the father of two daughters and a son. The subject of this sketch was the eldest of his father's firmily, was reared on the paternal farm, and at the age of 18 went forth into the world to seek his fortune. He first lived for a few years in Canton, N. Y., with his uncle Caleb. Marrying, he bought 50 acres in Canton, where lie lived five years. He then sold and moved to t'anada, where he rented a farm and also worked in a saw-mill for seven or eight years. At the end of this time he came to St. Clair Co., Mich., and worked a farm on shares, with George Bowman, for four years. In the spring of 1858 he came to Midland County and settled on the Tittabawssee River in what is now Edenville Township. He remained there with his family one year, working on land belonging to Mr. Egbert. The next year he moved on the same place where he now resides. At that time, he tells, there were at Midland City two dwellings and one store. The latter was kept by James Eastman, who lived in one house, while John Larkin's residence was in the other. Mr. Wright purchased 160 acres, at the rate of 50 cents per acre. His deed was signed by Presi- dent James Buchanan. He retained 40 acres of this tract, having given the remainder to his son. He has improved 30 acres. He was first married in Canton, N. Y., Jan. 9, 1820, to Rowena Abbott, who was born Sept. 12, r8oo, and died June 6, 1825, leaving two daughters. One of these is yet living, at Gramme, Can. He was again married in Canton, Feb. 8, 1827, to Lucy Mc- Allister, who was born .\ug. 17, 1796, and died Feb. 23, 1863, leaving two children. One of these is Silas E. Wright, and the other died in 1884. He was married the last time Feb. 23, 1865, to Mrs. Mc- Allister. She was born Dec. 12, 1S12, and was first married in November, 1835, to L. McAllister, who was born Aug. 24, 1804, and died July i, 1861. Eight children resulted from this union, and si.\ of them are now living. Mr. Wright's children were born as follows : Ame- lia M., March 5, r822; Sarah E., Dec. ra, 1823; Lu- cinda R., Dec. 21, 1827; Emily I., Jan. i, 1832: Silas E., Oct. 7, 1836. Mrs. Wright's children, by her first marriage, were born as follows : David W., Dec. 22, 1837; Isabella, Aug. 14, 1841 ; Mandana, July 18, 1843; Emma A., April 13, 1845; Judith, Oct. I, 1846; Lucia O., Sept. 28, 184S; Lena, July 1,1852. Mr. Wright commenced chewing tobacco when 21, and left off at 83, having been addicted to the habit for 62 years. He stopped because the injurious effects were becoming too apparent. He was afflicted with hiccoughing and with pains in the stomach. It is 1 1 years since he has performed a full day's work; and he has not labored at all for si.K years. 1 illiam Phelan, farmer, section 26, Porter ^J9 Township, was born June 1, 1840, in the 4|y^,0 vicinity- of the city of Toronto, Can. At the age of 15 years he entered upon life in his own interest as a common laborer on a farm near Hamilton, Can., and remained in tlie same employment ten years. At the end of that time he came to Micliigan, where he remained but a short time; proceeding lo Tazewell Co., Ill, he there entered tlie service of G. W. Morris, with wliom he &•) C' (^ I S (^ '\®^^^ ^'^^ — ^r^c^nn^ntiy^^ "*^i^' T^4 ^ ^ ^ ^i<»^" (^ I A "?> MIDLAND COUNTY. 267 remained two years and seven months. He next made a tour through Missouri and Kansas, when he returned to Canada for two months. Coming then again to Michigan for a permanent settlement, he entered a homestead claim for 160 acres in Porter Township, Midland County, on which he has since expended his energies, clearing and improving 40 acres and erecting good and suitable farm buildings. Mr. Phelan is a Democrat in his political views, and he has held all the school offices in his district. He is at present School Inspector and has been Town Clerk three years. The first marriage of Mr. Phelan occurred Nov. 17, 1868, when he became the husband of Eliza J. Adams, of Brantford, Ontario. She was born in 1840 and became the mother of one child, Thomas J., who died in infancy. The mother died in Saginaw, Aug. 16, 187c. Mr. Phelan was a second time married July 8, 1872, in Canada, to Rachel Oliver, daughter of Francis Oliver. She was born July 2, 1854. Of her marriage five children have been born, who are all living except John, the second in order of birth, who died Oct. 17, 1880, aged five years, three months and three days. Ann Rachel, Joseph and Francis are the survivors. The family are communicants of the Roman Catholic Church. — '«■.- ■r9{- •5:harles Mills, farmer on section 26, Hojie 'ii^^Sij Township, was born March 3, 1847, in PjjS' Goose Township, Cumberland Co., Nova dtf Scotia, and is the son of William and Sarah m Mills. The father died when Charles was a child, and the mother died in i860, in South- would, Can. When Charles was six years old, he went to live with his uncle, Harding Mills, by whom he was reared and with whom he lived until he entered the military service of the United States. He enlisted Nov. 28, 1862, in Co. H, 27th Mich. Vol. Inf., was assigned to the First Division, Ninth Army Corps, and was mustered out Feb. 1 1, 1865, at Mt. Pleasant Hospital, Washington, D. C, on ac- count of a wound in the arm by a minie ball, received in front of Petersburg, July 30, 1864. He returned to the house of his uncle, and for some time worked either for him or for other parties. In 1870 he lo- cated on 40 acres where he now resides. He has 20 acres improved. Sept. 4, 187 1, he was married to Susanna How- land, daughter of Robert G. and Mary (Davidson) Howland. Mr. H. was born in Canada, May 5, 1810, of English descent; and the mother in Canada, Nov. 14, 1814, of Scotch and American parentage. They reside on a farm in Norfolk Co., Ont. Mrs. Mills was born June 29, 1848, in Ontario, (Jan. In politi- cal faith, Mr. Mills is a Greenbacker. evi B. Chamberlain, merchant, Lee's Cor- ners, Ingersoll Township, is a son of Erial V r and Mary A. (Barnes) Chamberlain, the J ' former a native of the Empire State and the latter of Ohio. After marriage the parents lived in .Saginaw County 15 years, and then located in Ingersoll Township, this county. He enlisted in the i6th Mich. Inf, and was in the ser- vice almost a year when he was stricken down with typhoid fever, and died Nov. i, 1864. His widow is now a resident of Saginaw City. In their family were five sons and three daughters. Levi B., the second son, was born in Saginaw County, March 30, 1843, and was 13 years old when the family emigrated to this county, cutting their way through the wild forest to their new home. Aug. 13, i86t, when 18 years old, he enlisted in the service of his country, in Co. D, i6lh Mich. Inf., and was in the army more than four years. Among the numer- ous engagements in which he participated were the battles of Hanover Court-House, (iaines' Mill, Mal- vern Hill, etc. After serving about a year he was transferred, on account of disability, to the Veteran Reserve Corps, where he remained until his discharge. Then for five years he mostly followed painting in Pennsylvania. In 1 870 he came to Lee's Corners, and in 1872 opened the first store at that place, which derived its name from his cognomen of " Lee." He afterward sold out that store to C. J. Winslow, and during the years 1873-4 he lived in Pennsylvania, employed at painting. Returning to the "Corners," he purchased a tract of land on section 35, Ingersoll Township, where he has since resided. In May, 1883, he opened the store where he is at present prosperously engaged. Since 1879 he has carried V 7 % m 'tf^* rr f;^ ■vc» (A; 268 ro V 4 (^ 1 MIDLAND COUNTY -4^@^(®V|| % the mail between Lee's Corners and Midland City. He has held the office of Township Clerk four years, Constable three years and School Moderator three years, and has been Notary Public since March, 1883. He is a member of Dvvight May Post, No. 69, of Midland City. He maintains Republican views of national policy. Mr. Chamberlain was married in Northampton Co., Pa., Nov. 8, 1864, to Emma C, daughter of George and Clara Schwab, the latter being natives resjiectively of Germany and Pennsylvania. She was born in the above county, July 25, 1S45. Mr. and Mrs. C. are the parents of three children, namely: Anna C, Mary E. and John J. S. tt fWit- rank J. Holman, farmer, section 20, War- % ^SI |C ren Township, was born in Susquehanna ''^^ '\\ Co., Pa., Dec. 22, 1835. He is a son of r^ Sumner and Rebecca (Ellsworth) Holman. •^^ His father was pushed from a running train i some 15 years ago and was instantly killed. It is supposed the party or parties who committed the murder did it to procure his money and insurance, but they were never identified or convicted. His mother is living in Midland City. She married a Mr. Henry D. Rogers, after the death of her first husband, and he also is deceased, and she is now again a widow. She moved to Ontario, Co., N. Y., after the death of her first husband, where she con- tracted her second marriage with Mr. Rogers. He was a farmer by occupation, and Frank was brought up on the farm and remained with him until 21 years of age. In the spring of 1850 tlie stepfather moved to Saginaw, this .State, and purchased 40 acres of land within nine miles of that city. Frank accom- panied him and remained with him on the land until the stepfather came to Midland City. Jan. 25, 1862, Mr. Holman was united in marriage to Julia A., daughter of William C. and Barbara M. (Curavo) Spicer. Her father was a native of New York and her mother of Vermont. Mrs. Holman was born June 26, 1845, in Ticon- derflga, Essex Co., N. Y. She is the mother, by Mr. Holman, of six children, one of whcmi is deceased. The living are Mable B., born Feb. iS, 1863, mar- ried May 22, 1881, to Otto S. Lewis; Maremna, born April 29, 1865; Frankie S., born Sept. 25, 1873; Maud S., born Oct. 11, 1875; Murray C, born Dec. 4, t88o. Berdie, born June 2, 1868, died May 3, 1875. Politically, Mr. Holman is a believer in and suj)- porter of the principles of the Republican party. In religious affairs he and his wife are members of the Seventh-Day Advent Church. '«%^'<- :loij;jo;o;oj/;l:-:>fr^ '?S.-\V^k'^V mm --^ ■fi^ I vs acob W. Kime, farmer, section 32, Porter I'ownship, was born Aug. 8, 1854, in Ing- , u^ ham Co., Mich. His parents, John and '^' Martha (Minick) Kime, are residents of Wheel- er Township, Gratiot County. They removed in i860 to Livingston County, where Mr. Kime, of this sketch, resided until he was 22 years old, when they settled in Gratiot County. In 1878 he settled on 80 acres of land in Porter Township, where he has since devoted his time and energies to the improvement of his estate. He has placed 20 acres under tillage, and has erected a good residence thereon. He is a skillful and progressive farmer, and in all his management displays good sense and correct judgment. His marriage to Ida Slough occurred Dec. 6, 1882. She was born in Ohio iii 1862, and came to Midland ('ounty when five years old, and resided with her parents until her marriage. Of her marriage one child has been born — Carl R., June 10, 1S83. H.m fira p\l'^.^ougald Currie, larnier, section 35, Midland ;, i-^.-W/'l j' Township, was born June 6, 1853, in Hal- 5i*'i^ ^" dimand, Can., in the county of the same "v'jK name. He is the third son of John and Mary ^ (McDonald) Currie, who were natives of Scot- \ land. The parents came to Canada two years after their marriage, settled in the county above named, where all their children save one were born. (See sketch of (iilbert Currie.) In i860 they re- moved to Michigan and settled on a tract of unim- proved land in Midland Township, where the father died, April 2, 1875. Mr. Currie was a lad of seven years when his parents became residents of Midland. He obtained a common-school education and was reared to the calling of his father. On the death of the latter he ( (^ 'i ) % '9 MIDLAND no^^T f became the iX)Ssessor of 123 acres of the family homestead, to wliich he has since added 43 acres, and the farm now includes 140 acres of finely culti- vated land. He is a substantial citizen of Midland County, is a Republican of decided type, and, to- gether witli his wife, belongs to tlie Presbyterian Church. He was married in Canada, Dec. iS, 1S78, to Flora, daughter of James and Sarah (McDonald) Cress. The i)arents of Mrs. Currie were natives of Scotland, and came to Eramosa Township, Welling- ton Co., Can., where she was born, March 14, 1855. Mary, born Oct. 5, 1879, and Gilbert, born Sept. 20, 1882, are the names of the two children of Mr. and Mrs. Currie. ?lrS S^braham Fraser, farmer, section 2, Warren tk Township, was born in Ontario, Can., Dec. 27, 1814, and is a son of Donald and Martha (Kilbreth) Fraser. The father of Abraham was born in West Troy, N. Y. He was a loyalist in 1777, and when 16 years of age joined Gen. Burgoyne's army on its re- treat to Canada. He afterward located in Canada and followed the vocation of farming until the time of his death. Abraham remained at home until he attained the age of 16 years, when he commenced to learn the carpenter's trade. He successfully finished his ap- prenticeship, and has followed his trade, more or less, all his life. He also owned a farm in Canada, which he cultivated in addition to working at his trade. In the fall of 1866 he moved to Saginaw City, this State, rented a house and worked at his trade for three and one-half years. From that place he moved to Coleman, this county. In the summer of 1870 he purchased a large lot in Coleman and erected a house on it. During the building of his house, he had no place for himself and family to stay in except a little, old establishment covered with hem- lock boards. The first rain that came was in the night time, and it poured down on their beds to such an extent that they were compelled to sit up all night and hold over them umbrellas, which they were ex- tremely lucky to have. COUNTY. Mr. Fraser purchased a farm of 40 acres adjoining the corporation of Coleman, and has 25 acres of it improved. He is one of the earliest living settlers of Coleman, and experienced many of the hardships of pioneer life. In September, 1841, he was united in marriage to Eliza, daughter of John and Hanna Piatt. Her par- ents are both dead. She also died, about a year after marriage, leaving an infant child to the care of the father, but who soon followed the mother to the better land. About 13 months after the death of his wife Mr. Fraser was married to Miss Mary Pratt, a sister of his former wife. She was of German de- scent, and departed this life in 1866, leaving to the care of her husband seven children, namely : Clarissa, Helen, Abraham, Sophia, Edward, Jane and William. In March, 1867, Mr. Fraser was married a third time, the lady of his choice being Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Isaac and Harriet (Brock) Frazer. Her parents were of Scotch descent. Her father is living in Ontario, Can., and her mother died there. Mr. Fraser is independent in politics. He has held the office of Town Clerk one term. Highway Commissioner four terms. Justice of the Peace two terms. School Inspector two terms, and was Poor Master when that office existed. Mrs. Fraser is a member of the Methodist Episco- pal Church, and both are respected and esteemed citizens of the township. ^»^-*« ^' W. Crissey, editor and owner of the Mid- and Ri-ptiblican, was born in New Canaan, Whdn Tglpjri '''* Fairfield Co., Conn., Oct. 5, 1843. rii'A^ he was less than two years of age, Theodore Crissey, his father, removed with the family to Michigan, the trip occupying about two weeks. After a few months spent in Hillsdale County, pur- chases of wild land were made in Barry County, and pioneer family life was entered upon. The home was for 18 years or more in Johnstown, of that County. Some schooling was obtained in the little red school- house, and at 18 or 19 years of age the subject of this sketch spent a few months in the public school ot Battle Creek. At 18 he began teaching, in which occupation several winters were spent. The winter of 1864-5 V^' ^^^<^j^'mi MIDLAND COUNTY. -#^§5fs^/:|p ) was passed in Little Rock, Ark., in the employment of " Uncle Sam." Subsequent years were largely occupied in teaching, alternated with attendance at the State Agricultural College and the State Normal School, at the latter of which he graduated in the classical course in rS72. For the next three years he was employed in the public schools of Detroit as I'rincipal of large grammar schools. This position was resigned at the close of the school year, in June, 1875, to accept the position of Superintendent of Public Schools of Flint, then a city of about 9,000 inhabitants. This position was held for five years, at the end of which time a re-appointment for the sixth year was declined. In the summer and autumn of 1880, several weeks were spent in conducting and giving instructions in teachers' institutes in different parts of the State. In December, 1880, he pur- chased the Midland Independent, having decided to undertake a line of work which for some time he had desired to engage in. Changing the name of the paper to The Republican, he began its publica- tion with the year i88i,and has continued it until the present writing (July, 18S4), without the omission of a single issue, making it the leading paper of the county. It is now permanently located in the large and convenient rooms on the second floor of the new postofifice block. The proprietor has fully iden- tified himself with the interests of Midland, having all that he possesses invested here. -•?3- ^ 1^ Lillet P. Embury, general merchant at Cole- Stj^^Mg man, was born in Grand Blanc, Mich., Jan. ''^f ' 13, 1856, and is a son of David and Mar- tha (Morse) Embury, still resident at that place, on a farm. His father was born Dec. 7, 1817, in'the town of Avon, N. Y., of Irish and German descent. EUet's mother, a relative of the great S. F. B. Morse, the founder of telegraphy, was born Jan. 12, i8i8, in the town of Eaton, Madison Co., N. Y., of Puritan stock. The subject of this sketch remained at home, as- sisting on the farm until he was about 25 years of age, attending school in his younger days and teach- ing three winter terms after he was of age; also, clerking some in a store at Grand Blanc and Judd's Corners ; then worked his father's farm one year, and finally, in 1883, came to Midland County and bought out J. & F. L. Post, and Dec. 22 opened out in his present business, in which he is succeeding satis- factorily. He is a Democrat in his political princi- ples, is a Justice of the Peace, and a member of the Congregational Church. Mr. Embury was married Dec. 31, 1879, to Miss Addie M., daughter of Benj. M. and Margaret (Dumigan) Knapp, who reside in Eaton, N. Y. Mr. K., of American descent, is a No. i carpenter and joiner. Mrs. E. was born at the last mentioned place, June 1 2, 1863. ®^^m^^ ^m ^yfWW^' "^- ^- Button, farmer and saw-mill pro- ^'^^J^l? prietor, residing on section 12, Geneva "^S?^ Township, and one of the representative |i^> as well as self-made men of the county, was born Feb. 18, r828, in Tompkins Co., N. Y., and is a son of Amos and Catherine (Baham) Button. The grandfather of Mr. Button was a Revolu- tionary soldier, was seven feet in height, with a foot 16 inches from heel to toe, and a boot seven inches wide on the ball of the foot. The father of our sub- ject was a native of Vermont. He raised a family of six boys and five girls, who all grew to manhood and womanhood before his demise, which occurred March 7, 1880. The mother of our subject was a native of the Green Mountain State, and was a de- scendant, as well as the entire family, of the old Puritan stock. She died in December, 1849. Wm. R. Button, the subject of our biographical notice, remained at home assisting in the mainte- nance of the family until he attained the age of 17 years. On arriving at that age he engaged during the summer seasons in sailing on the lakes, and spent his winters at home attending school. His father moved from Tompkins County to Stockton, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., where he purchased a small farm on which the family lived for five years, when he sold it and moved with his family, in 1840, to Ashtabula Co., Ohio. Wm. R. purchased six months of his time, prior to his attaining the age of maturity, from his father, for $50, and also contributed liberally from his earn- ings on the lakes to aid the father in purchasing a farm. He also purchased a farm of 50 acres, four ^ A . >. r (^#^' ■rr ^>I1(1^I1D>^' V' u 4^^^ MIDLAND COUNTY. 6 >: V miles from Geneva, and paid for it from his earn- 'ngs. He continued to follow the vocation of a sailor, and became commander of a vessel. His earnings increasing, he hired a man to clear and im- prove his farm, and continued his vocation until the late civil war. He then went on his farm, and rent- ing some additional land near his own, engaged in the dairy business. He kept some 35 cows and con- ducted the business in such a manner as to meet with signal success. He subsequently sold his farm and purchased another containing 50 acres just out- side the village of Geneva. On this farm he erected a fine house in 1864, at a cost of $3,500. In 1868, ATr. Button rented his farm and came with his family to what is nov/ Buttonville, this county. He was quick to see the advantages which the county afforded to men of industry and judgment for the making of money, and, having faith in its fu- ture development, he engaged with four others, un- der the firm name of Button, Mason & Co., and pur- chased all of section 12, Geneva Township, less 120 acres. The firm erected a saw-mill on their land, which was destroyed by fire Thanksgiving night, Dec. 14, 1873. Inside of 60 days they had another, larger than the old one, erected and running. It consisted of one planing, two shingle, one lath and a circular-saw mill, and is yet standing, although in poor condition, as a monument of the past. Ma- son & Co. held their interest in the property only for about a year, when Mr. Button purchased it just pre- vious to the fire above mentioned. He now owns 50 acres of land and 50 village lots in Buttonville. Mr. Button was united in marriage Sept. 16, 1849, in Geneva, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, to Sarah Jane, daughter of Henry and Farilla (Wood) Harris. The parents were natives of New York, of Puritan de- scent, and died in Geneva, Ohio. Mrs. Button was born in the State of New York, Dec. 10, 1829, and accompanied her parents to Madison, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, when she was six months old, where she lived until her marriage. She is the mother of the follow- ing children to Mr. Button: Albert M , born Jan. 7, 1853, in Geneva, Ohio (see sketch); Fred William, born in Geneva, Ohio, April 9, 1861, and the present owner of 4 acres of land, in Geneva Township, this county. (See also sketch of the latter.) Politically, Mr. Button is a Republican. He has held the office of Justice of the Peace two terms. Supervisor part of a term, and the different school offices. The subject of this sketch experienced all the trials incident to immigration and settlement in a new country, when he came with his family to this State. He moved from Cleveland to Detroit by steamboat, then by wagons to Saginaw. On arriving at the latter place he disposed of a span of his horses for $500, and came on to tliis county in his wagons. While at Saginaw, Albert, their oldest boy, was taken with the measles, and Mr. Button sent his wife and two children by " rail " to "Red Keg," now Averill. Mrs. B. arrived at the hotel at Averill and the next morning was told by the " host " "she must move out, as the boarders would not remain unless she and her children left." In the meantime Mr. Button arrived with his teams from Saginaw, and took his wife and children to Sanford, where he left them in a log house belonging to Charles Sanford, his family having moved out a few days previously. There happened to be an old stove and an old straw tick left in the house, and the mother, with her two sick children, the youngest child having taken the measles also, remained there all alone and unpro- tected for an entire week. The father went on his land, where Buttonville now stands, and entered on its improvement and made occasional trips to his family. The last time he went home (or rather to the log house), to see his family, he was taken with the measles, and on his recovery he removed his family to the camp located on the present site of Button- ville. These were only a few of the trials he encountered, yet, being endowed with that spirit of determination which, when backed by energy and perseverance, conipiers all obstacles, he succeeded. I rville B. Hosner, a farmer residing on sec- tion 28, Hope Township, was born in Mon- roe Co., N. Y., July 4, 1836, the son of Hugh and Elia (Sutfan) Hosner, natives of New York, and of English-German and Dutch extraction, respectively. The father was a farmer and mechanic, and died in Thornville, Lapeer Co., Mich., Jan. 29, 18S1, aged 68. The mother is yet living, on the old homestead in Lapeer County, her son Oliver renting the same. Two sons and five K2) <-[ias;iin^ ®))^ff'*- -^^^ ^V<^^tlII§PIl^>T MIDLAND COUNTY. s'^ (h ) :-ce V daughters were included in their family, and of these Orville is the second. He was three years old when the family came lo Oakland County, this State, where they lived ten years on a new farm of 90 acres, four and a half miles west of Romeo. His father then sold this place, and purchased another two and a half miles north of Romeo, where the children all grew to maturity. Or- ville was 24 years old when he married and came to Midland County. He arrived in Hope Township May 3, t86o, with but $5 in ready money, and purchased 160 acres un- der the Graduation Act on section 24, township 16 north, I east, at a cost of 25 cents per acre. He afterwards bought 80 acres adjoining, at the same price. He had visited this county the fall before his removal, and with his brother-in-law, Charles In- man, made the selection. When he came here to stay, he came with his wife and Charles Inman in a wagon, through Flint, the journey occupying si.x days. The team belonged to Mr. Inman, who sent it back to Oakland County by his step-son, David M. Wilcox, while he remained and boarded with Mr. and Mrs. Hosner. His wife boarded with Nelson Fraser while he built a shanty. The roof was covered with basswood bark, and the floor was made of split bass- wood logs. The erection of this occupied him about one week, and he was assisted by Charles Inman, Nelson Fraser and William McCrary. In this shanty Mr. H. lived four years. He then sold his place to Francis Green, returned to Romeo and lived one winter with his father. The following spring he came again to Midland, leased the lot opposite John Larkin's store, and built a store and dwelling. Here for three years he dealt in groceries, and then he exchanged his lease and goods for a farm of 60 acres three miles up the Titta- bawassee River, then in Midland, but now in Homer Township. After seven years he sold this and re- moved to the farm where Mr. Stanford now lives. This he purchased of John Larkin, and 40 acres ad- ditional he bought of Sidney Gould, and 80 acres of a Mr. McCune. Here he resided four years and a half, and then, Feb. 16, 1877, he sold and moved to his present farm of 100 acres. At that time 50 acres were improved, but now he has 90 acres subdued. He followed lumbering and camped out in Hope Township one winter 16 years ago. He has been in lumbering business altogether 15 winters, sometimes gaiiiing and at other times losing; but on the whole he has come out ahead. He is one of the substan- tial farmers of Hope Township. His marriage occurred Nov. i, 1S59, and the lady of his choice was Miss .Anna E. Green, daughter of Francis and Polly (Stevens) Green. Mr. G. was born Nov. 19, 1800, was in early life a preacher of the Baptist denomination, and later a farmer, and now resides in Lincoln Township, at the venerable age of 84. Mrs. Green died at the residence of her daughter, Melvina Inman, March 4, 1S80. Their daughter, Mrs. Hosner, was born May 12, 1S43, in Fort Ann, N. Y. The three children born of this marriage are all living: Orville Clyde was born Feb. 17, 1S61, in Lincoln (now Hope) Township; Ara E., born Oct. 23, 1S63, in same township, married Feb. 2, 1884, to George E. Guinan; Mary Irene, Jan. i, iS76,in Mid- land Township. Mr. H. has been Township Clerk two yeais, and Supervisor of Homer Township one year. He is politically a Republican. jjl obert Potter, farmer, section 26, Porter Township, was born Oct. 8, 1839, in York Co., Ont. His parents, Alexander and Letitia Potter, were Scotch by descent and were born in Ontario. The father died about the year 1874; the demise of the mother oc- curred in 1872. Their children numbered five sons and three daughters, and are all living. Mr. Potter is the only son of his parents whose feet have wandered from his native soil. He resided at home and assisted on his father's farm, attending the common schools until he was 18 years old. At that age he became a Laborer on the farms of his na- tive place, and passed two years in that manner when he settled on Lake Erie in Norfolk Co., Ont., where he engaged as a sawyer in a mill on Otter River. He remained thus employed one year, and at the end of that period he traveled through Indiana and Illinois, stopping at Elgin in the Prairie State, where he spent some time as a farm assistant. He returned to Saginaw City, Mich , by way of Wash- tenaw County, and engaged as an engineer in a saw- >.^ ( .^: ^)«^#^ <^DII§IIIl^t>-^ r." -"^ m YIt^^ > V J t •• • ^^M'iim^T MIDLAND COUNTY. z^-^Mf^^ 273 mill. He spent seven j'ears in that occupation, and meanwhile secured a homestead claim of 160 acres of land in Porter Township, this county, filing his first claim in 1870. Later, in that year, he built a shanty thereon, and secured a man and his wife to keep his house. In the spring of 1873 the shanty, with its contents, was destroyed by fire. Undaunted, he erected another place of shelter, and April 7, 1875, he was marrried at St. Louis, Gratiot Co., Mich., to Alice, daughter of Andrew and Sophia (Hannah) Hannah. Her parents are natives of Ontario and Scotland, and are now living. Alice was bom in Haldimand Co., Ont., April 24, 1858. Her parents removed to East Saginaw when she was nine years old, and later came to the county of Mid- land. Four children have been bom to Mr. and Mrs. Potter, one of whom is deceased. Arthur W. was born March 14, 1876; Charles, Nov. 22, 1880; Laura, Jan. 20, 18S3. \ child died in infancy, un- named. Since his marriage Mr. Potter has resided with his family on his homestead, which he has improved and greatly increased in value. Among other farm fix- tures of a most creditable character, is a commodious and practical farm house. The family attend the Presbyterian Church. Mr. Potter is a Republican of inflexible principles and wide influence. In 1876 he was elected Justice of the Peace, and has served eight years in that oflice; is still the incumbent of the position. He has been Highway Commissioner one year, and during the years 1878-81 he served as Supervisor, officiating as Chairman of the Board in the two last years named. He has been Township Treasurer two years, and is at present School Director, which office he has held five years. #-^ ^ Charles H. Winslow, merchant, Lee's Cor- jPg^ ners, is a son of Loring S. and Mar)' ri^ (Brown) Winslow, the former a native of Ver- ^[2 \ mont and the latter of the State of New York. He was bom in the Green Mountain State, April 7, 1846; in the spring of 1867, when 21 years of age, he came to Midland Count}-, where he has since resided most of the time, engaged in the woods and on the river. In January, 1883, he bought out the store and stock of his brother, C. J. Winslow, ^KS^^m^ ^^^ — ^-=<^D a and has since been carrying on a very successful trade. Politically, Mr. Ulnslow is a Democrat in his views and voting. He was Constable one year in Saginaw County. He was married in IngersoU Township, Sept. 13, 1874, to Miss Harriet F., daughter of Job and Sarah E. (Mann) Chase, natives of New York State. She was bom in Lapeer Co., Mich., .\pril 4, 1849. The children of Mr. and Mrs. W. are Laura H., Loring S., Charles H., John W. and Julia F. 1 evi Fulmer, carpenter and joiner, and Z farmer on section 10, Homer Township, ijS? 1 *^s bom May 23, 1830, in Sterling, Cayuga ^tj^ Co., N. Y. His father, Jacob Fulmer, was a Aj native of the State of New York and was of \^ Dutch descent. He died at 63 years of age, in St. Joseph Co., Ind. Polly (Stockwell) Fulmer, his mother, was a native of the Empire State, &f New England parentage, and died in St. Joseph Co., Ind., aged 68 years. Of their family of eight children, but two are living. Mr. Fulmer is the fourth child and son in the order of birth. He remained under the home roof until he was 22 years of age, when he apprenticed himself to learn the occupation of builder. He served two years, and then operated as a journeyman carp)enter until the date of his enrollment as a soldier of the Union. He enlisted in August, 1863, in the 97 th N. Y. VoL Inf., in Co. H. The command was under Gen. Warren, in the Army of the Potomac. He was in several important actions, and was also on several occasions detailed for special duty. With the exception of the fatigue and privations common to army life, he ebcaf>ed without injurj', and was hon- orably discharged July 18, 1865. He went to Os- wego Co., N. Y., on being released from military service, and soon after came to Midland County, where he purchased the section of land on which he has since pursued the occupation of farming. His land was in primeval forest, and he experienced all the perplexities which never fail to annoy and render severe the days of pioneer existence. But he pur- sued the work of improving and culrivaring his farm until he has placed it in creditable condition. He is >: i'J ^- t I » <^DD^DD^>■T 274 MIDLAND COUNTY. a member of the Republican party and has served five years as Township Clerk, three years as Treas- urer and four years as Justice of the Peace. His marriage to Rhoda Fineout occurred Nov. 4, (hi 1855, in Oswego, N. Y., where she was Dorn, June 3, 1830. Her parents died when she was about 20 years of age. She had resided with them and after their death she made her home with her sister. Two children have been born of her marriage, as follows : Anna, Dec. 15, 1856, and Mary A., Feb. 4, 1861. The parents are members of the Methodist Episco- pal Church, in which Mr. Fulmer has been active since his connection therewith. He is at present Class- Leader. illiam T. Depue, general farmer, section > ') 31, Jas|)er Township, was born in Trum- Jf^^r^ bull Co., Ohio, Dec. 16, 1.S30, tlie eldest lujjJ'' of three children, all of wliom are yet living. 4br His brother is Marsiiall S,, whose sketch appears elsewhere in this volume, and his sister is Mrs. Julia Fields, of St. Louis, Mich. Their par- ents were tlie first settlers in the west half of Mid- land County, their father building the first house, a log cabin, in the first part of April, 1856, which still stands as a monument of pioneer pains and pleas- ures. Originally its floor was made of puncheons, and there was not a sawed board in the whole structure. The door and table were also made of what might be called " split and hewed boards." The latch and hinges were all wood, and the roof was made of "shakes," held on with "shake-poles." Mr. Depue, Sr., with his two sons, Marshall S. and VVm. Tracy, purchased the whole of section 31, Jasper Township. When 19 years of age the subject of this sketch left home and his native county for Illinois; a year afterward he returned home; in the fall of 1854 he went to Iowa, and in the fall of 1855 he came to C§' Midland County, engaging in the trade of carpenter and joiner, which he had learned while in Ohio and Iowa. At Freeland Station, Saginaw ("ounty, he built the five-ton boat wliich carried the provisions donated to " starving Gratiot " during that memorable period by the cities of Detroit and Saginaw. Tliese articles of food were so eagerly received that they were all delivered from the boat within a few hours after its landing. For three years after his arrival here, Mr. Depue was variously engaged, on Pine and Chippewa Rivers. He and Joseph Miser built the first school-house on the Indian reservation in Isabella County. In July, 1859, he returned to Ohio, and on the 14th of that month, in Trumbull Co., Ohio, he married Miss Sarah C. Martin, a daughter of Thomas and Mary (Craig) Martin. She was born in Portage Co., Ohio, June i, 1836, the eldest of five children, — two sons and three daughters. The two children of Mr. and Mrs. Depue are: Ida, born April 17, i860, in Jasper Township, and married in Coe Township, Isabella County, Aug. 16, 1881, to VVm. H. Ney, a farmer of Jasper Township, this county; and Lucy, born Oct. 18, 1862, also in Jasper Township, and Nov. 10, 1880, married Eli E. Oswald, also a firmer in the same township. Directly after marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Depue com- menced house-keeping at his home in this county, where he now owns 180 acres of good land, with 80 acres well improved, with the necessary farm build- ings, etc. Mr. D. secured the organization of Jasper Town- ship, in i860, then six miles wide east and west, and eighteen miles long north and south. He was elected Supervisor, and served four years. He has also held the offices of Townshi]) Clerk and Justice of the Peace, as well as the less important offices of his township. In his political views he sympathizes with the National Greenback party. He has seen military life, enlisting for the Union Dec. 20, 1864, in (!!o. A, 15th Mich. Inf., Army of the Cumberland, and being discharged Sept. 9, 1865, after a service of nine months. 'ames Hughes, general farmer, section 2, Porter Township, was born in England, vj^ - April 7, 1839, and when he was a year old the family emigrated to America, and lived in Licking Co., Ohio, on a farm, until the parents died, in 187 1-2. The subject of this sketch lived in that county until he was 23 years of age, when he was married, and shortly afterward went into the army to serve <^' (^ 1=1 •^ - ^( lr>A^ • ^-^n£.rKj ?^y>: r^ ^ u '^ ^^[iU»^ m-> \' w — >a^X- #^5f ^ (^) :^ ? MIDLAND COUNTY. for the Government, enlisting in Co. E, i3Sth Ohio Vol. Inf., in the Army of the Cumberland. He was in the service four months, engaging in the battle of Harper's Ferry, and was also a member of the Ohio National Guard for five years. Returning to Licking County, he followed agricul- ture upon his farm of i6o acres until recently, when he sold out, purchased 280 acres on sections r and 2, Porter Township, all heavily timbered land. In his political action Mr. Hughes votes inde- pendently. Oct 8, 1863, in Licking Co., O., Mr. Hughes mar- ried Miss Sarah \nn Shaw, a native of that county, born Feb. 11, 1843. To Mr. and Mrs. H. have been born nine children, as follows: John E., Frank, William W., Lillie, George, Mary B., Charley A., Nellie G. and James A. (deceased). IllRjjhineas Swift, farmer, section T,Tiy Homer ii^Sli<°, Township, was born March 27, 1826, in J'llisj. Livingston Co., N. Y. He had the train- I'll ■)t |Mii ing and education of a farmer's son, and was under his father's guidance until he reached his majority. He was married Jan. i, 1847, to Caro- line Stone, a native of Connecticut, born in 1829. Four sons and five daughters have been born of this marriage: three of the latter are dead. The mother died at her home in Mecosta County, Sept. g, 1875. In 1850 the family removed to Fair Plains, Mont- calm Co., Mich., where they resided until the second year of the war, when the husband and father be- came a soldier of the Union. He enlisted Aug. 15, 1862, in the 21st Mich. Vol. Inf, enrolling in Co. F. The command was assigned to the Army of the Cumberland. He became disabled soon after reach- ing the field, and was discharged, on a surgeon's certificate, April 11, 1863. He had contracted a pulmonary disease from his exposure and he was wholly incapacitated a year after his discharge. On recovery, he came to Midland County and bought 160 acres on section 4, Homer Township, which he e.xchanged two years later for 200 acres in the same township. Later on he sold this and went to Mecosta County on account of the ill-health of his wife. He located near Big Rapids. The change proved futile for the purpose sought, as the wife and mother died about one year after the removal. In 1880 Mr. Swift bought 80 acres of land in Kent County, which he sold the same year, and in 1881 he bought 64 acres where he has since resided. He is a Republican and held the office of Justice of the Peace one year during his first residence here. Mr. Swift's likeness may be found on the opposite page. It is tliat of a brave soldier and representa- tive citizen of the State of Michigan as well as of Midland County. m^ ohn C. Sias, farmer on section 32, Jasper Township, was born at Ann Arbor, Wash- tenaw County, this State, Feb. 16, 1835, and is the son of John and Lucretia (Dudley) Sias, natives of Vermont and New York. The father was of French-Irish descent, followed agriculture, and died at the residence of his son John in the spring of 1876, at the age of nearly 82. The mother lives with Mr. Sias, at the venerable age of 86. The subject of this outline is the fifth son and ninth child of a family of ten — three sons and two daughters of which number are now living. He lived with his parents in his native town until 15 years old, at which age he was apprenticed to learn the trade of millwright, under a Mr. Waite, of Ann Arbor. He remained with him but one year, and then for three and a half years was employed as a cabinet- maker at Dexter, Mich. Going to Wapawma, Wis., he worked there one year, and then visited Minne- sota, Iowa and Dakota. While in Iowa, Oct. 15, 1 861, he enlisted in Co. C, 14th Iowa Vol. Inf., and was assigned to the com- mand of George H. Wolf, in the Army of the North- west. He was discharged in February, 1864, having been employed in the frontier forts. On the 26th of the same month he re-enlisted in the same company, which was made Co. M, 7th Iowa Vol. Cav. He served till the conclusion of the war, and was honor- ably discharged in June, 1866, having lived nearly five years in the army. He fought at Deer Moun- tain, and the Bad Lands of the Little Missouri River. He then traveled through Minnesota and Wiscon- sin to Michigan, arriving in Midland County in Oc- tober, 1867. He located a land warrant of 160 acres on sections 32, 33 and 28, Jasper, and proceeded to 9 > A % ^wmi^^^^ — :^w^ -^^ m > ■'■>. E=I CIS > ,^ ^ '^^ 278 MIDLAND COUNTY. make a home. In December, 1868, at St. Louis, he was joined in wedlock with Mrs. Mary Small (jicc Sias) daughter of Solomon and Emily (Copeland) Sias. Her father was of French descent, a native of Ontario, and died in Pine River Township, Gratiot County, in February, 1884. Her mother was of Eng- lish lineage, was a native of the State of New York, and died in that State in 1855. By her first marriage, Mrs. Sias has a daughter, Cora; and by her second she is the mother of three children, Jessie, Edgar and Ashley. Mr. Sias has improved 40 acres of his place, and has sold 40. He has held the office of Supervisor from 1868 to 1870, inclusive, and also in 1876. He has been Township Treasurer two years, and has filled minor positions of trust. In political belief, he is a Republican. Vm\ obert D. Cody, farmer on section 2=;, Lar- ■^~%; km Township, is a son of Alonzo and """ Fanny (Fullmer) Cody, natives respectively of New York State and Ohio; and was born ill Buffalo, N.Y., June 10,1861. His parents re- moved to this State when he was one year old, and he has resided since in Michigan, e.xcept 10 years in Iowa. He came to Midland County in the fall of 1879, and has now 20 acres of an So-acre tract im- proved. April r, 18S3, in Midland City, Miss Florence Per- kins, a native of New York State, changed by mar- riage her last name to Cody. In political sentiment Mr. C. is a Republican. ^"^ oxiis Riefenberg, farmer, section 34, Inger- soll Township, is a son of Christopher t^U"-^^ Riefenberg, a native of Germany, who passed 6j(;p" his entire life in that country. He was born in Germany June 6, 1830; from the age of 14 to 22 he attended bar; he then came to America and for three years followed farming in Pennsyl- vania; in May, 1856, he came and bought 80 acres of unimproved land in Ingersoll Township, wliere he still resides. Sinc# his first purchase he bought 80 acres more, and he now has about 100 acres under cultivation and in good condition. He is School Assessor of District No. i, and was elected Township Clerk last spring (1884). Politi- cally he belongs to the National party. Mr. R. was married in Pennsylvania Feb. 16, 1862, to Margaret, daughter of Balsar and Elizabeth Hil- debrand, who were natives of Germany. Mrs. R. was born also in that country, Jan. 27, 1844. The children in her family are, Louis H., Joh.n G., Sarah E., William L., Mary E. and Minnie A. :h': ^mf% -1~ I V p- )' I } arshall S. Depue, general farmer, section - .,'"". - ' .'.T; .f 31, Jasper Township, was born in Trum- ^^^ bull Co., Ohio, June 12, 1833. His parents, ' Nicholas and Charlotte (Allen) Depue, were \^ ( natives respectively of Pennsylvania and Ohio, ( " and of French and Yankee ancestry. Mrs. D.'s father was one of the first settlers in the State of Ohio. Mr. Nicholas Depue died, it is supposed, somewhere in the State of Michigan, the time and place being unknown ; and his widow died at the residence of her daughter, Mrs. Fields, at St. Louis, Sept. 25, 1883. The old log cabin erected by Nicho- las Depue, thr first built in the township, is still standing. Formerly it had not a sawed board in it. It is preserved in memory of the first days of Mid- land. The subject of this sketch was brought up on the farm, to the vocation of his father, and was married March 8, 1859, in Milton, Mahoning Co., Ohio, to Miss Lois R. Baldwin, who was born in that county April 27, 1S33, and before her marriage taught ten terms of school. The children by this marriage are : Charles C, William B., Lottie M. and Scott (de- ceased). Mrs. D. died at her home in this town- ship, Nov. 4, 1883, leaving a large circle of friends to mourn the loss. Slie was exceptionally a kind and loving wife, mother and member of society. Ever since she was 15 years of age she had been an active 'p) member of the Presbyterian Church. I After his marriage, Mr. D. started immediately for c'-.. Michigan, and located on a quarter of section 31, iM where he has since made his home. He was one of ^ the first settlers of the township. On his estate of (g\ one of ^ \®^ 225 acres, he has i 25 acres finely improved m (^ 5^#« 4>iin^iiii>i>T V # P ^^ I a ■ev MIDLAND COUNTY. 4^^ 279 the best farms in the county He also has recently erected a residence which compares favorably with the best in the county. JMr. Depue is a staunch Republican, and has been honored wilh the offices of Supervisor and Treasurer. He helped to organize the township. ^i l&flvJhnrles F. Marcy, farmer, section 26, In- 4''— ^^.j nersoll Township, is a son of Alanson and Mary A. (Bowen) Marcy, who were natives of New York State. (See sketch of Alanson Marcy.) The subject of this sketch was born in Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., Feb. 22, 1836, and was seven years old when the family came to Oakland Co., Mich. In 1856, at the age of 20, lie came to this county, wliere he has since resided. In 1857 he pur- chased 80 acres of unimproved land in IngersoU Township, on section 26, and at present has about 45 acres under good cultivation. In political action Mr. Marcy works for Republican principles, and lie has officiated as Township Clerk one year. He was first married in Lapeer Co., Mich., Dec. 31, 1872, to Clista J., daughter of Harrison and Philinda Young, residents of IngersoU Township. She was born in Henrietta, N. Y.,Nov. 8, 1851. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Marcy are: Philinda E. and Henry H. Mrs. M. died Jan. 5, 1880, and Mr. M. was married April 14, i88r, to Mrs. Harriet A. (Wilsey) Pangburn, widow of George W. Pangburn, a native of Vermont, who died in Saginaw, April 16, 1 87 3. She had by her first marriage two children, — Viola H. and George J. Mrs. M. was born in Lucas Co , Ohio, Jan. 24, 1847. ^•^MilH^xtE H. Peck, station agent and telegraph oper- ^ ator at Sanford, was born Dec. 17, 1853 in Fair Haven, Mass. He is a son of 'J^^s Joseph N. and Lydia C. (Blaisdell) Peck. His father was a native of the State of Rhode Island and was of English parentage. He was a cooper by trade, and passed the greater portion of his life in that and in farming, except five years. ^ when he was engaged in mercantile business. He died May 25, 1865, in New Bedford, Mass. The mother was born in September, 1813, in Maine, of Scotch ancestors, and is yet living, at Fairhaven, Mass. Seven children born to the parents reached maturity. In May, 1878, Mr. Peck came West and engaged in farming in Ortonville, Oakland Co., Mich., where he spent about four months. He then went to Sag- inaw and spent three months as an assistant in a saw mill. At the end of that time he engaged as a brake- man on the F. & P. M. Railroad, and not long after met with an accident which crippled him for life. He fell from a wood rack and received an injury to his left leg, whicli caused tlie loss of the foot below the ankle. The raihoad tompany took entire charge of him during his ilbiess, and on his recovery he came to Sanford, where he fitted himself for the duties of the position he now occupies. He has had full and entire charge of the office since September, Oj 1882. He was married Dec. 24, 1882, to Victoria ^ Wallace. 'iL^i&tsSi i S ^^^ J^::-^. mmmo l^aron Havens, farmer, section 27, Hope Tp., •<• ^ifs^sSS.- was born in Ontario Co., N. Y., June i, * S-li^S? 1826, the son of Samuel and Amy (Bennett) , !" "■^ Havens. His father was of Scotch descent, 1'' was born in New Jersey, moved to Wayne Co., N. Y., thence to Hartland, Niagara Co., same State, thence to Seneca Township, Seneca Co., same State, and finally to Lenawee Co., Mich., where he died, aged about 60. Mrs. Havens, Aaron's mother, was a native of New Jersey, and died in Wayne Co., N. Y., having been the mother of three sons and one daughter, all of whom grew to maturity. Mr. Ha- vens, senior, married for his second wife Miss Sarah Ann Tubbs, in Wayne Co., N. Y. The subject of this biography was ten years old when his father came to the Peninsular State, and he lived at home with his father and stepmother until of age, assisting on the farm. He then worked as a 'W farm laborer by the month for two years in Niagara Co., N. Y., and three years in St. Clair Co., Mich. March 23, 1854, he was married to Miss Mary Jane Ellsworth, daughter of Benjamin and Mary (Hewett) Ellsworth. Her father died at Johnson's Creek, (f^^ Niagara Co., N. Y., in 1839; and her mother in St. ^ T mvm^^' V ^^,mm\mi MIDLAND COUNTY. Il M' Clair Co., Mich., in 1856. Mrs. Havens was born Ai June 10, 1836, in Hartland, Niagara Co., N. Y. Fol- .:^ lowing is the record of the eiglit children born to Mr. ? and Mrs. Havens: Sarah, born Aug. 28, 1856, at ^ Saginaw, Mich.; George, Dec. 2, 1857, in Edenville Township, this county; Florence A., Jan. 22, i860, in same townshij); Lewis, April 23, 1862, in Hope Township; Ella, July 6, 1864, in same townshij); Hiram W., Oct. 31, 1868, in same township; Samuel Wallace, Aug. 13, 1870, in same township; William / Clarence, April 17, 1875, in same township, and died ik, Dec. 9, 1878. For one year after marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Havens lived in St. Clair County. They then settled in this county, first in Edenville Townshii), and later on their present farm in Hope. Mrs. Havens relates that her children, Sarah and (ieorgc, lost themselves one day, when aged respectively four and two and a- half years, and were out all night, in a marsh two miles from home, with a cold rain falling all night; In political sentiment, Mr. H. is a Republican. He and wife are members of the Church of God. ) > :<$ V ) • f^;f rank S. Burton, editor of the Midland Xi ^aaijjis, ''^I'lh is a son of David and Emeline (Cope- -JLS235 v., \^y^^ Burton, and was born in Dexter, Me., July 17, 1846. The father was born in ys|-s Garland Township, Penobscot Co., Me., in Sep- tember, 1801 ; has followed farming all his active life, having cleared four farms in his time. He came to Dexter, Mich., in 1851, and settled on a tract of wild land, which he subdued to cultivation ; and in March, 1855, he came up the Saginaw and Tittabawassee Rivers to this county, arriving at Eden- ville on the 31st of that month. He jire-empted 160 acres on section 12, in what is now Edenville Township, and by industry and perseverance made it one of the finest farms in the county. After losing his wife, he sold, and he now resides alternately with his son Edwin D., in I'klenville 'I'ownship. and with Mr. Burton, of this sketch. The njother was born in Coreana Township, Penoliscot Co., Me., in 1815, and died on the farm in F^denville Township, this courity, in April, 1882. Their family included eight children, Frank S. being the sixth. The subject of this record lived with his parents until 18 years old, attending school in the winter seasons. At that age he taught one, winter term of school. He then entered the State Agricultural Col- lege at Lansing. Here he studied four years, teach- ing during the vacations, and was graduated in November, 1868. After this he taught a select school at Midland, then one term in the city schools of Big Rapids, and then for one summer engaged in farming in Edenville, with his brother Edwin. After studying a term in the Law Department of the State University, and teaching a few months in Edenville, he then, in company with his brother, purchased a small water-jiower saw-mill. This they operated a few months and then sold. Returning to Ann Arbor, he completed his course in law, receiving his dii)loma Ajjril I, 187 I. He practiced a few months at East Tawas, Iosco County, and then came to Midland. In December, I 87 I, he purchased a one-tliird interest in the Mid- land y«r/(/('W(v;/ and the Faiwell Rci^isUr, and com- menced his journalistic career. The following month, by the withdrawal of one partner, John Haynes, he became proprietor of a half interest, and before the end of the year he bought the remaining stock of the Register. This he conducted over one year, and then sold, in the fall of 1872, to his brother. In July of the ensuing year he again bought, and re- tained possession until December, 1880. In Febru- ary, 1881, he purchased the Democrat office and founded the Sun, which he is now conducting, his first issue appearing Feb.. 17. He employs three as- sistants, has a good job trade, and his paper has an encouragingly large circulation. Ill 1877 he purchased 320 acres of land, a half of section 33, Larkin Township. He now owns 480 acres, of which 160 are under cultivation. He takes a deep interest in thorough-bred short-horns, and has the only pure ones in the county (four in number), besides 1 2 to 75 high-graded animals. He resides on his farm, which is located three miles from the court-house. June 20, 1873, at Detroit, lie was joined in matri- mony with Miss Vina E. Belknap, daughter of Julius K. and Lydia Place, of St. Clair County. Mrs. Bur- ton was born at Oswego, N. Y., Aug. 23, 1852. Mr. B. was nominated in the fall of 1876 for Pro- bate Judge, on the Republican ticket, against William Kelley on the Democratic ticket, and was elected. 1 v|) C '^ r 1/ ')^/^«^>«^#*- \ MIDLAND COUNTY. •^'.jtfC 4^t^5fsvii 281 He filled the office creditably four years. In the fall of 1882 he was nominated on the Fusion ticket for State Senator, but was defeated by John W. Hance, of Mt. Pleasant. He received a good vote, but his party was not strong enough to win. In the spring of 1884 he was chosen Supervisor of Larkin Town- ship, which office he now holds. Politically, Mr. Burton was a Republican for many years, and con- ducted his paper in the interest of that party until the fall of 1881, when he changed its politics, taking up the banner of the National party. He was for six years Chairman of the Republican County Commit- tee, and since June, 1882, he has held a like position in the National, or Greenback, party. He has been, since .August, 1882, a member of the State Central Committee. He has attended three State Conven- tions of the Republican party, and one (August, 1882, at Grand Rapids) of the organization to which he now Ijelongs. Mr. Burton is quite a student, having pierhapB the largest librar)' in the county; and he is in every sense a public-spirited man, taking a deep interest in agricultural and school affairs. srael W. Martin, farmer, section 11, Homer Township, was lx)m May 18, 1829, in Dum- ,' fries Township, Canada West. He resided in his native province until he was 15 years old, when he went to the State of New York and worked for a lumberman on the Erie CanaL He relumed to Canada, where he was occupied some time as a stage driver. His next venture was as a sailor on the lakes, where he operated two years. He again engaged in stage-driving, in which he was occupied until the year pirevious to that in which he came to Michigan. He was married March 18, i860, in Canada, to '^ Sarah Wells, who was bom in Ontario in 1833. One I of the two children bom to Mr. and Mrs. Martin is *,'* deceased. Delia L., Ijom Dec. 25, 1868, was mar- ried Dec. 25, 1882, to Alljert Green, a native of Mid- land County, bom June 30, 1861. On coming to Michigan Mr. Martin was emploj-ed in the saw-mill of Wright & Co. Late in the same f year they came to Midland County, where he pur- chased 83 acres of land, which has since been his home. He is a Republican, an^ has been Justice of the Peace three years. School Treasurer 15 years, and has served several terms as Highway Commissioner. f Vi> -4* i. ^ ei- Sri^e^f^ ■^m T^ oseph Ii. Campbell, farmer, section 22, Jerome Township, was l)om in the town of Poland, Chautauqua Co., N. Y., Jan. 17, 1838, and is the son of Jonas and Cynthia (De Jane) Campbell. His parents were bom in t' Orleans, Genesee Co., N. Y.. and are srill liv- ing, in Chautauqua County, in the Empire State. In the paternal line, Mr. Campbell is of .Scotch descent, and ('W his mother's side he comes of French stock. He remained under the paternal roof until he was 23 years old and operated as his father's as- sistant on the farm after, as before, he attained hb majority. On the outbreak of the Southern rebellion, he en- listed as a soldier, enrolling .Aug. 28, 1862, in Co. C, 9th N. Y. VoL Cav., and was mustered out Jan. 30, 1865, after a long and arduous service. His first fight occurred at Berrj'ville, in the valley of the Shenandoah, four days after he joined the command. His next engagement was at Cob Run, and he next fought at Fredricksburg, under Burnside. On the first of .August, 1863, he fought from the Rappahan- nock and Rapidan through Culpeper, and on the last day of the month he fought the same ground over again, the sharpest contest being at Brandy Station. He was wounded May 8, 1864, at the battle of the Wilderness, receiving an injury from a minie ball in the upper part of the left arm, which necessitated the removal of alx>ut five inches of the bone. The operation was performed at the field hospital, whence he went to Douglas Hospital, Washington, and was transferred to the hcBpital on Blackwell's Island. He was sent thence to Fort .Schuyler Hospital, and '^■ was there discharged. He returned to his home in Chautauqua Co., N. Y., and soon after was placed on the pension list. He became the proprietor of a house and lot in the village of Jamestown, Chautauqua County, which ^ he sold in 1875, and reached Midland County on the ^ 5^ r i ^M^ ^^/^^i;^m^ 282 «: cr-7<^IlIl^nil>>V MIDLAND COUNTY. ^ ) :^5 ' 3d day of April of that year. He at once entered a homestead claim of 80 acres in the township of Jerome, and has about 12 acres under the plow, and eight acres chopped ready for clearing. Mr. Campbell was married June 21, 1873, to Edsia E., daughter of Eliscom C". and Lucy (Stearns) Rob- inson. Her father is living in Jamestown, Chautau- qua County. Her mother died in 1868, in Poland, in the same county. Both parents were natives of (Chautauqua County, where Mrs. Campbell was born, Nov. 17, 1 85 1. The children of Mr. and Mrs. Campbell were born as follows. Irving, Nov. 19, 1S74, at Jamestown, N. Y.; Lucy, Nov. 13, 1876; Frank, Feb. 14, 1879; Joseph L., April 27, 1S81; Edith, April 26, 1883. All but the eldest child were born in Jerome Township. Mr. Campbell is independent in [lolitics, and has been elected Justice of the Peace this present year. He has declined all other offices tendered him. r 'fv:' ames C. Howe, farmer, sec. 4, Larkin Town- (j shi)), is a sou of William and Almira(Ken- S<^'^ dall) Howe, natives of Jefferson Co.,N. Y., I and was born in the Dominion of Canada, Marcli II, 1827. He was (juite young when his parents removed to Jefferson Co., N. ¥., where he lived until 23 years old. He then came to Emmett County, this State, where he was engaged principally in fishing for five years. Next he lived a short time in Wisconsin and for a brief period in his native county; and in October, 1870, he came to this county and bought 80 acres in Lincoln Town- ship. After six years' residence there he removed to Larkin Township, and purchased r6o acres. He now owns 53 acres, 30 of which are in cultivation. Nov. 29, 1847, was the date of his marriage in Jefferson Co., N. Y., to Miss Fidelia Gotham. She was born Nov. 3, 1831, the daughter of Solo- mon and Elizabeth E. (King) Gotham, natives of New Hampshire and New York, respectively. Of 12 children born to Mr. and Mrs. Howe, the eight sur- vivors are named William H., Phineas, Mary E , Amanda V., Isaac A., Elmer E., John T. and Rachel R. The four deceased were named James B., Plii- lena A., Emma E. and Christiana J. Mr. 11. is in political sentiment a National, an has been Justice of the Peace and Drain Commis- sioner of Larkin 'i'ownship. In Lincoln Townsliip he was Highway Commissioner and To-.vnsliip Treas- urer. He and wife are members of the Christian Ciuircli. ■■=¥^^ 5fe ~^ 4 !;^".^li Hubbard, farmer, section 35, Midland : =f Township, is a son of James and Fanny J^.L^' l^Pumaville) Hubbard, who were natives re- ^ spectively of Massachusetts and Lower Can- T ada. After a residence in New York State, j they emigrated to Saginaw Co., Mich., in 1835, where Mr. 11. died. His widow afterward died in (jenesee Co., Mich. The subject of this sketch was born in Niagara Co., N. Y., Jan. 6, 1824, and was 1 1 years old when he came to Michigan with his parents, witii whom he remained most of the time until their death, con- tributing to their support. He was married in Gene- see Co., Mich., to Miss Marcia Hurd, a native of the State of New York. The names of their five chil- dren are, John S., James R., Polly, Laura O. and Frances L. The first-mentioned died May 8, 1880, when 33 years of age. Mrs. Hubbard died Nov. 20, 1880. Mr. Hubbard has held the offices of Highway Commissioner and Constable, and the various school offices of his district. In politics he coincides with the Republican party. He is now the owner of 70 acres of land in Midland Townshij), and has about 50 acres in a good tillable condition. ^l^^jlCoseph R. Cr adit, farmer, section 14, Homer )3^^|t' Township, was born June 4, 185 i, in Che- !!>•''' mung Co., N. Y. He is the son of Sylves- J; '.' ter and Sarah (Trumbull) Cradit. His parents 'l[C are natives of the State of New York, of New i England parentage, and descended respectively from German and Scotch ancestors. His father is a skilled blacksmith and farmer, and has been a resi- dent with his family in Homer Township 12 years. They are aged 75 and 76 years, and have been the parents of nine children. Mr. Cradit is the youngest of the children born to *«r.> V^ ^«^r|- ■^-^ — ^«»^ 1^^^^ c ( i ^1 "%»- <;wm^>T MIDLAND COUNTY. »83 s I ^ f^) /?S :-<$ V ') J f I his parents, and was hut three years old when the family settled in Van Buren Co., Mich. Fourteen years later they became residents in Midland County and settled on a small farm in Homer Township, on which they are yet resident with their son. It is nearly all improved and cultivated. Mr. Cradit is a member of the National Greenback party. His marriage to Amy E. Fulmer occurred Oct. i6, 1873, in Midland City. She was born Dec. 15, 1856, in Montgomery Co., N. Y., and is the daughter of Levi and Rhoda (Fineout) Fulmer. She removed to this county when she was eight years old, with her parents. The children now included in the family circle are Rhoda, bom Oct. 29, 1878; Fred, June 11, i88r, and Levi, June 6, 1883. The parents are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, of which Mr. Cradit is Second Steward. I illiam McCrary, farmer on section 22, Hope Township, was born June 14, 1824, in County Antrim, Ireland, the son of Robert and Grizzie (Magee) McCrary, and came to Clark's Mills, Can_, from the Emerald 5 Isle, in 1834. His father purchased a farm of 65 acres, where he lived until death. The mother also died on this place. The subject of this sketch was one of a family of seven, — six sons and one daughter, — all of whom grew to years of maturity. He lived on the home- stead until 25 years old, and then he bought 160 acres of land, which he had commenced to pay for when 22 years of age. March i, 1853, he came to this State ; and for one year he worked a farm on shares in Ingham County. Jan. 12, 1857, he moved to this county with his family, and for one year boarded with David Burton, in what was then Jerome, but is now Edenville Township. During a part of this year he was again in Ingham County, harvesting his wheat sown the year before. The remainder of his time, however, he devoted to building a log house for his family, and clearing his land in Hope Town- ship, which he had secured in the following manner : " Hank " Ashman, a half-breed lawyer of Midland City, told him to go on an even section, settle on a certain tract, and take his chances in buying the land when it came into, market. This happened three years later, and he then paid for 160 acres at 50 cents per acre. He now has a fine farm, with suit- able farm buildings. Nov. 24, 1854, was the date of his marriage to Miss Agnes McWilliams, daughter of William and Jane (Kissick) McWilliams. Her father was drowned in Napanee River, Canada, when Agnes was five years old, and the mother died seven years later, at Clark's Mills. Mrs. McCrary was one of a family of seven, — two sons and five daughters, — and was lx)rn Dec. 2-1, 1838. The eight children of Mr. and Mrs. McCrary are as follows: Ida M., Ijorn June 20, 1856, in Ingham Co., Mich., and married May 12, 1878, to Abram L. Wismer; Ferdinand W,,born Jan. zo, i860, in Jerome Township, this county, and married March 6, 1884, Rosa B. Evans; Alice M., born Feb. 23, 1862, in Lincoln (now Hope) Township, married April 14, 1878, to Henry Wismer, and died Feb. 10,1884,0! spinal disease; Lydia A , born Aug. 5, 1864, in Lin- coln (now Hope) Township; Ina E., born July 22, 1867, in Lincoln (now Hope) Township; William H., born July 6, 1871, in Hoije Township; Elva A., born Oct. 29, 1872, in Hope Township; Almon J., born Feb. 7, 1874, in Hope Township, and died Nov. i, 1880. Mr. McCrary is in pfjlitical faith a Republican. He has been Highway Commissioner one term, and School Director one year. He and wife were bap- tized in the Church of England. kaniel McKinnon, lumberman and farmer on section 12, Homer Township, was bom ^^ Aug. 12, 1842, in Scotland. When he was "jNJai three years old he accompanied his parents ■^ to America, and settled in Ontario, Can., whence, i after a short residence, they removed with their family to Port Huron, Mich. They are yet residing there, aged respectively 75 and 62 years. Mr. McKinnon came to Midland County and en- gaged in lumbering, which has since been his chief occupation. In the spring of 1868 he bought 80 acres of land, to which he has added by subsequent purchase until he now owns a tract of 240 acres, of which 70 acres are well improved and cultivated Mr. McKinnon is a Republican in political views. J^- 4h -^MM^^y- ^^^^ :2i^®^ :<$ > ) MIDLAND COUNTY. #t^: S He was married Dec. 6, 1868, in Midland, to Isa- bella McKinnon. She came to this county the year she was married, and is a native of Canada. Nine children have been born of this marriage, three of whom are deceased. The living are, George, Charles, Daniel, John, Christina M. and Rebecca Ann. Those deceased died in infancy. The family attend the Presbyterian Church. n.maWS^^r ^^4— «-®IS<^'2ftW>» im. il^ohn W. Ostrander, farmer, section 26, In- \r gersoll Township, is a son of Cornelius and Elizabeth (Van Arsdale) Ostrander, na- tives of New York State. He was born in Dutchess Co., N. Y., Sept. 13, 1829, where he lived till the spring of 1853; then was engaged in farming for ten years in Oakland Co., Mich. In February, 1863, he came to Midland County and settled upon 80 acres of land in IngersoU Township, which he had bought the previous fall. Three years afterward he returned to Oakland County and re- mained there until November, 1871, when he came again to his farm in IngersoU Township, where he has since resided, and has 40 acres improved, and a good farm. He has been Constable two years, and in his views of national affairs is Democratic. Mr. Ostrander was married in Cayuga Co., N. Y., May 20, 185 1, to Martha A., daughter of Jacob and Rosanna (Bower) Smith, who were natives of the Empire State. Mrs. O. was born in Cayuga Co., N. Y., May 20, 1834. Their children are, Adrian E., Elbert E., James D., Jacob H., Charles R., Byron R., Carrie R., Lillie J. and Willie C. The last men- tioned died in infancy. thbert B. Emory, M. D., section 26, Inger- «||^^K soil Township, was born in the county of §■-•^5^°''* Holton, Out., June 11, 1849. His parents, ^^ Aaron D. and Jane (McVanNorman) Emory, \- were natives respectively of New Jersey and Canada, and now reside at Hamilton, Out. In his early life Dr. E. attended the common schools and other institutions of. learning, mostly the Homeopathic Hospital College at Cleveland, Ohio, where he graduated, in 1881. In 1875 '^^ came to Midland County, settling on a quarter section of land, which was a part of a tract of 700 acres, which had been taken up by his father in 1855. Since that time he has been a resident here, except three years in college, 1878-81. With his own hands he has cleared 50 acres, and put the ground in a good, tillable condition. He has bought a lot at Lee's Corners, oil which he has erected a good residence and where he now resides. Since 1880, with the ex- ception of a few months spent in college, he has practiced medicine, with good success. He has been Justice of the Peace three terms, and is now serving a fourth term. He has also been Health Officer for the past three years. He has also taught school one winter, in IngersoU Township. He is a member of the society of Orangemen, Good Templars and Sons of Temperance, and both himself and wife belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church, where for five years he has been Superintendent of the Sunday- school. Is Chairman of the Republican Township Committee. At Burlington, Ont., Feb. 21, 187 1, Dr. Emory married Eliza J., daughter of Capt. William and Matilda (Corey) Hall, who were natives respectively of Ireland and Canada. She was born in the county of Wentworth, Ont., June 11, 1851. Dr. and Mrs. Emory have had five children, namely : Florence M. M. M., Nellie C. L., Dunham W. B., Sarah E. V. and Ethbert B. Dunham died when three years old. starding Mills, farmer on section 26, Hope Township, was born in Nova Scotia, Sept. ^1^ 17, 1827, the son of Peter and Phebe (Wil- liams) Mills. The father was born in Nova Scotia, about 1795, and the mother in the same Province, in 1799. Both died in Southwould Township, Elgin Co., Can. Of their 14 children, six sons and four daughters grew to maturity. On arriving at the age of 21, Harding accepted employment in a ship-yard, where he worked two years. Though he had not served an apprenticeship, he was familiar with the use of tools. At the end of the two years, he followed his parents to Elgin County, and rented farms for seven years. Next, he came to Macomb County, this State, arriving Oct. 5, i^ V6) f r~- ^ c<^: ^sy t ^f'K®^^^ ^ <^tlD^(lIlv> Jl. -«4?? c m , .1i I I I' MIDLAND COUNTY. ^^ii.' 285' ^ /% V > t a 1^7, vbeie fur three jeais be teated £anns 00 shares, and also vodced on gcavd raads. Jan. i, 1861, be came to tUs anatj, being five dajs on the vaj. The move was made vitb two doaUe teams of horses and one sing^ He boo^ht 40 acres where be now lives, under the Gtad nation Act; and in 18S4 be also bomesteaded 80 acres on sectioo 36. Tbis land was in an entitdj wild state, and now be has nedeemed 73 acres to caUvation, and has good boose and barns. He was joined in maniage Majr r5, tSjr.lo Mis Lavinia E. Allen, dangjuerof William and Margaret (Foster) Allen. Mr. and Mis. A- were natives of Nova Sootia, of En^ish and ^iew Errand descent, respectivelf , and leared a £amiljr of two sons and seven dan^btets. Mis. Mills was bora Majr 4, rSjz, n Siova Scotia, and has been tlie motfaerof six ddl- dren, three o( whom are fiving. FoUomne is the record . George UHham was boia Apdl 19. r85z, in El^n Qk, Can^ and died March 29, r 87 2; Melinda L. was bom Fdi. r, t855, in El^in Co., Can^ Me- liUa C. was bora F^, ro, 1S57, in Ef^n Co.. Caau and died Fcit. 25, rS72: Solas H. was bora Jan. 23, i860, in MacombCo., Michu, and died March 8, 1863, in tins ooonty; Henrietta A., was bom Ang. 23, t862, in Hope Towidnp^ this ooonlj; W31aid J. was bora Sept. 6, r867, in the same lownsbipL Mr. >L is politicailf a Repabfican. He has been Justice of the Peace two terms, Township Tieasarer several terms, Coontj CorDoer fanr tenms, and was the Census Enoraetator far Ins snb-^tdct in rSSo. He and wife adboe to the Baiidst iaith. ^ i"^^.;. aamer, section r r. Homer . >jwnsliip, was bora March 4, 1844, in -J. Canu His parents are still resi- ■-. and aged iespertivd|y 78 and 72 When be was 14 years old he was 'iTiTxed to learn the trade of a Uadcsaith, be served three 5«ai^afier which he worked as a jviimejnnan. He found it detrimental 10 his health and finallf alwndoaed it as a vocation altogether; and has since operated as a fiarmei^ In the fall of r874 be came to Michigan and bou^tt I ro acres of land on section tt. It comprised two farms, one of 40 acres, the other of 70 acres. Of this, 40 acres are well imptDved asid supplied with good &rm building The cyclone of Sept. 6, t882, destnojred Ins building and seriooslj damaged bis stocic, but he has re-bmlt and practicaOjr recovered fiom the loss involved. He is a Democrat in hK political Vi&rs. Mru Phillips was married March 5, tS74, to Maiy Knorke, ot Kii^ton, Ont. Sbe wa& bora 3ibv. 9, r846. Fonr chatdtea have been Loro of tbis onion, as follows: WUHe, Feb. 7, r875; EmtsL, Fefc. 17, r877; Benjamin, Feb. 2, r88o; Sacah, Aug. 7, 1882. eorge Openo, g^Mxal fanner on section 4, Lee Towi^np, was bora in Hamburg, Cermanj, Kov. 28, r826, and was diree jears ^- old whoi Ins farents fmigrated with him to America. After Uvir^ six jears near Kocfaes- ter, N. Y., his fother came to Michigan and located in Milfbtd Townsfaipv Oaldand County, at whidi time only two log bosses had been erected in that town^p: be was therefore the third settled there. Pontiac was oolv a shantr town, and the whole ooon^ was wild. George's parents were Joseph and Mary (Soe) Opeiw.of German nativity and ancestry, who occupied a qnarter-sectioo of land in Oaldand County, where they died, — the former in the winter of 1879, aged 87, and the latter in r869, aged 66. Mc Opeco, the sobfect of tfas sketch, remained at his parmtal home until be was 25 years old, when he was married, in Milfoid Townships Oakland County, to Mis Jnfia E., dan^bter of James and Mary (Bddin) WUte, native of the old Granite State and of New En^and ancestry. Mrs. O. was bora in the State of New York, Sept. t8, tSu, and was seven yearsof age when bioa^bt, by removal of the fomily,tD Oaldand Co., Mkh. After maniagr. Mr. O. txmtbmed to reside in Oak- land Coonty, engaged in farming, iwtil r879, when he moved to this cxmnty arid purchased 440 acres, on sectioas 4, 5 and 8, Lee Township; but be now owns only 80 acres, trith about 20 i mp m ved. - The children of Mr. Openo by his first marriage are six in number, as follows: Joseph E., bora Ma^ 6, r854: Tbeodove U Feb. 26, t%6; Clement J., April 26. r858; Edwin G^OcL 24, r86!»: Hemy T., Jlatdi t6, t863; and Claia A, Ma^ 6, t865. Mrs. I A ^ ^ r .;:,-V^- >* " m 286 MIDLAND COUNTY. Openo died at her home in this townshii) (Lee), Sept. 26, 1882, and Mr. O. was again married, in tLee Township, March 27, 1884, to Mrs. Loudema A. Shinn (Reeder), 7iee Kee, a native of Trumbull f^ Co.,01)io, where she was born May g, 1832. She was first married, in that State, to Samuel Shinn, afterward to Draper Reeder, both of Ohio. By her first marriage she had two children, Lorena and Lewis, both of whom are now married. She came to Midland ("ounty in 18S3. Mr. and Mrs. (). are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church; he is a Democrat, and has held the offices of Drain Com- missioner three years, Juslice of the Peace four years and Treasurer. Is now Juslice of the Peace. ohn P. Baleh, farmer, residing on section ^ 20, Jasper Township, was born in the vil- lage of Nunney, in West Somersetshire, Eng., Sept. 8, 1815. Nunney is an old and "^r historical place, and contains a baronial castle 'milt by one De La More about 1,100 years ago. It is 66 feet in height, and its walls are from 10 to 12 feet thick. Oliver Cromwell's army de- spoiled it and left it in a ruined condition, after a severe bombardment, to render it of no farther use to King Charles. In this village Mr. B. attended school for a time; but in 1824 he entered an academy on the road lead- ing to Bath, where he studied seven years. He then returned to help his father (Henry Balch) in the business of butchering pork and dealing in groceries. He shortly afterwards visited London, then was at home for a time, then went to London once more, for business experience. He first came to America in the year 1830, with his father, landing at New York June 10; and after traveling in the State of New York till Sept. r, re- turned to England. His fatlier was in good circum- stances, and decided that he could do well enough for John in his native country; so the latter remained with his parents until 32 years old. He was in Lon- don at the time of the proclamation of the queen, and also at her coronation, in 1837. At the age mentioned, lie assumed entire manage- ment of the business, and a little later his father died, «S5» aged 62. A year after, Mr. Balch was married, his choice being a second cousin 17 years old. She was Elizabeth Savage, eldest of 1 1 children ot Richard Savage. The wedding ceremony was performed in Trinity Cathedral, Bristol, Dec. iq, 1848. The fol- lowing year, Mr. B.'s mother died, aged 72. He carried on the business "inherited" from his father until November, 1849, when he held a two- days auction to sell out, and started with his wife to seek a permanent home in the United States. They sailed from London Jan. 9, 1850, and arrived at New York Marcli 2. The first year they lived at and near Warren, Trumbull Co., Ohio, and at Youngstown and Coitsville, in the same State. April 5, 1S52, Mr. B. set out for California, leaving his wife near Warren with an English family. He arrived at the Golden City May 5, and after a stay of 17 months in California, returned home at the so- licitation of his wife. He came by way of Nicaragua, and the spring following took a farm in Pulaski, Western Pennsylvania, on shares. Leaving this in the fall, he rented another farm in Coitsville, Mahon- ing Co., Ohio, where he remained several years, en- gaged in the manufacture of cheese and butter. He made $900 in two years. He then lived for two years at Braceville, between Warren and Cleveland, after which he decided to visit the Peninsular State, with a view to making a permanent home here. When he arrived at St. Louis, Gratiot County (1861), he found five houses and a mill. He located the following year in what is now Jasper Township, in a rough and unsubdued region, and bought 200 acres of land under the Graduation Act, at 25 cents per acre. He resided on this land (section 18 and 19) until he received the deed for his tract, when he exchanged it for his present place on section 20. His wife and five children came the fol- lowing spring. After makmg his location, he took up the trade of shoemaking, without any previous in- struction, and for 16 years he devoted a portion of his time to making boots and shoes, succeeding re- markably well, in consideration of the circumstances. For six years after his first settlement, he and his eldest son carried on their backs all their sufjplies, flour, etc., which was tedious work, there being then no chance for "lifts" on the road. He generally carried 45 to 50 pounds of flour at a load, over a dis- tance of nominally eight miles, but which afterward i \^ ( I ^ (^^m^- <'W^M'^ r f S; '^Ssaf^r er pound. He also made a considerable amount of butter. Mr. Balch had no team until he reared some steers, and much of the clearing of his land was ac- complished by hand labor. Industry and economy have met their due reward, and Mr. B. b now re- spected as one of the substantial citizens of his town- ship and count}'. He is one of whom the younger generation now growing up can well take lessons. The family of Mr. B. numbers nine. Charles, I>aura, Albert, John P. and Henry were bom in Ohio; and Fred R-, Wlliam, Valentine and James B. in this count)'. .\t the first election which Mr. B. attended in this county (1865), he was chosen Super^-isor, which office he retained for three successive years. He has also been School Inspector and Treasurer, and is now Justice of the Peace. y^: V^ obert J. Crawford, miller on section 25, Laikin Township, is a son of Daniel and Catherine (Smith) Crawford, natives of . .^ Ireland, and was born in Hamilton, Ont., )y May 10, 1835. He came, in 1855, to Gene- ' see Co., this Stale, where he lived four years, and then he purchased 80 acres in Laikin Township, this county, where he has lived since, with the ex- ception of a year and a half in the West. He is now foreman in the saw and shingle mill of D. P. Waldo. July 22, 1861, in Buffalo, N. Y., Miss Carrie V. Cody, a native of Ohio, became Mrs. Crawford, and of thb marriage there is one daughter, Laura. Polit- ically, Mr. C. votes with the National party. osepb J. Winslow, farmer, sectbn 35, In- gersoU Township, is a son of Loring S. and Mary (Brown) Winslow, — the former a native of the Empire State, and the latter ol ^JT the Green Mountain State. After marriage I they lived in Barnard, Vt., until the fall ot 1867, when they came West and settled in Ingersoll Township, on land which he had entered from the Government during the administration of Frankh'n Pierce. He lived in this township until his death, which occurred March 20, 1876. His widow sur- vives, and is a resident of Ingersoll Township. Their seven children were all sons, named Joseoh J., Charles H., Loring -S., Jr., Curtis J. (sketch else- where), John E., William G. and Franklin P. The eldest of the foregoing was bom in Barnard, Vt., May 17, 1844, attended the common and high schools of his State to the age of r8 years, when, Sept. 17, 1862, he enlisted in Co. G, i6th Vt Regt., as fifer,and served in that capacity till August, 1863, when he was mustered out. After passing nearly a year in Vermont, he re-enlisted in the Ninth Vt. Regt., about .Sept 15, 1864, and served till the close of the war, being one of the first Yankee soldiers to cany a musket into the city of Richmond when that place fell into the hand of the Union forces. During his first term of enlistment he was confined in the hospital about three weeks with lung fever; but dur- ing his second enlistment he was not off duty a single day on account of sickness. He was in the terrible battle of Gettysburg, Pa,, Chajan's Farm, Va., and the last battle before Richmond, on the Williamsburg road. After his discharge from the army, he spent a year in his native State, and for nearly a year was engaged with his father on marble worit, lettering gravestones. He came to Midland County in March, 1866, and bought 80 acres of unimproved land in Ingersoll Township, where he has since resided, and has about 25 acre^ under gfxxi cultivation. ¥ ^ I 0r\x^m^ V 7'-' f '^: ■^^^^ ■%7^Dfl^ Pi m^^ "^^^ ■ «a :» « ■ ? ^u^ m/i^^ti- 288 f >0 o ^) -^ I MIDLAND COUNTY. -^^m\Wf^ Mr. VVinslow has been Constable three years, Justice of tlie Peace 187 6-80 and 1883 to the present time, Township Supervisor 1880-1 and 1882-3. Al- though liberal in his temperance views, he has been President of the " Red-Ribbon Club." In his politi- cal views he is a Democrat. Mr. Winslow was married in Richland, Saginaw County, June 12, 1870, to Miss Mary S., daughter of Gilbert and Dolly (Gibbs) Smith, who were natives of Massachusetts and New York respectively. Mrs. W. was born in Niagara Co., N. Y., May 25, 1851. Mr. and Mrs. W. are the parents of five children, namely: Lena R., Nellie J., Joseph L., Dolly M. and Ida C. J:['-I|v' c j per Township, was born in section 30, Jas- Trumbull Co., Ohio, Sept. 13, 1844. His parents were Peter and Hannah (Flick) Shiveiy, still Residents of 'j that county. He was brought up, attending the common and select schools and working on his father's farm, until 22 years of age, when, April 4, 1 86 1, in Mahoning Co., Ohio, he married Miss Pris- cilla Anthony, a native of that county, born Feb. 26, 1839. She became the mother of one child, Ida P., Dec. 9, i86r, and soon afterward died. Sept. 15, 1864, in the same county, Mr. S. was again married, to Miss Mary F. Folk, a daughter of John and Mary (Calhoun) Folk, who were among the first of the white race born in Trumbull County, which at that time was twice its present size, including what is now Mahoning County, the present residence of her par- ents. She was born in Southington Township, Trum- bull County, Feb. 19, 1846, and was educated in the schools of lier native place. Mr. S. continued in agricultural pursuits in the above county a little more than a year, then moved to Portage County, that State, and followed farming and lumbering two years; then, in Mahoning County, engaged two years in lumber, flax and tow, then he lumbered alone for five years longer, then in farming again for two years, when, in 1879, he came to Mich- igan and purchased 147 acres, on section 30, where he now lives. This tract was then all in heavy tim- ber; and he has since cleared about 35 acres, and put about 20 into good, tillable condition. He has on his place a remarkable well. It is 41 feet deep and throws water up four feet above the surface of the ground. On national questions Mr. Shiveiy maintains Dem- ocratic views. Mrs. S. is a member of the Presby- terian Church. V^ ■S=-=S= 4- r— i.:n lj|.olon T. Hutehins, farmer, section 26, In- jersoll Township, is a son of Perley and [l^' Percy (Peake) Hutehins, who were natives of Vermont and passed their lives there. Tiie subject of this sketch was born in the Green Mountain State, March i, 1820, lived in his native State until 25 years of age, then ten years in Massachusetts, in various pursuits, then about five years in Vermont again, then three years in Genesee Co., Mich., and in November, 1856, came to Midland County, purchasing 80 acres of unim- proved land in Ingersoll Township, to which he has since added 80 acres, and now has about 45 acres under cultivation. Mr. Hutehins was married in Nashville, N. H., May 4, 1S48, to Joanna, daughter of George and Ellen (Blake) Cooley, of finglish ancestry. She was born in Lowell, Mass., May i, 1825. To Mr. and Mrs. H. have been born five children, namely : Al- bert A., George H., Byron R., Edward C. and Eva E. Albert A. died Sept 6, 1865. In regard to political affairs, Mr. H. is counted Democrat. ^.^J!-J|— ;^.^ illiam Magee, farmer, section i, Jerome ^.li^SKiyg Township, was born May 16, 1842, in i'^^'ri'^" Canada, and is the son of John and Mar- s' garet (Cronkright) Magee. His parents were born in the State of New York and are de- ceased. Mr. Magee was, from the age of six years until he reached mature life, a waif on the tide of humanity, and managed as well as he could to support himself. On arriving at a suitable age, lie engaged in work in the lumber woods, spending the winter seasons in that employment, and farming summers. He also spent one year in a store at Port Rowan, Canada. A •<-.• sy ^ C', V r I 1 I ■(b '^ o (!) MIDLAND COUNTY. 4^^C(®V::; 291 In i860 lie came to Saginaw, and attended school in the winter and worked during the next summer on a farm. After spending a year in Saginaw, he returned to Canada, where he spent five years in the lumber woods, working on a farm and as salesman in a store. In the spring of 1S66 he returned to Michigan and settled in Midland County, where he has since re- sided. He first purchased a farm located two miles from that on which he now resides, of which he re- tained the ownership about one year. He has owned two other farms successively, and in May, 187 1, took <|% possession of the place on which he has since lived. ^ It was partly improved at the date of his purchase, and at the present 60 acres are in creditable cultiva- tion. Mr. Magee has served tcvo terms as Highway Commissioner, and eight terms as Supervisor, and is still filling the position. He was married May 20, 1871, to Frances Etta, daughter of Jeremiah and Laura E. (Smith) Holmes. She was born Sept. 5, 1850. Her father died Oct. 19, 1868, in this township. Her mother is yet living, with Mrs. Magee. The three children born of this union are recorded as follows: Georgiana E. was born May ig, 1872 ; Alma A. was born June 9, 1875 ; William A. was born Aug. 30, 1878. aniel M. Turner, farmer on section 18^ , Jasper Township, was born in Jefferson Co., Wis., Jan. 29, 1854, the son of Samuel and Grace (McLaughlin) Turner, and re- mained at home until 21 years old. At the age of ten, he came with his parents from the Bad- ger State to Lapeer Co., Mich., and a year later to Midland County. On attaining his majority he be- came the possessor of 50 acres on section 18, Jasper, where he has since made his home. Jan. I, 1877, he was joined in matrimony with Miss Ellen McCoy, daughter of Gilbert E. and Han- nah (Russell) McCoy. Mr. and Mrs. McCoy were born in Ohio and Connecticut, of Scotch and English ancestry. The fohner now resides in Jasper Town- ship; the latter died in that township, Nov. 15, 1879, aged 51. Mrs. Turner, their daughter, was born in Ingham County, this State, May 11, 1857, and was two years old when her parents removed to Seville Township, Gratiot County, and five years old when ®,^^(k^ they removed thence to St. John's, Clinton County. Here she lived 12 years, and received her education. In 1873 she came with her parents to this county. The three children born of her marriage to Mr. Tur- ner were born and named as follows': Nelson, Oct. I, 1877; Reuben, April 20, 1879 (died Sept. 17, 1879); Gracie, Aug. 22, 1880. Mr. T. has about 15 acres of his place improved. He is in political views a Republican, and has held the office of Drain Commissioner four years. ilbert Currie, deceased, formerly a resident on section 35, Midland Township, was born WF ^ Feb. 20, 1859, in the township of Haldi- mand, in the county of the same name, On- tario. He was the son of John and Mary 1 (McDonald) Currie, natives of Argyleshire, Scotland. The parents grew to maturity in their native land, where they were married. Two years after that event, in 1848, they came to America and settled in Haldimand, where they were farmers. After a residence there of nearly 13 years, they re- moved with their family to Midland County. They had si.x children, born in the following order : John, June 15, 1847 (see sketch); Margaret, Mrs. Cornelius Howard, Dec. 25, 1849; Gilbert, who died three weeks after .birth; Archibald, April r, 1851, died Feb. 14, 1865; Dougald, June 6, 1853 (see sketch); and Gilbert, of this sketch. Mr. Currie, senior, on settling in Midland, bought 53 acres of land, which he increased to 123 acres bv two subsequent purchases of 30 and 40 acres re- spectively. It was in an entirely wild condition, and on this farm father and sons labored until the death of the former, which occurred .April 2, 1875, caused by an attack of pleurisy. The mother resides with her son Dougald. Gilbert Currie received a common-school education and grew to manhood under the care and training of his parents. He possessed the sterling traits of the race to which he belonged, and had planned a life of usefulness and effort. On the death of his father he came into possession of 40 acres of land, and was engaged in its improvement with every pur- pose of pursuing the vocation to which he had been bred, when he was summoned hence. He died in Saginaw, April 7, i88r, from the resultsof an accident. I VS ■<■■,• 0) ^)^f#^ ^nnsnii>^-^ TT" (b MIDLAND COUNTY. #^e(®^-l^ The sudden ending of a strong, young life is a sharp trial for those who liave watched and rejoiced in its promise and development, but the after-thought, though it cannot give sudden healing to the wound, is full of rest and peace. The unsullied soul, the proud, hopeful heart, the aspirations of the ambitious nature, all found perpetual purity, unchanging frui- tion and eternal life in the liome of endless day to which they were called. The portrait of Gilbert Currie, which is given on another page, is inserted in this volume by his sister, Mrs. Howard, and his brothers, John and Dougald, as an imperishable memento of tlieir unfaltering love and remembrance of him who has gone just a little before, and awaits them and his mother within the glory and brightness of the spheres. .0 ^i I ^.J>fi§»lES» ■•'l',-'','-JI'^- 11 •■■ffxl Pennsylvania-German parentage, born Seiit. 7, 1812, and the mother born in Canada, of New bram L. Wismer, farmer on section 15, _—^^ Hope Township, is a son of Abram and '■^1 Isabella (Lincoln) Wismer, the former of England parentage, June 25, 1827. The father was by occupation a carpenter and pump manufacturer, and died in Elgin Co., Can., April 27, 1876. The mother died in Billings Tp., Gladwin Co., Mich., Nov. 18, 1877. Abram's grandfather lived to the venerable age of 97. The subject of this biography was born in Mala- hide Township, Elgin Co., Can., Nov. 9, 1854, and was one of a family of nine — six sons and three daughters. Three of the boys died in infancy. The remainder of the family are yet living. He remained at home until of age, learning his father's trade. He came to this county in 1876, and soon after bought his present farm on section 15, Hope Township. Of this 40 acres he has improved 30, and he lias erected a suitable frame house and barn. May 12, 1878, he formed a life partnership with Miss Ida M. McCrary. (See sketch of William Mc- Crary.) The ceremony was performed at Midland City, by Rev. W. H. Osborne. She was born June 20, 1856, in Onondaga Township, Ingham Co., Mich. To this marriage have been given two sons: \ViIliam H., who was born Jan. 23, 1879; and Adelbert J., April 19, 1882, — both in Hope Township. Politically, Mr. W. is a Republican. ^■^^ ^— ^ I eorge Higgins, proprietor of the Sanford House at Sanford, vfa.s born Aug. 24, 1839, (S~ ^ in Canada, and is the son of John and ' Jp J Josette (Scheler) Higgins. His father died in Springfield, Can. Mr. Higgins began his contest with the world when he was 1 1 years old. He has a natural a|)titude for the use of tools and early in life learned the business of boiler-making and blacksmithing. He went from the Dominion to the State of New York and came thence to Saginaw, Mich., about the first of March, r865. He first found employment in a brick-yard, where he continued five months. His next remove was to Tittabawassee, where he operated between three and four years. He went thence to the city of Saginaw and engaged in keeping a board- ing saloon. Eight months later he bought a hotel at Edenville, Midland County. He continued its man agement between two and three years, when the property was destroyed by fire. The entire loss was between four and five thousand dollars. He held an insurance policy of $2,500, on which he realized $2,000. He then came to Sanford and established himself in the business of hotel-keeping in a frame house on the bank of the river. It was situated on the flat and was subject to the interesting vicissitudes common to high water in this section of Michigan. The lower floor was frequently flooded and business suffered accordingly. In 1875 he bought his present location of Charles Sanford, and moved his effects hither in a scow. On his return the following day, he found tlie water waist deep in the lower story of the house he had left. May 15, 1884, he was again visited l)y the destroying element, fire, and his hotel was burned to the ground, together with a iwrtion of the furniture. It was insured for $2,500, and the furniture was insured for $500. At the present writ- ing he is rebuilding. 1 Mr. Higgins owns a farm of 187 acres of land on ^K» section 24, of Jerome Township, with 27 acres im- f® proved. He also owns six town lots in Sanford. He has officiated six terms as Highway Commissioner and as Deputy Siieriff eight years. ( fQ) i^V®))«^# -^m'^. p •ry MIDLAND COUNTY 4^^(@V|^ ■^9i J ^ He was married Aug. i6, 1861, to Elizabeth A.- ?p daughter of William Henry and Helen (Hilliard) '■II O'Connell. Her father was born Aug. 15, lySi.iii 'i Limerick. Ireland, and died Feb. 5, 1873, in Hamil- i ton, Can. The mother was born June 8, 1796, in the -^ city of Dublin, and died Oct. 20, 1873, in the same place where the demise of her husband occurred. Mrs. Higgins was born in Toronto, Can., Oct. 28, 1838. Following is the record of the children born to Mr. and Mrs. Higgins: Henry A. was born Nov. 2, 1863, in Springfield, Can., and was married March 14, 1883, at Edenville, to Hattie J. Stratton. The marriage ceremony was performed by Daniel Grover, J. P. George T., the child of this marriage, was born April 7, 1884. Helen J. Higgins was born Aug. 10, 1864, at Georgetown, Can., and was mar- ried Aug. 8, 1883, to W. A. Ryan at Sanford, by J. A. Sprague, Presiding Elder at Big Rapids. Anna Belle Higgins was born Aug. 13, 1871, at Edenville, Mich. Albert Higgins was born Aug. 3, 1873, at Sanford. atts A. Chatterton, druggist, Coleman, was born Jan. 14, 1856, in Ingham Co., .m^^i^r Mich., and is a son of George A. and Jane j||^> (Thompson) Chatterton, of English and Ger- man descent. His father, a farmer, followed agriculture several years after coming to Mich- igan, sold his farm and removed to Hubbardston, Ionia County, engaging in mercantile business; after a while he sold out to his brother, since which time he has been in the insurance business. The subject of this sketch received his education in the common schools of Ingham and Ionia Coun- ties ; was ten years of age when his father removed to Hubbardston, where he assisted him two years in the store. When he became of age he went into mercantile business with his uncle; three years after- ward he sold out his interest to him and engaged in (^ the grocery business at Bancroft ; two years after that I he sold out again and engaged in general merchan- J}^ disc at Leaton, Isabella County, and in two years he "(^ again sold and came to Coleman, purchased a build- -j( ing and set up in the drug trade, including books r^ and sundries, and is doing well. V Feb. 16, 1879, Mr. C. married Miss Eva L., daugh- ter of James and Amanda (Haver) Rummer, of Ger- man and French descent. Her father is living on a farm in North Shade Township, Gratiot Co., Mich., and her mother in Shiawassee Co., Mich., in 1865. She (Mrs. C.) was born Dec. 6, 1858, in the last mentioned county. Mr. and .Mrs. C. have one child, Elva L , born March 14, 1884. -» A A 7~r E>- ilbert B. Goflf, farmer on section 9, Hope Tp., was born Fel>. 27, 1836, in Licking Co., Ohio, the son of Shadrach and Hannah (Grabiel) Goff. The father was a native of Rutland Co., Vt., and of English descent, and died in I,icking Co., Ohio, in the fall of 1869, at the age of 63. The mother was of German de- scent and died in the same county as her husband. There were th^ee sons and one daughter in their family, all of whom are yet alive. The subject of this record remained at home until of age, receiving a common-school education. He then rented a farm for some four years, at the expiration of which time he came to this State and county with a man named Conard and four others, for the pur- pose of hunting and trapping. Conard and Mr. Goff remained, while in a few months the remainder re- turned East. For six years after coming, he boarded with Capt. Marsh, at Midland. He passed four win- ters in hunting and trapping, and devoted the re- mainder of his time to lumbering. He was united in wedlock April 10, 1866, with Miss Emily A Marsh, daughter of Alvin and Laura A. (Holmes) Marsh. Mr. M. was born in Tompkins Co., N. Y., and Mrs. M. in Onondaga Co., same State, near Syracuse. They moved to Saginaw Co., this State, in the fall of 1854, and came to Midland County in the fall of 1859. They now reside in Edenville Township. Mrs. Goff, their daughter, was born Sept. 30, 1847, in New Hudson Townshii), Allegany Co., N. Y. Mr. Goff and wife settled in the spring of 1867 on his farm, which he had purchased in 1861. At the time they made their home there, but six acres were cleared. He has added no acres to his original purchase of 60 acres. Three children have been added to the family circle: Gilbert B., born Aug. 27, 9 0) t I j:^ <^nm^'^ j^ j^^ ^k^^ ^^r®^^9<|- -^^&<^ r--7 294 V X .HUHU. • V MIDLAND COUNTY ) 1871, in Fveeland, Mich.; Krnest A., born March 24, 1873, in Hopo Townshii); and Laura A., Imrii June 19, i88i, also in Hope Township. Mr, Ci. is poHtically a Rci)ul)Hcan, bul has iini- lorinly dcrhiK'd the official jiosition tendered him. He and wile are members of the Seventh-Pay Ad- venlists. 1 le rememiicrs many interesting inciilenis of tile early years of this county, and regards Mr. John l.arkin with esiiecial gratilviile, for having in i8()j indorsed a note and Ihus helped him to get his first yoke of cattle. -v'^l^^l'f osoph E. Opono, farmer on section 5, Lee E- Township, is a son of George Openo, whose 11^.* sketch is given elsewhere in this Aii.um. He was born in Oakland ("o., Mich., May 6, 1854, and lived at his parental home, assisting on the farm and attending school, until he was 25 years of age, when he married Miss Adella E. Taylor, who was born in Milford Township, that county, and one year after their nuirriago they came and settled where he now resides. She died, of con- sumption, at her home, March 19, 18S2, a member of tlie Methodist Episcopal Church. She left one child, ],o/.ada 1,., who was born ^L'ly 7, 18S0. Mr. Openo has held the otlice of Township Treas- urer two years, and is now Justice of the I'eace. As to political issues lie voles with the Reiniblican party. -5 ■^■^^>^^^^ — jai'k E. Turner, farmer on section 51, Ias\ier Township, was born iu I'ulaski '^'iP'Jj^ 'Township, Jackson Co., Mich.. May 1, ylS(^^\ 1S41, the son of Henry and S.im.iiitlia (r>aker) Turner, natives of New York and Massachusetts, and of New I'higland ancestry. The father h.is followed agriculture all his life, came to Jackson County when it was very new and Michi- gan was n Territory, and is now a resident of Jasper Township, this county. The mother tiled in Jacksim County, about 1857. The subject of this biography is the seccnd child and second son in a family of four children, and was reared in his father's home in Jackson County. He worked for his father until 25 years old, at which age he was married. This event occurred in his n.itive tt)wnship, Jan. 1, 1865, anil the lady of his choice was Miss Mary Huik, daughter of Samuel ami llar- liel (Waller) lUuU, natives of New iMiglaml and of ICnglish descent. Mr. Uuck is now a resident of .1'',tna Township, Mecosta Counly. Mrs. Turner was Inirn in t)rleans Co., N. \'., Jan 17, 1847, anil came with Ikt p.ncnls lo this Stale when seven years of age. In A|iril, 1865, Mr. and Mrs. Turner came lo Cra- liol County, remaining l8 months ; then they returneil to Jackson I'ounly for a year, after which they car- rieil on f.irming in h'tna Township, Mecosta County, until 1878. In that year they came to this counly and purchased 80 acres of land in Jasper 'I'ownship. lie has now 35 acres improved. Mr. T. is a Republican and has held the minor offices of hivs township. To his family have belonged si.x children, as follows: Kali)h,born Dec. 25, 1S65 ; Fred, June 18, 186S; Eva, May 10,1870; Florence, Aug. 5, 1874 (died Se])t. 26, 1874); Lewis, June 28, 1877, and h'slella, July 10, 1880. ■— *w-^-i-Si^-- ^W^, j-^Ai'^^zra C. Goodapood, farmer, section 32, Tn- c U^^iik iu' gcrsoll Township, was born .April 11, 18141 (/||iW^ wheie is now ihe famous Saratoga Springs. *■'' His father, Daniel Cioods[)eed, descended from iMiglish parents, and died in Steuben Co., N. Y., about the year 1.850. His mother died when he was bat four years old. He soon fell under the care of a step-mother, whose treatment of the mother- less chilil awakened the indignation ol the neighbors, by whom his cause was defended and he maile the recipient of their kind orticcs until he was old enough lo coiUenil with the world in his own behalf, lie makes this [lennanent record of the kindness he le- ceived with a graliiude that has increased with the passing years. When he was 14 years old he went to the county of Tyrone, I'a., where he engaged in farm labor and lumbering four years. He went next to I'orlage Co., Ohio, and, two years subsequently, to the city of Milwaukee, where he stayed two years, occupied chiefly as a carpenter. At the end of that time he went to Huron Co., Ohio, and pursued the same vocation. (^ ■ <-• V 'Vi3J«5iK|' •^&. •^^tiii>:iin;>- k^OIL^ i^y^^ 5^®' :i^ u:^ <-^tlii:t:ilIl^^' T" i^@§^^ MIDLAND COUNTY. 9 297 V (J) He was married Dec. 24, 1840, to Cordelia Cain. She was born in Huron County, Nov. 30, 1825, and has been the mother of eleven chilren, five of whom are deceased. Their names are Elijah E., Edwin E., Daniel E., Mary R., Loretta F., Ada M., Willard, Alfonso and Alonzo (twins) William R. and Rosetta. The last four are deceased, together with an in- fant, twin child with Willard, the youngest living. From 1840 to 1865, Mr. Goodspeed worked at the trade of a builder, and also pursued farming to some extent. In the winter of 1863 he became a soldier for the Union, enlisting in Co. C, 38th Ohio Vol. Inf., his command being assigned to the Army of the Cumberland. He participated in the engagements at Buzzard's Roost and Resaca. At Kenesaw Moun- tain he was taken sick, and was sent home on a fur- lough on account of sickness. At its expiration he returned to tlie hospital, and a week later reported for duty. He was transferred to the Veteran Re- serve Corps, where he remained until he received honorable discharge. Soon after, he came to Michi- gan and pre-empted 1 60 acres of land in IngersoU Township. This has been his home since that time, and he has devoted himself vigorously to the work of improving and increasing the value of his home- stead. He has about 20 acres under cultivation, and in 1883 made an additional purchase of 57 acres of wild land. At the time of the settlement of the family everything was in the most primitive condi- tion. Supplies of all kinds were obtained from East Saginaw, at fabulous prices, and life was exempt from no variety of hardship and privation common to pio- neer settlers. In political connections Mr. Goodspeed is a Dem- ocrat. He organized the first school district in his ,township, of which he was Director 1 1 years. He has held numerous local offices. thelbert J. Brewster, Postmaster at Mid- land, was born January 31, 1842, near Coburg in Ontario. His father, Johnson -^ Brewster, IS still living in Ontario, where he has passed his life in farming. The mother, Mar- garet (Birney) Brewster, is deceased. Mr. Brewster was bred to the business of farmer until the age of 19 }ears, when he engaged in clerk- ing. He moved from the Dominion to the State of New York when he was 21 years old, and subse- quently proceeded to Ohio. In 1864 he came to Michigan and bought 160 acres of land, on section 27, in Hope Township, Midland County. It was all in heavy timber, and he devoted his time and ener- gies to placing it under improvements. In 1876 he had 75 acres under good cultivation, and the farm was supplied with creditable farm fixtures. In the fall of that year he was nominated for the office of County Treasurer on the Republican ticket, and prosecuted a successful campaign. On account of his official position he removed to town, and in 1878 purchased his present residence. He was re-elected for three terms. After the expiration of his third term he entered into a partnership with John J. Ryan in the sale of hardware and agricultural im- plements. The relation still exists, and their busi- ness has been prosperous from the first. Their stock is valued at about $8,000, and includes all kinds of farming tools, wagons, buggies and carriages of all kinds ; also the different varieties of stationary and portable engines, boilers, etc. Mr. Brewster received his appointment as Postmaster February 4, 1884. He is a member of the Order of Masonry. His marriage to Mandana McAllister took place in May, 1865, at East Saginaw. She was borti in the Dominion of Canada, and is the daughter of Angel and Harriet Mc/Vllister. Mr. and Mrs. Brewster have three children, born at Midland — William J., Hettie and Anna. Mr. Brewster's portrait appears on the opposite page. -— -<^« oseph Barton, lumberman and farmer, sec- tion 4, Mt. Haley Township, was born Nov. 30, 1838, at Rochester, N. Y. Five years later his parents went to Genesee, Livings- ^r ton Co., N. Y., where they resided four years. He was nine years old when they came to Alle- gany Co., N. Y. After a residence of seven years the family removed to Midland County, this State, where, in October, 1854, his father located 320 acres of unimproved land, in Homer Township. They died there respectively in 1862 and 1871. At the age of 22 years Mr. Barton became a lum- berman, and has been engaged in that branch of ^ 9 i-f. z=i •■f\- ^r# -^^^^ ^A4^|l !1 *^Ilt|v>^r:9 ^ijg^ Mf^/^^^^^ -r<^mm\\^> r^^ T '298 MIDLAND COUNTY. -^^ 4^^^(®Vl|^ business every winter save two since he came to the State. He was married Jan. 14, 1859, to Lucinda J., daughter of John A. and Lucinda (Cogswell) "^ Whitman. Her parents were born in Vermont and T New York. Mrs. Barton is the second white child (S; born in Midland County, and has lived all her life within its borders. At the time of her birth, the county consisted of one township and was unorgan- ized. Following is the record of 1 1 children born to Mr. and Mrs. Barton : Joseph H., born April 7, i86i ; Julia L., Oct. 6, 1863; Ellen, Nov. 17, 1866; Cath- erine, July 2, 1868; Roseltha, Aug. 23, 1872 ; Maud A., Dec. II, 1876; Floyd, July 2, 1880. Clara, born Feb. 20, 187 I, died Sept. 4, 1873; Cora, born April 18, 1S65, died Feb. 10, 1866; two babies died in infancy, one of whom was born Jan. 31, 1882, and died Feb. 25, following. After marriage, Mr. Barton managed his father-in- law's farm for a time. He afterwards bought 73 acres \ in Homer Township, where he lived one year and then sold out and followed the lumber business /^ solely until February, 1865, when he bought 40 acres of land on wliich he has since resided. In 1S75 he purchased 20 acres additional. It was all covered with primeval forest at the time of settlement, and all supplies were brought hither in boats on the Pine River. He has placed 58 acres under cultivation. obert A. Turner, farmer on section i8 J, jT Jasper Township, was born in Racine Co., .jiv^ Wis , Sept. II, 1857, the son of Samuel and J'"'' Grace (McLaughlin) Turner. He remained with his father in his native county until 12 years old, then came to Lapeer County, this State, for one year, and then, still with his parents, came to Jasper Township, this county. He lived at home, assisting his father on the farm, until 22 years old, when he was married, at St. Louis, March 29, 1874, to Miss Hattie Keifer, daughter of John Keifer. The latter was by occupation a farmer, and was killed in the late war. His widow now re- sides in Arcada Township, Gratiot County. Mrs. Turner was born near Portland, Mich., in .Ipril, 1852. After marriage, Mr. and Mrs. T. settled on his farm of 50 acres on section 18, Jasper Township, of which he became owner on attaining his majority, >5 by gift from his father. He has cleared 30 acres, and 20 acres are in cidtivation. He is politically a Democrat. He has held the offices of Township Clerk (three years), and School Inspector, and is now Township Treasurer. The four children now in- cluded in his family are named Lillie, Lena, Edith and Ethel. The two last named are twins. arshall H. Smith, the efficient and gen- tlemanly clerk at the Oscar House, Mid- land City, was born Dec. 19, 1841, in Warren Co., N. J., about five miles from the Delaware River, and is the son of James M. and Mary A. (Mericle) Smith. The former was born in New Jersey, in 1810, and died in 1880, in his native State. The latter was born in 181 2, and died in 1881. Mr. Smith was reared on a farm and sustained himself after reaching the age of eight years. The Southern Rebellion broke out before he was 2 i years of age, and just previous to reaching his majority he entered the service of the United States. He en- listed in August, 1862, in Co. B, 31st N. J. Vol. Inf. He was in the army a year and was personally en- gaged in the first battle of Fredericksburg, and the second fight at Chancellorsville, besides being in- volved in numberless skirmishes. He received an honorable discharge, and subsequently passed two years in the pursuit of agriculture in his native State. He then came to Ohio, and passed a year at Fre- mont, after which he came to Michigan. He was married Jan. 22, 1868, to Ella Thompson, of Lapeer, Mich. She was born in 1850, and is the daughter of Hawley and Betsey Thompson. Of this marriage two children have been born : Clifford H., who was born Oct. 31, 1869, and died Sept. 16, 1879 ; and Ray, who was born July 18, 1879. Mr. Smith came to Midland in 1868, and, in com- pany with his father-in-law, he opened a meat-market, which continued in operation one year. His ne.xt employment was in the shingle-mill of John Larkin, where he remained less than two years. For four years succeeding he operated as a salesman in the mercantile establishment of Mr. Larkin, since which he has acted in the capacity of hotel clerk. He has managed the duties of his position at the Oscar t ^ V g^y-? ^"V®))«^^ ^Jf^^rr" -Kmm^^> ■rr T<^Dn^IlU>>r MIDLAND COUNTY. f (^ House three years, and has secured the confidence of the traveHng pubHc. The guests of the hotel are indebted to his considerate care to a great degree for their comfort and pleasure while availing themselves of its privileges. ^'ji^ 1 5 illiam Windover, farmer, stockman and '} llEikl I'' lumberman, resident on section 14, Homer ,, Township, was born Jan. 17, 185 i, in On- 5> tario. Can. In 1872 he came with his father to Michigan and located in the village of Midland, where they remained three years, engaged in the lumber business. In 1875, they be- gan the purchase of their now extensive farm in Homer Township, buying 80 acres of fallow land, and not long afterward purchased 80 acres on section 15. A short time subsequently they bought another 80-acre tract on the same section, and in 1882 a fourth "80 " was purchased, on section 14. On the latter Mr. Windover has recently erected a good res- idence, at a cost of $1,000. In 1883 he bought 40 acres more, which swelled the aggregate to 360 acres. Of this a goodly portion is well improved. The place has a large stock and grain barn, and is well stocked with a valuable herd of cattle. Mr. Wind- over is a Re[)ublican in politics, and is present Clerk of Homer Township. He has served two terms as School Treasurer. He was married Aug. 16, 1877, in Midland City, to Mattie Starks. She was born March 4, 1854, in the State of New York, and was brought to Michigan by her parents when six months old. Ella, born June 17, 1878; Sophronia, Oct. 16, 1880, and Wil- liam, Feb. 12, 1S83, are the children born of this marriage. I illiam H. Mills, farmer on section 27, Hope Township, was born in Ontario, Can.. 29, 185 1, the son of Samuel and Sarah (Fillmore) Mills. The parents are of English descent, natives of Nova Scotia, came to Ontario in 1859, and to Midland County in 1861, where they yet reside. Their son William was ten years old when the family came to the Peninsular State, and has since made his home in Hope Township. He has now a farm of 70 acres, 30 acres being now in cultivation. June II, 1877, is the date of his marriage to Miss Annie Ostrander, daughter of John C. and A.nna (Pratt) Ostrander. Mrs. Mills was born in St. Clair Co., Mich., March 8, 1859, and when between two and three years old she lost her mother, and she therefore grew up under the care of her father and a step-mother. Mr. and Mrs. Mills have been blessed with three children: Ernest W., born Nov. 19, 1878; Estella R., Nov. 10, 1880, and Clayton D. W., Aug. 2, 1883. All were born in Hope Township. Mr. M. has been Township Clerk two terms, and is now serving his third term as Township Treasurer. -5 ^^^^^-i^S-V^^- ^n ^t|^|Sfrirain G. Thornton, farmer, section 2, Je- (5)^^^ ronie Township, was born in Monroe, Ash. ^v^ tabula Co., Ohio, April 9, 1840, and is the son \ of Isaac and Rachel A. (Goodsell) Thornton. I The parents were natives of Massachusetts, and the father died in Erie Co., Pa. The mother is living in Ashtabula Co., Ohio. When Mr. Thornton was 1 2 years old, the family removed to Erie Co., Pa., and settled in Greene Town- ship, where his father bought 80 acres of land, hav- ing sold his farm of 80 acres in Ohio. On this Mr. Thornton remained until he was of age, when he engaged as a farm laborer by the month. Five days after he reached the period of his legal freedom, the assault on Fort Sumter sent a thrill of amazement around the world, and five months later, in September, 1861, he enlisted in Co. E, 29th Ohio Vol. Inf., and was mustered out during the last days of December, 1863; within the year he re-enlisted, or veteranized, and was in the service until June, 1865. His first battle was at Winchester, under Gen. Shields, followed by the engagements at Port Republic, Cedar Mountain, Bull Run (2d), South Mountain, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. The regiment was then assigned to the corps of Gen. Hooker, Maj. Gen. Sherman commanding. Mr. Thornton was in the battles of Lookout Mountain and Buzzard's Roost. In the latter engagement he was wounded below the right knee, and, in falling, broke three ribs. He was in the siege of Atlanta and started with Sherman for the sea, but three days later I ^< •1 -^^5«|1 ^-r<::ilD^ilIi^i>-r- MIDLAND COUNTY. m,¥2'. -l»s«®^4® e -^s >0 is? was captured and was held prisoner at Florence until near the close of the war. He was paroled about the time of the surrender of Gen. Johnston, and was kept in the woods about two weeks at Goldsboro, N. C. He went thence to Wilmington, N. C, whence he proceeded to Annapolis, and from there was sent home on a furlough. He was so much emaciated that on leaving Annapolis he was removed from the the boat on a stretcher. On reaching home he be- came ill from small-po.x, which he survived as he had done the privations of prison life. On recovery he returned to Camp Chase, Ohio, where he received his discharge. He bought a small farm in Ashtabula County, which he continued to manage five years, and in 1874 he removed to Midland County, where he en- tered a homestead claim of So acres in the township of Edenville. On this he resided si.\ years and received his patent from the United States. He then removed to the place known as the "Ox-Bow Farm," which he worked one year, and at the expir- ation of that time he returned to his own property. He now owns 138 acres, with 30 acres improved. Mr. Thornton is a Republican and has served four terms as Township Treasurer. He was married about the last of December, 1865, to Tasa M., daughter of J. D. C. and Tasa (Brown) Hinkle. Her father was born Jan. 27, 1803, in Maryland, and died in February, 1 881, in Kentland, Newton Co., Ind. Her mother was born Oct. 5, 1809, in Onondaga Co., N. Y., and died in December, 1879. Mr. and Mrs. Thornton have become the parents of six children, recorded as follows : George A. was born May 14, 1866; Nettie M., Dec. 31, 1867 ; Tasa A., June 27. 1870 (died when three years old); Clare B., Sept. 21, 1S74; Charles D., Oct. 12, 1879; Hattie M., Nov. 6, 1882. ;';.I'-f[n.f'ohn C. Howley, farmer, section 27, Mt. - Haley Township, was born Dec. 25, 1845^ ■' in Leeds Co., Ont. His parents, Hugh and Catherine (Carey) Howley, were natives of Ire- land and are deceased. Mr. Howley left his native province when he was 16 years old and became a lumberman in the woods near Port Austin, Huron Co., Mich, After a time he returned to his former home, whence, ' not long after, he returned to Michigan and located at Saginaw, where he resumed his former occupa- tion of lumberman. His marriage to Lauretta T. Goodspeed occurred at Saginaw City, March 23, r877. She is the daugh- ter of E. C. and Cordelia (Cain) Goodspeed, natives respectively of New York and Oliio. The father is of New England parentage, the mother of Irish an- cestry. (See sketch of E. C. Goodspeed ) Mr. G. is 70 years old; his wife is 59 years of age. Their family record includes the names of eight sons and three daughters. Four of the former and one of the latter are deceased. Mrs. Howley is the seventh child in order of birth, and second daughter. She was born in Williams Co., Ohio, Jan 22, 1859, and came to Midland County when she was six years old. She was an eager and ambitious scholar, and at the age of r4 years became a teacher, in which avenue she labored until her marriage. Two children have been ( m born to her and her husband. Hugh, only living ^ ' child, was born July 4, T879. An infant died April /S 14, 1878. = Mr. Howley owns 40 acres of land in Mt. Haley (V>' Township, and has improved 20 acres. In his politi- "^ cal tendencies he is a Democrat and has held the minor local offices in the township. orx> ( ornelius Howard, farmer, section 31, Mid- ^^ land Township, was born Feb. 16, 1842, ®)^^t Ju <^ll!l^ in Dryden, Lapeer Co., Mich. He is the son of Nelson and Theresa (Beardsley) Howard. The former was born in 181 7, in Canada, and after his marriage removed to Lapeer Co., Mich., where he reared his family. Mr. Howard, of this sketch, grew to manhood on his father's farm and became a soldier during the first year of the war, enlisting in December, i86r, in the Michigan volunteer service. He was on active duty until in August, r862, when he was seized with<^ illness and transferred to the hospital at Keokuk, I Iowa. His father left his home to proceed thither, ^i? going to Detroit to take the cars. When near the @ city the team took fright and ran away. Mr. How- >* ard, senior, was thrown from the wagon, and received ^~ what was supposed to be a slight injury on his head. ^ A. * fi^ e* ) ^ ('J ^1? MIDLAND COUNTY. rMl ,<£r^ 3°i " He boarded the cars as he had planned, and reached Keokuk, two days later, where he died, Sept. 1 1, three days after his arrival and five days after sustaining a seemingly insignificant injury. Mr. Howard was discharged two days after his father's death, and returned to Michigan. In the fall of 1864 he removed to the township of Midland. He at once interested himself in the erection of a shingle-mill, the first structure of the kind in Mid- land County, in which he was associated with his uncle, Theodore Howard. They made the first sawed shingles in this county. Mr. Howard is the proprietor of a farm of 40 acres, situated on section 31. In political views and connection he is a Re- publican of decided type. He is at present School Director in his district. Mr. Howard was married May 19, 1865, to Miss Margaret Currie. She was born Dec. 25, 1848, in Canada, and is the daughter of John and Mary Cur- rie. (See sketch of Gilbert Currie.) Following is the record of the children now included in the family of Mr. and Mrs. Howard : Franklin G. was born March I, 1867; William H., March 14, 1869; Charles W., Sept. 3, 187 1 ; Cornelius, June 22, 1874; Archie, Sept. 22, 1878; Mabel, Jan. i, 1881; James, Jan. 19, 1S84. acob Henry Wismer, farmer on section r 27, Hope Townsliip, was born in Yarmouth, Ont., May 9, 1853, the son of Abram and Isabella (Lincoln) Wismer, the former of Penn- "^r sylvania-German parentage, born Sept. 7, 181 2, and the mother born in Canada, of New Eng- land parentage, June 25, 1827. The father was by occupation a carpenter and pump manufacturer, and died in Elgin Co., Can., April 27, 1876. The mother died in Billings Township, Gladwin County, Nov. 18, 1877. Jacob Henry's grandfather lived to the ven- erable age of 97. After the death of the father, the family decided to try Michigan as a home, and the three sons, with their sister Almira, settled in Gladwin County, where J. Heniy and Abram L. bought 160 acres in partner- ship, Sept. 15, 1876. Mrs. Wismer followed theni from Canada six months later, but died after six months' residence at her new home. In the spring of 1878, Mr. W. sold his interest in that farm, and purchased 40 acres elsewhere. He cleared this place and sold it, and in the meantime he rented 90 / acres where he now resides. After four years he bought the same. He has now 72 acres improved, a comfortable home and good farm buildings. April 14, 1 87 8, he was married to Miss Alice Mel- vina McCrary, daughter of William and Agnes (Mc- Williams) McCrary. (See sketch of Wm. McCrary.) She was born Feb. 23, 1862, in Lincoln (now Hope) Township, and died Feb. 10, 1S84, of spinal disease, leaving one son to her bereaved husband, — Freder- ick, born Aug. i, 1882, in Hope Township. In political opinion, Mr. W. is a Republican. ►^HiB-<^ 1 1 ''I i I '^ ilbur Lanphierd, farmer, section 24, in 'IIs^-^Jl the Township of Jerome, was born Oct. He is a son jK^'p 18, 1843, in Bolton, Canada. V) ^^Ik^' of Thomas W. and Eliza (Davis) Lanphierd. J ^ His father was born Jan. 9, 1810, in New "jL ^ Hampshire, and died Aug. 7, 1883. ^ He was a physician and spent his life in the^ practice of his profession. His mother was born *^ April 12, 1820, and resides with her son, O. S. Lan~=; phierd, in Lincoln Township, Midland County. They parents lived for a number of years in Canada, and went in 1845 ^o Jefferson Co., N. Y., and about a year later went to Livingston Co., Mich., where they remained about two years. At the end of that time they went to Highland, Oakland Co., Mich., and a year later settled at Rose's Corners in the same county. In 1S54 they removed to Genesee Co., Mich. The civil war broke out a few months before Mr. Lanphierd was 18 years old, and not long after that period arrived he became a soldier. He enlisted Dec. 9, 1861, in Co. I, loth Mich. Vol. Inf , and was mustered out Feb. 5, 1864. The regiment veteran- ized the following day and was again mustered out July 19, 1865, at Louisville, Ky., ai'ter the close of the war. The command was attached to the West-( em Army. The first battle in which his regiment | was engaged was at Farmington, near Corinth. The-fA. command remained in that position until about the (~ middle of August, and afterwards was stationed on^ the routes and bridges of the railroads running tO/ Nashville. The regiment was cut off from supplies <.^Dfl§IDf^ o. -^m I^^Jf I MIDLAND COUNTY. -^^K<®VM ^7s 1 V > (|n for two months and foraged for maintenance. It was under Gen. Nagley while stationed near Nashville, and was afterward transferred to the Army of the Cumberland and assigned to the First Brigade, Sec- ond Division, 14th Army Corps, under Gen. Thomas. Mr. Lanphierd was in the action at Stone River, Mission Ridge, and in the campaign under Sherman from Chattanooga to Atlanta, and thence to the sea. He was present at the surrender of Joe Johnston and marched to Washington, where he participated in the Grand Review. Leaving the army, he came to South Saginaw, where he worked in a mill for three years, and then he came to Lincoln Township, this county. Home- steading 80 acres of land, he remained there five years. Selecting this place, he lived the five years ensuing in Larkin Township. Since then he has re- sided on section 24, Jerome Township, except a year and a half in Oregon Township, Lapeer county. Mr. Lanphierd was married April 3, 1864, to Hes- ter, daughter of William Henry and Lavinia (Cogs- well) Bassett. Her father was born Dec. 28, 1802, and died Jan 24, t88o, in Oregon Township, Lapeer ('o., Mich. The mother was born Feb. 18, 1S04, and died in June, iS6r, in Oregon. Mrs. Lanphierd was born May 1 1, 1 845, at Mt. Morris, Genesee Co., N. Y. Following is the record of the children born to Mr. and Mrs. Lanphierd : Idella E., Dec. 27, 1864; Wm. R., born Aug. i., 1866, died five days later; Alibella, born Aug. 3, 186S, died Aug. 18 of the same year; Charles F., born June 9, 1870, died Sept. 15, 1870; Charles E., born Oct. 27, 1874; Andrew J., born Aug. r3, 1876. Mrs. Lanphierd is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. ohn Suiter, general farmer on section ig, |||" Lee Township, was born in Oneida Co., ^^ N. Y., Jan. 19, 1856. His parents, John and Caroline Suiter, were natives of Germany, |L and are now living in Oneida County, aged re- y spectively about 70 and 60 years. His father is a farmer. Young John set out in the world for himself at the age of ten years, at farm labor. Feb. 10, 1876, lie married Miss Susan E. Higbee, who was born in Lewis Co., N. Y., Dec. 11, 1854. By this marriage were two children: Burtie J., born Feb. 4, 1877, and died May i, 1880; and Claude, born Feb. 6, 1 880. Two years after their marriage they emigrated from the Empire State to this county, and subse- quently purchased 80 acres on section 8, Lee Town- ship. His wife died May 3, 1883, and June 18, fol- lowing, he married Mary E. Wright, daughter of Charles H. and Sarah (Scott) Wright, natives of Can- ada and of Scotch descent. Mrs. S. was born in Leavenworth Co., Kan., July 4, 1868. When she was a year old her parents moved to Ontario, about two years aftenvard to Lapeer Co., Mich., and thence, in 1883, to this county. In March, 1884, Mr. Suiter located on section ig, Lee Township, where he owns 40 acres of land and has commenced clearing. In his political views Mr. S. is a Republican, and he lias held the office of Township Clerk ever since the organization of the township. He has also been honored with other official positions, and in May, t884, was appointed Postmaster of a new office on section tg. 'F^^jili ohn McGregor, farmer and lumberman, '\\^£il-~ residing on section 17, Midland Township, V' is a son of William and Ann (Lochead) McGregor, natives of Scotland. They emi- ]L grated to Canada at an early day in the years of their lives, and there married, lived, labored and died. John McGregor, the subject of this sketch, was born in Glengary Co., Ont., Feb. i, i83t. He lived with his parents, assisting in the mainte- nance of the family and attending the common schools until he attained the age of 20 years. On arriving at that age he went forth upon the sea of time to battle against the trials of life alone. He had served an apprenticeship at the carpenter's trade previous to the age of 20, and followed that trade more or less until 186 1, when he came to East Saginaw, this State. He was variously occupied at the latter place until March, 1864, and then came to Midland City. On his arrival he purchased, in part- nership with Alex. Findlater, a hotel, which they con- ducted for about a year together, when Mr. F. pur- chased Mr. McGregor's interest. He then erected a hotel of his own, which was known as the " McGregor Hotel," and continued as " mine host" for about two ^ ttX:-iiii:*:iiii;^ l^^f -2«^&: ^V4^DD>:iltlv>r" r^^ I t >^ s> (i) MIDLAND COUNTY. ^ t years, when, Jan. 28, 1867, it was destroyed by fire. He then engaged in lumbering, which business he has since followed. Mr. McGregor was married June 24, 185 i, to Miss Jane, daughter of James and Agnes (Miller) Sproul, natives of Scotland. She was born in Stormont Co., Ont., and is the mother of 13 children by Mr. McG. The living are Agnes, William, Mary J., John, Mar- garet A. and Elizabeth J. Those deceased are James S., James, Ellen, Catherine, Daniel, Robinson and Elizabeth. In 1875 Mr. McGregor moved to Gladwin County, this State, where he remained for about five years. While residing there he was County Treasurer for two terms, and was the first County Treasurer of the county. He was also Justice of the Peace and held minor offices. Socially, he is a member of the I. O. O. F., and religiously, is a member of the Episcopal Church. His wife belongs to the Presbyterian Church. Politically, Mr. McGregor is a believer in the doctrines of the Democratic party. ^aniel L. Chamberlain, lumberman, Inger- ,11, soil Township, resides with L. B. Cham- bfV-^ berlain. (See sketch of the latter.) He ^JSi was born in Midland Co., Mich., July 11, C\ 1859; at the age of 16 he went into the \ woods, and ever since that time he has been engaged in lumbering, either in the woods or on the river. In his jx)litical views, Mr. Chamberlain is identi- fied with the Republican party. '^^^^■^^S'Wv^- J-Shristopher Kraniek, farmer on section 17, ^ Jasper Township, was born in Germany, iRjJ May 15, 1850, the son of John and Jane JL (Rhodes) Kraniek, natives of Germany. The father is now a resident of Tuscola County, this State; the mother died in her native country. When seven years old, Christopher came with his father to America. They stopped for a number of years in New York State, and in i868 came to Mich- igan and settled in Fremont Tp., Tuscola County. Here our subject resided until his marriage. This event took place at Colaml)iaville, Lapeer Co., Mich., Oct. 16, 1S75, and the lady of his choice was Miss Sarah McLain, daughter of John and Sarah (Gal- linger) McLain. The parents are of Scotch descent, natives of Scotland and Ontario, respectively, and now reside in Lapeer County. Mrs. K. was born in the Province of Ontario, Feb. 18, 1857, came to La- peer County with her parents when 15 years old, and resided there till marriage. Four years after this event, Mr. K. and wife came to this county and settled on 40 acres on section 17, Jasper, 30 acres of which are now inifjroved. They have two children, — Florence, born Nov. i, 1878, and Ernest, born Jan. 22, 1880. In political views, Mr. K. is a Republican. illiam Phetteplace, deceased, was a farmer on section 14, IngersoU Township. His parents, Eddy W. and Annie (Wlieeler) l> Phetteplace, were natives of New England. He was born in Chenango Co., N. Y., Jan. • 4, 181 8, and lived in his native county until al)0ut 2r years of age, when he taught school four years in Jamestown, Chautauqua County, that State, and one term in Carroll, same county. Next, he taught school three years in Nashville, Tenn., and then spent two years in Oakland Co., Mich., teaching one winter; then for nine months he followed various pursuits in Wyoming Co., N. Y.; then followed farm- ing for five years, with an older brother, at Rushford, Cattaraugus Co., N. Y., teaching two winter terms in that village; next, he followed farming and teaching for four years at Lafayette, McKean Co., Pa.; then farming again for nearly four years in Erie Co., Pa.; finally, in i860, he came to Saginaw County, and in March, 1864, homesteaded 80 acres of Government land on section 14, IngersoU Township, this county, where he settled and lived till his death, which oc- curred Nov. 18, 1883. He had about 25 acres under cultivation. He had previously disposed of 40 acres of his land, and at the time of his death owned but 40 acres. He had been Supervisor of IngersoU Township seven years, Drain Commissioner, Justice of the I Peace three terms, one of the County Overseers of Ky «; () ^^d^-^ .,;:;n_^ <^n!l^D!lA a. .:^^^f^ ^4^^ '304 MIDLAND COUNTY. the Poor two years, and was largely interested in all educational and other public interests of his com- munity. He was a staunch Republican in his views of national affairs. Mr. Phetteplace was married in Oakland Co., Mich., May i8, 1844, to Maria Wellmon, who was born in Chautauqua Co., N. Y,, May i, 1823. Mr. and Mrs. P. had seven children, named Eddy W., James W., Minerva, Phebe, Mary A., Sarah and Lizzie E. '■lesLsm^r^—hi ;|i— «-g|sS)/ZW(r»v. ■^: ohn S. Johnson, farmer on section 20, Lar- ff kin Township, is a son of James and Nancy A. (Sabins) Johnson, natives of New York, and was born in St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., Feb. 27, 1836. His education was only such as was afforded by the common schools of his neigh- borhood, and he remained in his native State until 1873, when he came to St. Clair Co., Mich. Two years later, he came to Midland County ; and in 1877 he homesteaded 40 acres in Larkin Township, to which he has since added 40 acres, and has now 12 acres improved. Feb. 26, 1863, in Jefferson Co., N. Y., Miss Sarah J. Van Koughnett became Mrs. Johnson. Her par- ents, Josiah and Elizabeth (Frink) Van Koughnett, were natives of Canada. Mrs. Johnson was born in Ontario Aug. 20, 1837, and is the mother of six chil- dren, named Edwin D. (died when two years of age), Frankie E., Ada M., Melzer E., Mina A. and Cora O. Mr. J. is a supporter of the National party. He has held the offices of Justice of the Peace and School Assessor. He and wife are members of the Meth- odist Episcopal Church. -^ A A T-T" Cl- io^ dwin D. McCune, farmer on section 20, Jasper, is a son of Samuel and Mary (Dennis) McCune, natives of Kentucky, i&- and of Irish and Pennsylvania-German de- i scent. The former was an agriculturist, and died in Stark Co., Lid., March 2, 1883. The latter is still a resident of that county. JL The subject of this biographical sketch was born in Putnam Co., Lid., Aug. 29, 1848, and remained under the parental care until he arrived at the age of manhood. He then went West, and after a time visited Missouri. Li Livingston Co., Mo., Dec. 21, 187 I, he married Miss Mary Wallace, who was born in the vicinity of Dubuque, Iowa, Nov. 8, 1849. Mr. and Mrs. McCune proceeded to Stark Co., Ind., thence after a year to Grand Haven, this State, and one year later they came to Coe Township, Isa- bella County. Here he carried on farming four years, when he purchased 40 acres in Jasper Township, this county. On this place he has since resided, and he now has 15 acres improved. Mrs. McCune is a member of the Baptist Church. Mr. McCune is politically a Republican, has been Township Clerk four years, being the present incum- bent, and has filled other local offices. He and wife have four children living — Katie, Charles, Gracie and Mary; and two deceased, — William and Daisy. ohn G. Bowers, lumberman and farmer, resident on the northwest quarter of section 13, Homer Township, was born April 7, 1853, in Rochester, N. Y. He is the son of John M. and Maria (Layton) Bowers, natives of Germany. His father died Oct. 14, 1879, in Bay Co., Mich., at the age of 70 years; and his mother resides in Unionville, Tuscola Co., Mich., 73 years old. Their family included eight children — two sons and si.x daughters. Three of the latter are deceased. Mr. Bowers is the youngest child of his parents and lived at home in the beautiful city of the Genesee Valley until he was of age. He remained there until he was 25 years old and fitted for the vocation of butcher. He entered into partnership with the man with whom he served his apprenticeship, the relation continuing two years. In the fall of 1878 he came to Huron Co , Mich., where he purchased 200 acres of land and was a farmer there two years. In 1880 he went to Bay County and engaged in lumbering some time, when he proceeded to Tuscola. Two years later he went to Saginaw, where he remained one year. In 1881 he came to the county of Mid- land and purchased 115 acres of land known as the ^ c ^ * I ©) mmm^ w /:Za^^a^eA^, -"X^^Cc^ ^ fi " *S-. c/kctyi.c^ S, ifUrj V MIDLAND COUNTY. -^sfj^ ^ > Rod. Russell farm," where he has since resided and operated as a farmer and lumberman. In the latter calling he has extensive relations, which may be es- timated from one season's work of putting in seven million feet of lumber. When he came to the town- ship of Homer, he owned a team of horses and $45 in cash. In July, 1883, he paid for the farm whereon he resides, and has 45 acres improved^ He is the type of man whose efforts and ambition are fast developing Northern Michigan into one of the finest agricultural regions in this country. Mr. Bowers was married March 4, 187S, at Roch- ester, N. Y., to Julia A., daughter of Hezekiel and Jane (Stevens) Hull. Her parents were natives of Pennsylvania and of English descent. The daugh- ter was born June 15, 1856, and was left motherless when only si.'c months old. Her father removed when she was but 13 years old to Rochester, N. Y. Mr. Bowers is a Republican in political faith and has occupied the position of Treasurer two years. The family attend the Presbyterian Church. lamuel Sias, farmer and lumberman, resi- dent at Midland City, was born July 4, |[|5*'^^ 1822, in Belfast, Maine, and is the son of Samuel and Ann (McLean) Sias. His parents removed in the year of his birth to Dover, Maine, where his father engaged in the two- fold business of farming and lumbering. He became a lumberman at a very early age, going into the woods as a teamster when he was eight years old, and operated in that capacity in his fathers interests several winters. As he grew to maturity he occupied various positions, and at the age of 20 was in charge of a lumber camp. At the age of 24 years he was in business in his own behalf, and has pursued the calling of a lumberman every winter up to the pres- ent time. Mr. Sias was married at Dover, Maine, in the year 1849, to Eliza Maddox. Samuel W. Sias was the only child born of this marriage. The mother died, and Mr. Sias was married April 10, 1858, to Mary E., daughter of Ahira and Hattie Sinclair, a native of Dover, Maine. Their ten children were born as follows : Herbert, Aug. g, 1859, and is a lum- berman in Midland County ; he married Mary E. Emery, and has one child, Arthur; Ella is the wife of Samuel McCravey, a lumberman of Midland ; Hattie was born April 18, 1863, and is a teacher in Midland City; Annie was born March 28, 1865; Lizzie, Feb. 5, 1867; Flora, Nov. 30, 1872; and Edith, Dec. 14, 1877. Mr. Sias was the proprietor of a fine farm of 100 acres, three miles from Dover, which he sold in 1861, with the intention of seeking a wider field of opera- tion. He came to Michigan and engaged in lumber- ing in the interests of Merrill & Remmick, on the Cass River, in Tuscola County. In June, t86o, he went back to his home in Maine, returning in the winter ensuing to Michigan. This course he repeated until he transferred his family and entire interests to Midland County. He bought out the hotel of John Larkin, which he conducted two years, at the end of which time he sold out and bought 50 acres of land near I he village of Midland, where he passed the summers in farming and the winters in lumbering. Mr. Sias now owns 150 acres on the Chippewa River, which is one of the most desirable places in the section, having 100 acres under first-class culti- vation, with creditable buildings and farm fixtures of every necessary description. A part of his original purchase of land is now included in the village of Midland, which was platted by Mr. Sias and sold in lots. He owns also a farm of 163 acres at the mouth of Pine River in Homer Township. Of this, 75 acres are under cultivation, and are devoted to the growth of supplies for his lumber camps. He owns also a tract of 1,000 acres of timber land, where he pursues his lumber interests during the winter seasons, and employs between 100 and 200 men. In the winter of 1883-4 he got out 18,000,000 feet. In 1864 he built a large establishment for milling purposes and the manufacture of lumber and shingles, also as a p'.aning-mill. He managed its various op- erations about si,x years, when it was destroyed by fire, involving a loss of $15,000. He is a stockholder in the Salt & Bromide Company of Midland, and owns a fine residence in that village. No more valuable and welcome portraits could be added to this volume than those of Mr. and Mrs. Sias, which may be found on other pages. The name of Sias is one of the most prominent and influential c^: ^^^^^^ ^A^DH'SIDi^i^^ ^^^ 4^^5f@>W » g))(^#*- 310 >^ V > t i MIDLAND COUNTY. -®5fe= i^^^((®^^ t in the county, and future generations, including their own sons and daughters, will prize in a peculiar man- ner the pictures of worthy and i)rominent representa- tives of the name. "OSiQSJt^^r i|fe.. avid M. Wilcox, farmer on section -j-j, jij i'gMg l Hope Township, was born \w the State of '^Wf''^ New York, Oct. 4. 1845, the son of Stephen '^*)r» A. and Amanda Melvina (Green) Wilcox. \ The father was of English and German descent, < and died of yellow fever wh'le en route to Mex- ico in the Mexican war, leaving two children, David, and a daughter now residing in Gladwin County. The mother, of English descent, re-married and is now living in Lincoln Township, this county. She has had seven children by her second marriage, five of whom are living. The subject of this biography was two years old when his father came to Macomb County, this State, and he was reared on the parental farm until the age of 15, wlien he left home to make his own way in life. For three years he worked in the lumber woods; and then, Feb. 28, 1865, under the last call of President Lincoln for volunteers, he enlisted in Co. B, 7th Mich. Vol. Cav., — Custer's old regiment. He was assigned to the Third Brigade, Third Divis- ion, Cavalry (^orps, and during his service fought in one battle, with the Indians near Fort Laramie. He was wounded in the calf of the leg by a minie ball in this engagement. After his discharge, Dec. 24, 1865, he worked for a time in the woods, then on a farm, and th^n for a year sold liquor at Midland City. Aug. 2, 1S68, he married Miss Amelia Eraser, daughter of Edwin and Elizabeth (Lewis) Eraser. She was born May 9, 1850, in the Dominion of Canada, and is one of a family of ten, eight of whom are living. By her marriage to Mr. W., she is the mother of seven chil- dren, oiie of whom is deceased. The record is as follows: Ora M., born July 23, 1869; Myrtie E., Vb (' c>: \ «;..'-• ^ <.;i]!]^:tlt];^>z^^ ^^^ m §-r^^^^ MIDLAND COUNTY. ^ '^i V (q^ % 3n Jan 26, 1871, and died May 30, 1873; Addie A., Nov. 25, 1872; Alfleda A., Sept. 24, 1874; Claudia R., Aug. 21, 1876; Fannie A., March 31, 1878; and Merrick D., Feb. 16, 1880, all in Hope Township. Mr. W. came from Ray Tp., Macomb County, May 20, i860. He now owns 40 acres of land, of which 20 are improved. He has a good residence, and also keeps a general merchandise store, being the only merchant in the township of Hope. He has been Deputy Sheriff 13 years, Highway Commis- sioner one term, Justice of the Peace three years (is present incumbent), and is now School Director and Postmaster. E erdinand McCrary, farmer on section 22, Hope Township, is a son of William and Agnes McCrary (see sketch), and was born Jan. 20, i860, in Jerome (now Edenville) Township, this county. He was married March 6, 1884, to Rosa B. Evans, daughter of J. R. Evans, of Midland City. She was born Oct. 7, 1864, and is the oldest of ten children. Her father was born Feb. 20, 1841, in Green, Trumbull Co., Ohio, and her mother April 9, 1842, in Coldbrook, Ashta- bula Co., Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. McCrary are just starting out on their voyage of life, and their natural good traits and the good will of their many friends insure them success. Ik imon Gleckler, farmer on section 26, Hope Township, was born Oct. 10, 1845, in '^Id.- ||5;'^ honing Co., Ohio, the son of Henry and Catherine (Beauman) Gleckler. The father was a native of Germany, came to this country when eight years old, and died in Columbiana Co., Ohio, Aug. 7, 1883, at the age of 73. The mother, also a native of Germany, is living witli a son and daughter in Columbiana Co., Ohio. The family of 14 included nine sons and five daughters, all of whom are living, and have arrived at years of maturity. All are married but two. The subject of this biographical narrative was reared on a farm, but has worked in saw-mills much of the time since he became of age, at which time he left home. He worked one year in Mahoning Co., Ohio, and a year in Genesee Co., Mich., and was th.en married. He spent two years more in a mill in the latter county, and neaily an equal period in the former. The five years ensuing he was employed in a mill at Coleman, this county, after which he settled on 40 acres of wild land and where is his present home. He has now eight acres improved. His marriage occurred Oct. 3, 1867, in Flint, Mich , to Miss Margaret Ann Denton, daughter of Daniel and Esther A. (Elvis) Denton. Mr. D. died in Catiada in 1867, and Mrs. D. Dec. 7, 187 i. Mrs. G. was born in Rawdon Township, Hastings Co., Can., April 9, 1845, and is one of a family of three sons and three daughters, all living. Mr. and Mrs. G. have two children, born in Genesee Co., this State : Eliza Kate, July 18, 1868 ; and Esther, Oct. 27, i86g. Mr. G. is in political views a Greenbacker. He has been Superintendent of Schools three terms, and is now serving his fourth term as Supervisor. He is a member of the Lutheran Church. pf^lj-j^ohn Loyer, farmer, section 10, Ingersoll m ^ (^1 ^^^fl«®- ■^mm J^ Township, is a son of George and Eva y,^''' (McLaughlin) Loyer, natives of Pennsylva- nia. His mother died in that State Sept. 30, 1845, when he was an infant; and his father " came to Midland County in the fall of 1878, and died in Ingersoll Township, April 20, 1880. Mr. Loyer was born in Erie Co., Pa., Sept. 26, 1845. In the spring of 1856 he came with his father to Shiawassee Co., Mich., lived there four years, then some time in Livingston County, one year again in Shiawassee County, then in Livingston County again until January, 1863, when he enlisted in the Fifth Mich. Inf and served till the close of the war, par- ticipating in the battles of the Wilderness, siege of Petersburg, etc. May 12, 1864, at the battle of Spottsylvania, he was wounded in the right shoulder, in consequence of which he was in the hospital about nine months. Being then partially able for duty, he made a special request to be returned to his regiment, although really in too feeble a condition to perform the duties that would devolve upon him. After his discharge he returned to Livingston Co., Mich., where he remained one year, then spent one Si/ '?■ ^m^ -:^^K — ^v<-:ii n ^: mi>-T^ — ^f»^ -i^^^^vl MIDLAND COUNTY. ^ ^ ) o. >:> season in Shiawassee again, then engaged in farming, and laboring in the woods winters, in Saginaw County, until he first came to Midland County, in 1869, and homesteaded 40 acres of land, in Inger- soll Township, where he lived six years. He was then two years in Saginaw County again, nearly one year in Shiawassee County, three years in Saginaw County, and in the spring of 1880 he again came to Midland County. By this time he had disposed of the 40 acres he had homesteaded in 1869, and during the year 1880 he purchased 80 acres of land, some- what improved, where he now resides. He now has about 27 acres under cultivation. Mr. Loyer has been School Moderator of his dis- trict, and Path-master. In his political views he is a Republican. He was married in Shiawassee County, Nov. 4, 1866, to Sarah M., daughter of John and Hannah (Fuller) Anible, natives of New York State. She was born in Genesee Co., Mich., July 27, 1850. They have three children, viz.: George P., Gertie A. and Jennie. ^^■---■> >J' jj oswell B. Gotham, farmer on section 17, |i^^(: Larkin Township, is a son of Solomon and 'l^'^C*'" Elizabeth (King) Gotham, natives respect- ' *W '^^'y °f ^^^ Hampshire and New York; and he was born in Jefferson Co., N. Y., May 8, 1837. He received a rudimentary English education, but was under the care of his parents only until 11 years old. Losing his father at that age, he was une.xpectedly obliged to make his own way in life. Until 16 years old he worked as cook on a scow on the St. Laurence River. Next he passed three years in Canada, learning the cooper's trade ; and then for three years he fol- lowed the lakes as a common sailor. In August, 1862, he enlisted in the loth New York Heavy Artillery, in which organization he served nearly three years. April 2, 1865, he was taken prisoner, but on the 9th of the same month (the day of Lee's surrender) he was released. After his discharge from the army he returned to his home in New York State, and there remained until October, 1868. On that date he came to this county, and liomesteaded 80 acres in Lincoln Township, which he afterwards sold and bought 40 acres in Larkin Township, where he now lives, with 22 acres under cultivation. Oct. 29, 1859, in Jefferson Co., N. Y., lie took as the sharer of his name and fortune Miss Julia Far- row, a native of that State. Of 14 children, 11 sur- vive, named Roswell H., Henry E., Lewis A., Caro- line B., Mary E., Byron T., Solomon N., Archibald F., David K., Julia E. and Vlaggie. The three de- ceased were named Bertha M., Violet A. and Leslie D. Mr. G. is in political faith aNational, and has held the offices of Township Clerk, Justice of the Peace and School Director. j^ eorge W. Frost, farmer and lumberman^ _.. section x. Mt. Haley Township, was born #■ May 16, 1818, in Oswego Co., N. Y. His parents, Benjamin and Polly (Sprague) Frost, were natives of New England. His father ' died Dec. 25, 1830, in Oswego Co., N. Y., and his mother in April, 1867, in McLean Co., Pa. Mr. Frost was about ten years of age when his father died, and upon him devolved the support of his mother, which duty he discharged to the exclu- sion of every other, resigning all chances for an education. In 1840 he was married to Abbie Loops, a native of Pennsylvania. They settled in McLean Co., Pa., and Mr. Frost there engaged in agriculture until 1866, when he came to Midland County. He had been ambitious to interest himself in lumbering, and to that end had previously purchased a pine- lumber tract of 160 acres on Pine River. He set- tled on section 3 of Mt. Haley Township, where he bought 80 acres of unimproved hard-timber land. He has been extensively engaged as a job lumberman, and during winter seasons has put in two million feet of logs on an average. He has also trafficked in real estate to some extent, and his home place now includes 240 acres, with 120 acres under cultivation. He has accomplished the improvements on his farm by the aid of his sons. He has two good barns and three dwellings on his estate. Mr. Frost was a second time married. May 14, 1865, at Adrian, Mich., to Mrs. Roseltha (Murphy) Marsh. She is the daughter of Palmer and Soloma (Nichols) Marsh, natives respectively of Connecticut and Massachusetts. The latter died in Pennsylva- ^ c^: r^ ^ (^ 1 f i))^€^ ':J^K 6V<4t] n *^: n ll^-t>V^e5 :Ji^^ -*4?^ MIDLAND COUNTY. 313 nia, Jan. 25, 1845. The father resides in tliis town- ship. Mrs. Frost was born June 10, 1841, in Che- nango Co , N. Y., and when she was three years old her parents removed to McLean Co., Pa., where she was married to Jolin Marsh. Ellen, only issue of her first marriage, is deceased. Two children have been born of her second marriage : Freddica, Aug. 6, 1876: and Millie, July 26, 1867 (died March 3c, 1871). Mr. Frost is a Democrat in political connection, and has held the offices of Township Tre.;surer and Road Commissioner several years. •^jejeE/©^®^— ^^^^ .^^^i^JSVV' X-H^.f^ |:* rson Cady, farmer on section 30, Larkin Township, is a son of Alpheus and Patty A. (Chambers) Cady, natives of the State of New York. The parents emigrated to this State and settled in Lapeer County, where they died, she in 1844, and he Jan. i, 1864. The subject of this outline was born in Erie Co., N. Y., Aug. 30, 1835, and was but four years old when his porents removed to this State. He lived at home until he attained his majority, and on beginning the career of life for himself went first to Grand Rapids, where he found employment in a livevy and sale stable for four years. He then went to Illinois- and rented a farm for two years, at the expiration of which time he returned to Kent County, this State, where he rented a farm for four years. Thence he went back to Lapeer County, his old home, and there ran a stage line 18 months from Lapeer to Pontiac. Selling this, he removed to Bellevue, Ohio, and opened a livery stable, where he was in business two years. I)is|)osmg of this, he was ne.vt for a year employed in Kentucky by a land and mining com- pany. He then spent six months more in Lapeer County, and in May, 1867, he came to Midland City, where he was for 12 years in the employ of John Larkin. In 1879 he bought 120 acres in Larkin Township, where he has since lived, having now about 25 acres im[)roved. June 10, t86o, in Ottawa Co, 111., he formed a life partnership with Miss Melissa Moses, a native of New York State. Their children have been three in number — Jennie (died when 21 months old), Jessie and one which died in early infancy. In political sentiment, Mr. Cady is identified with the Republican party. He has held the offices of School Inspector and Township Treasurer. I ^5!H^<^ ,rs. Hannah S. Murray, section 36, In- gersoll Township, is the fourth daughter . ^ ' of William and Hannah (Ryan) Spellacy, » ^ \ who were natives of Ireland and passed their entire lives there. They had four daugh- ters and one son. The subject of this sketch was born in Ireland, March 17, 1835 ; when 14 years of age she came to America and lived one year in Boston, Mass.; then lived about a year in Cleveland, Ohio, about two years in .Somerset, Ohio, and finally, in rSsS, she came to Midland County, Ingersoll Township, where she has since resided. She was married in Somerset, O., Dec. 25, 1855, to Edward Murray, a native of Ireland. She adopted a half orphan a year and a half old, namely, Sarah E., daughter of John and Sarah (McCuUy) Jelley, whose mother iiad died when she was only 15 months old. Thereupon the former took the name of Murray. She was married July 4, 1877, to Ed- ward Davis, a native of Saginaw Co., Mich. She has two children, — Orrie E. and Wilbur R. Mrs. Murray has a farm of 42 acres, on section 36, which she superintends and has in a state of good cultivation. ^^ -i- S3 gjlfc^fc ames Hanley, farmer on section 29, Jasper ';!'^^|" Township, was born in Ireland June* 4, sS'''"'^ 1837, and is the son of Hugh and Mar- Xp n^: n D>>r TT -:2if^^^ 314 MIDLAND COUNTY. iv^ ^ ^ youngest. He lived with his mother until 24 years old, and March 14, 1861, in Huron Co., Ont., he was married to Miss Margaret Sharp, daughter of Wilham and Elizabeth (Hunter) Sharp, natives of Scotland and Ontario, and of Scotch and Irish- derman extraction respectively. They are now living in Ontario, both in good health; the father aged 87, the mother 78. Mrs. Hanley was born in Prescott, Ont., March 17, 1843, ''*"'^ '^ the sixth child and second daughter in a family of 13 children, it of whom yet survive. For six years after marriage, Mr. Hanley was en- gaged in agriculture in Huron Co., Ont., removing thence to Oakland County, this State. After a stay there of a year and a half, he removed to Lapeer County, and jiurchased 40 acres of wild, heavily timbered land. He lived on this place 14 years, brought it to the best possible farming condition, erected good buildings ar.d started an orchard. He sold the place for nearly eight times what it cost him, and in April, 1881, came to Midland County and purchased 80 acres, mostly timbered, where he has since resided. He has now 20 acres cleaved and 16 in cultivation. Mr. H. is in political sentiment a Republican. He and wife have been the jiarents of ten children, of whom William, Mary A., .'Mwilda J. and John E. are living; and James (first), James (second), Mar- garet, George, Ettie and two infants are deceased. hineas F. Pierce, deceased, was a farmer on section 35, Ingersoll Township, and was ^■1^ the son of Phineas and Mary Pierce. He was born in Saratoga Co., N. Y., Feb. 15, 1842; fuv. when quite small he came to Lapeer Co., ^ Mich., and to Midland County in 1S57, buy- ing 40 acres of land in Ingersoll Township. He after- wards bought 160 acres and dis^x)sed of the fust purchase. At the time of his death he occupied 136 acres, owned by his wife. With the exception of about six months spent in Nebraska, he lived in this county till his death. He was married at Saginaw, Feb. 10, 1862,10 Miss Jane D., daughter of Henry and Melinda Mills, born in Lapeer Co., Mich., Dec. 6, 1846, and they have had seven children, namely: Rena J., born July 24, 1866; Eugene F., April 7, i868; May E., Jan. 24, 1870; Carrie E., Aug. 29, 1871, and died Aug. 12, 1880; John W., born Dec. 5, 1873; George H., Aug. S, 1878; and Harriet B., April 28, 1880. All were bom in this county except May E., who was born in Nebraska. Mr. Pierce enlisted for the cause of the Union, in the fall of 1861, in the Tenth Mich. Inf., and served four years. He was confined several weeks in the hospital during his enlistment. During his life he held the office of Deputy ShcrifT of Midland County, Highway Commissioner, etc. -+i^^ ^=^>- l^harles S. Sanford, faruier, section 27, elf^^^ Jerome Township, was born April 27, ^p iSi6, in Madison Co., N. Y., and is the son t(f of Peleg P. and Annie (Skiff) Sanford. His l^ mother was born in Massachusetts, and his father in the State of New York. They died in Paine.sville, Ohio. Mr. Sanford was brought up by his grandi)arents from earliest childhood, and he remained witii tiicm until the death of his grandmother, which occurred when he was 16 years old. His mother was living in Chautauqua Co., N. Y., and at that age he went out in the vicinity and found employment as a farm 4al)orer and also was engaged in shoemaking. He went thence to Ashtabula County, where he was em- ployed at his trade about ten years. In 1864 he purchased 1,000 acres of pine land in Midland County, and 213 acres where Sanford is located. He made the purchase of Benj. Dean, and the later tract was then known as the "Salt-Spring Reserve." It is the location of the first salt well in the State, and this is still flowing. Dr. Douglass Houghton, then State Surveyor and Geologist, who was afterward drowned in Lake Superior, superintended the sinking of the shaft. Mr. Sanford located here in May, 1864 and has since been resident. The place was named in honor of him as original owner of its site. Mr. Sanford is a Republican in political sentiment, and has officiated in the various local offices. He has been Township Clerk four terms. Justice of the Peace 15 years, has held the offices of the school district, and is at present the Moderator. He is the owner of a hay farm of So acres in Jerome Township. (' ^ ! 1=1 t 1 « I 1 ^»€»«- .^::;i. «-s»- "rmr <^W£m>T ry iii^'ji^ MIDLAND COUNTY. 3'5 '1^ A 1 V The place produces immense quantities of grass, of a coarse quality. Mr. Sanford was married April 26, 1840, to Eliza B., daiii^hter of Amos and Catiierine (Bayham) But- ton. Her [)arents were natives of the State of New York and died in Ashtabula Co., Ohio. She was born Oct. 22, 1820. Following are the names of the seven children born to Mr. and Mrs. Sanford: Sarepta P., .\nsan A., William, Adella, Ida, George and Chailes. ohn Windover, farmer and lumberman, ^|fe- resident on section 15, Homer 'I'ownship, ^ ^ was born June 25, 1830, in Ontario, Can. His parents, William and Mary (Peterson) Windover, were born respectively in the State of New York and Province of Ontario. They belonged to the agricultural chiss, and were among the earlier settlers of Ontario. They became possess- ors of 200 acres of land in that province under the special act of the English Parliament known as the Ueloilus Grant, which gave 200 acres of land to every settler of that year and the same amount to every child born within the year of the passage of the act. The parents died in the Dominion, each aged about 80 years. Mr. Windover obtained a fair common-school edu- cation, and when he was i8 years old he was a com- petent farmer, having been thoroughly instructed in the duties of that pursuit under the guidance of his father. At the age named he became his own man, and left home to take charge of his own fortunes. He first engaged as a farm laborer, and later became interested in lumbering. He became possessor by jnirchase of 50 acres of land, on which he labored some years, but owing to a flaw in the title he was dispossessed of his estate. He then spent three years on a rented farm. In June, 1873, he came to Midland County, purchased property and remained three years. At the end of that time he purchased 160 acres of land, on which he has since resided and operated, and to which he has added by later pur- chase. His place is well improved and greatly in- creased in value by the skill and judgment exercised in its management. Mr. Windover is a Republican in pcjlitical principles. He is justly regarded as one of the solid citizens of Homer 'I'ownship, and holds to a large degree the respect and esteem of the com- munity of which he is a member. Mr. Windover was married in December, 1848, in Richmond Township, Ontario, to Elizabeth Warner, a native of that province, born Dec. 25, 1828. She is the third of 13 children. Her father died in On- tario, in 1875 '> 'is"" mother still resides there, aged 74 years. To Mr. and Mrs. Windover have been born ten children, two of whom are deceased. They were born in the following order: Sarah, June 26, 1849; William, Jan. 17, 185 i; Mary, Nov. 12, 1852; .\nna, June 12, 1854; Wesley and Whitley (twins), July 4, 1864: Melissa, Nov. 17, 1865; Minnie, April 18, 1867 ; Johnny and .Sophronia. The two last named are not living. The parents are members of the Methodist E|)iscopal Church. illiam H. Tice, farmer, section 14, Homei Township, was born in Sullivan Co., N. m\vv-j^>-j Y., Aug. 20, 1840. He was brought up jfe5.> to the peiiod of his legal freedom by his ■A-iV parents, and passed the years of his minor- ity in obtaining an education and working on the home farm. The tide of civil war swept over the land a few months prior to his 21st birthday, and Oct. 7, 1861, he became a soldier for the l>nion. He enlisted in Co. I, 56th N. Y. Vol. Inf His com- mand was attaclied to the Army of the Potomac, and he was in action through 12 engagements, be- sides numerous skirmishes. He was discharged for re -enlistment six months before the expiration of his time, and he again enrolled in the same regiment, Feb. 19, 1864, as a veteran. He received his final and honorable discharge in Octo'.)er, 1864. He returned home and took charge of his father's farm and business, in whi:h he was occupied urrtil 1869. He spent several- years following in his own agricultural interests, and in 1872 came to Michigan and purchased 40 acres, on which he has since re- sided. He has improved ten acres of his farm, and erected a fine stock and grain barn. He is a zealous Republican in political connections, and has been Township Treasurer five years, in which capacity he is still acting. He was recently elected Justice of the Peace, and has served several years as School Inspector, being Chairman of the School Board. Mr. V© 9 A 0) '^^^s'-^ -^^^^ %K>I1 !I '^M^> \^Jj MIDLAND COUNTY. Tice has been a member of the Methodist Eiiiscopal Church since he was ten years of age, and has offici- ated several years as Steward of the society to which he and his wife belong. He was married Feb. 25, 1869, in Ulster Co., N. V Y-. to Artie, daughter of Peter and Sarah (Doolittle) Cudney. The parents were natives of the State of New York, of EnL;lish descent. They died in Sulli- van Co., N. Y. Mrs. Tice was born in that county, April 24, 1845, and resided with her father until her marriage, the mother having died when the daughter was tpiite young. One of the five children born to Mr. and Mrs. Tice is deceased. Following is their record: Orah E. was born April 24, 1870; Lulu C, Marcli 10, 1S72; Jennie E., May 27, 1873; Clara M., July 5, 1S76. An unnamed infant was born Feb. 4, 1883, and died Feb. 26, following. #^-- on. James W. Cochrane, ex-Senator from Midland County, speculator in real estate, 'f^' etc., at Midland, is a son of James W. and Permelia (McLaughlin) Cochrane, and was born in Attica, Wyoming Co., N. Y., June i, 1838. His father was one of the first settlers in the "Holland Purchase." Attending school until 12, he then taught a winter term of school in his native county, receiving as com- pensation the attractive salary of $13 per month. Then for three years he studied in the summers at the Rock River University at Mt. Morris, 111., teach- ing school winters. Returning then to Warsaw, in his native county, in New York, he entered the law office of Comstock & Healy. After two years of study with that firm, he was in 1S62 admitted to the Bar in Buffalo, N. Y. He practiced one year at Warsaw, and then came to Freeland, Saginaw Co., this State, and followed lum- bering for an equal period of time. In 1864 he opened a law office at Midland, but after three years' practice he again engaged in lumbering, which occu- pied his time until 1880. For two years of this period he was associated with Messrs. Brooks & Adams, of Detroit, in the ownership of extensive tracts of land. In 1870, in company with John Haines, he built the first mill on the line of the Flint & Pere Marquette Railroad west of Midland. This was near Averill, and he sold out one year later. Besides these enteritises, he has made several invest- ments on his private account. About a mile from the city of Midland is situated his nice farm of about 180 acres, 120 improved. He resided there six years, and in i88t removed to Mid- land, where he is now dealing in real estate and practicing law. He is a member of the Episcopal Church, and l)e- longs to the F. & A. M., I. O. O. F. and R. A. Politically, he is a zealous Republican. In the fall of 1878 he was nominated for State Senator, and was elected, his opponents in the canvass being James K. Wright, Democrat, and Henry Smalley, National. He represented the 28th Senatorial District with credit for two years, and was acknowledged to be one of the most able members of the upper branch of Michigan's Legislature. He was Chairman of the Committee on Public Lands, and a member of the Committees on State Prison, Insurance, and Towns and Counties ; and was appointed from the north part of the State on the Special Joint Committee for the Revision of the Tax Laws. The work of this committee was the most important that was brought before that session. He has taken an active part in politics in Midland County, and in 1876 stumped the northern part of the State for Hayes and Wheeler. He has been Chairman of the Republican County Committee, and has held several important local offices, among them Supervisor and Justice of the Peace. Aug. 3, 1869, in Wethersfield Springs, Wyoming Co., N. Y , he was joined in wedlock with Miss Helen E. Webster, daughter of Abel and Caroline (Doolittle) Webster. Mrs. Cochrane was born in Wethersfield Springs, April 5, 1844, and was reared in Warsaw, in her native county. She received a normal training, in addition to the usual common- school education, and graduated Jan. 30, 1862. She was the youngest member of her class, and was one of five selected to read at the graduation exercises. See then became a preceptress in the Genesee and Wyoming Seminary at Alexander, Genesee Co., N. Y., where she taught for one school year. The ensuing two years she taught mathematics, in the Cary Collegiate Seminary at Oakfield, N. Y. In 1864 and 1865, slie was Vice Principal of Cottage Hill Seminary at Poughkeepsie, N. Y., and then for four C (■ C< l-\®))^^fl ft®»- -^^^ — ^^-^^mi^iiiif^A^ -^^^ zJ^^ — crvC^nn^iiuy^v :— ~ ^^((®V(M MID LAND COUMTY ^ {■> (4 years she was Vice-Principal and teacher of higher mathematics in the Mary Institute at Carhsle, Pa. She resigned her position in this institution to be- come the bride of Mr. Cochrane, ("harles E. is the only son by this marriage, and was born at Midland, March 20, 1875. homas J. Carpenter, dealer in real estate i at Midland, was born July 15, 1807, in ^ Wheatland (then) Genesee Co., N. Y. He is the son of Powell and Lucy (Kellam) Car- penter, and was reared as a farmer's son, obtain- ing his education in the common schools. In 1 83 1 he came to the Peninsular State. He bought 320 acres of "oak openings" in Orion Town- ship, Oakland County, and cleared 200 acres, forming a first-class farm. In 1S55 he bought 400 acres of land in the western part of Midland County, lying on the Chipjiewa river, to which he added by subse- quent purchase until his aggregated real estate amounted to 3,000 acres, of which he still retains about 2,500 acres. In 1S59 he bought a half interest in a saw-mill in the eastern part of the village of Midland, in company with A. W. Thompson. A shingle mill was added to this, and six years later the entire establishment was burned, involving a loss to Mr. Carpenter of $2,000. In 1859 he bought 160 acres of land, now included in the site of Midland and constituting the northeastern portion of the village. It was platted in i860, and includes 120 acres in extent. In i860 Mr. Carpenter disposed of his property in Oakland Co. He has held numerous township offices, and has been closely identified with school interests since his settlement in the county. Mr. Carpenter was married May 7, 183 1, in Mont- gomery County, N. Y., to Juliette Clarke. Siie was born February 10, 1805, in the State of New York, and is the diughter of Samuel Clarke. Of seven children born to Mr. and Mrs. Carpenter, five are living. Delia, wife of Alfred Owen of Kansas (who died in Kansas, March, 1884), was born Feb. 14, 1832; Sylvia P. (Mrs. B. F. Thome, residing at Bay City) was born Jan. 12, 1835 ; Powell, a farmer in Orion, Oakland County, was born Feb. 8, 1837 ; Samuel C.,born June 7, 1839, is a carpenter in Mid- land ; Stephen I., born Dec. 28, 1841, died Dec. 27, 1842; Juliette C, born Sept. 29, 1844, is the wife of James Van Kleek, of Midland. TJiomas J., born June 26, 1850, died Sept. 19, i854- 'I'he mother died eight days after the death of the youngest child. Mr. Carpenter was a second time married May 26, 1856, to Catherine Casamer, daughter of Isaac and Prudence (Buchner) Casamer, born in Greenville, Sussex Co., N. J., Jan. 15, 183 1. Mr. Carpenter has been a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church since 1S27; his wife has been a member of the same religious body since 1847. The portrait of Mr. Carpenter, which appears on the opposite page, is that of a pioneer citizen of Midland City and County. ^t'rl^ Si^^fiC rancis J. Barry, proprietor of the Sherwood EJjijP House, Midland, is the son of John and f' '^''fS"-!\\ Frances Barry, and was born in County 3 Fermanagh, Ireland, April 29, 1842. He ^..^ learned the trade of cigar-maker, and wiien 15 years old came to Toronto, Can. Tlience he went to Georgian Bay, where he had an uncle on a farm, and two years later returned to Toronto, fol- lowing his trade of cigar-maker. In 1865 he came to Detroit, and in 1867 to Sagi- naw City, in this latter place being for seven and a half years foreman in a cigar manufactory. Tlie en- suing three years he was in the same business at Saginaw for his own profit; and in September, 1877, lie came to Midland City and opened a saloon. This he conducted until November, 1881. At that time he began the erection of the Sherwood House in com- pany with William Sherwood, and in April following the house was oi)ened to the public. It is a three- story brick, 50 by 80 feet in size, with cellar 35 by 40 feet, containing 21 single apartments and 16 double rooms; and having a large stable attached. A car- riage goes to all trains, carrying passengers to the hotel free, or to any part of the city for 25 cents , and horses are also boarded and sold at this stable. Since May, 1882, Mr. Barry has been alone in the manage- ment of the hotel, wliich has a good reputation, and does a thriving business, all well deserved. He was first married in Detroit, April i, 1865, lo Miss Margaret Parrett, a native of Canada. To iliis mairiage were given two cliildrcn : Richard VS^ 9 h 11=1 1=: 4 ( I eA<3D mm<>^ — ^^ » ?r^ ■^^tK-^B 0^ D ilri>v-6 :2<€^^ 4^^f 320 (^ (■■> (^ ^^/? MIDLAND COUNTY. at Detroit, May i, 1866; and Ulysses G., born in Siiginaw C'ity, June 15, 1871. Mrs. B. died in the latter city. He was wedded to his present wife in Mihon, Hohoii Co., Can., May 29, 1877. Her maiden name was Hannah L. Sherwood, and she was born in Holton Townshiii, Holton Co., Can. By this mar- riage Mr. Barry has a daughter, Harriet F., born at Saginaw t'ity. Tidy 25, 1878; and a son, Thompson G., born at Midland, Nov. 13, 1879; and an un- named son born June 20, 1884. Mr. Barry owns a liouse and lot in the east part of the village, five lots on Ellsworth Street and two lots and a half near his hotel. He is a member of the Royal Arcanum and the Knights of Maccabees. Politicallv, he is a staunch Republican. >WS' ?'.; i('7i >r?Yfi -1^^ )^^ MIDLAND COUNTY. T A >i V of Mt. Haley. The nearest neighbors were four miles distant, and the "staple product" of the county seemed to lie water, a fact owing to its flat surface. He has cleared and improved 35 acres of his farm. The family aie Roman Catholics in religious be- lief. Mr. McClowan is a pronounced Republican in his political views; he has been Township Clerk several years, and in 1S79 was elected Supervisor, which office he has lield ever since, and to which he was once previously elected. J;!P^--- V/ '-='=^' J: ^\i E. Oswald, farmer on section 30, Jasper k 'l'ownshi|), was born in Trumbull Co., Ohio, ^fv§^"^ Jan. 25, 1854. His parents, Jonathan and Catharine (Gamber) Oswald, were natives of Oiiio, and respectively of English and Pennsyl- vania-German descent. The father, a farmer and mechanic, died in Ohio, April 14, 1882. The mother died in the same State, Feb. 28, 1884. Their family numbered 12, 1 i of whom are now living. The eighth of these, and fourth son, remained at home until 20 years old, and then began work at blacksmithing, in which trade he had served a two years' apprenticeship. This occupation not being suited to his health, he abandoned it, and de- voted his time to farming and to carpentry. In August, 1876, he came with his brother to this county and purchased 40 acres on section 19, Jasper. He sold this in the fall of 1880 and established a restau- rant at St. Louis, which he managed six months. He then came back to Jasper Township and purchased 40 acres on section 30, where he has since made his home. He has improved ten acres. Nov. 10, 1880, he was united in marriage to Miss Lucy Depue, daughter of William T. and Sarah C. Depue. She was born in Jasper Township, Oct. 18, 1863, and lived at home until her marriage, being educated in the common school, and also at the St. Louis High School. Mr. Oswald has been Township Treasurer two years. Highway Commissioner one year, and has served in various minor offices. He votes the Re- C >) publican ticket. <>J5o~ i ^ h ( 'Slj^^Jfndrew Hannah, farmer and lumberman, ■^Kia/WP ijt-Qtion 24, Porter Township, was born Jan. I, 18 1 9, in Ayrshire, Scotland. His father, Andrew Hannah, who was a native of the \g same shire, and a spinner and weaver by voca- 1 tion, died in 1S22, when he, the son, was but three years of age, and on the death of his father he was taken in charge by his paternal grandfather. He was brought to America by the latter when he was eight years of age, and all trace of his mother is lost. His grandfather died in Ontario, Canada. Mr. Hannah went when he was 19 years old to Upper Canada, where he remained until he was 28 years old, engaged in the various departments of lumbering. He was first married to Mary A. Han- nah, who was born in the State of New York about the year r828. She afterward went to Upper Cana- da, where she lived until her marriage. She died in September, 1857, in Haldimand Co., Can., and is now /p) survived by four of the six children of whom she was the mother. Mr. Hannah came to East Sagi- naw in 1865, where he was married to Mrs. Sophia (Hannah) Hale, who was boVn Nov. 3, 1834, in Up- per Canada. Her mother died when she was six years old, and she spent her time in self-support and 1.'-a ^«»«^^ — ^^c^iinsniif^^^r^- 7<^nii:g(ii]f>v /^-•^ -«^ i^^(<^X:( •32i MIDLAND COUNTY. W. ^m J f (^ with her father until 1857, when she became the wife of Richard Hale. She was widowed the follow- ing year. Two years after the second marriage of Mr. Hannah, he removed to Midland County and entered a homestead claim of 160 acres of timbered land. Of this he has placed 20 acres under improve- ments, and his farm has proved the wisdom of his choice, as its soil is of the best character. Mr. Hannah is a Republican in political principles, and has held the position of Justice of the Peace three years ; has occupied the various school offices. The family are Presbyterians in religious convictions. Charles, born March 27, 1867 ; Christenia, Aug. 2, 1872; Jennie, Dec. 16, 1875; Frederick, Sept. 24, 1877, — are the names of the children born of the second marriace of Mr. and Mrs. Hannah. ^'ohn Gorman, farmer and blacksmith, resi- J^^Ik" dent on section 36, Mt. Haley Township, swi^'y \vas born in Ireland, July 30, 1832, and emigrated to the New World when he was less than ten years old, brought hither by his par- ents, who made their first location in Ontario, Dominion of Canada. He became the master of his own forcnnes wlien he was 15 years old, and was variously employed until he was 20 years old, when he went to Cleveland, Ohio, and found employment in the blacksmith shops of that city, oiierating as as- sistant for five years in that vocation. He then came to Detroit, where he "took a fire " in a shop and re- mained in the position about t2 years. At the ex- piration of that time, he went to East Saginaw and was similarly engaged until 1S76. In that year he came to Midland County and became the proprietor by purchase of 40 acres of partly improved land. Of this, 20 acres are noiv under cultivation. Since his residence in Mt. Haley Township, he has devoted most of the winter seasons to the pursuit of his trade at East Saginaw. His marriage to Maria N. Clancy occurred March 4, 1862, at Detroit. She is a native of Ireland, and was born Sept. 29, 1837. Her parents came to America when she was ten years old. Of eight chil- dren born of her marriage four survive — Lizzie, John H., May and Willie. Mr. Gorman is a Democrat in political connection; the family are members of the Roman Catholic Church. eorge W. Van Wegen, farmer on section 31, Larkin Townsliip, is a son of Daniel and Mary (C'uykcndall) Van Wegen, na- yj^ tives of Cayuga Co., N. Y., and was born in Allegany Co., N. Y., May 22, 1830. He was I reared in that State and in Pennsylvania, whither his parents removed, and his home was in the Keystone State until 1880. He then came to Saginaw County, this Slate, where he lived one year; and in January, 1S82, he came to Midland County and purchased 80 acres in Larkin Township. Here he now resides, and he has subdued to cultivation 25 acres. June 6, 1S54, in Jefferson Co., Pa., he took as the life partner of his sorrows and joys Miss Cinderella Munger, daughter of Charles and Rachel (Cutler) Munger, natives of the State of New York. She was born in Livingston County, that State, Sept. 27, 1837. The six children now belonging to this family are named Willard W., Henry H., Elmer N., Grace D., May B. and Charles N. Mr. Yan W. supports the Republican party, and has been School Director. He and wife are mem- bers of the Methodist Ejiiscopal Churcli. ;$Jharles M. Parmelee, farmer, section 36, ^llifpfa^ Ingersoll Townshii), is a son of Harry ^1^ and Elizabeth (Freeman) Parmelee, natives m of New Hampshire. The former died in In- j gersoU Township, Oct. 29, 1872, and the latter in Marshalltown, Iowa, July 30, 1882. Charles M. was born in Wayne ("o., Mich., A\n'\\ 21, 1837; from 14 to 19 years of age he lived in Windsor, Ont., employed in a machine shop for three years and two years as engineer on the (ireat West- ern Railroad; then for two years he ran nn engine from Rouse's Point in Vermont to White River Tunction. Returning to Michigan, he enlisted, Nov. i , 1S61, in the "Brady Sharpshooters," which was made the 11th Company of the 16th Mich. Inf, and he I ^> 9 c^: v/ *: fr'. rv^^^#- <^[l!l^^^D^> -a.^. l>5«^^ raCJ^ :^~N MIDLAND COUNTY. 1 ■^ i^ ■ >■ 1=1 I served three years. At the battle of Cold Harbor he was taken prisoner, but remained in the enemy's hands only about eight liours, when he was re-cap- tured by Gen. Custer's forces. He was in 22 engage- ments, prominent among which were the battles of Big Bethel, Gaines' Mill, Malvern Hill, second Bull Run, Antietam, Gettysburg, Fredericksburg, siege of Yorktown, Siiarpsburg, etc. He was able for duty every day while in the service. After the war he returned to Michigan, but soon went to Chicago, where he had charge of the tele- graph lines from that city to Quincy, 111., for two years. He then went to Cleveland, Ohio, and had charge of the "United States" lines from Chicago to Buffalo for nearly a year. Next, he was employed by the Western Union Telegraph Company about a year, having his headquarters at Dunkirk, N. Y. Then he kei)t a grocery in Saginaw County, this State, almost two years ; sold out and passed a winter in Chicago; disposed of an improved farm which he owned near Mendota, III.; and .finally, in March, 1870, he came to Midland County and purchased 80 acres of land in Ingersoll Township, where he has since lived, and now has almost 70 acres improved. In politics, Mr. Parmelee is independent. He was married in Saginaw Co., Mich., July 4, 1865,10 Elizabeth, daughter of William and Ann Glover, tiie former a native of Scotland and the latter of Ireland. Mrs. P. was born in Cincinnati, O., Dec. 25, 1847. Mr. and Mrs. Parmelee are the parents of five children, namely: Charles H , Chira M., Otis S., Annie I,, and George A. Tlie first two are deceased. ohn Salsbury, farmer, section 16, Jasper f Township, was born in Camden Township; Ontario, July 30, 1845. His parents, Luke and Sarah (Lee) Salsluiry, were natives also of ]L the Dominion, and are now deceased, — the former departing this life in 1879, at the age of 76, and the latter in 1881, aged 68: father was a farmer. In the above family of four sons and five daugh- ters, the subject of this sketch was the eighth. He lived with jiis parents, assisting on the farm and attending the common school, until he was 27 years of age, when he was married, in DeKalb Co., 111., May 5, 1873, to Miss Mercy Davis, a daughter of E. R. and Matilda (Huff) Davis, natives of Ontario, and of German and French descent. Mrs. S. was born June 22, t85o. She and Mr. S. are parents of one child. May, born April 2, 1876. Directly after marriage Mr. Salsbury came to Bay Co., Mich., and a year later to this county, settling on his present place. Of his original purchase of 160 acres he now owns 120 acres, of wiiich 45 is in a good state of cultivation; has also two barns and two dwellings on his place. He is laying well the foundations of a good home. He has held several offices in his township, and in his political principles he is a Republican. . 000 . oc5o~ J soil Township, is a son of Frederick and |^(^^ Betsey (Hoisted) Hare, who were natives 'Wk, of the Empire State, moved to Lenawee Co., ^ Mich., then to Hillsdale County, where they 5 lived the remainder of their days. The subject of this sketch was born in Onondaga Co., N. Y., April 15, 1828. In the fall of 1853, when he was 26 years of age, he came to Michigan and purchased a farm in Hillsdale County, and, after cultivating that place two years, he sold out and re- turned to New York State. In April, 1856, he bought 80 acres of unimproved land in Ingersoll Township, on which he settled two years later. He now has about 30 acres in good cultivation. He also purchased 88 acres in Saginaw County, which he afterward disposed of. In the fall of 1882 he bought a saw-mill in Saginaw County, which he operated until May, 1883. Mr. Hare has been County Superintendent of the Poor three years, Township Treasurer eight years, Justice of the Peace eight years and School Director three years. He entertains Republican views of national affairs, and both himself and wife belong to the Methodist Episcopal Church. In the fall of 1864, Mr. Hare enlisted in the 29th Mich. Inf. and served until he was honorably dis- charged after the close of the war, at Camp Douglas, near Chicago. At the battle of Decatur, Ala., he was taken sick, and was confined in the hospital most K^ eeatur A. Hare, farmer, section ^6, Inger- ( ^ % §)^^^ jL^ ^mnm<>^ ^^^^^ -6V<^ 324 : : ) 3 ■^ of the lime afterward until the dale of his discharge. Oct. lo, 1849, in Niagara Co., N. Y., Mr. Hare was married to Miss Jeannette F., daughter of George and Julia (Stebbins) Brown, lier father a na- tive of New Hampshire and her motiier of Con- necticut. She was born in Monroe Co., N. Y., Oct. 17, 1827. Mr. and Mrs. Hare are the parents of eight children; the four living are Mary J., George F., Asahel M. and Willie S.; and the deceased are Elizabeth A., Willie D., Josejjh C. and an infant. -^^-^%-^ 4',^ Ci. -f^^^ ^^^ f i i 1 ^ (!) MIDLAND COUNTY. -e®S> l^^((sV§ 325 two sons. Two of the former and one of the latter are dead. Mr. Oliver was the eldest child of his parents and lived at home assisting on the farm of his father un- til he was of age. On attaining liis majority he came to St. Thomas, Ont., where he became the owner of 100 acres of land and pursued the calling of a farmer until the fall of 1873, when he came to Michigan and purchased 40 acres of land in Porter Township, where he has since devoted liis attention to his interests as an agriculturist. He has improved 30 acres and increased the material value of the place by the addition of suitable farm buildings. Mr. Oliver is a Democrat in his political relations, and has been the incumbent of the various offices in his school district. He was married in January, 1851, to Ann Maugh- ey. She is a native of County Tyrone, Ireland, and was born in July, 1827. .She came when in girlhood to Canada with her parents. Ten children have been born of her marriage, named as follows : Catherine, Rachel, Dinah, John, Ellen, Anna, Alice, Mary A., Samuel and Francis. The four last named are dead. The daughters are ail married except Anna. illiam L. Stearns, real-estate broker, resi- dent at Midland City, was born March jm:r i'^3°> ''i Brunswick, Medina t'o., Ohio, •^kSi, '^"d is a son of Daniel and Mary (Mclntyre) Stearns. His parents were both of New En- ,laiid origin. The former was born Sept. 29, 1795, the latter Jan. .S, 1797. They were married Dec. 27, 1826, at Wadsworth, Medina Co., Ohio. The paternal grandparents of Mr. Stearns, John and Lucy Stearns, removed to Medina County vi'ith their family and entered vigorously into pioneer labor in the township of Brunswick, where they were among the firstof the permanent settlers. To that date, previ- ous comers had made their way to their new homes witho.\ teams. The transit of the family and effects of the Stearns household was effected by means of a two-horse team, driven by Daniel Stearns from Cleve- land, where they left the boat, to Medina ('ounty. These were the first horses driven into Medina County. The Mclntyre family were also pioneers of that County. The family of John Stearns included six sons and one daughter: John M. and Lucy M., eldest born, were twins; William L., Frank M., David E., Daniel M. and Charles W. are the names of the others, and are all living, except the eldest son, who died in 1S61, and the father of Mr. Stearns, whose demise occurred Jan. 2, 1873, at Berea, Cuyahoga Co., Ohio, whither he had removed with his family in 1844. He was a farmer all his life, but from his tem[)era- ment and abilities was eminently fitted for a pioneer. The mother of Mr. Stearns is yet living. The subject of this sketch.was reared on a farm and remained at home as his father's assistant until he was of age. At 21 years old he connected him- self with a construction corps on the Cleveland & Columbus Railroad, and, after its completion, engaged in its service as a fireman. He acted in that capacity on the engine that drew the first pass- enger train over the road. He was in the same employment about two years, during whicji time he received a severe injury. While engaged in firing on the leading engine, which, in connection with an- other, was drawing a heavy freight train into the city ot Cleveland, the boiler of the auxiliary engine burst, killing the engineers on both, and nearly scalping Mr. Stearns. This is believed to be one of the first accidents from a locomotive boiler explosion on record. It occurred in 1846. He was disabled two months. He followed railroading about 12 years, operating chiefly in the capacity of engineer.. In 1858 Mr. Stearns embarked in a mercantile enterprise at Berea, in which he was still interested when the culmination of partisan issues, created by the misguided and infuiiated South, merged into civil war. In 1862, when the rebel forces in Kentucky, under Gen. Bragg, threatened the invasion of Cin- cinnati, Gov. Tod made a requisition for volunteers for the defense of the city. One of its results was the organization, of an independent company of sharpshooters, comprising over 100 picked men, under Capt. G. M. Barber. They were designated "Squirrel Hunters," for obvious reasons. (Riflemen understand the technical skill recpiiredin the pastime of squirrel-shooting, which is general in the Buckeye State.) Mr. Stearns left his business to enroll in the company, and on its organization was made Orderly Sergeant. The service continued two weeks, and on its dismemberment Gov. Tod conferred upon each of its members a card, bearing the device of a squirrel ^ ^ ii ^=«»= %:^.»m\ir>^ T <^DIl^;DDr> ' v O MIDLAND COUNTY. -#^(^^V^I V ?• /> f > and containing his certified statement of his appre- ciation of their action in responding to his summons. In the fall of the same year Mr. Stearns again en- listed, enrolling in the Fifth Ohio Vol. Inf. He was in a company of sharpshooters under his former Captain (Barber), which was detailed as guard at tiie headquarters of Gen. Rosecrans. After the engagement at Missionary Ridge, Mr. Stearns was ordered to Cleveland on recruiting service, with a commission as Second Lieutenant. He enlisted 40 recruits for three companies of shar[)- shooters, and organized two full companies. He re- mained in Cleveland until Gen. Burnside was ordered to the Potomac, when he joined his command, re- ceiving a commission as Captain of Co. G, 6oth Ohio Vol., his command and that of the second company which he had enlisted, doing duty as flank [juard. Capt. Stearns took his position April 20, T864, and was a participant in all the engagements until tlie fall of Richmond, when he resigned. He was made Major Aug. 20, 1864, after the battle of Stone Tavern, W. Va. He went through the entire period of his service with but slight injury. During the siege of Petersburg he sustained a slight womid. On obtaining his release from the service of the United States, he returned to Ohio and resumed his business, which he continued until 1874. He had merged his commercial relations in the hardware trade, and at the date named he opened an office for traffic in real estate. He continued to conduct his operations in that line until Oct. i, 1883, when he opened his present business at Midland. He had been a heavy land-holder in the county since 1875, when he bought about 6,000 acres of land. He has, since that date, operated heavily in real estate in Midland County, and still owns about 2,000 acres of farming lands, one-half of which is situated in the township of Midland, near the county seat. He is the proprietor of the Mineral Spring property on Larkin Street, and owns in connection therewith the boarding and bath houses. The water is justly cele- brated fot its medicinal properties and enjoys a large patronage. Mr. Stearns handles all kinds of ]irop- erty, personal as well as real estate, and manages an exchange business. He owns three dwellings and several building lots in Berea, Ohio, also a homestead lot and a number of vacant lots at Cleveland. He also owns property in the city of Ft. Wayne, Ind. His residence at Midland is attached to the bath house near the springs. He is "a member of the Order of Masonry and of the Odd Fellows. Mr. Stearns was married in 1854, in Berea, Ohio, to Sarah Caswell. She died at Wellsville, Ohio, leaving a son, who is now deceased. Mr. Stearns was a second time married, in Wellsville, to Mattie, daughter of John and Ann (Malin) Lawrence. Slie was born in Wellsville, March 31, 1834, and is the mother of one daughter, Minnie. Her parents were early settlers in Jefferson Co., Ohio. Iij.javid A. Mills, farmer, section 23, Ingersoll 1 Township, is a son of Harvey E. and Me- 'M'^^ linda (Crampton) Mills; his father was P** born in Rose, Wayne Co., N. Y., and his ^ mother in Addison, Vt. After marriage they S resided in Wayne County until 1840, when they came to Lapeer Co., Mich., where he (the father) died, Oct. 26, 1850. In the fall of 1855 '"^ widowed mother married Alpheus Chapman and settled in Saginaw County, where she died Sept. 30, 1866. By her first marriage there were seven chil- dren : Harvey C, Peter A., Harriet P., Emily E.) David A., Jane D. and Harvey C. (2d). The subject of this sketch was born in Hadley, Lapeer Co., Mich., July 15, 1841; attended school only until nine years of age, as then his father died and until 14 years old he had to assist in sup[)orting the family. At the latter age he went to live with an older sister, and about two years afterward his mother bought for him a farm of 80 acres, in Inger- soll Township, where she lived with him until her death in 1866. He then rented a farm in Saginaw County, carried it on two years, and then returned to his farm in this county, where he has since resided, — except six months in Midland. He has sold 20 acres of his place, and now has about 35 acres in a good tillable condition. In his district he has been Justice of the Peace, Highway Commissioner, Constable, and is at present Deputy Sheriff. Politically, he is identified with the Republican party. Mr. Mills was married in Saginaw County, Aug. 14, 1861, to Eliza A., daughter of Phineas F. and Mary (Chase) Pierce. (See sketch of P. F. Pierce.) She was born in Erie Co., N. Y., July 23, 1838. Mr <^ i V \§)^^^ .^ <:DIl^[lllf^ z. lL4^\nf\^ J^c ^^yA^/^^^^C^^iy{^0<^^/ ®)$^#' M J BLAND COUNTY. y /7S (Q^ I ^ and Mrs. Mills adopted a young child named Anna B. Jelley, to whom was conseciuently given their own name of Mills. She grew ui) in the family and was married, but died three months afterward, at the home of her foster parents. eorge W. England, section lo, Lee Town- ship, was born in Hocking Co., Ohio, Nov. '^ 2 1, 1846, and is a son of Titus and Mary J. (I)evvhirst) England, natives respectively of Germany and England. The father died be- fore his son was born, and the mother died when he was but seven months old, in Ontario, wliither she had gone just after his birth. The orphan, thus so sadly bereft, was cared for by liis grandparents until he was 13 years old, when he set out in the world for himself. First he came to Michigan and began to work for (!!harles Roe, a drover of Detroit ; then for J. J. Baker, of the same place, operating between Ontario and Detroit; afterward he worked a year in Macomb County, when, Jan. 27, 1863, he enlisted for the war, in Co. G, Eighth Mich. Cav., of the Army of the Cumberland, Colonel Mi.x commanding. He was in the battles of Knoxville and Nashville, and two days after the general capture at Millbury Creek he was taken prisoner at that place. Attempt- ing escape from the general capture, he lost his weapons and his horse was drowned in a river, and he was hunted down with Ijlood-hounds. After baffling his pursuers for some lime he was compelled to climb a tree, where he was taken by rebel citizens. He was first taken to Andersonville prison, then to Charleston and Florence, S. C, and was a prisoner of war for a period of six months. At the latter place he was paroled on a 90-days furlough, and he re-jomed his regiment and served till the close of the war, being discharged Sept. 22, 1865, at Nashville, Tenn. Returning to Macomb County, he married Miss Martha Jane Knowles, a native of Ontario. She was born May 3, 1846, came to Michigan when 18 years old, and was passed 19 when she was married. The children by this marriage were, William, de- ceased, George B. and Margaret. Mrs. E. died on section 2, Lee Township, Sept. 18, 1877, and Mr. E. was again married Aug. 28, 1878, in Detroit, Mich., to Miss Alzora Thalcher, who was born in Muske- gon, Mich., April 18, 1853, but was brought u]) prin- cipally in Ontario. Mr. England now owns 95 acres on section 2, Lee Township, where he settled in 1875; but he now re- sides with Jacob S. Bisbing, on section 10. Mr. E. is a Re|)ublican in his political preferences, and is now serving his fourth year as Constable. -ij£j2j2rE^-«— ^^|^T9 ^«»^ 4^?f<2^ <^:Utl^DIl^>-^ >l!5\J5^'t^ o ^ > MIDLAND COUNTY. W. Clason on the election of the latter as County Treasvirer. He was married Jan. i8, 1870, in Sagi- naw City, to Mary, daughter of William B. and Joanna Keeley, a native of Canada. They have three children — Lizzie, born Dec. 7, 1871; William P., torn Jan. 4, 1875 ; and .Vnna, born Jan. 8, 1S77. Politically, Mr. H. affiliates with the Republican I'-arty. The jiatrons of this volume will ai)preciate the por- trait of Mr. Haley, wliich appears elsewhere. It is that of a popular and public-spirited citizen of Mid- land County. Its value to the family circle is fully com[)leted by the genial likeness of Mrs. Haley, which accompanies that of her husband. ^-^ . K^H ^ Idridge S. Gotham, farmer on section 16, c: [W^],.-i Larkin 'l'ownshi|), is a son of Solomon and ^i^ Elizabeth (King) C.othani, natives of tlie State of New York ; and was born in Jefferson Co., N. Y., June 6, 1840. He came to Mid- land County in the fall of 1S69 and entered 80 acres of Government land in Lincoln Township, which he afterward disposed of. Si.x years later he purchased 40 acres in Larkin Townsliip, where he now lives, and has 16 acres improved. Dec. 24, i860, in Jefferson Co., N. Y., he was united in marriage with Miss Claia Howe, daughter of William and Almira (Kendall) Howe. She was born in Jefferson Co., N. Y\, .'Vpril 14. 1S44. George E., Eunice E. and Byron F. are the names of the younger members of Mr. and Mrs. Gotham's house- hold. Mr. G. is in [xjlitical belief a Republican. He has been Health Officer, Overseer of Highways and School Director. He and wife are members of the Christian Church. eorge N. Brown, farmer, section i6, Jas- per Township, was born in Hastings Co., '^ Ont., Dec. 7, 1852. For a sketch of his parents, see biography of Charles S. Brown, in this work. When he was 16 years of age he came with his parents to Michigan, to the where they now reside, where he assisted on the farm until his marriage, June i, 1875, to Miss Mary \. Turner. She was born in Madison Co., Wis., Oct 28, 1857, and her parents are Samuel and Grace (McLaughlin) Turner. (See sketch.) When seven years of age she came with her parents to sec- tion 19, Jasper Townshi[). Previous to his marriage, Mr. Brown had purchased 80 acres of unimproved land on section i6, Jasper Townshiji, and since his marriage has resided on that place. He has added 40 acres to his original purchase, and of the aggregate he now has 50 acres in an advanced state of cultivation, and the i)lace furnished with good buildings, etc. In his views of national policy Mr. Brown main- tains the Republican platform, and in his township he has been entrusted with the office of Highway Commissioner. He and his wife attenil the Method- ist Episcopal Church. ^*-^^ ;l|l^[|[( ohn P. Patterson, late farmer on section I^Bft' 16, Hojje Township, was born in County Bright's disease, Oct. 22, 18S3. He was the son of John and Martha (Watts) Patterson. The parents were born, lived anil died in County Antrim, and reared five children, named Fergus Watt, Matilda Jane, David Moore, Mary Ann and John Paul. The last named, the youngest of tlie family, re- mained on the paternal farm in Ireland until i860, when he emigrated to Petersborough Co., Can. There he purchased 300 acres and fixed his home for a time. For five years he was engaged in the whole- sale licjuor and grocery trade. There he lived until 1 868, when he sold out and came to this State and county. He bought 30 acres in Hope Township, and afterwards added 40 acres. All this was in its primitive condition at the time of purchase, but tiiere are now improved all the original 30 acres, and 20 acres of the second purchase. He was first married in County Derry, Ireland, when 21 years old, to Jane Clark, who died after one year, leaving a daughter, Mary Smw, now the wife of Benjamin Lee. His second marriage occurred in 1842, in County .Antrim, to Mary .\nn McMullen, daughter of John and Kate (Murjihy) McMullen. 4 I Antrim, Ireland, in 1818, and died, of v*'* ( \ 1 \^^^^^ J^ <^D!i:^^liii>> A «^^jf Z2^&K — 6-i MIDLAND COUNTY. 333 '^ 4 Both Mr. and Mrs. McM. are deceased. Of their 14 children, eigln became men and women, and their names are Daniel, Charles, Bridget, John, William, Mary Ann, Katie and Elizabeth. Mrs. Paltersoii was born about 1827, and has been the mother of 13 children, seven of whom are living. Following is the record: David, born Nov. 22, 1859, in County Antrim; John 1'., Sept. 16, 1862, in I'etcrsboroiigh Co., Can.; Wui. James, Feb. 5, 1865, in same county; Charles Alexander, May 6, 1867, in same county; Elizabeth k., Se|)t. 22, 1868, in I'ort Hope, Can., and died A[)ril 30, 1869; George Thomas, Feb. 16, 1 87 1, in Hoi)e Township, this county; Katie Ann, May 8, 1873, in same township; Daniel, Sept. 23, 1876, in same township. Five others died in infancy. Mr. P. was politically inde[)endent. He was High- way Commissioner one term, and held some school office for nine years. •V-i.*' uc '\ 'iT-?r- eorge W. Abbey, jeweler at Midland City, was born March 15, 1849, in Ashtabula ^ Co., Ohio. His father, Eli S. Abbey, was born Oct. 9, 1823, at South Uidge, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, and was the son of Shubal Abbey. 'he eariiest traceable ancestor was Abner Abbey, who was born in 1739, at Amherst, Mass ,and married Sarah Sweetland, also a native of the Bay .State. He died at the age of 44 years, leaving ten sons and daughters, all of whom reached mature life and became heads of families. Shubal Abbey, his son, was born June 17, 1793, in Granby, Mass. He was a resident of his native State until he was 22 years old, when he came to what was then Salem, Ashtabula Co., Ohio, but is now Conneaut. He went thence to Norwalk, Ohio, where he is yet living, at the age of gi years. He was married Dec. 25, i8t6, to Sarah Sanford, a native of Litchfield, Conn. Ten children were born to them, only two of whom survive. Mrs. Harriet (Abbey) Farnham, widow of Elisha Farnham, is the oldest child; she was born Oct. 24, 1817, at Salem, and now resides at South Ridge, Ohio. Aaron Abbey was born Sept. 11, 1825, at Salem, and is now a resident of Norwalk, Ohio. His father is a member of his family. Eli S. Abbey .resided nearly all his life in the place of his nativity. and married Maiia S. Cheney. He was a farmer by occupation, and about a year before his death his health became seriously impaired, and he went to ('ohimbus, Ohio, where he died, Aug. 10, 1.S4S. His wife was born Dec. 8, 1825, in Stratford, Orange Co., Vt., and died May 5, 1S65, in Spring Township, Crawford Co., l^a. Mr. Abbey, of this skelcli, rciuained on the farm at home until he was 15 years old, and in 1864 lie went to Conneaut, Oliio, for the [lurjiose of acquiring the details of tlie business in whicli he has since en- gaged. He passed three years in completing a thor- ough knowledge of the minutiae of the trade, and in 1868 came to Bay ("ity, Mich., where he oljtained employment. A few months later he went to Clio, Genesee County, and opened an establishment for the prosecution of his trade in his own interest, where he continued four years. While there he was married, Sept. 22, 187 1, in Tittabawassee Township, Saginaw County, to Sarah J. Elden. She was born May 27, 1847, in New York, and is the daughter of James and Angelica (Sigsby) Elden. In the fall of 1872 he opened his present establishment at Midland, where he is the oldest and leading representative of his calling. His stock is valued at $5,000, and includes clocks, watches, sil- ver-ware,]optical goods, fine jewelers' wares, diamonds, musical merchandise and all sundries ccjnnnon to a first-class jeweler's house. He occupies a fine brick building, which he erected in the fall of 1879, two stories high and iS bj* 60 feet in dimensions. lie owns a fine residence, with grounds including three village lots, two building lots variously situated, 200 acres of land in Lincoln Township, and is also a stockholder in the Star Flouring Mills. It eorge Starks, lumberman, section 23, Ho- mer Township, was born May 4, 1854, in '^ Genesee Co., N. Y. He is the son of George and Catherine Starks, who came to Homer Township in 1854, and, after a resi- dence of six months, returned to the State of New York. They came back to Midland County in 1856, where their son has since resided. His father died when he was 12 years old, and he was thence- forward under the guidance of his mother, who later I Vi:^ J C'l 1=3 ( ms: :t#^ 334 MIDLAND COUNTY. ^¥^^(srvM >^ became the wifeof Cliailes Cronkright. He remained at liome until he was 22 years of age. His marriage to Dora Smith occurred April 3, 1876. She was born in Homer Township, Feb. 14, 1855, and is thedaugh- ter of Stephen and Harriet Smith. Her mother died in her early childhood. The children who constitute the issue of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Starks were born as follows: George, April 21, 1877; Me- linda, Feb. 25, 1880; Catherine, born Sept. 29, 1882, died March i, 1884. Mr. Starks is a Republican, and has been Highway Commissioner two years. He owns 40 acres of land, and has 24 acres under improvements. Within the last eight years he has put in 10,000,000 feet of logs. -•es- — 'homas Nickels, superintendent of the lum- ber camp of Wright & Ketcham, in the r^ northern part of Lincoln Township, was born Sept. 19, 1848, in the city of Montreal, where his parents still reside, his father being engaged in farming. In 1864 Mr. Nickels came to Saginaw, and since then has been engaged in lum- bering; for the last seven years he has been con- nected with Wright & Ketcham, of Saginaw, who have extensive interests in this county. (^ m i7 l^harles Oswald, carpenter and joiner, and 11?^ farn-.er on section 19, Jasper Townsliip, was born March i, 1849, in Trumbull Co., ■9 'Ohio, where he lived until his marriage. When ,-S^ 18 years of age he was api:)renticed for two years to learn his trade under David Keefer, after the expiration of which time he worked as a journeyman until he was married. This latter event took place Jan. 8, 1873, the lady of his choice being Miss Amanda Murberger, who was born in Warren Township, Trumbull Co., Ohio, Oct. 9, 1850. From the age of 16 until she was married she taught school. She is a member of the Church of United Brethren. The children of Mr. and Mrs. O. are Chloe B., Mary E. and Clyde H. After marriage, Mr. and Mrs. Oswald resided in Trumbull Co., Ohio, three years, he following his trade; thence, in August, 1876, he came to this State and settled on an unimproved tract of 76 acres, where he now resides. He has since cleared and inijiroved about 40 acres, erected good farm buildings, etc. Mr. Oswald votes with the Republicans, and has been honored, by liis fellow citizens, with the office of Justice of the Peace. j {benjamin T. Puffer, farmer and lumber- man, resident on section 17, of Porter ^ <^D!1 g)(¥'''" Township, was horn Oct. 27, 1844, in ® Erie Co., Pa. His father and mother, Eras- tus and Diana (Catlin) Puffer, are natives of \'ermont, of New England origin, and are now living in Crawford Co., Pa., and are aged re- spectively 90 and So years. Of 10 children born to them but one is deceased. Mr. Puffer is the youngest son and eighth child of his parents, who removed, when he was nine years old, to Ashtabula Co., Ohio, where he remained until he was 22 years of age, working on his father's farm and obtaining his education in tlie manner common to farmers' sons. When he arrived at the age named he decided on the calling of a builder for a vocation in life, and spent three years in its pursuit in Ashta- bula ('ounty. In the fall of 1868 he came to Michigan, and in the sinin" following he purchased the property he now owns, in Porter Township, com- l)rising 70 acres of unimproved land. The family were among tlie first permanent settlers in the town- sliip, which was not organized until the year follow- ing their arrival. When the election of the officers of Porter Township took place, Mr. Puffer was elected Town Clerk. In addition to improving his farm he has engaged to a considerable extent in lumbering, and has met with a reasonable reward for his efforts in both directions. The value and appear- ance of his farm is materially enhanced by a new stock and grain barn, 36 by 46 feet in dimensions, which is now in process of erection. Mr. Puffer is a Republican in political affiliation, and has served a number of years in the more important local offices of the township. He has been Clerk four years, Supervisor four years and Highway Commissioner two years. He was married Nov. 16, 1866, in Erie Co., Pa., to ^IDi1>-^ ^^^ /' A c^: ,1 I ^^^ -^^^^ — ©v<^ll n :^: n lis>r ■55$^^^^ >5 V MIDLAND COUNTY. Elizabeth Grover, who was born April 30, 1847, at Hoosac Falls, Rensselaer Co., N. Y. The children now comprised in the household are Benj. J., born Dec. 30, 1869, and Lizzie M., May 30, 1874. fohn Grace, farmer on section 3, Lee Town- ship, was born in Ireland in 1829, and when ten years old he came by himself to Ontario, after having spent some time as cabin boy on Atlantic vessels. After passing a short lime in Ontario, he went again upon the sea, and was upon Atlantic ships for 15 years; then was several years '"before the mast" on lake vessels, mak- ing his headquarters at Oswego, N. Y. ; next, was upon the great ocean again, serving on transports carrying army supplies during the Crimean war, and after making two trips from England, he came again to Oswego, and thence to Rochester, N. Y., where he began again as a sailor on the lakes; tlien, at East Saginaw, Mich., for 14 years, he was engaged principally upon the docks. Li the summer of 1876, he came to this county and jjought 80 acres of land where he now resides, having about 20 acres improved. Politically, Mr. Grace votes with the Democratic party, and he and Mrs. Grace are both members of the Catholic Church. He was married in 1864, in Ontario, to Miss Mary O'Brien, who was born in Ireland in 1849 and came to Ontario about two years before her mar- riage. Mr. and Mrs. G. have had seven children, two of whom are deceased, — Johnny and an infant. The living are Robert, Mary, Katie, William and Martin. }| oger W. Clason, Treasurer of Midland County, and senior member of the livery firm of Clason & Haley, of Midland, was ^VSf born Aug. 13, 1853, in McHenry Co., 111., and is a son of Charles and Polly (Thompson) Clason. His father was a farmer, and he was reared on the home place, attending school winters until he was 16 years old, when he came to Midland and spent a winter in the lumber woods. His nexi engagement was in a saw-mill, where he remained in the same employ ten years, three of which he operated as a sawyer, and the remainder of the time as a con- tractor, cutting shingles, bolts, etc. This engage- ment continued until the spring of 1880. In Jan- uary of that year he became proprietor by purchase of an interest in a livery establishment, the firm taking the style of Clason & Avery. The last named sold his moiety in May, 1882, to John Haley, and the firm style became as at present. The business of the concern, besides its regular livery interests, in- cludes undertaking, and is the only establishment dealing in the wares of that avenue of business in the county. They keep 20 horses and livery fixtures suitable to the demands of their patronage. Mr. Clason is a Republican, and in the spring of 1880 he was elected Village Treasurer on that ticket. He held the position three years. He was Clerk of the Township at the same time two years, and, in the spring of 1882, he was elected Supervisor, officiating one year. In November, 1882, he was nominated for the position of County Treasurer, and ran against Daniel Chase, prosecuting a successful campaign, being elected by 19 majority; and was re-nominated for the same office for the second term, Aug. :i, 1884. He belongs to the Order of Odd Fellows. Mr. Clason was married at Midland, in June, 1873, to Sarah, daughter of Harrison and Sarah Ellsworth. Two children, Emery and Roger G., have Ijeen born of this marriage. The portrait of Mr. Clason, which may be found on the opposite jwge, will be welcomed by the pa- trons of this work. / c^: I- 7 ' r .A I J^janiel Casey, farmer, section 26, Mt. Haley ''}\. Township, was born in October, 1847, in ^ the south part of Ireland. His parents. S ^^m^t ^m^^M^ f<<< John and Johannah (Dillon) Casey, were also ,ij natives of the "land of the harp and sham- 4 rock," and emigrated to Ontario, Can., where JL^ they belonged the rest of their lives to the agricult- V ural class. | Mr. Casey is the fourth of eight children born to -4' his parents, and accompanied them to America when Wd he was ten years old. His fatlier died when he was ^^ 12, and upon him devolved a share of the mother's ^j support, until her death five years later. After that ^ -^1^^ — ^v<^iio^:oii^>^ ^i-^ MIDLAND COUNTY. (h >0 A event he continued his struggle in life as a laborer and farm assistant. He was married May 9, 1858, to Margaret O'Donnell. She was born in Septemlicr, 1845, 'i"<^ 's "1^' diuightcr of Michael and Catherine (Cronan) O'Donnell, who tiled in Ireland, the land of their nativity. The deatli of the father occurred in 1847. Tlie niotiier died when the daughter was i6 years old, and when the latter had reached the age of iS slie made her way alone to Ontario, Can., where she was married one and a half years later. After marriage Mi. and Mrs. Casey located on a farm in Crav Co., Out., wliere they resided until the fall of 1872, when they came to the United .'states and located in tlie city of East Saginaw, Mich. Mr. Casey found emiiloymcnl in tiie railroad shops of that place, where he remained until the sining ol 1878, when he came to Midland County and pur- chased 50 acres of uuimprovetl land. On tins he has lived and labored since the date of iiis settle- ment, and has cleared and otherwise improved 20 acres. He is a Democrat in his political views and connections, and has held several local offices. The family are Roman Catholic in their religiotis faith. Of 1 1 children born to Mr. and Mrs. Casey, four are deceased, all of whom died in early infancy. Tiiose who survive are named: Hannah, Catherine, John, Mary, Maggie, Klla and Daniel. ^^M illiam Kelly, merchant at MiiUand City, -; one of the earliest of the permanent ^i-^'''" pioneer settlers of Midland County. He ^) was born Dec. 18, 1832, in the City of New York. His parents were natives of Ireland, and emigrated in early life to .America. Mr. Kelly is the eldest of the chddren born to them, and accompanied them to Cortland County, N. Y., when he was but tliree years old. He re- mained in tliat county until he reached the age of 8 years, when he went to ^V'yolni^lg, Pa., where he attended a seminary nearly one year. In the (allot 1853 he came to Saginaw, Mich., and proceeded thence to Midland County. The site of the village known as Midland City, then called "The Forks," was situated on a liigh, sandy ridge, covered with an undergrowth of small timber, and was without i)lan or outline, having neither streets nor houses. A few families were scat- tered about on the north side of the river, while half a mile down the stream, on the south side, there were resident nearly 300 Indians, engaged in the oc- cu|)ations common to aboriginal inhabitants, — hunt- ing, fishing and raising a little Indian corn. They belonged to the Chippewa tribe, and were to some extent civilized, having a church and trading post. Mr. Kelly vividly remembers the jjleasing appearance of the locality, whicii formed a wide contrast with its present cxliibit. The forest foliage presented a deep green, most gratifying to tiie vision. The Titlabawas- see and Pine Rivers llowed through a belt of meadow, their clear waters sparkling and rippling in the sum- mer sun, in a channel whose banks were uniform and well-defined. 'i"he air re-echoed the trillings of forest songsters through the day, the whippoorwills made the nights delightful with their clear, sweet, plaintive melody. Now the din of business deadens the sweetness of the bird songs, and the whistle of the solitary whippoorwill is a mournful note, as if its author bewailed the march of progress which has stripped the place of its primitive beauty. The rivers are now sluggish, muddy streams, wiiose banks have been worn away and cut down by the passage of the logs, cut along their courses and floated to market through their channels. The first settlers had little hopes that agriculture could be suixessfully prosecuted, and beyond the raising of a limited iiuantity of potatoes and corn, farming was decidedly at a discount. The earliest attempts at growing grass and grain were practically failures; but people perse- vered in their efforts, and as the forests disappeared the soil yielded lo the efforts expended and a better state of things resulted. The prosecution of tiie lumbering interests at first was largely responsible for the tardy progress of agriculture, and for some years produce was scarce and of exorbitant price. In 1856, Mr. Kelly began to clear a farm not far from the junction of the Pine and Chippewa Rivers. There were neither roads nor bridges, and the passage of the streams was accomplished by fording. .\s it often became necessary to do this in the dead of the night, it was at times an undertaking of no common importance, as the stream was more frequently at flood height than otherwise. The feat to be accom- plished was to keep the nose above the water while the feet touched the bottom of the river bed. This 1 e ( * S (^ I ^i,: ®)'^/^l))^r|^ MIDLAND COUNTY. -»% I t i was no trifling matter, when the darkness was of the Cimmerian order, thick enough to be felt. A long time ela|)sed before bridges were built. The first change was the establishment of a ferry across the Tittabawassee, which proved a sore aggra- vation when the boat was on the wrong side of the stream and the necessity was urgent. Physicians and supplies were obtainable only from Saginaw. The latter was brought to the settlers in boats and canoes, and there was generally a stock in advance of need ; but when the doctor was needed, a special journey was inevitable. On one occasion, when Mr. Kelly started to bring a doctor, he found the ferry-boat on the wrong side. He went to an old fording-place about ^ — ^^^^ 6V<^IIIl^DDi^v -*^^ MIDLAND COUNTY. I •1 ^ '0 '^ Midland County, where he entered a claim of 120 acres of land, according to the regulations of the Homestead Act. At thai date the township of Ml. Haley was almost wholly in its primitive condition and practically unsettled. Mr. Stanton lias improved and placed under creditable cultivation 20 acres of his farm, and is making all possible haste with more extended improvements. He was married Nov. i, 1865, at Oswego, N. Y,, to Sarah A. Howley. She was born Nov. 14, 1843, in Ontario, Can., and is the daughter of Hugh and Catherine (Carey) Howley, also natives of the Do- minion of Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Stanton have nine children, born as follows: James H., July 12, 1866; Walter R., Nov. 5, 1868; Katie B,, June 25, 1870; John F., Feb. 5, 1S73; Nellie M., Dec. 27, 1875; Sarah A., Feb. 9, 1877; Mary A., March 5, 1879; Anthony J., March 23, 1881 ; and Lizzie B., Jan. 26, 1884. Mr. Stanton is a Republican in political connec- tion. He has served two years in the capacity of Highway Commissioner, and is now fulfilling the duties of that position. The family are membeis of the Catholic Church. -< #^ '- l^amuel D. Gaskill, farmer, section 24, In- gersoU Township, is a son of Silas and Jane (Brown) (iaskill, wlio passed their lives in their native State, New York, she dy- ing in April, 1866, and he in the spring of 1878. Of their eight children, the subject of this sketch was the second son. He was born in what is now Wyoming Co., N. Y., Sept. 30, 1826; attended the Wilson Collegiate Institute, in Niagara Co., N. Y. From the age of 21 to 24 he was clerk in a store at Lockport, N. Y., and for two seasons was engaged in stock business and in teaching scliool during the win- ters. In 1853 he came to Lapeer Co., Mich., and three years and a half afterward, in 1856, he came to this county, settling in Ingersoll Township, on 80 acres, which he had taken one year previously, under the Graduation Act. He built a shanty and began to clear the ground. He afterward added to it by purchase 80 acres more, and of that farm he has 70 acres in a good state of cultivation. About 1872 he purchased 40 acres of wild land on section 24, where he now resides, and in 1882 built a fine residence. Mr. Gaskill has held the office of Probate Judge 12 years, has been Supervisor six years. Justice of the Peace one tern, besides holding the various school offices. Politically, he is a Republican, and in re- ligion he inclines to the Baptist faith. Judge Gaskill was married in Niagara Co., N. Y,, May 8, 185 1, to Maria, daughter of William and Julia Ramsey, and born in Essex Co., N. Y., .April 23, 1827. Her father was a native of New York State, and died in Niagara Co., N, Y., Dec 25, 1856. Her mother was born in New Hampshire, of Scotch de- scent, and is still living. Mr. and Mrs. Gaskill have two children, — Frances L. and John L. E$«-^fe^E Stj^^j^l^enry B, Stowits, farmer, section 26 (N. E. J.003i. ]2 of N. E. '/{), Homer Township, was iiK^ born June 15, 1814, in Montgomery Co., N. Y., 7)5; the son of Michael and Elizabeth (Bellinger) I Stowits. His grandfather, Philip P. Stowits, was a private in the patriot army during the Revolution, and his maternal grandsire, Frederick Bellinger, was a Lieutenant Colonel in the same war. Both fell at the battle of Oriskany, N. Y., and their names are now on the monument erected in memory of the heroes of that battle. The death of Mr. Stowits' father made him the chief support of his mother and sister, and he was a resident upon the home farm until 1841. In the spring of that year, he located in Greece, Monroe Co., N. Y., where he remained until the fall of 1S47, when he came to Michigan and bouglit 40 acres of land in Grand Blanc, Genesee County. He continued tlie management of the place until the close of 1865 ; Dec. 9, of that year, he came to Midland County and rented a farm in the township of Ingersoll. A year later he purchased 40 acres of land in the same to\vnshi[). He resided some time on the Tittaba- wassee River, and in 1878 he came to Homer Town- ship and purchased the property he now owns, which then included 80 acres of unimproved land. He has 50 acres cleared and under a creditable degree of cultivation, and has built a stock and grain barn, 36 by 50 feet in extent. When the family settled in Midland County, its ^ ^ i V *; V) f8»- ,^ ^Pn^nii^^H^^ — ^^ -#^f 1 ^^ o I mi, m f ■ ■>. ) h "S ?_ MIDLAND COUNTY. -^^^^r condition was so primitive that wild game, fish and deer were almost unlimited in abundance. The latter were so tame that they came to feed almost in the presence of the members of the family. Mr. Stowits is a Republican in political connection and has discharged the duties and trusts of the most important local official positions. He and his wife are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and he has been for many years connected with its official department. His education, habits and tastes fit him to do credit to any position, and he is an extensive and discriminating reader, ranking among the best informed men in the Saginaw Valley. Mr. Stowits was married Dec. 15, 1847, '" Gene- see Co , Mich., to Caroline, daughter of Johnson and Nancy (Parks) Huff. Her parents were natives of Montgomery Co., N. Y., and were of English and Scotch parentage. Her father died in New York, at the age of 50 years ; her mother's demise occurred in Michigan, when she was 72 years old. Mrs. Stowits was born July 17, 1825, in Montgomery Co., N. Y. She accompanied her parents to Genesee Co., Mich., in 1846, and remained with them until her marriage. Four of the nine children born of her marriage are deceased, — Louisa, Hiram, Francis and an imnamed infant. George H., Elizabeth S., Elijah F., Nancy K. and James H. are the names of the survivors. J!^®Killiam H. Young, farmer, section 26, In- llg gersoll Township, is a son of Frederick y.y^ and Betsey (Ketchum) Young, who were y natives of New York State. He was born "■ in Onondaga Co., N. Y., Dec. 12, i8ig, in the first frame house ever built in that county. He lived in his native State until the spring of 1857, when he came to Michigan and bought a farm in Oakland County, where he lived nine years. Selling out there, he went to Lapeer County and engaged in agricultural pursuits for ten years. In the spring of 1876 he came to Midland County and purchased 80 acres of partly improved land in Ingersoll Townsliip, wliere he now lives. Mr. Young was married in Monroe Co., N. Y., May 13, 1845, to Philinda Ketchum, who was born in that county, Jan. 4, 1826. They have had four children, namely: Reuben F., Clista J., Elizabeth P. and Mary. Clista and Mary are deceased. Mr. Young has been School Director for four years, in politics is a Republican, and is a member of the Baptist Church, as is also his wife. "l^^l eorge W. Wardell, farmer, section 29, i t^Ml Jerome Township, was born Aug. 4, 1839, 1^,1^ i'' Albion, Wellington Co., Can. His par- ^y?\nts, William and Nancy (Stooks) Wardell, are \ respectively of English and Canadian birth, and I descendants of parents who belong to the nationality known as Pennsylvania Dutch. They reside in Tuscola Co., Mich. Mr. Wardell found himself at liberty to construct his own fortunes at the age of 13 years. He served three years' apprenticeship in the business of cloth- making, and worked as a journeyman until April, 1858, when he enlisted in the looth Prince of Wales Royal Canadian Regiment and was sent to England for military drill. The regiment was ordered to Gibraltar, the depot of supplies for the East Lidies during the Sepoy Rebellion. The mutiny was quelled before the command received orders to pro- ceed to Lidia. While the regiment was at Gibraltar Mr. Wardell was sent to England on recruiting service and operated in that capacity two years, re- joining his regiment in 1864. \w the summer of 1865 the command was ordered to Malta, where it remained until November, 1866, when it was trans- ferred to Canada. Mr. Wardell enlisted for ten years, and on reaching Canada had one and a fourth years to serve. He went to Collinswood to drill the seventh company of the 37 th Regiment at Clarks- burg. He remained at that place three years and came thence to Oakland Co., Mich., where he re- mained until 1872. He bought three acres of land in Davisburg, Oakland County, which he sold in the year mentioned and went to Bay City, where he remained until November, 1881. At that date he came to Jerome township and entered a claim of 80 acres under the Homestead Act. In February, 1882, he removed his family hither, and has improved 18 acres of his land. While in England on recruiting service he was married to Miss Margaret, daughter of Thomas B. 9 s I — r % '^^^^^ MIDLAND COUNTY. (^ <7S >5 and Margaret (Bennett) Huntley. She was born at Dover, Aug. 14, 1840, and was married on the Isle of Wight. Her parents were natives of England and are both deceased. Tlie record of the 14 chil- dj^n that have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Wardell is as follows: Lydia Ann was born Jan. 12, 1864, at Parkhurst Barracks, Isle of Wight, and died Aug. 9, 1865, at Gibraltar; Anna E. was born March 12, 1865; Margaret A. was born March 19, 1866; Rich- ard was born Dec. rS, 1866. (Tlie three last named children were born at Malta.) Emily Jane was born Nov. 24, 1867; Minnie M., April 8, 1869; Beatrice M., April 17, 1870. (Tliese children were born in Canada.) Clara was born May 24, 1871; Cora Nancy was born June 24, 1873. (These were born in Oakland Co., Mich.) George W. was born Aug. 24, 1874; Georgiana Victoria was born Aug. 14, 1875; Ava Clement was born April 25, 1876; Ed- ward James was born Jan. 27, 1878; Phebe H., June 8, 1880. These last named were born in Bay County. Mr. W'ardeU's portrait ai)pears on a preceding page. Ijjlilas W. Drew, farmer, section 12, Ingersoll -^ Tp., is a son of John and Nancy (Huff) v^.? Drew, natives of New York, who lived and died there. He was born.' in Cattaraugus Co. N. Y., Aug. 10, 1S40; when 16 years of age he began to work on the New York .S: Erie rail- road, and afterward on the Atlantic & Great Western railway, as track hand and section foreman, — opera- ting in those capacities altogether about ten years. In September, 1867, he came to Midland County and for six months was employed in a saw-mill and six months on a farm. He next worked at dairy farming a year in New York State, and in the fall of 1870 re- turned to this county and rented a farm for one year. In 1S71 he bought 20 acres of section 12, where he now lives, to which he has added by purchase 31 J^ acres from section i ; he has about 30 acres in a state of good cultivation. Mr. Drew has been School Treasurer of his district for two years, and takes Democratic views of national questions. He was married in Ingersoll Township, April 19, \mm^^^ ^^^ ~K^:tl 3 : 1868, to Miss .\nna. daughter of Charles and Laura (Graves) Blodgett, who was bora in Lorain Co., Ohio, Oct. 20, 1849. -^ — *>/\A..£ ..2^g-v> J- fei# ', illiam McNeil, farmer, section 2, Porter Township, was born Feb. 9, 1845, in Can- ada West. When lie was two years old his parents came to Ionia Co., Mich., where he passed the entire period of his minority. He celebrated the arrival of the age of his leiial freedom by establishing himself in married life. He was married in Berlin Township, Ioni,a County, to Abigail McCreery. She was born March 14, 1844, in Kent Co., Out., and cani'i with her parents to Ingham County, this State, when she was four years old. They still reside near Lansing. Soon after his marriage, Mr. McNeil removed to Wiieeler Township, Gratiot County, wliere he jnir- chased 160 acres of wild hind on section 26 : here he resided one year. On coining to Midland County he settled first in Mt. Haley Township, but later pur- chased 160 acres of land on section 2 of Porter Township. It was a valuable piece of pro|)erty, heavily wooded with hard and soft timber. He has developed a fine farm, with 80 acres cleared and under good improvements. He is a Democrat in political connection, and lias held the office of Town- ship Treasurer seven years, Justice of the Peace three years. School Inspector four years, and is now serving as Supervisor. He has also officiated in the various positions connected with the school affairs of his district. The several children born tckMr. and Mrs. McN. are named William A., Charles A., George C, Orin C, Sarah A., Cora A. and Lavinia B. :. eil McDougall, general farmer, section 17, ^ Jasper Township, was born near Toronto, Ont., Dec. 30, 1844, and when he was quite young the family moved to the village )'(> of Newfield, Cliemung Co., N. Y., afterward to f Bridgeport, that county. Feb. 25, 1862, he enhsted in the Fifth N. Y. Heavy Artillery, Co. C, in the Army of the Potomac, and I ! I MhT^^m^^ r-c ^i MIDLAND COUNTY. 345 ^ J /K^ V %_ two years afterward he was discharged for re-enlist- ment. Accordingly he re-enlisted, Feb. 27, 1864, and was in five active engagements, viz.: Piedmont, Lynchburg, Snicker's Gap, Winchester and Martins- burg, — all in Virginia. Mr. McD. escaped unhurt, further than exhaustion and exposure to hardships from over-marching. Having served over three years, he was honorably discharged, Jnly 19, 1865, at Harper's Ferry. After spending a short time in Chemung Co., N. Y., he came to Jasper Township, this county, where, Feb. 2r, 1866, he married Miss Anna S. Anderson. (Tliis was the first marriage in that township.) Mrs. McDougall was born in Grand Isle Co., Vt., March 5, t85o, and when she was but three weeks old her father died, and when about five years old her mother moved with her to Clinton Co., N. Y. Sulisequently she returned to Vermont, and one year later to Steuben Co., N. Y., and finally, in 1865, to this county. Mr. and Mrs. Mel), have one child by adoption, — Sophronia S., who was born May 27, 1878. Mr. McDougall owns 86 acres where he now re- sides, with 20 acres under good cultivation. Con- cerning national questions he holds Republican views, and in this county he has been Constable, Justice of the Peace, Health Officer and School In- spector. He is a member of the 1. O. O. F. and G. A. R. •vejeae?©^"'— §^^ ^i^4— «/^®^3OT*v. 5 illiam D. Gibbs, general farmer and lum- berman, section 18, Jasper Township, was ,y^ born in .\ddison Co., Vt., March 22, 1859. V His parents, Trumans and Frances R. (Straight) Gibbs, were natives of the Green Mountain State, of New England parentage and of English ancestry. His father, now aged 61, is a farmer, residing in Greendale Township, this county, was the first permanent settler in that town- ship, and was the oii/y resident there for six tedious years. His wife died in that township in 1869. The subject of this sketch was the second son, and second child, in the above family, of seven children, and was about 1 2 years old when they emigrated to this county. At that time there was not so much as 50 acres of improved land in the whole township of Jasper, — 6 miles by t8 in dimensions. He has since been engaged in farming, and up to 18S0 also in lumbering. About a year after marriage, he settled on a farm of 80 acres, where he now resides, and where he has erected a fine dwelling and made many substantial improvements upon the place. Mr. Gibbs is now Deputy Sheriff, and in politics is a Republican. June 9, 1S80, at Mt. Pleasant, he married Miss Lucy ^^, daughter of Reed and Samantha (Straight) Bohannon, natives of Vermont and of English de- scent, and now residing in Jasper Township, on a farm. She was l)orn in Grand Isle, Vt., Sept. 16, 1856, and came with her parents to this State when 2 1 years of age. There are two children in the family of Mr. and Mrs. Gibbs, — Carrie P., born Nov. 19, 1882, and Florence M., March 8, 1884. /j''|Cn^',aniel Weed, genenil n fe^al lL Lee To.vnship, was born m Chautauqua farmer, section iS, l l|. Lee To.vnshq), was ^ USV" ^o-' ^- ^ ■■> Sept. 27, 1846, and was nine W*> years old when the family removed thence to Warren Co., Pa. Remaining at home until he was 26 years old, he enlisted m Co. F, 151st Pa. Vol. Inf., Sept. 20, 1862, which was attached to the Army of the Potomac. He was in the famous battles of Fredericksburg and Gettysburg, and was wounded while standing sentinel near Woodward Ford, Va., by being shot through the left leg with a musket ball and buck-shot, the latter remaining in the flesh. Having served his term of enlistment, he was discharged Aug. r3, 1863. Returning to Crawford Co., Pa., he followed farm- ing for a while, then the same vocation in Berrien Co., Mich., for six years; then going to Jackson Co., Kan., and canvassing that State for a patent right, he returned to Erie Co., Pa.; and one year later he came to this county and establislied himself on 120 acres of unimproved land, where he now lives, which he took under the Homestead Law. He now owns 80 acres, one-half of which is finely improved. Mr. Weed has held tlie school offices of his dis- trict and that of Highway Commissioner, and in his political views is a Republican. Sept. 10, 1865, in Warren Co., Pa., Mr. Weed was married to Miss Jane Vanciske, a native born and 9 s ^ n<>^ £^ ■-^4?^ T< MIDLAND COUNTY ) :<$ ^-iu;i- C3^^ o^/^^.:^^ V c*?- ^yia^in^^L.^ !-^^a^ ^^^ &S8K- T? vc^DO^nn^^' ■r -est •3^ 9 >:! ^ 'D MIDLAND COUNTY. Saginaw and engaged as clerk with H. N. Doty in the grocery business, in whose employment he remained three years. He then rented a farm near East Sagi- naw, on which he lived one year, when he entered upon his present employment, and is now general manager of the mercantile business of the firm at Sanford. He is a Republican, and has served as a member of the School Board. He was married Dec. 5, 1867, at East Saginaw, to Roselle, daughter of Ira and Roxana (Clark) Mason. Her parents were natives of the State of New York, and died in Wayne Co., Mich. One son and two daughters have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Kllsworth, as follows: May R., Aug. 24, 1868; Ida M., Jan. 24, 1873; Ray N., Jan. 31, 1884. The two elder children were born at East Sairinaw. -IG ^ A T^^ >^ I €>- ohn Larkin, senior member of the firm of % Larkin OS: Patrick, manufacturers and deal- ,-->'-'?' ^jyg j,-^ lumber, shingles and salt, resident at Midland, was born in Phelps, Ontario Co., N. iT ^1 Oct. 10, 1826. He is the son of Bradford and Martha (Ellsworth) Larkin. His father was a farmer and passed his life in the pursuit of that vocation. He died at Midland, Aug. 11, 1870. The mother is still living, in Midland. The building of the Erie ("anal in tlie near vicinity of his home was a momentous event at the time when Mr. Larkin was receiving his impressions of the march of progress in the world, and at the age of 15 years he left home to engage in the service of the canal. He passed through the various grades of as- sistants, and at the age of 20 was captain of a pass- enger line boat plying between Buffalo and the city of New York. When raihoads superseded transport- ation by canal, Mr. Larkin decided on a wider field of operation, and, in the spring of 1850, came to Saginaw City to take a prospective view of l)usiness. Finding that the outlook met his views, he removed there in the fall of i85r. One of the motives which incited him to investigate the probaliilities of this section of Michigan were the fabulous accounts of the profits accruing to hunters and trappers, who plied their craft in the woods of the counties now consti- tuting the lumber region of the Peninsular State. During the winter ensuing his arrival in Saginaw K®)5«§^ jLi- County, Mr. Larkin spent some time in hunting, up the Tittabawassee River. He was thoroughly equip- ped for the work, having brought with him a com- plete outfit of dogs and hunting paraphernalia. His home for about a year was at a point below " Free- land's, "eight miles above Saginaw, and Dec. 7, 1852, he and Mrs. Larkin removed to the "Bluff's," a point on the river three miles from Midland, where they remained about si.\ weeks. In January they came to the jiresent site of Midland. Mr. Larkin cleared a small piece of ground, now occupied by the pail, tLibe and hoop factory and residence of Mr. Peters, built a log house, the first structure in the place, and entered it Jan. 14, 1853. It was simply laid up and chinked ; and V'ankee ingenuity and providence devised ways and means to make it comfortable. Mr. and Mrs. Larkin are, par excellence, the repre- sentative pioneers of Midland City and a tract of surrounding country several miles in extent. They were the sole individuals "this side " the river, and, at intervals, months would elapse in which Mrs. Larkin did not see the face of a white woman. All the society she had were Charles H. Rood and his daughter, half-breed Indians. Wild animals were abundant but not troublesome. The same fact was true of the Indians — plentiful and harmless, save when intoxicated, when they were a source of dread. The Indians were all located across the river because of the tietter quality of the land. But one individual among them inhabited a log cabin: the remainder lived in bark shanties. When Government deeded to each of them five acres of land they advanced some- what in civilization, but a few years later, by another of the wise regulations which have distinguished the American Government in its operations with the noble red men, they were removed to Isabella County. The family occujiied the log house three years, living in true pioneer style, entertaining lum- Ijermen and land-lookers, and sharing with all comers their supplies of the necessities of life. The cabin in the woods was frequently filled to overflowing with temporary sojourners, and often the family resigned the last lied and divided the domestic sup[)lies, even to depriving themselves of couch or coverings to render comfortable for a night those who, on the following day, would pass on to encounter sharper privations and hardships. Mr. Larkin Ijought 52 acres of land where his house was built. He had cherished from the first the purpose of obtaining a <^n!!v^tiii;i>A^ — ^'^ ^ % ^^^ w^ MIDLAND COUNTY. 4^^c(®vii s5^ (b ) tract of 62 acres where his present residence is lo- cated and which constitutes tlie main portion of what is now Midland City. It was owned by the Ameri- can Fur Company, and he was unable for a long time to obtain a clue to either owner or title, and he only became its actual possessor by repeatedly purchas- ing the so-called titles of the respective claimants, whether fraudulent or otherwise. In 1S58 Mr. Larkin built a steamboat called the Midland City, to ply between the place for which it was named and Saginaw. Not long afterward he bought the "Belle Seymore, '" for the same purpose. Both boats were of light l)urtlien and were used for purposes commen- surate with their construction and capacities, some- times being employed as tugs for laden boats on the river. When the country became the field of opera- tion for the extensive lumber interests which have been pjosecuted since its resources in that direction have been understood, these steamboats, as river craft, fell into disuse, the booms and saw logs mo- nopolizing the stream to the exclusion of all other ventures, and the channel being practically ruined through the same means. In 1855 he erected a frame building on block 11, where is now the Reardon Block, where he established himself as a landlord. This was really the first building worthy the name in Midland City. In the changes which have suc- ceeded each other in the place, all traces of this building have become obliterated. Within the first year of their life in the new hotel all the voters of Midland County, — seventeen in number, were there at dinner on the occasion of a county election. The hotel business was prosecuted six years, when, in i860, Mr. and Mrs. Larkin became a part of the general community which had grown up about them and, so to speak, through their instrumentality, to a considerable extent. The second building in the jilace was erected by L. P. Bailey, to whom Mr. Larkin gave a lot on the condition that he should build a store thereon, which was fulfilled, the build- ing serving the two-fold purposes of residence and place of business. The houses of Dr. Jennings, John McLean, Harvey Lyon, Daniel Wilson and George Turner were built next in order, after which the construction of residences and influx of popula- tion at Midland City became general. In the winter of 1853 Mr. Larkin engaged in lumbering in com- pany with E. G. Buttles, his brother-in-law. The same fall he bought So acres additional of [line land in the county. He had previously purchased 52 acres, now lying in the southeast portion of the vil- lage of Midland. He afterward made considerable purchases of land now included in Midland. The platting of the village was nearly all accom[)lished under his management. He continued one year in company with his brother-in-law. In 185S he, in company with Philo Sumner, built a saw-mill on the site now occupied by the mill where he is operating, which he afterwards took down and replaced by one on a larger scale. This was burned in the fall of 1874, with a loss of $40,000, partly reimbursed by an insurance of $17,000. He at once rebuilt and put his works in first-class running order. In 1877 he formed an association with William Patrick, under the firm style of Larkin & Patrick. In 1878 they erected extensive salt works and sunk two wells, which have yielded incessantly 150 barrels daily. They have a considerable export and local trade and ship their products West. Their working force in the lumber works include about 80 men, besides be- tween 30 and 40 in the woods, and they manufacture all varieties of lumber products. They also conduct a retail lumber yard. The firm of Larkin & Patrick own about 6,000 acres of timber land in Clare County, besides extensive tracts of farn-\ing land. In 1S64 Mr. Larkin erected his residence, which was, at the time of its construction, probably the best in the county. When Mr. Larkin became a resident of Midland County, it included about 20 voters. It was organ- ized in 1S55, and he was a prominent factor in the arrangement of its municip.al aff;rirs. In 1856 he was elected County Treasurer and was successively re-elected lo terms to the same position. He served as Supervisor in 1883. He was married in August, 1847, in Lyons, Wayne Co. N. Y., to .Amanda But- tles, born Feb. 14, 1829, in Phelps, Ontario Co., N. Y., daughter of Isaac and Ariett Buttles. Of the marriage of Mr. and Mrs. Larkin two children — Lewis and Eugene — have been born, both of whom died in early infancy. They have three adopted daughters. The two eldest are sisters. Mary is the wife of B. Y . Bradley, merchant at Midland. Eliza- beth married Samuel Foster, a merchant at Midland. Nellie is aged 14 years. The portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Larkin may be found on other pages. They are those of pioneers, pure and simple. The East, from which they came e < A c^: ( <^[l!l^nili-^A:© ^^^f^ I !^ti^ i2C5:. ■ry v<^iia^niii>r T i ^) 1 MIDLAND COUNTY. 353 when life was in its full flush of hope and ambition, seemed to narrow in its possibilities for all they de- sired to achieve. With cheerful heroism they sought a satisfactory field for their life work; they formed the nucleus of the incoming population of Midland City, and they still sustain thai relation to its com- munity. They have aided and encouraged the ad- vancement and progress of Midland City and County and lent substantial countenance to all projects cal- culated to enhance the best interests of the place and people. i^W;|3harles Cronkright, farmer and lumber- pw-a^ man, resident on section 22, Homer Town- ^ ship, was born June 11, 1837, in Genesee :? Co., N. Y. His parents located in Midland Co., Mich., when he was five months old. Theirs was one of the first families that made a settlement in the county. They afterward removed to Saginaw County, where the father was killed, at Vestaburg, by the explosion of a saw-mill steam boiler, a fragment of which passed through the house where he was sleeping, killing him instantly. The mother died in Midland County, in July, 1866. When the family came to Midland, the " staple product" of this section was Indians. The children had only Indians for playmates and companions, and they readily acquired the Indian language, which they still retain. Wild game was plentiful and served for food. Trapping wolves was easy and fascinating sport, as they were a great annoyance in carrying off pigs and other domestic animals. Deer were to be found in considerable herds, and bears were frequent visitors to the clearings. The family grew up in the woods under circumstances which required all their efforts to make a living, with little to incite them toward obtaining an education, which was then difficult to secure. At the age of 22 Mr. Cronkright entered a claim of 120 acres of land in Bethany Township, Gratiot County, but never took possession of it for a resi- dence. After making some improvements, he ex- changed the property for 123 acres on section 22 in Homer Township. On this he has since resided and has improved about 20 acres. He has sold a con- siderable portion and only retains 40 acres of his original purchase. He has been occupied in real- estate traffic and has engaged extensively in lumber- ing. One season he put in upwards of a million feet of logs. Mr. Cronkright is independent in political opinion, and has officiated in all the more prominent local offices in his township. He was married Oct. 12, 1862, in Homer Town- ship, to Mrs. Catherine Starks, widow of George Starks. She was born Sept. 16, 1S36, in Genesee Co., N. Y., and came to Midland County before the death of her first husband, by whom she became the mother of five children. Four are living and married, and are residents of Homer Township. Their names are George, Martha, Ennna J. and Hiram. The five children born of her second marriage are Lydia L., Charles E., Ida, Catherine and Frederick. The eldest of these is married and lives in this township. "-JfcdCC/iSiS^— fe; „^^%il^3TSi-^ ^^ ^7^^Il!l?.|lt]f^ .^Jjlamuel Turner, general farmer, section 19, -^Sv Jasper Township, was born in Rensselaer P"^ Co., N. Y., April 25, 1816, and remained \\^ with his parents until their death, in that county. He was married, in his native county, June 6, 1849, to Miss Grace McLaughlin, who was born in Washington Co., N. Y., March 16, 1827, of Scotch parentage. A year after their marriage they moved to Jeffer- son, Co., Wis., where he followed farming for 14 years ; then they resided a year in Lapeer Co., Mich., and in January, 1865, they settled at their present place, being pioneers in that part of the county. To his original purchase of 80 acres, he subsequently added 100 acres, which he has since divided between his two sons. These lands were obtained from the State, under the Swamp Land laws, which required five years' residence before giving » deed. Mr. Turner has improved about 25 of the 80 acres which he now owns. Much of the land in this vicinity is low and swampy, and Mr. T. has had to encounter an un- usual number of hardships as a pioneer. Sometimes the water covered the ground in places from one to two feet deep. Mr. and Mrs. Turner are the parents of three chil- dren, namely: Robert A., born Sept. 11, 1851 ; Dan- iel, Jan. 29, 1854; and Mary A., Oct. 28, 1857. The { < V) ^ ^DIl^IiO^> 354 MIDLAND COUNTY. V^ parents are members of the Methodist Episcopal ChLirch. Mr. T. has held the office of Township .'^^ Clerk, Justice of the Peace two years and Township Treasurer two years. On national issues he votes the Democratic ticket. — ? /WA,; I'i 1 "J l^j, ohn McCormick, farmer and lumberman, , '^\'!'| resident on section 17, Porter Township, "'^) '•'■■' was born about the year 1S30 in Dublin, Ireland. At the ai,'e of seven years he began a seafaring life, under the guidance of an uncle who was a sailor, and siteiit seven years ac- quiring a thorough knowledge of nautical affairs. At the end of that time he returned to his home, and soon alterward shi]jped as a seaman on a whaling- ship. His cruises continued three years, and he ■( ) experienced numberless hairbreadth escapes and ro- "^ ^ mantic adventures in the waters of the Northern and /^ Atlantic Oceans. He next came to Boston and sailed ■a on a fishing vessel to Nova Scotia and the Bay of vi Fundy, which occuiiied his time for one year. The 1=3 ne,\t year he went to the West Indies, stop[)ing at ■^ Kingston, on the island of Jamaica. His vessel en- jT countered slii[nvreck while returning to Halifax and every soul on board was lost but two, — Mr. McCor-. mick and a man named Cota! They clung to the wreck and jjassed eight days without food or drink, and only retained life by chewing bits of a greasy moccasin which came by chance within their reach! They were rescued by an American vessel and brought to Boston, Mass. The ship proceeded to New York and sailed thence to the coast of South America, finally arriving at New Orleans, where the crew was discharged, and Mr. McCormick received $1,800 in gold for his services. He came to Chicago, where he entered the lake service and continued thus occupied until his marriage, Aug. 11, i860, to Mary Benson. She was born Nov. 17, 1832, in Saginaw Co., Mich. ) V^* After marriage Mr. McCormick located near the 1 village of Midland, and in the fall of 1865 became '" the first settler in the part of Porter Township where he now resides. He bought 100 acres of land, of ^[^ which he has improved 50 acres; and his place affords neer life, wild game abundant and wolves more numerous than welcome, their starved condition and rapacity making it necessary to continue to keep large fires burning through the night to protect the young stock on the farm. The story is one oft-re- peated, but loses none of its vividness of reality by repetition. Mr. McCormick is a Democrat in jjolitical views and connections, and has served several terms as Township Treasurer. The family attend the Metlio- dist Episcopal Church. Following are the names of 15 children born to Mr. and Mrs. McCormick: Frank, Charles, Ellen, Thomas, John, Mary A., Flora, Emily, William, An- drew, Charles, Alif, Patrick, Peter and Alexander. The five last named are deceased. ^lt®ft]lan R. McMillan, farmer, section 14, Iiiger- iii iw ■ 1 1^ ^'^" Township, is a son of Hugh and Jean- SJI-iy nette (Cameron) McMillan, who were natives S of the county of Glengary, Out., and changed 'r their residence to the county of Ottawa, same dominion, wliere they passed the remainder of of their lives. He, too, was born in the county of Clengary, Sept. 30, 1832, and lived in Canada until 1870, following an agricultural life. He then came with his family to Midland County and bought 40 acres of unim- proved land in Ingersoll Township, to whicli he has since added about 53 acres, and has now altout 55 acres in a good tillable condition. In 1882 he built a fine residence. Mr. McMillan is now serving his fourth term as Township Supervisor, has been Township Treasurer three terms. School Inspector two terms, and has held the other school offices in his district. In politics he sympathizes with the "National" party. He and his wife are members of the Catholic Church. He was married in the county of Ottawa, Ont., April 14, 1859,10 Margaret, daughter of Jolin R. and Catherine (McPhee) Cameron, who were also natives of the Dominion. She was born in the county of Glengary, in February, T837. Mr. and Mrs. McM ((*; the strongest possible contrast to the early days, ^^ when he was surrounded with all the features of pio- are the parents of 1 2 children, eight of whom survive. \^ 1 V V) k^is^ S))^#^ »v- — crv^^O U^; M^^P-v -;^^^i^Kr MIDLAND COUNTY. . i ^ ^) i 'A) .^9 tion of the city of Mexico. In 1S49 he went to Japan with the expedition under Commodore Perry to negotiate the terras of the treaty between that country and the United States, and was on the "St. Lawrence," which bore the dispatches to the United States squadron. This enterprise terminated in 1 85 2, and Mr. Brooks went in 1854 on the Walker expedi- tion, proceeding to Central America in the famous "Star of the West," commanded by Admiral Holling- broke. He was present at the bombardment of Graytown. His next engagement was as engineer on the "General Rust," a steamer connected with the mail service at Galveston, Texas. When the civil war broke out Mr. Brooks re- sponded to the first call for troops, and enlisted at Norristown, Montgomery Co., Pa., in Co. A, Fourth Pa. Vol. Inf, Col. Hartranft, enlisting for three months, under Capt. W. Bolton. He was wounded in the contest with the celebrated Black Horse Cav- alry at Fairfax Cross-Roads, below the right knee, by a minie ball. He came home and spent some time and a considerable sum of money in endeavoring to raise a company for the service, but the enterprise was successful only in the loss of his investments. He returned to Pennsylvania and enlisted in Co. E, in the 2d Pa. Vol. Cav., under Col. B. R. Price, of Philadelphia, going out as First Sergeant. The regi- ment was assigned to the command of Col. Buford. At the second battle of Bull Run, Mr. Brooks re- ceived a wound above the ankle of the left leg, and was discharged Oct. 27, 1862, at Howard Hospital, Washington. Sept. 7, 1863, he again enlisted, in Co. H, 2Sih Pa. Vol. Inf, better known as "Geary's Old Regiment." He was wounded May 18,1864, at Buzzard's Roost, receiving an injury in his left side from a piece of a shell, and a wound on the left ankle, which left the foot completely paralyzed. He was also wounded in the right thigh by a gunshot. He was in the hospital about a month after his regi- ment was discharged, and was mustered out of the military service of the United States Jnly 18, 1865. He carries in his body three bullets as credentials of his bravery in action. Mr. Brooks made his first acquaintance with the State of Michigan in 1858, and passed two years at Detroit. On his return from the war he went to Pennsylvania, where he remained until 1S69, when he came to Saginaw and resided about a year. In 1870 he came to Jerome Township and entered a soldier's homestead claim of 160 acres. Mr. Brooks was married Oct. 20, 1858, in Wilming- ton, Del., to Mary, daughter of Andrew and Mar- garet (Stewart) McClelland. Her parents were of Scotch nativity and are dead. Following is the rec- ord of the children born to Mr. and Mrs. Brooks: Mary Jane, born July 9, 1861, died Dec. 13, 1882; Andrew John, born June 8, 1862, died the same day. Willie J. was born Dec. 12, 1863; Margaret A. was born Dec. 12, 1S66 ; Alfred Henry was born Oct. 9, 1S69, and died the same day; Samuel Kosciusko was born March 8, 1870, and was the first child born at the Grand Army Post at Norristown, Pa. Mr. Brooks is a Republican in political affiliation, and has served three terms as Justice of the Peace, has been School Inspector and Township Clerk three times, and in 1873 was appointed Notary Public, the duties of which position he is still discharging. ^|&* ratten A. Visger, farmer on section 7, Lar- iJlSJl '^i^'' Township, is a son of Jacob and Elea- -flKg-'"^ nor (Baubier) Visger, natives of the State ^'x' of New York, who came to this county in No- vember, 1865, and settled in Averill. They now reside in Larkin Township. Mr. Visger owns 120 acres, of which 30 are improved. The subject of this notice, the second son, was born in Jefferson Co., N. Y., July 2, 1858, received a good common-school education, and lived at home until 18 years old. He then bought 97 acres of wild land in Larkin Township, where he now lives, with 18 acres improved. "^^^k^i^V =*H^»^ ■ IT:.: , blO* ohn Maxell, farmer on section 14, Hope Township, was born in Pittsburg Township, •" Can., March 3, 1844, the son of William and Alice (Lavery) Maxell, natives of Ireland. TP Mr. M., senior, is now living in Hope Town- ship. His wife died in the same township, in October, 1878. Their son John came to Midland County in April, 1873, and bought 40 acres of wild land in Hope Township. He has sine? sold ten acres to his brother V^ (') ca: ( t g^i^l- ;^ ||t|;-^JU^ ^^^^ •-^^ m I \ V <^ MIDLAND COUNTY. 3S7 William E., and of the remainder he has improved 20 acres. May 24, 1867, was the date of his marriage to Miss Martha Jane Lawrence, daughter of Henry and Eliz- abeth (Parsley) Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. L. died when Martha was a child, the former in Canada, the latter in Ireland; Mrs. M. was born in Ireland, in 1844, and came to this country with her father when four years old. Mr. and Mrs. Maxell have seven children living, and four dead: Margaret A., born March 17, 1S6S, in Galway, Can.; Wm. Noble, Oct. 23, 1869, in same place; Susan, June 6, 1870, in same place; Mary A., June 22, 1871; Robert and Anthony (twins) April 3, 1872, and died three days later; Jane Elizabeth, May 16, 1873; Robert Henry, Feb. 27, 1876; Alice Susan, June 4, 1878; Leonora Victoria, May 24, 1880; and John L., May 17, 1S82. Mr. M. is a Republican, and has been a school officer for seven years. He and wife are members of the Christian Church. l^ilas W. Lines, farmer on sec. 25, Larkin Tp., is a son' of Elijah and Olive (Whee- ||\5i' lock) Lines, natives of Vermont and Con- necticut, and was born in Erie Co., N. Y., Dec. 30, 1845. His parents removing to this State three years later, he was reared and educated in Oakland County. In 1864 he enlisted in the Fifth Mich. Vol. Cav., and served six months, when he was discharged on account of disability. Returning to his home in Oakland County, he afterwards enlisted in the Third Mich. Vol. Cav., in which organization he served until March, 1866. After his return from the army he removed to Genesee County, which was his home until the spring of 1S77. At that date he came to Midland County and purchased 40 acres in Larkin Township, where he has since lived, with the excep- tion of about two years in the city of Flint. Aug. 20, 1869, in Genesee County, he celebrated his nuptials with Miss Nellie R. Cody, a native of the State of Ohio. She was born Aug. 7, 1849, in Huron County, that State. Of three children born, only Silas A. He survives, as the two remaining died in infancy was born August 6, 187 i. Mr. Lines is a member of the Republican party. He has been at different times Township Clerk, School Director and Overseer of Highways. •"ssiSiSM^r^'-M^ (/^nS'ZOT^ -*3= T~T^ 7 7 £>- ohn Schearer, farmer on section 22, hope Ji^^ll' Township, was born June n, 1843, in 1^^ Liberty Township, Fairfield Co., Ohio, the son of Felix and .\nna (Magley) Schearer, and is the sixth of a family of eight, all living. The father was born in September, i8ri,in Switzer- land, and the mother is also a native of that country. Both are of German descent. The subject of this sketch emigrated to Ohio when 16 years old, with his father and grandfather, and he lived at home until 24 years old, working his father's farm on shares during the three years after he attained his majority. He then came to this county, and, after working ^ ^F®iC eorge Brown, farmer, section -i,^, IngersoU ii i^JliC Township, is a son of Aaron and Submit " "^ (Howe) Brown, natives of New Hampshire. ' ^^ He was born in the town of Westmoreland, N. H., June 6, 1797, and was ii years old when he went to Montgomery Co., N. Y. He lived in different parts of the State until he came to Michigan in the fall of 1S60, when he bought 80 acres of land in Saginaw County. After living there a year he exchanged the place for 40 acres in Inger- soU Township, on which he setUed and where he has since lived. The entire "40 " is under cultiva- tion. Mr. Brown was married in Monroe Co., N. Y., Aug. 29, 1824, to Julia Stebbins, who was born in Sherborn, Conn., Dec. 16, 1808. Of their seven daughters and two sons, eight grew up to years of maturity. Mr. and Mrs. Brown are pioneers of IngersoU Township and Midland County, and are members of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. B. is a Re- publican in his political views. ^ -«s^i MIDLAND COUNTY. -,^^ 4^^^(®^'•<^ y> three years in John Larkin's mill, homesteaded 80 /^ acres on section 22, township 16 north, 2 east. Here rl he lived five years ; but after receiving his patent he '% bought 60 acres on section 22 of the tov/nship west J of that, in order to live near other people, his first "- -^ selection being several miles from a settlement. He was married Oct. 14, 1869, to Miss Sarah Freidiger, daughter of John N. and Lizzie Freidiger. She was born Dec. 24, 1843, in Licking Co., Ohio, where her parents yet reside. She has four brothers and sisters living. Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. S., in Midland Township: Katie S., Feb. 14, 1S71; and Willie C, March 27, 1874. Mr. S. has been Township Treasurer two years, and is in political faith a Republican. ^^^lenry P. Linton, editor of -the Coleman Advocate, first saw the light of day at Co- lumbus, Bartholomew Co., Ind., on the 27th day of July, 1847. His father was a successful i physician of that place, where he and his wife I are still living, al a ripe old age. Mr. Linton was educated in the common schools of that town and studied the higher branches under the tutelage of a Presbyterian minister. Being of a disposition that sought to be posted in the general news of the day, he spent most of his spare moments about the newspaper offices of his native town, and thus attained a fondness for the fascinatin g " art preservative." At the early age of 11 years he began setting type in the office of the Columbus Democrat, of which I. C. Dillie was editor. In this office Mr. Linton worked between school hours for about three years, or until the breaking out of the war, when the office was closed that aU hands might enlist in the defense of their country. For the next two years the suljject of our sketch attended school, but early in 1863, when scarcely 16 years old, he too was seized with a war fever, and hurried to the front, taking part in the battles of the Army of the Cumberland and of the Tennessee, until after the fall of Atlanta. Hav- ing had a taste of war, he could not rest contented at home, and after a short stay he again enlisted, and with his regiment did valiant service in the Shenan- doah Valley, in Virginia, until again discharged, in the fall of 1865. Again he entered a printing-office (a job-printing establishment in Louisville, Ky.) and remained at work until the fall of 1866, when he entered the law office of Col. A. W. Prather, where he studied for two years that he might better prepare himself for the newspaper business. During these years he was a regular paid correspondent of the Indianapolis and Cincinnati daily papers, and in 1868 made a trip through Kansas, New Me.xico, Colorado and the other Western States and Territories as a newspaper cor- respondent. While at Lawrence, Kansas, in the spring of 1869, he was admitted to the Bar, after a strict examination conducted by ex-Gov. Shannon and Judge James Christian. Being "in love" with the newspaper business, however, Mr. Linton had no idea of engaging in the practice of law, and soon re- sumed his journeying as a newspaper correspondent, and since that time has been an almost constant traveler, principally through the States of the South and West, except part of the time when he was engaged in office work on the Indianapolis (Ind.) Sentinel, of which he was news editor for some time. About six years ago Mr. Linton came to Michigan, and, becoming enamored of one of the daughters of the State, he concluded to settle down and lead a "quiet life!" In the year 1878 he was married, and for a time was engaged in publishing a paper in Southwest Michigan; but, not being successful, he accepted the city-editorship of the Columbus (Ind.) Rcpuhliian, to which place he removed ; but his wife not having good health there, he resigned his posi- tion and returned to Michigan, and again attached himself to a Michigan paper. In 1883 he received propositions from the people of Coleman to establish a paper in that thriving little village. After a careful survey of the town and its surroundings, Mr. Linton made up his mind that there was a bright future for the village and accepted the offer, and on the nth day of August, 1883, he issued the first number of the Coleman Advocate, which has been a more successful venture than he dreamed possible to attain for several years. Being so thoroughly in earnest in his belief in the future of the town, Mr. Linton is preparing to spend the com- ing years in the village by building one of the finest and most convenient residences in that region. V§) A c>: (o-. m^ ^<>!1!1^DD;>^- I ■•^««1«^ / ^/I^J, .C^:iy%-t^ %^ -:j&^ — ©v^^n ii>: U'i^>'^ ^ e V <> V i MIDLAND COUNTY. Being, also, of an active disposition, he has pUinged into a hearty support of the vital interests of his adopted State, and by his aggressiveness is making his part of the county kr.own and felt in business as well as m political circles, and is fast moving to the front in the ranks of Republicanism in his county. The only secret organization to which Mr. Linton be- longs is the G. A. R., of which he is an ardent mem- ber. 'enjamin P. Dean is a farmer on section ll>. 22, Midland Township. His parents were Benjamin and Jerusha (Dewey) Dean. (See sketch of Benj. Dean.) He was born in Peru, Mass., July 12, 1839; attended the common school and Lee High School until 20 years of age. Li 1862 he came to Sanilac Co., Mich., where he followed farming ten years, and then came to this county, settling where he now re- sides, taking possession of 70 acres of land. He now owns about 570 acres, in Midland Township, almost 25 of which is under cultivation. In politics he is in sympathy with the Republican party. In Watertown, Ont., April 3, 1874, Mr. Dean was married to Miss Jane, daughter of Henry and Jane (Smith) Baker, natives of Ontario. Mrs. Dean was born in Erin, Ont., July 13, 1856. Mr. and Mrs. Dean are the parents of six children, born as follows: Edna N., Jan. 10, 1875; Carrie O., Nov. 12, 1876; Ward A. R., April 19, 1878; Cecile E., Nov. 19, 1879; Jessie F., Dec. 20, 1881; Nelson K., Jan. 3, 1884. The portraits of Mr. and Mrs. Dean appear on preceding pages. ouis H. Wesson, farmer, section 14, Homer Township, was born Sept. 6, 1845, in Flint, Genesee Co., Mich. His parents, Leonard and Elizabeth (Sherwood) Wesson, were natives respectively of Massachusetts and Michigan, and of English and Welsh descent. His father was a druggist and conducted his interests in that branch of merchandise at Flint, Saginaw and Pon- tiac. He is now engaged in the culture of small fruits in the city of Flint. The mother died at Flint, June 6, 1854. She bore seven children, — six sons and a daughter. Two of the former are deceased. Mr. Wesson is the second child and eldest son of his parents. He attended the union school in his native city until he was 16 years old. The civil war had awakened in his young mind an interest in the great issues before the country, and he enlisted in January, 1862, as a bugler in Co. G, First Mich. Vol. Cav., under Col. Broadhead. The regiment was as- signed to the Army of the Potomac, and Mr. Wesson was in all the engagements in which the regiment was involved throughout the entire campaign. He spent two years in the capacity of bugler, and in February, 1864, he was detailed private Orderly to Gen. Ward, and held the post six months, when he was transferred to the Army of the Shenandoah Valley, as private Aid to Gen. Wright. On the 26th of September, 1864, while private guard over a building near Harrisburg, he was captured and taken to Libby prison, at Richmond, where he was incar- cerated for five months and suffered all the oft-told hardships and privations of that modern Baistile. The effect upon him was to reduce his avoirdupois from 150 to 70 pounds. In February, 1865, he was paroled, and immediately received a furlough of 30 days, which he spent among his friends. He re- joined his regiment the night previous to the surren- der of Gen. Lee, and was present on that memorable occasion. The regiment proceeded to Wheeling, W. Va., and thence went to Leavenworth, Kan., where they remained 30 days. At the expiration of that time they went to Salt Lake City, and were there engaged in defending and protecting United States mail routes and officials. Mr. Wesson received an honorable discharge July 5, 1866, having been four years and six months in the military service of the United States. He had participated in about 40 important battles, besides numberless skirmishes, among which were about 60 frays with the Indians, while engaged in frontier service. Mr. Wesson returned to Flint, where he was em- ployed for a time as a clerk in a store. Later, he interested himself in engineering and farming, and extended his operations in the former to Petrolia, Can. He again took up his abode at Flint, and in 1872 came to Midland Co., Mich., and spent three t??- ■■■■"■" " "^ " *■* VS 9 s ^ 0) re) ^DDf^Ar^.' ^mmi ^^4 g®8K- >: V Si 364 MIDLAND COUNTY. years in the occupation of builder, when he took possession of a small farm held by his wife on section 14, in Homer Township. It was in a wholly unim- proved condition, as was the surrounding country. Mr. Wesson was placed his entire acreage under im- provements and creditable cultivation. In the cyclone of Sept. 6, 1882, his house and barn were entirely destroyed, necessitating the construction of new farm buildings. He was married Oct. 23, 1872, at Midland, to Mrs. Sarah Fineout, daughter of Henry and Gertrude (Sawyer) Tice. Her parents were natives of the State of New York, where they passed their entire lives, the mother dying in 1845, and the father in 1 87 2. Mrs. Wesson was born Nov. 20, 1838, in Sullivan Co., N. Y. She grew to womanhood in the place of her birth, and came to Michigan in 1869. Willie L., born Sept. 16, 1874, and Blanchie M., born Dec. 9, 1876, are the names of the two chil- dren of Mr. and Mrs. Wesson. Their mother is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Mr. Wesson belongs to the Order of Odd Fellows, and is a member of Dwight May Post, No. 69, G. A. R. He is a Republican of the most decided type, and cast his first vote for President in Libby prison, in November, 1864. The proudest inheritance he can leave to his son is the fact that he exercised the right of a freeman for tlie first time in favor of Abraham Lincoln in defiance of the rebels who held him in the jaws of death. He was United States Census Enumerator for his district in 1880; has served three years as School Assessor, and five years as Township Clerk. -5 ^^ >- ohn P. Baleh, Jr., is a general farmer on section 9, Jasper Township. He was born fio"^ in Trumbull Co., Ohio., June 5, 1858, and is a son of John P.,Sr.,and Elizabeth (Savage) Balch. (See sketch.) The subject of this sketch was the fourth child and third son in a family of eight children. When two years old the family settled on section 20, Jasper Township, this county, where he grew up to years of maturity. Sept. 7, 18S1, at St. Louis, Mich., he married Theresa Davis, a daughter of E. and Matilda (Huff) Davis, natives of Ontario, and of German and French descent, and now residents of Jasper Township. Mrs. B. was born in Ontario, Aug. 14, 1858, and was 21 years of age when the family settled in the above named township. Mr. and Mrs. Balch have one child, Mabel A., born Feb. 15, 1884. A year after his marriage Mr. B. located on his 80-acre tract on section g, Jasper Township, where he has commenced substantial improvements. In his political status he is counted a Republican. V (' c^: 0. I^fon. James Van Kleeck, attorney at Mid- land City, and Representative from Mid- j^f^ land, Gladwin and Roscommon Counties, © was born Sept. 26, 1846, in E.xeter, Monroe Co., { Mich., and is the son of Robert Van Kleeck. I His earliest traceable ancestors were of the sturdy race known in the primary history of the ^ State of New York as "Holland Dutch," and were pioneers of Dutchess County in the Empire State. Tliey were royalists, and when the Colonies revolted they betook themselves to Canada. Barnabas Van Kleeck, paternal great-grandfather of Mr. Van Kleeck of this sketch, married in the Dominion and reared his family, consisting of five sons and two daughters, — Barnabas, Peter, John, Jeremiah and Robert, Mer- cy and Cecilia. Robert Van Kleeck was the son of Barnabas (2d), and was born Aug. 25, 1807, at Van Kleeck's Hill, a village in Prescott Co., Ont., in whose cognomen is perpetuated the family patronymic. He married Catherine McManus, who was born in Buf- falo, of Irish descent, and removed in 1832 to La Salle, Monroe Co., Mich., and later to Exeter in the same county. He returned to Canada in 1837, to participate in the revolt against the British Govern- ment known to history as the "Patriot War," or Mackenzie's Rebellion. He came back to the Penin- sular State when the futile attempt to secure inde- pendence proved a failure. His children are all living. Cecilia, the eldest, is Mrs. Moses Fountain, 'S) of Monroe Co., Mich. ; Eliza is Mrs. William Simons, i and is a resident of the same county ; Judith (Mrs. ^ David Potter) lives in Washtenaw Co., Mich. ; Kate ^ (Mrs. Herbert O. Brown) resides in Van Buren Co., ^ Mich. Their mother died in 184S; their father's :V demise occurred in January, 1881. m^ tlBf>^ w $(^#®- ■^nr MIDLAND COUNTY. 4^^c(®vii 365 ^ Mr. Van Kleeck is the only son born to his i^ar- '|;\ ents, and is the fourth child in order of birth. He ;':, secured a good preliminary education in the common I schools of Monroe County and studied at the High r?, School in the city of the same name. He was a mere lad when the Civil War broke out, and early within the first year of its existence he made an attempt to become a soldier. A very boy in fact and appearance, his application was rejected; but a few months later he made a more successful i assault on the sympathies of the enrolling officers, f% and in June, 1862, found himself in regulation blue and brass buttons, and duly recorded as a soldier for the Union, in the 17th Mich. Vol. Inf, Co. D. The command was assigned to the First Brigade, First Division, Ninth Army Corps. Mr. Van Kleeck re- ceived his credentials of bravery on the field of An- tietam, Sept. 17, 1862, where he was wounded in the left side by a missile supposed to be a minie-ball. The wound was similar in character to that of Presi- dent Garfield, and was very severe, the shot lodging in proximity to the dorsal vertebrse, where it still =1 "holds the fort." He was reported killed, and the <9 surgeons decided that he could not live. He was t=a: eventually transferred to the general hospital at Fred- ericksburg, whence he was discharged in January, 1863. He was practically disabled for several years, and when sufficiently recovered resumed his studies in the High School at Monroe. In 1868 he entered the Law Department of the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, where he was graduated in 1870. Soon after that event he was nominated for the position of Register of Deeds for Monroe County, running against Col. Constant Luce, formerly Colonel of his regiment, but was unsuccess- ful. In the same fall he came to Midland City and opened on office for the practice of his profession. In the spring following he was elected Clerk and Attorney of Midland City. In the fall of 1872 he was elected Prosecuting Attorney, in which office he has served six years, being re-elected three alternate (^ times, in 1872, 1876 and 1880. In 1882 he was 1 nominated to represent the district in the Legislature s^s of Michigan, at a RepubUcan Convention held at (^ Midland City, and took the field against H. H. Wood- Q^ ruff, nominee of tlie Independent-Republican ele- ■^ ment, and Dr. Aldrich, Fusion candidate. He ran ^ ahead of his ticket in his own county by 600 votes, v^) \ and made a successful campaign by a majority of 400 votes in the District. He served on Committees on Judiciary and State University, and discharged his duties with credit to himself and honor to his constituency. Mr. Van Kleeck was married July 3, 1872, to Juliet C, daughter of Thomas J. and Juliet (Clarke) Carpenter. She was born in Orion, Oakland Co., Mich. (See sketch of T. J. Carpenter). Three children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Van Kleeck, as follows : Edith, Julys, 'S76; James C, May 28, i88r, and an infant. harles M. Card, farmer on section 16, f. Hope Township, was born in Old Hick- bridge, Berkshire Co., Mass., Dec. 16, 1825, the son of Elisha and Susanna Card, i|^ natives of Rliode Island. The father died Dec. 16, i860, and the mother in 1844. Mr. Card's palernal and maternal grandfathers were both Revolutionary soldiers. The subject of this biography was reared on a farm, and, leaving home at 18 years of age (1843), went to Medina, Orleans Co., N. Y., to learn the wagon-maker's trade. He remained there until 1848, and then went to Utica, where he worked at his trade for two years. In that city, Jan. 28, 1849, he formed a life partnership with Miss Jane Olds, daughter of Martin and Mary A. (Prim) Olds. Both parents are now deceased, having ended their lives in Can- ada, whither they had emigrated from England. Mrs. Card was born in the last mentioned country, Oct. 29, 1826. After marriage, Mr. C. removed to Medina, where he was employed at his trade two years. His next move was to Kingston, Can., where he lived through one winter; and then he moved to Wolf Island, Can. Here he worked at his trade for a time, and then on a rented farm for two years. At the expira- tion of this time he purchased 40 acres of land. He lived at this place altogether seven years; then sell- ing out, he lived in Kingston again from spring to fall. Thence he went 20 miles to Camden, and lived two years in that village and five years on a farm in the vicinity, which he purchased. He then made his last move to his present home in this county, in i868. He purchased 120 acres of wild (^ ^ ^: mm' Au:^ -#t^5f^>^ ^DIl^DD^i> MIDLAND COUNTY. ^|?^C(^ :^ ^ v) land, and had to cut down trees before he could find a space to build a house. He now owns 60 acres. He is a Democrat and has been School Treasurer. He and wife are members of the "Church of God." The following is the record of the six children added to this family : Mary Jane was born Oct. 24, 1849, in Utica, N. Y., and married John Partridge; Maria S. was born Aug. 25, 185 i, in Medina, Orleans Co., N. Y., and was married April 3, 1869, to George Erway ; Leander W. was born Dec. 15, 1853, on Wolf Island, Ontario, Can., and was married in 1S7S to Phebe Rooker; Maggie A. was born Nov. 26, 1857, on Wolf Island, and married Amos A. Has- kell; Harriet E. was born Feb. 11, i860, at Camden, Can., and was married in March, 1882, to William Rooker; Charles M., Jr., was born March 11, 1867, at Camden, Can., and was married April 20, 1884, to Irzettia Burgess. |€l; eorge Smock, farmer, section 19, Jasper -„____„ Townsliip, was born in Livingston Co., N. tH^I^^ Y., March 16,1838. His parents, Adam hf^ P. and Eleanor (Vanderbeek) Smock, were X natives respectively of New Jersey and New * York, and of New Jersey ancestry for several generations. His father, a farmer during life, and now aged 72, and his mother, aged 65, are living with him. George was about three years old when his parents went to Allegany Co., N. Y. He visited Gratiot Co., Mich., in 1857, but continued an inmate of his parental home until of age, when, Sept. 24, 1S62, he married Miss Emily, third child and second daugh- ter of Thomas and Mary (Craig) Martin. (See sketch of Andrew J. Martin.) She was born in Por- tage Co., Ohio, March 24, 1841, and came to Michi- gan with her parents when 20 years old. After marriage, Mr. and Mrs. S. owned and occupied an 80 acre farm in Pine River Township, Gratiot Co., Mich., till the summer of i87i,when they came to this county and settled on a quarter of section 19, where, they now reside. Here Mr. Smock has im- proved 65 acres and erected fair farm buildings. In his township he has been Highway Commissioner, Health Officer, etc. In political matters he is a staunch and active Republican, and he belongs to the I. O. O. F., at Salt River. He is a popular citizen. Mr. and Mrs. Smock have had five children, namely: Willis, born Feb. 27, 1864; Oscar, April 7,1866; Freddie, June 26, 1875; and an infant, March r6, 1884; and Minnie, born April 25, 1868, died Sept. 19, 1875. ' '^''3'" amuel D. Shaffner, farmer, section 11, In- 1 . __ .,crsoll Township, was born in Pennsylvania ■|ijiV^ -^4?^C U Ij ;^. p U ^ i?^7-^^ :2^^Q^- -*«^ MIDLAND COUNTY. 367 ft Tuscola County, where he bought a farm of 1 20 acres, worked it for seven years, then managed a farm in Lai)eer County again for two years; then, in 1S76, he went to Clay Co., Kan., and about three years I'f). later he returned to this State and purchased 80 acres of timbered land on section 21, Lee Township, where lie has since improved 30 acres. In politics Mr. Hitsman is a Democrat, and he has held the minor offices of his district. Mr. H. was married in St, Lawrence Co., N. Y., Sept. 6, J 863, to Miss Eliza A. Lanway, who was born in that county June i, 1848. Tht^ children of Mr. and Mrs. Hitsman are : George L., born Aug. 24, 1864; Mary E. E., March 26, 1869; Dora R., June 17, 1880; and William N., who was born July r, 1873, and died Feb. 3, 1875. ^ f'j H. Ketcham, junior member of the lumber jii!====|i firm of Wright & Ketcham, resident at J'lfS^ ^^^"^ Saginaw, Mich., was born Feb. 22, jiljf ^ 1845, on Staten Island, N. Y., and is a son of ■^■1^^ Ira G. and Fannie M. Ketcham. His father, a farmer, settled in DeKalb Co., 111., where he reared his son to the age of 20 years, instructing him in agri- cultural pursuits. In 1866 the latter came to Sagi- naw, Mich., where he engaged heavily in lumbering in the interests of Ketcham, Edsell &] Dunning. The enterprise lasted ten years, when he became connected with the lumber firm of Wright & Co. After four years the present business relation of Wright & Ketcham was formed, and has since continued. The senior member of the firm is the most prominent man in the Saginaw Valley, Ammi W. Wright. The lumber interests of the firm in Midland County are extensive. They own r 0,000 acres of hard and soft timber lands, and instituted their business at the point where the village of Ketcham stands, May i, 1881. They commenced business to secure a large amount of pine lumber for themselves and also in the interest of Messrs. Rust & Hay, of Saginaw. During the last three years they have placed 100,000,000 feet of lumber on the banks of the Tittabawassee River, and have 125,000,000 feet to secure, which will require be- tween three and four years. They constructed a ^6^# .25J^y^ MM narrow-gauge railroad in 1882, built of iron rails, 20 pounds to the yard ; but the track is now laid with 3o-l)ound steel rails, the old ones being utilized for branches and siding. The road is about 22 miles in extent, and its rolling stock includes three coal-burn- ing engines and 75 log cars. The road is in use about nine months in the year. It is deemed more economical and safe to use coal-burning engines in a wood country. The facilities afford a banking capacity of about 300,000 feet of lumber daily. The working force during the winter includes about 500 men. During the summer the operations require about 100 men, making an average of 325 men through the year. The yearly running expenses amount to $200,000. Ammi W. Wright, who is now a resident of Sara- toga, N. Y., formerly lived at Saginaw, where he still has extensive business relations. He owns a saw- mill there and is President of the Wright Lumber Co., of Wellstime & Co., of Wright and Davis, of Otsego Co., Mich., and is a member of the lumber firm of Giles, Gilbert & Co., of Montcalm County. He holds large interests in Gratiot County, and is the principal owner of real estate at Alma, in that county, where he owns the Wright House, one of the finest establishments for the entertainment of the traveling public in the State of Michigan. Mr. Wright has large landed interests in Minnesota, and owns considerable property in Minneapolis. He is a heavy stock owner in the First National Bank and the Home National Bank at East Saginaw, and also in the bank at Alma. He is a partner in the firm of Taylor, Wolfenden & Co., of Detroit, and is heavily concerned in the Lansing, Alma & Mt. Pleasant Railroad, now in process of construction. He is one of the most notable examples of what one man may accomplish who sets out in life with empty hands and a head sufficiently well balanced to recognize and grasp opportunities, — a much better capital than inherited wealth. It has placed him among notable millionaires and incited him to widely diffused and varied business investments. Among these is an ex- tensive sheep ranch in Texas. Mr. Wright is about 63 years of age. The village of Ketcham is the outgrowth of the operations carried on there by Messrs. Wright & Ketcham. The mercantile establishment of the firm and the {wstoffice are under the management of James G. Ketcham, brother of one of the proprietors. m^^n^rS ^^'^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ybj A V < ( y fa, ^)$f^tf=»- :<:-: ■^ZS^)^^ <-tlP>:illi-> '^ "^^fis^-^ MIDLAJSin COUNTY. ^^p^rwin Inman, farmer on section 28, Hope "y^'^ Township, was born in Ray Township, ^T.^- *' Macomb Co., Mich., June 22, 1854, the son of Charles and Amanda M. (Green) In- man. The father was born in October, 1826, in New York State, and the mother in 1825, in the same State. They now reside in Lincoln Town- ship, this county. Their family include Erwin H., Luella, Oscar F., Winslow J. and Orville B.; and Mrs. Inman has two children by a former marriage, — David M. Wilcox and Sarah Wilcox. The subject of this sketch commenced when only 16 years of age to earn his own support. He worked in the lumber woods in the winters, and on neighboring farms in the summer seasons. In 1876, shortly after reaching his majority, he purchased 40 acres where he has since lived. July 4, 1877, in Lincoln Township, he was mar- ried to Miss Emma J. Conner, daughter of Isaac and Laura (Brown) Conner. Mr. and Mrs. C. are residing on a farm in Grout Township, Gladwin County, and have had nine children, of wliom Brit- tannia is deceased. She was the eldest. The living are Martha, Mary A., Rhoda, Emma J., Margaret, Lillian, Philip R. and William N. Mrs. Inman was born Sept. it, 1861, in Mariposa, Can., and is the mother of three children, as follows : Charles W., born Oct. 19, 1878; Isaac C, April 15,1881 ; and an infant, Feb. 23, 1884. All were born in Hope Town- ship. Mr. I. is a Greenbacker, and in religious inclina- tion belongs to the Church of God. I 4 ohn Haley, fanner, section 26, Mt. Haley ""'^/l Township, was born Jan. 15, 1842, in Frontenac Co , Ont. His father, John Haley, died in July, 1862, and after that event, -jiL his family, including his wife, one daughter \ and two sons, came to Saginaw County. In the springof 1868, they removed to Midland County and fixed their residence on 160 acres of land, for which Mr. Haley had entered his claim in the previ- ous year. It was all in heavy timber and the owner has sold 80 acres of the original tract, and finely im- proved a portion of the remainder. Its soil is of the best character. The mother died in November, 1875- Mr. Haley was married Oct. 12, 1870, in East Saginaw, to Alice Howley, a native of Ontario, where she was born, Feb. 18, 1842. Eight children have been born of this marriage, all of whom are living but one. The family l^elong to the Roman Catholic Church, in which they are in full and regular standing. Mr. Haley is a Democrat, and has held the most important local official positions. He has been Treasurer and Justice of the Peace, and has officiated as Drain and Highway Commissioner. ^iA. ^ ■*!'t^3j \g^^^- -^^^^ — ^tK^D ^'^M^>-^^ — ^^€^ ^-rm^^ -:J^^ 6V4>lir^.llIl^>r^ r-:;;;>' ^^^(^vM t v^ M #&». (:-> /• /^ >: V > 9 Si/ ^ r&) ^si^^ «^<^D!l^tl!]>> z,,.^. f m^^ rn r<-^mi;^Dii^> V t ^ A <0' (', ^^<^^D 3 ^ IID;>^ ^5^3>n ^^5f@>^) (b MIDLAND COUNTY. INTRODUQTORY. Mk yto) NLY a few years have passed since any attempt has been made to convert the unbroken H- - JK5«.-^ ■^i—^.r^i^-. forests of Northern Michigan t^l v^'^^j^ss^^w^^^S into an agricultural district and homes for civilized man. The early surveyors which Government sent out to make the survey of this part of the State reported that it was an irreclaimable waste and not fit for cultivation in any quarter, the soil being of that character which pre- cluded the propagation of cereals. The rapidity of settlement and enor- mous crops of everything in the line of cereals demonstrated conclusively their mistake, for no acre- age surpasses Northern Michigan in productiveness. Notvifithstanding the oft-repeated tales of want and hardships told by their sires, men of energy, with their families and all their earthly possessions loaded upon wagons drav/n by oxen, pushed their way step by step, through the unbroken forests of Midland, until they found suitable locations. With a spirit of heroism have they toiled until the forests were laid low, and their herculean labor is manifest in the broad acres of highly cultivated land, upon which stand palatial residences and outbuildings of the most expensive character. Over the grounds where the red man chased the bounding deer, and the wild-cat and wolves held their nightly vigils, may be seen the husbandman gathering the golden harvests ; where the Indian's wild war-whoop was heard, stands the stately house of worship. Transportation of goods by ox teams has given way to the power of steam, and a commerce has been opened up with all parts of the civilized world. Prosperity in a high degree has smiled upon her people, who are fortunate in living in the most healthful, beautiful and pro- ductive State in the Union, taking age into consider- ation. The history of this county is possessed of no small degree of interest. While other counties were con- nected with the frontier with large bodies of excellent lands, these seemed shut off from the gaze of shrewd speculators by reason of its heavy growth of timber. They were destined to become the heritage of an honest, industrious people, and the income derived from the timber and products of the soil has given many of the first comers a handsome competency. -5— vVW; C?) ca: Value of Local History. - ji ERY few of the present generation realize ' the great value of local history, living as they do in an age of industry and thrift. Tlie opportunities for speculation and the haste to become wealthy take precedence of everything else, and the fact is not taken into consideration that the pioneers are rapidly passing from the scene of their labors, leaving but little time for the compilation of biographical sketches which constitute the heretofore unwritten history of Midland ^ -:^^^K — ^ve^Dii;v "^f^^^^ '■i' MIDLAND COUNTY. County. Their children have heard from the Hps of their aged sires the'storj' of privation and toil of those who were first at the front in the settlement of the county, but thfir children will lose sight of the facts unless they be recorded in such manner as to become intelligible and kept fresh in the minds of succeeding generations. Surrounded, as we are, with everything which wealth and taste can suggest, the fact is almost lost sight of that here were the best years of the lives of our ancestors devoted to the development of one of the best agricultural counties in the State. As the virtues, privations, 'toil and hardships of the pio- neers of Midland are well worthy of a more fitting memorial than can be secured by a granite monu- ment, the design of the publishers is to record a his- tory of inestimable value to every citizen. The facts mentioned have been carefully culled from every source ; neither pains nor expense has been spared in the compilation of this work, which, although not without error, is as correct as can be gathered from the pioneers themselves. Upon local history depends the perpetuation of facts heretofore unwritten, as well as the biographical sketches of every worthy pioneer'in the county that could be procured. Each sketch speaks volumes; and a history of one man's life, perhaps of an entire family, is nov recorded where naught can eftace or destroy it. From this will all future volumes of like import take their data. Those who have volunteered the information from which this work is compiled, will live in the history of this county as long as time lasts. No manlier hands e'er drew a sword than they who faced privation and danger while engaged in the subjugation of the dense wilderness which once covered this now beautiful land, and to them is this volume dedicated. How Our Fathers Lived. HE young men and women of to-day have very little conception of the mode of life among the early settlers of Midland Coun- ty. In but few respects are the manners of the present time similar to those of. a quarter of a century ago. The clothing, the dwell- ings, the diet, the social customs, etc., have under- gone a total revolution as though a new race had taken possession of the land. Pioneer life in Mid- land County finds its parallel in almost every county in the State and throughout the entire Northwest. The land was to be cleared of forests, and the skill of human art used to transplant to the fertile re- gion the civilization of the East. Cabins were to be erected, wells dug, and the rivers and creeks made to labor for the use of mankind. .\s many living citizens can well remember, the pioneers had many difficulties to contend with, not the least of which was the journey from civilization to their forest homes. The route lay through a wild and rough country ; swamps and marshes were crossed with great exertion and fatigue ; rivers were forded with difficulty and danger ; nights were passed in the dense forests, with mother earth for a couch and the trees and foliage for a shelter ; long, weary days and weeks of travel were 'endured, but finally their eyes were gladdened and their hearts beat faster when a vision of their future home burst upon them. The first thing upon arrival was to set about build- ing a cabin. While this was being done the family slept in their wagons or upon the grass, while the horses or mules, tethered to prevent escape, grazed on the grass around them. Trees of a suitable and uniform size were selected, felled and prepared for their places. The day for the raising was announced and from far and near came other pioneers to assist in the labor. The structure went up, a log at a time, those engaged in the work stopping now and then to "wet their whistles," and soon it was ready for the clapboard roof, which was held on by huge weight- poles. A door and a window were cut where the good wife directed, a chimney built, and the building was ready for its occupants. The space between the logs was filled in with split sticks of wood, called "chinks," and then daubed over, both inside and out, with mortar made of clay. The floor was some- times nothing more than earth tramped hard and smooth, but was commonly made of "puncheons," or split logs, with the split side turned upwards. The roof was made by gradually drawing in the top to the ridge-|)ole and on cross-pieces laying the clap- boards, which, being several feet in length, instead of being nailed were held in place by weight-poles, reaching the entire length of the cabin. For a fire-place, a space was cut out of the logs on V ( J Wi^'^ r^^ — ^-7<>lin:<5:Dl]^> •r-^ -z^^^ v^ ~f4^-^>^^^ (• ) ■ r S> ^) MIDLAND COUNTY. 373 one side of the room, usually about six feet in length, and three sides were built up of logs, making an off- set in the wall. This was lined with stone, if con- venient ; if not, tlien earth was used. The flue, or upper part of the chimney, was built of small split sticks, two and a half or three feet in length, carried a little space above the roof, and plastered over with clay, and when finished was called a "cob and clay" chimney. The door space was also made by cutting an aperture in one side of the room of the required size, the door itself being made of clapboards secured by wooden pins to two cross-pieces. The hinges were also of wood, while the fastening consisted of a wooden latch catching on a hook of the same ma- terial. To open the door from the outside, a strip of buckskin was tied to the latch and drawn through a hole a few inches above the latch bar, so that on pulling the string the latch was lifted from the catch or hook, and the door was opened without further trouble. To lock the door it was only necessary to pull the string through the hole on the inside. Here the family lived, and here the guest and wayfarer were made welcome. The living-room was of good size, but to a large extent it was also kitchen, bed- room, parlor and arsenal, with flitches of bacon and rings of dried pumpkins suspended from the rafters. The old cabins are rapidly being superseded by modern frame and brick structures, yet with almost tearful eyes we watch them disa[)pear. Every log and chink has a history; could they speak, they would tell us of tlie days of toil and privation under- gone by our fathers, of the days made sacred by the birth or death of his children, of the religious services which were held there when no church was yet built in the neighborhood, or the merry-makings at which the neighbors for miles around attended, when logs were to be rolled, and a dance given in the evening; the whole to conclude with a supper, the delicacies of which consisted of venison, maple sugar and corn bread. One by one the old log structures are being removed, but it seems almost a sacrilege to tear them down, so closely have they been connected with the success of our pioneers, many of whom now state that although they are now wealthy and have every comfort and luxury that money can procure, yet the days spent in their primeval home and the kindness which everywhere prevailed among neighbors, brought more happiness than is now enjoyed, although their b^.rns are filled with grain, their pockets with gold and their lands doited witn herds of cattle and sheep. ^.s.J y6) "■■J O) '^^^m^f -^€^^ <^nii^:tinf> > BOHIGINAL history in this county is somewhat limited. Although these were their lands, and among the best ___________ hunting grounds, they were (^!j t^>. --/,,■ it) ^11 removed to a reservation in Isabella County, which had been ceded them by the Govern- ment in 1855, which lands are yet possessed by the remnants of the tribes, now nearly extinct. Nearly all the Indians living in this portion of the State belonged to &iS the Chippewa tribe, although the I (c^ Pottawatomies and Ottawas were so mixed with them by intermarriage that compara- tively few full-blooded specimens could be found of either tribe. There was always a kindly feeling ex- isting between the Indians and the whites of this county, and no disturbance of importance was noted during the early history of this section. Their time was spevit in hunting, fishing and trading, having only a few acres of cleared land, which was cultivated very poorly. Their dances were the occasion of much hilarity, and every one who desired was made wel- come as a looker-on. The " sugar dance," the "green- corn dance," " harvest dance" and " war dance" were the only recreations indulged in, unless it were an occasional " horse race," and these were tame affairs, the ponies following each other along a trail in single file. Their manner of burial was peculiar. The corpse was wrapped with bark and deposited in a shallow grave, which, when filled with earth was covered with bark. A pipe, tobacco, and hatchet were put at the head of the grave; and quarterly, during the first year, a squirrel or other small animal was buried, that the warrior might have sustenance for support until he reached the happy hunting grounds. The Indians could many for " a moon " or life, just as they liked. The marriage ceremony consisted only in presenting the bride a necklace, blanket, or any trinket, which if accepted constitvited marriage. Their number of wives was not limited, some having three or four. Pay-mos-ega, the aged Chippewa chief, died at " Indiantown," near St.Louis, and his body was kept " lying in state " for several days ; plenty of whisky was furnished the Indians from some quarter, and riot and revelry prevailed. During the c ;rnival of drunkenness three squaws were murdered and their bodies burned. Me-gon-gay-wan, a daughter of the chief men- tioned, afterward married Henry Ashman, who rep- resented the people in the .State Legislature at a later date. Two of his sons live in Isabella County, and are both intelligent and worthy men. Mrs. Mary Gruett, wife of James Gruett, who acted as in- terpreter at the Indian Mission, still lives near St. Louis, and is possessed of (]uite a fund of informa- tion regarding Indian life. The old Iroquois blood is flowing in the veins of many of them, and here and there one can trace a descendant of the Miamis, the Senecas, and oftener A Z< ( -#i^ TT vC^DO^nu^^v -^^^(< MIDLANn COUNTY. the old and once powerful Pottawatomies. The old Etowah and Ojibway (now corrupted into Ottawa iv5» and Chippewa) are also represented largely; so the ( present tribe, designated as " Chippewas of Saginaw, (z)j Swan Creek and Black River," is an amalgamation of - several tribes which were once distinct. In the Detroit treaty of Nov. 17, 1807, the lands in the Saginaw territory were set apart for the Ottawa, Chippewa, Wyandotte and Pottawatomie nations of Indians, as part of a general and divided concession ^ from the Government; but it is not until the treaty ;% made at Washington, May 9, 1836, that we see In- dians classified as "Chippewas of Swan Creek and Black River." The Wyandottes and Pottawatomies wandered westward, though many of the latter tribe settled in the Michigan Territory south of what is now the line of the Michigan Central Railroad. But among the new tribe of Chippeways of Swan Creek and Black River, there was a large number still of Wyandottes and Pottawatomies, although the prevailing number were divided between Ottawas and Chippewas, while occasionally, to tliis day, a Seneca Indian can be found. Civilization has been driving them remorselessly before it, — first from the beautiful valley of the Miami, up toward the Maumee; from there to the river Raisin, where Monroe now stands; from there towards the Detroit River, but urging tliem both west and northward from there to the Flint and Saginaw Rivers; but with all these temporizings urging them westward by offers of large annuities, which many of them accepted on arriving at Swan Creek, Black River and Saginaw, this conglomeration of tribes, under their new name, began to clear land, to hunt . and to fish ; but even in what was then a wilderness, they were not allowed to remain undisturbed; for the American Fur Company began the erection of trad- ing posts, and buying their valuable furs of the In- dian hunter and trapper. They and the subsequent traders paid them off in poor whisky and cheap goods at an exorbitant price. (3^ As civilization advanced, many of the whites took i Indian women as concubines, living in this unholy ^ alliance as long as it suited either their convenience W. or inclination to do so, thus giving to these untutored ■ ^ people their first lesson in civilization by teaching them the prostitution of their young women ! After a while this land became valuable to the s whites ; the steamboat appeared where before the waters of the Saginaw and Tittabawassee had known no more disturbance than the paddle of the Indian in his canoe. Business began to prosper, settlers to come in, and in 1855 these Indians were all called together and told that it was to their interest to give up land then worth one hundred dollars per acre and to move again northward into Isabella County, then almost a wilderness. To this they consented, and moved from their possessions to the lands along the Tittabawassee in this county, and to the reserva- tion in Isabella. There were fully 2,000 Indians living along the Tittabawassee when the first white settler came, and the Wymans, Whitmans, Townsends, Cronkrights and others had no other neighbors for years. All speak of the Chippewa Indians in the kindliest manner, and when the last ones left Midland County for their new home in Isabella, many tears of regret were shed by the whites at the necessity which caused their parting. Fifty years ago the Chippewas had undisputed possession of this territory, and the Sauks, another powerful tribe, endeavored to dispossess them of these beautiful valleys, which were such fine hunting grounds. A bloody battle was fought about two and one-half miles west of Midland City, at a bend in the river known as the "Ox-Bow," and many lives were lost on both sides, the "Chippewas" however coming off victorious. Their dead are now lying in the old Indian burying-ground a couple of miles southwest of Midland City. There were two other burying-grounds immediately east of Midland and inside its corporate limits where many of the aborigines were buried. Wliile exca- vating along the line of the Flint & Pere Marquette Railroad, the workmen unearthed many bones and utensils which had been placed in the graves to aid the warrior upon his arrival at the happy hunting grounds. They have gone from this county, and had it not been for the efforts of Major James W. Long, who for several years was Indian Agent in Isabella County, and was instrumental in securing them their patents in fee simple, the probability is that ere this they would have been removed to Isle Royale in Lake Superior, or some other equally undesirable locality. As it is, their present condition, as com- h 9 ^^^^-^ .^^ A^>D!i^nn;^-^ ©-^^Dtl^llil^^v TT- MIDLAND COUNTY. 1=3 S / v) pared with the past, is bad enough. They are dwindling away, or migrating each year to their old relatives, the Ottawas of Lake Michigan, the straits of Mackinac and Sault Ste. Marie. Others can be found among the Chippewas of Lake Superior, while those who remain earn a precarious living in amateur farming, hunting, fishing and the manufacture of baskets. They are undoubtedly the victims of fate; but it seems hard that they, the original owners of this land, have been compelled to give up so much when they have received so little. At present about 600 Lidians are living on the reservation in Isabella County under the provisions of the treaty of Oct. 18, 1864, which was supplemental to the treaty of Aug. 2, 1855, when the tribe was in the fullness of its glory here. The last families left Midland County in 1865, and occasionally some of them come during the summer months to gather huckleberries, which grow in such profusion along the marshes. The treaty of 1864 gave to each head of a family 80 acres of land, and to every Indian, male or female, upon arriving at the age of maturity, 40 acres, with the proviso that the Indian Agent shall classify them as "competent " or " non-competent." In case they are reported as "competent," a patent issues in fee simple, and they can transfer their land or alienate the title the same as any other freeholder. The ''non-competent," while having a patent, cannot transfer the title without consent of the Secretary of the Interior. The reservation embraces the following Congres- sional townships in Isabella County, all being in towns north, by ranges west of the meridian line: 16, 3entire; 15,3; 15,4; 15, 5 entire; 14, 5 entire, and the north half of 14, -3 and 14, 4. The principal value at that time attached to these lands was the magnificent pine timber which grew so luxuriantly upon it, while this value was enhanced by its prox- imity to the Chippewa and Salt Rivers, by which the logs could be floated to Saginaw and Bay City. Lumber speculators soon bought the pine, coupled with the right of removal, at nominal figures, after which land speculators purchased the land. Some of the Indians kept their land, but none of them the timber. It is as well, perhaps, as it is. The theory of the Indian Commission and the would-be humanitarians, that the North American Indians can be turned into a set of civilized farmers, is a phantasy long since ex- ploded. A percentage of them may be converted to civilization by schools, etc., but an Indian is an In- dian still. His romantic habits and the pleasures of the chase are more to hiui than "castled halls," and the delights of out-door and field sports cling to him still as they did his ancestry. Locality is one uf their chief attributes. Although ihey are entitled to land in the reservation, not only land, but the means ot having permanent and comfortable homes — notwith- standing all this, which any while man would have accepted greedily, the Indian will not take, but even now can be found in his old haunts, rendered doubly dear to him by habitation and the traditions of child- hood. The Indian problem has had a fair, honest and intelligent trial among the Chippewas of Sagi- naw, Swan Creek and Black River, and as far as ameliorating their condition is concerned, it has been a failure. Schools have been furnished them, with patieni, earnest teachers. The gospel has been preached to them, by hard-working, self-denying min- isters of Christ. Many can speak English; some can "write, read and cipher;" some are members of the Church, and all are peaceable and quiet. Civiliza- tion has done this much; but it has all been for the benefit of its own cupidity and protection. As for the Indian (!), in the wild woods, unbroken by the ax of the pioneer; by the shim.nering stream, full ot sustenance to him, with nature at his command, with his bow and his arrow on his shoulder, or his fishing pole or net in his hand, — the Indian of primitive ages was more one of God's noblemen than the non- descript produced by the hypocrisy of civilization. The inter-marriage of the race has so reduced them ])hysically that a few more years will find but a mere handful of tiie noble (?) red men who were formerly owners of this beautiful land. When they are gone who will mourn ? Who will drop a tear in memory of their former greatness? They have been dispossessed slowly but surely until a mere spot of land includes their possessions. Their end is near; their race is nearly run. No more is seen the smoke curling from their wigwams; no more is heard the "tom-tom," as its monotonous sound marshaled the braves for the "war dance.' Their camp fires have gone out; their hunting grounds are transformed into luxuriant meadows and highly cultivated fields. Nothing is left save this humble memorial to indicate that the aborigines ever inhabited this country. ^ I ^ ,/ (^ ^. ^^^ Z^&K 6VC>Illl^|]Iis> (^ >^ V (S^ -l^t^fsV^ MIDLAND COUNTY. 377 % > CS T ^^=^1' — s-3- jv. ^ -^==3S= ^S" PECULATION is easy regavd- iiii; the date of the coming of the first actual settlers to the territory embraced by the Mid- land County boundaries, but absolute knowledge of these facts is hard to obtain. There were many Indians and French half-breeds living here as early as 1830, although their location could hardly be called permanent one, they being chiefly en- gaged in hunting, trapping and fishing. The first actual white settler who came stay was John A. Whitman, whose ar- rival dates back to the spring of 1836. Not until the autumn of that year, however, did he bring his family and erect his house, but at that early date his was the first house built in the county. This was located on the east half of section i in Inger- soll Township, and for convenience was built near the river. The only neighbors Mr. Whitman had for several years were Indians, of whom he speaks in highest terms. They were living in bark shanties and tents made of skins, but the winters were passed in comparative comfort, and very little sickness was knovi'n among them. Charles Fitzhugh came two years later and pur- chased a large tract of land about the junction of the Chippewa and Tittabawassee Rivers, and near by built a log cabin, which was occupied in 1837 by John Wyman. In this cabin, on the sixth day of July, 1837, Julia A. Wyman was "born. This event was of no small importance, for hers was the first birth occurring in Midland County among the white settlers. She is now living in Midland City, the wife of John McLean. The cabin previously mentioned stood on the site now occupied by the fair grounds, and was the first house built in Midland Township. For several years less than half a dozen white ^ families were living in the county. The Indians and *^ French traders were numerous, but no attempts toward improving the land were made except to clear a few ( '- acres of the underbrush and " deaden " the large trees. A few potatoes and other vegetables were grown, but the chase was depended upon for supplies, which were obtained from Saginaw by means of a canoe, there being no roads for transportation of goods. Frank S. Burton was one of the early comers to this county, he having arrived in March, 1856. To him we are indebted for many interesting items con- cerning tht early settlements. The Townsends, Cronkrights, and a few others, were squatted along the Chippewa at that date, and John Larkin had made his location here a year or two previous. Charley Rodd, the half-breed Indian who was afterward the first Sheriff of Isabella County, started a saloon in 1855, in a little store in a small clearing on the " Indian Reserve," which now constitutes a part of the farm of Mr. Geo. F. Ball. Doubtless there were others that still survive, who at that time were domiciled in log cabins niched in .^ijggjr— 4i^^(^^j ^-r^^m^^- ^75 <> h y i^f^As^m^ uel Gaskill, Judge of Probate, and George Turner, Surveyor. The first term of Circuit Court was held in the o'd school-house which stands at the corner of Ashman and EUswortli Streets. The members of the Bar at that time consisted of Henry C. Ashman, Wilbur F. Woodworth and G. F. Hemmingway. Midland Township was organized in 1853, and the first election was held at the house of Joseph Town- send, Sr.; the Inspectors of this Election were Thomas T. Townsend, Charles Fitzhugh and John A. Whitman. Below the mouth of l^obacco River about five miles, is the farm located by the venerable Abraham Egbert, in the year 1851. He was a Canadian, and a shrewd although eccentric man. He took great pride in the distinction of being the first pioneer of the township whicli bore his name, and never lost an opportunity of making reference to the fact. This township consisted of Congressional townships 16 north, I west and r and 2 east, and 15 north, i west. This territory now comprises the towns of Hope, Edenville, Warren and Jerome. When, by an act of the Legislature, the name was changed to Jerome, it nearly broke the old man's heart. We maintain that this was a grievous wrong, and as an impartial his- torian we desire to enter our protest against such in- justice even at this late date. There were many incidents connected with pio- neer life with which every reader is familiar, and for the present a few incidents relating to the first things of importance in the county are noted. John A. Whitman was the first Justice of the Peace, being elected in 1853. He performed the first marriage ceremony in IngersoU Townsliip, while officiating in a legal capacity, the parties being Mr. John Armon and Miss Margaret McGregor, who were married at his house in 1854. The first lawsuit in the county was brought before him, but the case was settled before coming to trial. The plaintiff, a Mr. Hall, suing a man named Chap- man for wages due. The wolves were quite numerous, and to rid the country of the noxious animals, the county paid a bounty of $8 for every wolf scalp which was present- ed to the County Clerk with a certified statement that the wolf was killed in Midland County. The first claims of this character were paid Jan. 15, 1856 A EH I ■^T v^^ '-<^i?\/^' ^>M MIDLAND COUNTY. f ) :-<§ V sum, yet it must be remembered that very few per- sons were living in the county, and most of these were able to care for themselves. The first school-house in the county was built on the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section 1 8, in Midland Township. In this, Henry C. Ashman taught the first school. He was one of the earliest settlers, and without doubt was one of the most in- telligent men that ever lived in the county. He was scrupulously honest, and enjoyed the greatest esteem and confidence of the people. He was the first Supervisor of Midland County, also the first Prosecuting Attorney. It is related that when teach- ing school during his younger days, he carried his rifle wtth him and frequently would kill one or two deer before school hours in the morning. His father. Judge Samuel Ashman, was stolen, when a child, by the Indians living in the Lake Superior re- gion. He lived among them for many years, and married a squaw, by whom he had several children. Henry Ashman was the only one of them that came to this county. He was first married according to the Indian custom, but when his wife died, was mar- ried to the Chief Pay-nios-e-gay's daughter, whose Indian name was " Me-gon-ga-wan," signifying red head, she having bright red hair. Mrs. Ashman was only a half-breed, and was very intelligent. One of her sons is now a resident of Isabella County, and is numbered among her best men. Joseph Townsend, the drayman at Midland City, is one of the oldest residents of the county. He is perfectly conversant with its early history, and to him the historian is indebted for many valuable facts. In this connection our thanks are tendered John A. Whitman, the oldest living resident of the county. Midland Township was the first one organized. Henry Ashman was its first Supervisor, and in loca- ting the county seat he showed considerable shrewd- ness. Visiting Lansing while the Legislature was in session, he succeeded in manipulating that body un- til an act was passed authorizing the Board of Super- visors and Prosecuting Attorney of Midland County to designate the location and drive the stake which fixed ihe county seat beyond question. This gave him absolute power in the matter, he being both Supervisor and Prosecuting Attorney. A fellow living in Bay City offered him $4,000 to drive it on his lands, l)ut Ashman said Nay. Being a resident of Midland, and having some land near the place, he, together with a number of chums, Billy Vance, Thomas and Joseph C. Townsend, Charles Fitzhugh, E. G. Buttles and H. M. Ellsworth, of this county, Timothy Jerome and Dan Davis, with other friends from Saginaw, were present, and a grand time was enjoyed. The Saginaw party came up on a steamer, and brought along a basket of champagne, which was freely disposed of, and the stake was driven upon the site now occupied by the court-house. The whole party became gloriously full without ex- ception, and the stake was baptized with a generous portion of the precious grape juice, Billy Vance be- ing the first to break a bottle of champagne upon it. The location and certified designation of the county seat was filed Oct. 13, 1856, and no effort was ever made to remove it from Midland until March 6, 1872, when Supervisor L. F. Smith, of Lincoln Township, offered a resolution to the Board of Supervisors praying that the county seat be re- moved to Averill Station in the township of Lincoln. Tlie resolution was tabled, and to this day has not been taken up. Mr. Smith did what he could for his constituency, but the people of the county are not yet ready to take the county seat from Midland and drop it in any of the neighboring villages. Midland County was attached to Saginaw County for municipal and judicial purposes until its organiza- tion in 1850. At that date only one township (Mid- land) was organized, but others were soon erected. Egbert Township was the second, Ingersoll the third, which was followed by the organization of Coe and Chippewa Townships, both of which are now a part of Isabella County. The territory embraced in Eg- bert has been previously mentioned. The first elec- tion was held Oct. 20, 1855, at the house of Abra- ham Egbert, in honor of whom it was named. The judges of that election were Abraham Egbert, Jacob Hagar and Daniel Bowman. David Burton was the first Supervisor, followed by Daniel Davis, who served in 1856-7 and until its re-organization in 1858. The aggregate valuation of the county, both real and personal, in 1855. was $574,292.04, and the sal- aries of county officers amounted, all told, to $600: $250 supplied the wants of the poor, and the cur- rent expenses of the county were defrayed by the ex- penditure of $1,721. John Larkin's house was used by the county officers, there being no court-house. The Super- <^ c ( ^^D!i§niif>^ — ^'^^ m b >5^ti^ ■^v4:nn^iDf^v NiSP *a: (l) «^|P9 MDILAND COUNTY. 381 visors' record shows that in 1856 $6,000 in county bonds were voted to be negotiated, and money there- by procured to erect a suitable building for county purposes. Henry C. Ashman was Deputy County Treasurer at that time, and was appointed a com- mittee of one to attend to the matter. Plans and specifications presented by Timothy Jerome were adopted, but no definite contract was made until the spring of 1857, when Jerome took the $6,000 in bonds, drawing 10 percent., payable in 10 years, and commenced the erection of the present building. This when completed was objected to by the Board of Supervisors, and Jerome was obliged lo make some alterations before they would accept it. There being but few roads and no bridges, the county was asked by her people' to make a ferry across the Tittabawassee, and the Board of Super- visors appropriated $150, in October, 1857, for the purpose of building a ferry scow. The line of crossing was to be the State road lead- ing from Midland through Isabella County. Charles Cronkright built the boat, and Leonard Wilkinson was appointed to attend the same. Rates were also fixed at that meeting for ferriage. Footmen were charged three cents; single teams, six cents; double teams, ten cents ; cattle, sheep and swine, ten cents. This rate was to last from April 20 to Nov. 20, after which double the above rates were to be charged. The ferry was made free in 1858, but for years it was a source of annoyance to the Board of Supervisors, it being a hard matter to get a good man to attend it. The penuriousness of the Board in the expenditures for this ferry is surprising, they always appropriating only money enough to pay about half the wages that would have secured a fit man for the place. The first county election was held in Midland July 3, 1855, at the house of Dr. Edwin Jennings. Less than two dozen votes were cast. Dr. Jennings' house was a small log cabin, which stood near the upper bridge. The unpretentious structure has long since been torn down to make room for more modern improvements. Li 1856, the names of Dan Davis and Charles Perkins both appear on the pay-roll of the Supervisors' journal as Supervisors of Egbert Township. As neither of them is living it cannot be decided which was entitled to the honor. After the court-house was completed, a spasm of public improvement came over the Board of Super- visors, and they were determined to have things fixed up in grand style about the county capitol. They passed the following resolution : Resolvci/, That a committee be appointed to ac- cept of the ferry and scow, and they also have power to procure the neccessary rope to stretch across the river upon as advantageous terms as possible. Also that they have power to cause the rubbish around the court-house square to be cleared off, and all un nec- cessary trees, etc., and to cause the rubbish to be carried off tlie s(]uare. D. M. R. Wilson, Clerk. Coe Township, in Isabella County, had been for several years under the jurisdiction of this county previous to the organization of Chippewa Township, which was done Oct. 12, 1858. It was a part of Coe and within the limits of Midland. The first election held in this township was at the house of William F. Payne, who, with Langdon Bently and John Fraser, were Judges of Election. Jan. 4, 1S60, a settlement was made between the counties of Midland and Isabella, the latter county having been organized by an act of the Legislature. Midland agreed to account to the State for all State tax liable to be paid by Isabella in 1859 and i860. Charles D. Searrin, Sylvester Erway and Samuel D. Gaskill appended their names as members of the committee from Midland, and P. H. Estee and N. C. Payne, from Isabella. After this settlement, Isabella County recovered $10,408 from Midland County which at the date of settlement neither county had ever dreamed of. This money built the present court-house in Isabella. The territory now embraced in Clare, Gladwin and Roscommon Counties-was formerly attached to Mid- land County for judicial and municipal purposes, and was detached at the date of their organization as counties. Previous to March 16, 1S63, the then unorganized county of Clare was attached to the county of Isa- bella for judicial and municipal purposes. At the same date, the east half of the then unorganized county of Gladwin, and the east half of C^are County, was organized and named the township of Gladwin. This township was attached to Midland County for governmental purposes. This town was continued for two years, when the east half of Clare was divided into two townships, called Grant and Sheridan. Clare was formally organized as a county by an act of the (^ ^ j;:^. m. ^DD^DOriX- ^^^ 382 MIDLAND COUNTY. Legislature March 16, 187 i, at which time the towns of Grant and Sheridan were detached from Midland. For the two years which these towns remained at- tached to this county, she had to pay a total of $7,- 134 32. This was rather an expensive luxury. Ros- common was detached from Midland County entirely in 1874, since which time lawsuits and other costs have accrued between the counties, they being un- able to compromise upon the amounts due Roscom- mon. In the Hill of 1883, the committee appointed to settle the matter compromised, Midland County greeing to pay $6,000 in full of all demands to date. The disbursements of the county for 1855 was $1,721, which included every cent of expense attach- ing to official salary, etc. In 1883, the increase shown by the clerks' record foots up the handsome sum of $55,925.70, wliich amount only pays current expenses. Yet this in- crease is not out of proportion to the rise in real estate and the need of expenditures as the county becomes more densely populated. Indeed, Midland County is managed by her officials in the most econ- omical manner, as proven by her records. glfii^Iasx .^oAl'^. ii^'tr W^-v:^^ WirWxMSr m =s«— ""«f*>i-y^l cOo f-3 Midland bein by IngersoU numbers and the most interesting t- Jl features of this woik is a brief (■■7 but concise histoiy of each ;jjj Township, from the date of ■ t^^ its organization, together with the coming of its first settlers, so far as can be ascertained. Perhaps errors may exist in some unimporlaiit particulars, but in such cases nothing more definite can be procured. .\11 the .Supervisors' names appear attached to the townships in wh'ch they have served, which, with the number of terms, make it especially interesting. g first organized, heads the list, followed and the others in the order of their Midland Township. 5IDLAND Township is numbered 14 south |S and 2 east, and is bounded on the north i|S}£l '^ by Larkin Township, on the east by Bay J ,^'A\ County, on the south by IngersoU Township •j''" and on the west by Homer Township. The Pine, Chippewa and Tittabawassee Rivers unite inside its boundaries, and millions of feet of pine logs are annually floated down these streams, where, uniting with the Tittabawassee, a jam of logs is formed extending to Saginaw. From Midland City, which is the only village in this township, the river flows in a southerly direction through IngersoU Town- ship, at the southeast corner of which it enters Sag- inaw County. In Midland Township are several fine farms, but Hope and Edenville Townships are 1^ «^ (^ T— I g«®- ^9-^^. \m |r^A^ :€^- -;2t^i ^- - u v C^g n :-^ n ii>5>v >*"^(S^tlliv" -«# i^^^c(®vii MIDLAND COUNTY. £1 > 1=3 more largely devoted to agriculture than even tliis township, lying in such close proximity to the county seat. All cereals grow well in Midland, and better soil for the production of vegetables cannot be found in the county. It being the first town organized in the county, and the first settled, it naturally follows that Midland Township should take a front rank. The first settlers are mentioned elsewhere, and all of them were men of sterling worth. Of all the people who have lived in the county from its organ- ization, none perhaps has done so much to push her business enterprises as John Larkin. He has always been first to favor any measure looking toward the advancement of mercantile or social interests, and has always aided with time and money everything which benefited or added to the growth of the village. The gentlemen who have ably represented Mid- land on the Board of Supervisors, together with tiieir terms of service, are mentioned below : SUPERVISORS. Henry C. Ashman ... 1855-6 E. G. Buttles 1857 Charles D. Searrin 1858-60 N. T. Carr 1861-2 Asa Bacon 1863-4 Sherman Olmstead 1865 Asa Bacon 1866 Henry D. Rogers 1867-8 Sherman Olmstead 1869 E. P. Jennings 1870 Lyman Church 1 87 i Henry Hart 1872-3 E. P. Jennings 1874-5 J. \V. Cochrane 1876 D. W. Chase 1877-80 George Patrick 1881 R. W. Clason 1882 John Larkin 1883 Ira Fales 1884 i-. Ingersoll Township. f NGERSOLL Township lies in the south- eastern corner of Midland County. It is numbered 13 north and 2 east, and is bounded on the north by Midland Township, on the east and south by Saginaw County and on the west by Mt. Haley Township. The northeastern part of this township is crossed by the Tittabawassee River, which flows south, then east into Sagniaw County. Ingersoll is reckoned as one of the best agricultural townships in the county, the east half being an especially fine farming district. Ingersoll contains no towns; it being so short a dis- tance from Midland City, that point is made its chief market. Smith's Crossing, on the boundary line be- tween the two townships as well as jjetween Midland, Saginaw and Bay Counties, is a stopping place for all passenger trains, making it convenient for the farmers going to and from Midland City. At one time Pay-mos-e-gay, the chief of the Black- bird Indians, made his headquarters on the banks of the Tittabawassee, opposite the farm of John Whit- man. The Indians lived there for at least 30 years in undisturbed peace. The bottoms along this river afforded tliem abundant pasturage for their ponies and abounded with game of all kinds. These lands were accounted their choicest hunting-grounds, and hundreds of deer, bear and smaller game have been captured in its precincts. John Whitman was the first settler in the townshi|). He located here in 1844, and his daughter, Jane Whitman, now Mrs. Jos. Barton, of Homer Town- ship, was the first white child born in Ingersoll Township. This event occurred in 1844. John Annabel settled here in 1867. Among other comers were Geo. Davis, Eli Bailey, L. P. Bailey and Joseph Lane. The township was organized Oct. i, 1855. The first election was held at tlie house of David Cramp- ton, Oct. 20, 1855. Charles S. Blodgett, Martin P. Crampton and Esial Chamberlin were the Inspectors. The history of the liunber interest in Ingersoll is but a repetition of that of the other townships in Midland County. Hundreds of acres of dead pine still cover the ground in some localities, which will in due time be manufactured into fencing and build- ing material. The Supervisors of this township have all been good and intelligent men, and many of them have served a number of terms. Their names and terms served are annexed : SUPERVISORS. Martin P. Crampton 1855 Wm. A. Copeland 1856 S. D. Gaskill 1857 Charles S. Blodgett 1858 S. D. Gaskill 1859-60 vS 9 c^: ^m^ ^mmm<>^^ Ci- 4^^<<® # <^Dil^{lil^> i^T- 384 MIDLAND COUNTY. 'CT % (^ ^ (^ Augustus Crownover 1S61 S. D. Gaskill 1862-4 Wm. P. Phetteplace 1865-7 1 S. D. Gaskill 1872 Wm. Atcliison 1873 S. D. (iaskill 1874-5 Wm. P. Phetteplace T876 C T- Winslovv 1S77 A. R. McMillan 1878-9 Joseph T- Winslow 1880 A. R. iNIcMillan 188 1 Joseph I. Winslow 1882 Steel E."lX-an 1883 A. R. McMillan 1884 >'tY^<- Jerome Township. jfcf EROME Township is located near the cen- ter of the county of Midland, being num- bered 15 north and 1 west. It is bounded on the north by Edenville, east by Lincoln and Homer Townships, on the south by Lee Town- ship, on the west by Geneva Township. The Tittabawassee River flows into Jerome from Edenville Township on the north. The stream takes a southerly and then easterly course, and leaves this township at the point where the line separates Lin- coln from Homer. The Salt River rises in Isabella County, flows east and enters Jerome near tlie north- eastern corner of the township, whence it takes a southeasterly direction and empties into the Titta- bawassee. The productions of Jerome are lumber, grain, vegetables and game, such as bear and deer, the former valuable for its flesh, which is used as food, and for its skin, of which robes are made ; also, bear oil in large quantities are obtained from this animal. From the deer, venison is procured, and the hides are used for making gloves, moccasins, etc. Jerome contains the village of Sanford, situated in the eastern part of the township, on the Tittabawas- see River, and at a place where this stream is crossed by the Flint & Pere Marquette Railroad, thus giving to this town the advantages of both river and railroad traffic. Communication is kept up between this point and the village of Edenville several miles north by means of the stage, which carries all mail both to the latter place and Wright's post-office. Sanford was platted in the summer of 1870, by Charles S. Sanford. Wells, Stone & Co. erected tiie tirst store in the village; Geo. Higgins was the first blacksmith; the first physician was A. E. Rockwell; the first ser- mon was preached by Rev. Cogsall, of the Metho- dist denomination, in tlie school-house. Jacob Se- guin opened the first hotel, and Charles S. Sanford built one soon afterward, which was destroyed bv fire May 15, 1884. The Flint & Pere Marquette Railroad was completed as far as Sanford in the spring of 1871. The first postmaster was Phineas Hamilton. This village has about 100 inhabitants, and is a convenient trading point for lumbermen and agri- culturists in that vicinity. A salt well was sunk on section 24, in 1841, under the supervision of Prof Douglass Houghton, the State Geologist. This was the first salt well dug in the State. Geo. Butts was the first settler in the township, and located on section 25 ; Charles S. Sanford came next, locating on section 24, where the village named in his honor now stands. The Board of Supervisors erected the township of Jerome in the year 1856. In 1862, a resolution was passed by that body by which townships 15, 16 and 17 north, of range 1 west, and townshiji 16 north, of range 2 west, were added to Jerome. These tracts were afterward organized into separate townsliiiis. Jerome has been successful in electing mer. of good judgment and ability to represent her in the county Board of Supervisors. Tlieir names are : SUPERVISORS. Charles Perkins 1S57-8 Sylvester Erway 1859-64 Geo. B. Bard well , 1865-7 Sylvester Erway 1868 Geo. B. Bardwell 1869-70 E. N. Burton 1 87 1-2 Geo. B. Bardwell 1873 L. G. Miner '874-5 Wm. Magee 1876-7 L. G. Miner 1S78 Wm. Magee 187 9-84 I) II ^: D lls>V MIDLAND COUNTY. 38s OCX? Lincoln Township. A' V > INCOLN Township is numbered 15 north and r east, and is bounded on the north by Hope, on the east by Larkin and on the south by Homer Township, and partly separated from the latter by the Tittabawassee River, and on the west by Jerome and Edenville Town- The surface of Lincoln generally is just sufficiently undulating to afford the soil good drainage. Some of the finest farms in the county are to be found in this township, the soil being especially adapted to the cultivation of wheat, oats and potatoes. Clover grows in abundance, thus giving good pasturage to cattle, horses and sheep. Wool is also an important article of merchandise, and large flocks of slieep are grazing in the beautiful meadows. Averill is the largest village in the township, and is located in the southern part, on the Flint & Pere Marquette Railroad. Harrison Averill gave to the railroad company the right of way through that sec- tion, and the village was named in liis honor. It is on the Tittabawassee River and millions of feet of lumber pass through this point for the lower mills and .Saginaw. Wells, Stone & Co. built the first store and put in a large stock of general merchan- dise. The village was platted in 1870, the samj year the railroad was completed to that point. M. O McFarland has a store and hotel near the depot, and is doing a good business. He is Postmaster also; the office is in his building. N. T. Stratton is pro- prietor of a good hotel, and also keeps a full line of dry goods, boots and shoes and groceries. Wright & Ketcham's headquarters in the north- ern part of the township comprises a small village of less than 100 inhabitants, the buildings, barns, store houses, etc., belonging to the firm. This is not only a convenient supply depot for the employes of this firm, but the farmers living within reasonable dis- tance from it also make it their trading point. We yd make only a brief mention of it here, as a full de- ^fv scription is given elsewhere. \~^ The township of Lincoln was organized March 20, ._? i86r, and the first election was held at the house of Elien Wright, who, with Charles Liman and Orville Hosmer, were Judges of Election, which took place in April, 1861. Lincoln was disorganized by an act of the Legislature and attached to Hope in 1877. Li October of the following year it was again erected, and the first election after its re-organization was held on the first Monday in April, 1879, at the residence of L. F. Smith, who, with Frank S. Stratton and Harrison Averill, were appointed Inspectors of Elec- tion. The names of the Supervisors of this township and the terms each has served are as follows : SUPERVISORS. Charles Inman 1861-3 Francis Green 1864-5 Charles Inman 1S66-7 James W. Riggs 1868-9 " J. Brewster 1870 L. F. Smith 187 i Wm. Tinker 1873-4 G. W. Horn 1875 L. F. Smith 187 6-7 H. B. Hamilton 1879 Charles Inman 1880-t H. B. Hamilton 18S2-3 Charles Inman 1884 Jasper Township. ASPER Township occupies the southeast- _ ern corner of Midland County, and is 3^' ^ bounded on the north by Greendale and east by Porter Townships, on the south by Gratiot, and on the west by Isabella Counties. It is numbered 13 north and 2 west. The Pine River crosses the southeastern corner of Jasper, and is the principal stream. This township ranks with those that are second in the production of grains, vegetables, etc. Nicholas Depue was the first settler in Jasper. He bought land here in 1854 and settled on section 31. Soon after his arrival his two sons, Marshall and Wm. T. Depue, came. In i860 Thomas Mar- tin arrived and settled on section 30. Both Martin and the Depues came from Warren, Trumbull Co., Ohio. In i860 Alson L. Bailey found his way to Jasper and settled on section 34. Ida, the daughter of Wm. T. Depue, was the first ! (^ ^ < d fG) €^^ >^%kS- "7 <^llin;t:llll>>^ -«s^ 386 MIDLAND COUNTY. ) >5 child born in the new township. Her birth occurred in tlie spring of 1S60. I Miss Emily Martin, now Mrs. Geo. Smock, taught Ihe first school in Jasper. I The township was organized March 2.0, iS6i. The first election was held at the house of Alson L. Bailey, on the fust Monday in April, 1S61. A. L. Bailey, Levi Caldwell and Nicholas Depue were Judges of this Election. Mr. Bailey was elected first Justice of the Peace. At a meeting of the Board of Supervisors held Feb. 4, 1862, townships 14 and 15 north and 2 west were added to Jasper. Later these townships were organized into Greendale and Geneva. A town house was erected in 1873 for the convenience of the citizens of the township. This is one of the most promising townships of Midland County. It contains many farms which are well cultivated and improved. The soil in this section is excellent, and in quality it is second to none in the count)-. The names of the Supervisors of Jasper, together with the number of terms served in this capacity, are given : SUPERVISORS. \\m. T. Depue 1S61-3 Marshall S. Depue 1864 John P. Balch 1865-7 John C. Sias 1 868-70 k. C. Martin 1870-2 John C. Sias 1876 A. J. Martin 1873-84 'onasnm^' ^M—^-^^^aumt^ Homer Township. r. I- T LOMER Township is situated in the eastern part of the county of Midland, and is num- bered 14 north and i east. It is bounded on the north by Lincoln Township, and partly i separated from it by the Tittabawassee River, I on the east by Midland and south by Mt. Haley Townships, and on the west by Lee and Jerome Townships. The Tittabawassee, Chippewa and Pine flow across Homer, the first forming part of the township line between Lincoln and Homer, the other two flowing northeast and uniting with the first in the township of Midland. Homer ranks with Jasper, Porter and Mt. Haley in importance and extent of agriculture. Charles Cronkright came to Homer Township June I, 1837, liaving walked all the way from Sagi- naw with his " bundle " on his back, in company with Samuel Gordon, who now lives in l\[idland Town- ship. Mr. Cronkright was the first se'.tler in Homer. Jacob Wiliz came in the year 1852, and about this time Anthony Barton, Wni. Kelly, Sylvester Vibber, Seneca Wells, Sullivan Bugby, John E. WiUard, Leonard Fletcher and Levi Foreman settled in this township. Wm. Cronkright was the first male child born in Homer, and also in the county, his birth occurring June 25, 1839. The first wedding was that of Wm. Kelly and Eliz- abeth Barton. The first minister was the Rev. — Green, of the Methodist persuasion. He preached the first sermon in Homer Township, at the school-house in District No. 2. This township was organized Jan. 13, 1862. The first election was held at the house of Chades Cronk- right, on the first Monday in April, 1862. Wm Kelly, Sullivan Bugby and Charles Lyde were Judges of ihe Election. Jacob Wiltz, Anthony Barton, Wm. Kelly and Sullivan Bugby were the first Justices of Peace. Below are appended the names of all of the Super- visors of Homer, together with the number of terms served by each. They are all men of undoubted ability and their manifest interest in the progress and development of their township has been well appre- ciated by those who have chosen them to this oflice. They are : SUPERVISORS. A c< ^V^:^^^f|- William Kelly 1862-5 F. E. Willard 1866-7 Sullivan Bugby 1S68 F. E. Willard 1869 A. M. Allen . ..1870 O. Hosmer r87 i A. M. Allen.. 1872-6 H. G. Fountaine 1877-80 William Kelly 1881 H. G. Fountaine 1882 Joel H. Brown 18S3 J. Brewer 1884 ^ '' /N >: V ) % MIDLAND COUNTY. 387 ..<^^|,^^.. Mount Haley Township. OUNT Haley is situated in the southern part of the eastern lialf of Midland ^Sl ''^ County, and is nuniliered 13 north and i east. Its northern boundary is Homer, and its eastern Ingersoll Township ; its southern is .Saginaw County, and its western Porter and Lee Townships. The nortliern half of Mt. Haley contains some low land; the southern half is liigher. The only river of importance is the Pine, which crosses the northwest corner of the township. A large portion of the land is a good, heavy clay, and in the ex- cellence of agricultural products it is destined to be- come one of the best in the county. The most thickly settled parts are the eight southern sections. The first settlers were Joseph Barton, who came in 1865, and is now livingon section 4; Michael Doyle, who came in 1868, and has a farm on section 34; Edward McGowan, now residing on section 26 ; John and Patrick Hines, Philip Phahee, Thomas Wilson, Philip Dougherfy, Edward Girard, Champ Utter and G. W. Frost. The first settler between Alma and the Chippewa River was Father Anthony, of Mt. Haley Township. Joseph Barton, in relating his experiences of pio- neer days, says he hauled 1,600 pounds of provisions in a wagon from Saginaw to Alma, the trip taking him four days, and Mr. Ely, his ejuployer, paid liim $3 per day and $1.50 to another man to hel|) him. The first birth in the township was that of Ellen Barton, Nov. 17, 1865. The first marriage was in the same year, when Mr. Champ Utter and Mrs. Amelia (Smith) Welton were united in matrimony. The first death recorded was that of the infant of Mr. and Mrs. Utter in 1867. This township was organized June 19, i87r, and the first election was held at the house of Philip Dougherty, Aug. i, 187 1, with Edward McGowan, Jno. Haley and Jno. Hines as Judges of Election. The Supervisors of Mt. Haley, in the order of their election, are given below, and among them may be traced a number of Irish-Americans, who make the best financiers in the country, as proven by the % excellent manner in wliicii Mt. Haley's affairs have been conducted. SUPERVISORS. P. H. Murphy t87i-3 Ed. McGowan 1874 John Martin 1875 M. W. Rockford 1876 P. H. Murphy 1877 A. J. Ingersoll 1878-9 Ed. McGowan 1 880-3 Duncan Wayne 1884 -5— '^/V^S|••|^ ^ Porter Township. \ ORTER Township is situated in the south- ern part of Midland County and is num- ered r3 north and i west. It is bounded jTD on the north by Lee 'I'ownship, on the east by )^ Mount Haley Township and Saginaw County, on the south by Gratiot County, and on the west by Jasper Township. It is a finely wooded section, but the natural order of events will transform the fine forests into fields of corn, wheat and oats, and gardens of fine vegetables. The Pine River crosses this township diagonally from southwest to northeast, its course being northeast, and in Midland Township it unites with the Chippe- wa. Along this river many settlers have located their homes, and lumber camps are scattered over the tract drained by it and its tributaries. Porter contains no towns or railroads, and but one post-office, bearing the name of the township. Porter was organized Jan. 6, 1868. Lewis K. Brewer, Samuel Sias, Theodore A. Brewer, David and Almison Robinson, Geo. A. Smith, Wm. McNeil, Wm. E. Wilson, John McCormick, Geo. W. Cole John McCummon, Wm. Jarvis and R. T. Puffer were residents and free- holders at the time, and their names appear as petitioners asking that the territory above described be organized into a township. The first election was held Jan. 25, 1869, at the house of Lewis K. Brewer, who, with Geo. A. Smith and B. T. Puffer, were Judges. Porter ranks among those second in inipwrtance in the county, and will soon become a fine agricultural region. It is needless to add that the names of the Super- visors attached to this brief history are men of enter- v^ !^' f ^mM\i<>^- 1 V '■■■' I yifi MIDLAND COUNTY. #^f(®vK prise, who have developed the town; but ere long they will pass away, and it is fitting to remark that ^ no better men ever graced the Board tlian were those I from Porter Township. (C)j SUPERVISORS. \V. E. Willson 1869-71 J. D. McCunimon 1872-5 B. F. Pufier 1S76-7 Rgbert Potter 1878-81 B. F. Puffer 1882-3 Wm McNeil 1884 Hope Township. i^ V OPE Township lies in the northeastern cor- ner of Midland County, contains double ""^ the number of acres of any other township in the county, and is numbered 16 north and [ and 2 east. Its north boundary is Glad- win, and its eastern Bay County, its south- ern Lincoln and Larkin Townships, and its western Edenville Township and Gladwin County. Hope contains many nice farms, well cultivated and producing fine crops of grain. Much of the township is covered with a heavy growth of timber, principally hard wood. The choice pine trees are being rapidly sacrificed in the interest of the lumber trade, although not less than fifty millions of feet will yet be taken from this township. Besides the immensfe quantities of lumber which are procured from Hope and the good farming lands that are developed, some of the settlers find time in the dull season of the year to go bear- hunting, and these hunts often result in the capture of a good supply of bear meat. John Schearer has had con- siderable e-xperience in this line, and his expeditions generally end successfully. In the fall of the year 1872 he killed three black bears; in 1874 he sliot eight more from trees in the forest where they were busily engaged in eating acorns. In the course of five years he killed 16 in all. He sold the skins of these animals for from Is to $8 apiece, and the bear oil for %\. per pint. From one bear he obtained five gallons, or 40 pints, of oil, but the average amount yielded by a bear was from two to three gallons. The first settlers in Hope were Orrin Maltby and Joseph Rooker, who located on section 15 in 1856. rv®)>«^#^« ^^^^ — ^^■in n Wni. McCrary, the oldest resident now living in the township, settled in 1856, on section 22, where he has since lived, superintending the work on his mag- nificent farm, which he has cleared by his own hard labor, and now lives in the enjoyment of one of the finest tracts of land in the township. The first marriage that occurred in Hope was that of Silas Wright and Louisa Erway, in i860. The ceremony was performed by Justice Egbert. The first school was taught by Alfleta Green, in a log cabin near the house of Mr. Harding Mills. Clyde Hosner's was the first male birth, — occurring in the fall of 185 i. The first female birth was that of Sibyl Wright, in 1861. The first religious society organized was the Bap- tist, and Nelson Fraser preached the first sermon for that society. Their meetings were held in the old log school-house which has been mentioned before. The first township meeting was held in the little log house now occupied by Silas Wright. The citizens established a postoffice in 1S74, and called it "Hope." Marshall Carr was the first Postmaster. He carried the mail, or paid some one else to do it for him, for two yeais. The settlers in this township had great trouble in procuring provisions. They used teams of oxen, with which they crossed the swamps, always carrying about a liundred feet of rope and chains to pull them out of the mud. The oxen were compelled to swim across the rivers, and then the wagons and carts were floated over. In the year 187 i, E. J. Brewster, with a number of others, sent in a petition to the Board of Supervisors, beseeching them to organize the township of Hope. Their prayer was granted, and the first township elec- tion was held Nov. 20, 187 i, witii E. J. Brewster, H. Mills and Charles Inman as Judges of Election. Hope was formerly included in Midland Township, and only the territory known as 16 north and i east was first organized as the town of Hope. March 1 1 1876, township 16 north and 2 east was detached from Midland and added to Hoiie, thus making of the latter a double township. \\\ the year 1877 the town of Lincoln was disorganized by an act of the Legislature and attached to Hope; but during the fallowing year, 1878, it was re-organized as a separate township. Hope ranks among those towns first in importance ^, c ^ •<■•■ m ■yi\ ■>^€»s: — 6rv<^^mi^miit>v > ^ MIDLAND COUNTY. V and she has always had capable and intelligent men to administer her affairs. There are a number of good district schools, provided with excellent teach- ers, who are successful educators. The Supervisors of Hope are here given, with the number of terms eacli has served : SUPERVISORS. E. J- Brewster 1872-6 A. J. Raymond 1877-8 Simon Gleckler 1879-80 A. J. Raymond 1881 Timothy Fillmore 1882 Simon Gleckler 1883-4 Geneva Township. ENEVA Township is situated in tiie west- j— jg;^ em part of Midland County, and is num- f. bered 15 north and 2 west. Its northern j^ boundary is Warren, its eastern. Jerome, its southern, Greendale Township, and its western, Isabella County. Salt River flows northeast across Geneva Township, making fertile the whole of this section. This stream abounds in fish, thus af- fording to the settlers, as well as to those who come to this part of the country every year, recreation and fine sport. Tlie only village in Geneva is that of North Bradley, sometimes called '' Buttonville," in honor of Wm. Button, a man who was intimately connected with the early advancement of the township and vil- lage. The favorable situation of North Bradley, on the Flint & Pere Marquette Railroad, midway be- tween the villages of Sanford and Coleman, and its pro.ximity to the Salt River, attracts to it good busi- ness men, who are fully alive to its interests and prog- ress. A good hotel, several store buildings, whose owners are carrying on a prosperous business, and a postoffice are among the many conveniences which the residents and visitors of the village enjoy. Wm. Button, together with several other early set- tlers, desired that this territory be detached from Jasper, of which it was formerly a part, and erected as a township. Accordingly, a petition signed by these men was handed to the county Board of Super- visors, and on June 24, 1873, they organized the township of Geneva. The first election was held at the school-house, on the first Monday in Aj^ril, 1874, with Wm. Button, W. P. Button and Cyrus (Jarr In- spectors of Election. The Supervisors who have so ably attended to the interests of Geneva have been gentlemen of worth and integrity, and we here append their names and the terms each has served. SUPKRVISORS. Cyrus T Carr 1874 W. H. H. Gee 1875-6 L. Babcock 1877-8 Wm. Babcock 1879-80 L. Babcock 1881 Silas Harcourt 1S82 L. Babcock 1883-4 -rSi- Warren Township. ■(''jjOK ARREN Townshi[j lies in the northwest- j^^aL em corner of Midland County. It is ^ti^'L * numbered 16 north, of range 2 west, and <> is bounded on the north by Gladwin County, on the east by Edenville, on the south by Geneva Township and on the west by Isabella County. Much of the land in Warren Township has been robbed of its fine forest of valuable timber; and where this felling of trees has not been immediately followed by an attempt to clear out the stumps that remained, a thick growth of underbrush and species of poplar has taken their places. In point of agri- culture and development of the soil, Warren ranks among the second best townships in the county. Many of the farms are well developed and highly cultivated for this section of the country, it being comparatively new. A number of years are required to cut down trees, clear the land of stumps, stones, etc., before the beautiful fields of waving grain, the fine orchards of richly laden fruit-trees and the lu.xuriant pastures can be brought to a state of per- fection. The first township meeting was held on the first Monday in February, 1872, at the Exchange Hotel in ("oleman. Jonathan Pierce, who was the first settler in the township, N. S. Furgeson and L. H. Higgins were Inspectors of Election. The first Justice of the Peace was W. S. Hubbell. V^ 9 * \\®^^^^ .^i-^ mmm^ A-O ■2*!^^?^ -i=rV > "v" r^^^'isr MIDLAM) COUNTY. ':^ V > The first marriage was that of Levi McComb and Lucinda Brown. The ceremony was performed by Justice Hubbell, in the summer of 1873. The Rev. — Cogsall, a Methodist minister, de- livered the first sermon, in the winter of 1872. The first Postmaster was Jonathan Pierce. The office was kept in the room in which Delia Pierce taught the first school. The first cider and beer sold in the township was kept in a little building where Simon's store now stands, and was sold by Enos Barnes and Mitchell, in 1872. COLEMAN Is the only village in the township, and deserves more than a passing notice, it being the second village in the county both in size and commercial importance. The land around the village of Cole- man was purchased of the United States Govern- ment by A. W, Wright. Mr. Wright bought the land for speculation, but the country was not settled very fast, and, after holding his purchase some years, he sold about a thousand acres to Seymour Coleman, at a slight advance on the price which he had paid the Government. In 1870 the Flint & Pere Marquette Railroad was completed to this point, then a dense forest, and on the first construction train that reached Coleman was also the first actual settler, Jonathan Pierce, who came to look at the country and seek a home. Being favorably impressed with his observations, Mr. Pierce concluded to remain here, and went to house- keeping in a shanty built by the railroad com[)any for the accommodation of the men working on the road. The company contracted with Mr. P. to board their men, which he did during tiie winter of 1870-1, iiis wife, who was living at Midland, prepar- ing and cooking the food and sending it to this place every day. Later in the season he employed a man and wife to do the work for him at the boarding- house while he gave his attention to building a saw- mill and dwelling, which latter is now part of the " Coleman Exchange " building. The dwelling was completed and occupied by his family during the holiday season of i87o-i,and in it they have since re- sided, adding to it as occasion required. In the meantime Mr. Coleman had 1*60 acres of the land surveyed and the town platted, giving to the railroad company one-half of the town site on condition that a station should be built and main- tained on the spot it now occupies. The ne.\t move was to induce persons to come here and locate, and he finally i)revailed upon Messrs Wise, Bean iS; Shultz to establish a saw- mill here. Work was pushed on this mill, and it was completed early in the spring of 1871, a short time before Mr. Pierce had his mill ready for work. The firm of Wise, Bean & Shultz continued business only a few years. Mr. Pierce continued to operate his mill until it was destroyed by fire in 1874. At the time of the settlement of this place a man named Hubbell was running a shingle-mill about a mile below, and a Mr. Adams was operating a [lort- able saw-mill two miles away. The first school in the village was tauglit in 1871, by Miss Delia Pierce, and was in a room about 12 feet square, which now forms a part of the dinijig- rooui of the "Coleman Exchange." During the year 187 i a postoffice and mail service was also established here. .\t first the conductors on the railroad carried the mail to and from the town in their pockets. Tiie village had but slow growth after the first lit- tle spurt of e.xcitemenc was over; in fact, the place seemed dead for several years. Occasionally some one would start up a saw or shingle mill, run it a short time and then pull up and move on. Finally the Flint & Pere Marquette Railroad Company built a branch road from here to Mt. Pleasant, the first train running into that village on Monday morning, Dec. 15,1879. Business men then became attracted to the town, mills sprang uj) and the town enjoyed a resurrection from its former lethargy. Geo. Miller is now running a saw and shingle mill and hoop factory. He employs 41 men and manufactures 15,000 feet of lumber, 35,000 shingles, 15,000 hoops and 16,000 headings a day. Geo. Cooper has a saw and shingle mill and stave machine, and gets out 6,000 feet of lumber, 25,000 shingles and 5,000 staves per day. T. B. Simons operates a shingle mill, in which 25 men find employment and turn out 45,000 shingles a day. Mr. Embury also does a thriving business in the manufacture of lumber. The Coleman Advocate was established in 1883, the first issue of which bears date Aug. 11, of that year. H. F. Linton is the editor, and through his enterprise this paper has been an influential factor in % (> $K V V) (^ ^^^ #s^ f -It- f •) >5 ^) MIDLAND COUNTY. ~:^;^^r attracting attention to the advantages possessed by Coleman as a business center. R. A. Baskerville has a new dry-goods and grocery store. T. B. Simons has a $6,000 stock of general merchandise ; J. Embury has a large stock of goods, consisting of dry goods and groceries. S. Bowdish has a splendid line of fancy and staple groceries; in this store is also located the postoffice, which he superintends. The "Coleman Exchange" is an excellent hotel, the only one in the place without a bar, Mr. J. Pierce, the landlord, being a radical lem|)erance man. Harvey Deuel is proprietor of the "Deuel House," which contains 15 rooms; a livery barn is kept in connection with it. A stock of wines, liquors and cigars is one of the attractions of this hotel. The Junction House, of which James Judge is pro- prietor, is a good hotel, containing nine rooms and a bar. The first harness-maker was Horace J. Knight, who commenced business in the village of Coleman on Jan. i, 1884. The medical profession is represented by 1 )r. Budge, the resident physician, and Mrs. C. W. Taylor, of Loomis. \V. A. Chatterton carries a very large stock of drugs and medicines and a complete stock of station- ery as well as a full line of cigars and tobacco. Dr. Budge has just opened a new drug store and is do- ing a good business. There is but one school-house in the village ; it is a good and substantial one, but is too small to give to all the pupils the benefit of comfortable quarters. This lack of room has led to the necessity of constructing a new building, which will be done next year, and the schools will then be graded. The religious welfare of the citizens of C'oleman has not been neglected. A handsome church edi- fice, which cost $1,200, belongs to the Episcopal so- ciety, and the Methodists have a fine building, erected during the summer of 1884, at a cost of $2,000, and seating comfortably 400 persons. Rev. W. N. Younglove is the Pastor. Coleman has now (1884) about 700 inhabitants, and is increasing in population more rapidly than any other village in the county. Its growth during the past twelve n.onths has been truly surprising. During the past year there have been erected in the village 52 buildings, at an aggregate cost of $50,000. The plank road now completed between Cedar, the county seat of Gladwin County, and Coleman, will do much to develop and bring to Coleman a large amount of trade which otherwise it would be de- prived of. The township of Warren appropriated $5,000 to build the road through their township, the whole line costing over $2,000. The following gentlemen have served as Super- visors in Warren Township, in which the village of Coleman is located : S. W. Hubbell 1873-6 L. Howard 1877-8 George Miller 1879-80 L. Hoivard 1881 George Miller 1882 Floyd L. Post 1883 George Miller 1884 .=ij Edenville Township. DENVILLE Township is located in the northern part of Midland County, and is bounded on the north by Gladwin County, on the east by Hope and Lincoln Town- ships, on the south by Jerome, and on the west by Warren Township. Edenville is drained by the Tittabawassee River, a large stream which finds its source in the southern part of Ogemaw County, and, taking a southerly direction, enters Edenville at its northeast corner, flows southwest for a short distance, and, receiving the waters of Tobacco Creek, continues its course southward into Jero.ne. The village of EDENVILLE is a neat little place on section i, at the junc- tion of the Tittabawassee River and Tobacco Creek. It was platted in 1878 by Henry Church, who also kept the first hotel, which was built in the spring of T863. Daniel Bowman built the first house on the village plat, of logs. David Burton followed with the construction of the first frame house. Kingsley Bab- cock was the proprietor of the first store, which con- tained a stock of general merchandise. The Rev. Francis Green delivered the first sermon in the village, in 1864, at the school-house previously erected on the site of the present one. Elizabeth Jacobs taught I c^: (o-> I ^m'^t ^^^ — ^^(i}U % w^y^ — ^^^ ^PV^))«S«t|» 3f€J*K- :^ V 5. 392 MIDLANU COUJMTY. the first two terms of school, in the dwelling house of Daniel Bowman. The manufacturing interests of Edenville are rep- resented by the following industries: Swanton Bros, operate a saw-mill which was built by C. W. W. Baker, and has the capacity of sawing 10,000 feet of lumber per day, and employs six men. A large black- smith and carriage shop is controlled by Norris Gill, The best hotel in the village is owned and managed by Thomas Moore, and is known as "JSIoore's Hotel." A livery barn is kept in connection with the hotel. The "Axford House" is run by Luther G. Carter. The postoffice was established in 1869, and Henry Church appointed the first Postmaster. There are three religious societies in Edenville, the Methodist, Advent, and "Unions." The latter have by far the largest assemblies, and their meetings are held in the school-house; the other two societies have neat frame church buildings, with beautiful grounds surrounding them. This little town at one time, between the years t866 and 1880, became noted for the many famous encounters between the would-be champions of this part of the State and the Saginaw Valley, among whom were Jack DriscoU, alias "Silver Jack," Jack Shepherd, Dan Drum, — Burk, Murray Rankin and other roughs of more or less note. Here, too, lived Charlie Axford and Tom Moore, the two rival land- lords who aided not a little, wiih either wit or mus- cle, to give the place a reputation throughout the State. There are few m.en in Michigan at the pres- ent day who have not heard of "Sixteen;" it is, per- haps, the smallest town with the largest reputation of all in the State. Although blood flowed freely on numerous occasions, and many and desperate were the conflicts between rival aspirants for pugilistic honors, human life was not taken until 1877, when Dr. Rockwell killed Ben Wilbur in a dispute over the possession of a horse. Here, too, resided some who were skillful and adroit in appropriating other people's goods to their own use without the consent of the owner. Jas. Rem- ick, now president of the Boom Company, once came down the river with a drive of logs. It is customary to make a float of logs pinned together to carry the cooking utensils, provisions and other necessaries, as well as a tent for camping on shore. On this occa- sion Mr. Remick came within a mile or two of "Six- teen," pitching his tent on the bank directly opposite the float in the river. During the afternoon he visit- ed the village and remarked that he had heard that the place was noted for thieving, but he would risk all they could steal from him. He slept that night with his crew in the tent, kept a fire on the bank between the tent and float, and left a man to watch. Judge of his surprise in the morning when he awak- ened to find his provisions, hams, pork, flour, tea and even bread and fried cakes all gone! He was obliged to go to the village to buy something for breakfast. This, however, is a picture of the village of Eden- ville in the past, but not as it now is. The citizens are all quiet and peaceable, and have attained that high state of morality the chief aim of which is manly uprightness of character. Abraham Egbert was the first settler in the town- ship, and first Justice of the Peace. David Burton, Daniel Bownan and Aaron Havens settled here in 1855. Timothy Jerome, built the first saw-mill in the township, on the river one mile above the village of Edenville, in 1853. This township was formerly a part of Jerome. A petition signed by David Burton and others was pre- sented to the county Board of Supervisors, and on the 24th day of June, 1873, that body granted the request of the petitioners and erected the township. It is numbered 16 north and i west. The first election was held at the school-house in District No. r, on the first Monday in April, 1874. G. B. Bard- well, H. H. Morgan and John W. Swanton were the electors. The Supervisors have served as follows : StJPERVISORS. ■ S. Erway 1S74 A. Marsh 1875 S. Erwav ...'..... 1 876-80 T. Moore 18S1-2 L. G. Porter 1883 T. Moore r884 A <-^D!l Larkin Township. Swmm> '394 MIDLAND COUNTY. ) ^ ^ '^ <> 'O (oN James B. Kelly, Alonzo Converse, Jas. H. Osborne, Chas. J. Bradford, Clifton Smith, David J. Zook, Seneca J. Williams, L. \V. June, Jas. H. Arnold, Abram W. Ball and Truman Gibbs. The first elec- tion was held at the school-house in District No. 8, April 3, 1882, with Truman C. Gibbs, Clifton Smith, and David J. Zook as Inspectors of Election, The first election for Justice of the Peace resulted in tlie choice of Isaac Ball. The first school-house was built of logs on section 27, and the first session of school was taught by Mrs. — Smith. There are a number of lumber camps in this town, the pine in this section of the county being of the finest quality. In a fe.v years, however, it will all be removed, when the main interest will center in agri- cultural products. Greendale stands with those townships fourth in rank in the importance of its lumber interests and richness of its soil, much of the latter consisting of sand. CENTRAL CITY Was platted by a company of Ohio gentlemen, who endeavored to establish a city, and by advertising undertook to give the place a " boom." Central City is as near the center of a township as a village can be built, and is just half way between Midland City on the east and Mount Pleasant on the west, and is exactly in the center of the southern peninsula, through which runs the old State Road, and over which the great travel of the State, by private convey- ance, east and west, is dally passing. The Supervisors of Greendale, whose names are here given, have each served one term. The settlers are all trustworthy men, who will take care that those selected to represent them will act for the best inter- ests of their town. SUPERVISORS. Henry L. Voorhees 1882 Oscar A. Clark 1883 T. H. Gibbs 1884 Lee Township. EE Township is situated in the southern part of Midland County, and is bounded on the north by Jerome, on the east by Homer and Mount Haley Townships, on the A, south by Porter, and west by Greendale Town- ^ ship. The Chippewa River crosses Lee a little south of the center of the township. The Little Salt empties into the Chippewa in tlie western part. The Pine River flows northeast from Gratiot County and across the southeastern corner of Lee. This township was organized Oct. 13, 1880. The first election was held at the Mallory school-house, on the 4th day of April, 1881, with Henry J. Yates, Wm. D. Watlan and Walter J. Higby as Inspectors of Elec- tion. The petition which was presented to the Board of Supervisors, asking them to set apart the territory known and described as number 14 north and i west, and call it "Lee Township," was signed by Jno. .Suiter, Walter J. Higby, H. J. Yates, Hans P. Lawson,Thos. F. Baker, Hans Sersen, Geo. Spens, Wm. Dape, Dan'l Weed, Justus C. Perry, Jno. A. Mallory, S. H. Webster, Nelson Hitsman, Hezekiah Weller and Jno. Gateman. Lee is classed witli tliose towiishi|)S which are fourth in rank in point of agriculture. The timber consists of oak, ash and hard and soft maple. Wells of good and pure water can be obtained in this town- ship at moderate depths. The river furnishes plenty of water for stock, and were it not for the continuous jam of logs some prime fish might be captured. A number of good school buildings are located in Lee, mention of which is made in the chapter devoted to educational topics. Land commands a price averaging better than most localities in the county, although many acres can yet be purchased at prices averaging from $5 to $10 per a:re. We api)end the names of her supervisors for the past four years. A. J. Davis 1881-3 A. L. Bellinger i{ i, (1) ^ l^^5f .•',Sj» (b ^^#- MIDLAND COUNTY. wn. y^ k^!*.?^ HE largest *own in the coun- ty is Midland City. It is situated on both banks of the Tittabawassee River, in the township of Midland, and is the county seat. The larger and more important part of the village is on the north bank of tTie river. The streets are broad and straight, and some of them have been graded and paved with cedar blocks, thereby dispens- ing with the annoyances brought about by the very sandy soil of which this location consists. Mid- land City lies in the center of an immense timber district, and the manufacturing interests are cen- tered chiefly in lumber and salt, large quantities of which are manufactured in this village. Midland is located almost in the geographical cen- ter of the Lower Peninsula, and is practically the hub around which the villages of Mt. Pleasant, St. Louis, and the lesser towns in the neighborhood revolve. It is distant i8 miles from Bay City, 24 miles from Sagi- naw, 26 miles from Mt. Pleasant, and 20 miles from St. Louis. All these are lively towns, which are struggling hard for supremacy in commercial im- portance in the future; but the resources of Midland surpass most of them, and falls scarcely short of those of Saginaw or Bay City. Midland enjoys with them all the advantages of a fine climate, and has a better natural location than anv one of the smaller villages named. She stands at the junction of two noble rivers, which, with their tributaries, drain an exten- sive and fertile region, comprising a large portion of the best territory of Central Michigan. She is sup- ported by an excellent agricultural region lying im- mediately around her, is in the very center of the great salt basin of the State, and is surrounded by a territory which possesses forests that are still capable of furnishing an untold wealth of pine, hem- lock, oak, bass-wood, maple, elm and other varieties of timber, which by means of the beautiful streams, the Tittabawassee, Chippewa, Pine, Salt, Tobacco, Sturgeon and others, are conveniently accessible. She enjoys the advantage of one railroad, the State roads and other good highways, and is the county seat of a county that is rapidly being settled by an industrious, sober and energetic people. The Beginnings. It MONO the first business enterprises of ^^^ Midland was the hotel erected by John Larkin. This was built in 1856, and was a ty small, unpretentious wooden building, located 'j" near where the present Reardon Block now stands. The patronage of this inn was immense, and money was coined for its owner. Samuel Sias built the first grist-mill, which was located near where the bromine factory now stands. h man named Lloyd was the first blacksmith. c^ ^ ®r^^^ .^^-^ <-^D!l^Dli;i> MIDLAND COUNTY. -#^C(sV(B (h 1 T whose shop stood where Reardon Bros.' mill now stands. The oldest inhabitant cannot remember his given name, although many are now living here that kne>v him. The first store in the village was opened by James Eastman, who is now in business next door to the Oscar House. Lou Eastman sold goods and was the first clerk in this store. It was situated near the dock, which at that time was the commercial center of the village. The second store was kept by L. P. Bailey, in a small building near Lloyd's blacksmith shop. E. G. Buttles built the first residence on the north side of the river. Although several families were al- ready living on the opposite bank, that locality was not at that time reckoned as being apart of Midland. Charles Rodd, previously mentioned, had a store on that side of the river, the stock of which consisted of a small assortment of groceries and dry goods and a large supply of whisky and tobacco! The Methodist Church was the first church edifice erected. This building was removed to its present site from its first location on the corner of Gordon and Main Streets in 1S83. From the date of the permanent location of tlie county seat, Midland assumed a healthy and vigor- ous growth. Stores were opened, and men came in for the purpose of locating lands, and business of every kind was thereby enhanced. Some good residences were built, among them being one erected by Dr. Jennings where the Oscar House now stands. Tlie jail was tlie first structure erected in the county. This was completed and accepted June 14, 1S69. John Larkin was the contractor. N. T. Carr was the first printer in the county. He established the Midland Sentinel and conducted it successfully for several years. He was afterward Supervisor of Midland Township, and was consid- ered one of her most reliable business men. During the progress of the late war a home mili- tary company was organized here, with Harvey Lyon, a Mexican veteran, as diill-master. The members were drilling one Sunday morning, after which sev- eral of the company went to the printing-office of Mr. Carr to talk a few moments. Charles Searrin picked up a shot-gun which was standing near, and went through the " manual of arms." Mr. Carr took the gun after Searrin had put it down, and remarked ^m^ ^^f^ — ^^^niig that " he guessed there was no danger, as the gun was not loaded." After going through the "manual 0/ arms," he pointed the gun at Searrin, pulled the trigger and both barrels were discharged full in his face! Searrin lived only a few hours, and it was re- garded as an unfortunate affair, ('arr disposed of his office during the year and left the village, taking with him Belle Huntington, the sister of Mrs. Sear- rin, leaving his own wife behind! He is now living in the southern part of Michigan, totally blind, and has both his wives with him, the one left behind coming when hearing of his infirmity ! Harvey Lyon, the old Mexican veteran, was the first man to engage in the manufacture of wagons and carriages. He is still engaged in the business, and is better conversant with the early history of Mid- land than any other man living in it, except it be John Larkin. Charles Searrin, the man who so unfortunately lost his life, was the first carpenter and builder. E. H. Beardsley put in the first stock of hardware and furniture, and still continues the business. Henry C. Burt was also engaged in business at an early day. His stock consisted of general merchan- dise, there being no specialties in a mercantile way in the pioneer history of Michigan merchants. James Foster, who still carries on the business, was the first harness-maker in Midland. The Hinds Bros, opened the first stock of drugs in 1S64. The firm consisted of William and James Hinds. 'I'iiey occupied a small frame building where Harris & Rockwell's building now stands. Alfred Avery, who was accidentally killed while serving as Deputy Sheriff, by John Ryan, was the first livery-man in the village. His barn occupied the site now the property of Clason & Haley. The first Surveyor was George Turner. He had plenty of work and light pay. William Patrick built a tannery at the foot of the upper bridge in 1863, which was the first enterprise of the kind attempted in the county. G. F. Hemingway was the first attorney practicing in the village. He is yet a resident, and liis opinions on legal matters are considered correct. He has also been elected to the State Legislature, and served his constituents with much honor. John Larkin was the first Postmaster, and had the office located in the bar-room of his hotel. The (~ *^ % IWy^^ — ^^^ 6V4:I^I1^:I1H^'>^ -s®§ l^^((sVi 1^ ^^ $) MIDLANB COUNTY. 397 mail was brought in from Saginaw once a week, and was kept in a little cupboard three feet sijuare. The first school-house was erected at the corner of Ashman and Ellsworth Streets. Mrs. Flanders taught the first school, in 1859. Tlie building is still standing, but it is not used for educational pur- poses. The " Harris Block " was the first brick business block erected in Midland. The second was built by Reardon Bros. Both of these are handsome three- story buildings, and are a credit to any village or city. Midland as an Incorporated Village. '■I^W-.'lDL.^ND was incorporated in 1869. The '% t^'M^ ^ territory included in said corporation ||1^^ commences at the quarter post of the j^^\'\V\ west line of school section 16, thence west 'r^ to the quarter line of section 17, to the east bank of the Tittabawassee River ; thence down the river as it trends to the quarter line; then southerly on the quarter line to the center cpiarter post of section 20; thence easterly on the quarter line one and a half miles to the quarter post in the west line of section 22; thence north on the section line one mile, to quarter post in the west line of sec- tion 15 ; thence west on the quarter line of school section 16 one mile, to the place of beginning. All this territory is in town 14 north, range 2 east. The first election was held April 19, 1869, the Inspectors of which were James W. Cochrane, James Major and E. J. Hinds. The officials composing the first Board were ; President, Solomon Heald; Clerk, Wm. Cressey ; Treasurer, Wm. Sinclair; Marshal, H. M. Ellsworth; Trustees— ist Ward, L. Church and J. A. Dorr; 2d Ward, A. Findlater and J. W. An- derson ; 3d Ward, Harvey Lyon and C. C. Ball. The first meeting after the incorporation was held x^pril 26, 1869. The present village officers are : President, Benj. F. Bradley ; Clerk, Charles Hecox ; Treasurer, Chades A. Webster; Marshal, J. W. Blackmar; Trus- tees for two years, John McKay, Warren L. Sias and i^V^>)€^#^ ^^4^ '^7^^-iIl !1 Daniel F. Straker; Trustees for i year, James S. Allen and Charles P. Turner; Village Attorney, D. W. Hitchcock. George P. Mickley held over from 1883. A great deal of enterprise has been manifested i)y the officials of Midland City, the streets being nicely graded, Main street paved its entire length, which, with the introduction of the Holly system of water works, give the village quite a "city-fied" air. It is largely in debt, however, the total, including water- works bonds and street paving, amounting to $37,- 795.31. The city valuation is about $500,000, which makes the rate of taxation quite heavy. The village has suffered some heavy losses by fire, the heaviest one occurring May 27, 1876, when 52 houses were burned! The fire was originated by sparks from a passing locomotive, and the devouring flame carried everything before it from where Rear- don's Block stands entirely through the village, in a northerly direction. THE FIRE DEPARTMENT is now well equipped, and another outbreak could be efficiently checked. In 1864, a "Button" hand en- gine was purchased, at a cost of $2,200. This in- cluded 500 feet of hose and the cart. It is still owned by the city, and is in good working order, although reckoned among the things that were. The first fire company regularly organized was formed in March, 1872. It consisted of 30 volun- teer firemen, with B. F. Wilcox, Foreman. Their outfit consisted of five ladders and 20 buckets. The following summer, a Babcock extinguisher was purchased, at a cost of $2,400. This was a poor in- vestment, it never proving of much service. It was sold in 1880 for $75. The department now consists of two hose carts and 2,500 feet of hose. True Hart is Fire Marshal, and Edward Lyon Assistant. Forty-four men and four torch boys are enrolled on the Company's books. The present system of Holly water-works have thus far proved very satisfactory, the pressure being strong enough to throw water over any house in the village. The men are divided into two companies : Hose company No. i, under the care of Wm. Reardon ; and No 2, under the care ot George Selley. The village owns the engine whicli furnishes the power. It is located on the opposite bank of the Tittabawassee, near the junction of the Chippewa with that stream. ■^aj^^J^!^ VC:DD^I]I]v> r^i^&s: 398 MJJJLANV COUNTY. •0 f > ) Business. 'HE Mineral ^Vell has been for several years a great attraction for pleasure-seekers from abroad. It was bored in 1867, soon after '^P^ the discovery of the mineral well at St. Louis. This was done by a joint stock company com- posed of the following persons : Lewis East- man, J. S. Eastman, Alex. Findlater, Wm. Harris, Roderick Russell, Benj. Dean, and Barker. There were three other persons interested whose names cannot now be ascertained. The shares were rated at $200 each, which amount completed the well and erected a commodious bath-house. The same was under the supervision of Lewis East- man, who managed it quite successfully. The ladies' department was superintended by Mrs. ISLaggie Cun- ningham, a well known lady of tliis village, whose courteous manner added largely to the patronage be- stowed. The property has been transferred to Wm. L. Stearns, who has erected a comfortable boarding- house. This bath-house is kept in operation only during the summer months, but it adds largely to the attractions of Midland as a summer resort. An analysis of the water made by Prof. Duffield, of the State .Agricultural College, shows the number of grains of solid matter to one imperial gallon, as follows . *iraiM<. Sulphate of Lime 4.45 Sulphate Potassa 32.19 Sulphate Soda 32 06 Phosphate .Muniina 1.72 Chloride Calcium. 6.21 Chloride Magnesium 2.19 Chloride Sodium 32.7c Silica 2.96 Organic Matter 2.46 Loss 3.2 I Total 110.30 The benefits which must naturally follow the use of this water are readily recognized by every physi- cian. As an alterative and deobstruent, they are unexcelled by any waters in the State, and in many diseases of the stomach, bowels, kidneys and blood they act almost specifically. The manufacturing interests of Midland City are second to no village of its size in the State. The most extensive industry is the large lumber and shingle mills and the mammoth salt works of Larkin & Patrick. The mill manufactures annually 6,000,000 feet of lumber, 25,000,000 shingles, 33,126 salt barrels, r, 283, 425 staves, 102,675 headings and 5 1,337 flour barrels. Their salt well was tlie first one sunk in the village, and was dug in 1878. It is t,3oo feet in depth, and the flow of brine surpasses in gravity that of any well in t1ie salt region except llie others now in op- eration at this place. The average salt production of this firm amounts to 54,000 barrels annually. They also operate a bromine factory and manu- facture 4,500 pounds of this product yearly; 140 hands are employed, the amounts paid them aver- aging $49,010.01. In r883 this firm shipped 526 cars of lumber, 325 cars of shingles, 371 cars o( salt and 28 cars of other products. They expended $20,862.25. The benefits derived by the village of Midland from this firm is infcalculable. The wages paid are almost entirely left in the hands of her mer- chants. The firm of J. Herrick & Co. manufacture 2,200 barrels of salt annually, John Maloney 1,656, and Samuel Foster 1,241. This makes the annual salt production of Midland City 59,097 barrels, to which may be added 4,500 pounds of bromine. In addition, the Merchant Flouring Mills of James Herrick & Co. and the Star Mills of Reardon Bros. & Co. do a large business. The other manufacturing establishments, wagon, buggy, furniture, etc., add largely to the list and are well represented. Peters Bros, have located just outside of the cor- poration an extensive building for the manufacture of hoops and headings. The firm is composed of R. G. and J. H. Peters, both men of wealth and energy. This factory was recently put into opera- tion, and at present employs 35 hands. When all the machinery is set in motion they will employ 140 hands, and with r2 planers will turn out r, 540,000 finished hoops per week. The hardware and agricultural implement trade is well represented by Geo. A. Janes, C. F. Russell and Reardon Brothers. Very few houses in much larger cities carry a larger stock of goods than these gentlemen. The largest line of clothing and gents' furnishing goods is carried by Starker & Co. Reardon Brothers have the most extensive mercantile establishment in vt i< V MIDLAND COUNTY "Zi^^'^ ^ 4 (Q^ the village, carrying a line of hardware, groceries and dry goods in three separate apartments, the whole being connected by entrances leading from one to the other. All the merchants carry a stock of boots and shoes, there lieing no store in the village devoted en- tirely to this branch of trade. Three splendid millinery stores, replete with every- thing in that line, are kept by Mesdames A. M. A. Mahana, J. S. Allen and J. Hays. The ladies of Midland are unexceptionally well dressed, due no doubt to the prosperity that is manifest in all branches of trade. George W. Abbey has an elegant stock of watches, clocks, diamonds, jewelry, etc. He also deals in music and musicians' supplies. His competitor in this business is E. A. Clark, who reports trade satis- factory in every respect. There is only one bank in the village, the "First National of Midland." The company was organized Sept. I, 1883, and commenced business on the 8th of that month. The bank is a great convenience to the business men of Midland, besides being a good investment for its stockholders. Connected with the office is a fire-proof vault, in which is the fire and burglar proof safe, fitted with double time lock. The officers of this bank are : President, M. P. Anderson ; Vice President, Maxon Anderson; Cashier, W. D. Marsh. The drug trade of Midland is well represented by four firms, who carry a large and well selected stock of goods. Rockwell & Harris, Anderson Bros., Hinds Bros, and John W. Day have on an average S4>ooo each invested in the business. The physicians are all doing nicely, and the most of them are making money. Drs. W. G. Harris, W. E. Burtless, A. Magill, W. W. Fountaine and Dr. Day are members of the " allopathic," and Dr. E. B. Bockes, of the Eclectic school. The members of the Midland County Bar all re- side in this city, except Floyd L. Post, who lives in Coleman. The active members are Hemingway & Ricketts, Stanford & Van Kleeck, D. W. Hitchcock, Gordon & Fales, H. L. Fairchild, Byron Burch and Myron Gue. Those who are not engaged in active practice are F. S, Burton, Ed. J. Carey, J. W. Coch- rane and E. P. Rice. The first three attorneys in this village were Henry C. Ashman, Judge Wilbur F. VVoodworth and G. F. Hemingway. Midland City is well provided with hotel accom- modations, having three large and commodious build- ings. The " Exchange Hotel " was destroyed by fire in April, 1884. The "Oscar House" is a neat two- story brick, comfortably furnished throughout, and contains 40 rooms. The proprietor, Charles Oscar, is one of the most courteous landlords to be found anywhere. Marshall Smith is clerk of this popular hotel. The only fault which can be found with the " Oscar House " is the lack of room, many being turned away who are thus forced to seek quarters elsewhere. This house is a favorite stopping-place for traveling salesmen, there being a sample room ad- jacent for the display of their goods. A billiard and dram room is attached to the office. The hotel is well managed, and is an excellent paying investment. The "Sherwood House " is a handsome three-story brick structure fronting on Main Street. F. J. Barry is the accommodating landlord, and guests of the " Sherwood " find not only pleasant and ample ac- commodations, but also all the comforts of a home. There are rooms enough in this building to accom- modate 60 transient guests, and the table is well supplied with the best the market affords. A free carriage attends every train, and those who make the " Sherwood " headquarters are loud in their praise of its management. The " Findlater House " is centrally located in a pleasant portion of the village, convenient to business and easily accessible. The present proprietor, Mr. Frank B. VVilkins, assumed control in May, 1884. He is quite popular with the traveling public, and the excellent reputation this hotel has always borne will be enhanced by his connection with it. The building is a two-story frame, with airy rooms, well furnished and well patronized. Messrs. Clason & Haley lead in the livery business and their stock of buggies and carriages equal those kept by city liveries. They have selected their driv- ing horses with great care, and the roadsters owned by this firm are noted for speed and endurance. In addition to their livery, Messrs. Clason & Haley are engaged in the business of undertaking. Charles Anderson has a very fine livery and a good patronage. In fact, Midland supports enterprises of this character quite well. George Covert is not eclipsed in his efforts to please the public, and his barn contains some speedy roadsters. The aim of all these gentlemen is to fur- ^■ ^ c-o: (v' '^'/- ^m^ -'"'^^ — %^\im ^^ ^^ ^^ ■(^^ V^:I1I1^I]I1^> ■J^ 400 (> ;;) MIDLAND COUNTY. nish the finest turn-outs to be found in Central Mich- igan at reasonable rates. Midland City has one of the finest postoffice build- ings, and the neatest furniture and equipments, to be found in Northern Michigan. E. J. Brewster, the present Postmaster, is a gentleman as courteous as he is popular, and the affiiirs of the Midland post- office under his management cannot be improved. The transformation from the first postoffice, which was kept by John Larkin in the bar-room of his hotel, to the elegant quarters it now occupies, is com- plete, and adds largely to the attractive business houses of this beautiful village. Church History, FIRST METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. "'^^W CIRCUIT was organized bearing the name of ■' Midland " at the session of the Detroit ^1^^"°* Annual Conference held at Port Huron in Jilj^ September, 1857. It was the first religious % organization in Midland. The circuit consist- j ed of the following places : Midland City> Bluffs, King's, now in Freeland Circuit, Higgins', Swan Creek, Shields' and Crook's. The first quarterly con- ference was held in the fall of 1857, by S. Clements, then Presiding Elder of the Flint District. The first class-book was dated Feb. 5, 1858, and contained the names of 13 persons, four members and nine proba- tioners. A board of trustees was appointed in June, 1863, and a donation of lots for a church site received from John Moore, of Saginaw city. In May, 1864, the site of the church building was located on lot 4, block 15. In 1866 a building committee was appointed and the erection of the present church edifice commenced, a frame, 40 x 70 feet. The building was completed in 1869 and dedicated on October 4th of that year, by Rev. J. M. Reid, D. D., of Chicago, John Hamilton being Pastor. The completion of the church build- ing was largely due to the efforts of Pastor Nelson Green, who was Mr. Hamilton's immediate predeces- sor. In the fall and winter of 1883-4, daring the Pastorate of C. M. Thompson, the church edifice was moved from its original site to the corner of Fitzhugh ^^^^" >.^^ ^A<:ill!l and Main Streets. A brick basement was placed under it, at a cost of $1,400, which amount is fully provided for. In the exchange of lots Thos. J. Car- penter, Esq., canceled a claim of $1,600 which he held against the property, and now it is entirely free from debt. The new basement is nicely furnished and very commodious, and the new site on Main street preferable to the old one. The first pastor was Rufus H. Crane, who received as a year's salary $114.02. The following is a list of the pastors: Rufus H. Crane, Robert Johnson, Alan- son Herrick, M. S. Leet, L. S. Tedman, Samuel Kits- miller, Nelson Green, John Hamilton, L. L. Hough- ton, F. \V. May, Duke Whitely, James H. Curnalia, W. H. Osborne, C. H. Talmadge, John O. Bancroft, J. B. Atchison, H. W. Hicks and the present Pastor, C. M. Thompson. The Board of Trustees consists of Theo. J. Car- penter, Milton P. Anderson, James B. Burtless,Chas. S. Barber and Aaron T. Gillick. Thos. Pick and John B. Smith are the Class- Leaders. There are 68 full members and 24 probationers, making a total of 92. The congregation and Sabbath-school are in a healthy condition and steadily increasing in numbers and in- terest, and the outlook for the Church is very hope- ful and cheering. FIRST PRESBVTERI.AN CHURCH. This Church was organized Sept. 4, 1867, by Rev. M. Gelston,T. L.Waldo and Wm. Ure. The orig- inal members were Mr. and Mrs. Thomas McCartney and Miss Esther Doyle, who were received on confes- sion of their faith, Mrs. Ellen Cressy and Mrs. E. Per- kins, who presented letters of dismission from other Churches. The Confession and Covenant of the Presbytery of Saginaw were adopted, and the election of Elders was deferred for two years, until July 2, 1869, when John Hoynes and Sherman Olmstead were elected and installed as Elders of the Church. A church building was erected on the corner of Larkin and Townsend Streets, but soon afterwards it was struck by lightning and received much damage. It was soon put in good repair, however, but in 1876 it was entirely consumed by fire. From that time till 1880 the Church had neither house nor pastor. In October of that year the present Pastor, Rev. P. S. Davies, was installed and took charge of the scat- tered flock. The new minister set about to devise means by which a church could be built. His % ^ (>) ^ c^: < lM;^ri))^#^ VCH I^OIl^^T^T^ ^~ MIDLAND COUNTY, -^^^^sVl^ 401 ^ ^^i V :) ^ ■f faithfulness and energy were soon apparent in the lively and substantial interest which the members, as well as outsiders, took in the matter, and in 1882 the church which they now occupy was completed, at a cost, including furniture, of $6,000. This new church was dedicated Sept. 25, 1882; Rev. Chapman, of Bay City delivered the dedicatory sermon, assisted by the resident minister, Rev. P. S. Davies. The succession of ministers from the first is T. L. Waldo, E. Swift, E. W. Borden and P. S. Davies. The Church now consists of 99 members, and is organized for work in the several departments indicated, as follows: Church Session — Rev. P. S. Davies, Pastor : Sher- man Olmstead, James Peters, E. Anderson and E. P. Rice, Elders. D. P. Waldo, E. P. Rice, G. W. Abbey, Wm. Reardon, M. Anderson and E. Anderson, Trus- tees. Ladies' Foreign Missionary Society — Mrs. Rev. P. S. Davies, President; Mrs. G. \V. Abbey, Vice Presi- dent; Mrs. D. A. Huyck, Recording Secretary; Mrs. Dr. W. E. Burtless, CorresfXinding Secretary; Mrs. Jno. McKay, Treasurer. Ladies' Aid Society— Mrs. Rev. P. S. Davies, President; Mrs. S. Olmstead, Vice President; Mrs. Dr. J.S. Herries, Secretary ; Mrs. VVm. Reardon, Treasurer. Sunday-school — J. G. Culver, Superintendent; D. P. Waldo, Assistant Superintend- ent; T. W. Crissey, Clerk; Stewart Gordon, Libra- rian; Mrs. Elizabeth McKizie, Treasurer Band of Hope — J. G. Culver, Superintendent; Harry Starker, Treasurer; Carrie Huyck, Librarian; Chas. Burt, Secretary. BAPTIST SOCIETY. A meeting was held in the Presbyterian church June 2, 1869, for the purpose of considering the propriety of organizing a Baptist society, there being 20 or 30 persons in the village who were Bajjlists in sentiment. Mr. — Myers was appointed Moderator and Mr. — Hough Secretary. The society was or- ganized under the name of the " First Baptist Church of Midland City." At the first covenant meeting, held at Mr. Hough's, July 10, i86g, Mr. and Mrs. — Green, Mr. Hough, Minnie Hough, Mr. and Mrs. Pratt and Mr. — Smith were received into the soci- ety by confession and baptism. On the 7th of August, 1869, a meeting was held at the house of Mr. Joseph Townsend, for the pur- pose of deciding upon some means by which they might obtain aid in building a house of worship. Mr. Myers and William Harris were appointed to pro- cure a deed of land suitable for a church site and parsonage. They commenced work at once, and Jan. 15, 1870, they held their first meeting in the new church. The first communion service, was held March 6, of the same year. The society since that time has steadily progressed and rapidly increased in numbers and influence, and the outlook for its future is a very promising one. The Rev. Mr. Leonard is the present pastor of the flock, and it is thought that when his work is well under headway he will, by the interest and energy which he takes in the welfare of the Churcli, attract many more to the already large congregations which assemble there every Sabbath. A collection is taken up on the last Sunday of each alternate month for the aid of for- eign missions, home missions. Publication Society, State missions and Christian education. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. The first Episcopal services held in the village of Midland were conducted by the Rev. John Leech, Rector of the St. John's Parish, Saginaw City, in October of the year 1867. Mr. J. W. Cochrane was mainly instrumental in procuring this minister to preside over and conduct the services, which were held in Cochrane's Hall. The Rt. Rev. S. A. McCoskry, D. D., Bishop of the Diocese, held con- firmation in November following, at which time four persons were confirmed. Services were continued with more or less regularity through the following winter, by Revs. Leech, G. B. Eastman, of St. Paul's Parish, East Saginaw, Fayette Royce, Rector of Trin- ity Church, Bay City, and John W. Birchmore, Rector of St. Paul's Parish, Flint, together with lay reading by a member of St. Paul's Church, East Saginaw. In March, 1868, the Rev. W. R. Tillinghast was put in charge of St. John's Mission, of Midland City, by the Bishop of this Diocese. Rev. Tilling- hast was a resident of East Saginaw, and visited the mission two Sundays in each month. The society continued under this arrangement until its organiza- tion. In the meantime the Church proper fitted up a pleasant chapel in Eastman's Hall, and services were held in this place after the organization of the Parish. The first Church family was that of Geo. A. Janes, a former member of St. Jolin's Parish, Detroit. vJ^ &; V^' 9 1=1 ^>^^9■ m 4^ {) resigned, and for some months they were again with- out a rector. Rev. R. W. Rhames was then called and remained with them for more than a year. His successor. Rev. Samuel F. Myers, took charge of the Parish in February, 1884. Under his management the congregation is gaining renewed strength and life. A Ladies' Aid Society has been recently organized. Its object is the promotion of the charitable and spir- itual work of the Church. The President is Mrs. S. F. Myers; Vice-President, Mrs. Dora Henry; Secre- tary, Mrs. Mary A. Maxwell ; Treasurer, Mrs. Wni. Patrick. The members'are divided into committees for caring for the sick and poor, for looking after strangers who come to the village, extending the hos- pitalities of the Church, and for seeing that the gen- eral Church work is not neglected. CATHOLIC CHURCH. Wm. B. Kelly came to this county from Canada in 1866, bringing his family with him. They were earnest and devoted believers in the Catholic faith, and, finding no society of this denomination in the new village, he, together with John Haley, Edward Haley, D. Chism, — Hogan, — Glasco and a few others, met at his house for worship. In October, 1870, Father Scutchin, of Bay City, said the first mass in the county, at Mr. Kelly's residence. The society, having gained in numbers, began to think of building a church as a more convenient place of worship. Accordingly, Mr. Kelly went to John Lar- kin and asked him if they could buy a lot of him on which to erect a church. Mr. L. replied, "Go and select any part of my land that you wish and take it free of any charges." This generous offer was ac- cepted, and two lots were chosen in the east part of town. Mr. Larkin afterwards donated $100, besides lumber, etc. This act of generosity was followed by liberal subscriptions from many of the citizen^ of Midland. The church building was begun in 1870, and was ready for occupancy in one year. Father Vanderhaven, of Saginaw City, was the first pastor, his visits to the new mission occurring only at intervals. Two years afterward Father Sweeney, of East Saginaw, held services, and his successor was Father McCarthy, now of Mt. Pleasant. The first resident pastor was Father Burns, followed by Father McNamara, the present pastor. The first class pre- sented for confirmation was in 1880, at which time ^ A C^' fo) 1 ^^^ I -A* f /7s MIDLAND COUNTY. -^ Bishop Burgess, of the Grand Rapids Diocese, pre- sided. About 40 apphcants were confirmed. The church, which was built at a cost of $i,8oo, is paid for, and the society entirely free from debt of any kind. A lot adjoining the church premises has just been purchased, at a cost of $420, and a modern and convenient house will be erected for the residence of the pastor. John Haley, James O'Neill and Michael Ryan are the present Trustees of the Church. Mrs. Wm. B. Kelly, her daughter, Mrs. John Haley and Miss Mabana have been zealous and untiring work- ers for the cause which they espouse, and it is mainly due to their efforts that the society enjoys its present prosperity. Under the leadership of their Pastor, Father McNamara, they will undoubtedly continue in progress and advancement. A choir of ten little girls has been organized by him. Miss Lizzie Haley, a miss of 13 years, presides at the organ. The Par- ish over which the control of Father McNamara ex- tends includes Williamstown, Mt. Haley, Hope, Ingersoll and Freeland Townships. On the 22d of May, 18S4, confirmation was held at the church and conducted by Bishop Richter. A class of 30 was re- ceived into the Church. Secret Societies. S^M^ K^.ECRET orders are not well represented in Midland, there being only two orders now |1[!:3' in existence here, the I. O. O. F. having met with such disastrous losses by fire that the society was discontinued indefinitely. But, doubtless, the various beneficent associations, with their secret signs of mutual recognition, will in- crease in numbers with the increase of population. CENTRE LODGE, NO. 273, A. F. & A. .M. received its dispensation Nov. 22, 1869. The fol- lowing officers served under dispensation : L. Church, W. M.; S. Olmstead, S. VV.; W. H. Gallenger, J. W.; H. T. Olmstead, Sec; G. A. Janes, Treas.; J. V. Lownsbury, S. D.; Edwin M. Witham, J. D.; Dan W. Chase, Tyler; Wm. McCreight and James W. Allen, Stewards. The following gentlemen were charter members : Hiram F. Olmstead, James S. Allen, James V. Lownsbury, Sherman Olmstead, S. A. Bacon, Geo. ^3^^^ ^^C^O 3 Robson, E. M. Witham, Geo. A. Janes, Thomas N. Mcintosh, E. H. Beardsley, B. F. Bradley, William Patrick, W. H. Gallenger, Wm. McCreight, W. H- Reindscoff, Isaac D. Bailey, John W. Anderson, E. F. Gould, Mack Anderson, D. W. Chase and L. Church. The charter was received bearing date Jan. 13, 1870, and the first election under the same was held Jan. 20 of that year. Their lodge room was dedicated February 3, with appro- priate ceremonies, by Deputy Grand Master S. C. Warren and Acting Deputy Grand Master J. B. F. Curtiss, of Flint, Mich., assisted by Acting Deputy Grand Master James Hays, of St. John's Lodge, and Acting Deputy Grand Chaplain J. D. Bailey. The ceremonies closed with a public installation of the following officers : L. Church, W. M.; S. Olmstead, S. W.; W. H. Gallenger, J. W.; H. L. Olmstead, Sec; G. A. Janes, Treas.; J. V. Lownsbury, S. D.; E. M. Witham, J. D.; D. W. Chase, Tyler. This lodge has always enjoyed the highest degree of prosperity and numbers at this time about 75 mem- bers. They have in Midland the finest lodge room west of Saginaw, and are out of debt. The officers for 1884 are: Rufus T. Clason, W. M.; Charles Fournia, S. W.; Ed. Smith, J. W.; Byron Burch, Sec; W. L. Sias, Treas.; Edwin Witham, S. D.; Maxon Anderson, J. D.; Thomas King, Tyler; Geo. A. Janes, Chaplain; Samuel L. Voshell and Robert Cluff, Stewards. ROYAL ARCANUM. Midland Council, No. 671, of this beneficiary or- der was instituted April 13, 1882, with 21 charter members. From the date of its organization it has enjoyed the greatest prosperity, and the members are highly delighted with its work. The first officers were : J. W. Cochrane, Regent ; W. D. Marsh, Vice Regent ; Geo. C. Presley, Orator ; Henry Hart, Past Regent; Fred T. Reed, Sec; Sam '1 Foster, Collector; Abram Horton, Treas.; Rev. Geo. T. Ellis, Chaplain. The present officers are: W. D. March, Regent; William Kelly, Vice Regent ; Clark G. Russell, Ora- tor; Henry Hart, Past Regent; F. T. Reed, Sec; H. L. Fairchilds, Collector and Treasurer; Rev. Geo. T. Ellis, Chaplain. KNIGHTS OF LAROR. This order, so extensively distributed throughout the United States, is largely represented here. As c^ ^ s> <) m ;#*- ■erV<2>Iltl^PD<>T^ rr 4^^f^Jl 404 MIDLAND COUNTY. (h (d\ sembly No. 2,973 ^^'^^ instituted June 23, 1882, and the growth has been both steady and rapid. The first officers elected were: Wm. Brown, M. W.; Paul Marrin, W. F.; Benjamin Baker, V. S.; Henry Cotes, W. F.; Wm. McGill, A.; Judson W. Coon, R. S.; John W. Ross, F. S.; Harry W. Beacom, W. T.; Robert Murray, S.; Edwin Hodgson, V. K.; Wm. S. Norton, I. C; Chas. Foster, O. C; John McKinney, J.; Daniel McDonald, J. A. The above named gentlemen, with Jeremiah Ward, Wm. Cotes, John S. Ayers, James McBaine, James Golden and Aaron Hygate, were charter members. The order now numbers over So persons, all men of intelligence and worth. The election of officers for 1884 resulted in a choice of Judge Willard, M. W.; John Mitchell, W. ) F.; Paul Lingal, V. S.; Benjamin Baker, W. I.; John Matthews, A.: Wilson Beardsley, R. S.; H. W. Bea- com, F. S.; John McKay, W. T.; John Bailey, S.; John McKinney, V. K.; Patrick Killian, I. C; Mal- colm McKizie, O. C; Benj. Freeland, J.; Paul Mar- rin, J. A. Midland must take a high rank among the villages of Northern Michigan. Outside of the Saginaws and Bay Cities it would be hard to find a place in these northern regions where so many signs of enterprise show themselves. Main Street, with its large brick blocks, filled with all kinds of merchandise, is an honor to her citizens, and of these they may justly be proud. It is the third city of importance on the line of the Flint & Pere Marquette, Saginaw and Bay City alone shipping more products, and that not greatly in excess of Midland. V®)g^<®A<2)(2>^^ '^^C»^^/^®)g^V<5)(S)€^fG) Ej^H^S^ ROM the first, the political |» complexion of this county has been strictly Republican. The changes in political sen- timent have for the past few years assimied a more liberal phase, and the old party lines are not so closely adhered to at this time as in former years. The "Greenback" element has grown rapidly among the labor- ing classes, due very largely to the stirring appeals made by the Midland Sun, a staunch advo- cate of that faith. A summary is given below of the officials elected in Midland County since its organization in 1S55, the years of their election being given: S. D. Gaskill J. E. Willard PROBATE JUDGES. 1 85 6-68 IF. S. Burton 1868-76 I James Murphy REGISTERS OF DEEDS. Solon Kumvill 1856 Asa Bacon Geo. Turner r858-6o Geo. C. Presley Nathan E. Carr 1862 Thos. B. Main CLERKS. 1876-80 1880 1864-76 1878-80 1882 D. M. R. Wilson Henry Thomson J. L. Eastman James Bean John Larkin E. J. Brewster A. A. St. John \V. Plummer Wm. Davidson D. G. W. Whiting 1856-8 H. M. Ellsworth i860 Geo. Bartlett 1862 .Alfred Avery 1864-6 B. F. Keating 1868 1856-8 i860 1862-4 1866 TREASURERS. 1856-74 Roger W. Clason 1876-80 SHERIFFS. Alfred Avery Charles Oscar John y. Ryan M. Wl Ryan 1 868 1870-4 1876-82 1882 1870-2 1874-6 1878-80 1882 V^ 6-=.; <<3 ^nmniif^ V > /N *^: s b MIDLAND cou.vry. f? CIPXUIT COURT J. G. Sutherland 1856 L. P. Bailey 1858 C. T. Atvvell i860 L. P. Bailey 1862 ^ T. P. Tucker 1864 Henry Hart 1 866 D. \V. Hitchcock 1S6S COMMISSIONERS. Henry Hart C. W. Tindall Byron D. Burch Wm. Pluuimer Wm. D. Gordon H. L. Fairchild 1870- 1874 1876 1878 1880 1882 Harvey Lyons 1856 G. F. Hemingway 1858 D. M. R. Wilson i860 L. P. Bailey 1862 C. B. Wright 1864 Henry Hart 1866-8 G.F.Hemingway 1870 PROSECUTING ATTORNEYS. J. Van Kleeck M. H. Stanford J. Van Kleeck D. W. Hitchcock J. Van Kleeck Wm. D. Gordon 1872 1874 1876 [878 18S0 - <«« -l^w "i..;. ■"~ ^— *- >»» . ^a.^Slkl i (^ mwsv^ ''in EMINISCENCES of great in- terest are related of the early pioneers, some of which are here published to perpetuate still further the characteristic traits with which those who have been residents of the ty for a quarter of a century are ;e familiar. Among those who in the village of Midland is Jo- Townsend, who was reared from ifancy in the woods of this county, his youthful days were spent in ting, with Indians, the game ^ which at an early day abounded in the forests. Some graphic accounts have been given the historian of his exploits in the chase, a few in- stances of which are here published. Capture of Cubs. HEN a lad 14 years of age he, in company with young Pay-mos-ey-gay, the son of the noted chief of that name, started one morning to hunt for small game, having no '' weapons save a bow and arrow. Proceeding only a short distance, they came upon an old ■bear with her two cubs. The boys gave chase and the bears took to trees, each climbing separate ones. Wishing to capture the cubs, it was decided that Pay-inos ey-gay should watch the trees while Joseph went for his father, the house being only a half mile distant. Arriving there, Joseph learned that his fatlier was away, and he started for the home of his companion, which was only a few rods distant. Stating the facts to the mother of Pay-mos ey-gay, she accompanied him, taking her blanket along. Making their way as rapidly as possible to the place where the lad was engaged in making noise enough to keep the animals from descending, they found the bears still in the trees, but evidently very anxious to come down. Mrs. Pay-mos-ey-gay hastily stripped off some birch bark, and the young hunters ascended the trees upon which the cubs were seeking safety. Pay-mos-ey-gay shook the cub quite easily from the limb upon which it had taken refuge, and it was caught by his mother in the blanket as it fell. Tying it securely to a tree, arrangements were made to se- cure the other in a similar way. This was not so easily done, however; for the cub showed fight, and attacked 3'oung Townsend quite savagely, biting and scratching him until his hands and arms were cov- ered with blood. Being quite plucky, Joseph main- tained his position as well as he was able, and at last succeeded in shaking it from the tree. Vto; 9 i •f^• "^ D)4^?fss>- ^^iia^nii^^v^ ■^rr^K-. 7 MIDLAND COUNTY. ^ i' ^ ^ The two cubs being well secured, the boys started homeward highly elated with their success, Mrs. Pay-mos-ey-gay bringing up the rear. The old bear came down from her perch and followed close be- hind, growling and snapping her teeth. When she came too close, the old lady would brandish her tomahawk and shout, which for the time kept her at a distance. The old bear grew bolder as they neared home and ventured to come within a few feet of them. The party were debating the question of dropping ihe cubs and making good their escape, when a rifle shot rung out upon the morning air and the old bear tumbled to the ground. Mr. Townsend had re- turned, and, his wife informing liim of the game the boys were after, he had started to aid them and made his appearance just in time. The scars young Townsend received that day will be carried as long as he lives, and will ever remind him of his first ven- ture in the capture of a live bear. 1 ^— si^— ^ ? Townsend Chased by a Deer. sIfSMt another time Mr. Townsend started off for sJ^h a hunt, but had gone only a little distance 6^ from the house before he heard a deer coming, followed by a hound which had taken the trail. Taking a stand behind a tree, he espied the deer, a large buck, coming, and, hastily putting up his gun, fired, the ball striking the deer in the head, knocking out one of its eyes. The wound crazed the deer and he began turning around with great rapidity. Townsend proceeded to reload the gun, but the bullet became lodged, and despite his efforts would not go down. The deer espied him at last, and, maddened by the wound, attacked him with great fury. Townsend ran around a tree, closely pursued by the deer, until, weakened from pain and fatigue, the buck lay down a few feet from Joseph, who now again tried to force the bullet down in his gun. At this juncture the dog came up and caught the deer by the nose, when a rough-and-tumble struggle commenced. Townsend threw down his gun, and, running to the deer, caught it by its hind legs and endeavored to throw it down. This he failed to ac- complish, and, becoming tired and fearful that the deer might escape in spite of himself and the dog, he halloed for help. It happened that Henry Potter and Daniel Cronkright had just arrived at his house, and, hearing the shot and baying of the dog, were upon the eve of starting to the spot when the hallo for help reached their ears. It being no uncommon thing for hunters to be attacked by bears, they made "all possible speed and reached the spot as Town- send's strength was nearly gone. Their united efforts finally succeeded in throwing the animal on its side, when it was dispatched, even then with difficulty. The dog had not relinquished his first hold, and had ground its nose to a pulp with his teeth. Deer-hunting with Townsend was a perfect speci- alty, and he had slaughtered scores of them. The last instance in which the task of throwing a deer was attempted cured him of all desire for that kind of sport, and is here related somewhat briefly. -tS!" A Deer Chased by Townsend. SitAVING only a couple of bullets in his ii pockets, he started out to kill a squirrel. >d>t About half a mile above where the village of Midland is now located he saw a deer and fired, wounding, but not entirely disabling it. The deer made for the river, into which it plunged, but, seeing the dog on the opposite side, continued swimming down stream without attempting to land. Townsend fired the remaining ball, but the deer continued its course. Having no more bullets, he made up his mind to catch the buck when it made an attempt to land should it come out on his side. Following it down the river for almost a mile. Town- send saw the deer making for the shore, and, running down to the bank, squatted in the pea vines which grew in abundance. The buck gained the shore and came clambering up the steep bank directly toward Townsend, who, when it nearly reached him, sprang forward and caught it by both fore-legs. The deer gave a tremendous leap and gained the top of the bank with Joseph still hanging to its legs! Then commenced a struggle for the mastery, in which first one then the other was on top. The deer kicked nearly all the clothes off Townsend's body and bruised him quite severely, yet he held on. After a long struggle he succeeded in opening his knife and «^ (' C< Si/ ( Ju C^t) tl >:[1 Hr^'r^ — ^^«^^ $^^- "Z^^^^iST ^ ^^) MIDLAND COUNTY. •';^^^^ --^^((gvil) 407 cutting the deer's throat. When this was accom- plished he stood up, and, putting his foot upon the dying buck, remarked as he glanced at his torn and muddy garments, "D — n ye! I've got ye at last." Just at this moment a ringing laugh at his side startled him, and his uncle, Charles Cronkright, stepped from behind a tree, — " You've done pretty well, Jo," said he, " for I've watched the wliole per- formance." .The fact tliat this was done without lending a heliiing hand made Tovvnsend angry, and he would not allow his uncle to have any of the venison wliich lie had labored so hard to secure. — #^^iB-<^€~ Thirteen Deer in a Snow Prison. ' NE other incident is related of early days, lift which is true, although seemingly incredible. In 1S54 there was a tremendous snow- storm, lasting for several days, and the snow, when it ceased, was four feet deep en a level. A cold, drizzling rain set in, which, freezing as it tell, formed a hard crust upon the snow, and travel, except upon snow-shoes, was impossible. Close to the Townsends lived a number of Indians, one of whom was observed to come home every day dragging behind him a deer. This was something out of the usual order of things, and he was watched by the Townsends. The next day he returned with another deer. Joseph and his father sat out in quest of the bonanza, and soon found the trail made by the Indian, which was followed only a few rods into the forest when they came upon a drove of deer 13 in number! They were hemmed in by a snow wall nearly five feet in height, the space which they occu- pied being less than 50 feet square. A trail led from that to a clump of small pines near by, where a sim- ilar enclosure had been formed, the deer having taken refuge among these pines wliile the storm was in progress, and in walking about had kept the snow beaten down. The animals had evidently been thus imprisoned for several weeks, subsisting entirely on the pine boughs. The Indian had found them while hunting, and instead of killing them with a rifle, had been knocking them in the head with his hatchet, to avoid letting his neighbors know of the " find." The Townsends carried one home that and the next day, when a warm rain came, melting the crust, and the deer were liberated. Surprise to Gov. Begole. VY another time the present Governor Begole -j-^^^ came to Mr. Townsend's house to stay all ,&§/ night, being in the neighborhood looking after i?,r his lands. They had a venison steak for sup- per, which Mr. Begole enjoyed "immensely.' Expressing a desire to have a piece of nice venison to take home, Jo told him that perhaps a deer might be secured in time, although he intended returning the next morning. Arising early, Mr. Town send shoul- dered his rifle, and, as good fortune would have it, he had not been gone more than a half hour wlien he brought down a fine buck. The deer was taken home, dressed, and some savory steaks \vere frying when Mr. Begole came out ready for breakfast. He expressed much surprise that a deer could be found so early in the morning, and enjoyed the satisfaction of knowing that he was to carry home the "saddle" of a prime deer. Townsend had since then forgotten all about the affair until the Governor casually mentioned it a short time ago. Hard Times. pir^i I ' — ' I — r x?lOME of the early settlers had very hard t times in making a living for their families. ''' Teams were scarce, and the land was covered witli stumps to such a degree that farming could hardly be thought of. Uncle Jacolj Wiltz, one of the pioneers of Homer Township, had an old ox that he called Tom, which did all his own work and much also for the neighbors for two or three years. Old Tom was used for plowing, log-rolling and going to mill ; and Uncle Wiltz yet remarks that Tom made the handsomest team he ever owned. Mr. Wil'z used to split shingles, tie thn bunches ^«^# J^ ■^m'wm>^^ — ^^ * )(^tl ^9- T<-:llIl^llllr>-rT^ :^^^ #^§^((®VS 408 t :^: MIDLAND COUNTY. together with a rope and float them to Saginaw, guiding them by means of his canoe, which was tlie usual method of conveyance to and from Saginaw. The shingles, after being thus made and taken to market, only brought §3 per thousand, and tlie goods purchased were sold at exorbitant figures, thus mak- ing it hard to support the family with even the most rigid economy. Indian Small-Pox. HE first frame barn erected in the county was built by Charles Fitzhugh, at a point tsJ&S"'^'* opposite the town of Midland. 'I'heie ■^. were no carpenters in the country, and Fitz- T hugh employed a man by the name of Cham- I berlain, who lived ten miles below, to build it. Chamberlain frequently walked home nights, as his family were alone and the small-pox was at that time raging fearfully among the Indians, and likely to make its appearance at any time in his family. Tlie mortality among the Indians was enormous, the "medicine man" being powerless to relieve them. Delirious, burning with fever, they would crawl from their huts along tlie river bank to the edge of the stream, where, drinkmg their fill, many of them died, and their bodies were often found floating in the river. But to return to the story. Chamberlain was com- ing from home early one morning, and, feeling thirsty, stopped below a clump of willows which grew along the river bank and took a hearty draught of the cold water. As he continued his journey he espied two dead Indians floating among the willows hot 30 feet from the place where he had been drink- ing! The remembrance of this event effectually cured him of drir.kmg river water. ^feuMA, Indian Etiquette — Ugh! \ N the spring of 1S46, John A. Whitman was t making sugar, and the trees were running copiously. The Indians on the opposite Wiy side of the river had made preparations for, p*; and were just beginning, their " sugar dance," when Whitman was sent for. As he was then engaged in " sugaring off, ' it was impossible to leave his kettles. The Indians were determined to have him come, however, and sent two young squaws over to attend the kettles. Mr. Whitman crossed the river in the canoe used by tlie squaws, and found the Indians having a "high old time." Wliisky in abundance had been procured, and nearly all of them, both male and female, were already drunk, wjiile the old squaws were busily engaged making sturgeon soup in huge iron kettles. Whitman was handed a dish, and an old squaw poured in a gourd- ful of soup, which was too hot to drink. After hold- ing it a short time in his hands, the squaw came back to ascertain if it had cooled enough, and while trying to taste it she, being quite drunk, fell forward and stuck her face into the dish up to her ayes. To refuse eating tlie soup would have been a breach of etiquette which an Indian would not have overlooked, and Mr. Whitman swallowed it like a martyr. His taste for sturgeon soup has never been so good since ! •se'-- k A Bear's Vengeance. ~ M. Davis, while out hunting near John Whitman's, came up to a number of In- i^i^ ' dians that had gone into camp near the V river. Davis had been unsuccessful in the chase, and told the Indians if they would find a bear they should be paid for their trouble, as he was quite anxious to kill' one. Two of them started out, and soon returned with the information that a fine cub was in a tree about half a mile distant. The place was described, and Davis started, feeling quite elated at the prospect of securing such noble game. Reaching the place indicated, he saw the cub extended on a limb, lazily sucking its paw. In his hurry to fire, the aim was not accurately taken and the cub but slightly wounded. It set up a howl as it tumbled from the tree, but, falling in a clump of briers, Davis could not see closely enough to get another shot. As he was cr.-'.wling about upon his hands and knees to get another shot, the old bear came tearing through the bushes and attacked him furious- ly, grabbing him by the seat of his trousers and shak- ing him as if he were a rat. This scared Davis so badly that in his fright the gun, which was already cocked, was discharged, leaving him comparatively o t w ^ e^^D mM^n>^r9 ^^^ B '^ •J^^tf* ■6V4>Illl^llIlv>^ rr- r^^^f^-ii V (^ ^ MWLANn COUNTY. 409 at the mercy of Mrs. Bruin. Davis called loudly for help, and struggled so manfully that he finally escaped from the old bear's clutches, minus the major part of his trousers and vest. Mr. Whitman, having heard his first cries, went to his relief, and the two managed to dispatch both the old bear and the cub. It was providential that Mr. Whitman was so near, else the second attack of tiie old bear might have resulted disastrously for Davis, such animals frequently becom- ing ([uite vindictive while protecting their young. Three "Immense" Bears! fjn'rOHN Whitman tells a story about a fellow named Wm. Perkins, who used to live in ' Edenville Township. Perkins came down to Whitman's neighborhood, and while roaming in the woods espied three bear cubs in a tree. Although he had a gun, he was quite cowardly, and seeing so many bears at once frightened him so badly that his gun was discharged by accident. He ran as fast as his legs could carry him to Mr. Whit- man's house, and imparted the information that he had seen three immense bears out in the woods, and asked Mr. Whitman to go with him and help kill them. When they arrived the cubs were still on the tree, but were so small that they more nearly resembled raccoons than bears. This occurrence was esteemed ([uite a joke in pioneer life, for bears were so numerous and the men so fearless that to run from a bear, much less a cub, was considered disgraceful. Over-ruling the Verdict. MOME of the most amusing things happen- ing in an early day were the dicisions given by some of the local justices of the peace. One of the first justices in the county was Tom. K. Townsend, who attended to most of the legal business in the neighborhood of Midland. A case of assault and battery was brought before him at an early day and the parties demanded a trial l)y jury. Alfred Willie had struck James Hill, and the parties were arrested by Joe Townsend, who was then acting as constable. Being men of note and having considerable money, both the parties to the suithad employed counsel from Saginaw, and the case was heard upon its merits, a great deal of sharp firing being indulged in by the lawyers. Their pleas to the jury were masterly efforts, and these tried and true men retired to deliberate and bring in their verdict. After being out a short time they decided that the provocation was ample enough to allow Willie to strike Hill, and as but little physical damage had been done the damage was placed at " six cents." This raised the ire of Esquire Townsend, who gave the jury to understand that "six cents" would not settle the matter, and, over-ruling their verdict, promptly fined Willie $2, and costs of suit. Indian Shrewdness in Court. I^^ENRY C. Ashman, although a half-breed || Indian, was, in his day, accounted the most shrewd lawyer in Northern Michigan. The Bar of Saginaw would rather meet any lawyer in the State than Ashman, for his legal tricks al- most always proved more than a match for their eloquence. Henry went to Saginaw one day "on a bum," and it happened that an Irishman had stolen a pig from some one in the neighborhood, and was then arraigned before his honor, Seth Willie. The complainant had employed eminent counsel, and the pig having been found in possession of the Irishman, his conviction seemed certain. The poor fellow from Erin did not seem to understand the gravity of the offence, and had not employed any lawyer to defend him. Henry Ashman, seeing a number of men gathered about the cabin where the Justice held his court, sauntered up to see what was going on. Esquire Willie happened to see Ashman coming, and called him in. He told Henry to take charge of his prisoner's case, as he had em- ployed no lawyer. Ashman said he would do it, but as he knew nothing whatever about the circumstances leading to the arrest, would first have to talk a few minutes with the Irishman. As there was but one room, in which the Esquire, counsel for the plaintiff and the loafers were crowded. Ashman asked that the prisoner be allowed to step outside for a few ^ 0) MIDLAND COUNTS ) A >^ k) (^ minutes. Leave being granted, they withdrew, and Ashman, taking the fellow around the corner of the house, said : "Did you steal that hog ?" "Yes," said Pat. "Have you got any money," asked Ashman. "Tin dollars, me frind," answered the Irishman. "Then give me half of it," said Ashman, "and skip for the woods, and don't stop, for they'll have you sure if you are caught." The fellow handed him five dollars and fled like a frightened deer for the woods, and to this date has never been heard of. Ashman sat down on a stump outside and com- placently lighted his pipe. After waiting, as the Jus- tice thought, quite long enough for the necessary in- formation to be obtained, a messenger was dispatched to tell them to come in. Ashman responded promptly, when the Justice, seeing him alone, asked where the prisoner was. "Gone to h — 1, d — n him!" said Ash- man. "The d— d Irishman stole the r.og and I wouldn't have anything to do with him. He con- fessed to me that he stole the hog. Let him rip, and enter a verdict of guilty." This announcement was a poser to everybody but Ashman, but as the prisoner was "non est," nothing more could be done. Swallowed the Account. l{^^«!l,T another time Mr. Ashman was employed ^^S^^'L hy Frank Cole to defend his c ause. P. C. '3'!®'^ Andre, a merchant, had sued him for a bill ':^-^P which had been accumulating for some time, •K and Cole refused to pay. Andre had kept no 1 book account, but simply marked the items on a sheet of paper. He had every lawyer employed that resided in Saginaw, hoping by this means to keep Cole from employing any but a shyster; but in this he was mistaken. The trial commenced, and the lawyers for Andre chuckled with satisfaction as they imagined the discomfiture of Ashman. As no books had been kept, the account was brought into court and was lying on the table, around which was seated the legal luminaries with their books already marked at every point whicli had a bearing on their case. Ashman's quick eye discerned the important paper which contained the items, dates, £tc., and knowing that his client's case was hopeless unless this paper could be secured, cautiously reached out his hand, and, while the attention of the attorneys was engaged elsewhere, he slipped the paper into his mouth in bits, and calmly chewed and swallowed the entire ac- count! He was just finishing the last piece when one of his opponents noticed the manneuver and also missed the account. "We are ready for trial, your honor," said Ashman, as he coolly expectorated the last mouthful of the well masticated account into the cuspidore. "If there be no objection I should like to look at the account against my client," said Ashman. A search for the paper failed to produce it. Tiie lawyer who had noticed him manipulating the paper declared that Ashman had swallowed it. "Prove it, tlien," said this erratic individual. Tlie account being thus disposed of, the case was dismissed at complainant's cost, and another victory, although somewhat dishonestly gained, was checked up against the Saginaw lawyers. Ashman was then and there voted the most adroit knave among them all. The Champion Drinker. Tg e '/'■'■ -^ T; pf;: ARVEY LYON, one of the oldest veterans *:->-/; now living in Midland, relates with great -' , ■'■" yusto some of the old-tune remmiscences ^■v* • ■ (JJ lii which he look an active part. According to i his story, every one of the early settlers was a I lover of whisky, and it formed a staple article of sustenance in many cases. In the days that canoes carried all the provisions from Saginaw, every one upon his return journey brought back a gallon or two of whisky. Vovagers going down would row across to the canoe that was coming up, and the jug was put into circulation, thus making merry all hands around. A lot of the fellows living in the neighborhood of Midland had been down to Saginaw, and did not arrive home until almost morning. They put up at Larkin's Hotel, all of them being pretty well "corned," which of course added nothing lothe quietness which ought to prevail in a well regulated hotel so early in the morning. Yarns were told, songs sung and a general revelry continued until almost daylight, when those who were fullest became drowsy, and most of them went to sleep. v£' 9 A c^- 'r^ 'rv^^^tf^ <^l!fl^Dllf5>-^ ^^€^^ ^^^f ^m4^ ^^ > 2 f MIDLAND COUNTY. -8»S l^^f Among the wide-awake ones was William Mc- Crary. A stranger came into the bar-room about daybreak with a jug to get some liquor. The jug proved too small to hold the contents of the measure, and a glassful was left, — not one of the kind that holds a " thimbleful," but a good old-fashioned one that encircles a pint of the precious fluid. The cor- dial stranger, wishing to appear social, passed around the glass to the boys who were yet awake, but all of them declined on the score of having already as much sail as they could carry, until the fellow came to McCrary. When the glass was proffered to "Mac" he said, " I don't like to see ye drink alone, stranger; so, go ahead and I'll help you out." The fellow in- sisted upon McCvary taking the first draught, which he declined but subsequently accepted, as he "didn't want to hurt the feelings of the stranger." Without drawing a breath or removing his lips from the glass he drained it of its contents, and, turning to the as- tonished looker-on, said, " I should call this pretty good liquor." "Yes, it is," said the stranger, " and I think you have the best throat for it I have ever seen!" McCrary still lives, despite the pernicious effects of the " thistle dew," and is one of the greatest temper- ance advocates of Edenville Township and one of her most respected men. At an early day it was considered just the thing to be able to knock a man out in four rounds, and to stand up after drinking the balance of the boys drunk was an accomplishment to be proud of. Sun- days were always spent at " The Forks," as Midland was then called, in jumping, wrestling, shooting at mark, and other athletic sports, and men would come for miles away to have a jolly time together on that day. Another Liquor Story. 1 WO brothers-in-law, Nathaniel Huntley and George Eldridge, were residents of Eden. _ ville Township at an early day. They had ■ U^i* a dispute about some trivial matter, and Hunt- ley made a pass with his fist as though he in- tended knocking Eldiidge down. Eldridge, not to be thus intimidated, let fly with his "right duke" and Huntley was knocked senseless. After recover- ing consciousness, Huntley picked himself up and called at the office of Justice Geo. Baker, who, after hearing a recital of Huntley's wrongs, issued a war- rant for the arrest of Eldridge. The parties with their witnesses came up for trial, and after the evidence had been heard and sifted by the legal functionaries, he decided that both parties were equally guilty, and fined Huntley $5 for assault, and Eldridge $5 for battery, and each one to pay half the costs. The latter refused to pay his fine, and the Justice issued a commitment. John Nottingham, the Constable, started with his prisoner to Midland. They had proceeded as far as Edenville, when they stopped at the saloon to get a drink. The boys who were congregated around joined in a "health to Eld- ridge," a " successful journey," etc., until the consta- ble became very much intoxicated, — so much so that he could travel no farther, and consequently remained a guest at the hotel for a couple of days. In the meantime Eldridge returned home, and when Not- tingham had sufficiently recovered from his spree he did likewise. This ended the case nothing more be- ing done by Esquire Baker, he seeming to be well pleased with the fine and costs paid by Huntley. A Fine to be Paid in Liquor. ^mMM. Vto; 9 V) ' I r,LY McCraiy, at an early day in the his- '\ tory of Averill, started a saloon and lunch ' counter in that burg, which was known as the "Red Keg." Averill being the terminus for some time of the Flint & Pere Marquette Road, every one that wanted to come to Midland on the cars made that place an objective point. A number of men from the lumber camp at "Sixteen" came to Averill one day "on a bum," and the "Red Keg" was headquarters, of course. Among the men who were imbibing most liberally was a woodsman who at last did something which ve.xed McCrary, .and the latter with a well-aimed blow knocked the fellow out of time and tune. A constable standing near arrested "Billy," and was just starting over to the office of a Justice, when Charley Axford, one of the most widely known men in the county, stepped up and said, "What are you taking him to a Justice for .' Try him before me; I ^\®?^^ .^-J. ^c^Dfl^nnf^-^ — ^'^^ "IZf^^^ ■crvv-: <^i]n^iiii^>r ";2tf^^^vj^ -#^fs^x|^ 412 MIDLAND COUNTY. d, V - ^ am in the business and can do it as well as any- body." To this the parties agreed, and they ad- journed to Avery's hotel. "Stand up, Billy; God Almighty made you," said A.\ford. "Are you guilty or not guilty.'" "Guilty, your honor," said McCrary. "Then I fine you $3 and whisky for the crowd," was Axford's reply ; "we will now adjourn to the 'Red Keg' and collect the fine and costs." The boys took a drink, and 'Squire Axford, laying the $3 on the counter which McCrary had just paid, said, "Let's put the fine with the costs. Set 'em up, Billy, as long as the money holds out." Thus was justice meted out and everybody satisfied! Did Not Pass. ^^^MrHE second candidate for admission to the Bar was Leonidas P. Bailey. He had been Justice of the Peace several terms and had ;r„v> read souie in the statutes of Michigan. Judge Turner presided, and Bailey came up smiling to the front to be questioned. Hon. John Moore and two other gentlemen were appointed a committee to examine hi.n, and it was observed that Bailey answered promptly and correctly. One of the others was then asked to question him, and the answers suddenly became defective and less brilliant than before. Judge Turner noticed Bailey's confusion and suggested that Mr. Moore should pro- ceed with the questions, as Mr. Bailey was quite bashful. " Your Honor," said Mr. Moore, "I have already asked him all the questions he gave me, and I fear what I should ask would nonplus the candi- date more than those already propounded!" It is needless, perhaps, to add that the candidate did not pass. Liquor Still Ahead. rii/ !«^^vENRY W. Patterson employed Ashman as T jii;^; counsel in a case in which damages were ^ claimed by reason of Charles Fitzhugh's horse coming through a fence and destroying Patterson's wheat. The horse was confined in- side a brush fence, but, breaking through, had opportunity to do the mischief. It was not denied that the horse did the damage, but Fitzhugh claimed that his was a "legal brush fence." The trouble seemed to be in establishing what kind of a fence constituted a legal one of the kind mentioned, sev- eral witnesses testifying as to their opinion regarding it. Ashman swore that a brush fence, to be legal, must be "four rods high and six rods wide !" The case was decided against Patterson, who took it to the Circuit Court at Saginaw, leaving it in charge of Ashman, who, when the case was called, was so full of "tanglefoot" that he forgot to appear, and of course it was decided atjainst Patterson the second time. Divorced by a Justice. Abraham Egbert, the pioneer of Egbert ir Township, was its first Justice. It is rela- ..;* " ted of him that he married a German by the name of Jacob Hagar, to a German woman li^" fresh from the old country. After living 1 together for several months in rather an unsat- isfactory manner, they again appealed to Egbert, who divorced them, as he supposed, in a legitimate way. The leaf of the docket containing a full history of the affair was abstracted from that record by Timothy Jerome and given to a friend in Detroit, who had it framed and kept it for years as a relic. This was un- fortunately lost. Inquest, Liquor, Peculation. HILE Axford was acting Justice, a man _ by the name of Johnson was found dead Pi^ ' uix)n the ice a few miles above "Sixteen," ■ and a team was sent up to bring the body down to the hotel, that an inquest might be * held, as it was too intensely cold for the same to be conducted where the body was found. The remains were placed in a room at the hotel, a jury was empaneled, Tom Moore acted as clerk, and the inquest proceeded. Johnson was quite well known at "Sixteen," and the boys were bound to do the fair thing at the incpiest, if they never had while John- son was one of their number. *s;. c< V 1 ^ Kj))4^#- v!!2l. ^ c^iig^nnf^^ A. s^j^-yf^ ■ SCSii; W^ T7 T<>iia^iiD>^v —^srira^Xi- ^m^\W, MJDLANn COUNTY. 413 r 6) /^ t At the beginning of the inquest there was a ten- gallon keg of whisky in the 100m, but it disappeared very rapidly, and testimony Ijecame harder and harder to procure. One of the witnesses was a teamster who was anxious to go on with his logging, and the evening of the second day he hitched up his horses and started for the camp. Moore told Esq. Axford that it was against the law for a witness to leave before the trial was over. A cajjins was issued and an officer dispatched for the fellow who had so signally offended the dignity of the court. The officer returned the next day with the unwilling wit- ness, and he was given a hearing before the magis- trate, who imposed a fine of $10 and costs for his "contempt of court." The inquest then proceeded, and as the last drop of whisky was drawn out of the keg on the evening of the third day a verdict was reachedj which de- termined that Johnson came to his death from natural causes, he being too drunk to withstand the cold which then prevailed. Axford agreed to give Tom Moore half the fee be received from the county, and put in his bill for $120; but the Board of Supervisors allowed only $40, which he kept, insisting always that he could not collect Moore's half! A Sheriff Done For. [S most business affairs were conducted at %, "Sixteen," a ereat many reminiscences cen- |ll^^?^ ter there. Many of the men were a lawless set, as inentioned in the history of Edenville, .;(^ while others were peaceable and law-abiding I citizens. Charley Axford had given a mortgage upon his team, which Sheriff Rankin, of Saginaw, came to Edenville to close. Axford not being at home, sev- eral of the boys concluded not to let Rankin take the team. Waiting until the Sheriff went to the barn for them, Will McKeever, Thomas Moore and Dan E. Grover locked the door and gave Rankin to un- derstand that his fate would be slow starvation unless he consented at once to leave and never show his face in the township again. To this Rankin con- sented, and Moore let him out at the door. Rankin did make tracks as lively as possible, leaving the team behind, which to this date has not been called for. <«Aeer!s^g-«— ^^^^ .^^%iU7P!i^ Serio- Comical. ^Js^^ ^ <^I1!1 STORY is told about Tom Snj der, of Eden- ville, that is well worth preserving. He was one of the greatest cowards when he came the into woods that ever lived, and feared even the rustle of the wind through the pine trees, detecting in every breath the steps of an ap- proaching bear or a wily Indian. Tom had a few dollars in money when he arrived at " Sixteen," but, like many other fellows, had spent it nearly all before making an effort to do anything. Instead of working, Tom decided to become a hunter, and, purchasing a long rifle, one large and one small revolver, a dirk knife, with plenty of tobacco and ammunition, he made his way into the forests border- ing on Tobacco Creek. Here he tramped and hunt- ed and fished for more than a month, frightening away the small amount of game accidentally stumbled upon, but killing nothing. H§ had boarded during the time with a family living in the woods, who, despair- ing of getting their pay, seized his rifle for the debt. Tom having neither gun nor ammunition, thought best to go down to "Sixteen " and get a job. He started down the Tobacco in a canoe that he had built with boards, detetmined to leave nothing behin'd, and feeling much safer on the water, for there neither Indian nor prowling lynx could creep upon him un- awares. His knife was carried in his belt, the small revolver in his breast pocket, the large one in the hip, or pistol, pocket of his trowsers. It was late in the afternoon of a November day that Tom embarked. The ice was rapidly forming along the banks of the stream, and the wind howled disrnally through the tree-tops. He was lazily drift- ing along when a splash in the water behind him arrested his attention. " What if it should be an Indian throwing at me?" feaifully soliloquized Tom. Feeling for his revolver, he was horrified to find it gone. It occurred to him that perhaps it had fallen into the water when the splash was heard. He con- cluded to tie up the boat, take off his clothes and feel ?o- 0) r^:n^^DD^.> 414 :^j '0 v) (f> "v- MIDLAND COUNTY. -*#^^^ around for it, as most of his wealth was represented by it. Acting upon this idea, Tom waded into the freezing water up to his chin, but the most patient search failed to restore it. Hastily dressing, he hurried on his way, when he espied an old trapper named Dumont, who for years had lived in that neighborhood. Dumont was a hard- looking specimen, wearing his hair and beard for years without cutting or combing, and his hailing Tom almost scared the latter out of his wits. "Where are you going?" inquired Dumont. "Down toSixteen," answered Tom. "Come ashore, then," said Dumont; "the dam below is too high for a boat to go over." Tom declined to do as suggested, believing the old fellow wanted to rob and perhaps murder him. So he plied the paddle vigorously, and the old man was soon out of sight. Presently the roar of the water-fall warned Tom that it would be policy to go ashore and examine the dam. Sending his boat up to the bank, Tom leaped out, when by his side was Dumont. "Vou had better go home with me and finish your trip to-morrow," said the old man; I live only a mile below." Tom dared not refuse, feeling that death was certain in either case. He therefore consented, when Dumont said, "Let us send the boat over and we can pick it up be- low." The canoe was then pushed into the river, but it unfortunately filled with water and sank. Dark- ness rapidly coming on, Tom scarcely knew what to do. His knees smote together, and he became more convinced at every step that Dumont intended to kill him. "What other reason could he have for pushing the boat into the river?" thought Tom. Following along until Dumont was 50 yards ahead, Tom darted into the woods and ran for dear life. He soon came to a fallen tree, under which he crawled, his joy at thus escaping death being almost greater than he could bear, when Dumont's voice was heard calling him. Not daring to reply, he huddled still closer and prayed for darkness, which soon came. Dumont's footsteps could be heard as he moved off toward his cabin, and Tom breathed easier. By this time it had grown intensely dark and a drizzling sleet and rain storm set in. Tom became soaked to the skin, and fearing that he would freeze to death, concluded to risk building a fire if it could be accomplished. While thus engaged, the remaining revolver dropped from his pocket to the ground and the fire was built upon it. As he stood by the cheerful blaze warming his benumbed hands, one chamber of the revolver ex ploded, scattering the burning brands in every direc- tion. Supposing it was Dumont concealed in the brush (!) and firing at him, his fright increased in a ten-fold ratio. Kicking the burning sticks in every direction, hoping thereby to put out the fire which had betrayed his location, he then took refuge behind a tree, hoping to contrive some means of skipping away unobserved, when he was startled the second time by another loud report, as the coals were whisked toward him. This made his conviction certain that Dumont would kill him unless he removed far from the fire light, and he executed a flank move- ment through the dense underbrush to what he con- sidered a safe distance from the assassin's bullet. Daylight came at last, and Snyder, almost per- ished with cold, mustered uj) courage enough to ap- proach the spot where a few coals were yet smolder- ing, when he saw the barrel of his revolver peeping from the ashes. The cause of the firing was thus made intelligible, and Tom cursed his cowardly legs which ran away with his brave body. He made his way to "Sixteen," and little by little told the story as above related. Tom still tells the story, but has long since learned that a lively imagination is tlie greatest cause for fear. -.^.v^/V/V' Too Much "Cross Haul." HE jokes played on the greenhorns that ^ came to the lumber camps to obtain em- ployment were many and varied. One of ^_,^_ the best was that which was played upon a y fellow who came to Leon Pryor's camp. The I proprietor " sized ' the fellow up and detemiin- ed to have a bit of fun should he ask for a job. That being the stranger's business, Pryor told him that he had men enough in the woods but needed one to go to "Sixteen " for a " cross liaul." (This term needs no explanation to a resident of Northern Michigan, but for the information of readers living remote from lumber camps, we would say that a "cross haul" is a road cut opposite a tram-way upon which logs are loaded.) Tlie fellow, whom we will call " Jones " to preserve his identity, agreed to go, and was given a note of in V_ A Co: V 'h^ m ^>^ 44^f ^N^mm^^- MIDLAND COUNTY. "^^^f^iZT sf* troduction to Tom. Moore, who was expected to carry out the joke without further instructions. Jones came walking in and proffered the note to Moore, who readily caught the inspiration. Loading a sack with 80 pounds of old iron and giving hiiii a 24-pound dumb-bell to carry in the other hand, Moore dismiss- ed him with the injunction to carry the bag carefully, so the machinery would not be disarranged. Jones promised to be particular, and trudged wearily over the eight miles of sand and stumps before the camp was reached. He told Pryor as he entered, almost exhausted, that he didn't intend to carry any more "cross hauls." "You don't?" exclaimed Pryor; "then what are you doing here? I only need you for this purpose." Jones left tlie camp at once, determined to seek more congenial employment. Hough and Tumble. ^f HERE has always been more or less feeling existing between Tom Moore and Charley ^W^""^ Axford, they being rivals in the hotel busi- aJn)> ness and many other enterprises. Moore is Y quite a practical joker, and often indulges this I trait in his character, which has been the oc- casion of many a hearty laugh. Moore, Axford, Dave Porter and Ben Howard were returning from Midland, where they had been trans- acting some business matters, and all were pretty well "corned." Three of them sat on the spring seat, the other on a barrel of lime in the back part of the wagon. The driver struck a stump before reaching Edenville, and the tongue was broken quite badly. Repairing it as well as they were able, they traveled along quite well until they reached the steep hill near the Edenville school-house. Moore suggested that they all walk down the hill for fear the broken wagon tongue would not stand the strain. Axford insisted that the team was his own, that the broken tongue was perfectly safe and the driver should let the horses run at full speed down tlie hill. The lat- ter plan was agreed upon and the horses were given the whip. Away they flew, but the ride, like Gilpin's, was very brief. Half-way down the hill the wagon tongue broke again, and the wheels, veering suddenly. overturned the wagon upon the driver, while Ben Howard, who was sitting upon the lime barrel hold- ing a large mirror on his lap, was precipitated into the creek below. Axford was thrown almost off the bridge and would have fallen into the creek but from the fact that the lime barrel was across his legs. Moore landed on his feet just in time to see the horses flying up tlie hill with the whiffletrees dangling at their heels. Mr. Moore then turned liis attention to the rescue of his companions. Porter being still imprisoned under the wagon box, was yelling vocifer- ously for aid. He was liberated, and Charley Axford helped upon his feet. By this time Ben Howard had scrambled out of the creek, and upon comparing notes it was found that all had escaped serious in- jury. Dan Grover and Philip Flock, seeing the horses coming without a driver, thought something must be wrong, and hitching them to another vehicle, started in search of the party. Charley Axford was consider- ably overcome by the effects of " thistle dew," as well as shaken up by the fall, and was laid in the wagon, after which the remainder of the freight was trans- ferred from the broken one. In doing this, Tom Moore hurt his hand severely, and it bled freely. Thinking it a good time to play a joke on Charley, he rubbed the blood over his face, which when com- pleted looked gory enough to strike terror into the heart of a Comanche Indian. Driving up to Ax- ford's house, he was carried in and laid on the bed. The boys, knowing nothing serious was the matter, thought it good fun to frighten the old lady any way. The dame known as "Biddy Norman" made her home at Axford's, and she remarked, while taking in the situation, "An' sure, an' its a bad head he'll have upon him in the marnin'!" The joke leaked out after Charley was washed up, and Tom barely es- caped a licking for his fun. I C< EfiTect of Eating Bear Steak. g^'fe^gfc [ GOOD story is told on Alex. Bowman, who ' came to Edenville Township soon after its organization. "Alek " sat around the hotel and heard the stories told by lumbermen abou t the quantities of game that could be found in the woods. His ambition to become a hunter ^rew day by day until he determined to take a hunt. ^^m^ — ^^:A4^D a % Dni>^^ ■-4^^C^. I MIDLAND COUNTY. -*4^^f® I=Z His first venture proved satisfactory, he killing three large bears. He dressed them all nicely, and bear steaks were disposed of quite largely at supper. In fact, Alek ate bear meat so freely that it made him quite sick during the night. Feeling very uncomfort- able, he arose and tried to dress. By mistake he got hold of a pairof his little boy's pantaloons and thrust his foot as far through the leg as he was able. Failing in the endeavor to get them on, he became alarmed and danced over the floor, knocking the chairs right and left. He was suffering such pain that he became almost frantic, and vociferated loudly, " Get up, Jane, for God's sake, and make a light; I am swelled so big I can't get «iy panes on." The joke was too good to keep, and Alek is yet laughed at frequently about his first experience in eating bear steaks. A Canuck "'Hoodooed." ^Ull! CARPENTER came down in the woods to do "tinkering" for EUsmore at the camp ^f on "Sixteen." He was a "Canuck," fresh from his native sod, and the boys soon learned that he was as " verdant " as he was cowardly. They told him " bear stories " when sitting around the camp fire at night, and also spoke of the "gallipoo," a very large bird which infested the north woods, and had an especial fondness for "Canucks," three of them having been found in the craw of one that was killed the previous winter. He was in- formed that could he succeed in escaping its clutches for one year and become " acclimated," he would be in no danger, as it was never known to attack a man born here or who had lived a year in the State. A deep snow came on soon after, and the tinker went into the woods to find some " Dray Crooks." Marvel Secord, an old hunter who for many years had hunted and trapped in that vicinity, always wore very large snow-shoes when atteading his trap in winter, and the Canuck came upon the old man's trail while wandering through the woods. The size and sh.ipe of the tracks verified the stories told by llie lumber- man of the dreadful " gallipoo," and he became terribly frightened. Following the trail until it passed into the logging road that was well beaten down, he lost sight of it and made his way hurriedly to camp and told the men that he had found the place where the " gallipoo " had roosted and had followed its trail to the log road where he had become frightened and flown away. He left the camp at once, declaring his intention of going back to Canada, where such birds were unknown. (■ I I ^^^Dll^tltlf^ MIDLAND COUNTY. -it^^^^ii 417 ^ - OOP . ,, HE greatest industry of Mid- |y_ land County from its organiz- ation has been the lumber trade, and it yet shows little diminution. The finest pine lands in Michigan were in Saginaw, Bay and Midland Counties ; and when we estimate the annual cut of pine alone, which has beern harvested from Midland for the past quarter of a century, it seems almost incred- ible. The most meager estimate of logs which are put into the Tittaba- wassee in this county alone, gives the annual total of 48,700,000 feet, while the Flint & Pere Marquette i Railroad frequently transports 4,000 cars of logs per month, which aver- ages for that time 13,928,900 feet. Multiply this by 12, and we have the grand total of 167,147,520 feet carried annually by the railroad in rough logs. Add to this the logs floated down the Tittabawassee, and we have in tlie (q^ rough 215,847,520 feet, while the different mills in I the county manufacture and ship on an average the 5^% amount accredited to each. fLarkin & Patrick do the second largest business, llieir mill being located at Midland. Their cut (^ amounts annually to 6,000,000 feet of lumber, 25,- V^ 000,000 shingles, 1,283,425 staves and 102,694 head- ings. In addition to this they manufacture annually 84,463 barrels. Geo. Miller, of Coleman, manufactures 700,000 feet of lumber, and 4,000,000 shingles; J. & F. L. Post, 1, 100,000 feet of lumber and 2,000,000 shin- gles; F. B. Simons, 7,000,000 shingles; John Ma- loney, 19,600,000 shingles; C. W. Stearns, 300,000 feet of lumber; J. Thorington, 500,000 feet of lum- ber and 2,250,000 shingles, and C. M. Waldo, 2,500,000 shingles. Geo. Cooper, of Coleman, also cuts 40,000 shingles and 100,000 staves. A. W. Wright and P. H. Ketcham do the largest lumbering business in the county, and have eight camps. The amount of pine logs they are getting out is not enumerated, but they employ at least 500 men. They got out in 1883, in addition to their pine lumber, 400,000 feet of hard wood, and had on hand 300,000 feet of the same kind, with 100,000 feet of oak logs in their yard. The amount of pine logs handled annually by this firm is 40,000,000 feet. They own 14 miles of logging railroad in this county, which is fully equipped with locomotives, cars, etc. This road transports all their own logs, except hard- wood, to the Tittabawassee, where they are dumped into the river. In addition to their own work, this firm has handled 25,000,000 feet of logs annually for other parties during the past two years. At their headquarters in Lincoln Township they have a gen- eral stock of merchandise, where their men and many families in the neighborhood come to trade. A postoffice is also established there, making it c]uite convenient for everybody living near. 9 ^. ^ ( ;^ A ^ A. -^s# ^^f®>i0 (k <^^i]n^iiD^>T- rsii^sr -«8^ MIDLAND COUNTY. The adept in figures can 'add this yearly estimate, then multiply by 25, or the number of years in which lumbering has been pushed on an extensive scale, vvlien the wealth of the pine \\\ Midland County can be estimated. Very few tracts of really excellent pine lands can now be found, but her soil is rich and productive, and agriculture will be promoted by the destruction of lier forests. In 1880, 580,000,000 feet of logs was rafted on the Tittabawassee, and the jam of logs this year extends a distance of 40 miles above, with an estimate of 5,000,000 feet to the mile. The Pine and Chippewa Rivers converge at Mid- land, each carrying a wealth of logs on its bosom nearly equaling that of the Tittabawassee. When we tliink of the number of years that this wholesale destruction of valuable timber has been going on, and see the millions of feet yet standing, it seems scarcely possible that the whole State, much less a few counties, could produce it. Yet the facts, as demonstrated by carefully compiled statistics, show- that fully one-half of our timber is yet merchantable. t :^ (^ Life in a Lumber Camp. ji EAL life in a lumber camp is so unique that a brief account of a visit to such a place may not be out of place. Every one who '*V?. can do so should visit a camp, and see how the work of cutting and putting in logs is conducted. That is one thing that should be seen before wandering in foreign lands to feast one's eyes on strange and wondrous things, for nowhere abroad will he find wliat we have near home. The camp visited we found under tlie immediate super- vision and management of two gentlemen who had the contract for cut'ing and putting into the river the limber from 240 acres of land. The camp was in the midst of the forest, and consisted of six build- ings, situated conveniently near together, and of sufficient capacity to accommodate 70 men, 20 pairs of horses and 7 pairs of oxen. The first is the "cook shanty," 20 by 52 feet in size and one story high, which serves for a kitchen and dining-room for the entire crew. Tlie work of this department is performed by four girls and a chore- boy, the latter bringing wood and water and making himself useful in a thousand ways. Two long tables, covered with enameled cloth, enable 42 men to take their meals at once. Two large cooking-stoves are kept constantly in use, and when told the amount of provisions consumed per day or week, the query naturally arises how so few hands can prepare such a quantity of food with only two stoves. Work in the woods creates an appetite like a furnace, and provis- ions disappear before a crew of seventy men like dry leaves in a whirlwind. The bill of fare consists of potatoes, beans, pork, bread and molasses, and other substantial food, one meal seldom varying materially from another, with strong tea three times a day. A full force of men consume each week about five bar- rels of flour, five barrels of pork, from fifteen to twenty bushels of potatoes, and other things in like proportion. In one end of tliis building a room is partitioned off which serves one of the contractors as a private residence and the sleeping apartments of the female help. An alarm clock at least three-quar- ters of an hour ahead of the true time awakens the inmates of the shanty at four in the morning, and the day's labor cominences at once. The teamsters are first called, and while breakfast is being prepared they feed and harness their teams ; while they are at breakfast, the choppers and other workmen rise and fill the second table. The teamsters are off to their work long before daylight, and usually make one trip to the river, a distance of two miles, and back before darkness disappears. Five trips consti- tute the day's work, and when that is accomplished they unhitch and do no more till the next morning, although it may be several hours before sundown. The "men's shanty" is 26 X36 feet in size and one and a half stories higli. It is provided witli thirty- two bunks, eighteen on the first floor and fourteen in the chamber, each designed for two men, though three can sleep in them very comfortably. They are made of boards, ranged on either side of the room, in tiers one above another, and are provided with a straw tick and blankets. The building is warmed with a large box stove and lighted at nights with kerosene lamps. The barn proper is 30 X52 feet, with a stable on either side fourteen feet wide, making it 52x58 feet on the ground. It is made warm and comfortable, and furnishes stabling for 40 horses and 14 oxen. ^ ^ mvAm<^ -^m 1^^ v|) c^: ^ ^ ^1 ■:^^ 6V4iIl m n Di^ iM=^ ^ ,C1 MIDLAND COUNTY. Near by is the granary, a small building, where the grain for the teams is kept. In another building a blacksmitli and a worker with edge tools, sometimes called a "wood-butcher," find employment, — the latter doing the wood-work on the logging sleds, putting in ax-handles, etc., while the former does the horse-shoeing, irons the sleds, repairs broken chains, etc. In a small building near the cook shanty, the other contractor resides, with family, and "keeps store," his stock consisting chiefly of tobacco, lum- bermen's clothing and such other commodities as tlie hands require. A large bell, susi)ended on a pole, the strokes of which can be heard for two or three miles, calls the men to their meals. A logging sleigh is an institution deserving more than a passing notice, for it never fails to at- tract the attention of the novice. In appearance it resembles a cross between a pile-driver and a toll- gate. It consists of a pair of "bobs" with runners three inches thick, and shod with iron three inches wide. The beams and other parts are correspond- ingly heavy; crossv/ise each sled is a beam of timber called a "bunk," seven feet in length, with a huge spike in either end to prevent the load from sliding off. They are built low and wide, the runners being from four to five feet apart, to prevent capsizing on uneven ground. On this vehicle an ordinary pair of horses move a load of from five to fifteen logs, scal- ing from 1,500 to 2,500 feet, board measure, and making a load in bulk nearly or quite as large as a load of hay. To haul such loads th? roads must be in good condition, and it is well-known that the logging roads are the best in Michigan. This description of one camp will give an idea of all camps, though of course no two are alike. This camp had turned into the river 4,500,000 feet in three months, and 1,000,000 feet more had been cut and rejected by the scaler, for soma defect. The labor on this 1,000,000 feet was all lost. With this for a sample, some idea may be formed of Wright & Ketcham's camps in this county, where from 400 to 600 men are employed. ^ ^f ►}- INCE the first schools were or- ganized in Midland County, the system of education has under- gone a complete change. The vast difference between the old and new metliods is plainly ap- parent. In "ye olden times" the ])re- ceptor's word was supreme law in his little kingdom, and this law was enforced by a generous distribution of strokes from the well seasoned birch rod. To execute a pencil sketch upon a slate was deemed a misdemeanor, or one which merited at least twelve strokes from the same reformer, wielded by the sturdy arm of an incensed pedagogue. To ask assist- i^mm\^^ ance in the solution of a perplexing problem in math- ematics more than twice during school hours, con- signed the unfortunate pupil to a seat on the "dunce block," the most observed, but not the most envied, personage in the room. The old straight-backed benches and pine desks, smeared with butter and molasses, and defaced by the big boys' "jack-knives," have been superseded by the the modern single desk, where each student has all the comforts and conveniences he can desire. The text-books were, at that date, of a miscellane- ous character, nearly every family having preserved the remnants of books which their fathers and moth- ers had studied during their school days, and were now brought into use by their children to save expense, being deemed by the parents quite good Vto} / 0) i 4ZO MIDLAND COUNTY. -ss^ enough for anybody. Every pupil possessed a *Bj Ray's Arithmetic, the only text-book of which there ,^ were a half-dozen alike. Geography was represented by "Peter Parley" and Monteith's Manual; readers, '"Si by McGufTey, Saunders, Eclectic and National series; grammar, by Pinneo, Clark's Easy Method and Brown's Parsing Lessons. Webster's Elementary, Cobb's, Worcester's and the Eclectic Spellers were used in- discriminately. The scholars could hardly be classi- fied, much less graded. Now, the systematic man- ner of grading pupils, the uniformity of text-books, with improved methods of teaching by object lessons and otherwise, give pupils of this day advantages not dreamed of 20 years ago. Students i2yearsof age are in many instances further advanced in rhetoric, physiology and mathematics then were the less for- tunate pupils who attended public schools during the entire time perscribed by law not two decades since. ) > The Facts in This County. ^^=S^. [IDLAND County is rapidly advancing in an educational way. The Township of '^^^■'^ Midland leads with the number of pupils ^.Vy^Vx and value of school property. There are '^ two brick, four frame and one log school-house, j with a total valuation of $28,500. The num- ber of scholars enrolled in the several districts is S63. The amount paid for tuition last year was ^,642.20. The largest school building in the county is at Mid- land City; this is a magnificent brick structure, three stories in height, exclusive of the basement, which is large and airy. The building is heated by furnaces, and especial regard has been paid to ventilation and obtaining proper light in its construction. It was erected in 1869, and cost, with its furniture §23,000. Si.x teachers are employed, in as many, departments. A handsome and valuable library, containing 70S volumes, belongs to this building, thus adding largely to the interest of school work. In Hope Township there are two whole districts and two fractional ones. The number of children in the township between the ages of five and twenty years is 209. There are two frame school-houses and two log, and the total amount of money paid out for wages of teachers for the year 18S3 was $938.25. Edenville contains two whole districts and one fractional. The number of children enrolled is 140. One of these three districts is furnished with a frame and the other two with log school-iiouses. The amount of wages paid to teachers was $718.75. Warren has three districts, two of which are whole and one fractional. The number of children enrolled in the township is 154. Two of the school buildings are frame structures, with modern conveniences, and the remaining one is of logs. The total amount of money paid to teachers is $610. Larkin Township paid a total of §940.50 to its teachers for the year 1883 ; in this township we find five districts, all entire. The number of children en- rolled is 94. Tiiree of the school-houses are frame buildings, while two districts still use the log school- house. There are but two organized school districts in Lincoln, both of which are entire. There are only 63 children in the township who are entitled to school privileges, and of these, only 48 attend. One of their school-houses is a frame and the other a log building. Three hundred and forty-five dollars was disbursed during the past year for the payment of teachers' sal- aries. In Jerome Township there are but 91 children wlio are privileged to attend school, and only 45 of these take advantage of the privilege. One of the buildings is a frame and the other a log scliool-Iiouse, there being but two districts in the township. The total amount of wages paid to teachers during the year was S303. In Geneva 62 children attend school regularly out of 104 who are entitled by law to these benefits. There are but two districts, both of which are provided with substantial and commodious frame buildings. The total amount paid teachers, male and female, for the past year was S369. Homer has three whole districts, all of which are supplied with good frame buildings. Five hundred and seventy-two dollars was paid out for teacher's salaries for the school year of 1883. There are en- rolled in this township 572 school children. Lee has paid out to its teachers of 1883 the sum of §467.45. It is divided into four districts, all of which are entire and all together enroll only 54 scholars. Two frame and two log school-houses com[)rise the whole. V VS c>: I ^^^^#»- -^>n!l^IIDf^A^ ^'^^ ®))(^#- T <>IIIi:<^I]ll>> v "^S&'li^''-^^ f MIDLAND COUNTY. 421 (ireendale has but one school district, it being an ungraded one. H. L. Voorhese is Director for the present year. Eighteen pui^ils are enrolled, 12 of whom attend reguarly. A handsome frame building was erected in 1884, costing about $500. The school property is valued at $500, and $120 was paid the teachers of 1883. IngersoU contains one fractional district and four whole ones. 'I'he number of pupils as shown by the last school census is 322. Each district is provided with an excellent frame school building, fitted up with all modern conveniences. IngersoU paid to her teachers last year the sum of $1,043.83. Mt. Haley registers 103 children between the ages of five and twenty years, and the three fractional school districts which she controls are provided with log houses for school purposes. The total wages of teachers for the last school year was $530.70. The four whole districts into which Porter Town- ship is divided are furnished with frame school build- ings, which are large and roomy and well ventilated. The amount of wages paid to teachers for 1883 was $651.78. The number of children enrolled was 136. Jasper Township has expended the sum of $833 in teachers' pay for the last school year. It contains five districts, all of which are whole. The total num- ber of children enabled by law to attend school in this township is 161. Out of the five buildings designed for school purposes only one is built of logs, the rest of frame. For a county containing less than 7,000 inhabitants the above statement is quite flattering. It is now being settled up with good citizens more rapidly than at any time in its history, and the next ten years will nearly double the figures given above. vy.^y^-^^^' ' y- ^- ' '^:^ ■ v- 3v\^'rv ^ v=v ^gs}i ^s-jL:i \ s a ■• 't- v- \^v v - an • v s-^^l^ "oSjo .^r{,^^^^^'n.E press of Midland County " '' has had a checkered career. Newspaper enterprises have done more to develop pub- lic interests than all other means combined. Through the papers come first the iCws of any and every locality; in it the moral, theological and politi- cal sentiments of all are given voice. Through the press of Midland County the untold resources of this beautiful county have been given to the public, and from far and near have hastened men of every clime and nation to enrich themselves and develop more thor- oughly the splendid body of agri- cultural lands contained within her boundaries. Midland Sentinel. ^ \^ HIS paper was established in April, 1858, by Nathan T. Carr. When the proposition to organize this village was made, he changed the name to "Midland City Sentinel." In 1862, Carpenter & Bailey purchased the same, under whose management it was continued until 1865, when George H. Gies purchased it and changed the name to " Midland Joi4rnal" He con- tinued it only a few weeks, when Geo. AV. Hughes purchased the outfit and the name was again changed, this time to The Indepe?ident. Mr. Carpenter still held a mortgage upon the press and material, but subsequently sold his claim to F. F. Hopkins. In 1866, W. H. H. Bartram purchased Hughes' interest and associated with himself Mr. Hopkins as a part- ner. In 1868, Bartram disposed of his interest to Hopkins, who soon afterward disposed of a half in- ? (5^' ^ ^ iVVS^^#* ^ <^D!l"^nDf^ ■■■>. v^ s V ) ^^^ 422 MinLAND COUNTY. "^^^^^^^T f?^jf teiest to James Porter and John Haines. They con- tinued the paper until 187 i, when M. W. Ellsworth purchased Porter's interest. Subsecpiently F. S. Bur- ton purchased a half interest from Haines, and later he, together with Ellsworth, purchased Haines' entire interest. In the fall of 1872 E. N. Burton bough Ellsworth's share, and the succeeding spring, F. S. Burton purchased his brother's interest and continued its management alone until disposed of, Jan. 1, iSSi, to T. W. Crissey, who changed the name of the paper to the "Midland Republican" The Republican is not only a fine paying invest- ment, but in direct line of succession is the oldest paper in the county. Midland Times. &00N after Mr. Bartram sold the Independent, ^^!, he established another paper in the village, f*5*"W^ ^jjicii was christened "The Midland Cily Times" This had an ephemeral existence, living only a few weeks. Upon the ruins of this venture in journalism he commenced the publication of another journal, which was appropri- ately named " Bartranis Cheek (.')," which flourished for a few months and was removed to Saginaw, where it was soon engulfed in obscurity. Bartram was full of energy, and would not down ; and, coming back to Midland, secured the financial aid of a few leading citizens, who purchased a fine outfit — the best, in fact, that Midland had ever known — and a new paper was launched upon the journalistic sea, and was called " The Midland Times." This was in the spring of 1872, and the effort gave every appearance of success, backed as it was by the leading men of the village. Geo. W. Hughes was associated as editor, and soon as- suming that position purchased the interest Bartram had in the concern and continued the pajjer under his own management until the office was sold under a chattel mortgage three years later. Midland Sun. THE next venture in journalism was tlie j establishing of the " Midland Courier" by ^^ George McConnell, in 1878 He sold this ■M paper to Snialley and the Stair Bros., who ve- T named it " 7//t' Review" and made it purely I Democratic in tone. Edward Cornelius ptir- chased the Review in 1880, and the name of course was changed, this lime to " The Midland Democrat!' The Democracy of this county not being strong enough, or else unwilling, to support their party organ, allowed it to starve for want of sustenance, and it faded away like frost before the morning sun. F. S. Burton, thinking this a good opportunity for investment, purchased the material, and, adding $2,000 wortli of new material, launched the " Mid- land Sun." This paper is the Greenback organ of this county, and with it Mr. Burton has done effective work for his party. The Sun was at the beginning purely Republican, but time with its changes has wrought a complete conversion of its editor and manager, Mr. Barton. .\ splendid job office is a part of the Sun's outfit, and the patronage of the same is excellent. — '^i- •^i^^S'^"'^^''^'^^^ c ( c< Coleman Advocate. HIS paper, edited by H. F. Linton, is a spicy, interesting acquisition to the press #1^^ of Midland County. The Advocate is do- & ing more to build up the interests of Coleman T and the western part of the county than any and all means heretofore used by individuals. Mr. Linton is a live man and a working editor, as the columns of his paper attest. Fully alive to the in- terests of his patrons, he has left no means untried to give them a valuable journal, and well has he succeeded. The first issue of the Advocate bears date of Aug. 1 1, 1883, and its columns contain a well written arti- cle upon the merits of Warren Township. We are pleased to record Tire Coleman Advocate as the most enterprising journal in the county. -K^^(ll]:^tinf>^ (b -^^^^^^ crv<^:l]U;^UUv>T- -T^^&s: MIDLAND COUNTY. #" fllOC©LLI\5B0Iia lV--Uvjfej^.t.«.*..t«tn.tA,.fe4 Jl^"**^' -««e -^(gr 'f?5— «- »>» ■nraxp^^' 1 f ^«SHJH»<^ S a concluding chapter to this work, we class under the above head several interest- ing articles which, although brief, are none the less impor- tant. Such are the material resources and developments of the county, in respect to agriculture, railroads, finances, wild game, and also the county buildings, poor farm, the part taken by Midland County in the war, the Woman's Christian Temperance Union, etc. The accounts here given are sub- stantially correct, and from them the reader may glean much information that will be of service. The principal material in- terest, however, — that of lumber, — has been already treated in a distinct department. Agricultural Society. 'HIS society was formally organized Feb. 22, 1877. Several enterprising gentlemen met ^ together and after a short deliberation formed themselves into a society by electing "I" James S. Eastman President, Thomas McCul- I loch, Vice President, Dwyer W. Hitchcock, Secretary, and E. W. Davis, Treasurer. After pro- viding for the several committees and officers neces- sary to conduct its affairs, it was determined, at a meeting held later, to have an agricultural fair in the autumn of that year. Grounds had been previously selected and negotiations entered into between the proper committee acting for the society and D. H. Fitzhugh, for the purchase of the land which is now the property of the society. Some buildings were erected, not very ample, it is true, but all the avail- able space was taken ; and the fair, which was held Sept. 26 and 27, proved a splendid success. The grounds have since been cleared up, plenty of nice stalls and pens for stock hive been built, and every- thing connected with it put in good shape. The grounds have been paid for with the income from subsequent meetings. The floral hall was built by a number of ladies who were banded together as a secret society and for quite a while kept the real name of their society from the public. They gave a literary entertainment finally, with the understanding that the great secret should be revealed at the close of the entertainment, the proceeds of which should be used m erecting a floral hall on the grounds of the Agricultural Society. The plan met with favor, and a handsome amount was realized, enough, in fact, to complete the build- ing. The name, or initials by which the ladies were known, were the K. T. I's, which, when interpreted to the astonished multitude who were assembled to hear the great secret unraveled, were the initial let- ters of " Key to Industry," a motto selected as the distinguishing cognomen of their society. The floral and agricultural halls were both erected in 1883, the first agricultural hall having blown 0- (o) ^^^ — '^:M^n%m<>^^ — ^^^ -1^^^- @)$^^ti««^ 424 MIDLAND COUNTY. 'im. t ^ down. To erect a new one and make further im- ^ provements upon the grounds, a loan of $1,200 was ^ effected. The track is a full half mile in length and T is in e.xcellent condition, the Horse Association of (^j Midland keeping it in repair for the use of the grounds at their semi-annual meetings. The grounds, comprising 22 acres, are well watered, nicely shaded b}' pine and hard-wood trees, and are located on the bank of the Chippewa River, less than a mile from the corporation line of Midland. They were purchased and paid for by the society in 1883. The price paid was $33 per acre, although the land to-day is worth at least $75. The location cannot be improved, and, under the able manage- ment of the present officers, the indebtedness will be largely reduced this year. The present officers are M. H. Stanford, President ; Thomas McCuUoch, Vice President ; Milton P. An- derson, Treasurer; and H. L. Fairchilds, Secretary. ,0 V i 1=1 I ^SSH^'^ m Soil and Its Productions. |ijTfi™i>ANY of the most valuable and fertile t'l^ci— 4-^. farmincr lands are of those classed as fife; "stump," or "stripped lands." .Some of ^ these are creek flats and ancient beaver meadows, having alluvial soil for the most part, and surpassingly rich in all the elements requi- site to constitute farming soils. Then there are ridges — genuine pine ridges — where the soil is sandy and the subsoil a deep-red clay, which the plowshare reaches in nearly every furrow. In this, corn, clover, all varieties of roots and vegetables and some of the smaller cereals can be successfully grown, the yield in many cases being prodigious. The black ash and tamarack swamps possess the most fertile and deepest soil, and when drained make the very best grass lands, as well as for various other crops. These lands are susceptible of being drained at a very cheap rate, and only a few acres of lands in ISIidland County can properly be classed as waste lands. Taking it all in all, only a few counties in the State can surpass this in the advantages furnished the industrious and intelligent husbandman. Located as Midland County is, between two great lakes, her climate is so modified that the warm sea- son averages nearly as long as the inland counties in the Southern part of the State, and they possess no climatic advantages over her. Probably drouths are not so fretjuent nor so destructive here as with tliem. Given a fair test upon almost any crop, thor- ough diainage, culture equally thorough, and the soil of Midland County will produce crops not excelled by any county in the State. Some may doubt this statement and turn to the statisticians' tables and quote "that figures will not lie." Those tables are not reliable in speaking of Midland County. Most of these lands are yet cov- ered with stumps, and the grounds are "run over" more than tilled, while more attention has been given to getting off logs than in draining or manuring the land. The farmers are in many instances a cross between the farmer, lumberman and hunter, and the occupants do not engage in agriculture upon a scien- tific basis. Those who do, and most of the town- ships are now well represented by this class, are rapidly becoming wealthy. Lands may be pur- chased for a small sum that are well watered, fairly timbered, and accessible to schools, churches and towns ; but another decade will find them doubled in valuation. Wealth of Midland County. !f*Bfiix N estimating the growth of Midland County t from its organization until the present time. s I it is only necessary to give the valuation of both real and personal estate in the several townships as shown by the October report of the Board of Supervisors in 18S3: TowMsliiiis. Ai'i-es. Edenville 22,677 Geneva 22,945 Greendale.. ..22,209 Homer 14,063 Hope 37-632 Ingersoll 23,210 Jasper 22,776 Jerome •9>285 Larkin 29,296 Lee 21,1 13 Lincoln r3 290 Midland 21,455 Mt. Haley 14,678 Porter 22,900 Warren 21,340 Keal Estate. $140,635 53.110 63.95° 60,955 185,023 201,820 104,815 41,620 54,35° 67,080 44,690 265,677 44,360 127,585 123,100 ^M-^ Personal. $ 5.33° 4.785 3.56° 958 23,502 5.6°5 2,678 3.370 1,680 1,100 26,030 94,785 610 I.99S 7.630 VS> Cm ( ^ @)f^#^ r-r\ <^PI1^I1I1^> f '^^ V I') :^ MIDLAND COUNTY. -:2j€^ —I^^C^'-C^' ;o^i 425 The first assessment of Midland County was made when Gratiot, Isabella, Clare, Roscommon and a part of Bay Counties were attached, the entire tract then not furnishing as many dollars in both real and per- sonal estate as Midland Township does to-day. When taken into consideration that assessment rolls show at least 40 per cent, less than the lowest cash vahiation, the wealth of Midland County may easily be estimated. Game. AME has always been very plentiful in this county. Even now, with all its improve- ments and large settlements, scores of bears and deer are killed every year. Alvin Marsh, a resident of Edenville Township, has averaged 30 bears each year since coming to Midland County, besides large numbers of deer and smaller game. In 1883 he killed 38 bears, all within ten miles of Edenville. Only two years ago a large buck came running up Main Street in Midland City, having crossed the river opposite Joseph Townsend's house. It jumped over the fence surrounding John Larkin's door-yard and made its way through the chicken-yard, coming into the street again near Reardon's store. It was pursued by an excited crowd of men and boys, armed only with sticks and brickbats, to all of which it paid no attention. Lewis Eastman chased it close- ly for several blocks with his team, but having no weapon it finally escaped into the woods. HC3= r^T" "r~Y" =E>- Bailroads. .^ ^HE subject of transportation has been and is now one of the vital questions in the r^ growth and development of a country, be it new or old. Midland County was for several years shut off from civilization except by means of the river, there being no wagon roads lead- ing out of the county. Even the despised " corduroy ' was unknown until the county had been settled for many years. V§) THE FLINT &.PERE MARQUETTE RAILROAD Was the first and only line to date that has been com- pleted in the county. This was secured by liberal inducements offered by the citizens of Midland and a few individuals along the line. John Larkin gave the right of way through the village. J. W. Coch- rane was also quite active in this enterprise, which has been of so great benefit to Midland County. This railroad was completed to Midland City and opened for business Dec. 1,1867. Six months later it was extended to Averill, which place was its west- ern terminus nearly two years. The line was then pushed rapidly to Clare, and thence to Reed City, its present western tern.ination. A branch road, under the control of the Flint & Pere Marquette, extends southerly from Coleman to Mt. Pleasant, in Isabella County. Added to this is a line extending several miles into the woods north of Coleman, which carries logs to the Flint & Pere Marquette. With the railroad, came prosperity to this county, and the men who so energetically managed the mat- ter will never receive half the credit they deserve. THE BAY CITY & MIDLAND RAILROAD Was comtemplatedin 1870, and prospects for an east and west road were never better between two villages. A company was organized in the spring of that year, consisting of such well known men as John Larkin, /• }^ J. W. Anderson, Geo. A. Janes, Thomas J. Carpenter, Benj. Dean and Wm. Patrick, of Midland, George Campbell, the Manger Brothers, W. H. Miller, James Shearer, Wm. Westover, J. R. Hall, Pitts & Cran- age and Judge Holmes, of Bay City, as stockholders. The assessment of ten per cent, was paid up. Capt. E. R. Craw was elected President, John Haines, Secretary and Geo. Campbell, Treasurer. Work was pushed during the year, and the road was graded and culverts built along the entire line. As the work progressed, further assessments were made, but, owing to the mismanagement of the secretary and treasur- er, the company ran out of funds and operations were suspended indefinitely. In the spring of 1882, Bay City parties made this proposition to the stockholders: That Midland raise $10,000, and some one be authorized to act as attor- ney for the original stockholders ; that the right of way be thus secured and Bay City would raise the balance necessary to complete the line. This was done by the people ot Midland, and Wm. Mann, of C'; '!;' i^, ^ §^^^ J-i. ^^m^Mr^ .^v:- ^^^^ 'mu^^^^ j:^ T : (a (c\ MIDLAND COUNTY. Bay City, given authority to act for the stockholders. This venture was also a failure, Bay City failing to raise the amount necessary to complete the contract. The right of way is still secure, but no efforts are made toward finishing the road. There is little doubt but it will be taken hold of by seme company ere long and carried to completion. The County Buildings. iCHE court-house is a plain two-story frame jj^^^?- structure, built in the ancient style of arch- ^^iL^i* *^ itecture, and is hardly good enough for a county possessing the wealth of Midland. It was erected in 1857, and was at that time con- sidered an elegant building. It cost $6,000, and was built by Timothy Jerome. All the county offi- cials have their offices in the court-house except the Sheriff. The county jail is a substantial brick building, to which is attached the Sheriff's residence. It was the first brick structure erected in Midland County, and was built by John Larkin. It was completed and accepted June r, 1865. The jail is well ventilated, and constructed with such material and in such a manner that it is ne.xt to impossible for a criminal to escape. COUNTY POOR KARM. Among the many things needful in every county is a poor farm, where those who have become old and helpless, as well as unfortunate in ac(iuiring an adequate store of this world's riches, may find a home, and be well taken care of Midland County was organized in the year 1855, and in 1865 the Board of Supervisors bought of Sam'l P. Chapman, for the protection of her poor and unfortunate, a farm and building, at a cost of $2,500. This farm has a very pleasant location in Midland Township, on the bank of the Tittabawassee River. Since its purchase by the county, the house has been enlarged, and at present consists of a north wing and main building, each containing nine rooms, besides kitchen, dining and sitting rooms, a workshop, cellar and closets. There are two large barns, in good re- pair, and these are well filled, the one with grain and the other with horses, cows and pigs. The inmates are neat and cleanly, the river on the boundary of the farm being utilized for bathing in summer, while ordinary tubs are used in winter. The rooms are heated by stoves, and wood is used for fuel. The paupers are treated with consideration and kindness, and all who are able to work render material aid in helping about the farm and buildings. They are plenti- fully sujiplied with common farm food, such as meat, vegetables, bread, butter, syrup, milk, etc. They are provided with good, stout woolen goods for winter, and cotton for sunmier. A county physician is em- ployed for the treatment of the sick, besides their having the personal care of the overseer and matron. For the insane and idiotic there are six properly fur- nished cells, and inducements are held out to get them to perform light labor. The children are sent to a dristrict school a'oout 90 rods distant. The house is surrounded by a farm of 130 acres of good land, 80 acres of which is under cultivation. A number of fruit-trees have just been set out, and in due time will produce a good supply of fruit. The present overseer is Wm. Babcock, who, with his competent and amiable wife, manages the farm in the most successful manner; and their care of, and kindness to, those placed in their charge cannot be too highly commended. The average yearly amount expended by the coun- ty for the support of the poor is $3,125. The farm, with buildings, live stock, farm implements and all other property is estimated to be worth $9,500. \ At present there are 15 inmates, — seven females and eight males. sy c^ , .^jc:j^ -■•St' Midland County Patriotism. '^' HE Michigan soldiers were counted among ;ll " the best and bravest troops in the field dur- '' ing the War of the Rebellion, and Midland County, which had been but a few years organ- ized, was not lacking when it came to the test- 'I'* When the first enrollment of those subject to military duty was made in Midland County, 152 men were reported. Of these 129 enlisted, and three were drafted during the continuance of tire war, thus leaving o'nly 21 able-bodied men in the county ! The e^Dfl^DDf^ r^- 1))^^ ) >: ^ s b ■^VKIIIlSDDS>-r*- MIDLAND COUNTY. ^^^ gallant and loyal sons of Michigan responded nobly to the call for troops, but in no locality more promptly than in Midland County. Leaving their wives and little ones behind, the husbands and fathers hurried to the front, anxious to be the first to aid in the pro- tection of their country's honor and the preservation of the Union. Ladies, who by reason of birth and education were more fitted for the drawing room than a life of toil, bravely took charge of the farm, and while the reality of life was thus forced upon them they uncomplainingly put their hands to the plow, and in some instances wielded the ax, to attain a living for themselves and children. The Supervisors of this county appropriated $6,550 for the relief of soldiers families. " IThis allowance was to be made at their discretion, but not to exceed $15 per month ; and in the case of the death of a sol- dier, it was to continue one year thereafter. This relief was unquestionably administered with that generous liberality which the laiv contemplated. Yet the law was neitlier easy nor desirable, as it required much labor, good judgment, discrimination and deli- cacy, at the same lime giving opportunity for much censure. While imposition on the counties hadtobe guarded against, respect for the claims of applicants were 'demanded, and in its distribution there was a degree of delicacy requisite in barring the least idea of a charily and in establishing one of a right. The people, however, have very sensibly given the author- ities due allowance for the'delicacy of the situation. Rejoicing at the end of the war was fully as great in Midland County as elsewhere. The soldiers re- turned to their homes, and laborers, who before had been so scarce, were plentiful. Business of every character was increased ; new business houses were built; saw-mills and other manufacturing establish- ments erected, and the county assumed a phase of activity never",before experienced. Ministers who had worn the blue now donned their ministerial robes, and glad tidings of peace on earth and good will toward men were heard from every pulpit in the county. The brave men who survived this struggle have as true sentiments of patriotism within their breasts to-day as when tliey left mother, father, wife and family for tlie desperate front. And as patriot- ism seeks to be effective to the interests of a State, to vindicate its rights, redress it wrongs, and secure ts prosperity, these can never be better left than with those men who braved death for the preserva- tion of tlie Union, — Men who tlieir iliitii's know. Ami also know their rij^hts. Anil, knowino-. ilai-e maintain them. DWIGHT MAY POST, NO. 69, Was mustered June 28, r882, with the following gen- tlemen as officers : D. W. Hitchcock, Commander ; True Hart, Sen. Vice Commander; Wra. Simmons, Jr. Vice Commander; J. W. Snell, Adjt.; Wm. David- son, Q. M.; D. A. Huyck, Chaplain; E. W. Davis, Surgeon; T. B. Main, Officer of the Day; R. J. Waldon, Officer of the Guard; C. L. Jenney, Gr. M. Sergt.; H. F. Olmstead, Sergt. Maj. The charter members, including the officers men- tioned, were : J. B. Atchinson, S. Burch, F. E. But- ters, A. L. Bellinger, Chas. E. Call, M. Dunning, Thos. G. Fraser, O. D. Gotham, J. M. Hall, S. Kent, N. Norton, J. C. Pressley, G. G. Richardson, A. J. Raymoiid, B. Stockwell, M. H. Stanford, L. A. Tryan, C. H. Thorns, James Van Kleeck and E. Walters. All these gentlemen were Michigan soldiers, and the number of members have increased to upwards of 80 veterans. Their arms and accouterments were pur- chased by the Post, and the Adjutant, J. W. Snell, reports the sanitary and financial condition in good order. The worth of the present officers is shown by the unanimous re-election of all to their several positions, no change having occurred since the or- ganization. -€i^^ I 0) Woman's Christian Temperance Union. 4 jHIS society was organized July 26, r882,by Mrs. Judyvine, of Flint. An election of officers is held semi-annually, in January \^ and July. The result of the first election was as follows: Mrs. P. S. Davies, President; Mrs. T. J. Carpenter, rst Vice President; Mrs. Rev. Ellis, 2d Vice President; Mrs. Rev. H. W. Hicks, 3d Vice President; Mrs. Ellery Anderson, Rec. Sec; Mrs. Abner Horton, Cor. Sec; Mrs. Wm. Berryman, Treas. At the time of its organization the members of the the society numbered 20, and since then many names have been added to the list. ®^^ ^ -2-c^n!i^naft>^ A. .CS);^^ :^:^/^l>)(^t#^^ 42S MIDLAND COUNTY. -^i^^^^^\Sm In January, 1884, Mrs. P. S. Davies was elected President; Mrs. T. W. Crissey, Mrs. H. B. Harring- ton and Mrs. Cordelia Elmer, Vice Presidents; Mrs. M. McKizie, Recording Secretary; Mrs. E. Ander- son, Corresponding Secretary; Mrs. C. L. Jenney, Treasurer. These ladies devote themselves and their influence to the noble work of suppressing in- temperance in the village of Midland. They are working quietly and slowly, but are surely gaining ground; and they intend to insist upon having their voices heard and their requests fully considered, and through their active work they hoi>e to free their vil- lage of this dreadful vice. Y 1 m A Terrible Necessity. HE most fearful transaction in the history of Midland County was enacted on the morning of Sunday, Nov. 9, 1879, in the township of Homer. The place adjoining thai tJ of M. B. Marsh was owned by a morose, I fractious Frenchman named Mazak. He had been a disagreeable neighbor, and at times resisted the common administration of the municipal regula- tions of the township, making it necessary some- times to enforce the law in collecting taxes, etc. It was known that his severity in his family approached brutality, but beyond discontented growling at being compelled to satisfy the legal demands upon him, he did not seem dangerous to the community. But a few days before the date named he had seemed to be ill, and his movements were so peculiar that his wife called a physician. On Saturday he sat all day in the middle of the floor without speak- ing or eating. Toward niglit he came out of his sin- gular condition, roused up, and spent the evening pleasantly with his family, finally retiring to appar- ently peaceful slumber. Just at the approach of dawn the family of Mr. Marsh were aroused by the cries of the children of Mazak, that their mother wanted Mr. Marsh to come to her assistance. He dressed hastily all but his coat, and on leaving the house met Mrs. Mazak, who told him her husband was killing her mother. Mr. Marsh passed out into the road and had gone but a short distance when Mazak sprang upon him from the corner of the fence. The Frenchman had no clothing on except a heavy woolen shirt and his stockings, and he had in his hands a bludgeon of hard wood. He seized Mr. Marsh and threw him. A large new clasp knife flew from the pocket of the latter, which Mazak seized, opened and commenced to slash the fallen man. In Mr. Marsh's attempts to ward off the knife, his left hand was severely injured by a cut across the back, which laid bare the bones and ten- dons. The desperation of his situation nerved him to make a tremendous effort to throw off his antago- nist, which he did, and he then jumped over the fence and ran. The Frenchman followed him and encountered his mother-in-law, who had followed him, and again attacked her with the' knife, inflicting severe wounds. Mr. Marsh went to her assistance and obtained possession of the knife, which he threw towards the road. The Frenchman darted to the wood-pile and returned with an ax. Mr. Marsh immediately closed with him and took the ax from him. The infuriated maniac fought like a wild beast compelling Mr. Marsh to defend his life, which he did, but at the dreadful extremity of putting an end to the existence of the lunatic, which charity must suppose him to have been. No help came until all was over, and when the neighbors arrived Mrs. Marsh was endeav- oring to bind the wounds and relieve the sufferings of her husband and the woman, who had several se- vere wounds besides the bruises from the blows she had received at the beginning of the terrible affair. Mr. Marsh had nine wounds and kept his bed seven weeks in consequence of his injuries. He had, and continues to receive, the sympathy of the entire community. An item of interest to the speculative in consider- ing the above incident, is the fact that Thursday night previous, Mrs. Marsh dreamed that Mazak lay frying in a coffin which floated in a lake that filled tlie door-yard to her house. The curious part is that on Friday Mrs. Mazak repeated her dream of the previous night to Mrs. Marsh, the details being nearly identical. This fact was known to several persons before the catastrophe. It is, doubtless, one of those numerous examples of coincidence with which the public is firmiliar. V^ c< '^^^y®^^^ .j^ <-^D!l^DIlf> ■ev<-:Dll^|]Il>^T- ^y^^^^- iafssv -^ r^ a'%;g«£- I :<^^ .) v:. ^ A V ( ^ ^ ^^ -^^^''^^ -#^f^>N^ feiU^ "tT-r^^l]H.%UU^:/v— 5 — :->'4> ■■■^:^-^ ^-A^^ BI0GrifIl:?r;I(3fIIx i f V ) ^ ^ Alil>cy, 8o Bunlets, J. B »>2 JJurilci.*, Wm.U,, M. \i ^^ burton. K. N 240 JJurtoti, iJavid. 315 Burton, Frank S 280 liurton, Krcd M .,..343 Jiutton, A, M 312 ' Hutton. Wm. k 270 (J C;tJy, i)rbj Clianil>«rfain, John M 353 Chaint/crlatn, Jxivi IJ ,,,.367 Chamlwrro. Win. M, V 334 Chattcrtvn, W. A 293 Claion. Kogcr W 337 Cochrane, Hon. J. W 3(6 Cody, Kol^ert l) 27S Covert, Geo. W , ^u^ Cradit, JoKph K-.. 383 Crapo, Henry H . . , 149 Crawford, K, J 287 Cronkriifht, C'harlc* 353 Cronkright, I. K 237 CrUscy, T. W, . ,,,,..,.,.,,»65 CroswelJ, Charle» M i6f Cunutngfaafn, 'J'homas 197 Currle, John 2J3 Corric, Oill^rt 391 Currie, Dougald - 363 D UagJe, Anthony 210 DavU, A. J 2S7 Day, E. S aoi Dean, Bcoj .,. itj Dean, Benj. F 363 Dean, S. K «9' . Dean,.St<«:l E i'^ Depue, Win, T 274 Depue, M. h 278 l-io/r, Arli.i.r VV '/jy Orew, Sila» W 344 IfunUf AIkx 191 Dunning. Wm , 2$i l>union, k 3IO E KlUworth. S,W W^ Kinbury, K. P.... ,-.*-- 1170 Emory, K fJ ,,,..... ^384 England, Geo, W 331 y.rwdy. SylvcMcf . .. ...33i K Felcli, Ali,i.c.i(, 117 Fillnwre, Millard '/J Flock, Bhilip Kys Fran»;n. Andrew 248 ¥r-A*Ki, Abraham ,269 Fro«t,G.W. ...312 Fulrner, l-evi. .273 G Garfield, James A 95 Gatkill, Saml. D 340 GibU, Win.D 34s Gleckler, Simon 311 Good»peed, E, C, 294 Coff. G. B -293 Goold, H. W 1.32 Gorman, John 322 Gotham, F-, S 332 Gotham. K. B 312 Grace. John 337 Grant, Ulyste* .S 87 Greenleaf, W, A 208 Greenly, William L 121 G rover, U. E 244 H Hager. Jaeob 255 Haley. John 33> llaky, John 3*8 HalWrl.S. B 211 Hall, John M -.,»4 Hanley, J^tn^t 'i ^ Hannah, Andf ■■ ;-/i Hare, D. A., y/j Harris, Wal»ennit 225 Hayes. Kiitberford H 91 Haywood. John,,,,. ,,,,205 Hewiu, W. K 2)8 Hewiti. Zachariah M 179 Hiickling, Arthnr 242 Higgins, Alljer' . "«97 Higgins, Win .221 Higgink, (/cofgc 292 Hitkinan, Nelson ^y/t Holman.F. J »« Holmes. I,. .S ,,,,,«, 224 Jfooper. Joseph,,,. J^ Hosner. Orville B,..- 27 j Howard, Cornelius ^cc Howe, James ^' . -282 Howe, Wm. Jl ..229 Howley, John (^ >(» HubUrd, F,)i 282 HdbWl. Charles H, L 2i<. Hughes, James 274 Hutchins, S, T i8« (nman, Krwin ./>? 5?DD^'>^ -25^^ Jadoon. Andrew 4i Jefferson, Thomas 27 Jerome, David H ««s Joboson, Andrew 83 Johnson. J. B 243 Johnson. J, S,,,, 3^4 ■'' A r>.' r ^ H^/®))^^* (' ) ]=X 1=1 (!) '\ i 1 432 K Kane, Michael E 236 Kelly, M 2og Kelly, Wm 338 Kent, Simeon =39 Ketcham, P. H 367 Kime, J. W 268 Kirby, Charles ^94 Kranick, C 303 Lain, Joseph 346 Laiiphierd, Wilbur 301 Larkin, John - 351 Lee, Benjamin . 213 Leonard, Sylvester 214 Lincoln, Abraham 79 Lines, Silas W 357 Loyer. John . ■ ■ -311 Linton, Henry F 358 M Madison, James 31 Magee, Wm 288 Major, James 211 Marcy, Alanson 207 Marcy, C. F 27Q Marsh, Alvin 207 Marsh. Moses B 263 Martin, Andrew J 258 Martin, L W 281 Martindale, Charles-- igo Mason, Stevens T 105 Maxell, John 356 McClelland. Robert i2g McCormick, John 354 McCrary, Ferdinand ^311 McCrary, Wm 283 McCune, E. D 304 McDougall, Neil 344 McFarland, M. O 265 McGowan, Edward 320 McGregor, John 302 Mclntyre, D. C ig6 McKay, Wm 208 McKinnon, Daniel 283 McMillan, Allan R 354 McNeil, Wm 544 INDEX. McWil!i.ims, Hugh 2^2 Miller, George 247 Mills, Charles 267 Mills, D. A 326 M ills, Harding 284 Mills, Sjmuel 255 Mills, Wm. H 299 M ills, Wm 238 Mixer, Wm iSo Monroe, James 35 Moore, Thomas 239 Morrison, Joseph A 230 Murray, Mrs. Hannah S 313 N Nickels, 'l'h«imas ^i\ O Uiiu!!, James = 35 O'Donnell . Daniel 198 Oliver, Francis 324 Openo, George 285 Openo, J. E 294 Oscar, Charles 355 Ostrander, John C 198 Osrrander, John W 284 Oswald, Charles 334 Oswald, E. E 321 Overton, Charles 24y Parker, John O 193 Parker, Solomon ' 227 Parmelee, C, M 322 Parsons, Andrew 133 Patterson, John P 332 Peck. W. H 279 Peer, Charles B 201 Perry, J. C 178 Phelan, Wm 266 Phetteplace, Wm 303- Phillips, Wm 285 Pierce, Franklin 71 Pierce, Jonathan 252 Pierce. Phineas F 314 Plumer.Wm. C 195 Polk, James K 59 Post, F. L 243 Post, John 229 Potter, Robert 272 Powers, E. P 199 I'lifTer, Uenj . T .134 R Ransom, Epaphroditus 125 Raymond, Alex. J 249 Raymond, Henry. 249 Raymond, J. P 253 Richardson, Thos. T 192 Riefenberg, Louis 278 Roberson, John 3:'0 Rockwell, George O 264 Rockwell, Henry 197 Rockwood, Urial 234 Rogers, Lewis 263 Rooker, James 219 Rose, John F 179 Salsbury, John . . Sanford, Charles S. Schearer, John See, Alfred Shaffner, S. D Shepherd, A. J Shively, A. J Short, Joseph D Sias, John Sias, John C Sias, Samuel Simons, Edwin Simons, T. B Simmon*!, Wm Skyn, Peter Slough, B. F Smith, Charles Smith, M. H Smock, George Stanton, James J . . . Starks, George Stearns, Wm. L. . . . Stowiis, Henry B .. Stuart, Henry Sugnet, John Suiter, John Swanton, John. . ... Swanton, Young. .. Swift, Phineas. - T Taft, Kthan Taylor, Zachary. ■314 ■357 .226 .366 .214 .28S .215 .182 •277 5C9 .258 .181 .209 .2tO .248 .254 . .298 ,.366 ■ 339 ■333 •325 ■340 , . 190 . .220 ..302 ..236 ■•'99 ■■277 Thompson, G. C 226 Thornlon, H. G 299 Thnrbcr, David E 235 Thurber, Geoige A 222 Tice, Wm. H 315 Timmons, James F 310 Townsend, Joseph C 237 Tremper, Peter L 222 Tripp. Joseph H 228 'I'rowbridee, S. D 324 Turner, Daniel M 291 Turner, Mark E 294 Turner, Robert A 298 Turner, Samuel 353 Turney, Amos 202 Tyler, John 55 Van IJuren, Martin 47 Vance, Wm 256 Van Kleeck, Hon . J 364 \'an Wet;en, G . W 322 N'isger, G. .\. . . .* 356 w Wallace, Wm. M 192 Warden, Geo. W 343 Washington, Geo 19 Watts, John J 194 Wayne, Duncan 256 Wayue, J. A 321 Weed, Daniel 345 Wesson, Louis H 363 Whitman, James 240 Whitman, John A 233 Wilcox, Daniel 240 Wilcox, David M 310 Wilkinson, Samuel 220 Windover, John 315 Windover, Wm 209 Winslow, Charles H 273 Winslow, C. J 223 Winslow, J. J 287 Winslow, Loring S 34^ Wismer, Abram L 292 Wismer,J.H 301 Wisner, Moses 141 Woodbridge, Wm .109 Woodcock, Philip 250 Wright, Eben 266 Wright, Silas E 265 I •f ■ T ■f^^ <^^ii!]^iiti;i>' ^tl^ /JVD£X. -4^^(<®VM 433 ■^^ /: ) Adams, John 22 Adams, John Quincy 38 Arthur, Chester A 98 Bagley, John J 156 Baldwin, Henry P 152 Barry, John S 112 Begole, Josiah W... . 168 Bingham, Kinsley S 136 Blair, Austin 144 Brewster, E.J 296 Buchanan, James 73 Burtless, Wm. i 204 Carpenter, T. J 318 Clason, Roger W 336 Covert, Geo. W .....218 Crapo, Henry H 148 Croswell, Charles M 160 Currie , Gilbert 290 Dean, Eenj 18:; De.in, Mrs. Jerusha 184 Dean, Benj. F 360 Dean, Mrs. Jane 361 Felch, Alphcus itf, Fillmore, Millard 66 Garfield, James A 04 Grant, Ulysses S 86 Greenly, William L 120 Haley, John 328 Haley, Mrs. John 329 Harrison, Wm. H 50 Hayes, Rutherford B go Jackson, Andrew 42 Jefferson, I'hos. J 26 Jerome, David H 164 Johnson, Andrew 82 Larkin, John 348 Larkin, Mrs. Amanda 349 Lincoln, Abraham 78 Madison James 30 Marsh, Moses E 260 Marsh, Mrs. Nancy 261 Mason, Stevens T 104 McClelland, Robert 128 Miller, George 246 Monroe, James 43 .132 Parsons, Andrew Pierce, Franklin ^q Polk , James K ^8 Ransom, Epaphroditus 124 Sias, Samuel 306 Sias, Mrs. Mary E 307 Swift, Phineas 276 Taylor, Zachary 62 Tyler, John g^ VanBuren, Martin 46 Warden, Geo. W .., Washington, George 18 Whitman, John A.. 232 Wisner, Moses 140 Woodbridge, William 108 INTRODUCTORY Value of Local History How Our Fathers Lived INDIAN HISTORY EARLY HISTORY TOWNSHIPS Midland Ingersoll Jerome Lincoln Jasper Homer Mounty Haley Porter Hope Geneva Warren Edenville Larkin Greendale Lee MIDLAND CITY The Beginnings Midland Incorporated Fire Department Business Church History Methodist Episcopal Presbyterian Baptist 371 371 372 374 377 382 382 383 384 38s 385 386 3S7 387 3S8 389 389 391 392 393 394 395 395 397 397 398 400 400 400 401 Episcopal Catholic Secret Societies Masonic Royal Arcanum Knights of Labor POLITICAL County Officers REMINISCENCES 401 402 403 403 403 403 404 404 405 i^VD)^# Capture of Cubs Townsend Chased by Deer 406 Deer Chased by Town- send Thirteen Deer in Prison Surprise to Gov. Begole Hard Times Indian Small-Pox Indian Etiquette A Bear's Vengeance Three Immense Bears Over-ruling the Verdict Indian Shrewdness Swallowed the Account The Champion Drinker Another Liquor Story Fine to be Paid in Liquor4ii Did not Pass 412 Liquor Still Ahead 412 - Divorced by a Justice 412 405 406 407 407 407 408 408 408 409 409 409 410 410 411 Inquest, Liquor, etc. A Sheriff Done For Serio-Comical 412 413 413 Too Much "Cross Haul" 414 Rough and Tumble 415 Eating Bear Steak 415 A Canuck Hoodooed 416 LUMBER 417 Life in a Lumber Camp 4 1 8 EDUCATIONAL 419 The Facts in this County 420 THE PRESS Midland Sentinel Midland Times Midland Sun Coleman Advocate MISCELLANEOUS Agricultural Society Soil and Products Wealth of Midland Co. Game Railroads County Buildings County Poor Farm Midland Patriotism Dwight May Post W. C. T. U. A Terrible Necessity 421 421 422 422 422 423 423 424 424 425 425 426 426 426 427 427 428 ■^C^Il!l§IlIlf^>^^ ^«»^ 4^^((®>i -Hsefe. -<^^DD^liD>> "T ■I yt > > (■■ c<-: (V (^^V®))?^f|- -^^^titi^nnf>=-^ — ^^^€3^ 4^^^(^ .c,'' -s^ . <^^ ,^:^ ■% ^■P^. <*' ,.% ,0 • ,,xV-^. "T^s^ A \.c,'- .^^ 7- V* ^^"^ -^'^^. ^ -^ ' .^V >v .,. -■{■^ ■■f- i 0' <^^ v^' ^^. S 0' ^^' ^■5-^ ,> -s-^. ■ O' v>i^ '■^ -A K^ .•y ,■■*■ - '^/. ^V^'' •■^>- ,^>^'•■ ^ V" v'«- '^_ •■>.