T,'Kii';V;!iH ;|u u''"3i"F!if S F594 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS DDD1E444D5T • ,^q. .0 o.o' .• ^r * '■•■•iv"y'''-v'' * •^^ ^ ■>*S;v J- ^)■-,■^A .V ^^ -Zp ^^ /^ .^^ » H O ' O,^ \ ■-0 ^0^ /^:^<~^ o o „ o - -^ ■ ^/ <.?^ Nelsons' ^ictorial puiDE-^ooKS. fO THE CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD A TRIP ACROSS THE NORTH AMERICAN CONTINENT FROM OGDEN TO SAN FRANCISCO. Westward the course of Empire takes its way Bishop Berkeley. T. NELSON AND SONS, 42 BLEECKER STREET, NEW YORK. ■*#* A companion Guide, under the title of "Nelsons' Pictorial Guide-Book to tlia Union Pacific Eailroad," is also published in this Series; and a "Pictorial Guide- Book to the YosEMiTE Valley." With Illustrations from Photographs and other sources. (83) CONTENTS Introductory, Central Pacific Railroad Time-table, Through Tickets, Sleeping-Car Fares, Stations on the Central Pacilic Railroad, The Salt Lake Division' — Ogden to Toano, The Humboldt Division — Pequop to Winnemucca, The Truckee Division — Rose Creek to Truckee, .. .. .. ..15 The Sacramento Division — Strong's Canyon to Sacramento, ■ . . . . . . 19 Section of the Central Pacific , Railroad, from Ogden to Sacramento, showing the distance accomplished, and the elevation obtained, . . . . . . 23 The "Western Division — Sacramento to San Francisco, . . . . . . 23 (S3) '=C^r-_i39 «3 -^ i3i _ " lift "" . lis ftO — - ■y^f 7iX ^ tt ^ c^J •» \ *- r^^^- ^;^x:>^c J, ' Union anoCentrai. PacificRailroadLime conneciioxs. THE CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD. ■ " L— INTEODUCTOKY. The Central Pacific Railroad forms a portion of the great line of rail wliich now traverses the American Continent from Omaha to San Francisco, and; which, as Omaha is also con- nected by rail with New York, Boston and Philadelphia, liter- ally brings the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans within a week's journey of each other. The Act authorizing its construction was passed in 1S62, and immediately ground was broken at Sacramento, and the work began. Meantime, the Union Pacific Railroad com- menced its operations in the east, and the two lines were rapidly pushed forward until they met each at Promontory Point, 090 miles from Sacramento, on May 10, 1869. The work done in each year may be formulated thus : — Years. 1863 1864 Miles. 20 20 20 Years. 1867 1868 Miles. 46 ... 363 1865 1869 191 1866 30 The comparatively slow progre.ss made in the first five years was due to the heavy work the company met with in climb- ing up the steep acclivity of the Sierra Nevada. The Western Pacific Railroad now belongs to the same com- pany, and is 136 miles in length; Oakland being the southern terminus, and three mUes from San Francisco. A new pier, 9000 feet long, and other works, are in course of construction, which will bring the railroad down to the shore of the bay, and enable passengers to embark at once on board of the mammoth ferry-boat whicli will carry them to the "Golden Gate." CENTRAL PAOIKIC RAILROAD TIME-TABLE. Boston Through trains. To Omaha, 1625 m. ; to San Francisco, 3593 m. A''«io York Through trains. To Omaha, 1391 m ; to San Francisco, 3215 m. Philadelphia . .Through trains. To Omaha, 1316 m. ; to San Francisco, 3230 m. (83/ THE CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD. Baltimore. .. :. Through trauis. To Omaha, 131S m. ; to San Francisco, 3232 m. St. Louis Through trains. To Omaha, 474 m.; to San Francisco, 23S8 m. Chicago Through trains. To Omaha, 492 m. ; to San Francisco, 2406 m. THKOUGH TICKETS. From New Forfc to San Francisco .... $136 00 ,, Sacramento. Elko From Omaha to Cheyenne ,, Denver Ogden Salt Lake City. Sacramento . . . . San Francisco.. First Class. Second Class. SllO 00 110 00 104 35 31 00 41 00 62 00 64 00 80 00 80 00 136 00 130 3.5 38 75 48 75 77 40 79 40 100 00 100 00 SLEEPING-CAR FARES. Omaha to Ogden $8 00 ' Ogden to San Francisco G 00 Or, Kach Niglit 2 00 Each Day 2 00 , * We insert these figures as being correct at the period of our issue; but warn the traveller that they are likely to be altered. :s3) CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD. From Ogden to San Francisco. Some minor Stations are omitted. Elevation above Sea-le 4301 4229 4905 4588 4223 4227 4630 4619 4494 4812 4999 5970 6183 6153 5978 5628 5483 5204 from Omaha. 1032 1055 1084 1092 1100 1123 1137 11.53 1177 1188 1197 1214 1224 1230 1244 1250 12.58 1287 SALT LAKE DIVISION. Na 1 of Station. Fia Ogden 882 Corinne 859 Promontory 830 Kozel ". S22 Lake : 814 Kelton 791 Matlin 777 Terrace 761 Lucin 737 Tecoma 726 Montello 717 Toano 700 humboldt division. Pequop 690 Otego 6S4 Cedar 670 AV^ells 664 Tulasco 6.56 Peko 627 THE CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD. Distance from Omaha. 1307 1319 1330 1339 1358 1368 1379 1391 14.3-1 1451 1461 1479 1492 1514 1.521 1525 1.533 1560 1.563 1578 1587 1614 1622 1656 Distance Name of StaUoii. from San Francisco. Elko 607 Moleen 595 Carlin .•... 584 Palisade 575 Be-o-wa-we 556 Shoshone ',. . . 546 Argenta 535 Battle Mountain 523 Golconda 480 WiNNEMUCCA 463 TRUCKEE DIVISION. Rose Creek 453 Mill Creek 435 Humboldt 422 Oreana 400 Humboldt Bridge 393 Lovelock's 389 Granite Point 381 Mirage 354 Hot Springs 346 Desert 336 Wadsworth 327 Camp XXXVII 300 Eeno 292 Tkuckee 258 Elevation above Sea-level. Distance from Omaha. 7017 . 1671 .. 6519 . 1077 .. 5939 . 1684 . . 4677 . 1698 . . 3612 . 1707 .. 3403 . 1709 . . 3206 . 1712 .. 2421 . 1722 .. 1362 . 1740 . . 248 . 1754 . . 163 . 1758 .. 154 . 1761 .. 55 . 1768 .. 52 . 1772 .. 30 . 1775 .. 55 . 1780 . . 32 . 1784 .. 53 . 1791 .. 49 . 1794 . . 49 . 1802 . . 23 . 1822 .. 25 . 1831 .. SACRAMENTO DIVISION. Distance Name of Station. from San Francisco. Summit (highest point) 243 Cascade 237 Cisco 230 Blue Canyon 216 Alta 207 Dutch Flat 205 Gold Run 202 Colfax 192 Auburn 174 Rocklin 160 Junction 156 Antelope 153 Arcade 146 A. R. Bridge 142 Sacramento 139 western division. Brighton 134 Florin 130 f;ik Grove 123 Cosumnes 120 Gait 112 Stockton 92 Lathrop S3 (83) THE CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD. LleTfttioa above Se«-leTtl. 30 . Distance from Omaha. 1S3S . . 1843 . 1848 . . 1855 . 18G3 . 1869 . 1880 . 1886 . 1895 . 1897 . 1901 . 1908 . 1911 . Name of Station. Distanea from San Franciico. 76 76 . . Ellis 71 357 . 740 . 485 . 351 . 86 . . Medway Altamont Livermore . Pleasanton . Niles Junction . Decota. 64 57 49 42 30 71 . 24 32 . 4S . . Lorenozo 15 Mi IS . 12 . 11 . . Simpson's . Brooklyn . Oakland Wharf. 9 2 —San Francisco. Steamers leave San Francisco for Victoria, monthly ; for Mazatlin, once in 40 days; ior Sandwich Islands, Australia, and Xew Zealand, on the 10th of every month; for Japan and China, on the 1st of every month. II.-THE SALT LAKE DIVISION. OODEN TO TOANO. Let us suppose that the tourist, in pleasant companion- ship with ourselves, has visited tlie capital of Mormon- (83) dom, and all that he has cared to see in and around and about it; let us suppose that from Salt Lake City to Ogden we have reposed in a comfortable car, and that, arriving at Ogden, we engage for ourselves that locomotive luxury, a Silver Palace Sleeping Car, and resume our westward journey to San Francisco, the " Golden Gate of the Pacific." Our first station, 9 miles from Ogden, is Bonneville (1041 m.), elevation 4251 feet. The chief feature of interest here is the Hot Springs, whose clouds of vapour rise far away at the foot of the mountains, re- minding one of the "cloud" which protected the Israel- ites by day on their march through the weary wilderness. They are mineral springs of a high temperature, and decidedly "malodorous." Hence we traverse a compajrcitively narrow belt of fertile land, with the Salt Lake, shining and shimmering, on our left, and on our riglit the bold mountains rising darkly, with their gaunt sides furrowed by the ancient sea-marks left by the waters as they sank gradually to their present, level. Willard (1047 m.) is a Mormon town, or rather village, of some 900 inhabitants, situated in a district which ex- THE CENTRAL PACIFIC KilLROAD. 9 hibits the most interesting and instructive evidences of former volcanic activity. Afterwards we pass another little, but apparently thriv- ing Mormon settlement — Brigham City — surrounded, like an English hamlet, by fruit-trees. Then we cross Bear River, on a trestle bridge 1200 feet in length, and, keeping away to the northward, reach Corinne (1055 m.), the only Gentile city in Mormon territory. It lies near the west bank of the river, and a few miles from the Great Salt Lake ; a new, unfinished city, with, however, a few good and substantial buildings. Its population, we read in Crofutt, like that of all settle- ments founded by railway progress, has fluctuated greatly. Its advantageous position, however, cannot fail to raise it into a place of great importance, as it will form the depot of all the Montana trade. Coaches leave here daily on the arrival of passenger trains, carrying the United States mail and express to Vir- ginia City, and Helena, in the territory of Montana. To Virginia City the distance is 358 miles; to Helena, 482 miles. The latter has a population of 8000, and Virginia City of 1500 inhabitants. The territory is described as being almost as rich as California in mineral treasures, (83) but both capital and labour are needed to turu them to commercial advantage. Its gold mines, however, seem to have been nearly worked out. Besides this depai-tment of wealth, its agricultural re- sources are extraordinary ; and its riverine valleys pos- sess the finest grazing and farming lands in such abun- dance as to accommodate a host of agricultural settlers. The route to Montana passes up Malad Valley, and thence along the regular coach road to Virginia City and Helena. After leaving Corinne, we begin to hug, as it were, the base of the mountains, and, across a barren, disagreeable, alkaline desert, we pass on to Blue Creek Station (1073 m.), at an elevation of 4379 feet. Then we cross the Blue Creek itself, on a timber bridge 300 feet long and 30 feet high, and winding around several projections and mountain-spurs in a most sinuous course, we run along a trestle bridge on the left, 500 feet long and 87 feet high. And a famous bridge it is, though the builders of it don't derive much advantage from their workmanship and engineering skill. It was built by the Union Pacific Railroad Company, who brought up their track to Pro- montory, because they wanted to carry oiF as much as 10 THE CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD. they could of tbe Govermuent subsidy. When, however, due measurement was applied to the tracks of both Com- panies, it was decided by an Order of Congress that the Union Pacific had gone too far ahead, and the place of junction was transferred to Ogden. You will observe that the old track of the Union Pacific runs parallel to the Central, at a short distance, all the way to Promon- tory, the former junction-point of the two railroads. This was a wild place at one time. As many as twenty- eight deaths by violence occurred in the course of a single mouth. A stranger, entering a restaurant, sat down to a table occupied by two men. One of these look too much gravy, and the othei", drawing his revolver, immediately shot him dead. The stranger sprang up to retire from such unpleasant companionship, but, under the threat of another shot, was compelled to sit down and finish his breakfast, with the corpse of the murdered man beside him. We now reach Promontory (10S4 m.), elevation 4905 feet, celebrated as the point where the junction of the two railroads, the Central and the Union, was effected; thus completing an iron road of 1774 miles, and connect- ing East and West America. (83) The town of Promontory is partly built of wood, and partly of canvas; it boasts of but one street. But it is a consolation to the traveller that it contains a " Club House" and a " Pacific Hotel." We pass over, with a word of allusion, the stations of Rozel, elevation 4588 feet ; Lake, and Monument, 4226 feet, where the air is impregnated with alkaline and saline odours from the Salt Lake. Monument Point is a grassy promontory, stretching far out into the waters of the Dead Sea of the West. We enter now upon the great American Desert, which geologists suppose to have been at one time the bed of an inland sea. It is difficult to describe the desolation of its aspect, the barrenness of its soil. It is so thickly in- crusted with alkaline dust, that at a slight distance you might suppose it to be a snow-covered plain. But snow, it has justly been remarked, is far less intolerable than the alkali. Where the latter abounds, nothing useful to man or beast can live. It burns shoe-leather like lime. The Infinitesimal particles floating thickly in the air irri- tate the throat and lungs as keenly as the steel-dust which cuts short the lives of Sheffield needle-grinders. KeHon, or Indian. Creek Station (1123 m.), has an ele- THE CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD. 11 vation above the sea-level of 4222 feet. Stages start from hence for Idaho and Oregon. MatHn (1137 m.), elevation 4630 feet, is situated on the outlying spurs of the Red Dome Mountains, whose varied outlines, as is common with sandstone, give a cer- tain picturesque aspect to the otherwise dreary desert. Terrace (1153 m.), elevation 4619 feet. Bovine (1164 m.), elevation 4346 feet. Bunch-grass and sage-brush begin to show that we are exchanging the alka- line soil for something more omgenial to vegetable life. Lucin (1177 m.), elevation 4494 feet. The water- tanks here are supplied from springs which take their rise in the swamps of the Thousand Spring Valley. Leaving the Utah Territory, and entering the State of Nevada, we arrive, in due course, at Tecoma (1188 m.), elevation 4812 feet. From this point the traveller obtains a very good view of the con- spicuous landmark of Pilot Peak, which terminates the broken range of Pilot Mountains, and rises about 2500 feet above the surrounding plain. Montello (1197 m.), elevation 4999 feet. Loray (1206 m.), elevation 5970 feet. Eight miles further we reach the commencement of the Humboldt (83) Division of the railroad — which said division extends to Winnemucca, 236 miles — at Toano (1214 m.), elevation 5970 feet. The town is composed of about 20 houses, but from its position with respect to the mines of Eastern Nevada, it has undoubt- edly a future before it. We now begin to traverse a conn try of great beauty, where lofty mountain-ranges, 10,000 to 12,000 feet in height, and deep secluded valleys, rushing ton-ents, and grassy levels, combine in an infinite variety of delightful pictures. III.— THE HUMBOLDT DIVISION. - PEQ0OP TO WINNEMOCCA. Pcqucyp (1228 m.), elevation 6183 feet. The tourist will observe that we are gradually ascending the steep acclivities of the Humboldt Mountains, whose uppermost flanks and crests are thickly clothed with snow. Otego (1230 m.), elevation about 6153 feet. Independence (12ZQ m.). Some pleasant springs lie close to this station; and in the country southward are Clover and Ruby Valleys, Ruby and Franklin Lakes, Goshoot and Snow Lakes, and the Ruby silver-mines. 12 THE CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILRO.VD. Moors Station (1242 m.) is situated at the summit of Cedar Pass. Hence we descend a tolerably heavy gradient, through the pass or ravine, now bereft of its cedar wood, to Cedar (1244 m.), elevation 5978 feet. In six miles we descend another grade, 362 feet, and at 525 miles from Sacramento reach the station of WeJls (1250 m.), situated in the neighbourhood of the beautiful Humboldt Wells, which, about twenty in num- ber, issue in the midst of a beautiful grassy valley, five miles long by three miles wide. Nothwithstanding their lovely situation, it is very pro- bable they would remain unnoticed by the tourist unless his attention was particularly directed to them. The only indication of their presence is a ring of coarse grass around them, defined like a fairy ring. Standing on the bank of either basin, you note that it does not exceed seven feet in breadth, that it is perfectly still, and pecu- liarly smooth. Of course it has no current, and each of these fountains is more like a well, as it is correctly called, than any of the fountains poets love to describe. The water has a brackish and disagreeable flavour. It rises to the surface, and gradually trickles away, and is ab- sorbed by the sandy soil of the valley. (So) There is no doubt that these wells are very deep; and it is a reasonable suggestion that they are the craters of long extinct volcanoes, whose eruptions, at one time, created the vast body of lava found in the Cedar Pass. And lava is prevalent everywhere in the vicinity — lava in powder and decomposition, and lava in massive blocks, and lava in short thick currents. Blocks of sandstone and granite are mingled with them, and the whole scene is one of chaotic revolution. The Humboldt River rises in the Humboldt Moun- tains, and, after a course of about 300 miles, enters Hum- boldt Lake. Tula-SCO (1258 m.), elevation 5483 feet. Crossing Bishop's Creek on a Howe trestle bridge, we steam along some six miles, and then run across the Humboldt River, to reach Deeth (1271 m.), elevation 5340 feet. A gentle de- scent of the valley for about six miles brings us to HallecTi (1284 m.), where government stores are de- posited for Fort Halleck, a military post, garrisoned by a couple of companies. The adjacent valleys are rich, fair, and smiling. Peko (1287 m.), elevation 5204 feet. We now cross the North Fork, or northern branch, of the THE CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD. 13 Humboldt, which is well stocked with fish, and continue our rapid progress down a valley fully five miles in width. Osino (1297 m.), "a signal-station at the head of Osino Canyon." Elko (1307 m.), elevation 5065 feet. Here the train stops for half an hour. At this point — and, indeed, all along the line — the traveller obtains interesting glimpses of what may be called the aboriginal life of the Continent. A traveller tells us that on one occasion he met there a large number of Indians of the Walla-Walla tribe. " Every sqnaw," he says, "had her face painted a bright crim- son, striped with yellow." The ladies by whom he was accompanied " gave them small pieces of blue and red ribbon, which greatly delighted them. Tying the rib- bon to the beads around their necks, they go back to the Pullman commissary [that is, refreshment] car, on our hotel train.* Having just finished breakfast," says our traveller, " I went into the cooking apartment, and got a pail full of scraps. A rush was made for the pail ; but pressing them from it, I distributed its contents as * Tliese are through trains that do not stop at the eating stations for refreshment. (S3) equitably as possible amongst them. Some got three or four trout, others eggs, ham, beefsteak, rolls, corn-bread, kc. ; taking particular pains to give to any squaw who had a pappoose strapped to her back a double portion." Is it necessary to describe a pappoose 1 Possibly it may be, for our less enlightened readers. Well, then, a pappoose is an Indian baby, wh'o is strapped on a board about four feet and a half to five feet in length ; leather and skins of animals are nailed to it in such wise that it resembles a large ugly slipper. Into this slipper- like apparatus is inserted the baby, and strings are folded round and round the slipper and its inmate, from the chin to the feet ,• the hands are even tied down, and of the living mummy you see nothing but the head. ' This head is protected from the sun by a little roof of wicker- work, to which are fastened rags of various colours, some yellow feathers, and a few beads, in the mother's natural anxiety to do something " tasteful " for her oflfspring. The entire apparatus is attached to the maternal head by a leather strap around the forehead. Elko once bore a very unsavoury reputation, but is im- proving in quiet and morality. A glance at a map will show the reader that the promi- 14 THE CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD. neiit position which this town occupies, more so than any station on the Central Pacific, east of Sacramento, is due to the fact that the road to the White Pine mining district branches off at Elko. This district is about 125 miles south of Elko, and almost due east of Virginia City, where the excitement in regard to the silver-mining in Nevada first broke out, and attracted general notice. The reputation of White Pine was achieved in a very short time ; in Feb- ruary 1864 the population of the district was reckoned at 400 people; five months later it had increased to 20,000. Elko is laid out in streets, — Main, Commercial, Rail- road, First, Second, Third, Fourth, and the like, — and these streets are lined with well-filled shops of every de- scription. Many substantial houses have recently been built : as, for instance, a court-house, 40 feet by 70 feet ; and a school-house, 25 feet by 65" feet. The population is upwards of 3000. There are several. Jiotels, of which the best is the Cosmopolitan ; and the Railroad Company has a very large depot here. Passing down the green valley, whose slopes are dotted with the hamlets of farmers anil cattle-breeders, we come opposite the south fork of the Humboldt, and at twelve miles from, Elko, reach {S3) Moken (1319 m.), elevation 5065 feet. As we continue our gentle descent the valley opens before us, with all its shifting lights and shades, and pleasant combinations of wood and water. We cross Maggie's Creek, a stream which falls into the Humboldt about one mile from Car- lin, and derives its name from a lovely "Scotch lassie," whose parents located themselves here for a time, while "recruiting theif stock," in the old dull days when the emigrant, foot-sore and heart-weary, laboured up the ascent of the river. At 1330 miles from Omaha, and 444 miles from Sacra< men to, we arrive at Carlin (1330 m. ), elevation 4903 feet. The town is com- posed of houses built of sunburnt clay, wood, and ainvas; sevei-al "hotels" and restaurants; and a population of about 900 inhabitants. The Railroad Company have some workshops here. Palisade (1339 m.), or Twelve Mile Canyon. The scenery of this deep rocky ravine is impressive in the highest degree. Bleak, bare, and broken cliffs tower on either side, while, somewhat beneath the traveller, the rive'lMiglls in a continuous frenzy, dashing its heavy spray on eithe? side, and filling the air with the wild munaura THE CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD. 15 of a thousand discordant eclioes. One of the most remark- able points is tlie perpendicular mass, 1500 feet high, known as the Devil's Peak. We cross the river on a bridge of timlier ; keep along the southern bank until we draw near to Humboldt Lake, where we cross it again, and for the last time. We escape into the open sunlight at Cluro (1350 m.), elevation 4766 feet. Near this point the old " Emigrant's Koad " crossed the river at the Gravelly Ford ; and at about four miles below Cluro the celebrated Hot Springs (sulphureous) rise from a hundred orifices.' Passing through Copper Canyon, we arrive at Be-o-wa-we (1358 m.), elevation 4690 feet. Shoshone (1368 m.), elevation 4636 feet. Argenta (1379 m.), elevation 4548 feet. BallleMountain (1391 m.), elevation 4508 feet. Battle Mountain itself, so called from an Indian fight which occurred here some years ago, is a lofty mass, 1500 feet above the plain, whose base is washed by the river for its entire length, from 60 to 75 miles. In the viciuity are some valuable copper and galena mines. Passing over as unworthy of notice the stations of Side Track, Stone House, and Iron Point, wo reach (83) Golcoiida (1434 m.), elevation 4387 feet, which accom- modates the traffic of the Gold Run mining district, and which boasts of several thermal springs. At Tuh (1445 m.) we reach an elevation of 4315 feet. At Winnemucca (1451 m.), elevation 4331 feet, we pause for refreshments, and to survey the old and new towns, with their combined population of above 600. The old town is on the low land, about 300 yards from the station ; the new town is built along the railroad, and contains about thirty buildiiigs, of which four ai-e hotels. Daily lines of stages run from this point to Boise City, 265 miles. There are several mines in the Winnemucca district; and about 50 miles west of the town, across the Humboldt, lies the jMud Lake, which at high water is 60 miles long by 20 wide ; but in summer, though it has no apparent outlet, dwiudks down to a small pool in a vast expanse of land. IV.— THE TRUCKEE DIVISION. KOSE CREEK TO TRSCKEE. - — «» I We now enter upon the Trockee Division of the railroad, and take a south-westerly direction, across a 16 THE CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD. country which, at the outset, presents no very uescribable features. Rose Creek (1461 m.), elevation 4322 feet. PMspherry Creek (1472 m.), elevation 4327 feet. No toposrapher seems able to give a reason for the romantic names bestowed on these unattractive little valleys. Mill Creek (1479 m.), elevation 4228 feet. Humboldt (1492 m.). Between Battle Mountain and this pleasant station we have accomplished a descent of 672 feet. About seven tuiles to the north-east is visible Star Peak, the culminating point of the Humboldt range. Rye Patch (1504 m.), ekvation 4256 feet. Wild rye grows luxuriantly in the distance. We continue our descent past Ch'cana, 4182 feet ; Bridge Station (4008 feet), where we cross the Humboldt River; and Lovelock's (8977 feet), where we enter upon a belt of the Great Nevada Desert. Granite Point {Ib'ii m.), elevation' 3917 feet. Brown's (1541 m.), elevation o925;feet, — a good point for viewing the Humboldt Lake, which measures about '65 miles long by 10 wide, but is, in effect, an expanse of tlie Humboldt River. Mira(je (1560 m.), elevation 4199 feet— so called from (S3) the frequency of the optic phenomenon of the mirage, caused by the reflection of the sun's rays on the gray lava beds and white alkali deposits. Hot Springs (1568 m.), elevation 4070 feet. The country about this point and Desert (1578 m.), elevation 4017 feet, is of the gloomiest character, and had Dante seen it, would have suggested to him new images of horror for his pictures of the "Inferno." Tioo Mile Station (1585 m.), elevation 4155 feet. At Wadsworth (1587 m.), elevation 4177 feet, we pause to take refreshment. The town is built of wood, and con- tains about 800 inhabitants, some 200 of whom are em- ployed in the railway workshops. Within a circle often miles lie several profitable mines. Crossing the Truckee River, and afterwards following up its course, we pass Clark's Station, elevation 4263 feet; Camp XXXVII., elevation 4403 feet; and Reno, 1622 miles from Omaha, elevation 4507 feet, whence there is a tolerable road to Virginia City ; Verdi, elevation 4927 feet; and Buca, in California, elevation 5533 feet, before arriving at Truckee, elevation 5845 feet, a city of 2000 inhabi- THE CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD. 17 taiits, on the north bank of the river Truckee, and in a finely wooded country. We obtain here a picturesque view of the Sierra Nevada, or "Snowy Range." Its rugged, wild, broken, and lofty tops are everywhere capped with snow, whose dazzling unpolluted whiteness contrasts most vividly with the clear intense blue of the sky, which they seem to touch. At a distance, their emerald sides you would suppose to be embellished with wheat and other cereals ; but a nearer inspection shows that, instead of tiny stalks of wheat or barley, they are studded with giant pines, at least a century old. Most of the valleys and glens of the Sierra Nevada are very beautiful, and each is traversed by a flashing stream. The scenery is of a very majestic, in some places of an astonishing character. At one time the iron horse whirls us round the precipitous flank of a mountain, the track being suspended, so to speak, some hundred feet in the air. At another time we skirt the edge of a ravine not less, perhaps, than 2000 feet in depth ; the broad torrent at its bottom appearing to our dizzy eyes a mere thread of silver. The more exposed portions of our road are protected from the snow-avalanches of the mountain by '83) colnssal snow-sheds. These are tirmly fixed to the moun- tain's side in a slanting direction, so that the snow fall- ing upon it is not allowed to settle. They are constructed in a very solid manner, the supporting posts being of pine wood, 16 and 20 inches in diameter. One of these snow- sheds is 27 miles long; many are from half a mile to three miles; and, altogether, they measure about 50 miles. Several pleasant excursions may be made from Truckee by the daily stages ; as to Lake Tahoe and the Donner Lake. The former is 12 miles distant. A good road follows the river bank, across green pastures or under shadowy'pines, to Tahoe Gity at the foot of the lake. There is nothing to see in the so-called city, but much to admire in the lake, which lies in two states, California and Nevada, and in five counties. At some places it is 1500 feet ifi'depth. Its shores are beautifully wooded, and rnany pleasant val- leys open upon them.. They are broken up into an ir- regular but picturesque outline by bays, coves, and creeks. Donner Lake lies about 2^, miles north-west of Truckee ; a mountain tarn, clear as crystal, with the slopafe-around it showing a noble growth of spruce, and fir, and pine. It is about 3^ miles long, with an average width of one mile; and its depth must be very great, for it has been IS THE CENTUzVL PACIFIC RAILROAD. .sounded 1700 feet, and no bottom found. The disciple of Izaak Walton could find no more favourable locality for the pursuit of the piscatoi'ial art, the waters being full of dace, rock-fish, white-fish, and silver trout. Then if he be equally an adept with rifle as with i-od, the surround- ing hills abound with quail, grouse, bear, and deer. A tragic association is connected with this lovely sheet of water. We condense the following narrative from the pages of Mr. Crofutt's "Trans-Continental Guide" : — In the autumn of 1846, a party of emigrants, chiefly from Illinois, arrived at the Truckee River, accompanied by a Mr. Donner and his family, who were bound for one of the rich valleys of California. Encumbered by a large herd of cattle, lie was either unwilling or unable to continue his course as fast as the rest of the emigrant band, and halted at the foot of Donner Lake, to take a night's repose. The weathei', how- ever, was growing cold ; a black and threatening sky be- tokened the coming storm. In these days the road at Donner Lake turned to the left, following up the Coldstream brook, ind crossing the Summit near Summit Meadows; a difficult route in fair weather, and an imjn-acticable one in bad. The party who imprudently encamped at the lake that night num- bered sixteen souls, including Mrs. Donner and her four chil- dren. During the night, the storm burst forth in all its fury, (S3) and the snow fell in a continuous avalanclie ; so that the emigrants found themselves surrounded in the morning by a vast expanse of snow, lying like a pall of death — such, indeed, it was to prove to some of them — over plain, and valley, and glen. After some consultation, it was resolved that all the party, except Mr. Donner, who was rmwell, his wife, and a German friend or companion, should take the horses, and attempt to cross the mountain, while the others remained until the storm subsided. After a long and perilous journey, the horses and their living freight actually dirf succeed in crossing the moun- tains and reaching tlie valleys, where all danger was at an end. The storm continued several weeks, and rendered it impos- sible for any rescue-party to reach the three encamped at the foot of Donner Lake. In the early spring, as soon as the snow became hard enough for travelling, a party of brave men, led by oneClaiide Cheney, started in quest of the winter-bound, expecting to find them alive and in health ; for it was supposed they had provisions enough left to last them throughout the winter, including the cattle left behind — but the supposition proved incorrect, the cattle having strayed out of range. After a desperate effort, which required weeks of toil and exposure, the party succeeded in scaling the mountains and reaching Donner Lake. They came to the camp of the Donners, and, throwing open the rude door, entered. "What a sight met the first glance which pierced the semi-darkness of the cabin ! There — before the fire — sat the Dutchman, hold- THE CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD. 19 ing, iu a vice-like grasp, a roasted arm and hawl, which he was greedily eating. AVith a wild and frightened look he sprang to his feet, and confronted the new-comers, holding on to the arm as though lie feared they would deprive him of his repast. The disgusting, horrid sight almost overpowered these brave, rude men, used to scenes of blood and strife. The re- mains of the arm were taken from him by main force, and the cannibal secured for the time, while an examination disclosed a portion of tlie remains of the unfortunate lady whence the arm had been severed, frozen in the snow, but as round, plump, and fair, as if slie were In possession of perfect health wlien she met her fate. The remains of Mr. Donner were found, and. with those of his faithfid wife, given such burial as the mountains would permit. Taking the Dutchman with them, the party sorrowfully retraced their steps, arriving in the valley in safety. The story, as told by the Dutchman, was this : That soon after the p.arty left them in the fall Mr. Donner died, and tliey buried him in the snow. The cattle escaped, leaving them but little food, and when this was ex- hausted, Mrs. Donner died. But this story was not believed. It was remembered that Mrs. Donner was healthy and robust, and quite as capable of enduring privation as the survivor. It was found, too, that her remains indicated no signs of illness. From some stray remarks let fall by the Dutchman, the truth was finally guessed at; that he had murdered the husband, outraged and mur- dered the wife, and seized upon Donner's money. There were no. witnesses against him, however, and in this world he (b3) escaped the just punishment of his crimes; but he was com- pelled to surrender the money to the Donner orphans. V.-SACEAMENTO DIVISION. strong's canton to SACRAMENTO. Strong's Canyon (1G68 m.), elevation 6780 feet. Still we continue our long ascent, leaving Donner Lake like a lost diamond in the depths below us; we enter the long line of snow-sheds which leads to the first tunnel ; we plunge through the gathering shadows of the tunnel, and finally emerge at Summit (1671 in.), 7017 feet above the sea, the highest point of the railway, the highest point, except Sherman, reached as yet by the iron horse and the iron road in any quarter of the world. We are not, however, at tlie sum- mit of the Sierra Nevada range, but only the elevation of the mountain-pass which the railroad closely follows. The prospect is one, nevertheless, unequalled for extent and grandeur. We stand on the watershed of several mountain-torrents which, after taking the most irregular and capricious fancies, and winding by rock and valley, pour their tribute at last into the one great receptacle of 20 THE CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD. the Sacraraeuto River. Towering mountain-peaks are all around, their brightness contrasting with the mysterious shadows of profound ravines; while the murmur of falling waters is on the ear, and ever and anon comes the flash of a mountain lake, like that of a diamond, set in an emerald ring. From the moment we reach the high ground of the Summit, the railroad strikes through a succession of tunnels »nd snow-sheds, so closely connected that for miles it seems all tunnel. The longest of these measures 1700 feet. "The snow-sliiids," we are told, "are solid structures, built of sawed and round timber, completely rooting in the road for ninny miles. When the road was completed, there were 23 miles of shed built, at an annual cost of $10,000 per mile. With the additions since made the line reaches about 45 miles, which includes the whole length of the deep snow-line on the dividing riilge. When we remember that along the summit the snow falls from 16 to 20 feet deep during a wet winter, we can understand the necessity and importance of these struc- tures. By this means the track is as clear from snow in the winter as in the valleys. The mighty avalanches which sweep down the mountain sides in the spring, bearing everything before them, pa.S3 over the sloping roofs of the sheds, and plunge into the chasms below, while beneath the rushing mass (83) the cars glide smoothly along, the passengers hardly knowing but that they are in the midst of an enormous tunnel." Cascade (1677 m.), elevation 6519 feet. Here one of the branches of the Yuba leaps down the rocks in a pleasant waterfall, " where woods are green, and birds are many." Tamarack (1681 m.), elevation 6191 feet. Cisco (1684 m.), elevation 5939 feet. Here passengers stop for refreshment, or may amuse themselves looking about the little village of 400 inhabitants. We continue our descent of the mountain side, without any assistance from the locomotive, and arrive at Emigrant Gap (1692 m.), elevation 5229 feet. It was here the old pioneers' road crossed the mountain ridge, and then followed the declivity to the valley of the Sacra- mento. The road passed over the gap or ridge ; the rail- way passes under it. Pines raise their lofty crests on either side of us as we speed onward to the station of Blue Canyon (1698 m.), elevation 4677 feet; and, con- tinuing our rapid course, sweep past, iu due succession, China Ranch (1700 m.), elevation 4410 feet; Shady Run (1702 m.), elevation 4154 feet; and Alta (1707 m.), elevation 3612 feet. THE CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD. 21 Opposite Alta, and at no great distance from it, lies the Grand American Canyon, one of the wildest and roost magnificent ravines in the Sierra Nevada. The river is here confined between two perpendicular walls, each about 2000 feet in heis;ht, which are washed perpetually by the boiling waters, and leave not an inch of ground for the foot of the would-be explorer. From Summit Station, we may here observe, to Sacra- mento, the distance is 105 miles. Between these places the descent from a height nearly half as great as that of Mont Blanc to 56 feet above the sea-level has to be accom- plished. The swiftness with which the train flies down this tremendous incline, and the suddenness with which it wheels round the curves, produce a sensation not to be reproduced in words. The line is carried along the edge of declivities stretching downwards for 2000 or 3000 feet, and in some parts on a narrow ledge excavated from the mountain side by men swung from the top in baskets. The speed under these conditions is well calculated to try even the steadiest nerves. And as we sweep past each rugged height and grisly precipice it is impossible not to be stirred in one's inmost sou! by the grandeur of the moving spectacle. (83) Nevertheless, there is an indescribable charm in the last few hours of the descent. You seem borne through a world of mystery. You are sensible of an enchantment which arises from a new exercise of the emotion. It may be that the efl'ect, as a writer has remarked, is partly due to the amazing contrast between the experience of the past and the pleasure of the present. The same writer compares it, with much force, to that impressive passage in Dante's vision which tells us how, after having pain- fully traversed the circles of Hell, he entered at last into the " dolorous realm " ribbed in everlasting ice ; then, issuing forth through the outlet, he returned to the "bright world," beheld all the glorious sights of Heaven, and once more saw the shining, gleaming stars : — "Tanto oh' io vidi delle cose belle, Che porta il Ciel, per un pertugio tendo : E quindl useenimo a riveder le stelle." This may seem a purely poetical comparison; but not so, there is a positive degree of truth in it for the man who looks at nature with intellectual eyes. We have been passing through a region of misery and desolation, whose chief features were alkali-dust and sage-brush. Afterwards, we were cut to the bone by the keen blasts 22 THE CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD. coming down fioiii the snowy lieiglits of the sierras. Then carae a sudden, a magical change ! Warm and genial airs breathed sweetly round us ; the sun went down towards the Pacific with a radiant pomp; the azure canopy of heaven, free from mist or cloud, and studded with myriads of stars, seemed to glow with an infinity of the richest and most beautiful colours. We are told that no Italian air was ever balmier, no evening breeze in vine- yard or olive grove more grateful to the senses, than the soft wind which greets us in our descent, which is tem- pered by the freshness of the distant ocean, and scented with the delightful perfumes of the neighbouring plains. Dutch Flat, or " German Level " (1709 m.), elevation 3403 feet. The town, containing about 2000 inhabitants, is situated in a pleasant valley, surrounded by prolific orchards and blooming gardens. Oold Run{\7Y2 m.), elevation 3206 feet, a small mining town, whose 200 or 300 inhabitants are principally en- gaged in extracting gold from quartzose gravel. Traversing some bold and romantic scenery, enlivened with glimpses of the North Fork of the American River, we arrive at C. H. Mills Statioii (1717 m.), elevation 2691 feet, and after leaving the station, slide along the very edge of a (83) tremendous chasm, 2500 feet below us. Rounding this "Cape Horn," as it is called, we cross the valley on a short substantial timber bridge, and continue progress along the steep hill-sides to Colfax (1722 m.), elevation 2421 feet, This pleasant, neat, and decorous town contains about 200 houses and 1000 inhabitants. Clifper Oap (1733 m.), elevation 1759 feet. Auburn (1740 m.), elevation 1362 feet,— named after Goldsmith's " Deserted Village," but a lively town of 1000 inhabitants, with schools, churches, gardens, and orchards. Neivcastlc (1745 m.), elevation 969 feet. Pino (1750 m.), elevation 403 feet. Rocklin (1754 m.), elevation 248 feet, — famous for its quarries. Junction (1758 m.), elevation 163 feet. Here the Central is joined by the Sacramento and Oregon Railroad. Antelope (1761 m.), elevation 154 feet. Arcade (1768 m.), elevation 55 feet. Crossing the A merican River Bridge (1772 ra.), a substantial structure of timber, we complete this portion of our journey, by arriving at Sacramento (1775 m.), elevation 30 feet. THE CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD. 23 SECTION OF THE CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD. TKOM OGDEN TO SACEAMENXO, SHOWING THE DISTANCE ACCOMPLISHED, AND THE ELEVATION OBTAINED. Horizontal Scale, loo miles to i inch. — Vertical Scale, 10,000 feet to i iiicli. VI.— THE WESTERN DIVISION. SACRAMENTO TO SAN FRANCISCO. Sacramento — the "capital of the Golden State," though not its principal town — is situated on the east bank of the Sacramento River, close to its coniiuence with the Great American River, and about 125 miles distant from San Francisco and the Pacific. It is now recovering from the effects of a terrible flood in the winter of 1852-53, and it (83) forms the connecting link of so many important lines of railway that its future prosperity cannot be doubted. Besides the Central and its Western division, the Cali- fornia Pacific, and the Sacramento Valley and Placerville Railroads have each its terminus in this city. It is, in fact, the centre from which the various lines of travel radiate that embrace within their arms the wealth and natural wonders of California. Its population exceeds 50,000; probably is nearer GO,OOQ. 24 THE CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD. Its houses ai-e mostly built of brick ; the streets are broad and well-paved ; while the trees which line them provide an agreeable shade in the summer which the visitor is sure to appreciate. It has its hotels, and its newspaper offices, and its well-supplied stores, its schools, its churches, and its charities ; as yet its public edifices are few, and of these the most noticeable one is the Capitol, or House of Leg;islature. This highly creditable structure is rendered conspicuous from every point of the surrounding plains by its huge dome, which is about 220 feet high (in the original plan), surrounded by pillars of iron, and crowned by an iron (surely it should have been a golden !) statue of California. In its general design, the building exhibits a facjade of 320 feet. In the centre a huge flight of granite steps leads to a portico of ten columns. Enter; pass through a large hall ; and you find yourself in the rotunda, the exact centre of the entire mass, and 127 feet in height. From this centre on each story a certain number of corridors with the State offices on either side. The wings forming the flanks of the buildings are 164 feet above the first or basement story. The north and south flanks form re- spectively the Assembly and Senate Cbambers, the former (83) measuring 82 feet by 72 feet, and the latter 72 feet by 62 feet. In the rear is thrown out a circular projection of 60 feet diameter for the State Library. Each of these apai-tments is 46 feet in height. The estimated cost of the entire pile is $1,600,000 in gold, of which three-fourths have already been expended; and from the condition of the building one is led to suppose that in Sacramento, as in other cities, original estimates are apt to be exceeded. It occupies an area of nearly 60,000 square feet, and measures upwards of 1200 linesil feet in circumference, including all the angles. Walk round it three times, and you will have "done" about a mile ! The city is more of a depot than of a manufacturing centre. It contains, however, three flour-mills, two foundries and machine shops, a woollen mill, and a factory for making sugar out of beet-root. The Railway Works, belonging to the Central Pacific, are on a very large scale. They include a car shop, 90 feet by 130 feet, with a wing 46 feet by 90; on the roof of the main building is a water-tank, holding 12.000 gallons; paint shops, two in number, employing about sixty men; a machine shop, 100 feet by 205 feet, and 23 feet in THE CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD. height ; a locomotive department, for makiug and repair- ing engines, tanks, and boilers, — here about G50 men are employed ; a btacksynitk's shop, with nearly 40 forges ; a round-house, containing 28 stalls, with oil and water- tanks, and the great engine of 80 horse-power; store- house, hospital, and two Artesian wells. What its citizens think of Sacramento may be gathered from the following speech made by a Mr. Curtis at a dinner given in honour of Admiral Farragut:— " It is not necessary that any one should speak for Sacra- mento. I am no speaker, but Sacramento requires no speaker. There was a time, in the long ago of her liistory,"* when every son of Sacramento was reqiiired to work, and act, and speak for her. But, thank God, that time has gone by ; the wlieel of Time rolled on with a velocity that amazed and entranced, while it cheered and gladdened. The devastation of fire and flood swept over her, but she arose, pbtenix-like, from her ashes, and the heart of every Sacramentan wells up with joy and gladness at the brilliant prospect of her future. The beautiful City of the Plains, nestling in her grandeur in the bosom of the valley, coquetting with the mountains and smiling on the sea, robed in republican simplicity, modest and unpretending, constantly growing in wealth and impor- * Namely, in 1852 tance, cultivating a pure and enlightened Christian civiliza- tion, has attained a proud position among the cities of the Union. With her elements of greatness and grandeur, her gallant sons, her working-men, her cozy cottages, her stately mansions, her happy homes, her lovely daughters, her comely matrons, her churches and public schools, her looms and anvUs, her mechanics and artisans, all speak in eloquent and thrilling tones of her present importance and future great- ness. Her swift coursers of internal trade, whizzing through valley and canyon, over hill-top and mountain, rousing dreamy nature, and awakening glad echoes all over the land ; all — all attest her enterprise, and proclaim her the queen of the Golden State." It is not possible, perhaps, for our floweriest orators to anticipate too brilliant a destiny for this rising capital. It is already growing out of its early experiences. Few of the houses now are unsubstantial and temporary struc- tures. We don't deny that here and there may be found a house or shop built of timber, but the principal materials used are stone, brick, and iron. Many of the more recent erections are both solid in construction and handsome in appearance. And the mansions, villas, and stores spring- ing up in every direction fully confirm our assertion that it is a "rising capital." The Chinese constitute a considerable proportion of the tS3) 26 THE CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD. lower classes of the population. They are iuJustrious, temperate, and frugal; and though some of us don't like to see a Chinese immigration on a too extensive scale, we don't feel towards them as the Irish and the Negroes do, who regard them with looks of "high dis- dain." Their labour, however, seems to have become indispensable. Briyhton (1780 m.), elevation 55 feet, 5 miles from Sacramento, a small station of no interest, rejoicing in a name which always puzzles the traveller. The scenery round about it, so far as we could judge, has no peculiar .nttr.actions. Florin (1781 m.), elevation 32 feet, 9 miles from Sac- ramento, is a very insignificant station, but it is situated in a valley which is by no means insignificant; a valley glowing with almost every beauty Nature could lavish on her most favoured spot. Elk Grove (1791 m.), elevation 53 feet, 16 miles from Sacramento. Cosumnes (1794 m.), elevation 49 feet, 19 miles from Sacramento. Oall (1802 m.), elevation 49 feet, 27 miles from Sacra- mento. 183J Mukclume (1S08 m.), elevation 55 feet, 36 miles from Sacramento. Stockton (1822 m.), elevation 23 feet, 49 miles from Sacramento. This is the only town of real importance between Sacramento and San Francisco. It is situated on the Sacramento River, and near the head waters of the San Joaquin River, and contains a population of 12,000. This is the best starting-point for the Yosemite Valley and all its wonders. Wilson's or Lathrop (1831 m.), elevation 25 feet. San Joaqtdn Bridge (1834 m.), elevation 36 feet. Banta's (1838 m.), elevation 30 feet. Ellis (1843 m.), elevation 76 feet. Medicay (1848 m.), elevation 357 feet. Livcrmore (1863 m.), elevation 485 feet, the highest point in the Western Division of the Central Pacific. Through the Livermore Pass, we proceed to Plcasanton (1869 m.), elevation 351 feet, 40 miles from Sacramento. Niks Junction (1880 m.), elevation 86 feet. Dccota (1886 m.), elevation 71 feet. Lorenozo (1895 m.), elevation 32 feet. San Lcandro (1.897 m.), elevation 48 feet. THE CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD. •27 Alameda (1905 m.), elevation IS feet. A remarkably fertile country. Population of the town, which is sur- rounded by noble groves of oaks, 1500. We now arrive at Oakland, the terminus of the rail- way, 1911 miles from Omaha, and 3212 miles from New York. It is situated on the eastern shore of the bay, and connected with San Francisco by a ferry. It boasts of churches, schools, newspaper offices, warehouses, villas, orchards, vineyards, and glorious wooded uplands. More- over it has a population of nearly 8000. The Railroad Company have recently constructed an im- mense pier, projecting far out into the bay, and the trains running down to its extremity, passengers and baggage, are deposited on board the Mammoth Steam Ferry-boat, and conveyed across the bay to San Francisco in about twenty minutes. The pier is upwards of 9000 feet in length, with double track and carriage w-ay, and projects into the bay to a point which is within 3000 feet of Goat's Island. At the end of the pier are five slips in course of construction ; the first, on the right, is 600 feet in length, and will accommodate the largest ships in the (83) world, the water being 24 feet deep at low tide. On each side of the slip warehouses are being erected, 600 feet long, and 75 feet wide, with tracks running through, for the purpose of loading or discharging. The officials connected with the pier will tell you that it was completed last year (1870), and that on the 4th of August the first ship began loading here, — an Englisli ship, the Jenny Eastman, — which conveyed a cargo of wheat to Liverpool ; the wheat having been partly brought from San Joaquin Valley, but most of it from the coun- try about the terminus of the California and Oregon Railroad— in other w'ords, about 250 miles from San Francisco. This fact points out the future destiny of the city, when it shall be universally known that it is the great corn depot of Western America ; tiiat Chinese, and Japanese, and Indian, and Australian vessels can lie alongside this pier, loading from and un- loading into the cars of the great Continental Railroad ; the same cars, on their arrival at Omaha, being duly sent through to New York, or any other city of the Union, without change ; and the whole transit being ac- complished in less than one-fourth of the time previously occupied. 28 THE CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILIIOAD. SAN FRANCISCO, 3539 miles from Boston ; 3215 miles from New Yorit ; 3230 miles from Philadelphia ; 1914 miles from Omaha ; and 139 miles from Sacramento. Population. — 170,000. Hotels. — The Grand Hotel (very good). Cosmopolitan, Oc- cidental, Lick House, Russ House, American Exchange, Brooklyn, International. Newspapers. — Alta California, Bulletin, ISIorning Call, Golden City, Sunday Mercury, California Farmer, *^^t nfw nr sjit ijkf fbdm jn fiR'^fRvjiinN car G E N. I&om Utal. Central E-ailroaJ Er P A U I S A D t B I U F f S . H U M B 1. 5 I RIVER. T R J C K E E. LAKE T A H f. N N [ R LAKE. i ji. tj^S^ SUMMIT STATION AND [XIERiOR Of SNOW SHEDS. WBWW C A P t HORN. A M t R U A r^ ^. 1 V L i I'frn-m C.nrte Rom.' BIRDS EYE VIEW OF SAN FRAHCISCO. A^^ V .0 A.